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1969-09-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
. . . . IDghway Now ·nunway - ' . ' ' DA1'-Y PJLOT•,,_,. _, IW v....,U UNBE~IEVING F.IREMAN. P~D ERS PLANE WRECKAGE IN MIDDLE OF MacARTHUR BOULEVARD Dead-sticking Pilot Was Doing Ok•y Until the Traffic Light Changed . ~J Beach Student Arrested ~ Arabs Display UJ)ity ;ftt Meet · ,. I - On. Hit, Run After Cras4 CAIRO (UPI) -Leaders from Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq returned to the \ 'An alleged U.aroc tantrum early on .abor Day led to a Costa Mesa auto 1ccident in which two persons were in- ured and a USC student from Hunting- on Beach jailed on a variety. of charges. Lloyd R. Nelson, 26, or 20651 Kelv~n ,ane. Huntington Bea~. was booked on ,U,spicion of felony bit and run aft.er >eing captured In Santa Ana following he 2·a.m. car crash. tnvestlgators said tho university stu· tent was dlscOvered to Ult six difierenl lllasM and ht was booted also on a ,ttnper of traffic arrest waJTants for .a 'arlety oC v• oUenses. Motorist Wa)tne B. t>a\tiS, 21, of 7111 l7th St, and his passenser, Jakie L. Red· :ien, 21, of the ~ apartment building, 1uffered multiple uuu.rtes wben their car Mt a power pole. bis while doing about fiO milts per-hour and be tn turn ac~erated In a futile at-' .. tempt to escape. ..,. WORKSHOP SET ON PUBLICITY contetenee table today tn an un118Ual ~y ol unity, to ptarl military strategy aptnlt Israel. Egyptlan President G&111al Abdel · Nasaer described the m1ntatµre. Arab summit, wt)ioh opened MObday night, as a "landmark" in the struggle ag~t Israel. EgypUao Foreign Minister Mahmoud A "h t .. · 1 bli 't IUad aak Nasser and his· three Arab~•· . ow-0 session or pu w Y leagues agreed at the first IWession "on chairmen of clubs, o r g a n i 1 at I o n s , the necessity f blliain all Ar b !-churches and. "causes" will be presented . 0 mo g a e on Septit17 ·by the DAILY PILOT and forts to face tm.'ael aagreulon.'' • <>nn,ae Coast .College's Evening Collete· N~ was JOlned at the" i:qeeung by DivlSlon. . Jordan's King Hualein, Syrian Prime . Details and pre-registratiop coupon ap-, ~ NOW'eddln Al•Ata.sst and Iraqi pear today .oo P1ge 15. DeRUf.Y Prime MlnJ,eter Saleh Mahdi Am· mash. I I Plane· Smashes • t • Ca:r ~ • 4 . ' Craft Crash Lands on Busy BoUfuvard Gcµig Beats Man, Rapes _ GirHriend ' A gang of unidentified youths severely beat a Downey man and raped his 21· year-old girl friend near Bolsa Chica State Belich early today. Huntington Beach Police Officer Martin O'Reilly said he had stopped a car !or an µtentUicaUon check on Pacific Coast Highway at 3 am. when the blanket- wrapped girl ran up to him. She told him she and her boyfriend, 23- year-old William J. Zigler wete altUng on tlie beach when suddenly surrounded by the gang and stripped of their clothing. Zigler was beaVi)y .beaten on the face and slapped acrosa the back with a board, then damped into the cold iUrl when be ~ consciousness. The girl said she was then raped by about four or five men. Zigler and the. girl were trea~ for in- juries at Orange County Medical Center. W. oman Throws Self at Train SAN BRUNO (UPT) -"Here's my train," Mrs. Jeanne Ruby Hobson told a tavern bartender ~.a whistle sounded on the nearby tracks. Then the 33-yea'r.Old South San Fran- cisco woman ran· <11tside and int-0 the path of the 80Uthbound Southern Pacific passenger tri1n Monday night. She was · killed~. San t.Jtteo c.ounty coroner's office to- day ruled Ole .death a suidQe after the woman's husband H~ she bid made prior~ on ·bet life. .. . . microbua, then skidding and splruling to the stick. made an emergency; landing at rest almost underneath the suspended the boul&vard's in~ian w it h traffic Ught ~at chanied at the wrong UDiveraty Drive at 11:• a.m. Ume. As t.be aircrait, travelinc at aboQt 80 And everyone 1ot out of their respte· mUN 'pel" bQur, aet down, a ~ tive vehicles unscathed. &as tOakillC •· left tani onto ~Eade that DO ont ~ M • Bli •..andibeJ>latit'I 11&\lt ot Ii.kl one <>raise . ~~ colUded. • Alrl*t u be l&lftd at the 'IM plaoe's Lflbt wirll llDubed bdo ""*"al tbe f.!per Comanahe and two the wfo4bbleld, a J*Ct ti Us iop Gropped fore!p cart. oH. ad tbe rest o£ tbt erumpled. wing Tbe plane, with the El Toro Marine at (See PIANB, ...... I) Goverrwrs Urge Federal Assumption of ·Welfare COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (UPI) - With 'Gov. Lester Maddox ot Georgia the only dissenter, the nation's chtef ex- ecutives today shouted enthusiastic ap. proval of a demand that the federal government take over tbe full cost of welfare. (Earlier story, Page 3). ~ddox insisted that the governors, gathered ln this Rocky Mountain resort city to consult on state problems, were ''abdicating" thelr responsibilities. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Republican of New York, sponsored the resolution, which ran far beyond proposals by Presi- dent Nixon. Rockefeller answered Maddox in a heated exchange that it ls a federal responsibility to give ·toe nee d y assistance "as American citizens regardless of the state in which they live." He was joined by Gov. Jamea A. Rhodes, Republican of -Ohio, who said DirkseQ 'Okay' After Removal . Of L11ng Portion WASHINGTON (UPI} -Sen. Everetr M. Dirksen (R-lll.), underwent sargery at Walter ~ Army Medical Cent~r Thursday for removal of the upper part of his rtgbt lung alter discovery of a arow&h there. :Olrltsen, Republican Jeadet' of the Senate, is 73. An anno\lileement lastted f r o m Dirkaen•s Capitol office said. the 'surgery was performed following dlacovery of the ''lung nOdule" cfurina a ~ dlest X· ray ewnlnation. unless the ~al government took over the burden it W(IQJd be "cotnpounding the misery of the poor." A Southern coµeague, Gov. John J. McKeithen, Democrat of Loulsfan«, challenged Maddox to cancel welfare in his state if be dared. Maddox Doabed ~d denied that he was proposing an end to the welfare but insisted that many. were getlng relief'Wbo did not need it.' Rock~eller tjlallenged the sobering statement by Presldent Nixon to the gov~ors Monday night. that ~dreaJDJ of unlimited billions of dollars beiftc teleas· ed once the war in Vietnam ends aro just thaf -dreams." · . The New York governor presented the confetence with Wormation showing that, even without the end of the llgbtfng, federal revenues lrom Che~ of \be economy #QUld Increase by $125. bllltoo dolla rs by me. .\{ter, acting on the welfare re,port, tbe conte,enee went on to approve tbe cem... mittee's · propqsal for universal national health insurapc, by vok:e vote. • I • • J Wea~er 1 We'll have the· ilsual •belpinc ol fog and low clouds ~nesda' m~1. qqt ·the sun wilt Uvouglt most ol the day--w • coastal temperatum tn the 1011 and ~ mercury ln the 80'a. ' INSIOE TOD.4.Y "Net rt.tultf'' ere wh41 count. 'lbe victims -who said Nelson force4 Lbem off Harbor Boulevard near the San Dtego Freeiiay -w~ treated at Costa Mesa Memorial HOspital and released. B~~ on a des~Tfption by Dlvfs Qd a wttness at the accident scene. police Sgt. Gary Barwie broadcast a r•dlo bulleUn and Santa Ana Police Officer John Mor- rissey picktd up the driver. Coast Fi:i-ms Get Contracts "BioCISy of the nodule in the right upper Jobe d emo nstrated a tul!)Or on preJJminary pathological-study and the upper lobe of the dpt l~J wu remov- ed," the pri~tnt,1114. And tM moat fmporlcnt resultl tQ<loi ere from the tset ca& J'or.esC Hilu, N-:Y_:1 whtre Glnn Whf te. DAILY PILOT aport, tdltor. be gim today fili11tg tUludt>t rt• pm:ts °" the U.S. O!Hn f tmJia 'Tournament, Page 1& • ~ Ill Mda. 1fi$ U1'CO~ at the .r-i.fanl ~,,whcft Da\I\!' $' sltiddett So~i& a ~~ern Califot'nia F.dlson Company. poww pole. Davll aald Ute other car swerved into ... .. ,, ""' Adaunlatrati9n ~warded a $87.3 nlllJlon ' contract to Mc D-o n n t lJ • Do u 1 h s Astronautics COrporatlon in Huntington Buch. (Fnm Win ktricet) Space and cle?f''* c:on.lflct. totaUng $13U rnlllian .today .Wttt aW&\de\I to aerospace firms 1n Huntb>at.on Bea.:h and Newport Be.adl. 1be ?iatiOUJ A.tronautk,, and . Space -_.._. __ .. - • FundJ will provide two Saturn V worbhopa, the NASA oontrlCt said. At the same time. tM Department of the Army awarded a fM,lst,653 contract ' '· to Philco Ford Aa:onutromc dMaion in Newport Belch and Lawndale for ~n· structiOn of the Shlllelaab mlsatle syiWD for uso on Sheridan tanb. Announcement of the contracts for Orange Colat firms came today in Washlngton from Senotor Georae Murphy (R-Callf. ). " , ''Ther~ ... no mdence Of apread of the tumor. • "The Sedator'• poet QPet•live cmdlUon is sat.latattory ," the bulletin uJd, Dirben entered tbe holpitaJ Sunday. ~1'he colorful GOP floor leldtr hu been in m beallh for years. ije hae betQ in jnd out of Wallet Reed 1evval t1Jnu 1n r.- cent months. S DAILY ~ILOT s .. ·--... . ··-· -~ .. -· . ... • .·.-· '"?'"' -# .... I. i-'Citast · Holit~e . •Rene ws!) Nixon . . . -• ' • Pre sident Finds Way to Avoid Rigors of Office .r 81 DOOGLAS I!. CORNEU. APtclatacl Press Writer Praldent Nixon is no devo\ee of tile · '. lir"I"""' life -he won1 tackle the eJrrboard Ms daughter• gave hlm for his l Ttilitliby-:irut"he hall the Urne and places U'tlU!ld the Western White House in San ckmeote these: days for golf and swlm- mtag and "renewal." Mostly weekday mornings usually are : given over to lour or Uve houn of lhe l la&b no President ever ucapes -pai>fr • · work and conferences. &,It Z..500 ·miJles ~ from Washington, the volume is less, 11nd J af\ernoom and weekends normally are . ~-So Niton spins off by helicopter to the • ; fairways or beaches almost every af- ternoon. Occasionally he take.s a rather afroless drive in the evening when his lq-Ume clolc friend from Key 81$- - 0ctJn1. Fla., C. G. "'Bebe" Rebor.o 11 .': ~. Naw and then he &¥hen up the ,....., &nd goes out to dlnoer """,. o1 • ~ _.... of 1<1tallhJlll nearbJ. . ;/J.:'.'Jllt plalnUvely, NIJon m<ntlollt!l .Uie ·1 "'l""""" JU•. surfbolrd. ren<Wal and ' =ent ' Teddy Rooae<elt l&I\ Wed-. . I l!O ~~ otanding heoell!h •l<J'Jaaper' td-.Rif'wOod lrees and dtalcattnc 1 'Lad.Y · Crystal Cove .. . , ·.'Bucket Brigade' Saves Cruiser A. buctet brigade of about 20 Cl'ystal. Ccwe mident.s in Laguna Beach and an incoming tide were credited today for helping save a $50,000 grounded cabin cruiser from breaking up in poun~e aurf Monday morning. The volunteer ba..ilers formed the bria:ade after Harbor Department shore pumpa were knock.ed out of service by the 9Ul'f a1 cnw1 hied to drain water out of the G-foot Hatteraa cabin cruiw "Big D&ddy", out ol Newport Beach. The vessel, with a man and y,·oman aboard, ran hard aground at 8 a.m. harbor pairolmen sald. Foorteen minutes later the palrol's ocean fftboal arrived and began trying to pull the bolt back out lo sea. Wbm portable pwnpo bo shore stopped working, patrolmen aald, the rtlildents form!d • bucket. line to draln the aea wat,r' from inside the grounded craft. "We all balled and pushed and -.i until W9 llol the cruller poinUn« ... watd. 11'1" the flr<boot pulled It off !he beid\" om patrolman Rid. • 1111 out water .. i.the'"""'' vevel ""'""' tlft ctuber tbroalb ·,N surf. •· ~~-;-r ~·When the fireboat pulled alongside, the volunteers jumped overboard and swam b a c k to shore, '1 the patrolman lllld. The cruise.r's owner, ?-.tel Heater,· Beverty Hill!, wu not on board. The boat's skipper, Victor Santo, $1, of Marina del Rey, was operating the Craft · on. automatic pilot when the craft fetched up on lht beach. Nt.ither be, nor an unidenUfied female pauenier was Injured, patrolmen said. °'"1age to "Big Dack!y" was: estimated 1t stOOO patrolmen said. Tbty quoted the skipper as saying, "All « a sudden J looked up and the boat was runninc into the be.ach." 1be vesael was towed tG Harbcir District docks in Newport Harbcir, where rap wert.~£ed In the hull holes. It then wu taken lo a Newport bciat yard for drJ dGCk repairs. Vice Mayor hnprovecl Medical personnel at H u n l i n g t.o n Intercommunlly Hospital today said vice mayor George fi.1cCracken "Is .doing well" and abould be released some time this week. ··the Huntington Beach city official was hospitalized nine days ago because or a Oare-up in his diaebtic condition. DAIL\ i'ILOI ............ ,. ........... . ----c....-. ""' -ou.HG• COMI ~lltlMIMll CO'fJ'illHY ~.t...-1 N. WM ,,......-.... ,~ J ..... c •• ,.., .,....,......_~•Mlnlttr lkta•• 1(...if .... n,.111 A. M•ti.i• ........ 1!.llW -c.m ..,, -*"' ..., """' ·~ .... :m1_. .. .,....,._. ...... ~tn......i".......... .._,., ... """' .... .,~ ................. '' •::...-=.c:r=.:::. _..__ •·"'-.... -"':I': ::53 --......... ,,,, .... .... .... ..... _ ......... c....-.. T '! en•• UMUI an+• 4' r' 6'N6n • • ........ """,. ...... ___ ............ ..... ---............... ..... ·w..---........ --· ::n.:::.: c.t::'.!. =:-: _,.., ~ __..., ., -... ......, !""'-""'··· -....... . Bird John&on Grove to the (Ol'mer first lady, in Redwoods National Park, just below the Oregon border. The Pmiideut said that while be Is on vacation -'1U a Prtaktent ever takes a vacaUon" -he'IOmetlmeJ Ms.a chance lo read In the evenl.llgs and had been scanning a biography of Theodore Roosevelt. One point, he said, came lhfough clearly: "That flt, as Pnsident of the: 'United States, foond that be alwttya received renewed ·ttrength from eo1n&, to the 11eat outdoors. He, of ~· ·wu lrftown as the President who believed in the strenuous U!e. 1 am oot sure UW. I can go as far a-she did in that respect -I won 't even ride a surfboard." The rirst Roosevelt Nixon said, was renewed by gOOig to the West and then back to he awesome duUes of the W!Ute Hou.se. Then, in a rambling tnccrnpltte sen- !e!lce, the President indlallod he would be followin& the past President westward bo' . '·~ut certainly standing here in this £:Redwoods, to realize 'what a few of 30lltude in this D11gnlficent p an mpn. what it can mean to>- man whO ta pmitlent, what if can mrin to any mah or any woman wt» needs time to get a'way from whatever may be "' the burtlens or all ol your tasks, and then lhat renewal that comes from It-" Fo.t Ni""oo, though, there'·ts ,fio ·tilting back in a rGCktr on (ht frortt·stoop. He IS hecomlng a ~goHJni pr'W<l"!t ii\ Uie pat· tern of the lite. Dwight D. Eisenhower, whome he .serv!d as vice president. For one five-day stretch, NUon didn 't 1niss an anernoon on one course or another. Private and military courSel are ~n to him. and·be has ranged as far u 70 to JOO miles by heJ.icopter to reac.b them. . Sports fan Nixon doublb:I up a bit on one flight to play the Los Angeles Coun- 1.l'y Club course, with hill mo,st constan' opponent, Atty, Gen. John N. Mitchell, and stay over for a night football game between the Los Angele! Rams and Kan sas City Chiers. The President had a cryptic appraisal of his goU game when he turned up in Yorba Linda,·where be WaS born 56 years ago. A woman specl,ator inquired how h1a game was going. "Now._and then," be ~ered. Nixon hadn't go1fed •for more than a yaar unUI tie ~kled a"COUlse at Miami, Fla., ,a.JnQnth Or so ago:,,.NOWI that the President ls finding time for the game, Pen Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler u.l.d Nixon \Vas "shoaling a Jillie better and getting to like it a little better." Tbtn! was no word whether ~ll had broken 90. as he has Jn the pasL In the aquaUc depa ent1 the Preti· dent seems to enjoy hi vleW of' the rolJ. Ing PacUlc, al th< bottom of the biol! below h.ia $.140,000 home, more than be does a dip. He bas 350 feet of beach. But the first time he tested the surf' be reported he Dot only was swarmed ovu- by surfers but knocked down twice by waves. Even though the Secret Service and the Coast Guard protect hb beach when he ja on it, Nixon is finding U more to his lli· log to climb Into a he~r for a Hve- rnlnute-run down the coast to a fine beach on Camp Pendleton Muine Base. While it is easy here to get away from the office and relax, Nixon is by no mearui throwing off the weight of m.. •temationJJ or domelUc problems. SlDce coming here Aug. 9 he bu: • , Sent a nurry of mCS¥1es to ~: held meeting• with hla cabir!et, )!is economic advisers, the National Security and Urban 41!•1r• Camclb; honored ibe Apollo II altr....Uta al a Los ,&nples ~ dlOMr; '11\et· in San Frlncisco with '$Girth~ Korean Prealdent-Chu ng Hee Park; flown to Colorado Springs to addnas tl'le Na~ tional Gov~rnors Conference. ~.~~,,. .. ..,~ss..,:co"'~oa;,...l!FZ,..""'~""""'""~"'"""':ss ...... ,...., .. a•mrE .. .,,..4'111,. ,h 't: "' f'rons Pqe J Last Fling D"IL Y 1"11.0f Sltff ""'" PLANE .... .. ' skl~ over the stop or the small red lorelgn sedan. Golden West College coed Nancy Stanton, 18, of Newport Beach frolics in the water while she can. Summer freedom for Nancy and thousands of other Orange Coast students is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. School starts next \veek. SWI ln.dde and "tot.ally surprised," was Jeft. Werthen, 18, of Hollywood, covered • 111ith glass splinters. The plane, with its landing gear half· way down, continued past the car, sideswiped a Volkswagen bus, then pan- 9':ked and spun completely around in the mtdd1e of the intersection. Ferguson, 1318 N. Garnsey, Santa Ana, told investigators later that he was Qying into El Toro .Marine Corps Air Station when the cralt lost power at 5.000 feet North Viet. Troops Maul Forces Led by U.S. Men over the Newport Peach shoreline. SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese;, "I began swilclring tanks, changing the troops have mauled a force of govern· fuel-air .mixture -everything -and ment militiamen and Cambodian none of it worked. I radioed into El Toro . mercenaries Jed by U.S. Special Forces lo tell them, ~t when n,tY .prop stopped I ~d11isers in a battle 85 miles norlheast of knew I couldn t make it in, so I caDed \ Saigon allied sokcsmen reorted today Orange County Alrport tt>wer, instead," ,.._ ' 1 k rt·" ·t'-he said uvvemmen spo esmen repo """ •><:: "It ~J took a rew moments to 'realiu: ~ltied f?rce;s suff~red "heavy" c~uallies J coukio't . make it there, either, 50 1 tn lbe f1ghung v.·h.1~h has raged sin~ Sun· decided lo try landing 00 the highway.. day. l~form~ m1htary sources said ~ he added. ' servat1ve esltmates of govemmenl losses The COf,lt wu, cle.ar on the southbound lanes ol'MacArtbiir u Ferguson dead· aticftd Uie plane In. • Theo U. Ulht changed. Werlbto'a ~.<"~ Uie 11rit to turn into the patft of 1ne 1and.lng plane. The microbu.s, containing Mr o1 and Mrs. Richard Strom, of Fullerton, followed. Three A rr ested were 12 killed, 50 wounded and 21l miss· inp:. The fighting \\'as near the village of . Song Be along the border or Phuoc Loog and Phlam Dong provinces where the ll and III Corps meet. It was 15 miles north of a not.her Cambodian borden area t where American planes using bombs and napalm vriped oul a major guerriUa bQe. It begar. Sunday when &-251Nnan-bal· talion of mercenaries led by Q'een Bertt advisers walked into a' heavily fortified Notth Vietnamese regimental head· quarters and came under intense rocket· grenade and autoinaUc weapon,, fft. U.S. jets and artillery hit the Commtmist.s but the batUe continaed lrito Monday. A battalion of m.ililiamen rushed to the aid of the first unit and also was mauled. ::. D°'1LY '1LOT S1tt( I'~ PILOT ANO ORIVER ·COMPARE NOTES l\fTER CRASH Fll1r Ferguaon (l•ft), Shaken Motori1t:W1rt .. n The little bus' door was ripped off by the pasaJng plaoe. . . Another auto swerved into a ditch to avoid the impact . On ·Drug Counts; 92 Pills Se ized Three young persons -one of whom claimed t.o carry a needle only to remind herself d a hellish paat life with drugs - wen arrestecfby Costa Mesa police 1¥1on- day night wheo 92 piUs were foond by their car • The Cambodian mercenaries a r c tribesmen who fight for pay and are led by the Special Forces advisers. There are also a number of mercenaries made up of Montagn&rds and other trlbesmeo in \'arious parts of Vietnam. Hurricane Fran • Menaces Ah·eady Hard Hit Area MIAMI (UPI) -Hurricane Francelia pitched gale force winds and surging tides into the Gulf ot HOnduras today, menacing an area where thousands of persons have lost their lives in the fury of tropical twisters during the past half cen- tury. The National Hurricane Center saia the storm has swung lo the west and is t'X- pected. to slam into the coast between Belize and Puerto Barrios with winds of 90 miles an hour late today. "Interest.$ rrom Chetumal to Puerto Barrios should prepare for tides of four feel and up to seven feet near the point where the center enter1 land," a weather advisory said. "Gale rorce winds will begin over the Gulf of Honduras around midday." "A portion of the hurricane 's circuJa. tion is over ·land and this may cause the movement to be somewhat erratic anti possibly a little south of due west ,'' the hurricane center said. Highest winds we.re about 00 m.p.h near itie center with gales reaching 150 miles to the north and 50 1nl1cs to the soutll. Forecasters said winds should ex· teed loo miles an hour when the storm plows Into the coast. Weathermen fear the storm's sudden change ol direction may catch many Cen- tral Americana off guard. Belize, the capital of British llooduras, IMt 1,500 residents in a 1921 hurricane. and was bled further e I g h t years ago when Hurricane Hattie killed an ad· dltlonal 262 per800s and n e a r I y obliterated the city. The shore line has received many blows from tropical storms. Visit Planned' By Bloodmobile The Red Croa Bloodmobfle unit will Y!a~ Hoac Memorial Hospital In Newport "Beach Saturn.,, Sept. 13, for anyone who wl&bes to donate. ReMrvatioos tor the 2:30 to 7 p.m. blood coUectlon may be mode by calling 774·3182. according lo Red C r o s s spokesmen. The Bloodmobile will be parked 11t the hospital'• conference center building • • • ·sear~h Goes On The CommWlist guerrilla c a m p reported destroyed by planes was 70 miles northwest of Saigon and two miles from Cambodia. Allied forces said It WI$ one of the bases from which the Com· munists had been exnected lo launch new attacks today on Hanoi's 24th In· dependence day. Dad Hunts for Dead Son on Holida y Officer Pat Donohue Wd he. pulled over the van driven by Dortithy J. Han, nah. 19, of 2400 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, to cite her fo.r failure lo signal for a turn al Elden and Sarita Isabel Avenues. ~tillioos of Southland citizens spent Labor Day enjoying life. \Vilbur ?hilpolt spent it hunting for his dead boy. The Loma Linda mechanic has spent tach Sunday and holiday since Feb. 25th, '1unting for 12.year-old Benny, whose body he believes may be in the Santa Ana River bed · between Loma Linda and Orange Couoty, where itrempties· into the ocean at Newport Beach. "l got an cittra day to siarch." said Philpott. " . . . another cha nce. for rveryor1e lo .say I'm crazy , obsessed voi th his death." ''He 's doing what he thlnkti is right. And I'm behind him,·• said Ellen Louise l'ni1polt. 11·ho lost her fourth son tragically last February. "\Ve \vant lo see Benny buried right,"' s:·,e added. The boy \\'as swept into a rain-swollen draln age culvert 1vhile walking to the garage where Philpott worked. plartning to rlo sonu• chores. IL was his mother"!'\ birthda y. He need- ed money for <l gift. "I'd never given f!lY kid a dime,'' said Philpott li1onday. "lie had to work for lt. lf he did Lhc ~·horcs. I'd pay him ...... The search for BeMy's body has lakm Flier Broug ht Down to Ea11h ,\ stunt rfier found a welcoming com· millet wailing "·he:n he set down at f\fudowlark Airport in Huntington Beach Monday night. Thty pinned him with no medal, but wilh a charge of resisti ng arrest. \Vllliam E. Woll, 35, of 309ll Murra1 Lane, CoJla Meu, was reporledly reluc- tant to diBCUso tu. aircraft acrobal.lcs and wound up booked lnlG Oraf1ie County Joil. police said . \V ltnesst's told orflcers \\'oil nearly col· IJded tn mld;ilr \\'Jlh anOlhe r ph111e piloted t>y f.lrs l'aul Gnssland. Philpott up and do\fl\ the riverbanks on· lo!lt'ly walks and over its loamy, moisi surface by specially outfitted ·motorcycle. Neighbors familiar wilh PhllPott's unhappy hunt ridicule him as morbid, Fellow workers criticize the searth at :;enseless. "l've got to do this to satisfy my own mind," he says , "I say I'll find hin1 son1c da._y. I won't give up until I do." Then, perhaps . Denoy will be buried right as his mother wanls -beside his lhree brothers who died in childhood of a liver ailmenl. YOUR During the slop, he said, Roy J. Han· nah, 22. could be seen lying apparently asleep and intoxicated In the back and was consequently asked to step outside. The H4nnah couple and Miss JeaMe C. Riley. Hf. of 2044 Orange A\le., were stan· ding by the van when someone kicked a coin purse later found lo contain the pills under the vehicle. They \YCre bookrd on ~uspicion nr possession of dan~crous drugs and possession of narcotics paraphernalia. l\liss Riley was carrying 1 hy}M)dermic needle, bul !old police iL \\"!15 Qnly lo re- mind her or the folly or a fonner in- \'Ol\'ement with drugs. You r Ome ga Salts & Se.rvlct Ago ency U.S. war communiques reported 11 overnight sbellings and scattered combat. much of it around Saigon, but listed nn major attacks of proportions that could .signal a new offensive. Summoned by an aerial spotter who saw some Communist troops in the open, the warplanes zeroed in on the Cam~ bodian bcirder base and killed 18 guer· rillas, destroyed 72 bunkers and burned 15 tons of rice \\'Ith their bombs and napalm, reports s~. In another aerial raid n ea r by , helicopltr gunship pilots caught another Communist unit in the open and reported killing 16 so!dlcrs. 0 OMEGA --1"lllrWtr .. ,,..., _,., WATCH'~ 11 .. Ci..M • a.-.i·•oiw FREE n.. "''"' ••"'• O"'•IJ • Sp1tcllri11t1' wtlch "'I llt rfll w11 11l1ct..O wit~· awl •ny ,,...dtfittlPan \,y NASA to b1 wo•n by f-'' '""" o"" 1~1 m1on, 1~.;, r1cogniti1n, lfyly t ••- ... tr d I 1 • ••t t l11nc•, '"'~'' wl p•owol le b1 your tMthori11d O"'t•• j1w1l1r. Ctrnt ;" -"' t~l1 .,_1n<d10Pftt, J butlo~, 4 t1,.1, 0111••• Sp1td,,.••· l•t th1•n•t•tph. Th1 c•ly ""'''~ ••r-t.y lh1 "'•" t • 1111 1111•11. p,;,, SI fS. Wt.Ii. YH W ... •Adi-...... $2.00 ~~I~ s4aa 11.muM• .,. • llM•S $3,.00 AO SIDO, fr• DIAMONDS $6.00 llf'UCIO, trr.. a-11~" SeU· • ENeUYIH• DONI 1rbtdtn II ~1Mr: WNlll YOU WAIT H1ntlntton Cetlter leach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEA CH 892-5501 c TllMS -''AIU.1~1 and back Harlior Shopping Center 2300 Harbo r l lvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • ' ' ' • • •• 1 o.U•uome~ I 'Dlilly ~te . fOI:. '62, ~O, 210, 3 ~E.CTIONS, 3/i P >,&~ I . TEN dNrs • . ' -. ,. . ---·:oB ~:ra ·e . . . . • Dirksen Loses .$97 MilliQn Joh . Goes · to . . . I. Part of Lung Beach ·Firm Space and defense a'JDlracl.s to~ing $131'.4 milllon today wue awanjed to aeroopace films In Huntington .lleach and WASHINGTON (UPI) -Se.n. Everett ti!. Dirksen (R-111.), underwent surgery1~t Wj.lfer Reed Anny Medical Cent.er Thursday for removal bf the upper part of his right lung after discovery of a growth there. Dirksen, Republican leader of the B~ach Teen Dies, 3 Hurt In Car Crash A Huntington Beach teen.ager was kill- ed and three passeng~rs in his car. in- jured in a bead on collision Sunday af- ternoon near Ensenada, Baja California. Karl Bernard Kabl, 19, of 6392 Falling \Vat.er St., Huntington Beach \Vas listed as killed. according to Mexican State H)&hway police. Injured in the collision were Jim and siisamle -Harden, both 14 and Edward Harden, JS, all of Hlih\ington Beach. (No addreSset"~aibble) .1,.~, ...,:., ';: • ,. . Kabl's.oar_-repooledly ~ with a . car drlVen bf• Mexican Qltl(llil oii•tbe higbway ~ar La BufaOOra, p toorist at- tracUoo 22 miles south of Ensenada. The Hardeo yourigsters_ are' currently llospilalized in Ensenacta:, according to Mexican authorities. Jim suffered ann cuts Susanne suffered a head in1ury and am{ and leg cuts, while Edward Sllffered a concussion. . · The AinCrican consulate in Tijuana said an uncle of K.abl~s was on his way-to Ensenada today to make· arrangements to bring the body home. Mexican authorities are investigating the accident. The other driver and a passenger were not seriously injured. Senate, ls 73. An announcement issued f r o m Dirksen's CapttQ_; ollict said lht 'surgeey was performed following ·discovery of the "lung nodule" dttring a'recent chest X- ray examinaUon. "Biopsy of the nodule in the right upper 1obe demonstrated a tumor on preliminary pathological study and the upper lobe of tile right lung was remov· ed . ., the announcement said. "There was no evidence of spread of the twnor. "The Senator's post operative condition ls satisfactory," the bulletin said. Dirksen eptered the )lospital Sunday. 'fhe colorfUI GOP Door leader,has been in ill health for years. He has been in and out of Walter Reed several times in re- cent months. Gang Beats Man, Rapes Girlfriend At Bolsa Chica • A gang or unidentified you\M sev~ly beat a Downey man and ra~. his 21-year~ld Jili 'frieM ~near BQLD. Chica Slate Bdch early today. Huo!in8too lllacti'Poflot ol!le<r Martin O'Rellfy said IJe 11ad ~ ~ .,r for an iden:Ufioation check on Pedfic Coast Highway at 3 am. wbep the blaqket~. wrapped girl ran up to him. She told him she and bef·oo'y(riend,'23- year~ William J. Zigler were sitting on the beach w'hen suddenly surroun®<t by the gang and shipped of the~ clothing. Zigler· was heavily beaten on the ta~ ahd slapped across the back. wtth a t.»rd, then dumped Into the cold surf when be lost consc1ousness. The girl saJd she was tben raped by about foUr or.five men. Zigler and the girl were treated for fn. j~ies at Orange·County Medical C.enter. Street Landing By JOHN VALTERZA Of IM OlllY '"1W staft "Everything would haVe been fine If the traffic light hadn't'.chauged," the pilot said as he l'?Oked at the ~ge of. his light plane at 'the· intenectlon of MacArthur Boulevard 1 and University ' Drive. Newport Beach. • The National Aeronautics and Space Adminlstration ·awarded a $9'1.3 ~ contrad to McDonnell ·Do-u•t •• Astronautics eorporaUoo In HuntlngtOn Beach. Funds will prov1di two Saturn V, workshops, the NASA cootract said. At the same time, 1bO. Department ol the Army awarded • $$4,139,653 contract to Philco Ford Aer«IUll'Oolc division In Newport Beach !l1ld Lawndale f<J' C911· -of the ~ m1'iile oystem for ti9.l on Sheridan tanks. Announcement of the contracts for Orange . Coast firma came today in Washin,ton from Senator George-Murphy (R-Callf.). The -McDonnell.; Dauglu 54-~ rocke~ ouUitted prior to launch as a NaUonal Aeronautics and Space Adm~tlon (NASA) Orbital Wori<Bbop, will be lofted into space atop i two-stage Saturn V in 191'1. . The 0 dry launch" previously ahnoimced by NASA will permit tbe full outllUfng ol the l\'Ol'ksbOt> w tbe-~.q ·lta .,. rtVa1'1j'~i. ~Iii ~#)-l!C· cu-by tbree-. -111 8ddilton, the worilhOp .. m be laUllChed 'wllll lhe' ApOijo Ttl-Moonl (ATM) attached to II. • Wben the works1!91J Jll'Ol;Oll1 was flnl announced, NASA" planned to U1e a modllled fuel S-m aa Its firot orbltal worksbop wlth la~ sdieduled,for ,Im. The 54-B, funcUonfng as the aecood stage of the Satwii l·B launch vebicle, woold lnltlally fin to Jll'O'lide the ,final propulskm to reach earth orbit. The spent stage ihen was to have been prepared by the astronauts in orbit for use as a laboratory for the conduct or iclenUllc and bfomed lcal experlinents. Beach Student Ai·rested So Todd Ferguson, 20, made the best of· the changing signal Mohday alid dllch!d his plane anyway, ski}>Jllni oH the top of a foreiirf seda'n, ripping the' doOr off a microbus, then skidding and splMlng to. rest ahnOst underneath the su!pende<l traffic light that changed at the wrong tlme. Under the modified NASA ·jJJan, the first . two stages of the more powerful Satum V will bO used to launch tht works~ unmanned from C-Omplei 39 at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Ceoltt', Fl~da, into a 220-nautical mile cif'Cular orbit. About a day later, a three-man crew will be ti.unched in mi Apollo spacecraft atop the smaller Satwn I·B from Complex 34 ai the Kennedy center. On Hit, Run After Crash AnP everyone got out of their respec- tlfe vehicles unscathed. ''It was a mlracle lhat no one w8.s hurt or killed," said one Orange County AirJ)ort . flren'lan as he -stared at the' wr~~of ttie Piper Comanche and·two foreign cars. An alleged traffic tantrum early on Labor Day led to a Costa Mesa auto accident in whlcb two persom were in· jured and a USC student from Hunting- ton Beach jailed on a variety of charges. Ll0yd-R. ~Netsob, 18;-of' 206Sl Kelvin Lane, Huntington Beach, was booked on suspicion of fel?JlY hit and run af.ter being captured m Santa Ana following the 2 a.m. car crash. Irwestigaton Ill.id the university stu· dent was discovered to use six different aliases and be was booked also on a number of traffic arrest waJTants for a variety of veblcle offetues. . Motorist Waine B. Davis, 2·1, of 708 Beach Cro,vds 'Light' for Last Summer Fling Cool water and air temperatures at· tratted onJy a\'8'age·ao"di tol>oth Hun· tinfton beaches over the Laboc Day w~eod. the last -till w .. kend ol the surhmer. An estimated 144,000 sunbathers dotted Huntington City Beiteb for the four.day l''etkendr - Lifeguard Gary 11...t ·blame<t below everage temper1t.uret for the light at- teOOance at-the city''beach wbJch reached Us peak with 15,000 ·on Monday. Temperatures along the Huntington beachlront rttflged in the mld~lxtle.s fOll "'ater and the m!d-IVenUes "for air throughout the enUre weekend.- One to two-foot high surt,1)1acid water by H~ Beach standards, kept reocu~ ,,..,. lo 1 .minlmuill 1fllli.oi117 30 IOCQOrded fr!liOhJr,day pe/t<ld. · At Hunllngiori,s'i.t• Beai:!i the total •l· lend•nee wu..Urnated at·lt.tOO. rawer than to restUe8 were recorded. 17th St., and his passenger, Jakie L. Red- den, 21, of the same apartment bulldlng, suffered multiple injuries wben their car hit a power pole. The victims -who said Nelson fotcea them off Harbor Boulevard 0$flbl~Sin Diego Freeway -were treated at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital ana released. Based on a description by Davil and a '"itness at the accident scene, p0Uce Sgt. Gary Barwig broadcast a radio bulletin and Santa Ana Police OUicer John Mor- ri'Ssey pieked up the driver. •, , C:AIL.Y 1"1L-oT StMf tt1ltt. Pl~~ AND DRIVEJl <lOMPARE ,NOT·ES AFTER CRASH . • Flier Ff1riu10n ·(&eft), $haken,Motoriit Wtrthen • '11\e plane, with th~ El Toro Marlne at the sticll, made an emergency·laoding at lhe bouJevarcPs · :intersection ··-w i t h University Drive at 11:20-"'a.u. . As the aircr¢t,.'trav.eilng1at1about eo miles per hciur, set·down, a Hollywood youth was maklJlg 'a left tum . cqito MacArtltt~!'. Kls ciir,and-tbe plane:s ri_sh,t wing collided.· -. , 'l 'Ilhe · plarie's ·ril!it wi~· anl~hed into tbe windshield; a _plece.ol IU,top'diopped off, and tbe .rest of the cnllilpled wing skidded over the stop of the small~ kireign sedan. · • · Miss Redden was · unconscious at . the .. l)anny Up Again St!U inside and"'totallrs~" wai Jeff Werthen) 18, Of Hoilyw9od, cdv!fe4 ivlth glass· splinters. accident scene, when Davis' car skidded ~ 60 feet into a Southern California Edllob Company power pole. 'Davis sild the othU car swerved Into his while dOing aboUt 50 miles per hour and he in turn accelerated in a futile at· tempt to escape. He said the car veered into his a sec· ond time after catching up and be re- membered nothing from that. moment un· Ul alltt' tho colllilon witii the pole. A • witness told police there bad been an incident ·o1 some-type tnvOJving the Nelson and Davis vehicles, leading him to stop .and li;Jttn to tbe two drivUa at• gue a few m~~· ·The wltoe.se said both autOFltlt, north· bound .on tho-boulevard, and he came upon the accident shortly afterward. Police said the a1Tested drtver refused to discuss the cue wiUI them. ' .. · .. .. Valley, Beacli ·Help ·Hurt Child > One of ,his legs is two locbes aborter Meanwhile, a parent-teacher organiza- than the Qther, but Danny..,Ramos Is back tion at Areval~I where Danny was on rua fett again. thanlls to a pM!tinum a kindergar~ner, !tarted a trust fund tor pin and chrtches. ' ' • the boy from which they have already They were a'Ji(l lnjrru~,Valley • paid.oul 11,329.for the bil~. a'nd Huntmgton Ueach r'!lldcnt.1 'Ibo sent Speaijleadcctb~ Mrs, Toby Ubldinski Uleir love' and money·to the fiVe-year old and Mfli: Dlana.-Peel, the orcantzat'kln youngstef,wbo nearly had his life snuffed scheduled numeroos radio and television The plane, with Its landing gear 'half~ way down, continued past • the car, sid,eswlped a Volkswagen"bus, then pan. caked and spun comptetely aroo'nd ln the · middle of the lnterseCtlon. ""' Ferguson. 1318 N. Gamsey,.Sant:a Ana, told investigatorl' later that be was fl)ling (See PLANE, Pap I)' * * *' Flier~ Brf)ughf ~ . . •, . Down to -Eanh-out in-a traffic accident April 30. • appearances to bring the cause -to the He remaiped in ~a ·coma for~'1~ dayll, pobltct.'s at~~. Newspapef.lq:>veraic • ·A Stunt1,fUei: fobiid:'i~~·com- sulfering multlple hljurlis, Including led ma.Ypoople lo Write Dannyiand Ibey mlUee watOng when he IOI down it broken ribs, a lacerated lung, rractured have often included money. M lark ._1_. u filp Al)ltp.19\c bone, brok!" llJ'l •nd leg, ; Danny ·illn ... .aa addltiOnal brairt wave. M:,~~..,.,... •1'.'••uqtiqlop·l!<llCh dlslocalid l\Oai,•!Jd head '!'lurii!s. tesi. a\id'win .-.....bly"n<ed·1 leropera. · ""-· ••"" 'ltlm· w~'.no ,IMll•I, liut "•-·•· u •· •· When .ht filially come homt alter a I · . r ~'r"·· , • . . "~' ,.. :;;.i-..,.....,,. .. ,sr .. e.. mooth,ln· \lie hospltal.11< was ~l'f'd llf Tum,, lh a ~ y~., Tb~e.'5 ,sun 1 with' a• chaJlge.oh'OslJt " arrest , __ .....________ • ._.t'l>om -lo toe. i; I ,fialan<.1flt;U1if\l)i'iJli,e 1-;,t. to1.1o Wllllam· E. wqu, •·'"' "'8t-Murr13 NEWYORKC\Pl'-Tlj,~market '8111'\~ingDdlli!yaUve •llAli-n.ram'li,. l<>Wiidfuwt·..pe.;.s, ·~ ·• : ,l,fne,,Cl*ll~.:w,lf~rtluc- cl""'d on a mWll"'°'",~Wlth trading ed mspJtal and di>otor re.~ thiljt .. -~'l~i)al·J>e!!<foudled by tant to;lflclla~ ~I--""4 fairly quiet -Ill~ o11\!ICh pl the • '~!if.'1 Dai\ny'!': .,.l\h °' I .th•-~~~ P!'m'by ~~! · 'tl'o_Ulld up .llooie'd~ ,/i¥~0!,llll'I C'owt~ .. oskm. CSe< qllqlaUQ.:P~JIJ . 1;Ji;Oy"' "": bad'nlllil , from 11'-over Ora11f1,1CoWity: thiu; ia11, pOlloe • • , • 1 The Dow Jonif ~al 'lMl!""ll r ..,, with Dll!!Jl1'1' -· ...... )>py ," ~ ., •• ooly l!V.0 .... "1 Wit .. tole( o!Ocen.Wolf nier_Jt_c;o~ p.m . ..., .,.1.1h1~DJO. Aclnncel ud ~ Ttduced lboir · • by 'hours lo IWe;!lllOI' •P,@1 ~ llwika-lid~ I!> mldai(1'!1~ ~~Int - ·decll!les were llmootemi. • n ,DOO. ·• lo lh<lr helg. by MrtIPaul llOllJIOCll '! ~ ., ... t The spacecraft will rendezvous and dock · wilh the workshop aod the astronauts will occupy it for up -~23 days. Later revisits of up to 54 days' (See COIO'llACTS, P11e I) • .Huntington to Close Offices on Tuesday Offices at Huntington Beach Civic Center will not be cloeed nenMonday, as announced earller'by eity olflclals. The offices will be closed on Tuesday, Sept.. 9, how<ver, to celebrate C.lilornJa's Adm1"'1on Day. Truh colltction will be provided •ccordln& to the nonnal schedule Tuesday. or .. ge Weadaer We'll have, the llSIJal help~g of tOg and low clotKls Wednesday mornl~, but the ·sun will re1gi1 tlirough most of .-the diy wilh coastal temperatures •in the 1 ?O's and inland mercury in the 8011. INSIDE ·TOD&Y "Nei re1ulti" llf'f: ioMt count. A!ld 111.-in'olt lmj>ortolll nndtr todav ar.e from fhd, ntt at ror·r1t na11, N.Y .. whtr• ,c1<11..,whni, .DAiliT PILOT' apom •di19!',,bf. ¢ni today fifhig •zdusitlt tt- pom 0.. lh• U.S. QPf!I T't'nil Toumam•n~ PagF 16. ' ;.~ , .. ._.,......:.., C ....... 1MI ........... ~ I '""° I M Ji!l'Mlt,..,... ;lt ~ ,,,,......._ tMS :::,.."';:. : ·~-=<'l ••u•c:iJ ' ' , J ::':11 '"';}-. ' I ~~ ,, .... ll .~' ' I .,,.,,. .... .. --. ' . . • . ' • • • ~ast ·nome .'Re • .. . l • ~ .~r~~d£~t :Finlh Wa~ t'! A~id RiJo of Of~1- 1 B,; DOllGLAS B. COl\NEU. ~1111 JqhnlOll Grove lo lht 1.--IJnl lhl-ol~tl,......._lllfllba _... .. Ila•• hwe better." Tlll{li : ... AQOC!altd ,,.., Wrilu , lw. I• lied-Nadiltll P•k. J1lll 'lhal -;i lltal .,.__. ~' • • ... --Nlllon had bro • below lhe Orqon b<lrd•. Porll!Din; thouJh;111m1l110"lllllnc ' Ill, u be lw lo !be put. t ~ Nixon b no devdee ol the The President ~aid that whUe be ta on ba1;k Jn a rocker on the f?ont'stoop. Re la In the 191.llUc .~t. U. ~ JstrillaOU the l-he won't tackle the vacation -''ll a President ever takes a becoming a golling president in the pat-dent aee:ms to enjoy hlJ view of lbe rolJ.. ~1tt! daughters gave·htm for h1s vacation" -be sometlmes has a 'Chance terri of the 18te Dwight D. ~Eisenhower, Ing Pacific ..._ at lhe bot.tom of the bluff tblrthday. But he has the Hme and places to read in the evenings and had been whome he served as vice pretldent. below his $340,000 home, more than be ~nd the West.em White l{ouse in San scanning a biography of Theodore For one rive-day &tretcb, Nlx<1n dldn't does a dip. He bas 350 feet or beach. But., l'Oem1nte ihesc days for golf and swim-Roosevelt. One point, he said, came miss an afternoon on one course or the first Ume be tested the lt1rf Ot • mine IDd "renewal." · through clearly : another. Private and tnllltary courMa are reported he not onJy wu swamied ovu : . ~•weekday morntnp UNally ire "Th1t< he, u Prtstdtnt of the lJnlted open to him, and Jle • ranaed u far as by surfers bOt-kD!fckld down twtce givea ofer to four or five boun of the States, found thll he always rectlved 70 to 100 milu lfy helicopter to reach waves. .· l ~1kr'no President ever 6Clpes -p1per renewed strength from aoirc<to the ireat them. · Even thotWt th• Secret Servlct lhd the , : ~ Ind conferences. But 2,500 millet ·outdoors. He, of1 courte, wu known as Sports fan Nixon doubled up 1 bit on Coaat Guard~ b1s belch wben he ta • !rmii W1ahlngt011, the volume is le-1, and fhe Presidtnt who believed tn the one fllthl to pl1y the Los Angeles COun-on it, NIXOQ 11 thiding It more to his Ut'-' 1 af~irnoons and "·eekends normally are sttt.nuous life. I am not sure that 1 can go try Club course with his most "COnstant ing to climb into a helicopter for a five-- , free. as far as he did in that respect -1 won't opponent, AUy. Gen. John N. Mitchell, minute run down the coael lo a fine So Nixon spins off by helicopter lo the even ride a surf?oard." The fir st and stay over for a night football game beach on Camp Pendleton Marine Base. !r,Jr:ways or beaches alrJ)Os,t every af-Jloosevelt, Nixoq said, was renewed oy between .the Los Anaeles Rams and While lt is euy here lo gel away from tttn~ Occatlonally he take! a ratbe~ golng to the West and th~n back to he Kansas Cit~ Chiefs. . . the offict: ao.d relaz, Nixon is by no J ai~ drivt in the evening whl!:n his awesome duties of the White House. The President had a cryptic appraisal means throwing off the weight of in· lon&-timt close friend from Key Bi.-Then, in a rambllna lnccmplete sen-of hts 1olf 1ame when he turned up In tern1Uonal er domeJtlc problel1\I. cayne, •Fla., C. G. "Bebe" Rebozo is tence, the Prealdent lndlcated he would Yorba Llnda, where h:e waa born 51 years Sfnce comln& here Aua. t bt bu: 'arol.(l'Xtr Now and then he gathers up the be.foUowtna the ~It Prealdent westward aao. A woman apeclator lnqulrtd how hla: Se.ot a O\aTy of meuasu toUmcreu: family and goes out to d1Mer at one of ho: 1ame was going. held meeijq1 with b1a cabinet, hla the ....,. of reiitauraull neail>y. . "Bui certalllly lllndln! here In thla "Now and then," he ... werecl. economlc advllm, Ille NIUonal Security A bit plalntJTtly, Nixon mentioned the grove or RedWooda, to rea lze what a few Nlxon hadn't colled for more than a and Utbaa Affa1n Counclll; bonortd tbe sttt,nuous life, sur£board, renewal and momentl of aolltudt ln lhil masniflcent yau unUl he tackled a course at Miami, Apollo 11 ~utrollluta at a IM AnCtlu Prc1dtlenl Teddy Roosevelt last Wed-place can metn, wha& it can mean to a Fla., a month or IO a,o. Now that the dinner; met in· SU 1rancltc0 'wltb. Sollth ne14a1. • man wbo ii pi'taldent, what It c~ mean Pres1d1nt II llndlnl time for Ule pme, Korean President Cbunc Hee Part: nown HI' WIJ 11and1h& benealh l!l»ecraper~ l? any man or any woman wbo ne~s Peas Secret.ry .Ronald L. Zle1ler 1ald to Colorado SJl'fnp to addreu the Na- tali 'Rldwood ll'eet and dedlcaUng a Lady time to 1et away from whatever may .>e Nixon w11 •'ahootin& a little better and Ucaal Gotoe:mon Conference. ·.. . ' . ·Scotchman's Cove Beach _'Crackdown'.Nets 270 An e!Umated 270 persons were arrested or cited at Scotchman's Cove durinl the Labor Day weekend tn what the county Sheriff'• otnee said today was "a long overdue crackdown" on be.-ch trespaners. Deputies rounded up 101 Juveniles Saturday md Sunday and handed over ten servicemen to military authorlUes followin& two raids on the popular beach between Corona de! Mar and Laiuna. Of the estimated 159 adults questioned, 116 '"'ere cited and 43 arrested .. Sheriff'• lnvesUgators today said the. ralda were the culmlnaUon oJ "months or compl~ta" concerning the area. They said the crackdoYl'n will continue untll nl&ht tlme activity at th~~ch comes lo California Leads · In Labor Day · Traffic Deaths By United Pre•• la&ematioaal WJth CalUornla leadl.ni the way, more than eoo perlOnl died fn trafDc acc idents over the long holiday wttkerid, but the toll fell rar behind last year '• record total. A ,final United Presa International tabullUon today 1hoWed 612 pergona were k1lled :.in traffic between 6 p.m. f'rld1y and mldnleht Monday. The Labor Day record, e1tabllshtd la!t year, was 688. a.i end. An lnvutlptor todly 1ald that lhe Irvtne Company alked for bl 1 department's cooperaUon tn keeplna the beach clear dUJ'in& the Labor Day weekend. It Is eipected thtt mo1t of the adults apprehended durln1 the t w o • d a y crackdown will be arrai,.ed Wednesday in Sait!t Ana Munlclp1l Court. Juvtnlle Court actlon a1al.nat the 101 mlnun l'Ollllde4 up by depuUu la ·pe .. din(. An lncre111na number of rapea, aiHulta, narcouca and liquor vlolatioM have been rtPorted from the area in rt- cent weeks, tnvesUgators aald. All have taken place during the hours of darkness when the beach ls closed to the public. Officers stressed today 1hat the beach Is not J.i public area. Owned by the lrvine COmpali.y, the half-mile ocean front strip is.i:!~fiab&C to the public tor a fee, bu& ~-cl!trd li;,J:PO l>o11>. •'ft! after 6 p.m. Oiat tbe fun starts •1 an officer said today. "Drink, drup, le.,;d conduct. tlgbU, you name It and the btach has seen it In increasing numbers these last few weeks . ., Sheriff's 'department records lndJcate that more than 70 arrests were made' for various \1iolations Jn the SCotchman's Cove area during Au1u1t. Nearly :;o similar olfensea were invesUaated by depuUe1 during July. InvesUaaton said that llfeauard towers have been toppltd over and damaged, oUthouses pushed over and "literally tons of Utter and beer cans strewn all over the property," FROM GROVli TO VALLEY School Prlnclp.11 B1rn11 ~rove Man JQms . ; . ·~ ' Valley Schools Wllllam J. Bunes, SS, wUI take tbe helm at Fountain Valley's McDowell school th~ fall. Tht new prlnclpal comes to Fountain Valley after !4 years of tuclUng and ad- nilnlrtraUve experience in the Garden Grove School Dlltrlct. His 1111. aularunenl was u princl~ of th1t district'• newest and moet modern faclllty, the Loyal R. Barter School. A native of Lona Bqcb, Barnea recelv· ed a bachelor's dearee from cal State Lona Beach and maater'a delf'lt from Chapman College. He and h11 wlft, Julia, ind their thrte daughters make their home at 9091 Hhod.,la Road, ll\mlJnglon Beoch. • ,..,..,,. P .. e I 'CONTRACTS. •• duration will be made Illini Ibo Sahlro I· B -Apollu coinl>lnaHDD. • The Newport llnn'1 131-miU1on con· trad la for oecond plltae COllllntclfon al .lhe Infra·-• Sbillelall> mlaalle. The order for the mfullee came after reporta: several manthJ a10 that tbt cjevalopment of th• lhree tanta on which the 'l!ballet will be lnllaJled WU faclo( 1ertoultroult)e. c.o,reutonaJ commltteea ~that work on two otcthe Lanka on wllb the mlalles are tutilled w11 embroiled ln hJ.ah expen1e1 and numerous tallurt1. Spokesmen at PhllCo.Ford'• Newport Beach plant -onl7 admlnlllraUve ,ork wW be done there on Ibo projact ~'lald that "It wu uswned" lhal the problems with the WW bave been ltralJhtened out. . The tanks, the spokesmen stressed an~ not built by Phi1~Ford. ' "We have exptrlenced no problems wlLh the mtsslle' or the control and au I dance sy5'em," one source lhere said. Earlier thia: year, reports said the pro- viaiom for ioatall"-ijoo al tbe · milalle and rWdance . l)'ltp, tn th1 tanks were ctUtlil1 iome CoeiJy probleria. The award of the entlre contract on an lncrem,ent bui1 wu made by the Oefenaa Department In Jul7 -of Itel. AllhouCh Ibo top encullvu In the Shlllela(h pr<>rram wort but of the Newporl Beaoh plant, Ille .bulk cf the bulldlnjf and dealintnr cf lhi mlulle will be done at PhJ.lco-l'ord's Lawnd&le facW-ly. Newport Oft1ce IJXlkesn;ien 1a.ld no pereonnel In Newpqrt Stich will be af· fecl<d by the fedaral cootract. • 29,000-man Draft Set for October • OAILY l'ILOT St1n"""'"' Last Fli1ag Golden West College coed Nancy Stanton, 18 of Newport Beach frolics in the water while she can. Summ er £rffdom for Nancy and thousands of other Orange Coaat students la rapidly becoming a thing of the past. School starts next week. · North Viet Troops Maul Forces Led by U.S. Men SAIGON <UPI) -North Vletname5e troops have mauled a forol of govem· ment mllJUamen and C a m b o d i a n merctnarlts led by U.S. Specl1l Forcu advisers in a b8ttlc 85 miles northeast or Saigon, allied sokesmen reorted today. GQ,·ernment spokesmen reported the allied forces suffered "heavy·• casualties in the fighting which has raged sincc 'Sun· day. lnrormed militnry sourc~s S<Jid con· scrvallve estimates or \covcrnmcnl lossc~ v;crt 12 kllled . 5Q \VOUn<!c~ :.ir.U 20 ntiSS· log. l'ro1n Page 1 PLANE • • • The fighting \1·as near the village of Song Be along the border of Phuoc Lone and Phlam Dong provinces where the It and Jlr Corps mHt. It was 15 mike north of another Cambodian bordu area where American planes using bombs and napalm wiped out 1 major guerrilla bue. lt bcga1, Sunday Y.'hen a 2M-m1n bal· t:i.lion of mercenaries led by Green Beret advisers walked Into a heavily fortified Nol'Lh Vietnamese regimental he1d- r;uartcrs and came under inltnl6 rocket- grenade and automatic weaPonJ fire. U.S. Jets and artillery hit the CommwUats but the batlle continued Into M~day. A battalion of mlllUamen rushed to the aid of the ftrat unit and allo w11 mauled. The Cambodian mercenarie1 a r e tribesmen who fight !or pay and are l~ by the Special Forces advisers. There lft' also a number of mercenaries made up of into El Toro ~11rine Corps Air Statlon Montagm.rda and other tribesmen In when lhe craft Jost power at 5,000 Jett ''arloua parts di Vietnam . over the Newport Beach sho'reline. The Communist guerrilla ca rn p "l be1an switching tanks, chanain& the reported destroyed by planea was 70 ruel-air mli:ture -everything -and mlle1 northwest of Sllljon and t"o mlle.s none ot it worked. I radiot!G into El Toro from Cambodia. Allied forces 1aid it wu to tell lbem, but when my prop stopped I one of the bases from which the Com· knew l couldn't make it ln. so l called munist.s had been expected to launch new Orange County Airport tower, instead," attacks today on Hanoi's 24th in· he $aid. dependence day . ''It only took a few moments to realize U.S. war Communiqu es reported 11 T couldn't rnakc it there, either , so I overnight shellings and scattered combat, 1lccided to try l&nding on the hiahwa y," n1uc h of it around Saigon, but listed no he acJdcd. major attacka of proportions that could The coa.11t "'as clear on the soulhbound signal a new offensive. · Hot weather across much of the nation during the holiday helped pu~h the total or deaths by drowning past 100. The over all breakdown of fatal holk11y Many di'Unken cove revelers are responsible for a mounUna: number of traffic accldents in the aru, offlcera said today. Report& Indicate that dnmkfln beach gQtrs eltber on Joot or drtvtii1 v.·ere Involved in some of the 11 l•tal trafUc accidents reported in that are1 ln recent monlhs. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentason Janes of ~1acArthur as Ferguson dead. Summoned by an aerial spotter who Council to ff ea1· ordered today Induction or 29 .000 ln sticked the plane in. sa w some Communist troops in the open, accldenta: Trame ......................... e11 Drownln11 ..... , ................. 101 P11Dtt "........................ 14 Mt1ceDaneou1 ... .'. .. . .. . .. .. . .. 44 Total ................. ,, .. . . 771 Callfcmla counted the most traffic deaths with 68. There were 50 In Texas, 31 in New York State. 28 in both l\l!nols and Wltc0nsin, and 24 in Pcnnsylvnnla. New Hamp&hire and the Dl1trlct ot Columbia escaped w I t h o u l any automotive deatb1 over lhe weekend. DAllY PILOT •ob1rl N, Wied f'lt•IOtlll •nC l'~•lllilltf J1,lr R. C~•l•r Vitt l'rrt-1 IM OtMll Nt~lttt Tho""'' k••~a Ed\!Of Tho"''' A. Mw•phiRt Mfflltlrt IO•IO:' "'lh1rl W, l•h• ,l '11( '"' e 0 I 19f H11111.,._ lff11ii Offlct 309 61~ $tT11t M1ltf111 "''••HI t.O .••• ,,0, '16~1 Otlltt Olfkn H'"""'1 ... C1'1 ,,, I Wtit llfbllt tw1t1o1rf C8'1• Meu: )..)0 W~t 11¥ $1ttet LUllt'I lt~fll W '1nlt ... ,~ .... I ~1any motorl!t! have reported to sheriff's offlcer1 that drunken or d.ru11ed beach goer•, some of them nude or scan. lily dressed. hav..i run lnto the path of early mornina tfaltic In the area. Youths Assault Roh Marine A Cemp Pendleton Marine, hitchhiking back to base Monday from Lona Beach, wu picked up by lhree thug•, beaten and robbed of •10 before fie m1na1ed to escape near the be1ch at Huntington Beach. Palrick W. LeattY told police the three 1avc him a .ride Into HwiUniton BeAch, then lhreattned him with 1 kni(e, beat him and took his wallet They then stopped netr the ~•ch and threatened h1m some more, he aald . But Why ran to aooUwr car, round no help from the pauenger who rolled up his y,·Jndo~·s and locked his door, then finally made il to a liJeauard tower. Police said Ll!:ahy suffered cuts and hrulises on ll'lc face and w11 heavi ly beaten. Bug on October, the same level 11 September. Then the light changed. the \\'arplanes zeroed in on the Cam- The annouDCtment said 21,SOO of the \Verthen 's car was the first to turn Into bodlan border base and killed 11 auer-Zoning Appeals draftee• will be uslened to the Army 1nd the palh of lhc landing plane. The rlllas. destroyed 72 bunkers and burned -1,400 to the Marines. m1crobus. containing to.Ir. and r..trs. 15 tons of rice with their bombs and The Pentaaon said the October c11! Richard Strom, of Fullerton . fol\o"'ed. napalm, reports said. Two appeala from plaanln1 comnll11lon "supports currently approved force levels The lltlle bus· door was ripped off by In another aer11I raid n e 1 r by , rlenlals will rectlve public hearlnaa and will aasure a timely flow or the paaslng plane. hell"=OPler gunship pilots caught 1nolher before the Fountaln Valley City Council replacement.I for men completing their Another auto awerved Into a ditch lo Commun!st unit in the open and reported at 8 o'clock tonlaht. terma of service." avoid the Impact. kl I ling 16 soldiers. Planners denied a reque1t for apart· l r,:~i:;:~~;::~=::~~;;~;~;:;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;l ment &0nin1 at Brookhurat Street and (iarfltld Avenue. Rote" le A11acl1tes, archlttctl, are 1ppealln1 lhe declslon, \Vhlch denied their request for 242 1p1rt· ment units. Jim Kanno 11 1lso appealing a pl1nnlna commission denl1I which nce;ated ten proposed lote In a tract of homes p)1nned on the west. side of CaUe Zaragoza. 480 fe:!I north of Slater Avenue. Phinners ~~id the lots did not fit in wilh the propose.d city center master plan. The 6:30 study session for tonight has been caneelled. Trustees lo ~leet Trustee• of the Huntington Beach City School Oi1trlct hive scheduled a special meeting for 7:30 o'clock tonight to a~ prove purchase of a school site now in escrow. The meeting will be held In Ibo Dwyer .SChool library at 1$02 Palm Ave. Its Ba~k YOUR WATCH\\! • Claa .... Cit.I •MJ9a!M , ~~I~ s4aa AD --,....,. ... ,,,.., . ....... ., ... c...., FREE 'Min•, .. w.it PU.ILi $2.00 ll·STIUH• """· llNll $3.00 Sllll, ft.- DIAMOMll $6.00 llPU.CID. ,,_ Your Or11tgo Sale• & Servic e Agtncy 0 OMEGA ~ n ... ,,, ••!II• o ..... q• s, ... "'.'''' "'''1h ... &IPf'f •• , •t1••lt4 with. t•I •llY '"-'ifi~•ti•11 by NASA •• ~. "'''" by O\lP 1'1111 IA !ht lflltll, fh,1 rtCtfllflitft, trvly • ••· w I o 4 f Ir tltt!l•ll<f , l!llktl Ill ''1114 lo hi v•11• 111th1r!1•' Om•t • \•w1l•r. Golllt ir> -111 1~11 t.111,ltrf•t, l \t ultcft, ' 4111, o,...,I $p11llll"'··· +•• tllr•11•t•1ph. T~t ... 1, wth:ll "'''" i.v tl-1 "''' •I ffi t ~''"' Ptl&1 S1tL 4 f!ccost Car in Seal Beach Lot Ol••-s=,.aw. ww.n MJ!llri ............. :l"' WMILI T0t W IT nlMI A YAILAILl and back Horltor Siloppln9 C111ffr 2300 Htwbor llvd. Jl'our unidentified friends swarmed over a Stal Beach parkin1 lot early Wt morn- ing .,d rocked a "love bua" wMll It went i..111-up. CraJa L. Morii'oe, JI, of Ill Junlpero Lane, Lona Stach, told Sul Beach Pol k:e he WM Weep ltl hlJ amall forelrn car at 2:30 a.m. when he Wis awakened by the undulattni motton1. Ht 1aki• ht opentd the door lo act out when one or Ibo men alammed It on hia Huntl"tf911 CHter · le&•· l\lonroe apparenUy decided that he 1·-·L at Edi ohOJld m•lte hll relreel aCthat moment ._.. 19" •nd ran down to the police s1a11on. chu. HUNTIN!iTON llACH ed for mool of the d~lance by one ol lhe COSTA MESA men . ,, . When poUce arrived at the 1st Street par kine lot they found Monroe's car ti.an-1d111 I 1 ed over on Ill top. "2·5501 545-9485 OfHcer1 11111 1ren't turt why the bu& I-~===========~~~~==========~~::~~::::::::::::::~ waa turned on It~ beck . '. I • • Moogs Debut in 'ElectriC Concert' . . NE\j' YORK !AP) -Moog Synthesizers, those electronic machines t!iat can aound 1iko any mUJ!cil instrwn9nt or just wail weirdly, were plaxed In live conctrt for the lint time on 'Illundly night. Robert Moog• SS, t be cn11.netr w'ho falhered tbe Thrill to Thoroughbred action! The best and most beautiful of racing ••• Thor· oughbreds in action! And t'he best of the Del Mar season is Futurity Week. All the brilliance of a glamorous tradi tion comes to a peak In lhis week's events: Wed, Sop!, 3-$20,000 Palomar Handicap Sal, Sept. 7-$25,000 Escondido 'Cap (Turf) 1hUrs. Sept, 11-$100,0<JO-gross Futurity Reserved soals from $1 .20. (Saturdays e.nd holidays, $1 .50). Post time, 2 p.m. synlbtsizer, sald he wa.S pltas-1'8lutt for Lunar Landscape" ed with Ult concut and hopes and "Peace." The o l he r tbere wit! be more, even q u a r .t e t , played Cbr1a tb01.1gh one fUJe blew and a' Swaaaen 1 1 ttilckly plus was accidentally pulled on:~ Jm compolilloo twice, tnstanUy stoppln1 the ''Ooh Baby." music. One a)'lftbf.11w' was used J<,our Mocgs were played by for pJay\ng melocl)' and tound- two quartets. One quulet ed. like an electric oraan. One played Herbert Deutsch's four~ played chords, .one IOUnded nut far<>Ut juz work tltled like a bau, and ooe made tbe f·Stlge Ooe," "Space Walk," sounds ot ~on: NOW PLAYING! IOX OHICI OPINS 12:JI SHOW STARTS 1 :00 COOLED BY REFRIGERATION Nine man who came too lite 111d atayed too long., A PHIL FELDMAN PRODUCTION u+:oe: ~f Wl mt~ICJ!lt .... ltowan an4 Martin -"MALTESl-ltP.PY.!!_ ContlnlHl\11 Matin-. O.lly .... ---.. Rich•~ lurton Cllnt l••twooll "WHERE EAGLES --DARE" -~LIO- "THE MALTESE BIPPY" STARTS WEDNESDAY ,, hU>loL\I Plt1\IUIS ttn:lMAJIDtlAI. • ~Or ~-·lripti water oo 'l'ICllHICOLOll. I CAC ~ -ALIO - 1t•11u•I W•kh '" "ONE MILLION YEARS B.C." DAILY l'llot f rT'S HUI THI f.'8NNlllT COMllY IM lUll AU FAMILY noeu.M ZtOI· I• C..r Hlthe't ,.._.., 11 Mtt. It! a ""· 11 c ...... ,Dtl M.-,tt. •t141•1 , He c•l't't flx 1 f1ufft or c1rrj 1 dl1h, but ht tUd 1ornethin9 .... thlt made the wholt wotld 1lt up and take notice. · 1¥1 SHOW STA.Ill 1 r.M. CON11HUOUS SHOW UT. a SUN. 'IOM 2 r.N. HELD OVER · EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ! ,~. 11illb1ll h1,e11 te•li ~. ,,,tie, th1l, ent •1y..! 1111111 toek lit "'hlttu -1....I th111 th1y leek e• tM w11 llll Fabulous Futurity Week! tlDHN ,--DAVID WAYNE dANSSIN TURN ON CONTINUOUS \ I TV WEEK li:••pi yo11 t11n•d DAILY FROM 2 P.M. II le wh•t'1 hepp•11i11-t b•hh1d tho t11b• -'"'"Y Sei11rdey 111 tht ' . 'l.JWUllOL~ RYA 32.ld± k ......... loJS F 'If OUR GHOSTS DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE.· DAllY PILOT. EVERYB DY GETS BOOED!!1 1'. • ·~· -. . The Haunted Mansion is Equal Opportunity Entertainment Everybody gets spooked. Join the happy victims now, curing the last week of Disneyland's fabulous summer schedule. ~ A1>pearingHowThrufrido7HHe ~ Miss PEGGY LEE • THE VOGUES E...,Y niteat 9 p.m. shOWS at 8 and 10 p.m. . B. J. THOMAS ohoWS at 9 ancUl p.m. Hll1111 lftE SlY FaatunncllnkerBeU and 1 brtl1ilnt th eworkS dlsplly. BeiirmingSepten 1ber 15, Disneyland will be closed Mondaya,nd T..-clays. T.hhWeek ••• Mon.-Thurs., 9a.m.•Mklnite • Fri. and Sat., 9.a,m.•l a .rn. Nut Week ••• Sun., 9 a.m.-10 p.m.'o Mon • .f"rl~ lOo.m.-7 p.m. • Sat.,9a.m.·l a.m. .............. BALBOA 673-4041 OPIN 6:45 rLUl1 THI 'SLllnl COMEDY OF THE TU.I' J'"''' G1r111r -Joi• H1ck1lt -W1!t1r l re1111111 , .. r. .. _ .. , .. '"'""''• e Ends Tonight • fA.llWIU SHOWING> AT l :JO .& t :41 fi!l*1ftt:1iY·'9 SHOIT "Al.PINI SUMMll" AT 9:21 OHLY e St11rt1 Wedne1d1y e •lllT TIMI TO•ITHlll 2 O• THIS SUMMll'S TOI' MAJOR FILM HITS! "'GOODBYE, COlUMIUS' II IOUNO TO 81 A ClllU.T SUCCESS!" --· &.:. ·w1nn1na· ••• lSMIYTH/NGI '·· NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I Jack Lemmon and ~::=;:::=;:::=;::::==o.:ll Catherine Deneuve 1-:: are FAIR • F11t. f1ir, f1cly1I . Tllo•• thr11 worch 1u111 u, feet•" i11 epirelloR •R the DA ILY PILOT I tclitoti1I P•t• e•ety "•Y. . I -. "The April Fools" Ttclnallor" l!I• AC-<.:..iltrflt!IM,,___illll, A tQl.-.I C--W~ ...... jijHN-WAVNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY ·Thootn,,,_lrio ............ k.kin.r. l&ik·-Mal --·-' \····-·--·. . -.• , QUE ''G IT NOW AT BOTH CINEMAS -MA TI NEES DAILY :t1111 Pl.lilUlll Al IOTM THIATllll ( I \ I J! 0~11. V PILOT H LEGAL NOTICE • .. ,Complete-New York St0ck List ' ,, St .... + '• ti'> -1 • ?~~ ~ , ' lJ'~ + '• 71 -' '~·· -'• )6l, + 1 • ... -'• ~'· 1•'• -'· 10'• -'• 11'• -'• H'o -'o ,,., .... '. " ... , . ''" 11'" + '. lll'I J1 -" 1!'1• -'• 161 o • " 11'• -•• 14'4 -'• Hh -'• 11 -" ,.., -l'• ,,,, -'• 5'1' -1 ,,.,_,, IOU, + '• 19-1\ + .• 19lo + ~. mo 11'; + '• th. 11~! lJ"·o + '• u -'• 11>6 -•• 1111 •. "''·-·-111 -'• Jl + •• 11~ -'• JJh • " jl) + '• 1!J + •• .UV.-'• ~~ +l>, lT'o . . • 11~~ 11:: 11"-'• ~9 .. -'• 4111 -'• ,,~ -'• 2'\-o -., 11' •.. m, $ '• :M!o '• .nv. " 31''1 + ., 36l!o ..i.I'• 31 '~ -l, "" + " 21\\+•. lJltl -'• 1''< + '• ,. ... -'• """ .... ,,,, -+ '. IS•\ -'• SJ" + " '" 45~ -'• , •• ~ + •• Q'o ->, 1lV, -•• !4''> -'• 71'• + " lit .. + .... ~ .... -'• Mio + '• II ~ '• l 1 .... '· u .. !'" 21 ,, • n +1~, ?Ht + ·~ u 6J -1 ll -'I 1s·; -1 .... +110 " '9•1 ... '· lt.t. -'• .. --c·· =~-~---- H OAILY '1LaT Tuesday's . Closing Prices --<:ompJe~ I I • I i JI DAll.V PILOT . Scientist~ ·Find~. B · n ')i .. n ·· • .. ~ ~-,_ l ' -~ • . • . ~ I ' :IJ!~~ SC • . r '~ ., ' 4 ~.t t .. • "" • ' '.· Compllcatlll& her lnabWtiOI leoJoslcal oclepcu, fai!l·in an them. Pai . le< proltssiollal ''G<N. , 9'*l!JIC INfi) ~ na-creaoed lnlmlaUonal co. , minin1: 1D11 tt appears IMI,~ plMtiful '!Iii'~ lndultlJ to ...U lllll -CJI vut land interview. persons Is lo". T1ie college i.eComJ4 Y · ooo-Ooo, u weli'. ·-Bpentloo 'among flit Pl)llJp-CJlf-0. pet..tewn ...;..i11.· also bas a vast ~ fer ... _.,. teaoUl'('.Q, the Dr. Gorsllnt speJ\I ~ weoks arul wli!l•rsity grad~• I•., odous CJ1 the need to develop a Dr. G9nUnt said theUiJJled .;ploes pi hq Soulhe8'1 Allaat-.:;wt;;;ll;;ipo;;;'°';;•li;;i;to;;;be;;;;;;"°""""';;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;--~·~· ;;;. ;;;';;;and;;· mi;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;tlon.-; ~ CJI tbe PhiUppines Is recently m Mlllllla and; travel-realize l!leY caq make• better true pllddle c1..., .. be~ I N-,. lor • ezamwe • has ~ !JI in<lu<trlll .arldir a;perieoc!ng • "bra!JI dram," inc throogboot the ~ploes II.~ 1"; other countrtes. • 1 ~ ~· rnonjinlcj ,..Y"tr.m'9dolll' ID nal!ll'al t es·o u r ce develop, ~G '•RASS' p~ v$ FAREViELI, T,. e,' -su~ER accordinC to a University of as a technical. adv~r in · Co~uently, • many . of iclef(c1encle.t! Jn the NipPtna. helPilll to ei.nlai· tnd con:-meot '' s "'I' Soulbem Calilomia ICienllst oceonosraphy for the. llblled \ll<m """"'" lo the U.S., Gorsline •believes, are In-dud, In co-operaUon with AM ._.... eeks lo-F'INN CONCiR· r· l.ON, IGHT ,J '"· . 1 c.nac1a, alld Europe, leaVln( .,,. . tr ..... .,_ ... Phlllpplnt 1C1tn1Js1s the Rice • " · · who ...,...,, relumed >from nalJOns . De ye opment too le.V sclenllsls, spedalists _,11:ieol ans,...,......,,,.-. (l>ro)ecl.',wbldfhas 'developed spectlng Pbillppl'!" eop!al . . , . ' . , Manila. ' Protrmi. ~ ' ";-l~. var!Ous fielda alld other IJborla~ea CJI capital • n•d oew strallls, ot lhe · ltlpfe and· all.shore al'eu .and lo-'.( ' · -' , Mml1 young Filipinos go "'111e """""lrY'• """'°my, ~rolessi<>na!J ID ~ Pldllp-usable industrial power sup-gram. , • t~leJ<inK gov'ernm.nt people ' • · OtLDf '~1;1.7 9 ,p, , · abroad to study and don't although develOping, is !',imply pines,'' 'the USC educator said. pUes. 1,. " • "U~ reoenUy the Philip. at 111 lettls acient.lstl and In· --•· 1 ~ return, and many others leave not able )'el ~ make full use A majoi element of the Despite •!~I dif/icultiea, plnea, Nid Mi ,J.r;n~ riet:, but dUstry pe~I. Dr. Gorsline FA . . . o' the COWltrY i. see1c op-of tr. , iecoU"'5, 'litlmao or' Phlllpplnea' ocooomic Fob-po,11.Ucal,ltideh appear to be · ... a mu~ qi ll>ls pro~. they is convmced the natloo'a ·,5 HI "'N IS LA· N i' pottw:Uty elsewhere a ft e r natural>" he sa(d. le.ms 11 the fact that perhaps Youthful · and ' aggre!Slve in ' will be' aJ>1&. (o ~ rlce ~ resources are coo.. V I ~pletl.ng their education in ''The universities are pro-40 to 50 petceot or the nation's ,th~ir ~ograms to bulld up the within 8 couple of )'ell! "'the stdera.ble. ' 4 ' NEWPORT CENTER : the Philippines, Dr. Dorut S. ducing bright ~g persons, wealth is controlled by about 5 naUOn, be-Aid.> • , USC edUcatOr ~· ' 'mitre is a 'great potential ;Ace.He_ t · ,t, .... MIAY-HrwPOlT ••cH Gorsline, USC professor or but the economy' can't absorb percent of the people. Other valuable assistance Is ..,.,~ 'tbue··are ~':'Of ~ .for ~coastal and or f 1 ho rt '"'"V" •\"-~ .,_... Just in Time for Back-to·Cainpus! -, Me.n'~ Style Shirts· We"' S5.'/9to$i,9'J •Choo"' popular knits with turtle· neck, mock turtleneck; 1birt jack with mock turtleneck insert. In stripes, solids ~ • Cl1s.ic sport shirts i,n regular or button-down collar styles. Stripes or plaids • Stteo omall to extra large Aak About Sear• Revolving Charge I 97 • ' ~ • J • ,· .. • -•. ,. • .. . · . ' ' /'· ' • . ears!~ -:· ) . . I ,. $. r , ' I 1 . - ' . -. ~-----------------------------·--~--~--~----------, BUENA PARK El MONTE . LONG BEAOi PICO at Rimpau · · ' · 1'0MoN>. ·' . SOUTH ~OAST PLAZA I I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOUYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VAUEY I COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA . ears SANTA MONICA , VERMONT at Slauson '------------------------:-------~------------1 , . ..,..,. . • "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your MoneyBack" . ' Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. • 7 I I t • • t r. I.' • .. . ..._ as • ' • .. Growth F ound $97 Mill ion Dirksen .Loses Joh Goes .to ·Part of Lung Beach Firm Space and defense contracts totaling $1,1.4 million today were. awarded to , aerospa<e !inns in HunUngtoo 8-h llld Newport Beach. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Everett ~f. Dirk.sen (R-lll.), underwent surgery at Walt.er Reed Army ?o.fedical Center Thursday for removal or the upper part or his right lung after discovery of a growth there. Dirksen, Republican leader of the B each Teen Dies, 3 Hurt In Ca r Crash A Huntington Beach teen-ager was !till· ed and three pas.senge~ in his car in- jured in a head on collision Sunday af. temoon near Ensenada, Baja Galilornia. Karl Bernard Kahl, 19, of 6392 Falling \Valer St., Huntington Beach was listed as killed, according to Mexican State Highway police. Jnjured in the collision were Jim and Susanne Harden, both 14 and Edward Hante(I, 15, all of Huntington Beach. (No addresses available) Kabirs car reportedly collide:<f with a car driven by a Mexican naUonal on tiJie highway near La lklfadora, a tourist al-- traction Z2 Miles south of ~ 1'he Rarden youngsters are currently hospilall2ed in Ensen.ada, according to Mex::lcan authoritiell. Jim suffered ann cuts Susanne suffered a head injury and arm' and leg cum, while Edward suUered a concussion. The American consulate in T\juana said an uncle of k.abl's was on his way to Ensenada today ta make arrangemen~ ta bring the body hame. Mexican autharities are Investigating the accident. The other driver and a passenger were not serioo.sly injured. Senate, IJ 73. An announcement issued f r o m Dirksen's Capito; office said the surgery was performed following discovery of the "lung nodule" during a recent chest X· ray ei:amination. '"Biopsy of the nodule in the right upper lobe demonstrated a tumor on preliminary pathological study and the upper lobe o( the right lung was remov· eel," the announcement said. "TJlere wastoo evidence of spread of the wmor. ·"The Senatorls post operative condition Is satisfactory," the bulleUn said. Dirksen entered the haspital Sunday. '!'tie colorful GOP floor leader bas ~ in ill. health for years. He hu betn in aDd out of Walter Reed several times in re- cent months. Gang Beats Man, . Rapes Girlfriend At Bolsa Chica A a:ana: of unldentifitd youths severely beat a Oowney man and raped bia 21· year-old girl friend near Bol.sa Chica . State Beach earl,J todl)'. /1 ·Huntington Beach Poll~ Officer Martin ., .. " O'R<Uly said be biod 1topped a car for an id<nUficallOn clieCt m: PacUI~ C- lllghway at l imi 'Wliin tM ti!Wet. : • wrapped eirl ran up to btm., < . She told him she and, "" DD)'lfiend, :ZS. ' year~ld William J. Zlgler'Were altung Oh the bea<lt__ w1)on auddenly.sumiunded by the gang aild strtppea of lj>eir cio~g. Zigler was heavily beaten on tbe face and slapped acrou the bad with a board, iben dwnped Into the cokl surf when he lost COMCiousness. The girl said she was lben raped by about four or .five men. Zigler and the gtrl were treated. for in- juries at Ci"ange County MeicUcaJ Center. The National AercmauUcs and Space AdminLstration awarded a $97 .J miWon. contract to McDonne.11 -:.Douglaa Astronautics Qujloration in Hunllnglon Beach. Funds wiU provide two Saturn V worbhol)$, the NAS.Ncootract taid. At the same ume,' U1e llepartinei.t of the Army awank<I a $34,lJf,IU coal.rad: to Phik<> Ford Afll'OOlllnillc dn!l1Gn In Newport Beach Ind· CaWncfate· for '*" structlon of the Shlllelagh milsile oYifnl for tW on Sheridan tanks. Anoouncement or the cont.rad& fGr Or""le Coast flnM' came todlf In Wubingtoo from Senator G<orge Morpl!J (R.caill.). The McDonnell Douglu 54-11 racket, ouUttted prior to launch u a NaUonal AerMautlct and Space Adminlltntlon !NASAi Orbital Worklhop, will ba Jolted 1 • into space atop a two-atage Saturn V in ., • , , DAJt'f'. PILOT ....... llt ,,.... 'l•IMnl !97%.. UNBEtl EVfNG~"l flEMAN PONDERS· P,~ANE)wRECK~E 1 IN,~JDDL E OF ~acA.RTHUR BOULEVARO The"dry launch" previoualJannoWIC<d ... , . . . ~ ~!..i:ttlC:k\nt"Pilot·W'!' QOl'!fl ~~y ·IMt!I .Illa~ Traff ic l ight Changod by NASA will permit UlO full oullltlin& of . , , · , • r · · • : ·; 1 ' • • • the workshop on the ground and Ha ll· ~'I -r; ~ ,'\\ I ) ; ~ by tlrte-tlt:tonauta.. """i" "\"t ' l",i• ·~,. • ·, • L ,; '1>.~~ ' .,,.ljyi[lllorbilJ.....iJ)otJp18 .... Jt!cc;· · . o ne 1..tlJ lfl', '., , 1.{!c11:1'~ !;j~~ ~ • • · . ' Mount (ATM> a · 'to iL ' As .Pilot . Makes When the workshop program WIS lint • · · announced, NASA planned to use a Sireet Landi.pg By J9UN VAi.TERZA Of ftM OallY ...... ''"' . ' "EverythlDg would have beep fine if the 1ramC ligtit hadn't changed," the p.Q.ot ·said ai1 he looked af Ole wrectaae of hil light plane ·at . the intersection of MacArtbJr BOulevard, and Univeralty prive: . So Todd Ferguson, 20, made the beat of lbe cl!angiog .signal Mq'!'1ay,&jld ditched modified fuel ~ as tt.s flnt 'olllilal worbbop with launch BCbeduJed for lfll. The Sf.B, functioiiinl as the aecond stage ol the Salum 1·B launch vehicle. would initially fire to pnwlde the·final propulsion to reach eartli orbil 'lbe spent stage then was to have been prepored by the astronatJ!a In orbit for use aa a laboratory far the conducl oC scientific and biomedical e~~ts. Beach Student Ar1·e sted ' bit plan. •nYW•Y ,. d)J>i>lng oil the top ol a' foreign sedan, ripplrig the door cl.I a miciob ... , then alddd\iig Ud IPinhlni to lest abltost . undo . lb the auspOnded b'affic ·ugllt. that;:C:ged .. t the wroog Ume. Under the modified NASA plan, the first two stages of the JIKft powtrfuJ. · Salum V will be used · to launch the workshop \Jnmanned from Cornple:r,:tt at NASA'• John F. Kennedy Space C<nler, Florida, Into a 220-naullcahnile cin>dar orbit. ~ Abaut a .. day lat«, a three-man aew wlU be launched in an APoilo _.it atop the smaller Saturn l·B from Complex 34 at the Kennedy center. On Hit, Run Afte1· Crash ' And ever):One got out of their rupee· tive iiehJcles uqscathed. ' "It w~ a miracle that no cr>e WM hurt or killed/'· .said .one Orange County Airport ' fireman .aa he st.ired a~ the wlecbge of the Piper Comlllicbe and two foreign cats. · · · An alleged traffic tantrum early on Labor Day led to a Costa Mesa auto acci dent in which two persoru were in- jured and a USC student from Hunting- ton Beach jailed on a variety of charges. Lloyd R. Nelson, 26, of 20551 Kelvin Lane, Huntington Beach, was boClked on suspicion of felony hit and run alter being captured in Santa Ana following the 2 a.m. car cra$h. Investigator• said the uni·1ersity stu- dent W8J discOvered to use six dif!ere.nt aliases and he was booked also on a number ol traffic arrest warrants for a variety of vehicle offenses; Matorist Wayne B. Davis, 21, of 70!! Beach Crowds 'Li g ht' for Last Summer fl4ig • Cool water and air temperatures at- tracted only avenge crowds to bath Hun- tington beaWtl OYU the Labor Day weekend, the last big wetkend of the summer. An esUmated 144,llOO sunbathers dotted Jluntington City Buch for the four-day weekend. Clfeguard Gory · Reed blamed below average temperatures for the light at· te.ndance at the city beach which reached its peak with 15,008 on Monday. Temperatures along the Huntington beachlront ran&ed in lhe mlHisUes Jor water and the m\d-sventles for .alr thri>ugbout the entlro w .. ka.t. One to tw .. foot hilh surf, placid water by Huntlnglon Beach ltluldll<ll, kepi relCUU down to a minimum with only ao <coorded ''"'the four-<1"1 period. At HuntlqWn State Beach the total •t· tendmce ns estfmated at 21.400. Fewer lhlll •·racues were recorded. ( 17th St., and his passenger, J1kie. L. Red- den , 21, of the same apartment building, suffered multiple injuries when their car hit a pawer pale. The-victimt -wha said Nelson lott-eci them off Harbor Boulevard near the San Diega Freeway -were treated at Coeta hfesa Memorial Hospital and released. 1 Based on a description by Davis and a witness at the accident scene. ealice Sgt. Gary Barwlg broadCast a radld bulletin and Santa Ana Police Officer John MGI'· . rissey picked up the driver. , Ir ... I ".. "w.iLT P'ILOT Slltfo"'"' PJ ~QT ~ND'. DR l\l~R COMPARE Jllo.t.ES AFTER CRASH · . . Fl!tr,~al'fU-(left), Shakan Molar.Ill Wa'!han Afiss Redden was unconsciaus at the "-. # accident scene. where o .. ~· canlddded ~ .. oa· nny Up Agai· 0 60 feet into a Southern Callfornla EdllOD · • · Company power pole. •• • • .. . · Davis said the other car swerved Into " • • his while doirig about 50 miles per hour and he in tum accelerated tn a futile at- tempt to escape. He aaid the car veere.d into his a sec- ond time after catching up and he re. membered nothing tP"om that moment un- til aff#!r the colllsion with lhe pole.. A witness told police there had be<o an incident of 800le type involving the Nelsoa and Davis v,ehicles, leading him to stop and llaten lo the two drivers ar. gue 1a few .momenta. The witness said both autos left, north-· . bound on the boolevard, and ht came upoo the acciclent 9>ortiy allerward. Police said the arrested~drtver rtf\lltd lo dlscuq Ole case witb them. SCHk Mfll'keu . . , V:alley., Beach Help ,.Jl urt Child ' ' . One tl hi.I lea:• is two incbn shorter MianwbJle, 1 parent-teacher orpniza~ than the ~r, but DaMy ltaJpo511 back tlari at' Arevalos School whefe Dannf w~ on hU fffi again, lhanka, lo a platinum· a klndergartener, ·st.arted·•trust tUnd·for pin and crutches. . the' boy .tram which they. have ·alrudy They•w"e 1 gill from FomitaJn Valley paid out St,329 for the. bills. and HuntlJigton .Beach resldeht! wlio sent Spea<lleaded by Mra~ Toby Libidijlsky their ioYO'and m0ney to'the fivtryeor old and .Mr.. DllUll\.Peel, the organlzatf>n y00ngster.who neaily llad hi.o<Ufe snuffed schedl!!eif·~.radkl. and'tde.vislan out ln a ¥.tic lccident Aprll 30. appearances lo bring the caua:e to th~ >te· rermtn~ in _i . coma far, 10 days, public's aftentiop. ~ NN:u>,a~ ~CO\ler~e lllflering l mil!UPl!o' 'injuries. Including led mUy,peopt, torwrileDannY'~ brolen ribs; a taCerate<l lUiJB, fricturtd have often incllidedimollBl· · ' hip and pelvlc bone, broken_ 8e:m and leg, DaMy .sflU need• addJttot)al brain wave db~ ill!el oocJ bead loJ\lf~'· tista """-.m ... obablyntecl a Jee Ope<.: Wbeo ·b6Jmaliy came haoie after 1 :-r~ .r; , monCb to the ~11M wu,covered b~ 1!00 ,irj 1-! Jew-:~ ;'111,.-~·Ja·, ~a a cut from </Int.lo.toe. , •• • ~ oli·!Gt~ Jn ·llie ··ll'<OUlll to p Bai Ueplni Daaor-allve Ima pyranfi4. !Oilar,,,fl\llil~o.._ t , • " • , • "' lloapilal and -, .. Jo.*"l, llMlil 'l1ie ,114ir>o»fam14' llat -toucbej!·bf: The plane, with the: El Toro Marine at the sUck,. made an emergency_J.anding at the boolevard'a iutet'lecUoo· w Ith University Drive at 1J:20 a.m. As the aircraft, .traveJWI at abou~ 80 miles per hour, set ~. a HqliyWQOd youth was making-a left tufin' onto Ma~ur, His c:ar. and the plane's right wing collided. · The p~'s' right' wing smashed into the Windshield, a ~ Of ttr'top dropped off, )and ·the rest Of' the Crumpled wing skidded OYei the stop of 1the smill red foreign sedan. . , • Stifl inStde and "totlQ:J.su~" wa1 Jeff. Weitben, I!, ol HollyWOOcl; covered wKh glan -sPUMen.1 The plaoe, with \ta laiiCltng geat half· way down, continued pa:st , tile car • ildeswiped a Volbwagen ·bus, 'then pan-ea~ed· and spun· cnnipletely lroond, in Ula middle· ol the' 11\ter'sectloo. · .Fe-. 1311 NoGam>ey, Santa Ana. told investigatOrs lat.er that M .was .fiylng . '(See PLAlll!, Pap l) . • I ' * * * F~er Br9u~ht ' ·Down w..Eanh - NEW YORK (AP) -Thi llock IDJlrRt ci-Osed on a med' lfOi< today wttll tndlrc f airiy quiet throufl)>oul. mocb of the ses~on. (S..-lloill.P11• tG-}t). The Dow ~-lndwlrlal ....... 11 l p.m, WU up-1.SI It 131.30. Advllleel Ind declines were al.moA tvlG. 1t.0.ooo. Aod panoj:o..$F!{"' u.·«] u.t,...~·~Jh4rao"1 ~ f~4~bail nol I • li\jl!i •11/ ,~•~-Or-~, ni,tr · · CCiiooJ wllll 'Dill!lt)''I' 1 ~ ' "miracle 6oy," wJiO ·~~"' ~· physiclan.1 redu<eij taer <liar ~ houri to:Ii,ve )a--up llld ~'.ibanta ia.IOI. ~ I l<Qbtlr .help. , " j , ' • I r--~ . ·.i., ' . ' . '( . .. • , ~ !!'? l"dr- The spacecraft will r<ndesvoua and dock with the workahop and the astron•u.ts wlU occupy Jt for up lo is dayr. Later revlstt.s of up lo 51 day s' !See CONTRACl'S, P11e IJ Huntington to Close Offices on T uesday Offices at Huntington Beacb Clvlc Center will not be clOled Dtll,Monda,y, u annoonced earlle"by city ollldab. The -will ba c1ooed GO Tuetday, Sept. 9, bolnver, to celebrate Calllomia's Admialon Day. Trull colltction wtll be provided according to the narmal sdledule Tue!day, · Weadler We'll have the Usual helping of fog and tow cloudl Weclnesdoy niornlng, but the 'flUll will. reign through moat of • tile day with coastal tnnp5-atures in the 70's and inland' me:ttury ln 'the 9''a. INSWE TODAY nNet rendtl" ore what count.. And th• moil Important nl1ilts ~are j1'0m ~~tat· F,orflt l!Uli, N.Y.,.,,,.,. GJ;,,n W~ . 1'AILY P.ILOT .IPOfla tditdr, boo Qint !odau filing ezel~.11~ ports on tM U.S. Open, T Tournament Pao• 15. • ea.= , .. ......,....,.1., 1•1 ~::,~ >:Ml • • ti ,... ""'' ~ . ......... 14 ......... ........... II== ~ :.:..1 ; J , ---··--,, .. . . . . ... . • • • Oast .. . - • ·on -i:res~t Ei,iuJJJ Way tci~A poid~Rigors '!f .Oflice , · \ . ' ' . ., .. lly DOVGLAS 8. CORNELL •llibl JQlmlQll Grovt lo Ille !omiU jlrat thetlllnlwilfll!atyoo11~,IM-llWN lo.HU ii ~)ilUe better." Thm ·, Anodlted Press Writer lady, ba Redwoodi NatloMI Part, Jwl ~t J.:1~.al ~t ~ ~ ~~ .u •u 09 ... 1"bltbiZ Nixon bad brolttn r evotee or lht below the Orefon l'>otder. For Nlxort, Uiougll, there 1B no t.inin1 91>. 11 ht ba1 fn tbt put. · .'.~At frftxon is no d The Preaident said that whlle he 111 on back in a rocker on the front stoop. He Is I.n the aqua Uc department, the Presi-~ Uft -he won't tackle t~e vacation -"U a President ever lJkes a becoming a golling president In the pat-dent aetmJ to enjoy his view of~ ?("11· ~his daughters gave hlm ror his vacation" -he sometime!! has a chance tem of the late Dwight D. Eisenhower, ing Pacific, at the bottom of the bluff bhibday. But he has the lime nnd places to read in the evenings and had been whome he served as vice president. below ~ '340,000 home, more than he · around lhe Western Whlte }louse in San scanning a biography of Theodore For one flve-Oay stretch, Nllon didn't does a dip. HI has 350 feet of beach But . CJemtnte these days (or golf and swim· Roosevelt. One point, be said, came miss an afternoon Oh one course or tho f.lnt tinSe he tested the surf be mllll and "renewal." ,through clearly: another. Private and military courses are reported he not only wq: swarmed oVer 'l«Oatly wtekdly mornings usually are ''Tbat ht. u President of lbe Un1ted open to him, and he bu ranged as far as by aurfen but tni>ci:ed down tWict by &iv• over to four or five hour s of the Stales, found that be &Jy,·ay:s received 70 to 100 miles by helicopter to reach wives. • . 1 tub no President ever escapes -paper renewed .lt;renJth from going to the great them . Even lhougb the ·Secret Servict and the .tort 1od conrercncu. But 1,500 millu Qutdoor!I. He, ol. course, wu known as Sport.I fan Nixon doubled up • bit on Coast Guard protect hJa beach when be is from Wasblnet.on. the volume Cl less, and the Presi~ent who believed in the one night to play t.he ~ AngeJes Coun-on it, Nixon is finding It more to hla lik· ~~ and y,·eekends normally are strenuous lite. I am not sure that I can go try Club course with his most constant ing to climb Into a helloopter for a five. fttt. as far as he did in that respect -I won't opponent, Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, minute run down the coast to--!Jine So Nixon spins off by helit'Opter kl lhe even ride .a surfboard." The first and stay over for a night football game beach on Camp Pendleton Marine BiSe. / fairways or beaches almolt evvy 1f· Roosevelt. Ntx<ln s:aJd, was renewed DY between the Los Angeles Rams and While it is easy here to get away from ternooo. Occaslooally he l~kes 1 ralher going to the . West and then back to he Kansas City Chiefs. the office and relax, Nixon is by 00 a.1mJu1 drive in the evening when his .awet0me duties of the White House. The President had a crypUc appraisal mellJ'UI throwlnf off the weight of ln· lq-Ume close friend from Key Bis· Then, ht a rambling incomplete sen· ol hll gnl! 1ame when he turned up in temaUonal or domesttc problems. cayne, Fla., C. G. "BeQe" Rebo:ro is lence, the Pruldent indicated ht would Yorba Linda, where he wu born 58 years Slnce comlng here Aug. t ht hu: a.round. Now and theo he gathers up the be following the past Preaident westw~rd ago. A woman 1pectator inquired how bis Sent a fiurry ot meuaau to Coqreas; famll1 andJoe• out lo dinner at one of ho : came was going. held meetinJt with hil cabinet, bis tht.itcores re1\lunnlt nearby. "But ctrt.alnly standing here tn this "Now and then," ht answered. economic advlle.ra the NaUonal Security A bit plaintively, Nixon mentioned the srove of Redwooda, tQ reallu what a fe.w Nixon hadn't 10Ued for more thao a 1nd Urban AtttJr1' Comcllt; bonofed the streDUOUS Ure, surfboard, renewal and momenta ti. 10lltude ln thla magnifk:ent yaar unUl he. tackled • courae' at Miami, Apollo ll astronauts at 1 Loi Anjeles: Prelldent Teddy Rooaevelt last WOO. place can mean, what it can mean to a Fla., a month ~ so ago. Now Olat the d!Mer; met 1n San Jl':rancllco wltb South n~. man who la president. what Jt can m~n President la f.lnd.lng time for the 1ame, Korean Pruidtnt Chun& Hee Park; flown . Ht was standb!&: berleaf:b skyacraper-to any man « any woman who need.a Ptu Secretary Ronald L. Zl.ealer aald to Colorado Springs to address the Na- taD J\edwood trees and dedicating a Lady time to get aw&y from wbate'!'u may :>e Nixon was "shooting a little better and tional Governcn Cimference. Scntchman's Cove Beach 'Crackdown' Nets 270 An ¥Unated 270 persons were .a.rusted or cited at Scotchman'1 Cove during the Labor Day weekend in what the county Sheriff's office aaid today was "a long overdue crackdown" on b e a c n (lQpWerl. Deputies rounded up 101 juveniles Slturday and Sunday and handed over &en aervtcemen to military au\horif.les followtng two raids: on the popular beach between Corona del Mar and LaiUJla. Of the uttmated 151 adults questioned, 116 were dted and U arrested. Sheriff11 lnvesU,ators today aa.id lh• raids: wei'e the culmlnaUon of "months of complaints" cooceming the area. They said the crackdown will continue until ntgtitlme acUvity at the beach cornea to C-alifornia Leads Iii Labor Day Traffic Deaths By Unl\.ed Pre11 lnlernadonal , With California leading the way, more thtn eoo perton1 died in traffic acCidenis Off!' the long holiday weekend, but the toil ftD far behind Jut year's rct<>rd toUI. A final United Press International tabuiaUon today showed 1112 persona were killed in traffic between I p.m. Friday and mJdnight Monday. The Labor Day rec!Cr'dl estabUshed lut year, was 688. • Hot weather acros& much of the nation during the holiday helped pu.sh the totaJ ct deathl by drowning pLS\ 100. Tbt over •ll breakdown of fat al holiday accidenta : Tratffc . . . ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11i llmminl• ...................... 101 Pluet .......................... II l\fllctllaneoua ....•.. , .. , . , . . . . . 44 To&al ........................... 771 California counted the most traffic dealhs with 68. There ~·ere ~ In Texas, :it in New York State, 28 In both Illlnois and Wiscooaln, and 24 Jn Pennsylvania . New Hampshire and the District of ColumblJ esc1ped w i t h o u t any automotive deatha over the weekend. DAILY. PILOT llobtrt N, Wt•4 rrt1•ltnt w P\lbU....,., J•c• 11.. cvrr.1 'o'kf ,,nMknl 1MI Gttot11 Mt"t ttt 1111.,•• K1.,.il Edi to!' l hoffll l A. M11rr,h!111 MIMl!ftl ("IN' ,..lli1rl W, 11111 Au0<1:llt. Edlitt H111tt"''-" ..... am .. lOt 11th llf11t an end. An inveJtiaator today said that the Irvine COmpany aaked for h 11 department's cooperatJon 1n keep.ng the beach clear du.ring the Labor Day weekend. ., It la e:rpected that most of the aduJts apprehended durin1 I.he t w o • d a y crackdown will be arraigned Wedneaday in Santa Ana Munlclpot Court. JllVenlle Court action aaahat the 101 mlnon ""'1ded up by depuUea Is pen· din&. An lncreaslng number of rapes, assaults, narcotics and liquor violaUons have been reported from the aru in re- etnt wee.b, lnvesU,aton aaid. All have taken place during the houn of darkness when the beach is closed to the public. Officers stressed today that the beach ls not a public area. Owned by the Irvine ~pany, the half-mile ocea.n front ltrlp ts available to"the public for a fee, but ~~--~cleared by1fl:OO p.m. It's after 6 p.m. that the fun starls,'' an officer S&id today. "Drfnkt drvga, lewd ronduct, fights, you name it and the beach has sten it in increasing nwnbers these last feW WHlu." Sherl!ts department records Indicate that more than 70 arrest& were made for various vlolaUona in the Scotchman's Cove area during Au1ust. Nearly :,o similar offen!es were investigated by deputies during July. . lnvutlgators saJd that lifeguard towers have been toppled over and damaged, outhouses pushed over and "literally tons o( litter and beer cans strewn all over the property," Many drunken cove revelers are responsible for a mounling number of traffic accidents in the area, officers said today. Reporta lndicai< that drunken beacli goers tither on foot or driving were Involved In some of the 11 fatal traffic accidenli reported in that area in recent months. r-.iany motorists have reported to i1heri(f's offlCf'ra that drunken or drugged beach goera, some of them nude or acan- tily dressed, have run into the path or early morning tralflc 1n the area. Youths Assault Rob Marine A Camp Pendleton rifarlne, hitchhiking .bac.k to base Monday from Lona Beach, wu picked up by three thu19, beaten and robbed of $10 befor-e be ma.nqed to esca~ nur I.he beach at HunUnrton Beach. P1lrick W. Leahy told police the thrte gave him a ride Into HunUnilon Beach, then threatened him with a knife beat him and tpok his wallet ' They then ttopped near the beach and threatened hlm tome more, he 1a1d. But Leahy ran to another car, found no help from the pas«enger who rolled up his windows and locked h1J door, then finally made it to a Jl!eruard tower. FROM GROVE TO VALLEY School Prlnclp1I larnes Grove Man Joins . . Valley Schools William J, Barnes, ntl, will take the helm at Fountain Valley's McDowell school tllll fall. The new principal comes to Fountain Valley after 14 yeara of teaching tnd ad· mlnlstratlve e.1perieoce in ttie Garden Grove School Dbtrlct. His Jut wlgnment was a!I principal Gf that d.l!trlct'a newest and most modern facility, the Loyal H. Barker Sc:bool A native of Long Beach, Barnes receiv. ed a bache.lor's de,ree from Cal State Long Beach and master's degree from Chapman C.Ollege. He and hls wile, Julia, and their three daugbtert make their home at. 9091 Rhodesia Road, HunUngton Beach. Council to Hear Zoning Appeals Two appeals from planning coMmiasion den1&ls will receive public bu.rinas before the Fountain Valley City Coundl at I o'clock tonl&lit. · Plannen denied a req_11est for apart- ment zonlna at Brookhul'lt Street and Garfield Avenue. RoH & Associates, architects, are appealing the deci1ion, which denied their request ror 2U ap1.rt· ment unlU!. Jim Kanno is alao appealing a planning commiss:lon denial wbleh M&a.t.ed ten proposed Iota in a tract of homes pluned on the west side of Calle Zaragou. 480 feet north of Slater Avenue. Planners said the lots did not fit in wilh the proposed city center master plan . The t :30 study session for tonight has been cancelled. Trustees to Meet From p .. ., l CONTRACTS. • • duratloo will be made ualn1 lhe Saturn I· B -Apollo comblnalloo. The Newport firm'• 134-million con· tract ii fer second pbue: CUlltruction ol tbe lnfra·-ldng SbJJ)elalf> miaalle. The crder for the mlulles came lfter reports Hveral mcrrtha •ao th.at the ·4.•velopment of the three tanb on Wblc.h the ·lllla1Uea will be fnltalled WU facing aer!Olll trw~le. Conirtu1onal committees heard that wort on two ol the tanU on whlch the miaalle.a are Inafaued ·was embroiled in hlP eJpenJU and numeroua failures. Spokeamen at Phikl>Ford" Newport Beach plant -only ldm.ln1atraUve work wW be done there on the project -said that 11it was asaumed" that the problems with the tanb have been 1tral"1l<ned out. The Lanka, the spokesmen 1\ressed, are not built by Phlf<:o.Ford. . "We have experienced no prOblems with the miulle or the control and guidance system," one source there said. Earli .. thil year, reporla aaid the pro- vlai<N for lnatallllllon <II !hi mlaUe and IUidQce IJlteml in the Lanka were creatlq aome c:ootly probleUla. The award of the entire c:Ontract on an incmnent bul.! wu ~ by the Oef11111 Department Jn Juli of !Ml. A!thooat the top e.1ecut1vea Jn the ShlJlelagh program work out of the Newport Beach plant, Ille built of the bulldlna and desJ&nlni ct the mla!lle wlll be done at Phllco-P'ord'a Lawndale faclli- ly. Newport office apokeamen atid no penonnel In Newport llw:h wlll be al. fecled by the federal contract. 29,000-man Draft Set for October WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentaaon ordered toclly Induction ol 29,000 in October, the same level as September. The innouncement saJd 27 ,IOO of the drafltt1 wtu be ualped to the Army and 1,400 to the Marine.a. The Pentagon 1ald the October call "supporta: currently approved force le vel11 and will usure a Umely now of rtplacements for men completing their ternu of ltrvice." YOUR Last Fli119 Golden West College coed Nancy Stanlon, 18, of Newport Beach frolics in the water while she can. Summer freedom for Nancy and thousands of other Orange Coast students is rapidly becoriting a thing of the past. School starts next week. North Viet Troops Maul ' Forces Led by U.S. Men SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese trooPll have mauled a force of govern· ment millliamen and C a m b o d J a n mercenaries led by U.S. Special Forces adv.iaer!I in a battle 85 miles norlheut or Salgon, allied sokesmen reorted today. Government spokesmen reported the allied force! suf(ered "heavy" casualties in the fighting which has raged since Sun- day. Informed military sourcts said con- servative utlmates of government losses were lZ killed . 50 wounded and 10 miss· ing. From Page 1 PLANE .... Into El Toro Marine Corps Air Station when the craft lost power at 5.000 feet over the Newport Beach ahorellne. - ''I be11:an switching tanks, changing the fuel-air mi:rture -everything -and none of it worked. I radioed Into El Toro to tell them. but when my prop stopped I knew I couldn 't make it in, ao l callctt Orange County Airport tower, irutead," he said. "lt only took a few moments lo realize T couldn't make it there, either, so t decided to try landing on lhe highway ," he added. The coast y,·a5 clear on lht southbound lanes of t.1acArthu r as Ferguson dcad- sticked the plane in. Then the light changed. \Verthen 's car was the first to turn into the path of the landing plane. The microbus, containing ~tr. and Mrs, Richard Strom. of Fullerton, followed. The little bus' door was ripped off by the passing plane. Another auto swerved Into a ditch to avoid the impact. Your Omtgrz Soltl &. Strvtct Ag•ncv The fighting was near the village of Song Be along the border of Phuoe Long and Phlam Dong provinces where the 11 and nr Corps meet. 11 was 15 miles north of another Cambodian border area wher i! American ~lanes using bombs and napalm wiped out a major guerrilla base. II begai. Sunday Y:hen a ~man bat· talion of mercenarie1 led by Green Beret advisers walked into a heavll..Y fortified North Vietnamese ~ reglmenlal head- quarters and came under Intense rocket. grenade and automatic weapons fire . U.S. jets and artillery hit the Communlats but the battle continued into Monday. A batlfllion or millUamen rushed to the aid of the first unit and also wag mauled. The Cambodian mercenaries a r e tribesmen who fight for pay ind are Jed by the Special Forces advisers. There are also a number of mercenaries made up or Montagnc.rds and other tribesmen in various parts or Vietnam. The Communist guerrilla ca m p reported destroyed by planes was 70 milt?I northv.-ts:l of Saigon and two mile.s from c,mbodia. Allied forces said it W33 one of \he base1 from which the Com. munists had been expected to launeh new attacks today on Hanoi's 24th in· drpendence day. U.S. \var C1:1mn1uniqucs reported 11 overnight shelllngs and 1eattered combat, much of it around Saiaon. but listed no major attacks or proportions that could signal a ne\Y offcnsi\'e. Summoned by an aerial spotter \\'ho saw some Communist troops in lhe open, the warplanes zeroed In on lhe Cam· bodlan border base and killed JI guer- rillas, destroyed 72 bU11kcrs and burned JS tons of rice Y.'ilh !heir bombs and napalm , reports said. In another aerial raid n es r by, helli:opttr gunship pilots caught another Conimun:st unit In the open and reported killing 16 soldiers. 0 OMEGA --.,..,._"*' ~ ... M1lli11t "4ld1111: P.O. l1r 790, 926~1 Pollce uJd Leahy 1uffercd cuts and bruises on the fsce and was heavily beaten. Trustees of too HW'lttngton Beach City School Dlstrlct have scheduled a specia l met:Ung for 7:30 o'clock tonight t.o ap.- prove purchase or a school site now in C3CrOW. The meeting will be hf.Id In the Dwyer School llbrary at 1502 Palm Ave. WATCH~ 11.,.c:1-4 FREE The ¥111 ''"'' Om.,. 1$peei11111ttr witch we tllr't w11 11l1tltd wil~· •111 t ft't' 11114ific1lio11 bv N"5" I• be wer11 bv oJr fl\tll &II lh& "'Ill~. Thi1 r1<1:tt11itlt11, tr11l1 • 11· w, r 4 i • • ••tt!l1nct , llllktl Ill ,1t114 lo liot ytwr 111th01l11tl Omt~• j1w111r. Cofflt 111 -••• thh h 1~tl11m1, 1 b111te11, • 11 •• 1. °'"''' s, •• ~m••· It• t:h•11119r111h. lht 1111, wtfch w1r11 It, tht ll'tll 11 th e ,,,.,11. '"'' 1.l tl. Otllet orncn tlt\lllW' IN("' n11 W••I llib'N l ou .... l rl <•a. MtM• ut Wt•I ''' i ltttl ._.._ 1t-.c:11. m t=N111 Avt~...., Bug on Its Ba~k tf Accost Ca.r in Seal Beach Lot Four unidentified friends swarmed ovtr a $eal Beach parkina: lot ~arty thl1 morn· in& and rocked a "lovt bua" unUI it went litUy-up. Craig L. Monroe, JJ, or it Junlptro Lant. Lon& Beach, told Seal beach Police he was asletp In his small foreltn car 1t 3 :~ 1.m. when ht was 1w1ken«I by the undulating motton1. lfc said he opened the door to grt out when one o( the men slammed It on hls le11:1. Monroe apparently decldtd that he lhould make his retreat at th1t moment •nd ran down to the poUct ataUon, ch11- rd for most of the distance by one oI the: men . When police arrived at the 1st Street p1rklng k>t they found Monroe's car turt\& ed over on ht top. Ofrletr~ sllll 11rr1,.t 11ttrt \\'hY the bui \\'3S turned on it.• back. ·-·011..i w.1i. Y" Wllh •Adi-Pl.AILS $100 ll·ITlllN& froe• ~~I~ s4aa llNeS $3.00 S'11D, h• AD llAMOMDS $6.00 11"-AC:ID. fft4' .~=s:r:.:w=-: IMlaAYINe DOMI H•ntl"f'On C•nt« IHCh at ldlntw WHIU. YOI WAIT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 nlMt A .. AILAlll and back Harbor Shoppinci C•nter 2300 H•rbor llvd. COSTA MESA 545.9495 • ' ( • .. • . • • " I: ' r. I: II • • I ( Beaefi. I ' ' -" ·11 .. y.,s:.1+• VOL 62, NO, 210, 3 SECTIONS, 36 P.AGES OR>,NGe COUNr(, CALIFORNIA • • J\JESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 ' TEN CENTS ' • I ' Nix ()n Puts on Pressure· f'or··· 'Postal~ Re.forms By JEROME F. COLLINS Of "" INlltr ~ .... Sl•ff President Nixon today stepped up preisure for congressional achoo on postal reform by characterWng the na- tion's present ~t office system as "obsolete and broken down.'' "It is inadequate and insufficient," be told the pre:n conference in San Clementt:. ·•1 believe postal reform is highest on the U.!t of those items that need a new • Ir Dow11 t he Mission Trail J aycees Plan Family Night S.\DDLEBACK VALLEY -The public is invited to join members of the Sad· cileback Valley Jaycees durlng Family Night Saturday, September 6. A move on family sports activities will be featured at the 1:00 p.m. gathering at Bu!ff's restaurant , 1 Chicken dinner will be sirved to adults (\•ith hamburgers for~ childwl. e Teen• lo Dl111e yl an4 MISSION VIEJO -Junior and senior high teens are invited to the Recreation Center's annual Disneyland trip schedul· ed for Thursday. The bus will leave the center at 3;00 p m. and will return at midnight. The cost is $S !or transportation and tick et book. Call the Recreatiof! Center at 837- 4M4 fCN' signup in!onnaUon. e Tl•11 To ts Sought MISSION VIEJO -A few openJngs are still available in the first session of the Tiny Tots Program at the Recreation Center. The first session will take place from September 16 to November 6. It will in· elude a program of creativity Jn drama, art, and music.. The goa1 oC the course is lo Improve social awareness, motor cievelopment and appreciation of self and nature. The sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Four.year-olds will attend from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. and three-year- (llds will attend from 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. e Sq11are Dat«!e Calle d LAKE FORES'Jl -A square dance class is being fo~ (or lall al the beach and tennis club here. 11le class, fOfl beg~nera, will start Sept.. 11 from 7~ unUl JO p.m. The cost will be fl.iO per adult couple. Reservations can be made by callln.g the club at 137-6181. Oraage Coast Weatller We'll have the ·usual helping or fog and low cloud! Wemesday morning, but the sun w1U rtign through most of tbe day with coutal temperatures in. the 70's and inland merct1Q' Jn Ille llO's. INIJJDE TODJ\Y ;'Net 1'buiU" are what co11n.t. And tht moa:i important rerultt today art from tht m:t at F01"tst Hails, N.Y., uiMrt Glnn Whitt, DAILY PILOT IJ')Of1I tditor, be· gim todou filing tz.cltaivt rt- porU on the U .S, oPtn Teiinis Tournanttnt, Page 16. ' ••• " • • • • .... " ' " • • ............ +t ....... """"" . ., ... ,..,.... ,. ,.... ..... 1).11 ....,._ .! . ''M' ,... Mll'lllth ... 11 T ..... hlM II -. --. .... ... ,, --.. \ aPJl'Oldl, an approoch thal II adequal< to tbe. ll70I. We do not DOWlbave whit we ought to havt for a nation oi 200 mWion andJl)O million in '311 years.1' '!be Pruldent said hil pootaJ .. ronn bi!~ introduced in Congress earlier· \his. yeh, has blparti.wl suppOrt. " He empbaslud the poil>t by appeoring · al the prtss confel'Jl)Ce at the· Westtm While Hause admiolstraUve ccmpound hi San Clemente with former Democratlc oatiooal dlllnnan I.any O'Bden IJJd ' ' se.n • • .. ' - n ' . ~. .. -' .. . ~ . ' ., ' I <r; "t I ....... ~-.--.... ~ UN BELIEVI NG FIJIE MAN PONDE ~S''P LA~E -E<K~E IN'llli Di!LE !JF ~aimiul IOU~E\l'AltD . . D11d:sllckl119 ~lot ~·~'P.olf'll 'Ok'/ U~tll tl\o TrafflC'Lllil!t ~""""" ' ' . No One 111.jured As Pilot Makes Street Landing By JOHN VALTERZA ot ,,.. U.ltr ...... Sl•ff "EvcryUting would have been fine If the. traffic light hadn't changed," lhe pilol said as be looked at the wreckqe of his light plane at the Intersection of f\.lacArthur Boulevard and University Drive. So Todd Ferguson, 20, made the best o( the changing signal Monday and ditched his plane anyway, skipping off the lop of a foreign sedan, ripping the 'aoo, oU a microbu.s. thep skidding and spinnial to rest almost underneath the suspended traffic light • that changed at the wnq time. And everyone got out of their respec~ lltt vehiclea UllSC&t.bed. "ll was a miracle that no one was hurt or killed." said one Orange County Airport firemen as he stared at the wreckage d the Piper Comanche and two foreign cars. The plane. with lhe El Toro 1.larine at lht stick, made an emerceney landing at the boulevard's inltraection w i t h Uniyen:ity Drive at 11 :20 a.m.. .\II the aircraft, traveling G about 60 miftll per-1ioUr, !ttj dOW!lt. a Jlollywood youth wu making a left Wm onto MacArthur. Rls car and the plane's right wing collided. The plane'a tight wing smashed Into the wlndshleld, a piece <ti II! top dropped of!, and the mt bl Ille crumpled wmc • skidded over the stop ot the small red foreign sedan. Still Inside and 0 totally surprised," was Jeff Werth ... I~ or Hollywood, 'l"'et<d wllh g!us splinters . The plane, wHh ill landing gear half- way down, CilDtl.nued past the car, a1deswiptd a Volkswagen bus, then pan- caked and spun C<IDpiete!J' ammd In the middle GI the il!tettecllou. Ferguson. 1311 N. Garnsey, Santa Ana. told tnvest.Jgaton b1;te1' that he wa1 Oying (5« PLANE, l'llp II ' ' ,, ' ' County A~optsNe~~~~¢y On Public Beach .Access By THOMAS FORTUNE . Of tM 0.111 'U•f '"" ' , . Orange County superv'80rs today resolved-that tbey ·will henceforth, u a matt« o! jtollcy, seek to obtaln ot protect public """"" to plbllc· lands, Including beach ,tldelanda. • · '!be . pOllcy Illa~. a~ntlf desl8m!d to',pravenl .•'!°'her Salt Creek controveny;was unanimOU11lf ~·ed. The po0cyM Plaoc-l iiJr •Sopervlaor David Baier two lreets •&CJ, wu only a11!1i>!Jy cbaJlle.r, with .supervioor Alton 15 Accidents .. ' • '" ' •• ' - E. Allen of Laguna .BeJ\Ch Ipsertipg a l'iedge that aa)'1 supervisoi-s will.seek "as a gQaJ;" to obtain public.access. , Adoption of 'lhe poµcy was held ov'er ' . before because all 11,1perviSor1 were not present to vote on tlie,ma'tter-. , bitbe meantime, supei'Pi&ors' legal ad- Vi.5er, Counry Courise1 Adrlaii Kuyper. revieWed it..abd 'found ·the policy "legally ahobJe<tiboable'." . Superviaor WlUiam Hinttin foday SU&'· iested ·•ddlflon· cl a .statement' that the polk:y,it not meant to ·encourage use o( public lands by tCespaa across ptivate p'"!l<riJ. Biit ~ Bak.,-pointed out that ls covered bY ei:istlng law and the S:lfterlion WU dropped. Supervisors· have been in hot polilieal waters f<r acme time because they aban- doned a public road near Laguna Beach's Sa!t Creek to the t'aguna Niguel Corpora· tion. · · Baker ~ that . planl are beil!g C)Jll- &idered to d ... f,p. Bolsa' ~~··i, Beach, ---u !1'111 c... up. coast irr.tbe.1Sunset~aeich atel· ind be want. DO .repeaL . '!be policy otatemeot dlrocla· county govemmeotataff to,l:eq>publlc acceu In mind when , dolllill • wltb ,. ch developmenta. . . Publlc tldtllnill • that portiuo <II the beach lt&W&rd of J.! mtlD blah Ude line, held in tnlll. liy county eovernmtnt r,.. the llato. • .~ • Po..tm~r .General Bio.bi&' ~phas!Rd the need !or tho la"'< reform by poiDIJi>& rut that four months agO be asbi1 Coogma !or a one cent. 1ncrwe In Ont class mail rat~s. ~ . • "Cqress haSn't actod ·oO il '~" he said. "That 11· one rUaon -,hy we need legislaUon that will be more rapoosive to posPI. needs" . Blount noi«t !hat U!e Poot ollice clelicil today 13 11.3 'bllltotl'. The. 'oDe.<.nt fu- crease would shave that de!lcft ID ball. , Bloont .. 1d he did nol eipecl tile legiolaUon to "turn t\ie postal deplrlment l around oyer aj,ght." That #auld take a Ptriod of at least five yun oac'e--the legblaUon Is enacted. J 'The President aald• his ~~.re!onn Plan will face a cruCiat test in lWo.wte.U. A ll"'Jor de<lsion oo Ille lesl@lioo,la u- pected to be-mf<je ~ bJ'.!!ie post <tl!lce aJ>d civil service eorrno#tee of:tbe.BClJte. "That will be the fi(1I n>Wld )II a yery ·(See POSTAL, P ... IJ . -.. -. . --~·ur ... er. Solon Loses Part of Right Lung WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Evertt! M. Dirksen (R·W,), underwent surgery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center Thursday for removal of the upper part ot hjs right lung after discovery of a growth thert. Dirksen, Republican leader of the Senate, is 73. An announcement issued f r o m Dirt.en's Capito; oftlce Aid the surgery tfai perfonned followina: discovery of the ..... ~. nod ule" dl!flN : ........ ~ ~~ i·~ ·-i" ,,-~"', I !1lioe' al J!!e nodllle'in the r...-"Jll"J' liW d1mo61tr 1l!d fl, ~cm prel!Jlllnary. ~ti! aw "llld .the upper lobe of tbe right Iona wu nmov- ed," the anoouncement sa&a. "'There wu no evklence or spread of the t.umor. "The Senator's post optratlve condition 11 aatisfaotory," tbe bulleUD. llid. Dirben entered tbe.holpital Sunday. The colorful GOP Door lelder has been In W health for yean. He hu been In and Glt ol' Watter Ried Mveral times ill re-__ lb& Qrystal Co ve • 'Bucket Brigade' . . ' .Saves Cruiser · A bucket brigade of about 20 Crystal Cove reridenta in Laguna Beach and an incoming tide were credited today for helping save· a $50,000 ·grounded cabin crulatr from breaking up in pounding iurf Monday .morning. The volunteer ballers formed !he &rtgade after Harbor D!partment shore pump.i were knoCked out of service by tbe surf as crews trlectto drain water out Of the Q.foqt llatteru qbln cruiler"'Blg Daddy", oat ol Newp,ortlBeaCb. The veUel, with a man and woman aboardt ran bard aground at I a.m. harbor patn>lmen laid. Fourteen rniDutea later the patrol's ..... Breboit armed and began trying to pull the.boat backoot to .... When portable pumps OD shore stopped working, patrolmen aald, the residents formed a boct,et' Une to drain the sea water from tnskle'the grouDded craft. :·wo. all balled ·ani! pushed 'IDd towed unUI we got the c:rulaer pplntJng seaward, then Ille flrebolt pulleCI It off the beach" one patrolman said. M~t . to Protest r Weekend Raids At Scotchman's Cove Nets 270 An eatimattd 270 persons were arrested or cited at Scotchman's Cove durfn& the Labor Day weekend in what the 'county Sheriff's office sald today was "a long overdue crackdown'' on be a c b trespassers. DepuUes rounded up 101 juveniles Saturday and Sunday and handed over ten servicemen to military authorU1es following two ra1ds on the popular beach between Corona del Mar and Laguna. Of lht estimated 159 adults questioned~ 116 were cited and t3 arrested, . Sherifrs investigators today said the raJds were lbe culmination of "months o( complaints" concemin& .the area. 'Ibey said the crackdo\vn will continue until night Ume activity at the beach comes to an eod. An investigator today said that lbe Irvine Company asked ror · h Is department's cooperation in keeping the beach clear during the Labor . Day weekend. It ls expected that most or the adults apprehended during the two · day crackdown WUI be artaJgned Wednesday In Santa Ana Munldpal Court. Juvenile Court action against the • 101 '\ minors rounded up by depUties is pe.11-1 dJni . An increasing number · of rapes. assaults, narcotics· arid · li®or vi(llations tlave been uporttd from the area in re- cent weeks, Investigators' said. All have taken place during tbe·houn of darkness when the beach Js dosed to the public. Officers stressed today that the beach i5 not a public area. Owned by the Irvine Company, the half..nilt: ocean front strip i1 avallabler to the public ror a fee, but must be cleared by 1:00 p.m. l "It'1 af~ a p.m,. Uiat,the1fup·1WU,'" "P' o!!lcer said \od'IY· ':Drink. dfuas. lewd ~ucl, fl&bts, you ...,. ,it -.and the ~ach has seen·ft in lncreaslng numbers these last few weeks." ' Shert!f'I departillellt records Indicate qiat more than 79 arr9$ll were made for vatiOCJs vlolatlom lo 1llie Scotchman 'I Cllwe area ,dlliin!I AllgiJlt.. Dlearly llO aimUar. Oii'*' were Jn•eallaaiocl. bi' .t.puUta durtoi July. tnggai... ..id that Hl_,.i towers have been toppled over and danuipd. c<.lhout<s poohed over and "llterilJy 14!1' " uner and beer cabs strewn all.oHr thO property " ' · Many ' drunken cove revelers .. m ~It .ror a ' lnodollDC ·~ <ti • tfl!fic,acdde!lts' In the 11'11, -ni4 todl17, Reports lndicato 11111 -bucb pn either oo loot or dr"1lll were. Involved In some ol tbt ti laUI tralllc acold<nl! rtpOried In that aru In l'OOllll monlba. • ~ ~~y PILOT a. -'-_m,.n i; , :·.11af1~.4 ' L . r':'!'i'l, Sf!t""'r 11 I~ •. I I I : . 'f. illion .• ~~~a.U . . Beret-led • Pac s Awarded··· ' I" 1 t ; I ·Native Unit ~ ''f ,- ~Ill?-,and pe!0"'4: CQlllr<e1' lotallng li3l.t million today were awarded to ~ct Unns in Huntington Beadi and 11....;ort Bt.ach. .if~ ·NaUOnal AeronauUcs and Space ~~ration awarded a "1.3 ml!Uon ~ toMcDon ne 11· Do-u gl as .t.stronaulics Cor.poration in Huntington "ach. !'J.'l:l~s will provide two Saturn V ~ps, the NASA contract said. ~ ,Atr~ same time. the Department or Cl)t, ~ awarded a $34 .1~,65.1. ~tra~t fQ ,Phl!Co Ford Aeronutroruc d1m1on U\ Newport Beach and Lawndale for con· iUucUOn;of the Shillelagh missile systei:n '6f US:-! 'OJI Sherida,n tanks. ~~Arincttlnemtent of the contracts for e Coast nrma: came today tn w .. , . from senator Ge<irge ~turphy (R-Cal I),• ' · The Ct:>ooneu Douglas 84-B rocket, pulftlted Prior to ·1auncb as a Nallona\ Aeroc\auties and Space Administration <NASA) Orbital Workshop, will be lofted into space atop a t:tt1>-stqe Saturn V ln 1?7%, . • '1'le 1'dey launch" _previously announced by NASA wili p<nnlt Ille run outrltlins o1 the workshop on tbe ground and lts ar4 rival in orbits ready (or immediate ~ cupaocy by three astronauts. In addition, the wotkstiop will be launched with the Apollo Tele.seope ?\fount (ATri-1) altached to it. When the workshop program was first .innoUDced~ NASA . planned to use a modified fuel S-4B t! its first orbital workshop with launch scheduled for 1971 . The 54-8, funcUoning as the &econd stage ol. the Saturn 1-B launch vehicle. would inJUally fire to provide the final propulston to reach earth orbit. The spent stage then was lo have been prepared by the astronauts In orbit for use 11 a laboratory fo r the conduct -of scienUf~ and biomedical eiperiment.5. Under the modified NASA plan, the first two stages of the more powerful Saturn V will be used lo launch the workshop unmanned from Complex 39 at NASA'a John F. Kennedy Space Center. Florida, into a ;zo.nautical mile circular orbit. About a day later, a three-man crew ' Youths Assault, Rqb Marine ' A jilmp P•qdlelon lllaril>e, bii>hhikin'· bad\}to -Mooclay lri>ln Loni Beach,' was.~lcked up by three thugs, btaten 1M of 110 llOIO...,_bt ma4!!1 to • near ~Jie.W •l H'flil!ll~ Be ..._¥ •.-~ ,.,. ick W. Leahy told police the three gave him a ride into Huntington Beach, then threatened him with a knife, beat him and took his wallet. They then stopped near the beach and threatened him some more, he said, But LeaLy ran to another car, found no help from the passenger who rolled up his wtn&>Wl and locked bis door, then finally made it to .a We guard tower. Police said Leahy suffered cuts .and bruiff;s on the face and was heavily bta~ Coast \\till be launched In an Apollo spacecraft atop the smaller Salum l·D from Complex 34 at the Kennedy cenler. The spacecrart will rendtzvou.a and • dock with the 'j"orkshop and the astronauts will octupy it for up to 28 days. Later revisits of up to S6 days' duraUon will be made using lhe Saturn 1- B -Apollo combloalion. The Newport finn's $34-mill.ion con- tract is for secon<t phase construction of tl1e infra-red-seeking Shillelagh ml.ssile. The order for the missiles came after reports several months a10 that the development of the three tanks oo wh.i ch the missiles will be Jnst.alled was racing serious trouble. CongreiSional commltLees heard that work on two of the tanks on which the missiles are lnatalled was embroiled in high expenses and numerous failurts. ... ' _, Spokesmen at Philco-Ford's Newport Beach plant -only administrative work will be done there on the project -said that "it was assumed'' that the problems wllh tbe lanks have beep straightened out. OAIL Y PILOT Sltft r MI• GETTING READY FOR ANOTHER YEAR , SCHOOL MECHANICS CH.ECK OUT BUS Over La9un1'1 Hil ls and Dil t s on Thrt t Sets of Brekti The lank1, the spokesmen stressed, are not built by Philco-Ford. :JS-point Safety List "We have experienced no problems with Ute missile or lhe control and guidance system," one sou rce there said. Earlier this year, reports said the pro-- \'isions for installation of the missile and guidance systems in the tanks were creating some costly problems. Buses Readied for l(ids Saddleback Now Has Permanent V~jo Ca1npus Saddleback College now has a permanent campus. In two months the entire campus was moved one-half mile In the cotnmunlly of fl.fission Viejo to iLs new locaUon at 28000 1.larguerite Parkway. The engineering feat was accomplished by dismanUing the buildings on the in· terim campus, 25521 Crown Valley Parkway, and re-constn.1cting them on the new site a short distance away . , However the opening of the school will be delayed three weeks because of a heavy equipment strike during the sum- mer. New roads and landscaping at the By TOM GORMAN Of llM Olffr PllM ll•lt 11\e-opening of scliool means new druw, pants, shoes, pencili, p.pe;, and a comp'resslon teat. • A com presal'on test? • ·, The compression test ls ju.st (J[le cheek on a 3$.polnt safety J.!lt,for IChool bim:.s metialloUsl)i gone through t)y three full- tlme rneChanlcs,employed-by the Laguna Beach Un!llod School Dlstricl. It's. no 'asy job, fthe mechaniC3 declare, readying the l l yellow buses for the annual onslaught. And onsJaught it ls. On the average schqol day, nlne drivers have the responslbillty or safely tranJportlng t,500 students, from first grade through high school. To carry out that job, tht transporla· tioo department h11.s a •t07 ,(kl) budget to work within. To be Mt. la.tilng the students alODg lhe treache~s bUlslde roads Is big business. And it's a big responsibility. "We've never had one serious injury or death in the history of this department,'• says foreman Richard Jones . The average bus receives 20-man hours ot DttenUoo eaeh sunimer. from a check of the bolts and hoses, to the repacking of the front and re•r whetl bearings, to an interior paint Job and an exterior wax job. There are three brake systems per bus, Jones explained. Each bus ill tested, to make sure it can stop within 30 feet U driven at 20 miles per hour, Jones sald. AfLer the department completu its check, the state conducts an annual in- :ipectlon. During his six years' aasocia- tioo with the department, Jobes saJd the state has never grounded a bus. While the b u s e 1 may pus the rlgid tests. it takes qualified, well-traiped drivers at the con troll to lnaure safety. Eacb driver in tbe de~ent hu had ' . ' at least 10 hours of trainin1, first ald training with the Red Cross, and has passed a written &nd driving lest con- ducted by Ille Ca1ilcrn!J JliPway Patrol. 1 In adcHUoo, the driven attend monthly meeting.! of the Qrqe County School Bui"Drlvert' Aasocl1Uon, to keep abreast with the latest aafety techniques, Jones said. One district driver, Fran,k Melldw, cap- tured fint place in this year's annual "bus rodeo," al the Orange County School Bus Drivers' Training Institute. The SS.foot long buses carry about 73 student.a. '~And our newest bus has a radio -for disciplinary reasons," Jones aald. "The kids oaturaJly stay more quiet in the bus, so they can hear it.'' The average Ule-ttme of a bus Is 15 to 20 yean, Jones explained. The oldest bus in the district was built io 19$S. The buses, l'>illdi cost about $26,000 new. get about si1 to nine miles per gallon of eilher guoline or diesel fuel. ' t ''Ill" J ,. ;4Jiv · ·ory1 Group Studies schoot'a re1apt CCDJ~e. , .,~ ·i Thlrietn relocatabll :rtl'w!tures, con. 1 ' ' slsllng of 110 modules or "buildlng Pr bl~-· . ;j tor.· ~· '.. pe .. m I • -.....; ~.,:: On,~ ro rty line o the "campus is .ruu ·1 ~ only 300 yards from the Interim campus ond bott can be seen from a knoll near the intertm campus. · Tfte new campus can be reached via the Rancho Viejo offramp or the San Diego Freeway. nte new facilities provide 1 total of 71.040 square feel of space, nearly doubl- ing the 35,200 square feet at the interim campus. Classes for the fall semester will start Oct. 13. with registration scheduled for Oct. 8 and 9. •nenews~ significant batt:le," Nixon <&aid. O'Brien oboerved lhal tile post office reform proposal hat support from former PmldfJlt Johnson. "I can't th1nk or eny · timf! that two presidentl and offldals of botfl (poUUcaJ) parties have been united in the 5'me cause." Morton aaid he Is r more optitnlsUc about House paasage of the measure than he is of Senate suppcrt. Blount added that he is confident of ultimate approval later this year. Nixon - Survey on City Future Laguna Beach's 25-m•n CI t I z.e n' 1 Ad91aory Conunlttee tonight will 'begin complllng resulta:of 2).70 que.tlonnaires which osked LagunaOJ what type ol town 1hey want for the future . The information from the queries will be included in the comntittee 's rerom· mendations fOT' the city's new general plan which will be prej>ared by a Los Angeles planning consultant firm . on high-rise st.ructures and commercial pro!p<C1'. Computers produced 1 partial com· pilation of the anrirm last week, but lhe machines Went oufof service. The rest of the informaUon. ccmpiltd by the pl.anoing flnn's staff, will be presented to the commitee at a meeting this evening. City Planner Al Autry said the result:'! f!f the survey will be made public after the answers are thoroughly evaluaLed. SAIGON (UPI) -North v1e1na ..... troops have mauled a torce or govern- ment militiamen and C a m b o d I 1 n ~rccnariea led by U.S. Special Fofces advisers in a battle as nilles northeast of Sa.lgon, allied .Okumen re<rted today. Government spokeamen report'ed the e.llled forces suffered "heavy " casualties In the fighting which has raged since Sun· day. Informed military sources said ton· servative e!limatea of government losses were 12 killed, SO wounded and 20 miss- ing. The fighting v.·aa near lhc vllia1e of Song Be along t.be border of Phuoc Long and Phlam Dong provinces where the 11 and Jlf Corps meet. It was 15 miles north of another Cambodian border area wher~ American planes using bombs and napalm wiped out a major guerrlUa bue. It begah Swlday when a Z»mao bat· talion of mercenaries led l)y Green Btret tdvisers walked into a heavily fortified North VielJlamese regimental bead- quartus and came under.intenae·roclcet· grenade and automatic weapona fire . U.S. jets and artillery hit the C9mmunllits but· the battle conUnued into Monday. A battalion of mUltiameD rlllhtd to the aid of the first unit and al9o wu mauled. 'l'he Cambodian me.~aries a r f! lribesmer. ¥.'ho fight for pay and are l!d by the Special Forces advisers. There are >tlso a number or mercenaries made up or r..tootagnt.rtls and other tribesmen in various parts of Vletnam . The Communist guerrilla c 3 mp reporled destroyed by planes wa.s 70 miles northwest of Saigon and two miles from Cambodia. Allied forces said it was one of the bases from which the Com· muni.Jts had been eipected t.o lauoch new attacks today on Hanoi's 24th !in· dependence day. U.S. \\'ar communiques reported t 1 overnight shelli:ngs and scattered combat, much of it uound Saigon, but listed no major attacks of proportio~ that could signal a new offensive. Summoned by an aerial spotter who sa\V &Orne Communist troops in the open, the warplanes :.eroed in on tht Cam· bodian border base and killed 18 guer- rillas, destrof'<I 72 bunkers and burned 15 tons of rice with their bombs aad napalm, reports said. In .another aerial raid nearby, heti~optlr gunship pilots caught another Commun!st uait in the open and reported killing 16 soldiers. From Page 1 PLANE ••• Into El l'oro ?thrrine Corps Air Stallon \>·hen the craft lost power at 5,000 feet over the Newport Beach shoreline . "I began switching tanks. changing the ruel-air mixture -everything -and none of it worked. t radioed into El Toro to tel: them, bul whea my prop stopped I knew I couldn't make it in, so I called Orange County Airport tower, instead,'' he said. "It only took a few moments to realize T couldn't ·make it there. either, so 1 decided tG try landing on the hi'gbway," he added. The coast was clear on the southbound lanes of ~tacArthur as Ferguson dead· sticked the plane in. Then' the light changed President Can Relax· F roni Rigors of Office The question forms, compiled after months of meeting~ by the committee. ssked Lagunans thetr opinions on matters including parking snd reereation needs. possible revenue-raising measures, ideas "Some of the answers in the raw form just don 't mean anything or lead lo any conclusions, until they are all evaluated and interpreted by the committee," he ::.aid. Werthen 's car was the first to turn into the path of the landing plane. The microbus, conlalning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strom, of Fulluton, followed. The little bus' door was ripped oH by the passing plane. By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL A-l•ltol "r•u Wrlltr Prea.ident NOOn is no devotee of the 1trtnuou.a life -he won't tackle the surfboard hla daughters gave him for his birthday. But he has the Ume and.places around the Western White House In San· Clemente thtse days for golf and swim· ming and "renewal." Mostly weekday mornings usually are given over lo four or five hours of the uAllY DllOI C!V-140~ ~ IP'UlltSHIMG C°"""""H'f l •Mrt H. w,,, '~"" ........... Jtd R. C.rl.y \'let l'fll ..... W GenlfM Mtllt .. r . n.-1 KM•tl ··-tlie11111 A. MwrplilR• ...... ft ..... hltir Rlc.li1r4 P. Nill .._,_ c"' 111iw.,., , ......... Offk• 2at ,.,," ....... Mt llk!t A44••11t t.O. I •• '''· '2•1Z -~ < ... MtH• Df Wtfl ..... , ....... ....... t.di: Jtll "'-' ........ "'" ... ~"""" 11101: • Siii '""' tasks no President e\'er escapes -psper work and conferences. But 2,500 miiles from Washington, the volume is less, and af..ernoons and weekends normally are free. So Ntxon spins off by helicopter to the fainvays or beaches almost every af· lernoon. Occasionally he takes a rather aimless drive in the evening when his long-time close friend from Key Bis· cayne, fi'la ., C. G. "Bebe" Rebozo is around. Now and then he gathers up the family and gou out to dinner at one or the scores of restaurants nearby. A bit plaintively, Nixon mentioned the strenuous life, 1urfboard, renewal and President Teddy ROOH\ttlt lul Wed.· nt™lay. He was standing beneath skyscraper· tall Red'A-'OOd l.rees and dedl~Un& a Lady Bird Johnson Grove to the former first lady, in Redwoods National Park, just below the Oregon border. The President isaid that while he is on vacation -"if a President ever takes a vacation" -he someUmes has a chance to read in the evenings and had been scanning a biography of Theodore Roosevcll. One poinJ . he said, came lhrougll clearly: "Thal he. as President of the United States. found that he always received renewed strength Crom 1oin1 to the great outdoors. He, of course, was Jtnown as the President who believed in the strenuous Ille. I 1m not sure that I can go 1s far as be did in that respect -1 won't even ride a surfboard." The first Roosevelt, Nixon said, wu renewed oy going to the West and then bac)t to he awesome duties of the White House. Then, In a rambling incomplete sen· tence, the President lndicated he would be following the psst President westward ho : • ·'But certainly standing here In this ,crove of Red"®d1, t.o realize whsl a few momenta of solitude in this magnificent place can mean, whe.t It can mean to a me.n who Is president. whit II can me.an tc.. any man or any woman who needs time to ,;et away from whateVer may :xi the burdens or allot your tasks, and then that renewal thal comes from it-" For Nixon, though, there is no liltir.g back in a rocker on the front stoop. He 1s becoming a golfing president.in the pal· tern of the late Dwight D. Eisenhower, whome he served as vice president. For one five-day stretch. Nixon didn'l n1iss an afternoon on one course or another. Private and military courses are open to him, and he has ranged as far as ;o to 100 miles by heli copter to reach them. Sports fan Nixon doubled up a bit or. one night 10 play the Lo~ Angeles Coun- try Club course with his most constant opponent, Atty. Gen . John N. Mitc~ell, and stay over for a night football game between the Los Angeles Rams and Kansas City Chiefs. The President had a cryptic appraisal of his golf game when he turned up in Yorba Linda, where he was born 56 years ago. A woman spectator inquired ho'v his game was going. "Now and then,'' he answered. Nixon hadn't golfed for more than a yaar until he tackled a course al Miami, Fla .. a month or so ago. No11r that the President 1s finding li1nc for the game. Pess Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon was "shooting a Ultle better and gttth1g to like it a little better." There was no word whether Nixon had broken 90, as he has in the pasl In the aquati c department, the Presi- dent stems to enjoy his view of the roil· Ing Paclfic, at tl'le bottom or the bluff below his $340,000 home. more than he dOH a dip. He has 350 feel of beach . But tho first time he tested the · surf he reported he not only was swarm ed over by surfers but knocked dotA·n twice by wave11. Even lhollgh the Secret Se.rvict. and the Coast Guartl protect his beach when he is on it, Nlion is finding it more to his Ilk· lng lo cllmb into a helh:optcr for a five- minute run down the cossl to a fine btsch on r.amp Pendle.ton Marint Bise. \¥hlle ii is easy here to gtt away from the office and relax, Nixon is by no means !~rowing off the weight or in· lemational or dome.st.le problems . • 3 Die in Car Crash \VASCO IUP1 ) -Three members of a Bakersfield family 'A'ere killed Monday night when another car crossed the center line on Highway 46 west of Wasco and :!lammed Into their vehicle. YOUR After that process is cornplelc. he ad· ded. the flnn of Daniel. l\.1aM, Johnson anJ !i.1endenhall of Los Angeles will begin to draft the city's master plan. Another auto swerved into a dltch to avoid the impact. "It all happened so fast it didn't register. I mean, how could a plane be landing on the road in front of me1" Werthen said. The results of the survey will be part of the committee's entire report on Laguna's planning goals and needs, Autry said. Flying glass inflicted minor Cills on his forehead and legs. --.,....., -,,....,. _ ... Your 011itga Sai tl I.: Strvicr A.penc~ 0 OMEGA n , .. ,..., ••111• o .... ,. s,.141..,.,,., ..... +.h ,,... cir.., w•I 11l•ct1ii witll • •t0t '"" "'•ll it.ct fi•11 bv NA.SA t1 It• •••11 9y •11• ""''" •11 tht mt•R-T~;, r1co911ili•11, t111t., t r t • ,.. 1, .I Io r ••ctHtr.c t, WATCH'\: •1..-ct-4 FREE .... ~.. UO !Jt•u.I t• la t I CINMcl • Oi*I Wltll• f•• W.tt . ""'""" PURLS $100 ll·ITIUH5 tr.. WITH s4aa RIH•S $3.00 THIS llDD, ,,_ ~D DIAMONDS $6.00 •tPLACID, ... =:c,•Sofl. 1M•MY1Me 001111 -•1C!Jm Huntington Center Beach at Edinger WMILI YOU WAtT HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 y1u• 111!h1r!11il Om•t• , ..... 1.,, c ...... :11 -••• 111:, ~.11 .. 11.1n1, 1 ltutte.11, .. 4;,1, °""••• s,.,11111••· I•• &lir•n•tr•!Jlrt. Th• •111, Wt f&lr. Wlfl l:iy fJ\I "'·~ •I tti1 111•1a. ,,;.,, S1 f t. nlMI A•AILAI LI and bac:k Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 Dori'tE~pectFunds .at ·W ar End . '-.. \ • • Nixon Defends .Welfare. Reforms Before Governors • COt.c>ll.\llo SPRIJ!GS. Colo. (.API - President ~on hai told {be' na1ion'S governors not to look for an outpouring of new federaJ funds 33 a byproduct of ~in Vleln~ The Presldent also defended. his '{~lfare refo.nn program In a speech to the 16th National .Governors Conference P.tonday and advised the state executives against trying to tamper with it. But the conference was lo act today on a rttolutoin urging lhal t~e federal government take over the financing of the entire welfare system. • "He said be was goina: Lo put the money where the problems art," said New York Gov. Nelson A. Rocke[eller, chief promoter of the takeover proposal, a fi ve year plan which goes far beyond '· ur. N_ixon reconimendations. Nixen flew f r o.nt his 3Ummer White }louse in San Clement.t, Calif., for his defense of hts domestic programs, and tokt his critics : "I make just one suggestion -we 've been on e road for a 1ong time that i8 leading 113 to disister and when you're on the wrooi road you gel off and get on • new road." . Nixon told the govemOrs at their black tie conference ba ll ~re a1t' "bard budget •od tu decisionil ahead." "Dr<in!l ol unlimited bOHOM of dollan being relta3ed o~ tlJt war in Vietnam ends are ju.st that -dreams," he said. "True. there will be additional money - but thf'l claims on it 'already are enormous. "1llere lheoid be no W111iop that what some call tile peace and '''"'111 divldml will autom&Ucally solve our national pro- blems or release us from the need to eslabllsh prtorttlea. "In order Co tiod lhe money tor new progra.ma." llkl Nl%oo.. "we will have to trim jt out 'Of old ones." " Said Democratic Gov. John ?f. Dempsey of Connecticut: "I'm not ao • sure tb1ti if the war ended tomorrow ih«e couldn'tbe billions of dollars. n.... must be. Frankly, 1 was dl.sappoint!!;I tn the speech. I had hoped to hear a speed\ of a constructive nature." One ol Nixon'• chief advisers, Arthur Burna, counsellor to the President, nld f.1onchty "of course there will" be mote '. ~ m~ available after the Wli', Burns saJd U Ille conruct ended lmm<dlately it would f?'ff SI btlllon In federal tund$ dur- lQI' the next 10 months. But hO did not uy Whether prior claims already bad commltted aucb ftinds. Wblle NIIOll rej<cled the notioll •ol a peace bonus, he did lell lhe govel1!0<>: "I can 118W'e you of thiJ:; We 'are not simply going to i.11 yoii the lllat .. bave a Job lo·do; we are golJli to help you find ~ fun<ll Ind .........., to do that job with." Vice Prosldent Spiro T. Agn<w may he p~ for more specllica on that point at a closed door session of the conference later today. Youth Gang Rapes Girl, Beats Up Her Boyfriend A gang of unidentified youths seveN!ly beat a Downey man and raped his 21· year-pld rlrl f,.le""' near Bolsa Chlca State Beach early tod&y. year~ld William J. Zigler were silting on the: beach when suddenly aurrounded by the gang and strlppeJ ~ their clothing. Huntir,gton He~cu i-\..!CC Officer Martin O'Reilly said he had stopped a car for an identi(ic.11.Uon check on Pacific ~Coast Highway at 3 a.m. when the bfankel- wr,,.,r~ • l(irl ran up to him. Zigler was heavily beaten on the face and slapped across the back with a board, then dumped into the cold surf when he lost consciousness. u,.,,...,,...., l Last Fling Golden \Vest College coed J\'ancy Stanlon, 18, of Newport Beach frolics in the \Vater \Ybile she can. Summer ireec.'lorn fpr Nanry B:nd ~ thousands of olher Orange Coast students· isl'lpidly'!-becomiag a thing • of the past. School s tarts next week. -----~-- • Columnist Drew Pearson, Foe of Presidents, Dies DEAD ·AT 71 Columnlat Peiraon Krisman Foug ht By Young· G~P Orange County Young Republi cans have renewed-their batUe against the ap- pointment of Mike Krisman a ~ coordinator of academic advising at UC Irvine by asking the board of regents lo dismiss Chancellor-Daniel G. Aldrich. The 17 county chapters of Young Republicans issued a resolution for redress of grlevanc~ asking the board of rege;1ls to use lb ~b power aver ap. pointment!. ""'e urge the regents to disrniss Daniel G. Aldrk:h as chancellor and to ensure lhat Michie! J. Krisman and all other IVowtd merilbtri ol the SDS be dlamiu- f'<I ~ faculty and tdmlnlltralive poslll I t each tlrancb of the unJVtraily," said chlrirmaP._ Jamts Nash in the usoluUon. They said Dr. Aldrich should be remov- ed because he approved the appointment of 'Krisman. \\'ASHJNGTON (AP) -Columnist Drew Pearson was described in one ol his own " books as "either loved or hated ; there i:, no middle ground." His admirers were many readers or his co\um11, ··The \Vashington P.1erry-Go- Rou11d .'' who looked on Pearson as the 1nan \\-'ho exposed skeletons in goVern- mental closets during four decades. But his reporting through newspapers and broadcastiJlg brought hlm into fre- quent cqnflict with ofliciab, including two presidents who called him a liar. ·Pearson, 71, died Monday after suf. fering a heart attack at his Maryland farm,... Ha.-had-been hospitalized several "-eeks. returning home only last Friday. Jack Anderson, co-author the past 10 years, said he will ronllnue the column which is carried in 625 dally and weekly • newspapers. Pearsor. 's mosl recent mijor crUsade ln IWJ6.37 led to a Senate cemure of Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., after allega· lions he bad ·used political funds for personal purposes, It wa.s Pmident.. Frlnklin D. Roosevelt and Harry ..S Truman who de- nounced Pearson. Roosevelt called. him a liar when the columnist r e p o r t t 'd Secrelary or State Cordell Hull wanted to ' ~ Russia "bled while" during World War II. · Truma'l once referred to Pearson as an "s.o.b." afte r several CQlumns which angered lbe President. And the lale Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy. R-Wis .. resorted to physical violence dur· Ing a long feud with Peaisoo Jn the 1900.s. PtfcCarth~ 8!1mitted bltUng &arsoo wlU!. • his ha.00 at a faWonable club ln "'ashington ; the columni!t said the :senalor kicked him in the groin. The squabble got into the courts in a SS.I million damage aull broug.b.i by Pearson agaimt McCarthy and aeveral others, including the late cohnnnilt Westbrook Peg)er. It was dropped later. This was only one of a number of court !Ult! in which Pearson was plalnilff or defehdant. Although controversial, Pearson was affable, mlld·manne.red and a Quaker. He SponJJred the Fr)endsh.ip Train that col- lected 700 cark>ads of food for France and Tlaly afte,· WO"kl War II. Born Andrew Russell P t a r s o n at Evarulo11 , 111 .. he was the IOO of a college professor who later wu governor of the Virgin Islands. He waa a Phi Beta. Kappa graduate ot Sw~rthmore Colleae In Ptnn!ylvanla. The. girl said she was then raped by about four or five men. PRESIDENT ADDRESSES NATIONAL GOVERNORS CONFElllNCIE .. She told him 11he and he!' boyfriend, 23-Expl•ining 'New Ftderellam' In Color•do Sprlt·~1• 'I • • one or Glendale Federal's umpteen wavs to save Is a Guaranteed \ GLINDAlf ftDERAL SAVINGS--- I'd Uke that! ·orowth account. ' • Ask about our 5-year guaranteed growth occoUnt. or our·~•r lluarateed income accounts. We lllao have ftaxlble savings oc:counta and high emnlno inveatmont oavlnga ICOOUntl. 1blN.,. no higher ratea on Insured 18ving9 1nywhtre. So aafe, ao aeci.tre. Umpteen waya to save makes you feel 1 b feet tall. NIWPOl'I BllCh 2333 eaat coast Highway COlll ,.... 1m~Blwd. NATION 'I IECOND LARGEST FED ERAL WITH AllET~ OY~R ONE •ILUON DOU.Allt•ll omct• 5" ~~=~Dr l,25" ~~ ACCOUllTI 1.21" ::..~OOWTffACc:OUNTI 1.21" =:::.::::- . ' • ' . -r--.-. -· -~ --·-.:,~,::.::;;;;.:; ~2:-~.:-:::==~~:::;::=:::::;:;::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::_:::::""..:"':'.~.:::r..::::.:-.~.~-'..":-~-::'.~.::::::.::~~"."'.'":::::::-::---:::::::' ;'!::" --......... ~ ......... _....._____ - C~ .,-"" Dt!IF 1'1111 Alff) 11'"'1 Farragher of Claremorris. Ireland woke suddenly lo find a large hairy, we~nosed, brown- eyed 'Intruder breathing heavily at the foot of her bed. She called ber bu.band and together they tried to force Charlie, a 2-year-old steer, to turn around and walk down tho 15 steps be had ascended to reach Mrs. J'arragher's bedroom. Fire- men finally took Charlie away. • Or. L11t1r Fi1h1r, director of Cbicago'1 ,Lincoln Park Zoo, ex· plaineCl to newsmen during a tour that tbe noise made by his new gorilla 0 1s dhunming, and It means she's bappr,." Fisher added non- cbatam.JY, 'Of course, gorillas do that wlieu they're ready lo charge too.'" I . • British law sa111 a motorlat connot bl'-"iven a 1obriety test by poUce until 20 minutes after hil la!t drink -but Politi'-RI'.· view Magazine hos advised po- lice 011 how to •tall iuspecud drunk! u11tU thl'. 20-minute mar- girt is Up. Police Rcwitto 30!/S that if a drititr blamts that strong alcoholic odor on the fact he ;ust had a nio minute.s be· fore the answer i8 to dillu-Oail11 ·1 With him. Ask for his driW"rs \ license, his insurance papers, his driving test certificate and the spelti'ng Df his 11ame, tven if it's S·m-f-t-h. • When an armed M41 American tank was discovered. in the posses- sion of the Viet Cong, a U.S. rnili· tary spokesman commented: "~e have no idea where they got 1t. \Ve're not sure what they intend to do with it. But they didn't intend tO use it as a monument." • M i11 Pheni• Ro11 of Glasgow, Scotland described the Loch NeS! Monster which she said 6he and her sister observed thusly: "We could see the bumps very clearly and it was moving at quite a ~peed." • Vt t er an Rocky i\fount.ain Neu:s '\::i. press photographer. Haf'ry ~f. ~hoads, 88. will retire Monday. Rhoaiis, be· lieved to be the olde11t working press photographer, will be ending a 69· year career. • Or. Milton Fineman of Bridge- ton, N.J ., reported recently on the progress of a 29-year-o!d patient on public v.·el fare \vho ,,·eighs 775 pounds. "ite is literally eating hin1- self to death. If he continues on his present course he \viii not live much longer/' the doctor said. -. TUtsdly, Stpttmbtr t lM Navy Orders Trial Over Evans Crash SUBIC BAY, Phillppinto (UPI) -The U.S. Navy today ordered the court· marUal of the captain and deck officer or the destroyer Frank E. Evant on chara:es ol negligence and clertllctlon ol duly. The Ev&l\I wu sunk in a colliston with an Au.stt,allan aircraft carrier with loss of 74 Amulwl lives. The Auatralian aircraft car r I er Melbourne sliced the Evans in two June 3 during maneuvers ID the Soolh O!lna Sea. A Navy announcement said the court- martial of Crndr. Albert s. McLemore, .fa, of Vallejo, Calif., the Evans' captain: and Lt (J.G.) Ronald C. Ramsey, Z4, of Long Beach, Jts officer of the deck at the lime, woold begin aboul Sept. 10 al Sublc Bay. "The charges against e: m d r • McLemore and Lt (J.G.) Ramsey are <Jbvlou~y verr .. r1oua ..... a:» trial by courts-martial is the proper way or detennlnirti their guilt or i.nnocenct,'' the Navy said. Convictioo on the negligence char&es would mean two yeara at hard labor, disrn!uaJ from tbe Navy and forfeiture of all pay and allowance._ The military court would determine the penalty for dereliction 0£ duty. A joint U.S.-Australian Board of In- quiry found the Evans p r i m a r i I y respomible rOr the tragedy after a six- v.·eek investigation in June and July. The Australian Navy absolved the Melbourne Skipper, Capt. John P. Stevenson, o{ guilt. Testimony belore the board 0£ inquiry showed the Evans had turned inlo the Melbourne's path during a change of sta- tion that was to put the U.S. destroyer · behind the carrier as a "plane guard." Some of the Evans' crew testified there was confusion about the Melbourne's ex- act course at the time. ~1cLemore was speciflcally cited for falling to give proper night orders to awaken him and for his failure to be On the bridge when high-speed. close- quarte.rs maneuvers were expected. The Navy,charged Ramsey with mak· Ing ....,, miJtaka, including failure lo awaken tbe skipper, failure to seek clarlftcation and advice from the M'elboume cin the c:ranier'a course, plac- ing hls ship on a collbion course, and failure to sound the collision aiann. Unionist Meeting Called to Give Catholics Rights BELFAST, Norlhem !!!land (UPI) - Premier Jamea QI.I.chester-Clark today summoned lUs ruling Unionist Party to its first briefing since he agreed with British Home Secretary James Callaghan to give Roman Catholic civil rl&hll top priority. The meeting at Beliast's Stonnont Cu- tie would Jay Chicheste~-0.ark open to a war of words with the militant Protes;ant right wing of his party, led by fonner Home Affairs t.finister William Craig. The right wing h~ comistenlly opposed government reforms that would tend to undermine Protestant poUtlcal domina- tion by guaranteeing equal voting rlghll to Catholics in local elections and eoding discriminaUon in jobs and housing. Callaghan last week paid his firsl visit to Northern Ireland since the British military took control of intemal security and helped bring destructive Catholic· Protestant r Io ls in Belfast and Lon- donderry under control. Spokesmen for the British home secretary said Chichester-Clark agreed to establish a ministry charged with ovt!rseeing _community relations and agreed the government must work lo end religious disc rimination with legislation as soon as practical. U~I Ttlnl'IM9 Beer Bust for Bob Rock fans and beer cans pile up on the Isle of \Vigbl off the coast of England as an estimated 200,000 gather to hear their idol. Bob Dylan. t..:ome out of retirement. His apperance at the concert was his first si nce breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident two years ago. Finch Asks Legal Action Against Georgia Schools WASHINGTON (UPI) -The 1960-70 school year opens in most communilles of the naUon today with a new move begun by the Nlzon administratiOll to compel Ur tegration In Southern 5Choo,Ls. \ • Dartford Worst Violence Erupts , ' ln -4· U.S.· Cit· es· ' By TIIE ASS()CL\TED P~ Violence erupijd in four American communiUe1 overnl&ht lu:ving one man dead, many Injured ilDd bulldJng1 burned. Three of lhe d13turbances had racial undertones. I 1 Went hit WU 1HarUon:I, Conn., where fires still bumed;'tbil mornine· Pollc.e us- ed t.e.ar p1 io drlve away thlevu today after a night ol. racial violence in the city's mostly Negro North End that left a policeman shot. and a mUe and half of stores burned or loote!J. In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., there was a second COll!e<:utlve night of shooting, looting, fire. and rock throwing. Three building& t and two cars were burned, police said. Four policemen and some civilians were Jnjured but boapJtall could not provJde accurate figures. Fart Lauderdale Sherllf Edward Slaek said the disturbances ~ere probably not raclal in nature. In Dityton, Ohlo, poUce used tear sas early today to break up a rock·lhrowtng crowd at the Montgomery Ct.'Jnty Fairgrolmds. The ID011Uy Nelro mob had begun a mareh toward downtown Dayton. Fire bombs touched o(f rim at two business places, police said. ldeanwhile, angry groupa of whites and Negroes clashed in Parkesburg, 'Pa., ovemi&ht. The violence left a Negro member of a peace-making group shot dead. Eight other Negroes were wounded by g\lnfire in the town of 2,700. Police char&ed four whites, Uirtt of them members of a motorcycle-gang, With the murder of Harry Dickinson, 30, a founder of the Parkesburg Laymen's ACIJon CounclJ, creal.ed two months ago to calm racial tep.sions. The Parkesburg v.lolence spread to nearby Coatesville after blac:D went intG · the streets there upon hearing of the out-- break in Parkesburg. More than 90 were arrested In the Hartlord disturbance and police said that more arrest.a were stiJI being made. A police dog ..undler, Anthony Faninelli, 46, underwent surgery at Hartford Hospital for a bullet wound after being sl'lot In the Lhigh, parently by a t1n1per. Police aald lh exchanged gunfire with snipers on rooft in one during the height of the!. ~~ce.7'"~-- Sen. Kennedv • Lawvers Ask • Inquest Halt BOSTON (UPI) -Lawyers for Sen. Ed"'ard M. Kennedy petitioned the Massachusetts supreme coort today for a restraining order to block temporarily an Inquest into the death of Mary Jo Kopechne -which was set to open in less than 24 hours. A hearing on the petiUon was scheduled for 11:15 a.m. PDT today before Justice Paul C. Reardon. Attorney John Harrington appeared In the court clerk's office at 8:15 a.m. today and then met in Judge Reardon's chambert for more than 30 minutes. Clerk John Powers said later the hearing had been set for 11:15 a.m. In a petition filed by Harrington, Ken· nedy's battery of lawyers asked for lhe temporary restraining orde.r and for a write of certiorari so the state supreme court could ei:amine the records of the case. ltliu Kopechoe, a 21-year·old Washington secretary, waa killed when a car driven by Kennedy plunged oU a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island July II. An inquest was to open Wednesday in Edgartown district court. All parties inVoled In the inquest -In· eluding Edgartown District Judge James A. Boyle and Dist. Atty. Edmund S. Dinis -were a.5ked to appear for the afternoon hearing. The Dukes County prosecutor said earlier today he doubted attorneys fcir Kennedy would try to block the inquest. Health, Education and We 1 fare Secretary Robert H. Finch Monday asked the Just.ice Department to take im· mediate legal action against nine Georgi.a .!JChool dist.riclt. Finch said they had "cast aside the commitments they have made to provide equal educaticn op- portunities" in their districts. He said the districts, which he iden- tified as Clinch County, Coffee County, Dodge County, Emanuel County, Franklin County, Heard O:>unty, Rome City, Telfair County and Wheeler County, "hld promised long ago lG implement a desegregation plan this fall." PSJ\j eveO'hour on ·thehour The secretary said the failure to follow through was ll'lllOUDCed just prior to the opening or school this fall and "violated the self-made commitment to the federal government." As a result Finch turned to the Justice Department for action saying the agency "has at ill •disposal swift judicial recourse." He also sent each of the districts a telegram telling them of the move and asking them "to reconsider their refusal to implement their plans." It was a complete about-face for Finch, who just a week ago went into federal court and successfully won a delay until Dec. t for the implementation of desegregalion plans in 30 Mississippi school districts. A~ the time, Finch said Hurricane Camille. wh.lch caused havoc In the Southern state, made the move neressary. Monday a HEW spokesman said the l~·o actions were not inconsistent, e\'en ii it so appeered on the surface. He said the best interests or the school children in- volved were being served in each action. to San Francisco! 7am to 9 pm.Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3-4- 5-6-7-8-9 pm. More on weekends. Plusflig • Thun-dershowers Hit East eve liour on the alf hour to nDiego! • West Temperatures Range From 35 to 117 Degrees Callfo,...la Southern C.1ll!or11I• r1!11Mlllt4 IU""" l 'ld Wlf"' lllftlY Wiii\ -fo9 l !- ti.. C'OKI '"" t tww ltlund.,.Wowtn In th9 1T11PUn!1!,,_ Ind ftfffh, Tll~r~ Wt1 I c.ooll..., lr...cf nttr llW CIWltl, l01o An91lt• 1!1d Yl(.lnl!y 11.-d ll11v c.•O!Jdl1>eu '"" loo I~ !M mom•~• Nii;rl •11>1>9 lht <:IHI!. I! w,1 • !lit ~ Wt•..,l r tod.IY Wl!lt • hltll ~ 16 '"' tht l'<Pkl" low !°"l9M cl U . TIM lfll!loto'• hollt11 ,..,,.,.,, ..... ,,, _., r"KO'Otd ti Tl!....,fl Wiit .. "" "Wf'Qll1' •-tied 111 Ind 1! Im-Ill ""' ~11<11 s..1...,, wlleft r1 rucl\ftl ,.. TN '"' P'D!!uTIOll C°"trd Ol1t•lcl Milf fl!Ht •ff ......... .., le l'lffV1 -Ill In. LOI .t.-"'t B11ln tool••. TN llH<:fa _, <'°'""" If! "" _...,. """"" .-1111 dQrl"' ti• tnld• INl"l'llfll flllf Mwlo temMr-1tv,_. 111 flMI low Jiii. W11to' ....,_.,tu., •11 _ ... Thi _,., .... Wll'I "'°''"' .........., """ -•""'-'"" ....... "-'"'· TPw ft,_ ._.,,....,., tf ""' ,_, """8 --11111111 •• Til9 """' ,....... -· .... .._,.., ..,.,...,. ""'"' ,,,._ """'"°"'.,...., .. ~ ~-"""' IJI Ille -v11o ...,. ---tl)I .... Ill In fllt ~·· ....... ,._ ,,..,. ... '"" ~"' .. -llW.ll\'ll. fer ...,. for atl""ltf lowllWll C.llferfl.l1 '°""""': Ullll INdl .,... ~ ""'"kl> .... "· ..,,..'* ...... ~ ···-...... PtlloMilll 10..... ",_.,.... 1 ... 101. "•In! ..,,,.,.. ""'"" ·~ '°" lOf, $111 oi. ,... '"' S.llf• .... •• , .. n. . Coaatal Low Cl9Yf1 tlll lot kld1• btc..,U,, ""°''"' '"""" t lltr 11 I "'· W!1wh ~ltM -..-Ill"' Jlco.ln .. ,,.,,, 11 "' 11 -10C1t1 Htell 100.• n. Y"'"""'' '-'""' rlftftd tl"Olll • """ " ., to n. 1~1,,.., '""""''""" ......... • .. to "· • .,. ,._,. ''"" .... fl .......... Sun, "'"""· Tides Tu110-,v f<lr1t 1111111 • 1 :Sol '""· 1.0 lt ot '"'"· 1 ) f<1'1! low WIOMllOAl' flr1t Ill.it . l :Of 1.rn. •.I ~lrtl llW .. 11:• '·""· , .. •1111 "latl 1·11 I"'• Ith 1 II'·"'• "'4-"IYI 10 M p.m. 1 .. 1 l;OT Pm. l'l•lt o. ~~ti L111 o. "'"" "'"''· u $"''· n '"''· ' ,.,.,, 11 1,1~ •••• "111n11 ll•~ff'\!l•Jd B!1m1rtk 8011.,.. Cllic••o Cinc:lnll•!r CMrVlll'ld 0.llV!'!" Detr0<I EurH.1 For! Wo-rl'I "'••no "' ... -·~ IC.lf!WI Cl!Y Lt1 v ... ~ l• "'""!ti N.!1ml lff<l'I M llwevt" M l-.PGltl New Or1t1n1 Ntw y..,, 01•11...t Om•f'I• 1'100 ll•lta ~"lltG•lllll• :i::::.r."' P'ot'I•"" ltM Blull ·-$tutmt"i. St. LOC1li ~·II l1-1 Cl!~ J:i.:~t'<O ~11110 •u~''' Se•t!I'* S"O'o •"" tf'I ... ,.,.+ W••hlllf!Ofl Hit/I l ew l'rwc. " u n n l(M ll ·~ .. •\ 1~ I' 10 I' .. 0 U tS . " ., '' • • •l 11 101 " " .. fj 11 ... UN 1\ ... . " . " I! SS . .. " " n " " . '" . " ~ ,ff ,, . ' ••• 1&! :t ~ II ~I~ " ~ ll 51 .. " ~ Ill ii~ •• 8:15 am to 10:10 pm. Both ways. 8:15-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:30am-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30- 4:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends. W'frrworry abO\lt a reservation when PSA has over 160 fligh ts a day? Such an easy-to- remember schedule you can carry It around In your head. Why remember lowest fares? Or all Jets? Or great service to Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento? Or that kids under 12 fly PSA (with their parents) for half fare? Still want a reser· vation? Just remember to call your travel agent or whatsltsname airlines. PS\ A~ yuu a lift. .. = = E 1 a s d p tl • [ f; a ' • B " ~ h > u c g n g • a n ' R b II h • " l• A " " M rr \ D \\'ilt al • mal me Inn• Ii• hos1 He 1 ml~ well ~•n rl'.! h :. n )h~ 1lm1 I kn • • SUBSCR IB ERS SOUGHT -Mrs. Nicholas Malool fr!ght)J. clJ.ai~an of the mailing co~ittee for th~. t'own Hall sen es sponsored by Assi.stance ·League of Laguna Beach, receives help from Mrs. Bryant ~ ;· . . ' ' . M. Sells a_t .,f.he typewriter. Mailers heralding the second anpual s~rles to take ~lice in South Coast Theater were sent at the end Qf. the month. By JEAN cOX Of ltlt Dallr P'llM Sl-ir' COL. AND M~llllln.ll Bruggere eate~ ~ abou~ 125 guests who came 10· Mon- arch Bay from all parts of Southern California last Sun- da:y for a ~ lo 9 p.m. cocktaU party 1.nd buffet supper. Assisting the hostess were the Mmes. Adrian Cameron of Laguna Hills, Torrence Dodds of Newport Beach, Alan Harper o{ Three. Arch Bay and Pasadena, Harold Snead • • ' tere for the show,.ilso was honbrid. MRS. Eu.A ~~ji; oH1i· .anll is about to end her two- months' visit with her .,,_daughter and /son-in-law, ~·fr. ·and Mrs. Rcb-,r ert Joyce. < .tion here,.a round of·parUe!'" are beIOg given. F•RIEtiDS. AND RE4· TIVE8 Of Miss Suaan Lynn Roley of Laguna Beach gath- ered recently in the home of the Rudy Burtons lO say fart-- well to lhe Chapman College graduate who recently v.•as commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. . " ' ' • • . ' ' JEAN COX. --• t1111Ay, ltll9'tfllW &. Off I. ;,,. IJ League · Boo.ks Celeb ·rit ·ies Subscript.Ions are ln the mail for the Town Hall series which Assistance League of I.:aguna Beach _ia sponsoring once again in re.. eponse to the lectures' success in 1969. · Col. John "Shorty" Powers, the voice of 111ercury Control, \viii lead ·oft in the sei-ies in South Coast Theater on Jan. 26. Ne>..1. on t~e schedule, ;will be A)ist.a)r C6oke, author and lelevi-. slon award \Vinner. who will speak Feb. 23. Nila Magidoff will tell her audience about her Russian homeland and the steps that led to her United States citizenship on March 20. ~so coming to Laguna Beach is Bennet Cerf, publisher, hu- morist . columnist. editor ,~lecturer and punster, who will appear April 20, and Dorothy Sarnoff who will close the 1970 series on May 18. Mrs. Daniel Schr.yver, ways and means chairman, has appoint· ed-Mrs. John SolOnibn. as~ her Town Hall committee c~airman . Others assisting are the Mmes. Charles Collyn. decorations; Nicholas l.falouf, mailing:; Robert Malone, brochure, and C. R .. Beck Jr., book- keeper. Also helping are the Mmes. Howard Adams and Ted ·DuBois, telephone; William S. Mortimer, tickets ; Ray Burton, H. L. Burton and Donald Conklin, hospitality ; Fred T. Barnes, stage; Frank Dar· ling and Theodor~ Taylor, bus transportation; Patrick H. Randall, publicity; Andrew Morthland, programs ; h.fario Tartaglia, hostesses, and ·MI1an .Chiba, stage equipment. · , Special emphasis is being p,ut on free bul!i service provided for subscribers to the theater from Laguna Canyon parking. lot. Pre>- ceeds from the series will help sustain \he chapter's m"&ny philan· thf9pie~~1ncluding the Friendship Club, youth and roul'lseling services, and actJvities classes for emotionally disturbed adults . . ., :Wives ' Wives Of new teachers 1t. Saddleback Colleae will be ~lcumed) into the Saddleback Coll~ge Faculty Wives group during an alternoon tea hosted by members next · Sunday in Mission Viejo IM. Mrs. Fred Bremer, publlclty chalnnan, and '-1rs. William Williams, president, will co- host the 3:30 p.m. affair which marks a {lrst for the groi.ip. . . ,. of South Laguna aod Matt Boyle of Laguna Niguel. Sis- ters Miss Ann Metzleur and P-frs. Einar Christesen a1$0 helped. She will be JEAN cox mt.ssed. espe· cially by neighbors who have gotten used ·lo the aroma or homebaked bread which has been \\1afting £rom the Joyces' kitchen during their visitor 's stay. Susan was sv.·om in as a second lieutenant last nlonth and left for officers basic training in QUant.ico. Va. From there she will 'be as· signed to a Marine base for permanent duty. Her father, Col. \Vllliam H. Roley, i! a retired h1arine man. Mr. and Mrs. Burt en of C.tallna Street hosted a pot- luck d.iMer in honor of Miss Roley. Laguna Beach guests included the Mmes. Jack Nor· , worth, B u r t Weir, Wlnnie Harm and Albert Davis, along v.•ith Jim Pfieffer, Col. and Mrs. Roley, Bill Roley Jr. and Miss Glad Keer. Coffet and tea will be pourett by wives of the col~ lege's board oI trustees. They include the Mines. Michael T. Collins of Lag\lna H i .I I Ii , Patrick BackU! or Dana Polri'l, Alyn M. Brannon of Santa Ana, Hans W. Vogel o( Santa Ana ana Louh. J. Zitnlk of Laguna Beach. Most of the activity during the . warm August' evening centered around the Brug- geres' 'pool which was sur- rounde<I by pots or yellow and gold c~the.P'.1-ums. Light out.doors was provided by Jap- anese lanterns. The party was an especially nice occaslon1 for Dr. Robert Robb who was ce1ebrating his birthday that evening. . MRS. ' VIRGINIA · NIXON hosted a luncheon in the Vic- tor Hugo, Inn tor the 19 'll:oiun· teer IUJdtl who worked in the AIJ:Callfarn!a Show last week. Guests included Tom En- man of Laguna Beach, Mt As-, sociat.ion G a JI e r.y director. Mrs. Eugene Nowfeod, cbair· man cf the ethibition commit· THE LARRY TAYLORS are entertaining their son Kent and his young wife, Jeanee. for a week before lhe couple return to school at the Unt· ·versity of Arizona. 1\1cson. Formerly the two families planned to meet in the Grand Canyon for a Week's holiday . together, but the 'Ariwnan:i de- cided ther would rather spend the time 1n LaJUha. Kent now is an 'intern ptianllacy student ln the universit)' and is an alumnus of Laguqa Beach . Hiih School and Orange Coan College. His bride. iS a grfdu- . ate of San Clfl'!'lente H 1 g h Schpol and attended ucr. While the Arizona• piiir vaca· Other guests included Mts. Gus GitJOn. Miss Phyllis Dot- terwich and Miss Judy Harri- son from Clifton, N.J., ,Mrs: Lois Outerbridge from Emer- ald Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dyer from Lakewood, Mn. Ralph Dawson of Laguna Nt- guel, Mrs. Theresa Hawks of Monterey and Miss Barbara Carr and Paul Martin of Co- rona del Mar. ·AWAITING 1'EA)-There Is· plenty ol work · ahead for Saddleback Fa.cuity Wlves, but member,• (left ' to right), \he Mmes. William Williaf1\ll, ~illi•m Phllli~s. and Patrick Bacltus put aside papers· long enough to' anti!:lpate the group 1 fit'st arinual tea. -· · To be welcomed are the Mme.s. Robert W. D o r y , .James R. Norris:. \Vllliam L. Kell)'. Geo~e M. Kurlak., Thomas W. Gilmer. Donald R, Guyer, Vincent D. McCullough . aild Richard E~ Slue~' t.tort new faculty wives are' Geor~ T. De.nney, Tom J, Gaines, Dale llf. · Larson, Ryburn D. Bartlett, Norman H. ,Cole, Jamn\ G. Lindblad! R. Phil Littell, Terence J. Miraglia. · calvln L. Nelson, James I. Ree8e. Robert c . Hoffman and Milton B. Sur· face. Widow's Weeping Will Weaken Witho·~t Wish ·ing · for Waste DEAR ANN LANDERS: I fcll In love wilh a very attractive man whom, I met 111 work. He hu a charming personality, makes a •onderfu1. appearance and gave me aomelhlng lo Gve for after rgy hus· !>:?.r.d passed away, 17 month! ago. IIe told me his wife was in a mental hospltil and comes home oo weeket'tds. He sak:I he wanU:d to marry me and pro- mlsecl to aet a divorce when his wife was l\'CU eoo\J&h to sl~ the papers. He never :nrnUoned cblldtef\, l)ut It tutns out that 11' hu two. It also turns out that his wife 1" not a patient In the mental hospital. ih~ fl a dietician thert. l learned the '"facll by accident and tlmost pas9f:d O\ll. \llllen l takt him what r kn~ be brOke d<>"'D and cried-satd he ANN LANDERS had lied because he was alraJd of losing me. I told him we were through and ask- ed h~ nol lo call me again. This rnomin& he telephoned to say he ~ad filed ror divorce. I want to believe him but it's dlfricult alter what lfvc been thruugh. Where can I get the fact.I. Woold thi~ be a matler of record ? Pleue advile m" -WEEPING WILLOW J'IEAR W.W.: You have lbe most Im· pottanl hct. Tht g11y 11 1 har. Olvt him llM deep llL DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your ii· noranct is showing agalft. Recently you !aid 1 J4-year~ld cocku spaniel ii equ!Yaleot to a al .. year • cld human. O!Jviously you arrived 1,t lbll conclusion by multiplying the flog's age by seYen. This ls an antiquated method lonl" since dlsc8rded by canine authorltfes. The correct. method Is as follows: Figure 2ii years for Lhe fir'lt two years of the dog's life. Ade! seven to lht thlrd year. Then add two yean for each re- maining year,. So you see, Ann. that cocker spaniel it he were a perm would have been $4 yean old, not M. And that'• preuy young to go. -I. GOTl'CHA DEAR J.: 1 db1't no,.. wbo lnvuted tbc. "new" l)'lkm bat t dlecked •-'~ t•r« vetertnartau bd tHJ 1Jld It's st nMI' they've nev~·•eant: of II. All thm: ·ag1eed that a t~·yeaNld toeker tllJnltl ''ould be coaslderecl a very teaftr d~• 11 aaybody'• lleanel -and mMli eklHr to .i ...,.ear-old buman tbe OM 14, 81btJL UEAI\ \NN LANDlllRS: l am In love with a girl who ls engaaed to marry someone else. 111e announcement appear- ed In the paper Sunday and it nearly klU. eel me. 1 WP.nl wilh. B. for two year1. There Wf:f'e times when l didn't treat her ex- actly tighl but unfortunately I wu ~ tlfht about 14;veral :thlngs l'MI I drank a llUle too much. 1 IC~ hit her (lbe , .. u, ran lnio my n .. durinl an lr!Jll' ment) ana we ~e up over that mllllndtl'IUndlng. B. has known Ulla guy only four m"nt!'s. I am 1urel slte ia marrylng him DG the rebound. He's nothlnJ; to k>ok at Md aquare Wldl!I, l called btr lllrt< times last week-~nd ahe refused lo meet me ~o talk things over. (She'• a(raid if she sees me she'll weaken.) Ptease bt my fairy godmother and tell me what I • can de. -PANHANDLE. DEAR PANHANDLE : Voa Cll l&tp nW1111 a petl ol y....U. I U.e N mastc wand for a py wbo mJa:trtatl • 1Irl lkLbowl1 bis ..... ~I wbeoM 1.,.,. oat lo 1omeone deet.nt. f Do you feel Ul •I ease ... out of Ill 1'< evtrybody having a good Ume but you'!' Write lor Ann Linde"' booltl•I. '7M Jl:ey to Popularity,'' enclosing with youf requeat 3S cents In coin and • kin&, self ~ lddttUed, stamped envelope. • Ann Linden wUI be &lad lo hdp )'Oii, wt•ll your pr0bl•m1. Send lhem lo her I l'are of the DAILY PILOT. entlosln& a· self-addressed, HI.amped entektpe. ~ I' r I \, 11 .1 ~~~~-%·~~~~;.-.-"'. _...-_.·--~:---:::::;;;::;:;;_::,.~.;_:.::: .. .::~.~.~~-~,,_:;.:".:;~~:;,:;.~:.::;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;:,:;.;;;=::;:::;.:~:;_,_;;::::::::::::::::::::".!:~!'.=:".'.~."':' .... "':'.~-~~-.:"..::..:.::..~.~-~-~-~-~--'."'.'.."."."..::.:.:::-::-:.~.·-:::-:==·:..-:-~.~-3 .... ~· .. ·-• .... -~ •"'' ..... ~--· _... . ............ . • ·~ /Jeering ·Around' l f ¥C£l'TBD u a ltethman al Jollllltoo C.lleJI'. an ex· ~ liberal arts col· , l61fl at the Unlvenlly of ·Redlands ls Nancy Werner, cllugbtu of Mr. and Mrs. s. Ill. Wtmer ol Costa Mesa. She l,t a sraduate of Estancia Hl&h SchooL ·MISS CLAUDIA Ann Moonler of Corona del Mar ex- dt..need Wedding YOWi with Ronai'I Wilkins in a £amUy .ceremony Aug. 29. Mr. and Mn. Dale.Wilkins of Fullerton ,, ag'ld Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moon>er of. Corona del Mar, parenta ol the bridal couple, were present ror the ritu, which were followed by a luoclieon ill Reuben's. '1\Jstin. Couture Dismissed • - Horoscope e 1 1 TaurLs: Watch .Money WEONESDA Y are friend> and proml1< of wiah-fulfillment. You are SEPTEMBER l popular and make favorable lmpresaioo on oppoalte sex. By SYDNEY O~IARR Make the.most ot II. GROOMING TIP' Acceat VIRGO (Aug. 23-S<pt. Z2): wrlatl, b.and1. Show oH &hat Caree.r aspects are intensifled . Jn'•celet or wit.ch. Be 1ure There could be minor di&put( nalla •re properly manicured Involving policy. Make con- becau1e eyea tun towanl cession. Better to lose a battle 11.anda loday. and wln major victory. Bring forth innate, fine judgmenL ARIES (March lf· April 19): LIBRA (stpl. 23-0\:I. Z2): You may be drawn in two What you have been seeking ls direcUons. Key is to be coo--no longer faraway. You are alderate of needs of relaUvea. confronted with chance to Means be receptJve, versatile. s h 0 w off abilities. Di!play But also know that you have to courage of convidiom. Ad· Uve with yourself -and fAmi· here to principles. ly, SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): TAURUS (April %0-May ~O): You are able to flni.sh a proJ· You tend to be extravagant -ect. Money question b resoh·- curb it. Purch8se essentials, ed. Bl.it don't return to out- sez are emphasized. You can have fun without overspen-- ding. Acctnt humor. Be flex· ible. It ls not necessary to present imposing f i g u r e • VersaUllty ls key. PISCES (Feb. 19-t.larch 20 ); Be specific. Be s u r e measurement.s, other basic factor& are correct. You can make home a more com· fortable , attracti ve p I a c e • Avoid tendency to be careless .• IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY -You are begin· nlng a new cycle, highlighted by improvement of (inancial condition . You are versatile and attractive. But you tend lo try doing too many things at once. what is needed. Study ways of moded, costly procedure. LookJ-;::=========, saving, of improvlng income ahead , not at past. potential. Accent ii definitely SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- on money. Dec. 21): Give special at· GEMINI (May 2lJune 20): tenUon to mate, partner. Cycle Check details. You are in en-Is not high. Day to permit viable posit.ion. Key is to others to take initiative. You realize thb and exhibit ron-could receive publicity. Han- fldence. Contact r e c e n t I y die It w I s e 1 y ~ and con· made begins to pay dividends. ~rvaUvely. LET'S BE FRIEHDL Y U you have 1""" neighbor; or know of anyone mo\1n& to our ana. pleue tell UI 50 that we may extend • friendly welcome and help them to become acquainted ln · thi!!lr new aurroundinp. HONOR-ED GUEST -Receiving a warm welcome to Orange County as luncheon guest of · honor in I · Newport Beach is Mrs. George \V, h1oore~ governor . of Southern Region, Soroptimists Federation of the I : Americas Inc. Shown at a preluncheon gathering .< in the stuft Shirt are (left to righf) Mrs. K!nneth G. Haas, luncheon hostess and director of District JII, Pacific Region; Mrs . Thomas M. Pole; the guest or honor, Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Thomas E. Hom of Norwalk, director of District 1V, Pac;ific Region. CANCER (June 21.July Z2): CAPRICORN (Dec. %2.Jan. Change, possibility of travel, 1si: Strive to per 1 or m So (oasl V's'lor "Coulur< h dead: long II" exciting experiences are "'rvices. Demonstrale your • I I paeudo couture -I mean the spotlighted. You may find usefulneu. Check files, facts. 494.0579 ~~~fO:ou~a:~~~O:, yourself facing a camera.' Be Refresh meJllOl'Y regarding .John Moore said in In-sure your ~pparel is ap-work methods, . procedures. 494-9368 It I I • Luncheon Pays Guest Tribute •01c1uc1ng hu fan and winier propna1e. And get '"mc1ei1tres1 tonight. Harbor V1's1'lor LEO (July 23-Aug. %2 )' This AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. collection. r_.cc~a~n~be~yoor~~k~ln~d~o~f~diayi.iTh~eriei.illi)i: ~R~eiliau~·o~ns~·w~i~tbi.io~ppo~sl~te~~~~~iiii~=~~~ "What a wonderful time /or everyme -the~ lltUe dreu:. Slip on, slip off; the in· corporaUon of jewelry not as a decoration but aa an integral part of the costume -u 84 STORES. •• ALL 72° Orange County Soroptimist Club presidenls and members gathered at a luncheon to honor Southland visitor Mrs. George W. Moore of AUanta, Ga., governor of the Southern Region1 Soroptimisl! Federa- tion of ,the Americas . jewelry be.Its, b o J e r o s., in Riverside, San Bernardino neekties, gloves." and open nightly till 9:30 South Coast ?tua and Redlands. He said there ll no ucuse Those welcoming G o v . for non-fashion in this new era 1i1oore at the Newport Beach rjo~f idiolngijiyiouiri0Wll~ithini· 1g~W1ben1;~!=~~~~~~:=~iw~~,CL~A~,~-~=-=o!oia~::..~.';· ~-·,·~--i~lji~ gathering Were .represeo-yoJ put yourself 19&etber. tati ves from all parts of the Mrs. KeMeth Haas o f Laguna Beach, director o{ District III o[ the Pacitic Region, arranged the welcom4 lng luncheon in the Stuft Shirt and served as official hostess for Mrs. Moore's visit. During the luncheon, \\'hich culminated a week. of events honoring Mrs. Moatt, guest! introduced themselves and presented the governor with gifts symbolic of each of their community's achievements. Mrs. Moore was t h e house guest or Mr. and Mrs. Moote Warr of Laguna Beac]\ for her brier stay in Orange County. She was given a tour of the Festival of Arts, lbe San Juan Capistrano Mi ssion and the Newport Harbor Area and was entertained at luncheons . .. CAKEFUL OF CANDLES Mrs. Lucy Marty Ne vil>"".'eds Making Home lri Costa Mesa Mesan Parties For 102nd Time Making their home ill Costa Mesa al'!: newly "married .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Piirrman who were manifd i n Oceanside's Fir s t Presbyterian Church, l t \11ill have to be a pre lly ,big birthday cak'-to hold all the candles lhis year for Mrs. Lucy f.larty, because there ·wit\ have lo be n1ore than a hundred . A hundred and two , to be ex· act The former Laralne Oliver Is the daughter of the Charles Olivers ol Oceanside and her A native of Ohio, she moved husband is the son of the "'ith her parents to lowa when August pf l r rm an n s of .~he was a small chil d, and, In Octanside and fonner\y of her early teens. helped her Costa 1i1esa. family drive a covered wagon Honor attendants during the to Kansas. double ring nupU•ls were Miss Martha Leach and Edward The fa mily settled near Pfimnann, the benedict's Cortland , Kans .. and it was brother. Orange Coast area. They in· eluded the !times. Wllllam W. Warrington, Garden Grove ; George J. Galkin, Robert E. Sharkey and Giles \V . Broadlick. Huntington Beach; Haas, Porter Po'>''Crs, Thoma s M. Pole, Lila Levienne and Albert W. Cornelius, Laguna Beach; Glenn B. Allen, Lee Shaw and Joseph t.-1. l-laughey, Newport Beach, and Charles l~unt and Stan Peters, San Clemente. Tour Plan Includes Lake Tahoe After a Dusy summer schedule, members of Harbor Senior CIU:.ens Club alrudy are planning an early fall trip to Lake Tahoe, leaving Sun- day, Sept 7. • During the four-day tour they also will visit old mining towns ln Nevada, Including Virginia City and view the set used for the TV series Bonanza. Reservations still may be made for a trip to Hawali..fn- October. Chairman John Stoff can be reached for' fUrtbe,r details at 642-3281. During August the busy seniors visited the Minion Inn In Riverside, where they toured the historic building and had luncheon on the patio. They also travel~ to the Regina Winery and visited Rose Hills Memorial Park . Senior Citizen s The Costa Mesan. who livt:s by herself, keeps up her OIYn hou se, gardens, cans fruits and vege tables, sUll does her own sewing and paints and wallpape rs her rooms. there she met her husband, A reception for 200 guests Ed. Following their marriage, took place 1·n the bro"de's c I 1 R ti they mo ved to EUzabeth, Col., om mun Y ecrea on Shoes Follow Fashion Trend where the late Mr, Marty was parents home and the couple Center at Orange County mayor. and later they went honeymooned in San Simeon. Fairgrounds is the scene of back to Cortland and were Both attended Mira Costa acll\'ilY when Costa Mesa proprietors of a butcher shop. CoUege and the bridegroom Senior Citizens meet at II Call fornia beckoned them lnl;~w=il=l)=con=ti=n=u=e=st=u=di=es==at=U=C=L==a.=m=·=•=very~=Tu=esd=a~y=. ==:\I 1910 because of Mn. Marty's health, and they came to Los Angeles. From there they moved to Arlington and then to Orange, and finally came to Costa Mesa in 1949. A new idea In fall shoco; On a half acre on the we st similar to the apparel trends side of town, th~ gardened, is !he use or the same grew fruit trees and had a few 1>Hhouettc for daytime aod chickens, and shared the boun· evening achieved with a ty of their land '>''ilh their change of materials. neighbors. Sample : a polished calf Now, Mrs. Marty pursues pump untri1nmed with en1-ht!r hobbies of keeping pet phas.is oo a pedestal heel 1.. birds , dressing dolls and main· done for d•Y in an off-white taining a coUectiDn of dolls, leather .. .for evening in satin ll'hich include. many antiques. and Jewels. \Vf'il-wishers will g a I h e r A boot look for dayUme in a Sunday, Sept. 7, from 2 to 4 in combioation ol black patent lhr home of Mrs. Frank J. leathtr and while kid ls don e Hruu Cos~ .. Meaa, to Wh for evening in cut Velvet and Mrs. Mart y a "happy birth- told kid. day." ·BIG BRASS PLAYS FAREWELL TD SUMMER FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSOCIATION OF MR. DENNIS WITH OUR SALON STAFF. ON THE MA.LL 9 .P.M. e WIGS e HAIRPIECES FASHION ISLAND 673°7850 . NIWp0RT CENTER J4J4 'flA LIDO • NIWrORf llACH PAC1•1c COAJT Hl•HWAY -NIWrOIT llACH • ~ MDrEM or MATCH"EM EC4- ~sami~~ Gatttcheddar ~tic~ GJ>izza ~tic~· Onion ~tic~ 2Foa79t ouf" atttactio11. REC. 4~ each Gitatio11.N G\Vlteel of ~w~ Ta. 1n 111~ to enjoy this delicioos Swi11 cheoew ••. m1de in lhe old·f1shioneJ way .,. ll!l'clusi•d J for H1cJ..ory Farms of Oh io. Cilallon his 1 mellow, hazrlnul f19vor .. , which cheese lo1·crs find so de- lighlful to the taste. ---0··-Cai frll!sh lo Any S1r.r. 1.69 lb. lllCKORT FARMS GBelle Gf'leuf" Thie iii e •ttique, Frll!nch 1ype, leftl.i.sort d~r1 ch~.te. Made I rum J>llS!euriud, ptr11yekimmed milk. To bell bring 1JUl it1 dclK:ate n1vl)t', it shook! •lw•ys be ~ tt room l~pe"· hit~ ln 0011 • abort linte, Belle Fievr hie~ 1 populat fa•ol'ile.. .....,_ Toa'U find 1l ld11!1l hw •111 OODts.ioo. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Eut Wing -Low•r C•rOuHI Mall Bristol at the San Diego Fwy. Costa Mesa 540·6991 HICKORY f'ARM'> Traditioo11l1 10 old New En.gland dish ..• Apple Brow. Betty"h1s gained 1n 1l1lure 11 a tn\e of brll!lld pudding. Jlickory Firm•' Apple Brown Bi!!tl)' is 1 d~llciou1 and very divenlfied product. If m11 be uted ju1111s It comes from !he e1n, 1s 1 st uffing for poultry, or sc"ll!d warm "111 1ccomp1.nlrni!!nl to the enlree. M • deuert., He v.see ire endleu. lllCK ORY FARMS Special Blend Glteese GJJa11 11i1s "i! lhe f:P.l!Uine lhcMw, }"•nns ol Ohio Owue llall lh1t l11sle111s JiOOd 111 It lookal )d1de from• hlenr! ol 111ed cheese.,; !hen rolllld In grouMI aelected note 111d 1•milh!"d with 1 hnJthl md dierry. Sprt1d It Grl •r tJpa fll cnckn ~d en.107 iU excitin1 lln-or. ·~, .. 1.79 JllJ/IJ'I JI/I/II lllfll llllll I p p tl " to c u • • J ls ril N. b< Bo wl • hi1 Ct cd P l co bo .. • sti 'i'i Ce Se ciL ar lo cie na 7t fro oh P·' • ci1 an • Se ""' R• CIL • \ ' , Saddlehaek· EDIT,ION rN.Y.Ji,__. . . . . . ' • VO~. 62, NO, 210, 3 SECTIONS, 36 AGES TVESOAY, sEPTEM~ER ?, 196t· • • TEN CENTS - Nixon Puts on Pre8sure , for Postal Reforms By JEROME F. COUJNS Of 1llf Dtltr """ llatt President Nixon today stepped up pl'essure for congressional action on postal refonn by characterizing the na- tion's present post office system as "obsolete and broken down." "(tis inadequate and lnsufflclent," he tcld the press conference in San Clemente. · "I believe postal reform is highest on the list of those items that need a new • Ir Down the Mission Trail Jaycees Plan Family Night S.\DOLEBACK VALLEY -The public Is invited to join members or the Sad· cileback Valley Jaycees during Family Night Saturday, September 6. A move on family sports acti vities will be featured at the 1:00 p.m. gathering at Buffy's restaurant. . . Chicken dinner will be. served to adulls \Vilh hambur&ers for the children. e T'!'et1• 10 Dbneuland :0.1ISS10N VlEJO -Junior and senior high teens are invited to the Recreation Center's annual Disneyland trip schedul- ed for Thursday. The bus will leave the cent.er at 3:00 r m. and will rtturn at midnight. '!'he cost is $6 for transportation and ticket book. Call the Recreation Center at 837· 4084 for signup WonnaUon. e Thau Tols Sough! titISSJON VIEJO -A rew openings are still available in the first session of the 'i'iny Tol.3 Program al the Recreation Center. The first session will take place from September 16 to November 6. It will in· elude a program of creaUvity in dram3, art, and music. The goal of the course is to improve so::ial awareness, motor tlevelopment and appreciation of self and nature. The sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Four-year-olds will attend from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. and three-year- olds '\\'ill attend from 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. e Square Da11ee Called LAKE FOREST - A square dance class is being fonned for fall at the beach and tenni! club here. The class, for beginners, will start Sept. 18 from 7:45 unUI 10 p.m. The cost will be• $1.50 per adult couple. Reservations can be made by calling the club at 837"'1&1. Orange (;oasl w.,.&1ieJ> \\'e'll have .&be utal helping of fog and low clouds Wedne8day mornln&, but tbe sun' will reign lhroogh !II-OS ol lhe day with coastal temperatures in the 'lO's and 'inlaM mercury in the 80'1. INSmE TODAY "N'!t retulU" art what count. And th.t m.o1t hnportant results toda11 art from tM nc!t at forl!st Hill!, N.Y .. iohtrt ·G!tnn \Vhitt, DAILY PILOT tpaTU editor. bt· gins todoy fi ling t .tcl1uivt rt· port! on tJ1t U.S. Ontn Ten11i$ Tournamen !, Page J6. C•llttnli. ? ci.ulfltMI n-11 , C-kt II -" ~ Htnus I ·-....... ..... ' ....,.... . ..,. ' ....... ., ·+;_\I.Ii I .. ..,. '' '"'M ..... ~· u -. -. aplll"'cb. on •Pl>roac:h \h•I II adequole to the 1J'10s. We do not now have what we oµght to hav' for a nation of 200 miJlloo and 300 miltlOo ill 30 years." Tbe l?mldeDI said bis postal -t<lo'rm bill, lntroduced in Congreit1 eirtier • year, has bipartisan support. _. He emphubed the palnt by appearlnfl · al the preu conlerence at the Westeni White Rouse administrative 6:mpowad ~ San Clemente With fQrrllel' Democ:raUC national chairman Larry O'Brien ·and . " sen • n , " . .... . . ,·· oan..-n, ........... ..,w;.·....,.1· P.,tmaster Ge...-.1 B!OtJnt em~lzed the need rot the latter "'""" l!Y potilllng: out that four months ago be asked ConiJ'eM for a one cent ~ In f1nl class mall rala. "~hasn't ¥t.ed on It yet,•: he said. "That is one reason Wl\Y we need JegblaUon that wUI be m«e nspoos!v'e fo postal.need>." . Bl-noted ttiat tbe oost .ofllce deficit today 11 $1.1 ,bllllcin. The one:<tnl In· cr1'1se would ol>~ve that ddlcll ID half, Solon Loses Part of Right Lung WASHINGTON (UP!) -Sen. Everett M. DI.rt.sen (R-ID.). underwent sureery at Walter Reed Anny Medical Center Thursday for removal ol the upper part. of bi!i right lunf after discovery of a &rowth ther<. Dirksen, Republican leader of the Senate, is 73. An announcement issued f r o m Dirksen's Capitol officf: said the sur.gery wu performed follo\Ylng discovery of the "lun{ nodule" durin& a recent chest X- r11 nmri'•Uon. ·· ·· '1 " "Bloply ol the nodllle In the ri&ht upper ~ demonstrated a b4JDOf on · ptellmlnar)' p~o1lcal. 1tuil,. •"" the upper !OM of th• tllbf !Uni 'iiu ,.....v. e:d," t.bt IDDOUDCtllltflt II.id. ·'There wu no evidence of spread of tht tumor. "The Senator's post operative condition 11 18tlslactory," lhe . bulllit1n lllid. Dkben entered the hoaplW Sunday. 1'1le colorlul GOP floor leader baa be<n 1 in Jll health for years. Rt has been in and out of Waller Reed several ttmea in re- cent mootha. UNBELIEVING FIREMAN PONDERS PLANE WRECKAGE IN MIDDLE OF ~CAltTi!iJR llOULIVAltD DHd·1Hcklng Piiot WH Dolnt Ok•.Y Uritll the T•altlc Light Ch•n ..... Crystal Cove No One Injured As Pilot Makes Street Landing By JOHN VALTERZA 01 1M Dall1 "1191 STiii County ·M~pts ·New·Policy ' 011 Public Beach Access By THOft1AS FORTUNE Of IM 0.llJ' Pli.t Steff Orange County supervisors today resolved Ulat-.they will henceforth, as a matter of policy, seek to obtain or protect public accw to public lands, including E. Allen of Laguna Beach inserting a hedge that says supervisors will seek "as a goal," to obtain public access. Adoption ot"ttre-pouey was beld over before because all supervisors were not present to vote on tl'l.e qi,atter. "Evcrylhing would have been fine if the traffic light hadn't changed," the pilot said as he looked at the wreckage of his light plane at -the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard arid University Drive. • belch tideland.!!. In lbe meailtiint, aupec:vlsors' legal ad· viser, County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, reviewed tt and found the policy "tegaily unobjectionable." So Todd Ferguson, 20, made the best ol the changing signal Monday and diicbed his plane anyway, skipping olt the lop of ' a foreign sedan, ripping the door olI a uiicrnbuS, then skidding and spinni:nS to rest almost underneath the SUlperided t~affic light· that changed at the w~a time. . .... And every&ne got out of thelr rtspec· live vehicles unscathed. ,. "It was a mlrac.le that no one was' hurt or killed ." said one Orange County Airport ftrem·an as he stared at the wreckage of the Piper Comanche and two foreign cars. The plane, with Ult El Toro Marine at the stick, made an emergency landing at the boulevard's intersection w i t h University Drive at 11 :20 a.m. As the aircraft, traveling at .about 60 ,· miles per hour, set down,__ a Hollywood youth Was making a left ._turn onto · MacArthu.r. lils car and lbe plane 's right ·· win~ collided. Tile plane's right wlng smashed into lhe Windshield, a piece of Its~ dropped off, and the re st of the crumpled wing !kidded over the slop of the small red foreign sedan. SUll insl<a and ·•totally surprised," was Jeff \Verthen. 18, of HoUywOOO. covered with glass apllqten. The plan&. with Its landing gear half· way down, contiaued put tM car, sldeswiped a Volkswagen bus, then pan· caked and IPllJl-it*itlrllRIOnd la the mlddl<oft1*~ , F•rguson. IStl N. Ga""'J'. Santa Ana. told lnvestigat.crs later that he was fl)'in& (Ste PLANE, ,.. .. ll ' < 1l>< policy lllalamellt, · oppmnUy d"1gned lo prevent ,ano!her ,Sall pm controversy, was unattlmoasly.adopted. The polky 11 ~ by· Superviaor . Dav kl Bater two weeks 'l&O, was only ~~eel; "Ith Supenlaor Allon 15 Accidents In Laguna Bring Injuries to 3 Fifteen Laguna Beach traffic·accidtnts injured three persons, one .er10Ully, over the Labor Day weekend. Motoreyclls Camron Glllf:n, 16, El Moola . was Injured Saiilrday ·•t· lhe ln- teraed.loa <1f South Coast Hl&bway and Llpna Avenue whm his motorcycle col· llded with lhe rear of an auinmobUe. GJDen 'was reco¥ering todaf at South Coast Community llo&pltal !tom a. broken tight leg sustained 'tn tbe accident. He ts ll!ted in satisfactory condition. A lJ.year-old boy will .lnjUred Sunday when his. blCycte collided wllh an automoblle 1r IOO SleevY Hollow Lone. Peter John !;mlCb, UI Mylllc Way, wu taken IO llla·lamlly phyllotan !or trta~ men~ ROllce ,.Id. . · , James · ~ Crain, II. 1!!,~!"teioy Drive, ~ Beach ,... ...,...,,., In In accldeiif" at the lnle........, of Momtaln Road and Carmelita Slfeel S.tonlly. Ile W81 not lloopttallzed ~ il\d•..:. Supervlaor WR!Wn llintein tOOay •ug· gested addltioii 'Ill a statement that .the policy It not meant to tnCOU.f'llt Ule of public lands by trespass acrosa private property. But Supervisor Baker pointed out that is ~vered by nistln& law and the suggestion was dropped. Supervisors have been In hot political waters lot some time because they aban· doned a public.road near Laguna Beach's Sa!t Creek to the Laguna Niguel C.Orpora- tion. !laker noted tha( plans.. are; beln& c~ sidered lo . dev<lop Boba ~..,t,"'te Jleach.,aJao-u.1'1n Can ' up- cout in lhe.&wet Beach are. lDd be Wants no iepeaL The ,policy .atalement direct.i county government ttaff t~:P public accus m mJnd wben ·d With such d!"elopm<IJl!, _ ...-· Publfc tld6larie!I are. thal ,,...tion of the beaCh seaward of the me.u high Ude line, held In trU!I by C<>Unty 1ovemment 'lor the st.alt. ' 'Bueket Brigade' Saves Cruiser ..\ bucket brigade of about 20 Crystal Cove mldents In Laguna Beach and an Incoming Ude were credited today for helping save a $50,000 grounded cabin crul.ser from breaking up in poundlng surf Monday morning. The-volunteer-ballers funned the brigade after Harbor Department shore pumpJ were knocked out of service by the surf u crews 'tried to drain wate.r out of Lhe U..foot Hatteras cabin cruiser "Big Dad<ly". out a( Newpcrt ~· The vesaet. w,lth a man and woman aboard, ran hard agroUnd at I a.m. harbor patrolmen Aid. Fourteen minute. later the patrol's ocean llrellNot arri•ed and began Crying to pull the boat back out t:o sea. When portable pumps on shore stopped working, patrolmen Yid, the nsldenl.5 fonned a bucket line to drain the sea water from ~de the grounded craft. "We aII balled a·Dd pushed. ind ·towed unU I we got the cruller pointing xaward, then the fir-! pulled tt off lhe beach" one patrolman 1ald. Meet to . Protest Drain District . A meeling.o( lhe (lnlpOny•owntrl In the Sletpy llollow·Ptrk Av..... Storm Drain ,A'8'111111ent lllittlct w)ll be.J hel~ tnnl\1:t at 7:IO, o'Clitl 'II· Tijp or Tbe w;, =-~ will be held io dllcuu op- P<>llilon Cl !he Sleepy &Olio.: Sl!>rm drain ~ 1pread. Al!O\'i>OY Jlllltl Leef. dy wlll addreu the l'OllP; ipcite1man Gary Zimmermann llld. ''The -·II In brl"i qether I -~ or ))eO!lle with the ...,. problem, to 'l'-'1 tfie .declalon to retain legal counid,. to dedile ·i>oW Ud\ pn>ptr'1 owner 1111)' contill>uta)lll Calr lllare, and ta lonn. commlltieo to Um out the dlrectloD ft th.ta &J'l'.lP." 'z&nmerman ·~ ~ • Blount said he did not expect the legislaUon lo "tum the_ P0$181 departm.ait around over nl&ht." Thal would ~ a. period of at least five years once th• legislation ia eoacttd, · The President said. his postal · relonn plan will face a CN~ lest .ln two w~ A major decision '1:1 ~ le&iJJaUoa ls ex. pected lo be made !hen by the J!P6t, o!lico and civil service committee of tfie House. "That wl11 be the fir&t round in •·very (S.. POSTAL, Pqe JJ UNDEltGOES~URGlt\Y': -s.natt Leader Dlrkun Weekend Rahls At Scotchman;!! Cove Nets 270 , An estimated ~ persons were arrested or cited at Scotchtnan's Cove during tht Labor Day weekend in what the county Sherl!f's office said today was Ha long overdue crackdown" on beach trespassers. Deputies rouoded ,up 101 juvenlles Saturday and Sunday and handed over ten servicemen to mllltary authorities following two raJds on -Ult popular beach between Corona del Mar and Laguna. ot the estimated 159 adults questioned, 11& WI!« cited and 43 arrested. Sheriff's investigators today said the raids were the culmination of "months of complai nts" concerning the area. niey said the crackdown will continue until night time activity at the beach comes lo an end. · An inv~ator today _Ji«t Jhat_t.be lrvlne Company asked for h I a department's cooperation in keepiag the beach clear during the Labor Day weekend. It ls expected that most of the adults apprehended during the l w o • d a y crackdown will be arraigned' Wednesday In Santa Ana Munldpal Court. Juvenile Court acUoo-aialnit the 101 mlnors rounded up by QepuUes is pen· ding. An Increasing number · of rapes, assaults, narcotics aiid' liquor violations have bttn reported from the area in rt· cent weeks, µivestJgaton said. All have taken place durlni the hoors of darkness when the beach 11 closed to the pubUc. otflcers stressed today that the beach 1.s not a public area. OWned by the Irvine ec,npany, lhe hall-mile ocean !root strip is available to the pubJ.ic (or a fee, but must be cleared by 6:00 p.m. "It's after I p.m. tb8t the·f\m starta," an officer said today. ''Drink, drugs, iewd cooduct, OP.ls. Y.OU name iL, and the beach has seen it \n incrtaalng numbers these last tew Vi'tlks·" Sheriff's department records indicate that mm! than 70 arrests were made for various violati~ in the Scotcbmanrs Cove area durlna August. Nearly SO simUar offenses were investigated by depuU,. durlnfl July. l!iveallgatort oald thal.lilquud towth have been to~pled over aod ~ed. outh....., pulhed over and "literally loM of litter And beer cans strewn all over lhe property." Many drunken cove rtvtlen ate reoponslble for a mqjlnllng "1Dnber ol tralfle ~la In.the area, ollleon Alcl todq, ~-lncllcot. that. -be.ttb goen tither .., loot or drlvlll(f .,, ... Involved In ..... of !be 1l latal tralOc acddenln•poried In the! .... In noen1 moolhl. • • 1 l • • , \ 'l9:l.4 ~~iJlion • Pacts · Awarded ' . . .. .$pte6 and defense contracts totaling •tsl.4 .miIDon today ·were awarded tD airospace finns in Huntington ~·ch· and Newport Beach. . 1lbl\ NaUoiial .WonauUco and Space ~atkln awarded a $97.:S. million c0ntrSct to McDonnell· Doug 11 s AatroriauUcs Corporation in Huntington Ji.ach. •Funds will provide iwo Saturn V Workshops, lht NASA contract said. :At the same time. the Department of t6e AflT/3 awarded a $34,139,6$.1 contract t4 Philco Ford Aeronutronic division in ~ewport Beach and Lawndale for con· a'tructlpn of the Shillelagh missile isystem tor u&J On Sheridan tan'ka. ~ ~ent ot the contracts for cfrance ,,. COast firms came today In Wut1lnifon from 58nltor Geor1e Murphy (lt.ciilif.). 'I'M· McDonnell Douglas S4-B rocket. oullttted priOr to launch as a National Aerol'lautics and Spat;e Administration (NAS'A) Orbital \Vorkshop, will be lofted into space atop a twcrstage Saturn V in 1912. • Tb• ''dry launch" previously announced by NASA will pennlt the tull ootfittlng of the workshop on the ground and its ar· rival In orbits ready for immediate OC· cupancy by three astronauts. Jn addition. the workshop will bt faunched with the Apollo Telescope Jo.taunt (AT~t) attached to it. : W>ten the wor'ksbop -program was first announced, NASA planned to use 1 .!Y'OdJfJed .lu<l .~B . ~ its .fir at orbital workshop with launch ICbeduled for 1971. The 84-B, funcUonlnl a1 the second slip «. the Saturn l·B launch vehicle. would intually fire to prt1vlde the final pl"tlllUlJton to reach earth orbit. 'lbe •pelt stage then was to have been prtputd by the utronauta in orbit for use u a laboralory for the conduct of acient1De and biomedical experiment&. Under the modUled NASA plan, the first two stages of the more powerful Saturn V will be used to launch the workshop unmaMe4 from Complex 39 at NASA'• John F. KeMedy Space Center, Florida, lnto a 2*).niutical mile circular orbit. About a jfay liter, a three-man crew Youths Assault, • Roh Marine A Comp PendleM¥t Marine. hil<hhllclnl bttlt@ bl5' Mondo;f 'trOlll LongfBeo<!il;, w11 ~eked up by thiee UDJ1s. bealen a,Od· robbid or •10 btf91"e he 1'f\~~1~ed 'to escr near ~ 15each al n&\00. BetJkici: W. ~a~y told ~lice the th;~ gave him a ride into iluntin1ton Beach, theri Ulreat.ened him with a knife, beat him · and took hls wallet. then stopped near the beach and th ned him .some more, he ta.id. But ran to another car, found no help frott{ tbe passenger who rolled up his windows and locked hJ1 door, then Un ally made it to a lifeguard towtr. Pol4ce uid Leahy suffered cut.g anrl brula~ oc the face and was heavily be•teri· Coast will be launched In an Apollo spacecraft atop the smaller Saturn J-8 froro Complex 34 at the Kennedy cenler, 'lbe spacee:ra~ wlll re.ndUVOlll and dock with lht workshop and the astronauts will oceupy Jt for up to 28 days. Later revislls of up to 56 days' duration will be made using the Saturn [. B .... Apollo C<llllbfnation. The Newport Urm'1 $34-million COO· tract is for second phase cOllltruclion of u.e infra-red-sttklna: Shillelagh mlJSlle. Thf! order tor lhe mWiles came after rcpocts saveral months ago lhat the development of the three tanks on which the missiles will be installed was facing serious trouble. Congressional C'Olnmittees heard U\al work on two or the tanks on which the ml1si1e11 are histalltd waa embrolled in high expenses and numerous (allures. Spokesmen at Philc1>-Ford's Newport Bench plant -only admini!trative work will be done there on the project -said that "it was assumed" that the problem!! with the lanks have been straightened out. The tanks, the 1pokesmen strtMtd, art not built by Philco-Ford. "We have erperieOC9d no problems ·with lhe missile or the ~nlrol and guidance system," one source there said. Earlier this year, reports said the pro- vtsinns for installation of the missile and guidance systems in the tanks wert creating some costly problems. Saddleback Now Has Permanent Viejo Campus Saddleback College now has a- permanent campu1. In two months lhe entire campus wa1 moved one-half mlle in the community of ~Uss:lon VteJo to its new location at 28000 ~1arguerite Parkway. The engineering feat was accompli&hed by dismantling the buildings on the in· terim campus, 26522 Crown Valley Parkway, and re-constructin& them on the new site a short dislanet" away . However the opening of the school will he delayed three weeks beca111e of a heavy equipmenl strike durin& the awn.· mer, New roads and landscapin& at the . schooi are-not complete. 11\iftfen Jelocatable a~TM, con- 11isUng •'of 310 modules or "building block.s" ~moved lo t.qe 200-.acre pe~ PllL..l .;, The Property line of the t*W-eampwi is only 300 yards from the Interim campu11 <ind both can be seen from a knoll near the interim campus. The new campus can be reached via the Rancho Viejo offramp o( the San Diego Freeway .• The new facilities provide 1 total ' of 71,040 square feet of 1pace, nearly doubl· Ing the 35,200 aquara feet at the Interim climpus. Classes for the fall semester will st1rt Oct. 13. with registration scheduled for Oct. 8 and 9. •nenews' ---· --·-· .. ' • .Reds Maul . • ' DAILY PILOT 1111! PIMI• GETTING READY FDR ANOTHER YEAR, SCHOOL MECHANICS CHECK OUT BUS Over L1aun1'1 Hills •nd D1lt1 on Thrn Seta of lr.1k1s 3S·polnt Safety List Buses Readied for l(ids By TOM GORMAN Of IM DflllY 'll•f lftft The oi>enJnll ol achoo! mWll ll<W dresses , panlll, lhoea, pencllJ, P,ptr, and a compreuton tut. ~ ' A compreulon teat! ni. compreaalon tett Is juJt one che<lt on a »-point piety lllt for acllool buJes metlculoualy '"'' lhrou1h by lhnoe lull· lime mechanics employed by the Llruna Beach tln1111d School D!Jlrlcl. lt'1 no e'uy job, the mechanics declare, rudyin& the 11 yellow buses for the aMUal 0111l1u1ht. And onataulftt It la. On the average school day, nlne drivers have the responsibility ot. 1afely tran1portlng 1,500 studentt, from first 1rade through hi1h school. To cmy out that Job, tbe trtnsPorla· lion department bas a tt07,000 bud(et to work within, To be ~ tullna; the studenb .atona the treacherous hillside ··~ -;· .,l;,e ·,. POSTAt. :: •• significant battle," Nlxoo,ff!d. O'Brien obaervld thafi ~ 1".11 ofllco . reform proJ)Olll hu llllPll!>rl from foni>er • Pnlldent Jolullon. "I Clll~ think or .Ill)'. time tbat two p....tdenti Cd olflclab ol · bolb lpolltlcal) parties blvo -tmlted in lhe aame CIUle." Morton Wd he lt more opUmlstlc about Houae p.....,e of the mearure than he Is of Senate support. Blount added that he 111 confldenl or ultlmate. tpproval later thll year. Nix4111 roads 11 bl& bualnw. And It'•. bl& rtl]lOltllbllity. "We've never had one aerlou.1 injury or death In the hllloey ol thll department," 11y1 foreman Richard Jona. The averqe bul receives 20-mu boun of ~t~oo each summer, frnm a check ' of the bolll 111d bOJU, to the repacJdnt: of the front and rear wheel bearings, lo en Interior palnt job and an exterior wa1 . job. ·- Thert are thrte brake systems per bw, Jones explained. Each bWl is tested, to make , 1urt It can stop within 30 feet if driven at 20 miles per hour, Jones said. Alter the department compleles Its cpeck, the 1tate conduct!: an annual ln- spectl.on. Durin, hJJ six ye1n' assoc.la· tlon wltb the department, Jones said the state hu never ,rounded 1 bus. While tbe b u 1 e a may pus the rigid tesll, It I.Ikea quallfted, well-t rained driven at the controls to lrmire safety. Eich drtver 1D the ~p&rtment has had . at least 10 houri of tra1nlnc, first aid tralninl wttb !ho Red Croat, and haa paqed a written and. dr1Ylnc teat con- iltti:!ed by the Calllcrnl.a Hllltway Patrol. .In 1daJUot1, the drtvm attend monthly maeU,,.1 or the Orango County Scbool Bus Dr1ver1' ANociaUon, to keep 1breast with the late.st aifety teebnlques: Jones 1ald. 'Dile di1trict driver, Frank Mellow, cap. t\lrecJ first place In thi11 year's IMUal "bus rodeo," at the Or1nge County School Bus Drivers' Tralnlna: Institute. The SS.foot 1001 busea carry about 73 stu,den~. "And our newest bus haa a radio -for diacipllnary re1sona,11 Jones • said. "The kJds natu rally stay more quiet lo the bus, so they can hear It.'' The average life-time of 8 bus Is 1S to 20 years. Jones er.plained. The oldest bus Jn the district was built Jn 1955 . The buses, which coet about sie.ooo new . get. about six to nine n11\es per 1allon of either gasoline or diesel fuel. ,,,,.,,,l . 4d~i,ory1 Group Studies . ' Survey o~ City Future • .Laiuna Beach'• 25-man C I t I z e ri 1 1 Advtoc.y Conunllloe tonllht-wtI1 begin compiling reaults ol i.m queatloonalm wh1ch asked La1UOl1ll whit lype of town they want for th~ future . The informalion from the qut'ries \\'ill be included in the commiltet'·s recom· mendations for the city's new genera! plan which will be prepared by a Lo~ Angeles planning consullant firm . on hl!lh·rlae structurea and commercial prospects. Computers pnttuced a partial com· 11U1tlon of the ~er1 lait: week, but the machines went out o( service. The rest or the information. compiled by the planning firm's staff, will be presented to the con1mltee al a meeting this e\·ening. Ci ty Planner Al Autry said the results r { tht' survey \\'ill be made public after the ans\\·ers are thoroughly evaluated . Beret'!led . _ ~~ ' Native Unit SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese troops have mauled a force of aovern-- menl militiamen and Cam bod I an mereenarlu led by U.S. Specla1 Forcei advisers In 1 battle 1$ mllea northeast of Salgon, allied so.keamen re«ted today. Government spokesmen reported the allied forces suf~red ''heavy" casualUes m the fighting which has raged since Sun· day. Informed military 50W'Ctl said con· servallve estimates of government losses were 12 killed , 50 wounded and 20 miss· Ing. . The f~tin.g: was near the villa&a of Song Be along the border of Phuoc Long and Phlam Dong province1 where the II and JIJ Corps meet. It ~·as 15 mile• north of another Cambodian border area wherl! American planes using bombs and nap.slm wiped oul a major perrilla base. ll begai, Swlday when a 250-man ba~ l•llon of mercenaries led by Green Beret rdvisers walked into a heavily fortified North Vietnamese regimental bead· quarters and came under Intense rocket· grenade and automatic weapons fire. U.S. jetJ and artlllery hit the: Ccmmuni.sts but the battle continued Into Monday, A blttalioa of mtllt.lamea rllshed to the aid of· the first unit and lllo v.·as mauled. The Cambodian mercenaries a r e lribesmer. who righl for pay and arc led by the Special Forces advisers. There are also a number of mercenar ies made up of ~1ontsgntrds and other tribesmen in various parts of Vietnam. The Communisl guerrillet c a m fl reported de1troyed by planes was 70 miles northwest of Saigon and two miles from Cambodia. Allied forces said it wall one of the ba1es from \Vhich the Com· muniN had been expected to launch new attacks today OD Hanoi's 24th in· dependence day. U.S. war communiques reported l t ovtmight shellinas and SC"atlered c:ombat, much of it around Salgon. but listed no major attacks of proportions that could signal a new offensive. · Summoned by an aerial spotter 1\'ho saw somt! Communlst troops in the open, the warplanes ieroed in on the Cam· botlian border base and killed 18 gut'r· rilla s. destroyed 72 bunkers and burned 1~ tons of rice with their bombs and napalm, reports said . In another aerial raid nearby. hell~plt.r gunship pilot. caught another Communist unit in lhe open and reported killinl 16 soldiers. From Page 1 PLANE • • • Into El Toro ?<.1arlne Corps Air Station \,hen the craft lost power at 5,000 feet over the Newport Beach shoreline. "I began switching tanks, changing the fuel·air mixture -cverythina -and none of It worked. t radioed Into El Toro to tell them, but when my ·prop stopped [ kne.w 1 couldn't make lt In, so 1 Called Orange County Airport tov.·er, instead," he said. ·•tt only took a few moments to real~e I couldn't make It there, either, so 1 decided to try landing on the highway," he added. The coast was clear on the southbound lanes of MacArthur as Fergu~ dead· sticked the plane in. Then the llghl changed. President Can Relax From Rigors of Off ice The question forms, compiled after months of meetings by lhc co1nmlttee, asked Lagunan& their opinions on matters Including parking and rccre11tlon need~. possible re venue·raisi pg niea ~ures, ideas "Some of the answers in the raw form jusl don'I mt'an anything or lead to any conclusion s, until they are all evaluated and Interpreted by the committee," he said. Werthen':s car was the fir!t to turn into t11e path of the landing plane. The mtcrobua. containln& Mr. and Mra. Richard Strom, of Fullerton, followed . The Uttle bus' door was ripped off by the passing plane. By DOUGLA& 8. CORNELL ._,, ... f'rMI Wrt"' Pl'Mldent Nixon i1 no devotee of the at.renuaus life -he won't tackle the aurfboard hill daughters gave him for his birthday. But he hes the time and places around the Western White House 1n San Clemente theise days for golf and swim· ming and "renewal." Mostly weekday mornings usually are aiven over to four or five hours of the [H\l l Y Pl\QI C)lltANO~ ~~ "V'l~llrtf <.Ot\W.llY K•Mri N. W1*' ,.,........,...~~ J••• a. c.,1.., Vlc.t PtMMlld 1N1 Gtlttr .. IM!lltu ,,;.,..,, 1(...,11 .... n, .... A. M1r~kla1 ~lfltw l ldi1r4 '· .,,11 ,....,_ ••Mii ' City t•llt( ---1:11 ''''" ...... M•m•t "'''"u ,.o. ••• •••· t2•1t --c.ie W...• Siii '#Mt ,., ,,,_. ....,..,. 9N(tri: rn1 ..._, .......... -.,.. ......,,.tan ...... : ..... MN9t ' ···-···---· • tasks no President ever escape• -paper work ind conferences. But 2,500 milles from \Vashington, the volume Is less, and af<ernoons and weekends nonnal!y are free. So Nixon spins orf by helicopter to the fairways or beaches almO!t every af- ternoon. Occasionally he takes a rather aimless drive in the evening when 'hi! long·time close friend from Key Bis- cayne, Fla ., C. G. "Bebe" Rebo:i:o Is :iround. Now and then he gathers up the family and goes out to dinner at one of the scores of re1tauranla nearby. . A bit plalnlively, Nixon mentioned the strenuous life. 1urfbosrd1 renewal and President Teddy Roosevelt laat Wed· nesday. He was standing beneath skyscraper· tall Redwood trees and dedicaUng a Lady Bird Johnson Grove to the former llrst lady, in Redwoods National Park, just below the Ore11on border. The President said that wtule he ls on vacation -"If 1 President ever lakes a vacation" -he sometimes has a chance 10 read in the evenings and had been scanning a biography of 'T'heodorc Roosevelt. One point, he said, came through clearly: "That he, as President of the Unlted States, found that he llways received renewed ltreng\h from goin.a lo the great outdoors. He, of cour!t, was known as lhe Presidenl who believed in the atrcnuoua life.Jam not sure that l can 10 as far as be did ln that rupect-t 'on't even ride • surfboard." The nr1t Roosevelt. Nixon s11ld, was renewed oy l(Oing to the West and then btck lo he awesome dutle1 of the White House. Then, In 1 rambling incomplete sen- tence. the President Indicated he would be foUowlng the past Prealdent weatw1rd ho: "But certelnly st1ndin& hert tn this crove of Redwood•, lo reallie what a few momenta of toUtude In tJ\11 m1plflcent pl1c:e can mean, whit tt can mean to • min Who ls president, what It can me1n to any man or any wom1n who needll time to get 1v.•1y from whatevtt m11.y Jc the burdens of all oC your task&, and then that renewal that comes from it-" For Nixon, though, there is no tllting hack in a rocker on the front stoop. He is becoming a golfina president. in the pa l· tcm of the late Dwighl D, Eisenhower, whome he served as vice president. t'or one five-d~y stretch. Nixon didn't miss an afternoon on one course or another. Private and military courses are open to him, and he has ranged as !ar as 70 to 100 miles by helicopter lo reach them . Sporls fan Nixon doubled up 11 bit nn one flight lo play the Los Anj;eles Coun· try Club course with his most con1tant opponent , Atty. Gen. John N. r-.1itchell, and stay over for a night football gaO'\e between the Los Angeles Rams and Kansas City Chiefs. The President had a cryptic appraisal of his golf game v.·hen he turned up in Yorba Linda, v•here he was born :ii years ago. A woman spectator inquJred how his game was going. "Now and \hen," he answeffi:I. Nixnn hadn't 1olfed for more than a yaar until he tackled a course a\ Miami, Fla .. a month or so ago. Now that the President is finding time for the 1amt. Peas Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon was "shooting a lltUe better and getUn1 to like It a little better." There wu no word whether Nixon had broken 90, as he has In the pasl. In the aquatic department, the Presi· dent lffml to en}oY hls view ot the roll· Ing Pacific, at the bottom of the bluff below bis $340,000 home, mort than he doe1 a dip. He has 3$0 feet of beach. But ttK.: flnt time he tested the surf he reported he not only waa swArmed over by surfers but knocked down twice by waves. Evefi though the Secret Servlc11 and the Coast Guard protect tus beach when he 15 on It, Ni xon 11 finding It more to his tik· lnJ to climb Into a helJcopter foe a flvc- mfnute run down the eo&st to a flne beach on Camp Pendleton Marine Baae. While It Js easy here to 1et away from the office and relax, Nt>ron Is by no mean!> throwing otf the weta:ht of In· tcrnational or domestic problems. 3 Die in t:ar <.:rash \\'ASCO jUPI) -Three members of a Bakersfield fantily were killed J\Ionday night \vhen another car crossed the center tine on Highv.·ay 46 west of \\'asco and slammed into their vehicle. YOUR After that process is complete. he ad· ded. the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson anJ r-.lendenhall of Los Ange.Lu will begin to draft the city's master plln~ The results of the survey will~ part of the commi ttee's entire report on Laguna 's planning goal11 end needs. Autry said. Your OrrieQ(l Solis II Se:rviC I Agencv Another auto 1.werved into a ditch tti avoid the Impact. "It all heppened so fast it didn't regi!ler. I mean. how could a plane ht. landln1 on the road in front of me?"· Werthen said. Flying glass inflicted minor cuts on his forehead and Jegs. 0 OMEGA --.,.,.,.If ... ,, ... , '"-' 11 I WATCH~ 111.,. c1.....i FREE Tht ... ,., 11 rn 1 0 1f •t• s, •• 1111t111t1t w1t1)1 .... 11rty w11 111.ct•til w1lh· ••• •~v ,...;;fi ,•ti•11 i.,. NASA t, l.1 "'•r• flv .,,, I'll~ I~ t)\1 l'lllA. l~il r1t1111iti1n. tru!.,,. • ••· w ••tll fir ••c1l'1"<1, ..,,~., 111 ,.,1util It Ii>• YIU• 111•~1r'11til Q..,,,, hw1l1r. C11111 i• -"' fl!\1 ~1 11411111 1, J flullC.A, 4 lllit l. Ot11•t• s,11411111· t1r ehrtR•tr111k. T~1 1AI, ...... 11 --i., '"' ••••• , •• -··· '•i•• 1191. • ,_. 01114 WMM Y11 Weit •Ml-...... , $2.00 ll·STIUNI "•" WITH s4aa llNIS ' $3.00 THIS lflU, ,,_ AO OIAlllONDS $6.00 llPLACID, .... . =s=,'-IMtU.YUte DONI .•.. ,. .......,, Huntl!lfJtOn Center Beach at Edln911 WHlll TOU WAfT ' HUNTINCiTON IEACH . 892-550J TllMS AYlU..AILI and back Harbor Sltoppln9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • \ • • • • •• • • ' ' VOL. 62, NO. 210, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PASES . . o~se COQMTY. <V\L1FORNL( .. ~ ' ' . . • TEN Cfl'll'S I I • ' • ' Nixon Puts • • , .-I . -~ . . .. ... ·Pr.·e.ssure ,: ~for""· Postal Ref orm·s • on By JEllOMB F. COLLINS Of ... DI"!' , .... '"" Pr<Sldenl Nixon t..i.y •topped· up pressure for con,grtUiooal adJon on pootal rtfonn by -rliing the na· lion •s prestnt post offiCe systerq as ';obsolete and broken down.'" "It ii Inadequate and lnsufficie•~" he tald 1he preu conference in San aemenw. . !'l believe postal reform is. highest oo the list -ot those items that Med a 11ew • Ir Police Raid Cove, Make 270 ·A1·re sts An estimated 270 persons were arrested or cited at Scotchman's Cove during the Labor Day weekend in what the county Sheriff's office said today was •·a long overdue crackdown" on bea c h trespasstrs. Deputies rounded up 101 juveniles Saturd<iy and Sunday and handed over ten 'servicemen to mllilary authorities following two raids. on lhe popular beach between Corona del Mar and Laguna. Of the er-imated 159 adults questioped. I Iii wer6 .cited and 43 arrested. ' •Pl'oodl. ID approach thal Is adequate to the 1'70&. .We do noc now have What we ought'to bave ~or a oaUoo of 200 million and !oo mllllan In 30 yean.'' 'Ille· President said bll postal reronn bill, ~ in 'congress earlier this year, hu bipartisan support. 1le omphuized tl)e point by appearing at the. press conference at the Western White Heme admblistraUve comPoUDd in Sail Clemente with former Democratic natlooal chalrman -Larry O'Brien and • sen . . . . . . n . • Sheriffs investig)tors (4day Id~ the _ _.. '3lds wet. the cU!i1ilnaUoi1 of'i>joollli or complaints" ~ the area. 'Tbey said the crackdown will continue until • nigttl Ume activity al the beach comes to an end. An investigator today said lh4t the J rvine Company asked for h i s department's cooperaUon in keeping the beach clear during the Labor Day weekend. It is expected that most of the adults apprehended during Ute t w a • d a y crackdown will be arraigned Wednesday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. Juvenile Court action against the 101 minors rounded up by deputies is pen- ding. An Increasing nWTiber of rapes, assaults. narcotics and liquor violations (Ste COVE RAIDS, Page %) County Resolves To Save Beach Public Access By THOMAS FORruNE Of ,.. Dlltr ...... tt•n Orqe Coubly supervisors today resolved that they will henceforth, as a matter ol policy, seek to obtain or prot<ct public access to ·public landi, Jncluding beach tidelands. The policy statement, apparently designed to prevent another Salt Creek controversy, was unanimously adopted. The policy u proposed by Supervisor David Baker two weeks ago, was only 'slightly changed, wllh Supervisor Allon E. Allen of Laguna Beach inserting a hedge that say1 supervi.&ors will seek "as a goal," to obtain public access. Adoption o! lhe policy was held over before be<!"ause all supervisors were not present to wt.e on the matter. In the me1nllme, superv~1' legal ad- viser, COUnty Counsel Adrian Kuyper, !tr. rev~wed it ind round the policy "legally unobjectioDlbte." By JOHN VALTERZA The planeowlth lhe El Toro Marine lit °' ... 1>1111Y Plitt 11.tf the sUU. made an emergency 1a.odin& at "Everything would have been fine if the boulevard's intfrsed.lon w Ith , the traffic light hadn't changed," the .JJnlversity DrtVe at 11:20 a.m. pilot sald as be looked at the wreckage of . As.the alrcraf~ travellna' al aboot 60 his light plane at the lnte...ctlOo of mlle .. per hour, aet dowD. a Hollywood MacArthur Boulevard aOd 1 Unlveralty )iutb. was maktQg a lt:ft ~ onto -.. His"" and the plane'• ri,ht Drive. . ; 'wlnl ccilllded. So Todd Ferguson, ·20, miile the best ol 'nit p~'1, rtgbt wing. smaobed Into the changing signal Monday and ditcheli 'tli& Wlndshlild,.a .~!tee of.IJs•top dropped his ~lane anyway skipping oil the top I/I off, and the rut ol the crump1¢·wlng '. . off skldclod <iver the Stop• ot the lltlall red a foreign sedan. nppmg tht door a ~ MilN. microbus, tt1;tn skJdd1ng and' splnnblg tO SWl ~.a#td "totally surprised," wa:i rest aimoSt W1dernealh the ~ Jeff w~:,,ie., <l Hollywood, covertd traffic light that Changed a\ tM wroog With gllib tp~ time: ' n...-plane, wlltl'_itl ~landlnc 1ear half. And everyone gqt out of their respec-WIY -down. Coll&lmaed put lhe car, tive vehicles unsc!thed. ~ a Volbngen bus, then pan- "lt was a miracle that no one wu hurt. caked imd ipgn ,completely around in the or killed/' said one Orange County mtddle ol. Uie~ID1entctlon. Airport fireman as he stared at the Fel'gUIOn,.1311 N. Gamaey, Santa Ana. wreckage cl. the· Piper Comanche and two told lnvtsti@:atori .Jater 1bal:· be wu flying foreign cars. (See PUNI, Pqe I) ' . • ! • • . ... . ' • Postmuter General Blounl emplw!Jed the """1 ror the latter relonn by polntlag out tbat four montba ago he asked Congress for· a one cerit incruse tn first clus mall rates. · "Concreu hasn't 1cted on tt yet," he sald. "'!bat ii ooe reuon why ,.. ....i legillation that will be more t'esponslve to postal needs." I BIOUlll noted that the post oU1oe ddlcit today Is ff.I bllllon, 'Ille .....,.nt in· er-woold shave that ddldt In ball. ur • Solon Loses Part of Right Lung WASHINGTON (UPI) -lloclon removed part ol Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen's right lung Tusday after they dlscovertd a tumor. Dirksen, 73, organ-vo!Ce leader of Senate Republicans for 10 years, WBll reported in aatl!factory ct1nditioo after the operation at Walt.er Reed Army Medical Center. But a brief statement from Dirkaen's capitol office did not make clear wbethei- clocto~ thgjlg!lt the tumor, dl!covered -=-==· . """!""' d>est ''"'' ~-1( the nodti~ In the upper rlil>l lobe · "a'ernomtra\ed -a tumor o.n pnljqJlnory "PllWOC!Cal -~ tllo upper lobe ol tl!t· rtibl ldhi"'!ll ft- mmd," the~aald. "lllere was no evtdenCe oi ~d ~the tumor." Neither Wallet Reed •dod'or. nor , ' Dtrksen's office would clarify the Ila~ menl Labor Day weekend t,raffic·and beach attendance fell 'well below totals logged fot ,ncnaJ aummer weekeadJ, astoril.lhed llCet!Ua'rds and· police spokOilllell aald loo day. At the city's beaches, lotaJ crowda for eacb day wn off 10,000 from' the ~~I beadt attendance figure for 1u!lny Saturdays and SUnda#s. ' t 0 0. Reacuea w_ere almOO. nil, ur..,,~ oald. ~ay'a llU.cb crowd was id. at 60,000; on Sunday and Monday I0,000 perS6na W!f< estlmated1or each day. · Normally, Sunday crowds total 90,000, ll!eguardo said. . ' Su,rf ,.-.as· "'lJ'.ly nqnulstent .lbe three ·cfsys, ·Uley .said. Obly 17 rescues were recorded for the long wetiend. · Water \etnperatures .stayed in ~ mid- eos and then "Sunday seemed to drop iteatlly. Todiay'a--tempenturt was a. Police rtpOl'ted a dozen traffic ac- difetits over' the holiday per1od, about hall the ll<ll'lllal tOtal. No major Injuries -•·reported. . Dlrbal had been a heavy ctamtte smoker for yeani. He bu tried 1o qu1t aod apparently stopped buying them, but he ii known u i • notorious ctamtte moocber amoog the report.en who cover hltn. Col. Alan R. Hopeman, a member of t!lO lboraclc OJtpl')' -or Walter Reed, pet!'"""' the operation, lllrtlng at 4 •mi: PDT. It toot w .. boura and 15 mlnutp. DlrU!n'1 wile m daug)lter, Mrs. Howard H. Bater Jr., wlfe of the l\epubllo>n ienator from T~. and Sen. Baker stayed 1t the hospital while the surgery wu performed. Dirksen, who hu been in ill health for aeveral yurt,· entered the hospital Sun- day .. 'lie bu been ln·and out ol Walter ReeJtaeveral· times ln rtctnt months. LeaVing flU'gtry about noon, the ,itnator was rtmoved to lhe intensive care wUt at the hospital. ,''He withstood the operation rfrnarkably well," one hospiail func-liooaf1 wu quoted as saying, It could not be determined Immediately hovr )Oil( a normal recovery period for aucb-surcery would take and the Walter R<ed doclora were making, oo poblte estlmllel as •to bow IOOC the Illinois lawmal<er woold remain hoopltalised. WORKSH,OP SET ON PUBLICITY A "how-lo" »eMion for publicity chairmen of cluba0c0rIaDiia1 Ion :s, churches ind 0c~" will\~ pmented ... Sepl 17 by the DAIL y Prwr and Orange Cout College's ·Evening cOlteae Division. Detail• and pre-registration coupon 1p- pe1t today oa P'le 15. Supervialr William Hirstein today sug- gested -ol • llltemenl that the policy it • lDllDl--to encouraa:e use of public lands by ~ -acroas private · property. 'lllit ~ Baker pointed out that ii "CCMl'ed qy existin& law and the au~ wu;<lropped. Supervilon have beeri In hot poLitical waters for !CEle Ume because they aban- dooed a public road near Laguna Beach· s Sa!t Creek to the La,iWla Niguel Corpora- tion. '. Philco . Ford · Gets . H~g~-·c;ontra·e~~! Baker noted that plans m being con- sidered to develop Bots:a Chica State Beach, 1lso known u Tin Can Btach, u~ coast In the s.i-t a,tch aru and be wantt no rtput. ., 'Ille policy l\atem"1t direCtl <00nty ~-~c.~~~c'~ dev~i.: Public tldtlands are that portion of the btac.h ieaWJnl of the mean high Udt line, held In trust by county government for tht !lilt. Space and defense cootracta totaling '131.4 million today wert awarded to aerospace.linns In Hllllllnlion Beach and ' . Newport Bef'h· The Nallol1al .~';!'*" and Seace A&alillllilllon a "1 .J millloo conttalt4to"11'C~ ... nt 11-l> 0 u a·l • s • Astronautlb Colponltlbn In llwrtlnrton Belch. Fund.or will provide two SI um V worksbopa, the NASA ronl<act said. At the ..,.. time. the ll<parlmeol of . . ,r • • Blount "id he did Ml'" npee! the legls\aUon to "l\lrn the poatal depirtment around over night.'' Tbat wciilil' tW> a pefiod of at l""t five years o ... the h~glslailon i:i eriacted. • .... The PJ<>kleot sald Ii& polt8J !<form plan wtl! face a cniclil; ta~ in' hr,o-htks~ A major decision on ~ ·1'1rl>latloo II ex· peeled to be made theh'byibe poa\ otilco and civil service committee of the Hoose. "That will be the firsS "l'llWid tn~a very cs.< POSTAL.7aeesr , er Jt..o~R~ES SURl>E~ -hftete Le .. r DlrkHn .. ' r' : Two RecQverlJJ;g . After Helicop t;er_ . ' Crashes in Bay ' • Newport Beach land developer llooald Bren and companion William Annal""" were recovering today at Sou.th Coast Community Hospital li'om bacli b\jurte.. .suffered Saturday in the crash of Bren'• private beUcopte.r off Lacuna Beach's Cresceot Bay. Bren, 37, son or actreu Clatre'TreVor of Lido I:ile, has been removed f,~ the ho5pilal's intensive care unit whU._ Armstrong, 15, ol 1101 CJt/Ortl ~oe. Newport Beach wu sUll in the special care ward, aidea said. . , Both men are bl!ing treated . .for 6roken backs and both are in !&Ir_ condiu~: ~ aide aaid. A long convalesceoce was predicted. Bren'• Bell 47-H·l helicopter has been recovered tr om the oct111 by Marine D<viceo, Inc., of Newport Beach. The aln:rall mysteriously fall 1-· ll)e sky lnto about 3$ feet ol water at about 4:16 p.m.·Saluntay, · B .... ol Mt N. Farino Road, Los Angeles, ind Annstroog· were mcutd ~Y Lagune Beaq_h , Ufeaua,rd:i following the crash. . , Orange Coao& Wea&IM!r We'll · have the uoual helping ol Cog ·and low clOUdl W-y morning, but the 11111 will "18n through mqot ot the day with coutaJ ttmperal\_Jres In the 70'.s and Inland mercury in tbo,'lll'•· INSIDE TODAY "Net rt.Wb:'" •art what count. And iht 1nOl't jf7iporta:nt fltulta todov arc. ffom ih.e 11et dt P-oreat HW., N.Y,. wher~ Ginn Wllfte. DAILY PILOT rporll llditqr, "' gim toctov filff'l(I 1ulutive: r., JlOf1s on U.1 U.S. OJ>fft Te"1'i' Tovntmntni. Pao• llf. } C.11,.,. ~ ............. w C ........ 1 ff' r,:-= n,?!t ~::a1 . : ..... .._ ;•;;!. ::...-=:. • ::",.,.... ,.\, ............. ,~ti 11--. lt-11 ,.__.. • I ::-=.,. :; ::""...... , ~1 =· ' ....... ..... i . . I ONlY PllOT N • 9 ' .. ~ • ..,.., I ' OD. oj,1 ~· " • 1 · • ' Pr~~nt Fl~ ~ay.~t~ A~ipoiil ;R~iot~ ~f pilipe jy IM)OOLAS a. CORNEIL 1 Bird Jilbnloo a,.., to the ,...,. P.r!I . IAe lil!J'4.0ul II( of ,.ar ~ 11!"1 lMh lllUlll • jlio II a Utile btttu." ni... --·-w--Jo<IY, bl~ NallanlM'ir;,'.jult Oiol,...,..1111111_,,_,._,. __ ,.... ....... Nixon had hn>k'" : ~t Nbcon Is no dovotee ol the • below !hl"Oregin border.· ' h' Nlxo\I. lll6uib, t!)Cte la no tllllnr '8, 11 ht bu la the PNL .. -. .Jjfo· h< won"l tackle the The Prelident Atcl that while he la on \lick In a rocker on Ute -t stoop. Ho IJ ' In the 11qual\C depar1men4 .Ille Pres! ~~ 1 • ~ -• vacation -.. if a President ever takes a 6eComlni a go!flng president In the pat-iterit 11ema to en.Joy hil view Ct the roll: :zt~ ~" <1au1.!J~rs g~ve him l~r pb vacallon" -he Mlmetimes has a chance tern vf the late Dw'lgbt D. El!enhower, fng '.PaCJflc:, .. at mt bottom ot the blurt •lri.&1'1~ Bi.It lie has the lime and places to read in the evenings and had betn whome he served as vice president. below hf'S $340 000 homi more than be '10uoct 1tlt Western White House in San scanning a biograpby of Theodore For one five-day ttretch, Nixon didh't does a dip. He bu 350 ted-Qf beldt But Cttmeute these days for golr and S'A'im· Roosevelt. One point, he said, came miss an afWnoon on one course or 01-.: ,first time he tested the uf he ~ aod ~wiewal." thtoogb clearly: another. Prl\l'ate and mllltary courses are report.e(I he nol only wu rwamwCI over ~ ~weekday mornlnp usu11Uy 11e ''Tha t he, u President of the United open lO'him1 aod he nu ran&,.ed as far u by IUl'fm Mil knocked down twice by fjveft~v• to four or ti.vie hours of the St.If.es, fotmd that he always received 70 lo 100 miles by hel!copter to reach waYes. 1 • Ca.!l~I rtO "PresJde.nl ever escapes -paper renewed strength from going to the great them. Even though the Secret service and the y.'oik ind conference.s. But 2,500 miiles outdoors. He, of course, was known as Sports fan Niron doubled up 1 bit on Coast Guard prot.ec:t bJs beach when he i:f frtln Washington, the volume is less, and the President who believed in the one fllght to play the Los Angelts CowJ· on It, Niton is D.ndln& it more to hls Iii· ~oons and weekeods normally are 'strenuou.1 life. I am not aure that tcan go try Club courae with 'his most constant ing ~climb Into a helloopter f« 1 flve-tret. · as Ill as be did Jn that respect-I won't opponent, Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, minute run down the 'cout to a fine ; SO Nixon spins oif by helicopter t.o the even ride a surfboard." The first and stay over for a nt&ht football aame beach on Cl.mp Pendleton Marine Bue ~· ai beaches a1znogt every af· Roosevtlt, Nl¥OU said, was renewed oy between the Los Angeles Rams ind Wblle It ta u.ay here to aet away irozi, ~ ternoon. Occaslonally he takes a rather goJng to the West and then back to he Kansas City ChJefl. the office ind relu, Nixon ii by no .itnlew drive in the evening when his aWesome duUet of the WhJte Houae. The Prtsldent-hld 1 crypt.le appraisal mtan1 throwing oU tbe weJstrt of tn-lcin~e c~e friend from Key Bls-Then, in 1 rambling incomplete aen· of his golf game when he turned up In ternaUonal or domestic problems ~. 111., C. G. "Bebe" Rebozo is ,tenet, the Preaide11t Indicated he would YorbaLinda,wherehewasborn5eyears Slncecomln1hereAua.thebN· ~ Now and then he ·aather1 up the be following the past President westward ago. A woman.spectator inquired bow hl.s Sent a Oµrry of. nlelllftl io ~· tamlly IDd aoes out to. dinner at· one or ho: game "U &olng, ·held' meellnja with bla cabinet, hb the ICOA8 of reslaW'ants nearby: "But certainly st.anci!neJu!ere In this "Now and then," he anawtred. economic advberl the·Nadc:ml !ecurity A tilt'~Uv_!ly, NI~ menUoned lhe grqve of Redw~1, tor . what.a few Ni xon .hadn't golled for more than a and Urban AHaJn,Councill; honored I.be strenuous )lit, surfboard, renewal and moments of solitude In_ thui mapificent yaar until he tackled a course at Miami, Apollo 11 astror)aul8 at a Los Angeles Pres~t Teddy Roosevelt last Wed-place can mean, what it can mean to a Fla., a month or so ago. Now that the dinner· met Jn San· Francisco with South ne5d1a. mn n who is president, what it can mean President is finding time for the game, KoreaM Prelident Chung Hee Park· flown He was standing beneath skysCraper-le. any man or any woman who needs Pess Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said to Colorado Springs to address the Na- tali Redwood trees and dedicating a Lady time to get 'away from whatever may .>e Nixon was "shooting a little belter and tional Governors Conference. Crystal Cove 'Bucket Brigade' Saves Cruiser Harbor Folks He ·lp 1 Out For Poodle's Operation Sam is going to the hospital for surgery on his bad hips, because Harbor Area people have good hearts. "It's absolutely fantastic,'' says Mrs. Earl F. ConOVCr, v.·ho calltd tOday to schedule Sam's operation at the Bay short: Anlm1J H~pital for later Jn the weei. Major surgery for Mrs. Conover herself has complicated the family's financial situation to the polnt where a 1150 bJJI for Sam's malformed bindlegs seemed too much to eotuider. F..clward Cooover, I, refused to accept that bis year-old poodle might have to be put into merciful, eternal sleep, however, and began colJecUng pop boUles for in· .come. Even pennies helped out, but they take • lonr tim• to total llllO, h• quickly learned. 'l'hO plJiltt facod by. S111u.nd his Y!'Wll muter was revealed i4 QI;. o.ai.. y PJLOT Saturday and allrnd !1D>- palhller1 who di!luaed the CGnover timl· ly with more pop boWu and w.U·lriJhlng than they could beUe,ve. "We're 10 &rlteful," &aid Mrt. Conover Coday, as Sam'•• auraerY fW>d reached •tl6.78, with more e~. Mn. Conover uid ont lady realtor from Newport Bach sent flO and anotlter Woman dfued to pay the remainder of Sam'• e:IJ)tDle;J becallle htr dog suffered th• same ber°'1ttary afffictlon . The ctmienJtal dd°ect iJ known IS displasla -the gradual deterloraUon of the bind leg joints -and i.. fatal U not aurglcally corrected in Its early at.ages. Saddl,ebcick N oiv Has. Permanent Viejo Cqmpus Slddlellack Co1lep now hu a permanent-pur In two mcxrthl the entire campUS wu moved """"'11 mile In tl!I community ol MiNkm \'lejo to Ill new toc.tloo at llOllO ldarlll'rlte Parkway. 'Ille ...,...rlll.! r .. 1 wu accompl!abed by dJmnantlln( the bulld1J111 OQ the Jn• terim campus, 26$21' Crown VaUey Parkway, and re-con.structlng them on tbe new site 1 short diJtatice away. However the opening of the school will be delayed three weeks because ot a heavy equipment strike during the sum- mer. New roads: and landscaping 1t the scbooi are not complete. 1. ThJrteen relocatable sll'Uctures, con· 111tlng of 110 modules or "building Madagascar. Girl netavs ;:~~~th:0 •• ~c.:::: .,. oj ' ,· • ~· • 1 ~· 14 "''#i: • ~ ~ 1 .,. ~ l!.I! . the tnteJim campus ( ~ , • _ · . •Dd ~Carr , from l knoD...nw E ,,.~ta-..&;ehana~Yisit -&.ii~~7~: " .,..q,I "ff . -, ,e'-'ti; . ·••' The -f~tla =r a total el A young lady from Malagasy Republic, u.s. The l'Oldl are twice 11 big u tht 71,0tO square feet"-apace, nearly dwbl· Ill< illancl of Madqucar, poetpooed the °"" In 1111' eountry," the eoth1llfutlc illi Ute !IJOO oquare t..i at Ute Interim most important exam of her 19 years in Voftana notedt .. , · eampus. ' : Fro~ Page l CONTRACTS. • • order tolCOl?'le to the U.S. at l.h American Sbe ipeab fluent Enalilhi 11 l'tll ai . Cuaea: for the fall llDlelter will start Flelit Service {orelgn "change 11udent. French and' her ritUYO • llllliUl(e · of Oct. 11, with n(lstratloo Kbeduled for VobaniY Ramllhatalandry, a re!ldent MaiOIUI". She alto . tnowi . ..... OCt. I and '- of Tananarive, the capital of the Mail· German. 'Mle Malapsy Republic reaf. gasy Republic, decided to come to O>rona de.nll .all are bUlngual in Malagules and del Mar High School and delay her bac· French. calaureate exam until nex~ spring, Her ftaher Is a school teacher tn She will m1ss the exam, given in her Tananarive and, ape.aka French, Spanish, homeland this $tpte.mber for SQ e1· ptrman, Englbh and Malaaasies. ... ' o;.,;..\~f$:~;} DAILA" 1'1LOT ll•ff ,_.. PILOT AND ORIVER CQMPARE NOl'ES AFTER CRASH . Flitr Ftr9u1on (ltft), Sh•ken Motorist Wefthen From Page 1 PLANE ON HIGHWAY • • • into El Toro Marine Corps Air Station when the craft lost power al 5,000 feel over f.be,Newport Beach ahorellne. "I beaan awticbiDa tanks, changing the fud·lllr mixture -everythln1 -and ,_ of II worlctd. I radioed Into El Toro to tell ~t wben my prop •lopped t tmeW I 't make It In, oo I called Orani• CGuD!T Ati'pon tower, inllud," ht uld. "It only 1.ook a few "momenta to realize Ne,vport School, City Officials Meet Hinsha\v I couldn 't make it !here. either. so l decided to Lry landing on the highw1y," he added. The coast was clear on the southbound lanes of MacArthur as Ferguson dead· slicked the plane in. Then the light changed. W•rthen'a car'was the first l-0 lu.rn into the peth or the landing plane. The microbus. containing f.1r. and Mrs. Richard Strom. or FuHerion, followed. The little bus' door wa:; l'Jpped off by the passing plane. Another auto swerved inlo a ditch lo avoid the impact. "It alt happened so fast ii didn't register. I mean, how Could a plane bt landlng on the road in front of mt:?'' \\"erthcn said. From Page I COVE RAIDS • • Newport Beach city and school officials were to meet lhis arltmoon with County Asswor Andrew J . Hinshaw in an at· tempt to recoup abo•J\ $500,000 in ta:t money they sny "·ill be owed to them ha\'e been reported from the area in re- next year from Upper Bay lands. c;cnt \'/eeks, investigators said. All have But none of them expect t:i change taken place during the hours cf darkness Hinshaw 's mind over his mixing o( ta x-when lhe beach is C1Cl5ed to the public. able and nontaxable land in the disputed Officers st~sed today tl'lat th!: beach b:ay area Jnd the· eubsequent freeting of ls not a public area. OWned by the Irv ine tu revenue. · Company, the half-mile ocean front strip The CUy of Newport Beach might lose is avallablt: to the public for a fee, but $150,000 in tu revenue becau.9f: of tht: ac· n1ust be cleared by 6:00 p.m. tJons: the Newport-Mesa Unified School ''lt's after 6 p.m. that the fun starts," Diatrict couJd lose up, tG $400,000, its an offict.r said today. "Drink, drugs, lewd financial aides hive reported. conduct, fight!, you name it and the The city..achool delt1aUon will ask btsch bas .seen it In Increasing numbers lllnsahw lo separate the two categori~ these last few weeks." of land1 so that tbe tuable portion c01Jld Sheriff's department recol'ds Indicate yield money projected tor next fisca l that more than 70 arre.!lls were made for year'• budreta. various violations in the Scotchman 's The Newport tontingent will be com-Cove area during August. .Nearly 50 posed of Mayor Doreen Marshall , City similar offenses were investigated by AHorney T11lly St:ymour, Assistant City deputies during July. Manager Jim OeChaine, school district Investigators said that lifeguard towers workshop unmanned from Complex 39 al Suprrintendt:nt W i l I 1 am Cunningham. have been toppled over and damaged. NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center. school t::iard president Mrs. Marian outhouses pushed over'lnd "literillly tons perience which ehe will . nev~r for1et . At Corona de! Mar High School. "This year will give me a chance lhat I VohafliY will take mO!Uy science and From Page 1 POSTAL ... 1igaiflcanl battle,'' Nixon said. O'Brien ~r'V'ed that the post offict. rtform proposal has. support from fonner Presldt.nt Johnson. "I .can 't think of any time that two presidents and officials of both (pollti~al) parUes have been united in Ult same cause." Mortor. said he is mort: optimistic 1bout House pass.age or the measure thari he 11 of Senate support. Bloupl added that he is confident of ultlmate approval later this ye ar. DAILY PllOI mt.AHO I ~ ~~-$!1~ eot.&P.&NY ··'""·"· w ••• •r"~.-.~ J1clr •. C111i.., vu .... """' • ..., c;.~,, .. 111. • .._.,, . ' ti..,.., i:11¥!1 :• ....... t\11111 A M111,hlft1 .................. 1 .. . J•-F. c.ru., --(llY ltltlr --- might never have had," Vohangy said . 1nath courses to prepare her for tilt: bac- "J'm lucky to~ such places." calaureate ei:am. She want! to become a She wW . mls.s lhe exam, which physician, so her secondary education terminates lit years of schooling, until has been geared for her career. nexl spring when she will take it al the ~o far th.e miniskirts and the Jong· embusy in Los Angeles. .hatred males ha ve made the biggest im- She lives wlth the Norman Egli family, pression on the smaU statured visitor. 312 Robin ilood Lane, in Costa Mesa, and "In our country, we are not allowed to already bas been accepted as 1 member \\"ear miniskirts and if the boys let their of the family. hair grow, the authorities cut it," she "Everything seems to be larger in the added. _North Viet Troops Maul Forces Led by U.S. Men SAlGQN (UPI) -North Vietnamt:se troop& have mauled a force of iovern-- menl milit'ftlmen and Cambodian n1en::enaries led by U.S. Sped.el Forces ad\'1sers in a batlle 85 mJles northeast of Tricia Better, Plans to Come Back to Coast Saigon, allied sokesmen reorled today. Government spokesmen reported the allled forces suffered "heavy " casualUes in the fighting "'hlch has raged since Sun· day, Informed milit11ry sources .said.con- servative eslln111tcs ol go\'ernment k>sses wrre 12 killed , 50 wounded and 20 mis.ll· iniz. Florida. into a 220.nautical mile circular Berge~on and board member Selim s. of titter and beer cans strewn all over the orbit. Franklin. property.'' About a day later. a thret:-man crew The Newport-Mesa School board will !\1any drunken cove revelers are \viii be laun ched in an Apollo spacecraft meet In regular session tonight at 7:30. A responsible for a mounting number of atop the sn1alle r Saturn 1-B froni rcpcrt on the rcsu!ls of the meeting is ex-traffic accidents in the area, officers said Complex 34 at the Kennedy center. peeled, today, Reports indicate that drunken The spacecraft \Viii rendez\'OUS and Emergency provisions already have beach goers either on fool or drivi n.': dock y..·ilh the workshop and the been implemented by Newport Beach city 1~·ere involved in some of the 11 fatal astronauts will occupy it for up to 23 aides. y,·ho have told the ci ty council the traffic accidents reported in that area in days. L11.ter revisits of up to 56 da}'s' e11:pected loss could be made up through recent months. duration will be made using the Saturn 1-budge\ surpluses and cuts. Many motori.~ls have reported to B -Apollo combination. Schoo! officials, however , say that their sheriff's officers that drunken or dr~ged The Newport firm 's $34-million c:on-st r;iined budget cannot absorb the loss beach goers, some of them nude or scan- tract is for second phast con!lruction of r.cxt year. No strong solutioo, othe r than tily dressed, have run into the path of tJ,e infra·red-seeklng Shillelagh mWile. an action by Rinshaw. has been proposed. early morning traffic in lhe area. I r=~~~~~~~~~ ------·· Your Omtg1J Sole.! & Strvict Agt1nc11 0 OMEGA Tho ~••v '""' 0 -1r1 s, •• 11m11!1r ........... ~· •••rv .... , ,,1 ... 1111 ... ,,h. 2211 .,,.._, l1IN1 h11ln•"' Md! .. Mllr.n1 P.O. 111 1171, tJUJ. Tricia and her temperamt:ntal tumm y are coming back lo San Clemente tn spend the final days of President and Mr.r. Nixon's four week stay at the \\'estern White House y..·ith them. The lighting "'as near the village of Son g Be along the border of Phuoc: Long and Phlam Dong provinces where the II and III Corps meet. It was 15 miles north of anolhe.r Cambodian border area l\'herl.? American planes using bombs and napalm wiped out a major guerrilla bese. It bega1, Sunday when a 150-man bat· talion or mercenaries led by Green Beret ;odviscrs y.•alked into a heavily fortified North Vietnamese regimental head· quarters and came under inlt:nse rocket- grenade end automatic weapom fire. U.S. jets and artillery hit the Communlats bul lhe battle continued into 1tlondty. YOUR WATCH~ -lkltlCJMM4 wt.Ht '" Wllit FREE 111! ·~v m1Jifi~•""" bv NASA lo Iii "'"'" li v e11• "''" '" th• ....... ~. 1 ~ ' tlll'";l;I"' fr.,!, I re• "'''"fi r 1•<.1l11n<•, "''~'' '" ••oull lo Iii v111• 111ofoi1ri11ll Om t~• \11111111. c ••• '" -••• lhi1 h1ftJ1011u, 1 l.111!•"· 4 llit l, Orntt• S~·•dl"l t•· It• c>ir111otrtph. Tht o~J, w1k.~ wonri \,y fli,. ""~ 1~ .... llllllll· ,,;,, ''''· --c.19 MtM: -....,.., ..., '""' i.....,.....,.,ttl~IA- ....,.,... ..-: .. llfl ."'"' sun undisclosed is the source or ab- dominal pains which put her Into the: presidential 51.lite at Walter Reed Army lfospltal ln Washington D. C. for two days last wttk. The 23-year-old blonde elder daulht.er of the Nlxorui was Oytng aboard a \\'hlle !louse staff !huttle plane with 11tveral members of tl'le President's Cabinet. She is ex~ted to aceompany her molher 1'•rlda.y to dedication cerem.onits al Pat NIJon Park, on a four.acre site 1n Ctnitos. Locatec! on the. sile where ~In. Nixon lived In a white fr aine house during her groWin·g-up )'tlrs. the park will feature a children's mu.Keum and library in lhe pie· turcsque structure. A natt<Jlon of militiamen rushed to the aid of the~ unit and alsO was mauled. The Ca~mbodian mercenaries a re tribesmer. who fight for pay and ire led by the Special Forces advistrf. Thtre are also a number of mercenaries made up of Mon tagntrds and othtr tribesmen In various parta: of Vietnam. Tbe Communist guerrtll1 c: a m p rc-pC>rted de.9lroytd by pl&nes was 70 mJles northwest. or Saigon and two miles from Cambodia. Allied force1 uld it wu nne :f !ht bases fr om which the Com· niunists had l>t!cn expected l-0 launch "'" illtacks loday on Hanoi's 24lh in· dependr.nct day. WITH s4aa THIS AD DIA--ONDI ..... c ........ $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 IN&IAYtN• DOffl WHIU TOU WAil H111tti!MJton Cel!Mr leoch at ic11n.., HUNTINGTON IEACH • 892-5501 \ TlaMt A'f.llLAILI ' ' and back Harbor Shoppln9 Cenl•r 2300 Harbor llvd. COSTA MESA I I I (_ ' I I I, 'I I I' I ' II I I ' I wll at "" ... 001 I ""' lie ml ... m< •• It ~ I •ln f k I Leagtje • • • t I -<t • Roll out the r carpet! · : • ' 11'1 l!i1\• aQ!i, to •bw ,for bilrg~ al the Thrift SboP,omalnlained by the Newport lleach Chapter . .o( As~lslance League: ·and for the Red Carpet day sal.., ,sponsored by ·Us Junior Auxiliary. For tbe first Red Carpet sale of the fall season Saturday, Sept. 6. sl)opp~r~ will filli\ a wide variety of back·lo-school clothes at strikinifiy low· pnces. • ~ " · ', . . it', An •4ded attraction will be the Asslsleeiis Pat\o Sale, wilh ·daughters and granddaughters ~f 1e'\gue members ·ottering items tor tbe juDlor mis.s. The newly ~eSlQCked and f¢urbished shop .opens its doors today for early browsing, with hours from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on weekdays and Crom JO a'.m. lo ~fm. on Saturday~. . · Staued by a dedicated band of vollinteers who stknd more thiln 12,000 ho~rs there. yearly, the shop furnishes the major source of support· for the philanthropic pro1ccts of the league. Mrs. Joseph F. Foster is Thrift S!\OP chainnan. · ~ Donated clothing, hou sehold goclds arid furniture are offered, as well as a limittd number of toys put on the shelves througqout the year. Many more toys are held and renewed for the Christmas season, wi~ 1'-1rs. John M. Webster in charge of the committee whose members parn• bicycles and renovate dolls in a year·round Santa's workshop. . ,F~HION AljDITION On µie·Ji.rst thursday of each month, high 'fashion women's clothing may be fourld Jo the F.ren.ch Room. featucing the finest in designs reserved for ~ale on .tbe.se s~cLal ',days·by members of the ~s Reinas auxiliary. Occas1onhlly a canny buver may find a valuable antique or objet d'art amoqg the .thousands of items on the Thrill Shop shelves. Funds raised in the shop help to support the Children's Dental Health Center, \Vhich wi!J open for its 12th season lifonda\'. Sept. 22. h'lore than 2300 volunteer hours were lo,(!'.ged last year by members who served as dental assistants. X·ray technicians and recept ionists, h1rs. Joe · Earhart is dental center chair1nan. and four dentists of ·the community are employed. Dr. Frank Curry and Dr. Paul Johnson will join Dr. Eric Stice and Dr. Richard Mehrens on the professional staff this fall. The facility , which last year provided dental care for 350 school a~e children who iotberwise could not have afforded· i1, is operr Mondays and Thursdays frtlm 9 am. until 5 p.m. Mrs. Edwin J. Wachter serves as co--cbairman and Mrs. Porter is executtve secrefary. · 1 Few cOmmunity services have not ·felt th_e s~rt of 'the Lecigue, for ·it rtache,_ Out-far-.beyond its own ptojects· to aid -~ org8flizat.ions as Children's Hospital of Orange Counlyi Girls Club of th~ .Harbor Area Hoag Memorial Rospitctl;' Pfesbyt'eriai1, FamiT,Y ~ervic-e, YM"eA and F{e~port's Public Library.' ..... • , ·: . • . C6MMUNITY SERVI CE -Chapter me"1hers of Newport. Beach ~ - sistance League tum out in force for another year of community serv .. , 1.iff. <Stocking back·to-scbool clothing and preparing to ring up sale• ·m .. th~ Thrift Shop are (above, left to light) the ~mes. Robert Lucas~ · Robert ·Unger· and Joseph F. F.oster, chainn~n. At McNally Stbool; · yolunteers test ·~uipment used in project Go Forth. a program to cor· reel leaming.diff1culties. They are (below, left to right) Mri. Alde)>"L. · Doe~burg-, social service chairman and Mrs, William C. Brown, co-- -c~lnnan. ' ' "' .. PLEASANt"S).!RROUNDINGS _:.·Making a visit lo the Children's Dimt~.Health Center a ~PPY occasion are As-- sistance League ·volunteers wbo ~ the facility. Mrs. Edwin J,, Wachter;·co..chainnan of,tbe cenlef'.project gives cheerful tet~Jlplfe · information, while-1funiOr auXlliary- meml!!i:• .M"ri.-'C".ftendyck Fay Jr. shows ilaughter Bref!C\a Fay how lo brush teeth,properly. · 1 • • . Widow's Weeping Will Weaken Witheut I .. . . . . Wi '.shing DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1°1•11 In love w:lth a very attractive man whom I met at..work .. He has a.cb.annina maonality. makes a wonderful appearance and gtve- me IOf'llethtng to live for after my h• h:u!:d passed aftay, 17 monlhs ago. ' He told me bl1 wtre wae in a mental ~ and comes home. oo wecktndr. He laid he wanted to marry mt and pro- m!Jed to get a divorce when hls wile was well ~ to ai&n the pa!F'· He never lll<'f!U0ned children, but It lunlt OUl lhal ft! hu tw~ Jt alto turns out that hb wire I nc.t a paUenl in the mental hoepilf.I. She iJ a dieUclan there. l learned the racl.s by accident an<f. almost pesed out Whell I told b1m wha~ l knew he broke down and cried-Wei ht F'igure 25 years fQr the r1nt two yean ot someone else. The IMOW'ICemt.nt appear. the dog"• Ille. Add '.oeven to /he third rd In /he paper $und1y and tt nearly kllJ. ,year. 'l'hen add two yean foe each re--ed me. f •• maining, year. SO yw ,ee, Ann, that J went vilth B .. for two years. niere cocker •~I if be were a person would were Limes wben l~dldn'l lte1t htt-.u .. have. been $f yun old, not 91. And that's actly right but unlortunalely J wa.s up. pretty young to 1,0. -1. GOTrCHA ,tight aboyt sevetaJ tbinp and I dran) a ANN L.ANDERS ~ had lied becaUJ< be was alraid ol loslnc me. I told hlm we wete through aod ask· e!1 him not 10 call me again. Thia morning he telephoned to say he hn:d tiled for divorce. l wam to believe him but h's dllflcull after •bal I've been . Where can I get the facts. Would 1 matttr or record? PJeue ldvt&e m WEEPIN!i WILLOW R W.W.: You have lbe mott Im. porlant lact, Tbt. 1•1 I• a llat, Give hhn Ille dftp six. • DEAR I.: I ,;;;;, kMw wllo IJ1Vqttd lllU. too much. I acctdenlally hll her (lhe tbc oaew'' t)'item .lMt t cbecked wldl really ran lnto my O!t 4urinl M argu.. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your I&· tbrte veterlnartau end. tlti!J nJd lt'f IO mcot) and •e broke up ovtt that nora.nce Is showing agair,. Recently you 1ttw tbey've never hard of It. All tirte mitui'lderatanding. Said a lf.~ear-old cocker spaniel la airffd tliat 1 14-yur-eld cecll:er 1paaltl B. hu known 1thl1 aiiy only fow tqujvaletlt ta a 91 • year • oJd human. '"onld be con1kkred • VUJ sa\or dtlln month!. t am sure abe Is marrylni him O!?ftou,,ly you arrived at this conctualon bt 11ybody'• keud -ud midi cloltr LI on lltf: rebound. Ht'• nothln& \o look al bf multlplying Che ~&!...bl_ _seven. -''"""".:..:.1':.:"'::. .. c.ld"'-"l.:.•mc;u;..;._'c..h::.•:..-=c".o.• .=Ba.:.kl"-'1'-. _.e,nJ square besiPel. I call rd htr tbrte This ls an anHquatt.d method Joni ilnce mTIB"11!l"lV'"~~ he re:ruseno meet discarded by canine authotltles. DEAR ANK LANDERS: I ·am In loYe me 10 lalll: lhln&$ 9vu. (She'• afraid if The correct method Js as follows: witla a itrl who is engaged to marl'J she see11 me sbe'U weaken,) Pltlllt be • for Waste my feiry godmother and te.11 me what [ un do. -PANHANDCE. DEAR PANHANDLE: Y<MI can at.p mU1111 • ,..i ol youoU. I bate " maclc. wud f• a py wbo Utrtata· • Ctri t11eo bo.wla lilt kid olf wMi .. 1- wt to MmeoH deceut. • Do you led Ul at we. ... otfl ol ~! Ii! everybody having a good time but you! Write ror Ano Lander•' booklet, "Tbe Key lo Popul•rily." onclollng wllh your "'l•..t » cent1 In coin and a kin&. sell• ~...-. atamp<d ....... . AM Land<n will be I/ad lo help ~ with your prob!"'"' S.mnhel!f11> htril rart ot the DA1LV PILOT, encloalna a aelr-addrnaed, stamped tnvelopl • ! l I I -·-·· ....... . ~· ........ __ ... ' Pe:ering Around • ACCEPTED as I freshman ;A.· Johnston. Colleae, an ex· Jl«lmenlll liberal arts col· legt at the Onlver81ty of 'RedlaQdt ls Nancy Werner. cllugbten GI Mr., and l\lrt. S. M. Werner ol Collo M~. She is a ifaduale of Eata.ncJa High School. MlSS CLAUDIA Ann Moonier of Corona del Mar ex. chanced Mdding vows with Ronald Wllklns In a family ceremoay Aug. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilkins of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moonlet of Corona de1 Mar, parents of lhe bridal couple, wUe preaent for &he rites, which were followed by a luncheon in Reuben'•, Tustin. Couture Dismissed ·-· ........ •· . .. ... . . . . • Horoscope . ' Taurus: Watch · Money ~EDNE~DAY SEPTE~BER 3 ln'S BE FRIEJIDLY U 'you have new nelghbol'I or know of anyone movin1 to our area. please tell UI to that we may extend a ft1cnd.ly welcorN and help them to become acquainted ln t helr new &urroundini;a. HONORED GUEST -R«eiving a warm welcome to drange County as luncheon guest of honor in 1 • Newport Beach is Mrs. George W. Moore, governor · I : of Southern Region. Soroptimists Federatton of the In the Stull Shirt are (left to right) Mrs. Kenneth G. Haas. luncheon ho;less and director of District JU , PaciJlc Region ; Mrs. Thomas M. Pole; the guest of honor , Mrs. Moore. and Mrs. Thomas E. Horn of Norwalk, director of District lV, Pacific Region. So. Coasf' Visitor , . Americas lnc. Shown at a preluocheon gathering ' ; ' ' . Luncheon Pays Guest Tribute Orange County Soroptlmlst Club presidents and members gathered al a luncheon to honor Southland visitor Mrs. George W. Moore of Atlanta, Ga .• governor of the Southern Region, Soroptlmlsts Federa- tion of the Americas. Mrs. KeMeth Haas o [ Laguna Beach, director of District 111 of the Pacific Region, arranged the welcom· Ing luncheon in the Sturt Shirt and served as official hostess for Mrs. Moore's visit. During lhe luncheon, which culminated a weelt of events honoring Mrs. Moon, guests introduced themselves and presented the governor wi th gifts symbolic of each of their community's achieverrients. Mrs. Moore was th e housegueat of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Warr of Laguna Beach for her brief stay in Orange County. She. was given a tour of the Festival of Art.a, the San Juan Clpistlaoo Jilision and the Newpori',Harbor Area aod wu entertained at luncheons i Tour Pion Includes Lake Tahoe .. CAKEFUL OF CANDLES · Mrs. Lucy M•rty t Newlyweds Making Home In Costa Mesa After a bmy aumm;tr schedule, members of Jia1iiPr Senior Clllzem Club alrefl(\y are planning an early fall trip' ' -.. to Lake Tahoe, leaving Sun· day, Sept. 7, Mesan Parties For 102nd Time Making thelr home in Costa Mesa are newly married Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pfirnnan who were married i n Oc eanside's F i r st Presbyterian Church. During the four.day tour they also will visit old mining towns in Nevada, includlna Virginia City and view the set used for Lhe TV serit1 Bonania. Reservations still may be made for a trip lo Hawaii ln- Oclober. Chairman John Stoff can be reached lo? further details at 842-3281. tt will have to be a pretty big birthday ca,ke lo hold al\ the candles this year for Mrs . Lucy Marty, because there will have to be more than a hundred. A hundred and two, lo be ex· acl: The Cost.a M~an. who lives by herself, keeps up her own house, gardens, cans fruits and ve1etablea. sUll d(lt!s her own sewing and paints and 'wallpapers her rooms. Shoes Follow Fashion Trend A new idea In fall shot<; !';irnilar to the apparel trcnd .s js the use of the :-.an1e liilhouettc for daytime and evening ach ieved \\'ith a change of mate rials . Sample: a polished calf pun1p untr immed '<''ilh en1- pha11s on a pedestal heel is done for day In an oU-whi1e leather .• .for even.log in satin and jewels, A boot look for daytime in a combinaUon of blac.t pa tent leather and white kid is done for evening in cut velvel and gold kid. The former Laraine Oliver Is the dauahter of the Charles OIJvers of Oceanside and her A native of Ohio, she moved husband is the son of the 1\·ith her parents to Iowa when August Pf i r r m an n s of she was a .small child, and, In Oceanside and formerly of her early teens. helped her Cos ta Mesa. family drive a covered wagon Honor atlendants during the to Kansas. dou~le ri!li nupUal! were Miss Martha Leach and Edward The family iettled near POrrmann, l he benedlcl's Cortland, Kan s., and il was b ther ' Du ring August the bUBy seniors visited the Mission Inn in Hiverside, where they toured the historic building and had luncheon on the paUo. 'rhey also traveled to the Regina Winery and visited Rose Hills Memorial Park. Senior Citiiens there she met her husband. ~ re~pUon for 200 guesls Ed. Followlng their marriage, took place ln the bride's Com mun I ( y Recreation lhey moved to Ellt.abelh, Col ., where the late Mr. Marty was parenta: home and the couple Center at Oran1e Couoly mayor, and later they went honeymooned In San Simeon. t~airgrounds ia the scene of back to Cortland and were Both attended Mira Costa aclivily when Costa Mesa proprietors of a butcher shop. College and the bridegroom Senior CiUwis meet at 11 California beckoned them in will conUnue studies at UCI . a.m. every Tuesday. 1910 because of ~fn. Marty•al ~===================~ health, and they came to Lo31 ~ Angeles. From there they moved to Arlington and then to Orange, and finally came lo Costa Mesa in 1949. On a half ar:re on the west side of 10"11, they gardened, grr"· fruit trees and had a few chickens. and shared the boun- ty of their land '<''ilh their nciRhl:iors. NO\\', ~1rs: ~\arty pursues her hobbies of keeping pet birds, dressing dolls and inain- talning a coll ection of dolls, v..1\tch Includes many antiques. \YPll-wishers will g a.th e r Sunday, Sept. 7, from 2 lo 4 in lhe home of Mrs. Frank J . Hruia. Costa Meaa, to wl.sh Mrs. ~larty a ''happy birth· day." llG BRASS PLAYS fAREWELL TO SUMMER FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT ON THE MALL 9 P.M •. · FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER PACl,IC COAIT Hl•HW.t.Y-NIWPO•T 11.t.C:H IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSOCIATION OF MR. DENNIS WITH OUR SALON STAFF. l'ltf1nfffy et •t•-Ht...,., Ctfft Mft.tl e WIGS e HAIRPIECES 673-7850 1424 Y1.l LIDO· NfWrOlT IU.CM 494°0579 494.9368 84 STORES ••• ALL 72° and open nlghtl~ till 9 :30 5ovth Coast 'Pina -t» MDrEM or M.ATCH"EM ~ ~~~ {9ailcheddar ~tic~ GJ>izza ~tic~· Onion ~tic~ 2roR79c out'" atttllctio11. ---0--: HJC¥0J\Y FARMS GBelle GF'leuf Thi• ii a ·~ J\reDcli type. aenU-IOft denerl cheese. M1.de from pa1leurii ed, ptrtly 1kimmed milk. To bast brin& out Hs delicale fl•~or, it 1hould slw1y1 l~ 11en·,d ''' room 1 .. mrw-r11· tire. In only 1 1hort tin1t. B'tlt f1r11r -t~~1~-~t··:~s become I po puJ;ir r1von!P, •· Yoa'll find 11111 ... 1 rrx any U1;~1~1vn. SOUTH COAST PLAZA e ••• Wing -Lower C1rDUHI Mtlf Brlstol at the San Dle90 Fwy. Costa Mesa 540°6991 REG. 49t e1ch Gitatio11.N G\VJteel of ~wi&i 'r0tr i re sure to en joy this delicious SwiH clMe9e , , . m<1de in the old-r1ehioned ~;iy, .. exclu1ifflY for Hickory Firms of Ohio. Ci!.ilion hss & mellow, hatelnut f11vor ... whitk r.he ese loven find IO de- U1htful to the l&Jte. 1.69 lb. HICC:ORT FARMS Tn.ditloo1D1 111 Old New Englaod dllli ••• Apple 81'0WI! Betty b11 1•lned in 111ture 1.s 1 lype of bte1d puddin1. J-H~kory F~rma· Appll'l Brown BtllJ if 11 dtliclou1 i nd vtry div11r.si6ed product J f O'll J' be used ju~! ~.s 11 comes h oni the uirt, 1.s 1 1!uff1n(l fnr pdultry, ot stncrl l•~rm •~ 11n ar.r.ompaniinnnl In 1h!'" r.n11rr ;\$ 1 d~5Cr1. it' u,r:. ~rr. rnrl lr~5. 11 uunee f~n. HICKqRY FARMS Special Blend Glteese GBall This ii the genuine li tlory •·•nns of OilMI C2>ee&e Ball th1t t11les 11 Jr')od u It looks! Made hom 1 blend ol 1ged chee5CI: 1hen toned in rn:iand .elected nuts ind pmished with 1 btiah11'9d cbmy. Spl'!•d It 011 •J IJPe ol ~er ind •iOJ MS ucltlnf l11Yer, Ree.1.91 1.79 Jllll/IJ'l llJlll/ llllll lflJll 'I I • • ---- .f;osia Mesa * . ' ... ORANGE COUNTY, CAUf'()RNIA TUESDAY, semi;Ga 2, '!''' VOt 62, NO. 210, 3 SECTIONS. 36 PAGES TEN .<:;ENTS -. i . -. -~ Pressure· for .Postal .Reforms Ni x on Puts on • lly J!llOME r. COLLINS ........ ,...... . Prosldtol Nlxoo lodoJ stepped up prtSIUl'e for COQl?'t'ulooai actlon on ]l<lSlal relonn by cbol'•cterizing .U1e na- tion~ ~ post office l)lalem as "obsolete and broken "°"""' "It ii inadequate .and inaufflcient/' he told tlle press conference In San Clement.. "I believe poola1 reform Is higllesl nn the u.t ol those items that """" ~ new • • .Ir Cats, Crime Cap Council Business ' Crime, cab and the cacophony of life in the 20th Century are up for discussion by the C.061.a Mesa City Council tonight. City Attorney Roy June will report on a proposed city ordinance establishing a crime prevention committee during the 7:30 p.m. legislative session. The-tat controversy is contained In a letter from Robert A. Wallace, 2516 Bow· doin Place, and received only today by City Clerk C. K. ''Charlie" Priest. 1pproacl\, In ai>Proacb .Uoal Is adequate to ~l970l...We do not now have what we oulht *° haV6 for a naUon of zoo million lQd. 300 mllllan in 30 years." . 1'be President said his postal refonn bill, introduced in Congress earlier this year, baa bipartisan support. ]le em~ the point by appearing at the press 'Conference at the We.stem "white.Howe administrative compound.in San Clemente with fonner Democratie naUooal chairman Larry O'Bri!n and • former Republican nationil chairman Tb111'11ton Morton. ' • Pos1m~ter General '\V!Jlston Blount also spoke at lhe press conl'erence. O'Brien, wbo · !erved aa pOitm•ater general for Piesideut Jobnlon, and !Jorton, former .... tor from ~. are co-chairman of th&. Pl'elideot's CltiuM Co~~ee for P.ostal· ~fonn. . The comuiltte< Is "'!!kin& nat!«Jal sup. part (or the leglsbitlon, ,which ~ for: -Conversion of, the JlOI( office. l)lllem ' . n lnln 1 gov-corpora.UOO th1t J>IYI its OWll way .. slmllu In COllCIOpi In the Tennessee. Valley .Autllorlly, . -Remov~ <i Ill. ltey -.1. ap. polo)bnento. from . local poolinastersblps to poslnjaster geoeral, Item J)ldlsu politics. • -Pll\Cinr the mponsjbllity lo r declsl""' on l9UCb bsuea u . paatal rates sol•tv . wllh postoflloe m-ement . postal Tlte3 are now detemitned ~by Congress.' ' ~ .. ' . . ' . POltmaaler General Bl-empllaslted the """" for the latter nfonn by polnlln( out tbit four months .flllO he ~bd Congrea for • ... cenl inerel>e' In first clus mall rater' ''Conireio_ bun, acted on tt ye~" he said. '"'!bat Js one rta9CID whJ we need legbfaUoo ~ will be,IM!< ruponaive In postal needs. Blounl noted that the post oflJce ctefJcit today 11 $1,) b~ Tl>t -"l ln- creaoe would ohave thit'dollcth\ blU. Solon Loses Part of Right Lung WASHINGTON (UPI) -Doctors r<moved J)lrt <i Senato Repabllcan leader ~erett M. Dlrtsen'1 right lung Tusday After they discovered a tumor. Dlrkun, 73, organ.voice leader of Senate Republicans fur 10 years, was reported in satisfa~ory condition after the operation at Walter Reed Army Medical cent.er. But a brief statement !tom Dirben's Capitol office did not make clear whelher doeton thou&ht the twnor. dl!covered Blount said ~ did nnl ezpect· the leglslaUnn lo "tum lhe postal department arouod over niibt.': That wou.Jd l:lt'b a period or at least_ fite Je'1'S ooce tbt IP,gislalion. 11 enacted, • The President said, 1111' ~r Tdoflll plan will face a ctudal ~ Iii 1-.Jo weW. A major deds!OI), ..-11\0 lel!Watlon la U• pee\<~ In be made ,th>D bf-the pi.I ofllce and dvll semce ~ i/f u.i H-. ''That Wnl ~ tlie n<il rouild In • very . (~~~ ... ··~ . . •. .....iiy duril)g • roullne ·dieJI ~·ref, _ • --It Is likely t.o whip up emotions among cat lovers. possibly among civic leaders W.allact addr~.as C1>Wlciln)Jlliae1. •·we need relief rrom cats and un- necessary noise:i. Both in thil city hkve gotten comple\ely out or hand," he claltns. ~·~. · .• . -~ . <.• ln.L • ...Lo> ih_e nodule Iii ,,,; , ~·n• . UNDI RO~~S. SUROI R-:C:; "lobe~~fecl a ""'Jl!Z"°l; -~"°"-at_•_l._ .. _dtr __ D_lrtnel> __ . - Cats, Wallace continu~. should be pro- hibited from roaming during the night hours and their ownership might well carry payment of a mandatory tax on felines. "They are more or a damned nuisance than dogs -and in most cases, so are their harborlfl," he adds. Wallace continues, criticizing noise pollution In Costa J\1esa and suggesting curbs an Umitlng siren use by tmergency vehlcles such as police cars, ambula~ and fire trucks. Wallace enc}osed for councilmen's edification a copy of a magazine article on noise pollution and a newspaper clip- ping about the idea of taxing cats. "The enc!Oi5fd articles shoald be re- quired reading .• .however I'm not nai\'e enough to expect any results whatever," he concludes. Councilman 'Vill.iam L. St. Clair is planning to expand on his proposed fresh water fishing lake concept and suggested minibike recreational track at Vista Park. Tot Turns l(ey, Causes Crash; Mother Injured Eric Banfield, 2; knows now what hap-- pens when you turn the key in that litUe slol. in Mom's w. Mom comes running out of the Jaun· dromat. • Then she tries to stop the moving car with her bare hands. Then she gets pushed up against the plate glasa window by the car she ~an't stop with her bare hands and there 1s an awful crash. Then lhere are.policemen all over . ·That's what happened when Eric turn- ed the key Swlday. Happily for the !amily, o( 220I College Avel, Co,ta Mesa, the accident .at 2200 Harbor Jltyd.,4 could ~ve been rar worse than it..actuallj wu. Mrs. Diane L. Blackman, 23,,..was treated at Cost.1 Mesa Memorial Hospital for multiple lacerations suffered in the shower of jagged (la.ss, but wu able to return home to recuperate. Witness Amund H. Grtmslad, 58, told police he beard the sound or a car engine Slarting and .anr Mn. Blackman rush our cl the lau.ndnnnat toward her car. The woman told police she parked diredly in front ol the )lundromal so she could wJkh Eric and his brother, to be aure they didn't get lnto.miJcltiet Patrolman Wi!Utm sand~ aaid it WI! Impossible llO get a comp.'ebenalve state- ment from the tllree-f...W' IS-pound driver in.-olved in themishap. Asked U he bad turned the key in the liUle slot, however. the precocious motcriol !Jmly nodded hll head and looked IJ~e ht was gotng lb cry some more. -• '' I ·\' ,. • DAfLY PILOT ......,.,.,, ...._ ....._ ' . UNBEL IEVING FIREMAN PONOE R~ PLANE WRECKAGE IN Ml DOLE Of' Mf~RTHUll BOULEVARD DHd-1tickl nt Pilot .w .. , Dolnt OUy Untll tti..T~•fflc Lltflt8~ . .' ~, ,,. : .' l ' 'f I .. Hig·hway Turm Ru~w~y As Plane Crash Lands By JOllN VALTERZA OI ""' P.ltJ 1'1111 Stiff '·Everything would have been line if the trafflc light hadn't changed," the pilot said as he looked at the wreckage of his light plane at the intersection oL MacArthur Bol!levard and University Drive. • So Todd Ferguson, 20, m&le 1be best ol the cllaOging signal Mondoy ind ditched his plabe anyWay, skipping.olt tbe 'tOv of a foreign sedan, ripping the door otr a nticrobus, then Wilding and spinning to rest almost underneath the suspended traffic light that changed at the-wroo& lime. And everyone got oul of their respec· tlve vehicles unscathed. "l~ was a miracle that no one was hurt or killed," sakl one Orange Cou~ty Airport fireman as he stared al the -wreckage of the Piper Comanche and two foreign· can. T.tie plane, with the El Toro Marine at . lhe stick, made ao emergency landing at the boulevard's inl.ersection w i I b Univenity Drive at ll :20 a.m. As the aircraft, traveling at about 60 miles per hour, set down, a Hollywood youth' was making a left ttlm onto MacArthur. Hi• car and the plane's right wiJ!g col1lded. - ':t'he .l'_lane'• Jigbt wine mnulled lnln tl1e w!Qilll>leld, a pi..., <i Its top dropped ·•If. ind the rest of the coumPfed wing skldded over the stop of the smlli r..i foreign aedan. S\lll llllldp and "totally ~sed ... was Jeff Werlhtn, II, <i Hollywood, cover<d with gr... 1pllntet1. The plane, wtW Ha landiaa:' 1ea.r half- way doWn, conUnued put the car, si<leawlped • Vollcswogen bus, then pan· caked and spun compklely around In the middle of the inteneotlon. 'FerguS011;1Jtl N. Garnsey, ~nla1 Anl. told inveiugAt.on later that be was .lying into El Toro Matint Corps Air Statim when the-craft lost power at 1,000 f~ (See PLA_Nl!. Pogo ~). $3 4 Million f or Mi••ile• . . COtilliy Rej'ects1 Towe rs _Tax Plea A request that Orange C o u n t y Supervisors reconsider th.eir denial of tu exemptions for the Bethel Towers retire.o n1ent housing skyscraper in Costa Mesa was turned down today. Attorneys for Assemi>lies of God Inc., owners of the 17-story Costa Mesa tower, appealed for a new hearing on the: grounds they had not been notified that supervllors were to take actiqn Aug. 5 to den,y their claim. . But aupe"ilorS. acting on the advice of their legal representative, C o u n t y Counsel ' Adrian Kuyper, .said evidence presented at1a pubUc bearing would &er\'e no purpose because the issue ia strictly legal In nature and ls a matter for the courto. ~ a religious instluUCltl. Assemblies of God ls seek.Ing return of $19,4.41 in p~ perty taxes paid last November and ex. emption from a aecooU yearly installment Jn tht same amount. · ~ty AMtss<lr Andre)¥ Hinshaw COfi· tends the property b 'noi being used ti· elusively for a ~tablt. pbrpoat. Kuyper says· alf\ce-;thatiit the cue the questloD ii a matter ror the courta. ' ~ ~ 11114r-w the upper lobe of• tht rigbl iung WU rt- tnovtd," the ~ Slid. 1'1bert .wu'nO eVidenct of 1pread.of the tumor." Ndther Wallet' Reed doctOn ,.,. DlrUell's o!Oce would clllrlly·~ state- ment. Dirksen had been a heavy dj:arette smoker for years. He has tried to quit and ~pparenUy stopped buying lhtm, but he 11 known as a notorious dgareUe moocher amoog the reporters wbo cover him. Col. Alan R. Hope.man,-a member ol the" lboraclc 1Urgery section of Welter Reed, performed the open;Uon, starting 1t 1 •.m. POT. It took three bows and 15 -· Dirksen's wife and daughter, Mrs. Howatd H. Baker Jr., wife ol the Republican senator from Tennessee, and Sen. Baker stayed at the hospital while the surgery was perfonned. Dirksen, who has been ln ill hulth for several years, entered the hospital Sun- day. He has been in and out of Walter Reed several Umes in recent months. Leaving 1urgery aboot noon, the senator WJa removed to the intensive care' unit at the hospital. "He withstood tbe opera t Ion remarkably well," one holpiaU func- Uooary was quoted u .,.ytng. It could not be determined immediately how long a oonnal recovery period for such surgery would tan and the Walter Reed docton were making no public esUm1te1 as to bow lon1 the Illinois lawmaker woufd remaJn hosJ)Jtauzed. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed on a mi1ed note today with trading fairly quiet through-Out much of the ses~on. (SeeJjUOlal!ooll, Pagt.t 11).ll). 1bt Dow Jones Industrial average at 2 p.m. was up 2.58 at 839.30. Advances and declines were almost.even, Philco Ford Gets Huge '.Contract Space and defense contra.cl! totaling $131.4 million today w're awarded to aerospace firms in Huntington Beach and Newport Buch. The N1Uonal AeronauUcs and Space Admlnlstnltion tWlnled I llU mllllon contrict to McDonnt1 l ·Dougl as AstrooauUc1 COrponUoo tri Huntington Beoch. Funds will provide twn Sat!'ll' V workshops. the NASA contract said. At Ult 11me time,. the Department ol .. the Anny awarded a *'4,l!t,853 eoatract to Phflco Ford Aeronutrmie dlvlalon In Ne•part Belctl Ind Lawndale for ...,_ stouctioo <i Ille Shillejlab mlalle l)Ostem for us.l on Sheridan tirib. A-ol the c:ootnlds !ar Orange Coot' firms came today-In Wuhlngton from Senotor Gearp YllrphJ (ff..Calil.).--. Tbe McDonoell Doualu ~ Neut, outntted prior In launcb .,. • l(ational Aeronautica •nd Space Adlnlnlltradon (NASA) Orblill Worubop,_!tlll be lolled . . lnlo -spacelatop a.twoctqe Saturn V in 1m. . · The 11dl')' la\meh" pre.vioul!.f llmOUl'ICed by NASA w!B.Pem!ll 0., IUll outntilba GI the worlcsbop Oil tho gound ind ill .,. rt val ·ID orbits rioldy far, tnimedllte oc- cupancy by tbreo -• • 1Jr iddltldn, • °"' ' .rerklhop wlD be. la-'with • the Apcillo ~ell!tc:ope 'Mowl (ATll) attached lo Ir. When the workahop _program was nrst IJU'JOUnetd, NASA • planned to UHi a modilted fuel s.411 u ill ' llral or)llal :ii:orklbop wilh launch e<boduled for 1171 . The 'Sl-B, functloolnl u the second 1tsge <i. the Saturn 1-B l1uncb veblcle, would lnl.U.Jly fire lo provide the llnal propulsion' In -h •lrth orbit. The ~. liqe then WU lo bovt been J>ftPU'ld.bJ 1ht utrnnauta Iii orbit for uae • • labontoey far the cooduct ol tClentlllc 'OJ!ll "'°""'"' eioetln*nts. Undft the lllOdllltll' llASA plan, the lint two -<i the mon powerfUI Salum V will be uted In launch lhe ~ CON'DIACl'S. P .. t 'I) • ' I 'Sam' Will Hav.e Surgery Thanks To Harbor Folks Sam i:i going to the hospital ror sut•~ry on hls bad hips, because Harbor J.rea people have good hearta. "It's abiolutel~ fantastic," sayi 'Mfs. Earl F. Conover, wit<> called todiy>'lo schedule Sam's operation at the Bayabort Animal Hoapltal for-Ja:ter in ttie week. Major surgery for Mrs.'Cooovtr Jierael..f lw complicated the family'• ~ sltuaUoo to the point where •·$150 bill for Ssm's malfonned . hlndlegs ·teemed too much to consider. Edward Conover, 9, refused to• accept that his year-old poodle might have to be put into merciful, eternal sleep, however, and began collecting pop bottles· for· In· com,. Ev'n pennies helped out, but they take a long time to total SlOO, he ·quickly lea med. The plight faced by Sam and biJ young master was revealed ln the DAD.. Y PILOT S•turday ahd stimd &ym· pathlzers who deluged the Conoverfami- ly wlth more PoP bottlea.and well-wisbinf than they could believe. "We're so grateful," said Mn. Conover today, as .sam•a; IUl'ler"Y f\md reached $125.78, with more expected, Mn. Conover Aid one lady realtor from Newuort Bach aenL.SJ).and another woman ofl!red to pay the,remalnd9' of Sam's expenses becauae ber dog suffered the s~e hereditary alO.ictlon. Weailii.r We'll have the usual helping of fog and low tjouda Wednesday morning, but the IUD will J'f!icn throu&h m<iS\ of the doy,' with coastal temperatures in the 1D's and inland mefcury In the IO's. INSIDE TODAY "Net resu!U" art -what count. A!\d th< mQ!I l171J)OJ'lom renlu todctl P"' from. the nit at Forttt HUii, N.Y .. 1'Mrt GZ..nn WAlt., DAILY PILOT sport.t tditor, be- oin.t todov tilf•g •must.. ,... Porll on 11 .. U.S. Oi><11 Tcnnia 1'ournoment, Pagt 16. Cl~ ,_ ...... 9 I I •• --...... , ... .... 1 ....... ·-=· ~.~ ... -· -· • ' ,,.,, .. • I • • .... .. n • • ............. .., ---~ . --.. i .... , .. ,, .... ....... ,.11 -.. =:. ·~ --n . .,.. ....... ... • 1 ... , . .._.. .......... ~,. .. . .• • j UILY PILOT L . !~· ~)'-J, 1~9 ~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~--.;..... ...... ~~~.-..ii..----i~~t;:~~ e .ille~ew~~ N~On ~;·"., ~ · · P~es~Ut . inds W 0;y· to : Av!lic! Rigors of .Office · . ·, · , ·j • •' .:;'.~DOUGLAS B. CORNELL 1lird J-Gro .. to tilt loi'nlet llrlt thtbud0Nof.allof101111Nt4,llldlhen , .. (jlnr lo llU ~~little belier." TMre I~ " ._ .. ._. ,._ w,.. lady, tn Jledwood• NaUOftil Park, j"-'t tb1t ~•al t!Yt camn from. It-'' wu •• wbetber Nixon hacWirt1i:en ' 1-; Ptf.sdtnt Nixon is Oil devotee of · the ~low the Oftgon border. For ·Nlxon. tbbuJh, lhm ls no Ultlng . 1 llO, u .h! tiu ln the pa.st. · , .,. th The President aald that wtille ~ LI on back In a rocker on I.hf. front stoop. He 11 In tfie aqu1Ue department. the Pru!-~ U!~ -he "'on't tackle e vacation -''if a President ever takes a becomlng a golflnl president In the 1)811· dent seems to enjoy hill view of the ro1l- 1'8Qltfborll'd'hiJ dau1hters gave him for his vacation" -lie sometimes has 1 chance tern of the late Dwight D. Eisenhower, ing Pacific, at the botb;im of lhe bluff .bl.rtMai. Bui he has tht time and places to read in the evenings and had been whome he served as vice president. below his "140,000 home, more than he :.round tbe We.stern '"'hlte Houae bl San scanning a biography of Theodore For one rive-day stretch, Ni1.on dldn't doe1 a dip. He bas 350 feet of ljuch. But · CJtibente these days for :aou and swlm· ROOlevelL On. point, he sa'41, ""Came miss an aftemotia on one courte or lbc first tirtle he tested tht turf be 'Jniic and-"renewal." throo~ clearly: another. Prtvate and military cqursa are rePQl:'led he )IOt oniy wts swarmed over j f ·Mbltly weekday mornings U,5UJ11ly .ar.e c.'nlat he, as President of the United open to him, and he ha1 ranged as far as by 1t1rfm but knocked down twice by 8fvin Over to four or rive hours or the State.s, found that he alwaya received 70 to 100 miles by helicopter to reach waves. • t111k1 no President ever escapes -paper renewed strength from ,oing to the great thm. Even thouah the S:cret Service and lhe ·:Work and conferences. Bui 2,500 rnilles ouldoors. He, or course, was known as Sports fan NiJon doubled up a hit on Coast Guard protect his beac;h wbep he jg ·~rom Wa.shiniton. the volume is less, and the. Preaident who believed in the one flight to play the Los Anleles Coun-on It, NlJon is fi.oding tt m<n: to his lik· , :.t~ and weekends normally are litrenuous life. I am not SUtt that I can go try Club course with hJs moat con!lant ing to climb into a helicopter for a five-'tree. as far as ha did in that respect -I won't opponent, Atty. Gen. John N. MJtchell, minute run down the coast to a fine _ • So W~on spins off by helicopter to the. even ride a surfboard." The first and stay over for a night football game beach on Camp Pendleton Marine Baae . . 'talrWays or beaches almo&t every af· Roosevelt, Nb1:00 said, was re.newed oy between the Los Angeles Rama and WhJJe It Is easy here to get away from 11en\Qoo... OccHlonally he takes a rather goinc to the West and then bllclt to he Kansas City Chiefs. · the offiCtJ and rela1, NiJ.on is by oo , 4imlea drive in the evenln& when his awesome duties ol the White House. The President had a cryptic appraisal mu.ns thtowlng ol( the weight of ln- 'lonc·tllnt cklle friend from Key Bis-Then, in a rambling incomplete sen-of hi! golf game when be turned up in temaUonal or domestic problems. ·:cl)'Ae;:;FI&., C. 0 ... 'Bebe" Rebot.o is tence, the President indicated he would Yorba Linda, where be WU born 50 years Since comlnt he.re Aug, the has : .liroaM. Now and then he gathers op lbe be followin(. the put President westward aeo. A woman spectal9r inquired how hla Sent a nUrry ot messaaea to Congress; fimP)r and 1oes out -to dinner at one of ho: game was golilg. held meeting1 with his cablnet, his ·the fitUU: of restaurinta nearby. "But cut.a.inly atanding here in this "Now and then." he answered -.. economic adviJera, the NaUooal Seeurlty A bit ~nUvely, Nixon meationed the grove of Redwoods, to realiie what a few Nlxtin J;ia.dn't aolfed for more than a and Urban Affairs Councils; honored the i;tttrruous life, surfboard, renewal and moments of solitude In thls magnlflce:nt yaar until he tackled a course at Miami, Apollo 11 astronauts at a Los An&eles '?reakferli Teddy Roose velt last Wed-place can mean, what it can mean to a Fla., a month or 10 ago. Now that the dinner; met in San Francisco with South ncsd11. · man who is president, what it can mean PreaJdent is finding time for the game, Korean Preaident Chung Hee Park: Oown He ,-as .standing beneath sk,yscraper· Lo any: man or aoy woman who needs Pess Secretary Ronald L. Zie&ler l&id to Co1orado' Sprinp to addreu the Na· ~lll'ftedWoOd treft; ahd dedicatin& 1 Lady time to &et away from whatever may Je Nlxoo was "abootinl a littlt better and tlapal Governors Cooference. ' From Page _I ... CONTRACTS. .. • wo~kabop unmanned from Complex 39 iit ·"NASA'• John ·F.-Kennedy Space Center, Florida. into a 220-nautical mile clreular orbil About a d-.V later, a lhree·man crew will be launched in ~ Apollo spa~ecra.ft atop tbt smaller Saturn l-B from Complex 34 at the Kennedy center. ,The spacm-alt will rendezvous aod dock with the workshop aod the astroaauts will occupy it far up to 28 days. Later revisits of up to S6 days' duration will be made.Wing the Saturn I· B -Apollo comblaatlon . The Newport Urm's $34-million con- 1ract fs for second phase con11tructlon of O.e infra.red·~ Shillelagh missile. The «der Jbr the missiles came after reportl aeferal monUls aao that the developmilpt of the three tanks Qn which the mlsdM wW be inltal)ed was facing wi0111 "1uble. · Con~ committees heard that work Cit two or the tanks on which the miall~ an inatalled was embroiled in hip ~and numerous failures. ~ al Philco-Ford'• New~ Bu4' plClt -i>nly adnlioi>trat!ve ,,.de' will Jie done lllert on Ibo ptojeel ...: \aid thlt"it WU UIWIJed" lllal ti!' fl>lems . wl~tbo lank.I liive1*o 1!r ~'II.; out , ,· la!lks, l1le tpokeJn\en sire . lrt not I by Philco-Ford. "We have experienced no problems with the miss.lie or the control and gui~ance l)'lltem," one source lbere .said. ~a Burglars . ~t Typewriter, $210 iI1 Loot The typist at a Costa Mesa firm may have f-oand the long Labor Day weekend stretched oot to a fourth day when she aM'ived at the plant this morning. Contra.ctbr Arvel F. Mitchell v.·enl to his Pacific Electrical Company shop at 2011 Placentia Ave. Saturday and found someone had 1tolen a $362 typewriter from its spot on a desk. There was no sian of forced entry, police said. There was no forced entry al the Dou1las L. Workman residence, 702 James SI ., Sunday, ·where thr telephone company repairman a'i'.·akened to find $210 in valuables missing. 'Ille loot included both riahl side tires and magnesium wheels. taken from his automobile in the carport overnight. OA\l v PllOT ou.xoa CO.Ul' f'.Ul.l ltHIH~ COMl'A""' l•Mi>t N. '*••' .,.....,,. ................ J.(~ •. c~r1 • ., va ~"*" ..... ~,., Mtfl,,., t~-·· "··~ii ••* Tli•IPl f, A. M1r,1iii~• lrM""*"t ,.! ... .,__ ...... llO W•1t l•y $!1111 Madagascar Girl Delays Exam for Exchange Visit • Three Arrested On Drug Counts; 92 Pills Seized nu.. YOWli _peraona -ooe of wh<m A young Jady from Malap.11 Republic, hu been geared for htr caretr. claimed to carry 1 needle only totemlnd the island of Madagascar, postponed the so f.tr tbe· .. mioll~..,AAd the long· 1nost imporlant exan't of her 19 :years in haired ma!et ha•e made the' btu••t lm· herself of• hdllah past life with drugs - order lo come to the U.S. as an American >r werearrtlted by Costa Mesa p>Uce Mon-- Field Service foreign exchange student prttslon on the milu ita\ured visitor. day night. when 92 pill! were rouoo by Vohangy Ramahatafandry. a resident "In our country, we are not allowed to , their car. # of Tananarive, the capital of the Ptfala· WW' minis\lrta and -if the: boya let their Officer Pat Donohue said he pulled gasy Republic, decided to come to Corona htir arow. the 11.1tbor1tie!1 cut it," 1he over the van driven by Dorothy J. Han- del Mar High Schoollland 1tlelar!y her ba.c· added. nah, 19. of 2409 Elden Ave., Costa Men, calaureate exam unt ntt sp ng. to cite her for fsJlure to signal for 1 tum She wlU miss the exam given in her at Elden and Santa lube) Avenues. homeland thi~ifi ~temilbel r for a,n ~· Ne.wport School, During the stop, he said, Roy J. Han· perience w ch su.. "' pever orge · nab, %2, could be seen lying app' arently "This year will give me a chance that 1 might never have had," Vohangy aaid, asleep and intolicated in the back and "I'm lucky to see such places." City Off1·c1'als wuconaequently asked tostep«1t.slde. hich The Hannah couple Ind ltlW Jtanne C. She will miss the exam, w Riley, 19, of 20ff Orange ATe., were sta.n· terminates 14 years of schooling, ·until M H• h ding by the van when someone kicked a next spring when she will lake it at the eet IDS aw coin pune tater found to contain the pills embassy .in Loi Angeles. uoder the vehicle. She lives with the Norman Egli family. Newport Beach clty and acboot afficlala They were booked on suspicion of 312 Robin Hood Lane, in Costa Mesa, and • ...... ..... 1<n cl. danleroua dru"• and already has been accepted as a member were to meet lh15 aftemoon with County ~ ioil d rcot11 ..tu.!:' ll of ,~ .. r ..... 11\1,· Aa.aessor Andrew J. Hln5h.aw ln Ill at-poue.a llll er para.-.. .. a 1· ""' _,..,, '"" 1· ... ' '-""'-~ ' 1'llla Rli;, ~1111 • !IYpodennic "Everything seem.1~ be -~er n -·1emp1 lo '"""""' ,a l ""'""' II\ th noodle, boi ~ ~ ll wai C111ly lo , .. \l.S. lbe roads IIt twice as bg as the money they a1 be.bWed lO them mtnd~'~the ,foDy of a former In· •'\!~ ~ 'l!l'. counliy ," 'enlbusl<1ti<.•, n"!') year,ln>m Upper Ila,. loDtls ••• " _ " 'v<\I .wJ\h cfruas. vi;udflue:.i. ng~, 11 well u , liUI noili of Ihm)(_ eipect to w.ni/." ( , , ' I French and her native language of HinahaW's mind over bla mixing of tax- Malaaasies. She also knows some able and DOUtaual.e land tn the disputed German. The Malagasy Republic resi-bl.y .are~ aod tl)e su~t freezln& of denls all are biJlngual In Malaga!ies and tax reve.nue. . ~ Fr8nch. f ..... ___ .., Her ft.aher ts a achoo! teacher in 11\e City of Newport OCilcri mJ,Ut lose Tananarive and speaks French, Spanish, StS0,000 in tu revenue becaUle of the ac- German. English and Malagasies. tlont; the Newport.M:~ Unified School Al · ·Corona del Mar High School. Distrlcl could lose up 1o $400,000, its Vqhangy will take.. mostly science and linanclal aides have repcrted. math courses to prepare her fer the bac-. calaureate exam. She wants to become a· The city-school delegation will ask physician, so her aet0ndary education fUnsahw to separate !he two categories of lands so that the taxable portion could Two Recovering After Helicopter Crashes in Bay Newport Beach land developer Donald Bren and companion William Armstrong were recovering today at South Coast Community Hospital from back injuries suffered Saturday in the crash of Bren's private hellcopter off L.aguna Beach's Crescent Bay. Bren, 37, son of actress Claire Trevor nf Lido Isle, hes been removed from th~ hospital's intensive cart unit while AnruLrong, 45, of 1101 ·oxford Lane. Newport Beach was still in the special ca~ ward, aides said. Both men are being treated ror broken ~cks and both are in fair condition, the ai~ said. A long convalescence was predicted. Bren's Btll 47-H·I helicopte r has been recO\'cred from the ocean by r.1arin{° Devlees, Inc .. of Newport Beach . The aircraft mysteriou~ly fell from the. l'ky into about 35 feet of water at about 4:16 p.m. Saturday. Yield money projected for next fiscal year's budgets. The Newport contingent will be com· posed of Mayor Doreen Marshall, City Attorney Tully Seymour, Assistant City h-1onager Jim OeChaine, school district Suprrintendent W i 11 i am CUnningham. school board president Mrs. h1arian Bergeson and board member Selim s. Franklin. The Newport·Mesa School board will meet in regular session tonight at 7:30. A report on lhe results of the meeting is e1-. peeled . , EmCrgency provisions already have been implemented by Newport Beach city aides, who have told the city council the expected Joss could be made up throuah budget surpluses and culs. School officials, however . say that their .strained budget cannot absorb the loss next year. No strong solution, other than an action by Hinshaw, ha3 been proposed. Flier Brought Do,vn to Earth A stunt filer round a '~elcoming com· 1nittee waitine \vhen he set down at !<.1eadowlark Airport in Huntington Beach i·1onday night. They pinned him wllh no medal, but 1Yi1h a charge oi resisting arrest. fret1t P .. e ·l POSTAL .• ; ' . 111nJ1iaM baW.," Nixon Mid. O'Briea obltrved that UM! post olfiC< rdopn pn>poul bu 111pport.Jrom former President Johnson . "I can't tblnk of any time that two presidents and ofriclals of both (political) parties have been united in the same cause." · Mortor. said he is more optlmi~tic aboti1 flouse passage of the measure than ht> is of Senate support. Blount · added that he is confident ur ultimate approval late r this year. Divers Fail in H uni }'or Missing Boy, 9 FRESNO tUPI) -Divers were unable to lurn up any trace ~1onday o[ a southern California boy believed to have drowned in Avocado Lake eas\ of here Sunday. The Fresno County Sheriff's Of· rice said the search for Angel Corino, 9, of Torranct, would continue today. YOUR _ ........... -·--.. ···---.. -.. DAILY l'ILOT S1rif ~ PILOT AND DRIVER COMPARE NOTES AFTER CRASH Flier FtrguHn (Ith). Shaken Motorist W1rth1n f'rotn Page 1 PLANE ON HIGHWAY • • • over the Newport Beach shoreline. "I bep.n switchiag tan.ks, chanting the. fueJ-atr mi1ture -everything -and none of it worked. I ndloed into El Toro to tell them, but when my prop stopped I knew I couldn't maU lt in, Sc> I called Qranae County Airport tower, instead," be said. · "It only took a few moments to realize I couldn't make It there. either, so I decided to try landing on the highway," he added. 'The coast wu clear on the southboucd lane:s: of MacArthur as Ferguson dead· stic~ed the plane In. Then the light changed. \\'erthen"s car v.'as the first to turn Ulto the path of the landing plane. The microbus, containing Mr. and t.trJ. fUchard Strom, of Fallerton, followed. The little bus' door wes ripped off by the passing plane. • Another auto swerved into a ditch to avoid the impact. "ll all happened so fa~l it didn't register. I mean, ho1v could a plane bP. landing on the road in front of me'..'" \Verthen said. Two Mesa Traffic Crashes lnju1·e Women Passengers Wh·es of a 1notorcycli~t and 11n automobile driver were inJurcd in Co!la Mesa traffic accident! 1-1•hile riding with thetr husbands 01·cr the Labor Dlly weekend.· Connie S. Bailey, 25, of 10845 Skyline Drive, Sanla Ana, suffered a fractured wriat and bruises on Labor Day, whe n spil~ from a motorcycle on Newport Boulevard at 17th Street.· Mrs. Bailey was treated at Hoag Memorial Ho'spital. while her huaband Edward; lO, '9Caped injury, although he was 1Jao thrown to the pavement when the skidding machine fell over. A Fullerton housewife, Louise V. Fran· cis, 29, was treated for a leg lacer ation at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital Saturday and released after a four-car accident. lnvcsligators said the chain·reaction n1ish:?p occurred ll'hen ~1rs. Thelma hf. WORKSIIOP SET ON PUBLICITY A ''how·to" $esslon for publicity chairmen of clubs.or g a n i z at ions , churches 11nd "causes" ""'ill bt presented on Sept. 17 by the DAILY PILOT and Or11nge Coast College's Evening College Division. Details and pre·registration coupon ai> pear today on Page 15. Your Oml'Qfl Soltl & St"r111c t Aaencv \\lilliams, 63, of 315 Orange Ave .• Sant.a Ana, was unable to stop for halted ca.rs ahead on Newport Boulevard at B11y Street. ~1rs. \1iilliam s' car collided with one driven by Vicki K. Harris, 26, of 2327 Rutgers Drive, Costa Mesa, knockinl it into one driven by Cbarlet E. Fnncb Jr., 42, Fullerton, which in turn crashed into a vehicle driven by Ernest N. Morrell, 38, o{ 959 Lansing Lane, Costa Mesa. Burglars Ready To Build Boards Thieve.s rlding the crest of t wave of crime in Costa MeM manufacturing districts may be about to go into the legitimate business of surfboard building, police theorized today. James C. Glanzer. of Pe I r i 11 o Surfboards , 977 W. 19th St., told in- vestigators of losina a $150 blower unit stored beside the firm over the weekend. Giant.er said he was in tbe planl overnight and heard a truck stop briefly outside, but thought no more about it un· Iii the equipment was found to be: miss· ing. A number. of thefts and burglarie~ o[ equipment vital to surfboard manufa c· luring have been reported over the past tv.•o ""'eeks. investigators noted. 0 OMEGA --,,....., ... ,rHl1' ....... M" .... 111 M4rnu P.O. lo• 1560, •?616 --- Bren, of 349 N. Farino Road, Los Angeles, <1nd Armstrong were rescued by Laguna Beach lifeguards following the cr;1sh. \\fl\lia1n E. Wolf, 35, or 3099 Murray Lan~. Costa Mesa, was reportedly reklc-- tant to discuss his aircraft acrobatics a'hd 1vound up booked Into Orange County Jail. police said. . WATCH'~ ll ... C~ • Clolnod • o;ltd FREE Thi ~,,., '""' Orr''' Sptt9Pr111 t•r .... tch ""' (tPPy Wt! 11l1ch4 .,.;111 . •lit 111v ,.,...i;f;c•f1•11 1.v NA.SA I• i.. wo1r1 bv e,.r m1r1 •11 th• m1t11. T~ • 1ttot11iti•11, truly 1 rl• ""• r' I• r 1tt1llt nc1, m1l11 "' '''"' lo i., yewr •u•ll•ti11' Om1~1 j ..... 1 ... c ..... il'I -... thi1 h 11'1tlt•lfl1, 2 bul!on, 4 ''''· OPfl•t• s,.,,,IO!,,. ''' clir111•tr•111~. Tht ol'll, w1tc.lt .,..,,, •v lh• ll'l ft 1• titt M••R. '"41 f!fl. *"""".,_,,I ,,,I-· ..... ~ ~ ...,., nt ,_, ... _ ...... .....,. lhecfl: .. Ith M>"1 Mr. W ukawitz Funeral Held funeral aervicr.s for Thomas F. \Vuka"A·itz, 40. a 13-year CO,,ta Mesa rhi· dent, were held this mornin& at St. Joachims Catholic Church, ri.1r. Wuiawitz. 861 Victoria St., a foreman Vo'ith the La Habra Stucco Construction Company of Costa Mtu, died at COsta Mesa Memorlal H06pl!.al Friday. \Vllnesses told officers \Volf noarly col· Hded in midair with another plane piloted by Mrs. Paul Gossland. Visit Planned By Bloodmobile The Red CrOI.! Bloodmobile unil ?'Ill vi1H l{oa1.)>temorl11 Hospital Jn Newport Stach Saturd•y, Sept. 13, for anyone who wishes lo donate. Reservations for the 2:30 to 7 p.m. blood coUection may be made by calling '77C.J'm, according to Red C r o 1 I spokesmen. Wllil• YM W9't •Adlumd ...... $100 s4aa ll4Tl:UM• "'-• WITH ltN•S $3.00 THIS llDD,,,.. AD DIA.MONOS $6.00 llfft.ACU.·1Nt9 ar ... ,,:C -.. s.11-tN•lAY1M• DOMI •llt6en an IJ •111ter: Huntington Centtr IHCh at Edinger WHILI TOU WA" HUNTINGTON IEACH • 892-5501 TllMt AVAii.Aili and back H•rbor Shopping Center 2300 Hcirbor llvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 \ Ile i5 aurvtved by his wile. Shirley: si1 son1, Douglas, r.t1rk, Mathew, John, 1.ukt, J03epb ; five dauahters, Mrs. Katherine FMJre1; Patrlcla, Carol, Miry 11..nd N11ncy Wukawllz; a brother. Francis. oC lluntinp>o Beach and a alster Joan Echmoller of Minnesota. The Bloodmobile "'lll be parked al the J._'.~==========::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.====================~ ho•pltal·s conltrenc< centtr buildinf. I I I \ I / • - • ----------~---------• p~n't ExpectFunds at War End ' . · . ...., •t ' '• ' jo.. "" I ' I _. • Ni~JJ, D~fends_ Welfare Reforms Before , Gope~hor~ . - CO~RADQ SPR}NGS, Col,o. AP) -lhe Nixon recommegdatlonL Pre:stdeot Nixon bu... told the. nati0,n's Nlxop flew fr o.m his sum.mer Wbite governors not lo look (or an oUtpouring o! House in San Clemente., Ca!U., for his new federal funds as. a byproduct of defense <if his domestic p,rograms, and ~ace ~ V:ietnam. . · . . told. bis critics : The President also defended his "I mak_e Just one suggestion -we've welfare reform, progr'am in·a S:peetb to beep on a· road for a Ion,. time that is the 't'Bth 'National Governors "conference , leading us to disaster: and when you're on ~ay and advi:s«I the 'state execuUVes the wrong road you let off ani;t gf:t on a against trying to lamper wlth it. · new road ." But the conf'erence was to act today oil~ "" Nixon u'.ild the governors at the.it black 8 4~lu\oin , .urging that tlle federal tie conferenCe. ball lhere. are "hard government lake over the financing of budget and tax decisions ab~d." 'the ftlire welfare system. "Drea">S or unllmUed billions of dollars ''He said ·he Was going to put the being released once the war in Vietnam money where the problems are," said ends are iust that. -dreams," he said. New ·York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, "True, there will be additional nioney - chief promoter of the takeoVer proposal. but tl'je claims on it already are a five year plan ·wJ:iich goes far beyond enormous. '"l'here should be no Wlllllon lhat what iorpe call the peact and growUt dividend wUI automaUcaUy solve oui nat!Onal pro. blems or release us trOrri the need to ~tablisb priorlUes. ... "In Ol'~ to find the money for new ~." said Nl10n, hwe-wlll have to trim it out of old ones:" Said DemoctJUc Gov. John N,, Dempsey of Connecticut: "I'm not llO sure that , If the war ended tomorrow lheu coukln'.t be bUlloaa ol dollar9. There must' be. Frankly, I was dlsappolnted in · the •J'"'Ch· I had hoped 14 bear ~ speech of a constructive nature." One of Nixon's chJef advisers, Arthur Burns, counsellor to the President, said Monchty "of course lbere will" be more Foe of 2 Presidents • money av.filable after the war, Burns said I! the coolllct ended lmmedlotelf II would r... 18 bllllbn Jn federal funds dur- ing the next 10 nlOliUla. But he. did not say whelher Pril.11' claima alrtady had commi&ted siJch funda. While Nixon 1*<ted Ille notion ol a ·peace bonUJ1 ht did·tell Ute &Qveritors: ·• "I call assure YOl,I CJI Uilil: We are nol &imply ping fj) tell yon the. states have a job 14 do; we m llOinl: 14 belp'you find the fuods and resow"Ces to do that job with." .r • V~ Preald<nt·Splro T. Agnew _may be pressed for more specIJ:lca on that point at a closed .door aesaloo ~of lbe conference later loda)'. •' Columnist Pearson De·ad ~ ,_ \~ASHINGTON {AP) -Columnist Pearson and Robert S. Allen wrote a book umn which Allen gave up in 1943 to re- Drew Pearson was described in one of his called "The Washington Merry· Go· enter the Army. · • · own books as "either loved or hated ; Round" which prtimised lo tell "the Pe&f89D's flnlt marriage In 1935 lo tbe there is no middle ground." gossip which the Capital lcives to whisper Countess Felicia · Glzyeka, daughter of His admirers were many readers of his but bates to see in prinl" Eleanor "Cj.ssy" P.atterson, publisher of columii. "The Washington Merry-Go-It was this book which described the Washington Tlmes.H'erald, ended in ------- ----. ---.--,----,,--=.,,.-=-:.,,, Round,'' who looked on Pearson a~ the ,.,, Pearson as an e:r_pe.~t on th~ State divorce. man who exposed skeletoM in govern· ~ment and :said:_ .•• Because of In 1936 he married Luvie Moore. who u,1 ,.._..· mental closets during four decades. his independ~nce h: is either loved or survive.. along with 8 daughter, Ellen PRESIDENT ADDRESSES NATIONAL GOVERNORS CONFERENCE h. . th h s hated; there IS no middle ground." Arnold, a'nd a stepson, Tyler Abell, for· But 15 re~rting roug ne~ papers The book and a :sequel launched the col-mer U.S. chief of protocol. Expl•inlnt -'New Feder•liam.' ln .Color•do Sprin1• and broadcasting brought him into fre----------------------'------------~~=---....:.-------------'---'----quent conflict with officials, including two DEAD AT 71 Columnist Pearson Krisman Fougl1t By Young GOP Orange County Young Republicans have renewed their battle against the ap- pointment of Mike Krisman a s coordinator of academic advising at UC Irvine by asking the board of regents to dismiss Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich. The 17 county chapters or Young Republicans issued a resolution for redress of grievances askin g the board of re ge:lts to use its veto power over ap- pointments. "We urge the regents to dismiss Daniel G. Aldrich as chancellor and to ensure that Michael J. Krisman and all other avowed members of the SOS be dismiss- ed from faculty and administrative posts at each branch of the university," sa id chairman James Nash ln the resolution. They said Dr. Aldrich should be remov- ed because he approved the appointment of Krisman. Council to l\lect Just a reminder, Huntington Beach Ci- ty Council meets today, thanks to Mon - day's Labor Day holiday. Regul ar business starts at 4:30 p.m., public hear- ings at 7:30 p.m. Mate Testit1ao•ay presidentS who called him a. liar. Pearson, 71. died Monday after suf- fering a heart attack al his Ptfaryland farm . He had been hospitalized several weeks, returning home only last Friday. Jack Anderson, co-author the past 10 years, said he v.•i\I continue the column which is carried .in 625 daily and weekly newspapers. Pearson's most recent major crusade In 1966-67 led to a Senate censure of Sen. Thomas J. Dodd , D-Conn., after allega- tions he had used political funds for personal purposes. fl \\'as Presidents Franklin D , l!oosevelt and HarTy S Truman who de· nc>t1 nced Pearson. Roosevelt called him a liar wher: the col umnist reported Sccrelary of Sta te Cordell Hull wanted to see Rus;;ia "bled wtute'-0.uring WOrld War 0. Truman once referred to Pearson a:s an ••s.o.b." after several columns which angered the President. , And the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-\Vis .• resorted to physical violence dur· ing a long feud with Pearson in the 1950s. McC.arthy admitted hitting Pearson .with his · hand at a fashionable club in Washington : the columnisl said the senator kick ed tihn in the groin. The squabble got into the courts in a $5.t million damage suit brought by Pearson against McCarthy aru1 several others, including the !'ate COiumnist Westbrook Pegler. II wa:s dropped later. This was only one of a number ol court suit s in which Pearson was plaintiff or defendant. Although controversial.., Pearson was affable, mild·mannered and a Quaker. He sponsoreil the Friendship Train that col· leetcd 700 carloads of food for France and Italy aft e,· \Vorld War IL Born Andrew Russell P e a r :s o n at Evan~ton, Ill., he was the son of a college profeiS()r who later v.·as governor of the Virgin Islands. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. \Vhile working for the Baltimore Sun, Ulll Ttltltlltlt Smashed school bus in which 23 Port.land, Ore.. children were iJl. jured alands as a st.ark reminder~o motorists that new school year brings \Vith tl the need for renewed vigor in traffic safety efforts. Children in most Orange Coast communities head back to school Sepl 8. Jn Laguna Beach, cl asses begin Thursday ' ' . -one or · Glendale Federal's umotaen.wa1s to save Is a Guaranteed GUNllAll flDEllAL SAVINGS--- ' . . orowin ' - account. Ask about our 5 .. year guaranteed growth acc0unt. Or our 3-to-5-ytar gu...meed income accounts. We alao have flexlbf• savings accounts and high earning inveatmant savings accounta.·Ther• are no higher rates on tmiured savings a~e. So safe, so secure. Umpteen ways to save.makes you feel 1 O feet tall . NIWPOl'I Beach 2m Eat coe11 Hlatrny Coata Mm 1833 NllllPCll IW. ~ . , ' NATION'• SECOND LAAQEIT PEDEl\AL WITH AlllTI OVIA CINI llLLION DOLLAAI . 22 ome1a •% .... '°"""""'"""'· • 2•% ...... • 21"' ...... • 2•"' ....... _ v DAY .. N~..ot/T IHTll\EST "· u IOHUIJ.OOOUHTI "' ... •oJtOWtHACCOUHTa "· .,,. IHCOMIACC®tm ~:=. ................................................ ~~~·- • IWlY PltOT Tuesdq, Stplembtr 2, 1969 ·~ "' .... Olllf ...... ~ltffl !IWen F•rragMr of Claremorris, Ireland woke suddenly to find a large hairy wet-nosed, brown-- eyed 'intrudu breathing heavily at the foot Of her bed. She called her haJband and tog~er Ibey tried to force Ch•rll1, a ~year~Id sleer, to turn around and walk down the 15 steps he had ascended to reach Mn. Farragher's bedroom. Fire- men finally took Charlie away. • Dr. Le1t1r Flah1r, director of Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo, ex- plained to newsmen during a tour that the noi.se .... made by his new gorilla "is dnmiming, and It means she'.-happy." Fisher added non· cbalantly, uor course, gorillas do that When they're ready to charge too." • British law sa11s a motorilt cannot be given a sobrWt11 kit bv Police until 20 minutes ofter his la!t drink -but Police Re- view !fagarine has advised po- lice on how to 1tcll nuptcted drunks until the 20.minute mar- ~ !)in is up. Police Review says ~ that if a driver blames !hat strong alcoholic odor on the fact ~ he just had a nin minutes be· ~· fore. the answer i.! to ~i//y~l/11 1oith. him. Ask for hl'I dru;e~s ltceme, his insurance paptrS", h13 A driving Ust ~rtificnte and th.e s1'€llhta of his name, even 1f it's S-m·i·t·h.. • When an armed M41 American tank was discovered in the pos s~~· sion of the Viet Cong, a U.S. m111· tary spokesman commented: "\Ye have no idea where they got 1 t. \Ve're not sure what they intend to do with il Bul they didn't intend to use it as a monument." • Miss Phenie Ross of Glasgow, Scotland described the Loch Ne!IS ~1onster which she !laid she and her sister observed thusly: "'We could see the humps very clearly and it was moving at quite a •peed." Veteran Rocky Mountain Netcs press photographer, Harry M. Rhoads, 88, will retire Monday. Rhoads, be· lieved to be the oldest working pres.s photographer. wilt be endi11g a 69· year career. 0 Dr. Milton Fineman of Bridge· ton, N.J .. reported recently on the progress of a 2~year·old P.ati ent o~ public "·el fare \vho \veighs 77a pounds. "He is literally eating him· sell to death. Jf he continues on his present course he \Vil! not live much longer," the doctor said. Navy Orders Trial Over Evans Crash SUBIC BAY, Phillppln"' (UPI) -The U.S. Navy today ordertt the court· marUtt of the capta.J.n and deck offlctt or the deatroyer Frank E. Evans on cbaraes <i nerJ!ien« and deffilclJon of duty. The Evans wu 5lmk in a rollision with an Australlan aln:ralt carrier with loss o! 74 Am<rlcan lives. 11le Australian aircraft c a r r I e r Melbourne sllced the Evans in two June 3 duriJlg llUIOOUVen In the South China Sea. A Navy announcement said the court- m1r!W of Cmdr. Albert S. McLemott, <O, of Vallejo, CalU., the Evans' caf!Wn: and Lt. (J.G.) Ronald C. Ramuy, 14, of Loog Beach, its officer of the deck at the llmt, \foWd begin about Sept. IO at Subk Bay. · . ''The cbaraes qain!t cm d r . McLemore and Lt. (J.G.) Ramaey are obviously very serious ones., and trial by cow11-martial ,b the proper way (If determining their guilt or innocence,•• the Navy aald. Coovictioo on the negligence chargrs would mean two years at bani labor, dJsmtWJ from the Navy and (orltib.Jft of all pay and allowl!ICeS. ,,,. military court would determine the penalty f(lr derrliction (If duty. A joint U.S.·Australlan Boin! of In- quiry foond the Evans p r i m a r i I y resporr;:lble far the tragedy aft.er a !liI· week investigation ln June and July. The Australian Navy absolved the Melbourne Skipper. Capt. John P. Stevenaon, (If guilt. Testimony before the board of inquiry sh(lwed the Evans had turned into the Melbourne's path during a change of sta· lion that was to put the U.S. destroyer behind t~e carrier as a "plane. guard." Some of the Evans' mw tatlfied there was confusion about I.he Melbourne's ez. act course at the time. P.tcLemore was s~cally cited for failing to give proper night orders to awaken him and for his failure to be on the bridge when high·speed, close- quarters maneuvers were expected. The N"Y cbaried Romrey with mak· Ing .. ...-mlllaka, lncludlnr !allure to awaken the skipper, failure to seek clarification and advke from the Melbourne on the crarrter'a course, plac· ing his ship on a collision course, and failure to sound lhe collision alarm. Unionist Meeting Called to Give Catholi;cs Rights ' BELFAST, Northern Inoland (UPI) - Premier James Ch.ldlester.Clark ·today summoned his ruling Union!Jt Party to its first briefing since be agreed with British Home Secretary James Ca.llachaa to give Roman Catholic civil rights tOp priority. The meeting al Bellasl's Stormont Cas- tle would lay Ch ichester-Clark opeo to a war of words with the mtlltant Protestant right wing of his party, led by former Home Affajrs Minister William Craig. The right wing has CODllstenUy oppoaed government refonns that would tend to undennine Protestant poUUcal domlna· tion by guaranteeing equal voting rights to Catholics in local elections and endlng discrimlnation in jobs and housing. Callaghan last week paid his first visit to Northern Ireland since the British military took control or internal security and helped bring destructive Calh ollc-- Prolestant r iots in Bel!asl and Lon· donderry under control. Spokesmen for the British home secretary said Chichester.Clark agreed to establish a ministry charged with overseeing community relations and agreed the go\•emment must y,·ork to end religious discrimination with legislation as soon as practical. • ' . UPI Tt~'- Beer Bust for Bob Rock fans and beer cans pile up on the Isle of Wight off the coast of England as an estimated 200,000 gather to bear their idol, Bob Dylan, come out of retirement. His apperance at the concert. was his first since breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident two years ago. Fi~ch Asks Legal Action ' Against Georgia Schools I Hartford Worst Violence Erupts In 4 U.S. Cities By TllE ABSOCIATED PJ\F.SS vlo)ence erupted ln four American communities ovemlghl 1eavin1 one man dead, many lnJurect and bulldlnp burned. Three of the dilturbanoes had racial undertones. Want hit waa Hartford, Coon., where fires still burned thia morning. Police ua- ed tear gu to drive away thieves today after a night ol racial violence in the city's mostly Negro North End that left a policeman shot a'.nd a mile and half or stores burned or looted. In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., lhere was a second consecutive night of shooting, JooUng, .fires and rock throwing. Three bulldlnp and two cars were burned, police said. Four pollcemen and some civilians were injured but hospitals could not provide accurate fi gures. Fort Lauderdale Sheriff Edward Stack said the disturbances were probably not racial in nature. In Dayton, Ohio, police used tear ias early today lo break up a rock-throwing crowd al the Montgomery c~.·1nty Falr;:p-ounds. The mostly Negro mob had begun a march toward downtown Dayton . Fire bombs touched off fires at two business places, police said. Meanwhile, _an,ry groups of whites and Negroea cla.si>OO in Parkesburg, Pa., overnight. The violence left a Negro member of a peace·mak.ing group shol dead. Eight other Negroes were wounded by gunfirf In the town of 2,700. Police charged four whiles, t!U"ee o( them members of a motorcycle gang, with the murder of Harry Dickinson, 30, a founde r of the Parkesburg Laymen's Action CounCil, created two months ago to calm racial tensions. The Parkesburg: violence spread to neai:by Coatt.sviUe alter blacks went into the streets there upon hearing of the out- break in Parkesburg. More than 90 were arrested in the Hartford disturbance and police said that more arrests were still being made. A police dog handler, Anthony Faziinelli, 46, underwent surgery al Hartford Hospital for a bullet wound after being •hot In lhe tbigh, apparenUy ~Y a sniper. Police 6ailj they exchanged gunflre with at1ipers an rooftops 1n one area dw-Lni the height of the violence. Sen. Keiinedv • Lawyers Ask • Inquest Halt BOSTON· (UPI) -Lawyen !or Sen. Edward M. Kennedy peUUOhed the Ma.ssachusett.a: supreme court today for a rest.raining order to block temporarily an inquest into the death -or Mary Jo Kopechne -whjch was set to open in less than 24 hours. A hearing on th.? 'pt:litlon WM scheduled for 11 :15 a.m. PDT today before JusUcc Paul C. Reardon. Attorney Jahn Harrington appeared In the court clerk's office al 8: 15 a.m. toda y and then met in Judge Reardan's chambers for more than 30 minutes. Clerk John Powers said later the bearing had been set for 11:15 a.m. Jn a petilion flied by Harrington, Ken· nedy's battery of lawyers asked for the temporary restraining order aod for a write of certiorari so lhe state supreme court could examine the reeords of the case. ~11ss Kopcchne, a 28.year·old \Vosb.ington secretary, was killed when a car driven by Kennedy plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island July 18. An inquest was to open Wednesday in Edgartown distdd. C!Ollrt. All parties involed in the inquest -in· el uding Edgartown District Judge James A. Boyle a.rid Dist. Atty. :Edmund S. Dinis -~·ere asked to appear for the afternoon hearing. The Dukes County prosecutor said earlier today he doubted attorneys for KeMedy would try to block the inquest. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The 1960-70 school year opens 1n morl communities of the nation today with a oew rpove begun by the Nixon -lion to comp<l ln- tearatlon In Soutbem achoob. Health, F.dueallon and We 1 f a r e Secretary Robert H. Finch Monday asked the JUltice Department to take hn· mediate legal action against nine Geofli• ochool distrld.!. Fiocb said thOy bad "cut aside the commltme:nb tbey have made t.o provide equal education op- portunities" in their districts. He said the cli!trlcts, which he iden· tifi<d " Cllnch County, Coffee County, Dodge C.ounty, Emanuel CoUnty, Franklin County, Heard Coonty, Rome City, Telfair County and Wheeler'"O:iunty, "bad promised Jong ago to implement a desegregation plan this fall." Now!PSJ\j eve"' hour ,. on the hour tO San Francisco! ~RCretll')' said the failure to follow through wu annouaced just prior to the opening of school this fall and "violated the self·made commitment to the federal government." As a result Finch turned lo the Justice Department for ad.im saying the agency "baa at iU dlsposal swift judlcial recourse." He also sent ea eh of the dislrlcts a telegram telling them or the move and asking them "lo reconsider their refusal to bnplemenl their plans." It was a compl ete about·face for Finch, who just a week ago went into federal court and successfuJly won a delay until De<:. 1 for the implementation of desegregation pl ans in 30 Missiuippl school districts. At the time, Finch said llurr!cane Camille, which caused ha voc in the Southern state, made the move necessary. Monday a HEW spokesman said the two actions were oot ineonsistent, even if it so appeared on the surface. He said the best interests or lhe school children in· vo!ved were being served in each action. 7am to9 pm. Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12noon-1-2-3-4-, 5-6-7-8-9 pm. More on weekends. Thundershowers Hit East lusflights eve liour on the alf hour West Temperatures Range From 35 to 117 Degrees Callfo,...la SautPoern C•lilorr>I• rnMIM'd lllNIY t nd Wtrm tDd.IY Wllh "°"'' '" •!- '"' c-.11 11'1d • l•W '""nd••""ow"" '" the tnC111ni1!1>1 t»d ik•l"h. Tllero w11 t CVOll/\~ Ir-""'' ,.,. coa1t Los Anpelt• tnd Y!<lnl!Y h•d htl• 111n1hlM with 11'>1 UMitl Cl»llfl 10 .. t,loucllnt•l t»d lot In !ht morn1,,, l>Gu<I tlorll ll>t COil!. It Wll t !lltlt Wt,,,,... t~,. Wilft t hi.,, el .. l"Cf !ht t•P«ltd lew !Ol'!tM ol U . Tr.. 11tllon'1 holtt1! ,...,....,,tvrtl -• •!KOO"-ti T""r"'ol """"''' !!'It ,,,...OI..-, rMdltd HI t nd ti t ...... rlel •tld ... ~"' !.Wint• ...n.<t ., •ffthll'd '" T"" Air P&lh,llCl'I CO!ll,,,.r Oll•rlc't WNll lhcrt Wll ....,..tit It ""yy -lft IN L0t A,,..in 11111" ""-Y. no. ~ ..... OctvltY '" '"' _,.lr!t t'lllur'i w ltll clurlnt trv mi<I· ~ •Piii hltfl ,..,._. • ..,_ ... 111t ..... ,.._ Wtltr ltm_.1t11r1 "''' _ ... LTllt """"'''"' _. ""°''"° '"""v 'fllllfl -ttl-lllul'IOHrol'io...,1, Tiie llle'I '-•111~ ti ttl'f r-1 ..... --aa.wt .. Tiie .,._, ,....,. Wll elM _,.ty -~-::::::',~ ... ::_~ .... ::: .............. """'H~ -..,,_.t\N'tll ... "" -···-""' .,,.,. nNr tu tllll llJ In W... -.. -,..,.. INftdllr """' •nll ll!'etllcltd tllllll.lr!Wml fer ,.1 lwl" Hl«tetil '°""'-" t.tl,.,.11 lktnlltu Ltllf ._,. .,. .... ~ MOolkt .... •• ""'MM ..... Mt, Wll-•·H , Pt1""91t '°'"'°"' ltlwt1~ 111,·10$. "'"" kif~ Ht.HI, l•kw1n.111 16'· 1'1. a.11 0.... ,.._ tlld Stnlt 8t•• .,.,. 14o1S. Cocutal 1..-CIOuOI •tld lot ...,..., btcomlo\1 IOIOOlto' wmv tit• 11 t .11'1. WIM1 ni.111 trod mornl"' l\Olln -f9ttv tf to II kM"· H:r.: IOCllY 1J Ynter 11"1 "-•""• ,....,. f""" ...... "' .... n. ,,... ... ...., ...... •-a '4,N Ir. W1fitr ,........, , __ .,...._ Sun, itfnon. Tldu TUalOAY l"lrll toi.~ • 1tSt 1.1'1'\. t.t l'lnt 10w H:t.6 •.m. 1.1 WIOHllDAT "'"' ~llfrl ):Of 1.m. 'I Pl"' 1ow 11 ,41 •·"'· 1 a '""' ltl ... I )1 '·"'· 5_,, 7:11 "·"'· "'-ltltd 10 Ml '·""· i t11 I :07 t .m. Plrtl O. "~ti Liii O. ,,..... Stlll I~ Sf p!, t• 5_.,1. J tffll, II ,lllb\la!Mf- All1nt1 IP;t<1lleld 111..,1rcil 8 0!!10" Ch•c•10 Clnclnn1!! ci.vt11"4 0.~v•• Dttroll £ .. ~. Fort Worllt ''""° ""'"' l-llllJ'10ll "'""' (ity ..... v .... lOI ,llnfelt:I Mlt ml lootcll MU.,.11Att Mlnl'!ffJIOl<I N-Or"'1r1 N~ Vor~ 01-l1ncl ....... .. ...... ~lllldtllM'llt -~¥. ... Piri1Md fled •11.1ff ·-S.0-tmtm. l~ltlf::, Cl!Y 1n 11"' s~n •t"1:l1ca S1nt1 l1rbtlr1 r.tt!tor .... M -m•I Wtl~l~ttOll • " ~ IJ 11 llM 7l .... •1 ll 11 io ., .. ... II •S ~ " " " ~ . ~ ., IC,) ii .... ,, " a" 104 '' a " k " . ., " M .. ~ ti 1f nu ". , ... " . 'il ll IU 3 ,u :1 i! H ., ~? " .. " " " ~ 'Ji :: to no· o! • 8:15 am to 10:10 pm, Both ways. 8:15-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:30 am-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30- 4:30-5:30-6:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends. Why worry about a reservation when PSA has over 160 flights a day? Such an easy-to- remember schedule you can carry It around Jn your head. Why remember lowest fares? Or all Jets? Or great service to Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento? Or that kids under 12 fly PSA (with their parents) for half fare? Stlll want a reser- vation? Just remember to call your travel agent or whatsltsname airlines. PSA ones '911 • lift. • ' ' ' t ' ' t ( • I r T ' r t t I ' ~ ' ' ' • ' t a s • n z d d c c • ' s r t· ( \ d y h s c ] r • • • a a •• \ a 0 r I y • p lo 0 Ti.Idly, $tpttmbtr 2, 1969 DAILY PU.OT /S . ' Israel Rejects Syria . Deal ., l1tdted ""'" lolenlillololl"'iiiiiii;i;i~~~~~i;i;i~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiii~iiiiii~ Inell officials r<poalod' to.Ii day their re!uul to make 1 deal wllli Syria for the relu>e of. two"' loraeU men beld ill '! Damucut since Friday'• hi· Jacttnr of a Trans World 1JrUnt1 jetliner. Foreign ministry officials tn Ttl Aviv said Israel lttll in· allted. the detained men, Prof. Shlomo Samueloff of Hebrew University and travel agent All STORES OPEN TONIGHT AT FASHION IS~D NEWl'ORT CENTER P1clfic CCH1tt Highway MtwMn Jambor11 and MacArthur Sa1ba Moualem, be rtlusedl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ immediately and un-li cooditJonally. BIBLE THOUGHTS ONlf,,OF THESE 50 AMERICAN BEAUTIES WILL REIGN AS THE 1970 MISS AMERICA SATURDAY NIGHT ..,,,, ......... The1'1! were perai1lenl rumors Syria mJgtlt tr)' to iwap the two Jsraelll f<r two Syrian Alr Fon:e pil<lts held by Israel. ffD'I PlOYIDINClt Owr '"•kw '"'' •WM for 9e••r•I itt..ft of 11te11li..d. "Ho 1111ir1lh hi' 11111 to riM 111 tho evil 111d 011 fht good" IM1tt, 5:451. Tho t•i111 blet1 tho ovll 01 Wtll 01 tllo good.. It MUST bo thi1 woy: otMrwl11, pll'Clplo Libyans To Honor All Pacts Pageant Going While the st.rm over the hi· jacking' continued, heW of stale from Israel's most mill· taut Arab enemies -.Eaypt, Jordan and Syria -and 1 top lr~q~ official met for the se- cond day in Cairo to dl.acuu joint military strategy aaainst braeL , wovl' tOl'YI &o4 1l111p..,,fo, th o lfttlotiel 1ood th.I• Mt•lq wo11ltl lttl119. Jotut 11iii th.of ,.,,.. foU~wod hhfl to 11t th1 loav11 111d t.1het, J11. 5:26. Miss America R opefuls Rehearse l11ltlo1 thit GENERAL prov14011c1 tow1nf 111 '"'"• thtrt 11 1 Sl'ECIAL pr1vlcl111co f1wo r1'119 thoto who /..,."! 1114 ""'' God. Tho l lblo 11y1, "111 lhi1191 work fotolhtr fwir 91CHI 1111foo il111n that 1,.,, &H'', ~om. 1:11. Oa wicf 1oid, "I hove 1101 ••11 tho rl9hf10111 fon1k111 , 11or hit 101d bog9l119 bro1cl'', 1'1, )7:15. '•ul 111•. "Tho p11c1 of God, which p1111th 111 11M11,.t•ndin~. 1htll keep yD1tf he•rh •IHI mind1 throu,h Ck,i1t J•1111", Phil. <4 17. TUNIS, Tunisia (UPI) - Libya's one-day-old military regime. said today it would honor all of Libya's prior agreements and ordered its citizens to p r o t e c t the posses.sk>na or all foreigners including vast western oil coo- cessions and the U.S. Wheelus Air Base. The Libyan news agency resumed its broadcasting in Arabic after a 24-bour silence that followed the bloodless coup Monday in wtlich a group Engineer,50 Gets Lung Of Youth, 17 of military ofli0tta overttirew ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) ol Kin I.a 1 -A team of Univers.ity of the governmMt g ldr Michigan BUrgeons, with three and established what it called su-essful heart tnuu;plant.s to a "Socialist Republic." ...... their credit, transplanted tile The political orientation or left lung o! a 17.year-old traf- the government became fie vlctlm l<.1onday into the clearer today when Syria join-chest of a SG-year-old engineer ed Egypt. Iraq and lhe Sudan dying of emphysema. in recognWng the new govern-ment. The delicate six-hour opera· In London. Britain an· lion ~·as perfonned only nounced It had rec e Ive d because doctors felt Albert assurances from the new Lee Carnick of Bloomfield Hills, l<.Uch .. had a chance of regime that it would honor all survival. Only one previous treaties ~nd. agreements made. recipient of some two dozen by th: c1vl11an government of Jung transplants conducted Pi:m1er Wanls Al Qu~daffi. slnce 1963 is still alive. which was overthrown 111 the;,, Doctors would not comment Monday ~P· . . on C.rnic:t).J condition follow. (A Br1tlsh !ore1gn office ing the operation and sakl no .spokesman said the new report would be made unt.il his regim~ .handed a nw:ssag~ t~ condition "stabilized." the British Embassy in Tripoh Carnick a father of four expressln~ the "revolut.ionary received ihe replacement fo; command s detmnlnation lo his diseased left Jung in an honor all treat Its and operation tha t began at 11:47 ag;eem.enta." The s~ke~man a.m. Monday, just two sa1d Libya gave s 1 m 1 I a r minutes after the heart of assurances to otMr nations. donor Richard A. May stopped The Libyan regime an-beating. nounced it would. partly llft tne The Jackson High School 24-hour curfew unposed Mon-student llad received critical day immediately followtnc the head wounds in an auto ac- dawn coup. The. revolut.lonary cldent early Sunday morning command council said person~ and doctors: In Jackson found could move freely from IO no evidence o( life in bis brain. a.m. lo 1 p.m. Heading lhc surgical team Pope lo Reveal ~farriage Rules VATICAN CITY <UPll - Pope Paul VI will announce soon new rules which may remove some of th6 obstacles to marriage of R o m a n Catholics with non.CathoUcs, Vatican sources said today. He said he also is drafting a document on Catholic dialogue with the orthodox. aimed at helping overcome 900 years of ~parallon between the two churches. was Dr. Donald Kahn, who performed the three heart transplants at the U · M ~fedical Center during the past year, the first last Sept 19. Israel Indicts Australian JERUSALEM (UPI) Israel has indicted Michael Denis Rohan for setting fire to El Aqsa l<.fosque in Jerusalem. attributing t h e 28-year-old Australian'! action lo "his e:ir- treme religious conVictioo." Police Laud Youths Brazilians Unpertw·bed ByT~keover RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Brazill ens went about life normally today. apparently unperturbed by the substitu- tion of a military junta for their ailing military president. The afmy remained on the alert, but there were no dlsturbances following t h e change of command Sunday night. Financial institution1, closed Monday on government order, were reopenlng today. The ministers of the anny, navy and air force formed a junla that set aside the con· stitut.ion and look over the powers of President Arthur da Costa e Silva alter he suffered a stroke. They bypassed Vice President Pedro Aleixo, a civilian who should have become acting president under the conslHuUon. But nobody had expected that t h e military would let him t a II: e over. Although the junta said ·lht takeover was temporary, until Costa e Silva recovered, there was considerable doubt he would make a comeback before his tefr.I ex~ires in 1971. There were predictions a strongman whould emerge from the junt.a. Happiness Is Festival LEWISVILLE. r ... !UPI) -Tiie rock fertivat enttrtd a new era of cooperation and the .so.called generaUon gap clos- ed somewhat when the mayor and the police chief of thls small, conservative north Tex- as town told 70,000 youtha; "Welcome to Lewisville. You'n we I come back anytime." The speeche.s were the first of their klnd in the hi!tory of rock fe!tlvals and marked a 180 degree turn from the violence that marred festival s earlier this summer. Alex Cooley_, the D-year-old promoter of thia festival and a former A t l 1 a t a restaurant owner, CJ tied the fe.stlval, wltich ended just before dawn today, an unqualified sucem. Cooley said plaM were being made for a 2nd annual Texas- International Pop Festival here next year. He said only t.he final loglstica needed to be ironed out. •·Some towns have police, other towns have cops," said the feJtlval 's master of ceremonies Monday following the performance of an English rock IJ'OOP called Ten Years After. "But here in Lewisville, we. have peace officers." With that introduction, Lewisville Polk< Chief Ralph Adams walked onto the ata1e, two fingers ol ru. right bond emnded in 1he peace IYIJlbol adopl<d by the youth, ml told the crowd, "Welcmie lo LewisvUle ." "You've shown the elders around these parts something: thef've needed to be shown for a king, long time," Adams said and 80me 70,000 young persons attending the festival game him a standing ovatlon. "You don'l nted police here," he said. "Not with the way you've been polleins yourselves." Adams said no arre1ts were made in the camping area ad· jacent. to the fe:stlval grounds and only one lnskle the fence SWTOOnding the festival area. The person wu a local citizen .,,,_ for thtutenillg .. beal aome festi val goers with a beer botUe. 84 STO~ES ••• ALL 72° and open nightly tlll 9 :30 South Coast ?lua t -.rcr.. ... ., .... D90 ,_.,, CClftl\ ~ the C1lnlestants that each has an equal chance to will the lllle. ~llss Bryant is replacing Bess r.1eyerson Grant aa NSC. TV's tele\'islon commentator ''•hen the show is aired live Saturday nlgh1 at 10 p.m. to more than 100 million viewers. . ling the meeting. Albert A. 1arks Jr., execuUve pro- du of the pageant, told the gi rls the production th.is year ha.s not really gone. mod, ju.s~ ''contemporary.'' He said tht ael$ were not psychedelic, just "colorful." In addition to the set fOT tht theme number, which Includes suspended trlanglea of orange and black, wtlite and black and red and black chec~ air. other ~t wUI Include huge aun- glassei suspended u a back· drop. During Monday's meettrc, the girls were warned that "'the Image of the pageant influences the y o u th of America." Egypt's foreign minister, ?.fahmQUd Rlad, said the rour officials agreed at the apening seaston Monday "on th e neces!lly of moblllzillg •II Arab efforts to face Israeli a,:- srMSion." Authorities in Damascua r&U>ed to discloae t h e whutabcllts of Samueloff and Moualem. Polit.kal IOW'tel said they were being In· terrogat.e.d at the defense minWy in ij)6 capital. .A,,t YOU • Chri1fi•111 Do lOlt k•v• tli•t .. ,...<• of G•d whiclrt lrt1 inle11d..J f01 ALL 1111117 IDlie•t J•1111, f9P911t ef 1i11, co11f•11 his 11ern1, bt b1pt!11d !1110 Chri1I -the11 four lt•ftl rnel• you 1 Ch,htle11: the11 bt FAITHFUL u11to dttfh •ncl you will h••• p••<D, 11ot only here, bul li1r1eft1,, (Mk, 16:15,16, A.ch l :]t , 6tl. J:27, Ach 22 :1 •, I f•t. l :21, 11.e•. 2:101. n is is lh• W•l te pr•flt from 6"'• TOTAL Pll.OVIOENCE. PhollD ,, writ• for frM lt.oklet 1111119 •f 6od'1 we., of 1•l••tio11. Oiurch of Chrllt, 2J7 W. Wil1t11 St. Cati• M1111 C1. ,2,27. 5<45-<4100, 541°20<47. , • • 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. 2. lhe Guaranteed Income Plan. Deposit $1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each year all your principal and fr\tereat remain, we'll guar· anlee a 5.25o/. annual rate, compounded dalty'. It adds up to 5.39o/o a year. · Open an account o1 $1,000 or more for 36 to 60 months. We'll gu•r•ntff you a 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded dally, with Interest paid out to you each qu.arter. In case of hardship or emergency, you cen withdraw at any time With lull interest paid to the end of the provlou1 quarter. 3. The Bonus Plan. Earn a bonus of y, % a year when your account is held lo 3-year maturity. This is in addition to the regular 5o/o current annual rate. Regular Interest is compounded daily end may be credited quarterly for extra earnings. Withdrawals before maturity earn at the regular passbook rate. Any'8mount of $1 ,000 or more opens and maintains your bonus eccounl All funds held to maturity earn an effective annual rate of 5.25%. 4. ·The Basic Plan. The mbat flexlble.plan. You can Invest any amount of money and withdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave all your money and Interest in your account for a year at our current 5% annual rate with tnterest compounded daily~ you 'll receive an annual yield of 5.13%. You eam interest from the day you deposit your money 'Ill the day you withdraw It. Plus.,. the money you deposit by ths 1 Olh of a:ny ,month eftms Interest from, the 1st, when It remains untll quarter's end. C~llf~~!ql~!!tl!!~§!!l!!gs NATION'S LARGESr FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbor Blvd:. n•r Adams • 548•2300 alFfORD M. WC:SOOAF, VICE Pl\ESIDENT & MANAGER I - l I ., • ' ~ • •• .. • . • I • ·: • I? • ! -• " I ~- I ! ' '. • • ' '"~ DMLY PILOT EDITOBL\L PAGE • I • • ·Too .· LoW ~ . a Prior.ity .~ . . . . • . .. F91JUrt Of ·thO Older feftOrtt!on lo aS!ign ptiorltltl 1n sensible, human terms is often cited as one reason for the alienation of yo\rlh 1rom thO<e over 30. present, ~:Xn with the lntemel combll!Uon engln~ lbe ·m$t Ill the irowtnc threat lo health trom .. . • .. lnnog. 1 In at feast one area -smog -the olde, genera~ lion can slde wltli youib In a!l-<Jut protest. Thousands die every year fi<>m lung aliment& brought on by air pollution In o.ur clti•s. in Los Angeles alone, some lOfOOO residents Jeave every year on fheir doc· tors' advice to escape the ravages of smog. . Wb'1 it -.om.. down to uslgn!Df rr1orttle1, ••• of th'l blgbeot sboulcl-1>e"tli!s problem. I this· naUon ••• put t01.•thlr a · \elm i o bl~y skill~ and dedicated- that It fan put men, safely on the moon and bring them back, s.urely'lt can mobilize, the brains needed to solvo the smog pi®lem at the automotive and all other levels. • . ' ,. ... .. ' ' And yet the federal government is spending a Jl!IUry $2.2 mllllon per·year lo combi! ·po11ut!on generate<t, lly milllom of internal combustion1 automobile motOrs. Wbat we need Is ibe will to do 11, and lo back II · tinanclati to the limit. . y • Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, President Nixon's , scie:nc,e adviser, said last week that the government.I' hopes to double lhe annual allocation. for aiJU.smog research. '.But even at f4.4 million, the sum would llill be paltry and even ridiculous in relation to the seriousness and urgency of th• health and environmental proj>fem. Dr. .DuBridge said the hydrocarbon,eml&Sion1 from automobiles, a major cauae of air .pollution, win d'!"ll•• in Los Angeles• by 1980 lo the !eve! of ~940, 'when the problem was practically nil. But .l!ils could be offset by the vastly Increased number Of velilCles in the area. Wbat is called for, obviously, Is a major break- through in technolop-which , would 'm,ak~ l!O•lllble a whole new concept 1n interruil. . combusUon engines <>r their replacemept with steam or eled.rit: or-natural.gas or .some other energy source capable of equalling or 1urpa.ssing internal combustion performance. A rumor raced across the nation in the early .1920s. and penisted for years, that the· steam cars aeveloped in that era were bought up and suppressed by the oil andtor automoUve manufaclurlng compantes ID protect their interests. No proof of .such a conspiracy is on the public rec- ord. And it's reasonable to assume that both industries fully recognize that the naUon cannot continue on its Our Own Little Poll Orange County 'EducaUon Poll (with apo!Ollles to the barbershop pollster, County School Supl lloberl Peterson): Q. Our county has a school board. What is· It& pur- pooe In life? , A. TheoreUcally, II trlel to help district school boards with special .services and programs, wbUe ad· mliilstering some special COUDty-operated schools. Q. Theoretically? Wbat does It actually doT A. Lately it has !unctioned mainly ' as a po!Jtlcal sounding board for -Jlllra--eonservatives who are more concerned with promoting their reactionary views than in contributing to the cause of better education jn the fast..moving Space Age. These are the regressive con-- servaUves, not those who, in the classical conservaUve -sens.e, seek to promote and protect freedom of Utought and Inquiry. - Q. Wouldn't the local district boards do as well or better without COUDIY·level bickering over text books, ser education and b?rbersbop polls! Why do we need a county board? A. I'm glad you asked that question! , Charm Accep t ed cu Equiv alent of Government P sych iatrists, P sycholog is ts Help Students A P olitics of Personality LOS ANGELES -FUteen months away from another election, Gov. Ronald Reagltl is still &be most popular pollUctan in Callfomia. Therein lies, as one of his predecessors onee remarked approvingly of a lynching, "a fine Jes.son for the entire nation." The Reagan popularity -5.1 percent in the lat.est poll -is proof of two im- portant political facts in Utls bellwetbu and powerful state. First. there ii CaUfomla'a m:>rmous prosperity. It continues to boom despite a !tate aovemment almost tot.illy io· attentive to the future. ln 1969,Jlnding itsell with a ttOG million budget surplus, thll richellt 1tate in the nation decided to spend it -not on !ts overburdened school system nor its 8.1.r pollution prob1eJll, not even on much· publicized Watts. It decided iMtead to give each home Owner a rebate on hi! property ta.1. At the same time -end in the 1pbi.t ot lair play for all -It pledged to devote an anticlpaltd budget nrplul ln the ntlt tu year to a rebate for COi'• poraUooJ. CALD'OR.NIANS seem g r a t e f u.1. Allhou&ti 200,000 new st.udenl& ~ an- nually flooding ii> p u b 11 c achools, allholl&h art and music m everywhere beinl d r o p p e d lr.m the curricula. aJthough school athletic programs are being cut back and lhough CalUornia '1 • famous open-door polky toward amione who wants to earn a college degree ii rapid!}' bec:omlng a thing of the pas~ the dtlunry seems unworried. As Jess M. Unruh, a Democratic a 1 p t r a n t tD 1t<apn'1 Job remarked, "Things baven'I ; 1 _y rtached a crisis stage yet. The trouble with California ii that it can tread wat.e.r for a long time." Unruh does not menUon the second im- portant poUUcal fact in thil important poUtlcal !late. It II that prosperity al· fords a pollUcs of penonallty and that Gov. flel&an, a charming man, Hem& eertaift, to aurvlve so Jone as charm ii widt)y aecepted as the equiValeol of govemmtnl ·• .. THE PROBLDI IS ancient and by no piean.s CtlliOflllan. Arguing with his cousin Samuel in the days before he becamt Ult Jecor¥I Prelident of the Unjted Slates, Joiui Moms OIPmH<l his {ear that 111n compltlUcn with liberty, the majority of men bl aD agea prefer ease, alwnber and aood cbeer." , 'll>e gloomy Jorebodln( o! the old Federallll -is nmarta1>11 UU that <i Callfomia DemOcrata today. 'Ibey came to polltlcal nialurtty under Edmund G. Brown and Mlped .him plan and tu and tu . and plan· -all ·for ll>: glory of California'• future and the detriment ol their own. ,They IH: , Rtaaan coasting now. and Calllwni• 1lumberl.nc into another crllll. ONE SllCB Pl\OPBET of &loom Is Unruh, the odda-on favorite lo tackle lleagan next year. He hat been around too long to duck the race, hopeless as it seems. His chiel opponent for the Democratic nomination, San Francisco ~ta)'(lr Joseph Alioto, has been hitting Reagan in the on1y Spot wbert il seems tC1 hurt. 'The same poll which shows the ,Governor far out. ln front reveaJtd a big drop-off in public opinion of his1bandllng of cam~ disturbances. Alioto, ham· mering 111ay at_lftagan:s "ovedlll" .dur· iJ1i the helicopter and tear gas episode at Berkeley, Is in put ruponsible. Neither man ii a match fOl'-Reapn in the pollllcs of• penooallly. Bolll have t>Qllt·in weaknesses. Botb .have "forelp- IOUndlni" narnu in a state whl.c'h ls one ot the nation's last urban Anglo-Saxon strongholds, IN ADDmON, Unruh. is the first statewide politician to be damaged by the end of the Kennedy era In Democralic politics. A leader here for both John and Robert Kennedy, he had counted on the crowd-pulling power of a brother who will now almost cert.ai:nly not appear on his beillll l!l 1f/O. Fmall}', both men -u ntuh in partitular -keep talking a b'I> u t "problems." CaWornians doo1t want to hear •bout problems. Jt'1 IWll'lYi the Brown-built treew~ system ii stlU holdln& up; the stata Is growlJll oo faat, the towna end cities 'IO cloee together, that community doesn't-matter any more -not even for the 9Cbool atbleUc teams. Besides, didn't _evf:IY home owner 1eL a thetk from Lhe aovetDOr 1ut m<mtb? A Kindergartener's Trials Remark• that i yOUftg man prtpartn1 to It.art kindergarten gets t\~ of hear· ing: "1 doo'l know why you fetl you have to lead him by the band to class the flnt day, Madge. Alter all, Andrew la not e1· act.J.y a baby any longer." "I hear you're going to have 'ti1iss Blimpstein a1 your teacher. Boy, that old girl i1 a tiger. I had her myseU when I was ln kindergarten. At the end of the year three of 111 kld1 "a'trt missing, and everybody figured 5he ate them." "For two days Andrew has done nothing but polish the apple he plans to give his teacher the first day. Now be's llnally worn tbe peellnjr oil tt." .. IJI' YOU DON"E 'PIY att.e.iUon ln class, Andrew, Miga Bllmpst.eln wlll hang you up by your thumbl and pwr ICK<>ld but- teTmilk down '°"' buk." "Whal'• all lbf' "'" about anyway? Andrew isn't .cohte 'to !he moon .-he'1 just ~g kJnderprten." · "'Don't worry ao much, k"'. Even if you ...... ~ Tuesday, September 2, IJ69 Thf' edUorial pcoc Of UIC' Dcilp Pilot utk1 to Inf°"" and 1Um. ~ rtadtn bJt pn1111ting tlUI llt1DIJ'Ol>Ct'• opllllOftl and '°"" fMfltm'J 01' topia of fntfrcal a..s afgrllfkon«. br ~·g • ,_ for lh• •"l"•ni•• of our "ftldfrr' opinlona. and bu pre1entmy tlie dJvcr1c vf.w- ~ o i•fonncd obi<....,.. Pd rpoltum•~ pica of lh• a.,. Bobar1 N. Weed, Publlsher weather kindergarten, you still hav" 11 more years to go before you'll 1et out of college." "Don't let him pull any fake lllnen on you, Madge. Whet.her he claims he bu 1 fever or a bellyache, I want hlm in that klndtrprten seat when the bell rings." '1 UNDERSTAND that that•litUe bully In the next block 11. 1otnc to be In the Ame kindergarten clMS with you, Andrew. Don't lei him lcnock all your front teeth out." "If yau aren't poUte · io .n ·the little glris,.Andrew, MiSI BUrnJietdn wlll mae you stand 'in the: corner and ltt them tbrow,s:pltba.lll at you." "You'll get to do all kinds of fa.9CinaUng lhJnp, i\ndrew -auch as 1alloplng around the room tc musk:, rut- llnf out doUI, and leamlna to dr1w and c:okr Uitlo white Iambi In green Jll'UI." '"What do you mean you think you'll drive him to actmt e"Yfl'Y 'day, Made•? Yoo'U no1 0011 1poll him -yoo'U arunt his growtll. Lei him w111<. It'll do him aood." 1'MOM, l 'M NOT 1olr11 to hl\'e Andrew tqglng 1k>ng 1fter me to acbool every day. Wi1at11 the otheT guy1 In the third grade Wnk U I aotta stap every 1 ... ltepl to lei my blby broth<t caich up with me?" _ "If you 'W1pe your nose on the ateievt of 1·our sweater, Andrew, Mia Bltmplteln will mah yoo drink Ink 1Jfstead of milk for f(JJ.E lunch." "Now quit blubbering, Andr.,,. I insist you ,.1ear Mort panta to k1nder1anen. You klOi '° darUna in them. You can -hive tong pants v.·hen you start first irade." "No, you can't take the dog ~'ith you •.• or the cat •.. or your turtle , .. or any other pet. You Ju.st take )'ourscll, undentand?" "IF YOU'RE A really good hoy. you'll be rewarded. Y.ou may be permitted to beat the blackboard erasers." "If you talk out loud in class ~·hen you're not supposed to, 1.-tiss Blimpstein will probably twist your ean with a palr of pliers." "When t was in kindergarten. there w11 a mean little red-haired girl who used tD tic.It me everytline Yt'e were In the cloakroom. By the end of the first week my shins v.'ere all bruised black &Dd blue." "Of course, if you Ounk ldndergartf'n they'll make you stay in it unUI you pau -even if it takes until you're 21 years okt." ' Dear Gloomy Gus: He who boycotla .,.,... lllouldn't ' play In Martha's Vlney&rd. -T.L.K. u ~~' Student unrest, student dhi& use, and black·whlt.e i-elaUons are among a diffuse ·.agenda far dlsaw.ion at 1he annual con- venUon of America's psychologi&b in the nation's capital which opened Aug. 31. The central theme. is,. "Pl)i~ as a Means of Promoting }lumin · \feJfare. •• Symposia were to be · devoted tlJ eve.rv· Utlng lrom computers ·to arms' contrOI. Recognition of the need for more thao faculty or administrative guidance for students ls a relatively new thing. A quarter of a century art? there wete few psychiatrlsU, Jet alone psychologists, on the campuses. Now, says one prac· titloner, if you wanted. to estimate the number of psychologists JCUve in academe -aside from researchers and acholars -you would have to lake the number of major state universities and "multiply by at least 10." THE DISTINCTION belween th e psyebiatrisl and the psychologist, once sharply drawn, ia now b I u r r e d • Technically, a psychJatri!t is a doctor of medicine who speciallzes in trtatment of menlat Illness, whether by individual or group means and whether by psychological or ph)1iologtcal methods. A· clinical psychologist 11 a person without an M.D. degree, though often with lhe degree or Ph.D. Jn psychology, who is qualified to treat mental illness ' by psychological methods but n o t to prescribe drugs. Besel by anxieties and con.fusions, today1s -college· and university !tudents are turning more and more to pro- fessional guidance. David A. HUis of the Center for Psychologk:al Services, W~e forest University, says he: sees in the 10 years of exlste~ of his center a SO ptr· cent increase in the number of students who seek help. AT SO~tE OF TIIE state university col<mi, fO or 50 psychologl.sts may be resident. Dr. Hills has said: "When enough of lhe students have a~mulated a sufficient reservoir of tensloo in the absence of any good opportunity to blow oU steam hannlesaly, and when some student leaders or local situations provide an issue, lhe lid comes off." At least one person ln every 10 has some fonn of mental or emotional illness: thal needs professional treatment, notes the N,Uonal AssociaUon for Mental l~ealth. "All of us, under severe pressure , have to talk it out with someone if onJy a friend," says Hills. Or. Rollo P.1ay writes: ••ey destructive behavior, rflany a child or adolescent has rorced the group to noOct him. To be aclh·ely hated is a1most u &ood as to be actively liked: it breaks down the utterly unbearable sltuaUon of anonymity and aloneness." DESPITE AniEAl\ANCES, campus activilts teem to be slightly leu alienated than nonacUviSU. In a 56-page monogr1ph prepared lor the U,S. Office of Education and reW:ued two years ago, Dr. J05e.pb Kali of St.an£ord University loond that atudeot actlvllts "ltnd to ba more flezlble, tokranl, and rtallstic; lea dependent upon aulhor:lty, rules or rituals for manaJlnr aoclal relationships. Or . Krnnelh Kenniston of the Yale MedicaJ ~hool also finds that young acUv~ll as a g r o u p are more lnlel11gent, ltsS prej· udlctd, Jess alienated. ind closer to their pareiits than nonactivtst.s of the 11ame age. -I .. _ • l • 'Oh bo'.Y! AnotMr free cigar!' French Medicine: Maladie de Foie· Watching a play by Cocleau not long ago, J was amused when one of the characters walked off Ute stage remark· ing : "The doctor says there's something wrong with my liver." Those sitting near me In the audience who hadn't ever been Ill in France couldn 't understand my snicker: but to those qf us who have undergone the rigors of French medicine, It conjuffli up • perfect pictun: of the Gallic approach to ailments. SOME SUMMERS AGO I was strolling a1ong the Promenade des Anglais In Nice. bareheaded. like inost 'foolish Americans. under the blazing !Wl. Suddeply I felt gid· dy and staggered for the nearest bench. I was helped back to my hotel, and U1e doctor was summoned. He probed and prodded varlous parts of my anatomy. and left me with a shrug and a drug prescription. "It's nothing," be said, "merely maladle de fole." Every illnes.! of less conseOuence than cancer is maladle de fole In France, you soon find. Opinion in France, both lay and medical, is firm and unanimous that the liver Is the stat of 99 percent of human complaints, and liver pills are as pro- miscuously taken there as aspirins over here. IN l\tllCH THE SA!\1E way, malaa\e de fole serves as the social equivalent of the "splitting headache'' in America as an excuse for non-attendance or early departures or just plain jumpiness. One ----.... rea5011 the French get so rew headaches, I am convinced, is that they have the good old reliable liver to depend on when their tempers are taut I don·t" mean to deprecate the me'dical ability of the Frencb doctors : they are no mc.-e ignorant than ours. It's simply that their ignorance takes a different, and possibly more novel, turn. Jn lhis coun· try. doctors also shrug (though not so elaborately) and call 'il ''ner\'es." EACJI COUNTltY 11.\S its o~·n national ma!ndy -its n1edical anthem. so to speiak. in Germany, it ls der Stoff. wecbsel, the n1etabo!ism. that is seen as lhe mot of 1nost disorders. Everything is der Stoffv.·echsel, if the doctor can't suc- ceed in finding the underlying cause of a sympWm or condition, An American friend of mine recently had a swelling of th e fool-an allergic reaction to some drugs -expensively diagnosed as "defective metabolism" by a Gcnnan specialist. And. lest you hasWy accuse me of nicdical xenophobia. permit me to quote no Jess a celebrated Europefln than Denis Diderot t h e philosopher a n d en-- cyclopedist. ~·ho once sh r u g g e d magnificently and delh ered himself of lhe judgment: "Ellfln, the best doctor is the one you run for and can •t find." The Sino-Soviet Conflict To the Editor : The Russians and the Chinese seem on the vetgc of fighting a border ,.,.ar which could turn into an all out noclear war. The pessimist will predict that all out war is inevitable while the optimist will predicate that the fi ercest fi ghting will take place on the propaganda front. Of course, no one can look into the future and describe v.·hR1. will happen but one can look into the past and try to delennine ·why these two Communist giants are at such odds with each other. THE CO~UIUNIST movement ls based on the theoretical principles that were thought up by Marx, Engels and Lenin. These individuals believed that the establishment that existed in their times should be replaced by something better • Each of these three geniuses did what any good philosopher did in ancient Greece. He sat and thought up what a perfect political and social order sbould be like without any kind of ex- perimentation. THUS WAS BOR.~ the theoretical prin- ciples that must be translated into ex-· phclt orders so that each indlvklual in the Communist world will know what to do day by day. These lnter~taUool were first done in Moscow and all member1 of the world Communist movement ac· cepted lbe orders without question. Then for-one reaBOR or another many local Communlst parties started to 1$5\lc the ir own orders and IOlllt of the orders ac- tually contradicted prevk>us onitr1 that had been i&sued by Moscow. HOW IS IT posslble for one set of in- terpreters to contradict enotber set while lnterprttlng ldentlc!I theor,Ucal prin- ciples? The leftders o( Ru551a ;ind China would also like to N!solve th is problem because this problem 111 drlvin& Moscow to Initiate a preventative v.·ar agaln!it the Chinese. HARRY B. McDONALD, JR (-1 j " •• !. ~ • ·l\failhox lette~ trom rt..,fr! •re we/com~ Norm•ll~ W'•'• f1'1 :.houtd cori~ thflr meu..91\ 1" JOO w11•d' or k u . Tne r'9nt to cOf"cttllil! 1!11!•1 to 1.1 JP•ce or ~lmln•te llbet r1 rtffrllfd "If io!ler! "'ust lnclu~• •klrtttu~ 8nd "'~lliftll tdct•ess, 11111 "'""s mo~ ~· Wlll\htlO ~ l"l!flllrll If $Ultit!t111 ""°" b -rfn! J>11 blir Acress To the EdiWr : I "'ish to compliment Chairman David Baker oI the Orange County Board of Supervisors for Introducing the "public aceess tc public lands" Policy 8latement. 1 a I so wish to C1>mpliment Supervisor Robert Batlin, that he spoke up vigorous· Jy in favor of this statement, and against further ael:iy for study. The right of the public to access to the mep.n H.ightide line along the coast, which is in ~ffect for the coast cities. Is needed very urgently. All the facts are known, especially since the Salt Creek case. ls un· dcr discussion. I also compliment Supervisor Bottin that he was the: only supervisor wtM.took lhe time to look personally al the long disputed and abandoned Salt Creek Road. I wish to CQmpliment the DAILY PILOT on its stand concerning Salt C..'rttk. MRS. BETIY HECKEL By George Dear George: t read an advice c61umnist who Hid to use a fork and a large spoon when eattna spagheW. MY lrouble is that J h.ave trouble getting lbe large spoon lnto my mot.1th. What shoUld t do? · R.F. Or-ar R.F.: Ute: the fork ~ndlt 1111 iii Je\•tr. (I'll be glad whtn !he cUqurUe oolumnis:t gets beck fro1n vaca· lion.) ' ' Griilily --· A .ks ttac . _, Dad,. Sons ' JASPER •. Alta. (AP) -A San FraqclScO man made a vain .uernP\ to save his two Wis from being mauled by a griitly bear Sunday by at- tracUng the animal lo himself. t(en Rogers, 49, and ·hll two sons, Ken, 17,. and James, l4, o! 5624 Fulton ,Street San Francisco were. taken to Jasper Hospital · aftei ' the' at- tack suffering skin punc~. scratches and abrasions. tn an interVjew, Roiers said he and his sons cam~ upOti the bear suddenly ·while hiklng toward the Signal Mountai11 lookbut in Jasper Nalional ·QUEENIE· -....... , Phil ·lllferlclndl ' . • ' " Cases · Link·Ptobe'd VENTURA (AP)-Honlickle detectives from Vent.Ura and Long Beach say they will con- fer cin • pOssible 1lnks ·bttW~n1 • the de'aths of two women whose nude bodles were founq ovet th:e weekend. · The body of Mrs, Doria Dia%, 30, Yentura, was fO!-Jnd at the foot of a 30-foot chU not far from the cOast after she bad been missing for t\YO weeks. Abo!tt 70 miles soulh, the boslY of Kathleen flutts, 21, ·Glen- dale, was fouild behind a fur· niture store on U1e Pacific Coast Highway. Park, about 200 miles west of l~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~'._:~::::~d Edmonton. · As the 41limal m o v e d Miss Butts had been stran- gled, Long Beach· poll~ said Monday. Ropes tied her hands •nd feet anc1 • rope was 1oop. Ti·e·asw·er". ed about her neck, office.rs towards them; Rogers wav,ed '.'C'mon, Harry-it's a.;simp1e traffic citation a.nd I his arms to attract its at-can handle it alone-wait in the car!" &aid. A gold wedding ring was · • •• h .. finger, poll" ·••id: Sia·ie· Bo·. n·· ds .. tention and shoute4 at his boys ---------------------Mrs. Diaz had no clothes or adornment at all. officers to run. •·1 thought by getting the . bear to notice me, ffi,Y sons would have a chance to get away," said Rogers, a teacher and biologist. The bear attacked RGgets, knocking him to the ground. mauling him, scratching and biting his back. Rogers said he thought he was going to be killed, b\ll lhe bear," apparently attracted by sounds of the boys running away, suddenly left him. He said he watched as the bear ran down one of the boys, knocked him to_ the ground, mauled him for a few seconds and then conUnued on to the second boy and knocked him to the ground. "After mauling bolh Ken and J8mes, the bear ambled away. None of us was serioll.s-- Jy injured." The· bear began to waoder down the mountain, but Rog- ers Mid his-sons climbed trees and waited. The bear soon re- turned, but passed by them and continued up the mowt- tain. said, and none were found~ 'H ·id B · 1,, nearby:cause of death was e acn,_ not imitledia.tely· determined. , . Pofice said Mrs. Diaz h.id SACRAMENTO (UPI) .- Toll Ride been dead about 13 i:la)'s, or But Just for Half of . Cnrs right after her h"5band re-Sates or C.lifornia construe. ...., ported her missing. Miss Butts tion bonds were '1held back · · SAN FRANclSCO. (AP) - One-way tolls on the San Francisco-Oa~and Bay Bridge were welcomed . by cheering chorus or auto horns -tooted by eastbound toll-free motorists. No such jubilation Monday v.·as noted among v.•estbound motorists who now must pay 50 cents per crossing -twice the previous rate. The one-way toll system, in- stituted tO reduce CQngestion and save ·$300,000 per year Jn toll collectors' salaries, also went into effect on the San • ~ · was killed over the weekend, markedly" in fiscal I~ ~1ateo and l> u m b a r t o n offictrs said. bridges, \\'here westbound tolls because they could not com. are now doubled to 70 cents. pete with jnfei:-est rates. avail~ But the scene on those U uh U ~ •ble elsewhere, Treasurer lcy bridges was nothing like the nr r ge Baker Piiest has r~ed. events described oo lhe Bay The sla~ sold $42l.S million Bridge six or seven minutes More Beaches in b6rids during the fiscAJ yea"r before midnight by highway which ended June 30, Mrs. patrolman \Vallace Erskine. LOS ANGELES (UPI)-The Priest said ii) a r:ew.i re-: The tolls were·1ifte0 fdr easl=---State Division of Beaches and ~-leased ~onday. Sales in re- bound traffic at 12:01 a.m. Parks has been "woefully ne-c.e.nt years have ranJ.~ from Monday. glecUul" in purchasing beach ,.SPOO~II)illion .~9 $600 rn!i-liQ~, \he C t rted hal1; .... • "" ~operties, Assemblyman treasurer· said. ' ars s a Wil6 about iN Jesse M. Unruh charges. Construction bonOs, v:ith r~t .sh9rt of ~e toll pl~. "Much of the money set thelr Interest rate held by the \V1thin a few atinutes, h.e said,· .aside has been wasted because -state · 'Constitulion to a maxl-sev~ral hundred Carli piled.up .0f rising land prices and in-mum of 5 percent, have sold .behµJ d them. A _few ~ ~!-flatton,~' -the Inglewood Dem-slowly in the· current inflated ed around the Jam and paid ocrat said in a statement is-market. . .their ~ cent tolls, but after sued Monday. Unruh noted Mrs. Priest said lhe slate mi~Dight the. rest ~unded that Los· Angele.! Cow:ity has h~ .. sti!l not sold some $1.3 their horns m .chorus and only· one-tenth of-·an inch ol b1lhon· 1n 6Chool, park, veter· drove through the plaza free. public beach per resident. . ans, bl,lilding and water bonds~ r ·---·~ . -,.,.,, ' ' ·• . - - ' King~ Road .SwealerA in S hades o'f Fall '69 Casual comfort calls for the foll fashioned v .neck of 100% virgin I:i.iii b's wool. · Sadd le shoulder styli ng wi th rib knit cuffs·and bottom. In ·country ' blue, brown, green or gold. «.;H.tRGE r,r 011. SefrA '!e••h·ini C"arp ' · ''"'' tJ/he.Yl!c 11 J·. Jlr·rr' · Shop Monday Thru Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ,• ---. ~ After wailing a few minutes, the three then climbed from their trees. drove to a park in- formation booth and were then taken to hospi tal. Park officials said there was no apparent reason for the at- tack. Wardens have closed roads In the area and began hunting for U1e animal immediately after -the attack , but -ill: searching Sunday and MOnday 've re unable to locate the bear. They were lo continue the hunt today. Fall Campus Revolt Seen By Reagan COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -California's Gov. Ronald Reagan says he expecl.s more trouble from dissidents on college campuses this fall. ' ••1 tan't'believe tl!al the.~ pie behind lhls;·1beJ.Trganiz:en . ·i of this. {lre going to giveup so easily," he" told a news con- ference 1i1onday during the National Go v er no rs Con· ference. He said he hopes college ad· ministrators have I e a r n e d from last year's campus violence tha t militants' non- nego tiable demands should be rejected. HowtQ.1ei more.Jc>ryeur long diStanee· 11011ar. ·· . . ·'· . . . . Cycle Gangs Arrested KERNVILLE (AP) -Sixty· three members of two Los Angeles motorcycle g a n g s have been peacefully arrested for failing to leave a restricted camping area al the south end of Sequoia National Foresl Authorities said 43 men and 2Q women from ' ' T h e Righteous Ones" and .. The ~tonks" were booked Monday on charges of trespassing and failure to disperse from the Corral Creek Picnic Area about 70 miles northeast of Bakers[ield. A complaint by the U.S. Forest Service .brought some 35 peace ofOcers including men from the Kem County and Tulare County Sheriff's office$ aod the California llighway Patrol. After the roundup, the gangs' cycles were lmpaunded by the U.S. Forest Servi~ at Kernville, deputies said. Most of those arrested were releas· ed on their OYln recognizance. Tell Your Kids To Reod Uncle Len's Column During this relatively quiet summer, Ufires were set in JO days at the University of California at Berke l ey, Reagan said. 2,500 Acres Of Grass Burnt HOLLISTER (AP) -· A grass fire, fanned b)' strong, erratic winds, spread over an estimated t ,500 acres in a 10- hour perioct Monday i n Panoche Valley 25 miles southeast of here. Firefighters had the fire $J percent contained by darkness. Ten aerial tankers dumped an estimated 40,000 gaJIOns or retardant on the blaze. Gets Big J ets SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Pan American World Airways plans lo begin flying the big Boeing 747 between San Fran- cisco and Hawaii next Jan. fi. The 747, which has a load ca· pacity more than double the current Boeing 707. will carry 362 passengers. The cabin ls 2il feet wide and 188 feet long. ALL STORES OPEN TONIGHT AT FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER Pacific Co•1t Highway between Jamboree and MacArthur Now Possible To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop The ltc:hi..,, Reli.ve Pain In Moat C.-. · New Yed; lQ,T. (S,.faJ): Set.. of the tnnamed llemorrhoJda •nee haa -!opnd .a medjcation took1)1~. with the ahJllLt, in mott t.uea Tbt: teetttf• Pr@aratlon.B'•. -to profijltlv atop Jt.chinr, Ther•'• no other lotmu.la· 1'ellc•e paftli-.nd act.ually •h.rink like ftl Pre.pa ratio• H ale• hemorrhoids. 1ooth•1 lrrftai•d lttauel' and Tet~ bt doctors Jlrfl\·ed l~at holP1 prevent Jort.hel' lnftctlon. In «'•°M after ca•~. while pntt1 Itt oiatm•nt. or •1lPPOllL6tf 1·elie•inr psin, •ctual redud::lon form. 1. Jot down what you want to talk about beforeyou call . : . ...... • '. ·2. Call station·to·station in· stead of person-to-perso n. 3~ f4lll i11 .the evenihg; or anytime:over the weekend. !.•., ,.,_, . ,:J_;'' .. . ,. @ P~~:Telephone We're here to help •. 1 • ,. ' •. '" ;. ' . , ' " . . ·--~ ... -• f DAil Y I'll OT Tllttdal, $t9ternbtr 2. 1969 • County Freeway NetWQrk Hall Fini.shed Crossword Pw:de ACROSS .... "s .. ,. mtlmaf 47 A11gcn1nt 41 Muslc1I ltltpo YtStenllJ'~ Pmte Solvtd: °' Abnoot llalf of tbe <>nos< Caunty freeway 1y•t.em. as propo..ed by tbe Calllomla Division of Hl.ghwty's Dlstr1ct 7 Muter Plan, hu been com. pletad. The scheduled ntl work of freeways is elpecled to cover 2i7 .6 miles In Ute county by the year 191Kl. c.olmty ttsidents now have 109.J mUes of limited accc&S roadw&)'S open for dally ux. with an additiooaJ 7 .I m.l\ts under construction. Routes totaling 197.2 mJles have already been adopted. The following is a summary of tht present st.atus and plan- ned future conslructlon of freeways in Oran.le County. Oxnpleti<>os dates ""1 vary because of wMk stoppage dur- ing July and August. SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, In January 1869 the San Diego Freeway was opened to meet the Santa Ana Freeway junc- tion near El Toro. The com- pleted Route 40S extends from Orange County to Sherman OW in Los Angel.ea County. It ls 73 milts lon1 and was built at a cost of $290 million. SANTA ANA FREEWAY: Widening of h1le.rslale 5 lo eig)ft Janes from San Juan C&plslra.Do to the San Diego Freeway Jund.ion was oom- pltted to May 1169. Route s t1m WU Widened to siJ lane! from that pWit to tbe Logun. Fteeway. ORANGE FRE~Ay, '11ie first two mile1 ol Route 57 opened between the Riverside Freeway and Nutwooc! Avenue in Fullerton in June 1969. Construction is under way nottb to lmperiaJ Higbw1y in Dru, a !.S mile :rttttcb. It will open next summer. The California H i i h w a y DEATH NOTICES NIXON Jt1fl """' Hh<Oll. aD lltwrt'I' Drlw, P1wdoont. 0.1• !If 0.1111, Au1111I 1'. S<irvlYfd by rnolMr. J-M. "l!•oni IH'ot,,.,, Mlr.,..H f , NIJ001. Qr1n1f. Stn1c:es wlll bl Mid Weonew11.. I PM. PKlfk: View Clllu>t1. lnt .. mt"t, PKlfk View !Mmor1-I P•"-· OlrKlftl Ir>' PKlfk Vir# Mort1<1ry, WILLIAMS c Jeff WllllM•U. 0.le ol dNI!\. •u· tint :». Ila~! of IGO Slial<lt llOl<I. St1I BMcri. Surviuld lw *"'' l-tl!•• of 1111 !'olme; ....._ °"'"'" J. w110..,... "'1• IMWll ,... _,,,,_, -.... 11. ... ....,.lllMW. Slrril:M -· ,,... Jo. "'"' ,......,, l fiM. Paclfk V.... (P\...... ~' fiKlfk Vlftt ,.._ moril4 ,.,._ Olf'IC?elil '" Pedlk Vltw --BROWN Ortiflll C. S-. Diie 'II -.111 .• .,.. lfllll '1. ~le.ft Mfldlrr9 11 W1lltllfl CN,.i Mor1111N __..., BOLT Emll'10ll 8flt eon. '*'4 T11t1k\. c..11 Mn.t. 0.lt GI' cllllt\.. AllllUIT JI. $!.If". vill ld by •l1tfl". M... Ct,.1'1'!1 I'. H1r1l11t1, COlll MISll : wnt, Mt .. C- Mur~. Ml~rl; lwo t1ltcti 11111 "1rft M°""'". Prl111!1 w r .. k• *~<"t '°'tld to<11y, TUllodlY. O!•Ki.d by 81ITr Mortwry, l?!ll £. Cont Hl~h,..1y, Coron• dtl Mir. AR.tlotSTRONG DODSON wmi.m -•rd °""-· :int ""'""'°" JI .• A..t. 6, (01!1 MtH. 111,.,.lftd bY WI,., f:fi.1 oon, JK., of Ol\lol ~ ,.,, Mrt ... flll K.._. (•11 ~I tltMo', Ml1. JI_, llHO, (1!kte9, °"" ol dUI~, All9Ult 11. llOMl'Y -· ,. c:!lld FriN'f, ..... ..,ll :II, 11-IMI Mt» ••• Q'!.it~ttlll'.I S,,llll'dfy, NJI.- "'" lD. It AM. -11 SI, ~·· Clrholk Olurdl. l111tr ...... 1, ....... '- ul(,.. '-''"'· 01..-..:i..1 M-ur i!lttMO(IWIV MoN\loltY. 110 .,......,,,, COIT• MeM. CHEESEBROUGH Cllnflc:it OW.--11. "'" ... _, Ut M•lft, klJ .. Kfl. S..r,.ka II AM.. Tilunclr(, s.t.1'M c~ ...... '"....,.,...'· ~ ~ ,.........,, SIN"" ,,,,.,. .......... Oh'K~ JACKSON ....... l . J~ A .. 11 el JOI 1(11111Vllll. """'......,, 14«1'1. ~ "" 11Ufb9ond. "*"'' ,_.,.,.. """'· c .. flle'r Ci ....... 11 llww -J"" Ctl4• .,...., Jtd T1.,...1 a...• Jtd.Mnr -_..,."'"" ,,_.,.o,.. Cir"n'' JoY'C9 /llltlwfll'I ..,,,.., ._,.,. 1:11., kari.tti -.. ~,.., ...... k:ft.. I PM, ,,..,.....,.,, $ml'tM a-1. ......,_.,., !"Kirk """ ~ ,. ...... S!flltt. -·--"WIWEY H_.. I(, Wllhrn'. Ital ~ l.lnl, +Mii ........... 5rflcft Plrlf'"9 •• ---· llAILEY JR. 111.lfMolll' "· ~-"· """ •• ., '"' ~ ~ MO. Jvrv""ff .,,. ll'IOlfllo', ..... v--....... , """ .. H , ..... .,.,.. .t """'"""'-' lllCf'U ... _,..,,,. ,.,.. ~ """· O.· ... ..-1 """'° .... ~. Hvflllftfl"" ~~~·· llAM. SM""' "'-4. ,,,,.,.,.,...,... W .. 1111111• ,._, _,_ltl io.r1ll.""""' #191'1VMY. - 11111111 Q • I . LECEND I ---·---- f,fEWAr ei 0 .---c:JCJCJ ,.,.,.,,.ti ,,.,. Jtff• Jif• ••t• , .. ,,.,,, •• ,.,. , ••• ,,,,ti•• ,,,,,,., ....... •••l• .. ,.,,,, ~ l11t1 ,,,,;,,. St•i1 l EX.tCT t0CA 710N ~ OOOOOCO l 11t1 11! Ait,lei NOT OE TfltM INfO ,,,,f,,.,, AllllT 11•1 G • Q E T y 7 (' • I . ~ I t.lAP DETAILS STATUS DF FREEWAYS CRISS.CRDSSIN<r DRANC.E COUNTY LANDSCAPE Location ltudies are In pro- gms for the routing or tbe Route IO Freeway between the San Gabriel River Freeway in Pico Rlvtra to the Rtveralde Freeway souih d. Yorba IJn.. da. A pubUc bearing la slated far mld-1971 . PACIFIC COAST FREE. WAYt ~ route bu been adopted ltOll) the el1d o! U.0 San Gabriel River Freeway to the Siii ~ Frtewoy near Sall Clemen&e.. Financing will proballly be okayed in the mld-1970's for the construct.ion of a rep~ ment bJabw<1y bridge over the Upper Newport Bay and for the freeway coo.structlon. HUNTINGTON B E A C H FREEWAY; The route of the Huntington Be•ch Freeway WIS adopted in October 1968. It wlU extend south from the Garden Grove F'rt'eway to the future Pacific Coat Freeway. Eventually Route 39 will link up with the l\out.e 90 Freeway in the north part of the county. LAGUNA BEACH l Cos:lo•e /it:''" '"" .... 1-n Spain 10 EIKtrlc1! units 14 Any 15 0Ytr t91!n l' S!llkt 17 Of a c:enatn C:ttHi 11 lnstn.1•1r1t: Suffb: l t All.ptlon. 2D Nt• JtrstJ lnsdtutlon 22 Old En1llslt Ctht 2JC...-eallb 24 First aid dtviCH 26 Stitt: Abbr. 29 ltgll 111an's ...... , Abbr. 30 CQ"lllmatlona ofdtti~ 31 l1mtn1 sounds Jl Atctpltd the condltloos: 2 wcrds 37-of 8HsbornlJ"' 38 Discolor 40 D•f•1t 41 Nu111btr '3 -domr 44 Cltlt Sl Htd tn obllg1tlo1t Sl G11nbllng m!dl1 54 ltt loose 59 Mint: Fr.: 2 words VO Sborellnt lnd111taU011 ~1 lh ... Turin Is '2 Scold 6l On·-with: ~words '4 nt9'1\lpl: ..... '5 D•ce plus ..... "J:lnd ot ..... 67 Cantound DD1N l Me1t cut 2 F1thtt of Rtg1n 3 A111inst; P1efh: 4 Ptrfunlt- S Draft.s11en'1 ntcHSltiH 6 Stroked 7 J1P1ntst rtCtl'lltle I AdYtrtlslnf medium: • 2 words , ActnowledQt' FREEWAY :Ooe mile of the-t;:--t--+-t""""t- expressway on either side or Ule San Diego FrttWay was coverted to a four lane freeway co Route l 3 S • Construction is c u r r e n t I y underway on the VlleDCia Ave. linking the San Diego and Santa Ana Fteeway. The route tw been adopted from the Future Pacific Coast Freeway to the San Diego Freeway. CORONA DEL rtt AR FREEWAY: Funding for the section of the route from Jam- boree Boulevard and the San Diego Freeway near Fairview h;.-1"-1rt--+- Road should be okayed in the mid-19'/0's. This project may .,..,......,_,,_ include the cnstruetion ot the Newport Freeway between 19th St and Palisades Road • •111'9 10 Those 3.9 Graceful who gift anl•aJ lnfOfUtlCl'I 4Z Dots wront 11 Frul( 43 Ntldlbor 12 Fold kl cloth of tfttlto l l3 Ending use4 C1nad1 . with gyro CS lllr. Setvlc• aruf ltltr9• ~6 lntl•liatt 2.1 Lttltr ~· Abovt th1 22 Stick ltntral 25 -Arthur tvtl z• Give enc:u.r.-4t DtscrTpUYI gllllfftt to of ~llt 27 IOll\&n in fum1lu1t: the IUble 2 words 21 Prtflx used' 50 L~ma-wlth gt! 5Z PtKt of [ and gr.11"' lnfcrmaUoe 32. The NIJ.Oll . 55 John In vote In tht USSR 19'1 5,rarewen . D Succor 51 OI' an hlS10r11 J4 Lovt to 51 ~it":U-· txiie:ss for ct 3$ Otto11St 60 Part of f 36 lndi1n 31 US president . •truck Commission has funded the 1.--onstructlon of the Orange Frttway from the north COO& ly line to the Pomona :rree1o1'ay. and Bristol Sl Pacific Coast Freeway hu i~~~~~~~~~;::;;;~;::;~;::;;;~;:;;;~~ Riverside Freeway to the San-lanes in the near future. It will been adopted. The new GARDEN G R 0 VE ta Ana Freeway will OC('Ur in take until mid·1970 to com· routing , will pennit Newport FREEWAY: This is one of the south from t h e Mesi will be widened lo six about four years. Ro u 1 e plete the project. Blvd. to continue as a ma jor few freeways in Orange Coun· studies art: being conducted local arterery. ty that has been totally com- for the area south of the Santa The routing of the Newport pleted. It links the San Diego DIMES TO DOLLARS Sp•~d dl,,.11, ,,.,\, doll•"· C1l1 641.56"11 f0t> ~.,,. ... ah th in. ••p111.i.,1, 11i1r1°fir1 DAILY PILOT Dirn1-1-li111 1d. Construction is also un- derway from lhe north junc· tion with the Pom001; Freeway to Temple Avenue in west Pomona. It is 1.7 miles long and will be finished nel'l Nm· Ana Freeway to the Pacific Freeway for two miles, soulh ROl.ITE H FREE WA V freeway with the Santa Ana Coast Freeway. _1_0_1rom __ B_a_y_S_L_, _to_tbe __ futu_re __ t_IMP_E_RIAL ___ lll_G_HW_A_Y-'-)' ..;.'"_;d:..:_N•_;"";..:"°'..:..:rt..:~:...ree_"_:"Y:c·_-:---'==================== NEWPORT FREEWAY' The stretch of tbe Newport Freeway Jrom the Riverside Freeway to Baker St., Costa mer. Financini of the 4..7 mile * * * * * * Speed Limit Cut ' a of construction to widen the freeway to sll: lanes from Bater Strett, Cogt.a Mesa to the Riverside Freeway. The 65 mph limit will be re- established after completion of the widening project in nlld- 1970. HARBOR REFORM TEMPU Announces Reliqious School Reqistration to be h•ld •t St. James Episcopal Church l :ltt Wl4I Uh, "••l'lft .... kb'"', ...... Jt & ...... 6 -t :JI • ..._ te 11 N ... F... ,...._ Cetl 675·72JI -MW141 URLITZER PIANO RENTAL PLAN ___ P. • u ___ _ Lill DAY s150 TUES. WASH & WAX -----------------------FREE ----------------------$AVE ·~· ei.u• Cto11~ • .,..,.,.,.. WITM 44.1.. PILI. UIP• •1TM TH la ........ e • )gport .~!l~g_~· Savings P.A. ......... 0..-tJI dM Boerd • Av.a Eli•• ..... P-· •it .... Office: 3365 Vie Udo.~ Beedt. Cafifonq 92"5.1 . Ph:w'l9 71~130 C.::.C.dlf ... ~ ,.....,.... Plu.-. 550 ~ c.a.-DnTe. • CornM d!ll ...... c.lifon'lit 92!25 • ~ 714,1644-1461 •• Which type are you? He<• -'"" aavings plans. designed for lour arlfenint IYl"!9 of people. Which one sutta yo<.-SOYlng8 peniooallt)"I The charts will show :;oo how ~ one wori<1. Pick a number from 1 to~ ood let one of our people expo~ get you etarted on )"CM.S" personalized savtngs program. Whatever r type , Are you one of the regular people? PIAN #I llogalm' Mi I Wl Thll plan lo far regular people wfth reglMr ..,,._who have decided to S<Ne nigular emounta anywhere from $5. -k up. but who went their rnoney'WO!ldng forthena. Thoyalaowant R to be ocme ploco they can got_,.... on~ If thoy!.-11111 o luty. If thoyClft -...1o1ano far1._or_1.,,.. !1"9daadleBig~ 5. 13 ytold. llE<nM_,,..T .....UTMENT $Z5 "° $1111 6 Moa. 1 S2: !904 eoa 1 Vr. 308 61& I .233 :! v t'L 632 1.264 2,529 3 YrL 91Z 1.Mi 3,182 •Yr.. 1,331 2.lll5Z 5,:r.M 5Yr&. 1,701 3,415 S,8:!0 IOYra. 3.900 7JKJ1 IS.802 lSYN. 6,715 13,43Z 2U84 20v,.. to.n 3l,tl8Z 41,!25 ,........_ ........ :r., ..... ""'""'_._. __ ..,.. .... _ ....... ... .... _ *"'· mit ..... _.. .. .1 t.t.n..t l ................ ..,.., ... .. .. ,... ............ ...,. ............ _ ....... .... .. ... there is a savings plan for you at Ne¥.-port Balboa Savings._ Are you one of the other-people people? Pl.AN 12 Life~-"'"" Thltlofors--;>lewho have ..... "'""'"""thoy would lll<eto pW- and reoeMl the"'-~month but not touc'1 tho principal Perhepe ~ Intend to le8Y9 your money to your holrw. In this pion the criglnml m 11 atJnent '* .-kled far• lfollo•• andyou ..... •"9Ar ~-.-y-lf ._1imnp1oie ... 1ar -~··"*"' ~ ttm-.+gap:ugaw mtl'f_,.,... i $ somPrit't n ....... _ ......... _ ....., ... _ ,.... ... _ Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #l Maiidily Secadly """-11 This Is f<lrpeoplewho S- a )lMftP sum of money but who know that If they don•t put it 9Wil'f somewhere out of s;gh~ they will spend It. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know ft would be better to have a certain amcJU'lt ooming "' """"! monll> -• ~ period. Not oriyWil! they get baclc a lot-.. tlml thoyp.-in, tuthont ... be 8 iM58t&gg tD i8WG d theall9ett'98 for not l*-og tall-~ IN'f'[$T, ......... ,...,. ""' nic:er.. end J"C* rmlft ..:ti -.-ch fur ... ...,.. m· s .50.00 10 ~ s 8.675.00 s 50..00 1 s )'hf"• $ 7 ,725..00 $ 75..00 10~ s 4,715.00 $ 15,.00 1s,.... $ 1.000.00 $IODJlO IO,_. $ 111'.00 IMST $25.0000D....,, "9 ..._. -)'UIJ .-..... _. MOl'llit "-"' •_.,.or $100,00 10.,.. .$25,800.00 $100.00 15)'Mf'* $28.050.00 Sl50.DO 10yt#9 $17.800.00 S'l00.00 10.,.... SI0,00000 $250.00 10 ,._... • 2.200.00 r Are you one of the patient people? PIAN #4 G---~ This plan Is I«~ peaple who already have o...., of mooey to -and orewlll!ng to wait a while for a good re tum on their money. The mh\linum deposit is $1,000 (more If yau wish. of ccurna), in exchange for which you roceiYe a certifk:ate which gum••-. 30"/o ~ f left ISilWCl>ed far s _... Ant you .... of the pe!loi It onea7 Thon the GUAAAHTEED ANNUAL RAlE ACCOlM' lsfaryou. YOU STMT WITH * 1,000 $ 5.000 S10,00D ,,....,. A-Ylold YOU W'l..L ftECBYE •• ·-........ 3,._. .. ,... a,... $ 1.170 * 1.233 $ 1.:900 $ S,862 $ 6,H!I '$ 8,500 $11.705 $12..33.i $13,001 $17.!51 $18,S04 $19..502 $.80% 5.IM'f. l.00% "G::..' I 17% 23% 30°/o • I 1 I Sy '"' "" • NEW YORK (AP) -Moog Synthesizers, those electronfc anachines that can sound like ~y muUW '.tnatrumenl or jij,1l wail wairdly, were played In life eooCert for the rint time on Thurs,4-y night. Robert Moog, 35, t b e engineer who fathered the Thrill to T.hor.oughbred action!_: r. The best and most beautiful of racing ••• Thor~ oughbreds in action! And the best of the Del Mar season is Futurity Week. All the brilliance of a gla morous tradition comes to a peak in th is week's events: Wed, Sept, 3-$20,0Cll Palomar Handicap Saf, Sept. 7-$25,000 Escondldo'Cap (Turi) Thurs. Sept. 11-$100,000-grOS$ Fut~rity fleserved seats f rom $1.20. (Saturdays and holidays, $1.50). Post time, 2 p.m. syntbealW', aakl: he wu pleas· ed with the concert and hopes lhere will be more, even though one fuse biew and a plug was attidentally pulled twice, instantly slopping the music . F'our Moogs •ere pl1yed by two quartets. One quartet played Herbert Deutsch'• four- part far-out jazz work titled "Sttge One," "Space Walk," ''Blues for Lunar Landscape" and "Peace." 'Tbe o t h e r quartet played QIN Swan1en•s., thickly OC'Cheslralod J111 camposltloo "Ooh Baby." One synthesiier waa wed for plqlng melod,y and sound- ed like an electric organ. One pl~ed chords, one sounded llke a bus, and one lf\lilcie the sounds of pereuasion. NOW PLAYING! aox OfflCI OPINS 1 J:JI SHOW STAm 1:H COOLED BY REFRIGERATION Nine mtnwho came too late end acayed too long, ) HARD " CONTRACT •I•• low•n aM M•rtln "MALTISI llPPY" Contlnuo111 M.stlnaei:. Dally l lc:Nl"Cll Burton Cllnt le1twoM "WHERE EAGLES DARE" -ALSO - R:ow•n •nll M•rtln "THE MALTESE BIPPY" STARTS WEDNESDAY • ~ Pl:T\ll.ll INTlll'IAnQNAJ. • ~Or ~-·Bright water oo ncHMl<xx.Dll'/ CRC GD -ALSO - Raquel W•lc:h •• "ONE MILLION YEARS B.C." D.\ILV PILOT I rn Hi i i THI JUMNlllT COMIDT IN TIA.I S ALL f AMILT r•o•IAM ,......., '' Mal. s.i a ..._ 11 He can't fix • f1uut or carry a dlah , but hi did aomethln9 ti•• thlt m•d• the whole world sit up and t•k• notice. n1SHOW11.t.m 7 P.M. CONTIN\IOUI SNOW SAT. l SUN. NON :t P.M. HELD OVER n. .d111b.11 ~., •• , ..... th• c.11!\1, .... 1, ·~··•y•d 1'11it• lo•k ifl l"li1lr111 -•"" tll1~ thty to.• •• ""• ... 11111 Fabulous Futurity Week! wa TURN ON CONTINUOUS ' TV WEEK l••P• y•u tun1d DAILY FROM 2 P.M. I• wh1!'1 h1pp111lnt b1hir11I tt.1 tub1 -'"'l'Y S1fu1cl1y I~ th• DAILY PILOT. ' ' ~., .. lllGll r•. I lj ,,_,__._.a .... saMN .. OUR GHO.STS DON'.T CARE WHO-YOU, ARE: . " EVERYB . DY GETS BOOED!l1 ,-. . . The Haunted Mansion is Equal Opportunity Entertainment Everybody gets spooked. • •i-" Join the happy victims now, during the last week -~ of Disneyland 's fabulous summer schedille. . I'-'· __, ~ Appearing Newlll'u Fridly Htte ~ E..,ynilear9p.m. MISS PEGGY LEE • ntE VOGUES flltll'f 1 llE SlY shoWS at 8 and l 0 p.m. FealDrine '!1nklr BoR 9, J, THOMAS anc1abrfl11ant11r-u .ii-at 9 and11 p.m. dlspl>J. BeglnnlngSeptember 15, Disneyland will be c losed Mondays and Tuesdays. Thia Week ••• Mon ... Thurs., 9 a.m.-Midnite • Fri. end Sat .. 9a.m ... 1 e.m. Next Week ••• Sun., 9 a .m.-10 p.m. • Moo . .f'ri., l Oa.m.-7 p.m. •Sat., 9 a.mrl a.m. ---Disne~1lut1d ' . -I • , OPIN •:4l ,.. .. ..... a.u ....... ....,1a • Ends Tonight • fA~IWIU. t t;'WING AT l~G r.. :45 SHOil "ALPINI SUMMll" AT t :JI ONLY' e St1rt1 Wadne1day e f l.ST TIM( TOGITHlll 2 Of THIS SUMMll'$ TOI' MAJOI FILM HITS! PAUi. .-iE 111111111111•11111111111111 ·w1nn1na· "'C0008YE, COlUMeUS' 11 I OUND TO I E A Cllf.t.T successr --&llllliB. NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME , ,... EXCLUSIVELY I FAIR • -llWY • .n "" * -M,ll;M • '44-0JIO Jack Lemmon and Ca therine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Tm.,..,...• l!I .. AC1ncmaC......f'illoit,._...iM. A IW.....i ~ l'\d-a.-. Ft1t, ftir, ftcl••I. lhot• t~r•• ""orch 111n "I' ftclort J., •p1r1tio11 011 tti• DAILY l'ILOT t dlloritl P•g•. t ¥•ry dt'f, ~~~~~~~~~ ---JOHNWAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY Th•-n1otttrlo nor to tnlck a klllor . DUE '\G IT 15iDl.w-. --·=::..:o ;a -· ---· ....... ....,_ w 1,1119•-, .. •1 _.._., 1 .• 1 iii~OWUSruRi--.--1w._ liJe NOW AT IOTH CINEMAS-MATINEES DAILY ,.,. ,.IATVa• Af IOTII fMUTAIS '• • • • - --= ----·--,.~ .... ,. -·• 1.. -.-""".I;.___-p •• ... -~-----• ---~ -----.--...-.....£:......!-• ·- Jf DAllY PILOT LEGAL NcmCE LEGAL NOTICE .. Business Gets Help From 'Y' NEW YORK (UPI) -Very low peaple Ulinl: of the YMCA u being dedicated to businl"' activity a n d managemen\ lial/Jlng, But tt bas been for SS yean, on an tntemaUonal ICale . .Everyone koowa q,. •1y-: New Driving Muhine pmldel --llvlnc .., -i.ocra-. • Chris!laa ·~ 1D01phete, swlmmJbs pools, ~~,_~.braries and ma~1 ~l,ft;Gluurnu -program1 rourid the world. lt 1 ls o runs job placemeoi. services The 1970 Challenger, Dodge Division's all new entry in lhe sport car fiel d wUI C\)II!e in 9 models. II , ... on sale 'l'llosday, Sept. 23. specialty LEGAL NOTICE P·lU'5 Cl!llTl .. ICATI! O" a USlffl!SI . l:'our .M~ney's Worth Business men aerve on "Y" board.s and take part in ''Y" fund raisiJ:l& c.a mp a i an a everywhere. Bot the. "Y" and Its affiliate C..Oter: fo r lnt.emationai M-ent Studies (CIMS), also c o n d u c t international matiigemtbt seminars that attract> top 1evel.busioess and aovemmedl pe~SOMeL Tax Reform Hits ' ' Capital Gains CIMS is scheduled to stage such a · conference a t Bucharest, itomanla, from By SYLVIA PORTER the Senate will go along with a ~pt. 9-IJ. lb recent y~ Jl If you are among the major slap at Clpli.t gains has &Poft:IQred inteniaUonaJ mJUions of us who haxe befJl benefits. So .here goes with tbt manageri&h Conferences in investing over the years ln major proposals: tiidia, Turkey, Bi'azll, Peru, searcb of capital gains lo be (I) Under today's law, Oftly EcoadOr, Guatemala, Colom- , ta 1 e d at comparatively so percent o( a long-term gain tiia; GmMny .. Ciecho.slovakia. ravOrable rates. be warned made by you, an individual, b Poland and •Canada. now: the Tax Refonn Bill as subject lo lJx, and tile tax ID · ad6i.UGn to the federal pas.sed by the House would hit rate on thi! 50 percent Can't goYfuunent, representaUva you hard. exceed 50' percent. The net of ., sudl American buJlneu .Much of tht tax savings, result i5 a 25 percent tax ceil· ente[prises as A m e I c a n YOU. U indlvklua.Js, have o~ ing on the full gain (exclusive Tele°Phone. Arthur D. Llttle , 1 tained from capilal gains of surcharge ). lnc., and Dun and Bradstreet would be cut: much of the tax FOR SALES and disposi-Inc., will go to Bucharest. ln 1 beneht YOU have obtained lions made after July 25, 1969, view o( R.IJMia's 11eo'sidvity Crom capita) losses '.would be this maximum alternative tU O\!er aatellite 'unrest, it sbouJd reduced; some..of the capital ceiling would"be removed - a be an Interesting session. galns breaks you have been blow to anybody In the Over JiO _Topics..1t Bucharest wW ln- able to use would be wiped percent tax bracket. Ncie. the elude input.output ecompics, out; \he spread between the effective date already _!as ecooomefric ni o-tl.&.1-' con- uJtimate --top-tu-on-capitat~passeO. -sCjUctki'i ana foree&ifing ln- gains and the ultimate top tax The maxlmum tu 00 long-.J..e r nati o n a I relaUOll!hips oo ea.med income would be term capitaJ gains would go to Wtween private enterprise narrOwed to only 171/a percent. 35 percent under CUJTent • fuid socialist ·economic and WHl.LE I assume the rates. before sllrCharge, and SOclaJ systems. wealthy among you already even higher with a surcharge. Although CIMS \\'as rormed 1 know what ts in this section of \Vhen the proposed ind.iV'idual only JO ye an ago, it is an 1 the House bill,,J.:doubt if most tax rate cuts take rull effect outgrowth ol. Smllar activities Americans .arC aware ot the and the surc:harge ends; the ~ucted by the intematWnal I tough details. \\'hat's more. maximum capital gains tax YMCA _ organization go in g preliminary sound ings suggest rate would become 32 'n: per-back to around 1904. that desµite intensi.ve lobbying cent -against 25 percent "It started when business by the securities industry and today. men looking for a means of businessmen directly affected. 12) The alternative capital holding such conferences hit Take• Post Neal R Harward, 52, of liuntington Beach, has been eletted treas- urer and credit man- ager for The Larutan Co rp., Anaheim. Har- \vard bolds Fe I l o \V .<\\vard issued by Na· tional I n s ti l u t e of Credit, which is. the ed- ucational arm of the National Association of Credil Ma-.gement. UCB Vo tes Di vid end llike DireclOrs of U n i I e d California Bank voted to in- crease the regular quarlerly dividend from ~ to 60 cents per share. The first dividend at the new rate will be payable Sept. 29 to shareholders or record Sept. 5. More than 98 percent of United California Bank's stock ls ownec1 by parent Western Ban. corporation. ocea~rap~ic fun~*- A mutuaf fund irmtina In tht dm-t olld ... Df tM OCllO and Its fHOUrCll -----------.................... ·--• "" Yft tl.Y. t• ...... """'-·~·..... oc:.t~f9MI, hie. gains lax rate for airporations O(I the idea of using 'Y'," a would be railed from today's CIMS spokesman said. "Tbt 25 percent to 3S percent before 'Y' ... had the physical facilities surcharie. Corporations wlth and business everywhert." taxable incomes of $25,000 or So the buslnessmea took less would stil l pay ~l the 22 their proposal to officers. ol percent rate. Corporations "Y" in various countrits. Tbe with ove r $25,000 would be "Y" officers insl~nlly saw It subject to the new 30 percent as a great opportunity to im· maximun1. The effective date prove the "'Y" 's usefulness would be after July 31 , 1969 and prestige and put the "Y" also already passed). in solid wltb the busl!)ess and (3) UNDER TODAY'S Jaw. (lfficial communities around long-term caplla1 gains can be the v;orld. realized on capital assets held It has grown up to a very for more than six months. big activity. This would be lengthened to a holding period fl! mor. than JJ mooths. The . tf(ecUve d a t e would be years·beginning after July 25, 1969, (4) Ul'lder todhy's law. you, an individual who has an ex- ct:ss of net long-term capita) losses over net short-term capital gain, can deduct such losses dollar-for-dollar from ordinary income up to $1,000 each )'tar. This would be changed lo permit only SO percent or your net long-term capital losses over your net short-term capital gains to be used lO J'educe ordinary income. The unused 00 percent could not be ca rried over : it would be lost. But you coold C()ntiilue to deduct your short-term capital losses in full. The effective date: years begiMing after July 15, 1969. J-lowever, net I o n g .t e rm capital losses carried over from a year beginning before July 26. 1969 would not be sub- ject to the ntw reduction by SO percent for long-term capital losses applied against $1 ,000 of ordinary Income each year. You could continue to deduct these carried-over long-term losses, to the extent not offset against capital gain. dollar- for-dollar as at present up to $1.000 of ordinary income ea~h year. 1i) O'lllER BLOWS: lump sum distributions f r o m employe benefit plans would be taxed at least partly as ordinary income : sales of let- ters, memoranda, etc., by perSons who created them y,·ould r..esult In ordinary in· come: livestock would have to be held longer to qualify for capital gain. This is real tax reform. Next: But you also would get tax rate cuts -later. I Savings, Loan Gro wtli Sets Record I CHICAGO (UPI) -The U.S. Savings and Loan League says assets oC the naUon's savlng.s aDd loan auociaUons grew $9.3 billion during 1961 to a record $1.52.I b1llion. The trade a ssoci ation reported in its fact book '69 that last year the nation's 5.996 s a v i n g s associations loanl!d almost $22 bllUon on mortgages. Fifty-one percent of that total was used to buy existing homes and 22.4 percent went . toward. the purchase or new hmies. !:ighty-five percent of the mortgages were on one to four-family properties. More than hRlf the outstan- ding mortgage loans in 1968 were held by savings and loar aJSOciations. Total Io a n ! outstanding on one to !our family, non-farm properties \\'ere $151.5 billion . Assocla-1 ttons accounted for $110.1 1 billioo ol that totaL I Twenty-ejghl percent of lhe1 total market -some ~I million savlnp accounts - were held by assoclatlom in 1968. The average size of sav· ings acCOWlls at aM<>ciaUons over a IO.year period ended last year had grown from II ,!70 to 12.92L Tbe average loan balance during the same period rose Jrom 17,077 to IJJ.311, Gypsum Finn Reports Find DALLAS (UPI) -R<publlc Gypsum Co. Jald Wedne8d1y 1 JIYp!illlll deposit in -Indiana acquired by I t 1 Laporte mlneralt dlvilton 1p- pe1n to conlain 20 mllllon tons ol gyptUm plus com- mercial amoun~ of dolomite and dolomelic limestone. The de-posits could keep 1 subltan- tial plant runnina 10 ye111. the company e&Umated. i Who Ream the Stars For the Stars? ' ~ ' A l7 ~ ~ ri.. .. It's Sydney Omarr And now this articulate writer who has been called the "estrologer's estrologer " reads the stars for you. Sydney Omar r, longtime personal astrologer to meny of Hollywood's •nd the literory world's most famous stars, is e DAILY PILOT columnisJ, Omarr's record for eccuracy of predictions besed on astrological enalysis • is amezing. Whether you read estrologicel forecasts for fun or l.I S d serious student of star-f3e1ing, you'll enjoy Sydney Om•rr's doily column in t~e DAILY PILOT , ... , • • I , ~ ' ' , ' ~ .. ) ' ' ' ' I .. •' ' • ' ·' ,I j ' • • I I ': .. • I • • " . ' J ' ' • . ' ' ' ' { ' • I . , ' ~ •. I ) ' . . ; , • • • . r . • • .. •' • • ' • • ' , . j ' . ' ' • ·' , l • •I •, DAILY PILOT ..<. • .i _,.._ _..._I · •. \ i I' \I -lcao , , ' •• ,. GREAT ONES ' . ' Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is ' an old friend. The .DAIL-Y PILOT looks as much at home on this 'international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thou sa nds of 0 range Coast' area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- ·town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap-, pening at Gity hall. Whether it's news from around th.e world or down the , I I _ block, t.he DAILY PILOT packages it best for you . And the simple fact is that, because the . DAILY PILOT emphas izes local c;overage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this int.ernational news rack, it's among the great ones of the world . But at home, it's. the great- est one in the world (for local news j. I , . . . . . . • DAILY PILOT • ' ,, ' • ~ . -----~~-;-·--~-~·-~·· ' -.. :: ----~------.. --- ' • I t bAJl.Y PllOT ,..,. Tutsday, Stpttmbrr 2, 1969 ' . ' ' ' : '"\ I Scientist Finds . ra·1n Drain--··· in Compli<allnl Iler hulbUIUes geolo&lcoJ sciences, saif! In an to .maU tull 1151 of vast land intervieW". ' IDd -' resow«•, the Dr. Gonllne ~ ,b.,...q &pJbllc <i \be Pblllpplnes ii recenlly lo Manila mUtavel- espedmdllg • "brain drain." 1n& throllgbout the Phillpp1nes aecon1iJJ1 to a Unlv<nlty of as a technical adviser In Southml Calllornia llC!Mtilt ~pby 10< the llnlted who TeCalUY reti.mled from 1Natl;Om ~1 D e·y e Io p $en t Maniil. • 'Pro(ram(. · Many youag Flllpinm go "The countfy.'s ecOnomy, abroad to -atudy and don 't although developing, U: simpl y rel um, and n\fiiY other.i leave not ' &Die yet to tnake fu)I use UM! country to see k op-of it.s: r.ecourees, human or portunily elsewhere a fl e r natural," be said. completlng tbe.ir education in "The universities art: pro- the PbillpPnes. Dr. Dooa S. duclng bright YOWJC pe....., GonliDe. USC professor of but the economy can't absorb . them. Pay 10< l>"'f,.-1 "Gove...-le,_ are penons II low. 1be colltc• ._log lncreaS!illlY oon- and unl..,.~ty graduate s ~ol the -lo ~a mlite Uiey cap mate • ~ • we llll(lole·~ be '"ld: livlng In other OOUDlrier. Thiee other major ecooomlc "Coo!equenlly, macy o I deflcleodea In the Pllllipplns, lbem emlgnlle lo the 'u.s.. Go"11ne -.... att ln-canada. and Europe, leavln( ff' . ~ few scientlm, a~aliSb e icleat ~µon. and in' various fields and other shonages ~or. caplUI • n d i professionals in the Philip-usable lnduitrial power sup- pinea," the USC educator ~d. plies. • ~-A • major element ot the Despite these difl\cullie!, Philippines' sconomic pro~ politieil leaders appear to be lems IS lbe fact that pernape :YOUthfjJJ ·and aggressive in 40 1o 60 percent of thf! nation's lbeir prngra.ms .to build. up the wealth ii controlled by about 5 nation, be aald. perceot ot the people. Other \lal&lable a•sistance ls ' • • • coming from ooialde ,.. eru.ed llllemaliooal c •· n\Jriliil, ol>il ll•,m>WS Ip&, pJpiful. Tlwn1ealoo\I lndullJ)> U... u well. "'f"'!loll among 111< Philip-or,.,..-' ~ ~ 'aliO J>as a vlot polenUal fa< Dr. Gora11ne said~ v~ plJies and ber §oulheui As1an,.._wt11~j>qrt~ .. ;p;i>e;;coi;;;;mm=ld•da;;;;llT~~~~lj!~;;;;;;;·moden>lza;;;;;:;=u•on.o;j :Nallooa, fO< -· w a!iJ1ban lo !nduslrlal llldlP done ~~'tremendou• work" in naiural re s o u r c e deve1op- he1ptilg to establish and con-ment." duel, in -tioo wllb ··-""'""'·· c. •• Pbillpplne ldentllb, tbe JUee . .,._ -.--...... u ~ Project, whldi bU deve!Gp;d. tpeeling Pbillppllle COlllaJ new strains ol the staj>Je ·~ offshore areas and i. grain. • • terviewing government people "Until 'recenUy, lbe f.hilip-at aJI levels, scienllats IJld ln- plnea l>ad lo Import rice, !>ut ~ry per~. Dr. Gorsline as a result.A){ UU project, ~ is r convfuced the nation's • will be ablo ~ eapor1 lm · nooliine resources are coit-wlthln 1 couple· of yeaq, dM: lldarab1e. USC edllcai.. reportell. . '"lbm )I a..grul poleldlol "Allo,ther<"attaips<i'lo-for .,.uI and of h bo ~e > • ... • BIG IRASS PLAYS FAREWELL 'TO;.$UMMER FINll (ONCERT~TONIG.HT ;£ ~·· '· ·f ,,, ~'> ... • ON THE MALi.' 9 f!,M, '• .. "' ~ l.·t • FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT .CENTER ' ' • • • PACIPIC"COAIT "'9.,WAY ~ Nl{WPOIT ~ . , ' ' ,. . '"' . Just in Time for Back~to.CaJ)lpus! • • "' ., .. Men's Style S.hirts ... /, . . ' Were $.'i.99 to $7. 99 • Cboooe popular knits with turtle· neck, mock turtleneck; shir t j aek wilh mock turtleneck imert. In stripes, solids • Cla&sic sport shirts in regular or button-down collar style!.Stripcs or plaid1 • Sizes 1mall 10 extra larg• .. .. 9 ·7 II ' I ' ' ' • • . , .. ~ - • I ' I l 1 • J I ' ' • • • ,;..~ -------------------------------·---~--------------' . BUtN;. PARK , El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpou PbMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I I . CANOGA fAR K GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOLLYW60D ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I COVINA INGLEWOQD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson ~----------·------------. ---~----------------' . .,..--~ "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" --~'""'" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M.ta 9:30 P .M. ' --------- JODIAN HASTINGS, M2-t321 ,_....,, .... II• I. .,_ • , ... la Annual Event New Fiesta . . ldeaS Gr0w. Sts. Simon and Jude's 0 flower children'' are ex· tremely busy these days. These industrious members of the Catholic Church's Huntington Beach parish currerrtly are creat1ng. gig'an-- • tic tissue flowers to use when the group sponsors its annual fall carnival next month. ey the beginning of the three-day affair Oct. 10, members will have fashioned enough gigantic flowers to decorate both the food and games booths and caini· val rides which will be available to entertain both young and old in the community. ln charge of decorations is Mrs. Edward Rodriguez, and serving as general chairman of the event is Mrs. Phillip McCrea. . The annual fiesta will take place on the grounds of St. ~Frands of Assissi School, 20388 Magnolia Ave. As- Sisting Mrs. Rodriguez with the decorations are Mrs. John Drake, Mrs. Thomas Edward! and Mrs. Wayne Dobson. In addition to a wide array of boutique items. booths will contain authentic tacos and pizzas, and a continental Q?eakfast will be served. One of the highlights of 'the three-day affair will be lhe preserrtation of a 1970 staUon wagon. ~fLOWER (HILDREN' -Gigantic paper .nowers will .iaorn ~ Bad add to the carnival atmoswere when members of sts. Simon ancl Jude Catholic Church parish cooperate for the asun.-al fall fiesta. Working on decorations are (left to right) the Mmes. Edward Rodrigue-i, committee chairman. 'Ibomas Edwards. John Drake and Wayne I>Qrbson. AssisUng Mrs. McCrea are the Mmes. Rodriguez, James Henkel, publicity; Brody Felland, boutiques, and George Gauthier, lood booths. . . --By JODEAN HASTINGS • ot ..... ,., ,...,. ...,. CHECKiNG P,QiPORTS . and heaving great sighs of relief because they dori't have to have addi· tional sho1s are Mr. Eind M.rs.. Arthur Williams of Huntington Beach. The globe--trotting coupi. are about to embark on another excursion-thi5" time covering the ground they missed on previous trips to Europe. The couple will jet to London and from there take the train, bus, ship, or whatever, through France, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, and both the Italian and French Rivieras, including Monaco. Their trip w1ll include the bread).taking train ride through the Brenner Pass, and a ship's cruise up the Rhine River which provide.s an e'Jcit.ing view of many of the famed castles in the area. The \Vil· liams plan to be gone about a month. Ferne is the founder of the Hurttington Beach Paletteers, ,and the art group this rnooth has select- ed Mrs. 'B8rtba Everitt as artist of the month. Her seascapes will be on display ·this month in the U.S. Nat;ional Bank, Fifth and Olive. sts., Hunt- ington Beach. Mrs. Everitt bas studied with Glen Jones, Rich· ant tihDloc1 and Frank Teuriello. CONTRIBUTING their efforts to tlie Sargent- Dyak Volunteers are members of the Huntington Beftch Junior Woman's Club. Mrs. Daniel Drageset, intefoatlonal ~airs $airman, has r~uested con- tributrons of gamn tools. candy, coffee, paper and pencils and tollet articles. The volunteer group go- ing into the Borneo jungles also needs canned meat. and anyone Wishing tQ make a contribution may contact Mrs. Drageset, ~1275. TOMORROW IS Beiinning Day fot )tl'Mu Zeta chapter, Beta Sigma Pli.i, and bostina the 8 p.m. meeting will be Mrs. Joe Haley. . Plans !or a fashion show taking place Nov. 1 in the Costa Men Golf and Country . Club will be discussed. STEP RIGHT UP -An open door welcomes women interested 1n follow.ing in the foot- steps of otber new members ol the Westmin- ster Community H~ Guild. On hand 'to greet prospective members are (left to rt&IJt) . tile Mmes. Joe Chandler. Willi4JD Ellis. Rbb- ert Fink and Elaine smith. An onentation is ' ~nned for Wednesday, Sept. 17, for new "Piiik Ledies." The door of Weatmlnater Hospital swings es- pecially wide inward when it opf~ to admit proa. pective members of the, Community Hospital Guild who wish to volunteer their time and energy to help the staff and patients. Area women interested in becoming Pink Ladies are invited to attend an orientation meeting taking place at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, in the hos. pital. . Prospective members will view two short movies covering the work done by the volunteer staff, hear a brlef outline ol services performed, and tour 1he hospital. Mrs. Harry Slgeske, president, has issued an invitation to all women over 21 interested in volun- teer work to attend the program which will talce place in tbe hospital's conference room. Incorporated in 1962, the guijd's role has be- come increasingly \m~rtant. Sef\(ices now per- formed by members include statiing a QOUJ'ishment cart tbr patients, issuing passes to visitors in the inatemlty section, delive,mg mail, flowers and reading ma~rial. and. hosting a moQUily matemity tea for opectant mothers and thetr husbands. They also conduc:t.Teny Tours ~ce a month for youngstera entering the b<>spltdl for surgery and are in charge of the vitally important lalood replace-- ment program. In addition, members staff the hospital's gift cart •. aqd proceeds lrom the cart's sales annuaUy provide five $600 scholarships for area high school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine. lncl~ded on the e~ecutive board '&rt 'the Mmes. Sigeske, Pfesident; Art Munns and Burdette Bair vice presidents; Elwood Haws, ~r; AlfrN Kleist, recording secretary; Bernard M~ith, biitor· ~an and publicity, and Glenn Potter., parliamentu-1an. Widow's Wee~ing Will Weaken Without ·wishirlg f~r Waste ] DEAR ANN LANDER.5: I ftU in love with a very attracUve man whom l md 1t ww-t. He lw 1 channing personality. makes a wonderful appurance and gave iie IOl'Oelhin& lo Uve ftr af~r my hus· 3Ud puaed away. 17 months ago. Be told me bis wife wu in a mental 'IOlplt.11 ud comet borne on wetkends. He said ht ftnted to marry me and pro.; m1"d to aet. divotte when h1' wife was well ebl)Qgh to sJp the papen. Re never l'ftt'nljofted childml. bUt it tlllTL' out that ne hu nro. It also turns O\lt that tm wUe It not a paUellt in tbe mental bospllll. She iS • dietician Lhere. t learned the facts by accident and 111most passed out. Wbtn I told htm what J tnew he brOke do•n and crltd-sald he had bed became be wu afraid al Jolina me. I told b1m we wera throa(lb.aOd uk- erl him not to call me again.. T'nls lMl'tlinc be telephoned to say be bed filed for dlvotte. I want to befieve him but tt'• dilncull after what l'vJ beta through. Where can I get Che fads. Would thb be a matttr of rteord? Please advise mt. -WEEPING WILLOW 0£..\'R W.W.: Yoa llne die mott Im· ,,ortut lact. Tbe PJ II a Uar. Gift lllm ~ ..... .u. DEAR AWN LANDEflS: Your lg· norance ii abowlnr acain. Rtcenllf you 11Jd a 14-year-old cocker spaniel u equlnlent to a .. • rear • old human. O~Y1ou.\Jy you arrived a1 thll conclu.sioo f>J mulUp)yil\I the dog's age by seven. This ls an antlQUlled metboct Jone since discarded by canine autborltlcs. 11lt correct meihod Is u followa: Figur~ 25 years for the first lwo yem or the dog's 111.e.. Add aeven to the third year. Then ldd two years for each re-- mainina year. So you aee, AM, that cocter spaniel it he '!Ut a per-. would b.Jve been 54.,... old, not 98. And that's pretty youn.1to10. -I. GOTTCJ{A • .._~EAR 1.: l dl8't bow wlll tnvea&e.1 ia "MW,. qlMm .bat I dieeled1 WWI ~ree wwturtau IDd ~ey llict It'•,. anr tbey"ve .. ,et llun of It. All dlr'M l&f~ I.bit I t(.yUHlcl coc:ftr,lpaald WOlld be cooalclued • wry 1e1110r dthm ta aaybod7'1 knHf -a• llUd clllef te 2 tf.yes-tkl ftmH Uwi tee M, 8-btll. DF.:AR ANN LANDERS: T am In love ,.JU\ a glrJ wbo Is e:naaaed to marry someone elJe. The announcement ·~· ed in the paper &mdly and It nearly kill- ed me. I went with B.. for two yean. There wue tbnes when 1 dkln't b"tl1 her ex- actly ricbt bot unfortunatdJ l WU up- tJabt abc>ut MVeral thlnp and I drank • UlOe too much. I ~J hU ber (p rttlly rin ~ my fiat durina an arau· meql) ~ we broke up over that ~QC. B. bu knon Utls guy only four months. I am sure &be 11 marrying b1m on tbe rebound. Ht'• notblnt to loot at end square be.sides. I called ber tbrte tlme.s la.st wttk and she refused to mttt mt to talk thln&11 over. (She's afraid If she sees me she'll weaken.) Please be my falry godmother lfMI &ell me what 1: can do. -P ANlL\NDt.E. ; . DEAR PANHANDLE: Yt1 cu .. . ~ .... ,..,.,., ... . map wllld for a l"1 • mlArtlU a: • ..... tlilltm .. wllllkliltMtlfw•'I,_ ............... Do '°" fee.I ill •l tlle ••• cM cl It f 15 .. everybodJ hlflna a ac)()d time but you? Write for Ann ~· booklet, ''Tbe- Jley to Popula.rity, • tneJosih& wtth your request 35 etnb 1n coin and a Joria, ldf· addrtsled, .t.Jnped envelope. Ann Llindera will be 11ad to belp yOQ wit.h your probltms. Stnd thtm to her ii\: ~art of the DAILY PILOT. enclolln& • • aeU..add.re.Slod, st4mped envelope. . \ .. OAILY PILOT Horoscope ' Peering Around Tau11us: Watch Money HONORED. GUES -~eiving a Wan!)"Welcome : to Orange: County as luncheon guest oC honor in : Newport Beach is Mrs. George W. Moore, governor : of Southern Region, Soroptimlsts Federation of lhe :Americas Inc. Sbo.wn at a preluncheon gathering ,. • -in the -stult Shirt are (left to right) Mrs. Kenneth G. Haas, luncheon hoStess and director of District Ill, Pacific Region; Mrs. Thomas llf. Pole; the guest or honor, Mrs. Moore . and MrS. Thomas E. Horn of Norwalk, director of District IV, Pacific Region. Luncheon Pays Guest Tribute Orange County Soroptimist Club president! and members gathered at a luncheon to honor SOuthland visitor ~trs. George \V; Moore of Atl~nta. Ga .. governor of the Southern Region. SOropfirnist.s Federa- tion of the Americas. Mrs. Kenneth Haas o r Laguna Beach, director of Dislrict III of the Pacilic Region , arranged the welcom• ·ing luncheon in the Stull Shirt and served as official hostess for Mrs. Moore's visit. During the luncheon. which culminated a week o( events honoring Mrs. Moore. guests introduced themselves and presented the governor with gifts symboJJc of each of their commwtlty's achievements. Mrs. Moore wu th t Tou f Plan .· ~CCEPTED u a freshman at Jobnaton College, an el• porimental libenl 1<11 col- lege at the tJJ'llverslly or RMJ•nds ls Nancy Werner• d.tulhttr ot lltr. and Mrs. s. M. Werner ~ Costa Mesa. She b • .,..c1ua .. ol Estancia Hllh 5diOo1. Mim CLAUDIA Ann Moonl<r ol Co,,,.. d<l Mar ex- chln&ed 'ftddlng vows with Ronald Wilkins · in a family ceremony Aug. D. Mr. and Mn. Dale Wllilns of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert M'oeoler of Corona del Mar, parents ~ tbe bridal couple, were Praent for the rttu, whk:b · were followed by a luncbeoc In Reuben's, Tustin. Couture Dismissed WEDNESDAY SEPTEMIER 3 BJ SYDNBY OMAllR GllOO!llNQ TIP: Aceut ......... --tft 11111 1nc:de:t .. ..~ .. ..,. na0a.,..,. ut·b maakued -----llbdltoday. urs BE FRIBIDLY U 7oU have. new nd&bbort or know c1 anyone movin1 to our ~ pleue tell us ao that .we may ertend a trtetldly .welcome and help .viem to become acqllalnted In thelt new ~urroundlnp. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 494-9361 CAKEFUL OF CANOLES Mrs. Lucy M1rty Mesan Parties For 102rid Time holl!eguett of MT. and Mn. Monte Warr of Laguna Beach for her brief Ny •in Orange County. She was given a tour o£ the FesUval o(~ the San Juan Capistrani'atailon and the Ne~. Area and , . was •ent~~·luncheoos " ~ 'i\."i; NewlfWids : Includes Lci.fe T.a~~ After a busy s u m·m er 9Chedule~ memben of Harbor Senior Citizens Club already are planning an early fall lrlp • • \o Lake Taboe, leaving Sun-• \ day, Sept. 7. Making Home In Costa Mesa· During lhe rour~ay tour they also will visit old mining towns in Nevada, including ,1 k. th·'· born In ,.._ta "Y.lrglnla Clty and view the set " a 1ng QI .. e . '-AR ~11'sed for the TV sales · 1i1esa are newly mamed Mr. J 'Bonabza. ~ MDC'EM er MATCH.EM ~ ~~~ Gatltcheddar ~tic~ GJ>izza ~tic~· Onion ~tic~ 2FoR79t It will have to be a pretty A native or Ohio, she moved big birthday cake to hold all with her parents to Iowa when the candle,, this year for ~1rs. · she was a small child, and, in Lucy Marty, because there her early teens. helped her will have to be more than a family drive a covered wagon and Mrs. Donald Pfirrman ·~ .. Reservations still may be who were married i 11 .. made for a lrlp to Hawaii tn- 0 c ea n ~Ide' 1 · Ft rs t October. Chairman :John Stoll Presbytenan Church. . can be reached for further The former Laraine Olivet details al 842--328l. Is the daughter c1' the Charles During August the busy Olivers of. Oct111ulde and her seniors vl!ited tbe Mission Inn husband is .the son of the tn Riverside, , where they August P f I r r m a n n s of t.ound the hlst«ie buildin& Oceanside and . formerly of aod bad luncheon on the <patio. Costa ~tesa. . • • They also lraveJed to the hundred. to Kansas. Honor attendants durmg the Regina Winery and visited double ring nupUals were Mias .Rose Hills Memorial Park. A hundred and lwo, to be ex-. Martha Leach and Edwsrd .The fa1n1 ly sellled. near Pfirrmann, l he benedlct's act. The Cost.a ?.1esan. \vho lives by herself, keeps up her own house, gardens, cans fru its and vegetables. still does her own sewing and paints and wallpapers her rooms. Shoes Follow Fashion Trend A ,oe" idea In fall shoe~ similar to the apparel trends ls the use of the samt lilhouetle for daytime and bb,.e:: achieved w ilh a ol materi1ls. Sample: a polished calf pump untrimmed with em- ptia&is on a pede&lal heel is done ,for day tin' In oU-..rhite Juiber. • .fot evening in satin ind J<w•ls: A boot look for daytime in a combiuUoq ol black palent leather and wl\11< 'kld ~ don< for evfJllng In cut velvet and pd ~cl. Cortland. Kans .. and it was brother ' Senior Citi1dns there she _met her hus~and, . A re~eptlon for 200 guesll Ed. Following lhelr marriage, t k 1 1 th b 'd • C I R they moved to Elizabeth Col oo P ace n e n e s o m m u n t y ecreaUon "''here the \ate Mr. MartY wa·~ perenl.! home and .the ~pie .Center at Orange County mayor, and later they voent honeymooned in San Simeon. Fairgrounds is the scene of back to Cortland and were Both attended Mlr_a Costa activity when Costa Mesi proprietors of a buleher shop. C~Jlege .and the . bndqroom Senior Citlzem metl at 11 California beckoned them in will conl,\nue studies at t/CI . a.m. every Tuesday. 1910 because of Mrs. Marty1slf,;:;:~;:;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;:~;:;:~;:;:~I health, and they came to t..os'1 J Angele s. From there they moved to Arlington and then to Orange, and finally came to Costa Mesa In 1949. On a half acre on the west side of 10111'0, they gardened, grew fru it trees and had a few chickens. and shared the boun- ty of their land with their neighbors. Now, Mrs. J\tarty pursues her hobbies of keeping pet birds, dressing dolla and main- taining a colletuoh qr dQlls, whicll includes many anUq\lts. \Vf'll-wlshers '4dU i a l be r Sunday, Sept. 7 •. from 2 lo 4 in the home or Atr1. F~ank J. Hruia. Costa MeU., to •bh Mrs. ~iarty a •1happy blrth- day.1' ' , BIG BRASS PLAY$ FAREWELL TO SUMMER I FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT • ON THE MALL 9 P.M. FASHION ISLAND NfWPORT CENTE~ PACl,IC COA•f Ht•HWAY-NIWPOIT llACM .. IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSOCIATION O~ MR. DENNIS WITH OUR SALON STAFF. e WIG$ e HAIRPIECES . 673-7850 J4J4 YIA LIDO· HIWPOlT llACH .. , out'" atttlctio11. 1--0·-- HICKORY FARMS Thi• ii • •11iQM. French lrpe. lf!mi-9011 duwrt cbf!e9e. Made from pasl6"1rized, JN1rlly •kiinmed mill.. To ~l br!na cJ9\ ila delictte n • .ar, it ahovld alw•y• be aerved •l roona tempera• I•~. ln only • •hort lime, Belle Fleur h•• bewme • poplJtt favoritt., You 'll fhul ii ide;i\ fct SOUTH COAST PLAZA Ent Wing -lower C1rouHI MIU Bristol at the San Diego Fwy. Costa Mesa 540-6991 REG. 49f each Gitatio11.N GWiteel of ~w~ l'ou are Rift to en joy lbit delicious Swiss cheew •.. made iA the oid-f1shloned WiY ••• exch11ivtly for liicko'f"f Ftmu of Ohio. Citaliot1hat1 mellow. hazelnut fl;i•or ... whicli cheese lo\•ers find '°de- Jigblful to the lute. Cul rresh lo Any Sizt: l-HGKORY fAR.\15 1.69 lli. Tntditioo.allr u old New F.n1l;i11d dish. , , Apple B'°"'9: lletly kas gained iD •l;iture 11 a type of b~•d • puddifts. Hickol')' Farm•' Apple Brown Bl!llJ ii • dtllcicv1 and vel')' dive1'3l&ed producl. l r mi)' be u:.ed jusl is it 00111es ff'MI tbe cu. u 1 stuffin11 for poa)u,. or sened \\'iltm a1 an ac;oompaniment to the ealrce. A• • des.sen.. iu wes an: endleu. HICKORY FARMS Special Blend GJte~6Ba11 Thi' is 1b1 getiaine 1-uci.Qf'J f1m11 or Ohio Chet~e Ball that lasle! '' l!ood a1 it l00Jc1! Mide from 1 blend cf a1ed cheeses: !hen rolled in ftODnd selected nuts and 11rnished with 1 bright red clittT)'. Spre1d it°" .. ; t)'PW: ol c:r1c.L:er and nijoy ila l l.C.ilin1 ftt \Or. Res. 1.98 1.79 JllJ/fJ'l JIJl/11 fl/Ill' If/Ill I I ( I I I l ' ( ~ l t ' f .. ' r \ l l r ' • t I r f l I l I I· I I I I I I I .. .. ---. ---·-·--------------------. ----·------------. -----~-,..--~-:-. .. TLIHCl•Y· Septlmber 2, 1969 DAILY PILOT JI I ·~ Publicists Get Af rican 1.!Saf ari r THE CAMPUS CURL-UP ' . on Pi lot's Advice IN OUR BEAUTY SALON Plan! for pre1entaUon of a Publicity Workshop by the DAILY PILOT aa part of the Orange Coast Evening College Lecture Series w e r e Ein· nounc:ed today . The. se mina r wili take place Wednesday, Sept. 17, ln the Forum al Estancia High School, 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa P..1esa~ The single, two- hour session i.s scheduled for 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. No admission or tuition will be charged and the workshop will be open to lhe general public, A pre-registration coupon \\'Ill be published rlaily from now through Scpl. 13 in lhe \Vo.men's Section of lhc DAI- LY r tLOT and from time to lime in other 5ettlons of the • It's the curly girl for cam pus swinging ~ •• short ond fluffy with • pontoloon nocklioe. A fun styla with spilling mini cu rls th&t +Umble into · ringlet bong" Ct1m pus Curl Pe rm with cut _ff 8.81 C•mpus Cut .... .. . ...... 3.00 ' ···-· ...... _,,,, ____ 2.00 ---, .... -~ -. ·'. Vi~i t our fun boutiqu,. Phoni· Anoheim, 535-8121; Newlywed Runyens Tour Tahoe • Hunt~g ton Beach, 892 -2331, Newport , 644-1212. ' Blue chrysanthemums and daJsies adorned the altar of St. Bonavf!DUJre Catholic Church, Huntington Beach, for the wedding of Mrs. Bonnie Tingle 84 STORES •.. ALL 72° and open n ightll( till ~:30 South Coast ?taza ind 1-farine Capt Thomas G. Runyen. Tht daughler of Y..,r. and Mrs. Frank Thorogood of Mira Loma was given in marriage by her father for the double ring ceremony cond.uct.ed by the Rev . Michael Duffy. For her \li'eddirlg, 1 he selected a yellow cblUon over ~atin go"'" v.·101 short puffed f;lteve~ and a square neekline draped le> create back fu11ness and fitted in front. She carried • bouquet of daisies, yellow rose bud!'! and baby's breath. GIVE A GIFf OF ROCKS! ••• UNUSUAL INDEED! BUT ••• Dowers (5.00) wilt and die ... candy (10.00) disappears ... but a rock, ' a gem ... how unique! thank your weekend hostess with a beautiful : piece of amythist (10.00) ... or a lovely shape of malachite (30.IJO) ... choose a htige chunk of quartz (25.00) for tha t next birthday gilt ' ' ' or se,lect that very unusual Christmas gift now GEM AND iYINERAL SALE N:ow THROUGH SEPTEMBER 17 " Select.one or more pieces from 41 countries Ganeria •THIRD FLOOR • SANTA ANA I fASHION SQUARE • 5•7-7211 Mn. Al Doiron, matron of and will make their home tn honor, wis attired in a pale Oceanidde. ireen crepe street length The bride was iraduated dress and carried w b l ·t e from Rubidoux High School daisies and chrysanthemums. and attended Riverside City Doiron served as be.st man College. Her husband. a The Be•uty S•lon, 601" 0 ! .. "t graduate or R a m o n a High and aealing guests were Mike School, also attended RCC and Dennis Runyen and Larry -p~r~io~r~to~,...,.~~iv~l~n~~h~is~com~~-~===================::;~ Ortiz .I mWion in the Manne Corps. J Foilowing the ceremony 150 guests attended a rectptlon in the HunUngton Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Runyen, the bridegroom's parent!. The newlyweds departed on a weddlllg trip to Lake Tahoe ecome our own with an UNCLE JOHN 'S FAMILY RESTAURANT franchise Jt you h.tvt 130,GOO to invftt •nd de1lre: 1 An Income up to la&.oOo per ye&r. : "-re1dy to oper,tc rettt,Urcnl on 1 ct1rn· put1r·te1ttd cite. a '/\ comprehenrlvt ln·depth tn.tnlna ptO<- JT•m. • " A. cenlr•I purth••ina 1y1tern, re1uhlna In th• mosl •dv•nt11eou1 prlcu a dl1count1. ~ A. complete 1et of ope.r•tln1 end p1non." ncl m1nu1l1 ind use ol 111 Uncl1 John'• prom oUons end 1dverll1ln1 proartm1 . \'1/1 wou ld ltke lo vi1il with you Tht1l'ld1y evening. September ~I . On thla eYen.ln1 Uni;;le lohn'a w{IJ introduce their eompltte Fr1nchl1e pro1rtm. Date · ~ptember 11, 1969 Timi!· ll::\O • 1:30 PM Pl&Cll . 81lbo1 B1y Club. Newport Be•ch, C.llforni1 Coc;kt1\11 A Hori d·oeuvn11 UHChE d'OHH'S. f"or ,......,.u.111 1111 frw HtH I, pl-t•ll er Wl"ll f! 1. th~l4 thw•on. Vlu·PTotld.rilrtr111~lN WtJ u .c1. 1•k11'1 -..u ........ IM;. NATIC TOWU. °"""· C.llfen!1 ..... {l'tl) 141..ut• •• • " . ' • . I l 1' \ t' DAILY I'll.OT ~ .. ~merson Challenges :.Laver's Slam Dreams ROD LAVER Pljlys OW Friend :rock ton lo urning [arci:mo OCKTON, Mass. (A.P) -This quiet was in ~ today for the in- uctible figlifmg man who put it on nap -Rocky Marciano, the Rock. Brockton Blockbuster, the retired !eated heavyweight boxing champion t world. :e it was known mainly as the Wwn e they make shoes. But that was e the rugged young Italian · ican kayoed Jersey Joe Walcott and ~l home the title in 1952. wa$ Brockton's hero. a hometown rho gave up coal shoveling and ditch og to slug his way to the velj'. top !n fighting , earning $1.7 million tn ~ and retiring with a record of 4.9 ~ professional victories. : Rock was killed Sunday night when 1t plane carrying him from Chicago birthday celebration at a De.if es steakhouse crashed in an Iowa yard. 1 body was returned here Monday, ay he would have been ta years old. ttciano 's profe!!ional carttr started >!yoke in 1947 with a three round KO ~ Epper~ and ended In New York : years later \\•lth a ninth round kout over Archie r.ioore. He an· ced his retirement the following fighter who clidn 't know Uie art of ig, he'd take as many punchn as ssary to land o,ne. ' got rocky tonilbt because l only got !Cl a couple of llmtlt" be once told a rt.er after a fi&ht in 1952. :ut in tough fights; I have headaches i week or two weeks. Sometime1 I ally hear humming . , . and I know can't be good for me." en he added : "But J used to have a back all the time from shoveling at the Brockton Gas Works. this J gel paid better ." 1tside the ring l\1arciano \Vas the lest of men. nside the ring ht was a lion, outside a >."was the "'·ay Y.'alcott put it. 'his is the 5addesl news I've ever d," Joe Louis said Monday when he 1'.I of the death of Rocky Marciano. Vhen he defeated me I think it hurt more lhan it did me. He was always ng about it," Louis said. Jter the fight, he sent a message to dressing room 33ying how aorry be the fight tumed out the way it did. le just had e good heart," Louis said. put everything he had into boxing. ... as the kind of man boxing can really ~verything I remember about him I.!! I," Loui~ said. :irmer champ Sonny Liston said Mar- o "was one of the greatest champions e. ever y,·as." and deposed champ Jius Clay told a reporter Marciano lhe ooly one who would have "given some trouble." though murderous lo those who :ht him. Marci.ano's free-swinging. !ding style drew little praise from the 1ng purists. iowever," he once remarked alter his ·emenl, "20 years from now fight 1 will look at my record and know I ~t everybody around and never lost a t. I might even end up a living :nd." He did. He 'was named to lison Square's boxing H&ll of Fame In e, 1967. funeral Masll will be celebrated at SI. !man'a Church Thuraday, and another ts will be celebrated Friday at SL J Church Jn Fort. Lauderdale. Fla ., !l'e Marciano made hit home for the l st\1eral yearli. Codst Aces ' Team Up · in Doubks Today By GLENN WHITE ot .. o.b """ st.ti FOREST HIUS, N.Y. -Ro y Emenon. Newpirl Buch'• classy pro tenn.11 atar, looms as the big threat to Rocket .Rod Laver's ambition ol beccm- ing the flnt man ever to post two grand 1lams -a fat the flame-haired Coroo.a del Mar resident can accomplish by win- ning the U.S. Open championships bein& contuled here at West Side Tennis Club, Emerabn squares off against bis California neighbor Wednesday afttmoon with the survivor moving into Friday'li semifinats of this $IS7 ,000 U .s. Open classic. This afternoon The Rocket and Emerson were to join forces. however, as they were billed to face Jim McManus and Jim Osborne in d o u b I e • quant.rfinals. Aod lhlJ momlna the two 0r,... Colil aru Uasbeo -k<d oot toptber )lr'Uie ,.ar1ng hffl ancl gbaslly bumlifity that has plagued p1'Jen thus far, lit tfte tournament. Emenoo hu not dl'OPP6d • set thus far in singles ,. jloubtes. Mciodoy be~ o1 San· DH:co's Roy Barth, t-3, w, w. Earlier he dnllJbed 1-<lko Fraaulovic, Manuel Otant..•nd Bill--.,. I.aver found lhe• 8oiOI roual! with Bakersliel<l pro Dennia.·Ralsloo Monday. But he fmally ldumpbed,.M.,M, M, ~ 5-3. Previou.s.ly ln the to1.uwy ne defeated Luis Garcia, Pinto Brt•o and -Jaime f'lllol. ' "Dennis was-ael'Ving· well and l waa having a difftcutt t1me reactinJ to -.ne. or the ball'• irTegUJar boil>Oell," Laver told the DAILY PILOT _, Wed to comment on Monday'• mlldL ' . "By the lourlb ..i I noll1.ed ll\eu-wu rool dqu and -to plq belle' after that..'" · ,,. lot Wed~• club with E-he llYI> "Jlo1 JI' playJnc,JtU and rm hltUllJ the w wea • ... 11ope to ploy • &ood mold!. -. .. we - each ollwr'• miites and lamt..l'U lll•t lo concentrate more aod 1'Wk harder." Em"10li; wlnber ol lhree.1'/!!1'.1111D<llla while en a .let1lihJ !:uropuq' lour this Sllmm~, Ja ~ diupPotat(.d 111 beina "' the ume llde ol the draw witb • 4ver. . "For-mr lo win, l'U lllve lo do somoUdnl -. nonnaL rin P1•1'hl vt:rf ,..U. Bui he'a (Laver) a dltllcult -In -bl1 --.· Emmon relalet. "111 have lo put qull< a' blt oo my aerve. You can't play orptive terulll a&ilAit him -you've 1ot to do IOllldblng beiid .. ju!l lry and keep the blll ln'.play." &nencn last oppoeed Laver In the flMla ol the Mldbon Square o.-lnviliuotw in Msy ond lolll two seti to ..... UMy alJ.rOUod l&JDe iJ •t 1eut U Sood now aa it wu then -l 'm tiruin& the ball especially well," he adda. . So. Itta Laver va Emerson Wedneaday with tbi! winner golnl to the semJfmaJs - maybe to tackle defending champJcm Arlbur A>he. In other key 1in1te.1 matches today, It'• 'l'ooJ( Roche VI Pancho GonzaleJ; John Newcombe vs Marty Rlesam; Andres G1"""" va E"11 Buchholz and Fred StnUe -va Roger Taylor. ROY EMERSON Gun• for Up11t Red-hot Davis, 29 Straight, Chasing NL Record of 37 I Ul'I Tt ltjolttN RECORO-TYING SWING -I;os. Angeles Dodger. ouUielder. Will ie Davis sin~ed sharply to center field in the second 1nn1ni ae:ainst the New York Mets to tie the all-time Dodger club record of hitting safe- ly In 29 coosecutive games. He tied ~ack Wheat's record set in 1916 and is ei£ht games short of the National League mark of 37. The Dodgen cfeleated the Mets, lo-6. ., LOS ANGELES -Wlllle Dovia ut<nd· cd ,hia hlWng llrW lo 21 llIDtl to Ue z..t Wh<ei't clllb ftCOl'd U ·ille Doditn defeated the New York Mets by a 10 to I scon Monday afternoon. The triumph leaves the Dodgers c>ne· haif g'me behind San Franciaco in the torrid National Lague West fl•I chm. In the second Inning, Divis rilled a fa.at ball off the slant.I of Cal Koonce into center field to eqUal a club record set in 1916. He received a it.anding ovation from the 28,079 lam ancttbe game was stopped mmi.enlartly lo pre;aent the ball Nears Double Slam CdM's Lethal Southpaw On Mission Impossible FOREST HILLS, N.Y. -Mission Im· poMible is abollt lo become the fulflll· meot of what most experts would have called tennis' impossible dream as Corona Oel Mar's lethal southpaw heads toward ooe of sport's all-time great ac. complishments. Thal is, to get a second grand slam and to eam ovu •100,000 in one :Year. He ean do both by wrapping up the U.S. Open championships here at plush West Side Tennis Club. And he's on1y three legs -but mighty big ones -away from victory. U he makes It, the whole naUoo wlll see it first hand Sunday afternoon via television of the finals. Only Don Budge and Laver have ever gotten ~ slam -winning in the same year the four major tournaments: Wimbledon, French, U.S. and Au.strali11n. Why I! a slam so difficult? For one thing the player must perform on different kinds of s u r f a c e s • Wimbledon. the U.S. and Australian cpens are on grass. But each has a dif· ferent characteristic to masler. The French Open is played on a clay court much slower than any of the grass textures. Tournamenta are so large that seeded players, such as Laver, must not only master their more famous foes, but they must also face lbe threat of lesser toown but talented challengers. Such was the case with Laver at \Vlmbledon when he lost the first two seta to India's Pnmjit Lall before rallying for the first round triumph. Too, these tourneys are sp~d over a long period of Ume, forcing the players lo remain in tOp phytical and mental form for a l~month duration ••. not any easy chore wbetl you constancy lrlvel, change diet and t.Urie zones. · And a.Ii Laver points out.. "when yoo're GLDIM •MIT• . .................... . WHITE WASH ··········-······· number one, everyone Is trying that much harder to knock you off." I! he makes it this week -and t believe he will -il'll be an ac· complishment not soon to be matched. True Snake Tnle A true story: Jt was back In tbe days when railroad y,·as the mode of travel for major league bueball team1. Roughly, it was 20 ytar1 ago. Sports Clipped Short Il seems the Cleveland Indians were on the same lrain with two car loads of womtn bowlers. One unusually prankish member of the baseball group was Jackie Prlct, a chap who had already scared the life out o[ severa1 teammates and some of the club directors' daughters by releasing black snakes at opportune moments. Rams Reinstate Williams LONG BEACti -Coach George Allen reinstated starting cornerback Clancy Wi\Uanu to th:e Los Angeles Rams foot· ball 1 squad Monday. . Allen auspended Williams Wt Wed· nesday for what he called an Indifferent a,lt\tude. '1f'm glad to have Clancy ba<:k and I thiiik he'll be a better football playtr because of all this.," Allen told newsmen. \Vlillams said : "I'm llOrl')' that I miss· ed a week's work. I lowld out bow cUf. Cicu.lt it ii to stay •way from the team. There are no ban\ feellnp between myself and Coach Allen." Allen said be thlnkl Wllllams will be ready to face the Buffalo Bills Saturday despite lingering trouble from a aboulder Injury two weeks ago. ,, ,, ... NEW YORK -Joe Pepitone., saying he's H,900 in debt ~ Uvln; on '50 a week. apologized \n !tie NE'w York Yankees ?.1onday and will return to tile leoim Tuesday . ... v ... H was a bad day for Olympic sprinters in pro f~U camps Mooday as the ltti· ami Dolphins of \he American League cut Jimmy •Unes and the AFL Cincinnati Bengals waived Tommie Smith. Hines. the Olympic JOO.meter dash win· ner who set a world record o{ 9.9 seconds al Mexko City, signed with the Dolphins for an estimated fl0,000 and was trying to make the club as a wide receiver. "He's jus\ not a football player, ~e's a track man," said a Miami player whO did not wish to be identified. "He doesn't have good hands And had loo much com· pettt.loo from our iood group of recei vers." Smith, "''ho raised 1 clinched, black • grove-covered fist -a b I a c k pov."er gesture -during the playing of the Na· lional Anthem after winning the 200 meter• in the Plympics. also was trying to rnai.e tbe grade as a wide receh·er . ... ... ,, t.amar Keck ol Reseda won hi.11 S«Ond straiiht Western Slatet bowlinll cham- pionship by overpowering Northern Callfomia "Elims'' champlon Don Bell of San Francisco in an 3-game title scram- ble at Kona Lanes and L at L castle Lanes in the bay city. Keck took a commanding 907.771 lead on his home Janes in Co8ta P.fesa and despite a perfect 300-game by Bell in the first game in San Francisco, managed to hold on for a comfortable tnS-1691 vie· tory. Bell picked up 110.plns in the bay area set on Monday but couldn't come rlo!IC to the southland champion a11 he traill!d in the final tabulaUon by 84 pins. Prlct, it setma, alway1 had a snake or lwo al hi:s disposal most everywhere be wenl. This particular train trek was no exception. And second baseman Joe Cordon knew it. Gonion egged Price on until the Jai ler \Yalked Lhrough the bowlers' two cars, dropp1ng a black make in each. ll waSll't long until v.·omen y,·ere screaming, runnma. paasing ·out and showing other aign.. of panic as the rep- tiles were spotted, sl ithering about. A few days later, Price was perfonnlng for the minor leagues, and never again returned to liven up the majors with his snakes. WALKER TO JUMP FOLLOWING DEAL? PIULADELPHJA IAP) Th• to the Dodger center fielder.- Davis ill now jlist eight games short ol the National League modem day record of 37 set by Tommy Holmes of the old Boston Braves in 1945. Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees holds the major league record of 56 slraight games. "It takes a little luck," said Davis of the streak. •'Jf you make contact with !he ball. you have a better chance, and rm doing that. The last couple of daya l felt a liltle pressure, but now it's off." President \Valter O'Malley, thinking back to other momentous occasions in West Coast DOOger h.istory, said: .. We will have something very appropriate for Willie should he break the National League record. \Ve have been after him to hit this way for eight years. This se&· l!lon is going to be his financial turning point." Davis shared the limelight with Andy Kosco "'ho lashed four hits and knocked in three n103 in leading the IS.hit Dodger attack. Tommie Agee and Duffy Dyer each hit homera for the Mets off the slants of "'innin~ Jim Bunning. Don Sutton goes lo the mound toni ght Against Gary Gentry of the Mets. 'The two clubs "'ind up the three dav serie'.'> and home sta nd Wednesday niiht with ~l~de Osteen coming back from a groin UIJW'J, Tatum Shines As California Divides Pair \VASHINGTON (AP) -The month ()f A~gust ope.ned for the Califomia Angels with Washington beating the Anahetm- based team twice in a row and Ken TB· tum losinR one of those games with 2 2/3 innings of relief. But ~ few . things have changed slnc:e then, 1nclud1ng Tatum's effectiveness, and 7'-fondav when the Angels opened Angel Slate All I'"'-' "' KMl'C flU) !ieol. 1 "l!Velo 1! Wt1hiroqton •·I.I '·"'• S.ot. ' "'I0•'5 n CMClilO /·" '·"'· J.flit, l Ang1t: n CMc&i!O 1;SS '·'"· 5eptember 1n Washington, they spilt ;i do~bleh~ader with the Senators, losing f.-0 but coming back to win 3-7. . Tatum might have been the real story for the Angels, however. .. ffe hurled four innings of relief. allowed five hits and only one run. But he walked none and struck out tm:i. In 11 relief roles since his loss to \~ashington on Aug. l, the JS.year-old tJght·hander has allowed just lYi'O earned runs in 21 iMing.s for a glistening o.as earned run average. The two teams go at it again tonight In another tv.in bill. Andy Afesseramith, 13- 8, of the Angels takes on Jim Hannan 4. !i .. of the Senators in the first game ,;Ith .Jun. ~fcGlolhlin, 7-12, of California op- posing Jan Dukes. G-0. in the nightcap. The s~nalors \\'On Monday'a first game wi th a barrage by one man : muscular 1ifike Epstein. locky Didn't Know Son Could Walk Philade1phl1 76en today completed a trade with the ChJctgo Bulls Uiat had been nm'Kftd ror a week, living up veteran forward Chet Walker for Jim W•shlngton. The 76er1 also 3elll guard Shaler Halim<lt, their flfSl draft choice in 1968. to the Bulls for a i>layer to be. named all« the IOJt.'9 National Buketbell Auocialion aeason. In the nightcap, Aurelio Rodrigues of the Angels doubled with the bases full in !he fourth and that gave rookie Steve Kealey, 2-0, enough to pick up the triumph. CAl.lliOltHIA WAIMIHOTOlll )RT LAUDERDALE, .Fla. (AP) - ky Key1n Marciano waa gofn& to 1Ur- e hi.I dldd1, The 17-monlh-old only ol bollng l'fft Rocky Marciano hsd nett to walk alnce his rather departed >mlnea Wdlysago. rt he wu unable to l"OITlprehcnd that Wther nu)d nevtt again sail through lroilt door aod btoc huJ hit boy. Lil· Rock IOVed those 'hup. '!'ht "me by, mUICUllf arnu U111l once lt!r· :ed ring opponents were warm and ly to him. Rocky Kevin played a m I d unopened presents that were to aurprise tifarclaoo on hl11 4&th birthday Monday. The un· defeatf?d former heavy~-elghl champion dldn'l make the party. He was killed Sun· day in a ll;ht plane crash near Newton, Io•· a. ''lie didn't know yl)Ung Rocky rould w11lk," Mid Mra. Eliiabctb Cou.6lna, molhtr of M11ric:11no'11 wife, Barbara. "All of us find it hard to believe he's d~Ari. but It hits home when you learn Rocky'! body Is en route 111 Brockton in • cuktl '' "Thtre ate s lot of presents:," Mrs. Cowln11 said. "I don 't know what will ~ done with them. \Ve're not thinking too much about that with what's happened ." Mrs. Cousins said the widow wa~ holding lip 11 well a,s could be expected. "She c11r.·1 talk moch because of cryinr;: though," said B 11 r b a r 11 ?.111rtiano·.5 mother. Since re:tirtna from boxing with a 4.9-0 record. M1trci1no had betn lnvolV'l!d in varioui1 bu.•dnesses. Some lost JJma1J fortunes. but othen managed to keep him jn the money. The family lived 1t 2700 N. Atlantic Blvd., on Fort Lauderdale Beach · in an expensive waterfront home. "lie was always running everywhere to make money ," Mrs. Cousins sald. ''He \\-85 building and selling boats, dabbling in real est11t~ and had construction hoklings. The latest venture was 1 restaurant chain lrno•·n ;111 Luigi's In Calilcma. "Brockton wa11 his bom~. but his heart WRS here In FkKida ." Walker, who started with SyracuJe In 1962 and stayed with the club tn the transfer 1o Phi!Adelphla, reportedly Isn't happy about the lrade and has hlnled he'll talk about switching to the rival America.n Baskelt>all As.'<oc-ln•11'1"' 1J A • averaged 16 points a game in his NBA caretr. Washington, a sraduat.e Of Villanova tJnlVe.rslty, WR! the No. I choice of the St Lools Hawks In 1061 ., , Iii ,,,. Al&tNir, :lb 4 I I J JOMo-. Cf I I I I Fr"°'L ... S I t I R11eft1f'dT, ff J I I I ""°'1111\, rl 1 1 • 0 S--.cw, 11• I I 1 o co ... ".1a •110 A.ltOC1•19u.r, Jb S I 1 J "°"""· t 4 ' 0 0 G1l$1'1Ul. o I O D O ICt<it.~.n 0101 ••o:n . .,.. 0100 l(Ttl!Ml. o ~ D 1 I .. , .. ,.. U-, cl S I t I S!revt. rf 5 1 I I P'.MoW'I,.., Ir S 1 S I 1!"'9WI. 1111 1 1 I 1 Ml ..... rl JOI! McMvlltft, :Ill I 1 J ' ll.Allf!', 2' 4 • 1 0 Cullirl, Jl • 0 t o FO'tf'td\.c • !O II.Moo..-. • 1 I 0 Hu'"llllr~·o, • t I o Al'(M, llft I t I &•ldW'lll, • • • 0 HloQln:. 0 6 I D Cl ~lll'I, r)ll I t 6 K-k.ll I 10 l!l•lftllrr.n. p11 1 l 6 llf!llllllr. f" t I °' CArllt, I I I I Tt111i, <Ill 11 1 000 JU 000 -I • 0)111 1(11 -1 . ---··~ - ( I "" bl! I~ ROI IA ( La Cl• th< oct Jn. bu1 ' d~ lei rel th1 oU ,,, I th1 th• ... bit •h on ue th• al• ' dr Al no dr sp m• lb In po in ye M go d• ta cc 0, .. di "' in ,, ., b; "' .. di bt D " N 13 " ol " " o· h d. ,, L ti • y • p Ii 1 ti • s I I ( ( I ( ! ~----------------------------------------<> , Rraetices Foo~s, helmets an d ahouldet pads -those items barred from the pracUce field Jast week lo prep grld. camps, popped up today at Crestview · League football field•. Crestview League cMmplon Laguna Beach along with San Clemente and Mission Vlejo, the Orange Coast trews three schools in the circuJt. ate now ln the serious c o n t a c t business. IMgal•• BeaeJa Coach Hal Akioa' outfit, despite the presence of 11 lel· termen, faces a complete rebuilding year with only three starters back from the offensive and de f,e n s iv e elevens of last year. He's movlng his c 1 u b through the first week with the basic fundamentals of football. with tackling and blocking exercises b e i n g stressed. Today's action was on the offensive side while Wed· nesday activity is slated for the defense with the two altematinJ from day to day. The qutckness anq agility drills are al.so being ~ed by Akins. His offense, the l.r'lple-t. Is not expected to c h a n g e drastically this year, but the spilt end will be moved in on more occasions. Laguna added one player to the roster of 29 with a transfer from Pasadena. He's Roy Seitz, a S..11, 165- pound sophomore. Akins says he'll be utilized in the varsity program this year. ltlbslma Viejo Like most area teams, Mission Viejo High's squad is going through the basic fun- damentals with blocking and tackling drills being pushed by coach Ray Dodge: Dodge was ha_ppy with his outfit's attitude and desire after a week's pre-conditioning drills. He's noted better quickness and more overall team speed in this year's group. . Mission Viejo's basic of· fensive fonnation -the stand- ard T with a full·bouse backfield and tight ends -will not undergo any changes~ Eight returning lettermen are among the 65 grid can- didates. Quarterback Ed Gray i~ being challenged by Jim Davis, a junior. The Diablos have tentatively scheduled Fallbrook a n d Norco for a scrimmage Sept. 13. Sota Clemettte The Trltons boast more returning lettermen than any other Orange Coast area school with 20 gridders return· ing to the San Clemente carnp. Coactl Tom Eads. in his sec- ond year at San Clemente, is high on his outfit's chances for ~rastically improving 1 a s t year's 1-8 mark. 1 "We have baskany lhe ame bunch of kids back but they are a year older. "Eleven oC them were first and second·team players last year." he says. Eads considers his program 90 percent ahead of J.ast year's pace. ll's the same story -tack· Jing and blocking drills for the Tri tons. Leading gridders in camp through the pre-condiUoning week were Mike Coit and Steve Divel, both guards. Eads adds his guards are his strongest suil FL YING BARONS -Coacll Bruce Pickford (right) sends his varsity football candidates through pre- conditioning workouts. Fountain Valley ~quad set- tied down to two-e-day contact drills today in prep- aration for 1969 grid opener with Rancho Alamito,s Sept.19. The date that everyone hu been polntlng to -~ day after Labor Day, ls here and with it marks the open.Ing day of contact drills for prep foot· ball. Irvine L e a g u e represen· taUves from the Orange Coast area-Corona del Mar. Costa Mesa. Edison, Estancia and Fountain Valley -donned the pads and l>elmets for the flrst tJme today after last w~'s preconcllt.ionlng drills. Here's a rundown on each ot ar~ area's teams: throu&b flv6 tepar•te phases of workouts and Jn every caae. wlMthtr it's the ffO, mile, the mat driU, stadlwn stairs or what, every athlete has con· Unued to improve bis time and maru. The two-.t-<laY contact drills wlll eneompe.a.s Ule entire pro-gram every day -0Uens.lve1 def~ve and ticking. First full«ale inttrsquaa ~ge is bllled for S.tQr· day morning. Dave Davis and Dave Dies, halfback and split end can- ~-o--d•I •fa-didates, led the Costa Mesa ..,.,,. ·-,.;; "· • preconditioning drms. In the Coach Dave HoUand· said 40..yard dash, the Mesans had 11 grid aspirants running his squad hns started immed· between 5.0 and 5.5 seconds. iately on the Sea Kings' game plan for Newpori Harbor Edison Sept. 20. ''We're so much ahead of The fil'St~Yer contact drills last year that we're able to at Edison High School began forsake some of the primary today with c<>acb BUI Vall sLUff and get right to work on moving hia turni>ut ~f 60 grid our o(fenaiv& and deleMiye aspirants through the basics. patterns that we'll use again.st Fundamental football Newport," he said. with emphasis on the blocking The Sea Kings utilize a beijy and tackling techniques -is seri~ ofI the T·formatJon the rule ol the day for the w\th a spUt e!)d. 'l'he backfield Chargers. • itm. coach Ph1J ~ .... ·• Jt will be a UtUe ditferiiK than I've done.. bef~, '1'bia 1i.n)e Wf'Jt beC1n -hl&.- llnl Olt the goal Un& hit· mediately and flad out jQp who tbe hitters are l10tJDd h4re.•, tlnal tabul•Uons ol U. mutta are. not la but lt caa be ~ that Brown bal found out a peat deal about his ""' Est.a.nda club wlth the tint day's drllla in the~~ Brown was ' ll~ dlalp-polnted with the total turnout of only 40 lor the varsity, but indicated he didn't expect to lose any o( them. Estancia picked up two transfers -one a I a..d responsible for an Estancia loss last year. He's Cal Shores, a pl! kicker from Costa Mesa Hi who tdtd three perfect versions last year In Meea's 21·20 thriller over Estancia. A transfer from Virgiliil showed up in Carl Rhodes, ~ 8, 150-lb tailback prospect. l Fountaia. l' aUe11 is usually a tight-t. Vail has a young squad wiOt Holland has 62 candidates only seven seniors out. Five of Coach Bruce Pickford affl JC Bosses Wearing Big Smiles Sunset League Teams out f0t the varsity with a var· those have no football ex· before contact drills began .~t sity lettermen. perience, underlining_ t tLe day. "We're ready for tlle Holland received a bonus green Unt to the Chargers' pads -we don't want when transfer Bob Ferraro squad. anymore of this conditioning showed up in camp. Ferraro. Vail took timt out lo praise business." By JOEL SCHWARZ Of ttte Dally "'" Shff For the most part, the Orange Coast area 's three junior college football coaches wore big smiles after running their teams through the first organized workouts of the season Monday morning and afternoon. Typical and o p t I m i s t i c remarks went like this: "This is the best conditioned group oC athletes we've had since I've bee n here," re· ported Orange Coast's Dick Tucker. "These kids are in twice as good condition as any other team we've had. We've never had 62 players whose overall ability was as good," said Ray Shackleford of Golden West. "We've got lots of desire and are way ahead of lasl year,'• said George Hartman of Saddleback, the only coach who voiced any m a j o r reservations. All three schools wll1 con· tinue their workouts i n preparation for scrinunages Saturday. At Orange Coast, t h e Pirates were bolstered by the arrival of two more play~s. veteran defensive tackle John Noutary a n d freshman end Karl Pederson from Hun- tington Beach High. Veteran flanker B r u c e Hicks, however, will be out of contact work for at least several days with a pulled groin muscle. At Golden West, meanwhile, Shackleford also has divided his club into otfensive and defensive units and the early stress is on f undamenlals. Al Saddleback's UC Irvine camp, Hartman Is worried about the cond!Uoning of his team. "We need a lot more con- ditioning before we're ready for a game. Some of our kids thought tl)ey were in shape if they' ran a little in the sum- mer, but they're not. We're going to have a lot of work on c o n d i t i o n i n g and fun- damentals.'• . Start 011, Heavy Hit ting from Fountain ·Valley, Ls a 5.9, split end candidate John And with that, the Barotlt 175-pound sophomore and Fl sher, ce nt er Cr al g went through a contronta Holland says he'll be seeing Mortensen and guards Mark scrimmage today· 1'11 action this year oo the varsity. DeHufC and Mike Balch. Pickford expects to put Ms His backfield may be an all-gridders through serimm~ Football ls known as a 11con- tact sport" and Sunset League prep teams are aotng exactly that today. WUh a week of pre-con· d.itioning • behind them, the Orange Coast area's four teams -Newport Harbor. Westminster, Marina and Hunlingt.oa Beach -be~an their two-a-day contact dnlls today. lluntit19toH B~h The Oilers are jn the process of going through the basic fun- damentals, which include form hitting and tht toughenin( up of shoulders. Coach Ken Moats iudicatea that hi4. club will probably go thtough an inttrsquad sctim- mage Thursday if his oo&.fit can ltbow it's ready. · Basic running plays, along with tbe blocking and tackling drills, are the order of the day at the present. The Oilers have nine varsity lettermen in camp. One of Moats' first objectives is to find his two leading receivers. 1'l•rlna Marina High School's foot.· ball program has moved into the contact stages of the 1969 season and before the first pad was put on it was establlshed that the Vikings would be b)essed with the one com· modlty you can't teach - speed. The Vikes of coach Jim Coon have plenty of it with backs Joe Ventimiglia and Dave Lacy leading the parade. Both have times of 4.7 in the 40 yard dash on the practice field and could be the one-two punch that is necessary to break up the anticipated Anaheim -Santa Ana·Newport Harbor flavor in the Sunset Los Alamitos Entries League. out thls time, giving them 1 Cost• Mesa junior outfit with the leading ~;ei:ay J;~ 4~ de~~ f•an. Th V'k "'"'« d-..11 fl candidates for starting roles ._. e t es are wor~ .. on decl ii:u Y young avor. Mesa's countdown to lhe '69 juniors Ken Funke (fullback). damentalJ with unit and ten the fundamental blocking and Passing is expected to campalan reached another Jim Moxley (tailback) and play stressed. ~ tackling assignments with the dominate the Westminster ~ateau today with the first Jerome ffiooj®l, and Lyle Fountain Valley ptcked tip runrung game ,etting top bill· = B: .~~~rb::.ier ~~f ~; ~~r was high Raymond at quarterback. ~r, lr~iioi!::!'rt ta:~ Ing. H1a receivers wW be among in his praise for bls grtdders. 11:'-t _._ prosnlM't from Oak P*""b Marina will employ the l · juniors Doug Milne and Walt saying, "I've never been so ~ Gtt11---... Illin~i~: The six·footer tips~ formation·with abbbt five sets Maddocks. senior curt impressed with a group of Before his gridde~ settled scales at 'JHI. • off or it after enjoying less Dedrick and sophomore Glenn boys since I've been. CQa.cblng. down lo the two-a-day contact Jim McKinzie, a 10-pouu4 tben spectacular success with Lantaff. 11We've been running them busil)esa that ia now in pro-baek. is from Servile. the double-wing the past two-------------------------------------------_;,.....•-'' years. Ne1Cport Barbor tntersquad scrimmaging ls the rule of the day at Newport Harbor High wbert coach Wade Watts ls sending bis charges through two-Hay contact workout!. Wat.ts bQ S9 working out tn the vanity proifam with 1J varsity lettermen and the nucleua' of two cbampionsbJp Bee football teams. Newport picked up' three transfers to date, highlighted by the appearance of Mark Steve.ns, a six.foot, 2 0 O • pounder. He's a solid candidate for tackle as a junior. Another junior, Brad Hovey. checked in at 205 and Bix·foot. The third transfer is Jlm Swick. Swick, a freshman, is compared lo the Tars' four- year varsity Ieterm.an Stu Aldrich when Aldrich was a freshman. We•tndnster The 1968 Sunset League champions are undergoing in- tensive work in the fun. damenials with blocking and tackling drills and patterns being stressed. Coach Bill Boswell lost a wealth of talenl via gradua- tion. His turnout of u n I o rs usually numbers 11ear 40 but the Lions have onl7 21 aeniora .. THINK nYICE! We have 2 great NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN . and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT Each new account earns guaranteed interest of 5.250/o per year. In the GROWTH PLAN inter~t is left to accumulite for whichever period you choose-3, 4 or 5 years. THIS PROQUCES THE HIGHEST RETURN ON INSURED SAVINGS ANYWHERE JN T.HE UNITED STATES. Jn the INCOME ACCOUNT your interest check is sent to you every three months for the designated J, 4 or S year period. ' Baseball Standings l'er T119Sciar, S.f. t. 1"'-4151 DIJ ind Ult. Allowanus. l'uru S2HO. '""' •AC•. 400 Yl,dt. M•l<*> t Alamllos De Good (Sl111e1 '" vnr olos. Cttltnlnt. Pvn• 11100. ~tnel IUvtr Win (Lll>llam) 11' Cltlmlnt 1trrea t1ll00. • S.ndr Citic (Cardottl 122 SPffdv Wal<I> <H Crosby) 171 J1y lh1J>h (A4•1rl I It AMERICAN LEAGUE West Dlvlaloe MiMesota Oakland California KansaJ City Chicago Seattle Woe Lost Pet. GB 80 52 .ll06 - 74 57 .565 5~ S6 74 .431 23 53 7t .402 27 52 79 .397 271h so 82 .371 30 East DMsloo Baltimore 92 4"' .$81 - Detroit 78 SS .686 13 Boston 71 61 .538 IQ~i: Washington 69 66 .511 23 New York 66 6? .496 2S Cleveland 54 80 .403 3ffi MWtrc ••111• New Yont ••· Sealtlt l.J. 2nd ••m'I 1l lnnlnH lciaton ,, 04lll1nd 2 Ml11Mt0l1 1, CltVtfencl J S.111,.,,.,,_ t, C"lcffo O Wealll!llJJon 1>1. C.llfofnlt o.• Detroit S.2. l(.ell•H City 4--3. hi JllM 11 1Mf"91 TtflY'I e1mw Detroit (l.olldl 1U) It "'1IMI City (NtllOn MJ), nltl'll 8altltnin (McNtllY 11.J) 11 ClllCHO (Pelll'S t.1'). nlO"' Clevellnd ITlanl t·l1> If Mlnneao11 (Hall NI. nloht C..lltornl• (MaUarwnltll IH •nd M~ Glolllfln MU at WtJlllNlell ltilMIA 4.S end ~., 041 t. lwl~kltrt 5911t11 ce.rtier t~ tt l'ltt Vtl'lt ( Oownllltl .J.41, nllllt OekltM CTelbol M) _. IOllOlt (l.onbort 7 .. 1. nltllt • ...,..., • ., .• o ..... 09!!'0lt at K.,.... CJW, twllN11 """''and et MltlllflOI• ~ .. lealO'I ) NATIONAL LEAGUE West Dtvlaloa W• 41* Pct. GB s. Fr&ncbco 15 5t Jee) - Cincinnati .72 , rt .$51 Ya Los Angeles 73 51 .SS7 1,.; Allanta 73 63 .531 3 Houston 89 '4 .519 514 san Diego 40 93 .301 341h Eat DlvW. Chicago 82 $: .612 - New York 76 SS .580 4'r.i Pittsburgh 71 60 .542 9h SL Louis 72 62 .537 JO PbUadelphia $2 79 .m 231~ Mc>ntreaJ 41 94 .304 41 h l'MMIY'I 01~ Los At1oelts 10, New 'fort I S•t1 Franclaco 12. Monlr .. l ! Clllnto 1r1 Clltd!IMfl, r1l11 Pltliburtll 7, All1n111 I St. L'11111t " How'9ll ~ kn Oleeo -&. fttl11M1-111a t ~· . .-.. Htw Ym (Gentrv f.111 •• Los AA. teltt (llllton IS.It), nltht Pfllladelllltl• (Otlll'lplon +1) at ,.,, Otet0 I KtllfY H I, nltllt S4. Lovie (Tl'flOr t-t) •• l'IOUl!On (Grlllln t-4), 11'9fll x-ClllCtOO !Hinda 16-UI If Clll<lll· Mil !Arrtto Mt. nltltt a-111411fl'!dld ... ,,.. of June IS ~ lie ,...,... twklt ........ 1.r ,.,,,. O!llV ..,._ ldltdllltd . ........,, ... _ ~llblllll'llll at All1t11tt, nlllf>t Olkllto ti Cll'CIMAll. n""I flll'lll•~llill.. 1r1 Sin Oltt6, 11lollt lftW '(Oft et 1.• Allttln. IMl\1 Monlfftl at Sin 'rtnel.ica Oall' -llCMcMelt 111 IC•l'IOlt (R 9t111Cs) 120 Cltbbet RH ltCICll IA!Nldllu l 111 toledo's l'tllto !WltlMirt l 12' Dickey .. , .MM CSll'\ltl'IJ m .S-'• Gin cMcwrttonl 12' .. flert'• •• , (61"'' l11 SIXT" It.AC•. Ut yal"d•. ' Yfft olds incl Ufl Ill Gredt M Mll!Ut. ,WM NolW. ,ora LICl't <"1t•l llf ~ottlt Mitt 111 moo. C.ll~nlll Sandi IC•rdol•) ''° Otro,,ltM .. , JlfaVllOI' lllllflam) Gold Olaf (C•,.uJ 117 l14 m 1'4 ,. Mtn.v Tom (AO.Ir) '2t o.tt"ffV J01111 ( Stllltfl) 1 ilO HCOND llACI. a Ylrds. > )'ffr .idt •nd 1111 In Grldt I ,.lus. ,.u,... auoo. MIMY 9t Sure (H Crosby) SuMY•t .... IA<Mlr) ,,, 117 loan ltunntt I'm a.rlo !Smlllll Su111"tOWn <~ril•l 117 Secret TOllfo l"•t•I 'f' 17 Jn'• Sun (Cardo?•) Oon ""' Kine ot '"' Turt <Wltburtl ••"• r-0\/911 .Moon (Kanlsl Ctle!t o.dt (Ad.al,1 Mooll" LadY. (Al*!Ja I Rlcklor CH C,....,I NldU Otl Mtr ILl""-1'111 1 'Zt S1 ilor'J H lthl l?O ,,. ll7 117 "* 117 11S 12~ -HVINTH ltACl. V•~ll S~ CourM ....&10 ntdl. 3 rtar olds JM "'· Clalmlnt Purst ~-. Ct1lmlM ''lei s;50t, Tl>t TOf!I Htwl(lfts. ltOdcet Jmer t• 911i111) 11• Nit', ~II" tWlt-l I 17 Tlthl $tU"1e ($mllll) llf ""'' lt-.Ufll (H Ctd$bl'I lit TNllD RAC•. 1SO n rO•. t \lter lunnV B•r Lff IA•ocltul II• olds. Clalmlnt. "u'" 12100. Cl1lmln1 l •blW's toy (CartloZ•I 11' ;r,:. '=Mv•rt l"•lllo) 111 Tues Tr•cll' (LINml . 122 l(lpry•t Comal !C.rdOUl 120 ltflMTH ltA~ n r,is. ' n;r Mr. """I Wint• no 01c11 Ind ""-111 Ora M I'll/a. r11M TrlPlt 9ar Tom (Lllll!tm) UO s.uot. 11Mt flllflft, ~ Clllltltr (smtllt) no Donlt It G..-(H er-..> u.a Mr, Slit •tr no 0r111 CMdtttl)Okb) u 1 Ot<lt f'ew« CM CNtWl 111 (11111 .. , (ICtflftl Ito TMt It_, .. , (R la,._I H1 Ml .. It IR hflltt) 123 I.Ir Otvlnt (A4tlrl 117 lt•n Klllktt Cl.htlltml 117 IMIM tltcw ( ..... , 11' Vlllam l'rlnct (Wllloll) 117 Still tl'd Go (CardoQ) 117 0.. Mount <Adflrl ll4 -NINTH •AC•. 350 verd1. I ""' '17 old1 arid 1111 In Gracie A Mlnua. "U'M 170 Sltoo. I I 1 0.ft<l'f V1IOI' 12' 91ttlnt lobbY (Adair\ 114 T•r ••lrf Jenn < ICantJl lie Ml .. roltlo fM CrOlbvl 114 Sprll't '• "'°"''" CCa,doU) 110 o.n.11 T •fl~· He Otll~I• Miu !WllSO!I) Miit ,._, tsm1t1t1 lU "' uo 1 U 114 111 1l7 111 One el these two plans may be right for yoa. We rerommend th~m u a second account, a Jong-term investment. Withdrawals before the period's end are subject to restrf1:tions. Whe" held to term's end or beyond, savinas in tl'tese plans produce gratifying rewards ... at fM world'• most atfrKttve mmonment for savinp- laguna Federal Sa\linp. Amid the beauty of our charming seaside communities, savers have invested their nvings at Laguna Feder•! for aver a third of a century. Today they conllnue to find at Orange County's LARGEST, FIRST and STRONGEST independent Federal, new !.lvings programs helpfully tailored to meel individual needs. Fath better-way·to-save provides the nation's hlghest?eWtns, with insured safety, with DAV IN to DAY OUT INTEREST. PASSIO()tC ACCOUNTS~n CUllENT ANNU,4L IATE ~ms S.13S when compounded-cbily for one yur. QJAlANTUD Glownf and INCOM£ ACCOUNTS: 5.25'S ANNUAL IAlt, compounded djjly, accrued or paid quarterly for 3, 4 or S ~r period. Ton M111 CLhtham) l»1-~~~~--------~~~--~~------,;_---~~~~~~~~--------.:;._ __________ _.:,~ A a s _u a ,e w s :• q .fii, ¥,?\~•.'I*+,• ¥,Cf fi44 ..... •4• ' "" "'°'""' "' ......... ,,,. . ". '"' " .... ,' ....... "' ····-~·~~~~·~...,..-~~-·-·····--· ..... . IWLY PILOT YUM • YUM -Ryan O'Neal and Leigh Taylor - Young of "Peyton Place'' !ame. appear torugbt o;, "'ha.nnel 7 at 9 p.m. in ··under the '/um-Yum Tree. J. is the story of a young bride who ran oot o~ her Ned.ding and ends up shari_ng an apartment "'Ith a -ecent.ly divorced sports wnter. TELEVISION VIEWS 'That Girl' Branches Out By CYNTHIA LOWRY · HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Five years wilhone tele- lision series is enough. says J\1arlo ?'h~~· sooo :o start her fourth season as "That Girl. D an n y 'Thomas• pert and weU-organized laughter already has begun a transitio~ troi:n the ;mall screen to the big one with the motion p1cture •Jenny," shot during her vacation from the ABC :ituation comedy. WHILE SHE still loves comed,)'.-daddy prob- 1bly would disclaim her il (A I she didn't o~. (~) she 1andled il badly -J\1arlo has decided I m an ictress a:nd I want to do all kinds of acting." So v.·hile Marlo has been working 14-hour days n TV she is thinking about moving on to other .hings'. But, of coune, she didn 't say positively. "ltfs very tiring work," said the slim brunette, ooking very v.•ell rested and energetic. "But I've oved it. And I've been lucky to be surrounded by web great people." DURING lhe coming season "That Girt" and the surrounding great people will hate Marlo in- volved in broader comedy than in previous years. In ooe show she'll be caught in public dresaed like a chicken and 'in another she will be an indus-- lrial spy in a pajama factory. All thi.o will be in great contrast to the character she will be playing Ip her first starring movie : a sensitive girl about to have a child, out of wed.lock. "We had a 'crazy Jibow last season, the one "'here t caught my toe in a bowling ball, and I got the greatett mail response in my life," she said, 1ipptng a soft drink during a mid·afternoon break m a busy ICbedule. ''I trunk people like lo see me do broad comedy." . From. January to May. Marlo was worl<lng on the film in New York. living witb family friend• and giving in to a terrible temptation -a world famous confectionary shop nearby. "I GAINED nine pounds but It didn't matter because I was all padded out anyway for my part," Jibe said. That is all of[ now -pads and pastries. Audience tests indicate that the largest segment <>f her audience is persons betw~n 18 and 35. Marlo says she thinks the sho\v appeals •o them because the girl she plays, .i\.nn J\1arie, ''bas a certain hon- esty and a \\-illingness to face emergencies ar problems squarely.'' Over the season. !\tar1o nalurallv has been as· ed to ~uest-star on assorted variety· shows. Sbe h; refused -at considerable financial sacrifice. "I WON'T do them ." she said. "t \\'ant to build my o~·n sho"·· I u·ant the audience to know that if th_ey \Yant to see Ann J\1arie or Marlo Thomas, they ._,111 have to tune in 'That Girl' once a \Yeek. Be- sides. that 's plenty of exposure." De1a1ais tlae Menace SltVE ROPER l Vij;.S SUR£ Mil. SWIFT WAS 'SOME KIMO OF ,t. CROOK/ -BUT. IF THE MOWEV J9/T COUNTER~EIT, °™ATS A MOR-SE ~A DlFFEREWT call.A~ MIKE.' PERKINS ·-· ~ i (. '·' I• If • JUDGE PARKER WOW Pl P 'ttJI I PCll"r EllCTl Y 11\EET MISS IEMBl.eER.! MtAT ~llD'F.' "'" Q ~y 'lblll IWE-.-S~N? TUMILEWEEDS WElL, ANOT!iEll SHERIFFS' AND GOCIPGUYS CONVENTION IS HISTOR'I !-AN~ RlR MELll'S fll'QllO <>KIMY GULCH! BACK TOWOP.K! Mun AND JEFF GORDO . i ' I r ' MISS PEACH 1y c•n• M. Sell '' r.:::======71 .....,,.,,.,.......,,..,..,..,,.,....,,,.,..,,.,.,.."=''-""''"' .. BACK 10 FIGHTING Cl'llME!. .. Bl>CK 10 PITTING WITS PGAINST MY Al\Cll· ADVERSARY . SNAKE-EYE!_ L.lSTEW. Mf ~~LIKE ·wr-t BAU> HEAD .:JUST LIKE l'T IS! ·-..... _ -·-- • By Tom K. Ryan BACK TO LOSING By Al Smith By Gus Arriola By MeN e 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * Pil'rNAM NEWS OH uoe_ Iii -(Cl (IO) •• " 1 It' u 1_ (30) 0 0 ..... ·-.. -Ill (IO) -----· ------. .. ..__.., ___ ... _ lltonh11o ..... ......., ., ... tel (IOI ........ (IOJ ·-IQ (30) ·---(30)1_1 ... )tell Iii d"""1 ii ldicll, illllfldll.. iM ......... • ..... _ .... _ ·--·-(10) ·-tcl (IO) Joel ....... ... - " .... (Cl (IO) ..... -(30) • ............ (SO) 9 -..W llmsa I (C) (30l ....... ~, ....... A """"" ti 1 SiW_, detlpd II lmpriwe • 1&1PfrYilGr'1 sk)lls In 1110tiY1ti111. dMla~q •nl 1Uidi111 em""'"" (R'I ...... M tc> 16'1) , ...... - -(Cl (30) llJ -. .. """ (Cl (30) m-(C) (30) ........... (30) me,, • .,,,... """ ID AMrl! 130) AA ·~ or b1rrio school ,rofllonls. lD:OO 8 a Cl) CU Mom lfodil CC) 180) "TM Gr1rt Alluictn Newel .. 113 .... ii • .. (CJ (30) Slnd1ir l .... "B1llbltt" 1M Siii~ al trt. ._ (C) (30) beck's ''Cr1pa of Wrtttl" IR .... umonhry form. Eric SMrtW lo ........ (30! ·-(JO) ·--(IO) llill-(IOI ·-·,,· ...... ~Dllllmm-"''"" A11Mil T11tiiil C-nmitr fW -(Q 8IWI .... In Wiss HtH .._ fC) (JG) Dr. JoMI Trstlll eN S81 Mlaiit .... a llll C1J 111 "'" tc1 (30) ..,., Olt· friptllf .... Afp!f'." A .. r•pot\lr •lld ldofl rat Klnllo •ml lllcll•r~ 8oont •rt n1"1tcin. (JI) em-1ci 1io1 B llll m aJ INd -(C) l10l £Jrttrio lJtt •M Wllllaflll Moldlll -. GI Dolli! (C) (SO) Mif!nls r-.r1. Ric.11 Uttlt eM The Watl.I 103nl SU.et 91114 pst. lll--(IO) fD utC Mssit ,..,.. tiO) John Crow11 frllJb 1 COl!IJOllll' COflCtrt. Stloctiolls lrl lt1'1111 ~· "Sonlts tor rtt111 Na 1, 0,, 41." Leray SoutlMn' "Sollsb flf Oboo •M ritne,"" •M h" HMslelfl "l•looloclM. .. .............. (C) (30) 11:• e M'" ""'kK it srut * to ll1y up llltl MERY GRIFFIN SHOW •lllCJJ --(Q 0 ill 00 Ill,_ -(Cl 1J .....-: "Iii• Km Tt Uwt- tllr•ffll) 'S4 -DcretllJ ....... su,IMll Md'l1Hr. D !Ill CIJ ID "'1 -ICI l:tl 8 ~ "Tiit lme .... <•s· 11'11) 'Sl-Mtl ftfr•, MltloflJ Qul11.\. aa-ICI 1:11 m .._ -..,._ ,..... • ors. .. MDor\y Day'" '"' "'Aleol Wlti • Tru111ptL" l:lOID"-''II l""""'l 'I Aldalr lhl, N1 Miia JttO. "Tiit ........ ~ 'IO _ .............. _. 11:JI ......... ("'"-0 -All AIU!rt, Cl• l8lft .... ._ --(-•) ........ "" --•42-Slllrltf ltl'l\~t. lilur KMk '5'-1111 Wllllt!M. h DMa. ........ -· -) ............... (-~· '52. .:..s WJM. Ju h'llq. Alicl r.,.. Jo1111 '""' ......... ,_ (-) 4:ll•·· ..., -(-• ., 'tt-ffMly ..... 0.. Defn _...... Malt, 11 Willlta e JOI PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS 01o1tlity ,ri11fint •n-' Otpie11.t•~le Seh'ice fot "'ore than • q11erter of • co11tury • tlt1 Wat IAueA ILYa,. NIWPOIT MACH -64lo4Jl1 • m p: n •• n ~ II c d • " • p A ' [ ii ,, h 0 ' r I " c • I I • " ' I I I 1 2 ' ~· ·--~·-------~-~-~·--·----......... HOUSES FOR SALE ·;.;.;.=..;._...;.......;..;.;...;._ HOUSES FOR SALi'. HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SAL! Goner•I 1DGO Gtnorol · 1000 Gtneral 1000 Gtnor•I 1000 G-r•I 1 ... HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE -r•I lOOI 0-r•l •• lllOO G•n•ral 1000 READ THIS • • • • Are you In the mar· ket for a new home, a home in a prime area very close to Huntington. State Beach; a home you can customize while it is being built, a home d& signed by outstanding Archl· tecls and constructed by Frank H. Ayres & Son : a Company that bas been in business since 1905? IF YOU AR·E •••• Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach an.v day bcl\veen 10 A.M. & 7 P. M. and select your home in our newly opened UNIT V. PRICEO FROM $lS, 990 to $34,100 968·2929 or 968· 1338 VA Appr•l1•I • Just ArrlV911 -$29,75' No down • only clolillg-coats to move in. 4 Bdrm, 2 bl.lhl o.'l eamier ;wtth borat .:.: l!'te, Let'I So rllbt MW .. payments ku than rent! Le11e/2 ldnn -Potl Cl.Ile Deane Bro.. borne in HWltirlf:lOD BMCb !or kale. $190 I mo. 'Aith option at $22,500. Av•llablf! immetti.. ately. &!A6-SUO ---GER~TY -..11 ,CM Sh199ie1tl Th~ 5hag&iei>t 1Mg c&r· pct In, town is in this 3 BR M~ Venie bm:ne. Channing decor, many features & close to the golf course at 3210 Iowa. Slli.900. ')t\·s 1\~·r~i')\, ,11t'' 546 5990 ' Thrifty·Nifty Pmect fOl' ilie beilnner or' the retired couple who want low paymenta. Wooderfu.lb o:NJlfartable ? b e d r o o m ~ ~ted on a qulitt Eutskte 1t:rfrtt. Double d• tachtd ptqe, room fQr boat or tnllltr, cowred pa.. tto, wood bu.rnUW fl~oe. brlabr JdtehM. •nd room for a vecetable 1arden.. Move in cond)tlon. S22.500 wWI Just 10~ dn. ' OPEN HOUSES SAT/SUN/MON EASTSIDE DUl,'LEX 258 Flower St, **** HOUSE on R-2 Lot 181 Broadway. **** % BR. lBATH, 2:IO 2tnd St. l.<Jl Owneni , , . A 3-Bedroom Home fOR ONLY '$10,495 BU ILT ON YOUR LAND" FEATURING; e IC*) sq. ft. • Doobl.t! garage • ;JI lath and plaster e Pullriia-n bath CORONA OEL MAR e Sparlou11. w1:trrt1~bft11 4 .BR 3 baths & den. Ore1t CALL S37·03IO potential for lham lfM'$1:or. •Jn mos~ Orana:e County and INCOME INVESTOR oti><• a"""""1 ........ ' • ' BR l .... ""ib, N>t STANCO income S9.M9. Landor'• R.,. Builders Inc •. San Otinente • Like new 4 OPEN 7 Dltl.YI BR 21,i bath It family room. 10666 \\'estminster Ave. unusually de1ianed 14 x 29' Garden Grove rnuttt suite with .fircplact. Bala.need Power Homes Corefree Uving NO yant maintenance wirh 1hl!1 dell1htful l'lc:lule. 4 !j:pac. Lachenmyer R4.'altor ''Fl'lr A \Ville B11y" tou1 ~room1, 2 bath 11, Colesworlhy & Co. "" N....,,.,, Btw . cM ~~~;;c:~r"'';'.;;~~~~':'1.:~ , , Co\LL 646-3921 "k • 1 6Q.m7 Ewi. 6G41.85 64._1855 you can w.. 10 the bn.ch .. .,.,.. ............. _ o;:=:i::===isCCZI and teMls court1, One-01-a· • kind value at $29,000, TRADE YOUR BOAT., CUSTOM 2 BDRM 1~:Rs;~1L ;1 ~~~s For Th• Big F•mlly 4 queen aite ~moma. "J'WO very luxurious bl.th&. TIW: hOme b.ttitt1 step-down llv- U. rooin. witb f'.OO'llWIJc fire. place, J'ORMAL DINING ROOM. Separate step down famib' room kads to com· pletely encloeed rear yard beau t ifu ll y land.tclip. ed. STEP UP ifito this rorae. OU! all elc-ctrk: kltcften. FHA loo.n haa p&)'tnentll of Sia.i includes alt Will llt!ll VA al llppra!W of $29.450. WE SELL A HOME EVERY ll MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edlnr<'r 842-1455 or 54n.5140 Open eve1. $10,000 PRICE REDUCTION Elaborate Executlw Homt Distinctive 2 story colonial som<' wi th 3500 sq ft, 5 bdrm, 3 bl.thll. f'onna1 dinlna: room, SwMplnc vi!W of a:oU cowx. Truly a ho!Df! for famUy tun & rntertalnina:. Pr1ce h.!low IN COSTA M~SA S LUCKY PEOPLE · can have JMMEDIATE POSSES- SION in an~·one of these 5 custom homes which are now completed. Afany features such as : • 1/4 Ac r'• lot e Wood Roof e Firepl•c•1 • Concrete Drives • P1tio Kltchtns with P•ntryt e 4 Bedrooms • Wall to W•ll C1~potln9 e AND Much More V.A. - F.H.A. -Conventional fi· nancing available. Prices Ir om $29,175. Hurry! Hurry! COAJS & WAUAC~ REALTORS 'i:;, 14'1 BAKER STREET S4M141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. SPANISH DRIGHT QuiCkSil8Bargzin CHEAPIE CLOSE IN ONLY $18,950. Don't let the price fool you. This h\'O bed- roo1n • eleg11inlly carpeted over \•1ood floori1 has been remodeled l'('CCnUy and oU· e-rs a BEAUTU·~UL BUILT· IN KITCHEN \1/ITll ASH CABINETS. breakf.ast bar, dinette atta and sepe..ntll' !!1Vice porch. Live in com· fort and i;hop only two blocks &~·ay at E. 17th Street Shop. ping Center R-2 l.OT • ADD ANOTl-lER UNIT l.A TER. 3000 Sq. Ft. Shopping Center ---------1 Good commercial user oppar. INCOME PLUS!! tunity, established artsi. Capitalizes at $23,COO an- nual il'OS$. Excha.Jlie Sor cash or your boat or ,'! ~{~offer. & GUEST HOUSE Walker & Lee . 2043 We!tclUf Dr. Excellent Euts1de location. 546-7711 Ope E es reproducllon co Ii t CALL 3 tile roof renla11, near Coun. DAN LEE 540-1151. try Oub on 77.d50' lot. In- 3 bdnn family room with 2 bat.hi!. College Park home. Immediate posseulon. Re- duct'd to 125,850 lirm! Aak for Bill Oakley A&:t. 646-335.1 or 546-2m4. Great Inve!hn'11t poten. tial in a growtng area near Orange County air- part. Large commercial lot with 82.5' frontage on Palisadei; itc.d. £rQoy $335 per JnOnth income until YoU develop. 1'llll price $59,900. Call for de- tails. 5 UNITS RESIDENT IAL ON BALBOA BLVD. Excet- )tnt rental history. IAr: block td bly, can now for delaill, Newport •• Victori• Compkte!y ttdttorated, n v · ::.':~ ~,;":';"~~ CALIFORNIA RANCH tures, 1dea1 borne for the ult family & guest house Designed home. :! BR 2 bath r the in-laws. Vacant & I:. family room for 01lly ready !or immediate oecu-$35,COO. J>O'OC)'. 164 E. lllh STREET OPEN Sundey l·S ' IPe 1=1-1=1 ON ,Jf T .-.··· ., • Lachenmyer RL-.11!01 INDUSTRIAL· COMMERCIAL come $380 pt'r month. $29,900 (111% Down OK ) Newport •• Victoria -11 I anytime I REDUCED $1000 5~0/o LOAN 4 BR with pool. fam room. 1% ba.. Near aehoola A: So. Cout Plaza. tmmed JIOll. Cell &1artin Rltr. 54M332 DAILY PILOT DJldE.4. LINES. You can uae them fOf' juit penniea a day. DJaJ Pll.D'J' ne'lltied ad. ..,...,, Ifs all lJVing area and it's covered head lo toe v.ilh the ma1t beautiful thlck piled shag carpet YoU'll ever see in a hon1c. Thr other qual· !ty features of this 18 month old home are 4 ~ms, J full baths, formal dining room, bi&: aepa,rate family room, a lar&e eating area in the kitchen, custom drapes throughout, automatic "'ater softener, and a private re· treat room ircat for an oU· tee at home, a sewin& room. a 1:1tch all room or • 5 bed· t'OOm !or famUy or guests. Thit1 home Is flO perfect each sprinkler head Ui on a RP. crate automabc: timing sys. tcn1. JfiJ11,,., COAn ~WA~LACt ~EALTOlS ~S46"4141~ IOpen 1..,,;.,.1 646-1811 Anytime DeJlahtful 2-~tory home on corner Jot 'Aith eoormOU& livtng room. 4 bedrooms, lormal dining roorn, lonnal entrance court wi th foun- tain. View ol back bay trom all rooqis, $9'l,500. Located in the center ol the COSTA MESA BUSINESS DISTRICT. 2.000 square foot buildift( presently ~ u a plumbil}& shop, easlly adapt. ed to rn&l'lY industrial or commtteial uaes. 'Three pri. vale oiltce1, storap room plus larac shop area with ove1· head doors. Propll'rty completely black·topped and c!Wn link fenced . ASSUM· ABLE FINANCING • AN IDEAL BUY AT •••• $.13,2j() Sharp 3 bdrm 2 bath Condo, 1--------.0.1 in choice loca.Hon acro1s General lOIO 1mm poo1 .m cJo• "°""'·I ;::::::::::=:====.r WESTCLIFF BEST BUY Immaculate 3 BR, 2 Ba. home. Newly painted in & out. Huce enclosed yard & close to schools. For line faroily ho1nc, sec now al $38.500. Walter Haase SEE A DREAM COME TRUE $47,900 Owner will c-a.ny acctp!Able contract at 7% interest. Translel'n'd, quick pones. 1X>n po.UibJ,c. FF?' =·===== ========z:i Low Price •. High Volue OPEN DAILY Spacious 3 BR z.. den with huge enclosed lanai in top 1o<ation. Puk-lik• taOO-600 Aldean Ploce IC8.ping, hdwood floors &: NEWPORT HEIGHTS witbill dose to Ereeway • GG area. walking distance of H.artlor Only $24,!iOO .. attnactive RIC'i. ~Y American with ~J'l1ll5. lteamecf eeU ing A: brick fire. Pacific Shores Realty plact in Jivina: room. Dininc ~ 847-35116 536-32«1 room, 3 bdrm11 i •,~ bath&. ORANGE COUNTY'S 1 'l!"l'l~!"!"~~"!"!!9 I •--k -~ ~-all & jtih'! macnab (114) 642-1235 • rot Dover prive, &ti~ 120 Newport Beach ''J' ,\ . ' I' , ' ......... ,_1,1 ! 546' 5990 LARGEST 10 BAYFRONT APT. ;:; ..!i~"°' '~"" DOVER SHORES • ._.__. _....__ 15366 Goldan Wut v•1a °" Lido. Pi" • '"' JEAN SMITH, 8AYFRONT -lluntin~on Beach available. Enclosed it.r'a,e. R-ltor ::;;:::·:;::::::::1 8••5313 _ Spectacular 4 bedroom home Coldwell, Banker & (o, 1----~---~-$2B.500 with an unusual blttidlng: ot 550 Newport Center Dr. DR says "MOYE!" Georg• WUliemson 646-3255 NEWPORJ HEIGHTS .,,..""' • warn.th. La ..... Newport Beach . Calif. REALTOR 400 E. 17th, Costa ~tesa formaJ dini""' room ~1th NET 10Y. ST3-U.JO Evn, 673-1564 ~-~ 133-0700 644a2430 us Tax Shelter on .f charm-'-"--'-'----~--1 SWIM ! Prime Jocation. Quiet street. split bride flooring. A spiral ONE ACRE ing Eastside unils in Costa COLLEGE PARK' S Bedrm -3 B1th ~~~~~~~:_re· :n~i:~8!i~~~~!: HORSE RANCH ?o.le!Ul. 2 blks lo major shop. $25 000 ·-·• ping. 6~~% loan, Custom $26,950 1 room. Priced al $129,500. 2600 feel of trl·l£vel luxury! deconi.ted, un!qlJe 1,, most New tistin:;. J BR + d e n, ff11&e swim Pool &: paUo. CalJ. lor apP't. 4 maS!!i\'f' bedroon111 and 3 attractive. Aii ~·iih iircplae. large (.'OVl!red patio. room Beat larse family home at Newport ·iohn macnab baths. TWO l'USY'O:\I Frn.E-es. beamed ceilings, dispos-far pool. the pr\ct, Pal'l(!ling, break· at Evenln&a MS-3775 CAMEO SHORES Spectacular ocean vitw heme Just atepr1 10 Private con1munlty 1:1<'1ch. ~ Bcdroonui. 4 baths. Tropjcal swimming pool. Step.down livq room with open beam cellina;s. Owner wantA action! 195,llXI • IN Vt '-. r (',ti> rJ I . . Pl.ACES~ Plullh carpets a.ls. Newly cpld &: drpd, tuba DAVIDSON Re1lty fut bAr. Fireplace. Preadae (714 ) 642-1235 throughout· even in the spa· & showen;. 2 Bachelor unlb 546-5460 Eve!. 5~9-laiS area. 54().1120 Victoria !Kil Dovtt Drive, Sidle 120 REAL TORS cious FAMILY ROOt.!. All over garaacs completely &: TARBELL 2955 Harbor 646-&111 Ne'IPO!t Beafh 673 ••"'O elecllic kitchen and FOR-tu1eJul.ly rurnished e~cept START PACKING (anytime) l---·----·---•1.!!!!~!!!!"':!!"......,!!!'!!!!!!1!""" ~!AL DINING ROO:d' Com-linens. 2 BR un1l completely Thls 3 BR l: fam rm Mesa * 3 BR 1% baths, carpets, A·FRAME 1 · plelely air conditioned. Thi1 fenct'd. Separate roofed pa-Del Mar home won't last 1t drapea, larie fenced Ya rd. 1••••••••11 Clean 3 BR. 2 ba. home, Two Bedroom h<!aV)' shakcd rooled beauty lio \vith equipmenl to inltall low price of ~.!}j(). T 0 p Vacant • immed. posses.tjon, •---1 be 1 beaeh _, 500 C ••th THREE c,\R GARAGE patio kitchen, 'llOV. Room $19 900 ' c..._. 0 s .• ,..,, · utie ... cond. 2 ba, bit-ins. nn tor · · CAYWOOD REALTY is orJy 11~ hours lron1 the for pool. Furnishings inc. 2 boat. Assume bi....h S~% Well ... McC•rdle, Rltl"I. B H R lty E tsld d .~-"' '< "'"-" •" •~· N -Bl d CM. arre 81 ""6 W. """' Hwy., N.B. GS e mountains and 2(} minutes r. I "'6·· g ra r, ..,,.. I H y• -e"""'' v ., · r .. •1190 '"2 ''76 E · es, dinetlc set, chests ol oan. WT · 5"48-Tt2!1 ...... ;me -• '" .._ Ye. Costa M-• to the Blue Pacific. Low in-P.W.C. ~40 .... ,.. •- tere6t ~ith 40 YEAR LOAN dni.wen. miS<: tables, etc. ---------I '!!I!~~-~~~~'"' Pre!ients It!.... HARDWOOD FLOORS Perfect location for retirtts and of.tered at 68 ,500 in this Owner 1 & den w/outside Wutcliff Location VA REPO ~ 3 BR 2 bath. S23.000 full price or nt!Wlyweds, Deli£bUully prestige 6l'ea. entrance (could be used as New listing 3 BR & fam rm, NEWPORT HEIGHTS Bu.Ill-In range & oven. block qui& neij:hborhood w i I h WE SELL A HOME ofblfl~). Mos! ~ly turnl7'i$hfed inc, top~. 2 ba, bit-in kit, 2 3 BR 2 bath home with h•-Exclu1fvelv Ours wall f~ncf'. double 1arage, towe~ trttS-SpaJ·klina EVERY 31 MINUTES t-ins, re ng., rcezer, Irplcs vtlw cpta/drp.1. Slate -· ' drapes, landscaped, cul-de-clean in and out and lN-twin beds, rolla•ay btd. 1... BR boilu :room + enclosed pa. 2 bdrm hon'!~ on large ,-:.:U uc atrt'et. GI or IBA, Now CLUDES t.iuve and re!ri&- Priced tor quick Ilk. OPEN SUN l·S 140 Lexington Lane . fPEl=ll=ION ,,, . .;-.... ·~·· * 642-1n1 Any11..,. * * l • 2 BR ™""" 132.SOO * 1 BR on Larse duplex.Jot $16,250 * 3-1 BR Triplex $300/mo income. Ul.COO * Cu.le 2 BR reu or la111:e R-2 lot . $17,500 EZ temui * 4 BR 2 ba, Anthony pool. Jioine: &: bwd.neaa zonins. $24,500 * 30,000' RA level. I-lot spot, S47,000 * 60x300' M·l $21,000 tmn1. We have others alao, can now. Lockhart Realty, ri69 W. 19th. c.~l 646-2301 • HOME & BUSINESS 84'll233' 01 lot &-a sharp 3 BR home. Drive: by 1919 An. aheim, C.M. $39,500 <Owner will Fin.) Newport •• Victoria -11 wa Iker & Lee Many extra Cll.slon1 decora-mpvttryba.e~ -:-m•ater loan tlo. $1250 do"·n. anyone quai. npt lot with geparate 5\4 % GI existing Io• n , erator for fU,000, tor features. Pot bellied .,.. lfies. CALL JACK HAJif-illesl house. Quiet neighbor-Won't last. 11tt today. WE SELL A HOME (•nytime) -Ha·~-Bl•rl., al Adams stove in den. Kitchen .l bAth $41,$0 MONO ~1151 Heritqe hood. $27.500 EVERY 31 MINUTES , "';iu • .,.,. re~elcd Jut )'t!ar. Eric. P.W.C. f>.16.SiMO Real Estate fope n eve~) lf~mm:fl ~~!!"!"'!"'~'l!'~~ •-=-=""°""'7-~';;;"'"·:6~9.,_.c;.;;' -;--;~I ~a~~e~~t e~1ra1:arho~ :~~!~!tRP~~!'; \ ~ f;~~E~:~~:. lm> 'Ve1tcliH Dr. NB M2-5200 ialf'!tw Walker & Lee ••••••••• HOW TO RELAX tools, trash cans, 6' ladder, You haw both Jn this M'W' Rear yard; hones or untta. $23,950 -Mes• Verde 1 .. .,.................... 2043 We!tdlfl Dr. Sit on the rerrai.:e of this rental agreements, receipt custom home b:v Ivan Wells Ul.500. Owner. 531-7636. Clyde's Ustiag TWO ON LOT ~ml Open E'Vtt. books. ('tC. NEVER vacant ..... _ • "~ 3111"'=====,.,-,.,..=· I beautiful 4 btdroom home. Zoned for adclltioMI income. in IJrover ....,.'OI. Ullrnll, DON'T JUsr \\'::iii lot .:imt. Klnc alzed ~· 2 baths, EASTSIDE. Newer 3 bdmls pour yourelf a cock!ail and S.18-409l beths, tam. nn. w/v.'t!l bar. ~ to furnish your home ~1~m built-in kltc~n. a. ol.der 2 hdnn, detached 2 fro1n this lofly vantage point -c--cc-=-~.--cc-.-Roy J. \\'ant Co. • •• find great buys Jn t1>-,,..,,. ,.., & worklho El,;. •·~ya brea!htAking view of A Mott Influential 1431) Galaxy Dr. 64&1550 d-.y"s Qualfied Ads. TARBELL 2955 H•rbor car gan.ge P. · '"" =========l-==========-======="""'=I tcrioc receoll,y painted. 1 scenic Paci/ic Ckean sun-home on quit'! comer Io l - set. This hom~ ls in beaull-with ROOJ\1 FOR POOL and 0."9f'al 1• Gtn1r•I 1000 Gtner1I 1000 Only $29,950. fut condition 1ns1dr and out boat or camper. 3 Big bed- with courtyard l'ntry leading rooms &. 2 pullman balhs. to front enh<Hle«', Ow/lei' Pride o! ownen;h\p neigh- has rrouced the price or borhood. Gorgeous plush $39,500. It'~ vacant and ciui>ets throuihout and CUI· ready for you. tom drapes. Modern aa to. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARCS!ST morrow k itche n with lM\RGE DINING AREA!!! Be""""'1 ....,,.llllc -out! Fresh u 1 · sprin,a: momln&. A.llume F.H.A. 5'6. IOe.n at SUi9 per month. And ONLY Q. 700 with u .Utile as $4,ID) down. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JJ MINUTES Walker & Lee 293 E. 17th St .. 646 4194 'SHOPPlNG FO'!' • homeT Ca.U, "'rile or vifl'il our of- fice for your free l'OPY ol oW' "Ho111ci; t"or Living" Magarlnr, wi1h pictum, prh .. ~s & detBils or our aelecl listings in Newport 2790 Harbor Blvd., et Adams Beach, Co1'0na. dcl fltar, ~·9'191 Udo It N'pl. Harbor. RED ~ 1til ·t PM CARPET REALTY,'°"' W, I...,. ·"L"E"'A:,5"E.-..0c.;Pc.;T"'ION=- Balboa Blv .. New pert 1 BR 1 bath Coa&>rnlntum. Beach. 92660. rr;HO)'). $170 per month, BWlt • ltl PRICE REDUCED ::; .. ~ ;"';i!:.~ landscl.j>ed, vacant. lmmtd. ia1e occupancy. $1000 3 BR, 1:4rpel1, drapt& latie )Ot , S10.9."JO. DAVIDSON Rully ~i>+OO l'.vts. it2-t9:il, f'or Dally Pllol Want Adi Dial 6<"'61! .• ,,. OAlLY PtLOT 'fANT A.OSI SOCK TT TO 'DI! S©~~~ -Q,t.trs· SolVt: a Simple Scramhltd Word Puute for a Chuckle 0 .............. "'tloa ,_. XJO,..... wont. ti.. '°""' to fotrn four llfnple warda. J DAILIN I I _·r .1111 _ IKllNR I I I I' I ISOVll I . I .r: 1 1 ca1rr '""'"''""'""' ..... ,;""' _ _1 • _ • I ww a face Ilka hen, Tarzan ,.--,---i--~ was feeding It -.• IALJCAP I . .., t-· .... ,r,...,.1-·11r1 .............. -1 e """"• .. -·-"' ""' ... ""'" ""---' • )'DO d.,...I~ ffcw -No. 3 be!O'<f. ' r-·--- 1PERRON .,,, . ..-.. ~ .. -..-..-- M2~1m Anytime l BEDROOMS 2 BATHS Loca~ in Coeta Mesa near all llCbools and i;hopplng, Thi• ho.me Ms been l:l<'auti- (Wl,y cared foe-aod it won't 1811t tl thb prlct!. try l.O~ .,..,,. 'ORANGE COUNT'l'.'.S •LARGEST ' 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 48tdroom Coll09• Park BY owner, Vacant• mt11l be IOJd thlB week. Auuroe 5~ loan •. Will accep~ aey rtuonable Qffer. 5C$.1M!I MOVE IN 'l'Ob A\i Huae t Br. SPAnlah + rental .l nn, to bWld: O\itrtookl,. roH eouttt. 161 P.168 Dr .. C.'M'. • Madie O.vts Realty M.2-7000 $26,950 Sparklfne FHA rcu.Je. Spa.c- >oul 3 BR 2 bath, beamed celli.nc hmily room, ileam· in& hardwood Ooo~ • be& V)' shake root. Walle to an AChoola • aleo Oist.a Mesa's larpst P&rk. SlM!mo. l>'l'I all with W9'. bn. HERITAGE 540-115! NOW'S THE FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Real ton CUSTOM RANCH COUNTRY CLUB Rustic ctWom ran c b home. Near one o t Newport areu f i n e 1 t country clubs. 3 I a r i 1 bedrooms, 2 bathll loaded with tile. Vaulted ttlJ. ln&-livJna: room. w I t h bet.vy brtamt. All fOOml centf:r around a hup atrium. Hardwooda pion + bonus Iott truly • quality buy at on I y $29. 750. Call now 64.'M)303 FINANCED NOW! TAKE OVER Sl/4 'I: Cautious homt' buYttW only! FHA 5~ ~o loan pay! all at $131. mo. l lafie bedroorru, 2 baths, hu~ step down family room. beautifully done In rich kno~ pine. Formal dinin&" tool Even room to expand! Selltt la wUllnc to help llnance for rlaht """"· oruy S24,0CXI. Costa Mesa. Better Hurry! C&U M>Gll NEAR BEACH + + FAM ILY Wo\v! .i bedrooms + fa nlily r o o m, 2 Baths. Built-ins, and bre1kfut bar in dream kitchen. New custom drape1. Wall to W1lll. carpets. Forctd air heating! Only Sl9.950 better be Wt. Call oow Sl>-0300 ' + + POOC BAYCREST Superb Newport Beaci. e 1t1te, t mail~ bedrooms, Huge t 11 e bathS. Family room a eut wioa:-.. ~lew Of ........ ..lllDr """'"" olymplc 1lr.e pool:, 10.,.. dowrl. Best of le.rm&. can todl.)'. 645-0003 1 EAST SIDE f $24,995 ! Immaculate 3 home. Dininc f'OOm wl bl'amltd ctillfll. New cleconled In and oun New plush pile catpetln1 New UM in kitchen 1 bath! Giant la oYerlooks itnrnen99 garden of pal.rr;s. Bonu.i ~•turef .. IJ!ey acttl8 ~ bo&b and trailers. Grett;: loc:atlont The price , ii' rll:hlt Hurry!. Ca 11~ "5-Cm'I I FOREST E. -OLSON Inc. ~ton at 1-ltrbor Centn 1299 Harbor Blvd., C.M'. I . ' .-.....-----<~-•• ·--P~···· ----------------~---~~-~~~-----~--~~f ...... ·-··-· Jlari.Y.llLO ~ , ~~~~~~~H~OUi~~~~~ ..OU.tl!Olt:t'tl'= t ;;;;~;;;;;;~:;;1,~ ~=-':J.;i!:~ LARGEST .,---·-ci.:a.:.·~~2• • -' .. . ..., , t Ti S.A:J1~£R . · k ... . ' MORTGAGE '": .. ·coMPANY ffas'Been Appointed ncrusive · Area . Re~esentalive for a Federal SaYings & .loan ~'ring. £x~llent ms on 1st . ' .. . · .lrust Deed Loans. · Minimum Interest Rat~: 8 % on Single . Fanri~ Dwellings · .>' ;_._ 2nd ·Trust .Dee' up '":"to $100,000 Prompt, · Confidential . sem:e Se11ing Harbar Area . 20 Years .. ··.SATTLER ·oRTGAGE :"COMPANY. · 33 -E.'.17th .Street ' . . .. ' Costa Mesa 2791 llAllOR . _5";1313.'.. .. -· . • MESA.l/ERD£. ,. s·a EDRoPM ., Al>i!>llJ!l"''llot1.,..., and so taste-till]y ~ted; lt'albO\tet 1than new. 3 Batht. h1xurto1.0J gold. .ttac •carpet.a,· cuttorn: . ti-.oea. »I~k""'lll -t•nct, pt.Uo, troplcal landicap-~·, ·~1:e. -. 09n•t owrieR· · T;R.('1$.FERRED · . tiELPI This ol.{tjt&ndlng East-sJ4e 4 -Bedroom, .2 bath home-WOJ· br vae&nt Sept. 5. Ov.'fler need~ fail · acrton and v.•ill con11lder 10% do\\'tl oi' e\'en • Jeue option to quaUfled buyer. orrered at $40,m, FOR -PEQPLE & HORSES Perfect for your lltlle filly and M.r. Ed, 100!! (A honie, of . COUl'Sf'' H:Of'-dov.·n large family roorn ; '3' bedrooms • 2 baths -'Z fireplatts - lack hou~f' -big COITlll • i''r.ed barn -$3500 d0\1'11-'fours rnr $34.950 -Gallop lo ~ck !18Y· MESA VERDE ·""' VACANT.". One· of 01,11;' be~t o!ter1-, Inga: at'..present m&rke conditions. 3 l:Sedioolns Nicely ·· l11mhcaped - plus large family:room. ready to n1ove iR .tQ- mon'0\.1'. Nothing lllte It 111! th\! price '$26,950. -Try FHA or VA. See it '81l'Jlime. - -' .,..,_ .. - • •R00'1\ F,PR • 41r: •o~,; '. : Right at. your .patJo - ond ,a l!cdfrtitfUUy re· modeled 3 bt>drtxim. 2 bnth at 1t he water's ed~ .. -No traffh: prob,,. ltrr1> .-.Cao'.t be beat at S6 9. ,j()() . THE GOO!>. L)FE . IN BAYCREST · Ori&,lnaJ otvflt"r . 1Jl1J8l sell horoe ey Lyons I Caih1on oh · quiet · Bay- crcsl Lllne-. Ov~r :2700 square 't'Pet Jh tlils \veU planned home with f~r bedroom• . Jn ,. &eper.ate wine. Over5tze Uvt1\g, fam!Jy·anct dlnJn g rooms.. s~.bo(sie ha5 Jots 'DI 'doset space. thrre .bathl'O'!"l•·-po;ol-i;lzcd y11rd \vlth,-pa~ patio. ,_\ ~,.at home for. li vini;. and rnlet:.talbing. Askin!! $67,500. No DOWN TO VeTERANS Flri;.t . tin1e pffcrf'd at these ·terms. Sharp Back Blty -3 bedroom ~ large flirnily" room - Double lireplace • Inter- com -Covered patio - PIXll. ~ze. yard. lmmedi. atf' pos'!!eti:Slon. S.14,950 ~· O\VTH.'T \\•IJ] help fin.an~ ""ith ·10% ·down. · . ,. . . ,MOVF IN TIME ,FOR SCHOOi. ,ururae n-i'A' loan '\l·Jth just S4500 do\.\·n ind $232 per month includu taX'es and Jrislitan~ or'i 1hls \'lle&nl 5 ~room 2 bath bor'ne. !"O'ear St'hoola k transportB- Uon .._ lmmedi11te pos· scsston on credit ap- provaL . CORONA OU MAR 332' ~RGUERITE 673-855t · tao· vi.ew · IN CAMEO SHORES • ~ bcdroon1s, converUhle drn. family rOOm and [onn&J dining room with a -vif'w: -of ocean- a.'nd ,Jetiy. All 1his·l>LUS a gorgecius · f11rge poof in . a protl'CU'd eotlrt~ · 1&J'd •. : for the farrJly that deserves tht besl S7'l .500. . PR IC E .-. R ~DUCED $5000 . tmmedhrte ocCUNtnt'Y IS a\·allable on t he unique· ''aci\nt 4· ·t:wdroom 2 bat h l\Dll\I". Only ster.i.' a~y frQJil )ovt!l.f lit~ Corona Beach In one. ot' the finest available-JO-' eBilon's iR' CdM -OUr absc11tec Owne'r says SEl.L -JlEDUCED TO $64,500. ' CORONA . U•;, &42-2171 . I MON E'\'. MAK~!! She~ $l200 Ju July and Aug~I •"4 fl600 'the n'l1t or tlfl" )retir •1th nevi• tnakc>LljY. thlt saul.h al lli«! hJWl\,V -al ,.,.,J4•1>e ,...,. more popdhtt. 3· ~ roomi. co1/'tt'Cd .~llo • .. : :$U-i611 ··-. -: .i. ... -. . • ---... _ . . ' . .,, l wllh built·ln BBQ-PluS ..... ln jl( ''ll>"IK' ,...-• 2nd little. mon.i,i~cl'. Only S3l,5?0. "':,...,u ari loo\dh£,'rlf"• home 11'1' lovtl)' c.t'on• df'I Mill: C"aJI u" ..-\Ve ha,.,. 11.ll tyl°'f's a II prltts -~dentlal and ln- C;Mnt~ '"="' -o THE REAL '"\ ESTATERS 111E:SA VERPE IUGff. lo\'•acb b4rni. Tllott .,.U •-,--lilt.'flewl7 LANDS S bdrm 2 bd, ""'I v\ew tram.~ ...... ~ ref\Olf• . .,.., O..bl<, ral"'llo ~ Pt to Cllallnl._3 l'l><PI--~· °""' .,..... .....,,.,. Root>t tor loOtl • ~ wldl ....... -'°"' _. jlt ~· !JIJlira,~ • Uallet". CUl-dwtc 1..t(. All ., ... · """"'1. Wl!l<>W . wlll -Hel l!'lo:ltl'lr>-~•........, 'tt1o Hl~HLAND~ """'""""' fndt...,,, --~· ~~ te11.1wu.. T~ -value.-al Hfil PIMihhl .. ~. ~1 $21,950., submu tmis. ~ulcV 3800 & .°* tHwi~'~ Oi\;'~.<$l.i~.~ ...,.,,,... ;<o. . Herl-JG'( " ...... :..All~ - tut Real E1tat~ 1 T . , · J ~ , GMW--~.-•· o ~ lu*1 bt\Ytf oti.. ~ . ,· ';".-'l ~{sq(~'t~',., ) · 2 ·Story & Po, ol ....,,,. di!Pr<x',! ·alk.:_ to 'Iii c;.citgQ.~-· ... OCet.n. MtJ!Jt exlrf.s, $51,'150 """"" ••tt-fh u.: . I .1 2007 Santi An,tl Ave. (t64-C" . ~ v.ua UIUQ _ OPEi>!. SAT l SUN PROPElllTllS.WEST IA. Y"RONT.,.~••· $ ~ 3 BA, trpjc:' dini.111 m::.tue· J , · m.J6C2 r , W ,- rm, family J1!lr plUlf 1uest ~ • , Priced from~ , • 'l\o"" with IQtcheu, biilh, · DUPLEX -ClllAP ·" S.."9!ofthjµdo;!., and livlna: rm • B\it clean ~ li'f'a'lik, ·at Utdie hc#'ne"";fQ ;iiJlt. ~ · nffCJ• 4 $54.ixl ~.,; • ·Wiq VA mft Uiu lot' vahie. For the W•tkff' .. flJty_.. •1U.' NEWPORT REAL TY om"t ;ii....fu<. $21~ '"36 Vla<l.klo, ,NB .Opeo-1J!ln. A INVESTMENJ . t.IS6-Cl • -..,,um. PllOPER'r1ES .WE$T ' . '. • . .: FAN.TASTIC BlU TRl]E. 6f'....W . OT>-l&l'I _....., ~'HM lmmacula1' 3 BR 2 6alh ,' SUPER'IHAlllP · "°""' '" "'"'°"" ,......,_ Newport Htlghls lilt • .. 'TWO s-'-• rial an.oa !QI' only fl!S,95(1. _ • • • .. ,.-T • ' H""''"'°" !loon. h "v WANT. TO SELL ?. ,,,Glpllt!t-~· .;tit shake zvof, 9oat yard It lF you, are lbin'\ina: of• seU.. d~p pile eaipet.1:,. A ·~ covered patio. Jn by school-ini ·yoiu--~. Id us ht)p drt.Pf\ 'H~1 ·ll~ room· 5%..,, loon available. Call you Wfth &ee advertiaini, ~~~~ ~~ • ., 0 '"4 South ,.. __ _. "'·~• " OUI ua.-..:yaace. ,.,.a .... -"~ ~ .........,, ·~ apprabal, Ir ftnancln&. ·List lpal Dintnc RoQm:•. All ·elet> Estate your home with us. 1; tric _.k\tdten.. ··~te" 3 BR. 130' widt lot. W/w Gr•ham Re•lty ..... 2414 ta.mil,y.,room.-Hea,~ Shake crptg, Drive by 1940 \Vhlt-Near Ne\vport.,.f'olt_Of:fiOO 'l'Ool, .2li~ la!N"t"-•:Ytan . lier, tht'n call SfS-$65 y<Mmg ~:$31 .500 •anci usUrne . 3 BDRM, ..., $21,11111 hith·i<ian, ' . ,,.:· , · ' Mo" Del M.ar llOS AND ,pa<jou, !omily ""· ·\Ve SELL.A HOMI. · Stone trpl., w/w .,,.._ ••er EYERY·SI Ml,NUJJ$ suv '" 1 '""' ... •· """•" ""' 0"'"· 'P""'· °''" -~ Walker I ·'. Lee Me<if.llion home WI°! i BR 3 'al'Muti! Fino-Hel;htl attL ~A 'from 0 "1'ner Who will Owner/Bkr 646-2414 carry mortgage. All rooms· · • . . T6l:t ~ ~carpeted. High quality\~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~\ KIMfDor dz:a,pe1. Garage door opeoer. DoYer Shor•-1227 Open .wi ~ ~~~ ~t1~. lara~.~t'· I::;:-;;:;-;;;;;:_:;;:;;:-;;;;:-;;;;:;:_;;,\ f!OOL--JS;:.COOC.1 . =-... e "~1a:e•· .~ e ~1TofSai~by OWif T:HE HOM£; IS 'llG' lealuffil. 5-1&-9614 ' 5 .8Rs BIG le 1Jq; TERMS . are WIDI!: OPEl't. '$37,500 Spa.clot.!5 custom 2-story ex-IS A RIGHT PRicE! Be'au- t.jna Varela 111G ·ecu!Jvt home, ·Lara:e IomW tilull)'· located p r e'I t tC e · dinln& room. Paneled ckn Hocit: · · ~O:W'NER · '.1'RAN~~ ""Ith wet bar ' flrepl'aCe. .L . ~ for un~te sale at Sltt.inJ: room w/fireplaoe, 3 RtJ( ;. =••.Ritt; S2J.950. lmmaculiate home bdr, 3% be.tbs. Garden en-====-"=;"----- ''1th _ 3 overslze:d bdi:IJ!ll, 2 try. View of bay &: mouD-GJ..EN. ~fAR by O:wner, _, ih'. sparldiog baths, luae taml-~ #2 500 846-2b, 1141 &ia.; fireplact .. .dahww • J~ room, double ' rai.ed -~~ bltn.s. ~.New .. paint hearth ·tirep!ace~ comer lot ~.--uN't®ELY ----i~ •out: 1Vtt'/ cltan. it qUlet L'Ul-de-sae.~ C .a ll .Ditte"ffril "Old ,World" Con-Good neflhhorhiooa .. ., 9q. 54~4 SOUth Cout f'.teaI .tmnl)orar)', _execurt\'9 I~-· ft. patio. Lots ot c:emerit It '£slate . 1U')' b om e. Unohlll}letld raised• ll!atitl!rs; • Garq:e, · OWNER TR.A'NSFERRED . Bay ·,&: Mtn VU-D'lQJt nn11. l\and)'!n&Jll ,~i;.cahnt:a.. ?Need for immediate sale at SOOO .sq ft. "4 Br, 4'1!! Ba .+ 1-ml ·· <•tar'.tia. Walk S2T,950. Immaculate home ma'.kls qtN, Ideal for Mier-io elem llC 1 ·ml· l«J:lfS. 2 wil11 3 ovenized bdrms, 2 taiflilli. Easy m·aiht, Immed ml lo JC ~ -. ~18il sparkling baths, Jal'i" tam!-occuj>ancy. Furnished; . CUSTOM BUJLT • 4 b a-r 1n ly room, double rabed $178,00J. ASSl,lllle 61)4 ~'" lria.n. home. l ~ to ~,'Ex- hearth fireplace. l."Orner lot Box-l632 N.B. 5.*7'249 cd.lent .. tmTii. ~cAlli , k quiet cul-de-sac. Call · •. · 54.>8424,· South Coasl Real Unlversity Park 1237 ~erinar -,,..... -· . . . AlJ.; 3 BR'a-BY OWNER . s~.rpl S~arpl Sh:rpl Re•ltY . • . 9SO·Victr.ria $19,500 GI ' BR•·· 2 ,~bs. 6% :.e as-4Uoc '°'' . 2la3 Federal m.cn> S% 1umable k>an .. F .P. $3.1,~ . II'" 422 WalDut $21.,. 8\1 • Rtd HIU· RHlty ii4m ' ' ~·Susannah $3i.SIXI 5%, .• 18088 Culver. Dr.:,.ilrvlnt or 566:-~ eWt. ~ take .over t~ OPEN 9 AM-3,BM -~a.u.<DI BY OWNER i . ••>10.JJllD.e_ -' $ACtUF!tt lrihd ...... Bi", . . • ' m,950 VACXNf 2~ Ba. Jam rm. wet ~-Aaswie F.HA loan .w/fl0,000 Assume 5%.% rilA. &a.Ut: 3 u:m ~er ·salel,. 9tfioe do>.ln '® ca.sh·+ ama.Q 2nd Br, 2 Sa. patiO lx>rtK:, F'am pnce. _&&-~ or .~ft!i8G IW ~down. \Valk. to bl i .1.-e · 'beub_ ~ 1 ,·me. ne\V', -'..;.·'t rm, I· ns, crpta, --y I I Te" ce l245 ;~'*"Can-•--' ~ ... 01''ner 54a-426a __ r..1. , ..:. rv ,..._ • ·~i·~· ~ ~ ...u11dln_rm, e ~ ld.t:" ~.oor /, p11tdo.r STOP by Corn.mlCJUe..intl'y! OPEN FEELING pol;o, .. o;s.u11 . ...., .~:>a;. New carpels! ('SK,. 2 ~~. 'tremendous family .hcJme w/ !am rm. o'""""·J!!ll.'.N•w ,,, ... 1 •• " 3 Bd., 2\1 Ba.,""" ; UNIELIEVAll,EI Jersey $28,500. Sllo--0863 ·1c;·dtri:·rms:Elee. blt-ln kit. $1il'Jet•l,p9r Month- I't.1 SeWng a vel"7 tl;>.aant L&e. comer, ptwnbed· for' ~e ·JOw·'.'W.eJeet lou! hou.&e in f.1esa Verdi!!. ff you pool. BeaU!j. prden ,$54,£00. ~ 3 .PR· J •Iii., '\V/ftte are interested,-ttll 5t6--8397 R. c. GREER, Realty tOrtri.iler~.hOat,· ._.;.:-i • ""'"""m~ II BRl· · al» VI• Lido 673-0:00 HAF.F',b.fiLAIAL TY 87tO Vi'am,r. F.V ··~ '644G) Co_llt9• Park_ · · 1115 Corono dot Mor • 12,50 · IARG~... · -:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..'1 ' -' . .,,..., l -OPEN HOUSE 3 l!R i!i J>f. 22r11 i,.o ""· n HELP fl Sat..,.Sun., Mon. 1.s Blk wan tnce · Toti.I ·caall " ", 1911 SEADRIFT l400I • ~ GI In .~no · -Out of state. 'owner wants lrv1ne-TJ1rrace, CdM qualit.)'ina:,. pm.ti, uader oiler~ on spacious 3 Bft. Outstandlnr CdM home in ~I.Alli RIAL Jy POOL HOME in Colle~ priv, resld. ll"L 3 ~-Br. 847-8531 . • Ev ... -n11 Park area. Askina on I y Fam. ,,-n .; hid., rilt. poot --~~~c.;:;c;-=::.:< 127.500. Do • good tunl· • CORBIN-MARTIN WOW" makt' an oiler today. ~1 REALTORS 6'Ja.1662 " . ,•• • ., i.ierita&:e Reel-ESUi.te 3036 E Coast Hwy., CdM OJIJ.y $22,SOO for hl.rdwool . . . S . , · GOTTA SEE •• I ...,.._ 3 """""""'""built. Retirement pee''' . 2500 Sq. n. 3 Br. + lower ins: fireplace " shlke·rvel -As9Umable 4 · % loan, \V~ level den W/af.c. I: bath. Priced· bdow t he market • lo all ~hops. aceft;tl, cozy Lp: liv. rm .. din. nn; view. tHAf!~~~ · q • 1 home 1n A·1 . nd. Nr new 2-Level l'tat k1t; proleas. ~U!P~L. :R.EAtTv ~ cpts, screened ». tnunac lndscpg. ReasonB.ble down. 142~141&.. v+t--yd & room far or trlr. lee. existln& lcian. One of . : an,..1m9 ' CALL !lAY GA~T 0.1151 our .~st v~~ at ~!,500. ' VET'S· ' ~ Hetttage R'al Esta.le Bay & Be~,Rlty, Inc. See our-deal M -'fhta ·~ 3 BB., 2 BA se~te ~st W1 E. Cout H_wy., C4M abatp 3 ~.5 .. ta to -~ w/balh. ·PoOl 6%% &T~. ~~Svn. .,...~.' $e()• will' mtive...1Pt loan. By°""''· 54>-'1113 C'EST in~\~FIQU[I ;,, on 'P""'""'cftdl~:'CIJ! . _. lll/IUIU • Art, S L~ T "S. ll!'WJl'Y Newport Beach ·1-. • ·· , . MT-3:iJJ' ~: ,~ BROADMOOR . ocea11 vitw . 51.4 '% G.L "l].15. JIO. _ I/I d'1ux.-<BR r.om.. Irllm<d• Newpon -Wm· '"BR.~· BA OWNER WILL FINANCE! all: poAl6Mon. $Tli500. Ci\U. tam rm, 1ii nU'tai .tinch. ri, DUPLEX. Jo!ll \;. bk>Ok 14 KAYE NEAL ......., . lill 'Q>h, '"'7i. '.~ Bil; Bay. Very attractivt ~d M. Bl!'d l Assoc. f WKi'd -~ clUpi~ 91;th nite·pauo. Wilh 5f7.1()tt ~ New Pstnt. .~,$27.tllO. 15.illO doWn. °""''""' ...-. MUST SELLI Oimer will "tall>'·-=m· ry.b8Jance. Prlt'#. Sl9.S00.1 ~"tnOYed,'no reu, atfer C..pb:trano Lo,. .HB· 541)..&W Bey l Beach Rlty, Inc. ttrusedt 'Bel'ln. 4 Br., tam.. or 9li8-C132 901 i>over Orivt, St.die 126 NB rm., dln. rD!-i ~t. bar, white 1..::_:;Si;;,iila7sll7;f-,S"'~-':-·-,•'°r~ 645-200> Ev"~. m.ws ept'r. ~ cfr,PtL Allk t£S,5CO • • · ='*. * BY OWNfR -l ., 0.Lency ftNI Eltat• · -• , · Oceaqlronl Home, .3 BR. util 2821 E.:eo,Jt HW):, Cd.M Pool/L•rae·........,- ; rm, sewing rtn, llv nn , ~no • + ~ ~~rnt-•4); ~-~ ,w/frpk '" octan >Jew, OCEAN JIREEZE !l•P"Msti... -~~I -~ 'kit. • w/Ntns · .l Sure to pli!ue, larae J BR., t.fAFfDAL "-UL TY avi>cado Blwg dptg, fhnl--eXlpl. batfi.' mock tr·e m 1140 wamer,\r .v. 'M2-t4(6 .out .. Front yd w/paUo A ocean. EW?yttµllJ new, car. 5 BEDROOMS .cABANNA. 'S&tr~ 673-6990 ~. drapn l Jltlrlt. SS!l.500. OORNl:R un or <2Ul 698-3627. hy,& IHC:h Re~tty, Inc 2 sroRJES " e UNDA ISLE e 2401£:citHwy.0Dof675-3000 VACANT Build your 0~ ••t<-nt lliVll>IE TERRACE-131.tm . dr'eam. Exctuiiute k>ca.Uon. ~·OBI hornt in Any ttrrna. ~1allout that! "View from ledudech .lapM\ prht_. relW. ~ 3 Lee. B,r-. Rex L'. H1 ... 11, Rftr. Ip ,cba.nncl. Loi 11. $37,IXX). Fam. fm.: bid, ftlt. poql, . •• _lf'f...Z:Z5 . . &U->032. COUIN -MARTIN DUPLEX ' -.....n OWNER'S sACIUF1CE REAl..'ltJR.S · ~1663 -nSW 4 or") BR, 2 mo. okl Harbor m . E OiUt 1ff.1 OIM. Spaniall mocleni · • 4thbe '3 Hm..·i.o;,,.. LR. DR. Fam. LGE. hllltop tot.~ view bdmt. + 2 '*"',.11\N>11• ft:M w/ trplc A bat. 3 Bk al ooed • hllla. Privacy "-Pltios. Ckean ew,, J~ Crpt.t., dl'Jll, many eictrut Ro! 113-$1D • •. few ~ ·to tNdt. ~ 1.Ja'llnanc1 ·. MS-.m1 tor YiewttW can ~ ., • · l'f, · Terry RH"-1m OUPL f X llolloot hie.. 1355 "' · · Sale-or 1'aae tnunae. rl.K'PI • -CONDO re.ntaJ 'llijlli lood Mirr··dt. 4 Br. Mn, '2 BA'. SPACIOUS leawr. ) BR, tY BA. crJta. 2 ~I! e•ch unlt 2nd uni! N<"N17 remodeled I dftot.· drpg, v.'UMr/drftr, rd.rtis. 1eUed 'at SJ5S rnd jlO.ClOO ated 3 bedrooms, 2 bt.Uw Jl9, 150· gc..~ ; O -· I A dn. owner ~. ..., .....,1 DON'T cfve 1 tt •Wll• p t ~ 3 S6t300 CNiclr <Uh tof 11 1Ulli a IM>t~. l'o•"'": 8'•: a.. LIOO RIAL TT INC." Da111 Piiot...,,. Adi cpts, drpa, bltns. Reels Ila)'. a.toil v• Lldo • 'ITM830 ac.am · ~ OwJJU &M--1691 • _..._ _______ L..---"ilW;.;:;,_..,.. Are You Letting Cash .... -~· f . • -. Slip Through Your Fingers . -. . . •' I • ' Sii. f ~You · Ha¥e Any .. Of . These Things A . . . DAl·LY PILOT . . .. · . . . . WANT-AD Will Sell Fast! I. ltove 29. Blcycl• . 57. Electric Tr1in . 2. ~ltlr 30. Typowrher 58. Kitten· '3. a.&y ·Crl~. 31. Bir Stools 59. Cl•uic Auto 4. flectrlc S-· l2. EncyclqP.Ocfl• 14. CoffH Table s. c ..... r. · · 33i V.voT11 ·CJeener .41. MotDrcycle .. 6..w-34. TioplCJf•:Flm · 62. ,ACconfion . . .. ,. .. 7; °""'""' ~ ... SS. Hot Rod'Equlpm~ ·63. Skis .. s-Set '. · 36. Fiie CaWnet 64. TV Set f . ~uch 37. Goll Clubs 65. Workbench ,., !:'••I~~ 3i. St_erllnt ·Sllvtr 66. Diamond Watch ti. R-'!rl .. r•tor 39. Vic:torl~fl Mirror· 67. Go-Kart 12. l'ldcup TIVdr · 40. Bedroom Set· '68. Ironer l,S.· J~lnt Machine 41 . Slide Pro jector 69. Camping Tr1il1r ' . ' \f,: lirfl>Nnl 42. Lawtt Mower 70. Antique Furniture If. "-hltle T Ools 43: Pool Tobie 71. Tepe Recorder I 'bl. . 44. Tlru 72. Sailboat . '· 0 asher 17. hppy, 45. Pieno 73. Sports Car ... Celllli ·CrVIMr 46~ 'Fur Coat 74. M1ttr1s1, Box Sptt 19;. ~.Cart . ' 47. Drapes 75. lnboerd Spffdboat ~ ....... 1 .... , 41. Li nens 76. Shotgun 21;·S.•nij, ColJoction 49. Horse 77. Saddle tt. Qlit-Set SO. Airplane 78. Di rt Gt me 2S. ' l!loy' ,..,, 51. Organ 19. Punching 8 19 24; 8'wQO, 1•11 52. Ex1rcycl1 10. Baby Carriage ·25.·W-Skli ·53. R1re Books , 11 . Drums 2i. Froezer 54. Ski -loot. 82. Rifle 27. SulteaM 55.· Hl1h Chair 13. DHk • :1a.:ci.ck ' 56. Coin1 14. SCUBA Gnr ' ' •," ' . -.. . ~·or .~11y otl_Mr ~xtra, thl119s arciund th• hquse may . :. ' . , · 'be hl'fted Into ~ash with a · (, ~ ;i)·~All Y PILOT WANT-AD . . ' . so ... . -. . .-.. Don't J .. ust Sit ThereJ- . •. ,-. ... DIAL DIRECT , .. ,,642-5678 • < CYOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> " . lllbY 'PILOT · WANT ADS -"t ;' . ".1WllL WORK :fOR YOU!. Gei .. In:: On Th.~·" Action . T od.ay! . . ' l ~ .. .. " :1 =· ~ i:: •• :: '" « "' :J ' L• " .. Ml " 't3 .. ' \.( .. .. .. Ml " " 01 " ' • '" 'l u • •• •• "' ,. ' .. "' • . , .. RI S .. • Mt '" ,. MS •• .. •• .. •• •• ,. .. ,., ,. •• "' .. s• s• .. IA, •• ,. •L LO •• ... •• "" ... '~ .... , ... .. , ... .. , .. , .., '" ••• .. , "" . ., RE = •• •• .. " MS> '" ,., ::' ... •• ••• , .. ... .. , ... ... "" ... .. , , .. ... .. , ..... .. , ... ~ ... ,., ... CO! •• "'' =:; .. ••• ::: COi ... , ... . .. ... "' ,.. ~ .. ... ... ... gi U t ,., ¥• ... ~: , .. RE . .. , .. .. ... " S> ' .. , U'l ,., -::: ::: = •• := ... la r: I r1111 ~ == .., ~: .... SU• - ~----...-...--.. I DAIL'f .·MLOI ... -' • • • • J. Snowbird Sailboat llks -.. racl!ll pv. Trade for '/.W. ·-· tt Acrn ranch. 3 Modem .brnts, 2 ~•; fenced. --· ... -· !4 •tall&: l'OR la.nd, Wllli it ! se.im Eq, m.w "DODGE pick-vi>. lOO hp, tb en,, ball, & top. Good Want ~alue VW, othtT small INct. 17 "Dick". * ~ii'. &iar A-frame cabin. U'pts I: blt.inl, s~°td. frplc. . ' '"' IU:FlRED Protatant lady kl than home WIUI amt ln e.1tchani• lor llrbt ~ o u ltlffpl a I, kitchen prtvil11•• + Wmo. $<1-19!11 WANTEiS: Apt llr 2 worklna sida: on Bal, Isle.. nHd 2 cat • .,. to $200 mo. 175-7737 OJ. .............. $11.00 ..... o-t - For '10cal home, units, or '"' ! T By OWN!r 9Q.39T. PJU room tn Ue'd Gum -~...,..---:--,:-1 Home for eldertY ptl'IOft. BA YFl'tONT A DOCK 3 Oft, · Good food. conemW· at· 3 8.A. Val $89.500. ror T.D'1 mos~. avail no•. (Ol'.l!Wdtr be I option) or 5'l-5%l5 lradt for ? ! No. 2 Balboa l-:i======= 5 .,,= eovu. OM>er m.un. Mlle. lll1nt•l1 IUSINESS ,.._. PINANCIAL t • IUSINESS 1nd PINANCIAL .. WI:~-...... 0Jp1t~'6too PlllST TIMI (IPPIRINO l'UILICLY OWNID COMPANY ACC!~TINO APPLICATIONS l'OR DISTRIBUTORS REVOLUTIONARY NEW PRODUCT! IUSINW-Pl~IAL Hue Is a chance to ''t out or the ordlnt.ry an4 jump ~ a profit bandwqonl Mar){et teaijna hu ~ amuln& accept.anee for out product Sn tM mlde.ntlal, commetttal, 1mUtuthm&f, lncfua:\rl· al, automoUve and mariM tlelds. The application ., ••I• .,.c1.c1 will produce. sot• """·"k• .1,.,.. !nd TD Loan which will bfautify aey area. •• , interior or lfX· ter!Or. It ~~ "OU wtu receive the an1,tance of our Prompt. eontldtntial Mnict entire orpniialion to ln1Utt' the aucceu ot )'ot.lr '42·2171 545-0611- dlstributorshlp. We will establlah. YoUI' entire pro-ServtQ& HarbClr a.re& 20 yrs, xrani, train personne:I and cuatt an Immediate S1ttl1r Morfl ... Co. flow of buainta for YoU 1.hroU&h a prove.n. etrec· 336 E;. 17th ~tttet U\·e merchandlalng method. \Ve Ill a wbmdtary of a mu1ti-milllon dollar, pub-Mo..t.• ..... T.D,!a 6US Ucly htld corporation-'•r ::: YOUR INVESTMENT TROM $3500 \VlLt. BE COP.I· CONSTR.Ucrt(fi ?.(one y PLETtt.Y COVERED BY f,QUIPMENT AND IN· available !or , iAcoine pro.- VENTORY. du.::inc ~· Foni.n A Only a limited number of distributors will bt chos· domestic. Motet.. Hunt,_ en trom thJs area. 10 ACT NOWT Write today. Include-name, phone number and addnss. J'ull de· Hornet. Sbopplnr Cen• acrtpt1ve literature wUJ follow. 0 If l c e Bu 11 d In I a, Apartment&, etc. Writ. or VIL-VITT CORP. call TIU. Realty ~ 10407 Liberty, Box 123 '""'"'""' c.m,.,,., :n5 St. lovh. Mo., 6J1J2 Clark Bu 11dIn1, Blrm· (314) 423-1100 lnsham, Alolam1 35113 Phone t2ml 251-6281. CALL: Mlt. 1•AMILTON 20% R•t. for l Yrs. 20 AettS ronch. 3 M°""" WANTED' ....... prop ::::--::=:-:::---'-::=='=::====== $3,5n.13 2nd UU.( dOt<I be- home1. 2 wtll•: fenced. for mtrehand\ll'. s. 1.quna REAL EST ATE But. OpMrtunltlM 6300 hind ,mall hi on Jot with Tralnlnc ,track. huce bun, or o.na Pt. area. Call col· General l..launa'• iloe•t ocean view. ·14 1talls: FOR land, wdtl 1ect. 176-0330 --------SPORTSMEN S40 P"r month incl. s% 3 or ! $45,000 Eq. ~ lots: 6100 Ntw opportunity tor the yrs. 22% Dilcount. lnceme ,,.,.rty 6000 --------IPOrismlndtd man or woman BROKER ~u3T Btautlful ! !R', 3 Ba. pity. OCEAN VIEW lot, Lquna to t · the 15-:1 ..... _ ==~~~--'--.,~~ rm. Mt. )torM + actiw I~ MOBILE HOME PA R K Btich. Lara:e improved pad, joy~ the UlmOlt. ._ .,,..y en-$'15,000 lsl TD an 11,000 1q. come, ~ At:te, Hwy SO, CO.ta Mta M&r •• opuated. UtilJtlti tn surveyed We have a limited numbtr ft. brick oommere. bid& on R.unnln& Sprilws. for home, $3400 )'t.U net spendable enPwmt." buUding plan.'. al openinas for the ambitious Ions-term leued la n d . btac:h &('tllL. $27,0IXI ~-wt.IA $20,000 down. cute, $"'500 down--EZ terms. SUI>-person Who W'OUld llke to Pa,yabie $T:i0 PeJ' mo. incl. M2-15Tf compact, dole·in. Can tUe mit traM.. Four star Realty rPap the rewards ot tM ewr 10%. All due S yn:. ~nta.l -,,..,_ ""''-·"-··· Ideal '6' trailen. fi'iii ~ &3S4t22 1.....,_.,,,.._ tlon ,_ tncome $2400 per mo. al% w ....,ntury .n.LM.uuwl, · trandttable Io an for'"='=--~~~~ u ..... _, recrea exp...-Discount. Brokef 497-1210 bay crvlalns. flahiz11, etc. ._,____ SAN Oemente R-4, 18 units. ion. $3,000 value; want truck or l>IU&lJl.-.: a! $60.00!I. McCoy Dana Point R.-2, 6 units. YOU CAN EARN WEu. 15°/o DISCOUNT · eqiy, 11'1 teal ~•tate or wbllt• _B_kr=. ~-~=,,."~>-<-1_16~· _ Both Ocean View. OVER $900.0I) PER MONTH 1st TD on white wate.r view evtr. ~9861 INDUSTRIA L Bide 0-...mr "*" 494-5352 IN THIS A?ofAZJNG Jot in Laauna Beach. S6.000 Newport. 3 aood tenants. FEE Im I ( t I hold ) BUT FUN BUSINESS @ S60 mo., incl. ~%. all Adjacent Wtstcllff)oll, Val. lo<'Ao nel rtturll. phi J 1 Pe no ease You do need at lea.st $1641.50 due 3 m . Broker 494-1138 Ut $30.00J each. for bK-omt. Sullivan 54l-611ll lots In Corona Del Mar Jar 10 S3600 cuh to start CdM. duplex. or bomt.. des-1-i======== !!&It by ov.~r. 6T~r.AI Write (aivlng phone number) ert, mtll!, boat, or ? ! 8uslnose p.,,-rty 6050 AU... SEASONS ~ . ...-R1nches 6)50 SPORTING GOODS co. SMA1.L Cate, e q u I p p e d, I'°=="-----'= Dept 89 · TT~~ J?. 'uto ruaonable can ~ WANTED To leue, ho r a e P.O. &x 566 p~ ruae lD mi. ltt-1-"======;::i:;i::::::;:; I ranch w/opt. to buy . Salt L&ke Oty, Utah 84lll ctni &W'Vb' $40,c&. \VUI lu1IM11 lt•nt1I 6060 Wtl.te J. Mastel"'ll, 1218 W. 8th St/L,A. 713-388-52SS I conddtr trust 4etd or e P1tJME Relail Location e 622-9193. amallef boat. 0 w n tr. St.ore lTic.40, xlnt tt ~ auto ========= DEALERS ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES Found (Fr11 Adsl 6400 RABBIT black and white. Ca.me to visit my Oowen. ICM) Thuni. and stayed. Owner pleuc call lmmed. ........ <n4l 121-3100. tl'l.fflc. 1871 Harbor, C.N, ......... Acr11qe 6200 for exclu1iv• Or•nt• BLACK male puppy about 2, lagun• Beach County distributor· mos, part Labrador, found * * * 1 ACRES W/PERMIT system (no stllfng) • \'it'. 2400 Elden, C.1>-1. ?o!ay ------------•--~ r ••-• -·- Small"'"" Catalllla hland $15 1'1o. TO KEEP HORSES six houri -ncl!rl mecllcatlon. 645-1688 ntlntl9n -h WIG RNtSHED OR UN· FURNISHED ~m carpets. drapta, ljpll .... aoed --Ono Mock, lo S Poicts Sk:lrel. ' up. Owner 64)..28M. er 77tll Ellis Apt D ttEAL ESTATE Gener ii R"'t•lo Wanted 5990 WWWW -tulUTBt •lMW.-WI 111. -IOCIMln mm 4ilW ...... C.... ...... .....i11 -. a J a cu •• p. r Phone Avalon 187 lDOO SQ. FT. Ideal for daJX'I! or artiat studio. Partnu nttdtd or lndv. 646-3106. Office ltentol 6070 Adjacent 51.1bdlvision o ne SUNDAY AM ONl y f'OUNDLING from Jumine mile E. of hwy, util a\•all. Smell investment puts Ir: Coast Hh1'ay, Stripped pj,000, ~Cash. bal lit trus t you fn your own busi--~~:S~ ::~~ o 11 a r · dtttl. ness. MAKE OFFER!! BLACK female kitten \Vrite or contact: Geora:e R. CALL MR. ROGERS w/yellow coUar. PRIVATE omCE Kress, Box 9If. Laguna SUND 51>-3515 crpts., drPt Ir: stonp space Beach or phont 494-4126. A Y MAIL B~CK LabradO'r Retn!iver in tbl G~ndale Ftd Savtrws 200 Aerts choice land adj. INC, puppy. .Baek Bay vi c . Bid&:., c.orona. dtl Mar. $.SO. to 8();\l $develop. Wkkiw di (714) 171·1443 543-6458 mo. Call Evel)'n . .Hl.lbakJ:en muat sell! $5,00'.l dn, e•s;v -:-~--::==~==..,-, 'ro=UN=o'""'ci=,..-:-;rung"'· -.,.,...,.-. _61~~ SG-3:\65 ~," r ·., r rm!. 642-7920 AAA CANDY SUPPLY 23rd, at Harbor H!fh school MODERN Of;F'tlCl;:l~S~. l :'AKE~;;.~,.:c:,.C.,"',""-,,-: .. -,.dow=n. ROUTE Football field. 646-7842 IEACHILUllf * C'OLLEG&.Educ:atid y,·ork-FROM $65 PER MONTH'' . mo. Near lake .I: town. (NAME BRAND CANDY) GREY rabbit ~46 ot 2 A 3 Br. 2 Ba. r .A., inC couple, one child, oiw IJr.cond., p&rld.oJ, central )o. ~74:;;1,;•;i•,:;t.===== I Exciting "''ork refilling & 549-3883 "",.,;,.;;. "-1 ~ •--~ •·-2 •• • cations. Secretarial seffice. -colltetinc money from coin ~ ~......, poo, ._.~un'"'"· uur. m,, • "'---6210 ========= , 1 Ii: 2 stocy, walk to den or~ Bdt home 10 le.se: 230 E. 17th. Co«a JMa ... -nt. •-..rt operated di11pensers in your Lost 6401 ""-Sho ff B ~· -FV ...,_ 6C2·1"5 I •---------1 area. ?\full be able to devote ruu•l.s aJl\1 ·. ~""'or ~~~~1;;"~1---~0~FF~l~CES=---l •••••••• f 2to8ht'lperweektomake YOUNG Lady who rtltU.c:I " !!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!l!ll!!!!!! I Willi 1 ...,_ ..... _......... very rood Income. No ~ small brown """" nr Surl!kle me&N&t. 11' 0 ...,..up, <>'n',..,~ ifl& irrvolvtd. ""• FRONT. vilw, l!Ull ~ paint, etc. in Q. RectpUon-Answ'tlina: on Cat Hwy. Auz 22. •ch. new IPIC. ~ dwlle for Jowtr rent. Stcntarial · RANCH $9'35 to $l.980 required Reward. (213) 592-5835 or •• Oltlno. -•~ nr 1.J NB (Sued on part or tun ~l S92-58l7 -..._~, BY Oct 1. atudio. prelenble 3.145 Newport B V\lo' • • HOUSE For pel'50nal. interview in ~=~--=~- A piec. Select ltn&DlL untumllhtd'. waUMa: dll-675--1601 your area, 1e'11:1 name, ad-L\DIES wallet Vic Center ?5. AdtllL $-M, tance markel Retired civil 2 Of'Fl~ avall&ble & dress & phone ·no. to: St, CM or 3nt Ave., Lal\lna 5640 _..,, """1d w.i maJn. Approxlmai.ly 416 14 n ACREAGE 'fRANS.IVESTERN 01sr. co. Beocl>. Fn 1/1. V>tluable ~::.:. ____ _;;= temnce a pnlenl,.-for ~ BUet, C.M. 590 No. Azusa Ave, paper•· Reward. 499-2369 pm rtnl. .Bar M m 'Daily S4~1151 Mon thru Fri Covi!'l.I, Calif. 91722 afL 6. Pilot. NEWBE~ SNACK ROUTE BASSETr HOUND COUPLE 111 mid •--. Me 1.n. _d_uttrlal Prop. 60IO Brand new cabinet .. """' lOc Laguna Beach vicinity of -~ SPRIN~ vr ..... _,,_ St. 4494-4853. 3 yr old &lrl. 1ma.ll 5 )T okl "' Snack & Candy vend inc 1 ~"=-~~~~-~~ well traln&d poodle, desire 2 !f·l Lot at 324 W. 18th St., CITY OF LAKES machines placed oa loci.· LOST t bla.ck Labr, and lsm. S ~~ -ft Costa Mt 11.. 132'x300' AD or or ~ ·or ne-MAKE YOUR OWN J.\KE Uon. $1596 c 1 s h • EX· Beagle, We&tclitf. Reward. ed dupleit or apt. un-part. Will au b. d Iv I~~. CELLENT SPARE TIME 548-61£8. tumlshed. To $185 excellent ~ or$4.2,f/1J. Ca : :io Milts Eut ol Barstow on INCOME, pl11!1 unlimited I 'SIAMESE===-.,...,~-answen=-..,..,--1c0 teferenoes. Phone 524-.5038 Ev nlna .f99.3157 freeway. Elev. ax» tt. Near tll'pan&lon potential. Write freckles, female. Lost vlc UNFURN Home J..4 BR. 2 e s: Lake Lorttn. Wonderful land for full details to Federal, East Bluff. 644-(52!1 ~ Ba. B!tlna, it11ls, drps. in tN'DUSTRlAL ~t C · M · for apricota, a1falia. nut tree 3112 O&yton Ro&d, Concord, I=====:-:=:::--:-::: '=,.. •-·-a.. 5705 Cortllla de1 Mai HJah Dist. 50x300. Barpln. $13.500. grov.·1.nz. fish raisin&. hone Call!. ~ WHITE female pooc:ille, lost ~ -n Phil Sullivan 5'8-6'161. ---"-., __ ... tc t ==~~----·I 1!10 HB. No ident; & Ii.-, (805) 411~. ( 71 4) • .,a;u, ....,.. .... ,, e : e c; PARKING Lot maintenance. children waitizia. 962-1434 ~u..T qultt 2 Br. bl:tnt 6C2-9881 Ideal part ti:ne opportunity f:_~· 1ea,_'1e.,~'!!IJ· Jt.&t. l,HO=ME,=-....,,u~...,,,~. -. ....,,,-, ~i!~R,.... ln4ustrfaf hnt11 6090 40p.!_.""., sWIRMcTH mbedL~.2 IBRm· easily built to full time. P•r1onal1 6405 f"""-or ~ Harbor ot OW biCb ~ "'' ... " Includes Wilshire swttper, • ·-·-For LolM 4-S• Ft ranch house, la;e llv rm. tilt up trailer and ao!G *DIVORCED i. I dist. &.:lol:"· af'(lllntf -mo. 'w ... be _, -"'-• -"•ut ~AL 51 Al'I 673-aUJ txt l03. am '-~"''· n..... bJO\\'t'r pl111 aocountl. Aprox .General Shop lldt Nr Dntown nn, kitchen. modem bath I: 6 wkly. 5oi6-'1670 NEED 2 Bdrm. apt ln Cott• MHll. M•ny Ideal plumblna. Tank Mute en-YES IT'S YOUR •nt•la Wanted 5990 Harper Sch. area by Stpt.1. uwa. Cont.ct owner, closlna 1000 pl p)v. stor-St.lALL rtstaurant. newly FAULT ;,.;;;...;.....;;...;.;...;.;;__.;__ lteumable, &fS..11515 Mr. Dkkarsen. •a:e tank under 45 lbs ptt&· ~r.; beach area. For rtcorded messaie that !sp party, 4 chlldttn d&o 1---=~~---642.ooM D•Y• sure. With double 1ar. Coo-Illness fon:ea sale:. Otter. will. chani'e )'Out life call ~s unf\irn Hse or 11.Pt Ntw· e LANDLORDS e crtte .epUc tank, all elec.. 642-07'2.t Ort atta. must have occu-FR.EE RENTAL SER.VICE ~=~--S4.12~~E-v~e~•·--1 S hp pump, 3Q1 pl per min •LlQ. LIC'S. Onna:e. San or;r~r ~:61 ancy b)' i /15. Prt.lttt yeu 1 ,.,..-~-,....-,,..~"'""".....,,....-...,. RENT ""' M-1: llZ gq. n. at.BO' de"1ta.. lmprowrnent:s: Diego $12.SOO on u.le; 1---:---::--~-- !Ue. 547.18(8 ew&, UCI Faculty tamUy wantl 1115 mo.. 2250 aq. It.. $225 Fmced "1th 1" by g• x 300 ft SlO.l'm oU sale. Call WINS-* 1·1ve! ONTED-=~-.-.-,-,-.-rm~o-ld-.,,· I unfw1I 3 BR. hse. To $D1 mo. 1355 Loran, C · M · redwood tenet:. 1 Miles Eaat TON coiled f213) m-CG IKl5e tum, or partbi. Eut SU.-i63l ~615-4US;_;,;,."",--....,..-,~....,..-I of 8Chool. f16,000. BEAUTY' SllOP In JAiuna, )f or NB. No )'OUfll MAl.E teacher will maintain ~ SMALL induttrial units • Or will 111bdivicle 10 beaut. dee. Steal at SSOOO. liddftn '135-$1SO. 54().ll2) your vacant homt, uchanp a.....,_ or small bwJnen. 1cres •II improvement• 494-2.518 or 21.3:42l-.SC8'7 ~~~~ J:;ctal JOmeOne !YI!. Bob I: Donrm. Lonr for rtnL SC..~11. Ne'vport Beach. Mfr1124 $55,000 or 30 1cres un· 1-"'========' I ORANGE oo. S.17-6668 improved $21,000. BuL Wanted 6305 24 hour rttordlng I ' i ,. • • L , I r ' ' t -iO .,.. Down. B1l1nce on LICENSED lit trust d11d. \VANTED : COIN l..AlJNDR.Y Spiritual. Readln11:s., advice Will netotiale, Courtesy to for $4000 dn. Ntaf Hun. on all matters. 312 N, El broker. 147~ aft I PM. tlnglon Beach. &Q..4756 Camino Real., Sa.c Otmente ••••••••• lnvastment Ol'flOr. 6310 ~·. ::.:' fURN. Cabin V.!Ctor va11.,.. 1 ~A. $6T50. 1.nw dll. Bkr. Al Mudtr 776-IQlD, 646-834.5 ....... It. I. Wen!M ' 6240 $$ MORf Wit $$ . For Your Homt Equll)' AheoluttlJ no COit ••• to )'OU the Sttkrl u yttJ'I of peM DXlf't tllsJJ ,.. 0.0,.. °"'"" ,._.,. Cell Ula -•• -I Tbm call tt.,ae.r BEVERLY JACKSON RWTY EXCUJ&Vll P1lll<IJlllBll I --A"'t"tr""e-=ct~l,-ve""E""xpe,-rt,- Natlonally kncnm Pmna· YOUNG WOMAN CUrb pklneen In the 1U1. of ~r wlil ~ach )'Oil all extrudin&: coocrete. No ex· latest &teps. Oa1J Ardell ptr. req. lo qual. applicant&. 213: 591'"'5S8 1·10 PM Unbelievable 1TULf'i\n of ~ 1--:A"ttend=:-,-:rn=~=-:l.e<--:tu-.,,- fll. $1000 net iiuaT lit mo. Dlaootics .t. &.:ie:nto1¢1Y PERl\JA-CIJRB 306 32nd St. Evfl')' Sund&.)' at 8 PM NB ll'i'D.1 Edlnatt. Fntn Valley 53J..JZlO NEED ride to OCC from Hnt Bch. bttore g a.m .. Non-Fri. Wlllini to pQ for -&<T-11819 ALOOHOUO AnoQJmOUI ~ so.mt .. wrt• to P.O. Bar lm o.ta - ENJOY econotn)'· vacaUon CataJlna Jalar.d. l' r om $8 midweek for two. ffmnou. lto~. Phone Avalon 117. ' =TC 'C' J7•• 1'£F F .. 640~ ' Personals ••• HOT HYDRO SWIRL-POOi.. TM Sil'e fl1'f'llro4Wlrl Pooll Ar.. -di~! 11'11f!'1 t:11ropa. IUlt X 111 1pec!•I M•h wlo!ll Ho! Swlrl!ng W1ltr tJ~lodtl e~l11t1 'fOl,I to OI"* "'-y try lloiar 111 MlllMrn-Hvdro-m.ot- »O~ St1"""i.111 ent!rt fl'llKU- i.r •lld t ltc11i.10•v 1yst11'"· So ver·r elft<.llv• I01 rtll""lno TM ... rYOVI l.n1lo11 ol modtm llvlllfl.. T1mi>ert l11r1 lOI'. UL Tit.A MODERN HEALTH (LUI Ywr Prl••le "K..,..fll" Ck.ti. W..-tt 1l1m you -trim you ..• kttP you l!I "ld vigor-. En· tlr1 ketp.Ht ''" !Ml.,res plu111 ...i c1rpe1. t l11ml11g <;hrom1, morror..i w•tt1, void ~''"'' •. , dn 1gl'ltd to punper vou. P.renttd K l..,lhk cOOdltionlnt Appir•lul 11 11 ~· ol1poul. Yout lrlollvk:L\Hll pro-1rtm 11 prlS(r!btd 1f1er • phyolcel .... 1,..is • 1"' 1 " pefSCll'Mlllr l upft'Yisl!'lf by f'lllf lnstrvc!Of> {or tns!ructrr'..J for lt>t i.o:111sl. OVr sys;tm b wt .. 111'1 t rw:I invlgo•1!111g. JACK LA LANNE'S Eiiropean Health Spa n. Newnt, Molt Luxurious And Completely Equipped Health Spa ln .Oran9e County Open Now - Final Days of Phase 5 Charter Membership Rates. ENROLL TODAY For Only This 11 f~• tot1I tV•••t• coil If v•u 111roU TODAY on• co11111 i11tliwichr1lly d11itn1d f~r yo11. J UST SOME OF OUR MANY FACILITIES It t n .,.cluslv1 of our Club tor ti>• l.clln . II Is I peq l.,. .... , ... 1111 •-111u1, dttlilMlll IO 1or>I lllt /\lf'I l flCf IT'o101'>I. COIT>-pl•!tly adlu"1bl1 to :tia 1na .. vldu.11 ls Pt•tolll t 111«11. r .• . • ·<a VANITY·OROOMING ROOM Wt """" 1 perlt r Cor m.ldl on ll•rw:I w!IO IUPPlln COSrr'J9!1cl t l'ld J.lllvlng 11cllllltt for ,_ COnVftllWll<;t, SPICIAL SWllS f'ACIAL APP.,llATUS E XCL.U.SIVli. Ht)ps 11!rnur1i. c:lrCulttforo Ir.If 11111>1 firm I nd ton• 1"'* ~ "'111(\ft of "'' ... tltl ire•. TURKIStt STIAM ROOM You c1n rtl11r 1fld rttlt¥t dilly llflOLon wlrh 1111 modern ltcU· 111n of Our Eur_.11 lkilOMd lllfk1sh s r11m ltoom. PRIVATE IHOWIR$ l'tlVt tt, 11\dlvklUfllY !1>9r- ••lll<•liy conlrelllcl Wwtra. A ,.,IOI\ """' 1111 lo worry 1110uf flmpertlurt vtrlltiOn ~ 1'111 1111911 dr11 1~ 1e1. OIL 0, IUCALYfi'TUI INHALATION •OOM Tllll ~rful lllhllellOn lt- wlll'lih on 01 'Euc11v11tw IM,.. you r•ltJCld, lnvlt>Of'll"' Ind ,. frnlllld, lampertluro 100•, PRIVATE INDIVIDUAi. DRESSING fl:OOMS & LOCKlltS EnHrt 1rr1 ton1tri.octld 1n w1l- 1111t Ind •Ilk p!eslk. Wt!I$ ..... Vlrrfl llOOl'I. A.II dfHllf\e boollls daigned IOr compltt• priv.t' Wflll Ptl• t lldlno dOon ,•!)Iii ,,._ borltt tH!l lfld ptrflllon$. ln- dlYldlNll loc:ktrl; boll\ dllflu 11111\giflll locktl'I .. _ ... ,. .... c:.i er lltfldbeo fec1{..,. E'"1'1'- lhlrog deslgnld for YOU!' ~ tori Incl COl> ...... ltnee. lllST SOMI 01' OUlt ,.ACI\.• Tl.I. A.LI. l'ACILIT!li Altl llol(LUOlrD IJf YOUJI MIM- !U!.ll:Slo111". AT NO. f ltTJIA CHAltO•, FACILITIES FOR MEN JACK IA IANNrs 12821 llRIOR Bl.YD. URDEI IROYE. CA,LF. 638-9900 rrs WONDEJ\FUL tbt ft'la1'0' PARTY drlvm, to New Yoa1c biQrs ln appU1UX.""e1 yau nnd Qt)', tow 11' botl, IJa1 Pl ln tht Oaaa:ltled Ma:. Oeck I =+,..,-'11.,.00,,.:.,.m=.=-1-"-'_,,,== lbom nowl Dial 6"-4611 tor RESULTS J "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!B!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!li!l ' ~----~~~----------·----- • • ANI end -Pen - Buie lo U l'<>w "''" w.U Moo bell 15. nlah Ya el Ave. adv1 •I ' ,,,., 0 ..... -""' 1.,.. .-.du tider .. ~ Spb on • c.m1 c .... FOR 28 ~ plus \\'es: Will R. J St. J SER Ba~ MO'll Harl End play. '"'' Full ..... ~! I Utl year ""'' dalia Noai Fow ... BABl vie. .. ' 842-1 UC. Tod<' Hart BABl pork ?.1on- BAB'\ co.u BABl Dayr und• Brld BU Br ""' Lie.< 8uil+ RE> ln<(t """ MINI Too .... ,.., ., .. .... CAfil dltk """' worl QUAl lloru or C REP. R•~ .... REP. CA: " ,., Cem -• a: type c.11 cm sma ""' Chll c c.., -CARl '°" : ..... ...... bw "'" ci .. -- " DR C. A , . ' • When You Want it clone _right·~ ~ Call one of the experts Cl listed belowll ( I ' ' ' ' ANNOUtfCIMINTS SERVICE DIRECTORY -and NOTICES . P1perll1'111nt Floors 6465 Paln!lnt 6HO Persontls> 6405 C1rpet Vl::rt Tiit SUBURBAN Pa:lntlna~a FREEi AU lt)'let I". colors Expert Guarutetd won.: Free est. Lie. contr. Free est. No job too J.up Buie Boatinc O>W'!e of!ert'd ~ MQ..726l ...... ,. or too 1mall 4M-3190 to the public by the Ba1boa PAU\"TlNG lilt A: Ext Lowelt Po9.·er Squadron for people 01rdt:nln1 66IO cootnctld prinu. Full> lnL laterested in aailboal! .. well u power bolts. Every ANTHONY'S Satialacdon pu. ,.,_ - MOl'lday nilht for U weeks Jlnt Weeki f13..l.1&6 bq:ln.nlng 1 PM, 'tolon., Sept. INT a: at wort ruar. Spray 15. <Brine notebook lint 644-4860 C1t bruah. Flft estimate. Call nlrbt) at NeWpart Harbor H"""" 6'U1l:l Yacht Cub, 720 W, S.y 1'he Best, costs no mof'fo? Ave., Newlfrt Beach. No Experie11<."ed Maintenance \\.'AU.PAPERING _. PAIN· advanee-l'l!'&:lStraUoo. Enroll Bud&;et Lanclscapifl& TING, 10 )'evl in area. at cla.u. Aey que:stlon ca.11 Gradua~ Horticultwist R .......... ntea. Ca 11 673-18.iS. COMPLETE ......... WANTED! YARD MAINT. PAINTING. Ext-Int 1! yn. Sprinkler installed &: repair. exp, lno. Llc. ..... OIL Overw•lght Ladles ed. New lawM. cleanups. AcotL~ eeilinc. MS-632& I want 10 women who art': 10 .Monlhl,y Service. CLARK A CLARK pound& or more overwel1ht ,.._,.,. CUSlOM PAINTING to takl!' part in group wei&f'it AL'S Gardening le Lawn • 60-2936. lCISS progn.m of IJ)eciall.Rd Maintenance. Commen::ial. PAJNTING, Papertna lS yrs. reducing, All inquiries ron- fidential, Ask for !tin. Thorn. induslrial & ttsldentW. in -...... Llc. & •646-3629• bonded. Rell. furn. 642-2356. as 537-5412. NE\V lawns re -seeding. P A PE R SPECIALlSl'S -LICENSED Complete lawn catt, clean Ca1'1 bett fOl' vinyls, flock:s, Spiritual Ru.dlJ!&s advice up by job or month. Free foU. mun.la:, lfT.Ja ew1. estimates. For .info, call on all matters. lll N. El FOr betttt painting, Cami.no Real, SAn Clemente 846-09:;:1 or 89J..1995 RF.SPONSIBLE student, mow Call Cl:S Painters! 49'2-9186 <496-9507 10 AM -10 Pi\l Ir: edae lawn (awrqe) flO 673-29&i after 5 mo. 642-8315 bet 5:30 &: 6:30 Plastering, Rep.Ir 6880 Cemetery Cryph 6419 PM JapaneM GardeMr • PATCIJ PLASTERING. FOR Sa!e, double Crypt No. Exper., compl yard servioel All types. Free estimate. 28 in Mauaoleum of Re~. 1)-ee eat. 645-0912, 968-2303 =-plus endowment ""' at Weatm.ifllter Memorial Park CLEAN-UP SPEClALIST! • PATCH PL>.STERING. Will diaoount. Write Mn. L. Mowina:, ed.&in&. odd jobs. All typu. Free atimate. R. Jacka, Aptoe:, C&ill. 160 Re&.1Dnable. 548-6955 Coll ,.....,. St. Andttwa Dr. 95003. EXPERIENCED Japanen gardener. Reliable. 540-7373 Plum bing 6190 SERVICE DIRECTORY for frtt estimate JIM'S Gardeninz l& lawn PLUMBING l\EPAIR 81by1ittlng 6550 matntenance, Rel. ll Com-No job too 1mall mercla.I. * Sf8..3Ul ·-· ti!OTHER Will babysit. Near Harbor ShOp Center. CUt It Edge Lawn R~_moch:I, Re,-lr, '"'° Enclosed backy:-1!, patio, li1alnte:nanCt", Licensed playroom. 9 mos o 3 yTIJ. ~1645-231.0 a.l't 4 BUILD, -~ Repair p!"Merred. $4 day -50c hrly. JIM'S GARDE:NING 4 lawn Brick. block, c o n c r e t • , Full time or occa1ional. Ex-crpntry, DO job too small maintenance. Re1, " Com-perl~nced. dependable merclal. * 548-8QJ. Uc. Omtr. 9G-e94S 548-1395 CHILD CARE Ct:S Lawn It Gardening Sewfnp tNO Senrice. Re5/Comcl-Indust. 1 ·little cirl. qe :lY, to 5 675-2955 after 5 e Dressrnakin&. Alteration. yeaD. As playmate & com· . C:U.tom De.tpa EXPERT JAPANESE pa.nion for my 4 year old * ......... dalighte-r. ?.teals included. Res/Comc'l/lnd.ws. 646--0384 Near Mqnoli& I< Eding!'r. Alteratlons---642-.5145 Gener•I S."'lces 6682 Neat, accunt.e, 20 ye:an exp. Fountain Valley an-a. ft(l.00 a Yrttk. Call 847-7187. roNSTRUcnON site cl~ ~tic T1nk, Swer, 6965 BABYSITTING, my hOme. up, ha~,·~ vie. Fulton acbooL .M.qnolla tem1 iN eel &: VACUUM pwnplf'!£ .ervice, le' Slater, FV. ""' ...,. """" 1eptic tanks, .llU?TIPI, And .. .....,.,. lrapL You name •• ... LIC. Day earr AM to 5:30. H•ullnp 6730 pump tt. 24 hr. aervlce. Toddler, hot me a la. 645-C11iS Harbor-Baker. 540-1539 CLEAN UP & lite moving BABYSITTING, ~t to new Tree lz shrub removal. TILE, Ctr•mlc 6974 R.eaaonable. 549-1359 park, CM .. !17th & Orange). * V en>e, The Tile Man * ?<.1on-Sat. 645-~ TRASH HAULING CUst work. Imt&ll &t repairs. BABYSITrING Jn my home, reasonable • .. ~,,,. No job too small. PW:ter patch. Leaklna: sho~er COsta Mesa area. HAULING. cleanup, lots etc. Call 548-3823 repair. M7-1957/U6--0206 Handyman anytime you BABYSmlNG, my home. call. * * 642-3398 • * TrH Service 6'IO Day1 on1y. tncd yd. CM. YARD/pr cleanup. Remove under 5. '46-2101. ...... ivy, ..... ...,.., GENE'S TREE SERV: backb:>e, grade 96l-8745 l:rffs/1hrubbery .......... Bric~ Mlltonry, etc. trimmed. hauled a way 6560 HouMClt•nint 6735 549-1359 BUILD, Remodel. repair. HOUSECLE ANING&: ES1' A TE Maint 'I'rff Serv Brick. blocl.. mnct'!te, Getx'ral Maintenance. Call Removal &: tl'lmmlnp, free carpentry, no job too small. estimate. Ct.D SU~ anytime; .... re I ' 1. Lie, Contr. _, ........ Upholstery 6990 Builders 6570 WOULD You believe I will cleM your home for Blllt! CZTICOSKI'S CUST. V:phot -E ....... Cra!bmanohlp RE M 0 DEL-Additions-Cab. Chip Stamps! 897-7350 lOOo/• fin! 642-.1454 int'ts Bb:k fences-Concrel.c CARPETS, Windows, ""· l8ll Newport BL, C.M. work. 642-9852 etc. Re• or Comc'l. Xlrlt work Reu! Refs. 548-4111 JOBS .l EMPLOYMENT Carpenttrlng 6590 Bay i Beach Cleanini Serv Job W1n11d. Lady 7020 Carpet&, w1ndow1, fioorl, etc .CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR$. No Job Rei &. Commc~l 646-1401 TWO Women will clean eom· TO<' Small. Cab\nel In 1ar-WlNOOWS DIRTY? pletely $18 a d1y. ~2'1ll qe1 • o t be r cabinets. Johnny Dunn your loca1 54!>-8175, U no answer leave seiviee. Free e!'t. 642-2364 Job W1ntld .... •• 646-137'2 • H. o. Men a Women 7030 Anderson Iron, Ornamental, etc. 6750 CARPENTERING, room ad· DEPENDABLE, Handy eou--dltloNI, pa Tio deck.8 • • Room Additions pie dnlrea po11ltlon m&nal· COVP?'I, Quality, c US I 0 m ing Deluxe unib Newport. * Aputmtnts "-Units ...... 645--0lli * Cullom Homes * Kitchen! CdM artt. ~90. Q1JALITY' Re~rs -Allen-* 2 Story Spttlaliat& FREE lions • New const. by hour la,youVd~slirn 20 m. exp. Domnllc Help 70U or Contract. 646-3442 Pacific Cotst Bullden OU-'t""-a-!uJ REPAIR, Partitions Small 2435 E. c.o&llt Hwy. Pmnanen ExperltflQrd. Remodel, etc. Niie O!' day, C.Orona de! Mar ~7191 P'_!t Eut ~ 60-8703 Reu! can KEN ~ Georie Alien Byland Apncy J1nitorial 6790 REPATRS, ALTERATIONS Employer Paya Fee CABJN'Ei'S. Any sizt job TONY'S Cle.ani?ll' setvi~. 106-8 E. 16th, SA 547--0395 25 yrs. v:per. ~S.finl Re1identia.I &: commercial. -C.Omplete floor care, wall &: Help w ....... -7200 Ctrnent, Cencrete 6600 wlodow .,.,h\na. Cr pt "1\ampoo\ng. Mo, wk, dally. ,..BOAT CAltPINTl!RS e CONCRETE """' a 11 Very reliable. Free est. Clll Exp'd boat C&.Jlll!ntera wanl. type1. Pool decks I. cuatom. ed. tnquitt at AU'J'OCOAST anytime 540..9UD. Clll 5«8-132'4 1974 PlactnUa Avt., CM. ct:M!:NT WORK. no job too WALLS, Wl.ndowa, floara. carpets. Commercl.al &: SERVICE Station salesman. small, reuonable. Ft'ce re5ldenlial. Dally, weekbr Exp'd, qe no barrier. l'\1U estlm. H. Stull.lot. 548-861.5 and/or Mo. 897-7350 time, salary + comm. Mobil Statlca, 24362 El Toro Child Ce,. 6610 SPARKLE JanUurltl 6 Wln-Rd., Lquna Hlll1. dow cloantni !erv. Wtn. Colta Mesa, licensed. dows. ruld., comet. canst EXPERIENCED K!Vlee It..- Oesnup. Free e1t 961-.2191. lion attendul, full-tllne. Vacancy tor lnfa:nt. Applf ln penan: 2 0 9 6 Call .... ,,., ESTATE Melut Tree Sdv Harbor Blvd. Ml-M5I -RemoYa1 • trimml .... ,_ C.rpet CINnln1 6625 HELP WAN!'EI> -Male. utlmatc, Call $41..QI. Pvt tlmt. ApJlly In per.on. CARPET A f\ml. clean1nc; 6110 J ACK IN THE BOX. lb tor 1 dl)t M'C'Vitf: .. q141.llt7 Ltnd1COpl"9 &ktr SI., Coltl MeM. W'Ol'k, call stirrtlnr Jar HILLS Ir. SLOP!:S O '3 T iltAN tor ntall eaJes in 1:-rtahtnta! 6'J.&tl btAMOND Ia a catp1ll be1I apedalty, Nut )'tan n.ln Hardware. Rion f{ardware, wW be 1Wrlt! Get Pf'>" 102 Irvine, Wutdiff Plua, Irland! Diamond C..,.01 tecdon now! Call m.Gll1 11.8. W-1.U3. uk ... Phi!. Otantn. '4$-Ulf • Uc'd l&DdJelJle eon!J'M). PAINT 1ton amplo)ott. D · C.rpet L1ylng lo tor. cornpleie lndltPI A allO perlenead . WAU<ER Japanese prd•n1 l3l).30.l'1 PAINTS. l4M778 RapalrV.26 DIAL dlrtc! C0$11, °'"'I' EXP. Su. Sta. Salary + ,OR CARPETING ' )'OUT ad, then .rt kc.Jt: and comm. o/ttme PQ' all «I OR CAltl'IT LAYING l11tt1n to Iha ~ rincf btl. ri.dl/t. Pmn. llGO r;, c_ ...... ..,_.,,o _, Clt HW)'. NB. ' ~ ........ '*•"-IM JOU a IMPLOYMINT .IOll I IMH.OY.MINT JOll 1 IMH.OY~ JOU & 11141!LO'!!!!l! 11o1! ~.,,..., -nooiw. WantM. Moll""° Hoi, w~ D.\flY I'll.OT if\; '.I!!!,.._. . Help w-. -noo MACHINllT * ,... * Procretslv• amaU parts matt. J. C. r-=. Comp •11f Inc. ui.ctum with txctUtnt "'°"""' O»dl-••• Falhloa , N•wport BeW1 tr1,.e benttltJ,, hu l.mmedi-Hal ate coelllnf for Bmwn a, K1ypNltlon1p1nlnp si..... llld Traub -.. For Madllne Setup. Optrt.IOrl. Apply 1300 £. Nonn&n<tr Merdlandhe Mollllfemetlt Tral!lff Pl., santa Ana. <1 blk. north with recentgaduatio>l'from coll•J• ~· oqul· or l'ifc::Faddvi, 'ii blk. Wert valeat la co ~· and full Umt wart erper-of G~nd.l ionce combla on; a de&lre le partlclpate ln PHJWPS PETROLEUM a tralnlnJ Pl'O£am for maaiieemont with a co rapidly expaa g national oreanlzaUon. Now hirlnit lor 111.l~perated aerviee •ta.. Till• ls an organized on-th .. ~b tnlnlag pr<>-tlon. Experlcooe desired. gram. Our pOIJcy ol r,romo on from wllhia Good •tart!,,. aalaty plut aeMrous commls1don. w1th makes thll particular r altracUve. excellent oppottunltin: tor ~~ ..... adv~menl For ,,, forma.Uon contact manacrr, 10 AM to S M y thru Sllur41y Brookhunt 4 Adams. Hun. J. C. Penney's tll\(tton Beach. #24 , Fashion. bland,. Newport. !!each An <Qual ·-nuntty .,,,.i.,... MOTOR HOME * -* EXPERIENCED •WELDERS •TRIMMERS Help Wanted. -7200 Help Wento(. -7200 • WALL MEN Machll>llt * ENGINE LATHE * • PLUMBERS MACHINIST J . C. PENNEY CO, 7135 Canyon Dr .• Costa ?tfesa -FASHION ISLAND HARDIN GE NEWPORT BEACH * DRIVERS * CHUCKER OPER. H., No Experlenu Experitnotd In dole tolrr-Tull-pool-a.nee lhort run wOHc wttb Necessciry! ability to ~ 11tt\lpl. .... ,.. Must bav• dean Cal1fomla tbourda,y ....... _. Buff.n and drtvinr .-OOrd. Apply Profit -YELLOW CAB CO. Janitorial J. C. Carter Co. 186 E. 16th st. Maintenance Colla Mesa '" W. 17th St. R-eent, ..,,.._ ........ ** DISHWASHER Cotta Mtu ente in all phuet preferred. 541-3411 Competattve ....... ... OVER !8. AM A PM 1tand£nc beaefill incl~ * APPLY IN PERSON * An equal opportunity pro.tit~ empkr,ftr Snack Shop No. 1 APPLY IN PERSON' J.fon, • Sat. 10 am to 9 pm 2305 E. Coett Hwy. SICUltlTY Coron• dtl Mer, Cal. -GUARD -J. C. Penney Co. PLASTICS MUST BE ABLE TO 24 F11hlan lal1nd lifalerial handler. mold in& WORK ANY SHllT tralnoe. Gra,.,,.ro ohilt. Newport ltlch, C1lll. t\111!1 be dependabl~. Oppor-An Equal Opportunity tunity for advancement. Ap. Cadlll1c Controls EmplO)'er ply 1to4 p.m. Division of Ex.Cello Corp. * * Orange Coast Plastics 1166 Whittler Ave. Corti Mesa 850 W. lBlh,' C.M. CLER.I CAL P•rtonenl Director -24'1 -An eqllll opportunity Min . of 5 yn; Ot IndU5, pet\> 10m>el exp I-collece dearee. employv ITT JABSCO Must be mt motivaed I. PART TIME matutt. \VW he responsible for all pet90Nld functions. TIME KEEPER· $10,000 )T start. Rnume II. NOW HIRING COST CURK Wary history box M 1000 ' Pilott. Larae. natlonal company, ex. ACCOUNTAN1', semi or -in ara..,. °""'"· Good opportunlty for a llVtt aenklr Jor ~ We need part time nw:n to man with tame •~t- Oranp Co. CP~, mugt work e~ 6:30 to 10:30 q: or related dtrical ex- haw about 2 recent p.m. perlence to come tnto COft- public acrountin& exp, act with all deputmetttl: TOP STARTING PAY c apable •• a ud It No experience ot tht eompan;r. PttJtl' nsponalbWtle:I. CPA ...._,,, Hlah School IJ'lCI mme Ill>. or For intervVw call Moll. • CPA candidate .only. Coll <Olllllinc -5'7-7061 for appoint. ,...~ 774-7251 Pleut apply In P'"' OFFSET PRESS _, or bl writtJw to OPERATOR e llROILElt MAN Ptnannel Dept. 5-day week, penn. Job. Good' e DISHWASHERS workln1 condition a. Many GOOD BENEmS .AND fringe benefits. \VORKlNG OONDmONS NATIONAL SYSTEMS OORP Apply bet'<Wen 12 -.5 p.m. 4401 Birch Street Frinre benefits. Equal Oppn~ty Newport Beach Em.-FIVE CROWNS DEGREE RESTAURANT The man we seek may be lts5 DALE WAY 3801 E. Pacifk Cout llw. c:un-ently employed, mum. t.orona del' Mar COSTA MESA, CALIF. 9'J6)f ra held in striclelt conti· (nt> 56Dl dence, co. pmy fee. lo $19,000. ACCOUNTAllT-GEN'l LEARN' TOOL -CUTrER BS or MS or PHD in chem-GRINDING TJtADE: Mar- 1stry or math acctptable, ritd men lftfernd. Must be 2 yrs, ooUete f1t equivaleit. call Ann. Mttcha.nta P""" ambltiow, H.S. pw.d witb sonnet A~ncy. 200 We't. Experience<ltenenll ...... math bQmd Ir: be d.ltf Or .. N.B. ~mo. Manda.I m.temt.ru. CC9ta. -Inclined. Good .................. .i. ...... SALES wor'ldn& cond'a It frtnp tab know1tdae delfrable. benefits. Graphic aulomatlon comput. RHertshaw Con!NI• DAll.Y GRJN'DING INC. er awllcatlona. e.s. Deertt Co. 3822 Campu1 Dr., N.B. $12,ln> + comm., Call Ann Uni-Line Division Merchant• Personnel Apn. ~'°72~:i;::;,., MAN WANTED. Pmn. part cy, 200 Westditt Dr., N.B. time, ~ cvrrqe two hrl. 64.>2170 daily !or eu1y -Mach Dreftamen $6llO. .......... deltwry •• INSTRUCTOR Ftt paid. lint oppty, lib-homn In N'.B. $250. av.rap Mature, youna: ad\Jlt, look· prr mo. MUii have lata eral hen. 2 )Tl coUea:e or ing for cood future, able to exp. Abo tee jobs. Clll Ktot, model 1taUon wqon and be meet the public. Apply jn 54&0IJO dependable. Call L.A. Timel penon. JASON BEST W-4800 Holiday Health Spa Employment Apncy GUARDS * * • Coit.a fl.fet.a • 2120 So. Main. Santa Ana LOAN OFl'ICIR * DISHWASHER Full er part time. Prefer S5 *BUSBOY A divemtled, intmattnr ~ 01' older. Work any 1hlft. sition ii available with a ........ Unllomu turnlshed, Cont.et AILEY W£Sr finandal U.Utution k>caled Oruck Siter. l!rTOO Jambont ill the Interr.tlonal AJrport 2106 w. Oceanfront Blvd., Newport Beach. N"'POl't Buch m.1n• area.. Mtut know IJIPl"lialre, -Ext "'' .... 9,30 Call pttmnnd, (213} l"IO-lllliO AM, Mon. tt'll'll Wed. MAINTENANCE Man, a. tit .Onler Deale $JOt up part time 1or aen·1 a11-JANITORIAL arvund ma inte nance St.able ~ Co. Top SAWYER HOllE, Ull -"""A benal!IL Oii! Part-time •'Mir:. Need lln't1'- 0ranp Aw., Co.ta Mt& Gforae, 541-6410 al mlll!n ln CM, NB a1'f'&. U J1-11nt hr ltitfts. ~ S PM, Ap. -LOT -DE"l'AIL lrlAH pl.y GI North H-. -°"" :n.-...... Em ............ ..,, Ana. .. .. _. all c.. 2UO So. -15.A. benefit.I. Phone Chuck, • JANJTO&GAJU)EN'Jlt • llOYS It· 14 ......,.. P erm anent pooltlon, 0..--0,.. FACTORY Trainet, 1httt otart!nc at $ID/mo. .. ... work. FARRO CORP . hr/wk, actU.nt tr i n 1 • """"" -l!o. Lipe btndit1. Stnd rtlWl'le to: DAILY Pll.OI' Ftberslus DlvllSon. 18111 Penonnel Dept. P. O. Box -Fiberglua Rd., Hunt Sch. 4n. South t.aruna GARIIENf;R'S Tralnea. No I · NIGHT work in bakery. Exporlenood aper nee. PhOne ~. Make donull and U!ltt. FRY COOK ln4)494-6GT. Trotter'• Bakery, 234 Fore•t No Sund.a)'a-Holldays . Ave .. Lquna Bch KRAMEll'S Help W1ntt4 KNOWLEDGEABLE Stereo SU W. 19th gt, CM w-7400 oomponent u.les trainee. tt SUPERVISOR SITTER 1« 1 c1111d. Tuea 21-30 yn, Call Mr. Vann ......., . YotlllC'. matw-e mtle, neat lhnl Fri, t:31i am4:U.Wttt J NEED aemi·retirtd. 5(),.63 In appwuce, Must be a.bit NftlMJIOl't ana. m-otS7 . to meet Ullf ct.I with ma.le M.lptt for ~nm& ~ Apply ln Jft'IM! Exp'd Dmtal RtCfllllibnllt. wark. OR 3-3320 ' ~Wl5 Main St. S Polnll Newport Ba.ch MtcbluPc wanted. Sh:IPCMI emu: H.B. UMUl Unlm 7' Station IOX BOY-... Mlllt be aft!I. DEl'tl'AL ~ Put w llkll N ....... BM!, C.M. wk. dq -owr II. Ml Uma. No .... nee. Moo. urAilliitD l...noct & M:uat ba neat Ullf haw tin "!!= MMnl 1-11 enD. N.B. ollloe. llalrcut Aopl.y hi -. l.EASING.._.lar_ ~ oppt. flM3l3 RlclluO'o Lido Marlltt, am dob -NB. o..r. }ilil7 t'.lA!UlENER, Exp. 1« apt Via Lido, N.B. + -· -· '4>1119 aimpl1X. 5 Do1s Wffk. Ap. Sl:RVICI: ll&tton , ...... t GllAVEYAIUl WAITftt!iS ply la penon. llGa Cout txpn. nt11. See "MU.", 10 m lo I AM. l«G W, HI...,, &o. Lquna *71 Camp111 Dr, NB Pad!lc Clout Hwy, N.8. DEUVER.Y man, pt-Um. PLUMBER. ~ tn Pf.TJME tour pklet. b' L.A. Tim•• car rout.. pl\unblfla I. ~ ftl._-be.utltul MW t(uJt a)l, CM -rn. MW30i benent .. ....., complex, NI iC-1111 w-7411 "": .. ~,:'"' -7400 COLOlt ...J NC It J/J...IAf//JI .. PllOO' Ol'lllATOlt ~ UNITED C!ALll'OltNIA IDlllCY IANK -113 DOVD DIUl,'E "" Ji4aln - ?m\?OJIT 11J!AC11! l Hunl!nc'toll llMcl> ..... ...,,..~ .. --u uU1Mt 1o Pf':Odtnt ol BOOKKEEPER srowl..-mri: cO. "Llaht. te<> tr~ 1tore. z:xp.rttinee rttln.l 4jutM1, hffii A!Jt. •-Soc$6M "' nttesaary. Xlnt opp0rtunlf1 Abllltr . to wort« with ~ for the~ ptr.on, St. Mr. ..... .. .... .. Ultpllone, Jonea. A'M"I. SPRlNG-pod Ullla. Comp&ey pi'I> DALE HARDWARE, 1*0 --~ H .. t!IW-=·+==1: ton Beach. LA.. arta. S.Crttery $JOt IPF FltxowrM.r T..-... Xlnt Co. movtiw to new oit. Wortc lor ftAD firm. ill ~ ka in Irvtne. WOJ tra1n ao-tracts a.dmln,tatn.Oon. Sh 100 + ........ a + cun.te t,yplat. Clll f)1&Qe. S.Crt11ry $JOt CRF 546-\ilD. Must ht.ve aood work Mcie· JASON llEST """"'1 + ui. ""· + aood Employment Aaerq typlq • ttltphooe tl!Chm. 2120 So, MaJn, s.nta Ana ~ X1nt consl'Nctlon co la btauutul locatlon .• ATTRACTIVE GIRLS Reep! to $4M II'' 1"1111 ,,.,,....,. time' ... u. M\< k vr)/y ~ I: at- 30. Omunerclal --trtctivt w eood t)'f>lni:. die-for Conventions, banqueota, ta-. lite bkkps. ()ppll' etc. Excel. 'l*,Y a. benetltJ. .... ..,. lepl, WW traln. Call MIN Ouil Gtn Office 11 $4.IO Trathor. MMJ.St 0.,1. Vt EPP', l/tCRf * OUALl'11D c.....i oftlcr -MASSIUIE with aeeun.te typltw. An To .ervice t.dle1 onJy. Mat txcelltnt eppty tor 110nteont tumlall local rettrt!ncts lllld who ii detail minded. haw: dty Ucen.. PStue Q-hcrtltry 1425 EP~ ply in person for lntervh WW train 11\U'p )'OUn&'. lady Hol!Uy Htellh Spo 'ltith sood eectttarl.t.l lkllla. 23CO Harbor BIVd., C.M. Work in bt«utlful aCtlcet with an lnWll~nt younc Bookkeeper 1tatt '" • irowtnl la.nd de-velopmttt co. Accounta pt.)'ab)e for •part. Typist to $425 EPF ment b\i.lltkr. Pft:!er con-70/80 wpm. typq: with &e· irtrucdon exper. Excd!tnt C'Ul'&C)'. ~ omctt. co,.. benefit•. 541).t'n(! Mr. Ron-senlal .... i. ...... clllnce ald Oomer. tor~nt. Acct1 Clerk""' l/tlP' NEED! Good ~· Good tchoolinl « work ex-. ccmplete charse llv~ln, pvt perlence required. M 11 1 t rm I. baud, ace 40 tll G. (2 have knowledte of double boys aat• 9 Ac 7). Days: entry bkkpc. will train Ult ~736:ii &U-lm Ev a 1: ~.tlter6PM. rt1ht Jl.rl. Girl frldey $400 APf Sl'OCKROOM derk -Inv. For a mature woman with control Ku:dtx exp nee. Pod pneral ottlce abUi'1 L ite typin1, 1d. wt» la ltn'ice tninded. handwrltl ns, srowtn& Oerieal manut'i. co. ln C . K . --ITT JABSCO Part Ume SECRETARY Younc. attracUve str'I. Ltatit ... bortband 1: typlrc. Houn tlexlble. -12 ptt hour. MS--1n1 N.e w port BILLING ... , .. CLERK WAITRESS AND HOSTESS Allistant bllllna/account-Experleneed, JI to 22 yn old. inc....,.,.,. ... -Part time. Apply in person; ..,..r1...,. and t>Pinc MR STEAK, mt Fairvft, -C.M. JANITORIAL --"""11 employor Pu1-t1me wt1'k. Need ltVt:ll- al women in CM, N'B an&. 141i Dale Wq ... hr'ohliOI. Stutinc • I')!. Cotta -Call!. <nU5eat .APPb' 409 North Harbor, ' Sanl&Ana. !MISES f /C BOOKKEEPER e RN-Relief du~, two da,y1 per wetk. for dally ..it• summuy, U-e LVN-Reu.t, !our llrlltl eounU reorlvttble • oolleo-per Wffk. l.quna Blach tion.. Fut a.ccurate worbr. Nunlnc llolne rood typlat. Prtter a11torno--tive experience. Ask for * * * SECREI'ARY, !or Mr1, Brut. adwrt1alns ftrm. Shorthand JOHNSON &: SON !O, t>Plna IO, Ulo boolc-Uncoln Merc1ry -.... Ired. Call Pam. at 115-.J7U bat. I AM 6 5 2'2' Hertler lllw. PM Costa MeH Eirptrienctd In 1ina:I• ~ l40Hlt and overiock. Good plaat -.,,.... mldy -· 1'UlL TIME EDDY MOSS l«M2 Locus! HOSTISS St., WectmlftlW; ~ MATURE mothtt'a helll!J', TurtHo Rock area. 3-T pm, Ni&'hta a \\ftkendt Mon-Fri. own tr&nl. $2 hr Musi be av*t 21 plus meaJ. 5'6-2320 at~r g FIVE CROWNS pm. RISTAUllANT CLEANING lady wanted 2 3IOl E, Padll< Cout Hw,. d•)'I a wttk on Udo Isle. °"""'" de! Mar Pltue wrlte and Jive relmnoeo. Dall> Pllot Box LAB ASSISTANT: Some M 903. medlcal Mc. Type, bLllinl, bookkeeplna, pltuant IUft', BA8YSJ1TER • Your home, plwih oUlee. Xlnt oppty for walkinc dlltanet lo ODIJel' &dvancemtnt Pu1r Sehll, 2 childnn; 5 Start $400 yrM.18 mo. S2S pu wk. 540--0659 alt f p.m. Call BUiie Beck, ~ COASrAL AGENCY REFINED companion· mo Hubor Bl. Cotta Me11 housekttptr tor • t d e rt y . lady. Live-in. Licht wtd. -Balboa 111.and. ITJ..1460 J.IVE.IN HOUSEKEEPEJl. 'ltOOf Span1.lh or JapaMse sptaJc. Ol'lllATOR , ... ' OK. Pvt. rm. Saluy -.141-UNITID CAL"OltNIA iOOKKEf PEii . hi! IANK OWJt. Oontact Mr. Flah • Cblpo. lne. OU Clmpua Dr, m Octan Ave. NB. 5IM1l1 ~-HOTlkfo\Al,O .. -TUii "" Pitt ttme • Nbi :lilJii OPERATOit 4,JO. WW !ft!n. l'!Wloo • iil!6s • ''!IO p.m. ..... mtdlcal .... v.-.--!:xdttna: 1pt CIClll'IPln necdl Good berwflt.. tull • put time help. Good Start 12.IO hour. pay. Clll l'&ye at f4M110 Clll BUiio 8ocll, -HOUSEKPR 2: 30' -f COASTAL AGENCY wttdayl, 2 IChool .... Child, 2790 Harbor 81, Cotta Mt1& own tn..nsp, Back ~., C.11 SALEiWOMAN. t:x-W.1112 alt f PM. ,....,....i, In -'""1-• PBX Anowerlllc aervlee • Mar.<>wra Expor: prd. Vartao! ohl!IL JNVEf<rollY CIZltK-l«a1 HB U'tL S3l-llS1 rtra. JWqUtred. OviJr a EXP'D SALISLADY "ff.' --111. JM -\ w-.. Ootlllns ROl'O'S. Na. ii Ton • -· °""""'· llhJwt, DUK 0... Qilffa ll07: .:J . ixN1t1111Cl5 ' time. ""' N1lte -1 WAITllSI ~Dr.1 N.a. DENT ~-......., A1Z7 lft ,,__ 118. -..,..,, ..... "" SU I llltLOIN . quirt -n+ilM1D OOCitTAU. Giii ... Ult HM l'ec. Cit. HWy. w:JttKt"-:..· .. !abuloul "'1.., No IOOll. 5 nl..,, il5 E. St. CM. Oomb!natlon Tray llrl/ -i,JN:• .. u u 411 -:-:· 1'111 or wk -"""· - outti ·- Wlllto iliOfri!i? HolpW1.-;~ w-7 ,, .s1.cm~~ ) -· """' .... ' t •iolotaco. I ~ KIYPU"CK -OPlltATOlt ' s ..... 9hut o..,......,. • i --rloo<e'dllftblo. I RECEPTIONIST • l for buQr em~nt 16~t(f. WW 'be-.;a,.W. ' l -and .. nmi .mpio,. • ·meirt JIC'OC~ A actM. ' tMc. C.ntral otftce •tc.. l -.,tbtlp!ul, · 1 ;1 COLLINS \' R,ADIO co. I . 1'7111 Jim"°'" RN4 ' Newport Buch ., Equal_..,..,_, PI REG18iEJ\ED iilJili ru. " Pl:llVISOR.1 om ,.3,30"" • ~ UcENSED VOCATIONAL NUllSE. Mtdlcatklel9 a tttatmtnta. 7 am IO 3;30 pal ' . NUMES AIDES, All "'1111. .1 ~ • trt.lnee1, q PARK LIDO CONVALISCINT CINTllt ! 4" 'iltohlp H!!eort -· Calif. . I ClERI( TYPIST Alttl rlTf, ·-.... trd ottlce. 'fyplns, llllns· . ~.Xlnt.....,nscond'a .. inc1ud1na: all beM:fils. CALl'°ltNIA lnlectlon MoWl"9 200 Brina Ave. Ost.a Me.a Anequal-IJ emptoyer HOSTUS PART·TIMI For C.OCO's tn Costa .... Pif1.11t be owr 11 Rfuifi's COCO'S ISIS W. Mom• Cnto- NEWPOfi BEACH AD AGENCY NEED! "'" 11 .... hilt -typlat for clor eal ff. tJt1, 1rrand1. SIM per hovr. Cell l1rtloro of '42-391t. • • • • MTST Ol'lllATOlt ExJ>erl..,... MTST _. tor. HIP 1Cbon1 ..__ s-Mrc ahltt. CONTROL DATA CORl'OllA TION. 251' w. Worner, I.A. Equal·--~ • • • HDSTESS/CASHllf( Experllnoed, Good -APPiy: DON JOJI ltEIT. 9(t:l E. Adama Hunti-IM&dl . ,_,, Drift. T1ifv Pbolo ...... mod,. lldtt, 9 ain.l pm, ap 11-25. St.a SL95' hr, Apply In PUm1m P'otomat, 201 E, lfth st.) CM. COMBINATION. ShOiJ Bar M&lda • Go Go -Tep ....... 13.l)04J.!IO to •tart. Ph. tcr inf. 5'5--9913 ..... IAAy, 2I01 -· C.M. Wi5....,._,.,._ spiarw tbftl to earn moM:J', Win pdr.a., no ... tlmtt, .., ttme limit. wm tnm u lle•ul>~.~ WAITRESS Appl:Y at THE FLYIN'G BUT- L!:R,Experi.-.- YOUNG Woman, owr i . a.ERK. 1"1111 ...... Appl.y In -· VJJWw'~ IV, II J'llblonlalalld,N.& BAIJYSl'ITER fer bJiftt; wkdq --· ""'-· IJto JMbr, Unlvm!ty Pu1c --altU:lO. i I KIN 1 BUiliOldldUilir. f\ill .. ......-°"'" -9*JIQ1 BAllYiii'Ttii ,_ ,, ... ,,. "' -v-.. --. I« 2 dllld, le llO HOUSli8 1''Pii«: "". fL -· .,. a -s !IOJl!ha. J'ln.VllL-mutt .... a&. r: -·-a.-·. "·:a.-. L IWbl Wf ii'le1t -. OI iA• PO: d1Ht a MANrollltl$T. Cd ...... polntnian!, - \i.,. 'IJllii,"""""' -i6 pm.?un. kt • 9oo """"' n .•hrllalbollolutl ' ~, " ' ' '• -1 I .1 'l ' I I ,1 • ' l I I • • ·i ' I • -' I . ' . I ' I 1 I ' ' : ' -' - -i 1 ' . ~ • (' • -., '• . • . l ! i ,. ' ·, ' - - : I I ! ' • • I I I I -... ~.,.......,.,........,-.-,--.-..·----·--~-·-~----------~-----------· _ ..... ....,.... ... ,.~ .. .,....._ ...... ·-- a tWtV lotlOT M...,, ~ 1969 ili#CdYWT IJOVflMPCOYMlitf1HOIPW1-' _, ~~ ~,.;. ~...., »• ;~I Women 1 ·~· f'OLYOl"r1CS ~'-~-rut~ Clfll'llW ~ duct m'*lr.ctint bM. ..,.. <I'll ......... *" ...... Jn. ........ "' ""°""'""!,. ... ..... ......,.. llx«Jknt ~ _. ... 1"'"11<> .. ...,_ 1n °"' · wlldlrio • .,. ""·=;.~~~ -CLERK-""""'""'""&ood .... W"e' aptitude. inwkirv and ledger poslin&. ~ 'hand ~e. Call tfor ~ appo!ntmtnt ~. RECEPTIONIST Wdl poomed and •l· tn.ctive 1hi •ilb eXJlet;.. ence and ability io ba!dl- ~ public and hea\I)' phone load,. Knowledg1 of Pax, tYPll1i 60 wpm. ean for appelnlmeol 546-:mll ASSEMBLER TRAINEES s.cr.tary •• Vi .. • Pr.sident REUBEN E. LEE STERNWHEELER 'ff -> I• I ' I mo, , Crwttt11dtl'IJ •~•' filli1h °"" ............... 1'emponll'7 full lime llOW until Otrirtrnu. Ability to work well 'll'ilh haDd5. Stable \l'Ork bBckgtound and l1!11able transporta- Uon neces.sary, Apply be- twee:n 9 am • '2 pm. 151 E. Co.st Hwy. tll•ir "'"' l>ulldi119 •IMI , Newport Beocli I ---~--;-. -~--II mo¥• 01i1t • torr~ 'bout th•I 1815 E. Cameiie Santa Ana (Between Newport Frwy, & Red.hills. So. or \V11.rne1:l Part timr \\'Ork "''ilh the puWt orpnization I: peo. ple. our own Jaci Barnett, ?I-far Newport Chambt:r of c.ommttte and Betty H~ watt. his right arm. needs lrom 9 lo I, at fl.50 an hour • somebody that loves peo.- ple, is wry good cm a con- stantly ringing telephone, a relattve-ly rood typla:t ' above all Iota of empathy. A fun job lar tht right persol'l.. Because they an ao busy • pleil&Q call me st: -2111 WAITRESSES E.'q)!ritnced APPLY IN PERSON The Rigger # 16 FASHION 1SLAND NE\VPORT BEACH L VN & Nurnt Aides La r 1 e, pruiressfvc ECF ~ U. Orientation 11roviJl· eel by a full time, in ~rvice, edul'Jllor. ()penif1's 3 to Jl ~ 11 ID 7, shills. Coll ROYALE' ......,. .. , TELLER -. , YOUNG. aggressive com· pany, nttda teUer/new ac- counts a:lrl. 1 • 2 yn. ~p. pref'd. PI e a • a n t, small office atmosphere in large; beautiful surroundings, Contact t.tr. Lapp DOWNEY SAVINGS l FEMALE HELP LO/\ll ASSOCIATION. 'PART·'IIME li1 AM ·2 P~T 837-4911 • Mission Viejo Ideal fot1:tothers with child-GENERAL OFFICE ren lta.rtill& back to M:iml. For dynamio young man? Unifomu & meals Jumished''. Good l'hol'lc techniqut'. lite Contact f..tr. D\ru115, bkkpg + gen olc duti~s. McDONALD'S Have own ollice. }.fay sl.art ol. KARBOR. INC. part time & v.·ork into lull lltl Harbor Blvd.. Cti.I. time. e 56'"'3 • MISS EXEC AGENCY Sec:r1t•ry $525.00 -00 w. Coast Hi&:hw&y Excellent co. in Lquna aNa, N~'J)On Beach · 646-3939 good skills + ft'ont off1...e .EXEClmYE SECRETARY: appearance, call Loraine. Glamour ii the "''Ord! Plush ~tl'T'Cba.ats Pl!l'IOnnel AgPn. offie!!, sttty to pres. At· cy, 2M3 WeslclW Dr., N.B. tractive pl can start •=-=~~~-----I 111.b\llous carttr! To $600 to RECPT--MEDJCAL; l.Dvety start. Call Gloria Kay, ~. greet pa. Sf~ tienti, 11 t e booldtef!ping, COASJ'AL AGENCY records. Grvat ~ for w.icJ Harbor BL, Costa f..fesa ~~-C.U Gloria Gtntr•I Office $475 up • Mf• C"'ttencl•• U will l•k• . ' . th• 01ttf,.. wint f •II c•r•- fully plel'l11ocll of th• p101- •11t lt1i1ildlr19 , Could11'I 9; .. , "p, HI• Y•ll•'"' offictt ltut 11'1111tl edmll K•thle•n i1 tired of hor ofllc•. ...~iclt 1ht lo.,}119J+ rofeFI" f• I I fhe 'IT! THE O•ANGE COUNTY AIRPORT hit I• he tlie tr101! ncitin9 1r•• 111 !ht world. FoMr Y••~ 19C1, I f,h lik• • pionffr wi!Ji nothint b11t 41111 •ncl !hr•• builclin91 •11 my 1lre1t. Sine• !hen we h1.,• our "•11iilul U11i .. •r1fly, Air C•IHot11i •, office build. in91, •• m•ny il!ll111tri tt, you c•11't •••P up i nd !hr•• R11f•ur•nh. f.,.•n '••tid1nf Niioft couldn't •l•y •w•v •n4 1 • ..a..i In Air F•rc• I ri9hl •crou from 9oed '•le Uniw1r1ify Pl111, It i1 .1~· • thrill le ... itch it •II h1~,,~. ing 11r .. ;c• 1Llcl: •I •lw1y1, wond,rf11I ( 1fl•r 4 v 1111 I 1i.... Llt\"lr ll1l • COll'I• COASTAL AGENCY Beautiful offices Newport 2700 Harbor Bl, Costa }.lesa ~0op benefibl. Call Kay, pl•in+I •n~ OJ. COURSf, BRIDAL REGISTRY Jason Best Lori still \:,,,., ... ., ltoek•, Part-time C e\'el per wk, 7. f:mplqyment A&,ue,. tit• LOVES to de tlt1"' "'""' 1D pm 4 Sal dan, ~fust be 2120 So. ?tfaht, S.A. ambitious, married, l \ille ~.--,,w"•"rm>.<S==s"es=-'-+~~=--rl.,__11b•c 1 u1 • ""' .... ~i11g to mttt peopl~. Aver. SW. enced. Over 2l. All shi!U f15 wk. F o r Interview avail, 836-7479. The Blue Dolphin !..!:GAL TRAINEE R.ECEP-Restaurant TJONIST: Presti&:e law lirm {Apply in pert.On only) ·net'CIA exceptional gal lo ~ \'ia Lido, N.B. xi'ttt. handle phone, type, Hurry! $.S. Call Gloria TYPIST: Great opportunity with !!able Iru: firm. Fab Kor.-I COASTAL AGE.\'CY or mature gal with ac- 21'90 Harbor Bl. ~la i\fesa curate. typing. Co paid ins, prolit sharing. ~ to slart SECRETARY Cali Glori•"-"· 540-<0;5 Familiar with lloor plani; or COASTAL AGENCY archiiecturlll drawings, !or 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa pes;gn °'"""°''· SECTY I REC PT MISS EXEC AGENCY E""' bkgmd, 1ypi"< & ohtd. 410 W. Coast IU&hw•y Prr(er rio small chi1dren. Newport Beach 6'1&-3:939 Moving to new faciJ in 3 mo. GIRL FRIDAY: ~~Int Aid MISS EXEC AGENCY knowledge + asst nurM', 410 W. Coast High\\·ay Type. phone, puhllc rela-NeWpOrt Beach 6~ tionl. med rec. G o o d be:nelib. ~7 lo $5.>7. t.tARRIED? 100 MANY -can BWie Beck :;.~ B I LL s ! Pennanent;>art <X>AST AL AGENCY lime help wanted in snack :mo Harbor Bl, Costa ?.lesa bar, Sft manqer alter 7:30 fl'lon•y. COST OOWN.PRO- f lT UP!llJ Sp•••i11t of profit, 1tlll •lt•ndi119 111 the m•n•t•· 1n•1tl cl11101 I c•R •"" h••• rn11ch lo '•••fl. espec· i•11'1' ""ith the r1pil ch•'"I•• i~ the \:W'lin•n comMu11ity. l•u'll be pl•••- ed fo k110'"' !ht ceJ11pt11y P•v• •" f11t 11ow. I •m 1tltl we1ki11t hy •pp11i11t. sio11 ther1 will h• emple 1t•ff f•r f11iibiHty. pm, Paulo Drive I n SECRETARY Theateor, 3ali Ne~ Blvd, 5o. ~., "''" 1ft,,1i.,. I Yff1'I np. Corp or leial C!l.1. trackground. Must be-ex«U-'G~o:-n-.-,-0,-1 •6ff=ico~· --.r.;;;;=".oo=-11 10~, f~11 v••'· SiRc• yo11 tn-e c:alibrT. ~ MISS EXEC AGENCY Good typlrc. ;<-~ mat.une. i 11 • ~ o.., l'M • "" beach ana., call Lcraine, 410 W, Coast Hi&h"-.. Y P.terchants Personnel Agen. MKOOKY'' ., •• ·11 le"• thi11 Newport Beach ~939 cy. 11).13 Wes1clifl Dr .. N.B. Cle11 '"" ., •• Ill~ pic-iV ED I C A L RECORDS 6-6-2770 a.ERK' --=====~-lltuuo LR !11 • "l•mo~ Yt l· •-·•--••• OPERATORS ••• ov .... ,.~ chaPta. f Ind deolln-Experienced Jn alngle necdlf tow COltO "AulOfl'•llil•"· quendet, Ute typing. &ood and overlocU. Good pitte: beoetit.. $C25 to $500. work ~s, steal!Y y,·orit, Call Billie Beck M0-005S EDDY MO&S ltOO LocllSl .. COASTAL AGENCY St., We1tmlnst1er; SU8738. 27.'0 Harbor Bl. Costa Meq \VOMAN Mr ret&.11 Sales l.11 BEAUTY-OPERATOR • Ex-Housew&J'(!1 •1Jd •lantware. per1enced irtyli1t w/fo!low-JUori Hanfv.·11re, lo:M Irvine., ing. JUgb coinmls&lon + WeslcliU Plaza, N • B . ,tJelefitL LI00 AREA. 542-1133 All lot Phll. 6T.M116. • BEELINE .t'ASHIONS need1 IJRAP&R Y WORKROOM rfo e• nee. Full time ·tiiicd:. ~r,m Amlstro'W Avt. -5'0-IS03 SiliiidlWi. El """' c.11ta GUI-. AoPIJI --nt"17114 S. ---w: .au .... ClrtW ...... ..., ..... 10114 111.-cd w. ' thrtt atyllstc In this u.!a, Quallf ieatlon1: Lo cloUies. drift car. No ml.. iectionli er ddhoerit&. Call ........ LE~AL SECRETARY ~Bud O!Jke. HB. ~ ot S!I __ ADViJiTJSJNG ·~ A G<nml °""" WOl1t. We -""'" C'IS-Om MKTO Secy I Rcpt 1 xtnt 11c.t1J1 ,A em.. m . hrs 1-6. Colt• ?ifeM 54G--85ll th e vount•r ef yeu will h1¥• I• ••• ye11r f•theri, th1 ••• , ., •••• ,,,,111 ... rl y ,,, lt•'•ul• •f •II of yeu, 1'111 flOW n•I tflly ticli, ltitt rich All w•Y•· LOY( le yo11 •II • .IOIS 1& EMPLOYMINTllOISc& IMl'l.OYMINT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT Jail• Min, Wim. 75'1Jobi Mltil, WOM.''1500 · Joltl MM, w.m. 7500 MEll,CHANDtS.-,011 MlllCHANDISI -MlllCHANDISI 1'011 SA!Ji ANO TltAOE SALE ANO TllAOI SALl,AND TRADE FumltuN\)f ·, '-l'urnltunl -G;';;,. Solo • I022 .. ;J. c. ,......, Co•ipany ••• Faohlon lliland. N~rt Beach HH opOnl"fl fir D~plciy ~¢lallst willl recent, !yll .lime work •EPei:I~~~~ ill.I!' .. paring -window au'd ln\erloi''ill"l'JaYi: a d .. sire to grow with a rapklly expandll\g naUon· al organliation-· • ·\ '• • Apply in .,.,..n 10 AM to S rM. Mondo~ pmi Sotu{d,y J. C. Penney's #24 F11hlon l1l1nd, Nowport Bu~h An eQ.ual opporturllt.y employer .. Help Wonted Women , • .lobe ..,~ Wom. 7500 ,7AQO ADVERTISING AGENCY in Newpil)tt Be"ic"ll, ~ BOOKKEEPING , GE?NEAAL-OFFICE PQ'.l'Rtc.. .,_ dbl.. ent.y, bank rec., billiog, type SO. Under 35. Xlnt opp. Call Barbara, 64.2-3910. CREDIT MANAGER Sm!lll ore, 50% credit work 50% gen olc, typing, 11)..key addine, sell slar1er. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 \V. c.oe.st H.ighway Newport Beach 646-39.19 MATU~ \Voman to. babysil for redoclng pl' o gr a m . Small Ulcome. 64J...36:rl Jobs-Men, Wom. 7SOO IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED OMSTON EXPANSION L~ ORANGE COUNTY ProvKJe1 immediate employ. ment tor residen\.5 of the art!ll. Experience isn't neces- sary as company training is furnish~. ,..Jo,, ITT JABSCO ASSEMBLER 'TURRET LATHE Ol'EllATOR l TURm ·UTHE !' • SETUP ,OR -OPERATOR MILL &1 DRILL OPERATOR ot' MILL & DRILL s~:~::D _, CLEANER DEBURR AND,iHELPER -' I A 1 I j)OSlllOM requitt I011le exper1e.nce. Good 1rork1ne oondit:loni and h<.'nclits. STRATOFLEX INC. 3201 W. El Segundo Hawthorne, Calif. ' WOMEN SEC~ETARY Vers411tit• person to ••sist M•n•g•r & Oistrlcf M•n- •ger in Se les, h•ndjing corresp,ondenc;.e & gener· •I secreteri1I duties. Sho!fh1hd 90, l,ype 60. with experience & 1bil- it )'. Ste1109rapher • A Chellen9in9 position for penon who likes v•ri•fy. H•ndl• steno dutits for ~hree Dep1rtmt11t heads. Som• personnel e xptri- ence desired, Shorth•nd fi!l:i!lmJll lOI Gm CANClllA1IDll Of 11 WXUIY APAllTlllllm Sp1nislt & Medi11rr111ea11 Finltur1 ' All BRAND NEW - FurnlluN Auct!on I02S · • l'urnJtu"' e Appllo,,_ • Color TV AOK AUCTION ma Garden Grwe BJvd. Weostmtnste.r nr. C:.G. Frwy, Tues&:: Thur.-7 l'M-Sat 6:30 Estate COJl.$11Ul1l. Rtpo. New 9·pc. Medi.terr•11••n Bedroom Suitt In ,ee•t1 !Reg. $349.00 I ----·~··--------NOW $1't.OO GOf'geous Sp•ni1~ Custom Built Sof• with mekhln9 Love Seet-Choice of b'eutiful l1brlts. !Rog. $419.951 ----·-----NOW $U5.00 Spenish Dlninfj1 Sets -·····-······--··-·-······· .. ·······$75.00 Solid O•k End T•bles end Coffee Tables ..$18.00 Tell Decoritor T1ble lemps A _,,P,_P_llo_n_c_n ___ ....;l_l.;.00;1• I Reg. $49.951 --·-·---··-: __________ .... NOW $11.00 • Spf;fsh H1ngin? Sw19 i..emps Rog-$49-95 ------------···-----... NOW $1'.SO A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was 36" GAS raJ'lie S 2 5 , \Venin&holl1!e. re!rig1erator $25. 323 Poinlettia, Corona dtl t.lar reg_ $1295.00 SACR,FICE • • • • • • $398 Credit Terms Aveil. Cr•dif Cleartd lmm1cli1tely KENMORE Automatic \lo1lsher, late model, xlnt cond. $75. 847-3115 e r >IHS72 KEN?t10RE Automatic washer, xlot cond. $40. S.t7 ~115 ar st&-86'iJ mm FURNITURE G ErMrigerator J25. O'Keefe & 11en-itt gas stove $25. .......... 1844 Newport Blvd.H.~:,., ..... , F:llGIDAIRE Refrigerator. E.'<ce.llent eonchtion $ 7 5. ~afl4 Costa Mesa only g~ ~~1:::. '"'' fniy Night 'TU t '-WM., Sot. & s ... 'Tll • M>-zro< --. NORGE automatic washer, JOBS & EMPLOYMENT' ~ late model, xnlt cond. $'75. Furniture IOOO 1 "&1"7"-'ll.l=="'=......,,=====I Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 -1 · J. W. Robinson Has openings for: JANITOR -·-SECURITY GUARD -·-MAID 20 PC. "MADRID" Ant;q"" 1110 3 Room Group Lo"y Morgon Antique• FROM MODEL HOMES BOUGHT OUT IMPORTER! Includes: Quilted i;ofa and 200 \Vall clocla. spring, 2 & chair -2 end tables &. col· 3 wt. nice 4 clean! 40 P it fee tableo -2 lamps -dress. & bowl il!ts, tbina, brua, er -nlirror-headboard -glass elc_ Plwi 15 pwnp Or- quilted box Sprifl8' &: n1att· gam, rd oak lables, hall rest -5 pc, dining room; trt't's etc, etc. 2380 and 2428 table &. 4 hi-back cha!~. Newport Blvd., Costa Mtsa • COMPARE AT $149.9.l Open 1 days, 9 to 5. TI4: $399 "'-7383• ===-==== START AT $480 PER MONTH U qualilied and .... ccepted, go on payroll this week. Equal opportunity employer 80, type 60 .. Sel•ry OP,tn. 1485 Dale \Vay -·-PA RT TIME COOK/BAKER No rfo1vn-Pmts only $16 mn. WElK'S WARDIOUSE Sewing Machlnn 1120 1969 SINGER 600 \V. 4th St., Sanla Ana Zig-zag cab mcxt aliahtly HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE AGES 10 TO 40 1 YE:AR; REfilDENT IN AREA CA.LL r.lon. or Tues . 774-7253 MACHINE Ol'ERATQRS S1\·ing shift. Exct'Utnt op- portunity for a mechani- cally inclined young man. Miat be H.S. grad and have stable work back- gmund. Min. heights 5'1" Xlnt co. benefit!! with fast rrowirlJ consum1er product manu!actlll't'T in lrvine lnduslrial Cooi- plex. Apply 9 am-2 pm, POLYOPTICS INC. 1815 E. Carnci;ic Snnta Ana (be111·een Newport F1wy. & Redh.ills, So, ol \Varner) 1'10 DEL8 WANTED \Vomen-Men-Chlldren ol alf ages ta do T.V. Com· mercials, Trace S h o \\o' s , Grand Openlnp. Magazine Layouts, Fashion a n d Genera.I Photography ol all kinds. 'There is no tee in- \'Ol ved end 1vc are not a school. \\'c arc 1n the adverlislng and marketing business. Part time 1vork- E...,CC"llcnt pay. P h o n e ~2920 Anaheim HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS Need extra money! We need people lo do political can· 1•11ssinQ:. \\'ork will liist aJ1· Pl'OX. tv.·o 1veeks. Applic11.111 must be 21 or oVer all(J neat appearing. Call C213) 431-7186 ee SECRETARY 11 ee II i I h School graduate with three yeaM! responsible and varled cl1erical and i<ecretarial 1e x p e r i e n ce. Buie knowledge of an ad· mintsl1'11.tive oUice. Salary be:giM at $513. Apply Mon . thni F'ri, 8 AM to 4:30 PM. 1901 Newport Blvd, Colta Mesa. OaMilied Penontiel. 64:>--0600 Oosire dale Sept. ~·· STE,.DY JDB La.rs:;e 'Ora~e Counly con· cern has openings for Live young, agreiSive m e n. t.fust have a car and be able to •if.rt work Immedi- ately_ No experlen('e neees. llar)". We wW tnln. SS12. per ma. aa per written agree. menl Call Mon. only, 543-mt eeACCOUNT CLERK 11ee Graduation from High School including or 1111pplel1W!nted by l'OUr9CI bl finllhclal roconl '"''""' -""· One )'lear of a«ountlflE clerl111 ex ~ c e re- Costa M~sa. Calif CTI~) 545-B'l5l SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $93.0Q b;•WHkly ~uires good health, dl!Sire permanent position durin&: school year and a car. \\'ork approx. 25 hr1. p e r v.·eek split shift, 2~ hrs Ar.I, 2% hrs P?kf. l\fon. thru Fri. Apply ~ore 5 PM Thurs Sept. 4U\. io lhe Pt'rsonn..·1 Otficl'. City of Ne1\•port Beach. 3300 NewJX)1t Blvrt. Ne11·porl Beach. Ca.hf.. {TI41 673-6633. Suilmakers 6 _m;ontht uperitnce -in rri•1c.ing wet suhs required. Send r1sum1 to Personnel Manager U.S .. DIVERS 3323 W. W•rner Sant• An•, Cal. 92707 An Equal Oppartunlty · Employer FRY COOKS Top waps, permanent, hon- est. and 1\'orklng conditions in area's leading restaurant. Apply 9 am to ~ pm !or in- terview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 240.11 El Taro Rd. Leiaure World Laiuna liills 837·1014 Real Estate Sales E.xperienced llilleape~n for ~ San Clenw:n~ office. Fret telephone lllf!rvice, lots ol floor t l me, li.at:lng l"O!D- .mi.Wons pakl promptly, Ellen C. Mahonty Realty 16'4 No. El Cimino Real San Oemente or call collect for a.ppt tT1CI 49'Z-8l45 Full time experienced •DISHWASHER• :;'~ ~ ... -=~ The Rigger cedunll. tenninology an! equipment St.Ill')' beaim at # 16 FASHION ISLAND $481. APllll Moikl~ thnl 1 __ N_E_:W_PO_R_T-'B'-'EA=Cll"-- f'rtdl¥, f A.N. to 4:30 P .M.., HAIR STYU Sl'S ~ To jGin 1901 Ne • po r t Blvd. .wt of HAIR-WEsT, Ex- Oaulftftl Pnw:lnnd.. Colla ~ 5ci!sr cutter, MffL &fS.4600. Ooslng d&k TolJo1'•ine prelerMt. Best Stpl 5th. auarantee. 673-C1B6 GEN~ .$Z. hr. pd. in ad· wnce 11.ampffic clrtul"rs al borne. ~oqiln; to buy or Mil. we .upply. send &cit •dd., rt.amtird l'nvelope. Pn>ttucll Unlimlltld, Box AS<llS, Wood....,., N . J , -----~---· WAITERs, w. t I re s s e •• Busboy. Pret. v:p'd. Apply: 2l2l E. C:0-1 ltwy. C d N. KITCHEN help, s.da,y wk, 0£ .Pl·llmt, Gino's Italian ()elf, 115JA Btiu:h Bh11, HB White cl«pta.niat D1me-.e,..Hne • CLERK TYPIST Light Le•rn m•i1 . typin9, Telex. l11t•resting filin9. Handle pasi· tion. No erperience nee· eis1ry, will lr•in. ACCTG CLERK·A Apply Personnel l"O to C p.m. 0Pt"n Daily !J-9 used. Stylish wal cab • .Doe1 Sa.I. 9-6 Su n 11-6 everything y,•ithout attach. SPANISH Bit-in controls to overcasl. MEDITERRANEAN make button boles, sew on As Shown in model homes.. buttons. hem dresses, make F•shion Island , N .8. 3 Rm11 ol furn, {din rm, li• fancy stitches elc. 5 Yr. Equal opportunity employer rm, & bedrml priced else-parts &: service 1uar. Pay \vhcrc at SS95 is yours today $5.88 dn A: 9 pymnts of $5.81! Robinson's Newport ADVERTISING at only $399. E.a.sy Credit mo., no interest charge or: AGENCY Tonn.. Full Price $58.80 in Nl'WJIOi1 Beach. nred! Sant• Ana Furniture For no oblig., free ho m 1e PBX PASTEUP L"6 W. 4lh st .. Santa Ana demo. Call credit Mgr •w 9 ARTIST • f>.17-0789 e PM. tr toll, call colltct. for agency \lo'ork_ Call Bobbi play studios, mode! ho1nes, 1 ~--21_3_:_5_3_1_·96_94~--I s.t.2-3910. decoraton; cancellation. Singer, auto, iii zag, 6 mo6 ---------1 1844 Newport Blvd., CM old. No attach needed to do Must h•w• some •c· Schooll"lnstructior'l 7600 Spanis:h & t.led!terranean etc design, moriogrm, blind hem, RD FURNITURE-. i;.21 mo ., u2.oo cash. counting b•ckground. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Co. Fairgrounds, gr. 1-8 Light typing, use I 0 key \\"here the ·Program calc ulator. A ccounts re-Fits the Child \Villard H. Saucerman, cei"•ble & payable Ed. D. ' 5404000 Eni'Oll now Good 1f1rting st lary. Eves 5-JS.1758 INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK Educational Vacation 5th graders: • • , Sr Citizens Chl1coe.t 10 leu>n typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Mar, C.?.f. 548-2859 ~fONTESSORI training, agrs 211 to 5. Give your child best educahon. 6J6....3mi. MERCHANDISE FOR Must like working with SALE AND TRADE figures. Light typing . Furniture ~ posfin9, 10 key •dder. OVER -STOCKED every night 'lil 9 526-6616 Wed., Sat, & Sun. 'tit 6 Musical Inst. ,8125 DON'T Give up! You may l--------'.- llnd It at Arr.crica·s largest. SELMER Trumpet prof mod. n'lOSl unusual un!lnished Cost $425. Take $175. Shu~ furniture store. Cor. Redhill lttic & stand $35. 1930 record &. Santa Ana rwy, Tustin. I collection. 968--4737. ml So. of Newport Fwy. 5 STP..ING Vega ••longncck .. Open 362 days per )'r. ban' 2 ~ old .,~ 54~70 JG. W<U> , .,_, llC'W. sell $215. 644-0057 SOUTH Laguna, furniture: refrig, ches:ts or dra"·ers. Pi•nos & Org•M 1130 dressing tables lone solid '"'""!. Md•-•-b<d. plat-EVEN PEOPLE form rocken. bed!i. small Enjoy playing a Piano or tables, & misc. ::lOl:i S. Organ, especially if ii came Coast H.11y. Sept. 1 & 2, rrom GOULD'S in Santa from 9--4. Ana. just oU the SA Fl"tt-e Furniture e way. Appli•nces e Color TV From S5i9 ~ Renlals too, AOK AUCTION from Slo monthly. 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. Gould Musie Compi1ny \\'estmlnster nr G.G. Frwy. 2045 N. Main, S.4. 547-o68l Experience d1iired, but MUSJ SELLI. Tues k Thurs 7 Pt.f-Sat C:30 ANYBODY GOT PIANOS? Eslatc consgnmt. Repo, Nt1u Yes: ..... , \lo"e have Pial'IO!I! not n1ce111ry. S1l1ry y Approved Furniture es ·····-you can rent & I -1L New 9 pc, corner •mni:. l"'TCll FOR OUR credit all monie1 toward commeniur• • wt n ex· choice ol clrs. f'!g. $230. '"" purchase. no1v $159.50. Mcadbrds: GRAND RE40PENING y K Q Spanlllh /,r Mediterranean es ···• \\'e h11ve Wurlitzer 1ngs, $15. ueens $12.50, 2159 Harbor Blvd. Pianos! full $10.50. Twins S 1.9.'l. C.Osta Mesa 5<JS;-9660 HOUSE OF HARMONY Tnuidle sets (doo riser\ wt 48 rashion Island inner spring matt. reg. $106, MAPLE Bunk beds or twin Neii•poi1 Beach 644-0391 now $79.50. Roll-a-way beds beds. l bed has bookcase at w I inn. spring matt. reg. foot ol bed. Other ~ has Fr•nchi1e Closeout perience. FLEXOWRmR OPERATOR $59.50. now $39.50. FuU 11. fold down no mar desk. Xlnt The factory has ord.:!re.d close sleeper·.sofa reg, $239.50, now cond. Comp. w/mattres..c;es, out of 4 Consale & 2 Spine! $169 . .30. New beds: K 1 n g ladder le rail. $75. 54!J-.3905 Pianos on a cost.plus ba1is. Interesting & varied pro. $99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full R u G G E 0 Se a.g 0 in 1 Never again piano harp.ins I .. 511. Tw;... ·-~ 1,11.. 1ti.._ the!C! Finl com· e _ •- • u 05 -""""· UJ llbe.rglassed 14'6.. Dor y Ul'IO' "'0' guaran. Kille u 8preads W/l!m l5hp Evinrudl!. &. !e.rved. gr•ms. I y••r experi- ence on Friden 220 I SlJ.95, 0. lll. $9.9.1. Christ-trailer. 1st $1~ takC's. WARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO ma.ot Jay-away! no'v. SIESTA 642-547J. 1819 Newport, C.A-f. 642.8484 model, Good 1t1rting SLEEP SHOP, 19'n Harbor I~==~--~~-HAMMOND . Steinway . Ya· Blvd .• CM ~2760 daily 10.9 MOVING must i;ell! F\im. maha. _ new l used pianos Sat-sun 10-6. bdrm, llv rm, dtn ~ misd al all makes. Bes:t euy, in sal•ry. MEN items, deep .ea rods a: So Calif 17 Pc. King Size ,..,,_ !lllHT.17 • . "'h' ""'· SOiMIDT MUSIC 00., Bedroom BUNK bed set. xlnt cond, 1907 N, 1'faln. Lirte 9 drawer dreuer, mtr. spreade • drape.s incl $60. Santa Ana. ror, 2 bedside stands, king ~aft 6 pm lro ;m;RCED;;;;;;..--;T"'o'=,.°'ui'=my--pri»d.,_-,1 ftize f'leadboanl, frame, quilt-~M~O~D~ERN=~whl-.,_,~,.-.~bl~a~cl<~lrl~-pogsession. Steinway Grand ed mattres:~. sheets, blanJr. pie dres&for with malchlng IL). Ebony, 5 yrs old, bare- etl, etc. highboy $50 ea. 847-'319 ly played. $3950. 54&-3729 Choice of Spac.:sh ANTIQUES, 6 1natchlng oak WANTED l Tr•inees needed for or llTGdem Style chairs & table $215. or wi ll PIANO'" &; ORGANS pa rt' depirtment I 11• All for $249 se:ll !e.perate. 5-i8-5TJO. *~* Nn ctown. PmL,. only S9 mn. I==="====== -=========I 11mbly deportm .. t. w;11 WELK'S WAREHOUSE Ollie• Equlpmont IOll T_o_ .. _.;_,,_ .. ___ .;._l20S.;,;; I trein, Good opportunity / TYPEWRITER, Add . mach, RCA TV fnttdt: tube) 600 \V. 4111 Sl Santa Ana ca.Iculator, Very reasonable, AM/FM phono oon&Ole. Gd. for •dv•nttmenl. Open o.ily 9. 9 Xlnt cond. m:im eves. cab. " workina: cond. $70. Sat. •• 6 SUn. 11. 6 6T~ PARK )'QI.It trailer, boat or C1fe, Rfttaurant I014 ;.19"1;;--;S<ar';::::;:--:,..:-:-. -,,-,--.-:c-1 ~ .. _. •--~ ' ~ TV . cam.pu ucmuo'"""""" fence. RESTAURANT Good oonditiori. 'fl!iO Perimmtr---KITCHEN * Call 646-'1549 * COMPANY Neill mm Co. 531-3374 RELOCATING g• SOFA.......-""'1. quilt<•I EQUIPMENT PHll.CO TV 21", ma- 615-6562: aftrr ' 1>?11 cabinet. a:ood CODd. $51).> IRVINE INDUSTRIAL flonl-. ""lcl>luanl<d· J125. I======'== '9411S'l. COMPLEX, OCT. ht ::;~ .. 10 " ... , "'-l.G'-."''"'011""'-'S'-'oC:lo;_ _ _:n::22= =H",.,=1= .. =S=l_===,=2=10"1 LOCAL INTERVIEWS Qoall"' l<i"< b<d-<!•llled. CARPET, ..... hi-lo NEW Complet~nu.&r.d S98. worth $4 IQ. yd. 396 Harnllton. FOR APPT: CALL $250. Aft 5 I.: ""icro• &tMSSG C.M. Saturday oncy. 21J: •11-2211 OOUOi $35, Antique bqlh!i $50. Obie bed $15. 1wili be<l!I $.';(}. 642-7467 e"LOTS ol Goodiita" e Cume A:~!! lS4 E. 16th Pl., ())sta Ml!N ---------1\Vhlte ekphanttl Dune-.·llne t>Al'LY PU..oT WANT ADS! STEREO 1969 dlx-console, compl with full 11tteo, c 1pd Gan-a.rd tharwtr. 60 mlt dual channel, C spltr IOllnd 11)11tcm. Pay oU bal of m .a etish or tmall pymntSI Credit dl'pl. ~7289 .., , I • • • • •: ., •• So· ' Toi 21" ••• "" ,pet .!!! COi .... II'! dO< Ml Co1 ( \Vt': Ml! '" W1 Bel "175 .... '"' tlfo -. ., 847 FIN sul· Anl d .. wf• 543 i73 eM """ 19.! w. SUR lab lo thn CM CAii "" doo all 540- "'" ll ' IO< w MIN !loo """ CM KIR.: "" •• '33. ""' c D 5RE G_f ""' tabl 8" 1 "" ... Wiii TY! .... Q; Com 125( StNC Bal ''" WRC pie< pud MO\ . .. """ ro;; u• """ , .. Inn IO< -Mlt1 f<EE "'" 1 , • . MlltCtlANiitSI PO• MlltCHANPISI. l'OI! MnCHANOISI 'Oil TllANSi>ollTATlON TltAHSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION D.All.YIUf ff SALi AHO TllADI SAl.f ANO TRAOI SALi ANO TUDI ~~~~~~~!1~;~~~~~~1~ 1-......,----=-----'-.;..;;=·l~=;..;.;.=--"":.;;;.."--IS.cc;;:ll"' .... '="---'°;.;..;.;lO Mololle-9200 l:Ae s.m... t~ I W ......_ Pumlture -Fu"'"-IOOO W°"'"" MIO -& l'•rlt -=::::..:=:....::::: MUST II SOLO I · ORl!l!NLl!AP PARK COl11NA ,.. 51oop. os, , -. , 1n -· c1ean, -a.... m 1'QltD ...,. 125 ,... l--------I I ·"'ST oun I Ii!'& "'E WI ""y MOlll S.O.. Tlll ........ ---ft ..... odutl pull. ---'65C9RJl&.WMC>tl1.::::~~~~1 '.s.. It Yoo'• ... , Ill lo"V ~lmCA~ CISH SS' ~be\'slu ln·bd --•-olllce cliom""' had. -·White wllll bllle In-<llt '"-.,, K.-. Sh&rplt.oadedt •• tt&.ll80 loca"'1at~~tAM partl-you mab of.tar. nd!Q,het.ttt Elc:ceUent,ua' ...... 0...,,. __ ... ~ h """'..... • PACIFIC YACHT SALES .. l_PN. -......... N"' ... ll'UI MG , Rod,t:.;1:9!t' . : Must Vacat·e Now ,.... v1a ()pono. N....... Aca:Nr MOlll).E ,... """ CA< ., in.de. ~-:--:----• ,,..lSIO •. HOME SALES Troller, Tr•'MI M25 NCR«llUI. ~ L• "" ''1 MO. Gf ...... snn c "31 . •••••••• .. ... ... ., Ult FOf .turnJbn, ~ 1966 !SLANDER 21.. dac 1750 WbilUtr Ave. •91'13 .. 56.0S34. Lie UJCtJ.7 BILL u. Vl:'V Ou - ft St S~ I .. ··" -TV, ---•"· -··•~-llill O.ta Mn• "" M2JJSO l71T. 'l>a..t -. ~pe . ''6 MO Roods~· •1-UIA.Al:II r aq. • ore ·-mua ..,. --.,,-, •. :~:.':;";..,,. -~· ••y u•RIOR & Eltcellflltco n•1t1on. D&'TSUN "· •.• •::.··• "• OpentoPul>llcflrsltlmo udu-·-·-·-'.°' -~ •· tnd-... E••~·Lllt " ''6~~~ -Dl1' or~ will tr.de up ·IOI: sl'riaU Mobile Home ftlff trailer hitch. two 11141' mtr. mv R~1,.r •. $17'5 3•-Fum.Vllut0-$1000.llow$389. 6J6.U mot.....Uor 0• -· Cua Loma Roll.A..,. ron and "'° adJUl!a>I• llAltWICIC IMl'ORTS Ue1'<7! I • 5pc.-lcs,.i.ll..._,.., e Mk...,at. •-WANTED m.<.10.1 SQoratonManor.Homot!t· -·All'°' $695. .... , AllT1'IOIU2:ED ltolOHls~reAI 1-IAaflLW. •"" -56 ... -·•1"' '""-· .... • FU1tNnuRE COLUMBIA"· 11 """'o1•. Kit· ~=Saban "'' °"''""'"·"''""'Ill DAYS.UN DEAN LEWIS .'!.'"::·!:..!".'= S pc. S,..W. DI..., ... tHlt tep • J a..., ..... beellent cond. M1J11 et· an! •,ut of San Dltgo • • ·h•lfl .. ..........._ t.W ... ._ ...... .-a. ..__ .TOP CUB IN 30 Minutt• tru. Slip avalla~. MUil NOW ON' DISPLAY Frttway and l'atrview Rd. . · J 1918 ffubor c.v aM-•7 ALP1NI SUN "-• D;;:-_.... ''"1" ..._..... ... Quality furnUure, cdcr 1Vt .en hnmediatebr. MW of· 1425 Baktt st., Colta Meu intersection. Eis .-.. auto trana, ff'Wf,. • ... -Roadatet, Wft ........, dlr. Once in e lifetime prl4;.eS of 1001 oth•r items. ltt'reo-, •P»liuct• Vdl, ~nf) Ml.~75S ewa • ~~;:'oti~~1Q TRAVEL hner, 14', alpt '• ::'u~=·:~:i.r: MGA !1._~ wlbl11dt8 ... Wlll-~ Pl oatoe equip. port. ce.hana rm. '65 mdl 3.800 ml. :hn tact wunl.n1;1 "W-6 pr • -us •n •xtr• sp1ci1I offtr $5 off on •ny $100 5S1~1212 RHODES 33. a true aktpp@'l'S CASH FOR YOUR in rd~ $"100. 11564 SeJ). PL 51Mtml. , '59 MGA, maroon, new top er alt ln tr.de. 1'PSU48 purch111 or mor•, with • copy of this ed. delight, kept In top aha.,. A t Cataliria., Fb'I ya J 4,L Pin I • ClD Ken 4N-lm orSCS~ • 10 pc. Qull+•d Co,.., Anemble -·-··--'159.95 P&TS •nd , "~STOCK MOBILE HOME • • • n C Aval gd, ti\'H lll>O. ' Q " d S •"5 ttal barpJn $'1DO. ,,,_ "'"1351 FULL PRICE $1&50 ~TO"" ''7 TlGER • °'Ffert. • 94 ln. ui1T1 of•, w/56 in. love s11t __ ,149.•5 or 675-m&: Private party want. 8 X fO or 17. Aristocrat '61 Uke new 998 So Cou H i.. 8ch · modifttd. lat rNtont!H of• •40 in. Hee¥~ Spanish Coffee Tabl1._ •• _.$$2•.t4 Pett G.neral llOO SEA S cout '• despen.td,y ~i:~~= Phone:aftu5p~. · 560634 O~A.~· ~mt MGI fer. Dave: -..a2 ,,; • LAr9e Mate in9 L.mp Tables -···-···--·' 19.95 ' need a MAIN lall h %1 price I: b::ation to: Writ~ 968--l'iCM Does not l1'td. tax ~Uc. H>-430 e Spanish Decorator lamps., frcim -·-··-·· .. -···'14.95 SIAMESE Kl'lTENS $1S FOOT ALBATROSS, Ben p 04 Dally~ DAnuN SPECIALS •a Man. bud • 101t top. ========'"! • 6uar.1nteed lox Sp91. & Mattr111e1, from Sl9.95 10688 Lehmhudt FV 6C-S769 SxJJ sicynne wtn kept in&i6e Trvcks 950> ,61 D.ttun Pickup $l5'S new ttrn. radio. wm: wbeela. 'lllUMPll •Stacks & Stec~' of IS yr. Quality 1Cin9 & Qu11n •5.11--9718• 1r VIKING Aux. Beaut end, 4 out. a:u5 canvaa awning, • '6S·DATSUN PU Lie VWV !'161 Very rood eond. Mual .,e:U. ---------.1 S1t1 at TERRIFIC SAVINGS.' · a GOPHER snan. 4% tett M'OOI' avail, Trd OK. new Sx'l •tor. abed. nm. ''"""""CAMPER ,67 Dataun W.n $l2tS Maka ottu, 4K.80 See It You'll Ivy ttl lank Terms Store Charge' M1sf1r Charge and l feet $7 l.nd S4. CID 546-alJO x4M Mr. Poatma, •i•n. '65 Triumph Tlt4 BankAm•ricerd All Accept•d &t6-695f 894-4004 496-3225 ewe. New enai~. bumpen, mir-''6 Datsun Sta, Wag. Ol'EL $1"9 I;;;==:-:--.,-..,--~ "~~=~----l'l'I"· radio. Beautitl.IJ condi-$13t5 0,.. M UO,-S ... M , s .... 11-5 541 "60 Cl<".C£!1JT mt aale, tame, 3 16' SLOOP, 21' mut; w/ 1100, Small dn, low pyir.nls. SQV ~ (NMK 001) APPROVED FURNITURE . ~ ,:t ~ ~ l500 l:;>.,!'."~.af~.,. MOTOR HOMIS '215 ::~'!"~Call -'ii Oet1u~!,!,•kup $"5 STAli~p~kGON BIIJ. MAXEY Cats I' BALBOA 111lioc Dbink. PICKUP CAMPER Shtila hit Deala Are At Radio, bee.Wt, whllewi.ll tir-2065 Cltarlo St, Co1t1 M111 B1hind "Harbor Car Wa1h" Enter off Hamllton Pr Bernard St. A lifll• J.anl to rind, but wo~ th• dotlari 'I'" 11.,1! ___ S_H_O_W_C_A_T_ll20;..;..;.~ I Gunter *rif4~ o!lu! ~~I.' ~~!lftS:i.x, DEAN LEWIS ~ ~vJ.L cleu with ~trr:,U.!.,;~~ .. ~-~~ ~~I ~x ~ 1 At~ a 'fiO Ole'f' ~ T. P.U, ~ 3f8 1866 H&rtlor, C.M, 6'6-SJD.1 A·TLAS -....... ..>O&U"""" ~ or e. erw. Radki, Mater, 2069 0 9 'NGE COUNTY'S 66m.56 Exlftmely cheap! 6U-8961 c:ontlnental 64&-6638 ~ T el•vision 8205 Misc. W•nt.d ·--------' 1610 BURMESE KTITENS KITE 646. !?alltt, mut 'S8 FORD 6 cy1 truck. """' NO. I OIRYSLER -PLYMOlml $3S & Up. """''· X!nt '°"'· 1195. good. $775. DATSUN DEALER 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 21" ZENITH TV coruiole alereo, $45. 19" Adm!raJ portable TV $25, works ,perfect. 548-6004 T•pe Recorders 8220 COMPLETE SONY 530 tape deck unit, 14 mos old, ;200. \VEBCOR. model 300'.I tape deck unit, brand new i t45. Stl- $WE Bu.y $ 0ey, 546-0010, ..., 96>-'"33 -..,.=".;c;""'Ci'';c,.' -,,--HllDQUlllTERS ...-DOT DATSUN =~ !146-1'31 -cc I ti I N I Jlon "'K Be··h Blvd. ........, •• Labor o..y • .. • ov I•• FD· 1969 F250 CAMPER Spodal. --Cook • -lll8 n 6 ~ il Pr! •-Hunt! .. ..,.,. .. Beach '61 ()pd. '5.-oririnal $ FURNITURE $ Dov• 1125 e .,,~ s2900 ~ va .. pl"!y. ac.n&i;-·54G-OMJ mUtl:. l\fu.rt be seen! APPLIANCES CAL 24· Jrd in NATIONALS. llOTORHOllES ' DA~™ -. ,_ n.•~• Cell~ "'"' s. WELSH Corgi (Ptmhroke) 2 )'tars. Full &el of ail.a. '62 Ford Pickup. 4 wheel • .,,... .. a11UU -~.., Colot TV1-l'i1~0-Sotet101 1 PieawH ... hl CASH IN lt MINUTIS • 541-1531 • WE PAY CASH cl>empioo -· S ma1 ... l $37tl0. • ,...a;, """"-v.o. s..t olfor. Good ,_ ftd w/ b1k !nl 12391 l'OlSCHE femaln. Priced accuding ;;RH;;O;;;D;;;ES,,--33."°"-;;na-,"',.,.--,, 1hape. 5'8-6732 attu 6 pm. or bm offer. 536-Q35 ID quality, 5f6..4928. plou"-·•-. Good -~ ... .. .,_., ""'.... '68 Por1ebt 912 cpe. AM.FM . FEMALE W•im""""'· 1 '"" haulod. SM>. S4S-3S31 .r..-9510 ENGLISH FORD Ak '°""'"°"'"•· O...Omo year, aentle with children, .,... wheela. Shows less than 7000 pure bred. $50. 644-4169 P-ow.r C"'iHn See It You'll Buy It! l~~~~~~~~~I milea. Beltutiful red wttti ""' lllAal 11..W. Hunt ....... IM74W 3 mt N. ot O:ut a.,.• M l9;i9 TR 3A, rtbll as.. 2 *'Pi. -datch. Ml. -O)Yer. Miehelln. x drH. Muat .re to appreciate! $1200 or trade tbr' Oliwtte. 962-1426 \, 'll6 ~'I"' * ..,.. condlllml 1' Reuonahle ·~ TOYOT~ lRlSH SErJ'ER PUPS ''6 JEEP WAGONEER ORANGE COUNTY'S b1u1c tntmor. Mu.t ""1 t!dl AKC --:: .... -...1. 28' Cali!omlan lg. 'v/nying VO E k nd 1---------t •. ;;:;;..--,,..,.., •net bud.,..., l20 f WO, Pwr. '"'·· n!o., buhl LUME NGLISH ""• kronly$46iOl.Jlm TOYO•&-. WE PAY CASH! C•meras & Equip. 8300 CANON QL/19 35 mm Like new, 1 yr old $511 ,,,....,....., & ~excellent tires, ex. FORD Dli •LER Slemons Imp(,rta. 120 w. '" ._ erws, in top &hi.pc!'. Enra ~ w s..n • NOT Checks Irnh Setter female. luel. 2 s.o bl.tta.. Bil elect 1remdy law mllH, polar SALES .. SERVICE amer, ta Ana. 5M-11.14 'ff Demos ••• ·•·SAVI A.K.C. 1 yr, old panel. blt-tn chart'@r, Mobd white w/blue in~rior that '69 MODELS + 165 CONVERT + Choice of 2 or...._~ #<007 For GOOD, USED 1~='""'$10;:;:.. . .;;!167.::.;·n::..m::___ ahatta. 150 watt rad, ,. llSPUT Tiii All D lookJ showroom ~sh. (TZI-lmmediate delivery Xl,nt cond. All xtraa. nu pnt, '61 Corona CPI'• from Furniture, Stereo, TV or WIRE fox terrius, AKC CB-ADF.. depth sounder, DODGE 'UPLORER~ 45.1) $llfS LARGE SELECTION top. Must ,;ell, 646-1234 •......••. , , ..•••• $17" HOUM"hold ltema of •?IJ' kind. ree:'d, 6 wks. 3 m&lea. S75 &. _Many oth!r Xtru. $12.500. ............. .,. * ...., Theodore '59 PORSCHE '67 Crown Wap •• $1199 Write Daily Pilat. Box P-911 Mbce!l•ntous l600 • 547.5722 • 11'Q. 963-5n7 Call"'"' s PM. 64$-1108 -• ---· BILL MAXEY ROBINS FORD AM/FM ""'°· n>XJ AD "'"" • ,..,. 'l'ltS&l5 _*_A_u"'c-TI.c_o_N __ *""" '""F=R=E"E=r"o=r"o=u= '!':ui;;i"!.m~"°:""'" ' <g., ='"" ~ =:=:::. D ..... IT™TIAI .,,,.. i: .. -Bl~ .. ....;,. ~ * .,,,,.,. '.'~ .~~.~ ~ 4'.".~: ·m;; u you wm sell or bey *673-4281• Full el~. Outst&D-• FDOf.' YU.II fllAlltO. IUI T IUI ~'!!!!l~~!!'!!!!!'l~~!!PI '--. ~-,. ••. AM-~. 4-!Mtock. AUlol 11)4 ttick 111 Ml ...,,... .. ,. ClltlY. mu:r o;::nn:i"" ,.... ~ "' giv~ Windy a try EXTRA beautiful king haired AOORABLE mixed poodle ~,000 1/lrd share, 11U1 IEAOf ILVD. Xlnt $32» (213)m.-3558 tran&. UCPlCfi. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. kitte111 (jU1t 21;tt1, calia:1 • puppin, I weeks old SS. Huftt. INch 847..USS FERRARI '6.1 Por&cbe S-90, new radial '66 Cororte 4-dr .••• $12tt Windy's Auction Barn 1 beige -"''h, weened & 49~1970. CRUIZON 16' Cabin cru1.ger 3mlH.of.QJutHwy.cm8dl ---------1 Urta, blk/blk inter, Xlnt One awnn • cleu. S8V'1JO Behind Tony'1 Sid:. Mat1. housebroken.. 1 'Yks. cld. P.I IN IATURE Schnauzers, "''OOCIJfb&ll, motor It trlr. 1--,==.,..-==c--FERR.ARI cond 644-0636 lest Dealt AN At zor.n• Newport, Q.f 646-8(i86 833-2'795 912 elll'I cropped, shots. Temu. S5QO. 545-4.588 WHY NOT Newport lmpmu, Ltd. Qp.. '65 ~. Many "S" optionl: DEAN LEWIS FOR SALE ~'POODLE.~-Irish Settl'r. 494-3573a.ft5!30. BUY NEW? =•=• onb autboro ~ prepattd, id Beautiful original oil paint. ~=· ~~U,Ig.c~·1 ~r ~ 5 .f.:'•d Ski loah 9030 Mini 11t. 9275 TOYOTA. New 11169 Land· SAJ..ES.S:EltYICE-PARTS cbnd. $3llXI. 833o-05QI after 5 1966(lHMOuboRrEC.MJM. TDMS«llllR$ i1llf, mountain scene in beau-64z..o8'l9 912 Horses 8130 18' Fibttsls boat & on 1tKn ~""-"'-==---=~I cruiaer. S2S55 plua tu • lie. 3100 w. Cout HW)'. 1963 PORSCHE, nblt ens. ti!ul blues & greens, oaa: ---------1 mooring 110 hp Volvo, i tem 2 MEYERS LYNX, mini tmmed. det Newport Beach Chrome \'@I.I.. $2600.. D~ wood caJWd !tame. See to FREE-Apgroximatcly z;,o ft GELDING 3 yn, &ti but drtw:, al• radio, bait tants. bikes, 5 hp. u~ ortt, X1nt BIT T MAXEY 1642.~-.. MG ~::SC 6Th-6161, eves MS-191! llpPreciateo, Reasonable. Call cydone chain link fence. 11plri~. Good d~p. Some efc, XJnt mod. Gd. Ui boal o:tnd.ltion. il.30 each. Call J..d.,, AW ~..,. TOYOTA 8'1·7181. Com< and tak< ii away. tadr. $215. 545-1156 On ""°" mooring Balboa botwffn I & 5 PM..,._ RENAULT Moo·Fri ..... 1894. Ia!. No. Bey n...,,_"99 ITll'ilVIOITIAJ FIAT cu·--·•-j FINE women's c Io thin 1, suita a: dresses, size 12 &: 14. Antique disheL A D t i q U e desk It cbe6t. Cul!I wlwl ·win& back cltr. 6U-8430 or 548--2211 ext 126. I'M Ftuny. grey kitten, with TRANSPORTATION 17~ OUTBOARD cabin Motorcycles t300 ~ See It You'll Buy ltl e Lars";t~ otall wluto leg•. whit< ..,. & & h 9000 mm.r. ~ .... z -up '67 HONDA 160 11111 BEACH ILVD. . ...... ·sPO~T Coupt. Good '67 R•neult R·lO ......,._ colon, -1he throat, Very S"''eel disposi-hb Yac ts to the water line, w/tralltr, Tip tap condition No 60l591. Hunt. Beach 147.&SSS ~~ .!1!"· Below blue Ra""" heater, f.--' lupft :l"o)tota detkr. tion. Mother I: !O am I. FREEi both licenaed. NO MOTOR. · · 1miN da..tH...,. onBcb .-. ._,.._ "'"" .,._ • .,........ NICEST USED CAM 5-16-1385 9/2 $245. 494-2189 after 6 PM $34t 1;;;;;;·,;;;;;;;;;,;·;;;;;;, 1•==;;,;;';':;:;;:==;1 ..,,." IN ORANGE CX>tlNTY 113 OFF on all biltinil & COV• BLACK Spaniel type male Basic B 0 •tin C Course 10\i' Fibergla.u · • P e·e d ATLAS Campers 9520 HU MIER (VES IJ34) 15300 Bt&eb.a.d.: er-ups, Any ai1.e top w/arry puppy. Aprox 3 mo old. offered to the puhl.lc by the boat, w/trlr. 20bp Mn'C. 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BJLL MAXEY \VettmfnsttT Phma-- b>ttoin. StJ. suii. now Friendly I: lovable. 2622 Balboa Poweor ~ toTt Make cfler. ~ 400 ClmYSLER -PLY&10UTHI• '62 HUMBER. new brt.ku, B" I' 1l.I' .& Y»y J9.80. A-•"'-Goo• 2400 Santa Ana AV<, C.M. wt poop1o tntn.sud'" uilboell Stana! Rd., NB 2929 HARBOR BLVD, CAMl'ER ~! ",! ~"°.'!'.; MUST ITIOIYIOITIAJ "-'L lf~ "J'"~ ... hou · dri !I 2 •• wen u pav.·er boa.ta. • -f"£m'A MESA 546-1934 R I -~• w, c.st Hwy, N.B. Open SUn. se in vt. I Every Monday nilht for 13 18 Owem wf8;i hp Mere ~r 5,. ... • ent• I T SURPLUS tactcry d re s 1 NEED Good home for weeks, beztnning: 7 p.m., el'C·· lie whl trir, ak:l.lna: Open Labor Day Autborbed Dealer lUll BEACH IL VD. fabrics & remnants. s 0 Id adcrable ! wk old bJk Mon., Sept_ l5 (brllli: note. equip. Good cond. $1395 Eldarado • J'our Winds JAGUAR Hunt. Be•ch M7.&ss5 to ~ public 8-4 ?-.fond11.y Cocker--terrier mix. Small book fl.nt nfa:ht) at Newport MB-2631 Scotiman • BatTacud& J i N Caut u.,. Bdl thru Sal. 1820 J\.fo1tr011ia, breed. 846-3818 J.larbor Yacht Oub, 720 W. 14'6" GLASPAR. 7 5 HP FREE ZEBRA MINI BlKE '65 Jq XKE tmd&fet:, gd, m 'ot . on ~"-·• Good with --"'"' of. anv cond. WW lake older car In CM. RCA Whi r Ip o o I gas Bay Alli!,, Newport Beach. .c.viun1ue motor. con-_. ..... ire .. ., ,.frigerator. 1 ·-freezer. No advartef! registration. En.. dltlon $625. li'B-5158 camper or camper paclcare! trade. 56-2622 RESTAURANT -•· ~-~--KITCHEN Yo" pidr up. 6';.2849 afL 5 roll at clau, A"Y """"""· "'" 16' Gt..-, SO h.p. •-• KARMANN GHIA Su It You'll luy Ill EQUIPMENT PM oall m.J&SO. Mercury. Xlnt """· 11495. ROBINS FORD '67 Sun .. •m Alplne 3 Adorable kitt.em, 7 wka old. 171 OUTBOARD Call 673-2259 6T:>-6562 a.Ile, 6 PJ\.-f -,,.~~-=.,.,..,-=o; '64 KG coupo, ~ clean. Road•t•r ,..dlo •··•-l,,-,==-~c....~e--1 Siamese mother, weaned & trailer, anchor & life pre-15• Sori:txln Ski boal. 1C1 HP Good cond. hJ~ weU ' ' ,..,.....,., CARPET inataJlcr ha.a one ho u 1 e bro II: en ca 11 serve.rs, Mking $200. cu.tom Mere. New tni.lltt. $USO. ie;i·or:f'.'.T1UUMPKrluiJi.i~::Bojj;;i....,.~'ii:ru~.1;~~~~~~~;1 undtt hook. Anxlowl to sell. 15•000 mi. :b1!~~~:r:~i 6TJ..64'.ltti !1/2 ackmlr:.:o~v &U-!1917aft4PM 650, Prt ce la $!60. •'62 RENT-A-SHELL 644-0UI). (~!"e~ all or part, $ 3 / y 11 rd , German Sheppard Mother '14' OIRYSLER OW&er, 1 Triumph 650 Db1 8Um $150. WEEKE:NDs., \\''EEK LY ;;,61,-.,""1wrt.==-Kamwui==o=-"G'°hlaol 54()..7245 Fther+ Six beautiful da.r· 5 hp El&ln outboard + oar yr ol.d, ;.!) hp Mere, Elect e·59 Honda SO S2'15. MON'MILY * !39-1800 XI n t t r a ri • p • car. BILL MAXEY SUNBEAM 11111 Jl~CH ILYO. Hunt. leMh M145U l ml N. ct O:>ut ...,., cm Bch le1tl>Ml.aAreAI DEAN LEWIS VOLKSWAGiN ling puppiiea, W~ iwb ~. ~ E. 16th St., CM •tart. $10J. {113) 592.-1601 *60-5151* &' Cabov1P" Camper sm ~1143 Health Spa membenhips. Call~. '6TGLASSPAR Cttatlon, ======== 1968 YAMAHA. Xlnt oond. s.ts.3497ar6f6.U98 ITIOIYIOITIAJ VW '&.\ lSOO S ~ ~ $':~°:1"1y ~~~ FREE Kitten1, adorable Jena; Inboerd-outbcl&rd. Dl Mere. Merine Equip. 9035 Ftwy appnM'Jd. Alking S32SI========= I MERCEDES BENZ $l2XI or best offer: -~ La~. 549-1425. & ~hort furs .. 2 calico, 3 =r ;:.:_ ~ :e: ONE factor)' re-built {rlle'm' •;;;°',"'...:";;0;;,u;;;",-over-;;;;;;;;';:;5'3-:;;;;;2782;--;l :D:;:tme~..:l::llft~::l•:::.. __ 9::5:.=25 11UI BEACH BLVD. :. :~ ... ~ 1---------1 he 1 g e & "''hite, 2 gery · ninl Gen'I Mtn s.n model • '69 Htathklt goonte-.bike 5 '63 . M~Ps Benz: 250S. Hunt. B1•ch 147~ ~ MINI Bike, P..efrlgerator, 644-0688 9/2 Ready lo enjoy. A 11 ! hp ~ no·• -,, MEYERS Manx dune a .. _., ...,-'--•u..1 d-~ bl ~th tot Julit. pennies a dq. DSll good condition, 2 small hand matnt.emnoe records. 1 64 HNG P'tY marine dieR • ..... ,...., ... '""'' ..........,. ~uiw ..... IN! ,.., I ml N. of Q1ut Hwy. ori lleb 608l1I edgers. 188~; J\terriU Pl, 4 Adorable long haimt kit· owner. KI 6-#U. ~nglne. c.cmplete w/twin-$200. fle.1587 Featured in Trade Maprine ma tc b I nc Int er lo rl========~========='I CM. Call 6-16-5200. ~~s 8 = ol~t:;:m: 16' Comanche Imp, lnller & ~~. r;!,~he~ta~~: * '68 Yamaha n Pert =-~=VH~: 1:te~ ~toma!!k P.1~·1 :~ Imported AufM MOOlmPol'W Autee KIRBY vacuum cleaner with s;is:Ui90 or 50-7096 S/2 cover, 155 hp Buick plus call P. Sutt.on Cll3) g...gm cotxl. S~. Special carbl A: exhauN. S41115. (\72V338) Jim Sle- attach .l poliMeT. Xlnt cord ==~~_,--..,-.,,,-1 O~fC. Brita than new! "''ttkdll)'S. ar (n-tJ 5f6..043I fi45.-0384, 67S-1987 Top A curtain&. Crap:-mta Mel'<.'l!det Benz, 120 ( '-gullnlJltMd. Pay off bal ot FREE to good home• health)' $3500 ar will trade for '69 '69 Heathldt Boonie-bllte 5 ma&I with Gates overaiie w w Santa Ana. I $33.12 or take ~ p)'mnts. beautiflll kittens. 1 bob tall 3 car. 646-8565 weekends. hp, 2-spd; near new. tires. Must sell before s4'-4.ui'°' Credit dept 535--7289 normal tailil:, s.&.lMl. Sil '69 llS HP Johnson., 9 tin, $200, 968-1!18'1 tchoo1 1tart1. Dlr. call ---------1 · 13', Xlnt cond. ho.at, D h.p. complete w/tank 6. COD-CANON QL/19 35nun FEMALE Dutch Rabbit. Johnlon gU tank u.nd trol5. 642-1J66 1969 Honda Scrambler 350 138-3S5l LIR new, 1 )T old. Also ca&e as i$. F'rtt to bir. si95_ WW de 11 v CC. Nearly new. SJ'R!XI'===-10~!1-roe-,d'"dune~....,. .... -_ I $00 good home. 536-3492 N~rt area. o:J..5174 MERCURY Motorboat "'"I· * Call 646-7549 * c, entlftly new delip. '65 Da.U,y Pilot Box P-911 CUSTOM Made couch, WOl'll l6' F1~8ll. 6' beam, deep Mark 55 'Thundttbolt, p. WANTED: MOTORCYQ..E Cmvatr mg. $1fi00. 496-2500 DRESSER w/mirror $35. upbolstery. Sun. 1 O-2 · V, 40 HP JobMCJn, Amtr. cent. SUI), 54S-2S22 aide car. * LA PAZ * G.F'. meW-de&k $3l Cro-548-7196 9/1 trlr, e:ttrll.S. 536-6'68 * MERCURY 3.9 outboard *6M-446fi* .,,_,.Btlildcn, 3623 W. War. Id · · __. t!Qline. $99. Jlunttncton Haf'o ... .._,. quet set, fo Ing ping-pong 4 Darlin& kittena to •""" 15• Gman w/ trailer, $125. bour. 2U/59'J.lt1Hi 1ll69 Kawuald 90 cc ner, SA 5f&.40f.3, days 1-1 table S10. 54.>7794-homes. weaned • tn.lnll!d. Good fllhing bolt.. 1700 tnlln: $250 '619 Dix. all Xtra&. Chrome 8'' TABI.E 1111w and 4" plan-&46-t403 911 * ~ * lolf SIJp Moorlnt 9036 64&-'1993 after S PM wh1a, nu tires, Nbfl VW. 2 ner on 1t81 rtand $150, UNUSUAL kittena, aome w/ TAKE OVER LOAN. 22' o.y '69 Yamaha Enduro. 4 nu. mo old, Mint. 646-lllO .....,"' •hort curl1 ,.~ boautiful Cnaltor, an -ri,... .,. SUI' WANtED o1d, 300 ...... 1695. WHEEL Cha.ii', jr. lllu. 125. and bealthy. 49U75&. !1/2 liahinc, sla rwfio. 546-8172 Pv. Pf¥. 1ooldJw" tor allp to * 494-M9l * Imported Autos MOO ~In, pcrtable, S15. 5 KITJ'ENS. Part Siamese. doclr 'EIM:l' On11 Craft. TRIUMPH CUb. law I 646-2293 Laguna Beach M7664. S.llbelh 9010 6fl5.1633 cir (213) 697..f781 '68 m ' • •63 A.H. Sprite, $685. I======== $Z25. • '6' Honcla Iii~. Quality lting bed-q11Ut00 !1/2 LIOO 1, 9031 &11.&Xlj e 9'6 Gordon Smith Com I t• ··-·~ --~· Boot Ronl•b pec-w,...,.,... ..,.,, "'"'"' 2 Cat11, 7 )Tl, ~ A: FUU.Y EQU1PPEO '68 HONDA 175 Scramhler. IUt'fboard. $35. CoUep: .i.1 ,,,,-,,.-....,.-,,,-~,,,-=1 SlSO. Alt 5 -wknd1 84l-6i16 aJlf!red. Outdoor can. MW!! SACRlFICE! 642-<l!S5 FAST }'iahlrc boll. for "ChrrT)''' cond. Mab oUtt. dent mUlt lltll. 644-2869 SINGLE hf e m be r 1 h I p • find tmnel! 673-0723 911 PENGUIN 81.ilboat I"l t,i • leue. oulrigen. marlin 60-3557. l!alboo Bey Oub. ITSO. Call Pl.AN!'' Auorted. '°" di&. w/..U A "'"°'· Top '°"" <:hain. Your •kl-"' -. .,~,..,~SU~ZIJKl=~.-,~.:m~m~ilH~.1 AUSTIN HEALEY llfler 11 PM. 675-liXll Child s l)'ftl lll':l, yo u dition $4Z. 837-3591 mine. '213: 693-G2SI or Clt'an a: reliable. PIO. * -------....,. WROUGHT Iron bannllter a dismantle. 6t6-..'401 · g..1 HOURLY REl'CTAl-S 699--0003 6'l&-3640 Austin Hea'-Specl1l1 pie«? 32x62 $25 tal'h. Door GREEN Coucti, iOOd oond. * Rl¥>des 19'a * ocx::K tor nnt, winter om,. I========"' '67 AH ,,30001, VGX IM pulla $10 each. 6f2..5815 Double bo:ll: a pr i n ~ •. l\m Zoi. Boat a.. Be1bo& Up to 26' boat. MotOf'ICMf_.. 9350 $2195 I :;;;-u:::'.::o:::n.=;;;;;"".".:;.; MOVING! Mu.It Sell! Rettig. 962-6760 Ill MUST Sell! 37' Z.land ITl-n.1 I SPEED mottlltrJOOttt, lood ''6 AH IOOO RRY 400 atow, mlloel1aneouL 8M LOVEABLE 1 )T. o Id Yawl. m..,. t1 l'uJb' .p. Nlld)W eondiUon $31. $2595 .,,,,...... C.M. ........., ,,., ... _ mat.. -· ~ -Yodtt ~ ''1 AH-RXK 09I POl!O! ~ $10. Jro.U"' -2495 tn CAL .. 11111)1 _ • • _a..ton_.-.. ___ f03t~ l========;::-1 $995 u• x l\l"coacrot< ''I-FREE To good homf, .... c:nlllo. Dmll •D. --BWftATl2 awm:RS Auto Servi-a.tDeitltAreAI blocks 1Sc ~ach. 547.m2 'haired kitlf'na, 10 WU old. lluhtd to Sl3S), 8*-3'fll U Ortw. Sd: cw Pawel' & Plrh 9400 DEAN LEWIS • • • • 5.11~7631 9n XiTt Mo. m. Sldppeud 1om1 sport f1lhlnl • ., Jq xxz trent mi tion-1 "11iikiiiiii0ee~Uin>:I J'A'°lrLY Membtnhlp ln INSTANT Love Kittenr '1% Aqua mil&. JQnt cond. HertlorQ'ldlll_ MG-8000 111• -cond. $41'.». '61J.,1918 ~. c.M. ltf).9303 Irvine c.o&st OJunlry Oub wks. old. Ml--O'Jll 111 * ~ * ....... •·· •••. ~. ~ ~ !lJ.!t u~le u.~ 9200 XK1! porit, VW porit. NM = -r-. c~. "' FREE '!"""· Bl•ck ud l(J'l'klJ -tncl tnlJ«, ~ ,_... _.,.,,. far uJe or IOllGWARD Misc. Wonted 1610 •1ll!<. Mr..3l'8 AU In Xlnt a>Od. $T.ll. "1 lO' x .. ROD A llEEL Ind<. S.-0622 FREE Krrn:NS 1; Slamftl, ~ putl,y fern, To be "'°"'"'' ... ~ .. ~H~P~vw=--~ ... -.~Bea~ .. ~t' -WR(l"£ comPtd tl& NED> htlcka ~ 10 l 000. reuonabl)I prlctt.1 644-4681 TffE SUH NEVER SETS ca. 1.; calico 494-3004 9/3 SN6WBiJiO 6 T1UJ\ ed. ~ caa Good cond.. $50. All wan. Boraward. very nlct. OONSfRUCTJON Slnd, Ap-Qmulllt• ••.••• , ••• ,,,,,JIS). DAILY PILOT 01-S.""4 parta an U.. c:omple.M WJf•'• ~ "75-Ml-6831 1 "'====-=,,,_=.,-t l'f'O'r· 1 ,.;t. S-..2346 * ~ * HCtkm NOW! wf new cuing. ~ CiilllGf m Think "Fiat" · * SEE * "Herb Friedlander" . e FREE• ... ""' AIR CONDmONER.' ""'AM/F.M RADIO ~ WlTlt NIW 1 Z4 SIDAlll OI W..OM '621 6A~OEN GROVE ILVD., 6 . 6 . UT-llTI ':"' .. ~"' •4 am ' • (Q11rplele FnlgD c. Serrice. • .. -----·-·-. -··-~-::-:---~,..--;:--:---:-:-----------------------------""I DAil V P'ILOT Monday, Sept.tl'llbtr 1969 ~~~'.:::J!!!~~~,.C::=:J!!~-~~C.!!rs!...--.!9tl!D~O~jT~RA~N~S~POll~T~A~T~ION~= TRAHSl'OllTATlON TRANSPORTATION. I TRANSPOll'r~TION TRANSPORTATION TR~_SPORTATION Uoed C••• -hnported Au'" -lm!""-tAutot -lrilporlod Aul<il ,..., Au,_ WontOd 970C»u...i C•rt 1900 OPEN · 7DAYS A W!!IX , -MOIUllRU'~ Ito 10PM iUNOii$ 12 to 8PM HURRY they're GOING -GOING· -GONEI Y·E·S means Yur End Sile 11 Bill Bmy PontiK 1nd 'yb0 c1n be sure wt11 uy YES to 1lmost 1ny dul you w1nt to mike to clur out thou rtm1ining 1969 Ponti1cs in stock. Gr1nd Prixs, Bonnevmes, C1t11in1s, GTO's, firtbirds, ind Ten> pests.' All new 1969 models IS well os ow '69 Demonstr1- llll':I, lxeculive cm ind d1~y rent1ls ... NO.. this is whit you smtrt buyers w1ited 111 yur for. So . gt! down to Bm B1rry PonliK NOW while the selection is good _ .. You11 be gl1d you did. · I~~ Here'1 the .. i~d of b•rg•l111 veu ttll •11tpetf to find el our big i~port lot. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2 OOOR SEOAN ~hr· N .. CWIJ6S. U$1D =::::::":"-:. LONG 111M flNAHCING NO PIOIUM lOW 'AYMIHTI IASY FINANCING 1960 T-BIRD Folly oqul,,..C Ii> c1u.i;.,, . Automalic transmis- sion, Radio, Hearer, Factory A i r Condi· tioner, Power steer· ing and many more. Li<. N~ CHA 409. ....... $195.oo. '65 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 DR. HARDTOP FULL OE LUXE .EQUIPPEO: 1rKl"4i"'9 Aufo..,•fic tr•r11"linie", V-1 E"9i110, Powe, wi11dow1, Pewet Or•lre1, Power 1fH1i"t· F•cio•v .;, co..ditie11· er, ltedio, Hoo+,., 'fllite well tiru, Ti"'ed 9101• •lld 111eny, '"'"" otfrier1. 1964 AUSTIN HEALY s,.,,;,,, lted+o, "''''''· 4 1p1ed fl-•"•· min io". ISJV 04?1. nus:1.u. LICINSI 1964 PONTIAC le M•n1. v.1, 4 1peed trenuni11io,., t1die, he•f•'· 12157). "-US TAX & LICINSI 1964 BUICK RIVIERA 2-d1. V-1. euto., power 1lttrin9 1 ••r collditiolii111. (57448Al. PLUS TAX a. LICINS't 1964 MERCURY IO·p-. 1lelio11 WOIJOl\o v.1, •ulo, fr111t., 11dio, ltetltr, power 1!001i119, pewar windowt, ,;, condi+io11!n9 CPOI 2711 . PLUS TAX & LICINSI 1964 BUICK S\<.il••\. l ·dr. H.T. V.1 en.9Jne, •ulo. frtll•"litlion, power af••''"'· CHHI 204). PLUS TAX & LICINSI 1965 DODGE Pol••• ?-dr. H.T., v.a. •ulo. *'•nt .. rtdfo, ha•lar, POwar 1IHrin9, foctorv eir condi1ie11in9, ( RZX 46tl. PLUS TAX & LICINSI 1966 SUNBEAM Alpi110 ~o•d1!or. 4 ~pd. lrtn1., ttdie end he•I••· fl(fH 671 I. PLUS TAX & LICfNSI 1963 DODGE 330 4-dr. Saden. \l.t en9i110, 1l1nd•rd tromi111h1le11. llUW 400). tLUS TAX & LICINSI DISCOUNTIO TO SILL 'fOl JUST fULL PIUCI UStO CAtS GUAUNUID SATllFAC110N wrtMOVT AOOlnotul COIT 10 YOU 10 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE ! '65 MUSTANG $11H 1 +2 f•1lbock, YI, 11,1te, tr•"'' pow•r •tt•ril!f, ft• dio, h•tler. NHE150 '65 OLOS $1595 v;,,, Crul1, t .p w,,. Vt, •1110, •i•, PS, Pl, ~l·H. VTU5J5. '66 MUSTANG $1495 H.T.' VI, l·•P••d, re.:fle, he•tM, W·W fir.I, til!ttd 9l•t1. lFk?21 '66 CHEY. $1495 IMPALA 2 Or HT. VI, •11!0, power -'••~ radio, h•aler. SOL OJJ. '65 MUSTANG $19S Hardtoe, VI, p•w•r ti•••· int-on ••,ft tptci•I. lt11111 good. ATl7l' ' ·~MERCURY $1695 C't:CLONE G.T. 2 4r. H.T. v.1, •11+• .. ..,.c. ,;,, power 1!1tr., power lw•ktt, liouclr· •' 1eeh. TSA 121. '63 FAIRLANE $895 500 VI , power 1+11•ril'l<jl, r•• dio, he1ler, 2 door Hor.:f • lop. Sh1rp. Lie. Kif ?60. '67 GAL . 500 $1995 ? dr H.T .. VI, •ule, ftc •ir, PS, Pl, ~&H, W·t·w, vi nyl roof, tint 9lt1t. UKH716 '65 FALCON $895 ? .Jr. V-1, 1tick, r•die, hetl· er. !tool 1h•rp. NGO l6t. '66 FAIRLANE $1495 500 2-dr VI, 11i1+. tr1111, ,;, co11d, pow•r 1te•rin91 RYG4J4 '65 CHEY $1195 lmpe!e, 2-do0t H.T. \I.I, PS, Pl, radio, he•+•r. whit• wotl1, li11I 9l•11, POE901 '67 MUSTANG $169S H.T. V.1, outo., pwr. '''''· radio, ht•I••, "Winyl roof. TU~ 070. '6' TORINO $3195 GT. JSI VS, t ule, foci •Ir, PS, Pwr diu: lrk1. R I H, w.w tirot, low 111i. XHV66l '65 MUSTANCO $11'5 CONVERTl8lE Vt, eulo"'t· tic lr1n1"'init", po..,• r 1learin9, redio, h1oler, ''"9 -. •• 1,, i•l•rior Ii 1 c. o r 9reup. lie. NOY tit. 167 FORO $2095 RANCH WAG. v.1, •ufo., f•c. t ir, P''Wr. tl•er., pwr. brtlr•s. 111199190 tt clr. TVO 10?. '68 MUSTANG $2195 CONVERTllLE. v.a, •111• .. pwr. 1ft•r., rodio, h1•ler, con1ole. buclrot Htl1, PWl'- lop. VRlll: 853. '61 FORO $239S Go.I. 500 2 dr H.T., ltO VI, 1ulo, PS, It l H, W·t·w, linl1d 91111. \'HA6tl. '6S Sport ~ $'9S 2 door h1rdfop, Vt, eul•· m•tic tronufti1ti•"· power 1!1trin9, po-r brelro1, ,,. dio, h.t '· buclret 11th, .l con~olt PAG tOI. '64 T·BIRO $1291 L•11d•u h•rdtop, Vt, •ut.. ~•m h•n1, f•clory ,;, condilionin9, full power, rtdio. h1•ler, Yinyl roof. QYS564 '67 F,!\IRLAf'IE $1995 SOO. ?·dr H.T. \II, outo, PS, ttdlo, hotter, white. will tirtt. UPSISS '65 FORD $'95 GAL. 500 CONVERTllLE. \I.I , 1ulo., PS, r1die, he•I· ,,, UY~ ?t?. '65 FORO $1495 LTD ? dr. H.T. v.a, euto., f•c. •ir, PS I Pl, r•die I he•ler. ATA lJS. . '65 FORD $1095 GAL 500. 4 dr 1ed1n. VI, •ulo, ,S, RIH, wh)tewoll tir••· SYl201 '66 FORO $1595 GAL. 500 2 dr. H,T. \l.t, •ulo., ftfl, 1ir, PS, 11.IH. uou 160 'H lillCK $16t~ LE SAlll..E ? ""' Hardtop. VI, 1ul01"111tic tr•"t1t1l11io11, power 1teerin9, p "w • r brelrat. rodio, h • • t, r, whit• will tirtt, RUL !Ol. '69 FORD $3295 &A\.. 540 Ftttbeelr. \I.I , oulo, feet. 1lr, PS, Pl; lft• die, h••l•r. KTH Ill. '67 TOYOTA $995 C01t0NA Oeli111·1 1"00. R•· dio, h•1+11 , UAP 611 . '67 FORO $1495 c ... 1. 500 1 dr. v.1, ...... PS. UH. •TJM t66. '66 FORD $1795 C.1111try Squlro 10 peo., \l.t , awlo.; PS. Pl. RIH, luff•t • rock: UTI 7t&. DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 VOLl(S\VAc;EN -. VOLKSWAGEN WE .PAY WH nlil V~ 2 dr. Deluxe. r a 11., 1•ctm:r equtDPCd, JIJS9. lJ• No. TSN '41. '61 VOLKSWAGEN VW SPECIALS FOR YOUR W sUNStr rofto. Auto • .tldr:, radkt a: hlatu. '61V:WVRV4" $1Sff ' ill40 o.ta<• Grove Ill"'-· !Ully llcl tqu;pl*l, CWIC '67VWUJO17'jlBS w,_..,. -• m1. '" VW SGY 415 $1>ts . CONNEU REGREr Pou:\lnc w I •• 8 lfy'1L611AS '" Ohl• TPC "' $1399 CHEVROLET autom. VW bui. But preaent '66 F•st Back SUD 451 . work .requires 4-doar._Lo ml , $l4tS , 2828 Butlar Btvd. ~ 1UCP&e rad 646-&Z Coiita Mea 546-UOO ,,..._ O!RYSLER -PLYJllOl1tH ~•1 0.ol• Aro At WE PAY TOP '65 vw, "door. • •""1. 00:: r!:,;~lt BL::l934 DEAN LEWIS OOLLAR radio, heateor; ~auutul red Open Labot D&)' for &ood. cle141 wd, can, . and &harp. RUM 140. $:1095. 1966 Harbor, C.~'f. 65-9303 all makes. 8'e Georse Ray C8rl'a Metrir Co. Inc .. 1941 '67 VW SEDAN ==;::::=;""::'=::::ii=:=; I Tbeodore Robina Ford II~:;:::::;;;;;;;:,~ Harbor, C.M., 642-DflS. .Fully loaded, air vents, dlr. VOLVO 2060 Hubot-Blvd. II '63 VW bu&:.. Xlnt cond. mt1W white with black int., C.M. 642.()010 B Private ov.-er. Clean, 2 new SmaU dn, low pymnts. Will VOLVO . fire .,..., ......., take older cat in tnide. s . .....,...,,.,, VOE>a7LB, C&ll Pat &91'1'3 Auto L1a1ln1 9810 '6.l VW de.luxe camper. or 545-Cli34. iu't Deals Ait At .;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;II ~-~ '°''66'°"VW=Sru17,.,..be~;,.-w..,-/bl"°k.,.,.inl. DEAN 'LEWIS LEASE• RENT 1960 vw LlOO 8 ....,.. back. RIH. Ponche rim>, X1nt ORDER YOUR -· Sll50. ~2716 J!li;t; H.-, CM-616-93113 1970 TOOAY AT EDDIE HOPPER lll50.-FOR EARLi EST 497-1835. A.lik for DON '65 VW. Blue .zd. cond. '58 VOLVO, 4 new tires. ~ S750 cagh or best oller. 9ln ·Annik DELIVERY '62 SEDAN, lood ·condition. 645-0640 or 673-4216 Dr1 H B. 968-.6322 All popular maJU!S. Ford Pon;che c:zutch, AM radki. 61 SQUAREBACK Sta. \Vac.1 ~-ss"':"o",L"v"'.o'°""""'::;::n"."to"w,.-::m:;-i, I authorlz@d" 1~8.!llrfJ: system. 833-2317 A'f·F>!. N•w "-•. 111~ Get Our Compet1tlve Rate1 '64 VW Sedan, radJQ, C'.ood M'S..7954 ..... ,. ""7""' Excel. mf!Ch. col1d. Good Theodore ::·:, d::':!.:"t••= ooodltion. :.:':'. ~·· . ""'" lr"'l, ,.,..,,.. ROBINS FORD =1..» '63 V\Y "Bua:". Blue w/blue TheM t•rs h•.. NH DAil..Y PILOT \V~ ADS! inlPr. $&30. R•c• C•n,.Rods 9620 2aiO Harbor R!vd. ,need fer i11111tCdl•t• •• ~. fil-3420 ----Costa lilesa 642-0010 C..... 111 teffy end ""'It• Imported Autot 9600 1934 FORD ~~~~11 • ....... , ...... ~ •. I" LEASE I" '67 CHEVY ti '68 Cadtllac CouPe de Ville, WAG-ON tuDy equipped, $129 mo. v.a , •ulo,.,,H~. ,.d;o, httf· '67 Font, 10 !'<l5a stallon wa&" 1t. l ic;111•• VEG 555. .JZt1. Think "Volvo" ~ * SEE * "Herb Friedlander" 3 Window COUp!, dlr, '57 Chrysler Heml engin~. J li(ll?ed hydro. r.1ust 5'-Il! CYG18n.B. Ca 11 Ken, 4~773 or 56-0634. on, r/h. air, p&, 175 mo. $1699 '67 Gal. 500 Cpe. air, SW mo. SOUTH COAST '66 VW CAR LEASING OUNE IUGGY Autos Wanted 9700 30C. w. Cst Hwy, NB St.>2182 • l,011d. Roll l•r. l lc•11•• _..;. ______ i~=========ll GHP 02<4. WE PAY ··· UMd Cors 9900 $1399 CASH TRANSPORTATION CARS '6& PONTIAC llWPORTl:R MOTORS so••· M.T. err . " ., ...... , , ......... ,,,, e FREE e "" AIR CONDmONER "" AM/FM RADIO for used can & trucks just call us for tree nt1m4fr,. GROTH CHEYROIEr 2036 HA.RBQP.. BLVD. OOSTA MESA 548-5294 or 548-8511 Aak for Sales M.ana~r FINANCTNG AVAILABLE power br•ke1, wfiite will tir111. f11Uv faclo1y •quip· po d. l ie. No. SVE 363, $1599 18211 Be.arb Bhnt '68 SPORTS 5edan, ll,700 LE SAIRI CONYT. Bun~ Beadt mi .. air, pv.T., vinyl top. Top v.e, •uto"'1tic, ••dio, h11t- '67 BUICK wnH -124 SIDAH OR WAGON KJ 9-3331 condition. 494-3232. • •• powar lle1rit19 , power CONFIDENTIALLY =========II i....,ke1, •hit• well tir•t, BUICK t•ntod o!,, .. Serie! N ... 45· We Pay More For •6770100101. Foreign Or Spor1s can $1899 13750 ._. --!Hlway 3') W"lftllosNr PAID FOR OR NOT 1965 SKYLARK 2 dr hit Full 1 B J SPORTSCAR powor, ,;,, """ repo. Wk ' '66 PLYMOUTH • • days 5J6.....684B, eue & wkends SATlLLITI 2-DA. H.T. -.. 7688 1 llb. ..... of 537 DD'l• ~ .... '-'· -utKlf • C0111Plete foreign Car Service • CENTER 536-7345 V.t, ~~loni•lic. p 0 w., 2833 Harbor Blvd. BUfCK No. 22;,. Ha. s •'•••it19, power lu•k•t, everything! f•clory ,;, co11dilioni119. Costa 1'.fe.sa 540-4t9l BARGAIN: wh ile w•!I tir•1, lit1t1d &t2-'2252 alter 6 Pr.I 91011. Lie. No. TRU 275. l!l66;;;,,.-;RlVIE""'=RA7.,;,ru"u"y c,..,=.:::,,c.11 $1 7 99 Will Buy Like nl!W. Top cond ! '66 T·BIRD ~ Your Vollawaien or Porsche a: pay top dollan. Paid for or not. Call R.&lph 673-0900 548-2:;'.•U l8-4:30, fo.f-F.) Au+om•+ic, ••dio, "'-•'••, =========JI power-1lee•i,.9, .;, co11oll- CADILLAC tior>i119, ,,.;,.vi +,.p, li1r•o l•pe. l ie . SOU 617. HONDA .... lMPORTS \\'AiVl"ED Orange C'.ountiie9 TOP $ BUYER Bll..L MAXEY TOYC7J'A 18881 Beach Blvd. ·59 Cod. Cve. o.vm._ Full $2499 po'.1.l!r 1111th Clim coot. A/C.11 ·----=--,,--- Stereo FM. 6.000 mi. $5660. lake \\'ill drive from Jndia.J'.la. 540-205.1 all 8 Pf.1 "FRIEDLANDER' H. Beaeh. Ph. 847..g,j5 15 NEW 1970 MAVERICKS Immediate Delivery! OVER 75 NEW FORD PICKUPS & TRUCKS All Models -All Colors ALL PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY! FORD 500 STATION WAGON l1•111d l'!tW. Full •lit I~ P•nercitr S!tllon W•9011 v.e, ""t"'•Y eoul-nl, t!r.. Serie! No. 3'Q $2999 $110,000.00 OF USEO CARS .. tNllMM••• ""'"'.. "'"' a ~ . """" ., ..... 1969 FORO 500 •• ...., ,..w, 'u" '"'· t .0oo.r, cru11o0-..... 11c 1>"1"11ftlJ1loll. F~ll r..;. too'Y e<llll-"1, Cf(, Serie! No. !3'1 $2599 31 STATION WAGONS t• Clt.ltM ''•"'· • .,. 9t ,.., etli' .... , .... 111 •••• • ,.,~ .t call. CORTI NA'S $1944 fDU•O, • • •lPt'f'd, d Is c "''"~"• r•lldod ,,.,. r t•!•· r"''''°' 11D~t"' "" 0 b~l!t•y, .. 0 '-e•l«, ).,~ •l lltt s. w!••chlll•l<I w•s ~••s. Jtlf •ell. clu!t~ & br•~'"I. Yl'lyl "'"· ll11<1d resll. 33 MUSTANGS •11d ••. ,. ll•- h'-411111. l uy llOW & ..., •• ...,,... ., ..... TAKE THE VAUEY VIEW OFF RAMP CLOSlNC. OUT ALL DEMOS & EXECUTIVE CAU U51P '69 CHEVROLET SS l96 J91i \I.a, 4·•11cL, 11.&H. ,. ... ,. sir.. pwr. br•lr••· ]7S h.Jt. po1i ., IUll•I IOfj fl!•f I 1hoc~•. bur~ .. 1lt<. +•11• d•clr, di1t b~•., "'•q wh•., lpt. slr•p., l . Blu,, XTL J 19, $347.5. 96 U~ED '69 IMPALA CUSTOM COUP'l •27 hvdrtlf\1lit, A:&H, l'cWr, tit., PW'-brotk11, JI"''· ..,j,.,j., fe e. 111 co~d .. "'h i•• wotll lire•. ~rnvl to11. ti11t1d 9l1•s. P.1lfv• wl.11. Oi,c b r • Ir• •· Tutquo•11. )(XM 1.29. $3623.22 .... '6' IMPAlA CUSTOM COUPE JSO hvd•~"'~•;t, ·~die, l.1el1•, ,, ...... ,, •leer'"'I· po"''' b,,.11,., l~rln•v •i• co110Hio"i"'J· "'""• well lorel, tinted 91~.,, wl.eel cow••1, lwo·lone p~i'll, clock. +urquoit1 . Lie. No. YQI •71. $3449.57 USlD '69 CHEVRU CONCOUllSI lSO h.,d r•metic 1po•t 10• d.11. AM.FM r•d<e, he•+1 oower sl1eri119. p1>w i,,.~ ••. ftclory .;, Cl>'I • liot1in9, while well tir•t, winyl lop, li11t~d 11l•n. wi.,.1 c .... , .. c"•"'P'9"•· Lie. No. XRF 676. Sl427.31 EDDIE HOPPER CHEVROLET 10511 Gorden Grove Blvd. htwfftl lrct•kll•"t ' l•c.114 "\VP ~U ltlnr• 8KaU$e \Ye Give !\lore" OPIN DAllY - IYININGS A ALL DAY SUND•Y 534-2700 • ' ·~~------·-------~--. ·----~~~~~~~--~~·~,..,.,--.,....,---~~:-:-::-"":""~"""'::'.'"""'~'-"~"-"-'"~~"""'!~p-·--~~~·~"~'~~!":""""""~l ' TllANSPOltTA1'tON .·~RANGE COUIJr~:~INEST _ U~ED ·;C~RS .· ~··· . & $on Bas TJae Rept1t,atlon :~f Olfe1·lllfl ._, Ji'iaest ~leetl~ of V~ ~-$ 111 t1Ni C••• ' -· ·c~~gars · .. Me·rc:·u rys '69 COUGAR hwv 1111r111g, _, w.--., ~1'1rV tit, ~ MO. rMIO. hMttr. •IJl'OrNlk trllll. •le. YfL U1 $3490 '68 COUGAR .. _ iltttlftt, tKhlrY 111', •lltll'Mfk tninl. '"'°' hUitlr', "'-VEZ •rt $2650 '68 MERCURY .(~lony l'lrll llUlot! w...,. If ,......,), -· ttMrJnl, •-Dr•ltn. 1fl•~ 11119. lac~ 1lr, IUflHNlk Irina. , .. d1'. l'IN1111", 11t. STK JOI • $3895 '69 COUGAR llncolns- '68 CONTINENTAL ,.~ ~, ..., .... """"°'' 1,.-S.U ....., ~tonwllc trt111. "4lt i.w, NII IJO'llfll'o ~. WU "' ' $4995 ' '68 CONTitilENTAL t4eor, lt<lwy 1lr. 1111111r Inter., LM111111 too. 1~19 trim. rtdtt. '*'"'· 11111 pOWW, IUI WMti. 9'C. ZUC 116 $4995 '67 CONTINENTAL .f«lor, f\111 ..-, IKl9r' •lr, llltMr lnttrlllr, LMINI .... 1111 wtlltl, rtdlo. llNtw, '""'""''~ ell:. $3795 '65 i:c>RD c11e1o, "'"" ' "'"· S!l!IM Wa,i., A ~r11lly .... u t191 :17,000 ll'lllb "flllh. •-lnaerd, 11<1. •Ir. SIX »1. , '65 COMl'I' * ....,_ ~1k tl'llnl, ~ ....._., ~ 11u1t·u •1495 , . '69 MAR9UIS Hoor ~ fllll ,._., ftcfilr)' •lr1 l.-.v ..... IW!Mlllk "'""' rtdlo. lltl•, llfc. -'4590 '66 MUSTANG C.,... E~ic..t ' ply w11tt ......._ rM!I. 6 ,...,.., ltOU ... '1225 . \.. '65 DOD~' -Sfltlon WffOfl lflaW ,_... frlilll"""' ~ air, Jlltr· "" .. -~ lft, • I. ' '1695 ' ; • ·t ••. ~. '67 FORtt . ' '65 FORD "68 EL DORADO '67 " CADll,LAC' '4295 I " :- HU MBCUlT $1775 J'u1I IX"Nf, ~aft, au.to-m&t!C•tnm, AMtnr. bt6ter, . ~UYfH I' ''4 MUl'rAJM COUPI 5137'-=" VI, auto,~ air, -• 1tetirtnr. •l)iarli: afrffn metallic · with bW:W tn1'ilo:-6 landau. .. SRA410. .i 1'H CHivY t llSCATNI 51~· WAGON. ,.Jlr, SUck._ Rl-R .•. SVZ063. .Needl a UlUe paint and metal work. •' , ~ • · CU1tom' 4 dr ledan. Aut4, ,, , , . $1795 '64 JEEP WAGONIER ltMlt. Wtw, 4-wt'IMI "'fvto OU.141blieo ~ .... ~ W qlM. UOG m ' 'H l'OlD $750 V8. Make a tine work car. ' lfH CHIYlOqr ~ Station Wason. 'JWUO and ht&ter, V-8, etc. ~- 5725" 5375'.: . '67 COUGAR "9Mt" 11Mrlng, ltllOfNlk: trlf!I, r..rlo, '*'"1',·er.:. UCH 111 $2150 '67 COUGAR Pow.r 1t1<1rl,,., 110wer brlk ... l•clory 1lr, 11111NT111k tr1ns, I-kif M1llf, 11C. UNZ 7111 $2395 '69 COUGAR XR7 '64 CONTINENTAL 4-dllof, lull -·· IKIOr' •lr, llllfllt Interior, l tllO!Nllc: tr1,.. ftllllll, ._._..,.,k. OSI ..-i $1895 '64 CONTINENTAL conver11bi.. 1un ...,_, ffctwy 11r, •t11tr lnl'lritr, rfft.. hNltr, llftl!Nllc. 1r..,1, .it;. OMl OU $1795 "62 CONTINENTAL 4-door, fuD pOW1r, factory 1lr, INtlltt lllltrlor, tuhlmtlk trltu. rlillo, l'l•l'lr, 11t. Hl!I' 132 $895 '67 T0BIRD Fill p0we:r, f«lor'f •Ir, LlfllMu llPo 1ultrnllk Irina. radii. llM!tr, •k. TTW ta '2695 , '1495 '64 VW IUG VGA.~ ' • '1095 '67 OPEL · Ktdtll, rtdll. llNflr, I 1Jlll(llll " -'1095 '" CHIV =-124oor. Automatic, ,,bMttf, excrl&.nt t1tu. '61 CHIV $. 2m· . Ooowrllble ~. ,.. air • ~.! ~hi~\::; mjlts. Rad It tOo looal . ~~~• "'111.h m""1·51825 ue rreen ftnllh Wrth:nlatch-1na ln .. rior and'blodt landau : roOI. EouJboo:l ,wjth auto. tnno. R.W. P.S.. P.Wt'.!.tf• ·'!ctor7 atr, etc Priced bttow Kel• b'• w:~e llue Book. · ~ . ' NEW CARS 540·5630 6'42~981 .. . . JohDSOii'~s·ou UllD ·CARI · ' ' ' I CADILLAC CHMOLET "67 Cadillac Cpc de VUlo. 1967 CHEVROLET Nova. ~ Completely loaded In c 1, door. 6 cyl. Aulomatic, stereo. Vinyl IOp. Auto pilot. radio. heater, po•er steer- Llght sentinal. Beauttful ing. Lie No. TSK 70'2. $1699. metallic ireen. Low local SUNSE1' FORD mileqe. Must seU this 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. weekm:I for only $4295. Jim I ~~W;:,"~"";:,':;'":;"';:..,.:636--ltl=-..=:10= S1emona Mt!tcedes Bena, 120 '69 NOVA ~. Amer. magg. \V. Warner, Santa Ana. PIS, disc brb., new wide 546-4114 ovals, Loaded & Sharp! 1968 Chevrolet Malibu. Coupe ha(Jltop. Faclot)' &Ir, V,18 automatic, 1'.(lkl, heater. Jl(1Wl!:r etttrina:. Lie No. VIN ""' """· SUNSET FORD 50,CKXI wamuil)', cri& price $4,COI. Sacrillce! 549-1392 1965 Cbevrolet li1alibu. Su~ sport. V/8 automatic, JIO''Cf' •lttring, T a d l O , heater. $1599. Lie No. NDE CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSLER . I 540·5635 1 Mlle 5ollth of tW $an Diego me•. · ,. DO~GJ' FORD MER~URY :;:;.SMO=ll;;;;;Ll:;_;,· 1 1 _.;...;..;.;c~..;.;.;...;;.. l·,-61-D_O_DG_E CHARGER '64 FORD FALCON 1S61 Mm:tnY Cou1ar. • IRAND JillW,IHt l·.-.-~..,.,,,_GT0-...,6.:.,_ •. "'.i.tn-.·I V.S, auto., Ia.ct,, .tr, Pr. DELUXE WAGON Hardtop cdupe. V/8 PLYMOUTH mac wbetlL Ovtnllt: ""* l!DOOR HARDTOP s~r., mllo, heater, vinyl V-8, A\Jtornatlc, Rad.lo, Htal-automatic, radlo, L1 he.ater, .• 5~ 2 Door Belwderw, SenaJ No. OT al• Jn eze--fl·••nJ V-8.-automatic. factory air, roof. {~2:: 'er. (\VXF v~ ~~15 '~"'."· c No. .i ~ :>':::' ~u:.--=nd r.~;:~a:~·t.n:: ·ATLAS AT-LAS "::E:~~"'· .. ;O. "'A ..... TL•AHc-S:.. ~:~t~ -··· (UD$2~'5" CllRYSLER -PLYMOUTH OVER. ACTUAL IMl!Po:iu.C. B•·~·'•UI~ 2929 HARBOR BLVD. CllRYSLER -PLYMOUTH MUSTANG fACJORY-"'E •QlltYSLER -PLl)IOUTH llUdtop, ~ al r, OOSTA PtfESA 546-1934 2929 ltARaQR BLVD. m• 2929 HAJltBOR BLVD. automatsc. ~ ,.....,., ATLAS Open Labor Day COSTA MESA S<S-JJJ< 1.., M"'tana. V/8 Stld<, s A L E_' OOSl'A MESA M&-193< nlllb • "'*"'· '1Jlt. LI< '67 DODGE Dart. m, 4-bar· Open Labor Day ndlo, he.1.ttt, •· Lie No. ' 1 Optn Lll:w tll.1 No. )\'tr l3C. TWo J'li:r' CllRYSLER -rLYMOUTII "'· V-8. "'•"' duty 4-•pd '66 FORD GALX. 5GO TYZ 595 SPARKLING NIW U,000 mile ..._. ' 2929 HARBOR BLVD. trans. Poiy&1u tires. Xlnt V-8, aulo. trans., radio & SUNSET FORD !ll lfff StJNstr. l'OJW 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. \Ve1lrnlrutter 6J6..41110 '68 MAUBU 2 door coupe COSTA MESA 54fi-l!C4 cond. $1600. 545-0932. healer, p 0 we r 1tttrlna. 5440 Garden GI'OYe Blvd. 19609VMO'DlOOILS. Ply uth ~ Ml Garden Grow ~ Open Daily 'tll 10 P~ 67 Polaro, g pus sta. wgn, {TNF 029 ). Westminster 636-4010 nlO WestmhlBttr lal.«Jlo SUNSET FORD '65 CHRYSLER pwr, air 21,coo ml, xlnt $10ll 1967 Mustana. Landau. Fae. TO CHOOSE FlllOMI 2 Dr, Cbupe, ll'lcludtt v eft. EBfATESALE: '•~Manr. S.140 Garden Grove Blvd. NEWPORT cord. 968-3$5 ATLAS tory air conditioned, V/S You ~ drive 'home )'Olll' p, auto. tran&.. ftd»i tllJextru, xlnt OdDlt Mab 728 $20!'IO. Muat ucrUI~! 642-1822, 968-3211 aft. 5 pm '57 QIEV, V.J, new upholllttry, new chrome. $595. * 64~ evel \\'estmlnster 636-4010 V-'l, autumalk. radio, heat-automatic, radio, heater, chotoe of.10) 191& modtla at hn.ter, P /rteerina, tinted cfff'r. ~7. er, power steering, i.mmacu. FORD power ateer;in&:. Uc No. = =1ovtr-cur r.ctual 11au. enenor dffOr pack->a; VEN'IVJtA, l'b'. ... 1;) i ~~;he:~ Cvi~ a ;;o late.? {YXU 869) CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH UUF 615. $2199. e NO SAIU ~SE *·Serial no. P£21110283-dt, pwr, fact afr,;r._ mll,, Engink\utomatle, r a d i o' $1181 Hl&7 Ford CounlJ'y 2929 HARBOR B~VD. ' SUNSET FORD e NO ADD-ON OfAJt.GES '181.. like new. Must HD. iliflt of. heafa',powersteerlna:. ATLAS 1tatlon wagon.~. cosr~~Dq~ $H(l.Garde.nGroveBlvd. •NO PREPARATION $2615 ftt.Pvl'pt)r ..... , $1999. Lie No. VEG-951 automatic, radio, heater, · \ Weatmlnlter 6t6-40lo CHARGE · piu. tu A lict1* MUsr een.' Iva. &liit, ._ 53 CHEVY 4-dr. auto. R/I{ SUNSET FORD CHRYSLER -'PLYMOUl11 ~ stieering. Lie No. 1966 Ford LTI?· ~ardtop. /66 t.1ustang. :Auto tranis, • llrfMEDI.ATE 0 oEl.IVlity ' 'ATL •s~·. Te1:npe1t waaon, ~~PIS. SUS, callChria96l-5757, S440 G&.rden Gfove Blvd., ~HARBORBLVD UKJ980S2099 V/8. Facto..r:y air, powerateer,alrcond,etc.; · .. / A fact .air, $1198. Ml"CM6.' al90 Bina: SUrboard $25. Westminster 636-4010 . • SUNSET . roRO automatic. RadJo, • heatu, muat aacrtnce thla weekend u • 'rsft 83J..69ll a1lt for RallMl. , '62. Or. Oevy lmp&La. P/s, 1961 Chevrolet. Bel Air. Sta· CDST~~bor Da~1934 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. coplele with LaJ¥iau top. Dir call Bob SM-4llt DIVI . . amiSLER ·-:-.\~OU'J11 '68 ~lrd 400. 4•tpd P/b n-"'·l tl XI t W tmlnl•-"""' ~"10 $1699. lJc No. XCN 828 18 . • -HAR.BO :.r-VD. . ~ rH. n tlon wagon. V/8 autOmatic, '67 CHRYSLER-n ..,, -.. SUNSET FORD MusrANG ' titp., auto., Old • .bi... .cosrA 1dEsA • $tS.19U tttck. ......../Xln~ 1..:mnd=·c:l650:::'::..;:Sl&--.::..:26.>I=--'-· ~-1 nd.io, beater, pow"er steer· NEWPORT 1957 Ford cua1om t dr. Fae-5'40 Garden 'Grow Blvd R l Ji, X l 11 t en n d . sm··o' • Open Laber Day . Qmd. 8*-~ 6 t•J, ... 110 3 2 _ 1969 Qievy Jn11pals • Ing. F&.ctory air. Llc No. v.8, automatic, factory air, tory ilr. V/8 automatic, Wealrninstn ··'36-4010 i!'!a:-ble. Pv. Pt)'. , , ! '" ftLY.MOUTH em. ,.,.J Loaded.I Low mUea,ae. Your ULP 957 $2199. power IU!er., power brakes, radio, heater, power ateer. 1967 Ford Ranchen:i, XL., _.. 28$0'·~ Cl)Ma' .._.. . URRACUDA ... ~ TtinjiM .ODtWt. choice $2,650. 534-6290 S.140 ~_!~ ~DBlvd. radio, Neater, IUOE 743). tnr. Lie No. WJN 61L $1899. VfB 4 speed. Radio, heatrr, '.67 'Muat&n& la wty, x1nt , 'MOM• '/.&. .Ub · UUI.. rtdio It Pia, dllc, ale., ftlmd ta '6f Cad Coupe, io.ded, $50. Westminster 636-401.0 $1tU 5440 ~5;1' ~~vd. J)O"Ner 1~. Extra cond. wltb xtraa. $1115. Call • · • btetec'. ~ filO) lell. tM-8IS aft l 'Jllll °"'lowbook.GoodOond. 'f=~;:::;:;:,:=;,~~:::; ATLAS oh&rp. 11999, Lie No. TFX ~'1351 . , r . ' $rile' ' .. ..-.. * $4D-T828 * '65 Che'Y)' Impala 2 Dr. Gond Westminster 636-4l'lD 930 '61 MualaJC. Aulo, Pia. STUDD"",. •.·-63-C_AD ____ n_llc_V_U~l,-.-,"-u•' cond. Autu. V4, ~. CllRYSLER PLYun. .... 1J61 B!1f_c..J.we 4 doer --8llNS£T'...roRD Dill. Ale. rtmo .ra4io.. ftm....:....:-..-16f.--.!-Old A .. LAS gL powre?;-JoW mnes. Sl250. -61W571 ~ ---29'l9 RARiOR el.VO .... 'hlldtop. Factory air, VII 5HO Garden GroYe mvd. 18,IXXI ml. $2650. 962-2191 OJtl •. iW.8' ;eoupi ·Gold --I" --~ MUii'Seoi ornT 1113 --l ;;m<XR~=======.!_;Wb:,;;1"';';1';pbanp;;;;";' ;D;-.0:;,o;,lne CDSfA MESA • ~1934 autcmati~iet. radk), Li~al:;, Wntminlttr &.1&oGD '88 Cbnvt, 81\aij, only 10,000 witb ~ Llndau iop, lo QmYSIZR -PLYMOUTH Shlde Lark. t Dr. V.a, 9600 Open Laber Day ~.-fm $~. ' 1961 • !'ORD Faldane GT, mi. p/1 &: top $2495. Pr. m11,'"riq wbt/nfi tittt1 l 2929 HARBOR Bl.VD;-A/C, low ml $MJi ~ bett l:~l""'°;;~"=a:l~·~A~~==~-~~l~m~Po~rle~a:l=Aiutoa~~-~ amYSLER •64 .. 300 .. 4 dr SUNSET FORD Coupe V/8 automatic. p17, "6-T.111 brks, •JVK. custom blk lthr O'JSTA MESA. 546-JJ34: oHer. ~ p/s, p/b air gd cond' S440 Garden Grove Blvd Rad~~ heater, Plr(tt steer-'68 MUSTANG GT Int i buclcl!t teaW. Conloit ()pm Labor Da.y 1895. Pvt Pl, ,;1.1100 . w .. bntn.ler 636--<0io Ina. LIO No. ulT i10. $19119. 3 ...... V-8, Xlnl with , tacii. PIS. PIB. P/W. IJ6S P-111. Sport """ ITl~lvlo~T~All . 'OlF~ ··--~ "6" ~tin-SUNSET FO!U) mndltlon, 11"50, '7S-7144 tact 'air, M41°' ..... lutbacl<""'l'O. raclolyalr, ----..::;·,:.1.'f_ " . CONTINENTAL uu• ~Jl:lU .. ~ 5440 Garden Gnwt Blvd. belleveJ 1'riva.1t1'arl7 Belt VfB automatic. radio .. der. An •X<•ll••t buy at wmmin.ttr tl!IM010 OLDSMOllLE oll<r, 1162.l!(O • •·a•-r. powtr ot--. eom-' ''6 T·llrol 2 Dr.~ ' '61't.nia>l.M.n..wt1nen•·I all ~ J~1!! wSle:no •• w-'!..!ettedc, Santas "'" Porde .. 1lttene ·a ()tdlnJoblle Hol'"-... ' ;ie~ wttb i..and;~w~ Uc .v~. auto. trana.. ~-alt -Lnri• fir ... ., JMn Ml Hl4 Topt• ,. ~ --·---·-~,s . ...., No ZKY IC. '12589 j ......... ,.,, --~ ho .. o:I, of Ntloflo:I cvs.,,_-.la Otmp c..y. exlru! Ana. 546-<lit ~ , '6S OLDS t,UTLASS . doOr ""'P· Bo<\ftlftd ...,. • ·SUNSET FORD .;;;;;; tir.k.., -"1:> 11:1• -1,,_11:o1 *for Iha bait doal 'tit for... ·-• 1966 Font Fala>n. sta ,,,... 2 llnor Load.i. VI, tin. Uc. HOLIDAY CPE. dltlon. 1:.t • lull fao11>1y ll440 ~ <lnlw-11\'d. !.,,..,, ,.dlo, ....... - Mlt co.rt"" 111..,,.... * ... ,._ Hnica you 6 c )' l . standard 1RM9t9. Phone ~ Dlr1 V-& auto. trul., power 'tttr. eqillpmt tncl~ aU the Westrn!Nter-'38-4alO wan tim. Fl.Ill>' ._...witb 4nln -,...1:1 ... --. 1.,... hlo n. CORYAllt r,o;;ii;'""'· $1l99. Uo No. -~ro~llr~~ '~ '''" radlo,.ri;r. rm L!.1. = ::..,.~::..."t..t ''4 l!iy,.-h V1llont low, low mil"' RDW1• tit1 NIWlPYDTA l'ICXUP nucx IS Hill !«>W '64 c.rva1r Monzo 1 .,.... SUNSET roRD ~..;... ~-• a~'•. ATLAS ,· =• ~':::.~~ ·,:1 ~:.· =:, ~v,:..'l'!~ , $21.. , Good tires. Nu paint. Run1 5ffO Garden Grow Blvd., .......,,,.,, ... ". ' ~ ~-.-, call 8JS..J562 Westmlnsttr 6,36..t')].Q '60 Ford Station Wqvn. New dr1ve to ~. Jlrul. int: ~ Pt • Wll1 idt '8 'f..alrd. t,+OO.U J &f <Dtt> CHlt't'ILl:R -PLYMOUTH I,,> ·-1141'!'24 ' older car Jo: • 02IJlll(' Mt;. Must -Giii 'IS Tnrl::o GT, 350 ,.._ air alllo ....._ ' Dr.,-Qean. 2111 IWUlOR BLVD. ~ OJ,.1)11 DYiWllC • I.a, c.11 8111, eU71J '! --1"" ~ lfllh '14 Corvalr Monza Coupe. ....._ !WI, map.. llll>t !250. $8-?IQ (X)STA M!:SA • 54SJl34 VI 4 4' &....,. l!Jldllll• , Nljl&ll. • .... ., lioolc.·Wlll :;!,"j; Or1sinal ownu. l>:c<llenl 0)41d. !HWIO all'S.. ~ lllJiT Sell!· '14.....,, Coavt. Open LeborO,, Air ""'41. Olan. '&oc.lltol 1j fGrn ~ Q[ l/CO ,a:;--,.w-;-j& co::dll!M. -'64 roJtD rUc:ooi. .. ..,. blllt, All -+ alM::ntl Xl:lf •i4 OLDSMOBILE ... 111111oo. -tlro. -~""'..., m1. Dfr, can ~ .. -. '61 Oorwlr, <-dr, aulo, r/h, -. I-Vol. t spd. .,s. obape, -aa.llliT • · Vol, -· ...,..., radio. a ..,._. , -. --. llu ~: iM w. im '"""·•-MERCURY -·power ·~·15oi'Defi:iili;r..i.~ 'li~i"°.-We"' TW •' s • -. rord aaJu. <O'l"ilO). UM i or.~ fool ,..., 'v/14. lioodl. ....._ ..., -....,. _... Colt"""'"' .........,, 1""' m-. '11 Mm: Col. "'-W 10 .' $711 . .,._,., llf!' lll::I -. SllL m:a !I~ bltlt-... ....... y..,.d:ol<e$l;'!iil.-..., ATLA· lltlllor•ot-.l!follll 'ii ,...,... ilill1 eo',d. .~ ~·-.. ·a ~ COJtvt!TE, 390 hp, '63 liAilCHERo. >I• brakeo. =. ~. =. i:: ::: , .. '61 01.116 ,,...,,, ' -t C... "'!lotlllloo, II U IT --- atl'<Ord, 2 -Xillt shapo, Gd. oond. Tono ..,...._ --lock, AM/FM, QIRYSLEll. -P!.YMOtlTH JIUOI· Xlnl -. SIU, llllA ~· , ' ,_ ") .... .,._ !600/oller mJt37 much ...... $26'0. -li'J9 HARllOll, BLVD, .... liM aft L • ' JiLAililiNG ., _, y"''ti DAll."I' PILOf l)rilJi> HO matfft' what rt 11. )'OU '61 FALCON Sta, Wan. Jal CONVER'I'lBLE, flim:ury COSTA M1tS.\ Ml-193t U5I CBdL Jdnt ,. tn.nor. and 811 ." .. W •W fl LDll& Y• _. • lflienl COSTA MlSA Cd lfQ It wtlh a DA.n.Y Trenton Lane, H.B. 86).-3153 '86. Beaut.Hui co 11 d It Ion Open t.bor t>t) NffdJ minor tunit-11P· A bomft bl todq'i Qa..m.d for ;fQlt pemlll a dq, DW •1•"'•"•'•·•'°•··11-w ........ ~iiiiiiiiiiiilll Pllhl' WANT .\Olt ~11 White eJeph&ntsl D!mN.llnr I Sl55(). 6'6-43,70 Why•-. ..... , .... ,,,.,,. 81Ml01 -O!lclt-tl>lm """· '4lol$1I ' • • ' • . . TOTAL PRICE + TP • Lk. ~ l969 DrlRT. SWINGER · ·. BRAND 'NEW· Z~DOOR HARDTOP Fuh ~ e.,.;... U23A91l43550. · tt,iM-~IATE DELIVERY . LibOr Day $··1· 1· . Weeke1d ·' ~· \ ;.. . . - TOTAL PRICE ' + TIJI • l le. TOTAL PRICE +Tu & Lie. 19~9 DODGE CORONETS . BRAND ·~1w · STATION' WAGONS LABOR DAY ·WEEKEND · FINAL .¥EAi END . • c • ClEAUNCE .. . ·SALE!-. · URIEIJ ~SE110TIOll OF IEW I• DM8ES II SO. CWF.GlllA - * ·* ·* ,ENTIRE STOCK NEW I USED. REDUCED TO SElL * •ICIAI. LOW JtlfCIS ·* : . ' EASlEST ·T tlMs l ' .. FlEXIBiE · FIUNCIN8 . Fut fr 11ccurat1 credit 1pprctv1I, courteous FlntMI . M.ln191r1 "" ,, Ill limn. . . • ·.!l L01 . 4PAYMENTS .. _ _ .. __ 1111iiM1111M11 .-:~ E.XTE~DED TER~S- l r '::' J~.'-E ~ ; ..... "'~-=·....,.~·•v.., .... ~ · 1 TOTAL. ntCI + TQ>t & lfc. 0c~~o::: . SE~VICE DEPT: . · · OPEi ·I AJI. TO· 11 P.I, . & DAYS A WEEi. FOR YOUR CONVUHENCE OUI 'SERVICE ' DEPART~ENT .W OPEN -8 ~M. TO . 11 1 ~.M. 5 DAYS 1 A 1 ~E~ Show 'th• dealer my guarontff ~nd· ask if he con match itl If not, come into HARBOR DODGE home of the GOLD STAR GUARANTEE. . . /Jot .Swicl, Owfter-Gtnml Mwrr -· '°"' UNCONDmONAL OUAaAllla -LOOK FOt THE GOLD STAI IN THE WINDSHIELD For your pretectittt 100% U..coMJtienal GuarWtH -Thls Star dates fa wrftint tW Hltbor Dodt• -'~'"''"' tht ur 100% 191lnlt 111tchankal dtftcts for 100 •11 tt 4,000 ..... wltltli .. ., ~ ""'11ft1r '"""-"-11111 tttctudu 18 -~lllkal ~ tlldrkal .,..., ... ...,, .,. ...... .,, .. , ... , huter OI 111 WI. Tbl1 JWMht • conn ah plf1I 11111 ,..., fnNI buntper tt IMn,.. Mwl111tlf fne t• YI'· '68 DODGE Dart · · GTS-2 Dr. HardtOJ 51888 ~ ... ~~·11~~ ....... ~~ .... GOl.O s'Tl'• TwPF'i'HI TOTAL 'Ria +Tu a. Lie. '68 PLYMOUTH . \ '68 DODGE ~ •vtoM~:r...-~· SJ188 *h, ~ " J!Hter. ~ndlu loP. GOL"b ST.AR. (V$W "') TOTAL.f'llct • '68 DODGE Coronet Stdlft $ v~. ..,io!!~:".~ •tter· 516'88 ~'c.;;'~1n9~1111,.:~1on!i..'r:. 1688 Inv. m!lo I. ,,.,.,.. wtlttt _ vt•ll llr.._ GOLD ST.Alt (UFD 7..,l . GOL.0 $TAil. IVAS 201) •• TOTAL 'RICE +Tu a. Lie.. TOTAL PRICE +Tu a. Lie. '66 CHEVROLET lmp1la Station Wagtt1 ~.f(r~~!r~i~~: 51488 er brekes rldfo & \'..~I!!!. YllWI lnJ&_lcg sm9. rs'J~ liJ)' . TOTAL PllCf + T.x. I.le. '66 CHEVROLET Impala S.S. Hardtop 51188 317 V·t -·~ vinyl 11vc:t... ...,.. Wlllt• lQfix ''mi TOTAL 'RICE + Tn a. ue . '66 BUICK SNJ•'* 2 Dr. 51088 Y..~:,:,., ~t;K.W-~ £°Nier, YlnYI GOl.0 iT IL 8 WI • TOTAL Plfa ... T• .. I.le. '66 PONTIAC - '66 MUSTANG Hlt'dtop , $1188 F OltY Al • VA. ..... ~ -!JMf'lnt. itower es, radle .. llMler, 111- dK«, wh119r1~, '~t TOTAL PRICE '65 FORD LTD '67 MUSTANG ... .., S4 ~~~::: '1088 TOTAL'r1uc~ • T ... Uc. '66 BUICK Special le Mahl 2 Dr. H1nttop ~ 08 8 v.t, F-Ac'to•v .,., "''"' $988 1orn11flc rtQJe & llf•llr. ;w. v-1, f)t1fl'tr 1fffri1>1, ;tl°' er 1f"rln1. ~tr· vl!IY'I inttrlo(~e r: GOlD StA" (RUL 4401. TOTAL JtE + Tex r. Lie. TOTAL PRICE + tn a. Lie. '67 PLYMOUTH '65 'PONTIAC . a:. M1n1 2 .,_Hardtop ~,*"'k ~~~Oft. $4 Acts ~~~~ ="".: · sa-88 •lllVI 111~. oo\!'o°' sV~J I VQ let -t\w1e 41>. TOTAL NICE . + Tn 6 uc. TOTAL Piia + Tu " lie. '67 DODGE Dart '65· MUST ANG II Idler & h~tltr, IUllY llCION $988 MUU>!ltd. No. LU11 722i0334 TOTAL PRKE + Tu a. Lit .. 2 Door Hardtop $ 8 . V-1, 1utom•llc. -IU' llter· 78 , .,,., r1d10 , ri"lJffo{~lSf: TOTAL PRICE + Tiii .. Lie:. '66 MUST ANG · '66 VOLKSWAGEN 2 Door HINtop ~· ·s . ....... .... . ...... . $788 l.f:-..=•4..,. IYW" DI. ~ TOTA' L PR .. 1a'· TOTAL PRICE + ftx & Lie. + Tu • lie. ----------~ ............. '66 ·MERCURY '65 ·VOLKSWAGEN $888 . s.owd. IUllY l•ci~rv t<Wi~ $68 8' v.1, ..item111c. rldle. Mmle< DK. IMNU 2t0). vlnYI lnlerior. GOLO STAI'. IYXlt rm. TOTAL PllCE TOTAL PRICE + Tu ,. Lie. + Tax & lie:, , ' Co1n1t C1pTI '66 DODGE C.rtMt i!:·~.,~~ TOTAL NICE $688 '64 CHEVROLET '"'"'' 2 Door H1rdtop V ... llllOmlllC. -.cllo & llNI· ''" -ttttrfne W!l(I• ll'tlll lira IWXS J7Sl. TOTAL PRICE $588 '66 CHEVROLET llHIJlll ! her $688 ~~~(r~.m: . TOTAL Pila + Tu • We. " '66 PLYMOUTH ' trt.. ~I Um, fllllY flc,*Y "*'*'· IS!Ca 7'31. TOTAL ,.ICE ..