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1969-09-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' I ' . 7 ' t ' ii } , • •• . . .. ~i~ ·-.~.eo•:••-~s'. f1ftj": ' . . . . ~ ~~ .. ':.:-oun.JnP, N~i~'· ·124l,." ,, . ' " ' . ' ... .--. ' ; . • p • '' ·• ;1 ... ~ "1 ' ' .. ,. ,,~ . . ' . ' . • ·' Bre·n-~.· . " ' . . ' .. "~ ... Injured ... . ... in ,Copter Cr~sh '-- ' . . , / -. . . . ' , • .. ' . • • • ·, I • ·~ •• ' - . ' ,. .. - PullQµt Now at 25, 70U' -' ~ Major U .. S~ Base Turned Ove~ to VieiS li!Cl\)N (\JP!) '" v.s. 1111U(,pj l>Jd- qQii!Ni aid lodliJ.:;!00 (Ila bad ~ ' iiullod .. ~ . el'l"t !i'n>ldenl l>i\IOn' IDDOUll<tment In Jqne Md reported ~ jurnover Cf a major U.S.'buO camp to uie South Vietnamese. 1h:e forrnuJU.S. ltb Dlvlslon ~camp ot Dong Tam, tO mile~ southwut of SaJ- gon In th• Mekong Delta, Is the bilijlest camp yet turned over to South Vletnam. Two brij;adel of the 9th Dlvlaion wt.nt home under NIJ:~'s pullout of :5,000 mea. • ln addltlon. the e-0mmand said, the u:t µr Fore~ la remoVlng I.GOO "-. ' ~a~es Byrnes ~ ' , tram IJ)rair bae at Nha Trllli, "" the .. r17 March of 1161 wbeo 501.1011.\m.~ cenlraJ coaJI. apd Ille Sootl! ViftnUn80 cana W.re In th• war ...,.. , • Air force wW llilell laklnS ..,... thert. 'Ille' Nino admlnlatratlon provlo!IJIJ The llJUIOUQ«llient· .. me es South Viet· had come under fire for "'1IOU)IClna nam llept Jta lrodpo In ond around Balgon ". wlllldraweb when the oe!Jjil tr.op on lull alert !~ ~d •Communlat •I •trenKlh did not loll correspaodlnalJ. altic~ •!Ill U.S. QU l!odlbora wenic1ftar · Ameilcan oWclals bad Aid II \¥euld tUe sui'pected l\ierTllla Poaltions out.Bl4~ Sal-untll early September ftr the nu'mben gon. ' to matcb . Mllllary spokesmen said that as oC Seven waves of B5! bombers dropped Saturday, there were·.011,aio OJ.a in Viet-at least 830 tons of bombs overnltht onto nam~ • reduction of 25,700 alnce jhe Nlx-suspected hideouts outside Salpn. A on ·cutback ~em-on June I. series of attacks is expected to mirk It is the fewest nwntier of troops re-Hanoi's declaration of indepmlloct ported in Vietnam for 11 months -line• from Franct U ywa q:o TUtlday. . Brazilian P~esident Has ' Ex-justice, ' I ' .. • ' ' Near "Death: · I + ' r ._ FiRS'i: FiMILY'S COLLEGIANS ATIEND GRANDY WEDDING IN ILLINOIS Now D•vld •nd Juli• Ei1enhow•r Rtturn East to Home, Books and Studies UPIT..,.._ COL\J¥B!A, S. C. (UPI) -James Francis Byrnes, 90, a aelf-«fucaied.man who became Franklin D. Rooeevelt's "Assistant President" and ff arr y Truman's secretary of state, lay near death in a hospital today. • C .,.~~Pl~ P. · .,. f.ere~oity F~·~Mri'-~hon ·-c ... , -·. , . MJ'C.Rl<l\Ald' Nlt<il' Will ll'lvd to her 1>111dowii of ·eetr11"' Ulla Friday for •reiniries ii O.J>at~ Which~ W1I the te fll "'*'~ -" .. M!'o~~ ii!lf-1>1 proMnt. !0< park >li<alloil" cererooni., "' !Our ·-"' rounil:lio whla.."..........:.....-al when mlto&~w~l:i'An..i.. . · Silo' JllO'l'!!CI u,.ie i;-111\ ·hor 1.nµ11 1n 111;fra1i.J.~, N•vadll;rbere ber lilber ~., ... Dlbl<r, • Mi£~ .WU Ii Jear. old wben her mii~ llr .• and Mr!. Wljliam Ryan, ..M Iii caillOrnla. 'n!ey lived In the IW»lliiole unlll lll30. ' . ' n.;.~s will begin at II a.m. ii ie me_, Cl!bir Elemeololy Scllool. nie.tiln(~ win pl.ant an ···-. tt ~ !¥,aitt, which will be kriown u Pat.?fiz(ln Parll:.11 Ma,or Jmy Oonl<lro incl Slate Sen. eorp.Do!olanejlao will be 11JD0111 the ~ dlanltariea 1J11seDl • , The former Ryan residence ~ be !Sloh!~f tO ·serve aa~eltber a thlJdre:o's brarY «a museum. C«rllOs llel n<ar the orange Coollly· OS Angeles CoUl1ty llne. It bu 0 ·-1&· on ~of ll)iOO aild was incorporated lt eap age •• tho cily of Dairy :Valley. he ,,.,.. WIS cha!lled to cerrltos In 161. ' ' DAILi f'ILO I ' . ... CINl """mmtO C:lal'lf.llY ...., ... w ... ---J41di .. c.r., ............ a-.. ..... ............ ·-n.~=1111 -Clll"' _., DI wwt •w Slnd .,....,.-.:ti! 1711 *-' ................. ~~m,,_ .. _ .......... liNl:al ........ ' S. Coa$t Hospital Chief - Stanley Volga Resigns "The QUtlook iJ not gfiOd," Dr. A. Izard Josey, Byrnes' personal physician, said late Suoday night. "IDs coodlUon worsen· ed during the day and he 1°"1 ground. "His heart action. has deteriorated to some estent," Josey said, "he is not as responsive and hill temperature remains elevated." Byrnes, wboee 40-year·'flOlitu:al oaree-.. carried him from solicitor of a small rural circuit to the arena of cold war ln· ternaUonai bargaining, was stricken by a formally received by hospital directors at heart attack Friday evening at his lhelr next meeting on Friday. suburbln home. He showed a sllgbt tm- Board praide.nt Jobn teld aald he has provement shortly after entering Baptist ''ev~ry confidence the OOard will accept hospital, but was reported in aerlous COil- the resignation ." d!tion Saturday. Sunday evening his coa- Volga, a 42-year-old father of seven, diUon worsened . has been the South Laguna Hospital's Mrs. Maude Byrnes, his tiny wife of 6.1 chle! adminlatrator since it 0~ 11 years, visited him Sunday mornlng and years ago. , returned to the ~Ital Sunday night. He told the DAILY PILOT hla.resigna-~sl~ spent most bf Satnrday at his Uon Ii a "purely personal decision.'' Byrnes wa, hospltallud twice earlier It will be effective Ocl 1. this year_ with a stroke and a virus in- Weld said he expects the hospital board fed.ion. President and P.irs. Nb:on visited lo have selected a successor to Volga by him when he returned to his home, lbert. . leading more than a thousand well- _ Volga, in his letter to the board, said he wishen tn singing "Happy Birthday" to tntf:Dds to return to school to obtain a Byrnes May %, his 90th birthday and 63rd doclorate ia hospital administration .(be .weddin& anniversary. 'lbe Syrian eova :ament today ftleued t.be four IsraeU women wbo were aboard an American 'airliner hlJocUd to DomlSClllJ "1 two Arabs. But ~ onto tbe ttr~ ~-""°...,. ' 1 the _..,.,. .. li\d!Uli<ln Wllat n now has an lt1A tram Norlbweatern), and .. .! will then luch. But be said today be ha• not yet mad• Secun· ty· Guard up his mind about what he will do. . "There ar~ 11veral1oUler aveq,M:a l'U ~..__ • ~ planned fer them. •ellll* ~ r dOlmnlM Ult •c. •ff Jd •. 1. -uJ nm 11ep w111 be," be llld. "Years .:f' e ib Hl!!SH t A chartered Jtalian airliner Oew from Rome to DafnaSCUI and pi.eked lip the women. '!'be)' were flown to :Athens to cal,ch;ia ·~ to Tel :llVlv.< ' · 'Ille· llallo!i pl.ant alsO broOgbt the -ldentlof Tr.,,. Wprld Airlines, F. c. Wiser, one! other top officials of the com· pany to '!lam...;,;;; A.IPOkeiman for the airline said """1d reinain to cliaCuas "otlr •r aip«ji' of tbe )lljaeklng Frldaj or the TWKl>Lane. . ' . I nit Ifteii govenuben't wan)td' tt We hllklln( Syria responsible !or the !ala of the laroeli.s and said JI insisted OD lhelr t/ncaodlllonal relene. There waa speaiJa. t(OO lhat'the ~ n)lBhUey IO trade tfie .two · men for Syrian priaooen-in •'-·• . ~Mio •• • • ' ' '!'be olhel' 95 passengers and the 11 crtW members· from tbe Trans World Ah:llnel jet were released Saturday Md ruoat of ~m (Jew to Athens or Rome aboud • special llallan alrllner. TWA 11ld the pllo~ Capt. Dean Carter, would remain id ·Damascus· unUl the Israeli! were released. iAruioUiiclng the release of the Israeli wumen, ·the S;rian gOvernment aald in· vestlgaQ<m.of them WJ& ovu·. It made no mention of the two men, who were re-- ported beln& beld at the D<fenae Mlniolly in Damascus. ·The U.S. government also was preS!ln& for the ,..iease of all the Israeli" 'Tbe other Pa!SeJlgetS aWI In Damascus were • FillplDl>-American, Mrs. Caridad Schallfi of Leooar<llown, Md., who broke a· leg jumping out ol the plane, and her faur children. A eel w1s put on the w.oman'1 leg. and she planned to conUnuc bet journey soon to the Far East to visit het,.partnla.. once ..cmslderfld aolnc into teaching. but rillllp~ Ille door Is sUIJ ,.q to otbir '1o1p•1 declllion to quil as beod\of the 171-bed lloopllal pr<oenta the floard with a reqru,ltmmrt ~!em on top ,Of a nurslns s~•crlal!i. _. ~· WeJd two·w-eeks a10 discl&ed that Uie in,tl.tuUon 11181 have to close a ,4).bed w1nl unl9sa '°"'e 17 nunes • re 9000 hired. There au now 83 q.irses on the stall. One hundred are needed. Weld declined to state wbelher the stall problem llad anythlil1 to do with Volga's leaving. He IPQke highly, however, of the young admbiiatrator's intense dedJcatloo to his job, "Stan is a y~ bard-working man," be &aid. '1He. ltd done • vuy devoted job for the holpltal through the ytan. I would say that Stan has worked sev.en days a week, 1% hours a day while he's been with us. The hoepital has been his Ufe •.• aside from his wire and seVen children." Volga came tp South Coast from Shelby County Myrtue Memorial Hospital in Iowa. He iDdicated if his final decl!lcm is to return to school for his doctorate, he may work toward the degree at Northwestern. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Democrat recel.ved to notice re.moving him from his appointed laJt Y~ by President Johnson $271®&-xear posiUon was a letter from as U.S. manhal •for Northern California Dep"'ty Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst refmes to step-aside for a Republican that ''be as6Umed J would relinquish my successor appointed this year by Prell· post." -· dent Nllon. At the Western White House in San Louls H. Martin of Martinez says a Clemente, a spokesman said Ute Prtsi· pn:skleat appointed him to a four-year dent WQU)d have no immediate comment, term ''50 ft taku aomeone of equal status pend~g tnv~aUon. to remove me." And he .uid Sunday be '"The PrufiSent may not hate even sUll had not rectived any wont from hem aware there w.u an tnctunbtnt 1 ~&ident NiJon: marshal," Martln said of the Whitt 1 George B. Harrllll, clUd Judge ol the Houae: statement. .. There is a possibility U.S. Dlstrict Court in San Franciscil, baa the President may not wt.sh to terminate refused to NW In the new appolntff. my tenn." George E. Tobin ol WJU Valley, until a Martin says he will be al his desk Tues- vacancy i1 declared officially. Tobin':!! day morning. His office supervise.a: poUce namlnaUOn wu conflnned July 11. work on all (ederal property, including A Justice Oep&rtmtnt spakeam1n In prlaons and mllltary bases over 721000 Wuhln&ton 111<1 Sunday the department ."!••« ptile1 or Northern Calllornl1. recognlzes Tobln 11 mmhtL Tobin satd he was disappointed that a "ll the Justice Departmlnt la~ 1cUer dlsmlssin1 Martin was not in Judp Ins Tobin," Martin Wd, "then they 11.re Jlarrls' hinds by last Friday,, the day re<,>1nlzln1 someone who hasn't been '"11eduled for Tobin 's swearing In. Befot• 1wom in." • the appolnlmenl, Tobin was a Cailtoriila Marti~ 511.id the closes~ thing he has Hlgh1vay Patrol caplaln In San Francisco. • • A -ty iuard for ~ G'!)len Grov~ 'partmenl con;.~e: WU arreited Satur· day nl&bt on gra of_ armed auault .tttt be shot a gutat at a wecjdlng recep- Uon ln an appa:rut dilpute over a park· Ing ,..ce. Wl111am Stanley Rader, 48, of 8« 1 Snowbird Drive, Huntinflon Beach, w.u booked llito Oran{• County Jail on cbarg· ea of ISl&llll wlth intent to commit mur· der. Rader allegedly shot Cbarler.Skersick, :14, ol ParamOUlll, In the ahoWder, afler an aJ1Uinenl and a fight over Stenick'a parklq near the .apartmenp for a wed-·dinJI: receptlon, wcf police. Tiie ecuffle and -., look place about 10:45 p.m. nw the Valencia Apart· merits, 1314.l Casa Linda Lane, Gardeo Grove. · I Patient Snccumhs LONDON (UPI) -Charles Hendrick, Br1lain'1 third and longest surviving heart transplant patient, baa lost hill 103- day flghl for We. Hendrick, st, died Sunday of what was deacrlbed aa "cardiac arrest" at Guy's Ho,,ptt.al in London, three a n d a half months after be received the hurt of a atuilent nurse who d1ed in a road IC· cldenl Stroke, J u~ta Take.s Ove.r • U,IT.,_.,. SUFFERS STROKE Brezil's Costa • Silv• President Gone When Y outlis Present Petition RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) -President' ' Arturo Costa e Silva suffered a stroke Sunday and Brazil'S three top mililarJ' men formed a junta to temporarily take over the government. reaffirm inc military control over Latin America'• largest and most populous naUon. The ministers of the Army, Navy and Air Force waived a provision of the con-- sUtution that the Vice President should a.n:.nne presidential powers if the chief ex~Uve Is incapaCHated. A medical bulletin said Costa e Silva, a 66-year-old retired army marchal, wu in satisfactory coodUion at the prW<ienlial palace. "~ i5 not so sick he need& tt be removed .to a ·hospital," one of the prt:$ident's physicians said. A spokesman for the U.S. Embasay di:iclined comment whether the United States would recogni1.e the junta. U.S. Ambasiador Charles Burke ElbrickL Jn the name-of the American government, sent Costr e Silva a Jetter wishing him a speedy recovery. The junta's first action was to order all banks and the stock market closed today. A war ministry announcement aaid creation of the junta was "Imperative for the security of the naUon" while Calta • Silva "remains unable" to work. The rpinistry announcement made no mention or Vice President p·edro Aletio, a civilian. who met Sunday with the thret military chiefs to resolve the crisis caus- ed by Cost.a e Silva 's illness. From Page 1 ACCIDENTS .•. . ' , , ' VOi - ~ • .. Pl lul. fDdaJ = ,,, lpell '""' from Clen .. l 1 Ji I I cia chi ni( Ctl r J •al Gt be llf Im .. In I Be re bo (I ] J r 'F w .. ' TT d1 .. J• la ec " " •I C1 n I< "' .. t di di II ,, ~ I< w a ~ • ..... p ••... , + •T. - . ' • • I ' . I • . , Ora ge .Coast El>IT.LON , • :VOL 62. NO. 209, 3 SECTIONS, 28-PAGES MONDAY, sEmMIER I, t 6t • Nixon to · Plead for Federalism · to Govern.ors . . ~ • BY MBllJllMAN SMlTll "' Ufll.,,......_....., • pre 1 Id tint Nlxon. after a rest· lul w .. tend, resume'cl' mi sales ca.Ii~ ....... In beholl-ol a great.? degJ'.00 of ~ between federal, ~ ~' JOCIJ .pvunmenta. · : ~ 1lle l'resldent aDd ·his wile plann4d to spend ·Labor Day at the National Gov· emcrs COoference in Colorado, f!l!ng from the Western White House ·ln. ~ Clemente to Colorado Springs and return-- Inti to Soulbem·calll~late toolghl. Derense Command (NORAD), about 90 With a complicated etiaiaUn program minutes later. 1 before CQngtess, a pro am less than cer· T~ would follow a crowded day -a ta1n ol complete ado the .Pres!deot top security brleniig at NORAD head- waoted, 1n hia a!Mfess to the govemon· qUart«!, a private dinner for-the gover. ~l,\ to spread the new admlnlstra• nori llOsted'by Gov. John Love"of Colo- tion gospel: Give the states and cities a "lo". rado at the Broadm.oor ··Hotel, thftl •· larger J11«0 ol the action. pruidential "atldrus to the govemori and . The chief executive left the El Toro their guests a\ the Int«matkmal Center of- MArine Ai.r'Statioo at 10:11 A.M., UTlV· Colorado S~. Nlxon-W83 not expected In( at c.lorlldo Sirln(s, home ol the Air bact·much bil""'mldn!ih~ Pacific UllU!. Force Academy and the Nortb Atlantic The trip to the governors meeting m Colorado came .it<r the Prtaldent opent a recreaUODll Weekend tn CallfornlL Sat~ urday 11\Sbl be.fltw ~y helicopter to Sa/I: Diego to waldl ·a .prol.-J football game bet....0 the Loi ADC<les Rams and the hometown Chlrpn. Loi Anleles won. 2t-14. . Sunday the ~-decided not to nlSb btto. Labor DIJ -.. pea<l>Y golf ~ and dnoled -• OI the altemoon to the beach at J>Wby Clmp. Pendleton. The ocean wu p>kl ind the • • ' 25, 700 Troops Out I Viets Take Over Major V.S.·B~e. SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. mllltary head- quarters said today 25,700 Gls had been pulled oot oI Vietnam since President Nixon's cutback 8nnouneem"ent in JW,e and reported the turnover Of a major U.S. base camp tO' the South Vietnamese. The former U.S. 9th Division baoo camp ~the air base at ffiia rrant, .on the early Marcil of 1918 ·~ ~1111·~ «ntral coast. Ind the South V1dnamese cans weri!! in the war ldrle. · . Air Force will begin taking over there. . The ;rjlxon --pnvlooll1, . The announcement 'came _, South Viet,.. · nam k.•PI I'" troop! In and arGUDd Saigon bad come under fire l<r -""'"' "' wlthdnwala when the ldllal ,..., on full alert for e.tpeded· iOymm1njct ~_':-~~~.~ '"r~ === atlacts and U.S. lm.bomben went alter :.::.::. ~ - suspected guerrilla posllloos outalde Sal-unUl early September r.., the numben . at Dong Tam, 40 miles southwest of Sai· I gon in the t.tekong Delta, Is the biggest camp yet turned over to South Vietnam. Two brigad"es of the ' 9th Division went home under Ntson1s pullout of %5,000 gon. · ta match. . · · Military ~kesmen said that as of Seven waves or BU boulber. dr~ Saturday, there wtre'511,ll0 Gh in Viet· a~ Jea,st QO tom: of bmnba ovWdgbt onto nam, a reduction ol ~700 since the Nlx-4!ptcted bldeouta oolfllle Saigon. A .. men. ln addition, the comlnand said, the U.S.. Air Force is removing 4,000 troops on cutback annooncemenf on June a. ries or "attacks ll ~ to mark It is the fewest mlm~ of troops re-. anol's · Cl~ratlon of ''lridepen:Sence ported ·ln Vittnam ·for 11 moo~ -J Since 111!'11 France 24 'years ago Tuelday. . Copter Crash Hurts Son of Brazilian ·President· Hm . . . I· ~ , fi.·• • • • 1_t ~~ • '~UPIT ... ROCP' MAllCIANO Tl,KING TITLE FllC!M JERSEY J OE WALCOTT IN 1952 . Pl-Croth"ln C.W P•mn. T<ik• Ui. .. WHH"Jwi!wf\I Ch11111pjon·· • • S. Coast Hospital Chief Former Champ Rocky Mar ciano Die s in Crash Stiinley Volga Res_igns NEWTON, Iowa (UPI) -Rocky ftfar-/ By JEROA-tE F. COU.JNI:_, , once considered going tn~~hing, but ciano, the only heavyweight boxing CM • Dlll'r Pllll srelf • ' right now the door b still open to other champion never defeaU!d, dJed Sunday ~th Co.ast Coummunity Hospilal ad-things." night with two other meo in a light plane nurustrator Stanley Volga has decided to Volga's decision to quit as head of the crash two mUes south of:hett. resl_gn, ~was le.Amed toda~. . l7l·bed hospital presents the board with a Marciano woilld have been 46 today. His tter ~ resignation will be recruitment pr<iblem_on top of a nursing Juper County SberiU 'Darrell Hurley =a::nr:~~h~~~;.dlrectorsat sho~ge crisis. . 1aid the two men, Frank Farrell and Board president John Weld said he bas \\.eld. two weeks ago dtSClosed that U'ie .. •·•· I ~-M · -ll had ''every confidence the board will accept ln~lltution may have to close a 4>bed Glen ~ .... o....,.. OUJts,J.pparen Y •k--..:-" wing unless some 17 nurses are soon been flyin• Marciano frdm Chicago to u11;: rwgna.....,u. hired The 83 th . a . Vol", •· -ti-ye.ar~ld father of seven. • re are now nurses on e Des Momes, about 25 mile& west of here. , has been the Soulh Lagwia Hospital 's staff. One hundred are needed. 31:•· · engagement. rl1'm single->dli~ admini.'Jtrator since it opened 11 Weid declined to state whether the slafl toCiDe ' soa 172 lost power, struck a years ago. • prob.lem bad an~g to do with Volga's c:raahed in a pasture. He told the DAILY PILOT his resigna-leaving. He.spoke hi•tiJr• however. of ~he ·' ho b k . ·~ r . 1 lion is a "purely personal decision." young administrator s intense dedication Marciaoo, w ro e in .... pro esSJona It will be eUecUve Oct. l. to his job. Bollng March 17, 1947, retired wlth a 49'-0 W.eld said he expects the hospital board "Stan is a very hard-working man," he record Ap1.I 27, 1956. He was elected t() to have se1ected a auccessor to Volga by said. "Ire hM done a very devoted job for bolin(s hall of fame three years later. then. r . the hospital through the years. l would (Details Sports Section, Page 17). Volga, in his letter to tht board, said~ say that St.an bas worked seven d~ys a . Former Justice James Byrnes Near Death ' COLUMBIA, S. C. (!JI'!) -James intends to return to school to Qbtain a week, 12 hours a day while he's been with doctorate in hospital adminlstraUon (be us. The bospilal ha!: been bis life , , • now has an MA from Northwestern), and aside from his wife and seven children." will thep teach. ~olga came to Sooth Coast from Shelby But be said todl)' he has 11ot yet made ~ty Myrtue Memorial Hospital in op his: mi.nil abOOt what he will do. Iowa. He indicated If his final dedllion is ••'J'hert art .several other avenues I'll in-to return to achool for his doctorate, he vestfgate be.fore I determine what my ·J may work toward the degree al nest stepwiU be," he sakl.-"Years ago I Northwestern, Holiday 'Quiet' . . ~ ~~ l . .;.. , Qaift Trevor Donald Bren. well-known Newport Beach suhdl-· dev<loptt and .... or adreU Claire ~ cf Lido Ille, .wu recovering toda1 ftom tiljtaio llllffered in • er¢ of hlJ private helicppter this weekend off Lagana Beach. Wllllam D. Arms\rong, 4,1, 1101 Oilord Lane, Newport· Jileach, Bren's only passenger, alSo was recovering; aaid aides at Sooth Coaot .COmmunlb' HQOpital In South Laguna. Both men '1111<"'1 bact ln!urles and cuts and bruises in the Cra3h of Bren's Bcll 17-H'l helicopter. Bren, 31, has used his helicopter In con- strucUon work in the Harbor Area and maintains a heliC?pter pad In his Harbor View Hills subdivision inland of Corona del Mar near MacArthur BouJevard. The aircraft plunged· btlo the sea 150 feet offshore in Laguna's Crescent Bay Saturday afternoon. Laguno Beach lifeguards reacuod the pro.ninent · developer-builder and bis pamn&er shortly alter the mishap. Bath men en,tered the hospital's emergency room in serioul,conditioo. Bren, 349 N. Farino Rd .• Loe: Angeles, who wai idenUfied as the pUot. had serious back injudes and Kalp cuts. Annstrpng had back and chest injuries. (See DONAJJl llREN, Pqe I) ·°"',........ SUF.FERS. STROKE Br~sll'1 Cott•l •. Silva • ' u.s. Reds Lauded . S·yrians Free °. MOSCOW. (UPI) -The Soviet Com-• ' -Party l<adenblp ... , ltl ''warm Israeli women .. coogratulaUons" today lo U.S. -~ _ _ .:... ..., munilt leiden cO!ebraUng the 50th an-Bu H l.d 0 ,. . nlvers&J'l' ol the Ioundln( ol tbeJr part7.ln. · t 0 · .,. M'-; f'll America. By THE AllllOCIATED-PlUlllll n., Syrian government today ,.!euecf lhe four Israeli wOmen who weri aboard )'rancil Bymes, 90, a self~ated man who became Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Assistant pfesklenl" and Harr y Truman's secretary of state, Jay near death lo a tJospital today. ."' "The outlook i! not good," Dr. A.•lz.ard .TOS41.Y, Byrnes'. personal physician, said late SUndaynight. "Hi! conditioo worsen- ed during the day and be lost l[l"Olllld1 3 -Die on .County Highways an American airliner hijacked lo Danwc:us by two Arabs. But lt"beld onto the two Israeli men who were among the passengers and gave no indic,atlon What it planned for them. A chartered ltallan airliner flew from Rqme to Damascus and picked up the "HJI heart action has deteriorated · to IOl'lle extent," Josey said, "be ll ncit as responslve and his temperature remains eJeVated." .,_, whose 40-year political caroer carried him from IOUcitor of a amaD. rural circuit to ule arena of cold war in-- tematlonai barglJning, WU .atrJcken by I: heart attack Friday evening at hi.I 1uburban home.· He showed 1 allght iJOo erovement sliortly alter ent.rln1 Jlapllsl hospital, bCJt wu reported ln terlous ~ ct.it.ion Saturday. Sunday tvtning> hil cw- ditlon wonened. B)"l"MI was hospitalized twlct earTier th!! yur with a -and l vlru& lo·) fectian. President and Mn. NlJon vtlited him when he rtturned to hil borne, leadln1 more than a thousand wt.11- wW!ert fn alnglng "Happy Birthday" to Byrnes May !, his llOth birthda1 and 63rd \\"t.ddtng annlverury. ,, , By TERilY !l(ILVILLE •OI "" 0.lr 1'"91 lflff 'Three per~ have died thus far Ip Or· aflJe Ccunty durina: what. most P:>Iice departmentl have_..hlbeied an .. aboonnal· ly quiet'' Labor Day weekend, while a fourth couaUan died 1n a Siii Bernardino traffJC crash. Linda Suter,. 11, of 232o Florida Ave .• HuntJngWn Beach, died In a thrt:Har !Mt Ceunt7 Trlfflc 1111 UI De•tii Tell 143 collision tMt-lllo killed two Long Beach relidtnts S.tunla71bout eight ml!" "'1' ol the Colorado River commuoit7 of Earp. . Six others, unidcn\lfied by t h e Calllomia Wsl>way l"alrol, were btjw-.it in th• bea<kn colllslon. Dead from Lo"IJ Beach were James Gorman, 34, and Lin- da Elaine WoHI, I9. i. frtak. fender-bender accident killed an llllnoi! girl Saturday night · in We stminster. w:hlle walking with her husband In the \ women. They were flown to ..Alhenl to Police said Eleanor Jaco.by. l8, of vicinity of Lucille Stree~ and Garden catcll a plane to Tel Aviv. , llllnois, died when the car in whiCh she Grove BoUfevard. . . Tbe Italian plane , a1lo brought; the wu a )>A!lef'!ger was struck broadside I?ean Bothwell, a, 11 in critical ~ pr8ddent of Trani World Airllqea:, r . c. wlule •!tempting a left turn ootiJ Beach dllioo at. Long .Beach _-.i Hospital, wi-. and oilier top Olftclals of a.. com- Boolevard from Westminster Bollllvard. nld police. They,......-by •a car • She was lylnl down In.the bock seat at driven hy Ario K. Zink, 12, ol Santi Aha. p&Ol' to DaulUcuL A 'l[l<i<e•"'" ~.the the time, said .Police, and ·died bt what NO SIDEWALKS alrllnuald-,..uld remain to-otl>- would not have been a serious accident. Lucille Slrtet baa no lldewal.b and is er ~,, ol. the bijackJDa FridlJ of because hef head WU at the point of im-= ::;~u.. '::i!~not plan to ~ :.=-Pv-W~ a"was pa~;;.. Jacoby had just flown out to The C0\111ty's first tram~ death wls boldlr1&.Snlo>_..ib!e Jor Iller... oI Calilomla to meet bee boyfriend return-,recorded Friday alt8no0n when a Pasa-the im.tlr;and Aid It lnslstOct• their ing .ftom. Vietnam. She woUld ba<e bee<> d... woroan died In a fo!Jr.<ar col-ncondl\ICllllI',,i.-. 'l'bete -_.1a. 19 iOday, said lbe OrMge COIJnty lislon 1J> the 19011 block cf Laguna Can)'oo Uon tlliit lbe !l)>rl1n1 ml~ try b.lnde Coroner'• oflice. Road. ' ' • tM two ""l'O IOf , Syrian ~ In NO other injuriE!jl were rep!)r'ted, and no Police Wd (ean A..Ni.Joq, 2t, wu t1n.· JsraTheeh JL_.J '' ~-~~, ,...... 1 drivers lleld, said pqlice. "' wbeo bet car .. u lttuc~ lrom the """" 11 pusenws ..,. -11 A w.slmlosl« woman 1'U klll"1 and rearhy Jlitteqthor cm whllt •U<roptlilJ ·crew ~.l(om,tlit• Trant World tier • •uobind crltlcally btiwed """" a 1<11 tuni:, -, -~ jot "tr& nleu<d s.tuidq and atrucMS.a cw wtUle walking ~ 1 , TWo, passeom, M)'L NllOll .. molber, niosl ol lbejli,lleW .,,.Alllena cir '1lome Carden ·ar'OYo l!lr06I, early Saturday ~ane M. Nlxon;~, alto ol Puadtoi and , •boml • ljledol I~,alHlrier. TWA momlng: • Jalll<I H. SJ, ol 4111 llth Plact, • aald the.Pl~ Olpt~n Carler would Mrs. Lois Botbwtll~~t. ol tlOil"Caroa· 'l'i••P!'t , ~-111 1noiher retnaln !I>·~• lllltil ·~'israolls lion J!L, wtttmllllls, died ~ 1:11 1.m.. ' '!See AreID r11i1T • ' UkOo laftAr· PIH I ' , < ~ ! r ' •i I .. . . . ~~~~.;.i:.J: &mday and -·· tine top mllitary mei fonnod a J1m1a to-leolparlrill',take over the.~ reaffJrmtng mllltary ~ over Lattn America'• largesj and mGll'~ Mtlcii ... T6~ ol llill-Aniiy, Nny·.and AlrFirce .wahed .,,,._,..,the coo- sUtuUon ·t!Jat-tbe Vlee ~ ·ll>oold ..,..,.; ~tlal poJl'eis II tbe· cfiiel execudve is incapacltat'fJIL 1 ; A medical bulletin Aid c..ia ~ Silva, a IS-yeaH!d rotlred aney lllarchal, 1"S In saUsfactory ~at 0.. ~ palace. "He fa not llO slcklie'ri<edl to be remOYed to .a· l;lolpltAJ " one of the pr..id~t·s _physlclana, &iht. A spokesman fer. the o.s: ,gmbassY d«:llneCI' comment · whether 'the United Statea ·Would ricognlJe tbe junta, U.S. Ambassad!>r Cb.lrw airte ElhrJck. in the name ol the American. govennnen~ &elil Costa e Silva a letter wJsb1nc hlin • flpeecfy recovery. Tbe junta'.1.lfulaction WU to•-all ~and the -~kel-toda7. A war Jlllniltry -· aald creation ol the junta wu "bnperathi !or the securtty ·of the naUon" wtdle Costa e Sllya "remains 11j1able" to -kl The '. ministry annonncoinen! made· DO • m<ntlon .. oLVJ"' Pmldentcle!fn> Alalo, a clvfllatl, who D)el SWllllfWlih tbe -mllltary' cbiefa to molve fhe crlsia cau.>- ed hy Costa e Silva's llinels. U .s. Plane Do-WUea · TOKYQ (UPI) -J ~ Vleawn- anned>Jorcea •hot doWD .... ~ U.S. ~ ·p1 ... Silndsf ~bqut 40 inllel BOUth,o( HlllOI, thO Korth VI<~ nam news ageucy clal~ today: II said tlio plane waa the S,SZlnl Amer~ alr<ralt dawned by North Vlei· ..... • ,. , J .. i! .• '· ._FIRST FAMILY'S COLLEGIANS ATTEND GRANDY WED!?ING IN ILLINOIS ~ . Nol,, David .,Ml Julle EIMr.'\ower Return East to Home, IMlc.1 end Studies U,I T""'l!tN ' ! David Stand~ Up For Best Man; • fricia Attends · . . ' . . BAKIUll<JroN;-m. (tlPI) -To I maJI red 1Jrkt churCh localed ·alop I ~ bluff !feat a tranquil Cblcago uWill .<: perlilpl. l)lmbolk: of the Ni.on diiitiililritlon -came the ~l'• ~ Jlllle and oon-in-!aw Da•ld :illenboWer to attend a 2:0 minute wed-- Irie~ Sunday. Tbe ~ers w~£ Joined by 59me ~. -wl~ \be ~l•n · 1-0'r'ailil ll pavld'a ~:-..,i <~k .J'beii man; io u.f:raD GoUiJi, daughter o[ Mr." and IH.O;Eldred Gough of Barrlnston. A ~D pollcemln with a euest st ~oiafta'IM!d · that Tricia Nixon, the ,~~ daugbttr, alao 'II• >Dilea.lli .._,,-though ahe WU not ..O l>!D« to the clwn:h by news media ~ ... . . . • : t QWr~s' P a~· ' President Not at Horne As Petitions Presented A ball-d-youths who llld they repm<iiled the Peaco Attion Council · handed over a WU'' protest petition to Secret'Service men at the Western White House Sunday. The protestors, representing the same group whfcb mtistered aeveral thousabd demonstrators for • rally in San Clernt;Pte two weeks a.go, said the pell· · tiODI bore.5,000 aignalureJ. , • The ~demand~ an immediate end to .the war apd 'd-d'! 10.wcent Income tax Btltcharge. Reports said the Secret Service men promlatd lo hand the petitioo to Dr. Htney Kissinger. Prfsident Nilon'a key ,.,aide on ~ID matters. Secur.ity Guard Held in Assault Ed IJtUe, lO, al Loo Angolea, one of Ibo ;youlba who carried the potltlon, Pid laler thst he br.d Cougbl as a Marine Oorporal in Vietnam. "Tbe whole Ume I was over there we <ikln't accompli5h a thing," he said. "We just burned a lot of villager." , He charsed that the U.S., ls sending tens of t.housiods or LroQps 10,000 miles away lo fight c:ommUnl!m, 0 but we allow . it to flourish 90 milfs off our coast in Cuba." As lht demonstrators :took the peUUon up to a Western White House gate, abou~ two dozen more anti-war.supporters look· eel on lOd yards away • The only sign vilible was one ad- vertisinc another puce march in mid. NOYtmber in San Francbco. The CJ'OllP le[l alter abolll on bpur. :ri~".ot~ rJl!P'..:r;.m· ~(, ~ t · A-..rlt!' ~ 1or ~ Griil~ IJl&r&. ~ v.u] ~panfnem comJ)lei wu maled i!alilr-Marjorie Wetz~ll .Services~ Slate~' ·~o:·-: ' I ·. · " · · ~ · day nlaht on ~ of armed uuult v,. .. U.:..;,'.N;·yon ~heabot.aguestat•nddlnl"'"P-l!:vi..~.uM~ .-. >t"'··. · Uon In ,an appmonl dlJp!lle over a pin. I M '" I 1 ''' I , 1 • 1... ~ • • ' Mr& ~· Nllcm·l"ID tta•l to her ~ tplCI.~ . Funeral 58tylceai!fill be held iiil lO:a.m. • " .cl-~·ibl& Friday IQr -WIDJ,..,~ey llader, ;41, of ~n 'l'ueadoy at Ba11J. Morlaliry, Chapel, .. at-'i~-~'hicb once wu.the ,Sn~bird l)iv~ (Huntington lletch. was ~'di~ Ma_t,_tar MrL "Marjorie E. ~ hiioo. · : ·~i:t e Counl Jail~ char1-Wetzell, lntmot decoralOr, who dlnd Fri· )illl!~ I~ l!l(k . ea • ' .,:jlJlenl ~ commll mur-day at lbe age of~· · ""-'~ I"!' -~ ,r. dot ·• . , · r.r::,i;:tzeu, pbo lived In lh art ll!a ....,.. ooc:o 511 wheit '.:.! • gaile thow!< • al ll20 N. Coast Cliiili""~. • · · · , ~er aDeaedlY ahol Charles Skerslck, Hlabwoy lbal Ill< ~ealgned :1ieroeU, spen~ ~~'With : her .tJ~ ~ iS:tt Gt Patainqurit; in the ahoulder, Mter S8 ye8r1 U a deSlgner and art collector llC J17:.llfeh,i.. )lbere h<r 1f1111r Ill~ and 1 fight ovot Skeroick•• iq Laguna Beach, Brentwocid, and "rulsa, ..OO.ti'or'1iil a!·a:.llllner.. . · :ii~ lbeaal=enta for a wed· Okla. ... 1'Uon· wu a year old when bet on,;~ .. and ~ toot place She wu born IJ1 Saginaw, Mich. and ~ Mr •. ap4 ~·. William Ryan, llxut~1t:41 r.ui· ntar the Vatmc:il Apart· educall:d at the University of Chicago. ,.ma11o CalllJiiila. T!ie)' lived In lbe ~. "II eaaa Linda Lant Garden She waa the wile of lbe !ale Lester ~~ .:'b.ain at 11 i.m. ~l _O._.w?_ ... ,.~'f..._ ______ ' ____ w_e_u.e_·u~,_o1_1J'u_l1a_ •. _____ _ ihe d • 'Carbei-Elem<ntary ScboOI; ' 1liO Fl:'~ wW-plant an evfriie<!n '*li;the ~ whith will be b)OWn Is 'Pat Niscn Park."' · . · · :l~ 'tcn1 Conk1ro and Stale Seii. Deakm1!P•n · wlll I>'! amot11 lb• >Iller: dlpitarlel preaenl. . . . TllO: former Ryan residence will be refkftd to serve as .tither a childml'1 lili-uy or a mllSellm. . · C«tito3 Ilea near the Orange,Counly- LOo 4"1eies County Ihle. l~baa ~- 1.icm of 11,500 and was ated ~2 y!foia ac• a• the clly o1 oa ry .vanor. Ttie n.ame WU chapJJed to Cerrilos ln 111'1. . • -. .. fJAIL' PILO T ............ ·,, .. , ........ --_...., .. ..__ - CAUfOllllA . ORAHGa man 1'\11\.~ CQMl'UY .... .., N. w"• _,. ---J.U l. Cwl.y Ylct~-~ ...... n~'""'• --n->•lc=t .. -:... ~ °"' ........... '"'''*' ....,. "'9Clll 011 "'"" ....... ....... ....... a..cll: tit,...,... ... ... ...... talMcal••- UPIT ........ W~arg Colleeta Takes It Easy Btrnadet(e Devlin, Northefn Treland11 mini-skirted Parliament mem· ber relaxes with shoes half-off and smokes a clgarette, after her ne~a conference in Chicago. Speaking al rear Is Brian H e r o n, a member oi.MJss Devlin's entourage. She termed her hal·passing tour into Chicago a iremendous financial success, and said she plans to return to.AtnerlCa in October to assure poUUcaI aucces$ for·lrish dis· sidents:. • ' --• Accident tic~ Improving · .. . .. Coiooa del Mar atockbroker Frederick DOehrin1 w•• "showing IOl'ne tm· provement" today ln Harbor General Ho.!pJtal In TO!J'Ance where he I• being treated for crlilcal injQties suffered in a ltalllc crash wbkb killed bls1'1fe and oo- ly cblld. " ' Doehring, 31, ol. 2001 Altura Dr., lrvtne Terrace, received severe ..head and in- ternal injuries early Friday lnorni1*. in a beadon craab·oo the Saia Dlea:o Frhay near Torra~. His wUe, Linda Jane, J4, and their only child, Jody, 7 wee~ kllled ID the crash. Mn. DoeltrinJ'a , Johu Patrlc:k Pucdnelll, 22, ol Ne11J!9rt Beacb, waa ser1ouaiy hurl Spokeimen at the hospital ~ay ~id Puccinelll, who ~tered the bo&p11al in aerloua condition, wu hn· JllO'linR· _ Aidea at lhe &lpilal Aid Doehring, who underwent lenithY a u r g e r y throughout the day Friday, wa11 conscious and V.'13 "showing llOl'ne 5.ign of Im· provement, but he l! itlll ln crJUcaJ con- dition." . MeanWblle, funeral arraiq:ements are pending for hJ1 wife and chlld at Paclfic Vlf'l' Memorial Park Mortuary in c.orona del Mar. Fro11t P .. e l • ACCIDENTS •.. . ' car, were aer-lojur.d. At leaot 47' tralllc deaths have been Wiled naUonally alnce the three<l111 boll· day began at I p.m., Frida:J. California, aa uaual, wu leading Ibo nation wllb U ltalflc deaths, followed by Teua with :it. Tho National Safety CDuncil eatlmaled 7:15 per1CIN would die ~urlng lbta year's Labr Day ho,llday. Highest total wa11 set last year eaa. Worst total for a 11umme.r holiday was m traffic deaths during the 1967 Fourth of July weekend . A total of 46 .cJrownings have been recorded ln the nation, with · 13 plane deaths and 1.1 miscellaileoua deatlu over the wetkeDd. Bay Club lease Plan Discussed Two City ot Newport Beach represen· tativts Tueadly· will present ' the first public presenlaUOfl of the ~I to ex- len4 ·1be BalbffBQ,~'1.leUf wllb the ' dty-a ~tterJ ~ tfii vciters will decide upon in November. C it f Atlorne1 Tull>' Seymour a n d Assiltahl Cit;' Min.Igor Jim DeCbalne will present the lease proPola1s to the directon ol the Corona del Mai Chamber al Commerce at 7:30 a.m, in the Chamber orfices. The proposal inf'Olves extending the club's leaie well beyond the tum of this centwy and raislng.tbe leue payment by an 1nil.ia1 $100,000 • year and then more ~ti the club 's pro~ta increase.. - The exact date for the eledion hati not yet been selected.' Lagunan Seeking Damages in Fall A Laguna Beach man 't\'anls $27 ,000 in damages for injuries allegedly suffered when a secUon oC the ocean fronl boardwalk gave way beneath him lasl Ftb. 24. William Thomas namu the city a~ defer.dent In hla Superior Court action and claims negllgenc~ in maintaining thl" auto park sector led to his suffering a ·broken hip in hia fall . ·Laguna Beach city council de.nil!d lasl June 4 an idenlicel claim by Thomas. Who's • LBJ's Says Nixon's Isn't MN FRAN~ !AP) -A Democrat appointed laal Y-.i' by PmldeJll Jobnlun .., U.S. marohal for.Northern Calllomta refuses to titep ulde for a Republic~ suceessor appointed this year by Presl- dent-Ntxon. Louis H. Martin a[ Martinez says a prealdent appQinled hlm U> a four-year tenn "llO it-takes someone or equal"status to remove me." And he 1114 &unday he atill had' not received any word from Pre!idenl N~n. Ge'l><p B. Harris, chie[ judge ol th• U.S. Dlltriet Court in ~n Francisco, has refused , to swear in the new appointee, George E. Tobin of MUJ Valley, until a vacancy is d~lared ofllcielly. Tobin's nomlnation ""-inned July 1l. A JUIC.ice Department gpokesman in Waalllniloo Pid Sunday lbe department ~ Ttlbln u marshal. "If the Justice Department Is recognh:- lng Tobin," Martm said, "then they are recognlr;ing someone wbo basn't been Porn in." Martin said the closest thing be has -"'. Nll!l•btcbla • ltla 121,GllO-a·,..,.~OO...., • ~from Deputy Ally. ~ Richard Klebidlen.I that "he· U!WDed J would ttlint:ndsh my post." ' • Al lbc Weslem WJ\ik •l{Oll~ Jn ~an Clemente, a apokasmao . said tbe1 ffrW. dent would have. no immedialt comment, pendjig investigation. ';The President may not have tven been aware there was an tncUmbeot marshat,"'ii MartiO sald .. of. the White House statement. ''Thefe ft 1 p<l6llblllty the President may not wlsh to termlnatt my tenitf' · " Martin says he will be at his desk Tats· day modung. His office supervi&es police '''Ork oo all federal property, including priwns and military bues ,over 72,000 square In.ilea ol Northern California. Tobin 'nid bO wu di>8Jl1>91nted t!\11 • letter 41smisslng Martin ""n"'I In J1>1110 Ham~ hinds by Im FrkfQ", lb• day .scheduled for Tobln's·nttariD.r·ln. ~· the ..!J>polntment, Tobin wu a C&1ifomia H1ghWay Patrol captain ln SU Fr1ncllco. F~ona Pagf! l ISRAELIS RELEASED • • • weri releaied. Announcing the release of the Israeli women, the Syrian iovrnment said in- vestJption of them was over. It made no mention of the two men. who were re- pi>riedbelng beld al lbe Ddense Ministry in Damascua. 1be U.S. 1overrrment also was prestiing Jor lbe ~ ol ail the laraello . The other pauengera stlll in Damascus ...-ere a Filipino-American, Mn. Caridad ScbaDer t:i Leonardtown, Md., who broke a lee jumping out of the plane, MCI her four chUdrtn. A cut wu put on the wmnan'a le& and she planned to ~ue her journey 10011 lo the Far East lo villl her parents. ----· Capt. Carter and a TWA engineer were &lvinl the plane an extensive checkout. Itt front lleC'llon wu ripped open ahorlly afler tt landed by a bomb set by the hi· jicker.i. The Arab man and woman who com- mandeered the airliner FrldaY shortly after it left Rome _apparently were Still In custody in Damascus, although Syrian of· ficials gave no information abaut them. The couple belongs to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, an Arab guerrilla group that 1pecialilea in headline-making attacks outside Israel. The Front first said the hijackers wanted ill capture an Israeli responsible for in- flicting anguish on many Palestin.llM. Lale! it said lhe Israelis aboard the plane would be held as hostages for "Syrian comrades in Israeli torture prisons." Fr!»• P .. e l . DONALD BREN . Spokesmen tor the ·Federal Avll.Uon Administr1tlon said the helicopter aank in 35 feet of water lhortly ·after the crash. H1rbor patrolmen in Newport !laid they received a call to the scene at 4:11 p.m. and responded with a patrol boat and lifeguard . ·The lo~ation of the crash. hov•ever, liad not been pinpointed, patrolmen said, aM the boa1 searched in vain for the two vic- tims . A short time later lifeguards swam out from shore to rescut the two downed occupants of the chopper. U1'1 T1!9~""11 Reagan Calls the Ha1ids California Gov. Reagan rings the dinner bell during prospectors steak fry at National Governor 's Conference affair at Rotton Leg Hol· lo'v near Colorado Springs , Colo. • , ' ' • I Ft Eng thou ... eei dru1 t!'O COO\ Dt •win takh part 'I'll Wig! near Dyla year . to d the noriJ mus. Al na)c( had lain• Relll •lop '" ' -Pt tide ram At F A w . that Isra· nive. Pola Wi mun the Pola W1 wer• ciw M p B • El Rob exu ol. Pa., Mar Ill .... Atty exbt won M I Cl ([).! Cha "1 Ne~ tore haV1 .... N• .ul!c nr: aiid N1 huii Ben "I "'111 .; ' lhln l'l• ey" Ion Tl Pi<f Jo proc . "' ' M-, S..ltmb<t I, 1969 • . Viet Chief KlngO..stf! ..... • .. ' • ,. ••' L , .1 ~ • Oil-rich Lib " ' .. ·Forni's New ~ • .. .. , . ~~~ .. ft ... Repu~lic . . . . . . ·Cabinet. ' . I SAIOOJi (UPI) -President Nroen BEIRUT, Lebanon-(AP) -Tbe arm,y Tbe re..at ~,-·LI.,. .. .,.,... Van Thlou unvellOd a new 31..,ember took conti:ol or the<aiklch Arll> klna<fOm lid ldll(.-1c1rli J, w11 '"''~>lo cabinet for 80\itb Vleloam lO\l8Y -00• of Libya todar and decJiN!d lUa rapubllc, °hl<ey. lie hid malillaJMol. f!i'm _.1 tr>pAr..ily d .. lln.ed lo ha<~ him llroltgl.y _...,,., Radio ·.••-•~, or •~ uortb' '~...:.. _,,,._ ..... It In -•·g to de!iiat lhe~mun!Jlu. ' -....-~--. .... ~ "~ " : T tT.'' _, U,J•ll . ? , "\ < ,, ! • be&ame•il.:lepmoem Jn,JJIO •• ~. In a 10.mlmM'~ at1Mependence •"-'<mid Palai:e, Thieu aald Ille membership ..... Ft. T ::..ud' e' rd ale AU allJ>'l'lo apd ~~ ...,..,... .. tocjed wilb •• '" toward broldenb>g .i,a • curmr lml>'>!Od. U1e LiW""""'° ... Ille 19Venunenl'• popularity with the... l10Ullcod. 11oo·111.sm111ion peop1e. Police Halt ~ · Tbeu.s.~1nTr1po11·~· Government ....,,,.. and · veteran • ·Rallio Libya~ wlllci ,llild tllo J obeerven ol the ;South Vletoamese N 0 b k anny would be ~le fir Ilia._ pollllcal """"''disputed Thk1ti con-egto ut rea tedlooolaU~lnlllo',c:omiii. tenUon, uyln& the riew cablnel only 1be broadcast ~ ~ mrf:ll "a iltengthoned lllJ_.hojd.., Ibo rovernm.!nt. IT. LAUDERDALE, FIL . (UP!) - A purely Internal mattm" and aid Jt •;, -----,-SO.man police task force ·made·a1double ·notalmeciat'• .. .,.--,,. .......... ln lbe: ~ pfime minister, Gen. Tran " " lhrou h ..... bl '"' ~ .i N -v. -~ ,..,.. Thi~ kluem; 'Thieu bas 'an old friend and ·~~ WJy ~;Q~. ~~ '!be radio said theim"l'lf -had 1w11Af political ally who will abide by the 'dalism ' ahd arson. -. = ':m~ ~ ~ d "'ruc- presidenl's policies and .keep the cililliti · A woman waa wounded ill UW: face by• Tel~ and cable. terVice 1 ....... out · 1fu ' sniper and at least a doien pel'IOM were ~..,,.., q.o .,.... In ~ 1 injured by rocks, g I a a 1 1hards and 0£ Libya was ~-. · ~ 1 : THOUSANDS PACK ISLE OF WIGHT FOR ROCK FESTIVAL CroW-CI AP,..r1 Bored Despite Ap~Ar•nc• of Bob Dylan Jn Concert l\h.J.em was appoinled two weeks ago by beatings ,duritig the disturbance &maay Once one of ibe IDOllt backward. caun· Thieu to form a new cabinet 1tfter Thleu night. . .trlea~ North~, Llb11 ln$ll disml.ssed Prime Mlni&ter Tran Van Clly police and Broward Cotinty year!) has ·beei't·p:l'Opelled imo ~ .,. Huoog, a civilian. and his cabinet in what depulies restored order shortly ·before by oil diJcoverlu whicll now the was de11crlbed "' the nation's latest. midnight except for occasional acts or government 3bout, a .bUllon ·.soum:s • vandalism. year. More than 40 U.S. and •Europeao political crisis. Walklng shoulder·~shoulder, police countries are.at work.Qi.the country~m:l The new prime ml.ftist.er also will retain moved down a JO-block stretch of Si 1th ainc6' the Sua Canal was ' ciloaed, by lbl hia okl interior minlsterf post from lhe Street shortly after midnight and then 1967 Arab .· lira.ell war, Llbjoa'bal biee'1 Ro~k Crowds Have. Fon Huoni cabinet, controlling the national walked ~ck. Loiterers who did not one of Western Europe's dUet oil disperse were arrested. At leas1 a dozen sources police ind the administration of the pro-persons were taken away tn police patrol ·· vinces. Associattd Preu Corrupondd Allan Khi'em introduced the cabinet after wAgor;iorida National Guard officer Jacks re~ from Litija in ~ that Nr.ule Public Love-making AU Part of It BJ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS From the Pacific Northwest ·to the English Channel, thousands a n d thousands of youths gathered over the . weekend to listen to rock music, take drugs anct bask among their peer.s. At two COflCfril,'the rock fans' dilclafn for cOnventft>a Included public love-making. Despite some nude .!unbathing and swimming and a heavier dose or drug· taking; the crowds appeared for the most Prairieville, La., a couple that had been dancing heatedly shucked their·clothing, began. simulating intercqurse. then ac- tually engaged in it. Onlookers pressing forward to watch kept authcrities from intervening, and lhe crush ol specl.atars SOOJl stopped the exhibj\iorl. . parked • .. -per '·bumper a·~ dr1'vers hed the --~· od lhe vast new wailtb pom1nc into the uun1 .._ oo . last·minute discussions with Thleu and wale p1\l\.-=umgs as an •server. country had mated a "Mw mGIJled dlll ogled long-haired youths sp~ about. pledged during a spttclt to curb inflation He said he had ZOO men on l!llandby alert, who .•. spend freely and not; always . .....,.. other onlookers took to boats and and stabilize the economy. but said they would not be mustered unUI ly." But· be 'safd IO far they w kept airplanes to watch. Thieu said the government's most im· ordered to do so by Gov. Claude Kirk. away from gOveriunen~ and ~ Ji.We 0 led . portant task was to defeat the Com· The vkilenct began in 1 Negro d.l.5trict political lnllu•-'· • nc man ·d ·satW"d.ay at the festival, · H · ... ho · ·.~ be of th t her te · had been -murusts. e wd wn:: men w JOI~ t e coun y, w e rwon vi .. ,,. ldri's ,.. chi ... ,. 11 anddes1 _ _...,.1 apparenUy. of heat prostraJion, police new cabinet were men interested in that high since a state attomty ordayd the nu>6 nw: ~ said. Hospital officiab in Dallas said 'a 3-than in penonal gains. closing of the Embassy.. Club, which he nephew, 3>yt:ar-okl· flu:San· eJ.~,: year-old girl wu being treated for tffei:ts ln forming the new government, he called a spawning lllMlnd for Yk>lenct. crj>WD prince. But the mon~ of LSD swallowed .at the fesUval and said, one aim w8.s to broaden the base of Maj. Thomas Atkfn&0n of the sheriff's him no opportunity to ~\V po~ flt another youth waa hospitalized With an the govenmient by inviting certain department aid police n\oved into the executive abiliUes. ..._ · . · ,1 a~parent LSD overdoSj!: afterbeln1 foUnd polltlcat personaUties and as many area Sunday nJght to break: up drag rac· Thete w•s no 'N9f'd ', of. "'..,. pnnce port peaceful and bappy., . 'lbe 18.rgest gathering Was al the Is.Je of · . Wight oft Engl&OO's-aou(h coast, where nearly 200,000 fans came tog~t.lkr for Bob Dylan's first major coocert in several years. Dylan sang' 14 50lll• in two hours About 30,000 ~"!lllis gathel:ed .;It the dust; Lol,Lisia!\a \nternational Sl)eedway, to hear Janis Joplin, Canned Heat, the Grat:efu1 Dead and others.· Police said about hall the crowd was inside the track, where tickets were $6.50 each, and the remainder encarnpecf ouliide. Twelve persons · were arrested and charged with sale and possession of mari· juana. Doctors said about 30 persons were treated for "bad trips" on LSD. lying In the bushes bleecllng at the m~Ui. dJVerse groupa as.possible. ing down a street. whereabouts. 1~;;;;;;;;;;--~~iiiliii;ii;~~~;:;;;:~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii . to close f.be. two-day event. He walked off the 1tage an hour before l!Chedule, ig· noring ·the pleas of the crowd for more music. Authorities said the crowd Wa!I generally well-behaved. A doctor added, "If we could just get them to wear shoes, we wouldn't have as many cul feel" There is another CiJ~~rt today. • At one Point, a boy and girl stripped naked, jumped into a sea of foain that had been loosed from pressur~ con- tainers as a play area, and engaged in sexual tnt.Ucourse. No move was made tq, slop the couple aa.some onlookers stared in disbelief and others applauded .and aorea.snedt "Ain't that the gr,atestf" Police s.a id they did not see the In- cident and would take no action unless a £annal complaint wa.s made. At the New Orleans Pop Festival in Thi'! bigge!t · problem at the Texas lnternaHonal Pop Festival in .Lewisville, Tex., which drew 40,000 music en· thusiast&, came f.~ molori.&15 who stop- ped to gowk at nude !Wimmen. • - .. It'ltbe.aightaeen who ah causing the probleru," said Ma,or Sain Houston. He said the swimmers where ' ' r e a I cooperative" in stopping their exhibition. A massive tra{fic jam cloSed roads near Garza·LltUe Elm Reservoir, as tars Po .land Ends Agreement Allowing Jews to Leave WARSAW (UPI) -A special permit that has allowed Polish Jews to leave for Israel expired today on ttie 30th an- niversary ol the German invasion of Poland. With the expiration, the Polish Com· muntst government had almost finished the task Adolf llitler began -to rid Poland of its Jews. When HiUer attacked in 1938, there were 3 millioo Polish Jews . His gas chambers murdered most or them. At the Mary_ Jo Exhume Plans Dealt Blo\v by Aide EDGARTOWN, Mm. (AP) -Dr . Robert W. Nevin, Dukes County medical exarniMr, Sunday wltbd~w his support of a cflUJ1 peUtion filed lR Wilkes Barre. Pa., urging the uhumiUon of the body of Mary Jo K-line. end of World War 11, there were .about 200,000 Jews in Poland, most of them Communist who ba!,:J spent the war in . Russia. Regular emigratibn, despite difficulties, trhnmed this total to about 20,000 two years ago. Then the government d~lared that any Jew who wanted to go lo IS1'ael coukt do so until Sept. 1, 1969. The best estimate now is that there are perhaps 12',000 Jews in Poland, many of them with obscure Jewish origins they do not care to admit. Beginning today, Jews will be subject to the same reiUlalions as other Poles If they want 'to •emigrate. which means It will be much more difficult for them, if oot impossible. The Polish press and radkl were full or reminiscences nf the German inva1ion'30 years ago. President Ludvik Svoboda of Ct.ectnlovakla was coming for-a visit on the a'nnivers.ary. • Memorial servicet for Polish soldiers who died fighting the Germans were under way, and ilnria wett sounding at noon to be followed by two minutes of silenoe in OlOUJ1l,ing of the-Polish defenders. Dr. Nevin's withdrawal could strike a severe blow against the efforts of Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis, who requested the Teen·age Pair exhumaUon and ao autopsy of t.he .... . . woman. , MiAa lfypechno •al kll"'!' Jll)J IS when a car driven by sen. EdWll'd M. Kennedy (l).Mass.)1 went off a narrow bridae on 11'ake~-O)m Lives Chappaquiddick Island. S NVILLE, UI. (UPI) -A "The -aands or time bavt ahllt.edl'· • ~· .. ~ "'Elizabethean Nevin .aatd. uinct the rel~~ v.ue ot ~ unloldeil Sttnda)r aa I i Dupage forces have lf>Jlt"1. /vi ~li!'l"ld· · • -11'1 police c.ap\alll •revealed hova~ •comp~ wll!Ch 1'• at!l ol a ....,,..couple; Ibo v!C· never be dettrmlned wbhOUt It ;i,. ~, ' o1. a doubll.11\ddde. Nevin bas been mildly crlllcal ol bi1 Pollet Capl Daniel Mllchell lald the au~ale, Aasoclale J.ltdlcal Examiner Ylcllma, Albert K. Tom, U; ·Wooddale, nr, Qolllld Mll!I. w11o Y!Ow<id the bo<1J . l\l,. and llil ,..,._ nOetheal1. ~tu •• abd iulechcddonlll de.th bJ lhuwJdDC. i ~ ,~. ElrD!l!rll. m., wera ll_~;aiil 'lilnlil Jloll1 llfnid Iha ... . --to death Sa!Ord,,;, In • wooded bmUtiiJo pelluOo ~ WU Hlil to /lldp " -ol the -Fanst CoanlrJ Club. Bernard C. Bromlnakl. . Both had been lliot ,... lhrougb lho-"I !ell that an autopoy would be ol bwt and "'"I-t)'tng In each othen "'1u0," Nevin lalcl, "but I ailoJe<I that olml. A aa'INlkljl JJ callbtr rllle ,nd .U"llmo goes 'ti tbe ttlaUve valoe al Mlier\J~wml-nearb)I. thlnas te be ploid bava dlmfnlahed.'' • Police aaltl ''1!918 •as IOIJllll In M1sa Jie¥1n aalcl-111 dJd not "IHI tha ....... Dna«a. -~ "1 bet .,,...U '!bot cy" !CIC" .. eJhwpalloo -· "Tberelcn, Uld • lujd Tani --upoeO --I am wlthdr"""' my sqpport," be aald. lll<lr paninta were trylna to broak lheJn Tbe pelllloo .. afill before Ille Cclmmon ap. Pleu Court In 1.u ...... County, Pa. · •we w111 be locdber to deltb beeal* 1.q. -u Ill cbarp ol 1111 .... -In Ille,•. ~ aald 1111 nole' proceedinp. • nad. • \ l , ' .. LOSE 10 INCBJll; WITHIN FIRST 10 VISITS (---P--) • <I RESULTS GUAllAlmmD Ii& ..W., .. ' . •litlle•'to' ...... ' Cooill .. (.....,, leao)lbon...,, weightl9Cluclion im>fllami5, - aially with. this -· * Plioe 00.. ./ Call for --le mt. Ado- .Uy -, ander-llJl)ltvisioa, tho Gloria ManbeD. macbinmi, in- cluding -patmted ~ Malit" ••• .,. ~ Gliilia "'-' llholl boclme tho -.!'1 IUtlmt l'llant Ccmlml Syllwo (211 Jom. ticmo in Celi!nmjo .-). I Call now b aample _,...., ..Wt No dmaa • oblipt;m: A#AMIJM, llVIP.LY MIU.I, COVJMA. CllMtf!A'#, 90Wlfn', 9'.PID4L .. LAIC'IWOMi. ~ ··~· lt1WN"1 _auc ... tlOC'rM MOU.YWOOO. owr.t.11to. ,AJAHllA1 &Alt ..... Miff• ANA, SANTA l.utlAllA, au .. u. .. o,,T.U'IAMA. WHtnll ............. "'' .... ·~lMl!l"" IAN JOSlt JUNKYVALL WALHWT Clllllt. ICl U.WW'ot INt GIM'le Menl!IK w.t• c;:a, g " ~I f' ' \ .. ) - ~ .......... To mike a 1oni · 1lory ahoit.· • 7·foot boa const.rlC!or'tWlled Fred was overcome by smoke . after a tl!lll<>r blaze In· the biolqgy build· Ing at North n'e.us Stale UDlv,Or-li\f In Denton, Tu. Fred was takdrt 1o the university hospital, where d-• o".'ltered him placed Wider an oiygen I~ Hospital offic,ials said the rePtile wai resting.com- fortably and woU!d probably be r .. leued before , too long. • Burglars picked the wrong gal when they me&sed with S.rboro LoulM Cole. A former wrestler, MJ'I, Cole wu at her job as a cleamng lady at a Grand Bank, Mich. loan company Wben two.men barced In. Mrs. Cole met one With a brate chop to the adam's' <1p- • pie, and It took both the would-be bu::tl!ars to s n b du e her. They bound ,and gagged her rifled the otllce but found no loot, and left. • NoJorioiu jurniturt sto·re 'rob- b<r lllUy Ult kid will be c"4rg•d IOith niding and q·buttir:ig if ht II COllD"'-MIU HOlllOrd of Ofl'· li1<a, Ala. found th< 1toT•'1 dO<W lmalMd in whfn M opened for the day. He pttrtd. fmidt and . apotted the intruder looking over Che loot. It waro goat. H0toard and othn' em.ploJle• pave chtut up and down GU~•. over ehairi, ~ btdl mad uftdn' 1ofai. TM goat ticcptd ~fOf't polite ar· rf1H!d with an animal truck. Pat Nixon Popular . . . . ' • ;With Youth B1ll!LENTllliMU .,,,,...,......,,. Pat Nlxon, who pl8N to tour-eampuaes this fall in. pursu.it J)f "vohmteen," ls being swamped with invltatiom from col-- Jeges mt prep ecbools. The First Lady, Jollow)ng o trip to the Well Coast !Qt IJlfllll lo tllCOUra&t big clty 1vol~r let.Ion~. expmsed a desire to hit the campuses nest And now • lot ot coUeies are requesting an a~ pearance by the Pl"elidenl'a wife, but no dates have been set. Such a tour would take her where insidenta fear tb tread. Disputed universities with their student protesters have been given a wide ·berth by poUtJ.. ciana whole "utabllabment'" viewa are oppooed. ( A former schoolteachtt who believes Ille can atlll reach !Wd••ll, Mri. Nixon aays, "I'm not a.fnUd ol anything," w~m asked whelher lhe hip g'°"aticn mijht lnter!ert with btr plans . She will s1a1j-OOt afl<r achool beth ring In mld-sepl.nibtr. "A Joi ol coUeg" and prep echoota have wrilten to her," &a.Id the first Jady'1 press secretary, Mrs. Gerry Van Der Heuvel. Promoting volunteer action has been Mrs. Nixon's big thing in the White House. 1be campai&n ii just beginning to get off the gnlUld and the (irst. lad) already hss been told that she Will be "IW'Jriaed" to aee haw many c:ollege ~dents are voluoteering time and ""'111 'lo curo ooclal needs, wllhout While Houae urlinf. The Western White House in San Clemtnte pul -"ports !hat Mrs. Ni>on will 111<! pr.nu from the aale ol the !Ml Inaugural boot -al flO o copy -!or •---'""'"'JP---•mi3 her travel expenses. ·"She will pey her 1 . -~• .,, owp way.'' iaid Mn. Van Der Heuvel. A Nortbl!9et England joverule She told, however, that Mn. Nizon wu court llned tWo 11-year-old boys hoping lilne ol lbe lnaugurll funds could '4-80 each for ateallng a two-foot be ch•n..U<d Into the vohmt.er program. long: crocodlle from an animal Mrs. N"11an ii devcUd-to meeting peo-b pie who are "di>m" In helpln( olhen. • op. Sbt public'1 pole them on the back and • • lends~ jraeiice lo show htr aupport. She no ~ paid ptOmotera around the White Haase, however, who are giving h<r cunpalgn the i<>il• llJ)lrll In the mu- ner in which IAd;r Bird Jobnaorl's DI· Uonal belqtiflcJtkm drive wu sparked by btr proll ~. Lii Carpentor. Bui MrL Nlml dea not •P-to bave compeUUve ego feeRnp doatw ''Drat lad)>" aucceu. Sbt cheerily toot a back .,., W-y "'1en Preo!d<nl N- poured oq pralae fer btr predeceaoor and dedlcatod a brealltaklngJy beatillful oreo ~ the redwood form "the Jadr Bird J..._ Gmve." • M'rf, Nimi ...med ibtcltod and pleued with the galurt llP!I, came In for btr • lhare ol pralle wlitD bolh Ni>on and · former, lftlldont LYDdon B. Jolwon l"fuMi!lf ~ .,... ...s ""°'· .. ·ru oereed lh.\l liotb bod married .. .,.., ... IOIJillll ES'* .. IMll tt.,-.. foil< lliovt 4'jn0lves." • to bt... -•utUno .ateb·" .... '. . "v. . ·.r-.. ihQw. Sfmba the cm ' . ' · -• '. :;1~~ ~·~;!; ,So1;Wd· of Music treqvntlv, aav oaoner1. · ,;· • ~ · PNI LI..,. Pou~ng, Stanford Uni--' w: OU~t .mcJ1;1de veralty blocheml&t, urged cigarette ' ' J •mobra to_ try orange juice in-Sound of Jets stead. Pauling claimed there wu . . a relation between mnoklng and mental Wn ... , • and said Jilenfal beal1h could be tmpl"C)l)ecJ by •Jan!· er Intake of orange juice. He wd politicians n e e d g o o d mental health, and suggested that Vitamin C In orange juice mlgbt be the an- 1wer. • Evening Class "The 89udd'ol Muolc In Lquna Beach won'l'ioicWt lbe;IOUl!d of low flyJng ieta. MiL"'TillmA·Scm;ePcuU•e cnr.ctor of Ibo Lyric Opera, told that o!llcloll at neal1Jy alrporU, lodudlog El Toro Marine Corpo Air SlaUon, bad qr...t lo 11a.e lbelr a1rcro11 ·-ii-Irrine no..1 ~art•. ~ I, ' Mtl. 8un llld Ibo haCl 'rtctived the --" offlelila ol El Toro, Orona• .County, Loi Alamitos, and Lone Beach ' llrpoN that Irvine Bowl would be off S. T esd ~ llmlta fa< .. ..-.!llgh1e ~ur1n, th. I OD Up· U av mulicll'1 nm,, Stpt. 5, I, U, and IJ. -e ~:-( \. ·~,. pnUemtn were all most Rqlllrolloo !or or.1110 Coul · Colltit ~ cooperl~ve. ~·~ Slill old. evening cluses is scheduled Tuelday, There had been 10mt -concern that\tbe with mere than 1,200 expected to join Woodsy open-e1r lrvlne Bowl would be 7,000 alroady enn>Tied In a vaOety ol aubjecl lo dlalurbJns aircraft noiae, courses. " much the aame u Hollywood Bowl, she Alpbabelical registration bu been· said. cmtpleted and anyone may sip up Tpet-A IOmfthat a1mllar agreement had day night during the 6 to 1:30 p.m. . been worked ~ by the Festival ol Arts 1<"1<ln In the OCC gymnasium. A $5 per and the Marine Corps during lbe ruh "{ claa fee ts charged. the Pagtant of the Muters. Additional open regislraUon wU1 bl ot~ · However, occulonal jet.a dkl pass over ferlll al th< OCC and GOiden Well the bo.wl cl!lrlnl perlonnanca =';f~~~.tii,~·J! Marine Corpo lpORsman °hove .fi Mlli being final day for credit counes. that efforts IN betnc taken to reduce Vacancies st.Ill emt in almolt an but Laauna over.fll&bts, but that there are the tradiUonally poJQ1ar ceramk:I and times when the Laiuna flllht pattern photography classes, acconllng to Dr. mual be .uaod.• Thom11 A. Blakely, dh1trlct dlroClor ol 'l11e Lapla polh II ordinarily used only the evening college. •. for ~ approach landings made 'Jher Include &Uch courses as vocatioosl nectSalJ"J "ti; bea"¥J-douda or adverse plaa:rtlng for the adult woman pla~ to weathtr. l'f#ll'D to work, family estate plaDning, bePming painting, Calllornia Utuature, ecQloo or Africa, plus a complete pro- .... o! claMeo requlreu for a hlgb IC:lmol diploma. Anaheim Gets Flag . Rt p. J-11. Ult, (11-Tullln) b O I p-.cl a U.8. OOi lhll flew ...., the , ftalala'1 CaplotlolAnaolmh Maybftal!>or ......... Co!lld«o -111)'<1: Ralph 8. aart for --dllplar In I b t --111111.....e.uo.centet. 111e °"'C 1--1n .. ac11oo to MI.. -........... ftan.. _..,._ fl'Olll 1111 ... ""'*" • - -adlm that • ., prcil6led by Ibo Alllbtlm Amerlcu Locloo· pool. ' Hypnotist ~! For Teen Club Hypnoliit c-p Sharp will help lho W'8lmlnstAor Tten Club celelnle Ila !~II armlvwwy wlth 1 perfonnnce S.lut· day ol "30 p.m. In lho W'8lm1Nitr eom- munlty Center, aoo Wu~lnller Ave. Followln( the lbow, durmi which m<mberl ol Ibo audience wt11 be hyp- ldlad, the guelQ will be tnl"1olntd Wl-w mldDlchl by "Tiie Unknown Frontier," 1 local rock bind. Admla;slon II fl .50 wilbout 1 teen card And II with 1 tttn card. I , • • That!'s,. ·Her. Dad -. Julie's Poem ToJhing Tribute SEEING THI WORLD WITH AMlllllW l'llLD SERVICI! Now Ioaland'• W•lloco LJJ<n,CONINI del Mor . . New Zealand Youth Sees Big World As Student ft'I In o Utile' pl'I ICl'lw!, lllld U potllll "" k 1111~ ..- llul Ille Pruldenl ol lbe U-Slala ,tike> IL • ' It. bu jmm k 0 pomlneul IJIOI. In bla 1 privato lludy ln'·bll San Cllmente villa. • It ilallilo !romld oa 1' pW lull 1 f>w f~I /OW'1' mw Ille omaloul iM lei!~ ..-the-'"-'t delk. Veleran vlbJte B-.._....,. ,,_ touchod by k wh<n lboy .w..t lba.Nllon -home ncenlly. A mlddlo-qed St U>!lll Po1\.Jlilpatt11 'cortelllOlld<DI foun!I it 'Ivery ll!ectJnc .•• ~ Alli! tt ....id be -lo.., f-. . Jt ii Utled. "My Did." · II WU wrJ1ten bJ JuH/ N"IXOft ~-. Sbe wrote tt In 1115. ffer .fother WU vice -ldanl then lllld lbt WU tllJbl. "'' •rn:til'ta. how tM -readl _. ....... n~ li!p lll1ll all: ~ ........ ...... My Dod- Handsome and kind, ~me and tied, .. Always on time. Lovjng and Good •. lloel lhlri&I "' obould, Humeroul, funny~ By RANDY SEELYE Of .... Dll1 "" "'" "It's just too hard to believe. A month ago, I had never traveled ~ of New Zealand and now I have se:o/• g?Od part of. the world," said Roderic Wallace, an American 'Field Service a~ge atu- dent, who just anived in the U.S. eveJ')"thlDs he bu Ren in the U.S. IO tar. "It's a bit more muggy here and there· Isn't any wind. It will take a little getlini u.sed to,» he added. Makes the.day seem 1WU1y. Helplnl othtts to llve, W)llillr lo give, bll Ille, For bll belovd ""'41r}. Tbal'• my Dad. Love, Julie Nixon Writes Blind Pilot, 15 For Courage The 16-year-<lld student from Auckland, New 1.ealand, will be living during the coming year with Mr. and Mrs. John KllJefer, 181 Shorecliff Road, Corona de! t.lar. 'The Killefers were traveling the world during Aallll!l and Roderic WU asked lo join them on their tour of the middJe and far east, before coming to the Orange Coa:=~ , ''Ev pie ol hour& since I I.it New Ze brings eomethlng new,"· Roderic &aid. "and l'm sure this is ~<>in& to be a tremendous year." Roderic will be living at the Klllefer home, which overlooka the ocean, for the nert nine months while he attenda Corona del Mil' High School. 1\e blond aenior said he like! "Things here in California seem much more relaxed than in New Zealand. ln school we bad to wear uniforms." Roderic saJd he hasn't had a chance to tour Southern California yet, but he thinks the standard of living in Corona del Mar is aimilar to hli homeland. •:we have leas than 1,000 unemployed peraona in our couttlry and moat families have two cars." he noted. ' At Corona del Mar High School Rodutc wW take courses in American Literature, American Hlltory, Spanish, civics and pbys.i,cat·educaUon:-"'lbe courses will be tough. but the cOun.selors recommended !hat I take challeoglng classe!," I>< said. For the future be plans to go to college in New Zealand and major in Jangu~es. He hopes to work flt the Department 'lf Fdtemal Affairs for the New Zealand government aftei'co11ege. "This ex- change JrOlram will give me a good start for the future,'! Roderic said. CINCINNATI (U£1) -RI c h a rd Vollderliw', LI, of ctnaoo.all, first blind penoo to Im! IO aJrpllM II Umken Airport near here. lw received con-- gralulatlons from Pmidenl Richard M. Nixon. Richard, blind since blrlh, reoelved a letter from the Western White House at San Clemente Wednesday from the Prul- dent, wbo congratulated the youth for the "persona! courage and telf·assurance to seiu•tlle opportunity to Icy Oying." R.icbard wu (ll'lf! of several blind student.s given flying lessons during a aummer adjusbnent program sponsored by the Ch1clnnaU Association for the Blind. PRESIDENTIAL POETESS Julle Nixon at I Brito~s ·Recall Day,. W,ar,_.JJ.rpke .Qut BJ TOM BARLEY °' .. ..,,. ..... "The da11 "'°' broke ~ Jmr \oif•· said to me: ·.,ou'U 'ave I.a do '°"* thino' ••• " UPI NIWSMAN RECALLS BERLIN 05 '3'. PAGE 16 Robb' Wilton . today,.wen or ''detp and alncere regret Chit war hid to be, '11¥Y years .aao today AdoU Hitler's war-~gry legtona mwhed et!r'Oll the "That ~dn't prevent me from doing Pollah border In u;t ~ ol llll' duly, !ii""""·" M said. "But I was a a acoutmUter and I had very happy bliatering bUbpleg de to put • memOries of the international jamboree dozen European naUona under the In Holland just the year before There remoraeleu ~· ~ were ~ Gennan1 present the~ aod I Jt took Britain and France just 48 hours wu on ex&llent tenns with them .. to decide that the savage rape of Poland was the ope.nlng or the World War II which they bad desperately tned to avoid with what many people_.then and now regard u the earlier shameful ucrifict of Cucboslovakl.a to Nazi t>i'IMY· And while the Fuhrer's joYful Panzers swept on to Warsaw, both naUons revived their Entente Ccrdiale and.declared war on the Third Reich; an act that would brtng sham< lllld dlsilooor to a w•ak and Wtu)' France and pooslbly lb• finest hOlln ol o glotloul blltorr !or the equally unprepared British. War Clp1e to ·Brlt.aln on a sunny, mtllow Sunday in September. It was a bright, clear Sabbath day that seemed lolally unrelatod lo the chllllng words Prim< Mlailler Nevlllo Cbamberlaln faltered om in a memorable Il a'21.. broadcast to a nation lhat already kne'lo what he would hive to say. ~ Mllllona of Britons today remember It as a golcle.n, glowing autumn, tht epltom of Robert Browning's "season or mists and meDaw fruitfulness." They recaJI It 8! a worthy successor to a spleodid swn- mer that 1ttmed determined to com- pensate for the death and destruction about to rain down on them from the blue English ~e.!. That September of 30 years a&o Is ~try mueh tn the mind,, of many Britons n!l- dent today in the Orange Coat. And a group thls week recalled the firll 1holl o( World War It 1n an atmosphere highly conducive to the recitaUon o ( remlnJacencet -Brian C a m e r o n ' s "Saucy Swan'', a coma Mes:a hostelry very dear to the hearla of "exiled" Britons in Orange County. Among lhem wu Peter Barden of Laguna Beach, a Londoner who se.rved Uuwgh many of the war's hot spots as a major in the Roy al Army Service Corps. When Chamberlain went to t be microphone · to shatter the traditional calm of the Btlitsh SUnday, Barden w u serving as a sub-controller for the Air Raid Precautions system in the Chelsea sector of London. Banl:en midly recalls the "thousands of people who IUCidenly deckled they hod to ,et what we'd been telllna them lo get IOf more than a year -a aaa nwk. 1'ln fact,!' Barden added, "I had a German visitor from Leipz.ig staying with me on the day war broke out. So1 as you can imagine, I had very mixed fmOlions about going to war but no doubt. at all about the ract that the job had. to be done." Barden did his job in such theaters or war as North Africa with Montgomery's Eighth Anny and In PaJesUne where he was servin&-when the war ended. And it was, from information added to. his own modest accoont, an eminently salisfac: tory job. • Barden doe1 not subscribe to lhe almost overwhelming conviction held by many who lived through the Chamberlain. years -that tbe British leader could not see beyond the appeasement of tile Gennan dkt«tor and that be sacrificed Briliab prtndples and pollciea to lick .the boots or the ruthless demal?g\le. "He gave ua Ume," says Jarden. "Jfe came back from Munich with a scrap of paper, true, but the man gave U! time and, by God, how W! needed it." I Bill Ashcroft or Costa Mesa couldn 't agree more. Ashcroft, 58, was a London bobby on &>pt.. 3, 1939, and, personal reelina:s apart, Chamberlain's moving message had 1 I ipeclal llplfic111Ce !or hlm. For Ashcroft was on duty very close to the Prime Minllter when he stepped from the aircraft that brought him to London from Munich the year before. He thought then as he thinks today that "Cham· berlain gave ua the time to put together the Spitfires and Hurricanes lb.al helped to save Brltabl in 1940." The ·former member of l h e Metropolitan Police Force attaches ano~er vuy speci"'8lgnificance to Sept. 3. Ht •Ill celebrate h1I thirty-flist wed· ding alin.ivenary Sunday and recalll: that lhe Aahcrofts' wedding ~ eucUy one year before war broke otlt. Alan MUdwater'1 memories oC Sept. 3 art aliUle more painful. The Seal Beach man; then just 'ff, fell from the baJcoily or his Kent home at just about Ille time HJUer'a ermlet rolled inlo Poland and ru.. memories of Britain's entry Into the war are intertwined with the recollecUons or nu~ a heavily sUtched jaw. But Mlldwater went on to join Lhe Royal Army Service Corps and saw seMoe in lndia, Bunha and Malaya. He looka at his four c~n today and recalls how be was evacuated u a boy from Greatatone -smack in the path of German air attack -to the sleepy calhederal city of Canterbury. He also r«alls wHh amtfsmlent that he and hit Y'N"I companion returned lrom evacuaUon Jllll in tlme for the mass German attack on Britain -Im· mortal~ u "the Battle or Britain" - in 1940. It was one of the tragedies or World War 11, he recalls -the coin~ cidence that the "phony war" end!d at the time tha& ~iborttiel decided to return many thousands of Brltiah youngsters to cities that were levelled in subsequent air attacks. Brian Cameron probably laiew nxn than anyone in the group about those air attacks and the program o( systematic deslruct.ion carried out by the Luftwaffe. The 15-yoar-old Scottish-born Cameron !urriOUBly pedalled around his home city of Birmingham delivering messages to police and civll def~ workers. He WV· ed through both the Birmingham . and Coventry blilies -they are rtmembered today as ruthless German aerial attacks, carried out wilh no pretense of searching for military targets -and joined lhe Royal Armored Corps as an officer cadet in late 1941. "It wu no s~se," said Cameron "1 the outbreak of w~years before. "If . anything, I was excit . And, in a way, it was a relief to get the uncertainty behind us and get on ltb lhe job we knew we had.to do." · Today Cameron dispenses the tradi• tlonal British beverages from behind the bar of his essentia1ly British pub and listens to a growing number of accountl of what his patrons did on "the day war broke out." Dunkirk, Alameln, Singapore, the ItaJlan campafgn, Caen, the Rhine - names and places that spell triumph and tragedy to the British and victoriea ll>d defeats that are alike commemorated and wept over. So it is today . It all ~gan 30 years aao. Press Aid Speaks SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -Ronald L. Zi~l!'.ler, chief spokesman Ind, special g., slstant lo President Nlwn, will ,1ddrea Associated Pi:ess newspaper pubJlshen at Monterey Sept. 26, Ibo Western While House announced. "lt'"T'as a~lute cha," grinned the er«ncer, today a sutCeSS'ful interior -opeclalllll In the Art Colony. "To lop ll all, the slr<111 aounded (II the) did thnJu&boul Brltaln)'and wo wire oll con· vinced that we were Ip for lhl lint enemy air atlack of the war." Barden'1 lnnerm08t fee.lings, ht recall! TRANSPLANTED BRITISHERS REMINISCE ABOUT A !IJNNV SEPTEMBER SUNDAY 8111 A1hcroft, P•t•r Barden, Allen Mlldw•t•r, lrl•n C•meron (frqm Left) • i' \ \ I " I t ' I I 1 1 l I I I • I · "Yot u u. \VA~ Justic1 have t U8' 0 comp!; Supror In Wils de pa dlvisio that I agent : d..,n confes: out. Wll11 torney ment I dum J comUt be ma< afler warnin ABIJ" Wllsc lawyer the bit but a need r result.' In ll June{ I fesslon SUSpec! or his and to side terroa:i How1 the SU! these r and cc fessi.on volunta Last chief o in the . told U,, they s Pr<>se<:l tained da dee! ruling. The• use o tiflcati1 suspecf right L Coogre Crim< legis1at of con trial j· are giv NO A1 Wil parent! straddJ Congre aJso p relax some f His n where can be legiUm ment , liituatic conies! leM th less thi He I ''wber1 faila lo Ac1 Ele Koilh named v...., Ana., b. preside ty chi Associl the It Norby . .,_, .. ' ~~~ Cl 11:,.. r-... ~I;--'"'· w.w •• ..... ae ._ Consumers Seek Funds . Of Drugs N!:W YORK (AP) Conswnen acrou I.he country are lrylnc lo pl pan ol a 1100 mUllon fund Mt up by five dnl& !Irma for~ or certain -· dn>p ~ 11154 and lllH. . 'lbe refund J>Rlli•m• Is 1n 01!tcrow1b of a ~l11Iln1 cue, pr<llOd by Ille federal Covvnment Jo'volvhl& (I v e Jeadlna: pbarmaceutlca1 com· PIJlles. '!be malling deadline Jor clalmJ b A ... If. Several thousand c I a I m s have been picked \IP dally al a "Yoo're witty, charm.inc, iot.elllgen.t, friendly, you know I'm 1111 old phony." and -Bronx post office by the law Orm of Dickstein, Shapiro, Dennis and Galligan since July I, when the drug companlei' advertisement publlclz.ing the refund program appeared in about 1,500 newspapers. Along with legitimate U.S. Still to Make claima, 'the mail also he.s in- cluded claims accompanie.d by old death certificates and false teeth, and clalms whose con. ditions make them obviously ineligible. Use of Confessions , "One man ls seeking a re· fund on a certain drug he WASHINGTON (AP) Justice Department lawyers have ~JI ~tructed to try to use confessioos that do flOt comply pt r f e cl l'y with Supreme Court standards. In • major shift, Will Wilson , liead Gf the department's criminal division·, baa taken the position that 1 .sllppp by a federar agent ln qUeStloning a suspect does not necessarily mean the confession should be thrown out. Wilson, tn assist.ant a~ torney general, told depart- ment laWyerf in a memoran- dum June 11, "a Iegltlmate constitutional argument" can be made for Using a confession after "a less than perfect warning." to have counsel appointed for purchased in 1947," com· an indigent, or, a written mented Arthur Ga I I I g an , wai ver is not oblained." partner in the firm. \Vil.son also told depart.metil "Not only Is he not within lawyers that Congress, in the specified time period, but enacting Title II of the l968 that particular drug was not law. "was in effect expressing pnxl:uced until 1948." Its concern with the JnflexJble other peraonJ are listing result of the Wade and .Miran-drugs bought after 1966, whlch da decisions and seeking to in-makes them ineli&lble. duce a judicial re-eiamination The $100 mlllfon fund l! ol the underlying basis for being providt\(i by the drua: th~e holdings!' finns of Chas. Pfizer & Co., The P.1iranda and Wade American CY an amid, . . both d ·d~ b m ·stol.Myers, E. R". Squibb, decisions were eel ...., YJ Upjobn Co. American one vo~. Earl Warren, who yanamid, Bristol-Myers and has s~e retired as ·chief flzer were convicted of the justice, and Abe Fortas, who charge Dec. 29, 1967. Upjohn has resigned, voted with the and Squibb were not defen- majority. dants, but were named as ~ The Nixon administration cons pirators in the Justice apparently has hopes that Department suit . Warren E. Burger, the new About 33 drug produds chief justice, and the as yet marketed under d i f f er e n t ABU' ... BY RULE • uiinamed successor to Fortas, names, all cont a In Ing would help to tum the court tetracycline, were involved in Wilson advised J u s t I c e around Jn a future replay of the refund procram, aceonting lawyers fn .. ~-·~rally abide by the questions. to Galllgan's office. · the high court's Miranda rule,·-=====================:; but counseled them that it Jr need not have an "inflexible rt!ult." Jn the Miranda decision nf Junei 1956, the.court said COi)-,,_- fesslon1r 'ltere invalid if ttie ~ mispect had not been advised of his rights to remain silent and to have a lawyer at hi.~; side during po 1 ice in·I terrogatlon. However, ..the court said ti the SU5pect erpressly gave up these rights -waived them - and confessed, then the con· fession could be considere.i voluntarily given. Last August, Fred Vinson, chief of the criminal division in the Johnson administration. told U.S. attorneys in a memo they should nol allempt to prosecute with confessions 'lb. tained contrary to the Miran- da decision and also the Wade ruling. The Wade decision ruled out use of eye witness iden· tifications in a lineup when the suspect was not advised of his right to have a lawyer's aid. Cmgress responded in the 11168 Crime Control Act w i th legislation authorizing the use of confessions whenever the trial -judge determines they are given voluntarily, NO A'ITEMPT W 11 s o n ' 1 lnstruclion ap- parentl:y is an attempt to straddle the division between Congress and the court and also persuade the court to relax the Miranda rule in some ruture test case. His memo stated: "The area \'o'btre we believe the statute can be effective, and where .:i. legitimate constitutional argu.. ment can be made, is the s.ilualion where a voluntary confession js obtained after a lw than perfect warning or less than conclusive waiver." He gave, as an example, "where aft a1ent inadveriel\Uy faill to fully uplain the ri&ht Accountants Elect Norby I Keith R. Norby , recenUy named a principal with Arthur YOUlll and Company, Santi Ana, h11 been elected a vice president. of the. Orange Coun- ty cba'pter of the National AssociaUon ol Aceountant! for the 196t-J970 chapter year. Norby resides lo Santa Ana. l""'e'n ""~·,, ; your ·ngle ~Vhen you 're single al"ld young,1ife can be so g rceat. So many fun things to do witli your freedom. So many interesting people to get to know. That's wh~t South Bay Club is all about. The most complete .cour.lry club you'1Je ever seeri with aparlments located around it-full of your kind of people. A 3;, million dollar clubhouse, tennis court~. olympic pool, health clubs, and much more. Don't say you know it until you've seen it. CHAMPAQNE OPEN HOU8£ THll SUNDAY3TO 7 P·"l: • • South BayClubApartmenta Newport Beach-Irvine at 1 eih Street (71~)645·0SSO 84 STORES ••. ALL 72° and open nightly tltt 9:30 South Coast ?lua • • .. 'I .. ' .. .. \ ' ' • .. .. • ' -· .. -• ,, • • . .. • * the place to get everything that's anything . on the sweater scene ... Sears There's a special breed of woman who knom fall begins for her in our Sweater Shop. Where ~weaters are everything. Where every look is defined. And then translated into un~onventJonal 1mash hit knit& I Clusica and modern.I all, " for everytime of lhe day. Put toiether wllh lot.. of bold spirit. We're :rather proud of this shop •.. so, it 1ou'l'fl lookinr.tor aomethinr t hat im't the same old thing, atick with Su.rs. ' ,. • Sear• lhe t .. hion ehop Priced from $9 1o s15 • - • • ' DAl~V ~l~O.T _ij -- . . f SHOP AT SEARS ANIUM'! 411twJllCffo!I G4tir1H1feltd ""' l'm.r 11,_., Mt1e1' I Sears I Shop 6 Nirbts-Mon. lhru Sat. 9:30 A~!. to 9:80 P.M. cut, JIOQCIOC"MCI CO ~I I l .. • -·· • " , • . . DAILY PILOT EQFl'OBJAL·PA.GE -----. More Action,. Less Talk l<lbor Day Is a special day for All Orange Counllans -especially Orange Coast resideuls -to be grateful tor the: benevolent climate and the recreational assets ol lbe area. • • Unlike '.o man~· inllll~ns #/I. ADie1'cau in other areas Who clog the hiabways 'hna '~ffays for hours and. days just to get _. TSw hours of sun or·sea air or outdoor Uving, resldenls-t>f this area are hard p~t tq find &ood reason to !'IPI to &o e!Hwhere. ~veryU>Jng they nilght find el'se'l(Mre)• tight l(eret:rom the nloun. tains to the sea. • · · · . But even Utou.ih local residents stay al home they face a vexing pro6lem of steadily growing proportions. That problem Is visitors -many thousands more every· year, to the point 1"here It's a bumper-to-bwnper jam on 1 holiday weekend both \Vithin and between Orange Coast cities. The messaRe in aJI this is clear enough -beyond the grim traffic accident report. California is nm· nlng out of recreational space. So are other areas of the-Far West , with warnings from as far away as Colo.- redo: If you don't have a campground or hotel or motel reservation (made weeks in advance) "stay home on weekends." Our slate government must. put a great deal more · emphasis On providing-parks and recreation areas, and~ on helping areas such as ours meet the cost of pro.vid· ing for the heavy influx of viSit.ors. or by 1975, even,1tbat ' quick trip lo the beach or mountains that Orange Cou6tY residents now enjoy at \Viii may have to be planned, , applied for and reserved (With deposit) a year 'ln hd· vance! Danger to Whole World There appeared to be a thaw in Sino-SoYl'et ~al when lhe I~• on lhe Ussuri River melted lasl •Prinl ' U:{OJ' l!p".QlbJr reuon than that eeci! side WU preVe • fl<I ftol!> <Walldoi a4wf .th@ river I<> shoo\ at the othe • .c'Qlhjjl\llllil" :1111lllif ~·ckllawn Jcir calling e 0U1ei'• blllftJ. .. rn ·u..: ~ ll!a!ance, Chiil• •• dooe !~ blµlf..,lllllnt lfliJ lnffi)itlt.,.tUlng 1.b ,Wr ,, easter!)' ·~4 Qf the lOllJ'.bG'lftr.,,R~sla hat'betn Ille ~C:· · ' tivl•i al the \\\AAtll e11l, dOIOl' ljl.Moacow than Pe~nt. • ; Jn<'•f!Olh~r dar~· and ~ pr ... nuclear age, t6e '.-~ktt'nlllhliit betwcee the, two ifanls could be. view~ ·as 'almost comic opera, Bill no) !n the nucl .. e. The skirmishes. are ominous. " The fighting along the .northwest be\ rd er of'llliiklan~ ' Pro'vince, where boundary definitions are I• at' luue than at the opposite end of' Jlie 4.500 ~ border,. ii especially ~aogerou.:: to the rest of lhe -14. -5j'q!<ian'g ~ the :~met"of g>tnese nuCJt111: develop. meht. And that development ls ,!y more ao0h1ltlcated th~n many westerners a~e willinll to? 1liolleve=· .... J Red Chlnese screntiits .. hive by~pass~. their !' ot pl'OdlJ(ing·atomic bombs 'ID IargO'q_uantid11: -faYor pl concentrating on the hydrogen bomb. And''fll! produc- il>~ a 6,000 mile intercontinental ba!Listle •lnl.-lle. cap. • • ~bl<r fY( a;secoQll strike against t_be U.S. " ' · . ~ · Those 'vho' tend to gloat over the frictiOn l}etwetn the two Coplmunist nali~, ran~ even ~ tor a mu- .fuiilly'deslroying 1var betwe<ilf the two e~e!nlea of hu· man freectoll,l, faH to C011Jprebead the 1q8C~re · of' the nuclear age. · . 1 ·1 ' ,, -' .. • ' ~ ' . ' ' .. -· l I ,, ~til~ ~ # . ' ; I j) I A sobering fact of life On !Jie free side of the Jron and Bamboo curtains today is ~at an all-out shooting Y.·ar, escalating into nuclear war, is entirely po&sible between the Communist giants, Russia·and Red China. Any fuJl.scale confronla\lon heh•een· ~·,;~ and Red China would mean a total commitmfl!l oJ n~tlonal prestige. The advanced technology of the' &sf}ans in conventional weapo.nry wou~d thr~ten t1J8,~i.ftese-with1 defeat. But the Chinese, with the_tr nucle$r capability, \vould be expected to cour;iter liUCb a tbiea with its nuclear \\'eapons. That holocaust would immediately lfire~ten the whole world. Preventing it should be the·dqmiQ&nt·con-1 cera of all nations, including the Russian& and Chinese. :/efuBt .)'du pick now, of all times, l.o come home to roost?' • ; Militant Le~e•·sh~p 1'1iated E;ndi.ng W ~r: The Lull ·in Racial Viol ence s~ould flal7e '·.-.·can't Blame Mass WASHINGTON -The N l z o n Admin- istration is viewing tHe lull of racial violence in the big cities this summer in. grateful silence. 'Mlere need be no illusions, however, .about the reasons for this period ol relative quiet nor euphoria on the future relations of the black community wit.b the Nixon AdministraUon. One readily ident'itiab,le reuon for thi! period of quiet is the muting ol the mi!J.. tant 1eadershlp of the 'blaC'k movement over a period of monthl preceding and fonowlng the aS581Slnation of Martin Luther King. The flref:landl have, at their in- fla\runabi)lt)'. Some al then ha" tell the county., othen are undet il}diclmenl for such crl.mff u murder. ~es have been lden!lf16d and .. lalotued by I h e MCCiellan committee 1n the Senate. Local ::._ departmeota have spotlighted THE F.sSEN'l'IAL .distinction ha~ t.Mrefore been-made between the .Negro re.voluUonarles and--their incitement 10 gaer1Ua warfare and, the Jeaderl of the black movement wbo are seeking justice by coostltutional means. This dlsUnclion is apparentlf being made clearly enough tn the black com- munity itself where now leu thaif"a lhiid or urban Negroes think rioUng Is justified. according to the Gallup Poll U tht fremy induced by Ut.e militanll ha.s thus subsided and r\tionallty has reasserted itsell it may in part be due to the simple matter of public e~ o! the aims and purposes of the Idly revolutionary minority . It is al fact, ~ course, that It has been lllll.!t ted that riDting can be controlled aod · ed to . ' h:.-ahle to do belier than tl,\at. I~ Ar\OTllER f'IELD there are Un· drui<il>lr. "ir.ns or the resumption of pro- i;i·es... Federal officials estimate that \rhcn !h(' new-school tenn apena-ihis fall the black com. munilics, which i:;uf,fer the Jntegr.1lion wlll increase fn southtm schools by a factor of 100 percent over m~ damage. 1 hist ye3r-an integration rate rising from Top Prio:r~ty . Another factor cannot be overlooked. 2tl perCenJ. .. to 40 J!!TCtnt. with possibly 'I'ht black movement has suffered for . moro lehporJntegration.in the South than A tOp priorlh• of any f'ree society 15 rn;w lack of the spiritual and emoUOnal in the :North and West. ~ 1 d shi of Dr K . .,. h1 h, There -remain other areas o I lo· arrange the priorities presumed to ea er P • ini;. w c, un· dissatisfaction where no such claim to benefit f~ citizens. That Is not a pro-f~rtunately, wa~ ~xploi~d · by, the pro~, t\ft be made.· The "blaek bitm·of c~ aoC{eties Hke the Soviet v1olence-seekers against the · inclpl~· ed · ~ of which President Nixoa. ..mi.u.'. "--ed. eed · ' which Dr. King·ad"l>Caltd. . -,.. • ..:..o. ,,.,,, U d . the: ··"'-'al ' ... ~·..,... •wl a P'.f"rTang n to main· , ' ~" 1r ~~ f ~·)( ~~ ~ ::;;Jtn ~ tst ur~~~e .,. y1'1n ~1~erfot the state. regardless of DR. KING S SUC~ES~ l;-~~ .. Df:i..:., 'White !~. U W. evtf 1tu a prac .-.<..-~ ;ot· inCli?iduals. Ralph. A~rnathy is .s1 ~ Jo ablr ld~l,~'as ilOtl"~Jn'the-pr . . .A ~·bamplt in our case is the $24 evnke tn either the white o clr breast lical fotn'l•bf tax rd)'ef, ~.-rd otW.:~·. b""°' A u h' h d · · the high emotional pitch which was Dr · · r th ' ~ r N ··~~. Ulll)IQ po o. w 1c many, espite 1t5 · incentives or e ftpall.:v11 o egro !hi k h .King's special gift. ll usiness activity In Nqro pop.O.a~ ~ 8UCCfSI, n •houlj'.! have ad a lesse r Assuming !he cunUnuation of the lull, area:!. .. ' " priority than the .!OCk>-economic state of this .is. the. right time for the . Nixo n 11 :.'' ~., the ~le. Adm1n1st~at1of!tOs_hcwthatonce v1olence RENE\\'AL AND extension o! lht'~ .But · our choice of priorities in tl1e has subsided 1t ;-will move with all due voti~g, ri~'nls act, which is essentla1 tp~· ,_Unitetl 'States, at Jean in this century speed for desirable refonTJs. con!Jnuat1on 0£ progress ;has been 1~ • . • ~ ' • ' Nothjng could illustrate better to the p!icatcd bY .8 Justice Department ~· baa ae1dom been more than passable, and black CDmrnunity tha_t further progress posal aboli~tlng JiteraCf test.I' J.n,lll ' ~often has been execrable. can be made only 1n the absence of slates. What Is oeede:d Js a q~.!d· -; violence. It sbould have 'been evident tension o( the Voting Riglfts Act if on:}y ~ • A )'E~ AFTER he took office Presi· enough that progress can1e to a hall cncoura'g~ th. e black .~dership in the denf Johnson had a choice of priorities. because ~ violence and It should ~e present tactics of· concentrating on Under preSRlte of the military advisors equ~lly .ev1d~l tha.t _progr~ can begin polille;c; rather than violence. and \fith the aequieBCence or th; again with t~ subs:.idmg of violence. In short, the oppgrtunity now prese11ts . . Unfortuna~~ • .)A one field where pro-itsctt for a general review of the Nl:s:cn Congress, he chose lo try to win a war m gress could be resumed -the employ· civil rights policy and ii more positive ap-southeast Aria. meol of Negroes tn the construction proach ·in r-e6J)Onse to the decline in in-Could he hive won ii , lhe victory would trader-metbods have been adopted cidenta'of vi~ bl the big cit.res. The not have benefited the American people, which are unworkable and contrary to lull 11...._.iOD ~ tO' waste and the nor added an inch to the American the letter ~ spirit ~. the Civil Right~ moderate lea<Jersblp needs · every en· stature. Since he didn't and coulon't win Act. Tbe Niion Administration ought to couragement il can id· ' it, lhe failure only enlarged the needs t1f ',,/_ ' .. Media f ~r Crime It's fascinating ro me that so mant people seem tX> find the ••mass media' re..sponsible for the rise In criml!: a~J violence. Any poll or survey will indlca~ thal many citizens belie~e news reporting is in large part to blame for lawlessness in the U.S. . There are many sins that could be. charged against the mass media, but this does not happen to be one of them. Say that the masa media an trivial, vulgar, shallow. uncomprehending, misleading - and I will agree with n;iuch ol this criticism. But the reporting ol crime and violence has no effect Ofl ila Incidence in American life. · " lN FAti, I \VOutD almost go to the olhe:r extreme and .sugg~t that it has been the neglect of tbe seamy side of life by the mass media that has brought con· ditions to their present pass. They have ~n. so busy looking on the sunny side, and supporting the official Establishment polat of view. that con· - ditions were allowcit to fester for decades before they finally erupted in lhe curient rash (Jf lawles&less . ..BuJ. tbe rash, like all rashes, ls the symptom of a deeper disease. This disease has rarely been examined by the mus media, v.·hich are only now beginning to exgr.ess alarm at our na· tioaal malaise. IT IS THE DISEASE of "alienation" - a condition wherein large segments of lhe · populaUon no longer f e e I them.selves a part ol the whole. Th~e include the young, the black, the poor, the old, the ethnic minorities, and the worting~las.s whites. Crime and violence have many cause!, but only one common precondition: a loss of trust and faith in the equitable working of the social order. A "respecl for law.'' lrhich is the base of the commonweal, cannot flouri sh v.·hen millions of Pf!Jple feel che11ted and cut adrift duriiig>thl!: nlost affluent period in their nation's history. LOOKING .FOR SCAPEGOATS, they seize Upon the n1ass media as one of the •·causes" of our rising contempt for Uie Jaw -v.-·hich is somewhat like blaming !he thermometer for the fever, or the barometer for the flood. An<fthey naively imdgine thaL if the mass media ignored or underplayed these symptoms of alienation. then the disruptions In society would quietly subside all bt themsleves, through the power of positivt thinking. But all these problems should have been probed in depth, a dOli!n and more years ago. by the mass media, wtuch were loo busy providing pap to dig into the social pathology of American life. I' is ironic that they are mw being con- demned for "over·playing" the ugly side that has f!O'lvered largely because of the ir inatlention and inanition. Protecting Ou:i; Open Space the people, which P.1r. Johnson had pul aside, he thought temporarily. These needs are far more pressing to- day than they were when Mr. JoilMon chose to subordinate them. The choice therefore wa,~ ll"ell·nigh the most calamltous in American hir;tory. anrl tha • il ruined Mr. Johnson is only a passing ~urting Howard .Hughes To lhe Editor : " ..... ··.: .. ,.,,_,,,,., .... .., ........ . ,. . ~) By JAMES. E. WHETMORE Senator 35th Dislrlc' The creation of a new stalt agency to help protect Calirornia's dvo'indling supply of open space has bee.n advocated by a citizens' advisory committee in a recent report lo the Joint Legislative Committee· on ~ Space Lands. It wiU be remembered that the ~pie of California in 1966 voted a new amend- • menl lo the st.ate consUtution giving the Legislature powers lo enacl laws per· taining to open space land. The original conctpl of the open space c>mendment was to provide a means whereby farmers cc u Id get out from under the heavy load of taxes being im- ~ed in somt counlies on agricultural land which al\SCSsors considered was 'vorth more as subdivision, industrial, business and other uses, and was assess- ed as such. nus t.fEA~'T . of course, lhe f11ormer WIS paying laxes on land used for grow· ------ Monday, September I, 1969 ' TM ldfi.orlal page OI tl'lt Doily PUot 1tekl to inform and 1llm- lllatl MMU:r:• br pre.senttng thi1 tuaaspapirr'• opinfonl and com· tnentorr on topk1 of ttitce1t ahd llgnlfit:an«. b~ pro~tng,o forum for tM exprearion of Oii< ffi>d<rl' opl•fo.,, °"d by J)NltnUng ihc. df:oft'"IC qjtW- polnU of mfor!Md ob••""'" 0-nd 1pokcl'!Uft on topfci of lhl day. R4bert N. Weed, Publlsher· , • ( ln the plans amt desi res of pri vale ' ci,wners. , . . ·' Guest Report .,. , ,, '""'" ·•' I _. fortunalely, as U9ual, the citizens' committee rtcommendations.ar& sti ll on· ly iecommendati,•ns. and the enlire sub- ject will be aired again before any pro- posals are given to us In the legislature. ing crops, but v•hich might be uSed in the fulure ·for other purposes. The catch was and ii that the-taxes are band on an ' eventuality, rather than a facl. ·for the enrichment of local i o v e r n m e n i lre,isurles. • · And the public is !n\'ited lo participate in e ~earing &<:tl('(tule<I for September IS-16 ln San Diego. St'veral other hearings will be held'bcfore we c.:on\•ene next ·January. ~Iowever. a plan ~'BS worked out where the farmer. provided he was farming a hundred acres or more, CQUl4 declare his property open space land for a period of yclrs, pay on the rate or agricultural land assessment, but if he sold before the period expired, l\'oUld pay back laxes at Utt! subdi1•ision or induslrial 1ales. NO\V, IT SEl!:i\tS, the Citizens Ad\1isorv Committee on Open Space Land wan!·s lo convert this concept Into a statewide system of regional control ol open i:;paee land, headed 11p by a ne1v state depart· menl or division, and declare an open spact policy by lhe t;late. They 1vould also create rtgional open space agencif'5, rcqulrt <"!ties and counties to plan for coowvation, Initiate some new pro- Gfams for open spaet: land use, and In· voke lht police wwers of the state to carry out its reconil'N!odations. It would also Invoke new devi ces tOr local zonirlfl,.·aod impose "sanctions" 11n cities and counties that failed to render a plan In accordance with the dictates of tGe: regionaJ goverrunents. UNDER ntE PLAi~ being mentlont'd, the aunmittee wnuld "control any publtc or prlvcite development on any land s~l11ca.1ly designated in lhe open space rlan as being or statewide imPortanc('." But 50me Capitol observers say the report 111 $ilenl as to who will determine wbal Is or statewide importanre. nnd aii to how much interference will be cau&ed • OPPONENTS A RE expected to point out that the citizens' committee is in- truding on U1e rights of priv111e property owners, in that it recbmmends "freezing" for two year f,eriods land justifying puftli~ acquisition. r~rozen lands, in olher 'vords, could not be sold or developed for 11 l11~year period on .the assumption that go1•ernmcnt "m!.ghl" buy such 1 ands ::.on12Un1e In the fullire . f'ortt1nalely, both sides ·of v:hal is ex· 11ccted to be a controversial issue 1vill be Prrsent to present tlleir facts at 1hc p11bllc hearing. 111e big alrpcirt nap should be called portnoy'a c6mplaint. -J. D.C. Tiii• fftllr• ""M(" ,..,_.... •~ lltf ftftfttarll' IM" ti tflt M'll"I ... -...... ft¥f' •W HfW M OIMmt Giit. Dlllf '""· incide"t. , TRE FAU..OUT t·Roflt the Asiatic \\'ar is far greater than tile $100 billion or more we have ignominiously squandered there. The main fallout lies In the divi- sion of the people, and the total aliena- Lion of the younger half. atld a I a r g e St'gtnent of the elder half, ol lhe poflUl•- tio1'.. T h e decline of confidence, almo.st un· precedented in our history, Is a perilous trend. aN:l could reap an inCakulable evil unless it is arrested. ~1r. Nixon inherited this ,most chaotic st<1le of our society slnct tht late lSSOs. \\'hat are its elements, aside from the w11r~ -inflallon, taxing and govemment CD!i't. the poor and their welfare. racial tension, rule of law. education and youth. All these proble1ns and their attendant nl.'eds are interrelated, and all are related to tbc war. l\IR. NIXON has attacked the six prob- lem s v.·ith various proposals. •le has not clearly graded the1n as prloritles, but he clearly thinks of them as a collecllve priority. But he carmot begin · to BOlve them by promlsea, for instance with his tWl!are overhaul proposal, nor without the htlp of Congress. There a~ persistent signs, however, that unless he lifts ending the war to top priority, the othtr r;!x issues wtn only become more unmalleable. Congressman Craig l~osmer (R .. Calif.) a gerrymandered Orange Countian, recently re vealed hls true soeialistic· bure~ucratic fendciie:lcs when he U1reatened to subpoena Ho1vard Hughes to testify before the Joint Congressional Commlttl!:e on Atomic Energy. It seems that Mr. Hughes, through his associates, had pointed out rather clearly aod convincingly to the ALomic Enl!:J'lY Coml"lission that ever since a hydrogen bomb was fired some 4.600 feel before ·Pahute !'>1esa in Nevada, on December 19, 1968. the ground has been; stating in- termittently. Old raults, dormant since mountain- building forees last cracJed the bedrock in that area eons ago, suddenly moved again. as though a massive sletplng giant within the eirln bad been A\\'akened. t._§~ that Ume, over 10,000 U1!m<n have 6!tn recorded. Many of thete lie along whet appears to be a long~Urled fault, pasSing wllhln 2.~ miles ot the site near Brenham, Nevada. THi.J!UGHES organiatlon pointed out that one of the dana:m ~of flrlna otr • large explosive wtlhln 1 fauh coukt re1t1Jt in craeklng the fa.ult open and aUowlng radioaclive material to t.1e1pe into tbe atmospben. nn., ol """'· woold violate th< Nuclear Test Bao Treaty, to ~Y nothing ti "'ootgusin&" and releu- ln& -.. -to --.. ( . I' ' , ....... · l\faiU)OX J Letters from readers are wtlromr. Non11all11 toriters shotdd convey thf!ir mes&ages in 300 tcordt or !ts.r. Th• right to c~e letter1 to jiJ 1pau or eli1n.fnatc. libel is reserved. AU ~t te-r1 mu.st incllMlt .rigna:ture and mnif.. Ing addres1, bft 'tl(J17tts mGll be with- held on reqiw:st if 1ufficitnt Teo.so1t iJ apparent.. · pastUTe land and milk supplies ovtr thousands of miles. This "hot iodine" concentrates In the thyroid glands of fast· growing children. leadin& to cancer or stunting. fl-fr. Hughes pointed out lhal within the next few months wupons wtth twlce tht yield of the one last fired will be tested. These devic~ are.. plapned for the ABa.t system. Congres,,mah Hosmer knew preclsely Where to hurt Mr. Hughes. It is an open secret ~t Hughes avoids publicity like the plague. To use: the powers of Conarea in an obvloua blackmail at- tempt against Mr. HugJie. sbnuld be pr<> tested by each and every citizen in.. tttested in fair play and jullice. ANTHONY NELSON Token lroop wllhdrawal11 will not do It. Thry are only promJse.s. and not reality. The wa:-is the keystone ol the arth of our troublts beeause it is eroding the spiritual strength ol the people. Futility • erodes n&tton, as well as ln4ividuals. Material 1dv1nmnenl. mere '\ethnology, ~-------Bii Gffrge,.-------- -cannot redr.esl spiritual decay. President Johnson neVer percaivf9 1hls, though i' was the simple lesson of the tnd of Romon power 1500 years ago. Presi· dent Lincoln 11nderi1tood it perfectly,aT!d he had but one priority : save lhe Union. ' ., Dear George: I met a girl who pnimiled to IO •teady wilh me but every Orne I tty In eel! her up her tine Is busy. Do you think this means sht! is talk· ing to somebody else on the telephone? Dear Jealoos: You know, JEALOUS bi golly, I think ' you've hit on aomelhinc! Jt IOW>ds to me aa U ibe'a talkJn& to """'l>Wy on th< telephnoe, wha1 with Iha line beiJ1i busy and all Yes. you've put )'Ollr IJnier right on tt! If 1 can e.ver. help you with ano,ther probl'ril be sure and let me know, will )'OU? • • I I • ' I r L r I t c • r ' • r • ' a c n [ c • l • ' • s s r s b • II ~ \ • n • a •j· c v ( j:_t;: 'I " c·'~ -·--~· \ ~---- lfutterite ~ >< -., ' • Has 10 , By 1. M. BOYD N~fr HUTl'ERJTES -Young a man ctlebrates ~ lady, how would }'OU feel about · day by taking a daf· oil having at least 10 children? w · f a woman ce.lebrate.s·-ber Tl\at's aeoerally bow many bi ay by taking a year, off. yoongsteta the H u l t e r I t e ltfu rµe tbal c f , mothers b ave. Specifically, F H'11NG -You've hea,rtl 10.j per mother. Pretty pnr of karate, but how a~t ' lific, those · girls. A ferllle few sav , ? That is the figbllng 440 of them emigJated a \itUe t~h 'que Wherein combatllia less than 100 years ago froin thro. pufieheS no1. With ~Ir Ru~sia to Monlana, the !lsta: but w:ith their feet. A Dakotas, the{\ Canada. Their hllhl !:JlO(IUlar sport in Fra~ birth rate runs 46 ~r 1,000. ylar PB?· But it was ouUawW U.S. rate overall goes only' 17:9 f\ere. gUJte rightly. Too many Per 1,000. Now there are 15;000 good eb · got hurt. irhose Hutterltes hereabouts, and the., klcka the jaw not oo1y, deck· slide rule boys figure· theft ed th m'-they wrecked them. will be 55 mllllon In another MER SERVICE: Q. I 100 years. Don't wail. Invest take lit you get some in- now fn Hutterl.tes. / . teresting mail. What is the '·NEVER MARRY a woman most memorable letter you under 25. She will want too ever ' re c e lved bun a cusloijier!" A., Thal would much and unders_land too lit-have to be a note thaf came tn tie." That was the advice of yearaJ ago when I worked that Love and War expert Vis-briefl on a magazine in count Castleros,, . . . A Manhattan. It read: "Enclos- ••SC R. U P ·L E '' IS a ed is 1Teturn postage in the pharmaceutical measurement event y child'• head, whic.h I equal to 7D grains or a third of am ndipg 1 you u n d e r a gram .. ~ our Language sep.r te cover; by ~el post. man &aid f,be drug lndu'stry . is.of in~.'' W1i.llt twpe4 emplojed scruples, thal ls •up a Pie days later wai .I what be meant. And that is all drawl . by ·an artist .. •• Q. "EV Y STATE in the Unloo McDonnell baa ves 11\at the spellu>W. c• in, rlgbt1" .·A. • ' Sia~ ~'.ll'l'l.:IWl\fe. m 111.Y-P to hear N H d · a.IDnli-ptal'lna.record of W. C. ames ea Fleldi' clAssf~u... i• ..w • OU'S<!Jling pracllcally v e r y Of/ Division Chari~ M. Forsyth has been appointfd vice-president in charge of commerci1l marke g for the McDonnell D o u g a a Corporation, sue· ceed James B. Edward,,, who ia scheduled to retire in 1970. Fors h, who ls currenUy gultatiat on Uie market •• : OUR NAME GAME MAN _&a)'1 Alice meam truth. Susan means Uly, Irene means peace, aod EVetyn means youth, mort or Jess • • • AS FAR AS Loves and Kisses go, the S.attle telephone dlredory II.ts 69 of the former but ooly one of the latter. · · vice-p · ·dent, assl.sta.8'-to 1Ule pres! 1, will switch posU with !dwards for the next several months, to insure a smoot« t~sition. For.ylh jolll<d McDonnen Douglas in 1&41-and . heJd sever-J engineering p o s t s before being named manager of cmtomer service. · Sinct then 1he directed sales for North America, waa elected Vice--ptesident of sales and vice·prtsident, p r o g r a m management. LOVE AND WAR -11 the - barn ii bip than the bruse, that means the husbaed rum the show. II the house b bl*· ger, the wife is bo6s. Tb.at you know. But did you -you can also ten who's in charge by the· family dog? rr it's a gennan shepherd, the man hu a firm ·grip on the aitua· tion_, If it.'lr•~P.?klnese. not og. ly b the· wife in <Ontto~ but the husband ls pr o·b ab I y hf11pecked. pur Love and War man aaya ex~Uoos to this dog rule' are Jo rGe as to be Edwards has been with the 21eronaiitics finn since 1930 and bas served 8! chief p~ rject ~. assistant to the chief ~ and corporate vice-president. \ negllglb!e. . Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be uRd wherever possible in "Checlrlng Up.• Address mall to L. M. Boyd, ln <an! of DAI· LY PILOT, Box 1'15, Newport Beach, Calli. Go to the head of the class in a 'Triumph' Fashion ' Perm ~o Childron's haircut 1.ia · Ult TOUI PINNIT CHAlGI CAID- NO APPOIHTMINT NICISSAIT- ,UlL•ltTOlt tlUMtlNO'fl* llACM flllWl"Oln llACM I Ortnoef•lt C......-Mvr""'Mil\ C1t11t< f'ftlllofl b.,,. .__ .. ~'"""~· ...... ··~~'~~-'"-""'~·-... ~""~~~"'~"""~·-"""~-·~ . . 'r . • • ·-. ' '. • ' , .. --~--·· . -. -' •. •• • , . . .. .. ..,_ . . I ~ . . • ·enne••I" ALWAYS FIRST GUAL(r/.,: '.,.:. il" ' ·some ieans ,~are ' ' a big bust ... • • , .. .. ·. 'Thes' new i~ans .. • • t , • are made of ' .. sterner stuff! TOUGHER THAN EVE;R ... RANCHCRAFT JEANS OF 75% DACRON " POLYESTER/ 25% COTTON TWILL! He'll probably outgrow them before he out-· wears them .•• with knees intact, because this tough ..w blend helps to end knee burst. And, they're never:fron Penn Prest". In 'bra,., bright blue, avocado. 6·18 regular and ilim. ·3.98 Husky sizes 8-16 ........................ 4.49 I UKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI . . AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • -r .. ' " \ • . ' ' • ' ' r I I I -------~~--------- Alaskci Natives Se ek Their Purchas·e S.ha.re WASHINGTON (AP1 The chairrnan of the House ncle Sam shelled oul i1.2 Jnlerlor Committee. Rep . tillion more lhan a century Wayne N. Aspinall (D-Colo.), io to purchase Alaska. but it says his group will visit )patently ~·ill be next year Alaska to inspect n a t i v e ~fore natives rind out what villages and mineral-rich ey get from t!le mammolb areas be(ore deciding among 111 estate transaction. the various compensation pro- Annual Installments totaling posals. The trip -iMY be in 1 to $500 miJlion are being mid-October. ~sidettd bjr Congress lo set· The Senate Interior Com· ! the claims of 5.5,000 Alaska inittee has held hearings in :ikimos, Aleuts and Indians. Alaska and may act on the 1eir ancestors lived in what issue this year. now the 49th slate for een-Committee members· have ries -before lhe first white been told the elaim1 are an arrived. holding up the devd0;>ment er Sentiments v o i c e d by resources which make the fl 11 ingress at hearings held by 1nillion payrnJnt to Rulltl one >Use and Senate inter1or ol history'• biggest real estate mmittees this summer in· bargain1. ~te action will not be com· The Interior Department ~led .until next year on a has clamped a freeze on ~n lo pay the natives for the release of federal lands in lre than 500,000 square Alask1 pending settlement of 1Jes of real estate which the tht claims. iited States bought tr o m The freeze is prevenUn& the issia in 1867. .~selection fi'f oertato, !ederaJ lands by die Alas ka · state EA'l'H NO'l'JCIC$ govenunN u 'authocized by ~ ' its stattbobd law, as well as •lori.t Et11t1 Wm.ti • .u. M.. 1129 threatening lo hinder . oil cont Hwv •• '"~ .. tdl. °'" development, the committees c1e • .,, ....,_, "' ""'~ ""'11 bt were told ' c1 Tuesos.r. lt .,m.. s~ t. · 111 Mortv•n c._.i. ... c-· ••~ Three proposed settlement! ;i:;_11 Morfu••r c...-Ml~Mllr, are before l~e committees: FRYE · .:... The Federal Field Com- t L. Fnt. Att II. 2t Alttltll!I Ave .• onll"9toil ISe.dl. 01t1 of *•+Ii, "'* I 1" • ._..._. tr\' .,.111. l!W M., Hllftl· 11Dr1 kid!• tw. o.11•1en, \11torle "•· FUller'IDll •nd Gulnevl!A MW· i. l'!lmllil91!1ft !le~i lour •••ndcM~ "'I r!fr. grMl· .. lnddllklrt!\. Se<'v-1 wllt bl! Mid Tuesd1,, 10 am,. 1llh't CIMN!. l"lsrme<!l, Forf!I "'" M«nori.1 P t J -· Gltll!U~ 11111'1 ~,.,, Ofl'fffon, WUKA Wl'l"l ><nat ,,, WUkl.,.111.. Ml Vl~!O"I o,ef, CMI• ~ft, $1'nlcet ~1~9. :1<10Wn Mor!u.a,.,, Dlrtclo!'f, MORGAN Oltll1 Moflliln, l"l•nf .. ueMer ~ . ind Mra. A. M<!r$•n. P•lvete \tt•· ~. HOIY ,, .... , Cenw"'n •. SPol<tM, s1i1 .. 1~1dlv 1rot11tt1 MorlVa..,., K•~ BRADY .hUlt Me$0ft BtlOY. P<lvil• W"'IC&l G-s11ept>ero ce .... ie1Y. 0 111:11v >Tlleri M0t!u1rv. DlrKIOrl. THOMPSON ,. A. Tl>Gm11s0ft. Pr~o!I, Arl10~•. vlu• .,.ndl"9 OilOfJ ero•ntr) rtUlr~. OlttclDl'l. ARBUCKLE & WELSH \Yestcliff tlfortuary I E. 17tlt St., Costa !\1esa 616-4888 • BALTZ 1\10RTUARIES jf"(lna del Mar OR 3-9450 •sla "'fesa !'111 6-?4.z.4 e BELL UROA D\YA Y 1\tORTUARV 10 Broadway, Costa 1\ftsa LI 8-3433 • Oil.DAY BflOTHERS lluntington VaUey l\1orluary · 17!11 Beach Blvd. JlunlingtOo Beach 1142-i111 • :\fcCORl\llCK LAGUNA BEACH ttfORTUARY :79ii Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach 494-9415 • PAClFIC VIEW l\1E1\fOlUAL PARK Cemetery e !\fortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive ~ewporl Beach, Callforni.11 &4f..1700 • PEEK F A!\llL Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 'ilt1 BolJI Av.:. WtMtninafer 193-JS!S • SllEl1FER MORTUARY 1a:a•• Betcll ac.1531 m Cltmtui. llUlllO • SMJTHSt ~tORTUM\' ill !\lain St. \.. 11untlnrtt>n Beacb 53MW • • mittee for Developmeni Plan· ning in Alaska proposeS Jl9Y· ment or $100 million in cash. land grants totaling 4 to 7 million acres and 1nineral and olher royallies up to $1 bil iion over a 10.-year period. -Secretary of lhc Interior \\'alter .J. l{ickel. a former Alaska governor, sugges t s P a Y m e n t of $500 million over 20 years and land grants lotaling about JS million acres. -The Alaska f'ederation of Natives, clatining to represent a majority of the SS,000 natives in the state, Is ask1ng $500 minion frr 9 years, 40 million acres and an over· riding roy.alty of two percent of the revenues from all Alaska •land outside--:rJ he granted areas. summer , ~ spectacular: LAST s DAYS 10 SPARKLING PORTRAITS OF YOUR CHILD; ONLY $10 on• 81110. thr•e 5:ir7 •nd s1ic: wallet· sin'. ~:enouati lor )'OU and family 11ftat Brina your thild in now! 11J3R.OADWAY 892 -JJJ I • • • • • \ " '-' . . Carol .Evans · dtess&sfor s_cho.ol belles • A. Jaunty transitional plaids. , • 100°/o acrylic bonded wovens ... wlth the 'Junior look' tho! girls from siz~ 8 to 14 love.,. lo ring in th e school year.in 1tylel $6 .. 8. Pretty Penn P_ .. prints .. ~87%,0tton, 13% polyester for never-iron ease °' care! Dropped waist styling.,.and trimrii!ld to perfection for Iha 'Junior Look' in sizu8-t~ • . ' $6 C. Bonnie pl1id1 forw11 bonnie lassos ... of l OOo/o a crylic bonded to l 00°/o acetate tricot ... prettily pleated ... packets for her · lunch money, tool Sizes 5-6X. $ 5 • D. SwHI and simple l 00% Orlon• aaYfic banded to 100% ac:elale !ricot ... for shape holding. An easy, shifty shape that's pure flattery fOf' sizes 5-6X. Red or bl~e. $4 E. Plaid culotte dl'ISl ... a real fash ion favorite ... in blues or greens, 75% polyester, 25% cotton. The loo k of a dreso .. >With !he comfort of pants. Sizes 7-14. $6 LIKE IT ••• CHARGEm • • '' AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE I I I • I I I '-.. I I . ~ --~--~-----------------------------------~-~«-... ~-~·.,_.._._.__ ....... ~..., .. ho. •• _, •• .-;;.o.;· ·---"' -"--·-.,.------·"-·-.;] • . . Outlook Grlni AEC Hospital Starts Bigger r; 'I1te Jsen \r~ey 1s sur~ : Holes> Holes-· f t1r • Stroke Care P.lan ' WARM SPRJNGS, Nev. January 19'8, a board of ex-of TN'l' have be:e:IJ tested at (AP} -The Atomic Energy perts toJd, the AEC the central Pahute Mes•, about 30 miles Commi&!lon, told Ulot le!t:lng Nevada 1lte waa aafe. A spOt from Beatty, N'tv. in central Nevada would be abo wu nicked n e 1 r The town ot. a>o bu 1 !r1glle aale, Is dlggln« I"" boles ( r nearly a mile Into the desert • Amchilb1 Alaska. bar 9l"' ~~urant bu I for nuclear test.st · The explosion, n a m e d reported no damage from tbt ' , When or hQ!! big .Jbe tests Faultless, was reported felt In ble tuts. ., PORTLAND, Ore. (t!P.:Q -.tact& lhtre." We find they will be lt secret.. But the AEC tall buildings in Salt Lake. At Warm ·Sprinp there ls Prevention o( strok~ l!.JO·to ·~on't do as well jn private tu.ya Jt could' set oft without City, Los Angeles and Eureka, one re•rant, below a mouo- 30 years behind prevetit!M 'o( ~·" . ~iwger exptoelons that are Calif 400 miles away taln ·or foe kl. Most of the heart attacks,'yet docttn ire · Altetermlned effort is made Several tlmes' as PoWerfUI 85 8 ;• th ·1 is bout !00 resldents there work on the seeing m<ft'e and more sJt;oke to keep lhe surroundinp ~ ao far at the Nevada Test mll:s tr!n SJt:e bot.~ alan test program .. victims 8' the populetion cheerful. "We try to keep •} 81 eth about 1~ miles ~ the the Las Vegas airlp and lh: The new site can't rival the lfOWS older. homelike almOBphere/' Dow ~ ;th. ~Jr. km had closest foWn 0£ anY iiie is Work h!rce of 10,000 that COtn· Good Samaritan Hospital Pid. Patients eat ~ether at 0JY .; r: ;:ordrWen in a Eureka, Ne.v .• 70"milea away. mutes dally from Las Vegas and ,Medical Center ~re has ~ lable in the ~creatiOI;! room. 1 Y f haft nd 500 feet to Since Fau!Uesa,. two tests to Pahute Mesa. Yucca Flat tinullll! tmall tests and oome more \Ilg ones. But 1 camp of about llO ha. -~ near Warm Springs .. whlob l"ed to ha,. a populailon4 q ... One ·' .. . . . ' • hundrtd mort wor~ra 1t the ne.w project ln Mot Creek Valley live In houlu and trallera In TON1pah, Ely and In Wann Sprhlp lUelf. ' rounded by mounlaiM up te, , 10,llOO !eel llll)I, aod cattle I graze on a rancll nearly up to' ' the abalts. 1: 84 STORES ... AL·L 72° !1\ I ; . and open nightl:( t ill 9 :30 South ·toast 'Plua -;taL aT MN OlllllCll ...-w•v. can.a. 1of1S4 'begun a stroke care program They wear their own clothes 4 ·~ oot>.;5 5 ~ 8 10ot-dte hot with the force of '1 million tons and Rainier Mesa for con-focused prtmarily OD aiding rather than hospital gowns. go in a ·""""-A ..... cl. PW e_..:,:..:,:.:.:.;.:.:.;...:.__:_:_.:.:.;_.:.:.;....::.:.:.;...:......:...=.:.:.::_...:...:_ ______________ ...,;,_, _____ ~~------ victinu of strokes. but ils aboqt 2' ntlles UVJ1.11 arm : ~ ~ " • director hopes the intensive INCLUDE F AMUJF.S Springs. i . ~; t d i I ed in ·u Families are encouraged 1 '1 udy nv,o vii to ""''1· wi to work with rehabilitation FIND .SJTF.S · .. : ea even ua y preven ion. personnel and with the pa· ·The AEC set out in 1981 to ;: GOO<i Samaritan claims its lienls. nOd sites ·for explosions ~t 1 unit is the first of its kind in . might shake btiildlngs too .i the nation although a New The . staff includes . a much if they were at the old :: Bedford, Mass., hospital has neurolog1st, neurosurgeon, .m-• test s.lle. ·too ' mUes northwest ! •' had a four-bed unit devoted t e r n i s t • neuropatholog1st, f LaS V a! w f kl d , largely to strokes fur some P3YchW.trist. a resident in ° A'rteraeC1a~tequal to200 ,IMXI • ~e stoc • up on . time neurology and neurosurgery, a t mlllioo tons of TNT in y, · blomedieaJ .psychiatrist, a"==·=·=ne=;·~:::;;;====jl OPENED IN APRIL p h y a._J o therapist, an Of-11 w:.r.h:~:\n5~;~:~eru: ~:~~fil :.~·~i:~ ... -· s·chool suppl·1as yi~u sa~e I work reeeived feder'1 Junds palhologtst In addlUon, the • ••• V _ y ' through the Oreg9n regional unit has more nurses and medical program f9f' heart aides than most hospital disease, cancer,slroke . and wards. All Mlbt-AH Model• related disease. One br the features of the Dr. Robert S. Dow, head of program is beginning work the department o( neurology with each patient soon alter he at Good Samaritan and dlrec-has suffered a 11troke. "We "Wh•re s.rvlc• M1k1, th•.Diff1r111t1;-.._~1r1 tor or the stroke care pro-\Yant lo get him before he gets or•..,• c-iy 4m c•"'INll "' gram, hopes persons suscep-en'loliopally depressed or does ,. .. ,.11 sc~. 01.i ~ms tible to strokes can be iden-not want lo try to gel ·well," Ln A1t11111t1101 7u.1l,'t s. Wtlttnl tiried , warning signs or irn·, ,;:Do~w~:ia~l~d.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~:iii~~il pending strokes can be round It and eventually strokes can be f pr~;e~~:dfew things definitely 1-T' 5 A FA CT! known about strokes, ooe is that nearly all occcur in persons 50 or older, mortly in Uteir 60s and 70s, and men are more susceptible to strokes than women. At Good Samaritan the slrokecare unit includes two four-be,! wards and one ad· ditlonal bed, a recreation room and severaJ small parlor type rooms. "We }ike to have the pa- tients in a ward," said Dow. ••THey ~ave more social con- .. If you spent 30 seconds loo,king et · elich of our shag samples, it would tek~ you over 9 hours to see them ell- so i comf early end bring your luncli. · DPN'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (2 !Ilks. No. of'Bullock'1I ORANGE HOURS: •·S:lt DAILT Cl.OllD SUNDAT Wall to wall carpeting in three of our mo~t popular styles 100°/o co11tinuous filament 11ylon tweeds or solids 5.99 sq. yd. I " ' Ght Tellt binfff enwmble il'lcludH l:.1nder,"'them• book ........ bool-. 2.29 -Plll•r ,..,.,,poly wrap, \ltido 11artht; 300 cotint, 3 hol.. 5tc .sOo count, 99c \ 'Fa ah Ion• II I•' the fft • boob, collego rule,3 hole, 81/: X 11. Ste Typing -· polt ""'P• 200 count, IVa X ll. 49c sm,.;: ltlrw:Jw entoMlo i nclUdos ltl 1tclor e'ltcl 2 tfteM. boob. 1.ff Witbltet Hsw World Die· tior\ary ... gl'ffl buy ~ft o real fteceuity. 99c I' .. ScMlor'1 Wncler enM111ble lncl•dtt binder, them• book1, dividers, paper. ,2'99 Canvas liilncler, li.1110,-l ri ng, 1/1" wicfth, whh eltp. 99c l'encll l'ettk, #2, IMl1td01 36 pencil• 111 the RIOtt wantod 1111. 99c Casuals binder •11MJ11ble lrtellld• ....... ~ Clftcl note book. 2.29 \ lherM bMk ••• dMdN fOt 3 s111tif.m. ?35 count, 79c ----· • ..,... --·- S,W.1 StlM look; g,..en ff11t,Oper1 6 X 9 po per. ' 29c Compvs C~lloitl9n ••• 9"rythtn1 ht Scholar'1 ••• plut book '°""· 4.49 f !!Girl Talk tfrleN hook, 3 hole coll•t• l'\l'fe. 11/1X1l. 69< Con1tructi•n paper, HYtone, !luortff pock, 9 X 12 size. ..UC Q ' instilled over 50 oz. jute pad 1 Luxudauslii rugged , long wear· ing ·nylon available now at Penney's low, low price! Select. your car11eting now from . 6 decorator. colors. I' . -. . ·- Lu sit 1 OOo/o nylon thlllg "4thens" sollds or t\¥4tds ' . 6. 99 sq: lfd:. • · ,, , \ .• · iMtailtd owr 50 oz. jute pad Sink into deep piled shag car-, pe!lngl~h9ose from our stlec. tion. bf 6 beautiful dtcoratOr colors. Priced for sai'in~sl . ''.Curchlll" patt._an 100°/o polyester pile carpeting 7.49 ~q. yd •. lnst1ll1d over 50 oz. jute pad Now you can have our cut and loop pall9 rn carpet in S ...Outi· , ful colors. Now ava ilable'"at Penney's low, low priC91 ,. . LIKE IT ... C~ARGE IT ! Av1ll1ble at ti.-•fofet or ahop at homo ·c.i.NOCA PARK wnVooo (NJ.3660) (fU.1UOD) DOWNfY MONTCVJlt (Nf""'1l 1621-3111) • We bring samplr- • free •ttimate, , f ULlmON NEWrORT IEAQI (J71..QQ) (l~U792) • Fr .. COlllU!l<rtfon. HUNTINGTON BUCH VfITTUR4 • No obligcrllon. lttt.7771) ISJ0.091 11 {64UJ'2J , Dl~den:, I~ lecrf Inde x, 3 hoi., Nylor ,.;r1forced •dg•. :.ZSc ... \' ' .,..,,.. ny1 .. ffp ,., .. ,.. ... blci~lc, bha. orncf.4tc CANOGA PARK Sllcbn: lt!Mft,r, 1/1" ririg, Do"blo ·....;.,, OUOttod colon. 69c Papo< Mirloe'aih• prof ile PH• Qualftt: 1p.ob for itMlf. 1.95 DOWNEY MONTCJ.AIR ,. 1'1tt 0... folclot', I V2x11, t" ~ colon. .9< FMhlltn book '°"'"• ln oNOMcf colen, 13 X 20. 39, -. Sdteal lllllthlo!twilhltL L••ch kit ·Par<~•d•llc "°'"'",. bottlo fit •••;:~· ..,.._, Fl rld co~"• I • . . ·"'-& '2 9 colo"' ~ ,._ .7 •.r·~~·'•· .9 .., f ,,, ., .~t ' • ~ . • 'Ile.ell ... '"""ctoblo ball polr1t poe, reflll1 extra. l"•n 4tc: hfilS. 25c School w.te •x' Ek l1t ' 01tortocl colOl't to brfghtM 1t11dy comen. ~c . Think ~! .. • FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LA..KEWOOD NEWPORT BEA<;H V,ENTURA - '· 1: I I / " I •• • .J • ~ . ___ ,__.......,_~~~~--.~ ............ ~~ ........ ..,~~.,... .................................... .,.., ........................... ,.... ......................................................... """r""~~ • Jf DAILY l'l~OT Mond'1, Stpt"'!Mf t, 19'' . . ' IA!dltlfl Expert 6'~ Report Lifiliting M'tirij\l~il~,M;ak,~s Drllg l '' 1' ' ' I , ."; • J 1 • Prrlhlem • Even Worse ~~ ' . SAN FIWICISCO (UPI) - Ooo o! the natloll'1 leodlng """ experts aaid today the ' ed inAlly ~ ,.. In ljl8 dNa crllls lli·..,....'1'tmns mariju1na Ls !ortun>tdy not a when marijuana lo made tem-·.~~~~~;;;~;;;;z;;;,;;;;~~;;;~;;;~;;;~ San 11\-lndico ~· Ar.. :to · whk:b will blt tile boobtanda nar<0Uc DOI addidlng, and lo porarll)> wianllablt by the .,..Ji Crossword Puzzle n licb' .... atMi' pOteDUali)' ! DOlt _,111, aid Illa, thoot1U Ila ov.,:au elf<Ctl It 11 u... caslonally auC<Wfltl •ctivllloa . YOUR PRO'"LEM·. -more dangu.:iua ctruP-, ..,..~ manU'ested in tbt recent r destructive to Uie lndivklual or dNf policemen,'• t I] e. 'D .Dr. J.9.'11· 'ltort,. a m<dfcai \llilodatocl: Roel: FeJ1iv!1 ne"' and -IY-tllan , tobacco or creatqr o! the c.ater for doclor libt -a I .... ·~ 'N.Y. alcohol ," he .. id. Special Prqblems Jn tile San sultan! 00: dnoc -lor t\io , '11>< """" b Y' 1 te r 1 c • 1 Dr. Fort said Ille emotional Fraoclsco Dei!!orlmeot o f You wa11t to 1111 some Item that Y°" no lcintor nood but aomeone elM1 can UJI for ACROSS 1 Hav 1 • IHI •1 oRtl tplS 10 Bat 14 c of Ew • 15 Mol ng l' Yt . lJ Put oaf OI the strtet 18 11ms of _,,,,. "" '""' Z words 2'0 Fatlat fNlurlt Zl--tthposed !J .A•pblbl• ZS Alcdlollc ,_ u .... ,., .. Zt ,.,_pest ,. ..... ll C•pe .... ody Hlflt' ,_, )J DIKJilat'Ot )I''" .... , ... lo 3t Sitddue 40 Bolr.: 2 wwds 4Z •lac• of safety fl Plttt 44 Portland- 45 Kind ef ...... 49 Sll•Pt so Anotts 51 [hid of WtSSll 5) Grttnland ltltl••t Sl Prl•IUvr 59 RKU111b1tnt fiO Groop bl Tltlt 62 -• C1r. 2 WOfdl f..3 Garllc; fi4 WalM fllOYtlltn\ 65 H1Yln1 a border DOWN l Dolnf bus in en 2 Petcock genus 3 Flowtt 4 Pltu111t flavor: 2 words 5 Tl~table abbttvMitlOlt 6 Trifled 7 Ronllst J .... s- • C11111lst..an, for one , Flsb 10 ReputH uW.k.al 11 r,::1 ••• .n 12 Rip up lJ Under O.t ••tbtr ' NOW ' lt ICO's tltlr. "'foMll 21-Gaptwt 24 M•b« 25 Monetary unit Sllnf !' Fii• rtc0ul 27 bht ••• 21 Trlcl: 29 Pualsh lOSIMler and thin 32: St.y .. ,y ,,., 33 Talbd wlltt dltflarlty :W Passns 35 Portent JO Kind of shrlttr ;58 Faithful 41 • ._ Foollsh Things" 'A./69 42 Posst~ht .... 44 F1n1 '''"" 45 lhtrt Mount Ida is 4, LubrlC1tinl dtvltl' 47 lnsKIS .,_,,,.,, 4~ foollth- "'" 51 Nall•• Yllfl;t ffl Afric1 52 P1steboa1d 54 .Secret society 55 Poktr players' .... 5b Principal ' 58 By 111a10tr& .... 59 Before 1 11, u world ,,H_ ~lloo •=enla ,.::::..,~ 'f p:: and unobj"."tlvo Amertoan at. Publlc,Heallll -.)d. and Ibo llllftod 11>11...,;Alil'~ 'woods•··• hstlvaJ . • t tltude· toward the entlri drug I drastic. ~ 1D tbe.i a.rifqe' """"" ·•'PR!U' 0 situation has resulted in a .,.,,..!"' .. ., . ., . .,-, .... _..,.4 Americe11 l.1tttddt ~ltd have-~ ,.re •·J 1-J el.· situation where "many people ':W.LV<V · ? marijuana, and all dnigs, II\'=~ ~ salunld.ori te fed that we are malting oocial HORE DoCTORS : must be Cortheoollng before , en una progress when we h ave .-• the current drug crisis can be re~ons ,could have easily former heroin addlcts dying ,DENTISTS. -• NO'f. OVER $50 7? ?.? 7 YOUR ANSWER: . J aoived i>e<n dealt with by •humane fnxn aleoboliml " ATI'ORNEyS AND • You all THE DAILY PILOT, Nk for Clanlfled Advertising,-.nd p1.ee • "We 0 are criminaUiing a hea:l~!~tCh ~~·a~d He u"°ed an ~i.-"'·e look OTHER ' ' ! hol "-o! -"'"' · prov1 .... '6 reauur;u~ a D • o ,-.-... it w e. genera...... yuuw 111 education rather than r Lu· at the entire drug situation. PROFESSIONAL ! Amen ca and are turning an . fe and jec\I '/S _'3peclally a realizaUon of the PEOPLE USE· Pl LOT ever larger nwnber or youpg mf.Th ar rootareol ~· I "-elfecta of tbe legal drugs "In ; people toward ~d drugs as a Am .e Le use Wn addlUon to wide 11 pt·, ad TAB. BECAUSE ; resuU o! our 111elffectlve and 11 e~ca ";f "';/'dden. Pdni • alcoholism and Ille well·known WE'VE GOT THE PENNY • destructive policies toward the ve. n a .rug g. e.normous he.a1lb problems · · 9' : possession of marijuana•• the obsessed society where we a.re f 1 ·AN W•RI ,.. Ohlo State Unlvenity m~ taught from chlldl)O\)d •by harom c garet~_Jmo~g, we PINCHER • ed parents and by ~ ve as a lKl',:.lety a very I FOR M LOW M j : 3Chool graduate. warn • that problems a~ easlly.S>IY· serious and growing drug $14 50 • MAlll AllGUMEllT ed and happiness obta!aed abuse problem wlt!L the ' P£R MO. CLASSIFIED AD • Dr. Fort noled t!>a~ one of through cbemlcals," he said. mnphets.mtoes, BUch as dend· o.u. us NOW FOR AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE 1 the principal 1 r g u m e n t 5 nne and methadrine, and w1lh INFOR,.,,TfOH ANP • against the use or mari-INVOLVES ~KS sleeping pi.115 such as the A BROCHOOE. 2 2 2 .. juana-that it ca.,.. Ille user Dr: .Fort 18!d that Ille uae of 1>¥blluates. ••• L I N E S T I M E S D D L L A R S i to graduate to "btrde.r drugs'" rnariJUana, like all drugs! in--'"Most of this is among mid· alilb• TD.ll'WlllE • _ is a myth and b ~ctually volves .somo rilb, espec1aDy ~e class, respectable "'°pie ·.I,-~.f!i!ll ANO· YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : working in reverse in to people already In ~."'" getlljig these drugs on .! •"2"""22'""2 i D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! • California. treme emotional state. But pre.scripUoo from their doc· ~ • "In San Francisco today, a ton as well ai a• certain t -· TO RllYE 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 i number or young people are Navy Officers amount of black market use A4-OF OjWIQE co. • • entering into the very by a minority of young people ·-""''"'°.JIW..M ... 1111~ 1: IT•H "-Nettti C..RtJ 140..12211 • haJ.ardoUJuseorblackmariet 'Al>andon Ship' _:w~ho~-~~to~th~ese~p~il~ls_:m~a~ln~·1::.y_:.__:_:_.:_::_:.=.::.==~.!i!'!'!::''!::'!::'~'~':!':!'!'!''!::'!::'!::'~'~"":!!'!'!''!::·'~'~':!':!'!'!'!::'•!::•!::•~•~•:!•!•!•!••!;:•~; sUmulantJ and sedaUff! as .• ,..u U U;D ~uae of tern-, NAPLES, Italy (AP) -por~.unavaila~ility of man· High-ranking U.S. Navy of- j'uana, the·. pnte.ssor in · the f icers jumped into the sea ~1 0:r SOClill wel!are at the ¥lhlle their wives and other Umvel'Slty .of California at females abandoned ship in 1 ~~k~y said. ~ , ~ lifeboat when an admiral's ' Parad-ozica Y·. ".e launch caught fire in the Bay enne~J therefore have a situation m or Naples the Navy whidl the absence of marl-• announc-, · ~ '"""'"" t hard ed ALWAYS .FIRST GUALITY . • ' JulJi!; ~ """,..... 0 ' • The Navy sca:ement said all drugs rallie,~ than . the. 12 persons were rescued un in- pre9ence of ll, . Fort said. jured by private Italian boats, But he ".31~ the mert but Ute U..foot launch aank p~e. of cnminal laws ~l.Y despite lhe efforts of fire-complic~tea the drug cr1S.1s fi..t.1-.. .. boats frcm Na J s. and will never stop drug 6''-'6 Pe abuse. "The American system of attempted drug c o n t r o I through extreme laws has been markedly intfrective. and destructive and in ·fact has led to mort use oC mort drup. in- cl uding more pole n ti 1 l ly dangerous ones, than ever before," Dr. Fort said. "Only an approach of prevention and education which seeks to cor- 1 red the alle.nating fo~ in our society and improve the quality of life will be success- ful ig reducing drug use." AlFl'llOR OI" BOOK The .. author or the bOOk. "The Pleasure. Seekers " a comprehensive study or' the .. , Ttlf -WATER ffiRSlER "1'•r•llll ldC..., TOILET TANK aau ............... ~ ....... .._ ....... -....,...,. ...... _..._ .......... 1St Al·HAIDWAll SJ0115 AUl~CENTER Foremost® Reliant 4 ply nylon cord tires • Entffi I~ .. Ptf'i9d '• ,_21 Monthl Frt• rt!llKtm•nt period 1·11 IMnlhs $0% off ptrittl •• _,. 12·11 ITIOntht: . 15% off period •••••• 17·2.1 ~ntns FORE~T TIRE GUARANTEE GuarantM apinst true! W99f'OUt • ' _ .21 ~ONTHS GU4\UNTE! -~I.TH, 11 ~HS fRH REPLAClMENT ••• Jobs from A. to Z If VQUr tir• -I ovt duril'IQ IM tint Nolf of the gu•ant• p.lod, l"llWYI rt wi1h vour .-.niee Cll1ifat. Md P-.inevs will ~ yov tJre with a,.... tirt, etlarting vo.i 50S .._ thlwl tft9 Olntnl ~lint Pl'ietl ~ f.WM: E :u:m Tu: if 'l'OlM' tin ..,.., owt _.,... tti. tme0nd Mil. you P9Y 25• -m.i. ttie CUJTenl llflins oriel ~ F"'- •tl Ellcilt Tt'k. 12.88 'lu! fed. fa• ond old 15Te , Quick . and Easy as A, B, C The-!ir&t'wont,.r...,ip wonled ads appearing In the Df.lLY: PILOT Classi-' lied Adverii.!ng ;iedio-;,-ilarting Monday, wlll be a descrlption.cif:IJ!e job offered. The ads will be arranged in alpbabetlcal order. And· tlia~makes I hat first word the 18' w rd in convelllence when you'n job .&happing. Look for the "new loot" 1Wung Monday in the DAILY PILOT. ' / • G...an19t ..-.C faikw9 H ... ~ lht life .,_, 1he tr.. rw• ••• J*"iod, tt.n ts roo chlrge; W -rtpl-the tint attar mt ,,.....,pl_ merit period, ~ PA"Y 50% ar 2~% less th.n tlw CUfftnt telling priai of tt. tire iododttig F--.. e..:;;. Tu., ConwMrdll u.. ,,. ........ ii ldd ................ .. ins n ulld Ol'I lnldls, u.t !Of bl.Iii· -. ar dfw.n _. 30JX)O,,,..._ In°"' -· . ....... how yow ........ ...... -- .ILACK TUBELESS SIZE FED. TAX ~5(). 13 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1..79 ns..14 ....••.•..•..••• 2.20 825-14 -• .._ •••••••••••••• 2..36 11s.1s ................. rn FREE tire rotation ewry 5,000 ..US-1 . • I FREE ~..,..;,i...r.i. .ir· I I ' fREl .!iN mo4intit11I,. -' SALE! FOREM«;IST HEA'1, DUTY MOTOR OIL ' ~· 2.10 ... NOW 1.60 6 CAHS c..,.. .. ;, .....,. -rho • --S-•thiolow pnc;... 20 GMI 30 _.:. ~-••• atMGEIJI I 3 days only ••. Mon ., Tues.,IWeclJ 1-2-3 lubricati,on special! I l. O;t ..._ f.I -....., doty o;I). ·~ 4.88* 2. Co.phtta ,,._. k.lbe. 3. "-oiltnoe.. ' ............. _ DRM II< ••• OiARGE l'1 BUENA PARK (~t;"',;:•) CANOGA PARK CHULA VlSTA DOWNEY FUUERTON DAILY PILOT ALPHABETIZED WANT ADS HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • • ... ------------------------- -- "' I " - Ni j I .. ' , ' "" •& ..., ... ... I I • • ~ SAFECO INSURANCE for $pecial GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Fam ily Auto Insurance Bob Paley and Associ&te.s INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 ·-------------,....----------.... ----........ .., __ .,.....,... ... __ ..,~======:-..,...,..,,,,.,.,,"""'==:c.,,,.--:::-"'"""::"""'"-.:-;.;:.;,,-=;::-:;:~;::;;;>•<:::;:;: i:; . - WE'VE GOT THE .. ANSW•RI TAB WIU. ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE ••• WAKE YOU UP ... DELIVER YOUR MESSAOES ••• TAJ!E YOUR OllDERS ... AND FILI. MANY OT!iEll HEEDS ... FOR AS LOW AS 14.50 PER MO. CALL I.JS NOW FOR lt'FOAMATION ANO ' A BAOCHURE. ..... _ TllEPHONE -Jllb ANSWERING llll!EAU 543-2222 9 OFl'ICES TO SERVE AU. OF ORANGE CO. Crowds Groovier "Than Attraction By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) -ll h a s t>ecome clear alnce the close or the WooclsfOOl Yudc and Art Fai.r' that many or the HARD " CONTRACT 300,11110 young people who at. lend<d this thtee-<lay ululatlon never got within earshot of tbe band.sland. If I were given to snide cornmcnta, l might call that 11ood planning. But there is more to it than lhiil. It Is, I'm convinctd, the begiMing or a new form ol . mass entertainment in this country-the ··nonoert." A "noncert" is a concert at which no musi cis heard. Put· ting it another way , it iJ a non- concert. TV JE~KR~•P~v~ t~n•d 11;~~5~~~~~.,~,;"~ lo wk•l'1 h•PP•lli119 behin d the Ii lub1 -E¥1ry S1iurd1y in 011 0A1LY PILOT. The potential popularity ol noocerts became appartnl to me 1s I was readinc some in- terviews with rock lan.s who were part o[ the throng that ascended into the Catskills for the Woodstock Festival. Although they missed every performance, the g r o u p uoanimou&ly praised 1 h e fmUval as a smaahJ.nC suc- cess. One of them precv.tM that if the festival l.s repeated next year, the crowd will be three times bigger. NOW PLAYING! IOX OF,FICE OPENS ll:JO SHOW STA ITS 1 :00 COOLED BY REFRIGERATION It was, you see. the crowd itself that turned them on. The procram, even had they heard U, would have been a secon· .. Curtain Going Dow•• DAllY P!'°T , JI DJ Goes Back to Theater . v By llOW ARD ANGIONE BOOTON (AP) -Like many men faced with the need to give their ramilles security, Jess Cain gave up a career that he had dreamed o( and tumed t.o stead!er work:. Unlike most such men, he ha.s been able to savor some of the dream job's delights, too. '!'he host or a populat .radio program io Bo!!on. he, credits his wife, Jean, with the en- couragement tttat has e~a cd him to return lo tbe ro-, fessional stage aJte a n absence of more than IO yean. Tbe return Is not complete -it has been for week-lone runs this year and last-but' it's starring roles with ac· complished performers. sell- out crowds, "and critical praise. La.st year. he p1aytd Oscar. the. slob in "The Old C<liple," replactng Dan Dalley' Jn , touring company that ai.Jo stai-red Tom Poston and had several actors from t h e original Broadway cut. Nine men who came tna late and stayed toa long~ dary pleasure . The next logical step, as I see it. is to-do away with the program altogether and simp- ly draw a crowd. Billboards for such an event might read Helping to writ~ the final page In the ~year history of the Laguna Playhouse is this steamed up trio (from left) Chris Weatherhead, Francie Walsh ~nd Doug Rowe director and star of "Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath" which brings. the Old playhouse's curtain down for the last time tonight. 1'ilb ,...,, b! pl.l,..i Ill• male lead in the .musical "I Do, 1 Do" opposite Oran Hamilton. who was t h e standby for Mary Martin dur· ing the sbow"s Brnadwayn1n,. A PHIL FELDMAN PRODUCTION UftCB "G'Jfflffl m~e:r 1tow11n •nd M1rtln "MALTESE llPPY" Continuous Matlnrw. Dally _I,,_ IH.,t' ., >•• T.....,..I •I I:• hm:-.tll'rWmtll"fmRllH 1111$ . .anu 11111'. ,, . . -ALSo-1 _),,:dPHN' DAVID WAYNE ' JANSSEN .... ~ ...... -1a-...-...... ..oe •• .,.,... "THE WHOPPINGEST .CHILLER-DILLER SUSPENSE FILM OF THEM AU!" -N.Y. DAILY NEWS AND TM£ llGGEST DOUILl 11LL IN 1 l ORANGI COUNTY Their New Full-Length Movie! Continuous D•ily From 2 P.M. t1,(l-rnesa -. . .. , ., . . . . . . 'J t '.'JI : \'·Li '' • · o::: " • • , > ... • '. J ~ llLIPHOHE 54t·1552 fOl INFOIMATIOlt •• I' Speci1I Show Times .. -Thi• Run Only- Optn N;ghlly 6: 1S F .. turt Show At 6:30 ind 9:45 20t• C.1t111ry•Fe• •ftlHS tlih It tM •t atiewlitt t.r 4 '""" UM1 will "t M aMw .. TY. GAIE1Y •• VIHANCE/ RADIANCE, 84 STORES .... ALl 72° . - and open nlghtl~ tlll 9 :30 South Coast 'Plua I something like lhis: ''Mammath Rock "A! u 51 c Fe s I i v a I Crowd-Bethel, N.Y.-Aug. lfl-17-Admi.ssloo $2 .50." Too ) Mu~h TV Dutin1 the mid-1950!1 Catn had a suectsslon of 'ta&e roles. off and on Broadway, including a run in both the New , York and touring com- panies of "Sla1ag 1 7 • •-• It is necessary, or course, to spell out iD advance the type or crowd you.._ are drawing. --Teacher~ Organize Media Training The radio job and com- merciab ~id well -he w.as the vWce of the "one-way, m- pint, ~" promotioo by a cola compii.y. The ch&\<" to OtheN•ise. you might get a If media mogul Marshall bad mixture and nobody would McLuhan's predictions arc have a good time. even close to aC'Curate, the Crowd enjoyment is by no Orange Coast. along \\'1th the means limited to rock fans. rest of the nation, has jumped There is, for instance, the headlong into what could be opera trO\\'d-people who called 'the electric genera- tlon't give a hoot about Verdi tion'-a lime when practically but who always attend opening everyone under the age or 30 night at the Met because they incorporates motion pictures enjoy tht crowd. and television into a large part Mixing the opera CrQ\\'d with of his everyday life. the rock crov.•d could be a But there are tho s e disa ster. Most people are prel· -psycholo~ists. SOfiologists ly particular about what Id~ and educators among them of music they aren't hearing. -who look with a critical eye Crowds also are essential at the blessings of modern for the enjoyment of most cummunications. T o d a y ' s sporting events. The but foot-youngsters, It appears, are ball game in ibe world would destined to spend a good por~ be ~ fairly spiritless affair if lion of their time in front of a You were the only spectalOr. motion picture or Tv screen. I~,,.~- ~ IT'S Hlal TKI FUJllNlllT COMIDT IN TE.t.15 ALL fAMILY.PIOGltAM 2905 l•t c-t Hlthwey CM011e l)fl Mor-ph. 67l~J60 He c1n"J . fix 1 faucit. or c1rry a dish, but h-! did something elN tMt m1de the whole world 11t up •nd t1ke notlc.. · m SHOW lt~m 7 P.M. CONT1NUOIJI SHOW UT. a SUN. PIOiil J P.M; HELD OVER EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY! tl.e o4db1ll htr••• teek fll1 ce1tf1, f~eir en•·•y1d rn•J11 t1ok it. mi1lr•11 -eRtl th1R th•Y to.• en t~• w•rl'I "'"'4 TM "M.llPll COMDY Of11H1 Y1Ar J .... , &.,.., -Je•11 H•ck,u -Wtltff iwwl•o fi!l*1ftJ;lfJm , . And, like it or not, surveys in· C'onfrontation with the new get back to lht stage C&JM dicate reading as an activity medium. whert Dalley was unable to re- J the young is definitely on "They'll be working with main. with the "Odd Couple" ~ l'1mll~ bu"-" •O!I time," the '11\1 --e"14 company for Its run at a large wane. Moline said, ''so they're learn-theater In suburban Beverfy. The logical step being taken ing all aspects of !llmaking In Friends ln the cast suggested by one local school district is order to handle each eleme.nl Cain for the role. 1o~confront the situation head-when the time comes." "I hestta~'Odd Couple' on : i( youngsters are going to Teachers pay nothing to was comedy, I'd done that ind be inundated by the electronic take the voluntary c~ ·and thoughl I could handle it., but l media, their critical faculties speclal credits are awarded knew I'd beeome dlfiicult to to select aod judge such media whlcil can lead .to 1alary in-Jive with at home once I got need to be developed. creases . for teachers who started. Finally, Jean talked A leader in thC develoj)ment enroll in and complete the. me Into ii. of media training is the two-week course. "When 'I Do, I Do' wa:; sug- Newport Mesa Unined School The project is the fil'st of ii.! gested for this year, I had District whicb .this summer kind in the area involving a talked myself out of it and lmplemenled a teacher' s cooperative effort between decided ntmly against it. But training program in filmaking. ¢ucators ai;id the ppen End the!) Jean changed my mind." Under the supervision or Dr. Theatre Workshop, a pro-Why dJ,d she i n s· I s l : Hilda McCartney, director of feu!ODll achoo! In the "Because l 1know how .be loves instructional media servlices performing and graphic arts. It," she nfd. for the dislrict, in a!llOCiationl=::,,::,,===================:::; with the Open End Theater Workshop of Newport Beach, IOITJe 35 teachers a r e participating in 10-day filmak-1 Ing work.shops designed to qualify them to motivate studenls in the art of the mo- tion picture . John Greely. En!lish in· st.ructor at Estanc a High School, was a prime organizer of the project "Teachers ~ to be kept current," he com- mented, "and right now film 11 definitely in tf;>at category. • "Students are a.sting altout U, wanting to take part in it. Through their teachers, who must familiarize themselves with a new medium , they can make films and )?egln to develop a more critical senseJ'.=EE:=EEEEEE;:;::=:=:=EEEE:=:=~, of what 'makes a good film." ~ According to GrL>ely, most NOW TOQ.ETHER FOR students who will nevtr work THE FIRST TIME professionally In the medium EXCLUSIVELY 1 can still benefit greatly. "And the country itself benefits, too," he added . "By being more Informed consumers. the students tastes and demands will ultimately be reflected in the improving product of OUT media." h!llton MDline of Fullerton, a writer and director at North American Rockwell Corp.. is the w o r ks h 'op 'nttructor ~ Teachers are hrtrOdticed to_ an· arpects of-tilmatt~g lhChfdlng · Iigb'ting,d1rectlng and editing. Moline, who conducts rum W(ll'kshops for the. general public at the Open End 'lbealer W.or"8ll!IJ>. . aa1d Ille teacher! attend e v e n i n II classes and work on filma dur· Ing the day using equipment recently purchased by the diatrlct. Later, the same equipment wil be used .• by students in lheir beginning --OHNWAYNE Jack Lemmon ami 'Catherine Deneuve are "The Api;il Fools• TtcbnimlOf.' l!i-. ACindlltt"'*"Film,.,..._ .. ,.. Kat.Ml~ !"ct-. ..... LEN CAMPBELL IMDARBY • QUE '\G IT • • l ! j l • • ' ; t • • • • • • • ) ! • • ! r ......... ~ I ' - ' .,., • A --- • ( •• • • • ' • ~ OUR GREATEST MONT~H'..END WILL BE-·coNTINUED FOR ONE MORE DAY . • • SHOP T·OMDRROW , AND CHECK THESE SPECIAL BONUS VALUES Famous beaded linen dresses 8.99 Reg.13.00. Excitiagrayoo linel messes in Uuee charuini iermanently beaded pe!llilils. All are machine wmable; white, blue, inch, Utac .. 10.18. Bud,et ~esses, all stores except lllrina and Newpcrf ..... ~ ' Famous maker dresses In-dependence Ironstone • ' 10 '.95 Entire stock of men's velours 1/2 off 'Reg.13.00:-?J,OO, SaYe oo all your favorite styleS! Sho1 and long.sleeved, solids;slripes or fancies, AIOCkbrtle !I'. novelty collars. Store for.Met1, all sl«es except Marina . Instant¥load camera t • •• 15 .99-23. 99 7.99 '\ I Reg. 23.~;[ll. Periect f« wn Illian ~mer days ahead.' All~ fawrite li&htwei&ht fairies in stripes, solidS...S irints; 8-18. Dress Shop, all stores except Marina . Buffums~ acrylic sweaters 7.99 I Reg. 13 .00-15.00. Washable cardigans and pull · oYer in the new boocTe'weave criss-cross desifJ). Crew« V-neck styles"in bei,e, pink, yeflow,~; 36:42. Accei;s«ies, all st«es Carefree print dresses 4.99 An olilstandini value on these colorful nylon kn it dle~s In Ill!~• wnt sleewless sly9s.8-18. AcctSS«ie$, au stoces exupt llarina • ' . NEWPORT CENTER • di I FASHION ISLAND • • • Reg.14.95. f!Otll September 2 to~ 'll. Oven and dishwashef safe, smart S:Slded shape. 16 pc. set inclllles 4 each dinner, !ii-tad Ind butter, cup, saucer. White. Also, Daffodil, rei 17.95,11.95.' Gilts illld China..all·stores except Marina ' Sculptural Glassware 4/5.95 • Reg. 4/7.00. From September 2 to September 27, save on this exquisite CQQlemporary glassware. Smartlyfacyted pieces incllX!e fooled goblet, wine, sherbet-an(Hce teas. 'Topaz; olive and'Sllbke. Or, i1 ame and·~nron, reg. 4/8.00, 411 •• : tiiflsltld China, all st«es except Marina Famous maker towels I ' · These first qual ity towels are in a-handsome , sheared_.Rose Bouqllf'.I print, Bl~, gold,,pink·« spear•i!l!;·llC!! all-colols fn all si~s: Bllh, rei. 4.00, 2.11; Mad.,rie.2.30,1.11; dolh~rec. .90, .11; lip, reJ.1.00, .lt.·Towels, Dcrmtdlll Loai llezh, Smlla ;\na, f'ollona, La Habra < "I . • I ...:, .. I .. . • ' Reg.· 11.99. ':Viceroy" by GAF incluges color . ' . -· • l/ film, batterietaiid fla shcube. And, ~Qn · ..... :. : ; • , . 'Easbnan Kodak processing mailers! 8 mm/Supe r' · .. . g milers or 20 exposure slide mai lers;reg. 210, 1.59. ~mera Shop, Downtown Long Beach, Santa Ana, .P,!)mOlla, Palos Verdes, La Habra .· Motorola por table radios Motorola AM/FM with AFC is a powerful 10 Iran: "sistor with taie co ntrol, slide rule dial and tel e- scoping antenna, reg. 49.95, ~2.!5. Motorola AM with tone·con!r~I. has a large easy-to-read dial and big.speaker, reg, 19.95, 13.!5. TV and Stereo SQlll\l Center, Downtown Long Beach, Santa Ana, Pomona, .La Habra Wallace sterling 25% off . . ' • ·save 251'.on all open stock pieces in four ~tterns: RosePQint, Spanish Lace, Shen'· andoah or Gtald Co\ooial. Our usua l credit fef11ts a11ravailable. But hirry, Slie ends Septe.mberJoth. Silwrware, all stores'. ~~pt Mari~~ • I ' , • ! r • I f - ) j ' 644-2200 • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10 :00 Till: 9:30 , • OTHER DA YS I 0:00 Till 5:30 I I . . " • I I I '[I I, II " ' ' I 1" I' ii I' I I I !I lj I: ·11 II Ii I I I. I iii I" ·I I • J ,. ' ' ~ f ; , ~ Trpvel \o la! ofl'place•,'worlt In varied locales aqd pa_ icipaU0n in udnuiual hobbies filled t6e •lbrmre~·inontbs for CbildrOll:•• Home Sop\e!y . , ebutantes. ~ • ,, '" ' .,__ ' ·~-,., . .' Soon to . scatter for~ campuses lo~ated. througQout California anq in .W\>Opa,. Missouri, Oregon aqd Massachusetts,. t)\e l~ f~as!unen' C1Jlloge · _J,nfrahts J!lay-look tiaclt: t<Kt productive vac.ation a~tivities. · . '1 ,;, " Ainong travelei:i • broad· was ritiss' Marianne 'Emlsou ~xi daul(li,l!l'' of Mr. and Mrs. AlVb\ Ste.'!:._•rl CQx, who ·spent sit -w~eks iii 'E\\roJie. A'go'ji ·.:ef\!buslast. she was nam94·ou1~tiqii!ing Junior.'QO!fer io1heJlli/Jti!jl'S?tf.;i •. ~d· 1!169 Student-of·t~e,year ·at Corona de! Mar High School. Stanford Unt· · .. •efsfty;will be her campus in,\he~hl!. ;' , . . ,. '. .;. Also-lraveling l!o Eui:b\Se with "'World.'1-!orlzons Institute;g~oup•wai M1iss Terty Ann Ellis. 'l'h!'i(djiugbter oJ Mr. and Mrs. •Fred Victor Ne\fnlan E ll.s tn~eled at ·a large..spp.rts clothin~ store· upon her return._ Aiizona State ·Uruvers.ity \vill .be!-beZ. .d~stinatiori m. Septi:mber. · · t ' ; , , ' ~ '. ' ' . . " • · ' ORANGE COAST CONll,NGENT · ·' , -A thir.d.·European :vi~ito; :"";as,•liliss Karen Kuemnl'el JacksOn. w~o spent\'11ix ,veek.s 'abroad. Th.e' daughter· Of J.~r. ~d .. Mrs.. ,.Robprt. E~an$ .,,. 4ac~~l].. SOQJ;l tp ent.er Otange: Coast College, WOfked at a spor~\lfeat s~op durmg~a pod.ion o{ the summer. ·. • . • ·'' .1'~other Orange Coast CoUege freshma'n \Viii be ~1iss V~rginia Claire ... , · }Jo\ve J. The ·daughter of ~1rs. Rober.t Palmer Yil'rdley. hnd Rtthard Deane H?wefi .. vacationed if.t Se~ttle a11d then combined her love of swinUnin_g \V;tb a JOb at"Newport Dun&S. ., -, · ""' · ' . . , A visitor Jo the 50th state was Lauren Ann Kalmbach,:' d1_1uiht~r; ef the Herbert Warren Kalmbachs, who plans·. to en.ter St~pbetJ,s Cou·~e in CQluml;lia, Mo., as a political science major. Her favorite bob.by is·a study .... Of.the.guitar. 1 ·~.~: A felJcnv guitariSt is Miss Deanna Kay Peytc;n, who will attend United " .~,tat~~ Interuailional Untve_rsity i~ Sall Diego. Th,e daughter of the Charles .~·g,an. P~yions spent ,a busy· suinnlfr t~ching drahla at Lincoln Junjor High-School, \v6rklng at a ,reStaurant and participating in. the Orange Coast OcillegC" musical, "The Most if3pp·y Filla." ' ' The' 49th stale lYa·s ·on 'the travel itinerary of Miss Pamela Jean 'hleserve,.daugfiter o( Mr. and'h1rs. Jobit Robert Me'serve. Altef cnti&ing to .Ala~ka on the RtincetS Jta1i3 ; shl! continued ·her hobbies of sewing and cooking which have led ' her to be a home economics major at, California State Polytechnic College in San Luis Obispo. INTERESTING· HOBBIES ' · \Vorking during the' summer for the engineering firm of Voorhie~. Trindle and Nelson. Miss 1'1argaret Lenore Parker still found time for her varie,d hobbies of \v3ter: skiing, tennis, s\.Vimming and motorcycling: Ttie dbughter of A1r. and Mrs. John Bernard Parker. plans to major in public relaijons at, Goldeq \Vest College. Combining hP.r bu~y activitles as playground director for the Balh<'-'l · Bay 'Club \Vith her hobbies in art has been 1-.1iss Jessica Morford Jones, d:1:ughter of 1'1r. and 1\.trs. 1-Ienry Lin coln Jones Jr .• She will be entering UCLA for the fall tenn. · '. • Caring for her tropical fish is the absorbing hobby of Miss Diane Plumb, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hµgh Julius Plumb Jr. She has also kept busy this summer working in her father's office and in an' ice cream parlor. Sbe will travel to the !:an~a Barbara campus of the University of Califor-nia in September. I Dental hygiene will be the career major of Miss Laurie Ellen Fraser, who \Vil] be a University of Southern California coed. The daughter of Mr. Md Mrs. David :Ladson Fraser has been a swimm\ng instructor St' the Balboa Yacht Club during the summer months. ~ (See DEBS, Page 14) .. ' SUMMER ENDS -Chil dren's Home Society debu· tantes (Lop right) pack for journeys to distant c::im· puses. ShO\vn sorting \vardrobes are (l~ft to right ) i\1iss Terry Ann Ellis \Vho \Vil\ enter Arizona St11te; .l\1iss 11arianne Emison Cox. \Vh o \Viii Lrn\'el ~o P r:!o Alto and the ::1a nf'ord cJn1pus cind .l\1iss Pciinefa J ean l\.Jese\·ve. \Vhose dcstill .'.ltion is San Luis Obispo \\•here she \viii enter Cal l)oly. Interesting summer hobbies 'of the future college freshmen ar.e illu.stral- ed in a series of photos. 11iss Diane Plumb (center right) conten1plates so1ne of 1he tropical fish she c~res for, while Miss Margaret Lenore Parker( bot- tom right} is shown on her motorcycle, one of, a variety of active hotibies she maintains. Miss Laurie Ellen Fraser (bottom left) is shown in ,her' summer capacity . as swimming instructor for the Balboa Yacht Club. Her smaU pupils are (left to rii!ht) Mirpi ROse and Pat White. D~motistrating tlieit skills as guitarists (center left) are 1'1iss Deanna -~i,<ay Peyton-(left) and Miss Lauren Ann Kalmbach. • • ·~ . .l. .. .. • . ' • . . • • ! I •; ,..,, .. ~,-r • _.,_ ,, __ -~-·• __ .. _...... •• ~·-..-.~'.:::-'-:"".:".'.":;':"::-,:~:=:=:::z::=~::~========?'!!;:":":''.":':''.':':~~~~o;"'.'::":':":':"'"':":'".':'!~:".'!":'l'":""""'!":':'":":~~~!!""!"".,.."!":'""'l"'""'"'!,..,,...,...,.,,.,-,,..,... .... --.,..-.,.0"""-..... _~_ .... , .. , • ~ ··-··· ......... -.. •. . • ...,,, "' ··~-.... 1!"'!. ... 7!'!.\:3':'.!i\i::'.c; 4 .,.i.':>"!1 1 ••• ~41 t.". .......... e .. f1. .. .~<•.. ~et #Ji f t+•• '"':. l I I ' J4 DAIL V PILOT Mondly, Stpttmbtr l , 1964' • . G·uy With Glasses Gets Passes .~j ,I 61519) I 1 JJ ij • Simpli~ty ol de.sip by P1lrick de Barenlzen takes a subUe sbaJll!ll beeauu ot tbe 1ent1y curved ••aw \bat""' stratelically ptoctd. DEAR ANN LANDERS : 'A girl ...... uL wrcte io ask ll U were true that men seldom make-passes at 1irls who wear iJwa. You rllhlluUy ........i bor that gllllel do not dfacoorqtt,male advaDCU. And now, be.re'• a.noUMil' point that ml)' ~ of lnterelt to your ruden. Did you know ibat glrla often make paws at GUYS who wear glasses? l Joined the spec set six months ago and I've had to fight oft the cllkks ever alnce -a · problem I had never ex· perlenced previously. 1 aou\dn,1figure It out untJI ~ doll ~Id, "You never ap- pealed ,to me ~l,\.bul your ~ are ''er'Y ltX)'." A wtlek i,.ter another doll an. nounced bhtnt17, ,"Your, glasses turn me on. Lover."• The pirpose of tbb lett,u is &o nlate an experlerice I bad Jul· nlg)lt. Tbere's a le9sul to be learned here. 1 had a dJte .with a quiet little librarian -or '° I thougbl 1 look oil my gl.mes lo dean lheln and """ insllliiJ:y lnterpr<led Uli! move as a a.lgnal for things to come. She closed her e:Yes, puckerecl up and' I bad no choke but lo kiss her -!Omething I really had not planned on. . So please tell the bespectacled male9 oul there to keep their glasses on unless they mean to clear the decb for action.- LIVE ANO LEARN DEAR LlvE: Tbanka for , your hi· tere1ttac uputenet1, U. yed tlnd yo1 1lmply can't defeltd younelf. there alw1y1 are contact lenses. Horos'cope Aquarius: ANN LANDERS ril DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently you prjnted a letter from an unwed mother who said your advice had ruined her life. She had gone to the Florence Crlttenton Home (at your suggestion) and gave up her baby Sor adopUon. Hett ls a letter from 1 1lrl who t.oek your advice and blesses you every. day of her file. I went tp the FIOl'eoce Cfittenton Home -also at YOW' au11est.ion. I needed medical care. · emotlonal 1 u p p o r t , anonymity-and I bad Vt!rf little money. I fuund evuythlna I needed al lhe FC Home and more besides. I made won- derful friends and Pf'9(11ed greaUy from the counseling of the social workers. When I left four montha later I was free n( alJ anxiety and bitterness.. I left know- ing my child would be raised. by a loving cwple who could·offer her far more than 1 could. I hope you don't take to heart !he unkind tbinp·people write to you, Ann. Thet girl'a letter was a vicious, unfair al· tack. l apologize in her behalf. -YOUR FRIEND FOREVER DEAR FRIEND: No apoloa:itt are neemary. Some people need to p1lte blame becau1e they are QJlable to accept t.be re1pomlbUty for tJ:ielr owa fallure1. 1 undentaad th1I lDd ~e attaclu don't bother me. Your letter is a heart warmer and I Ulank yov for writinC IL CONFIDENTIAL TO HEARTBROKEN MO'l'HER OF A BOY WITH A TWISTED f\llND: Y~ I recommend psychlatric help -not for him, but Sor you. Your son has learned to live wilh hls bomosu· uality. In fact, he seems to have adjusted very well. Now you must learn to accept him u be is and stop torturing yourself. • "The Bride's Gulde," AM Llnder1' booklet, answtrs 1om.e of the most fre• qu,ftUy asked questions about weddings. To recdve your copy or tlUs com- preb,nslve guide, write to Aan Lander•, In care of this new a paper, enclo1ln1 a long, lelf-addressed, stamped envelope 11nd 35 ctJlts ln coin. Ann Lan.den wlU be glad to he.Ip you with your probleDlll. Send tllem to her In care of the DAILY PILOT, enclo1i11g a s,u.addre1ied1 stamped envelope. Avoid Extravagance JntertSt In unusual area is In· available for speeial assign· ' November Date Set The enaagement ol Karen Cr-11,y and John Tarvin has been dl..lclostd by t.1r. and MD. Robert Gray of Hun-- tin,gton Be;ich, parenLs of the br:lde-elect. The couple arc planning to be married Nov. 22 in the Blessed Sacrament Church, Westminster. ti.tiss Gray was graduated from Marina High School. Her flance, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Tarvin or Huntington Beach, attended Huntington KAREN GRAY Beach High School and Golden To U.rry West COUege. He f!ISO !if'rved ----:3-""-'----. two years in the U.S. Army • Pair Feted At Buffet ~lr. and ~1rs. Russell K. Stribling of Newport Beach were honored on the ir Mlh wedding anniversary by a buf· fet gathering ln the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elsenbelss, also of Newport. The Striblings were married in the hid Los Angeles Court I-louse 54 years ago, and have been area residents since 1962, Mrs. Stribling moved to Los Angeles in 1900, and her bus· band, who was a catcher for the Chicago While Sox from 19011 to 1915, was born in the City of the Angels. Approximately 100 friends attended the buffet. reception Jn lhe Striblings' honor. WEIGHT @ ~\'i\TCHERS ~ is here. !i,· At last! ~..:_ EIGHT@. WATCHERS. • Some t1!king, somt listening ind 1 program 11111 work1. T• FlEE llOCHURl-CAlL IS5·$~S HAL AEllSCHER HEARING AIDS Cultom Aur•I Ampllflc•tlon NO SALESMEN Top-sUtcblnl edJe3 the neckline and sleeves. Slit pockets are hldaon ill sldo fl"ont seams. Note TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 Find reasons Why. CANCER (June II.July 22): tensilied. Your pers<>naMy menl, task. You gain satislac· Let TV WEEK comes across -strong. Some lion from job well done. 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR For Appointmtttt tbt"illlerestlng detall al lllt underarm. · . This deeien Is perfoet for d~ or sporty ial>- r1cs such a.s tina.. 'WQl'Sted crepe, &ilk shantung, lightweight 1"lOlen or medium wei&hl cotton. 615111 Is cut m ]l(lJ,,.. saes •tt Sile ll requires approxi- mately 2 111 yardl of st" fabric for either tbe short or long sleeve venian. To order 61519; state size : include name, addnso and zip code. Send $1.25 plus 25 cenls lint-class postage and handling for each pattern. Send orders for books and patterns, to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15, Milford, N.J. 08848. By SYDNEY OMAllR COMMUmCATIO!iS 'la lhe new1 -to 11 tnasportatlon. An una•••I agrftlDell.t In theae 1re11 eou1d cnb bud· lines. ARIES (March 21-April 19~: Pets,. Dolls Big Stars Take care In traffic. You are on the move. Keep track of papers, documents. Tendern:y is to be absent-minded where details ar!· concerned. Have fuh without gojng to·extremes. Pets, doll!! and bikes were st.an of Show-off Week al the ~Viejo Rec re a ti on Oarter. Wlnners la the pet catea:ory W1": MlDdy Carlllle, tortoise, bappielt; Pal Byrne, wblte rat, mmt unusual: David l'reil>oq. -~ rut .. l ; Lee Am Jl'relbtrc, t u r t I e , vn•JIMI: Cbristy Trafford, ca~ pnlllat; Kevin Trllflord, dol. ""' .,.,.,,..i; Cathy l!ourilln. .,.. best dressed ; Pab;J IDd Jim Hourigan, cat, _ .... ; Qut Vogel, dog, -lldlve; amt1 Voeel, rlbbll, cutest; I.Ju A n n Roltat•, rabbit, best behav- ed ••. • • From Pege ·13 • • • Debs Travelln& to Corvallis, Ore., '!rill be Mlss Linda Lellee Llt- llejobn, daupl<r ci Or. 1 n d ¥n. Vernon Lester Llttlejohn. A dental assl&lant for much of the summer, she will major in home economics on the Ore- son St.ate University campus. A stanford University en· trant will be Miss Kathryn Leona Lynch. who was Corona def Mar lligh School"s vale- dictorian. Her hobbies of sail- ing and writing absorbed the da,ughter of Mr. and Mrs . Dolls exbi,Pited included t 100-year-old French fashion doll and a Shirley Temple doll. Specil1 showmanship awards went to Karen Freuler with "Cret.a," cutest of the show and Donna Cate w i t h. "Katrina," a Haw a Ii an dancer. An entry brougfll by Paige Porter, the youngest participant, was deemed the "moat real" by the judges. TAURUS (AP'il 20-May lD)o -Obtain hint from A r i e ' message. Keep track o f possessions. Accent on money, income potential. ~ receptive to one who presents u.ausuil l~a. ' ·.~ !;£M1Nt(May 21.June lDJ: ~· i.· high; safe lo tali. ui- iU,tive. E:1ercise In· dependence ol lhoughl, adlon. t,lake new cont.acl4. Gfve full RlaY tq intellectual .curiosity. Obetrva and ~ the 1ech· Frank W. Lynch during the.,, 0._, vacation period. nJqaM 811 d famou Cher redpu of .ur 'Ille storybook job of por. trayln.g Snow Whlte at Disney- land occupied M!Ja Elhabelh H~ Carver, who soon will be enroute to Norton, Mass., where lhe will attend.Wheaton College. She is the dauibter of Mr. and Mr1. Leroy Lang- fienry Carver Jr. • MIJ.S Sh a r o n 'lbompson, daughter of Or. and Mrs. Ar- t.bur Farrand Thompson, will have the-distinct.Ion of Honors ~t Entrance when she 'arrives at the Univenlty or Callfor· nia campus at Berkeley, She spent part of her summer Working for • well known short order food chain. PERSNICKID! Yev llet •• .,..u We we"4 ftiet lnltt ... il•m of your• N ho._~ M-t look ••ttllllo, t• , •. If yevr r•Ho111 It 111 ..._uWo, ~"! 11 111. We'n Mt\ \,.1.,, fv11 ••I 1itt .i.-. it, . ' Thomu J. HollAJll PrMident of the Chef de Cuisine Aasociation of Califomia Rear> Co.ta M... . • • W,.kl1 a.- n.rin: Tueoday. s.pt. 23rd. Tlme: 7 :!to to 9 :00 r .~t. E"~fJ T'Dt9d.ay for 12 Week&. Sean 0..U.ro Storo , •• w .. 1<11 0 a.-a ll<sin: Wed......,, Soi>t. 211~ • Time: 7:30 ta 9 :00 P.M. E~ / Wednmc!a,r for U Wttks. Plaa for Both st-: Employ,.• catettria You may find SOg}e &rta! blocked. There SOOll will be op,tDmp. Key is pallenc<, tJm. ingr 'Be a keen observer. Remember oblliJtiom to one who might be confined lo home. hospital. 675-3833 Claim you are overbearing. Fu{u:re security can b e T enhanced. urn You On Bul Ulls probably envy. Con·1-------------_:_.:_::._::..:_:__~~~~~~~~~~ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): tinue to dig deep for in- fonnaUon. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Spotlight on public relations, dealings with close associates. A relationship may reach critical point. Doa't at· templ to hang on to past. Jnstead . look to future. 84 STORES · ... ALL 72° and open nightly till 9o30 South Coast ?taza ' Good ·lunar aspect today C<lin· ci des with discovery thal friends can be of valuable aid. Communicate fee Ii n g s, desi res. You are espe~.ially popular with opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Stand tall. Prestige may be on the line, Be firm in expressing belie.ls. You get unexpectecl aid from those in authority. Family will eventually see thinp your way. CAPRICORN (0 e c. 22.Jan. rj~;~:;;:;:::::"":':'~:·:'·=-~·~-::~:·~:··:~:'":":•:•·==~~:;;;;;;;, 19): New approach to work met.hods could be profitable ~;n~~:1£lu~~l::. IFAl8 ~~c JAM ~o ~lE IE LIBRA (Sept. 21-0 ct. 22 ): EmphHis on travel~ ability to be Ip .touch with those aL a distance. S o m e long·range plans may Jack practicality. Key is to combine imagination with realism. Stri1le a balance. SCORPIO (OcL. ~Nov. 21): AQUARIUS l Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Be receptive to changing .methodl. ACCfllt the creative. Study Ciprtcorn message. But a.Joid extravagance. Nothing ls halfway today. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Properly matters. domestic is.sues are spotlighted. Be 9 Complete Leseons P1US 114-page Cook Volume, Color muatrated, "c:ac:tus" HOPSACKING colorful afl cotton prints on a casual weave hopsackin9 ••• fine for dresses, jumpers, suits, skirts, sportswear. COMPARE AT $1.49 YARD 44"/45" Wfde llHlr. washable I .88~ BONDED all linin9 100 °/ .. acetate tricot 100% wool• • wool blends a ma9nificent collection of fall and winter fabrics for suits and dresses: • WOVEN PLAIDS e .BLACK 'N WHITES e WOVEN FANCIES e "SOFT TOUCH" e FLANNEL SOLIDS •H tfte ••ted new colon! 54" to 62" widths -¥ALUES TO $5.U "YARD !Sears/ THI KNIT WIT Seal'!l Orange 2100 N. Tustin Ave. Sears C-Oeta Mesa 3333 Bristol St. r 1 1:x fl. 1 • ~ r? 1 L .. I NOTIONS I HUNTINGTON CENTER IOVTHCOAITl'IAIA """"'"' ~ °"""'9 ...,_,.. .. ....... ... ..... ...... c ...... ... ......... "'' ----ENROLL TODAY IN OUR STOVE DEl>ARTMENT HUNTINGTON IEACHINGER AT BEAOI 897-8013 OPEN MON. THltU FRI, 10 'Ttl' P.M. -SAT. 'Tll 6 P.M • .. I 1:1 ... t I I [\/l~~.·.L 1;00 IJ Tio Ila • .., (C) ("1) ""' Dunphf, • C!J IDCllm•""""",_ W lt} (cont'd from 5!00 Piii) T 111n• to bt 1nllOIHIOld. 0 ,.... • Dw (t) (90) lob C'np. Arthur Cortlty, llill 0.llJ, I ~ M1ril Alba l\ll3l. o"'""""'"""' CCl...,., •ttM JJjll"' (athentu11) '57-Van Jollntoll, Mtrtlnt Ctrol. mo ""...., 1~ l!)lltllu (C) (30) m WW't """ (JIJl "Mfftlturm iTTt11 5a"1Ylr.f Fll'lt 1pbod1 111 I ._.. ~ Oii Mart Tnftl"I desalc. TodaJ', TO!fl uplolb h1J111an lllhn tD set Aunt Polly's ltnce 1ff)ft•wutitd. l?D hrwirtM Dhlllt T1•1 (30) · m,..... (C) (5CI) 1.a Hl~kt1. l:M fJ T1lt 1,...,. SIM (C) (30) ltol>- trt W. Morain •nd Kam ft•IJDll 1rt fufurtd. l!t htlf D11l1 130) , fl') Twlti Clrde HMllll111 (t) (30) OJ llotidltl S4 (C) (60) 7:GO II CIS &ulna ,...,. (C) 130) W-atar Cronkite. t 0 WUt'1 MJ U11tl (C) (30) Hem W1llJ' Bnnttr encl pwllst Arlene Fnndt N1l11 thtlr Malnd 161IOll Oft Ch1nntl 9, Gual pant!fsts lrt Gen1 Raytiurn ind Jack C.uidy. m '""""1 (C) (30) Clrolyn Jones •nd B1rry Sul11¥1n 1r1 Alltn Lu,. den's iuab. m _...,<30> GI PIDllUE AMirtl (30) rim Jn I rltW Sirles, from £1st LOI An11• kt studios, dtlll111 will! tht Mni- un-AmerK:.n community. Usina tlle llhlpzilll IDfflllf, this llril!ll IOC:USOS lttention Oii u... bluts, ICCOf!lpf!Sh- lllMb. musk, tit tod dr11111 of .tilt to111miinily. M!(hllcfrtinl tod1)"1 show ttt ll'llf!lbert of th1 Muicln- Amtriul EduCltioft Commbskin; Pafl Vist1 timlstart dllldr~n: ICUl~ t:to II Mt...., lfl ('C) (30) Mlnl1'1 ~rind. RlllM (MINMI Hlll). t ""' Jon; (ntiloll l'llOdtl, btuks UD .._.Ith II• boytrleM ind comn to fl11burr lor • mil (It) ·a M1¥11 ,Mir. "Dlrtlftr" 1c111m1J '6S-Jul11 Chrlstlt, Uurtl'ICI HIMJ, Dirt Boa1tc1e.. D l\t l11H (C) (GD) "You C.ni WI~ T"1m All .. Tiit BIAH! t1U, M • bi1·tl1M 11mbll(. stl-ln• llis oll'!I 1111 aaai"st 1 lllln 111 knows lo be. 1 ruthless litltt. o ll1l rn m"' _,. "' l601 ''The Al!laato1 K1111." Jemtl DAvld COmtJ to thf support DI Huibttt\ Mikko, a CMk llldlan cll!tl who -llled the wlllfl thin Who tJlcked 1111'11 lllto slfnlft8 IWtJ mud! ol the tribe's llnd.. ,.ul M111- '" ruesh. CIO m 111a JoW111 <GO> "Seltl"ICe ind ConsGleflCI," A pariel dl:lcusslon ol tho morsl mponlibllilJ l11W1lved In m1dlc1I prldice 1nd scleiltfflc n· seutl!. Doctors fmrn four Mllo111 dllcu" well ltllnp t ! ht1rt lrtn• pl1nll. •Msediotl ind PO!MJlltioll "'"""· m fllltllrt (2 hr) "AWISl!nlfioll In Romt," st1rrtn1 C)'d Ch1ri"' ind Hufh O'Brl111. tor Giiberto LuJ1n; tnd th1 ltilaut 10:0011 a ([J JlllMll Rodflra IC) (60) of Medt&ft Women, O m Newt (C) (60l (E Drn11 Hout1 (C) (30) 0 (ff) (}) fm Dk• C1¥ttt IC) (60) 8. B".Kln1 •nil Sit MiMO ·~ell. 7:JO D 1Smc u1111111•1 (C) cool 11fwist1drlerit1p." Kitty takes tfltl reins in 1 deip1r111 st11oc.<1acil rtct wou tht p11lrll lo 111~1 !tit Ill• of 1 'llOUndld str111pf (Jr;hn [riaofl) after tilt st111 bi held up, 1iwt tlM driver tlaln. (R) 1 U lHk lnWJ' (30) Bobby Rydtlll ...... 0 ll1l (!J Ill Do ........ (Cj (60) "Mialon ••• H!1hl1 lmpf"Ob. able.'" Sir lie!lld Btncrott. a trns- ury orflcie~ 1nd tht Cit" th1t It Uk· 0 Dtllll (C) (60) Roy C11rk, M11 Rich11d Hua:ha. Ed Bc1Jer cum E?:J flrint lint (C) (60) ''The ABM Conflk:t." Wi!li1m r. Buc.klr,-'1 IWIAI lrt ioul'IUllist Umu 811n1- h1m Ind St111t1M' Albert Golt (D· T~nn.). A dlscuuil)ll of Ult ltrt- le1\c 11111 polltlcll up«ts of lllt ABM Is ofllf9d with Senato! Got. 111lnst ind Buckley ind Burnham defr!Mlln1. IE M11 Nii 4t Mi Nl'llil (C) (30) lnl film to 1 ra6trch lestl111 cen. JO:l O m Ktwt (C) (30) Bill Johns 1111' to look il!lo IPJllflnt OW· m U11 llrlto tw 11 Oblcurld1!1 (30) aprnd!nr 1t1nllh whllt 111ttrln1 tile lnstatl1tiort. stted It 1ul111td to find out 'd•I h•PPtntd. (RJ 11:00 El Dumm m ..... IC) 0 Minioil t Mt¥ir. "T1tt Or111--0 A1tr9111 HiWlcld Irr' (d11m1) '64 -M11tello Mas· O Morit· "Opentlott S11tlcll" br:l1nlli, Mnle Glr11dot. (comedy) ··62-Ttfry-Thomis.G1aia• m Tnrtti " CoftMQ11nm (Cl 130) Sanders. Two couples participate in 1 "tlue1 1 m L1ddu'1 C1lltry (C} ,~nkle or 111111"' contut l11VOlvln1 1ta1e· Av1lon. Paul Gilbert ind Abbt D1I· mtnli·written bJ' lh1 husbands Pt!· Ion 1uest. Word POrftatt.! 1r1 of l1!nln1 to their whtts' chtracteflJ-Comm1ndt1 Lloyd Buchef •~d Jlldy tics. Bob B1r\w hosts. I G1rl1l!CI. GI Piny -(60} m MOfir. "MlrKUlon Soumlf' ID la*I 9"aM _. Modlin ld11m1) '41 -RO<J Calhoun. Jim lh (30) "Tbt Lift of hn." Pllnoi-~~~ Sml" ,.,;-"Tho "'"' IOll9' Mftl W1"' dflCUUll the Zen ~ " ~ of ftlrowln& alf tti1 d1· i nd the Fi1 lr11." A docurnenl1ry. c1ptioftl et dllldhoad. Ht points oU1 dr1m1 commemontina Labor Dtt thll ICODl"dllll tn Zan. th• lndivid~a' llltl shows 30me ol !tit most sl1· will II 1 ftcUoll. nlfiulrt l'l&llb durin1 the euly days ol Fr111C1S P11kins' M!Vict 1t S.c-IEI Clndit ti bti (30) rebry ol L1bor, l:llCI CJ ~ (J) &D H11ntltJ·lrlnklty (C) 11:30 (30) 6 Merv makes it great e laM '"' 130) * to stay up late! m -(30) MERV GRIFflN SHOW fDW.W Pms (CJ (60) A IU!lt- lllllY el ttobll p1ts1 ructions lb loc1f, ftlqtnlJ 1nd lnter11111on1I """' ail Nit Pmd1 (C} !90) fJ @ (JJ M"' lrifllll IC) o @oomr"""' -cc> 0 Mllrit: ''Tiii AM.llrl" (tdvl• tur1) '~John C.rtolf. Adel• Mua. o l!!J rn m ..., '""" m l :lO 8 9 (f) Ht11'1 L1cy (C) (30) LijCJ, w!lo is muperttin1 from a broktn le&, II 'flsltld b1 lier triffid 12:30 m Cl&co lid Vi'I (VIYllR Yll'IC9) who ch11111 her m Actto1 fheltrt: u• wtt1I rtmlnl.cemn of ttilk pest t.orntl." "Hydt Part: I ldYWUlA (R) 0 m SNIAI PMYl£W T1ll RI• Fl•• M111 (t) (30) Forrut Tucbr 1t111 11 1 lov1bl1. l•!t·mrwlna to11· """ who •t1mlz111 only thl areedy. Co-Sf1rrln1 11 [),)fl Scardino 11 ~ls lifted youn1 ICCO!!IP!ict. Thl1 is OM of Mftfll lllot proJllCb belfl&I TUESDAY 1:00 a lrlnl1: "Cr.In• V.hll'I'" (adve~ tur1) '53-Edmorwl O'Brien, 81111 SulliYln. OO MIWI (Cl 0 C.1111111lllllJ lullriill klld (C) ("llf8lllm) ~ Mwr11, Dl.tnt VIili. t:JO m -n.,l•llt ..,.. (K'Mlfun) 17 -S.bll. W.tt. Hudd. Z:OO 0 "Scllldl~ 1-.• (myst!!J) '57 -RoOtrt Hutton, P1biclt Wrllhl DAmM E MOVIES \ ll:JCI di "tin rl hi Wiii" (11hentur1) ·~11\ Geblt. "J\t M11 Wbe 0114 Twkit" (myst"Y) 'SI -Rad t:GO D •• ,,.. r.t .r "" ,.,...,.. CllllllOll. ' ... (jr11M) '41-Fl9dr!c MIRll, Ann Z:OO ID "In..-SMctn" (rn)'ll:fr1' 'Q ltyth. -M•rr BIHi Hulfles, LH ,,trlcl J:DDO (C) 1IMftt C.. It w.-0 ........ Clril" Ptrt II (drt· (o:KMC!y) '&o--8rl<t• 8vdoC, Jtc. ma) •44 -;,..,-G.,... Wtlttf qvu Chlnitf. PW1M11. · •:JO 8 tCl "Nthll "' "" Siii!" <wftt· 8 (C) .,-,.. Htll tt fe.m• tmf 17-.ltmtt l:t1l1o Ut1 Ml!lll e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu11ity Printing and o_,,,1nd1bl1 S1rvice for mot• then • qu1rt1r of • c1ntury. • • PILOT PRI NTING 1111 wm IAltoA •LWD., NIWPOIT MACH -,42-4121 ' ly cliftl M. Seliuk .-~~..,.,.,-.~~_.., . ,. __ _ STEVE ROPER ly Sa ...... °""""' I UPON HEMIW(i ICARYL:S S"m1n; JA/Kf HAS GOWE TO A JJEARSY /JAWK WITH HER- PERKINS 'YOU MUST Bf W'RONG AllOUT THESE •100 811.LS, MISTEitJ· .. THEYVE GOTTA BE PHOUY/ fT IS AAA.'T Of MYJ0810 RK06Nlt.! .CQUN'riRFEIT, MY FRIEJrilD / T!ttS 5U6All ~ AlL PA.oouceo IN UWCf..E SAM'S JZEl=/t.IER.Y/ ~ ...... . ly, John .Miies .-------, "TEPPY ! AA• ' No-I'M JUST CHECl<IM<O 'TM' cosr )'OU 1'i<YIN' 1'0 OF 5XAt-NDIN<l A~ OPENING A Lose OUR 'Ul>IES' 81lElt PN!tOR··AFTlllt BUSINESS?. ,AU., HUSBANDS µAve ONLY 50 r,;.::;:::-"Q®;! OFTH' MARITAL 1'1<08U!MS. TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF YOUR 'Fl>.IEND HAS A SAil.FiSH HE'L.L SEL.L FOR SIX · BUCl<S? GORDO ' ' ' ' " ' I,' ' ' ... ' ' MISS PEACH YEH, HE -HAS NO RoQM t:OR rr.1 ' ly Tom K. Ryan 1-KmTllEM Li'\. RASCALS CAN GET SO HIGH WITHOIJT l1lUCHIN' A DP.OP! By Al Smith i-tF '10fJ UTT~ oi'leW!KwoW MOUT MOVING '!?> 'Tll< C/IY- '11\11 ' ,.,111 """ y# DARLING -J ulie Christie, abov~: •t)us in Ille 1965 Academy Award wtnniJ\& motion picture, ''Darling," tonight at t p.m. on Channel 4. S!arrlng_ with her are .Laurence Harvey and Dirk Bo~arde .. 1n a stbry of a young girl reaching for new expenences and excilement in an adult world. TELEVISION VIEWS Show Started In the Sno\vs By JACK GAVER NEW YORK (UPll-For producer-director Mel Stuart, work on a television program you can see on the home screen next week began with ~ lo~g distance phone call from Theodore H. White m January, 1968. ''It was a cold winter night," Stuart recalled during a· recent visit here. "Teddy was on th~ horn from New Hampshire. 'lljel, you'd ~ter ~et, up here with a camera crl!l' right awa)'., be sai~,. be- cause a bunch or college kids are going to bring oil the political upset of the arrtury'.'' THAT WAS the beginning o!' "The Making of the President: 1968," a Xerox special that will, be on Ille CBS neiwork from 9: 30 l<>-.11 p.m. Sept. 9. "And Teddy ·was right,'' Stuart continued. "We went up to New Hampshire, wandered through the .snows and filmed all of the drama and excitement of Sen. Eugene McCarthy's surprising showing in the Democratic primary." By the end or 1968, White and Stuart's two. cam- era crews bad covered every· major prilnary lD the country, stumped from state to slB;te w!th _the _var- ious candidates for the presidential. nomwat1ons, covered the aominating conventions in Miami Beach and Chicago and suffered with the nominees through the tabulating of the votes on election day. STUART, who also collaborated with White tn bringing "The Making of the President: 1960" and "The Making of the President: 1964'' to television, calls the latest feature "more subjKlive" than the two earlier eUorts. "It is more a story of why things happened rath- er than a report on what happened ," the tall. wiry director explained. "The narration. is more subjec- tive, and Teddy, who appears on.camera four timeii: during the course of the program, expresses more of his personal viewpoints than in the two previouf telecasts." ACCORDING to Stuart, Ille special closely lol· lows White's best-selling book both in theme and content . The big problem, be noted, was compress- ing everything that happened durin~ one of the most turbulent . years in American political history into a gQ..minute telecast. "As Teddy devotes an ~nUre chapter in his book to the subject of violence. our film also devotes a whole section to the topic," Stuart pointed· out. "Again foUowing Teddy's text, we also examine the effect of the television medium on the general ell .. mate of the country in 1968, aod the effect of video on the final results of the election." DUE TO the complexity or the asiirunent, st.uart and hiS two Metromedia camera crews~ shot 200.000 feet of color film , which rough.ly boils down to five weeks of screenipg, based on a 4()..hour week. "Our crews concentrated on filming the events which took place behind the scenes. rather than the - so-:called major happenings which the neworks cov .. ered so fuUy." Stuart S(\id. "It's the backstage man· euvers which nominate the candidates and win elections." · "Tlle Making of the.President: 1968" has scene& never before seen on television, stuart promised. Deiatais the JJI e1aace I ~ .,., . I ' • • •T I I I • ere~s rdftor'• Noui2'hli'tv v..,. ... Sip!. l , 1939, • Id 1'tlMrcr A~ HU. -Pola•4 Olld ... pt4 .fllOMf!ld •filto .... W• II. JOHpA-.W. ihW ..., .Ill B'1'11n U1t!o D a ......i..r of !ht Ulllttd !'Na Btrlitl bureaM. 0.. liq I, '1945~ l'lt rctvf'Md u cm Americal'l 10dT eof'o. ~t to cooe.r the llftcll copih<lalion of Rltl<r'• rllir!J Rdc:h amid u.. ....m.r >f Uie '°""" G.....,. COP' Ital. /1' !ht follotofllg dit· ..U:h II< f'tc:ollr '""°' B"" fiK-too. liU °" tM tint and I.art doy1 of tM greafttt '°" UPI chief European :otTCrpotwftnt b a I~ d in Lo!ldotlJ. BY JOSEPH W. GRIGG LONDON (UPI) -There rue few cheers but mmy oac facea: ln Berlin on Sept. I. 939, the day 30 years ago lazl F'llelller Adoll Hiller sent Jis armies and bomber neet.s 1galn5t Poland and launched Vorld War II. mbtr t. l '169 ,, It WU almost as if I.he !erliners sensed what was in We for them -total lestruee.loD of tbelt clly and be most overwhelming dereat ~ 6Uffered by a ml)or na· iOn. •HITLER'S 1,000 YEAR REICH ENDED AS RUllLE IN BERLIN t saw the start or war thal eptembu mornlJ!l In 1939 .., stall comeponder!t ustgned > the Berlin bureau of Un1ted 'resS. !ATE 'CAMPAIGN For weeb Europe hid mov- d -the brink "'""' .... OOer pwbed • hate campaign galnst Poiand to a a ~climaL Berlin rallroed stations were unmed with Web rm a ch t -nportlnl[ to tllelr !lits. ,,..., . ol lfelnkel and ornltr bombers roared over ~ city to lmprea the popula· on. Antiairaaft guns wtre oounted on roollllpS. Food, Althel, shoes and soap werl!! 1tioned. Telepbooo lines with ondoo and Paris were cut. Britain and France were !edged to come to Poland's id but HiUer was convinced iey would not light. He ei- ected another W u t e r n llmbdoq lib the Munich l:edloeJovakia a year urlier. At 6:U a.m. on Friday, ~pl. I. IIlUer ltruck. He ---~and WO tntirl bomba: fleets without warning 111 I n s t Poland. As I raced by taxi to the Uni\ed Preas office on Until' den Linden. a grey. ra.iny dawn was breaking over Berlin following a week of tor· rid August heat. READING PAPERS I saw early work.era glumly reading newspaper• pro- cl~ in screaml4g red headlines "From Now ll'• Fort-e Against Foret. MI d d l...,ged, pot-bellled Nazi ~troopeh •ere tak· ing up poriilDM along the Wllhelmstrasse leading from HiUer's · chancellory. Crowds began ma»ing silently behind them. Jud before 10 a.m. Hitler appeared, driving in a closed Mercedes sedan, surrounded by bodyguards and followed by two other cars filled wilh Slormtroop guards. One car carried a small antlaircraft gun. Hiller looked hauard and pale, hi! face drawrllrom lack of sleep. For the first time he wort a field grey uniform in place of usual brown Nuy pally tunlc. The NMI '-i.r drove to the Kroll Opera llrAue. Tben. a dwarfllke figure benuth the Wagnerion backdrtlp4-J1'iru,. &olden eagle suimouoUng i golden sw1911ka, b< laced the tame Nazi Reicbatag. WAGE STRUGGLE Gesturing and poundiDJ the desk. he screamed, ~·1 will wage thi.s struggle, no m,iter against whom, until t b e security of, the Refcb'<and Its rlghtl arc assured~~ , Britain and F r a a c 1 he&itated. Then on the mOJ"Do ing of Sunday, Sepe: J, u Hitler's legiooa ~ m,p In- to Poland, they f I n a 11 y declared war. ll was a hOt. IWlDY day. Sunday, crowda strolling along Unler den Linden grabbed newspapers he a,d 11 n tn g "En1lland Declares State of War!• But there was no cheering, no w hysteria, no brass bands laying. "Brl · and France are bl • They won't redJ' llsJil," • 1h Nazi otilcw lold me. Nolblng looked 1111 lib 1111 capilal ol • llllioo tlllt bad Russ Never Again Plan To Pull Back Consumer Adviser Revitalizes Agencies . WASHINGTON (AP) Consumer ad viaer Virginia WASHINGTON CAP) Knauer is trying to revitallie lavy nuclear chief Hyman C. three key advisory com· lickover aays the Soviet.! -missions, including the top- eterrnined never again lo level administration p a n e I to back d designed to coordinate the ave awn u they did multitude or c:onsumer pro- urlng the Cuban • missile grams scattered throughout Nb -rapidly are overtak· federal agencies. . .1g the U.S. submarine fleet. Up to now, according to One The Soviet Union ls likely to aide who also worked under ave more n u c I e a r sub-Jl('eSidential comumer assis- :iarines than the United tant Betty Furness, the com- missions have been ''windows tales by the end of Dett year, on the administration" where lie vice admiral told a HoUse officials would explain what ·tJpropriaUons Subcommittee, was going on rather than .nd they already have 230 make proposals for consumer ..... submarinei ol all types. programs. He aald the Soviets could The ~level panel com- ·atch up wUb the U.S. mWile-. posed of cabinet olflcera and regulatory 2gency heads, for iring Polaris submarines by instance, hasn't met for more organiu subcommittees to do the leg work. The nomlnat.ioos are still pending at the While House. The third advisory com- mission. which is scheduled lo hold its first meeting with Mrs. Knauer Sept. 21, la the 37-member Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Cons um tr Interests. This panel Is compelled of representatives from labor unions, civil rights groups, women's clubs, c o n s u m e r federalions -••anyone with an identiliable c o n s um t r pro-gram.". Mrs. Knauer says she is anxious to draw proposals from this group, which has been dormant since the wan· Ing days of the Lyndon B. Johnaoo •dmln!Watlon. m (II' 197~. than a year. A cemored transcript of The 12-man panel -The •---------llckover's testimony May 2t1 President's Committee on n aupPort of the Navy's $1.16 Consumer In t'e rests - 1illioo request foi-nuclear i;hip -..(ltiginally was inleoded to Ctelopment aod procurement coordinate the iOO or sO con· For, J1le Rec<frd sumer program! they oversee. '11 released today by the Mrs. Knauer's stall bas ~bllc works subcommitteee.. started a review ci. the pro:- . Rickover linked the rapid grams, and she wants the k>vtet submarine buildup to panel to be ready to act on the be 1962: Cuban mlssllt: trisis results, as well u t b e tbeD asked aiJwl the danger ]iropaoals she hopeo to elidt <I the Uniled Stal13 l\eing lrom. the other two cun----------Nert.attn. lnlssiom. "[ woUld put it this way: I "We fiave suspicions (If .elieve that after the Cuban what'• wrong, you know," xrirontaUon w b ~c h Mrs. Knauer says ot the study. :esuJt.ed uJUmately In Mr.. "But. U we are to Jmplement Chruabchev being kicked out the changes we wlll need a ti offlce -they made up their coordinating body " ni.nds that they .woold .ne.ver Mrs. Knauer safs she hopes !Pin be faced with a similar to eet more fresh ideas out of jtuation." ~ckover. said. the Premdent's C 0 n sumer Tbe PolariJ now is the ma-Advllory Cooncil composed ol or lJ.S. deterrent to nuclear co lle1e pr~f.,e s sors, ,..., Rickover &lid becalUe housewtves, lawfera, credit bey can gHde undetected and union managera -"people Ire I relal1"""7 -·bar· with an experllle In the lleld" ... -mm 1111 ocona. .. "" ezplal!ll 11. Bui .. the SovleU c.td> up Tbll .. the a.member """"' • -own PolartHJpe llUbs ~•~ ..., ID. lhelr Jlbllll1 to delod ci1 ~ produced the report iijj -. the U.S. lllJb.. thal led to MIA -· pro. ~ be Aid. America polall laat J&nuat7 I o r 1111...--tubmutott. prelertblJ •ol111tary !'Dia ~ &ml now b1J culden-on .. ppUaooo war· I lllC!ow IUbmarlnel In-ranti.s. ludlo( ti Pollrll, iiklover lndulUy ollldal1 ere con. lid, and ihe Sovlell have 65. !ming with Mn. Knauer'• of. ~I at tbe ~ con· flee on the propooala. lrUdloa rMM. ltumia would Mrs. Knauer 1111 abe wanta "-lllo lllilled -by --ol lllCll . ._i. .... bu ie l8ld ot U'IV. ollmd If ..,,.. ol the pro. 1lle s..Je11 hive a lul.ll apectlve IDl!IDben ICf Prto~ irce of J7i 1Ubmarlnel, ht dent Nlxan'i approval She Ud. or m mare tbao thls 11ya &he'd like to npe.DFUw! :iuntry'1 lU. panel to about 15 10 it can ,, First Blind Teacher • • FICTITIOUS RM ttAME? Fl IF SO IT IS MANDATORY .UNDER THE LAWS OF CALI· FORNIA THAT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE BE COMPLIED WITH: LAW ON PUBLICATION OF CERTIFICAlES OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME (Civil C&d• Section 2466-<68-69) Sec. 2466.-Except •• otherwlM providtcf In tht ntxt section every person tr1n11ctln9 bu1ine11 in this State under e fictitious name end every pirtnenhlp tran1actin9 buslntn In this State under 1 flct1'19'us name, or • d•ignation not showing the name ~ of the person Interest.eel as partner In such business, must file with the clerk of the county In which hit or Its prlnclpal place of busin111 ts situated, 1 ctrtiflcate subscribed and acknowledged in the m1nner pro- vided In Section 2469 of the ClvJI Code, stating fht n~me In full and the piece of residtnff of such person and stating the n•m• In full of all the members of such partntnhlp ind their pt.ca of raidtnc•. Such subscribed and acknowledged certificate must be published 1ubtequ1nt to the filing thereof with the county clerk pursuant to Government Code Section 6064, In a n...,. paper published In the county, if th•rt be one, and If there be none In such county, then in a newsp.-per In an edjolnlng county. An affidavit showing the publication of such certlfl· cate as in this section provided shall be filed with the county clerk within 30 days after th• ,completion of such publication, but In no event shall such publlcatlon be made prior to the filing of such ctrtific•t• with the county clerk. 2468. -Tho cortlflnto flied with tho clerk u provided In ttc:tlon twenty.four hundred and sixty-six must be tlgned by tht person therein referred to, or by the partners, 11 the cast may be, and acknowltdgtd before some officer, author- iud to t1ke the acknowledgement of conveyences of real property •••• Where 1 busine1s Is hareafter commenced by • person under a fictitious name or 1 partnership Is hereafter formH, the certific1te must be filed and the publicalion designated in that section must be made within one month after the commencement of such bu1in1u, or after the form• tion of the p1rtnershlp, or within one month from the time designated in the agrHment of lb members for the corn- mtnc•ment of the partnership. Where the buslnffs hat bHn heretofore conducted under a fictitious name or where th• partntnhip has been heretofore formed, the certificate must be filed and tht publication mlde within six months tfNr the passage of thlt act. No person doing bu1inn1 under • fictltioua n1me or his 11signe1 or auignte, nor any ptfl. aon doing business as partners contrary to the provisions of this article, or their aulgj,e• or a11ignffl, shall maintain In the courts of the State of C11iforni1. Sec. 2469-0n EVERY change in the members of 1 part• nershlp transacting buslneu In thit state under a fictltlodl name or 1 designation which· don not stl,ow the name of the penons Interested as partnen In Its business •• , • 1 new certif1c1te must bt filed with the County Clerk, ind I new publication midi as requir,d by this article on the formation of such partnership • If you have neglected this procedure, you should r11ll1• that the name of your firm Is not protected and that you ~re not entltltcl to malnt1in suits for collection, or for other purpoSH. any action upon or on 1ccount of 1ny contP1ct or contradt their p1rtnershlp n1m1, In 1ny court of this state until the certlfic1te has been flied ind the publication has been midi 11 herein required. Take care of this Important matter now, by havfng the DAILY PILOT, an .adjudicated legal newspaper for Or1ng1 County •nd dllfrlbuted In COSTA MESA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH, SEAL BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, IRVl)'.IE, publl1h you r c~rtiflcate. The cost ia 1mah but the filing and publication Is something which ahould not be overlooked. Forms for Flctltloua Firm Nama and Certificate of Abandonment of Flett· tlou1 Firm N1moa con be obt1lnod FREE from ony of tho DAILY PILOT offlcu shown btlow: 330 Wat Boy Stroot,' Costa MM. 92617 2211 Woll Bolboo Boulovord, Newport S.Kh 92660 309 5th Stroot, Huntington S.och 92646 222 Fomt Avanuo, L1guna S.och 92651 BE SURE To· 'CONSULT OUR LEGAC 1'DVERTISING DEPT. 1AT DAILY PILOT 642-4321 . . ' I 1 I "" Wi "' jor ! rig '" ·~ '" Pt pil Si gs tir g; to re m n. G " D p a a a s g r t h • • • ' ' • ' ' • • ' ' ·- ROCKY MARCIANO Dodgers Trip Pbils, Face Mets GELES (AP) -How will the lea Dodgers' younger players the increasing prtssure <>f the tightisi pennant race of the major league baseball season? Ted Sizemore, Bill Sudakis, Bill Russell and Billy Grabarkewilz are all rookies. Willie Crawfora and pitchers Art Darwin and Alan FO!ter are still new to the ma;- jors. Siu.more and Crawford were the ke1 figures Sunday as the Dodgers ripped 11:51 ....... 7:.U •·"'-7:U p.m. Phlladelphio, 4-1, back of the llill·hil pitching of ~-year.old veteran Bill Singer, (17-1) and moved within ball a game of first place. Willie Davis, one of the Dodger old- limers, extended his hJtting streak to 28 games Sunday and lhls afternoon will try to match Zack Wlltat's all-time club record ot 29 zet in 1911. Crawford hit a t0lo home JUD for the month of August, doobled and 1COred 1 nm. "Sizemore remind.! me of JI m Gilliam,'' said Dodger Manager Walt Alston. Gilliam, now a coach. with the Dodgers. played a key role on· Dodger pennant-winning clubs in 1959, 1963, 1965 and 1966 .• The badgers open a three-game series today against New York, which i.J also in the midst of a pennant race in the eutern division, with Jim Bunning, 11-9, going for the Dodgers against Jerry Koosman, 12-8. Maury Wills, who played shortstop alongside Gilliam In those pennant years. agreed with Alston, looked ever at Sizemore and add~: "t don't think these kids realize how great it ls lo be invclved in a pennant ra~. I know I didn't realize it in 1959 un- til I.he following >:ear, when I had to sit at home and watch 1t on television," l'HIL.ADIL~HIA LOS AHGl!LIS •llrllrM H•""°"• tt ' O O O WlllJ, 1• ll•loo•, cl ' D 1 o Mor•. If It.Alie!\, lb ' o o o W.Oevl1, cf Ctlllson, rl ' l I 0 P•rl<tf", Ill D.JollMOn, Jll J 0 1 I Cr.wtord, rl lt.S-, If J • I I SUO.k l1, lll W•lkN\I, c 1 I • I Ht!le'r, c •• , ~ rM ' 1 l I l 0 I I 7 0 I I J e o o l l 1 ., .s ' e o .s o e o H\111, p11 I o o o s1zemor1, R•llO, p 0 0 0 0 Slr>pr, P rt 1 I I 0 l • • • lto]11, 1b J O I I Wl1r.p 1110 Jostpll, pll 1 o f o M,Qy1n. c o o o o To!•I• l/ l ' I TOllB ?S il' Ph•l1drlplll• O!)() OOG 100 -1 Lt» AA!Mlft 011 001 Oll -' Sports In Brief DAil. Y I'll.OT Mareiano Dies in h Plane Crash r NEWTON, Iowa (AP) -,Roe) Mor- ciano, tho undele•tecf beavywolaht chainploo who never ~ kam<d to box opd ...,., really hod "'· died &Jn. dl)' nllht when a Upl plane cruh<d In a pasture near bert. He would have been 46 lodoy. The retlred knockout ting wu flying from Chica10 to Des Moines, Iowa, with two compan)ons who also were killed Wheo the plON plunged tbnJuih a low overcast, struck a tree and amubed to earth on a farm near thtl central Iowa town. Friend> llld he had been en route to a birthday party for him at a Des Moines aleat house. • ' Juper County Shtrlff ~ Hur- ley Aid Morclono wu found dead ID the fUselqe of the single • engine Ces- sna. Tiie bodies of pllol Glenn B<IJ, :r. and Frank Farrell, 13, both of Dea M~~ were found amid wrec.kage that wu scattered for 5CIO feet . The tx>dies were taken to a D e s Molnes funeral home. Affable. modest and clean • living, Marciano w a 1 the closest thing to Joe Palooka real boxing evt.r had. He won all his·49 professional fighls.--43 by knockouts -and felt &Ori')' after- wards for his opponent&. At ~feet-II , and about 135 pounds, he was the sec:ood.mortest heavyweight • champ and lhe oecond-ll&hleol. Ht bod tho ohorlell mch of all, A lllcbeL A). oay1 wlfllo& ID lake a J>!1DCh l<r lhe chance of 1andlq -· he tool •nd rave terril1c bel.Ungs. It never ocazr-- red to him be mJlhl looe 1 flChl. He if.IVt 11P boxing ln April !!ft DOI quite four yurs after he won I.ht dtte from Jersey _Joe Walcott It had been a lonely mstenee. full or bard wellbt- watct.:ng and _,atlool !run 1111 wile Buban Ind their dl"f\'!:!':• Last year->ho recalled: You look, around and )'OU "l'• 'Wh•I do I want-- the money CC' my fl.mllyt' " There were perlodlc ·rumors of • com•boci< blll i1olhfng malerlil!Jocl. 1111 rlnl ..,_ -lo tho Amr! ~ Vorld Wor ll. Allor dflcharp bi'boxed, u an amot.or and .,..__ Id manayer Al Wolll ID IUo bbn mu • pro lo HI. • Tbe tuldap ol lrolner aioru. Gol6-m • n polfllled Ille "Brod:ton Sllq Boy" --~ but be l11llolalaed hi• brawUng, •wvmlni taclfes. Wllll hta great stamina and mauuna ~er Jn both liande, he ho~ little need of.ft. ...... • Marclaoo•a lltll prol-1 fl&hl ..J!U cm MY. 1.2. 1141 -• -out. r oorteen mo,. knoWlili fOllOlred .z. nine to lht flnl round-before be .,.. held to a d<clalon vfclory, 'ff• flnl pined tho bl( • Um• opol- Ul'ITt ....... Clete's Caught In a Comfortable Clinch Clete Boyer of the Atlanta Braves has ducked some pretty fast pitches in his day. but he see1ns to be enjoying this rather surprising action at home pJat,"e. The mini-s~rted girl ran on the field at Atlanta to give Boyer a kiss while Chicago catcher Randy Hundley and plate umpire Paul Pryor watch in astonishment. Boyer was inspired to hit a run- producu,ig single but the Braves still lost, 8-4. • Made Too Many Mistakes-Lefty Color Rams Black, Blue Mter Victory Double Trouble for Angels By GLENN WHITE Of "" O.ltt ,ilol Sltll WASHINGTON -.Four games in the next 36 hour,. That·s the grind In tine for the Angels as the y move into Washington D. C.'s gas -c h am be r -like stadium for doubleheaders today and Tuesday night before packing lheir bags and returning to Anaheim Stadium for Thursday's game with the Chicago White Sox. The Halos wound up their 1969 series v•ith Eastern Divi5ion leader Baltimore all even (6-6 ) as !he Birds rallied to take lhe final two games of the set, includlng Sunday's 5--4 verdict in the Maryland club's stadium. Ballimore wrapped It up early and reduced it.s magic number lo 13 -lhe Murphy (who throws this afternoon), Greg Washburn and Rlc:k Clark. However, the relief corps suffered when Clyde Wr1ghl pulled a groin muscle during wannups Sunday and will be out for a week to 10 days, Phllllps cplned. The Halo boss told the DAILY PILOT that he h~d hoped for at least a 5-5 mark on lhis swing through the east. Since the club is already 4-2, his abjective seems wilhln easy reach. LONG BEACH -The battered and bruiaed L<l! Anaeles Rams may have won the rubber game of their rivalry with the San Diego Chargers Saturday n1ght, 24·14, but they certainly know they were in a football game. Gonzalez Tops·.Dane FOREST lllLLS, N.Y. (AP)-"11'*5 I'll keep playing until 111')1 carry me ofi the coort.<,'' Pancho Gomola sald foday. • Evrry,muscle in his body. he aaw:a<;il-o ed from the rigors of his marathon five· · set match against Denmark's ToneV, Ulrtch Sunday that sent him into thct lourth round of th• U.S. Open Tennll Champlonsb.ipa:. t "When I'm out there on the court, run4 niq my legs oU, I ask myMU, •What n YoU ·.io1ng hero! Why doo1 you thnlW It In?' But I can'L I guess you'd llJ' nft loo lllupld "' quit." • In today's 1cUon, top.ooeded Rod Lant of Corona del Mar takts oo Dem1J Ralston of Bakeral!eld alld Newporl Beach's Roy Emerson ta.i:ea on one ot Utt four non-prOI lo the remainiDg field ol. t& -Roy Barth of San Diogo. , ln an all non-pro match, U.S. Cavil Cup ace Arthur Aahe meeta Spanlsh Illar Mani:el Santana. Rounding out lhe action will be Australian pro Ken Roeew1tl • g 1 l n s t Romania's surprising Wt Naslue, upselter of U.S. NaUonaf Cham, . pion Stan Smith. In the lower ball of the draw, lo ho played Tuelday, Andre. Cimeno of SpaiA -U Earl Bllcilholl of St. Louil, Jl'ftll Stolle ol Australia faces England'• beer Toy!or and Marty R1aaen of Evl!lllon, m., tak., on sec:ond seeded John New,combe ol Au~aU. All are contract pros. • Gomalez' next m a t c b ls Tueaday against young Tony Roche of Australia~ seeded third, whom he upset in straitht sela a year ago. ''I'm glad Pancho won. I want another shot at him;" 1ak1 Roche. It is inconceivable to btUeve that Pancho can pull anothe!-miracle -but who knows In the cue ol. Pancho? Gonialez ls f 1. His eyea. by hi.a own ad. mission, aren't as good aa they UMd to be. HJa reflexes have ltllf. their ,aharpoeu: Hl11 nerves are JaueiJ: · Yet be stU1 rem 1fn1 perhaps the fight1ngest competitor -certa.lnlJ ttJ1 most e1citing -that the game bu ever known • Ht WM his first U.S, clwnplombfp on the center court here at tbe age of 2L Be repeated, turned pro, fouaht a tbouaand !<Jal batUos with ptOIJlOlotr Jade Kramer. because the undlspufod tine ot pro tennis with a service that blazed 11.S miles an hour had a temper that wu Juit 8" hot. Against Ulrlcb, I bearded, long-hafricl Dane only W: months bis junior, Pancbl> appeared a beaten man when be wu down two sets to one and had a senb break against him in the fourth .et. • Wlth his back ID the wall, he rolUed lot a three-hour victory, Lunn Leads at fI artf ord; Angel Slole •n .. m .. Ill KMl"C 171'1 h pt. 1 ... 9111 11 W•1hln910ri (lJ ~ept. ' •no•I• I ! W•t~l~!Ot'I •·". '"· 1:75 D.m. Especially when in view of the ract two of his top hurlers:_. Andy Messersmith of Anaheim and JJm McGloth.lln of Fountain Valley are set to work Tuesday's doublebill. Eight Rams received various Injuries In game played before a record San. Diego crowd of 53,071, and two of lhem - tight end Bill Truax and all-pro offensive tar.kle Bob Brown -will m l 1 1 thiJ Saturday's game with the Buffalo Bills. Truax and Unebacker Maxie Baughn were admitted to St. Joseph'a Hospital in "He ia the muter," said Ulrich, attar Gontal<l bad won the match, U, M, U , M, g.z_ 49er Hardy Hurt Again WETHERSFIELD, Conn. -Big Bob Lwm, who look! like a litltbacker. talks like a deacon and pits like a demon, had hls game plan welt in mind for today's final round ol the $100,000 Greater Hartford Open Gall Tournament. "I'm just going to play rny 1ame," the big guy from Sacramento said Sunday 11fter taking the third round !~ad with a five-under-par 66 and a 54-hole tot.al cf 201. He has a onHtroke lead over veteran J{owie Johnson and dBngerous Dave Hill, tied at 202, 11 under par for three round~ on the 8,56&-yard, par-71 Wethersflelcl Country Club eour~. JohnJon, who had JO one-putt greens, carded a remarkable 63, while Jtlll had a 66. "' "' "' OAKLAND -San Franclaco 49ers' defensive lineman Kevin Hardy suffered a knee injury in a game against the Oakland Raiders Sunday and ma1 re- quirt surgery that would keep him out the rest of the seuon. f Hardy. an All-American frcm Notre Dame, waa Injured midway through the flrlll period and htd to be carried off the field, his Wt 1eg Ump. . A decision an whelher or not ta operate will be made llOOn, a team aPokesman oak!. ... "' "' BERKELEY -Un1ver1lty of Calllornia held 'foot boll cooch Roy Wllloey 11J1 all thne of hb quorterblckl -last year'• atarter R.Mdy Humphries, former Wtotmlnoter High Sdlool oce Dave Penhall and Juntar coOege transfer Steve Curtill -were lmpre.ssh·c in pass- ing the first three daya of practice. "' "' ,... SAN FRANCISCO -Veteran slugger Leon W qner and onetime bonus baby Bob Garibaldi were among five players brought up from the minors by the San Francisco ClantJ Sunday. Wi;:ner. who hit 211 mayor league homers while playing far the Giants, St. Loul11, California and Cleveland, was purchased from the club's Phoen.lx PCL affiliate, where he had six homers and a .2911 average. "' ., "' PITI'SBURGH -Sieve Melnyk in!lsts he Isn't Interested in professional goU, but the first thing he .said after winning the 69th U.S. Amateur Golf OuampionsHlp Is that his victory qualifies him for the U.S. Open and the Masters. Melnyk won the Amateur at Oakmont Country Club Saturday with a final-round one-under·par 70 for a 72-hole to t • I cf 286, the third lowest score ever pogtcd on lhll toup courae. .. ..... ..,, ..... BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -The 319 fana who turned out for the Birmingham AthleUcs' 2-0 victory over the Southern League champion Charlotte Hornets Sun- day hardly set:Ued in thelr Hall befare it wa1 all over. Nearly all the battera •truck al the flnl pftchel ond the pflchen Witt jUll lobbing the boll. It WIS all over ln t7 minutes. S1pl • "'""" VI Chlcogo Srpr. 5 A.norl1 v• Chlc100 S1pl. • A."11111 "' C~lc•~o Sepr. 7 Ang111 w cnic.to 1:» pm. 7;5) D m. 7:" P.1'11. 11:$5 p.m. number of combined Bird wins with Detroit losses which will gi\•e the Orioles lhe divisional title. "We made too many mi~lnkes lo win Sunday," lamented Angel manager Lerty Phillips. • Shoddy play by the Angel defense ac· counted for all the Ballimore runs. The Birds scored twice in the first ~·hen three balls fell in front or Cherub oulfieldera for h\U. At least two of them should have been caught. . In the second Inning, the Birds picked up three unearned runs when Sandy Alomar dropped a doubleplay ball al se- cond base and lhus opened the gates for the lrio or tallies. Phi llips' pitching start got a limely bolstering today with tlie addition of Torn Orange County with concuasiana. • Baughn wu released Saturday night CAL1iro1t10A aALt1MC111• but Truax was kept under observation. •10mt•, a ·~ ~ •, ~ lllllofd, " ~11 ~ •;~ Brov.11 suffered a ligament Injury to his JOMttone, t.f s o 1 o 1ten1"11'11,fnd, t.I J 1 ' o right knee. l"r~1!, ll $ t 2 2 F.RoblnW., r1 J 0 2 I 11,1c"-•111. " .s o 1 1 Pow.11. lb , o ' ' Others who have gotten the OK to play Mor1on, rr ' 1 1 ,, 11.1tobl11IO!l.J11 ' o 1 1 a"ainst Buffalo, d•...,ite some form of in-c.ow.,,. lb 4 0 I 0 D.JoltMO!'I, ftl I I 9 0 O '""t' A.Ro!l r1t11•r.a J o o o E1c,,..,.tt1, c J 1 1 o jury, are: dt!fen!l.ve back Willie Daniel, Ll1f111, • f e o o Hencrr1ck11o o 1 • 1 o 14 ditches In IJI hand·, fllllnln• back AltlJI, t l l t 0 8tlU>Qtr, ,, l I 0 0 o• 0::1 e R.M•~· o o o • o c ... 11 • ., P ~ o a a Larry Smith and defensive back Ron l!.Fi,t>tr. I' I 0 I 0 H1JI, D I 0 0 0 111c11.1. "" o 1 o o Smitfl, both left shoulder brulaes ; and wi111t 1m, 'P o o o o defensive back Jim NetUes and defenaive lttpot,Jlfl 1000 Tct•I• 36 '11 ' 101111 • s ,,...-tackle David 11Deacon" Jones, both c.nt.rrila 110 OOG JOO -' '--~ ·-"1--llltl'"°" tJO a 00x _ s sprau~ -.iaau. _ !.11;,.n~ :-r.T.~.0~. !1 ~u=~~t. L~: Leading 3-0 In lhe first quarter, 1 78- -MorlOol en. i -Ei.,"'•~· i" ;11 11:~1111-g1. yard punt return by Ron SmiUt, Ignited it.M•v ru.101 1.t1J 1 s i 1 1 an up-to-then sta.Ded loll Anselel offeJ'IR. ~r~!::' ~Ill ~ : : : ! Quarterback Roman Gabriel drove tht c ... rr., (w.1,.1ol 4-11i 11 ' 4 1 • Rllms j8 yards Jn nine plays, JOOrin8 li•ll ).2fl I 0 0 • ' hlmseU f the •• s .... -11111. rim. -J:». •tlttldlnc• -11.2Js. rom Ont on a sneu.. WEA VER TO GET. FAT PAY RAISE BALTIMORE (AP) -Earl Weanr. who never made it to the major Jeaguu as a player, wUl move into the '40,000 .w.lary bracket next year in h1s tJecond full eeason as a major league manqer: Tbe Ba!tlmcre Oriol" unounced Son- day that the 39--year-old Weaver had bNn. lfven "a mbitan!ial aalary ralae" fer Ute um c:ampolgn. If U>e Orioles go on to win the Amcicm League playof(J and &he World sertes~ Weaver may have abortrchanged hlmleJf by agreeing to term• now. Still, bla new. pay Kl1e ~II be '10,000 or man \boVe his 1989 salary. - Pro Exhibitions to Draw 3 Million If pre·season play l5 any lndlc.aOon, pro foolba ll is in for an exciting year, and I[ pre-geason altendance is an omen, you belier have a season ticket or start stan- ding in line rla:ht now. • Defensive back Dave Gray90n and receiver Charles Frazlcr were in mid· season form Sunday a1 I.he full 13-game exhibition schedule, which started Thurr day, was concluded. Grayson fft up two touchcl owm with in- ttrc'tptJons u O.klancl of the American Football League btat National FootbaU League San Francisco 42·28. Frazier mad• two dazdlng ))1111 cat. ches for touchdowns 11 Boston took Denver 26-10 in an AFL game at Jackaon- vU!e, Fla. And the rw ahowed they are ready. The 13 1amu 1t 12 altu -then was 1 doubleheader at Cleveland -drew A record ~ ,800, eurpa.siln& the old mark al 502.919 ror the •a m • weekeod last year. $0 rar, exlUblUonl have drawn 2,327,547 fans, and, wtth It camea left, the sport ii huded for Its first I million pre-stason attendance. It'• a cinch the rec:on:I ol 2,$83,SSB ael last year wJll r.u . In that doubleheader at Cleveland Saturday, NFL Chicago beat AFL Buf. !alo, IS-11, and NFL Green Bay ltapped NFL Clev<lond, 17-17. In olh« S~Uaday ol<lon, unbeaton BalUmoro of the NFL woo Ill fifth with 1 21-10 conquest of AFL Miami, tho AP'L New Yort Jet1 downed NrL Mlnnaota, AFL'ClnclnnaU lopped NFL PIU1buralJ, IS-13, ind ln all·NFL •cllon Phftadelpbl• beat tho New York Gionta, M-17, Dttrolt nipped W1&hlnston, ll·lll, Ind New Orleans topped Atlanta, 11·17. With lhe I""" al Oaklond ded ,._18 ln the roiirfb quartor Gr,YllOD lnl<r<epled • PISS by Sall Francisco'• Jolln Brodie, vmo threw for !oar loQ~-an<l dashed about IO yards to ~ San Fnn- clloo otven-yard line. • OUland went aheod wben Georp Blando J>Ulod ID Womn Wtlla In tho ond root. A ob<Jrl time law, Gtl)'IQll plcbd oil llllOtber -and tool lhe ball lo Ulla flier 14. This time the touchdown cam1"'1 a U.yord ""' 11'1.m Bland• to w.u~ ; Daryle Lamonica, who wu -1IP In the third period, pmM f<r ·• touchdown and ran lor"IDClther. lta4I: alao pa....i lot • third -. *""' lot a two-point coonnlon ml !ticked hit' !!•kl 1oola. • ' Ii t JI IWLY PILOT -.,, Stptonbtt 1, 196• ' DAREDEVIL PILOT -National aerobatics cbam· pion Bob Herendeen will highlight today'• Labor Day air show at Orange County International Race- ---. ' ' ~-. -' way. He will attempt the Bomcevak, • maneuver) banned in Europe because of high fatality rate. The llhow starts al l p.m, ' ' Win Tftle--Gossett • • • • '.,I \ ' 1 . .B~ARD ~y~ ~--~AA,,.~ l"'ll ,~to-both c!epot\meoi., Ooosett-IPOl!llo many 11ooin1 j Of Dtitr , 'W,6 ~ u, we· ~pen 'and closef"-~ ~ .. 41-)'ard ' kick In '1915 re-. to place• ~ the football 'Per.ronne~wloe,· tllis ' if • with the Colli whlCjtmelml,we mai111 as hb dlslance record OJ1ll when oped.II learn units " 'beiW'balf club than the one lia~ to ·gel a wtimlng 1tUlude ·as well 'as the fourth .best tn work, he b with cenler Ken we b"4 tn 11117 When-we loot ~tawny to CA'1J' Into lhlt Ram htsto!y. Iman and -bolder Edd le only o n e game. dW'lnl I b e .first game In Baltlnio'°)"' 'ln the extra po l n t Meador, '!lib iil'o usually regular season .. I reel we hive Oa. the but1etl.n board 1 th d , 't . h h ,_ ll'llE pv1 wen Biter the others an exc;ellent ~'to wlo the.... . . . . n e . epar ment, e as maU'C wi ' --'• Id championship this Y'8l'i'' . -~&!!I, li>cter morn last w.eeki , the past t.b)oc.e years wlthouL a i),ave left the pr-.'"ce fie to BruCe Gossett. place kiddPi ~u a n~spaper arUclJ pan-, mJss. work on tbe kicking phase of apeclalisl With the Loi Aneeles llll)i the .Raml, Bruce was H.... doea he reel about • the pme, Rams ai>d a raklent q1, fwn-... ed ll a P<Oreosional team anolber pbce kic\er oo the,-Dllrin< the on-... son he WllV&Jley;:--mii!O this predi<> ·i»k! any-attentioo IP IU roster! wms--for-Moody· Funds, a t1on when a"$ked about the 190 thttjgs ii they were callrusedo ·~1( sure doesn't give you aubsldla.ry oC . Dunn and seaSon. enough to overlook them. any confide'nce when the)' 1B~t. His concentration, "We hav,e. 8 toogb league "Whenever an_,arUcle is bting these, kids in. Coacb however, is on stock brok~rs written. like that one, it gets to Allen promised him <,Df\vld aod Qouses rather than m· 1 us. Maybe tt-will do a:offie 4tay) a chance to kick in·some dlvtduals. But during the fool· good. At least it will keep us' e.dlib!Uon games and it may ball season he belJ>I fill the thinking and perhaps It wilt help .hlm to be picked up by house with his talented kicking make u.s play a bet.let; game." another team," the man who foot . . Gossett hasn't mis&ed an 6 . was named to the Wes~ Pro Spill Fishing • O>ntest 'Set tra point attempt in the last Bowl team la.st sea.son said. ------'---- The eighth annual light th..e Y•'"· yet he fears !hb Signed oot or Richmond Edison ·Boosters la<:kle .. toomament ,()[ the part of .the gaipe ruin than ... CoQege five years ago, he was loltn)IUoual Spin F j s.b t 0 g kicking field goals; "lf yoj.I 'i>rimattly . a punter at that M S d aboard the • port fl S:b er miss one of the3e 'and ""'*"' .lilne, "I ldclted two field goals eet atur ay Tbunderbird out of Davey's you a ball game, you dream in college but in my first year Locker oo Sunday, Oct. 5 with about it. ' with the R6ln> (t964) I pulled . the Death Valley Surf Casti,gg ·"'I am unhaPJ!f any Ulnet-J a hamstring muscle ~ club as sponsor. · ·.;.. .miss a field ~ .. bUt i feel r hJl~,'.t dqne any punting Reservations are 'be Ing have to ~te and think ~· · ' ~-"by chalrms,n·J Tciin~"more &bout me enra J)oints," • His concentration in training Miller Of the sponsOring club. he aald. ' camp this, year has been on _. .Deadline for entries l.s Sept. A.sked. to ptn.poiDt one kicking a bit slower than ip 15. They should be forwarded !)articular kiclc that ml&Jit preY_!ous f'lln, 'Ibe second general meet;.ng or the Edison Hlgh School . boosters' club will be Saturday, in the teachers' faculty room on the Ed!soo , campus at 3 p.QJ. Today's Air Show at OCffi Features Wing Walk, Wild Aerobatic Stunis to Miller at 1610 S. Forrest have '&iven him more saUsfac-1"lbey timed place kickers Ave., West Covina, 91790, Uon than any other, he in ~ NFL last year arid I Los Angeles Spin Fishing .rtplied: "The one I kicked was the fastest in getting the club will again be favOred against the · Green Bay ball in the alr. I am i,rying to after winning three of the past Pa.Wrs'· last year with ~ take a little longer this year four years. As many . as 1000 • seooods remaining." Fans will and I feel that Utis will im- fish baVe been taken on light recall, this one"gaVe the Rams proVe my field goa1 1 percen- lines in the past with mosl a last minute, Jf44 win. • . tage as well as U\C! Rams being returned unharmed "ln 1966 G<uett kicked 21. ,.chances cl. winning. The after being recorded on the field .goals tn 49 attempt! to longer you have to look at the tally sheet by the judge1, sel Nallooal Foolball League b;lll, the belier the kick." The meeting will be con- cluded with a personal view of the &Uson football team going through its first full-scale in- tersquail scrimmage at 4 p.m. ll)terested parties who wish to join lhe Chargers' outfit should mail SI to Carl Smith, 16350 Y-alcon Ave., Fountain Valley. Further information can be obt,.ined by callip& Betty; De.Huff at 962-65.59. . The trrst annual Labor Day air show, which rum from 1-5 p.-na. today at Orange County l!Yernational Raceway, will include the dare-devil villainy of Frarik Tallman ·and other pilots from the Movieland of the Air Museum. Tallman and company will perform aerial dogfighta with World War I Fokker Triplanes and other antiques. Ralph Wiggins, at 54 one or the last or lhe great wing walken, will climax his act by being yanbd ·rrom the wing of bill Ul'29 De Havi.lland Gypsy Moth by his own parachute. AJ!robats Art Schon and Skip Volk will do concentric loops and myraid other maneuvers in their late modeJ De Havilland Chipmunks. Bob Herendeen will demonstrate the aerial gym- nastics that earned him a third p1ac6 (the highest plac· ing American) iii last year's world competition. Mounting bis red and white Pitts Special, .Herendeen, or 'Horrible' u be is called by his adversaries, dam: through the sky in maneuvers t h a t would make a hum- mingbird ill •.. outside loops, precison hesitation r o 11 s , too ma!\)' pilots only did It once, where hi.s tiny biplane &OllllDersanlts end over er\d. - The Lomcevalt (headache In Hungarian) waa an Excedrin headache for bis opponents '-..... during the National Aerobatic Competition 1n Reoo wher~ bis execution of the m a n j a c maneuver catapulted him to 1966 national c b a m p I o n honors. Fabled ·aerobat and hydroplane champion Mira Slovak makes his first ap- pearanct since his disasterous crash of last year. Mflobers of the Angeles Antiquen, helmet and go~gle aces whose love is wrapped up in throbbing pistons and fabric wings. will land with glovtd hands and. oil. so a k e d must.aches aft.er bringing their antique aircraft past the air show stands in a fly-by. quadruple snap rolls, ham-• ..,.,.,,..,.. ..... ,.! merhead stalls and knife edge flying h a v e rendered him clearly superior among U.S. pilots. His speciality · Is t h e Lomcevak, a ma nJu v er outlawed in Europe because RACE ENTRIES Ex-slugger Tho111as Now Playing Softball Ula -- PITl'SBURGH (AP) -The dtball rloal.\i across the plate and slugger Frank Thomas swings and misses. He smacks the next pitch to left -a sirigle. Thomas, the same Frank 1bomas who belted 286 home runs during a 13-year career with seven clubs. has a hefty .«O average in the Greater Pittsburgh slow pitch softball league. "On<:e you're an athlete, you have pride In keeping yourself in shape," Thomas said. "U you let yourself go, you lose pride. r enjoy playing softball for that reason. "At first I thought it was ju.st a big joke," the 6-foot..J, 210 pound Thomas said. "Me play softball? But then J Jou.ad it was more difficult than l thought. In baseball yoo're used to holding the bat out. watting for the quick pilch. •lere, I keep the bat on my shoulder and wait for lhe ball." Thomas said he didn 't find it easy to hit well against the slow, arching softballs v.·hen he switched from baseball three years ago. "The other players gave me a hard time when I'd pop up or strike out," Thomas chuckl- ed. "But I'm a great agitator, too. 1 always tel\ people, 'If you can't take It you shouldn 't play this game." ' Thomas, played seven years with the Pitlsburgh Pirates, then floated around to sh: other clubs before retiring. Manager Billy Caye says "Thomas picks up the infield with hls play at first. He's good on the double play and has a good stretch. He really knows how to play the bag." How They Stand NATIONAL LEAGUE . Wut Divi&loB Wot Lost PcL GD CincinnaU 72 51· .SS8 s. Frmv::il<O 74 59 .556 ~ Angeles 7% 53 .SSJ ¥.! Atlanta 73 62 .541 2 Houston 6S 63 .523 4 ~I: San Diego 39 93 .295 34 1,i East DiviaJon Won Lott PcL GB Cilictgo 82 52 .!12 New York 76 54 .585 4 Pittsbur&h 70 60 .$.11 I 0 SL Louil 71 62 .534 10~1' PIWladelpbia ,51 71 ,400 28 1.!oolreal 41 93 .306 41 ,_,._ .... ~ ,.,, Moi\tf .. , 14 H• Yert: N. .... 1"11Mh(o W. J...i ....... 11 """"" La~ .. ~·' l';lltllM'll " .,__ • ~1, If, Louil s ,_.._ """ Yft ~ 12.al 11 l.M ,,,......, ( ....... II.fl ~ f.ld.IN ll-111 at C~H IC ....... "1Ae.:=:' ... U.11 ( t&-7t .. Hou11tf1 cw1-.w1 • ....w ,~ CJaO.Mtt l'l-111 et 5N .. 4 ..... ..,. ... p _..... c .... "41 " ... ,,_ -~-· .,.... y .... Lo# ~ flflhf .... -..... --''· &..-. ., .......... """' Qlful9 ., Qlcl!willll, llltlll OMr--ldM- ' AMERICAN LEAGUE wm Dlvt1ion Won Lost P.ct. GB ~tinnesota 79 52 .603 Oakland 7t 56 .Si9 4 1,.~ California 56 73 .~30 221,J Chicago s: 78 .400 25 1iz Kansas City ~ 78 .400 26 \'J SeatUe 49 81 .377 29~ East Division Baltimore Detroit Boston Washington New York Cleveland Won I.mt Pct. GB 91 43 .679 77 $4 .588 121/i 70 61 .534 191,ii 68 6S .511 22'i'i 65 66 .'496 24 11,i S4 79 .406 36'1 111111, .. a.- Ml ........ looshHI 1 Cll~ J, C ..... 1ltnd l ~w Yortr. S. K1"111 Cltr S o.t,.1t 1. S.11!1t> t W1Vllnt!Oft t. O.kl11'1d l 81tl~ 5. C1U"'"'l.I t T.....,lti o.- Oct""'1 flCllllMf 4"" and HUlfr WI 11 K-Ctf\t fltlllMr .. 11 .ff'd l llM· ltt' •M), t. ""4-flltl\I Cini!~ (.NttOINtell 1S-IU 11 Ml~ lltMll ICJM.IK9 4-11 .. II~ IP111Mr lMJ .. Cllk-(~ UI 11 M l!Wlull; .. c.llfomlf COeitMl-1 1.0 11\d """"""'' l •ltl 11 W1ll'llt!tloo! IC..1t"m111 ,.II 111111 MOOrl •• 1), 1 ... rtlt 11""'91 1•11 .I'd Mot'llltt' Ml 11 ...... Y..tl. (lllltllemrR 11·11 ....... -t(tliJc* 1-41, 1 Ofll._, 10...... IA.Ill W ao.lofl (MlllM 4-11 , ............ _.. c.t1eoll ,, I{''"'' c ...... llltM ,~,.. et ... .,....,.! ~ ••11'-'' Chf<AH, Ill'"' C1llfOl'tll1 l'I W"""'°".,., t. twl.n}fM '""'-11 Htw v.,., flolflllt o.111111111 11 BOlttll. n~ltl ,,.,, .........,, '-"· ,, 1Kf..-4ftJI 0.)' CIMr • l'at. l"lnt ....., Jrtl ,M, OWfll•, .. ld • :tlMI 11.c:• OUIJlelltl • flll ll•c• l'tllSf llACI!. «JO v1rct1, l Ye•• flld• 1nct VP 111 G••llt A Plus. Pu• .. """' llive lllr 8'111 IC..•do••l Do W1lt ll (5mllhJ Ll111• P•n~m ierl,.le•I Ar,.litl ID 6•r~ul 'True C1n Fl• {Acll1•1 Abe'• e lrtl!Oa"f l l(enhl LI>'• 111<1 (WlllOll) Horne!'s 0.,.11• CW1hon! M~Y MUI !Lh>ll•ml Fl"Oo!Y Hlwlt (H•rl! " '" '" "' "' "' '" "' '" '" Sl!tOftlr ltACI!. 3511 Ye'111. l Ytlr cild• Drtd In c1m. All""'111(a1, PurM '""'· Mr. Lltt1t DKk fftrlnllleyl 1?0 O..Vht To Go l! .. 1""11111 111 Fiii• Ray1! 4H (fllll01l 111 LIUll ConttUI 111 eu~om i !Smlll>I 111 H1n•l~I (Plumb) 117 Mool1h G!rl (S!•IUH) 117 'T!nv HOii CD Bt1nk1l 110 Prlnc:elan Tl1et (C1nlo1•l 1211 Cer11ln Sllll'l11ln' (AIHWJ 117 THllD llACI'. 400 Ylrd1. J Vear old• •nd VII In Grid• AA Minus. PurM "'"· Ht'I A RR\lfll (Pll\ol 111 Don Puetilo !AOa Wl 110 Ll~• A. Rotkt1 (8rlnklevl l'll SI 8 Re<1ut1T IK1nl1J lU P1101'1 Pr!dl (L111111111l 1111 Tov)oun Mol fWlt!O!I) 00 ZN'I P1rr <APod•c•l 111 Dl11 11•....SV !~r11Cr11 no l"DUllTM •ACI. ~ Vl'11'1o 3 ,,., O!dl Incl 1,111. Allow•ncts. Purtf! 11'00. 8!11'1 Rei:illl'lt !ll11tloJ lit Sui>er lov11 !Lls>lwiml \It Crlrf Sit¥ (l,\lllM)n) lit v11i.n1 P,.fll(ffl IC..rclo11l 11• $1•rtl'I T-IP1>111I 119 Uncle £ctaar 1s1,1v11I 116 81r Cllln!~lnl (APod~I ll' l'll"TH llACE. olQO V1rd!. l Vear old1 1nd uo. Clelmlnt. Pu"' UJOO. Cl•lmlflll pric e S25DO, COlld Lid Clmlll'IJ 111 Jo. $Mrrt (0 8ri0 111 M1ril U Kew IKfflill 171 CMQ<ldlonllt f~nlolel 11? Pt11 Ptl'1 0.""" (Welton) lit Oeublt Dorl (Hirt) 111 Go Al Go ILIPN!m) 1 It IT,,. Chvrl fAct~ 1n SIXTH llACI!. Vt111el1 Sr. Cour~ "" y1rdt. 1 \"Qt eldl Ind UP. Cl1lm-1,,,, Pv•ll n:ioo. Ct1lm!n11 Price 11600. '""•'• 5"'9<10..11 /S!rl\IUI llt wi.1r1Y Dae CW1holll Ht All"'l1lk IH"'ll Ht (.,. f*k !P-1 117 Llllll Obie (H CroobWI 17t 8udc!Y Mtci.1¥ Clh>ll1ml lit Tru!• AmlOll IMorril) 111 8u1111•"1 W1rrlor Cll ll~nk1l 11' SIVEN'TH llACI. W y11r!b. S Vt"r Old• ""' Ull In Gflclt AAA Mlnv•. Pu"'" Sl!OCI. Rein Mfl>ICI !Smlttl~ 1?l Hobl.,!11 fH1rll '" l"ovt l"orly Kl.,. !1(1"111 111 S-1 Plt•wre (8r..,..l1YI 111 Sllulirt (Lh>t11ml 1'l MoOl•ll DllllnC!'d !MD!'rl1l 1U o.vld JMl<I! !S•r1uuJ Ul Ml11.,. MclOtclt 111 Robin AM Donlin !P1llio) 11(1 Tlctv Go (C1ruoi11 11' •IOHTH IACE. G ¥11'd1. 3 YHt old1 tM 11111. Tiit Go M.111 06. PvrM UJ.000. DMMt Dlbi ! Orwer1 117 Cll!Cllr lw !Wtl-1 111 Wlldl Cllk CLl.,,,.,..I 1W. T• llod<ttt. Ill 11111111 11' Go Otrv111 Go (Adil•! "' Kl-~ lllt Clffllltll 11111 t!tUbll !C1rdouil UO lllrlto llndt1! /"l'*lflvl 1711 Riii Cll1,_ IH GrwbYI 11, ' ' . Professional Quality Welding Outfits \ llerulorl149.95 l2999 2-Sla«e Regulator l\la.intains l:onstanl Toreb Pres.!u.re Heavy-dury outfit welds steel up to 9/16-in. thick, cuts through steel up to I Y,-io. thick. All Parts are p· pertly hand-fitted to make leak-free connections. 2 stage regulator needs only one adjustment to maintain constant torch· pressure. Includes curtiog torch, gog· gles, hose, rods, lighter and manual Optional tips are avai lable to weld up to I-in. and cut up to 5-in, thick Use Sears Easy Payment Plan Wide Vioion Safety Goggles Ro~ 1.99 · 1 .. Seani Price Protttt tyeJ frOfll nying JIU· tides whllt Of'l'n11ui,s h•nd or PG"'« rooh. Adjuntblt. Craftoman Utility Arc Welder ' Rfl.. ?J.95 Soars Priu '88 • ll d~nt hcaa Fram 60 IO 180 I.Ill!"-ltKludes holden, c1bles, klmc-t. insu-ucrionl. \a~fTJldl) Craf~man -::.,ii; Carbon To Reg. 14.99 5ean Pric~ 988 ri;Sril'IC!Ct w •"f vt W('ldcr fOf bl"lll'i~ solderins, IM!"'"A or nict.11/ fMnd1r;ii Craftsman AC Arc Welden 30 to 180 ampen11 R1P-.rular-132.95 109~9 40 ff) 230 ampere• Rr1ular 142.95 11999 You can now approach tHe field of arc welding 9.•ith confidence even though you never struck: ao arc before. One operation derermines and sets the exact heat needed for each job. New aluminum transformer windings with Fiber· glas~ insulatjon will not overload as easily as · copper . providing longer dury cycle (up to 100%). Includes manual, cables, electrode holders and helmet. $4.99 Arc Electrodes l/sxl S2.99 'atmlMll] C.-aftoman Gas ·welding Roda Rf'g. :?.39 177 Sear! Priee for oxy....:c~ lc1te "'C1Jini or n11!d l<C<'I. l 11'5. •tixl8 i"' ,\f•ny mon: rypcs l\tail~l>lf< Clear Plutic Face Shlelda Reg. 2,89 l9t Sean Price Dcsl#>td 10 pfOtttt 9f'fd ro... f'r 1hc cnfirc face fron1 fl11 ni:i •park,, cbip1. ~ .. cit "''''" l•llNTH 111,t.CI-:-;:;-¥•fd~ 'y~1r ~ -----------------------------... -_, --------- - -:2o ......... 111Gr~~1'1111. ,,_, ...,....,,.,_l,. ,,,((!, ~11-4$10 lk 110041f<"ll !.Jt'll IOt'O lf>.Otttf so121 ~ID 2114J. MA ,,1.1, YU ••Tll l'l(O'Wfl-4?.U iOIJ-:c:i~.:',':;l~' ,.,..i,i Ob IH••ll n • (_1iNOG4,,.,~lH1~1 ~r .... ••tOfS.1004,0fl411 c...wc a ~t0»41-,21 1 _,,_ll7 l3TI fOJt......ct.t•l·IJll · I r.,., L"°"" 1.,,,,_1 1n I cciw10t1 NI 1 1J.11, Ht :' ,,6, '"" 'W<JOD "° • '''' o•..;to1 6'' 2100 ~ SloNtA" Sl'DQ ,44 .,1 "'.tt1",.., 11,,1 , :;.r..;: :::-,~~1 ~= ~ ~ PUC611 """'NOOO o. •·llJI f>.Ltil.'WA aa1.1~11. lSI •n • s 1#11~ MOto u A"1Jt .,._,, , ,,,·, 14 21)0 I Mn Mlt""' II!.~) 111 ,, _________ ---------------ears-------------------,, T091 thfld~t\11' 01. .... 1•) 111 otC • f • <I ' --M~. Ole T°"' 1Wrt.1111 1:111 <1afi.S action Guoronteed or YourMoney Bock ... ..,_ ....,... Shop 6 Ni•hh Monday th,011 .. ii Saturday 9.30 A M I 9·30 ' u Aorn DI•! (Ad,ltl 117 • • • • " , ,,.,, MHMll• l!Hlt 117 Ht -Ge - !!!!! • ONl pri "" ov> "" "' IN CA dk ... tor aw '" AJ< LJ .... Inn ""' out clo ,.,. $3> Wai ~ Col SSC Nt 83: --• t ""' PL tlu cio elo "" pie he< wit I• "" to '" aft .... I E' I • mt H Sit be "' "' en • .... lul wl to ha "' ,.. a 0 29 sm "" fk "" .)!. pr IL "' Lh CJ Ba "' ' • f ~ •• _,., -~--,._ •.. • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES F.dR SALE l-::H_ou_s_E7"S_l'_O_R_SA_L-:E=H_ou_s~1_s_F_OR...;...;S.;.;A"'l"'E-1 H~~s 'i~R SAL'~ liiiGeiineiiiir1iiliiiiiij~ii··~1oaoiiiia.iiiiinoiiiiraiiliiiiiiiiii:i!iii1~o~io-;oi 9onirol ' 100J Ch!Mt•I 1oao Gonorol '1oao Gonor•L Jl~E'AD' Illl·S VA Approllol • ' Titrffty•Nifty ;;;;O:;P;:;EN;;;;H:;O:;U;;;S:;ES;.I A L<>J:'i:dr00,in Ju1t Atrl'l9d -r $29,751 Perfect for the beginner or No <1awn'. only CIOsln& """" the ,.llred coupJ. who want SAT/SUN/IAON Home. to ·DlQ"fin, C Bdrm,-2 baths . low plyineiiti, "Wcini:leif~ FOR ONLY on oomer wl.lh boat aru --ble-2 bedrooM EASTSIDEDUPLEX $1'0 495· titc. Lef1 10-'rlcbt litOW • hOme,located en a quiet 259 Flower St. • ' · • • • • Are ·you in the mS.. ket for a n:,w home, . a horq1 in a prime'.' area very close to Huntington State Beach; a home you can customfu while it is being built, a home .de- signed by ot;tstanding arcill- lects and constructed ey Frank H. Ay~es · & Son; a Company that has been in business sini:e 1905? pa,ymentalta~ rent? EUllkk street. Double dt-* * * * V.OUBURILTL .. AONND ' • • , taehi!d raraae. room for HOUSE en R-2 Lot L•••e/l' lcfrrn -Poot boat or trailer, coYered pa.-111 Broadway. FEA'l'URING: cute Deane • BrQe, ~ in tto. wood bunUhg fireplaefl, * * • * • 1080 sq. rr.· tJudtiniton Bnch for le.ut~ briJbt kitchen, arxl • room 2 BR. lBATH. e DoUble garage ·· t $190 I mo •. with option •I tor a vegetable garden. 250 22nd St. • AU lath and plast~r $22.500. Available imnifil!L Mdve • in condition, $22,~ · • Pullinan bath ~ atelf. with just 10%, n. CORONA DEL MAR e Spacious wlltdrobe.; IF YOU ARE e e e e Come to RANCHO . LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach any day between 10 A.M. & 7 P.1f. and select your home in our newly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34.200 . 968-2929 or 9611-1338 r Sho19IHll The shaggiest ~ car- pet in ~"is ,in this. 3 BR Mesa Verde hcJme, Charmine dec6t, many features & clcse to the gclt 00\llk at 3210 Iowl.. $J!,900. • " "!'or A Wlse Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. • 142:rm WOE ¥0lTR BOAT CHE~PIE CLOSE IN ., ' ~. " ll.·~.1 ,,r,', .1\, o.t" 546·5990 3000 Sq. Ft., ___ ,____, !:!!l!'l. ~'!:::. ONLY $1!·,950. Don't Jet the .. tunity, established area. price lool yoU. Th1' two bed-II" oil liv;ng area and "" INCOME'. PLUS!! Ca¢1al"'• at $23,000 ... room • eteganUy carpeted coveted head tc toe: with the nual gross. Exchange for ovtl' wood floors has been meat beautiful thick piled Great Investment' pottn-cub ()I' your boat or ? remodeled ~ntly and ott. shag 4!arplet-,OU'D nu see . tiii m¥a pow\ng area Make otter. ers a BEl:WiFul... BtllLT· in a1'orite., Tb~..q(bif quai. .near,~ Countf au-. IN KITCHEN·· WITH ~ tty feia.tmu o1. this 18 month port. Larae commercial CABINg;r.\ breakfast...., bar, cld home ve,<C ~ms, 3 • Jot with l2J!. ~tage...on dinette ~ 'and '.eperafti tun, battls. .fomial dining -Palisides "ltoad.-~ servlee ooie_b •• Uve'?,, ~ room. bfg .,epu.fe WnllY . $335 per .JODI$ ~ fort and ~anJy twQ,blpC:b: rocm. •large ea~arret; In Ufltil )'Pll ~P..: Full' away at E.:"17tb Streel Shop. the kitchen. J;UStcm drapes prU $Se,900. CQ.U!tor de.· ping c.entitt R-~ LOT • ADD throughout, autcmatic water tails 5 UNITS RESIDENTIAL ON BAi.BoA BLVD. Exctl- lent rental hi.mry. ~~ block t.G bey. c.all now lor detaU.. 4 BR 3 baths & den. Great CALL 537..0380 potential for !I.harp inv,cstcr. •r11 mos! Orange epunty and INCOME INVESTOR otbtr a,Wrovtd areas. s .. 2 BR I bath units. Net ' STANCO woome $9.5-19. • Lender's Repo Builders Inc. San Clernente • Like new ·4 OPEN 1 Days BR 2~ bath &: family room. 10066 Westml.nater Ave. unusually designed. U x 29' Garden Grove master suite with fireplace. Bal~ Pow~r Homes Lochen my er Realtor J860 Newport Blvd., CM CALL 646-3928 Eves. 642-0185 64'-1855 CUSTOM 2 BDRM & GUEST HQUSE "' -- Carefree Livin9 NO yard maintena~ with thi!I dellgbtlul hotlse. -4 spac- ious bedrooms, 2 b a th s, BUILT·IN kitchen. Excellent NEWPORT location where yoo can walk to the beach and teonis couru, One-of-a· kind vnJue at $f.l,95(1, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker ·& lee Lochenmyer Realtor For Th• Bit Foml!y ( q~n ·siie bed.Im~ 'J'wo very Jwcurious baths, Thia tlome reatu;res atep:down }jy... in:("room-w;l.h tmna:ntic fire. plaet. FORMAL DINl?ic;i ROOM. ~le step down family room lellds tc 1eom- pletely enclo9ed rear· ye.rd beautifully' landsca~ ed.' STEP UP into UU1;eorge-Ous ab.eiectrlc 'kiichon. FHA loaO halt i>aYJnents ·of.$155 includes all. Will sell VA at appral'!llll ot $29.4511. WE SELL A'HOME EV~RY 31 MINU!TES. Walker &·tee · 168;! Edir\gcr 8424455 or ~10-5140 Open eves. $10,000 PRICE· REDUCTION Elaborate ExecuUvt Homt" Distioctive l! slory colonial some with 3500 sq ft, 5 bdrm, 3 ba1hll. Formal dining room, S1veeping vie1v of golf course, Truly a hon1e for family run I: rnt<'r:taining, PriC'e ~10111 reproduction co s t. CALL DAN LEE 54{)..USl. INDUSTRIAL· COMMERCIAL • • • .. '~N· ·co.TA ,MESA . 5''.iucKY PEOPlc -. ) can 118V.-IMMEDJATE POSSES-· SION in aily 'one of these 5 custom Homes whic~ are now~cqmple~. ·Many features such as: e 1/4,Acre lot e Wood Roof ·e Fireplaces · • Concrete Drives e P•tio Kitchen• with· P•ntryt' • 4 Bedrooms ' ,· · e .-Woll to Woll Corpotlne · • .AllD Much More · , V .~ .. -F.H.A. -Copvenli-1 fi-.nancing .available. Prices fiJ" om '29,175. Hurry! Hurry! COATS & WALUCE, REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. <'&i! SPANISH DELIGHT Quick Sale Bargain 3 tile root rentals, near Cou~ tr)' Club en Tixl.50' lot. Jn. come $380 per month, $29,900 (10'k Down 01<) Newport •t Victoria 646-1111 l•nytime) 3 lxh;u tamlt.Y room with-, bat..~. College Parle bome. Irnmediate possession,. Re. duccd to $25,850 firm! ~ for Bill Oakley· Aat. 64&3355 ; 01' ~21:64. 5%0/o LOAN., • 4 BR with pool, lam ~ 1 ~ ba, Nev ICbootl A. SO. °'"" P1ua. bnmed ..... Cell Afarttn Rltr. DAILY PILOT DIME-A: Newport ANOTHElitJNITI:.ATER. softener, and a priva~ tt-· '-. · --~t room great f?r an otf. •. tOATJ . BORD"' ~ at ho .... a .. w ...... m. . •· PERRON 1860 Newport B!vd., CM CALL 646-3928 Located in the center of the COSTA MF..sA BUSINESS DISTRICT. 2,000 square foot building pres6fJl.ly used as a plumbing shop, easily ad,apt- ed to many industrial or I ::::=:=:=:=:=:=~:::ii comn1ercial ust!S. Three pri- vat(' olDces, storage room plus large shop a1~a with over head doors. Property con1plctely black-topped and chain link fenced. ASSUM- ABLE FINANCING • AN IDEAL BUY AT .... $33.250 LINES, You can ttae them for ju.t penn1e1 a day, Dill PILOT Cl.aasln.d ad. 6'2.s&'l8 at . ~· aeatdiall~·ar11i5bed-,; WAL~ _ , . ((!Om for ~Y er g~sts. REA'TO . ; :¥ , •• 'TI'T;~ Eves. 642-0185 644-1655 * 642·1711 Anylimo * WEST CLIFF. 'BEST BUY Immaculate 3 BR.' 2 Ba. home. Newly painted Jnr.& out. }luge enclosed yjll'd, & clcse ID schools. For fi~ family homo, see no.., al $38.500. Walter Haase ...... Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 ~24JO dNE ACRE · · HORSE RANCH Anytimo Tl)ls home 1' SG perfect each .. RS spHnkler head ·is_ on a te_p. -~4M141.- eratl! automatic ttniing Q&-IOpift "l'v.pni,,.U ~m. - SEE A'DREAM COME TRUE low Prko •• Hith v.1.. . QPEN DAILY I $47,900 ~lBR&depwith Owner· will carry acceptable bU&.e endcsed lana1 in top . ; co-ct at 1% interest. toe&~ Parl<-lil<eii!:;: ' . ~ Aldean Place Transferred, quick poasn. k,JDj._,. bdwood . . -~ '-'NEWPO'R.T HEIGlttS wilhln .»oil po&§ible. 9'*~1D ~way • .oo~ • 1fi1Jttng diitance. or Harbor ObJ1 ,iu).do • attractive " ........ · • ~ ....... American wi'"'" tiirrns. • ._... ~'Y ... . . DOVER SHORES ' *fi .. fMJ.:P Delightful 2-st~ borne on ,.--... corner lot with mormous living l'O!'.)l1l. "· bedroools. fcnnal dining room. formal Ponner Mode1 entrance C'O\IJ-t with fowl· Inner Circle Heme neat tain. View ol. bad< bay from park and 1cboor. Beau. ~ roonui. W,500. tlfol. ............. """ '1ohn · b • ...,,. •ll)IOqbou< ·Spa· • . .. macna ,clous, .atey · feeling. 4 (7141 642-8235 bdrrm. 3 bath$, f\)t1D&l 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 beamed celling k brick fire. ' -•Pacific SMtts Realty "''"'ce in b'.i .. -room, Dlnt-536}889il 8474586 536-3:Z48 -. ...... . ... !!!!!!!!1!!!~'!"""!'!"";, .. ~· ,., I room. 3 . bdnns l~s baths. ORANGE COUNTY'S -• oot too small l cil.nhi& and" family room. Newport Beach $42,900: 284i Boo V~ta .. r======== ... ..ii.iii.iii.ii .......... CAMEO SHORES ''J'·· .... ~. ,.·)" ... 1 .-~~<i \,f,,, \\,l t ' LARGEST IA YFRONT APT. oot too large, DOVER sHeRES 15366 Golden West v;,ta·0e1 Lldo. p;., • "'• J''&N. SMITH, BAYFRONT Huntington Beach available, Enclosed prate~ ~ 8'4-5313 128.500 R~ltor I =========i·Specta"""' < bed._..., home G Wiii. ,.,,_SS NnunORr HEIG. HTS with an WNS.Ual blending er DR says "MOVE!" "'~.,.;~moon 4\lO E. ;m:'C..,. Me,,. L,nr ''""""" • warmth. Large, NET 10% 6'13-050 Eves, ml.56t 1~,·ialb"'~rungn·-_.f:'mA _:iralllh PlUJ Tax Shelter on .( chann.: . SWIM ! Prime IOcfltlcn. Qulet street. ...,. • ...... ""'""6' .... ~~~:~J:r= COllEGE PARK S·Bldrm-3B•th =~~~~~~~~.re-~~~ea!il~m= p;ng, 6\!% loan. Cw;Iom . $26,950 $25,000 rooM. Priced at $129,500. de-oorated, unique~ lt most New llstlna. 3 BR + den, Huge . .,.,W · PooC Ii: pa.Uo. Cali for apP't. at ... ctive. All with lirepla<:-w. .. ..,,.,.. patio, ,..., .~"·la;<• f.!':..~Q.-at Newport ,. ohn rnacnab es, beamed ceilings, dispo&-1.0r pool. ' tbie ~; , break· et 546·5990 Spectacular ocean view home Just steps to Private community beach. 5 Bedrooms, 4 balhs. Tropical swimming pool. Step-down living room with cpen beam ceWogs. Owner wants action! $95,000 8". Newl.Y cptd & d""1, tubo DAVIDSON Rtolly ' fut bU, -·· PrHtige · · (714) 6424235 & showers. 2 Bacbclcr nnib 5t&6f60 Eves. 549-l.Clil area. 5*).TnO Victoria 901 Dover Drive, Suite MO REAL TORS """ ..,,,..,. completely & . . TARBELL 2955 Herbor 646.all Newport "'""' 673·4400 REDUCED $1000 Sharp 3 bdrm 2 batb Condo, 1---------1 in choice' location acrcu General loot ll'om pool and club house. I r========J Priced for quick sale. OPEN SUN 1-5 140 Lexington Lane "' -PEl=lRON -;J r .-........... ,.,., * 642·1n1 Anylimo * * 3 • 2 BR Triplex S32,500 · * I BR on large duplex.lot $16,250 * ~1 BR Triplex $300/mo income. S32,000 * Cute 2 SR rear of large R·2 lot. $17,500 EZ terms * 4 BR 2 ha, Anthony pool. J.foine & bus.lness "ZOninf. 124.500 • 30,CM'JO' RA level, Hot •pot, $47,000 * 6(bc3W M·1 $21.000 terms. We have ethers ahc. Call now. Ux:khart Realty, 569 w. 19th, C.M. 646-2301 HOME & BUSINESS FOREST E. OLSON Inc. 1"iali.sra l - CUSTOM RANCH COUNTRY CLUB RURl.ic CU!ltom I' a n c b home. Near cne of Newport areas f i n e 1 t country clubl. 3 I a r g e bedll)(lms. 2 baths loal\ed \vith. tile. Vaulted ceU. ing-living room wl,th heavy be&lA,I. 411 rooms center around • bu,ce , atrium. Hardwoods plore + bonu1 loft truly• qUality buy at on t 1 $29. 750. Call now 645--0303 FINANCED NOW! TAKE QVER Slf4 '/. • 2600 feet cf tri-level luxury! 4 massive bedrooms and 3 bath& TWO CUSTOM FlJtE. PLACES! Plush carpets throughout ·even in the spa· ctous FA1ULY ROOM. AD electric Jcitchen and FOR-- NA!. DINING ROOM!·Com· pletely ah· conditioned. This heavy ~keel roofed beauty with THREE CAR GARAGE is only 1!~ hours lrOm the mountains and 20 minutes to the Blue Pacific. Low in- , tirest with 40 YEAR LOAN e.rad offered •t .6'~-ilt thjl 1astefully furnished except START PACKING ( -.ti-•) linenr.-2 BR-unit complelely 1'1il1-:r BR & fam rm Me•' ....... a-BR-1"'-bathl, carpeta.--~"~-A•FRAW .............................. ~I 84'x2l3' c1-1ot • a.sharp 3 fenced, Separate roofed pa. Del l\fu home won't last at drapes, large fenced yard, Oea.n 3 BR, 2 hctne, Two Bedroom BR home. Drive by 1919 ~ tic with equipment to install low .....i,... cf $26,950. Tc P Vacant· immed. possession. cl t be bea ..... 126 c."" abcim CM Cauticus home l:iuyen only! FHA ~% loan pays all at $131. mo. J ..... -. ...... lfii; huge step down tamUy room, beautifully done in patio kitchen, mv. Room .,.,.,,[,-.. blt·in• ""for $19,900. Barrell Really ' CAYWoi:D REAL rt Cutie . $39,soo for J>OO!.. Furnishings inc, 2 boat A~me high, S%% Wells-McC•rdle, Rltrs. Eastst'de dr. re~ng .. gas range, couch-lcan. HUIT)'1 1810 Newport Blvd., c.M. a>6 W. Coast Hwy ., N.B. !Owner will Fin.) es, dinette 11et, chests ct P w c · _ S46-544D _ 548-1729 anytime 548-1290, 642·3476 l!ve. Costa Mesa dl'awen:, misc tables, etc. · · · ,...,..,...,,;,·,......,...,...,.,. t HA"'OWOOD FLOORS 1 · Newport Presents .. _ " Pel'fect location or reurec1 prestige area, . WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Owner 1 "-den w/outside Wutcliff Loc•tlon VA REPO -3 BR 2 beth, $23,00'.l full price or newlyweds, Delightfully entrance Ccould be used as New Usttna: 3 BR .&: tam rm NEWPORT HEIGHTS Built-in range &: oven, block quiet neigbbomood w I t b ~), M~ fumi!lhed inc, top carid. 1 be. bit·ln kit, 2 3 B'"' 2 be.th home with huge Exclusively Ours wall fence, double garage, towering trees. Sparkling b t·ira,bedretrig., tr treezer, frplcl w/w c:t*'drps. Sla~ bonus rocm + enclosed pa. 2 bdrm home on large well drapes, landscaped, cul-<le-clean ln and out and JN. Z 0~ ~~eC:: enirY; Utn. II !nuM BR tlo. $.1250 doWn. &nycne qb&L kept lot with separate sac street, GI er IBA. Now O..UDES irtove and refrla· ., Victoria 646'1811 Walker & lee ... rt bl. le ex1&tin&: lean iJle CALL JACK u • '-• _. hou n,,;,.t '"hbor 5\4 % • GI exillting I o a n • eratcr for $24,000. tor f~turea. Pot bellied r•• · • · 1' ~ gue,,, &e ......... neoe • Won't last • see today. WE SELL A HOME (anytime) •-·· in d•n Klich-a..'--'•'" $41,950 MOND ~ll51 Herl''"'' hood •~ 500 2190 Harbor Blvd., at Adams ~eied iast ye":.r~ ~ P.W.C. 546-&f«) Real Estate (cpen eve';> • ..,., f EVERY 31 MINUTES I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O o;,,,.~.PM.. patiol front~ rear. AD "FOREVER VIEW" l!~A ... CREl.3CoonBR'?..7..'m"tbo•·~ Ufl5Wt1tcllfiDr.NBS<2·5200 lfHilmEl_§IM!:I Walker & L.ee '~······· maintenance ,fttra.S,: hoses, or PoOllldti Pl1•1u.-. ..., ...... iu ...... ~T!Fimr&""" HOW TO RELAX '"'"· """' ""''· • lailder, y ... have "°"' 1o thil .,... Roar yard; bo,.... or un1is. $23,950 -Me .. Verd• , .................... ... Sit en the tei-raee of this rent.at agreements, receipt custom ~ by Ivan Wells $43,500. Owner. 531·7636. Cfyde's Listing TWO ON LOT beautiful 4 bedroom homt, ~!i f:;.c~~~~ = tnbat;iolhverlamSborfs. 4 bdrm;-~ •bar3% DON'T JUSI" W!SH fer tome. King sized bed~~s. 2. bath11. EAST SIDE. Ne'i\·€r 3 bdrms polW ydurelf a cocktail and 5484003 1, • rm. w ... ~ . thin& to fUmi!lh your borne ~.1~00ern buill·m kitchen, & cider 2 bdrm, detached 2 from this lofty vantaa:e point Roy J , Ward Co. • , , tlncf' creat buys in f:l>. -.,. '"" &: ksb Ex. enJor a breathtaking view cf A Most lnfluentl•f 1430 Gtiaxy Dr. 646-1550 dQ'1 Oau1fted Adi. TARBELL 2955 Hirbor ca~ garage wor. op, ,a sa?nic Pacillc Ocun, IUD-home on quiet comer Io t ==="'-====:.l.========"-======"'=='-1 tenor recently painted. <et. Th1• l\ome.I• in ~..,11-wllh llOP?\! roa·POOliU!l ·a-r.1 loot Genorol 1000 Gtnerol 1000 Only $29,950 !ul condition inside and ttut boat ..,_camper. ,3 Bi~bed-,.._'--''-'------"'"'-...;..;w;. ________ :.:;..~;;::;;;;;.. ___ ....;.::;; I with courtyard enley leadirig room." & 2 pullman baths. to mint entrance. Owner Pride ot cwnC.rsbip nelgh- ha!l reduced the price of bxhood. Gorgeoua plush $39,500. It'1 vacant a n d ~ thl"ougbout and cua-- ready for ;you. tom dnipet. MDCl«n u ~ 21)43 Wcstclill Dr. 646-17ll Open Eves. $26,950 Sparkllng FHA resale. Spae- iouB 3-BR 2 bath, beamed ceiling family room, gleam- ing .hardwood floon & heavy shake roof. Walk to all schcols -alllo Costa Mesa's largest park, $164/mo, paya momiw kl tc hen with , LARGE DINING AREA!!! BeautUUI cupetin& throQgh- outl 1'resh u a gpring moming. AMUme F.H.A. 5!4 lean 11:t $lS9 per mcnth. Aqd ONLY $2$,700 with as 612-JnJ Anytime all with 5*% lc8n. 1""""'3""1""'E""DR""'o""o""M""s-1 HERITAGE 5~ .. NOW'S THE. . 2 BATHS . STORAGE jARAGE. , ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 644-4494 Lccated in Cc$ta Mesa near b , 'tll schools and shopping. TIME FOR TlUI home ""' boco "''""' $20 Montti SHOPPING For a home! liffie u $4,00J down. fully tared for a'Ud it won't ea.u, ~Tite or vii;it cur of-WE SELL A-HOME Uce for ycur free copy of EVERY 31 MINUTES our "'H°"'" For Living" w lk & L l:i~Nl1 r r I last at this pl'ltt, try 10% Ed Riddle Reali.or 846:8811 down. l 'll Ol' HOUSE QUICK CAS" $15,750 •Only 10"/o Dn • .Maga&., wllh plcturo•. a er ee prlcel A detalll of oor .. leci U.tinp ill Newport' :mil -Bhd,. al Adami Beach, Corona del Mar, 56MJ1 Lklo • N'pt -· lW> Opm'tD •""' Cotty1.,10oo"Thol011.ti ... CARP>:r REALT"{, :1025 w. -LEASE OPT10ii ':;~~~==~ I tow a f-lllco hen, Tarzan "Balboa Blv., N 9 91;P 0 r l J BR 1 btth Ooodom.bdum. .f was feeding It--.• 4 Bedroom lleoch, 9'lti60. 615-<00IJ, ll'ro per month. Bllilt • lo ,., · Coll09• P•rk · TIME FOR PRICE RmUCED ~A ~"".":..!.-.-,......; t-it-r-r-..-~ O C....!tl. 1"" d>udde ,.-Bl owner. Vacant ~ musl be -~-& ·~~ bv "'""" "' .... m,,.,,. _. "'1d this -·· AnuMe QUICK CASH $IOOO landlcaptd, vtcant • DnmecL VO\I dtwlop from ""P No, 3 btlow. s~" 1~, wm ~c:ept any ) B~ """'"·drape~'""' .1'le "'-'"""'""''· • ~~~~r~~!~nusr ,. I' -·r r I' I' I ......, .. bkot1ar.·*1M!) THROUGH A On tree lined street. Room · ' to build; R-2 lot. 3 Br, 1 ORANGE COUNTY'S Ba.. 1969 Fullerton Ave. LARGEST Call' Mr. &b!noon HJ E. 11th St., 646-4494 Davis lloalty 64"'1tnl SOVll THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AO rich knotty pine. Fo.rmal dining too! Even room to ··t expand! Seller is wllliQs tc help finance for rfabt parll<. Only $21,!00. co.ta Mesa. Better Hurry! Call 64.>-0303 NEAR BE>;CH 4 +FAMILY. Wcw! 4 bedroom! + 'family r q '? m, 2 Bathl. Built-ins, and breakfast bar in dream kitchen. New custcm drapes; Watt to wall carpets. Farced air heating! Only $19,950 better be faJt. Call now 64.>-0303 4 + PO'Ol BAYCREST! Superb Newport J!eatlt.. I estate, 4 ma~t•r bedroonui. Huse t 1 I f d baths. Family room and ' eut wing view ot a . tropical letting around olymplc site p6o,l. 1K dcwn. Best of terms. CaD today. 645-.(003 EAST SIDE $24,995 lmmll<:'lllate 3 bedroonf · , home. Dining room witlt beamed .celling. Newl.J decorated· 1n and outt . New pl ... plle carpetlnc- New ti.le in tllthen W bath! Gtanf lanai overlook• immellM prdenot-.- teaturtr AJk1 aCCl!ll tJt boataandtnllm.Gftat tocatlonl The -la right! Hurry! • C a 11. 64s-®1 FOREST E. ' : ' . .. •lot, s:io.950. 1.f fml!ll ! ·-@mlijDI ;;;;, _ _ . . . MOVE IN TODAY O ~VlDS~.~~:~1 '\.a8TT'!m1111"' e ;1@. 1mw TO I I I I I I. I I ~~ ~=~";:,= DAIL y PIL T me. Reolton . . . . iolt toUtM. :w. Metil Dr.. WANT AD al a·......._""-•- 642-5678 • ' r.r Dally P11ot WIJ>t A<b DAILY PILOT WANT AllSl ·----... C.M. .. ti~•~•= ,.__Dla1_61>'6'18 _____ SOCK __ rr_ro. ___ 'EMI __ 1o--------------------i:"::-~1:.llo="":..:"'"'=":....:::M2-::;;1tnl= -------l·········l'-2299=-•lll•rbo<-Bl"'l'd.._C.V._.J " • \ • ..... . . ... . •:-c. • .!::';!'. ··~ ... -... --!. • ...... . .. ··-·--·-· .... M*-'1, S•pleiilbtt 1. 1969 ·~~g~~~;Ji:~~;(Oltiif1SA00:LfcE;j· ~H~OUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS FOii SALi HllUSll l'OR SALi J:1 ~~~~;;;;;~~11 __ ..__;&;alilD""'Jl~C;;eol;:•;;;;M;°';;";;;;;;;;;;' ;;ll;;•;i·~'"'lo""w";po;;;rt;;;lo~o~ch~-1200 Lido lo.. l ' 11SI Ii I• NO WAITING -RARE i<iilf?' J LAIQEST f'«lbtt..tbSa~nlcbt l(O¥Hn~,_rd~ , or'"" -with• both doao . -• cl<on 2 Bit. 1 MESA v E Jt o I; JllCH· tor l'ttb bdrm. Tberf, Jn: 4l oa owr • ~ lot Newly . ,. 2791 Mm LANDS 3 bdnn 2 both_. Plua • -o.m Alhoccn .... pea.·.,._.--. I : plan_ Double, r&iled. borth Pt. lo Catalina. 3 Fireplaces ated thnlwt. Court ~ I 1Cf~2313 ftrt!plaer. Roqrn for boat 6 blend with f:ftM pifnt lo r ltd .at $$Q.IJ!O. Ollttt Invited.. •-~··-i1'IV" .......... ~ •""'l AD extra cbann. w-will H1I Plnchln & At-. ' I· -~ lllGHLANDS' r.xdu&IYe ~down -SSX> handleL 3900 E. Coot HW>'. 67~ MESA VERDE ,,..,,,.._ Top volue •I H1I Plnchln & Auoc. 11.AYFRONT. 3 UNITS I ' . ' SATTLER MOR·TGAGE i COMPANY f I " 1 t i 1 "1 Has Been ' Appointed ' • • I ~· : I ' ! ' Exclusiwe Area ' RepresentaUve for : . a Federal Savings : & Loan ' " . .. . ' . " ' . ' . ' •• • ' ,. • • ' • -·- Offering Excellent Terms on 1st Tnist Deed Loans. • -·- Minimum Interest Rate 8% on Single Fami~ Dwellings -·-' 2nd Trust Deed up to $100,000 -·- Prompt, Confidential Senice Serving Harbor Area 20 Years SATTLER MORTGAGE COMPANY 333 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 642-2171 545-8611 s BEDROOM • $21,,950. Sllbtnll tenna-p lctil 3900 E. Col.11 tHwy. 61S-439'l on tubionable So. aide. Good :5°~~~~r::. ==-~tUl Hert. JOY bMch. AU Cf.11'f!led 4 drap- fl.. better than new. 3 IJ •'"'!~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!l"'ITo the luo!QI ¥tt !lt Ibis ed. Good ~q. " Balhl. luxurlOOli gold 2 Story & Pool custom duplex. I BUc. lo ... C c·-· "·ilt shag carpets, t':uslom ocN.n. MllQ)' extras. $56,150 J355•v_w;, ~· """"~93CXI V..JJN. Blockwall ft>nt'<', lCI07 S.nta Ana Ave. f16J.C) pa'tlo, ll:Ol>k•I la-a,,. . OPEN SAT & SUN : PROPERTIES WEST inf. ltB.950 -Don"! s BR. 3 BA, ftp.le, dinina 6T5-4.ll0 615-1642 BAYFRON;r HOME$ Priced from 598.SOO-• See u.s tor the .Lldo borne to suit your nff'llb. miss this onr. rm, family rm. plus IU«l ' house with kitchen, ti.th, DUPLEX -CHEAP OWNER TRANSFERRED HELP! Thls outstanding East- side 4 Bedroom, 2 ba I h home will be vacant Sept_ 5. Qwnpr m't'ds Cast action and "·ill consider 10~ do\\-n or even a leAse oplion ICI quaUtltd buyer. Offef'E'd &t $40,995. FOR PEOPLE & HDRSES Pnfe<:l for your litUe filly and 1'lr. Ed. too!! (A horse. ot coursel Hoe-do"on lr1rge family roont · 3 bedrooms • 2 be.th!! • 2 firepla~ • latk hoult' -big Corra1 . Fero barn • $3500 do\1·n-Youn for $34.950 -GB.llop to Back Bay. MESAVERDE- VACANT One of our bt>st offtt- inp at ptt!lelll market condltiom. 3 bedrooms Ni~ly landM:aped - plu.' large !am.Uy room. ttady to mov" in to- morrow. l'\othing like It 11 t thi~ pri<'t" $26,950. -Try rnA or VA, See it anytime:. 1700 NEWPORT BL 646-7l7t ROOM FOR 40' BOAT Right at your paUO""- and a delightfully ·re-- mQdeled 3 bedroom, 2. bat4,.. at the waler's edge. -No traCClc prob-- lem. -Can't be beat a t $69~ . THE GOOD LIFE IN liAYCREST Original O"A'ner must M'll home by Lyon.<> &: C..shion on quif't Bay· cm;t Lant'. Over 2700 aquatt fttt in thi~ v:ell planned home ~·1th four Mdrooms in separall' win~ Ovusi.z.e livinc. famlt'y and d int n g rooms. Spat':iow home has lots ot t':loset space, thr~ bethrOOms, 1)()0.)· sized yard ~·Ith paved palio. A great home for livin1o; and <'nttttaining, Asking $67,500. NO DOWN TO VETERANS Finll lime offered at these lrrms. Sharp Bat':k Bay • 3 bro.room + large farnlly room · DouWe flrPplll.Ct' • Inter- rom -Covered patio - P{)()I size yard. lmmedi- atr possession. 534,950 · o\\•ner l\•il!'help finan~ \vlth 10';0 down. MOVE IN TIME FOR SCHOOL Assume F1~A loan \\.-ith jusl $4500 down a.nd S232 per month irn:"ludes lAXt"S and insurance on !his vacant 5 bedroom 2 bath home. Near srhools & tran.,por ta- Uon -lrnmrdlale po$· ~s!'oion on crl'dit ar .. pro val. CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 180• VIEW IN CAMEO SHORES ':\ bedroom~. conv('rtib~ dl'n, family room and formal dining room "ilh a vle\v of oc<'an and jetty. Al l this PLUS a gorgeous large pool in • protected court- yard •.• for the family lhal deserves the best. $11,500. PRICE REDUCED $5000 ImmC'dlalf' occupancy Is a\'&llable on the uniQur vacant 4 b('droom 2 bllth ho1111', Only ~trps away fron1 lovf'ly 1ittlt' Corontl Rcaeh in one of Lhf' finl'st 8vai\able lo· cO l iun~ in Cd:\1 -0-ur llbsrnll'l' 11\• 11«r s11 ys SELL -Hl-.:DUC~D TO '64.500 COR-ONA MONEY MAKER She earns ;$1.200 in July and August And $1600 the rest or tM year \Vlth Ile\\' mMeup, this aouth of the hlway rental woo.kt hi! even l)lllac. 3 b<d· vert'd patio w in BBQ • Plus room an ~ning ror a 2nd little money-maktt. Only $31,500. It )'91..1 Ht' 1ookl.ng for a home Jn lovely Cnrnna dl'I M11r f'll ll u~ -\\'r hflV(' llll typN. aJI pri('('S -ri:idd(onlhil and !11 - toml'. - o THEREAL '"\. F.STATERS and livin&' nn. But clean I livable, at little S5CPl down • \Yin VA mot'f! Ihm IOI value, tor the NEWPORT REAL TY '""" "-""· 127.500 & INVESTMENT fl5M:l ,.._anytime PROPERTIES WEST Welker Rlty. '7~5200 3.136 Via Lido, NB Optn SUn. r M'T AS'llC BUT TRUE. 615-WO 615-1642 Huntington leech •• Immaculate 3 BR 2 bathJ--------- home in rorgec>l.15 res~ Newport H1fght1 1210 tial tn?a for only $3),950. ""-="-'--'--''---- Hardwood ooon. heavy WANT TO SELL? shalu! root. boat yard Ir: 1.r yoo are thinkin1 ol aell- covt'l"t'd palio. J~ by school-ing your home, Jet u." help 5'4 'k loan ava1lablf', Call yoo •ith fr~ advertising, ~ South Coaat Real amiraUal & finl..Oci.Qg. List E5tate yoor borne-with w . 3 BR. Ul' wkle lot. \Y /w Grahi1m Reelty 646.2414- crptg. Ori\·" by 1940 Wnit· Near Newport Post Office Ii.er, then call ~ J BDRM. -$2',000 Men Del Mer 1105 AND spet':ious family rm. Slone frpL, w/w epts. OYer BUY th~ 2600 sq. ~· Luxury Hw Boon. P1ti0. Oe1n &. MedalllOfl home wtth a BR. 3 sharp! Fine Heights 1~. SUPER SHARP TWO STORY f .Ci&anlic Bedroom1 with deep pile carpets le. Jovdy drapes. Huk llvif'li:' room with bay window and tol'lf!. ous llreplaa!. Featuttt "For- mal Dining Room''. All ele<:- trlc kitchen, "&pa?'ale" family room. lleavy Sha.ke- root. 2'ii ·car ranee. 3 )'iet.n YOllJli" I t $l1,5Q) and llllllme bi,gh Joan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY Jl MINUTES Walker & Lee .B.\ from oWl'llT who wtU Owner/Bier. ~2414 carry mortgage. All rooms.1~~!!!!~~~~~~ ~ Edq:er c.arpeted. High qua l i 1 Yr M2-4C5.J or 546.S140 drapes. Garage door opener. Dover Shore• 1227 Oprn evH. Enclosed patio, larse lrff!i!.1--------POOL IS COOL =,"" c;:.:,;'°· ~1~,~ Yor"STe'by-owner THE HOME IS BIG features. !t4£....9674 5 BR.~ BIG ~ THE TERMS -::========I are WIDE -OPEN". ur.soo · Spaciou.! t':Uslllm 2-story t.X-JS A RIGHT PRICE! Btau. Me•a Verde 1110 ~li\'t home, Lara:" formal tifull~ located Pre-1t i ce "o.;.WN=ER-"-_-'-'-... s-~-.-.ED-1 dlnlnc room. Paneled dl!:n Jfome .. ·~· ·~· ,~,·th "'' bar • r.-pl·-. R L 'mmed'· ··' 1 ·• ... ........ ex . Hodgos, Rltr~ Priced lot 1 .. te -..e a Silting room w/lireplace. J s27.950. Imm.a.cu.late OOmr bdr, JY.. ba UW. Garden en-;:;-==,-,84,..,.'-_""5,,.--~~ \Vlth 3 ovel'llzrd bdnru, 2 try View of bay .r. moun-GLEN M'AR by Owner; 4 Br, 1;parltling baths. Jure fami· t&~ $82 500 646-21Sl 1% ba. lirepla<:e. dahwahr-, ly room, doublt raiJSt'd ~ bltns, apmklrs. New paint heart~ fireplact, corner lot * UNIQUEL y inside I: out; very cleiln. & qwet cul-<l~sac. Ca 11 Ditteren"L "Old World" Con-Good neighborhood. 600 .cf. ~5-8424 South C'.out Real temporary, ex~utiw lux-ft. patio. Lots of cement A Estate ury h 0 mt. Unobatrocted ralaed pl&nten. Gan.ae, OWNER TRANSFERRl:.-0 Bay & Min VU-moat nm. bandyma.na dream, cabbts. Priet'd for immediatt sale at 5000 sq fr. 4 Br, 4~ Ba + l mi all cbain ;•torn; walk S21.9:JO. Jmmaeulalt home makl1 qrrs. Ideal for enl.tt. to elem ach, 1 ml lo HS. 2 \\1lh J oversized bdrms, 2 tainlrw. Easy ma.int Immtd ml to JC $26,500. 962--1858 !<parklini: baths, lllf"it' fa mi-OCt':Upalicy. Furni!bed. CUSTOM BUll.T 4 bdrm ly room. doobtc raist'd $178,COO. Au ume 6~ % Joan. borne. l mile to ocnn. Ex.- hearth frrt'plaet, ro~r lot Box 1632 N.B. 548-72«9 ~Ueit tttmA-. CALL: &: qulf'l nil-de-sac. CaJ1I========= ~~24, South Coa."t RP.al Univi1r1ity Park 1237 Estate: --· AU. 3 BR"l-BY OWNER Sharp! Shi1rpl Sh1rpl !f.lO v · tori.a Sl9 500 Cl 4 BR's., 2 balha. ~% as. 7l03 ~edenl. Sn in> SJ.' aumablt loan. F .P. $33,$0, 422 \Valnut sn:soo 6~ • Reel Hiil Realty 2113 S h ,26 500 • " 1806S CulYft' Dt ., lf'YIJ"lt usanna ' ;,i-,. OPEN t AM-3 PM 8334!20 Large lake over loam e e548-ll),j9•• SACRIFICE brand new 3 Br, 2~~ Ba. fam rm, """t bar. $26,950 VACANT ·~ ....... A __ , olli Asswne-!>'' % FHA. Beaut. 3 s.......... u.i....,r aaiet: ce Br, 2 Ba. paho home. Fam pnce. 645--2595 or 642..9ii!ICI rm, bit-ins, crp1s; drps. By T . 1245 o\1·ner 545-4265 Irvin• err•c• STOP by Ceramic Hie entry~ OPEN FEELING )'lew carpets! 4 BR, 1 BA, Trcmend00s family home w/ fam rm. O\Ynt':r. 1860 New spa.cioull 3 Bd., 2"2 Ba .. lam. ,lc1'51'y $28,500. a40--08&3 & din. rm!I. Eltt-. bl.t·in k1t !'~I SeUing a vPry el<'tant ~. comer, plumbed fur house 1n ~le-sa Vertie. If you pool. Beaut. garden $54 ,950. an:: interested, call ~ R. C. GREER, R.eslfy tor appmt. f4 BR) 3355 Vla Lldo 673-!l:m College Park 1115 Corona HI-Mar 1250 ,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;:;;;;. \ OPEN HOUSE Sat., Sun., Mon. 1.5 1911 SEADRIFT !! HELP !! Out oI state 0...,'llt':r wants Irvine Terreca, CdM oflerii on spacious 3 BR Outstanding CdM home in POOL H0~1 E in ColJere pr#. resid. ~a. 3 l.gf", Br. Park are.a Alkini::: on I y Fam. nn.; htd .. fllt. pool. S27.fJOO. ~ a good tum . CORBIN·MARTIN make an oUer today. 540-1 151 REALTORS 6r;>-1662 Mariner ~-Rei1lty Associates iidSSii or 146-1322 ..... ,ay OWNER AAAllllle FHA loan w/$10.000 down or ca.sh + 1mall 2nd or trade down. W&Uc to bta.ch, 7 mo: new. AdWt occupied, 4 BR. tam/din rm • tl!C .kit. Indoor J outdoor patio_ 968-1178 afte-',:30 . UNBELIEVABLE! $161 Tot1I pu Month A11Qmie low interest loan! Sharp 3 BR 2 ba, W/pl.e far trailer or boat. HAFFDAL REAL TY 87AO Warner. r .v. 842--440;; BARGAIN 3 ~R. l ~ be., Zb:20' tam nn. Blk walJ fnce. Total cuh S4«KI • assume CI In • no qualifyinf -jmlla u n d e r S200/l'lo. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 EYf'll, 968-1178 WOW!! Heritage Real Est.ate 3036 E C.0..st l~"'Y" QI~ Only $22,;,QQ for hardwood --GOTTA SEE •• I noors. 3 bdrms 2 ba.t:hl built. Retirement Specil l 2j()() Sq, Ft. J Br. ,. lower ins, 11replace & shake root. Assumable 4% ':¢ loa n. \Valk level den ...,·/ofc, & bath. Priced below the market • to all shops, Peaceful, cozy J...ce. llv. rm., din. nn: vitw. FHA/VA terms. home in A·I c-onrt. Nr new 2-Lcvel rear lot; profess. MUTUAL REAL TY tpts, St':~!)(>(! patio, immat': lndscPL RP.uoneble · dw·n. 842-1411 anytime yd & room for boat or trlr. Lee. emting loon. One of 1----;==:---- CAl.L RAY GAULT 540-ll51 our beat val~ at $51,fXIO. vm • I lerltagt? Real Estalt' Bey & Beach Rlty, Inc. $('(' our deal on 1his vacant 3 BR, l BA. Separate a;ucst 2407 E, C:0.111. Hwy., Cd!.1 sharJ> 3 bdrm. 5 mlnute1 to room w/balh. Pool. 6~"-675-3000 64&-5227 Eve!I. beacb. Si50 will move you '"'" By°"""' S<S.7'73 C'EST MAGNIFIQUE! '.;'.,'." s'f p~ .=:i!:u.~ Newport Beach 1200 847-3519 5J&Mtl1 536-455! BROAOMOOR ~an •ie~ 5"%% G.I. $I7S MO. B/B deluxe 4 BR home. lmnledi· Newport West 3 BR. 2 BA 0\VNER \\1lLL f1NANCE! at~ poaeuion. $'Tl.SCIO. CALL fam rm, ~S mi to beach. GE DUPLEX just % block to 'KAYE NEAL 644.o32l kit. Cpts. drpg, !!prldr$, Big Bay_ Very attractive Donald M. Bird• Assoc. patlo, fe~. Iand5caped, duplex with nice patio, With Sf?.'704l frplc. Nt'\V paint $27,900. S5.(Q) down, Owntt will CU'· MUST SELLI OWntt will take 2nd. %K122 f'.11 balaOC't'. Prlee-• $39.500. Owner moved, no reu, otftt Capistnno Ln, HB !>40-9545 B•y & Baach Rlty, Inc. re.lusedl Beaut 4 Br., f~. or 968-413! ,., °""' o ..... SUlte ll6 NB nn., din.""··""'""'· wh•t• 1--,S"p'la-sh"I. -=s,..p""la°'sh"".~ 645-2tXXI Evef 673-1.!M cpt'g. & drapes. AM ~.SUI I • BY 0\1.'NER .. DeLency Real Estate Qeeanfronl llomc, J RR. utll 2828 E. Coast HWy, CdM Pool/Large 4 Bdrm rm, ~wing rn1, Jiv rn1 613-3170 + La.fl:e !11.m nn &: 2\-i baths wtlrplc & octan vW!:w. OCEAN BREEZE Repo1se11ions al.of Roomy kil. "'/bllNI & Sure to please, la~ 2 BR.. HAFFDAL REAL TY 11 vocado shag ~rptg thnl-rxtra bath. Block f ro m 8740 \Varner, J.~.v. 8~2-4-105 uul . Front yd W/pallo t. OCt'an. Ewrythln:: new, car. S BEDROOMS CABANNA. 36.1.:iOO. G7J..6990 pets, drapes It. paint. 159.500. CORNER LOT or <2131 69.\.3621. Bay & Beech Reelty, Inc: 2 STORfES e LINDA ISLE e l407 E. CK1 A\\'Y, OIM 67f>.3000 VACA NT Build your O\\'Tl v.·attrirQlit IRVINE TERRACE-$3l,OO) dream. Exquilite location. Outstandln& CdM home kl Any tenns. llow about that? View rrmn secluded Jaeoon prtv. resld. uu. 3 ~. Bt. Rex L. Hod .. s" Rltr. to channel, Lot 71, $37,000. Fam. rm .; htd. tilt. pool. 847-Zi.25 <d.""12. CORBIN -MARTIN DUP' rx NEW OWNER'S SACRIFICE REALTOl!S 117>-166l w; - 4 or 5 BR. 2 mo. old Harbor ~ E Coat H,wy., OJM Spanish modttn • deluxe 3 Hills home. LR. DR. fam. LGE. hilltop k>l Pftm. ~ ~~I~. 2~~:~; RM .,.., trple &. 1-r. 3 BA. of ocean l hills. Prtvaey. 1 few l!tt:pg to bl!t.ch. F'or Crpts, drps. many extras! Realtor m-.2010 vk>\\·lng ('8]) ANYTJJ1E 7.2% linanctnr. 54~1 DUPLEX 81iboo lllend 1355 Torry Rulty 536-l4.59 Sall' or least, i1nmat':. furn ,1 ::.:;;;;;.;;,;;....;;;.~·.;c..___ CONDO rental \\'ilh &ood nce.r bo.e.ch. ~Br. dfln. 2 Bil , SPACIOUS lca:.er. 3 BR. 1 1~ BA. crpl!, 2 fr,,i .. eat':li unJr. 2nd unll Newl7" l'f'modtled • dtror-drpi;. "''as~r/dryer, 1'ttrla. lt'as('(! at Sl.\i nlO, Jl0,000 at('(! J bfiirooms. 1 baths S19.7:i0 m-Zi!i6 dn, O\VOCr &42.J400 40' Lot DON'T iiive It away, fttl Ud hfEO. J>ossftSI.. 3 Br. 2 Brl. D 164."'10TY C quick cnah lor It wllh 1 cpt•, <lrps. hllm: Bllt-k Bay. LID. ~EAL IN . Dally Pllot;~a~11Ad! S26,il3 Owner fH6..8691 3400 V11 Lido ST3.ssJD ~---~-~--- -· • ~ -• -~ ,.... •t• ~ --• -• , ' Are You · Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers __,,,.. See If ·You Have Any -. Of .These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD 1, Stove :Z. Gultor 3. BU, Crib 4. Electrle Sow S. Ci1mer• 6. Wolhlr 7. Outbo•nl Motor I . Sterff Sot 9. Couch 10. Cl1rlnet 11. R1frlger1tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. S..lnt Mlchln• I 4. Surfboard 1 S. Machin• T oolt 16. Dlshwesher 11. Pum 18. Cabin Crvi11r 19. Golf Cert 20. Barometer 21. Stamp Colltction 22. Dlnttlo Sot 23. Ploy Pen 24. Bawling B•ll 25. Water Sk;. 26. FrHrer 27. Suitcase 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Blcycle 30. T~rlior 31. Bar Stoolo 32. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleener 34. Tropical Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm1 36. Fii• Cabinet 37. Golf Clubt 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set # 41. Slide Projector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tir11 45. Piano 46. Fur Coot 47. Drapq 48. Linens 49. Hor•• 50. Airpl1ne 51 . Org1n 52. Exercycle 53, Rare Books S4. Ski Boots SS. High Choir 56. Coin1 57. Electric Train SI. Killen $9. Clbsic Auto l-0. Cof!N T1bl1 6 J. Motorcycl• 62. Accordion 63. Sklo 64. TV Set 65. Workl:ltnch 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69, Camping Tri1i11r 70. Antique Furniture 71. Tape Recorder 72. Seilboot 73. Sporb C1r 74. M1ttreu, lox Spgs 75. lnbo•nl Sptedboet 76. Shotgun n. S.ddl• 78. Dart G1me 79. Punchfnt lag 10. Biby C•rrl1ge 81. Drurn1 12. Rifle u. o .. k 84. SCUBA Gt1r Thne or ony otlier extra things around the house may be tumed Into c:ash witlt a DAILl PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOODl DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action Today! .... • ' ' " ·' ' :• " .. •• ( I ' < I ' I • I • • ' ' • ' < ' ' • • ' ' ' I ; • ' ' • ' • ' ' F ' c • ' c • • • • c • " I " • • • ' • • • ' ' • ' ' ' • ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • F • ~ • • • ' ' • ' < • • ' • • ' • ' ' ' I : • • ' . ' ' ' -1 i ' ' ' ~ ' ' • ' • i : ' l i . : . ' I • ~. : ' ' • ' ' . I . , c ' ~ ' I • ' ~ F ' ' ' . ' . • ,. ¥ • 0 . " " • ;- ·~ • ,, • " ., • HOU DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED INDEX ,., Pad "41nke aM .,,.,.. .....w.na DIA£ DJREC'J' 842""78 I HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALE JH'"'t"!!.., Booch 1401Hunt"'9t•n IMclt 140I f MOYE IN BEF1IRE SCHOOL STlRJS - UNTALS -Pumlil.4 ·~!!'N l•!•ntl 2S5S .. l!INTALS H1J111Unfvrft...,_. RENTALS ' MondU, Stpltmbtr 1, 1969 $ Allt-,.....,,... DAil ~ l'!lOT 2 "kHlAL~ .._C•,,.•..o.,.c.•-• .. 1_Mo.;.·;..,_.;,;ruo= -,..n ... ell 4200 Oronr County 4600 c_ .. _1•-""°'--·--'-'-Q0-1 QWUCINC C.po Cod rr. CBARM1NG • Bdrm home • Newport """" SINGU: Y-'"11'11'· hi><-MARTINl"'UE So. Bay A ....... -,..,1y-. Panded...... COUN'l:RY CLUB """ -..... W/hdl T New bomoa, rea<ty to move In, lo> mlle dooaraled ' &., din. rm, cdlln& ""rm•.,...,. BR. LIVING """'lion '""" tJ It 1 .. • GARDEN ~~ · from beach. First payment up to 80 doys frple.. -· • .......,., ,....._ ..,a. -. patio. Lux>..,, aarden ...-.... ...,,p1,,. prlvaef. Si>u,. ExC1llel!1, ...,....,. - FOR SALE ••·-move In oo~~~-t.:_ ~_.-}QM. .o\l'Cf'lizllld 1ar w I b I t n ,.,,_.,;.,.. comple.te n,.ivacy, ~. C!Vb ~~~{ ~ m So. taa for ad.Wt.I anJ.Y. ,. T1t•1llt '"AKS -rs ,I.Cl. • Wui~ ........., 1~1 eve ·~· Convl!nlent ta bch ;;:;~ ludsca...1:11; un-Brookhuh{, AnUX1lm (7tl) Ba.eh, J, 2 • 3 aa Apta. O•NlllAt. .•••.••••.•••••••••.•• Of'l'K'I llllf(fAt. ........... ,. ~-""~ ""'""" UU<-.. .--,,. .. ,_ •u11N1s1 ••NTAL ............. Terms VA/FHA. From $22,'90. ah 6: 67~ thil wknd £ 1h0p'c. Gardener ind. _,._11-• ..... -.r.::!., l•<"·i-m.4500-------'--~·. ·-~-·-. co1TA MISA . -···············"" 01ou1t•11•t. fl•o•11111' ......... CORA~ SHORES IST Jf'INE o&:red. nicety ;saa J1JI>. Avail Sept. E. llirs in a country dub at. im Santa Ana. l 11.f. MISA DI&.~ MAil .............. 11• CCl#,MlllCl'-L . • • ......... ...S -· .. .,,. -appt «~ MIU VlltDI ............. ,.Ult INOUITlll .. t. lllMTAl. ........ ..,. l'lltnbhtd, 2 BR. ' bath: .... .,.. ...... --. mogphett. No1v ltuirJi in Ga·'·n.Gro-··1·0.,,=..,,~·.,,..·7 ... -~_-,'•....,~-1 COW.Ill f'AltK .••••••••••.•. lllt l..OTS ........................ '1.. c:hoiee Jocation, Adults $2i50 2 BORN .--ts .t-bltn.! Newport Br h rvw ..... -1' 111•"'"°"' •u<H ............ ,, .. , UHcMar ....... ·-···-···-··"" .. (on Garfield bet een Beach •-Ma-oUa · .... ,, ' ... .,... • •t' · LGE Bacbelcr unit. Shairp. Nrw"°11.T M11•111T1 .......... ~": c1T11.us ••ovu ............. "" "" . ·w e.:; .... mo. Call Puad«na.19$.-4003 1arase. Quiet cpl or 2 older 1100 16lh Sin-et SINGLE Youn&" AdulLs Lux.· Cpti/drps. 'Nr. So. CoUt :~~·~~0~11111 ·:::::::::::1m ~~:·:~siMC:l1tS·::::;::::::::::= 9 6 2. 1 3 5 3 ATI'R Iii Ja, 3 BR. 2 BA. cot ladie•. No chUilren • peLs. Fuml11htd or unfurnislM'!d ury prden N>ts with t'OU'n-Piaµ.. occ. ius incl refrl&. ••YtltllT .................... lW 11110llT PllOPl:'llTY •...• , "°' ... _ ••·-r Nu pa'·• .... ,.. Avail Sept. 1 ·Ye a r I y. 11.fodcls open noon to t pm try club atmosphere and r. util . •-,1 m Val•-•AYIMOll.lt ................. , .... , OU.NOi CO. 1"11.0PlllTY .:,::a.1 ._.., ._.,.,.. . w.. ....,:, '714 &a-8110 • .,.,... DOVlll. SMUii.iS ............... = OUT 011' STAT• P•O". -······"* ' patio fncd. 61$1~ l'IS-221I : complete privac)I. SOUTH Apt. :l alt. 5 PM w~· .. . wltTCt.IPP ····••••··•••1'w i.1ouNTAIN&DISl•T ........ a11-----------HOUSESFORSALE ,Vlnttt;W.or 4 BR. CAMEO~ 2 BR OAKWOOD BAY CWB API'S 13100 all 11;1x1s ,. ~~:::si~~·:t.~0~ .. :::::".::1ur '~~~rv~:i~.~~~viCS''.:'..::::J;H;;;u;n;fl;nvton;;;;;;;llo;;;oc;;;h;;;1;400;;;;.,J'. ...ch tiouaes. ls'land RA!al~, Convert. den, 2 b.. ~ OJAPMAN Ave., ~ 1-;;f~w7(rw_• __ ·°""=-7"7-i.,_I .. , .... " .................... m: ........ ,..... ................. ~1uno 1705 -P-"-A-. .,. ·-Jv. nn • dhL ..... , .... .., GARDEN a .... (714) &J&.3030 • a ay Yiilla Ap'"'. ~J!·!~i:~~ii:~:::::::::::~::: BUsiNESS ~nd··········.. NO NOISE =OCEAN~~~VIE\~~.;-;;HOOME;;;"'"l-!!-!..!'.!~~·~·~·!;!r~-~-~mo lc!Ue or km. $375 APARTMENTS 100 CLIFF DRIVE Q c;o1tOM4 oaL .MA• ........... 111t FINANCIAL XtNr Vl!t 1o&n assump&n. Huntl,....,. leech 2400 mo. 6'B-l11I Two bedroom fur.nlsbed • ' •tJ..aoA PlflllNIU~ ........ ,,. •Ul•H•U Ol"PO•TUNnlES ,... NO TRAFFIC rnt rah! will not mou. 3 1,,;;;~B~D~R'-'-.-.. ~",-... --,~uC"".~.,-_ SINGLE YOWll' Adults Lux. All Deluxe Features ' ••· IUtON aAY ............ -. •·1* IUSINfSS W.utT.-o -. • ' $150 BEA.1111.FULLY film ..,.. ,. ._ •""--I 'th Near Orance Co Alrport: • UCI, Adults only. 2Q\22 Santi. Ana A~ !i40-2T96 : •J IAY ISL.AMOS ................. 1Ut INVl'STMl!NT o.....:.ilm. "':.U,1 ONLY QUIET Br, 2 Ba. wfw crpt:s., frple. air cond. mobile home u; b!l-l:na, chhwlhr, DX! 911 ft. ury r ... ~ •P 9 wi C'OUD-Walkfnl:: Diltance to Beach LIOO 11L1 · .................... :: 01v11TMINT w.\HTEO .... :: u1s Cor ~t; comp! .prtvaey. beaUliful .... """' "'• t k 1 n C .Ynr lu.se. s loo Im 0 , try <:lub almosphett am S22S -Yearly kue .... '.', ... ,,.~J:".01ACM'"":::.::::,...,.., •"•°"•o'•'u'L0 ,', .... ,•, ....... _ •• ~ LONELY BEACH'. An x 1ou1 ••b-" F/P ~~ •~1573 complete privacy, SOl.M'H .. -2u9 "UN'rlHOtON ""•toll• ..... ................. • ...... d I• tan c e 0 r b fl a ch. .,..,... BAY CLUB APTS. ll'Yine &ti;,;;-;=,,-,·~~..,.~-,,,.-..,...,. 11ouHTAtlll v,1.u.aT .......... 14lt ·a="._~~AN1 .......... g: Brand new home on charm-$44,500. Teachu/Owner on. leavie. IPJO=~s~pa-dows,....-,2,....,Br,-. "d7u_plx,_, l6lh N-·-. ... Beach. D.ELUXE lg, 1 . Br, 11Wldttk, SUL lliACM ................. = .11.f_AI,. ESTATI: LOAHs·::::::::.,.. •ing cul-de-sac wit.h no traf. PLACE R.EALTY 494-9704 Cu be aeen .... apM Refa. ,_din ~I RIO .... , .. n-.,· .,~ .. ""'"" uar, ocean view, ........... ... ;u1n1T 11ACM ............... MOl:To•••s. """' 0... .a.I r. . • -··· oq --attL I' • .,.c, • ............... -...... ... 01o11.oaN o•ov• ............. ,i411 MONIY WIJIT'l!o ···· .... ,ic, no no15e you can \\-..,.. HANDYMAN'S req'd. (2U)J1a..26C. dbl pr, mr SM-'980 $165 leue. Ulil pd. 499-1473· ~~" .... ::::::::::::::~:: ANNOUNCEMENTS.. to Hie .~ach! 3. &Inns, 2 Special! 4 Jncome units 13) \tlEW Home with pool; f NEW, 2 BR, 2 BA, furn apL >u.Hoe couMTY ............. 1... ·ind NOTICES ~tbs. living, d1n1ng: "· fam-yd.I', lo beach, Patios,~ L.tful\ll le1ch 2705 n.1--. A·-" Sept. 4th. w/cpts, drpl, elect kltch &: 1 ouT Of' couHn ............. UM ily roon1. All class kitchl!:n / .~.. N.._ · t _... .. ,..,,. v-. 11un ~ Oose to beach i.: Laguna IMch \ OUT OP STAT( ................ ,, ... ,,, FOUNO (I'•• ,t,ar.) ............... with rt""O •• u rl••nino-w ~ .-..::-..... pa.in. Don Frank.Un. Rllr. 613-22:22 ... . ' STANTOM .................. LOST ................... ,6491 ·~ • -.. etc. Slould 1rou $9,(0). yr. 2 BR with vn near beach, .,.)()PPlll&'.. \V1nttT rental $200. ESTMIMSTE• ................ u 11 l'ElllSOlilALS ............. ,..., oven, dlahwa&Mr, disposal. Pr. $69.600. Consider tradn. adull.s, m peLs. Call wkchlya incl's uWlties. JaiO A1atcus, PA N 0 RAM l C Vi~ w. ~~:~f~ticlT~ :::::::::::::::::l~ !f11:NT~MC•~.!'~ .• :::::.::::::::ri Draperies throughout. car· MISSION REALTY 494-0731 m.2400 ut 346. ttD Temple Hunt1"9fon a.ach 3400 N.B. 67J..1975 werlookilll:' Aliso Beach, 2 U.NTA ANA MOTi ............. 1.-.. UNllllALS .............. .,.'411 peting in llvin;' dining hall ;;:~~~~==~~;J,H~il1'~0r~.======o-I lvallat.le c:_.., lit OCEANF"RONT l BR .···--bdr .• f\iln. All elect. Mature OllANOI .................... lUS l'AIO O•l1'UAll:T ............. '411 ..__. • . h. • _.,, ..... dul.>-no bildren. no-... rusTIM :· ...•............. 1 ... "UNlfltAL Dl1tlCT0111s •..•• ,.'41 , master ~room wtt own D · p • t 1730 s Bedrooms. 2 Baths. MittJ. 1 .. decor tlld ·---"-... ~~ • ...., c ,.... 4705 LARGE 3 Br, 1% Ba, 1600 .1q 11, childl'l!n ok. No pet&. W/w cptl, drpa, S190. Av&il &-pt. lit. Smith f>G..3!lliS ; 3 BR-2 BA. tTPWlfrta. patio. '''Sher/dryer hooktip. Gar. Bltns. $180. 548-8211. 181.ff Del J\.1ar a« 6 p.m. ; -------" N•wport Beech 52~ BAY VIEW NOii.TM TUSTIN ............... 1.-s "LoiisTi .......... .. private bath. Completely '"' oin_ Dani Point 2740 mwn upkeep. HuntinJton, ~t. Ba~~~ '$i'3Q $185./mo. Eves.: 499-3T.,,;J. :~~~~foo CANYON':::::::::::; c,,:.·.: •• ,:.~.~=:..·,,~.::::::::::: .... u fenced, private gate, front . looking for. N•t W&cl>a 1""'ke •• r121&0 mo.LeLoasee. incl utJl. 67J...6900 (213) 2 BR duplex, fum a: unturn. ~nw•·. 'd•'',.~ ,·u·.'",..:. .. ~~ .... u.ouNAM•t.LI ........ · ........ u-• L ............ "11 landscap.ing Immediate oc-R oil! 1.., 2 BR 2Ba oompletelytnm """'"...,..., ' nl' Vic Hugo, new .... ......, ~ ... ....._ '"OUNA llACM .............. 17"' CblTEllY CllTl'T'S ........... It on1' 28 ... eturn to •. ,. • ' • """"""'°'' .... .._ h "" • ·-UouMA tuou•L ........ -.. un ceMETE•Y t•YPTS _ ....... 6411 cupancy •. y i , . VA, duplex. View, leue Sl.70. tsJdrv frpl a ""'aC11t"S, c urc'""'' "" m~ MISSION v11JO ............ 1111 Cll:EMATOlll£S ............. .ut FHA Conventional Cn4) On Your lnvestmtnt? i\&t 49$-2l38or4119-M0.1 LOVELY larae 1 &. 2 BDR :r-10561' ' l r. kets, Ftp]., plU&h ~I. :: f~::~=~~1T11:ANo·::::::U~: ~J~~:~~L PA11x1 .:::::::::::!: 968-m-r. W:U s u ~mer \Veil. you can do it on thisl==·======== 163' Edinpr •.·.~~-S.te~• •• ~. ~ •,r, bay'. ·,'OCEAN'==-rno=.~NT=-,~ .. -,-.. -. ,,.... __ -~~ for ilnmed. ~ CAl"IST1tANO ••ACM ......... 1ru •v1AT10N s111:v1cr .......... ..n C1rcle HB Bkr a un.its. 2 bdnns ~ach. 6 un-Summer Rtntilt 2910 ~or 540-5140 ....... .. .. ..... ... .....&.. r--.- DANA l"OtNT .................. UH Yll:AVEL. ...• . .............. .us!====· ==·==· :=l:=l:=l! I furn111'1ed, 2 fumlthed, Car-1----;.;..;...;.;c.;:_.;;.;...;; "-n l!V~. kitchen .. Yurly )eut deck. quiet adults til 7/1; l BR :l Ba. lo um CAll:LSIAD ................. 11441 A111 Tll.,N5POllTATION ............ -led d ........ Ont 4,, 2 BR Balboa t ·•• ~ Adu!•-R·•-. _7.,.. ' util pd. $195. 494--4534 • wtt •••••• OCEANsioa ":: ................. int AUTO TIANS~Oll:TATION ..... 1-'d pe n..,...... Y ;., Yl!al"I> a.p ~ 3 BDRM l% BA 81 "" ~ .,,.,... ....w 4 BR. Z Ba. upper •••••• $t'JD sAN DIEGD ....... _ .. 111s LEOAL NOTICl!S ...... ",. GHOST IN old. Wallrin&' di.!ilaflce to bearhH/pil!r .$75-$EO wkly, • • tns. 1 , 2 BR ap'· .,.,___ n -.: •-1 • 2 BR. ___ __, ocean Owner mtaht turn. or _ ....... 11:1\IEll:UD• couHTT ......... 1 ... OElllMAN. TVTOllNG "'. hoppl Dana Poi. I frplc, bltn indoor B-~. .. ... "''""' ......... UI -\.'-"WI....... ..~ 1tous&s TO •• MOVID ...... n• SERVICE DIRE'CTORY THE FIREPLACE 15 ng &: new n 5:£.39ll. 615-5110 covered patio. brand new $115. No children or pl!tl. vll!W, newly dl!c. Immediate er yrly, lease. ~tn. Jf11, COMDOMIN1UM ···•··•··1"' .. CCOUN'TtMli ... Harbor. ExO!llent financin&. ,.,..,, k L . 1·~ p•-. ~·---" ""'""'Y Ml .. ,,...,.,,. eves., 6'«2·2'l5.l •. or . oul"L.l!X•s 1JO• sAt. ......... tm A ..... POINT REALTY -w • u x u r 1 o u • Cll>b " Iota of fresh paint. ......, ,.«nli&. ......., av ...... occu,.....-· .. ~,...,. Al'AlllTMINTI '°It u.Le .... 1• .. ~~~1~:~1!0 ::;:;g, ·,,~· :.:;: or. ~ it only the H"~wind llli6 Coast H D Point waterlront apt. riooJ,, F\a.m 2 Cose: to .chis I: lhpa. Avail unfum. 2 BR, l blk bnc.h, trpl, baJ. BURR WHITE ; RENTALS Asl"MALT, 011s ................ UM 1.1ng!Jlg a happ)l tofll' tn ttM! Cn<J ""' .... ·,.~ BR, 2 BA. (n4) m-&.03 5epL 1. $230 mo. {213) *NEW BAY FRONT cony. carport. $210 mo. REALTOR Houses Furniahed ~~~ ~".:!, ·;...;;; a:ic:·U:-chimney oI this lonely, brand ...,,.... 351-9187 tar appt. ~=-.t:..., 2901 N' Blvd NB GE NrllAL .. . ........ ,... •A•nm1Mo ......... 6111 new, beachy 4 bdrm 2 bath D I F 2975 1,--=,,-..,...,..7..,.--~o Winter rentalil, 2 Br. 2 Ba 494-1996 or 213: ~1 Pl. " ~ 11:1NTAU TO sMAllE ........... 10.u MAlr'TINANC• ........ uu home" Really the~ hasn't RENTALS up Uft um. 3 BR. 1 be.th bowie with furn. AvaU Se:pt 6. $2Zi. mo. 2 BR duplex. lmmaculak, $300 to $395 Wakrtroot. l.4l-cosTA MISA .............. ,,,.. lll:ICI(, MA.ONllY, •le............. . . . buU 22719th St.~-Ml!IA DEL MAii .............. t 1u 1us1N1ss sa111v1cu .•••.•.. tsa been t1n1e for a post to Housas Furnished WATERFRONT, wintu Jse:. t-lna, fireplace &: double .,,_ quiet. near beachlahops uriowl & elepnt 2 BR,. 2 ~ottAi1::11.::~~· ............. 1111 ~~~:~N11J uri: ...... , ......... ..sl'I ta.It,. up residence in thl& Like new 2 BR, 2 BA. Xtn. t&rqe. N™)' Pf,iDted A SlVDIO api: $1Ta. mo. Pool, CD.3: 28:1..mJ aft & pm. RA, pool, pri balroey, view N&Wl'Oll:T 11EACH ............ :n .. c••1NETMAklN• ......... , ... f.Slt spectacular home, spankin&; Rent1ls to Shlf'9 200J Ire liv rm, e.lec kitchen, ne.w carpl!ls. Walk In r 4 pri carports. Call aft.er' & apts. Boat slips aftil, NEWl'OaT HOTS ............... !?!! CAa,INTE•JNG .............. '5911 new & rt'8..._' for.,....,, ,0 mov, FIA. paho. Nope•• Adu[•• distanc:it> to school, $225/mo, .. ,. ......... RENTALS •ubtttranean -· · KEWl'O•T IMOllll .......... ...-C!'MINT, CMcrtt. U11 uJ ,,_ WILL share. 2 Br fuJ11 "" -pm, ~ l.ATIHO•EI ................ ms CNILD CAlll!, u.;.n.:;·:::::.::: .. 11 in to bclore school. Grear my =-GT"a-'1199. Dock avail. Rltr. 546-4141. .a.-. u fur lthecl Caribe Balboa Ap~: oovt:• 1Ho1tES ............... = toNTllACTOltt . .. .............. kitche.i f.illt'd with built·in apt w/pool with &'ir1 of id FOR "·nt 4 BR ho-, 2 BA. 3 Bedroom on I.tie watu.1 _~..,..,;;•...;.-...;.•.;,c;....•"-'-...;.:.... 3l0 Fernando St, N.B.: Wl!IT(Lll'" ............. CAlll'l!T CLJ!AllllNC "" morab; 21}..15. Ref 6f2..36M nc ..... Wintrr or yeari)I. f7141 6'l3-l003 ~=~~::".~ .~~.~~.:::::::::::= ~::::-:1~.,~~~ .. ~. ~~.~~~~:~ ~t:!~~=~~1=· aft 4 ' REHN_!~_':SUnfvml-L--' ~<hr!~ .. • :!pta~: Call '7S--Ol9I Gtntral 5000 :=::iM:LTu::ltACE··::::::::::: n•S ~::~:~~o~EllVicli':::::~::::: walliwall earpeti~ •. draper: /ww:iANTM~E~o;:,1,..i!i" .... om;";wo;;man;;;;;n;.,;/ • ..!~-~-~-~~~~~~!_ / Call !J62..0&57 or Mi-4407. 1 BR Xlnl Joe. aose lO Bay NE \Y p 0 RT B •• dh co11:0NADELMAll ,we llLECTl1CAL "*. f . C -~1-• "·-2 3000 J:. beach. Adults only . VENDOME \Vaterfront2bdr,2ba,Nlt"' IALIOA ............ :::::::::.:"" eOUll"Ml!MT llENTAt.S:'" .. "'ust ICS, encmg, ront )1&1u a..... • .... "' Br, 2 Ba apt v.·/ Gtner1I A!k for Mr. Berg. luxury bldi. bu I It .1 n •• LIDO isLe ................... ~1:1,..1 l'ENC•N<t ............... :::::::"" scaring \vilh sprinklers. AaJJJe nr SD l'tW)I. Pool &: IL~"='~"E"°">'°"'St~~-.--~_...,_~-,,.,..h, 67>7876 if mans. 494-1003. subterranean ""'°"i .... , boal IAV uu.NDI ................ IJL.OOllS ....., Ou 127 ...... VA FHA r •• ., • ...,,, COIJ..EG~ueated workinJ ~ -·.-• .., .... ..,,., .,_. .... .., 1.,LIOA 1sL1iND .... , ......... i1u 11v11N.,ci iii:";Auii."Ek.-..:.::: .. 11 1 Y .'""" -• . or sauna . .,..,..........., l BR, %1,i BA, bit-ins, ram 46th St. ¥.. blk to Beach. 2 IMMACULATE APTS! &tips avail. IA5T •LUl'I' ................. :nu l'UlllHITUllE ll.1!5T'Oltltf0 ConventJOnal. f.601 LUCll!ll!O GIRL ,,.;., ,.... ~i.~-eou.ple, one child, one doc. BR. bll-irut, fire.pl.ace. WIN-ADULT A: FAi'\llLY . c.,,·~ Balboa ... cK SAY ..................... mo &ll:EPINISKINO' "" DriVI! (114 ) 531-8400 n...n.. -• ...., wan .... lo ....... "' dl!ldttto'ltue2BRindde.n nMl.m, with trplc. Jo"enoed """ IACK IAT ......... 314' G .. IDl!NING "" • . anuy 3 Br beach apt W/t\\.'O Avail .... M r-~t1n -'---• T£R 61:>-0389 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 310 Fernando St. HUNTINGTON I E.,cM ,., .... ,,2.0. 011Ne1tAL s111v1c11• ........ "'2 ll Alif to 7 PM. Bkr. • or l BR home: CM, NB. .1 .. ..,. ......_....., &: .... ........, • Cl -L I p· k l'OUNTAIN VALLl!T .......... Ull GllADINO, DlKIH~ .. :::::::::MU Sept, 6. 537-12216 aft 6. FV ••• under $200. Call car garage. 962-75n l·BR., pool. blk. ta ocean; 01• to anopp ng, ar 673-3003 SIAL•EACH ................. 24'1 GLASS .... SINGLE G'" 21 •• ~ .. , ... n25 lo lllS . *SpaclouslBr'1,2Ba. 3 BR, 2 BA "--tblull ·~ L.OHG •E&cM .............. 2soe 0REE111 TMuM•·:::::::::::::::,,. COUNTRY, "' over .., 548-5623 or ~ru "leave 3 Bt, 2 Ba, den, trpl, wtVll ...._ --01tANGI! COUNTY ............. 2'M OUN SKOP •nl 5hare 2 8R a~t. Llauna --"e. Willi...., to fix..•in' .-.ts ICl'Untd -h pool 548-2035; 644--0637 Eves. ~ 2 Bedroom$ (14:) Domi.nio Dr. NJ\.) SANTA ANA .................. uu MULTW CLU•i ................ ,721 LIVING n-..o.. .,,. .. •··-.... y,.. ~ .. • ...-~ • • *Swim Pool, PuVarttn B nd ~·-~ WEITMINITElt ................ Mn MAULING .............. ml ...., ...... ~cg cltan-up, paint, etc. far low· n:fs, no peta. $250 mo. lie. OCEANFRONT. 3 BR, 2 Ba. * Frpl, lodiv/lndry fac'ls ra nl!W, UUU/ny MIDWAT CITY ............... ~!.! MOVIECLU.Nn:~·o."""""""",rn I H·····--· ft-h ft-.. -.... "~" ..,_.. • furn. -··· Y•-"Y leue. 1··· Anoholm Ava. from both mutu BR" " SANTA ANA MllGMTS ........ -INTl•t011 01colt.\Tij.iQ""'"•111 n ""' 1.,...,., ~c , ....::8 ''" • ~•-r•i.n .,., ~ .. _.._ COASTAL ................... 1111 INCOME Tu . .. ... :::::,, .. tiful cwitom 3 bdrm +den, Costa "---2100 WANTED ·. • • BR~--r-1 BR, 2 BA,~--bo·-• . .-Dtluxl!. $350. 613-7(6.1 COSTA ·~·· ••.2-• rm arta, trplc, dshw.nr, UOUNA l (A(M .............. 211:'1 l•ON Onllllnlllt.I. Ek. 'nt --· . ~ ...., .......... .... ·~ ........ ...... ~ ...... -$310 mo. No childrl!:n w u.ouNA NlctUEL _ ........... m1 1•0NiNo ........ ,rn 2 ba.tru:. """"'01ed patio, hard. ----------1 Jr. Exec "tamn,y. Newport mo. Nn.-port. \Veat tract. • WINTER RENTALS e pea . 545--llliO or 548-8482 •• MISSION VIEJO .............. t10I INIUU.1'1tt0".'.'.':::::::::::;:::·1, .. wood Oootl, lath j., pluter 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 Yra old. Comp! n-og· b--Wutcllll ·-L """' ...... WINIFRED L. FOSS, •-• RENT • iAN CLEMeN'TI! "' ........ :trl• INSUll:AlllCE •m . -""' .... ... .... -· ~ .. SAN JUAN CA'IST•ANO ...... ms INVIEITIGATINii.''Dti;.:.;t,W ':::,,.. coustnJction. Only $5600 dOWll 1\lrn (or unluml s 21 ~. $250-300. "Mr. Coleman,'' • 6'2.-3850 • 3 Br condo in Bluffs tacttc CAl'1n•AN0 1u.cM ... -.... "• JAN1To111AL . . ....... ,,.,. & tae aver GI loan • Sl60/ 642-3449, 1213) 429-591'3 ~~ .. -10 • L-no ... ch •705 • WINTER RENTALS • 3 Rooms Furniture bay. F'rplc, p.n.g!', bl!alzt DANA l'OINT ........... 1UI Jl!WELllY lll!l'All. Ek. '8M hi ~~ i==========l·-""7ii:-:::--;;::::-;;;;;U -.. -°' -" 6•..I~ t\A 11 1vE1t11oir. co11NTY ......... -LANOSCAl'INO .......... ::::::wt '!l° Pl)I& everyt na: • r••'"'~ WIN $20 $25 & UP c:plS. drps, Av ..... c.ov ....,1. VACATION 11.EHTAL.s ......... ,,.. 1.oc11:1M1TM .............. ..,. right at only $24.!fJO N rt •-h --$9.). 1 Br, 1ar, atovt. WIW. 3 BR 2 BA. back & front !FRED L. FOSS, A&1. • sua mo. 644-4464 suMMEll 1t•NTAU. ......... nit MA10H1tY 111ic11: ··-MUTUAL REA.LTY •wpo ~·c ..... "" r-~ yd •v·" 9/7 Brok<r • 64~ • ... ,_ ................. --.. n·n1-•-coNDOMtH1u.1o1 .............. me MOVING • ~T01tAOi"""" ·;;; -'='"'~ . "' ...... • yards., ocean view, new iauou...av-m.wuw no; &UI 2 BR, 2 B b I 1 DUl"L.ElCEI l'Ull:N ............. HIJ r,•.',',',',HO. l"IHl"Mftt!"'':::::: .. 11 842-1411 anytime 9 MO. Lease, SepL 15-June, ~-~-------~· • cpta:/cht-, ndec. in/out, LARGE 1 BEDROOM WIDE SELECTION dJ h hr ~ ~ ~~ RENTALS NG JllM ms li Co pl I 8" 2 , : il S1SO monn· .... ~...... Appliances A. 1V'• avall. Ii WI • e..,; pa , ~ L-~ l'AT1os • .............. 4Nf tfl IYV> ,.. __ h •-~-Sl'""' · m urn. aut BR, $155. 2 Br, pr, w/w. !am Y trpl. $270. 4!M-9937 *'~ -;:;..;.-~ No Se-~~ ~po•'t pr. Sl.85. Call for appl Houses Unfurnisn.u PH0Toa11Al"MY ...... :··:":::::",. .,~,.,_ "-= lU n.uume &Yo 2 Ba, bit-in )citchvl. Huge only. Small .P«"t O.K. Bkr.1,,-..;,,,-..,-..,----,--= ,............, ....... ...,...,,. ... Gl!NEllAL ................. ,... ,L .. STEl lMG. l'lktl, .... Ir ..... FHA. 4 BR. dill nn, tam priv, patio. clubhouse, pV1 ~ 2 BR, trpl, prr, ttove &: MODERN 1 BR. . . HFRC Fumitin Re.nta.ls _,......,-:-=~'=.,,..===7"=- COSTAI Ml!!S ................... :n .. l"L.UMllNO .............. "" l'm cul-<1e-111c block wall .... •=====------· refri&. $D1 lease. Agt. pn paliO, 517 w 19th CM !'>Ul-3481 • YEARLY RENTAl.-5 . MISA DEL M .. 11: .............. :1115 ... , GROOMING "" '_ • • .,.,ach, heated pool, covered EX'.ECln'IV£ Home1 ... - s I:; 499-2231 or 499--3t(l3 carport Adull.s no pets • ' MESA vE•DI ................ s111 ;~L s1.11v1c1: ........... •m spr1nklt>rs lront &: ttar, 3 carport. $200. Adu!Ls. m 6 Br. F"-•~ u·•urn ~-I====::===::=== ...,..,. • · ,1~ •67~ _,,,, · rr.68 W. Lncln, Anhm 774-2800 2 Br. Apt!, Iurn,.or unturn. COL.L(OI!' l'AlllC ............ :nu "" E• SWEE,ING ........... &'1S yrs old $32 000 ( 7 l 4) ..... .. '" .. ""' --.... von. • ...... ................ I==,.,,-,.-..,~-~-· I Anita, Jone~ Rlly. 673-62'l0 NEW,OllT 11..,cM , .. , ........ :nM UMP SIEllVICE .: ............ •no · • · · pell. See Sun thn.I Tues. 143 $30D BlafJ45-0lll L NI I 3707 l!' 0 _,, ido VUl 2 Br 2 $]10 3 Br lower 4 plex, Patio, NEWl"OllT MGMTJ ............. ni• •oal'iNG ... " .............. ,ts• 9G2-827I Bayside Vill&J?e, JOO E . · • aguna 1ve .. ~11 ige, · R/O, \V/\V. Children &. BALBOA BAY CLUB NIWl"OllT JMOll.llS .......... m1 ltADio, 11: .. ,r,.., Er.:. . .. .... ino''"========= "---t H•~. EXECUTIVE hom• s Br, l Ba 1-1 .. .......,.1 9 mo lease · • IATSHOllEI ................ sns REMODELING & REPAlll: 69•01 ........... ~., 2 BDR.J ~ ti1?l crpt ........... ,....,. • • pets 0 K Bkr 534-ii980 E;x<tuislle 1 BR unfurn Apt. oov111: sK01t1s ............... Jn1 1tEMOOELIHO, 11:rTCM1N1 .... •Hs Huntinnton PENINSULA POINT BA, """ts, .. _. eltt bltns • ~ c, 1• $200 mo 67J..5419 ' ' .,_.,_~11 ext 105 · :ml SCISSOrtS SMAii.PEN • -r '"i"' .t-... di~·~r .... -... ~. · II". " b-•lud~. l" ba. ~ u 'ltl.ITCtl .. ,. ................ . ......... •H~ H bo 1 •·s Fl!nced S.350 546-6740 .... _ IJ<JW•ll • ~... lCI • .... • DI" .... ,,. utrov••llTY l'All:K ........... nn SIWING .. , .. . .... ·"" Ir ur ~ CHEERFUL 3 BR. 2 Ba.•.;;:·==·===== ~. -club -· fl.tis&-• I t, ·-R/O Bia BEACH 0"-' .... ., ll:VINI ··········-··ml SEW1No MACHtNI 1tEl'A111:s fH2 1. ..... New~rt Hgts. 4210 poo, crp ... .,s. • ~ ....,ex ....... um .• lllVtNll 'y-ii:llACf! ............ nu ~lil"TIC TAHkS. s.-n. llc.. .. '"' RUNTING~N MAR IN A w/aep. family rm., fl!nced Cost• Mt.. 3100 _1on_v_ .. -'-1o-_m _______ I ~"':~-;;::-7".'-:;-;;;~'"'ll ,.....ui~~~---.,-..,.--= mo.BR,~~ .. ~~~ Yearly. ~ COll:ONA OEL MA• ........... Jut ,:~Oll:ING ............. , .• ,... ' . tl . play yard. Ste .. to beach. * Oean l or 2 BR* 1·~ l .. ne .... .... •. -IALSO.. . .................. Ult MITI' f:OHT•OL ........... ,,, HERE s a tt e hide-a-way .._ w c .. • ' 14'1' ISU.NOS ........... -... Uff TILE, c .. mk ............ - ... •t14 for the tired CXttUli\11! 3 Available Sept. 15th. $400 NEAT 5 bedroom 2 ha. North ltiNTALI Adultll, no pets, '421 E . Uilh ... ·, • L100 1sLE .. : ............... m1 ~~L•E LINi...111 a.._,,. ...... m1 · month c .. ~-~-A..,. p •-L·• St 1135 646-1801 • IAL.IOA ISL.AND ............. J:UI I! ll!ll:VICE . .. ···••• Otl bdrm, boat dock on main oata .... ea .......... _...,.ta. r·-Urftmt99 1~·==~""';:;· ~·~··~:=~~:l===:B:kr:::..,...:::"°::===-5240 MEWl'OllT WEST ............. Xl1:'1 TllLIVISIOfll, • .,..,.., Etc. .... tis channel A beaut.. at only Hiil Plnchin I: Assoc. 615-4392 ......... _. All built inl. Le•se MUNTINOTON •Eit.CM ....... Mel Ul"NOL1Tlll:T ................. •tft • Y ..,,......, ""~--1 •ooo C '·I Mo 2 HUNTINGTON KAll•OUll ..... )411 WIL.OINO .. . '"' $49.900 -EZ terms. • BAYSHORES • U15 mo. 1lfE R !: AL --· .. or.on• -r 4 50 c ~~~T:~:c~AL.L.~.~ •• :::::::::::~ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT R. D. Slates, Realty 9 Months Winter rentalt F.STATERS WrZ31J or .. ta Mole 5100 UNSURPASSED VIEW 2-BR, crptll, drpg, bltna, pool. $16,;. 67l-3690 • OA•OEN GllOVI .............. ~" ~g: :A,',',','o' -. . .......... "°' 847-3;;19, 5J6.3!m, 5.1&-4563 3 & 4 Bdrms fUrnisbed 646-Tin \YIN TE R It.ENT AL S • $155 Spadoua turn. lei frplc. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ LONG ll!ACM ............ ·"" JO& w .. NTEo' ............ ,,.,. ~ .• Bachdor apt, Ute cookine privacy. IO of hwy. No pell, 11 ",",••,,<,ouNTT ............. ,,....,, Ml!N a wo.1o1i111. • m. lmmMliete Potsetsion 224"Cw" ~-~MASt H • Re:l~ll ... SUBLET!nl. N.wport Riviera $S5 mo + utn. ·2 Br, 2 Ba b.i.silll!SS man. 615-4859. SA T .................. l>OMEITI' MELr-..... ......... .i........ lamil ,IL . .....,..,. wy ................ Condom wn, 3 BR. 2Y.i dawnsta.ln, Ilia + utQ 2 WESTMIM5Tf:ll ................ 2'!l AOIENCIEJ, """' .............. 101$ 3 •. =n. y room, 711 AVAIL. N09o'' 1-Br vil!w CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPlfTDIG Corona clot Mir 5250 MIOWAY CITY ........... 2'1t HELP WAMTl!O MN""-""·n• bathi carpets. drapes. ~'Ct DUPLEX·lmmac. Steps to BA. $25(1 mo, Contact Mnrr, Br. l Ba llplita.ir& $150 + . . SAMT .... Hilo MEIOMTS ......... J6JI AOENCll!S W ' .......... 71t1t ..__ ' • .,....Nll'I .._ ..... 4 BR & 2 MJ° G1asa 360 Rlvkra [)r ti! n :.--<.oa .,_.......,, Apt. neat bead!. COASTAL .. . .............. llM MELP w .. !CTI!~ .......... , 1lll ut1f, 11.trium. <fJll'N down. ....:.-ll<;i1, den, BA. ' • • ., U · n.vo:,...., ~ Don rrankJ.in RJtr 673-Z'l22 u.ouNA •1.ACM .............. ms Jo&s-M .. 1 111-..,. _... ...... 7•• Four Star Rlty 83&-4422 Dbl gar. Yearly lse $300 mo. C.M. 1~1BS-=-2~er-'~clo..o,....~----' -~ .. , ~ LAGUNA N1ou'l!L ............ un AOENC1ES IMll aw ., ...... 1s1t F il _, ,, • ., .,..,... • sat· w/w, VIEW 1 BR apt 1 -H bo H I h F :. MISUOH VIEJO .............. lNI SCHOOL.Si INJTll:UC;:: .... ~IM am y On1y, ~..... 2 BDR.P.f, pr, PQlfiO, crpta, paUo. Children It. small pl!t • . ar r •• ts our ,.,N CLEMENT~ .............. sni J01 P1tE,A•AT10N ..... ,:: F t • V•ll 1 •10 BAYFRONT •~ ~-" 3 Br. J •-, 1love, -r..:... "'"·'·t o K Bia .,.,. _,,.. from ocean. $150 winter; 2 A 3 BR UNITS CA,ISTllANO ........... JJU TMl!ATll:ICAL .......... oun ''" •Y ~ ... """""' .... .,.. ....... ~ .. ...., . • ~ $185 yriy Owner t cAl"llTllANO •u.cM .... -... 11:'11 MERCHANDISE. ·· "" Ba den. Lei131!/optlon $500. tropical 91!lting fOl' adults. ,.;,,~.,"-, __ -.. ~-pool~--. -I • • ag · all with fireplaces. ON TEN ACRE.! DANA POINT ................. Ju• FOR WHITE ELEPHANT mo. 6T;,-4331. Abo unfum. Room for boat Of' ! 1 blk p.J:i . .U,..., l ' • puttin( ti7S-3777 dlshwasben • 2 bath& ~i~~~~~~·~~ .. u.,.::·::::::: .. :,~ SALE ANO TRADE Run down. dirty, has been ahops. nm. 544-4780 ' ST'ffn. Avail l!U. Broker 2=-~B7LOCK=°'"-710--..,-... -,...,-I Rehtal Ma.naa:er -1 Ir; 2 BR.. Furn A UnJ'UOI FireplaCfl:S I priv, pttloa :} " SUMMI• 1taNTAU .......... JnS "Ultllltl'UllE ............. 645-0llJ. · 1 -' :a•-""'-'-"-"""'n RENTAL:t OP'l'IC!' PUllNrTu111: ........ 1111 rented oow vacant. Need' Coron1 del Mar 2250 ~ATE Slie 1amlly home; wt~. Br studW>, p.-. ••u.. o..nru1~ • ._ Pools. "'""" -Contnfl -900 Sea Lane, CdM &U-26il . ed 01JF1CE 1.ov1PMENT ......... •11 everything. 5 yt"ars old. LlVI!: 1 -·~ lOnt ,__ $110. Bach apt. clo9e to patio, l adUlt, no peta. PJ(I. 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Apts. Furnish 11011:1 1au1,MEttT .......... •n BEAOI • ..,15 JI!. .............. """' ......_ Pa...,. ·1 73-Mo •• CAPE. 1tESTAu1tANT .......... ,. in a $30.CXXJ + home pay cottage, winter .., Lease $275 Mo. ml Baker ''"'VI,.· .....,. avai now. Leue 6 7629. Costa •• (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) Ol!NEllAL ................... IArt •ov•l"MENT eon ~1 •• s21~ t mO' yr'" 1225 mo ll7 Bier ~ --.,,------~-I pL--•••1"'• i;osTA Ml!S., ................... ,. t1ous1:HOLD oooos .. -....... <l"'J .. ....., ori ycur t'l11l8 • v _ • St. • BACHELOR.ETTE -PT 1 r~ -~ Mll$A Vl!•Dt' ................ 4lll OAllAGI IALI! ...... .,.,IH'H &:: you ~ the do\".n PQY· 1-leJiotrope. 6f~ t::•<: "'~"'" """' -l"!!~~~~"l:~!!l'~~ --------- Nl!Wl"OllT IE .. CM ............ •!• u .......... IOU -~ .... -.... c "-· •100 ~lh & entey. $90. Incl util. t' Nl'.W,OllT ME'IOHTS .......... Ull :p:~i'I::t:, AUCT10'4 ........ tn.s men!. l Bedroom plu!. $16.j . ..,. --.. NO KIT! 675-2955. HARBOR GRrnis 11EWl'01tT 1K01tl!s .......... 011 'NTIOUl!I ................ ·::~ p Fireplace. No -•s, 3 BR, 2 BA. Ownl!r malrf'-~ NEWLY Decor. 2 bdrm,; below llighway on quiet ,11tt1. Walk lo beach Or shops. $170 month. ADUL~ l'VEITCLllJ.. . .......... •nl SEWIHG MACKINI!............ I ~·1 '1' 11~ ,..... talhs ~led pool, fenced yd. $30 00 wk. p UNl\IE•SITY l'A~ll:K ........... •nr IAVllCAL IHSTltUMENT ........ ::1t M411" f'il!.{~-·. L~ 6'15-€137 or 673-5109 • .,,,,. mo. Y·-·ly '-.... ~· • u &ACK IA Y .......... ., .• 161 l"l .. NOS & O O ..... tS ••••------...,...., ......, LA: MIO i AST ILU~" ............ 4241 ... II ANS ............ 1111 v1-1M;~ Pl '6-1615 • Da,y, week, month. COii.ONA DEi. MAii ........... •!~ 'OIO .................... lltl B lboa 23001 --·~··--~·~~----• StudielrBach.Aot& IAL10A . .. ........... o• N~~no1s10N ................... 121.t I $S5 SMALL l BR~ Bl!d 1AY 1su.NDS ................. 4lH TAiri 111:~l~:~~11,. ............ r.111 JR. EXECUTIVES · • •Ind Utfls •Phone sen, LIDO ISl.E .............. •»1 , ••••••• •ou • .. ... IUt I ~ -BR 'Ill LEASE, ruRNl.SHED, stove, n:rriJ". Utll pd. Elder-• ~-·· ·~-. TV··-· , .. LIO .. ISLANO .......... •1ll II' INT ... ... mmo:u. pos.~&I. ~ ., ¥ ~ .. ........ ....... ,;icay~.... y ...... MU"TINOTO IEAC ............. =:: .• • .... • .. LU!S ............ ba. boml!. Comp. repainted Peninsula, 45' bay trontqe ly woman or COi.ip • -· • New-Cale le Bu FOUNTAIN ALLI .......... ,I 01 ......... *»I · d bl w/fioe.I :J..Stnrv 5 BR. 4 0ra.nge C.M ----Blvd. "" -Sf.AL &ll .. C ,.. , .. : ........... M !~~rUU.llS, SCOPIS •. .,_, ISM Inter.; cpls, r'Jll, tns, ' v •11 ' ' ' ._,ID ~i11'1iJ 1..0NO llEAC ............... MIK'ly,'i.":T',oous ................. used brick !rpl, Family rm.; BA plwi swi~ll mu. EASTSIOE 3 BR 2 baths. IE·~ CEILING )llANGIE cou ........... 66111 . . .............. Ml• "Sty B'-k _ .. _. ... • •• rm w/sllowtt Front all v 1m-~ ~ Q.,ll:Ol!N o11ov ............... it MACHINlllY, Etc. ............ 1111 ,,,. . """' W<UKU, spn • • ac:ant. •Q<;U. occu~ MODERN FURN 2 BR .. l'l'IESTMINSTEll ................ 4'11 LUM•Ell ..................... ":.ITS• lers in front &: 0'1iz.e rear glass. Diahwuhel", disposal, 00/mo. Aat. *"'141 ( \ll DWAY (ITT .................. \. ~1,~~NI!• MA+til1AU"""'":f1 yd Patio Cul de Sac SL 2 n:trl&'. ftPU'atl! frttm'.1-;========= 2'J64 Mapll! by wu.on t::~~ ::! H•iOHii".:::::::::: 'p"E •• T.S nd LIVES•T"o"c"•K,: waDc to ~ •• Adj. lo ~ Dt.I oven, @ledric atove. Mesa v.... 3110 Pool. s.r,. Bltns. $1S5. No I fUSTIH ........................... I DiepFw)l ·euyacceuto 1eparat• brolla A:----------petl:.Kld.fllleTl.lCall COASTAi,. ' .................. 41'1 PITS ,Gl'.Nlll4L ........ .... all industri .. F • Call raliuerie. t.undry rm' BR, 1% BA. -..... • .-... M&nqn" &461i974 U.O\INA lll .. C" .............. •tis CATS ............. : ...... -::::·.. es. or &pp t """1"8> ... _ u.ouNA NtOuEL ............ "" ooos ............ -............ mt OWNER 830-0896. Automatic auace opene-. bltna, cowred patio, feneld BRAND new bacbdor apt. ; I :,:::s~~M~t=~: :::::::::::~ .. ~ ~~~~~ ......... ::· .... :·: ·= Yearly OI' winter. m..2119 yard. PIO. 54s-MM W/w c:rpt, blt·in kit. l OANA POINT .................. ., .. CALIFORNIA LIVING Westminster 1612 BAYFRONT, l BR. 2 v.1.. \\IOtl1a1I OllJY, no ,Peta. $90. fltl,Lf:X, ••<-................ -........ N rt I h •200 .~ -~-' CONDOMINIUM ............... ttjt NUllSEll:ll!S ............. n11 except view 93' w. Bay ~ NC • 1••Y· V•.:t-•"'6"' r ,.,ENTALS IWIMMlNG POOLS ........... ml 3 BDRM. l Bath Cutk'. Low r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,,;;;;;;;;;;;, • h ,.,,,os ....... -..... -.... ttu do"''" low _..,...1 B llt-' Avf'. $300 mo. 67~2012.11 l BR new, beaut !um. Mo to ' A'.pts. Unfurnis td •WN1Nos ................. m1 • ....,, ... a. u in 633-8580 B/B 'mo $160. Adulta only. 2Z20 o•NEllAl. . .. ....... ,. _ "'AC.t.T10Ns ltts range. oven. F.P. f.!t . .'.iOO. Elden. ~1251 eves. COST., MESA ................ s1• TRANSPORTATION BY OWN~ 64.2-3092 \VINTER rental, altraclive 2 'fOWNHOUSE MllA V•ll:DI ............. s1u &OATI • Y.,CMTS .......... ttOI BR completely furn 1175 ·•·· B " LOVELY Bir 2 Br 1'' Ba • NlWl"OltT I EAC:ll .......... UM S.,l~IOATS ,.., ........ T011 'boa , . ' ID' ArluJls O•".J• 3 R. 2,.. 0.. ' '' . N•wl'OllT Kl.IGMfS .......... 1111 l'OWE• c•vlll!llS ........... ttH Or•nae 1635 Bal pen1n. point. C ) Bl!aut. dtcoratcd. $2'7?S month Pool, patio, adult!, SlOO. M•Wl'OllT IMOllll ........... SUt ll'lfll0-SK1 10.,T .......... nH L. ~1 or 673-7420 B & B h 2310 Santa Ana, 645-2933 J '#ISTCLllJI' .......... 5tM IOAT TllAILS llS ......... fth _..., ---.-. ......... 1. 9QC uH1vli1tsrTT l'A1tK .......... ""1 10 .. , MAtNTaN&111c1 ..... ,, ft3I ~E-XC-ELL-EN-T LARGE 4 BR Winter S:DJ. UST Side 2 BR furn, clean, l IACll:IAY ........... $)tf lo,l.T LAUHCKING ......... )IM c~·i ealty, Inc, SAST SLUl'IJ ........... si: MAll:INI! •OUll". .. ...... tilt 1araae. ocean--bay. ...... 901 Oo Dr NB . us ,adults only, 00 pc!.$. 364 [. ~ ~~~::: D•L .. ~~ •• :::::::~::~ :g:i ~~1:v1~::·.1~~.::::::::: INVESTMENT ox s--021a &6'11KJJ vu "Evea:~ 100:. Place. Sl6.5. Mo , uv llU.NDS .................... •OAT •••T.,ll ............... ,..By owner. 4 tinll"' I BR ...,15. , __ Bachelor. Laun-L.IDO ttL.1 · .............. .1)11 lo.t.T (NU'Tllt ........ _,..,tllf ' . "' lido ftle 2351 .,..~ .._.,., ---· a.0..1 t •A1.•0A ISLAl'ID ........... uu PllMINO IOATI .................. e•eh. Cpts. blt-1n11; Income CRARMlNG Dlx .. Br 2%: \U',.. room, __ .. ,,,._t \ ;~:.!~~~:0: .. ~" .:::::::::: :1; =~"':. ·::::.::::::::·::: ti40 mo. NO vacMcy factor! NEWLY 1umtshtd f BR. 4 hi.. home on U1t 0 Water:X)nt Ol'Q, 54Mt16 seM. •UCH .................. S.H ~TJ WAN'TID .................. $44,SOO. caa fOr appoint. 'Da avail Se .. 15th. Wlnter cond. lMl $375 mo. Bkr l A: 2 BR.. pool, ...,, ........ L Ll)fto •~" ················'"' .. 111ca11r.n .................. "" tnf'l'I• --~ t-ll•• ·-..,.., Cot.INTT ............... ,LTlfll• UJ.IOWS ·-········ .. "· .. °"""""""'• or lol'lltt (n4) 57>J3'9 ............. I ,.. llbolke· UWs pL Al8D ... aot''4 Oll:OV• .............. S.11 MOllL.I'. NOMIS ............... ftll ~ . ...-... ..... wur11i11111sT•11 ........ -•••. "'1 MOtoa NOMI.I ••• -....... ms WINTER rtrital, 2 BR, 2 BA. 2 BR. l~ lla. tumtuntum.1 ,.;"";,;;-;.,.~· ;-;;..;;.;.;;.,.~~= MIOWAT CITY ............... "M'' IKTCl.&I .: ........... ::tl:lll LI-"'" leech 1705 ~~. •ppl'·-., ....... Cpts. drpe,, newly dee. Nr. 1 BEDROOM tumi.J\ed.. SIOO. t l &ftTA A"A ................. ": ILICT•K CAll:S .............. ftlt •-•.... pau~tio. .._ .:~ ........ .., ........ , mkt. n k ~ -~ t.AMT4 AHA MIEl91f1'1 ........... MINI •111:u ................. "" ... ........_. ....... -··-uµuu.. included Oldtt rvtTIN .. . ........... .»NI MOT01tCTtt.•1 ............. '*UNO B STRUCTABLt: •-~·-•· "''".,,,_ , l toASTAt. ...•••••..•.. SHI MOT .. 1cooT•1s ,.. UDO ISLE bame. Winter ·-r _____ , ~--~ c. u.ouNA •t:ACM ............. sus AUfD 11•vic1s 11'.illtT'I·::: .... panoramk: ftew. Modem ....... BR. ,._ ., ....... Unrnn1ty P1rk 2237 B•~"R Apt, no -wng P" U.O\llllA "IGUll. ..... , •.•• DU A\ITD 'fOOLt A l"OUll', ••• .,, '411 Wl!il blJUt ~ wilh O'\ln # <R'.ll, • l.lllUlo DA......,ouu ........,., I .. ,. CL!MENTI ...... 1111 r11AILl1t. Tll:AV~L ............. a $32S -mo l'f5...e40' tu $55. Utll pd ~ .... .. S .. N JUAN CA,IST• .. 11110 ..... sns tlt .. ILl•I. U"llfr .............. ~ 2.000 llq fl. f noor IJ)l<:e ln ..... ' 2 BR. 2 car. t'Ofldo. )Tt.y. . '11"""' ~ OANA •OINT TE 11441 CAMIJfltS ................ tm n wnn&nlled J o c 11 t Io n LEASE. Luxury 3 Br .. 3 Ba.. Crpts. drpl. deck. adlta ova 30• M)...3IOI REAL ESTA * ;:~~~1 · ... "'.::::::::: tSll hlati AbO\le t.aauna. $55,000. + tarie ~t atumo. Owner t aa3-0463 * 1 BR. utD pt.id, heated pQOt, Gen1r1I C .. Ml"flt lllfllT.t.U fJH 4!J.1--06flo 613-8'78J m chlldttn or Pfl:tl. 1801 J rll.tl'Llll., etc. .. ......... ..,. DUNE 1uoc;1st tSu ' E I II ff 3242 Whlltl ••• •••• '1. tONDOM11111uM ......... .ttM +Ml"Olttto AUTO' ........... ,... COMMANDING FURN 4 BR, 3 &A, conlemp. •• U , -~="'~·=~,,,.,~~~==-! 1ttMTALl w1ottT10 ......... ,... Sl'Olt' c.,•s ......... Hn N '" u · 1 • · UTl '" 'Y FU"~ 1 ll:OOMI POii 11:aNr ......... '"' AHr1ou111. cL.,S11c1 ... , ... , "u Co1atlln•Ctt1lln• cw...,. dee. Ava Sept. UNSURPASSED BAY Vl'&W BEA t'v-.,..,. AOOM a •oAll:D JtN ll:ACI c.,11:1. itoot ......... Htt y · ,_ . 1 ....... ~ "'· .. wntr rtntal or ....... ~ 40 PORCll 2 BR. • BA + 2 BR, lle•i.d pool •dulta no ~OT£LS. Tll:AIL.1111 COVllfl "'' AUTO l'IEHTI .............. ttn IC!W ,.,, In --6'"'-ocae... J•V• • • .. • ~ • • GU EST KOMEI ,..,. .. UTOS ..... TIO ............. ,,.. $6.R Sm&JI but I • v e I 11·, Belch hoU8e t:b'M. Bia· pool, Jnunf!d occ:, IA•·:.-...:!!. pets. St45 + udl. 642-9.>20 i.111c.. tl.l!NTAt.t "" t11w cA•I .... -............... •1 -Do .._, ·1 •70 __. aelec:tion ..-1 .,.~ ..... ot .._ •--rr"'< -.... QUI~ you r." ll't(ONt. HOPlllTY ............ •UTO L•A11M• ............... tell .......... """· ..... • • • .,... e• ... """"' ..... mo o,....... w ;.uy. IUA ~ -.. IUSIHl'SI l'ROl"Elll'Y .ow u••D ~II\ .................... month. '94-U3T DAILY PD.Dr aen«M OMitr, * m06D. nm QUlCKER YOU flZLI. I ''f' - B•lboa 4300 BACHELO.unfum t r a m ONLY, WINTER z Bdr 2 Bath New SUO. Also avail I • :l & 3 ALSO, F'URN. 2 Br. S!udl!flbl iow.~ Sl!pt. 13 • June Il . Bdrm. Heated pools. child O.K. $180 mo. avail. Sept. t. Adulls SllO. 320 Alvarado care center, adj to shoppLna:. Hal Plnchin & Auoc. f1S..4392 PlaCI! No pe la. 2 DORM'S So. of llwy. l ~ 7700.Peterson Way DELUXE Duplex. Crpta, Co.ta Mna 546-0371) from beach. $185. Adults, no drpl, frpl, 2 Br each, LRG 2 BR l 'A ba. m1dto apt pt'lll. 64l-7S98. ~~~.. fenced )I a rd • adJoininc aolt C'Clllrle, Prlv 2 BR. larp apt., blt-lnl, new --tto 81~ drpa crpt., freshly painted. Cpl ===~~~-~-1 pa • .._ crpts.. 0 •• -•130 BAYFRONT Yrly, coup1e, Refrig, BR mill! optional /w, no pe:b • .,,....,,. • $250. Mo. 1 BR, .Ip Uv rm. No peta. 726 Joann. Mfa-1584. 1 BR, rear cottap. 1rPt, frple pa.Uo O\'ttlooldrw ba1 paitios. lrnmed. occupancy ' . ntE SEVILLE 2 BR.' l\ii 1170. 6~ McLeod. Open Sept 13th. 673-6790 be.. W/&Vlifl, $l50. Adu.Ill FURN -nt ' BR ..... I • ..... • -• Bit-Im. I ' .. =1bo=.=1=.1=.=nc1===5=3s=s'i A 2 BR $180 k> $215. Adults Fenced yd, 261! Santa Ai. -----1 only? 001 E. Ba Ibo a . Ave., 636-413> 673-CBSO, Bkr. 2 BR, hardwood tloora. bit· CLEAN Bachelor Apb. Im, drp9. 1arag1!. C Wet All util incl $8J up 1ttt\l!I and a:ood l<>a..tion, YRLY .. unf, beaut, uppn' duplex apt Vn-y clme to So. Bay. 4 BR. 2 ba.lbs. SaUsbury Rl t)I. 673-mOO 315 E, Balboa Blvrl. 54~ BALBOA 673-0045.lol~US~P~e-r-mo-. ~2 -=B~R-. ~,-..,,~all Huntington a..cto 54QO 3 BR. 2 BA apl, oceanfront c'lµld OK. No petll. Blt-lt'lli, MODERN 2 Bdrm, Crp(), Balboa. Avail Sept-June. crpts. drp11. SJ8..9462. AU S .:.., __ &.. 1 ·deal fD e: 1 tud ta 4!H-4534 d rps, bllns. E11o;•uncu 1ar. : 1 r "' 1 en 1 BDR, ear. cpt&, drpt. child OK. $135 mo. 2616 OCEANFRONT Winter l'l!n-~fer teJ'Chtt or couple. England St. 91184)89 tab. 3 I. .C Br, sm-$250. 20 nowu, C.M. I c1--'bdn!>,,__,-0-....,,..-,d,-,..,--,,,,...,-,-1 Mlilitin included. '7)..4124 2 8R UNrl'S: T'M\h&e $163. .. Built·lns. pri patio a. pt. lolboo hlantl Cottap $155. BJ.Una, patio, qe, •mall )'&I'd. Sll5. ~5 tar. Adulta. no pets. Ava.l1 l-:'°'"7=.53j)6=""°'-=:':';p.;;m.=,I 9/1. 3009 O>olldi< S4!).M33 QIEZ ORO APARTMENTS BAJ..80A 1lland b&cb apt, 1 BR, ta, .. _ · pGOI UW Atlanta 117 1'urqoolM No 1 $100 CJ'1I .... -•wun • ~ mo. ulil pd. Sesii 1Sfh to !~:. Adults, m pets. 1 Bdrm, Pri pr. , .......awu V.'Uber/drya, &31-3927. June 151b (%13) 2.fl..M5l. ' • 1--~---~~--1 2 BR aflt upper, no pets. new-WALK to bellch: 3 Br., pr, Hvntl---leach .. .-b' ~~~·~~... dishwshr, cptd, drpd. Patio. ,.,.,_. --"4U ....,._ $.19;;i. No dop. M7-39:S7 l Br liteda.llion, condo. all $Ila. 2 Br. w/w, RIO, bit-in, rtfrl&. encl paUo, AvaU 917. pool, quitt. SJ.30. f~~ Bkr ~ pool. 1 BR f\ftdalllon, condo. all J Br. 1 ~ & s t40. m blt.-ln, rclrla, ~I patio, Shalimar, C.M. St-c SUn. pool, qu\et. $130. ~ 3-12 ()l' call 893-4481' SMALLl BR. apt, turn or unt LARGE 3 Br, 2 S.. AduJts, util pd, oldtr ....., or cpl ID pets. a"" corj jllwy "'5. '" catl-118 ........ !. m:a!3l. '3M>'lt. O~OXE 2 Br, el\CI. Pl,l:io, wuhihl Jacil, Adult& onlJ. $135. M'1~ • 2' 3 BDRM. _2 Ba, pvt pa~ ht:at-e d pooJ, newl.., decorated. 9G-89IM ; NEW I -2 BR APTS. Patio6. BakonlH. prfy~ 126'.l AUantt. H8 .... • OAll. Y l'llOT I~ . , ,..., , ~ LJSTATf .. . "" Ge-al Rent•l•W-'"° a ....... fer ltent 599$ IUS9"1SS alll ~IMANCIAL ..... ,(lpportunltlo• ....... o,...,...._ .. PIRST TIMI OfP~RINO PUILICL Y OWNID COMPANY ACCIPTING AP~LICATIONS flOR . OISTRIBUTOllS REVOLUTIONARY NEW l'IODUCT! JtETIRF,J) Protestant 1ad,y fll man bon~ with ume fn Here 111 a chance to aet out of the ordln&ry and ex ch a "1 • 10 r 11 r h 1 Jum·p •board ll irofll bandwqcm ! Market ttttfn1 , has· shown amuing acceptance tor Q\ll' ~uct in ho u akeepl n 1. kltcbi!!n tho rnldentlal. cOmmettllJ, inatJtutl.onal, tndwtri· IUllNIU .... l'INANCIAL ' .. Mo-., lo ,_..n • , ~20· Whaddya Want? Wlladdy1 o.t? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR prlvlleae• + $ralmo. al, autornoUvti and marine ne1dt. The applf~Uon ~,ll39 ol this product will produ« a soft wlvet-llke flnhh 2nd TD l SI.JIXPING room 0 n I y I "'hlch will t>eauury any area •' •• Interior or ex· ' oa n NATURAL IORN SWAl'PERS J>t!'L~Jt.l!IJ.W~ 'Priv, OP. .;:'!,:epterd ;you Wtn rectr~""lM lall•tance ot our ~pt. conftdmtilJ ll!rYici! Special a.te -try. pa.Uo; nr. fr:wY . ~ entire oi'pnliatlOO to Insure the 1UC't'tU ot your 6oft.217l 54s.o611 S LI--S linws -S bucb titaeh. S!i Pft" ftlOnrh. dl1tributorahlp. \'le will tst&)?ltah )"OUr enttre Jlll'O-StNinc Harbor area 20 m . 96l-Clh anm. traln ~nnel and creat' an l~ate S•ttl1r Morfglfl Co. WUlf.S -AD MUU tMC\.UOf! I-WW ,.OU ........ .,..._ ........... '" -"' In frMf, LARGE pl'uant. Private flow (lf business-fol' you throu(h a prov,n, effl!!C-336 E, 17lh Strftt a-TOUR ........... ., ......_ .... "-fll ............... a-NOTHING •o• !>Alt! -n .. ou OH\.'l'I entnnce. Workirw man on. tlw merchandising method. PHONE 642·5671 ly. 64&.750f bektt'e 2::11 \Ve art-a 1ub&lditry of a multl•mllllon dollar, pub-. 1..1 ~....__ TD • •• 4S To Piece Your Trldlr'a P1rldIM Ad llcly heJd corporatlon. mv •• ..,._..., • •I - WANTED: Apt for 2 worklnc YO.UR Th"VESTMENT FROM S3500 'VlLL BE COP.'f· Lake Anvwhead '<\'1lf,r· fn:lr'lt lot sso.mo \'i.I. Pacific Paliade:s Ocon Vlf:W h1!, $77:41 ''&l.. Wan(: lncmn<'. ma. 51g..nu Trade: 3 Bdnn, ? BA P.f~ ltaTanYn style 115" in l.."l· fGDll &-.ch. Tur of Wtwld area. For: 1 a I e modcl folidle or ! ·4194-9937 l'nide 14' Kdsoncralt boat l. 25 bp Jobnmn le. O>nl 1r- . trlr. all 1.:lnt roM. lt-ade for l::oonollne or ~Van.~141 µ" Snowbird Sailbo.11, :ike ne ... ., ~gear. Trade f1>r v.w. • 6'6-3834 • 20 Acres n.od1, J Modem ~ 2 \Yells: fenced. Traini~ track. huge barn. U stal.15: FOR land. unils or ! s.tS.mJ Eq_ 67>6259 '60 DODGE pick-up, 200 hp, nu vw. bl.U, le. lop, Good tires.. W&nt like-valur VW, or other unall lnldL. 613-0917 "Dick". 23' CABIN Cnil5er. 289 "n~. Stillman, v a I u c $3,CXXJ. 1"rade for 'GJ Col'Vt'lle or other rnak~ of autos fequal nJ). 66-J-«3 Exchange of homes for weekends deti:ired. Our lovf'. ly beach home for house on Catalina or In Alodjeska or &imilar canyon.. Intcro!Slcd call 64.>lSM. * * RENTALS A!1n. Unfurnished :Ii( Bear A·fra.me abin. girls on Ba.I. Jale., neoed 2 PLE'J'ELY COVEaED BY EQIJIPM!:NT AND IN-OONSTRUCTION Money ~. •• I ~~ t I car prg, lo $200 mo. 675-7737 VENTORY. · avallable Jar income pro-'"'"""&:Ult· ns, ~"'""· rp e. d\lCinc property. Foreign • Pi1!slil;c ai'Ca, Sll,00 eqty. G u---•991 OnlY & Ifmlted humbtt of dlstrJbutOl'I will be chos· dom,.UC. Mot'l-. N,,,..,1.,.,. uat ~ ~ en from this arH., so ACT NOW!' Wrltt today. --... Jo'or local home. units. or Include nam,, MOM number and addttU. ruu de· ffome" Shoppln( Centl!!TI, '!? 8yO'WT'ltr968-~. PRI room in )ie'd Guest llCl"lptiveUterat~willtollow. Office Buildlncs, Home for eldttl)' ptnOn. Apartments, etc. Write or BAYFRONT &. DOCK 3 BR, Good food, mngenitl at· Vll-VETT CORP. call TlUe Realty & SBA. Val S89.~. For T.O'a mosphe.te, avail now. 10,07 liberty, 80x 123 Insurance Compan;y, 2l!i '""""'.,. 1,. I optiool "' 540-522> St. lo•l1, M ... UIJJ O.,'I< Bu II d In I, Binn· lrade for !! No. l Balboa {3J4J 423•1100 ina:ham. Alabama 352lll Co\--es. Owner 6r:>-4331. Misc. R1ntals · 5999 Phone 1205) 231..s286. 1---------..;. CALL; Miit. HAMILTON -.1 Roi f • y 20 ~ ranch. 3 ?itodem WANTED: Stor~ 111'8.P 1::::-::=:=t";--.-;===========d ,.,,.. • or• rs. hon1Ps, 2 "·ellll: fenced. tor merchandise, s. J..e.runa I Rl!AL !STATE • $3.Sn.U 2n4 tru&t deed be- TrainJiu• track, h"•e bani. OT Dana Pt. artL Call col-Iva. 0'"*1unltl• 6'00 hlnd 1mllJ lat on lot with ' ..... General ' .......... ,,_ 1 1 l~ staJls: FOR land, units li!!ct, 774-0330 SPORTSMEN . .._,..._ • LUrc:I ocean v ~. or ! $45.000 Eq. 675-6259 ========= I Lots 6100 New opportunity tor the S40 per month incl, S% 3 Income Pro-rty 6000 m. 22% Dls:oount. Beautiful 3 br, 3 Ba. play. r-tportsminded man or woman BROKER 4%U37 rm. Mt. home + acti\~ In. MOBILE JIOME PARK ~ i!:v1m~~ to pt in the fidd ttiey ,,._ flS.000 !st TD on ll,000 sq. come, 1i Acre, Hwy 30, Costa Mm. fl.fgr. operat~. Utll!' .... • ,·" ••·veyed, joy the most, tt. brick commerc. bl"'" on · f .,... . ., ' We have a limittd number ... Running Spnngs. or home, fUOO. Y'l!!ar "'. I 1pend1ble enaj---.t bulldl"" "'""", lo11i-lmn , Jeued land. •· h •~ 000 ty ""' ,....,.,~ ..-•03 of. OP'nlna;I far the amb!Uow ucac area. ~" eq • y,·1th S20,000 do. \vn. Cute, t.t~ down-£Z le-·. su1.. Pa,yable S15D -.. mo. incl '~ ••74 .,.,,,., '"~ "" person who would like to ,..... ~.:.·w compact. cklse·U\. Ca.n lak' mil trade. r---s•·-•·a11y 10~0. All due 5 ........ R'ntal J' uw-...., no: reap the rewarcl1 of tbe ewr '' • :'.))' Century runabout, Jd,a.l 46' trailen. 51,; r;f, &'l.>-4422 incttas~ recrea.Uon up1o&. income $2400 per mo. 20% hl.y cruisini. fishing. eti:-. transferabli!! Io an for I =SA~N~0~,-m-,o~l-•~R~-4~. 7,.~.,,-1-,._-I ion. Dl5count. Broker '97-1210 UOOO va.h.lt'; want truck ••r balance of $60,tn>. McCoy Dana Point R.-2, 6 unil.5. YOU CAN E:ARN WELL 15•,4 DISCOUNT l'flt,)'. in real "'..Stale or wh11.I· Bkr. 64.2-6487 67S--011S. Both Ocean View. OVER. $900.~ PER MONTH lit TD on white wat'r ,.~ e~r. ;>$8-9661 l ND UST RI AL BI d &: Owner * 494-5352 IN THJS AMAZING lot in Laguna Beach. $6,CQ) 1'e1vporl . 3 good lvia.nt1. IF"E"E,,.-•"lm-· p~l"e"'<,.m"'l-,....,--,..,.,.,1d"'J BUT FUN BUSINESS @ $60 mo incl 9% all Ad~nt \\'estclilf lots:, VaL lOSU fK't return. Phi I You do need at leut '16f7.50 due 3 yn, B'rok,r 0494-llas u" DJ,000 each. for income. Sullivan 5"S-67fil lots in Corona Del Mar for to S360l cash to start. CdM duplex, or home, de~ -========== l=,.=le=b='y= .. =""='=· =673-47511==== I Write {giving phclrie number) :!!,· 0~W, boat, or ? ? 8usin11.1 Property 6050 ALL SEASONS '"""""""' R1nch11 6150 SPORTltiG GOODS CO. SMALL caJe, e q u I P. p ' d , I~===----...:= Dept 19 T.l' CRUISER T'IA:ln D, auto ruaonabJe call 536-3856 \VANTF.D To lease, b o r 1 , h I I I b P.O. Box 566 pilot, range 1200 m1. Re-nnc w op . o u y, Salt Lak' City, Utah 341JJ cent wnoey J.M),000. \\'ill Buslneu R1nfal 6060 Write J. Jl.f1ateni, 1218 W. 8th St/L.A. 213-388-5235 I considt'r trust deed or • PRI!olE Retail Location • 622-9193. 1malli!!r boat. 0 w n I!! r. Store 17x40. idnt n. li: auto 1714, T.!'9-3400. traWc. 1871 Harbor, C.M. * * REAL ESTATE G.n1r1I * 646-<654 small ltol'I!! Ca ta1inl. Island $Ta Mo. Phone Avalon 181 Acr11oe 6200 L19un• le1ch 7 ACRES.W/PERMIT TO KEEP HORSES DEALERS for '1xclu1lv1 Orang• County distributor 1yst1m (no s11llng) • six hours- ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES Found IF,.. Adil 6400 RABBIT black and whit,. CAme to visit my 'flowers. (CM') Thurs. and st.a.ye<!. Owner pleue call inmw:I. 548.5998, Huntington Beach 5400 Rentals W1nled FURNJSllEO OR UN· 5990 JOOO SQ. f7. kl'al lor dance or artist ri;tudio. Partner needed or indv. ~3706. Office Rental 6070 AdjaCf!nt subdivision o n ' mUe E , of hwy, utll avaU. $35,000, ~~ Cash. bal lit trw;t deed. MAKE OFFERll \Vrlte or rontaci: Ge<:ll'li!! R. SUNDAY AM ONLY Sm1ll lnve1tm1nt puts you In yqur own busi· n1s.1. CALL MR. ROGERS SUNDAY MAIL INC. Bl...ACK male puppy about 2 mo1, part Labrador, 1ound vi..~. 2400 Eldtn, C.l\f. r.tay need medication. 64>1688 FOUNDLING From Jasmine & Coast Hl\\'.ay, Stripped kitten wfOea col lar. 675-5787 or 67;,..J581 BLACK frmali!! k i t t ' n w/)''llow collar.• ftJRNISllED 2 Broroorn carpel.5, dnpez. builtlns. good location. One b&ock to S Poinb Stores. $130 up. 0\1 ner 612-2835. J.fanager 77tll Ellis Apl D ~ ' * BEACHBLUFF * New 2 Ir. 3 Br. 2 Ba, i''.A., d!&hwr;hn, patio!, po o I, view, l & 2 1t.ory. 't'alk lo S Point& Shop0 (. H.B. 847-3957 QCEANFRONT. view, 11un ileck· beach, new 1pac, db:, 2 BR. bltiru;, cpll; lndry. nr McJps ilt pier. Selttt t'nanll. $175. Adults. 5.16-2131 . 5640 TIIE ASPENS 156M \Vllllam St Tu1tln'1 prestigl!! addrrss Adult liviJla:. no JJe l\ Shq: c:af'Pt'li'i Total a ir co11dllion111t; Untuml.shed Gymmsiumg i: SaunaJS Apartments from $1.!IO For information ~ \.lfUn• Beach 5705 LOVl:LY quiet 2 Br, bltrll!, ,&as: incl, lcnse $200. Ag\. 499-2233 or 499-3403 REAL ES1 Al'E G1n1r1I kent1l1 W1nt.d 5990 PRIVATE OFFICE Kreu. Bo:< 914, Lacuna 54>&115 RENTAL ANDERS "°"""" ............. ---UT. -IOOM.UTI SllYICI crplll., drpa • 11or&ce space Btach !Jr phone 494-4726. in tne Glendale Fed Savlnit• 200 Acres choice land adj. Bldg, Corona dt!I Mir. $50. ftl !IOM s develop. Widow ill n10. Call Ew.Tyn Halbakken must &611 $5,000 dn, easy (71'1 111.1443 BLACK Labrador Retrelwr fl\IPPY. Back Bay v I c. ...... 5& 6T>-5444 or 54>Jl6' tenno. 64>-79"1 AAA CANDY SUPPLY -,;(ODE RN OF''"IC"'E"'S,.. TAllE .. .,. 5 ac"'· no c1ow~ ROUTE FOUND Clau Rine Aug. 23rd, at Harbor Hlah School Football fi'ld. 646-7&42 COLLEGE-Educalt'd \VOrk· FRO~t '$65 PER MONTH fQ.. mo. Near lake ~ town. fNAfllE BRAND CANDYl A. nd ••·-lral •· ,~ •743 •~ · E•citlor wo•k ,.llll1.... .. GREY rabblt. 546-5146 or i11g couple, one child, Olli!! 1r-co ., par .... ,., c:en ..,. '""" ~.. "' • .. ,. • 5CO- dog, dcslJ'e unlurn. 2 bdr. & cations. Secretulal aervlet. "'====''='===== collectlnc money from coin <==-==a:::o==== den or 3 Bdr home to ll!!ase: ?.30 E. 17th, Costa Mua Mount. & 0.1ert 6a10 cptrattd di1penaen in )'Our L CM N FV 64• 1 ••5 area. Must be able to d1vote, ~ff='------640'""~1 . B. .. ·"nd" $200, OF•F•lC-=• I.......... ' 5-\S • .J6Z3 or 962.5719 &. leavr ,<:.Q 2 h> g h111 per wt'lt tit make YOUNG t.dy who re~d message. WJJHng to fix-up, Secretarial V'l')' iood income, No Ml1-amall brown deg nr Surfside clean.up, pain!, elt', in e,x. R'ceptlon->.Nwtrlnc in&,~olved....... · on C11I ·Hwy. Aua: 22. t'hangc for ICM~r ~nt. Se,,,_tarlal ltANCH -to $3.l181.1 required Reward. <113) S9#-U33 or ...... ~ on Mrt or tull timt) BY Oct l. 11tud10, preferable 3345 N'~rt !llvd., N... HOUSE ror Pfl"llooal intervi'w in ~~*'="-..,,..,..,,,_.,,..- unfurnished, walking dU.-i -~~=~~=l~!IOl-..,,..,,...-& )'t!ur area, stnd n&me, ad· L.\DlES wallet Vic Center lanct'! market. Rrtlred civil 2 OFFICES available dteu l phone no. lo: st, CM ar 3rd Ave .• Lacuna. service 11-'0Uld like main-Approximately 438 111 Jt ACltlAGE 'ff(ANS.WEmRN DIBI'. CO, Beach. Fri 111. Valuable te1~ i: prdeninf for 1533 Baku, CJ'4. 5to No. Arusa Av,, papers. J\ewl.rd. 499-2369 part l'l!!nt. Box r-.t 871 Daily ~,_11~1 l\1on thni Tri Covina, Calli'. 91122 afL 6. """' E SNAtk ROUTE ''BX=ss~rrr=~,~,o~u~ND~-- coUPLE In mid fortYs. OTII!! !~~~·trlal ,,.,, 60IO NEWI RRY Srand oew cabinet type 1~ lquna Beach Vicinity "' J )T old girl, small 5 yr old SPRINGS Snack le C.ndy vef)dina Thalia St. 4494-4853. \\ell trained poodle, d('1ire 2 M-1 Lot at !Z4 'v. llUt St., CITY OF LAKB.S machlne1 placed on loca-i2>S1' i bl•ck lAbr. and bm. or 3 hedroom ho~ or !enc· C'.osta M,sa, U2'x.300' AD or MAK£ YOU!\ O\'VN ~ lion., $1591 ca 1 b. EX· Btagle. Weltcllff. R'wa.nt. ~d duplex or apt. un-part. \VIU I 11 b ·div t de· CELLENT SPARE TIME '4M}~. furnished. To S1!5 excell,nt Tt'nns. w.500. Ca 11 : 20 Mil's: East of Barstew on INCOME. pl111 unllmlttd I :g~WfES=="-E;-c-a"t-, -.,,.:-::~w~, .. =--::to N"fr"'l'K'll!I, Phone 524-5038 ~n~~gs: -499-3l57 frttwa,y. Elev. 2000 ft. Near e.'l:panJlon pc;it,ntlal. Write freckles, female. Lost \1il! UNFURN Home 3-4 BR. 2 Lake Lottea. \Vonderfu! 11.0d for full details lo 'f"ederal, EUt BluU "4-4329 n . Biii i. d · JNDUSTRIAli Lot C · M · tor apricots, al!aJla, nut tret 3ll2 Clayton Road, C&noord, I~==~-·~--~~..,.,, ns. cp · rps, In 1 $13 Mii'.! Cal.it 94.\);I WHITE female poodle, 1011 Co1'Qna del r.1ar l{ij:h Dist. ~~lli=7&l .. • · 1ro,vln1.·tlsh raisinJ:, hora ===,,._,,..,.,.,.,,,=,.,,-:-i 8/Jf) HB. No tdent: 6 Perse.,alt 6405 (80j) 4!Y1-327T, ( 7 1 4) ranch, boatinJ, etc; etc; PARKING Lol maintenatlct. c~lldren walllnr. 962·14:W 642-9881 Ideal part Um' opportunity llO~tE. Unfurn. 3 B R • R I 6090 40., Acres flo.nch· Land, lm'-ea11ly buUt to fWI time. lnclu1trl1f enl,•c..-provi!!d WITJ-1 modern 2 BR Include• Wlllhlre IWteper, Harbor or CdJ\l hi.Ill school -h •· l 1•· _ Fo· Loaao 4•00 Sq Pt rue ,..,u'"· re 1v rm. tilt up tralltr and •I& DIVORCED dlgt. 1-Ae. around s_, mo. • .. bt!amed c'Ulni. ""· Ut•st * '~ •1~ 103 Sh 81" N D I blo,ver pluA acoounta. A'"'x · ,.,..., #A,J l'Xt • op ug ,r n •wn rrn, kitchen, mod•m bath I 6 wkfy. ~7670 NEED l Bdrm. apt In Costa M11a. Many ldeel pluniblnr. Tank bouR eh--YES IT'S YOUll Hamer Sch. area by Sept. l . UHi. Contact oWner, cloalna: tooa 111 plv. atOJ'> SMAIL reata~nt, newly ,AULT Re1190nable, 64S.::.ll5.'i Mr. Dlcktrson. •i:' tank under 43 lb1 prtA· rwdKOr.: beach ll't•. For rteorded mesu.11 ~I fl.egp party, 4 children de· e LANDLORDS e 642.oo14 Days iutt. \\'Ith 4ouble iar. Cqo. lll!"f!llS fon:e1 Kit'. Offer. will cl\anii )'Cur 1~ call sin's unfurn Ilse or •Pt Nev.. 541-S4Sl. Ives. ere!• aepltc lfnk. .a1J •ltt .. _64U71.,.,.,.~•,.,,_.-,,::-:':::'-,~I 01tANGt co 54 ... -6667 P;Ort area., must havp occu· FREE RENTAL Si:RVJCE ==--"",_.,=-,,-,,•I 3 hp pu,rDp, ;m &al per ml.ti *LIQ. LJC'S. Qranp, San ' ' ' pancy by 9/1:>. P1-ercre yr1r 1 ~~~B_ro_k_'-'-""~"'~'"'--· I RENT new ~f-1 : ll2S lfl. fl , al 80' d'pth. ln'!Pf'GWJntrits: Dleio $1J,500 en 1l)e; 1-~-2~'r"°'l!'"'~"'°"'-2°"'~'""=-::-~. ~7-1800 e\-e5 UCI faculty family wants SUS mO. i2fiO sq. ft., S22$ Fenced with 1" hy I ' a 300 ft Sift.GOO oU aali!. Call \VINi-. * 1·.,.. ! W,/lNTED • !> or 6 rm old'r unfum 3 BR hseo To S200 mo. ~ l..oian. C · M · redY:ood trnoe. T Mfl,1 Eut TON cdlect (Ill) m..oe ;house turn. or partly, Ea1t 548-7&33 67Wll~ of school. S18.00o. i£AiJW· SJ1dp in 'i...iun. .Of or NB. No youna: ~tAl.E teache'.r will maititlln 2 SMALL industrial 'units • Or ""Ill 1ubdivld• 10 beaut dtc steal al $5000'. :cll.ildttn Sll>S150. 540-1120 )'Our vac:anl hoiM, uchan&'e 1tora,p or small buslniu. ac r•• t ll Improvements 494-~tt •'21J:Ul-.5087 .Eve, Bob&. Donna Lona: for rent. ~2-2571. Newport Beach. ~TM 'S S,000 •t )0 acr•• un-1 ~======== Mttt 11Yt 1pe<:i'1 .orqeone • ...,,, .. Uve. I I ORANGE ro. ~7"'668 24 hour f0<0"11n• wANTii:D: OOlN LAUNDRY LICENSED lm pro,.d $2 i,000. ~ Woe.toll , 6305 40 -;. Down. lalenc1 on I •t tru1t deed. Wlll ntrottt.t~. Courlegy to broker. lt7..e640 aft 6 Phf. ••••••••• FURN. C1bln Victor Vlllty. 11.~A. S67M. Low dn. Bkr. Al l\fat!der 778-8010. 6f6....&U5 for $400:> Cn. Near Hun· Sfilritual R11adlnp, advice on all m1tt•n. 312 N, El -'-'"~•~''~"="'~•~ch.,.. ~84>-<=~";56== I Ca1T1lno Jle&J, San Cl'mente 492-91~. 496-9507 lnv•• . .tm~t C?ppor. f310 ID A~I . 10 PM EX(lr.t1'Slft: nLAMmheE i --.A"'t~tr"•"•"li"•"•'E"•"P!I-· .-,o:,- Nallonall)' knoWn Pern1a· YOUNG WO~IAN Curb ploflfttl in the art ot dancer will te11ch )'OU all extrudlna ooncrele. No ,x,. Jall!!s:t st'PI. C4ll ~dl .. .,. • ., per, riq. tc ~applicant.a. nl: 5!14538 1-10 PM It. I. \!i•nted °'"" Unhelit:Vabla martin ot pro-I~· l"t:ti;::.,,,.,-,.-FiifE==.,.l.ectllno=,.....,., ,;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I tit. $1000 ntt ruar ht \no. Dlanetlcl • &den~ PEJlMJ..C'UR.B 306 32hd SL Evtt:y Suni:iv at I PM $$ MOii£ Wit $$ !'« Your Ho ... Eq\111/1 AHolutt11 ns om .•• to yau tM iitlltrl l2 years ot P!l)1rc moni cuh ,., ~ Ciunly .... ,,. .... Calf UM Rnl , , • Thtn call the Bf1I NB 11703 ~. Fntn Valley "1'3200 ffiO ik1,t ii occ 1rom· Hnl. Bch. btlore 8 LJn~ -™· WW!nr IO p.,, b' .... Ml-<l979 , -BE~l Y JACKIOll RIALTY ALCOHOUC$ Anon;ymou. Phone 5'S.ntT Oii' writ• to P.O. Box 1123 ())ala M~. f.NJOY economy \'1.C:ailOn Catalina Jal1nd. r r om S8 mkf"'·~k for t1'·o. Htr11\0Sa H2l£!. PhoM A_valon 137. ' 147-4113 or UJ.1241 rr·s WONDl!:l\fUL UNi J?Sltey PAIITY dMvtnr to New Yo'rk buJt• Lo a.ppliancts )'Oil tlDd City. low 16' bOat. ~y ;as ( , ....... ,. P1raon1l1 , ·-aRARD • ,·a ·PENIN.G HOT .. YDRO SWIRl.·,OOL n. s~ /H"fdro.5 .. !•I Poo!I A•ff -dl•tc! from EU!'OjM., A•ltJt in •PKltl •HIS M'll<il Hal Swlr!lng Wiler upklde1 •oe1ns1 'fll\I 'ti 111 .. 1 "'" Y 1 r v ll11nr In Mlt<l,,11·Hydro.m1 .. ~•ae. $t1m11101e, 1t1llr1 m\IK"' ltr trlCI clr~\IJ,Uory t'(1!tms. So vtrY Flecllw1 !Of rtlltvltlq lht nervou~ 1t11slo" of ..,.,.j1r11 l!vlnt. 'T t mp1r11wr1 IOI'. ULTRA MODIRN HIAI. TH Cl.VI YfU!' Prlvti. "Kff~l"ll" CJi,111. W•'ll 1•1m yw -Jrlm yw. , kftfl VDll ft! tfld •Jt«o!n, """ lfn kwp.111 l rtl INh1rn P'11HI\ rtlil <••11et, gltt"lll'lSI ~hro!'lf. mlrl'llftd w1ll1, oold ul'l'tllll••'I • •• cl"lf "llll to Ptml"!' Yl>U· 1'at1n1~ stltntlflc coridltlonlnt APPl••M Is •I VoUI' GllPOSt l. Y141r lndlvld~I aro- 11rtm II arewrlbed tire• • dlvslctt 1n1!y1ls • . • I ~ t" p1r10ntlly 1uaer•l•MI bv your ln1,.,ucltlr {If l"1tructrr" tor tt>e ledlnl. our 1ra:1m 11 ,,, .. 1un Ind lnYlgo.-1 lno. .. JACK LA LANNE'S European Health Spa The Newest, Most Luxurious And Completely Equipped Health Spa In Orange County Open Now - Final Days of Phase 5 Charter Membership Rates. ENROLL TODAY For Only Th!1 f1 fh1 tt1ttl 1v11t9t coif 11 you 1111011 TODAY on t courit i"tlividu1lly d11!')ntd 4or you. JUST SOME OF OUR MANY FACILITIES h •n ••clvslvt of our Club for 1111 lld'lil. JI \1 t ptU!Yt llltH· 110'1 IPl)trlhll, c!H)W..ecl IO l<">nt !!'It hips t!ld •!lllll'll. Com-p1~101v otdl1111tblt lo !hi JM!· vlllutll p1rsori11 nnds. VANITY-GROOMING ROOM S,ECIAI. SWllS rACIAL APP~RATUS EXCLU51YI' ~tloa ttl"'lllttt c.orcult!lon trld ~''"' flt"! on!! l&nt tt<t " m11tc1 .. of 1111 1 .. clol t rt•. TUllKISH $TIAM ROOM You Clll MOit• ~nd "'llfr¥t 4tlly ltn1i.n WI!~ !!'I• l'Mdlrll ft(U. Hitt of O<>• EutOPltn dt110ntd 'Tur1!hh liltt~ ~- PRIVATE SHOWllll Prlvtl1. lndlvlduouv l!'ltr~ 1!Ulc1lly co..Trclled •l'Hl.,.;.,,, A fli•lO<I "'~"' h•1 !n WQrry 1tx111t ~mptrt)'u•t v~·l~!lon 0"'1 the 1lnolt dl•I II i~I. OIL OF EUCALY,TUI INHALATION ROOM llll ww.:lerlul ln!'lalt!lon ltoont .. 11hl!t Oii O! E11e1tv11tus 1ffY .. Yf.IU rtl•xtd, lnvlfCr•ttd' tnd ,.. trul'lc.:r. ltmPtr1!u,. llO'. PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL DRISSING llOOMS & 1.0CKI R6 Enll" tru con1trvcttd ln ,..,. nut 1nd 1l"r lll8!11c w1111 •..:! Yl"Vl llOOro. 1111 drtU !flll bootht dn!on"' ~r complUt prlYet'I' wit!'I Ptl• 111411"!1 doors tnd tr. bor1t1 1t1l1 Ind Ptrtillon1. 11'" dlvkl...il 10<k1ru bol~ c1111'111 ht~lll'l!I Jocktrs a1 ""''* M atf'o ctl a• h•"4b41g locktra. e ... rv- "''"' deslwnld far 't'O\fr c•l!'lo tori 1"'11 convt11Jrm:1. J UST S~• OP: OUlt P:ACILI• TllS, ALL 'ACILITlll Alt• INCLUDED IN YOUI!. MI M- 8!1t$Hll'. At . NO. EXtltA CHA~ll•. FACILITIES FOR MEN FAC ILIT IES FOR WOMEN JACK IAIANNE'S f2821 HARBOR BLVD. GARDEN OKOYE, CALIF, 638-9900 In U,. Oaaaltlad Ad" Q>ocll I =:+,,,...11,,00"' . .,•~::-cl9l,..I--=== them now! lllol 50<!671 lot 1'ESUL TS ..,...,!!1111•1!1!1 ... __ ..,,....,..., .. ...,..,,..!ll!!!ll!ll!!""'l!!!! ..... !ll!l!l!l!lllli!I i / I • • 'J • p B I I I ' l l ' l I l l ' f • = " c c r 2 ' ' ' F ' s B M • • • • F • • y p d ' I • i!. v • • LI 1 H B• p • ;;; c •1 r u 8, 81 R " • c M ! • • n A CJ d c • Qi ~ • c • ~ c Cl • • Cl = c Cl I> • b Pl ,, ·( " G> ' ~ c c. -~ --. . --·------ . -.,, ~I, I... DAILY ALOf ,U . JOIS l IMPLOYMl,n' JOBS & l/llPLOYM!!1T JOBS l l!MPLOYMl~T JOIS l IMPLOY"!!!!J JOU i IMi'LOVMENT JOifl'IMPCO~ ·when You " Want if done right ••• Holp W4ntoct, Mon 7200 °HolfWantod. ~ 7200HolD Wont..i, M... 7200 Holp Wonto4 Holp Won!H Holp W- MACHINIST •:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Women . 7400 W--IGI --!"":.:"'":::•:::::.• ....,_..:.;,~ ~ sm&ll parts mo.n. -* -" -~- ( I • Call one of the experts -listed. belowlf. .,...,.,,, wittt ext:<llent J. c. P111n•1 Company Inc. COLOR ond NCR '-........ """'""' conditloN and Fashion lslan , New{'Ort Beach PROOF OP!RAl'.OR. """~:~'_\ '"""' benttlt" bu immedl· • Has • • ~811D1111111 . att °"~ '°' lltowo • Koy po<lon openl11111 UNITED CALll'ORNIA SbafP< OOd 'l'n•b Screw F 898nC'f Maehlne Sotup Opera.ton. . or BANK 833 OOVER JUVE'• Apply 1300 E. Normandy Merchandise Ma11C191ment Trainee N£imit<T i\'ua1 Pl .. Santa Ana. fl blk. north with tecenl graduation from collece or-eqtil· 309 Maln Street ~ . of McFadden, ~ blk. \Veit valent in coUese and full time work exper· H~~1raeh f'Cl' a stable ~ to work of Grand.) ience combination; a desire to participate in e.1 ·u.satut to prestdtnt ol SICRETAAllS , KEYPUNCH OPERATOR ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES SERVlc;.E DIRECTORY PH I LLIPS PETROLEUM a training pro~ram for mana•emenl wllh a 8,..0KKEEPER -mfl co Lllbt 1ec-Por.:rhanglng co 'ti! dJn Uo al • · u "' .. i...w dullel. j,.,., All'!. . Floon 6665 Pa ntin1 6150 Now blrirlg for r~p1 y expan g na n organ1ia on. Hardware 6tort, Eici>e:ritn<» Exec Sec $650 EPF Swine lhllt. Orie. ~ b7· Wary-operated M"rvice gta. Th' • • eel lh . -:-t-~arr. Xlnt opportunltf A .... nw .. to worit -with Mlel--~-~ dealrabll. Ptrso~la 6405 • Corpe!~~ Tllo SUBURBAN Pa[n>-1-/Dtc «On. Ex-rience desired. IS IS an organtz OD· ""'lob lrauung \:;°" fort.be rilht ....... ,. ... See Mt v-. ' w~ ,. gram Our poll t i tr I . l o-• TOVA~n-·s' ~ ........ · men. .,ood"'" on telephone. All styles •-colon Expert Guaranteed Work Good starting ~a]ary plus . cy o promo on om w .... ...-n..u~ ...... IOOd ekill1-Company ~ EPTI IS FREEi l'rtt est Lie. contr. Free at. No job too larae generoltl' commission. with makes this particularly attractive. • DALE HARDWARE. lSIQI Wk• rnedlceJ dental lNu.t-REC ON f Ba.sic Boatlna: CoW'Je otttted 54().726l 546-4473 or too smalL 49f-.3190 excellent opportunities for Sprirc<We Street. Huntirw· ance + proti{ lh.t.rUW. Eut to the public by lhe Balbol I =========I ;;;~m;;;-;;;;-;<Frl,-;;;;:;;; advancement. F 0 r \n. Apply _In person ton Bea.di. L.A. ares. Po\\'tr Squadron for people Gordonln• 6680 PA.Th.'TING lnl: & Ext Lowat formation contact manager, 10 AM to S PM Mondey thru Seturcley • "'ll ... , ... priceL Fully lno. J. C p , Fl I S.crotory $500 EPF interested in u.llbotts as --------Satislaction l'W· Free est ~~~:~.Adams, Hun-• enney S exowr ter Tmff$400 \Vork lor UO !1rm in CCln- well as power boati. Evecy ANmONY'S Jim Weeks 613-1166 ._..,,...,., ~· #i4 .Fashlon .lsland .. Newport.Beach =-?nt ~o. movtna to new ott.. tn.cta ~traHon. Sh 100 Monday ni1ht for lJ weelu • _ ~ 1n lr\'lne Will tn.io ao. ~•--•-7 PM •1 e>-lN1' It ext \\'Ork .,.,,ar, 5......,v Au equal opportunity e-mpfayer .. • · + typinz ~ + }5~(8ri'ng not.:b:3k· f:!t or brush. Free e11tim.te.rC;}i MOTOR HOME * * ~o_iypbt. Call Diane, Sec,..tary .. CRF nl&f>ll at N•wport Hubor 644-4860 Horman 64,..JJ32 EXPERIENCED ~=======R=======~ JASON BEST M"'t hive aood work ,_, •• Y Tho S.sl. "'"' no mo"'! II WELDERS " •round + Ute ... + '°"" acbt Cub, 720 W, 811.Y Experienced ?>Talntenance \VAU.PAPERING ~ PAIN· Help W•nted, Men 7200 Help Want.ct Men 7200 Employm;nt Aaency """!"" ~ tele'"'-ne t~hnl· A\'t,, Nt\\'port Beach. No Buda:et Landscaping TING, 10 )'tan! in area. • TRIMMERS 2120 SO. M.111n, Santa Ana ~!:., Xlot ~~ 00 advance registration. Enroll Grad H rticul urlsl Rea.&anable rates. Ca 11 e htachlnlst ... --~ ';'.~" A~y question "ill uate o t &G.0421 WALL MEN ENGINE LATHE * * ATTRACTIVE GIRLS In beaottful locatloo. COLLINS . ' R·ADIO ·CO. ··~-COMPLETE e PLUMBERS Full tim•·part Ume •• , a. RKpt to $450 EPF YARJ) MAINT. PAINTING. Ex>lnL 18 yn. MACHINIST J c. PENNEY co • ~ M"" be very tthatp &"t· WANTED! Sprinkler installed ii repaif'. exp. ltul. Llc.. Free est. Zt35 Canyon Dr .. Costa rtfesa · • ;~~-~~=~ ·=~ tractiw w &ood ~liw. dlc--19700 Jtmboi-H RNcl Overweight Ladles ed. New 11.wns, deanupa. Acoust. cti\lng. 548-5.125 -FASHION ISLAND etc Excel pa & benefttJ taphOne, lite bklq)r.. Oppt.y New.port S..ch 1 want 10 women who are 10 Alonthly Service. CLARK & CLARK HARDINGE NEWPORT BEACH w·l · Y · to learn lept pounds or more overwel&ht 968-Im CUSTOM PAINTING * DRIVERS * T~n. can Mbi Otris Gtn Office to $450 to take part In gt'Oup wei1htA 7L~'~S~G-anl~e"'n71n"g'-,&~La~w-n It~==·~"'~""-"-"'~·~~ CHUCKER OPER. Hu ) !>4().618f 09.)<J. 'h EPf, V2CRF loss program of speclaJized Maintenance. Commercial, PAINTING, PaPl!ring 16 yrs. No Experience Experienced in cloae taler. ) Full time poe;itions * QUALIFIED General ollice background reducing, All Inq uiries con.-industrial & residential. tn Harbor area. Lie. & N I ancl!' Ahart nm work wtth open lor MASSEUSE with ac<?IU'ale typing, An fidtntial. Ask for Mrs. Thom-•846--3629• bonded. Refs. furn. 642-2356. ecessary. abilil;y to make &etu111. To service Jad11t1 onlY. Muat excellent oppty for 50meone as 537-5412 =oo-~----=-l •~~""""=""'o-.,"'== Must have clean Calltomla 9 hour day • 45 hour week B·..U-d furnish local ts d tail lnded I ====·===== I NE\V lawn1 re • lffdfna. p A p ER SPEClAUSTS -drtving rerord. A!>ply Ptont sharina: tfTTWrl an relttencta. ·and whO e tn . LICENSED Complete lawn cart, clean Cal's beat fot vinyls, ftockll, YELLOW CAB CO. Janitorial have city license. Pltue ap. Secretary $425 EPF Spl 'tual Read! dvi up by job or month. Free toil, murals. 847_1659 eves. J C C rl C ply ln pel'IOn tor Interview Will train lharp )Vtlll& lady ::;, tt i;,· N "El .. ttm ..... For into, call 186 E. ISth SC • • a er 0. Maint1nonc1 Holiday Hnlth Spo with ......... tarlal Uills. on ma ers. · 8<16-0932 or 893-1995 For bettl!'r painting, C".m;ta Me!a 2300 Harbor BIVd., CJ.-f. Worir: in beautilul offices Camlno R<ol, San Cemente =~~~~~---t Call r.o p Int 1 492.9186 ol96-9507 RESPONSIBLE student, mow .__.. a en 671 W. 17th St. wtth an Intelligent ~ng 10 .or_ 10 Pf.t ~~~ ~~~~' 6~~ ==6=75-=2956==·'="='='== ** DISHWASHER co"s,.t6a34M2e1sa ~~ ~~~p:~: Bookkeeper :i~:e:i ~ laM de- pl I I R I 6880 _.. Competallve wages. out. $4 E F Ctm•ttry Crypts 6419 _Pll~I _______ as er ng, •p.1 r OVEn. 18· A~I & PM stanclifll bendibi including Accounts payable for apart. Typist to 1S _P Japanese Gardener • PATCH PLASTERING . * APPLY IN PERSON * An equal opportunity profit sharing, ment builder Pttfer colt-70/80 wpm 1)111.ng Wlth ac- FOR Sale, double Crypt No. E 1 " · , All t F llma rmployer itruotion ,...;.r, Exoel'-·t curacy. Lowly otticn, con-xpl!'r., comp ya1.,. serv!C'I!'. ype11. ree es te. S k Sh N l -~ = nlal -~ """" 28 in Mau.soleum of Repoae, Free est. 645-0912, 968-2303 Call So!0-6825 nae Op O. APPLY IN PERSON beneilts 541).971() Mr ROD-I' I!', ......... plus endowment care at :;;:-n;=,,-==== E C H SECURITY ?ifon .• Sat. 10 am to 9 pm ald ~r • for advancmtenl. Wei;tminstl!'r Mt>:morla.I Park CLEAN-UP SPECIA.LISI'! e PATCH PLASTERING. 2305 · oast wy. NEED' Good. k Acctg Clerk $400 1.h:EPF \Vill dl.scount. Write r.1ni. L. Pi.lowing, edging, odd jobs. All types. Free estimate. Corona del Mar, Cal, _ GUARD _ J C p C · houae eeper. Good schooline or work u- R. Jacks, Aptos, Calif. lliO I "'R,,•....w.J==,,'·:,..._=-.,~.,,-~ I :ca=ll =,,.,,,_=:::::==== p L A S T I C S-• • 8RR8J 0. comrle~harrt>: llv~ln'5 pvt perlence ~tred. M us t St. Andte1\>s Dr. 95003. EXPERIENCED Japanese MUST BE ABLE TO :: 'g a.ge ~to · (2 ha\•e knowledge of double gardener. Rella.ble. ~0.7373 Plumbing 6890 ?tlaterial handler, molding \\'ORK ANY SHIF"J' 24 Fashion Island ys 8i'1 " ). Da)'I: enbj 'bkkpg 1\11l train the SERVICE DIRECTORY for fI"ee estimate -::::-::==,,.--===-i·raint'f'. Gra,·Pyard shUt. Newport Beach, Calif.. ~7366 642-lm Eve i : right girl. ' Babysitting 6550 t ·JI=M~ .• ~Ganl~-,~nl-ni~A--la-wn" 1 PLU?.ffiING REPAIR MU5t be dependable. Oppor· All Equal Opportunity ~ efter S PM. Girl l'riday $400 APF maintenance. Ilea. & Com-No job too small tun!ty !or advancement. Ap. Cadill1c Controls Employer SfOCKROOr.1 clerk ~ Inv. For a matuni woman with merclal. * MS-3411 1===·="=""1128==·== ply 1 Ill 4 p.m. Divlslon of Ex-Cello Cvtp. * * control. Karde:x e?CP nee. aood ll!'ner&l omce abWty ?t10TIIER \Vlli baby1!t. Near Ontngt' Coast Pls!tics 1866 Whittier Ave. "'!'~~!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L l t e t y p In a:, Id. whO ll !leNic!e minded. Harbor Shop Cent l': r · Cut&: Edi!!' Lawp R.o. _!T'lodtl, Repair, 6940 Cot ta Mete ;:CLERICAL hand w r It In r irowtnal"'=".7"------Enclosed back;yard, patio, ~taintenanct, Licensed --~"°-w~. '~8~th~. _c_.M_._ ' Clerical I 3 • BUILD Remod I ""-•~ Pet··-onl Dl-ctor ~2491 manuf'1. co. in C · M · p ayroom. 9 mos to )TS. 548-4808/6f5.2310 aft • e • wc:pau .....,, •• An equal opportunity 546-3300 preferTed, Si day • 50e hrly. IJ~l~M~'S~GAR0=="1'N=IN~G~Acc-la-wn-I Br.lck, block, beo n c r tt111 e, htin of 5 Y•'S of Indus. per-employer ITT JABSCO 'P"art=-cu""me~"'SEC=RET="AR=y-1 Full time Ol"' occasional. Ex-malnlenaftC'I!'. Res. " Com-crpntry, no jo too srna 1<>nnel exp & college detTtt. t ---------perlen~. depend ab 11!' Llc. Cont?. 962-&M5 ?tfu.st be sell .motiva!d ' Young. attraetlve itrl. Ll&bt 548-1395 merclal, * ~. maturt. \VIII be responsible PART TIME -shorthand il typln&. Houn CHILD CARE C&S Lawn • Ganloning Sewing 6960 for ..JI pmonnel fonotloM. ~IME KEEPER• fl•xlbl•. Startin& $2 P<r Service. Res/Comcl-lndust. flO,IXlO yr stArt. R~&Uml': & NOW HIRING TIM hour. 5t&--1TI7 Newport I little girl, age l'ii to 5 6'7S-29Xi aftt'!r 5 • Oreumaklng • Alterations aaJ.ary history bo.x M 1000 COST CLERK Beach. years. Ai playmate & com-EXPERT JAPANESE CUstom Desiglls Pilou. i--"w"AJ"'TRESS==-AN=D,..--I pan.Ion for my 4 year old * ~ * ~. national company, ex. dauahter. f\feals included. Res/Comc'Vlndus. 646-0384 ACCOUNTA.Vl', ~mi or pandlng in Orange County. Good opportunity !or a HOSTESS Near f\iagnolia l Ed!nirr Alt•ratlona--642·5145 light senior for expanding \Ve need part time ?Mn 10 man w:11h llOn'l.e account-Experienced, 11 to 22 yn old. Fountain Valley area. flD.00 Gtntr1I Services 6682 Neat, accurate, 20 years ~P. Orange Co. CPA finn, must v.·ork evenings 6:3D lo lD:JO In& 0r related clerical ex-Part time. Apply in pert0n: a v.-eek. Call 847-TI.ST. have about 2 )Th. recent p.n'l. pt'I'\ence to come into COD-!.ffi STEAK, 2267 Fairview, CONSl'RUCtlON site clean-S ti T k S 6965 C.M up: hauling, sprinkler S)' .. ep c an, wtr. public accountlflil exp, TOP STARTING PAY tact with all department£ --·7":-:':'==,,...,-:--1 ITT JABSCO BILUNG CLERK AaUtant billln&/a.ccowit- 1J'lg depamn~t. Pmt1ous expmence and typina: ....... Equal oppartUnity employer: REGISI'ERED NURSE SlJ. PERVISOR. 7 am to3:~pn LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE. Med.lcaUon1 • treatments. 7 am to 3:30 pm NURSES AIDES, AD ahiftl. Ex>erij!oc:od .......... PARK LIDO CONVALESCENT CENTER 466 Flogohlp Nowport Boach, C·olff. CLERK TYPIST Alert lhi· production con- trol '""'· .,.,. ..... llltnr. poctlng, Xlnt--··· Including aU ......... CALIFORNIA · lnjocllon Moldl1111 · 200 BrlaP Ave. • Colla Ml!'sa 54M110 An ,qua! opportunity empZO)u . HOSTESS PART· TIMI For 6'co•1 ln eo.(a Mtu. Mu.1t be owr U BABYSITTING, my home. vie. Fulton school , r.tagnolla tl!'mslt11talled&:repalred. VC . . ca pabl e of audit N . of the company, Prefer JANITORIAL li'-•m1-... 1 .... employer ii1ulfrrs , COCO'S A UU?t1 pumping semce, "billU CPA o o e:itpenence Mcesaary. HIM. School and so--.a.c-........... "l'J-••-yv 1555 W Ad 66-(1152 1eptic tanks, sump$, sand ~T"5~zxr es. 1 ~ For intervil!'w call 1-fon, A 1" .. .., Part•tlme work . Netd .ever. • 1m1 traps. You name it, \Ile c idate 00 Y· Tues countina training, a1 women in Of, ND area. 1'85 Dale Way Costa Mete & Slater, FV. Any a1:e.1 ___ _:.=..=::::_ __ _ 642-8007. t..IC. Day Catt Af,1 to 5: 30. Toddler. hot 1n ea I 1. Harbor-Baker. 546-l!MS 547-7061 for appoint ' I"._., Me·•· "'-11• pump It. 24 hr. service. -~==~==-774-7251 4·6 hr shifts, St.ariliJB 6 PM. ......,,.., -............ NEWl'ORT 645--0765 OFFSET PRESS Please •pply tn pe.r-App'" «ll North Harbor, rn.4) 568251 son or In writing to v BEACH CLEANUP llltemoving =========I OPERATOR e BROILER MAN Per80rme1 Dept. Santa Ana. ~;.,'.hrub "~~Us. TILE, c;oromlc 6974 '!':kl;;i'';.':d~;;:;~'.b. = • DISHWASHERS GOOD BENEFITS AND • RN-R<i:,'f';;':, two..,, f /C BOOKKEEPER AD AGENCY H1\llln9 6730 BABY8ITIING, nl!':rl to new park, CM. (17th & Orangtj, Mon.Sat. 645-2754 BABYSITTING In my borne, Costa ?tfts.a •rea. TRASH HAULING ~asoosblt>: • &i&-1120 HAULING. cleanup. lots etc. Handyman anyUmt yo u * Vl!'rne, The Tiie ?t1an * fringe beneJits. \VOR.KJNG CONDITIONS ""r y,.-eek NEEDS Cuat. work. Install "' repairs. NATIONAL SYSTEMS CORP Apply between u -5 p.m. .,~ ' ' tor d&[Jy salts IUmmaJ'Y, ac-Part tlmt help. Good No job too small. Pluter 4401 Blrch Street Fringe benefits. Eqijal Opportunity ·~ VN.;!~~·r~ i:e~~ counts rece!Wthle I: collec-typist fer clarlcal tfu,i· Call 548-JBn BABYSITTING, my bome. Daya only. fncd yd. CM. under 5. 646-2101. Brick, Masanry, etc. . 6S60 BUILD, Remodel, rtpair. Brick, bloch, concrete, carpentry, no job too small. Lie. Cont?. !l62...Ql45 patch. lA.aJdng 1 how er Nt'WJ)Ort Beach E .. ,_, ,,_1,._ tlon. Falt accurate worker, tlis. erra-.JI, $l .u per rwpa.tr. 847~1957/846--0206 PIVE CROWNS m....,.,er N ... _ Home • &ood typ11t. Preffr autome>-h • "" - DEGREE RESTAURANT 494.-!UIS tive experlenoe, ~ tor our. Coll S.rbora •t ,ooal~I. ~•-•_642-J398""-"'-;_*~*-~ I Tr•• S1rvlce YARD/pr cleanup. RA!;now 6980 trees, ivy. dtrt. tractor GENE'S TJlEE .S.E RV : backhoe, a:rade 962-8745 trees/&hrubbery remo\'ed, ==-"";;===.;;;o-J_..t~Qtn·m•ed, bauled a way Housecleanlnq 6735 ~9-1359 HOUSECLEANING& ESTATE Pi.taint Tree Serv General Maintenance. Call Removal I: trlmrn1np, fret a.nylimP; aood r e t • 1. I -=",.tim=•=""· =ca=n="='-=== - The man we seek may be 3801 E, PacWc Coast Hw. lW O,u.E WAY * .,, * SECJU:'T.\JtY, 1 or Mn. Bnnt.· '42..i910. '""'""' emplOY'O. ""Im· Q>"'na dol Mar C081'A i'ir~l"s.i.,.~· 92S6 ad"'1tiaini fln11. Sbotthand JOHNSON & SON • · • .,---~.= 1 ::.!~~1;.;;'!~ro,,;;;: ACCOUNTANT·GEN'l LEARN TOOL -CtmER ~':,..~. '!!:. ::!: Uncoln Mercury Ex MTST 0.PERATOR BS or MS or PHO in chem· GRINDING TRADE: Mar· at 675-1142 bet. $ AM A :I 2626 Harbor Blvd. tc:'~: ~tto': istry or malh ac~ptable, r1ed men preferred. Muat be PM C I u. · 2 -. coll-e or -ulv&lenl •• • m.S• Swing 1hlff call Ann, f,ferchan!s Per-.1"'• ~. ..... amb!Uous. HS ~.1 with •6 • Ex""rieneed genri'al l--'-r, · · 6 '.,. Experienced In •inde needl• ~ CONTROL DATA wnnel Agl'ncy, 2043 \\'e5t-... ~~ math bk&rnd l be · clUt Dr., N.e. S4s-2no. '1n'nand&l1 1ta~ents, coaSomts, rnechanlcal\.y inclined. Good ~~leek. 1Gooddy -~~ CORPORATION , SALES veti ory control, etc. e i,1:orldnc cond'1 &. fringe wu\-... .,,.ce1. •ea -·· FULL TIME 3519 W .. W•m1r, S.A. tab knowle<Jae deiln.ble, benefits. EDDY MOSS 140il Locust HOS'l'rR~ Equal opportunity employer \\'OULD You bellevt! I \vill clean your home for Blue REM Q DEL-Add{Uon&-Cab. I ,,,Chr.l°'p~St=a=-m"'p'c:'co""-,..·1_350_= !nets ~lock fences-Concrete cWfi's. Windows. flra. v.·ofk.. 642-9&52 etc. Res or Come'l. Xlnt ~lldon 6570 Uphol1tory 6990 CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Uphol. European Craftsmanltup 100% tln! &U-1454 1831 Newport Bl., C.f\f. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Graph.le automat1o.it_Cf)mpul- er applicaHoni. B.~ Degree Sl:?.too + comm .. Call Ann Merchants Pe~nncl A.gen. cy. 2043 \Vl!'!lcliU Dr., N.B. 645-2770 Robertahaw Controls DAIL y GRINDING INC. St., Westminster; :134-1738 I~ e • • Co. 3822 Campua Dr., N.B. MATURE mother'• helP<r. N k HOSTESS/CASHlliR Uni-Lint 'Division Turtle Rock areL 3-7 pn'l, llhll & wee cnda 16072 Gothard, HB. r.tAN }VANTED. Pt>:rm. part Pi.ton-Fri. own !Tans. S2 hr MUlt be over 21 bptrlenctd. Good wqtl. lime. to averace two hra. 1 al S4&.231l after 6 APP)y. Equal Opportunity Employer dally for ~arly morning p: me ' P'IVE CROWNS DON JOSI REST. Mech Draftsman $600. newspaper deUvery to ,! .,.' ... ,ING ta,. 1..,. .. f;!!STAURANT 9Cm E. Adami 6590 work Reas! Refs. 548-ollll Bay .l Bu.Ch Cleaning Serv Carpets. w\ndowi;, r:toars, etc Res &: COmmc'I 646-1401 wmooWs oik'tY·r Johnny Dunn your loca1 1uvice. Ft1!e e1t. 642--2364 Fee paid, Xlnt oppty, lib-homes in N.B. $250, average ... ~~ uy wan -• 3101 E. Pacific Coaat Hwy. Jfuntinaton Beacb Job Wanted, Lady 7020 l\fatn re, young Adult, look· era! ben, 2 yn college :i:-per mo. Must have late days a week on Lido Ille. Ccm>na del Mar Fotomat Drl--Tltru Ing for good futllT'I!', eble to exp, Also tee jobs. Cl.11 Kent, model statien waeon and be Pleue wrlle' and ilve1,..,.,,-..,.,===-::..,..,-·~ TWO Women will clean com· meet the public, Apply in 546-SUO dl!'pendable. Call L.A. Timu rofeninoes. Dally Pilot Bax LAB ASSL!I'ANT: Sorn e PhOto Mlel, mom. shift, i pletely $18 a day. person. JASON BEST M2-4!Dl M 903.. medical nee. Type, billln.g, am.3 Pm. aie JS.ZS, 11.815o ' S4ri-2260 Hor.day Health Spa Empl0ytnent Aaency BABYSITI'ER • Your home. bookkteplng, pleuant surr, 1195 hr. Apply ln Pl!l'IOD 1ll20 So. Main, Sa.nta Ana ,..J. GUARDS * wallctng distance to eouece plll.llh of!lc:e. Xlnt oppf1 tor Fotomat. 201. E. lnh St., INSTRUCTOR CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job T0<0 Small. Cabinet ln 1ar- age1 & o t ti t r cabinet.I. se&l.75, it no answer leave nuc at 646-2372. It o. Anderton Iron, Ornamenttl, ;;;;;~""-==~--" I Job Want•d • Co1ta Mesa • 1< Park Sehl•. 2 cbUdreq: :i advanctment C.M. M•n l Women 7030 * btSHWASHER LOAN OFFICER ruu or part time. ""''"' 5l yn-&16 mo. llS pu wk. Si.rt l400ro ~"'MB=IN"4"n=o'"N~.-.~hup--Bu~I 6750 * BUSBOY A diveraWed, intentstlfli po-or older. Work aqy st1ltt. ~aft i p.m. c~ ~!!J.!eALBeeAkG. ~ Maia, 4 GG Go ~ CARPENTEftrNG, room ad· etc. _ '-----"--DEPENDABLE, Handy COU· rie~ed at sit1on ii avallatile with a Unllornis tumilhed. Contacl UJN>.1 1:.oi,..,1. Top ,...,,._ $3 0041!!0 to dltlon1, pe.tlo deell!I l coven. Qu&llt)', cu st o tn v.mic:. 145-005 QUALITY . Repa.in ->!Hera· -tions • New conal by hour er Contract. &4i-Jffl ft.EPlut, Partlllo~s Slnifi Remodel, ete. l'flte or da.y, Reu! Call KEN Sf0-4679 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABL~. Any slt.r Joh za }'N. expt:r. S.m.G7U * Ro6m Addldons 11lc desirts position manag· Al.J..EY \VEST financial t111tilutlon located Chuck !lier, 111100 Jamboree REFI~ED c em P • n Ion· ST90 Hart. Bl, co.ta ?afesa start. Pb. ior W . .54f..98l3 , * Apartmt>:nta A: Unit• lng Ollmce units Nev.'JIO!'l· 2106 \Y. Ocea.nlront fn tbe Inte.rna.Uonal Airport Blvd .. Ne w p 0 rt Btacll. housekeeper for e Ide rt J Sul)' IAN)'; 2901 Harbor: *custom Homes* KJtel'll!'nsl-=°'=•.,•.,""'=a•. =""=94=,_,=·=z; Newport Beach l575-ln4 al'f'a. Must know appnlslng, W-0600 !lxt. 2213 aft. t:30 lady. Live-in. Llaht work. Experienced C.?t1. ' ' . * 2 ••-s~·'I I -E"' Call personnel, (ZlJ) 670-01S0 W Balboa Island. ~1~ .., • .1 r-....... l&£n.,.. ~1 70•5 •IAINTEN"'CE"--n.-AM,Mon,thru ed. ::a:«X" wourn.~ ... ~~ I t/d •· 2tl Dlm .. llc Holp • M "=" •· Ordor ~-,k uoo up LJVE.IN H6USl'!KE,....,., ROOI' ·-·~·••· ... ,_ · .,..., ·•~• '"· '""· ----------"" tim• tbr e•n·1 a11. ~ .. JANITORIAL ,_ ., --~ " .,,.... llm• to earn._.· Pacific Co•at 8ullcltr1 Chinese live.In&. Cbff11ul around ma 1 n t l': nan c e Stable non-deft>:nll!' Co. Top Span .. h or &pt.Mte ,_. OPlltATO"-\Vin prlw:, no Ill' ltrnlt. ·no . 2435 E. Coast HW)'. Pemwient. Exptrtenced. SA\VYER HOME. 2 619 wi>rkina: col"ld A: ~fits. Call Ptrt·tl.me "WOt"k, Need llnllf· tna OK. Pvt. J'IP.. SaW7 t1nM limit. WW train U , Corona rleJ Ptlar 675-TI91 Far bi.st Al;t>:ncy 64.2-8703 Orange AV!!'.., Costa r.1eaa. Georae. }16-5410 al men In CM. NB atta. +6 open. 847-48:16 uNrriD CA_L1P'OlllNIA Beauty O>uuekn. tfT..OS4I : LOT -DETAIL •1AN J"o1on BHI 1tr shll11.sW11nc1PM.Ap. ilooilJCEEPJ:lt. 1'1111 llAJIK WAITRESS Janltorlal 6790 Georse Alfen Byland Apncy " EmplO)'mtnt Agency ply 409 North Harbor, Santa Oarp, Contact Mf . .P1sh A .;.;;;.;.;;.;;;,;.;;_ __ _;;.:.;.,;, Employtr Pay1 r~ Over 21, experienc~. must Ana. Cb J'IJ" "--Dr TONY'S Cleaninr service. IOG-B E. 16th, SA 517~395 be dependable, all Co. 2120 So. Ma.In, S.A. . lp1, Inc. -~pus • 22'l Octln Ave. Apply It TltE FLYING Bt1f. Residential • commercial. -bcnrf!t5. Phone chuck, e JANITOft..CAIWENER e BOYS 10 • 11 NB. 5'f.67U Laauna "Setcb LER. °EQerifnced. 173-mn . ' Complete floor catt; wall 4 Htlp Wanted, M.n 7200 646-9306 Perm• n en t position , Ca!Tler Routea Opeo HOTIL MAID ~ YOUN(; Woman, ovv n. C•mtnt, Cancntf• 6600 \Vindow W&11h!n1. c r pt FACTORY Tr . h"ft slartln1 at $489/mo, 40 for Full or part time.. C1.EJUC. Full Ume. App.bt in 1ttam,.,...,,1n,. Mo. y,·k, dally . ..,BOAT CARPENTERS autee. g 1 hr/wk, excellent r r Inge Lquna ~aeh, ;;a. ~ \VIII tn.ln, 67J.8800 tQCR 3300 OPERATOR: 4:31>-ptl"IM, vu ......... , IV, Oil e CONCRETE \VDrk a 11 types. Pool decks A: cuatom. Call 54S-L1J4 CE~IENT \\'ORK. no job loo small, reasonable. F re e esUm. }I, Stufilek. 541--8615 r-. \Vork. FARRO C 0 RP· DAILY PILOT I Som edi~ .... . Very reliable. f'rtt est. ca1J Exp d boat carpentf'rs \vant. Flhergliui5 Dlvi!lion, IS8ll ht!neflts. Send re~ume to: · e MAIDS • :JO p.m. e m ,. Fuhk>n Island, N.B. 11.11Yllmf! $-IC>-9110. ed, loefUlrt at AUTOCOAST Fl~rglaM Rd .. Hunt . Bch. Personnel Dept, P, 0. BOll 64Z-4321 ~cltinC apt complex needl t:xp, Vaflo\IS other tub. BAIWSfritR tor inf.pt, WALLS, Windows, Doers. 197~ Placentia AV!!'. .. C.\1. 471, South Le.gun!\ GARDENti'S ~!nee. ~o full It tiart time help. Good Cood8 bene!~tl~ -wltdu ~ my-home. 'a'~u. "-mme-'·' • SErtVICE SI.I.lion saleainan. ./ NICHT work in bakery. E · Cf:d expeT nee J>hone an)'tlme Call F t '4Ul.70 tart --· Ute "'•"-Unlveral..., -. .. r• ""' ,..... "" Makt donutt and assist. xoenen ? ' · l'*Y· aya 1 cal.I BIJUt Beck, Ml>-6055 ,_"", " ·--· n1klenOal. Daily, v.--eekl)t Exp'd, 11.ga no b3rrle:r. t~uU Trot1.t:r'a Biliry ZM Ftlf'ett FRY COOK I 141 4~27. HOUSEfdSR 2:30 .. . I .CXJAS'fAL. AGENCY ~ tM. 83l-0431 aft ll:30: • •ndlor Mo.~ ~~;it s:1~ ~ ~;; Ave., J..aa\lna tkh No ~~~sidayl H•I WiJttld wkdays, 2 1eboof •re cialld, 2790 Har)k)r Bl, Cetta !Cea 8 I.KIN I aarrn&ididanolr. <;hlldC•re 6610 SP>JU<LEJanilorial•WJJ.. Rd .. t..a;unailllls. KNOWJ..EDGEABlf Steree 512W,19thSt.,CM ;,omen · 7400 owntran&p.Be,c.katy,,CJil§'A'LJ0SWOMAN. 1 Ex· Full or put.time. O:llta 1.;;,=;...:,;.;.;;..,_ ____ , dow t:lel.lliJta Scrv. W\J\. · · '°"''' 1_ .... 1...., SC-1182 att I PM. -..____.. In •• .at--...-... 1deq Cotta MU... UetMed. dQws. ruld .. cmnd, const l!XPEJUPICED service •ta-~';, ~u-"Mr y;; **SUPERVISOR Sl'JTER fOC' 1 child. Tuitt PBX ~ ..vice .. ;;0:.,'15,.__.__,...... MS-mt Vaanty for !"!ant. ~i'.~ «$-.~ ti(>n att~-tuD-Ume. ~ • Yourc. malllrt: tnl-lt, neat thru nt. t :30 U)4:U.West . Exper. praf. Vaiild lhU"-nwtNTo1tY a.px. ~ BAiY!iritJi From 2:11) It C..U 646-tl&l E91'ATE Malut Tree Sav ~ :.r~2096 I NEED ll!ml·relired. 50-6$ in·~· Must be abl.e N~ ar& ~7 HB lll'l!a. 53&-t881 m"1-nqWrtd. Over 25 l:f(l ln ?tfea Vftdt, ~ R.tmoft.l A trtmmlnp. frM male ht I per for t:venin& ~~t .._!~ :~:_!!~ Exp 'd De.ntali., Rectptlmlllt. ' EXP'D SALESLiOY .\ppiy ?.f*i thN !'rt lM . for 2 UU. :ie-tMS Carpet CINnlnt 6625 fltlmlltt. Can~ H~ t1!~ ; = v.'Ofk, OR J,..3.121) j'&;5 ·Mai~St., $ ---~~ N.wpart Beach Nan • w~ Oothlrw ~pO·s. No. if Town • HOUSEKEEPER., uv; .. m. CARPET I& 1'\n"ll. cle•ntnr. . ttO JACK lk TKE BOK 1D lifl!'Cl\$nic wanted. SboPPinc Ommr H 8 MWfll * MS6JIJ * Quntry, OrazlCt., PrtY. rm I:. bath. t ~ tor l a.y """"' A quality L•ndocapl1111 · 6 Bilcrr SI.; c..ta·M•.;. Ul>lon 7S St<ttoo llOlCJ!OY _ r.t uit ,;. ·..... DENTAL Aullloo1. Patt « DESK Oult Colt"' boy; pt 0 IXPiltllNCib Fin. Vall. 142-'1214 ~~~·rne:,11 ~na 1or mu.S Ir SLOPts 0 u r MAN 19r mt1I Ale• 111 1900 Newport 81vd. C.M. w~ day moml'WI. ow:r 18' fUJI time. No ap. ne•. Mon. time:, Ken fflltJ M.ott:l, 1023 WAITRISS BEAUTY opm.tDr, fU1I dlMt -.... ' speclaJty Nt1!>1l ~ars r&ln ~u4wan. JUon Hardware, fSTl.BuSHiili Inmnct . M\l.lit bt Ml.l and hav~ thru f"ri, 5f6.9'nl Bayside Dr., N.!J. ll"" wap. comm. GwQ'1 vlA?i.IOND ll a ca~ belt w1U be 'WQl"!W! Get pro-102 Irvine. \\'tilclllt pi1za. Ltaja 4vail, N.S. oWce. hl.lrcul Apply in penon, LEASlNG AlfTlta for oovrrtry DENTAL Extc. Soo-ulllt. AJltf)t In Pt .. n B!t·MOSbop.Tf-l u•f.,.,-- lrt•ndl Diamond CarJ>e! tffllon _, Call -1 N.B. eq.iili ult !or Piil!. ca...r •PfL m-<1"!3 Rlchanl'• Udo Markee 3433 cl~~ ..... NB. Guar . ....,,. 118. £ill' lalary open. .,. SURP .l SlllLOll'I .._ .,. Cleaners.~ &15"-1317 .. Llc'd landscape con~ PAIN't stcir.i '-mPJone. Ex· GAftDtffn. ~fl. Mr apt Via Lido. N.13. + bOnui, ~.---.c:.:itn> quirt lift.pm 11.......m:I 5930 p C t Hwy J_ll1 NtwpOl't lUYd., OI tor; oompl1te lodacps It. al.O p I!' r I e h c t d . WALKER camp&a. S Din """Oek. At>-SER.VICE 11ation 1tteodant. 0RAVEYAjliS WAITRESS COCK"f AU. . Cid rot the • ac. 1 ' • S Ji A id P 0 0 Gl R L A Carpet Lt'(lnt' Japantee ,,m•ns &31).31).J7 PAINi'S. Ml-STTtl ply in pen<>n. 31413 Coa1t Exper. neu. Ste "~1lke", 1n PM to ' AM. 1400 w. t.bu!OUI rttn,. No food, 5 Newport a .. ch MANtCUIUST. can tot ap. 1 R-..alr M26 Dill direct M2·5i'1i, Chari• l:XP. &r. Sta.. Sala.ry + H!waz. So. Laguna "7! Campu1 Dr. NB Pacific ~t Uwt. N.8. 111tes. 145 E. 19th St, C.M. BAJSYSJ'M'ER. H.S, a.re di: poJntmtet, m«l'10 POR CARPETING )-'Our ad, then sit bllck and conun. o/tiin11 1111.Y •tt .tO Dl!l.JV!:R.Y men. tit·timc PLUMBER. ~nt.d tn PT-TIMI! tour rukftl tor ~ Comb!JM.tlon Tray 11rl/ aldr 2:3N:30 er 41 .. ~ du Very Li1bt NUnq duU. Ji OR CARPET LAYINO tilte" to t.bt phonie rinll tin. F'ull/t. Perm. 990 E. L.A. Times car .route. plu.mbl"f • haatln&-l'rlrlp btautUul new .Cult apt Dlahwa~hirr. F'ul1 or wll:Jr'\!'0., T!rr. -pm•funo-SU--6 Ion ldltttl c. A. ~ 50-20'70 nowt C..t )lwy. NB. CM are•· 54&-33113 benents. 6fM922 complex, NB MMlTO fllf'I time. &tJ..«>« Wh1ti hp}mtst Sl.'5 tit "Balhoe 1'JIM • 1 I. • .. ' 14-: DAl\.V PILOT Mond•J, September 1, 1'69 JblS i IMi'LOYMENf JOBS i 'EMPLOYMENT HOlp Wonted JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMl'LOYMENT MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOii MERCHANDISE ~OR SALE AND TRADI twp Wantod Helo Went.a lp;;W;;aoma"'----7 .. 400,. Womon 7400 Women 7400 POLYOPTICS INC. J-L-u-W 7S80J-L-u_ W 7500 ~=-L-;~;:;;;;;;;;7~~:~·~SA~L~l~AH~D~T~RA~D~l~~5~A~L~l.~A~N~D~Tlt~AD~I~ ~•• om. --n, om. ~-.-, Wom. Furniture IOOOFumlttH't IOOO • * J. c. P~"" COlllpany hie. Fashion 1'landi Newport Beach HH Openl1111 for Garap• Sele 8022 10091,i. N. Baytronl, Bal l&le:. Otuinr out •Pl. Furn, Ulfosih5, brass tamp ba.1811. art, tfu. &m-"'\Ved. 54s.864T . f'ut ll'Owifll aaumtr pro- dut:t-m.mdtlduttt hU lleY- tral opemrw. for people tn. 1 ttresttd ln opponunltY for 'fl.lture (tOWth. Excellent company blonefits, Ideal IG- eation.in new buUdi.tla; • Ir· vtrte: Tndu!itrlal complex. ACCOONTING -CLERK - Typing fiO WJ!m, tood fig. ure aptitude, invnicirc and l~r postin;, Short. band de.s.irable. Call for lppointment~. RECEPTIONIST \\'ell iroomed and •t· lrl.cth-e &lrl 'll'ith l'lCp!f'i.. l'nct. and ability ln hand!· ing public and heavy phone load. Kno\\•ledge of PBX, typ~ £iO "'Pm. Call for appointment 546-2250 ASSEMBLER TRAINEES Day and l!Win&: shift. Temporal)' full time now until Christmas. AbWty to ·work well with hands. Stahle "'Ork backi,round &nd rellable transporta· tion nettSSlll')'. Apply be- tween 9 &m. 2 pm. 181.1 E. Carnegie SanlJI Ana (Be1ween Ne1fpot"t Ttwy, &. Rl'dhllls. So. of ¥/arnerl Part time woril: ·with the ereat.est orraniza Hon &: peo. pie, our o":n Jack Barnett. 1ttgr N~ Chamber of Commerce and Betty Ho- Secretary .. Vice -President & General M1~eger ¥t'ho can ta.ke shorthand 100 wpm, lf)(e<va.T'letY -and 11g. um, t)'pe 60 \l-pm ot bet. ter, Many company bent. llU J!Uch as pa.id vacations. sick leave, paid n1~tcal and Ute ina:urance., credit unJon (you may have to Ketp i111 boob), pell!ii011 plan, t tr". Call t~ DAILY PTLOT for an appointment. &tl-4321 and uk for Ml'I. Greenman. --------~11 II OS TESS • '''AITR.ESS • .. E>.l>t'~nced + APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE STER NW HEELER To AJJ "'' WONDEftFUL •pplic:111I• evor th1 P••f y11rs., I witlt v•u lOVE •~ • 9r11I l1bor 0111 w••k1nd 1"4 1lto t+t111• fflll for th1 ll1111t l f11 I p1epl1 yeu'v1 r1forrtd to AM EXPANDING flf Cr11lltntl•n• •Yl t finith 151 E. Coa,st Hwy. tt.,;, 111., bu1tc1: .. , 111t1 __ N_e_wport~ __ Bo_e_c_h __ ,ll"'o"'• out • 1orry 'bout tt.11 WAITRESSES Experienced APPLY IN PERSON The Rigger Mt. Cr11Hond111 11 wlll t1k1 tlio 011tirt wi119 ltll &l rt · fully pl11111td) of tli1 P"'1· t llt buildJ119. Couldn't t lvt up tli1 yeUew offlct1 but 111u1t tdl'lllt K1tlilool'Y'I{ t irtd # 16 FASHION ISLAiW of t.,, oflit1, wliieh 11!1 NEWPORT BEACH ---------11 ro .. ingly ''''" lo •• th1 L VN & Nurses Aides La r g ". progtt!15ive ECF needs U. Orientation provid· ed by a. full time. in service, ~ucator. Openings 3 to 11 lr. 11 to 7 11hifts. PIT! "''att, hia right arm, nttds Call ROYAL·E' from 9 to 1. at $2.50 an hour THE OUNGE COUNTY AIRPORT h11 to b• tlio • somebody that loves peo-~50 pit, ia very good on a con. . •• TELLER .. , Display Specialist y,•ith recent. fuO time work e~perJence in pre- paring window and interior displays: a de. sire to grow with a rapidly expanding nation· al organization. --AppJy-in peri on 10 AM to 5 PM, Monday thru Saturdey J. C. Penney's #24 Fashion Island, Ntwport Beech An equa.I opportun.lt¥ etnployer • HelpWontod Women 7400 ADVERTISING AGENCY in N!wport Beach. ~s BOOKKEEPING, GENERAL OFFICE Pay./Rt'C., post dbl. enlry, bank .rte., billing, ··zypr 50. Under 35, Xlnt opp. Call Barbera, 642.3910. . CREDIT MANAGER Small olc, 50% crmit work 50% ~n ofc, typing, IO.key addll\ll. sell starter. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W. c.oest Highway Newport Beach 646...3939 MATURE Woman to babysit for re<luc:lng pro g ram. Small Income. 64Z-3630 Job-n. Worn. 7500 IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED DMSION EX'.PANSJON IN ORANGE COUNTY Provides imm~iate employ. ment for residents ol the area. E:icperience isn't nt'Cel- U.rY u company training jg furnished. • * Jobt Mon. Wom. 7500 1'•"'°'1 ITT JABSCO ASSEMBLER TURRET LATHE OPERATOR & TURRET LATHE SETUP OR OPERATOR MILL & DRILL OPERATOR MILL & DRILL SETUP AND ·OPERATE CLEANER DEBURR AND HELPER A 11 pofitiolls }'ll!qiritt &Orne experience. Good "'10t'lting ronditions and benefit&, STRATOFW INC. 3201 W. El Segunoo Hawthorne, Calif. WOMEN SECRETARY V•rs•til• p•rson to a siist Man•g•r I: District Min· •g•r ill Sal•1, h•ndling corraspondtnc• A q•n•r· al aecratarl•I duti•s. Shorthend 901 fyp• 60. c.omm•n1urat• wlth tKptri•nc• & •bil- ity. Ste110CJrapher·· A Challenging position for p•rson who likes v•riaty. Hindi• st•no duti•s for thr•• D•partment heads. Some p•r1onn•I •xp•ri- ence d•sir•d. ShOrthend PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS. CAllCEUATION Of •II lUXUIY APART~ . -S(lillilli 1.-Modllll'fwon filrnl,...• All BRAND NEW 9-pc. M•ditarran•an Bedroom Suite tn Pecaft !Roll-$34,.001 ·-----·····--····NOW $161.00 Gorg•ou1 Spinish Custom lwilt Sofa with m•tc.hing lov• s,,.._Choica of be•lltifu1 lobr;.,, !Reg. $419.951 ____ _NOW $225.00 S~nish DiniruJ Sat• ........ _ ... J....-.-....... ~-.$75.00 Solid 01k End Tabl•s and Cofft• T1bl•1 . .$18.00 T•ll Dae.orator Teble Lamp• IRO<J. $49.951 ····-····--···--········NOW $18.DO Spanish Hanginf Sw•g i..•mps ~ IR09. $49.95 ···-··-····-··-·-·····-·NOW $1J.SO A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumilVre (was reg. $1295.00 · SACRIFICE • • • . • • $398 Cr•dit T •rms Avail, Credit Cl••red lmmedi•t•ly mm FU~NITURE 1844 Newport Blvd • ...!:..-., Costa Mesa only 1...., lftwllt 'tll t -w..i.. Sat. & Son. 'Tl ' JOBS & EMPLOYMENT FORNJTUjtE SALE I'm movtn: and sellln;; an,ythlng you can n1ove. St.eve Baker. SU..3194 Furnlt~. Auction 8025 e Furniture • Appliance• • Color TV AOK AUCTION 7Tll Garden C1'0Ve Blvd. Westml.nster nr. G.G. Fl'W)'. Tues &i: Thw-s 7 PM-Sat 6;30 Eslaleoonsgnmt, Repo. New Applhtlnc" 1100 36" GAS range $ 2 5, \\lestinghouse refrlgentor $25. 323 Pomsettia., (.orotlll del ?ttar KENMORE Automa!lc \lo•ashcr, late model, :dnl cond. S75. 8~7-811:) "r 546.-867:! KENMORE Autornatlc washer. :dnt t."Orxi. i~o. 8-11-8115 or :>46-8672 G E1'l'fiig£"rator $25. O'Keefe & MC"rritt gas Blouc ;z:i. .,....., FRJGlDAIRE Refi'1&erator. Ext'CUent condition ; 7 5. 646-3560 aft 4 GAS &love tor sale. Good condition ....., US. 64.>-7T~ NORGE .automatic washer. late model, xnlt cond. $75. Furniture 8000 847-8115 or 546-8672 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 ---"-;;...---=I;:========! J. W. RobiMon Hes openings for: JANITOR _.,_ SECURITY GUARD -·-MAID 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROt.t l\10DEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sota and chair -2 end tables &: "cof· fee table -2 lamps -dress. Pr -mirror -tteadbo.ard - quilted box spring &: malt· resa -5 J>C. dining room; lable &: 4 hi·back chairs. COMPARE AT ;749.95 $399 AntiquH 1110 Larry Morgen Antique• BOUGHT OlIT lMPORTER! 200 Wall clocks. !Pring, 2 & 3 wt, nict' &; clean! 40 Pl! & bov.i seLc;, China, braM. glas.s ete. Plus 15 pump Or. gallS, rd oak t.abiPS, haJJ trees etc, etc. 238() and 2428 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Open 7 dayi;, 9 lo a. 714: 548-7383. stantly ringing telephone, a YOUNG, 8UttSSive com· rela\M!:ly good typist .l pany, nttd& teller/new ac· above all Iola of empathy, A count11 girl 1 • 2 yrs, elltp. tun job for the right pen;o11. pre!'d, P I e a g a n t, sm.tll &cause they are so busy • office. atmosphere in, lllJ'ie, 1'1101t •xcitint •r•• i11 tho werld. Feur yt1r1 •t•. I fill Ii•• • pien••r with 11othint but d111I •nil thr•• buildi1191 •rt 111y 1ht•f. Si11ct tli.n wt h1vo our b11utiful U11i .. oriity, Air c.liferni1, effico bu ild- START AT $4aO PER MONTH If qualified and accepted, ro on payroll thl,; week. Equal opportuntt;y ·employer 80, typt 60. Salary OP,tn. 1485 Dale Way Sewing M1chinH 8120 1969 SINGER 600 \V. 4th St .. Santa Ana Zi&:·:ta>: cab mod !lighUy Nn down-Pmb only $16 ino. WElK'S WAREHOUSE -·-PART TIME COOK/BAKER p!eaae call me at: beautiful l!Urroundlngs. 546-2111 Contact l\Ir. Lapp DOWNEY SAVINGS &: ·FEMALE HELP LOAN ASSOCIKl'ION PART·TIME lJ. At.1-2 Pl\I 837-4911 e MlS.'iion Viejo Ideal for Mothers with child-GENERAL OFFICE fen stattin&: back: to M:hool. for dynamic young man! Uniforms&. meals funushm. Good ~ techniqu~. lite Contact t.lr. Dinius. bkkpg + gen ofc dutks. McDONALD'S Have Q\vn office. !itay start ol HARBOR, INC. part time & \lo-urk into full 31U Harbor Blvd., Cl\!. time. • 56-9>13 • MISS EXEC AGENCY S.Cretery $515.00 410 w, Coast Hi&hv.·ay Excellent co. in LaiW\3 area. Newport Beach &46-3939 good skills + front office EXE:CUTIVE SECRETARY; appearance, call Lorail'll". Glamour ig the WOl'd! Plush ?ilerchants Pen10nnl'I As!en-otricC", S<'C!Y to pre~. At· cy, 200 \VeslclUI Dr., N.B. lracth·e -1 can .start 645-?nO 6cu I ~=====-~--I fabulou.s t'.Arttr! To $llOO to RECPT-MEDICAL: Lovely s1art. Call Gk>ria Kay, 5Utl'OUndinp. g r e e t pa. s.to-60.'>3 tients, Ii I e bookkeeping, COASTAL AGENCY tt6xds. Great spot for ~ fku'bor Bl., Co1'1a Mesa ~~-Call Gloria General Office $475 up COASTAL AGENCY BeauWul oUices Ne.,11po.rt 279J Harbor Bl, Costa fofesa area. Top benefils. Call Kay, 5-l&M!O BRIDAL REGISTRY Jason Bost Part.time 4 e~i; per wk, 1. Employment Agency HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE AGES 20 TO 40 1 YEAR RESIDENT L'l AREA CA:LL t.1on. or Tues. you c:1"'t •1•p vp ond ll----..7•7•4-•7~l.57l=--- lhr10 k11t1ur•11+1. Evin MACHINE OPERATORS Pr1tidonl Ni•o11 c.ouldn'I S\ring shill, ExceUent • 1!1y 1w1y •"' l111d1d In Air fertl I rltlit 1cron from good 'olo u .. ; .. ,,.;ty Pl111. It i1 1uch 1 thrill wond1rful (1flor -4 v••ll I !low• 111 .. 1r hid • com• pl1inll i nd OF COUR.SE, Lori 1till l11p1 l'IY boe•1. 11!0 LOVES to do tli11'1'1 l'IOW portunity for a mechani. cally inclined young man. Mu111 be H.S. grad and have, stable V.'Ork back- ground. Min. heights 5'7" Xlnl co. benefits wilh faxt gro1ving consumer product manulactw't'r in Irvine Jndurtrial Com· plt'x, Apply 9 am-2 I'm, POLYOPTICS INC. 1815 E. Carnegl!! Santa Ana {~111een Newport Frwy, & Redhllls, So. of \Va.mer) ).0 pm &: &l days. Must be 2120 So. Main, S.A. --bi~--am·~ & Ilk• -;;;7.:i;;';;;~=;:::.,=:i--,.llb • t • u • • 1'111 m•kino ......, .......,.. •·• cu, * \VAITRESSES .. Experi. IHODELS WANTED Women-l\1en.Chlldl'f'n of aU agl!& to do T.V. Com· mercial~. TTace S h o w s , Grand Openinp, ?ilaga.zlne l.a)'ouls, Fashion a n d General Photography of all kinds. The~ i1 no lee m. ,·oJved and we are not a to me-et people. Aver. $6(). enced. O\l'er 25. All shiJts $lS \11k. For interview avail. BJS.7.fii9. The '51ua Dolphin LEGAL TRAINEE RECEP· Restaurant TIONIST: Pn!11Uge law firm {Apply in penon only) l'lf('d1 exceptionaJ &al to 335:> Via Lido. N.B. gr'!el. handle phone, type, TYPIST Hurty! $4!i0. Call Gloria : Great opportunity .1\a,y, 540-fi055 with stable lllll linn. Fab COASI'AL AGE.l\'CY for mature &al with ac- '190 H -Bl ""-~ cuntc typing. Co paid ins, -a ' ....,,.la. Mesa profit sharing. $350 to start SECRETARY Call Gloria Kay, 54().005a Familiar with floor pl.ans or COASTAL AGENCY arehi~ra1 drawing!t, for 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa l\lega Design Controller. MISS EXEC AGENCY SECTY/RECPT 41 Engr bkgrnd, typing. & 1.htd. OW. C.oast Hi.ihv.·ay Pft':fer no amnll childN-n. Nev.'POrl Beach 6'f&.l939 1-lovlng to nf.1v !sell In 3 mo. GIRL FRJDAY: First Aid MISS EXEC AGENCY knalJ.·ledge +· a11rt nu™', ·110 \V. Coast High1\·r.y T)'pe, pt.one, public rela· Nr.1.11>0rt Beach ~ tions. med rt'<". Good hl'netihl. "57 10 $).)?. MARRIED'? TOO MA.iVY Call SOiie Beek ~ B l L L S ? Permanent-part COAST AL AGENCY time help wanted In li!lllck Zi90 Harbor Bl. Colsta J\leu bar. Sev manager alter 7:30 mon•v· COST DOWN-PRO· FIT UP!l!I Sp11•in t ~f profit, tt;U 1ltt11di119 .u '"• 111011•9•- "''"' clt1111 I c.111 111d },, ... l'llllt~ lo l11r11, 11p1t · i•llT witli tht t'• pi d ch111911 ill tho bu1ino11 cel'l'lrnun ity. You'll bt plo11· 1~ lo l111ew I~• tomp111y p1y1 111 f111 11ew. I 11'1'1 1tlll wor.11\'lf by 1ppoi11f· ro11nl. Howo .. 1r, with o•p•n• pm. Paulo Drive I n SECRETARY Theater, Dil Newpo1t Blvd, So, ~1, b"" 1notli1r 5 )'ean exp. Corp or legal 01. . bscicground. li.1ust be exect>-'G"".-.-.-r-e'l 'Off=i-ca-.u=M•.oo= lltootl, fu11 v1 •r. Sint• yeu school. We are in the advertising and marketing busitll'ss. Part time Vr"Ol1<· Elq:t'llent pay. Phone 635-2920 Ana.helm HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS ?\eed Pxlra money? We need people lo do political can. vas.'\lOi,:. \Vork will Ill.St ap. prox. two v.·l"eks. Applicant must be 21 or over Md neel appearing. CaU (213) 43~·7786 ee SECRETARY IJ aa H i g h School p-aduate with lhitt ycan; responsible and varied ..-.c I e r i c a I and 6f!Crelarlal e:.: per i en ce. Basic knowledge of an ad· mlnistcative oUice. Salary beglru; at $518. Apply Mon. thnt Fri. I AM lo 4:30 PM. 1901 Newport Blvd, Costa MeM, Classified Personnel. 645-0600 Clo&ln,g date sept 5th. •th.~ calibre. ~ MISS EXEC AGENCY Good cypina; skilllft mature, ,11 k11ow l'M • llit STEADY JOB bN.ch area. call Loraint. .U.O W. Coast Hi&:h"'"Y f\terchRnU Personnel Agtm-"'KOOKY" ye11'~:lov1 tlil1I l.afie Orange County eon-. Ne\1.•port Beach &16-3939 ""ll w lilf 0 N 8 cem has openings for ti~ r:y, ~v estc r., · · Cle10 your •y11 in.ti pie· ~f E D I C A L RECORDS 6~5-mo )'Ol.mg. aggressive m e n, CLERK: '"'' LR ;~ , "l1m1n Yol· 1\lust have a car a.nd be Analyie c~ I Inn delin· • • • OPERATORS • • • able to ,;la.11 ..,,·ork ln1n1edi· ExpcriPn<.'l!d in ~ngle neMle 1ow CORO ''Aulomobil1", 111ely, No e:.:""'rience-neces. quencies, lite h'PI~, gt?Od ~" I k G-' . r ~-Iii•. s·~ 10·,·~. ~ anu ouer oc s. ,....,,.. piece lllll">· \Ve wW train. $512. P" ui:.... "-~ k · I d k lli• voun9•• e l you .,.;n 111'01' pn<:f's, sea y wor · 1110. a:o; ""'r ""'1i th•n ,.,.,.. Call Billie Beck 54()..-06.)j .. ~DOY 'IOSS ' --, .• .-~ n 1•1(}12 .......:US{ lit~• lo 11~ yeur 1.1~1ri, 111ent. Call l\lnn. nnly. COASTAL AGENCY St .. \Veslniinster; 53.J.Sr.>8. 543-9219 2190 Uarbor Bl, CO!!lti P.IPRt tlio r•d el u1 1om1mb•d C.Osta Mellll, Ca.lil. tn4) M5-8251 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD CITY OF NEWPO~T BEACH $93.00 bi·WMkly Rl!quires iOOd hl'alth, desitt pennanent position durln&: M.'hool year and a car. 'rork approx. 25 hn. p e r v.·eek !plit shift, ~t,~ hrs Al\1, :H; hrs PM. Mon. thru Fri. Apply before S PM Thurs Sept. 4th. lo the Personnel Office. City of Newport Beach. 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, earn., CTitl 673-f:i633. Su if makers 6 months experience in making wet suits required. sn resume to Personnel Maneger U.S. DIVERS 3nl W. W•rner \ante Ana, Cal. 91707 An Equal Opportunity Employer FRY COOKS Top Wagi!8, permanent, hon· es.t, and \\o'Oritlng conditions in area's leading n staurant. Apply 9 am to S pm for in- terview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2.aro1 El Toro Rd. Leisure World Laguna Hills 837-lOlt Real Estate Sales Experieooed salesperaon for bw;y San Qemente office. F~ telephone i::ervlce, lots of noor t J m e, llstin,: com· mission.~ paid promptly_ Ell<?:n C. l\11lhon('y Realty 1624 No, El Camino Rs! San Clcmrn!e or call l"OUl'c-1 for appl i 71 ll 49'2~145 \VO:\IAN for retail slllea in eeACCOUNT a.ERK Jt ee BEAUTY-OPERATUR · Ex· Il -ttd H-~ y b I It 1 Full time CLERK TYPIST light typing, filing. L•arn T•l•x. Hindi• m1il. Interesting posi· tion. No exp•ri•nce n•C· •ssary, will train. Open Daily S-9 used. Stylish waJ cab. Does Apply Pet'$0rtnel Sat. 9~ Sun 11·6 everything without attach. lll to 4 p.m. SPANISH Bit-in controls to O\'ercast. Robinson's Newport MEDITERRANEAN mok, hullo• ho! ... ""' '" l" As Shown ln model homes. buttons, hem dresses, make F.tshion Island, N.8. 3 Rms. or furn, (din rm, liv fancy 11Utches ete. S Yr. Equal opportunity employier rm, &: bedrm) priced el.M!--parts & service guar. Pay where at $1195 ix yours today $5.88 dn & 9 pymnt. of $5.88 ADVERTISING at only $399. Ea!iY Cl'edil mo., no interest chargil or; AGENCY T•nn•. Full Price $58.80 in Nev.tp0rt Beach, needs Sante Ana Furniture For no obllg., free ho m (' PBX PASTEUP 426 W. 4th St., Santa Ana dC'mo. Call credit l\Jgr 'til 9 ARTIST a ~7-0789 e Pi\1, If toll, call collect.. tor agency v.·orlc, Call Bobbi play studios, model homes, 1,., __ 2_137:_5_371_-9_6_94~--I 642-3910. dttoraton; cancellation. Singt'r, auto, zig mg, 6 mos ACCTG CLERK·A 1--------1844 Newpo't Blvd., CM old. No atlaoh """"" lo do Mu1t h•ve some IC· School ... lnstruc.~ion 7600 bed9,.und. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL counting Light typing, us• I 0 k•y c•lculator. Accounts r•· Co. ~-airgrounds. gr. 1..S \Vhere the Program Fits the Olild Willard It Saucerman, c•iv•ble I: pey•bla. Ed. D. 540-4060 E.nroll now Good starting 1alary, Eve.s 548-lT;iS Educational Vacation 5th graders • • • Sr Citizens Chilcoat 10 Jpsson typing SchJ, Trial Lesson. 173 Del r.tar, C.M. 548-28.i9 MONTESSORI tral111ng, agell 21,1 to 5. Give your child best l'duc.a.llon. 646-.1706. S11aulsh & /\-leUitcrranean etc, design, monognn. blind hen1. RD FURNITURE $5.27 mo ., $'2.00 c.,h. 5~1Hi6:16 c\'ery night 'til 9 \\ied., Sat. & Sun. 'Iii 6 DON'T Give up! 'You may flnd 11 at An:eric.a.'s larges.t. n1ost unusual unlinished furnJIUtt store. Cor. Redhill &. Santa Ana Fl\'}', Tustin, 1 ml So. of Newport Fwy. Open 362 days per yr. 544..'>470 SOUTII Laguna, furniture: refrig, chesta: of drawers. dreuing tablei> (Ot'l(! solid cherry), hide-a-bed, plat- form rockers. beds, small table11, & misc. 31015 S.. Musical Inst. 1125 SEW.tER Tnimpet prof mod. Cost $425. Take $175. Shure Alic & s!and $3.1. 1930 record collection. 968-4737. · 5 STRING Vega "longneck" banjo, 2 wks old. ;J.25 new, se.11 $275. 644-00:>7 Pianos & Organs 1130 EVEN PEOPLE INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK 1----------1 Coast Hv.'}'. Sept. l t.: 2, Enjoy playing a P iano or Organ, especially if it came from GOULD'S in Santa Ana, just oU the SA Free. v.·ay. Must lik• working with figur••· l ight t yping , posting, I 0 key add•r. Exp•riance cf•sir•d, but not n•c•ss•ry. s.1.ry MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 8000 OVER -STOCKED MUST SELL! • Ne-.u 9 pc, corner arrang. comm•nsurate with ex. choi- p•ri•nce. • FLEXOWRITER OPERATOR lnt•resting I v1ri•d pro. gr•m•. I y••r exp•ti· tnce on fricf•n 220 I mod•I. Good starting 1•l1ry. MEN l Tr1inee1 n••ded for "'" ol t:lrs. reg. $230, no 1v $159.50. Headbrds: King!, $15, Queen5 $12.50, Full $10.50, Twins $4.91;. Trundll' sets (duo 1•i.serl 1v/ inner spring matt reg. $106, now $79.50. Ro11-a·ll'3Y beds w I inn. !'ipring nian, teE- $.)9.50, no1v $39.50. Full !IZ. sleeper.sofa reg. $239.50. now $169.j(J, New beds: K i n g $99.50, Queens, SS9.SO, Full $49.50. Twins $39.50. fully guaran. King u .spreads i u.95. n. u. S9.95. Christ· mas lay-awaya now, SIESTA Sl..EEP SROP, 1927 Harbor Blvd .. CM Gt:>-2760 daily .10.9 Sat-SUn 10-6 . 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 dra1ver dl't!s.'ll?r, mir· ror, Z bedside sta.ndx, king size hcadboord, Imme, quUt- cd mattres.~. shl'l!t.5, blank· els, CIC. 010f1:e of ~p:w::'.~h 01· l\Todern !'tylr from 9-4. • Furniture e Appliances e Color TV AOK AUCTION 'IT.l2 Garden Grove Blvd. 'Veslmlns1er nr G.G. FJWY. Tues &: Thurs 7 PM-Sat li:30 E1'tale con.~gnmt. Repo, New Approved Furniture \VATCH FOR OUR GRAND RE-OPENING Spanish & J\tttliterranean 2159 Harbor Blvd. Cosla Mesa 518·9660 MAPLF: Bunk bt"d~ or !win beds. 1 tied ha5 lxlokt'.asc a! fool of bed. Other tx-d has fold dov.·n no ma r de!<'k. >..1nt cond. Con1p . .....,mnUrcs..c:cs, ladder A rail, $7;). 5"f9...3905 RUGGED Sea.going fiberglassed 14'6" Do r y W/1956 35hp Evinrude. & trailer. 1st ;rra take11. 642.-5473. f.10VING must seU! J-Urn. bdrm, Jlv r m, den & miscl Items, deep sea rod! &: rttls. 968-<1737 BUNK bed set. ~Int cond, lillrtad~ & drapes incl. S60. !)4.'i-6969 aft 6 pn1 From $j79 ~ Rentals too, from $10 monthly, Gould Music Comp.1ny 2045 N. Main, SA ;,.jl-0681 ANYBODY GCYl' PIANOS? Yes ••••• , v.·e have Pianos! Yes ..... , you can rent Le cl'edit all n1onles toward purchase. Ye!! .... wc hauc \Vurlitzer Pl a nos! HOUSE OF HARMONY 4S Fashion Island Ne1\ port Beach 644-0391 Franchise Closeout The factory has ordered clooe out of .fi Console, &: 2 Spinel PiaflOI on a cost·plu:ii basts.. Never again piano bargains like these! First come • first served. wARD·s BAtDWIN SIUOJO 1819 Newport, CM. 642-848" 1-IAAfMONO • Sll!inway • Ya· maha • new ii used pi.!l.DOl!L of all makes. Berl OOya hi So. Ca.Ht rli:ht here. SOlMIDT MUSIC CX>., 0 1907 N. 1t1ain, Santa Ana FORCED To ~II my priied possession. Stein1.,•ay Grand fL). Ebo11y .. i yrs old, bare· ly playrd. S.1950. 54&-3729 OUst'WlhtoS " .... u\Vaft. •P· •<•111• e 1 0 yov. Graduatkln from Hi""' School ~ l!Tyllst v.·/rolJO\\'• ruon Ila~•--1-1 Iiv•~· •" ex--r1'enc-" po~, dop ~ t & •u ....... "' .....,, I h b 1-1··•1-., ... ppl•-nt...., ,...... 91.1 '' •r•rn•n •s· ~ H1 .. 1. commlsion _j IV clllf Pl N B I'm 11ow 11tl •n T ric • ul "" uu "• "" '"~ "" No rlo\\·n • Pmla. only S9 n1n. AU For $249 f.IODERN 1~hile & black In· pie dre~cr ""'ilh matching hlg:hOOy $50 ra. 847--6319 ANTIQUES, 6 11111.lchin;:: oak chain< & lablc $215. or v.'ill 'St'll ::.eparnte. 54S-J750. \\'ANTED PIAl"'O~ I.· ORGANS * 636-.1620 * ..,,.. ,.., ,. Clil ' aza. • • by cout11es in financW bmofiltt. 1JDO ARE.A. l =642-=I~IJ3=A•=k~f"=""~"·~-11 •;<h All"''" record""'•'"' pn><edu,.._ •DISHWASHER• Hmbly doportmo,t. Will WElK'S WARDIQUS[ !?3-./ilfl6. BEElJNE f'ASHIONS needl OM: )"!at of accounting ApPly lrl PtraoTI 01l4' train. Good opportunity TYPEWRITER. Add. mach, RCA TV (need11 tub*} DRAPERY WORKROOM three st;vllsU: in thia atta. clerical ex' e rl enc e tt• • 600 W. 4th SL, Santa Ana calcufator, Very reasonable: A?it/nt pbono ronaolc. Gd. Wo up. nee. F'llU lime Qua I If I ca I j on s: Lo LO\IE ,, fltll •11 qulM,.-• buie knowledge' The Rr·gger for advan"Cem•nt. _()pen Daily.~ 9 Xlnt cOnd. 892:-2.ul ews.. t'.tl.b. " WOrkill:: corxl. l70. work. 17352 Arm.lltrona Aw. clothta, dr1w car. No ool· of ri.car ftcord keeplnc ~ Sat. 9. 6 Stm.11·6 6'lS..683.( ftoeift.· H)...g;j(J3 ~ or ddivuiea. call ttdurn, 1""11nology and # 16 F'ASHlON ISLAND PARK )'W1' trAilfr, boat ar Cafe, Rtstaurent 80141 ·1;;;967,..-,Se,,-.,.=.,-:c19;:, .. ;-;Coior.--,----,TV=.1 WANTED: Mt1uft woman 3l equipment Salary bl!gina at NE\VPORT BEACH camper bdtlndJockm fern. RESTAURANT Good corxlttion, tot bl~ttlns A: 11 t e TELEPHONE SOLICITOR ./i. "'8!. Apply Monday thru 1::-:-'::°~:':'=...:::=::.:..-COMPANY S7.50 Pf:r month KITCHEN ... Call 646-M * 'houatwrk. 1 c:hDdrtn. 4 .. s. • pm dally ~too.fr. Exp'd F'ridly. I ·A.M. lo 4:30 P.~t .. HAIR STYLIST'S -To join Neill Sign Co. 5.11 .... 137~ cau B-IQD a1tf.r. pm. pref. ~f)Mdable, CM oUioa T ..... J 1901 N t w por I Blvd, ataH of HAIR y.r~. }:){. RELOCATING 8' SOFA. ne\"f!.r u51!d. quilt~ EQUIPMENT PHILCO TV 21", mahog-aicy $2 hr. 6f0..ali-I •Jr Claultlrit Ptnionntl. Co.ta perienf'ed scis!IQr culler. rlo 1 615-6662 aflr'r 6 PM cabinet. aood cond. s.:iO. BABYSI i IER l da.Y v.-ttk. ~·,-••• ~-0-'1-dat• r U • IRVINE INDUSTRIAL l'1' • scott:°h.gU.ardm-1. $!2.5. 1 ======'"'="'=== ~94"6757 my home, llnta: Bcb. 2 LEGAL SECRETARY --C ~ '" ._. O'W"UUW. IRll·~ 0 ov.1rtg PN!fl'n-cd. Best r.1atc1tina IO\-e 5t'at $iii. 1• ' ' Jm&IJ ~ SC-1544 EJc'perktlCl'l'd. Bui)' Olllce. -C' ~&~•~'~"~~-~----guaranttt". 613-4186 COMPLEX.. OCT. 1st ,_537~'"""'~~-~~--G•r•ge Salt '_!922 Hl·FI & St•reo lU3. &.1&-SOi8 or ~. ttr ffl.tNDUI • ,,_H -'••-CENERAL $:2. hr. pd. In ad· \VAJTERS. 'Va If res sell, ,-Qual""' k!no ........ n11U1-•. I --~--'---'-='-' ~'OMAN, . E! Poco ""''°"'===-·;,-.,-.--, 4J«J c_, °'· . ,.., •. 1!111 •~'it ''nee it.mplng circulars-at Br. boy p d LOCAL INTERVIEW$ "J' .,,. ..... .., .. ~ ~ CARPET, sh.'lg. h•·lo NE\V Candle A Gift Shop. Apply ADVERTISING Su.le. &; A,,_,.._ o~,.. Cow•(l All,..., honl~. Nothing to buy or I~ • 1"1'.'f. exp' . Apply; Complele""Ul1\15ed $98. worth $.f !IQ, yd. 396 llamtlton, STEREO 196!1 dlx tonflJO\e, Mon. thns f"rt ai 2714 &. Ceni.>ral off k.,. v.ork, Lile I INMt S46-JIJI I M'li, "" iupph'. Stnd stU 2121 E. Coast Hwy.C d 1-1. FOR APPT: CALL $1'0. Aft S &. wknc!J 8-t:z..6."136 ~Pot. Saturday only. ~mp! v.l!h full st~?'l"O. <t spcl Grand. Santi Ana. \l1)/ng Lynn~ I add., -tarnptd einvclope, f\ITO-IEN help, ~ wk. COU01 $3.i, Antiqun bullet •"LOTS ol Goodll's" a (;arra.rd changer. 60 \.\"3t1 W""""M."n'• ~--poo Clrl for Mh'1'G Secy&: Rcpt I PrOOucilJ Unltnlitcd, B<r.t or pt.time. Gino's llaJ;an 213: 679~2261 S50. Obie oot Sli 1\1.'lfl C.o1ne & See!! dlllll ctuuuitl, 4.,spkr sound "'•'w..,. ..,.... Dell 1851, Be h Blvd KB 1ystcin. P~ off beJ ot in,26 t"ld:fllifw heeo'"' 1 a Ion• Xbit lkW• I. t xtr., $450, As.313, Woodhw')', N. J . ., ac , bfod1 $.10, 642-1467 :'.64 F.. Jtith PL. Costa ileM h II v ca." or !\ma 11ymnta. Q..3llD C 6-lf, 111;9 8-li, Cmt.e. Mna !Wl)..ast6 ._ _______ .. , ---· -------Whf1e elephanta! Dlme+UM 1 _________ ,White vephantal Dtrne...iJne 0A1LY PILOT WANT ADS! 1 _c.._dl_t -•'..:P_l ._53>-....;_7'3!1__.:; __ Office Equipment 801 l Televfslon no~ C2!0 -, • •• j I • 1 ' 1 ( ( 1 \ I • e I I F • 1 s I F I I • c • • c ' • I I • F I , .. . ~ ' t.WMay, Sti1ttmlltf l, 19'9 (IU!ltCMANDlll •Ott MlltCHANDlll l'Oit MsltCHANDJll POil TltANll'OllTATION', TltANSl'OllTATION TltANSl'OllTATIOH TltANSPOltTATt • T OR 1 T _,.L ANO TIADI SALi AND Tit.ADI SAL.I ANO TUDa · MERCEDES IENZ ' Soll ... 11 9010 Melllro Homoa -'200 Auto So(VI-Import•• AuPo -1.,,.,.... """'* NGO """'""" r -lllOll Ml-. W....., MIO MUST IE SOLD 1 GIU!l!NLUF PAttK . & l'•m 9400 , CORTINA 1-~ ~. 0:. . SUN°11AM 2C' Sloop, 08, t Berths, 4 t11 dw, dun, coal O:rrlla 3SJ1 !'ORI> eic!ne S2'S' you -·~ LOST OUR Lu'5E WI l'AY-MOU 'C. Salli. 1n-.... ,_, $3300! "-New 9" """° ""'11 -,.n, Mldllno ....-''5 CORTINA WAGON ~u!:'-0,_ 11:!1.-ll "". 5" It v .. ·n '":r;.111 • I' ·c s· ... Sloop. ftboq)u lnbd ............. s.i .. ~ dlomber head . Mile .,,., , ••••.• ·~--dlt --( A H lbanl ~s;. m.llO ,_led al Parl<. Opal 1411 -mu. ofhr. "• ~--"'-• · '66 Sunbeam ,T. Ow l.l:...: .. t 11i 1 i.wl•4taMlillt.W. PAahC YACHT SALES to I PM. ~ • rMUo. htattr. Exctlltnt ivn MG Radk>, 'htatfr M~ V f N 3'411 Via°"""'· Ne..-ACCENI" MOBILE ' 'T'. """"""'·Full or1199. ll'Dl l -"'.'""--'----Sl399 ust aca e OW ' • m.mo • um.a: SA1.&S Tnller, Tro .. 1 M25 ::~~ ~ll l~a~: '67 Mo. GT ...... $23'5 ' <THY :M3) •• ' •• iu ef -,_ .,;-l'lir ,._; -~•·-,.. ISLANJ>m ~ dac lllo WhlttleT A,., ,,...,,, or _, Lie UJCI!! • BTU, MAXEY· ,....,.. TV. -~-...... -~ •. u.. -·-•1ono •.• ~, ·-en... Mesa 111, sd-1350 lT n:. '!nwl n.lkr. Slt<P• · '"MO. R-·• ll ' Our-"" tt. Stare Jiiek muat M -"d ·-·~ ~·.. a lll«:<ll d t 1 -•tar .. $17'5 , T . Opon to Pullllc Flrll time and '"""'*' . lllp avollable. llooo cuh.; BAY HARBOR ' .;,.,......, e::;;:• "1 Loi~ i DATSUN ,66 MO U.Ro~r .. $lMS (TJAIUIAI 1AJ ~,.:"' wl!I tn<le '"' !or ""'11 Mobile Homo Sole• , trailer lllldl., ~ ol.;, ,.... ochtar " • ~ _ 3 t-fun. Vllu. Chv $1000. New $aa9. motonaller on moonna. Cua Loma Roll. Aw., • ..... ... -adlu•table llARWAUTllCK,o!~RTS ... , ~.11."l,. •t 1•1 lllACH ILV. D. eS ,..mllootlcs,..IMMno.11t,eff.._.,rri. • waNTED m.4l03 ..... .,......., __ ,._ •tando.Alllor$695.SO.at ~ ~ ~ ~ H .. ..,, M7"5SS " ..,, "'"' ,. ... _,.,. .... -· ., ....,, • . .. COUJMBIA 22. u ,.,.. .... fil• • ""'"'e . Saban 11• Clw'le•lon. JI»• .... it. . , DATSUN D'l!AN LEw1·s i .::-J: .. °""-· .. B<b s pc.,,..,.. DI-Nit""''"" • J """7...., FURNnuRE Excell.nt """'· .....,. ex. ALL s~ ,,.. eut o1 San DioCo 'Iii ll•t t• •kl' I flMM, ._ ........... fw TOP CAS1f IN 30 Minvte1 b'U. Slip avallabl~. Must ~'OW ON DISPLAY ~ and l'ainnew ltd. n; ... ...t ... auto-., o·-1981 H~, CM. 646-&103' ''67 ALPINE SUNBEAM "-""--.......... •-.p Quality furnlhft OCllor TY'a sell immediately. MW of. 1 1,m Baker St., Colt& M'~P lnienection. • ~.~.di·~:::.,._ 'n·dl~o.· {loadtttr, wire: whee.Ts, d.lt . ..,.....--. • ttt 1n4> su..s.,..,~ • -. block Eut ot Harbor Blvd. . , --...... -... _ bl /bl·" ,, Xlnl ·-~ itereos, appl1ances tool.I. , ·~ e~s . Calta Meu. 1114) 5f0.!M70 TRAVEL trailer, 14 ' a1PI 4. heater, 21 ml pe-r pl., •ttr:r MGA ue w """ ..,p. '"Uf"' One• in a lif•tim• pric•• of I 001 •thar it•m1. ottlce ~l'· wknds. . ...-. cabana nn. '.i.'i model 2 _ 1 ~ ... la -o; FUll pr Sltil9. WW take q)d.. Plua•n •rlra sp•cialoff•r$5offon•ny$100 s• 1 CASH FOR YOUR -· .c>wm .6 .... ct warrant)'. ~r car In trade. YJ>$?14LB h Ith f h. , •1· 212 RHODES 33. a true >kipp'"" ,,. In a'1 ,..;.. !'l1n 1'1li61 San-PL 51.....,.. '59 MGA, maroon, ,,.w top, call Ken, M• -~"'" _,, ' pure •1• or mor•, w • copy o t 11 ••· ~~~:.!!~~ 1!''"~. •!'!,i>t~ MOBILE HOME 1a841_,'!!-11na. Ftn. Va I. 4'1a Fine A viii gd. lires l650. _._ .. <J ....-_,"""-", e 10 pc. Quilt•d Co,,,or An•mbl• ···-··--'IH .H l'ITS and LIVliSTOCK ·--•-· ~ ··~ -FULL PRICE $llSO rn-.no • ..,,_ '61 TIGER .289 ""'"''"· • 96 in. Quilt•d Sofa, w/56 in. lovo •••t _ . .$1'49.95 . . or 6'J5..l.l3l& Private party wants 8 x 40 or l7' Arbtoc:rat •67. ~ new. 998 So. Cout Hwy, Lai ~h i='i=======:::: I 1nodlfied, lat rouonUh!! of. •60 in. HHvy Spani1h Coffa• Tabl•····--'*29,94 Pet1 O.ner1I llOO SEA Scout'• desperately ~t~~~~=v~to!'l°i.:: Pbonealttt5prn, ~ O.A.C. 494-mJ MGB ~~·ve: ftS.-2112 or • llr9• Matching Lamp T•bl•1 -·-······--··-.$19.95 ' need a MAlN ...U for 2'l . • scnp . 91)3.l'IM Does not incl tax or lie. •Sp1 'h 0 t-' · f $1 •95 SIAMESE Kl'ITENS.,. ~ ALBATROSS . pnce" location to: Wnte i ~~,;;:~'.'='~~~-i ~;;";:;,::;~:::;-;-:::;,c::'. e&u.~:nte.:f01:xSp;~£'M:~-:;·~;~f,~-;;·,,9:95 ua Lehm!tardt FY' 6G.SM! . BoK P 04 Daily Pilot. T clq: YSOO DATSUN SPECIALS '63 MGB, bud• llOft top, TRIUMPH • Steck1 l Stack& of 15 l r. Quality Kint A Qu••n •531-tm• 27. VIKING Aux. Beaut end. 8d> SlcylJnto, well kept inside rv '61 Deiaun Pickup $1595 ~ ~ ~~;~: ------·--sj ' •t TERRIF IC SAVIN S. 2 GOPHElt ·--~ 4~ •-1 a: out. &xlS ca..nvu awn~. ''5 DATSUN PU Uc VWV 561 Make otttt . .$1,_.. See It You'll luy It! j' Ir and l .. .......,. 111 """" Moot evaU . Trd OK · l'll!W 5x7 star. shed. um, \VITJI CAMPER. '67 D1t1un s.dan $1295 ._.... 'R an Terms Stor.• ChaNJ• , Ma1f•r Cher9• feet. ST and K CllJ, :::: x43& Mr. Poatma, ~!16-.J225 eves. New ~lne, bwnpt'l"'I, mlt· '" D•flUl'I Sta. W•I· 1========= '65 Triumph T 4 lankAmer1cerd All Acc.aptei:I ' 646-695f ~ rors. radio. &:autllul condl· $IJtS OPEL $13tt ....._ M ........ _Sit .._.. s ... 1 .. I IJI• &UA OSCELQT 1or Ale, tame. 3 16' SLOOP, 20' mut: W/ Uon, SmaJl dn, low .....n:.nlJl, SQV "" ---.,--,----(NMK 00!} ..,_, -·• '~ -~--yr old ,..,... female. l500 "'°"" duly trailer. 1100 or MOTOR HOMES '21$ dlr. NOZ63t Lil. c.:ii"itob. •u Dotaun Pickup $995 '67 OPEL BILL MAXEY ........ __ m.&19 best otr.r. S4MOC& alt 5. 494-!ml or 545-(J631, NMW STATION WAGON APPROVED FURNITURE ~-II I' BAL80A W1inr Dhink. PICKUP CAMPER Shella lest 0.ils Are At Radio, he&ter, whitewall tit· -SHOWCAT mo Gunter.~o:er! ~~~ =l~a:~ DEAN LEWIS ::k~Y;ii~clean wilb l•hinc:j "Herbot Cer Wa•h" Ent•r off Hamilton or Berna rd St. A little ••rtl .. firMI, kt werth the ·'•Jler1 Y•(ll ••••I . ' *BF.AtmnlL 10 mo old 32 x ll X 5 Al k In '60 Olev % T, P.U, S500 3'8 1966 Harbor, C.)!'. 6t6-9303 ATLAS -Bl-....,_, dooble-endu bull 1"' ..te. eor. Ra4io, """'· ""' • on•uGE COUNTY 'S l6GJ.5I Extre:mdy cheap! 64.2-&9S1 Conttnent.al ~ ""'" T•IHltlon 1205 BURMESE Kl'ITENS KITE .... lrailtt, """' ... FORD • cyl """" "'"' DATsu':.0o~ALER 1--"'-"'---=;.;;, Mloc. WonlM 16IO "'•Up. '°""· "'"' """'· 1'195. . sm. DOT DATSUN CtRYSLER. -PL YMOtrrll 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 21·· ZENITH TV CONOie $ WE BUY $ ,,.,. 5'&<XllO, .... 962-2633 642-391' "''-"'' atereo, ~. 19"' AdmiraJ Cete1tlal Navigetion 1969 f"l;j(l CAMPER Special. portable 1'V .$25, .,.,'OJ'U l>ofl ll2J Cooke * 67J..ll66 FOR 6,CW mlh!s. Private prty. pel1'ct. 548-6004 $ FURNITURE $ CAL 24. 3rd In NATIONALS, MOTORHDllES 12900. 64+-02i<i APPLIANCES WELSH C.Orri (Pembroke) 2 yea.re. Full se t or sails. '62 Font Pickup. 4 wiled T1pe Recorders 122.P Cel•r TV_,;,,..-st•,•o. champion 1ittd, 5 m.a.les, 3, ;;';131""00". "'•~1146-7.::"'::.-l:-~~ drive, V-3. Bnt oiler. Good OJMPLErE SONY 531) tape I ..... ., H ... hb femaleL Prioed acoonlin& I RHODES 33. Racir~ It 111b.a.pe. 548--6132 after 6 pm. cosr A MESA S46-1934 Open Labor Da.y 18835 Beach Blvd. J-lu:ntina:ton Beach "61. Oprl, 45.~ origlpal 842.7781 or :i41>-M42 mUes. 1.tust be seen! DATSUN 2000, 1968, Radial Call 6Ta-6355 alter S. tiru, red w/ blk int. $2300 or best offer. SJG-6835 ·PORSCHE !Tl9fY!OITJAL llUl BEACH ILVD: Hunt. lee<~ 147.-5$$ :S m1 N. oi diUt H_,.~ oa Bc8 1959 TR 3A, reblleDI", 2 oops, new clutr.,b. Rllf. tonneau cove.r, Michelin X tires, ft1ust 1tt lo appreciat.e! S1200 Gt lrade for Corvette. 962·1426 TRJlThiPH GT-1, '67, R&lf,, ttJ w/blk inter. Pv pty.' tilw;t iiell. 846-2UlB '66 TRIUMPH TR 4 deck unit, 14 mos old, $DI. ~41",}:1 '!5•31•1 to quality. 546-4928. plea.sure &loop. Good cond. WEBCOR tnodd 3CXX1 tape °" '""" ~ Wei.man..ner, 1 lust hauled. $5500. 54&-3531 ------'-'68 Poncbe 912 cpe. AM-FM. * good c:onditiQtl * ~-unlc bnnd new 1145. WE PAY ·CASH ~:!· ~":~ "!'!! ~~ ~-"·Pl 9510 ENGLISH FORD Air a>ndlllo ning. Cl>n>me ""''""'bl' --------l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J· wbee:l.s. Showa le•1 tha:n 100') ........ ..-~ un:u. .....,. ~ Ponr Crui11ra IRISH SE'ITER PUPS 28' Califarnlan ff. w/tlyinc See It You'll Buy It! I• mlles. Beautiful red with TOYOTA' '66 JEEP WAGONEER ORANGE COUNTY'S btaci< lnte-. MU1t """"' -----"---I C~morn & Equip. 1300 CANON QLll9 3S mm Uhe new, 1 yr old WE PAY CASH! AKC~-· bridie, '""' ....... 2>) enp. In top lha,pe. Extra • WO, Pwr ..... , •ulo., .... VOLµME ENGLISH --for oru, $4695. Jim TOYOTA'S 6 wheels, excellent tires, ex. FORD DEALER Slemons Impor11. uo w. • NOT Checb """ setter fema1e, fuel 's-o ""'"· e;g ''"" Fo A.K.C. J )'1'. ald panel, bl.t·in charger. Mone! """ely lmv mil.., polar SALES. SERVICE Warnor, Santa An•. 5'&-4114 '69 Demos . , .... $AV.I! whi~-w/blue interior tb.at '69 MODELS + '65 CONVERT * CMke of 2 or 44m. #ftJCi! r GOOD, USED I ::::=-$~"~· .,"'",....,n_ ... _= •hafll. 159 watt .. d . $50 Write Daily Pilot Box p.911 Ill tlll'U.Y T• All U DDDSE "EXPlDRER" bib ahowroom frelh. <TZL. tmmedl&te de!lwry Xlnt cond. All xtru. nu pnt, '61 Coron• CPE'1 from ""' f LARGE SELECTION top. MUI' sell. 64S.1Zl4 .......... , ..• , ..• $1 Furni~. Sl@reo, TV or MRE fox teniel'll, AKC CU..ADF', dtipt.h 50\lndet, Houaehold Items at eny kind. rea'd, 6 wkl, 3 males. $15 lc 11tany other Xtru. $12,500. Mfsce!l1neoua: l600 • .SC7-.51'22 e Sl.OG. 96Wn7 Call after 5 PM. 64!j..170IJ • ... _...,.. •ill • , .... 11..-. ........ 1111111-. lltcJlell, ,_,. MrtlL $21 5 Tltoodoro ·59 PORSCHE '67 Crown W19on .. $119' BILI. MAXEY ROBINS FORD AM/FM rad;., $1200 All "'""·..,.,. TXSSIO * AUCTION * =====:;,==:d;TIN;;;;;;Yc,i·T:;ilN;iY~To;:;y0"';:oodl=u-:-,-;, 40' Chrlowitcl> Sport!U"" FREE TO YOU whit« i ""'""""""· eat a;. .. i.. -Lonr nn,.. 2060 Harbor Blvd. * 548-5795 * '67 Coron• 4 dr's .. from, ITIOIVIOITl&I Coat& Mesa &eMlO '64 Porsche 1600SC, grn/blk · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $1319 U )'OU will aeU or buy •613"-Cll* Full clectronic1. Outslan- a ive Windy a try EXTRA beautiful Ion& haired AOORABLE mixed poodle din£:! $15,000 l /lrd shatt, Aaetions Frida)' 7:30 p.m. kittellB (jw;t 2 le:ftl, calico -puppies, I ••eeks old $5. ~"~2-503~'~'~~~~~~ a~L l lllL 11 '"'· n rOOl, U 'OOT. 7 YlJlfl• U•AllC. 111• a• Al',IOYI• t11en. ~ --· ~ •"!'!!~~~~~~~1 inter. chnne whls. A~t-fM. 4-in-stock. Autoa and at 11111 IEACH BLVD. ·--·-Xlnt s.rD1 1213l432-~ trans. UCP1l'l5, Windy's Auction Barn 1 help -wh. weened • 493--1970. CRUIZON 16' C.abin cruiser Hunt. leech 147.&SS.S FERRARI '63 Ponche S-90, nt'w rarlial '6' Coron• 4-dr. ·· .$l29ti One O\.\'ller • clean. SBV730 Behind Tony'1 Blda". Mat'l. ~broken. 7 wks. old. MINIATURE Schn&uzen ~/:~ .. motor &: trlr. WHY NOT 21m~ Newport, CM 646-8686 833-2'795 912 ean cropped, ahota. TennS: -""""""""' 3 rul N. oi Caul HW)', aa Bcll .tire&, blkJblk inl~r. Xlnt FERRAltl eond. '44-0636 Best Deals Are At : Newpmt l mporll U 4. 0.. '61i 911, Many "'S" optlOns DEAN LEWIS FOR S'LE II POODLE. 1; m.• setter, <94-1113 att 5,30. ======903= BUY NEW? ~ 4 old •· do T ~ Spood-Ski lolts 0 Beautiful oriiinal oil paint. mos. ' &&· I· 0 .,.......... Mini Bikes 9275 TOYOTA. New 1969 Land· U.-. mowitaln scene in beau-home wt~ c b i ld re n .I-·---------11• Fihfql.t at •on lhore ·.;.;;;:;:.;==---'= cnrlaer $2855 pha tax&: Uc. Ullll bloe1 A: ~. Datte 64i.a829 , 912 moorinC llO hp Valvo, stern 2 MEYERS LYNX. miN immed'. del. wood canoed ftame. Stt lo FRE&.Approxim&teb' 250 ft GELDING l )TS. atl but drlvt, 111 radio, ht.it tanka, bikes, 5 bp. Used once. Xlnt BILL MAXEY appreciate. JUaJM•ble. Ca.D cyclone chain link fence. aplrited. Good dlsp. Some etc. Xlnt oond. Gd. ski boat condition. 1130 each. Call M7-nB'1. Come and take it a~. tack. $215. 54.S-7156 On ahore rnoorina: Balboa bel:wee:n I & 5 PM 540-6498 FINE , I h . Mon·l'ri. 646-16't. J!l, No. Bay 714-67>-~ (TIOIYIOITIAJ 11/0men • c o t in 1. ==~--~-~,,-1-•NSl'OllT'TION Motorcycle.a tJOO llDI• CountT• onl1 •uftm-European pre~~d I d 1ud 'hltt. cond. S381Xt. 833-a.oB d~ 5 SALF.S-SERVICE-PA.RTS · 3100 W. Cout Hwy. 1963 PORSCHE, reblt e:ng. Newport Beach Chrome wbla. S'EIQ. Deys "2~ 540-1764 675-&61, ewa ~191! Autborlttd MC Dealer FIAT RENAULT 1tdll: & dresses, size 12 1.14. I 'M f'\uU,y, sttY kitten, witb •""" "' 171,S OUTBOARD c a b In --- Antique dishes. An t iq ue wtUte lep, white T10M I. ..... & y ~ 9000 crul9tt .. llff:ps 2. &la.wd up ,67 HONDA l60 1Nll IEACH ILVD. '68 S50 SPORT Coupe. Good dtsk &: chest. eus velw:t throat. Veory sweet dlsposf· ,. •cmw to the water Une, w/trailet, Tip top coodition No 601591 Hunt. Bt•ch 1474555 condition. Blue. Below blue See It You'll Buy It! '67 Renault R-10 Radio, beater, f.speed wtna back chr. 642-8430 or tion. Mother I: '° am I. FREE' both licensed. NO MOTOR. $l49 · · lin!N,o!O>bt.Hwy.«1Bcb ,,.-=·= .... ==""====--548-ml ext "6. 54&-llSa 9/2 • $245. 494-2189 aft'1' 6 PM 1 • V3 OFF on all bikinis A: etN-BLACK Spanltl type male Buie Bo a I Int. Couree 10%'. 1'1~ •Peed AT LAS Campers t520 $199 tUES 034} BILL MAXEY HUMBER 1966 Harbor. C.M, 646- ELMORE MOTORS TOYOTA {Headquarleni) e Lara:e•t selection of a 1 models, colors, from tM Jaraest Toyota de~r. NICEST USED CARS • IN ORANGE COUNTY 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster Phone 894.J.'m.. er-ups Any 1~ top w/1rr1 pupp)'. Apmx 3 mo old. offered to the pUbUe by the bo&t, w/trt.r. 20bp Mere. ~ 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bolto~ $14 ruils now Friendly A: lovable. ~ Balboa. Power Squldron for Make oUer. 646-8693, 400 CHR\'SLER -PLYMOUTH I' 19 "' ·A .... o.,' ..... r--.,.,.... Santa Am Ave. c.M. Lut people inlmffted in aailbolta SlgnaJ Rd., NB 2929 HARBOR BLVD. .ou. "J'.....,~ vvca, .ffW • as well u power beats. -COSfA MESA ~1934 W. ~t Hwy. N.B. Open SWt. howtoe ln drive. 9/2 Every M'olklly nlabt for 13 11' awe. w~ hp ~~ Sele1 • RW1l1 SURPLUS tactmy d " e 1 1 NEED Good home for weekt, bqinntnc 1 p.m., enc .• lie w'1.I. trlr, &kiln! __ Ope_,_n_La_.., __ o.-'y'--Authorized Dealer CAMPER '62 HUMBER. new brakes, tune.up, l trans. MUST SEU.! $185 546-8431 !T!QIY(O!TIAJ BILL MAXEY 11111 BEACH llLVD. T y T fabrics ,. remnanta. So I d adorable I wk old blk Mon., Sept. 15 (bzinl .note• equip. Good cond. $1395 Eldorado -Four Winds to lhe public M ~ Cocker--t.2nier mix. Small book flnt Jtllht) at Newport 1,:;5'3-;;X!l=;,,_,,.==-_,=,., Scoblman • 8uTacuda lhru Sat. 1J2) Monrovia, breed. Hi-3811 Harbor Yacht Qub, no W. J.4'6" GLASPAR. 7 5 HP J"R.P.:E ZEBRA MINI BIKE 01. RCA w h J r 1 p 0 0 I gas Bay Ave., Newport Bellch. Evinn.ule imtor. Good con· with purchue ot eny refrlaerator. tarp trttur. No adv.a.nee reclttration. En. dl&n $625. 813-5158 • camper or camper packa&e! JAGUAR Hunt. Beach 147.USJ '65 Jill' XKE roadtter, id. 3 ml N, GI o..t Hwy • .on Bcb o:>nd. Will W:e older car in tr.de. 545-2622 SUNBEAM RESTAURANT You pick ... "-'"'319 all 5 roll •t c1as&, Any -· 1'61 16. Gwb'on. 50 h.p, Thoodoro KITCHEN PM call 613-1856, Mucury. Xlnl mna. ne. ROllNS FORD KARMANN GHIA s .. It y.,·11 Buy Ill EQUIPMENT '67 Sunbe•m Alpine 3 Adonblo kittens, 1 wx. old. 17' OUTBOARD Call m.2259 61f>.6562 after 6 PM 1,,:;::;,.:;,:,::::""'-;::,:;--;;;;-;o;; 2080 Harbor mvd. '&l_KG coupe, ,very clean. Roadster. radio, healer, Sia.mete mother, ... ~ A trailer, ancbor Ii We pre-15' liorbon Ski boll. 80 HP O.ta Meta su.ooIO Gocid cond. Priced ''"@ii Jj.()()I) ml. l•I BEACH llLVD. Hunt. llHch 1474555 3 m1 N. of Cout Rwy, on Bdl !T!OfYIOIT@ lost Doal1 An At DEAN LEWIS CARPE'T instJ.ller has one roll. avocado nykm carpet, double jute-backed. Will aell an or part, $3/yard, 541).1245 ho u 1 e b r a k e n Ca 11 aervers, ukin& $200. CU.Stom M'ttc. New trailer. $1250. e ·n TRIUMPH Bonneville under book. Anxious to sell $l49' , 6T3-6lll 9/2 M»om waler 1kl $20. &C-9917 att 4 PM &50, Pr 1 ce 11 $850. e '&:l RENT.A-SHELL ~. !UVE 409) 196S Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 German Sheppanl Mother .. DINGHY '14' CHRYSLER ciw,. •• J Triumph""' D"1 Bll<o !350. \VttKEND~ WEEKLY '61 Con,.rt. K.umann G!Ua XE YOLKswaGEN Fther• Six ~autiluJ dar-5 hp Elsin outbo&rd + oar yr old, 50 hp Mere, Elect e '69 Honda 90 $275. MONTIU..Y * &39-1800 x Int trans p , car. BILL MA Y ·" ling puppliea, Weaned 6wkl ~. 395 E. l6th St., CM start, $700. (213) 592-lliOJ •642-5151* I ' C bov C •~ G-ll43 Htalth Spa member1hip1, 12 months (over 200 visltal for $99. Recularty SXIO. Miu J.Ane, M9-1CZ. · • tr •mptr -· ,,..... vw '65, 1500 s ~--,. .. -• .. can~. '67G~ARC ita tl a n. • ...... y U•u• XI ... "~~........ ,,.,,...... T T ~-~ i01110 Al.USU~ nt c . .....,._, or...,.,........, $1200 or be11t ofil!:r. 897-MOO M.INl Bike, Refrtpratar, eood condiUon, 2 small hand edaen-188% Merrill Pl, CM. Call 646-5206. r .-," ""~7, c!FC:i ~=~ :'.:. ::::u::.nt ,:: ~.:"':..;.,""~J: Dvna lunl• 9S25 MERCEDES IENZ . 1•1 aEA H BLVD. ~ y"!'!, !°'!;~ e I e • .. ,u e, pry Realb' ID enjoy. A 11 run) Gen'I ~1tn s.n model '69 Hfflhkit 1oonie-bike 5 "61 Palercedes Berrz 2SGS. Hunt. Bt•dt 147-155$ 1ot J 1 Ml dt¥ Di&J 644--0688 Sl2 malatcaoce ft!OClfd5. 1 64 HNG pey marine die!ld hp, l-tpd, near net"1. MEYERS MaTndrot dune Buao. Bwltitul dark blue wt.th a mJ N at Coul Hwy on Bdi ' ~ pe es a ' 4 Adorable Jone haittd kit. °'"*·Kl l-4CM en,uie. Com.plete w/twin-$2IJI. S.-1581' Feabftd in e Mquine m a te h In r r n t e r i of l===·====·=="-'="""=======I tens I wts old, pretl;)I eol· l9' ,,___ .......... Im trailer di.le ftdlldion IJtar' 2:1 * .68 Yamaha JO:) Ptrl ow:r $3200 tnvnt@d. lllOO""' automatic. P. steer., etc:. lmporlld Autoe on, need toad bornn. -~....., p, l raUo. Far further details, amcL $400 • motor with HO clutch. Thi• week ~·J onb''--'--------'----'-'--'...;.;-1 KlltBY vacuum cltaner with 539-1!90 or ~'7096 912 c.'ll)W!f, 155 bp Bnick 1"1a call p SUtton (213) 62&--8301 · Special carb8 I. e:xhaua:ta. $f195, (V2V333) Jlm sae-1- attach I: pollaher. Xlot cond I "'=~-.,-,--:-.:c-1 OMC. Bettn than new! Wtt~ or (7141 ~ 6fS..0334. 61>'l9S7 Top I: curta.in11. ~ tnOill Mercedes Benz, 120 I Ii: auaranteed: Pay oU b&I ot FREE to &ood boml!'I healthy $3500 CC' will trade for '69 weekends. '69 Heathkit Boorrle_...bike S map with Gate• overaia.e w. warner, ~ta Ana, $ll.12 or take· ovq pymnta. beauutuJ klUe"!~l1~b1 lall91•1 cv. tM-8565 hp, 2-spd, oear nnr. tltts. ~tual sell belore ~4 ' -nonnal tAllt ~ " '69 ll5 HP John9011, 9 hn, ,..,.. ,...,, Crtdlt dept SJ,>,_,, · • l3', Xlnt c:ond. boat, 14 b.p. $200.. . 961-t.,..., tebooJ ataru. Dlr. ~ 1--------- CANON QlJ1.9 3.5rnm FEMALE Dutch Rabbit. Jom.:in. su tank, aand =:.~lank l <.'O~ 1969 Honda Scrambler 300 ;8'8-JM;::.:::::;2 ______ I Like new, 1 )Told., Alao cap u is. Frtt to trlt $195. WW de 11 v CC. Nearly pew. srREET/oU road dune bus· S50 aood borne. 5364t92 N~ u-. c.5174 ~Y :=::~. e:: * call 646--7M9 * IY. e.ntirelY new de1111D. '15 DlilY Pilot Box P-Sll CUSI'OM Made couch, worn 16' Fibel'IW. 6' beam, deep coh1 $1«1 ~2622: WANTED: MOTORCYCLE Carvalr enr. n~. 496-2500 DRESSER w/mln'or $33. upholrtt'I')'. Sun. 10·2. V IO HP J~ .. A1D!l!:r • • _,.,_ -". MA p•9 * 548-TI96 911 • ... .. -....... • * MER.Cl.TRY 3.9 outboard ...,.. ...... ,..,., G.F. metal delk $35. ~ l;-ic;;;;;r,;;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;;--;;;:;;i,""~·:_:•~•~lru!!;.·!5311~'.!-~--,= qlDe SW Huntlorton Hat-*644:4f4* BUii)' ders, J623 W. War. quet let, fold1nr( Pina"'PO'I& 4-D~-~~DI .. i:..= 15' lqoman •I-tnller. $125. bow'. 2w51n.1m& lJ69 Kawuald 90 cc ner, SA 546-COli, 11811 9-7 teble $JD. 54S-7'llM ,.~,,,--• 911· Good fWdns boat. l?Ol mlll'I; $Zill ra DIL all Xtru. ~ I" TABLE saw and 4" pl~ I ii-iiiiiii-!ii'.'>i;;;;;:;-;;;;;;;-;;;l,==;*~';;:111'.:IM~I_,:•;.,,,,,,,_ IMt'f.!IP Moorint 9036 64&-1'993 alt.tr 5 PM Wbla, nu tire .. nblt VW. 2 ner on •tttl tt&nd $150. UNUSUAL Id~ IMl'le •I TAKE OYER LOAN 22• Dey ,69 Yamaha Enduro, 4 tD06. mo okl, Mint. 646-1310 91!8-4131 """' aaly 1•111. ........ C!u!Mr, all ·-...... "' SLIP .,,, ANTED old, 300 mllea. --· \VHEEL °'8ir, Jr. me $25. and healthy. 4!M-8'&. 9/2 fiahlnc, 1/1 radio. 546Ji181'J Pv. pty. lookinr for lilp lo • 49':5492 • lmpertM Autot Typewrtter, portable, Sl5. a Kl'ITENS, Part Slamue. dock '8M2' Olt11 Cr&tt. '68 TRIUMPH C\lb. 1.-9w tW. a ''3 A.H. Sprite, S6M. 1146-2"13 Laruno Beach 49<-1'64. Sallboato 9010 645-IS33 ., 1213> '"7.Cl8t $225. • ,64 llonda 55 195. OomQualpll!.~--...bed~~2 ~~Ca~ •• -,---.---~-9;;.~~l'=rou.=· =Yuoo_EQ_u"IPPED--'"= INt Rtnt1l1 9031 837-Nm • 9 '6 Gordon S mit h ,-=,.,,,--.""""::--::::-"" ,..,_.,....,,,. -......... -;r•• .. __,...... -'68 HONDA. 170 Scrambler. ~ S3S. Callt,e •ti.to-I ; $250. Aft 5-wkndl ~ altered. Outdoor catl. Mut SAatD1CE! SG-0895 FAST l'llhlnc bot.I, lor "Chert)'" cond. Make ofter. ~at mutt tell. M4-2889 SINGLE M e m be r 1 h i p , find homel! ~ 911 PENGUIN ~boat l l ~ , leue, outriatn. marlin _:61'"'56:::_='c.· =~~~~ Ball .. e.,. Oub. mo. Call pi.wrs, Aaoortod. you di&-w/aall • Inlier. Top -cbaln. Your aldppor o• . ., 300 SUZUKI. 4,200 miles. AUSTIN HEALEY 1.=....,.=.:,•.;.P,:,M::,• ""'"""""--'-"--' ~-,· I Child • am aet, ~ o·\I Cl!Uon sm. 131-159S mine. 1131 69l-023I or mean 1: rtllable. pm, * · , WROUGHT Iron IMMlater ' dl1m&11lle. 646-3401 '-1 . HOURLY kfln'ALS 69i--OS03 6t6-.3640 , · , Austin HMley .$pecl1l1 pteo1 S2xG $25 n.ch. Door oRi!l:N Oludl, c004 con4. • ttbOctes lt'• * DCX::K 1or rtnt, wtnta only. . '•1 AH ''3000'' VGX U4 "T=:::'::'-"';;:::o;-::;;• l-=!>llll<:,$10:::;.,;;;e•:;;•b.;:...;,<IH&lS~=-=-I Doltbl• ... a p r·1n 1 1 . 11m r.no Dool c.. a.Jboo Up to OS' boat._ Molors-iero tSSO $UH ,. MOVING! Mut Sell! Rtfria. 962-611) 911 KUST Sell! 3'r ZMiuld ""'==:i:l13-,11l';;l:'-:i:::::=== 3 SPEED wokli1COOttr, &OOd '"AH 3000 RRY 400 _.., . mi...u.n..... IM4 LOVEABLJ: 1 .1>• o Id YaM. -L 1llil1 oqp1, • n&llOIOI o1t•lltlon $50. $15'5 i..:;°'°'""'-;.:,,;;o:;~c.:..M:;..·~-,_.,,,,..,,,,,_ I .... k .. _,.,. male. whlle. -· loat-Yllht . 646-!17'111 '61 AH -RXK ... l'OROf"""" m. ta>-U" • !SI0-2490 t/1 2' A<111 oqutp,""' <r .....;~==.:;..--.:..903=9 1:======:::-I $9tS U'' • 1\1" ooncttle •l'PP.., FREE To aood ...,., tq <ndoo ....i oen. Pllco llLUJ:'WA'l'll\ awtTE!IS Auto Servi-lo1) Dealt An At blocka '!' e~ ~1-3182 ~~ klll<no. 10 • ~ .....,d., 11310, llWtll u-. Bill or......, & Pom 9400 DEAN LEWIS i .;:==-""-~_,=1 tshl In KrJ'E No. m. Slltw*Nd local apart nmtrc ·n Jt&. XKE front end bOOo 1 FAMll.Y Mem be p lNSTANT t..ov.-Kitten& 7\9 ..,_, ............ coM. HU'ta'avi.t MMOOO .,. ~. ~. ·~. ·-Jao lOllli 11&'11or, c.>1. 6 ... 11.l«! ltvtnt Cout CountrJ aub wka. old.. ~ tn ""-• ~·;. ....... v .... _,., oo • tor oal• PYt. Pty. m.m1 1REE klttem. Black ,.. KJTll.«ll extru. lilE ... Ile' .• M~:;;••::l:.::l•o;.H;.:'°:;;;"":;;s;._....;'2=00 ~ vw,::el!A! IORGWA~ W ~ 1610 ""11•· SU-3158 All tn Xlnl _cond. mo. n.1~ x 46' MD~ Rm,-.:......_==-::=""'::"=----l-------'"-lllloc. ••-= -·s ~ = ~"'"' •· ·-WHITE •· r r\.CoL ru 1 1 ~' ,.. -.~ -.::.--c-rtb' turn. To be mov. 'IW 40 HP vw ena:lne. U.,Sk"lt -oompe.ct , ... N'£ED bt1cb one to l«JO, ~I calico .t.~ tf2'1-'--'SNb00,WBlllD==-.-TllLI\=,,.--ed. M-SSJJ ea•--Cood co.t, (4.. AU WJ'l. Borpa.rd, ~ nkie:. Ana. "41--1114 . Think "Fiat" · * SEE * "Herb Friedlander" eFREEe "' AIR CONDmONE~ "' AM/FM RADIO W1T1I NEW U4 SIDAN Ol W AIJON •' 9625 GARDEN GROVE I LVO.. G' $. - 631·1111 ·:-.. ~ ...• , • .... C ... Fn,t Car SerYlce e nuonably pdold. '*'4A1' CONSTRUCTION Sand, • O:lmplete • , •••••••••••• ..mo. DA.tl.J' PILOr Qa.i&d pil!H are I.here compleM Wllti't ea mt *'6931 TJIE QUlciti:ii YOU CAL4 TIU: SUN NEVER SETS " Ot''" I >'d. "'"2346 *. """1-1• -110Wt w/ new ....... 54M001 fiWiiiE m TIU: QUTOttR IOU m.t.1_='------..=:..:::;,..:::;::...;=-==-l ' ' l ' . : ' ... . . : I. " . ,. :I : : . . " . . ·H· I : ''. ·I : . I; ' .. ' I ' ·:' • , • • • • ' ?; : ' t : .-,. '. ,. -· :: : : ,. ,. . . .. . ~· ,. ~= .,, .. ,-,. .. -:· ; ~-.. " · .. . ... ~: :· . ~:. ·~: ~· . ' • . \, • ' '·' • • ' i' .. •.tC(tlky, Sfpl.tn'ibtr 11 l96q • ~ ' • I ~~~,.t'.~:::!!IOO~N!!ftl~~·,.~==-~~Nl!ow~.c.~."!.._~_..!9~100~JTRANSPORTATION T~SPORTAT~ I TRA~Sl'ORTATION I Tl!A~SPOITA'JO" !~NS"eRT~!ION ; TRANSl'ORTATTON r Usad c,,. f?Oo lmporfod Aut. HOO lmpofted A\ilot 9i0o lmpo;1ed Xutor : • Autos W1nltf 9700 U1ed Cars -9900 OPEllj 7ilAYS f AWED< uoN:niiUsAt 8~ IDPM SUNOA'fS 12 It 8PM HURRY they're GOING -GOING -GONE! Y·E·S means Y.,r Ind Sale 1t Bill Barry Ponliac and you can be sun we11 uy YES to almost any deal. you wont lo make to clear out these remaining 1969 Ponliacs in slock. Gnnd Prixs, Bonnevilles, Ca1alin11, GTO's, Firebirds, ond T em· peslL All new 1969 models 11well11 our '69 Demonslra- ton, Execvtive cars ind da~y rentals ... oflow this is whit you sm1rt buyers waited 111 yeir for. So gel down to Bill Barry Pontiac NOW while the 5'1eclion is good .... You'll be glad you did. '•~Wli ~-' IMPORTS -BIG SELECTION I ALL AUCTION PRICEO WHILE THEY LAST H•1•'1 th• lri11d of b••11•i111 you c•11 •XP•'' to fil!d •I our bi11 import lot. ·1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR SEOAN Set. No. CWIZU. USID I.OHO TUM flNANCINO NO PIOll.lM lOW PAYMIHTS EASY FINANCING All AY.t<IMl!t Oii YwrC.°""Cru11 F v I I y tqvipped i""" duding: Auromai ic tran!.IT1 1~ sion, R..,d10, Healer, Fac lory Air Condi- tioner, Power stter- ing and ma ny more. lie. No. CWA A09 • ---~---~L Q;ii ii.iJ ... --.. . - $195.00 '65 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 DR. HARDTOP FULL DELUXE EQUIPPED: i11cludi1H1 Auto"'t+ic tt•111111i11io11, v.1 E11q i111, Pow•r "'i11dow1. Pow•• br1\•1. Pow•1 1leeri"tJ, Feclory •ir condition· ''· R•dio, H.11.,,. W"il• will 1;,,,, Tinl•d gl•n •ll<l 111•11y, m•nv olh111 . 1964 AUSTIN HEALY Sp6!1, R1d io, h11i••· 4 1p1•d ,,,,.,. 1ninio11. tSJV 0421, ' PLUS TAX I LICfHSI 1964 PONTIAC Lt M1111, v.1, 4 •P••d l••111111 i11io11, 11dio, h11+••· (2~571 . PLUS TAX ~IN51 1964 BUICK RIVIERA 2-dr. V-1, outo~ power 1!•1ri11g, ,;, co11di!io11i"'9. I 57442A. l. PLUS TAX I LICINSI 1964 MERCURY 10·ptU. 1'alio11 W•t)Oll. V.I, •u!o. tr•n• .. ••dlo, ht•l•r, pow•r 1l•1ri11g, power wi11dow1, •ir condi1!011iog I POI 2711. PLUS TAX I UCINSI., 1964 BUICK Skyl1r\ 2-dr, H.r. v.1 •11qi111, .,.10, h 1111111in io11, pow1r li•1ri11,. ! HHS 204 1. rLUS TAX I LtCENSI 1965 DODGE Pol1r1 2·dr. H.T., v.1, 1ulo. lr1111 ., r•dio, ~tiler, ciowtr 1t1orin..i, f•ctory •ir co nd itlo11i1111. IRZX 46'1. PLUS TAX I LICINSI 1966 SUNBEAM Alpine Ro•d1t11. • 1pd. h 1111., rtdi• •acl h11t1r. OCTH 671 I. PLUS TA.I I LICINSI 1963 DODGE 330 4-41,, S•dan. V.1 •1111i111, 1l111d1•d t••111111l~1io11. ITUW 4001. PLUS TAX I LIClHSl DISCOUNTED TO SELL fOl JUST FULL PllCI UUD U.U GUAIANTllD SATISFACTION wnM°'1f AOOITIOJW,. COST 10 'rOU 10 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE ! • '65 MUSTANG $1195 2+2 F•ttb•ct, VI, •uto. tr•111, PO"'•' 1l••ri119, ra· dio, ht1ler. NHE150 '6S OLDS $159S V•1lt Cruh. '·' W19. VI, ••rlo, •ir, PS, Pl, RIH. VTUSJS. '66 MUSTANG $1495 H,T. VI, l ·IP••d, r1d!o, "••t•'• w-w tir•1, tinted ql4u. TfR22 I '66 CHEV. $1495 IMPALA 2 Or HT. VI, •uto, power 1i•1r., ••dio, ht•t•r. SOL 013. '6SMU'~s=T~A~N~G~$1=9~S Htrdlop, VI, pow•r 1t••r· in9-•'I 11 is 1p1citL Ru111 good. AT8 716 '66 MERCURY $1695 CYCLONE G.T. 2 dr. 1-1.T. v.1. •1.110., f.c. •ir, pow1r 1!1•r., pow•r b••k•1, buck- •' 111h. TSA. 123. '63F AIRLANE $895 SOO VI, pow•r•1t••1i119, , •• dio, h•1l1r, 2 door H•rd· top. Sh1rp. l ie. KIE 260. '67 GAL. SOO $1995 2 dr H.T., VI, 1ulo, f1c oir, PS, Pl, RIM, w-1-w, •inyl roof, tint gl•n. UICH716 '6S FALCON $895 2 dr. v.1, 1!iclc, r•dio, h•tf- or. Ra•I 1h•rp. NGO 169. '66 FAIRLANE $149S 500 2-dr VI , •u•o fr•111, 1ir co/Id, pow•r 1t1•1i119, RYG'fl<4 '65 CHEV $1195 l1np1I•, 2-door H.T. v.1, PS, Pl , ••dio, ht•l•r, "'""• w1 ll1, tint ql•11. POE901 '67 MUSTANG $1695 H.T. v.1, •ulo., pw1. 1l••r . radio, h••l•r, •iny/ roof. TUR 070. ''9 TORINO '64 T-BIRD $1295 L1nd•u h1rdtop, VI , tu!o· 1n1tic lr1111, ftclory •ir co11ditio11i11ia, full pOw•r, ••dio. h•tt•r, ¥i11yl roof. QYS564 '67 FAIRLANE $199S 500. 2-dr H.T. VI , •ulo, P$, r1dio, h•tt•r. "'"ii•· ._tt lir•1. UPSSS5 '6S FORD $995 GAL 500 CONVERTIBLE. V.I, •1110., PS, r•dio, h•iil· ••· UYR 2,2. '6S FORD $149S LTD 2 dr. H.T. V.1, •uto .. f•c. •ir, I'S I Pl, rtdio I h1•l1r. A.TA Jl5. '65 FORD 11095 GAL, 500. 4 d, 11d111. VI, •ulo, PS, lt&H, wh!+1w1ll 1ire1. SY820l '66 FORD $1595 GAL. 500 1 dr. H.T .. V.1 , •ulo., f•cl. 1ir, PS, l l H. uou 5110 '66 IUICK $16'5 LE ,SA.IRE 2 door H•rdlop. VI, •uto111•tic h1111"'io io11, pow•• 1l•e1i119, pow• r br•k•1, •tdio, h 1 •I , r, whil• "'•II !ir11, RUL lOl. '69 FORD $3295 GAL SOO F11tb•ck. v.1, t nlo, fie!. t ir. PS, Pl. t•• dio, h11l1r. KTH I l l. '67 TOYOTA $99S COJION°l 01lu•• I 'OO. R•· dlo, h•1l1r, UAP l21, '61 FORD $'1495 Cu1t. SQQ l ci r. v.1, tul~ PS, RlH. TJM 966. '66 FORD $1795 Co1111tty $ci•lro 10 P•U., V·I, •ulo., PS, PB, RIH, 11199a90 rKli. UTI 79S, DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546·7076 l968Vo1Jcow..,..2c1<.n.1~, .. t V011'SWAGEN VOLKSWAGiN ' WE PAY CASH F u 111 .. ....., «1\llpped, "'I' • ~Lie No. -"" '" .vo.LKswAGEN ,. wtsP"l/::rAts . • FOR youn CAR· S~ FOJiD Aut" otld<. n4Jo. ~ .,...,., '6' VW VHY 466 $U9J" ~ -~· Grow Blwlo .11o11, -""""""'· <WIC. ''1 yW U.IO 570 $15'5 ' ,. . . w.......,,., -89ll< • '" vw ~v c.s s1m COtfNELL REGR!;I' """"' w /'" $1611 '66 Ghia TPC 776 $1399 CMEVRO'"" .....autam-VW'.Wa. SUt~t ATLAS '66 Fast S.ek SUD 451 ~ '1.871 ~ ;:t W<ri<........, "<loor. Lo ml ' $1495 :,;.uqqe rack, 64&-ll29 OIRYSLER. -PL'tMOi.rp_J •• a ••• Deals Are At1 ~ 7::v1 ~1:' '" vw. ' ilooo' •• '"""· cos"fi w:R BL·~-· . 1934 DEAN· ~EWIS D9LLA.R -radlo, heater, beautUuJ rtd Open Da¥ h gQOd, clila.n usea cart. and 'Sharp, RUM 140. 11005. Labor · 1966 J4ibqfot'C.M. ~9303 all inakea. See Geo'll• Ray cart'a Motor O>. Inc.., J9.U '67 VW SEDAN Theadore Robins Ford Harbor. C.M., 642.-<Mll Fully loaded. air ven1s, dlr, YOL'VO 2060 Harbor Blvd. '63 VW bug. Xlnt cond. Private ower. Clean, 2 new tireL 642-9707 5110W white with black int, C.M. &12--0010 Small dn, low pymnt.. \Viii take older car in tradt'. VOEZolTLB. Call Pat ts4-9n3 '63 VW del~ camper. or ~. Xlnt cond., $lDI ~ eveninp '66 VW Snrf, beige w/blk Int. VOLVO Auto Le1sin 9 Bes.t Deals Are At 9810 DEAN LEWIS 11,,965"'""vw".""-1SOO"""s,,_,.-.-.,..r-ba,-ck'".' R/H. Porsche rirna, Xlnt. S 150. cond. Sl350. 54&.Zl,16 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 7-u;J5. Ask for 00'1 '6S V"'· Blue gd. 6:1nd. '58 VOLVO, 4 new tiies. $2Z) LEASE -RENT ORDER YOUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARLIEST AT EDDIE HOPPER '62 SEDAN, good rondition. Pendle clutch. AM radio. S750 cam or best oller. 91Zi. Annik 64~ or 6'13-4216 Drive, H.B. 968-Sm DELIVERY ~2317 67 SQUAREBACK Sta. Wag. ==0-0,-.,---,--.,,,-.,, I AM-fla.1. New Ores. $1600 '64 VW Sedan, radkl, Good 54&-79.:;t condition .. $650 '65 vw "Bug''. Blue w/blue '65 VOLVO Sedan, low mi. Excel. a-.ech. oond. Good tires. $750, 675-2794 AD popular maket". Ford aulborized l('aalng system. Get Our Competitil<-.? Rates Theod We"ro d"'lot o•t -ore 'u"'*' u.utd·tGf stod. St&.-%133 inter. $850. DAlLl( PILOT-.\VANT ADS! 812-3431 Imported Autos . 9600 9600 Think "Volvo" ROBINS FORD ,..,. oon •~ ..., Race Can, Rodi 9620 2UiO Harbor R.lvd. cpri<ed 1 10' 1~~di°"'., '°l"~ ----Costa J.lcsa 642.(1(110 °•• o to ... ., 11 "'"-" 1934 FORD .1,,;·.,· !!!iJ'~'~L'!!!E~AS'!!!!!!E"',,.."""""''ll" ··~;~~;;·;;-"· 3, '\lindOw cou~. dlr, •57 Olry~e.r Jfe?mi C?rcine. 3 .speed ·hydro. ).lust Sc!D! CYG181J.Jl. Ca 11 Ken, 494-9773 or 545-0634. 97o0 WE PAY ••• CA·SH for used can A truck! just call us for free HUml'lle. '68' C3dlll.ac CouPe de Ville, WAGON fully equipped. $129 mo, v.a, a11lom•lic. r•dio. htif- '67 Ford, 10 paas station wag-•'· lic111•• VEG SSS. on, r/h, air, PS. $75 n10. $1 C.99 '67 GaJ. 500 Cpe, a ir, $65 tnO. SOUTH COAST '66 VW CAR LEASING DUNE IUGGT 30C \V. Csl 11wy, NB &J5..2lS2 <C 1p•11d. Roll Btr. Lic•n1• Used C•rs TRANSPORTATION CARS NEWPORTER MOTOli GHP 02•. $1399 '66 PONTIAC BONN. H.T. CPE. Aufomeli c. pow1r 1l•erino. pow1r br.ikt •, wh i+• will 2036 HARBOR BLVD. tire1, f~Uv f•ctory 1qulp- * SEE * "Herb Friedlander" e FREE .' -. '-.. ~. -COSfA MESA pod . l jc, No. SVE 363. 548-5294 or ·548-8511 $1599 GROTH CHEVROIH . Ask for Sales Manti.I:!!? FINANCING AVAILABLE '67 BUICK l.8lll Bearb Blvd. '68 SPORTS sedan, ll,700 LE SAIRf CONVT. HWlful&'ton Beach mi., alr, pwr., v\nyt top. Top V-1, •ulo111atic, r•dlO, h•••· ~ AIR CONPITIONER ~ AM/FM RADIO IO 9-3331 condilion. 494-3232. er, pow•r 1i•1rin9, pow•r CON I ENnALLY '"'========'II bra~1u, whit• w•ll tJr••· · f D BUICK tinted ola11. Sori•I No. <C5- WITH NEW 124 SIDAN OR WAGON We Pay JI.fore For 46770100303. Forel"" Or Spor" Ca" $1899 13750 '1tacli IML <Hfway 39) Wntmfnster 893-7566 '~ ..... ~ .. • 537-6824 • Complete Foreign Car Service e PAID FOR OR NOT 1965 SKYLARK 2 dr hit Full l po~·er, air, clean repo. \\'k '66 PLYMOUTH 8. J . SPORTSCAR days~-eve & \\ken<ls l' 1ATllllTE l·Dlt. H'.T. 536-2345 .CENTER V-S. .,.tom•lic;, pow • r 28.",J Uarbor Bh·d. BUia< No. 225. II a s l 1lee1iru;, pow1r d br•~t1, 1969 FORD 500 STATION WAGON 11••1111 NW. FuH 1lra 10 l>nonct•• Sll!lon W•oon. v ... lKIDf"Y eq111pm .. 1, .ic. $11rlit No. JtO $2999 $150,000.00 • OF USED CARS .............. wri .. s. H1rry I Mft.~ ... , ... ('\"t:l')lhinl!,' I fac;lor y eir ton itooni"9· Costa hfc~a 5-!041!11 I wHI• ..... 11 tir~r. linl•d BARGAIN! \I/ill Buy "'-"''.rt" 6 P\! ,1 .... L><. No. 1•u vs . 1966 RIVlEH.A. f"ully t.'QUiJI. $1799 t our \'olkswag"en or Pof'S('he Like flC\\", Top co n d: '66 T-BIRD & pa,y top doUari>. Paid Jor 1 ="="-=254=·=1='=S--1='3<l=, =M=·'=·='=~ll Auto1111lic,. fedio. h•o1t1r. or not. Call Jtalph t · powPr 1l•••in9, •'• c•l'l<ll· 6.73-0900 CADILLAC tioning. winy! lop, 1toroe 195' FORD 500 llr•na new. F~11 ,1,e 2 • Ooor, Crvi10-,.....111; l••~smlnion. Full lote· torr equl~I, el(., $2599 31 • STATION WAGONS ,. cllooso ''"'· '" llt ,... ..ii wri*I' off ,.,.. • """" ef ""· CORTI NA'S $1944 Eq.ulo. . .. .._,peed, d 'It bra~es, poOc!ed '""' rt J t 1, lr>t•rk>r ll~ll, H.O. boltt1ry, H.O. ~ti«, 1.sllftd wipe rs, wlllllshleld w•1 h1r s. Kif •dl. tluld• & br1~ ... ~lnvl 11111, lltllld rnts. 33 MUSTANGS M we· .. hone-trodl.,. ,.., -... ''°"•b~of . ... tape. Lie. SOU 627, $2499 CLOSING OUT ALL DEMOS & EXECUTIVE CA RS U ~ED '69 CHEVROLET SS l'' 31/& v.s. 4-1pd., 11.&H, pw•. ,tr., pwr. brakes, 375 h.p. po1i., t u per lift t••• 1hoc~•. b11c~.. •I••· lep1 a.ck, di1c b~1., m•9 wl.1 .. 1pt. st•ep., l. Bl~•. XTl l 11/. $3475.96 U~ED '69 IMPALA CUSTOM COUl'l <427 hydr•malic, R&H, pwr, 1lr., pwr, br•~tl, pwr. wi11d., 1.ic, air cond., "'hi+e w•U tir••, Yinyl lop, tinted •9len. Ra lly• wkh, Oi1c b r • ~ • 1. Turq uoi1e. XXM 629. $3623.22 USED '69 IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE 50 ·hyd,e111•lic. rad:o, •lltr, powtr 1lotft119 powpr b•••••, f~clory •'• 'onditioninq, w~it• well ii1e1, 1; .. +,d 11 leu, ... 11,,r co•••l, iwo-lot11 P•i11t, clock. •urquoi1•. Lie. No. YQB 471. $3449.57 u ... '69 CHEYELLE CONCOURSE J50 1'.vdr•m•tic 1porl ••· dan, AM -FM r ~d;., ht~t••, pow11 1!11rin9, pow•r br•k••· f•clory •i• co11di !0011;n9. while will t lr• wi11vl top, ti,.ted 9!e11 WI.eel COH•. Chemp•9111 Lie. No. XRF 676. $3427.3 1 EDDIE HOPPER CHEVROLET 10511 Garden Grove Clvd . ,.,..,,... ""kll•nt ' r11c11• TAKE THE VALLEY VIEW OFF: RAMP ~1'\\"1• ~JI Mort Becaul!<' Wf' G!\'C .r.101'('" OPt'N DAILY - IVINING$ & ALL DAT SUNpAY 534-2700 . -- • -' • 1 ---ti -.. 'ST C< •• LI. m m M SI w .. iii .. .. "' 85 s '6 .. • 159 ... 11 d . ., p, "' ' L< ch ii OY '63 .. 611 "" ,,. :.. • ' .,RA-GE -cou~n'S .f INEST .~USED -~CABS .. . • aer.-ictlott orMfmn. tie Fl~t seiect10. or l!1e.. 1;.r. tit . tlae €.U••• --. C(>.ugar.s Ins '65 COMET .. .C....,, IVIMMfie: ~ r--. ....-. & •JN Ila, ·11495 '61 CONTI ENTAL ft\ercurys 'tctw'f .,,., WllMll' ......-w, LanU11 ,._ ..,lv!Mtle tr1ns, r.tfil ""'-• full ,._-1 ltk.. WII Ut '69 MARQUIS -BARGAIN ·.··coRNER '69 COUGAR "-ttHrlftf, .,._. ..-ti! ... Mc...,. •Ir• IAnMltl-. rMlo, .... ,.,, ..,...,,,lie rr•m, sk.. YIL .. $•995 '68 CONTINENTAL HoO!' N"""" 1'!11 ..,_., ,.,,.,,.,. 11f, LM11a1,1 -WIOmftlc ""'*-rMlao MIMt, Ilk.. . . :• '65 FORD ' .. ..,..~ c..-. ,.,...,. ~ ... ........-.11c trl/11, , ...... Mllw, l lC. JtCW US I ., . $3490 t.4oor, fector/' 1lr, let"* lnler., ltndt11 tap,. l\llO tr_, rldlo. "'-'*"• lvU llO"'er. !lit wflet~ tk . ZUt 716 '4590 '1295 In Dir· S.r'g<iln· ~ ""''i...e,..,.. tr0ut U:..d ttrs. ·Some dMft, iOme not so clean. Some that ... dupli .. lioM,. • some we've-had tOo long -hi «ny event these cars ere real bargains. Look $4995 '61 COUGAR '"""' ••lrlt. lldlrf •Ir, 1\lfltlM!lt tr ........ htltw • '67 CONTINENTAL '66 MUSTANG (Aup9. t:coneimk.f1 ' ,,., •1111 ...., ,..,., ' ••· aou .... . '68 EL DORADO ll'wll ,,_..., IK""Y 11f, .......... -....... rie. n.1i., .... 'erri OY.et. ·' 1 • ._VIZ '11 ~ $2650 C...v~lllHI, Ml ........ IK...., '"· '""*' '"'9rlw. Ltnlllu tap, 111tonvtlc tr&nto AMl"M l'Mtl, llrt w11t1L UOG lM '1225 w, Niii, tlH WftWI, ...... AMl,M..fk. Wl'U ... '5895 ltU MUCUIY 51775 Full flOMJ', factory air, auto. • matlc trant. AM/FM. bater, '61 MERCURY $3195 . • '67 CONTINENTAL '65 DODGE '67 CADILLAC etc. llRY444 'U MUSTAN• COUPE 51375 VB. auto, fac 'air, power at.ttrlng. Dark gTt'l:n metallic · "'I th black interior .i landau. Celltly ...... llltlon ""°" (t .-IM!ioer>. ---•llf· llO-tw11111. 119rto Mpa, f8ctwY t lr, tvtorr\lltlc tr1111. , .. 111111. ,_Iv, IK., ITK $01 $3895 "door, fl.Ill .,._, IKlottr air, lal!Mr lnfWlor, \.ltnfflil fOf, lilt Wl!MI, reclla, l\Mi.r, •lllOIY!allc. ~ t90 St.tlo!I Waf611 shtw rooni fNlll '#!tit l*C...,., ,,,, ,,_.. -• IM'b -"· ,. SRA410. $3795 '69 COUGAR '65 FORD '1695 ltH CHM I llSCA YNI WAGON. f..Dr. Stick. R&H. S\'2063. Needs a little pa.int and metal work. '65 FORD CHiiiy h rtc ' "'"-St1llln W .... A MtvtlflrlP'f w.11 k1pl P.000 Pl\llu Wllll ••"*'"'· lact. air. IOt W . CU!ltom 4 dr ~· Ault\ VS. 1i1ake a fine work car. 5725. ~750 $725 $1795 '67 COUGAR '64 CONTINENTAL '64 JEEP WAGONEER ltadlt. 11 .. w. ..,.,... WM. ~ trMt '"8. ''" CNMOLIT ~ StatJoft Wqon. Radio and heater, V..S. etc. SVZ063 1"1wr &f-1119. 11111NNll1: tr'PI, rtdl9, '*"'• tic. UON l17 $2150 ..,_, full ....-, r.ctwr 1lt-, IM!ller llltwlof', •ll!OrNlk tfll"'° rMll. Molt.-, irte. 0$1 .fJ1 """~ ..... 1495 . ''1 CHIV s3z5 MonU :I d . Automatic, r ra~lo,. hea::r. i;xcenent tires. $1895 '67 COUGAR '64 CONTINENTAL '67 T·llRD Fw" pawllr, IACIOr'I' 1Jr, U llll&tt,1 -lvtelnatk tlrllllo , .... ..... ,, eK. TTW M '64 VYI BUG ConvttUble Cpe, Fae air & .._ stH rlllf, ~r brH; .. , IK!ory t lr, llll'llNtlc frlnl, r81119 llfftu, 11<.. UNZ 701 $2395 Coow1•!lbt., 1u.i1 ~. fKIWV 1lr, Mllhlr lnt1rlo!', rl41o, .... !er, IUTOll\llk: !rlM, 9k, OMl OU '2695 • '1095 ''61 CHIV • s2300 er ateerlni, auto. RI. H. ~te wfth whllf' top, Jow miK Had il too long! '69 COUGAR XR7 $1795 '62 CONTINENTAL '66 FORD '67 OPEL ltH T-llRD · 5192· & RTB72t. l.Ande.u. l!ritiah m~tal· lie .(l'efll tlnllh with match- ing Interior: an4 black land&µ ~ 1,...r1..,, pa~r br1k-. 19dory 11r, 1111WM!lt !rant. rMio, MllW, flt, VPT t2I UC.r, fl.I" pawt<', fKIOry air, lllltlw lntwllot, IVl'Mlltk tr1na. radlO, lle1i.r, tk. HE,. m G1l11i. .fOO, t ._, ?II,.._ .,._ 1fMl'll'lf, 1lftlW Mk•• f'''°"' air, r.Sll. '"'""• """"''le INN. lfC, IV' Ml '1895 '1095 .. roof. EqulPtied with auto. trana. Rl:H, P.S.. P.W, P.8., ·factory air, etc Priced below Ktl· ly'1 Wholesale Blue Book. $3580 $895 NEW CARS 540·5630 Joh:DSOiiA~son USED CAU n,aoo©®ILim ©®OO'ii'aoo~oo'ii'&IL • 1&oom m · 1~oo©l\!JOOW • ©©l\!J@tMoo 540·5635· • 1 Mn. South of tW .. San Diego Freeway I 2626 HARIOll BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA . I CADILLAC CHEVROLET '61 C&dillac Cpe de Ville. 1967 OIEVROLET Nova. 4 Completely loaded t n c 1. door. 6 cyl. Automatic, 1~ Vinyl top. Auto pllot radio, heater, power steer- Uct* aentina.I. Beautilul ing. Lie No. TSK 702. $1699. metallic crttfl· Low local SUNSET FORD mileqe. MU!t sell thill 5440 Ganfen Grow Blvd. ~ for only $429:>. Jim 1--W~"..:"c.ninst-=-"'"'"636-401 __ •_ Slemo111 Mercedes Bena, 120 '69 NOV A S& Amer. map, w. warner, Santa Ana. PIS, dlse btks, oew w\de 546-4114 ovals, Loaded J: Sharp~ 1968 QinTolet Malibu. Coupe 50,ooo warranty, orig price hardtop. }'I.dory air, V/8 Sol.Ill>. Sacrifice! stS-139'J automatic, radio, heater, 1965 Clevrolet Malibu. Super power 1tttring. Uc No. VIN 1pon. V /8 a u to m a t I c, 859 $2699. J'.l(N'ef 11.ffring, rad l o. SUNSET FORD heater. $1599. Lie No. NOE 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 728 \Veal.minster 63&-COlO SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. '68 MALIBU 2 door coupe \Vestminster 636-4010 $2000. Must sacrifice ! SU.1822, 968-3271 aJt. 5 pm l!:lb1 Chevrolet C a m a r o . '57CHEV, V-8, new Super •po.rt V/8 390 Enstne-.Automatic, r ad i o , upholstery, new chromt. $595. * G4f>.-042'4 eyes heater. power 1 I e er t n C. $1999. Lie No. VEG-951 5J CHEVY 4-dr. auto. R/H SUNSET FORD Sl25. call Ouia 96l-5757, 5440 Garden Glove Blvd., also Bing Surboard $25. \Yeitm1nster 636-4010 '62 4 Dr. Q,eyy Imp.ala. P/a, l~ Che-vrolet. Bel Air. Sta- P/b. Radla1 !ires,.. Xlnt Uon wagon. V/8 automatlc. cond. $650 548-~ radio, he•t~. pawer steer· 2 • 1969 Cbe\IY Imapala • inc. Factory air. Lie No. Loaded! Low milea.ge. Your ULP 9S7 S2199. cboice S2.~. SJ4.S29I SUNSET FORD IA·..i"""" • 5440 Garden Gr'O'\--e Blvd. 'IW Cad Coupe, -$51). Westmimttt 636-4010 ow: low book. Good C»nd. * 541)..7828 * '65 OJeyy Impala 2 Dr. Good '63 CAD Sedan De Ville, tu.a cond. Auto, V-&, $1200. power, low milet. .$l%iO. &Th-6571 m-oo68 WhJte elephanU! CfunN.·linl' 9600 iTllOllYIO~ TlbiJI Dun 1.twl1 fw ...,-ftlll his 1114 Tey.t• tt hUl!llrl4s If satitflM cuJtomtn Ill Orllllft C..unty. nit 1t11t ,,... tW * for the btst Hll * for tlM -· -.. -* -lilt .... let ,.. -""' ,....... ... -i.to T.,... .. ij, THI NlW TOYOTA PQW nuac IS -- 196' HAllOR ILVD. COSTA MISA CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-1, automa.Uc, factory air, power •teerl.aa:, power bra· kts. radio • bM.ter. lmma· culate. (UDE '743) 1.__..;..D..c..ODGE '61 DODGE CHARGER V-1, auto., fact, air, pwr. 1teer., radio, heater, vinyl roo.t, <WUK 100) $2111 ATLAS FORD '64 FORD FALCON DELUXE WAGON v.a., Autmnatic, Radio, Heat. er. <WXF 291), $7U MERCURY .OtDSMOllLE · 1967 Mercury Co a.car.. • Hardtop coupe . V/8 automatic, radio., buttt, · -"°"' ......... Lie No. 5 % TZG 415 $2199. SUNSET FORD 0 5f40 Garden Grove Blvd. ATLAS $2295. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. CHRYSLER -PLYMOt.ml Westmll'llkr' 636-4010 MUSTANG OVER AcruAl FACTORY INVOICE SALE . AT~ COST~~bor Da~W4 ~ =R pL::DM ~ ~ D 1953 Mus tan&. V /8 Stick. '67 OODGE Dart. 273, 4-bar---v=~•c...=La::;~=.=ay'--1 radio. heater, $899. Uc No. CH!tYSLER -PL !OUTH tt1. V-8. heavy duty ..... '6' FORD GALX. 500 TYZ 595 2929 HARBOR BLVD. . tn.nL Polyglu tires. Xlnt V-8, auto. trana., ndlo I SUNSET FORD OVER lOO OJSfA ?tfESA 54r>-l!Bf cond. nr.oo. ~. "heater, p 0 we r stcerinC. _1$440 Garden Grove Blvd. 1969 MODELS Open Daily 'tU lo P~ 67 PoJaro. g pus sta. wgn, tTNF <rl9J. we1tminater 636-4010 '6$ CHRYSLER ,...., .~ 27.llXI mi., xlnt $IOU 1967 Muttang, Landau. F•c· TO CHOOSE FROMI NEWPORT cond. 968-3555 ATLAS tory alr co~itioned. VIS You can drive home your V-1, automatic, radio, heat. automatlc, radio, heater, cbol~ ot 100 1969 models at er, power steerine, imrnacu. FORD power steerln&:. Lie No. exactly 50% over our actual late! (YXU 869) CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH UUF '1S 121., factory Jnvoice. ---------1 . . e NO SALES EXPENSE $1111 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. SUNSF:I' FORD ATLAS 196'7 Ford Country Sedan, OOSfA M£M. MG-1934 M40 Garden Grove Blvd. e NO ADD-ON CHARGES 1 lat ion wqon.. V/8 Open t.bor Day Weatmlnsler 646-401.0 e NO PREPARATION automatic, radio, heater, CHARGE CHRYSLE1t -PLYMOunl power atttrina. Lie No. 1966 F.ord LTD. Hardtop. '156 Mustan1-Auto tnu1s, e IMMEDIA'tt DELIVERY V/8. Factory atr, 1 · -• t 2929 HAJtBOR BLVD. -UKJ 980 $2099. power a ttr, air CDuu, e c., cosr~~OOr oaS:m4 5440 s~:n ~r;;: Blvd. :=~:~~~~a:: MU~l~sr ... AN";""G~~ .. ~~J~.u •. ~ ...... ""'lo.. Universi~ '67 CHRYSLER-\Veabnlnster 636-40IO SUNSE"I' FORD 0 • NEWPORT 1967Ford""1om•dr.F•e-'"40Gan!onGnmBl"". R~H . Xlnt cond. O''dsmob1• e V.S. automatic, factory air, tory air, V/8 automatic, Wl!Stmlnster 6J6...4010 Reuonable. Pv.· PtJ. • 'I power steer., JIO"'tt brakes, radio.,U ~'tcrw. JNpo~ itttr· lJ57 Ford R.al>chero, XL. Ml-1615 28.iO Harbor C.0.ta .Mh& radio, huter. fUOE 74.l). Ing. c roo. vu. • "IS • ~ ••dto .. _ '6'1 MU.Stant: In wty, xlnt r.aa-SUNSET FORD " ~ ·~· na , neater, Call - $21U 5440 Garden Grove vd. P1ftl' stMfinc.' Extra ~n;th xtru. $1795. • • ATLAS Wesbnlnster ~· $1999. Uc No. TFX1,,;,.=,i'.· M;;W!:.,..t•-,..-.-A'"u'"to-, --=P'"l•-1 PLYMOiJTH BRAND NEYf 1969 PLYMOUTH :! Door Belvl!de~. Serial No. RL2IB9EISGU3 . '2295 plus. tu & license ATLAS • PONTIAC '6$ Ppntlac G'ro from. lhilt -maa: wbttl&. Ownllt wkie ovals In ezceltent meebanlcal cmdltlm. (PGA 743) must .U tbil -kend only Sl Jim &lemons Mercedel Bas la W. Warner, ta Am sg..ru4 1965 Boaaevllle aIRYSLER. -PLYMOUTH. hardtop, factcry al r, 2!'29 HARBOR BLVD. aatom&Uc. Pw>lf' ctBerlna. OOSfA KESA 546.wt radio I: heater. JU99, Llc Open Labor Day No. · RTT 134. Two year SPARKLING lf1!W 2-t,IJXI mil•.........,,, SUNS"f 10111> 1969 5440 Garden GraYe Bvd. Plymouth Fury W•"""""'" 636-tllo 2 Dr, Coupe, Include& VS en. m'ATESALE: 'ALeM&Jl.a. 1ine, auto. trans., radio, all extras, xlnt ca;d1 Make heater. P/st.eerfn&, tinted of:fu. -t9f.6?S7. eta.a. exterior decor pack· age. Serial no. PE21F9D288- 78L $2615 plut tax a: ttcense ATLAS QIRYSLElt -PLYMOUTH 2929 HAREOR BLVD. cosrA MESA 546-1934 Open I.Abar Day '6' PLYMOUTH • BARRACUDA V-1, auto. trt.ns., radio heater. (SH'l' 590). $1211 '66 VENTURA, wh hd tp 2 dr, pwr, tact alt, low mil, like new. Must eel). But ol.· fer .. Pvt pty ... ld. MUST sell, Iva. ~· '65 Tempest wqui. P/s, P/B, fact etr, $lli9. -548-Q46, 833-6311 ask far Ramesh. '68 Flreblrd 400. ,_.pd ltlCk. """"'" -Xlnt Con4.. 6£.7875, '' ,.._ 5 6 0 3 1967 Ford C.awne 4 door SUNSET FORD Dlb, Ale stereo radio,1...::=-"----~-='-- CHRYSLER -PL YMOtmJ hard Lop. Factory . ' V /8 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. • REAL Shartt . '66 0 I d MUsr •·u•. r -t '.F 1961 lf"W'V.OOP' 'J!l'4 HARBOR BLVD. autom&Uc, ' heata, Westminster 63&-tll.O U,OIXI mi. $265(1 962-2191 CU.149. Hol. Coupe. Gold .x: ....--1lllq& ATLAS STUDEBAKii ~,A MESA 5"-W4 power item . 1:;.t No. ''8 Convt, sharp, only 10,003 wtUf blJc. Landau top, kt OffiYSLER -PLYMOUTH Stude Lark. 'Dr. ()Dad V.&, Open Labor Day TUN-t70 $l oQ 1967 FORD Fa1rlane GT. rfd, p/a & top $2495. Pr. mtg,, nu wbUwall tires 1. 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. NC. low ml $Sf5 ct best rnRYSLER '6t "JOO"' dr SUNSET.FORD Coupe VII _auto ma tic. pty, 646--7301 brkl:, Jt/H, custom blk lthr COSTA MESA 546-193f otter. 5f4..($f1 I ' G G Radio, beater, power 11~ '66 MUSTANG GT tnt•I: bucket aeatl. O>nmle Open Labor Day i=========i p s, p/b, alr, ed· oond, 5440 arden rove i-L. N UIT 010 ~-··'th •-I p~ P/W $895. Pvt Pb'. 51f.t'f00 Westminster u,., SUN" SETO. "'""',..;, • ........,. 3 speed, V-1, Xlnt "'' ·isch, PS, '"" , l968 Plymouth, Sport• Fury •u~ -~It.ion. $1~. 615-T144 tlct .atr. MUil Re lo fastback coupe. Fact......, air, T·llRD CONJl.NENTAL '66 Ford Ranchcro " " cylln-LO ... c-~,. c-B'-... , .,..,.., .. "" u -a. _, """" .. " ,,,.,.., •vu. bl! ew!.Prlvate r•rty. 11 V/8 autbmadc, rad lo. der. An exctlle buy at We11tm.inster Q6..40J.o OLDSMOBILE offer. 90-2860 healer, power steertnc. C'.Mft.. '6' T·8frd 2 Dr. H1hltop S89J, Jim Sle li-1c~1 T'.":"~ V-8. t •--~-~ al '611.JNO)LN Continental all Bern. 120 \V .......... Santa ''6 Ford 1"11r11ne ---------1'63 OldamobUe Holldq. 4 pl ete with Landau top, Uc au o .......... , __ ,, r utru! , Aoa . 546-411. ~ ...... , • $495 ''5 OLDS CUTL~SS door •da.n. Beautiful con: No. ZKY MS, $2599. concUUonitw, powtr-iteerirw, ~ U SUNSET -FORD power btafta, ponr win-*fi~ .~., l"ord Fal 2 Door Loaded .• .., elc. c. HOLIDAY CP dlUon. JI a• full tactmY .... _._ G do .... radio .• ~whlte--===;,:====~I~ con. Sta wagon IRM!M!. Phone: &C-6)23 Dir. • equl nt ~udi all'the 5440 u•uucn row: Blvd. ..-. ~ 6 c y I. St and a rd =--="'==--==-="I V-8, auto, trans .. power 1tttr. pme Ill We1tmln1ter 63&-4010 wall tires. l'U1b' with ,. CORYAIR 1nn1m-. $lllll. Lie No. .,. FORD wa...,. 11111' hie. ndlo. ""'!'· PCS 133. '"""" teaturea, lull vinyl U> low, io., mo ... 1IDW TIO RYE 7%1 oqupd wlal" Pts. Pia. • $1111 tertnr,..,.... •l...tnc. ,,,,._, '64 Ply-Vallant $2lll . ., Corvalr Monza 4 """'· SUNSF/ FORD smi. 64>-l40IJ d • 1 •. ATLAS. braka, taotory ,!:':_ -· SEDAN, aufo. cllr, V.f, ....., . Good tirn.• Nu pa.int. RuNI SKI Cardell 'Grove 81.vd., 5t9-.f19T eves. Radio A heater. ·,.1,11u tee ' ,_ttt, crt1D "I mat.cllJ.al • r;ood. $G5. Call 8J8...3S5.2 Westmir'lltft' 63S-CllO '60 Fcsd StaHon Wqon. New drift to appndtte.. Q>r1 J'U"-fnt. Nl pr •. WD1"11b '68 T-aartt. •t..ndea 2 dr (Dlrl ,68 ,_ GT 350 -air aulO ·tnno. 4 IJ(. Oeao. CllRYllLER -PL1VOl1TH I>) P-546-1231 older cu In trade. 02lllJll. bdtp. M..t ......,., . this '64 r-. · u-.. ~ ' ~ -•• -U llAIU!Oll BLVD. 15 OLDS DYNAMIC 15 UI,-OIJI Bill, 4MmJ or -1-MU.-wllh ~'"" .. __ -~· '°""· 1W1. map, ... -· -·-Cll81'A MESA 511-1131 VI 4 dr Hardtop PIS. M<. ·-' ' '. -l>ooL ~ ... °"""" ownor. EscolJent cood. 'IG-210 all ~ MUST Sdll '6' l'onl f'::i 0t>e: LalJor "'1 Afr _,_ O... -•15 ~ ...... JD. JJc. Blae ·--$3150. ........._ tiMlllS . ., n>ltl> .-..-... .,. .,.,., All..,....+ ""'°nd. •64 OLDSMOlllLli oontll-Naw ttru. ndlq, Lanclua ""'"""' mL .Dir. Clll !MM1U. ut ..,. '61 O:nalr, .t dr, auto, rlh, COOYt. Sprlnt V-1, 4 apl, ad· ablpe. $851:1. 842-7157 "' V-1,' auto. tftnl., rad.Ml I 64)..5139 ' SDOO. -...3225 ~ stan .._ """" pvt ..,.. $195. ...... -. .-• ... • -~-~~rwu•:tiil "'"'"" • --Ford r-•·-MEICURY .... ...... --· • OJ,1>£ m 2.llJll nlL N• "1.J'Lnlotml • .Odrllrd .... 0.,0.&51C .. T--... • _ corw JA11. • -. -a. c1r. add.. ,... .. .., · •'~ _... -· -. -,,_ txtna. CORY r E l<H.oldodl Low niu.q. · ' '* •Mdto ..,.. Xlnt ...,., 1115. -· 111'0 or boat. .. II I Your cholct 12,8'0. -. ·n Mm! °"-""' wen. lO ATLAS ~ ... ,u, .,..---'-----, -aR, nck, "PIS. Piii. ' 1141111 .,._, -~ • -fully ""'"'· , ' -,, T..iJllll> • 'Ill U1 CORVEJTE. 31111 hp, 113 RANCliERO. Nu ~ P/W, ,... .... ~. IJ!d, cooL '61 OLDS autloo -· • Good ""41\Joo. 14 PST 1 Tqp --OwW -.2toiio.XlntahaP<. Gd. COlld. TollJ '°'"'· auto -look, AM/l'M, C<JtYSLtltJPLYMO\ITH .... Xlnt ...... 1595. SELL."138-112$ ' --~ 504J10 ~/oiler 61$-1$.11 DWdt ""'"'' $l650. -29211 lWUIOR BLVD. &11-195< 1111 L • J'LANllllNG IO -r .. ir DAILT PilDr P1,1Q:-A. .HO Jlll.ttft" WbU II ... joo '61 l'ALQ)N Sta. Wp. Ul81 CONVERTIBLE. Meraarr COSTA MESA W.W. 1958 Oldl. Xlnt lnterlar. t\nd Ill a.m.ultW -.u:nbe ol UN!:S.0YGll .. -them can .en H with a DAILY Tftnton Lane, ff.8 . 9C-3T5.1 '66. Pcaoulitul con d I t Io n ()pen lA.bor t>ay Necdt minor tunMJp, A bomts In today"• au.Wed .for JuJt pe.nnba a da.1. ow PILOT WANT AD!I ~ White ekphantal Dtmf...a.U~ $1550. 646-4370 \!111. J:Jert.ntaT g'OOd btt)'! 6~tg7 Arb. O>eclt them now. +t--SU.nm ~ r-~ ':-tr-·l ' ' .. \ . . Southern California's Charger Head uarters URGEST·iSELECTION OF ~HAAGE.RS. TO ·CHOOSE FROM 1N SOUTHERN C>LIF. BRAND· NEW '69 CHARGERS CHOICI ~ COLOltl -·~,.. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY luckot Miii e HidMwly ~ e F\111 •lnYI .. hrior e Ny1oo ._iliot e RNr -spalhr e Full ncfOI 1-ontll""' e ~..Eoft• • Ash IRJ light • H.D. torsion .-.., lllr. ~IH ~m!lllillt • • • LlllorDIJ $2688 TOTAL '-'"i; ' -' r~ Waekead -·PRICE lilli..' · OPEN ~ Price . --•· • '~ ".. ~ 'TIL MIDfif IGHT ~ . 1969 ·DART SWINGER ' . ~FRIDAY; SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY ii! BRAND NEW 1-DOOR HARDTOP .f.U flcmy ... pill. U.W9£1W5!). IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Llllor Dar $2188 1'0TAL 1 Weeliu• PRICE 'Price + r .. • Lit. 1969 DODGE CORO~ETS BRAND NEW 2-DOOR COUPES ) . f1lll loclorf ""'lppod. Wl21119£1SOl77, Wl.21119£134411. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~'7 $2 2 TOTAL . PRICE 1969 Dodge "Western Sports Special" BRAND NEW 2·DR. HARDTOP COUPE f"'r •lppod loclvdlng Yloyl roof, wow ~m. htl whool d~. """" control mlrnr, , sports llTg. whMI carpi!~ db:. whMI cmn tit. W3AH129179. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Llllor Dar $2 288 TOTAL Weeli91d · PRICE Price • '~ " .. 1969 DODGE CORONETS BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS fuRy llclorf tqlllpptd, httter, dtlmltr, tit. WU$11911H047, WIA5191121966. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ;::. $25 88 ~w.~ LABOR· DAY . WEEKEND FINAL YEAR END . . CLEARANCE SALE!. ' ' . .. ... LARIESJ SELEOTIOI ' ' OF IEW 1•· -ES IN SO. CALiFORNIA * * * EJITIRE STOCK NEW I USED REDUCED TO SELL * SHCIAL LOW Parers * . STARTill AUGUST 29, 30, · 41 ~ 31 AllD ENDING MIDNIGHT ~ ~ SEPTEMBER I st. ~ EASIEST TERMS FLEXIBLE FINANCING 1 . fist & auuntt crtdft 1ppron l, courteous Pln1nce ' M1n191n Oft duty 1t 111 times, . ./ LOW PAYMENTS ~lill·, 'I EXTENDED TERMS ' . :."° 18 DO•E . D 100 ~. T\)N CUSTOM . CAI · Delux• whMI eovtrt, fully ftttory equipped! Motor No. 1167124956. IMMEDIA n DEllVHY s2W01l8DAY8·wnK1~~!~ • _ +~.:::.~ Uc. , S.ERVICE DEPT. OPEi 8 a.°M. TO 11 _p,M. 6 DAYS A WEF.,l ' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR SERVICE Dfl'ARTMENT NOW OPEN a A.M. TO ' ~· 11 . P .M...5 ·DAYS 1· WIEIC • • ,,__ ...... __ -.YIU;~ &1------~rt . ,U . ·CAR ·ar11m ' SIMJw•lhe 'dealer my.......,... a...J ask If he can match 111 11 not, -Into HA_llOl ,DOOGf , horn. of the GOID STAR GOAUNl'EE. , · BJ Swiel, o.;,. ••••"' ••·•·' '68 DODGE .,... wtorn~ ...... Clllrttr $2188 !"-ra;; '~~~¥$~ . . TOTAl PRICE '68 PL YMOU'l'fl -' '68 DODGE s.1111111 si 688 ''":!!'t~ '$1·688 V.f, .uklmtllc .-.,_ ~-',m!l<..!,1 r::lr: I..':: _ Ina, rtillo -& hHI•. _ :ill'i1m.. " · <iOlO STAil /UFCI 7151 ST.U. IV 2'11. · TOTAlPllCf TOTAL PRKE • +'I"'..-1r Ltt. _____ _........, .... '66 MUSTANG '""°'vH~~-!< .-si188 ~~ ~ ·ri:.:..r-r ............ Ji .... , ~.::: ' CTPI .Jill. • TOTAL PRICE '66 CHEVROLET lmp1l1 s't1tlon W1eon ~~~ -:::..:.."'.".:::: 514 88 .,. llr.1k• r...0 & --1~· YlnYI 1~i: s'"f'il. rllt m - TOTAL Pl.la +Till . Lk. .-66-CHE--VR_O_L_ET..-.~1165 FORD I.TD' lmptlt S.S. Hardtop s1188 ~:.z.~-. $4 oaa· -:J..'l, .. ~j~~~m;ai; . ~ "~-,°!'wJ"!.ir. I '" TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE + '"' • Lit '66 BUICK .... t~~~ ... ·-~088 i::. -WW • rtd,o & ""''OOL01fl'A ($Vt M111 TOTAL PRITT . + Tiii a, Lie. '66 PONTIAC '66 BUICK Special ... 1"'"""' .... ••• s9as· .' 11Dm1tc rldlo-l lletler, -· · • 1lwrlrll. • GOU) JTAlt (ltUL 4«1). TOTAL PRKE loMens2Dr.Hlfttop 51088 V4, ,,_., ~~ .. ;n llfff•, vlnY'I ,__lludi ... ii. CalllfJ TOTAL PRICE "+T•&L~ '67 PLYMOUTH '65 PONTIAC , lo MMI 2 -Hardfep ~~=-t $888 , -,Wwtc .WJ. 0 . TOTAL PllCI + r-..a lk. .. ... ~~~~.$4088 :i:;r -=:-.o\'11' ~ I . TOTAL PRtu +to:, LM:. '67 DODGE Dart '65 MUSTANG :'"...!. "":·.~= $988 TOTAL PRICE +T111 •L1t., 2 Door Hlnltop $788 · 11'4. eu Olk. --~ ~ •. r•dn ""!J-~/: ' TOTAL PIKE +Tu: .. Lk. '66 MUSTANG '66 VOLKSWAGEN ~,H::.op _ $888 '-· """ • = ""· $788 """'n'u ... TOTAL Pl lCI ~-T-OTA-L-l'lllCE ___ +,_ •• _,k_I ______ ..,;,;;;;.;,;;;;; '66 MERCURY ' '65 VOLKSWAGEN y.._ -== ~:j ,_..,_, $888 ~~ Mtr ~u-:. $688 Vlft¥;1 On,...Jat, '°"° JTAit. 1vx1t •m. TOTAL H:ICI :. TOTAL Ptl:ICE + T111 . Lli. "t tg. tk. '66 DODGE c..- i!:. ·~·.i:ITIE TOTAL PRICE , • 5688 '66 CHEVROLET . 11...,M 2 -$688 ~~(1:11'.tt ' . TOJAL Pita + T• ;; ...... ' t