HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaMexico Raked By TIM'f ot 11111 ~ Plltf st1H Carl XftdO:· 17, WU .. Huntington Beach boy who wanted obly to build the best "1'67 Cbevy bl Southern CaUfornia." That dream was shattered Sunday Jn the eipJodlDf glass and metal of an auto wreck 12 miles south of Ensenada, Baja C8llfornla. Carl died, and three passengers with him were severly injured in a head-on collision on a road near La Bufadora, a scenic spot at the ocean. The injW'ed w~ Jim, Suzy and Ed- f want Hardeq of santa A1tl4 Cltrl tives, wit.ta whom he waa spend1n( Uie Labor Dal 1'tekeat in l)iaenada. JW. 14, suffered a baq!y cut band. Edward, U, $Ulf ered a brqkep leg and multiple cuts. Suzy, 17, lost M eye. The driver or the other car a. Mextcan cltt1.en, also was kllled, b~ tw.o passe~ers in his ear received only minor injuries. Witnesses said the Mexican car was speeding around a dangerous curve and its occupants were drinking. Tbe Mex.lean Harbor Sclwo.lsPlanning Tax Override Election By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. O.llY "llot Slltf Agreeing that the N e w p o r t -M e s a Unified School district faces critical money sbortages in ttie next five years, trustees Monday agreed to set a special metUng to map plans for a tax override election for eir1Y next year. The board will meet Monday al '/ p.m. to start planning for the election. According to district staff projections, ~ the ctiatrict'• tu rate would have to in- cruse 4U4 cents for next fiscal year to keep the bUdget aolvent and programs up to the present level. Board Chairman Marian Bergeson, who • proposed the Monday meeting, also had asked for participation by community leaders, but the rest of the board sug. gested that the community be consulted later after deflnlte plans are di'awn up. the rate would drop to (l.20 cents above the present tofaJ; the rate would rise to 46.88 cents in 19'n-73, then rise again to 50.77 cents in 1973·'74. "These projections are based on main. talning the status quo whJJe taking into aCCOlllll a factor of five percent to cover inflation, and even that figure might be a little low," Adrian said. Along with cons! derlng the tax override trustees will also discuss another matter which might come up tor election - a re- quest that the voters author.iu the sale of the district's $9 million in unsold ~ulldlng bonds at an interest rate higher than the rresenUy permlaslble five-percent. The board has learned that bonds no longer can be sold at rates of five percent (See TAX OVERRIDE, Page I~ .Miss arica Pageant contestants from western states pose for lJboto er during stroll down famed boardwalk'. at Atlantic City, N.J. J left are Sb~l Hu g Lan Lokelani ~a, K~ren Wastun. JUlthleen Ennis and Susan.Ant n. Walter Adr ian, assistant superintendent.business, told the board that tax rate hi.Ires averaging 48 cents each year would be needed for the next five years to keep the budget solvenL He said that for the 1970-'71 fiscal year ~4.84 cents above the present tax rate would be netded; ln the following year' · " ~ stream beds. .hicb~ mike dttecliOO frdm. 4 Israel to stud)' orialns of Christianity. ... the air very cllfflCiJt. ,. , tn Santa Barbara Pike's mothet, Mrs. Police aald ~ e11r tirOke down and thi coopte ~ wlJ):.'lftj until Pitt ~ Pearl Chambers, said she understood if Clllf~ who viW&btd 1'ue3day in ~!haustecf and co\lapled. Mrs. Pike con-"Tl)ey'd giiltn up hope for my son bat l :he" !J._. Dtllrt. Pol~ said ~odv. tinued oo &Moe · Until she readled can't reeooctle tn¥"lf ~ tt. rm bo~a' l'benniu l>o ttace Of Pike. ~ The ~eeatcb for her biiiblnd and praytna I'll bear something more. 0 A .map ~ 10 the controMnlal w11 started lrNM.MeteJy. Mi'I. Chambers satd her lnformaUon 11-~N>ld d>urd:unan was ~ • Mn. P.'lke was bn!ulht to Jenaalem wu·•que and bad been relayep to her •r ine.; car in wbidl he and bJs tblrd later ind wu reported under sedation le>-\.! "He. ~. 3l, were riding on a drt~e day in a w_ . by ber dauJhteNn-liw11 f amlly in San 'run Be&bJehem to tho Dead Sta 10 A U.S. ~.lit JerusaJein ·sa1d Joee. , l!raeli«C\lplect~J.-dan: there WU hope Pia tnlgbt be round' alive She iald that after the car brokt dOWl'I, A.nit>· .tn&eiinen jofMd hund'a'tds or and speculated the churchman could h.ave Pike and his wlfe walked 13 houri to find r raetr tfOOpl and poljoe la the search for crawled Into one of the caves to find help 61and my m ~llapsed and couldn't l>f.k.c. ttettcopttra wtlrled over the are~. ahelCU from the aun. ftO any f\Jrth<lr. She went on to find bclp ioncy~l>ed with caves and drlod nc couple was spending a month ln and evldenUy did." .. . 1 DISAPPEARS IN HOLY L~ Bl.tlop ~1mtt A. Pike f, . ponce don't say al!ftMDg. car1•1 f.atber, Bet'Ur11 c. KrellO: - 1alllnpttet Dri'hl, ls I ~ metal · worke.r. The loss of h1a oN.i IOG waa a severe btow. · He's a biller man now and declares he'll 11never ctoss'the bbrdef\oltito Mepco again," after a series of incidents wbJch, he 8ays, nearly cost the Uvea of ~dward and Suzy Harden. "I nearly bad to pay a '2,000 ransom to get my son'i body out of Mu:ico.'' he said angrily. "I WU IUc~ to get help. But if you don't know IOIDeODe, they 'll take what they can aet." Cati wu In Ensenada with bis sister, Mrs. Robert Harden (her husband ls the brother or Jimmy. Edward and Suzy) and the Harden parents. Carl was driving his brotber-ln·law's car when the tragic accident occurred. The nightmare continued after the crash, according to Robert Harden, the dead youth's brother·ln·law. Harden talk· ed to two American witnesses to the ac- cident. "When the police finally arrived," he continued, "they took my brotberl and slster to a filthy hospital in En.senada. Carl died instantly in the crash." "There were flles in th~ hospital and the Mexican doctors said Edward and Suzy would die if they weren't taken lnt- mediately to San Diego. The police there said, no, they couldn't leave Ensenada unJii Tuesday. The doctors said they would be dead by then.'' "Finally a reUrtd I..os A n g e I c s policeman called San Dleao for us," said Harden, 11and the San Diego police phon- ed back to Ensenada and threatened to close the bonier or sometbtng it they didn't allow the Jnjured to leave." "The Mujcan poUce agreed. but war· ned us to relUm. The first ambulance they brought lot the trip only carried one person. They brought another -it was like a 1955 bread truck.'' U.S. Vietnam I Strength Dips • 1)0 509,800 Red World ... • 1 MOSCOW (UPI) - A report that North VJelnam President Ho Chi 'Minh bad died spread through embassies and Soviet ln- :;tltutiont today. . Tbe North Vietnamese Embassy aald Jt colild not con.firm the reports. Ttiere was no offlclal Soviet confirmation. Since Ho's tllneia was offidilly an. no\IJlced• by Hanoi, and North .. Vietnam emba&ll• here and in other capltals releaae(Lthe announcemmt;. 11 waa ex.- peeled the Soviet News ~elicy TUI would annaunce the 70.)"!tr"Okl Cbm· ~ lt.ader"I U.th • loclll a I was ~ oWdilJ1. ". • ( Fin* wota Of~ Jl1Jeu ~ Tues- day " on tbe Mt& lmliven&r, Of bil declaration or Vl.ef:DCD's independence from Prance. "Praideni Ho t'hl Miob's CODdiµon ii not stable. ll1s ll\neSs la ~doPin& and .somewhat gave,'' said a .H'anQi Radio CQmnru,n.ique in Viemaroese ·at a a.m. Hru!ol time. . . • ; "OUr doctors are doing all they can 1~ care for him " the bl"Oadea.st aa.ld "bar . . . , pany and state consi~ the taslt ·of cur· ing hls Ulne~ as an Jmportant and Urgent task at present." Earlier reports Tuesday £rom &be radio and from North Vietnamese diplomat,, In . Paris said Ho had been aiclt for "tb1' put few weeks" and "pro!essors and doctors have been administering to h1m day and ni~ht." The scraggly bearded Ho'$ latest reported public appearance was in February during the Tet lunar new year celebrations in Hanoi. Official pho~ of that occasion showed bhn smlllng and dancing with chlldren. He did not appear in independence day celebrations Tuesday. A J a p a n e a e corr~pondent reported .from Hanoi toda1 that all festivities connected With the OC• casion had been canceled. A lifelong revo1utlonaty, Ho founded the Communist party ln. Vietnam and led his VJet Minh to victory over Fratlet In 1954 in the French-Indochina war, endfnc 70 years of French colonial rule. Lately his condttlons for peace Ip the Vietnam war centered around the withdrawal from the war zone ot all American troops1 whom HaAOi considers "invaders," "aggressors,. and 1'1Jn.. periallsts." Diplomatic observers in Saigon said It was likely a four-man councll of Ho's top aides were in cootroJ ~ the naUot, ttlth (See HO CID MINH. Pip I) Orange If you think It's · Ume for a change in the weather e1cture, try moving east.. Hereabout.I Jt's the same old story ol middle 70 1neJ'1 cury along the coast• and 10 de- grees llOtter in.land. INSIDE 'fODAY ! D.111.Y PILOT S WtdM...,, Stp<t-3, 1'69· i-I ;No Hanoi Change Seen · r· • , Polic~-tq Continue After Ho's Death • t , WASK!NGTON (AP) -U.S. officlab ~ &u,bt W Bo Cb1 Minll't ~· a-..... <il -In lilllOI 'f1U '..._ !£ dlanle In Nri Viet--~ ,..~ <mtbewar. ~~ ,cboleto•-lll ~ leook<, 71, b gravely DI WIS i::i...,,. u a lip hil uaocial>I do not ~-·to mrvtve. ~ -Jafonlllllon anllabla In W uhlnlfm Jn • .,_Bo bu beeo •liln& for ...,lhV ~tonof'9al ·olhert -ally have boen ex· ..... , Ille leaderllllp ol N8rth Vlelpam. 1"" ft .-ally b believed hen that • -Bo pua u.m tbe scene, tbe otben : 1bt lilft been. oercltin& JIOWer will COO• ·itioue for the time beinl and Hanoi'• .~ will nmaJn the. ume on the bat· :· * * * tltfltJd and at the Pa'ri1 peaet table. 1be U.&, 1overnmen1 -. p Norlh ~'•'!Pl• °""""llllil! tqeover of SoUui•-~ttnam 'Whleb wOuJd 'lilal:e the South under Hanoi's control. I WheUlet a stniggt,. for power within North Vletnam will ensue 11 a matter of corUecture among U.S. experta. Some believe the queshon of who will became president after Ho already ha.11 bttn worked out during his illoeu and thert wW be'no imrnedJate 1ucceuorshJp ll&ht. . From the standpoint of outward apearances, 81-year~ld Ton Dug Thanh, an elder statesman o( the Hanoi ludertblp group, 11 believed likely to serve in an interim c1pacity pending e~tl(lns for lbe nell president. Hbwevu, hla, age appears to rule tum out u an ac- tlltfl Jeadir in the yeara ihtad. In teneral. the men who hive been wtlh Ho 1 ... year1 and )Ibo 11111 will be ill posit.ion! of power aftU blS pass.Ing are rated as strongly dedicated to the cause ol a single Vietnam uMer their rule. The death ol Ho u their widely known chlef will, however, remove the Com· munlsts' aingle most popular personality in Vleblam. Even ln South Vietnam. Bo bu been widely respected in the pest, part.lcu1arly by okler Vietnamese, for what wa.s deem- ed to be hia patriotic devotion to the a'.IU?!try. He wu a leader-agaimt the French colonia.lisl!. F,....P.,el 2¥ M 7 ld ~HO CHI MINH. . oung · en, .-year-o ~t ', ~po"..,..' eipected ln Ho's war or peacr :.~ ~ dljllomab lilted lhe foor aidea u Pllam VID !)one, Defense . . NCUY<I' Vo Glap, S<crellll1' ~Le Dlian ,ol lhe Communl!I party ,:and..auinnan Truong Chlnh of lhe Na· '.llooil o\Uembly. · . . . ;~ Ho'4 ~ neiotiators In ,Paris ... tclepbooed all majGr news agencies simultaneously Tuesday night lo an- oounce bis illness. They refused comment after reading an oflicial commwilque. The statement Aid: "Over tbe past few wee.ts. President Ho Chi Minh has nol been well. Our party and st.ate has been cooctf.lb"ating all capabilities to cart la: him. A collective of profesoon and doctors hive been adminiatertna to him dly and ru,hl We htttby inform the :.poplllation ol bis condition." Die in County Accidents A young man crossing Pacific Coast Highway was struck by a car and killed tarly tbis morning in Huntington Beach. Arthur S. Arebello, 25'. of 6813 Kelton 14% Death ToD JtS 1911 Couty Tnffic tm View Drive, Pico Rivera, WU aeaa at the scene, HuntinJton Beacb police said. The fatal accident occurred at 3:30 a.m. on tbe beach higblf'ay a mile and a quarter west of 23rd Streel Driver of the car, Jimmy R. Nichols, 21, of WhitUer, v.1as not cited. KiUed in another traffic accident late Tuesday wu Ridlard D. Johmon. 25, of 1~9 Houston Street. Fullerton. He was dead on arrival at 10:45 p.m. at Anaheim General Hospital after rolling hJs car in Cypress. Seven-year-old Kent w. Robbins, ol 111646 Franca Avenue, Garden Grove, died Tutlday afternoon at Palm Harbor Hospital wbert he wu taken after being struck by a car while riding. his bicycle Saturd1y. A coroner's deputy saJd the drivet.Df the car was Ptfichael Wilson , 17, o! t!61f Purdy Slr<el. Midway City. Frem Page 1 Runaway Girl Held for Drugs : TAX OVERRIDE~ .. .A runaway La Habra girl, dirty, clusheveled and dashing about in busy downtown traffic, was arrested by Costa. ~ftsa. po~ce Tuesday on suspicion of drug 1ntomat1•n. · or ls because o( the ti&bt money aitua· -lion. .. But aetllnc: bonds at perhaJll seven per· cent, said Trustee Selim Franklin, "W\'IUld amount to a huae long-tam e1· penH:." FAVOR llEVISlONS • ~ Ht-Aid be would favcr drastic .... reviaions in the acbool educational Jtruc.. lure beftn a,wnmltttn1 the d1strkt to .. ~-'. ~ apenaes. ;, ... would comm double sessiool, or . j even -~ lJ..mmtb ICbool J'e&r before :: PQirlC ao much for our buDdln.c'b:Jodl,'' . be aaid. AlQog wilh pandering beavily lhe · • diltdd'1 n.c.at crllil in the nut five • ye.an, trusttn a!IO discuued aome ~ ~ emerteDCY me.asurea for the preaenl ._ fiacal year to tty to shore up lhe • diltriet't dwtndlln1 ruerves. Adrian has r«:ammendf'd that the reeerves be held at five percent of the tote.I budget or $1,l",000. 11t PllOJlllC;Jro LOIS • · f Bui, lmar!JY becau,. ol lhe projected ~ a ha!f-mflllon dollm from of Upper Bay ~1 revenues, 'the J.~'• ruerv., are down to about ,.jfll!O,GOll, or about three percent ol lhe ~]>uqd. • To -about IZ50,llOll, Superin' ! tmdeot William CUnntoitwn reluctantly l ~ budget cub in two major • areas. ; Among the "ea1iest" cut.s wtucll cou)d :. be made, Cun.ntnaham uid, would be • . • ~James Byrnes Listed , ~ Still Critical Today ~ COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP)-The coronary -care unit oC Baptill Hospital reported to- ;: day lhal James F. Byrnes, former ; SecretarY of State, !p!nt a comfortable ;z night but still wu in critical condition :: alter a hqrt attack. ~ 'Ibe 91).year-old Bymes, also a former ::: SUpmne Court juaUce and director of :,: wa; mobilization for Workl War II, was :=. ttrkken Friday. -' .. .. ;: , .. ;: .· . · DAIL' PtlO I ........... ", ....... --_,....., --- board and administrators' conference ex- penst.1, tran1portaUon (eliminating some afttr-ICboot bus runs), maintenance operations and 1peci1l educatioo pro- lfUDI. TIYrAL llM,000 That series of cut:!, he said would total about 11111,llOll. A second series of reductiOlll, which, he said, border on the actual imt.rucUonal programs of t.be district, involve reduc- tioos in instructional. equipment and in· creuing 1iJes of IOIDe .scbool cl8"e! to !he lepl llmil 1be latter group would bring the total o/ <;Ula up to $237,1119. Tru!tee Donald 5trllW li!eed wilh,lhe cota and ' added • sugg.s&n that !he board and admlnlatration'1 entl!O• con- ference ·budget of about l<l,llOll be eliminated for the year. The budget reduction' came under a no-action part of the budget. Trustees will consider the suggeat.lons for fonnal actioo..iD t,ro weeks, The I?-year-old high schooJ cir! was booked mto Orange County Jail u an adult, due to false identification papers and 1ater tran.sferred to juvenile hall. Officer Beb Neal stopped the girl al Newport Boulevard and l!ith Street Tuts- ?ay afternoon to 'Sff why she was behav- J.Og .!lran&ely and danierously. He said she ·bad Ml!dle marks on both arms, told · of u.smg l)&rcotica for 11;, years alld' claimed to !\ave Injected methedrlne or so-caDed speed at an unspecified plaa in Corona del Mar • El'ika Mann, 64, Dies ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) -Erika Mann. eldest daughter of Nobel Prue wlnninr author Thomu MlM, died in Zurich Cantonal Hospital last Wednesday after an operation, il was announced Tuesday tJ&ht· She was 64. Wiidiife Destroged UPIT...,_... I~ feathen hopele11ly fouled, area\ )>Jue heron Is pulled ~ Gr111d River nur Jackson, Mich ., by Edward H. Bacon biololill for slat• Department ol Natural Resources. Subrtanc1 described" by offidals as "(Unk" apparenUy h11 been loosed into river by a Jackson chem· !cal compacy. Malarial grips ~· UgbU, It cannot be rubbed oU birds. This heron had to be kUled shortly alter this picture was taken Tu es l ay. · Groin Project Resu·..;~~·1L0T """ .,., ltldl••• l(..rii.r Family of 11sidewalk superintendents" take in lhe show as huge crane ~oves granite into place for groin taking shape off 5151 Street beitch m Newport. Work on beach-saving devtces was stalled ilO days by ope.ta.Ung engiaeel'3' strike, but is moving Ahead again with work continuing well into eveni ng hours. ' Douglas Contract Means . ~ 1,650 Jobs D.uring Peak By Runt NtEnZIELSKI Of IM 0.llr ~iifl Sia" A $97 million contract awa rded Tues- day to the McDonnell Doug I a s Astronautics Corporation of 1-luntington Beach v.·ill provide \\'Ork for l,&ao employes during its peak. a company spokesman said toda y. Awarded by lhe Marshall Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Spece Admll)istration (NASA ). the con- tract will provide for the conversion of g Douglu-built 54-8 rocket int o an ear th orbital workshop. Larry Vltsky, assistant director of e:o:- ternal relations of the Huntinglof)" Beach firm, caaUoned, however, that the new conll'1ct will probably not add new employes. "We have planned this for some time and it Is part of our employment foreca11 ." he said. "We will probably draw our employes from the numbe.rs tlreJdy here. Thia 1',JU ju1l help 3\1Sttiil·elnpkly01•ftt. We f&reaee no nted to hire new people for thia pro-. ject; we think ." The contracfwill run tbrough July. llm and will provide NASA with the largtsl space craft to date. The orbital workshop will ~ used as a. laboraLory by a team of three astrona uts "'ho will conduct scientific a n d biomedical exncriments. Part oL lhtir 1nYr~l1~tion will include oplical o~"erv:itions-ar pl:i;:cL~ through a powerful telescope, U.N. ·kl llenew Effort SEOUL (UPI) -The United Nations command will make anot her effort Thursday to secure the release of the three U.S. soldiers whose unarmed helicopter was shot down over North Korea last month, officials said today. Bomhs61Mt VC Jungles Near Borderi . . • I , SAIGON tAPl -\l.S. Bil bombelf bluted up de""' •Jung!., °'"f'lhe Cam- bodian bordtr ... WedneSday in .-.n.etfort to ~mash an enemy threat to the prottndat capUal or Song Be II> mlla• ilor1he4o1! ol Saigon. The dlbl .. ogine pl~ dllmPed ·~arlt, 750 toll! ol bombs on an 1na. wtthtn' thtM miles a! the Cambodiaft fro'nUef, )fhich U.S. officers believe may cOnceal field headqua{ter1 of tb ... 5th .:Viet l Colll Dlvlsjon, The di.vision, tolaling l,000-10,000' men of whom 80 to 90 percent are North Viet- namese. has been ordered to seize Song Be, ~ accatjllng to allied lnteQiitnce reflO'U. : ~· bombers were called in aner • force of more lb~ t)JOO ~th f!~· namese commandos. led by. iun"1CID Green Berets, were forced to tetrell. 11le allied forces whjch went Into action Sunday after nushlftc: an eoeini 1 ~ CIDlp. has lost at least 3(1 killed, 1'8 wounded and 17 misslng. Four Green Berets were reported wounded. The battlt:fie!d pou nded by the B51s Is 18 miles east of Song Be. U.S. officer.ii ex· peel Song Be, the near by provincial capital of An Loe and the district capital of Loe Ninh to t'Otne under renewed at- tacks. tpis \lo'~k. nie attacks are ei:pected to be another highpoint of the Communist command's fall campalgn, launched Aug. 11 with at- tacks against 150 allied bases and towns across South Vietnam. ,::isewhere, Associated Press reporter Pet.er Arnett reported from the field that eight Americaru were killed when a helicopter of the U.S. !st Air Cavalry Division was shot dov.•n Wednesday 47 miles north ol Saigon . The hehcopt1r was trave1Jn1 from Quan Lal to tbe .Bu Dop Special Fore., camp when it was hit by enemy m~chlne gun fire . ' ., The \!,S. Command reported only seven enemy shellings of allied bazes and towns overnight, the lowest number slnce 'Aug. 5. U,S: casualties were reported as orie killed and lour WOunded. · The U.S. Command said JO enemy 60hliert were killed Tuesday alttr U.S. Marine reconnaissance teams spotted more than 100 enemv !!oldiers on the mo\t in three t;i'oups io miles south"·est of Da Nang. Ex-slave, 110, Dies SALE~f. N.J. (AP} -AltJander Tan~ :ier~ a former sla ve wbo said be was 110 ~·em old and voted in every pre1ldentla? election since 1880, died. here Tuesday. , Tanner gave 18$9 as the yw of his birth, somewhere near Lynchburg, Va. He sald that although he was bom lnto ~Javery he had only dim memories of the Civil War era. He said his only recollec- tion of the war was the sight of soldiers going to and return.Ing from balUe. TI1e PR-SI6 is truly a 'WU;:h lNllt for the DJ01t rugged active 'WIC. It shrugs oft: the m~l severe jan aad jolts. Even the deeply recessed crystal is armor-rimmed and reinforced tllN k m, • 1•1 • hazards or -........ -.... tttmts of heat or coHf. Tbl -.II: ii' r.ccu red with a spttial _ tear.ion ring. The handso11-... a wtitch tbat will lban.....,. advtnti.m; whether JQll 11/:81 can, climb mounttJm or IJ*W1 • ... _. di1al11».tOloo. COIMNIENT TERMS IANKAl.!UICARD ~ASTER CHARGE 91!!-wlndf"O '°111-6111 Se•l&r. Vltoc11i. d111. s11Jnl1$t 111t1! w•lerproot' c1''· \Vul! G11nd rovnun~ raohlgtlraalet · *77.50 ·h ,.,~v " -· ""'•' 1 ·~ c·e•" t rt .. !lr:/, llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA I. • ~r...m illJttrtlt TI.ot 'mlMltfl '"' ~'• ud ,.,,_, '39 .95 IOUO. ... I • 21 Y'EARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 54IJ401 I ' ~ .......... ~~~~~!el';""~~~rv~.,.,...'!""!!r:~~~~~~~~w.~rr?:~r;;·Fl~~~•·~~--~'l"!"l!~~..._"'!'!!"""'"!"~...._......, • • . . '.B~iington Beaeh t EDITIOM VOL 62, NO, 211, .7 SE9TIPNS, 'ioz PA~ES ' 111..i. ••• !. -It RIYIR .......... . . • • • oAMMAN ' • ""' .... ,., ·-"· JOROAN ' ' • . " • ~ O • 90 kl LI: a • ' ' ·flNIYl•Ma•Nn1~11NC. Alt.•*'" ana"ver ~ MAP INDICATES WHE~E PIKE LOST Bishop Pike Still Lost In Desert; Car Found • JERUSALEM (UPI) -Searchers have found the automobile abandoned by James A. Pike., former Episcopal Bishop of California, who vanlihed Tuesday in the JUdean Deftrl, police said today. There was no trace or Pike. A map belonging to :.he controversial 00-year-old churchman was discovered near the car in which he aod his third ...,-lie, Dtane, 31, wire riding on a drive fron1 Bethl~em to the Dead Sea in lsraeli-occupied Jordan. Arab tribeamen joined hundreds 9l Israeli .troopa and police in the search !or Pike. Helicopters whirled over the area, hooeycombed with caves and dried stream beds which make detection from lhe air very difficult. PoUoe said the car broke dawn ani:t the coopie begin wa1king untU Pike became exhau~ and colla~ Mn. PUte con- tinued On alone -until she reached Bethleheal. Tbe search for her husband \VB.! started fmnQdtat.ely , Mn.._ Pikei waa brought to Jervsalem later 'ibd wls reported undtr'w.da&n to. day in a, ~ot.el. . A U.~ spOICesrl\an in Jerusalem said there wa• hdpe Pike might be found alive and speculated the churChman could have craw led into one of the caves to find sheller from ilie sun. TM couple was spending a month in · Israel to study origins ot Christianity. In Santa Barbara Pike's mother, Mrs. Pearl Oiambers, said she undentood "They'd given up hope for my son but 1 can't reconcile mysdi to it. I'm hoplns and praying I'll hear something JtlOl'e.." ~rs. Chambers said her information was vague and bad been rtlayed to her UPIT ........ DISAPPEARS IN HOLY LAND Bishop Jtmes A. Pike by her daughter-i.n-law·s family ln San J -, -°le said that anu tbe cat broke' ik,..n, .ri.·~ i!b'Wlle walked II hoilrs to 1lod lielp "aild 1111 IOll collaped and ClOlildo'I goimJ ,fuftJler. Sbe went on tO flod 'btlp and ~deall7 did.'' Beach Council' €~ines Up With Lusk Rezoning Plan City councilmen Tue.tday night agreed on a formula for the rezorllng of a portion of the L11Sk industrial devl!!l,opment; jg north Huntington Beach from. manufaa~ turing to residential USlS. Passed by a 3 to 1 vote, With Mayor, Jack Gteen opposing, the council decided to !!!stablish a one-to-sil: ratio fdr the rezoning ol the pf'Oll'l11. They also stipulated that when 50 per. cent ol the development's lndUJtrla1 area is under construction. a ione cbange to allow the next unit of apartments would be given ''favorable consideration." The industriakommercial complt:r is to be located on 352-acm .south of. Bolsa AVenue and west of Springdale Street. , t>eveloptr John 0. Lusk won a pro- tracted fight with the city plannlnJ ~ nilSlion and the City Council recentty, when he wat allowed to construct some garden.type apartment units in ron- ljunctJon with the industrial complex. a~b as the lnduslrlal proJIOr!y wu belbg developed. · • ~Y qfght'11aa:reement provided a ~ formuli f!lf the proc:odun. ' Thailand-U.S. GI ·Ta1ks Open BANGKOK .(AP) -Thailand and the · United Sta\es,opened formal ta1U today on the "gradual reduction" of the 49,000 American servicemen statiooed in Thailand. D.it the number of troops to be wilbdrawn was not di.9cu.ssed. Foreign Minister 'Ibanal Khoman said after the meetinl that he and U.S. Ambassador Leooa:rd Unger di9CU&Sed only "poliUcal Jrlnciplei and the rela· t.ions between the two oountrJes!" Details ct ...-tthdrawala will be worked out at subsequent meetings, he said. The next is scbtduJed late nut weeJI;. ·OUNGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1 ' W~NESDAY, S~PTEMIER 3, :19~\ M exi!!o Raked Dead Boy's l{in Te-lls . .W reek ;\.f termath By TERRY ll!>VILLE ~ Of .... ~ ""'· htlf Carl Kredo, 17, was a HubUngton Beach boy who waoted Qoly to build the best ''1957 Chevy in Southern Calilomia .. " That \lttBm was shaUered Sunday in the exploding ii.ass and metal of an auto wreck 22 tnUes south of Ensenada, Baja Calllornla.' Carl died, and three passeDgera with hlm were severly Injured in a head-on collision on a road near La Buladora, a scenic spot at the ocean. The · injured were Jlm1 ~\IZ)' and ~­ ward Harden ol Santa .Ana, Carl's ftla.. tives, with whom be was Spe,oding the Labor Day weekend in Ensenada. Jim, 14, sufiered a badJy cut hand. Edward, 15, suffered a broken leg and niultiple cuts. Suzy, 17, Jost an eye.. The driver of. the other car a Mexican ciUzeo, also was killed, but two passengers in his car ~ived onJy minor injuri ... Wltnes~ said the Mn:ican car was speeding around a dangerous curve and its occupanU: were drinking. The Mexican police don't say anything. Carl's father, Bernard C. Kftedo. 6391 Falllngwater Drive, is a sheet metal worker. The Joss of his only son was a severe blow. He's a bitter man now and declares he'll "never cross the border int.o Mexico agaw,:• after a series of incidents which. he says, nearly cost the lives of Edward and Suzy Harden. "I nearly had to pay a $2,000 ransom to get my 900'5 body out of Mexico," he said angrily. "I was lucky to get heJp. Bul if you. doo't know someooe, they'll take what they can gel" Carl Was in Ensenada with bis sister. Mrs. R<>bert ilarden (bet busbaod Is the ' bnilhe• at J1n>m1, Edifard •nd SU>7l and Ibo B.ardla ponilla. Cad -di!-bit ~Ill's car when the tntgic acddlot occurred. The nightmare -ofler the crash, according to Robert Harden, the dead youUi's brother-in-law. Harden talk· ed to two American wttneises to the ac. cldent.. "When the police finally. arrived," be N.ewl)ouglas Contract Means 1,650.]obs A $9'1 million eonu-act awarded Tues- day to the McDonnell D o u g I a s Astronautics Corporation of Huntington Beach will provide work for I.650 employea during its peak. a company spokeaman said today. Awarded by tbe'Manhall Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space AdmJnlstraUon (NASA), the con· tract will provide for ij)e conversion of a Douglas-built 84-B rocket into an earth orbiial work.shop. Lan, Villll;y, assistant director of ex. temal rtlationJ of the Huntington Beach firm, cautioned, however, that the new contract will probably not add new employes. "We have planned this for some time ind it is part of our employment forecast," he said. "We will probably draw our employes from the numbers already her!!!. Thia will j"st help sust.a1n employment. We foresee M need to hire new people far this pro- ject, we think." The contract will run through July, 1972 and will provide NASA with the largest space craft to date. continued, "they ·· took my b~ .and ai>ter lo • filthy boopltal In Elllena\I'. Cari died ipstantly,in the crash .. " "t" "There wen: Dies in , the hospital ~ the Mexican ,~ton said Edward and Suzy w~d dle_f!, ~Y werua•,,~kep: im- mediately to San Diego. The Police there said, no, they couldn't leave En.senada unta Tuesday. ne doctors aal.d they would be dead by then.'' "Finally a ~tired Los A n c e 1 e s policeman called San Diego for ua," said Hartlen, "aod lhe San Dl<eo po1lct Jl!ion- ed back lo Ensenada and ~tened lo close the bonier or som~ U Ibey didn't allow the lDJurtd to Juve." "The Mexican police agreed, but war· ned ua to return. The first ambulance Ibey broo&ht lor lhe trip only carried ooe . l>t:l'SQ1!i: Ttiey, b.rou&tit anolher -It was Ute .-,915 .bread tr1id. ~·"' '"'rhe jofiling Ibey :1ook on the trip nearly killed them," aacted.ijarden, "and whJm the .makeahJ!t amt;.ulance reached TIJuana 11 had a miall accklent. 11u• lbe . «}river just backed. up, and kept going to University Hospital iri San Diego." "My dad baa . to brine Jimmy In his ear, because the othtr am~lance was loo ·small," HarQen conUnu". · Jimmy, Edward and Sujy are all in University HoSpltal, San Diego, in serious, but improving condition. Meanwhile Robert Hardtn hu pro- mised lo try and take the place or Bernard Kredo's lost son . "He was goln& to enroll at Golden West College next week," aald Kredq. 2 Men; Boy Die In Auto Mish~ps A young man crossing Pacific coast Highway wu struck by a car and killed t'arly this momlng In Huntington Beach. Arthur S. Arebello, 25, of 6613 Kelton View Drive, Pico Rivera, was dead at the scene, Huntington Beach Poiice iaid. The fatal accident occurred ·at 3:30 •·'!'· ,. Ii]& beacll )llgbw-.y • pille ~ a quarter -of :r.d Su.et. Dl:IVc GI the • v ai\e)' PJanqers . ' I Schedule Four Public Hearings Four public hearlnga are on tap for the regular meeUng of the Fountain Valley P~g Commission al 7,30 lo{!l&hL The Ont hearing Involves lhi P.<eciae plan r.r. 21 lnduafrtaJ bulldlnp rftpoaed by Dunn Properliea Corp. of Sanla Ana. The OUM request would nearly double the ruunber of bulldJnp existtn& or plan· ned on Fountain Valley'• industrial land n'.esl the Santa Ana River at Talbert Avenue. The other thr~ requests represent zone changes either to or from apartment zon- ing. A planning commlsslon-init.iated zone change, reducing t'!!. apartment zone to a single family, planned development (PD 7500) south of Slater Avenue and about 1,000 feet wet of Euclid Street is one heapng. Another hearing lnvoJves a switch from R·! (medium density apartments) to commerdal ... pr'Ofesstonal IOlllag eut of Euclid Street and 33 feet south of Warner Avenue. . The last bearing la a request for Jl.4 (~Jgh d'Jlslly apartmenll) zoning on the northwest comer of Warner AYtDLle and Bushard Slreel. II ls cur,..,,uy """" R·I (low density, multiple family dwellings), Stock /llarlcet• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock markel closed lower today, with brokers report· ing some disaPJ>C!lntment at its failure ta continue lhe ailvance that got under way late last week. (See quotations, Pagt1 14-11). The Dow JOftU industrial average ot 2 p.m. wu .off S.78 at U4.01. Declines led advancea: by better than 500 iuUes. car. Jimmy R. Nichols, 21, ol Whittier, was not cited. Kiiied in another traffic accident late 14% lift Da\tlo Toll Collllly Tralllc 10 !NI Tuesday wu Rldiifd D. JohlilOi'I, t5. Of 114! H!l\llWn Slr'\fl, ~ !je JI~ dtad' oil arilval at.10 ,41 p.m; at Anaheim General Hoopllal alter roUlng llJs car ii) C)'pl"l!!SI, . v5d l\•n\ .,;:. ~. ., i Avenue_, ~~ d ~ . alternoo!i al polift. ~ HOJPilal. wl\or• he was laken alter !>eilll struck by a car while ridinc his bicycle Saturday. A corontr'a depet)' said the driver'of the car was Michael Wilson, 17• of 14641 l'urd)I Su.et, Midway City, Ftm Park Boss Wins 1st Round With Councilmen A Hun~ Beach fun park -•"" Tuesday won bia fight with the City Counc' ovtr a concrete slab, a tempor8?')" office and watchmM'a quar- ters and two outhouses. Jack Hanna, of Funmartera Inc., succeeded in convincing the council members that these facilities mnain located under a temporary permit at Beach Boulevard and Paclllc Coast Highway for the operaUon of the 1'SOck- a·Tube.'' Jn granUng a continuance ct ,Uie per· mit, council members said lhi tun ione created no detriment to the community and was a deflnJte lmprovanent over lhe weed palohes which had been grow- ing wild on the state-owned property before. Fui>"asi<n Vlce-llresldent E. C. Barnes lold ~I llltml)ers lhal he would further improve the property, includin& p!antlnf Ol a lawn and shrub- bery to be&1.1Ufy the desolate area. 'l11e concme. slab on the property Is used lo provide a lnlck for lbe sliding aod splJming vehicles called "aock-a· tubes." City planning commluionus earlier denied the r~uelt for a permit because the operatort allegedJ7 1howd a Jack ol tp.rdshlp for runnln, the amusement lacillly oo property zoned I« residential ..... lfte sakt the apartmenta were needed to pi-ovide living quarters for employes who would be attracted by the new flrms set· tllng ln the area. J'ttluctant to rezone precious lnduatrlal pfoperty to residential uses, the city told Lbsk it would only rezone for -the Candidat~s ·Nights Set The "Sock-a-Tube" could conunue tD operate under the temporary permit unW 11175, when the land will be con- demned to make room for the new Pa· clfic Coast Freeway, U.S. Vietnam ~trength Dips POWER F AILVRE SNAGS EXCHANGE Two Valley Groups Slate Public Meetings~ <1\'ABlll!IGTON 11\P) -U.S. mllllary NEW YORK-(·AP) -A power failure shut down the dock ticker and baltid 1nidlns f«-» mlnutea on: the New Yort 1.tock Exchange Wedneaday, an exchange 1pokesmao sakl. The llopplp occurred at 1.1 ,21 p.m. FSJ' II & 138'°"voll feeder line failed t>e,t"'een Conlolldated Edllon'• Eut Wver staUon and a aubsta.Uon, cautln& a voltage drop that affected stock exchange com put.en.. Trading was re!umod at t :• p.ln. C:unpaign e1poaure 1$ now available to all candidates and incwnbenll in Foun· .lain v~·a Sept. 21 recall, t:led.kwl, with the announCm.ent of two ICbedUled can- dldatu' nlghll. At a p.m., 'rirund.y, in the'. community center, the Fountain Valley elvlc League ~!ll spon30r a caOOJdates' night, with In· \'ltallona extended to the e I g h t clWlengers and three incumbent city couuclbne.n. Mrs. Jack TOdd, prealdent of Ula Civic -------------...J.eague, said all candidates have tc· r, • ' ' cepted Invitations, but lncwnbent Mayor Rqbert SchwedUeger -Id• be In Satramento, Thursday, and Councilman JQSO(Jh Courrt1es bas dt<llned. No won! ba!I bttn received from ~ M~ Donald Frqeau, ti uld.. ~ · Courrtges ..id Tutsday bt would not atlend Ille Civic Leqllo funclloo bedlUIO L"e.rt "wouktn't be enouah lntuut ln It and everything has already been 1lld." The Chamber of Commerce also an. noonced a candldatea' night achedultd for • 8 p.m., Sept. IS at F"1nlaln Valier Hl&h ~I. lnvllatlons lo candldales have DOl_l!I sti:tnctl> in Vietnam d'Wed to a low of been ,,_ed. .UMllllmbei Prealdeo\ •,l(lt .,.,, at the 11111 ol Aufuol, lbe l'lolqoo reporled todly. ' Qlarl" Di>on, TiludtJ· nl&l>I. bu!· the Olflcioll noted lhe monlh .. od 11ttngth pu61ic w!U be wrlccme· to heir n.. came • lhe ldmlnlalnllcn ~ to minule 1peechn from eacil, followed by a -•• Ill llUf ol tll• -i. Vlei. q..,000 and anner ,per1oc1 nam by SepL L Normal lb:luallons ln · ' · lbt flolr ol•'rtp'--1.1 and -'< lesv· Jbbn M4"1aho, lo,..~e cllalnna• ol !Ilg Vietnam will eauit t11o-IU'tnllh npre lb• cbambol. 'Wlll acl at~ator,,and perlqdkally lo IO below ot •bove the a "?mmlll,. wlll llCl'ttn lbe'wrlllo• ciue--" SIS,000 ltval by • low . lhouaand, a lloll1. , ll>Okuman ..id. , SthWCtjllfeaor and Courrefes havo °'J T\Jescl_,, lhe lor(e lovel wa! 111 IOO bottt Indicated llrry plan to ellend the and wlll probab\f be up around 111:000 Chamber'• nlJhl. nut w .. k. , " I l . ............. D~yPaper t ' t U,PI~ REPORTED NEAR"DEATH Vi1tn11m'1 Ho Chi Mlnh · Ho Chi Minh Death Tales Spreading • MOSCOW (UP I) -A report tbat North Vietnam President Ho OU Minh ti,d died &pread through embassies and Soviet ln- ltituttons today. The North Vietnamese EmbasSy said tt could _not confirm lhe reports:. Thtre was no official Soviet eonflnnaUon. Since "Ho's illness was offlclaUy an- nounced. by Hanoi, and North Vietnam embasstes here and ib Other cajJ!tals rele3Jed tflei announcement, it was n· pe<I lhe. Soviet News ~ Ta11 ....-i. ._. ihe 70-yoor·~lcl! (:Gm. muniat leader'• dta1h II IOOil ii ){ WU kn.own .officl.tlly. 1 First Wont'« Ho's l1lnma. came T\les.o d"1 oo 111< 14lb mvmary ol his d,eclara11o~ ol Vlelnam'• Independence' from Franc<. '1Presldent Ho Chi Minh's concUUon J1 not •ieble. His illneu b developillf and :11omewhat grave," said a H1nol Radio coqununlque in Vietnamese at a· a.m. Hanoi time. "Our doctoni are doing all thef can, to care for him," the btoadca'181Ud. ''Our par.ty and at.ate consider the tut of cur· ing hJs illness e: an important and W'gent task at present." Earlier reports Tuesday from tbe radlo and lrom North Vietnamese dipJoma&s in Paris said Ho bad been 3icll: for "the:past rew weeks" and "professcn and doctors ha ve been administering to him day and night." The scraggly bearded Ho's latest reportld public appearance was · In February ·durtng the Tet tunar new year c-elebrations in Hanoi. Official .phdtos of that occasion showed hlm smiling and dancing with children. H.e. did not appear in independence day celebrations Tuesday. A J a panes e cotTespondent reported from Hanoi lo$1•Y that all festivltles connected with the oc· casion had been canti!led. A llfelong revoluUonary, Ho foUnded the COmmunist party in Vietnam and Jed his Viet Minh to Victory ovei-~ahe9 In l9a4 in the Freneh·lflliochina war, ending 10 years or French colonial rule. Lately his conditions for peace In the Vietnam war centered arot:nd the withdrawal from the war zone of all American troops, whom Hanoi considers ''invaders. ·ll--"aggressors" and ''im· perlalists.'' .. ,., Diplomatic observers ln Saigon said ll Wll!: likely a four-man council of Ho~a~iop aides were in con(rol of the nation, wltlt (Ste HO CID MINH, Pa1e I) Orange Cou& 'i •• ~.-WeadteP If you thirfk it's Ume :for a c~n~e in .tM ·WetJher picture, lrY, moving· east: Heteibouts ·irl'·the same old story •tJI middle 70 mer- ctlry al&rg llie coast and 10 dO. grees hottEI' inland. 1 INSiDE' TODAY ~tarn£ Nlzon, the .singing voice for Deborah K.,..., N(ltalie·Wood at1d ,l'udreu Repbtirn, 1&ar1 in "Th• Soµlsd of M•si<.M ',.hiCh opent m lrt>int Bowl YrldQ'll. An iat'""'1o ~th th.1 .. ti.Int/Ml g/loft,. opt>Cars on Page 30. 1lrttu u ,. Ill ........ • ...... • tt =-_ .. C•""""9 It C.,..;' c.n.r 11 ,.,.... """*' • II ... ·-.. 414' ........ ,._ ) ... n O(ll!ll o.rr 11 09MMH M ... _.. • 1,.l9 ~ ..... ,, DI'. .......... " .,.._..._ u lltdl ...... , ... ,. . .,,..,... ~.... . T........ . •11ttrttifMMM t+-U ~ Moll "'-"'-• . , .. " ~ ' .......... 'II,_.....,. ... """ ""*" • , .................. 11\Mrll" L"""-' 11 ' J \ .. , t I · Bombs Blast j • ~ .~ .~LV,llOT H W..._,-!,lM ~ . ' ,N."o Hanoi Change Seen ·: \... ' ;· Poliej.es to -Continue After Ho'$,..f)ecith ---vc Jungle s ' Near Bo1·de1· ' ='WASIUNGTON fAPl -U.S. offtclal! bt Prtlkleal Uo Oil Minh'• d<plrture ttJte MM. of JIOWer In Hlnol •W lil'tno:aiqu~ change in North Viel· d ·ofl~war. •'t'M' -Rancf "Chose to announce Its ~.~in leadfr. 19, is gravely ill w•s ~ here u a ~ his aSJOCiatu do net 5, 'blm 1o -'"'· . ~ avaUablo In Wuhtqton In· Bo lw been alllni for months l\Dd' ilmt otller• actuilq have bfta '!"· ..... ~ leadmhlp ol Norlb Vleto1m. ,,,_JI _.11y Is believed hare that ahwld llo,pw from 1be "'"'· the other1 {!!, baft been exorclslt11 power will .,... for the time being and Hanol's jollq will remain the wne on the bat· Uelleltl and at tlle.Paril,.... i.'bk, • elecllooilar the -~ 11owver, 'l1le U.S. ...,......,t -u North • hla qt a~'lo ~ hiln<l!JI 11 Vletnam's goal a_~unilt tAkeover of U11e leadei in the years &held ID IC• South Vletnant ""'°' w<Qd pllCO the 'In J • south under Ranol'I con\rOI • · genera , the men who have been Whether a struggle for Power within with Ho fOr ):'.tar1 and who..,1Ull will be in North Vietnam will en1ue is a matter of =c: :~J:8jerd:!ftt1 ~ tpathessing are conjecture among U S ex.perts Y ca...;u o cause Some bellevt the q~estlon of who will of a single Vietnam undti: their rule. become prtsident after Ho already has ch.l~e !~~th hof Ho as their wldethly known been worked out during hi& , illness and ' '· ow ever, remove e Com- tbere wW be110 lmmed~e successorsh.lp lmuVnlsl_!:-~mgle most popular personality II&~~ n ~-"· . l'rom the standpoint f oU\ aro .Even In Soutp Vietnam, Ho baa been apearancts 11-yw-old Ton °nus n:nh widely reapeeted in the put, pa.rUcularly an elder ' statesman of the Hanoi by older Vietnamese, for what wu deero- leadership group, is believed likely to ed to be Ills patrloUc de:votlon. to. the serve in an interim capacity ~·ding cFountry. He .w~ a leader against the r-· rench colorualists. ' ' , ' '. r • SAIOO~ ·c~P)'·!..:' u:s. 1852 bomber! blssted qp dense' junCJM"'il,ear U\e Cam· bodlan border Wednesday in an effort to smast> an ,nemt tjilt~! to'lhe·proVli>clel c.teltallil. Sot11 Be.IS mlia'nortllesot of ' Sal.oa; . ....-·. ~ : '!Ile •ltl1l~ pianes dumped· ;early '15l "\o9a of bombt,on,10 1rea within three mUei o! !be Cambodian f1'!1lllt~ "bich , U.S. o!ficel'$ befi.f:ve 1011 conceal field bf:adquartera of · the 6th Viet Cong Oivj.1(on ... ~ ~ecall Candidaro Leads fr raffic Light Delegation * ,f'rot11 Pf!ffe 1 HO CHI MINH • • 1be dtviai111, totalihc a,000-10,000 me n or "/Jolll tlll-lo l!tl perooit are North Viet· ..,..,., ha. been o~ to'selie Song Be; l,ocordlrl.g to alUed lntalHgence Tbombers ~were can¢. 111 111tu n lofC!! rt -more than •.OOO Sottlh Viet- ._,. commandol, led by Ao><riw Greto Beret&, .nre !O<Ced tO ntreat. :l ~ 11Abaul a dozen ,...ldenta, ~uded by IJl!f let s~ Ana cetcb up by paying f :•l.ll Gullo, a candidate for the clty coun... )at.er.I? ~~ In J'CW1taln Valley's recall eleellotl, r.~.lman , ,John_ ""'.\"' b 1 c k e d •t before the council Tueaday n1&bt. .... _.,..' pol¢, ·-add.Inc, We're talking AeetuW traffic J.i&hla at the tnteraec:Uon ~~~ 1Z.~~ Valley cblkirtD here , not of Niwhope Street and Edlncer Avenue. The counci l imlNct.ed City Manager Parents and homeowners complaioed J~& N~I to handle the problem, of tbe "d8Jllerous traffic" situation ex· possibly with lmmtdiate irultall•tion of a isting there for school children, and said police patrol during IC.boo!, and traffic stop signs on Newhope Street were lights in the near rut~. "inadequate." ''R.Wdent.s feel traffic lights would stlve lbe problem," said Gui.so, who then _-0ffere:d two suuesUon!: -·• -Inat&I! temporary signals u n t i l permanent llabts a:re ready. -Place a policeman on duty •t the in· tersection during lhc:. peak school traffic Jll>urs. ; MIIV Haakmd, d~ector of public works, lbld the audience that Fountain , Y~lley hu long rtc0gnlud the need for ~ trafflc lights al lhe intenectlon. He ex· 'J>lalned that the City of Santa Ana con. ~ trols lbree or the i:orrv1 and until : rbcenlly ha! not been wilting to help pay the eo&t or illstalllng signals. , Gullo then suggested that Fount•ip ::van., "take the tead, Install the ll&bts, '..Labor Day Luau ,:No Money Maker . ..Our Labor Day Luau WU • IOcial l\IC· . ,Cts!I IM a finlncla.l {allure." ; Tbot'1 tbe lainont beb11 ~ today by i .Faonta!n Valley Klwanls Clllb Pn!aldent • ,Stan Mmsfield. • "We drew aboul 500 to the luau," aays Mansfltld, happy over the acUv1Ut1 and general community spirit evidenced Mon· day. ·"but we-juJt didn't make enougti oney lo cover expenses for food and • · special entatiinment. •• ' : ! "If .llJe, .Juau goes er1 next year ·• : Mansfield. "tbe format win veto be dJanaed." I.: But th spite of the financial IO&S, the ~u seemed quite !*JpuJar and 111<· .~added the ~waniJ president L!_ new Miif, the Foilntaln Valle1 ftun. '.!'!"'!' and Joqing ClwnptaruhJpo, WIS ad· ;cted to the llat of luau entertainment. ; Wfnntr of the five mile run for men . ~ase. 40 and older was won by Willis :Klemasasaer, 41, of Aiusa . A Fountain ~Valley resident, George Payan, 20 took ;bonon In tbe two-mile run. ' • ! ;Tennis Lessons Set ' ~In Valley Satur day ;, Ttnnls lesaons sWt in Fountain Va1ley !S-turday1 ':'Ith , realltratlon at the city ~all cuhitr I olfict or recreation depart· (ment, IOUIO Slater Ave. :t Cluses are open for intermediate ~belfnning adult and beginning children'. °'Fees range from SS to $10 . .. .. DAii V PllOI lt•l..rl H, w .. .1 f'flll~ aM ...,,lbl\cr J1c• R. C111 lej V~• ,.rulClenl aM Ot:ntrtl Mtnttcr Th_,, l(,, .. ;1 ..... Tkoll'lt• A.. M111~~!no Mtnnll!t lil11-1" A1._I W. l tlti MMKlei. llllot H111tl11tt• Inc• OHIC9 l09 Ith Slrtt l Mtili-. A4dr11U 1.0 . l ow 1•0, •2~~1 Otlitr Offkn H""""" 1e1c11 · n11 "4;11 'I"""''""'"''' C~ttl MOM• .1lt WC'tl 1-, l !""I l9fll!" tt..,11; tn ,.,, .. ,t.vt<11;1 Controversial Beach, Sauna Bath Gets Reprieve Huntington Beach's controverlial Ex· ecutlve Salon SaWli will remain open for at least another two week• until city Councilmen e1n aet another hearing fO'!' a -po6sible revocation of its business Ucense. The bearinc was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was postponed at the re- quest o( the firm's attorney who a.aid it would be impossible for him to attend the Sept. 2 council session. Huntington Beach police arrested three maast\laes April 16 at the 17434 Beach Boulevard sauna on charges of pro- atituUon. Tb.,. '"" llltr dropped to chuges of dlalurblng the peae< at We!t Oran1e County Municipal Court. At the Stpt. 15 session council members will a\IO CQqtider, revoking "" me,ueuse permits Luued to P1tricta M. l!heltoa, 27, of '1'111 Slater Ave.; Lola Le )(alttn, 21 • ol 80'1 llth st.: both of Huntington Be.a ch and Betty J . ~llo, 19, of Long Beach. Assistant City Administrator Brander Cast.le told council members that Mlsse! Shelton and Le.Ma1ter1 indicated they Wc:N~ld not. seek renewal of their penn.it5. no changea eJ;pect.ed in 80'1 war or peace p6Ucles. The dipjomata llated the lour aides as lh'emler Pha'm Van Dong, Defense Minister NJUYen Vo Giap, Secretary General Le Duan of tht Communist party and Chairman Truong Chinh of the Na- tJonat Assembly. Ho's peace negotiators in Paris telephoned all major news ngencles simultaneously Tuesday nl&ht to an- nounce his illnesa. They refused comment after reading an ofilclal communique Tl1e Atatement said: :~Over the Past few weeks, President Ho Chi Minh has not been wen. Our party and state bu been con~trating all capabllltlea to care lo: him. A collecUve of profe3SOl'I and doctors have been administering to him day and rUgbL We hereby inform the population of his condition." Beach Official .Takes Swipe At Paper Racks Vl"I Tt lWMft Beauties on the BoardwalJc Miss Ainerica Pa~eanl contestants from 'vestern states pose for photographer dunng stroll down famed boardwalk at Atlantic City N.J . From le~ are Sheryl Hung Lan Lokelani Akaka, Karen \Vastun: ~ Kathleen Ennts and Susan An ton. '• Supervisors Stall Plan On Sunset Channel Work Tbe·a.wed force1 wfilcb went' Jnto:actlon SlindaY after fi'¢111lg an ensmY base camp, hU lost at 'least '30 kllled, 138 wounded and 17 missing. Foor Green Berets were rePorled wounded. ~ The battlefield pounded by the B52s Is t3 miles east or Song Be. U.S. orfl cers e:ir· pect Song Be, the nearby provincial capital of An Loe and the district capital of Loe Ninh to come under renewed at- tacks this week. The attacks are expected to be another highpoint of the Communist command's fall campaign, launched Aug. I I with a t~ tacks against 150 allied bases and towns across South Vietnam. Elsewhere, Associated Press reporter Peter Arnett reported from the field that eight Americans were killed when a heliC1>pter of the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division was shot do'l4-·n \Vednesday 47 miles north of Saigon. The he licopter wa! traveling from Quan Loi to the Bu Dop Special Forces cen1p "1hen it was hit by enemy mactline gun fire . The U.S. Command report;?d only ~vtn enemy shellings of allied bases and towns overnight. the lowest number since Aug. 5. U.S. casualties were reported as one killed and four wounded . Councilman Ted Bartlett Tuesday night took a potshot at lhe Fourth Estate saying something should be done about Bowing to the wishes of Sunset Beath and 13 did not respond to a survey. He Huntington Beach newspaper racka "to -property owners, Orange Co u n l y recommended plans to fonn the district The U.S. Command said JO enemy soldiers \\'ere killed Tuesday after U.S. ~Larine reconnaissance teams spolled morP. than 100 enemy soldiers on the mo .. t: in three groups 20 miles southwe st of Oa Nang. beauUfy them and bring-them up to auperviaors today pigeon·holed pl ans for be d-.... ......i code." '.,.,....u. an Improvement district that would ha'"e Under the plan, bonds would have hem He Said he received complaints from financed the reconstruction of worn out t downtown merchants indicating that the so d to dredge the channel and street sales rack! were kept in dirty con-bulkhead! along Sunset Channel. reconstruct the bulkhead u·ith adjacent diUon and cluttered sidewalks. The c:ounty will as!UJile a $14,000 bill property owners paying off the cost over The councilman wondered u an for engineerina work done on the project 15 years. Ex-s]a vc, 110, Dies .ordinance could be drawn up to force the IO far. Orlginal 1cstlmates were that the worJo: racks on "private property, but he was At a hearing this morninf, supervisors Id SALEhJ. N.J. (AP) -Alexander Tan. cauUoned by City Attorney Don Bonfa "·ou cost 5205 per front foot with the :\Cr, a forme r slave v.·ho said he was 110 that ttlia wes 1 "delicate maUer " learned owner• of property fronting on 01vner of_ a 30-root lot p.Holncr 0 '0 the first Id d • 1 RJ • ::> "', ) ears o an voled in every presidential ·~They Ire ~mainly a' convtnlence,'' the chlrmel aloog B:ayVlew Drive and yef.~~1)6. each .succ~lng ~ear down election since 1880, died here Tuesday. Bonfa sa1d. "There is the matter of the Paclf1c Coast IDghway have had second to"""' lfie. 15th year. · Tanner ga ve ISS9 as the year of his fo'irst A~ent. We could be accused thought.I al.net petitlonin& for the pro~ect However, a representative of consulting birth,. somewhere near Lynchburg, Va. of Interfering with the freedom of the . two Cost is the princtpal engineers Voorheis. Trind le and Nelsoo He said that although he was born into press." -rtuoo. Inc. of Westminster said increases In slavery he had only dim memories of th• He •dded that present ordinanc.ell Orange Counly Dist r I ct construction costs an1t the higher money Civil Wat era. He said his only recollec· would be examined to see what could be F.nclnetr Jim Ballin aaid 33 property market have upped the cstima~ to $2a5 tio.n of the war was I.he sight of solWcrs ~one a~t the problem. iownera===·="°=w=ar=• =°:""°==· ;;~;;:;":;::;;::n:;~::"'::o-::'::;;;;pe:;';:=~rr~:::"t~df;;:~~.~;.;;:;;:;;:=;;:::;.;;.;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~g~01~ng~to~an~d~r~e~tu~r~ni~ng~fr~o~m~b~a~rt~le~.=::;-; r U1"1T ...... ' .... " CO MVtN ll NT TEl M$ lbo PR·Sf6 b truly a W'llcll 'bllJt tor the most runcd activo w11r. It ~b.n&p ofl the D1DSt .e.crc jan ad. JOits. Even the deeply rCCC1St4 cryJtll is armor-rimmed and &ttured with a special trnUon rin,. The band'om• .. Yf,'lf!!'ldl"ll """'' S...tar. Vltod1i. dlt!. St1inlt1a 11"1 ft\trprooi' "'''· \'1<111 Gr•nd TC1url1ml) rtcln; br111:•!•t '77.50 • •1 ,..., ..... ~ti , .,. Nf/Wfl .,. 1..:-..1. rtintorc6d -.. ..,,.... tD hu:ardJ o( water, moi.snn ud a · -ol beat .. cold. Thi ...it ii • wttch !hit. win chart .,.,. mdYUlhltt "''bclbcr you nee ctn, ~limb monnta.bu: or irpea.d a ltrCAUOUS tby at (ht c6::e. C-.frn1ft Wfttrllltt T'-61: 1Qodtlr '"' '"'" •lld •0111t11, '39.95 .. '"'· 22 YiARS SAME LOCATION Wildlife Destro11ed IANKAMUICAID \lASTER CHAl<i! J. C. ..Jlumphriej 'Jeweler Jill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE su.3401 I Ila featllers hopelusly fouled, 1real .blue heron la puJled !tom Grand River near Jackson, Mich., by Edward H. Bacon, biologist for 11111 D"'?~rtm~t o! Natural Resourc~s. Substance described' by officials r• l gunk apparently ha1 been loosed into river by a Jackson chem· ca comjlany. Material gr!pJ so tightly It cannot be rubbed on birds. ThTub heron had to be killed shortly after this picturo was talion esday. , I • \ • I I ~ ----------------------------------------·-----------------, .. ·-< Count11 ·'noarci _ai Work Orange County Supervisors and aides listen intently dtµ'ing another in loq,g serjes of public hearin~s th.al We up much Of the1f working day. Clockwise from upper left are County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, TWrd lllatrict Supetvisor William Phillips, First District Supervisor Robert Battin, Board Chairman and Fourth District Supervisor William 1-Iirstein, Fifth District Supervisor Alton Allen, Second District Su- pervisor David Baker, and County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas. Fo1~ The Record Two Murder Witness Youths .4 sk Freedoni. Capo Man Cleared in · Death Collllt --3 &Q.&3 1Jleeti1igs WHM•IDolY H11t1111'191911 II.Ch Llcn1 (lt;b, l'lvn· 11,.i.n S.1<11" Count1y Club, 3000 ,tlm A•f., M1.H1!111t!On lflCI'!, 6:30 '·'"· M•i onrc: LoGt!, 1001" H ' 11. W"tml!'llle< AWnr,lt, Wtl!m!Mltr. J :JO •.m. "•clflc CDIJ1 •rchtH!ot1 SOClt!V. Boww1 MVltUl'll. 51nl• Ant, 1:30 "·'"· H•rllar Afff TM1tma1ltl Club, Mt•• Vtrdt Ctun!ry Chlb, CO!itt Mut, 7:311 '·"'· PitwPGr1 Htrber Elk1 Club, Elk1 lodJI, )CU VII OPOrto. NewPflrt l~ttll •• "·"'· Amer1c111 lf'll.,,, l'elt •B. '-rntrlcan L"I°"' M1tl. S.S W. ll'h St., Coal• MtM. I P,/n. Am.iolcan LttlOll l'cnl 133 of Mun· tl11tlon lttch, Amtrlct n L!loO<I MIU. Civic Cenh!r, Mvntlntl~n llltth. I 1.m. Hunt1"11C1n lttcll JUftklr ChamDtr ol Cenunerct. sn111111t1 •••ch Inn. H~11- H,..to11 INCi!, I •·"'· By TOM BARLEY Of 1'1t D•ltf r111o1 Utff SANTA ANA -Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner will be asked today to release from protecli;\·e custody two Santa Ana youths who are regarded by the prosecution as vital witnesses in the mur· der trial of Arthur Dewitt Lea· gue. Attorney Tom Keenan is seeking the release from Juvenile Hall of Rick Tice, 11, and his brother, Carl Stevie Tice, 15. The attorney h&3 fil- ed writ! of mandale and habeas corpus. Both documents named S h e r i f f Jame! ~fusick as derendanl. Both youths were hustled in· H""ll""lon lttch ltrr1ck1 NI. 23t0. Vtftftn1 qi W.,lcl Wl r I, V.F W 1 t c ' t ~=~J~:J°:.";!~" ....... H11t1!lllfton S OUJI, y Fovnt1ln Vt llt• Kl•ttn1$ Club. Frt •· ai!1'. UlSl lttch ll•d .• Hunllntlon "'"'·;f;ths Quadruplets HOA• MIMO•l•L HOl,11'AL D . w u Me I Mr\; Aw,:r:~.~' Clt rk. U\J oing e ~tvn• C cit, Hvn!ln111111 llKllt MCa~l'~'n:~f.~ •1111. 1,n , ... w.,, GARDEN GROVE -A, B. Mr. '"''· 1trtJ D!Luclt , '°2'~ 'II!/\ s1 •• N1w110t1 aaa,11, 1>o1 C, and O -Orange County 's Mr; & Mr1. Peter Geri.ell. J1l Btr111rd ~.'t. ctJ::. 't:~es ~~111, ci 31111 st., • first quadruplets -no'v have ,..,,.,"°'' IMclll MY names. llh' 11 Mi;;.,to...Ml~1. L.:..-:::ic::o. TrOllt. 1•71 Mrs. Robert Curlin 0 r Mr & Mro. Tllom11 Mutln, '"J' ,.. d "d I h "'•Yld....c• l11,. H111tt1n1100 11tch, var en Grove sa1 s le as M'~'1 " M••· ltcbfr! MBurtr, 2An named her four healthy, Al!d1l111lt, MIHlon Vltlo•°"' Mr. &. Mr•. J-p11 lulno. MU nev.·born sons Sean Dale, lttmtllll Cir, YorlMI Lindt, 11r1 Mr. " Mrl. H1r11d vlnc.,,t. tn1 '· Lance Erie. C h r i s t o p h e r ""~ ..... Mr:"',.~'· l>oub.n111111, 20/.01 'mmor1. 'rr1buco l.n1an. 11r1 James and Charles Donald. ••wt! 1i Mr. 1 Mf•. Jt_.t Kr1t11. '"' KHlllter All four babies are reported Cr .. C•t• Mt11. bar Mr. & Mr1. conr111 Dllf'r11t. 30t1 to be doing "extremely well'' Molol!t l ,I., Cot11 M111, bclY Mr. & Mr•. Jerrr Tudlm1n. H1 at Garden Park General lroakUM L•l'llt cos11 MIMI. boJ Mf;:.,.,~:Y.'toron":"J:f M~~1x~ril· u• Hospital. 'll'here they will re- Mr,-" Mr1. lf011tld u1r1c11. Ml L1hf111 ma.in in incubators until they Mr.1.. :''~~~11Z:r,~:1 "-••d. l'lo.." ,,.,. 11 st OI' 'K each reach five pounds. Mr. 1& M ... 1'1:i1111' Jordt"' Jl:O Fonflltll'J Dr •• tn11 M111, lit• _ Sean, Lance and Christopher Mr. & Mrt. ltt,ICIJ Troi.c.n r.lr, ..... 1•1 HDHtown Ln .. H11Mlnt•on &<1ttt1. t.1•• all weigh over four pounds, Mr, & Mr,, Don11d McCr1....,., U152 t 111m11111"' L••u111 MH11. H r 'll'hile Charle! Donald came in-Mr, • Mf1, Antonio K~ldl1. ill D1h111 St .. CDr•n• 0.1 M••· t1c1·, , lo the world weighing only two Mr. A. Mrl. ll°"rl llnlu, J0J . oww11. S•"'• Ant, boJ pounds. ARllUCKLE " WELSH Wtatcllff Mort\lary U7 E. 17111 St.. Coal• ~1t1• """" • BALTZ MORTUARIES CorotUI dol Mor OR 3-MH Coata l\lua &IJ 1-ZCU • BEIL BROADWAY MORnJARY 111 BrtadW•Y· Coat.a l\Jeu us.aw • DILDAY BROTHEM lllultiop. Vllle1 Mortauy . 1'1111 Btadi Blvd. HaUnit• Beacll IU-'1711 • M<CORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MOR11JARY 1115 LapDf CUJ1111 Road Lapna Beac• Ul-1415 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMOIU'AL PARK C.m..., eMortury ,()Upd :set Plcllft. \rJew Drive Newport Bue•, Cllllonlo fU.ZlN • PEU FM!D.Y ootoNlAL FUNERAL ·eol\IE 7MI BGbo Aff, WOlllnlulcT llWAS • llllEFFER MOR11JARY Ltpna Btacll .C,..1511 Su Oemala 41UlM • 8111'1'83' MOR11JARV Cl Miii S.. HuoUnrton Bue• - Janice Curtin. 30, hasn't held the babies in her arms yet, but she sees them regularly through the glass walls of the nursery. So, too, does father and older brother Robert, fi, who counted them twice to make sure. Mrs. Curtin learned two months ago from an x-ray radiologist she was carrying quad.5, an event that occurs only once in every 750,000 births. She told her husband that evenJng she had a pleasant surprise for him. "Twins?" he guessed. "I s1ld. 'no, four'. He "'as shocked." The couple still doesn't kno1v where they are going to find room in their two bedroom house for the boys. Says father OJrtin, styly, "that may be the final Curtin.'' Joh Corps Seeks Men SANTA ANA -The Job Carps is sUll accepting yOW'lg Orange County men, ages 16 througti Zl, for tralning bdor.e Sep4'mber 3t. The Y o u t. h Opportunity Center, llto South Bristol St., ls taking 1ppllcatlons for youths thlt are out-of-work Ind out-of«hool. If 1ccepttd for training lht young men wilt be a.saigned to a Job Corps center in Ariuma, Oregon, Utah or Wa1hinfton for training. The object of the program i1 to make youths employable. Trainees rfieeh•e free room , board, clothing, med lc1 I and dental care and are paid $80 per month. to Ju\'enile llall and placed under a round-the-clock guard last Aug. 6 after testimony at the Santa Ana Municipal Court arraignment of League in· dicated that at least one of the brothers was with League last June 4 when a Santa Ana police officer '"as shot and killed. League, 20, is accused of lhe murder of officer Nelson Sasscer. A fellow B I a ck Panther, Daniel M I c h a e l · Lynem, 22, also of Santa Ana, has been cleared of identical charges following Investigation by the district atJorney's and public defender's offices. All police and district at- torney's investigators Involved in the League prosecution are unanimous in the view that both boys should be kept under the present guard until the ex· peeled murder trial is over. "Let these kids out of Juvenile Hall, with or without armed guards, and they just won·~ be acound at trial lime," a veteran investigator com- mented Tuesday. Keenan prefers that the boys be released but kept under armed protec!lon. He asks that sheriff's officers be used as bodyguards but his writs do not specify the form lhat tht: asked for protection \Viii take. The del.cnUon of both boys and their expres s ed dissatisfaction "'ith the l'On· dilions has come before coun~ ty supervisors. The county board deplored U1e fact that bolh boys "'ere bein g "treated like pri~rs'' and that their confincmenL imposed financial hardship on the wife of the older Tice but shel\'ed the matter for future discussion. League's preliminary hear· ing on the murder chargt: is scheduled for Sept. 25. If that action resullc; in his transfer to Superior Court for trial the Tice brothers could remain in protective custody for at least lbe next two month s. Sources close to the pro- secution of League today fell that it was "very unlikely" that Judge Gardner "·ould comply with the request. They ind.lea~ that lh e judge may call for an easing of rigid security regulations around the two boys but lhat he would insist on their re- maining in Juvenile Hall. CAPISTRANO -ri111rder charges against a Capistrano Beach man wer e dropped t.1onday with tht discovery that a man originally believed to be hls victin1 actually died from an acute throft infection. That diagnosis bY coroner 's officers cleared 1''red Leroy ~farquardt, 4 9. Capistrano Beach, of involvement In the death Sunday of Orval 0. Weaver. 45, of 34503 Via Verde. Capistrano Be a ch , sheriffs officers said. investigators s a i d ~lal'­ quardt was booked on the murder count after he freely admitted striking W e a v e r several times during a ::itrug· gte between the two men. Qf. flcers said ~farquardl told them !hat he left Weaver lying in the roadway alter the fracas in tbt belief that his op- Ponent was in a drunken stupor. ' Wea ver's body was l.ale.r found lying in a ditch near the railroad tracks. between Dom· ingo and Victoria in Capistrano Beach. Marquard! was . arrested w h en in· vestigators learned of what r-.tarquardt said was a quarrel outside the converted milk wagon which wa s Marquardt's home. Coroner's investigators said examination or the body revealed that \Veaver was suf· fering from an acute throat in· ftction at the lime of death. Heavy drinking and his et· erlions during the fight ag- gravated. the condition and closed the throat, they said. UCI Parents Plan .!\feeling IRVINE -A meeting or parents interested in the UC 1 rvinc experimental clemen· tary school will be held next \Vednesday at 8 p.m., In room 178 of the Fine Arts Building on the UCT campus. School enrollment \Viii be limited to 15, k.indrrgarten through slxlh grade. Information is available by phoning Emma Corrigan. School of Social Sciences, 833-6800. or Rosemary Boyd, 499-4048. Trash Pickup Contract Upheld by Supervisors SANTA ANA -Continuation said, "I don't see how anyone of the trash collecUon contract can operate a businesll like with Solag Dlspru:al Company this '"'llhout some complaint. for Dana Point and Capistrano It is very difficult to get Beach waa u n a n I m o u s I y reliable people who want to do agret:d to Tuesday by Orange th.ls kind of work." County Supervisors. He calttd the road Solag ls in the fifth yoar of a"' department's investigation 10-year eiclualve contract for "thorough" and made the mo- the area. lion that Solag Trash Pet.lt.lom or c o m p I a I n t s service be retained. bearing slgnaturu of wsan., In his presentation. Koch representin1 31 buslneuls had noted that SS percent of com· been filed with supervl!ors plaiuts rectived against Solag who ordered the r o a d bave beer. irom only 11 people department. which overscea and that JS percent have been lra.M collection for county from one person, "a friend ol 1ovemment, to make an In-Uie previous f r a n c h i 1 e ve.!Ugation. operator who once said he waa The outcome of Uttl In-going to make ll as miserable v~U1aUon was a recom· for the new aptrator as mendltlon, concurttd In by pot.Bible." !Upervisors, that Utt contract;1;·;o--..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.,I with Solag be continued uochanged. County road commtuloner "WITCHES" Al Koch today presented his Frbly, W•ll klttM& t•••i.M rePort. No one. rose from the '' "-'' .,., •lttl . .,.,, lteut • •udlence when supervllors or~ •1t11 lered a chance for comm<nL ~~~I 642·5025 Suptrvl!OI' Allon Allen then., .. ________ ,,., • Sears . ·- • - • -. . • ' , ' SHAKE OFF THE DRABS WITH KINGS ROAD TURTLES AND SJ.,ACKS Declare your inde1.endenee !tom warmcd·oYcr colon 11.•ith a Nomelle Orlon~ 1crylic mock tQttlmeck Irom the Kingr Road Collection. In 1hadcs of country blue, grern, coJ•pt:r and gold. With comfortable 1et·in 1lcc"Ve1. Machlnt w11h1hlc. $8 .- Follow up wjth wool worated 1lack1 in the new country look ••• plaid and windowpane pat• temt in rustic 1bade1 to complement your tur .. tie. Comfortable regulair cut ivy 1tyling witJ1 Ban·Rol• w1i1tband •• , at the Scan Kings Rood Shop.near you. $15 CHARGE IT on Sun JleYol"Vi.bg 0,1rge SHOP AT 9AM AND SAVP. ''" 7111 .. il/c11·1 . J/1·11 SolW(.aiola G~ ,,,. Yolll' No1t•y Bock . --- • SHOP MONDAY T8RU SAnmDA1' 9:30 A.M. Jo 9:30 P.llf.. , , t ' • J4 DAll.Y llLOT Entirely New Barrcreucfc New and racy sty11ng marks the 1970 Plymou~h Barracuda line which will offer three distinctive senes and a long ltst ot petfobnaoee and special options. Shown 1s the standard .Barracuda. Also @vaiJable 'is the h1gh·performance "C'uda tv.o-door hardtop. Third serles will be the Gran Coupe. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE !--------- IUf'Elttol COUllT Of< TME S"TATE DI' tALIJIOIJUA 1<01 TME COUNTY OF OltAMGE SUMMONS CASI llUMlll CEillTlll'IUTI OF IUSINESS FICTITIOUS NAME Ttie Ufld•rlltt1•d -. c.vlllJ 1r.e1 •r~ '°'100JC11rta • lluilll~H 11 4551 W Coa-1 ltOllEltT HANSOH PUTHUFF Jlt. 1+,., He-' 8ffdl, C1Ulor11l1 llfllflor J>1~\llllff vs tMA JEAlil MATTWEWS tilt Udltloin firm n.1mt of HEWPOltT l'PTHUFF Oettfltll~t SET COIFFUltES tnd 11111 illd llr'l'I 1$ PE 0 Pl E OF Tf<E STATI! Of ~ ol ltlt IOllowhlfl Ht$OIU.. Wf10M! t:AL.IFORNIA IO IPlt '"°"" ... ._ Otle,,.. ...me1 '" tull Incl Pla<el of resfGal'"' are O~~t I S IOllOW1 You l rt" ~~ dlrtct!'d IO lit. • ""''' Sll«k'f s •• ~. f.l<I ~'" ,, • H1tn t"<l plffellllt 111 ,_,_ to Ille Annulm~t l•ll'JICll e,.e1tll C1llfol'f\le c~m•lell'd lff -•llOVf ... ~ •1•1lltl!I Oc •v!OM R .. no.o, 117' Llft\tt1(t W•lll Ille tlrtl Oii lllt •bovt' erif.IW11 CCV'1 t ~~t (<;>:;16 M••• C•Hlor111• In Ille l boW ~lit~ •<llOtl l>r~"~l'll Ool~d S~t 1, 1Nt •9•1ni1 YO\I Ill s11d court, w1111111 TE:ll s11'rJev aui.r a1y1 fllf• ltot wrvtc.e Oii •a.I ol ll!ls SU:!' Octovleno ll!l lllD80 ...,,,., 11 ,!......., w11hln Ille '"'°"' nMfled St•it 01 Calllorn!a. O•.,'•tt Co...nt• (O<lnlV ot wllltlll THIRTY <II\'£ II Mrwd °" ~... 1 lfM before m~ • "1Dl•r't ,r·~IW!!'t Pulllic '" '""' •or ••Id SI•~ ~•llO<l•ll• Ycv 1t~ ~ nollflH !Ill! ""less l'OU -~•td Sll!rlllv 11~1er I. Octevltno ·~ fllf> • Wfllltfl '"PORIJvt •Jefdlnt. !!aid Rell'IC$0 11-n IO me la be Ille "~ •1&ln!lff wlh 1.U luc19""nl "91• 1ny -. nemes ere •ubolcrlbff 10 111• wlthln '°"nil'/ Ill' d•ll\6te• d<!t'114'nclf'<I !n lllf '°"'" lnttn.omenl encl •tkft0Wled9ff ltl~v ~• •111111 •• 1rl$111t1 UPlll' c:ot11rKI II!' will ecutm 1tit same •PPl'f' 10 Tiit it®rt 10< •n~ 01Mr rellef tOFFICl.\L Sl':.\Ll <k'm•na.ecl l~ flll' U>IT'•l•l"I IM•v t r 111 llo<lr n ' You may ~ tM Id¥!« ol '" •llO•llP'<' Nol•rv P~bllt C1ll!ornla ..., tn mltt~r mnrecll!d wllh '"'-cam. Pr111clp1! Otfltt In pl11n• of 11\ls "'"""""' S..c11 111Mn!'v Or•"'1• Coll'lty '"°"Id M tll,..,...lled wo!hln Ille !lm<1 llm I Mv C<>mll"'ls•l0<1 Export• 1tMe<:! 1n rhll 111mmoM for !llln' t *r11!~ Aorll t, 1911 p"10I"' lo tt.-CDmtlltlnT l'vbU"1\11(1 0 fl f>Ut (ff,I Otl!Y l'•lo! Oiled kp-ber l 1969 ~P!ftmb•• J. 1G. 11 1• lt6t 1611 6f 9v W E ST JOI-IN (l«t- !$E.\Ll LEGAL NOTICE llOIEtT I( DOWEii , •• ] l"IMfllllt Av.,u. Htw~rt .. ect, Call! T.-1 !THI '4t-5Ut Al!itrMV "" !""}Miff PvbllYiea o,.11at (NII 0111~ l>Ho! S•plember l. lL 11 ;i, lMt 10~0-6t NOTICE 0 .. tNTINTIOH TO f.HO.t.Of IN THI SALi 01' ALCO"OLIC llVllt.l.Gli:S LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 011..S Aug 1• lt•• OE .. .\llTMIHT 01' •UtLIC WOlll(S 01\llSION 01' MllOMWAl'S NOTl(I( TO COlolfltAClOllS ITf""" •• I ITEM COOE •111 ST~l( lt!(';l-IW<l,Y e NC.INEER S £Sl1MAIE UNIT 01' ll 'fM MEASUIUt lll CA1T IN ~ILLE O.HOLE ((m(A;flE lF l'ILE !SIGNAL f'OUNOATIONI ' MOal SIGH.\l S llllf» f)IT!NGUIS ... AflLE M(S~C.f_ StGN ~ MD1t" I l•t'' CONDUIT J llU'U 1" C~OUIT , .. ...,..... °""""* C.0.11 o.11y Pl~, s"'i.ml>!• a. 10, 1•u u " " " "'~TIMATEO 0U1.NTITY " }rioke a Sharp Deal; Use . . ' -DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lin es 3 Million Students Take Wlteel Con tract C ivcn ~llNNEAPOLIS (UPI) •foneywell, Inc, has obtained a S45 m1lhon Air Force con· tract to provide anti personnel 1funes and canisters LEGAL NO'flCB OtllV f'l!o!, 142•.ft Get the most on INSUREP SAVINGS! KEYSTONE SAVINGS AH~ \CM.H AS5«1,lll0f'ol '"Id ..,. c..i-. ~ 111..,r111 5 38'"" SHClll.SfUI • '"'I"'""' \ , .. ~""" "'"""--'•k /IUl•ll """"""' ,. """" ll/-ttitl""""'' -OVER THE COUNTER NASO llt1lng1 for Tuo1d1y, Soptomb... 2, I"' - MACCO EXECUTIVE PR Man Tomarkan Macco Gets PR Orief I \ • I ( • ) Prices-~mplete New York Along Broad Front J . NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices tell alonf a l)l'Oad front on the New York Stock Exchange Wochieaday in light turnover. l~llatlooary concern, U&bl money and Vietnam uncertainty pressured the JJJt molt of the aesalon, allhoo~h trading was suspended briefly during the noon .tibur because of a power failure ln dowrilown Manhatlan . Shortly before the close, the UPI marketwlde in- dicator was off 0.73 percent on 1,537 issues crossing the tape. There were 920 declines and 372 advances. The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip indus- trials showed a los s o! 2.84 at 834.!M. Volume of approi:imately 8.3 million shares was abput in line with Tuesday 's pace. Oils dominated the' most active Ust, with many: of these issues in retreat. OccidentaJ, down more than 3 Tuesday, continued to lose ground. The con- cern has considerable holdings in Libya which was taken over by a military group. The new regime meantime, has pledged that ''oil interests are safe.•1 Other heavily traded issues include Benguet, Atlantic Richfield. Natomas, American Telephone Goodyear, City Investing and Phillips Petroleum. Motors traded narrowly. Ford. a fractional mover, said it will drop its Falcon compact line at the end of the calendar year. · Copper shares also moved narrowly. Electronics ranged to more than a point lower, with most other stock groups also in retnat. Prices declined on the American Stock Ex- change in light turnover. ' DAILY PILOT Jf Stock ' Excha.nge List Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List 11 il ~ 1l ~,, I l l \ , Chooie • -C8reer ~C3refiilly . . A. -!loci' panie. You doo1 hive two beads. No one ca" 1egitimately aceuae yOU cit belnr a regular Rock ol Jello: Voc:aUonal maturity, like phyajeal and emotional maturity, oomt1 at different ages lo different people. However. since mol!lt of ua do spend four or five times.mote of our lives oo the job than we do in sctool -and by our carttr deci.9ons,. c,boose our futurt self -you've got a point. While you can certainly wait until later to make your specific selkUoo, you should start having a gena-al idea now. (Excelpti,ona : For sci~. eng1ne'erlng or medicine, you should take re- quired c o u r s e s throuihout high school,) ni. way , .. ·oo&WE'ITERS and get- ters do it ls to employ a sy!lematic •pproacll .to the puzzle rather than skidding in- to occ1.1paUooal mishap. But please keep in mind that regudlea of method, career ezploralioo is personal, and emotional u well as logical; nobody cana.(cr should) make these deciilkui for you -nor en. anyone gift you with a lailproof formula. A GOOD TlP. You need a launching pad ••• and Jt may -your decision power to lhlnt of career .selection as a three-stage vehicle: (1) Gathering enough cur- rent lnf<rmation about career options; material over three years old may be of Jillie value. -(1) Finding out a b o u t yourseU. Uke your needs, temperament, attitudes, ln- telligence-scbolastic and other llJliljudes, •biJitiel (developed apl!lud.,J. subject interests and physicaJ capacities. What values count foe you~ money, securi.fy1 the work setting, prestige, power, r~Uon, the freed<m to set your own pace, or come and go on your own bouni? (3) Matching stage one and stage two. DELP IN DISCOVERING more about you, and relating your potential for various careers can be had from your school couruelor. or by a private or nonprofit vocational counseling servjce in many commonities. (Check youi library for the latest edition of "Directory of Approved Counseling Agencies ," publish- ed by the American Personnel and Guidance Association.) HELP IN COU..ECTING oc- cupatinal knowledge is available from v a r i o u s sources. For example, you say a nunmber of vocations described in this column have appealed to you. Have you done anything about it ... do you follow up by writing for the material I mention "! Counselors have c a r e e r literature also-IF you'll take the time to seriously study it. When yoo find a career area which particularly grabs . you, spend some time at the library researching it further; go and talk with people in the field: try for a part-time or summer job which is somehow relJted. If yoo don't know a good many of the alternatives and the correct facts about each, how can you be sure you shouldn't ha v e "shopped" longer"! , MAJOR GOOF. Dr. C. R. Voigtel, director of placement and student aid, Stephen F. Austin State College, Teias, feds that the biggest mistake made in trying to decide on a caret!' is that students "limil their ""'!'< to klog...UOblishod vocational areas. S t u d e n t s need to be made aware of the job-potentials being created each day by advancing technology'" BECOME AWARE. Send for the free 31-page booklet, "Facing facts about choosing your llfe's wort," provided by • the Prudential In s urance Company. Drop ~ a postcard newaipaper. nus Dooi:let coo- l.aim uceUent pointers .and could help put an •nd to your .. , definlie maybe" problem. Send your suggestlona for future oolwnn IDpicl to Joyce ta1a. · C • re er Comer, c/o OAll>Y PILOT. Sorry, no mall mswren CM bejiven. Family Weekly Every Saturday 1 I Weil'1"'1Y· S.,\tm"" J, 191.' • I ~. Soptem&t ,, 1'169 •• PILOT·AOVDTISEl ~ • ~ .. 1'M It,. c-.. ...... ,, I I I c..Mr, c.w. e l)'tM M•slle It. •T..,-_.,....C:.... ,... ...... val; e 6q1WW •wt•flll .......... ,W .. P' '""' t • tup•••••••St.•W...,, •• w........-~•·• '11 tl1.....,111W•Cli •-•"-'~~····· e 111G ..... A••l1 I' l••1t11•a.,, ... c....,.,_•.&. e ....... ...,_ IMI llWlk_.• .... Sa lf""I c..tw, M.1 . -• J1lll-1Mdi ..... A ........ Hml ... aa ..... 1 • lf+'1 a •• ,,.._.• ,. .. o: ~ ? .. •"' ........ -. .,.. .. • , ..... _ ........... ,. ,s..A. ' e JJM H ...... IW. -H..., .. ,,... c.t., CW. 'M .. ~ J ~ "T ' •• ~...,.."', ....... ~ y .. .., • < ' ' . ' 19' lifelike Plastic t. . Bridge Playing ' New Fe1ll. Cards . FlowV. •Foliage 1 ·1~ ~!d-~J:t.:* ,.., -.......... o.: .... b>J . ··-w1;. cm~-,... . Nationally Advertised 52&'3 Rhinestone Jewelry • PU..•NeckMcu ......... §?-:1~97c rob J, topu. 11p- pbirt k 1.urora ~1onn th a t loolc doll•~ moie. 40-lnch Knoohola , Stude1t's Desk H ........ pa<o rial wW1ut pet• ~19 •antcrfiaUhtbat • 86 .;'"'"'""'"'" clamp doth. ia•• wide, 29" .hi1b. ...... 'SJJ"i jaluel 3 Pc. · Cor11ing }Yore Saucepan Sets 1·1'/i-1~ qt. s~ -.tith CorA Blue sg99 floral deaign_ Frtce, <oolc and M:ne in them! •.$7.ts v.1 .. 11y, Qt. $Sii ~w ... s.llC .... , Reg. 129 1 lz27'' Linoleum Sheets Top IJO.llitr .remnuts of fl.mOtls bu.od lino---........ ._ colon. :For 1hel•es, wofk tables. floor re- p.tin. '3" Value! Electric Teapot N<W hot mlon. Q>m. $299 plete with con!. For honie-, offict, 1chool- 1t Sl.00 SAYiogs. • $1.H .,.,., CtrmMr r..-.. "" r11rn swHED o• nwm , ... , Hand Blown a ue ru PROCESSING .A -Faultless Tlnykit Kodacolor Film Glass Pitchers Folding Syringe Developed & Printed ~~:! ;1th0i;e ~ $167 F~'TtDfkit"ira 99 17 Jewel · Watches s19 99 Pamed n1me1 J(N'U mow i4 autamWa, 'af-· ftlodan, ~rl:f ~ ~1 ~~ 12 Exposur• $297 J'OOtl 11t bii Thrifty pune 1iu. With C Roll uYin.a ! plutie pipe, n.ny li.-........................ lo!~i!'!''!'ll! .... !!'""!''!"" ... il ~ric• ;11dutla 6te for 4w•1,,.. JIO I Pl "' & "" ..... ""'"''' r.. '2" Scot·L LaLel Lanol n us H. H. Ayer's GOLDEN CHANCE 11e9•fi•af not print.ti. ~ U Juuo s11:1 6 Pc. Glass Set Creams & Lotions COLQR PRINTS 9nz.~lassddtc0t1ted ===.~· 68' ( M•lll• '"'"' 19, with copy of a famous $199 Ufl Y•ur Kodecolor u libtl from Scotch ==•l::.•tw·O.Crt N .. ..,.,. whislcy bottle, <:tJnnr. Wolk woader1 oo 119(• 6 Wlllff l'1itth le U.lion.picu! rskin!B 1114. $2fl King Edword , Imperial Cigars .A mc-rici ·, most lox of .SO popul~r 7c (igJc- Reg. '495 Pyrex 6-Cup Percolator 6 cup si:tt in Amma'a " Th•il<f• o;,. $269 count Puce! Get )'OUfS. "" ,,.., ,.,,_,_ $399 ct! Taste Uw: coffer-- not tbc pot ! Easr to dun. Hark off Quality Vodka QUART P1iccd even lo••er than our e1-ceyd1r low price $}.89. ~ 63' Salted Spanish Peanuts POUND 4f r_,h muted, nrw crop. No. l .q"9.lity. N c-w lhil'f'O(flt jo~t •r· ' rn .. wi..,,;~ S,.a.I Occe1i.11 ii~:!_, Ice Cream Hill .J.:. Gillon 591 •llllllMI . ._ ... ··-Ml1ltltllr""9n,tM T17 them ill i11clud· i~ rbt Fl"1'Cr nl the ~fonlh.Prnh Pncb. Horsman Loonie Ute Dolls $1'' ~qumr h1mm1 10 ~ Loon1c l1Ahl up. !1/1"' t 1 11 1h1uacn. llilttrics in• ,• 98!. Plastic Shoe Caddies ..,,_.... .. Hold 12 J:llir 2 o $1 shod, .. mp o c10$Ct Dtal. l '24' John-ee Jaby Carryalls Famous John.tr. - White pol~ .w.tlpla' $1 tl ball.\ plutic covertd ~d. ~djustl to <I po-s1r1an$. Wind-Up Plush Dancing Poodle $123 Cutt e" poodle d 1t1(tl "tourid ind 'round when .... ound -..1th kq. llmrr ~ r Bath Toile•ries Yoltf CMk:e 68' Only tt Thrifty! Gi!t pecb~ ~lb colftc· lion. Have 1 or 111· Falding Padded Bridge Chairs S m a s t plated stttl dair with comfonable $693 ~ed iett lnd back: covued in black vio7J. Limittd 1.imc ol"tr! '319 Enameled Toilet Seats Triple enameled, thip- resish.nt WQOd / rmt--$269 frtt nylon h•rd1'&tt. Oioietof pink; ~llow. wh ile. Silt buys! 49' ea. ·Stuart Hall ~ ' Din Hr Plit11 _•·DI~ 2i59~ Ma's Cotton 1 K•lt Shirts $2'8 UI 1tripeL Will aot shriak or -... ... o1 1hapt. S.M·L $2'' Boy's No-Ir• Western Jeans $199 )0% Fottrcl po l1uttt ind 'D% cotton. Cboitt of col• on. Sizes <4 lo r2. H=r d"17 111A 01:.denim. lady Wiishire Folding Slippers H,.d !-;,. $1 ti door4ltdoor ••th cmhioo. insoles, lx<b. 49111ieme Book and Paper 5 ""''•hon< book 37( in color choice plus <10 '1im: DOh::book. Girls' Nylon Panty Tights Selmleu with wide :.c;.,J1~ $14' lat mloa ill "' kl 14 ••• fD ttlm 'With fall outfits. Women's Jumpers fasbiooed of bood- cd <oloa:y n.yoo $2f It atttatc io IOlids or chttb. Sizes 8· '" Siuler Set Binder & Bag 10114 FOR. W<t Looi< '"''' $287 biodct wich matrh· ing Iott N~ i11 as- iuted colors. Boys' Quilted Nylon Jackets $498 Knee-Nigh Girls' Socks Solids and fancies in 1 •idc acltctioo. of latest 1tyln in top fall colon:. 6 to Ji. Reg. 391 to 491 School Needs 1 • , ·' ! <l r. 89' V•lue! lie School Special Westab Pattern Paper .... Seri .... ........... 371 -' P•ncll _ •.•... 49c fine point pm/ ' 1'«••dfom pou 3f .FREE. Snot mOft. COLORfl.IL.lY O[COllATtD NOT£ IOOK ~Al'CR. 1- l'Atlt o,-I Z, 49' lf~TI INCH SIZt , 7t1 Plmtfc 1t thlft }'Oii pii,.......t Thrifty I Pack of 21 Flower Pencils D«Or1!0t 1tyled f.mpitfl p:ncils in hot colors with flUC( lips. Penelray .... -Ught Bulbs 11~ ,o.1oow .. t Give vp • 1 aM • \; 1lsiet tti. ttf'\'icel I 9&<. Value! Personna SUPER STAINLESS INJECTOR BLADES ;rk 59e · ·-Protectors '7" Value! Sunbeam ILICTllC Alarm Clock $497 $;.oo sarinp oa • nitionallr 1cfw:rtiud Jtrc-Jmlin:td 1!1rm. PlCll If It Reg, 54' Pack of 200 FiHer Paper 3f ~.Mir wldt rul• or collep ns!e or wbi~ 1 trriins P'f>U· ' • ' .i ' . .. ,, I I j • ' s • s • ~ b ~ y • p ·valley VOL'.. 62, NO. 211, 7 SECTIONS", ·102 PAGES • ••• , .-"- oAMIAAN .,.~~~' J.OROAN ; ltO . M tt..R& MAP INDICATES WHERE PIKE LOST ll.ishop Pike Still Lost In Desert; Car Found JERUSALEM (UPIJ -Searchers have lound the automobile abandoned by James A. Pike, former Eptscopa.I Bishop of cautornia, who vanished Tuesday in the Judean Desert, ~lice said today. There was no trace of P*. A map belonging to the controversial 56-year-old churchman was cfucovered, near the car in which he and his third wife, Diane, 31, were riding on a drive from Bethlehem to the Dead Sea in IS'l'aelH>ccupied Jordan. Arab tribesmen joined hundreds Qf Israeli troops and police in Ole search for Pike. Helicopters whirled over the area, honey,combed with caves and dried stremi beds which make detect.ion from the air very difficult. Police said the car broke down and the couple began walking until Pike became exhausted and collapsed. f\1rs. Pike con- tinued on alone unlil 5he reached Bethlehem. The search for her husband was started immediately. ~fr.s. P.ike wt\s brougQt to Jena5'1em later aod was reported under sedation ti). day in a bOtel. A U.S. spok.esn:ian in Jerusalem said there wao; hope Pike migt;it ~ fOw>d ji.live aod speculated tha churcfunart could have crawled Into one of the. caves to ftnd a;he1te.r from the sun. The couple was spending a month in l.sraeJ to study origins of Chriltiantty. In Santa Barbara Pike's mother, Mn.. Pearl Chambers, said she upderstood "They'd given up hope for my IOl'I but 1 c:an't reconcile myself tO it. I'm hoping and praying I'll bear something mott." Mrs. Cbamben said her informa\,ion Was vague and had been relayed to her .u'I ,...,,,... DISAPP EARS IN HOL y LAND Bishop Jemes A. Pik• by her daughter·in·law"s famil y 1n San Jose. She said that after the ~ar broke down, Pike and his wife walked 13 houn to find heJp "be! m;y son collapsed and couldn't go any•furtber. She went on to find help and.evldenll1 did." . Beach Council Comes Up • With Lusk Re~oning Pl~ City councilmen Tuesday nilbt agreed nn a formula for the rezonina of a portion of the Lusk industrial development in ncrth Huntington Beacb Crom manufac- turing to residential cses. Passed by a 3 to 1 vote, wfth Mayor Jack Green opposing, the council decided to establish a one-to-aix ratio frrr the r,ewning of the property, They also stipulated th.at when SO per- cent of the development's industrial area is under cOnstrucUon, a zone change to allow the ne.J:t unit of apartments would be given "fa vorable consideration." The industrial-commercial comple1 is to be located on 352-acres south ol Bolsa Avenue and west of Springdale Street. , Developer John D. Lusk won a pro- tracted fight with the city planning com- mission and the City Council recently, when he: was allowed to construct some garden-type apartment unila in con-. junction with the industrial complex. apartm~ts u the lndurlrial property w., bel!lg developed. Tuelday nlght'1..qreement provided a •pOcUlc fonnula_for lbe procedure. . - Thailand· U.S. GI Tp1ks Open BANGKOK (AP) -Thailand and the United States opened formal ' talk:!! today on the "gradual reduction" of the 49,000 American servicemen staUoncd in ..Thailand. But the number of troops to be withdrawn was not discussed. Foreign Minister Thana"'Kboma:n1saSd aft.er the meeting '1hat ~ and U.S. Ambassador Leonard Unger dlsc\Wtd only ''political prlDCiples and the rela- tions between the two COllDtrles." Details of wltltdrawa'ls wll l be worked out at subsequent meetings, l)e said. The next is scheduled late ne1t Week. ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORl)llA WEONESDAY,.SEPTEMBEA 3,. 1969 ' Mexico Raked Dead Boy's Kil Te,lls , W reek Aftermath. A • By TERRY COVILLE Of "'-DallY l"i..t Staff • Carl KfeW>, 17, was a Huntin&ton Beal:h boy wbo wan~ only to build the best "1957 Chevy in Southern California." '111at dream was shattered Sunday in the exploding glass aDd metal of an iuto wreck 22 miles south of Ensenada, Baja . California. Carl died, and three passengers with him were severly injured lo a head-on collision on a road near La Bufadora, a scenic spot al the ocean. . ' The injured were Jim, Suey and Ed- 1vard Harden of Santa Ana, Carl'a rela- tives, with whom he was spending the Labor Day weekend in Ensenada. Jim, 14, auffered a badly cut hand. Edward, 15, suffered a broken leg and muJtlple cuts. Suzy, 17, lost an eye. The ·driver or the other car a Mexican citizen, also was killed, but two passengers in his car rec:eived only minor injuries. Witnesses said Ute Mexican car was speeding around a dangerous curve and its occupants were drinking. The Mexican police don'l say anything. Carl's father, Bernard C. K.redo, 63'2 1',alllngwater Drive, iJ a sheet metal worker. The loss of his only son was a severe blow. He's a bitter man now and declares ht 'II "never cross the border into Mexico agaw," after a series of incidents which, he says, nearly cost the lives of Edward and Suzy Harden. "I nearly had to pay a '2,000 ransom lo gel my son's body out of Mexico," he said angrily. "I was lucky to get help. But if you don't know someone, they'll take what they can gel." Carl was in Ensenada with hil sister. hl rs Robert Harden (her hwband is the brother of Jimmy, Edwar4 and SmvJ and lhe ~ pacezitLt :it.~l · t;'~· ' ' Carl 't.>as' drivfz11~rl: .. aW·~ car when the traJic accident occurred. The nightmare eontinued after the crash, according to Robert Harde.flt the dead youth'• brother·.in-law. Harde.ti talk- ed to two American witnesses to the ac- cident. '"When the police finally arrived," he New Douglas Contrac t M ea1ts 1,650 Job s • continued,' 11they took my brothers and sister to a filthy hospjtal in Erisenada. Carl died instan'tty in the crash. nj I "There •Were Oitt 'in1the· ~I IJld the' Mexican cloctbrs said Edfl111 and Suzy would die u·~ey'weren't ~Im~ mediately to sail Diego. 'Th• police 'there said, no,. they couldn't ·leave Ensenada untii TUesdiy. Ttie ~ said they would be dead by Ulen." ''Finallf a ietired Los A n g e I e s policeman-called San Diego for us," saJd Harden, "and the San· Diego police phon- ed back to Ense.nada and threatened to close the border pr something if they didn't allow tile injured to leave." "The Mexican police agreed, but war- ned us to return. The nm ambulance they brought ror the trip only carried one . . person. They brought another ...J It wai. like a 11.\5 bre~d truekf'' •·nie logging fiwy iOo1t on the lrlp nearly killed them/' added Harden, "and when the makeshift ambulaoee reached. Tijuana It bad a amall iccitlen\. Bilfthe driver JUst backed Up, and kept going tO University Hospital ln San Diego." "My dad bad to bring .Jlnuny-In his car, bec.auae the other. arbbulan:e was too small," Harden conUnued. Jimmy, Ed}Vard and Suxy are all in Ulliveraity HospUaJ, $an Dtego, in aerious, but improving condition. Meanwhile, Robert Harden has pro- mised to try .00, take the place oC Bernard Kredo's lost son. "He was going to enroll at Golden West College oext week," aald Kre<19. 2 Men, Boy p~e In Auto Mishaps A young: man cros.slng Pacific Coal!t llighway was struck by a car and killed t'&rly this morning In HwiUngton Beach. Arthur S. Arebello, 25, of 6613 Kelton View Drive, Pico ruvera, was dead at the scene, Hunting\on Beach Pollet said. The fatal accident occ:urred at 3:30 a.rn. on the beach highway a mile and a qu·arter west of ZSrd Street. Driver of the car, Jimmy R. Nichols, 21, ol Whittier. was not cited. Killed in another traf£1c accident late 14! ltGI Dutli Toll County TrlJlic 10 l"' Tuesday was Rldiii'd D. Jofuli-On, 25, ot 1149 Houston Street, Fullerton. He was dead on arrival' at 10:45 p.m. at Anaheim Ge.ntral H~ttal after rolling hil car tn Cypreu.. j 1 .J .);:a&~l~~8 ,l,.·~1fM<1A~,~~ . .' '. l , dfed'Tuesd'°";f ~mooin at'.l .. bn ~bpr Sched•~le Four H~twwhere·he wu t• al!Ubelnc ·. ~ struck by 1 car wbtle rldlq hll ~cle \ • 5atard1f. A coroner'• deP\lty uld lbe Public Hearmgs driver o1thecar .... 1i11chae1wu .... 11, of 1"4.1 ~ Slred, Midway Clly. ' Four public hearing s are on tap for the regular meet.lhg of the Fountain Valley Planning Comml~ion at 7:30 tonlghL The. flfJ\ hearlnJ Involves the prl!Cise plan for 27 industrial bulkllrtp proiiooed by Dunn PropertJea Corp. of Santa Ana. Tbe I:U\n request· would nearly double the number of bull~ngs exisUnl or plan· ned oo Fountain Valley's indUJtrlal land ..... near the Santa Ana River .at Talbert Fun Park Boss •• Wins l st Roilnd · With COuncilmen A $97 million contract awarded Tues-Avenue. A Huntinfton Beach fun Wk operator Tuesday nfgbt won blJ fight with the City Council over a cancrete slab, a temporary oUlce and watchman's quar- ters and two outhouses. day to the McDonnell D o u g I a s The other three requests represent wne Aatronautics CorporaUon of Huntington changes either to or from apartment zon- Beacb will provide work for 1,650 employes during ita peak, a c:o1npany spokesman said today, Awarded by the Marshall Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Adm1nistraUon (NASA), the con- tract wili provkle for the conversion of a Douglas-built S~B rocket into an earth orbital workshop. Larry Vitsky, assistant director of ex- ternal relt.tions of the Huntington Beach tinn, cauUooed, however, that the new contract wiU probably not add new employes. "We have planned this for some lime and it i:!I part or our employment forecast," he said. "We will probably draw our employes from the numbers already here. This will just help sustain employment. We foresee no need to hire new people for this pro- ject, we think." The contract will run through J·uly, 1972 ~nd will proYide NASA with the largest space craft to dale . ing. A plannin~ eopunluion-inltiated zone change, reducing an apartment zOne to a sing~: family, planned development (PD 7500) south of Sliter Avenue and about 1,000 feet wet of Euclid Street is one hearln&. Another heariml: Involves a switch from R·3 Jniecllum ilenslly apartments) to commercial ~esslonal zoolnc e,ast of Eoclld Stteel an1! 31 feet soulli of Wuner Avenue. The lut hearing ia a re<iuest far R-t (t.tgb denJil)' apartmenll) zonlng·on lbe northwest ·corner ~of Warner Avenue and Bushard Stnot. lf II currenUy rooed 11-2 <low dmiUy, mulllp~ family dweliln.!•). . Stoek Mcwkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market clOI~ lower today. with brokers .report.. Ing iome disappointment at Jts failure· to eollllnye the aill<ance tbal got under way !Ote Jut week. (Se< quotations, Pages 14-15). ' The Dow Janet industrial average of 2 p.m. waa off 3.76 at 134.01. Declines led advance1 by better than 500 issues. Jack Hanna, of Funinuters Inc .. aucceeded In convinclng lbe council members tllat these· facllltles remain located under a temporary permit at Beach Bou1evard and PacJnc COast H.Jghway for the operaUon of the "Sock- a-Tube." "' In gTanllng I CCllllinuan'°" of the per· rrtit, council members said the fUn zone created no detriment tO the «rnmunJty and was a definite bnprove,meut over the weed peldle! which bad been pow· Ing wild on. tbe ata!e.owned property before. Fun-Masten • Vlae-Preriident E. C. Bamea told council members th)it he wooJd further imprqve lbe •property, lncludln( planllal ol 1 lawn and lbruh- bery to bi.iu tlf)":tbe desolatt area. The ~ lllb on lbe pmperty Is used to pr,ovkle a track for the sliding and "•plDolnc velllcl" called "s<>ck·•· tuQe:s.' ' Clty plaruting eomml!SJOne.rs earlier denied the ·request for •a perm.it becluse the operators allqedly """'ed a lack of banlablp for running lbe amuaement facl)Jty on property zoned (Qt mldentlal He said the apartments were needed to provide living quarters for employes who would be attracted by the. new Unm set· tling ln the area. RelllClant tlf rezone precious industrial woperty to residential uses, the city told Lusk it would only rezone for the -Candidates Nights Set ui1b:e ."Sock.a-Tube" caU.kt conllpue to operate Wldor the temporary penrilt unlll ,1175, when the lnnd will be con· dernntd to make. room lcr the new Pa- clllc CoaR Freewa11" ~ _U.S. Vietnam su:ength ·Dips POWE R FA ILVRE SNAGS EXCHANGE Two Valley Grou ps Slate Public Meetings WMJlll!GTON fi\P) -U.8-mllltary NEW YORK (AP) -A power failure shut down tbe stock ticker and hat~ trading tor 33 minutes on the New York stooi Elchange Wednesday, an uchange 1poteaman said. The stoppage occurred at 12:28 p.m. EST u 1 138,000-volt feeder line tailed between COOlolldated Edbon's East ~ver station and a subalation, causing a voltage drop that aUected stock ei:cha.oge comput.en. Trading Wl:!I resumed st 1:05 p.m. ., Campaign exposure Is now available to all candidates and incumbents in Foun- tain V.Uey '1 Se.pl 23 reca11 decUon, with the announcement at two tcbeduled can- didates'· nights. At I p.111., Thurllday, in the community cenle!', the Fountain Valley Civic League w!ll sponaor a candJdates' 11libt, with in· vltaUons txtende<I to the e I g h t challengers and three Incumbent city ~uncihnen. Mrl. Jact Todd, president of the Clvia League. said all candidates have al'· ... ,____ __ -·- cepted Invitations, but Incwnbent Mayor rnvltalionl to caJl(lldatn have oot yet tlrtnitb ·ID Vietnam :JP:: kl a low of Robert Schwedtf::Jer would be in been mend-' lald Chamber Pml-IOl,IOO -'II ~ of A..,..., the S Th -~ Councllm .... Pentap ~ todlJ• acramento, u ay • ~N an CharlC4 Dison, 'l'\N'dlY ' nlllit. but the O!fJcWs nOUd the -th-end strength JO-'lepb Courreges hu declined. No word public will be welcome to hear live came as the administration IOO'""t to hu been received from Vice Mayor chi al ... Donald Freguu. she ,said. , minute 1petehe1 lr<>m each, follolfed by, 1 1 eve 1!'..:.~ ~ &ll,tlll! ¥" t( Viet' Courreges saJd TOeaday he would not que1111on and answer period nam by '1CJl'o 1. om)ali Bt1Uitlh in attend the Clvlc '_._,. ·~~ be<'ausc · J.U.: u-._ II.""" : ~~ · --', 1the.Dow.of.r"""-~.-Qd l*plt leoY. -.-·-"~' """'""''~"-L'""_,. .. ~•""m• "'' Ill Vlt~.wlll elUSl the llrollgtl\ f1IUi-e ""'" "wouldn 't he enough Interest In ~ 1 lh• ~'"'"'l>w; •lG Id ••.moctm~. and perlodlea'llt to 'IO bfloW or 1bov. lite and everything has already been ·nld." a ~1'111-the ..nu.. quilt-• 511.1100 level "1 o ·ltt lhou&and 1 The Chambt:r of Commerte tl!O an.-I . ticJl'IL.R r ' '• spokuman lald. ' nounced a candidates' night achedlllcd ror • SCll.,erdtre.,t and Coutre1C1 have On 'l\l<Jday the r-lovtl was·lit 1JOO 8 p.m., Sept. II at PQlllllaln. Valloy lllgh botb lndtc1'81 11"'1 plan to 1lltl)d the liild will 'probabJJ, bo dp 1iound 111:000 School. Chamber'• nl&fll next •eek.· .. • 1 I f I • ' TEN CENTS 1 Ul"ll ...... . ' REPORTEq N&~R DEATH• Viol"<!m'1 ffo Chi Ml ... Ho C'hi Minh Death Tales Spreading MOSCOW !UPI) -A report that Norlll- Vietnam President ffo,Cbi Minh hicf died spread throuJlh embassies and Soviet lno aUtutk>nt today. The North Vietnamese EmbaSSy said tt could not conf1rm the reports. Thm wa1 no official Soviet conllrmation. Since Ho's UinesS was officially an- nounced by Hanoi, and. North Vietnam embasslu here and in Mbtt ·capitals released tile ano,pWJcelnent, -it 'was> ex. pected lbe, 1l9vlet News ~~ Tus would, announce ~ . JlG.~eaNld f;otn- murllst leader's death ~as anl .J,, \t wu know.n oUJclally. • Flrif:'!'nl.ef1llO:t,j~~""= ··~ lbe· Mill 1''1i!Ol~-.~b;. declarlllon bl Viei.am•a indi~ from Franct. "President Ho Chi Wnb's condiUoa ts .... stable. Hta m...,, I;a devefop!Jig and 1omewbat graye, 1' 8aUJ a HaDoii. Bldio communique in Viet.n.amese at I: a.m. Hanoi. Ume. . ''Otir doctors are doing all they can to care for him," the broadcast aakt ••Oi.ir party and-state consider the tut ot-cur- in1.his illness as an1important and urr:ent lallk al present" Earlier reports Tue>day from lbe radio and !rom North Vietnamese diplomats in Paris ~ Ho bad been sick for "lhe put few weeks" and "professors and doctors have ~en administering to him day and Dight." The acraggly bearded Ho's latest reported public appetll'ance wu ·in F:ebruary during the Tet lunar new year relebraUons in HanoJ. Official photos of that occasion showed him smillna and dandng with ehlldren. He did not appear in independence d._y celebrations Tuesday. A Japan e s t rorrespondent reported from Hanoi tod&7 that all festil'IUe1, connected with the. oo- caslon had been cancele<I. A IUelong revolutionary, Ho founded the Communist party In Vietnam and led his Viet Minh to victory over France Jn 1954 in the Fre.nch·Inriochlna war, ending 70 year• of French colonial· rule. Lately hls cood1tions for peace i.D the Vietnam war centered annmd · tbe wllbdrawal from the war-zone of. all Alnerican troops, whom Hanoi ronsiderl "Invaders," "aggree90l'I... ind "im- perialists." Diplomatic ob.!erven In Saigon said It wa:: likely a,four-man council of Ho'• top aides· weie in control of the nation, with· (See HO cm MlNll, 1'111• !) Ce u& . Weatlaer · tr you Ui.ink Jt'I lime for a change in the weather picture, try mbvini , east. Hereabouta it'i .. the samt old &tory of middle 70 mer- cury .1.., the coast iJ)d 10 de' grees.,hottcr irllaod. i. INSIDE ' T ODAY ~1ami Nizon, the 1ingfno vol~ for D<bomh ,K.,,., Nqlall• Wood and Audrtv Hepbu~ 1tar1 HI· "Tiit SD'ff'd of • Mu.ric" t0AIC1r opnu i~ ~"1iue Bowl FritJo.wJ A.ft i11;Urnfpt ', tmth Ult "eune11'l ght11f'" appe:ar1 on Pape· 80, ·- • 2 DAILY PILOT " • ~o Hanoi Ch~ng • Seen :-• • ·' ., ·- •• -Policies to C-on~-A.ft.er Ho's Death ;.. WASHINGTON (AP) -IJ .S. onicials 'ioubl President Ho Qll Minh'• departuro : from the seat of power in Hanoi will -~ aoyi qu..\Ck change In North Viel· ·'um~ pl)lley on the war. ' fte'"facr-Hanol chose to announce its Yeteran leader, '11, Is gravely ill "'as .:ioJ<;,, lltre "! • tl&n Ills .-I.ales do not : jlpoct *',lo -~ : ~: lnfonriallon a•alltble lo Wuhlnrlon In-: ~•* Bo bas been •Ulna for l!IOl!llil ;.nc1 11111 otllfis aetually bavo btoe ,.. • 'ercJa1nJ Ille letclenhlp of North ~lelnlm. · Tllul )I 1eneraU1 lo ~e .. d lltre tbat lhaWd Ho p111 ft«n the ...... the otbera who have been eurcllin& power wlD cm- tlnue f<r the time btinl and Hanoi'I • ·~ will remain the aame on the bit· Ualloid 4'!d 'il Iha hrlo _. tabll. f ~Thi U.1. ·twetu1ttt1t -• Nwth Vtetnl!n't.,..J I ~unill ~~·er of Soulh . viein.m whlcb wiuld .Pllce Ille Soul.h under Hanol'1 control. Whither a struggle for PoW!ti wllhln North Vietnam will en.sue ii a matter or conJectur. amone u.s. experta. Some belleve the question of who will become prealdent alter Ho alfudy hes bee.rt worked out durlps ~ illneu and there Wiil be oo immediate .-ahiP !llhl . From the 1Wldpohlt of outward a.pearancea, a1-ye.ar--0ld T.on Dug .Tbanh. an elder statem1an of the Hanoi le&dersh.J.p group, Is believed likely lo iel'Ve in an interim capacity pendin& I eitetlon1 for the Dt~ lloweYW, hit ... lpptatl ioebilnOUt u an ac-- u· .. ~ader In the yeara ahead. ln aeneral, the men who have been wUh Ho for year1, and who aUU will be lrt positions ol power after hi! pualng are rated as stronely dedicated to the cause of a single Vietnam under theiP rule. The dealh of Ho u thtir widely known chieJ will, however, remove the eom. munista' single most popular personality In Vietnam. Even in Sooth Vietnam.. Ho h,u been wjdely respected in the palt, parUcularly by older Vielnamese, for what wu dee:Jn. ed to be hls patriollc devotion to the country. He was a leader against the French {olonialisl!. : Recall CandidatR Leads From Pare l HO CHI MINH • • ~(fraffic Light Delegation no changes expected in Ho'a war or peace pollclea. The dlplomat.s listed the foig-aides aa Premier Pham Van Dona, Deferue Minister Nguyen Vo GJap, Secretary General Le Duan oI the Communist party and Chairman Truona: Chlnh of the Na- tional Assembly. . . . . ::: About. a dOWJ retldenll, ~ by :Jiau! Gui.., 1 candldafe for the clly cwn- : Cit Jn Fcuntatn Valley'• ncall e1ectian. : Went befcn. the council Tueadly llllbt : i.om, fralfk l!ghta at the lnw-tlob : Ot Newhope street and Edlnitt Avenue. Parents and homeowners complained of the "danguous traffic" situation ex- isting there for achool children, and said &top signs on Newhope Street were ''jnadequate. '' "Relidents feel traffic 1ighls would selve the-problem," aaJd Guiao, who then offered two suggestions: -Jnstal! temporary iilgnals u n t l l permaneat llfi)>la are ready. -Place a policema.n on duty at the ln- teraectlon during the peak school traffic houn. · Marv Haglund, director of public : '1orks, told the audJence that Fountain • Valley has long recogni1ed the need for traffic U,ht.a at the interaecUon. He ex· , )>lained that the City of Santa Ana con· troll three of the comers and until ~recentJy has not been willing to help pay · 1M coot of inatalUng algnalo. · Guiao then suggested that Fountain Yalley "lake tbe lead, install the llgbU, . :.tabor Day Luau ::No Money Maker "Our Labor Day Luau Wll a IOcial auc- . cea and a fmandal failure." : . That'• the lamert. be!.nir; lllng \oday by • Yountaln Valley Kiwanis Club Pruldent • llton Mlm!fleld. ...: , "We drew about 500 to the luau." aays ··' Mansfield, happy over the activities and general community spirit evidenctd Mon· day, "but we just didn't make enough money to cover eipenses for food, and _ )lur special enterta.lninent." :::-"II.·~ luau goea bn next yelr, ·• ·:)!n!dicled Mwlleld, "the format wUI :~~vt to be Changed .u 'r,"' But Jn spite of the financial Jw, tht ·: au · aeeihed quJte ~tr and sue· : ...ruJ, added the Klwanb pr"ldmt. : ..,. A new ·event, the Fountain Valley Run· '1\ing and Jogging Championships, waa ad· : :decl to the ll!f. of luau entertainment. : ~ Winner of the five mile run for men : • 40 and older wu won by Willia : ~. 41, of Azusa. A Fountain : :Valley resident. George Payon, 20, toiot ; j-. ln lhe two>mfle nm . . . . . . . ; !fennis Lessons Set ~ In Valley Saturday : ~ Tennis leuons start In Fountain VaJley : :~turday, with nalstraUon at the city : ·~all cashier'• office or T'tCreation depart· • -'ID.ent, 10200 Slater Ave. : : Classes are open for intermediate, : ~ginning adult and beeinning children. : ?"ees range from J5 to $10. .. -.. ' DAILY PILOT Cll:ANOli COAST P\Jll t~ING (OMPAN't' Rob.ti N. Wttl Pre.-..1 W Pllllll ... r J•dr R. c11.1.1 Vk4I l'ruldollll •Ml ~r1 M•nl Jef ThtM•• K•t•il EttlOI' T .. on11t A. M111r, .. :n1 Moin""'9 l!tl or Albt•I W. 1,1,1 Al-"'11 l!dl .... Hntl"f'M htdl Offl&I lDt lilt Slrt•I M1lli11t A4drt1tr .P.O. 111 7,D, tlMI OtMt Ofnc" H1_. 1-11: 2111 Wnt 111t~1 htr••r• w i. Mew : uo w~·r ••r -'>••u1 ~ lt<l(ll: m "~i ""''"'' and let Santa Ana catch up by paying Jater." COuncibnan John Harper b 4 c k e d GUl.ao't point, adding, "We're lalklng about Fountain Valley chl.kiren here, not Santa. Ana.!' The council inlt.ructed City Manaier Jame' Neal to handle the problem, possibly with Immediate installation of a pl)llce patrol during school, and traffic light! in tbe near future. Controversial Beach SaunaBatli Gets Reprieve Ho's peace negotiators in Paris telephoned all major news agenclea; 1lmu1taneously Tuesday night to an- nounce his illnus. They refwed comment after reading an ofliclal communique. The llltement said: "Over the past few week!, Preaiderit Ho Chi Minh bu not betn well. Our party and ttate hu been con«nlrating all capabllitiea to care · lo:-him. A colleeUve of proft.SIOfl and docton hive been adminlsterlng to him day and night. \Ve hereby inform the population of his condition." Beach Official .Takes Swipe Huntington Beach's coriu-overalal Ex· ecutlve Salon Sauna wlll remain open lot 'At Paper Racks at least another two weeka until' city Councilmen can set another htarfng for a Councilman Ted Bartlett Tuesday night possible revocation of its business look a potshot at the Fourth &state, Ucense. d be The hearing wa.s originally scheduled saying something shoul done aboul for Tuesday but was poetponed at the re· HunUngton Beach newspaper rackt "to quest of the finn'• attorney who aald lt beautify them and bring them up to code." would be impos&lble for rum to attend the . . 5ept..J council aeaaion. He said he receive~ complamlll from Huntington Beach _police arrested three -·'downtown merchanta ind1cating .that the museuses April 16 at the 17tM Beach s~t aales racks we~e kept in dirty con- Boulevard sauna on charges of pro-dltion and cluttered 11dewalks. .Ulutloo. These were later dropped to T~e councilman wondered if an charge.s ol ,dilturbing the peace at West ordmance c~ld be drawn up to force the Orange County Municipal Court. rack~ on private property, but he was At the Sept. 15 session coundl members cautioned by Ci~ ~ttomey ~. Bonfa will a.1ao coo.sider n:voking the masseuse that Ibis wu a ' de~cate matter. . ,, permtb 1&sued to Patricta M. Shelton 27 "They are certainly a convemence, of 7791 Slater Ave.; Lol.s ;..e Masten: 21: Bonfa said. "There is the matter of the of IK>7 lltb St.· both of HuntJniton Beach First Amendment. We could be accused and Betty J. C'o;teUo, 19, of' L.<>ng Beach. of interfering with the freedom of the Assiatant CJty Administrator Brander press." Castle told cooncll members that Misses He added that present ordinances Shelton and LeMaJters indicated they would be examined to see whit could be \vould not seek renewal of their permits. done about tht problem. 'i . ' . ·- Wildlife DestroVed Its l•atl!ero hopelessly fouled, great blue heron i1 pulled from Grand River ntar Jackoon MJch. by Edward H. Bacon, blololfl•t for state Department of Natiiral Resources. Subrtance described" by olnclal1 as "gunk'' apparently has W:en loosed into river by a Jackson chem· ice! c:ompany. Material gripr so tlghUy It cannot be rubbed oH birds. This heron had to . be killed shortly oner t11ls picture wa1 taken Tuesday. UPI Ttlt"'91t Beauties on the Boardwalk Miss America PaJeant contestants from western states pose for photographer dunng stroll down famed boardwalk at Atlantic City, N.J. From left are Sheryl Hung Lan Lokelani Akaka, Karen Wastun , Kathleen EMis and Susan Anton. Supervisors Stall Plan OnSunsetChannel Work Bowing to the wishes o( Sunsel Beach property O\'fners, Orange County aupeni.wrs today pigeon-holed plans ror .an improvement district that would have financed the recon!truclion of worn out bulkheads along Slb'l.set Channel. The l'OUllty will assume a fl4,000 bill for engineering work done on the project IO far. At a hearing this morning, supervisors learned owners of property fronting on the channel a1ong Qayvtew Drive and Pacific Coot Highwa1 have had second thoughts alnce petltlorilhg tor the project two yean: aao. Cost is the principal reason. Orange County llarbor D I s t r I c t Eniineer Jim Ballinger sa.id 33 property owners now are oppost'd, 16 are in favor ., . ·a -sm= ~. and 13 did not respond to a survey. He recommended plans to form the district be dropped. Under the plan, bonds would have been sold lo dredge the channel and reconstruct the bulkhead with adjacent property owners paying orr the cost over JS years. Original esti1nalcs 11crC! P1a1 the work \rould cost $205 per front feet 1l'ith th! owner ol a 30·fool lot paying $8~ the first year and less each succeeding year dou'n to $440 the 15th year . However. a representallve or consulting engineers Voorheis, Trindle and Nelson Inc. of Westm inster said increases in construction CO.!lts ancl the higher money 1narket have upped the estimate to $255 per front foot. . . - Bomhs~last VC Jm1gles Near Bo1·de1~ SAIGON (AP)· -U.S. BSi bombert blasted up dense jungles near lhe Cam. bocfian border w~ Jn .. eUort lo •mu/' .. enem1 ·\brw 19 the pi;o•lnclal capital or 5o11& lie Ila inf!es ~otlh'!lsl of SafJOI)., ' . 1ha eipt-englne p!Jnes dump<ld oearly '75' tons·of bomba Qf1 an area within three miles cl. U., Ce.mbodll,n frootl~r, whlcll U.S. olfloers believe may conceal field headquarten of the .SUI Viet Coog DIY!slon. the dlviaion, totaling 8,000-10,000 me11 ol whOm 80 to 90 percent are .NortH Viel· namese, has: been ordered lo seize Song Be, according to allied intelligence reporta:. The bombers were called In after a forte of more than 1,000 South Viet- rwnue commandos, Jed by American Green Berets: w.ere forctd lo retreat. The allled forces which went into action Sunday after fluahing ao enemy base camp, hu lost at least ~ killed, 138 wounded and 1~ missing. Four Green Berets were reported wounded. The battlefield pounded by the B52s is 18 miles east of Song Be. U.~. ofOc:ers ex- pect Song Be, the nearby provincial rapital of An Loe and lhe district capitol of Loe Ntnh to come under renewed al· tacks this week. The attacks are expected lo be anolhtr highpoint of the Communist command 's fall campaign, launched Aug . II with at· tacb against 150 allied bases and towns across South Vietnam. Elsewhere, Associated Press reporter Peter Arnett reported from the field that eight Americans were killed when a helicopter of the U.S. Isl Air Cavalry Division was shot down \Vednesday 47 miles north of Saigon . The helicopter was !raveling from Quan Loi to the Bu Dop Special Force' can1p .,~:hen it was hit by enemy machine gun fire . 'fhe U.S. Command rcport~d only seven eMmy shellings of allied bases and town~ overnight, the lowest number since Aug. 5. U.S. casualties were reported as one killed and four wounded. The U.S. Command said JO enemy soldiers were killed Tuesday after U.S. Marine reconnaissance teams spolled more than 100 enemy soldiers on tha mo~-t in three groups 20 miles southwest of Da Nang. Ex-slave, 110, Dies SALE~!. N.J. (AP) -Alexander Tan. :ier. a former slave who said he was 110 } ears old and voted in every presidential election since 1880, died here Tuesday. Tanner gave 1859 as the year of his tllrth, somewhere near Lynchburg, v~. lie said that although he ~·as born Into slavery he had only dim memories of th• Civil War era. He said his only recol\ec· lion of the war was the sight of 50ldicrs going to and returning from battle. The PR-5 I 6 Is troly 1 watdl bolJt fOf the most rugged active w.r. lt shrugs oft the nn.1: severe jan tnd jolt... Even the deeply remstd crystal is armor-rimmed and reinfort:ed -Is •.-•• ti:t hazards of •allr. rooishn ud ea- tranu of beat or cold. Tbs nmlt is ~ecured with a special tens.ion ring. 1be hand~ a watcll dm. win share ..vy adveotur• wbelhcr yva. nee an. climb mmmtaim or spend • ltralUOIJS dq at tb6Qffiot. S.lf-w1nd1n; PA·.511 s-.w. Vi1 ~Cl11tt dil l. S11\~l11~" 11-1 w•lAl'OtOOI' (.•$!'. \.'.•Ii' G•ltld Tourla.rno f~~m; brac1le1 t-.....trim151 dlllut.•t llaot mo4lt.l1 lnr men 111d •Onlf':ll.o CO~NIENT TUMS IANKAMUICARD "4ASTER CHARGE •77.50 't• ln"f .. -~ e<Yl1£1 r•<f f'O'"'" ''' llll•cl. l39,95 ... ., •. J. C. _j./.umphrie11 'Jeweler llll NEW~ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 12 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE Hl.J<OI ' ·* VOL. 62, NO. 21 1, 7 SECTIONS, 102 PAGES OllAN6E cOUNTY, c;,4UFORNI>.. . ' ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM1$1 '3, lf6t ·-· 1xon oosts Auto Found • Pike Still Lost ·Jn Judea Desert JERUSALEM (UPI) -Searchers hive found the automobile abandoned by James A. Pike, former Episcopal Bishop of California, who vanisbed Tuesday in the Judean Desert, police said today. There was no trace or Pike. A map belonging to ~he controversial 56-year-old churchman was discovered near the car in which he and his third 'A'ife, Diane, 31, were riding on a drive frorn Bethlehem to the Dead Sea, in lsraeJi-OCCUpied Jordan. . . • I Arab tribesmen joined hundreds fl( Israeli troops and police in the search for Pike. Helicopters whirled over the area, honeycombed with caves and dried stream beds which make detection from the air very difficult. PRESIDENT HUDDLES Wll:H NANCY HANKS, HIS °CHOICE FOR ARTS COUNCIL CHAIRMANSHIP New Yorker Antlcip.tet Pr11id.ntta r S~pport to. Cope With 1Natlonal Cri1l1 in Art11 DISAPPEARS llf HOLY LAND litthop ~omoi A. Pik• • Council t<> Hear Land Slippage Report To1iight A geologic report. indicating areas -0r possible land slippage above lrvine Bowl is one of. 15 jtems on the Laguna Reach City Council agenda tonight. The report indicates tlult thert are several areas in the bill on the left aide of the open.air bowl which-eould tlide. 'lbe situation should be corrected, the report says. Cost estimates for tbt correction · have not been made. Jn addition, the council will consider: -Assessments for the Sleepy Hollow Park Avenue storm drain project. -A nuisance abatement ac\ion agilinst artist Paul Blaine Henrie in coonection with a partially built swimm~"at his 576 Temple Hills Drive r .-. 1 -An appeal by C. E. Siemoomia'.Ir<lm a planning commission variance-denial ror a proposed apartment along Ce!iarr \Vay and Cliff Drive. -An appeal from a planning com· mission denial for a p~ apartment to be built by Ernest Schroe<ler. -A request from the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club for about 13,IOO per year in additional funds for maintenance or the bowling greens. Fimds Alloted For Capo Flood Repair Project Funds have been made available for the repai'.r of bridges and sewer lines damaged by winter floods in San Juan 1 Capistrano. The grants in lieu ••ere approved by the Wea Coast office ol EmerJOllCY Preparedneu in Santa Ro68 after a delegation of city ofOcials outlined the extent ol damage and cost of. repairs. An original grant ol 141,000 had be<n made for conllrucUon of a new bridie on the north side of Camino Capistrano. 'nlis figure was revised to $91,000 after the delegation pointed out the cost ol repairln1 approaches, removing the old brldae :and 'constructing sldewalt.a. 'l:otal '°" ol con-c!ion wlll be 1337,IOO. The balance am be raised by the city. ne t){fl ce also approved $62,958 for the c.'OnSlruction d a new bridge on Ganado Road and '20,lM !or a concrete IW'face cross:tnr oo Oto Road. Th< ci\y has alrudy upended ~81.000 for the repair of sewers and el})ed.s to be rtlmbursed. A requell also was made for 75 ptrttnt advance on rcmaininc milcdlaneous repairs. " ' Pol.ice said the car broke down and the couple began walking until Pike became exhausted and collapsed. Mrs. Pike con. Clementean Leader tinued on alone until she reached M · G s # r. t • Bethlehem. The search for her husband ystery rou,p .~ ~r ing was started immediately. Mrs. Pike was brought to Jerusalem ~·r';IT~~:in~:::::0~: A. l/,e ff ~~cal~~C9 1JlPY!ig;o. the~ wu hOpe Pikemigtlt be found ali ve t 1 • · ' l and speculated the churchman could...have \, -_ .... __ crawled 1n1o Ool1 of ~ ean. to find • By TOM!BAJU.FlY t~rafll\ilO ~-among Uio ,y,..g'l ihelLer lf'om the 1UL IN J1141 ... p ijlf SMN lg~nat·A)l.n ~~I ~ in tbt The oouple WU •pending • month In County Supervisor Alton E. Allen today abiodarlaiol\I of Slit ~ !1<>1\1 to Ille Js{:els!:t.~~~=:Mrs. ~~s ::i:~~ rA::itr~= ~h~ ~~B~~a·~t~= Pearl Chambers, said she understood refuses "!or the time being" to idenUfy er of precious land to ~ Irvine Com· "They'd ctven up hope for my son W.t t the group controlling and financing . bis pany," and ~en's "llavonng of lrvl~ can 't rewncile myself to it I'm hoping campaign. Company. Mission Viejo and Laguna N1- and praying I'll hear something more." Anthony Tarantino, 451 ~lie Migu~I, guel Interests .?ver those of Orange Coun- Mrs. Chambers said her information demands the recall of the. Fifth District ty lal:payen. ' . was vague and had been relayed to her Supervisor for his alleged "failur e to There are nve other charges against by her daughter-ln·law's famQy ill San act. in the true public interest in many AUen in the rtlease issued on behalf of • vital 1ssuu." Tarantino. J':~ said that afler the car broke doWn, • The' astonished supervisor today lim- Plke and h1I wife walked 1s·bours to find ited hiJ re.action to one comment: "I am help "and my ,.. collapsed all1! couldn't surpr)sed since to the beat of my knowl· go any further. She went on to fmd help edge I d.::i not. recall ever having met or and eviaently did." di!cussed Orance COunty affain with Mr. Nazis Planned • To Bomb NY, Ex-Pilot Reveals MAIAIOE, Sweden (UPI) - A former German fest pilot saya AdoU !filler plan- ned to tend an experimental plane to bomb New York at the end of World War n but advancing American forces spoiled the ICbeme. Hans Pancherez, 55, once a test pilot for the German Junker alrcraft factory, told ol the plan Jn an lnWview with the. Social DemocraUc newspaper Arbetet. He said a new type of construction was used to build the plane which had six engines, could carry 93 tons of bomba, had.a range of 9,300 milei and,could hold 13,%00 gallons of fuel. Pancherez said the first prototype or the crart, called Junkers 390, was rtady in early 1944 and a aiccessful nonstop te!I: Oight was made between Germany and Cape Town, South Africa. Taranilno nor baa my office ever re- ceived any complaints from him by letter or olherwise." An hivestlgallon today by the DAILY Pllm dlscloRd thal FUlh District resi· dents are ~advised of Allen 's alleged dellcienci~ 't.hrOuah•a Mail campaign or-ganized by' Opin!on Research of Long Beach. Spokesman Rick Lahance said th e finn's account 1n the Allen recall is be- ing handled exclwiively by JoaMe Case. wife of Orange CoUnty public rtlaUons executive Stewart Case. ti ia11.n<)erstood that Mrs. Case has con- tacted·South 'Coast home owners with a view to orolllng them in the recall ac· Uon at· a fee of. $2 an hour. ~trs. CUe was not available for com· ment .today. It was the•aecond so<alled recall move- ment aga'iftlt Allen launched by a public relatlorui firm . Allen was a target about a year and ·one-haJf ago ol an announc~ recall canu>&Jgn by public're.JaUons lirm owner Chip. Cleary. It never &ot off the ground.'.Cleiry is public relations counseJ foi' Irvine f\anch heiress Joan Irvine. Snilth. . Case. 'alao has figured lo Orange Coun· ty pollUcs in. past campaips ..and once was deputy to lormer Orange County , State sfutator John A., Murdy, Jr. U.S. Vietnam Strength Dips WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. military strength in Vietnam dipped to. 1 low of 509,800 men at the ~of August, lhe Pentagon reported today. OflJciab noted. the month-end strength came as the administration sought to achieve it.I goal of 515,000 men in Vlet~ nam by Sept. 1. Normal fluctuations In the flow of replacements and people leav- ing Vietnam will c:auae lbe strength flg\p'e periodically lo io· l>e.low or above the 515,000 level by a few thouiand, a spokesman said. On Tuesday, the force level was $11~800 and will probably be up around 5l5·,ooo next week. • , SUiek Markets NEw•YOIUC {AP) -:rhe atock mark<! cloeed lowtr todiy, with brokers .report-;~ 'tome ·dl~lntm.nt at· 111 lallqre to cont,tnu!· ~advance that got uJ>der way liite 1¢ 'weft. (S.. quolitions, Pages. Jf.15). Tbe ~ Jona Jndustrlal average ol t "p,m, was off i.71 at au.02. Declines led advances b7 bitter Ulan :wM> i!aues. IJplifters Rising Up. Vi ejo Spoo f Group M·ay Not Q.uif:e. Make It By JACIC'a!APPELL Of .. ..., ,..., l taff The Lower SadcDebacik Vplirters are at it again. Al"'r a frightfully IOl!I pause, which came following lm!ral peuimisUc new11 releases, ("We need more members, our treasw;y ia low. w,·ve been thrown out 0( our meel.lng place.") two new news releesea poored Into the DAILY PlWI' olllce today. Th< Lower Saddleback U p I If I e rs As9oclaUon as ourly as aoyone !w l.etn ai>le·to llgun nut does'llolhillC tJut latue pros reJeuet -an idea perhaps "uplifted '" from the in1and Placentia Yach! Club. '!be spool l'OOP· beaded by the phan- lam Pl<sldenl Rulon Ru.oyon op<nta from a Mission Viejo poll olllce Im. Ho Chi Minh Deatl1 Rumors ' Sweep Mosco'v ~t~l\',(UPI) ":'((l~~~\lf\1fth i<Wl*l'l'!•lde~~f.11!~ 4iid spread, ~ii> embaaai<I ""\ l!J>vl!I' Jn. atttuUOM tcday. • -\ Tiie llorlb Vletna..-Embi&sy ..id lt c<Mlld .not Confirm lht ... port.. 1l1ere WU no official Soviet. confirmation.. -Since Ho's illness was officially an- nouneed by Hanoi, and Notlb Vietnam embassies here and in other rA'pftals released the announcement, i} was ex. ptpied the Sovi et News Agency Tass woold ann~tu1ce the 70-year~ld Com· munirt leader's death as soon aa It wa s known oUlclally. 1 Flrst word o( Ho's lllneu came Tues- 1'.lay on the 24th amilveraary ol his declaration of Vietnam's indeJ>en!ience Crom France. "President Ho Chi Minh's cqndWon is not stable. His illnesa: is developini 8!'ld scimewha.t grave," Aaid a Hanoi Radio communique in Vletnamese at J a.m. Hanoi time. .. Our doctors are doing all they can to care for him," the broadcast said. "Our party and slate consider the task of cur· ing his illness as an important and urgent task at pre.wit." Earlier reports Tuesday from the radlo and from North Vietnamese diplomats in Paris said Ho bad been lick for ''the past few wee.ks" and .. professors and doctors have been admln~lng lo him day and nlghl" The scrq:gtr bearded Ho's latest reported; public appearance wu in Februl/y during the Tel lunar new year celebratJoos In Hanoi. O(fiCJat pbolol• ot tbat occasion showed him smiling Ind dancing lwtth children. He did 11111 appear Jn lndepenilepc• day celebraUoril Ttiea&y •. A .I,_ a..p 1 o e1 e correal100ll'.i"r,oporte<l•!rom Hanoi today that a!Mesflyjtlei ~ wlU< the oc- casion bad· i.n C811C!led. • . A lllelollc'ievolutlonary, Ho fountl<d the Communlat party In Vietnam and led his Vlet Minh to victory over Franoe in· 1954 Jn the French-Inl)ocbinl '!'flt', eodlhg 70 year1 of Freoch ~5:mtal ntle- La"'ly Illa coodl!tooa for peace In the Vietnam war .centered l""'1ld the wlthdrawal from the 'l'•r zoDe cif-•·all American b'oop!I, whom Hanoi conal'l:Sers (lleo HO CBI MINH, Pap I) ' Lagtina Festival . . Jury. Nomin_ated SIJ; artlslii ho" ._, Mmbialed lot the 1970 .~ ~ jury of the .Featlval ol,AIU ol Latuno·~. 'NomlnalOd for modern 111:1 are Ken Knut...r, llolt Laney ·••1111111 Ella Wor· ren; llnd /or tradlllmlal, MorJde Ralla, 1.upe QllOwo"llld VJoCent.l'lrl'e11. Peotlnl ol •krtr "'!111)/lton and UlllOe· ....iur applJcutr..fao. tho .1181 ..,.,. will be .UClllle lo "'1le for two .modem •nd two tndltloo•llu~. pllll one alttmaln juror In uch ca~ .• Tiie FeClval ~of 1lit'o<lon will ldect thrto more pluo ooe alltmaln to complete ,the NVtl'H"ntAc~. J llallotr wm be -oat lo •llllbl• '1>lOn 1000. 111<1 • Rol>tr\ Lo-1, ~.,tival of ,Arts b~ ,....aer: TEN ~NTS -. .. · . .. ' . ' Woman Gets . U.S. Post ., ! On CUiture • By JEROMB F. tOW Ntf' °' .. Dttfr """ ..... Presidet1t ·Nl1on today noin.lnated Man- ey Ranq_ ol New York City u chltrmin ol the Nallonal ~ll on the AN. AJ>P9inlinent of the U • y uir • t I d Roci<!eller Brothen Fund execu!I" to !he post is expected to iOad to - federal aid for cultural p r o J t ct 1 ll!rouihoot the country. MW Hanks., an attracUye Duke · Uofvenlly trustee and career -· rntnt employ• since 1951, lold o preu -erence Jn San Clemente tlllo J11111111n1 that she, ia "in favtr of direct lederal grants to the art.I." The Arts Council adv~ the NatioDal Endowment for the Arts, which allocatet: federaJ funds for the theater, music. opera and var.Lous art media. The President, in announcing Mias Hanks:' nomination, emphasized: "The Endowment .seeks to uslat both public 8Jld. private cultural activities which would otherwia! ran .. below the margin of feasibility •.. "I shall hope to give leadership to thb; effort and urge the Congrw to <Jo the aame," Ni.xo~ uk(_.., ' · Miss IWtilixllcaled allnr a boll hour conference with the President that abe antli:li>a1'& 11"'11 admbiloltaUve backln1 to c:ope with what she called "a naUooal crllfs ln the artJ. H The Endowment now bu· 1 fund oC llOl'De $7 million. She hopes to get more. "SO many people lalk about pr!orltles in federal government upendJlurel, but tbe- need of the arts is so relatively 11DaD," she said. She noted lhat the Metropoiltan Opera b In IOllow finan<liil trouble becauae o! union prOblems and the nation'• five ma- jor orehealru.are ll) equallY. bad lhape. "There b no poailbllity reall)' ,ol clol; Ing the gap ~tween income and cost1;1 she sald, "'Jbe reason it that these arts are crafts. You Can't put them m a pro. ductioo line." MW HanU Is a magna cum laude ar1:duate of Du~e UnJveraity. Whi1e there ihe was president of the student eovern- ment. She is a long time acquaintance of Dr. Henry. Ki!singer, the President'• foreign affairs advisor. Tricia Returns • To San Clemente Tricia Nlxoo is back in San Clemente. Tht President's petite. blonde daughter new in from Washington Tuesday al- temoon. She will slay at the Nixon villa until the end of the First Family's vacation MOQo day, W""""WhJleilOu9e-"'1said. Her arrival 1Wll unpublic~. She 11 •reported to be fully rocovered from tho stomach aliment that had be< boopltalb- ed at Walter ~ Medical Center hi \'lasbingtoa for three· days last week. Ora age C:oas& Weatlaer If you think It's Un;ie for • change In the weather pJcture, try moving e¥.i-, Hereaboula It's the same old story of ollddJe 70 mer· cury aloni the coast and 10 de- greeg holler lnlan4. INS WE 'fODA l' MaT1d Ni%<m, tile riAgh1a oolct ll! Deborah Km, Nctalie Woixl and Audrcw ll1pbair.s&. 1tar1 f11 "Th~-isound o/ Murie," ·101Ljch OPfR.t In lni'in< B°"I Frfdcl~. A.t ........ 1... wjth th• "t1'n•f1'f gho1t" (Jj)Pt'ClTf on P<J(Je 30. :=. ~ :::..;. ~ ' Ci....,. .. fll, I_.. r d ~=:,..,~ 4t:U : ;:::.t":':. i: ~' . .,....,, ,, et_..i M ..... 1J•lt ~ -...C.. 11 Dr. ff-... II .,....,.... u , .... ~ ... ,. :J:?:.-: ,.J e . ..: ,.1. • ::-=... : :-:.:-;: ... .,:: ~UC.....11 -. . / ! OAILY PILOI ~ -WolntsW, -~I. lM • ~o ~Hanoi '{]bange·Seen , • ·: WASlllNGTOl'l (AP) -U.S. officials dollbL Ptatdent Ho Clll Mlnb's deputUI'< 1"1lll 0. ,..., ol powtr In Hanoi wUI :J>rlng uy "1!ck china• In N<irth Viet· nam•l.llGlk:!i .oo tbe war. .. Tl1t 11c1 ltanoi cbooe to announce Ila veteran 1eader, 11, is gravely Ill Wl1' taken here: aa a silt' his associates do not 'eipeiCl him to' 3Uivtve. ,. " lnfonnftlon ••~• io ll'uhln&ton h> .'llicslt!I' Ho !lb · allll)I rqr months and that' .U..1 aoltiiilly have bet~ U· <CrCllki& thO lwltrshljl ol NonhVittnom. Thlls it ,.....,.11y_.., believed here thal should Ho pa• from the scene, the other• who bav!: been exercising power will CM· tinue for the time being and l:lanoi's _policy will remain the same on the bat· • ,tllflOld ud al the Plllli-tallo. The U.S. &ofetf1Uttnt ·seu !aa North Vletoam'1 pl 1 Convn\u!Jl\.la~or o1 Sooth Vieln11111 wblcb wo\dil pl1i:< the South under-Hanoi'• eontrol. ' Whelhtr • struagle: for power wiUtln North Vietnam will ensue Is a matter of conjecture among U.S. experts. Some be.Ueve the question of who will become president after Ho alrtady has been worked 011t during hit Wooss and 'there will be no lmmedlate SllCCesscrshlp fight. From the standpoint cl · outward apearances, 81-yeaN>ld Ton Dug Thanh, an elder statesman of the Hanoi leadership group, il believed likely to serYt in an interlm capacity pending elao°""4 for ,Ille nUt ~ l!owe"6r, his 11e lppears to nlle him out as l.n ac· tlve•leader in the years ahead. ln general, the men who have been with Ho ror year:1 and who still will be in poJitlons of power after hla passing are rated as stroqa:ly dedicated to the cause ol a single Vietnam under their rule. 'the death of Ho as thelr widely known chief will, however, remove the Com· munl814' aingle most pcpu.lar personallly in Vietnam. 'Even in SOUth Vietnam, Ho has been widely rtspectr.ct in the 'P8St, particularly by older Vietnamese, for what wai deem~ ed to be his patriotic devotion to the country. He was a leader again:1t the French colonialist..s. Laguna's Tom Go.~man :·HO CHI MINH • • . :.Gets CSCF. Student Post 11invaders," "aggressors" and "im· 'pertlllsta." Diplomatic observers ln Salj;on said It t.. wu likely a four-man councU of Ho'• top aides were jn control of the naUon, with oo changes expected in Ho's war or peace poUclea. bAIL1' l'ILOT """ I'~ CAMPUS HIS BEAT L•guna's Gorm•n New Douglas : ,Contract Means J,650 Job s ·: . • · ' A '87 million coot:t&ci. awarded Tue!- day to the McDonnell Dou a I a s Astronautlc1 CorporaUon of Huntington ~ will provide work for \,650 ~mploj,s :11.usln& ib peak; a company ~ijrum.1ald10day. i· Awataeci by the 1ifarshlU Space FUght X:.~." o( !lie' Natl"!'l1 Aii:onauuc! and ~ '""'mlnl.slratloo (NASA), the con- ~ will provide far the conversion of a l>ougla1-built 54-B rocket Into an tarth lorbitaI WOrkshop. ~ Larry Vi\.!ky, assistant director of ex. ::temal rtlationa of the Huntington Beach :tlrm. cautioned, boweYer, that the new ;contract wUI prOblbly not add TIC\V ;em~. ~ "We have plaMed this (or some. time :and it is part of our employment :.forecast," he :1aid. :-"\Ve will probably draw our employe~ ~m the oumben already here. This will lust hetp.wstatn employment. We foresee :Tio need to hire new people for this pro- :Ject, we think.'' :.: The contract will run through July, 1972 •Ind wiU provide NASA with the larges~ :tipace craft to date . . .-~~~~~~~~~~~-· DAI i Y I'll ()I OtiNO~ C°""1 l'Ull QttlN9 C:O.V..il't l•krt "· W•M ............ ~ J•ck L Oi,Jey Ylcit l't...-r.t MMI a.er .. MMlrw T\•lfl•s IJCMl'il -. . ...... " ' ·. . ' n. .... ,.. ... , •• -·-Ne\·~ P. N•ll ---,.,. llllttr ---tlZ F.r .. t A ... Mtnt~I Mll1n1t 1.0. l•1 Ill. tl61t --Calll .._., • *"" '" '""-' """"' 9M<tl' DU .,..... ......... ...._. ,.....,.. -..r11: • "' .... ... Laguna Beach's Tan Gonnan has been appointed new• dlredor of the Aaaoclated Studmts at Cllllomla Stato eoue1•, Fullerlon, the younaest man appointed to the pOet in campus hlsiory. The 11·ym-dd freshman baa more than two ytars' experience in newspapu . work, including 15 months as a DAILY PILCYI' ltafl writer. Announcemmt of Gorman's salaried position wu made by Wllllam G. Pollock, Alloclated Student! admini!tratat at the north Oranae County coUe1e camp!.11. Garman, Ibo ol Mr. and Mn. Howard Gorman. of lfll TempJ.e Hilla Drlve, wtll allo act u preu secretary to AS9. Preli· dent Robe.rt S&ndov1l. 'nie 11&1 \,quna Bettl1' llllh Scbool graduate !ler\'etl u UIQCilted students public relaUoas 4)fector .., the /,rt Colony campus. ,The was editor of the Laguna Beach News·Post Teenpa1e section during his junior year of high achoo), when he first entered the· field ot journallsm. The cHplopiata listed the four aides u ~emler Pham Van 'Don&, Defense Minister Nguyen Vo Glap, Secretary General I.Cl Duan of the ComJ?ll.lnilt party . and Chairman TruoJ1I Chlnh of the Na· tional Aa&embly • Ho's peace ne10Uator1 in Paris t<Jeph>ned all major .. ,.. 11encles simultaneously Tuesday . ol&bt to an· nounce his lllnes1. They refuaed comment after·readini an official commwlique. The· statement said: "Over the past few weeks, Pl'<&ldenl Ho Chi Minh bu not been well. Our party and atate has been concentraUng all capabJUtle1 to care fo: hbn. A collective of professon: and doctors have been administering to him day and nlaht. We hertby Inform the populaUon ol his condition." There had been reports circulating in Vleslern Diplomatic circles in Saigon that Ho, a heavy smoker, was ailing. They could not be conflrmed. U.S. Affluence Too Mucl1; Ford to Drop Falco11 Lin e MONTAUK. N.Y. (AP) -The Ford Motor Co., notinl that "affluence iJ all about Ul." announced today It will drop Its compact Falcon Une. Tbt Falcon Jl<OC(uctton lint. Ford said, will be coovtt\ed to the popular Ataverick. Ford abo &aid, without further ex· planatlon, tha.t e.arly in 1170, the Falcon name will be on a new car, to be an· noUnced later. There ha.s been .specula· Uon thal Ford will in~uce a car to compet. cltrOdly with the vo!Uwipn. The declsion Oil Ult Falcon, rurhorfd recenuy, was Contained in a speech p~partd by JOl'Lo Naujht9o, v.ice ~i· dent of the Ford Motor Co. and general minager of the Ford Di~on, for ~ gews coi'lference Jn which Ford Unvdled tlie company's 1970 models. The new models exhibit a lrend towards longer and lower line! and · emph1:1ia on• what Ford calll!I it.5 in· tarmedlate can. "AfOuence ls all about ua," Naughton said, "and that arnUence is having a powerful impact. on aulomobile makers who must stay ahead o( changing trends. "A.s income hu risen, so has the de.sire and demand for luxury cars and the top- of ·thc·line series." Naughton said 1970 could be the year when cars of lhtermediate slz.e out.sell the .standard.&ud earl! for the fir.st time in automotive history. Rape;~laying . Suspect In Lerer Plea · NEW YORI{ (UP!) - A mar ac;cused in the Oct. '1987 rape-ala)1ng o sodalite Linda Fllipatrlek and the mutder of her boyfriend in an East Vlllake tenement basement pleaded guilty to a lester charge of flr1il degree manslaughter in Manh1ttan Supreme Court Tuesday •. Beautle1 on t he Boardwa~k i1iss America Pageant cqntestants from western states pose for pholograpber during stroll down lamed boardwalk al AllanU~ City, N,J. From Jell 1ro Sheeyl Hunf Lan Lokelani Akaka, Karen W13Jun, Kathleen Ennig and'Susan Anton. DAILY l'ILOT lt•ff "Mtf FAMED GREETER F EELING FINE AT 79 On Laguna Strfft Corntr1, A Cr•ativt Look Eiler Just Fine Greeter K eeps B usy at 79 By JACK CHAPPELL Of IM O.ltT PHii ll•ll To many people, Eiler Larsen is Laguna Beach. Brandishing his gnarled cane, the red· jacketed Laguna Gree~ is on duty mosl every day greeting at one of the busy Laguna street corners. "I don't have to say a word , just have to move my eyes." said Larsen explain· ing lhe fine arl of greeling. "My look is so crcali\•e. that they sm!le. 1 jus t concentrate my look on tht!m and they laugh tG beat the band. "'Vhen people tal k of Laguna. they say: 'You kno1v, that place where that long· haired fellow grect.s people,' " Larsen said. The i9-ycar-old Larsen has made a career of greeling and he's perhaps the only man in the world v.·ho carries as ;i business card a full color posl card of himself. For years, the (.;reeler's hearty \•oicr boomed oul a "Hellooooo" acros& Laguna thoroughfares as passing motorlsls 1verc Er ika ~l aun, 64, Dies ZURICH. SWltzerland (APl -Erik;i tt1ann, eldest daughter of Nobel Prize winning author Thomas Mann, died In Zurich Cantonal Hospital la st Wednesday after an operation. it was announced Tuesday night. She was 64. -- oUicially greeted. Now, the "Hellooooo"' is subdued and a cocked index finger and the "look" suf· fice. "What you are. speaks so loud,'' Larsen said, quoting from Emerson. Larsen has been in Laguna Beach for "about 30 years." lie has tra\'e\ed thoroughout the U.S. and lo his nativ e Denmark . "[must be the most photographed man In United States and Scandinavia," he said. Larsen, who sports long locks and a flowing full beard, ha.! been the iubject of countJe.51 portraits and statues. Aside from greetlng. Larsen plans to branch out to fields of story telling for small children and perhaps a stint as a Santa Claus for a Garden Grove group. Later this month, the Greeter will go to Solvang. a Danish community near Santa Barbara for a Danish Festival. But Laguna. where citizens ha11e set up 11 special Eiler Larsen Fund, \\'ill alw,:iys be hon1e. Larsen lives at th e Hotel L.aguna in a room provided at a special rate. Meals are provided by several city restauranl.3. . The Laguria Greeter Is now in "ex· cellenl" health, bothered only by a swollen right leg . Several years ago, he suffered a stroke and v.·as ho.!lpitalized. "When l was jn hospital, I got several hundred letters, but I don't get so many now. They said, 'We miss you, town has not been the same,'" La1'en :1aid. ---- ,,._ Mission T,~~l Viejo Hig~ ~ets " Frosh Orientation ' MISSION VIEJO ~ Nelf atuaents \J'ill find out what 1t's like to attend Miliion Viejo Hl!h School during feshman 'brit!n· tatlon Friday. The day's activities will begin at 9:45 in the multipurpose room and will include introduction of faculty, administrators and student · leader:1, a visit t o classrooms, aod a perusal of, the actwors rules and regulaUom1 Additional Information ean be obtalnctl by calling the school al 837·7122. ' e 'J'rnst~er t o Meet tRVINE -A moetinl of. th< bo,1rd of trustees or San Joaquin School District will be hekf tonigbt at 7 o'clock in Irvine school, 14736 Southwest Sand Canyon Avenue , East Irvine. ' New school cOMt.ruction, the repair cf :1Jopes. aod the leasing of mobile clasm:ioms are among agenda lten1s to be discussed. e Swim Te111n Wind IJp LAKE FOREST -The Lake Forest swlm team will wind up il.3 successful year with a banquet this Saturday lo honor team members. The activity will take place at 6:00 p.m. at the Beach and Tennis Club. Trophies will be awarded to outstanding members. Special guest.3 invited are Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bob Figuera, Mr. and Mrs. B;uce Jenkins and Don Edgemon. Mrs. Gerald Frafer is in clw&e of tht banquet arran1emenl3 and Ml'!I. William Wlbon is in charge of trophies. The swim team will re!ume activitic~ In March. / e 'Patterns' Par ade MISSION VIEJO -Members of the Mission Viejo Women's Club have faslr ioned a special meeting for Tue!lday, September ~. Patterns on Parade will be the theme of the 8:00 p.m. meeting at the Mluion Viejo Swim and Racquet Club. During the fuhion show garment., made by members will be modeled . Prizes will be awarded. lleagau P lans Ac tion On Over 90 Measures SACRAMENTO (UPT) -G-Ov. Ronald Reagan, returning to the capitol after a three-week w,:irkinl vacation, said toda y he will silfl or veto more than 90 bills before lea ving for Manila on Friday. The measures from the 1969 regular session of the legislahue must receive action by Reagan before Monday or they go into effecL automallcally. = The PR-516 is tt\lly a watch 'boilt !or the moat rugged active ww. 1t shrugs oft the most 1evtte jus l.ftd jolts. Even the deeply recessed crystal is armor·rimmed ed -.... " iq,..lau .. hazards ol weer, moismr. NU! ~· CONYENIENT TUMS IANKAMUICARD ~ASTER CHARGE ( secured with a ~pecial trcmes of beat or cold. Tl» nmlt ii a lP'alc:h tbat will lhtre nay advaiturt ~ether yoa nee can, elimb moan Wm or spend ten!.ion riDg. The handsomt ••-us llaJ a1 lllo ol!ice. S.~rt0PJM:!l&eaW. Vl•od•1• cll•I. SUlnl••-' t t,e! w•tt 1nrccf' ~•1e. Wltn G1•nd TOllrlll'll'l r•~ing b11c.l~t 1 •77.50 '''leftftt,,..., ""'91•1 '"d ~..,.,.,.. brlf</. ""--• .:lifltnll; l1ll6t .... forRH•dd'---. 139.95 .. ,.,., J . C. fiumphried 'Jeweler \ I t!l N!WPORI AVENUE COSTA MESA - 22 YlARS SAME LOCATION PHONE Slf.J401 • • • ' • • • C~eeping . • Into Texas Anihelln Wildlife breod,er Tod d Leulhold lod9 had readied Austin, Tex:, with ht(carto of erotic cats, bow1d fOf a~ new file Ju Florida Ind IUll pllJUed by a lealt)' radl1tw. Mr1. Dci<otby L<uthokl, ·remaining behind at t.belr elosed-down House of Martu, l'ZI Red Gum St., Hid he Is only traveUng m miles per day in their crip. pied IMt truck. ' 'f'T'Oubtes rtlJlaln on the home frcnt, hGWever, alnce Mrs. Leuthold is virtually d~tu1' as tM result of troubles which have, hOu:nded' lbeir cat business .for the past few months. "ll leem,J SU'qe with all the money probated for welfare that no one knows who can help l;1J out,'' ihe,~d bitterly. Ji'orced to Close down their cat boarding ;i,nd.,...breedlog business. du.e to county restric:Uoos, the Leuthold• planned to relocate in Florida, but Sl'!veral rare, ex- pensive animals have di!d en route. - Giant 'tight Show Le14Jhold W,llS flnt Strande<: in Beau.. mont. then, in El Centro, where , desert heat bad a brutal effect on the cargo or 50 cag(!d rare and domestic felines . Air Force Mi nuteman II launched from Vanden· berg Air Force Base near. Lorytpoc was the. so'urc~ this spectacuJar light show vis1}:lle from the Or!lng,e Coast Tuesday evening. fliissile was Jaunched by Straiegic Air Conunand combat crew from Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D. It was reported on fob.rse down Air Force Western Test Range. Wind p,µshed contrails into crazy-quilt pattern. Supervisors Snap ' At Hospital Man , 25 , Killed . While C1·ossing · COast Highway A young man crossing Pacific Coast Highway was struck by a car and killed early this morning in Huntington Beach. Arthur S. Arebello, 15, of 6613 Kelton \'icw Drive, P_itD ruvera, was dead at-the .cene, Huntington Beach police said. The fatal accident occurred at 3:30 a.m. on the beat'h highway a mile and a quarter west of 23rd Street. Driver of the car, Jimmy R. Nichols, 21, of \Vhlttier, was not cited. K.illed in another traffic accident late 14!' 1969 Death ToU County Traffic 143 INS • Tuesday was Richard D. Johnson, 25, or 1849 Houston Street. Fullerton. He was flead on arrival at 1D:i5 p.m. at Anaheim .. General Hospital arter rolling his car in Cypre?Ss. Sfven-year-old Kent W. Robbins. <Jf 10646 Frances'1'.Avenue,, d8rd~? Grq\te, died Tuesdtiy afternoon at Palm 'Harbor }lospital where' he was taken ~ter being struck by a car while riding his bicycle Saturday. A coroner's deputy said the ·driver of lhe car was flfichael Wilson, 17, of 14641 Purdy Street, Midway City. U.N. to Hcnew Effort SEOUL (UPI\ -The United Nations command \\'ill make anOther effort Thursday to secure the release of the thrti! U.S. soldie rs whose unarmt:;d helicopter was shot dOwn. over rioi1h Korea last month, ofOclals said todliy. • Joan .. . U.S. Bombers Hit Jungles To Halt Cambodia Threat Over Lost Teeth Misslng teeth are tak1ng a bite out of co1.1nty I.ax funds. Orange County Supervisors Tul!!sday approved payment of a $420 claim 'for dentures lost at Orange County Medical Center, ooi not befort they snapped at the hospjtal stafr. Quiet Mom,en.t •!; ' ' ... George Edgerton of Newport Beach 'Pul(.cares of the-~y behi!ld-)#t>. as he concentrates on his line While surf ,fishing in latt glow of. na sinking toward horizon . ;"<f, Fra11celia Hits,:Honduras SAlGON (AP) -U.S. 8S2 bombers blasted up dense jungles near the Cam- bodian border Wednesday in an effort to smash an enemy lhreat to the provincial capital of Song Be 85 miles northeast or Saigon . The eight~ngine planes dumped nearly 7S • lllns of bombs on an area within three miles o~ the Cambodian frontier. which U.S. officers believe may conceal field headquarters of the Sth Viet C.ong Division. The division. totaling 8,000·10,000 men or \\•horn 80 to 90 percent are North Viet· namese, has been ordered to seize Soog Be, according ·to allied int.elligence reports . The bombers were called in a(ter a force of more than 1,000 South Viel· narnest commandos, led by American Green Beret.s:, were forced to retreat. The allied force;> which went. into action Sunday 'after flushing an enemy ·base camp. has lost at least 30 killed. 138 wounded and 17 missing. Four Green Berets wei:e reported wounded. The ba\Uetield pounded by the 8525 is 18 miles east or Song Be. U.S. officers ex· peel. Song Be, the nearby provincial capital of An Loe and the district capital of Loe Ninh to come uoder renewed at- tacks lhts week. The attacks are expected to .be another highpoint of the Communist , Q>mroand's fall c.ampaign, launched Aug. ll wlth al· 'tacks ag!linsl 1~ allied bases fl1d' towns acrQss South Vietnam. . . Elsewliere. Associated Press reporter ·Peter ;\tllctt reported from the,Jifl:ld that .eig~t -Am~rkans v.·ere ,ltiD~ Wheo a I helicopter of the U.S. lst Air Cavalry Division wu ·s00t down Wednesday f7 miles north of Saigon. The helicopter was 1raveling from Quan Loi to the Bu Dop Special Forres camp when lt was hit by enemy machine gun fire. The U.S. Command reported only seven enemy sheliings of allied bases and towns overnight, the lowest number since Aug. S. U.S. casualties were reported as one killed and four wounded. TI1e U.S. Command said 30 enemy soldiers were killed Tuesday after U.S. Marine reconnaissance teams spotted more than 100 enemy soldiers on the mo,.~ in three groups 20 miles southwest of Da Nang. · Noting that Utis is the second case or k>st false teeth in three weeks, supervisors directed h o s p i t a I ad· m~n1stralors to establish tighter controls OVfr patients' personal belongings. "We can't be buying teeth every cou ple or weeks." said Supervisor Davi~ Baker. A medical center spokesman said the tcelh were lost when they were raked in· to linens during bed chaQging. As 4,000 Vlee Hurricane • TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) ·-nearly 4,000 persons were evacuated to Hurricane Francella remained stationary San Pedro Sula. today in the Gull of Honduras but! ill HigtiWays to the coast were severed. .rtroog windJ and heavy n ins lasbe<tthe Electric power installations w1er I coast, )ruling several persons a.nd causing destroyed. Banana crops were also hit. P S 11 Off severe damage. Raiqs fell in mosl or Honduras, causing ClCI' C CJ'S . ers Francelia was reporled between British rloods. The capital. Te~igalpa, aaw G I lm · h some of ilS slum areas m I.he low part.I I>cwa1·d 1'n Tate Case Honduras and u~letna '· a ost "'-' 0 ol the city Oooded by the:roo Grande anil .\. middk •Of a coutal triangle' formed by GuaC'ecique. LONDON <UPI) -Actor Peter Sellers parb of Honduras, Guatemala and On the Guatemalan side of the coast, . British Honduras. saKI \Vedncsday he and several friends Puer\o Barrios was .hit by stronc wiq,41 had offered a $25,000 reward for in· As she approached land Tuesday night and rains, but IL· suffered little' dirriag!. ronnau9n on the murder of actress lhe hurricane sent strong winds into Hon· The government maintained precau. Coast Develop~ Sharon Tate. duras nea r Puerto Cortez and La Celba tiooary measures in the area Ind '-' "Sorp.eoM mus\ have knowledge or and Puerto Tela and the Bahia lslands. evacuated 400 persons from u11 low · ' · suspictons' lhey are withholding or. ma y The winds and raJn combln~iwjth)l).foot coastal lands. 'Me y Pill' be afra1d to reveal," Seller said. "Some· w1v,tt caustd serlous d1111age on Rbat.an In a telephone conversalion,. a British lll0 f ooe m u s \ have sefn ~ blood-soaked Island, whe.~ several dead and injured Honduras spokeslhau Said "BeJ.ia baa not clothing, the knife. the gi.m, the getaway were reported. been allected by the Hurric.an_e. Tbete LOS ANGEL~ (AP) - A professor of car. Someone must be able to help," he Damage also was reported In La Ceiba were heavy rains aklig the co,ast IOUth of chemistry says he's got the perfecL idea said in a press statement.., and Puerto Cortez along the coast where Beµu Tuesday. to help university student.s to retain-------------------------------------------things like history dates and math equa- tions -a memory pill. Dr. Wendell Jolley of Loma Linda University showed off the memory· enhancing f>Ui, called Ribamino l, at a Tuesday news con!t.rence. Tbe drug, which he said stimu!ales pre>- tehl 1ynlhesi11 In the brain, was developed over five years al a cost of several million dollars. reported International ChemK:al and Nuclear Corp. of Newport Beach. Tries ' ' ~gain Irvine Heiress Takks Steps "' io Halt Preserve Status $64.69!. • By THO~IAS FORTUNE Of tM o.t!IT l>lltl Slaff Legal action to prevent County Assessor Andrw J. Hinshaw from revalu· ing Irvine Company lands . ~ an agricultural preserve has been 1ilcd by Joan Irvine Smith. The ever·batlling _heiress· has named 1-iinshaw as an additional defendant in an earlier-Hied stockholder's derivative ac· tiQn;1gaiil$L Irvine-Company officials uid county supervisors. · Hinshaw Usually Is an ally of Mrs. Smii.h in her feuds with the Irvine go'vacning board. Namirig him a delcn· dant ls a new lack .. A.., the heiress' public relations agent Chtp Cleary explains it, H~aw has lo be made part ol the action to legally en- join him from doing SUP.f.rvisors' bidding. Hinshaw says his office to· date ha! been too busy to reappr.ai!e agrlcuJture preserve lands. The ac!ion filed in U.S. I District cOurt, Los 1Angeles, is to make sure he doesn't do so. ~tr.;. Smilh ls the Jar§!st minority sl~kholcter In the trvlne Company and tlas an evident interest In maxiflllzing in· come from her assets. She contencle the agriculture pt'ese.rve agreed to hf county supt:rvi.sors and the lrvine ' Company directOrs "constitutes the fraudulent wasting and devatuation of the assets of the corporaUon.". Of the 49,253 acres given protected. tu status, she charges, only about 10,000 acres actually are in agricultural pro- duction. •She contends damages sustained by the ·company will esceed ""'° milll<M because land will be frozen inlo a non-profitable use pattern. $)t see.kl recoveiy of $200 million on behaU of s\-.ockholders. Further, she set~ punitive ·damag~ for stockhOlders oi. •1 ·ml.Won from each of five members ot the lrvlne Foundatton \\'ho are on the Irvine Company board of directors -N. Loyall McLaren , Mark L. Sullivan, John V, Newman, \Villiam R. Mason and Charles S. \Vheele.r. ' The agricultural preserve Is a fraudulent dodge to provide a tax shelter. she argues .. Her 1charge has been denied by company spokesmen. She: says McLaren, president of the Foundation and chairman Or the Irv1ne C-Ompany board. testified before a U.S. HOUJe of Representatives committet that the preserve would relieve the lrvlne Com· pany of at least $1.5 million per year in taxes. Formation of Irvine Company anJ Mission Viejo Ranch agricultural preserves was approved 3 to 2 by supervisors in February over Mrs. Smith's protest. The Irvine lands in• volved are assessed presently on a market value of almost $99 million. Ht1e et ,Aft•'s e>ur ~vehfitd lnlerlor dlllgMrs offer fresh v1bf,nt idut to enhence your homt. t llBERAl TERMS AVAllABlf • tt" C•••~I l 101CI( Sped ft Wt~lll l ft(lelYtfi, • "" o ................ lk ,..,~. -Oii .. rt•'t •"'* O!-Cl""'"' """' ·-........ '"""· Save $74.~1! 99'' ...... AM·l'M "'°Ive<>'" ii ~ct>ed will! c.~rr•rd Au:~mt'lfc (ftl""''' 011rnor.d ily!ir., ~rd 117" CH•l!I liOVl\O crfll"''"" l int" fpfl~tr If\· - -~ ' . MllW Mi.ol'llo 5'1.w,lt rtc1 ver 1' 11u .. c~od w•n1 Z·1ou·<1 c•1t1:fl'tl1 ll~cer t111 .o:Jcll ~"'111 ~Ir" 1~1lc"11. lft1' c;.rrard 1~:onnH< lt,lr~llb!t pl,... l111'1t cartrllfM; w~lt,lflall'llt'nd t11IU!. SHElllWOOD·AR 200 Watt St•reo iiiii~~. ·--.~ .. ,., .,,,,. ·-... ltl '''" ·~-. .. .... liio ..... .;. ......... :~I UW .. ' llartf ord. in Shamhles·.After· Outhr~eak . ' ' • !Alllefft;flll folk singer Boll Dylan ~ i. Would have sung longer' at o OPeH!r music festival altenct.. ~ llj J!ill,000 0. the Isle of Wight, "'1lglall(I, ~ut "I didn't want to keep f;very oae up." pommenting on c:omplaiDts that be performed for ontY one hour instead of the expect-W three, Dylan said: "!put on my ~rmal show. I don't think I let anr, ' down. I think it went great. ' . ; who left the stage at mid· -was reported to· have collect· '8',ilbo for hi& appearance.· • • : . The folks of Wapakoneta, Ohio Apollo 11 as~ Noll A. ""'fl to feel that he was in surround!nJs when he at- -, a homecoming celebration liiJt weeteoo. Names of streets had .iiom d1anged temporariJy . to the lites'· of t-Lift OU Lane,'' '1Apollo Drive'' and ''EagJ~ Boulevard"; and headquarters of the homecom- in'g comiriittee was called "Tran· qullllty Base.'' • The St. Loui.f Zoo ordered uveral hundred pounds of ict for itl J)t'n{11'in• iohtn the air conditioning flliled in the aqua· tie hoUlt dttri'llg the wttktnd. TM ice lasted about tht1 timt rcquif'ed to-r repairs, kttpf'ttf1 the penouin1 hapPtl and in good heGlth. A too official iaid that some of the penguin.1 hadn't attn ice .tinct they were tn the Ant.arctic. Ht 1aid the pengnin.t not only aat on the ice. tlltJI picked at it and "snuggltd up n.ezt to it." • • Mary Berelli G1ll19htr, the auth· of "Mf Life \Vith Jacqueline •Medy/ explained her motiva- n for writing the controversial k: "If President KeMedy were · l living or if Mrs. Kennedy her· bad remained as a lvido'v or e President, no one on this earth d have gotten me to say one ord about my experiences about em. But now they are both a o( history. i1rs. Kennedy has bdicated her position and moved fo another country. The same res-' · g doesn 't bold." ummer ROVING GANGS OVERTURN, BURN CAR .JN, HARTFORD Stet• of Em•rgenc.y Decl•red in Second Dey of Riotirig ., Federal Construction Cuts • Dismay U.S. Gove1·nors COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - President Ni.Ion plans a massive cutback in federally financed construction pro- ject! -an inflation-figbtiRg move which stirred dismay among the nation's governors. "I for one am not going to take It sit· ting down," sakl Democratic Gov. John N. Dempsey of Connecticut, who * ft * Nixon Asks less .. Of Ta~ Reform WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad- ministration was erpected to ask the Senate Thursday to be a Jlttle less generous than the House in Us tat reform package. Treasury Secretary David M. Kenneey and his chief tax assistant, Edwin S. Cohen, will be the first witnesses when the Senate Finance Committee begins hearings on the tu reronn plan passed la.st month by th~e howe, Adrninistrat.ion spokesmen have stress- ed theJ like moat of the bill but are wor4 ried it might retard the fight agaill!t in· flation by cutting some taxes by more than $1 billion more than it raiaes others. 75,000 Jam Boardwalk To See Miss Americas ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. (UP!) -Som• 75,000 sightseers lined the f a m e d boardwalk Tuesday to watch 50 beautiful girl:; in the annual Miss America Parade. The two and a hall mile promenade ia one of the highlights of the annual pageant and brought tourist11 from' more than a dozen states who paid as much as S9 a aeat for a good look. threatened to seek an Immediate protest from the 61.st National Governors Con- ference in session hert. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew told the gover nera of I.he administration plan at a closed session Tutsday and S'Wore them to secrecy. But the news leaked almost immediately. The formaJ announcement of the cul· back is expected Friday, although ad - ministration representatives at the governors conference said that timetable is not firm. The Nixon plan reportedly would cut off new federal construction projet'U im· mediately, and halt federal aid for such titate projects as highway building ef· fective next April 1. Sourcu at the western White House in San Clemente, Calif., said the cutoff would affect 75 percent of new project! in both categories. Administration officials still in Colorado Springs taJked In terms of a near total cutoff, with exceptions only for emergency projects. The admi.Jlistration wall reportedly planning to work out final detailt at a Cabinet meeting Thursday Jn San Clemente. . The governors were confused all to ex- act term1 and unhappy. "Nothing shocks people faster than news that the old buCk Isn't coming from Washington," said Gov. Dempsey, chainnan of the Democratic governors C8UC\J$, 1\u~er Democratic governor, who asked that his name not be used, said A&new described the administration plan as a move designed to combat the spiral of steadily rising wages and prices. This governor said the vice president also reported the halt in federal COil· :itructlon should release manpower and material for the building of private dwell· ings. which has suffered drastically in the cycle of rising costs and intettst rates. To this account, an administration source addtd word that the cutback plan also is intended to dampen the pressure tor sharp wage increases in the con- struction industry. Th.ii aource said ir government projects are sharply reduc· t'd, the demand for construction worker! v,rjJl drop and Lheir bargaining power in C'Oming conlract negotiations will be diminl!hed. Rains Plague U.S. f~ Temperature Extremes Continue to Flourish in West rtttvltW O' USA W£ATitlft MUUJ091£WT to J:llA.• lST t •of ·It Temperature• Hl9'1 Yw l",_.t. AIM<l"'11t " ~ ..t.11..-il• " " ltll:Wtfltl• "' " lltm'•rtk .. .. ftii.1Gt1 • " .~ •-viii• ~ " Chl(IW " " Cl~lftMtl .. .. •• 0.nVtl' " " DI• MOlft11 .. " o ...... • .. F'•lrb<IN11 • .. Fort Worth n .. ... ...... '" .. Mt1tn1 .. ,. Haf\flu1u .. " it.f\J•• Clfl' " .. l•• v .... ·~ " l°' Ar11t!M .. .. Mlu"I u " MlmlM"'t' .. .. Nftt Otft.ftt • ~ Ntw Yft " " ... Ntrtt. ~If• • " ........ • .. 0-.l•hofne C!ll' " .. . .. o ...... " " ~elm i lM'IMI " ·-· "' • l"lrttOut\': " • ... lt1pl• ( ., .. .. ltld '""' "' .. ·-.. " S.U~lt "' .. ltlt ltkt Clf>io .. .. Ult ,-l'l:Mltc.I .. n SWltlt .. • . .. $11'(111:1 .... " .. T""""' ·~ .. Wtllfll,.tilll " n ... \ I • > I ' --.. " . 'Library Gutted, 132 Arrested in Rioting . . !IARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) -Polleo patrolled littered ltreell .. tbll copltal dty returned, to near nannal tocloy fotlowinJ two days of th6 went violencti' in Hart.ford's biltory. Rain early todoy helped cool lempcrt after the-aulomaUc llttln& ot a dulk-to- dawn curfew. Police arrested lS3 peraoo.s tor clD"few v!olat!oos Tuesdoy nill>~ O!flcr.1. today could not pinpoint the e.xact cauae of the orgy ol rock and botUe throwing, looting and bumJng of llorts. But smoldering racial tensiooa:, the r~ cent fatal lhootlna: or a black youth by police pursuing a stolen auto and "op- pr'5S1ve beat" were listed u contributing facton:. " The ~arred shin of a library, t.be faint odor ol tear 148 and streets strewn with trash Jn• the clty'1 . N-and Puuto Rican NO<jh ~. were ..Uent remhlden at dawn today of ~ dJiturbances which broke out Monday night, persilted thrOU&h daylight houri Tut!day and tlleo No Word Yet On Dirksen ·· Lung Tumor WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen 1 t e Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen, 73, Wall reported in satisfactory condition after surgeons removed a growth from hia right lung, but there was no oUlcial word ori whether the tumor w.u . Can. cerous . The upper lobe of Dirksen 's right lung was removed Tuesday by Army doctors at \Valter Reed Hospital. Aide.s to the senator said there was no Immediate report from the hospital oo whether the growth wa.s malignant. A statement issued by Dirksen's office said "there Wa!""no evidence of spread of lhe tumor" and his condition after the operation was tenned satlsfaclory. A spokesman for the I 11 i n o 1 s Republican, who suffers from em· physema. said Dirksen 11mokeJ "lots" of cigarettes. "I doo't know how many, but Jou." the aide 11aid. Dirk.sen. who fractured his right hlp three years ago. hu always tended to joke about his physical ailments. And colleagues have been amazed by his recuperative powers and his capacity !or hard work and Ion' hours. After re--pair surgery on bis hip 1n 1966, he hobbled around the Senate on crutcl\U for weeks. First eleeled to the Senat~ in 1950. alter serving for eight term1 In the House, Dirksen is a skilled practitioner of the art of compromise and a key figure in keep- ing the legislative wheel11 turning. During the three-week recess that Congress started Aug. 13, Dirksen went to Walter Reed for tests several time,,. But thi! was not surprising since he was In the habit of getting periodic check-ups. The statement from his ornce said the Jung nodule was discovered "?n ~.recent routine chest x-ray examlnaUon. >Jde11 said he re.entered the hOsplt.al on Sunday expecting he would have to be operated on. Dirksen'! absence Crom the Senate cC1r.ies as Congress returns to work on 1 mass of unfinished legislaUon, including the House-passed tax refor(l'l. ~ill. He is a member or the Finance Com4 mittee, which wtU handle Ult tu bill, a~ he also is the top Republican on the Ju~1· riary Committee. which next week will take up the nomination of Judge Clement F. J-laynsworth to the SUpreme Court. Israelis Renew Air Attacks On 3 Nations By Tbe A1t0elat.ed Pre11 . Israeli jets roared aero!! two front1e~s today, hilting Arab gun emplamne.nts 1~ Jordan and LebaTIOn. To the south, Isra.eb and Egyptian guns again traded fire across the Suez Canal. 'Ille planes first streaked across the Jordan River to silence an Arab bazooka attack on an early morning border patrol. The Israeli army said they bombed a former police station in Jordan three miles south of the Sea of Galilee that was occupied by gue.rrUla gunners. Later in the day Israeli jets crossed the Lebanese border to hit sources of Arab rocket flre that killed two Israelis and. wounded· four in Klryat Shmolll Tuesday night. TM army sak1 two waves of plants pCIWlded three Al Fat.ah guerrilla bases on the we.atem 3lope.a of Mt. Hennon in • hall-hour sttlke. It wai Israel's first air strike inlo Lebanon since it was condemned by the U.N. Security Council for an air raid la1t month . The Israeli army said one of ill! l!Oldiers and a civilian tractor driver were wounded on the Suez CanaJ. where Israeli and Egyptian troops traded small anns and cannon fire. f\fost of the firing took place north ol Port Taufiq at the souUtem. end of the l03-mile waterway, a spokesman said. At United Nations headquarttr1 in Ne" York, report! circulated that Sttrtt.ary· Otntra! U Thant had requested Syria to rtleae the two Israeli men still being held after the hijacking of an American airliner lut Frld•Y· Thanl'a offlot did .not con!lrm Ult tt- por\s, bul a UJI. !pOk"'"on uld Ear"" that ht had exJ)rtssed hoJ)t the two wollid be relcued eoon. llpered off late Tueoday night. A coottnsen~ of about' 100 otate troQpm wu pmsed Into ldlon 'l'ut!day nllht to ..mt Joell po"ce but left tile area ahortly alter mJdni&hL Police nld the trOop.n would be brouahl back into tile dty abolll • p.m. Aa a lurlher .J>f<Cllullon two bettallonl or tile NaU~. Gul(d were on a:tandby alert in nearby armories. The 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew was ordered by Clty Manager E1i1lla C. Freodmon alter tile clty was declared to be.in a state of emergency by Deputy Mayer George B. Kinsella. Kinse!1a was · actlng for Ml)'or Ann P. Ucet.llo who waa vacaUoning ,in Maine. She rdurned Tue<day alterDOC!!I and toured tbe clty at 1<111 twJCt. At least 3' peraom, including six polictmea and 14 flremen, were reported injured. · Over 200 arrest& were made, ~osUy on chorres of looilni. araon, breach of peace and flolatloo, of tile curfpw: An qlf-duty policeman wu sua!l<l)d<d for-allegedly I carting off a cast of liquor trom I store. . PoUee were forced to block oU an elgh!-bloclt strttcb ol Main Street, the city's mtijor tborouihfare, which rum throuJlli tilt North .End oectlon. No traffic wu aUoweil tbiouab, ond pollc. mllM<d 10.man outpooll al 100 yard intervaJI hi the centei 41 the street. North End raJdeola sat co front 1toopa and leaned out of windows throughout Tut!doy, for the moot part lllenUy. watching a1 poUce· moved to . brut up violent outburlll by bend.! ol ypu!llL ·Firebombs were Jobbed ov• roofs and rocu were thrown -at opeedlnc police can. An occasional sumim w 1 1 reported, forcing police to ·run for cover; sporadic fitta flared as late as I p.m. Tueaday. · SJde street! were littered with burned mattresses. overturned trash cans and what seemed a carpet 9' broken Cius. In tile middle of lb<' blocbded leCllon stood the Hopkint branch of the. Hartloro Public Library. ll waJ completely gutted by rue during the dlsturba.nce1. l(opedhne Death Inquest Delayed by Court Order EDGARTOWN, rtiass. (UPI) -District Court Judge James A. Boyle tod1y formally suspended lhe scheduled Inquest into the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, as ordered by the Massachusetts Supreme Court. It was expected to be at least a month before the inquest -a judicial inquiry to determine the legal cause of Miss Kopechne's death -opens. The 28-year- old Washington secretary died when a car driven by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy hurtled off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Ls land in mid.July. The inquest had been set to open today with Judge Boyle presiding, but at the moment it was to have started -8:38 a.m. PDT -the silver-haired judge IUSpended it. Kennedy wanted to proceed with the in- quest all planned, but his lawyers over· ruled him be<!ause of the alleged denial of * * * Judge Rejects Plea to Drop Exhumation WILKES·BARRE, Pa. (AP) - A Pennsylvania judge rejected today a mo- tion by the parents of Mary Jo Kopechne to dismiss a pelit.ion for an autopsy oo the body of lbe former aecret.ary who was killed July 11 in an auto accident in- volving Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. In rejecting the motion by Mr. and fi.frs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Height.!, N.J.. Judge Bernard C, Brominski of Common Pleas Court said he had the authority to order an autop&y. The Kope.chnes had. argued that Pennsylvania had no jurisdiction to act on the ai,rtopsy request by Dist. Atty. Ed· n1und Dinis of New Bedford, Mau. • Dinis wants the autopsy results fO!' an inquest he plans into the woman's death. That Inquest was scheduled to begin tu.. day in Edgartown, Mass ., but attorneys for Kennedy forced a postponement, pro- bably of two weeks or more. f\11s!I Kopechne, 28, was killed when a car driven by Kennedy plun1ed of.f a nar4 row brid1e oa Chappaqulddick Island off the Massachusetts coast. An assistant medical examiner ruled death was caus- ed by drowning. He did not perform an aulllpsy. Mlss Kopechne Is buried tn nearby Larklville in the hard coal repon. of northeastern Pennsylvania. Bromlns'kl gave Dini.a 20 days to amend hil petition for ~n autopsy. Friendly E1aeniies his constitutinnal rights by 21 set er ground rules laid down by Judge Boyle, UPI learned. The judge made a brief appearance at the bench in the second floor courtroom at the 111-year-<ild courthouse. He read a statement to a courtroom half.filled with members of the press, many of whom had come from overseas to cover the in- CJUest. The statement said: "On a petition by Edward M. Kennedy against James A. Boyle presented to the Supreme Judicial Court of MassachUBttts yesterday, I have been ordered not to proceed further with. the inquest into the death of Mary Jo Kopechne until such time as the petition may be heard and detennlned by the full court.',.. Tht judge paused momentarily. looked up from his scrawled statemeat, and then .said: "Therefore, this inquest ls continued until that time." The formal suspension of the inquest followed by less than 16 hours lhe issuance of a re3training order by Associate Justice Paul C. Reardon of the state 11upreme court while the full bench of the high court looked into "grave con- stitutional questions" raised by the in· quesr:s ground rules • Reardon, a tall, gaunt jurist who authored a report on press·bar guidelines, listened for about SS minutes to arguments from a lawyer for the senator and then one. for the judge before issuing the temporary restraining order. State Atty. Gen. Robert H. Quinn, whose office represented Boyle, said it v.•ould take "at least two weeks to prepare for argument/' Court officials said it then would have to be placed on the court schedule for October, meaning a one-month delay in the start of the in· quest. Boy Shoots Self On Capitol Steps WASHINGTON (AP) - A 15--year-<ild son of a Federal Railroad Administration official died less than an hour alter h!!i apparently shot himself on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Tuesday night, authorities reported. Greg Rogers was found v.•ith a .3Z· caliber bullet wound in his temple. fie was discovered near the peace monument at the base of the Capitol's wert step! that faee the mall linking the Capitol witn the Washington Monument He v.·ss rush· ~ to Rogers Memorial Hospital in Washinitan where he died. Parliament members Bernadette Devlin and W. Stratlon Mill• o! Northern freland •hare a smile before taping a heated debate on their respective positl'ons on the issues dfvidlng their homeland. Mllls called Mlso Devlin a "Fidel Castro In mlnlsklrts." I J • • ·~ Sadillehaek ' OitANGE COUNTY, CAl.IFoRNIA .~NESQA , ~~m!MBER 3,.,19 .. VOL. 62, NO. 211, 7 SECTIONS, 102 PAGES • . , ' • • • ' • • oosts t~o , I ·' • " . , IXOD- Auto Found Pike Still Lost .In Jud;ea Desert . ~ • '' UP1"""""",. D1$APPEARS IN HOLY LAND Blihop J•mH A. Plk• Council to' Hear Land Slippage Report Tonight A geologk: report indicatin& areas o( possiblt: land slippage above Irvine Bowl "is One ot 1$ imps on the Laguna Beach City Council age~\onight. ... The report in let that thf.re ue several areas in the ~·.on the lell!aide oC the open-air bowl wbiCh could slidt. The 11ituation should be i:orrtCted, the ripott fiays. Cost estimates for tbe eorrectlon have nol. beeu made. In addition, the council Will~: -Assesm>ent. for tho slefPf Hollow Part Avenue stonn drain projeci.. -A ntti!ance abatement ac1kn ,against ar1ist Paul Blaine Henrie in cennection - with a parllaUy built swlmmini pool •t his 576 Temple Hills Drive tesldedce. -An appea1 by C. E. Sie,nonsma f~ a planning comm~ ~~,arlance ·demal for a prqpoaed apartment along .cedar Way and Cliff Drive. -An appeal from • planninc com- mission denial for a proposed apartment to be built by Ernest. Schroeder. -A request from the Laguna »each Lawn Bowling Club for about $3,500 per year in additional funds for maintenance of the bowling greens. Funds Alloted For Capo Fl~ Repair Project Funds have been made available for the repair of bridge! and aewer lintJ damaged by winter floods in San Juan Capiltrano. • 1be grants in lieu Were apJSroYed by the West Coast office of Emergency Preparedness in santa Rosa aftt'r' a delqation of cil,Y officials out1lned the ul<nt of damage and -of ~-An d'Jalnal grant al 1§,000 had been made for ooodruction of a oew bridge on lht north Jr~ of'Ca!nlno Capbtrano. -0 WU revised to $91,000 alter tho deJeiatlon pointed out tho cost of ripoJrtnc»Pi>""'ches. removing Ille old b!1dio and COllltructing oldewalk1. Total c6oc-or. C111DsttUct1oo ;,1u bt '33'1,._ Th• bi!C<e WUJ bt l'llRd bflb<clly. The alfke •hi> approved 112,iltl for tho constndlon of a new brklce on Ganado lloed and Q ,lM ror a concrete surface aoaln& on o.o Road. The cily has alteody exp<nded, 1113,000 for U.Hpalr ol scwm and expect! to be rtimburled. A a:equcal also was made for '15 percent advance on remalnlna mbcdl._,..rep11r1. I JERUSALEM (UPll -Searchers have found the automobile abandolied-by James A. Pike, fonner Episcopal Bi,<;hop o[ California, wbo vanished. Tuesday in the Judean Desert, police said today. There was no trace of Pike. A map belonging to !he controversial !16-year-old cburdunan was discovered near the car in which he and his third wife, Diane, 31, were riding on a drive frmn Bethlehem lo the Dead Sea in Israeli-occupied. Jordan. Arab tribesmen joined hundreds IJf Israeli troops and police in the search for Pike. Helicopters whirle'd over the area, honeycombed with caves and dried stream beds which make detecUon from the air very difficult. Police said the car broke down and the couple began walking until Pike became erliausted and collapsed. Mrs. Pike con- tinued on alone until she reached BelhlebeJ?. The search for her husband was started immediafely. Mrs. Pike was brought to Jerusa.Jem later find 'Was reported under sedation 1~ day in a hotel. A U.S. spoke_., In Jerusalem said there wa'l':hope i,te ftllibl be fDWld alive ant i;peoul.dedJlll -=n could have crawled iilto one of. the ca'ves to "find sbeltu from tho ll1lll. The couple wu s~ a monlh ln Israel to study origins o(Clirutionity. Io Santa Barbara Pike's mother, Mrs. Pearl Cbamben, said sbe understood "They'd given u.p hope for m,y son but I can't reconctle myself to lt. I'm ·hbping and praying I'll bear something more." Mrs. Chamben aaid her Information was vague and had betn relayed to ber by her dallihlu.Jn.low's lomilY lo San Jooe. She laid that Iller lbfo .. , -down, PIU ml bia wile walked U boun to find helo "IDll my son collapoed IDll couldn't 1ci, 8ny fur1htr. She went oo to find !>!Ip and evidently did." , Nazis Pla.nned To Bomb NY, Ex-Pilot· Reveals , MALMOE, Sweden (UPI) -A former German test pliol aaya Adoli Hitler plan- ned to send ID elJ)el'imental pllne to bomb New Yori: at the end of' World War ll but advancing American forttS spoUed tholebeme. Ilana Pancberel, SS, once I test pliol for tho Gemwi Junker air<talt factory, told of the plan Jn on Jntuvlew with tho Social Democratic newspaper Arbetet. He said a new type of construction wa:i used to build the plane which bad six engines, cou1d carry 93 tons of bombs. had a range of 9,300 miles and could hold 13,200 1allooa or fuel. Pancherez aaid the first prototype of the craft, calted Junkers 390, was ready in early 19" and a succes.dul nonstop test flight wu 'made between Germany and Cape Town, Solith Africa. .. • .. 'DA1L.f Ptt.OT 1'-ft PMi. . . PRESIDENT' HUDDLES WITH NANCY HANKS, HIS CHOICE FQR ARTS COUNCIL CHAIRMANSHIP New Yorker Anticipate• Pre1identlt1I S,uppo,rt to Co.-With 'National Crisis In Arts' · Clementean Leader Mystery Group Stark!}g . . . . . Alle,4. /te~Q,!l,ICuiuJ14lgri ' :,.C. .. • By TOM BAllLEY °' .... 0.-, ... '"'" County Supervisor Alton E. Atlen today faces a recal,l campaign Jau.ncMd by a San Cleme.ntt acuJptor~esigner who refuses "for the time being" to identify the group controlling and financing his campaign. · , Anthony Tarantino, 451 Calle Miguel, demands the recall of the Fifth District Supe.rvt.sor for his alleged "failure to acf In the true public interest in many vital issues." 1he astonisf>ed supervisor today lim· ited bis reaeUoo to one comment: "I atn surJSi8ed aioce io tbe best ol my knowl- edge I do -not-rica.U •ever having met or diacuned Orange County affairs wllh Mr. Tar1nUno, nor baa· my office ever re- ceived l1'i1 complain\& from him by letter or ~°C~~tiOn toda'y by the DAILY PIWr disdoaed that Filth Dhrtrlct resi· dentl are belrig adylsed of Allen's alleged ~ throuah a mail campaign or· ganlud by Opinion Re.sear<Jr or Long Beach. Spokesman Rick LaFrance said th e finn's aCCOUnt In the Allen recall is be- ing handled eicluslvely by Joanne Case. wU'e of Orange County public relations eieculive sleWan eas·e. It b understood that Mrs. Case has con· tll;ted SOUth•Coast home owners with a view to enrolling .tbem in the recall ac- tion at a fee of $2 an hour. Mn. Case was not available for com- ment todaJ. It wu tht·second so-called recall move- ment against Allen launched by a pul!lllc relations=. Allen was a target about a year half ago ol an announc.ed recall c ugn by public relations firm owrier Chip Oleary, It never got of( tfle gtountl.·Clea'ry is public i:elaUona counsel (Of Jrvil,e Ranch heiress Joan lrvi~e Smi1b: ' I '~ also has rigured In Orange C.OUO· !Y P!Jlld~ in pa.st campaijpll and ~ wu dtporty 'to fonner Drqe Couo!Y Stale Senator John .A. Miady. Jr_ ' ' ... ,•, ~,.·. . T~ "" -llie-~es q~ .AJ\en lfl&•perY~I IJ\irtln,jhe abardonment ol SOit Creelt Rold to the Lasuna Niguel Colj>oralion, Ille pl'Opo6ed Upper Bay land swap '1wlth its SJ.llW)d· er of precious 1and to .the Irvine Com· pany .'' and AJ!en's ".navoring qf 1rvil)e Campany, Mlsslon Viejo and Laguba Ni· guel interests over those .of Orange Coun· ty talCQ.8YU!." • "nlere are five other cbarges against Allen in lhe release Issued on behaU of Tarantino. U.S. Vietnam Strength Dips WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. mililary strength in Vielnam dipped to a low of 009,llOO men at the end o£ Aagusl 1he PetttagOO .reported today. Officials noted the month-end strength came as the adminiltration sought to achieve i1s goal of 5151800 men in Viel- nanJ by &ePt· 1. Normal fiuctuatiom 1n tbe now of replacementa and people Jeav- l11g Vietnam will cause the strength figure periodically to go below or above the 515,000 level by a few thousal)d, a· spokt'S!Dan said. On Tuesday, the force lev~ was 511,800 and will probably be up around 515,900 next week. Stoel< llfarlcet• l{EW YORK (AP) -The 11ocl(mart,l c1<$cit lo\'Yet tostaY. wtth brokers report. tng ''°me disappointment at ill failure to continue the advance that got under way .We la!t' week. (See quotatiom, Pales 14-15). 'nle Dow Jona 1ixtustrlal average of 2 p.n>. 1'1S oil. J.'IJ It 134.01. Di!Clines Jed ldV8llC<I bJ belt« tbon iiOO i&suts. • ... ' • I Ho · Chi . Minh Deatl1 Rwnors ' ' . , . s'X~ep lll~~~pw ' MOSCOW·(UPl)~,A report'tbolNortll 'l<V~~lliolliilddWd ·-~ --1iil -itJ· 1\lluiloM tOdaJ• r. f., ' .. · '1bt1f«tbv1e1naldest"Eml>UJ7 ~~ couldinot conllrrn the report>. Thm .... no oUlclal Sqvi<! conlimiatloo. · , Since Ho's iltne'sa "as 'otficlalry ¥- noljllCed by Hanoi., aod North V1~~in embuslei here arid bl other ciP,nlls rel~ased lbe announcement, it Wf¥\ ~­ pected the Soviet N"ewa Agency Tw would announce the 70-year-Old 'Cofn- munlst feader's death as soon aa it was known officially. First word or Bo's IU..., came ru .... day oa the 2tth armiverury of his declaration Of Vietnam'I ·independence from France. ' "President Ho Chi Minh'• condition Is not lta:b1e. ·Hla :lllDess ii dnieloping and somtwhit grave/' .ukt a •tlanol Radio communique in Vletnamtsci 'al I a.m. Hanoi time. "' .. ' "Our doctors are doing all lhey can to care for him," the Qroadcait said. "Our party and state -· tbll taak ol cur· ing his Uiness u an bnportant and·urgent ll!k at present.'' Earll er report.I Tuesdq, from the radio and from North Vitloame!ie diplomats in Paris said Ho had been sick for "the past fe.w week!" atw1 upr0f~a and doctors have been -inU!Fin~ to him day and night." • • 'lbe scraagly't Deltded Ho's latest reported pubUc tppearance was in tebruary dlfrln& tbl' Tel 1\lftlJ' new year ce!ebi1tlons in Hanoi. Ofliclal J>hotos of !hot occasion •hoWed him lllllilinl· ard don<lng wilh c:bi!4'en. , He did not opjleat in m®i>fndence day celebr&Uona· TuesdaJ'. A J a pad e s e corr•SJ•oadtllt r<pot\<111 lrom ~ today thll 'iB f..UV(tifs ~ witl"ttie OC· caslon had be<n·~Ii<t. I A llfelonr rewluljGiwy, Ho rw4<1ed the Commuoiat partt la Vlein""1 ll1d, led his Vlet lillnh to victory ov.i ~ rn 1954 In the Frencb-lrriocbinl war, llllding 70 yeara ol Frt<di coiomtal rule.· Latol)> lila coadl~1or. ~ lo tho Vietnlm -...,iend ~ lhe wlthdnwal bun "' "" ...,.: ol all Amerlcln ~ "'°"'-Hanoi cqnalders. ( ... HO CID MINR,. Pap I) , ... N.Y. Stoek• TEN CENTS r ' • ' Wom~nGets · . U.S. Post On Culture By JEROME F. COLLINI Of "' °"" , ... ,... ~· President Ni.loo tOday oomjnated Nan. <'/ llanka of New York Clly u chairman Ill lhe Natlonll Council on tho Ar11. Ajll?olobnent or lhe 42 . y e • i-o I tt Rocteleller Brothers Fund e1ec:utlv1 to ~ J>1!5t is expected to lead to lnc:reued federal aid for cultural pro j et i 1 throuihout th• country. ~ Hanks, an atLractlve Dake Pnlvenlty trustee ard career ....,,. meat employe since 1951, told 1 JlfW c:oaltttnce in Saa Clemente tbi1 -, that she ii Hin iavor of direct fidlr1t grants to the arts." The Arts Council ady~ the National Endowment for the Arla, which 11Jocates federal funds for lhe lbeater, music, opera and varioUB art media. The President, in annouocing Miss HonkJ' nomination, emphasized: ''The Endowment seeks to wiat both public and: private culture~ activities which would othttwu. "I\ below lhe msr1in ol leulbllltf • • • · .• "I shall hope lo &in iea<lership to thil effort and urp tho c~ ... to do th. aame,'' Nipn &lid. ' MlSI Hanh iodlcaled .rtu 1 bali'boar ~ with the P:'esident that llw; •••i.. -I admlnlttau .. i'llcldng to ~with wliat &be called "a national cr1&lt la the arta." . TboEndowiilfnt..,.hu1._,i some 17 mlllipn. She bopt,i,to ~.--. ''So man1 p<op1e t>lk -priorllla in federal 1overnmenl ~ but.the neOI£ of !ht arta !J "I' !!Jlall'"'11-11." she laid. • ... f She noted that·Jbe 'Metro litaJi Oi!el' b in.aerious finincll!'~1>0co-: union problems I.Del tbe nalian•s '.f'hre..im- jor orohestru are ineqilalJJ bld.lblpe. ''There is no l""Ei!lllty really.al doo- Jn1 the gap belw .. a inCome u.! costa; • she said. "The rruon tJ that tbOs. arta are craft.s. You Caft•t put them oh· a ~ ductioo line." Mbs Hanks ls a map clllil laude graduate.of Duke UnJver.dty. While there sbe WU preskfell;t Of ~ Jtudent £0\'ento menl. . Sbe is a long time ac:qdalnLanceooftDr. Henry Ki•singer, the Prillideot'1 lareign ' affairs advisor. · Tricia Returns · To San Cleme1.ite Tricia Nixon is back in.Sin Clemente,• The President's petite blonde dlllibter Dew in from Wa~ Tueoda)' of· temoon. 1 • She will stay.it the Nixoa .µIa.until tho eoll Of Ille First Family's vacotlon ~ day, w~ llllllil-......,.. laid. .. ::..i~~ ':::,~a!" u:: stomacll ailm<nl that ~lid her hosPltoliz. ed al Walter Jleed Medical Center .In \'/ashingtoo fqr: three Qysjlast weik. OraalJe , tN 0 .H~ ·oiCllallg~ Seen • ' ' • • • Policiet to ,r ontinue ::4 lt.er Ho's Dea th ~\ t ' • WASHINGTON (.\Pl -U.S. offict.IJ oubt President Ho Ohi Minh'e departure ~ the Dtlt or power In Hanoi w\11 ~ ' quli:~ chanle In North Viel· iam a op Uie war. • Tbe Hto0l chose to announct 113 UJWii ~ at9* r.i. -lllllt. eltclloot for ...; "'11 'M~t ~''''" 'l1M 11.S: ftMNftliPt ~ .. North 'h!a 1i1 ippelrs-te ru~ lUin~ul 81 In le• Vletnu>'I '°'l apimn)uolai tue.,,er of ti•e IHdu In the years ahead. South VJe&nam. Wldeh wouW place the . In genttal. the men who have betn South Wldef. llanol11 control . with lfo for )'ears and who 1Ull wlU be in Whet,her a ~Qle, for power within ~ltions of power after hls passing are North Vietnam wUl t11Sue is a matter of rated as strohily dedicated to the cause veteran leader? 7', is gravely ill was '8keo here as a sip his associates do not 'xpect blm to survive., ~. tnrormation available tn Wa1pioaton In· 1ucateS Ko Ills' t>ee'.ri alllnc for monthl 1.tnd thal ~ actually have been •· .en:ioing tl~,1-dmblp or North Vlelnllll. conjecture ltnDQI U.S. dpertl. of a ~Ingle Vietnam under their rule. A Some believe the qu,eatkln ot.who will The death ol Ho as their widely known become prtaldent ,r;C Ho elrUdy has chief will, however, remove the Com- ,,,.. II ~!'<\11 is believ¢ heie Jhal. ~hould Ho pass from the setne, the others who have been exercising power will con· iinue for lbe time being and Hanoi's ~poliey will remain the saine oo the bat· been Worked outdlltinl his lUntsl and mun1ata' single most popular personality lllere wW be oo ~edl1te ~worship In Vlelnam. fi&hl , Even in Soulb Vitbiun. Ho has been Fram the. ttand.pojnl of_ outward widely respected in lbe past, particularly apearances, 11-year~)d Ton, n,.t1 Thanh, by older Vietnamese for what was deem· an elder ltateaman of Uit. Hanoi ed to bt his palrl~Uc devotion to the leaderehip 1roup, is believed likely to country. He was a leader against the lierve in an loterlm capacity pending French colonialists. • • : Lagui:ia' s Tof!i ·Go1:man Frotn Page l HO CHI MINH •• • , :Gets CSCF Stt.idi3rtt·.Post 1'lnvader1.'' "agarasors" and "Im· J)lrialiJta." DiplomaUc observen in Saison said It we likely a four.man council of Ho'a top aides were In control of the nation, with no chana:u espected in Ho's war or peace policies. DAILt' t>ILOT lltft P...i. CAMPUS HIS BEAT L•guN'a Gorm1n :Netv Douglas 'Contract Means ;;l,650 Jobs : -A WT million corntact awarded Tues· day to the McDonnell D o u 1 t a ! Astronautica Corporation or Huntington Beach will provide work: for 1,650 imploi'ea . during ill peak, a company ~~'Slill·loday. .; A-by the Marshall space Flight ~It: DI the rlatiooal 'Ae:wiauUcs and :B~ ,A40ilnlslr~tion (!iASA), the con- :1(1C:t,wlli provide fw ~ conver~"'! or a ibouiias.bullt 54-8 rocket into an earth !i>rtili.ar worbhop. ~ Larry Vitllty, aasistant director of e"· ~al relations of lhe Huntlngt~ Beach !firm, caatlooed, however, that the new icontract will probably not add new '.employes. ; "We have planned this for some time Jlod lt is part of our employmen t :torec.ast," he 1aid. ~ "We Will probably draw our cmploy,s :&om the numbers already here. This ""iU :}ust help sustain employment. \\'e foresee .fto need to hire new people for lhi!! pr~ ~Ject, we think." .: The contract will nm through July, 1972 and wtH provide NASA with the lariest fpate craft to date. • . ' . . • • • • • • -. ' ' • l>All1 r•1101 OlAH°'! COt\11 P\IR ISHIMCJ COMNJ!l' leNrt M. W•tl ,.,........, .. '*"'*' Jeclr: l. c.n., O,lltt Pralftnt ... lkfltttl Mml.lter T~ ICt .. 11 .... "nt-1 A. M111rp~i11 _ .. ,,... a1c.lt1f4 P. Ntll ___ ,.,_ 1---211 ,.,.., "''· M•lffiit1 A441 .. 11 P.O. 111 l&l, t16tl --Cl'Je ~ ,_ ._., M S'!Wt H.,.,.n IMtlt: Jfll ....._, a..... ........... IMll~ ldcllf •"' ....... j,._ ______ ..... ·: I 1 I . Laguna B .. cb'j Tom Gorman lw betn appOioted newa director ol tbt Aasoclated S!aidenlr •t Calllornla state College. ll'u~, the Younrest m1D appointed to the plll jn, <,1mpua history. 'Ille 17·,_,..ld freobman . lw more than fwo yean' experltnct in newspaper work, includln& 15 months aa a DAILY PILO'l' ltaff writer. .Announcement of Gonna.n's ealiU'ied poaltion WU made by William G. Pollock, AUoclated Student& admlnlstrator at the north Orange County college campus. Oonnu, 1011 d. Mr. and Mn. Howard Gorman, of 2616 Temple mna Drivt, will alao act u presa secretary to AS~ Pre.si· dent l1obert Slodoval. '111• lilt l.quna -Hllh School graduate served u auocitted studenta public AlaUons director on the Art Col~·campu~ nit wu editor of the Laguna Buch New1.Post Teenpage section duririg hie junlat'"year ot high xhool, when he first entered lhe fifld of joumallsm. The diplomats listed the four aides 11 Premier Pham Van Do~, Defe11M1 Minister Nauyen Vo Gil~ Secretary General Le Duan of the Col'.Q,ll\Uniat party and Chalrma~ Truong Chlnh lor the Na· Uonal Aaaemlily. Ho'a peace neaOUators in Paris telephoned all major newp, q:enclea simultaneously Tuesday nllht to an· nounce hie lllneaa. They refuaed comment afttr reading an official communique. Tbt statement said: "Over the past few weeD, Prealdeut Ho Chi Minh hu not been weU. Our party and state has been concentraUn1 all capablUUes to care lo: him. A collective of pl'1>fesson and docton have be.en adminiatering to him day and night. We hereby infonn the population of his condlUon." There had been n:ports circulating in Western Dlplomatic circles in Saigon that Ho, a heavy ·wmoker, wae ailing. They could not be confirmed. U.S. Affluence Too Much; Fo1·d to Drop Falcon Line MONTAUK , N.Y. (AP ) -The Ford Motor Co .• notiJJ& that "affluence Ls all about-.us," announced today it will drop 11' compact Falcon line. _ The Falcon production line, Ford said, will be convuttd to the popular Maverick. Ford also said, without further ex· planation. that early In 1970, the Falcon name will be on a new car, to be an· nounced later. There has bee:n sptcula· lion lhat Ford will Introduce a car to coiirPete directly With the VMkswa1en. · 'l\e 'declt.loft •ori' the Falcon,' rumdrtd recently, wU c6ntalned Jn a speech prepared by \)'ojln Naughton, vice preti· dent of lhe 1'mfJdotor Co. and general m&n1&.et of the PWtrd Division, for a news confU«k:e . In whJcb Ford unveiled Ole compa11y1s 1t70 models. The new models exhlbil a trend towards lonaet and lower lines and emphuia1 \01); what rord call! it.s in· termediate tMtl, •• J ;~ ' "Affluence 11 all about ue," Naughton said. "and that afnuence is having a powerful impact on automobile makers '"'ho rnu1t stay ·ahead of changing trends. "As income haa risen, so hat the desire and demand for luxury cars and the to~ o!-the-Une series." Naua:hton said 1970 could be the year when car11 of intennediate size outsell the standard..a.ized care for the firet time in automot.Jve history. Rape-Sla~ing Suspect In Lesser Plea NE'V YORK {UPI) - A ma11 ~ccused in the Oct. 1967 rape·11laying of aoci&lite Linda FltzpatrJe'k and the rnurder of her borfrienc!. in an East Village tenement basement pleadtd guilty to a lesser charge of flnt degree manslaughter in Manhattan Supreme Court Tuesday. Beaatle~ on the Boardwfll·k Miss America P•B•anl conlettanls lrom western statoo pose lo• pbo1'1grapber dunng stroll down famed boardwalk at AUanUc City, N.J. llT61n lei\ f,te SWyl1fliligtintoietiril ?Jlika;l\aran Wastun, !iathloen Ennis and Susan Anton. · ' • I -~---,------- • • ·Mi ., SIOD Trail Viejo High Sets ' . Frosh Orien~ation r-~ • . • \ . Ml8SION VIEJO -New ~udents will 4 Jind out what IL '1 lik! to a~ Mission Viejo Hlgb Sc.h~I q~ !e~an oi:_!en· tatlon Friday. DAILY f>tl.OT Stiff ,.,_,. FAMED GREETER FEELING FINE AT 79 On L•gun• StrMt Corn1r1, A Crtativ1 Lock Eiler Just Fine Greeter Keeps Busy at 79 By JACK CHAPPELL olficially greeted . Of"'"' DellT t>111t 1i1tt Now. the "Hellooooo"' is subdued and a To many people, Eller Larsen is cocked index finger and the "look" suf. ~Beach. lice. "'Vhat you are. speaks so loud," Brandishing his gnarled cane, the red· Larsen said, quoting from Emerson. jacketed Laguna Greeter is on duty most Larsen has been in Laguna Beach for every day greeting at one of the busy "about 30 years.'' He has traveled Laguna alreet corners. thoroughout the U.S. and to his native "I don't have to say a word, just ha ve Denmark. to move my eyes." said Larsen explain· "{must be the most photographe.d man in~ the fine art of greeting. In United States and Scandinavia," he 'My look ls so creative, that they said. smile. t just concentrate my look on Larsen, who sport s long locks and a them and they laugh lo beat the band. nowing full beard, has been the subject "\Vhen people ta lk of Laguna, they say: of countless portraits and statues. 'You know, that place where that IOfli· Aside from greeting, Larsen plans to haired fellow greet.s people,' " Larsen branch out to fields of story telling for said. -small children and perhaps a stint as a The 79-year~ld Larsen. has made "' Santa Claus for a Garden Grove group. career of greeting and hes perhaps the Later this month , the Greeter will go to only man In the world "'ho carries as a · Solvang, a Danish community near Santa business card a full color post card of Barbara for a Danish Festival. himself. . . But Laguna, where citizens have set up For years, lhe r.reeter s he.arty voice a special Eiler Larsen Fund, will always boomed out a "Hellooooo" acro&s Laguna be home. Larsen lives at the Hotel thoroughlarts as passing motorists were Laguna In a room provided al a special I ' Erika i''laun, 64, Dies ZURICH. Swnzerlan<I {AP) -Erika f\fan n, eldest daughter of Nobel Prize winning author Thomas Mann, died in ZUrich Cantonal Hospital last \Vednesday after an operation, it was announced 'Tuesday night. She was 64- • rate. Meals arc: provided by several city restauranl.3. 1 The Laguna Greeter is now in "ex· cellent" health. bothered only by a swollen right leg. Severa l years ago. he suffered a stroke and was ho.spitalized. "'Vhen I w~ in h011pital, I got several hundred letters, but I don 't get so many now. They said, 'We miss you , town has not been the same,' " Larsen l!aid. . The day's activities will begin at s:•5 In the multipurpose room and will include i.niroducUon oI !acuity, admlnistraiors and student leaders, a visit l D classrooms, and a perwsal of the school's rules and resulati0f16. ,, ·• Additional inforrnaUon can be oblatncd by calling the school at &17·'1722. ' e Trt1•tees to Mllet IRVINE -A meeting o( the board or trusteee of Sa.n Joaquin School Dlrtricl will be hekl tonl&ht at 7 o'clock in Irvine school, 14.736 Southwe.st Sand Canyon A venue, East Irvine. New school coo.rtruction, the repair or 1lope1, and the leasing of mobilr classrooms are among agenda items to be discussed. e Smh11 Tea111 lt1111d Up LAKE FOREST -The Lake Forest swim team will wind up its successful year with a banquet this Saturday to honor team members. The activity will take place at 6:00 p.m. at the Beach and Tennis Club. Trophies will be awarded to outstanding memberi1. Special gueat! invited are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Figuera, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jenkin! and Don Edgemon. Mn. Gerald Frafer is in charge of the banquet arran&ementa and Mrs. William Wilson ia in charge of trophies. The swim team will resume activities in Marth. e 'Patterns' Parade MISSION VlEJO -Members of the Mission Viejo Women's Club have faeh· ioned a speeial meeting for Tuesday. September 9. Patterns on Parade will be the theme of the 8:00 p.m. meeting at the Mis.slon Vie}o Swim and Racquet Club. During the fashion show garmenl' made by members will be modeled. Prizes will be awarded. Reagan Plans Aetioµ On Over 90 Measures SACRAMENTO (UPI\ -Gov. Ronald Reagan, returning to the capitol after a three-week working vacation, said today he will sign or veto more than 90 bill! bcfort leaving for ~1anlla on Friday. The measures from the 1969 regular session ol the legislature must receive action by Reagan before Monday or they go into effect automatically. The PR0Sl6 ;, truly 1 waU. bail< for the most tul,G:ed activo 'W!lll. lt shrugs oil the most severe jan and jolts. E~ the deeply reewed ayitaI is armor-rimmed and 1einforc:ed cue k iqMniou '° hazards of 1nler. moiitur• ud u· trtmes of beat or cold. The ft$tlt ii CONVENIENT TERMS !ANKAMERICARD >;ASTER CHARGE 'ecurod with a special tcnMon ring. The bancbonll a watr.h that will l!i&N l'ftrJ adventure wbctbcr JOC nee c:en. cllmb mountain& ex ipCIDd I """1!Q)ls day It lllootJioe.' Sl1f·Wil'lefrng;,AA.S1'18Mtllt. Vlaed11• d·•I. &M>!l'll111 •IMI w•Wirptool' e111, Wotl'I Q,.,,d Tourlamo r1~1n9 br.oelel *77.50 • ~· lllA1 .. -. etYl'lli r·'1 ·-~.,.11.:1t· . ' ~UI tlifwntn.ot..W. ,.,. .... --. •3935.,, ..... J. C. fiumphrieJ 'Jeweler ltll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA _._•:~"'it"'"' ... ,...,""'"_,.,.;,~ • • 22 YiARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541.HO I • VOL 62, NO. 211, 7 SECTIONS, ·102 PAGES DAU.Y •it."'T It~·'• 'If Ilk""' l(Mfller GROIN CONSTRUCTION ON MOVE AGAIN ·complete With Sidew•lk Superintendent5 Trucks Dump Granite For ,Groins iii .Newport 7rucks and tranes began rumblint: 1galu ob Wtst Newport's shoreline Tues. da7 ~ 1 l'llci to flJUsh four stone groin!'! to ,i:loJd ~ 'fhlch will be hauled there in two weei:a.. .~ Rock delivery trucks bringing granite in fiym Corona quarries worked well into da;i dumping thefr cargo at Stst and 56th atreets. That structure and three others will near completion by the time 1 million cubic ·yards of sand begin t.o be gouged from the bed cl the Sant.a Ana River. The groin projec,ts, as well as other work throughout the city, were st.ailed fCJr 40 days by the'r, heavy equipment operators strike whkh settled • week Irvine Holding Key to Harbor School Rebate Newport Beach city and Newport-Mesa school olficif1' were told Tbesday by C('lunty A~Anhw Hln!haw they should talk'.t41heltvine Company if they \\'ant to rednup about $500,000 in tax money this year. Al a meeting in bis of!ice, Hinshaw suggested the Harbor Azea tepresen .. tatives ask the lrvine Co. if it ls going to pay taxes on Upper Newport. Bay lands involved in a swap for county tideland&. If the taxes are paid, Hinshaw said, County Supervisors could order payment or as much money as last year to the city and school district with the increased amount lot this year imPounded until set- tlement of the dispute. ago. Berorc the actual groin \fOrk coukl resume, workmen for the contractor had to repair major ,damage kl three cranes left Oii th<~ ~llC tl}e strike. \1 andala broke -off • fixtures on the cranes and painted s)Ogans oo lhe sides of the bi1 machines. The Army Corps of Engineers, which i! sponsoring an<!. ·financing coostructlon or the eroslon-prevent1ng ·stone fingers, will haul in the free sand from the river to expand the beach me to 400 feel, inmad of the original proj~led size of about 200 feet. Tllo lf<lin w<rt and sand hlut bolh wilt be ••'race '(1th the clock ln an effort to cleat out the tons of sand from the river before heavy stonn ruooff be.,lnp. An9lber project in Newport Beich, couipletion of the S300,000 storm drain. project along Westcliff DrJve, aJoo must be lir)i.Shed' be{or,e the" rains come. City aides satd they 'were confident the work would be finlahecf in Ume. City Public WorU Director Joe Devlin said crews should. re4cb Irvine· Avenue wUb their three.toot-wide sections of COO· crete pjpe by Friday, The storm drain work began al the in- ter~on of· Dover Drive and Westcliff 07\h Street) before the slrlko ~an. Beside. ltonn.dralnl, the project calts foe paving of patb ol lhe roajlway and improvement and installlUOn Of traffic signa!J alcmg Westdilf Drive. '. Olhet major Jobo·in the city, privale proj~ which' hive-resumed after the strike's settlement; ~Ude i:radlng In N•wport Center for Irvine Cc. projects, and Work on lhe new Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club marina on Bayside Drive. The assessor told city and school of- fi cials they are entitled to receive mosl of the mOfteY this way and ii they don't they should' complain elsewhere, not with his offke. V '"- Hinshaw has refused to separate land,,........,.-d ! which County Counsel Adrian Kuyper saya are taxable from those.Kuyper says are not iaxable. Hinshaw contends he can't properly separate them because Kuyper bas comingled the two types of land. If, because of the dispute. t~ lrvinc (Set HINSHAW, fllle %) • Ex-slave, 110, Dies SALEM, N.J. (AP) -Alexander Tan- ner, a former slave who said he was 110 yean old and voted in every presidential election since 1880. died here Tuesday, T1:1nner gave 1859 as the year of his birth, iOO\Cwhere near Lynchburg, Va~ lie said"lbat aUhough he was born into ~lavery be b&a only dim m~mories of the c,1· .. u War era. Stock Morkeu · . . WEONESO~Y. SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 TEI" CENTS • I . . . ' Scho~ls -Ask Override ( .... ~· ' ii I ~ • .,, • 'T;~ HapeioB~ost Tax Rate 48 Cents , · . . .. .....,.. . . . By.JOHN :V.\L~. · • Of• .. Otlft ...... -.. ft'-, \ '· ' Agreeing that the New port-Me 8 a Unified School di.strict faces critical nwney -sbo;rtaaes in \he-next. fivt years; trustee. Monday a&reei:I to(se(' 1 special n1e!tinJ tO map plans for a tu override election {or early next year. The board will meet Monday al 7 p.m. to start planning.for the election. ' A"Cc;olfilnil1 to district staff projections, the. dlstric''s tax rate• WoO:ld have to ·in- crease 48.44 cents for next fiscal year lo ' .. Nixon · Chooses ' . . . ·Nancy · Hanks ·Arts Chairma11 By JF:ROME F . tOLUNS Of , ... D•llJ Plllt 5111' President Nixon today nominated Nan- cy Hanks of New York City as chalnnan of the National Councif on the Arts. Appointment of the 42-year-old Rockefeller Brothers Fund executive to the post ia upecled to lead to increased federal aid for cultural p r o j e c t s throughout the country. Miss Hanks, ~n attractive Duke University trustee and c.&re<!r govern- ment employe since 1§1, told a press conference in San Clemente this morning that she is ''in favor of direct federal grants to lhe arts." The Arts Coun~ ~v~ ~ NatiOf111 EQ\lowment fonhe •Aljl1 'Wbioh alilq"'"5 federal f\lllt1! fOf' the thtater, l'ftttsic, opera an(I varloos art ·rifedla. Toe ptwdent, 1n·-·annoonclllf 1lliM l(IUlkJ~ nomloalioo, empha•iull: ' , ~ Eodowment seeks to assist botli publtc· and private cultural aolivities which would otherwise fall below the margin of'feasibillty ••• "I shall hope to give leadership 'to thiB effort and urge the CongreS! to do the qme," Nixon said. Miu U.nb indicated after a half hour cOruerence with · fbe President that she antimpa\ea ttrarlg administrative backing to cope with What abe called "a national crlats in, ~ arts."' The Eodowmtnt now has a fund of 90n\e $7 million. She hopes lo t:cl more!:. "So many people talk about priorities in federal government expenditures, bi.it the need of the am Is so relatively small," • she said. She oot.ed that the Metropolitan Opera is in striowi linancial trouble because of union pr®lema and the nation's five ma- jor orchutras are in equally bad shape. "The~ is no pos.slblllty really of clos- ing the gap between Income and costs," she said. ''The reason i.s that these am are crafts. You can•( put them on a pr<r duction •line.'' Mlss Bank.a ls a magna cum laude graduate of Duke University. While there she was president of the student govern· ment. She il a Ion& time acquaintance of Dr. Henry Kissinger, the President's foreign affairs advisor. . ... _,,,, ..,,,'( .. . , ... ~ k~~. Qie lfti"Cet solvent ahcl programs up to me ~sen{ Jevet. Board Chalnnan Marl~~rgeson, who proposed the Monday meeting, also nad asked for;-partl•tpatloll"'by Coduiilllitty leslfera, but'tbe WI o1 tl>"'lfOatd 'l'R· goste1fllh~t \he COf!lmwtl!r be ~ulled laler alter definite· plana are drawn. up. Waller Adrian,, assista.nt SUJ>f!Pinleodent-bltltiness, told the;bQ.vd tbAtl""tax rate hik~s ayer,.glnC :41 '«:nts each year' wOuld be needed fo'r the 'nut live years to keep the budget solve.nl Pike . ,. • Still Missing; Car Located . JERUSALE?i{ (UPI) -·Searcher! have IOUDd the auiomobUe abandoned by James A. Pike, former EpiscOpa.J Bishop of California, who van_ished ~ay' in the Judean Qelert. police said today. Ther~ was rio trace of P}ke: > map belonging to ~he controverslal S6-year-0ld churchman was discovered n.ear the e.ar in which he and his third wife, Diane, 31 , were riding on a drive fron1 Bethlehem to the Dead Sea in Jsriieli-occupted Jo'tdan. Arab tribesmen joined hundreds 'lf Israel! troops and police in the search for Pike. Helicopters whirled over the area. honeycombed with caves and dried stream beds which make detection from the a'ir very' difficull. Police said tbe car broke down and the couple ~an walkJng until Pl~e became eii:bausted and collapsed. Mrs. Plke con- tinued on aJone until she reached Bethlehem. The search ror her husband was started immediately. Mrs. Pike was brought to Jerusalem later and was reported under sedalion to- day in a hotel. A U.S. spokesman In Jerusalem said (See PIKE LOST, Pafe Z) .. . He said -that for ·the 1970-"71 ti.seal year ~4.14 cents above the present tax rate would be needed; in the, following year the rate would -drop to Cl.20 ~nts above the present total; the rate· would rise to 4'.88 centa in 1m-n. ther\ rile again to oo.11~cents in 1173-'14. • ·~hese ·projec'Jons·are based on main- taining the status quo while taking into account a: f~ of five puctnt to corer inflnUon, and even .that figure might be a little low,-· Adrian said. Along with c:Onsidering the ta'I override Mystery Group Launches Allen Recall Action :r ,.!O~ Bfi!ft~ County Supervisor Alton E. Allen today facea a recall campatan' liuncbed by a San · Clemente sculptor-designer who refW1e1 "for the time being" to Identify the group controlling anl! tinanclng hi! campaian. Anthony Tarantino, 4Sl Calle Miguel, demands U)t recall of the Fifth ~ct SUpervi~ for hi5 , alleged ''fallin to act in the true pubitc interat in 'ftliUlY vital issues... · The .. utonlshed 'supervlaor today um. lted hi, reaction to one comment: "1 ,\rD surpriled ,;...,. to tjJf best of IOI "'!ti'~ '!!i< l:~ !'"I recom·ov.er ,liavlni m~ or d!ioo~ ara.~i''lllatrl wltll fl(r. Tat11fiif J!Fi: hll "'1 bfril:.. mo ,,. ce1~...-.11 1l'om )Wn by letter ·or otJleNisl.," • .. • PM ljW~..,,::.~'bJ~ c1e~.,.. _,;,,i;;ied orwi.•• alleged i~ellcttncrel tfiOO'ih a 1Jllil ·~ or~ ganized bt OptnJO. Reoearc!t i>Ctonf Beach. · Sl>Okesman Rick Lafrance utd•t he firm's account ht the Allen te<111 L!1 be· Ing handled exC!usively by· Joanne Pase. wlff: of orange Comity public rtlitioils executive Stewtrt Cue. It Is u1;1derstood that Mrs. Calle ha11 con· tacted South Coast home owners with a view to en'l"Oiling' ~ in the recaJI a'c- tion at a let ol $2 an hOUt. Mn. ea.e wu not available for com· ment today. It was the SttOnd so-called recall move- ment againsl Allen launched by 1 public relations f1nn . Allen was a target about a year and one-half ago of an announced recall campaign by public relations firm owner Chip Cleary. Jt never got ofC th e ground. Cleary Is public relaUons counsel for lrvlne Ranch heiress Joan Irvine Smith. Cue. also hu figured In Orange Coun- ty polltic11 In past campaigns and once wa! deputy to former Orange County State Senator John A, Murdy, Jr. Tarantino lists among the charge! against A11en the supervisor's .part in the abandonment of Salt Cruk. Road to the Laguna Niguel (.orporaliOn, the proposed Upper Bay land swap "with iLi surrend· er of precious land to the Irvine Com- pany," and Allen's "Oavoring ·of Irvine Company, ~on, Viejo and Laguna Ni- guel In~ over those of Orange Coun- ty taxpayers." / There are five other charges against Allen in the release Issued on behalf of Tarantino . Tricia Returns T <> San Clem~nte Tricia: Niton ls back In San Clemente:. The President'• Petite. blonde daughter 'flew In from WalblnitOO Tuelday af. temoon. She will stay alihe Nqon villa untt\.tnc end ot the First Famlly'J vacaUob Mon- day, Western Whlte ·Houte ICl.lJ'Ces 81.ld. Her arrival "", uapubliclzed. Sbe ls reported to be !uUy retO\ltred from the stomach ailment that had her hospttaUz.. ed at Waller Reed Modlclol C.Oter in \'/o!hlogton foe lhree d1y1 last wee!<. lrnstees will ·~ dlS<ll!i anofller 1!111!tr which µUght come up ror ef~oo',-a re-- quest fhat the vottrs•aulborlze tJM welot the distr:ict's $9 mlllioo in un90ld building bonds at an interest rate: higher ttiu. the rr:senUy 0Qermi&sible five-percent. Ti1• board baa tWned lhal boodl m longer can be sold at rates of flvie percent or less becaµse of the light m~a­ Uon. But sellinf bondl a perl!apul,.tJ per. cent, said • Trualee Selim· l"rliiklin, (See TAX OVER!llpE: P11p i>r REPOftTF;D NEAR liliATH Vl1tnom;1 He C~I MINt ', .. Ho Chl -Migb,'-'.' "-ath Ruiil6rs·· ~ ' ' , Sweep Moscow -, .MOSCOW (UP!)-A'rtpbrt'U>a!if~ Vietnam Presldeni Ho Chi Minh 1114 4\W spread through embassies and Sofil!t fn. slilutions today. The North Vietnamese Etnb.Usy said. It could not confirm the reports. ~ was no ofncia~ Sovi'et confiimatioo. · Since Ho's illness w/. offtciaily an- riounced by Hanoi, and North Vretnam embassies here and in otber capitalt released the annou~meot, Jt was ex- pected the Soviet News Agency Tass would announce the 70.year-old Com· muniet iea(!er•1 deith. as' sdon ,u it 'tU known officlally. • -· First word, of Ho's ,illness came r't\aCs.. ciay on Ufe 24th anniversary· of-1lis declaration ~ Vietnam's independence from France. . "President Ho Chi Minb's ·co0d.llkxi 1ls not stable. His lllnes! ls developln,g and. somewhat grave," said a Hanoi Radio communique in Vietnamese at a a.m. Hanoi ti.me. "oiir doctors are doing all they can to care for him," the broadcast said. "Our party and state consider the task ot ~ur· ing his Ulllesa as an Important and urj:nt lask at prscnt.'' Earlier reports Ttlesday from the radio 11.nd from North Vietnamese diplomaU iri Paris said Ho had been aick for "the J¥L1l IS.. HO CHI MJN!I, Pare I) Orange t:oasi w~er If you lhlnlr. W• time for ~ change In. the wetttb~. P.lcturt, trY .movj!l& easL Her~~ tt11,tht same old story of middle 70 mer- cury along Ille coalt and 10 de' grees hotter inland. INSIDE TOQ/\ Y ~farni Ninn, tile tinging ooict for Deborµh K•"'· No1411< Wood ond Audrey Hepburn~ 1tar1 iJt .~'l'lu Solql<I ,of M...,," IM!tli opent fn Irvi~c BowJ ~ ... AA '1 • fnttriri'eMJ wkh ihe-"tun1Jul dkNL~ apj)e4rt on. Paa• 30, . ' ,..,...., ,, '""''' 11 QI~ lt t"~:.r:;J--" .J: -.. c,_.., •• 0.-..... 11 -" ~·· ,.,.._"' ' .. :::::.::. -,I I ..... ,..,,.., ..... =--.!I t.-:".... .,. ,. or. 111 u• :: NEW YORK (APl -The stock m<rket cl01ed lower today. with brokers report- ing some disappointment at its failure to continue the ..advance that got under Wl.)lo late lat week. {Set quoLations, Pages 14-15). .. ' ~ ' M1L'f..,. ....... 1 PRESIDENT •HUOO~E' WITH NANCY HANl(S, HIS CHOlCli POR AR'f,~ CoUNCll: CHAl~SHI"' 1 =:::--ftfl ........... . ... ._ . Mttr'I .. "~ ,, :.=•'"'I = ""'! ......... +i . ..... ,.....,, ... Now Yorker Af,ti<iP.<1tH Prt1ldenil1l Support to Cope Wljll '~J~C~ljil ljsi Artal ' , ' ' • '°' I • ' • • t_ lWl.V PllJ>T N No :£hang Seen ' • fter Ho ·.Death ·. ~-,, .. _. ·~' .•' . . . . ; , WAsiUNGTON CAP) -U.S. oflicia~ iliiiill'ltililfiirHo C!1i Minh'• departure 1tQrD ~ et•t of power in Hanoi wlll "'!!'&~-quick' change ln Nortb Viet-~ ~.!Xi \J>e wor. • .-Ttii:. ~-·~bo;ee to anndunce ~Lt '· •tlet IYdetl~ II aravely m l'l"' hire .. I bb UIO<ialel do aol bliii to Wive. · · · ,µ.. 1valloble ln Washingtolj ln- ~"8• boon aillne for months and that oliien actually have btttt tX• ' aclafnc the Jeadeisblp of Nprth Vietnam. 'llllla lt lenerall1 II belJeved here lbat ahG.lkl Ho pass from tbe acene, the others WOO have been exercising power will con- tlmiO lor tho -lime ,being llDd Hanoi'• PGli(r,w:ill remain tbe .aame on tbe bat· illlleld qd 1t the Parli peace table. -~ew Doug~as ,'l(lfll'·ntract Giv~s ' . . Obs to l,65J). A ., million conttld awarded Tue.s- clf.y lo the McDonnell D o u & la 1 •• -Corporalloo of Hunlln&ton ; led 1'tD provide wo~k far l,650 employol durin& its peak. 1 company · opolo-.n uid today. Anrded by the Marahlll Space Fli&ht Center ol. the NaUonal Aeronaatica _f.nd sJfce AdmlnllltaUon (NASAi, thej,.,n- trlCt wlli provide fer the convenloo of a DcwiaJu-built 84-8 rocket into an earth nabop. -· . Vii.tty, a.uiJtant director of •e.x· rwlatlona ol the Huntineton Beoch firm, UutJooed, however, that the new _. -will prohlbly not 1dd new employtl. .... ._hi .. plonned thll '"' ..... Um• .• , ud it· ii part of our emplojm.ent '-""'Aid. . .J. ' •'1fe wDl problhly draw our etnployes ~·-. -............. alrealf7 hen!. 'l'hls will ~~. · juat ... ~ employ1nent. Wt! foruee «; no -lit ldi:e new people lor thll pro- ject, ... think... • ?>· lllle-wtllnmthrou1hJuly.11l72 \. ud 1ill1 ..mdo NASA with the largest ·i'spaoe .<ri!t I<> date. i,:. Fireman Catches .. ·. " -~ M~.ip ·Mid-air ' WH!!ELING, W. Va. !AP) - A city fireman rtllCbed oul from an al.rial lid· d~ and caught in mki air a workman ·• f1llinc from the aide of a building on lhis ci\y'UIJPl-Wodneldl'Y· ' . llW\iU'!il'ftipOi';ll~' abbed AlbOrt -.. JS. or ••na1Q& , around the ~ in. '!el ·ao-'a cornice It> 'tM1~ . A . .,._. ... mn-whlch Bruhlch and Jollli lluld<Wlcz, «, "'· M'l'ard, were lp--lllllilc a 4n .milapl<d rnlnutea bdo" noon, u office workers began their lunch hour. Markiewicz fell Into the bed of a ~ pitted truck and was injured critically. ~ But Brubach mana1ed to grip an ~ almninum cooilce. He held on for !O ,. . • ~ ...,..,, untll• .the comice cul Into hi! :: .IW:ld &nil be fell toward the street. :! I l Rape-Slaying Suspect :i In Lesser Plea t NEW YORK (UPI) -A man accused :; ln tbe ~ lM'I rape.1laying of socialite ;t. Linda P'ltipltrlck ltld the murder of her :f.boyfrlenC! ln an East Village tenement ·~ butment pleaded guilty to a lesser : charge ol first degree manslaughter in · Manhaitlll Supreme Court Tuesday. .t ·-------• - , OAllY PllOl OIAMH C.,,.., t>Ul l •s+!t.,,_ COlit,_frt'r l•~ri N. W1•ii .,.,..,.. •11111 l'W..bNt J.,. a. c"1,., >IQ Pr•1'NI .... Oltlv# INlll111 n ... , w: ..... 11 ·-T1r111111tt A M.,phiftt ....,,..,.,.. . .r-f:. c~u,, --°" ~----tll I W .......... 1 .. 1..,.,, .,...., ,..._, r.o. 1 .. 1111. ,,,,, . . --Cati MIM: Sit #ttt tn ..,_1 i.....,. 1t«111 m ,.,.., ,. .. 1111• ........... 6"dl:at.ttbJltttl ·- ,. .The U.S. covemment 5'U as North Vietnam '• goal a Communist takeover of South Vietnam which would place the South under Huo1'1 control. \Vhelhtr a ~le for power within North Vietnam Wlfi-wue ls a matter ol couJecture amon1 U.S. experts. Some bellevfl ~ question or wbo will become president" after Ho already has been wor~ out dw-lng his illness and there will be no immediate sUCCfliSOT:sltlp fieht. ' From the atandpolnt of outward apearances, 11-year~ld ;ron Dug Thanll, an elder statesman oI the Hanoi ludership group, b believed likely to serve in ·an Interim capacity pending 1 elections for the nut pre:aklent. However, his age appean kl Nie hlm~oul as an ac· U11e leader in .ttie..,.eara ahud.r Jn general, the men whd have been with llo for years ind who 1tltl will be in positions of poi;\rer after his pusing are rated as strongly dedicated to the cause of a alnale Vietnam under their rule. The de:ath ol Ho aa their widely known . ~ef wUI, .however, retnove the Com· muniats' single most popular persona.lily in Vieb)am. Even in South Vietnam, Ho.Jias been widely respected in the past, particularly by older Vietnamese, for what was deem- ed to be hi> paltloUc derotlon lo the country. He wu a l!ader 11g11nst lhe French colonialillts. Fron• Page l HO CHI MINH •• rew weeks" and "professor& and doctors have been •dmlnlsterin& to him day and night." 1he 1aiui1 bearded Ho's late:st reportea i-ubtii appearance was in February during the Tet lunar new year C'elebraltons in Hanoi. Official photos of that occuk>n showed him smiling and dancing with children. He did not appear in independenre day celebrations Tuesday. A Japa n ese corrfSJ)Ondent reported Crom Hanoi today that all festivities connected wilb the oc· Cl!lon hid been cance.led. A Jifelong revoluUonary, Ho foundtd the CooununiJt party in Vietnam and Jed hi& V\et Minh to victory over France in 1954 in the French·lfyiochina war, ending 70 years of French colonial rule. • Lately hJ1 conditions for peace Jn lhe Vletnarn war centered aro11nd the withdrawal from ·the war ione of all American troops, whof(\ Hanoi considers "invaders," "aggressats'' and "im- perialist.&.'' Oip\OJnllic obaervers In Saigon said It \¥-a:i llkely a four-man CQunoU or ffo•s top alde1 were .in control of the nation, with no cha""'5 eipccted in Ho's "!at or peace policies. The diplomata llaled the four aides a:s Premier .P~ Van Dong, Defense . ~ff: .. ~lti)'.en,~vo Gi~p, . ~ ,.o.iil!rif4 !1'J•n ;(lhc Communist pariy and CJiairmtlf Truong Chinh or the Na, . t\<>••I ·~11\bli. . · · Ho!:s ~ , negotiat.ors in Paris . tt~ ~ ·•jor new• "i'.t.ocies Simultaneously · 1\iesday. ni&ht tQ an· nounoe his lllneu. They refuaed comment after reading an official communique. Tht atat~ent said: "Over the paisl few WteU;f President Ho Ch.! Minh has not been ri.11• .Our party and ti.ate has been concentJ:aLlng all capabll!Ues to care le-: him. A qollective of professors and doctors have been administering to him day and ru,ht. We hereby inform the population of his condition." There had been reports circu:atlng In Western Diplomatic circles in Saigon that Ho, a heavy smoker. was ailing. They could not be confirmed. From Page 1 HINSHAW ... Company does not pay taxe1 v.·hile waiting lot &ettlement, Newport-Mesa schools could· lose up lo M00.000 in revenut this year, and the city Sll0.000. School Board Member Selim "Rud" Franklin, an attorney. acted as the schQQ[ r11strict's chief spokesman and told l11nshaw they were there to talk to him lo get maximum revenue as soon as possi- blr for lhe school programs. not lo do the d1rly v.·ork for Kuyper and the Irvine Company. Ne\1·port Mayor Doreen Marshall said the city Is being forced into "setting U1e tax rate artlficially high or cutting back iD things we think we netd." Hinshaw &aid, "I don't feel Kuyper has done the school children any good . He has gont off half~ked and auumed the taxes are not goln& to be paid by the Irvine Company." He said he was ~·flabbergasted'' thal Kuyper has closed his eyes to the fact tl\i! biggest share or disputed oil reventtts hAB fo.-years been paid to local government agencies whlle .settlement was pending. franklin said he .and Newport City Al- lomey 'I'ully Seymour had talked to l\uyper and he had menUoned that possibility but dismissed It because he didn't lhlnk that is the way the Irvine Company would react. "I don't kMw ... if Kuyper has other in- formation or he ii just ngurinJ lhe pro- babnlty.'1 Pranklln said. ' Hinshaw told Franklin, School Board Pru!dent Mrs. Marian Bergeson and Superintendent Wllllom CUnnlnglwn: "'[ don't ate how It's appropriate for you to com"' to me at this paint when I havt a strong dl1putc with the coonty coonsel'11 olOct and iay, 'look. you tell:& hi! advice.' That would not be true to my oath of o!flct." I u.n.• ''LOT...,~ --w . U.S. Fo1·~e$. -' . -Dip· to Low In Vi~titam • • • IVASHfNOT0)11 (AP)·-U.S. miUtarv strength-in V!jtnam dipptd l.'lri•w of 509,800 men al the end o( August, the Pentagon reported today. • . \ o"qJclals n'oted the ,month-end iltength CUDe u the administratiop ,sought 10 achieve Us a:oar or Slfi,000 men In Viet· • nam by SepL 1. Normal fluciua~ in ' Ute Oaw ol replacements and people Jeav· tng VJetnarn will cause U}e. strength figure periodically to go below or above the 51$,«lo level by 1 few thousand, a IPQkesman said. GREETED BY TH~ONG OF NEWSMEN, ROCKY AND HA~PY ARRIVE IN SAN CLEMENTE Blhlnd Clo1td Doors, th1'T~lc Wiii 8• Latin Amtrlc1n PollclH ' On Tuesday, the force level Wu 511,800 and will probably be up aroUnd 515,00!l next weei. ~~~~~~~~~~- Rockefeller, PresUlent Ford Will D1·op Falcon-U.S. 'Too Affluent' The actual troop ceilln& as set b)· Prea.ldent Nlxoo is 524:,500 1 Pentagon spobsman said. Thia comparts ll'itlt 54~,500 under President Lyndon B. Johf\IOO. The 515,q)lad been set u the !orcr levCI to be achJeved under !he initia l 25,000-man pull-out becllJse the U S. strength in Vietnam a\lel"lied about 540,000 this year befare Nixon made hi-; decision on a 'troop wilhprawel. • To Talk Over Latin Tour The Unita State:s never reached thr- 549,500 ceWng which had been set by Johnson. New York Gov. Nelton Rockefeller at· rived ii) San Clemente today to diacuu his ... fact~findinc m..Wlona to Latin American naUons, where anli-American senUmenll barred him from three cou.n· lrles. . Weatern While House Prus Secretary Ron Zlqler Wd he doubts any public an· nouncement will be made. a b o u t Fro111 Page J OVERRIDE •.. "would amount to a hu1e long-term ex- pense." He said he would favor drastic revlsiona in the school educational struc- ture before committing the di.strict to hl1her interest e:zpensea. "I would consider double sessions. or even a 12-month achool year before piytn1 ao much for our bulldinj: bonds." he said. Along with pondering heavily the dL9trict 's fiscal crisis jn the next five yean, trusteea also dl11cu1sed some em•rgenCy measures for lhe present fl1eal year to try to shore up the district'1 dwindling reserves. Adrlan has recommended that the rCllerves be held al tive percent of the total budget or $1 ,155,000. PROJECTED LOSS But. primarily becau~ of the projected Joas of about a1haU-inilllofl doJJara· from freez.ing ot Upper Bay tax revenues, the di6lrict's reserves are down to about $800,000, or about three percent of the budget. To restore abou~$ ,000, Su~rin· ·lendent Wiiliam Cunnin retnetinily suagisted budget In . two-major I/PS. , • -• . . Arnone ,the "easiest'1 uta wbJcll could ~ made. CUnn:ln 1~~ ti'oqld be board arid adminl.stra 'conle?enee tx- ptnses, transportat:Jon · · nl 8ome · atler·school bus ru ), tniintenaftct ope.rations and special education pro. "'°ams. • TOT AL lllO,llit Thal 11eries of cuts, .he said would total about $\fKl,000 . A second series or reductio~ which, he said, border on the actual Instructional programs of the dh;trlct, involve reduc· Lions in instructional equipment and in· creasing sizes o! some school classes to the legal limit. The latter group would bring the total of cuts up to $237,889. Trustee Donald Straws agreed with the cuts and added a suggestion that the board and administration 's entire con· terence budget of about $4$,000 be eliminated for the year. The budget reducUons came under ,, r»11ction part of the budget. Trustees "'Lil consider the sugge11tions for f:>rmol action in two weeks. ' Japan Riot Squad Quells Students TOKYO (UPI) -Rlol police tiring tear gas charged Into _two Wa:ieda University buildings at dawn today t.o rout radical r.tudcn\ leftists who fought back with Molotov cockta.lla, :stones and club& . At least ao students hid been arrested when fighUng subalded shortly after noon. At least five policemtn aod an undetermined number of students were injured . The fight al Wa&eda, one of Japan's oldest and mosl prestigious private un1\•erslties, seriously worsened Japan's n1tlonwlde student rebt.lllon. About a lhlrd of the natJon's 32'1 lnstltuUoris of hi(h er leamlni currently are wholly or partlslly lied up by student strikes. Reagan Plans Action . , On Over 90 Measures SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ron•kl Rlqan. retumin1 to tbt caeJtol afttr a three-week working .v ... uon1 .. Id today ti will alsn or v11t.P more thin IO bills before luvlnc for Manlll on rrid.Q. The measures rrom the 1069 regular llt!Sllon of the ltgl1lature must re<;elve action by Rtagao before Monday or they go Into effect automaticaUY. Rockefeller's report to President Nixon on Jstin affairs. A crowd ol news represenlatives thronged around the beaming Governor Rockefeller aod his wife, who had just flown in from the. National ~· Conference in Colorado Springs. That data gathered by the New York governor will be used in future policy- making decWoos about dea\ina: with Latin America, where demou•uons protester! Rocke(e\ler's visit. Peru, Chile and Venezuela discouraged his comi~ al all. A resolution by Rockefeller was adopted by the U.S. governor:s, calling for federal payment of state welfare pro· grams, but Ziegler said there was little likelihood of discussion in this con· troveraial area. Following his conference w l t h Rockefeller, President Ni ton planned to convene the 26-membtr Nixon Foun· dation, organized last May to set up a memorial library and museum. President Nixon went for a swim In lhe ocean olf Camp Pendleton Tuesday. join· ed by tllree key aldea, before today'~ buay agenda and Thursday 's Cabinet din· ner with wives invi~. At least two major presidential ap· pointments were announced Tuesday in San Clell\tnte, . o~ f1} the <1irea rJ in- tenia60nhl aid \irld finirfl!i~g1 find the: other ln the field of domestic culture. Rudo lph Peterson, president ot the Bank o114roerlca, hiy ,bee9 pe1ignated lo head a presidential task force to s\udy the U.S. foreign aid program. The prominent 64-year-old financier and other private cllizens named to the panel will make recommendations on assisting undeveloped foreign countries in the nezt decade. = MONTAUK, N.Y. (AP) -The Ford Motor Co., noting that "affluence Is all about ua:," announced today it will drop il5 compact Falcon line. The Falcon production line, Ford said, will be couvertlld to the popular Maverick. Ford alao said, without further ex· planaUon, that urty in 1970, the Falcon name will beF:.a new car, to be an- nounced later. ere has been specula· lion that For will introduce a car to compete directly with the Volkswagen. The decision on the Falcon, rumored recently. was contained in a speech prepared by J6hn !'laughton, vice presi· dent of the Ford Motor Co. and general manager of the Ford DivisJon, for a nev.'s conference in which Ford· unveiled the company's 1970 models. The new models exhibit a trend tov•ards longer and lower lines and emphasis on what Ford calls its in· termediate cars. "Affluence ls all about us," Naughton said. "and that affluenct: is having a powerrul impact on automobile makers who must stay ahead of changing trends. "As income has risen, so has the desire and demand for luxury cars and the top- of·the·llne series." Naughton said 19iD could be the year when cflrs of 1nteorine<Jiat~ :-.\·,c PUL-;cll the stantiartl-sizcd c;•r.~ Irr ti;: rir:-;t thnc in automo:J\"e lustor:1. Erika ;\faun, 6<1, Dies ZURICH. Switierlanrl ("AP) -C1rika ?>.fann, eltiest daughter of Nobel Prize winning author Thomas Mann. died in Zurich Cantonal Hospital last Wednesday aft.er an operation, i. was announced Tuesday night. She was 64. From Page l PIKE L6ST ... there wa" hope Plke1might be found alive and speculated the churchman could have crawled into one o~ the caves to hnd shelter from the sqnf The couple was spending a month in Israel to study orl&ins of Christianity. In Santa Barbara Pike 's mother, Mrs. Pearl Chambers, said lihe understood "They·d given up hope for my son but I can·t reconcile my:se!f to it. I'm hopinb and praying I'll hear somcthins: more." r..1rs. Chambers said her information \l'8S vague and had been relayed to her by her daughter-in.Ja w's family in San Jose. She said that after Lhe car broke do wn. Pike and his wife walked 13 hours to find help "and my son collapsed and couldn't go any further. She 'vent on to find help and evidently did." J a111es Byrnes Li sted Still Lritical 1'o<lay COLUr..1BIA, S.C, (AP)-The coronary tare unit of Baptist Hospital repocttd Ur I.lay tha~ James r·. Byrnes, fonner Secretary of State. sp:nt a comfortable 11ight lut still was in critical condition aacr a heart atlack. The 90-year~ld Byrnes, also a former Supreme Court justice and director of wa;-mobilization for 'Vorld War JI, was stricken Friday. Tbe PR-516 i~ truly a m.tch Mt fC>r the mo~t rugged :icth•e wcu. It sluug5 off the mosl sevccc jars and jolts. Even the deeply r«::e»ed. crystal is armor-rimmed and ttinforted Cll«I LI lm;peniou 1C1 haz<"Lrll~ nr llla.ter, n1niltur• Uld e.x- ttt:mes or heat or cold. The reault i.s secured with a special ten~ion ring. Tbe bantboaali lllf.'tllndlnt fl:"'11 ..... r. Vtsod1t. 4111. Sllln!M• ... , .... ,,,.. ~ Wltfl Grand Tow\tfllo , raolit0 bfMtlll *77.50 •A1 IMf • _., .,,.,1 .... ,.... ..... ,..~. 1. watch tha.t will t.hare cw-.ry adventure "II-bet her you. race ear&, climb mounb.in1 or spend a 1trenuou' day at tbe olkc. c>oo.-151 ,lflftet n.ot iiaoldl: tor ana ... •~ 539.951o•u•. CONViNliNT TUMS J. C. J./.umphrie.~ 'Jeweler II YURS SAME LOCATION IANKAMERICARO 14ASTER CHARGE 1111 NEWPORT A'l'iNUE · COSTA MESA I I • f • < t 1 5 n y f J, I F h ,. ti J> ec ti B w l• d' tt ., Cl .~ I.! p, "' " " r M• WI In la• &iJ I nu to "" I ln1 No ( th< '" 00; f 1ix ,,. ~ ( !ro :.. n. ... c "" >y ,.,, T i'.:J SI '" ... lee T• lrU 0 I '" tvD • f;osta • VOL 62, NO. 211, 7 SECTIONS, 102 PAGES 1969 • Te•ay'• M•.i·· :N•Y• s...,.J • TEN .cEN1'! ' , -\ . . Schools Ask · Over:rlde . --N ltlVR~ .. ---· ' I • ' Trustees 'H:ope .to .Boost Tf,fix ·Ra.te 48 Cents ' . .,.=,JORDAN fMCTll"'8iHftl~.MC • .ALL lllteMTI .-19a1111vs. MAP INDICATES WHERE P IK E LOST • • • • By,JOBN VALTEllZA Of * .,.., PUii ..... Agreeing that the Newport ·Me a a Unified School dbttlljt races crltical n1oney sbortageii in the next five years, trustees ,M"'day. a&te<d tp set a special meetinJ'l9 ·map plans for.a tu override electloD for early next. year. The board will meet P.fonday a\ 7 p.m. to start planning f-Or the eJecUon. According to district staff projections, Ute district's tu rate "'euld have to ln· cretl.Se' 48.44: cents for· neJt fiscal 'year to keep.the budiet IQ)vent llld prollJ'anU up to tne ~level · Boatd Mirian Ber""'1, who prof>Ol'd the °""'Y meelfoc, ~ bad asked f~ particfpation by community 11'8ders. ~.the. r .. t d !be board oug-~ '\1181 tli.! .communllr be -consulted Tater after'defintte _plaits are drawn up. Wal~te~t Adrian, assistant wperintendent.buslness, told the board that tax rate hikes averaging 48 cents each'.)eU-Woilld be nJeded (or tbe 'nut five years to keep the budget solvent. ~ No Confirmation Ile said. !hat ror. lhe t970.'i1 rlsc:al 'y~ 44.M cents abo•e the present tu rate 'Would be needed; ID th~ l91lowlp(· year the 'uftt'i'f9Wd drop to '41JO cent's aoove the ~nl !otal; the r,te llould. ilse to <e.13'..,nll ID ~972-71, \h<n Jls,t,,liAID to 50.77"c!ftls In 1971-74. , '"I'b&e -projeC"Jons are ka&ed On,rrlain- talnlng the.'Sllttua ~Uo willJe laking mto accourtt 1a factor' of five ~fto Cover inflation, and even that figure ml~ 6e a Utt~ _J_ow,"iAdtlan said. · Aloffi 'wltb conslcferfng the i>t ovemde • ; Bishop Pike Still Lost In Deser-t ; Car Found Mystery Group Launches Allen Recall Action Ho Chi Minh;s Death Rumored in Red World JERUSALEM (UPIJ ..... Searchers have found the automobile abandoned by James A. Pike, former Episcopal Bishop of caUfornia, who vanished Tuesday In the Judean Desert. police said today. There was oo trace of Pike. ;. map belonging to the coolroversial 56-year-old churchman was discovered near the car in which he and his third wife, Diane, 31, were riding on a drive rron, Bethlehem to the Dead Sea in 1sraeli-occupied Jordan. Arab tribesmen joined hundreds 'lf Jsraeli lroops aDd police In, the search for Pike. HeJiCopters whirled over the. area, hooeycombecl with caves and dried stream beds which make detection from the air very cillficull Popce sfid.the car broke down-tll'ld the l'O"Plt began-, w~)<ing until Pike· became exhausted and collap$td. Mn. Pike con- tinued on alone unUl she reached Bethlehem. The search for her husband was ~ l.mmedi1tel7. ~ Mr1. PiJr,e .WIJ brouebt .to J~alem Jater and wU ~rt~ Under sedation ~ day in a hotel. A U.S. spokesman in lerusalem said there wa, bbpe Plke might be found alive and speculated the churchman could have crawled into one of the· caves to flnd ihelter from the sun. The couple was spending a month in l.srael to study origins of Quistianity. Jn Santa Barbara Pike's mother, Mrs. Pearl Chambers, said she understood "They'd given up hope for ltlY son but I can't reconcile myself.to it. I'm hoploi and praying I'll hear something more." Mrs. Chambers said her information was vague and had been relayed to her ' U,I Te~ DISAPPEARS IN HOLY LAND Bishop J•m•s A. Pike by her daughter-In-law's family in Sin JMe. Sbt.1aid that after the eat broki doWn. Pike and bis wire walked 13 hours to ftJfd help. 1'and my Jon collapsed and couldn't go any further. She went on to find help and evidently did." MesaPlanningtoOrg~ize • By TO~I· BARLEY Of tl!e hitr 'lltt STiii County Superviaor Alton E. Allen today faces a recall campaign launched by a San Clemente sculptor-designer who refuses "for the time being" to identify the group controlling and financing his campaign. Anthony Tarantino, 451 Calle Miguel, demands lhe recall of the Fiflh District Supervisor for tijs alleged •·failure to act in the true public interest in many vital issues." The astonished supervisor today Jim· iled bis reaction Lo one comment: "I am surprised since to the best of my knowl· edge I do not recall ever having met or discussed Orange Counly affairs with Mr. Tarantino nor has mJ office ever r~ ceived &nY complainU .from him.by. Jetter . ' or otberwtse.'' Ao lnvestitation today by the OAlL Y PILOT disclosed that Fifth District resi· dent.! are-being advised of Allen's aDeged deficiencies throUgh a rdall campaign or· ganlzed by 0plnJon Researcb of Long Beach. Spokesman Rick LaFrance said t h e firm's account In the Allen recall is be- ing handled exclusively by Joanne Case, wife of Orange County public relations executive Stewart Case. It is understood that Mrs. Case has con- tacted South cout home owners with a vieW to enroumc u.n in the r~all ac- tion at-.a u,. •of fl an hour. Mrs, C8'e wu riot available for com· meat today. It wu the ·teCOQd ao<alled recall move- ment agalnll Allen Jaunched by a public reJatlons firm. Allen was a targ~.t about a year and one-ball ago of an announced recall campaign by public relations firm owner Chip Cleary. It never got off tht!: ground. Cleary ls public relations coonsel for Irvtne Ranch heiress Joan Irvine Smith • '10SCOW (UPI) -A report that North Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh had dfed spread through embassies and Soviet in- slitutions today. · The North Vietnamese Emba55y said it could not confirm the reports. Thtre was no official Soviet oonfirmation. Slnce Ho's Hines,, wu officially an- nounced by Hanoi, and North Vietnam embassies here and in other capitals released the announcement, ll was ex- pected the So vitt News Agency Tass would ahnounce ttie 70-yOar-Old Com· muni.s:t leader's death as soon as it was known officially. , FLrit word or Ho's iilnea camt Tuea.- "'1y on l1!' 24th an~i,"!l'Wl' . p! ~ oeclaratlap or Y!•to8111',; i!\t!•pqnd•n<o fromFr~. · "President Ho Chi P.tinh's cooditipn is not stable. His Ulness Is dev4JoP~ and 1om~hat ar'f,ve," 1aid a HlnOl~.Radie> • cunm~ iD Vltln~ese -" • ~.m. Hm\91,.Ume. ' "0Ut -. are doinl all they can to care for btm," the broadcut llid. "Our party and state consider the tuk of cur- ing hit illnesa as an important and uraent ta sk at present." Earlier report.I Tuelday from ~ radio and from Noi;tb Vietnamese diplomats In Paris sakl Ro bad been a:lck for "the past few Wt!:ekB" and "professors and docton have been administerinl to him day and night." The scraggly bearded Ho's latest reported public appea(ance was in February during the Tet lunar new year relebratiorui ln Hanoi. Official photos of that occasion showed him smiling and dancing with children. He did not appear in Independence day celebtaUons Tue'sday. A Japa n e 1 e cot-rdpondent reported from Hanoi today that all festivities connected with the OC· ..... ,.....,. R&;PORTED NEAi Dl!Afl! Vlel nam'a Ho-Clil M1"" ' ' caaion had been caDCtled. " i A Welong Tmj)utloMrr.: llo' fouiided the Climunun!>t patty In' VllitNn! yii!. 1.i his Vlft Minh to victory tiv.ri, Jl'i'a~ ,In ti&fln ~ French·~.•ar,;e~g 10 yeari of French colonial rule. .Late.Jy his ainditioos for peace ·in the Vielnam war centeredi around , , the wltbdra)t'al ,from the. War zone.:-o4-aU , A~an: troops, Whom llaooi ~ "in9.aden," "aggreasora•• and "lm· perla'Jisti." • • Crime Prevention Group A new city ordinance creating Costa fi.1esa 's own crime prevention committee won preliminary approval Tue.eday nlght and the panel aimed at cutUng local lawlessness should become operative in 'ix weeks. m~rs from sp;ecial 'are81 of law en- torcerhent and crime prtvenUOn to atd regular representatives in focming the1r rec<mmendaUons. Case, also ha.s figured in Orange Coun· ty politics in past cilmpaigns and once was deputy to former Orange County State Senator John A. Murdy, Jr. Tarantino lists among the charges against Allen the supervisor's part in the abandonment of sait Creek Road lo the Laguna NigueJ Corporation, the proposed Upper Bay !and swap "with its surrend· ·er of F-ecious land to the Irvine Com~ pany,' and Allen's "DaVoring or Irvine Contpany, Mission Viejo and Laguna Ni· guel loterests over thole of Orange Coon· ty taxpayers.'' · Mesa Landscape Architect· Quits, Joins Private Firm Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley will appoint the nine regular members, whose job will be lo make recommendations to the city council on curbing crime. Final city council action on lhe enabl- ing legislation ls scheduled in two weoks. No opposition is anticipated. City official.9 are careful to point out the panel in no way comprises a police review board, but merely an advisory board. Representati ves will be appointed from 1ix districts recently marked off for members for the Costa 1'-1 c s a Beautification CommitteE. One member each will be appointed ~rom • Costa Mesa ll!Jh School and a :'.o8ta Mesa college, with a third riembe:Nt·large selected, all subject to Qajority approval by the council. Geoenl members will hold four year Ws. with some drawing shorter terms •Y lot to aJlow for rotation when the Janel is formally convened. The ptnel may also designate ex.orncio __ f<:x-slave, 11 0, Dies AD membera must be Costa Meas registered l'oters and mu.st also live within the citt. limits. ' Meetings will be held once a month. Based on what funds are available, cer· lain clty staff members may be ap. pointed by City Manager Arthur R. McKeniie to help the committee in •its work .. McKenzie himseII is a direCtor o( the California Commlss.iofl'on Peace Officer's Training and Standard!!. with specialized background in law ~enforcement, as the f;>rmer chief of Police. Under terms of the ordinance, Police Chier Roger E. Neth, or. a designated or- ficer wUI be a committee advisor, along with a ci ty attorney's office reprelltn- Lative. ' -ff There are five other charge!! against Allen in the relea3e issued on behalf of 1arantino. Sroel< JlJurke ts NEW YORK CAP) -The stock market closed lower today, with brokers report- ing some disappointment al it.II failure 10 continue the advance that got under way !ale last week. (See quotations. Pages 14-15). The Dow Jones induslrial average of 2 p.m. was orr 3.76 at 834.02. Deellnes led advances by better than 6ClO issues. Costa Mesa 'a: landscape architect Robert Pedersen has resigned his municipal job to •take the same type of post wfiH 1 major international engineer- jng corporation. City M8nager Arthur R. McKenzie an· noo~ Tueaday that Pedersen is quit· ting effective Sept. ·11 to join Voorhie!, Trindle and Nelson lnc., as a landscape architect. The city couocil accepted Pede.r1en's leaving with their regrets and best wishes, asking McKenzie to look into the chance of bia conUnulng to design local parks facllfttu Under contract. Pederllf!n, 32, u,id today hl.9 role wjth the VTN 011ftinit1liOn wllJ Involve desl~ ol major parb atlcfrecreational areas for Mesan Charges Cat Cruelty Cou11cil Promises Investigation. 0,f Complaift t One of the first tasks of Costa Mesa's Palmer told the ~Ive councilmen he against auch acts, of lltdlsm as the cet newly formed Crime PrevenUo11 Com-caught the two boys mutilating the cal -tort~ tnd. questiOrDed the allege4; 1'ck of mittee might involve cruelty to animals, which had to be taken to a veterinarian I · b ( I I IW, ased on one man's complaJnt to cl y for a decent death -but charged that City Attorney Roy June UIW'ed birn councilmin Tue>da1. police said they could nol Id. SALEM, N.J. {AP) -Alexander Ta~ Notk:eably bothered, o. J. Palmtt, of "Thal'• incoh'ect -If true," said cruelty to animals is indeed a crime, Id· er, a fonner slave who said he wall 110 904 Cedar Place, .-w he had just come Mayor Alvin L. P-mkley. • dlng.(bat he•OllCt 1UCcudUU1 prGMCUted ears okl and voted in every presidential from lntemrptlng the stontnc torture of a "I'm Ured of 'nOthJng being done about a man -ft nof.. a )'OUlll mia -tor lection since 1880, died here Tuuday. cal by two young boya near the city's these people,'' Palmer uplled,, ""hal ha!ictnl 1 htlpleu dos . T1tnner gave JS$ as the year oJ' hls · Jand;cape. nW'sery and tree farm. happems next? ~ offlclall l .UUYled thal Palmer lrth. somewhere near ·Lynchburg. Va. He sakl the area near HelJer Park is ''Do they have to burn off eome old d&ac:uil the tn1tter fwtber with 'Ctt1 e said lhat allhough he WJJ born Into the ....., of many such ollenaea, In-man's r .. 1 bef«t we 1.i action!" Mana1u ArlhtD' 11. McK-and plodp a>ery he had only dim memorlCI or the cludin& acts of vandalism Jo city pro-He aald he was IJven the lmprwlon by to look ln4o tak1nl lollP actloo aphiit "il War ~ ________ _.11<1'\)r ______ _::c_-;----t><>llc<>-that there ""no-lepl mallatlon-~ ' . ' l · • I .> • clllea lhtoilghout the SWthland. proj>ably lncludJn&,.~.i,a.... ' lte said the firm bU'~•nchet •ln ,Van. Nuys1 i.aa. Vegu, Nev., Bell~ Wash ,, Orlando,. Fla., GUatemala and may ·~n anotb!!I" lo Venezuela, offerinJ: him, IOnle chance (or travel. Pedersen, his wife Nancy, and son11 Dan. a, •and BoJ>. 7, will eonUiiue J.o Uv• in Costa Mela and he will commu\e to the firm's Van Nuyg office. He studied at CaJ P.oly rece1v1ng a bachelor of science degree in landscape architecture at the scliool's Pomona cam- pus hi llllO and iolnina the city ,llaH rive yean a10. He haa deaJgned several com Mesa TeCreaUon and park1 flciU~u and in a couple 'If cues -city offocia~ dlaclooed earlier· in the ye,ar -. helped pay for small addlUons when budget fllllCb were low. • Paint for. S treet ' Not -That 'Costly trustees will abo discuJs another mailer which mJght come up for eledlon -a ,.. quest that iht"voten·authorlle the sale Oi lhie di!t:ict's '8 million il1 unsold buildina bonds al an Interest rale higher .than Ille rresenlly pemliillbte-fiv&operceut.~ . The boanl bu learned Iha! -"" longer can be tokt at ratea of five percent or less becawetc>4 the tight money ailut- Uon. ~ . .. ~ut .. tung bohds at perhaJlO aeven ptt. ""\S:~.u r;;'~i,1m,_;r;ri· • Co.uncil Still Wrangles Ov.er City Treasurer The CO!la Meaa Clty.(Jouncil wranpd tn a!wmy debate behind cloied dOon Monday night over the quest.Ion d. jolt how to.fill the city treasurer's job: vacant now for half a year. Choosing a succe.s80r to the \ale W. C. 1'Cy" rues was discussed" daring the cklsed.<toor executive personnel sessioo fbllowlng the re~lar couqcil meeting. A spokesman for. a national financial consulting firm currently involved in a study of the municipal treasurer's duties aat in on the seulon, apparently getUng an earful. · ' I City offictals said today that a final report· ls:' expected. within 30 9ays from Grtffen-Hlugto-K:1>eger Inc.. OD· how a ..,. ltUsurer should be plcke4. Tl\e ~llf 11 paying St,200 ror the llludy by the firm , whlch rectnUy oompleted a ltud7 or ""·er.zlljan• li>onelat)' ~m. ~ flni!'cil! oa!llullants. ~ll ~fflce~ In fftW Yc:r~Sln Jraoc:laCO:, 01k!ago and Los Angelea, with the latter haiod!IDg lbe Costa Mesa treasurer study. Detaµs other l.han On1I declllons rarely enierge trom llUCb personnel IWloas, but 1111-llOI dUllcull to-.n•tsloll1•3"!4 I vote 1j>tll cbaracterlstlc of the tttisurer'a questlon. ' Councilmen Ceorge A. Tuck!r and William L. St. Clair have rather con- sistently pushed for a change In the tradi- tional neurehead treasurer, favoring an npanslon of tl>e posl. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, vice mayar' Robert M. Wiison and Cooncllmaa Wlllant T. Jordan have leaned toward the conctpt lhat mud! DI the mon<Wy dullu · are already· dooe bf Flnance Director Robert. Oman. Since the death of Mr. Ries during cardiac surgery In early apring, the ques· lion cd filling his role Jn munlclpa' govenunent baa remaibed ~. Five men applied for the job, all were 'Interviewed exhaustively by tbe>council, but one has since withdrawn h11 oiler 1nd the others apparenUy 111 beUeved a com· petltor was picked. The. trtuurer's job is rnandalory by atate law and Mr. Ries held the SlOO-per· month. post ever since Costa Mesa wu Incorporated, going about hla:O·hour·per· month job with quiet efficiency. A second personnel matter was, .also dllCllS5ed dljrlng the Tuesday rtiih~ seaaion .. but it was unrelated to the treasurer's job. City officials announced that il will result Jn a further execuUve session next Mondiy at 7.:30 p.m., pre1:1ided over by Clly Attorney Roy Jwie. The matter JnV(llves legal problems en- coilntered by a munlclpat employe In h~ private Ufe.1wbk:h have bad an effect an his duties. , The emPloye Involved held a lower· echelon post in the framework of city government and service, city spokesmen said. Orange (;oas& 1l'eadler 1r you thJnk it's time for a change in the we.alher' picture, try movlria easti. Hereaboutl Jt.11 the same old story rt · middle 70 mer- ""'1 along Ille cout and 10 ck> grees .hotter Inland. ' INSWE TODA. Y Marni Nizan, the 1ingiingi voice for Deborah Km", Nat.GU• Wood and AudrtW Htp~m. start i i\ "Tho Sou)Ul of, M1<11c.:'1 ~"'hlch ~ ftt /nlln• BOIOI Fnaay. An i~itnM1'l 1'liil< llw ...... /111 ohos~' CAPtatS 'On Page JO, ..,... , ............. ' ... ,.,.. n ......... it (tltlf•t11!• ,, ....... • ,... ,,,.., """" .. ...... ,.... 1• ~ 41-&; .. ·--~ ~ ti ~~ ,,.,, J!Mitk" u ¥..~ ,. II .... _..W.11 ·~'"-. ~ .... · 1""'1..... '4-ll • =... l+g ..._._ .. AlWI ~ " --..... ........ .._." • ( ••• -. • ' • 1· Change-.. Seen . :: After-Ho 'Death. w • • • WASl!INGTON (AP) -U.S. offlclals dciubt l'>resldeot Ill> Chi Mlnll 's departure i.;,. qi. oeal of .t5ower In Hanoi will bllna ,-~utck· ~· ii\ Norin Viel· . oim'tt Ill ti.I~,. lrbe f"'t J!.qol Choi6 to anno1111« iii '*'tteri:n iddu.. ''11, 1s £rave.ly' Ill' WIS taken ~.as a sign~ ~iates do noc. expect him to survive. Information avalliblf in Wll!h!J>itoo In· dii:ates Ho luu -aWng for moothl aQd t.bat others actuaDy have been e.x- crcl&ini the leadership of North Vietnam! ;Tbua 11. ctnerally ia believed here tba sllould Ho pw from tht ..,.,.., tht other• ,,. biwo l>OoD exertls!ng power wlll cno-... ia!kes, ·Trails fioj~t ~ts Council. Okay : . ' .... ' . . :~~ ol 'devcl"l'lq ru1llc recra· llbnal facIUUts already there in principle -fishing ponds and minibike roa~ays -will soon be under way, by unarumw.s Coltl. Mesa City Council vote. . Tbe oonctpts outlined by Councilman WUUam L. St. Clair were enthusiastically received Tuesday night, although they ate strtcUy studJea at this point. st Clair had already revealed his sug- ge.ation tor freshwater fishing lakes In $t:Yer&l c.osta Mesa spot& and . added Tue9day I.bat at least seven· such' pond! WJt -with fish1 "I think it's an e1cellent idea,·• added Councilman Willard T. Jordan. One ol. the St. Clair sit.es, he noted, lies Wider tho. OraOBI County Airport lll&bt patttm and is envilioned aa a future county regional rec:reaUonal facility. Cow>cllmtn limned to St. Clair deacrlbe vilHlng other ouch pond• and lakes in the surrounding communities and 'llsked what is done about the inherent danae:rs to childrtn. .... Nothinc more than lJ done at lhe )eachfrmt and bay in certain Harbor ~ru spota, St. Clair replied, saying that .\nowledle or danger must be left up to the individual at some point • "The aurprialng thing la that they jusl ~·a p:non recognit:ea d&nfer," he ~ saytna the system bu worked Qilite well. ' SL Clair oooUnued lo outline a concept bl .,..bli!lllnc mlolbike riding trolb al Yiata Pork, •ion& Victoria Stred and •ainldiJil& dcJ!rn lo Iha Sallta Ana River ~L : · He sakl he thought of that wblle "'1vey1ng possible pond 1itu almoat ad· jacent to Ule. park. "A lpino(f, isn 't that what they call them?" he asked. "·"I-doo't know BiU •. you eocnt up With tliem, ~ .!cln'I," ctact<d ~or Alvin L. ~lt;Y· ·-£=-.: Georp.A. 'n>Oker said the <IY wouJ<I, tie ,...i, bJL cau· dl>Nd. qaimt 1'119hin1· lntO IO!llelhlng 'fhic& · 11111 ct.use noise complaiota by rgtibcn; . ~icky Burglar ~t8 · Print Shop . :.A seltfcdye. burglar who knew pretlsely '1hat he wu after looted a Costa Mesa ~ &hop or ntarly $400 in photoplallng SuppUe1, the owner discovered Tuesday. ~J8mes w. Hoover, who found the print '1!lper, plates and other paraphernalia -0\fulng from his Hoover Prlntln1 Co., 2324 N'ewport BIVd.; -said only a CQffi· ~tJtor could use tht items. ..'OfrJcer Jlrit Farmer said there was no ~ of forced entry, indicating either a IOcJ<-plcldq J<>b or f>OS'l~ly J>OSS"'lon or ~ duplicate key to the shop, ·.-~~~~~~~, • tlnue for the time being and llaool's policy Will remain tht same on the bat· tlef~ld and at the Parll peace table . The . U.S. l"Vlfllm~t ,,.. ., NorUt V~n(• roat a communl5t takeover or South Vtdnam whleh woukl: place the South under llanoi'• control. Whether a struagle for power wilhin North Vietnam wUI ensue is a mauer of conjecture amona u .s. e:rperts. Some believe the question of who will become president after Ho already has been worked out duri111 his iUneu and there wtll be no immediate 11uccesaorship fight. From tbe staodpolnt ol outward apearaoe9, ll·year-1>ld Ton Dug Thanh~ an ' elder statesman of tbe Hanoi leadenhip group, b beU8'td llk•iy . to serve in an interlm capacity pending eltclioos for the next pre.sldent. Bowever, h11 age appears to rule him out as an ac· tl•ii leader in the years ahead. In general the men who have been with Ho for Years and who still wlU be in positions of power after his passing are rated as strongly dedicated to the cause of a single Vietnam under their rule. 'Ille death of Ho as their widely known chief wiU. however, remove the Com- munists' single most popular personality In Vietnam. Even in South Vietnam, Ho baa been widely respected in the past, particularly by older Vietnamese, for what was deem· ed tG be his patrloUc devotion to the country. He waa a leader a;ainat the French colonialists. Frfm Page ,1 OVERRIDE ••. "l(Duld ·amount to a hu&e '°"'·term .. ~ penae.>i . . He said he would favor drastic revisions in lhe 11chool educatklnll rt.rue· ture be.fore comn\Jtllnc the district to hl•her mt.rest expensu. r.1 wouJCI conaider double aesslona, or even a 12-month lchool yur before paylni so much for our bulldina: bonds,'' he said. Along with pondtring heavily lhe district's fl8cal crisis 1n lhe next five years, trustees also dlsculaed aome emergency measures for the .pusent filcal year to lry to shore up the district's dwindllna reserves, Adrian baa recommended that the reserves be held at flve percent of the total budaet or $1,lM,ooo. PIUi.Jl!X:TED LOSS 841. ~ :i-... ol lhe jll'Ojac\ed Jou of about a haU-mllllon dollera frnm fretzinl; of Upper Bay las: revenues, the dLtt:rlct'a reaervta 'are down to about $800,000, or about three percent of the budget. To restore about $250,000, Superin· t~en\1WUllap\ PfM.Jn1ham reluctantly sUgge1te<I ooa;et tut! 'ln two major areas. -' Among lhe 1"~dfst" cuta which could ade, Cun~ said, would be ~ ~aµir1' C~l~enct U· , traosportaUon (ellmlnating 80me aher,achool bus . rwu), molntenaoce O}X!rations and speCial education pro- grams. TOT AL lllt,itoo That :!erles Of cul!:, be said would total •bout llitl,000. . A second serlu of reductioo1, wbJch, he said, border on the actual instrurtlonal programs of the district, involve reduc- tions in instrucUonal equipment and in- crta&lng sizes of some &ehool classes to the legal limit. The latter group would bring the total of cuts up to $237 ,889. Trustee Donald Strauss agr~d with the culs and added a suggestion that the board and admlnlstraUon's entire con· ference budget of about $4.5,000 be eliminated for lhe year. The budaet reductions came under a ni>action part of the bufilet. ~ees \1·i\I consider the suagestJon& for fonnal action in two •eeks. Japan Riot Squad • Quells Students TOKYO (UPI) -Riot police firing: ttar gas charged into two Waseda University buildings at dawn today to rout radical ~t.udent lef1ists who fought back with f.lololov cocktails, stones and clubs. Al least 80 sllldents hid be-n arrested \11hen righting subsided shortly after noon. Al least fi ve policemen and en undetermined number or jtudents were injured. The fight at Wascda, one of Japan 's oldest and most prestigious private unl\·ersities. seriously "'Orsened Japan's nationwide student rebellion. About a lhircl of the nation's 327 instltullons of higher learnlng currently are wholly or partial1y lied ujfby 1tudent atrlku. Reagan Plans Action Ou Over 90 Measures SACRAMENTO (UPf\ -Clqr, Ronald Re1gan, returnlna to the capitol alter a thrte-week workl"I vacation, aaSd today he wilt 5i&n or veto men than IO bll!J before leaving (or M1nlla on Fridt)'. The measures from the lib rtgular . •P'iwl oJ the legl1l•lur1 mull rectlvt J1etion by Rtacan before Mond-.y or they a:o into tCfect automatically. • , • Gets I • Rocke£ ell er. Trip Report New Yor'k Gov. Nelson RockeJellcr ar- rived in San Clemente toc;tay to di11!uss hit fact.flndlng ' rbl.Utons lo -Lilln Americu ni.ttMt,. wbert anti-American sMt\m.tt1tJ b~ J1iln rtom thfie coun· lrld.· .; Weatern Whlte HOUie Press Secretary Ron Ziegler aald he doubti any pttbllo an- • ~ent wUI r, mpde a b.o u t Roctef!ller:'s report lo. Preaideat NJ1on on Jatlb a.ffalr1. - j A c,rowd or oews ~ r~preienlativd throqged· around the be.aminr Governor l · 11oc•eieller and .his wUe, 1who ha~ ju" llDwn 1n from the NaUoqal Oovtrnors' Conference in Colorado .Sprillgs. OAn.Y 1""-0T II.ti,,. PRESID&NT HUDDLliS WITH NANCY H.lNICS, HIS 'CHOICE FOR ARTS COUNCl f CHAIRMA!fSHIP New Yorker Antlclpatts Pr11ldenilal Support to Cope With 'N•tltrt•I Ctitis fn Art1' -That data gatbettd· bS' the New York ~gavernor JJll.beJlseci in ft1tur_e poUcy· making decisiom .aboOt dealing wlth LaUn America, wtiere dctnonatratlons protested Rockefeller's visit. Irvine Holding Key to Harbor Scl1ool Rebate Newport Beach· city and Newport-Mesa school officials were tOld Tuesdty by County Assessor Andrew Hinshaw they 11hould talk to the Irvine Comp'1\y if they want to recoup about $500,000 In tax money this year. ) At a meeting in his office, Hlnshaw suggested the. Harbor Area repreaen· taUves ask the Irvine CO. if ii is going to p.ay tQ:es on Upper Newport Bay landa involved in a swap for county tidelands. If the taxes are paid, Hlnthaw said, County Supervisors could order payment of as much money as last year to the city and school district with the Increased amount for this year impounded unUI set- tlement of the. dispute. The aSSf.530r told city and school of· ficiaf:i they are entitled to recelve mosl of the money th is way and ii they don't they should complain elsewhere, not with his office. Hinshaw has refused to separate lands which County Counsel Adrian Kuyper says are ta:rable from those Kuyper says are not taxable. Hinshaw contends he can't properly separate them because Kuyper has comingle.d the two types of land . If, because of the dispute, the Irvine Company does not pay ta1es while waJUng for aeUlemenl, Newport.t.1eu schoola could los~ up to $400,000 in revenue this year, and the city $160,000. School Board Member Sellin "Bud" Franklln, an attorney, acted as the school dlstrlct's chief spokesman and told Hinshaw they were there to talk to him to get maximum revenue aa soon as poasi· ble lot !he ac~ program1;1\9t to~ the d~ly wort for~ypu and Jhe ·Irvine Compoany. · Newport May Doreen Mal'lhall aald the city is belrig orced' into "sattln& the ta.Ji rate artlflctafly high' or CJttlag back in tlttngs we thhlk we;nted . .,. Hinshaw saJd, "I don"t feel ·Kuyper has done the school children any good. He has gone off half-cocked and auumed the laxes arc not going to be paid by the Irvine Compariy." · He said he \ltas "flabbergasted" thal Kuyper hu closed his eyes to the fact the biggest share of disputed oll nivenue1 has lo: years been paid to local government agencies "'hile settlement was pending. Franklin said he and Newport City At· tomey Tully Seymour had l&lked to Kuyper and he had menttoned that possibilit y but dismissed it because .he didn't think that is the way the Irvine Comp3ny would react. "l don't know if Kuyper his other In· fonnallon or he la just figurine the pre> bability," Franklin said. Hinshaw told Franklin, School BO<lrd President Mn. Marian Beraeson and Superintendent William Cuoningham: "I don 't see how it's appropriate for you to comt. lo me at this Point when I have a strong dispute with the coonty CCIUn&el's oHJee and say, 'IOo.k, you take his advice.• That would not be true to my 01th or office." Rtma~vay Girl Held for Drugs A runnay La , 11~bra girl~ dirty, di1hevele.J and daahlh1 ~.about In buay dGwntown trafric, was arrested by Co.sta Mesa police Tuesday on suspicion of drug intoXicatlon. The 17·year-old hi.&h school girt was booked into Oranae Count1 Jail as 1n adult due to false identification papers and l~ter tran1fwed to juvehlle hall. Officer Bob N,.I st~ the girt at Newport Doule•ard and .J.Oth Street T\Ju. day afternoon to see why ,abe was bebav· ing strangely and dan1e.roualy. He said ah~ bad . ntedlt marks on both ant11, told of ustng narcotk& ·for 1 'h years and claimed to h•vt Injected metl'ledrlne nr so-calltd .spted at an unapeclfled place lo Corona d1I Mar. Erika Mann, 64, Dies ZURICH, Swtt..,-1.00 (APl -Erika Mann. eldest daupter of Nobel Prise winning author Thomas ·Minn. died In Zurieb Clntonal Hospil.IU1181 IYt<lneado,r after an operation. i~ Wit announctd Tuesday night. She was 6.t. I r Nixon Selects Woman As Arts Council Chief Ry JEROME F. C:.OLLIN& Of ~ 0.UY ~llilt lfltr Pret.ldent Nizon today nominated Nan- cy Hanks ot New York City aa chairman of the National Council on the Arts. Appciintment of lhe 4 2 -y e a r .~ o l d Rockefeller Brothers Fund executive. to the post is upeeted to lead to iilcreased federal aid for cultural p r o j e c t s throughout the country. Miss HankJ, an attracUve Duke University lr].u;tee and caree:r govern- ment employe since 1951, tol~ a pr~ conference in San Clemente this morn1na: that she is "In favor of direct federal rranti to the arts." Mesa Child Hurt In Bike Accident A cOsta Mesa boy ls listed In good con- dition today after being hospltal~d overnight with injuries suffered whe~ his bicycle collided with a car Tuesday night. Larry L. CulbeJitson, JO. of 2316 E~en A\·e., was knocked unconscious In lbe ac· cldent on Oran&e Avenue near 23rd Street, poUce said. MotoriJt. Ro~rt D. Newcombt, 'll. or J3C E. 20lh St., Costa Meu,:oiltd h' didn 't see the l)()y unlll the moment of impact in the. low-speed collision. The victim v.'as taken to Costa Mesa hlemorlal Hospital and admitted for observaUon because o! head injuries being involved. The Art.ii Council ad vises the National Endowmentior the AN:, which allocates federal funda 1 for the theater, music, opera and various art media. The President, in announcing ri.1iss Hanks' nominapon, emphasized : ''Tbe Endo~ent seeks to assist both public and pttvate cultural acUvlUes which would otherwise fall below the mariin of feaslblllty ... "l ahall hope to gJve leadership to this eUort and urge the Congress to do the same," Nlxon said. -' M1Ja Hanks indicated after a half hour conference' with the P;e.sident that she ant.idpate1 strong administrative becking tG cope with what she called "a national crlal.s In the aru." The Endowment now has a fund or some f7 million. She hopes lo ~et more. "So many people talk about priorities In federal government e1peodltures. but the need or the arts is so relatively small," she said. She noted that the Metropolitan Opera is In serious flnancial trouble because of union problems and the nation 's five ma· jor orchestral! are in equally bad shape. "There is no possibility really of clos- ing the gap between income and costs,'' she said. "The reason Js that these arts are cralt1. You can't put them on a pre> ducUon 'line." Miss Hanks Is a magna cum laude graduate of Duke University. While there sl\e was president of the student govern· ment. She is a long time acquaintance of ~r. Henry Kissinger, the President's fore.ign affairs adviser. Ptll"U, Ch.Ile and Vineioela discouraged his cominl;: at all. A resolul.ion by Rockefeller was adop~by the U.S. governors, caUlng for rederal payment of slate welfare prn. gran:is. but Ziegler sa.id there 111~s little likelihood of d1scuss1on 1n this C'On· lroversial area . Following his conference w i th Rockefeller, President Njxon planned to convene the 26-member Nixon Foun- dation, organized last ~fay to set up a memorial library and muse.um . President Nixon went for a swim in lhC' ocean ofr Camp Pendleton TU'CSday. join- ed by three key aides, before today 's busy agenda and Thursday's Cabinet din· ner wit h wives invited. Al least two major presidential ap· pointments were announced Tuesday _in San Clemente, one in the area of in- ternational aid and financing and the other in the field of domestic culture. Rudolph Peterson, president of the Fank of America, has been designated to head a presidential task force to study the U.S. foreign aid program . The prominent 64-year-old financier and olher private citizens named to the panel "'ill make recom~endalio"'."' ~n assisting undeveloped foreign countries in the next decade. $450 Ftu· Coat Stolen in Mesa A musk cat coat worth S450 has been stolen from the "Gear for Guys," section of R Costa Mesa shop selling mostly women's wear. police were told Tuesday. ~mary Zarlcki. of Judy's, 3333 S. BNtol St, told investigators a careful count of clothing haJ been kept since a similar theft of two coats recently, Police said whoever took the coaJ, may have worn it out of the South Coast Plaza store during a busy moment in daylight bU91ncss hours. Tho PR.·Sl6 Is truly a ntth llo!lt for the> mO&t rugged activo Wu. 1t 1brugt oft the most ae\'cre jtn ucl, joll>. E,... lhe de<ply r"""4 crystal is armor-rimmed 11\d I rcioloreod -.. i--. .. hwrds of .-att:r, moi.muw ud u .' trerol's of h~t ar cold. lb• raalt is ' COIMNlfNT TE~MS IANKAME~ICARO 1.4ASTU CHARGE • 1ocatt.d with a wpecial -ring.The~ a Witch th~t will shue nvJ adlr'Ulturt wbdber yoo nee can, climb moimain1 oc rpezMi a rllmDOtlS ~,at l:be omce. """"' """ 2'I dll'trnl J\aot ..,. .. lorM .... -. 13935 tt llSf. J. C. J/.umphrieJ 'Jeweler llll NEW,ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA c-..ir.Wih ·-,., ... r.;.,.,,..,...,,,;, ~ 22 YEARS SAME LOCA !ION PHO>IE SO.J<OI ' ' j -I .. . ' ·Perfume ' ' Police ~ olllclal.s alld t~y wi>llld _,••!?-_lo the~ Beach City Qluncll Sept. 11 which CQU!d. leoct lo the busl~"'-llcenoe revocation ol Tbe PerflQl'led Garderii, • downtown peychedelle ;>i>P· , ' • AppPtntly tht main aUegatlen against· the store, klcated on Ocean AVtJlUt . between ·5_1h ·~ 6tli .stieeta IS that the · •tore hU I"'' oo!y been connected wiUI perulme (lnctnse but also with the sate of books telling how to grow marijuana. Ass~tant Ctty Adminislrtijtor Brander . castle tok! ~lmerl Tuesday that' tbe shoµ ·· !llll•&'f In • the sale ol thes< "gardening books" as well as hashish pipes. - • Giani . Light s1aoic Keryl Vander Walker, operator of the establishment.. is currently running the shop under a conditional license, said Mayor Jac.k Oreen. "When the _license was granted It was v.·Jth the understandlng that she would change bet mode of operation. It's not only the same but more of what it ,..Was before," he. added. Air Force Minuteman II launched from Vanden· Strategic Air Command qomba\ crew !fom Grand ~orks Air Force Base, N:D. It was reported on course down Air Force Western Test Range. \Vind pushed cootrails into crazy.quilt pattern. • berg Air, Fcirce Base near .Lompbc was the source tli'is ·spectaCular light show ~isible frorii the Oratige ' Coast Tuesday evening. Missile was launched by Mra. Vander Walker ran Into similar problems· wlth the city about a year ago when.~· ~~s '!¥·known as "The Magic M'ushi-oom." LA Architects ~icked to Desig n Bea ch Library Architects Richard and Dion Neutra of Los Angeles were selected Tuesd&y by the Huntington Beach City Council to design the city's proposed $3 million cen· tral library. The 60,000 Square foot public facility will be buUt on a · bluff overlooking Talbert Lake at Talbert Avenue and Golden West Street Library Board Chairman David L. \Vickersham said, "Richard and Dion Neutra have had experience in building libraries: they are ooled for timeless design and they have used water as an integral part or their designs." The firm was selected after joint in- terviews of rive leading firms by the <'it~'s Design Review Board and the Llbh!ry board. · Librarian \\'alter Johsnon said lhe. firm ls cOris'h:Jei-ed one of the giants of 20th C,enWry arr;;h.itecture and bas enjoyed in- ter-national acclaim. . Re ,·said Uie l'feutfas are particularly anX.ioUs to design on the lake park se tting a 1ibrary \vhich will bring international atteD.tioh to Huntington Beach. Pi;ojOCls with Which the firm ~ been conneCted include the Orange County Courtfiouse in Santa Ana, Hall of Records Builcling, Los . Angeles. Police Facilities Bwlding, Santa Ana, Buena Park Swim Stadium and Orange Coast College business, speech arts and science buildings. No construction timetable has been set. Financing for the central library has not • been established as yet, but is expected . lo cotne through a non-profit cor-poration or joint powers agreement Rockefeller, President ' ' At that time ahe changed the shop's name and promised to sell only import ; George Edgerton of Newport Beaclr puts cares of tho day behind•lilin as be· concentrates on his line \Yhlle ·~qrf {falling in last .. ,glow of iub. sinking toward horizon. ~ ·-~ • · • · items, councilmen said. ...__ To Talk Over Latin Tour Valley Report Called Politics • ' J Valley Cou ncilmen, D.eny ! . New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller was scheduled to confer with President Nixon in San Clemente tuday on a series of mi~ions. to Latin American nations - some of lhem distincUy unfriendly. \Vhite House Press Secrelary Ron Ziegler said he doubts the Information delivered by Rockefeller, flying in from the National Governors Conference in Colorado Springs would be released. That data gathered by the New 'York governor will be used in future policy- Coast Develops 'Memory Pill' LOS ANGELES (AP) -A professor of chemistry says he'$ got the perfect idea to helP wnivetsity .students-ro. r'etain things like history dales and math equa- llons -a memory pill. Dr. \\'endell Jolley of Loma Linda University showed of( the memory- enhancing pill, called Ribaminol, al a Tuesday news conference. The drug, which he said stimulates pro- tein synthesis in tbe brain, \\1as develope• over five years at a cost of several 1nillion dollars. reported International Chemical and Nuclear Corp. df Ne~rt Beach. , ' ... 1 . making decisions about dealing with Latin America, where demonstrations protested Rockefeller's visit. A touch of humor -with hea\'}' P.eru, Chile and Venezuela discouraged politcial implications -was added near his coming at aU . the end of lhe Fountain Valley City Coun-+ Apartment CQ_mplex. flea A resolution by Rockefeller was cil session Tuesday night. Fountain Valley's City Council Tuesday . A request was made by Don Frank to adopted by the U.S. governors, calling for Councilman John Harper proposed a night turned dQwn a request for a 242 unit , conµriue Jhe hearing in orl:ler to muster federal payment of state welfare pro-plan to protect city employes from in-apartment complex at Brookhurst _and rrlor~ C!PP!>Siljon' to 'the apartments. but grams, but Ziegler said there was little volvement in the special recall election. Garfield streets, but continued the pµblic eouoctlineii ~cided more opJ)oliltlon likelihood of discussion in this con-hearl~g on a proposed four-plex. dev81o~ '. w~'t neeilcd as . they unanimou~y trovePSial area . "Let's not publish the an'ni,ial report un-rnent 1n the city center area. denied the Rose request. _ · til October. after the el~Uon,'' he sug-· ' Fo\W\ving his conference \V it h g-ested; ooting lhat lhe clty's annual Both requeslis were before the council · The fop_r-p.leX requeSt wa!i maitttby,Jirn Rockefeller , President Nixon planned to report seems to only appear at election on appeal after being denied by the plan-KS:nno, owner of ~'veraraer.~S ·ili,tfiel.(!Jty conve ne the 26-member Nixon Foun-liine. ning commission. ·cenler betwetn Slakr ' a11d · W~r datiOG, organlted last May to set up a The apartments were proposed by Rose Avenues 'and Brt>okhUn:l arld· Eiaclid merilorial library and museum . ~iayor Robert Sch\verdtfeger. one or & Associates. Architects, of Santa Ana. StreelS. . . • . President Nixon went for a swim in the three target.'I of the recall. smiled, ind Councilmen s•id no on a plea by George H~ was appeating'pia.rmJQ&'.CQmmiSSlon called for a seror.d to Harper·s proposal. "' ..i. I ' 11 ,..,..., of. ..........,.,,.,, @Jot ocean off .Camp PenQ.leton Tu~ay, join· . Jt di~ in ~bs<ilute silen£f:. . Rose. because, it reprw:ntel;! the same-... ~~ o. ' ;,'!"".'· ·,a• P·~", ed by three key aides, ~fore _ todaY.'s CounCiiman Edward Just, who often propol!lat submitted and rejected in 1954. 1developmept, w.b1~b·e~~· on; O>e:~~- busy agenda and. 'fl!ursqay s Cabi!J~l,dm· sides with Harper against lhe niajority ·Resklents behi'nc:I the P:r o .P ~,11 .e d , r~e!~~.' ~ ~ ~:~,·~"'~ea ner, w\lh w~ve.s mvited. raction of the coul'l(:il wu not present avart.men1.s ~ 1J?e de,vtl~prnent , ~ San Mtteo ·is ,tbe·prnnn.-i street whv.h • At 1east two major pres.idential ap-. ' · pJAlff, ommiAAlon~-~..:..:. ..J · .. ,,.....,... 4 \'_ ...... pointmenls wore; annoW1Ced Tueacl= in'"• •llatel\ •llarpcr ,,.... •• ~ 11\dl!"m' >IY ,C-.,--~-T '!<-'!!"~~I ~es,.,,.ould. divide. Ul•>-clt+'~;a....;i,.. . -1 • odd there was an annual report tn 196M7 Dt1:it1JU kestecl Ulat o 1. "str p" or.; ..resident!a,1 and . ~al 'use. and San ~lemenl~ one in_ the: . area of in-when I ran for council, and one now just apartment! along Brookburst .Street be planners opposed Karmo'a II r o p 0.-1 a I ternat~onal aid and linan?"g aod the before lhe recilll election. but none for allowed wllh lhe. rest o( lhe property built ' because it was an en<!ro'achnient·mto 'the other 1n the field of domestic culture. 1967"68 " as single family dwellings. .commercial zone. Rudolph Peterson, president of the ---· --------------':......------....:-~----.::..C------.::..C---.::..C _____ ~-- Bank ol America,. has been designated to head a presidential task force to study the U.S. foreign aid program. 1'be prominent. 64-year-old financier and other private cJUze.ns named to the panel will make recommendations on assisttng·~veJoped foreign countries in the .n~_t ,'4ee.ade.. 'I -Mlsi 'N~y_H;qks, New York City arts The ' pill will -be produced and di~ribp~ed in Mexico in NoVetnbef S:tKI aut~r1ty ~as been sought to m<trket it 11 the {!nited States, the flrm said. . and museum expert, was named Tuesday as ·cba.itn:i3" of the National C.OUntil of .: tbe·:Artf,ta'Jtb;OGO per year post. Joa11 Tries, Trie~ ... A~i11 ' . Ir vine Heir ess Takes Steps to Halt Preserve Status By THO!\tAS FORTUNE 01 1111 09il'f P'lltt Starr Legal action to prevent Count.)' Assessor Andrw J. Hinsh~w from revalu- ing Jrvine Company lands as an agricuU.ural preserve has been filed by Joan Irvine So1ilh . · The ever-battling hei ress has named 1-linsha w as an additional defendant in an earllcr·filed stockholder 's derivative ac- tiqft against Irvine' CompanyJoffiQal!I .and coupty supervisats. Jiinsbaw usually Is an ally or t.lrs. Smilh in her feuds v.1ith the Irvine govLming board. Naming .him a defen- dant is a new lack. As the heiress' public relaUons agent Chip Cleary explains it, Hinshow has to be. made f)art o£ the action to iegally en- join him from doing superviscirs'' bidding. ~lnshaw says his office to date has been . too busy to reappraise· agriculturt presel".\le lands~ The actM>n filed ,in U.S. VISJT OUR EXQUISITE SHOWROOM FOR THE • FINEST INTERIORS IN ORANGE COUNTY ••• " District Court. Los Angeles, is to make sure->he dotsn 't do so. Mrs •. ·SmJJh 1is th~ large$!· minot1ty stockholder in the Irvine Company and has ail evident lbterest in maximizing in· come from her .i,ssels. Stie conte~ the agriculture pre~rve agreed. to by coun~y s~upE:rvisors a1]4 the Trvine · Com~y directors "constitutes the fraudul!nt wasting and devaluation of the asseb of the .~tporaUon." • J. or the '49i25$ acres' given protected tax status~ she charges, oply about 10,000 acres actually are in agricultural pro- duction. She contends damti.ges sustained by the company wUI exceed '200 million because land will be frozen into a oon-prcfitable use pattern. She setk.s recovery of 4200 million on behalf of ·S~kholders.' ', Further, she.seeks -P,Unitive ·damages lo.-stockholilefti ol $1 rilllt1mi lrom each of five members tf lhe-lrviDe Foundation • ,\·he are on the Irvine Coinpany board or directors..._ N. Loyall McLaren, Mark L. Sulli\'an, John V. Newman, William R. Mason and Charles S. Wheeler. The agricultural preserve is a fraudulent dOdge to provide a tax shelter, she argue&. Her ·charge has been denied by company .spokesmen. She says McLaren,:_P.rtsi~ent of the Foundation aod chainnan of the Irvine Company board , testified'btfore a U.S. House of Representatives committ.l!e that the preserve would relieve the Irvine Com- pany of at least,Sl.5 million per year in taxes. Formation o{ Irvine , ·Company • and Mission Viejo Ranch agricul t ura l preserves . was approved 3 to 2 by supervisors in February over Mrs. Smith's protest. 'The Irvine lands in· volved are assessed presently on a market value of almost $19 million. ... H!re 1t A1t1's our QUflifled interior des111ners offer fresh vibr1nt Ideas to enh1nce your home. LIBERAL TERMS AVAILABLE HARMON ·KAR.DON 90-w:Ott. ' Save $64.~9! · 'SHERWf!»O.D~AR 200 Watt Stereo Reg. Price $675.SO '':) • Save $,116m1 ··~ .... ~ .............. s499·· 27 , r~ ·""'!~ • ..._,... ... . , . t ' I • • ;...::;:;o;...:.:.;;;:,;,.. ________ ....:.W~~~·~""~·s.,-'-~-mbor __ 3~,-1~__ /- .Hartford in Shambles Aft.er Outbreak • ' . Library G.utt.ed, 1~2 ' Arrested in Rioting -........ -.... ""...., . • ·~ folk singer Bob Dyl•n l1"'1lt '!ould have sung longer al D:_ ~ music festival altencf.. J '7 uo,~ oa tho Isle of Wight, ~ nm '1J didn't want to keep very one up." Commenting on !implainll lbat ho performed for nlY one hour inslead o! the expect- 4 lhree, Dylan &aid : "I put on my onnal show. 1 don't think I let anr, oe -down. I thlnk it went great. ' 'Tian. who left tho stage at mid· 1ght, was reported to have collecl· 4 '84,000 for bis appearance. • Tbo folks of Wapakoneta. Ohio 1811\ed Apollo 11 astron,aut N•ll A. irmlf""'I to feel that he was in unlllar surroundinJs when be at· !Oded a homecoming celebration ut weekend. Names of streets bad eon changed temporarily to the !ket of ''Lift Off Lane," "Apollo triveu and "EagJe Boulevard": nd headquarters ol lhe bomecom· Jg committee \Vas called 1'Tran- u1Ulty Base." • . ' ~~ J: ~~Jr~ Ewn Jli&r Amerim c011teatantl ft.t.i bit edgv 10hen tMv mtt"t anothe.,. Tl in an idlntical outfit. When. they wwtd up fM regiltration in Atlantic itv (frani l.tft to right) Mils Kamas, argo Schroeder; MUs MUsouri, ranees Bit.1eme111:r; MU.s Ollio, otht1 Bt1.vmann, and MUs Minne1ota. iUlith Mendenhall di.a-covered thty ;ode t1Do .,makhed teU." • The Rev. P•ul Dr•k• of Stewkley. :ngland, wu a bit surprised to sec ps in Russian. Chinese and Tdu on his front lawn. The 1J(Jls romised resistance and a fight to !&th. Aft.er he bad them removed ? was told they were the latest tOVe in a local drive to keep Lon· MI'S third airport out of the area. • The St Louil Zoo ordered i .several hundttd pounds of ice for its pnguina when the air conditioning /aihd in the aqua. tic ho1ue during th« weekend. TM kt larted about the time • required for repairs, ketpin11 th< pnigviu haPJ7¥ cmd m aood h<alUL A zoo offkial said that .sOTM of the pnguini hadn't 1em ice tinct they tDff"e tll the Antarctic. He mid tht ptnguin.t not onl~ sot on the ice, they pic.bd ot it and ".mugglt:d up M%t to it." • Mery krelli Gall•gher, lhe auth· r of 0 Mr Life \Vith Jacqueline :ennedy.' explained her motiva- ron for writing the controversial ook: "[f President Kennedy were· till Jiving or if Mrs. Kennedy her- eif had remained as a widow of be President, no one on this earth ;0uld have gotten me to say one 1ord about my experiences about hem. But now they are both a iart of history. Mrs. Kennedy has 1bdicated her position and moved o another country. The same rea· .ooing doesn't hold ." UPl"T.......,. ROVING GANGS OVERTURN, BURN CAR IN HARTFORD St•lo of Emorgoncy ~larod In Sec...t Ooy of Rioting· Federal Construction Cuts Dismay U.S .. .Governors COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - Preaklent Niloo plans a masaive cutback In federally fl.nanced construction pro- ject! -an Wlatioo-fig'hting move which stirred dismay among the nalion's governors. "I for one am not going to takt: it sit· ting down," said Dem-0eratic Gov. John N. Dempsey of Connecticut, who * * * Nixon Asks less Of tax Reform W ASHJNGTON (UP!) -The Ni> on ad· ministration was exptcted lo ask the Senat~ 'Mntrsday to be a little le:ill generous than lhe House in its lax rerorm package. T!usury Secretary David "llJ. Kenriedy .and his chief tax assistant, Edwin S. Cohen, will be tbe ftrst. vtitnel!ses when lht Senate Finance Committee begin~ hearings on the tu reform pl'}tl passed Jut month by the house. Administration spokesmen have !!tress- ed they like most of the bill but are wor· ried it might retard the ftgbt against in- n.auon by cutting some lue5 by more than $Z billion more than it raises others, 75,000 Jam Boardwalk To See l\liss An1ericas ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. (UPI) -Some 75,000 sightseers lined the r a m e d board"•alk Tuesday to v.•atch 511 beauliful girl:; in the anoual li.tiss America Parade. The two and a half mile promenade i!I one of the highlights of the annual pageant and brought tourists from more than a dozen states who pa.id as much as $1 a se.a.t for a 1ood. look. threatened to seek an Immediate protest from the 61st National Governors Con· ference in seuion here. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew told the governors of the administration plan at a closed session Tuesday and swore them to secrecy. But the newg leaked almost immediately. The formal announcement of the cut- back is expected FrH:fay, although ad· mtnislratk>n representatives al t h I! governor! conference said that timetable I! not firm. The Nixon plan reportedly would cut of( new federal construction pl'f.ljectl im- mediately. and halt federal aid for such stale projects as highway building el· fectivt: next April I. Sources atJbe wtstem White House in San Clemente, Calif., said the cutoff would affect 75 percent of new projects in both tategQries. Adminislralion officials still In Colorado Springs talked in terms of a near total cutoff. with exceptions only for emergency projects. The administration was reportedly planning to Work out final det.aili at .a Cabinet G'letting 'Mlurlday in Sa'n Clemente.; • The governors were confused as lo Cl· act tenns and unhappy. "Nolhin& shocks people faster than news that the old buck isn't coming from \\."ashington," said Gov. Dempsey, chairman of the Democratic governors caucus. ·'"·~er Democratic governor. ·who asked that his naml! not be used, said Agnew described the adminisb"ation plan as a move deslgned to combat the spiral of steadily rising wages and pri~. This governor said the vice president al so reported the halt in federal con- struction should release manpower and material for the building of private d"·ell· ings. which has suffered drastically in the cycle of rising costs and interest rates. To this account. an administration source added word that the cutback plan 11lso is intended to dampen the pressure for sharp wage increases in the con- struction induslry. This source said if government projects are sharply reduc- rd. lhe demand for construction workers will drop and their bargaining power in coming contract neaotlations will be diminished. IW\TrOJU>, OIM. (UPI) -'"1Jco . potrot!ed llttaed -u thil capital dty returned 16 _,. nonnof todly followtni two dl)'I of the went ylOJe- ln llll1ford'• h181<1ry. Roln ·early today helped cool wnpm after the automatic-llft1ng of a du11t...f0. d11rn curfew. Police arrested uz,per~ for curfew vlol1U0111 Tueaday nlgbl Olllci.h lodly could not pinpoint the OllCI couse GI the ocgy GI rock llld botUo lbrowln(, 1oot1n1 llld bumlni "' llareS. But amolderlns racllll tenalom, the re- cent lalol, sbootlna GI • black yoQlh by police puroulng I lltc>)en Iulo. llld "opo pmsl .. boot"""" lllled u conlrlbutlnl fldon. .· The chlmd lboD ol 1 llbrary, the lllnt odor of tear IU and streeta strl'JWD w1th lraah In the city'• Negro llld Puerto Rlcan N"or!b End, wero ,,.iient reminders •! Jllwn todly GI the dllllirbancu which broke out MOl>doy nll)tt, penllled throusb dayll&l>l boUra Tueeday llld then • No Word Yet On Dirksen Lung Tumor Yl'ASHINGTON (AP) -Sen ate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen, 'i3, wu reported in satisfactory condition after surgeons removed .a growth from his right IW\I, but there was no official word on wbether the tumor was can· cerou.s. 'M'le upper iobe or Dirksen's right lung was removed Tuesday by Army doctors al Walter Reed Hospital. Aides to the senator sald there was no Immediate report from the hospital on whether the growth was malignant. A statement issued by Dirklen's office iiald "there wu no evldenct of spread of the tumor" and his cond1tion aftu the operation was termed saUsfaet.ory. A spokesman for the 1 11 i n o I s Republican, who suffer!! from em· physema, said Dirksen smokes "lots" of cigarettes. "I don't know how many, but JolS," the aide sald. Dirksen, who fradured his right hip three years ago. has always tended lo joke about his physical a.ltme.nt.s. And colleague.s have been amazed by his recuperative powers and bis capacity for ha.rd wort and IOOJ hours. After ~ pair wrgery on hil hip 1n 1118', be hobbled around the Sen.ate on cn.dcttu for week!. Fir1t elected to the Senate ln 1950. after sen~ng for eight tem\I in the House. Dirksen Is a skilled practitioner of the art of compromise and a key fiiiure In keep- ing the legislative wheels turning. During the three-week recess that Congress started Aug. 13, Dirksen went to Walter Reed fof tests several times . Bul this was not surprising since he was in the habit of getting periodic check·ups. The statement from his office said th! lung nodule was discovered "~ ~.recent routine cheat x-ray e1aminahon. Aides said he re-entered the hospital on Sunday expecting he would have to be operated on. DirkMln'l! absence from the Senate comes al! Congress returns lo w_ork ~ a mass of unfinished leglslaUon, mcluding the House·passed tal refonn bill. He is a member of the Finance Com· mi~ltt, wbkh will handle the tax bill, and he also is the top Republican on tbl! J~t­ ciary Committee, which ne1t week will take up the nomlnaUon of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth to the Supreme Court. Israelis Renew Ail' Attacks On 3 Nations By 11te Au<lclaied Pre11 Israeli jets roared across two frontiers Summer Rains Plague U.S. today hitting Arab gun emplacement.s in Jord~ and Lebanon. To the aoulh. Israeli and Egyptian gum again \raded fire across the Suez Canal. T11e planes first streaked across the Jordan River to silence an Arab bazooka attack on an early morning border patrol. The lua!!li army said thty bombed a former police station in Jordan three miles soolh of the Sea of Galllee that wall occupied by guerrilla gunners. Temperature Extremes Continue to Flourislt in West C.Uferala leu1hfm C.llf6'""\t WI • """"" •nd -nn _.., fodel' wltll ,_,.1.,. lo• tlMI~ 1111 fOI elonw ff>t ai-tl1I ""'°"'· l,,_,.• ,,,., 1 ct>tllnt lrtlld •! "'°'' illc:.tlom. T .... '-.OI "'""''' 1rM 1114 h11Y Ml~· \lllM with lht 1Mvff1blr ktw (loud• 111111 "" • ._ ttM UIMt lft lllfl mot~­ltt9 '*"1;. TM hltf\ tMll1' Wit 15 1.-.d tt.1 -ltoll '°" i.nitm 11 ... The Air h!lv!t.n CtntrDI Dl11r1t1 .. !id ....,.. WM "*"""'.. _, hllYY -lfl it. Ulot AllM'foN 11"91 ~11. The U.S. W..""' hl'M• rtioeclt 1 aooii.,. ,...... wltll '-•"""" 7 to ' ...,_ ..... _,,...,, -M 1'f'9CI .. "''* fW n.. ~ ,.... llnL '""' ~'" -IMlllY ·-.. ,. wfltit ,,.,.,..,,.. ""' C!wllNU. M,.., ........,.,_. _.. _, 1'. W1tet ""'"""'" ... ..,.,.,,., -... ni. ......,.. mllN .,.,.. _,..., ,,..,., """' Mflil ........ "'"' flf .. .. ,.,_, ........ ................... ""' ,_.,.. ~ Mllil ..._....,,.. -· ,., lfl ................ , .. Ill,,....,_ .. -..... T~ ...... '"' "'"'lie!"' ~ ..... ..... "" ...,., ........ ~,ailHM: ..... '-'I ,.,._ ...... MwllCt U• .......... .....,, .......... .... "•lmdlft 1..... "...... • .. . ,....., ~ M•fll. ... .,.,...._, 1ta. ,.,, ._. oi.,., 71-'7 Mf kl#t flr .. r• ..... Coat.I Lew dtulll .,.. "' but -"" -..... 111• '""· llottil "'"-"" ........,. """' l"CI ..... "in. '""''' "" ~Int -""" 11 i. u aneta. Hit!! -n. 'f' .. l.,.Y'I ,_.~ Plllltlll ,,.., 1 l'lflh .. ,, i. n. lnl...i 1- """'"'" "*-wet U i. 16. Wlflt" ,.,.....,,_. -.. ~ S•tt, M-tt. TWe• WaDMSSDAY l'l,.i l'liftt ••.•..•••.••• J!N 1,11'1. 4,1 ,. ..... '"' •. . '. 11:• •. ,,,. , .. "TKUltlOAT Flrat hltlt . •... t :lt 1.m. lA Jlfrtl -... 1:>6 1.rn. J' a_.. ll!tll •:U 1.Jf!. •.t v.s. s •• _,.., Loull\' n...., lflu"°"'Mrm' "'1nd r1ln etl lfll """"" Elll I nd M ...... 1 IOdeY wtll.le cll1~ s*lt1 ..-1Ytll1M1 l •lf !hi Nortlt c..,1r1\, NII"~•""" 11'111 Ptelflc: 1t1!ft. • f'll"f MYtJ .. Pie., Wit 1111 llf I )I,. lflCJI dllu" .,,.._ IM llltill.. wHll ,.,.,... tflltll )VJ lncllft of "'" ~ .... ~ . ,_.,_ ....... . ll:ldln'toM.. ..... '"" _k .. tw 1,9' ll'ICl'll4 of r1l11 T\IPChlv 111-'d, n Ji. Hoin!M. T•~~ •lllOtltd 1.tl lflCM>t. ll'!f l"«I/. lfld,, ftllll h, lllCl'lft !OdH, OM --w11 •1lltt1 11111 II 0!111!"1 1<11\trtld Tlinlh• 11 A•flll'I. Olla.. WIMl'I I Jllll<'llOft II I lhNrl ....... I lllrt ...... cotl11H•:I O..rlnt 1 ~;~ ~ r1lt11torm, Offk.i.11 tlllm11td GIMlltt 11 dlO.oot, Allll/QVtrllUI 1111..,11 a.~1r1111ld llMT11r(). lot Ion a ..... n1vlll1 (1'11¢• .. (l11<lnn11f O.nw' Off Mllinu """" '°llrM .... , lor! W~!~ ·~~ ··-M-lllu Ka11111 City l.41 v .... lo• A!'IMl11 "'""' M~Ml!ll """"""' Ntw Y8" Nr111 Pltlt. OKl1"' Oki• ....... (Jty ...... P1lftl Slll"I""' -·-... ll•ld (llY ltM allltl ·-s.cr-IO S.11 L1k1 CllY Sin lr111elsca loHltl• -·~ 1" ... m.11 W111'1IMM" Later in the day JsraeU jets crossed the Lebanese bortler to hit sources of Arab rocket fire that kllltd lwo lsratlls and wounded four in Klryat Shmona Tuesday 11 11 nighl The. army said two waves of planes 10~ 1' pounded three Al Fatah JUerrllla bases '1 54 00 lhe western slopes ot ML Hermon iJ\ a = ~ .N half·hour lllr\kt. 1! :~ 56 Jt wall Israel's first air ~trike into -. $1 · 1'ebanon since it. \\"IS condemned by the :i: !~ U.N. Security Council for an air raid last " ... mc.nth . 1ri :: ·"' The Israeli army said one of its "' 5' soldiers and a civU1an tractor drh·er r, !! \l"tre "'oundcd on the Suez Canal, where 1N •1 Israeli and Egyptian troopa traded 1mall " .. u 11 anns and cannon fire . :: ;: Most of the lirln& took place north of N .,. _,, Port Ta ufiq al the. aouthun end ol the ~ : 103-mile waterway, a spokesman said . ., Q .11 At United NatJonll headquar\tn tn New 1' ~ York , reports circulated that Secretary• 1°' • Gent.ral U Thant had requttted Syria to :: J ·°' release the two Israeli men still being 1o.s •• hi!!ld after lbe hlj1cklna: of an American ,:: !! airliner lut Frkiay. ~ ;; Thant's office did not conflrrn the rt- 11 " ~' pons. but a U.N. tpokesman aaJd earller ,:_: ~ that ht. hed el}lressed hope the two would '' n .n be released soon. bopered Oft .... 1'Mllll,y nlcbl A -.,,.t GI aboot 100 llale u.opela WU -int. ICltao 1\tUclly nJclll to ""111 loc>I pollct but lell the .,.. lbortly after lllldnlabt. Police sold the troopers woold be brovihlol>OCk IJ!to the. city about 4"'.}).m. Ju a furtbtr preca.uUon ,l.. bstllllqiu of the Notional Guard were oo standby alert in nearby armories. ~ 7 p.m. to S •.m. curfew was onlered by Clty Manqor Elllbl C. FnedmlJ1 afler the city WU declored to be In • -"' -·tDC)I \y Deputy Moyor Georie B. Klnsella. - Kinsella wu ~for Ml)'OI' AMP. Ucet:llt. who wl.s vacaUonJq In Maine. She returned· Tuadq llt"'1IOOD llld -thecltyotltu!twloe. At least 31 pmoos, lncludJni 111 . pollccmeo llld 14 flranell, ..... reported injur.d. Over 200 am:sta were made, mottly on chatr .. of loo1lni, --·-.. _. all!! vlolaUon of the cutfew. An Gii-duty polkeman wu ~ lor aJJecedly cltlln1 Oft a cue GI liquor fl'Qlt a lion, Police were fon:ed to block ott an ell)tl.bloc;k ltre\cb of Mllln Street, the clty'a major thl'm>uahfare, whlch run' thl<Jllih the North End section. No traUlc wu allowed through, and police manned . 10.man outpoltll at JOO )'ard int.enall in the eenltf of the street. North Eod ruldentt .. 1 oo troot Jlooi>' and k.aned out. of wlndoW1 throu&hout Tueadly, for the moat part 11lently, watching aa police moved to br~ up violent outbunta by bands of youths. Firebmnbl were Jobbed over roofs and rncb were thrown at speeding pollce can. An occaaional pnsbot w • s reported, fordna police.to run for cover; ~-:. firu &red aa late u I p.m. Side ltreetf were littered with burned . mtttruaes, oVertumtd trash cans and wbst ...., ... 1 carpel of broken glw. to the middle ci the blockaded section llood the~ branch GI the llartlord Public lJbioty. It wu completely gutted by lire durlog the dlilurbsnc.,. l(opechne Death Inquest Delayed by Court Order EDGARTOWN, MBS3. (UPI) -Diotrict Court Judge James A. Boyle today tonnally IUIPtoded the scheduled Inquest into the death of Mart Jo Kopechne. as ordered by the 1'-tassachusetls Supreme Court. It was expected to be •t least a month before the inquest -a judicial inquiry lo determine the legal cause of Mis.s Kopechne's death -epens. 'J'he 28·year- old Washington secretary died when a car driven by Sen. Edward M. Ktnnedy hurtled off a bridge on Olappaqvlddick Island in mid.July. The inquest had betn set to open today with Judge Boyle preslding, but at the moment it was to have started -6:30 a.m. PDT -the silver-haJred judge IUSpe.nded it. Kennedy wanted to proceed with the in- quest as planned, but his lawyers over· ruled him because or the alleged denial of * * * Judge Rejects Plea to Drop Exhumation WILKES·BARRE, Pa. (AP) -A Pennsylvania judge rejected today a mo- tion by the parents of Mary Jo Kopechne to dismiss a petition for an autopsy on the body o( the formu secretary who was killed July 18 in an auto accident in· \'olving Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. (n rejtct.ing the motion by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights , N.J ., Judge Bernard C. Bromi11$.ki of Common Pleas Court :said he had the authority to order an autopsy . The Kopechnes had arKUed that Pennsylvania had no jurisdiction to act on the autopsy request by Dl:st. Atty. Ed· ntund Dinis of New Bedford, Maas. Dinis wants the autopsy resu\ta for an L1quest he plans into the woman'!! deat11. That inquest was scheduled lo begin to- day in Edgartown, Mass., but attorneys for Kennedy forced a postponement, pro- bably of two weeks or more . ~1iss Kopechne, 28, was killed ~·hen a car driven by Kennedy plunged off a nar- row bridge on Cbappaqulddick Island off the 1ifassachusetts coast. An assistant medical examiner ruled death was caus- ed by drowning. He did not perform a.n autnpsy. / Miu Kopechne Is buried In nearby Larksville in the hard coal region of northeastern Penr1sylvanla. Brominakl gave Dinis 20 days to amt11d bis petition for an autof>sy. hi.!I constitutional rights by a set o( ground ru1es laid down by Judge Boyle. UPI learned. The judge made a brief appearance at the bench in the second floor courtroom at the 111-year-old courthouse. He read a statement to a courtroom half.filled with members of tile press, many of whom had come from overseas to cover the in- quest. The statement said : "On a petition by Edward M. KeMedy against Jamts A. Boyl& prese.nted to the Supreme Judicial Court of Mas.sachuaetll yuterday, I hive been ordered not to proceed further with the inquest into the death of Mary Jo Kopechne u.ntil such ttme as the peliUon may be heard and determined by the full cwrt." The judge paused momentarily, looked up from his scrawled statement, and then 1aid: ''Therefore, this inquest Is t.'Ontinued until that time." The formal suspension of the Inquest follo"ed by less than 16 hours th' issuance of a restraining order by Associate Justice Pau1 C. Reardon of the state supreme couct. while the full bench~. of the high court looked into "grave con· stitutional questions" rai!ed by the in- quest's ll'OODd rules. Reardoii,'11 a tall, gaunt jmfst" Who authored a report OD presg..bar guidelines, listened tor about S$ minUteS to arguments from a lawyer for the !l!nator and then one for the judge before issuing the temporary restraining order. Slate Atty. Gen. Robert H. Quinn. \vhose office represented Boyle, iiaid t l\'ould take "at least two weeb to prepare for argument." Court officials said it then would have lo be placed on the ~urt schedule for October, meanin;; 111 one.month delay in the start of the in· quest. Boy Shoots Self On Capitol Steps WASHINGTON (AP) -A 15-year.old son of a Federal Railroad Administration official died less than an hour after he apparenUy shot himself on the steps o! the U.S. Capitol Tuesday n i g h t , authorities reported. Greg Rogers was found with a .32· caliber bullet wound in his temple. J-1•1 was discovered near the peace monumen. at the base of the Capitol's west step.J that fa~ the mall linking the Capitol wlU1 the Yi'ashington Monument. He was rush· ed t~ Rogers Memorial Hospital in Washington where he died. Frie11dly E1ae11aies Parliament members Bernadette Devlin and IV. Stratton Mill> of Northern Ireland share a smile before taping a b~eted . debato on their resp~tive posi'Lions on thn issues dividing their homeland. Mills called Miss Devlin a "f'ldcl Castro in miniskirt.." I I ] '~ "" lh1 '" "' Ji• '"' !:/ in1 gr •• of , .. Fr I WI n i !lo M Vh OU1 r I I I p, ... ur fOr wa I up lhi he he dO< op .. Jo o~ '" ••• I SJ" bu th• be .. Uo •l I 1h1 ha lo! I .. , • 1h1 lo cl Ur .. ye to fr' oJc olc 11' •'< th• ol• i M qu ... to m· Pl clJ. SU Cl le on " ri ~ .!• 1" n " " .. Ir 'I' " " .-. •' --~----··- • DAll Y PILOT 5 Long Beac~ ·Officer Tell . . • n1son .Cruelty ,. "I dM't ti\fnk tolltort1 ccmfintm41nt, forced. 1€ote· ........ llollng ""' _,Qr tlar1t 11ean, blfng pw& tn 1tropr,11ot btmo auowt~ to sleep or f4t, ttmoual of /ingor nofl1, bdnf hung fl'Om U.. crillng, hotling an in/lctttl Gtm o:hnost lo1t without m1dtcaI cart, br- ing dNoq_td along t h ' grotmd with u bn:iken ltg o:nd 11ot allowing t.tchanot of moil for prl.sonv-s ore h.umont." -Lt. Robert F. Frishman. WASHINGTON (UPI) 0 Wltlt !ht consent of lht ctl!I• rad .. he i<lt behind, Novy Lt. Robert F. Frishman of Lon& "Btach, just out ol a North Vletnam prison camp, hu aet out. to "blow the whistle" .cm New Draft La'v Posed By Nixon '· W ASl!INGTON <UPI I Prtsident Nlion is on the ver1t: of imtltuting a draft lot· !try, though It won't be in Ille fi>rm orla!nally propoeed, It "-'IS ltarned today. Nixon •ppan.nUy bas &iven up bopt Conaress will enact this year the draft lottery bill he pro~ In the spring. So he has decided to put a ran - dom selections system into operation on his own. · To lht )'>Uth 0wlitina. ·~ lo .,,,,., ~ would moon on 1Y one year of unctrtafnty in· stead of t"'·o, three, four or t ven five years. It was not known when the 1ystem would bt Implemented but the. e1ecutlve ord er pavi ng the way for it is eqiected to be INUed shol1.ly. Nixon said as much in remark! to the na- tlon't 1avernon: ~tonday ni&ht al Colorado Sprin(s, C.olo. Con11e.uional aour«S 1ald the Se)ecUve Servkt aystem had prepared material on the lottery for the White House. Here is bow the lottery would work : The President would cilrtct tM Selective Service system IO abandon its pre~t m.ethod of takhJ.I the oldest re.&iJUrs fint, starting with ~year-olds and working downward to I .. year~lda. He would direct it to begin with a younger aaed aroup, probably the 10.year- olda. As1umin1 the 19 to 20·year· old.a beca me the "plime ag e group," the loci! draft board would be inslnlcted to fi ll their monlhly quola v.1lth the oldest 10-year-olds available . For ex1mple, if boards on Mor u """ told to nu their quotas, local o(ficials would k>ok for the 19-year--olds about to become 20 on May 19. To make sure that young men wlt,b blrt.bda¥s ( at any particular Ume 'of lhe dionlll didn't enjoy 1ri advantqe or auffer the disadv1ntage, draft calls ,.·ould bt Issued at dif· ferml times of the month. Tht plan differs from Nl:r- on's legis lator propoul ln thl1 respect : The random select.Ion stems from the date of birth rather than from a modem ver1lon 0( plucking nwnber1 from a ftahbowl. Tt also mea111 that youth would have to spend one year "txpOsed" to t he l)O!•ibillty of •election. Under the bil l. they would know rll"t after the drawing whether their chanct1 were &ood or bod. But In botll cases, )"OW'I tna could skip the year of Ul!OlrtiJnly thot thty now race. Libya Shuts Border to-. Outside1-s IW GllBJR, Libra (AP) -. L!bJa'•' -·border willl 1'Untsla rtmalntd sealed her. toc!ay, 41 boon altet an ~. .. dtpootd:J.C!Jiflilrla 1. )illel,;j>(drucb. cari aod ~ a1or11 Ille $.ffl ... ~ ... licle, lor penn!iilon to bya. 'J1aWe .l\'tlter'n nemmen1 .1"~. ~ first to enwt U· byU ~· llnct "1004o1'• ~ po~il lunlid ..,. • ... "'" pot! • -:::....~ 1. lrOrll a. Lll!JI 't black • .,... Incl rod n11 new ... ,hUd. The oollce wttt cuually dnlltd In illakl .,._.th &hlrt.s and were u111rm- td. I Apparently 1nxklu1 to avoid lrritaUna: or alarmln1 Ila Tunlllan nelgbborr, the new mflllary re11me kept IU t""'P' weJI awa~ frotn &he border. Hanol'l claim ~ 11' o a II l'rfUlnan) 11ere reluctant to living In a ·Cige ' .. tncl H'l jlllt kllld cl Uke pr-. h........i~-'11-PlUCh-~ tbllr treat-yeara, beltt& put In sttaP1, not 1n oven. You art covered The s t 1 t • t. meot, 1 partly for fear of being allowed to s~ep or eat, from head to foot, during lhe ll)UDWhUe, plann to ~ repriaal a&llnlt those still m removal ot linger nails, being hot monthl, with beat raah. Unut ~Uc ellorlt to cai!llYlly. -' hung from the ceilin(, h&vln& All 7"' clo it lil"'1'YOlll" bed·-· po""'41e ~ to .tomlall •1 f'l1oluuo, I.I, whooc wll! an infect!'I ann a1mott !oal YP. h&v• a hand fan for , 1111 oph• DttlOl!en IU1qlda, lo ~ D•ft'lri SUlff, CaW., told • I without mid lea I care, btln& .J.d·~.':~ 1~ ~ b1(!1 f,D c1oe111. -.'fl ~~~~ck 1pr,~,.'!_~~. •aw• c<lnlerence at the dragred along the grOwid with ~-t:..~ •• 'C':t-·.-111 C In !:."] , l'l'I _,..,. .. pu. wnded ana Mbf»da Naval M e d l,c a I I a broken lea ot not •Uowlna llW ~ ~W··-~ UHi lo i*mH impartial lnlpOction Caoltr Tueadoy -arranged exchenge ol mill for prisoners winter tint< ~ eels down to ot ctmJ)l"aod mote ~e by the State -9 Defense are humane." around 45.de,rees-but that'a ol mall. · dipertmeots _.:. tbe North He said not 111 of tbose reiJly cold 1' ' The P~ta,f>D ..... l1N ... _l,8 Viatfwnue warn~ him lhal things heppened to him, but North Vietnamese doctors America NI m1aaln8 <id U1C war'{ ... Jt tod embaJllss" them they they did to others. . rtmoved elbow booe1 lrom hil but doe'I D9( !mow l'!'l bow M4 '!fY• bi "l'Ulol '"'n"-Aller hi> plane was shot Injured rl(ht arm but lefl a many Are priaooets. North an apparent threat aaatMt re· down over North Vietnam in metal fragment In the ann. Jt Vietnam NJ a numbtr of m.Jlnll'll prllOllvs. October. 1967, Frishman .said f~ed for montha and now prllOO ClltlPf and Individual Bui:~ llld fillOW .prisoners ' he WU kept in a room 10 by 11 ~arm II crippled. prllOntr'I ~ not mfft. very wilh wtiodl he 1poke just feet wllll 1 tiled roof. Laler he "I believe tile North Viet· mal\1 ' of tht oU>•rs in Cl(t before hlJ rtleaae •in urly wa.s moved to a brick-walled namese are capable o{ glvil"ll Uvily. P'risbmab 1&• pethl.Pf Auauat 1pproved ol bla spu.k· room If by 26 feet with a Un eood medical care, but they 110 Amttle1111: .• ~ out: · t roof. bulcally ~ ooly what 11 Anierltflll :-eleued b Y U doa't think IOUtary con· ··Durin& the summertime nectlW}I to keep ua alive, H Harr.>i (n!llt i • c I • d t • I fioea!tnl, fcrttd ut.menu, Ille hot ll<>pical llll1 beats he sold. • Congress Returns Today WASl!I NG TON (AP) Controvtrslea over taxes and mllltary 1ptnilin1 · top the agenda aa Congreaa returns today from 1 three-wee.k vact· tlon. tcrest rates. uncertain. As for the 1nilitary spending Sen. WIWam Proxmire, Cl>.• Mo.rt of the action inlUally wUI be in the Senate where dtbate continues on propoe.ed cuts 1n 1 $20 bllllon blll authorWna appropriations for defense projects. debate in the Senate, an Wl1c.), ottered tht: amend- amendment to cut $533 million m~t , which II on1y one of for addlllona.I C5A traniport several lhal. would c h op planes was pending when defense fu nds. DemocraUc Congress started the recess Leader Mike M a n s f l e I d Aug. 13. Whether enoqch . eatlmated Ii would take JO memben; would be back. in dl.Ys to two weeks t.o fini.sb Ume for a vote thla wet.i wa1 . with the bUI. 'BLOWING THE WHISTLE' ON NORTH VllTNAM PRISON CAMPS Navy Lt. Robert Frishman (;i9ht), Sallor Dou1t11 H19<lahl Doscrlllo CnNlty No Progres s Reported in LA Murders . LOS ANGELES (UPl)-Po- lice have no suspects, no mo- t.Ive and no murder weapon in the tll1Jn1s of actreas Sharon Tate and four other persons 1t her t.st1te. And Inspector Robert A. Houghton, chief or detectives, conceded du.ring a news con· ference Tuesday the longer tbe investi1aUon eonUnuea the less chance police have ot aolving \he grisly crime.. "We have no ide1 l''htre Ult killers are located at prmnt," H004f1ton said. Police.1:.1 bav~ ~uestioned more than JW pe~. sons in tbe United Slates and foreign countries, be: 1a1d. There were few new detail! releued about the invesUga· lion. Houghton reiterated none ot the bodies were sexually mutilated and said ~tiss Tate's unborn ch.lid was not stabbed. She was el1ht months pre1· nant. He said the murder weap- ons, apparently taken by the killers when they fled, were ·•a cuttlni weapon and a flre- ann." Narcotics were found "Jn more th.an one place" on the estate but not Jn quanti- ties to . Jna-e them commer· clllly v11uable. · tn addJUoa to Mis.s Tate, the victi ms wt:re men ·s hair stylist J~ Sebring, coffee heiress Abta:ail Folger, Polish writer Voltyck Frokow&ky, and Steven. Partnt, a friend of the estate's arttlker. And on Thursday the Senate Fiflanct Committee will open hearings on the House-puaed. tax reform bill, with 1d- mlnistt1tion spokesmen first Up. I ' Mining from lhe Senate as work. resumes is Republican leader Everett M. Dirk!ien, w~ . had -.a .lung. opei:at.ion Tullday. 10: addlllOI> to lhe important· role. he p1a;. U the GOP leader. Dlrben also is a member of FlnllTICe and of the Judiciary Committee which is lo consider the nomination or Clement P'. Haynsworth for lht Supreme Court next week. Up for acUon In lhe House this week art: bills to amend the auto W:ety act, eatabliab a toy llfety program and extend the air pollution control law. Mare controveralal lssue.s ticketed for H o u s t con- slderJUon lat!r in tbe month include a Qvfi'tar extension cl the IMS 'Votlnr Ri(hls Acl and a con1tuutional amend· "ltpt to ilroYld< for election or ~ 'Pf'f!l~t by d I r e'c t , popular v~. Renewed efforts also will be made to pt early House 1c· tlon ori ·a sertate-piased bill to rtvlvt Ute 1 overn menl· ,uaranteed student loen pro- lflln, crippled by high In- Arab Sabotage Cache found TEL AVIV, Iarael (AP) - An Arab sabotage arms cache, including tao antipersonnel mines made tn Communist China, has been discover~ near En-Gtddi ~ the Deed sta. an Inel.i m i I I t a r 7 apokUman sakj here today. The cache also included 50 hand 1renades, rifles, sub. machine gun• and 1 number of buoolca llh•llt, the apokuman added. Boycotts, Bombing Mark South Schools ATLANTA (AP) -White boycotts, black picket llnt.s ancl f~eral lawsult.t rac>ct school oyalems In lh• South today as the new term's aec- ond day: of cl•saea began. Aniry proteltl aa;atnst ra· cial lnttgraUon Tuelday In· <IUded a Ore!>omblnt and the padlocltlnl ol ochoolo Jn Mt ma . White ltlldent! staged tar1e- sc1le lo wholesale boycotls in some dlstrids of Alabama, Florida, Lou:latan.a aqd North C1rollna. Negroes J)l'Otested the cloa-mc of tndfvldual achoola un. ~er r e d • r a I deseireaaUon plans ln some dl!trictl ol South Carolina and GeorgjL <Two pr e d a w n flrebombs llnick lnrtn Avtnue IChoal iA Charlotte, N.C., Tue 1 day. a..-opentcl anyway 1t tht predominantly Nqro Junior high school wblch had fo .~ sort> many pupils or lower aradel under an integration plll! . SO SORRY •••• ' I the wra111 ad appeared Tues. Sept 2nd In The I . _;.. . Dai~ Pilot l'Bldlll final band concert The ~ . Stores would be open Tueiday 1venl111-Sa sany H we caused you inconwlllilnce! " .· 'tli' s ( -'4 ~t . . 'Tors 1 i HOBBIES -'-nAnb.NEi~ , . ~MPElA • POSTIR CARDS I Sb: 1ht4l.M .... Set 111111--. •II ... r. •• ~ ........... 99• fllfl .. Mkel ... ,. •••. o.I! SCHOOL 'FILLER PAPER 500 SHllTS ,., hhfft -OHke u ... 1.J7 ,.,. OHLY 76C ALL·IN-ONE Bl"DER . c: .. ~ •tPMf Ml!"' " ...... ... ,,.... I 1· 199 ·-· ' . .... 3.00 Olllr • ,,..,_~:-. Dra1ti111 Tenplates & !\tlf, Letteri111 Guider _,,,,tt.Ub C1Mpltte JOO 400 MIMtl•• t9 PrlcM ,,..,. ARTIST MATERIALS SET Cetiipllt• .,, Mfl '"' ell ., ... , on-· 1 -"". 2 95 ........ ., ... ............ n.M ....... CANVAS BINDER • -.-, -. '88 riiltNI.......... ¢ c:.t... ... °"'' "How" & ''Wirt" BOOKS ,,....._ a msWlft -, cMN =:.:~!:: 4,95 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ' • STATIONERY • SCHOOL SUPPLIES Th• Amerl~an HerltalJ• Dl~tlonary Of th• ntll•h ,.,.,.,., "-flrtt l lctleUfy te k llh1dretitd wltil pll•t .. tephl, Maps, a11d dr•wh•t •· TH flrtt dlctlo11er, te recarl fM ..... -...... $895 et1t llill ...,. ,... tmt t1fOI d/Ctl•Hry, 0 111, CRAYONS 4011 Count SCHEAFFER CARTRIDGE PEN PNed wftl 2~ ••ttrtd ... 111• J uh'• ,,_ hr Khffl 77• t,.Cl.t . ,. l q. 1.00 Yolue Only ATTACHE CASES H..._me Ir cf1rftlc. M_, "'"" Ir •lsn te ch•OM from, St1d tM te ...... Styt• ..... 599 .. 1687 • • • THEME 'BOOK • l.41,.. M lt&tl11 ef _ .... .... ,,. .. ~57¢ FASHION PSYCEDELIC REPORT FO~DER REG. 19c .·,~¢. SALE ~ ;J . - SCHOOL IAG . ' C..... ""4"~ wltfl T-..... ._ ..... 247 ...... ,,~ .. ""41• Ollr I .11HHT · PltqttCTORS -.....:.--... ""'°' .. ~ 3 10¢ wt" Meet.....,. fer 1111 LW .MW _ , ..._, ......... ,,.,. 50-FASHION ISLAND Ol Hll ITOJIU WntcM11tr lo1 An .. 1H C1nog1 Park NEWPORT IEACH 644·0911 All lo .. , -Ille. A -olit• --19 Kllool outfll wllll Ill• op II oloto looll. REG. 2.98 SALE 1,99 PAPIRMATI FLAIA ....... __ ,.....,.. :"'.;. ;.:'..~ -33"' ..... ,. .... ,. f.ASHION BOOK COVERS Stylilll coHn for all yovr ltookl, S!IHl- IMY' color key tklr textbooks or 1etlbo1ka. Pkt. of 4. REG. 49c NOW ----~ ---= ;;, --•. . . - DRAFTING SETS ,... ....., ... ,, ........ ... ~~Z' 295 .. 2500 S.,.rately _.. 11 llfl. 11• IAYIM•I •IT l PINS! 17c ,.,_ ON~Y l'ICKm SUD! RULE "TILL ME WHY" BOOKS ...... --.... ~ --.. -495 ~·-.,. o.tr ~ OPPOSITE THE a•OADWAY Ol'EN SUNDAYS TOYS. HOBll£S ·STATIONERS I I • •• Eneouraging · ·Resnlts • .. War:s for Opinwn Are Unforgivabf!3 · ' . ffJ[~, r\ / 't ,~·· • r " ~ I ~'I ' \ ·• Dear GIOOm'y Gw: . Thls -·· ,,...,,, •ard '"' re-ducinl tha (Oil: of ·.eovttnment lhotdd p · to the ooe,-JPo ·llPt our tu blil with ppstaie du1., -..;\. N. )!, . A M~sed Opportunity • f . ' ' ... . ' " • • • " I ~~ ' .-~ ___ ... . . • ·' W!W., 1Hf~E (jO ANOfHE/1) If' BitLION flUBlf5!' ,· ... ... ... l ·• . . . _, Ollld@:,H•"e Wciclaed Infiltration Ra~ .... • 'f'' ·rh~y: Bel~)fe .. .H~noi Is .Wearing Out I lt)xlot Summary su!nension1 have bttn invalid.ited for tacic of'~ue process, and search without wmant of students' kickers and au~ has been lorbid· den . lll>bei:i N. weid, Publisher I ~· f ~ I ' t ' I • I I l , . • .. • ' ' ' ' ' I • • •• I I I I ' r I ' I ; l ~ . ' I ; . ·' -.. : ,: ·' .. _.;, -' . I , . ..7 •..•.• ··r•' " • • , ' . ' .. ~' ·l j •• • • ... • • •• \> ' •• • -• • • ' ' • • 1r r <. ,.. ".~ ~--~ ~ -•... ",: i _,: .: . . . -... ·'.: :. : •, ..... " '. . . ' . . • ' .. ~- .. \ \ . .. . ' ' . • • thru Saturday onlyl . ' . ... " ; r '••' " ' ', .· •, ·., ,., }'~: ~ .. • r r11< ~ . I ; -· .. -1 ~ . · . • { ' If:. ~.;.:.,. t"• .• '. • I ..... , ... • • . . 1 • . ' ' ., ' f 1 . ' ~ ·'· YOUR CHOICE ~EG~ s4.9s, Now -·· 49.8:8.:, • '• • • I • • < • • •, ':" ' ,. • '' ' jMP~L 10 .~ CANISTER CLEANER ,;;.,kes VGCWllllOll ' a br11•I r.c:.101 .. 112 HP motor, ·avtomallc ccnl ree~ triple fllter, ••~ilo1'9e~q,,d IOot pedal switch plus dolux•!Ool set wit h vib'!'", ' 1 boai <iOm, ftoOr Gftd wall ~,,.,g· Cllli! floor noxile, up{idl<joly I . ! ~ cMting ~ cravlce tOol ai.<t tOor j>acit ca,;.;.;. In' gold and '--'-~-. ' ' Wftl't:o . • ' • . . ' NPERIAL MU).Ti.Sl'E~ 1'9!;ISMER( takes tt.,, -'< out ·Of. • ·-:--_ i.o;..;.;.lc. Fta-a 11illnl 3'1if. tnt..tla Cllopensin1f Wlll, tun - ~. !J!.kah goo:ri!, tolld -control, 14 piece ac:ceslOI)' kit with '.J -~~pad., -St,o! w!>OI pads. two felt J>Cllb •. rwo ecrVb .. . - -. t '-'iiig pads, -shampoo bnnhes and -Pf'lllicator< -• • • I ' '\ .•":. ' ........ bnahn. In CffCIOXlo. - . J Ul!AiwiK ···-' ~Hl!K QQA It/. , YERCITY 4. ;t :§:~~ • . -. . . ,... ' r • . . . • • ' . ... .. J • , . '·. " ' . ' ' . ' ' • • • . i · " ·~ .. , . ' . ' . ' .. ... j,' v. ' •' ·' ·\"''' ~ . . ' ' ' . ' . ' ''114 'l .... ·• .. . ,., . . . ' .. · .. , .. . . . , ' . ·' ·:· • .. • • r . • . . , ... . . .. • ' r ~ ...•. . '- . •, ~ ,,, '• . ' •,. f .. )' .. .. .. ;; · .. ·. ' . • I ' ; . .. ' • ., ' .. ' ' .. ' -.. J :_ . ' . Bae.iv pants ere. only · for 111.t 'funnt' 9U11 ••• . . . -~-. . ... . . .. - GET YOURSELF -• --•o •Yo --~-·-•••--o•o ·------- ~·-·r9~CRAFT SL~~ ,~f; :· · FCATREL• AND COTTON . . . 'I '/. )'~'. : .. l ~-· ···';")" ' ~ ·'\. ' ' ' . . ~1!iefGshion ~Is with t!ie nl>oWljnlde;, .,.,...holding Wfl'/S :M ·~ ~I \ COHOll. P'"n'11 has tobft thlJ 11\ng·wtaifna 50/50 bl""d ond added a P'"n4'tai9 ftnlah .. . . • IO flitY111YW,f'let nteci !toning.Jlitt ~ _WOili "d,fUll!M, 'em dry. n-TClri:!tilt d•ignld ccuuals really miy wllh hi A. .SUM GW P~OES iii chtcij, slJlpts or plalcfs. Walm 28-36 .............. ,;_ 7~ 9.s~. . . . -.. I. 'ME 801TOMS in aolid,,. and Wli:.;; ' . ' ' . ~°'.*~'.'°'36 ' .... ~ '-?·'-''"--,: . 1. • .-~;:C>SWNGIAQGOAll'CSl'GAISlii'-"!d · - ' .. • ,c,q!ors. wllilti'a.3t . J " ~ . ,. eli ~. . ·...r--. ,. ' . ·. . ' . . : ' • ~-P. "' \ {' • ' 1 'I ' u ' .. . .· ... . ·~ I f •' ... ! ' ... " . . " • ' j •• • ,. • • .. .. . ' . " : ' ' .. • '· • ' ' " AVAILASLE AT 'i'OUR"LOC»,.~RENNEY STO~E • • J ' I .. ' . -.. ' ' • • • I • I • Wtdtloodq, S<fit1nbot S, 1969 ; 0 ~ow about dlnnu tonight! WouJdn't it be nice to bear a. good old American line for & change!" Nazis Signed Instead Soviets Claim Pact With West Ignored •• f•' \ • • • • . W ASJ:llN'GTON' (iJPJ) -Moscow) I remain profoundly The Soyjet Embassy I s convinced that the Soviet aide circulaUng a document which bad 5incere intentions of con-seeu to show that StiiJJn wanted to conclude a mutual eluding a treaty and a military a.smtance pact with Britain convention and of setting up a and.France tn 1119'but had to real barrier on. the road 'of the .;e,.ci.i. • ..O..aggm&Joo aurmor. Only falslfi<rs or pact with Hitler instead~ history coococt versions to the 1be dopmwrt, w b 0 1 e efffrl that the Soviet Union relule-w• timed to the m allegedly colWcted negoti• annivenary o( the Nazi attack tions during those days with on Poland, &ugge!ll that Bri-Gennany, lain """ France wer< . unln-FACTS STUBBORN teresttd in a deferie'j)IC'l With "Facts, hoWe~er, are stub- f.t:oaoow because tbe_y .aecreUY born things. Naturally, those hoped" Htler W~ . invade who procrastinated al the Ruull ·and deslr'Gy · com-talks would have wanted that munlam. • the Soviet government remain 111' '""!i'•ge •recollection, idle apd thllll faclllate and entiUed ' W a s t e d Op-realization of their intentions. portunWu," wu written by llawever, it would be naive to former SOviet Navy Com· count on the . Soviet govern· miuar (MinlstU) Niko I at ment remaining paSSive. The Kumebov. KUll'lelaov was a Soviet government 1 ho u J d ~· ef the SoViet delega-have looked for another way tJon wh1ch held t.aib with Brt· oot of the dangerous situation. 1=.Md. ~·in ·Moscow in "Under those conditions the only alternative was a l'IOIHlg· gruslca pact with GennanY. This WU required by the in- terests ol our country, and it would have been wrong and .1m,1, ~~· a\11 to lllle lhe,re~ CJ!lportimily In •"llldffik • iftilltary clB!b between the Soviet llnioo ~ Germany. -.. PREVIOUS LINE I -· .-Deportment expertl aid ~--~ memoir -••••r•ll1 to prerilOW1ly atated' llolliiii ~. But qj>etta were intrigued that '1Jo:e ut\oie . 11U being cin::ulated tb U.S. oew1papen: by the tnronnation department of the Sovl!i Eml!wy and the olfico' ol Ille SovJtt mWtary a.ttacbe .• The docwnent wu ll:milar to •n article in the &Jviet newspapu lsvestJa Saturday cJalmlnr that WOTld War JI could have been averted If lhe Brlllill 111<\ Frel)Cb bad not ubolol"'! Soviet JJleao for col- lecUve, .1 e c..u r ft y · against Germany. TJle l&westla article was ~n by 'diplomatic historian Lev Sbeidin. Kutnebov claimed that Brl· lain IJld Fra.DCe dawdled over the ttiparttte negotialions and sent second-rate negotiators to the Moecow talb. He alluded briefly to the M1111fch ogree- menl ol 1111 Wider whlch Bri- tain and France agreed to let Hither ~ the Sudete.n areas of Cr.eeboslovaki.a. he added : DIMMED THREAT T h e Soviel-Britlsh-Freoch talkl recessed ineonchisively Aug. ti, 11139. On Aug. J3 ,Nazl Fort:lgn Minister Joacblm Yon Ribbentrop flew to Moscow to negotiate the Soviet·Nazi norr aggrus~ pe1ict· with Soviet Forellli Jlinllter Vyacheslav M. Molotov.~ SET EVZNT8 On Sept. I, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, setting off the events which led lo World War Jl. Experts he.re indicated that Kuznetsov's was only a partial account of events. He did not explain, tl1ey said, the concern of Britain and France over S o v i e t demands for transit and other rights In the Bailie states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia wh ich were ind epe n dent between the two world \vars. 1'The BriUsh government and it!. Prime Minster Neville Also, he did not acknowledge Chamberlain. fonnafly agree· that the Soviet Union by April Ing with the Soviet ~overn-I 939 had begun courting Nazi ment to conduct negotiaUons, Germany as shown by the simllltineously, 11 ls known numerous documents captured today, c:oaducted negoUalions by the Allies from the GerJ11.an with Fascist Germany. The foreign ministry during World desire to bring Germany and -:W:a:r :' 1 :· ======.! the Soviet Union into a head-,... lon1 collision dimmed the real lhreat to their countries and BOAT BUFFS the necoUations with the Al-111 l111clwill.y i• th• 011ly Sor.1et Union were considered, f11ll·tl1t1.• .h•ti111 M!l•r •w•it19 \o I greater de""* I Ill tof!Y lllewtp1,...-1111 O,.t.119111 · I 0·,7• C.u11ty. til• eicd•l"r~er• .. maneuvtr to gain t me. of IM.tl•t eff4 v•chtiftt Mwt Kuznetaov continued: ".\I a lt 1 lll1lly fet.tut1 ef tlie DAILY p&rtldpant In all the meetintl PILOT. ol the military misslom (In · • I See By Today's Want Ads: • Dry.Land Sa.llor, or )'OU could i O by the M&·V.-1lY, Party drlvlJ.¥ to New Yark City towln1f 16' boat wl11 take )'OU for $100 and pa. • Other !\\'I.pt. trade&, mall!' tNchtr-wiU -take catt or .)'Oat' home for room, and a malure ahem! lady Ill&)' babysit tor • reduclni pW>. It Xakes AwhiJ-e:~-~ . . . To (Jse Freeway SAN DIEGO (AP) -It wed to take two houri to drive from Leif A!wel... N.,.,. ID 1>wy Plr!Oda. U tills four. ,,,. ,. .... : • klna~· ... snarl • lp\entate i th~ Qceollli'.i. as !he f..0.w~·· eJChi lanoi llUddenly blcqme four. . , What'& wor11 there>'• no other ..Ule hand). and oo hope ol oolvtoa the boUienecl: wlll1 lwt, hlgfi:way o!flcialS' say, "W• bave some -1c1eas fer tanporary, parlia1 remedia, but the San Luis Rey River bridge area lJ our prime pro- blem," says Jacob Dekema, district highway engineer. "It has only two lanes each way, and there's not much we can do about iL" cllrtdlcm. No, lll3'S OOema. "that's not an utra Jane -lt will be 111 Inside lhouliler for )he ~plded freeway.'~ llbe location ol .C amp Peadl<ton at the north edge ol Oceanaide 1;1 elimlnat.es ~ t h e l>O"lbillty l)lal motorists can bypaas lnlerstale $. 'l1le old U.S. 101 doeln't•run by the San Lult Rey brl<lge. and hlahw1y pWinen say U.S. 195 1niand from San Diego to lUvenlde offers no altemat.e solutioru A hJihway palrol. "'°" • mander, C.pt. W. B. ·Tmy, says "any increase of traffic on U.S. 395 would liOOll Ue that up in • worse mess than Interstate 5." . 'Ford's Boss <:~r .. The motorists slowed to five miles an hour for miles on end think they see a third lane under construct.ion Jn both Meanwhile, the tourist peo- ple in San Diego are urging local motorists to 11<y off the 90UtbboUnd route, espedally on weekends, 50 visitors can drive down. " Performance ,oriented enl.!y in tjle 1970 line fiom F-0rd ·Divillion ls the ~·,~¥111~. The car is· " " enne~1 Ai,.WAYS Ff!'IST G.UAUTV • • Perfed fit in fine quality seamless stretch panty hose from Penneys •.. ' Y.u wwa'I fll\d ....... .., .. ...., sheer hf!" s ..... ;.., ....... . ...... Nel.AWiilaWe~Wb .... to go,.;lll ""f-~P/11..Nif/f. 1.29 • 1.69· • 'I~hink Sch Women's Gayqtocle 100% Elegant women's nylon Girl's adjustable stretch acetate faricY briefs satin tricot half slips ... strop fiber fill bra 69¢ s3 s2 Don't Nt lfU mi& lwy di our I a..--•. ""'""1ol •fiN .... ., "' ....... hact awl front baRd MlioN.. ....... -~ '""""~ ~ ... ·~. ..... holf .. ..., ..,..i .......... ,..,...._..,_ ..... """"""" ow --'11 colon.: Si* :u:..o. _......_.._S.M.t. _,.... "'""· ·~~ , Machine.washable gid's lifalectil!ft of girl's Adonna's 'H•r First Bra' dimple knlf brim Penn-Prett• full slips from Penn•ys .•• . ' 3for1.79 3-6X1.59 7,141.99 1.59 ' . At ttn prim )'OU mi'I llffanl to bur °"°"' ......... 'ftNfy..,f'4S% °"'..,. "'' ...................... .................... ~ ..... .......,.,.,_,.," .... -· .. ... uporid. ~in tiul 28-36. -i.1..m. .. 16. .,_ . ,.. . Smart looking girl's shaker stitch cardigai:i u.14 7~&•5 Now k f.. is.. to ._,. oW 100% .....-Acn,_. «r)'lc: ca Ire •• G.t --in --··-. ,.,._ ...... Big volues on our bronco' groin.shoulder bags! •3 CorN Ill enl tee our Fol tllection of , ...... .,,,,...,..,,., ........ ...:., !mt. ................. • Here's a winning ~ pair .... Penn·Prest• '1 shirt cind plaid ,, pant jumpers. •• : ~ .... , .... -... .. i...,~ ..... #'~ ..., ........... W.-1 p.,...p,.... ,, pol') •l!IL/<Olllbed' cdton oO:wd doth Pl 0 that )'Oil ~ ~,..Ji -,.,.,.,. r-• .., ............ ;.... .......... U.7·15. s4 ..._,._,..., • ..._,..-,-.,,I,. .................. '°""~ _,,., ..,.. cl .w • tD -.t, ........... . .: • ,....for-..a51as' • ... CJMOrhd piaida. S•7-1S. $12 8oy'1 fortrel@ M po~tf~!t.-'1 Plm• cotto"Q br . and T-"11rh. , • AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE \ I I LI. SOii 0 or 33 Bead Ol\d' 1 Mer Pres and casl Men'•• .... ... ...... ""' ........ stripe& it Sli.,..... . ....... -· ....... ." I ,1 ~ i f J I Men' perft and i nge Coasf Area · Me_~~ in · ·S· rv1ee,·~Arc;>und-the • .. . . .. . .. • . -'! I> ..,.._ woa.a R. -· the lln:ra!t cartteo, H"""°"k. , Japan, · ·' mcdfca! laboratory lecllnldan. • Ungton• Betich, , ""· be e n Ne\O"Po,t lllrllor Web -~ -9' io:. aiid Mn. ~d u~ ir-1"1 • at "l(elj) ·-tit Mr. IOCI' Mn. llllnty tu Jet atiad< bomber pilot · 1S8lgned to ShepPard Al'll, llM. He al!onded Oran&• F.....U ol lGO •la ~lb, AYB, '(yo ..- Sbemll ollll l•cH1aapoll; St., Wllh Sq.i, V.WIJ.. lbe,· Stall ,~,.0•¥111 ,P· Goolea, Slalt.s,t. ~ D • .Far· Te:i., for lraJning ill ac-IAall Coll• ba!ore enlerlng ll"!Jlll'I Beach, bu betn on.., fteu nant tiq beell ~ -.. ~1111aanl~l~ol· .Jl.S~r,,··,IQQ ol M: .. llld Mrs. row, IOC\ ol ... (I. Juanlla B. counUng·aod-flna...,. , tbe,..,.lct. .......... to Cbomlle AFB~ aSllP.<J •• Bien HQa AB ao~pd 19 Cljanute ·AFB! m.. iicer In ~""'111.ol~ ~ S, ,a..Jep, IS67t Furrow ol 1111 <;oUege. A ... ,. 'Ille alrn!fJ! IJ'-~ tradwlle,ol , /Ir :=· la U., ' t •· ,.....:,. ~ D r •• du"' In ~ tr-'"'"• ·In I 'a ill' ...,,. . • . ,.-. "'est •• westminater Colla M .. a,. IJ· ...-.jog u · a UuntlnJllOll B<acn !Ilgll Scbqol i\lnU'I ~ II. let 1 • ..,._., y.,. v -,• r~r li"i:-~ tr • • • ;:>_-.:,~-·~· ·-..., , '. Dlllnlenaoce analy1l1 tecllnl· 'arid ·o!teaded Orange Co.ut ""'ol Mr. and Mn. Do.id ~-eq Jll110!ll!lel4-\•,,..ii allllo:f'eclllc:Ai>i'«<e. s••-.~.':!""'i\ ~ 9" hla fltlt . atiolnl lho ~ ~ lillll!"<i to •,U~t ·ol ain al Tan Soo N)iut AB, College before enlel'lng lhe Stobtr . ol 111171 Kalnoela llllo acrman Ii a 1"111<1~ or, lld.~·Jfi l.-...,on If' ... ~.: ·=-ton ~ ~.:.~-~· ljbt\'5 !i~ .·~ir ... J:.'orCtl . ~t ' Vlitnam.. ' ......... • . • ' ' 'De'!~. ll'!"thialiin llc!\ldl. .... ~ u.boredUJIUHHnl ~e-lollt.a • ' ,f~~ • , ,. .. Ptiio• • ~, "' w:u~ ..... ~ "v"~ l 5 ~ · , .... IPll'l. . . .. .• , • · 'been assigned \o Keesler AFB, 1*; rll:lid aftemt . • ), · .L.:. ~A..:.l 1 Siall PMIUp R mlssionsand · over"~N1."IJed1~ ' , aer ..... nt, 'an •l~I• ;i.Jrmu ~.C I\ e b er I s. AJnnU Potr1da E.· Robul., ·Mila., for trolnln1.lli ttie ~· ~~~· ~. •• lh•tu .• ~ :":/" '!"t""'''i' : Id; '• wu aw1U11CU · " m a . 1oa ltt, ls a• gradU:at.e of , ~laDd, Son of Mr. and d8ughter -ot ~. and 'Mrs. • munfcaUoal fie1d e-,.. "',.;; .ervt~. ¥ l • J :--~~-~·· ·~~· ~p;.~.::: for &aJ!antry. ' .\ W~litni~ R!&h S'~h do'I. ·Mrs. Ernest Southerland of 'Gerald Roberta' Jr .• of 11362 Tue airman la ~.&r•duate of -' , • • Pl<. ~!.i_.~.,20. Ir .,.r'. 1• · ...,...,, -· 19!0.·. HI prevlduily 'ser•ed at tl;Ul Underltltl Lane, Hwi· K!nifiaher Dri.,, Hunllnglon HunU...,. Beacb Hlgll School, ~ J, O'Neil, JIOfl ol '91i Ol 'Mr, ~ Mri:· Leanard ·~ U '":'bolo Co,'['i'> ~ Eelctncdc T-•· J.C'• 'NoldiQn ~anom Royal Thai t1ngton Beac11, Ii an alrctaft S.acb, cdmpleted bu i c '1•. reUl'Od. IA. Col. and Mra., P•'""olt r :1111.11i· uan (~ «-"'°Good Coo· Tliomo1 IL -· IOll ot'Mr.. AFB, Thailand. medlanlc,..,...u,g at Bien Noa training al ,Laclrland AFB. R-F, O'Neil OI; lH'l2 7 ' .r,; ;;tt•~;,.",!!i'!,.~llJI Jn .. ind Mrs. Wllllim S, Robb of Pl•. Frink Alell•, 20, son of AB, Yl~· Tex. and ba• been asslgnod to ·81111 Siio Slevea L, F~· Cloud 0!1 ... Lqwla Lazlie' COata ;.":"'' •• tnl'tioen ~,·~,....,.,,... • • Ponderosa st .• ~eosta Mr.andMr1>JobnR.1AteUo ,. 1rem; ... cractu8teotMarioa KeWer ABB;, 'Miss. for , Wllkluol,·u.s.AJrl'orte,m N ,tifpt,Uds~·, lo nth Utrr • Sgl.!s Sclunuck 11 ~ ·l\leia, b sen>lng aboard' tho ol -Fol'\l)lam Drl•e,-Colla ''Hi&b SCl>oot training u a .Jl us o n'D e I o1 Mr. and ·Mro. B. R. llald ... Di , Vletnan\. ' .~\fl:"Jlalla>:......,-;llt:;Jla~,..--llSS Ub IJD"l'll n, "Mesa1fao ~n-..:Slgned !TlliO -· --sJ)O<laUat.. . WI-"of SU6 ·College o._i ~I Mardr . ' 1 -• • '...:....,l -ta~aa. el lhe lril lnlaotey -Operating wllh tile l;e••plh • i,.t 'Ca•alfy DI• I •Ion s11.-11ruce M. 8~1 ... , son Tue airman Is· a l"aduate of Ave; ·eo.ta M,... 1las beeniidltO'Nill Ii CUmntlY'll· I t;~ UwrenCe'..L.' il./pp, 12. l,llviJloll'I 1t1t Artillery. Th• Fteot In.the Wester• Pacl!k. CAJrmobllel In Vietnam ao a of Mr. and Mrs. John Briscoe Huntington Beath lllgh Scl>ool. • aSllpd to Rlcl1ardf.Gebau lenc!lll Calllorula,Jnllltute or IOll <i Mr. -~~ Clarence <et eOlll lad biJ wile. Arleerl, -, • rifleman. o1 IZOI Alta V~ta Drive, AFB; Mo. , ·-TeohciOl.Ojl, P....iou: • '1Uipp ol 517 'Oat:. Ina Drlvt, tbelr home al 863 ~tel' , Av 1 at1't a St r I darll NeWpor_t·Beach, is a data pro-Airman Pili.Up C.1 Pttenoo, A standard·aupply cornpUttr -+ Ne\l(port Beach, received the Coita-Wsa. • Metluaalc ' .-c. ~ o. TecL SgL Calvin It. W. gramrrung specialist at Offutt S-On or Mr. and Mrs. Earl ·cGD&Ole operat6r, the w1eant WU.U.111 $. wnll.ron1. son ol Sliver SW near Cu Chi, Viel· : -Crawfonl, aon of Mr. and fi.fra. Gltlbm, son of Mr. and Mrs. AFB~ Neb. with a unlt of the Pel.erson of 30& Klnga Place, previoualy &entd ' at Korat Mr •• and M .... w~ G. Wlllislwd nam. Lt. hfer T. ft.NII;' USNR," William Crawford ~o( 194 Reg\oakl Gitsbam of 19612 Strategic-Air Command. Newport Beach, has been Royl '1bai. AFB, Tbatland. He of-~ tltl Wpewa Drive. , He<was a~ardtd the cltaOon son olllr. and Mn. Ted Reed Yorktown Lane. COata ~.ii Constellation. J.,.ane, Huntington assigned to Sheppard J!i'B, is a eraduate ol Garden Grove W e • lm J D s t e r • 11 ·a1so for~ in lic:Uoo,. w\ile of 33 ~I Road, Newport servln& Yfith a unit f}f .tt~ Beacb hu'tieen aSligned to Alri;nan MlellaeJ ,.\. Pearee, Tex., for-.-tritlning for U , Air High School. ' p&rUclpaUng:. Cadet Willisford ~ en;leed Jn grouOO •rations Bed II tn, roUte to hil<_aec-· .. ffellcopter COmbat .:. Si,ipport 1 Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Force med.iCS;I apeclaljtles.. la a 1167 graduate of aaa.l:Q.!t &. h~le force.in \!:iet":. Ofld• ~r_.ol Y:rntnam,._aboard Squadron ... snen., Ala u g i, AFB, Thailand. He aenres u a Pearce of 60$ toth SL, Hun:-The airman is a.graduate e(. Airman RJctwd·F. F~ Wtstmimter Wgb SChool and nam. He (a 11lal:ooQ leiaer in is attending University of Company E, 2nd BaUalioo of Cllilornia, 1t Los AP.Ket.,: U,, !!,th Infantry . ~i•llioli's Men's sporty Penn Prest• sport shirt and slacks for casual wear ... Men'• httnil•·polyetter/~ ...., "" ~~ •""' '" encl )wy !lpOl't ,thin lhat ... ., ...,.....,..__ machina ~ mod ~ d-ied. So5ck or stripe& in illatt ~ Slat S. M. L. XL 3.98· ( SlimtW~~'~·t6wl'·f1119 ,. .• ~ ·~,,_.. krr.-y ar~-PolyntD/ ..... ., eotM .. ~·p:ily.M/35% "°'°"' m • pkiid:I, .. a.a. ..,..~~IA. 7.98 - Men's Towncrofl • peifect flt Itri•~ and polo shirts ....... 3/3.98 ., ... ,3/298 ~,.. Set .cotton polo tl')/.rt in tp. s. M. t, XL..,,..,'°"'_.. 4Jt/P'ilN C»ttoft ""w. lo "le. 11 2M.4. took '-r dtl T°"'""af' .. • • • TowrtC1aft boy's long sleeve sweatshirt 1.98 era.ion• OQ')'lk/cotton · fM«e -tth ~ cnwi -*-AiiOIUMt. of cokxs in 6-8, 10.\2, 14·16, li-20. . 'Men's Penn-Presto qanch c...ft slim.jeans 3.98 1 f"orlt1!• pofy1ll•rfcotton.denim ·~ '~ Gt oft tin»i" pcilnts. fcnhion c:o&or• 1n """'-'• Jiiet. ' ' Girl's 100°-''stNtch· nylon pattern tights 1.85 o-i.--.-i ........ tems. Altorlld foshion <abs to diaote ~ Si:ll!f 6-7, a..10 Ol'-12-14. • Girl's Orlon• acrylic cable stretch knee highs ... '79¢' s.. .... """""'" ---~ irl ou«ied colon. 6-7, 71/..a'l~ 9·10. • Boys back-to-school Penn-.Preste sport shirts and firehose • canvas 1eans ... c ,, Boy's Towncraff• P•nn Set pocket polo ... .1.29 ....... ~ ...... ~\~,.to. ...... '-·Jo. _.o.r ..... ""°"' -Siut6-11. -''· ... • .• • Men's comb,td-cettl>n Towncra~ 'polo sfiirt 1.49 ->too..! polo """ dwt ....... ls ~· rlti1tcwit. ,.._ ~ • .. s. M. ~ "'· , . . , 1.99 3.9& Men's Wolkathon' . casual hosiery •• .'' ' 991• °'""" aayW</1% s ...... I. ' tmikh. Nyl.. r~ ,_r· ft,tM. -~-.,,· ._.fi.,,.•=- ' Bay's "Rope Rib" 1o0% stretch 'riylon hosiity . . 2for1.25 .. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL..PENNEY:STORE --------------·-.. - ' ltth l:rifi:l:nlry. ·Airman l..Yn.a W. ·Winier, · His Wlfe, Marilyn llvei at son oft.tr. and Mrs. WalLl;r W. 1545 Coriander Drive, Costa . Warner 0£ 1181 Warner Sl., M"esa. ' • HunUngtQh Beicb liaa been I assigned to a unit of the Tac· tical Air command, ,George ~ AFB, Calif. Trained as an aircraft mechanic, he was a graduate ' of the U.S. Air Force technical scbool ·at Keesler AFB. He is also a graduate ol Marina !Ilgh School. Lt.· Pt,trtck M. McDermott, USN, son of MJT. Bert Hulsebus of 1316 t.iornlng&ide Drive. Laguna Beach ls ·aerv-in& al»ard · Ule destroyer Henry W: Tucker olf the coast or Vietnam. Sgt. Walter 0. Weber, son of Donald Weber of 428 Fran-· cisco Drive, Newport. Beach, has been decorated with the U.S. Air Force Commendation ~1edat .for meritorious service in Thailand. Sgt. Weber distinguished hirqsel(_ as a radio operator ~t Utapao Royal Thal AFB. The sergeant ba.s been assigned to a unit of the Tactical Alr Com- mand at Myrtlc Beach AFB , s.c. u Laurt~ w. flti\cbell 111, whose parents live al 32#31-Avenida. Oescanco, San Juan Capiltrano. has· been awarded silver pilot wings Ear11s 1Uedal Spec, 4 Frank G, ·Beels, U.S: Amty, ol Hunting-. ton Beach. was award- ed ·the Bronze Siar Ne- dal far action d,u~og enemy attack near Phuoc Lou, Vi,etnam. Beels wife, Linda lives at 12lS Florida St., Apt. U. She Is a 1967 gradu- ate of Hun tin gto n Beach High School. He attended Marina High School. He is the son of Mr. ·and Mrs. Jobn Beet., 16611 Landau i:,ane. Fllu Sele Aviation Officer ·Candi· date Balter R. Hamil· ton, son of Capt. and Mrs. Baker Hamilton o[ 1990 Glenne)'Te St.. Laguna Beach, has made h i s Eirst solo Oigbt at Pensacola, Fla. The , P.ighl L was made in a 'r:~ "Men-. tor." the military ve..., sioo oC.the.civilian i·ao. · nanz.a." 1 t .·' .. • • "" I • I ·-Get• Com1iaa11d Capt. Richard Lyon USNR-R of 1140 E. O<:ean• Front. Balboa. has been appointed Group Commander of Naval Reserve Com- mand 11·1. In addition to business and Naval duties, he' i§. a v~ ... ~ry­ mab an<r Lay t\eader for St. James Episco- pal Church. N.ewpol'I Beach. · f ·;~u1··•iol1£M~ .. =·····'.··· . ' You w•nt .. to Mii some lt•i'I\ thai' you rio lonll"r nood· but· eomepn. •lM' can UM· for . NOT OVER $50 ? .. '? ·? ? 1 1 YOUR ANSWER: -i You·coil THE DAILY PILOT, •lk ·,.~ • Cl1111fiocl Advortl1ln9, on<I Pl•<• • ~ILOT . ' .- ·PENNY ·f PINCHEt · cws~lfl AD • AT, OUR SPECIAL LOW ~~ 2· LINES 2 T1Mes 2o~ LA s I ANO YOUR CREDIT IS G000 I :;: •. Dl·AL NOW DIRECT! i 642-56}8 i Ctoll""M""--lml i ,..... ..... ; ............... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.~ I I \ ) ~ . 1 \ l&A . ~ti'' DOCTOR IN THE MOUSE pmenl Wbell lie -,.. things I m..t leave -Bero pf Animal World "°" an I WI the doclo!' Amkica's ]Jog Hero of the Year for 1969 "Top" re- lhat ' he · beats me after he celves· congretulatlOfls from his '.master Axel ·patz.. tam a few drinb? Or, that waldt, an 11ctor, after ttie harlequin Great Dane of he hardly a;ivea us enough to Los 'Angeles, ,received the Ken.L-Ration golt:J riiedal. ·• live on? Or Uui~ ~e a:~es Top received the award for ,sa!;,ing a young girl : hi• JlOT IW•Y """1 wMli! · from the pall! of . a. truck· and eight weeks later If ·1 couJcl OOJ~ have lhe <IP" barked and .brought atd when he discovered a two-~~d :.,~-~.:...~ year old boy lying apparently Weless on the bottom g....,.. • .., of a swimming pool. The boy wasntrieved and pro-· '° nervOIJI. · • nounced out of danger at a 1ooal' hospital. -Mn.R.~~~~~~-.''--~~~~-=-~~~~-1 mMMBNT: T agr-. lhal any poUiol •hoold be iree lo ~-:::~~(~~': Once-placid Elsinore · l lunnOll Jn, many .paliellla • . . . -!hat Ull be IOOlbed cmJy by . . . . :; !!:~ . .n 1n ·J>'.1'~ and ., .. L""'k.-e. :Becomes l( ill.er ;; . Every patient -Id con-~ .. · .'c'~ . • sider. the doc~a'r tbe ELSUIORE "(:.\P); -'l'tie Dean Aps)tin, i.3, Sunnyvale. ~: ~~ ~ placid 1il'eell ·"oM of We She walked into the waler " the "* cannot 1'lpe Jo el E1'1n<re have bioieil killer. · May 17 with a younger siiter ;; an tbt euentJII fact&. · t · · In · three 1'tnontbs n In e on her shoulders. J ~ . . ~ -two adult.& and Joy sfepped into a trough on 1: I ~eep telllng rea4erl· ttiat eeVen c::hlldrtn -have drown· the 18ke floor.. BoU\ girls " Jlhysical.,~UOo·.Jl-enly e:t , in· tbe Jake, 60 miles begain slruggling in pane. The · ~ one ol. ~ many f~~ '!'good southnJt of Los Angeles. Only younger girl was teiCUed by 1: dlallJOSll and .a-eatmeril the three drowned there in five campers. Joy was nol Her :· stetb~ ~°" ·yelJ'a.pr:eeedlnglastM1y. bodywaslaterrecovertd. ·: grams, ~tory ~. X· . · '.'.AJJd •.. we all bope there Since then, the' la~e bas • r.,__ have their place, CJ!. won't be • No. _}Q," says claimed the 11¥eS of & 13-year .. - coutW. · JJut • complete, u~ Etsfnore Mayor Norm111 L. old Elsinore girl and her • ' hllrried cue-blstory is per· Oiaffin, 31. brother, 8; a Costa Mesa boy, haps the most euential of all. 'J'be lake became a death 7, and three members of a And this ls not posaible lf trap after last winter's rains. Corona family -boys 21, 15, the patient is not free to ex· They swelled HI depth from 9 and 13 -who drowned while Jll"lll his innermost fean and to 25 feet and expanded it a chasing a beach ball into tht frustratima. No ytatt to the mile -spreading it over water July 3. All stepped into doctor can ht aatilfying to you scores of. drainage ditches, holes and sank ove,ro. tlieir. unlea: 700've hid the op-IOrDe as deep L!f ' Clitmney heads. .~ • · ~ por1unif7 to "get everylhlng 1hafl.1. A 2~yeir,,id. Jaradlll!isf off your chest.•• MOit of. the chasms are near came down tn 'Ile tlllddJt-. ~ MEDICALE'ITES (Replits to the llhorellne, making i t the lake June 2. He Coula Readers) lreloherCUI for""" ...winm · swira biol $b<Jldn't get !roe o! Dear Dr. Ste!D:::robn: Al tut to wade far out. All bu\ One of his 'cbute and drowned. my younc-900 hu confeiaed the deld were non IWimmera. The lasl drowning, a 7-year- lhat he bu -a "gtue.lnlf.· > Wii_~'°"'• dti the Old l'omona girl, was Jnl]' 5., fer." He bu bid Che habit {Or ~ 8-1. aayi: Senior She steppe(! into <lJl inigalioii. OV'1" a Jiii'. IAtely I have ~n'ol · Ranier Jornf ·Stoltz, ditch the l~ke had' covered. A· I.bl .bla 11kla. and-'IKll:>od.Y d~~h'\ftll<liD& hUJUa1\,Chain of·camperr·tater ha,a ··~ iettinl when they're hur.riedly recoveredherbody. "j& ~ aiiy con-unloading • lllatloa w1100 . The 2.500 townspeople ol · · · -~0.l ;Gojoot,6lJe!. ~IDinvlting~" sle<pyy .Elsinori . n·es ti ed He ·· .o-. • a'dodOr. ~-"We'Te . c1.-e n e ~ about a mile from the lake, ,,..,-,,,-··<c•.· ;-Mi~X; ._,sig!il."Thereli have beeol shock.~·by, the ~i . "Ooe <11 . lhe ·no ~Ice available trag«11<s.1To,,tzy loo.prevent ~--~ of. at:~ beach. -m o r e dro'l(nliigs, learn.to-~ Ja.~aetere-Uver ··:"We pa;trpl ~t,ty <but swim classes "at tbC Jake have darfAp;:B! ~ 1'ave '"' i;tn't ~ e'I~~ .. · ~n as \Veil. as Red ~ross Jt. I~ · · _, · "Ith The firit v1ctim-"" ,J.07_ lilesaver and flrst aid clwes. ~~~~~'. . ·. . ov ,; f~·~100· -MD's in More Trouble re:..~\~g~: .T·h .. M. £ P .• · .. \ ~~i;~~i:!~ .·.. an ost o at1ents m= c.1111:' '61 it.I part ' '. · · de*"e co·aet llie-'al!orm.ation NEW "YORK (µPl) -·The when sickJle.¥ slruck the ~ th~~~DIC e:ramfnatioo ot doetor,. oft~ a pillar of the '\or's own fmiily.· , · th~~ js }W'Oblbly the commun1ty,. . 1IP.Pfars more The complained about shori best ·w-r +to detect early' likely than -Otb."·ptQfeulonal! <Vi1ita •fronir tbelr husb8nds breut cancer. Follow your to~ ~av~ PIY,chtalric p~lems, when they were hospltallzed, doctor's suaestion for seU-ex· be id(iicted" to cJrup ,aiW1 ~ave r~i;needatiOE;ll to "~ e r ·• .mlnation ol the brea~ at sexual ttou. b~ actbrdi_ • 11g to doctcr s, .and ortt!\vifei. her Jeaat.~rrJM!llh· •• ao ariJC!e ~~liShl!I Wed-hljlbi)ld '1ugg"\ied ai\O .. "' Ilk·' Bu(Q1"'1riiil'have-. -P'!'Y~1 c .___.:·8 ,arywid .. oooQ ""°' ·~~ · (· ·~ •· a ~· ethod which ,,,e .. uc e, in me ~ tien becaust olh'* patlenta ~~bdps. ll'b~ed "mam.. tem?er iuue of~ McCa~l's 1"n~ .. lhe bed." v • mography" _ a s p e c i 1 1 Magl1.!ne, said fhat, In spilt o( 'The article said, many doc- technique to x ray the breutl: their problems. most pafent! tors .l)p.~ other ·froblellll, con. 1 for any abnormal lumpl., 1'nd sUU ~Ider doctof'3 !I _ ~'g~ u.m1n,-.the bed..:!.Ahe doQtor is 1 even a newer one .. called catch: for t.belr~au&f'@J's,;, ~·r8r ··~ exJ)i:t\~ in 1e1uai , , • • thermo graphy" Which Mc.Ca 11,1 s said "U1e knoQuw~ e. fr' 1 ,,.j 1 by ' · depends upon lllteSur:ing heat ps:ycblatr:lc records ot the """ radiation. Mayo Clln~ Mow' that an Ors. ,5~ M . .WOOds and • • • unusually hi&h percenlaJe or Joseph Nal\Usol\ who in- , . : . MD's 11 at one time or anolh· terviewed 40 'senJor-medK:al FOR MR. N.: A patient with, _ 6 ,hQlplt•JI""" for psychiatric slud!!;nls, McCalls said "a very an ulcer of lhe stom1ch or ' ~lenit " large percent.age were C(.ln· duodenum should not taie cor-• ~.,,,:,.._ ~..;. . • h'"" cerned about tllelr own eroo- tilorle unless pr~ibed and.~ . 111 "'9 ~.I""'· vi•.i!'lman 1 16'' tiooal health, and sexual con· supervised by hls physician . ~lary an~ ~al ~~ur-~.·. drug fiict was one d Um most-.Ccin · because lhe medicine may ag· addlctfon was c.amid com. mon aources ol anxiety." gravat.e the ucler -caust it mon." McCalls llid;-~tbtt A report from the Student to get Jargtr bleed etc. m05t commonly used drug Ameri can Medical Alsoclltion ' ' was demerol , Ull\lally presc:t'lb-in turn reported most MOs $OAT .BUFFS . ed for the reUl of teqsion and pain. .. • MO&l oi,· ·the .d~tor& in- terviewed who were add icted, u kl .they were i•gentrally dlsilllllloned In my J>'.aclice." Many doctors' ''Wlv11 C<>m· i>lained that the wne ca.re their hlllbandl •Cllfered pa- li<nLI ' WU olte1 .forgotten chO!e their profession for in-- come and presugc ra\htf Ulal\ h11tn~nttartan r e a g o n'.s , 'a~ cording to the M1Jcle. The magazi_ne i ummed' ~p ~ vlew of tbe American~qc\ ,.._ ... tor as seen by his Wiie: ' "Today's doctor ~1'8 p a paragon ol stJ«:t lS 1n all but hJr per&onal life." 84 STORES ••• ALL 72°. ' ' " '...;,·. ·~·'~ •. !~ " ( • . . . • . ' " ·- • ' ' .. 1 i.: AU ·ENTER I • FOREMOST® B.R.W. 4 PLY NYLON CORD · BLACK TUBEl.ESS PLUS FED. TAX AND OLD TIRE " SIU oaJG. no. I SIZI ollo. no. "TAX TAX '50.11 .. 15.tS .. 1.79 695·14 .. !7.95 .. 1.96 BLACK TUBElESS s1.. Orlf. hd. tex 7JJ..1• ••••••••• 11.95 ••••••••• 2.07 n,1.14 ••••••••• 1t.ts ••••••••• 2.2a 77J..1S ••••••••• 1t.95 ;,,, ,,,,, 2.ll BLACK TUBELESS s1 .. fed. tox .,,., ••••••••.• 21 .95 ••••••.•• 2.36 155·14 , , , , • , , , , 2J.tS , • , ,. , • , • 2.57 11s.1s ••••••••• 21 .ts ••••• , ••• 2.11 145·15. ,,, , •• ,, JJ,tS ~ ••••. ,, • 2.57 plut f9L t•x •1tll elcl tire "WHITEWALLS ONLY $2 MOUi 27 MONJHS. GUARANTEE WITH 14MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT • FORE~ST ·TIRE GUARANTEE ' ' ' GUARA(llIE AGAINST TREAD WEAROUT If your tire WNr:-~®t .durina the fl11t half of tl1e suarantee period, return it with your 11..11rantee certirlcat• and PllJlneys will replace yoor ur. wilh a ntw tlre1 ch.lraln11 you 50% less than tti. current sellirta: prica lnCluoJne Federa{ Eli:ciso Tax. if )'OU1 tirt weara cut cfurh'I the a.tcond ha tr, )'CU pay 2!!i~~ lua. thin tht currtnt ... uina prka includlfC federal Exclsa Tu. GUARANTEE AGAINgT FAILU~E If w• rtpl1Ct1 the ti rt durin( tht fre.rtplai;ement Ptriod, ther. is no chartei it we replace tne tire alter the fre e-replacement period, yau pey 50" or 25% less than the eurrent sel l in& pric. of the tire ineludlna flder1! Excise TaK. .COMMERCIAL USE Thi• ruarantee is void wh•rt p.u1n1er tires are used on trucks,. used for buslnus, or driven ever 30,000 miles in one yur. H•N'• hew yovr 1uarot1fff aplntf felt11,. wotllt: l"tll'll 1u•nrnl•• period .• , • , , •• , •• , •• , ••• , •. "27 1119fttkt Preo nplcrcemeftt )Mn..I ,.,, •• , •••••••••••. 1•14""9nttn SO'ii eff J1!9riM •• , •••••• , •• ,.,., ••••••••• lJ.11111ontfts 25%.,. (Mrl..t: •••••••••••••••••••••• 21 .. 271Mnttt, SALE! Our great Foremost•'ffMvy Duty Motor Oil Reg. 2.10 NOW S)~6Q SIX CANS Something different in the way of 6 pocks ••• our f.,,... most9 20 or 30 weight heavy duty motor oil ••• great ot the regular pric. ••• even greoter at this sale price! and open nlgtrtly·tHI ~$<:> loath Coast ?tua BUENA 'PARK(~:~~'=) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA -_,., 1>:r ... Dl9D ,,_.,T': COl'rA ....... •• : I , .. ' ' '' Wliift'.· you'r -· .. When ;l'u·re ~lngl~ and young, life can be so great. So many fun lh1ngs to do _v11th yvur freedom. So many inte<est1ng people to gel to know. Tiial's what south Bay Club is all about. The most comp!et9 country club you've BVer seen '>lith apart1T1ents located around •l-full of your kind o: people. A 3/4 million dollar elubhat'.lse, tennis couri!:. olympic pool. health clubs, ~:nd much more. Don't say you know ii until you've seen it, • CHAMPAGNE OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNOAT3TO 7 p.m. . . ' ''-+··"'""c' --\' • SouthBayClub~ Newport Beach-Irvine al 1 &hS1reel (714) 645-0550 Other 8outh Bay Clubll IAJO.Wll.$\'llR[/l A, AH.IKl:JM :iOI '°'11~ "'"111Wft1UICI Avt. m 8ou!ll I~ Q1:t1 llM»t "''' m... ; \f,tJt Mtl'l'I IAJ&SIOH M.'f 164$( S!lennt" w.., ali& lngraf\anll .Jr,_. (illJ .... 1010 ' 171~ 27•.z?• "'~ !U D'El 110 !;,IOUNi~!~VlEW 11 •I ~ I 11•1 •.1 ~S,. IAl~t'leld r.o..o 11Jj lll·~~(J /,oll$J "'·1661 KrWPCl"T Bf.oc;lt ! O'tC eE1c;r4 l"i,0).!)!l 0'1<$ ,,....,. 11 1•1~ C1r1t1 l"i't I"~'''' ~1'1~..-11>~0,.. I!·~ 1t;11oen11 t114J ..-~~ l21)f 4:16·124~ ;11:.1 Wt·IOOO 9~~ ·n 8ty C·~i, ... tl1"'1"!1 •t I p,io,1:1 ot !'I' l t Ot~• Ji'."' In! Co. Vital ~' J ' I • • •· • '"""'.'°" Cnl!lllll lt Cir!!• 'tr. ""'· 111.cMll • • " ' "' I " • ' " ' ... • , .;l~ \; :-.· .. r , . . , ' • • • • .. " . ' ~ ,. . • llAft.T mer' JJ st ·Area • < HARBOR REFORM TDtU --~-' .• '. ' AmioUnces Church ,. . . • r ' I .iVsr.,Slfl. . . •• ' . • •• READ't NOWf l. • • ' ~LIMITED Tl :ME ONLY ._!·! - • . • . ' • . . f 'UU.llTON Or•• C9tftw t!•rMr tf Ora..,tt~ . I I' .. , . ro OAYS OMY' . . .. ' • \ • I l \ I • ""ft..,..,. Wim Over Critiri•••• Sidney ·,. Walton , Jrr rrincipal of S,ausalito's Mar- tin LuUier King Schoo will keep his new poslllon despite criticism from some res.Jdentl regarding bis ties with the Black Panthera. He says he supports goals of the group but has never been a m.ernbtr. Wallon ha• complained that this ~~olo which .•?- pears in the rrontpiece Of his book Black Curncu· lum" was distorted through cropping. It's meaning. he says, is thai the "\vhite eitabll1hment" must choose between books and bullets. A uto Insurance B.oard Cctlls for 12.2% Hike SAN FRANCISCO (AP! - The Insurance RaUn1 Board, which auides Ille char &es or companles1 wrltin& about a quarter of tht auto Insurance policies in California, is calling for a 12.% pcrctnl rate in- crease. The hike would be CHective immediately but \rould not af- fect present policy holders un- til renev.·al lime. It would vary ftom 6 to 19 J)'rcent. depen- ding on 103! experience in varloua tenit.ories, the bolrd aa.id Tuesday. It called for hiahu rates "lo lltl1 Ki,d~ey Transplant . In San Diego ~ DIEGO (AP) -A IUC· c$ful lddQey 1ran1plant f1'm the vktim of a Loi An&eles traft\c accidf'IOt to a paUent in Unlvera!ty Hoapltal WU an- noonced Tlwclay. Ofnclala said the operation Saturday was th~ 11th kidney transplant performed by !ht. hospilars transplantaOon unit and the Urst lnvolvlnc a donor "'ho died in another clty. The donor wa1 identllied u a youth injured in a motorcy- cle acdden\ who died al Harbor General Hospl.tal, Tor- rance. 1'be recipient waa 1 43-year- old Ensenada. Me.dco, widow, y,·ho had suffered from chronic kidney disease for 14 years and surv il·ed the past four months \\'iU1 artincial kidney treatments. t'ame1 were not released. It wu San Diego's first use o( a nve-state "organ bank" sel up lhis summtr by transplant centers in Cillfor- nia, COiorado, Oregon, Utah and Washington. A computer at Univenlty or California Medlcal Center a1 Los Angtles screened ln- fonnalion on .. the donor's twue type, comparing It with patienls throughout the fire states. Then the kidney "'as flown lo San Diego. VCLA Gra d Fello w Pick LOS ANGELES (UPI) - titicllael Levett, a I a w rraduate of UCLA and las1 year'• ed itor or the Daily 8nJln campus ntw1paper, wu H:lected today u Olle of I& Whl• Houae renows to serve with membtn of t h e Praidart'• cabinet. the vict. ~ and vark>ul Ctbind. level-Letttt will be working in tht DtpartiMM ol the Interior In Waahlqlon, D. C. for a ye.ar ""11111 thll ran. Tbe ftll01'1 wert. chosen t Nm 1mon1 more than 1,000 aA>Ucantl and n o m l n t t • acroaa t~ countl)'. Four are rrvm c.JJ!omla. 1 ' o!fltl the harsh impact of tn- tlaUon" and cited higher hospilal and auto repair cosU which it said have been goina up at rates of four W seven times higher than in tJ\t early 1960s. A bed in a t~'O-bed hospital room rose 47 .a percent from Jan. 1, 1966, to the end of 196&, ana ha• risen even more since • then, tht board said. Auto repair labor is now $12 IQ $14 per hour in some areas and lhe overall theft rate for cars in the &tate is one in every 107, the board illd. The lowest recommended ln- cre~ in the state was 6.l ~rcent for the suburban arn ell Oakland. A'n 18.4 percent in- crease wa! recommended .for San Francisco. Three of the largest Il\B members, Aetna ut:e and CUUalty, the Hartford Group and Continental Casualty Co., sakS they would follow lhe ll\B recommendation lo increase raltl. Slatt Farm Insurance, the state's largelt slnale c&rrt.tr of alito insuranct:, ii not ID JRB member, but a spokesman for the private association said a new rate in- crease ls ~ing stUdied. State Fann tnocrued rates by 7 percent on Aprll t. Allstate, aoother large car- rier out.Ide of tht lRB, aald no rate increases ate btln& considered at this ti m e . All1tate ratt1 \\'tnt up an avera1e of i .2 pereenl on Feb. 24. , 'J'he. Jalt IRR rate increase recommendation "'" 111.ued a year a,o. It called for in averaa:e I percdll hike. Among other recommended increases wen Contra COsta County, 11.6 percent~ Marin Cou nty, 12.1 percent; Santa Clara County. 9.& percent, and San Mateo County. 7.7 per· ctn!. J~dge Asks 'O ear Up' Marshals SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The top (ederal judge here has .asked the attorney general to clear up the confusJon. and 'controversy created by two of· ficlll· U.S. marshals at one time. Georae 8. Harris, chiet U.S. District Court judge, says that In the me:antlme he'll c:Mllnut to recocruu Louis H. Marlin , of Martinu aa marahal for Nol'\hfrn California. Martin wu tworn in Au&. 11. 1168. to a four·fUf"' ap- poln tmenl by President --But lhll --Peoldent Nixon appointed, Ind the Senato conrlnntd. a-a. R. Tobin or Miii Valley lo the aame $11,700-a·year post. Tobl11 calltd off hl1 sch!dul· ed Tuesday s•·e arln&·ln cerem011y alter Harrla •&reed with !\fan.in lhat no vactl'lcy e1iated.. • Lennon ' Su8peet's .... ftlANOI ...,.,,. . .. J11!-,MUl!l -.RI;-.;;., • 1 Nova~ro Story Contradicted. Car Found Friars 'Tipper' Guilty Mother Sue! LA In Son's Death LOS ANGELES (AP) -The former office manager or a legal papers service has pleaded guilty to a ch&rae or g1v1ng a g~between a tran11cript of secret grand jury tm.imony that fell inlO the hand~ the defen,e in the Friars C I u b card-ehealing case. ed guilty la st week to con- tempt of court charges of fail- ing to tell the court how they came into possession or the secret testimony. LOS ANGEUi:S (AP) -The mother Ill Donald Lee Ou&hlon hu filed sult for Ii mUUon a1a1n11 the City or Los Anat les allelina: th.at police wrongrully shot and lr.llled her son June 11 while they were investl&•tlni a report of a freeway sniper. Raymond B. Cohen, 33, Los Angeles , pleaded guilty in U.S. district court Tuesday to con- spiracy to defraud a n d obstruct justice ln the case. The U.S. attorney's office says lhc trlNCrlpt of the secret tesUmony given by corn!dian Phil Silvera was found on a courtroom table in front of 1 seal occupied by at- torney Cooper. Cohen 's employer, Scribe Deposition Service, made the lranscript under contract from the proaecuUon. the U.S. at- fltrs. Pearl Rania filed the su.it ln Superior Court after the city rejected a almila:r Attorneys Grant B. Cooper claitn. .. - ·- and William M. Morgan plead· torney's office says. • •• ' Enterthe . United California Bari Master Charge& Sweepstakes! Y041f c*-cit i1 c' good cs a11ybody's. So dot1't put it aff. &!*Ill. UCIMaiteT Chcrrv-Sweepsto~e$. Yeu moywalli: off with tit• fun1ol ioncil First Prize ••• on u dting ptb ._ filled 'tOQOlion house and co1h for a homfl site to build it •111 Wifll lht house, you'U 1etei¥e a Clny.!er 16-loot FibeTgl•M Sloop, Mog no .. o:ii: Home Enle•loinment Cen!er, So•sen\t• furnhuN (either indoor or ourdoor), 8tul'lswitlt • .,.,.., Poal Tobie and Skotth KOQfer Picnic Equipment. .5 ltKli, s.cond Prize winners will eoth enjoy $1 ,000 i" M•lhlr Choro• c•edit. Spend 1he $1,000 any WtFf ya11• "•"'• witr. cny of the-lhousonds o4 UCB "1trchont1 whfl ' h•1tt1r MG1ter Chorge. U1>ited Co!ifomia !lank will pick u•th1 tobl 5,000 ful'ltolionol Third Priie~ will be aword&d, loo, At- troctive, rea111y loft lxrg1 that you ca" to~• lo lhe bf.oc;h.. 1!topp.lng, on o pitni~ or a trip. h's easy It win. ~r•'• "nothing te buy. Jutt 1et y~r frh fl'ltry lllonk al °"" ef fhe tt1uu ertd lw1int11e1 'WheN y-ov'" thl1 dispkty, er ol 9"1 UCI •rflu. H yoe _.i.,., you •oy Ce>njplele tht UCI Mo st•• 0.Grg• cord •ppllcolio11 c~ponying the off'tciol ...,t-ry bla1>k. M.#• OWlrtt N ftM •O-fee C1llfd lhot't t.o.w.w.d -tt •-t•h•• ')'IMll go. It's good ot a\'ef 115,000 plo~1 i• C4tlf_,.i9 ef•M. pl" ... oth ... stot.t..cl llll'fft'OI ~•ig • ...,,..,._ W• think 'fOlll'll eflioy ils ~-~. H_t .. e•, Ullllljsl•lio11 Gf tft. Mo1tl!I" Chcttge card GppUcot1o01 ;, NOf ,..•air<ld forS..,..pttoke-1 enlry, $AVE e !ranee. Thomas acltnowled1ed • In Cesfa M•t•: 302'9 Harbar t•wl•vard • C•r•"• dtl Mar: 3141 l•tt C••M K11h...,. N•wport a..ach: 2712 W•1t Coaat Hig hway • Orone• Cou"IY Airport: 4667 MecArthw llwt. ' • H11"fl"gto" IH<h: 309 Mal" Str••t • 7902 l dl"t•r Av•rHte I • W l1'M TMI• . ..,,_ • • . • • I ' • I •• 01 du lal up Di -] .... Hu11t ,, . .. '" ••• '" '" P1clf ... ... H1rl> 'ff ••• ,,_ ... ••• Amfr '" 11.t: •mv "'" '" ••• H1>ntl CM "'" H""ll "' "" ... ·~· ~" ... •• "' '" '" Mr, & c~• M<. ' .$! •• M;I,~ Mr. & ••• Mr. I H1rl Mr. I .... tlrl Mr. • ,,., .... ... "'· I "" Mr. I .... Mr.& Cr,, Mr. , "'" ..... ... Mr. I IN~'t Pl., ..... ••• "'· ' , .. ,,,,, . "~· N.r, & Cl\111 "'· l Do> M&..., Al 1%7 E BA Coro11 Costa ! Ill I DI I M~ • • 1111 ~1 C.1 COi w .. SM I ·--;::::::;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:::;::_:::.:::.-:: .. • ' • ... • .... , . 1• l:ount9-Bo0rd ""' Wm-k . Orange County Supervisors and aides listen intently during another i1;1 long series .of public he~gs that ta4"e up much of their working day. Clockwise from upper left are County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, Third Dlstrict Supervi&or William Phillips, First District O.t.IL Y f'tl.OT lltft ..._ Supervisor Robert Battin, Board Chairman and Fourth District Supervisor \Villlam Hirstein, Fifth District Supervisor Alton Allen, Second District Su· pervisor David Baker, and County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas. • -For The Reco1·d Two Murder Witness Youths .4sk Freed.am Capo· Man Oeared in Death Count • -· ltleetl1ags WUNUDAY Hu"tlntlon leech L!ont Clvb, Hi;n· llfttloft !oe•cUlr Count,.,, CM!, :JD09 Ptlm ,..,.,, Huntlntton 1 .. t11. •:30 •.m. M1-.lc lodff , 1001" H I ! I, \'J11tmln1ltr ,t.w,,ut, W11lmln11tr, 1,JO 1.m. P1c!l!c Coesl Jirth1ttlctr Socl•tv. ltwtrl Mii.tum, Stntll Ant, 7;30 '·'"· Htrbor Jirt1 TCo111lm131fr Cl11b, Mn• Vlf11t C.un!rv Club, Cotlt M111, 7;l0 ··"'· l/ewPOrt H1rbor E lk1 Cl11b. t:lk• Lodt 8. ~ VII °""10. HlwiJOll BtlCI\, t 11,m, Amrr!c.n L!iilc>ll l'c't 151, Amerlc1n L .. lcn Hiit. !U w. 11111 St .. CCltt t/,ty, I 11.m. Am,.1c1n Letlon l'o~t Ul cl H1111· !lftf1on a11cll, .-.merlc111 LetlM H911, Cl'll!;: Ctni'lr, H11nllntton aiMd'I. I l'.m , HUl\tlllllon ae1cll Ju,,rot Ch1mller 11 Cornmtf'a!, Sller1lon St.U. Inn, Hu11- ll"'"'" a11dl, I 11."1. H11ntl11t11cn llt1dl e1rr1ct.1 No. UM, Ytt.t-1,.. cl World Wl r I, V.F.W. HIN, lit YorM-n ....... , H11ntt111111r1 ••Kl'I, !:lO •-"'· FOUt!tlln Vtlt.v ltlw1nl1 Ci..._ Frt r· cer,•, 111SI ltffCll •"'"" Hut1tl111ton Btl(l'I, U:l! 11.m. AllBUCKLE l WELSH Weatcllif fttortu1ry U7 E. 17th Sl., Coall Mesa 141-<IU • BALTZ MORTUARIF.S Corona del fttar OR S-1450 Costa ft.ten l\U t-ruf • BELL BllOADWAY l\tORTUARY llt Broadway, Costa ftlua LI l-llU • DILDAY BROTHERS u .. u."" Valley ~tortuary lilll Buell Blvd. HU1tlnstee Beaclll IC-7711 • MCCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17t5 Lap.la Cany• Rold Llpna Beaclll UUIU • PACll'IC VIEW MEMQIU'AL PAIUt Ccmelory • Mon...ry CN,.I l5ft Pactftc View Drl~e Newport Buell, Calllctr.ia '"-11• • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL ,.UNBRAL 'llOilli iMf'Boba Ave. w .......... llUIU • SllEFl'ER MORTUARY Lop1 -4f4.lllS Su Cltmail1 UUIM • SMITllB' MORTUARY 111 Milo Sc Huatln'1-01t Beacll SlMW ' ' By TOM BARLEY Of tile Delly Plllt Stiff SANTA ANA -Superior Coort Judge Robert Garoner will be asked today to release lrom protective custody hvo Santa Ana youths who are regarded by the prosecution as vital witnesses in Che mur· der trial of Arthur Dewitt Lea- gue. Attorney Tom Keenan is seeking the release from Juvenile Hall of Rick Tice, 18, and his brother, Carl Stevie Tice, 15. The attorney has fil· ed wril!I of mandate and hab eas corpus . Both documenlS named S h e r i t ! James Musick u defendant. BoUI youths ~·ere hll!tled in· l$t Cou1ity QuaJ,ruplets -. Doing Well GARDEN GROVE -A, B, C, .snd D -Orange Coun!y's firsl q_uadruplcts -now have names. ¥rs. Robert Curlin o C Garden Grove aaid she has named ' he r four _hplthy, newborn sons 'Sean Dale, Lance Eric, Cb r is top h e r James and Charles Donald. All four babies art reported to be doing "extremely well'' al Garden Part General Hospital, where Ibey will re- main in incubators until they each reach five pounds. Sean, Lance and Christopher all \.\'eigh over four pounds, while Charles Donald came In- to the world \\1elgblng only two pounds. Jan.ice Curtin, 30, hasn 't held the babies in her arms yet, but she sees them gularly through the glass \Valls or the nursery. So, too, does father and older brother Robert, 6, who coonted them tw ice to make sure. Mrs. Curtin learned two months ago from an x-ray radlolo&11t ~he. was carrying quads, an event lhat occurs only once in every 75o,OOO births. She told her husband th1t evening she had a pleasant surprise for hlm. "Twins ?" he guessed. "[ said. 'no, four'. He l\'as shocked." The couple still doesn 't know where they art going to find room in their two bedroom house for the boy11. Says father Curtin, slyly. "that may be the final Curtin." Job Corps Seeks Men SANTA ANA -The Job CorJ)3 11. still accepting young Orange COunty men. ages 1& tti.-outh 21, for lrainin& before s.pi.tllbU. 30. The Y o u t h Opportunlt y Ctnl<r, 1140 Soutb Brbtol SI .. Is laking appllcollonl for youths that are out.of-work and out.of-achoo!. If lce<pted for lnlnlll( th• younr men will be urlfllled to • Job Corpo ...,..,. to Arllona, Ortaon, Uloh or W1shlllllon for training. The obied of ttle Pf'Oll'am ia to make youths employable. Trainee!! re<:elve trte room , board. clothing, medical and dental care and are paid "'° per month. to Juvenile Hall and placed under a round-the~loci: guard last Aug. 6 arter tesUmony at 1he Santa Ana Municipal Court arraignment or League in· dicated that al least one or the brothers was with League last June 4 when a Santa Ana police officer '''" shot and killed. League, 20, is accused of the murder or officer Nelson Sasscer. A fellow B I a c k Panther, Daniel M I ch a e I Lynem, Z3, also of Santa Ana. has been cleared ol identical charges following investigation by the disLrict attomey's and public defender's offices. All police and district at. torney's investigators involved in the League . prosecution are unanlmowi in the view that boJ.11 boys should be kept under the pru:ent cuard until the cx- ~d murder trial ia over. '·Let the<se kids out of Juvenile Hall, with or without anned ruards, and they just woo'l be •round at trial lime," a 'veteren investigator ':om· mented Tuesday. Keenan prefers that the boys be released bul kept under armed proteetiPn. I-le asks that sheriff's ofricers be used as bodyguards but h1s \Vrits do not specify the form that the asked for protection will take. ~ detention of both boys and their' exprel!se.d dissatisfaction with the con· dlUons ha s <.-ome before coun· ty supervisors. The county board deplored the fact that bolh boys \\·ere being "treated like prisoners" and that their confinement imposed financia l hardship on the wUe of the older 1'ice but shelved the matter for future discussion. League·s preliminary hear- ing on the murder charge Is scheduled for Sept. 15. If that action results in his transfer to Superior Court for lriat the Tice brothers could remain in protective custody ror at least the next two months. Sources close to the pro- secution of League tod{:ly felt that it was "very unlikely" that Judge Gardner would comply with the request. They Indicated that the: judge may call for an e1sing ot rigid security regulaUons around the two boys but that be would insist on their re· maining in Juvenile Hall. CAPISTRANO -'-!urder charges against a Capistrano Beach man were dropped f\1onday with tbe discovery that a man originally beliel•ed to be his victim actually died from an acute throat infection . That diagnosis by coroner's ofricer.s cleared }~red Leroy Marquardt, 4 9 , Capistrano Beach, of involvement in the death Sunday of Orval D. Weaver, 45, of 34503 Via Verde. Capistrano B each . sheriff's officers said. Investigators s a id ,..tar· quardt Vi'as booked on the murd er count after he freely admitted striking W e a v e r several times during a struc:· g1e betwttn the two men. Of. ficers said ,...1arquardt told them that he lert Weaver lyina in the roadway after the fracas in the belief that bis op- ponent wa.s in a drunken stupor. Weaver's body was later round lying in a ditch near the railroad tracks, between Dom· ingo and Victoria in Capistrano Beach. Marquardt was arrested wh en in· vestigators learned or wh.at Marquardt said was a quarrel oolside the Cilnverted mUk Wilgon Which• WIS Marquard1'1 home. Coroner's investigators said examinatlon of the body revealed that y.reaver was suf- fering from an acute throat In· feclion at the time ol death. Heavy drinking and his U· ertions during the fight ag· gravated the condition and closed the throat, they said. UC I Parents Plan Meeting IRVINE - A meeting of parenl.'I interested in the UC Irvine experimental elemen· tary school wUI be held next , Wednesday at 8 p.m., in room 178 of the Fine Arts Bulkllng on the UCI c1mpus. School enrollment will be limited to 15, kindergarten through sixth grade. Information is available by phoning Emma Corrigan, School of Social Sciences, 833-6800, or Rosemary Boyd, 49!J.4048. Trash Pickup Contract Upheld by Supervisors SANTA ANA -Continuation said, •·r don't lee how anyone of the trash colleeUon contract ean operate a business like v.'lth Solag Dhlposal Company this without some complaint. for Dana Point and Capl1trano It Is very diffl.cult to get Beach was u n a n i m o u s I y reliable people who .want to do agreed to Tuesday by Orange this kind of work." County Supervisors. He called the r o a d Solag is in the rt!th year of a department's investigation 10-y!ar a:clU1lve contract for "lhorou.ch" and made the mo. lhe area. tlon that Solag T r a s h PeUUons of c o m p J a l n I s service be retained. bearlnc slgnalurea: of persons lo hls presentation, Koch representln1 31 businesses had noted lh1t 5$ percent or ~ been filed with superV\sors pl11ntt; received agilnst Sola& who ordered the road have been from onl1 JI people department. which ovenees .and lhat tS-percent have been trash colledlon for county from one ptrJOn, "• lriend ol rovtnuntat. to make an in-the ~vk:l.ls r r a n c h 1 1 e vest111Uon. operator who once said he was The outcome of that I~ golnj; tO makt h as' mlstrablt veaUgatlon wu 1 rttom· for the new QPerator u mendaUon, concurred in by 'possible.'' - - aupervilOl'I, ll\ll the contract"-i"'";,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I with SOla1 be conlinuedll unchanged. "WITCHES" County road commlsr1oner Al Koch today pr,sent«I hi MM,. tit.A ,,,.._ ,_...,._. report, No one: rose. rtom the .. ...,,. ,.. wlttt ,.., ~ • audience wMn supervisors of· F•ll fered a chaoc-e for t'Ommtnt, ~~!l 642•5025 Supervllor Altoo Allen lh•n,, .. _______ __. .. -- • • Speclallata in Campua Attire \ " / ,----.-/ Sears SHAKE OFF THE DRABS wrm KINGS ROAD TURTLES AND SLACKS Declare your independence Crom warmed·over colon with 1 Nomdle Orlou18 •<:rylic mock turtleneck from the Kings Road Collectioo. ln 1hade1 of country blue, green. copper •od gold. With comfortable 1et-io alecves. Machine wuh1hle. $8 Follow up ~1th wool wonted alacktin th~oew country look ••• plaid and windowpane pat• tem1 in rustic ab idea to complemenl JDUr tu. .... tie. Comfortable regular cut ivy .atyling with B1n·Rol• wai1thand •• , at the Sean Kinp Rood Shop oeor you. $15 CHARGE IT on Sun Revolvlaa O.arl'8 SHOP AT lllAM AND SA.VII s.t.itl(.,.,,_ G1tuoftletd ' ' 71!r .//lc1/1. Jlr·r1·. M Ytaal' MotWY B•tk ---~ I DArtY mor l~ • • SHOP MONDAY \ TBBU SATUBDAT 9:30 J\.M. to 9:30 P.M.. • 1: f ) I ·1 f I ,, •.14 oMI. Y Pit.OT Entirely New Barracuda New and racy sty ling marks the 1970 Plymouth Barracuda line wbJcb will oiler three distinctive series and a long list of. perfofmance ana special options. Shown is the standard Barracuda. Also available is the higb·performance 'Cuda two-door hardtop. Third series ':Ylll be the Gran Coupe. LEGAL NOTICE ' l----'------- SUPlktol COUll.T 0 .. THe ITATI" OF CALll<O,Utl.4 l'Oll TMI COUMTY 0 1' OltAHOI: SUMMONS CAii: NUMll.l LEGAL NOTICE CElTll•ICATt! 01' 9U51NISS FICTITIOUS NAME ~ undenl9ned does wtlf~ lfle'I ••11 (Gndvctlr.s e bu&!-11 45.Sl W. c .. ,. ROllElllT HANSOH PUTHUFF. Jlt., Hwy,, H-1 llffdl. (lllfer'fll•, UNllJI Pl1l11Ull VI.. IMA J E.tiN MATTHEWS ~ Odltklon flnfl ... ~ ot NEWPOllT PUTHUl'F, ~. SET COIFFUAES ...., MW s1lcl llrl'I b PE 0 Pl E OF THE 'TATE OF (Of1\llOW'll ot IM folltwllW Pt'l'Mll'I. -CAL!Fot.Mi. .. ft.I lbo°<'t .._.....,, Of.I,,.. l'lltmft !11 luM ""° PIK'ts Ill Fftllle~ IFf 111111: •• tollOwl; V'ou .,. ~ directed to lilt 1 wril· Slllrlev 8••191'". ls.I Mtl11 $1,. H..,.,. lrti 11leMl1111 1!I ._,51 lo lllr Annul.,,tn! t!l'l';lkll ftfKh, C•lltor"ill co,,.l•lnt /:1 ttw •bov. M m!'d pl11l111;1: Oct•Yl•llO ll1l110"" ll" Ll-rlc~ with !ht (iel1C of tl'w •boYr •nll!lf'I! (<)•,ti La,,.,, COii• Mesa, C1lifo•11l• ln IM •'*"" Hi111Jtd tctlon ~•C't"tl'll Dattil Sel>I. 2, !Kt, ~..-Inst vou Ill wlcl courl. wl1~ II Tl"N SllJr .. v 81:11kr ihl'S .it•r ttw servlc• on YOU of lh,, ,_ Dc't•Yl•no A•l- .......... If Sff'Ytd within 11>1' •bovt na~ Slllt' <11 C•lltorni._ °''"'' Counlv· •ountv. M 'ft'llllJ11 THlllTY dlYI H unoed On S..PI. 2. 1Nt, befor• --• Nol•r. r~l't. Public 111 Mid far 111d Sl•lr, Del'Wft&llY y,.. .rt ~ Mllfletl 111•1 ""'~ l'Ol.I &PPNrH Sl'llrleT 8a1<1er a. O<t•vleno ... Ille • .,..,,.,.. l'UAIOM!Yf plffd),,,, Ulld llelnoso le-.. Ill -lo ~ IM -- Pltlllllft •II !lllt JllClllNlll !Of' •In' Wlm.e l\llll'\el art s..DKrlbed lo 11\fl Wlll\111 mcntv M dllNlll" <k!mlrooed Iii II .. '°""" lft$ITWMlll Ind ld!riow~\\O 11\fV fllo P!ilnl •• atl$11'19 ._ canfTtcl, vr will ecv1'ell IM lllmf, •1191V to 11'!1 <-' llH' 1111' other ""'~f (OFFICIAL SE'Al) <1•tr1MKll'<I 111 Ille ~~1111..t. Ml"' 81111 lliarton Yo~ me~ tffl< ,_, ..Wice• ol 111 ttl<lme\< 1>1011rv Pyl)llc.C11i10,.,I• on 1n ..,., .... C1:1NWCll<I wlll'r ""' •-Prlnc:IP>l!I Offlct In 111•\nl err 11111 ..,,,...-,, SUcll 11tornev Orane• CovnlY 1hollMI ~ ~lllld wltt1l11 Ille !lme 1!11111 MY Comtr 11:111' E•olrn 1111ed 111 1ri1t "'"""°"' tvr 1i11t1t , .,,,111en Ai>•ll t , 1t11 •leadlfl9 ~ ft1t-c-l•ltll. PubliJlled O•a1111t ((16'1 011111 P\1111, Oiied *"""bt< l. lt69 SeP'I-l. If. 17, 2~, 1"9 1'11"'8 av w. E. $T, JOHN, Clerti; ISEAL) llOl!llT It. DOWER 1411 Pla(t11!11 ""~~• NtwHr1 Sudl,. Ca~!, T"; (114) '42-5'M Alftnlft fM' Ptllllttlff Plltllbfled ()t--(N i• DlllY P!IPI, Set>ltlmbtr l. IO, 17, 1~. l'ltf ....... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL t\OTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• OP IMT•NTION TO fNOAO• IN TNI SAlf OP A L(;Olt OLIC ••v•-...o•s LEGAL NOTICE O!'l'A•TMl!NT OJI PUaLtc; WO•KS OIYl510H 01' ltlGMWAYS ,..OTltl: TO CONTll:ACtOIS Make a Sharp Deal; Use DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines 3 Million. Students Contract Give n ~1INNEAPOL!S fUPI J Honcy\11el1. Inc .. has obtalnrft a 5'45 million Ai r Force con· tract lo provide anli·personncl mines and canisters. LEGAL NOTICE --------- • OVER THE COUNTER MACCO EXECUTIVE PR Man Tomark•n MUTUAL FUNDS ------ wmplete-:New YO..k ~tock List Finance Briefs GREEN BAY. W~ .• (UPI) -Scholz: Homes Inc. has been chosen to develop an $8 millio n student housing project at the UrUverslty of Wisconsin's •Green Bay campus to house 1.500 students. F A RM I N GDALE. N.J. (UPI) -Hervard Industries, Inc. bas. created a subsidiary, Transarctic Inc.. to provide chartered air passenger and freight services to the: Arctic slope ol Alaska for major oil compani es. A tem p o r a.r y operatina authority has been granud by the Al a ska Transportation Commission_ AµEN'l'OWN. Pa. IUPl)- Permsylvanla Power & Light Co. 'has set its proposed or- ferirtg of up lo ooe million ne'v shares of cqmmon stock for early In November. ' I l I 1£ ~: '~ '" •• '" •• "~ •• ... ·\S ... '"I '" '" '"' ,. '"' ,. '"' ·I~ '1T' '"' ·l~l 1~ "~ '" '"' ,. ... ·~ " . " '" 1~ '~ "' '" ,., ,.. .... ,J U ' J•• . '" "' .,. .... 'JI" "'" "'" ... ~:I; "" ,~ ,~ ,~ ·~ "' "I " " "I " 1..:0t ~l "' "r ,, <k "' "' '" I" "' "' "'" ·~ 'r ' ' " I i<!ft 1:,, =~ Kiii' "" '!" ·'. "m ~ti '" ~~ ., .. ~:J: ··~ ~~ , .. "' com "" :t:r; ,Le1r l tlt .L••l .Lttt L111 ··-ll!l "" ,Lr~r ,.., ·~ ,, " ·tlt.o 'LI Mt l ·Mt ··~ 'L •..c;I ··~ ll~t. ·~ 'iOtll I.Ill• ,t1ri: Llvln ·'"' ·':2 ·' ·-l onf, .trr: '"t l • L,..11 ·~ ·~, '"" """ '""'' "'" Luk~ "" '"'' M1cJ Mt cC r,\IC~ '"''" Ml~ "" .... ""T" ltl• k Mo• "'l•flt M'" ~" "' o" ... . "' ,~ ... ~"' "" o" o .. f"•rr 1:;" ,ryK IJ.OK. ''"'" ~ .... '"! !~: AIYl '·~ Ma ' ~c • M ' M" Mt t ••• "'' e •• r ~c ' "' ' f'c II' rt" lo /'.CLO f 'tN' ··;:i " "" Mtlvt Mo-,..,~, !"" '•~ ••• 1~1.t ·:~~ t.o, I"' i!t~ /',\~ : f:·· "' 'l'/d~I '" Mlle) 4\111 l ',lnri '"':::I ~·il'lfl A\1an :1r~ /''<OPi/ '·'obll Mgl\ll ..... ~ ~ f,.lflf I ~· ~ ' ~· '" Xl~I f,\j,lrfll' = M~• ""'" ll•ree ,,, N•l~ ~"~. N•I ,, ' ' l•b 'EIK!fOll lK G•\ I lO l •ll"I•" Se~ 1 l_,,,, l:ID ,le"" ll'j' .~ , lllralM! ! Ill ,leerSlea .JO LHr1~ rii" .Lt•IKO II ,le110 o ~ l 1•1tw1 ~ ,l~1Uor .SO ·t~fm.:i lth VII In~ ,lrllm11 1 ,,_ l -••41l "° 'lf~d Cto Le lrM: I~ l~ Fht9~1 l l ~·-2 ... 1Llbll MtH L Llbfi'tr'· ~ Lb1rnt~O l•IMI l.\y l.~ 'l "°'l~Mt 1.0 Lino TV I D l 1-.1AA ? 111 L "Cl TV r>! $ •l-1 (Ofl l ilt(lft 1 lfl Ult°" D''-.f' Li i.,. Diii 'LIVh'lll•tn 'il Loc~lldlt. I ,LOf'llitll'lt l c~d~wn JO L-C'm I lc11111U C~~ll! 1 10 .LIL PF 8 j ,lort 1 CKORP Lt l..trd I lD louh1Gt 1 IS LOii lna1h •• .t-.rr11~ fO Luflr!1'91 iO L\ltllyStr !.f.Q LllCkv Sir ..i L...cli..rt I GI t~v~.··:~ l..YkYt ¢2.:IO P1'iees __.... Complete New York NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices closed mll:od on Ute New York Stock Exchange Tuesday In Ugh! turnover. ShorUy before the fina l beU, ~· UPI market. wide b'!dl~ator •h•wed a lo .. or o.oi ,percent on 1,543 issues · on the tape. There wire ~ advances and 631 declines. The Dow Jones average or blue chip Industrial was up 0.83 at 837.05 near ttie close. Volume approximated 8.5 million shares. slicht· ly below Friday's pace. Carryover demand from last week's late sur,i;t:e help¢ the list get off on a finn note, but economic uncertainty. Vietnam and f\f1ddle East unrest pull· ed. stocks in the opposite direction in the final two hours. Oils and electronics were among the widest movers, while molors, chemicals and steels general· ly traded 1n fractions and in both directions. Some heavily tTaded issues included Occident- al. Phillips. Benguet, Natomas and Texaco. ituch of the oil group was on the plus side. Chemetron edged higher after the company served notice it probably will oppose any offer made by Sun Chemical Corp. Earlier Sun said it planned to make an oiler to acquire Chemetron . Sun traded narrowly. Conglomerates and gold m1nmg shares gen· erally moved in small ranges and without definite direction. ly. AirliDes, aircrafts and rails also moved narrow· Priced were mixed on the .~merican Stock Ex· change Ul light trading. D.\11. Y '1LOT Co1nplete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stock Exchange Li st I Choo8e Career Carefully A. -Don' panic. You doll' have two heads. No one can =-•lely ....... )'OU o( a recular Roct; of Jello. Vocatiooal maturity, tile physical and emollon1l maturity, comes at different ages lo dUJerent people. However, since moet ol us do spend fem or five timal more of our lives m the job than we do in school -and by our career decisions. cboo&e our future 1elf -you've got a point. While you can cert.ainly wait untU later to, make your specifw: selection, )'OU should start having a general idea now. ( Exceptions : For !IClenct, engineering or medicine, you ahoukl take re· quired c o u r s e 1 throughoot higb scbool.) '.Mie way .. , GOAL-SE'ITERS and gel· ten do it is to emRIOJ a sysWD.atic approach lo the puzzle rather than skidding in- to occupational milb.tp. But please keep in mind that rtg~ of method, career nploraticn is personal,. and emotiaoal as well as 1ogicaJ: nobody can (oc should) make these decisiona fer you -nor can anyone gift )'OU with a failpn>of tcnnula. A GOOD 11P. You need a lawicbing pod ••• and K may booot your decWon power lo lhlnk of carter selectiori u a lhr<Hlage vthicle: (I) Ga,lhering enoojlb cur- rent lnlormation about career options: material over three years old may be or little value. (%) Finding out a b o u t yourseU. Like your needs, temperament, attitudes, in- lelligeocHCbolalllic and other aptitudes. abilities (d~eloped aptitudes). 1Ubject inleresll and pb)'.Jical capacille1. What values ciiunt. for yoo -money , SOCllrity, the wcirl< · aeltln&. prestige, power, recognition, the freedom to set your own "pace, or come and go on your own hours? (3) Matching stage one and st;.fb~O-IN DISCOVERING more about you, and relaUng your potential for variOWI careers can be had rroin your acbool counselor, or by a private or nonprofit vocational t'OUnSellng &ef'Vice in many cooununities. (Che.ck your library for the latest edition of "Directory of Approved Counseling Agencies." publish- ed by the American Personnel and Guidance Auociation.) HELP IN COLLECTING "'" cupatinal knowledge Is available rrom various aourcei. For example, you say a nunmbcr of vocations described ln this column have appealed to you. Have you done anything .about it ... do you follow up by writing for the material I mention ? Counselors have c a r e e r literature also-IF you'll take lhe time to seriOUB!y study it. When you find a career area which particularly grabs you, spend 90me lime at the library researching It further; go and talk with people in the field; try for a part-time or summer job which is somehow related. U yoo don't know a good many of the alternaMves and the correct facts about each, bow can you be sure you shouldn't ha v e "shopped" longer? MAJOR GOOF. Dr. C. R. Voigtel, director of placemen! and student aid, Stephen F. Austin State College, Te1.as. feel.I that the biggest. mistake made in trying to decide on a career 11 that studenta "limit lbeir acope lo loog-atabl~hed vocational areaa. S t u d e n l s need to be made aware ol the job-potentials being creal.ed each day by advancl'ng tedmology ' .. BECOME A WARE. Send ror the frtt 31-page booklet, "Facing facta about choosing your life'• work," provided by . the PrudenUal I o 1 u r a o c e Cm>pany. Drop me a postcard ·oewapaper. tbi1 booklet con- talnl octllent pointera and cwld help put .. eod lo your ••a deftnjte maybe" prGblem. Send your suqetUorll for future column topiCI to Joyce Lala, C.areer Corner, cJo DAILY Pll.01'. Sarr)I, no mall .,... ... ""' be given. Family Weekly Every Saturday e DIL,Ma .. C:...._,.1"•fc..r,c.M. • '1'MMs ' .... .....,_ ...... ~, .... ...,, • ..,J 0 ., • .... •. ' t ••• ., ... ,. , ....... k'• ~··•c.-r·•·· • 1.U: ........... I .,, ....... A es ' I c.w .•.•. .. ................. II ca ....... ,, eC--,M.I. e.NllC' a ,..,. • ..,,,, r O: 1 c:...,...._a.L • Jt1n ........ ..-.._._,, s •··~ e 11911 ......... •ct J !fl A•• ................. .. • 14MW ................ ''I CW,i.A. • u. ......... _ .......... ,c...r.~ ..... ............ . ...... ...., . ,_ 491 Plastic ·Coated Bridge 191 Lifelike 'PIPlllc I ··~· '"'' 2 for ·ao-c Awocado Glazed ·11rthe11Ware . . ' Playing ••••• ,.. Cards • '~···· 11! other mil.-.. up r: ..... dedt! llooi. ..... ':!.-.i.,.. . $29,95 Value! Wall Units Nationally Advertised .. ' s1·" Quilted Pillow Covers $2&$3 Rhinestone Jewelry • Piu • Heddecn ... _ ··-~~i!97c ,io.;og """Id, ruby, topu, UJ>- phitt le IUtOll J\Ol\ft, t h .. t loo~ dollars more. ·--,,.-·-"!\"-.~. ..................... 1fl'f ..... ,,._ ............ U"1NS,1f' ... .... 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Mn ltDI T•llt •lie lMflrl Tellft Flllid rtlltira. 1'1 •H<SINO-23' • ~tc '" C"9 Plrthl1!1 P' • 231 $1911 , ... tl•l*r •lie""" l.dt CMJlll 49, kripto .......... 371 Peacll , •• , ... 49<:finepointpm/ CCLORf1A.LY tl[COllATtO 219Cmeiliumpcns 3nc NOTE 800ll l'Al'Cll, 49~ 79c ....... fREI. Saft more 7 P'Aat or 12. • SHet Thtt.of}'Ull pay-et lfl!ll !NOi Silt . ..... ...... -.;,;";"~' .......................... ~ l'ACIOFM Pack of 21 Flower Pencils Dttourm 1tylC'd J:rnpire pencil.I in 59f ho t <a.Ion "''itb f'l'Uel llf" • Westab Pattern Theme COl.OltFVLL' B k =":!!.. 00 59' IJl!l 1 ~ I NOi S l':l:C. $1.69 w ... i.. $JM Dldl•ttt1ry .•• , ...... L..i ...... '25' (.!'""""' ... 0 •• • •~11· !J .... tlnyfll Penetray $7" yalue! Reg. 54' 9r.Yalue! Solt Wiii .. Sunbeam ·Personna Ught Pack of 200 EllCtalC SUPER Bulbs Alcirm Filler Paper. STAINLESS 11· INJECTOR Clock 3f' BLADES s4•1 60 •t 100 Wett .:;:k _ 591 ·'·hnlt wide rule oc <iifc up to 2 tnd 1 .J ).QO Sl"':f Oii I na:1onall1 YutiJCJ oollci;c rule or wb1tt Vt 1imn the ~tl""•rtl 7 11reamlintd 1J1m. tJ•pins p•()t'r. I' r .. "' .. . ' ' Ii • ] e • E • • ' ' J J J ~ • ( I • • ' ' ' • h f t I I a h f· ~ I· g • 1 • c • , ' • • ' A • • .. ' • r. -.,, ~ S. 1'169 llAllf I'll.OT 17 Rain Washes ·Out Al l -Action at Forest Ilills I I . - · pa vis Ge t s Safety -At Wrong Time · . .f< . A MESS OF ME TS -Los AnJ~"f Dodr!ITT catcher Toni Hiller seems· ~ ~tt.Jdi hands .tull in the tiip <it \he sixth inning as fint Art.Sham- ~Y-anl' Ulen Xen Boswell come sliding into home plate. Both Mets •• K e-t f ., . ..... '"· .¥''!'. it. ' . . •ti> I,, tr., it .. · ' . ~ ·' !' ~·· • • . .; •. ~. Ai1gels Drop Pair to N ats, 1 Superbowl Prev~? .. • Return Home WASHINGTON (AP) -The California An~ and Vi'ashlngton Senators have parted company, their season's toil .against each other over. Frank Howard of the Senators and Jim Fregosi of the Angels are probably happy the series is over., N'dther1 man had much of a seuon •1$.t the otber's club. F'regosi was hitless in six at bats Tues· A n9el Slate ... ._ .., KMl"C i11t1 ~ •• , ........ Y1~ :S.I. S Antlks Y1 Chlt-~ePI. ' Allff'es vs Clllcato 5"11. 7 Alllilles YI Chic.o ''" ...... 7:SS 1.m. 7:51 "·"'· U:SS 1.m. day ~ 1"e Angcls dropped both ends of a raJn...shoitened doubleheader, 2-0 and 3-2 jn six iri.tiings. In the first game, Howard hit a solo home run, as did teammate Lee Mays, for the only scores or the game. Howard's blast w,u. biJ fJrd o{ the season and put him pnly two back of majOJ'.-.league leader Reggie Jackson of lhe Oakland JtUiletics. But }foward only hit two homers againsr€alifomia plt.chhlg all season. Fregoat, collected only two hits off the Senator pitching staff 45 times a: bat &th teams talte today· off. Califbtnla is home ~y to take on ~ago~in the firs. of a four-game series. After that thel:e are two games with Minnesota and two with Kansas City before the Angels go back ·on the road. The Angels played poorly on the road early in lhe season but despite loalng the Tuelday cloubleheader, they wound up$-.$ 011 tbe latest trlp. It was the most suc- cessful Jatmt ol the year (!¥' Calilornla. Dooms~ay _·G.ang )Va~t-s -·Joe \ By the Associated Prw " The Doomsday Gang is ta y\ng .in-wait · for Broadway Joe Namath, pro footjlallri controversial ace quarterbaek, deep in the heart of Texas. Which indlcates that the Super Bowl hero of the World Olampioo New York Jets is in for a rough tlme In the Cotton Bowl in 'Dallas Saturday nfgbl when fhe Cowboys. tang'le with_ the Jets in an ex· hlbltion game. , The Doomsday Gang Is the name given.- to the Cowboys' defensive front four who alm to rush Namath. all over the place.,. "He is just like any other quarterback to me. I hate them all," declared George Amlrie, a defensive end TUesday ... Yt's a tremendous challenge to play the Super Bowl champs. Jt means a lot to all of us." "I've been thinking about him the whole off-season," commented Bob Lilly, another of the Cowboy front four. ';This O.J., o f Course ' . has to. be the blBBesi uhlbtUon m've Elsewhero, on Tueoday .. F.on:..t Greg, ever played. I think wt wUI be rn,o;ivated an aalltant coach, was re-~vated a.s..a a little more becauSe of Naritath." . · pla)'er by Green Bay and .mo start !-t "We've goMt "I' .. th3t we I.,. gamts · tacl<\e ag~t Pittsburgh Satllrday •. against Sl1'9ng l.eant!, 90" it' could ready help us tp beat the Jets, and then. U!e Colla next week." Namath got a taste o/,wltat ml!l)lt be In store fot him when ht waa dumped twice 10< 1....,-by' Minnetota lait week, although he threw '-lro·lOueMown -in guldl~ the JetJ to -a iwJ.ivktory·ovU the Vildiip. _ "II waa good to get that pradl"" In scrambling," Namath said afterwards. "I. needed il" The Cowboys beat the Hoostoo Olien 14-11 last week to help the NaUonal Fool· ball Lague cinch the e:Udbltloo terles with rival American League outfits. Going into this weekend NFL teams have won 17, lost 11 and tied ooe, thus clincblng the 33-&ame inter·leaaue aerlea. Plane Switch lJy Marciano Cost 'His ·Life !IALTIMORE (AP) -Rocky Marciano tossed ulde original travel plans to boanl the emall 'plane that carried him to his death in an Iowa farmyard Sunday night, a close friend o( the former heavy. weight champ wu quoted u aaylng Tuesday. · At. article In the Baltimore New ... l(lein Hopes Ex-Mate Makes It Big-Later American qboted long-time Maricano U80Citte Benny Trotta of. Ba!Umore u eta.Ung that the retlttd boxer was talked btto' the unicheduted trtp by anoUler friend. Marciano and Tn>lta, a Beltlmore night club owner, were in Chicago during the weekend to dlacu5a details of signing a young, amatew' boxer to a profealonal contract. according to Trotta. L05 ANGELES !AP) -Towering Bob Klein, tight end and a No. 1 draft choice by the Los Anieles Rams, think• a former college teammate wlU make it big in pro football. But Klein Would just as soon it doe.!lll't happen quite tha1 way here Saturday nlghl He referred to -who else? O.J. defenses and fit hla nmnlng style to the pros. "It might also take him awhile to get the blocking down. He didn't have to block -much· in college -he. usually had ~ban." K1ein1 saya his own Ram locker-mate, rookie Larry Smith from Florid•, resemblt:I S1mpt00'1 running style. 1 Tllo Baltimore man aald It had been Marciano'• initial intention to return to hie home In Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to cekbrate hit 4'lh birthday Monday with hll wUe and two children. Trotta related that Frank Farr~l1 a Des Mol.nes insuranCe man' also kliled In the plane ctaih, uked Marelano to ac· company him to Des Moines ror a blrth-dJJ party In Marciano '1 bonor. · LOS ~GELES (Al') -''I Just got my ldt at the wrq Ume", ,.Id Willie Davie, 118<1ly ahaklna hla bead 'In lront of hit locker. . Davis eztended his hltUng streak to IO games Tueaday nlgbt, breaking the Dodger club record and equalling the lottgeat lllrlnj In IO yean with a double In ~~ Jl:.:'fue It #hen the llodgero needed ti. He llrudt Otll wlth·the tylnJ ' GLENN Wl:llTE Sports Editor . ( . Quarry~Leedo~ Fighti 1'oihght~' In Oakland ... OAKLAND (AP) -Brian · London, ready·for Mother payday 8.t 35, and Jer. ry Quarry, try1tig to prove he isn't over ' the hill at IH, meet In a , 10 rolJl1ll hMvyvlefghl boot tonlghl to the Oakland Aren., rt wilt be London's first majOf" test since losing a title fight to Joe Frazier earlier this year. ··. . La!t month, Quarry scored a rtrst~ roUnd knockout over PbOe:nb: . kiz., heavyweight J oh n Carroll in SL Paul, Minn. The ~unower resident once saJd the fight with London would be his last, but he appare11tly Jw changed bis mind. One thJng that 'might have.helped was a firm offer of $50,000 to flgh{ Sonny Liston here U be beats Loodon. "My purpose In holing was to reach the hlgbeargoat," says Quarry, 0 which Ls :i:1ce ~~tbo~=w~~ei;i~ opportunity tO fight for the tttJe ~gain, I had better start a new career." · London, with a record ol YI vi~ries, 18 defeats and one diaw, bas bad two litle fights -with Floyd Patterson and Clssha Clay -and was knocked out both Umes. "J, dldn't bring him all the way over here fr,om England to lose to a mug like Jerry Quarry;,• says his-manager, Uturie Lewil. , . "When l •sked Srlan U be woold meet Quarry In OalUand he, replied he wwld fi811t him ont top of the Empire State Building II necessary to I e t another chance at blm.0 , That London went all tht ; Way with Quarry In their last meeting was 1JOmelhlng of a wonder because~ bis tongue was cut in a workout before the fight and needed eight atllchea. "l let oo! only the Oibl public down," sald London, "but my.sett u well I'm i.olni.lo .beat Quarry U)b Ume.~ • Quarly, who Oatly predict. a l<ttockout. prqbably neecls one ,II hit career la to •move forward after the setback .Fruler pv• It nm on third buc and two oat In the bot-tom of the ninth Inning, as New York held oil Loo Angeleo M Tue>day. The Mets built a H !<ad behind two oolo hlme runs by ll<!lm Clendenon and a bases-loaded doUble by Ron Swoboda. Wlnoer Gary Gentry, !IHI, had allowed on1y one run unW the ninth when' the Dodgers erupted for three before re'llever 1Ug McGraw fanned Davis to put oul the lln!. . • !llJ'be plleb WU to,J,'' aaid Davia. '°ffe threw me a bruklng ball inlld~ Lut limo be did that l hit It. I don\ kMr - 1 Jnlssed. I just wish we-could haVJ woo the game." -~ • The victory by the Mets evened the , three-game aeries a~ a game apiece. To_nlgh~ In the flna1 regular«alOD meet1ag between the. clubll this year, Jer· ry Koosman, JJ.t, goes (or New York agalMt Claude Osteen, l&-11. In the eighth Davie •lashed Geo!rz'• Do4ffer Sr.te ,,. U fl~ •' KPI (Ml) llpt. I Dodtlrs wt ..... Y.,X,. 7:U J.m, Stpt. • Metls w. CllUll 71U 11.m. '-"'· 1 "'1" w out-u~ l'-"'- f[@ pitch futo lef[ center field for & dooble that ext.nded the &Iring. He- 8COl'ed moments .. later ~n a single by Wes Parker, narrowlng the score to f..L th the ninth inning, Gentry wilked Willie Crawford and yielded a single lo Tom Haller with one out. Mets manager Gil Hodgea llft.d Gentry for Ron Taylor, wbo got Ted Sizemore to ~ Into a r .... play l>ut lben ~!Cl tllree otntahl &Ingles. 11m Lefebvre IJned a pinch slru!le to rtj!lt to b(lng borne Crawford wiih the fltll nm. Alter Maury, WW. ~ to -load the b a 1 e 1 , pJncltbltter .Andy KOfiCO blooped a Teua leaguer for two more, bringing up Davis. 0 1 was shooting the worka with Kolco," said Dodger PUot WaJt.er Al5tOn with a wry smile. "l W8' kind of hoping' for a hpm'e nm." Hodges, who played for the Dodgers In Brooklyn and Loa Angeles and pltyed . 1everal years with Davis, noted the big change'lc WUlle'1 style. "He's a different type of hitter now, .. Hodg" said. "He's slapping at the ball and with his speed I think he's more ef· (ective." HIW YOIU( LOI AHO•LP •ll ttrl'M •• ,,.,., AOM,cf ieeow11i.. .. & 1 G11TT1t, Jll • 1 I I Mot1, If • 1 ci.ici-. 111 • I I 2 Knco, pll 1 t Sll•lfttil;y, II 2 I I • ltll!.Mll, pr I • G1&p•ir, " • 0 • • W.Ol.n. er ' I lol-MJ1, Zb 4 I J l ... .,..,, 111 • t Wtlt, 2tt I I I I tr1wf_ord, rf J 1 Swo~. tf J I I I twa•I&. Jb • I G11111, c 4 0 0 0 Hill«, c 4 2 H1rr•l.on, H J 0 0 It Joll1111, M 0 0 G"!lry, p 4 I 0 0 611-r•, all I 0 1t.T1y10r, p o o o o S\lr.on, p t I MCOr1w, p 0 I 0 I G4bri.1$Gn. pit I 0 Molll•r, 11 0 I L.....,., oh 1 1 1 T•• ns1s ro,.• Jt•n • HIW Vof'k lOO 112, 011 -S L• ~ ODO ., tP-4 DP -1.DS -"'""' '· LOB -HllW Vortl I. IA Al'IO*I .. I. IB -SwollOlll, W. DIVll. Hll -.. C,.,._ I {11), SI -C~. ''"•••••so G1"try (W,10-111 ... 211 I 2 2 2 I st.Taylor e J 2 2 I e McG111w l/J 0 0 0 0 I S11111>n IL.lS.IJI 1 6 4 4 J 1 Moetltt 221111 SIYI -McGr1w. Tl,,,. -2;». .. ~ -....,. DUROCHER FINE D FOR KICKING UMP. CHICAGO -Manqer Leo iM'odter of the Chicago Cubs waa fined $150 for a db't-ktcking incident last Tuesday irt Chicago, the Ch1cago Tribune said Mo°" day. The ™bune· In a ~ from Cin-cinnati, quoted a Nitlooal t..agJue spokesman as saying the case ls cloeed. Durocher declined comment. At thl time of the Incident In a game with Cin- cinnati, Durocher insisted that be kldted ·dirt at ump~e Shag Crawfonl but did DOI make contact with him. Craw!Ord bad charged that Leo'• loot brush>d his he<!. · ' SICOfllO UM1: CALlflOlt)llA W.utll .. IT'Oft ",,,,.. .. ,.,., -'kitf'llr, lib 1 0 o I Uftttr, Cf J I 1 I JOll!lllDl!e, d J I I I M1ye, r1 J 1 ,J I Simpson, with whom Klein played at the Univer&ity o; Southern California. O.J ., All·American u wu Kletn, will be with the . BuUalo Bill• in the inter-league U • lllblUon ln .MeniorJal.C.U~m. Klein, 6-5, 235 pound.I, had the dl1lll'!C· tlon of ployil)g on the asme -iuad at USC 1rith two Helaman Trophy and All· Am<rlc:tm wintten. The other WU ll1l<e Glll'l'dt of th,o Kansas City Chiefs wbo lfU a eenlor in Bob'.1 Fm:btqan year. "Both are >lery quick lllarten. Larry ii bigger, OJ. maybe faster," he observed. Klein regard! c-ftiend Simpson u a moot llkeoble ''°"""' . t•Tht f: n't l fi'I TrojaN team WU· a cloaely-~~ lfOOP· 1'fohody reaenled the B.ing ~o Join ABA Capitols f' ....... u J • • • .. ........... 1t:t 1 • • • 1t.w.nrt, If J 1 1 1 MtMvt1w1, ai t 1 t 1 3!*k'tr, lll ::. • • 1 • ..-.. 211 •••• Vou,.rt Jltl11"""4.ll 1111 A ltodrlfwirCtll I I t I E,Br .. -.tt t I I I lt~c 2101~.c tilt Mcalrtllllill. 11 2 I I I C1rlol,' p 1 I I O D.lmllll, 1111 I I I I Hll!l'IP"l'WYI. p I I 0 o T1l1ll 12 I I 2 TOHiil lt I t 1 A. hlk"'*'-•*°" flnf tri uldllttl ir11 ... lrl"IOllCI. (•11""'11 000 --• WnMflOIOll DtJ OOll -I I -Ca1-1, 0, -C1Dfclnlll I, LOI -C•llloro\11 " •• ..,.,.... a. n -McM11111n. c. ... nov& Vost. $ -""°'""''· ''"•••••so McOiltll!ln fl,7·UI J S J ) I I C-1-. t'l\'.WI s J t J I I H""""reyt 1 I 0 I e 1 • ~.-: -H~ rime -lilt. An.Mllltl "l have mlzecl loellnp. I'd lib OJ. to do well, but at the same time I want lhe Ram delense to look good," said Kte.ln. "In coneee O.J. was the veatest baJl canie:r I ever saw," be continued. "I think he1l be Jiii! u goocLln the prt11 once be settles inlo IL Jt may take him a .year or two to come up to the level of, say, a Gale Sayers or Leroj' Xe.Uy or Dick Basa. He ha1 to lear11 to re.ad the natlooal -o.r._.....tved. We~: !l!TROIT (APJ _ The Detnllt rr.. be d-ti. And;"' Klem added, I m • p,:.., .._ted today that O.trolt l'lltonr """ :!i!':; P~ -Ute bi( booul atar Dave Bing will join the Washlngion and ltt'a p«tn1 1rith-the Billa• Capitola rJ" the AntOlican Basketba[ &>; bec&Ult he eatned IL": ,eoclaUon foll9wlng !lie 1970.71 teBIOD. Kle!ni currently p!>Ymg behind veteran Ill!!&. wbo-led Iha NBA In aoorlng \w°' Billy Tnwt, II ~ghted lo ht mart a ~ aao. It under cootract for the com. primary -1wr thad be wu In college. tni ....... and ta under opUon to the Pla- "Wlth Sim,,... carrylna ihe ball IO to , ioiii throqhout Ute 1t10-11 ........ «I tJma a pme 1... US<;, not many '!ling tho leadlnc acorer on last year'• Pllltl were thl'OW'n to me:• b6 llid. ·fist.on'~ ii eamtng flS,000 a year In 11118 Klein caught 2'-for a 10.1 under hit ·J)l'-controct. . ·· averaae. In limited action lhll far, be hal Deirolt a..tetal Manager Ed Coll ,.Id cauabt two for JI yards. llJn& hat told him ha hal not olpied any- thing with an ABA tam l>ut that he hat had!dllCIJJltons. Bing aald he met I~ Friday wltb Earl Foreman, who .-ntly bought the Oak· land Ow-Ind movad the team to Wllh- Jnglon. ll'oreman anllOWlCed Monda!11iat he h,. "llJned" a leading NBA player but aald be woold pot ryw the player'• namo un\11 nm Week. Metll\wJilla Ill Ba!Umore, the Sun ,... ported to4aY In ltt late morning <dlUont that Bini wu drlvln& to Detroit and would meet with Coll todty. The paper quoted C.U u aaytng Bing told him he had not elped a ccntract yet with Wublng!on. But It quoted Fortm11n as saying. uAU I can aay II that a player of eupentar caliber from the. NBA bu signed a - trAct with ua. 1 reRt&t be ha., signed and we will name blm 'next wett. Tne c:oDo+ tract IJ In my 11.ak. ,. Foreman .....nedlY ukl bis deal to purchase tho ARA club WOdld tland as f'1' 11 he wu cooceroed even U player Rick Barry and "*'h A I e • llattttull\ falled to come WL "l \>Olta)lt A club, not a ptiyer or a coach."' .. ',,. ' - > • .. ... > • • , • • ' , • ·- . ~ . s,,...u ·•·•·ar1e1 Giants to .Jap;m; ' Namath Sells Bar S,\H FRANCISCO -The .• liall Frandlco .Giants will .... duel part ol lhdr mo. sprln( r t.rainln& in Japan. it was an- , llOllllCOd 'l'u<tday by President Horace Stooeham. The Gi&JU will be In Japan during the final tw9 weeks of March ond have scheduled nine exhibition games there. The rest of the club's spring· 1rainin& will again be con- ducted in Casa Grande and PboeniL Arti. Tbe GUuits wUI play two game1 In Tolcyo March 11 ond 2% ond , • .,.. fh Fukuolto, llJrooblma, Osaka ond Nagoya befcn completing the tour with 1amu in Tokyo March 28 ond 29 • The club will r«um to the United States to fml!h tr>inlng in Photniz the fint week In April. " NEW YORK -Joe Namath, quarterback star of the New Yock Jela, bas o!lldally sold hi.s share d Bachelon ill, ao Eu! Side n!ptspot. to Ray Abruzese, ssde&mao for pro football Commluioner Pete Roielle said Tuesday. It was his ,.fusal to tell In June that Jed to Naniath'a brief retire- ment. " LOS ANGELES -The UCLA football team prepared for today's second big day of football practice without a left. halfback. YIDU fl'Ol1\ 1961 throogh 1116.1 before learing the bench to become aeneral manager. He returned as ffeld manager la 1111&, with Macl'hall replacing him Jn the front oCfic-e. " " LOS ANGELES -Opening of more than 700 acres ot 1kilng: terrain in a $S million r development project at ML BaJdy was announced here Tueaday • 'Ille eq>aDllm program was mealed al a.preas gathering by opol<""""' JOI' Westmt Reaorts, Inc., recent purclwers of M~ Baldy Sid Llfts. lac., prior owners of skJing rights in the Mt. Baldy area !Orne 40 miles northeast of Los Anael~. Optimists List Tennis Champions Winners In the sath annual Calta M...-0pum;.t iwilor. • Leading Jffesans ·Dave Davis !right) and D3ve Oles (left) assume positions for rugg~ aiility drills conduc ~ last week at Costa Mesa Higb's .football sessions. Coach "ldax Miller is at left. The pair were leaders iii squad's mile and obstacle course ef. forts ,with DaVis reconljng timer of 5:24 and 1:23 while Dies bad clockings o! 5:15 and 1,31. tennis tournament wtre named bythesponoj)rlngclnbandiht~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Coata .Mesa Recreation . De- paitmenl. Boys and iirts who wire enrolled in the tfnnil program were eligible to c.ompete in the tourney with six dlvUJons en- comJJUllng . play. Jtm lnrio, recreaUon coor· dinakr for Costa Mesa, and Doren CUrtlss, prealdent o{ the Opthnist Club, presented tro- phie1 to the !ollowlng·whmen ' Huntington Beach Man Catches Record Tuna Monarchs Scrimmage DAILY PR.Of ........ , ...... ...._. "''Ibe Bruins lo!t two left hallbacb early In training ond Tue>day Blll Bolden, a quarterback last a e a s o n 1 sprained &JI ankle during • , .. minute ICrimflllle. Rei WU ... npe&d to be out""" but Joined oenfor Grq Jones and jwHr Art Simi on the sprain- ed ankle list. &ya.-.A--scott Elid!!ey; B -Mike Riley; C-Rict Robb. Art Williams of Huntington Beach landed a 117·pound, 2- ounce yetlowfin tuna on the Channel Isle out of Art's Land# ing Monday. waters over the past weekend with some rock f.i&b showing on the fish count. Barracuda were caught in limited aum- bers with bonito still among the local favoritts. Coach Bob Woods ond rus squad of 44 football candidates at M a t e r Dei High School continue contact drUll in two- a-day practices. The Monarchs Immediately went into full scale scrim# mages. stressing the Maler Dei offensive. HUGE DEFENDER -Saddleback College quartmack Rod Grav .. leaps high in the air to fire., jump pus over Big John in a cltill designed to get p...,..rs wed to tbrowing the ball over the arms ·of, onrulbliig defensive lineman. The Bruins chose three senion .. tri-captalns -Mike Garratt, an end from Taft, callf., Mike ''Cit" Ballou, a linebacker from Los Angeles:, and Floyd ~' a defensive tackJe from Brentwood. Girls-:-A-Vlcld Barr; B- Diane Fleer; c-Jan Webb. Certificates were presented to the following runners-Op: Eight-foot 'Bag_.of .:Wind . . ' ... Bop-A-Jeff Burrell and Dave McDuffie; B -Steve Myeis and Gary Baume ; C- Greg Fleer and Ptler Lueck . Girls-A -Det>bie Clifford and "Becky Schrupp; B--Cara West and Debra Moe; C- Beclty Cook and Sally Isner. . . Helps Gauchos in ·DrillS· LOS~ ANGELES -Th< JJnlvenlly 'o(·:--'s ou the r a Cal~omla. lootliall team work-!_ ed out In pad! ind protectl .. gear for the first time this J! season and John McKay's o most obvioos problem was ~ By JOEL SCHWARZ OI .. 0.lr '*" Si.rt They call him Big John at Saddleback College and he's a defensive line coach's dream. Bl& John would dwarf Deacm Jones am would tower over Lew Alclpdor by nearly a foot. And be bBI a wing span that Dearly matches AlciD- dor'L The only trouble II, Bl& Jolin !1 a l<ing-slud wiDdbag. all eight feel of him., , · 5'ddleback fOOtball cooch George J;lartman· is .using Big John, an fun~b~ dummy shaped and 4J"eSSid like a football' player in a number of drills at the Gauchos' preseasoo training camp at New Thompson Mach 1 Will Race at ocm. Mickey Tbompson'!!i new to Danny Ongais' on &everal "Shotcua" motored. Mach 1 o c c a s i on I , Oogai!: is '4:Ulta.ff will be among the Thompson's number one favorj~ Saturda1 1t10range · driver, · ~International Raceway Dale Pulde will handle u ·tbe funny ciri return to ac-FulJerton'• car as the latter tioil: f<r the firtt time in over a drives the newer, pearlescenl month. JeUow, Mach I. t.rry Fullerton ol Van Nuys Fullerton could be defeated will be driving the latest by his own car on Saturday. development cl the formjdable Ford's recently released 429 Thompson-Ford Camp "Shotgun" engine has not Fullerton, an .eml?l~ye or proved as effective on the Thompson, has been g1v1ng the drag strips as it has on NAS- f~ entries a hard time CAR's ovals with his own Chrysler-powered The OHC' Ford and the Mustang finishing ACQDd only Chrysler engine p ow e r I n g P'ulferton's previous Mustang D~p Sea Fish Report WftP'ORT (~ Ucbr>-41 ,,.. ....._: H ~. It tlotllto. 4 M ». digeS1 their nltromethaOe diet more effecUve1y than their more recent Ford counterpart. Fullerton has been working on lhe motor since February and (eels that tt is now ready to turn the tide. UC 1rv1ne: "I've been hunting for how to m1 the quarterback II' 90metblng that'a r e a J i s t I c and haUback slob. ~ looking for use in drilh for our The Trojans Jos.t halfback ~ quarterbacb and defenslV'f! O.J. Simpson and quarterback it backs, and this may be It," St.eve Sogge .via graduation --; Hartman says. and in Tuesday's scrimmage, & The Sadd1eback staff h~ McKay looked at t b'r e e ~ rigged oet.s between the dum· passer& as pot ea t I a I _ my's b a h d s for the replacements fer Sogge. i quarterbacking <1r;ns. Jimmy Jones of Harrisburg, ii The dummy is used to Pa., Mike Holmgren of San r;.. simulate an onru shing Francisco and Jim Fassel of >-- de.fensive lineman and the Fullerton, an were in action. ~ passer has: to fire the ball ac-McKay didn't praise any one • curate.ly over the net to a over the others. II receiver breaking downfield. Five men were vying for l On defense, Hartman is U!r Simpson's running back spot a a Ing Big John to teach his week ago but Tuesday McKay defen.s.lve backs how lo strip a switch!d Bob Giorgetti of San receiver -forcing a pass Francisco to flanker, where catcher's anrur up and apart · h!.'11 ba'ck up veterari Bob from the rear at Uie inst.ant he Chandler. grabs: the ball. lap= drill, the dummy is equl with bap which hold the football and deferwlve backs hit the stationary Big John from the rear. Aside from U'le drills utiJlz. Ing the dummy, Hartman is running his club through the usual early season routine. "Right now we're still evaluating our perlOru'ltl and trying to see where they flt in.'' he says. "We're doing a Jot of el· perlmentln(!: to see if we can go with two platoonl. We have two big worries right now, a 1.ack of depth at t.ack1e and fullback. That'• where we are the thinnest ODii greeoo;t." " v SAN DIEGO-Th< San Diego Chargers of the American Football League said Tuesday they have traded a future draft choice to the Bu!fa\o Bills for wide receiver Richard Trapp. Trapp, S.foot-1, 174 pounds from Florida, caught %4 passes last year as a rook.le with the Bills. The Charger• 11ow have 00 players on the roster, six over the llmll Cuts have bttn made but names haven't been released. " v v ,, ,.. *· '""'' ~) ...... l ,.,.. ...,..: n Mrnaldt. • Mltl1'o. u "-'" Jl ~ad. MUlfTUteTOW aUCK-IJ .. ..,,~ ft .. ,,.~ • llonlfe. 1:11 bolSI. ..,..._ ti -""! IX btn'Klldlo, 172 la!lto. tS ..... 2 MIRM. Baseball Standings NEW YORK -Manager Ralph Houk and General Manager Lee MacPhall wert given new three-year con- tract& by the New York Yankees Tuesday nighL t&AL SIAC....._ _!en, ll blrrl· (!Ilda. 17' blJ!lfto. Jf ""' tien, '" MllbW .... ,... Q ......,., Cl bl,,... ~--h,11MndM"'-1 Ml­ 'M. OCLfJllSID~ ~: Ml Mrr .. ellt<I, 2M HlL Nt blM\llo, ~ .,.r1rw. 1111, JI M U!lw!. Y" CLaMl .. TI -11 ,.,.11n.: B J .,.. .. '" tllrrlClld&. 25 bonoo, 2 ""' ..... SA" HOlllO ~Diii St. LMlf"'91-• ....-n:i 1 ltlKll -MIL 7 .. ..,,. ..... '" '"'lot ...... J Pllllbut. 111 b(inl"-Clftrrll'l ~IN)-1111 111tlto: 11 ._,.,.l>C»Cla. 1'J bol!Ua. 201 e.lk:o .,.... It .. "'1 Ila~ J 11e 1111u1, :u rod<: "'· .... ..,. .......... -JI """": 1111 ,.. C90. .. Qllcl .... :D ..... to. I llfll CW. lOllf9 •uc• t,._.... .._....._ 10t •M"": 1 Wllowflll, 11 INrTI· °"*' I lllolfllWt, M'I Qlb t.u. n ...,,.. .. ""'* .. (~ ....,,.. ...,_,,, ....... : ,,. bitrrttuM, '" """' .. .._ t '*"""· ,...._.. ~ ......,.: " N!'l'!KVM. u ti.Iha. ._,..... jll ......,..: ' ...,.,.. ..... It .._ 17' lllollltlt. 1 f'IMltut. AMERICAN LEAGUE Wat Dlvl1I• MinOQOla Oakland Clllfornia Kansas City Chicago Seatlle Won Looi l'<:L GB Bl 5Z .600 - 74 57 .565 6 56 76 .424 241,) 54 79 .406 27 $3 71 • 402 271,l SO 83 .3?1 30YI Eu! Dhhlea Baltimore 92 44 Detroit 78 56 Boston 71 II Washington 71 56 New York 67 67 Cleveland 54 Bl ,.,........ . .,,_.. .fi70 - .582 IJ .$311 19 .!111 21 'h .soo ~ .400 3711 .... Yori! .. S..111• " ,, llwll• Otkllnd ,, '"""' l'lllrl M l-'OI• S. o...itftd ! c ..... ,., ... ,""°"' l ... _, (tty .. Otl1911 J WUll!llti'lwl 24. C1lll9n\!1 t•t. W HIN Cl llM f\'t IMIAo .. rtl~ .,. ...... ._ MOllR.O IAY t'9. M9f"N}-2 111o ,..,.! t t• -. ~ rd of tVW. ........ ,_., --.: 11 Mllt1111, I, 11r11 cM, JfJ Ndl C*I. Clewlt lMI IH_.. S-111 •I M~ Ntl'T "VIPMI_., -"": •11 to!• tl Cll"ft!I ''°'°' ub .... f .. Jllllft, 4 Mrf"l<\llhl, 0.~ltlld !T1!"9! U ll'lf 1Cr1111" 11 ~ 1·11 11 l9o1111!1 ll.onbort , ... .,,. Htt1 MAL.11v..-.M 11111 ...... ! 1J N tllllll, 4'° tO.tJ, 1 t:tlko ...... JI' """'°" a.tra!' (McL1!" '14) " kll\MI CllY MARUUi OIL. RIT-21 •1"'1.,1: Ut (H~lll'ld 1.4), 1wn11"' J'9Cll ... J to.eJIWt. £......\ OnlY fl"ltl KlltOulld NAnONAL LEAGUE Weit Dlv1ai0e Woa Loli Pel GB S. Francisco 7S 5t .580 - Los Angele,., 7S 59 .55.1 l Cincinnati 72 59 ,550 11,.;; Atlanta 73 63 .537 3 Houston 70 64 .SZ2 S Sari Diego 40 H .199 35 Eut Dlvlsi• Chicago M 51 .6111 - New York 71 55 .583 6 Pittsburgh 71 60 ,$4.2 IO'l St. Louis 71 63 ..533 11 V. Philadelphia 53 11 .402 2t Montreal 41 94 .304 ay, ,.,...,, .• o....., OIJe.H H. CllldMtll "'· lrl .. -c:'"""'ffllll ., ~ """ ot _,_ IS Hllllttoll .,, It. l11Ult &. 11 """"' ~~ L a.11 D'"9 I Ntw Yortr; $. Lot AJ'IHla 4 °"'"' ........ 9Cf\Multd ,...,,. ...... Ntw YOlir ll<WMNll 1Ul 11 LCll Al'Htft IOI,..., 11-11 ), rtltflt l"l!llollurffl l l!Ult P.IJ) 11 At11nll (Rltttl IM), .... l'll , l"llllMetlll'lhl (l'"""n 1•111 II S111 Di..o 1'6.nlOl'ln! .. U!, nlwM Cf\lat9 (Htl'ld• 1 .. !al 11 (tiw;.lnnftl IM11_., 1 ... ). lllll'lt Mot>T•••t 1w.,,.,.. 1-111 •• s..~ l'•t11tltCO IMlrlclltl l•tJ Houk is currently In his seventh seaeon as the field boss of the Yankees, who went into Tuesday night's gatne with Seatt~ in fifth place in the American Leap.East. flouk won pennants with thr Otto Resigns Coaching Post W a I t O t to, Wr.stmJnate/ High School swim and water polo CORch for the paat three yeaf"I, baa quit and will move on to tht Sunnyvalt School Dtstr1ct In Northtm California whtrt he'll assume the role of vice-principal . Replacing him at Wutmin- ster In tile aquatic sports will he Jerry 1'-f~nnlon, Otto's BS· !i~lant in the 196H9 IChoo! year. The fiSh is believed to be the biggest or its type ever brought into Newport Harbor. according to George New- comb of Art's. Meanwhile, fishing has drop- ped off considerably for both Arl's and Davey's Locker pa· trons due to .a run of cold wet.er . Bass and bonito head the list or fl.sh cag&ht in local The albacore picture is dim at the moment with only a handful of f~h · brought in. Skipjack are showing up in deep waters giving prom ise of a good run in the near future. Art·s Landing will run a Jadies day speeial evay Fri· day with ladi~ charged half~ fare oo aay boaL Woods' outfit runs oil lhe drive series out or the split·T formation. ~taler DeL with JI let- termen back, is expected to be a prime ' conteqjer f•r th• Angelus League cbamJ>ionship. I tho!Jgfit I saw aPtissycat You did. You did , The Pwaycat is a delightful new orange-sweet \V sour that mixes up about as '~ quick as a cat. This natfona l prize winning drink.is made with. a packet of "Instant Pussycat MiX:' water and Early Times. Have some fun with The Pussycat. ll's playful. Ask for Instant Pmsycat Mix at uour fa"orite Food or Liquor Store. To get a set of 4·10,\{ oz. Puaaycat ala~s and 4 packets of Instant Puuycat Mix; send $2.95 to: £ARLY TIMES PUSSYCAT GLAS.5£5 P.0; llOX 377, MAPLE PLAIN, MINNESOTA JS3S• • ' t ., • . " ,, ., " ,. mer ~TH' SNfwENC!S SllOT ~IRECTlctl ., ...i. ofloday'J two clnriil'f!QJ, the club &,,,.'llno r-oubld• to Inside ""' ..... n. -t-.a. "l•Jt field' -when It ca1tacl1 the ball. This sort.of club• hillld path -Inn-. lhot dl,.etfon rn 1wo dif!erwit ~. ,.. IJAC.ALtGNU 10PllllCllOM 9P- _..t\eo""" O\~·\I • .. 1iwia. ,, "'"el.b1ieoid Is not only ... vino to the lojt, but Is olio "loOld•• ill thot di-ion. Tho rll,f.lft •ill be the CUI :n -,Ulted• shot. The pull fli• ';illrfyat .. ight~but ta the l1Jt of target. • ~Fil&it. '*~"~ lllust,.,ion 12 oko shows tJ.e dub ....,;,,g t_.. lei! field, but, this time, thoclubfoeo It lookinostndght clown tho target line. Theclu&m "* -the ball, applying a c:lockwile (,Uce) .pin. Thit spin cawes th ... ball to1li<e In a CUM ro the right. Los Alamitos Entries F« Wei., '-'· 1. lHf -'Mlf DW ci..r a "•"· ""' ""' ,,., P.M. Dwllle 1111 IP a flMll •- GvlHlllo .. "" l'l•~ "1ltT tu.CR. a Yl•d•. Malo:lllt I nar ollh btlld In C11!f. Ct.lmlntl. f>urM 11100. Cllo1"11nt prQ U500, D!llUbeo si.r !1Yt1Ltl 117 •O 1N,Mlft, ._, S,.. pr)« 55000. ll\1 third M11rr11. SarlOl"ious (Smlthl Jo Burren fWl~••I our 0«11ron tAISllrl Coul'll Cllr1n (It ~'*I) Go Llltt Je1 IC..rdc!ZI) P1U11m Reqvul {St.Piii •1111\111 JI"' '" '" '" m "' '" 0..,... fC1rdDl1) 1211 SIXTH tllACll. C!O yards. J Wit Fi.et Cl'lerver IH Crmtr,r) 117 0101 .-f 1111 In Gr•ct. A f'lu1. PurM Tilt Count (Ad.llrl llll SlOOO. Chide'• Kid f5 .. N) 111 N-'• Honw 10 .. rer) "' '" Grwwln (It 11..iul no Debbv'1 R""'.,' fK11111> AH IW. L..lt 10r.rer) 111 u .... nldled co 8.tnlt1l "' '" "' '" '" '" Flnt To GI !l.lllllam) ... Mr. SPY n.r Tl"' Toudl l~1j 117 Ju.,. P•ll! F!111 IH Cl'Olbvl Mr. lruc9dDr 120 Dldc1 Rebel (C11'dol1l s•COND uc•. a w1rd1 . .S Yt1r llld• Ind Ill' In Grade I Plin. Pvt11 Sl!OO. Mr, S..nd'I' l1r CAdoilr) Gott1 Hunch tK1n111 Ff\< ..... Strl'lf !PIHi DtrVNI IG'I {Stnlllll 1ot11 Siu. Cit a.nt11J s.cr.t GI_. 1°""'9rl MW Su_. Ou1 fC.tdou} MIM CW.blltl (l.llptwim) Alt. In fAslOdl;Q) luti*r (Ptuintll •• '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ,. T"llltD IU,CI:. $ YltdJ, Milden t ~r ..... P'l.lt'll 111m. Old.n'1 Conl1c fS.ml!!ll WNt l.lld!, !l.h>hemJ F11! Delli (WllM>lll Ml» MOOrl Print CAdlllr) '" "' S•llfNTH IACE. Vn.Ml1 Sr. CourM -1111 11nb. 3 ye1r oldl •fld llfl. C111 ... 1119, PlirMI 52700, Claimll'ISI prier """· Cuekl 111 Rid' ll.~1 Hof P-POd (H Ct0$llYJ lllllinl HMry fAdllr) Sloudi: 'Em ( Smltrl) UncllrttudY {Aaiocllal PKl!lc Shltm IK1n!s) l1rnd'1 ..,. lC.rclDUI '" "' "' '" "' "' Hf lunllll Anund 120 IEIGKTit IACE. «ill Ylrdl. .s vetr Bo F.a fKanl1) Rid! WldPw IAIMlr) Glrllll Go ll'll e!ds Ind VII In Gride: AA Ml"Ul. 117 Pl/l'MI llDI. Ttil H11n!i11tton e .. ,11. 117 Lllt!I MIH W11>11 (Wlbwl) J1( Rid' '" Jlmmw fC.t'lkl11l OUH!I FIX" I 0.1 CSmltll) fl.1 Entry (l.~ I 120 K1ren ll:odcll !Dreverl 1U 117 ears F1>t l.vclt rKa11l1) 117 l "I sonic Moan !Smtih) 120 --Ot Rtwll RIOt {ClrdoU) 117 Go CIKl'I Go (H C!lllbY) 120 M1l!dllll ll.IPflaml 111 Lo Jo'I Prkll C$11NI 111 L1dV Aflort 2 (Wleburg) 11' lll'DUllTM IAtl:. a Y1r<t1. 3 y111" elds Ind lllt ill Gr•dt I Pl111. P11rH suoo. P1lleo hr Tl .... IH Cf'O'lbv) 17' Pr111e-.1 ~ITOll l,...S.lr) 119 ldl• Oliver {II: 81n1t1l 117 W1r Clllrvb (LIPh1ml Gabtrf'• ••bY [APOOacaJ ar-1 Ml Oii (K1nl1) 117 HtMTM IUCI!. llO Yard1. S Vear 111 olds Ind UP In Gredl A .w-. f'urH 120 SllOO. ~ T11r11 lt1rdclU1) lU $ihu1ta &or (H CJ'01br) ,,, "' "' "' '" "' '" "' '" "' Dtcto Tum (Cardo111) JU Quick M V111 [ClrcklJI) LIJ(;t.:r Josie C1! (P1Hl T1llomlede Dude 10 hr*J) LIO DlllllY Bir {Smith) ••vco Dlllorn CA.dllr) Tllllth TNrs (Sl1N) 1 U Cliv Qiu Boll 2 117 DM1Clt' Bir ll:OM Ill: 8anki) 120 Dolllr ~" (WL.t1111'11) 111 ll1r Oilvld (ll:lley) Ill Mlll TOP f'.ai lll'll'TM ••Cl. al ranll. t Wtlr ltlcts. Cl1lmln.. Puna UXIQ. Cl1lmlM Jlmm't' MIC hr IPa111) 11.apld Mari. ll.lllh1ml Mr. T Rodcllt (AlillrJ Race Results ,, d**i:?SM 64¥''''6 '*i· 'flilM ' TRJCIT, l..t. t , lff' CMllr a P1.i ll'lllT IUotl. -Wirch. M1ld911 1 Y11r Didi. OtlmlM. Pur11 tOOC. J1111'1 Gitt fMorrhOfll 1.20 3.60 l.20 <>.llWl'f Jlllln ISmllhl 4.611 l .20 No!lfl Fora Lld1 CP1etJ (.20 Tl--...a f /10 $trttmecl -Blflfff'I 11.,., lo- .... Bold Moon. Gl'P'I e-. tlCOND RAC•. -v1r,.._ ' w11r alcb and up lri Gr~ 8 Ph.II. l"ur~ ,,,., ftlckter IH CRiibYI •.111 l .a .SJll Klflllt ol Tri. T~rt CWl1b11111) lC.«I J.IO Qvttt Moon !WllHllll It.DO Tlml-n 111e Scrllehld-Mr. SlllllY 81r, flylllf s1r1w. 811'111mb1. &llnabtr. MIOMTL Y DOtllL• -.. J_'I Gilt a f.l:lditw. P1lllll SH.II. 'tNllD U.CW. :HI r1rch. t !<'Hr lldl. Cltlml"'. ~ ftlllll. Mr. Antll WIM5 ,,,_, 11 .. 'lt.111 7.20 ;s,,JO IJ.00 11.40 lndltn 8/telllt '""'' Klet't"9 cornot (c:.tfiloUI Timi-II Wit Scntdlld-9to I• ltclllfl, A Goin' Miii. 5PPtllill Ot\tll, s,ef'lld WIJllL IPOUl:TM RACI:-a Wtrd'I. S \11111" •!tit 11'111 ""' In Grlde A Plus. l"uru ' -OM VMI (l"tttkll ..... 4.ot J.00 ~.a 1 . ..0 .... 'utft Piiot (H Cret!wl Cller91 For1111'M (1..1 ...... ml Ttmo-11 l /1D Strtk!Wd-811d't' 1tecit1I, Jet Al· tt<tw, 1\lfltt'• ....... ,. Wiii! l..uclt. ll'l"M IACL Sff .,....,,, I .,.., oldt 11M Up. AllawlllCM. P-12100, DH·Alamllol 0G Good !SllPt) 2.IO S.'9 t,tcl Dtt·Sind'f Chic (tardol:1l J.211 3 .• 1.• ~1nd A:IWf' Win tLl!>lllml 4.211 Tlm.-27 t /1C f,111 IUllChft. DH-0..dM.ll ~r trrit. SIXTH ll•CI:. l!tl v1rd1 . .S w1r o!dl 1nd UP In Gr1de M Mlll!ill. Pl.Irie ·~· Jelawall>t fl.lpftllm) e 111>11Y'• em IP•"'°' I'm 8iorJo (Smlrt.) Tlrnf-11 t/18 4.IO J ,00 1.611 1.20 4.20 .... $Cr1tdlld-R11>1d RockG, Gl!'llfllme &.Ir, SaMor'• Niii!!, Connl1'1 \ll'lllfl', l.HP Parr. Sl:VINTH U.CE. VHH1t Sr. Cauru -1711 y1rds. 3 Year olds tnd 1111. t.111m1 .... PurM 12f1CC. TltM $CillftJI (Sm!tll) IOJll 4 •• l .OD GabllV'• Bow (Clroou J J.• J.20 Rodi.ti J1t111r CR 81'*-11 3.10 T~ 1110 .. ""'""'- l!IGHTM IACI. «10 yard1. J WHr ~ds 1nd "" In Gradli M PIUl. l'\lru -· Dee Mount (Stnlrtol 12.20 7.IO J.00 oar.11 8ti GGlld !H Cn:llll:i¥) 1M •.Cl AOollll Klnldi: ILllll'lem) 7..0 Tim-211 5!10 HD ICl'a!Chu. Hl•nt ltA(l. 251 r1"'9, t W-olds •nd 1111 In Gracie A MlnuL l"vrM tllCD. Hli. &.-{Srnl!llJ f.00 4 •• 4.20 Sprf111'• Prom!" 1c..-.> 4JO •.OD OlndY Valor 1eetcu1n"'°1 1.00 Timi-II <1/10 Scr1tchld' -0.-tblt. Sne•ll:Y Hon. Jotin Gobi. Gl1rv 81 1. OUllill:LU -f'Mll• ,,.... lo f. """"" PnMbtr. ..... ui.-. . DAJt. Y PILOT 10 ()nee Around Orange-Coa8t Area Green.$ \ • Ch·aney .~ins Hunti11:gton 1 Te·st by _·F1ve Gary Cllaney fired a nel 19S lo ...Uy capl\ln llJe ennual M-hole Labor Qty Touma. m<nt at Hua~ Beech Country· Club over Ille long' holiday~· Five 1lrokt1 back wu Bran- der CasUe With a 198 foUowed bl" Blll Bitting at 203. Jn fourth. place were Troy Carroway and Bill Ball with -· ' W!!'/•ms l8llk a hoJe.U.. one on the ninth bQle Saturday w Ith a seven.iron. Playing wWl him wu carrow11. · lrt>fne Cout ~Joe. Onhr11 and J act RiduU'daon comblned for a net a to tie the team or Marco Anich and Rallcly Pyle Friday in me.n's club better ball ol partn.en actioo at lrv1ni c.oast Country !:lub. TAIL PIPES ' 'One •"'*• behind ..... tht tandem "! FAl w~ and Bryan llµendOIL I ........ "'""'&mdly and !ht; • s ... ,. Aae 1-t rupi. ... eehiduW llfu1'm """" • h........i .. ~th onnual Membe~member Bill F lil ._.. two I. 10< rGWldl to be C!DlllpieWd ID tbe 171-yard hole. He hid jult '°'::~.:° ~~ ooe ./o,Z; 1...;;(C:., B.:.;.t4"0;-lblortlfl ,liqbdo' ~ID ace'!!! llJe•_..i McAlplne mt oodlalnn•• ·• M...,.~ •• wi• llJe JunlOo• Sept. lL · • , 1 l>ol•r~ Ille -'°'""'cl Ille latter -t -a 3'.'bo~ 1'liiW I'~ 111\11~~1• • A bole-'--~ 1""1~-r "'':i'lf ~~1'!" ~· SundaY'.I llliJed <OV<O\ -j ~ tourney over 11 holes -was captured by Roy and Cay Hallberg with o net !9\1. better ball•of portoera aUalr. Santa Ana Qowllir Club. .,.,Ibo~ -bolo at ' ' To.;Tiih'.: ;!: Ranelao SI w~~b~:i'f:nome Sai!la~byBM'W...0.• 'J'!" '1 ' Seoood p2ace WU t I e d between Chuck and Phyllis Andres end C.ourtney Owens and Dorothy Gray with their 60. Lorraine Peterson IDd Vi. Jerry Ruoff1 Arlene Mac1uld,· villo Troa1man ll<d for low not, ~HOlllO and Marguertlo honors in ....,.., dub action The quartet finllbed wilh la ~~goo~ J~s.Coun· !!~~ nab the Jack and JW Slc<rnd place, also Uecl, 'fenl . Slmday matlted llJe DnaI da,y to Dorothy Wright and Jean fll quallfi<alioo n>\llldl for uie Coltam wilh 77a. men's club c:bamplonshlps. Cappie PetefllQD fallowed Fifteen low quallften: akm.I · 0 LTA" SUPER QUl'lil'ry Tires Coit Less Ladles' Day activity Friday was won by Bobble Smith in claM A -tltloo with her 30. Class 'B leader waa Lou Meedows (11\1) while l!uth Tlflor ill) and Dorothy Bedwell (It) """ wlnoon In C and D divisiam. wilb a 71. wllb l!IJill champion Bill Men'• club lctJon Aug. 2S Selmall will beiln !Int '°'""' wu won by BUI E<hmds with matcbo In ·the• champioMhlp a 61 followed, by Ned Trahan fll&hl ~tun!ay with ,.,w. and Phil Walder with 67s. quept ~ f'hedWecl for the . BERG'S DtLTA TIRES 141 E. 17 .. St •• Costa 5fescl • 645-2010 Events oa tap in September at Js:vloe Cout are the Floren- ce Cri-Charity Shot(!Un toume:y -for men's and Gary HIDIOn .... fourth roUOwlhi .dljl and SetiL II and with a 6'l. H. ' .......... ,fc1'4 (0•11 ........... ..,, A:'••ttr a.,.. IHI.WIST IM. IANTA ANA-141,,JT14 I)'. FISK 79'111111 . Why Walt? CHARGE .Ill FISK BATT"'llS GIT .... ,,. W1Tll "'"···· . YO .. " ESI BAllEIY IUYI ~· battw:i.. ·;, • • iJ MON'DI G0AB&HD:& ..,.. __ _ ns<cviTOMIAnut 9.'5 ll wit--... . . . ' . 12""" . ., .. _,,,. ___ . 1195• ,___ 2' KOH'nl dtJ.AMNnE • I "'SIC P•UUD u.mn WJ• • ::~~13.95 ,...; ...... ~_, .... ............ """""'. ...,... __ ,, ... ............................ Oflllll EXPIUS .6, '69 ' ' YOUR CHOICE 37C-,,_ ; •11K COOLIN•-, .,., .. 11.Al'il • JllK ·•Al• nuilt • ftlK ANti-.Ust ; ISi SPAil PLU'S . 37C .... ............. 1 .. CI '-w-.O...-t,i. ........ £ ... ... .._...,..~ ..... . FISK 01 L fill El ,., .... ..,..~ ........ .. ... ....... It' ~ ..._ .......... M-Ottt .... ~,, .. ~ •l '· BllllE flUID :33C .. _ ..................... JWttnNI _ ........ ......~0)101 • ...... ..... , ....... THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 llACH ILYD. At McFadd11 892-ZOlS • BUENA PARK 1815 LINCOLN AV!. AtY•yYlew 826.5800 BUENA PARK 5301 IEACH ILYD. At Lliltwlo19r S2W040 .. COSTA MESA 2200 -HARIOll ILVD. AtWllMI 141 ,ZOIZ SANTA ANA 1400 EDllGIR >.t lrlstol 5*7W ' . I I \ • • ft QAll.V PSI.OT , W-, 5'P\<~bor ?--lM Affllets Battie• Method Detects ' . . Deadly Diseme early chUdhaod. -..... bloe<I, these lndlYlchllll1 - dlleues a r 1 eoD.edJvely dlvutallnc to a large ,,....,,, cl _.. aod 11117 -In clofeloplnc either pmenUon or cures prodUCM an IP" pr<e:lable overall benefit to m1ottoct. t'TSD" babl11 appear to be nonnal until they are about llx months Qld. llp to that Ume they seem very much like a beauUlul doll In ap- punn«. Their skin I s generally pale and tnnalucent wtlh a healthy pink color. They have 1o1J1 eye18'he.s and fine bair aod lheJr body measumnentJ art w I t b Jn nonnd 11 m I l s • Sometimes between !he llxlh and twelfth moolh the symptoms bqln to show. 1be cblldren become ir-- rttable and abnormally atartl· ed by llOlm. Mental and motor deierloration sets in and !he d!lld iJ>cr<Ulllily 1- coatad with t.be w o r I d • Ulllmalely, be -deal, blind, and totally paraly>ed. Even wttb the most devoted care, these children eelckul live be)'Olld the qe of lhroe. IJNlllllAL ASPECT An lllllSUll upecl ls that !he .... ~ ls bllbal amaac Jewtib P•r•on1, aped&IJ1 -·-... -mne ir... !he old PolJab.Rusalan provinces cl Gn>dno, Suwalld, Vllno, and Kovno. It seems Ubly that !he -...... ir... a mulalloo lhal oc:aund --. du!' 11111 the Middle Ages. AmOlll Je-peno!IJ,ooe In Ill ls a curter o1 the 0 TSD" ·eene wllllo -noo-Jen !he rallo dnlpa to -In lllO. U.S. Railroads Seen As 'Highway' System Old -Spanish Wreck . Off C.Oast? OC&ANSIDE -A 1-. bay Spanlob carafti bolleved loaded wtlh mJJ1lool In "*" &old may have been pinpointed by a IJ'OllP cl --· a ball...Uo ell !he Soulhern California coat. nur Oceomlde. Wilfred Tlluato, 41, • dlw !run San P..rr., II the leaderola&!'OOPollt --.. who believe ·!hoy have loctled the Trinidad, loot llllp cl l'ren- cllco de Ullooa, -ol Cortez'• lleutenantl. Scmeblatorlambeliovethe -aank ell Ibo inoulh ol !he San Lala Rey lllvar tn 11111. -wtlh a dlYlc:< called an .. attnctcmM,'' the group foond a IO-IDOI Netloo cl Ylhat lhoy belltve may bo !ho hulk cl the Trinidad. The -ls bor!ed uncler elgbt !eel cl aaod in Sl feet of watcT. An ltllcle written by Dr. Joseph Markey, an amaleur O c e 1 a • I d e arehleoloetet, clalmed !hit Ile lllloo landed here in 1540, and dllcOverfld Cl.Ufomla two yurs before Juan Rodrlguu Cabrillo. Markay wrote !hat bo found • oblp'• loa cl !ho Trinidad In the ardllvea of Seville, Sp&in. Ttkuato, who b.u been -...i wllh !he Idea cl !Incl· 11111 lhe 1$-!DOI v .... 1 alnce re.dioi the ar1Jde, 'W a S granted .. c1u11v. rilhb to OMl'Cb fer !he ohip by !he Slate Looda Coounlalon a yurqo. Dr. John P. Carter, pro- fessor of bu1lne11 ad- mlllls1ratloo at !ho Berlteley -· auqesled nllwlll' -panlea could -by opeolni !heir trackr "!or !ho -ol olhon wtllln1 to pay !ho tolla !hey Ollablllh" wtlhout lh-1ve1 IOlllll out of !he lranlporlatlon bullness. Carter aald modern tochnolOIY w o u Id &Ive rallraodl !he ..... Ulllty u llrllnes to canlrol momnent cl roltln1 llloclt, owned or 1 .... ed by tndlvtduall and prtnte companies. A lhllt to' a l1'M marbt, "lnrlead cl pment monopoU.. ed and ,.v1n1ment111pervlsed -. ml&i>t -the rill 1'clmology to !he llJ'OWlh situation It OCC11pled a century or more ago," he 1aJd. 11l1t could bo accompllahtd In part, he Hid, by Hie of ria!lll cl way to public 11encle1 , yleldlq cub wtlh wlllch rail l!nnl might dlvenlty Into llJ'OW!hmarkell. Twentieth centur1 1'clmology now makea !1 poulble, Camr pointed OU~ tor I return to !ho original conc<pt '-!ho leulna ol can and locomotlvea to anyone properly qutllfled who miibt wish to nm a train and Pl1 the railway the tolls It sets. Carter slid his proposal of. fen "a gnat opportutrlty to present railroad organiu.Uons to Improve their profitablllty." Instead of a valuation of 10 times earnln11 which the market now places on railroad stocks, "the mulUpller mtght be more like 1 f tb'l'\es earninas •• with the ao stock:& of the Dow Jones lndwtrlal Avtrqe or almost 20 times earninp u with Standard and Poor'1 425 lndustrtala. If JO, present # earntap need only be main- tained in order for the owning public to he 40 percent lo 100 pe""'nt heller Of!. llallroad managementa would no longer hive tbe convtnience o f 'iovemment rtiul•Uon' as an erpl1.n1Uoo of their level of earnlnp." Teachers Meeting Planned An"•tlnl•led m taacben fn'ln &hi Ocean Vtew and SavlDDI (Anahalm) IChool dlllrlcQ wlll meet kpt. I In llunlJncloo 8ead1 for a )olntly._,od eduallonal CGO>f ...... ~ opeaker It the IDl<llnr. adloduled !or !he -lllmtlllllon Clntm&, wt1I bo Dr. Jama Popham wbo•W-"8ehovlonl Objectives." Dr. Popham, •• -.1e p!Of-11· UCLA, II tile &dhorot-i-on educllloo .... lloldo -awards for out1tandl1:11 leachinc It file IUlf'lienft)'. Durtn& !he pat year he h.u boon featured lecturer at a nwnber of teacher ilHervl« meettn,1 co-_...-..t by !he OCean View, Tustin and Savanna diltttcbl. According to Ocean View SUpl Clarence Hall, D r . Popham il C>llllldered an 11emlnent authority" In the area ot meuunble objectlvu ln eduCIUon. "In an era of tecbnoloeicaJ advancemsit," Hall uplatne, "*t In lducaU... mull develop '" Oflanbltloo plan that In-cludes I IJJlem for an tvalua- lloft ol lhe Ona! product .. Foll ... ·UP pnlll'lllU to the Popham lecturo wlll be held In both district.. durin1 !ho com· 1111 achoo! yw . I • -- 8 PfLOT·A:::DV:.:t:::RT!$=ER:.___~.:.:.Wed:::":::'sd=•':.:.' "'s":.;"c_m_l><r_,c..• 1_!0_9_ • • • Crest Tooth Paste Fn1 TtJ 81 .. llS1mtnts Wit-Eac-l1~1 .••111ar" 1111t · 7-7c· '"ti. . FAMILY SIZE School Lunch Kits B~ _Shlnpoo Crown ZEE ~unch Bags S~ope Mouth Wash '::~s.tl 19 Siu · • Shop Tonight Until 10 P.M. School ·Note Book Filler Paper 381 SHEET 59c PACKACES · Wide m' ilo'~• Rule. BANi<AMERICARll /l•t It(•//'( /~1 ii • • • ~.sBea -!Cmrs "" " •-aicetlli 11 'True iL's " .,...~ . ' ·tlstl Pk& 112111 SandWicb Bags PQ.trR 9. -c, M•s'ter Master Bike leek WORLD'S FINEST ·~ • . I Ynr Allee Bonanza Hlldbags 1111 llAllll NCllT -Choice ol lflles II Brmoo lltd 5addlo Cd ~;!'r.::: =2 49 tu shollder bags. YOUI CIOICE • Sunbeam Hair Dryer "JET.sm• -r.ompacl "lJdJ Sunbeam" hair dr)'I driu hair Ill ''"'" of 22 minutes. Special "Quick-Curl" atllclMI for qvick-<llSY IDuch u~ 14 88 l3ri• sill beauty cap. 4 positioo heat control. • Dress Socks mETCH -100:1; nylons, 84- Helle Tuilo Qr. Ions.. "Brawny JJnits" II assorted colors & patterns. ONE Sl!E FITS 111111 age Misses' Socks CIEWSOCU-Whlte ml past~ "sweat!r" colm. Orlon blends. Sins 11D IL sgc Girls' Panties ELASTIC l!Q SffilS-lOO:I\ ny. ~ns. 100:1; cottons, l00% ace· //';. . tales Jo whitl •' \' ·:"-& pastel colqrs. 1 • / Sizes 2 fii l4 .. .J ;, ':!, 2 ':1.00 Gym Socks Willi -401. Rnyon, 30'11 Cot- .Imo, 25:1; Wool, 5% H lo• s1l&11tt n. 2~1.00 Misses' Socks· WHITE -Turned down cuff in mer. cerize d cotton. Sizes 6 ID 10*· Wiii ms-Em m.i adiist- ableaa.dle ... '""' 1 59 clal price fm' "bacl· l>-sdloor. • Theme Book 4 SUIUECI DMDEI - a:11o1a punch, side sp;. 7gc 111 iloCIKI, llide at .... ""'lilt. PADLOCKS ;1 Combination Padld~j ~,;,~"'!£,! 1 69 IJ shacllle brass dial. • t; Colored Lead Pencils : • YEllUS "Colon!" -B!ri Assorted com r, p1as-1 tjc case. SETI! 12 1 . ' ' . l :a : Pencil Er.isers : ·! lyvtNUS-15cPakof ',l * 6 SWp edged erasers 13c-' for standard pencils... _ ass't colors. '/1 Cl Laundry Marker tQ "Esll"nok" -Wili ·=J 30" of iron-on tape. ·' lnkwithslandsl~~ 2SC b Vinyl Biller WITH POCKET - stiff """ it dQce of colors. 3 Rings.1 29 1 *"capacity, I 1 &Pencil Sharpener MIDGET -Die-as! metal stand, choice 1 39 of colors. • PlasUc Ruler DILUXE 12-INCH - -1116-lndl plus 14c lllfri• ....... r>ised enplags easy tu r..s. Mod Binder HING -Cholt:eoll 29 designs, do1ble El&lneer's Scale -· 1• C3PE11r. • 111111 l'IDPOmONS _ Wlllll hl~agc plas1ic, recessed Iii· ures can't nib off. -"' '"' Vinyl Folio W1111 CUP -W. 1 pocl!t plus melal 1 29 clip, 8\lxll",clioice of COIQ.'S. • .... ~ ,. llraftilll Set FOR LDDSE·LEAF BINDERS-4" · 45-90 deiree, 6" 30-. .-=4il 60 degree triangles, Sheet Pratectars pnilract>r, SJ.Ide nJI~ 1 98 compos~ littsd • vinyt pockets. • 3·HOL£ PllNC.H 2'15C -Clear ~"tic o i*Xll" size. I Boys' Socks SllETU -84 llteclle "B"""'y . l<nif' 75:1; OrloJ\/ 25:1; Nytoa inas- sorted colors. Sizes ID f4 6-1* anc19-IL 59c Misses' Socks BERMUOIS-O!l>n. nylol blends, white & """1· ed COio~ In ... sorted center panels & c!Jet. ""' patterns. Sizes I 1111. 39v '-: ~·Boys' Jeans WUNILEI Toper f111, re1ular and sllms, Sizes 6·12. ClioiC8 of coicn. 3.49 • 1uou· -Fi• Clllllity vinyl CO'l1l1d ~il•i• at a ln!ly low price. ~lc­ kel plated hardware. Clioice of sol~ colm. • t••••tic tast . ,, .......... , • ,. .. hllllll :~~CE 4.49 Mn AL Foot Locker 30xll!JJ!2" silo, squall an~e billllin1 wit!J heavy duty corners. Vinyl strap hondle. ., --; I Jf,_.q '' " . II ~--. -- HOT Clim 7.77 2 For.The 1 Price of Get An Extn Set of FULL SIZE PRINTS COLOR -Dr. BLACK r. WHITE PICTURES 0n 1n Kodlceior .. lllacl IJl4 \Ml 111111 of film loll JOI deillo~nl nd )ll'OCOS- s!Jli. Git 2NI set ol ~c-llm FREE durin1 is LIMITED TIME OF•EI I Webster's DictiD1131'J -~, NEW WORLD-Dur· able hanlcover, 56,-1 29 000 011ries, 5-1/4"1 7-7/8". • Wilhllld Glue • ( . f!ono1 ·tor. 8 Treatn GLU BIRO -All pur-99c pose white glue. lot bottle 2; • Bostitch Stapler "'~ REUL25-Cilromefln-'.~!\ islJ oerfecl for purse or 8,li briefcase. Complate with L;. 100 slap I es. • '. I ., ---PERSONAL FILE METAL-Rep;) ' ff RI JUMBO SIZE l.ar size, conv • . ' plele wilh it-l dexed lolders, j wal11t1t or aw>-, cado colors. 12*xl0x5\l". 2.19 ' ' METAL -Same ' • as rtgljlar sizt futai in walnut Grlvto ' rai,. cado "wood•. ca grain" effo;t *inU l2*xl1JJ9". . •• 2.89 ' ~ ' II SAFETY CHEST Willi LOCK r. . kif-All molal • • iA av ocado ''wood-grai•" color. 11~ l 5Y.!J:5¥i" .._ .. ' 1.69 ::. CHECK FILE ~ METAL -col p~tt witll inclq folden & Jfrridt. "·Will! LoclJ I lays. I I S 1 •*" . 2.19 -···-··· ~~~ ··~-----~---·------,.--·~---------------,----;:--:-::-"::-:-i ":: WtdntsJfaJ, Septt'mbtr 3, 1%'¥ • ·-•• ' • Tiii '-US . Da~-Ease BOWL ·cLIANER PILOT-AOV£11TlSP 'l. • Kotex Napkins ne:s-1u . ant Soap PllNCI MATCMAllUI Max Factor creates new Bold! TU~70 {}oft<bf. l'A~ ~:_G]ied&vGf'rue Softwlor!Or -· .sBeautiful Brunettes Brash! Bare! faherge's BRUT Spli\ """Is all in its new see-ttiru case. , The dramatic gr"1I decanter, tie silver cap and crnst-all bared for "'' to see. Great ~ea! Great Gift! Samo great · frairince. Faberge'• BRUT Spli~ alter Shave,.IJter Shower, Mer Any!hingl . -;/"fir .Yer Fall ff1111KI· Aid n111 l'llcl111 Tl YH Al Sp1.cl1I 61Jdt1 ·ONCE-A-YEAR SAYINGS Jqmbo ALL Detergent • 11111 lltlcWlru· mllf....,11 ·· tt1s.faoz. 1.99 ' ~ Cmers gray liotter IDo, and the really r ··lice !ling eboutTried "' ' I rue Solt C-Olor ... -n·s sier Mrd 011 ... ,...~ . J s6we1y 5.50 OR Th E~i.11 fra1111c1 C1ll8'1i1it Cthpt 2. 75 Ml 4.00 . . Prell " · .. bstraus Shades • Complete ~, ' Sbampaa-ln " " " Kit ~ 2.00 • SltQ Miii 3~ Ill 2.25 Dat111Pmtr 3.00 Pm" Crut S..ht 2.25 ldlll11lmfnlrbct 2.fAI r.talt Set DllffsstlCt 3.75 2.fAI Slfl1latal'trilr 2.50 Ptrfnt s .. , 3 -2. 75 -Coneentrate (,,, Shampoo All StareS -.a 9 AMtolO PM 7 Days A Week Thera·Blem. Vespre ~~=11~9ac . UNICAP M Vitamins llEOICAL lHWPY FOR ACNE P!llPLES Br NDXZEMA-n....area-llora t1aa t delr-op. MOit tJian a <OVer-up! Helps cl..,, C<)llCell and prevent oew - pimples. ii• ll tz. 73c u, 1 v. •L 98c CLAIROL Great Body Instant Condi- lioner For The Hair. 2.00 SIZE A. 1.59 8. Cl,AIROL Condition ·The Beauty Pre-~ .• for Traw· .:::., . ... b r. Olld!rloQ' jllE I .... SALE Plastic Housewares by Allllin Plastics A. Tmltrl. CMIU If lie I IL •S11trtJ" tr lie 1Z IL l'llmlll', L T11illtrs. lie 12 IL •ScalilJ- t. • I I 1.19 .;:;;;-. fiilROL fnidness llf' Stilt . C. J18lt SIHk lit" 25c btll 1.arp l Heny. !'l""=lio.. D. Ltrp Ctrtal 8111. 25c 24 tL Clltlcul co!Jrs. E. F1tl Sbrqt wltl UU. lk I IL l1ttd .. ltar. Zic 14 IL 1t1g. clear. lie II u. ltuUnllti f. Flllz'I Slit Will UIL lie 1Z IL S11trtfnsltillc II tr..S4nn-F11stll. . C. -DI& Zic 14 a. Cllt Sin Clear ""'• -rid fll!I. Utr..-111.""Ji Modess · Dtlllt St1llt1J 39c ltlts St111lta S.... ~ Tit Kadttl Conlplmy. 5"" II lltip Colll. PAii 5 95 PUS SPAI£ 1 1111 NIMS •.• ~ whi~ dlotini -IGtbln I cabfe p.-blJf!I. ~Twm~mF012~66 wsETlE Tape Recorder IUl.IGllE • .. Solld -""' ltpe adlidos -11111" mes• wa 111 sflrt tD pity 11 -.! IP tD I!\ lilln. "' tin•... llElldes 29 88 ~~ISH!tt, • 0 . Faucet Queen Spray ~-::43 .... rrts T· ltllm ~ 1flm roi to C rudl l!ltlJ ...... of tile,,,~ R. lco Cllt Tray. 25c II Ltrp Cdt , ----------t Sin ,_,_.,t 11111 tur twist •· L Rl1pf Sit' Did. Z5c Frtlltf •N.,,.NT --=============:; Wlllt-Lthl ltr lltlllffcllltl. w·~o• .. .. CLAIROL l1st1nt Condition The beauty prescrip- tion for troubled hair! 1.50 SIZE 1.19 i : ff RO Jet ·Stream l ·~-~ I ' ... tuli.ling stream !lot washes t.at· whit "'" toot! brush , h* behind. New P'""'' omllll in hi•· die -fully ' , atlJrtffd I 13 77 "{ir.2U5 • ~ J. 111'1" Fir Swattr. lie 11111111 I ""' Asnrt" Clltrs. YOUR CHOIU -- CORNING WARE 3-Pc. Covered S11ce Pan Set I Qt Sile, I* Qt S'•~ Ill Ql Size. 11.11 a, .. 9 99 SftckYllH 1 10' :1 .00 CORNING WARE Sauce Pan & Corer 2\i IHrt Siii - Frttll, Cook ' Sm ·-~A. ltpl•UI SPRIAI. UlE 5.88 PRO.WAii 6-Clp Pll'CllllDr ~ HN-=:r.r· SPRIAL SALE 3,99 AD PRICES PREVAIL: llmdlJ, Sot111hr 4" D11 SudlJ, s1,1111'1r ''' • ·· HUNTl,.GTON BIACH - IPOINGOALI • IDINell Contain 3 lillem. for mimr J:.' _., se11tchos, l111ct lites. 88c 9112 Drap Clallt PWTIO ,-Htl'IJ 11111 ltllltl -"" 91c ~MI.tip 1111 12'~11. SPRAY .CAN HANDLE Conmlt sp~y cm into • spray 111• 3gc 4 Pc. Brush Set IOCQT-4 1111'.' ... bristle P'iat bmles In l'z'·9·9 1", 1""· '!' sizes. C Clopltte Set Paint Remover "S111P.fl"-Palat an4 Varnish """"'· Will DOI ::_se,:. &11i• of 1 39 UI llart • ·.NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BIACH ----------------' 1020 IAVINI 1:"11 WllTCLIPP PLAZA ADAMI AND lltOOKHUUT Wedntldl)', Stpltmber J, 1'69 oAll v mor 11. ~ THE N·EEDLE . . IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN . And the man who know1 ;iut how to tum the phnut to get th• mo.tr out of the barb i.t DAlLY PILOT eolumn- frt Sl/(lne~ Harril. Ht · Mi bem co.Ll•4 tht modfrn • day H 1 n r JI Henektn. If .~ow're r~adll for Itta "'' of th• odd adjcctioa and ·ch o vg JJ c • provok{ng pt'Oft to give )'OU thf needle •.. 'f uou wan& to fl'"' '"""thmg to think about m what ~u read ... if you hove o ·1m1e of humor. vou belong with recdera who deliQ'ht in t.e:Uing othcn wMt ,.S..,d Jatd .. t11 OM Of the natf4m't moat • quoted colum~. Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "Ono of tho hlghoot pold Jobi In America conslab of 1t1ndlng up In front of 1 mlc-- rophoM, Mp1r1tlng th• good NCOrd1 from the bid onn -ind pl1ylng the bad one1." "It'• sad but true that wblle llcobolles are the belt argument for abstinenee, so · many abotainen ~· equally eflectl'8 ar- awnent for a litUe drink now and th111." "Mott of the to-eilled 'ineomp1tfblllty' In morrt.,. oprlnp from tho IKI tho! to most mtn, •• 11 an act; while to 111 women, It 11 en emotion. And this d.lfhf'w one. In 1ttltud1 can be brtdgod only by low." "The sole difference between a 'dedica- ted Cl'l.Ulader' and a 'nosy te!ormer' con- 1ista in our agreement or d15agreement with hla objectl•es." "The moat expfo1ive comllln1tion In the world con1l1t1 of sincerity 1ddecl to lgnor1nce.'' "Whenever I am the recipient of an ex· ceuively hearty handshake, 1 1U1pect !.Ir. Mu.scles ii trying to sell something, hide something, or prove 1ometbin1." Cheok The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The 'Needler' For His Col·. umn,. A Regular Feature of the DAILY PILOT Y out Hometown Dolly Nowap1por ' ' ! ' ·. I -. " \ . 'I " • " > • JI llAll.Y Pl\.OT Cr11ising AUthors· Make .Stop English Coup le on Third Trip 'A round ·w~r Un&rSail l By ALMON LOCKABEY ' --F.ric m-k, widely known orulalnl .author. and hil wife I. a-1nm £nibind .m...i l hi Newport llArbor Wednesday .... brief stop Oil their thlr<I dmunn11vigalloo ol the globe ·' mdersall. The u -I o o t st..l-builed t-e t c b Wanderer JV came aioo&Slde Ibo NHYC guest dock ohor\b' after ,_, and the eooplt .... gJ<eted by memben of the Wednesday Yadltm<ll'• Lwx:beoo group. Hllcocl< ls the author of -boob OD crulsfllg under 1811, during ...,. 30 years ol globe hepplog. Sli of the volumes .,e atll1 in prinl He also wrtlca informative articles for yachting macaslne.s lbrougbout the world. SOUi HOME The couple became so ...-ol saillng that they sold lbelr -• In ElllJand a year and a hall agt> and now roate the oceans ct the world thelr home. ••AD we own now Is the boat aod our beloogings aboard, and that ls not even insured/' aaidru-L ~ couple never take passengers or c r e w m e n aboard the boat. He does the navigation and part ol the cooking wh11e hl$ wife Susan does the mOBt of the cooking but. also takes ber watcher at the helm llnd iJ a competent deck hand. The Hiscocks lelt England In August of last year and have visited such countries a! Spajn, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Barbados, the West Indies, through the Panama canal and up-the Central American and Mexican coasts, arrlvtng in San Diego last May. 'Ibe voyage was slowed scmewhat when Hiscock smashed a finger while an- choring in a blow off Cedros Islands, foreing him to seek treatment before resuming tbe cruise. ' CIRCLING GLOBE -Crqising author Eric Hiscock and his wife Susan stand on bow of their 49-foot steel-bulled ketch Wanden!r IV when It come along- side the guest dock last week at Newport Har1>or Yacht Club I.or a brief stay in Ne wport Harbor. WORK ON BOAT From Newport the couple will go back to San Diego to have. repairs and mainlenaoce work on the boat befon shov- ing off for Honolulu about next --From 11>1'ail the lliscocka a.re contemplating continuing on across the Pacific visiting such places as Australia and New Zealand. "We haven't quite made up our minds about that," says Hiscock. "Jf we do it will be our third effort -our first in this boat." Hiscock said he and hls wife have found that once you start a long cruise jt is easier to keep going than to turn around and come back. "That's the reason we have made two previous circum- navigations," he ~xplalned. Their previous boat was a 30- fool sloop called Wanderer Ill. Both o{ the pre vious globe· gridling voyages took about three years. "We just decided t h a t houses and boats do not mix and thought it about time to live pennanenUy afloat," the author continued. He derives his living from royalties on books he has wriUen and on numerous magazine articles. Soling, Te..111pests Busy Hiscock obtained his first England. Hiscock was born In boat in 1930. His first cruising Southampton. A I t-,e r he and boat was a liUle Gulf Cutter Susan were mariied they UYed designed by Jack Giles ol some 20 yea.rs en the Isle of England. Wigbt -~·a lltUe place called "She was a fun boat,'' Yarmouth.". recalled Hiscock, ''no engine"° "It got to be such a nuisance or anything like that. Susan when we would go away ·on and I got married during the voyages -letting the ~e. war and we sailed her out to putting in an order when we the Azores in 1950. We enjoyed got back -it was just a it so much we thougbl we bind." should do more of it..._ beside, What are the. co u p I e's il gave us something to write favorite plfices in the world? about. "We have Jots ot them ac- •·we then got Jack to design tually. The west coast Of us Wanderer III, a SG-footer. Ireland is one of our !aYorites. We sailed her some 110,000 'ftie people are nice, tbe coun- miles. She was a good·man· tty is beliullful and you don'L nered little boat, never gave .meet t.oo many other yachb:. any bad moments. never "New Zealand is another of frightened us, our-favorites. We hope to In all their cruising the return .there next year~ We liiscocks carry the burgee of have also enjoyed much o( lhe Lhe Royal Cruising Club of East C o a s t of the United • 218 Boats in BYe Regatta Hull Design Suits Filed In Florida Two-hundred and eighteen boats in 14 classes swanned over bay and ocean courses Saturday and Sunday in one o[ the most colorful Labor Day Regattas in Balboa Yacht Club's history. Tbe regatta was marked by sizeable turnouts in t w o relatively new classes -the Soling and Tempest. Peter Parker's Fugitive from NHYC wu the winner in the Soling Class and Phillip :fl.tathison's Fair Elaine from the San Fernando Valley Sailing Club waa the winner in the Tempest Class. Another class -one of the older vintage -which always shows up well in the Labor Day Regatta is the Mercury. won this year by Jack Nerdrum's Radiant from San· ta Barbara Sailing Club. The regatta was salled over two days only in order to give out of town sailors a chance to trailer 0t lail the ir boat.s back to lhelr hmne ports. Final reaults : SABOT A (17) -(I) No. 6000, Dougall John..,, ave: (I) Phil's Pill, Phil Gautschi, UYC; (I) HwnlliaUon, Kin& Humann, BYC ; (4) Retalia- tii>n, Mike Thorne, BYC; l'l De ldocc.asin, Glgt d e Mocskonyi, BYC. SABOT B {I) -(I) Cork!, Corby Gage, BYC; (2) Hard Aleer Mlke Hllydiln, BCYC. SABOT C (131 -(ll Be<:ky Ill, Sl;lp Qeck, BYC ; 121 Aloha M.aru. Steve Reed, SSSC; (I) .No. Gtl, Be!JY Andrewa, BYC: (4) Blue Belle, Kathy eo1......,.u,y, Ll- YC; (I) '.!be Trojan, Kevin Phillips. BVC. UD0-14A (18) -Ill Lowly Roman. Rowland Lohman, BYC;{2) Magic David Ullman, BYC: (3) Ooe For The Road, Jim Tyler, BYC. Ll00-14 B (26) -(1) Phast, Alan Oleson, BYC: (2) No. 22- 19, Skip Riley, NHYC; (3) 21 Boats Mak e Race To Newpo11 Twenty-one Midget Ocean Racing Class boats, ranging in size from 20 to 30 feet will take off from St. Jo'rancis Yacht Club Saturday at 9 a.m. in the i;econd 1'1idget 1 Ocean Racing Association race to Newport Beach. Two Southern Califoml• en- tries are in the race, Dick Lindsey in the modified Newport-20 Hurricane from Newport Beach, and Craig and Doug Rastello, Long Beach in the Cal·2S SeaquaciOUL Crew- ing for Lindsey will be Lloyd (Swede1 Johnson and Ralph Peele, both from Balboa Yacht Club. Other hot con tenders in the race are GeorRC Olson fronl Slnla Cn.iz In hJs own Olson- 24 sloop Grendel and Ralph Nobeles and Don Goring in the 29-foot Holland-buili b o 1 t Starb<Jck. Aft.er the finish the boals will raft up at Newport Harbor Yacht Club.. 'Ving Ding, Don Bradbury, BYC; {4) lieather. A. D. MacLachlan, BC Y C; CS) Swunnerful, Don Bartz, SSSC. METCALF (8) -(I) Blue Blunder. Lance M c C a b .e • BYC: (2) Hassle, Jack Scholz., BYC; (3) Ripple, Dick Willson, BYC. KITE (20) -(I) Out of Site, Kim Gage, BYC ; (2) Tyr, Jack Nielsen, NlfYC: (3) Mer- ry Marl.in, Gordon Firestein, LIYC; (4) Ox, David Wallace, LTYC; (5) Gil!as Il, Tom Saf- lig, LIYC. TEMPEST (8) -(I) Fair Elaine. Phillip Mathison. SFVSC; (I) No. 58, Doug Steele, SFVSA. CAL-20 (6) -(1) ~1ischie£, J. Cannon, SSSC. INTERNATIONAL-14 12 0 l ~(I ) The Plug, Roger Welsh, NHVC: (2) Varuna. Dick Hen- drickson. ftiBYC: (3) Daring, Jack Wills, SCCVC, MERCURY 19) -(1) Ra· diant. Jack Nerdrum, SBSC; (2) Blue Mist 11. Roger Roessler. SBYC: (3) SpUnten, Ttd Lindley, Anacapa YC. LUOERS-t6 (12) -(1) Kildee, Ben Hromadka, LYC ; (2) Shibui, Rick Gantner, VYC: (l) Ralcal, Keith Lwnpkin, NHYC. PHRF 126) -(1) Baluba, Robert Logan, WYC; (2) Ra! Baron. Bill Hartge, HHYC; 13) Bonita, Goldie Jo!ep!l, LIYC. SOLING (9) -(1) f Qgitive, Peter Parker, NHYC: (2) Sun- dance Ltd., Ed ftieserve, NHYC; (3) O-SOle-Mio, Terry Cicero, NHYC. RHODES-31 (1) (I) ~1istress, BUI Taylor, BYC. Record Crowd See s Inboards LONG BEACH (UPI) -Jim of 71.034 miles per hour to down. O'Leary ol Loa& Buch woo take \he victory over Gil Jn other action, 0 l ck Ute X-lnboanf "tunabout Na-Younger of Hacienda Ht.lghts. Gustave:wn of Covini!I won the l.iooal Qamptouhip -rM!lt--ln -Gary-Carroll of WaL&oovllle Crackerbox dlvialon .and Ran- lbe annual PU« Club of "°"' was third. dy Meyera ol Upland took top Beach Labor Day Reptta C h a r I I e II a m m I I I , h0110f11 In the 280-hydrn class. MoOd.11 before a record crowd liollywood, the natJonal point Clem McCullah of Torrance I& Lona Btacb -M I r i n e Juder In ~ class, wall forced ·won the super stock race and St.Adium, out of the finals when an Bud Murphey of Whillier, the O 'Le 1 r '¥'a '¥ e 11 ow w1lttled ciotic tuel mixture national chAmpion, won the E Leprtchaun reached a speed caused hiJ engine to shut racing runabout trophy. .. MIM1t -The battl e between naval architect Ray Hunt of Massachusetts, r'ec:· ognlied Inventor o( the planing deep vee hull, and ~ents of the pleasure boating industry for alleged hull design infringements in- creased greatly in scope when Hunt amended his original lawsuit a g a in s t Hurricane Preclsion lndustrie1 to lhclude the giant Thunderbi r d Producta . Corporation • n d John Allmand Boats, Inc, Thunderbird, one of the largest builders of fiberglass . powerboals in the world, i! a recenUy acquired holding of Fuqua lndustles of Atlanta, Ga. John .Allmand Boal! is a subsidiary ol Elgin National Industries, Inc. Hunt, acting through his finn's name, Hunt Industries, Inc., charged in his suit filed in the Federal District Court ol the Southern Dislrict o f Florida, that all three boat· builders have committed "acts o( intrlngement within this district and el~where in the United States." The suit went on to state th11t the plainWI had been "duly and legally issued" a U.S. patent for hls hull design. Hunt is fresh from a milestone victory in t h e: pleasure boating Industry in -.. .. hich he won a case for in- fringement of b1s patent in the sa1ne Federal District Court here against Fibra Boats, loc., a fi.1iaml-based builder or deep vee hull powerboats. In his amended suit llunt charged that all three firms, , Thund.,blrd, John Allmand Boats, and Runicane ". _ • have for a tong Ume pa.st, been. and 1t11I m .lnfrlnglng'" on hls original patent "by making, selling and/or uslng boa! hulls embodying the pa- tent ln\'enllon and wtll con- Unue to do so unless enjoined by this court." Newsboy .Honl.e First In Homeward Bound Los Angeles Yacht Club was first to Unlsh Monday in Chan- nel 'cruising Club'1 ~ ~~ Homeward Bound race from Ship Rock to Los · Ange!<S Harbor. The fleet had a breezy .ride across the channel u westerly 60 Boats Compete In Mile-Hi ARROWHEAD ·Sixty small sa~boats 1n seven -cUmwd Lake Ar· rowhead Yacta 'tlub11 boating . ' .....,. Mooday ID the annual Mlle-HI Reg at t a. Bright sunshine and custY wtndll whipped the ,.;1on around the courses Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Final ruults: CAT BOATS -11) Loll Punport, Lake Arrowhead YC: (II Walter Bennett, Lt- AYC :. {I) Bob Dally, LkAYC. SKIMMER A -(I) Joe Pascal, LkA YC; (%) Dave Henck, LkA YC. SKOOIER B -(I) JAck Bechtold, LkA YC; ti) Jim Scot~ W YC; (I) Pelt ll<ncl: LkAYC. GEARY·ll A -11) J erry Hamiltoo. SBSC; (21 Rudy Pica!, LtAYC; (I) AuJtln Peeples, CBYC. GEORY II B -(I) John Schlbler, CBYC: (I) G<orge Bowman, SBSC; (I) Mille Agran, CBYC. FINN -(ILJ>lvld lddlnp, SllYC; (I) Dennis Patbr LkA YC; (I) Hal BeinneU, LltA'YC; (4)-Jlilin LortlCher, LtAYC; (I) Bill PeacheJ~ LI:· AYC. tlD0-14 -(1) R. C. Johns, PVSA; (2) Doo Cooper, LkAYC; (3) John B1ldwon, KHYC: (4) Tom Hamilton, WYC; Ii) Ed ScoU, LkAYC, LEGAL NCIOCK ' _, µoo.11. JIOl'IClll • • • •• :~ .. •• .. .. ., . .. ... ·' ... " ' . .. .. • • . . •• .• ·- •. .... . ·, ., . ... -... ,. • I • .. , . " "· .. • "" .,.. • w ~ . .. • S PM ·NEW TIME. ,fQR · * PUTNAM KEWS ON KTTV 1 ... • ' f.I Ct••..itf / lloca: ••,wt ...... (30) ••• _ ... (C) (30). ID P!oo• 11o .. <C> <lol ):SO. tern• (C) (IO) Htltll H111s -.. SJid lw IOfl, .l&ft!'S "lildrtlllil, •ho .. It t rquftr on tht Hswlll Flvt·O Mrk$o..-111•» · •• 1 do111lnttrina matbet tn4 fter ph)'llclln·scn who .ft~ O\'tf tils dflslr1 to b1 • ju111J1 -.(R) l!t C TM ""''"" (C) (!19) ''lf1rk Corridor.• A )'OI!~ W0011n ••• • ~· 11ilctmdois"111 a'IOMb' trail ·. ~ • .'by TI!' Vittl~Jlll tWlktml .. Ill dt-: ·Mllt·vicllnl Mrbori111 1 rR)'llttrious fbr •. '8d1' llnr. ·Jc;hn Smith 1nd Paul "1nch•ll · 1uut. (R) 8 J.tci: ltonr (JO) Dmitri TIGm· ki~~L ... • :.r &tfl(l)CDMtrt Ct•t l-1 lOIJOGIU1 It* 111 i. Olllur~ (30) ,.,. .Jn.ti -~ (ll!) "A Min's Err1111I." • WhHe ')trem:r. tht f041!1•5i Boll •. •• brothw. Is In San Frand.CO on,lo1·llrOa.8llD•Ee11. M•wt &1111 OOlllPll'IJ bu1r1111s, CtndY (-e) • Pruitt. pea out •llfrl W11d !(Im-•Alfitil llHcktd beily. (IQ • -Millian I Motlt: "NMt Lt'l't II Mllft: (C) ~,. (!lelror) v 'ft-C.11 Ollosen. · 1 Str1n,1r" (dr1m1) '58-JGlln Slr- ryqiot• r:, .Lil:' "1il1n. CO l'.llfdel'• WllrJ 4') Ctl1brtly .... sv•lt• •rt 1rn,., .lolnle Sdm1Mra.1 IDT~ ., Co1S11q11tnca (Cl (JO) corn"le 1tf1·111r vwion. •def lob 8 PwrJ M11ta (60} Cr1nt tlld Tiie tick PoM ·M•.lot·· Ii TICtl•lul Corner (30) ~ ~I ~~~ GD. Clll11 C•b (30) "Chi· n~sa Dtuerh.~ Mri. Chan r!ws t ll:lS Ill ~tl "Jtl U&'t" (mysltr'J) l~n In two 'arfeet dmert dlshu •ii-tkrli R•tt. Vlr1l11lt M1rt. 4 1mond flo1t, • teld 1t11llne flM(td wilh 1hnends. 1nd frltd Cod1rd, wtl!dl II l'Glltd In t&Hted ll·JO 1U1mt wed$. • Im Cll1tt1Mi ,1 ll•tt (lOJ fJ Merv makes it rreat * to 1t1y· Up· Ill ti ~DO II ZllHI CittJ (JOJ m Marr1 (lo) f.B SqlltrllQ TllNtrt (60) ··~ G!J Jin AlllJ (lO) Pi1nlst Art Hodes ... lio11' this l&ries feat11rln1 11a ::, frt•I• plryJ"a· In the Chicllfl llJl1. MERV GRIFFIN SHOW • 11111ll -..... IC) DIDallDT--<CJ 8 Mtlflk '\.llJ-• t ,,..... (mJ'l- "'1) '45--,,...1, DtvW Bruct. Pufotmll:t 111 P6t Wu R11•D, cn1inet: Jimmy Md'1rtlilnd, 11u11t- ptL SeledloM Incl•: ~Clll111 90y," "SL Jlniu 1nnrm1rt' alld ''Mttl U:JO m CM!lw M1 Jn Ctllt11Q." m i\ttltll @I) l1111Ncto1 Mlllluld (3 0) Jourrfty." Tllt•trt: "bt111•t•u• ' ·' " . THUH50hl' 1:00 IJ lllMlt: •111tcc1• (lll'ftlltlltt} , _ '~ -M11111,rtr., ID(lrt. M1rt1 !WM. ··-(I) ec111a1' .... • ~ ' ' . • ' . I I C~~plete Prlntfng Sei-vl.ce . : : ~ 10p Qu~llty -Fast Service 64Z-43Z1 ' . . . . 2211 Waal 81llio1 Blvd. .. Nowpttt le"h . . . . . .... -· .._ .... ·~ TUMB~EDS ' . - THAT OJRSEP SNAKE·iVE MAV !IE . THE w:JRST BAD GUY IN THE TEl\l\110RV,.. MUn AND JEFF JoE,+IOWCOMli . )IOU N.EVE!R SMll..1<? j 9rl0!14•wtLlU> I Vf POOAl<E,' '""Al~£. I i:•~----·•· I YEH,COMEi ON , JOE, 5Mll..E1 I ' II It II I . • By l'erd Johnson IT ONLY COMBS /tr 'lt>IJ ONE DAY AT A T<MEi··· AND f:,ACH ?AV /'l.:..J>\I iMJ;F<E'S 6NE! tlo\Y ~ss ·oF'IT· , By Tom K. Ryan --WE HAVE LAWS IN _,..,1)-.J--.._\ SNAKE·EYEVILLEI .... -_ - By Al Smith AW, COME ON,J~ TRY! By Gus Arriola SOMe Ae!!IJCl~S WJ(,L t!OOK ANY ~llJD cr-, TOUR! BOXING -Jerry Q11arry, above, will box European heavywtlgh~.cb~plon Brian London in a 10.round . bout whicb··wlll be seen· tonight on Channel 13 at 8:30 p.m. It will be staged in Oakland and will b• re-tefecut on Saturday, Seplember 6 al 5 p.m. TELEVISION VIEWS Es~pe.Tale Good'. Start . By CYNTHIA LOWRY A real-tite,escape story, Rus sian author Aria .. toly KtrmetsOv's account of his defection from the Soviet Union, was the dramatic curtain raUer on CBS 's season of Tuesday nig~l news hours. KUZNETSOV speaks no English. but the hour- long interview taped in London overcame the obstacle neatly. CA.s Correspondent Morley Safer asked tbe question~ and Kuznetsov's answers w~re translated simultaneously by the Russlan·lipeakmg newspaperman David F1oyd, to Y.'hom he turqed for help. Safer explained the writer still lives in hiding and Anatoly -he prefers to drop his last name - said "I am still afraid of Soviet oilicials." In a quiet voice, the tense, bespectacled writer told of his carefully laid plans to esetipe from his native land after Soviet troops went into Czechi; slovak.ia, "the last straw." • HE TOLD ho\v he persuaded officials he was loyal and finally received permission to go to Lon- don for some research on a book about Lenln . Even when he told how he got rid of his of!icial "watch dog" -his guard went off to a burlesque shO\V - Analoly showed only utter seriousness and almost apprehension. The can1era stayed in close-up on the subject 1nosl of the time the Russian \Yas tellinl hi~ story, and atthough the sound track recorded Oxford Eng• lish, the effect was impre!isive. Safer' occa~ionally pressed Anatoly all if he were cross-examining him, asking almost accusingly if he felt guilt about his actions. Anatoly admitted ht did, but spoke of lhe surveillance and suspicion in his homeland -"a concentration camp," he called it. AT ONE POINT he pulled a handful of filin from his pocket. The rolls contained n·eGatives of hls manuscripts, he said , "My lite." Saler a sked if Anatoly did not fear for lb• sill .. ty of the family he left behind. There was a pause before the sad-looking man answered "very much indeed." It was a vivid enterprising piece of broadc~st­ ing. and would have been. perhaps, even more ef· fecli ve if Safer had refitrained his impulse to push \Yilh dramatic que&tions. MEANWHILE, NBC opened lls fall season of its monthly 41First Tuesday" program with an a11· sortment or short features in many moods. There was a report on a 11youth pill" -a Europt4? patent medicine with no provable assets that ~I· ible oldsters or this country \Vere buying and which recenUy was barred by the governrnenf. There was some great film showing amateur sky-divers and another feature told or car lovers collecting Edsels. Detatals the Metaace DIMES TO DOLLARS Spe"J illm11, iii ••• Jlll!ltn. Ctll ••2·&•11 fef h1l11 wltk tll i.. "II•""'•• 11t1..flt-t PlllLY ,ILOT Dl1111• ... ·Li11• •'· I ' I I I I I ' I '., .. , " ... 1 .. , .,. ... r ,, .., , . . ' . . ... .. I • - ~:J, DAILY PILOT • • • IT'S Hllll THI F-UNHIUT COMIOT IN YU.IS AU F-AMll..T rRO.IAM HltMfy ,, Mlt, It! • Itta. U He can't fix a faucet or c1rry ·a dish, but ht did aomethlng els. th1t made tht whole world sit up •nd t1k1 notice. • COLORbyDeluie --UNmD M'nlfl·--=- Conth1Mo11• Show Dolly from 2 r.M. ;. The story of a carefree otter... / · with the stars , ' of "Born Free" " ••••••••••••••••••• U11tll S.,t. 1 Ot~ PLENTY OF FRll rAllKIN~ 1~~~¥@]· ~ ~ ~ateii TECHNICOi.: CIC ~ • • • '"'";,,BILL TRAVERS · VIRGINIA McKENNA • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l mon1·r:1w,m Great F•n,lly Pun Dick Ven Dyke S•lly Ann Ho"'' "CHITTY CHITTY IANG IANG" Plu1 J•m•s G•rner W•lter l ronn1n "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" J apanese Movies Every Tuesday Night " .................................... ~ : SPEC IAL NOTICE TO OU R rAtaONS • i T ... r>kturQ 1., !~ft 00~ ll'IY be (Ofl)K!e<td by IGmt ,. bA 1,11'1-! 1uht1tl! IOI tnolclren •nll )'OU"9 llC<>Plt --re<wlre "'"'Ill Clll·I trM!lon • I ''l'ME WtLO BUHCM" Cll ) ''THE JOX 1111 : : (Drl!r•ry ID OCIYt<ll~·no ""(OnO' our CO!\!rDI .,,., ftlPtftl"ll <!!$.!!·· """" '""" _.,, ·~•• " '"" "' "" ~' ,,. oom""' ·:~:l !'IC Tnetitr1 10 '"' me Ptl PIC!~re• l~lod In t!\is Dalt 111\C.. .,;. l~mpanlld tly .,.,,nr or .au11 111H1•dll11. Mll•••ff•••ff••ffffffff.......... I "EYE OF THE CAT" Ptu1 l-41l1y Miiii "TWISTED NERVE" Recom.mendtd for Adult1 M•M•••••••• EiQlllH •·······•·H• Explosiv•! lrut11ll Wllll1m l-4old•n Ernest lor1nln • "THE WILD IUNCH" Plu1 "THE FOX" __ ..,. : u11m E No Ono Under 11 Wiii be Adm lttM ·-........ _ Unleu Accomp.tnlH by 1P1r•nt or Adu lt Gu1rdl1n. ................................. e•••• l Comody Hihll Tony Curti1 Ttrry Thom•t • "THOSE D4RIHG YOUNG MEN AND THEIR JAUNTY JALOPIES" ~ Plu1 .. , _ J1tk Lemmon W1lter M1tth•u "THE ODD COUPLE" • J1di '---Ptltr Ltwfff• .$175 "THE APRIL FOOLS" Plu1 ltb Htllf JKl!lt OIMNn P!l "HOW TO COMMIT -' CARLOAD MARRIAGE" e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qutlity Printin9 and Oep1ndebl• Servic e fot more thin • qu1r+tr of 1 century. PILOT PR INTING 2111 WIST IAL~A l\fD., NlWPOIT l lACH -'4f.(lll ~ G1·iffith~ Shoes Fit Ken Berry By VERNON 5CGTI' HOIL YWOOD (UPI) -Ken Berry, the pink-cheeked 11tar of "Maybe1Ty R.F .0 .. " has followed a tough act suc- ctss£ully by replacing Andy GrHflth as the ctllef resident of a small town In the south, Berry Is alarmingly in· terchangtable with his role of Sam Jooes. TV Script Class Set Both are self-effacing, quiet, It you've ever U>Ot.llht you with d r y humor and easily could write better swU than moved to blush when ta.llting tbe TV scriptel'$, you can get a1>out them.selves. your cha.nee this fall. Ken, who 1tarrtd in the Orange Coast College is dt,funct "F Troop," is married offering a course in script. to comedienne Jackie Joseph writing on Wednesday eve- who play11 hostess for a morn-ninp at Estancia High School ing movie on a local television in Costa tife8a. station. The course is de.signed to A f u I J.t1me housekeeper give the aspiring writer the QVtrsees: the aetivitiea of the tools and teduliques used in couples' two children, John writing ielevision scripts, as K th 5 d J ·1 K well 8! plots for radio and enne , , an tnru tr ate, motion ptctures. 1lle students 4. will actually write TV and J(en and Jack.it are movin,c · h th frOm !heir present home in an radio scripts and ave em criticized 1n clu.s. ol~tr part' of Los Angeles to The class carries a $5 ree N<flh Hollywood in the San and will start Sept_ JD. Fer.nando valley y,•here they ===========i lodk poiSession in June. Berry explains he bought lht new house for the chlldrtn. ft is located. on an acre of ground and includes a swim· ming pool. The first order of business is to buHd a fence around the pool and teach the youngsters, bow to swim. "I'm getting a gardener for lht front of the house," Berry says, "But I will convert the back Into a park, including a mudholt, so the children-ean play to their heart's content" The new home will ~ furnished by a professional decorator. Jn the.Ir nine years of marriage the Berrys ha ve collected a horrendous hodge- podge o fantiques and u s e d furniture that both consider a disgrace. Ken says neither of them have any taste and they will rely on I.he decoralor to transfonn their old country English·style house into a thing of beauty. Ken also hopes to build a rehearsal studio at the back ol the lot in whkh be can pracUct his 8inging and dancing. In the past year Ken has been bitten by the motorcycle bug. He now O\vns three motorcycles and s p e n d s weekends plowing along the dirt trans of the Santa l\tonica mountains. He loads his two- wheelers aboard his camper and kicks up dust climbing the hills and plunging down flre trails. -··--U.l•f at t:Jll T"'"ltllt •r l :Jll Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Str ong woody fiber S QuantHy of perfum e: 2 words I) --·-blazes: 2 words 14 Prefi K used wi\'1 fact ;iind chok e 15 Sin9er l& h1 reserve: 2 words 17 Jnstrumenls "19 Fish·eat111 g m.11mm1l 20 Run-down structur~ 21 Piece of peel 23 St&te: Abbr. 24 Femille animill 25 Ra is es to ii higher level 28 Nocturnal 111.1m111.1I: Informal 30 Give instruction 32 Ma de fa st wjlh cabl es 3& oms widows ~O G111n en1 ~l State with conviction 42 Pay homag r, in cttli11n . ., 44 Fi•td f19hl. f .IJ. 45 Small speck~ 47 Places " of great we11tl1 10 " 49 P1oclai·· th~ !I<'~,. I 51 A pa1l1t•J:·• fJilYOt 52 Abs orb contents ol a book 54 Unf;;imllilr 55 -Hill 58 Sicknes~: Inf or l!liill bl Ort-he~rd nr9;;rtlvt YO\f' &J Yerry on !he Q·T f,~ Kind of pl SSl !}l'WiY &7 Popular means of lrilllS· portation ; 2 words 70 Smudge 71 Musicill 72.l7ndor bird 73 Behind sch edul t 74 One of a nol~ lhreeSOAle 75 Ent ert1 in111eri. ''"' DOWN l Suffust, as will! li9hl 2 U.tdt: lo indicate dlretlio11 l Household appliance: 4 Glvt a f1x1d rhythm to 5 Fussy •xcite11191t C/13/&9 f, Pandtmoniu111 37 Man's namt 1 Otclilff' 38 Formal conlldently expr~::.s ion of 8 !rredutible op1111on 9 Jinxes 39 Port;;ib le: l D Canadian ch air of provincr: old Abbr. 43 Ballad U Eu ropnn sub1ect VIP 4& Ftalurt or 12 Ont who lh t Rockies sinks his 48 Crewmembtt tr e shot 50 Ani mal food 13 Drird up SJ Ending of 18 More ultallty "' 11o ... nca~t 55 Author's: 2? -·de product plum t Sb ---·house 2& Animal group 57 Airplane 27 Unit or section · movie lilm 58 Hasty Z'Clostby: 59111. Z words Htmisphtrt 30 Re ady--: city Z wo rds bO Addi e! 31 Tilts to bl 9eoi1Y1er one side &4 light m•k in gr .Jl "Hit tile-!" devic! 3~ kevad.1 bf> Young one community 68 Torn place 35 teller~ &9 Fore end 36 Jiumid of •fool TO 11 Irvine Bowl Prod11edon ' . -'. lu1lt11 r• .,. .. 'I . ... . .l . Polished Performance ' I PAMU.Y' PICTUlP By Laguna Ballet Company attr ti 'Sor'll ,,.... , lfll lre""' "'llNa o• 1lt•Ht WATI~'" .... ''THI MALlUI ll,,T'1 wilt! Jtow.., w Mlirtlll BY 'l'OM·BARLEY would have stopped the show ol"'" ••111 '"" '''" with a more appreclativ.e ad- Thoae Jrvlne Bowl onlookers ditncf) that was a veritable who 1«alled Salurday night jewel ol !t.s kind, a airy, high CONllf'IUOVI OAILY' -l:M P.#.. director who bas accepted such a challenge and the ~C#n "~ "· artists who must have worked so desperately hard tO' stage j t h i s beautiIUf, compelling ~ . work. ·· •·• ~ · LUKEWAIUI • I ~_. ste~ping bll ol nonsense that the first faltering steps of the was a tremendous trlbut.e to Lquna Beaeb Civic Ballet th.is fine d a n c e r ' s 1n- Compaqy must have ·drawn terpretative powert and to particular pleasure from the MJSI Zali's splendid choreog-It b our sincere hope 'tfta1 polished pe.rf~ance offered raphy, the lukewarm r'eactlon ot the und-the atars bv this now No less eye-calching was "'' ' Hal O'Nea~ a L a 8 u n a audience will not deter ti!is,!J sturdy and utterly .weal.in& performer who never falls to Zali from including this work young organllatlon. impress us and who wu ei-in future program!. There For they served unmistak· tttme1y ,Uective in tht roLe of were those Jn the audience, able notice that they have, as Colas, the young buck -whose Misll Zall, who fully ap- it were, won their sp.irs 1n patience and persistence preclated the enomUty and the world of dance with a flna!Jy win him the lovely message of Ulls significant . wide ranging program thlt Lise.' work and we did, yoo ~an be was by far the most am-"La Fille" ended a ~gram assured, do our best to e.x· bilious offering yet devised by that opened with a qweUy im-press our feelings. Madame Lila ZaU's eager and pressive piece of s emi ·l;::;;;:;;,;;;;,;;;;;~====~===:E==:=:=:=:=~ energetic troupe. classicism: "Le Pas de At the heart of their com· Quatre," an airy, infinitely 1 mendablt Bowl program (and graceful ballet in which Miss how this art form is enhanced Za1i skiUully blends her im· by an open air setting) was mense cho reographic abilities • -Fill Mal G d " h with the lilting mu!!ic of ...... e ar ee, 8 ap-Pugni. Very pleasant indeed, Wl!Sf co•sT P••M•I!•• "WE BOMBED IN NEW HAVEN" py, colorful work that draws heaviJy upon the rich source of and delightfully executed by OPENS r:R1DAY -, we•Ks ONLY pantomime for much of I~ in· Kristi Moorehead, C h e r Y 1 u21 Nnnotrt • ....., c...i• M-J•r Ru•rw•lltu ..._uu apiraUon and humor. Mann, Hope Sogawa and1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damara Betmett. It was openly and suc· ctssfully aimed at the younger ORAL OUTUNE members of the near capacity A note htrc about Douglas • ~ALIOA NOW.-Enda Tunday audieoce. But thcoe o Id er R"'ve's oral outline of the 3 A•ua onlookers who were able to history of thi!! ballet and the '"""""" First Time Togetherl wttmtand its irresistible tasteful pre-ballet framing of OPEN • charm and Wectlous gaiety the group, a la Festival of ':45 2 of This Summers must have been extremely few Art.s. Very welcome indeed. 7ff I. hlltM Top Major Film Hits! in number. and undoubtedly appreciated a.1-.. ,.nln1Uf1 We are reluctant indeed to by the audience. make any sort of selection But now the third work o( from such a superlative team the evening, a b r i I I i a n t , effort but l\1erilee Magnuson pulsating ballet that should must. receive s pec i a I have had a review all to itself acknowledjlement r or he r and which stood head and work as Use ; this gifted shoulders above the rest of the young ballerina danced her program. For that matter, it "'BY effortlessly through a role makes everything else on the that by no means demanded Civic Ballet's br oaden J n g the full utilization of her great repertoire pale I n to in· talents. significance in comparison. GRANO OA/lilE "Dreams" is staged to ,llNO THIS OUTST4NDING 2nd FEATURE , , ~'The April Fools" Jack Lemmon Cath<lri ne Deneuve a-.. Right now we must not Bartok's music and Miss overlook Charles Colgan and Zali's choreography and we his portrayal of a grand dame we.rt tremendously impressed "'ho stepped strai~ht from the with her ability to translate pages of pantomime to tht this swirling, moody mmic in- Bowl stage: Simone. Lise's to dance form . She does so in mother, whose futile efforts to magnificent fashion and the keep the young lady in check result is a ballet that brought St•rts Wed.-Sept. 10 ••n•.!.:~.;t:"'"" are al the heart of most of the us bolt upright in our seat. SHOWTIMl-7:00 GONI wi'il _THI WINI hilarity in thi.s amusin g a.00 We are not unaware or the Port 0.. ,.1" be ,.,_..4 ·-::::.. cleverly danced ballel. demands.made upon a young ._ .,., _, .._ • t.n -... :;:.~.;,_iu,_ Colgan injected a cap-company by works or this ot tM """" ... _.. livatiog humor and sprightly1l·-d~•~p~th~and~~di~·m~•t1S1;·o~n~a~n~d~w~el~::::::~~~~!!~'-~· ~·~-~~~ft~-~J spirit into most of what he did have nothing but l>raise for the but he gave us one show·sto,r ping routine (to be accurate, it else i.:ow•n anil M•rtln "MALTESE llPPY" Continuous M•flnim. D•llY SEPTEMBER 12-16 THE NATIONAL BALLET OF MEXICO SEPTEMBER 17·25 POLACK BROS. CIRCUS SEPTEMBER 26-28 R.C.A. RODEO N!GtnLY' AT •:OO. SllfilO..Y'S 2.!00 lo 1.JO n'"S WHER£ n'S HN>F'CNING ...... Southern California Exclusive Showing 5th Smash Week! Critics Acclaim! "I liked C1stle Ktep. I like It a lot! An offbe1t WIT film that's on the beaml Burt Lancaster gives • distinguished portrayal and the ending is d1va1t•t· ingl". , • Wind• Hale, N.Y. D•ily News ''One of the most origina l movies of the yt•r, and certainly one of the best!" , • , John Barholomtw Tucker, WABC-TV "A high mtrkl Epic in size! H•ndsomely produced! The action is furious!" ••• Archer Winsten, N. Y. Post ''Fascinating) A film well worth sMingl" ••• Richard Schickel, Lif1 r .. ;.;.··:,,;,; A one-eyed major '!I and his oddball h!!roe: defy thr Nazis and / Patrick O'Neal Jean-Pierre llumont SCOTTIUll • Tllfff 11.l • lillll lflllll llflltMIH.-'-· JllliPIJlfJl50ll • 11111:£00il n Pel•IWll: ..:.ii..:...-....11Q811ll MCIPl..iMMR!. ....,_., __ 'll.l.111~-~ llCttTS OM $A\ t Al <OWlf'!Jt!CtfTOUTlm INQl,IOIHQ I UllO(t'i , ••ll'M'S MAf(frS, WttUCM'i Ol At 1Nf tilWrotl tl'<tl _,,,,,,. •~,...... IOI OfllCl. to i.--lWt Wt -01. >-•U• 2nd FEATURE: "ICE STATION ZEBRA" LOVE lf'I \J NIFORM -Don Tuche ~nd Pat Brown contemplate ttt:eir future over a coffee table in this scene, ffopt 1"We Bombed in New Haven,'' \Yhich opens the new season Fri~y !or South Coait Reper· tory in Costa Mfisa. James Tryouts Set · DAILY PILOT TJaeater Notes • .. Lyric Opera, SCR Lau·nch Coast Season •· ... Beach. ReservauoM·art beln& Heath Park. Hal Landon Jr. Ing, John Raymond. Les burlesque elements ol the SUnday1 after the Initial ,!'~~.;!!I'!:! taken at tM-Q)O. and Pat Brown playing other Jngledue, Bill Cochran, ~Ill mtlltary, along wllb the 1rlsly weekend, for a sCheduled follr· * * * major role!. Katt and Squire Fridell. horrors of war.·• wee.k run at the Third Step -Welcome ~ to the l9ff.70 Vettl'ID •-actor Don Com le!' lb rt The pl••, accordi"" lo ··we Bombed," w b I ch Theater, lW Newport Blvd .. Oranae Coa'iJ:lheittr season. ~" P ing e repe ory ..,, -,, " Tuche headJ tbe cast of the east are Gs.ry: Cotter, Jim Benson. "embodies many of laullCbu .saR into ill allth Costa Meu. Tl~tt may be It btlina t ls weekend on Costa Mtsa CQl'l\pany's "\Ve B.Xes, Ro b1e rt Strickling, the be5t elemenls of Heller's ~pscm ilf lhe Harbor-ArU, ordeted 'by ceW01. Lhe box or. two fronts, the professional Bombed in New' Haven," wi1h George P.arcos, Jamt's War· writing -the comic and w\11 plaY 'lburada)s thrQugh flee at ltS·JBU. • and the sem\.professional,.., a ---------"'----.::....---'-------''---------'--"-'---'---"---------:---. familiar mualcal clauic and a / llttle.-Down new play both make their debuts Friday •-----------------------------f-:'..;.. _____________ "'.'.'1 nJp:ht. l The profes.s.lonal offerin&: Is I the Lyric Opera Association's ... • production of "The Sound of CMJRJRNIA Music," with Marni Nixon and FfDIML ' Alan Bergmann headl,ng the . J -~.!!!... cast o! \,be Rodgers and Ham· mersteln cla!!lc at Laguna Beach's Irvine Bowl. On the aemi·profeaal.onal side, South Coast Repertory launches it3 new season with Joseph Heller's bizarre an· li\li'ar saUre "\Ve Bombed in New Haven." Director Martin Benson has promised a Joc.alli· ed version aimed at the heart of Orange County audien~s. • t•tJ1lll1lN'l1 l~l~I) ~ The Old James P!l'vers of Newport Beach will h61d audi· tlons tonight for a forthcom· ing melodrama and ·oJio pro- duction c a I I ed "Christmas Eve at the Sawmill." hannonicas. combs or other unique musical instruments. Auditions will be held al 7:30 p.m, in the pa'rish hall of St. James Church, 3209 Via Lido, Newpart Beach. Ftirther in· rormalion may be .obtained by calling Irvin Kimber at 675- 0120. OnJy four perfonnances of "The Sound or Music'' are scheduled, this weekend and next, at the outdoor arena in the Laguna hills. Kent Johnson, well known for his staging· or little t beater musicals in Orange County, is directing the popular show. Joining Bergmann~ Miss Nixon in the featured st are Andree Jordan as mother abbess. Su Harmon as Elsa and Alfred Dennis as Mu. Community theater • ANNUAL YIELD The group is looking for pc~ ple who sing, dance, do unusual acts, play saws, performers Alan Hart, Pat Neederman, David Paul, Rob Anderson and Randall Cobb are cast in supporting roles, while the Von Trapp children will be played by Kelly Davis, I --DHNWAVNE NOW EXCLUSIVELY ! 1'm411Jl ... Lindsay Karg, Alyson Reed, Dennis Wt.eel er. D e a n n e Shank, Paula Delcolle and Tina Reece. Musical direclor for 1'Music" is Eugene Ober, with ·Lynne Morris handling the choreography, Harold Cook as teclmical director. aod Jack Coleman directing the chorus. Costwnes for the show have been designed by Richard Odle. Performances will be given Fridays and Saturdays for two weekends at the bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna HAP~Y. H.,,.. • h • p,. v "'••lrelld. Sttrt it liy ,,,di119 the WEEK. ENDE R. ifll tl11 DAILY PILOT. GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY HAL WALLIS' HIOOUCTIOH DUE '\G IT The strangest trio ever to track a killer. NOW AT BOTH CINEMAS -MATINEES DAILY 111111 J'IATUllE AT &OTH THIATltES EVERY F A'fHER 'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGI N ! RATI O IRl -OR IS SHE 7 .• I YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENTATION OF GOODBYE,1 COLUMBUS ' A·Jl.h•."-.... ......... PHILIP ROTH ,....._., .... NOW 101' All.la "PORTNGY'S .COMP.LA!NT"· --------- t•tJ1lll1l~'l1 l~l~I) • % ~ ANNUAL RATE I PLUS DAILY COMPOUND ING f ,, .. c;1J1lll~IN:tEED FOR\ or YEARS or • • ' California Federal Growth Savings Accounts J. r::-• ·-.. • ..... -~ ...... ., ,,. .. ' • • guarantee· your earnings before they're earned! With a Califomla Federal Growth Account you earn a minimum of $539 a year on $10,000 . Or $53.90 on $1,000. Growth is absolutely sure. Your rate of earning can't change because we guarantee it. And It's a very substantial rate: 5,25% a year. We also compound Interest daily. That's a guarantee, too. So it all adds up to 5.39o/~ a year or more. Guaranteed. You can open you r Growth Account with as little as $1,000 fo r 3, 4 or 5 years. Leave all you r savings and intereet with us to get maximu m earning power. In the eve nt of hardship or emer· gency, you can withdraw any time with full interest paid to the end of the previous quarter. ALSO AVAll>.BLE; GUARANTEED rNCOME ACCOUl'lT BONUS ACCOUl'lT • 5% PASSBOOK ACCOUNT .. More than ever ••• the place for the money you can't afford to risk I Calif~~!iu~~~'t~!~§ .. NXI'ION'S LARGEST FEDERAL · ANAHEI~ OFFICE: 800 N. E,UCL!D AVE. • 778-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 27® HARBOR BLVD.• l4&>2300 'ORANGEOFFICE ~-3810W,CHAPMANAVE. • 81N033 Hoad Office: 5670 WI I shire Blvd.. Loo'Ar41ol• I t I l l · ,. . . ------~-~-,..,-......,,_..,.......,...,._. __ ...,.. ________ ..,._-=--~---.. ,-· J'ACll'lc:· ''W. IND KING'' JACKETS. 0 .-by Padflc Tralll 5,!ii!!~: HERE ,TlflY AREi Tllost rugged, wind!'"'°!, .. .,.; fackets;by P~flc Troll. featvri~ th~~ ~outdo« , look" in 12 4ynamie coloR. SitH 3( '" 46. * YWOW * OltAN6' , _ $. 0 *UTE BLIJI *'AQUA " v • *AVOCADO *TAN >low• * BEIGr *GOLD ' *NAVY *Ollvt " *BROWN *WHITE USE YOUR CREDIT AND SAVE at GRANT'S! Permanent Press • , SPORT SHIRTS fASY CARE permanent press sport shi~ In button. down ind wide toU1r •tyl1s. Solids, Plai1ds, Checks, Stripu, Short Slenes. S-M.t-XL. WESTERN BOOTS $1795 from f•mov• "Our•ngn" rough· ovt 111th1r wtiltrn boot• In tht lt!est 1tylt. for rvg91I w.1r ••• 1i1n 6 t.12. 100% NYLON JACKETS All NYLON unOne' l•ckeft In 1 jumbo selectloii Of 10 new c•l.orsl Complete rintt •f sire$ . . ' . s3~a_ Fully Lined CPO JACKETS -. N0Wf$14 95 FASHION T~ESS st1ncl1 out In 1h1'-n1w cto Jack1h. Fully ft1ec1 ttt11.d with ••rm Ktfflc~ 111 bold, lw1ny pl1hb ind ·Dirk lhtt. Our ..... , Atlt1n4l"' MW IKket5J 5-M-1.-.XL ill it.ck. • Unline~ CPO /Ji'ckif/Shllh.:. '. ._:~88 SWEAT SHIRTS FOR SCHOOL $229 Gr1nt'1 f11ture1 tht fin11t 1111u1Jity Americtfl m t d t iw11t 1hirtt-lon9 ind thort siHYll. 20 diff1 r111t tolors. ZIPPER HECK STYLE ....•.•....•.. $2.95 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! l!'l(Ci.tf The luxurious reiu % (6' "T" SHIRTS GRANT'S HAS THE Gmnsr SEUCTIOH OF "HANG· TEN" IN SOUTllERH CALIFORNIA! '6·5 7·'8 ·Tremendous selection of 111 of the n~we1t wide 1nd n1rrow stripe styles ••• ind solid colors, tool fin"t 100% comb eel cotton that won't wrlnklt, 1hrink er ever nHd ironing. Sites S-M-l·XL • "CHlRBE IT" at GRANT'S SURPLUS GRANT'S CHARGE - ACCOUNTS •• BE . I! I LM fa-GI. SIZES 6 to 18 FOR SHORT, MEDIUM AND TAil GAL$ T AILOR£D to give you f1ultf111 flt In • wide selection tf Sta-Prt1t8 f1brk1-soltd f11hiqn colon, ttripes ind patterns In straight leg or fl1r1. • Hew Stock Just At1lvedl LEVI'S® CORDS CAJEFREE Cordur.y '·1t11t ·•l••YI lookJ s591 !r11t lttca11se it's l..yi'I&, Pick your 1vorht tohw of Gold, hip, Chocol1!1 irown, OllYt, P'1l1~or loy.af llut. Si111 26 to 31. BOYS' SIZES (Sfims and RegulmJ ......... ,.$4.91 OVER..20,000 PAIR LEVI'S® IN STOCK at GRANT'S! • ;f," ', •. '$ .,,• y...,.- ; ,:J'<_ j "'· jf . """'"' .<.i:~' :. 1: i>l;. . r · ... (IVl'S® FLARES The tiacks Sta.P'rtlt!9 J11n1 with fl1r1 111 (ft $8 colorful 1trlpn-Gre1n w/Gold, Gold W/lrown, Grel w1iltck. llu1 wt Whitt. Siu1 2 -31. . Hu110® flares ; '""" ftlrl0\11 Mopqct lt1.Prttl $9 !~"' wilh the new fland le1. Col- •!'J of lrown, lhM, ·Whit. 111111 oi,m. Si1e1 21 to 31. Dress flares ltYi'rlt qu1lity Sf•Prt•t tlKkl with lht MWlf fl1rw 1tytin9. Gold wllh brt"1'1 1trlPt1, ind tolld colon tf Blue, Grttn ind llttk. 28·31. Blanket Lined ' llVl'S® 'ACUTS ' ' •1198 i11 n. ftm0v1 l•'ll'•~ Otntm I i•tkttl, pr•1hru11k to 1i1t" with. ·c i Io r f u I ill.wool l-JU-"'-.-i.-4 W.nket llni119. UNLIHID ·DINIM JACKETS ...... $7.11 , ................ i.. .... 1 BLUE JEANS >. SUPR·TOUGH Ju..s ••• the world'• ' IMlt copied ,.Ml. Worh1'1 tou1he1t -Im, reiftfortt• with "'"' rivet • • ind 1titchtd to n.,. Shriitk·to·lit ; •••• '~ Plir frtt. If tti.,;,Jip, Mlll'S u DEll1'5 ..... 27~0 •5•• . GRMF'S HAS YOUR SIZE! IOYS' U DENIMS '''" ~,. •41• BOYS' SUMFIH ~ ... '·" •3•1 ------- Win • • tf ~s an e usiv~ bachelor in youf llfe .•. or IOI, husbruld due for a prett)r mprlse . ~. c It's ti.me to plan a romantic dinner for two. •. 1 calnblrie the inUmale tucker of C@ndlellgh1 wlth the-f~ker of Cb'afing • diSh 'cookel')'1 and strt41 men go rweak. Im ploy has ~n' ltied,'.~U:Mf1 ti:u,jlnCe the l\ltn ot~·cen­tJ?Y.. That's wben table cook- ery-:-Was in Its heyday; and mao~l a shy maiden dazzled her )ilUstachioed beau with a dis-pJay of cooking ~ It -'5011 works. tn: the battle of Uie ~xes, }ht ~Ilng dJsb· ls a mighty w~polll tJ>ei in- Umacy of diflnJr for l\vo, beailtifully ~pared 'I'd serv· ed lust1 fo him,' absolutely dellgbta an male. ' = ,the ipedti~ Culinary dyn te~let1s begin wi:h ,_ C.'h en id. Br.east meat is cutitilth ~"fl' land t~ chicken tearqs ).\ pi ntea pp le, avoc'.a~ lento and herbs. Jt's ~a ·~s1-..s4Vory-coml bina~on. del\~QUS QOU&n to be (he sl>'l':1alty Of a line rest40rant . set.rood is a natural for thf: chafing dish bec-.use it re- . -~ .. ' • • C!Ui~es such brief cookpig lime. V:M"""" If your chap is an oyit.er fan- cier;, try Bedspread for Two. ·' The "bedspr.ead" consists of beaten eggs flavored with anchovy pasle . and the egg1 are tucked around whole oysters. H's a wonderful old recipe too good to b e neglected. . Should you choose to .make a dessert rather than a main dish, Peacl1es Chantilly ~ guaranteed to enchant Place sherbet glasses holding vanilla lee Cream, peach halves a ' whip'ped cream in U1e frie.ier before you start serving din- ner. ~ In the bl~zer. prepate' .a simple sauce of m e I t e d raspberry jelly flamed with ora11gl liqueur. Ladle ov~ the chilled ingredients •.. a n d hav,e a really superb dessert. Try any of these great beau· catcher recipe~. W:e guarantee tha~ they evoke a mood of meHow contentment ••. and tlre-'rest is up to you. · CJDCKEN CUPrD 1' 1 a r g e chicken breast. boned 2 'tabl espoons butter or margarine 'h teaspoon sail '.!i-teaspoon pepper 1 St.ilk ti!lery, cut diagonally ·-- ·- ~ 1 green onion, sliced I c:an (8~'f ounces) slit:e'J plr.eapple, drained and cut inlo· pieces sprinkle with salt and p!pper. Cook, stirring often, until chleken loses its color, about 5 nlinutes. 1.z cup water l chicken bouilloo cube Add eelery, onion, pineapple, 1/4 teaspoon each dr~ leaf ,,·ater, bouillon cube~ thyme thyme and parsley ffakU. ·.and parslej.r. Bring to a bo!l 2 teaspoons cornstarch -·and cook 15 mlnutes or unQI 12 small avocado, sliced chic.ken is almost tender. 1 plmieato, diced Place over boiling water. Remove skin from ch\cken .Blend together cornstarch and and cut breast in half. CUt ·1 1ablespoon water:; stir into each half in 10 or 12 strips. blazer and cook unlil lhicken- Asscmble other ingredients Ed. , on tray. Melt butler in blazer Add avocado and P.)miento. directly over flame. . Serve over rice. MakeS 2 serV- Add strips ot chicken; inga: ' ' TEENS LOVE SLOPP:V MOP·UPS a.f · -ID iramer BEDSPREAD FOR TIVO 1 can (8 ounces) oysters, drained 4 eggs 1h teaspoon salt U,, teaspoon whit!! pepper 4 tablespoons butter or margarine I teaspoon anchovy paste 4 thin slices buttered toast Dry oysters well on paper towel. Beat eggs with salt and i:~pper. J\Ie!t butter in blazer placed over boiling water. Bler.d in anchovy paste. Stir in e~gs and when they· begin to set, push to edges of PJ"· . Heat ll\e oysters i,n center aqd by then the ew should be done • .COver oysters ·with1egp1 Serve.on toast. Make_a 1 r-rv- Jngs. . PEACHES CHAN'IILLY 4 R_each halves, canned or fresh V8J!llla IOe cream WhlP!>ed <ream 4 tablespoooBaspberry jelly 4 tabJespqOoa brandy or or~ ange flavored liqueur, dl- Vid<I! ArTange . tee cream and ~ch halves In 2 sherbet glasses. Top with whipped cream and place ih freezer. Melt raspberry jelly 'In blazer of chafing cfish directly over flame. Blend in 3 table- spooni, brandy and heat until bubbly. • ~I remaining 1 tabi<IJJOOI) liqueuritn Wg€5erving lpoon I over fiame . Ignite hot liqueur and lllr 111\i ~pberey ~ Ladle o..r j)eli'Cl\il 0!1d l« cream., SerVe witfi 1'alets if dealred.. 1Makea ~·servings. ' · 1, II • Adds a Flare By BEA ANDERSO~- s.dtty Edlltl' ·. Turning an ordinary dish into an epicurean delight doesn 't require the-magical powers of a sorcerer -just the know~bow of a true arUst in the kitcJ>.en, attests Mrs. Gerry Gerken, home econOmist. , ' Her advice in mastering the culinary art include' subtle seasoti.ing and creating an atmosphere of informality and inti.m~cy with tasty chafing ' dishes. In the seasoning department she advocates experimenting wi'th spices and herbs, and insists "NEVER cook with water -it is tasteless." Primary substitute for water is wine, but "il your reUgion forbids using a1cobolic beyerages, fruit juices will work almost as weU," she assert~ ed. An example is using apple ciderior champagne. "A few years ago we never included cooking alcoholic beverages unlns we were spec;.tically asked to," the representative of Southern Coun- ties Gas Co. commented. ""J;oday cooking with. it has become 'SUCh·a coffimOn pr.actice we OnJy omit it when r<!guested \o. I really see nothln~. wl'ong \vith it, mySelf," she said, ex-plaining that when cooking time ts completed all ol tlie alcohol has evaporated and just the flavor re- mains. · Callin({ spices the 11 accessories of Iood ," she said, ''Too much ruins the tifect. Used sparingly spices-m;ike the dish perfett as jewelry makes. mila~'s ensemble impeccable taste." A deft hand is a prjme requisite for the beginner expei:itnenting -with spices and herbs, she maintains. .demonstrations A> a. starter she offer..i al guide U> 1/4 lea· SpoQ!I of dried herbs per four servings and Uie same amount of...spice pet .pound Of meat. If fresh hetbs are used the-equivalent would be one sc~nt teaspoon, HOME ECONOM IST Ge_rry Gerken The more pungent seasonings, such as red pepper · and cayenne should be used more sparin~ly ... perhaps start Wttb 118 teaspaon. "Re- member, you can always add more, 'but you can· never take it out of the dish,'' she S'tressed. "A dish is duJI without spices but unbearable if too Chafing Dish .,, I i, n1uch is used." Seasonings in C\ cooked dish should be added about one hour before it is done, but in a c61d dish, such as a salad, seasonings should be mixed Party Swings Today 's young hostess wants sal.l and dredge in flour; scl ii her party to be casual, in-aside. 11 fonnal. .. and plenty swinging. Melt butter in blazer or 2-I She wants to do her own rt dmf di h A d d thing, offer a social occasion qua 1ng s · that'bean the stamp of her in· o·r e g an o • Worcestershire 111 dividuallty. sauce, parsJey flakes and Every party has its own thyme; mix well. / 1 character ... and the hostess Saute half the chicken livers who's with It plans a social 10 to IS minut.es, stirring OC· 1 happening with bulll·in ex· casionally; remove from I cltement. blazer. Saute remaining half A chafing dish helps make or livers with the mushrooms, any party swing. '111ere's magic in table cookery and in-aqdlng more butter iI needed. staot fun In watching someone Return cooked livers to blazer .. prepare a wonderful recipe. A Add lemon juice and sherry; ~ ch~n1 dish break! the heat thoroughly. ice. Serve over English mu!fins If you enjoy the relaxation or toast points. Makes l2 serv- of entertaining early Sunday ings. afternoon, for iruitance, High-SLOPPY MOP-UPS life L l v e r a enliven your 1 egg, slightly bealen brunch. Into the bliuer go ~:. cup Italian seasoned dry chicken livers, mushrooms. bread crubs $.easonlng and a I a c Ing or ~~ teaspoon sett sherry. Y4 teaspoon Tabasco Serve over English muffins I pound ground beef or crusty patty shells. • .and Flour •. there you have a wonderfully 2 to 4 tablespoons butter or elegant note for the Informal margarine party. 2 cans {& ounces each) Add to the fun w1th a great tomato sauce with cheese bu!fet that fe;alures Sloppy 1/z pound small cocktail Mop-ups. It's a chafing-dish frankfurters specialty offering two of th e 1 loaf' French bread youngsters' favorite foocls:~ In larJe bowl combine egg, meatballs and franks. · bread crumbs, salt and Ta- a day ahead so that they have tiln~ to "marry." A tip given the novice so tnat-sbe can feSt thTffifvor ls to Cfi.iSh Spice in h·er fingers, let it warm, then las'ie .. Chafing dish cookery is easily prepared, s-he claims. A fe\v guidelines to foUow include use the water jacket when cooking sauces so they won't scorch; cook meats in the blazer which is placed di .. rectly on the heat. Meats should be cut no more than 114 inch thick. Hostesses who have everything prepared in advance and placed in order on a tray are less in .. clined to be flustered while preparing the dish in front ·of guests. Cooking time depend s on the temperature. and she emphasized that recipes only give approximate time. . To add excitement in the chafing di sh categOry. she suggested flam· mg the fare. The alcoholic beverage (usually brandy) should be poured into a separate container and warmed before Darning. Do not overheat the alcohol as lt will evaporate and then it won't ignite, she cautioned. To keep the dish flaming longer, she suggested keeping the dish in motion. Another warning was "do not pour straight from the botUe,js the gases might ignite and cause tbe bottle to explode." --~ The party th-at features basco. ~~ chafing-dish fare clues in your M~ 1n beef, form Into 12 II guests that you're an lm· sm•ll •. ineatballs. Dredge In aglnatlve, ere.alive holtess. So nou.r. Store in refrigerator Un- .blue away, • .and swtna-otrtl tll ready to cook. IUGJj,l.mE' uyi;:RS M~1 .1'tablespoon butler in 2 pounds chicken liters bluer directly over name. 1 teaspoon aalt Add ~ the meatballs and J')our broWtJ wen, tumlng often. 4 tablespoon.a bUtt.er or Remove from blaztt and jf 5i~~~~~~-j~~ maraarine brown remaining meatballs, ~2 teaspoon dried I e a f adding butter if necessary. oregano Return browned mealballs 1 teaspoon Woreeatershire to blazer and pour tomato sauce sauce Over all. Add !ranks. 1 tea$poona parsley .. llakts Op vet aDd atfnrrier 10 minutes. 1< ~.Jl0Wd0nt<ll!ll'1=-"'!<anwhllt. ;>reoare...funcb. -rr PWDd mushrOoms, allced b~d, by cutUng In hell I tablespoon lemon jull't ltt1gtbwlse and then into 1 tablespoons sherry, op-. fourths crosswlse. Serve open- --face 11ndwlcb ttyJj; MW. I Sprink~ chlclcen !Ivers ~Ith servings. Remo.ve Buttons Solely -. A fork comes In handy when you want to remove a button or a set o{ buttons lrom a garment. Slip lhe fork under each button belore sta'11'1g to., cul the thread with the sciJsors or razor blade, and there will be no danger Of cutting the material. • · ' . U DAILY l'ILOT ( Formu~a Makes Loser Winner l Horoscope -~ 1 Libra: Take Long-range View \ DEAR AN.N LANDf;Rs , A wblle bock 1*"*" 1 leU.er I-1 alrl who hill Oii' 111 00'1 1'17 lo 1-weJibt. -.recr Ille. mtd>od hersett and lo shart ll with -n. Sile sai<I U • ' ANN LANDERS [il THURSDAY · r.verul al stalu> quo. Avoid mld'dJe. Your r<l.ltloos with jet! lo cllqe loajO(row. le\ SEPTEMBER , I rr It 1 t I or net r ~ one dOIO lo 7'>U CXlllld aufler. up 1reatu U.. al cun-• ""* wm simply take ooe-Oilrd his I helping -enoegh to satisfy U.e buds aod get sufficient nourishment onll <1t SLOWLY h< ~ boullll to drop ~ ... ~ ryShe ~oled out that a lol of un-r-· eat.ing is done by rut eatm •' ~ IUOdalel. Wlae lo turn OU. X.1 Is ·to be ct<1Uv1 aod munlc1Ucn Be ~ ~ .,... Br 8\'DNSY OMAIU\ clleel:. Tbls will ulllmatd1 Dlltln -' n..n.i.. . I .. ~~ ~ .. shovel lo WUteeded and unwanted I ket!p telling him thest dreams are good beca'iast they help him aet the hostiUty our'of hJs system. rve told him time and lime again that dreams mean absolutely ooPUDg and that he should no1 n•orry about them. DEAR ANN LANDERS• I'll bet hun- dreds: or •omen rett llU killing that rot• ten kid J'fh9 told t\Js ctrltriend he was sterile and then got hef pregnaht. To my way ol thlnkin, he sboold ht-arrested. A dlrty t.dck like that is the nei:t thina to rape. work In your lavor, 0 PllCl!8 (Feb, If.Marti> 20): "~~--'-""'.::t ,. Ailu (Morch ll·AprU It): AQ1/AlllllS (JllL »Fell. llold b"'* .. l!nal dedlloos. =:... • ~ A-ld-J'-oolm •--"t'-111 • So.., frteoda could, Aura~C6orualoouls1s.Whal ~~" ·~~· 1v .,.;t,UIC J>UUllC. Y ... .u.,.,. Doon ..,.,...... loo ... ~ .. £...la I b-,.lLO lc!J l'I r Iosl< equal play., Yoil abould _ ..... _;;_,.._. __ •..:l'-et--._;:..._"t _-_•..:.l'l'";i. ... ~-""-'~--~-Y:....'-'"--'..:.""''-"---"-'-"".._·-'·...,-~'~ .. · t'~ , jus~.to ll:eep aomeone compMy. You asked your readers to Lry the at.em and see U it works. 1 ,did. and I six pounds in three weeks. I lui'o'e IO pounds to looe and 11m de I'll 1nl.ke it. Thank her and thank YOU? - GRATEFUL LOSER strive. to be aware of detallJ. \ · JlelaU~es moy be ~ J 1DEAR GRATEFUL: Voa'rt a winner, Mt • loser. Ceagratulltio11. 1n spite ol IJY brave !ront I am not surt I am right. My husband is a very gentle soul and I have never seen any sign of vloleoce in him. Yet, every once in awhile we read in the nev.•spapers about a quiet person "'·ho went on a shoot· ting spree and kills several people ft'r no ~ whatsoever. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Afy husband is 1 devoted fat.her and a wonderful baa. j>and. For the past sevfral weeks he has ~been having terrible nl.lhtmares. Almost every night be wakes mt up and ::ays, "I ust dreamed l went berserk and killed everyone in sight." I have asked him i'epe.atedly if he knows any of the people tt)d he says, "No. They are all •atrangers." t.• 'Ve are a military family and my hus- band is afraid he might lose hii;; seairily clearance if be sees a coulllie1or. Please give me your advice. r promise to follow it. -ANONYMOUS WlFE DEAR WIFE: \'our husband sltould ste hi"' physician. Perhaps a mild sedative \Yill belp .him"lhnlugh what might well be a tra111llory period of aaxltty. Urge him lo go al once. Your theory lha1 the girl is resporWble for whatever happens to her and the boy is eotlUN to whatever be ca.n talk her in- to (or out of) iJ plain crazy. Notions like lha t encourqe boys to have their fun without looking back to see bow many lives they've ruined. I thou.pt you bad a rew loose boll! when you confessed in prinl that you couldn't make Jello. Now J'm sure. Why don't yoa wake up and smell the coffee?-NO FAN OF YOURS DEAR NO'PAN: I did iadeed a7 tbt lhe prt is ntpolllih&t for wts.ltevu hap- pens kl Hr. Bat I did not say a boy ii t• titled lo wlutevtr bt can tal~ a ilrl lato -or oat of. l 1&id most boy1 will TAKE 11i·hatever t.i.ey cu rel A.ad I stand by botb 1M11tmenr.. First Date Written on New Calendar • ~ \Velco1n.ing members of Alpha Dcltp Pi Alumnae Association of Orange County / ;.r back !ron:i summer t.ravels wiJJ be an adventure in wine-tasting Thursday, Sept. 18, 1n the HunlJngton 11arbour home of Mrs. Robert Clingan. Husbands :; will enjoy the California \\lines o! Charles Krug along with the alumnae during , t · lht 8 p.m. gathering. Inviting a "friend" to join them are Cleft to right) the Mmes. Wilbur Allen, Raymond E. f\1cGraw and John L. Ragle. In Fountain Valley Chairmen Appointed New committee chairmen have been appointed and pro- jects adopted by the Pounta1n yalley \l,'oman·s Club. Named by f..trs. Laurence Erwin, president. have been lhc f..1mes. C. E. Stansfield, amenities: Thomas K o h J • armed forces and \"eterans . Charles Rohrbacher, arl'i; Richard \\'hilc. bo\1'hng : \\'111 R om in e . bridse: Or,. 1 e ..., Highum. California history and I a n dm a r k s; Robtrt Cardlrlal. tom rn unity im· proYement , and Jack Runge, conservation. Others who v.·ill serve irr elude the Mmes. Robe rt Curley. crafts; Emilio Chavez, communications ; R i ch a rd Gillum. drama; John \Yaddell, gardens and beautification ; Robert \V e a v r r , historian : Kenneth \Veils. home man<:igc- ment and rinance: Kenneth Martz, Indian a[fairs ; Robert Reeves, international hostes.s : \Villiam ~tiller, law observe· ti on and crime prevention ; f..1arvln Haglund, legislation and government; James Dick. library, and Charles Keane, mental health . Completing lhc list o f Chapman Town, Gown Greets New Members chairmen are the Mmes . William Cunningham, motion pictures and television; Chester \tenning. n at ion a I defense and U.S. savings stamps; Willi am Pu I Io rd, safety ; Edv.·in Booth. seals and emblems : Gerald Stevens. sewing: Elden Haskell, sporU!, and Robert Sullivan, youth. Mrs. Kohl. armed forces chairman, has initiated four projects. includlng Operation Postcard, Who .. Dun r t • packages r 0 r servicemen in Vietnam and birthdays for The president of the group is forgotten men In Long Beach ~trs. Robert J. HIU, now Veterans' Hoapital. residing in Washington. D. C .. =;;;-;;~~:;;;I\";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I ... ,( .J •• t.Uve. Air ls cleared later lonlibl. Haoc on. TAURUS (April »Moy 20): Avoid beln« aurwitve abou& prices. -v... may not h • v ' Ill the nec!esauy !Ids, Know lhls and be will- ing to wait. Cycle conUnur.e hilb. But doo1 cmtle lmpna- Jon nl arf'Olanct. GEMINI (May 21.Jime •>• Avoid tryl.ng to rush. strive lor balance. Relat1ve-1n11 be involved with finandal dea\. inp. Know this arD bt dlplomallc. You do DOI \mow II all. CANCER (June ll.July.:tl)• Cycle moves up; tonlaht. many of your views can be vindicated. YOur famUy, hoot& are spoUigbted. There is DD need to brood about "hat mJgbt have been. En j o y benefits o.irrently , available. LEO (July 23-Aug. 2l)• Nothlng halfway about emo- tional lnvoJvemenu to d a y . Know this ancl doo't play sames. lt could be Car keep1. Generally favorable, espeda]ly where aocial ac- UvWes are concerned. VIRGO (Aug. ~ 2:1), You may~ hamrooy, but you encounter upposiUon. This applies spoclfically lo thooe you deal with in connection with property, profession. Some in authority seem to be sUJbborn. LIBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 22)• Avoid unnecessary tr ave I . Don't start iomethJllf, you cannot finish. Belt to lake Jona.rangt:: view. Be aware of public reacUon to y o u r statements, actions. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): New view toward money transact Ions appeani necessary. Avoid spending Oil product which is due to come out in more 11Uli.arlan man- ner. Means strive for quality ..... and be shrewd. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-- Dec. 21): Your hunch or in· tuJtion may be the moat reliable indicator today. You receive confusinc, con· tradict.ory reports. Key Is to wait and see. Heed inner voice. CAPRICORN (Dec. 2Wao. 19): Change of wort. roulint indicated. There could be The Newport Beach honle of Mrs. Kenneth Reafsnyder wtll be the scene of a membership coffee gathering on Friday morning, Sept. 5, \o mark the third year of Chapman College Town and Gown. where she ls serving as assis-r tant secretary for community and field services In 'the Department o! Health , Educa- tion and WeUare. l!AC1(. TO-sDIOCI. SA'llNl5 Assisi.in~ the hosless, who is second vice president and membership chairman. wUI be f,frs. E. ll. SkiMer ol Corona de.1 Mar and Mrs. Leo C. Baroldi. All member~ a n d pro- specUve members attending will he.at plans for an October lecture-Nncheon featuring a 11111 by Belly Furnw. The Chapman College membership of TIJ\l.'n and Gown 11 active in advancing Independent higher educaUon In Orange County. ~1embers act aa hORteues for special guests al the college and serve In advisory capacity o n tultural pro1rams and facilities. .... ___ ~00',lll>L.11 . ..... 1117 L C...r Hwy. c-.. '91 M~ 671·1tSt ........ -tc.-• 14-.,a... J1 y.., 11 S.-. i..c..tl .. 84 STORES ... ALL 72" and open nightly till 9 :30 5outh Coast ?tua Ill !ltCllT 9.UVEJ IOIT 911m l, 99 re1. J.00 lo 3.)1) Sma..t youn1 men wear tomfOJllble, totton kn it shirts. Stock up now on Buffum.s' Own in mock·tu1tle neck slylin1. Choose fr~ Jn oulstlndin1 seleclion of stripes and solid tolors~ 8·18. Store fOJ eoy, Buffums· 1 •· - . . .. .. . .... . , .. ,.. - :;"~ :;· . ·:r • ~ ' .. ' . ' ·/· . ' .. !J ! /, I . . ; . . ,; .. . " j~f .i ':. • : r ! .• 'I I •· !· I • ;, : . .. ' •' I ,. - i I • I i J ; I ,, '. . L -.. .... d ev1's pants are ma e for tough kids they 're guaranteed Bti11& Oft yo.ir pock•t·slllrrrrs, cutf·stuffers1 fence-jumpers ••• Levis' t1n take all .. ' • tht TOI.IP trutment aa ·~ivt boy CM Jive them. ··SuperP1nl1" •re inad• or l'Olftd polyater md cottan 11Stetts(llJ'!". It's truled with d0iblt1ction Scotchprd~rtd slain rel01se.1cticwt. The St.-pms &ood looks rnin wilh no ironina ••• ever. Soper P111b; ~12. 111111• or slio, .. 2l"·JO" wolst, Uleri's Ori1i111I Blue • Juns in atrl-Mny 111coHon,1·12 reaular or sll11, Ul?r'.JO" waist, .. Slort for Boys u- • Newport Center rl Fashi111 lsland • 644-2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri.10:00 bll 9:30 Other days 10:00 till 5:30 - 1 • I I l --------------------------- ' • DAIL V PILOT 1f) Co sta Mesa Home Selected Ca rmel Honeymoon .. Carmen Hess Marries . . I J Nuptial Vows ~ecited In~~. e1rly I f 'er n 0 o·n J~ AntbomY. casui.at. • GeraJd Ht$:'! and the son or ce(mmy In SL Jobn the Ba~ nM! Rev. Antbon.y McGow1n Mi. and Mn. Fernan d 0 O.I Catholic Church, Carmen led ,tbe '°" exc:llto&• 1'1' Ult Casillas. 111 of c..ta Mesa. Ri~ 11<11_ became the bride.°' • dau~tor of ~· ind Mn. The bride. given in marriage by her father, wore• iown of ehlJlUlly lace and 1.afftta With a detaehable chapel length trl.in. Lace l.rlmmea the long 1leeves of the boc:U~ and the sabrina neckline, and mat· ching lace edged her lllU!ion veil. She carried a cascade bouquel of butterfly orchids and feathered china chryaanthemums. Wearing yellow gown!J with maiie accessories and car- rying ytllow and while pom- pon bouquet,, were Mr5. Bryan Crawford, matron of honor, and the ~11sscs C a t h y Fitzpatrick, PamelE. Bodman and Diana Marino. bridesmaids. Flower girl "'as Jerflynn 1-tyre and' Fred Casillas Jr. served as ring bearer. Fred ~1cGavran was best i:nan, and Kenny Addis, Gary Hess and Fred Casillas seated guests. Mrs. Don J~igby f.!irculaled lhe guest bdok during a recep- tion in the Costa M8!!a Golf and Country Club following the ceremony. After Lhelr return from a honeymoon trip to Big Bear Lake, the newlyweds will MRS. DAVID PAUL LENHA RDT Sum me r Bride , -make their home in Costa t.fesa. ~ bride and bridegroom both were graduated from Co.!lt hte.sa ffigh School. where she "'IS selected as most oul!tanding junior and senior girl by the Mason ic Lodge. She also was a song leader, president of Girls' League a n d Homecoming Queen in her senior year. Lutheran Cerern ony Four Ministers Conduct Rites The father of the MRS. JOSEPH ANTHONY CASILLAS Country Club Reception The benedict attended Orange Coart College, and tile bride Is continuing her studies there as a dental hygiene n1a- jor. bridegroom "'a.~ Qfl{' of fou r min 1 s I er s officia1i ng \\'hen Lynn Ruth Mahlman ex· changed wedding VO\.\o'S 11'1th David Paul Lenhardt in the. lillUleran Church or 1 h e M;i~er. Corona de! J\1ar. S!ie and olh€'r at!elldant<; r~rnrd old·fashionrd l)(lnqnPt'\ of l'Cllo\I• flowers nnrl daiS'1cs and ,~·ore mixed flov>cr hc(ld· pi!'Ccs. Rridcqn:ii d:> \!.·ere lhe Misses Ann Biller. Kathlren Oirk cs. Hose Ann lllpski11 and 111rs. Eric Gnurlry. Deanna Afternoon Rites MRS. JOSEPH FOX Foxes Home At ,.. . t-"l'!l:~:c"'--:S!!~™'!.'!mr.e!l!!."!'l-SS!L41!...."l!I!!" ..,. ? ·~ ~ Weddings, Troths · Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart. 1nent prior to or \vithin one wee.k after the wedding. For engagement announccmenU it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture. be subnUtted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and weocling date are six \veeks or less apart. only the \vedding photo \vill be ac• cepled. To help fill requirements on bolh '"ed- ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of th e DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions y,·jlJ be answered by Social Notes st.aff mem bers a t 642-4321 or 494-9466. • Shi' i.~ the daughter or Dr. Md h1rs. G. \\'illiam ~lahhnau of Corona del l\'1ar and he i., the son or the Rev. ~net r.1r~. Ho111ard A. Lenhardt of BuenJ Par).;. Joinins the Rev . Lcnhanlt at the churrh altar "'as the n .... \'. Philip Hull, his frllow p:i.<:tor t a! Buena P<1dti's Lulh>:>ran Chu rch of lhe Good Shepherd, Also officiating v>rre lhe Rev. Otto Bre111er, Luth c ran ~ _minister at the University of California. Santa Barbara and the Rev. Dr. William Eller nf the Lutheran Church of Uie Master. f Given in n1arriagc by her " father, the bride was go\\·necl !."· in silk org;inza appliqued with • chantilly lace aod seed pearlS". A cathedral length mantiJls of ,. lace cascaded from a pearl f ;:ind lace headpiece. aind S"he r carried while rose ~. 31.ephanotis 11nd blue delphinium in her colonial bou· quet. Wearing dresses of liluf' organza over satin were brid<1 I attendant~. including M i s ~ . Janice Rhodes as maid or honor. • Davis was the fl ower girl. Jnhn Lenhardt was hi~ brother's best r11an. a n d ushers included ll o us I a S' ~1ah!man . the bride'~ brolhcr, .Tame" \l/ol7.. Handy Olson. flon ald F'al>lk 11nd l\obcrl BasmuS'.'cn The Jl'KI wctlrlins gucsls :illrrvlcd a rcrrrt1on in the rariS'h hall lollo\\'ini; lhe rertmony. where the Mmes. Fred Tn1r, P.rnrs! Workman <1nd Jerry Prickelt and the ML'\se~ Leon a ~leiobauer, .Jan tttt. .J:icobS' and Candy Lc-af assisttd. The wedding cake 1va~ creeled by Mrs. Dale Smith. /\ s1>ecial gi1cs1 1vas lhe hndc'5 i;:randtnothPr. M,.,. Len Augspurger of H c do Jl do B~HCh. The bride .t:rilduatcd Jro1n P11Jo~ VP.rdes High School. She 1~ pre~cn1ly eriro/lcd at UCSB where she JS <in English 1n11jor. Her hu.~h:in<I. \\ho attc.nded \\1t1'1crn lhgh School in Rt iena P:irk, 1s ;i ~n1nr in political scit'nrr on the Santa B;irbara c,1mp11s . Thr rouplc r.nl('l.1. 1\ 111 :11 e Jn Westling -Herberfs Riles Uone.y1nooning in Canncl Bte the former Penelope. L)'M Brass and RaymoM HaNe.n, wbo exchanged wtddlrtg vowa In lhe Blessed Sacrament Church Ci( Westminster, The bride. daugbler of Pt1r. and Mn. Jaclt Lorn Bra515 or liunUngton Beach. was given in marriage by her falher. The Rev. Thomas Dunne oUiclatcd for the early a(lcrnoon ceremony. 'Ac'ccnts or baby b l 11 e highlighted the bride's gown or white silk organza trimmed with venise lace. A blu e satin ribbon 1narked the empire waistline and blue rorget·me- nots intertwined with i lace headpiece which caught her french illusion veil. While ro:scs mingl ed With blue carna· tior.s formed her bouquet. Miss Lynn Loth was maid or honor. lier gown of powder blue organia featured a laet bodice and lpng, full sleeves cuUed wllh lace. She and Uie other attendants, including Mrs. Jeffrey Nash, the bride's cousin, and J\liss Chrl~tine Stowe who 1Vere si milarly go\voed, carried bouquets of white and blue carnations. Richard Lapham 'vas be~! man for the brldegroon1, son of Mrs. Elwood Han.sen of r.;irdcna. Elwood Hansen was rfns: bearer for his brolher and 11shering were Willia1n Brass, Lhe bride's uncle, and N<tsh. Approximately 110 guest:; attended a receplion In the home or the bride's parcnls Following the cc rem on y . Cousins or the bride assi.stini: 1rere l'o1rs. Butch Linn and the !\li sscs Linda Brass. Janis and ~larilyn \\'ood. Also helping were ~1r. and J\lrs. Robert Daisey. J\·lrs. Cu rti s Gci a:er, 1111: bridegroom's coosin rrom t.;tah, circulated the 1uest boo~. Special guc::;l.li "''ere U1e Workshop Tips Given Tip~ !or pres'enling a \\'Orkshop will be given ror Orange District, California Federation of \Vo1nen's Clubs, .lunior ~1embership tonJghl at 8 in lhe home or f.1rs. J>'rank Fcdowiti Jr., district fir.rt vlce president. The mecling, in pre.paraUon for the Sept. 17 district work:sbcips in \Vest Garden Gro•e, will be open to \he general membership ol the 20 district clubs. O!tlcers attending will be t-.1rs. Terry Thoma.s;, dl istrlct president, and 111rs. Robert Calderwood. district second vice president. Cha innen cxpeclcd arc the t.1mes. Douglas Moscrip, Mun. tington Beach, inlernallone l affairs: Eugene Kovach . Ne wport Beach , Press. and Stanl ey tlettinga, 1-luntington Beach. 11afety. Chairmen (rom all the clubs \\'ill meet next Friday in the home ol Mrs. Caldf.rwood lo make: plans for the district ln,·oJ,·emrnl \Veek beginning Oct . 19. At home al Lake forest, El Toro, after a honeymoon trip to Colorado and Iowa are the former Kathleen Anne Finlay and Joseph R. Fox \\·ho were married in All S a i n I s Episcopal Church, Beverly !~ills. The bride, a Nalional Olari- ty League debutanle and member of Tickt.ockers, i~ the daughter of Mrs. Keith F. Finlay of Los Altos tl\tls and Balboa lsland and the late 1\-lr. Finlay. Vows, Rings Exchanged Given in marriage by her unc le, George Gore, she \\'ore a.n originaJ gown o( em· broidered organr.a in empire :styling with pink satin ac· cents. A veil oC the same fabrK: its lhe gown covered her pillbox headpiece, and ~he carried 11 bouquel Of vohil c orchids and stephanoti!. fler sister, Mrs. James Jamison of Huntington Beach "·as matron of h o n o r . Bridesmaids included t h e f\.1me.s. Thomas Fox and Terry Klau5. Miss Marcia Hopkins and Miss Bonnie Marr. FIO\lo·er ~lrl was Erin Jami.son, niece of tht bride. Edward Fox of Long Beach \\'as best man for • the. · bridegroom .. son or ~fr. and l'olrJ. William Walter Fox of Osage, lo\\'a. Seating guest.'\ 1:•1ere. Thomas ~~ox, Daniel f'lnlay. Ken Bocard, Doo Vaoderlan. Harry ,Thomp:ion, George Axle500 and Jame5 Brown. , A reception in the Bel Air home of the Gores follo~·ed the. afternoon ceremony. The. bride attended schools in Weht Los Angeles and Lausanne. She was graduated from San J05e Slate Colleae, where libe wa5 a nlember o{ De.It.a Gamma sor<iritJ. Ht.r husband a~nded Iowa 11choolli and is f gr8dn11te of Utt University of Northern lo~·a. HALF CENTURY OF MARRIAGE Mr. •nd Mra. Fr•nk Durleuf Fiftieth Anniversary A Golden Celebration Rtteiving congratulations of relatives and friend~ in the Mesa Verde Coontry Club were Mr. and ~trs. Frank DJrlallf of Costa Mesa, who C1'lebrated their golden wed- ding anniver5ary. The Dur>aufs, who ~·ere married 50 years ago on Aug. :JO iri Akron, Ohio, Wttt boll.I for lhe luncheon party , "'here table; were decorated in fall colors lo cArcy out the. golden I ht me. Re.5ident! ol Costa Meu. for ' ' the past 12 yeari, the Durla11fs came lo LO!! An£ele11 in Hl'U, "·here he-~·u employed as an Art director for Hal Roach stud~. At lhe tJme of his retft.. ment he w11 art. director for the Oui< and Hsrrftl Nelson televl1Wn serlu. OUt..of-st.ate &'IJelts for tlle ce.JebraUon were 1'fr1. T~ Wlbon, a niece from Jo,ort Worth. Tex. 1nd her hro d.aughler1t, and Mfs. FIO)'d Holden from Puyaltup, \Yash. and her lwo children. James Richard \\'l:"s•l1ni;. now a;ervfng w 1 lh t'lP t\1r Force. clain1 ed C;irol LouJ.,r flerberts a6 his bril'le 1n ;1rter· noon ceremonies sole111nized in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. ~he i~ the daughter {/I ~Ir and ~trs. CUrtis Ar!hni' Ht r berts or Newport Beac:"t. 11nr1 he is the son of the J011n L<:n1· be rt \\ esUlngs 11f La .\1t:\a The Rev. Dr. Charles II Dicrcnfield led the Cl.'.1 h .. r· ~ of VO'>l'S and rin~K Esc-Orted to the allar hv her father, lhe bride wore a ·~u.1 n ol silk organ1.a \\lih dete1 .;.r1. able chapel train. Emhro id· cred ale111::on Iner 1r1111111•·d 1 1r bodice and hcn11ine of lhe sJ..:rt and train and a n1t1lc11111~ headpiece of lace medallion~ caught her lhrce·t.Jcred veil. She cRrrirrl :i nvil i1'f)]"~"d F'rench bo11rp1i>t of roses, dais· irs, dclphin iurn t11ul h.1 ... • • breG.th . f\1is..~ Kalhv lltrlrrt.~ \I.II'! heT sislcr'li 'm;11d or h"""1' wearing a full length dre~, O( yeJiolY dolled ~WISS Ill t'o1! pi.re styling. She c~rrird r1 w11ite ;ind yellow chry~an1ht· mu1n bouquet as did t-.rfdPv maid'i Mrs. Philip Rolh11.·cll and .f-1rs. John \\.esllinJ::, \\'ho were identically gowned, John and Robert Wes1hn~ &en'ed as their broU1cr's he. i man and usher. Other!( Sf'f 1• ing guest~ "·rre ltlP britlr '~ brolh<'r turt Jlerbertb. Scoll Pndgham Rnd Bob :;harJ'I. Mrii .• Jnhn Din~man. C'llU~ln or lbe brkff'. c1rcuhi.ll'd lht guct'l book fnr lhe rrt·.-1it111n ln the ch1trcli fireside flot11n Tiii brJa iJ a suduale of M~S. JAMES RICHARD WESTLING To Live in Tustin Nr~ rw:irt J-l;1rbor lflgh School and UC1. ShP 1s e grar/ualc iolUdCnl ;It Ch:lptnln COIJ~e I and 11111 hf" a n1rnihrr nf IM e:n11.llr h f;fculll' or F'oottilll ' Hli::li Schriol 1n Tui;.tln Jn the ri111 Her bwbaod wu a:raclualed rt'om Grossmont lhgh School 11nd Gr0&$ltlonl COTit'ge in El C;qjon. He is lit.ationfd al l')l\\·ards Air Poree Base. Lan· c:i~tcr. 1ronuwing 1 hooevmoon in San Diejio, the couple will re- 81de 1n Tustin. bridegroom's uncle and aunl, Alr. and P.trs. 0 ·0e11 Smilh And his grandmother, lhe se nior ,,.trs. El"''ood Hansen,· ~·ho also come from Utah. The bride. a graduate or Marina liigh Si;·hool, is a ' juruor al California Slatf!I Collese at Long Beach wbere i;.he "·as on the Dea.n's Li.stJ.Od t he President's W st. 'Ole bencdict Wfls graduated from CSCLB. Thr newlyweds :Will 1nake their home in Garddla. " ..... fli,.tf MRS. FRED MATTIVI Temple City Ho me Mexican Honeyr;noon Mesa Church Chosen For Morning Ceremony Preceded to the altar by at- tendanl~ wearing go1\1lli to co m1>lc n1eot her own. Kathlctn Lc\\'ando~ki of Co:;ta l'o1csa became the bride or F r c d Richard ~·lattivi or Los Aflgcles. The morning nuptials were solemnized before the all:lr of St. Jolm the Baptist Ca1holic Church by the Rev. illark Slnhlcy . ~·or lhc cxthangr nf vowi;. and ring!-!, lhe bride ~r le<:ted 11 linen Grecian style dreo;;s with blue lace trin1. A beribboned cap caught her lace-edged cathedral veil. and she carried a cascade bouquet of wh1lr roses. ri.1aid of honor w~~ lhe bride's co u s i n, Sylvia Olstowski of Buftalo, N.Y. Her Grecian style gown was ol blue linen end her bouquet 11·aa an arrangcn1cnt of yellow "''"'· Wearing a ~·hile lintn Grc. clan Slf.le dre5! accented •Ith blue ribbon 1tnd carrying A. bouqucl of while r~~ "'A'i !\nthy Schrrpfer of Te1nple C1· ly. hrldcsn1ald. Thr. brificgroom ft 1 k " fl Oav!d Paul Lopei to be best n1an and guests 1vere seated ~.V Richa rd Carey, Ralph Pellegrino and ,r.·rcd Lewan· do\\'llki. brother of the bride. The nc1vlf\\·cds, who are th• daui;htcr and 5011 oC Mr. and ~frs. l'o1athew Lewandowski oJ Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Fred f\tattivi of Loa AngeJe!l1 p;ree.t.ed 150 well-wishers in tha ncvere Housr .• Tu11Un, follow· in.i? the ceremony. 1\01ong guests signing Ula register. \Vhich was circulated by Mrs. Anthony LewandowskJ \vcre ~trs. Al Go\cmbek and da111;htcr Bcrnodclte, ~11511 NctL1c Natanska. Tom and .Jerome Stcln1ach, nil oC Buf· ralo. antl ri.1r. and l\11'J. Richard Sh1~·son or Stockton. Arter hollE'ymooning In Mex· ice, the l'OUple will establish 1heir (ir!l:t hon1c 1n Temple Q. ly. The new Mrs. MalUVI wa 1 ~aduat('d frotn Alhambr1 ; ,1ah School and E• Lot Angelet; -Junlor Coll~ ltet nu~l)alld. a graduate of W\1&011 I fidl W>ool. also is tin .ahamo nus of the ~1nl0f' college. lft ·;er"ed In the Af1ny tnd dtd a lour or duty in Vietn&m. • • 1 I I -------~ 'Sound of Music' Star Heard More Than Seen 8y l£4N COX CM tlle O.b Pi.t Mtft Surely when Manu Nllon was 1 little ,lr{. IOlnfOM muat have told her "childr<o ll>ollfd be seen and not ht.ltd." Obviooely sha never took the messagr to heart. Jor to m06t. movie goen. Allss Ni:ron his been very much heard, bul not seen at a.II. While fans were being charmed by Deborah t\err'!I face in "The Klr.g and 1" and "An Affair to Remember" It was Marni's slngtn1 they Wtre hearing. They alao heard 'ier singing while seeing NalaJie Wood as li1aria in "Westskk: Slory." PUBLICIZED VOICE However, the voice of i\Uss Nixon, 'A'bo ii called the "Ghost est with the M0tilts1." by Time magaz.ine, became quite publicized when Audrey Hepburn was slgncd to star in .the fllmland veralon of "My Fair Lady'' in.stead Of sidger Julie Andrews who won an A(fademy Award for her roic in "t.tary Poppins." When Audrey opened her elegant mouth to slr.g, the_ aucileocc \\'&~ hearing l\tarnl, and In most case.s the people ~·ere ·well aware that there wa~ more lo Miss Jiepburn's voice than met the eye. hopping """' ·--in _. and ontorto woril to fl::,.'P,:"' on ''i'he Boli1W':"' • .,m be ...., aod beard by Or-Coon mU1le !oven In the lllrrlnl n'1e wben the l.JTlc Open .wodlllon of Orona< County pr<Moh ''The Sound ot Music" which runs ne.U Frlw an<1 s.1w11ay aod Sept IZ.11. • RE!IEAIWNG ~farnl, whose pannts P.1r. and Mn. Charles N la • n McEarthron llve In Coal• Mesa. b currenUy in Laguna Beach reheanlng her part with her co-star A I a n Bergmann. The musical in Irvine Bowl will mark Bergmann's debut as a sln(er and over lunch in the Buch House with Mias Nimn. he charmingly c.oofessed ht is ''quite nervous" about the opening but receiving U· ceUent coaChing from Matni . 1'll'1 a creat switch.'' said M.aml, h a p p II y , exploloJJll that ilerim•oo _ hid been dl"""lel w 1o ''Tnvllle 1n fahlU," Lceoord llef1>lleia'1 ~ irhld> -will be .... lo ·-Loi A.,.eJu ~ .. well .. Cafhch Otllqe dct. a and t. Now '11< bu tlit upper hand. 3he wl>lod that w II h Jlei'Fn111n'1 belp Ille w11 able lo op111 "" dram•tlcally quite a bll and Pl'lil<d hla pro&..., ln ·tllo m-1 dtpmmeol.' Duilnc luodl she aloo ...._ or lhe l<dmlcallUea involved in dubblni the llnRlni roles 10< Aud!JY Hepburn, Natalie Wood fad Dtborah Kerr. For each ,part. 1 llled~ a dUferct voice, she explained. "For l'hstanct ln 'Westilde Slery' I dldo'I give Natalie Wood a larse singing Voll"· lnsttlld It wu rather w.U." Techllically, she ..plained, lhe sound o/ the voice llll1 be determined by the shape and movement ot the actJ'ala' mouth. 'ATROCIOIJS ART' "H It were .up to me, f)M'd be out el work,·• Bera:Q\lml Publicists Get Pi lot's Advice A TUNEFUL GHOST Marni Nixon Actually there is nothinC ;it all wrong ~·Ith seeing the prtl· ty red-haired soprano who rng:iges in both the popular and se rious sides or music, Pre·rcgistralion for th e seminar will be slanled for Publicity \Vorkshop to be press chainnen of clubs. presenttd by the DAILY g:l'DUps. or1anir.atlons a n d PILOT as a part o( the Orange churches, bul not lhnited to Coast Evening College Lecture these. Candlelight Rites Series is under way now. Club groups are asked to Nuptial Vows Recited The two-hour session will confine requests for stats to lake place ~t 7:30 twe per club because of p.m. oo Wedn ay, pt. 17, limlted seat Inc . Individual in the Forum at Estan ia High couples also are Invited. Pre- Scbool. Z:DJ PlacenUa Ave., re11iJtranl! should use the Cost.a Mesa. coupon below to mail in ltlelr Open free to the public, the seat requests. Baskets of 1nixcd /lowl'r!I banked the altar or lhe First ChrisUan Church, Jluntinglon Btach, for the candlelight cmmpny uniting S u s a n Sygden and Gary Donald Turner. 'The daughter 01 \1 r s . Barbara Blanchard of Hun· til)gt.on Beach and Frank Sl,lgden of Westminsier 1vas etCOrtcd do"''" the aisle by her father for the double ring rlleS. ller chanl!Hy lace go111TI 111·as tiered in front and nowed to a ttain in back. and matching lace trimmed her illusion veil which was held by a pctaltd lace crown with seed pearl clusters. Her bouquet <1 f taliiman ro~. stephanol\a and bahy·s breath formed a crescenl around her orchid corsage. ?dlss Sharon Sugden served as her sister's maid of honor, and bridesmaids were l\.lrs. Bert Babke~. 1..,00g Beach and Miss CharloUe Bailey, i'~oun­ ta in Valley. Their gowns were cmpirr designs in tangerine crepe lifJed l'l'ilh short trains and they carried bouquets of yellow and orange talisman roses and baby·s breath. Best man attending the bridegroom. son of !'>fr. 11nd f\fr!. llarry Turner of Hun-tington Beach, y,•as \\'illis \l.'amer, and guesls "'·ere seated by Steve Millt?r and Tom ·Schottmiller, all of lluri· tington Beach. Following the ceremony guestli were greeted durini;: ii reception in the church hall \rhere Miss TherC5:.; Hass of El Paso circulated the guest Sweater Saft Keys Design s Sweeter soft is the kry cx-1 prcssion 1n defining Chc"ilcr : \Veinbcrg·s look for day and 1 (!vening lh1s fall and "'inter. Detail in the art of dress· making abounds. Throughout ! the .collection. pants sho"•cdl up as essential parts of many ootfits. WEIGHT@ WATCHERS .. 1 Somt~ltlkl119, ~On'le li1t1nin9 1rd ~ • ~, progr1m thtl work!. 1111 "" llOCHUltl-Ull IJS-SSOS :.,at TV WEEK lf'u.rn You On ~--------------.. PUl~ICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION I Pl1111 r11erv• ...... pl1c•1 for me at the DAILY PILOT-OCC ~ubliclty Workshop S1pt. 11 In the I Forum, E1t•ncl1 Hl1h SchMI. I und•r•t•nd I must be th1r• net liter then 7:15 p.m. for the 7:30-9:30 Hssi.,,, 'r•·rtgl1tr1nt1 wlll hevt first I 1;holc1 of 111tlng. ................ I NAME .................. . I ADDRESS (StrMtl ......................... · .. · · I fj')t!\~')lj l CITY ·~· ·-"· .. ... . .. .. ZIP ......... I ORGA"1IATION (II Any l ...................... . ~i'"tii$.J I OFFICE HILD .............. PHONE .......... I 7', I Mtll ft: .... u: ,.,.,In._...,,,,_,, orttlft c.Mt DAILY ~!LCT, ,. I w. ••t strfff. c:.,._ w..... c:a, nw. ·----------· MRS. GARY D. TURNER Lake Arrowhead"" Honeymoon book. Graduates of Hunllngton ·nic 11r11 l)'l\C'ds 11 ill n1akc Beach lligh School and Golden 1!1l'1r lir11nc in Huntington \\'est College, they plao to at- Beach following a wedding tend California Stale College 1rllJ 1o Lake A1·ro~·head. al Long Beach in the fall. V IRGINIA'S SNI P 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 333 4 E1t~f Co11~t Hwy. • Corona dal Mar Phone 67).8050 SEVEN Sewing Days Left h•lo•t ,,.,, of tchoc1. leoki~ti for I~" ftlH1c11 Wt h~~• • 9•t•l ••letl•on of l1k1 fMr1 , l111il1• '>on ltt!lttu, w1dt , w1cl1 .... 1, cerclur1y, pttth· work colloni. qut •~+ ctli(O lypt q-i1+ ftbiic, pl111 ltr9t1I dock of wool ·~cl dClubl t \11it ytt4• •11 to bt loun <I '" Sou lk1 rn C1ll lornit . '/;1a U1 S1on. VIRGINIA PS. l.\tr~ you• c1!tn01•1 fo r S•p!1,,. .. tr 11. 14 •nil Ocl1b1r 1,1 . At!1n<I t "•• <.li11!c pr111n!t .. by Mi11 Ori 99eri fro'l'I A ... o Com,.tny, Sht 'll .... , •II l~t l1ltO inl1•m1t:ol\ on p•op•r llni•9, un1hrl; .. ;"'I incl <nt••·f1tit19, Ti"'t: 10,JG lo I I :JO '·"'· Use Yo•r lankAmeri'°"d or Mester Chortt Tli1 "ln1l1nt Htlr.IJo" f•r th1 li1•ch. bott t r "•c•tion. Jytt to1t in your bt t & t1~1 11011,t lr111ht1 into y•u• l1tlr-41 in • fl11h! Yo11 1:111 '"'"' w11h it! A•1il1bl1 in popdt• 1ht411, Should Sell For S3S.95 P~I~~ s24•& ----o th• r WI q s----. IXOTIC .............. S 29.95 SEMI HAND· TIED . . . . . . . S 59. 95 HAND0 Til!D ............ S 64.95 EUROPEAN ............ $ 59.95 C:USTOM·MADE ..... -.. SZ00.00 CASCADES ]1/2 OS. )'If~ ONLY s1415 ~ - ~wlGLETs '\ , .... $3.95 211, ..... $9.95 1¥ ...... $6.95 FALLS ~ DEMI FAU 18" • 18" . WIG FALL 18" • 20" . LONG FALL 24" · 26" $26.95 $49.95 $60.00 84 STORES ... ALL 72° WIG & BEAUTY SALON COSTA MESA 1 I • and open nightly till 9 :30 South Coast ?taza 250 E. 17th ST. DAIL y TILL S:30 THURS. & FRI. TILL •:OO 548-3446 llld ~ a face. ™ handsome octor lallll<hod loto ao_ eaioUooai atlaclt 1111a1nst Ult prllCtlce o/ dubbing, which he dubbed, "'ah atrocious art." "l'd rather hear Audrey Hepllu.,, singing horribly t!Utn tom.eane else singing for her. evtu if they have ·-Ute mQllt beautiful valet in the world, wh1¢1 Man\! qiight bave," he so.Id with convJdlon! ••we've talked about this befort," laua:hed Mamj in good humor. She pointed out that Audrey Re,,wm did her own singina in "Break!ast at Tiffany's'' and 1ctuatly has a nice volct allhoUgh it is tather weak. ' O!Jle's not .. crtat Jtnger. )ltl, becaUH he is 1n ucellent ac- ,tor, H dee~'t ma~r. • DRAMATIC DIFF CE' Marni explalne that under Bersn>aoo'• dlrocUpn 1 b • .--her Unea lint and gol loto llor pert btfo~ ..... ~. 1n& on the aingln&. "It'• made a lf'U& deal Of difference dramat.lcllly. It really shows. The IOllP seem to oome much more oaturally," she said. Born ht Altaden•, Mam!" first movie role was the part ot the "brat" Angel~ca Aberna;thy in the "Lurn 'n Abner" series. While still ln hlgh school Ille had · her first dubbing job and was the voice of Margaret O'Brien ln ''The Secrtt Garden," In whose place she sang a Hindu hymn. She appeared with many and playad r.u,. lo lh< C'!!1 Center rerivaJ. of "M)' fair IA.dy" on Bl'1>l1dway. She also made aO on ·catnara ap. pearance as St5ter Sophia in "The Sound of Mll&IC.'' 0ur1na the .pul few 1e11,ons she toured with ..Liberace and Victor Borge, here and abroad, n1ade her supper club debut in La5 Vegas and has been making night club ap- pearances In New Y o r Jr , Cblcago and other music cltlt8 and concerllzed with Bernstein on several occasions. lll,,195Q she married Ernest Gold, composer.conductor or "Exodus," "On the Beach," "Ship of Fools" and countlest other film scores. She has three children. -Andrew. Martha and Melani. Alan, ,_,ho has directed a nwnber of musicals, feels that if lhe acUlr is goOd, ht need not ha\'e a fabulous singing ''oioe. He'd rather see the "total actor ... "Look at Rex Harrison,'' :1e said, supporting bis point. opera comp.an!~ and perfonn-1;::=========, ed with Uonard BerNteln, h k and th< New York PhilhM· T in ;:~tc~~r!:'C::.1:1 .~ HADLEY CASHMERE Red Cross Volunteers Recruited appeared with Walter Schu· man and Roeer Wagner Chor. 1 ale In the Hollywood Bowl many times. plied the singing voice or Deborah Kerr In "King and l" she played Anna, opposite Renato Clbelli in the San j Bernedino Llght Opera Co. production of the s a m e I 1nuslcal. \Yhatever your skills or your Marni has made countless Think Jto.Jn LUM age, the Red Cross has a place television appearances where for you. she was starred or featured Volunt.eers help in many !f-:;:;~~~~ii;;;;i;iiiiii;i;;;;;;;;;;;::;::: ways. They aid disaster vie· tims and se.rvlce1nen, teach home nursing, assist in pro- viding blood, serve in hospllab, nursing h o m e s , schools arxi yooth camps and ! bring cheer to the veterans \\'ho are coming home. If you have. the lime t.o help out the Red Cros! chapter will anawer calla at M2·11!7. Bargains Offered WALLICHS MUSIC CITY South C0&1t Pla111, Co1t11 Me•• 540-3165 A variety of clothing, kil· chen gadgets, costume jewelry and other items will be of[ered during the annual rummage sale sponsored by l h c v.iomen·s Society of Christian Service of the First United l\1cthodist Church, C o s t a "tt1esa. SAVE MORE THIS WEEK ATTACHE CASES ;.~·;.,,,,$1.99 WOMEN'S SANDALS ...... 39¢ ZORRIES . . .. .. ...... 29¢ LADIES'. BONNETTS ........ 19¢ EAR RINGS ,.,.... ........ .. ... 10¢ The ilenis will be displayed in Thompson Hall or the church Tuesday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. C<>-chalrm'n of the sale are 1.1r!. Georae Perley and r-.1rs. Al Charter. HOUSE OF MARCUS You'll wonder where the tallow went! ... 5]' W, t•tll COSTA MllA rol+;-TOP YALll MAllKnl [ NOW SHAPING ] COSTA MUA & ANAHEIM, TOOi .,,.. - \ I ._, , . Unwonted fotty tissue simply seems to melt ewoy effort- l11ssly end pl1osontly, leaving you looking ond !~ling rodiont,glomorous, desirable and lovely. \ Mony women lose sevtrol Pounds and inches the very first treatment. But remember, weight loss olone solves only one figure problem nnd oflen causes olhers ... let Shope Shoppes properly conlour, trim, mold, slim. reduce and build os needed to fashion the pertect shope for your trome and bone structure ... It's Ylhot we do best. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your free shope analysis today ond see for yourself! summER EHPAns1on SALE 20 TREATMENTS •20 LIMITED OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figure laults are determined by COMPUTER CARO at the lime of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SH APING PROGRAM " is designed ellclusively for you ... There's no mystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! 9 A.M.·t •.M. DAil\', t A.M.-S P.M. $AT., (HllD CA-l t·J ANAHltM con• MW CAU TOOA' wnT u. 635-0271 642-7032 FOR 477•1122 t20 Euclid A•\. llOl lltwpw1 M INFORMATION Ji ll~ SANTA MONKA MISSIO" NIUS llDITMllDG"I IURllNI 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 71& Withlrt I • ' Wedauday, Septtrnbtr l, 1%9 I • ' . Market Basket . fielps you· figti 'inflation everyweek with -.·'· • • .COPYRIGHT 1969''/ MARKET BASK.ET SEPTEMBER· 3 ¥arl:et . 'lasket ' TE·NQERAY USDA CHOtCE WHY TRUST TO LUCK? Take U.S.D.A. Choice Tenderay Brand B-f- Don't be suckered by gobbledegoolt "Bon-ded" Beef !sn't U.S.0 .A. Choice. "Trim · Rite" Beef isn't U.S.0 .A. Cl\oit:e. Only U :S~O.A. Choice 'is U.S 0 .A. Choice!· And o Federal Govern· ment e;iipert soys so with o purple stomp right on the meal. Market Bosket sells only U.S.0 .A. Choice Beef And ' ·u.s.o.A. GRAflE•'A"fRESH-WHOIE FRYl.NG ·. CHIC:KEN c only Market Bos ket sells it discount-priced I ....,"""....,...,......,.,..., , C~u~t ·on Marke( :· ' Bask~t to be your perennial (inf lat ion fighter! w.· ... been bot1lu1!iil h19h p1ite1 for 0 long lime with the moil powerful CJnti-inflotion ' weqpon of the"' oll . Deep-Cut Di1cour1I Price1. Comp•r•I Th@1a Morlt.el 8011<.et prite• .ore 01 low or lower !hon moil oth1tr foot! cho i1u, di.coun1 1tore1, convenience ond it1 · dependent 1toreJ any day of th• wMk. Pr•••I Nob~y. bu! NOBODY , offtrt you b•tter values, w•ek 111her wttk, th111n .,o-..r Mork•t 8osket stare1. You t•n't 4• ••well •nrwh•r• ol••I ' oJSD o\ Ctioa -ll<IG¥W8'0'"'lltel lOf~t Mto<- (;b;"steak ....... 9,, 'iib'i~~t ........ 98' i;1;·clibp;:·:· ... " 99' •,p··~&~•f Sliced Bacon ••. :,•, 69' f•t ili frr•o0(11·e~1111 B,..,,; _ Df'l.!,...t•c1 1~ •• o~ , """ MM•~ ,.,,, ~oth Blrlcl 11tt,..., . Fryer Parts ....... 65' j);;j~5ti~k·~ '."~ ·: :·: ::"39, Farm Style Ribs " 69' Sliced Bacon ...... 79' '•·u "u• ! rott•· 61tJ~d l11tf'4!. Meel. 1101•• Bu•te1 8"!. v.,1 01 8•11QdfCI . Shrimp Chu~kies ,.£1 89 Veal:steaks .•.. "'$1°9 T~B~~·;5;;a'k ..• ,, $J39 c:~l.:..od'.~~R· ......... ~••H•· '""'"' 98' oast ..... e ln ~~o l>o~ I rot~ Ocmn 'Wl>frlfftoitt• l<f0<1he<" Perch Fillet ... 63' Fr1·ed u-1,·but . 85' "p"'rt'"-'.'.t"" ..... "s"t k$14' ''"~'"'"""~'""'"'"""" .... -rw ···" o emouse ea 11 p· kl· 69' 14 or 01n •. "" Mc~ '"Uo•I I rl>J~ 8•~od~ """''•"cl:.,O! 1,01~, Gourmet Shrimp. ,.89' Turkey Roast ••• ,,,, $3 49 1tt0l i l.75 '' ~ 0 A "'th~~·· lt,,dem• ft•onli 6.,.I Top Sirloin Ste.ak ,~1 79 (;~1;;·Rib Chops .. 89' r.c.1,..,, 'Of An•Oe<•"' U~O A (h<l·C• r .. .it•"• APPLE TIME l1Jor.d8H!f lo~1orn1"~f.O (ll>11[~Q<l • Chuck Steak ...... 59' WaferPorkChops ,~1°9 APPLESAUCE 16-0Z.2 ~ 29" CANS · _,,_""'-= R -. DEEpJVcUT SP{CIAL 8-~~~t ~!<Ot<ied Baby Food ..... "''"'°"" Wl•~ Bt~•01 ll~el :k l)+f l•bell • 9' Chili Con Came '":.~·36' 80l Jll:.Tlc S•oit Fou ( e<eol -Putl~ Wkt<>• fl' < ,bb~ Puffed Rice .. 2 :~:.33' Corned Beef .... ,~'61' fo"i!• i l<...,100• ('V''"" •mll'l'"C , Coffee. . . . . . . . ;:· 5137 Margarine.. . . •" 38' l-'S• Ro~~ Grape Juice .... :.?· 33' 1'/01~r ~~he<•t• Rain Drops ...... :· 59' fresh Picked Surnrner lri\sl & Va•"l!l'f• 49-0Z. PKG. DETERGENT TIDE X-K ·9' Rice Mixes .•. ~~ 35' " llttlto to• Col.tt"'O<' Ice Tea Mix .. ":: 57' Ice Tea ....... '.:: 85' ' Mrt lu'1f"'"or1~> Syrup._..... . . :.?· 69' s-~'•nrll'l""t l ••.c•e~. '"'""' Meat Pies .•.. ~?: 25' Appl~ Juice ... ~~.: 24' ~0,1 Rn•ll o;f All VU•>e!"'~ Gelatin Salads ·~.~· 29• ~·nh{o~" Longhorn Cheese ,. 89' · 8pr"""' '"""fll )•qd I & 01 American . Cheese" 89': ••11U""1!,,.Q•~l'l.t<iA,,..., \ I Swiss Cheese·~'.."; Squash • • . 2 Lb• 29c PLUMP & JUICY -VINf RIPENED . Solid. Red·Ripe, Solod S11 e Tomatoes •... Lb 19' RED, WHITE OR 8lUE "" 'fresh. Cr1!p, Romo1nt Lettuce ... loch 10c Th1Ck Meo Ted -R1Pt ond Reody Melons Honey Dews Eoch 59.c 1 2·0l Noturol or I O·Oz Pilltd Cohforn10 Dates ..••.. Eoch 29c ,.,,.,._,..... ,-,ey,, °'"'"""''lo(J i1o;_.,,..,.. ••UI _..;_°''"...,. 1ou., ,..,..._ -::'140.-~...---:1 ''°'St l•ory-Liqvl4 ....... _.., Sic-Drett ............ -..• M:t 7.2.c C•tc•4e ............. ""4 99c Mu•t•r41 ...... , ..... "' lie ~!!,~=~• htuce .•. 1•1 c --"""· l:l{&"J..Mll ,,.,(l, '~~ .. -l~OI O.~t"'tl 1111 '"1.... ):0• lfl'!'fOt• ': 17t .... H•1h ....... '',':..°' ,,, Joy Llqulcl., ...••.. ·" 45e l••'Y Snew ........• .,, Ile Chffr •• · · · • · · ····· · •t 72c A• I l•uce ·'' ·····' · .. ., ... 1., 70 ••ic .. irfffti, .. Wfll"'14•1, s._....,.,.. •W<llDlttt_.. "°' 11o< .. ...-1_ ·~Ot Oil '"""' J'9-lli i.,,SlfOlll.l 10.0167 ll•ck ... ,,..,, ..... c.: 1Sc 311,..,f\l .. cfo1,S.111elfl••,1ff• fhrlll .... \ ......... to• Sic s.1.-0 •• : ............ ~ 11( Prl•tl Onlont ....... ? .. Jlc A·l •uco .......... •~ t ~~ ~ e COSTA MESAl'.'.:."'"M' e NEWPORT"BEACH~'1~~~": ... ~·,;~:;-,,.,<I e ·HUNTINGTON BEACtt-~~·;::·,,.,. e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~" e SANT A ANA-·~~~·: .. -I' • ,. --... ?"-..",. " • ,· . -...,,---,~ DAILY l'ILOT &\' J ,, HERBS WAKE UP VEGETABLE FLAVOR • -· ) ' CAULIFLOWER BOUQUETS DECORATE A MEAL yegetoble Co mplim ent 1 ' • Meat Balls Blossom • . ln the beef dominated cul· of California. recipes all nationalities are en- Eacb Californian cals t 136 pounds of beef Jy-some 30 paunds more ciUzens in other states. l.Qne interesting combina- oo ts ground beef and ca:uli-er. BaticaJJy they're beef ing, V.'here cattle \'.'Cfj! allo\ved to roam al will. The tradilion of the l!:aslt'rn Americans v.1as s1nall plotted farms. with ('\'~'r1• inch ol space used lo JlS ·utmost CG· pac1ty. - 2 teaspoons din weed '2 teaspoon thyme '! teaspoon marjoram ' ~ teaspoon tarragon 2 teaspoons salt '~ teaspoon peppu :'I lightly beaten egs ! head caulilk>Wer 6 carrots , :ins. but no ordinary ones. Thest: earl.v emigran1s to California brought 1n UTiga· lion nnd nrw itl('a.~ abovl raochlng Due to Lhern, the cattle. industry \n1 pro\'ed, Boiling water ' 1 cup chopped paraley 1 tableapoi>n paprika They start with succulent JUornla ground beet, l:.tll· milk and vegetables. These shaped into balll.' and I pieces of caulillower are in lo the beef. The beef are then 1leamed. inkled with paprika and , the dish kJOks intrlg· and is most delectable. ~ ~ would go well II\. lldJ. .~ - Che mlddle or the nine nth cent.ui'y a new grou11 aeUltrl artlved in Callfor· ••• the &aJ(.erners. dldn1 10 for the Mc.:x· caaulJ. yq of ranch Now California beef ill of st.qi high qu allly tha l. prop- erly trimmed. It fa lls .at or be- Jaw the malCimum fat contenl recommended by the 1ncdical profession for !heir patients on low rat diet5. I STEAMED REEF BALL .• FLO\YERS 2 pounds-Callfortfla ground lean beef I g\ice stale bread l• cu1> butlermllk I clove garl ic, cru.shed 1 large onlon. chopped 1 ~ cup sliced celery tops r..ux beef, bread soaked in buttermilk, ve1etables, herbs, seasonings and eggs. Shape into 6 balls. Separate the cauliflower into noweretles with rat.her pointed stems. Poke Into beef 61111 to simulate small . headl or cau-llflower. Set in large pan or steamer "'ith c11rrots ·and about 3 lnah- rs or boiling water, Cover, Simmer 30 1ninutes, :utding w;:ite.r a11 needed . Sprinkle with parttley and p11prfk1t before 1ervln&. Makes fi servings. .......... knanu a htndJOmt ap. 1\0 further than bowl. '-• ch1ves. tach tabJtepoon of f r e 1 h • · 'lb1nly 1llce4 oucuml:ttn are ~ .. ~ th )Se.arance ••• and all too oftea sauteed in 1 .stillet with crush-COmblne JIQUllJ'l , water, but· yme. unexcitin& flavor. . ed garlic, cooked briefly-with te.r, aa1t and Tabaaeo in ~ COKN TARRAGON To provide ~ menu ~ fresh thyme. 1be cookinl. Ume saucepao. Cover. Heat to slfn.. 4 ears of, corn W\tb taste appeal, nature is only abou,t five .. tu. mer: cook about l~ 1o 20 'iii cup butter need! a Utile nud(e. p;roperJy U you've never done mlnutes. Sprinkle with chives 1 tablespoons chopped fr~ Oavored vegetables can be as • anylhir-& ~Ith com beyond during Jail 5 minutes of cook· larr•ur~ . • buttering 1t.. we urge you to 1.... s · to in diah "'G delicious aa any ~ae on the bave a whirl at COrn Ta.r· ....... poont 'Ul ser: g • i,,z teasJ>QOn Tabasco menu. ~ rag.on. Serve hot. Yield : f to 6 serv-Remove h~ks a~ silk frOJ!I Perk up summer veget.ables Boil as uSual pour over the ings. corn. Drop mlo boiij.og, salt.ea with fresh ~bs, grown in t.'Of'D a mixture' of melted but· CUCUMBERS water (1 teaspoon sal~ per garden or windowbox. ter. fr es b tarragon, and WITU HERBS quar~ water). Cover; ~11 5 to Parsley, dill, ta r r a go n , Tabasco. It tastes great, Is a 1 tablespoons oil 6, mmules. Serve with tar- rosemary, mint, thyme, chives wonderful ''change • of .. pace" I tcaspovn salt ragon sau!e. . ... all add interest and ex-· way with this s u mmer 2 cucumbers, lhin1y sliced To make sauce, combine citement to vegetables. regular. 1 small gar Uc clove, crushed ~uUer, tarragon and T~~ To raise the flavor threshold Should ou t bav fresh 1 tablespoona w~ter in . small ~ucepan. Stirring, f Y no e u. t T b bnng to aunmer as butter to perfection, add a ew drops herbs available, by all mea09 .,.. easpoon 8 UCO melts. Pour Over corn en serv- cf T'abasco to the cooking use the dried varlelieJ •.• ~t 2 tablespoons chopped fresh ing dish. Serve immediately. wa.ter1ted. buo1r1 adandd Tabasco to1 be sure lo use. less as the dried ·Hetahr"01.•1 with ··'t 1.0 ski.II et. Yield: 4 servings. me er pour over a herbs are stronger. acu Note; If fresh tarragon Is serving lime to pr o v Id e The fia~or threshold ot the Add cucumbers and garlic. not available, substitute If.: zinglneu to the blandest herbs varies, but as a. general Stir while sauteing 0 v er teaspoon dried tarragon for vegetable. rule .¥.J teaspoon dned leaf ~~~:. heal, about 3 each tablespoon ol fresh tar- . Forllathose who1 li1"hke elivt\Ien niedp-herb 1s about the equlva1ent of C 0 m b 1. n e water and ragon • pier VQr, pu e e r l 4blespoon fresh chopped · bottle on the table so that herb. Taba'sco. Po u r over more Tabascp may be added cucumbers; sprinkle w i t h indjvidually as desired. HERBED SQUASH thyme. Cover. Let cook, shak· Sleep Habits As lor the herbs, mix and 2 pounds summer squash, ing skillet occasionally, about match them with •eget.ables slictd ~minutes. Serve immediately. A person wllo sleeps on his as you choose herb 2 cups water Yield: 4 servings. stomach is a very complex in- cookery is creative fun, Com. V4 cup butter Note: If fresh thyme is not dividual who's apt to look at bine summer squub with I teaspoon salt available, substitute Yi tea. I i f e negatively, behavioral chives for a simple dish that 1,2 teaspoon Tabasco spoon dried thyme or ~~ tea-scientists maintain. requires only .about IS minutes iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil;...;;;iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cooking time and t a s t e s delicious. Cucumber with herbs is an unusual way with the Dry Sherry Pear-fects ·Dessert Especialidad de la casa 1.s typical of the treatments our early Spanish predecessors in California gave the fruits that Spanish padres planted in ?i.tission gardens and orchards. FOR THE UNUSUAL k.~~ ~~~ Home cj Gift Shop ~ Raisins, walnuts, oranges and wine are used to enhance fresh California (:lf!ars in Bartletts Old Califonlia Style, a simple, flavorful and' very satisfying dessert. Pears erossed the Atlantic to our Eastern shares almost 150 years before the American Revolution. Nevertheless. it was the Franciscan Fathers wbo introduced lhem i n California. Join the CJean~up Brigade Among tree fruits of the world's temperate zone, pears are topped in production onJy by _apples. European pear varieties number a r o u n d 5.000; about 1,000 have been grown in the U.S. Of these, the Bartlett ts the overwhelming favorite. California: dominates in BarUett production. This year's crop is one of the finest in many years. You should find good supplies of high-qua lity fresh California Bartletts in local food stores through September, perhaps longer. BARTLE'ITS OLD CALIFORNIA STYLE 1/4 cup dark seekless raisins 1'4 cup broken walnuts 1:, cup medium-dry sherry 2 fresh California Bartlelt pears 1 ~ cup orange juice 3 tablespoon.s brown sugar (packed) 14 cup honey or rum At least an hour beiore serv· ing time, combine raisins, walnuts and 1/4 cup sherry. in saucepan; cover, bring to bbll and simmer for 3 n1inutes. Removbfrom heat and cool. Halve, core and pare pears. C om b in e orange juice, brown sugar and remaining 1,1, cup sherry in pan, stir over rnedlum beat about 15 seconds then add pears and cook aboUt 5 minutes, continually spoon-1 ing sauce over them. Turn all cavities up ; spoon . pre-plumped raisins a n d I walnuts into them. Drizzle1 with the honey or, if you I prefer, heat 11• cup rum in1 "'armer or metal measuring cup, flame and pour over! fruit 1'1akes 4 servings. .. Bartletts O Id California 1 Style is excellent for chafing dish preparation and service. The rai sins and walnuts must be simmered ahead of time, oq course. If you wish, you canl get the pear halves ready in advance, too. Place them in a bowl of cold, sa lted water tol prevent them from browning. I Everything else can be done In a chafing dish at the table. Your guests will be fascinated I and will eojoy the de ssert a11 1 the more for ha ving walched your casual, tfficient performance. Record Year According to f'fl:Of"ds of the An1erican Spice Trad e1j Associ ation. 1967 proved the greatest single year for the importation' of black papper.j A DOZEN SPECIAL • DUTY PRODU.CTS TO MAKE THE CLEANING QUICK. For Fine Furniture . GUARDSMAN CLEANING POLISH -dev•loped end rec. omm•nded by the m<11nufecturer1 of fin• f urnitur •. c1.an1 and poli1he1 to • rich cl ear lu1tre. Spr•y c•n 1-4 oz. 1.25 pint 1.25 Quert 1.85 TllET ALMOND STICK +h• famous tried-end-true stick the+ whis ks ewey furniture scr•+ches . 1.25 WEIMAN FURNITURE TOUCH.UP klT -remov•s burns, scratch•s, rings e nd s+•ins. Contein1 Finisher's Color Stick, Finisher's Stain, Burn end Sta in remover ped, Cle•ner e nd Furniture Cream. 1.98 For Marble WEIMAN MARBLE PROTECTION AND REPAIR KIT -R,. mOY•s stains e nd rings from all merbte surf t ees. Kit elso con- t ains polish to seel and brighten marble. 1.98 GODDARD'S MARBLE POLISH -Compcunded cf the finest Brezili en Carneube wex: end polishing •gents. From Engla nd. 2.00 For SiJve.r, CopperandBrc'JsS HAGARTY SILVERSMITH'S GLOVES -One side is rouge impregnated-other side is buffin9 cloth, Contains a ternish prevenfi.,-e. Re9u ler d ustin g CJiY•s silYer • CJ leaming lustre. 1.50 GODDARD'S SHINE KIEPElt -For ornem•ntel bress e nd copper. A t•rni•h pr•Yenf•~iY•, if will preserve the shine for l t im es as lon9 ., ordinary poli1he1, 2:.00 RODA IJORN IRtd load MITAL POLISH -t he •ou ght •ft•r cleenin9 •nd polishin9 powder from Swed•n. For ke•p· inq ccpper & brass I li ke Gourmet Utensils) in new condition':'- For the .Laundry 1.l5 EASY WASH -the r•m•rk•ble prt·freef for ell w•sh•bles. R•moves 1pot1 from permenent press, cc.lier rin9 -no scrub. bin9. This c.ne really does what it c.leim1l Pint concentrete 2.n GODDARD'S IRONING-AID. 8ri9hten1 f•brics, e dcls body, sp••ds ironing time. Clothes sfe y cl•ener end crease.free longer. Use on synthetics, tool 1.50 For RouseholnMaintenance CHIMICO CLUNSllt -lJied in 52 countrie1. Cho1en for the interior cle•ni11e1 of Worcester Colle9• Chapel, Oxford UniYertit y. It's e pesta-<laan1 eny surface sefely. Non-to1dt;.. From En9lend, I lb. 1-4 oz. 2.50 IEAUTI·FI POLISH CONDITIONER FOR FORMICA -Ro· stores sheen e nd 91011 to worn end dull surfaces, NeY•mer ••ble t ops toe! 1.00 OPIN DAILY t · 6 -· Richard's Lido Center 3433 Via lido • elack pepper imports jumped Newport Beach from 33,03V,OOO pounds In 1966 to 51.417.000 pounds in 1967. 11••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.,.~ 673-3660 ' WITH SA LLIE HAPPY FOOD HAPPENINGS HAPPEN HERE Take the ca!e of the cherry tornito. He's Just a little old · o~ bile ol a tomato really, aorf of a pacifier for spaghet-' fj when he's doin~ the salad rou tine "'ith romaine and a aood Italian dressing lo htlp him oul Bui take out hlJi tiny core .. you take II -0ut, and I'll go dc-~ced a arape . . give hin1 a lltlle cla.<11 by stuffing him with curried lihrimp, and hU1her t-0p hlm o!I wlth 11. sprlggle of bright grel'n parsley, and he ;iu11· ves, he's gut character. He's an hors d'oeuvre! Kind of ~ he n1ust be eaten in the ringers and gobblec.1 up \n one bite, rather than doodled over 1vith a silver fork to the tune of pleasant l'On- venatlon. Nope, the tune of cllnkiog glasses i.s his routr. and he's up for grabs, alone skle a heady foodology of p!JJt sized cheese balls wrap- ped in nuts, baloney merry· go-rounds ablast wit]) 3 col- ors of cheese, saialnt cor· nucopias oozing -Over wilh a !\\'au.le ol creamy fillings. THE BIG BEAlfrlFUL SPLASH \Vho ever looks at an hors d'oeuvre really. It's the. total elfect that L'OUnls • , • The big silYcr platter or glit· tering lucite tray sprigglcd "'iU1 gold, S\\'lmming with • the better lasing things in Ille lhat cry party. \fPo e\'l'r stops and ana.lyres a dev illed egg, \Vhoever Mt.ices that H has a tiny 1.~ inch daisy on it made out of the 1vhitc and scalloped at that. Or that the daisy has a ~.i Inch round · ccnler scooped Cron1 a block ol orange cheese, that the leaves are slithers of ~11·ect l'OUnd green gherkins. i\tary EnuI even tried lo nlakc orn't 1vilh a space ship wh itUed -0ut of a black ol.ve, but it ended up looking like a " spider so she Lhrcw lhat one out. Bui hors d'oeuvres are '' run, the making!! of a gay time. , And the most tun of " aU is picking up the con1plete ., package. You actua\ly purr • as you drive home. The v.·ay "' .. lo figure , • , 4 for:. each ~· guest. NIBBLES OR HEFTY-0005 •• The hef!y-Ooos co1ne in lhr ,.. shapes of pint-size Teriyak i • chicken legs, each JiHle -. holding end 1vrappcd ten. ' ' clerlv tn foil. Again the1·~ cou ld be an argumenf 11'i!h thc ilsy bitzy cocktail size barbequrd ribs lhnt go aloni; for 1he r-.1onkey Pod tray ride . And both \l'OUld kick up "! t.hei r sa vor to try to ou!do the majestic pineapple In thf! middle blossoming out all . .', over with bite-sized shrin1p on the end of toothpicks. Everyhody's been having burrets lately , . Summt'r's / Ill.SI big blast , . people com- ing back, or pE>Ople goin~ baek. Carn1cn did up 11 beaulilul thing in !~1r 11·ay of a gian t cucumber. 11 11·11~ ~ about a fool long and all scooped oul to look like a boaL But ol course it 1v11.~ filled 1vith good dunking s1ulf and about ready to cast ore wl!h a sail and everything u1 Ore ccn!er of a platter of <:old roasl bel'f. sliced han1 and turkey. And L'Clld n1eats don't lay llat any n1ore. Instead lhcy 11.re rolled around ant.I flipped over !or eMy picking up 1n!h a fork. The san1e h'OCs for sliced c h e e s r • J\layonnnise i~ s p r r a rl i nJZ' happy in red basket'\ wi1h handles made from SL'OOpc:d ou1 oversized lomaloel!. LIKE TO LOOK AT PICTURES -: -: In the kot foods, J't'ady-to.. lakc-lloinc and ea! corner or oor delicatessen you'll 11ce giant blmvn up colorcrl pkolographs hangi ng h'On1 the ceiling of a fe1v of the glamor food things our catel'- ing department does. Han1, ~rhaps, scored and clo1·ed all over, garnished all arund with quarters of f r r s h pineapple cul lengthwise. leaves and al! embedde d with "'hole btigh! red chcr· rles , , Tilt' J\1onkey poet l'w.l"V· Ing trt:1ys rnakr 1he tulk or the table. One they uae for a wholP. turkey hu t\\l) h!llfl skte cars 10 beautifully fill with cranberry sau ce. A. moulded jell-0 ring .:a!<1d dances 1\'ith melon 0011.'I doing the ring-o.round bit , pineapple chunks in the n1id- dle and snowy coconut icrd all over. A relh1h tray to en4 all J'l!ll~h trn)'! with llny "'hole ears of corn, .seedlts.'I b&by AVOC!does, and baby stuffed eggplan t to niako happy lable talk. Rleha rtl 's, tl1c Pe op 1 e StorP. "·hcl'e ca!erlng for ~TJU 11nd 10 ygu, It Ule way "'e spend our day. • ' ·1 ' • PHONE 673.0360 FOR HOME DELIVERY ., , --· ~ . . ... ... . . . • • • :' .._J i I • . ·-• 4 • • PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 4, 6, 6 ' IBIT TOP OF THE GRADE U.S.D.A. CHOICE PAN IRAl~E ·IN FRiSH TOMATO AND GARLIC SAUCE WITH .OREGANO SWISS STEAK AaOd I• tindornou • OELIClqUS FOR ITALIAN BEEF ROLL -rolled with htm 1lic:e, herd boiltd •tt• A win• 1t·i1ited ROUND STEAK Tender enough for S<rogenoff 1.19LI, . . • •ONE-IN RUMP. IOAST. Pol RMI! with •rom1llc . h•rbt & v .. et1blt1 Or91n Str•nad• For Your Plt11ur• • Ll·DO MARKE-T CENTER TE~DER i;UBES OF LEAN BEEF BEEF STEW Stew in red wino with chunko' of by • NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ~ bacon & ve~table1 Bernice Fa y - PltBDVE·B OiLICIOUS WITH CHEESE, EXTRA FANCY LAKE COUNTY, BARTLETT PEARS s LH. $1 • PIOUANT WITH BERNSTelNS VINAGRETTE GAROEN-FRESH. CRISP. LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS 3 FOR 29¢ AS A FIRST COURSE OR FOR BREAKFAST, SWEET. RIPE, CASABAS LB. 6¢ NICE STUFFEO, OR SAUTEEO OR IN SALAOS FRESH , CRISP Bell Peppers LB. 19¢ DBLIEITBllEH GALLO ITALIAN SLICEO Dry Salome SMOOTH OELICATE FLAVOR, SEMI-SOFT CHEESE Bel Paese 3 oz. 49¢ KNUOSEN 'S FARMER SlYLE Cottage Cheese PINT 35¢ LEMON PEPPER CHEESON ING. E"CUREAN SECRET REESE Seasonings 2V· oz. 3 FOR $1 FROM FINLANO, EXTRA THIN FINN CRISP I oz. 39¢ RICHARO'S BEEF OR CHEESE RAVIOLIS 14 oz. 69¢ PltOZBH POOD! OEMO. FRI & SAT. -CO ME IN ANO TRY THEM ! NUMEE'S CHOCOLATE COVEREO BANANAS 4 PK . 49¢ , .. JOHNSTON APPLE PIE 59c , .. JOHNSTON CUSTARD PIE 59c AUN T JEMIMA CORN STICKS 1 ••• 29c AUNT JEMIMA CINNAMON STICKS 7 ••• 29c HONEYSUCKLE Turkey Roast 21; LB. 2.79 HONEY SUCKLE ll OZ. Sliced Turkey and Gravy 1.29 LIBBY'~ CUT CORN 2~ ••. 3 '" '1 LlllY'S PEAS .... 3 ... '1 CERTl -FRESH ONION RINGS .... 3 ... 51 CEU1-FRESH ZUCCHINI STICKS .... 3 ... '1 d OUP. OWN FAMOUS Lean Ground 8[Ef For L11eene, M••ltottl PERFECT FOR STEAK SANDWICHES CUBE SlEAKS - CALIFORNIA GROWN. ERESH IOASTING CHICKEN S9¢LB . SUMMER LINGERS ON -THE EVENINGS ARE BALMY, THE STARS BRIGHT -DINING AL FRESCO IS PLEASANT. SET CANDLES TWINKLING IN G l A S S CHIMNEYS, ROLL HjE FOOD OUT ON A SERVING CART-AND PRETEND YOU'RE IN A SIDEWALK CAFE ON ROME'S VIA VENETO. MELON with PROSCUITTO ROAST CHICKEN TARRAGON NOODLES with PARSLEY and BACON ROMAINE and BEET SALAD FRENCH BREAD with BUTTER BEL PAESE CHEESE ind FRESH FRUITS or SLICED PEACHES MARSALA PINOT CHARDONNAY or ROSE WINE ROAST CHICKEN TARRAGON Rub c: av it y of .. ro1$tin9 chicken with l/2 lemon, sprinklo with salt and pepper, add I hp. t1rr19on and parsley sprig_. Truss chicken fot ro11tin9. Rub outside with T arra9on Butter. Roast uncov~recl in 350' oven for 18·20 min. per lb. Baste during roost· in9 with T 1rr19on Butter mixed with white wine. ROMAINE and BEET SALAD In lorge salad bowl put 2 bun.hes rom1ine, torn in pi1ces, J C. smoU bt1fs, cooked and droinod, J htorls colory, cut in thin ~ices. Chill. Toss with Girard's Clear French Dressing. ClHDY PLDIElt !HOP .A CHEWY TREAT FOR LUNCH BOXES FOR LOVELY FALL ARRANGEMENTS SALT WATER TAFFY FALL LEAVES and PODS ALL KINDS OF 'DRIED MATERIALS 1P% OFF • cA~ STUFFED ROUND STEAK Succ.ul•nf pi•c.•1 of b••f wr•pp•d •round 1 11vory par1lay dra1sin9. 1.39.., MARINATED MEAT BALLS 98i.. Del ightfully spicy with Chili S1 l11. MEAT LOAF 89'.., Oven ra1dy l'n Its own foil pan. U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF, TOO! DltDEEltY !ACK.TO.SCHOOL SPECIAL-JIF Peanut Butter ,, oz. 59¢ KERN'S GRAPE JELLY KON'S APRICOT-PINEAPPLE PRESERVES 21 ... 29c 39c SANDWICH SPECIAL, KERN'S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 20 oz. 39¢ ARDEN AA BUTTER KID'S FAVORITE, NABISCO Oreo Cream Sandwich FLEISCHMANN '$ REGULAR MARGARINE BUTTEKNUT '"· 79c < , .. _ 47c , ... 37c COFFEE I LB. TIN 67~ BUTTERNUT COFFEE ""· 1J3 LIPTON TEA BAGS ....... 59c M.J.!. 7 VARIETIES RICE MIXES .... , 3 ... '1 SPRECKLES SUGAR . DON THE IEACHCOMIER Swuf n' Sour BARBECUE SAUCE ,,.,, ... 49c UNDERWOQD 4'h .,, Deviled Ham Spread 9-LIVES ; o•. 2 ,., 79c Tuna Cat Food · 10 FOR $1 JUMBO 100 FT. SARAN _WRAP 49f BlICEltY SOMETHING EXTRA SPECIAL FOR BREAKFAST BLUEBERRY MUFFINS 6, .. 60c VIENNA FRENCH BREAD 45c A PLEASANT CHANGE FOR DINNER RYE ROLLS 6 ... llc FINALE FOR A wREAT DINNER -CHOCOLATE BOSTON CREAM PIE 1.39 7 7 7 7 • 7 . 7 r i 7 l • • . ~ . 7 ·- 7 72 I J3 ZO'J nm PJ ...... q* '£ ?' " 7 I 7 7 J s ti a J 2 ?! t w a a 2 w a PU us 2 : : a JU a 102 •• FT n a< £ t) a t _ s n .. 3.. J••U Pit? U 7Q s• 2$ $ -sr r a '°£M.t., .... t:-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR OPEN DAIL Y 9-7. SUN. t -6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN 0,4;1~Y 9-6, SUN. 10-l OAILY 9.5,10. SAT. t .s FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY t-6 DAILY 1130-6, SAT. l :lO·l ' • ' ~ . If Dlll. Y P11..01' .Tots ' ' ... ·, \ NEW YORK (UPll - A sugar also pro,;de:s enav fOfr tablesp>oos of honey, or more Z IOUP cam Of wattr with con-Any<*le who'• dieUna to1oe6 kiilla oi etflclency Gi late mom-b re a 1' fast·ln·•·&@sl' ·co;,,. ochooll>oy we know pr<f•n octi"' ,....,...,_ • lj !<!""'le, to,"'!'h gllart;ol fitllk, '""' ol I (IOl><Mmcel can weight ...-.1 11naldMI> u ina hciUiw llDd unpltUanl blnal\ona, eacb to lnl!Mdual ( pYnut butttr aanclwldlol for 0-llle mllk 'U It ~ jJooi wilt! Ii -teal-or eadl of condensed cblc:ken and much II noi I!*• Uwl -· )Mm~ PfllP. wle.' • ~ IM'oakWI to mor. lnlditional £n>m 1 daiey caae ~!' \ l'l'Jllld ~" ~-•well 1 ·11Jn :-• Jind; condensed dleteri. 1be dairy councl! says ""' ·-',!\"Opie, canned PlooJ In 1 blendtr...,.lner, I .-i, built oiound cerul or I 0 0 d .. cereal " Si .• irid i:e!rigerile ~' • chicken ~ ,..,p. u .. t to experlencO.l(Jtll .... laJ!t .... trol diet clrtnu ond1bac.i<oge<I "'" In tllil tlrder cJ'.c!lp of mill< ii" :lf!*-"' and eep. substitute for plalo mitlc ·~ ., \)> 1 -l~na. hot ""P. >trVtn1 ,WWOratm:e. dieµ. lnd!Caloo that breaklut ,to bo inJioiij Wi1h milk make buttmnilk, ..,..,..., -. .•• NutrltJooally, lle's , Just u moklng Freocb toast.. 'bicb ~,~, giiod bi<~ ~~ on;,. t 1.!.l!!f.~· 1 a•I te d •k!PP'!'.!.~. •.pt to ""'~at at qu!"!-~~!trtbiec. abkll~er·' also sugar, honey, maple or mopJe. ~ ~OU u tradtUooaUsLa. He's So Is milk and hooey, w U¥I ~bit chlcftn swp peanut.s as.a ..... .._.., Makes•· otf>er 11-~ ~ '"'.... bJended syrup, o~ au gar . ·' Cereal .• • .t ,. syrup from canned fruit Add lruil juice "' ell), ..,,. ned or frozen Uutt ind a raw egg. Blend at ,high spe<d long enoµgh"' Jl'll1'f'the'truil. All yoo >\llOd with this to ~e. a w.ei!lo,nced meal is • cad>oilY fOOd such 11 bread or ro . 1 also to -llqaa( company. ;, easily made. Just add i reclpe'ls a qulck .,...., c:omblilt I setvinp; They allo ,.a;, autt.r •korii makes p6sllibfe dozena ol ,.,),,tltute to laste, or eveo . Breaklastl~far.jli&nglands,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--,.....,--,.-,f'-,...,..,,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-~+-~~~~~~~~~~~-:;-~.~--,.~ .• ::'--~~~..,- • hclu d l'n•~J , the ,. Netherlandt SCandinavia • ~ call for such as soup, theeR, (.'Old cuts' and even • pic.kle'I herr1!>& .and salads. The lilt ,lour are part of an old-la~ Norwegian brtakfNt"toldtbord, or buffet. \ All I.Nie tbihts meet the c .. °'""" ..... ~ :w1•1 .......... tf~.....,.­ c .. c.Ala•t ..... I ' !tandJnll .o(,.p>d breakfast f!'Jd q defined by the Na· Uonal Dairy 'Council. The 'council 18311 a good brea~l is any combination of foods that supplies one quarter to one Ulird of the day's nutriUonal requlremenl.S and includes fruit or fuice - preferably citrus -plus a protein fOQ(l such as meat. milk. eggs, cheese or fish and a carbohydrate food such as enriched' or whole grain ~real Ill Sl,111,~ /JN lVEIYTHlltG 1ROM I . TIJ Z •• ~IND ~ET Vllflllll llflE tll!'it. STAMPS! • L, cir bread. If breakfas t skipping b a back-to-school-days problem, unconventional fare may help Boneless Round ~ • Cube Steaks ~ "12:. · FamUJ Stiaks ~ .. ,,.9J~ ,luttwN.Steab iEf ,'19:. .. . YeafC"'9e.ts ·~"'" !i'! · . . ~ ...... solve iL A peanut butter or cheese aandwk:h can be made the night be/ore, so It's ready to grab and eat -on the run. If neces.sary -the following Lean Tender Unk Saulli9t ''.:.,.. '3i'1 le•f -Saiisagi loll ':.::' 59• Italian Sausage ..::-::.. 91• ltcCo P11stra111i ~-;,:, • 1 i: 1morning. The couoc-il says moot children fike m 11 d . · navored cheese, such as • American. CHUCK STOIS ""'"''°"' SSC ~up.IEtf • Fresh Ground Chuck " LEAN, lASIY, 69C TfNDEll bi A 11h:-inch cube of it has about the same food value as a aip of milk. Apples and cheese make another fast breakf4st. Some cheeaes now come factory- wrapped In bitwize and 1ingle-Rrving units for easy ""'" "' ..... , .. Oscar Mayer Bacon SA"4N, ll ........... 79c WAFEll, 12.ozs. portability. With more time for a si t- down meal, you could ser\'e 1i; grilled cheese and baeon ~sandwiches, or Yr'elsh rarebit -either homemade, boUled ·or frozen -on toasted Engli.ah 1mufflns '11'ilh Canadian-style bacon. Or a cbee:teburgcr or a hamburger or a hot dog and cheese sandwich. ~ Hot or cold cereal i! good Ind just u nutritious wllb a scoop of ice cream as it is 'Wfth milk. And tht council 11ys ice cream contains the ~ &amt nutrients as milk. Its Elegant ~·Dessert Choice .. Bridesmaids are helpful. ·dear and necesaa.ry. They ad· dl'ftl invilaUOlll, run errands, llOOlhe feelings and lend sup- >port to jittery brides and """""· One of the nicest ways Of thanking them i1 a small sup- per party gi\'en by the bride in her DeW homt. , j, S1nct m~ brides a r t. f uneasy about givipg parties, enttrtaining clQse friends is a splendid way to begin. The hostess should plan a rimplt. menu that can be prepared with confidence and servtd graciously. A festive desst.rt, good coffee and 1 p i r i t e d after-dinner con- versation provide the re- maining lngredlt.at.s for a suc- ..Wul puty. This Fondue Cafe is a perfect dessert choice because its elegance belies t h e ..11 1imphcity i n preparation. • Freshly brewed c o r r e e ' enhances the rich combination of a-um cheese and Gruyere ~ ~·hlch has been delicately swtttened w i t h brown· sugar. Instead of the usual chunks of bread, pitces of fresh fru it, grape! and whole strawberries ·~ are speared by fondue forks 'l. and dipped ln the l'elvety f ' smooth sauce. t • FONDUE CAFE (: 1 cu pa freshly brewed coffee l large (I ounce) package 1 ~ cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup brown sugar. packed & ounces Gruyere (process Swias) cheese, 1rated ~ cu.p nour • While cofftt Is bn?wing, combiDe cream cheese wilh browft augar and blend. Grate \ Gruyere cheese and toss with &he Dour until well distributed. UliQ& a chafina di.sh or fon- due pat, ~ the serving dish owr the beating unit and pour 1li in the fmhly brewed coffee •• while tt la ollll hol. 8dt ta Ille two chee&es unUI con AGE ' ' SLICED MEATS SMOKIE LINKS '3Jsl I L11•t,~11t I PEANUT BUTIER ' . . ... -~ Vons, Creamy or Nutty MIRACLE M;-;:~lt WHlft ' ~~!!!. ; · • r. OllA"f ._, . ~·· ...._....,~,, Smooth,.Velvel ·T.,xture J HASH BROWNS .AU:XPOT.Af06 ....... 4·•1 ~ I 0 u .oa. "'........ t l V-8 Juice Cockt .. il ~.~· .. ,K. 49' Vons -Premium Coffee ~ 59'· Soft Margarine t.IU MAJti. WY S'lEADIHG. 25( flAVOlllA. 1.U. CTN. VALUABLE COUPON mlillln la-"'100th and ol dip-• 1)\1. V..poo o.~ ... pin& conslsttftC1. Serve with • , • ......, .,cAtl __ lni~ I ~ _ ....... Pol ... - -U• lnilll luch as whole ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ltr•--:.\• wtdg .. ~th ,.:!,' 1,<~~ 1011 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst Hunlinflon Beach fRESH CAT4UMA 004D8!ll Swoi'df~li Steaks RupcrT's friecf Halibut -. ..,..._,.,. 15c CamatlOll FisJ. Stkb ''"°L -~-........ 98c Ca1naHa11 fi1.h Cokes ~ -~ •• -...... 45c Carnotiott fnh Steab ..,..._,,.__ $1.09 Gorton fkh & Chipt "M.OL ""-~·· .. ··-73c ) f}filillfJ llOUORI fEA:UREI f}filillfJ FROZE N FOOD BIJYI V•DtK ... Plos ~~-3$' t .OL- .ltlo'sPlmRolls . "•""·· • 6"0L •:a 59' OnW.Fntalrios GI u"'" <911 2$' IU. PC. . R..i.I W1lip T eppi_nr ,~ 5$' WO Jo.~,·, .if·•" V11I~~•' BUTTER ICE CREAM . . 79 • 75 ' Vons Cake Sale 75; m MoniaMw .. H<IAfor v.i...r -Gtfllt1 Fish -~·'1" IOISQff -.Ol~•-IM. 29c wtttn ftSH & PIKE "' t1ri111 $1.19 lGG & ONION MATZOS tl«.-. .. -a/$1 , .Roastin' C~~ens ~:!~~g~~ 55~ Young Ducklings :'~~~ i~~~,~· · 59~ Beef Roun4 Roast ~":;:.~"® 98~. \\\\f/1.f.o:---...,,-----~··l".'~ :-= ~ ~WlllllUS ~// ~ Conc.tY- Who/1 Wadi So C/.011 Its Spad.u.,. BREAD VONS• ENRICHED C.H.B. Preserves ¢~ri~ 2 ~ Libby Fruit Cocktail Ofl ;ci.,.,,, 303 CAN FREE CHECK CASHING {;::,,',!::,., WtTH ANY PURCHASI f,f W1ir-Ch.cir DIET.tilt Colo ..,.. 591 Sf'llAY $TA~ Perform ~-~Ila 49~ fl vn dlac<jlorlnll orange or ~•n . , ch I ..... ~ pw slices .-81 Deheny Park Dnve, Captstrano Bea aDd sreeo arape1, lf Jn season. 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia; Fountain' Valler 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach -· - "LOT ·ADVERTISER -9 H WtdMldlYj 5'0ttmbw 3, 1969 DAil Y. I'll.Ill' ,1;f ' . ,. , . ' ASS9RT~DFl,AvolS-tNSTANT CAR .NAT·l~N IREA-KFAST .. ~~· ' ' PALMOLIVE · U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER IROS. QaTIFIED IEEF 11~ 79c & 71h RIBS _ LB. ht TlllU .5th Ml .......... Lo.19' llQUID~ .. CIANT SIZE .... " . lAXiON . KING PRE-SOAK ... s1zE ... 1 21.0UNGSIZE IB TEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR-STATER BROS. CERTIFIED IEEF 89L~ uzoi BLADll llCltlCU.....,_. OQUIUIDGI ,gjjc OF t VITAMINS HAIR PAU-IOICMILOllN Df!UIHIG llG. Ot WlrM tlOH "' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IONILISS, ' ' ~' " 8;;_/ljt ROUND Sl11All .•• ,,,, .. i.,.. • .:, ""I'. U.S.O.A:OIOICIQISTAT•UOS.lllJ,' '' ·~,,,. BEEF ROAST :&'ilr'., .................... ll: 53c IONIUSSIHFSHOULQH 83C.i ROLLED RO.AST .... _ .......... ,, ....... ll, . U.S.D.A.0401QOISTAml•OS.IUF 1 Aftc· CLUB STIAK ........... ___ ....... ... t1: 77- u.s.o.A.CH01C1 oti STA TU l!l()S. lllF 9 t9c SIRLOIN TIP STEAK.-........ LI. U.S.O.A.CHOICIOl!ST4'nt•tos.lllf tac CUBE STEA~· -................. . .. ..... LI. . -" " ' ' ' F~Stt • LEAN • OROUNO.HOUlll. y C, . , GROUNP B•EF ................................ la. 5 3~ , DILICIO~LYSEASdNID • Rll.f\DYTQCOOIC :.· ......... MEAT: LOAF .~ ... : ....................................... Ll.5·9 .c MOR•EliS YORKSHlll,' 1'-Ll~LA~Oa l•LI. THICK · LB·.· SLICED BACON ............. : ............... u.69,c ' . RUMP -ROUND ALL MEAT ROAST STEAK WIENERS U.S.D.A, CHOICE OR ST.fl TIR U.S.D.k CHOtQ OR STATER FARMER JOHN BR,OS.CfR7TIFIED;F . BON:R,0~··; 15-POUND9PACK~ -LB. ' . '." • I LB. ' LB. . . IUffllll TAIUTS ........ 'St«· .,. ' 1 AuinST T•IJI# ''et:• ·~ ·.·ANGEL FOOD (AKE MIX ..... RE~ PKG. HAIRINAT )ITMAGIC 49c .lliQllTID IJ.CJUNCI DIHNIX iiiisR. 1.4:.oz M·R. BUBBLE BUBBLE BATH ... c ' ~ou?Tl.79 m:~79c SIZE * OINTMINT 9 ., ~ OI'°~· ... CATSUP .. : ...... : ....... .. MIB COFFEE 1 ·"'"" 0 68c · CAN SARAN WRAP REGU LAR ""' 50-FT. 37t HEINZ BABY FOOD ;1i:~~~· ........ 3 "'25' ' HEINZBABYJUICES :;.,2:;%' ..... 3.o,25' PEPPOOHI ~1 11' SNOWYBUACH * 'J-w]b' '?ood 1.lak-4.! * _, ... AssO•TED 5 PKG ss· EGG ROLL ............. •-oL .69' l flf • CMICJ.Df • ~LMI' CHUH DINNERS .. NG ' ·4"·0•. • 1 · ~ ...... ,. "'" RIES ~;,,': .. .,itENCH ! · · 59' c .. 1N.a.TIONCOOOll'lltC • nsH FILLPS .. . · .... ,,LL s t LEMONADE ~:~LAIN 1 0 CANS c ......... ,..no N ERi 39 MEXICA DINN ' lA .... ~ ... -.. 49' owaN"" lUICE _ 4 ·~· '1 FRIED RICEI::---"·'" _,..-39' ..... -6 '1 BEEf~ACOS-.,."" HAWAIIAN PUNCH --•·"' _,,,.,._ 39' ·~~·-· 69' CHIU IURRltOS -•-AlASKACOD--u" ~, •. .-3 '1 .-'45' ENClllLADAS '""' ciircKENPIE,.-"'"' u---7f HASHBROWllS -,-•"'35' SOLEFILLE'l1 -· u. . -. LARGE.ELBOW MACARONl ...... 5:i<0~·. •• DIAL PACKAGE -RIN-SO GIANTPACKAG~ DET'ERGENT ........... .. PREMIUM PACK DITUIGINT 22.oz: DOVE:' , 1...' FREE! · '1l~POl•T LIQUID.: ... ~~;~;~~ ..... SLE RELLA 1a'.~~~~~T ........ l •OL 39c MAZOLA MARGARINE . -·-;.t, 39' HAWAIIAN PUNCH', .. "-·-·-.,., 39' SMOKEY JOE BEANS rw~\,., . m 19' JIF PEANUT BUTTER .. ·..... . • ,.., 64' SARDINES f:rov.:'.~~"f.f.a _ 3 .... , 99' PIMIENTO SPREAD ~~~,t. . •·•• 49' TOMATO JUICE HUNTS .... --·-··,:" 54' EGGNOG BEADS ~~~'" .... _,._ '°' 39' CORNEb BEEF UllY'S "''""""""' 1207. 63' DEL ~ONTE CATSUP --_,. .• , 39' MIB TEA BAGS DEAC ,.G, ........ , ... 1 57' MIB TEA BAGS·a•~1"•···---,.w,· ... , MIB INSTANT COFFEE 100~ 11 .19 . CHUNKTUNA CH>CK<NOFTHESEA 4°' WHlff-~AlFCAN M ......... _ ~- HUNTS WESSON OIL ....... ,., .. 48' BURGER BITS )'(t\l~r,.. . . , "'.79' SOLID TUNA f:ll~~~H~[I~~·~········ -45' :.•x":."~7~'.....I~ WESSON OIL l~.J~ •.. _ ......... ,. ,, .• , 39' BART~m PEARS , .. ., .......... t:~ 35• lfr/1':1 ""'• "' .. 35c ::.It.~ ....... ~~~· 7c MAGIC SPRAY SIZING -.... ~,, .,4gc HUNrs CATSUP. ~-----••Ol. 39' FRUIT COCKTAIL HUNT$ __ 2 , ... 37' HUNTS PUREE --ll•-37'._2 "c35' KLEENEX T.OWELS ',t0.J'l&0~le ..... -.33' KLEENEX TOWELS '.l.l~~~~: .. --·-33' CORNED BEEF ~::~ ~:'.g~~~ ......... :. 49' SMUCKERS 20-0Z. PRESEllVJ:S , DINNER NAPKINs :.i.·~~,,.~ ... 35" VIENNA SAUSAGE sw•>S ~·oz. 27' MAXWELL HOUSE ~.~~'.._ •••• '1.39 ' SPANISH ~NUTS ~".'illr. ,., 49' YUBAN COFFEE ..... 12·--·-"''· 11.43 PEANuts :-.r:.i:i, --••. 59' o4. 83' ' ' STRAW ... Y .......................... ,, '" ANAHE1M A•llCOT-l'INIAPPU ............... st· COSTAMISA •• . PT. 4111-1~ SANTA,.,.A sot.S.ILAOCllttY ............. _.,_Sf' ' 3430W.LINCOLNAVENUE IOY·AI-CHEESEBURGER ~! 73' PIZZA:[ ~~ !1.(145~ PKO. ,. 40-0Z. PKG.'t.09 I-OZ 39c OIANGI MAIMALADI ........... '9• 2664 WEST BROAOWAY PlUM ........................... _ .. ,,, .....••• •>• GIAPI ........................... ,_ ......... •7• GARDINGROVI 2180 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 707 WEST 19Tt4 SfR£ET 1171 BAKEA STllEET HUNTINGTON HACH 68U EDINGER AVE. 2630 EDINGER AVlNUE 2603 WIST 17TH STREET :~~r::~~TER lLVD. WHITTIER-14212 MINESAVI. ' ' BBSC~APMAN AVENUE ' I - ~~~..-...._.,..._,..~~-~-~~~~~-~·~·--.i-·-·-·-·~·-·~·-·-·-·....,..-'!'""-•~o.....,o~o~~:z'"'!'""o~---.------""'!""--C~i----•----,_..,~us~:: ...... 01~~0•1'!"""'•-·~ ' -· ... H DAA.'{ Pll.OT 'W~. s.,1:-'"-~?'' • w::..:oi...d=''"-'' S.:.:::P.=tt•=""-='·'"'".196""''-'-'-'L_or._Ao_vt_m_st_R --=-l._,J=-! -·•.. ~ ... ~.. -..... I • t• ~ • New 'zMfand··~INu:: . ..P.!U. . . \l,S:D.A. CUT . ' UP . . ' c DOWNYFLAKE i. TOWNHQUSE _._ICE_ CR~M : ORE-IDA-HA.S_H BR9y.'N WAFFLES··i ·SANDW.ICMES i POTATOES 2 ~c•. 2sc : · · •-CT. 49c : 3 :"'· $1 oo PKGS. 1 PK•. . I . KGS. c ' . • EVERFRESH : JERSEYMAID VEGETABLES ' SHERBET aOO-CT.WIDEllNEi1'.C0LLEGERULE 'h;b;:zos 2 ,l~~ 30' ' ! FILLER PAPER ..... J~1~. 69 PEAS, GREEN 'BEANS.~PC,6.S ;I CARROTS ' ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS LIQUID DETERGENTl.22 • .,. MANISCHEWITZ...,.2-lb. J., C • GEFILTE FISH ...... 19· 5 2~!gz. $100 :!~ 49c PALMOLIVE .. :~~;,49 MANISCHEWITZ-Qt. J,., 3 $1 OO CTN. KAL KAN-Big 24-o" 29 BORSCHT .... . '°' 1._,...__.,.__P_KG_s. ______________ ___, PD s1ny ........... , . lt!Js Fresh Fruit Seasotr C.H.B. Fresh • "i . • n ..... 1 ~ . .FIRST OF ·THEi SEASON-WASHINGTON STRAWBERRY EXTRA FANCY RED OELICl,OUS · " • • ' • • • ' ' ' 5 -' PRESERVES . . I . 2-LB. JAR I • ' • '' 'f . WONDER "HOLSUM" WHITE OR· WHEAT ' 25 'sWEET, THOMPSON SEEDLESS : RICH IN VITAMIN C-i. TASTE TREAT SLICED BREAD . l·U. c .GJtAPES : .......... 19~ ! KIWI FRUIT ... 10!.' . . . .. .............. L°:4F KE COUNTY ...... . JERSEYMAI D-lst QOALITY I 79' PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., SEPT, 4, 5, 6, 7 2701 HARIQR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 13922 BROQKHURST, .GARDEN' GROVE ·• 1308 W. EDINGER, SAtfrA A A . 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO I ~--"------------------------------ .. - I i ' ' .... 4· I - ' MANISCH~ITZ OSH ·HASHANAH SPECIALS ; " MATZOS \O-OZ '""' ........ 3111 LAR(;E · CRISP SOUD HEADS . . NABIS® OREO COOKIES __ ... : ............ "'°z:io.<49' PACIFF~lC· ~ ~ STA·KRISP CRACKERS ....... 1-eox29' FROl FISH &Cl:llPS .~ 69' =1~0~'211 JPHN ' TON FROZEN PIES . ~~~.cuw •••• 75' • --·---- .. I ,,. • I t llAILY l'ILOT ltf' ' . TOILET ··Mt:t:.-· ·nssu1 · ··~~ YOU ]i'$1 CD.Olll .• 7 ,, IUY, MOii FOi -- CHUNK . ~~=T TIJN4 ~c~T ' YOltA •',$·1 GET ONE. IUY.l lf~ • MO~ JOR ....... . . G14NTSIZE DITERGENT I . ' MAYllESH ~0 •. .......,.U . bi.vu .,::~1twiES . ~~1~.rN · Y9'114;i$; 1 CiB OIE · •. IUY , MOii FOR ........... . MAYFRESH ~~N MARliARINE " · · · '®6'$1 . c;u 'o.1 . , , IUY ~ · MORIFOI .... : ... ,of;' • • ' ! t • • ' ~ • • GET-ONE ' · . • MORI FOR ............... .. . '' ... a ·J a· ·r.: :: -.. . -~·, .::· . . -- .-COFllE : ' ' ,,.._ ...... ~ ·· 1.L1.......,,·· HOFFMAN , QPNE~ SMOU ·11 . -·'p . " 5D-C UCK )) ICNIC _ .. ROAST $WEIT Ui10ICID, ' nNDD C1N111 OJTS . .. FLAYO!I ; -'tf~'li.UtlllllON ' '• .v.f'·, ~·11;.. SRamF-:;.U.Slt::A.atC:itC:E . , .; ~..: . : . : ..... ,. c ·~ ' . lb-. \ ' • + SLICED &. TIED .................. 5 SL · · 'ULTRA , BRITE TOOTHPASD =. .. 69' • • ' .. . . . . . . . ' " . IDEAL FOR11ARIECUEING ,. . ' ' .c:H ··u·c•'.,·:_.· 511 -AK .. . ~) \, ~ . . ,. MAYJ41Rll.UERl8'01( · • • . .. STEER 1-.:.u:s.D.A. OfOICI . · ~ . . . . ' ' . '· •• ,! ••• n ..... . . .~ I :e, • ' . -~--_.•-c:-:-------·-~--·~~~~~ ........... ~--~~ ....... ...--------------..... -------,...-·----:;--II DAILV I'll.OT '. -·-1:;:-·- . k f . ~ ' ( • Nowy-0ucan 'buy one of America's best encyclopedias for :SChool children direct from Wh~t every ·enlig~tened· parent should know · . aboutspending money :fora fine encyclopeClia . Oft{lalumdtecls ofencvclopedias 11Ubl!shed In tha Unitl!d states,.only'22 meet the lll&fl •danls of professional librariansandeducators,andareonthanationwideRecom• mendedu.t•. Only 3 are judged best for children '1 to 14~ qt~~ Rated aod Reconnnended encytfopedias, anly3 are singled out for the special needs of school children from 7 ta 14 years of age. The 3 are:. IUusbated World ~ia•BrltannicaJunior~ia•lheNew llOok ol"Kaowleclge. lllus1rafed World Encyclopedia priced lowest. Of these 3 fine encyctopedfas, only tha mustraled World Encydoped"ia Is not sold door-ti>door, and cart be pur• chased direc:tly frOm us for a total cost of only $40.29 -onavolum&a-weekbasis.(Seethecomparativepric:ec:hart above.) ·~...,.~1"""Dlo.UA. o.n...a ~111 Mit,UM. Collect all 21 volumes of 1atest edition Qlmetn,~ume1 faronl149f.anddllcldeforyourself'Mletlttt ctllllt lllmlraltdWortd ~·ts Indeed the wisest lnvutment :you can maim for )'OUI' school dtild. You'Q -that It's the - and most up.to<fat._ COV9IS 15,000 sehool IUbJects, contains over 1s.ooo Olustratioas,, CMC 400 maps and 400 full color plllles, over = mUllda words and 7000 pages, dipm of over 850 Y«lllcs of lltm • plus• Clllllplete lnd!IX and study.guide volume. lite Wisest ~ 11111 can lluy1 You bet It Is. J l1l' l1t· ... l l0rll ~rlc1[>t•<Ji,1s ir1 1111 tfJ 1-l .1gt· grcJtl(l . ' TnUl . PRICB 'Jbe New Book of Knowledga $199.!50 Britannica Junior Eneyelopaedla 149.!50 lllus!rated World l'Jlcyclopedla 40.29 '--~~~~~~~~~~-'--- ll'ltrllt, CflllJ31111CJClopediasschoolo(lrienled for slU• clenll ap 7 to 14 are pniless!Mally recommended. You can bUJtwD of them ftOm door-ll>door salesmen for $199.50 and 149.50, reSpectively. or :rou can lluy the Dl11$1ra!ed World Encyclopedia, directly from bs . .., a wlum....ic plan, for a total =t of only $40.29. rorllils lowprtceyou pUhe full and complete 21 wtumeset, the nenst 1969 edllloll, plus• llM($50 nlue) 10.year 1nombershlp Jn tlta SIUdelll's Grade lmpmeml!lll l'lo- IVllll (SQll") -a. pablillMl'a f1111ous llltnr1 m.dt SllYice. FREE vvith vo ur ' encyclopedia set: \ s50 LIBRARY Rf SEARCH MEMBERSHIP Membersblp ts In the S!udbnt's Glade lmp!ll'leme/lt J'ro. aram (.SGIP)-foui\ded bytheScl1aol and Ubraiy Division of th• ,mustraled Wcrld Enc)'clopedia. It plaees at :IC'll' dtlld'sdisposal (fortlllconsecutive.)'Oars) a free BllSWll' Ins SO!rvlce lntemt$of 9dtool.subJect resl!arch, designed ID help your child adl""9 better grades In Sdtoot. Th• piieral public paJS $5.00 a year lot membmltlP-1\'s ;yours flee with ,.,at llleyl:fopedla set. n i Ck Up your first volume this week-for Just 491. You'R never find an easier ~ · 'Vfa'J to acquire the renowned Illustrated World Encyclopedia! uctor take vol.1 for only, get FREE 1 year Library Research Service (s5 value) (llOl'doDP!lllE!llASl!NlnSSUll I 1.yaar membershlp ID SGIP IIbl'I!)' ,.. -pr<emn ho (val"8$5.00)whn YoU bey volume 1 for cmly49/. 1o,eu free meni6etslllp (Yarue $50.00) \ll'hta )'OU !ftJythe complete 21 volume tet. conect au 21 vo1umes-BllJ a •oma llll 118k If ,.......comlllcedwlilnolume ,_la 1111111aJ • wlmna1week for only•$1.99 llC!r. SOoaJOU'l) awn thefull 21 'f0!"1tlet It I tolll COil of cmly $40.l,. ' I 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Barbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa l I ___ _,_ ...... ...i..--• .. . ---·~ -·-. --------- C1 - ~-} ;f El lfor :~enotl ~·,nod; 'I "' • for 'td l 1 !.\med -~ n ,. • •nJ~ for ; 1e11 ~cuW i! Y< llatar :111&11 1'ithe 1 ~;n:cb .prt ·I Tb it:an ·lWhll ·~ t • I I I j 1J ' . o Ii I i> ' 41 I , I Mt .dire< loodi <add 1red 'melt SU -slmn Ho : lf!rll> ~ ·Re 'llpri~ 11lljl .....i G c Wb lass, in iU Po dis pc en tel supg. table great same swln1 Ao grm any occ& ~~ ' v. \14 J I h Da 2c I~ 1 •• "' ~ Me boilir. c Ir E• find I it CC!J °' Ju sea Tlw "ob party fonch: "'flhl per, An Choo bonBI CIK we!C'I Cl 2 p • n I> I It n• Fn (' • • ,,:;f ,P1act 3'.ir 1 and Partl mixll Sp< londu dip Swirl choa L PllOT ..lDVlllTIS[~ D Chaf[n g. Dish Sta rs ' ' ·,- G andma Introduced 't . ~~!~:. w~!S~7 m~:C~~·~· la.ss, Chafing-dish cookery w~ Gradually slit· in milk and in ita ,beydey. lhen ~ P~padour askew but Cook-over ·low flame,~ stir· dispcCiUon unruffled, s h e ring constaut1y, until smooth. ent.e.nained at sedate Sunday Add ~ Worcestershire a n d sup~ with the magic o! ch~~ ~ wrtil cheese· is table ~ C09kery~ Today, her melt.qi and bubblea gently. gre&ljfanddau&hler mes the ~rve oo · toast • crackers. same~ appliance for Makes 4 to I servings. swinif!ir, lnlonnal parties. S~OOD NEWBURG Anl~'there you have three I 1 ·b~ butter or grand !old Grannie recipes. . . ~gar1ne wtilcb fits any social 3 C\IP9 cut-up klbster, crab -fO perfectl~. meat and shrimp _f~i/l RABBIT 2 table!poons flour 11, •er or margarine I teaspoon ult 1;4 cup nour . 1 I teaspoon P¥tika 11, .\e~ salt 3 tablespoons sherry t teatpoOn dry' mustard 1·~ tea!poori Tabasco Dafb of cayenne I cup light cream 2 qipe;.rriilk I <:!AP mil~ : ~ ~~shlr< ~re r.': i.. r In blazer , ~uce . . . . , . ~~oodly overk ~~-Add ln 1 pound process Cheddar DCil.I • coo • ~ '•rll oc--..., Uced casionally, until tea.food is 't'eese, thinly 8 heated. SprtnkJe in flour, aalt Melt butter m· blazer over and paprika over seafood; mil boiJing wateT. Blend in Dour, in sherry. Pl~ over baJn Chocolate Wins Ahs In Fondue EYery once in a While you find a disb so s:pectacular that it cap~ on a whole party. ctpco1ate Fondue is that lusci:lus.> .. and-IO versatile!· The hot chocolate 1auce evokis cheers at a children's party, teens adore it. and the roodue fits in beautifully at a sophi.stlcated aftertbeater sup- per, too. Any w be re, an yt.ime.. Chocolate l"Olld11< II a party bonanza. J. Ctiooolate---Fandue Is • welcome pest. at any party! caobou.tll FONDVB,, 2µ~·11 ........... > ,~ cbocolf!• lllDl'3* ..... _ 11~...Ula .......... _.. f'rull .. .... ... (-Opp!<, ";::~ -.. -d!! sttnbtrrie!, el<.) Put all inCJ'<dienls excopt fruit In food.. uuceplll. . Place di redly over flame aod stir unU1 cbocolate ls melted and mllture ls smooth. Partially cover Oame '° that mixture i. just kept w1nn. Sput' p-of fruit with fondue forks or tone plcU and dip lolo melted (hocolale. Swirl to remove t • c: e 11 chocolate. Makes about 2 cups. Marie. Gradually add Ta b a s c o , light cream, milk and egg yolks, which have bttn beaten together. ~ stirring constanUy, unUI mixture is thlcke~. &trve on rice or toast points. Makes I servings. CHERRIES JUBILEE 1 can (1 pound) black ~ling cherries I tabt..poon 111gar 1 tables'poon conutarch I/• cup cognac or brandy, divided Pint .vaidlla.Jct crtam ·Drain Cherries, restMng t eup al juice. Mix 111gar and cornstarch in blazer and lfBdually . bleDd in cberry jlllot. Place over name and cook, •tlrring "°"'""'Uy, untll mix- ture thickens. Add chUries and.P,OW' baH 1be coanac on top; Bel ·bluer ,aaldt. i#ar i'<liialnlD& <o~ In ..... llDCtpen 0\191' flame. ~ -· !pile· bot q,,.c llld ""' OV1ll' .chor· T\ot., 1~1. o •or i., --.......... ' ' Herbed Breap . ' A bill . lampoon tilldl 1 mm )ol 1m Ind. c r • 1 h t IWllW1 II ., -""' clllloa .. the ..... !tr -..., al-....... liul tbe -brldlJ with -ol.tbo liquid -will be -In lbe doogl>. Happy Sleepe r Sleep fttt on rour t.ck? au'rt chanc:tertud u one wbO's 'him wttb yaur1ttt and yoor eccompllahma1tl. FaEE50 J11tt11 .llat Chip Stamps WITH PU RCHASE o f'.....: ANY.PACkAGl firMHMHt "'Ui THIS coui>o• i...,i.o.Jc-' .. '"' .. _' V41i~~n. "'-s.,...,, S.pt.4,S,0, 7, Ifft LUIR QUALITY L19'K SAUSAGE 4 ····· •1· ....... ' JMCO't'S lOUHD-Ct'f.O.VA( PKO. COUID8nP ' ' IOU!O caoss •. U.1.0k CHOt<.f IOIB_ESS IO.AST JIOZIM u.s.D.A. INSPKTIO sHoulDfl LAU IOAST ·~~~~~· fROUH U~O.A:"tNSPfCTtO 11.AOf CUT LAMI: CHOPS ·.~"~' PRll• KllT ,.lb. 891b. 551i.. 891i.. STRAWBERRY 'PRESERVES 2•Ht. ·-49c LIQUOR SPECIALS SAVE $2.00-6 YU•S OLD ANCllNT' .AGI 'slllJGtlr Klt<TUCICY BOURBON ~ .. 'IO!l E11tro llut Chip Stamps · WITH PURCHASE OF WHOl! Wat-tltn WITH THll ciUPON •. , .. , ...... ~ " ,!-l•dl119 MlM.~nio;!vcTJ;fo~ ~ wliM 'l'Hl~.~w~ _ li•it~~._,-c .. ;~, v.JW TIMI: tri S4ta.. S.pt. i. S, f , 1, 196' FREES,. E11tro lhlt Chip Stamps . WITH ruRCHASE Of fOOO OIAHt CHUM.I( Swiss Chttst WITH THIS COUP .. .A TIMIER TUff LUNCH .... BAGI ' . .. ~, 1 tt ,,,. OOlOlN OIUOOUS APPLll =5 ~$1 lfALIAI PIUlli PL M~ SWED MILD m 0 .... 5 ' ' .. LOIS llEEI CICIMIDS I • • • U.S.D.A. l CMOJCI lllF . RATHU• ~· ··Zll·TISSUI COLORS AND WHtiE •. 12 llfiLI~' '' ••(lh .... , , 4--roll .,... pkg1.) DELICATESSEN • CrlllfMJ-'llB~~. FURNITURE POLISH MJB T,lO 8091, Incl. 1\1:' off, pkg. o( 4~·;c·"·•'""'""'""''59c FOAM RUG SHAMPOO PLEDGE Nestle s Mor..ts Auld, 6·0L "1<9 ............................. _. 29c GLORY l·lb. con ... _,..:o& lemon O(;Re!iulor Kroll Whipped •Parkoy, Incl. 5< off, I ~b.. ......................... 37c 2·1b. con ...... $1.35 Scotties Fociol r .. uu, Ant'dr pl<grof-200,,:.~.~:: ............ 19c $14 7 J.lb. con ...... $1.96 14-oL $109 Chef Boy-or-det Betf-oroni or S'"'9hetti &Meol Bolls, 15-oL 37c 24-oz •10.0;;,;;;L;:.;;;ln~sl~ont.:;,,;;$~1.~19~~~co~n;,.,,....:.~~~.i.;C~o~rno~t~o~n~ln~s~to~n1~B~reo::::::kla~s~l~,A~s~st~'d~,pk:::!;9.~o~f6~.-... ··~··-·"~·'~ .. ~-~-~75~c.L.-co~n ~ ... 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson St., -Hirbor Shop ping Cente r , Costa Mesa 1 • , .. ~ ... ·.·;4..-.t;"t.•jii .. t)IXLJ\,..:., r..a>!Si¢1 .>!J\¢.e;escua s Q;; ; :; s s z; z 1a t: I !!iii !JOE a : : ., 11;• ..,, ... .. • " . , • I I ' • • The 1Deather's hot ••. _so are El Rancho.'s prices! -I . ' . . . . ~ ~ What . a time · to "S~oCk•llp. ~.and save money~ ·:too! . • ''"''"' "''· ...... ,,.,, &6 •-t ... ao l.!ncltr ••. piclttd at pqk.of-perfection aqd froun to lock in 111 that tarden llOO<lne .. 1 M11i P/11 ................ S,.11 a,.:....;, ...... Beef, Chicken or Turkey •.• tendtr cruat., plump, with SW&DJOn quality .•. 8 ~ uch I Ha/lb& ......... '.~. '.'.~:· ...... Iii• Northtm halibut ••. fried in Van de Kamp'a kitchen, in their own unique fa.shiop! ••• 8 oz. PACkares. IPBBf I JU/Cl .. '.&:. r:i:: .. 4,.,, Jliaute Ma.id ••• from Florida's fineat fruit ..• flavor !ro1en in ! ..• Twelve ounce can ••• 49c I /CB IPBBll ......... ~~~·~I~ .. II' ltoyal HOit.,. p..Wum j,..Jc for particular people! Catel'lng qu&lity ••. favorite flavora, round carton! Super Shopper Groceru Specials! MayQ_nnaise ...... ~'-~ ......... 49' Quality 70u'va come t.o know and truat ••• at a price that invitM you to aave at El Rancho! Instant Breakfast .. ~~~ .. 59' 'l1te orftl!W one ••• in an appealu.i variety of pr!femd flavors. , , six breakfaat. in each box ! • Del Monte Peaches 4 tor'l fruit Drinks ................ 4 tor'l Golden clinp •• 1lictd or halves •• No. 21;1 caru.. Cal Fame .•• 46 or.. cana ... all varieties! Margarine ... .. .. .. .. . .. . . . 3 tor'l Imperial ••• repl qual ity ! I lb. package!. 'I Coffee .................. 65~ Mu:wtll House 2 lb. can 1.29 .• 3 lb. 1.89 Super Summer Delicateasen • Thin Sliced Meats ................. 29¢ • Wahr thin and tuty •.• Covtred w aron ... 3 or. pocbp. Boe!, Ham, Corned or Zeaty Beef l American Slices .................... 59¢ a.rtlald ••• lndiYidually wrapped ! , •• 12 or. Slrflllp Codfail .................. 3 m '1 r 1111 ••• In 4 OUDet aervinr rlau! .., T..tes .................... 5 fOI $1 xurr --It IO ea11 to ""'' ! ... 8 Ot. lifct Cllle .............................. 39¢ .... It a Kiiiean menu! XLNT ••. 8 "'· fl Aurora Tissue ...... lror 69' Tv.·o roll pac:M .•• colors ••. liahtJy scented I Bold Detergent ............ 59' Save 24<: on the Giant liu! (Inc. 16c of!) The calendar •r• Septtmb(f' •• , bul th.tre·a lo t-a of rummer Uft.'#:n.jo11 it more ... witlt taU tinkling co0ltr1 tMt art so rrjreahing! fresca ........... ~~.~~~ ........... 59' A bliizard of flavor ! ••• 10 °'· bottles ! !tty Rleslilg ...... ~.".~ ........ '1.79 Liibt dry wint •• , roe• with poultl'Y. Gordon's 6ln ...... ~~ ........ '4.59 Gl'&!n di1tilled .•• 90 proof! QL 6.65 Bourilon ... ~~~~-~~~~~~ .... '9. 99 Mattjngly .\ l!oo"' ... 86 proof . . . now In shatterproof plutlel --·-----------------------~----- •. /. ~ Chlok1n lrea1i1.~ ' I • I I ' i • ' • I . .., I . I .._, • From California fryers •• : plump, tender ••. more goodness becauae they're. from kini 1ized fl')iraJ l1g1 I Thighs ........... . Chunky, v.·ith rich tender dark n1eat'. Parts from California king sit ed fryers offe r more value ! ~ f PfBP Wings ............. ! . So much flavor! Corn.pare U1e quality .•• ao_Q. you·p ~oose fryer pa~from EJ Rancho! ~\ ~ IA , . I' ·-~!~~l!.!!~!~~:~~~l!..:.n . C1r11d 8111 ..... ~ .... BB~ Lean tender brisket .•• cured with the special kn ow how that rnakea El Rancho Corned Bee! ao ~tt Ground Round ........................ 89~ El Rancho Slab Bacon ........... 1fr. Alwqs fr&h? ••• patties, too. at this price.! Sliced A! you like it ...••••.••..•....•• 89c ,b. ALASKAN KING CRAB LEGS Sweet tender meat ... and so much or it on the.se bir legs ! Super Shopper Produce Specials! Apples ........... 2 lbs. 25' Gravensteins ... flne5t flavor for cooki nr or e&tinr out of hand! · Seedless Grapes ...... 41bs~l Cabbage .......................... 5~ Each rrape bunting "·i th s,,·eet fl a,·or: Serving corned beef ? .. -you'll want thi1 valutl Pricu in.~fje.ct Th111·. thro ugh Sun., I S•pt, J., 5, 8, 1. No !ale• to dealers. OJ>e• a to 9 daily. Sul!My 9:80 to 6:JO. Aak the manager-about our convenient Ch-.ra• Account S~rvlot HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.• 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) . . Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena . 14 • I so c SW " u .~ p 10 EAS p1 FRE: G ., BO CH . . . ' • SOLID GREEN • • '# ,,. '~'-t ~·-·•• • ••~··-···-.,,--~~·~· -4 U I .. U 14 -......---~..---~--•~----• --• ..--~ _ • _ -_ -..-~ __ ---~-...-.....--.----,---.,. ..-_ _ • _ ·-_ • " _ - FLllSHMAN'S · MARGARINE ' ' CHOICE OF: ' " , . a1~~~·.:~n:s1J Ol 1 LB. CARTON BOLD DElERG ·G1A ·. --ENT . "'NT SIZE · SPR\NGf\ELD PlARS \.ARGE l'/2 CANS FRESH PRODUCE SWEET THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES l B s W~sday, Septtmber J, 196~ ROYAL .~ PUDDINGS MJI INSTANT .. " LpNG ,GltAIN · . , RICE . PAMILY 51%1 • REG. 2/31c . • IV2 LB. llOX DOWNEY FABRIC sonENER KING SIZE REG. S1 .59 $139 SELLS FOR $1.49 EUEWHERE 1/z GAUON PnER PAN . LIQY'S BE .ETS . •· SLICED .e DICED '. e CUT e SHOE STRING P-NUT BUTIER ' l03 CANS 6 ~ $ J 00 .18 OZ. JAlt ' · ACTION DRY BLEACH GIANT SIZE . ' FOREMOST e FRUIT PUNCH . . • GRAfl;·DRINlfOR " .. ~ e ORANGE DRIN~·-. . ' :. c '59' REG. 79c FUU GAUON PLASTIC JUG • • • LIBBY'S HARV ARD BEETS 4/51 OR LlllY'~ SLICED Pl~KLED IEETS .................................................................... 303 GLASS .................. .. LIBBY;S WHOLE BEETS :lHl;~Ns ,5/5 1 1 FROZEN FOODS . . .. rn M11111 t .. ~!d id , \~ORA N G[ JU/Cf l !Al~~!~s ~.1~. ~~~~~ .. JU.I~~ ...................... ;. 41/Sl C P~z~~JY ~~~.~EFo!'hfF~E~. . .. . .. . ............... 1,0¢ • I I '.._ ~fe~J~qf!~L! i~t~ Tc~~ 9 oz. PKG. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 / 25 ¢ CABBAGE ... . ..................................................................................................... u . Sc U.S.D.A. CHOICE . · . 95,¢ SWEET "N" JUICY v ALE NC IA O,RANGES ... . . ... ...... ...... .. .. ................. i us.$ I ;~~~;~ES '49( ::~c~~; 5 $100 10 lB .. CELLO BAG APPLES LBS. SWISS STEAK ............•....................•..... : . . . • . · 1b. MELON· CUT , 98¢ RUMP ROAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . .. . · . 1b. ' '. EASTERN-GRAIN· FED . 79¢ PORK· STEAK .............•.......•......•............... ·· · 1b. .· .• U.S.D.A. CHOICE WEDGE CUT . 89·¢ ~ ~~~!.A.~~~EST ................ OS . . ............ . .. . . .. . . , ; lb. STEAK .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . 1 lb. PRICES ~FFECTIVE: I . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . lb LIVER SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . lb-,_ ____ ___ P'ORf:ButT ROAST .. '. ~ 89~ POi1sH sAusAGE ... 69~.. Ill FRES:.LEAN 1 j 4· 9 . NORTHERN 59¢ Gnou·10 .BEEF .......... . .... : .... : .. · ~ HALiauT ~~:~ ,; ··~~· Lb. BAR M LUNCH MEAT 1 59 BOLOGNA. cono-SALAMI . c / ~"""- CHEESE LOAF • PICKLE & PIMIENTO • • • • • • lb 7'1 I\ ~ WI GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACEHllA I • • .. DAil y 111.0T DON'T COOK TONIGHT -MAKE A SALAD Summer Suggestion: . . . . • Sausage With Sa lad Sausage •n salad ls one or those naturally delicious com· binatJons, Uke ham 'n eggs. The !lmilarity ends right there, however, for with about 21» varieUes ol sail6age to choose from, yOu can tum the same salad into a C011Unuous i"'"1l<l delight. ll'hil ·suggestion calls for kielbasa or Polish sausage; the recipe is equally good with n·eet or hot Italian sausage, O>oriz.o (Spanish sausage), Big Ten. TEN grtol fulllon loolu - all yours in one remarkable p&Uern! Frun quick skimmer to lhlridreas to belted look>, plul short and Iona Jackets. ,Printed Patt.m tlll' NEW' -· -.. 10, 11, If, 16 and Holl Siw llll, HI!, 1111, 11~-. lrl!. ~;FIVI CENTS In ...,. r... Olcli poUern -add 11 -!or uch pattern for bratwurst or fresh pork saU· dressing sage links. Shell eggs, cut each into six GOUIVilET SALAD 80\YL wed&es and refrigerate. Wash ·2 hard-cooked eao• leUu~ and ... endive and tear -intO bite-oi7.t ........ . 1 small bead iceberg lettuce ~- I small head Bosten lettuce Place in safad bowl, and add '~ head curly endive salt, pepper and c a p e r s . 1.~ tsp. salt Refrigerate. 'h tsp. freshly ground black Ten minutes before serving, pepper cut' kielbasa into slices, and 2 tbsp. capers . add lo salad greens with eggs. )2. Jb. pre-cooked Polisb PoUr on dressing, toss well sausage (kielbasa) and serve. Makes about 6 ~• cup bottled green goddess servings. • 1Pound' Out Delicious Meal for Family Menu Ever havC"one of those days v.'hen everything seems to go a1vry? Instead of simmering silently or thro~·ing a tan- trum, a handy ~·ay to take out your frustrations is to stait ~·ith one and a half pounds or round slcak and a meal mallet. Jusl lake mallet in hand and pound lhe round. In short order you'll have an incredibly good meal prepared for the family .. , and peace of in ind! Once you'vf flattened out the round steak, cut it into stri ps. Place one-half slice of bacon and 50lne sLiced IK'lions on each portion and roll il up. The bae<1n flavors the me<1.t as the roll-ups simmer in tomato sa uce, and the onion - thinly s!ic~ :--gi"'.e5 the dish a wonderfully a p pet i z Ing aroma. When the meal is cooked tender. remove it to .a warmed platter. Delici-ous sour cream gravy takes only minutes to make and ia great in com- bination with lht meat. Along with your Beef Rol\- 1,)ps serve cauliflower and car- rots wtth a nippy cheese sauce. For all its lively flavor, the aauce is almost preposterously simple to fix -just a mix of Orieddar cheese, flour and fresh whole milk, heated and splted with prepared mustard. OoQ't ftl'g:et m1.1&s o( milk to go w I t h tltl! m e a I. Nutrl· tioa.ally. milk b a I an c e s 'virtually 81\Y meal and is ncomme:Dded Cat least t~·o Avoid Strain glasses a day) for childre_n and adults. I BEEF ROL(...UPS 1112-2 pounds round steak, 1,::. inch thick Bacon slices 113 cup sliced onions \4 cup regular all·purpose flour 1~ teaspoon salt 2 lablespoons butler I can (8 oz.) tomato sauce 1, cup water 1 tablespoon flour mixture l cup dairy sour cream at room temperature. Pound meat on both sides with a meat mallet; cut in strips. Place 1,;. sliei! bacon on each and divide onions on each portion. Roll and fasten with wooden picks. Combine flpur and salt; roU meat in flour mixture. Set aside remaining flour mixture. lq_ large covered skillet mj!!ll butter"; brown m~at on all sides. Add tomato sauce; cover and immer 1·1 ~~ hours or until meat Is tender. Remove meat to wann plat· ter. Meanwhile combine water With l Lablespoon remaining flour mixture; gradually add to clrtppinga in skillet. Cook. stirring constantly. u n t 11 thickened. Cook 2 additional minutes. Ovtr low heat stir in &our creem; heat to se r vin g temperature. Makes 4-6 serv. ings. CHEESE SAUCE 11.I cups Cl ouncesl sbred· ded cheddar cheese I ).iblegpooa flout *cup milk J \i·2 teupooos prepared mualard ln saucepan combint cheest and nour ; add milk and mustard. Heat over low heat., sti rring occuionally, u n t 11 cheese ls melted. Serve over hot cooked caullrlower and 1 ' • -. .. .. C.flE€K! :: GDMPARE! SA VE! • ' " • ..tr I ·' • SEl!D~S GRAPES , -LARGE-. CANT .. LOUPE DELIVERY SERVICE YU BAN COFFEE . . . 65c 1 LB. .GIANT BOLD l)ETERGENT· 57:a 49 oz. 15c OFF DEAL PACK NUCOA OLEO MARGARINE 4;51 THI Oli&H. -Smt.MIER lith 'FRESH PRODUCE • e, WA'Htft~TON· DELICIOUS NEW C:ROP • • 10% Discoont Oii -case (lll'Cls3ses of wine and liquor scon HEINZ DECORATED • • . :TOWELS ''.KETCHUP -' • . ' •• r 3 for . . ;. ' ., .. :-. 1.7~ 9c .. ·14 OZ. BOmES BIG ROLL CORONET LARGE FACIAL · TISSUE BISQUICK 17. _~£( .. ,, • • • 40 OZ. PKG. 37~ , GOLD M~DAL I WESSON ; I -FLOUR OIL ·~5 LB .. BAG 3 c :! 47c ! ;. . ea 24 OZ. BOTTLE .,, .. ··:r' \.'' ,;,:.· ... , c lb -WE RWUE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT --SHOP AND COMPARE - FRESH FRbM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT BONELESS c Top Round $ 19 LEG OF LAMB . ZEE GARBAGE BAGS SPRINGFIELD APPLESAUCE JE 0 G.ELATIN 3 oz. PKG. ' I ' ... ·. 303 TIN I 39¢ 17¢ lb STEAK LB. CAMPBEtL'S c TOM.A"lO ea. SOUP ' • • . 11'-.d. T ; tithmriae 'thircJ.. c1-illllftfJ will l.tke thrtt -.-moro. li<nd IO 1,lorlln M@rtln the D~Y PILOT, flt PaU<ru DeJ>t., m Wiit UClt IL., N"' York, N.Y. lllOll. Pl'llt JllAN!, AD- Dftm wW! ZIP, SIZE and il'YLE NUllllQ.. Wear Unt!d glaues when drlvlna: on a SLIMY day. Glare from the aun, road and reflec- tion from chrome stripping can blind drivers temporarily. ON T_HE PENINSULA-608 E. BALBOA BLYD.-PHONE 673-8310 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. carrots. Makes approximately ..-; H•cu~. .. ....................................................................................... -.-~ii.I - j ! "' saf• me• ~~ *I pro< .•• Tl ~ha~ ; J>OPI ' parl : c:ani ; and • BUii :, art • brU : gela ~ crei \ M • artii 1 sug1 :-ff ~plac • are • hu ' hav1 .. 80 q we an "lo ing for ofl mo BW cos I'. le~s SW the off .; n~ art~ P''1 res~ rece teslr hav• chm ot~ anill •!TIO CJ calc mo) bru The r.~ . prot: "· Bt :· resu '.~ Org1 . ~ .~ "o:;: ·~; that. -~ be Ii wei1 woul "'' ·: 7:i .! per .• grar chll< Al men Dru/ -cluct '. in I sorv Qriri or lorn kn09 : you : ·~ only ... no I : this ~ 1,1 , mat: . <Y#I • man ; you: Lo • aver per ·~ of o. " Ar ; J>0"'1 . perl • Al ~ torn 1 gra1 . "' l ne<I .65 i ~and °' per ·~ T' :" SWet .. each 'aboo .: Ou the• ! woui ~ adul ~Mod the• until t QUI ~ Q. • \ r . \,; \ :A "'unU! C() -Haw lemc "'*one ~!Cf) c .( grap • , • • IWLY '1LOT 43 • • Home News and Views 21\ " • r~ficial Swe ·~tener~ Cost · Mor~ and tan Be Dan,gerous . ' . ' ~ 1 1 DOlloTBY W~ coke ~sing arUDcial sweetener ler tul•. Why would lhla be? In !ht ~pe !hi\ aid1 brown-d<r le>:lure we wont In ca~ goocl Cake wilhoul 1111ar. A. You ahoold dleck wtlh brtut •raJllL • ·; ~ _ _,_....., lnplocoolllliat•ndilwaaa A.Youltornedlromlhllle'I' i111 and~ •,de3lrable·'!he artlflclll swee-r can-)'O<J\o doctor about (hla. Q, H<iW llll!ll"talori" tre An trlllicJal •-!<Den terrible Oop. ll was lough lo perlment !hi\"''" hi! olher' col<>r. ~ 111gar allo la DOI do lheae !hlnp ond In Ad· Q. !)n nuralng my baby. However1 we do kopw that lh•rt ln a com tartilll?, 1afe -fw DU* children, lot tubire, small in volume, pale' llnpott.int tunctions Jn baked necess&ry to prevent lbe cUUon It becomes-bllter.lasUng Would it be hanntuJ to the wben cyclamate ii, eaten by A. An averqe eorn. tortilla m't !iman,y mothm and bumpy an th• top, unap-products lD addlUon lo addlnl< development Of gluten lo lhe when it Is heated. 8o It Is baby if l use arUiicial I act at. Inc women, the hfW '5 cab'ia -lbout the bav · ·.u tbla ~ pellzln& look,ing and bad a:bit-a .sweet n~or:. It ls tbe sugar· flour abd therebx cive the ten-nearly impoa.!lble to rnak4 . a sweelener.s? cycla~at.a doe1 appear 111 the satlJe aa 1 slice or brea_d. late . " J<lll too haV< ----"-----,----'--"--~------,-~,---,--,-.,.---------""--'---------..,r-----....;....;...,...,.-;-------,,,--. ~-about lboee ' • ~ f prOooct.. ·i • 'lbe l)l)CHtaioric sweeteners Q ha" baoome ll'•mendolllly " popular: In r e c e n t yean. : particularly In 80lt drinks, j csnned li'ul~ lonnuia dle!S ~ and u 1 aubltltute for table IU£&r. other uaes lncJudt .. artlfl~la11y sweetened ~ briak!r~ Jl"ddlng>, ~ gelatin , cooties: Ice ~cream. 1 i Man urers like lo use ; artificial "1eeteners instead of l sugar t>epuse it is profitable 1 -for two-"teMOl!s. In the lint 1 place, artificial sweeteners ! are very cheap. One expert has >figured that aua;ar would ! have to sell ror I cent a paund • in order to compete with i a r I ·fl !_ 1 a l sweeteners in .~ &W -di powtir per dollar. .. y, because we're all .. so 'et conscious these days, ~·e tend to buy readily 11ny ·ng labeled "diet" or "lo ;Calorie." And we're will- ing lo pay a premium price for it. The manufacturers of fmd they can charge mo for t h e artificially &w tened product, which may cos them lesa to produce. S we pay mare and get '. le~ since the no-ca1or1e I aw ners are noo-food.1 - the have no food value. 1be off al term for them la non- nuttlllve sweeteners. F'or years we thotight that artificial sweetenerl w ere perfectly safe, hued o n research evidence. Bul receot_l~=:i some experimental • tests1wia laboraloty animala have shown stunted growth, chry:>mOSfl'Jle breaklge and <llt\er ~ltms when the . · afliPials were given large , . amounLs of cyctamate. Cyclamate -of e I t h e r . calcium or sodium -is the major romj>Onent of most brands of arUficla1 sweetener. • · The other sweetening in- gredient is saccharine . Research to date has shown no • problem with saccharine. ·r Because of these research I ~· results, the World Health :; Organization o( the United Na· I Uoos~. the .![.ood ape! D{Ug " A d · '-tion recommend "i; that d · intake of cyclall'Late ·.• be limited. DepeDding on body ·• weillht. the suggested limits would be: 160 pciund man, 3.5 grams ~r day; 132 pound ~ wotnant 3.0 grams per day ; ' lt:O pound teenager, 2.3 grams '1 per da,-; 80 pound child, 1.4 .. grams per day; 40 pound · child, o.t gratn1 per day. · Aa a result o( these recom· mendatlons. the Food and Drug Administration has pro- " poeed !hll iabels on foods in- clude the llltOUDt of cyclamate in milligrams in a normal • · serving or in the caae of soft qrinl<>, the lot<! amount In can or bottle. Without this in- : formation, you have no way of • knowing how much cyclamate : ' you are conawnlna in a food - · only that it II pre.sent. So far .i no action hu been taken on , : lh~ label proposal. '; It p>e meantime, this sum-: ma!Y r" !ht grama 0 r · cy~te In some of the ; mOre popular foods may help ~you: Low ~calorie soft drinks - : averagt 0.1 grunt cyclamatc : ' per 16 ounces. Range from low ·~ of 0.5 to high of 1.1. Artificially sweetened drink ; po'llr-ders -around 1.5 grams per 1 two quart package. Attificially s wee le n e d fonnula diets -about 0.5 , grama per I ounce can. · Ai!l!lclally sweetened can· l ned lrulll -range from .13 lo -.65 grams per I ounces: je!Ues li and j1m1 -0.07 lo 0.12 grams ' per tablespoon. -i Ta.bl:et and packet >i sweeteners about 0.10 grams ... each; liquid sweeteners - : about 0.4 grams per tea.spoon. .; Our ~ate.st concern about lh• aalely o! using eytj1ma1ta , .. ould ~ wtlh childrtn ind . ..! adults of child-bea'rtni age. hloderale, csuUous • uae by . lheae groups Jj Yecommend'4 unlll wl n.v• more l,1u:1S: ...i. QUDiioNS WE ARE ASKr.u ~ Q. I attempted 1o bike • ., i Give Party ; A Punch ' . !ruily . of ........ """" punch • !hi• real fn1lt drtnk a nderful bast for an The ~purpje color 1nd ' WIU9Ual party punch. Ci>mbile In • Jl"ncll bowl I 46-ounce; can ol c r a -p e HawaUail Puncll, oOt quart lemon &Oda, and, If dcslred. • -one cup ot vodka. Serve owr 'lee cubes in which rutgle black {grapes havci been frozen. ' .. • BREADED FISH ·STICKS • • FULLY COOKED JUST HEAT & EAT • • • • • • • LB. 39c Sp l'RE RlB' s f•uhModo'M 764 A Siit .................... lb. CHUCK STEAK ~.:~~':r".'~~: ....... rb984 Culad ~1 ••••••••••••••• lb. STEW MEAT ,.,; ...... ,... ~ 4 FAMIL y STEAK Chokos .. 1.: ....... lb. a~ CROSS RIB ROAST;!~!~:.::.~ .... 1b.1°' POT ROAST "''"'"' 76! , .4.rm Ctli ···••••••••••••••lb SMOKED flCNICS si;"d ... : ..... 1b;S6I SLICED BA CON r:i::.'.:~ ......... 1b]31 . CHICKEN FRIED STEAK coohllb.894 CORN DOGS P0<kogool4 .... , ..... 59! . FILLETS of COD SEAFOOD SPECIAL •••••. LB • -49c SHRIMP COCKTAIL 1,"''0"01 ........... 3/1. PARTY DIPS ''""do..mao, ...................... 39! CHIPPED MEATS "'"'"'"'o, ............... 3/1. ' 1u GAtLO SALAMI" o .. Ch,b .................. -•• DANOLA SLICED HAM ,,,,,o .. ·,., ........ 65 I LONGHORN CHEESE ~:~~::::-:;:,;," tb ....... 89 t Save at Albertson's ,':,'~, _Save at Albertson's PRICE PRICE K W.htlir• '(oihT• 49' 451 GARLIC SPREAD'""''°' ...... ,. 37• 331 'PRESERVES •·•· ... ....., "'" ••• 57• 531 SPRAY CLEANER ~;;:;,.., ... 1" 1 •• GHER INS ,,o, ................ POLISH DILLS ~'o':::'.'.~'. ....... 53• 491 NESTLES MORSELS ... ;s-•o,. 29• 271 PRESERVES ... , ......... ,,,°' .. 75• 681 CHUNK TUNA '""'"''"'"" 35• 321 llg~! M-.,! 1, 2'• o ••• KOSHER DILLS ::;~::'.'.':'. ...... 75< 69l -s YRUP }ol,. "'"--~-, 2• 0r. w .......... 71 • 691 PALMOLIVE LIQUID ~ ....... 62• 52! SPUN HONEY ........ , uo •.••• 43' 391 DISINFECTANT :~.>;::: ........ 1" 1" C & H CANE SUGAR ........... 61 • 581 TAMALES ,,.,,0 ................ 37• 33¢ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ;::,-;:::o',' 29' 28• COFFEE MJ• ... 11b ............... 71' .611 MARGARINE ...... """""'"""'"· 41< 381 PIZZA MIX '~"°''''" 79 ' 744 COFFEE FO!G"S ... 1 lb,.. ....... 71 ( 68• '•Ppt'O'" 11 01 • • • • • •• COFFEE MJ1 .. .2 1b ................ 1" , .. HAWAIIAN PUNCH ..... ,, ..... 41 ( 31.1 GIANT RINSO ................. 83 • 731 COFFEE FOIGERS ".' lb .......... Jl•. 1 '~ COFFEE MJt: ... 31b ................ l" , .. FROZEN PEAS •~·-"o ........ 41 • 384 SPRAY ·CLEANER ,_...,.,,.,. 85 ' 791 COFFEE FOIGERS .. .3 lb ......... 1" ,,. "STRIPE" SCHICK Waste Bin ORANGE JUICE ~~~~'.~oz. 28~ ORANGE JUICE ~;·;.'.:'.::' ...... SS• POPSICLE :·.::·;,:;:.::: ........ 4/ 1. , ~~i\I 249 BANQUET t:;.~::::.,, o ...... 4/1. t;;;;i I GIANT 47~ STAIN· 94~ SWING TOOTH LESS TOP ~ASTE Injector 44 OT. ICE CREAM """"'"'"" S9 < Golloo ~101 ..... .-. •• • •• GRAPES ,ouNo ......•.... 15c 1, .. ,,. Solid s-hrt• •(AULIROWER l"O' H•od .... 25 4 fifth Crito T 011 Stalk CRERY1 •• ,.11o1k ............. 14 APPLES EXTRAFANCYNEWCROP · RED BEAUTY 5 185.1 FOR ' BEER s.a .. I It ll>'t1 Cioolt 1" 'M ••tour., ••••• ,•••.•••,, •• • •• BEER • .,,.,,w ... ,,... 3" c .... 1,112 0 •. c ................. . GllSON'S WINE ~,:;:~~·~··" .. 79' BOURBON ..... _......... 4" lor~..d •n «o•luP,y QI. •, •,, WHISK. EY •«"""' S" Co"Ocl.on )•h •••••• ••• ••• ARANDAS TEQUILA ,., ...... 4" MARGARITA MIX ::::~::.'::. 89 < -------51 (4 OOll·&lSl'i001'91~), "'"'&i• ClOVf'Olt na e.ut P'\lac-ue l = 69( r.~ .. . . (!: ......... ~ ...................... . CUP CAKES 1 .4.\Kirltd Do ~ilt PASTRIES '"h ......... ..1 Qi • Albtibon'' San dwiclt . BREAD 1lb.80doof .. 3/1. !a11ona ar Dalt N11t LOAVES •• ~ ........... 3/1. HYDRQX Albertson's LOWSVDS 464 OtlftGENT ·Of. COLD Pow. E'R 33~. ANTHONY ' GIANT PKG. 211 !llOW I DETERGENT ~CAIONI 49 White King G114NUlATEO 731 SOA.P .,GT. Cor-del Mar -3049 Coaat Hwy. Laguna Beac:h -700 So. Coast Hwy. 11 -------- Huntlne)ton Beach -8911 Adams Huntington Beac:h -15511 Sa. Edwar• Fountain Yaney-16042 Magnona I " I • ... ; H DAILY PU.OT W•-1.St ... mbtt !, 1969 L 10, PJl.OT·AM~~U J ' I Emily Post's Et iquette .Rev i~e·q .~:f)d .. Updated . . ... · ,,. ·-~r -·-: , •) JC\llil1, ·~ ~ ~ Uv\lli.r\IOlll. mftltlll 1>tr, 1 !Olllld ber ~ ..., '"'1~ 1n 111e 12111 .,.. ""''' ·• ·{ ••. r •. ~m..u.r 1o brown'~ RYE, Ny ''Todl)' l.lllOY k the 1randda111hlu-"""*"°' fi>d paclous, I odoi! Ii!"' ol the En\jl7 foll dualC, !\le 11~ ,i ~ ~ ~JI, . l ltrWnlnc '11" ~ ... lo-law ol Emily POii. She II 1'~~0l 1h0 ~WU the !Ir" "Ellqu .. lo: '!be '1ut Book ol traiel.~W apel!d •4lt0fl JUU. l'OSl"S CH.\llCOAJ.. m "'°"' "'" marriod lo William G. Post .., ol •Uquette. M•nnert. Soelal'U IC•" ·•·"" l!d lln\e loolln& I« liot•doas I~ fmnal -JI -wb<n EmJ. and ii. tbe mothOr ol four •fiq .n. ~ ~ sbnply tbe I • 19,_. ~ OJ> dllnkl .... "~" flit BROILED WROLB mu:r 1y 1'o1t .was ~ve. ·-·we o~' chlldrw1 rangina·. ln ,•ge from e~•!· rl)OOl,,sn•kllll way ol ct.::U.b)'l ,i!:'~~'!;... ol lwtd>. "1, WJlevo.b\ UU!lz lht ' teqderloin weighing I ,lo' Ill •fer -m11Dod """"' for 11m·11. . ,d~lo&.tlllnl." ' mnnll, tilt skilled 1tu/l •all" fi>Od ~ drlnlf.'ll'Yl>U po0nd$ · , ~ flgu"5," 1 a Id She ·~Ued-her f Ir 1 t , ConJ<J1lporJry ~vlng h.; f0rmlll ·melllJ• ol buq,:i eaa"t , ll!lnk ,:..,t Wal. )'OU '.;i eupo red wine (or Tine todl.Y's auanH•n of eoc~l etl-nervous meeting '!'flh Emlly brooil)t many chan&es tn our dJmtnsJ -. ~' h d d ,, O(l.lht to stay-home\" Rel vlneg;ar) • qliette, Elizebeth Post. in her Post. "Five minutes after fonn1 ' Of 8nte~tna whlc): caodlesti~~ .. ~ :Ow 8.nu'e1 tl thb\Jdni •\on , ~-•broad ,, ~·Olive oil lop YALU I DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I· -19th & HARBOR. cosrA MESA EmHy Post's ·day certain ~~ .li:om1 ~ eli.yeats.~1!' '1 tta.sROOD thyme I!)~ still remain ~°'~· .~lombl•., Where tier l teaspoon around"ibJ11ck Ublir:U!d. ' ~-d • bllo!nw ln\e...,i, P<pper ' , ~-''!' -tiR*' tb'1p.' ' · : ' \ I itiipoon ,.11 . , • \;RANDMA'S· l>AY ."Mi· litgrei!l tballawe . op \I pow'd "'R butter . ••1n1Jraftdmama'1 day, two mt,~m was'the adjustment Afinced fresh chives serv,aai. were necessary to tt •..,e~ house ~tll .e~ Have the butcher remove an " waJt oti al few 11 two people. trf.ca1 · •l't!tfanou · al q.alMt the fat. Prepare 111arlnade, . Grandm!AO'la's otiginat book ~ bUl!lJ.rr • .1ppU~ -i combining red, wine (or wipe reaC·Almost tlke--. nQVtl. 'I coot~ ltverat semnts. · • vinegar)·f)th olive °'l. th~, always IOl't, lltt--story ol Ille Tiie i;ook ran tbe ho\IMll .. It and peppor. Ml!Hnate leader of'Nn'PO¢ llOciety who Uce¥f ·~ sOJittle r~ fillet al "room ttmperatUre ' ma~ a ~worldMde re~Uon. I ~ her' tG-ihe l'QJ.rkeL As J!'Yeral ~. twt!i.ng several !0< the sJl<$d wUh which she L · l<iriied mono iii , lb e Umes. ' , ; INFORMAL ENTEflTAINING Ellrabe1h' Post • • FREE l;HEc;K CASHIN,• sny 1c1 ""'4 ~ lormal <!Inner. Sht lll!ill~> I 'l!!!lped. lier plflt Use , dectrlc ro'llSserie °" bad a fbotm:U for every tl'·o the menus. (It· was a p~ cllvcoal briquettes. (When the iuests and anyone dining with experlence," she said. COti ls are ready, l•:f.. the fillet herhad.tocllt!i_tolheedgeof "The Colmnbiaa cmaep(ol on the grill, takine care to his plate or Jt WOuld ~ ,wliliik-eatlna; •t •. rQad.side $Qd _, k~ the small~ awl.Y, from thick and thin mds. (The Rub car,·ed slices ln the ed a"''Y· ~~I.)' rttu~·ot .~'WhJ& at.a U'ie hot~est part of the fire.) ,thicker el)d wW be juicy and mi~ture ?f melling bu~er • Today we have scrvantless little restliuhnt whei't a Wbole Tum fillet frequenlly wllile rare, the JhiMer end medium jt1ice.s that ooze f~ the mear • Fresh Lean GROUND BEEF USDA FvD Cut ROUND STEAK Farmer John' FRESH PICNICS 39c 79·c 39· c ~ ~ ~ • Cut Up Chickens 33c lb. WT IHI' LIVER USDA CHO!CI LIAN SHORT RIBS SPARE RIBS 29~ 29~ 29~ BACON ENDS TURKEYS JUNIOR HEN BULK Bologna 29~ 29~ 29~ WHlnlNG FISH TURKEY DRUM STICKS FARMER JOHN'S SAUSAGE I u . Pkt. 29~ 29~ 29~ Cello 1 lb. pkgs. LE GRANDE LAKE COUNTY BARTLm CARROTS Nectarines PEARS 3i29 2i29c 2i2CJ' GINGHAM ZEE Springfield 24 01, O• BLUE-SEAL 4 Roll Pkg. SALAD 1 lb, pkgs. TOILET Margarine TISSUE DRESSING 29~ 29' ,29' SAVE IOc SAVE IOc SAVE IOc .. meals and our hostess m.lcht ~0¥, cft!'?f~plg rs ro8sttd has '!'eat ia ~kln~! baste severaJ to well dOl'le' at tht tip.) ' as ilis cui. spoon·~m~,qt" this ~ bar.e-booted if she'• one: of inQUeneed our · w;y ot ' ell" times w1µi mCJMnade. . 1 the younger generation;'' Lib-tertaintnc. We Uk'e to ?'OMt a. ·Coo~ unUI mut ha.s·re~ed Remov,e fillet to heated plat-liquid over r-ach EU¢'• i;erv- by said gall,y. "For serving whole pjf at:hollday1 Of roa~ d~ir~, ~on~e_as (about 25 ter to carve. Rub 'l\'ell with ing. Serv.e wilh thlct slit:es oC formal or elaborate meals, we a fillet· .on~ ·a spit in· tht romut.etljif a fairly .bot-~ of softened butter, sprinkle well ·French (or Italian bread) and rely ,on catered or temporary fi~IJ~ :w~ friends llng'f ~ls arr! nseQ.) Tt> check for wilh .choppe11 chives. Slice a mixed green. !'Wad and hel p." • . over csicktails.'' dbneness, insert the point of a each pi,e<:e diagonally acros4 vegetable. Serves 1·10 people Am~g -the ~chroniams. BRIDAL CONSULTANT '1_•m_au_sh_arp~_kn_lf_e_1_n1_0_1_he __ the....:.gr-•i_n.~~----· :ge __ ne_ro_u~~l;_Y·---~- she said, was the custom of Wbe Ubby'. not ii"'"' not ha\flng a bread and butter . a s ·• ,....,, plate 00 the 1 fonnaJ dinner punting landscapes •. writ.inf, Of , table although she thinb we looklnc after" her family, she neevtbe:m ... Of courae, m~ often °a)ipean on televilion er foods 8Uch u fmd chicken or at department stores u a conM>n-iM-COb are still taboo bridal.' · conaultallt and an for ·planning fonntl menus. authority on etiquette. "In It's better to slick to knife. stores. t aJ1I often asked what and· fort affairs." klnd of silverware to put with Ill• •JJl"Ol'ri•t• china, and about Stainless steel. I like stalnleS• iteel very much, Mil ol course: I advise. hoslessts nqt to Ule' stainles& steel with a UmogtS p>ld-rimmed dlina. PIE APPROPRIATE Unlike her grandmother, Libby believes that pie i1 an appropriate finale for e\len the most fonnal occasion. In her original hook, EmDY Post ha d advised an lee crum or souf· fle oa tht groond t h at tht Implement fot a ' "'•of l'' dessert. Travel has tem~red inuch of Li6by's own code of con- duct : "I bad always lelt that asldna. for a doggie bag when dining in publlc was a breach of good maru;ien and advised my roadenagalnst It." tLl~hy writes a syndicated colunln on eUqu.ette • .) ' "But several years aao when my husband and I 111ere vacaUoning in Alaska, we had a marvelous tteak mul wlth friends at a restaurant ln Anchorage. The meat WU IG delicious but 5'> bu1e, we couldn"t think of be I n I v.·astefuL "I relented and asked for: a doggie bag . The nelt morning when I savored the cold steak at breakfast, I reallied y,•hy most people ask ror the bag- Shirt Look Th-. acUnn pleat pllW brisk motion Jn this shlrt style ste:p- in. ProP\)rtioned to flt your figuN!. Ptannea to briahten your buiy life, Seod now. . Printe'd 1Pattern· 129l: ){)ll Siies 12'h:. 141.-i. IS~~. ta·~. 21l'o, %11;. Siu !IOI (IJU.!t 17) requ1,.. 3 yards 4S-lnch. SIXTV"1VE CENTS In colDs Jor eadt;pallern -add 1$ cenlo for 'eodl patlol'll for flnt-clus mailtnl and special handlloa: otllerwlie 1hlnl-class delivery will take three weeks or men. Stnd to Mattan Mlrlln, lbe ' DAILY PILOT. 141 P~Uetn . Dept.. m \\'tst 18ih St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME. AO- DRE8S -ZIP, SIZE 11!d ST\'LE NIJJlffiEft. Sprlng-&Jmmer P a t t t r n Cat.a.log. Fm pattern coupon. 50 ceolL "My best advice to· the cook· boetess is to pliln a simple menu you can cope wJth. Don't erperµn ent on guest:s. ChoOle a mei;MJ you can pre.pare almpst el)tlnly ahead of ilme, so you will spend only ~ half bour or so·in the kitchen doing the last rl(es, such u tossing the sa18d or finishina off the ve5elatiles." Even the hippiest YOUN r~der wanta tA have her wll:f-difia; "done: ~th &adttioR. .. "One l''T'Ote rectnlly, 'My brother iJ aetung marrltd. He's 1 peanut butJ;er buff: Can I send him 15 jars of peanut butter u a wtddin1· gift?' " Libby replled, "Maybe one or two are. all rl&hl. but wouldn't you rather live him aomething that woald be a more lasting momento. r a t h e r than !Omething Viat would disap- pear so fast." A recttrrlng proJ>lem of table eUquette' is tl1e Europe an v e r s u·1 American style of Usine t he family si l v·er . "AmerJCans to 11 ow the cwtorrut of zig·zag t.ating (changing the' fork from left hand to right after cutting me.al) while Eurbpeans imply leave the tork in the left hand after cuttina. rather than swit· chlng. Many people feel they will be. considered affecltd if they adopt the Europun man- ner. J fetl f.ither Way is quite cornet ~ they .,. done eracefully ... . Thi tradition or gracious and :-ela1ed dining is vtry much a part of the ~ost household. The inlonnal prac- tice "1 summer ouldoor.cook-in« is earried into the housi as autumn days advance. "We Uke to cook In the fireplace. Bill .cooks l'lteaks with an elec- tric rotisserie. but yotJ can use: Y.Our own andlrons as 8Upporj. for:tn ordinary oven gr.ill over Ult coals.'" · Dining c~ Post in the fireside manner starts with a bot appeilier, either a toasted cheese round or c be r iy ti>viaJoes sprinkled w I t h o r e g~navored, buttered bread crw;nb!. A chucoal- bro.Ued t~rloin or fillet ~ beef. tcued green s1lad. vegetab~ casserole and a dessert al assorted cheese or fruit compote complete the ~·-Reel{>" {rom Libby and Bill Polt rotlow: EL I !IA B.E TR P 0 ST'S ARTICHOKE BOTTOMS AND S~ACll AU' GRATtii i ~n cans (or jars) attlchoke bottoms, drained I tablespoon sweet butter S IW'kagea chopped froz.en ,-Iii~ bo~tng 1alted water •c a.ip hea? cream sail. fmhlj grnu00 pepi>er I cup ,rated Swiss cheese Saute artkbote b o l to m s 1k>wly in butter: .set a&ide. Cook. splnaclt in boiling wattr~ acoon:lins to pectage lnstrucOona; Drain we 11. S.asoa to taste with Alt and pepper~ Pour cnam over coqked rpln~cli. mi> weU. Place artichoke hearts In bottom ot fireproof diih; top with cttarn~ 1 plnach ; sprinkle cbetse over the lop. Cook WlCOVered In preheated 350 de(l'ee f , O\'en for 15 n1lnutes. U necessary, run - -. -·~------· " , ' " .. ' : ' \ . ___ ..,., Tartan Royal Scotch im,ortod. S6.8 Pr. $449 sm 1111 nn• ftd•ll• lrandY 80 Proo! Sn• 50c . 1t.'ibn0 ·Rum ' Whitt or G~d . 1 s11nt001'• OrJ~'Pr. s211 80 prqat ~3*'· Snt 4ec lllll 5.,, If! ftftl Gin Vodka Kr<l•o>-$l'Pr. s2n . · sm 40c nn• 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newpor+ B~ach 24 Monarch Bay. Plaza-South Laguna ·' I I • • I I • c . ' • • 1 'I I' ' . I I , I I' ,• ; " ,I .. I I I ' I ' I '1 •. • f I' ~ l ' I • • • l • 'l , I i l ;, . ,. ' ' ' i ' ~ •• 5 ) • ~ ,,~ .. -· ' .. ' .; .... PILOt-AovtRUSER . . , I • ' l i ' ~I I l i ...... nnor Edwards Coffie Pure Preserves ..,,... Slt•whny Made Thi Old flSiliGned Tried And-n Way! Tho ~Thi HEW ~ROI'! (10.Z.-3 lor 111 .,.. _____ _ ....... =~ ... .... -=. ... 7t t-•khirltn ~~St a.79c ...... ::::=._W.,49' S1 1111 =:'="'.:15' .... ....... n,:r.49' ..., Qll :u:: ... ff' ...,u .. r::-..... w _._.:..:.• '.:IS' Additional Meat Manager 's Features.' Dairy & Delicatessen Half&: Half ·i-.•YlltolJ 3Ac t..rm:.==rr.=-: =-.,- ' Miid a... .. ="'\. ... .,,. P ....... ,--2 29' ears Cleomy.fleslled, Mellow In-· .... 1 _ llW!-ToE.ltlTopsf«,!n£.ZDessertl _ Potatoes:i~'.~ 10~49' Italian · Prunes , 2 .. 2sc Cua•• .... :-~.::::..... .. 7' ~ChiG;·,;;::11i;e;;n;"iiHi00::1ei1· PlllllP TOlllllOt• ~·.:..:,,.•· ::;::, 39' ~-... '2" J1lce Oruges ~= :"::' I ~ 91' Stetll111 Gnlptl :.!."'i ~ .. 29' . Garden Ho.. M Pl __ .,.....,. ... _ ... ,'I" $ • 181 ant•-·-""'" ~. ... 17 Tlllow O.lons 1;!l~ 3. :C 29' • • • • • I C -=.:::-=-l1L 7ftc ce ream --··-· 11 " .. - 0 I 0 ........ 4-•1 range •UIC8 :::=:.... ... Bel-air Vegetables Bel-air Vegetables ...... ~ .,.. '::-5 '1 ..... • ""'" '::' • lfl .... ·::: '" • $ 2t-tz. can 51' Dletlrffll __ ,,..,,. ...... 29' """"'?? 04Ylrlllt COME STOCK-UP SAVINGS . Fryer lrtast Fryer thighs .... c...w 69' :.:=.:. 69' Liquicl 81.ach :: :::·39" :.\" Spray Star.eh ::::t.!:~ ".: 3fi 12.:- '" lnd)-Yor Cldco-.. -tnA C1ou. .. Detergent :::::.... ... '""" •:-::-49':W."' . l " . • ' • 8-t Fnsh Porll; Steab ~ .. .: .. 79' Veal Shoul.e.. Chops ~-:: ... 79' Veal Dnlllllklcs =:-:.:: L 89' Fresh Fryers ~=-· .. 39' Elit~~-r..:i:::u:i.: ...... -.:-.::r..~~ l • ' ! ::i:tl ... 1~ """'-... ~ _... ~lit · Landt Sh0u~er a.Op. =. ·' 99' Lanllt lllt Chops =:.."'!ii::. .. 'I" lest Of Fryer . :.~:.."'cb ,~ SCJ'i , Cornetl lrllllet r:= a.99' · ,.-·-·--·-.. - 211 t t71h St., Costa Mesa • tOOO_Blyslde Dr., Mewport Belch • 24 Mo111rdl B1y Plii1, So. ilaw . . 636 N. (Olsf Hwy., l.agu111 Beach • Santa A111 Freeway al I.a Pai: Mission Viejo - • I .. DAILY PILOT 'Vi ittle' Prices Rising · Dur N .. , Eljoy 1our ttl- llltUI, W J wl1b you eoalcl &f'le Q more 1uueslku for W .tlllte1 lbl don't tttt • ltl1wle. , &In. Keutlll Ftwhr, W11frYWe, Mia. You aren't the ooly ooe! With just abolll everybodyi, food bills eoaring out of bounds (includJni mlne) I hear tt ev.rywhen!. And I don't want any statistical agency telling me Jt it because I am bQying m.... -!-along with the vittles. There an no cake pana, beer, cigarettes, kids socks or toothpaste when I grocery shop. It's all food. LETS ASK THE COOK by Nin Wiiy I will get In as many "economy" dishes 11 l can here, from time to time, but I could use up every column for weeks and still not meet ·tbe demand. So th.I! has prompted me to work out a~et .. Dollar Saving · " which you may ha " Z5 cents and 'I long, self-ad- dressed stamped enve.lopt". That just about covers cost or printing and handling. Address to Nan Wiley in care of the DAILY PILOT. I don't know if you like salmon but here ia 1 umple of wbal I've included in tbe col- lection. Looks nice, tastes nice, Packs a lot of nutrlllon. On the face of it, canned salmon may &eem expensive, too, but there is no waste, a little goes a Jong way. The original recipe handed to me sounded so good but just wasn't working out u to lim- ing and such so we've bad this for dinner umpteen limes till I felt it was right. The main ingredients a~ a tall can of salmon, a small can ol peas, two or three large raw potatoes, a cup of abred· ded raw carrot, a bit of onion and a rew oddments. Grease a two-quart cas,,erole, with lid. Anything smaller may not hold It all. Depends on how thick you slice tbe potaloes. They should be very thinly sliced. 1 used the slicer side of my old 4-&ided grater thing. Goes fast and even. Put a couple of layers potatoes in the bottom of the dish. Pepper: Top with half the salmon. Next comes the small carf-'6r peas. Then about three more layers potatoes, the rest of the salmon. Top witli the grated caJTOt mixed with a bit of onion. Mix and heat together v~ cup juice from peas, Vi cup salmon juice, I cup milk and a teaspoon salt. Pour a little into one large or two small well· beaten eggs, stirring well so eggs don't coagulate. Add the rest of lbe heated liquid and pour over the casserole. C-Over and bake for 4~ minutes in a 350 oven. Uncover, top with butlered crumbs (any kind) and brown under brief broiler heat. Walch. it doesn't burn! Serve with egg gravy, if you like; that's just a couple of diced hard cooked egg added to \\'e~ seasoned cream gravy. Some cooks prefer diluted cream of celery or mushroom soop for the casserole liquid. Jt does add even more flavor but isn't necessary. Just be sure you use the juice from salmon and peas as partial dilution. Nan Wiley regrela thJ\ she cannot provide p e r s on a I answers to your cooltlns ques- tions, but que.stioos of general interest will be answered In her column. Address your questions to Nan Wiley In care of this new~aper. llwltt.r a TrllvM IJllCllt1 .. , If .. Pine Nuts Add Zest An inLcresllng addition gives line: flavor to broccoli. BROCCOIJ PWS I package (10 ounceo) chop- ped bn>ccoll I tablespoooa butter \((. cup pine nuts Cook Ille bnx:coll •"""'1ln& to pactqe dlrecllooa; drain. Add bulur and pinl ..U; ltlr '1Vf!I' '°"' ht.al unUl butter melll .., plno 111111 ""' bot. l!altfll I oervlnp. - LOCAL N• •fh•r "_..,.,., t•ll• v•• "'•"'· .,,.,.., ,,,, ........... . 4oiltf 011 111 th• Wretft r 0,.111t• C..11 th•it th. DAILY r tLOT. { • ' • I ''The 40 EE DISCOUNTS in this ad plus these ·aurbilJmry ' MiltlnBIQI! hrl ' ' ~ ngs an as IC ' to al ·discounts • ' gDJL;tilsty ; ~ tiltafillscauni. ,. ·. • ~SAVI WITH AIJ'HA lfTA'S 'jiii{ ~21176 TOTAL DISCOUNTS • lll!At DISLDUNT ~ SOM( Al~ l(TA arOAES ''ICOUIH CIWllOE l'llJC( lVlkf D~f @ 0£L MONTE~• .t CUN Ct )AR HOT CHILI 33< PEPPERS . 39c .. "::i ~CEBHAlmS • 'NJJ.'J:N 371 ~~UMIO Ta•A~.47c · . · •• • © ciilili.Eb0i~('F~ 65c 56' 144 ' Alpha Beta wisl/es all ou.r ~wish friends a H~,fifi,flf1!1j,!i!t,~ SAVE 15c1wrTH THIS 'COUPON - S . Off£ ONlT ~ MAlllSCllEWITZ • QUART JAR !!!~!f~l2. 2Jc SOM:E STORES CHARGE -45c IOTAl OllCOUNT~ lVERY DAY ONE COUl'Oll 'U rAMtlT . APllLta ONLY COUPOH GOOO lhrouah SEPT. JO IDME ALl'KA 10.1. Sl"otl£S PISCOlll'IT CllARIOE ,_IC( TOTAL DISCOUNTS £VERY DAY SOME AlP')l.I an.1. stcnrs 01tcoufltt tHAlGE PRl(:C , PLOR!ST QUAf.fTY 01 DISCOUN ';wd_ 8"t rRIC6SI RAllllOW ASTERS . . Betur Protliue ai DISCOUNT PRICES GOLDEN • 8AffAHA 3c . SQUASH LI. GARDEN FRESH WOY 2i29C' CARDEN FRESH • YOUR CH0tCE .• C:UKES . . . .. l ' ' • NORTHWEST • ·BeU Pe .n·l'O'· . ;·nm.~:ntE SEASON"• NEW CRoP · ,,_ u. UD'•,GOLDEN DELICIOUS 8ACI( TO 5CltOOl. VfCIAt. lUHCH IOll Silt Alftlll llml 10 35' RAISINS BOXES • GOUl£/t .,,. • CASABA "-5c MELONS u. PEAK Of THE SWOH LARGE SIZE CANTALOUPE 4 FOR $100 IS TffESE PIODUCE PR~ £ITECTIVE tlrrouatr WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER -4-10 TOT~t Dl)C(JUNlS frfll~ 1:a'f IOMf All'll-1£T4 ' STINI£! OISCOUPI T CIW:GC l'~!Cf I WAnvnt HOUS!: • 1-t ll. CA~ RtG. 0'1 a..r.ClllA PCRI: &81 ~OFF!£ 69c 2•1.8. CAif • 11.EG!JUR OR fil~A"N~auu.11. 0~·37 l l.:15 tLECTRA PEl\k'. 2.crz •1.tt SlR<lllEJl • IN GUSS lMI 1"' GERBU'S WYFODD 11c u · BOX or2:0 ' Ai.SOf!Tfll COLOllS OR WHlTE 27• KLEEllEX FAClAL TISSUE 29c r ·ROLL PACK • ntGULAJI SCOTT TOWELS 4lc 41 1 @ BOX or 24 • DlZPOSABU: ?lEWBORM Flushaby1 D~p11s 1.39 991 1(£DJUM OR TODOLElt 1.39 11.1• rAU!itr.ss zo.22 o0z1. FSAP~!ITCSTFIANISH tr 671 • M RCH 19c rnx or ~ 731 FEMS 83< iR SPOUT • M1T AL & WOOD HANDU 2 O:JARL CAPACITT GOlD, PERSIMMON OJI A.VOCAD0 $1 II EJWl!l IDKETru 2.• @ 3-0! A!llOSOt CAN . Incl ISc o rr f"EMINrNj:.OtOOORANT 1104 FDS SPRAT . US TIJT~l l11SCO!JMTS £VlR~ DA'f SOME All'llA !ETA ,SIOllfS OISCOUllT cHA•GE l'llK:E 691 ~:,;.QUNC£ PAC!:AG!: 11c 931@~~~~ sNi~ •tfs to:. .ioa• . Your AlPKA BETA Nelahborhood Butcher !tile M1n in t~e Red' Apronl Proudt1 Olfers BUTCBE!'S PBlDE MEATS BUDDIG CHIPPED BEEF ~-----------, A[VHA lfTll • W!SCONSIM TINDlll IARllCUI FAVORITE! MEATS YOU'Ll IE PIOUD TO SEtYE ](,OUNCE PACKAGE• fi9.:: VA.WC RlPHR BETA• SllCEO ALL MEAT BOLOGNA foN'BHo~~utHEDDAR CHEESE 87:. A1L~HA"~(~~ c~X~iufHlESE 31 ' •DISCOUNT PRICED •QUALITY l SATISFACTION GIJWJITEEO • ILrM l[TA • 6-0Z PAO::AGES Ma.:aronl & Ch• .. • 'LO<d • Cooited S111aml OUAJ'!T CAJITON' • 61c: VALUE: Sic ¥1:1cti'l'.'uMCKEOK MEATS 361 ~b\~1~ NSA~Mil. • 12 02. cr~~s1 1• NOW ON SALE GREEK GIANT • Fronn V11et1~ln • Nllll:TS COllN IO·O:Z PKGS. ,,,.,,..,...._ • i.tEOIUM PEAS ~~cN~ff' ~ •MIXED VEG~"T.UU:S YOUR 31 , lilPHA BETA ll:TCGn PlJD~ BEEF BONELESS tOP SIRLOIN STEAKS • U.S. GOVERNMENT lNSi'ECTE.D BllF WILSON'S ICONOM'f PRICED CRISPRITE 1.i.a. •ro. EASTERll 0UALITY6 SWEET SYOIEO lllQ lllllJn IJJn JlfCJP£ "Hlr IOAar 22 VOLUME SET Tllf /l/11stmtt1/ OOLllll1l MIUllDI • ·~ 69' WOlUlllJ ?TIMOUll 22 • X11<:!wl Sllc:otd s-.-.. ·CHOICE P •FRENCH Sliced B~ ~lORTON'S FflO'ZEN • I-OZ. MACARONI l CHEESE J'ftOlnl • 1..ot. •ALL VARIETIES 181 IANQUET ME4T PIES 23< r M:IUN • t-!ndi • Appl• 1tr Custl!ltd 741 J.OHKSTDN'S PIES lie [11cl11d• All Your flllY0:1te l tQlldl HWHET. IHJCUllS, MOUNDS, ETC. ALL 1Do 71 C.\MOT WS 1Do D.°':: KRAFT • 2-ll . JA! --.::::/HAPE JULY .llfDEDl1 YOUR FOOD STAMPS IN Nff LOSANGIUS COUllTY .11.l'HA WA • 58 SLICED BACON U.S.D..L lNSPECTEI> LOW PRICE,, HIGH OOAIJT/ f11£Sl:i' FROIE.'f """'ttt.or II'! !Ulllllll LI. 1fi••n,,,_N 79, lO·OL CUP BACOI l·la. PAC~AGE CHOPPED Ml'H.1. 1rr~ 1ncar1 ram 0111011s FRESH 1!!1\',';'.'i' ~'~~53. P•nJolnl . PIJllC '°'" 1lt 25' GROUllD BEEF .. • ~ SKINLESS • az. PACXAG[S v11.ut "" DiMi LINK 3 ' $1 00 At.PHA WA sncur1 PllllE RlEf ~ ROUND STANDING SHORT ClOD MEDALU11M BRAND YOUNG HEN TURKEYS IRQAll lllWTEll • FUll 10llt \ 1.A~Gt EHO atrr 10Nliltss SAUSAGE STEAK RIB ROAST RIBS ROAST r::QU;;:IC:o;K-:c.M;:cEA;:-L-;FA"'l'1l:::R::IT=ESl::-i 98• 98• 49:. 98• MONEYSIJClCU: • fllOZl.N · " Qt"P~~AGt WIT!f $11 Cf SALISBURY STEAKS 79:.. SltcED TURKEY ORA.VY .... I Wllt.Wn •MILD CURE FRESH MEAT LOAF 69• CORNED BEEF .,. >EADY TO COO< IN llANDT ftUH 'llDnlll MALllUT ccttrn STtAlS Clll ROUNDS • roa '""" . M£AT PRICE!! EfFECTIVE TIUJRSD.\f throulh WIDN£SDAY, SEPTEMBU C lhr'*ll! 10 JIACKAOE Of' • ~1e:-=--1&GGIES .!8"' _ . Sandwich lap ""II.Ra 291 PAC<AG! °' >O &oilE sroN:I ClWIGl SSc ffc STOU HOUIS MOfrrl. tltN flS. 1 D AM-t PM SAf. •IHI SUN. 10 AM .. 7 PM COSTA MISA-a41L17 .. St. HUNTINGTON 11Actf-t041 ,.._ HUNTINGTON llACH-18"1 N. M .. • Jt. FOUNTAIN Y.Au.11'--lflt w..., SOUTH U.aUNA MIU t. C... HhrMt U.aYNA HIL.1S-Ul41 C.-. • .. UM llYfNl-1 "4' c:..hiH, Ollftialllllt hrt I. c nsHRMAR • fJIOZ(N $].ot ASif. •oz. 351 •. ~ .... ' 1. .. .. ,..._,._. --. --------~ --------- _, - . . Jf PU.OT·AllVERTJSU WK!ntsdq, Stptembtr 3, 1969 . • • . , } 0"1LV PILOT ..,. '· ' > < • I J ' • .. I < '· , ; • t , • ' .. .. ' ' I ,, •' I .. • . . ' .. ~ --.. • . : • t ~ ,· t. . ' ' ,, . ' ' , " ) • . ... .. ' . •#. ~ • " • ' I ' .. . ' ' C·AD-ILLAC · · ·. ·"1 NINETEEN SIX.TY.~8INt .. i ~. ' • ' ' ' - ·-· .. '..:Our Selection of brand 11ew 1969 Cadillacs is the' finest in odr ' • hiStQry. Test drive today ... "The Masterp~ece 'From Mast~r Crafts1nen'' . · .. the11 select yow· ii,.odel, ~qtiiptii~~t~· ~ ~Q .,,. 't'.f4W! , , , , 1', I l!' i J~ ~. ,;;.•,O i ~ -,... -~ ~ ..... ,,_ 'i.· ' ' ~ ·-• t:' ~ ' ' ,. ' " " ' l ' , ' • • ., . ' . .. • r ' ' • t • .. • ' 1969 CONVERTIBLE DE V 'ILLE ' C· •• " ' ( . ·, • Cfiateau ?.-1auve \Vllh black top and black leather trim. Full pOwer, faclory air conditioning. s.ter-eO A.M-Ft-1, tilt u·httl, JlO"'· or door J0<·ks, llO" er trunk lo:tk', tu·itight St'ntincl. V:oguc tin>S, and n1uch rnoJ"e. · Lo'v mileage car (X\\'G3361 SALE 1965 CADlµ.AC )20 00 . ' Coupe DeV\Ue. Full power and factory air conditioning, AM-F!\1 radio. lilt and tele· PRICE scope steering ""·heel. <NQBOOI J . -. 1967 EL DORADO SALE Flremlst Rosewood W;lth l:lrown padded roof $4500 &: saddJe ·Jeatber trl:tn:IJl"ull power. fact. air, tilt telescope wheel, AM·FM radio, cnllse- control, door Jocks, Jiglt,t·scntincl &: dimmer, PRICE rear \~ndow defogger~ disc brakes. (TV.K- SALE 1969 IMPERIAL $5000 LeBaron coupe. Full power, factory air, stl'!reo tapC', cruise conlrol, every possible option. Padded top. (XSP777) PRICE 1967 CADILLAC SALE $3700 Coupe DeVnle. Pb111tot11 blu~ with blue lealher incerior. full power equipment plu1 iac:toO' air eo•· ditioni.ng. (UJA35?) Plt1CE 1968 EL DORADO SALE s5300 Chestnut "'ith beige..toOf an n1atching clolh 11nd k>ather interior. Full f)(ffi'er, factory air, Stereo A~f.f)'.1, tilt·lelescopic v.·hcel, all op. lions. t UNB466) PRICE 1969 MAKO SHARK SALE Corvette F.stback with removable panels. $5500 Full power, factoq air conditioning, AM· FM stereo radio. lilt 11tc-ering wheel. Gor· geous Cobll.lt firmilit with matching lnter-PRICE lor. lXNZ 819) 1965 CADILLAC SALE Coupe DeVillc. Sherv.·ood green v.1th black .$2400 p&dded top and black leather interior. Full po\ver, factory air conilionlng, A.,."\1.f!\ot ra- dio, tilt stecrina wheel, po\\'er trunk opener. 'PllC! (NCB 337) 8 SPECIALS• (9) CADILLAC • .J...t:o. •.,,:,--.» CONVE-TIBLES '65 • '66 • '67 • '68 and '69s The1• Cadillac Conv•rtibl1s ar1 all ab1olut1ly 9orgeou1 and they are of cour"11 just loaded with all of C•dillac's fabulous a ccessories. We hav• specially priced them for September so don't wait, see us today and drive your Cadillac home. • SALE ss.800 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Fuil J>O'\'·er and factory a Ir cond.llionlng. Altt·FM radio. S~b -1ilver with bl~k .lnterlor • .(lVV517).. · Sedan de Villa. "'111 power, factory air conditioning, padded roof. wonde.r·bar radio; tilt.-tele wheel, door Jocks, etc. (\1IH185J 1968 CHRYSLIR WAGON 9"pan.'Town A: CO.try. Full pow· er, fad.oryJ air eonltkmlng, -Ali(.FM radio, lugpge rack, addle vinyl trlm, tilt whffl, (VTP 9711 , ' BENZ. 230$ 4·Door Sedan. Auto. trans., air condi.tionfna:., power 1tttrtna A brakes. Sad- dle 1Nther trim. (SVC268 ' ' ,. SALE $1500 PllCI , SALE $3500 ' , PllCI SALE $3700 PllCI uu $2900 . 1'111¢1 1967 CADIUA<;,. , .•,_ s3' 2"'uo:o Co~rtlble. Grecian white wU:1* .1>11.c\;, ,'top, 1 ~ a.nd black full leather Interior. Full J)0\11er Inc luding poiver steering -brakM • windows· 6 way scat, AM-FM radio. (1?168012) 1 PlfCI 1964 FLEETW~D .1. Sedan. Bahama Sand exterior with sandll'!· wood leather Interior. Full power, factory · air conditioning, AM·FM radio, all poulble options. ,(OQB 61~~ 1966 CADILLAC ,, fkoetwood Fl DOrM.!.:~ 1'"'dt f~\~ ~!'~ lea1her interior, Meno .A'M.J°.M. tilt --~ conedv1bl1 oplioa. (TEH7il) SALi 51700 · PllCI SALi $2500 ' ' PRICE Your Factory-A~horl1ed Cadillac Dealer Senlilg ... Orange Coast Harbor Area ' NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES· DEPARTMENq''@PEN , · I , : , : . . \ I 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. e 9:00 AM to '6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. ............... ",.)'" ' • > ' ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SAlE PRICES E~FECTIVE THR'OUGH 't'uesoAY; SEPtEMBEll.2, "" " NABER$ CADILLAC ANNOUNCES A Nj:W SUsSIOIARY "NlC:"' . Olaberi Leasing Corp.I LEASE DIRECT r ORDER Y.OUR 1970 Cadillac: Today for October Delvery O..ttt•n•ln9 Somu focally •I er . ._c. ••• ,·.-.,..,_ <loolonhlp. 1 ~ I • I , .. '' • --------~-------------------- :r •• . l • • • • • f ' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE I ~OUSES FOR SALE Ge .. ,.., 1000 Gonoral · 1000 ~o.~ .. ~·~·~' ____ 1~*~l!;o.n.;;;;';;•;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'o;;'°;;'°; J ;o.;;;;"';';•;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ooo;;; JM••• v.rct. I 110 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR $ALE 1 Huntlngtvn llHch 1400Huntlntfon llaKh 14111 RENTALS C Bdrm -Mt"Sa \'l'rdt' -Sharp 1 'big pool hcmlf', Ask~ $>125 - nqotitiblr. OW'rlool.-s c.~. GolJ .r. C.Ountry Oub, ' bdnn 'r~-nhousit . COll\- plclcly fumtS-lif'd. SlW/mo. 2 bdrm pool hOll\1' -least 119(1 \\'llh opl'.ioo avatlab1r to ,buy (jiJ $:.'1.500. 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc, Reallo!"'ll CUSTOM RANCH COUNTRY CLUB Rustic euslom r a n c h home. Near o~ o f NeY.'JJOrt areM f i n e s t counw clubs. 3 J a r g e 'bedrooms., 2 balhi; loaded with tile. VauHed cei]. 111&'-liYlng room ,,. i 1 h heavy beamJJ. All roo~s nler around a huge alrium, 1111.nlwoods galore + bonus loll truly a quality buy at on I y '29,750. Ca.II now 645--0.m FINANCED NOW! TAKE OVER SV, % Cautious home buyers only! fil:IA 5* 'i4 loan s>al'• ll.11 at Sill. mo. 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths, hure step down family roorn, beautifully done In rich luVJtcy pine. FormaJ dinin&: loo! Even room to expand! ~In is willing: 3000 Sq. Ft. It".• all living area and It's t'O\'f'rcd hNd lo toe \\1Ui the 111o.st beautiful thick pill!d sh.q cari>et you'D rver ste in a home. Thr other quaJ.. ity featurrs o.t thi! 18 monlli old home arr 4 bedrooltll, l full bud1.~ fonnal diruQI room, big separa~ family roonl, a l!u·1r eating area in lltt> klli:hcn, custon1 drapu t.hroughoul, automattc wattr t(lf1e1Wr, and ·a priYa1e ~ 1re11t room great for ao olf- k~ at nomr, a sewing room, a catch all room or a 5 bed· room for family Or CIK'it5. This home is so perfect ea.ch sp11nkkr heed is on .. sep- crate au1omatic timing sys- tc1n. SEE A DREAM COME TRUE $47,!00 Owner Y.'ill l'.art'Y a~ble Cflnlrac! at 1~~ interest. Transferred, quick ~ SIOll pouiblf:. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 15366 Golden We-st llunlin~lon Beach -5311 8 UNIT MONEYMAKER $.10,00J nJL.J.. PRIO.: · SIO,COO OOWN Q\\·nrr ca!Ties be.la.nee • AS· sumabl(' 670 loan. 10 years nrw. Very good location, Prehistoric ttnt!'I 1'i lh l 's from ($95.001 has rross in- come or $9,480.00, sctKXtuled total rrtun1 equal!: 27 .• ,.. Tax shelter + So. Calif. a.p- PI'f'Ciation. ·o THE RE.l\L ·~ ESTATERS CLOS!\ IN DUPLEX 259 Flower St. *•*• A Close in Honey on R-2 Lot • * *. INCOME INVESTOR I -2 BR. • 1 bath units Net income S9:ii9 • * •• Income & Horne ~ units A: 1uest iloUle + 2 BR ranch house ..... * ~•wport Ht!ti9hts 2on al..ol ,. * ••• E111t1ide Ranch 2 BR l bath • JO% dO\\"n * • * • A REAL HONEY 3 BR home + worbhop & rccreatbi room, With sPte- ial financing_ Lachenmyer Re.,ltor lJ6o Newport mvd .. CM C4LL 646-3921 EYea. ~ 644-1655 =-·- CUSTOM 2 BDRM & GUEST HOUSE Ext.'ellenl Easlsideo location. Completely rede('(Jrafrd. heavy shake roar, redwood sKhng It niany built·in fea- tures. ld('SI home for the adult family &: iuest hoWM'! for !hr in-la\\'!I. Vacant & tl!ady for immediate occu- paney. ' r-- 1 PEl=ll=lON J 1 • .~-:"'i * 642·1771 AnyHme * REDUCED $1,500 to help financt' for right 648•7171 • 546_2313 party. Only $24.500. Costa ll;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio-.-iiii""iimiii ~tcsa. Better Hurry? CaU ,6'>-0303 Owl'K'rs new holl\f' is ready anrt lh{')' \\"anl a('tion• Ex- <.'f'll{'rr!, largc> 4 brdroon1. 2 balh hon\(' includes 'w/l~ t·arpcting, dr&.J>f'~. huil!-ins arwt "pc11.1l • perf{'<'I" land- scapin~. Etisy \Valking dis. tancr lo excellent school, shopping and church. Q\lick ()('('Upancy and just s.11.500. NEAR BEACH 4 + FAMILY Wow! 4 bedrooms + 'family room. 2 &th!, Built-Im, and breakfa.11;t -bar tn dream kitchen. New custom drapes. Wall to \\'ail carpels. Forced tlr heating! Only $19.950 better be last. can now .. ...,,,, 4 + POO L BAYCREST SUprrb Ne.,.,'Jl(lrt Beach e r;tatr. 4 maste r bedroom!!, !luge ! i I c d "baths. Family room and ·eut \\ing view or 11. tropical setting llf'Otlnd olympic size pool. 10'1i! down, Best of lt'TI1l$. Call fDdal.'. 64~~ EA ST SIDE $24,995 Immaculale 3 be-droom borne. Dining room with beamed ceiling. Newly decoratt"d in and out! New plush pile carpeting. New tile in kilcben and b a th' Ciani lanai OV l'r l ook11 immense carden of palms. Bonus feature! Allry acces!I for boats and tra.llCM!. Crest kution! Thi' price is right ~ llurry!. Ca 11 '6<>-0303 FOREST E.. ' OLSON lnc. P.l'allors &t tl&rbor Center 2299 Harbor Blvd, C.J!.t. COLLEGE PARK 4 bdrms, A.'!sume low interest F'l!A Ioen , To- tul monthly paynients lncludlng tn:es &-in- swancc $189 I month. $600) down -lull price ""·""· WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 20tJ Westclilf Dr. 6~G-ml Open Evr:s. • co:Ts WALLACE REAL TORS I nmlft!RllP!i;;; --s546-44M141-,~lfM~· • 10,... E-ing<I • '• ----Golf Cour se WESTCUFF BEST BUY Immaculall" 3 BR. 2 Ra. Mme. Newly painted in Ii out, Huac enclosed yard .r. cklsr lo schools. For fifll" family home, sci" now at 139.500. Walter Haast' ......... c..ldwell. lanker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. IJl.0700 644-24311 SOPHISTICATED COTIAGE Walk to Little Corona lrom this ~w\y decorated 2 bed-· room, 1 bath home, \\ith Iin'~a.cr: &r. separate_ guest 6. t-/. Lo11n Now under construclion! 4 bdnns, 3 baths, view home \Vilh O''er 3000 sq ft of livina:. S(ll"'Ctacular view, I a r g e gaml': room & sn assumable 6.9~·1oan. OUered at $83,500, ')1' · · ~ \'·r' "h, · 111·· -'~" I \I • \; 546-5990 ----,,==7== I WANT A BIG FAMILY I'm !'.lcsa d('l Mar's nicest 5 Beclroo1n. 3 bath home. - My o"·ncrs say l'Vt' get.ten loo big for . them. But for $37,200 I krKnv I'm j Us I right for you. l'n\ warm and frlenclly and ju.11t loV<! kids. -Please ask (or nte. ·oTHEREAL \,ESTATERS acromodations. An t'Xciting 546·2313 • 646-n71 hon1(' on a lot k a hall. I ---==,-,=~--i~hn macnab $20,950 (714) 642-1235 Just rcduCi'd $1000. J BR. 901 Duvt"r Drive, .Suite 'l:!O cpl sldrps, lRl'J,?t' IOI. DAVIDSON RHtlty Newport Beach 546-5460 Ews, a.iS.5142 ALL 3 BR's-BY OWNER Attention Vets CA~IO SHORES US<' your c.r. elafbllity. 3 Spectacular ocean vlttw home HOME ·& BUSINESS 900 VlcfOrla $19,500 GI 2103 Federal $21.000 5% . \ MOYE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS · bcdroomt1o ton:Ed tJr !}eat, Jwit s\e~ to and a built-Jn kitchen. Larae Private community beach. 2 car taragc and big !enc· 5 Ek'<lrooms, 4 baths. rd yard, Quire Costa 1'teu Tropical •awirnmlnc: pool. SUttt. Full price Sl.S.25o and Slr;J)-dowtl lfvin& room 84'x233' Cl L>t A 11; sharp 3 BR hon1e, Or!Vf' by 1!19 ~ ahcim, C.1'.1, $39,500 422 Walnut $21,500 61ifi 203 Swiannalt $26,500 $14 Large take over loans ••548-1059•• New homes, ready to move in. 2 to 5 bed.., ruoms, 2 to 3 baths. sr.z mile from beach. Fira~ payment up to 00 days after move in. hum. ' with open beam ceilincs. (Own•r will Fin.) $26,950 YA.CANT Assume 5~ <;fl FllA. Bea.ul J Br. 2 Ba, patio home. Fam rm, bH·irul, crpts, drps, By ow ............ VA/FHA Tarnu. From $23,990 •·ror A \Vise Buy" Cotesworthy & Co. Owner wanta action! ~<XII HAftBO" ---5 - SPANISH DELIGHT 3 rile roof r.i-ntal~. near Coun. Newport •• Victoria 646-SJll I"M SeUinc a very eJ-iaant house ln Mesa Verde. U You The Beach (on Brookhur1t 1 mil• South of Ad•m•) 962 • 1353 ----· are inten!sled, call Sf6..-83971 ~~======== HOUSES POR SA~ll ( 1250 for appmt. {4 BRl Coron• de.I Mir (anytime! Coll•;• P•rk 1115 Corona del Mar •$!!2'!'3,'!'950~ ... Me"""•"•"v".","d•" --A-,-,.-m-.-4~-%-L-oa_n_,, Income Units Huntington Buch 1~ COUNTRY LIVING Clyde's ListinCJ of Bdrm, 1%. Ba, 26' !iv rm. SIX l-bedroom uniu south of Ri o •~ ~-,~ •--• h~ 2 bl .... 1 In Hunting1on Brach. Beau-Ring siled br-drooms. 2 baths. • ..,..,w .. ,., "' i:'ar. "..._...,_ .... Yt'R.Y. oe,._,. o oee&11. 6tZ-7777 try aub' on 77xl50' lot, ln- l ----,$"2"0~,""4~2~5~--I ""'" 1380 P" "'°"'h. All modern built-in kitchen. \Valk 10 schls & shop'g_ Vs. In a lbwailan setting, Each tiful c111:tom 3 bdrm + ~- 5-10.1720 cant. S2:i,SM. 2278 Cornell. apt. with secluded patio. 2 balM, encloSl"d palio, had- TARBELL 2955 Htrbor l ="=~"Zl°'C>l"=A'°'g'°I=. ===="I Bit-in kitchens. Carpeted and \Vood lloon:, lath k plutf'r $29,900 dra~d. Excellent summer construcllon. Only $5600 Qown 1~ ACRE Country Estate, 18x N llOO rental area $145,000. & like over GI loan • S!~I Spaciou,_, Near T II REE ( 10"/e Down OK) BEDROOJl.f. lathe and pla.~-36 pool. 3 BR custom home. twport Beech 673 8550 mo pays cve?rythlng. Priced Rear yard; hurscs or units. • · ri)thl at only $2·1.950. tt'r con11!:ructt'<I home. Ex· Newport cclll'nt condition fn and out. ,, ~ * BY OWNER * MUTUAL REAL TY i $ ..... :iKl. v'vncr. 531-7636. "-anfro•t Ho 3 BR Iii ..,.,..., " mlit, • u &42·1411 •nytime HOUSES FOR SALE rm, sewin& nn, liv nn New carpets Llving room at and ball COVERED PA· TIO. cemrm lriock y,·a11, truit trees and weU. land- sca.pedl. An excellent buy - w/ftplc .r. ocean view, 51/•"1• GI Co1t11 Met• 1100 Roomy kit. w/hltna: &. S23.000 lull prict-. 3 BR .,-ih Victori11 646-8811 (anytime) LARGEST avocado shag crptg thru-DUPLEX ~ $J1 950 large Jack 'n Jill bedrqotl. out Front yd w/p&tio & LJttle lov ' Ha:n:hvood noors, bul)t•n CABANNA. $6.l,500. 67U990 mindr:? (,~k l~~:~tm~~~ range & oven, block ivtJJ or (213) 698-3627. units & profit! fence, shlngJe roor, ~ ACTNUW!! .!!1!11~•·1!1111111!lf. 11,.....,...,..;,;;;;. ___ ,,,,.1 MESA V E R D E I llGll'· MESA-VER_D_ LANDS :: bdnn 2 halh noor · E "' plan. Double, rais~. hearth DUPLEX 81y & Beach Rlty, Inc. & draPf!il, fenced. ' I Sale 01· lease. immac. furn. 2407 E. Coast l·lwy .• Cd~! l'!"~'1' .. 16th TEE fircplaCf". Room for boat & Gofll:cous vie\\' -acres l: trailrr. Cul-de-sac street. AU acrE'1 or velvet goU course lhe HIGHLANDS' exclusive ~ns. Spanish tiled entry. fee.lures. Top value a1 lnncrcour1 yard. Fish pond. $11,950. Submit tt'nn&-q1•lcl( Tropical plants. Dual sto!K' possci.sion. 540-ll:JI licri- lirt'plact". N111ural Beams. !age Real Esta!c near beach. 4 Br, den. 2 Ba, 6~ 675-4666 _ '11--- 2 frpls, each unit_ 2nd uni t --CHARMER! t6 1 -! leurd at 1355 nio $10,000 _ dn. owner 642-3490 . Nciv England stylt' 2-sb'-, 3 NOT ONLY ' ;;;-==-;;-===·"'""°°""I bdnn., '.? baths. Vacant & ~ BLUFFS BA~ VIE\\' 3 Br. :: ready for occupallCv. $38.00() FREEWAY CLOSE, •f Ba. on '''1de ~nbelL Delancy Real Estate Golden J.C. & the BroadWf' OPEN DAILY All r~tric kilc:hl'_n, Mesa I •"'l~~"!'~~~""""" I Vcrdl'! 540.1120 MESA VERDE - Rrduc:OO $6000 for quick 2828 E. Coa~t Hwy., CdM ~no,!,_~,i~~-a,~ft~slbyho::-o 0 sale! Owner an x Io us , 673-3770 "'" u"' '""'~ l!} TARBELL lmmodi•I• Possession 644-4265 I;-;="'°'"'°-,~""°---· I havr: oUcred U1i!I year. $26, , LGE. bllltop lot. Pe.rm. view way below any similar 600 Aldean Place 2955 H o,,., ot our '"' olfen,,.s at NEWPORT llEIGHTS wiUiin•i;;;&iiiiiOiiiiiiiii;;;a.,rbo..,;ii;r.,.. prHent market conditions • BLUFFS -BY OWNER of ocean & hillJJ. Privacy, "°'v being built. ' 2 Br, 2 Ba. 1 level. Xlnt Realtor 67"'..-2010 R L H-'• Rltr walking dlatancl" of Harborl' 3 Bedroom plus large family J-lii:'h. Early American with No Dawn P11ymtnt room opening to a delight- cond. fo.1any exlras. Priced'l"'===c--c--~~ ex • -w•s, ··j for imn1ed sale! 644-1280 CUSTOM Bil conten1porary 1 1 ----~84~7~-25>;~·""~-4·1 beamcd Cl':ilinf & brick tire-$253 per month including ful back yard, • Nothing plaCI': in Jiving room. Dining la.'<M. k tnsu111n<.'I' on 11!-likr it at lhis prier $26,950.- room, J bdnn,; l'i baths. lr'.icl1V(' t:ornrr home jn Try fo'HA or VA. n1MED p , 8 2 Ba )Told 3 Br, 2 Ba hm. 2'l8 VACANT ~" · osses."I. " r. · Goldenrod. 613--5068 f o r ..l cpts, drps, bltns; Back Bay. appl 179 5(X) 8 Owne Immediate possession on u"s S26.975 O\vncr 646-8698 · ' Y r. Top Quality J Br home w/ Back yard . not too small J.: l\lesa Drl fo.1hr. 4 bdrm~. 2 not too large b&Thll. Vclcr&ns • hurry _ JEAN .SMITH; 1•1• "'""'' 1"'" 54,·SIHO Realtor fntarcinemlthmlll ~-55 OUEG£R£ALTY "' lSOOAdltm al HarW,CM. 1-o·THEREAL 1'."'\.c ESTATERS Ntwport Heights 1210 Lido Isle 1151 ' •Jf"I '• ,•,' , I' .. 3 BDRM.-$34,400 5~ 'iO G.J. $175 JI.to. NC\\'J>Ol"I \Vest 3 BR. 2 BA, 546·2313 • 646·7171 Family ml. & dinln~ rm. fam mi, '2 mi to beach. GE Modem kitchen. l&unllry mi. Assume 51/.t*/o $178 mo. 2 Baths. Brick Irplr. ChoiC<." kiL Cpt~. drps, sprklrs, II C II k• i-·tio· ''· patio, fenced. landscaped, Paya a . o ege Par 1 """ f t N t t $21900 ~~<OO~~E~·~1~1~11~'·~C~";'~"~"':'~""!,..r'"""""'4''iji~[M~""""'I Grah•m Rlty. 646-2414 rpc. ~w pan · · -~ Sharpest! Owner will take 2nd. 22022 SHOPPINC For-a-hon1i? 4 BDRM SEE THIS BEAUTY! Nt'D.r Newport Post Office Capistrano Ln. HB 54G--9545 .Call, 'Nl"ile or vl~1l our of-$ 19 ,850! J Br. Z Ba, fam rn1, sep din Dover Shores 1227 or 968-'"4132 fil'e for )'Ollr free copy ol ~'End of the ·R1iinbow" rm, 2 fii>l cs. comp! ki!, util RARE FIND our "'Hon1e11 For Livm&:" 2 baths. Kltchrn with luxury rm. Tmn1ac lnd"l'.pg. By own.. I ~ .... ;:;;_;_~;_;_~;_;;;;:_;_;;:_;_;;;;:_;_;;. lttovc-in without yow-dusting Magu.lnc. \V ith pictures, bulll-in [eallll'ts. Large yard. l':r l"Ves & \\"knds. ~if.l-1920 For sale by Owner cloth. :squeaky. clean 2 BR. inner atrium. Near ~tead~·­ la.rk !jjoll Country d6b oo~. Only $35, 750. -, Harbour Rlty 347.&.1pii OWNER Transfered-_ ;s BcdI'OOJn 2 1; ba th!I, 2~ fully carpeted. A s s u ~ 6* % mortgage \\1th s do\vn payment. Call 84 tor appointment ' ./ BY OWNER ./ • 1; mile from bl'-ach, IuilJ3 Bedroom or 2 plus dtl"I wf\vt-1 bar. Condo. ~ do\\'ll. Call 962-9551 J, prices & clrtail11 of our Pa!io. -QuiCf SalB Bargaiil on over • sized lot Newly select listings in Nl'\Vport TARBELL 846-0604 Spacious custom :!-s!o,..., ex-draped. carpeted, n:tlecor· Beach, Corol\ll drl Mar. ·J N' Hunt1'nnlon A FRAME ccutive home. La""'e formal atcd Chruout. 1cer than • Lido&: N'p1. Jtarbor. RED • 3 bdrm fan1ily roun1 \\ith 2 '" Orr · · H bo I~ be h Co I p dining roon1. Pan<'l<'d den ne1v. Cri-; 1nv1ted. •r Ur CARPET REALTY, 202;, 'V. C1cnn 3 BR. 2 ba. hon1e, 1 s. 1 cgt' urk honit'. ivith ivet bar & fireplace H.al Pinchin & Assoc. Balboa Blv., N f' 1v po r I close lo best bC!uch. Sll,500. Imml'dla.tc possession, Re-Sitting toom w/fireplace 3 3900 E. Coast llwy 67:>-139'1 HUNTINGTON MAR l llf ;A Beacli. 92660. 6~. CAYWOOD REAL TV ducec:l lo $25.8:'10 finn! Ask heir, 3~'• baths. Garden ~n-BIG FAMIL. y ? HERE'S a .. litUe hide---3. -we, for BUI Oakley Agt. &16-3255 f ti red 3 6.'n'.i \V. Coast Hwy. N.B. 546-20:~ try V!t'W of bnv & moUJ}. or II': u executive." COLLEGE PARK SU..1290, 642-3476 Eve.1-0 =' ~~~·~~~=c-tat~11. $82,SOO 64&.7151 • 5 BD .. 5 Ba. Wann charm bdnn, boat dock on maJn --511 0/ LOAN ~ • D,ln. rm. ANO tam. rm. channel. A beauty at onb' 3 txlrms., 1~ baths. rarpcll';, $35,500 -Ocean View 74 /O *UNIQUELY--e \\orkrm. + Jrd car space $49,950 _ EZ terms. , dt-aprs, fi1'('p[a1·r, rlc•ctric Ov!'rsizl'd bcdrooni!I., '.,! baths. e ffomc-5(1' corner $1(lj,OOO R 0 SI 1 R alty ) bit-ins &. wash('r & dryer. fanHly room. f-'inoplsL'f'. Dul-4 BR 1\·ilh pool, fanl room, DiUt't-rnt "Old \Vorld'' Con-R c GREER ftcalry : · a cs, ~ S26.250. in,i:: ruoin. Built-i ns bl"C';ik-J~ ha. Nrar sehools t..· So. te1nporary, <'Xcculivc lu.x. 3.00 Yul Lido ' 673-9300 817-~9. SJ6.880L 1 Wells-McCardle, Rl.trs. fas! mum. Park hk<' i;rouods. Coru:1 Plaza. Imm{'{) poss. ury home, Unobstructed ---.====--- l8lO Nt'Wp()rt Blvd .. c.~1. '.H0-1720 Ceil ttlarBn Rllr. ~•18-6..">32 Bay &. Min VU-most rms. SPACIOUS aiS-7729 anytin1{' TARBELL l9SS Harbor 5000 sq lt. 4 Br, 4~2 Ba + Newly remodcll'd & decor. FHA/VA -$2.1.730. Quiet maids qlrs. Ideal for enter-atcd 3 bedrooms, 2 baths BA'YF1loNT-A-PT.-$20,950 rt•sidcnl.i:il Tlf'i,i::hbiirhOOd '.\ taining. Easy inaint. !mined 10' Lot lxlnns, 2 baths, hard1''00d occUpancy, Furni!lhed. 564,50(! Vista Del Udo. Pier & slip SWIM POOL floors & gorgrous lrec shad-$178,000. Assum(! 6=4',C Joan. LIDO REALTY INC. EASY LIVING • In1mac 2 Br Condo. lnc\u~ all appliance11, crphl, drpl' ti: a. 32' boat slip. Enjoy this leisure living • Only $34,~. Harbour RJry 847~ available?. Enclosed garage. L~:xury '.\ bl'<iroom :.! ba~h. ed COVC?ted patio & yard. Box 1632 N.B. 543-7249 3400 Yia Lido 67l-Sd> SZR,;.oo I-1N"pl11cl'. all clt'ctric built-CALL 54:>-842-i South Coast I~========= ==~---~~'--',I fountain Valley 1410 Giorne Williamson in kitchen, Rclaxe?d living Real Eatatr , 3 CONDO rental Yl'i!h goocl l------...:.---·I -. 111 "ti' .. A 1, Un1ver1ity Park 12 7 lesser, J BR, l~~ BA, crpts, JR. EXECUTIVES • REALTOR 1 ~ .,.-s · 3 BR. 130' 11·1tll' lul. \\'/w 673-4.'150 E\--rs 67!\-1561 TARBELL 842-6691 crptg. Dri\·e by 19-«'l \Vhit· BRAND NE\V ·1 BR. ~i;·~iO "~~ryer, re!rig. Imml'd. possess. :i BR., 2* "FOREVER v1Ew·-·-MOVEI N TODAY-tier. lhcn call ~~S-6..%."1 "\'anderbUt Park llomcs" al'""========= ba. homr. Comp. l"t'pa.inted I' • 8 o •• · h + 1 -==========I Jes.-; H\8n bldrs. price. Jn,.r· inler.; cpts, drps, bltnl, or Poolside Ple115ur• ugl' r . .,....nil! ren 31 • H 1· B h 1•00 . & rm. to build: Ovcr!ookini:' Mesa Del Me r 1105 nicd. ~lll.'.ss. Try lo1o; inl un 1ngton tac ~ used brick frpl. i''a1nily nn,: You h11 vc bolh m th1~ nr"· golf t·ourse JG1 ·r.11.'!la Dr., co11!rnct w/~,rxxl dn. :Z.Sty_ Block walll.'CI, spriftk. "'. slOm home by Ivan Wrl·'' C.". • • Red Hiii Realty GI/ NO DOWN le!"'ll in !ront & o'size rear '" BUY lhla 2600 sq. fL Luxury 1n Dover Sho1·C':;. 4 bdrms-. l S r.tadge Davis Realty 6'12-iOOO Mcdallloh honir 11,ilh 5 BR 3 18068 Culvrr Dr .. Irvine Only $23,950 yd . Patio, CUI flt Sac af.., baths, r:im. nn, w/11·et b::tr. l BR 2 BAT BA troni O\\''fl<'r who ,,·ill OPEN 9 AM-8 P:i.r 833-0820 l!URRY FOR 11-llS ONE! walk to school. Adj, to SUI Roy J. \\'trd Co. HS Diego Fwy.; t'asy access ~ 14?.0 Cala:11:y Dr. 6-lfi..1~ $22,500 carry mortfl;a,gc. All roon1s Corona del Mar 12SO Spacious 3 BR 2 bath. Cor· all induslrles. For app't. cab ""'-;:c;.c;;~~;--;..:..C-'C.:I No down VA or 10111 do"·n atrpctcd. High flu a I i I y nl.'r near park. OWNER 830-0896. ' SWIM! F!IA. CUle homl', Con,·eni-drupe?S. Giragcclooropt'ner. IRVINE TERRACE HAFFDAL REALTY 5 8edr m _ 3 Bath enl location, mt-in kit, new-Encloted p;itio, largt' tf'M'S. Outstand1n~ CdM honir in 8740: \Varner. F.Y. 842-4405 l DeBirable ('.\! area, f'lOSt' to $•6,950 )' pelnted, w/w cpt!I. Hurry! priv. re11d. area. 3 Lgr. Br. e 11 UNITS e ' p W C t•.1: 5440 schoOls, fllany o th!" r HUR:{' ~win1 Pool I..· rialio. · • • ~ ft'alur("S. a.lfi-.9G74 1-'am. nn.: hid. fill. pool. Around pool; room for c.'<-Ik'~l ]Rf'i:'r fa1n1Jy honir al 11~ ~r old honll' •pro!. CORBIN -MARTIN pa.ns1on. Xl nt invt'sln1ent. ' "-p 1· h k DAILY P ILOT DI~1E-A-REA'TORS 6T'l"M "o• d•I" o· lho'.• ".'"l"''·,,, & ·~ Pl'lt"t', nnr 1ng, J~a -decor!. :Xlnr L,111d; ~ Br, :I .., ,,. ""~ r • " ., • '"'" .. fa~t bar. ri1"f'ph.lf·r. Pl'f'SliRe Bci. fainlly nn. S.12.500, LINES. You can use them J036 E Ca11st Jlwy .. CdM olhrr.;, fllrasr •·all area. ;"ii0-1720 12:)82 t,Cf't 1~1'"" 11.B. for· ju~t pennies a day, Dial BUSIEST marketplace 1n CLAUDE SHIFFER TARBELL 2955 Harbor 64fi.-.1328 PILOT O&s!lllied ad. town. The DAILY Pfl,QT REALTOR 6T..,.0173 W11tmin1ter 1612 3 BDRM. I Bath Cuti!!. Lo+ do11·n, low payn1ui. Built.-1' range, ovl"n. i''.P. $21.500 •. • BY O\VNER 642-3092 . THE QlnCKER YOU ~ THE QUTCKER YOU sEJ.q IOOOGonoral 1000General 1000 1000 General NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7711 ~043 Westcliff Dr. at Irvine Open E'fenlnp LAKEl'•ONT HOME NEWPOIT IEACH Sccludrd locaUon in thr arce. 85 x 182 lot fronts on lar~e PRIVATE LAKE for 1wlmm1ni:. fishing and boallni;. BeautlfUU)I ckslgned. homr with l11rg" ACTIVJ· TY ROOM, 31,l balhs and Jo'ORMAL DINING ROOJ!.I, Ouli:tandingly different • S61.~. • 4 SPECIAL UNITS LARGE 0\VNEP.'S apArtment "'"Ith 3 1p1.doug bedroom~. 1 "• blllhi:, 1'"1REPLACY.! •nd dcluxt' kltch('n. PL.US 3 sou1ht_ .. tt@r rent.th: 2 bedroon1~. 11.1 halh-'. built· ln1, carpt'Ung and drapew. W .uJClNG DISTANCE to HoaG" Jlosplhtl 1nedicsl of· ti~ and Hughf!s;. Gre._t hon1r PLUS Income for $15,000. IOAT 01 TUIUU Eu1 act'NI oft alley ~ ideal tar c:t.rnpttl and boaU. Immaculate EASiSIDE home it VACANT and rffdy to •nJoy. Your choice ol Newport Harbor or Corona 1>tJ Mat Hieb School. Jutt Uatcd few onl7 126,000. _._ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGTON BEACH OFRCE!-842-4455 7682 Edinger FO• THE llCO FAMILY 4 qu~n ~ize brorooms. Tu-o very luxurinu.'I baths. This home ftatun-s slrp dou·n living roon1 \\"ith rome.ntil' fireplace. fOR:OIAL DINING ROO:\I. Sf!par&t{' STF.I' DOWN !11mlly room lt'ad5 to <.-ompletf'ly enclosed rear yArd brautilully 1Andscs1>- ed. STEP UP lnlo this gor.:rous all rlf'('tr1c kitchen. FHA Joan h11s fJ;l)'m"nls of $15.5 lnrh1drt< 111/. \YIU 11•11 VA et 11ppraisa.l of $29,450 • SUPH SHARP TWO STO•Y -4 Gigt1nl1r llf'dt'(HMH!I with deep Jlllt' carp1:ls ic lovt'ly clral>f'!I. H1.1~r l1vini:: ron111 with bny 1\lndOI\' arid gorgrous fireplace. f't'Alures "FOR~IAl. LlVJl1;(; R0();\1". All Ele<·tl'lr kilcbl':Jl. "SEPARATE'" r11.mily roorn. lfuvy Sh&kc roof. 212 ~ar i.;ur<1G"e. J Y<'Bf'l )'oung a t $37,000 and assume high loan. ASSUME $11,000 4% CO.I. LOAN At S141 ptt month Td1'AL! Lovel.y 1tiake roof home with 3 large l:w.drooms 11nd 2 pullrrutn blllthl.. Walk to Park! C..rpl't.:i. & DnlPf'S. AU. ELECTRTC KI'T'CllEN .l mSHWASHER! LovtiJ' custom flN"plaOI' 11ind bcl'm ct'lllng famiiJ' room: Gra- cious t».ck yard wilb COVERED PA no and block \\'81l leneng. OUr Otflt't' 19 #3 In \Valkrr .\ lrr"'° ?i 0[0~. \\I(' Art" expa..ndinS". \Vr tl('rd 4 mf"n or wom"n who \\'tluld llkt' to join a 11\\'lnging offict'. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491-540-0465 2790 HAU0_1_1_Lv_o_. _______ o.;.,.. ____ 1 ... 'Ill ' P.M. A MOST INFLUENTIAL homr on quiet corl'K'r lol u'ith ROQJl,f FOR POOL and bo&t or camJl('t.' 3 Bi1 bc.-droom!I & 2 pu\lman baths. PMd!" of O\\'nt'rahip neighborhood. Gorgeous plush cftrpC'ts lhroul{hout and custom draprs. J\lodrrn as tomorrow kitchen w 11 h LARGE DI1\l:\'G AREA !!! BPauUJul carpctlni throuabout! Fre-1h a,a a spring- morTiinc;. A".sun1e F.H.A. 5"'-4 loan at Sl:l9 Pf'r month. And ONLY $26,700 \\ilh as llttlt as $4,000 dm'"n POOL AND PUSTIGE TAKE OYU G.I. ~OAN 1'hrf'l' :;u per sizNi bedroorns and 2 ruli bAth11 with apetiowi FAMILY ROO?>f plu1 fORfll~\L DINING HOO~!~! Elegant gold carpetlnt lhroughoul Miwlvt STONE t'IREPLACE! Stpa.ratc DEN if you "·\sh. Ovt'nlttd 21' car pr&f<'. Beautiful an:a NEAR THE BEAC!t at only S205 U<'r month and tax~. A low $4,200 down nnd the mu11l C.'t(CJtlng ho1nc we'vt' had In Agt'!I. ASSUME $20,000 G.I. LOAN $1U Pl• MOHTH incJuda t'vcrylhlnr .. -tth u llttlr as $2.~ down. This 11111' pen.led S bfdroc:nn. :.I bath 11riarkllnJt homt" boflst11 bl':tl.utlful NEW SHAG CARPETS, dre.P!'I and magic rye l"ll'\i<' and ovrn. Quiet strl'f't ui th 5""1't'flin~ petlo and many fRUIT TREES. \Valk to Khool and shopping Cfntcr. ABSOLUTELY CREATn! &Loo ""' .... _ -. • .fl ,. ·l :· , . • ' :1 ' " I ~. • 1. ,' . . t ' I· t I .. I .. : ' ' ( ! ,. I . I ; . ( •· :1 ' • ' • • l • -~~--------~-----~~·-"---~··~!... .... _.. ---~-· --,..~ .... ~ ........ -----·-------_____... -..... --..... ------~~=~---------------------------~~~-- -..-•4 .. .-'4• •:: 4.·.::r~·COO"~--;-c-t-.=~ --r.::'.,---r~-:""l"•r.-on• r-r--+:r>*" ,., • ~---~~::-,--y~--~.~.--·~·-"T"-~-····~·-.r~·-,-,-·~•,.r-,.•~~'l''1r-.,•~--~•'Tt'"'''"""·""""'"'"""'"''"'"FF"ll'"' ,.,.,_,.,,,.,.,,.., • .,,~.,.•,.&,...ow~;uw_.,, __ ,,,,.,.,tl"" ' Wtdn!'SdaY. September l, 1969 tAILV PILOl RENTALS I RINTALS ltENTAL$ ' RENTALS -UN1'ALS UNTAU , • Tutlfn l640 H.., .. , Furnl"1sd Houtss Unlurnlohtd -Unfurnfshsd Aim· Furnf"*' Apto. PumltW ..,... Uftfvmli"°' Apia. u.mv~ u-· Bsse" 2200 CO.non! --3000 HunllOflO!I Bsocll S40I '-Ji ••·'· •100 111~--~ -•100 "" • llY ~.,, Lovely , ·--port " . . -· -• -aoo ...... • """"ntten -h ~ ~uttrlll Prop, 8t ' fUll ba.,.. l6x27' li• 114 -V1llap. l Br ' EXECUTIVE home • &, 3 3 Br. ' Ba, ""'-hi>!. w/w EAST Sldi'J BR lira, clmn, a.UN Bacholor Ajila. •• • '"TINl"'UE I bdrm, <~/drpe, trplc. M. w/frll. 1iuae kt~: ~ trpl.e. pooL 9 ~ tusrt. ~~::Adrpa.~1ec11 bltm Ct?_ts. ICl"ttnedb ~ ~· adults or14r, no pet.. !114 E. All vtU ind 9' \IP """'· T BuUt-lnl, 'pH patio •pr. ~l.otM!..';~~'!n51·i ...... rm. ~) Browclic Atlulll, "' -m.6419 <m~ -· ~~:...~ ... -mo. -· , ... Piia. llCS. .... ... E. u •• ~ .,.._~ GA."""N Am. .... cnall ...... $13S. -.,_..,...,,.. ,.... .,_ • --a.rvµ. ""'5 *4 &ftet JVt. Wiil 1ulli·d1vId1, 1 • 1 , Aw., Tu&tltt 8J2..Q252J BAYl"RONT I: dock S Br, 3 Costa Me... 3100 11. 2 BR, pool, I.du.Its, ~t. BAl.804 rB-IMS ,_ . Dto .. ~olike ~ T"'8 t p.m. Ttrmt, $'2.~. Ca 11 : Ba doh. l.eu</optio>l $500. L ... h -s N•1< -·· Ul!la pd. A10o 1 BR -a(it Sow feet to ..... l<>r -~ta only. CIEZ ORO APARTMENTS 146-02M or t. .. euns ltsch 1705 100. ~ Atao unfUm, AVAIL Sept ~ 3 Er, 2 Ba. sgUnl C .,. ""1\Jrn. ~-...... 11'3> mo • .+ 1lfll. yd)<. Jlodo. 1, J A 3 BR. Ap1.._ 3234 Atlanta Even...,, 4'1h')U7 1--------I=======:;:,== Crpu, <1rpo, him. dawht. 3 BR • BA. back ., ..,. BliAUTll'ULl:.Y FllllN _ .. oo1y, l1HllO Pool. "' "'-""' Bdrm, Pr! car. Pool, ~1N"o"'u"'"1'R!AL="""'-.,.1.ot-~c~ . OLDER ESTATE Coron• dtl Mor 2250 pool. Pool k lawn..,...,'""'· ocean Yiew, ""* JBR,hetl&dpool _..,..,NICE 1 BR.""'"' $UO. lmllntaAna.APf.1l3, wub<•ldeyor. "36-3rll. 50><300, Barpin! tU:~: NEEDS WORK pnw'ded. E-old< toe. $300. cptg/drpo, ~ Wou• "" $145 + ulJJ' ......,. Intl ulJJlt"" • • _, • WALK to bfteh; ' Br., ..,, PhD $..Ulvan-· FURN 3 BR • den, beaut""1 mo ..... -· betwn • k ; ""'· $l'l0. -2 sR. " BA. .ju,.,, ... * '~ * fllinnv r111a Apts "'''"''"" cptd, drpd. Patlo. J ;======= v.':: i:::e:~~~~.d: octian/ba.1view• 10 moi Jse 3 BR, 2 Ba, fan1 rm, cpt11, N<;>. Lacuna 2 Br. ocean , drpl. ~.Cu. u'11 ~. OCEANFRONT Winltr nm--... w•1 , $.1$. No doa:•. S·tT-39l>7 Industria l Rlnt1f 6°'° cated oo APPROX. V3,,,;°'=:Y,:rl;Y;,· =7):=4:' ='1':>-:=2:177===-I ~· beaut ~d. rardener vicw, )enc«I yd..~ t.Q ar ~. m..MT..o:isf ta1a. 3 A 4 Br, ~Near Oran,. CO Alrpot1 It 2 88' chltdftn ... Ptt ok. --------- ACRE OF GROUND, l.n the incl. Rent or leai>c. Sm. btachl!s I; abopa, $115 mo. 1 u.1Wllt1 included. ~ UCI. Adults otib'. 20122 Q-pta. drp,s, ra.np, &&r. 10.220 S4 Ft. Con~tr: block .. _ IS•lboa 2300 Call for ai.ppmt aft 6 PM, ~798 BUNGALOW fum1ahld. Santa ,,,._ A.,., .u".,.,.... AvaU now. 962-1637, m.i-, S,000 ~n ft Balconu '""art of l.agtmti's Riviera ---------4~ San Clem tmplo)'ed adult. SM. mo. "'.. • ..... _,..,.," .,. ""' # coast, wmt OUTSTAND-. · t<tNT •Ls *"6-.2982* Hunt(ngtM leach 4400 DELUXE' 2 Br, eacL patio, w/125 IQ nor ollicft. 12.000 ING OCEAN VIE,!/, Mu. Pe;i~· ~~~~~·D-EASTSIDE l BR 2 bathl. Apb. FumlthM DELUXE lBR, -CUTE 2 BR N>l with pool It wuhlJll racll. Adults only. Sq It of fenced yard. Avail ~ive 9 ROOM JIOUSE:, scr-,_..... J _.... Vacant. Jmmed. occupancy l Bt Med&lUan, condo all recreation irivtleaea 1 n $135. 84'1..f.692 on lease. Call a1ter 5: viced by 3 BA111S. ;f1C:~ 2~m~a 8~ $200/JnO. A.gt. 546-4141 Gener11 · 4000 ~s:1 ~:.c~= $W. bit-in, refrll', encl ;.tio, dose in adult MobUe Home NEW l _ 2 BR APTS. ~ Ol' 549--0'l41i Stately entry loyer & llv. rm. Ina: rm v.·fshov."1'r. Front all NEAR Newpor;t Heights s ~ pcd. q*t, $130, l'J5.50:U. Park. WW con 11 d e r PaUot. Balconies. privacy RENT new M-1: 112.i sq. n. APPROX\~ M'. LON~. ex. glas11. Dishv.'8.Stlcr, disposal, 3 BR.. unfum.: hdwd. rlooni. •ing Ns port INcft 4200 NEAR Be a ch• ~ly fllrnWrlllc if needed. n40 + bi2 Atla.otl, HB ~2800 $115 mo. 22SO 11q. fl .• lm lensivc Ule of v.'Ood parwl-2 ,,.;,. t ,_ $175 Monl.h. ~2903 Brokeor. W _. ___ , _ _. ..... _.,_ .... Utll:I ~u~IJJ;.;S48--M31~~~·,.:-~~~-1 ;'":'":'=.~7=~;:;:; I mo. Ui5 Lopn, C. ti. lin1. OYERPO\VERING rc .. ot.• irepara e .. ~ .. er, ~·--.,......, . II: l I h 571\1. ST>-5116 BRICK WALL & f'IR& Dbl o\·en, elt'<!lric stove, ShiALL 3 BR OOute. near OCEANFRONT 1 BR_ nice-pd. start l1Z pa mo., a.Ito LARGE 2 BR. Neow crpts, lf'ftl llC -;:;,=======! .PLACE. ~ BDRM_ FLOOR I e p. rat c b r 0 11 er & Country Oub, $135. UWities You_ng I)' decorated. t.YCIC\9do ahaa: ~itho11t kit $80. s.1&.2579 ttlrig n.n~. nr mkt.. 2 Br lockable WOOD PANELLED rotituoerie. t..auOOry !'m paid. 837-1789 ....,.t. Bache1on: _._ ..,. M_ature adWt5 only. $10$ • care. av.i.l Lets 6100 ' A to +:~ -.. ~· -n----11-G ,..._ •uo •u.... Sept 10. $160 mo. on lease. ---------S'f1.lJ:>Y • .spacious kllche.n '"' u ma.... garage opener. 3 BR patio, dbl. ~. incl uW. 6'73-fS90. (213) _,_n NYe -10 ,,,_..._, ~7891 bilt·ira opeon11 to LARGE Yearly or winter. ~ Fncd. Drps/cpts. ?.I es a Ul-3621'-~ p • • LARGE 3 Br, lHi. Ba, 1000 ~ R" •L ESTATE ri: ~lln~~r!.(llli>e:"M~ :'I FAM. RM. Unique Uen or WINTER Rent&!, modern 2 Ve:ntt:. SDl/mo. 545-1813 Ad It WINTER Rental 300• !rum DELUXE IL 1 Br, aundeck, ft. children ok. No pets. _,. sale by owner, 615-4"150 -rumpus rm., APPROX. 40 BR. attractively furn. Tiki ========== u s ... ~ 2 BR 1•-mo. bar, octan view, carport, \V/w cpts, drps. $190. Avail _Gtns.:.;;~'.;:•;_I _____ J=========I 968 7510 N .. -... ,,,,,.. $165 ltue. Utll pd. 499--1473 Sept. l.81. Sinlth u • -· • Pr. LON~ HAS \VET BAR. pa.tio. DXJ. I IWport Buch 3200 Oceanfront 3 BR $2Z mo. "========i'-1===~=.:-:;:== lenttils Wim.d 5990 Acre-ae 6200 USED BRICK FIREPLACE, Costa Mesa 2 BR $135 1" --~------1 OPEN BEAM CEILING & Lido Isl• 2351 Luxury single, 1 &. 2 Jrio/u.til pd, 642-!837 l .. un1 leech 4705 Newport le1eh AU. GLASS WALL. LOOK.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, B/B bedroom apartments, ING TO THE OCEAN I' f ' bed d unfur l It 2 Bft... Bachelor Apts, 2 BR d I f unfum 5200 RINTAL flNDIJtl Lagun1 S.ach 7 ACRES W/PERMIT TO KEEP HORSES , . I 0 BAYFRONT 'I'O\\INHOUSE urnis an • Klt-TV-Poo!-Ma.'4 Ser. $35. up ex, um I: • BAY VIEW This ht quality property Is L D Adulls only. l BR. 21,0• Ba. nished, with complete nr Vie H u i:: o , new .,.,..-0 m• ... - VACANT • ''As BEEN • Bd d · & _,. pt.r wk. &: un. THE li-IESA. cp1'/drp• ~1, Car . Winter ]ff&. avail. In brand i ... -·-AdJ"actnt 1ubdlvWon one · · ~ mu.. en; pier ¥IP Beaut. decorated. $275 month privacy and landscan.. ""' ""' .. ., -_ .. , -8 AD LY NEGLECTED. for large boat. Good condi--B & B h ed b r US N. Nwpt Blvd. 646-.9681 491/l{l.j6 new, deluxe duplex; doee to ~ -~---mile E. of hwy, util an.U. Needs redecorating & gen. tion. \Ylnfer. $600 per month; Oy eac country clu at. OCEANFRONT Winter ren-OCEANFRONT 2 bd Jarie ~ches, churches 4 mar. APT.-IOOMllAft SllVICI $35,<XXI, % Cash, btJ ht trullt 1!1ll.l clean up. '\'e doubt yearly $823 per month. Rea lty, Inc. mosphere including ~-· 1,-.i •B'c'h.::~ .. _BR.n-~: d!Ck, quiet adulb ~ill 111, Rlcte~;..,. ~I;.~· lmmed~ulh -carpeocc"t: ... ~w. ~~~6M1. -& 11 dtt<.IMA, KE OFFER! I that It could be replaced Jor Kalh""n Raulston 001 Dover Di:., NB Suite 126 $750,000 \VO r th of ...... """'o=. ™ -¥ "'" -" _ " --;;;; ., "w pd. St95. 4!M--4534 .......... --._$4. • R. $6;),000, otrered as i.s for ....... 6~5-2000 Eves. 548-6966 recreational facilities req'd. 541)..2721 1..:=c=..:::::..:::..c:::...._ ...._._ Wnte or contact: Georce $U,500 ASKING BID !:"'~ .... """""""""""' designed and operat· ~ 1 ii: 2 BR command ocean 3 BR. 2 Ba. lawl!r •••.•• $300 COLU:GE-Educated work· Kress, Box 914, La1un. w W DN 0 & 2 BR house near be h *NEW BAY r-ltONT vil!w newiy dee. Immediate 4 BR. 2 &. upper ••••.• $.150 Ins: couple, one child, one Beach or phone 494-4726.. TERMS ·A:i'Mci'PEN K TO . w/w crpt, 'dbl · pr~: ed just for s in g 1 e Wintl!r renta111, 2 Br, 2 Ba ocCu~-.f94.Ql$. Owner JD.i&'.bt tum. or consld. dof, deeire wdurn. 2 bdr. " 30 ACRES. ROADS. nr River 1 OFFER. OWNER \VIL L Coldwell, .Banker & Co. fenc"d yr.1 er 2 children ok. people. tum. Avail sept 1· $225, mo. 2 BR 1 blk bl!tch lrpl bU er Yfb', kue. ti!rs, Joy, deo or 3 Bdr home to leue: & st Hwy, beaut. JUlt ' FINANCE. CALLNO\V FOR 550 Newport Ceote.r Dr. $175 per mo. 130 44th SI . ANAHEIM 2'l7UlhSt.6"75-tZ36 con·; ma . mo. evee., 542-225.1 •• qr Of. NB. FV .• _.under $200. $30/mo. Pictutts. Ore. &!IC '.: BID INFORMATION. Newport Beach, Calif. _675-lll==",..'-'~"~"""~'-'~~~1 BALBOA Pe~ Lovely 49'-':... -. .. ~3· ..t:i:..W. • IURR WHm 54S-5623 orw~ru "_leave tor Dale 675-7513 or M2-6630 ;,_ MISSION REALTY 133--0700 644-2430 BLUFFS, sub-lease. 3 ER, '271 So. Brookhurst modern 2 BR....., Carpet., ~ .a. __ .. REALTOR ITlelsa&e. to fix·UP, =T=•~=--~s---.,-_-1 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I I blk. So. or Lincoln) drapes. Bu.Ht--lns.. $115 per OCEANFRONT I Br $150 clean.up, palrit, etc. in e."'" ~ over acres. DO ....,,., .. 985 So. Coast l!wy., Laguna 2~1: &. Lg. util nn, Pool, en•> 7'12-4500 mo. SU-3141 mo. Year leue. Aller S, 2901 N'pt. Blvd., NB f1""a4'630 chance for 1~ rent $2~. mo. NNt lab! It toYl"n, Phon• (714) 494.()731 NEWLY furnished 4 BR, 4 $325. 644-4435 ,=:....:::...::.:.;..,,_~---I ~ Pll to~ Waterfront. Lux-. 894-474.1 Agt. I ••I -.~OCF.AN=~-V!E='w~H~O-M_>:_, Bl, avail Sept 15th, Winter =========I GARDEN GROVE SMALL ·Furn 2 BR apt $115. urious le elepnt 2 BR, 2 BY Oct 1, studio, preferable =========-~ i 1t:I.m Vet 'Joan assumptioo. or lcmgi!r. (1141 67>1.M9 Westcliff 3230 Winter only. lJ.'1A19th N.B. BAQl.ELOR, cloee·to beach. RA, pool., pri balcony, view unfun:lished, walJcin&" dis-Mount. & Desert 6210 "lnL rate will not increase. 3 LEASE. Luxury 3 Br., J Ba., Adj to bay bch. 6?s..G1'31 shops le buainiss. $&5, Ind aptz. Boat al.lpe avail, lance market. Ri!tln!d civil I Br, 2 Ba, \Y/w C1"'ts, ,...,le. + large ruesl sludio. owner $115-2 BR. bllns, crpld, lllOO Chapman A~. 3 Bean:iom on the water. -"-w_._4'<-_2211 ______ 1 subtun.nean ....... 1..... acrvK:e: would like ma.in· , •••••••• , ' "'' ,7., .,-<YI beam ceiling•, hid ........J_ C4 blks \V. Santa Ana~~.> RENTALS .-.n ... tena.nce • -~-ntn• t Cot lot·, rompl privacy.•=~=·~~~~~----~· ID< •· .. ; Winter or ye-arty. Carlbe BalOO.. Ap1' •--°" Ad ulls, no pets, 64.2-Zll.f. J 6J6.J030 part ~nt Box u-....., n .. a •. · Anxious. s ubmil Jo'/P Jo'URN 4 BR, 3 BA. contemp. Call 6'15-01!11 Apts. UnfurnlshMI 310 Fernando St. N.B. Pilot ' '"' 0 '' .-..,,- $44,500. Newly dee. Avail Sept. 8 Uniwersity P•rk 3237 NEWPORT BEACH 2 BR. Bal Pen. yrly lse $160. cn4J 673-3003 ;..c=------ l 1~P~LA~C~E~REA=~L-T~Y='~"~·'~'~C>-1 wntr rental or yrly. 6i5-3604 BaChe1or q,t., on wattr, General 5000 NE w p ORT p e a c h Reap party, 4 chlldrtn de- ! lJ N O BS T R u CT A B L E 4 BDRMS 21,\ baths, 2 frplcs. Irvine .nd 1 '•~in~"~'~·;$1SO~S· !67>-~1~07'.l)OC,...'--: j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;,j W11.tertn>nt 2 bdr, 2 ha, Ne-.v altts unfurn Hae or &pt New. I I. panoramic virw. ~fodern Ba Ibo• lsl1nd 2355 On green belt near pool. tTI4J ~ EJ.sT Blutt 1 BR itudlo apt. VE'N·n· OME lwrury b}da:. bu ll t ·In I, po~ are,:· Have sold bom:y """II built home-with over $29.l/month. A¥t. &13-0504 S th B Cf b pool, 2 carports. ca 11 aubte~an parklna:, boat ;;l5, ~~er occ ..... ~lel.91!-. ~.OOO sq ft. 01 floor space in WINTER Rent.al. Lg c. ou ay u 644--0334 Ill.pa: avail. J - an unparallctl Io cat i ~ n spacious 5 Br. 3 ba. nr. So. Corona del Mar 3250 Apartments IMMACULATE APTS! Carlbe Balboa 547·l8<8 eves. ·hlg:h above Laguna. $55,000. Bay, ;-::;:-:;-::;:-;::::--;:-~:;'J;;;o;,.;;;,~::;;;:;.;;.,..~ OCEANFRONT 3 BR, 2 BA ADULT • FAMILY 310 Fernando St. l B1l apt turn. Middleaied 4l*-0080 Salisbury Realty 673-6900 1 or 2 yr leue In lovely \V I N T E R RENTAL s a.pt. Yr •. round riinW. Mar-SECTIONS AV Aii.ABLE 67J..3003 c o u p I e . No p e t 1 • COMMANDING 'Winter; 2-3 or 4 BR. Irv~ terrace. 3 BR, 2 BA, Bachelor apt, lite c:ookin~ rled couple only. 534)..4(04 CloN t. sheppl"f, P•rlc 3 BR, 2 BA Eulblu.U area. Non • smokers. Moderately houses. Island Realty, s~cious !iv rm w/1..-shape $85 mo + util. 2 Br, 2 Ba 1 BR Xlnt loc. Ooee to e.y * Spacloul 3 8?'1, 2 Ba (7•" Doml"-~. N.B.) pliced. Perm, 673--452o, Ext Coastline·C•t11in1 dm r b Id l •.. ha "· 1a · 11~ + ~ ·~-~· 9 498 Paf'k Ave. 613-1200 m, rea as .,.... . ~ i uuwns U'S, '" util. 2 " beach. Adults on 1 y, '* 2 Bedrooms Brand new, balcony view Vie\v lot In Lagul'lil Bcac~1. I =========o: l'rptg, all bltns, even relrig Br, l & upstairs S15(I + 61>7176 il no am. 494-1003. * Swim Pool, PuVcrren from both muter BR le !iv UNFURN Home 3-4 BR. 2 RANCH HOUSE & ACREAGE NEWBERRY SPRINGS CITY O~ LAKES btAKE YOUR OWN LAKE $6,950. Small bur I eve 1. Huntin .. ton Be•ch 2400 incl. Stora1" lockcn in util. Riverside 683-33)0 • 1 * Frpl, Jndivllndry fac'b _ .. ,_a ~tc d"h"-·"· Ba Bl"-" ,_ Sl.000 Down, bal_ at $i0 ~ la.st rrd p Lu S -BR., pool, blk. to ocean; '"' ....... , .. " , .. w ... ..-. , ... ...., cp ........... in P _ e i;ar. . $15.j, 2 Br, 4-plex, Pool 1ina;les. $125 to s 13 s, 1145 Anaheim Ave. $310 mo. No children or Coton. de.I t.tar Hl&:h Dist. 20 ~files Ea!lt of Bartitow on month. -494-U37 $lliO BEAl.ITIFUU..Y furn, H EAT ED POOL. 1n W/\I.'. Ava.ii 9/6 Brok ' 548-20J5 "A• ....,....,. ..,.__ COSfA MESA &12-282-t peb, 64;>1260 or ~ (805) <91-32'1'1, ( 71 I ) free\\'ll)', Elev. 200) ft. Neoar '. Minion Viejo 11os 1 air cond. mobile home in sheltered area for yr round 534-6.980 er : ~· ~..-es. 64.2-988l Lake Loreen. Woodi!rfu! land b<!'aullful park, w a J k 1 n g sw1mn1ing. Gardener & pool OCEANFRONT. l BR, 2 Ba. • RENT • NEW 2 Br, 2 Ba, crpb, drps, for apricots alfalfa. nut tree • BY Owner. Lovely '1 bdrm. distance 0 f be a ch. niain1; twice 1vkly incl. $350 $1loc85. 1 loLovely 2 Br. Choice turn. Frplc. Yurly lei.!ie. !tplc, dshwhr, prv paUo. NEED 2 B.i.rm. apt in growinJ, Ii~ raising, Teacher/Owner on leave. n10. l1n med o cc up a n c y a n, pool. Adults. Local Deluxe. $350. 013-1053 3 Roemt ·FurnltuN Acro!SS from CJXXl'a " Harper Sch. area by Sept I. ---'" ,.. __ · Brok ..,.,,, ""II W lclill P"··-1 21 S ..,_ ..u.;u, ...... Una:, etc: etc; Open tlouse -24771 Mas. quero Ln. 831-33.qg 548-6330 Can be """ by appC Rd'-6Jl..5.;13 "~· • WINTER RENTALS e $20 • $25 & UP ~ ""'· ·I ~-~""~"!'•b~le:,_. ~-~lliS~--~--' req'd. 1213)373-2643. 2 BR. 1 Ba. garq:e apt. $17S Sta). 1 Br. Avllil now. All util WUiIFRED L. FOSS, All Month-T~Month Rentall e LANDLORDS e 40 Am!s Ranch Ll:nd. lm- ·RENTALS L1gun• Be•ch 2705 mon!h, yearly. pd. Broker S34-ti9m e 6'2..3850 e WIDE SELECTION 2 BR, l~' Ba. Crpt. Drps, FR.EE RENTAL SERVICE proved \VITH modem 2 BR 3 BR. 2 Ba., trplc. So. of e Wll'11'ER RENTALS e Appllanoea I: TV'• avaJL Blt·i.nl. Jo"'rplc, Lrc paUo. Broker 534-6982 ranch house, t:e Uv rm. Houses Furnished Gener•! 2 BR with vil'"w near beach, adulls, no pets. Call wkdays $110. Tiny 1 Br. Easlsitlc 833-2400 ext 346. 940 Temple area. Pct 0 .1\, Local Brokl'r I -=1='"'='=°'o=·====== Highway. $250 Mo .. yrly Cotti M9sa 4100 \VINIFR.ED L. FOSS, J.at. No Securlty Deposit Blk lO bclt. Yrly lt.e. LANDWRDS: We ha v c beamed ceiling, breakfut AGENT 67;>.-2101 $lO e ... ••~ e ~,., --•h-n--•·•-642-91'19 rm, kitchen. modl!m bath 1 00 wk vur-naor.i... rw1u ....... .n.cu........, tenants walttne for renti.i.I CA/111'.:0 Shorrf:, 2 BR, • • Ip WINTER loaae, 'BR d•-lo•. 511 W. 19th, 0 1 548-MSl e YEARLY RENTALS e under $1.50, fue aervice. plumbing. Tank houae en- • D k th. '' • .. ~ 2 B •·to "-,._, closing 1000 i:aJ galv. 1tot-: Convert. den, 2 ba. :o;paciou' ay, wee , mon U& 47th Strt-el. See !/i or .-W. Lndn. Anhm 714-2800 r. -. '"'"· or wuurn. Loca.1 Sroka, 66-0tll age tank under 45 lbs i>tt• 2000 :'45-0111 Iv. nn & din. r1n. garrl~rl('J" •Studio & Bach. Apts, call (213) 336-3211. $155, 2 Br, R/O. New \VJW. Anita.. Jones Rlty. 673-62'10 aure. \Vith double i:1r. Co~ Summer Rentals 2910 Incl. 6 nio lease or lcs..,, S375 •In.cl Utils ,.. Phone~. All utll pd. Olildren O.K. BEACH Dupleox. unftlrn. 3 Rooms for Rent SH5 crete septic tank, 811 l!lec .. • , 8 enfals to Shars 200S mo. ti73...,9TIS • 1'.laid Servi~. TV avail, N rt H~ 4210 Bkr. 53.f....6980 BR, cpts, d""". Yearly. $2:iO " h 301 al '' " 2 BR Balboa apt adj ~~~~~-~. --1 •New Cafe 1: Bar 1wpo •••· 646-6ts9"'-2 BACHELORS, •hare tine a P pump, If per m ... bcache'!'i/pier .$7:.:.--$150 \vkly. 4 BOit duplex. 2~~ ba, 2376 Newport Blvd 54&-$W. :.! &, •tudkt, patio & mo. Bay 1 ho re home_ at SO' di!pth.. lmprove~t•: • \\'lLL share my 2 Br furn 536-..l9ll, 67;)..5&1D bH-ins, d~h\vslu·, 2'200 sq ft. ' 97'";>5 * Oean 1 or 2 BR * pool. Bit-ill RJO; local Blr 5240 Prof 111onal8 Fe.nctd with l" by 6' x 300 ft ~--apt w/pool with gi1·I of gd Yrar lease. S 3 O O /mo . BEAM CEILING AdWa, no pets, 24Zl E. 11th 645--0lll lack S.y atud:nl'I pre.fen:. ~~-redwood fence. 1 Mili!ll £a1i morals 26-35. R.f!f. 6-12-3694 $250 ,1·k. Luxurious 54()...7573 MODERN FURN 2 BR St. $135 mo. up. &tS-1~ ll.2JJ. 2 Br. Stow. now W/W UNSURP••~D VIE\W 7-& Pl\t or alter 10 PM. ot ICbool. $76.000. a.fl 4 v.·atcrfront ap1. pool. Fum 2 VIE\V Home with pool; 4 2264 Ma~ by Wilson Ac drp Child 0 K wi 2 BR ~bl · Or will subdiYid• 10 i·G-l-RL--21--2-5_w_a_"_"'<-fl-o-,-h,-,,,· I BR, 2 BA. (714) 673-lXll &Inns. Avail. Sepl 4th. Pool, Sha.~. m tns. $155. No Cor9ftl def Mir 4250 depoel~ Bkr. ~l!t th $165: ~~ drps, tns, pool. $1.Z. acres all impro¥ement1 3 Br beach apt w/hvo. Avail 2950 Don Franklin. Rltr. 673-2222 pets. Kids over 16, Call J ~;.;-7';;:;;7.;,ii;'~C-=·,.J-========= I LARGE Room, carport, priv, $55,000 or 30 acr•s un• Sept. 6, 531-1286 an 6.c ._•_n_d_o_m_in_i_u_m ____ ";':':;='~=;;"'=,'=:;':;:;f;;o;-d'~'""""~~·~r~6<6-6>~~74!.__ AVAn.. Now! 1-Br. view $13>. l Br. WJW. drpe, pool. Corons dol .. _, 5250 , .. ,!·clenbt~.k ,,"!.,~~~Shop. improYtd $21,000. LEASE 3 BR. 2 Ba. furn. unt1ngton •c new bachelor 11pt. "'=='======== 40 -,.. Down, la lance on I========= I . 'H , It h 3400 BRAND Apt. near beach.. Avail 9!6 Brokrr 534-6980 1;~iiiiii;i~~-~i;;;;~iiii~ I ·~ ~ -~ewport a._.c_h __ 2_2_00 fireplace, pool. $221 nio. \V/w crpt, bit-in kit 1 Don Franklin. Rltr ~2222 SlOO Guest Hornet lit trust de•d. S?Ai-W76 afters PM Available Sept. 1st v.·oman only, no pets. 0 $90. VIEW, 1 BR 1.pt. 1 house CHta Mesi ._'""' ;;..:;;;;~;:;;:;:::c.__~599~1 Will neaotiate. Courteosy CR~~~~'t Br;;:u;T Ba. RENTALS :; Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Mini· yrly, 673-7629 from ocean. $150 wint~; ~ PRI room hi lic'd Guelt broker. H7~10 a.ft 6 PM. mum upkeep. H1.111tif1i1on 1 BR furnished $lti mo $185 yrly. Owner, qt. (OllSTRIJCTJOll ti,, .,,,..,. Home for elderly penon. • w/sep. fam ily rm., lenCl:'d Hou111 Unfurnished Beach Arc.11, S:llO mo. Lease. 1_1 .... ,, "W ·Hid _1· ~ -Good ,....., ~ t ••••••• -play yard. Steps to !x?11ch. w lk & L ......... -,...,.., ,,,_,,, VUM, lvait . n al· :· 'm''o',','hable Sept. E th. $•\OOI Ge_n_._,_._, _____ 3-'000"-' a er ee ~1~4o no pels. 5-19-).;27 ~ lw/~~l ~o .:·hl.y,ri JUST COMPLETING 1 ~ 2o~iE~~nfunl =re· a .. now. }~URN. Cabin Victor Valley. COLLEGE-cl cd k. -=;======= 11hA. $6750. I.Aw dn. Bkr. Al Hal Pinchin l: A:<SOI'. ti1~·1:;9'l ucat wor ing ~ Edingrr t BR upper duplex. Furn. No patio, J adult, no pe:tJ. $1Sll. Fireplaces I priv. patios I • Macd<:r 7~10. 64&-3U5 couple, onr. child. one dog, Stz-4.tjj or ~140 children or pe~ , 1 0 0 , 1,o.., 673-_7_629_. ----, 1.11 rbor Heights Four Pools. Tennis. C.Ontnt'l Bkfat. Mi1c. ltentals 5999 ""''· e BA YSHORF;S e (lrsire •o Jt•asc 2 BR and den Oprn <'-V~. 492--B&ll ~ ·-'0 2 l: 3 BR UNITS 900 Sea Lane, CdM 6"-26U • 9 Months Winter n·nlal~ or 3 BR homr.: Cd, NB. ;.-;;B:;;D;;;Rc;:,,o'--;;1 • .,...08,.,---;;;;;o:·J,C"'==:.....~-~_:-BACRELORE'I"TE -Prt all wilh ti.replace! IP.facArthur nr, <bast RW)t)' SJNGLE Gmre lor ttnt BUSINESS and 3 & 4 Bdrn1s., Jurn1~hl'l1 Jo'V .•• und('t S200, call "' · • ,. A. Bltns, 1 BR new, beaut turn. Mo to bath I: entry. $90. incl util. d.IJihwuhe~" 2 b&itts. SW/mo. Avail, now. Mesa FINANCIAL .. C" THOMAS, Rcal!or 548.:J623 or 962·5719 & leave lrplc, dbltn ~ndoo~ ~~e, mo $160. Adults only, :mo _N=O=KIT=:,1:,:67;>-"!"'5:;-;;,· === Rtntll Manaa:l!r _ NEWLY Deeor. 2 bdrm,; I=°'=' ;;":=ar=an~•;;,· ;;642.-4<22;;;:;:,;::: ---------224 W. C.oasl 1-hvy. 5'18-~2'1 message. \Villing 10 lix-up, ctovcre pa. o, ra . ..., new Elden. 64:>--1251 <'Ve!. :; ri.tra. Chtbtlensen below highway on qUlct Bus. OpporlunitlM 6300 e BAYSHORES e clean.up, pain!, etc. for low. crpl.! & 10111 of fre~h paint. LOVELY B1 .. 2 Br i v. .,_ l1lboe 4300 311• • Cfnn•mon Avo. street. Walk to beach or Income Pro•rty 6000 Close to schJs & shpg. AvaU .. • ,J. 010• ;;.;=;.;;... _____ ;..;..,I ,_ .t...:. 9 l\fonths \Vin!er rcnt;il!t er rf'nl. Sept. 1. $230 mo. 1213) Pool, patio, adu~ls, $190. FURN ~nt 2 BR apts. 1 Coita Meia llhops. $110 month. ADULTS 3 & 4 Bdrm.~ .. furnished WANTED: :1-4 BK home for 351_9187 for appL 2310 Santa. Ana, 64>2933 &: 2 BR $180 to f2'15. Adults Phone 546-IOU ONLY. Pyramid Now! .. C'' TllOt..IAS, Realtor Jr. E>."tt & family. Newpcn1 S85 Ve.ry nice 1 BR trail onlv! 50'I' E, Ba 1 b 0 a, ... _,....,.,.....,...,...,,.,AL.SO. FURN. 2 Br. Students Trade your proptrty up. We 224 \V. Coluit Hwy. 3-18-5527 I frights or \\'cstclill area. 3 BR. 2 bath houl!e \\'ilh iii E 16th St CM 642-'~ ~J ,,.., ... Bier O.K. $180 rno. avail. Se'pt. 1. have for Al~ or trade: 7 DUPLEX-lmmac. Stcptl to $250-300. '"/l lr. Coleman," built-ins, fireplace&: double . ' . . ~ .,,.,.......,.,.,, . HARBOR GREENS ~ Pl.llch.in a: As8oc, 675-4392 units • 3l unlta • n units . beoach. 4 BR & den, 2 BA. &tl-4910 garage. Neo"·ly painted &: N ... 4 00 4200 1 BR, re:ar co~. -1c, 157 units. Contact CUrtis or . ~=~~~~~~-nc1v t."""""ts. \V a 1 k 1 "• ewport ch 2 N1Wpert .... ch .. ,, PM t -91~ Dbl g11.r. Yearly lse $300 tno. ~ -~,,.. BACHEWR W\fw"n f ro m ""tios. Im med. OCCl.l""'"'"" ,,,.e a • ,.... oN, HOME unfurn '.I BR. Hilrbor ,,.,t .. --lo ''""I 122-; ~, p H Good""' C Family onl y. 6-12-3490 ...,,._... '""' · .> mo. $LIO. Alao av•U 1 • 2 &: 3 $170. 6~ McLeod. ercy · w"' o. or Corona del ~lar Hi school Rltr. 546-4141. Now I --s1"ng In Newport' leach Bdrm. Heoated. ...... 1 .. , child 1808, \Y, Lincoln, Anaheim TRAIL~ dist. Lease around $250 mo. I ~=='°'"'c---~~ ...,. ~ I lbos Available now. /.1iri!.cle ?.lile, 673-Slal Apt B lJ. LEASE 2 Story, near beach. oakwood care center, adj to 1hoppina-.. 1 :.:•;.::.;;:_ ____ _;5;;3:.:;00 l ND UST RI AL BI d I N.B. $f«l month. 1st & la.sL =~~,-'-~~~~~ 3 BR, 21 ~ BA. blt·in.'. tam No pets. Newport. 3 good trnanta. &15-0SIO $160. 2 Br. 2 Ba leoncd yd: room, with lrplc. fenced 2700 Pe.tenon Way NEW 2 BR, J Ba, yearly re~ 10" net return. p bi 1 Childrrn & pets O.K. LocaJ ya.rd. Carpetln&:. drapes, 2 The best of two worlds •. , Costa Men ~o w. cpts, · drps. l l!Z» mo. Sull\Yan 548"161 While elep~ts! Olme-&·line mer 645--0W car a:arage. 962-7Sn LGE Bachelor unlt. Sharp. Call 673-8212 eves. your home and your country club Cpb/drpo. Nr. So. ""'t lslbo 1 1 ncl 53 Bullneu P-rty 6050 I • • 3100 Cotta Mes• 3100 $({f\l4U~-l££2rS9 Splt1t: a Simple SCT"o.mbled Word Puzzle for a Chueklt o::rnu:mb~~ ~:: /''7,.-<'--.... ,,,..-... low to form f~r sfmple word1. INUTEAR I I I I I I ITAFLA I IDONUM· I e PR~~~~~~~~s LEITTRS IN I' 11 I' I' I' r I _O_~"",rr""'"''t:'"",-t."''~""l!-m"_, 1 _ 0 _..I _._I _.~11 I I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 h I ' I Plau:, OCC. $12S Incl ttfrl.. I t I 55 For your om•, 1elact rom .&int'• en• le W Stt 913 Valencia Sl\fALL Cafe, e q u 1 pp~ d , end two b•droom ep1rtm•nt1. Furnishelll u · at YRLY ••. Uni.,, beaut. upper reaflot\8.ble "CBll 536-3856 or unfurni1h•d, t1c:.h i1 profes1ion•Jlf d•c.· apt, 2 &ft PM wkdaya le an dup)ex apt, Very clOlle to .z=::=::=,=::::,;:=;;:: orat•d and includa1 cerpating, dr•r•ri•t, wktndll. So. Bay. 4 Br. 2 baU. S8'15. lu1lneg Rental 6060 ell· elec:.tric Westinthou•• •ppl1•nc:.e1, LARGE 2 BR, lH1 BA. studio SaJiabwy ~alty 6'lJ..fi900 =:;:::.;;.::::..:;:.::,:;.::_,..:::::;:: 1tor•9• spac:.e aplenty snd pri¥ate b1J. apt In trlpltx adJ. ~ Small 2 BR.. l BA. Srn&ll Wft ooura Pri psitlo, bltins, CUI aftl!r 6 PM Catalina hland fl5 Mo. cony petio. crpta, drpa, ttfrig .. Na pets. 6Th-lD2l Phone Avalon Jl'l Ju1t sf•r• from your door i1 • "Whole 'D6 Joann. 146--1584 • "World o excl111iv• country club rat.rt&• * TOWNHOUSE * Huntintfon lklch 5400 Office lltnt1I 6070 tion: 2 BR, l~~ BA, crpts, drpiS, PRIVATE OJTICE " Profe11ion•I 1i1e Tennis Courts paHQ. Adults. $!®. elf E, FURNISH E 0 OR tJN. •. . ..... '"' FVRNJSHED (!1)11., drpe .. 1tonce epaet! ' Re1ldent T tnni1 Profe11ion•I end Shop ,.fel0d7 ~ • .,.,_12 In the Glendale Fed Savi."-• 01 S · p I 1 2 Bedroom carpell, drape.a, ...... ymplc 1l1e wimmrng eo or 2 BR, rum or \lnfurn. builttr. coed locaUon One Bid,(., Corona del Mar. S50. • Whirlr,ool l•ths Ntw crpts " pWlt. Nr 1hops block io 5 Points s'tore.11. mo. Call Evelyn Halbakken • Padd • T tnPLi1, Volleyball Show bl!fln 4 M&-6222 No ll30 up. Owner 642--2135. ii'"~ or SG-l1.6.1 __ _ l•slcetbell Court• cblldttn or petal Ma.nattt 7701 EWa Apt o MODERN OP,ICIES And a 20JOOO squ•r• foot cl\lbheuse effar1 2 M UNITS': 1'WNiae $115. It l04303. FROM $65 PER MONTH tha•• fe•tur.s: Cottaae $155. BIUN, patio, .Alr-cond., Pllldne, ccntnJ io. • Sep•rete Men'• and Womeft'.& pr, Adult&. no pets. Avail * BIACHBLUFF * cartons. Secretarial arvlor:. He•lth Club• with Saun•• en. 3IX8 Coolldi:e 56-0m New 2 le 3 Br, 2 Ba, F.A.: 230 E. 17th, Cl>lt& Me.a • Indoor Golf OriYint Rant•• Lnid& 2 Br. 2 Ba. Adultl, diabvt'Jbrt. patiol. pa o I, '42--14&S l illi•rd1 Room no Ptta. Oltd pr, plQ )'I'd. vie•, 1 le t atory, walk to oma:s • The.t,. TY Leun9e, Art Studi•, ~. ~. 5 Points Shop'r, H.B. ~pllon-Antwtrins Perty Rooms 1 Bt>R, pr, cptl. drPI. 14"7-316T SecT'eW1al 1"h-r: tHChu or couple. OCEANFRONT vliew l3'S Ntwport Blvd., NA Models •p•n f'LOen untn t :OO p.m. daily 2G l'lcwtr', c~. deck. beach,~~.;:. m.1601 OAKWOOD ,BR. ('9tl,PQOI. 2 aa. bltw, cptJ, lndry, nr zomcES avaUable No dllldrfn ot P,e~ 1 *bool I: pltt. Stltet t.IW'lta. Apprmdm1ttly q& aq It 31J 17th lltce. SJ15. Adults. $JWW. U33 S.ktr, C.lif. GARDEN APARTMEN:rs IL!Oa • -11$.llSI Mon """ Fri ,.1 • NICE t.a.. 2 B.R.. ocean IS YOUR AD IN ~ • ~• 1700. f6ih S'trett,'tiewp'ori •••~ AVI-. pLE iluw, 2 BDRM, view, 111ndeck, built IT\4, etc. .__.,,.,... Pho .. : 442.lf 70 <l\>IJ, arp1, bltlno, cmort. Pmnanint, q11lot. 22' Ith m:ot llom-will be No .... """111.-81. -~ far II. Dlal 6CUim DEALERS for exclusive Or1ng• County d l1trlbutor 1y1t1m (no s.,Unt) • 11• hours - SUNDAY AM ONLY Small Investment puts you In your own bu1f.. nett. CALL MR. ROGERS SUNDAY MAIL INC. (714> 171-1443 Distributorship. ~let! ne:'A'" Teenage bushll!tw! Thafls where the bi&" money la loday! , \Ve help you 11el up your own buaineu In area ne&re!t your home. Top locaUorq; no1v available. Unllmlttt'I growth potrntial. Great pro.- fit lot right perly. Secut'ed cash lnwstmenl Clfl- Jy $3145. Work part lime to 1lart. ldcn or v.-omcn, ftO sclllii&. 'iou"ll Jove LI!, lnwstiple now? Ph lor appt 17141 96&-7313.. ~ ~llNI-ZOO Oti&lnal Collectlon SNACK ROUTE~ Brand ne-w cabinet type lllc Sna<k • Cindy ....... ma.cb1net plaoed on tlon. $1596 c • • h • cw.tNT SPAii& INQ'.lME, ,.,.. unllml"1 expansion poknlial. Write for full details 1o r.,., 31.U OayttMJ ....... Co,_.,, C.llf. 946J] - SbtAU. r&t&utanl, ne:\Jit redeeo.r.: bcaet. are~ )- IUne11 totteJ aalt. O(tc!f, 61:1-ml \ f I I -· "i::. • ,. ••••.•• ··~·· ., ........ 1. .... 1 ~ '•' I •• .. , ' ' ••• ... • •-•• ~ '• • •I •' -o' Wha<ldy1 W1ntt WhaMyo GetJ SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION POR NATURAL BORN SWAPPIRS Spoclol Ro .. '71 W. 17th St. Costa Me11 .14W421 S Ll""-'llrMt-5 bucb aULU -AO MU$T IN(;lUDI. •LIQ. IJC'S. °"'-· Sao Ll~INSID • custom Homes • Kltchtn Experts TRASH tiAUUNG YELLOW CAI co. t-W._,""9~ .. ff"MI. ~ ............. l a-YDUa......,. IM/Wr ......._ ..... 11 .. 11'.W•M'-_... &-.HOTHINO JOit SAA.I -la.t.DIU Otf&.YI .; Dl<p IU,5(11 on oale : SJOrihlal R>adloP o.t.lct -bit e 06,m) 1111 l'l. 'Ulh St. Ao 6qual opportunity Sl.O.OOJ oU sale. c.11 WINS. 9" all matttn., JU ?J. fl • Two Story SMl\iallsts YARD/PT c~ ~ ' tl:idil 11.... employer PHONI 642.5671 .TON colloct !1lll '™"' Camino fll:al, S.n °"""'" I"'" "*•· tvy, dirt.. lnctor P•roononl· Qlroctor MACHINE To Ploco y..,, Trodor'1 P1rodl10 A.I <!!J-81" <ll-9tiOT FREE L'YOUT & DISION. bocltb\>O. ll'lde -45 Min °1 5 ,.,.. o/'l.du.. peo OPERATORS ln ... lnlllll Opper. 61101"11! .. •lO•AM'!ll'll. 11l011PO!Ml!!!!!!li" ~ SOMO! 01>11( colloC• -· Swln& lhllt. Exoelltot op. 1• 20 YEARS iXPERIENC! Hou11<loonlng 67" Must be' sill n!Ottvatd & portu11ity tor a mecbani· PARTNER Nffdtd: Choice OfL J . A. Llv~tQn D.C, ii matUN. 'fW ,be reapol\lible c&1l)r lhClined )'OWi& man. R.E. Projed. 13 mlllk>n not connected • bu 1'IOt WOULD Ycu blUeve I Will for all perao~ hlnttiot11. MUlt be H.S. &rad alVf 40Jlal' pcofit return. '25.000 been connecttd with Or. CALI. NOW clean >"'a' borne for Blue $10,000 )T •tart. Resume • hi.Ye atable , ,..,:wk ~ck- cuh ftqUltwd. f0..79'20 Kent's office, 1885 Puic· OPIN WQltDAJI Chip Stampe!' 897-7350 aalary biltory'box M l!XXI sround. Min. btilhll 5'T' Tl'&de u· Keltonetatt boat I: 25 bp Johnson &: Cmtir.- entAl trlr, all xlnt rood. ??9it. for_ Econollne or Chevy Van. MS-0141 1F DODCE pick.up,~ hp. nu f!QI', halt, & top. Good tiru \Vant like-value V\V, Avt, ca.ta Meta, sillct Jul)! ....... n-=-W'--·-n-J?ilott . . Xln• co. beWJ .. wllh ,,._,,, 2nd 1961 '-'U\r£.o•"'o .. MY ... ., ""'.. " er other 1mall tz,ick. l"Me:'.'.noy:!..:to~L~Ol:n:.__:-:::••1-=i'i;;;;;;tJ;;-.;;;;;;;+-675•7191 1 <le. n.. or Comc'L Xlnt ACCOUNTANT, Kmi or last rrowln( con•wn" 673-09ll "Diel< ... 1.. AHractJ'l9 Expert work Reu! ~fa. 54Mll1 tlabt senior 'for ~ product rnanufa.cturtr in 2 d TD L YOUNGWOMAN OfanpCo.CPAftrm,must Irvine IndU1trial Com· Z'1'CA81NCru{fer,289eng. ft 08 n daoca will te&eb )"OU all WINOOWS 'DIRTY'! have about 2 yn.. recent pJex. Apply 9 am·2 Ptn. Stillman, v a 1 o e $3,(XX}, lateat atepa, Call Ardell SAT. I su~ APPfS. AYAIL JoJutny Dwm your local publlc acoountlna: e~ P, POL YOPTICS fr8de for '65 Corvette <Jr ~{w';1cont¥fenti~rv:i 213: m..a 1·10 PM ~~ ~o::::~~~ aervlce. Free est. 60-2364 ca pa b le of au d I t other rnake1 of autos (~ ' Attend a FREE Lecture. rtspanllbUlties. CPA o.r INC. Val). 6'15-lf43 ' Servin&: Harbor stta 20 Yt'I. otaneUcl A ScientoJoay J1nltorl1I 6790 CPA eandk1ate onl,y. Call ws E. ~ie t'xcha.nte ol homes for ' , Sattler Mort91:11 Ce. Every SUndiY at a PM '47·7061 for aiipotnt. Sant.a Ana wftktnds delirtd. Ollr ltrt-e-1==""=='·::'::'::"'::8;:;U...:::•:::::-1 ll703 Edtnzn'. Fntn Valley TONY'S Clnnina atn'ke. OOLL!X:J'ION AGENT : Cbltwrtn Ntwport P'r'WY. & ly beach bDmfJ for bou5e on I· 5ll"322ll Ruidtntlal It oonunerclaJ . c.ollect account&. Guar ssoo Redhllls, So, of Wamtr) Catalina or in M~ib. or "-"'" TD • •••sr--~,;:;~=~--Complete Doer ca~. wan & 1 ._,,__ ..1-11.. r. •-u.. mv. ••llM1 • • 1 _.. LICINSED 1st mo. 1bou d makt over ~h Dr1ftsm1n $600. _.,...,. canyon. ~nun-.suov tual ead dvicc wlndoW' wubiQc. C r P t Sl.000 mo alter that. Collec-Fee pald. Xlnt oppty, lib-call ~1584. NSTitUCTlON Mo 11 e y Sp.lrl R lrlls. a ahampootna:. Mo, wk, daily. tiona ma.t. by .~.. let _, ._ _.._.. r.r available for Locome pro-on all matten. 312 N. El Vm reliU>lc. Free etl Call ~ ....... .., or • e,-.. ..,.,.n, 2 m .. ,,....... 60 x 300 E. s.lde Colla '1'1~ ducina; property. Forei&n A Cam1no Real, Sar. Clvntnte anytime 540-9110. ter. Geny White~ exp. Al.so fee jobl. Call Kent, R-4 )ot ti 2 BR home. 5 domeatic. Motels, Nun.int 49U1JIJ, 496-950T O)ASTAL AGENCY MG-SUO more units OK. Trade Hom.'. ~, .. _ centers. 10 AM .10 PM WALLS, ~s, floors. 21'90 Harbor m JASON BEST SU,OODequltyfurSantaBa!'o ..,...,,,t, .. ,.. · carp6ts. O>mmercial & Costa Maa Employment """'e"""' b&ra or local. Aat. 549-0'll.8 o t f I c e Bu i l d i n I • , NEW ride lb OCC troM 2435 E COAST HIGHWAY Id t1a1 Da11•• i.i.. 06 "~<T Apartments, etc. Write or Hnt Bch. before I a.m., ' =I: M. SM: '7£o wee...., TftA.1NEES: 12.1 yr old pro. 2J.eo So. Main, Santa. Ana Newport Bea.cit 3 BR. 3 BA call Title Realt;y & Mon-Fri. WlHln& lb pay for CORONA DEL MAit o. .. motional 11dvtrtmnc firm CAR WASH HELP Townhouse. Poot. im.med ·tnaurance Camp&.11)', 215 au. Sf'J..-0979 SPARKLE Janitorial & Wln-nttd1 )'OWll mtn. C.ompany PART A FULL ID1E po&s. $31.500. Eqty $6000. O&rlf Bu 11din1, &i:m· AUDHOUCS Anotzymous dow cleanins Strv. \Vin-Utted on two stock ex-Top salary, rel\llllr work Want Carlsbad or Sa.n Oie- inJham, Alabama. 352CG Phone SC.12:1T Ol' writ. to ®"·s. reskl., comcl. con.11. changes, nationwide 'JV. If METRO CAR. WASH 10 Co. property. Arent Phone f205l 2Sl...s286. P.O. Im 12Z3 03sta Meu.. labytittfng 6550 Contt1dor1 6620 Cleanup. Free est. gsg...3191, you att ea.ming leu than 2950 Harbor, Cosl4 ?.l6a &46-0732. •' ' ESTATE Malnt Tree Serv $1SO a y.·eek. Call for in-. hina. ;. ~r;. Ret. for 3 Yra. .ENJOY !COnORU' vacation MOTHER WW balo...-it, Near GENERAL Contr~<1Dr .. All Removal a trim-ca-tree tormatkm, Mon. tbru Fri. LOAN OFFICER Exchan;:e Heiri?®' c .. .,. n 43 2nd trust deed be ·•--" .,,.., _.__ ,...,..,°' 54, -"'alt g PM A d' u;-• . t . Vi'&l't, cr"IJtal 1ilver, valu. :,. <N!.J . • • C..tallN. I....-4. F r om.,.. Harbor Shop Center . .....,)l'l:'ntry, ~ •add & estlrnaU!, CaJt 541...00SS. ~ . . . iwn cu, tneresting po-ation$"150. FOR16' Fishin&: ' hind iMAll ht oa lot with midweek for two. Hmnou. EDcloled M.ckyard f*tlo tt!'OOdeJ!zw 25 -.)'f't-e:r;. OFFSET PRESS g1tion la available with a boat moto AM trailer Adjacent WntciHt lots. lal. .Ue $30,0M each. for tno.mt. CdM duplu, or home. dts. ert, mtna, boat. ot , T ! 611>8'65 72' CRUISER Twin, O, ~ pilot. C'9Jllf! ·1200 ~4· cent llJl''tY $40.0:0. ill conaider trust deed ior 11T1aller boat. Own; r. CTI.fl 729-3400. • I T .. -,: Shelter 4 Apprec.; inl maj. etn~. AAA ~l, ""Tll l700M (@ 6,., Trade · for TD, land. &ibmit +· 533-3673 Bkr. I OLDS, 1960, 98. Mecl) fijf/: Good tittl, tmmac. lntelior. WANT 16MM camtta )ar 1ood ati1I camera. '3l.2Tl8 Chl.cktn Dtlllbt. ~ Beacb, eatab. 4 yrs .. N._t. Oean, hfoneymaktt, Want Real Estate in ~~ .J.~ Dodgf' Motor Horne. ~ La.ke Arrowhead water- front lot $50,00J val. Pacific PaHades OcKn View lot. $27,500 val. Want: ?nctJID!I. '' Lagun1.·1 finest otean view. Hot.el. Phone Avalon lBT. layroom 9 ~ 3 ' perltnoe. 531·791C, a.1.23tt op•• •TOR financial Institution located ' ~ • : f !!'! pe22!:. ""o•~m.tncl. 9~'1 J JOBS & EMPLOYMENT :reterrtd: st ; ·. 50c iJ;: L1nd1~1pln9 6110 "'IV'\ in the International Airport ! • ,.. ·~ ~ • . ~ • 5-d8" ,,..k, perm. Job. Good .,., Must know app..U.ins ..a * * * * •. ~_;, • . BROKER 494-1137 Full Umt or occ.sional. Ex· Car;.t Cle1nln9 6625 RILLS & SLOPES our woridn&: condttioaS.\ f.fany C.al1 Pef'llOllnel C21Jl 67Q.Qlsci 1'. . i1-Jolt Wanted Min 7000 perlenced, d t Pend ab I e specialty. Next yean rain trin.,e beMfita. / , J Bia, 543-ml • 17',!XXI 1't TD °" ll.!XXI "I· ' MS.1395 CARPf.T A Furn. cluninr: wW bo wo,91! C.t pro. NATIONAL SYSTEMS CORP DISHWASHER,.Day •hl1t. 12 :;JO::;B:;S:.;&::..;:E::;M.::P..:L:.:0:..:Y~ME:;:::NT.:..:. I JOIS & EMPLOY~ljT :·.· ft bri~ ~ ~~ :f ENGLISHMAN, "56. recent CHILO CARE for l day 1ervtce I: q\l&llt.J ~ now! Call f95-081l 4401 Birch strett per Jwr. Apply in .Pl!m>n I .. ~die $m ·nc1· immtannt fmn Grut Sri-1 llttle s lrt qe v.1 to 5 work, call Stt!rllne tor Newport Beach Steer k Stein Help W1ntM Men 7200 ------------- ! _.10.,... All due rr :~nt..i taJn wflbe1 steady, bic )'flan. As Playmate ·. oom· brl&htneu! MU5JJ *trac~~;doom~.:SC:: INSTRUCTOR 5874 R~;tAve. Help W•nted, Men 7200 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 ' income $2400 per mo. :20% lttm job in Newp:nt Bead! panion tor my 4 year ol~ DIAMOND fl a carpets beat prdens SJO..J037 Huntington Beacb * * Dtsoounl . Bro~r 491-1210 area. Willlnz to 1Ml11 ~ dau.ghter. Meals included. friend! Oiamood carpet hJaruf'f', youna: adult, kxlk· M·~Ao~· Or •--1r•--1 SalH ' r.=.::=::::;...;,:,,~7=~-r skUI>, ...... clorl<. "'"' N"' Mapolla & Edina..,. Owion. ....13l, lnz !or aood ...... able to ~· ~ ~~~· GRANT s SURPLUS 15,-. DISCOUNT ma.in~ or manufac· Fountain VaDey area ~.00 P1perh1nglng meet the public. Apply in ~IANAGERS to train for ;., i.t TD on .,.•bite water view turlng work. ~ . in a wttk. call 847·'?187: Cltplt Laylna le P1intlng 6150 peonon. hll:h paylni Jll)61Uon w/tast : • lot tn Lquna _Beach. $6.000 wood""·ork. metal pohshln&. MOTHER Will babysit Near .,.2 Holiday Health Spa food chain.. Ex)>f'rience not Now Interviewing •-@ S60 mo., tncl. 99', all 645-2629 Harbor Shop Ce n le r . Repair SUBURBAN' PaintinVI>ec • Costa Mesa • llf':cePal'Y. Ask for f.lr. !' due 3 yn, Bn>k>r jM.1138 MAl.E N.,..., LVN d01U.1 Eocl...,, backyard, patlo, FOR CARPETING Exp.rt Goaranl<ed Work TRAINEE Yow,. man i1> Dorkin. 546--0495 SALES PEOPLE ANNOUNCEMENTS private J1atieat, any type playroom. 9 mos to a yn. Ollt. CAR PIT LAY.ING Free t•L No job too larse t~.sted tn l@aming trade CLOTHING & FURNISHINGS ind NOTICES cue. Full/put 1 i me prttemd, $4 day -SOc brif. C. A. Pait 6C'2.zl70 or too small. 4M-aUIO Mlllt have rood references. 8.\l..F.5MAN far men 's ~~~!!!~~~~~I~.,...,.,~~~:""."'.~~~ Full time or occuiona.1. Ex-PAil\'TJNG Int• Ext Lowest Good PIY ,1i benefits. steadf store. FuD _time. Salary Full or P1rt Time Found (Free Adt) 6400 Pf'rieneed. de p e ft h -b I e Floors 6665 contracltd prices. Fully in&. employment 645--7'171 open to e~ture rT black and white. Jff W1nted, Lady 7020 543-1395 Satisfa.ction EUIJ. !'TM al Hixton M~tal Finishln, APPLY-CARLTON'S. 270 E. Experienced preferred but C VI I Tll Jhn W,eelts ~U66 171h St., No. 5 HUlirtn not necelSlry, Many com· Came to vilit my flowen. MAnJRE Educated ,\'Omall MontERS Atten: ll )'OU 1rpet ny • YOUNG Man interested in SquM!, Costa. Mesa paJfy beneflb. Apply in per- (CM) Thurs. and stayed. _ .. i... ""-·-·ktt want a lie, matutt, exp I: All styles P."<I C'Olon WALLPAPDUNG A: PAIN· tht pie b.isiness. A good O d D k •CM son only between 2 and 6 '" Owner p)eut" call immed as com.,.....,n,,,.,_,, per Iovina: bllbyaltter for your Free est. Llc. contr. TING , 10 :;ean in uea. future lb tbe n.hl penon. 6 r tr es .,...._up P.~T. 548-59118 . for elderly lady. Salary cbildren Mon thru Fri. calI Sf0.7262 546-4478 Reuonable rates. Ca 11 day wk. App. in penon; Stable nolk'leleme Co. Top 1750 Newport Blvd. Of · open. G73-81M me! 549-07tJ6 Collere··Park 60-0427 Vi'• Piti, l91 E. 17th" St. workina: eond & benefits. Call ' BOY'S Blke -Vic 42nd St & . 1 River Ave., NB. Call 10 TWO Women will clean com· atta. Oi;deftiftl 6610 PAINTING, Papertn.r 16 yrs. C.M. -g 1o 12 noon. ~orte. 54&-5410 ;·· .identify. 673-7792 befr 7 AM plttely $18 a day. BABYSI'M'tNG Weekly, my In Harbor arta. Llc. 4 EARN While )'OU LEARN. Jason Best i or alt 10 PM. 546-2'J60 home. 1'1o!Mn klvin& cal'fl. ANTHONY'S bonded. !WI. furn. 642.23M. Start $3.to hr, raise every 60 Employment Agency ,-3 Yr'!!. or older. 108 24th St. PAP• R -~ ... --d•-... 68 tn n1ne mo' a + 2120 So. Mlln. S.A. • 1 BEAUTITIJL Little silVPr "' .>.r~,., ..., • ..,. : • ~pped kitten in CdM wear· Dom•tlc Htlp 7035 Nli 67~1318 644 A860 Cal'• beJt tot Yin)rle, nockl, add. ben'i. Must be .erioul • J ANITOR-GAJWENm • · -"--673-3316 WILL Babyait in ~ heme. ~ foil, mbrals. 847·1659 ews. Y."Ot'ker, outdoor&, Io ca I. Perm• n en t position, '· mg ~-. Chmue ltv~iM. Cbeerfu1 ·-The Best, COits no mort! (213) 87()..65r51 1'1tartlng at $489/mo, 40 ; • YOUNG white Samoyed, no Permanent. Experienced. days or nlaht& reff'r9nce Ex~anctd Malnttnance For better pe.inttna:, hr/wk, n:cellent f r t n 1 e m. Vic Univtrsity Prk, Far Eut Aaency 6U-8703 ~US per "'t t k • Buda:et Landscaplns Call c.\S Painters! * DISHWASHER benelita. Send resume to: ! tmnf'. S33--0TI7 Georte Alltn Byland Aaency Graduate Horticulturttt 615-2955 after 5 * IUSBOY Persorwl Dept, P. O. Box * IUSIOYS * 18 years or aver. Apply in person l'· ESERT Tu-rt I~, 6" Employn Pays Fee BABYSfITING M7 . home, COMPLETE needed ar 4n, south Laauna l diameter, vie. Collea.e prk, 11)6.B E. 16th, SA 547~ wetkdays only. Hamilton • YARD MAINT. Plastering, Repair 6880 ALLEY WEST BOX BOY -Must be avail. 1555 W. Adams, C.M. 54&-3900 Buahan:I, H.8. 958-1932 21~ W. ~antront REUBEN'S COCO'S J. C. PENNEY CO. FASHION ISL.ANO N'E\\'PORT BEAOf Has Full tllne positions (lp!U tor luffen amt Janitorial Maintenance 1t@cent. rucce1stul ~ ence ln all pba.&H prefe!'Nd. Competative mies. out. 1tandin1 bendita inclwSihc profit lharina. APPLY JN PERSON ~Ion .• Sat. 10 am to 9 ~ I. C. Penney Co. 24 F11hlon leloncl . Ntwport B11ch, Colll. An Equal OpportuniQ'. 1..:;::.:::=,._~----lu-1 W od Mt 7200 Spriokler Wtalled .It: repair. e PA'IUI Pt..\STERINC. Ntwport Beach 675-tnf wk. day morninp.. .over 16. LEARN TOOL -CUTTER BLACK ldtttn, female, w/~ n. P int • n BLUFFS., my home. full or ed. Ntw la.wqa, c:ltra.nups. P.luat be neat and ha\'t! GRINDING TRADE· ffI•r· * * a tall Irvine~. CdM part time: near school. ~tonthl,y ~ All typMi. P'lft estimate. MAlNTENANCE Man, n. or haircut. Apply tn pn'IOn, ritd men prefe!'ftd M:u11: be ~~~!""!!!!!O!m""'!il 61x.o49 MOTOR HOME "Rtltable 644-0964 983-19'18 Call 54()...Q25 ':!rx1ttn;:a~~1 :enn~l n :i;· Rlchlln:I '• Lido Mark@t, KU a:mbltlo~. H.S. ~d with CzruCAL Empl0yer Gl\EY rabbit. 546-5146 or EXPERIENCED BABYSITI'ING, next to Dew NEW Lawn a .~inz. e PATCH PLASTERING. SAWYER HO~fE. 2619 Via Lido. N.B. math blqrnd &: be SG-3888 • WELDERS M~ ... C!'f~.~. 4 Qranae). Complete lawn c&re, clean f.111 ~ F'ft:e eitima.te. Ora.nee Ave., Colt& Mesa. HANDYMAN mechanically tnclined. Good .,,,.._... up by jDb or , montb. Free Pt. time Small Craft Ramp, woridrl&' cond'1'1 ti frina.e !Mt 6401 • TRIMMERS esllmatet. 00 84&-0932 6890 Ove;-oJ, -e=:~~ust Pacific Coast Hwy k Bay. beneflt1. i==------= • WALL MEN lrlck, Metonry, etc. AL"S r.. .. -t....1... &. Lawn Plumblng side Dr. Re:f'a. nee. Pb. DAILY GRINDING INC. RE\VARD -German Shep .a.•60 ~~-•n-n•c r. ... .,..-. be dependable, al.I Co. Gf'O,...e 673-n&O bef. noon. 3822 Campus Dr.., N.B . • PLUM.ERS -Malnte...,.,., Commercial, PLv~• ~~ "'"'"''· Phooe Chock, ;::;::·~·:;.::::;;;;;,;;:~::::::.-1.-=~7.'"='='=:;..;c:;:..-puppy, mootly bl"k. had lndoatrlal & ttoidontial. No job too small 61" "-* COOKS JANITORIAL rod rollar. vk S.<k S.,. e JANITOR BUILD, l<emod<I, repalr. *'4&-3622* • "2-3l2a • ~ ALL SHlITS l Call 833-lW ot 1"8 ask Brick, block, concrete, FACTORY Tn,.inee, shlft THE Ft. YING BUTLER Part·tlme v.-ork. Nttd RWt· for Pam. Eves. Ca 11 ISL.ANDER carpt:ntry, no job too small. RESPONSIBLE atudent, mow Remodel Reptlr 6940 work. FARRO C 0 ft P . S7J..OOTI al men ln CM, NB atta. ~ 5f0..m9 ~10TOR HOMES Lie. Contr. !)62..at5 & edge lawn (&wratf') $10 · --' ' f'lbtrtlua Division, 18811 br 1hllts. Startin& 6 PM. Ap.. t. J BE ft. AL Rev.'an:l·Blond 2135 Canyon Dr., COl"t4 ~fesa BABYSITTING In my home mo. 6U-8l15 bet 5:30 i: 6:30 !UILD, Remodel. Repatr Flbera:lus Rd., Hunt. Bch. * DISHWASHER ply 409 North Harbor, Santa German Shepherd. 1~1 yn. J A for 'Werkina; rnothtrs; So. PM Brick, block. concrete, EXPERIENCED. Jn shutttr FUJI time day &hilt cAna=;_· ==~~~- lost vie Victoria Bch, l CCQUHTANT Lquna atta.~1693 J1paneH Gardener crpntry, no Job too amal1 labrlcatloa & or lnatallation. THE fl.YING Bt.m.ER BOYS 10 • 14 tuune.. Ana to ''Thor'". Exptr .• comp! yard 1tl"Vicel UC. Contr. ~ Nev.'J)Ol't Beach are a . 67l-0077 C&.ITltr Rou~ ()ptt1 : Cn4l 04-9932 2 yrs. coUt&:t (Ir equivalent. Builders 6570 Free eat. 645-0012, 968.J303 6960 6f6..3at3 SERVICE station attend.ant. for • L \DIES wallet. Vh: Center Experienced 1eneral leda:tr. -CLEAN.I.JP SPEClALIST! hwln[ w AN T E 0 : 2 r 0 0 1 h Exper. ness. See "?>Uke". Laauna Beach, So. l.qw:la ' ·St. 01 or 3rd Ave., Lquna nnanda.I statemel'lt!, cosu, JlE M 0 OEJ-Addi~ Mowlna, edafng, odd jobs. e Imssmaklna:. Altaratio!\I carpenters or l carpenter A: 4678 Campus Dr, NB DAILY PILOT Btach, Fri All. Valuable Inventory control, ere. So!M lneta Block fencts·Concrete Reuona.ble. 54&-Q'J5.5 Spedal on hema. helper. PLUMBER. !.xpuienced in 642-4321 pap tr s. Rf'watd. 4!$-2369 tab knov.·lOOge desirable. work. 64.:J...8852 GARDEN COUNSELOR 1 • 646-14"6 * CAii: 6'13-0465 plumbln& & beatln&:. Fringe ...-&OAT CARPENTERS It 6 Robtrtahaw Conlrol1 •·nol1't 61&-4922 'd ~-11 • • Quality. Exper. Ctpable Alterations-642~5145 PART Time 7 AM to 11 Am UI: 5• Exp uual carpent.rrs want. Bl.ACK Puppy. 14 wk . Co. Cerpenterfng 6590 Call ~1.ut N~at, accui-a.te, 2{I yean exp. or 8 AM t(I Noon. No aeliinz. OA.n.Y Pll.OT WANT ADSI ed. Inquire •t AlJTOCOASr Lab-&paniel. Lost 8/30 Ba)· Uni-Lint Division CARPENTRY EXPERIENCED Japa.ftttll 63M698 or 544-0460 SOCK rr TO 'EM! 1974 Plllcentia Aw., CM. ! 6.-Newport Retun! 325 W. l6072 Gothard, HB. MINOR REPAIRS. Jio Job prdener. RtJJable. ~7313 Septic Ttnk, Swer. 6965 SERVICE Sta.lion aalesman. ' Bay No. 8 Reward Equal Ofiportunlty Employt:r Too Small. cablMt 1n pro tor frft attmate Help Wanted. M.n 7200 Help W1nted, Men 7200 Exp'd, are no barritr. Full ITT IABSCO TIME KEEPER·. COST CLERK : Good opportwtity tor • man with IOme aceaan\. in& or relatM clerical di pttlence to come Into co,.: tact with all de~ ol the company. Prdef: Hlrh Schoel and some &°'i cou.ntln& tr&inint. ; PlealSfl apply In ptr- son or in writtn& to Personnel I>e;t. GOOD Bl:N.E:FITS AND.l WORKlNG CXlNDn10N~ I Equal 0pportunJty I Emplo~ iLAoc And tan Gtrm&n SAl.ESMAN: To train with qn • other cabinet&. 'S ._ la VACUUM pump\11& M!Vice, ==~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;i~~=1 time, llalaT'1 + comm . .... ~ 1 al /torn national N · JIM GardenJ:l2I • wn Hptk tanb.· aumps. sand Mobil StaUon, 24361 El Toro ••""..-'"· em e w co. o expemnce: 54Ml15 U no ..,.._, kaw malnt'11ance. Res. A Com· !raps. You name tt, we l rfeht ear. Reward. 1&34th ""1!ired. Grul future for mac ~t N6-2372. K. o. merda1. '* 5&1411 pump it. 24 br. suvJce. . ltd., Lquna Hills. 1485 DALE WAY . St. NB brl.Jht pt.MiOn. Start with Anderwon EXPERIENCED service .ta-COS'J'A MESA, CALJJ', n;;6 • E M l G r.alary ol up to S700 mo. Call JIM'S GARDENING • lawn S4}-07S5 CH IN s s lion att1ndant. lull·"~·. cn11 MS.ml . , LARG a e er man r~. White S40-6ffi5 CARPENTERING, roam id· m&\lrttnanOe. Rn. A; Chm· MA I T · ~~ __ ..:.::.::..=='---I ; Shepherd RE\VARD. Loat hi ""'(_!OASTAL AGENCY rtitiong, pat.lo de:cb Ir ntef"cl&l. 1r 5$SW.. TILi, Cer1mlc 6974 ~:f~ ~Ml~~ 2 g 9 6 I NEED semi-retired, SJ.'5 I FountalnV.tley.'31...m 2790HorborBI ·• .... n . Quality, cu•lom tis IA a Gvdtnlna (E?uerl-ntall male"""".., . ._.,. , BAiStM' HOUN6 Cotta. Meaa ' work:. 645-0415 StJvlcll!t. "'"Rfll/Comcl~lodlllit. * Verne, T'be: Tile Man * 111• HELP WANTED .. 16.!e. work, OR J..3.120 ' rJ.Q'unl Stach vicinity of GENERAL QUAt.rrr Rt:paln .. Altera· ~after 5 Out. work. Install A rtp&ln. High School e ucation or completion of Part Um~. Apply In person. Tb&Jia St. 4494-4853. lions New const. b)' hour No job too 1mall. Plute:r recognlud apprenticeship plus e 1 g h L JACK IN ntE BOX, lXl5 l SIAMESE cat. US'l\'ttt to 1if~hlnt C}Jler ...... $2.~+ or c~tn.ct. 646-3442 EXPERT JAPANESE ' pe.t~. Leaklna: s l'I owe i years shop experience in manufacturing Bahr St .• Cmta. ltff!R. : treddH. female. l.Alt vie ~':c~la~ Qi,tr;,·~~: REPAIR, Pirtlt\0111 sm&li ftea/O:nnc'Vlodus. 6*4314 I repiur. M'7-I9S7JM6--0'Di precision parts. \Vill perform high preci· EXP. Ser. Sta.. Salary + ~ Blatt. 6"-oG29 Ctrjllled Welder ...... $3.!'111 Remodel. etc. Nlte or dq, Generil Services 6612 TrH Service 6910 sion machining work from blueprints, ::,W~~: ~t :. • : Slamot cat. bad m . Maint Man ............ ~-tOO Reas! C&D KEN 54(1.4679 sketches and specifications. Adapt& and t Vie l5th St' Sf'uhote Dr, .\PEX EmPloYTntnt Arency REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CONBl'J\UCI'lON alte dMn-CENE"S TREE s '£ R v : improvises simpl6 to moderately com-.;C;:;'';,,":;,"":;;:·:..N:::•:..· ,.-,--,-,..,..- ;, J(B. c.n m-a1SS 1873 Harbor C.1.t. 54&-3426 CABINE"l'S. Aey afJ.lt Joh up, hi.~, IPri~ tree1J1h111b~ry mnoved, plex toollng. and fixtures lo complete ex· ./ NIGHT work in bakery. SERVICE stalk>tt N.it&man, z; )n. e:q"ll!:r. MH713 ttma ins ~ ' • trtmmed, llauled aw• y perimental machining assignmenLs. Re-llfake donut1 and JW\JI . 1~ ~•ft 6405 f'llD time:, 11.,rht m~hanlc, ~ 549--1!59 cent experience machining precision 'fiotm-'• Ba.!My, 2.l4 f'cntt -DI neat In lJIPl:N'anct. 'l yr• Cement, Csncntte '600 Haullnt 6730 ESI'ATE Ma.Int '!'rte Serv partl on large engine Jathes preferred. Aw .. 1'1runa Bcb · rw. up. Ste Jlm, 2$0 Nev.·port _ Removal i, lrlmmtnp, tree KNOWLEDGEABLE Stetw .I ... llolUll,,..... oUtr'l!lf Blvd .• C.M. • t'ONCR.ETt work a 11 a.EAN UP . Ii; Utt"'°""' estimalt, Call 541-<l'lll Cell or ;rr~ to Bert Miiis componmt: aale1 tnillM. ti bte ffllllc "1 tile .a.Jboa liiiV1a: S1•t'°" net d 1 ~54s..~2t«b • cutom. Trel a abtub mD0\111. aum;sr ma.rtrttpla.ce tn (n4J io, Ext. ISl ?~ Call Mr. Vann t ' Jrr I 1• ... ,..,.. nllhl man. 5 PM lo 10 PM. -· 50J3:il town. The OAR.Y PILOT M1saJ1 Sys! DM I -· . bdtl....., iD id'lioa.ts aa Mut ha.,.. e ~ p e r 1 e n c e . C!:t.fE:N'l' WORK. no job toD DJCPENDABLE. ba.ulq 1 Oualned sect»n. S..vc • tml 1 on 1 Ml ., ,...... Mt&. £WOI Unkxl OU. 311 E.. 17th st, 1man, ttASOM.bll. r r • • rnovbic RMaoMWt" ti.Wt. money ttm. A tJJort. l..oOk &1JLAllTUll ftEH llNlll t M~ t for u ""* (:Oat Mtl& etllm. H. StufUck. sa .,, f"1'ff e:;tlmttta. ......,;m DOW! 11· II n 11111 ·~ • ' JIN', -·· -f;X1' llrvl<e ...... •1• Child c.... ' CONIORATION . I I~ ( DOtt'!oo'! lint ttndlnto. •• .., in ""'°"· -6610 y • ... Sh Id .. " ~ • ~: 'gttb,"Tw. 11"1 P11i.r·• Unloo -· 2241 c .... >ro ... ll<tmed. .... -OU ere, ADMslonoflho ' A u-INodl Ne 11ai1oot B!vd, C.M. v'""" tor l!IWlt. They'-Leokln9 for ltl SUOQUehanna Corp. : ~""..;ti;--~ MJUllWi). Nil)lft. Appl y Call $ti.22Q • • :. al e1aa, ~ ..,.u.n all -f PM. 1121 N ......... I g1). fR~1 Calta },(Ha • . GARDENER, Exp. for apt comple.z. 5 DI.ya Wttk. At> ""' In ....... 3103 O>ul Hfwt,y, Sh. t.&f\1"8 'nME FOR QUICK CASH • THROUGH '14. : • DAILY PILOT WANT AD ' • ' I., " 1: ,. I .. • .1, ·. j: ' • ,-, .. • ., I 1.., ... • ' I i I'. :.1 .. i '. ' .J!!:!:~"~"L;:o::;r-:AllVJ;;.lllJS;;iEIL;-;ni~w~ .. ~"'~""':"'::;'~!:::•ot:::'"'::::""1'~·~l96~9 !J~~~~!!]:~~~~~~~q -w....,, _,, 1969 ONl.V-a -,; ; •••LY PILOT JOBSll ,, NT JOU & IMPLOYlo\ENT JOllS&EMl'LOYMENT JOllS&IMl'LOYMINT ~OllS&IMPLOYm.,,T Jv.S& •mPLO•m•Nl Jull5& ,, Holp Wonted, Mon T.IOO Holp W1ntod H~~ntod 7400 Holp Wontoci Holp W1ntod Jolll Men, Wom. 7500 Jobi Mon, w...,, 7iall CLJlSSIFllD-INDEX DELIVERY man, pM!ma Women 7400 1-------w..,_ 1400 w-74001------Fad.., L.A. Tbnq car route. 1---------Gentnl CM ....... '48-3303 Oerl<al ~ SER0=vt=CE=~Sto~llon~-'-,-c,tend-,a-n°'"t.1 OewpOrt · day worl< ITT JABSCO personnel ti!; HOUSES FOR SALE ntA1LI!• l'AIUCS *' 3928 E. Coul Hwy, Cdb.t agency .. · •ut1111m a1111TAI. .... · ·· .... -. CAR Wash I-serv tita , .. ""''~-.. ............... 1• o .. ,.ic. ••1111•L ......... ,. ...,.. oo·-0 ·~ COt'f• M-.. ..........•.••.. n• IMDUIT111AL P•cw••TY ..... = atmin'L Full l pt. time. ...... "t"Ln RJVi: I M .... ,,. •u"o"'• • ··············)*, •• COMMnc1AL ........... ..,. 4625: w. Pac. Cat Hwy. BILLING NEWPORT BEAq-l v _. ................ llllDUITll.AL llHT•I. ........ I=====-===-,,,, ·~ -; Cot.LIM l'U• .............. "1itt ..on ....................... ,,. GARDENER"S Trainee. No CLERK ~" NSWl'Olt"f .. ACH •••••• ,,.,.,IM UMCNll .................. -•• •1• C.-../BJt. k-fO $600 lllWLIOllT "llOHTS .......... 1111 CITIUS OIOVll ....••...•.•. •m expel" nee. Phone anytime. _,,,,,._ ~'. Ut.IOA COVIi ···.w···"·ttU t.CIUll ..................... 171<l ~ ..... "~-. " FPP.*' "l.Wf'OIT IMOlll ... w ••..•• lnt tMtl IUlllOll .............. Ol:I ~· k .u.vc111T ................. 1m iuon ,10,111.,,. .......... tMSI ~========='I Assistant bUJln&:/account· For a slable woman to wor •AYIHOlb ................ tm OIAHfl co. PllOl'lltTl' ..... u.r lfl& department. Prtvlo1.11 u assistant to pl'l'sldent or oov111 IHOlllS ............... u:n OUT°" ITATI ••<M": ........ '211 Help Wanted .............. ,...-._.. ..,..;".,. '""'WI•• mfg -. Llaht -. WllTCLll'• ......... , .. W)UlfTAIM a 0111•T ........ uu ....... .,..... ...... ..IU ...... -.. -v .... .... -..... KA••o• H10HU.NDI ........ ,m, tu90ft'lllOll LAMD ••..••••. &111 Women 7400 ~. re1arial dutil!S. Mavy AIR: 11M1va•11Tv •A•it ........... 1n r tuL anATI 111vtca ..... u1s ----------1 Exoc Soc.,,. EPF tll'Wlltl ... . · ........ , .. , IUI '-£ PCMAHe , ............. --...- t.t.U MT ... . ............ 1• -· 1. WAlfTllD .......... &Ml CENERAL Equal opportunity employer Ability to wort with aalea-f#~•;u/la1i.c:1··::::::::::::~: BUSINESS and • Clerks men, 1ood on telephone, cotoNA DIL MAii ........... tHI • FINANCIAL 1485 Dale Way good &kills. Company pro- •ALIOA •~N1HsuLA ..•..•. .,~• •u•t•111 Dl"l'OttTUNIT11s .. .-e Typists Costa Meu Call! ld -~•--• .. _ taJ •--··-•ucoN IAY ............... • IUSIM•St WAHTaD ~, ......... 6* , · V el u~, ""'" u-· tAY ISLAMDS ·· .............. lJM •N•llTM .. T -lftll ... 6S11 • s-r~ari'•• fn4) M5-8Z\ anc.<e + nrnfit ... -•jn<r "'"--t LIOO ISLE .............•.. last INVUTMIHT Wo\NTID ...... :lJI ._.,. SI ,..v . <>1wu ..... .....,. IAl.IOA Ill.AHO ·············'"' -·· -• ••• • L.A. area. MUNTlltaTOM llACH ....... u• .... -............ .. PW" ,Uf ~k8 8fMI l:lt,.,.. ANJltMCI DIAL DIREC'J' 84.t-H7a CLERK TYPIST (Accounting) Sec~lary ............ 10~ Stnlor '.fYplst .......... S4.1S cm!l• th6wr .•.... ll> JC! Varil!d ~ibllllics in. Typbt •••••••••••• ;. to $400 '°''"" ""~ and filia( Ge""'1 OOlce •••••• to l1tlO In our aocoune.I~ ckput. s:teno1 ••••••••• , •••••• , • $3119 trW:nt. S o m e accountirla Dk:tapl'lone 1:)>ptlt , • • • S3SO 5Choolliw or experit'nee ~ Qenml ~ •••• ! . to SS55 l\U. ' PBX lttCPt ....... · · • $360 Profit Si1Dnni: J. C. Carter Co. 671 W. 17th St. Co1ta Met• S4J.3421 An equal opportunity employer ALI-SET AGENCY I-Huntington BNch 1'1fil2 BNch Blvd. 847-6001 CLERK TYPIST MUMTtMOTON "*-•aou1 ..... 1• f'l.•DNSAL LOAMI ........... .au Work whon and f/C BOOKKEEPER Secret•ry $500 EPP """•T••• ••u.•T ,,,, J•W•LllY LOAMI ............ uat w~ ·--• ·D !im I -----------1 , ··•r-.......... coLL.t.TllAl l.OAlltl ......... "*I """ """ n.at 1 n con-Al•rt ~rl. prod"~~. -·-: · talAL ·~ ................. 1ue •PL as'fATI LOAMS ............ where you want I tracts admlnistration. Sh 100 •• ~uu ...vo.-... WMSIT tUCN ............... IUll .... T .. o•• T .... -... UU •-• oft\-<ro.~1 .. ~ lill"I ... o.ao111 01ov1 .........•.... 1471 MONll'I' w...MTio ...... tor dally sa.les summary, ac-+. typing 65 + Newspaper needs LnM ""· •.,-yu,., • • LOH• •uctt ................ u• ANNOUNCEMENTS INTERIM counts reoelwable. & oollec-Socrol•ry $500 CRF po1tl~. Xlntworldnacond's. , -AKIWOOD ............... 1111 jncJ\ldlnJ all beneflb. >twt0• COUttTY ............. t• and NOTICES Uon. Fut accurate worker, ~iwit have good work back· .Secretary oUT of' cou""" .......... ·•· t• -~ Jyptat Prefer automo-+ 1· + ood -· OUT ... T ... ················'"' ........... -•.......... .... PERSONNEL SERVICE ·--'"'"nd "' .... • .. CALIFORNIA '• .,,.,.. . ........ , ........ ,. ..,, o ................... u .. oxporlence. "'' '°' 1-1•• & lelepbone teclurl-w••TMrlftTllll. . ........... 1111 1"11so"Au · .............. ..., M a 1 ~.. ... Vic:e. President Injection Moldln9 : M10WA1' CIT'I .:::: ............ 1•1• AlfMOUHClMtNTS ............ "'!' JO ... HN ... "so· N & SON qucs. }ilnt construction co "· U.MTA ANA ................. iut •••THS · ................... 1 445 E. 17th St. in beaulilu1 locaUon. & General Manager 200 Bria& Ave. . SA"ITA AKA NOtl, ............ I'll flUMERALI ........ , ....... '4U Coat Meq. 546-f460 oaANGE ........ 1m PAio 011TuA•Y ......... "'11 c 1 M C 1.1 U I M Rocpt to $450 EPF ,.,. a tUSTllt .. ::::: .......... IMI l"UNli•AL DlltlCTOIS ....... IMI~ OS a •Sa, a I • ftC:O " ercury Who can take shorthand lw An equal opporU,mJty NO•TM TUSTlflt ........... IMJ l'LOllSTS ............ '411 642 7S23 f\fust be very sharp & al-wpnt lik v·'"'-tu _ _.. fl.. 1--~-ANAll•IM .......... 1ue c...110 DI" TNAM•1 .... , ....... '41' • 2626 H•rbor Blvd, tr:acll·-w ~ lypl"g die-• es .... ""'' .... iu -.· emp..,""r ~· ILYEIADO CANYOll ......... IUS llt MEMOIUAl!I .............. 6411 ... •"""' " ' ures, type 60 wpm or bel· , u.ou•A MILU ................ 1111 CEMITl l1' LOTI ............ "'" lntcivie•ti"" ~1on. thru :rri. Coat• Meu taphone, lltt' bkkpg. Oppty ter. MBJ'IY <.-ompany bene. liAGUNA llACM .............. 17H CEMITllY CIYl"TI ......... '4lt -·.. 540-5630 to I arn legal : I U.OUMA NlOUEL ............ 1711 CEMtTt•Y CIYPn ......... "'lt 8 AM to 5 PM G'on Off•·c·. lo '"0 fits such as paid vacatiorll, ~ MllStott v1aJo ............ 11• 'ltaMATORllS ·· ........... '41' F.quat opportunity l."mployer ~ sick leave, pakl oiedk:al and \ lAN CLl!MENTI ....... 1711 MEMOlllAL .................. 6421 '"'ULL TIME 'L EPF 1LCRF '"' ·-···---•• ~,, ··-·--SAit 'UAM CAfllSTllAHO ...... Int t.UCTIOMS .•........ , .. iHM r 7~ • l 'I. .,.,.,... ...... ., n;u Wll\I" HOSTESS PART-TIME For Coco's in Ccma Mesa Mwit be over 18 • '"""1sTu.1to 111ACM ....•.... 1JU t.VIAT1011 111v1ct: .......... '4.A COLOR and NCR HOSTESS General office background (you may have to keep !ta DAMA flOIMT .................. Int TU.YEL .................... 6U5 with &CC'U.1'8.te ru..1 ...... An booka) lo .. 1... t -iCAituiAo ..................... 11• Atlt TllAHSIJ'Ol'TATtON ........... PROOF O A ..,.,.. .. ,. • pena n _.., e C?. Apply In person oc1A1ts101 ................... 1111 AUTO TUNSl"OltTATIOM ..... ..u PER TOR excellent oppty for eomeone Call the DAILY PD..c>T far IAM 01tc.o . . ............ 1m LEGAL MOTte11s ........ iHM Nights I: weekendl who l!I detail minded. anappointment.6t2432l &nd REUBEN'S lllYEISfOf. COUNTY ......... 1 .. GllllMAN & TUTOlllMO ···· ""I M t be 21 ·; tt0usr1 TO 11 MOVID ...... t• SERVICE DIRECTORY UNITED CALIFORNIA us over Secretary $425 EPF ask for Mrs. Greenman. · OUl"LliJU!S FOil SALi ....... ins ANiwa1uMo 1r1tv1c1 ······· '* FIVE CROWNS n s.-..l' )'OUt1&" 8 Y • J. W. RoblMOll HH openings for: JANITOR --SECURITY GUARD --MAID , --PART TIME COOK/BAKER Apply Pll~l 10 lo 4 p.m. Robinson's Newport Fashion lslond, N.8, Equal opportunl131 emplo)'•r PBX RELIEF R.l!tponsibilltil!• will Involve PBX rcceplionlllt relief, mail 8011.ing and di.lltribu1ioo. PSX experience ttq\lim:\, Profit~ l. C. carter Co. 671 W. 17th St. Cost• MeM 541-3421 · co ttDOMINtUM ......... itse •ccouHTINO t.511 BANK WUI lral •·-I d COCO'S -Al"AllTMEHTS FOi SALi! .... If• A•~LIAHCI •E•AlllS. .... 11 '511 with good se<:retarial akiUs. }IOSTESS RENTALS ASl"HALT, ous ................ '~• 309 J\laln Street RESTAURANT Work in beautiful oWces e eeACCOUNT CLERK u ee ; Houte1 Furnished ~~'l i;:;A::,. ·;..,... ttc. ·J:.• Icluntington Beach 3801 E. Pacilic Coast Hwy. with an lotelllgl"nt young WAITRESS 1555 W. Adams Graduation fro m High Sctm. · ou11A1. . . ........ 21111 •AIYllTTtN• .......... •11t 536-88U Corona del Mar &tall In a .-• .1 .. -land de-0 Cotte Meu Ind··" .~ • •E'WTALS TO SKAll ........... •OAT MA1n1MANCI" ········'°"'l-;;---c~-;--=~ I----'-'-"-"-'"-'--"'---••··~ •--;,..:..-..===•-! wo,ung or supp.lemen~ • COSTA Mau ................ 21• 11ttc1C. MA•ONltT, etc. ....... '5611 Fl I T ._.""' wlopment co. * Experienced * 1 ADVERTISING b)' C'OW'8C!a in tiJlancia1 MESA DIL MA• .............. 11• 1us1N•s1 11:1v1ca.1 ........ un exowr ter rnff ~ Experienced Typld to •_.25 EPF l't'COtd kel!nino --a,.-.. ' MIS& YlllOIEtlll 1u1Lo&a1 ................. 1$1' Xlnt Co, movlf1!: to new oCf· -r AGENCY ~~ ., __ _ 1 -~C.01.LIGI ;oAaK .....•........ ins CA'r1anto ms ic.cs in Izvine. WIU train ac-70/80 wpm t)'ping with ac-APP.LY JN PERSON One year ot •cmuntlna ,r. ll'llW,ORT .. IACH •••••••••••·2'2M CAllNWTMAIUNI •••••••••·•··,,_ PROOF Lo I ff • I ·cal ' t NIEWl'"OltT HOTS. ··············= CAt••MTElllHG ··············"" ourate typist. Call Dialli', curacy, ve Y o ices, con-Jn Nev.•port Beach, needs c en ex p er I e nc e re-;·· ::~s"H~~T,:Ho•.~~.:::::::::: .. ms ~=tt~H&ar"~·::::;:::=: 546-5410. OPERATOR· g1cnlald people, good chance REUBEN E. LEE BOOKKEEPING, quo!~' a basic knowledge .--oovt 1 SHORES ............... nu COHTU.CTOJtl ...... '" .. ·"" JASON BEST or a vancemf'nl. STERNWHEELER GENERAL OFFICE ~ recon:I keeplncpro.. 1 w11TcL1l'F ............. mt CA•l"•T CLEANING . ··"" UNITED CALIFORNIA Acctg Clerk $400 VJ EPF · ~s tennlnol and ~-UNIVERSITY ..... " .......... :nu CAlf'IT U.Tltrfli & llEl"Alll 1616 Employn1ent Agency Pay./Rec., PJ•t db!, ~l!Y. • O(D' ' .. lltV1NE . . ................. ml Olt.lfll •11s ................ ..a 2120 So. lilain, Santa Ana BANK Good schooling or work ex· bank rec bllllng ~pe 50 equipment. Salary beEtna at : . EAST ILUFF ........... ,.22Q OEMOLITIOtrf ............ MlS l -.-.,=--=~~='°'.-1 ' -rie---...,,.,,ired Mu & l 151 E Coatt Hwy " ' . $481 Apply M·~--tbni ' 11v1111 TERll.ACIE' ........... n u OU.~ING SllYICt .......... Mii ATTRACTIVE GIRLS ,... ...... -~ .. w • • • Under 35 Xlnt opp, Call · "'~ I COil.ONA PEL MAI ........... 21'1 ILICTllCAL ' . ............. 222 Ocean Ave. have knowledge of double ___ N~·~w~poc.:..r~t--=Boc:.:•~ch:;;_ __ l_Barl>an==:.:;·:642-39::,:;;'';·----I F'riday, 8 A.M. to 4!30 P .M., U LSOA ................... DI IOUll"M•MT •ElfTAl.S ·······"H Full time-pa.rt time. Age lS. I ~-u714 Beach entry bkkpg, will train tbl! 1901 N ew port Blvd, I 100 1s1.E ................. n u "llrtCtNG ...... .................... 30. Commercial Hosteui.... ~ TELLER ' •Al' !SU.HOS ................ "51 l"LOORI .................... MU u'6 494-6546 right girl. WAITRESS s . . . . . . Clusified Personnel, Costa I IALIOA 1SlA NO .............. us.s flURNACI 11•A11s. rte.-···"" for Conventions, banq1.1eta, Girl Fr.•day .,_ APF E YOUNG, aggreu.lve com-llteaa. 6f5..0600. n~--da<e EAST 1LuF" .................. nft l'U1tNtTUAE 11rst0•1NO Ex ...i I:~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ tell / ~ 1 .. &ACK IAT .................... '1441 a •• ,,UUSHIMQ "" etc. ~~ pay & be.ncfi~, s ALE s w 0 M AN . EX· ror a mat~ WOmf.11 with pany, er new 1,C-Sept 5th. "· IACIC. tAY . ..., ..... :1241 OAROENINCI ......... "" Will train Call Miss QuU ·A--.. J lad. ad ~ ~ --• ffi bil"'" "'-""n·e---' l.'Ounls i!rl. l. 2 VN, np.'.==''-"""====c-=-·I ! • HUNT•NG1'0N •EACH ......... 140I GINlllAL sravtcu ·········'°"' . · pen""""""" n ics re y . ...,. ,. ....... ~'"°' ... o ice 1t 1...,. i:..,.,... '""= l'!f'd :e 1 .,.w an' .• DISHWASHER • I.:. FOUNTAIN VALLE'I ........ ,.2411 Cil.AOINO. OIKIN¥ .............. ! TraUJOr. 540-6184 Days, wear. Over25 wtto Is service minded. p . • ea1 a nt, am . 1 ltAL aucH ................ 14se OLA.SI . . ................ '6tt 8 ollice atmosphere In largt, I-fl.OHO •EACH ···············= 5lllEM '"UMI ···············'* ookkeeper INVENTORY CLERK. Local " EPF, employer APPLY IN PERSON beautiful surroundings. !;, :::Ao~.f_i'UNTT.:::::::::::::2,11 :'JL~~o:Luai·::::::::::::::·:: ref's. required. Over 2S P•Y• fee Cont&ct Mr. Lapp ' WEITMIN5TEI ............. , •. 261, HAULING ................ 41Jf Ac-··ts payab'-for ... ~. Apply J\.lon thru 1'"'ri 10-4 .. APF, applicant The R1'gger DOWNEY SAVINGS l • MIOWA'I CITY .......... 261, HOUSl!CllAM IMO . . ...... 67U ........ Ir •• APROPO'S No 27 Town & SANTA AMA H11GHTS ........ Ult 11tT•1uo11 01co1ATING .... •111 menl builder. Prefer con. '· · peys fe1 LOAN ASSOCIATION * FULL TIME * EXPERIENCED ITT JABSCC . ' ASSEMILU , TURRET LATHI'. OPERATOR " TURRET LATHE! snuP oR OPERATOR MILL & DRILL OPERATOR • or MILL & DIUU: SETUP AND OPERATE r CLEANER DE BURR AND HELP~ • ' ' A 11 posi tiQns rt"Q~ • IOO\e experience. Gciod I \l.'Qrking oondil101131 and benefits. t Eq"'1 opportuniJy emplo>ol 1~ Dale Way i COsta. Mesa, Calif. (n4J 54.'>8251 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i $93.00 bl•wMkly R>qu;,.,, -bealth, d<ljry permanent pOOtion dUl'ihf Ehool Y1!&.r and a car. , Woril: approx. 25 hrs. pt r week split ahilt, 2% hf'l. IM. 2% hn PM, Mon. 1tuu 1)'\ Apply before 5 PM Thqn Sl!pt. 4th. to the ~ Offlcie, C\ty of Newp&t Beach. 3300 Newport 8l\d Newport Beach, Calif., fTli) 873<1633. FRY COOKS l COA1TAL .............. ,., .. INCOMI TAX ........ ,,.. Country, Orange. ' ..... 911 • Ml . VI Jo u.GUNA sEACH .............. 21G.' lllOH, 0ru ....... 1• Etc. ........ '15' &truction exper. Excelle11t.1~-==c:...==:::...---CRF, company # 16 FASHION ISLAND ...,,~ sston e , L.t.OUNA N1out:L ............ 1101 1rtc»UNO .................... 6155 be~its. 540-9TIO Mr. Ron· EXPERIENCED reimbur111 fn NEWPORT BEACJl THE RIGGER Top w ... ,, -nna,,.n!. •-' MISSION VIEJO .............. 17111 lllSUU.TIMO ................ ,. 6161 _, .. Co -Se Be-B t r •-• iAtt CLEMENTE .......... 111• 1Nsuu.Nc• ......... . ..... 67U 4&(] nter. WAITRESS POLYOPTICS LVN & Nurus Aides e • .., nice• es• and•·-'-"'-coaiitionl • IAN JUAN CAfl 1ST1t.ANO ...... 2ru 1MYEn10AT1trto, D9ttd'MI ···'* e OR ' ···-~ · : CAflKTlt.llfO llACN ..••..•. 11• JANITORIAL ········'"' DER CLERK. L arg,. progressive i::ct~ m Gx inarea'1 leadin&ttdallfa1\!, • oAlllA f'OfNT ........... tu• JlWl!LaY llEf'Allt, l.k. ......... Interesting job. Apply ,·n Po-"n INC needs u. Orientation provid· : .... ..._ ...,C # 16 Fubion Island Apply 9 am to S pm for~ • llVEISIOE COUNTY ········ 2IW U.lfDICAfllN• ................ "1t WILL TRAIN ·--~ b lull tlm In . lrU., .. N-heh ·-·'--•• .·· : VACATION IEMTAU ·········"" '..OCICSMITH .. ···············"" SURF ·& SIRLOIN Fut growing consumer pro-""' Ya e, 9'rv1ce, .... ,......., KL.,.._ I suMMElt ••HTAU ......... :ni1 MASON•Y, 1ate1t ............ 6UI Olde• ---p-to~ E·-d"-man··'·c<""' b•• ·-·. educator . ....._1_, 3 to 11 le A&r!N:1 for Career Girl• • 'o .... '.'". "" -••• • ••••••• "" ' ...... -.... ''"' """· ... ;>. 5930 Pac. Cit, Hwy, '"' ~ ""'' _......,. .......... oul'llX&s l'Ulliil ·:::::::::::::nn flAIMTINO. P1-11.1Mk1i '::::::6'5' Don The Beacncomber-era.1 openings !or ~pie in-ll to 7 shit!&. '10 W. Cout Hwy., N. 8. ~In penon MANNING'S • • RENTALS flA!HTiMo. """ ··· ........... au Apply aft 4 PM. 3901 Newport BMch tererted in opportunity IOr B1 appoinL 646-3939 •• SECRETARY II ee COFFEE SHOP . Houses Unfufnished :~~~C:. .. Ai>Hv····:::::: .. ::::::m E. Coast Hwy., CdM LADY To look after 3 friend-future growth. Excellent Call ROY ALE' H l &h School gradu11e with 24031 n TOl'D Rd. I GlllllltAL ····· ·············· Jiit l"LASTllllHG. ••tell. 1'"" .. all Part tbne SECIU:I'ARY ly school-age children, and company benclits. Ideal lo-~ GENERAL three years responsible and 1.eUure World Laguna m:Q1 •1• ~~~A D"ttSAMAi·::::::::::::::~: ~~~:~~1No ·· .. ···········= Y -'-> cation In new buildtng • lr· THE LOOK Exec Secty ••· ••· from ~ varied .c I er I c 1 I and 837-1014 MESA VllDI! ....•........... Jilt l'OOL Sl•VICE ............ •nt oung, attractive 11u1o Light dolitehouaecle an i n g . Ind trial le R.ecpt/Typl:st S450 SMTttari8h. t coLLE OE ""'"" ............. i ns l'OWI • sw•••1M• ........... ftls -Morthand & typing. Haun Hours: l : 30-5: 30, Mon-Fri. vine WI comp x. l!J looking for sharp 1irll. ~ho Sec/P!-rsonne.I ·:: .'.' • ·1~ S550 :w: Pe r e n ce. 2 Bdrm ""t • util furn to ltlWl"OllT llACH ............ JHt flUMJ> SErtVICI -······"·····'"' Oexible. ~ ..... 1"~ S2 -r Vic. HunH .... ton Cen t er. ACCOUNTING need pcrma....nt """'Ilion. G-ore ~'nee ....•• 1325 &$k: knowl~ ot an ad-eou .. 1~ for: ' NIWf'Ol'f HGHTI ........... ,.2111 11001'1110 · .............. ,HI .,...,..,'6 .,.. ... 'fi ..-<.•• ,,... tn• trv, • ffi Sa'--· l"" I N•w•olT si+o1ta1 .......... mt 1Ao10, "'"""Ere. ·········'"' hour. ~1717 Newpo rt Start Sept 10, Salary open. -CLERK -Must be experienced in hlgb Fact Tm/Cafeteria Wp Sl.7S m LS tift 0 ce, _.,., landscape IATIMOttES ............... nu rtEMOOIELtMG a. 1t1EPAt1t .,. ee""h "-" .,7 1095 1 5 JO I h I d , & begim al S5U Appl:y Mota. M 1 ' 00\ll lt SlfOIES ............... nu llMCIOaLINO. KITCHIMS •... • .. 1---u;·c;-;;o;;;;o;;;-cc.;"-·l;~~~~~c--c=c.c·~·~·~·.:;;' "°'""' Typing !iO wp1n, good fii;:· as 0 n res s s APEX Employment Agency . • ntenance •. WEITCl.ll"P' ............. nit ICISSORI sHA•f'•M .......... 6fU WAITRESS AND GIRL lo do telephone & light Uri! aptitude. invoicing s ~ 0 r Is w c 8 r. For ap. 1873 Harbor C.M. 5'8-3426 thru Fri, 8 AM to 4:30 PM. No lawn just ahrubbtty txit .• UNIVIEll.llT'I '""" ........... m7 ••WIHO .................... ,,.. nd 1~ In Sho~ ""'"'"''"' ca!I ~-Look ' 1901 Newport Blvd Costa Othe' . aviNr .......... -.. 32ll 11w1"• MACHINI' ltlf'o\lll.S 'NI HOSTESS office work. Steady employ. a ...... ger post g. ,.,. · .,.., • T • $500 ' nee r remuneration P»-'1. llVINa ·T1!il1ACI ............ nu l!f'TIC To\ltKI. s..,,.,., ~tc. .. 6N.S Ex · need 18 to 22 Id hand desirable. Ca.JI for 644--2400 33 1-'uhlon Island yp1st/Recpt fO Mesa, Cluaified Peno.nnd. ti~ call 546-1861 btwn T.~ ' COIONA 01\. MAil. ........... sue TAILOIUMO .................... ,. •""nUme • yn ° . ment, good pay. appointment 5'16.?250. NB ' Fee IPllt. lovcly o.c. Air. 645--0600 °*Ina dale Sept. 11;.ao'-.m to .......... e for.:-• IALIOA ................... ,,.. T£1MITE COMTl°'-.......... mt art e. Apply in PH'*>ll: 1489 E. Warner, Santa Ana -ores -matu .. -· ·-1. 5th. -·-.. ~ tAT 1su.1to1 ................ UM Ttu. Clrwtlk ················•'14 MR STEAK, ~ F·'-·Jew. •M -·. 1n•·-"-· 1•3 RECEPTIONIST CHILD CARE ., , ,. ab < e ~·· •-~--~~~~~~~--• LIDO ISLE ............... SJl1 TILL Ulltllfll ... ~ ... .,.,,,s ~· IUCV ~·v ....... ..,... .... ' • • Also lee job4. ' IALIOA ISi.AND ............. UU T•lil ll!ltVICI .. ···· ...... "" C.M. Mr. Kennedy \Vl?ll iroomed llnd al· mature lady, 3 days I wk. ABI' -•• Real Estate .$ale$ ~ NEWflOIT 'WEST .......... ,.SJJI TlU:VISIOM, Rltllllrt. lllt. .... ,.. Ll! •··· k Ing Good ~·~ , NUttTlNOTOM 1t&CN ....... s.111 uf'MOL1T111Y ................. ,,,. JANITORIAL \VANTED Hi-&ehool girl to tractive girl with expc1i-e uuu!ll! ttp . UNLIMITED AGENCY HUNTINGTON HAllOU• ..... MtS WBLOIMO '"' bab II Su Th cnce and ability In hand!· pay. 3 school-age, l baby. ... E. ,, •• S<., Sul<o 22' ~r1--' --•-noo tor ' ll"OUltTAIM VA\A.l'I .......... Mlt JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Part.tJme work Need sever· Y1I n-Ul"I eves, &l2-4<M9 .. , , """"Y"' '"'~ .,..~v.,-. HAIRSTYLIST: U nh~ppy wbtre you are'! Exclusi'ft Won needs ~!)'list A following. Cd M. 673-3820 i Sl!AL. lllACM ............... :WH JOI Wo\MTID Mt" not aJ women . Ott NB 5:30 to 10:30 my hoR)t, Nr lng publlc and heavy Costa Mei1a 612-1470 buay San Clemente otttce. f~::~Nu°c~ovi ::::::::::::·:= ~: :::::::ef-w--·::::;:::1m 4-6 hr shut~ Sta;tlng 6 ~;: Main/Cst HW)', HS, l in-PSphoXnc loa_d. ~wledg~ ~~ HOUSEKEEPER. Sm~ 11 General Office $47S up Free telephone lll!rvice, Jotl Schools-lnltrudlon 7600 Oii.ANGiE couNTT ................ ••• 1 wo••'• ..., App!y ·~ North H••bo•, ~Ian;;;;•~· ~-=.;;=,c-=:,,,,,.-,,,,-,-; I • typing"" wpm. s house at the. bcal?h, 1 child, e.a,Ul··' olb-a N•···po"" ol flocR' t Im e., 1-g...,. SAlt'fA ANA :Ull ...... , ..•. .,., °""' "" • ;-;: for appointment s.16-2250 king S ish UI '""' n '' ;~-'-~· id n ... wEnM1ttn1·1 .... :::::;:::::::w12 :O::JT~f "ELI' .............. ;r.: Santa Ana. NEED Babysitter: Un"'Cd ASSEMBLER no coo · ~n or area. Top benefits. Call""'" m ........... pa promp....,.. MIOWAY CITY ... . ......... M1' 0 I • Mfl ............... Jariane• speakine: 0 K . '"" ~iO. ' ·~ Ellen c. u ............ Realts' U.1tTA AMA Hl•GHTI ......... :u» HELi' WANTao, Mff .......... 11111 NURSES mother-to-be r e 11 ab I e, TRAINEES ~ ,._, T. -AG1111e1E1. w--·········· ntt , , b 1 d ,,._.,,,, Jason Bost 1624 No. El Cunlno Red coAs L .............. ~ .... NILi' wA1tTao, w-...... r .... e e ean ove c rn LAGUNA 1EACN ............. ms JOSs-..Mta & w-7$11 RN-Relief duty two days • · nay and sv.-ing shill. DREAM Job _ Kct!p ~·r Employ-·nr '""ncy San Clemente U.OUNA NIGUEL ............ J,m ACIENCIU. MM.,.......;·::::,.. per week. . Room/brd small salary. T lull,, ,..... ..... "6.. call _ .. __ ,_ t IN A HURRY FOR SUCCESS? ~ MllSIOl't VllJG .............. lot SCNOOU. llflT•UCTION .... 7ffl 546-7800 emporary me now important Job llS wife & 2120 So. Main, S.A. or V.W'=• ""'" •PP IAN CLEMIHTIE' ............ S711 JOI flllllflAU.TION ........ "" • LVN-~llel, rour 11hitts1,;,:;.-"";;-.,-,,.-,-.,,-== until Christmas Ability molher &: earn_ a wkJy ··•RRIED? TOO MANY . <n4) 492-6145 CAf'llTIANO .......... ~m THU.TalCAL 1'111 per week. Laguna Beach CASHIER, wtll train, young to work well with hands. ~o~A r:.•n ......., 1>1 t--• On Scptembl!r 15, 'nie New. cAfl11T•ANo •~Ac H ......... :t1• MERCHANDISE .. F·o· R paycheck 5'1·1-,,..,,.. """'""""' ;xwes oAttA POINT ... . ........... Jut Nursing Ho1ne woman neat appearance. Stable work background · • Bl LL S? Penna.J'll!n~rt port School ol Busine11 be-;:,m~~1't.~ .. uaN·:·:::::::. ~~; SALE AND TRADE 494-80'1:> 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call and reliable transpor1a· BABYSrITER in your home. Unie help wanted in mack DAooY•ON•n • 1tns a third year ot a auo- suMM•• •l!MTAU .......... nn l"URNITU•• .......... '* * * * SECRETARY, 1 0 r 540-&'66 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. tion necl.'1llal'Y. Apply be! Bal Isl. art"a. 1st. grade bar. Sec manaeer atter 7:30 ceatul short term rdlne: RENTAL) g=~~= :~~~~~~ ·::::::: .. :::: advertising firm. Shor1hand •.,:,•nl""Y·===--,c::--;::c:::-· I tween 9 a.m . 2 pm. boy, be.I Ir: alt. schl. 675--4110 pm. Paulo Drive I n ment program for -womea Apt .. Furnished •TORI nu1•M•MT .......... •ii 80, '""'ing 60, lite book-rBABYSITrER w your home, 1815 E. Carne1::ic all 6 pm. Thea~r. 3051 Newport Blvd, Reprnent•tlvo coll who are sincere about i Ollflill.A~ · .................... i~~"ea11J.~~~:t""~ .. :.:::::::::J: ..,,.. Santa Al\J! BlKIN l Bannald/dancer. 0 1. "' brlngtng their skills It bui. COSTA MESA .................• ,.. ttoUSS:HOt.O 00001 ...••..... I02I keeping requil"l!d. Call Pttm, LMkview School area, HB. .. on youi Ml!U. YIRDE ................ '111 OARAOI SALii 11:12 at 675-2742 bel 9 AM &. 5 for kindergarten child. 2 (Between Newport. Fr"vy, & Full or part·Ume. Costa HOSTESS/CASHIER \Ve may ___ , .,me-ineu knowledge up to d&te. MEWl'"OllT IEACN ............ •2• •••• -, •• ··-···-··· ...... _ PM d k •'"2806 R~h,.,,, So of \Va•·n••I M ........... Hundreds ol succe-J ul • I 111W~•T Hl!IGHTS .......... •211 •••·••"•c•• ... , ........ ,,. ays w · '"""" "'" ' · · esa Experienced. Good wqes. Olle In your 001 .. hbor· -. Nl!WP01tT sH01rs ........... •m .. ··············•• · _;,:~=-,..,..-~::,-=co-l;.~~::_::;;::::;::__:;:--;;,o l-IF'iEOMA~ljLCjE;f;Hu.;E';-L-;P1-·I 646-7301 ,. aatlsfylfl&'. careers hlw 1 W!1T,L1F" ......... , .•m ::~1C:,':ff.u.cHINI ... ·········::;: Experienced in single needle YOUNG girl to do lite Apply: hood. No obli.a:alion. been eatabllabed beca~·et M1V1•s1TT f'AIK ........... •uf MU$ICAL tNITllUMiMT'''.'.::::11tf and overlock. Good pie<:e houa<!keeplng. 1 daytwk. J.4 PART·Tl?.tE U AM·Z Pf\1 FULL·-'rlme maids, rcaort DON JOSE REST. s.-.100 or ~ ... ,. p-m. Nooa Helt-a1.c11: IA Y ·· · ............ '2 .. •tAllOI a DllOANS 11• · d I Id al f M the 'th h I.. bo'•! r ·~·"'" n. -'" .._ ...... ,.. •AST ILUF I' -............. .net ............ work pnces. stea y work. hn. Corona de Mar area. e or o rs w1 c 1,.. u::, "-5"""' °'"a"''· 9003 E. Adam!I HOUSEWIVES man at 642.-3870, will bl COJIOllA DIL MA• ........... •lH ltAOIO ......................... _ EDDY 'IOSS 1·~2 • --·-· ~ •• ,, -···· S·JO "'" ··-~-. back 1o •c:"""'I. ···u~ Hun<lngton S.aeh tALl-OA ................... JILEVlllDM ................... " ...,.. ...u\.'Wi .,,.,.....,, ,... • · • .,.....,, ,..,., ~ ;iv happy to ll1SWel' any qut~ • IAT isu.Nos·· use Hl·l'I • 1Ta1tao ............... ai1 SL, Westmin.!lter: 534-8738 BABYSITTER 1 •• 9 -. old. Unllonm It mcah furnh1hed. TEACHER Netd.B baby •tt. 00 STUDENTS '"'-~-a-ti .... your •. ~ LIDO ISLI .................. is, TAl't! llCOll.Ollll .......... snt,~===~~---,-.... ,. Conlacl Mr. DlniU!I, SI r. MBINATION. Shar'p Bar ._.. -~ .. ,,...... -- til\.IOA ISl.ANO ...... .'::::::: •. •m ~M=~su:,Eo;o•MllfT ····= CLEANING lady wanted 2 2:30 to 7 P.P.1. daily. IAIS of McOONALD'S Hours: 12-4. 2 boys, qes 5 Maida & GI) Go Danoma. Need extra money f We need lllar roe.J.1. • '".",'•'T"•"··T•v•,•,•,,"TH ·········::n ~.:.T,:. ~~ ... :::::::::..,. days a \l.'t!ek on Lido Isle. time to study. Bal Isle & 6. ~ Top wages. $3.00-$3.50 1o ....... ple lo do ..... ltlcal can. The Newport Schoo~ ........ "' •o•ocuu.as. sco•as ........ wt __ _. ot HARBOR lNC """~ ,....v -II , SEAL 1eACH .................. ,. MisceLuNious ................. PleMe write w~· give 675-7933 3141 Harbor Bl~d .• C.r.J. HOUSEMAID _ E n 1 111 h , 1tar1, Ph. ror Inf. 54&--.,....., vaasiag. Work wW &ut ap. , ~::0:'Et;;NTY .............. : Misc. wANT10 ................. 1• refen!nces. Daily Pilot Boxl;f~ro~u~s~EK,;;,E=EP=E~R~-"""livc=-<=;,~0=,: I Gennan or Swedl&h. t.agun,. Sauy Lusy, 2901 Harbor, prox. two weeks. Appltcant Of BUSl.lleSS OAltOEN GllOVli .::::::::::::'.4'11 MACHtHl•Y, '"' ............ IJll M 903. rot .• ,., •• , ... home, beach • 545-!J!M3 ·---atta. 494-6110 C.M. must be :n or aver Ind neat W'llTMINSTEll.. ............... 4'11 LUMll ll ·· .................... :~,, c==~~=====·< " '~"' BRIDAL REGISTRY ~I DWAT clT'I": ............. 4'1' ~~~:~N\ MAili:"IAU ':'.:::::1761 LIV&IN HOUSEKEEPER. area. 2 teenagers • .Prefer * WAITRESS ••• OPERATORS ••• appearifW. Call t21S) 434-7786 ' lAMTA AMA .. ·· ··········4621 SWAflS . '"' Spani&h or Japanese gpeak-under 45. 531-1451 Part-lime 4 eves per wk, T-Apply at THE F1.YJNG BUT. Experient'ed in 5illJ)e needle ADVERTISING U3 Dover Dr., N.B. , i ;~~jfN"~~·~·~'~.~~.::::::::::: PETS and LIVESTOCK tng OK. Pvt. nn. Salary WAITRESSl<.Co n course JO pm ile Sat. di.YI. Muit be LER. Dlperlcnced 673-0077 and overlocQ, Good piece AGENCY ' u.ou11A 1a.1cH .............. m un ........................... ..,. ~~====~~~1 to meet people. Aver. S60-LIGHT Nuning duties lO • """"' coanAL ................... :,. !'ITS .e•M1u1. .............. • open, 847-4856 w.,....... MESA LANES, amhltlous, marricd, &. like . work prioes iteady wortc.5 :A=u~C~E~n=u=.N~S~C~H~~==· "LI UOUMA MIOUl!I. ............. 47t'r 0001 ........................... ma B 0 0 K KEE p ER. Full 1703 Sunnrlor Ave.. C.M, ' EDDY MOSS 1•00 Locus! 1n Newport Bt1ctt, needl O> y .. 1-.. ...1. 1 • MIHKIN v1e'o ............ 47" H01su ....................... -,....,._ Co ~-b • .,.. S75 wk. F or Interview pm.7am, Se t Ir. Sun ni&htl. St., Weat.m1Mter: 534-8'138, PBX PASTEUP ,; ... A::a::.:u~·-• ..," CLIMINTI .............. m• LIVISTOCK . ........... . .. ... ....-...,... ntacl Mr . .r 111 ',;646-3993;;.;;;;;,.,,""-----8.16-7479 $1 65 hr &l 11 673-3528 .... ...,. ... u ..:: • '"Iii' .... o.t..M• ..ci,.T .................. 4,.. CALIFORNIA LrvlNG Chlps. Inc. 4242 Campua Dr,1; · · • BEELINE FASHIONS neea. ARTIST Fits the> Clllld Tllll"LEX. l9C. .............. ....... SEOtETARY Secretory $525 00 MKTG SE-• RECPT l(ottDOMlltlUM ............... ..,. tfUlllltlU ............... "1t NB. Sf6.671\ LEGAL SECRETARY . ...% . thrt:e stylist!l in this ate•. tor qency ... 'Orit, Call Bobb! Wlllard H. Saocennat; RE NTALS IWIMMINO f'OOLI ........... tMt r--~==~~=~--1 Exl't!llent co, in l..dgune 11.res, Xlnt sldlll & e:w:pr., $450. Q" •I I t I ca t Ion'. Lo ••• -o Ed. D. . l'ATIOS ................. -.... "u HOTEL MAID Experienced ood ·'"II + UI hrs 3-5 COlta M 54().8546 • vs•·»•u · " • A..-Unfurnished •WNtMGS ..................... '"' 1-.u ,. ~ -COM i ....., s h'Ont o ce , esa clolhel, rtrlw: ca.r. No (IOI.. GENERAL·. 17. •-. "'· ll> _.. 5'(1.-DiO En(oD mw I. ..,,_ VACATIONS lt'Zll or part 1n1e. VtJ"""'11' a-aranct' call Lorllinr 2 JO w -• •INallAL .............. ,... TRANSPORTATION \V"ll . 673-8SOD .. ,.~ , ' BABYSITTER From : to lecl:kms or dellveriel. Call vance stamping -'-·Jars at Eves 548-17S8 • 1 ~-~STA MEsA ................... s1• 1 train. CHRlSTtAN Lady as nursery Merchants Pel'llOMt'.I Agen. 6:30 in Mesa Verde, wkda.yi 539-5f35 '"'~" :. _,A Vl!IOI .............. Jiii IOAn. YACHTS .......... .... • M'fDS • <<·nd nt N....,...-Harbor cy ~·3 w-c111J o, N B hnme Nothing to buy or 1t Painting CLa.uet .. . BWl'OlfT ll!o\CH ........... not SA ILlOATS ············ ft11 " 8 " It .. -,,..... • • ...... ...,,. •• • . (or 2 chUd. 545-8345 . '0-ni In -~-· j: •Wl'OIT M•toMT1 .......... 1211 •ow1R c11u11111 ............ NH Exclllng apl c:om1Jlex neecJ11 Lulhcran Church. Sun. 643-2770 WOMAN-housewife, uae yoor ~II. we supply. Send lelt ..,....n ng. te"u..,,..,..e, I IWl'ORT IHOl l l ........... s,,,.m ll"IE'IO-SKI IOAT ........ ,.,..,. full & part time he lp Good s·~= 12 II 00/1r 548-9404 G I Off .. _ 00 HOUSEKEEPER, II~ . in. lpoJ'I! time to um momy. add., •tamped envelope. A chanced. Inlc'matinruilk. 11TCLI"' ............ · •OAT T1t.o\1c.11ts .......... ..-. · ....... · · · enera Ice~· Priv '· balh 2 -"ildttn In Prod Uni< "...a n-__,,,_ .. , _ _._ ....... :---=-r ,· MIVEllllTY •••K ........... llJ7 •OAT MAIMTINAMClli ......... pay, Call Faye at 642-8170 BABYSJTI'ER For 2 \If' okl, Good ·~--·-w·. ma<,-. . rm.. . ~· . w prizes, bO age 1lmlt. no ucta m • ...,.., -... _,. •. ,_,., ... U"l,K;IU(", I ••c1C.1Ai: .................... ,,.. '°"' u.uNCN1Ne ......... m.1 ~===~~~---0 1 .,. ..,., ... 5 -.. '" Ftn. van. 842-72&4 ume llmlt. wm train u AS-313. Woodtlw'y, N .J . POETS ON CAMPUS ·· f Al'f IUll'f' . . ............ Jid MA.RIMI IOUt,. . ...... ·"-HOUSEKPR 2:30 - 6 my home nr. occ. Mutt bl!llCh area. call Loraine, BEA'~ ·--toe., .... -=-e, .,. __ ............. ~1-· •• , ~ --302 Ma1n, Balboa ', • ORONA 011. MAI. ........... 1251 IOAT SLlfl, MOO•IN• .. ,...... kd 2 hooJ h"_. L ---· Mon-tri. M I .1... u•.1. .,..... WA..,.. ~.,. ......,..__.,'" ._ ,_....., • ~~~IOA ..................... IOAT IBllVICll .•.........•.. ttn w ays, SC age c ,..., nave own .. _..p. ucha.nta ~ "'8en. gUa.r wage I: comm. Gwtft'I BABY~..........,... for lntant. REAL ESTATE SALES m.&381; 96211J» ~ : ,.y ISL.A.Mm ·················r' llOAT ••NTAL& .................. own tran.sp, Back Ba,y,. C.M 8::1>-12 AM. S27. wk. cy, 2043 Westd.IU Or., N.B. • ... -~ ..,... •...,... , '°° "~ ............... · • toAT cMA•TE• ............... ,.,. ., ... u 82 alt G PM Sf6-50l7 ... ~2110 Bty. Shop,~" _ "'1cdl1 momi.np, In)' borne. Progreaatve. )'OUl)I, Newport EducaUo..i Vacation 5Q::i , "~~"•~Acli''.::::::::: :£:4~M:0~n .:::::::::::::::: ~-E;;::::_;p::,:,:::~SA;.:L.;;E::_·_~l~A~D~Y~I C::;D:;_;:;_~A~L-A~.=~~=A°"NT:-· I .C8~EA=-UTc=Y~-OP=~r~RA=TO~R--=Ex-· MOTEL MAIDS Lite h.!lkP&. Unluenl.ty Park Beach Corp. of1erlna: im-sradm • • • Sr Otkenl • TAlll vAu.1v .......... M11 llDo\T sTo•A•• ............ ··'"' X D S ....... ~· +-1967 Ne..,.....rt mvd., CM area. 83J.-04l1aft12:30. med. Income, aareuive Oillcoat 10 leDon !:nhw J I L •&ACK .................. tut tOo\TI W.IJllTIO ................. r.Jen le: W')JDCM Clothlni; 21-3.} yrl. X·R.ay 831-1920 pcrlenced 5\Yli&t w/fol.Jow. ~.-bo Sehl Trlal Ln&on l'"-tltJ ' • •t..t.cfll . .. ............ .,.. a11c1tA•T .............. tt• s HAMP o 0 G r R L I< MATURE Woman to bab)':slt ad"'rtll,. Ing. nus plan up • ,..., • I oaANOI COUNTY ................. l'\.YIHO LlllOMS ............. flA * 548-5383 • Mlt. Vie)>. ing. High commlslion + I 70 " Co Rrs:lde.ntlal Mar C.M. !W8-2SSt ~~f:~.:r•ao:~.::::::::.'.'."'::::: =n\•::::::: :::::::::;;::::::. DESK Cltrt College boy; pl BABYSMTER 11AM . 4 benelll.!I. LIDO AREA. MANICURIST. can Jor a~ nty home, 4 days. 8:30 'tll 2. o "' mm. • ' ._ MIDWAY em ................. M16 •IC'i'C.L.1.1 ................ tm tl!M Ken Nilca itotd, um PM 5 )T old boy Llnctbl!ra =m-<-=-~·111~. =~==== pol.ntmenl 67'".>-6070 ~ Mn. Aroold MONTESSORI tn.lblnl. ... "'""" AlllA ..................... ILK'TllC CAii .............. ' -·L•' ,.,.,, ... ~, -· 5 JO BABYSITT.ER t l8 LEGAL SECRETARY 6i'5-4l3'.I 2~ to 5. GM )'OU!' ddid s.t.KrA AMA NllOlllTI ......... Mil MUU llKll ...• : ............ nn Ba,.sde Or., N.8. KW lllU. ~ .. 1 : DRAPERY WORKROOM or mo BUS BOYS OR BUS GIRlS bett ed\d.tloa. ltS410L ' ~ll~~L -;:·~·:::::::::::::::::= :=~:u··· .. :::::::: .. :: Eitp'd om~ Reccption!lt. a o o K KEEPER-Rl!alp-No exp. nee, Fun time ctrl. 4 da.11 Incl Sat & 1 eve. Expc.tiwced, Busy Ottlce, Prefcnble d hUL Apply 1-1 lit!:~: :~v:\. ·::::::::::·:::= :Wr: =r,tt:11:~~f..~.:::::= Ne\lf'POM Stach , Uoolat 1 girl oftke, CM ~~.l~IJ'ol\I Ave. ~ &13--= aft !::IJ 1 I t e M~~~o:a!3:o":~u VI361c:roO~:HUDri• ~·s TIME FOi .~~ M-::t:MsiiiARrr:'.:::·~ ;::t::-. Tr .. n .. :::·:;:::::: • &t&-.54l1 r sn..-. .... , t DAMA f'OlltT ...... 11• CAMl't:ltl ...................... ,,. tEASi'NG AI011ll lor country WAI~ exp'd. Ov 2L WANTED; Mature wutnan houeecail ~~~k.7321 boyll, 3 " 6, ~m:udllg P.,~!'f.!..a m . LquM BflCh fi)UICK CASH t 1 REAL ESTATE, Tl.PXU .......................... cfubapts.N'B.Gu..r,1\A,l!U')' App,•Q,ff Shop, Itolel for babylltUng I: lite iPW"lll na.m. 1 ncome . .._._ DRY dean! ~I needed. - O..efal ~1• 1rNTAL1 ........... := + bonul. F..:w:pe:r. &42-t170 Le.,rUna. t.111na Sch. hou8C!Wl'k. 2 Chlldttn, 4 I: s. BABYSl'ITEJt for infant, 1 ~Dttdna onJ.y~ OiQntet THRO\rGH A rll.""-•~ 1'14-............. JNI ov11•1uao1e1 nas . Call~16201tterfpm, Mon thru Fri, 3-3:30 p.m., J~, Wom. 500 cbeckm, preiseri A DAILY PILOT COMDOMll'llUM ........... Jfft 'Mf'ORtlO AUTOS ............... GRAVEYARD WAITR£S'i MATURE Womnn , p!lr1 time N H ~ =~:0:\'V:f :·:;:::::·:: !~Ju~t•tusitct ·:::::::;·:::: JO PM lo 6 Alif. !«XI W. Aalr1. cw. 10&2 Irvine Av, WANTED: Shampoo Girl ror l'l:por! FJ !rca. . _HAIR STVWSTS • To join opett.tors. Call M1-&5i50 Mon waNT a A llOCIM l IOAll.D ITM llACI CAlS, 1100s ......... ffM Pacific COii.rt 1'1\\11, N.8. N.B. \Vntcllff f>tazR exclusive fil?auty I a JO n. HOOSD('•:t:;PE.11. 2 Sehl . stall of •IAJR Wcrl'. Ex· Uttii Fri 8 10 12 ooon. "-"'-V liO.OTfLI. fll.AILEll c01J1111 11tt• Au vo 1v r1tT' ., ....... ~u 631 :a> c d lit •-n Pvt rm l. ha. FY ... _ 1 w·~· w 11 ~~' ::;uesT ~MES 5"11 1v105 •-'MTSO ...... '* PT·TIMt: tour guKh•5 for TRAY GI r J/Dl~hY>11.11htr ... · .~ • pe.-"'nctd M:~ at ll!r. A.1111:.o~, 1 r •1ae • • fo'IK.Jl;.E.NTALt ,.,. :~~c~::..,,o ····::::::.·:.: bl'1u1tiful new fl(:ult apt. comblnaU011 .. J-'ull or part llOUSEKEEPER. lJJ AM. 5 11rea.1Uetook.14:1-72M tollowlna prd~md. Bat 2121£.CoutHWJ",C.d )t. INCOMI f'IOf'a•n ......... .. If -~ MO k ••• ·-· M Wlu ' I ~ ·--··boy ~· 'd. 1.-i... QIARGZ m t IWllNIN l'lllDl'l llT'Y ..,. 1111.0 CAil ....•......• "" COft!Pl'"· NB 6'2-3170 me. ~4 days a \ft'C • -c. • to t.lf!rhanta a-ran et. ... ......_ _... . rR-.. exp l>'l'"J"• · =:.=..:;.;..c __ __. • . .. ------------------------- . . - • • ' ' ... ... .. ,.,., ' . i NO MATIER WHAT tliey're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bergains. And they Clo it with the same gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don't have to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, new appliances at bargain prices, 11 real car liuy--<>r even a chunk of cheese. Just shop the "ermchair market," the one our advertisers deliver to your door every day. .,~ .... ~"·· ~ ••• I_ ' .............. ·~ •• ......... ~· ---~ ................ ~·· • DAILY PILOT .. • I 1 • . I I • ' • > • ) '• • i 2$ PILOT ·ADV!:RTlSER NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER 'CL.ASSIFIED 'ADS WITH A 'NEW-LOW-RA TE 3 LINES l TIMES $1.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e • No Item Ovtir $50 e No Commerclal Firm• • e No Copy Che-e No Abb,..l1tion1 e • START MAKINCi MONEY NOW! CALI.: ~641-5678 • • ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT 'AD· VISOR . AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! MIRCHANDISI FOil .MlllCHANDISE FOR IALI AND TllADI· SAl.I AND TllADI Fumlhl,. -Pumlhl,. - llECOUTOI ms CANCEUATION Of 18 WXUIY APARTMENTS Spanish & Mtd'ttwnne• f:unilltn All . BRA,ND NfW· 9-pc. M1dttattane1n Bedroom Suite Jn P1c11n IR19. $H9.0DI -· .NOW $1H.OO Gor9aou1 Spanish Custom Built Sofa wtth ' m1tchin9 Love Sa1+-Choic• of beautiful l1b<ic1. IR09. $419.951 __ NOW $225.00 Spanish Dlnin9 Sats -------·--·-··--$75.00 Solld Oak End Tables end Coffee Tables ..$11.00 Tall Decorator Table letnps' IR09. $49.95 1 ·--·-·--·······-·-··NOW $18.00 Spanish Hen9in9 Swe9 ~amps IR09. $49.951 ···-·----····-··-···NOW $19.50 A decorator dream housa on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (Was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • . • • • $398 Credit T erm1 Avail. Credit Cleared Immediately mm FURNITURE 1844 flewport Blvd.11a:.-., Costa Mesa only mry Nltflt 'Tl t-Wed. Sot. & S... 'Tl t --~------ Furniture MUST SELL! 1V Stueo Phono comb. E;c:. eel oond. $8). Colonial pole Ia.mp uo. awn $ s. 642-1431 aft 5 PM 8' SOFA, never used, quilted floral, scotch"EU&rded, $12). Matchin& Jove seat $75. 537-<032 Quality klna: bed-quilted. Complet~used $98, worth $250. Aft 5 I: wknds 842-6536 RIVIERA Love seat, blue & anUque gold uphol. $70. "6-3932 Wldnttdq, ~ '· 1969 OIJLV 0 PMr JC!: MERCHANDlSE' Foiiir,_,....,_,.,;;;.;;;:.:,_.;;;;;,;.,:J~~ LOST OUR LEASE 0uri...-•-bolldl .. h .............. Must Vacate Now ........... Oii' iota Of COii Our 6000 ~· ft. s1o .. Stock. muet ........ Opon to Public First tlmt 3 Rooms Furn. Volvo 0-$1C>OO. Now $389. • $ i. .......... s,..lth ................. .m- od IO I wtth 56 Iii, Mtldohlt ....... t, W cNlr • 5 ,c. Spe .... DI-•, ... tl'I• top e J M..y 111No ttwr..'ltln •tthJ,. tabl•, tep tlunlde ,....,. for F1111dngoDw1. Onca in a llfetlme pric.et of I 00 I ot .. er Items. Plus an extra 1peciel offer $5 off on any 'I 00 purcha1e or more, with a copy of this ad. • I 0 pc. Quilted Corner Assemble -----$159.,5 e 96 in. Quilted Sofa, w/56 in. love seat __ $149.95 • 60 in. He•vy Spenis .. Coffee Tabl•--$$29.94 • L•rge M•tchln9 Lamp Tables -·------$19.95 • Sp1ni1h Decorator lamps, fr11m ---···---·····'14.,S • Gu1ranteed Box Sp91. & M1ttr111t1, from $19.95 ·e Stacks & St•cks of 15 yr. Quelity Kin9 & <)ueen Sots 11 TERRIFIC SAVINGS. B•nk T •rms Store Cher9e · Master Charge BankAmerlcard All Accepted °'"" ,.., dlO,-Sot. "'· s.. 1~ 56a.9660 AP R FURNITU E 2065 Chll'll St. Costa Mt11 Behind "H1rbor Ci:r Wa1 .. 11 Enter off Htmilton or 8ern1rd St. A little 11.trd to find, l11i1t worft the doUtn 'fGll tt•tl • SAL! AND TRADE FREE TO YOU 915 FEMALE Dutch Rabbll • • • . • ' • ' • ' • . .. • .. • .. • I FINAL CLEAN-UP Every New 1969 in our stock reduced to clear immediately BRAND NEW '· '69 BUICK Fully equipped, even has VB , power st eering and tinted glass. Number 433279Z 112~ $2888 FULL PRICE 43 MORE AT-COMPARABLE DISCOUNTS '68 OLDS '66 MERCEDES C11tl•u Coup•. Auto. !tnr 200. Auto. ftt111., htn1., f1c.torv 1ir c.ond., r1dio, hetl•r, lmmtc.u· full pow1r. Rtdio, httf· lttt. SVF 251 1r. WUK 712 . $2595" $2695 '66 COMET '67 RIVIERA SS Cyclo(lt Co11p1. Auto, F~clory 1ir co"d. Cui· tom tq11ipped. Full +rtn1., f1cotory 1ir cond. pwr. Zlic: 275. TOH264. $3195 $1695 '65 IMPALA '67 BUICK Supet Sport Cp•, 1uto. Wilde•! Cu1tom Cpt. +.tnt, pwr 1le1r, r1dio, f•cl. 1ir coond., 1ufo. h1•t•r-R0ASS7 . fr•n1, P.S, UUVOS4 $1295 $2595 '65 :v, TON '67 DATSUN Cht"' pick·up. ldetl for P.l 4! I. 4 1pee.d, rt dio, cernptr. R615ll ht1!1t. TZJ 294. $1395 $1295 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m '68 DODGE '68 IMPALA Coron•t 400 4-clr. f•~:t. 2 Or. H.T. f•c. •ir, 1uto tir c.ond., 1uto trtn1., tr1111, pow•r 1+ttrin9. P.S., R&H. VGl 979 WJM tit $2395 $2495 '64 T·BIRD '66 CAPRICE Ftc.lory tir eond, F~ll 2 Or htrdlop, •ir concf. pow.,., OSF Bfl. •ulo trtn1, pwr ll••r, ttdio, ht1!1r. 5BMJ7t S1195 $1795 '66 IMPALA '68 PONTIAC 4 Doer H.T. F1 c.tory eir l onn•.,.ill•. 4 door h1rd- cond., tuto. tr1111., pow· top, FACTOR Y AIR tr dter. R&H. SVFS27 COND .. P.S .. P.I. WXG $1695 '" $2995 '6l BUICK l 1 S1b1t. Ftct 1ir con. '66 T-BIRD powtr 1l1tr I br1ktt. f•c.lory 1lr cond. Full IHYM411l powtt. SlV491 $995 $2395 ' NO tmER PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PROVE IT! . '65 OLDS WAGON F-15, •uto, frtnt., pow- t r 1tnr. PIH 737. $1495 '65 MONZA H1rdtop. A11to. tr1111., immtc.ultft c.ondition. (TXJ 3761 $995 '69 ELECTRA C111tol'l'I co11p•. f•o;torv •ir conrl. Fully power 1quipped. YPT 446 $5195 '67 MUSTANG A11to, tr•n1., 1ir coond ~ r1dio, h11ltr. UCl 106 $1695 '" vw ' -4 1'p••~• ·rtdio, h••ftr. TRHJ70. . $1295 '67 MERCURY Mont1rey 2 doOf' htrd· top. Auto. +rtn1, pow•r slt1r, R&H. UON·704. $1795 '65 ELECTRA Htrdlop coupe. f111I pow•r. FACTORY AIR COND. NCI 420 $1895 '66 Karm•n Ghf• 4 tp1ed. R1J io, ht1t1r. TXS 629. $1495 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW-USED Comr,l•te Sales 1nd Serv ce Dep1rtment - Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 . p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK · OPEL • JAGl!AR SALES A SERVICE .. .,1, ...... \. ..... , ... Trucks ¥500 '65 DATSUN PU \Vf!'il CAMPER . Big sedan, auto trans, OVU• . ' SUNBEAM '67 ALPINE SUNBEAM RoadBter, wire wheels, dlr, blue w/blck top, Xlnt cond. Full pr $1499. Will take old- er car in trade, YPSJl<I..B call Ken, 494-9773 or 545-0634 '67 TIGER 289 Convert. modified. 1st reMOnable of. fer. Dave: 646-2812 or 541).4>'9 TRIUMPH New engine, bumpers, m1r-head cani, disc btk! radio rors, radio, Beauti!Ul condi-heater 28 mi~ gal afte; lion. Smllll dn, low pyrr.nts, 2.800 ~J. Full fact wafranty. dlr, NOZ631 LB, call Rob PL 510-0«826. 1--------- 494.9773 O!' 545-0034. 4Vi F ine Avail '66 TRIUMPH TR • Musr Sacrifice, J ea vi n g FULL PRICE $1850 * good condition * Reasonable 548-4:m state. 1969 Chevy %. ton pick 998 So. Coast Hwy, Lag Bch up, SS. R & H, lJ,000 ml. 545-0634 O.A.C. 494-9711 1969 TRIUMPH TR 6. 400) Trade con.sijfered, xlnt cond. Does not incl tax or lie. miles, AM-fl.I, w h It e 545-6315 ORANGE COUNTY'S w/black int. $3300. 546-7563 '62 Ford Pickup. 4 wheel NO. 1 drlve, V-8. Best offer. Good DATSUN DEALER gha,pe. 54~732 after 6 pm. 1009 F2SO CAMPER SJ>'Ciai, DOT DATSUN 6,!WXI miles. Private prty. 18835 Beach Blvd. TOYOTA TOYOTA'S 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '68 VOLKSWAGEl4 . Aulo. stick, radio & heater, fully fact. equipped.. (\VIC- 891 ). • $1681 ATLAS CllRYSLER -PLYMOlt.rH: 2929 HARBOR BLVD.: COST A MESA 546-ttl34 '67 VW SEDAN : Fully loaded, air vent.s, Olr • sno\v while with black int., Small dn, low pymnb. trill take older car in tra11e. VOE247LB. Call Pat 494-9773 ., 54.>a;34. '65 VW, 2 door, 4 spcect, radio, heater, beautiM fed and sharp, RUl\1 140. $1o;>5. Carl's Motor Co. Inc., lp41 Harbor, C.M., 642-0413. •, '68 VW Convert, AM/l)'I, under warr. Best ottei .. 6>' l\.fonday. 549-0022, ~ '68 VW, Blue, 7 pass Bus. Best oiler S200l. Call after'. 1 PM 673-4868 '57 V\V Conv. Low miles. Xlnt cond. ;400 or best of. fer, 675-0305 eves. • '66 VW Snrf, belie w/blk int. R/H. Pon;cbe.1 ·nmi, ~t cond. $1350. 548-2TI6 67 SQUAREBACK Sta. Wag. AM-FJ\T. New tires. $1600 54.8-7954 '65 VW "Bug". Blue w/blue inter. $850. 8·12-3420 1965 V\V 1500 S aqua.re baC'k. $1150. 497-1835. Ask for DON $2715 644-0266 Huntington Beach .'69 Demos .. : ... SAVE =·=·=====:;::::!:=~IJ4Z.~m~I ~or:..;:540-0442~~~' I tlioice oI 2 or 4-rioor. #OOUl '62 SEDAN, good condition. ~ '68 Corona CPE's from Porsche clutch, AM radio. ~··:~ILL_Y_S_J-.. -.-,-w-:-s~:. D~~~:~t.Ra~ ;67 c~~..:,·~ w~g~~: .:~:I ==-=23 "' 1 " 7 =====;:; P.U. Good oond. Must Sell-1-====-=====I AU e.,;t.ru -sharp TXS515 VOLVO ,......,. afJor 5 PM ENGLISH FORD '67 Coron• 4 dr's $13" R!~~~~~~~~l;;;;;:~:f.~~~~q 4-iD-stock. Autos and stick ~ecre1t'n Vehicln 9515 trans. UCP105. ORANGE COUNTY'S '66 Cor9ne 4-dr .... $1299 Best Deel•Are At . VOLVO '68 JEEP WAGONEER VOLUME EN.GLISH 0 1 SBV130 - 4 Wheel Drive FORD DEALER neB~~;eD~.l:A~. At DEAN LEWIS CUstom 4 door model, Big SALES .. SERVICE DEAN LEWIS 350 VS engine. Automatic ,69 MODELS _ 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646:9.'ij).l transmission, power steer-. · b-,_ I I Immediate delivery ing, power ' .... ..-s. ac ory LARGE SELECTION 1966 Harbor, C.M. air conditioning, AM/FM ta· dio, tbned gl"s thruoul. Theodore BILL MAXEY ... ,,, duty,.,, .. .,, ... '"'"" ROBINS FORD '58 VOLVO, .f new tires. ,125 or best oiler. 9121 Arutik Drive, H.B. ~22 mat1c: air levelers, deluxe 2000 Harbor Blvd. IT~YIOITIAJ Jua:age ~k._ new $300 Costa 1'1Iesa 642-0010 ~ ~ -= ~. '65 VOLVO Sedan, low rai. Excel. mech. cond. Gobd tires. $750, 675·2794 snow I dirt tires. Perlect1..,~~~~~~~~1 18881 BEACH BLVD. mechanical condition -SP<>(-1 ·-----Hunt. Beach 8474555 les.<s ttiru-out. Low mileage. FERRARI Autos Wanted 970o Cost ov<"r $5800 new Jut year, 3 ml N. of O:iast Hwy. on Bch WE PAY TOP ~ust sacrifice.. owner lrav-FERRARI 1ne country. woo or best •otter Call 839.fi648 a1t 6:30. Newport Import.I Ltd. Qr.. · anga CouatY• Clll],y author- c.m-,. 9520 ized dealer. r--SALES-SERVICE-PARTS ITJ91v1Qrr@ Bl1t DNll Are At DEAN LEWIS DOLLAR . for good, clean used cAt,. all makes. &e Geo~e. Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. - CM. 642-0010 .o,-6"""'0'--vw'"--c----1 3100 w. coast a..,.. ~mper Newport Beach 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 White elephants! Dtme-a..u~ Hurry I $999 . 642·9405 541).t764 ==="':'====""".!.:==:==:=;;;;;;:;;; Authorlz@d MG Deale-· lmPOrtH Autoa 96001mport.d' Autos 9600 JAGUAR ~====~~~~! CL.~ sO~ ·:,,;~v.~~ •. n:.~~"c:.."1~ JTro1~Qlr:flfAlJ ~·0~,ti' :;~::N GHIA L!J~L.!J~~~. 549-3Cl31 E.-..:t. 66 or 67 1964 KG Coupe, l"E'al clean. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Xlnt cond., se:Uine under COST~ MESA Book. Full ptjce $ 9 7 S . l•---FiiiAililiiL...,...,iiiii l Chl•ner 1,1~1! M:lp tihance if desired. 64+..-0•fO CAMPER 61 Con""· ·Katmonn Ghia CLEARANCE Xlnt t ransp. car . Nrw F-250 truck and 10\i' $!'AX!. 673-114:.:; Eldorado camper, Complrtr & rrady for rurt. List Price: LOTUS $5459.20. Discount: $JIJ03.D2.1--------- SALE, PRJCE $4~.18. Theodot• ROBINS FORD 2000 llarbor Blvd. Coi;ta 111ea ~2.oJI J '68 Lotus Europa 1:;72 N. COa.st Hwy, Laguna Beach. 4~3 MERCEDES BENZ ~ '6!1 rt1erc. Bent 250 SE RENT-A-SHELL XI.NT CONO FULLY WEEh.'ENDS. \Y E E K L )' F.QUIPT • MONTllLY * 839-lllJI * 6·~~ 1t Dffn l.lwia for Mlny ytan has solcl Toyotas to hundreds ef 11itlafied customen Mt Onnp County • This must proYt tMt * for fiM btst dNI * for ftte me1t courteous .11le11Mn * MMI tht ....,.. JOll dairt •fttr purth111, Dt• l.twi& Topt1 hM It. THE NIW TOYOTA PICKUP TRUCll IS HEIE NOW . SNCIAIJIJNO IN SALIS ANO llRVICI NEW .,, Toyota Cpe. fOt TtlS 4 WHllL °"VI LAND CJJlll.. $1790 ....... ~~~~WE NEtD rwuk'9'n.:-k =-~:; DEAN LEWIS ,,,ltANGE COO_NTY TOYOTA·VOl.VO !'l!;AOQVAll\TER:S 646-9303 For Datly PDot Want AO rm; QUJCKEK.'-yo~u-CA-LL~. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!l11 Dini 642-5678 for RESUL~ rnE QUICKER YOU SEU 1966 HAAIOR ILVD. COSTA MISA • I • ; . f ' . '"' 1. -t:. . . . .. -- •• . ' •• . . . ' .. . ' I ' . ' • 1 .. 1 ,. . ' ' , .. ' .. • J· '·' . • .. .. :.- l · . :·A ' . ~·· ; 1· ,, • J • • . ' . . ; I ; I '. H. ; .. , . P. : Pl : •. ti p ·= . '• . :· :: . • ' ' •, =· .. ·. " ., : . . ·-·-• • PILOT ·AOVUTISlR . NEW CAR C·LEAN-UP AT JOHNSON & SON .. i ' 0¥ER ·ACTWAL FACTORY INVOICE! ' ' " '!:. • .. • JU.ST 5°/o OYER INVOICE ON AN'f MERCURY MONTEREY, MONTEGO AND COUGAR. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG 11 ·. 100 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM e CALL 540-5630 HERE ARE IUT ••• Ii. F!W EXAMPLE CARS LOADED WITH FACTORY OPTIONS AND PRICED SO LOW IT'S HARD TO IWEYE e 1,69 , IX CUTlVI . LINCOLN · CONTINENT AL SALE e .... ... ~ ............ ""!!'.......... . .... ~~~~~~~~~' .. '·., .... N1W Ifft • L'INC:IS!t6t~~u ~ ," ., 'QOllTllijlnAL °toUPI. ~~-··d.~":~' i . ::..:s.,,£";~7-~· ·~,:·' ~ .~ ~..;":f'-.~i ~~. • ' . . ' . . ' ' . •• I > ' . ',.I ... '. •: '. '·' . ' •' ' . " IRA.ND NIW -MONT!Go· NX SAYE WAS 3711 .JO NOW JJJl.15 1'6' MEIC:UIY 4 DOOR HA.RDTO, l•tnf NW .. 1111 •Ir condl!laMr, bHutlfl<I bum! O••nv-w1tn l90 'N Ill. l ltd: .....,,, HIKI •Mii, wfW4111r.. paw.r ~lK brtkn t. ''"'-rldlo a, uncltr• ... L Str • ., "°2~' •22~1 SAYE WAS •ltt.00 HOW 4112.ot $82600 NEW CARS 540-5630 642-0981 : ,I '6084 ~~-~ I • N9W ONl..Y-.....-v· Nq_W 9'!1CY. ,,·.._ .,.e:;: y- ' •... . """ . M ·Mx i/ ...""""' ~ """" ., VI. ..i.ct ~~~:).a. ,,._ ............ ·11r .... IN. :,-,Jiii' ..... ....,.... .......,. ~ •ladr. Jl" .• SAYE $483'7t WA$ Jt44.N NOW Mll.11 11.lMO NIW COLONY PARK WAGON l'l!oi.Md In ;,..,_ WJlll "'1 VI. tllld .iittt, II.It. ctrrl.,, 3111 Ht!. bfKn. 1!Mr, 1lr en. llnl l ltll Md tt.D. ~-. tl'ttlftl '... • • • ' SAVE WAS SJZl.10 -,.ow 4566.77 • ' /;( laAHD NIW MOil*<> MX STATION WA50N • Dwfl.!11, ........ ,w. ........ ,.... ........ ... ~ 5 ........... .,...., •Ir clllll. "" """' 1 " ·~sAvin'i5"M 451s WAI 4211.61 NOW 17J6.41 . ' llAHD NIW C:OLONT PAU WAeGN Ji PlrtllMI ,.. & ...... Miii _,.... -..... ·~ "".~~~~~~-.... . ~ ,;,. ..,,,.. •kldt Dfll • ~ ' .. ~~ ... ! sn1600 i .l! NOW 471t..40 0 I ._: 1-...... =-......... ~ ~. so .. n . ·: .. .; ·' :t ~ .. .• 3-•• '69 Cad. Qie. DeVille, Full '61 CHRYSLER '66 Ford Falrlono 65 OLDS DYNAMIC !I '6! PONTIAC '~.T·~lrtl 2 Dr. Ha. $495 va 4 dr l!anllop PIS. R/H. LE t,IANS v~. "''1'· ,,.,,,.., """""~ fcir uaed can II trucks ju.st eell m for me esttma~- power wllh Clim cont. AIC. TOWN & COUNTRY Stereo FM. 6.000 mi. $5660. Station wagon, V!, automa- 1965 SKYLARK 2 dr hit }'ull \VIII drive trom Indiana tie, radio. heater, pC>\\'f:r 2 Door Loaded. V8, etc. Lie. Aft cond. 0 .ean. Excelltnt C.oupe. VS, 1automatk1, pow. condltkinln&. pawn s!Mrtlil. IRM.949. Phone 642--6023,Dlr. o0ndltion. New llr,e1 1 ~r ltttrlnt. pbmr l;pkes. power brakts, ~ n. ,GROm CHEVROLET ========I pov.·t>r. air, clean repo. Wk 5-11)...2055 aft 8 PP.I steering & brakes, IUQll&'e days 536--6848, eve &. wkcnds --.-,,-N-,-,.-II-W_a_go-,--1 r a <' k. · air <.."Ollditioninr. 6f2..003!I (UJB309l """"-nd!o. hoaioad.dter .... '66 Jo~ORD \Vagon, fully·1--;.•~·~· --~-~I $1n5 ·-" ,._ ~..... ...... equpd W/aU, PIS. P/a 1!>;8 Olds.. Xlnt in;;;:i;;;. ' -~ ~·· '...., ...... Au~o Lea.sing 9810 536-2345 6-cyl, auto, PIS. <WOVll6CIJ · I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;; leB:Uulc1CK~~N;;;,;:-. l22S.'2S:°lt1l-;-a, good cond. (ll821-40.12 $3395 LEASE. RENT "'""'hi"•' ' ATLAS !2300, W-8400 day•. Ne..i. mU>Or , ......... A .. ·.A·T•As·!·.~ !ow,!owm$U2'1'·aRDWa !IS ~ 543-0797 eves. ,rooc1· bey! ·f13-91o7 · • f-" '68 Ford Ranc~ro. 6 cyl, 65 Olds '98" '-4 dr Hardtop CHRYSLER. ·...l·Pi.YMOUTH : ORDER YOUR BARGAIN! CHEVROLET 1970 TODAY 642--2252 after 6 PM CHRYSLER -P~YMOUTH 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. xlnt cond, RIH. $2250. Full power. Air. 2929 HAJlBOR BLVD. '64 . T-Bfrd a:inv., new ~ 8.13-1457 aft 6 pm. 642--1525 C'OSfA ME!SA 5-16-1934 bra.Ires, exhaust. t.tteit, WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR FOR EARLIEST '62 BUICK Special. Good '69 NOVA SS, Amer. mags, DELIVERY transport. for school or PIS. disc brkl, new wkle All popular makes. Ford work. $355/offcr 642--0436 ovals, Loaded & Sharp! COSTA MESA 546-1934 MUST Sell! '64 Ford Convt. All power + air-cond. Xlnt sbape, $350. 84Z-7&;7 authorized leasing system. 1966 RIVIERA. Fully eqUip. 50,000 'varranty, orig price: CONTINENTAL '64 FORD FaJcon, navy blue, ••.ooo. Sac:rititt! 549-1392 CONNELL Get our Competitive Rates Like new. Top con d 1 ..., c:onvt, Sprint V-8, 4 spd, gd. • Theodore ~1 (8-4~30. M-F.J -.64 Chevelle Malibu, 2 Dr. MUsr &ell '64 cad Coupe or cond. $895. 494-6459 CHEVROLET ROBINS FORD '66 BUICK \VILOCAT hrnl<>P, 3 •P<I Hunt •hilte" '66. °'""""ntal. Both load· '62 Fak<m, 6 cyl, 2 dr. Yo. ms Harbor Blvd. 2CW 1-Iarbor Rlvd POWER. AMfFM, XLN1' 327 cng, SlOO ca.ah" T.0 .P . ed I: x.lnt cond. SCG-7821 ,;ale by Dri&. owncr.$300. Colta Meu 54&-1200 QAi Mesa s42.oo10 SI49:) * 968-7466 on approved credit, $41 per '61 LINCOLN Continental, ali 1 ~•96-_24.18 _____ _ CONFIDENTIALL y '59 BUICK 2 DOOR, R&H, m~'~·~5.10-~954~· _7 ~.,,.-,...,-~ "''"'' '61 FALCON SIB. WG"· 19561 yt6 LEASE V Good cond. $90. 642.--1431 aft. 1ss Chev 2 dr. Reblt &: bored. ===*="'=5-4040~=*== Trenton Lane. H.B. 962-3753 PLYMOUTH We PRY More F~--'68 Cadillac CouPc de Ville, 5 P.~1. 265 T-10, 4 &p &: new 427 Fareign Or Sports.,...,. fully ~uipped. $129 mo. I======== velte clulch $400 or best Of· CORYAIR CJIRYSLER -PLYMOunl PAID FOR OR NOT '67 Foro, 10 °'" '""'" w••· CADILLAC foe. «>-274l MERCURY 2929 HARBOR BLVD. ' • J. SPORTSCAR on, r/h, alr, ps. S75 mo. '65 Ch-Im""'" 2 Dr. Good .,, ~ 1 M ,.._ COSTA MESA 546-1934 ' c · .,, 1--------~ . ., _.. ""' ""rva r orua ""upc. '67 M•rc Col. Pk. \V'"'. 10 ""--'-'--------. CENTER '67 Gal. 500 pe, air, ....,.. mo. cond Auto V--8 fl<W!. n..:.mna1 E -" t •·· «• Pl . h V II ... : SOUTH COAST '61 CAD. Convertible. full · • • .,......,. ''""'<!i' owner. ......:..-....en pan, ate. rack, PfS, P/B. -ymout • ant · 2$3.l Harbor Blvd. CAR LEASING ~-er, fact air, stereo, new .675-6518::.:..=-----condHion. 4~ P/W, pwr. &eats, spd. cont. SEDAN, auto, dlr, V-3, radio, '.: c.osta 1.te11& 5.io-4491 300 \V. Cst llwy NB 645-2lS2 pa1?L Xlnt .~ech. cond. '68 MALIBU 2 door coupe '61 Corvair, 4 dr, aut..., r/h, auto door lock, AM/FM, heater, trttn w I malchln1 IMPORTS ~·ANTED -"'==="'====-Caa. mechanics penonal $2«i0. Must !18.ctifice! gd. cond, pvt pty, $195. much more. $2650. 830-6443 Int. FuII pr $699, Will tak.= -ed C 9900 car. 5 40-9100 "Dick 642-1822, 968-3277 alt. 5 pm 846-14411 older cu in trade. 02U69L. ~a:•, = Us ars Nof'tTlSn" '57 CHEV. V--8, new MUSTANG LB, Call Bill. 494-9'lil or :~ 'f BILL MAXEY TOYOTA TRANSPORTATION CARS '57 CAD Factory a.ir Full upholslel')', new chrome. , CORVETTE 1..:.545-"-'-0634=·------I ' USl1 Buch Blvd. JIWPORJER MOTORS B"°. wer $19.'i. 516 15th SI. 1-1. $595. * 645-0424 eves Mtisr Sell! ,61 1-fustang '69 Plymouth Fury Ill. A/C, : H. Beach. Ph. M7~ 53 CHEVY 4-dr. auto. R/11 '66 127 CORVETTE, 390 hp, Fastback 390 cc. Pwr S, ndio, Landau top, 6,000 mi. ' '64 CADILLAC Sedan de $125, c:all Oirls 962--5~7. alr~nd. 2 tops. XJnt ahape. auto trans, RAH. Xlllt cond $3200. 4•3225 eves : :. ~ U'lo 1ookiJI&: -DAILY 2036 HARBOR BLVD. Ville, loaded, beautiful. Must also Bing Surboard $25. :l48-00~0 12300. 646-2688 aft 6 '66 Toronado, fully eqp'd. ' "~ ..,,... COSTA MF..5A T 'PD..OT cJa_,slfled V"K"""'o 91'11. $1250. 968·7466 • ....., 4 ~ C"•"y Im•••· Pl• Good cond.IUon. P.1 US SQ.5294 or 541--8511 u.,; ..,,_ 41~· ........... •• '67 Muslang In wt)', xlnt -SEU.. 838-9l2:i Pt.Act yow ....a.nt ad where FINANCING AVAILABLE DON'T JUSI'WISH !or.soma-P/b. Radllll ti ""-Xlnt DODGE cond. with xtru. $1795. Call .:.::=-"'"--''---- Dr .1.l"'t' )'OU1' want ad wile~ lh;....,. to furnish yOW' home cond. '"$6511 ~.X54 · ~73Sl '61 PLYMOUTH, 2 dr hrdtop, t ..,_..,. tT'S Beach house time_ Big. --. t f h nd U>ey are looking -DAILY ge~1 selection ever! See the ••• find great buys ln to-'58 OlEV. of dr. Good '67 DODGE Dart, 273. +bar· '68 Convt, sbarp, only W,000 allu.,; • ..!. !;NI mcc . sou . PILOT classified! 642-0678 DAILY Pil.DI' WANT ADS! day's Ous'lfied Ads. t."anlportatlon car. Best of· rel, V..S, l\tavy duty 4-spd ml, p/s A top $2485. Pr. ,;;•::;•'-~•:;;•~===== : ..... . ' .. . " .. =· ·. ' ·. ' ' .. • fer. 5-4&-3910 tran&. Pol)'ilu Otts. Xlnt pty. ~7301 51 Oll'V, 6 cyl '" nmnl"" "'""· ll"10. 5'5--093'. l-":!C...,,.::.:..M.::U::ST_AN_G_G_T_ IONTIAC conditon. $50. 962-8578 67 Pol.ant, 9 Jl6u sta. WI"· 3 speed, V--8, Xlnt --------:~. :_~5000 mi., xlnt condition. n4SO. 67>7744 '66 Po"tlac GTO CHRYSLER FORD '67 CHRYSLER '64 FORD FALCON '67 MUSTANG. Air-eond. • Xlnt cond. Sl69:i Call : 846-lof92 OLDSMOBILE 2·DOOR HARDTOP DELUXE WAGON V-8, au'tomatlr:, lactory air, V..S, Automatic. Radio. Htat.1-------- powtr 1teering, power bra·· er. <WXF 2!111. ''5 OLDS CUTLASS kea, ndio &: heater. Imma-$1U HOLIDAY CPE. cu!alo. (UD$2E2794J51. ATLAS v.a. auto.~··.,..,., ... ,. inf, ndk).' htat1r, PCS W. sn• ATLAS OIRJ,,~;~.,g'."'t AT~AS o;:>sTA MESA .546-1934 • OIRYSLER -PLYMOUTH '62 PORO WAGON C!ll\YSLSR11,..;i~L:':.'"' 29"29 HARBOR BLVD. 2929 ~ Sl9-3<Dt E~t. 611 or 61~ COSTA MESA 545-l!lll COUJ:ITRY SIDA!ol OO!r• >!ESA . 5*-1934 l!l10 HARBOll BLV)). Open Dally 'Iii 10 p.m. Auto,-dlr, "'V-8. power • tleet1<-REAL Sharp '86 0 Id COST~ MF;SA '69 Pontiac Tempest convt. valve., IUters, starter. MUil Pia, disc, air:. Priced IO Hll before Friday. Sacr1fOa sell. 494--6893 aft 5 pm 'fr IS!IO. 67S..Tlll $ A Theodore Robins excluaivel look for ..,_ dl1gno1tic center seol ind lob the gu-· wort< out of buyi~g 1 uSld e1r. 11iost c-. hove p1111d 130 vitol t11h for performuce,' roli1bility, ond sofety. 1000/o PARTS AND 'LAIDR WARRAllTY - 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Co••n all mtchanle1I ptrts lncludlftt tntlnt. drift llnl, r1ar 1ncil, PLUS br1k11, battery and txhlulf sy1terp, All r.,.lr work dont In our own ••rwla. d1p41rtm1nt. '88 V.W. BUB '1395 '83 FALCON CONY • ·'495 ;~~!~~!..~~~ '995 :~!~~~~ ... ,.-, ... no '595 · '.~~!~0~~~~~aN. ~195 • ... CH·YSLER Inc.· RMI O..n.'1 PNY 711 c.u .... \JOI. Cl:Mlpo. Gold ESTATESAIE· ·iii.. Mana -NEW~PORT ~· ""9·, WW tall• older ,.ilh bllt. Landau top, !o an """" >tint cond MAiui , car hi tJ"iwje, ~ Bill ~ rnlg, nu wht/wall tira • It< ~:.-,ST • V-8, aumma.tlc, radk>. healr or St~ b,V. Ml CU11tom blk Jthr 0 a. ' er, power s!~r1ng:, lmmacu. 'SB rcmD Wagon, needs tnt Ir; buc.krt Rall. CoDIClle 'f'& VEN'l'URA. wb hd tp 1 taWI (YXU 8691 tome 'fOl'k. ,pod tnne car. with tach., PIS. PIB. P/W, Cir. pwr, fact air, low mD, $1111 $90. r..16-0UO, 5 41-lllt r.ct air. Ml.Iii: .. to Ukl:new.Mufltell.Beflof· ATLA._ M/S.l. -bellevet Private Part)', Bott fer, PYt pt). &1838. ~·. 'R Tatrlai!m OT: ('OnvertJbk!. oUcr. •2860 'fi8 P'lrlbl:rd .G, 4 -t pd OtRYSl.ER -PLYMOUTH QM owner. 390 a u I o. 'RI met.. 1 dr1 &Oki. ract war-ttlc"-Orome whteli, Xln\ 2060 tfi.t.r IM. C..tt .... 2112t IWUIORBl.VD. --de••· 11no. r., boayllflll! imi. Mil !Or Qlnd. 1141-1115, &H~s;o,1 ~64~2~.00~111-~~~~~~~~~~54Nt~~ll~I COSTA MESA 541-lt34 -.... O.lo .,.11. -~ m;n11 -• ---=:;_------' - ' ~ J • ' ' 1 -· ·~ -------------~·-------------=,-·"''" --=.,..-;,-....~-----..... , I , 1 ' , ROY C4RVER IS REL'EAS·ING . •• .. ) HIS DEMOS & EXECUTIVE C'ARS FOR IMMEDIATE 'SAU! • GRAND ·PRIX THE FINEST J.O\V MILEAG.E . '----- '69 DEMOS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1969 GRAND PRIX Co~dov• top, turbo., ster9o r•dio, PS., tift wheel. tint1d 9l•ss1 pow•r se•t. t:.{er wiJidows, AIR CON- DITIONIN6, reny 11 whN • 1276579P2401lll $4936 • t969 BONNEVILLE , H.T. Cp1. Cordove top, turbo., Pqwer steering, power . brakes, p;ower windO!'s, AIR CONDITIONING, tint· .d til11, -fotm cushion front 1e1t, white wills, di1•1 ••h•••t. l262179Cll69551 .'$4357 ' , 1;69 BONNEVILLE 4 Dr. H.T. Turbo., push button redio, delux• s1ri btlts, duel exh•ust, P.OW•r .steering, power br1k11, tinted wlndshi-.1d, poW1r windows, hetd rests, AIR CONDITIONIN~. p~wer bench se•t, white walls. l262l99Clll22ll · · $4289 '67 FIREBIRD H. O. 326 VI, 4 1p_e•d, po-r rie...Snt. r•dio •nd hteter, whit• 1idt w•ll tire1, ~"lundy witft ii1•ck l11ttri01. ('\JJC· 777) '66 CHARGER $2177 VI, ...... uefli .. , power 1teeri119, radio, he1tlf', white •icl• ,.,,11 fit•'i 15,975 mil•1. l i9ht blue with dark blue 111 .. rior. 1969 BONNEVILl,.E H.T. CP,i. -Cordove top, turbo., po.Wet 1ntenna, pow.' er. 1t1erin9, power1 disc brakes, power windows, AIR CONDTIONING, cruis• control; tilt whl., whit• wells, deluxe belts, etc. l262379Cll59081 $4433 1969 CATALINA 4 Dr. H.T. Turbo., push button radio, deluxe wh•el dlsci1 power steering, power br1k1s, tinted glass, head rests, AIR CONDIT10NIN6, whit• waJI tires. 1252l99Clll2lll $3726 1969 CATALINA H.T._ Cpe. turbo., push button radio, power 1teering, power brakes, tint1d gl11s, power windows, eu1tom b•nch seat, AIR CONDITJONING, head rests, white wall tires. l252l79CI091121 ·S3947 1969 CATALINA H.T. Cpe. Turbo., push button radio, rear seat speak- er, power steering, power disc brakes. tinted glass, power windows, AIR CONDITIONING, white wall ti.,., l252379Cll27191 $3848 1969 BONNEVILLE '4 Dr. H.T. Cordova top, turbo .. deluxe belts, power steerin9, power brakes, power windows, AIR CON- Dl'flONING, heed rests, vo9ue tires, etc. (262399Cf .. 048711 $4600 1969 EXECUTIVE 4 Door H.T. Turbo., push button redio, power steer- ing, pow1r brakes, power window1, head rests·, AIR CONDITIONING, white ~alls, tinted glass, etc. I 256399CIOll22 I $4061 :~~ .. ~~~~!; ~~.!~~'"""' ""'" ,;.;,$207' ,7·' 'I . , ~ :~ .. ~~ .. ~~f!~moti<, P'"" otmi,g, ""'' $,,. 7' 7' h1•ier,_ f'elllptr.fully equipptd. {f~Jl lJ } · • , , ; : ~ •h••h.r, ;.othilt w411s,.. ITEY Mii ' ' ' _() ( ------------------- '67 COUGAR XA-7 · · ... 1 $ . . ·. , ,_ '67 FIREBIRD $ 2 Door-~41hiii. VI, •11!0111.'fiC, ;ow•r 1l•erin9, r•.dlo, 257:7 · 1 l26,.Auto1111tic. pow•r it••rin9, radio, he•ter, l1n.d•u 3677 heifer, ,¥t~y •ir. ITZG 960) · ' ' , 'tep. curio111 tri111, copper color, tVHC 719), ! ' I, • : '· '68 .iuicK WILDCAT s3477· ' 2 Door . h ffltop. Hv4lr•111•tl~. powtr . 1te"ing, .pow1r - iir•ke;1, "~' 1h1 .. t1r, -wllit• •i4'1 ·'will , firn,' f•cl•ry aif' • -'-ond$tiol'!~;~WAE llll" . . , -; . S~VlCE DEPARTMENT OPEN · .. ~·'.«··".:$:,::·1~~-i:iH~:-<HOlfE., oF ···N~···~QNtfA~·.:.]N . . ,:stoac .·,ANO::READY FOR· ~~L1\«lRY TObAYl·::~1- , ~ , r~ I " ''•· ...... -------·, , ' ··--' .. '. -. " " . " ' .. . \( : . ': '. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:lct A.M. to 6:00 P.M •. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8,00 ·A.M. to 9:30 ·P.M. EVERY DAY . J .. !. ' --- ! i'" ',. •c' I Bonneville 4 Door Hardtops Catalina 4 Door Hardtops Le Mans Hardtop Coupes Tempest Custom Wagon Custom Hardtop Coupes Le Mans Safari Wagon Catalina . Hardtop Coupes _ :· Executive ' Passenger Wagons Bonneville 9 Pass. 'Wagon Execlitlvo 4 Door Hardtops · Custom S 4 Door HardtoPs Executive 9 Passenger W119ons "~ros : Firebifds . . '" • .. .. C~~na 6. Passenger Wagons Executive Hardtop Coupe Bonneville· Hardtop Coupes Grand Prixs · . \ Catalina 9 Passenger Wago~ . ROY -CARVE,R PONTIAC 2925 HA·RBOR ' BtVD I COSTA MESA ' '· • . • Kl-64444 • ·•••·-~' ., • "• ,r , . '• ~ "'Ll.·:clt.R.'.PRtCES l~DICAlED;ll\l '.Tflt S': Ari ARE, OF\cod~s~i '.' PLUS LICENS~:&,llA'xj . • IYI §M'j -·-