HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-04 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal
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Nixon Due -to ·Sh
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NSC to Study . : . . . . . ;
Rocky ·Rep6~-· ·· ··-'--' 11e-~~o~·-Narter · , 1
Then Advise
'· ' "
. . .
Ocean' Rescues of Nixon Prove It
(iurfCW.s :·Set; ·
Calm· ·Returns
' to -4 ·Cities
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• • • DAILY PILOT-Std,._..
SeniOr Lyi\ii'A!Ien, 1i,:o'pen~ lhe loc~er that will. serve •!',,her I.borne
away from ·bome" for the next year .at .La~a .B'eac!r J11gh 'SchQOI, Classes started today for;students in Laguoa ·publlc schQOls and at
mo6t parochial school•.along"the Orange Ci>ast.. Most. public schools
open the 196~70 academfc year next Wednesl:iay. · · -.
• ••
fl·anoi Halts All-ActLvitUU r . . ,, . ~·~ ' ..• ' ... ,. ... ·' .. . . ' . .
~ ..
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VMOT s •
eds Call , Three·diy
SAlGON (UPI) -The Viet Con(,.,._
ed tonlghl it waukl observe • thrffl.
c,.-ease.tlre 1n SOutb Vietnam to mark
death of North Vietnamese Prealdent
OU. Minh. The North Vietnamese
y could be expected to ,do the aame.
A broadcast by the clandeslloe Na-
al Li.bcratloo Froot (NLP') • radio
ard in Satgon said a "congren" of the
.. iel cons bad met at an unannounced !Qilee -aod decided lo cease military of-
:.,__ during the period of moumina
• . . . -* * &om Pase, J •
0 DEAD .•. I •
tor lio, wl'Wl d.Jed Wednesday.
'Jbe broadcast did not st1te when the
CW>f!-fire would beg\o, 'Dul it V!'85
'prCsumed the order to Viet Cong units in
the soulh to Jay down their arms would
become effecU¥t wit.bin 24 hours.
11lere waa'no immediate announcernenl
from the North Vietnamese on a similar
cease-fire but in the past the Communists
have acted as a unit In variou~ truces
observed during New Year 's and olhcr
Vletnamest boUda}'i. , • 1
1'l'W lato vtilutionll')' acts" to achle¥e
lhe "lolly ospiralloo cherished !>l' ~
-Bo Pll Mlnh -the bl!ildlo1 of'. l)Oace1111. WUfkd. I n d, p e a d e • I · ·.
l11eniocr1ttc:. ..,,._ and power!ul '
. m." ~ •
' Inf~ """""" In S,Jion aald ft ....
tJ.rilUi:My the North Vietnamese leader's
~death would result' in any important
changes 1n Hanoi's war poµcy.
* * * Ho Praise Given
By Russia, China;
Briton Dissents
MOSCOW (UPI) -1'he Soviet Union
today pledged to continue full support to
]Jo Ch! Minll's successors.
The o£ficial condolence cable from the
Communist party and g o v e r n m e n t
leader£hlp to Hanoi said, ''The Viet-
namese Communists and Vietnamese
people may rely always on the full sup-
port of the Communist party of the Soviet
Un.ion and the Soviet government and
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was ex-
pected to fly to Hanoi for the funeral.
Delplte the cease-fire, diplomatic ejl.
pert.a throUghout the work!. made it clcl
they Jld not e%pe'Cl the Ho death to af(ect
Hanoi's conduct of the war in South Vlet!
nam or to ch4nge the Communisti' har•
line position at bie Paris peace talkl
(See Story, P11e 4,) ,
The broadcart llUd the stand dowl)
would last for three days and that "coo-
crete orders will be issued." It said t1'J
period of (llOW'lll1'J fOf Ho._ww!4.i..l.l<i: '-9e+en' da'fl ·'Md lltllt it .. wU ""deciael!"
Getting Their Kiel's
~--..,..-----. ---.. .....
uce After ·Ho's Death
at for Lhree of thelo dly1 no offensiv~
oper1Uonl would bo>-lnltlatod.
· ll!JDOJ earlier hid anoQUJ)ctd a full
.ieven-day period ol mourning.
The cease-fire br~cast came aflt:r
Uie U.S. Command reported for the fir!l
lime lhal allied ltoopl ,!\ad batlled Com-
unl.sl troops lntide Cll;nbodJa. ~ ip·
dent occurred after an American
llcopter was shot down inside CaJn. t1 .
DAILY l"ILOT 51111 l"h1i.
was forced lo land one rftUe ln1Ude Cam~ Tuong Province, communiques reported. 1 bodla M~IY 1Uer It wu hit while car· Spokmimen said the pUot wa.a rorCld t•
t')'iog troops on 1n •ssault on the SOuth direct h1a crippled craft to the 14most
Vietnamese side or the frontier. desirable emergency land!ng sile" and ht
The U.S. Command also announced IS set down on Cambodian soil, about ~
Americana were k!Ued Tuelday and Wed-mile!i west of Saigon. After the landing,
-11Csday in South Vietnam ID lhe crashes the helicopler burst in,to names. \
of an AC47 01Spooky" fh.ed win& i\IRShlp Five of those aboard were able to
and a helicopter. scramble out lnto the d a r k n e s s '
The helleopter forced down In Cam-spokeSlpen said, but one mercenary d~
bodia was one of three choppers carrying in Ule flames. The live -two U. '
~~f~~~~';'. 1;1,:~~' · f,jfJ~ IJ4I ~ "l<'ff<!l"'i44 ,..-JIU
Israel Abandons,
Search for Pike
JERUSALE~t (AP)-The Israeli army
abandoned its search for or: James Pike
It made the .decision after a frullle&s.
daytong search by troops, policemen and
alrplpnes of ~ Jlldean desert for the
former Epllcopal bishop of Caillornla.
Official! held litlle hope that be wal"
f'rot1a Pnge 1
MRS. PIKE • • •
hanging on lo the tlJfl with my hands,
feeling fllir footholds with my feet. It was
completely dark and 1 could see nothing
but the shadows o( tbe 'huge rocky cliffs.
Once I stepped out and there was nothing
and I fell bead over heels into the canyon.
The 'eanyons and the moi.mtains see1ned
lo be endless. Each lime I would climb
around the rocky point lhere would be
nothing but more mountains ahead. A
very strange feeling came over me -it
wus as though I was .separated from my
body and my body was a friend helping
me on. I felt no pain thuugh l knew I was
being cul and bruised.
slill alive.
Pike, 56, has been missing since ~ton
day night, after his rented c.ar eot stuck
about eight miles west of the Dead Sea.
His 31-year-old wUe left him on a hill-
side and walked all ni~ unW she reach-
ed a road worker!i' camp.
Mrs. Pike told police ihe and her. hUJo
band were doing research on a book and
decided to drive through the desert for
a few hours to "get the feel or the Ju.
dean ltllls:." She said the ca r got stuck
in rocks and boulders about 3 p.m. and
they y,·ere unable lo free it despite try•
Jng for about t1vo hoors.
Then the couple set out on foot toward
the Dead Sea. Arter two hours of walk·
mg, Pike compla ined of leg paiN and
told his wife to go on '"'ilhout him.
"I suggested that he lake a nap and
11·hen he got his strength to follow me,''
she said. "J left him atop a small moun-
tain about six or seven miles west of
the Dead Sea."
';l)wo hundred soldiers and troo1>5 be-
gan the search for Plke Tuesday on foot
and iii he!lcoptus and li,l!ht planes. First
lhey found the car, '""ith Pike's wallet
and passport in it. Liltter they found a
n1ap in a dry river l)ed ~bout il mile
<'ast of the car. and t.1rs. Pike said her
husband had been carrying 1L before t.hey
\1·erc s<'parated.
There were lour theories lo explain
J>1ke 's disappearance.
The aympathy cable referred to Ho a.s
·"lhe great soo of the heroic Vietnamese
people, an outstandng statesman or in-
ternational Communist and national
liberation. movement, the great.friend of
. the Soviet Union."
12 pt bf star
Donna Killins, 9, Santa Ana Heigh ls; Bill Riley, 9.
.$an.ta AM Heights, and Bonnie llarper, 10, Costa
Mesa (from left), are making good use of their
tJme during fading days of summer vacation. 'fhey-
are also making good use of S\vimming pool at
Orange Coast fl1C.i\_ They 'll be back in school soon.
It's BtLrglary
No Matter What
-That he had taken refuge in one of
!he many caves in the area to escape
ctaytime temperatures or more than 100
degrees fahrenheH .
HONG KONG (UPI) -Communbt
. China, Ul a condolence message oo the
death of Preslderit Ho °'1 Minh urged the:
people of. North Vietnam today to "turn
their grief into atrength lo give the
Americam a greatel" blow."
The Pe.king regime Kut Premier Chou
En-lai to Hanoi as head of a special
delegation to attend the funeral of the
Vietnamese leader.
Communist China could not send its
own president. Liu Shao-chi, because he
is under house arrest, victim of a purge
• by Communist Party Chalnnan Mao Tse·
: tung.
* • LONDON (UPI) -Column!.rt Bernard
. Levin wrote in the Daily Mall today that
. he dreaded the outpouring of eulogies for
North Vietnamese President Ho Chi
"The plain truth ," he wrote, "i! th't Ho
, Chi Minh was a ruthless and bloody
: tyrant. His fll'St action on completing the
: conquest of North Vietnam was to
; slaughter in cold blood some 50,000 men
: and women who might have opposed hU
: rule.
• "When his camPf1.ign to. lake over South
: Vietnam began it wu waged wilh a
: poUcy or deUberat.c atrocity, as an in·
.strament of terror, the like of which had
not been seen in the modern world.
"From the cases of children literally
chopped lo pieces before their parents'
f'yes, in villages tcmporily seized by the
Viet Cong, to the hundreds of men,
women and children who had been club-
bed to death and whose bodies were
<lisco\ered after the Tet offensive, the
~tory was the same -the grossest
atrocities, committed not in the heat of
· 1he batUe or the blood·lust of revenge,
, hut as a calculated and important part ol
·gentle, v.·itty Uncle Ho's policies."
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Fairvi-e'v Y Quth '
Just Escapes
Death by Car
A mentally retarded bicyclist from Cos-
ta Mesa's Fairview State Hospital some-
how escaped dealh or serious injury Wed·
nesday in ·a headon collision with a car.
The 18-year~ld boy kepl right on going
but was stopped near the scent:, on Har-
bor Boulevard at Princeton Drh·e and
returned to hi:i hospital ward .
Motorist David K. Perry, 2J, of 1241
W. Baker St .. Costa Mesa, told police
he h!t the brakes at 45 miles per hour
aOO. skidded into a curb when he saw
the oocom.ing bicycle.
Patrolman ruchard Frederik.sen said
the mentally retarded youlh l'l'U basic-
ally at fault, but indicated lhe.re was no
actual vehicle code violation due to his
He escaped y,·lth a sore anklr.
Officers Subdue
A11gere<l Citizen
Angry over his son's loss of a part-time
job, a Costa l\1esa man ba\lltd three
police officers before being subdued \\\·d-
ne3day night after allegedly causing a
disturbance al his hon1e.
fermin R. Torres, 43, or 169 E. 23rd
St., was booked on resisling arrest and
disturbing the peace charges fol10111ng a
ra1npage y,·itnesscd by the 1n1estigalor~.
Officer George Sperling said the kttk·
Ing, spitting Torres had to be handcuffed
and strapped int.:l the patrol car y,•ith the
seal bell en route to headquarters.
The patrolmar and his {Y.'O partners
said Torres beat his own head against the
car win<!Qw all the way to the station.
OCJCD Leader Focuses
On Improvement Areas
Dr Norman E. Walson called on 300
teachers and administrators from Golden
\Ves t and Orange Coast colleges to help
close the "tragic gap belY.'een objectives
c:nd performance" in junior college
tducallon Yt'ednesclay .
~i:-cvk1og lo the largest facully in the
1.1•1ory of Ute Orange Coast Junior
College District. the ch an c e 11 or -
supl'rinlendenl focused on four specific
areas of improvement
He <1sked lhe overflow audience at the
r:olden \\'est Forum lo reverse the
1iropout record in community colleges,
110\• the highest of any institution in
higher education. Figures re leased by Dr.
\i..a1son show that two out of every three
11 esh1nen never go on to lhe1r sophomore
Occupational·lcchnical programs, •:on-
~itlcrrd the mainstay of the junior conege
i.:urricu!um, are fil iling to altract enough
.-.tudents, Dr. Watson complained. He said
attr.ndRnr.c in these subject areas 1s
particularly in1portant to Orange County
111\h 11s con1plex of indu stria l ond
rc~carch or1cnlcd firm;;,
Ile also called on counselors to turn
!h!'ir eHorts in helping students succeed
ralhcr than simply exist as clerical func-
The e1nphasis in the ne.xl decade 1nu:it
lot·us on Lhc student as 01e center of con·
ccrn and en1phasizc learning rather t~1an
lc<'c hing, he said.
·'Change is the name of the g<1n1e, not
fnr its 01~0 sake, but to improve the
c::lucat1onal system . The stage is set for a
re\ olul ion in higher education," Dr,
\\ ulson comniented.
Line Up
Lt1 xt1ry
you won't
11ave to
i:e place !
IL n1akcs nn d1rfl'rcncc 11hr01cr 1he los~
b rep)<l{'('d bv a lra-!1•.in 11 •n1, forcf'd
entry conslillil!'s II c• er'n1r nf bur1::!ar~·.
Costa ~1 e'a po!u·c !J •t 1•':!"1
Henry J. Va~out1., o[ 2j'.'i EJt:rn A1c ,
said son1e'loe to-c a ..:1crcLn from tht'
window of his aparlmf'nt, cra11 lcrl in and
st.ole !hrec e<:ns or be:r worth 85 cenls,
according to i11vcsti~;ilors.
\\'hoever 1t was left a hair ernply gal·
lon jug of win ('.
-That he had fallen victim to a beast
of prey .
-That he had succumbed to the heat
:ind that his b o d y y,·as beneath some
01;crhanging cliff.
-That he had been found by Bedouin
nomads and taken to one of their camps.
~!rs. Pike, scratched and bruised after
her IO·hour struggle through the desert,
rernained bope.ful.
"It was a miraculous escape for me,"
she said. ''I keep praying he will have
the same miracle."
for an cxpcr1
\\'ho "ill
ron1e to
your home
\\ilh samples
"-ithout any
Lo you!
Beac1t Expects 300 for l nvitational Oriental design ru gs
by fon1nus The lhundering sur( for which Hu n-
tington Beach ll famous is expected to
aUract 300 entrants for the 1969 United
States Surfboard Championships Sept ro.
Nearly lhree-fourlh.s of the entrants ex-
pected for the big coolest have alrcatiy
submitted entry blanks and lhe rest arc
expected to be signed before Friday, ac-
cording to Norm Worthy, contest direc.·
Winner of last year's contest was David
Nuuhlwa, wbo placed ahead of two-time
winner Cor~ Cl.troll to pick up the Duko
Kahanamoku Trophy.
1be Kuntl.ngton Beach championship$
are invitational. Only tho5e contestants
wbo qualified 1hemseJvcs In surfing eklll
were invited to attend the I Ith aMual
Nine divisions, ranging from 1 dlvl!lon tor "more mature men'' lo "mill'.cd
tandems'' y,•iJI amuse the spectators
Aclivitics begin Friday, S('pl I~. 11.:th
;111 l'Ve1ung luau featuring the Lionel
Broad co1nbo and polynestan dnncing
Elimination heals will begin early the
ne..:t day between 6;30 p.m. and 7:30 pm.
lo the east of lhe city's Municipal Pier.
Finals will be held Sunday with actron
getting unckr way at Jboul I a.m. and
ending with awards ceremonies on the
beach around 3 p.m.
200 Flee From Fire
eight frelghl cars. SOrne carrying propane
gas, derailed al the town depot earty to-
day, star'Ung a nre thlt forecd 200
residents to flet their homes.
No 1njuries were reported but firemen
said the danger of an explO!ion remained
even afier they brought lhc bla1.e undtr
f'flnlrol bfcause names were perilously
1·Jo5c to the tank cars.
C.UrirC"t. iar.Luy yo. CW!
1 ffunl ~ T1u:y ~ a-n n1.wc.
rh"" ordll\Mf 11~ "f.U:.t ""met~ (."lltt
••t ttC.l'S 1111~1 •o.tl LOO•(~ ••oe;
tha1 .. -~n~I ~111 r .\nd 1hn lhow IH l l.."IK.1llr no WC"ar.
C-9« die fe:W"l-11'" c"lun ind ulky sheen. Come: walk on rhrtr >'ch·rt)
.,.f~ el i1<r1 '!"'' _,.. u.-1 >'"'· 'l'beir l~rt, 1hc1r beauty -~en JTHJth.
~...,~""-a -,.,, s zcr. ·vf'1' ni n'f'f'ler R'li!"1 ll' l\::IT'Mml i, t-ftlJ' $45,j,
Crcctit Mr1ll9 _., ~ •~ IU.ln)' month1o.
NTERtOR DESIGNE~ Op111 Mon., T1111n. &. Frt . (yes. COSTA MESA, CALIF.
646.Q,71: ·'•11 .0276
l ~-I
.. . 4 • • ••• ·-· ..
·~ •
·-• •
. .
• '
• •
VOL 62, NO. 212, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ·'
DAU. Y l"l\.OT Stiff n.N
Piers on the .River
' Construction of supports for expanded Adams A venue Bri~ge ov~r
Santa Ana River continued today following end of operating eng1·
neers' strike which delayed project for more than a month. Adams
Avenue is a key traffic artery between Huntington Beach and Costa
Mesa. Bridge widening to four lanes is part of half-million-dollar road
improvement program. 1
Huntington Tells Plans
For Recreation Revamp
Doyle .MU!er.-Hunlington 8'acb ity
Admlnlstralor, hu ~ plans for
further ~Ucm ol the ~a~on
and Pri lltpartnb\.
Curr<nUy the department fealw"es t\.o
top men, Tom Severns, recently kired .,y
the city from the county, and Nonn
Worthy, long-time director of the depart·
Miller said today he plan! to switch
Severns from his posit.ion within the
recreation and parks organiution, to a
slot directly responsible to the city ad·
mlnistrator's office.
Severns' current tille js director of
park development. Thal will be changed
to director ()f development, with ex·
panded duties, said Miller.
Severns' new duties, continued M.lller.
will include coordinating development of
the harbon: and beaches, the new library
facility, a community center and the
parks project!. Hi! prime objective, said the city ad·
ministratnr, will still be the development
of the central park at Talbert Avenue and
Goldenwest Street.
Worthy wil: retain his position a.s direc·
t.or of recreation and parks, with full
OCJCD Personnel
Urged to Oose
Performance G~P.
Dr. Nonnan E. Watson called on 3to
teachers and administrators fnm Golden
West and Orange Coasti colleges to help
close the "tragic gap betwetn objectives
and perfonnance" in junior college
education Wedgesday.
Beach ~ay Give
1Vew Gas Stations
Aest~tic 'Eye'
Servke stations to be constructed in
Hunliqtoo ~ may have to paaa the
scrutiny of !lie city't arctutecturaJ review
board before use permita are aranted.
1llat WU tbe. SUl!ge>tioo of planning
coounWloners Wednesday night who iJl.
struded .wt. City Attorney Charle!
Libs1o to.look into the feasibility al the
The decision came after nearly one
hour of_. slides shown by O 1 c a r
Lauderbacb of Standard Oil Co. who tried
to convince the commissk>ner1 to grant a
use permit for a 3-bay service station on
the southwest corner ol Warner A venue
and Goldenwest ·street.
Although the .slide sQow included ex·
amples of many new Standard stations,
at least some commissioners felt their
d~gn coukl be considerably improved
through the use of dicorative brict fac-
Lauderbacb's appllcaUon was continu·
ed to the Sep!. 11 meeting ol the planning
COOJJDilal<lo wben a ,.port from tbe city
attomey'a ollke llilould be a~allable.
Lui week Mayor Jack G .... criUcl:ed
Standard'• destgna Im' lllatiool at the in-
~ of Warner Avenue and Edinatr Avenue and Warner Avenue and
Gol~wut Street. . Ont .of these stations is already under
' ' ·' ' '
, ····-' t '
.• • I l 'ii( •
·Mourning for Ho Be.gins
• . ' I
North Vietnam Plans State Funeral .for President
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam began
a wee.k of moumlng today for Ho Chi
Minh and planned a state fUnera1 for the
father of VielnameSe independence.
The 79-year--0ld president ot North Vtet·
nam died Wednesday aftu "a grave and
sudden heart attack,.. Radio Hanoi
The announcement said Ho died at 9:47
a.m. Hanol ti.me, w1Uch wu 8:47 p.m.
Tuesday PDT. But word of bis death wu
withheld for nearly 21 hours, until about
Nixon Planning
Latin America
Policy Shakeup
Of t111 o.iiy •MM s1.n The Nixon Administ[atlon is going to
shake up United Stales policy toward
Latin America.
Western White Hoose sources indicated
Wednesday the rea90n ls that the Alliance
for Progress, formed during the Kennedy
Administration isn 't progressing.
The shape or the new policy will be
detennined by the National Security
Cooncil alter it studies a report sub--
milled to the President by New York
Gov . Nelson Rockefeller, recently return-
ed from a rugged trip to 20 L•tln
American nations.
Rockefeller, his aides and his wile,
Happy, Dew to San Clemente from New
York Wednesday. nie governor turned in
. .
3;40 p.m. PM w-..iay. In the foterim
H-Radio pnpll'ed the North Viet·
-people for ""*'d of the death with
periodic reporll that bis eoodlUon was
getting wwae. ·
0 Everyoiit tried their ubnoal and gave
of tbeb' bat to aave him at any prke,"
llaM !ladJo aald, "bul beoa-ol bia ad·
'""'"" ... .,.r -Ulness ol the sud· den ....,. bear! attack, Pwldettt Ho
bu )eft us forever."
The: broadcast ·sat.d "the most solemn
ceremonial state ftmefal of our natioo ..
woub be organized but it did not say
when the riles would be held. c
The North Vie-de~ptlon In
Paris a!ked rOr 1a ~t of
today's wttily sesaloa ol the'"°*" Wb
bul 1a1d it would be ready to resume the
tar :s nert '111;ursday.
In San Clemente, a spokesman said
P!esident Nb on wOllld make ncf comment
on Ho's death. U.S. mWtary and
diplomatic aulhoriUea in Sai.&oa also did
not comment. J
After euloglllni Ho, tbe Hanoi broad-
cast appealed to "the entire party, the
~ -.rmy aod. the entire. people" to
"CUllribut. both their mlndl and thelc
forct to the great tast ol ddtattna the
u.~. aggrosson" and "llberatini South
North Vietnam'• top Poll~ and cm-
lt.itut.Jonal bodieJ appealed to .. our JllrtY,
armed fOl'cel and people to ,tramlate ....
(See BO DEAD, Pqe I) .
Day for llepe. Valley to Get
New Hospi~l Beach .C.l!f£ Says Goodbye at Lunch .
Hope had her day Wednesday. By, Fall, 1970? It was aomethili1 ot a rollictmg mlsty·
eyed affair as. 73 1t1f!lds 'o1 the retirtn& H·-•-~-Beach Chamber of eommer.. Fountain Valley may haft a fUll. ~ ..... -seriice, commUt!lty booplta1 by fall of oecretary attendid ·a spedal bmcl-ti 1970.
the Huntington Seacllff to honor Hope PI-.C commiulOllUI WedDNdoJ
Greer. nlgbt "l'f>l-ID addltlcloal-~
She put in 19 years for tbe chamber. and a rtviled conditional uee permit for
"She pulled a lot of lrolts aut of the the hooplla1 ,oo property easl ol Euclid Street and llO feet south of Warner fire," said Hunllnglon Beach Mayor Jack Avenue.
Green. ' A two-phue plan bas been .designed for
The Mayor then pre.sented Hope with tht hospital with hUUal conStruCUoo ot. a
the new city key, only the second to be 114 bed uni~ followed by constructloo of a
given out.. "The first went to anoUlu 121-bed unit. :iccordlng to Dr. Richard
lovely young lady,'' sa,id Mayor Green. Ayres of Hlialingtoo Beach, and one or
"Jackie Benington. Ame.J1.ca's Junior the bospltal'a board of dirtdon.
Miss." •'nrtriy phyalclans have entered the i..
Roger Slat.es, president of lhe Hun-Jlial stage « pllnni.ng on, this hospi.ta11"
his final report to Nixon, who cam-
pllmented hill) on the "dedicated,
courq-~ oJlici!DI '!'ay" lie caaled ,
au! his mWlon lul moofl\. ~
tingloo Beach . Fountain Valley~ ol . Mid Dr. Ayia, "but we ~ to ha ..
Realtors, adrnltted that he .. newr did a. more than 100 by tbe Ume it ii fuD7
~ ..... c(ltml>e! lplldptt, "l\\'!'.f did --~-" li .. ur'lie ~· ' · ,. ' ·' tt wtn be <ailed Younta1n Valley eom.
J.'raideollal -~etuY Jp Ziegler told """111<11 .alter Iba meelln&
Ir.~·· ofllct lbaUlookdel!fi'.• '-'
wlD•not be made public. He said It~
bO turned tvet to the National SociJrlly ColJocil" for 'policy recommendatioJls
Nixon, however, made it clur that
substantive changes in U.S. re.tafloM with
its Southern Hemisphere neighbors are in
the offing.
;,A.3 you know," be told Rockefeller, "it
was my coovictiou from the earliest mo-
ment of my administration that our
policies toward LaUn America •• .needed
a fresh and comprehell!ive re--e:s.·
"It was evident during the past several
years that the area had been ex·
periencing profound change which had
deeply affected inWtutions, attitudes and
relationships arxl had set in motion new
dynamics of wtuch we were only begin·
ning to be aware.
"Yet the asswnptlons a!M! conceptions
that guided our policy had remained
relatively static during th.Ls ume
Nixon said Rockefeller's mission, whlch
was punctuated by riotous demonstra·
lions at most cities he visited, "has
focused attention on the problems and
concerns of our neighbors."
He said the governor's written sum·
mary will be the "central point of
reference'' In the formulation ol new
La.Un American concepts, programs and
policies. ,
Rockefeller and his entourage returned
to New York after the one-<lay visit on
the West Coast. -
Stock Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -The lilock mar·
ket WU hit with a st.If! Joss today Bll it
continued the downtrend that carried it
into lower territory Wedne&day. (See
quot.aticm, Paga 11-lt).
MJLY •1Lorft1t1 l'lfft
G•I FrW'•y Honored
W"tth ttportle 1n her eye, Jlqpe·4<Jc.>d munl!J' ~Mil wlJl..!>mlllo !DD,
ut>-i...W i!llt-••·•... .-~~...._ ...... ..i.:~=~=:~~~. ~~z.=i:.:.......,
-· "laid, 'f"ou•<an't. You're like a Some members ol the medical ""'"
piece.of fumtture heft.' " • fulkia. ban •--' doulJt allout...Jk
Dale ~ former chamber manl&'f; Died lir ~~olty biiililal lit
simply aslred her tD a stunned mmner tt this uu, bul Ayres said he ezpecfl "no
:ihe'd ever considered it belore. trouble" in 1erviclng the SWTOUndioe
"Jt was an interesting and challenging comm.uniUes.
job." She concluded, and, for those who "Wt have a four mile radius between
might forge!, •he reminded them that our ploposed bospltal, aod any ex1stinJ
she'd "still be arollhd the city." faclli.11ea," he satd.
"We also plan to present a delaued
Great Debate in Valwy
study of the area's hosp{tal needt tO the
Caltfomla Re11onaJ Health Joien<y," be
Founders on What Kind
There wi>n't be any "great debate" in
Fountain Valley.
Al least not in the manner propased by
either of tht two key figures in the city's
bolling recall caldron.
Tuesday, Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger
Issued a brief, pointed, challe.nge to
Eugene VanDask, organizer of the recall
against the Mayor and two councilmen.
kl m1..el him In a "meet the press" &tylc
Wednesday, VanDask said "no," ob·
jecting to the format propo5ed by
Van Dask alao outlined ground rules for
the type of debate he would lite to bold,
indicating that the mayor ha11 con-
sistently re(used to . meet him on those
Mayor Schwerdlfege.r'1·propoSal wou,ld
feature 1 lineup of local reporters flrlilg
questions at boUi men. .
"l think th.i.5 would repreaent a more
objective type of debate/' said the mayor.
VanOask · pl'9fl0Rd a larger ~
debate, involving three men from the
recall side opposing the three in-
cumbents, with neutral moderators.
"The mayor '• desire lo speak for all
three men is exactly the polnt we op-
pose," said VanDa.sk. "I don't consider
myselr a spakesman for anyone but
"His new approach is intertsting,"
replied VanDask, "since he prevkwly
st.ated he would not enter any debate and
would stand on his record.''
SchwerdUeaer, along with Vice Mayor
Dona.Id Fregeau and Councilman JOleph
Courrtges races a recall election Sept. IS.
VanDaslt ia not a candidate, but wu
the guidlng force be.hind the movement to
recall the three. '
Valley Planners
OK Industrial
Site Proposal
Fountain Valley P 1 an n Ing Com-
missioners Wednesday appl'O'red plans
for 17 -tlrial bulldings pro_.t by
.Dunn Corp. ol Santi Ana.
The proposal repreaenb ~ largest fn. ·
dustrial project ever attempted ii): Foun·
lain Valley, and gives a major boost to
the ma '1 700 acm: master planned for
Howard McCarthy, •peaking IOI" Dunn
Corp., told planners of a new canctPt for
the F<ltlnlltn Valley properly. '
"We plan to build llOnle ol the fadlllle5
adjacent, with removable ".~ tO pro-
vide upanskla fadlltleai for W,.r com·
panics," he llld. .
Mlllor objeclloos to stttet openiDa$
were aolved during the public heorinf.
The industrial s l t e wij.I be on the
110Ulhweat 1ide of' Tllbert Avenue and
Euclid Streel, near the San Diego
Ffttway. Speaking Lo the largest facully in the
history of lhe Orange Coast Junior
College District, the c h a n c e 11 o r •
superintendent focused on four speci!lc
areas of improvement. '
He asked the overflow audience at the
Golden West Forum lo reverse the
dropout record in cunmunit}' ,colleees,
now the highest ol any institution in
higher education. Figures released by Dr.
Watson-show that two out ol every three
freshmen never go on to their sophomore
Mr-. Pike ·Tells Der Story
Over 300 Slated
At Huntington
Surf TQurney
year. ·
Occupational-l.eclmica1 programs, i:on·
sidered tbe mainstay ol the junJor coDege
curriculum, are falling to attn.ct enough
stude~ Dr. Watson complalned. He said
attendaoce in these subject areu Is
particularly lmportant to Orange County
\li'ith lb oomple:r of iodustrial .r.nd
research oriented firms.
He also called on counsM>n: to tum
1htlr efforts in helping students 1ucceed
rather than simply exist as clerical tune·
The emphasi! in the ne:xl drclde must.
focus on the student as the CSJ\er of eon·
1.-ern and emphasize leamlnl rather than
teadllng, be said. "~ange is the nam' of the gamt. not
ror Its own sake. bot to tmprove the
<ducaUoaal syst<m. 'l11t stall' la ~ for a
revoluilofl In higher educallon,' Dr.
Watson commented.
f l
Quiet Drive Turns to Niglitmare for Bisliop's Wife
' Edi~ Nott: 111 thii, story 11t1ittna
,.Clwjvely !,,,. UPI Jira. Oi/JliG fik•
ttUi o/. _..her 10.hour dtd~ in the
J'"1tan de1trt a/Ur her· cor broke
do,.. aod" she.<J<t ,,,,. husband Dr.
Jame• Pike to .s.esrch jor ~Ip.
ByDl.(NA PlU
BETin.EifAj \UPI) -Wbal •I~
as a qµiet oni..fr two hour drive with f11Y
husband hal ' become the lll'"1"'1
nignt.m.are of ~lift.
Wll lelt our J salem hotel on Monday
arternoon just to drive out Into Ult
~ a -ahort way. He wanted to
• gtl a·feoiIIDf lint11and fbr tbe wtlddneu
whldl the Bf>k aay1 Jesua uoed for
prayer and niedllltlon.
We were ooly golf1r to be IOQt for on
hour or two; We had lo be blct in
Jerusalem for dinner with Prof. David
FluBltt, with whom we were COOIUltlng
about a booi we are wrllln& on the
historical Jesus.
Israel ls aucb a smt.11 country it would lay down beside hl.m.•t told him.if y,·e
seem hnpoplble for anyone to get lost in were &olng' lo die 1n the desert J wanted
it. We had plenty of gu but all we had UJ to die together .there.
with us was two bollJe1 ol Coke. But then ._I reallz.ed .that if I at.ill had
On the tnap It looted !Oi:e a short road strength and could go on it would be very
which would take us a litUe way tnto the selfish for the not to 10 for help Sor Jim
de!lel't aod back to dvill%1tlon. -there might be '°"'' hOjM! then. We
\\'hen we had traveled 15' mil es we said goodbye.
realized Ulat aomethlng was wrong. He told me he loved me and I said Jf I
Finally we tried lo turn the car around d!ed on the way for ~p he would know
since we could go no further but we got · "'-• I ~I I left him stuck In a rut and for an Hour and a half Jt "85 ~-use lov "' m. tti,11,' •limbed "-1 to botfon\ ol the we tried to move but failed. We aban-· 1'arim~ walked away (from where l
doned the car and started lo walk. had ~r }ljln. 1
Afier two hourt Jim, who was not used ' 'Sometfme during thq.e 11 .bo:ura·l wu
to so mueh phyaical uerci.se, could go no hlna1n1 iK' to the cliff with my hands,
further. He 1akf h.is muscles were 110 90l'e feelfng fer footholds with my !eel It wu
he fell like a hiker the day after a long compt~i.ly dirk and I "Could .., noihlna
hike. bul the Aadolrs ol the fu\ge rocky tlllfL
We restfd a long lime in a 1m11l cave. Once l ~out ud. tbett wu n;othiq
TIM;n I told him we mun 10 oo. We did ~I fell Iieadp,ver heels intD the·oaoyon.
for a short time but Jim aid ht could 10 ,./ ·1·ne eanyon/ I.net the. mountal~
no furthtr. . to be eMlen. Each time l woukl cllmb
He lay down on a Oat stab oi rock and I r (See MJlS. PIKE, Pl(t "I)
• •
The thundering surf for which .Hun-
tington Beach is famous is expected co
aUracl :JOO entran.la for the -!"' United
Slit'-' SUrlboard Champlonaltipo Sep!. :ro..
Nearl.Y thr.,.fourtha ol:the ~onjl ex·,
peeled !or the big eonlell "have o1ready
IUbpUlted erytry blanU and •the reel 11<
expected to be signed befort Friday, ..,.
cording to Norm Worthy, coatett d~ec·
tor. t .
Winner or last ye1r's contm WIS David
Nuuhiwa. who plac<d sitead. ~ two-time
winner Corl<:Y Carroll to J1!<t 'IP. the Puke.
Kahanamoku Trophy.
The Jlunlln!lon ·Beaeb champklnlltlps
art• invlllUonal., Only ~ ~~ti·
who qua\lfled tbematlva ill aorfq lklll
wen· In,vitea to attend the 11th ... ..i
Nine dlvblonl, rOJtline lrom • di~
for "more matun meo" to · "'rnlxld1
tandems" will ...... lhii spectalorl. A<:uv1u .. belin Jrlday, Sept. 11. with
an eV<nlltf luau f1oturin1 tl1e Lionel
Broad combo and 'Poil'neeian danctng
Wt111 ... ~
A Ill~• chllller Is Ille ·~ far
the Orqe Coul Friday wltfl
tempo droooini' lo' the ·-ifs. Ues, wblle· lntand reatom: but in
If.degree. IUD.
' •
:R;eds ··(:all . 'Thr~e-lhfr
t ' .. "' ,. 1 lo •• • s,\lllllf"'~ -1llil ~ COiif .... , ....... .!..,,....~·-·
day ctUe·fire ln Sot.Ith Vietnam to mark
• the dt1th o1· North Vletn1.,... President
: llo Ch! Minh. The North Vietnamese
~ army could be expected to do the same.
f f..l' ~;by the clandestine Na·
\lonat. IJ~ajloo Frqn~ <NLFl ndlo liird: in Sa.lioo said a '·conereu" ol the
' V~t Cong bad met at an unannounced
'1 pioce olJd declded'W ctase millilry Of·
'fenslV1S durlni the J<riod ol mournlq
ror 110. !lho di.cl "~· • The .. ~ did 111!1"11111 ....... ti..
-lire ...di! bellll.,bul II 1'11,
presumed 1111 .... lo )'lot Cq """' In
the south to 1-.y down thefr arms would
become eUecUve within 24 hours.
There wu no 1mrnediate announcement
rrom the North Vietnamese on a similar
ceUt.~fire but ln the pa1t lbe Communists
have acted u a unit in various truces
otiserved during New Year's and other
Vletname.. IJolidaya.
nam or to cltan1e tht Communists' hard·
line position at the: Paris peact talks.
(See Story, Page 4.)
The broadcast said the litand down
would last for three days and that "con-
crete orders will be issued." It said the
period of mourning for HO would lut for
ac:ven dlys and that it wu ·'decided"
i I .
:Israel Abandons . ' .
;search for ·Pike .. · JERUSALEM IAP)-'11te IJraell 1rmy i ~ ill ,..rel> for Dr. James Pike
lt made the decl'sJon after a fruitless
"dayk>q aearch· by troops, pollcemtn and ~lrplahd ol the Jud"" d....t lot the
former Episcopal bishop of CalUonrla.
Offici&ls held · lilUe hope that ht was
1Ull alive.
Pike, 56, has been missing since Mon-
day night, after bis rented car got stuck
about eight miles wut of the Dead Sea.
Hls 31-year~ld wife left him on a hill·
side and walked all nlgbt until she ruch-
Fro• p ... ., l
around the rocky point there w.Juld be noUUni but more mountain! a11ead. A
very strange feeling came over me -tt
was as though I wu aeparated from my
bo<1J Ind my bo<!y ,.... a friend helping
me on. I felt no pain though t knew I was
being cut and brulaed.
When they took me back on Wednelday
and showed me the canyon I climbed
down I could not believe it. Israeli
soldiers said it was imposglble to do but
aomdlow I had done it. It seems im·
pouible that Jim should be lost like this.
I know the country well and have enlisted
the help of Bedouins who know it even
The worst thing of all la not knowing
· where he ii. there ii nothing more that
ean be done. Only prayu t811 help him
ed a road warken' camp.
Mn. Pike told police lhe and i..r m...
band were doing research on a book and
decided to drive through the desert for
a few hours to "'et the feel o{ the Ju-. dean bills." She q.id the ca:r got stuck
in rock1 and boulders about 3 p.m. and
they were unable to !tee it despite try-
ing for about two hours.
Then the couple set out on foot toward
the Dead Sea. After two bouts o( walk-
ing, Pike complained of leg pa.ins and
told his wife to go on wilhoot him.
"I suggested that he take a nap and
when he got his strength lo follow me,''
she said. "I left him atop a small moun-
tai.a about six or sevea miles west of
the Dead Sea.,.
Two hundred soldiers and troops be-
gan the search for Pike TUesday on foot Cit d
and In helicopters and light plane .. First "
they found the car, with Pike's wallet Thomas Graft.on, who resigned
and ptssport In it. Later they found a from Fountain Valley Planning
map Jn a dry river bed about a mile Conunission because he is mov-. east of the car, and Mr1. Pike said her
hll!band bad been carrying it before they iog from city, was honored
were separated;-Wednesday night by his fonner
There were four theoriei to explain colleagues for "out.standing
Pike'a disappearance. service to the community."
-That he had ta.ken refuge in one of
the many caves in the area to escape
daytime temperaturea of more than 100
degree.5 fahrenhelt. The swnmer b nearly over. and city
-That he had fallen victim to a beast lifeguards in Huntington Beach are com-ot prey. piling the 1taUstlcs that will tell the tale
-That he had succumbed to the heat of a summer that featured some of the
and that his body was beneath !$()me heaviest surf and most treacherous rip
overhanging cliff. ,...\. tides in many years.
-That he had been found by Bedouin "We faced heavy surf nearly half the
nomads and taken to one of their camps. summer," said Lt. Mark Bodenbender
Mrs. Pike, scratched and bruised after happy there were few tragedies. '
her !!>-hour struggle through the desert, "Our normal run is about IO days total
remained hopeful. of heavy surf and riptides. This was
unusual," heuplained.
Apartments Perplexing The ~uon·s totals for June, July and
A!Jgusf.-lncluded 4,141,363 vi:sitors to the
city beaches, of which 3,893 had to be
rescued from the water.
Huntington City Beach also featured a
brand new parking lot this; year, lo
facilitate the tourist trade. , To Valley Commiss ioners
~ Apartments drew considerable action
~ Wednelday night before the Fountain
! Valley Planning Clommluioo.
~ It arose on two occasions. One ln-
l volvlng a direct request ror apartment
; zoning, the other over a "compromise" in
~Green Valley on future apartments.
: In the Green Valley case,
i developer George Holstein requested
£ and received a continuance on a public
t hearing to reduce part of Green Valley ~ rrom apartment !1ming to single family
: residence.
' A request for 150 apartment units at i the northwest comer ol Warner Avenue
: and Bushard SI.reel was also continued,
because or disapproval for the preeise
·plan presented Wednesday.
• Both public hearings will be picked up
·again on Sept. 17.
· Hoistein requestt.d a continuance on his
: hearing after an apartment dispute over
an agreement worked out between him
and Green Valley home owners.
"The homeowners associaUon agreed
that I would request apa.rtments along
Warner Avenue in the future, in exchange
for allowing this elimination of
apartments in the heart of Green
Valley," said Holstein.
H.is declaration, however , was disputed
• '
l11M1t N. W11d
Prn!Wtll """" l'~bllt"et
J1tlt It Cur!1y
Vitt Prn·~"' •"Cl Gtntftl M•"'"'
Th11"•• 1<1 1•il
Thom•• A. Mwrph i"1
Ml""'~ E.01!6t
,A.lh1rt W. l 1t11
....._ ... , IHlltr
tf111tt11ttM1 kick Office
JCl9 Slh Slit•!
Mtili"I Add11u1 P.O. lo• _!90, 9J6~1
H-1 lkl<:ll; ,,11 ~•t .. lt<l1 1«.11.1r4
ClslOI #tte: DI Well 11~ 11«<:1 l ......... .C"; W l'"tlol A_,t
by Paul Savarino, 1 candidate for coun-
cil in the city's recall election, who said
the matter of apartments along Warner
Avenue would be •·for the whole city to
''Savarino was nol a parly to this com-
promise," replied Holstein, "but If there
is some doubt. I would prefer to delay
this zone, change (elimination o f
apartments) until I request apartments
along Warner."
The tllree commissioners present
agrted. Commissioner-Carroll ~1ohr w~s
absent. and a replacement has nol been
named for Commissioner Thomas Graf.
ton who resigned last week.
The other req uest, by H. C. H. Co., also
owned by Holstein, was delayed because
or ''faulty" design in placing the
aparunents too tightly on lhc isolated
piece of property.
It was saved from complete C.cfeal at
the last minute when lhe developer said
he thought he could revise the precise
plan to meet planners' objections (only
one acce:ss to the apartments, and poor
location of :some units).
Beach Couple
Hurt in Wreck ;
W ife T r a pped
A young Huntington Beach couple,
f\1itchell and Connie Margarctich. \Vas in-
jured today \Vhcn their small foreign car
\Vas forced by a truck into the cente r
divider on the Newport Freeway and it
~fr. Margarclich. 19,~was trapped in
the car for a time. lhe California
lllghway Patrol said. She was reported in
fair condition at Chapman General
llospilal v.·ith fractures of both anns. Her
husband, 21, wa:s at the hospital v.·ith
possible back injuries.
A CHP :spokesman said the accident oc-
curred at 7: 2Q this morning one-fourth
mile north or Chapman Avenue in
Orange. Tht truck driver did not stop.
Oil Drwn Trash Can
Ban Bid Stepped Up
City officials will step up their cam·
palgn to ban oil drum trash contatne:r11
from Huntington Beach by encloslng a
newsletter advising citizens of their ii·
legality with the nett water bi!i.
Aut. City Administralor Brander Cas-
tle said warning stickers will be placed
on the illegal contalnas btfore the Nov. I
tirget d1!e for elimination tis well. Fron1
that .date on t~ash will only be picked up
If 111! placed 1n city.approved eonta incrs
weighing no more tha n 60 pound~. '
Full lifeguard crews will work until
school starts Sept. 10.
"Then will lose a b o u t half our
guards," said Bodenbender, ''but we will
have full crews working the weekend un-
til Oct. 10, when we drop to our winler
level o[ personnel."
Four deaths were recorded oft the city
beach and the harbor, this summer. At
least hvo others were reported off the
state beaches.
FUI1e ra l Service
For Acc ident
Victim Slated
Funeral services for Carl Kredo, 17. of
fi392 Fallingwaler Drive. Huntington
Beach. will be conducted at 11 :30 a.m.
Saturday at Ascension Lutheran Church,
17910 S. Prairie St .. Torrance. Burial will
rollo\v in Green Hills Cemetary, San
~1r. ](redo died Sunday in a car ac-
cident soulh of Ensenada. Baj a
Califomia. \\'here he was spending the
Labor Day Weekend.
llis body is currently lying in state at
Halverson Mortuary in Torrance.
He is survived by hls parents, f\1r. and
f\1rJ . Bernard Kredo of the sa1ne address
~nd one sister. Mrs. Robert Harden of
Santa Ana.
Services w!ll be conducted by the Rev .
Loyd Warnecke of Ascension Lutheran
Church, with graveside services by
Elmer Thry of Holy Cross Lutheran
Church or Cypress.
Ne'v Yorker Gets
Beach 'Y' Post
Richard Collato, 26. has just been ap-
polnl.ed execuUve director of the llun-
tlngton Beach YMCA.
The native New Yorker was among 13
applicants for the position.
Before coming to Huntington Beach he
served as physical education director for
the Highland Park. New York City YM·
He and his wife Carol now make their
home at 222 14lh St. Huntington Beach.
Until other (acllities can be found
locally, Collato will operate the Hun-
tington Beach YMCA from temporary
ht:at1quarte.rs et t4n6 Beach Blvd.,
Record Rain in NYC
NEW YORK CAP) -Rte0rd rains fell
In New York Ind New Jersey ag .. ln to-
day, cau:slng widespf'tad noodlng. power
r~i!urcs, and :snarllns automobile and :'ail
t. afOc.
• . . • • •
r rfc e After "Hrr's Death
lhat fer UriJ ol a.. dl7I qo olf9'lvt
Opontlons -""' lnlillted. HlllOI wuer bid an11ounced 1 full
llVe&dl,J paioCI ol IOOWlling,
The cease-fire broadcast came after
lhe U.S. Command reported (or the Urst
time that allled troop.s had battled Com·
muni!t troops inside Cambodia. The in-
cident occurred after an American
helicopter was shot down inside Cam·
bodian territory.
Spokesmen said tbe pllot ol lbe chopper
~ '1'•1,or<ed IP llllld ..-lbllq lllllde Ctm-bodla _, lilMt 11 .... ilif .,,bllt ....
ryln1 troops on .. n auault on the SOulh
Vietnamtse side °''the frontier,
The U.S. CoJOma.nd aliO announced JS
Americans vtert killed Tuesday and Wed-
nesday Jn South Vletnam in the craslteS
of an AC47 "$pooky" fixed wing gunship
and .i helicopter. ..
1'he helicopter forced down in Cam-
bodia was one o( Lhree choppers carrying
South Vietnamese mercenariu hired by
the Green Berets to an actlon 1n KJen
. . . T""'l l'mtlloe, A!Mlllalq!ltf ~ed.
lpo...._ '!IM U>o·pJ!ot wu1otced to
direct hb crl~ craft to the "most
desirable emel'IW'Y landing :site" and he
set down on Clmbodian soil, about M
miles west of Saigon. After the landing,
tbe helicopter burst l11lo names.
Five of those aboard we.re able to
scramble out into the darkness ,
.spokesmen said, but one mercenary died
in the flames. The five -two U.S.
crewmen and three mercenaries -were
* * * * * * * * * Red World Mourns Do
Bu t British, Writer Calls Hi m Blood , Tyrant
MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union
today pledged to continue full support to
Ho Cb.i Mirth's successors.
The oUlcial condolence cable from the
Communist· party and govern me n l
lu.dershl.p lo Hanoi said. ''The Viet-
namese Communists and Vietnamese
people may rely always on the full sup-
port of the Communist party of the Soviet
Union and the Soviet government and
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was ex-
pected lo Oy to Hanoi for the funeral.
The sympathy cable referred lo Ho as
"the great son of the heroic Vietnamese
people, an outstandng statesman of in·
ternallonal Communist and national
liberation movement, the great friend of
the Soviet Union."
l! pt bf atar
* HONG KONG (UPI) -Communist
F rom Page l
HO DEAD . • •
row Into revolutionary acts" to achieve
the "lofty ~piration cherished by Presi·
dent Ho Chi Minh -the buJJding of a
peaceful. unified, ind~ pendent,
democratic, prosperous and po .... ·erful
Informed sources in Sa,igon said it was
unlikely the North Vietna1nese leader 's
death would result in any important
changes in Hanoi's war policy.
In \Vashington, some U.S. congressmen
said Ho's death could produei! a power
struggle ln Hanoi that would ultimately
affect the course of the war.
South Vietnamese and American or-
ficials in Saigon expect a triumvirate
JeadershJp to emerge in the next fe1v
months, made up of Le Ouan, the pro-
M06COw first secretary or the North Viet-
namese C('mmunist party; Truong Chinh,
the pro-Peking chairman of the National
Assembly, and Premier Pham Van Dong.
-,, 1
you won't
have to
Oriental design rugs
by fan1ous
C#drec 1-...y ,._ a.
China, In a condole.nee message on tbe
detth of Prtsident Ho Chi Minh urged the
people of North Vi&nam today to "turn
tbelr grief into strength to give the
Americans a gri!ater blow ."
Th! Pelting n?gime sent Premier Chou
En-Jal to Hanoi as head of a special
delegation to attend the funeral of the
Vietnamese· leader.
Communist China could not send its
own president. Liu Shao-chi, because be
is under house arrest, vlclim of a purge
by CommW'li!l Party Chairman Mao Tse.
* LONDON (UPI) -Columnist Bernard
Levin wrote in the Dally Mail today that
he dre'-ded the outpouring of eulogies for
North Vietname:se President Ho Chi
"The plain truth,'' he wrote, "is that Ho
Chi Minh was a ruthle~ and bloody
tyrant. ~ first •ctiaD on compJeUne the
conquest of North Vietnam· wu tG
slaughter tn cold blood some 50,'oao lnen
and women who might ha'lle Oppoaed his
"When his campa.lgn to take over South
Vietnam began it was waged with a
µolicy of deliberate atrocity, as an in-
sttument of terror, the like of which had
not beel) seen in the modern world .
"From the cases of .children literally
chopped to pieces before their parents'
!'fi!S, in village.s temporily seized by th•
Vie: Cong, to the hundreds of men,
\\'Omen and children who hed been club·
bed to death and whose .bodies were
discovered after the, Tet , offensive, tha
story was the s,ame -the grossest
atrocities, committed not in the heat of
the battle Gr the blood-lust of revenge,
but as a calculated and important part of
gentle, \li·itty Uocle Ho's policies."
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Superviso1·
ll\' TO.\t RARLEV
01 t~e D1 i1Y 1'1111 Sl~t!
A secrecy-shrouded campaign for the
recall of Fifth District Supervisor Alton
!::. Allen moved mysteriously on1•1ard to-
day appare ntly under the now rc1nolc
C":lntrol of a sculp1or-dcs1gner \\'ho has
disconnected his te lephone and rcl ircrl to
the nether regions or his San Cle1nente
Anth onv T:.irantino"s i'!l;1c~s on Allrn
today apPe;;irrd to Cc co:if1ncd to the col·
umns or a four-p:i:;:e t<"iloid 1\'hich c3 rr ies
his nan1e and home adtlrc"<; -451 Calle
Migurl .
Copies of the ~o-cal led ~3uth Coast
Homeo1vners Bec=:in hav e be e n
circulated throughout the So u t h c r n
Orange Coast and in Huntington Beac h.
The tabloid production appeared to be
heavily financed and carefully-planned.
Tarantino has not been available far
telephone calls or personal lnterviev.•t
since Tuesday when the an!Y.luncement of
the Allen recall campaign appeared
mysteriously in newspaper offices and
press rooms.
Tarantino ""as as gua rded In his com·
menls to a DAIL V PILOT reporter as the
release 1~as in identifying its office.
The sculptor was surprised Tue!5day
that the release had in fact been
deli vered to the press. But he declined to
comment on what appeared to ~ 111
breakdown in communication between
recall principals and refused to identify
the persons providing cash and know-how
for what he admitted was a costly cam·
for an expert
who will
come to
your home
wit.h samples
l'>i thout any
w youl
a.lfwd ! T1'c, ~ -rnofll" ~··looatCt •Ill
th.. -ca.., "-rL T .U oo inorc cue
._ _ ac..-.e.-1 ......,,u,,_ And •hey w-pract1c1TI1 no., ear.
~ ~ the ~ colon and rilk;y sbttn. Come ~ oe their tdvety _,__ef Ml d:iiaf.,,.,.. "'-' ,.·1r. Their lustre, their bauty-C'ftft modi ..
~"'-•" -,.. L ,-~ -n "'t:n:r'C s·s· 1 ir K.arwn it otilr $455.
Oed"• Wtnt .D.f7 anaared -.:r iu.an1 months.
INTE-IOR DESIGNERS Op .. M..,,, Tl!'". & Fri. ""· COSTA MESA . CALIF.
6'46 -0175 6"6.0276
• • • ,
1:30 Cl MIC N-•k:t (C) (60)
CDP._, 011111 llO)
• otflet .. tM P'l'nWell (30) m Tiie l•mtl11ten (C) (30) "'1111
Scitnct TNthinc MuMUrn." A11n
Scott llOlb 1 tour of tll1 h1nklin
t!lllitutt. • 111pplt!M'flt to tllt 1tl·
enct tcl11t1tion hi xhoob. Thf fn·
stltut.'1 method• 111 Mtll Oii film
alld ll1 studio demonRr1tlati1.
a> .... J4 (C) (60)
1:00 8 tas [\ltllill """' (t) (30)
D """' My U..7 (C) (30) m•-tcl <,.,
lllllll (I) ...... ..., (lO) Elll-11•·"-m-.i !30I
mi .. -(tl <'0>
Ell--(C) (30)
1>.0I B 9 (I) Ill"' -(tl CM) Loa R.nU. C:.111 Mll'tie afld
Pall! Lyndl IClr.
1J ..._ (C) (60) Tort Rlddlt. '''° O @<Illrl1tT_1_(t) IJaJj([)A111111al Wlltll (t) (30) (bO) "Boom at tfll T~." Mund)' II
Two l11U1r cub• arnb•" on an, ord•M Q tlll SIA to dn a P.rtJ
od)'IMJ that UW thtm acrcw the , in the IWIPI thlt tt1 will uldt a
th elr problem• bejin. . liiflint: dtnprous lnlonn1tto. 11 a
fOl.ICllllNG /Bl
_,...~UJS f<R
Tl.ff TAX .'
Mnlu11 bolder Into Arirone, •h11•1 pid,pocktt 1'ho lifted a ••Utt CN-
Q m DlllW hi• ('C} (60) ..... siml11r function. Cm! Lynlay, Roddy
Toui:h al Chtrity." Diq)ll Ii~ 1 MtDowatl •1141 l•ITJ Sullin11 lutSl I~-
pcinrty.Jtrickln JOU~l min by ltll·1 JR)
1111 Iii~ 1 p!tc1 of land °" crtdit. CJ Wal (C) (60) JNnlt Sommen. MOON MUWNS Joh11 Dnidson 1nd ShelltJ Fibuu Robert Culp tnd Jlfry Ust•r autst. •* <"> m 1.-w. ..._.., <60) I r----,,..,rr----;;;;r
0 )let...,, {30) Robtrta Ptlen ft) Stlnds., S..11' (t) (to) (II) lv:----......... ..J..
1ue1t1. el Ma Alta '' 11 Nuartt (C) (30) 1'P L1n TO J6tl. rn YOURoPINIONoNA P.Jl' ... f ... ~·..: M.Am~.wu.~JM\ .•
S., s.t.dly Club (C) (60) T11t 10:25 m Dodr111 SC.11be114 (C)
livt ... cartoons shcM )oll\lna
ASC't SI~ mornl111. Ii_,, r. .
ceil'I 11 •flPRICICitftted .nd-dl' bJ' lltJO CD ... /Kt...._. (C)
Hope ll:llP. [dqf4 Mlilh1r1, Ritt tD U11 Sritl • la ObkurWM (JO)
Shaw. aitflll NII• Rtlll)o. 111111•
A.nap.. liarl11 c.m... 111•
Scndfy. Abio aPPMM.r a tplclll tOM m frHwt (C) (60) 1-' II Joriath1n fnd, th• 175.
1w-old nmiiln Blmabtt II ABC's
Uytinit .,., opn ''t>ali SllM-
orn." Thi !lfalflrll win lntrad 11:008DDtEIJOl,._<C\
Tht tt1rdy Bors, SlnoMf the Betr, 8 MM ltMcied; T~• Cattlnoor• C..b, Hot W!lftls ft Mftlc •A I __.. (drtMt) 11 _=::::::..a.~:::~!!~----J •rid Skr Hlllb-ln of 'llhldi ff• ·5'-Ro11 st11tw. r11 s,.111. I' '----
mitre lhll com!na Slt111dlJ'. m .... .,.., • ...,... (dtllN)
0 Millloll $ Mtwll! "SIN Art !ht '48-lhlll Ancll'IWI. Jt1n l'tltl'L
DIJI" (comedy) '63-Otslt Divis.
Ruby 0...
ID ""'1 .... (60>
Ul 1'tciaitll ~ (30) m AdMtwt (30) '1r1wn•r1 lo Ku~iat111. • A kiok 11 1n Mlt1•I
Dlrvbll dlnu and 1t d1rtdwil rJd.
ina br DM of Asif Mlnor't llost
1k1llld llotwmM.
!ECftlKM ...... (JO)
7:4G m Dodpn Wu111·11P (C)
8 Merv makts It cre1t * to st.ay up lite!
u QIJ (I) -lriffi• (tl
n 111n "'lllmKrt " ,... tiWl" (wtilllnl) 'S6 -fffrltl•
SlolH, Johll Dtnk.
D Im (I) l!rl "" ...., ltl
l :OO U Cit ({J Th l'rilDllll' (C) (60) tl:JO ID Act11n Th11lft: "8iGn0t lea.•
In I last·di1th ltltmpl to flnd DUI '
wtry Tht Pn•lllf rui&nlld from ltlt . . lcl'·tetrtt lob. Numbtl' T-.o 111b-l:OO 1J ~ow: (Cl "U' 11 A~ (cont-JICts him to 1n electronic inteirn1•· lldJ) «-Danny lllJe, Oinah Sllora.
tion. lto McKt1n runla. (R) OD lllm (C)
0 Z... 11., (30) O C..anltr lllMUI ~ (Q
!1l -"""" (IO) mm~ (90) "DM. i;1oma.it111 t•tvrt fi1111 by tlll 11111t1t Indian
fllnvn•k• S.t)olfrt Rar conumlq
the N1111ou1 11ntn1a e1 • Hwaut z.:io m ~ ..... "'Tk ;,...
lndllll 111111, ifl11," .,..,.1\1 ~· tnd "'&Ir
QD FlllcllMI (C) (XI) MOMJ.•
!drtl!'l1) '46 -.lofln gtrfltll. AA1
lZ:OO 8 "fWll', FNt' lt'Mil l•flP'.
In'• (p,IMdy) '4i-.M11Jorlt Mti~
Ool\ltd O't.ol!Klt.
12::30 m ('C) ....... SI_,. <•rtfl\t)
DAmME MOVIES ·u-1,..,. -· "'' """""' z:oam.,... ••" .._.. ...,
t:OO 11.,... ~ (advtflblre) •41 ""/. '5' -Loi• Albtlcflt. CMl1el .:tilllbtth 8qner, Rlndolph Scetl Qll llltnL '
0 .,. ... ._-(tOIMIW:ll) 'U-l:OO CJ (C) •:'-"' ...... P..t II
!iii... ...... ... ...... (-" -""""' -FlfNll.tucMt. .
D"'f.._ • ..-<cwdfl ''1 4;>0m(C).....,, "111 .... P•I·.'
"""'--'"'" '-tel. fl' (_ ... , ._..... ""' •:• m""" ...,. 1111 • """ v._ ...,..
Complete PrlntlnCJ Service
Top Quality -Fast Service
PILOT J.>R l,.l flN(i
:1211 Wott.Jolboo Blvd. N•wport llMch
wml ALL
'TliAT JU/JK. 7H•Y t~FT lJP iH*R.e,
rr'3 ttl<E ••••
. '
By Saunders and
., Ir '. Ii
fl rl
ly John Miies
By Ferd Johnson
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
N~I N'!
By Gus Arriola
STRATAGEM -Pat Boone maneuvers Barbara
Eden uqder the ml!tletoe in the motion picture •• AJI
Hands on Dede" to be seen tonight on Channel 2 at
9 p.m. It ls a zany story set aboard sblp with songs
by Ray Evpns and Jay Livingston .
Let's Hijack
'Flying Nun'
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Wishes for a new tele-
vision season:
-That Matt DiUon will grab Kitty In "Gun·
smoke," smother her in pesiionate kiues and ••)":
"I've been wanting to do that for 15 years."
-That Kitty will reply: "I'm sorry to tell you
this, Matt, but I've been seeing somebody on the
side all along."
-THAT AUNT BEE will pack up and loave
"l\1ayberry R.F.D .. " saying: "I've seen some dull
towns in my time, but this is ridiculous."
-That the three youngsters on "Tb1? Mod
Squad" will agree: "No matter how you slice It,
what it c?mes down to is that we're stool pigeons." s
-That "Julia" will somehow explain how she
manages to live in such a luxurious apartment and '
\Vear such beautiful clothes despite her modest
salary. Her explanation will lead lo a solution of the ·
entire war on poverty.
-That ''The Flying Nun'' will be hijacked lo
-THAT TOM JONES' tight trousers will final-.
Jy surrender U.-his wiggling, and television history t
will be made. ~ 1
-That Uncle Bill will bring home a gorgeous \
dish on "Family Affair," lock the two kids in their l
room and tell them to mind their own busines1. . ~
-That a deal -any deaJ -\Yill be made to give_
"'Let's Make a Deal" its fitting time slot: About·~. '
two in the morning. ·
-That Bob Denver and Herb Edelman of ''The
Good Guys " will fmall y be recognized as a cOUJ?ht
of fellows who have developed into a delightful
slapstick team.
' -THAT SOMEONE high up at CBS-TV will'take
a careful look at "Hogan's Heroes" and finally ask
the obvious question : "What's so funny about a
situation comedy about Nazis?''
-That Gene Barry will be photographed from
the wrong side in "The Name of the Game," and
panic will break loose on tile set. Or maybe laughter.
-That Eddie Albert will look around at bis con-
freres on "Green Ac'res " and finally say: "All right,
I've inade my bundle. Now let's end this thinf-b&o
fore people forget enti~ what I did before.'
-That La,vrence W~ll offer a course in die·
lion on ••sunrise Semester." ·
-THAT DAN BLOCKER of "Bonanza" wlll say
to Lorne Green: "Look, Pa. I'm 40 years old now.
Don't you think it's time you told me something
about girls?"
Dennis the Jtlenace
.. .
I ,Y
' • •
¥ ........ 1.
9-1!' .} ,.,
DIMES TO DOLLARS " Sp•"' <lfll"''" "'••• 4•11a'•· Ctll ... 2·5,?t f.r lt11. with a1 I~
••11•n•ivt, "''•·111• DAil Y PllOT Dl111•·•0 l i111 • •
11111111111111111.,1111111111111~;111111111l'lllll:''lllllllll .. lllOIOil~iliiO-ififiiiiiii-.. iiiiiiiii;;;;;;:..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;:::;;:::;:;.c_~:::::.;,:.:::::::::::.~::.:.:.:.::::;:;~;;-;;;;;;;-;_;·~-:;,~-~·--;;:;-;_;;~,, , ,-,..,....,. .. ....--,....-,~~
• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' • • I ' ' ' I • L • ' ' ' ' ' • I • ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' • • • • ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' • • • ' • • • • • ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • ,_ • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • N • • • • t • • N • • • N z • • • • • • N • • • • • • • • N z •
~ ~ •
--, . ·~ . . .. "-h -_., ,.~ ._.. .. . . .. -r -·---
New York
' Ho Death, Libya
Hurt Stock Mart
NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices dropped sharply
on the stock market Thursday.
Factors were tight money, Inflationary concern
and new uncertainty regaiding the search for peace-
in Vietnam following the death of North Vietnam's
President Ro Chi Minh.
Shortly Jiefore the close, the UPI marketwide
indicator was off 0. 78 percent on 1,533 Issues
crossing the tape. 01 these, 919 declined and 350 ad-vanced.
The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip indus·
trials showed a Joss of 9.84 at 825.83 near the final
Turnover of 8.2 million shares was about in line
with Wednesday's at a comparable period.
Oils dominated the active list which included
Occidental Petroleum, Natomas, Brunswick, Phil·
lips, American Motors, General Instrument and Jlenguet.
· Much of the activity in the oils reflected corr
cem over U.S. oil holdings in Libya which was
ta.ken over by a military group.
The new regime has indicated it will follow a
hands·off policy. Occidental. which bas substantial
holdings in th at country, said it sees no reason to
change any of its investment plans in Libya.
Several electronics ranged to more than a point
lower. Savings and loan issues also worked lower.
So did many chemical, ai·rtine and aircraft stocks.
Building materials generally backed off, but
steels and motors traded in fractions and mostly
in mixed fashion.
Prices backtracked on the . .\.merican Stock
Exchange in light ~rading.
• •t •••
Stoek Exchange List
---' ..._ -
• DAJl:Y ~LOT lf
-· -; ....... w.a.-.
Complete .Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List
• I
I • ,
Students Fee~
~. f ~ 7 -t
Congress Inaction . ~
"',.: ..J..A;..-' I bit· becall8e ~~eY, don~ haye ~
Would·be OOllJ'lle otAJ4 .. ts the same baoJ< conlacta that •' --the country ... 1..nn, the tinaoclal plndt even mote olber• hav~~
thaiu1sual·thls fall because of New York Uolveralty aald ,
.coo&re¢011Al. 1na<1Jw o-n First l{allonal CUy Bank, _
leglslatloo to booo! the Interest wbtch beavlly I In an c e-d • I rate on government .. studeQtl under the :
guaranteed atudent loans. gqaran™!l-loan program, now ,-.•
Some college olliclala say tum! down requests U lhe )>ro->: 1.
the delay will prevent bwr s.pectfve student borrower ha,s t ,--
dre4s of students -rnaoy In not-had a business relatlonship •4~
low-incoine groups -from at-with the bank or been a ·
taxiing college at atl ttUs previous borrower.
year. others will have to find MADE DEPOSITS _
cheaper .sch o o 1 s · And In Oregon, the U.S. National ·
thousands .mare will have_ to Bank and the First National
search a little harder to find Bank Will lend only to students
the money for ever-increasing whose parents have made .
tulticn and board costs. satisfactory deposits or who
' • , o.\ILY' PILOT Sltft l'tlm
The· Senate has passed have had a financial reJa.
legWatlon rai.aing the , per-tionsbip with the bani for at '
cent c e J 1 in g on the least -a year. ·
govermnent· guaranteed stu· A spokesman for Stanford
dent loans to 10 percent. mak· University in ·CatHoniia said
ing them more attractive to the school expects to Jose 450 lenders who now charge 8-'Ai student& from 80 · expected
percent .to prime borrowers. enrollment of 11,000 because of BILL STALLED
Robblnt ·Does 8u1lnu1 in· BurnooH
The bill is stalled in the cutbacks in other federa1 aid programs'like thoSe \mder the House, however, over an National Defense Education aIJJ.endment to prohibit loans
to student disrupter~. Act.
The House is expected to act Richard M. Keefe, dean of
on the measure Sept. 15 and admissions at St L o u l s
President Nlxon has appealed U.nlv.ersity, said "There must
tional Fashion Fiighi with a to lenders to keep student be 100 c;ases!' o( students
loans flowing despite the unable to get loans. Speaking
Countian Feels War
Not World Solution
"My solp.tion to world peatt
Is no1 by bull<ts, but through
internatiooal travel and ex-chliD&e." .
So aald Leonaid Robbins
aft.er returning from a
bu!ineu and pleasure trip lo
lhe lltl:ile-lorn Mlddle Eut.
He returned frmn a tour of
!srul Oii the Seventh lnlema·
Who .Wants
A Bridge?
(UPI) -Jack Kornheiser sure
. would lllte to know who's been
.teallng his bridge.
The bridge rustlers have
been plckin& away, bit by bit,
at the abandoned SO.foot
bridge on bis property near
this northern Michigan com·
So far the bits h a v e
amoanted lo U -three-foot·
-steel I-bums.each!$-feet Joq. State police estlnulte
the beama ve wonh about
llOO and the skillful thieves
have been chiseling off the
bolt beads lo free th• beams.
'l1le bridge used lo carry '
MJ.1$ over the Betside !Uver,
but was abandoned when the
road wu rerouted.. For U
years it bas stood proudly on
Kombelser'a riverfront p~
With most of the big beams
gone, the bridge looks a bit
naked. Kombeiser figures the
bridge is a pun.le to someone.
"1bey could take it down
like an erector set and put it
up someplace else, I guess,"
be -wisUully.
feeling of optimi&n. Congressional delay. of Congress. he added, "I "Everytbing I saw ·un the d 't ~---hat th n be An Associated Press survey on """""' w ey ca
trip waa posiUVe, ilothing showed,•however, that Sept. 15 thinking of. nus,is where the
negative. If everyone could may be too late for some need is greatest. It's really
put down their guns and in-students. One school has of· tough because most or this
fered to let students with loan goes to help black Students ... terchange Ideas, we could of ~ " Robbins applications pending wait until Bob Billings, director u1e acbleye WQTld peate. Novesnber to pay tuition. office of student flnanclaJ fid
said. Doug Turner, director or at Kansas Unlverslty said,
Robbins went on the tour 85 financial aid for the University "It's my impression that
a men's fashion consultant. He of Florida, said, "I eStimate many apply for these loans,
was one ol 140 Americans on 300 to 500 students were kept but few are succes:sful. Finan-.
the chartered flight to ISraeL from coming to the university cial need is not the criterion
"We put on men's fashion because of this." He said the fQr receiving one of these
shows at the Tel Aviv HJlton poor student! were the hardest loans.
aod at Hebrew University "*"""'****'****""**"*"**'"'"********""******·I' before 1,000 students," he i , . 52~bins Is !he owner of the; YOUR PROBLEM: -
Carat Men's Fashion CJothing: You want to tell some Item !
store chain in Oranr-Ccunty, f . that you no longer need but ;:
so he did some buying while i ·someone else can UH for lit on the trip. it-
"Higb f\15hion merchandise N 0 T 0 V E R $ 5 0 I
is universal in appeal? '•'. ? ? ? ? ? throughout the world," Rob-; • • • • • ~o~es~~ts'm~~tev~~ s:;re i YOUR ANSWEI:
of clothing, 50 I look to foreign t You call THE DAILY PILOT, a1k for I manufacturers. tr:
"The combinatkm or old and : Classified Advertis,ing, and place 1
new in Israel was very in·: PILOT tere!ting and impressive," ? ,..
Robbins said as he recalled ; lit
one experience. • :t~l/ PENNY ~ "I noticed a group of f . '{Y ;i
Bedouins In typical Arabic al· : , .• J. ; ! -PINCHER •
ti.re, nd1ng camels. t ~ .t ~~~ -
''On closer inspection I saw• ... ·,. ~~
that one of the J)()mads bad a i ~~ ' '-~ -CLASSIFIED AD
transistor radio in his hand AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE aod was listening to music. It
was Quite a cootrast." · 2 2 2
The people of the oountryf LINES TIMES DOLLARS •i are trying to preserve their i
important heritage, for Israel tr AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I
depends heavily on tourism for ; D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! ecoaomic survival, Robbins .,
observed. ; 642-5678 i "They have very Utile pro-:
duction to k~p their economy: !Ton fTW North Couftty 540·1220)
moving, .. he.said. ~ ... .,.,,,,,,,,,.....,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..,...,,,,,,.,.•
Back to School Speedo & Ocean Pool
Swimsuits & Trunks
Table Tennis Paddles •
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BASKEJBAU SHOES w~,;::t . . . . 8.95
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•New contour, broad shoulder for great.
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•New tread d .. ign for all·weather trae-
•New 6(10.inch white oidewall to match
the width of lite white 1idewall of many
new can
Pim 1.79
SALE ' . '
ENDS S...•n!Cry.
Sept. 6th
And Old Tue
Pina F.E.T. And Old Tii-e
lfa llESSES • • • , 13.95 to 1~.95
Bikes • Parts • Accessories
Tires • Tubes
Satisfaction G.uqranteed
or Your Money Baell Sears Shop ftlonday thr11 Saturday
9:30 A.H. to 9::10 P.M.
' SE4U, l\OllUC&: AllD CO.
I ,
' •
c • •
h ,,
"' wi
"' lie
ed ...
FoaQ~in . Valle~~
I t •
. .
--. ..
. ;
Mourning .for u;a
' ' •
North Vietnam Plans.State Fun~ral for President -.
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam hegan
a week of mourntni ·today for Ho Chi
. Mlnh and planned a alale fllneral for the
father ol Vlielnameae lndepcudcncc.
The 'f9..year-okt president of North Viet-
nam died Wednesday after "a grave and
sudden heart at tact," Radio Hanoi
reported. .
The-announcement sakl Ho died at 9:47
•. m. Hanoi time, which was 6:47 p.m.
Tuesday PDT. But wqrd of his death was
withheld for nearly 21 hours, unW about
' i ,to p.m. Pill' W.fdoesday. !n the Interim !!*Joi lladlo ~ the North Viel·
-J>OO)lle Cot word <.< the death with
RCrlodic rejlorlt• that his condltloll was
"E):_trJ<f)e tried their utlt\Oil and gave
ol !be~~ !!I save hbU it-any price,"
Hi:ftof ¥WO aaid. 0 but bec•ust of bla ad·
vanced ap and terioUJ illnesa of the sud-den .,...,. beort atbicli, Prealdeot Ho
bas )eU ua forever."
The broad<>:&t-aald "the mosl solemn
ceremonial state ~al • .bf.pur natfon".
wou1:i be' organized but it did not say
when the ritea would ~ held.
The North Vletnam&se delegation in
Paris asked for 1 a ~PQQemenl of
IOOay's weekly seaalon Gf'the peace talks
but said It would be ready to resµme the
tar .a: nezl Thursday. ·
In San Clemente, 1 spokesman said
P~esldent Nixon would make no comment
on Ho's death. . U.S. .mllltary and
diplomaU<: auUkllities in Salion also did
not commenl .
Alter cuJoclaing Ho, the Hanoi broad·
cast appealed to "the entire party, the
enUre amty and the enUre?people .. ts
"contrlbule' both !heir minds and thelt lore. lo the' great tast of dcfeallo& the
U.S. aggressor1" ...and "Uberatini: Soutb
Noo;h Vlet..m's top political' and con-
atttuUonal ~~s appealed to ''~ party,
armed f<ll:CCll an4 people to trllllllale sor-
(See BO DEAD, Page I)
Nixon Planning
Latin America
Policy Shakeup
Day for Dope Valley to -Get_
Beach CofC Says Goodbye at Lunch New Hospital
DAILY PILOT Sti tt f>M ..
Piers on tlae River
' Construction of sUpports fqr expan'ded Adams Avenue Bri~ge ove_r
Santa Ana .River continued today following end of ~perating eng1·
neeni' strike which delayed projeCt for more than a month. Adams
Avenue ii a key traffic artery between Huntington Beach and Costa
?ttesa.. Bridge widening to four lanes is part of half·million-dollar road
improv!:IJ'lent program.
Huntington Tells Plans
Fo1~ Recreation Revamp
Doy}e },filler, Huntington Beach City
~,ior. baa·~ p~ !or
1'urthet reorganl%atiori of the Recreation
UC!l'arb !Jeplrtm<Dt.
C1lmnll1 ~ departmenfleatum two
top meii. Tom Severns, recently hired by
the <lt7 from the county, ml Norm
Worthy, long-time director ol the depart·
responsibility for the oper~tion of °'pt
~·-l ~:r-~ ~· " ... , tHe swltcb 1s expemea n clear up Ille
'~twcHleaded dra1on " in the recnaUOn
Be~ May Give
New Gtil.S Stations
Aesthetic 'Eye'
OI .... D911t Pllll Steff
The Nlzon Adminl~ation is goii;ig to
shake up United states policy toward
Latin Amefica. ·
Western White House soW'Ces, indicated
Wednesday tbe reason is that the Alliance
IOI' Progress, formed during the Kennocly
Administration isn't progre.ss.l.ng.
The shape of the . new gollq will be
determined by the National -Security
· Council after it studies: a r.eport su~
miUed to the. President by New Yori:
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, TeW\Uy return-.
etl from a rugged trip to 20 Lalin
American nations.
Rockefeller, his aides and his wife,
Happy, Dew to San Clemente from New
York Wednesday: The governor turned !n
his fin!!! report to · Nll:on. wbo COIJI.· r
plimcntcd him .... the ·:~
eourageous and :.·. ...y't)\O;Wri !'Ill biunilum !all · 'Ii
Pt'eiidential 'hea ~
Z!ealer lold ,_,.,,.,,. after the ·meeting
ir Ntxoo'• office that Racktf.eller'• repa;rt
will not be made ~ lie .. Id It would
be turned over to tbi National Security
Council for policy te<:<>mm<!lldaU.0..
Nixon, however, macte 'tt clear that
subst.aiiUve changes in U.S. relations with
its Southern Hemlsphere ne.igbbors an in
the offing. . .. ,
~al Fl~y H.,.;od
HO!l<hadherdayWedneoday, By Fall, 1970?
It was IOlllethlng o( • rolJkSJng l!!lstY·
eyed affair .. !3 friends ol the ietlrlnr ' ' ' . . Fountain Valley may have' .a fnD. lhmUncton Buch Chambor ol ~ sciyk:e, COOIJ!lun!ty hosj>Ital by fall o! ncretary atteridtd a-apedal luncbl!<ln at IMQ ~·' '"'!' the Hllllbngton Sea cliff . fo bonor Hope Planning commiJstaners Wedneaday
Greer. niaht approvea an.additiooal !One cbaoge
She put in 19 years for the Chamber. and a revised conditional uae permit for
"She ·pulled a 'lot ot:trons out' of the -the hospital •on property east of Euclid
Su.et and 3lJ leet ...U. or Wam« fire," said Huntington Beach Mayor Jtci: Avenue.
Green. A two-pbaae plan has been designed for
The Mayor then presented Ho'pe With the hospital with lnlUal c:onstructkm of a
the .... city key, ooly the second to be ll4 bed uni~ followed by construction or a
given out. "The first WezJt to ~ 128-bed ·unit,· accbrdlng to Dr. Richard
lovely young lady," aald Mayor Green, Ayru of Huntington Beach, and one of
"Jackie ~ America'• •Junior the bosplta1'1 board ot' diredors. -
Mia." '"ntlrty pbjalclanS have entered the ln·
Roger Siates, president .i 'the Hun-!Ual stqe ol planillng on this hospital."
ti,ngton Beach ~-l'CNDtaln Valley Board Of sald·Ik. Ayru, "but we expect to have lte8Jton. ad?nitted tbal-be .. 'nevft'l6l a more than 100 by the time it ls fully
• aa clwnbo<.pr~I+ "BDl>O dl<I -a-1."
1 '1#• · ~;.,. ' ~ '. II will be called Fountain Valley Com-,-~ 1P1nor~""' 1lop1 , mimlly llolpltal and will provide full, up_.._ Ille r1•1! ... .i:=~ , ~l!aoJi!lal ~ aiiiitlar lo Hun-ed '!'hm lbe•lllDOOLclll lilf iiiiij.., 11itertommlUllty H;j;fial or Hoag
"Cbamber°Pmldeal'BfJI -." llol>e iltinoiial Boopltal In Newport Beach.
revealed, "1aid, 'Yap can"'L YaU1rt llkt a ~ members rJ. the medical ~
piece of fumlture~-' " _,. ~ , _ feishm have eipreased. doubt about the
Dal( Daim, 1...-l:lilil~ JnalUIF. •. need for another -.iuntty hoopfta1 Ill .pn~Iy·med·!ler in a ·lllunned 11111111"r"tt this area, but A)'m said he erpecb "no
abe'd ever considered Jt Wore. trouble" in servicing the slllTOWKUni
"It w11 an interest1n1 and q.allengin1 a:mmllDltiu.
,job," she cooc:ludfld, and,_ for µ.ite who · "We have a four mile radiwi:• between
ml(ht forg<l she NmiMed them th1t our' proposed hospital, and ..,. emtiQ1
she'd "still be around tbe dty." fadUUes," he said.
.. We also plan to present a detailed
Miller said today he pliw t.o switch
Severns from his position within lhe
recreation and parb organi18tlon. to a
slot d}recUy responsible to lhe city ad-
ministrator's office.
Severns' current title Is director of
park development. That will be chan&ed
lo director of development. with e:s: ..
pand<d dutiea, said Miller.
Servic!! ltlUons to be con.structed in
Huntington Beach may bave to pasa the
ocrutiny ol the <ity•a arcl>ltectural review
board before U!e permltJ arc jl'Bnted.
"As you know,'' be told Rockefeller, "it
was my cooviction from the earliest mo-
ment or my administration that out
policies toward Latin America .•• needed
a fresh and comprehensive rHJ:·
"It was evident during the past several
years that the area had been ex·
periencing profound change which had
deeply affected institutions, attitude1 and
relationships and had set in motion new
dynamics of which we were oo1y begin-
ning lo be aware.
Great Debate in Valley
study ol the area's hospital need!: to the
California RegioDaJ Health -Agency," he
Severns' new duties, continued Miller.
will include coordinating development of
the harbors and beaches, the new library
facility, a community <:triter arid the
par1a projects.
His prime objecUve, said the cl?S-
minlrttrator. w1ll still be the develo
«the central park at Talbert Avenue
Goldenwest Street.
Worthy wit: retain his position u direc·
tor of recreaUon and parks, with full
OCJCD Personnel
U1·ged to Oose
Performance Gap
Dr. Norman E. Wat.son called on 390
teachers and administrators from Golden
West and Orange Coast colleges to help
close the "tragic gap between objectives
and perfonnanct" ill junior college
education Wednesday.
Speaking to the largtsl !acuity· in the
hlst«y ol tht . Orang< Coast ~r
College District, the .chance•llor·
superintendent focused on four specific
areas of improvement.'
He asked the overfk>w audience at the•
Golden West Foriun to reverse the
dropout record in community collqu,
now the higb<st ol any inltltutloo in
higher education. Figures released bytDr.
Watson shoW that two out ol. every three
freshmen never go on to their sophorriore
Occupa.Uonal-teclmic&l programs, o.m-
aidcred the mainslaY Ii the junior college
curriculum. are falling to aUract l!llOUgb
students. Dr. W•-complained. lie aald
attendance lu these subject areas is
parUcularly Important to Ormge Counly
with ils complex of Industrial Olnd
research oriented firms.
He allO called on cowuelon to tum
their efforll In helping studentl l1lCCeed
rather than simply ulst u clorlcal f11DC-
The emphasis in the next· 4ecade. must
{OCUS on the stvdent U the center If COll-
ceni and emphaslze leamihl ratber than
teaching, be aald.
"Olanae 11 the name of ~ game, not.
for Ila own Nie. but to Improve the
educaUonal l)'llem. The stage LI set for a
revoiuUoo ln higher educalloo." Dr.
Wabcn commented.
I •
Tbat WU the suggeslion of planning
commissioners Wednesday night who iri-
sttuclcd Asst: City AttOrney Chaflu
Llberto to look into the feasibility ol the
F ouriders on What Kind ' . '
The decision came after nearly one
hour of slides shown by 0 s c a r
Lauderbach ol Standard Oil Co. who tried
lo convlnct the commlasioneri to grant a
use permit for a J.bay service stat1oo on
the southwest corner of Warner Avenue
and Goldenwest Street.
Although the allde show included U·
amplea ol many new standard llatlonl,
at least some comnUsslonen felt their
design could be cooaklerably improved
through ~ use of decorative brick fac-
ing. •
LaU'aerbach's appllcaUon was continu-
ed to the Sept. II meeting ol the planning
(."(lfnmjssion when a report from the city
attorney's office should be available.
Last week Maytr J act Gran cr:lticlied
Standard's designs for station1 at the in-
tersections of Wainer Avenue and
Edinger A.venue and Warner Avenue and
Goldcnweat Strccl. ·
One of these stations is already under -·
"Yet the assumptions and conceptions
that guided our policy had remained
relaUvely static during lhi1 same
Nixon said Rockefeller's mission, which
wa1 punctuated by rlotou11 demonstra-
tions at ~ clties he visited, "has
focused attention on the problem! and
concerns of our ntigbbors."
He said the gcwernor's wriUtn sum·
mary will be the "central point of
rererence" in the formulation o( new
Latin American concepts, programs and
policies. .
Rockefeller and his entourage returned
tD New York after the one-day visit on
the West Coast.
Stock Markel•
NEW YORK {AP) -The 1t.ock mar-
ket wu hit with a !Ull loss today as it
cooUnued the Clownfrtnd that carried it
into lower territory W-Y· (See qootitionl, Page1 la.It),
There won't be any "great debate" In
Fountain Valley.
At least not in the manner proposed by
either of the two key figures in the city '1
boillng recall· caldfon.
Tuesday, Mayor Robert. Schwerdtfeger
Issued a b11ief, pointed, challenge lo
Eugtne VanDask, organlz.er of the recall
against the Mayor and two ~en,
lo ml-et him in a "meet the press" style
Wednesday, VanDask said "no," ob-
jecUng lo Lhe form(ll proposed by
ScbwerdlfeRet. ·
Van Daste also outlined ground rule1 for
the type ol debate he would llke lo Dold,
in61caUng that tl;ie mayor fl.as con-
sistently re!UJed to meet him on those
Mayoc .Schwerdtfeger'1 proposal wt1uld
feature a lineup of local reparf..er1 firing
que11.19N at both men. ,
"I tblni lbJs would represent a more
Mrs. Pike Tells Der Story
Quiet Drive Turns to Nightmare for Bi.shop's Wife
Editor Note: Jn thil ·storv writttn Israel Is fiCh a small country it would lay down beside him. I told h:..a if 'lll't
txcltt1ivel11 for lJPl Mrs. Dia.tl4 P.lkt seem impoal.ble for anyone to get lost in were going· to die in lhe desert' J 'waoted
ttUs of' Mr JO.hour ordeal in tlte it. We bad plenty of gas but all we had us to die togethe~ tbett. . · J~tan dtitrt• a/ttr Mr car brokt wfth 'us was two botUi8' of Coke. But ~ 11 fulized that lf J stllL had
doton and .sM lfct htr h.wband Dr. On the m.ip it looked llkt a short road 1tr,engthand'c!oUld '°•on U..wooJd be ve,Y
Jame• Pike to uarch for hcCp~ · ., · which wou'ld take Ul'a Ut'tle way into·tbe ae1ti3fi fet''rflt not to,co for help fF.Jlm
B,' D"NA p~r ' • · d.-and hacl: to ctvllliatlon. -tliete mlibt' ho,IQ!De, hope .then •. ,We
ui. ~ Wbe:n we had trave)tid J$ milt1 we Aid goddb'ye. -•· . ' • • . ,
BEmLEllEM (l)PI) -what. miUd reallud ll)al 19m•thlng wu wrong. u. told.,. he> loved me.and r qld u r
as a quiet ooe or two bour drive ' with mY Finally we trted to tum .lhe ca.r around d~ GTI the, w:•y lpr btlp he would lmol,f
husband ' has becOmc the cr,atest siMe we could go no further but we got it waa, ~ I lo\led1 him. 1 ldt him
nightmare ol my life. • • atuct in a n4 aod for an bolzr aocl a llalf then, oljmbed d.411"!· Io. the botlot\> ol the
We left oor Jerusalem hotel on Mooclay we lrled to move, but falled, We aban-·c,a!!l'"' >l>d -.;llllod.~ay . .uom where I
doocd the?' and•ltlrlod lo'."a\I!, • , liajf Jtt\ fWn · :::: .. r:~ ~:;. ;.t w::"tcd 11}: Mier two houn.Jfm,,wllo<wa no\.-'' ',"lroipeUiiit ~urltii;~ IQ ...... ~u
. get a feeling flrst•hand for tbe wlf<I-· · 1 to ID mucll-pbyU:al u~, c.'O>lld go oof hang!pl "' 10 the' dlll with m1 bands,
which the Bible .. ,. J<*»l""'1 ltr fwther.Hl,said'billllUl<:Iea.were,...,...J· feellnltorrootboldlwUIJmy.faet.Uwu
pra1tr aocl medltaUon. ' • lie felt lllfe a lill:er·llic d1y iller a !Ong COOJlllettly llark mt J.......U ,.. ooll>lne
We were oely going to he gOn< for an l>lke. but'tlle aliaclow1.'o1.G/e•"'8e4.c1<T ..Uf!"
hour or two. We b1J1 to bt back In We retted • kin&, time Jn a amall cave. .Once 1 rt.cpped OUl..,. .tl)ere.wu nothing
J.,,,..lem for dinner with Prof. David Then I told hfm-muat 10 on, We did 'andl!elllleadovirhiOlijntl·U.canyon,
FIUMer. with whom ·we .,.,., consulting ror • short tlmt.bul Ulm lild he could 10 . Tho <aJ171111J,and 111t ~ ~td
about a book "' are wrtUna ~ thl no further. r · t<> b:.e: lr)dle:u. Each &1\4;., would climb
hlmorlcal JOSUI. lle la1 down on a flat alah ol rock and I {Sof.MR&. Piu.,.".-l) ' . '
• 'l.• '
objective type of debate," said the mayor.
VanDas'-proposed a laraer acale
debate, involving three men from the
rteall side opposing the three in-
cumbents, with neutral moderatpr1.
"The mayor's de.sire to spui for ·all
three men la' e1actl)' the point wt pp-
pose," said VariDask. ''1 don't CODIM:ier
myself a spokesman for anyqne but
"HJs new approach ii lnteresUnc."
replied VanDask, "since he previoualy
staled he would not enter any debate and
woo Id stand on hil record ."
Schwmlt!egu, aJon1 with Vlce, Mayor
Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joeeph.
Courrete• faces a recall elecUon Sept. 25.
VanDaslr ll not a candldate.-but wu
the gWdlng force behind the movement to
recall the three.
' Over 3QO Slat,ecl
At Huntington
Surf Tourney
The· thundering surf fer wblcl> Hun-
tington Beach la fllllOUI la expected lo
attract 300 entrants for the 1989 United
States Surfboard Cbamploo>iiJpe sept. zo.
21. '
Nearly lhree-fourthl of tbe ~aots ~
pectcd for the big contest, have alrudy
aubmlttcd entry,hloob If'! the r,.. ~
<1jieded to'"' liped belu'e!Fridf)I, •<· ~ lo Norm Worthy, conleat dircc-tQc..' 1
1 .-I" I r' ~ -,.,. f' ( l
Mnntr·ol IHt year11·conttst WU David
Nuuhlw1, who plactd ah<a~ of tw<>!IJ\>e
wlruier CorQ Canqll lo pick Ill' tllo Dul• Kaliahamotu TJvpby.
. TJie, HllJIUnct!>n · Jleach ·chamiilOMblpt are invllatloDaL Ooly, !hoof ~
.wll<r quallt\oil u-..tve1 In autfln&,.t!Il
.were !\>~'to atjeoil• ~Ith ,,.,;..al
even!. · • •
Nine dlvisk>N,,...... rrom.1 dlvlllon
(or "~ matW'e "meo" to . ,1mb;,d
lll1dcml wOI ammettbe 1)10dlt<n. , .
'AcUYllla ~ Friday, ~I), with
ao evtnlng !Un feaba'InJ .the Lionel
Broad C<lf/\bo and piljonealan dancln& iltll.
Valley Planners
OK Industrial
Site Proposal
Fountain Valley P 1 an n In I Com-
missioners Wednesday-approvtd plans
fo• 27 lnduatrlal butldlngs proposed by
Dunn Corp, of Santa Ana,
The proposal represents the Jaraen ln-
dusbial project ever attempted in Foun·
lain Valley, and ,tves: a major boost ta
the lt!:a1s ·700 acres master plann.ed for
Howard' McCarthy1 s~ for Dunn
Q>rp., told plannen Of a ii'ew cOncepl fOr
the Fountain Valley property.
"We Plan to build aame of the facilities
adjacent, wJth removable, walls, to pr~
vlde expansion taclUtles for larger com-
panies,'' he iJkt. . Minor oblf,CtIOns lo atr<et openmgs
were•IOlwd daring the public hearlna.
The Qtustr1a1 site will, be on the'
southwest 11.de of Talbert Avenue and.
Euclid Street, near the San Diego
A litUe chillier il'lh~ outlook for
the Orange Coaal Friday wltll
tempjl dropping to the upper · six·
tlel, while lnlam regions buk in
14-degr .. IUll.
}teds .Catt Three-day:" True~ -After Ho's
IAICljlN CllPll -'llle Viet CClllli ...
-oiltanlcbt h -Id-.. I U.-
ceaae.ftre ln South Vlclnam to mark
lho d.,,lji of North Vietnamese Presldeol
O!i litinh. The North Vietnamese
lrmf coul6 be expected IO do the aame. ~·-A ldabcd by the clandestine Na·
lfil0011 LlboraUon Froal. <NLF J radio
in Saljon uld 1 "congress'' of the
iet Corti lutd met •t '11 unannounctd
'.place one! decided to ceaae military O!-
: ltensJves durln& the J!Ulod ol inournia& "i • " .. . I
lat llo. • dlad -.. la:J.
..,,. ...... 61 llOI .... -tbr
~ ..... , ...... bol\ ~WU
_... ~ ..... ,. V1!4 0ors -In
t.bt ·aouth to lay down their arma would
become Cl[eclll• Within 11 llourJ. ,
There was no lnimedllte announcement
from the: North Vielnameae on .a simJlar
ceaSto-ftre but in the past the Communists
have acted as a wilt ln various lrucc11
ol>Rrved dutin'c New Year's and other
Vlellwn~ ~olld•)'-
:ilsrael Abandons
'!Search for Pike •
•• • .. JERUSALEM (AP)-Tbe Iar1ell anny
abandoned its search for Dr. James Pike
lt made the decision after 1 frul.Ueaa.
~ay~q .!ltlrth by troopa, pobcemen and
~ea or \he Jude&n deatrt fot the ~former Episcopal bishop of Callfornia.
Officials held lltUe ho!J' thlt he was
sUll alive.
Pike, 56, has bee.n mi!!ing since Mon-
day night, after his rented car 1ot stuck
about eight m.llea west of lbe Dead Sea.
His 31.year-okt wife left him on a hill-
side and walked all night W1lil she reach·
Fro .. P1111e 1
ed • road workers' camp .
Mrs. Pike told police 11be and her hus-
band were dol.ng research on 1 book and
decided to drive through the desert for
a few hours to "get the feel of the Ju·
dean bills." She said the car got stuck
in rocks and boulden about 3 p.rn. and
they wen unable to tree it despite try -
ing for about two hours.
Then the aiuple set out on foot toward
the Dead Sea. After two hours of \\.'alk -
ing, Pike complained or leg pains and
told hls wife to go Oil without him.
"I suggested that he 'take a nap and
when he got his strength to follow me,"
:she said. "I left him atop a small moun-
'-tain a~t six or seven miles west of
the Dead Sea ...
Two hundred soldiers and troops be-
gan the search for Pike Tuesday on foot
and in helicopter& and liaht planes. First
they found the car, with Pike's wallet
around the rocky point there w1Uld be and pa119POrt in il Later they found a
nothiqg but more mountains ahead. A map jn a dry river bed about a mil e
very sttange feeling came over me -tt east of the car, and Mrs. Pille said her
waJ as though I was: separated from my husband had been carrying it before lhey
body and my body wu a friend helping were separated.
me on. I felt no pain though 1 knew I was There we.re four theories lo t:xplain
being cut and bruised. Pike's disappearance.
When they toot me back' on Wednesday -That he }\ad taken refuge in one of
• and showed me the canyon I climbed the !llany caves in the area to escape
down l could not believe it Israeli daytime tempera~ures of more than 100
!di •• u u 1 · degrees fahrenhe1t. eo ers ea.ou ·~was m~ble to do bu~--That he had fallen vicUm to a .beast somehow I had done 1t. It seema Im· of prey.
possible that Jim should be k>at like thl!. ~That he had succumbed to the heat
J know the country well and have enlisted and that his b o d y was beneaU1 some
the help m Bedouins who know it even overhanging cllfl
better. . . -That he had been found by Bedouin
The worst thing of all 11 oot k00W1ng nomads and taken to one of their camps.
where be is. There is nothing more that Mrs. Pike, scratched and bruised after
can be dooe. Only prayer can help him her JG-hour struggle through the desert,
now. remained hopeful.
Apartment~ Perplexing
_To Valley Commissio11ers
~ Apartment.s drew considerable action
: Wedne!day night before the Fountain
~ Valley Planning Commission,
, It arose on two occasions. One in·
• volving a direct request for apartment
; Z<rting, the other over a "compromise" in
· Gretn Valley on ruture apartments.
1 In the Green Valley case .
: developer George Holstein requested
~ and received a continuance on a public
: hearing to reduce part of Green Valley
; from apartment zoning to single family
: residence.
• A (equest for 100 aparbnent units at
• the northwest corner of Warner Avenue
: aod Bushard Street was also continued,
: because of disapproval ror the precise
: plan presented \Vednesday.
· Both public hearings will be picked up
~ again on Sept. 17.
: Holstein requested a continuance on hi!
• hearing after an apartment dispute over
: an agreement worked out between him
and Green Valley home owners.
"lbe homeowners aMOCiaUon agreed
. .that I would request apartments along
Warner Avenue in the future, in e1change
for allowing this elimination o f
.apartments in the heart of Green
.Valley," said Holstein.
His declaration, however, was dispuled
Rob•r+ N. W••' r>ro11ok"t 11nd Pll&llll'cr
J1tlt R. Cvrt1y
VI(• Pres•<ltf'll 1nO tifl>lr•I MIT\ltfl'
Tho"''' k11•il LOllCt
Tho"''' A. Mwrph+"•
MtMlllll EO<IOr
J,,lb1rl W. l1l11
••-It " lOllC>r
H1rrtlntt•11 l ucll OHlte
J09 &th Str11l
M1ilin9 "'dd111t: P.O. 1 01 790, 92~~·
Otlm Olflt"
,,.,,.._, 8etc11: 1111 Wf'll 111t1111 etult••r'
Cost1 ~: m We•• l1w "'"' lllllf\ol llt«;ll: 122 Fllf'ttl A•tnlll
b;: Paul Savarino, a candidate for coun·
c1l in the city's recall election, \\·ho said
the matter of apartments along Warner
Avenue would be "for the v.·hole city to
"Savarino was not a party to this coin-
rromise," replied Holstein. "but if there
is some doubt, t would prefer to delay
this zone change (elimination o l
apartments) until I request apartments
along Warner."
The three commissio'ners present
agreed. Commissioner Carroll Mohr was
absent, and a replacement has not been
named for Commissioner Thomas Graf·
ton who resigned last week.
The other request, by H. C. H. Co .• also
owned by Holstein, was delayed because
of "faulty" design in placing the
apartments too tightly on the isolated
piece of property.
It Was saved from complete defeat at
the last minute when lhe developer said
he thought he could revise the precise
plan to meet plaMers' objections (only
one access to the apartments, and poor
location or some units).
Beach Couple
Hw·t in Wreck;
Wife T rapped
A Youn& Huntington Beach couple,
r..titchell and Connie Margaretich, was in-
jured today when their small foreign car
\\'as forced by a truck into the ce.nter
divider on the Newport Freeway and it
Mr. Margarelich, 19, was trapped in
the car for a lime, the California
Jlighy.•ay Patrol said. She was reported in
fair condition at Chapman General
Hospital with fractures of both anns. lier
husband, 21, was at the hospital with
po.'iSible back injuries .
A CltP spokesman said the accident oc·
cuntd at 7:20 this morning one-fourth
mile north of Chapman Avenue in
Orange. ™-truck driver did not stop.
Oil Drwu T r ash Can
Ban Bid Stepped Up
City officials will 11tep up their cam·
pa.ign to ban oil drom trash conl•lntrs
from Huntington Beach by enclosing a
newsletter advising citlztns of their ii·
legality with the next water bill.
Asst. Clty Administrator Brandtr Cas·
tie sald warning sticker• will be plactd
on the illegal e<>ntalner1 betor~ I.ht Nov. I
target date for climlnaUon as well. From
that date on tra•h wlll only be picked up
U It I• placed In clly-approved cont.alner:i,
\\'eighing no more than GO pounds.
0..pUa u.t caia-lln, di~ ...
per11 Uv<Ju,bom !be Wtrld diadr i ci,.-
~ c11c1notQp101.t11e 111 ~11th"lo alien
Kano1•1-oltllo war In -Vltf..
nam or to change the Communlsts' hard·
line position at tht · Paris peace talks.
(See Story, Page 4.)
The broad!!i,st. said the .liland down
would last for lhree days and that "con-
crete order1 will be Wued." Jt said lhe
period of mourning for Ho would last for
_seven days and that it was "decided"
Thomas Grafton, who resigned
from Fountain Valley Planning
Commission because he is mov-
ing from city, was honored
Wednes~ay night by his former
colleagues for "outstanding
service to the communJty."
The swnmer is near-ly over, and city
lifeguards in Huntington Beach are com·
piling the statistlca that will tell the tale
of a summer that featured some of the
heaviest surf a.Ml most treacherous rip
tides in many years. '
"We faced hea·vy surf nearly half the
summer," said LI. Mark Bodenbender;
happy there were few tragedies.
"Our normal run is about IO days total
of heavy surf and riptides. This was
unusual," he explained.
The season's totala for June, July and
August included 4,ltl,363 visitors to the
city beaches, or which 3,893 had to be
rescued from the water.
Huntington City Beach also featured a
brand new parking lot this year, to
facilitate the tourist trade.
Full lifeguard crews wlll work until
school starts Sept. 10.
"Then will .. 1ose a b o u t half our
guards," said Bodenbender, "but we will
have full crewt,working the weekend un·
til Oct. JO, \vhen we drop to our winter
level of personnel."
four deaths were recorded off the city
beach and the harbor, this summer. At
least lY:o 0U1ers "'ere reported off the
slate beaches.
F u11cral Service
For Accident
Victim Slated
Funeral services for Carl Kredo, 17, of
6392 fallingwater Drive, Huntington
Beach, \\'ill be conducted al 11 :30 a.m.
Saturday at Ascension Lutheran Church,
17910 S. Prairie St., Torrance. Burial w\11
follow in Green Hills Cemetary, San
Pedro .
tl1r. Krcdo died Sunday in a c11r ac-
cident south of Ensenada , B a j a 1
California, \\'here he was spending the
Labor Day Weekend.
J-lis body is currently lying in state al
Halverson Mortuary in Torrance.
He is survived by hls parents, Mr. and
1',fr;;. Bernard Kredo of the same address
11nd one sister, Mrs. Robert Harden of
Santa Ana.
Services will be conducted by the Rev.
Loyd Warnecke of Ascension Lutheran
Church, with graveside services by
Elme r Thry o( Holy Cross Lutheran
Church of Cypress.
· Ne 'v Yorker Gets
Bea ch 'Y' Post
Richard Collato, 26, has just bee.n ap-
pojnt.ed executive dlrector of the llun·
tington Beach YMCA.
The native New Yorker was among 18
appllcants for the position.
Before coming to Huntington Beach he
served as physical educaUon director for
the Highland Park, New York City Y?ll·
<.:A .
He and his wife Carol now make their
home at 222 14lh St. Huntington Beach.
Until other faclllUet can be found
locally, CoUato will operate the Hun-
tington Btach YMCA from ttmporary
headquarters at 14776 · Beach Blvd.,
Record Rain iu NYC
NEW YORK (AP) -Record rains fell
In New York and New Jel'3ty ~gain to-
clny, causing widespread Oooding, power
failures, and snarling automobile ind :ail
ti afflt.
' ~ for lbree or ~ ila1• llO ollmlliive
·-~ be !nllla!od.
lllnol earUir bad announced • lull
'teVtlHby petlod of mourning. t
The cease..firc broadcast came after
the U .$. Command reported for the firsl
lime tkat allied troops had battled Com·
mwtist troop! inside Cambodia. The In-
cident occurred alter an American
helicopter was shot down inside Cam-
bodian territory. ·
Spokesmen aald the pilot of t.he chopper
Wll fcwcecf to )and Ollo mJle IJlllcie Cam-
bodia Mondll)' after II wu hll whlle ..,..
rylng troops on l.n assault on the South
Vletnamf'.w: Side of the frontier.
The U.S. COJllnland al$0 announced 15
Americans were killed Tuesday and Wed-
nesday In South Vietnam tn the crashes
of an AC47 "Spooky" fixed wlng gunship
and " heUeopter.
The helicopter for ced down in Catn-
bodia was one of three choppers carrying
South Vielnamtse mercenaries hired by
the Green Berets to an action ln Klen
Tuooe Ptovl ... , .......,1q ... ropor!od.
~ raid tbt pllol w10 fomd to
dlrecf hla crjppled craft IO the "most
desirable emer.-:y landing site" and he
set down on Cambodian soil, about SS
miles west ot SalcQn. After the landing,
lb~ belieopl<r burlj-loto flames. ·
Five ol lllO!e aboard were-able to
scramble out into the d a r k o e s s ,
spokesmen uJd, but one mercenary died
in the flames, The Ove -two U.S.
crewmen and three merceoarles -were Injured.
* * * * * * * -tr ·* Red World. Mourns Do
. ;
But British Writer Ca.lls Him Bloody Tyran~
MOSCO\V (UPI) -The Soviet Union
today pledged to continue full support to
J1o Chi Mlnh'3 successorii.
The olflclal condolence cable from the
<.:ommun.Lrt party and g o \' e r n m e n t
leadership to Hanoi said, "The Viet-
namese Co1nmunists and Vietnamese
people may rely always on the full sup-
port of lhe Communist party of lbe Soviet
Union and the Soviet government and
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was ex-
pected to ny to Hanoi tor the funeral.
The sympathy cable referred to Ho as
"the great son of the heroic Vietnamese
people, an outslandng statesman or ffi.
temational Communist and national
liberelion movement, lhe great friend of
the So\iet Union." ·
1~ pt bf star
* JIONG KONG (UPI) -Communist
F rona Page 1
row into revolutionary acts" to achieve
the "lofty aspiration cherished by Presi·
dent Ho Chi Minh -the building of a
peaceful, unified, i n d e p e n d e n l ,
democratic, prosperous and powerful
Informed sources in Saigon said it was
unlikely the North Vietnamese leader's
death would result in any important
changes In Hanoi's war policy.
In Washin~n. some U.S. congressmen
said Ho's death could produce a power
i.tru&g~ in Hanoi lhat would ultimately
affect the course of tbe war.
South Vietnamese and American of-
ficials in Saigon e1pect a triumvirate
leadership to emerge in the ne1t few
months, made up of Le Duan, the pro·
Moscow first secretary of the North Viet~
namese Communist party; Truodg Chinh,
the pr~Pelting chainnan of the National
As.semb~y, and Premier Pham Van Dong.
you won't
have to
Orien tal design rugs
by famous
\.'.'ariefre< -.,.,., '" c:.
afford! TlMrr --"""~
China, in a condolence message on the
dealh of President Ho Chi Minh urged the
people of North Vietnam today to "tum
their grlel into strength to . give the
Americans a greater blow."
The Peking regime sent Premier Chou
En·lai to Hanoi as head of a special
delegaUon to attend the funeral of the
Vietnamese leader.
Communist China could not send its
own preildent, Llu Shao-chl, because he
is under house arrest, victim of a purge
by Communist. Party Chalrman Mao Tse·
* LONDON (UPI} -Columnist Bernard
Levin wrote ln the Dally Mail today that
he dreaded the outpouring of eulogies for
North Vietnamese President Ho Chi
''The plain truth," he wrote, "ls that Ho
Chi 1.tinb was a ruthless and bloody
tyrant. His first actlon on completing the
conquest , of North Vietnam wa to
slaughter in cold blood some 50.000 men
and women who might have oppoatd his
"When his campalgn to take over South
Vietnam began it was waged with a
policy of deliberate atrocify, as an in-
strument of terror, the like of whlch had
not been seen In lhe modem world.
"From the cases of children literally
chopped to pieces be,Core their . parents'
eyes, in villages temporlly seized by th•
Viet ~og. to the hundreds of men,
'"omen and children who had been ·club-
bed to death and whose bodies: were
dlsco'iered after the Tet offensive, tha
story was lhe same -the grossest
atrocities, committed not .ln lhe beat ol
the battle or the ~Jood-lust of revenge,
but as a calculated and important part of
gentle, witty Uncle Ho's policies."
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Supervisor
Bv TOrit BA nLEY
01 t1!e DMIY .. 1199 S!tfl
A secrecy-shrouded campaign for the
recall or Fifth District Supervisor Alton
E. Allen moved mysteriously onward to-
da y apparently urlder the now remole
control of a sculptor-designer who has
disconnected his telephone and retired to
the Ot"ther regions of hls San Clemente
Anthon y 'farantino's attacks on :\lien
today appeared to be confined to the cul·
umns of a four-page tabloid which carr ies
his name and home address -451 Calle
Copies of lhc so-<:alled South Coast
llomeowners Beacon ha\'C been
circula,ted throughout the S o u I h e r n
Orange Coast and iq Huntington Beach,
The tabloid product!on appeared to be
heavily financed and carefully-planned.
Tarantino has not been available far
telephone , calis. or personal interviews
since Tuesday when the announcement or
the Allen recall campaign appeared
mysteriously in newspaper offices and
press rooms.
Tarantino Y•as as guarded ln his com·
inents to a DAILY PILOT reporter as U1c
release V.'8S in identifying its office.
The sculptor was surprised Tuesday
that the release had in fact been
delivered to the press. But he declined to
comment on what appeircd to be a
breakdown in communication between
recall principals and refused to identify
the persons providing cash and know·ho\•
for what he admitted was a costly cam·
--~ .. ; -uI O'IJ
' -
for an upe.rt
~·ho will
come to
your homl!
v.rith samples
without a.ny
lo you!
d1• .d_,...,.,.. Ta.kt SMt .,ore car~
._ _ -·, .J w in'(. A.lid they .tlOS pncric:aDyno war
C.-c lee dM: jc;weJat colon aftd •1kr &bee.. Com~ tnlk. -thQt t°dYCfJ
..,,,.._. ef U. ..., --' -' JiM. T'&eir INCr"c, thc-ir betttty -~ mom ..
,..-nr-an -,_ , · ,.ea: ., llft'f'ate s·s· i: U' ~ it onJ,o $455.
Credit IW1J$ll. -'tr ~ ... m.ao1 ~
H.J.GAR~flT fU~NlllJRE
646-0275 646-027'
I ' -'
·-~t",-1·-....... ,"P.:--• •
vot:. 62, NO. 212, 3 SECTIONS. 36 PAGES
• • •
• ,-
N.Y. St.elul ·
Sleepy Hollow Storm Drain Assessment OK'd
By JACK CHAPPELL ot ,.. Dlltr , .... Jtan
A modified useasment. spread for the
Sleepy Hollow-Park Avenue slmn drain
•yslem was approved Wedneoday night
by as to 2 vote of the Lalllllla Beach City
Councilmen overruled citizen protests
of the .......,..cspreoc1 and odopted the
oootroversW ~.ooo levy oo 1111 par<ela •
of land. Couilcllmen Roy Holm and
Oiarlton Boyd voted .,_ t h •
The action came after nearly four
hours ol diacussion on the assessment
spread. Jl'or three hours, counc.llmen
heard protest& and explanatioo3 ol the
spread and for another hour debated
among themseJves.
Laguna Attorney James ·L e d d y
representing about 80 homeowners in the
dillrict said that legal action against the
airessment spread was likely.
"UaUal coune of lctloo ii to file sult to
prevent C9llection/' Leddy seld,
Tbe suit would aUqe "that· lhe pr~
i-<f s(irqd ol ·-ts arbitrary, diicriminafory. unjust and contrary to
the proviston.s ol the Improvement Act of
1911 ;in thlt1 the ptap>Sed Usessments
are unrellled to Iii< benefits derived
from 1tbe~ itnprovemeat." L«idy said.
Uddy, in .. written appe&Lto the City
C(>Ullcii charged that:
-The assessment has been spread so
' that the properties at the ·Top of the
\Vorld are assei8ed for the major pQrt.ion
of (he work, when the benefits for work
accrue to properties adjacent to the
(lower) oetµral waterways.
-The city eoglileer has favored
bus~ estab~· in the spread of
easeument&. • -Tl;e ,eliglnee< bas a8$essed llWl)I pro-
pertiu oo ~ scjuare foot.basis when large
portioos ot1he properties on hillside lots
are without actual utllitY. fo~ their 9wners
discriminating against owners bav1na lob
of great depth. -•
That about sums up the gist ol OWACI'!
complaints wtth · eiteptkm of IOtllt
ciUzens who complained about a 30 pe;r-
cent dlseount given , to large areas of
undevek>ped land. ·
11>e dlacowrt to the large pn>perty
owners was the tiasis for objecUon by lbe
lwo dissentiQg councilmen. .
Laurence Thompson, the asseasment
cngineer1 explained that tbe undeveloped
properties were given dbcount relief
~""' they coolaln natural veg<tallan
which absorbs and slows runolf, that any
development would by Oature of the W.:
rain be low demit)' and that about 20'per-
cent of the property would 'be paved tor
street& lf deve)opmtnt occurred.
Thompoon also said lhal U the higher
undeveloped arw were improved, the
developer would be charged with the in-
(See ASSESWENT, Paae I) '
IXOD as .es '-"'onstruc ion
Actimas Canceled
Mourning Starts
For Ho Chi Minh
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam began
a week of mourning today for Ho Chi
Minh and planned a sta1' funeral for the
father of Vietnamese lndeperldence.
1be 7'-year~ld president ol North Viel-
N~on P'anning
• ' .
La . ... ........ ' tin JUP~eB •
Policy Shakeup
The Nixon Admlnistration Is a:oing to
ibake up United States policy toward
Latin America.
Western White Houle sources indicated
Wednesday the reaton ii that the Alliance
for l'roir""• formed during the Kenoedy
Administration isn't progressln&.
The shape of the new policy will be
determioed by the Ne.tlonal Security
Council after it studies a report rub-
mitled to the President by New Yori
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. recently rel~
ed from a rugged trip to 20 Lalin
American nations.
Rockefeller, his aides and his wife,
Happy, new to San Clemente from:~ew.
Yori Wednesday. 1be governor turned in
his final report to Nfsoo, who com-
plimented him on the "M.dkated,
courageo1.11 and efficient way" he carried
out hiJ miMion last month.
Presidential Press S«retary Roo
Ziegler told newameo after the meetina
ir Nixon's office that Rockefeller's report
will not be made public. He said it would
be turned over to the National Security
Council for pollcy recommendalioiu.
Nixon however, made It clear that
aubstaniive changes in U.S. relations with
its Southern HBnisphere neighbors are in
the oiling.
"As you know," he told Rockefeller, "it
wa.s my coovictkm from the earliest ~
ment of my ·administration that. our
policies toward' Latin Amerk:a •• .needed
a fresh and comprehensive rMX-
nam died Wednesday alter "a grave and
sudden heart attack," Radio Hanoi
The announcement said H~ at 9:47
a.m. Ha.not: time, which w8' 1:47 p.m.
Tuesday PDT. But word of ·his death was
withheld for nearly 21 houn, utltil about
3:40 p.m. PDT Wednesday. ln the interim
Hm>i Radio prepared the North Viel-
n~ae plllllle for .....i ol Ille death lJill/
pertOdla reporti tbat' 1111 coa41uoo was
a:etting worse.
"Everyone \lied their ulmost. and gave • ot their best to uVe him it an) price,"
Hm>i Radi9 said, "but t>eeauae of hi• ad-
vanceJ age and serious illness of the s!Jd.
den severe heart attack. President Ho
has left us forever."
The broadcast said "the most solemn
cerernonial state hmeral of our nation"
woul:i be organized but it did not say
when the ritea wouhl be beld.
Tbe Nmb Vlebwneae delegation in
Paril ul<ed for -. pootponemenl of
today's weekly aeuJon of the peace talks
bUt said it would be ready to ruume lbe
In San Cleriieote ... a spokesman hid
P!esldent Nb:on would make no comment
on Ho's death. U.S. military and
dlplomaUc authorities i~ Silgon also did
not C0111111enl
Alter eulogi:lng Ho, lbe JlalJOi broad-
cast appealed to "the entire party, the
entire anny and the enttre people" to
"contribute both tbetr minds aod their
force to the creat task of .defeating the"
U.S. agg:reMOl'I" and "liberating South
Red-haired singer Marni Nizon, who
will star in "The Sound of Music"
discovered .a sour note when she returned
to her 11119 station wagon p•ked on a
La111U18 Beach realdenUal street Wed-
A windwing had been smasMd in an appor<ili buraJary .u.mpt but police
Aid" notfilng wu taten. The car waa
parted nor-SOiano Way.
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Supervisor
By TO!\I BARLEY mysteriously fn newspaper offk:u and
Of "" hllr '"" If.ti prt8S f'OODl!. A secrecy-stn'ouded campaign for the Tarantioo was 11 cuarded in bis com·
recall of Firth District SuperviJor Alton ments to a DAU.. Y PILOT reporter as the
E. AJlen moved myateriouAly onward to--release was In identJfyJn11 jta oUlce.
day apparently under the now remote The !!CUlptor waa surprised Tuesday
control of a sculpb>r-deSJgner who has that the release had in fact been
dloconnected hla telephooe and -..I to deliver<cl to the prus. Bui he declined to
the nether regions al. bis San Clemente ccnment on wbat appeared to be a
studio. hftaltdown In ccimmunlcatlOll between
Anthony Terantino'• attacks on Allen I recall prlocipail and' mused to ld<ntlfy
today appeared to be confined to tho col-the ""1ooa provldlnc cub and tncrw-bow
1tmn1 d. a four-pqe tabloid wblch an1u for what ht 1dnrltt.ed wu a coatly cam-
his name ond home addrw -461 Call< palgn.
Miguel. Most of the !U<llon thua far In the
Coples ol the O><:ll1led Sooth Cout hualH!uab healing ol the Sooth County
Homeowners Beacon have b e e n buab hu been from tboee wboee na.mea
circulated throuP:>ut the S o u t b.e r n have been put forward by Tarantioo u
Orange Coast and In Huntington Deaeh. poalblo ..,..,._. 1D Supervlaor Allen
The tabSold productloo appeared to be and who apparently re.sent 1 u c h
heavily financed and careful\y-pbooed. cateplullon. ·
Tarantino baa not -aftilable lot La111U18 Beach attorney Iv 111 i a m
tolepllone cail1 or penooal Interview• Wilcoxan denies aoy connecllon with the 1ltict Tt>eaday when tht armou~ent of recall campaign and points out that hi1
the Alim recall campaip appeared (llel JllliCAU., Pace I)
,, ,
On P•rk Avenue, • Tr•fflc-Control Buttol\ That Work.Ii Llkt a Charm -for Pedestrians
2,900 Go Back to ' School
Traffic Ligl~t Snarls ·Laguna Higli Slightly
lagun. Schools Get Jump on Rt•t of County
' ,(l
An eslimated 2,900 youngsters donned
their back-to-school clothes today in the
Laguna Beach Unified . School District
and returned to the task of educaUon.
As if in salute to the early opening,
traffic was blocked on .Park Avenue at .
7:50 a.m. as high school students kept
punching the button on the new traffic
light that protects the bisected campus.
The light turns red almost immediately
to allow students to cross Park Avt!lllle.
School Superintendent William Ullom
said he asked Joseph Sweeney, public
works Wrector, to c:fletrk the light and see··
if It is runctioning properly 'for both the
pedestrtaas aod motonats.
Dr. tnlom said there were no particular
problems not always associated with the ·
rlrst day of school. He lauded the quality
or the new teachers in lhe district. about
23 of them, of a total of 145.
Youngsters in thelr new school finery
Included a few males with tprbidden
shoulder length bf;ir, a secmlug holdover
from the cuual beach daya of summer.
Dr. Ullom said that those. students not app~prlately . drtssed or groomed Uus
morning were sent home to become so.
He had no flgurt on how many this oilght involve. _
There was the usual opening day
clamor with a few students having dif-
ficulty opening locters or Chldlng room9
~te the fteahmao orleolaUon al the
high . achoo! Wedlleaday. ' ,
El MorTO. Elellle\llary SchOoi :had Ito .
continuing· problem, ·~110 properi trafiJc
control to !make t~ aaler .for boiMI to '
enter the atz'tim' Ol lraflk: on busy cOut .
lljghway.. • · ,
TlH! Oll.imated enrollmeni ol abolll 3,900 ·
students 'was about the same as the
achool year ending figure. O!flQals will
• n0t know exact lijures UllW later in Ibo
O'\OOth, ,
Most Orange County schoolA do not
start until next weelc. La-6.c:ame ao
eirly bkd to permit~-1 io have'-
daY hollclAYI an Veterans , Admllston Oly, and LincOl'n11,B · y, week-ends
and, at lhe 11me Ume. keep the ICbool
district from Jooina ata:a funds.
Urges Local
Action Also
Of ""' o.llY ~llll Slift
President Nixon today ordered a 75
peroenf cutback in all new federal con-
struction contracts.
The directive i! efiective immediately.
'l1le President, in a statement from tho
Westem White House in San ·ciemente.
said lhe order wUl t:e In effect until
pre!ent. strains on the construction in·
dustry ......
It was viewed u an anU·inilaLionary
move .
Nllon said the order is aimed at
r ... lng the lnduruy for home building,
whole cost bu soared In recent moolhl. ''1'be enute industry,,. be said. "has
been. laboring under demands .that have
strained its ~pacily, And these heavy
demands will continue."
"These preisuns dittclly affect COil·
struct.ion supply and demand, which js
wha~really effects prices," the President said. ~
0 1t is clear, therefore, that tor the near
term we mwt take steps to refieve im·
mediate strains in the industry,'' be SIJd.
He said the action taken today '1wtll
help us get started toward more orderly
building for the 19705."
The cutback involves ooly starts in con-
struction. Federally financed t'roject.s
already under construcUon will conUnue.
Among job! · affected will be con.
structlon of post offices, other govern-
ment buildinp and highways across the
land. The value of the construcUon that
will not now be let Is in the hundred! of
millions of dollars. Some esttmate.s have
placed it at more than $1 billion.
"This limitation, which will cootimle
unUl condlUons cease," said the Presi-
dent, "will still permit projects of the
highest !Odal priority to be carried
Nixon's use of the term "social" was
believed to mean anti-poverty projects
would not be cut back.
The Pre.sldenl also urged state and I~
cal government to follow hla example.
''The degree and promptness with
which they respond to this plea for part..
nershlp in action will be watclied Very
carefully," he said. "U the tt!ponse b
Steele Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -11>e stock rr.ar·
i:et. was bit with a stiff loSI today as lt,
continued the downtrend that carried it
into lower territory .Wednesday. (See
quotations, Pages 18-N).
Oruge Cou&
A little chill,ier ia the outlook ror
the Orange Coast Friday with
tempa dropping to the upper slx-
tiea, whlle Jnland regions bask ln
14-degree sun.
AZ4bcrmci'• formtr oow:rnor
"Bia Jim" Fol.Tom toen1t.f to gee
bcid: In !hi itate copilot Th<
Tta1on1 Hc11 broke' and nttd.I
!Mmon•V· P~•'· -. _..., ...,, ...... " ,...,... "
DMnl "'"'" ' IN'iWCn t
1411"'1M ':r • ......... !4 ,...._ , .. ., -.. Allt....... '' .. -. ..... . '
I • • •
• •
• Dowa the
l '.
fBoy's Balloon
' ! Takes . Big Trip
' ~ litISSION VIEJO ,Armstrong, Aldrin
~ tind Collins may have won the race to the
ntoon , but 5-year-0ld Lindsay Stouffer
JBVe them a run (or lheir money.
,.. Winner of the Balloon lo the Moon con·
l t~l sponsored by the RecreaUon Center, ' . · Lindsay's baUoon traveled as far at
~do before returning lo earth.
Lindsay's card was picked up by
children riding horses on a ranch in
ESCODdido. She received a $25 savings
bond for having the balloon that traveled
the greatest known distance.
~ e Aris Ex/1ibil Set
SAN CLEMENTE -The San Clemente
Arts and Crafts AllSOCiation will be ex-
hibiting in the La Paz shopping center in
Mission Viejo Frlday, Saturday and Sun-
Members also are planning an tX·
liibition and tea at the C-Ommunity
Clubbouse in San C1emente Sept. 14. The
event wtll take place Crom 12 :30 to S p.m.
The public is in~ited. ,
e Form Trip Plo111ied
LAKE FORE.5T -The arts and crafls
group for children at lhe Beach and Ten·
nis Club will end its summer program
with a trip to Old MacDonald's Farm
\vhich recently opened in Mission Viejo,
The expedition will leave the club house
Friday after lunch at u :30 p.m. and will
relurn earlier in the afternoon. For in·
fonnation contact the club house 81 837·
·• Football At1NOt1e?
MISSION VIEJO -Names are being
taken at the Recreation Center for those
\\'ho would like to attend lhe Los A:ngeles
Rams • Green Bay Packers game on Oct.
Tickets must be ordered in advanct
and if there is enough response a bus will
be taken. Otherwise those attending will
provide their own transportation.
l'rom Pllfle 1
_-RECALL •••
own role in the movement to/'™"''
public access to Salt Creek Roa is in no
• ·'Way linked to Tarantino's efforts.
:,. "Nobody I have ever met or know o! is
l involved in a recall cam~gn." Wilcoxen
: said, "and such an action in no way
~ teflect.s the Lhinking o! the movement
; v.·ith whlch I am identified."
:· Wilcoxen insists that his movement is
~ limited to correction of "an error by
.. county supervisors through the courts or
: by their own change of stance."
: Management control executive Joseph
~ Rosener of NewJX>rt Beach today sharply ~; denied any connetlion wilh the recall ef-
A forts.
~ Rosener, 4S, quickly admitted that he
• had given "very serious thought" to seek·
~ ing Allen's post in 1970, but that he had
~ no intenlion o( campaigning Ior office
) through the recall process.
: "?ify impression prior to the news or ~ t.hls recall was that Supervi.sor Allen
1 \vould retire next year," Rosener said.
• "My thoughts about possibly succeeding ~ him were based on that premise and I
• should not have been e-0nnected with the
:. recall movement by r-.tr. Tarantino."
· Tarantino's tabloid gives considerable
: coverage to the recall campaign , the Sall
: Creek Road issue, the Irvine land
~ preserve controversy and airport noise.
) And it extends i!.s attack on the
""· supervisor to his aide, John Killefer of ~ Corona de! Mar. A photo is included of
J KJl!efer's home. .......____ , ,i------------------· •
• •,
. • . •
-• • -
OllAHG~ C~t PU•t tsHIHCO C~H"f
llttt.rt H, w,94 ............. """"'*'
J•clt •• c.r1.., Vkt itrbiOent..., Ge11tra1 M"'lfttr
Tho111t' K•t"il f.dllor
t'u'"''' A. Uv1,hit1t ~E~Hor
lllck1r4, P. N•ll ·--Cltr llllor
............. Offke
111 ,.,," ......
Mtillt1t A4411u: P.O. lt1 666, '16S2 --(IJIW Mtw: W Wal 1.,. ,,,..,. H...,.,., l!ff(l'>o 1'U ,....., .......... ....,,
~ 9ttOI: -'lfl $"-I
n.,e~ r•••lshes
l~ra~l Abandons
' . -' Sea·rch for Pike
CABINET PARLEYS -The lull Nixon Cabinet met
at the Western \Vhite 1 louse for the first tim e today
C!ockwise are A r t h u r Burns, counsel ; Jioberi
Finch, HEW: \Va lter Hickel. In terior: Paul Volker ,
Treasury undersecretary ; Vice President Agnev.·;
John M1tcbell, Attorney General; Maurfce Stans
• OAI LY flllOT Sltff PIMoJt
Commerce; John Volpe , Transpo1iation: Charles
Yost, UN ; Rogers tvlorlon, GOP chalrmaA; George
Schultzr Labor; \.Vinton Blount, Postmaster Gener-
al ; Wil1am Rogers, State; President Nixon; J\1elvin
Laird, Defense; Clifford ]·Jardin, Agriculture;
George 'Romney, HUD, and Robert Mayo, Budget -.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Avant Garde Merchants
Planning· Open House
Plans for a late Seplember open house
of avant garde businesses have been set
by the newly formed Bureau of Com·
merce, a g r oup of youth oriented
bu&inessmen in Laguna Beach.
The open house Sept. 29 would be a slep
In establishing communication between
the bureau and lwo olhett merchant
groups in town -the Downtown Business
, Association and lhe Chamber of Com-
"The lour wiU familiarize them \Vith
the types of businesses in Laguna and the
kind of merchandise there .J s ,''
spokesman Ronald Kaufman said.
Woman, 45, Gets
Probation for
Laguna Slaying
A Los Angeles woman who fatally stab·
bed her husband on a Laguna Beach
street 10 months ago received a suspend·
cd sentence toda y in Superior Court.
Judge Robert Gardnr1· ordered a state
prison tenn for Pearlie Mae f.Iolston, 4:>,
and immediately suspended for fh•e
years a sentence that could have put hC'r
behind bars for l to 15 years. J\·lrs.
Holston \11ill, in effect, be on probation for
five years.
Charges against l\Irs. llolston wen'
reduced to involuntary n1anslaughlcr
frooi the 1nurder coun't she originally f<ll"
cd shortly after her arrest last Novc1nber
24. ?-.trs. Holstcin plunged a knife inlo her
husband, J ames Roy Holston. 57, during a
violent argument that erupled as Lhe cou·
ple "'as walking along Ocean Aven u{'.
Holston died about an hour lalcr in
South Coast Co1nmunity tlospil<1l.
The bureau wa s formed to help pull
together the merchant community which
according to Kaufman is now split with
the establishment merchants' on one side
and the youth oriented busineSsmen on
lhe other.
Kaufman, an insurance agent and bail
bondsman, ha s polnted out that th e
bureau is not in competition with the
other groups, but hopes to eventuaUy be
brough t into them.
.. \Vc're no longer strictly an 'avant
garde group ," Kaufman said. He noted
!hat at the buerau 's last meeting Tues-
day, several professional men had attend-
ed. A representative of the Downtown
Bu!liness Association was also present
The group V.'as formed to find con-
strucLh:e solutions , "not repressive solu-
tions" lo bu~ess problems whlcll all
L·aguna shops have in c o m rn o n ,
regard!~ of the cllentclc" to which they
appeal, be said.
Laguna Expects
SRO for 'Music'
Lyric Opera officials: are predicting
that a c'apacity audience will fill ZSOO.seat
Ir vine Bo1vl in Laguna Beach Friday
night as "The Sound of Music" fills the
:surrounding hills.
It will be the fir st of four performancei;
nf the hit musical in the Art Colony.
Starting i\1an1i Nixon and Alan
J.icrg1nar.n and featuring Andree Jord<1n
as !he 1\-lother Abbess. the musical \viii be
1tircctcd by Kent Johnson with music
dirccl~d by Eugene Ober.
The four performances begin at 8 p.n1 .
The second is Saturday and the other l\vo
01rr Sept. 12 and Saturday, Sepl. !3.
Tickets arc still available.
s:tallation of a storm dnHn system there.
l\1any of lhe pn1testors rharged lhul
the large land 01i;ners v.·crc given prefer·
red treatment and lhat the phi!o~ophy
aided the speculative l~nd holders.
Thompson'!! first assessn1ent plan ron-
taincd three zones for levy, a high risk
zone. a mediunl risk zone and a lO\v risk
1.one. Thal plan \1·as modified follov•1n~
three hours of protest di scussion at the
council's Aug. 20 het1ring and 70 letters uf
i\t Wednesday's meeting. I he
engineer 's modified plan called ror t11c
creation of a ncll' zone v.'hich .,rou!d
benefit 0"'11ers of large lots on sleep 1iro·
Under the plan, the !1rsi 6,flllO square
feet would be assessed <Jl the lo.,v risk
zone rate, and the ren1a1nder at a lo11'er
rate, three cents per squ;1rc root.
l·le explained that this \\':J!' done
because the left Ol'er portion of the lot
v.•as unbuildab!e and as in \hr case of the
undeveloped acn.~age 11 as m ore
h:tsn't been pleasant sitting here. The
~1 c~ision was really n1ade in 1960 to divide
thr city into drainage areas. I was con·
i·r rned about giving a diSCQUnt to the
l.irgc owners but Mr. Thompson ex·
pl;iin ed very well. He is an expert and J
I rust his opinion."
-Councilman Holm, "I feel the assess·
n1cnt is not fair and inequity is in relation
10 the item mentioned before (discount to
u11developed property owners). I
1·espect!ully suggest that we continue the
tnceling fo r Mr. ·Thompson lo reassess
hi~ land formula. All parcels should be
equally assessed."
--Councilman Boyd, "Laguna Beach is
going lo have some procedures that are
1nore fonnal than in the good old days.
J 'm sllll confused. Councilman Holm
~t;iled my posiUon. We should lake one
1nore look at this to see what we can do
io make it simpler and more fair.
-Councilman Richard Gold~rg, "Thi!;
is not an easy pill to swallow but I am
satisfied wllh Mr. Thomp so n's
l'<J pabilitics and with his job."
Fro111 Page l
CUTBACI\:S • • •
not sufficient I shall restrict the corn ·
mitmen!.s for construction that can be
financed through federal gra'iits."
.. Should this step become unavoidable,
the ~Lates and l~aliLies will , of course,
be given due notice , so they can adjust
their affairs properly."
~ warning was clear. II is expected
to trigger a wave of blate and local clash·
es iD government-financed construc Lion
The President's statement followed ·a t~o hour m~ting t~is morning between
N1x!>n and his cabinet at the WeStern
\Vhlte House's adntinistrative compound.
Law Suit Filed
On Melodyla11d
~OS ANGE~ES (UPI ) -A $1.S million
suit was filed Wednesda y against
Melodyland Theater of Anaheim and Its
owners ~d opera~s in a leasing dispu1e
concerning land adjacent to the theater.
, Theaters Host Inc., filed the suit claim-
ing Leo J. Freedman, the bankrupt owner
<lf the Anaheim property, leased the land
to them. The lease was to run untll 1993. ~nee Freedman filed bankruptcy, tbe
sull cootended, the property has been tied
up Jn escrow in a sale to the Christian
Center of Orange County.
you won't
have to
Oriental design rugs
by fan1ous
Cvefrtt Jmry ,._ Clllft
afford ! inqOOM -n-e
JERUSALEM !AP J-The lsraell arm y
abandoned its search for Dr. James Pike
It made tbe decision after a fruiUUIS,
daylong search by troops, pollCf:men and
airplanes of the. Judean desert for the
former Episcopal bishop of CaHfornla.
Orticials held little hope that he was
litill alive.
Pike, 56, has been missiog slnce Mon-
day night, after his rented car got stuck
about eight mites west of the Dead Sea.
His 3J~year-0ld wife Jett him on a hill·
side and walked all night until she reach-
Hole to Go
If It's Not
Swi1n Pool
A swimming pool excavatlon at the
home of Paul Blaine Henrie will be filled
one way or ~other, Laguna Beach city
councilmen agreed \Vednesday night
The pit. open for about a year. may
cilher be completed by Henrie as a swim-
rning pool. or the city will roll its dump
trucks up and "abate the nuisance" I fill
il 11•ith dirt J, and charge Henrie for the
Coi.:nciln1en conllnued a public hearing
011 the mi:ilter until their next meetin~.
Sept. 17 ofter City Manager Ja1nes D.
Whea ton advi:-;ed them that Henrie had
promised loag-Oel~ed work o·~ the pool
would be started Monday.
At the hearing. a neighbor. Richard
\Vilson, complained that the open hole
w::is a hazard to his prQPCrty, and the pit
made it difficult for him to drive to his
Work on the pool was stalled for some
re3.son afte r the hole \vas dug and re-en-
forc ing steel put in.
Son1c of the councllmen 11•anted lo set a
date at the \Vednesday meeting for filling
!he pool if Henrie did not proceed with
lhe work as he said he \yould.
"I'd like to take him at his word . Lel's
niake it SepL JO," Vice·mayor Joseph
O'Sullivan said.
"It might have more of an i1npact,"
~aid Counciln1an Ilichard Goldberg.
Ho~·ever, the city fathers agreed to con-
sicie:· the matter al their next meeting.
"lf by then he hasn '1 started, \Ve can
give hi1n 48 hours or v.•c roll the trucks
in,·' \Vhealon said.
Henrie would then' be assessed on his
tax bill for cost of the fill dirt and com·
pacling work done by lhe city workmen.
Wheaton said "good clean fill" "·ould
be used.
Several members of thr '.IO prrs•ln ;iu-
dicnce querie(I Thon1p~on on !he possibili·
ty of measuring the absorpti on of all the
parcels ln lhe district. :ind asscssu1g on
that basis.
The engineer ~;ud thal it would be im-
practical, nnd the study v.·oulcl :idd
"possibly $200.000 lo the assessment
Hm·ricane Fran
Aims at Mexico
1h• otd1--Y t•t"L T Uc no mo~ c::arc
Council discussion on Lhc asscsl)n1cnt
spread went llke this;
BELIZE, BriUsh Honduras (UPI) -
1 lurricane Francella knifed acro ss
r.uatema!11 today and churned towards
southern t\1t!Xico, which already was bat-
tered by the worst llooding in 40 years.
«b.. -•• •0.-W w inr. A nd tbq ~ pracric&ll1 no wnr.
C-titir the-~ colon and lllkT shCUt. Come ~ an their ~
.-,ttn-.I J.tr, tNrJ w-' ...,,./ ;ik. Tbc:ir l•ttre, their bo..,.-e.en moth •
Pl'OOfint-all -.: .-.,==•-'-\'et an ftocnirc 8'8 .. s. 12' Karuta.n is m)r $455 .
Ctcdit teiroa11 -.ll1 WIMred -a-many months.
ed a road workers· camp.
J\its. Pike told police she and her hus·
band were doing research on a tk>O~ ind
decided to drive through the deaert lor
a few hobrs lo "get ill! feel ol the Ju~
dean hills." She said the car got sluck
in rocks and boulders aboot 3 l).m. and
they were unable Jo free it despile try·
ing for about two hours.
Then the couple set out on fool toward
the Dead Sea. After two h®rii: or walk·
ing, Pike complained of leg 'pains and
told his wile lG go on without hl.m. "l suggested thl.t he We a .cap and
v.•hen he got ·rus streng!h to follow me,"
she said. "I left him atop a small moun-
t~in about six or Seven miles wtst or
the Dead Sea." Two hundred soldiers and troops be-,
gan the search for Pike Tuesday on foot
and in helicopters and light planes. First
they found the car, with Pikt's. wallet
and passport in it. Later they found A
rnap in a dry river bed about a mile
east of the car. and Mrs. Pike said he r
husband had been carrying it before they
were separated.
There we.re four theories to e:a:plain
Pike's disappearance.
-Tb.at he had taken refuge in one of
the many caves in the area to escape
daytime temperatures of more than 100
degrees fahre.nheit.
-That he had fallen victim to a beast
of prey.
-That he had succumbed to the heal
and that his body was beneath some
overhanging cliff.
-That he had been found by Bedouin
nomads and taken to one of their camps.
Youth, 15, Hurt
As Bike Hits
Car in Laguna
Lagunan Richard G. Nichols, 15, ••as
seriously injured Wednesday night when
his uniUum1natcd racing bike slammed
into a car at a downtown intersection.
Nichols, 424 Glenneyre St., was in the
intensive care unit at South Coast Com-
munity Hospital todaY being treated for
unspecified head injuries.
Police Lt. John Zelko said the youn~
man was lying in a crosswalk al Forest
Avenue and South Coast 1-fighway \\'hen
police arrived shorUy after the collision
al 8:36 p.m.
1'he investigating of£icer said the boy,
northbound on South Coast Highway,
struck ~ car .turning left slowly olf For·
_est, a car driven by Thomas E. Myers,
22. 2117 Elden St., Cost.a Mesa.
Police reports said the bike had no
lighl or reflectors and was, according
to a witness, traveling rapidly when the
accident occurred.
for an expert
\\'ho \~ill
tonte to
your home
v.rith samples
ll1thout any
Lo you!
-~fayor Glenn E. \'c<ldcr, ''I have
ll.stcnOO very carefully to all the
discussion. It'.~ never going to he posslblc
to satisfy everyone and it's ccntainly not
possible to del'elop a n r w .assessment
pholosophy, \Ve have an cquitabll'
distribution, further 1nodlflc11t\on 1voulrl
be very .minor. \Ve could study thi s. and
study thi s and study this but it will nol be
cl11nged much. I have. to rely ()n ~1r.
'Thompson 13 expertise."
F'rancella neared the Mexican state of
Veracruz. where thffi! weeks of hea vy
rai ns and rloocltng have drt ven more than
40 .000 persons from their homes.
There were no reports of deaths or In-
juries from Frant'elJa's 100.mile--an·hour
\1 Ind which spawned 10-lnch rainfall.
-Vire ~1ayor JosC'ph O'Sul!lt·an. "1
tlidn 't ll11nk 11 needed to bt sJ1d, b11L 11
Aulhorilies said ar least 10,000 refugees
fled lhc storm, hundreds of homes "'ere
drmoli1'hcd and many banana plantations
l\l'rc c!c~lrtl}Cd.
INTERIOR DESIGNE RS Opo• Mon, nun. • k l. 1y.,_ BL VO , COSTA MESA, CALIF,
4'46-0275 6'\6.027 6
,, .....
f;orps Gets .•soul~
N~gro Marin.es' Afro flair Stx_~ O~'d
Marin• Commandant Chapman
Lad y Bartenders
Backed in LA
By Cou1t Order
LOS ANGEL.ES (UPI) -Women may
tend bar here now thanks to a superior
court judge who ru1ed Wednesday that a
California law prohibiting I a d y
bartenders violated the federaJ Civil
Rights Act.
Judge Richard Schauer ruled that a
1963 amendment to t~ Slate Alcoholic
Beverage Control ;.\ct was in direct con-
flict with the Civil Rights Act as amend·
ed in 1966, which prohiblls discrimination
1n employmeiit because of sei:.
However, even under federal laws.
there are some restrictions on women
bartenders, 11 m i t i n g them to
esLablishments with 25 or m o r e
employes. ,
The jlldgc also indicated he mlght not
'<ign immediately a pennanent injunction
prohlbiling · proileculion Under lb e
CaJifomia law if the state chooses to ap.
peal his ruling,
?itarines can lel their hair irow Afro
.tl);le within Jlmlts and give the black
p()'#er cleqcbed fist Wute under Some
Clrcu.m.starice, 1t was f!ll n o u n c e d
Marine Corps Commandant. Gen .
Leonard F. Chapman Jr. also tokj
newsmen that in another m~e to reduce
racial tensions bue commandcr1 have
been directed to see that there is "soul"
music ·on the JUke bcnes in non~m
mlssioned officers clubs.
Chapman issued the direeUve e.s an
artermath to at least two outbreaks of
fighting at Martne Bases at Camp ~
jeune, S. C., and in Hawaii between
Negroes and whites. One cnll&ted man
ciied and 31 were injured in the clashes.
His message to all commands said the
Alro hair style must meet Marine Corps
regulations which stipulate I.hat "I.he hair
on top must not be over three inches in
length. Long or conspicious sideburns are
The regulations also 88.jl lhat ''Rair
shall be worn neatJy or closely trimmed"
and shall be clipped at the sides and back
"to present an evenly graduated •P"
Chapman's message, read to all
Marines, did 119t 3peciflcaJly refer to the
black power salute but saW Ui.at afficers
should "accept for what they a re,
gesture& of recognitioo and unity."
He ordered that "aclions, signs, sym-
bol!, gestures and words which are con·
trary to tradition will not be permitted
c.iuring ceremonies.''
However, the directive added: "It is
P.1arine Corps policy that, while such ac·
!Ions are to be discouraged, they arc
nevertheless expressions -0( fndividual
belief and are not. in themselves, pro.
hib ited.
''They are grounds for disciplinary ac-
1\on if executed during o r f i c i a I
ceremonies or in a manner suggesting
direct defiance of duly constituted
Chapman also suggested that regula·
Hoos and other materials avoid pro.
\'ocalive wording such as paleness to
describe a sympton m beat prostration.
··Tuese are little things, but they mean
samething to -0ur black Marines," be
Of the overall racial situati<m, tbe com·
mandant stressed that the problem is
almost unheard or in q>mbat conditi-0ns,
then ad~: _
''It is when Marines lllove lo other
areas or return to the United St.ates that
these differences arise. And i1 is there
wtwre acts of violence between Marines
are occurring, acts which cannot bt
t-0\erated and must stop."
He dlrected that all field commanders
persona.11y read his message to the
enlisted men uc:ept those in comhal He
urged that orficus maintain an open. door
policy to bear grie•ances and to re~ew
the rights of men to promotion on a non:
racial basis. ·
How Was the Vacation?
Glad You Asked Me That
By TOl\t TITUS or t11t 0911Y l'lltt Stttt
I'm going to clip out this rolwnn and carry it around in my wallet, wait·
Ing for the next guy to come up ta me and ask "How v.·as the vacaUon , .. ?"
lo answerto futur e queries, it was arut -if you get your jollies out of
driving 6,752 miles across the C-Ounlry and back all by your lonesome.
Your next question would be : Why waµld any rea-
sonably sane human being set out on such an automotive
odyssey? \Veil. it all happens when one comes into the
possession of a new car, develops an itch to travel, and
then realizes he d-0esn 't know any ope between here and
Indiana, all his old friends and relatives being scattered
throughout the East.
So one Reads ea.st, imagining himsel! a Martin Mil-
ner discovering the unchatted territory along Raute 66
(or some such oonaense). What he actually does is put
himself and his iron steed through some mertllesa wear . 1 •
and tear, rationaliz.ing all !he while that It beats working. That's debatable.
One also arrives at a number of definite eoocluaions en route, Among
them : •,
(1 ) Eastern summertime weather comes ln only two sizes:... hot and
wet. Often simultaneously. If nothing else, it makes one quite appreciative ol.
the occasional cool breezes Crossing the Orange CoasL
(2) Contrary to popular opinion, the worlij'a w-0rst drivers are not head·
quartered in Los Angeles. Their natural habitat is the highway· bielwet'D Phil•
dclphia and Washington. D.C., where you bJllgate in self defense -to avaid
being cut -0fr at the P8SI by someone tn a bJgger hurry than yourself:
(3) If disc jockeys reflect I.be mood of the record-buying public, Johnny
Cash must now be a mllUonaire several times aver. Every third song on any
given station is 0 A Boy Named Sue."
(4) New Yart ls still at once the dirtiest city in lhe country and the most
fascinating. Not to say the most expensive. A grtal place ta visit, but .•.
(5) The Old Home Town becomes a liitle smaller with each visit. Also a
litUe further away,
(6) The most scenic ~tale. in the union is either Pennsylvania or Arizona,
depending upan whether your bag is rolling green h.Jils ar stark, desolate pan.
orama. There's a lot to be said far both.
(7) A 91).degree day on the Orange Coast may be more camfortable than
a 7D-degree day back east. bul in such garden spoil as Needles or Las Vegas
It ain't the humidity, It's the heal. Around lbut the mean summer tempera.
lure is 115 degrees -and that's pretty mean.
II) Interstate ttighways art a boon to long distance travel. bul lhcy spoil
!he m-0torlst in a hurry for such unbypasaed citlea u Birmingham. Ala. And
Southern CaJifornia'a smog isn't so hard to take after a glimpst of Binning-ham 's sooty sk}'Une. •
(9) It is inadvisable to travel through Oklahoma on Sunday wJth yoor
radlo on -unless. of course, you're deeply religious or enjoy comparing the
styles of the country's pulpit pounders.
( 10) When traveling along the East Coast. a money changer comes lri just
89 handy as a cooler full of Cok!I on the desert. It coslai more for tolls than
gas, for Instance, to drive from Philadelphia ta WaslUnaton.'
But all in all. it wu 1 ball -although I'm not mapping out a Jimllar
sa11a for next year. For, while retlln& there m~ be half the fun, 1etUn1 bm
llD"t ain 'l lhe other half.
. . ~
Reds Call
Cease Fire
' In Ho -Death
s.IJOON (UPI) -Tiit Vl•l Cong tn·
nounced tonlgbl II would ob<erv• a llv..-
d.ay ce~lre In SOUlh Vietnam to mart
the death ol Nqrtb Vieinllntae President
Ho Chi Mlnll. The North Vietoameso
army could be cipected lo do the same.
A broadcaat by lbe clandestine N •·
tional . UberaUon Front (NLF) rad.lo
heard in.Saigon aaid a "congress•• oI the
Viel eon,~ bad met at an unannounced
place aod decided lo cease military of.
fenslvei durtns the period or mourning
!or Ho, who died Wednesday.
The broad,cast dld not state when the
cease·fll'e would begin, but it was
presumed the order to Viet Cong units in
the: south to lay down their arms would
become effecllVe withi.'I 24 hours.
There was oo Immediate announcement
from the Narth Vietnamese on a similar
ceaSt.-firt but ln the past the Communist3
have acted as a unit in vari-0us truces
observed during New Year 's and other
VietMmese b'Jlidays.
Oesp.ite the cease-fire, diplomatic ex·
perta throughout the world made it clear
tRey did not expect the Ho death to affect
Hanoi's cmduct of the war in South Viet-
nam r¥" to change the Cammunists' haJ'd.
line posltioo at the Paris peace talks.
(See Story, Page 4.J
The broadcast said the stand down
would last for three days and that "con-
crete orden wib be is3ued." It said the
period c.r roouming £-0r Ho would last for
seven days and that it was ''decided"
that for three or these days no offensive
operations would be iniUatOO .
Hanoi earlier bad announced a lull
seven-day period of mourning.
The cease-fire broadcast came after
the U.S. Cammand reported for the first
lime that allied troops bad batUed Com-
munist troops inside Cambodia. The in-
cident occurred alter an American
helicopter v.·a.s shot d<>wn inside Cam-
bodian territory.
Spokesmen said Ute pilct of the chopper
wu:·forced to land ooe mile Inside Cam-
bodia Manday after it was hit while car·
tying troops on an aMault on the South.
Vietnamese side of the frontier.
The U.S. Command also announced 15
Americans wer~.killed 'ruesday and Wed-
nesday in South Vietnam ln the crashes
~r an AC4,7 "Spooky" 0.1ed wing guAShip
and a helicopter.
The helicopter forced down in Cam-
bodia wu one of three choppers carrying
South Vietnamese mercenariea hired by
the Greerr·Bcrets ta an action in Kien
1\tong Province, communiques reported.
Spokesmen said tbe pilot was forced to
direct his crippled cra{t lo the "moat
de!lrabJe emergency tanlting site" and he
set down -0n Cambodian soil, about ~
miles west ar Saigon. After the landing,
the helicopter burst inta flames.
Nixons to Fete
Cabinet, Wives
At San Oemente
A mil of Hawaiian and P..Jexican motifs
provides the atmosphere tonight for
President and Mrs. Nixon 's outdoor dirr
ner party in San Clemente In honor of the
cabinet officers and their wives.
The courtyan. of the President's
Spanish-style villa overlooking the Pacific
will be lighted by flickering Hawaiian
torch.s and small hurricane lamps in the
center or the tables for eight.
Entertainment will be supplied by the
Olympics, the Mariachi Band that gave a
Mexican-style welcome to former Presi·
dent Lyndon BJ Johnson when he arrived
for his 61st birthday celebration lasl
Vice Pres.ident aod Mrs. Spiro T.
Agnew head the guest list o! some 30
cabine;t members. their wives, Gd others
who sit in on cabinet sessions.
Tri.::ia Nixon, 23, feeling better after a
brief hospitalizatkln for an abdominal ail-
ment, was expected to be on hand at the
party. However. a spokesman said Tricia
sUll waa "oot comple tely her sell again."
Julie and David Eisenhower, daughter
and son·h~·law,of tpe President, will fly to
the western White House Saturday even-
ing to j<>in the first !amily on its last
weekend in Southern califomia befare
Ibey depart for Washington.
The green and g-0ld·bordered Truman
china aQd the vermeil flatware was flown
here from the White Hooae cast for the
party , lonighL
A full day awaited the cabinet wives
when most -Of lhem arrived this morning.
After lunch aod a tour at Unfveraal
Studl011,· Mrs. Nixon planned lo give them
a tour or the rirst famHy's summer home.
Atlantic City reported todQ what could
be a record haul .for l pickpocket -
$27 ,500 w-0rt.h of. gems liken from the b!p
pocket or an auct.looeer.
OetecUves aaid William J. Evans, wbo
works for lhe William Blum Auction
Jfouse on lbe Boa.rdwa1k1 walked the
three blocka from the store to the post of-
fice on Illinois Avenue.
Wben be arrivtd, he pul his band back
for the pouch containing I.he jewel5 and
dlscovertd his pocket Rad been 1lashed
Clpen. The pooch was gone.
What's in a .Nattae?
The old blimp base in Santa Ana has a new name
today. Jt is now the Santa Ana Ma·rine Corps Air
SlaLion (Helicopter), Fl'Qm f~l until Wednesday
it was known as the santa Ana .Marine Corps Air ·
Facility. Between 1942 and its temporary de-com·
missioning in 1949, it was base ror Navy blimps
and was called the Lfgbter TbOl\'Alr Station (LTA),
Col. Kenneth Hunting~, base. commalljfer (left),
and Brjg. ,Gen. Henry w, Hlse f Conillfanding gen-
eral, El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, made the
change official Wednesday.
Police Enforce Violence Mexico's Leader,
Nixon to Meet
At Dam Rites Curlews in Four States
By Uni\ed Prc11 ln\erDaUoaal
Police enforced curfews to maintain
rele.tive calm early today in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.: Camden, N . ;J . ;
Hartford, Conn .; and Dayton , Ohia, all
plagued by rectnt civil disorders.
Tl1e 405-man Camden police !orce. in.
eluding 43 lrainees, was mobilized
\Vednesday nlght in an effort to prevent
re5utnpUon of racial vkllenct. Two
persons were killed in clashes in a South
Side ghetto area Tuesday night amid
scattered windo-.y,.sma.shing and looting.
Camden MayorJoseph Ardi blamed the
.trouble on "20 or 30 agitators bent on
creating disturbances.''
Stale and local police swept through
ltartford 's North End late Wednesday en-
forcing a curfew . Police said the situation
was "not very bad," but m-0re than 112
persons '~ e r e reported arrested, 57 of
!hem for curfew violation.
The are.a has experienced nearly two
days of firebombing and looting:-;~1ayor
AM Uccello said a state or emergency
declaration will remain in effect "until [
feel lhe city is safe and secure."
Shirley Temple
Dig s New Job
Temple Black, newly appointed United
Natlohs representative, says · ahe d0esn't
know what the job entail• but feel.I the
international body is the beat forum. for
promoting world u.nclerstandlng.
"l hope lo help every way I C&J} to con-
tinue wori for intematianaJ peace,-"elhe
former child m-0vie star told newsmen
Tuesday nighl on arriving at San Fran-
cisco lnternati-0nal Airport from Hawaii.
President Nixon and Mexican President
Gustavo Diaz Ordaz will meet in the mid-
dle of Lhe Aml!tad Dam on th ti Rio
Grande M<ltlday to dedicate the f76
million power project.
Tl'ie two presidents wt11 be accorded full
military honors and will speak a1 the
ceremonies scheduled for about 11 :~5
a.m. PDT st the Del Rio, Tex., Villa
Acuna, Mexico, border.
Then Nixon and Diaz Ordaz will drive
to El Mlrador,,a construction town on the
~1exican side of the dam, for a luncheon
and a private meeting.
Nixon will stop of.f for lhe border
dedication on his way bact to Washington
after a month-long wort and vacation
stay at his Paclfic !'.ICC1lnfront .pound
in San Clemente. He Is due to depart Del
Rio lrom Laughlin AJr F-0rce base at 3:30
p.m: PDT, arriving af Andrews AJr Force
Base near Wuhington at 5:30 p.m. PDT.
"Where ~hoppin'J: a
She'll be
ad·mired 1n
Buster's new
reptile prints
for your All-Americ.•n Boy! Gre•t for school
or dr•11. e ... ery fit 9u•t•nteed by our highly
tr1in•d exp•rt personn•I.
0, IACl•T04CH00l. SHOIS PUl·
• • •
No. lO Fas"'" '"""" 1052 '"'"" -wis1cnlf P1ae N•wport laach • 644-24'4 Ntwpon lead! • 541·1614 ... ~--~~~~~--~~--~~_..;~~~~~-""
·~"' .. -..... ...,., ·~Ol!e of the many' Ainerican !es 011 a low cholesterol diet, ii
evelops. -is President Nixon. 'nlis
~ormatiob comes from Mrs. Vir·
glnl• Knilu•r, his adviser on con·
sumer affairs. ln an article in th&
Easton (Pa.) Express she said that
.~ she proposed limiting the fat tent in hot dogs to 30 percent
· received a call from the Presi·
who said: >'Virginia, I just
tivanled you to know that I'm with :\>ou 100 percent on the bot dogs.
I'm on a low cholesterol diet my·
'. l;elf." Low cholesterol diets usual· . !1,_ are aimed at warding oU heart
;zws~ase. " . . i
' •
r Smtu1 return to faces of Walter
~Rice, -new U.S. Ambassador to Aus-
'.'tralia and hU wife, Inger, but daugh.-
'ttr Ljsa apptars gloomy tU th.t trio
=>i.eads to Canberra after a forced stop
4irt Sydney. Mrs. Rice was ordered in·
'to quarantiM when tMy arrived in
Sydrk?y because she had not had a
·smallpox vaccination. Bue after some
."'top level" telephone calls she was
t tltCl$ed. • A spokesman for the American
Petroleum Institute says California
Is "the test tube for pollution con-trol throughout the world."Kerfyn
JCing, chaipnan o! the institute's
,.committee on air and water con-
6ervation, pledged in a Speech the
bi.l industry 4'will exert every ef-
fort" to prevent water and air Pol·
Jut.ion. He cited the recent Santa
ilarbara 'CllA!lnel oil well bldWout
and Los .Angeles smog as examples
-nf Osllfornia's ?tile inJ>Ollution stu-
dies. •
Robert Yatt.t, of New York,
who returned $25 million in
non-negotiable checks to tlie
Midland Bank Ltd,, says the of·
ficer who accepted the checks.
missing for four dayt, "seemed
pl.erued to 1'ecover them . ., Yates
who fou11d the check1 on St4te
Street said he knew the checks
totalling $25,043,000 wtre non· J.
negotiable, but conceded that lie
had. considered ca.shing them,
"Don't think it didn't cross m11 ,~
mind. For $25 miltion, the rai· ,1
ceny .comes out in everybody,'' rl he said,
• ...,_ Jea~Pierr• P•rls would resem-
'Dle many motorcyclists on' San Di·
.e go streets except for tWo things:
·A diplomatic license plate and a
dark gray helmet that looks Like a
:dress hat. Paris, 39, honorary con·
s1:1l of France, commutes daily to
hts downtown travel service and
consular office on his motorcycle. "'~veryo~e e~se in the corps has a
diplC>mat1c license plate on their
-car," he said. "But I'm the only
member with one on a motor.
Ar.ali Guns
TEL AVIV (AP) -hraell, w.rp1...,
slammed at Arab guertllla 'pockets in
Jon!an south of the S.,.,ol Galilee for the
·~ otralgbt day tod.>y to silence Arab
8110! •ttactln& .,, llr!otll aettlement, the
Israeli army repofted. •
A •Pok-an said the Jits litrtahd acroos the border alter tM' Arab< Oj>tDed
fire on the £ar:mfng settlement of Maoi
Halm, and that the Pia9tl returned ..rely
to tbeir ~
Israel gave no further .detail!, and
there was no immediate report from
In Amman, the Palestine Armed Strug-
gle Command claimed Arab guerrillas
launched Wednesday ,olght their heaviest
attack against Israeli positions :dnce the
1967 Middle East war. Israel denied il
An Arab communique said Al Fatah
guerrillas attacked 22 Israel mililary
positions along a 14-mile front of the
Jordab River's West Bank for five hours
in .an operation code-named ••spears of
Armed with heavy rockets, mortars,
bangalore torpedos, machine g u n a ,
grenades and explosive charges, the
guerrillas cul off roads and occupied
strategic posltions to prevent the arrival
of Israeli reinforcements, the com-
munique said.
"Other' units penetrated enemy
fortifications alter finding their way
through minefields and opening a gap in
barbed wire and electric fences," it ad-
An Israeli army sJ)Okesman in Tel Aviv
denied the s t o r y "from beginning to
"You are welcome lo visit the area and
see for yoW'self." be &aid,
I.II"! T11'pllate
First . Steps to C1·own
Miss Ne\v Mexico, Pat Brummett (lefl) won the talent competition
\vhile Miss Ohio, Kathy Baumann, picked up the swim suit honors at
the preliminary judging for the 1970 Miss America in Ailantic City.
----~----___,...,,..------. I
lnflatlon Threat
Nixon Asks Trim
In House Tax Cut
WASHINGTON (UPl) -The Nixon ad·
minlitraUon uked the Senate today to
trim the middle class' tu cuts ..-anted
by the House'• sweeping Lu reform bill
and to llllke an unezpected St.& billion a
year cut in corporaUon tu rates.
Treuury Secretary David M. Kennedy
and A&sl Secretary &twin S. COhen
argued before the Senate finance com·
Scott, Allott
Take Dirksen's
Senate Duties
liberal and a Rocky Mountain conserva·
tive move into the leadership among
Senate Republicans during the absence
o1 GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen, re-
covering from surgery for Jung cancer.
Sens. Gordon L. Allott of C.Oloratlo and Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania are almost cerlain to assumt Dirksen'a leadership
functions as the Senate moves into the
busy final four months of ill first session.
AUott it chairman of the Republican ~o.llcy (fommlttee, which charts GOP po-
sitions m the Senate. Scott is assistant
leader, Dirksen's deputy. Both were
elected at the start of the. session.
Doctors reported Wednesday the tu~r
removed from Dirksen's right lung in a
delicate. and dangerous ope.ration was
cancerous. Although they described the
73-year·old senator's pro~reBs as "eJ4
cellent" there was no estimate when he
could return to his duties. One source.
said it would be two months before Dirk-
sen could resume work.
mittee that the House had been so ope.n-
hm;ted in cutting taxes for individuals
and ,so harsh in raising business taxes
that its bill threatened to Ignite a new
round of inf11Uon in tbe 1970s.
They sought , broad -and palilically
unpopular -revisions in tbe House's
handiwork. Cbie.Oy they asked the f9,87
billion income tax cuts a~proved by the
House for 1972 be rolled bttck by $1.33
billion to a new total otS'/.34 billion.
The)' said that when the full effects of
the legislation are fell in 10 years, cor·
poration taxes will have increased and
taxes on indlvkluals will have fallen.
Kennedy and Cohen were the first of
triore than 300 witnesses who will testify
before the committee over the next
month -all asking changes in legislation
that; by a House vote of 394 to 30. became
the most sweeping revision of the na·
tion's tu-structure since the inceplion of
the income tax hall a century ago.
After the committee rewrites the bill to
its satisfaction, it will be subject tD
amendment on the Sen<lte floor late this
fall. When the Senate passes it, a final
version, 1:1pproved by a conference com·
mittee of House and Senate members,
will be sent to President Nixon -
perhaps by Christmas, perhaps early in
Blaze Breaks Out
Aboard U.S. Destt·oyer
LONDON (UPI) -Fire broke out
aboard the guided missile des'troyer USS
Dev>ey anchored al Toulon, France, a
U.S. Navy spokesman said today.
Sailors put out the fire by 1.2:30 p.m.
lhe spokesman said. There were six in-
juries, but no one was hurt seriously in
the blaze which began before dawn, be
added. '
Peace Talks Postponed
Because of Ho's Death
PARIS (1JPI) -The United States,
South Vietnam and the Viet Cong agreed
lo a North Vietnamese request . th8t
today's schedulerl meeting of the Vietoam
peace conierence be ~tponed for one
week because of the death of Ho Chi
The two top , Communist negotiators
made immediate prcparatioru to leave
Paris by the first available flight to go to
Hanoi for the funeral ceremonies for tht
deceased leader.
According to procedural rules of the
Kopechne Data
May Be Given
In Pennsylvania
EDGARTOWN, M8's. (UPI) -Much
of the information Dist. Ally. Edmund
Dinls planned to present at the Jnquest
into the ~eath !Jf Mary Jo Kopechne may
be submitted instead to a Pennsylvania
Tl\at possibility arose Wednesday when
Judge Bernard C. Bromrnski of Wilkes.
Barre, ~a., ruled that Dinis' petition for
exhuJ!lation and autopsy of Miss Kopech-
ne failed lo set forth su!licienl facts un· der Pennsylvania law.
Attorney Joseph Flannagan, counsel for
r.1iss Ropechne's parents, said Wednes-
day. "If a hearing is allowed here Jn
Pennsylvania, Mr. Dinis might present
much of the tesUmony he had planned
to present if an inquest were held in
D!Jlnis writt~ pe.Ution to the PennsyJ.
varua court said the fact the inquest was ~g was "sufficient fact alone to JUsUfy the autopsy ...
conference, North VieLnam simply could
have notified the other delegations that it
was calling off the meeting. But instead a
liaison officer of the Hanoi ,delegation
called the other delegalions' liaison of·
Heers and posed the move in the form of
• request.
According to U.S. delegation
spokesma n Stephan Ledogar, the Hanot
officer wu told "we agree" by the
linited States.
After being in contact with the North
Vielnameie delegation, the S a i go n
delegalion announced "the delegation of
the republic of Vietnam has received a
request from the other side to postpone
the 33rd session of the Paris meetings un-
til Thursd<ly, 11th September. We have no
objection that the next session be held
next Thursday."
The delegation of the Viet Cong's
Provisional Revolutionary Governmenl
(PRG} issued a communique saying it,
too, had agreed to the postponement.
The communique also said lhat
Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the PRG
"foreign minister" and leader of the Viet
Cong delegation, would leave Paris today
!or Hanoi where she would attend the
funeral ceremonies for l he deceased
North Vietnamese leader.
The Hanoi delegation had already an·
nounced that chief North Vietna mese
negotiator Xuan Thuy would be leaving
Paris to return to the North Vietnamese
At the meeting that was to be held to-
day, the United States was looking for a
clarification of a North Vietnamese sug-
geslion that a large-scale and rapid
withdraw al of U.S. troops from South
Vietnam might have a favorable effect on
the peace ta.l.b.
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cai11 ..... 1to
Tl!• coo11,,. t~ c:ortllr!l1td t011er
lhnM!houl fMl!Jlti....-n C•lltom.J,, Tl>er•
-tlta -11.--WillCb In th•
""""l•lrM •1111 In '"' ln!,,..lor. 0111tr· WI .. 1t W•• mo&tlr IUl'!fl~ .. ott I" (.lol/~1"9'0 dV•ll>ll ll'le mornlfte hour,.
n. Mflon'I ~· 11"1Pl<lh.1'1P' ..,.,.. t"KOrcltcl W~r rn Soullltt<1
C•Ufof'nl1. The mitm1rr -•M to '°' •I H-les •!Id lot 11 ElitklrJ!l$l!I,
"The'1'1'1411 1nd lmP1rt..1.
It w•• n'IOl!t'f .unnr In !Ile 1..~ ,.,... ~ •rw I~ wllll 111, nloh! •"41
-ir mom!119 law c'°""ln1u. t ill"•
I .... mt1t, If WU lllthflr <:OOIM "" d.,, w1111 • lllell of n •nd "'--
die* '"' ""~"'' .. &$.
Accerdl .. te t11e J,lr ,.otl11!IQl'I C.0.-..
W Dlltr'tet. l"'9 LOI """"* 8•1!11 "" ,..,,. .....
Tfr. Wdott ..._ t.Jouf\I durlM
ttlf ~ "*'" wllll • dt•rlltll i h'M'MI W ~ •nd ........,,, IJI
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rI.S. Summar11
Wlllnlff'Nd lilt-. Ind tl\lil'i(llr--
•llowera covtrltll "" netlofl '"°"" """ Rocti.1 to ti. .-u .... 1~ toltff,
fl•lnl11I '*'•I l\ell...., •I -lo(t-10,,1., N"*' Y'" City me.tllUr.d llM•lr 1¥!'0 lntlltt d\l!'lnt 1 al~-Mur .,,,..led
'*'1111-Nft•!1l, ~.J~ pka811lflt111·lll(.tl
lllCI I '""' Wtrm •'"' hlmtld _,,,,.. er"41h1d ~l'flU 11\Mf qf the CN!lttY •1~11
......... OI' ..... •I• Wit ,._In, Into fill "<1(111( Hotll'lw11!, O"'""lllM IVN•
''"'" ,,... 1J "' T...,,,,,.,, c.nr .. tt 2• 11 But ... fN<!I,
Tiit ne!lo!l'I hlflll Wld"'ldfr WIS HJ
•' P•!1111 lf>rl119s. Ctllf '°'Jlhtrr~ C1!1fornl1 tlHtl•ltlfd "'"""
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l ,17 ·"
Stop by and see us to open your
account. If you have any questions
please call 540-4066. We are open
9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru
Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m •
• • • • • • • • • •
• av1ngs
:t ~
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GLEAM AND SHEEN -The shoe fMhion picture for fall Is a gleaming one. Left' to right, David Evins combines,tortoi.je, patent with a parade of brus,
Julianelli likes the disciplined look of black' patent with gold, and Delman
does a prize Jate.day ruby sUpper,
Clubwomen Take Tea :and See
' '
Prominent community
Jeaders and proapectl ve
mtmbers will ~ on band
when the Thuraday Morning
Club ol NNpOrl Beach opeos
the club year with a
Fri<odsbip Tea In the Balboa
Bay Club at 1 p.m. '11lunday,
Sept II.
Guests of honor ·include th9
Mmes. Robert Marshall,
mayor of Newport Beach;
Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., wife of
UCI's chancellor; M a r I i n
Sheeley, N~wpori 8 ea c b
librarian; J, O'Hara Smith.
president of Harlxr Key of the
· Child Guidance Ce .n t er•
Ortnge County, and W. E.
Langstoo, presidept of Hoag
Memorial Hospital,
Presbyterian Aullliary.
Also Invited aft 'the Mmes.
Walter White, president of the
Children's 1beater Guild of
Newport Beach; R I ch a rd
Keith, president of La s
Marineras Auxiliary, Famlly
Service of Orange County, and
Colin Reynolds. president of
Newport Beach's Assistance
Club members arranging the
tea are the Mmes. Jvan W.
Sturgis, special e v e n t s
chairman; James O. Stamper,
mannequins; lloward A.
Mitchell, reservations; J1ct K.
Wager, decorations, and Mike.
Tillman. hospitality.
. '
SEARCHING THE.: HORIZONS -Tllat Is w)!ot members "' t11e·"nmnda7·
Morning Olub of Newport Beach are doing these day1 as tliey·open their year
with a FriendshiP' Tea Sept. 11 in Ille Balboa ill!Y Club. Helpmg lo rilakO' this a
•uccessful term are (left to right) the Mmes, Wllltson K: Vance, flr.t vice
president, Lleyd A. Wilsoo, president, ana Mlke numan,.hofpifa1.117•chillnnan.
Fall fashions will be model·
ed by club members with Mrs. Fl~ S m a I e s com· Clarion; Carl R. Andenen, .
menla•"""' on the oufits ~1..errice; ~P. -~ '. ·-··"'-' by Ann Folger of u .......... coo-"·"'~· wa-> ... ..._.......... .......~ ·~-· ii-,
Fasllloo Island. 1 of st ~-; ~ Hari>OI",
A l'e(..~ving ine pa ~a:~ '
. presldellll , '!ill greet . !he J .. lio/.M' ~-"••~~~ l gue3js H<acing !he ..,.,,.n· 'T , w•.., ·.~•-.... J will~ Mn. Robert W. Ro~r. P,lbllc!IY; ;nlfmim.>bo!ipitallty;
founder, fint president ·and Sm·lt~,, ~11Uneni'artan.;"
l\onorary llie member, folloW· , l'Ari.0 'C.i hctni and. Pi.trick
ed by the Mmes. John E. Bartley rue"aUom· Perry
Wllllams, Jack W. Man;hall, Noll ',_1 ~.... J'·•· H. · Robert ·w."Ooedhart. James A. ar, ~et" ..... ,.,, ui••
i,e< and Robert D. Smlth, Connelly, tlleat<r,,llld Roper, I
Mri. WlllilOll K. Vuice, llrst, visitatloo.
vice president, hu di!clooed ~ dlairln<ll .n, 1he<\
lulu,. eiltertainmenl on the """" .D J BenU.v' art· aecond Tbursday ol each ,,.,,._. .. , '• ,..L ~'' t
momh will be G<orie Stuart Grq<>ry·B .. ~lln(;
who· mates historical dolll; stanley A Puraell, bridge;
Sujata and Asoka, Indian Mar a: u er It e S e'}'mour,
dancers: the Miichell Singing gJobetroUen, and James M. ·
Boys Choir; Arlene Harris, St<rllng and W 1111 am
humorist, a n d Jean-Piertt McFarland. golf.
Hallet, author, explorer and Others are· the Mme 1.
naturalist. Arthur M. Alhley, gourmet;
Vice prutdents ,.rv1ng wllh Ronald D. G._, Juniors;
Mrs. Uoyd A. Wiboo. prui· Robert L 1111 e , kott&-will;
dent, ... the Mmes, v.-Howard w. Jluuell, language:
_...,.; DoMld E. Garr, Stamper • ..._.,; Hany
meml>enblp; Sturgis, sf>edal &blo-. lilltllealns, a • t
eventl, and Bobert S. WO.O.. Jack Yed<el;tennlo.
y .. r boot. Since Jl!O the club bu made
Secretaries are the Mmes. contriblltlom lo aru .,.......
' L D-'!LY li'ILDT Jf
l'A~L COLORS -Color Is e .. rywbere during the
fall• season. even in a man's·sboe 'wardrobe . Qlo'hk-
wise, hia·fal'orites likely wilJ, be Renegades' lavend·
er suede tusel ilip-on; Bostonian's sky blue suede
slip.on with ID!ltchlng braid f,rlm; Freeman's sheer-
comfort casual hr chamois colored glove ·soft -calf;
Stetsoo's watercolor sllJ><Jh wltj> carved openings, and French, Shriner and ' Urner's 'iUDs'"et 'o?ilnge
Acceptance of Freedom
S.tretched · by Designers
NEW .YORK (AP) -Jn the customers have given , up British designer ?ttary Quant
name ct fuhlon, ~eedom or ...!1arinl bras. "It looks gOOd -cona\dered. the moth.tr of
jolt plain fun. aome American Ind Jt'1 a great natural feel· the miniskirt._ said, "QuUe a
lttll are thrOwing aw1y their lng," she utd. few girls don't wear them,
brulteres, much to t h e Heidi Obiina, a Seattle whereas before, no one would
dilmaJ of llngerie .manufac-ule.agirl, said, "l slopped think ~f g~g wi\;hOOt one."
turen: and the dellght-of lirl weaQng bras because. they Many women ha.ve traded Jnitchen, · · ' · were ao uncOm!ortable. 1 was thelr bras for body· stockinp,
TM unconfined look for the Oattest person and 1lnct t lbaped. slips or e><en bosom · wooMn, II .. ln,. again, decreed stopped w~ a bra I've makeup.
bJ . luhlbn deaipen w)lo beeo growlna. My boylrtendtfl) , "We emphasize'· the ·flat ~l!JlescloHtolhebocly, amazed." chested look." 1aid Nelman-
by' feminine mllltanll who eee Gloria J.tetcher, auiJtant . MtllCUI buyer Jan Br,yan In
lhu;pl,,!>11iJ9ooni11 a sym. llBhion edilor of the Dallas, "but with a bra-sllp or FORUM SPEAKER
bol ol 1111bllerv1ence and by Philadelphia Evening BulleUn. body slOcld"i." •
Wlllf•m Chamblfu me.m~ ol .~ '•no"'' ,aald ''J.'m .i.otuteJy opposed "We're not .1elllng less bra.s,
1eneratlon Who pr e a c h to bras.. I think they're the but we're atJuna aofter ~"
freedom, honesty and "do most uncomfortable and un-la.ld"a ·~mari for Henri
your own Jh!ng!' ' 'naJural'~· to wear. I don't Beiide!Jr, a·.s ... York depart-F1"rst Talk An ,Aaoclited Pre11 survey M¥ one. ment store known for ill avant tboin, howeVtr, the, ll<lid is Adttn Daoa Wynter &aid garde clothes., '
far from unanimous. It is the bralefs trend w a 1 "We're atlling more makeup 1~r~y confined to y.ouna. · ::mar:vetoua.." she a.d de d, for U)e boe9m Ulan any store s h d I d' a-.~1"1n.b11dtiet.Fow Bruarea-•.. They outside New York City;• 'C e U e '
ti.nm report w Ide 1 p Te a d cramp the muscies and make boasted a· spokesman tor /
bra)essnesa. a l th o u 1 h a • wom~n loot stuffed." . Carson, Pirie Scot& 6 Co. to f
Pomona wtkffn& engineer was ClllfoMtia designer Rudl Chicago. ""Adm. (USN ret.) WWiam C,;
fired because 1be uratd • Gernrelch, the man who In-A numbet: ot women, ot ,Ownbli.sa will speak on tM
"No-Bra Friday" at !he plalll troduced the 1qpiess balhlng course still leek the oecurtfy Global Strat<gy of CommWJllC wbfre ahe worked. suit five yeara qo, aaid of the and slipport of bru. Thejr Qxiquest next Wednesday fbr
1n1 San f'r:antjlco, Donald trend, "lt'a an aWtude. YO\lflg reasons are onu of prac· he firllt in the ·
M8gnin 1Qf Joeeph Mqnln'a, people Want hondty. They Ucality not morality ,, ' t . program DtWi
aaid 1 the braless trend hu don't have bang-ups with "Moe'.t flgurea ~ help" J HarlJbr Fonun serles.
.. '"en~betevuydeflnlte-carioalures of rea11ty." said the tash1on designer M cliambll.u, a graduate or
Jy In certa1n .se_.ts ol the The suuesu.n ol a ban-the-Rlch"s department 11ore In Columbl& Unl....tty aod Jh
populadon." bra trend· evoked a ho-hum Atlanta. • '
Asked boW-. hi1 ltore was reaction_ overteu. "They're not changing tbe School,· served as navigator
adaptiq. to tbt tread. be uid, Lingerie st.area in Ppril said way they make women _ for Task Force 18 during ~
"We're cattrtni. to~tt to the they wert! aelllng just as many many are still btg busted aiid invuk:lo of GuadalcanaL Jte
degree tllat we've almost bru u ever . this summer, they sUll need bras," said a 1ened in Europe, North
abandoned our traditional tn;a although they were sheerer. In. spoke11man for Davlaoo'1, Africa1 the Middle and riir
business -oe·~ I say ll • London, a gpokemnan for another Atlanta store. Ealt and W·""'·m~ belcno abandoned us. Marki and Spi!!nce,r, I depart· "I think few women can . . _,,_16..,.. ·
The m1n11er of. a Seattle men\ Jtqre, said lher .. was bouoCe ' alOng wllbOUt Cover'' reUi:mg m· 1969.. ¥
It.ore. Cfiterin& to youDJ people Jess .,bra-consciousness," but 1ald Pe• Swecker, fashl~n ·'I'tle.author of aeveral boob ~ II lo IO pereenl ol her oo decline In sai6, editor of the Cll!t~K? Da!Ji apd .~u-short storh
.. News. ' 1 aixl' arUclesp he ts. a membir,
'"'The bosom la· kind of like a · o£ the New York Bar. ..
baby. Who wanl&•to earry ·~ . ·
all the time?" isked Sally ' ·A ~ee hour at 101 a.m. In
ffa/eigh, women'• editor '!II~· I!'" Ebell Olub bouse, Balboo.
StitUe Poe:t.lntelllgenter. · " wiU be followed by musical
! 4 ,.1. • ·seledtiofis .lijr-:tlle, Old Jamil .
I tyl~e· Rebekeh. ,. -· .......
Every nrst and third TUes·
clay of the IDOlll1' ~ ol
Mesa Rebekah Lodge
.. auemble In Odd F.eUows .Hall,
1 Cotta· Mese,-at) p.m\
~@'en anc!..~·•I IJOCll. -~.;.M -'Wlsliini· ~
rmrvatlons or adiliUonat i..
fdnnatloo 'may · c:lil\ t r6.
William J~s, Forum """'
Gr.eat Books Course
I l
Avai-/able in October \
Jl's never too lale to discUsstons guided by ~
dicllver Lb• .Ji!clnaUon ol leaclert wbo will keep Ille coli-
""'11 and Ideas WTtllen cen-voraaUODI pertinent and w1fo
tut! ..... Jiu! -In im-will -ge .. ery giembir pact. ' ol lhe gniup lo tab paitln t1lt
HJcbard G, M c C a r t y , tiOOI, Amoog r<dplenta lul
recording; John A. Osborne, year wen the Mardan...ScbooJ,
corresponding; John D. Florence Crillenlon Home.
CarlOll and Woodburn Galley, <Irani• County Epilepsy -
finlncilL ty, Servlm for the BUDd. lnc.,
College Calls Scholarship Winners ' ..
Worko by Racine., Plato, lnfoonal tnfel<banie of COlll-
SbakaspOare aod olhe• world ment and aha\ysi.. · .;,
,_ ... theii.wlll be ambng ,,,.,.. wbhlntl fUrtber .,.
th6ee ·1lntroduced,! tb area ronn1Uan may call g
relidtnl& who attend ·L Great WtWam Polloelt, -
Boob Htadlnc-ancM>tscusslon Newport Beadl, oe Mn. ~ ~gioolng on Thursday, Nolan, 146-7254 in Colla I
s,.,._ b1 the Friencts or S .
the u~,.ry. u.. sroqp wm Fur Fur u1ts
Al!O bolding offices are the Newport Beach L t b r a r y ,
1tfmes. Db:on J. Webb, Unlcamp, Cerebral Pa I 1 y
trea-r; H. E. Walker, Assocl-ol Orull'e C..nlJ
chiplaln; Harfey McClure, and Falrvlew Stata lloopltal.
... \ __
Di>eussi.ng college plans with Sor0pUmlst Club of
Newport Harbor Arm ofllCen' Mra. GleM Allell
(cen!er), and Mrs. C. Allan WlllWnl Jrlaht), ta
Beverly Jane Wes~ Cort& Meoa.mcir ScliOa( gradu-1
ate who is one of four Sorppljlnllt.ocllolanlllp• will-,
nen .. Reciplenla d. the three other annual 1ranta are ·
Peg11 Adflllll,-C.-de! Mar Hllb SchoOI, Trl<leT
Jtaban <il N~ Ha"""1~o S"obool and Nancy Wenw ol Elllmlcla l.!!&li •• · . , . . I .
' . '
meet oo the ·om _, of , 1.
every month · in Marini? Fur pontsulla are ffr .,
!Jbral},; Nfwpo1 t Beach.. Cloy. 'Ibey ..... -call " Reatstl'alloo 11 open lo mink and .. clmrli" cut II
every-for !be 1 lo t p.m. many tl)oleo. JJ1111"""1a al*I
galherlnp Wluch wlll 1 .. 1ure CCl1lll In 111r ,..-, l
' .
. I
. . .
School Sale Covered
L>olrlDI ahead to dlllly fall
llDI -day1 ls the Mal! of
tbe Golden g,y thrift shop, =
:Day Starts
l • A poola!de lnnch will """°
beghminf dll,Y actlrilles
XI XI Pl dlapl«, Beta
llm• Pl!). •
Main St., Htmtlngtoa ~
Sweater> llDI JacUll will W-
lncluded amoog many othtt
it~ when the shop opens for
ib amiuol bacl<-l<>lchool aala
bqinolni_ today • llDI -~ ' ,,
lllluing until Saturdly, Sepl I.
In ldd!Hm-to u UIOl'tment
ofsdloolmercbandile other
ltam will be ollmd for ball·
.price dlD'inl 'the b o u r 1
between ID a.m. aJ>4 S p.m.
Volwiteer menibers o I
Exchantff Wedcllnt Plod901.
Costa M"esans Marry
In St. John's Church
. Dqify Pilot Worksry~p
' •
Press Ch.airmen Invited
Vaca ti on Ends "'
Reswnlna meetkl&s &l\tr a
tWOo.montb vacatlon Will be
nl embus or Costa Mesa
fi.1emarial 1-lospltal Auxiliary.
Mrs. Aleiander 1.facOllliv·
ray will gavel the mfftina at
10 a.m. ?ifoilday, Sepl 15, in
Pre-rqialratlaa f~ I h e Costa Mesa. couples a1ao are Invited. Prt:· the conference room when
Publlc!IJ WorilbQp la be
pn!sented by ihe DAILY
PILOT u a part of. the OraJlie
Cout Evenln( College Lecture
Series ls Wider way now.
Open free to the ])Ublie, the reptranta should u.e the progres.s rePot:ts will be heard
seminar will be. 1ilant.ed for co1.1pon below to mall Jn their and plans for the first blrth·
prw cha.irmm. ol clubs, __ ,.._t_r<q~u_e_11a_. ______ da=y~l•~•~w~lll~be-disc_.,._ed_. _
lfOUPI, orpnilaUons a D d
chllrd>el, but not limlled to
The two4>our session will
taka place aWllag at 7: 30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17,
in tbe Fonun at E.uncia High
School, J.123 Placentia Ave.,
--Club . frOUps aro ul:ed to
tonflDe rtqueala for seats to
two per club beeauoe ol
.limited 1 e a tin g • Individual
•1 I ADDRESS (SlrMI) ....• _. ........................ I
I CITY .... ·····················ZIP •........•• II
ORGANIZATION (If Any) ..................... .. I · I
I OfFICE HELD ........ · ....•. PHONE •••••••••• I ~
Mitt tll ~-lie s-ic. Dflltrfmtnt, °""" CMtf DAILY PILOT. -I . -.. w. ••r stntt. c .. ,. M-c.. nm. -·-----·----·
Sweet Tooth Fi llecl ~
~ \
l Women Make Promise : .
lf you have a sweet tooth or the Mission Viejo Swim and V
•• •• .e a
l!Oltlng tbe aclivillts &itur·
day, Sept. 6. will be Mn.
Robert Kremer who will open
her Fountain Valley home for
the evenl. Aasl!tini w i t b
i llruncb preparatJoos wtll be
Mn. Norman Nleberltln and im. Robert Shay.
Golden Key, support poop for
the Child Guidance Center of
Orange County, slaff the shop
each Monday, Wednesday and
Friday dw1ng tbe year. St. John the Baptist Church,
Costa Meta was the scene of
the afternoori rites linking in
marriage Elaine Caroline Ben-
nett and Micflae.l Madrid.
just enjoy eating desserts then Racquet Club. ' Bennett, junior bridesmaid Presiding will be the newly t _ · the MiS!loa Viejo Women's and"the bride's sjster, all of in.stalled president, Mrs. John ~· C:otta Mesa. Club lnvites you to its booth at Kezele. f
• < • •
1be year book. contairUng
the president's theme and an
outline o( the year'• activities, Volunteers
will be pra<nled to members The Olflce of Ecooomic: Op-
by Mn. Eldon Dvorak, presi·-por1unity ,.porta there are
dent. . now 4,403 VISTA volunteers.
Mrs. N or m a n McGinnis, 5. '-" 1• ••• h l«Vice chairman. will report mce ... ......-.,1.1on, v,11m ave
on the July donation to the participated in thil "'domestic
Fountain Valley Boyl' CluP, peace corps.'' ·
The ReV. Mark Steh l y
performed the double ring
nuptials for the daughter of
the A. B. Benoells and lhe son
o( the "'fax ?i.tadrid.s, all of
Costa Mesa.
Escorted to tbe alh1r by her
father, the bride selected a
Victorian gown of white peau
de taffeta detailed in eyelet
and ribbon, and her full length
veiling. outlined In eyelet and
Jace, was caugh t to a lace bon-
The ntw Mrs. Madrid car-
ried an old-fashioned bouquet
of white and pink roses,
carnations and stephanoti!.
Max t.fadrid of SeatUe was lhe annual ~fission Viejo Days Working on the program are .;.
his brother's best man while celebration. ' the Mmes. Henry Ballard, r-I
usher duties 'Were auumed The women wtll be selling Robert Reinen and Thomas 1
by James and WUliam Urone ple11, ca.tu, cookies, brownies R. Murphy, pro i ram ._, and cupcakes SepL 6 and 7. chairman.
of Irvine, Mrs. Donald Martine• Is W ·n od I ts The Costa Mesa home o! omen w1 • m e garmen 1 Col aod Mrs. R.R. BaJ·ek was chairman and assisting her in they designed for lhemselve!I '
the tempting booth are Mrs. or their children. Prizes will the recepUon sett-Ing where h be d · h Miss Gloria Peters of Costa Jim Shee an and Mrs. Terry awar ed in l re e ~
"'tesa circulated the bridal McGhee. cattgor~s: adult, teens and g,., Pattenu on Parajie will be children. Refreshments will ht l.. book among the 80 guests. th Miss Michele H11-jek served al e theme of lhe Tuesday, served and the public is ~
the punch bowl. 1-;;;S.;;;p;;;l.;;;9;;;. ;;;m;;;e<;;;ti;;;.n;;;g;;;a;;;t ;;;' ;;;p.;;;m;;;. ;;;in;;;;;w;;;·e;;;lcom;;;;;;;;'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;--.!
The l:lride is an alumna ofll' -1
Costa Mesa High SC.boo!, t<
Orange Coast College and the ~.f:
Los Angeles. College of •
Mtdieal and Dental ti--4· ! ~'How can I lOok a size smaller and t ·
Gowned in amethyst. and
1 a v e n d e r chlffon A-line
g o w n s a n d holding bou-
quets of pink, lavender and
white flowets were t.tiss Carol·
McGavack, maid of honor,
~Miss Joyce ·Zanotti,
bridumaid and Mlss Elinor
' ••• still feel porloc:"" camfarteble7" Assistants. "("~f.tmt • • • ~·
The bridegroom is a • "1 , "' ,.
__ 5.COfofVENIENT SHOPS .~""I .Mii I . COAST HWY. e 11t1 11 ... IN~ AVL
C.... .. M.w, ~ W.kllff Plea .,. V14 LIDO •• N..,..,.. hid\, 1&4$1
....... ._ ... ,,,,..._ •ROIJNSON'I •
e14 PAl#toff ISL.f.NO l'Wtl9n """" .....,.,. htNL ....... ........ ltldt.
graduate of CMHS, UCI and is \-• f ··,..
dolng graduate study a t : · 1; 1
Calilomla state College at :. In Lilyette's exciting new 11Cornfort 'i
Long Beach. , A.....oer: :. Wire" bro with positive control ancl r,i Following · a honeymoon .on f~
Shelter Island the newlyweds -1uprem1 coriifort. · '
will reside ln ~ta Mesa.
Council Six Sponsors
Training Conference
\Vomen seeking knowledgt Grove.
to better serve within their Representatives from all
own community clubs and arta organiutlons will be
organii.allons are lnvited lo at· ""·clcomed, according to Mrs.
tend an all-day officer and Calvin Olcott, co u n c i 1
chairman training program of· chairman. Mrs. Don Cor-
fcred by Council Si.I, Golden redino, 774-5814, will take
Desert Region, International reservation.s and offer Jn. formation. Toastmistress Clubs.
The fall conference will ta1te
place between 9:30 a.m. and
2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13,
in the Greenbrier Inn, qarden
\ll1it Our s .... _,
........... ._ ....
CCIStA MW 140.J161
t.trs. Haward Jones, vi~
chairman and p r o g r a m
coordinator, amt Mrs. Ernest
Johnson, training chairman,
plan to separate various
groups according lo areas of
int erest.
~1aurice Graham, member
and past president of the
Toastmasters' Club of
t'ullcron, will offer a humor
y,·orkshop. lie is a recenl win·
ner In the Founders' District
humorous speech eootest.
Mrs. Pat Green, execnUve
director of ITC, will present
.an orientation on edueatiooal
materials with JU)des to its
a.vaUability and use. ''8f Lilyette
M '
84 STORES •. -. ALL 72°
. ITC clubs throughout the
world welcome to membership
all women without regard lo
origin, re1iplp « cltlz:enahip.
They encour1~ HU-develop-
ment by aulded education In
commun!catlon. and
!; n.. .. •"w • ..,k •• ur.,.... .. "" "C.•fett w1 ..... ..._ I' 1,
, . , ~ ..,...rt .. wltti '""'°'' c•.t.tt. Ul,.ne._ '"'*" ;-Pt fttt' ..........,,_ Mt ...tf CrHtft Mfttfflll ,.... ..... ~ .... f j
..;eratiM, ...... M whit th wtMt ....... ,,_... flf I~
-"-., r.N""'-'' •--' """· pol• •r nib. 'TIM euln!Nt ~ f {
•1111 '*""'· • .. ~ c .... i..lrlMI tM clrc.11111feNM• 9f ... i.t. and open nightl~ tlll 9:30
South Coast ?tua ... N•w hll I. C, _. D ••· flt11NS CH captllre tM .,...., lfl• l
, ........... he.tfhltr ........... 1,11tlnl, .. ,..... ..... it 1
i.e. .... ,c....,,. tcllfletMtl -..,1.. _,.1 .... wltti ..... ~
.t•tlc a4 M111lod"•I• 1tlkltetl Cll,.L A~ le ..... I ,
Mir.. NuM, rh1k, 11 ... Y"'-"•
Chi d Topic_
Oran Coast Chapter of
: Steam Carpet Cleaning
B'nal B' th Women wiTI meet
tonight · Mercury Savin~
and Loan, 'lfu.nt.lD£ton Btach,
at 8 for a talk~ the Battered
Cblld Syndrome:.--.....
C cup, 6.50. D ond DD cup, 7.50
fashions for . . • .
I ·1
• -
,....,..,....n, ..... . ..._ ...........
hft .. ._ ,..,.,. ,.. -.,
145 E. 17th ST, COSTA MESA I 645-1313
F1shlon Island. Newport B11ch
Stonewood Ctntar • Oownay
,.,-...... 6
. fj·:.·>··
• 7 !,i, Beautifully sty~u,.
You'des:poct a4.99price lagou ~
jumperalaoe-imtead,yougeta Ill.....
blooae, too. Tho low-tonoed jumper. -
pone!-pleat !root and lcick·pleat ""'*-
the bow-tied and back·buttOned '
acetate crepe blouse, a soft tone to
complement the jumper' 1 rich colm:s..
• Open
11 to 5
COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 16th
GARDEN GROVE -12371 Gorden Gra.1 Blvd,
t •
" I t ;.
i I t·
' ' i
l .
l ..
Saddleha~k ·
• • . ' ' voi:. 62, NO. 212, l SECTIONS, 36 PAGES , ·CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, ~aa 4. 1969. TEN CENTS
Sleepy Hollow Storm Di-aitt Assessment OK'd
. ' -... . . . .~ '
By J~CK CHAPPELL Of .. Dtlftt. ,. ,,.,.
A modified assessment spread for I.he
Sleepy Hollow-Part Avenue storm drain
i)'!ltem WU apprOVed Wednesday night
by a 3 to 2 vote of the Laguna Beacb City
Cotmcllmen ovemded citizen protests
nf the asseument spread arid adopted lbe
cmtroversial f*,000 levy on 796 parcels
of llfKI. Councilmen Roy Holm and
Charlton Boyd voted .acainSt l lt •
measure. .
1"e action came after nearly four
hours cf dhcussion on the assessment
spread. For three bouts, councilmen
heard protests and explanaUoas of the
spread and for another OOUr debated
among themselves. '
Laguna AUorney JIJlle.' Leddy
representing aboot tK> homeowners in the
district said that legal action against the
assessment spread was likely,
Action• Canceled
Mourning Starts
For Ho Chi Minh
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam began
a week of mourning today for Ho Chi
Minh and planned a state funeral for the
father of Vietnamese independence.
Tbe..71-year..old president of North Viet·
N~on Planning
Latin America
Policy Sha~eup
The Nixon Administration Is going tG
1hab up United States policy toward
Latin America.
Western White House sources indicated
Wednesday the rea90ll is that the Allianct
for Progress, formed during the Kennedy
Administration isn't progrwing.
The shape of the new policy will be
determined by the National Security
Council after it studies a report sub-
mitted to the President by New Yori •
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, recently return-
ed from a rugged trip to 20 Latin
American nations.
. Rockefeller, his aides and his wile,
Happy, flew to San Clemente from Ne~
York Wednesday. The governor turned m
his final report lo NlJ:on, who com·
pllmented him on the "dedica~.
courageous aod efficient wa y" he carried
out his mis!ion last month.
Presidential Press Secretary Ron
Ziegler told newsmen after the meeUng
Jr Nixon's office that Rockefeller's report
will not be made public. He said it would
be turned over to the SaUonal Security
Council for policy recommendations.
Nlxon, however, made it clear that
substantive changes in U.S. relations with
Jts Southern Hemisphere neighbors are in
the offing.
"As you know.'' he told Rockefeller, "it
was my conviction from the earliest mo-
ment of my administration that our
policies toward LaUn America .•• needed .
a fresh and comprehensive rHJ:·
nam died Wednesday after "a grave and
sudden heart attack," Radio Hanoi
The announcement said Ho died at 9:47
a.m. Hanoi time, which was 1:47 p.m.
Tu~ay PDT. But word ot his death was
withheld for nearly 21 hours, until about
3:40 p.m. PJJl' Wednesday .. In the interim
Hanoi Radio -prepared the Ncrth Viet·
nameae PIO~ !or word of tile deatll 'li1h
periOd!C ttpoita. ihat bk condfilon wu
ge~ worse.
''Everyone tried &heir utmost and gave
of their best to save hhn 11 any price,''
Hanoi Radio Wd, ••but because of hi! a<f.
vanceJ age and serious fllness of the sud·
den severe heart attack. President Ho
has left us forever."
The broadcast said .. ,tbe most solemn
ceremonial state funeral of our nation"
wonl:i be organized but it did not say
when the rites wtiuld be held.
The North Vietnameae delegation in
Paris asl<Ed for a pOstl"""meat or
today's weekly session cf tlie peace talks
but said it would be ready to resume lhe taf .s next Thursday.
In San Clemente, a spokesman lltd
P:'esident Nixon would make'no comment
on Ho's: death. U.S. military and
diplomatic authorities in SaJgon also did
not cominent.
' Aller euJoaiiin& Bo, the <Hanoi broad-
cast appealed to "the entire party, the
entire army and the entire people'" to
"contri~te both their minds a.nd their
force to the great task of defeating the
U.S. aggressors'' and "liberaUng South
Red-haired singer Marni Ni1.on, who
will star in ''Tbe Sound of Music"
discovered a 9QUr note when she returned
to her 1969 statlon Wagon parked on a
Laguna Beach res:ldeoUal street Wed·
A winchring had .been smashed in an
apparent bUrglary atumpl but poll«
said nothln& wu taken. The c81 wa.s
parked near 2!o7 SOiano Way.
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Supervisor
OJ tllt Dllllr Pl• Slaff
A sec:rrey-shrouded campaign ror the
recall or Fifth District Supervisor Alton
E. Allen moved mysteriously onward ti)>
day apparently under the now remote
l'Ontrol of a sculptor.designer wbo has
dircorulect<d his tel<pllone and retired to
"the nether regions of his San Clemente
Ant.hooy Tarantino'• attacks on AUcn
-Y appeond to be coollned ta the col·
umn1 ot a rour1>8ge tabloid which carries
his name and borne address -451 Caile
Miguel. QiplQ of the so-called Soutll Coast
llomeowners Beacon . have b e-• n
circulated throughout the ·Sou t be r n
Orange eoa.t and in Huntington Beach.
The tabloid production 1ppeared to be
heavily Onanctd and cattlully-plaMEd.
Tarantino bu not bem a'failable for
telephone calls rK personal interV~ws
since Tuuday when the announcement of
the Allen tcciUC ampiign apPeared
mysteriouslf ln newspape.r offices and
jnSI rooms.
Tarantino was all guai:ded in bis oom·
ment.s to • DAILY PIL01' reporter as the
release was in ide.ntilytng It.a: office.
The sculptor wu sarprbEd Tuesday
that the release bad In fact been
delivered to the preu, But he decllnec1 to
comment on wlllt aj)s)eared to be a
breatck>wn in communication between
recall iriQclpala and refused to identify
the -providing wb and imow·OOW for what be admitted w•s a costly cam-
Most ()( the reaction thus far In the
hwd>busb beating or the South County
bulb has been from thole whose names
have been put forward by Tars.ntino u
posalblt IUOC4!llOl'I to Supervlaor Alltn
aod who apparently resent I u c h
Laguna Beach attorney W I I I I • m
Wilcoftn denies any COMecllon witll the
recall comP.AillU.nd points out lhal hil
ISft llECAtL, Pa&• I)
. '
that-tlie ~,'•t lbe· Top of the
Wod.: on ~ !or the 11lljoc portion ot lbe wort. wlieft .the benefits fer work
accrlie lo prqpa'ties adiaceil• to the
(lower) natUrai waterways.
-The clly •• ...-,bjl , !al'Ol'<d
buslnels eo~s in ~'sp«ad ol
-ts, . • -T!)<~l>oa ~·m&llY pro-pe;;;.,;, ,.,, a IQ111l'< lqot bui>-wbm large
porlioQI or the prowties on hlllslde lots
are withoot,~cl"I/ ulilijy !or thelr owaers
diacrlminlllng agsinat owner1 ba¥11\lJ'lou
of great depth.
That aboot SllJlll up !he.Jill.or owners
complaints with o.cepUan ol Boe
citizens who complaliied aboul'a a . .,....
c:tnt cUscotml given to lorp mu) of
undevelopell !and.
The diacoonl to the .lllge prOj>erly
owne.ra was the baai.11 fOl'objfJctiQn l)y the
two diisaiting councllmtl). · -:
Laurence ThompSon, the a~ment
engineer, explaintd thal<llle·undevelqped
properties were &,iven discount, relief
beca1111< they conllln nalurll vqetatton
which •boorb& and 1l0W1 nmoll, that any
'development would by nature of ttMt ter~
rain be tow d!!balty and that abooUll ,...
cent of the property w~ be paveil 10(
streets H development occurred·
Thompson lllo iald that il the higher
undeveloped areas wtre imprond, the
developer would be cbar&Ed -lht ift. (See~. ra,.11
Urges L9cal
Action Also
Of ""' OlllY PIW St.if
Pre.!l.dent Nixon today ordered . a 71
pera;nt cutback in all new federal ~
atruction oOntracts.
The dlrtetlve ts effective immediately.
'1'he Presl~t., in a statement. from the
Western White Boose in San Clemente.
sold the o<der will be in 1Uecl unlll
present st.rains on the aH)l(relcUon in-
t dumy· cease.
.,,, • lt wu viewed as an anti-inf!.UPDiUl
' . l ' ' .. ' j ' ~.
On, Park Av.ftue, a Traffic ·'Cohtrol l1Utfon1 That Wori:I Llk• 11 Charm -for Ped•strlans I I .,. , .,,
' ' '
Go .Back
• : ' .
to School
TraffiC Light S~r-ls ·"l;a:guna High Slightly
-L1gun.. Schools Got Juin1(.i. Mir .i CMlty' • ' '!
-. ---... s~ . • ·"'
'.l! •'
An estimated 2,900 youngsters donned
their baek·to-school clothes today in the
Laguna Beach Ullilitd School District
and returned _to the task of education. ·
At if in salute to the early "Jpenlng,
lraWc was blocked On Part Avenue at
7:50 a.m. as h1gb school students kept
J)unchlng the button on the new traffic
light !hat protects the bisected campua.
The llght. lurm rtd lllmoat· lmmedlalely
to allow students to cross Park Avenue.
School Super!nl>ndent William 'Ullom
sald he asked Joseph" Sweeney, pUblle
w~ru di..-, to cbecl: the light and oee.
U It ts luncUoaing properly for 'both lbe
pede1tri11111 and motorllls.
Or. Ullom ~d ~ were no particular
problems not alw1y1 associated with the
llrst day of ICbool. He. lauded the qll8iuy
or the new leachm in lhe 'dlstrlcl, al>out
23 of tllem, or a tiiul of '1'5.
Y OIJDgsU!n in lbejr , .,.., ICbool lln<ry
Included a few malh ,.Jlli lorl!Jqden
sboulder length hair, a seemlna holdover
from lbe casual beach daya of summer ·
Dr. Ullom said that U10ie stucleDi., noi
appropriately drtsetd or &room.ed this
morning were 11e11t home 'to ~ so.
fle had no fJgure on how. many this mlabt
There was the usual opening , day c!Am<>r wilb a few st\jdents bovine dlf.
llculty opening locllen or llndlng _,,.
dolplt. lbe lttallman ·ortenlatloo 1t llJe
high IChool Wedl1eojloy.
Fjl MOtTO Eioo\entary School had !ta
C<J<Unuing problem, no proper trafll<
control to ~ ii Iller ·!or, busel• lo
.Oler lhe strtam of \ri1(lc cm .bus>' ,Coott ,
}\tghlf&y.> 1• " I , I •
.The esllnialed .. n>~ol -1.•· student.. "" · about · lbe -e ., 1he , scl¥>OI :veor <ndi111 fl&un. Olllclall will not know qact filura unW1Jaler hi lbe
month. • '
Moat Onnre C.Uncy achoqil do no\
lllart unW nut week. ~na bec-·an
eorl7 ~to permll )'Ol!lllllan to.bl .. 4-
~ bolidll)'l MV<W'alll'.Day,Albhlsaton • t>Jy, and L!ncoln'1,Bltlbcl&7 -~
and. at 'the, 11mo Um<, ff<p the ldlGol
d)llri:t Imm losing slat• (IJnils. '
mOIV't. ~ • ~ ~
«>-lilllta said' ·Ute ·onier-4' 1.1 atmeCr at fror1!11 llJe Industry lor·bomo ~ w-"'51 ~ J<Wed in nCenl moalh& "'Ille entfril lOOustry," be sold, ''has
been lllhorlng under demands lbal. hive
slralned ill capacity. And these ~vy
demands will conUnue."
''These pressures directly aUect con-
struct.Ion suPPlY and demand. wblch is
what really etfects prices," the President
"It ls clear, therefore. that for the near
term we must take steps to relieve im-
mediate strains in lbe Industry," ho Slid.
He sold the action taken today "will
help us get started toward more orderly
building for lhe 1970s."
'lbe cutback Involves only starts in con-
struction. Federally Dna....t ,l!l>jeds
already under construction will conf4iue.
Among jobs affected will be ....
structioo of post . offices .. other govern-
ment bulldlnu and highways across Ille
land. The value ol tile coostruction that
will not now be let is in the 'hundreds of
mllllons of dollars. Some estimate! hav•
placed it i.t more than 'l billion.
"This limitation, which will collllnuo
until condUions cease," aald. lhe Preai-
den~ ""W still perinit projects ol the
highest social priority to be carried
Nixon's use of the tenn "social" was
believed to mean anti-poverty projecl.s
would not be cul back.
The Pruldent alsO urgtd state and Jo.
cal goverrunent to follow hls aample. "The degree and promptoess with
which Ibey reapnnd ta lbls plea !or part.
nershlp_ In action will be watched very
carefully," he said. "U 'the rtSIJOllSt is !See CIJTBAllKS, Pase ZI
Stoe~ llfflf'lceu
NEW YORK (AP) -The slocic ,.,.,.
ktt wu bit with a Iliff Jou. today as it
continued the downlrtnd thal carried ii
into lower t.rrllorl' Wednesday. (See
quollltoos, Pag'" l•lt).
or .. ge Coaa&
A litUe cbiWer ii the oullook ror
lbe Orange Coast Fridll)' wllb
tempr dropping to the upper six·
lies, whUe-ln18nd region,,-bask in
14-degree llUO.
.Alabama'• forn&fr QOl>tlntor
• "Big Jim" Fol.tom \OQntl to oet
bcick m u;,. 11ai. <Gpitol. Th•
· .....,.1 H'<'• brou o!ld needs
,,., ...... ~. l?ag• 5. ,,_
(1...iti.c g:a_, ---........... .............. .:=.. =......._. -
• .....
" H • • • H .." " " • •
' .I DAILY I'll.OT L
• • ,
' ,
·: Down tlae • • -'
'.Mi • 8100
. • Trail . ' • .
y's Balloon
' . Takes Big Trip
MISSION VIEJO -Armstrong, Aldrin
and Collins may have won the race to the
moon. but $-year-old Lindsay Stouffer
1ave them a run for their money.
-~ Winner of the Balloon to the Moon con·
. ~test sponsored by the Recreation Center,
· lJndsay's balloon traveled as far as
'EscontlldG before returning to W'th.
Lindsay's card was picked up by
~hildren riding horses on a ranch in
Escondido. She re«ived a $25 ~vings
bond for bavin1 the balloon that traveled
the greatest known distance.
e Aris Exhibit Set
: : SAN CLEMENTE -The San CJ~ente
Arts aDd Crafls Association will be ex-
hibiting in tbe La Paz shopping center in
~tislion Viejo Friday, Saturday and Sun-
Members also ll.re planning an ex-
hibition and t~a at the Community
Clubhouse in San Clemente Sept 14. The
event will take place from 12:30 to :i p.m.
The public is invited.
e Farm Trip Pla1111ed
LAKE FOREST -The arts and crafL,
grpup for children at the Beach and Ten-
nil Club will end ii.! summer program
wlth a trip to Old MacDonald's Farm
which m:ef!Uy opened in Mission Viejo.
The expedition will leave the club house
Friday alter lunch at 12 :30 p.m. and will
return earlier in the afternoon. For in-
fonnatloo contact the club house at 837-
e l 'ootball An11one1
?tUSSION VIEJO -Name! are being
taken a\ the Recreation Center for those
who would like to attend the Los Angeles
• Rams -Green Bay Packers game on Oct.
Tickets must. be ordered in advance
• and if thece is enough response a bus will
' be taken. Otherwise. those attending will
provide their own tranEpOrtation.
From Pftf1e 1
·own role in the movement to preserve
public access to Sait Creek Road is in no
... -way linked to Tarantino's efforts.
; · "Nobody 1 have ever met or know or is
1 involved in a recall·campaign," Wilcoxen
~ t;aid , "and such an action in no way
; reflects the thinking of the movement
• with which J am identified."
.; Wilcoxen insisb that hia movement is
• limited to COrTection of "an error by
; count)' l!lupervisors through the courts or
by their own change of stance."
• Management control executive Joseph
j lto6ener of Newport Beach today sharply
: denied any connection with the recall ef-
j f11rt.11.
• Rosener , 45, quickly admitted that he
• had given "very serious thought" to seek-
ing AJl~'s post i'l 1970, but that he had
110 intention of campaigning for office
_ through the recan proceSk.
~ "My impression prior to the news of
. . . • .
• • • • • • • • • $ ,
' , • ~
Utls recall was that Supervisor Allen
would retire next year," Rosener said.
"My thoughts about possibly succeeding
him were based on that premise and I
5'ould not have been connected with the
recall movement by ?i.lr. Tarantino."
Taranuno·s tabloid gives considerable
covcrage to the recall campaign, the Salt
Cretk Road issue, the Irvine land
preserve cootroversy and airport noise.
And it extends its alfack on the
supervisor to his aide, John Klilefer or
Corona de! Mar. A photo is included of
KH!efer·s home.
DlllAHG~ COtUl PU•l ISM1HG COMNNl •·•rt N. 'W..4 ,.......... ...... '*""
J•ck I. C.rl.-, ~ ,......., .... G.Mr111o1_..,
n. ....... l(ff.,il
tliont•• A. Mw1,hl110 ,,,..,..... EflW
R1c•1nl p_ H•ll .__ ,_.
Cllr I:..., ---221 hf••t A.,.,
M•iU•t A.141•01 t.o. a..'''· •1u1 ---~.._.,,....,...,.._.
N_,.,r 9Mdl: Jtll W•I .. .., ..,.......,.. ..... .,.. ..... .u.: -..........
Hope Vataishes
Israel Ahan-dons
• ~ J•
Sear.ch for Pike
JERUSALEM (AP)-The Israeli army ed 1 road workers• camp.
abandoncd its search for Or. James Pike Mrs. Pike told police she and her hus-
tonigh1. band were doin& research on a boqk and
It ma.de U:ie decblian after a Lruitltss, decided to drive througll the desert for
daylong ,le.arch by troops, pabcemen and a few houn W ~·get the Jeel di the Ju·
airplanes of ~ JUdean del!lert for the ~ean hllls." She said the car got stuei:
former Episcopal bishop o( California. in rocks and boulders about 3 p.m. and
OUicials held little hope U1at he ~·as ~ ~hey were unable to free It d~pile try·
1till alive. ing far aboul two houril.
Pike, &111 has been missing since ?i.1on·
day night, aft~r his rented car got lltuck
about ei&ht miles west of tbe Dead Sea .
His 31-year-<>ld wile left him on a hill-
side and walked all night until she reach-
Hole to Go
Then the couple set out 011 foot toward
the Dead Sea. After two holirs of walk-
ing, Pike complain~ or leg' palna and
told his wile to go on without him.
"! suggested that he take a nap and
when he gof his strength to folloW mt "
she said. "J left him atop a small mou~
tain about six or seven miles west of
lhe Dead Sea."
CABINET PARLEYS -The lull Nixon Cabinet met
at the Western \.Vhite House for the first time today.
Clockwise are A r th u r Burns counsel· Robert
Finch, HEW ; Walter Hickel. lnte'rior; PaJI Volker,
Treasury undersecretary ; Vice President Agnew;
John Mitchell, Attorney General; Maurice Stans,
DAii. Y l'ILOT Sttff l'flott
Commerce ; John Volpe . Transpo rtation: Charles
Yost, UN; Rogers Morton, COP chairman; George
Schultz, Labor: Winton Blount, Postmaster Gener·
al : \Viliam Rogers, State; President Nixon: Melvin
Laird, Defense; Clifford 1-lardin. Agriculture;
George Romney, HUD, and Robert Mayo, Budget.
If It's Not
Swini Pool
A swimming pool excavation at the
home of Patfl Blaine Henrie will be filled
one way or another, Laguna Beach City
counC'llmen agreed \Vedne sday night.
Two hundred soldiers and troopa: bt-
ga n the search for Pike Tuesday on root
and in helicopters and liaht planes. First
they tound the c~, with Pike's wallet
and passport In it Later they found a
map in a dry river bed about a mile
east of the car, and Mrs .. Pike sai~ her
husband had been carrying it before they
v.·ere separated.
There were four theories to uplain
Pike's disappearance.
Avant Garde Merchants
Planning Open House
Plans for a late September open house:
of avant garde businesses have been set
by the newly formed Bureau or Com-
merce, a group of youth oriented
bu.!inessmen in Laguna Beach.
11le open house S~pt. 29 would be a slep
in establishing communication between
the bureau and two othlir merchant
groups in town -the Downtown Business
AssociaUon and thc Chamber of Com· ' merce.
"The tour will familiariu lhem with
the types of businesses in Laguna and the
kind of merchandise there i s , ' '
spokesman Ronald Kaufman said.
Woman, 45, Gets
Probation for
Laguna Slaying
A Lo! Angeles woman who fatally stab.
bed her husband on a Laguna Beach
street 10 months ago received a suspend·
ed sentence today in SllJ>erior Court.
Judge Robert GardnPI' ordered a slat.e
prison tenn for Pearlie Mae Holston, 45,
and immediately suspended for five
years a sentence that could have put her
behind bars for I lo I~ ~·rars. r.·lrs.
Holston v:ill, in effect, be on probation for
five years.
Charges against filrs. Holslon \\'ere
reduced Lo involuntary manslaughter
from the murder count she origi"nally fac-
ed shorUy after her arrest last Noven1be r
24. Mrs. Holston plunged a knife into her
husband, James Roy llotston, 57, during a
violent argun1ent that erupted as the cou-
ple was walking along Ocean Avenue.
HolsLon died about an hour lalcr in
South Coast Community llospital.
The bureau was formed to help pull
together the merchant community which
according to Kaufman is now split with
the establishment merchants on one side
and the youth orient¢ businessmen on
the other.
Kaufman, an insurance 1gent and bail
bondsman, h a s pointed out that th e
&ureau is not in competition with the
othtr groups, but hopes to evcntually be
brought into them.
"We're no longer strictly an avant
gard~ group," Kau!man said. He noted ·
that at ihe buerau's last meeting Tues-
day, several professional men had attend-
ed. A representative of the Downtown
Business Association was also present.
The group was formed to find con·
l!ltructlve solutions, "not Tcpressive solu-
tions" to business problems which all
Laguna sbol)!I have in comm o n ,
regardleSI or the clientele" to which they
appcaJ, he said. •
Laguna E:\.-pects
SRO for 'Music'
Lyric Opei:;a official!: are predicting
that a capacity audience vdll fill 2500-seat
Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach Friday ·
night as "The Sound of Music" nus the
surrounding hills.
ll will be the first o[ four performances
of the hit musical in the Art Colony.
Starring fi.1arni Nixon and Alan
Bcrgn1ann and feahiring Andree Jord11n
as the t-.1other Abbess, the musical v.·111 be
directed by Kent Johnson with music
directed by Eugene Ober.
The four performances bcgln al 8 p.m,
The second is Saturday and the other two
arc Sept. 12 and Saturday, Srpl. 13.
Tickets are still available.
From Page 1
slallalion of a stonTI drain system there.
fi1any of the protestors charged that
lhe large land ov.·ners were given prefer-
red treatment and that the philosophy
aided the. speculative land holders.
Thornpson's first assessment plan con-
tained three zones for levy, a high risk
zone, a medium risk zone and a IO\Y risk
zone. That plan was modified fol\011.•ing
three hours of protest discussion at the
COWlCil 's Aug. 2Q hearing and 70 letters of
At Wednesday 's meeting. I he
engineer's modified plan called for lhr
creation of a new zone which 11.·ould
benefit owners of large lots CJn steep pro-
Under the plan, the first 6,000 !QUare
reel would be assessed at the low risk
zone rate, and the remainder at a lower
rate, three cents per square fool.
He cxplained that this was done
because the left over portion of the lot
\vas unbuildable and as in the cast of the
undeveloped acreage was m o r t
Several members or the 90 person au-
dience queried Thompson on the posslbjli·
ty of measuring the absorption of all the
parcels In U1e district, and assessing on
that basis.
The engineer SAid that it would be im-
practical, and the study would add
,;possibly $200,000 to the asse11sment
Council discuss'ion on thc assessment
spread went like this:
-Ji.1ayor Glenn E. Vedder, ''I havc
limned very carefully to 1111 the
dllCUSlion. It 's never going lo be possible
to satisfy everyone and it's ctnt.aJnly not
possible to develop a new assessment
pholo90phy. \Ve have an equitable
distribution, further rnoditicallon would
be very minor. \\'e could study this, and
study thl1 and study this but It will not be
chln&td much. 1 have to rely on htr.
'Illompson'a expertise."
-Vice Mayor JoReph O'Sullivan, ''l
didn 't ltu nk ii ncedtd to be ~aid. but It
l1asn't been pleasant sitting here . The
1lcc ision was really made in 1960 to divide
the city into drainage areas. 1 was eon-
t:crned about giving a discount lo the
large owners but ?i.lr. Thompson ex-
plained very well. He is an expert and I
trust his opinion."
--Councilman Holm, "I feel the a.ssess-
n1ent is not fair and inequity is in relation
lo the item mentioned before (dlscounl to
undeveloped property owners). I
res pectfully suggest that we continue the
1neeting for Jiir. 1bomj)son to reassess
his land fonnula . AU parcels should be
equally assessed.'' ·
-Councilman Boyd, "Laguna Beach is
Going to have some procedures that are
n1ore forma l than in the good old days.
J'm slill confused. Councilman Holm
slated my position. We: should take onc
111ore look at thla to see what we can do
to make it simpler and more fair.
-Councilman Rlcha('d Goldberg , ''This
i.s not an easy pill to swallow but 1 a1n
soitisfied with Mr. T ti o·m p so n 's
capabilities and wlth hls job."
Hw·ricane Fi·an
Aims at Mexico
BELIZE, British ~Honduras (UPI) -
llurricane FranceJia knifed aero s s
Guatemala today and churned towJ:rds
southern Melico, which already was bat-
tered by the worst flooding in 40 years .
Francella neared lbe Mexican statc or
Veracruz, where three week.a of heavy
rain., and flooding have driven more than
40,000 perSOM from their homes.
There were no reports of deaths or in·
juries from Franctilla's 100-mlle--an-hour
~·Ind which 1pawned 10-lnch ralnfall .
Authorilles said al least 10,000 refugets
fled the storm, hundreds of homes v.·ere
den10H~hPd and many bannna plantations
11 l'rr. de5troycd
f~ror11 Page I
not sufficient I i;ha!I restrict the com·
mhments for construction that can be
financed through federaJ grants."
"Should this step become unavoidable,
the states and localities wlll, of COt.Jrse
be given due notice, so they can adjusl
their affairs properly." 1'h:e warning was clear. Jt is expetled
to trigger a wave of state and local clash-
es in government.financed construction.
The President's statement followed ;:i h~o hour m~ting ~is morning between
Nix.on and his cabinet at 'the Western
Whi te House's adminislratlve compound .
Law Suit Filed
On Melodyland
~OS ANGE~ES (U PI) -A $1.5 million
su1l was filed Wednesday againsl
Melodyland Theater of Anaheinl and its
owners and operators in a leasing dispute
concerning land adjacent to the theater.
Theaters H.ost Inc,, filed the suit claim-
ing Leo J. Freedman, the bankrupt owner
of the Anaheim property, leased the land
to t~em. The lease was to run until 1993.
Sn1ce Fr~an filftd bankruptcy, tho
sult contended, lhe property has been tied
up In escrow .in a sale to the Christlan
Center of Orange County.
you won't
have to
Oriental design rugs
by fan1ous
U:refm: Lu.rr ,.... aft
a ltonl ! They 009t -m«t
The pit , open for about a year. may
cilher be co1npleted by Hen rie as a swim-
ming pool, or the city will roll its duinp
trucks up and ''abale the nuisance" ffill
il 1vith dirt), and charge Henrie for the
Col.Oncilmen continued a public hearing
on the matter until their next meeting,
Sept. 17 after City Manager James D.
\Vheaton advised them that Henrie had
promised long-delayed work on the pool
v.·ould be started Monday.
At the hearing, a neighbor. Richard
\Vilson. complained that the open hole
1vas a hazard to his property, and the pit
made it difficult for him to drive lo his
house. ,
Work on the pool was stalled for some
reason after the hole \vas dug and re-en·
forcing steel pl.it in.
Some or the councilmen wanted lo set a
date at the Wednesday meeting for filling
the pool if Henrie did not proceed with
the \\'ork as he said he \vould.
"I'd like to take him at his word . Let's
rnake il Sept 10,'' Vice-mayor Joseph
O'Sullivan said.
'· Jt might have more of an ln1pact,''
~aid Councihnan Richard Goldberg .
However, the city lathers agreed to con.
~icie:· the matter at their next meeting.
"Ii by then he hasn't started, we can
give hi1TI ~6 hours or we roll lhc trucks
1n .'' \Vhealon said.
Henrie would then be assessed on hi:i;
1ax bill for cost of the fill dirt and com·
pacting work done by the city workmen.
\Vheaton said "good clean fill" would
be used.
th• onliaary Nre. T.U-C,..... more nrt
lhM-..........00.W ~ll'lt:. ;\nd tbq &how practically nownr.
-That he bad taken refuge in one or
the many caves in the area to escape
daytlme tcmperatures of more than 100
degrees fahrenheit.
-That he had fallen victim to a beast
of prey.
-That he had succumbed to the heal
itnd that rus body was beneath some
overhanging cliff.
-That he had been found by Bedouin
nomads and taken to o~ of their camps.
Y outl1, 15, Hurt
As Bike Hits
Car in Laguna
Lagunan Richard G. Nichols, 15, was
seriously injured Wednesday night when
his unilluminated racing bike slammed
into a car at a downtown intersection.
Nichols, 424 Glenneyre St., was in the:
Intensive care unit at Soulh Coast Com-
munity Hosplt.al today being treated for
unspecified head injuries.
Police Lt. John Zelko said the young
man was lying in a Crosswalk at Forest
Avenue and South Coast Highway when
police arrived shortly after the collision
at 8:36 p.rn.
The investigating officer said the boy,
northtxiund on South Coast Highway,
struck a car turning Jefl slowly off For·
est, a car driven by Thomas E. Myer3,
22. 2117 Elden St., Costa Mesa.
Police reports said the bike had htt
light or re.flectors and was, accordlng
to a witness, traveling rapidly wbtn the
accident oceurred .
··~··· -VTV "t
1 ,,
' ' ..---
for an el:per1
~·ho \Vil!
)OUI home
\\ith samples
wilhout Ally
to rour
c.,.. ~ ~c icw_c&..lilr:~ colon and au • .., ibce.n.. Cocrie w-aJk 00 their •clvety .,ht!_. .I~ tfritJ ~ uwl 1>ik. Tb!!it llJ..Sttt:, 1heir bai1KJ -nien rnod1 ..
pi~ll -,_ a::. ) et: att ~e-e 8'8" t. U' ~ ii onlr $455.
CM• .....,. -11 .-nntad """ l'Q.l.Df month&. •
INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opt• Mn. Tllm. & kl. h... 2l JS HARIOR Bl VO.
I ' '
COSTA MESA , CALIF, ' 6~6-0275 6~~ 027•
..., ..
VOL. 62, NO. 212, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES •
, '
COnstru.c.tion Cul
Orders Immediate· 7'5 ."Percent Slash
By JEROME F. COLLINS Nixon said the order Is ibned at ~ o1 ~....,,... ,,. rreeiaa the indUltry for home bollding,
Pmldenl 1iJ1011 ~ ordered a 75 •'hose cost has aoared tn receot mootbs.
~ cutback. th au new federal coo-"The enUre lnOustry,'\ be saif!. "has
struc!lon. cootra<ts. been laboring under demands tbilt have
.The. di.....th•e,iseUective immediately, st rained, its caP'-Qty .. ~~ heavy '"""""f demandS will eontlnae.•t ' •
The Presld$1t; 'ma Statement from the "'mese pre$1Ures ·diJ:eC.tl.y: aaect coo-
Westem 'White House: in San Clemente •. ,. st ructlon 'supOIY ·ilnjl ,4ul,ad,. which is s~ tlie '.'~er: Yfill tie In effect until what really elfects prices," the President
: ~relleDtt ~-on ·~ coruti:uction in· said. ' · ~ -~· I ' . "It IS clear, theref&re;that roithe iicar ' It ~as vie.wed as an anU-inflationary term we must take steps to relieve im-
move. mediate straill3 in the itidJ,try," he said.
Actions Canceled
He said lbe action taken today "will
help m get started toward more orderly
building for the lt'10s." '
The cutback·lnvolves only starts in con-
struction. Federilly financed ,>roJects
already under coostrucUon will contiDue.
AmOOI Jobi al.lecled will be -
structlon of pOst ·offices, other govern.
ment buildings and highways aen:m the
land. The value of the comtrucUon that
has . been axed la in the hundreds of
millions of dollars. Some estlmater bve
(See CIJTBACKS, Pl .. I)
Nixon Planning
Latin · America ,
P~licy . Shakeup
The· NixOn Administration Is going to
shake up umted States policy toward
Latin America.
Mourning Starts
For Ho Chi Minh
DAILY 'ILOT Stiff 1'11etf
Getting Theit· Kicks We'stern White House sources Indicated
Wednesday the rea'OO is that the Alliance
for"Progress, !ormtd during the Kennedy
Adm.inibtratk>n isl't progressing.
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam began
a week of mourning today for Ho Chi
J\linh and planned a atat.e funeral for the
father of Vietnamese independence.
Donna Killins, 9, Santa Ana Heights; Bill Riley, 9,
Santa Ana Heights, and Bonnie Harper, 10, Costa
Mesa (from left), are making good use of their
ti1ne during fading days of summer vacation. They
are also making good use of swimming pool at
Orange Coast YMCA. They'll be back in school soon. "nle shape of the new policy will be
determined by the National Security
Council after it studies a report sub-
mitted tu the President by NeW York
Gov. Nelaon Rockefeller, recenUy return.
ed from a rugged trip to 211 Latin
The ~year-old pre!ldent of North Viel·
nam died Wednesday after "a grave ~
sudden heart attack," Radio · Hanoi
reported. Balboa Colonel,
Two Others Face
Gr.and Theft Rap
A retJred Army Colonel ·from Balboa
Jsland and two Los Angeles men lace
prelirn.Jiiary hearing In Los Angeles Oct.
15 on seven felony charges of grand theft
and corporate security violations, it was
learned today.
Harry DeVoss Smith, 57, 1107 N. Bay
Front, Louis Cass Lane, 46, Torrance,
and John M. Arden, 41, Granada Hills,
surrendered themselves Aug. 2& in tllL
Los Angeles Di!trlct Attorney's office.
The three !ace two charges of grand
theft aOO five o( securities vioiatioos ov.er
iilleged sales of franchises in a computer
dating operation ranging throughout the
Assistant Los Angeles District Alt.Orney
Dewey Smith said the three men, ac-
companied by two lawyers, surrendered
themselves in the. DA 's office and were
111Tested and arraigned the same day.
He described the case as involving al-
leged sales of franchises and contracts to
individuals who later were faced with
paying expemes which contracts said
Mlould have been paid by the parent firm
aelllng the franchises.
Newport Beach Lawyer Arthur Guy,
who is represent.Ing Smith, said this
morning , "These men are completely
denied to any of the charges. 'Ibis U
purely an economic matter. There is no
question that there were some financial
problems, but they are totally es·
Smith's attcrney did not say how bis
cLient would plead and laid the problem
to "p:erhaps poor ad vice by previou.ol
He expressed concern over pubficity in
the matter, "because this case involved a
number of people in business."
Pr06ecut« Smith said that several of
the franch.ises still emt and have made
up for alleged w.,ses ijlrough other finan·
clal sources.
The complaint against lhe three men,
the prosecutor said, involves business
dealings done under an allegedJy now·
defunct firm of Inlramatics lnterna·
(See 111EFT1 Page Z)
"' .
American 11aUons. ·
fl9ckef~ller. his ald~s and his wUct ~Jl1f~ .~ C!<"!~·~lj•W van-,,, ~\The g<J\ltmor wrned lD
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Super.vi.s~r
1 1J!t Dmil <Ji9rt lo Nlzoo, "ho com·
p~ Wm -on tM .. dedlca~,
eo&raieOO& and·tf'llcient way" he carried
out hJi mUifon Jut month.
Of ftll Mir t"l$M Sl1ff
A seCrecf-shrouded campaign for the
Tecall of Fifth District Supervisor Allon
E. Allen moved mysteriously onward to-
day apparenUy under the now remote
control of a sculptor-designer who has
w•y 1iiitfd to "-"tantino'itltffortl.
"Nobody l liare ever met or know of ls
involved in a'?~ campaign,'' WllcoJ:en
said. .. and .such an acUon in no way
reflects the th.Inking of the movement
with which I am identified."
• • discoonected bis telephone and retired to
the nether regions of his San Clemente
studio. .,
Anthony Taranllno'I aUackl OP Allen
today appeored to be confined to the col·
umna of a fOW'·pa&e tabloid whlc)l C81Tiet
hii name and home address -451 Calle
Copies of the so.ailed South Coast
Homeowners Beacon have b e e n
circulated lhrougboui the So u th er ft
Orange Codi and.in'. Huntington Beach.
The tabloid production appeared to be
Wilcoxen insists that his movement is
limited to correction of "an error by
county !Upervisor1 through the court! or
(See RllCAIL, Pip I)
Frank U sedom
Succum bs at 61
heavily financed and carefully-planned. Frank Usedom, 61, who made hi! Bal-Tarantino has not been available for telephone· calls or pe.rllOllal interviews boa Island Village Inn restaurant famous
since Tuesday when the announcement of for its Christmas partiea f o r crippled
the Allen recall campaJgn appeared children, died Wednesday of a heart at·
mysteriously Jn newspaper offices and tack.
press rooms. Mr. Usedom, who with his wife,
Tarantino was as guarded in bis com-Dorothy, took over the restaurant on the
ments to a DAILY PILOT reporter as the island 12 yean ago, suffered a heart at-
release was in identifying its offiti!. lack at work Wedneday afternoon. He
The sculptor was surprised TUesday was pronounced dead at Hoag Memorial
that the release had in fact been H06Pital i1hortly after 5 p.m.
delivered to the press. But he declined to The Village Inn, resembling an English
comment on what appeared. to be a pub, began after Uaedom and his widow
breakdown in communication between refurbished a small restaurant. ·
Tecall principals and re!u~ to identify A few years later it! traditional
the per90r\S provldtng·cash and know-how Oiristmaa parties for the children from
fo~ what be admJtted was a costly CaJll.:... U]e Orange County Society for Crippled
pa.1gn. --cttlldren and Adults were born.
Most of the rt.action thus tar In the Mr. Uaedom provided d 1 n n er.
huah-hush beaUng of .tbe...SOUth County refreshments and a Sarita Claus tor an
buah bas been frOm tboae whose names averaae ot 30 ctippled chlldren each hoJi.
have been put forw'ard by Tarantino as day seaJOn. ~The restaurant provide<t
possible successors •to S\lpervl.sor Allen t('~tion for the c b i I d r e n ;
and Who' apparenUy re.sent s u c b cUktomen dcinated the gifts.
categwlaallon. • Mr. ir...iom waa.barn,tn· Chicaao and
La111111 Beach attorney W ) 111 a m moved to the Harbor>.,.. ti yean aao.
Wilcoxen denies any connecUon with ~ For many years belore that he wu a
ncall campaign , and poin4: out that his constant weekend vlatlor lo the area.
own rote Jn tbe movement to' preserve He was a mernlJtr.pl the Balbol ·lalafl(I
public '""''to.Salt Creek Road·u to no PunUn( Ind Scull~ SOclety, a ..iec1
light-hearted group ~ famous for ap.
Preskteollol PrtJS Secretary Ron
Z?eater to~ newamen after the meetin(
jr. Nl:Jop'i ,otrte that Rockefeller's reporl
will not be diade public. He said it 1'ould
be turned over to the National Security
Council for policy n:commen<lallons.
Nl.J:on, however, made Jt clear that
tubatanJjve ~ea in U.S. nlations with
Jta Southern Heniispbere neighbors are in
the offtni.
'~As you know," he told Rockefeller, "It
waa my convicUon from the earliest mo-
ment of my administration that our
poUcles toward Latin America .•. needed
a fresh and ·comprehensive re-ex-
"It wU·eV!dent during the past several
years tliat the area had been e1-
pertencing profound change which had
deeply affected ihsUtutions, attitudes and
TelaUOtl!h.lps and· had set In motion new
dynamics of which we were only begin-
ning to bt aware.
The announcement said Ho died al 9i4'1
.a.m. Hanol time, which was 6:•1. p.m.
Tuesday PDT. But word of hia duth WWI w}~ld for nearJ'y 21 hourJ, griUl1•bOut
'3:0 p,JlhBI;l'J: W~ •. 111 tl>.,·liiliilAi "'*"°1't!ldl0: prep~'!M~~
nam,..,people for won! of =.With
P,Ulodlc. reporlll tllal hit, • , ""
'(Jtltlq WQ(I<. . • ' , /I •:•
''Ev~()De tried !heir utmiSIJI and gave
. of the but to sive him at any j)rict;"
Hanoi tlio said, "but 'becaate "IUi ad~
vance\l age and serious Ulneaa of I.be sud·
den severe heart attack. Ptesldent Ho
baa left w forever.''
· The broad cast said "the most solemn
ceremonial state funeral of our natkln"
woul:i be organized but It dhf Q9l. say
when the rites would be held.
The North VietnameSe delegation in
Paris asked for a postpOnement of
today's weekly session of the peace talks
but !aid it would be ready to resume-the
tal'.s nest Thursday. ' •
Jn San Clemente, a spokesman 1aid
P"esldent Nixon would make no comment
on Ho'a death. U.S. military, ~
diplomatic authorities in "Saigon also diil
not e-0mment.
After eulogizing Ho, lhe Hanoi broad-
cast appealed to "the entire party, the
entire anny and lhe enUre people" to
"contribute both their minds and their
force to the ~at task of defeating the
No Surfer
pearances at Newport Harbor pubUc
Mr. Usedom, a charter member of the.
Balboa Bay Club, was·J, past presktent of
the Pacific Angler's Club and the Balboa
Island Businessman•a Aalociat:ion. He
\va1 also acUve In the Newport Harbor
Chamber of Commerce and the Balboa Ocea1i Rescues of Nixon Prove It
President Nixon 's got! game ha:s im-
proved considerably during his San
Clemente vacatJon, but his swimming
needs a lot more wol't.
Twiet In the early weeks of his W~t
Coo.st slay Secret Service agents had to
fl~\ him out of the surf In front of his
\11ln. reliable sources said today .
The surf at Cotton's Point ls just too
rough for anybody who is not a surfer.
And the President time and again has
e1T,phat1cany denied he ll a surier, or ii
interested In becoming one -despite 'the
gift of a Hobie board from his fam.lly.
Surfboard 60e ls used by the
President'• guests. Lyndon JohnJOn'a
daughter, l.Atd, was oflertd oee of the
boa~ .by . the President lut 1'eek. Sile
declined the offer, though.
Nobody 1t the Western While Houte
:1~ w;;:the~a~ =i ~: 1:~
limits to the Pruident. But it ls known
that he doesn't swim there anymore.
Instead, he takes a dip with friends In
the relaUvely smooth surf at Red Beach
at Ca.mp Pendleton. He did that Wed·
oesday and over the weekend.
He is also, of course, practidng swtm·
• ming in the even more calm surf of the
family pool .
DeLal11 ol his past troubles at bis own
beach are unavailable. from the Secret
Se"lce. But ooe &OUrCe said the Prest·
dent wu twlee caught ln heavy riptides.
lie was pulled out almost immeftialely.
the 90Ul'CI Wd,
• 0 •
Angling.Club., 1
lie was a . veteran of ·eoast Guard
.eMce In World \l!or D.
Until earlier this year the Usedonu
were proprietors of· aoolher Balboa
Island area Jandmltk: restaurant, the
VIiia Mlllina.
Besides bis widow, Dorothy, of the
home. 2432 Crutvlew Drive, Newport
Beach, he leaves a daughter, Debbie, UI,
a Newport Harbqr-IU!lh School lludent:
two brothers W. F. !'M h Uaedom of the
Sen Fernarido Vauiy and Ed U1fld0m or . • :le t • 0Af\Y ,ti.ef ............ ~
Chl<ago, Ind two 11Jter1, .Mrs. Bj!,a ·Bn.-' ·in· -4-1.e c·-··· r"o' on• . Origer and Mn. Glacty1 Rllberg, both .or ..-• .,.,. ._. • · •
Chl<oao. .
services will .be conduci<d ·fol""!l•Y ·•t
11 a.m. In PaClflc View M""°'lal Pork
Friends who wish may call at lhe
mortllary llartlni Friday al t 1.m.
Sjstor Mat.y J!'in watches progress o( first araders Diana Lewis an4
'Rlcberd. Cl:l!iinlurlng-today's first. Classes at StJoaChim'• Catholic
School ill'.<liilla Mesa. Harl>or Area's other parocblal &Choo!, St. JOIUI the ~also atarted classes today. Pul>llc ocltooi.. open 1969o70
year ~·Wldl>esday.
" fl: 4
' . ~ .. " ' •
U.S. aggreuors" and "liberating South
North Vietnam's top political and con-
st.ltuUonal bodiea appealed to "our party,
armed rorcea and people to translate eor·
row into revolutionary acts" to acbi.eve
the "lofty aspiration cherished by Preai·
denl Ho Cb1 .Minh -the buildln& ol a
peaceful, unified, Independent.
democratic, prosperous and powerful
Informed &OW'Ce& in Saigon said it was
unlikely the North Vletn.....e lelder's
death.. w<>ult reiull tn •DJ llmp!l'lanl
changes in Hanoi's war pellcy. ·
In W~l1on, some U.S.~
uld Ho I da•tb "!'ltd produce I ,._
tlnJUle In lllmol Uial would ult!mtely
allect the """" of the wor. . South Vietnamese and American of •
ficlab in Saigon e1pect a trium\!irate
leadership to emerge · in the next few:
months, made up of Le Duan, the pro.
Moscow first secretary of the North Viet..
namese Ccmmunlst party; Truong O!.inh,
the pro-Peking cbairman of the National
Assembly, and Premier Pham Van D!lng.
~n. Vo Nguytn Giap, the defense
minJater and chief military stratcgiat,
may be a fourth member.
A likely interim president Is Ton Due
Thang, the 81-year~ld vice president of
the party. According to North Vlebwn's
consUtution, he ls to 1ucceed the pre1i·
dent U he diea or becomes Incapacitated.
.Al the ll10U1'nhlf period b e 11 n
throughout North VJetnam, Hanel Rldio
inW'ucted newspapers ~ print Ho'• pie•
ture and a biography iDIJde i. black
border every day for the week. It '8ld
radio 1tation1 were to broadcast only
subdued music.
County to Give
Nixon Gold Key
Almost at the end of his month-long
stay at tile Western White HoU&e in San
Clemente, President Nixon was to be
presented today with a gold key to
Orange County.
The key presentation was to be made
by Board of Supervisors chalnnan.
Wllliam Hirstein, who along with Altoo
Allen, auperyiJor of the FUth DIJtrtct
which taker in San Clemente, bit a 12:30
appointment at the White House West.
A ruoluUon passed by the Board ol
Supervlson Wedneaday said, '111!e'C0111t-
ty la honored to have the President
establish the seat of government of the
United States In Orange County."
Orange Coast
A uwe chllliir ii the outlook for
the Orange Co8'I Friday witb
temps dropping to the upper air·
lies, while inland 1'giona bask In
84-<tegree sun.
Alabama'• formtr govtrnor
•'Big Jim'' Folsom 1D0ntl to . Qtl
boel< in the atol< aipitol T~a ~ ,.ea1on? Ht's brokf and 11ted'1
Ill< "IO•(u. e•ae '·
cw..rii" ' Clttal!IM .=.,
·=..r"~ ._ .... ·-...... ---/11'11"'• -
I ;>
• .....
" ' ': • • " t~lt ..
'I •
. Plane Fees
!By County
' .t lncrtased fees ror lahdings and plane
.., &tor•te· 1l Orange County Airport were
ad()Jl4.ed ·Wednesday by the Board of
The amount or the increases was a
i' cempromlae between recommendJUoos
of lhe County's. land use chief and J\I
dirtdor oC aviation.
Tht new rates are expected lo bring In
S80.000 more a year in re\·enue for
airport improvements.
The landing fee ls increased from 15
cents per 1,000 pounds of plane to 23
cenlS. Stanley Krause, counly director of
• real property services, had recommended
26 cent!: and dirrctor of aviation Robert
Brl!snahan has recommended 20 cents.
Supervisor Alton Allen suggested the
board split the difference at 23 cenl1.
A minimum landing fee of $2.50 was re-
tained, in lin~ with a recommendation by
Bresnahan. Krause had recommended it
be rai(Jed to $4.50. ~ But the $27 a monlh and up Ue-down f storage fees proposed by J.trause were
adopted, effective when an airplane park·
ing area is completed about December
Supervisors look severaJ voles before
settling on lhe compromise. Splitting the
board was the Issue of how much profit
the airport should be expected to retur:i .
Supervisor David Baker agreed y,•1th
Krause that the fair market value of the
I.ind should determine renta: amounts to
be paid by airport users, both com·
mercial and privale.
"The airport industry did not build the
airport. the people of Orange County did
and put Sli million of tax money into it:''
Baker aa:id. Supervisor Robert Batltn
agreed saying taxpayers should not be
made 't.0 subsidize a special interest
group of airaaft owners.
Supervisor William Phillips followed
the line of argument of Bresnahan and
the AirporJ. Commission. He argued the
airport. is a service to the publlc in that it
provides stimulus ror economic growth
and is an integral part of the county's
· transportation system.
ROberl Fallon, pmklent of the Orange
County Pilot's Aa90Ci.ation, lo 1 d
supervl!ors, "We feel the alrport should
make a prorit, but not have the sky the
limit." He said private plane owners dif-
fer from bolt owners in that most of
· them use their airplaneJ to conduct com-
merce and ue obllgated to land and store
their planes al the airport, not in their
backyard. 1
William Hosmer ol G o l de n West
Airlines, a light plane commuter service,
succesdully argued for retention of the
$2.50 minimum land.in& rate. The rate i!'i
•t.92 llt Loe An1eies lntemaUooal and · 12.00 at Long Beach, he oald.
' He said the airline b enaaging in pump
·priming. averagin1 ju11t eight
passenger& a flight and has a long way to
go to break even.
~ Air California aod Air West, whose jet.:1 5 weigh 95,000 pounds, will see their Ian-
. , din& 1 ... 1ncrease lrom 114.25 Jo 121.85. .
: Law Suit Filed
] On M_elodyland
' I LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A •1.~ million i IUJt wa1 flied Wedne!da y against
: Melodyland Theater of Anaheim and its
•1 owners and operalors in a leasing dispute
concerning land adjacent to the the.111.er. ! Theaters Host loc., filed the suit claim-
• Ing Leo J. Freedman, the bankrupt owner
: of the Anaheim property, leased the land
: to them. The lease 1,1•as to run until 1993.
: Sine• Freedman filed bankruptcy, the
: suit contended, the property has been tied
: up in escrow In a sale to the Chri!lian
: Center or Orange County.
~Boy's Kidneys Fail
, CAPE TOWN, South Africa <UPI)
· Gianfranco Velludo, 6. died today o(
kidney failure two days arter Dr.
Christiaan Barnard ptrfonned extensive
heart surgery on the Italian boy.
I I ' !
• • •
' DAii v r1w1
CIUHOI COAtl ~l IMtlffG (OMl'Alf'f
leMn N.W~
~--.... l"Vllil--
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Viel' Pm'*"I -Gttmel ._ .. r
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TJit,,,11 A M11•p~I"'
-... ... l tl ... . J,,..,.. F. C•lli"1 ·--''" l"•Hw
........... Offk.
1211 Wlltt l•IM• ltwl•~11I
M.W111 Ml'"" P.O. I•• llJf, 9Jf6l, --
---• i
Hope .l'atalshes
Israel Ahand'ons
Search for Pike
JERUSALEM (AP)-The JsraJl army
abandoned its search for Dr. James Pike
li made the decl.5lon aft.er a fruitle!s,
daytong search by tt'Oope. pobcemen and
airplanes of the Jud• desert for the
lbnner Episcopal bWiop of CalHomla.
Officials hekl lttUe hope that he was
1Ull alive.
Pike, 55, has been missing ainct Mon-
day night, after his rented car got stuck
about eight miles west o( tbe Dead Sea.
Hil 3l·year-old wife left him on a hill-
alde and walked all lllghl until she reach-
ed a road workers• camp.
Mn. Pike told police she and her hus-
band were dollll ruearch oo a book and
decided t"o drive throueh the desert for
1 few bouts to "&et the feel of the Ju-
dello hflls.'' Sbe said the car aot stuck
in roc:ks and boulders about 3 p.m. and
they were unable to f~ It despite lry·
ing for about two hours.
Then the couple set out on foot toward
the Dead Sea. Alter two hours of walk·
ing, Pike complained of leg pains and
told hi! wife to go on without rum.
"l suggested that be take 1 nap and
when he got bl& strenath ll' follow me,"
she said. "J left him atop a small moun-
tain about sh: or seven miles west of
the Dead Sea."
CABINET PARLEYS -The full Nixon Cabinet met
at the Western White House for the first time today.
C~ockwise are Arthur Burns, counsel; Robert
Finch, HE\V: \Valter Hickel, Interior; Paul Volker
Treasury undersecretary: Vice Presiden·t Agnew;
Job.n ~titchell, Attorney General; 1'.1aurice Stans,
DAILY PILOT hatf,.,.. Commerce: John Volpe, Transportation; Charle~
\'ost, UN; Rogers Morlo~, GO.P chairman; George
ScbultZ. L:ibor: Winton 111ount, Postmaster Gener·
al:. WUiam Rogers, State; Pre~ident Nb.on; Mefvin
Lrurd, Defense; Clilford Hardin, Agriculture;
George Romney, HUD, and Robert Mayo, Budget.
OCJCD Personnel
Urged to Oose
Performance Gap
Two hundred soldiers and troops be-
gan the search for Pike Tuesday on foot
and in helicoptets and light planes. First
they fouod the car, with Pike'& wallet
and passport in it. Later they found a
map in a dry river bed about a mile
east ot lhe ear, and Mrs. Pike said her
husband had been carrying it before they
were separated, ,
There were four theories to explain
Pike's disappearance.
-That he bad ta.ken refuge in one of
the many caves in the area to escape
daytime temperatures or more than JOO
degrees fabrenhelt.
Russ, Chinese Laud Ho;
Britisher Blasts Him
MOSCO\V fUPil -The Soviet Union
today pledged to continue fuU support to
llo Chi Mlnh's successors.
The official condolence cable frorn the
W 01nan, 45, Gets
Probation for
Laguna Slaying
A Los Angeles woman \vho fatally stab-
bed her husband on a Laguna Beach
street 10 months ago received fl suspend·
ed sentence today in Superior Court.
Judge Robert Gardnrc ordered a slate
prison term for Pearlie M11e Holston. 4:>.
and immediately suspended for fl\e
years ·a sentence that could have put hrr
behind bars for I to 15 years. f.1rs.
Holston \\'ill, in erlect, be on probation for
five years.
Charges against f\1rs . Jlolston 11crr
reduced to Involuntary manslaughter
rrom the murder coont she originally fa r-
ed shortly after her arrt>st last November
24. Mrs. Holston plunged a knife into her
husband, James Roy Holston, 57, during a
violent argument that erupted as the cou-
ple was walking along Ocean Avenue
Holston died about an hour later 111
South Coast Community Hospital.
Over 300 Sloted
At Huntington
Surf Tourney
The thunderi:ig surf for 11hu:h Hu n·
tington Beach is famous is expected to
attract 300 entrants for the 1969 tinil~d
States Surfboard Chan1p1on~tups Sept. 20-
Nearly three-fourths of the entrants ex-
pected for the big contest have already
submitted entry blanks and the rest are
expected to be signed before Friday. ac-
cording to Norm \Vorthy, contes t direc-
Winner of last year"s contest was Da vid
Nuuhiwa, who placed ahead of two-Umt
; winner Corky Carroll lo pick up the ·Duke
Kahanamoku Trophy.
Ttie Huntington Beach championships
are invitational. Only those contest.ants
1vho qualified themselves in surfing skill
were invited to attend the 11th annual
Nlne divisions, ranging from a division
for "more mature men'' to "mixed
tandems" will amuse the 11pectators.
Activilie3 begin Friday, Sept. 19. with
an evening luau featuring the Lionel
Broad combo and polynesian dancing
From Pag., l
by their own cilange of stance."
~1anagement control executi ve Joseph
Rosener ,of Newport Be11ch today sharplv
denied any connection with the recall c!·
Rosener, U. qu1ckly admitied lhal he
had given "very serious thought" to seek·
ing Allen's post in 1970, but that he had
no intention of campalgnlng for o(ficfl
through Ule recall process.
"My impresslon prior to the news of
thfJ recall was that Supervisor Allen
woukl retire next year," Rosener said .
"My lllouihts aboul J>051lb!y succeeding
him were ba.sed on that ptctmlsc and I
should not have been eonneeted with the
recall movement by ,\Ir. Tarantino."
Tarantino's tabloid gh·rs con$irlerable
coveragr to the recall ca1npa 15n. the Sah
Creek Road 1ssur. the Irvine land
preserve controversy and airport ooi11t
And Jt extends its altA(:k on thr
$upt.rvlsor to his alrlr:, John Kill!"frr of
Corona dtl Mar. A 1~1010 1~ Included of
l\lllefcr's homr .
Communist party and g o v er n m e n t
leadership to Hanoi said, ''The Viet-
namese Communists and Vietnamese
people may rely always on the full sup.
pnrt of !he Communist party of the Soviet
Union <1nd the Soviet government and
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin was ex-
pected to fly to Hanoi for the funeral.
The sympathy cable referred to Ho as
"the great son o( the heroic Vietnamese
people. an outstandng statesman of !n-
lcrnational Communist and national
liberation movement, the great friend of
the Soviet Union."
I:! pl bf star
* 110\'G KONG <UPI) -Communist
thinn , in a condolence message on the
death of President Ho Chi l\1inh urged the
people of North Vietnam today lo "tum
their grief into strength to give the
Americans a greater blow."
The Pe.king regime senl P.re1nier Chou
En·lai to Hanoi as head of a special
clC!legation to attend the funeral of the
\ leln~rr.ese leader.
Co1nmunist China could not send its
own president, Liu Shao-chi, J>ecause he
ii under house arrest. victim of a purge
by Com1nunist Party Chairman Mao Tse-
tuni: .
* LO\'DON j UPI) -Columnist Bernard
Levin \l'rote in the Daily Mail today that
he dreaded the outpouring or eulogies for
1'01 lb Vietnamese President Ho Chi
'"The plain truth," he wrote, "is that Ho
Ciii h1inh was a ruthless and bloody
I) rant. His first action on completing the
i·onqutst of North Vietnam was to
'-lauf,l1ler in cold blood some 50,000 men
:;nd l\'OJnen who might have opposed his
'"\\'hen his campaign to take over South
\'1etnan1 began it was waged with a
policy of deliberate atrocity, as an in·
~lnur.C'nl of terror, the like of which had
not been seea in the modem world.
··F1·om the cases of children literally
{"hopped lo pieces before their parents'
eyes, In villages temporily seized by the
Vie~ Cong. to the hundreds of men.
y,·omen and children who had been rlub-
bed to death ,and whose bodies were
dlsco\·ered after the Tet offensive, the
story y,·as the same -the grossest I
rttrocities. committed not In the t'ieat of
the battle or the blood-lust of revenge.
bt t ns a calculated and important part of
gentle, ·witty Uncle He'a policies."
Sn1a llest Quad
No ,v at CHOC,
Holdii1g His o,m
The smallest of the quadruplets bom
fridlly to Mrs. Robert Curtin of Garden
Grove has been transferred to Cblldrtn's
Ho.~pltal o[ Orange County Where the in·
lnnt tod::iy \vas said to be' ci-ltical but
holding his own.
Charles Donald, only two pounds 10
ounces at birth, has d e v e I o p e d
rcsplratory problems, hospital of(iclats
said. He was moved Wednuday to the In·
tenslvc care unit at .Children's Hospital
Jor ~la! treatment
BroLhers Sean Dale, Lance Eric. and
Christopher James, all oI whom wel&hed
weJI over four pounds at birth, are
reported doing very well at Garden Park
General Hospital.
The birth ol Ille quadruplets ls believed
to be the first in Oran&e County.
A booplLal spokt1man sale! today Jhot
the baby'1 weight has inc:rused to three
poond1, but is sill! in crtUcal CQQdiUon
In the lntonsive Care Ward.
Hecor<l Rain in NY
NEW YORK (AP) -Record rains tell
in New )'ork And New Jersey agi:itn tcr
d11,\·. CAU~ing widespread flooding. Power
l ;tllurC!~. and $narling automobile 11nd ~au
I 1 t1H1t
From Page 1
p\a~ It at more than $1 billion.
"This limitation, which will continue
until condltions cease," said the Presi·
dent, "will still pennit projects or the
highest social priority to be carried
Nixon's use of the term "social" was
believed to mean anti.poverty projects
\l'otild not be cut back.
Tbe President also urged state and ]er
cal government to follow his example.
"The degree and promptness v.•ith
\1•hich they respond to this plea for part-
nership in aclion y,j!J be: watched very
carefully,'' he sald. "If the response ls
not sufficient I shall restrict the corn-
mitments for construction that can be
financed through federal grants."
"Should this step become unavoidabl!',
the states and localities \\'ill, of course,
be given due notice, so they can ad1ust
their affairs properly."
The warning was clear. It is expected
to trigger a wave of state and local clash-
es in government.financed construction.
The President's statement fo1lowed a
two hour meeting this morning between
Nixon and his cablnet at the Western
White House's administrative compound.
you won't
11ave to
Oriental design rugs
by fon1ous
\.ardrtt lu.a.ary JOtt CUI
Dr. Norman E. Wat.son called on 390
t~chers and administrators from Golden
\fie.st and Orange Coast ~lieges to help
close the "tragic gap between objective.."
and performance" 1n junior <:illlcge
education Wednesday.
Speaking to the largest faculty In the
history of the. Orange Coast Junior
College District, the ch an e e 11 or·
superintendent focused on four specific
areas of improvement. ·
He asked the overflow audience at the
Golden West Forum to reverse the
dropout record in community Cillleges,
no\• the highest of any Institution in
higher education. Figures released by Dr.
\'iatson show Lhat l\\'O out of every Lhree
freshmen never go on to their sophomore
Occupational-technical programs, :on·
sidered the mainstay of the junior coilege
curriculum, are failing to attract eno'Jgh
students. Dr. Watson complained. I-le said
attendance in these subject areas is
particularly important lo Orange County
y,·ith its complex of industrial :.nd
research oriented finn s.
He also called on counselors to turn
lht'!r effort.~ in helping students succeed
rather than simply exist as clerical func-
The rmphasis ln lht' ncx! decade mu!it
focus on the r.lcd"n l ;>!: lhc r;-111rr or con-
cern and cmph?~;z-.. lc:irn1n1~ r:.\i;cr t'1un
IC'ach tn2'. he s<1itl.
"Change is !he nan1e of the Ramc. not
fo r Its own s..ike, but to impro\·e th e
education(\l system . The stage ls srl (o r a
revolution m higher education," Dr.
\Vntson commented.
From Page 1
tional, Inc .. a 'Delaware corporation.
He said Smith, Arden and Lane
allegedJy formed the corporation and sold
franchises for computer dating officr.s in
Orange, Los Angeles, Oakland, Arcadia,
San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle .
In the agreement, he said, the buyer
1vas to purchase the franchise a~ it was
agreed that the parent firm woutd supply
offices. training for staff. 0 r f ice
furnishings and advertising
AJong with lhat, Smith s<1id. the fran-
chise owner was to turn 11v1·r the gro!>s
receipts and applicants data to 1he parent
firn1 which was to return 80·pcrcent of
the gross.
l·fowever, Smith said. it i~ alleged lhtrf:
ll few months after the ofHccs opcn{d,
bills for office furnishings and ad·
vertising expenses fell dur on the new
franchise owner.
l\foney under lhe 80-pcrcent ar·
rangemenl ~as not returned. either,
Smith alleged .
Prices for the fra nchises ranged from
~a..000 lo $40,000.
funds invoh·ed in the securities viola·
lions. he said, amounted tn 1bout
1'he twc. grand theft charges stem from
about S&0,000.
He said th«; investigation Into the
operation lasted six months and invoh·ed
DA 's investigators and Newport Beach
police detectives.
for an cxpc1 t
v.•ho v.ill
come to
your home
with samples
"ithout any
obliJ?"11 tion
to you!
aftoni! 11M:J «* -m«<t lll(lltl"I 'llllSI 'DW1t l0011 f9 tut
di• ...i__, ....,..._Take: no rnon:-CV•
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eo...r "*' cbe iewd-litc ~ &nd nlkr 1beca. Come wilt oa their •l'lhiny
.,,~ -~ t4d ~ _, ,;/,_ Thtt lmtrc, their beauty-n'etl moth.
P'l..,,;ltl'-•11..-e ,_ r 01r. 'i'er.,, ~re 11•x•s-12' KarMan it on., S455.
Cnidil c.ma &a&J7 .unnrcd O¥er mvr7 1nonthL
~"'"00" H.J. GARR EJT f URN ffi1 ~~ '"'" ·~
INTERIOR DES IGNEt:tt. o,_11 Mon., Tilwn. Ir M. lvt1. COSTA MESA, CALIF .
646-0275 6~6-0176
'· • ••
------·-... • . '
VO~. 62, NO. 212c l SECTIONS, 36 PAGES
. DAILY "!LOT Slltf ........
Getting Their Kicks
Donna Killins, 9, Santa Ana Heights; Bill Riley, 9.
Santa Ana Heights, and Bonnie Harper, 10, Costa
Mesa ·(from Jeft), are making good use of their
time during fading days of summer vacation. They
are a1so making good use of swimming pool at
Orange Coast YMCA. They'll be back in school soon.
OCJCD Personnel
U1·ged to Close
Perf orm;ince Gap
Dr. J:lor.non i;;. Wi\IS<>~ .,.Ped on 390
teadlerftiid adoilnfstla~ iron\ Golden
West and °'8111 .. coosi colle(ea ~Ip
clo.se the 1'tragi_c gap between objectives
and performance" in juniot rollege
education We<blesday.
Speaking to the largest faculty in the
history of the Orange Coast Junior
College District, the c h a n c e 11 o r -
superintendent focused on four specific
areas of improvement.
He asked the overflow audience at the
Golden West Forum to reverse the
dropout re<!Ord in community C1llleges,
now the highest of any instituUon in
higher education. Figures released by Or.
\Vatson show thet two oot cf every Uirte
freshmen never gc en to their scpbomore
Occupational-technical programs, \!Oil·
sidered the mainstay of the junior cODfge
curriculum, are failing to attract enough
students, Dr. Watson complained. He said
attendance in these subject areas is
particularly important to Orange County
\Vith its complex of indwitrial QKf
research oriented firms.
He also ca1led on counselors to turn
thelr e£forts in helping students succeed
rather than.simply exist· as clerical fun~
The emphasis in .... the next decade must
focus on the student as the center of con-
cern and emphasize learning rather than
teaching, he said.
"Change is the name of the game, not
for its own Jake, but lo improve the
educational system. The stage is set (or a
revolution hr higher education," Dr.
\Vat.son conunented.
Stock 1'1arkets
NEW YORK (AP) -The sl<>ck mar-
ket was hJt with a stiff loss· today as it
continued the downtrend that carried it
Into lower . territory Wednesday. (See
quotations, Pages 18-lf).
Trading was mode.rate much of the
Mystery Shrouds Drive
To Recall Supervisor
By TQ.\111-\RL!IY '· Of tM o.llr flit Slaff. . .,.
A secrecy-shroud!'! ~ailll for the
recall ol Fflth Disltict Su90rvlllor Alton
E. Allen moved mysteriOusJy onward-~
day apparently under the now remote
control of a sculptor-designer who has
disconnected his telephone and retired to
the nether regions of rus San Clemente
Arrthon.y Tarantino's attacks on Allen
today appeared to be confined to the col-
umns of a four-page tabloid which carries
his name and home address -4Sl Calle
Copies of the so-called South Coasl
Homeowners Beacon have b e e n
circulated thrpuibQut -5 S o u t h e r n
Orange Coast and in Huntington Beach.
The tab\oiJI pcodllCllon appeared to be
heavily financed and cqrefully-planned.
Tarantino has not been available for
telephone Calls or personal interviews
sjnce Tuesday when the announcement of
the Allen recall campaign appeared
mysteriously in newspaper offices and
press rooms.
Tarantipo was as guarded in his com·
men ts to a DAILY PILOT reporter u the
release was in idenWying its office.
The scuJptor wu surprised Tuesday
that the release had in fact been
delivered to the press. But be declined to
comment on what appeared to be a
breakdown in communication between
recall prµ.cipals and refused to identify
the persons providlng cash and know-how
for )Vbat he adnUtt.ed was a ~Uy cam-
Most or the reaction thus far in the
hush-bush beating .of the South County
bush has been from· tftose whose names
have been put ·forward by '.Carantino as
possible successors to Supervisor Allen
and who apparently resent s u c b
categorization. > •
Laguna Beach attorney W i 11 j a m
Wilcoxen denies any connection with the
recall citmpalgn and points out that bis
own role in the movement to p'reserve
public access' to Salt Creek Road is in no
' ' ..... ' w•r·lilllrO!f 1o;or.",..-,'""""'A';.Je·eHo~ ,.;~~·
t'.Nobody·l have.e.v.tl:li-1*\ or ·~ is
iovolv~ in a r~ ca:mjl!tign," Wilcqxen
said, jand .Neb anr action ill -way
renect,o ~ thinJdng irf the movement
with whlch I am identified." ,
Wilcoren insists that his movement is
limited lo correction of "an error by
county supervisora through the courts or
by their Own change of stance."
Management control executive Joseph
Rosener of Newport Beach today sharply
denied any connection With the recall ef.
Rosener, 45, quickly admitted that he
had given "very serious thought" to seek-
ing Allen 's post in 1970, but that he had
no intention of campaigning for office
through the recall procesi1.
"My impression prior to the news of
this recall was that Supervisor Allen
would retire next year," R06ener said.
(See RECAIL, Pap 21
Smallest Quad
Now at CHOC,
Holding His Own
The smallest of the quadruplets born
Friday to Mrs. Robert Curtin of Garden
Grove has been transferred to Children's
Hospital o£ Orange County where the in·
lant today was said to be critical but
holding his own.
Charles Donald, only two pounds 10
ounces at bi rth, has d e v e I o p e d
resplratory . problems, hospital officials
said. He was.moved Wednesday to the in-•
tensive care unit at ·Oilldren's Hospital
for special treatment.
Brothers Sean Date, Lance Eric, and
"Christopher James, all of whom welgbed
wen over tour pOuods at birth, are
reported· doing very welt at Gardeli Park
General Hospital.
The birth of the quadruplets Ls believed
lo be the first in Orange County.
No Surfer A hospita l s_pokesman . said tOday that
!he baby's weight has Jncreased to three
pounds, but is still ·In critical condition
in the Intensive Care Ward.
Ocean Rescues of Nixon Prove It
President Nixon's gl>lf game has im·
proved con3ide;.fbly during his San
Clemente vacation, but his swimming
needs a lot more work. ,
Twice in the early>-weeks o! his West·
Coast stay Secret Service agents had to
f.iah him out of the surl ln front of his
villa, reUable SOUIUS said today.
The surf at Cotton's Point is just loo
rough for anybody wbo Is oot. a surfer.
And the President Ume and again has
' err.phatically denied be is a 1urfer, or ls
inl<rested In becoming one·-d"plle the
gJll of a Robie 00011! ftplll his family.
Surlboald One Is used by the
President's guests. ~ ~Joll'Moo's
daughter, Lud. was offtrtd ase ot the
boarU by the President list week. Silt
declined the-oUer, thoogh.
Kobody at Ule Western White House
will say whether the Secret Service has
declared the Nixon family beach off
limits to the President. But It is known
that. be doesn't swim-there anymore.
lnstead, he takes a dip with friends in
the. relatively smooth sutf at Red Beach
at C8mp Petidleton. He dld lhat Wed-
nesday and over the weekend.
He ii also, of course, practicing swim-
m)ng in the .even llK>rt calm aui or .the
family pool.
Details of hi! past trwbles at biS own
beach are unavallabl& from the Secrtt
Service. But one sour.ce aald' the Pres!·
dent was twice caugHt in heavy riptld~.
He was puUtd_ out almost immediately,
lhe 50W'Ct said. ..
County w Give
Nixon Gold Key
~lm0$t at the end of bis month-long
slay at lhe "(.e!tern White House in San
Clemente, Prea;ident Nixon was to be
presented today with 1 gold key to
Orange County.
The key presentation was to be made ·
by Board of Supervisors chairman
WUllam Hihtein, who along with AJtoo
Allen, supervisot of the Flftb D!Slrict,
wblcb tllke& Jn San Clemente, had t 12::.t
appo!ntment at the While Hoo&e We.st
A resolution passed by 1he Board of
Supervisor! Wednesday said', "The coun-
ty is hooored to have the Pruident
e$lt.bllsh tht seat of government of Uie
Uniled Stales In Orange CounJy."
-. .. . , . .
.COnsiructiDn -·ent. . ' . \"1 -4-~
Orders. lmmediate1 75 ,P~rcent S'lash · . . ,.
Nixon · Plannfug
Latin .America .
Policy Shakeup
. I ,
The Nixon. A~tration Is ·going lo
shake up Uni~ . States policy towar:4
Latin America, .
· Western White Houstiources indicated
Wednesday the rea!IOn is that the Alliance
for ProgreSll, formed dtD'ing the Kennedy
Administration isn't progressing.
The sbape of the new policy will be
determined by the National Security
Council after it studies a report su1>-
n1it_ted to the . President by New York
Gov. Nelson RockefeUer, .recently return-
ed from a rugged' trip to 20 Latin
Americ.an naUons.
Roekl!feller ~ ftla aidis ·and bis wife,
Happy, flew to San Clemente from New
York.Wednesday. 1'1e governor turned in
his final re ·to> Nixon. 'lhn com ..
t ...:~·~~ . . . 'if! ti> -'t -t'M , 1 ·wa e -cameo
out·hij mi$fon •· monlh •.
~~ ~!llati' ·Ron z;eglir loltl · -aHei ilie meeurlg
ir. NiJon'1, offiCe'tbat RockMeller'i reJ)Ort
wfil not be.made )iub~c. Jle·said JI wouJil
be turned OVf.I: to 'the National Security
Council for·policy recommendations.
Nixon, · bawtwer, made' it clear that
substantive changes in u.s; relations wlth
its.Southern Htmisphere neighbors are in
the offing.
''As you know," he told Rockefeller, •'it
was.my cooviction from Ule earllest mo-
ment ol my administration that. our
policies toward Latin America .•. needed
a fresh and comprehensive re-u-
"'It.was evident during the past several
years that the area had been ex-
periencing pt.ofound change · whlch bad
deeply affected iMtltutlons, atUtudes and
relationships and bad set in motion new
dynamics of whlch we were only begin~
ning to be aware.
Mesa -Downtown . ' .
Proje~t Approved
Hesitant development In Costa Mesa's hotel proposed for the Mesa Shoppbtg
downtown business d1strict -periled ft>r Center. and alao.a wholesale bakery outlet
years•by a proposed freeway -took a which was approved wtth·IUCh tousb ~
baby step 'forward this week arid may ditions that the action amounted to
soon have braces for JU; shaky legs. derilal.
A zone ercepUon· pehnit for a· 0-unit Building and development in tbe older
apartment development piann<d by Ran· heart. of lbe clly has been stymied lot
dall McCardle, at 161 E. 1JUt St., wu years and was only given a clear 10
given !ormal.dty C'Olll!Cll·apProval . signal thi11 year by &election ol a Newp<rt
The site is zoned for: commercial Freeway route through the west. side of
development but the pattern .of building town. ,
-what little ~re·bas been ·m~mare' tban Under citrrent plans, the entire
a decade -indicates, a direction toward neigbborttood will be enc'Ompassed by a
apartment construction, ac:Cordln'g.to city sta{e redev¢to~ent dim;ct,.probably in
officials. 1910 and in~.cOrisultmg firms at:e
Mayor Alvin L. Pin~ley ,sa,id., d~~ now beg1nniri'g' to contact. the. cfty.
· discu<slon of lhe McCardle ~ro]lict lliat 11 P1¥Nng Dtlector :w'llliam i.; Dunn ·~."' '~'1°' ll'!!"~J~.. . · . be , wtflti»to near!)' 311 coinparues .,iie!ilng '~di" lilli)Y, •, 't,Jc1taa911how\I0·~1Jnthoa\'i&·...ici-de#loPi!ieJill·wberlilley ! < ~ ty olllclala laill "' ..... •• 111e ....._are
ne·'rifetie11 1o eorlltr ~ ·~ now ·~ rn. ·~ ~--, · ,,. · -.l• .. ~~·.-.:.. ' ~Jult~fnm1v~,ircom.
' ,f . JlilliiC ...... if tlJO -lo pr.-to
3rd Time Charm?. ~~·n ~7.8'~~~.;::: ' •• discuJlsioo. . •
Bologli Will See
Costa Mesa·s Theodore C. "Ted"
Botogh this week declared he will nm
again in 19'10 for a seat oo the city COUD·
The: twice-unsuccessful candidate an-
nounced lti& Intentions during Tuesday's
council meeting, unv~lin' what many
municipal observers considered a cer·
"Another Republican rriade it the third
time and he's a swingiha 1 President,"
&logh explained. -
"U Mr. Nixon made lt maybe I will,"
he concluded.
Officers Subdue
Angered Citizen
Angry over his son's loss of a patt...Ume
job, a Costa Mesa man battled three
police officers before be!ng subdued ,wed ..
n~sda7 o!ght after allegedly caus41g 1 a
disturbance at his home.
Fennhi R.''ttirres;·1:1,-of··119 E: :l3id
SI., WU booked Oil ?Histing arrest and
disturbing the peace charges followinJ: a
rampage wlb:Jessed by the investigators.
Ofiicer George Spel'ling said Ule. lrlct ..
Ing, splUlng Torres had to be bandculfed
and straJlllld lnto··tho patrol car·wltb·the
..at belt en:lQ!lle to headquarters.
The patrobnan and hia two partners
said Jforres beat his own head againlt. the
car window all the way· to the station.
Adopted Boy Beaten
To Death; Pair H~ld
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) - A 4-yeaN>ld
boy adopted just two months ago dJed
Wednesday a!~.b!!na beaten so badJY.
an officer saJd, 1'lt just made your beort
ache." · •
Sheriff Ross Boyer of Sarasota County,
said he charged ' the cblld'a adoptive
parents with murder. Ward W. WIDCox.
51, a golf course grounds Jreeper, and~bia
wire Patricia.., 46, .were. jailed without
Oruge Coan •
A litUe chlJller ls the ootlook for
Ibo C>ruge Coaat Friday wltb
lcmpa dropping to the upper six•
Ut..s, whllt inland rq:ions bask in :
84-dtgree sun.
,~~~Macy .Jean watche_.a ,progreS1-0Mirsl'g>adlrs Diana bellns'·an<I
!llcbarcLCygan· dudng IOday's lif•t Clauea al St,Jaachlm!s, C•tbollc ~oo! lp_1C<ieta Mesa. Barbar.\~•"-'• other ·pa«lchlal ·lchool,JSI. John !be BapU,h. &!lo, started classes today, Public,acboo~ open lU.11> Y.•ar _next. wC'abesday. . • , •
~ •• • <
1 PlaneFees
•• • ·-~~''
l<By County
tocreased 'rees for landings and plane
swr1ge at Orange County Airport were
adopted Wedne,day by the Board ur
·The amount of the increases wa! a
compromise bd:ween recommcnd1tions
of the County '.5 land USt chief and ill
director of aviation.
The new rates are expected to bring in
$80,000 more a year in reven ue (or
airport improvements.
Tht landing ice is increased from 15
cent.s per 1.000 pounds of plane to 2J
cenl.s. Stanley Krause, county director o(
real property services, had recommended
26 cents and dirrctor of aviatlon Robert
Bresn11han has recommended 21> cents.
Supervisar Alton Allen suggested the
board spDt the diUerenct at 23 cent!.
.-. A minimum Jandingiee of $2.50 was re·
tainea. ·m Ul'ie·with a recommendation by
Bresnahan. Krause had recommended 11
boo! raised to $4.50.
But the $27 a month and up lie-down
storage fees proposed by Krause were
adopted. effective when an airplane park·
ing area is completed about Deeembcr
Supervisors look several votes before
settling on the compromise. Splitting the
.,board was the i!SUe of how much Profit
the Airport shoukl be expected to return.
Supervisor David Baker agreed with
Krause that the fair market value of the
land should determine rental amounlS to
be paid by airport users, both com·
mercial and private.
''The airport industry did not build Lhe
airport. the people of Orange County did
and put $11 million of tax money into it~"
Baker said. Supervisor Robert Battin
agreed. saying taxpayers should not be
made lo subsidize a special intereist
group of aircraft owners. Supervisor William Phillips followed
the lin e of argumenl of Bresnahan and
the Airport Commission. He argued the
airport is a service to the public in that it
provides stimulus for economic growth
and is an integral part of Lhe county's
transportation system.
Robert Fallon, president of the Orange
County Pilot's Association, to 1 d
supervisors, "We feel the airport should
make a. profit, but nol have the sky the
limit" He said private plane owners di(·
fer from boat owners in that most. of
them use their airplanes lo conduct com·
merce ·and are obligated to land and store
their planes at the airport, oot In their
William HolSmer 0£ Go Iden West
Airlines. a light plane commuter service.
81.lccessfully argued Jor retention of the
12.50 minimum landJng rate. Tne rate is
$1.91 at Lo! Angeles Im.ernaUonaJ· and
$2.00 at Long Beach, he said.
He said the airline is engaging in pump
priming, averaging just eight
passengers a nlght and has a long way to
go lo break even.
Air California and Air West, whose jel.'
w~gh 95,000 pounds, will see their Ian·
ding fees increase from $14.25 to f21.85.
Mesa Fh·e Chief
.Gets Ne'v Hehnet
Costa Mesa Fire Chit(•John ?11arshall
has a new aold helmet, prototype of a
revolutionary de.Sign developed by hi~
department aod destined for the heads of
1 million firemen.
11le new helmet was presented during
Tuud.ay's city council meel.lng by
AmerJcan Sports Co. exeeutive Robert
Weber and Battalion Chief Ron Coleman .
The tough , revolutionary headgear item
can withstand a shotgun blast's impact -
from reasonable distance -and is vastly
superior tQ the old, 171).ycar-old style in
terms of protection.
"This is a real winner." thief Marshall
said a ft e r receiving the presentation .
"and it will go out Into use a! a Costa
~1esa Fire Department design."
OhllY PllOT
Dlllo-Ho& COA!ll t"Ull lltON$ C°"""'Ar.to
l.wt"N ......
~ ....... .,.. l'IAllllNf
J•c\ JI . C1i1 rl1r
• •
1/Q "'"'*"' -Gtflf'• 11'.eMft!
111,,..,, 1e .... a ··-Thtlfl•l A. Mwr,hi111
~ll!t•• ..__ ......
lJO W•it lq-St•etl
M1»l111 A44r1q:: P.O. 1.,, I 560, '2~2~ --~ k«A. 2211 •esl .. _ ........... !.•-a.di: nr f-1 •-H1111•11111• .. llCA.: • JI" 5'1"1'11
,,. et •n•• .. Mnt
• a • , ..... n 9 a ...... ,.
~-.--c.... ........ c,......., ...... --....... ........ ................ . ........ ...... -.... , ........... . --·------"-.......... _ .............
... C.... ...... CAI..,,,.. S... lstla : ... ~ -_.,,,,..,.,. .. ....,,., ,....,., ..,.., ...... """"""·
OAILT "ILOT SI.ti....,. CABINET PARLEYS -The full Nixon Cabinet met
at the Western While House for the first time today .
Clockwise are A rthur Burns, counsel ; Robert
Finch. HE\V ; Walter Hickel, Interior; Paul Volker,
Treasur:y undersecretary: Vice President Agne\v ;
John Mitchell, Attorney General; !\1aurice Stans,
Commerce; John Volpe, Transportation; Charles
Yost, VN; Rogers Morton , GOP chalrman; George
Schultz, Labor; \Vinton Blount, Postmaster Gener·
al; \Vlliam Rogers, State; President Nixon; Melvin
Laird , Defense; CUUord Hardin, Agriculture ;
George Romney, HUD, and Robert Mayo, Budget.
Benefactor of Crippled
Youth, Mr. Vsedom Dies
Frank Usedom, &l, \\'ho made his Bal·
boa Island Village lno restaurant famous
for it.s Chrl51.l)las parlies !,or crippled
children, died \Yednesday of ;i h('art at·
Mr. Usedom, who with his wile.
Dorothy, took over the restaurant on the
island 12 years ago, suffered a heart at·
tack at work Wedneday afternoon. Hr
was pronounced dead at Hoag ~lemoria!
li05pilal shortly after 5 p..m.
The Village Inn. resembling an Eng!1sh
pub, began after Uscdon1 and his widow
refurbisted a small restaurant.
From Page 1
··~ty thoughts aboln possibly succeedLnR
hun were based on that premise and I
should not have been connected wilh the
recall movement by 1'.1r. Tarantino:"
Tarantino's tabloid gives considerable
coverage lo the recall ca1npaign, the Sall
Creek Road issue, the Irvine land
preserve controversy and ai rport rmise.
And it extends its attack on the
supervisor to his aide, .John Killerc r nf
Corona del t.1ar. A pholO 1s included of
Kille(er's home.
Airport Plan Rcvcalctl
LOS ANGELES IAP) -Plane; :l'l .~pend
S!OO milUon to huild Ontario Jntcrna·
tJonal Airport east of Los Angele~ \1·err
disclosed Wednesday by the Airport Com·
Aiming at completion by J980, the con1 ·
mission said the first phase is to begin
next }"ear with a 9,200-foot rw1way, tax-
i\\·ays and a holding apron.
A few years later its traditional
Chr1slmas parties for the children fr om
lhe Orange County Society for Crippled
Childre n and Adults were born.
Mr. J;sedom provided d in n e r ,
refrestimenls and a Santa Cla us for an
average of 30 crippled ch.ildren each holi·
day season. The restaurant provid.?d
lransportatio n for the ch 11 d r e n ;
<:uslo1ners donated the gifts.
~!r. Usedom was born in Chicago and
moved to the Harbor ~rea 16 yea rs ago.
for many years before that he was a
constant weekend visitor to the area.
He was a member of the Balboa Island
Punling and Sculling Society, a select
light-hearted group famous for ap-
pearances at l\evrport Harbor public
~1r. lJscdom, a charter member of the
Balboa Bay Club, v;as a past president of
U1c Pacific Angler 's Club and Lhe Balboa
Jsland Businessman's Association. lie
was also active in the Ne"·port Harbor
Chamber of Commerce and the Balboa
Angling Club.
lie wa s a veteran of Coast Guard
service in \Vorld \Yar 11.
Until ear!il!f this year the Usedoms
""'ere proprietors of another Balboa
Island area landmark restaurant, the
Villa hlarina.
Besides his widow, Doroth y, of the
honH.'. 2~32 Crestview Drive. Newport
Beach, he leaves a dau ghter, Debbie, 16,
a :\c\\'port Harbor High School student :
two brothers, W. F ... Bud" UscdQm of the
.San Fernando Valley and Ed Usedom of
Chicago, and two sis ters, Mrs. Bea
Origer and ~lrs. Gladys Ri sberg, both of
Scryicrs will be collriucted Monday at
11 a.m. in Pacific View Memorial Park
r~riends who wish may call at the
mortuary starling Friday at 9 a.m.
From Page I
placed it at more lhan $1 billion.
''This limitation, which will continue
until conditions cease," said the Presi·
dent, "wlll still permit projects of the
highest social priority to be carried
forward ."
Nixon's use o{ the term "social'' 11•as
believed to mean anli-poverly projects
would not be cut back.
The President also urged state and lt>-
cal government to follow his exaniple.
"The degree and promptness \1·11h
\\'hi ch they respond to this plea fQr part·
ncrship in action w1JJ be watched very
carefully ," he said. ··rf the response is
not sufficient I shall restrict the com·
mitments for construct.ion that can be
linanced through federal grants.·•
"Should this slep become una1·01LIAblr,
the stales and localities will, of cuursr.
hr gh•en clue notice. so !hry can aLIJu~t
their affairs properly.''
The warning was clear. It is expected
lo trigger a wave of state and local cl;1sh·
es in government-financed construction.
The President's statement followed a
t~o hour meeting th.is morning between
Nixon and his cabinet at the \Vestcrn
White House's administrati ve compound.
Lu x ury
you wo 11't
have to
Aetlons Cataceled
MoD:r~ing St~rts
•• ~ I
Ho ·Chi inh
SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnam began
a v>'eek of mourning today for Ho Chi
Minh and planned a state funeral for the
father of Vietnamese independence.
Tb<: 79--year.old president of North Viet·
nam died Wednesday a(~r "a grave and
sudden heart attack," Radio Hanoi
The announcement said Ho died al 9:47
a.m. Hanoi Ume, which was 6:47 p.m.
Tuesday PDT. But word of his death was
wtlhheld for nearly 11 hours, until about
3:40 p.m.'POT Wednesday. In the interim
Hanoi Rad!o prepared the North Viet.
na.mese people for word of the death with
perlod\c reports that his condition was
gettind worse.
"Everyone tried their utmost and gave
of their beat to save him at any price,"
llanoi Radio said, 0 but because of his ad-
vanceJ age and serious iUness of the sud·
den severe heart attack, President Ho
has lert us foreverf'"
Tlie broad cast said "the moat solemn
~emon.ial S4lle funeral of our nation"
wo1!l:i be organlied but it did not say
when the rites would be he.kl.
The North· Vietnamese delegation in
Paris uked for a poatpooe.ment of
loday'a weekly session of the peace talks
but said it wookl be ready to resum e the
Lal" 1 nut '11luraday.
Io San Clemente, a spokdnan 'aid
P·esldent Nixon would make no comme11t
on Ho's death. U.S. military and
diplomatic autboriUcs in Saigon also did
not comment.
After eulogizing Ho, the. Hanoi br<»i1d·
cast appealed. to "the entire patty, Ule
entire army and the entire people" to
"contribute both their minds and the1r
force to the great task of defeaUng th•
U.S. aggr~" and "liberating South
Vietnam ."
* * * * .fl * Russ, Chinese Laud Ho;
Britisher Blasts Him
MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union
loday pledged lo continue full support to
Ho Chi Minh's succusors.
The official condolence cable from the
Communist party and g o v e r n m e n t
leadership to Hanoi said, "The Viet-
namese Communists and Vietnamese
people may rely alway!! on the full sup·
port of the Communist party of the Soviet
1.;nlon and the Soviet govemmcn l and
J">N)ple. ··
Premier A!e:<ei N. Kosygin 11'11s rx·
peeled to fly lo Hanu1 for the funeral.
The symp&lhy cable refe rred lo Ho as
'·the grea t son of the heroic Vietnamese.
people, an oulstandng st<1tcsman of ~11·
ternational Communi~t and national
libe ration mo·:e1nrnt. the gre;it lriend or
the So\'ttt Union."
!'.? pl bf sta r
* 110/lili l\ONG 1Ll'IJ -Cl'ln1111uni st
China. in " C(111dU1l'.ncc 1nc ';1gc on the
dealh of l'rcs1dc1•l l''l Chi \'1 1n:1 urged the
people of \"o· I 1 \"1~1:1; 111 \•;..i:1y to .. I urn
their gr tl'f 1ni.o ~i 11·;1~t:1 In gt\"C the.
An1eric;ins a grc:ite.r blO\\ "
The PC'l..ing rcz;znl' sent l'rr1n1cr Ch1111
En·lai tu Hanoi a:;: h1.!acl o! a Sj)t.'C1<1I
delegation IQ ancnd the funeral of the
\1Jelnarr.esr leader.
Communist China CX111ld nol send H~
own pre!ident. Llu ShaO<hl, because he
Is under house arrest, victim of a purge
by Communist Party Chainnan Mao Tse·
tung .
* LONDON (U PI ) -Columnist Bernard
Levin wrote in the Daily Mail today that
he dreaded the outpouring of eulogies for
Norlh Vietnamese President Ho Chi
~Jinh .
"The plain truth ,'' he. "rule, "is that Ho
Chi ~1inh was a ruthless and bloody
tyrant. Ji1s First action on con1plcting the
conquest of North Vietnam \1·as 10
~laughter in cold blood some 50,000 men
ond women "'ho might ha1·c opposed his
"\\"hen his c<11npaign lo take over South
Vietnam beg;in il was "'aged "'1th a
r,olicy Qf deliberate atrocity, as an in·
slnin~ent or te rror. the like of which had
nnt been seen in the modern world.
··rro1n the cases of children literallY
t'l1opped to pieces be.fore their pa rentS•
"Yl'S, 1n villajies temporily seized by the
\"ic~ Cong. to the hWldreds o{ men.
\1ornen and children who had been rlub-
bed to death and whose bodies ""'ere
disco\ered after the Tel offensive. the
slory was the same -the grossest
utrocities, committed not In the heat of
the battle or the blood-lust o( revenge.
but as a calculated and important part ot
gen tle, witty Uncle Ho's policies."
for an c1pe1,
\l'hO -n·11I
rome lo
your home
\\'1th samples
without any
obligation , Lo :oul
Btartaed Out
Battallon Chiefs Robert Beauchamp Cleft) and Ron Coleman of Costa
Mesa Fire Department check damage to burned out garage at home
~{John ~ioyt, 2049 Federal ,\\e. ~lidnighl bla1e \Vednesday 1;t.arted
1n def~t1ve clothc!'C dryer. f1rcnien :"tUd . Firr. ''hirh caused C!'=tin1wied
S:.l.500 In do1111 "r, \\as conl a1ncd 111 g~11o:1t;e . 'l"here were no inJuries.
' \
Oriental design n.1 g~
by fo n1 ous
Luorfrtt 101.in"Y tn" c-.n
aifonl! ·rnn "'* .,., "'''""
th.,,, onh1~ "'l" ·; ~c, "" mnff • ,,,.
Th. -oo.~·n11l ¥'JIC"nurn 1nt 1\nd rh'1 thpw pracucllly no "'U r.
C-_. 1hc jewel.like n>l°" and ,11K~ lhccn . Come 'lt'alt on 1herr •rl•CfJ
.oilmm. .,l ""°' rlu.-J --s/Pd ,,,,,../ ;1lt. 11icrt lustr~.1ke1r bcauty -~dl muth.
r-ofiri~-1n ~ ;-• •••' 'i er an STCr1ce 8'8 .. 1 12' J.\:aralbft 11 only $4;).i.
Credn «7m• c:uily ...,.."~ ewer mMir month•.
INTERIOR OESIGNE~S Opr11 Mefl., Tltwn. & Frt. 1,11, " I LVO. COSTA MESA, CA LIF,
6 .. 6.0275 6'1 6.0276
·--r · « ·-------
(;orps Geis
Negro Marines' Afro Hair Style OK'd
Marine Commandant Chapman
Lad y Bartenders
Back in LA
By Court Order
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Women may
tend bar here now thanks to a superior
court judge who ruled Wednesday that a
California law prohibiting lady
bartenders violated the federal Civil
rughts Act. ·
J;udge Richard Schauer ruled that a
1963 amendment to the State Alcoholic
Beverage Control Act was In direct' con-
nict with the Civil Rights Act as amend·
ed in 1966, which prohibits discrimination
in emploYJJ!ent because of sex.
However, even under federal laws,
there are some restrictions on women
bartenders, I i m i l i n g them to
eslablishments with 15 or m o r e
cmp!oyes. , 1 Thi; Judge also indicated he might not
sign immediately a pennaneot injunction
prohibiting prosecution under t h e
Caillornia law if the state chooses to ap-
peal his ruling.
WASHINGTON l UPI) -N e g r o
t.larine5 can let their ha1r grow Afro
style wllhin Umlta and &1ve U'le black
power clenched Ost 11lute under so1ne
circumstances, it was a n n o u n c c d
Marine Corps Commandant, Gen .
Leonard F. Chapman Jr. also told
newsmen that in another n1ove to reduce
ra.cial tensions base t'Ommander! have
been directed to see that there Is "soul"
music on the juke boxes in non-com·
missiontld ofricers clubs.
Chapman issued the directive as an
I artennalh to al least two out'breaks ol
fighting at Marine Bases at .~mp Le-
jeune. S. C., and In Hawau belween
Negroes and whites. One ehlisted man
Oied and 31 were injured in I.be eta.mes.
His message to all command! said the
Airo hair style must meet Marlne Corps
regulations which stipula't that "the hair
on top must not be over three inches In
length. Long or conspiclous sideburns are
The regulations also i<lY lhal "ha ir
shall be worn neatly or closely trimmed''
and shall be clipped at the sides and back
"to present an evenly graduated &Jl·
pearance. ··
Chapman 's message, read to all
Marines, did not specifically refer to the
black power salute but said that officers
should "accept for w h. at they a re,
gestures of recognition and unity."
He ordered that "actions, signs. sym-
bols. gestures and words which are .coo·
trary to tradition will not be pemulted
ouring ceremonies." .
however, the directive added : "It ts
Marine Corps policy that, while such ac-
tions are to be discouraged, they are
ne\'ertheless expressions of individual
belief and are not, In themselves. pro-
"They are grounds for disciplin~ry. ac·
t;on if executed during of I 1c 1.;i, I
ceremonies or in a manner suggesting
direct defiance of duly constituted
au1hority. ''
ChapJTlan also suggested that regula·
lions and o\her materials avoid pro-
,·ocalive wording such as palene~ to
describe a sympton of heat prostration.
"These are little things, but they 1ncan
something t.o our black Marines," he
Of the overall racial situation, the com-
mandant stressed that the problem is
almost Uflhear4. of in oombat conditions,
then added :·
"It is when ~tarines move to other
areas or return to the United Stale! thar
these .dillerences. arise. Aod it is there
where acts of violence between Marines
are occurring, acts which caMOt be
tolerated and must st.op:"
He directed that iOI fi~d commanders
personally read , his~ ll)essage to the
enlisted men except those in (.'O(Jlbat. He
uiged that officer! maint.a.in an open.door
policy to hear grievancea.-a.nd lo review
the rights of men to promotion on a non-
racial basis.
How Was the Vacation? ..
Glad You Asked Me That
Of tM D•ilf f'!lot St1H
I'm going to cllp out this column and carry it around In my wallet. wall·
Ing for the next guy to come up to me as . ow was · e va~11 J?n .... and k "H lh t' '1"
In anBWer to future queries, it was great -1f you get your Jol!Jes out of
driving fl,752 miles across the country and back all by your lonesome.
Your riext question woold be: Why would any rea·
sonably sane human being set out on such an au~motive
odyssey! Well. it all happens when one comes into the
possession of a new car, develops an itdl to travel, and
then reaJi:r.es he doesn't know anyooe between bere and
fndiana, all his old friends 'and relativet1 being scattered
throughout the East.
So one heads east, imagining himsell a Marlin Mil-
ner discovering the· uncharted territory along Route 66
(or some such nonsemt}. What he actually dOOI is put
himself and his iroo steed through some merciless w'ar
and tear, rationalizing all the while th~t it be@t.s worki~. That's de\)atablc.
One also arrives at a number of definite' conclU$11J15 en route . Among
~m .
(t) Eastern summertin1e weather 'oomes in only two sizes -hot and
wet. Often simult.aneouSly. If nothing else, jt makes one quite appreciati ve or
the occasional eool brcez<!s crossing lhe Orange Coast.
{2) Contrary to popular opinion, the world's worst drivers are not head-
quartered in Los Angeles. Tbtir naturll habitat Is the highway between Plllla·
delpbia and Washington . D.C., where you tailgate in self de!ense -to avoid
be.ing cut oCC at the pass by someone In a big}l:er hurry than yourself.
(3) lf dl9c jockeya reflect the mood or the recorcf..buylng public. Johnny
Cash mus\ now be a mlUionalre several times over, Every third song on any
given station is ''A Boy Naml'd Sue."
(4) New York ls still at once tht dlrLiest city in lhe counlry and lhe most
fascinaUng. Not to say the most expensive. A great place lo visit, but ...
(5) The Old Home Town becomes 3 little smaller with each visit. Also a
little further away.
(6) The most scenic !\.ate In the union i!; either Pennsylvania or Arizona,
depending upon whether your bag i~ rolling green hills or stark, de!!Olate pan-
orama. There's a lot to be said for both.
(7) A 90.degree day on lhe Orange Coast may be more comfortable !,han
a 70-degrtt day back east. but in such garden !Pols as Needles or Las VCp:as
IL ain't the humidity, It 's the heat, Around Uteri. the mean su mmer tempera·
ture is 115 degrees -and that's preUy mean.
(8) Interstate highwa)'! are a boon to Iona' dlltaoce travel, but they spoil
the motori!l In a hurry for sueh un~ Clues 11 Birmi.ngh.am, Ala. And
Southern California 's smog im't so hard to take after a iHmpse of Blrmin11:-
ham 's sooty skyline.
(9) Jt is Inadvisable to travel through Oklahoma on Sunday with your
radio on -unles.,, or course, you're deeply reUgious or enjoy comparing the
styles or the country's pulpit pounders.
110) When traveling alon&: the Eas1 Coast, a mo.iey changer comes in just
as handy flS a cooler fllll of Cokeii on the dtsert. lt cost. more for lol11 than
gas (Cf' Instance, to drive from Philadelphia to WashingtOn.
' But All In all, It wa.'\ <11 ball -although I'm not mapping out ll aimllar
1aga tor next yenr, For, while getting there may be half the fun, gettJng back
sure ain't the Olhcr hall.
Nixon Meets
Mum on Ho
UPI Wb.lte Bouse Reporter
President Nlxon summoned his full
cabinet into session today as the Western
\Vhite House in San Clemento remained
silent on the death of North Vietnam
President Ho Chi Minh.
The chief ei::ecutive, to combat ln-
OaUon, also was expected to announce a
whopplng cutback ln new federally fund-
ed QQDStruction starts.
Nixon 's decision to defer new projects
financed with federal dollars was leaked
to 1.he nation 's 11:overoors at Colorado
Springs, Colo., by Vice President Spiro T.
Agnew. They squawked.
This was the first Cabinet meeting lo
l>e beld al the California White House.
~1.ainly it was geared to Nixon's domesUe
policies and new ways to prod Congress
on his legislative program .
But with Secretary of De£cnsc Mel~in
R. Laird, Secretary of State William P.
Rogers and other top-level advisers on
hand, discussion was expected lo broaden
to the Vietnam war, implications of Ho'!
death, ai1d the North Vietnam'ese
leadership vac.11um.
Foregoing bis usual routine of golf or
swimming Wednesday, Nixon stayed in
his office througboot the afternoon,
meeting with hls staff.
He was informed or Ho 's death by Dr,
Henry A. Kissinger, his foreign policy ad·
viser, who was monitoring dispatches
from Europe and Asia. Nixon had no im·
mediate comment
There was no indication the seven-day
1nouming period for Ho, beginning loda1·,
will lead to a lemporary lruce on the bat·
tlerleld. If it does, the United States
1vould be expected to go aking as it has in
the past.
The Presidenl planned lo meet briefly
tod ay wlth San Cle1nente and Orange
Couqty civic leaders who wi;int to thar.!i:
him for bringing the White House West to
their home town and area.
Nixon met with Nelson A. Rockefeller
Wednesday and later promised to turn
over the New York governor's recom ·
mendat.ions f o r a new Latin America
policy to the NationaJ Security Council
for "study and appropriate action."
The president dropped by when
Leonard Firestone oJ Los Angeles, presi-
dent of Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.,
was named chairman .oi the Richard t.t.
Niioo, Fo-n. TM "'"\>datio~ w~I
select a !lie tot the Nixon presidential
library, probably on the Cotton Point
estate where Nixon oow owns a villa and
five acres. /
Nixons to Fetc
Cabu1et, Wives
At San Oemente
A ntix of Ha waiian and Mexican motifs
provides the abnosphere tonight for
President and Mrs. Nixon 's outdoor din·
ner party in San Clemente in honor of the
cabinet officers and their "A'ives.
The courtyarc. of the President's
Spanish-style villa overlooking the Pacific
will be lighted by Oickerlng tlawailan
torchs and small hurricane lamps in the
center of the tables for eight.
1 Entertainment will be supplied by the
Olympics. the Mariachi Band that gave a
Me.x.ican·style welcome to former Presi· I
dent Lyndon B. Johnson when he arrived
for his 61st birthday celebration lasl 1vcek.
Vice President and Mrs. Spiro T.
Agnew head thr. guest list of sorne 30
cabinet members, their wives . and others
who sit in on cabinet sessions.
Tricia Nixon , 23. feeling belier after a
brief bospitalization (or an abdominal ail-
ment, was expected to be on hand al tnc
party . Jiowever , a spokesman said Tricia
1iLill was "not completely herself again."
Julie and David Eisenhower, daughter
and son·in·law of the President, will fly to
the western White HouS<! Saturday eoen-
lng to join the first family on its last I
weekend in Southern California before
they depart for Washington.
The green and gold-bordered Truman
china and the vermeil flatware wais flown
here from the White House cast for the 1 party tonight. 1
A full day awaited the cabinet wives
when m<1sl of them arri'l~ this morning.
After lunch and a tour at Universal
Studios, Mrs, Nixon pfanned to give lhe1n
a tour oi the first family 's summer home.
The menu tonight features roast prime
sirloJn of beef with a deS<!rt called bombc
llawaii, a concocticrn of Nixon's favorite
macada1nia nut Ice cream surrounded by
fr~h pineapple.
Atlantic City reported today what could
s D~ll Y I'll.OT i
The old blimp base in Santa Ana has a new name
today. It is now the Santa Ana ~1arine Corps Air
SlaLion (Helicopter). From 1951 until Wednesday
it was known as the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air
Facility. Between 1942 and its temporary de.:com-
missiuning in 1949, it was base for Navy blimps
ahd wu. called the Lighter Than Air Stallon (LTAj·
Col. Kenneth Huntington. base commander (left ,
and Btig. Gen. Hemy W. Hise. commanding gen-
eral, El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, made the
change official Wednesday.
Construction Cutbacks
Could Be Deeply Felt
Mexico's Leader;
Nixon to Meet
At Dam Rites
The Nixon Administration is con-
sidering a rnassivc, anti·inflationary cut-
bark in federal construction project
starts, the Western \Vhile House disclos-
ed \\'ednesday in San Clemente.
Presidential Press Secretary Ron
Zieg ler indicaled the slash could involve
75 percent of the hundreds of millions of
dollars in projects planned and .Jot yei
under way throughout Ameri ca.
He s<'l ld an announcement on a precise
percentage will be made, possibly late
lodaJ. f t \.
Zieglu r n1phasited that only those pro-
jects not yt'l started would be affected .
The deferral of starts on the se projects JS
effective in1mediately.
11e said the move would be anti.in·
"Also, there has bttn a tremendous
:i;lrain on Lhc construction industry,"
Ziegler added.
''If we eliminate some of the high cosls
and lhls strain, we woukl be able to pro-
ceed with construction ln the future at
more efficient costs, with more labor
available to meet demands."
Sl1irley Temple
Digs New Joh
SAN F)lANCJSCO (AP! -Shirley
Temple Black, newly appointed United
Nations repreir;en1aUve, says she doesn't
know whal the job entails but f~s" the
international body is the best forum for
promoting world understanding.
"l hope to h4ilP eveey way l can to con·
tinue work for international peace," the
former child movie star told newsmen
Tue5day night on arriving at San Fran-
cisco International Airport from Hawaii.
President Nixon and Mexican President
Gustavo Diaz Ordaz wiO meet in the mMl-
dle of the Arnistad Dam on t h e Rio
Grande Monday to dedicate the •7!
million power project. •
The two presidents will be,,accos::ded full
milltary honors and will speak al ~
ceremonies scheduled for abbut 11: 45
a.m. PO'l' at the Del Rio, Tex., Villa
Acuna, Mexico , border,
Then Nixon a™i Dia~ Ordaz will drive
to El ~11rador, a eonstnlciton town on the
Mexican side of'the daqi, for a hmcbeon.1
lmd &J>rivate meeting.
Nixon will !lop off for the border
dedication oo hil way back to Washington
alter a month-long work and vacation
stay at his Pacific oceanlront compound
in San Clemente. He is due to depart Del
Rio from Laughlin Air Force base at 3:31>
p.m. PDT, arriving at Andrews Air Force
Bise near Waahington at 5:30 p.m. PDT.
1Wfu,;e Sh.oppinc;
She'// be
admired in
Buster's new
rep ti le prints
~ f
for your All·Americ1n Boy! Greet for school
or dress, E¥ery fit gu•r•nteed by our highly
ir•ined e11pert personnel.
Ofl IAC•·TO..SCHOOI. SH01$ P.UI· ck&uo. OUlt ......, PROMOTION 0, THI
YIU:. THUi swtu. Lmu CAMIU.S USI 120
Mii flfC.M. ITOP UILT SO YOU• Llnu 6UY5
be a r~ haul for a pickpocket -
'27,500 worth of gems taken from the hip
pocl:et of an aucUonea-. n f-Detectlves said William J, Evana, "hO ~•tt: NOW \VOrks for the William BJum Auction e 'J )
House on th< Boordwalk, walkod U>< ClllDIQl'S IOOlUT 2 STORES
thr .. block• from the !!lore to tile poat of-TO IETTER
(JJ ~(J/itfBBOJCS YY!, n• 1-.nuflf J.'!.1LY
lice on Illinois Avenue.
When he arri\•ed, he pul Jrls hand. be rk SER.VE YOU
Lor the pouch conlalning the jewels and tOIZ frtlwe _ Westdlfl "-
rtlllCOvcrod his pock•I hod been slashed Ho. lO FoslllDft lllold Newport leodo •
open. Tht pouch wu gone.,..,----· "·-...;";;•;,;w;:po;;,;rt~l .. ;,:.;•Qh••-6;.4;.4;.2;.4;,;6;,;4 _______ :.-----------,
f llAll.Y l'ILOT
One of the many American
males on a low cholesterol diet II
developsil t.s Prasklant Nixon. This
la!onna on comu from Mn. Vlr-
1lnl• Knauer,. h1J advi1er on con-
sumer affairs. ln an arUcle in the Euton (Pa.) Express sbe said that
after sbe pn>pOled llmlting the fal
content in bot dog1 to 30 percent
she received a call from the Presi·
d"'t. who aald: "Vlrgin!a1 I just wanted you to know that I m with
you 100 percent on the bot dogs.
I'm on a low cholesterol diet my·
sell. 0 Low cholesterol diets usual·
ly are aimed at warding o!1 heart
disease. •
Smile• ntvm to fal!tr of Walter
Rice, neto U.S. Ambalsador to Aus·
tralia and hi1 wife, Inger, but daugh-
ter Lisa appears gloom11 ca tht trio
head: to Canberra of~r a forced stop
i n SydM.IJ. Mr1. Rice toos ordered in-
to q!Ulrantjne iohen thtr arrived in
St1dntt1 becauie ghe had not had a
imialtpoz vaccination. But Qfter .some
''top ltvel" Ulephone caU1 1ht 1003
rele03td. • A spokesman for the American
Petroleum lnstitule '8Y• California
is "the test tube for pollution con·
trol throughout the world ."Kerryn
King, chairman of the inslitute's
committee on air amt, water con--
servation, pledged in a speech the
oil Industry "Will eurt every el·
fort" to prevent wat.,..and ·alr J><ll· lution. He cited the recerit Siirfa
Barbara Cliannel oU well blowout
and Los Angelea smog as examples
o( California's role in J><lllution stu· dies. •
Robert Yate1, of New York,
who re turned $25 million in
non-ne uotiable checks to the
Midland Bank Ltd ., sa111 the of·
ficer who accepted the checks.
mi.ssing for four days, "seemed
pl.ta.std to recow:r them." Yates
who found the checkl on State
Street said ht knew the checks
totaUinu $25,043,000 were no n-
negotiabl.t, but conceded that he
had considered cashing thtm.
"Don't think it didn't cro11 my
mtnd. For 125 million, the lar·
ceny comet out in evervbod~ "
he •aid. ' ~
• Je•n-Pl•rre P•rls would resem·
ble many motorcyclists on San Di~
ego streets except for two things :
A diplomatic license pla te and a
dark gray helmet that looks like a
dress hat. Paris, 39, honorary con-
sul of France, commutes daily to
his downtown travel service and
consular office on his motorcycle.
"Everyone else in the corps has a
diplomatic license plate on their
car,'' he said. "But I'm the only
member with one on a motor-cycle."
. Arab Guns
: Silenced
• • •
By Israelis
. T&L AVIV (AP) -lsr~~
I llalllllltll al Arab 111errllla pocteta In
Joniln,oouth ollbe Ilea ol Galilee for the
......i llraJihl d&j' toe!&)' lo llltnce Arab
.&Ulll 'a~· u lamll ..Ulemenl, Ille
laraell army· reportod.
A spotesmaq uld the jell llttahd
acrou the border after the Araba opened
fire on the farmJni ..uiem.n1 ol Mao&
Halm, and that Ille plaoea .. 1urnec1 safely
lo thoJr bate.
lsrlel aave no further details, and
there: wu no iDlmedlate report from
,In Alpman, !lie Paleatlne Arm«! Strug.
1le Comliland claimed Arab llltrflllu
launched Wednesday nli:ht their heavleat
attack against lsraell posJUorui al.nee the
1967 Middle Eut war. llrael denied It.
An Arab commwlique &a.Id Al Fatah
guerrillu attacked 22 Israel military
posiUons along a lf.mlle front of the:
Jordan River'• West Bank for five hours
in an operatJon codHWned ''Spears of
Armed with heavy rockets, mortars,
bangaJore torpedos, machine g u n s ,
grenades and ei:ploslve charges, the
guerrillu cut off roada and occupied
strategic positions f9 prevent the arrival
cl Israeli reinforcements, the com·
munlque &aJd.
"Other units penetrated e n e m y
farUficalions after finding their way
through minerlelds and opening a gap in
barbed wire and electric fences," it ad·
An Israeli anny &po~esman in Tel Avi v
denied the s t o r y "from beginnlng to
end ."
"You are welcome to visit the area and
:;ee for yourself," he said.
-----_.,.. ___ ·-.~ ' ... _ ·-. -..... --"""-~ 'f ...
First Steps to Cro1vn
Miss New Mexico, Pat Brummett (left) won the talent competition
while Miss Ohio, Kathy Baumann, picked up the swim sul t hono rs at
the prelimina ry judging for the 1970 Miss America in AUantic City.
• Inflation Threat -
Nixon Asks Trim
In House Tax Cut
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nillon ad·
mini1tratJon uked the Senate today to
trim the mkldle clua' ta1 cuts granted
by the Hou1e'1 aweeplng tas refonn bill
and to make an unexpected $1.8 billion a
year cut in corporation tu r1te1.
Treasury Secretary Davkl M. Kennedy
and Asst. Secretary Edwin S. Cohen
argu&J before the Senate finance com-
Scott, Allott
Take Dirksen's
Senate Duties
liberal and a Roc ky ?tfounlaln conserva-
tive move into the leadership among
Senate Republicans during the absence
ol GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen, re-
covering from surgery for lung cancer.
Sens. Gordon L. Allott of Colorado and
Hugh Scott of Pennsylvanla are almost
certain to usume Dirksen'! leaderahip
functions as the Senate movta: into the
busy final four month.9 ol its first seuion.
Allott ia chairman of thfl Republican
Policy Committee, which charts GOP po-
sitions in the Senate. Scott i.s assistant
leader. Dlrk&en's deputy. Bot b were
•elecled .at the &tart of the session.
Doctors reported Wednesday the tumor
removed from Dirksen's right lung in a
delicate and dangerous operation was
cancerous. Although they described the
7J.year-old senator's progress as "ex·
ce:Uent" there was no estimate 'Nhen he
could return to his du ties. One $0UTCe
BB.id it would be two months before Dirk·
sen could n.aume work.
mlttee lhal lhe Houae had been IO open.
handed 1n culiln&: tu:ea for J'ndividual!
and so harsh in ral!lng bUJlneq Wes
that its bill threatened to Ignite a new
round of lnflaUoo in the 1970s.
They soug)ll broad -pnd poMtkally
unpopular -revisions in the Houle's
handiwork. Chlelly they u ted the 11.17
billion income tax cuts approved by the
House !or 1m be rolled tiacl.; by IUJ
billion to a new total of fl ..34 blWca.
'Ibey sald that when the full effects of
the legialatioo are felt in 10 years, cor-
poratJon tues will have lncreued and
taxes on individuals will have fallen.
KeMedy and Cohen wue the Urst or
more lhan SOO witneasu who will tesW,.v
before the committee over the next
month -all asking cl\.ange1 in leglslatlon
that, by a House vote of 394 to 30, became
the most sweeping. revision of the na·
• tlon's tai: structure alnce the ~ption of
the income tax half a century ago.
After the committee rewrites the bill to
its satisfaction, it will be subject to
amendment on the Senate floor late this
fall. When the Senate passes It, a final
version, 11pproved by a conference com-
mittee of House and Senate members,
will be sent to President Nii:on -
perhaps by Christmas, perhaps early in
Blaze Breaks O ut
Aboard U.S. Des troyer
LONOON (UP I) -Fire broke out
aboard the guided missile destroyer USS
[)ey,·ey anchored at Toulon, France, a
U.S. Navy spokesman said today.
Sailors put out the fire by 12:30 p.m.
the spokesman said. There were six in·
juries, but no one was hurt seriously in
the blaze which began before dawn1 be
Peace Talks Postponed
Because of Ho's Death
PARIS (UPI) -The United Stale&.
South Vietnam and the Viet Cong 1greed
lo a North Vietnamese req4est that
today'a schedul°ed meeting of the Vietnam
peace cooferenct be postponed for one
week beca111e o( the death of Ho Chi
Minh. -......_
The two lop CommunI&t negotiators
made immediate preparaUcma to leave.
Paris by the first available flight to go to
Hanoi for thfl fuoeraJ ceremonle1 for the
deceased leader.
Accordi.ng to procedural rules of the
Kopechne Data
Ma y Be Given
In Pennsylvania
EDGARTOWN, Mass. (UPI ) -fo.fuch
of the informatlon Dist. Atty. Edmund
Dinis planned to present at the inquest
into the death of fo.1ary Jo Kopechne may
be 15ul:JmJtted instead lo a PeMsylvania
That possibillty arose \\1ednesday when
Judge Bernard C. Brommskl ol Wilke!!·
Barre, Pa., ruled that Dinis' petition for
exhuf!!ation and autopsy or Miu Kopech·
ne failed to set forth sulliclent fact& un·
der Pennsylvania law.
~ttorney Joseph Flannaga n, counsel for
l\t1ss Kopechne's parents, sai d Wednes·
day, "lf a hearing is allowed here in
Pennsylvania, Mr. Dinis might present
much of the le.stimony he had planned
to present if an inquest were held in J\.fassachusetts."
Dinnl! written peUUon to the PennsyJ.
vania court aald the fact the inque.st was ~Ing wu "sufficle.nt fact alone: to Justify the autopsy."
conference, North Vielnam simply could
have notified the other delegalions that il
was calling off the meeting. But instead a
liaison officer of the Hanoi dele.g aUon
called the other delegations' liaison of·
ficers and posed the move in the form of
a request.
Acet>rding to U.S. de l eg a tion
spokesman Stephan Ledogar, the Hanoi
officer was told "we agree" by the
United Slates.
Aftl'!r being in contact with the North
Vietnamese delegation, the S a i g o n
delegation announced ''the delegation of
the republic o( Vietnam has received a
request from the other side to postpone
the 33rd session of the Paris meetings un·
tit Thursday, 11th September. We have no
obJecUon that the next session be held
next Thursday."
The delegati on of the Viel Cong's
Pro vision al Revolutionary Government
(PRG) issued a communique saying it,
too, had agreed to the postponement
The communique also said that
Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the PRG
"foreign minister'' and leader of th! Viet
Cong delegation, would leave Parla today
for Hanoi where she ,.,,ould attend the
funeral ceremonies for t h e deceased
North Vietnamese leader. '
The Hanoi delegation had already an-
nounced that chief North Vietnamese
negotiator Xuan Thuy would be leavi ng
Paris to return to the North Vle tna n1esc capita l.
At the meeling that was to be held to-
day. the Unjled States was looking for a
clarification of a North Vietnamese sug·
gestion that a large-scale and rapid
\\'ilhdrawal of U.S. troops fr om South
Vietnam might have a favo rable effect on
the peace talks.
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please call 540-4066. We are open ·
9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru
Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday. \
Wt ltopt w ue qoUJ 40on,.
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• av1ngs
' I.; :
DAIL y l'lt.01' IS
Cutback Swallowed Space Mer1e~, With Rm8la?
But U.S. Project Halt Bitter Pill , . Senator Urges Halt on Apol~ X~ips
Colo. (AP) -President" Nix-
on's construction cutback plan
haa the naUon11 gove:mon
worried. But they are atwnped
by tbt problepl . of bow'
pollUcally, they ... attack an
lnflatloo-flghlln1 effort.
involve an immediate '15 per·
cent reduction in new federal
construction. FederaD, aided
projects, the Item ol prim!IJY
intuest to the states, would bl
curtailed by the same percen·
tage int April I.
dllacnt. WASHINGTON !UPI) -dlnp tpread over threo years, fy I -totals 13.7 bUllon, of A ·NASA allldl1 r.,14 each
Sen. William Proxmtn (0-la too cootly, Proiunfre aald. which nearly hall, 11.7 blU!on, Ap0Uo!JJgblcOatafll'1nlllloo.
Wbl.) sun-to d a r 1he The Apollo program baa coal la ~altd for Apollo manned But lie aald -1' Wll too Jato to
Uniled States discard the pt bWJon. 1 l n c e President moon fltgbt!I. · aan much~ beclUle th•
Apollo moon Olgbt P""""'·" JOl!n F. Kennedy star led It In Proxmire acknowledged \Nit agency, alrefi/y11111 b 'u I b t
too apenalve and try to 1.9el. tta projected total cost 1a any attempt to pare Apollo mo1t of the bltdnre lo r-
"lntematlonalize ·the 1pace '2• bllllon. The N a t I o n a I spending faced rough Senate future 'launch!n&I.
11Jt'1 irouJy unfair for peo.
pie to be C1>00Plaioing aod
..,....1ng about loflaUon and
--1he .Pr111dent -tomethinc to tomplaln , about
The governOrl adjourned
their Ila! annual COllferenc.
Wedneaday w11h no dlacuulon
o1 tbt .-lructlqn luue In
fonnal session.
Vice .President Spiro T.
Agnew pve the ctaference 1
pre vie• of .the plan It a doled
seaskll TUeaday. Some
Democratl\J&ld lbat:move ·~ pelll'ed duipod to st1lle crttlclmn.
I~" •ald Gov. Richard ,J.
Huaties of New · Jeney~a Democrat. ·
Republicans wera vtrtu y
Wlllllmbua In "1ln{ . ..,,
would •uPllO!t Nlxoa IHllOUfl
tbty Aid !bay bad ~
PJ'Oil'&m'' by mer&inM U wlth Aeronautics and space 1ledding. A NASA aulhorlza· "EsatntllUy ,far' 1he three
Russia's. Adminlatratlon's (NASA ) tii>n bill comes up titer the mlsslOll! tb1I (ftlcll) iur the
__ \"d ·hane·wloulnte;vu';;e=: budgetforflBcal 1970-thell-current defense spendtna ~~!-~~.·.~·1 tbie NASA
l: eUrnlnate :me, fromf_m_on_th~pe·rjilodiiiiwiih!iichiiiiibe~ganiiiiiJiiu·iiiiid~ejjbajjtejj. iiiiijiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~,,.._iiiiiiiiiii_ii_m ---
There wu plenty of·conidor
talt, but a threatened
Democratic move to put tbe
governors on record in op..
position to the cutback never
Democ:ratJc. Gov. Robert E.
•boul tbt "'!!back. .
Gov. Jobh ~A. l#le,
'Rain Delays
Nµ,cle ar Tes t •ledod -.. of tbl """ ference, 1 a i d COllltruc"°8
1toppaft ••coul d b• lo
"some or all" of three Apollo
flights scheduled 1 to c a r r Y
amonauts to the moon during
the next nine months.
He said ·•you could probably
MVe fl billion the first r,ear and more the seeond year ' by
dropping Ult Apollo program,
which put' man on the moon
84 STORES ••• ALL 7':£
and open night!)' t ll! 9 :30
&outb Coast ?lua Al originally conctived, the
cutback, expected to be an-
nounced Friday, was said to
McNalr ol South Carolina said
Apew'a briefing depicted the
projected cut as a step to ease
lnflatlon and thus made it dlf·
fJcu.lt, If not impoe,slble, for
pollticlans who have been
compllinin& •bout prices to
d11tate1u1," but addtll· 11 1 In Co rado
dlcates ID ·~lite' I
mln11traUon movt1. to ad GRAND VAU.EY Colo spending priorlUes. / ' · (UPI) -Weather has done
what the U.S. Supreme Court
and a .federal district court
for the fint lime ht theij_ _ _::~!!~~~~~~~~-~·«-~•~v~-~·~..,~-~o ~~·~··~-~-·~,·~·~~~~::_-historic Apollo II fUght laal
He said since moon fla:hts
are not military ln nature, It
w o u l d be wt&e to "In-
ternationalize the apace pr°"'
cram and ha.ve (Russi.an) COi·
monauis take part in lbe
'Adl\li ssion'
Asked for
GI Release
-North Ko~a said today that
It will not release the three
crewmen of an American
heli~ter shot ~ Aug. 17
unless the United StatU ad-
mits they were on a criminal
The United States said it
would admit only that the
helicopter had entered Com-
munist territory inadvertenUy
in violation of the Korean
armi.stlce agreement, a n d
would give assurances that
such an incident would not
Maj. Gen. Lee Cboon Sun,
reprtlelltlng North ·Korea at 1
m~Une ol the Mi l it a ry
Armistice Commission called
to d!SCllll the ,.....,. of the
three Americans, demanded
an "uucondltlonal apology''
adm!Wng that the luJllcopter
WU Oft I "'crimlnal niiuic'.lll,"
as wen u 'a wrttlen assurance
that there will be oo more
l1ICb Incidents In 1he luture.
Des_egregation Delattl', · judg•ref.,,edtodo-ro ... da JI lernporary halt to today's ~
J ject Rulison nuclt.ar test blaat
A ske,d by Gover~ment 1n ;;;:·t::~:0'~::;gy eom-
'The govemmeti, admitting Its
action was ua tragedy and a
default," has asked th e
Supreme Caurt1 to delay the
deaegregatloo ol SO MJ,,;,,;pp1
school dlstrlctJ, I
The plea canie Wednesday
in the fonn of a memorandum
year, and that 'is 1 tr gedy ft$sion a?Dounced 1 ate
and 1 default ,, , Wednesday 1t was poslponing
"It may be ·less of a!Jiefault for at least 25 hours its plans
in the lOfll run than Joutd be to detonate a 4 0 • k l l o to n
forcing through · pins which · nuclear device under~round In
are not sufficiently developtH the Colorado Rockies . The
and do not hold otl adequate detonation had been scheduled
pro1pect.a of succcu/' be said. for 2 p.m. (PDT) today.
ru hli." ~It would save 1ome money
and it. would bring the two
countries closer together,"
Proxmire sa!d.
The Wisconsln Democrat
aald America should be proud ot APofio 11. He said the fllgbt
proved man's ablllty to fly to
the moon. But the future
Apollo program, which en-
vialons nine more moon Jan-
submitted to Ju~ce. Hugo L. G w J h B k
Blac_k by Solicitor General Ex-UV ants 0 a~
Erwin N. Gnswold.
The memora~urn w a s
responding to a ~uest from M OB ILE, Ala. (UPI) in high school, a past due
the NAACP Legat and Educa· -James "Bi( Jim" Folsom mortgage, an overdrawn bank ~nal Fu':t f~ reventl 0~ a says he's b~ and wants his accowt and a pregnant wife.
de!:;. coo 0 C{ gran ing e old job back -u JOVU'DOC of '·I've got to nm," aald
The g<Wernmentl woo the Alabama. 1 Folll>fnt who is prealdent of a
delay from the U.S. Ir.th Cireult "I need a job the worst T've firm that manufactures a
Coort df Appeals aUer it said ever needed one in my llfe," patented lock·nut for cars.
the Mississippi in~tion, il , the two.Ume :governor 1 a I d "I've got to get eleded."
it took place as the: pourt has Wednesday. ' Folsom t o Id newsmen he
previously ordered ~Sept. l, Ht 1 rMpMSlblUUes are was rurµrlng aealnst "the
would result in " · os and heavy, tald fblsorrt. carrying Brewer-Wallace ticket.''
confualoJl ." , a cane and #earing a pl.tcfi But, he added. "I'm not run-
Griswold said the ~sion to over bis y-bllnded left ning against Brewer. I'm not
delay "means, in ~ sltua-eye, and he led them cff: running a g a In a t Wallace.
··Anybody lhat can beat me
three times is good," he ad-
ded, without explanation. He
has aought the governorship
w1Succesafully several times
since leaving office.
The six-foot-eight Folsom
was elected governor in 1948
and 1964. The Iegialature
canceled the $100,QOO.a-year
govemor's emergency fund
during bis second term, but
reln6tated lt under another ad-
"I want that $400,000 back,"
Folsom said. "l need IL" tlons, (for) another school four children · college, others They're. good people. -~~-+---=-'-~_,-.:..-.::_..;_;~~~~~~~~~-1 .. -------
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• •• Shock of Realit I
ntd.J P."Moyniban put It aliiiOst poeUcally:
• ' "The · ao-callecl peace dlvi<kndo ·have turned out to
it , . ~~,;lilt• the mornilll doudl•around San Cle-• menta.; • . ~ ' ·' I
'{bat w•• ·• ~eek i aio. AQd 'lit can•anyone misun-
denl•••f \be m~e, the ~ldent of lh• United 'Sl<ltn on Mondafl~,ltout in.blunte~ terms, to the Na·
·· "llOIHll (lovem0r's CbnfeNl\C': : •
"The dreams o! unllmlt'4 billions o! dollars being
released once Iha Wllf in Vlellljlm.ei>dl ·are just that-•"-·""·." ...... ,....u. ''.
• , . ~· money, the J",.sldent»mad<> clear. ts already cammitled1 largely to meeting present and future do-
mettic needs. · ~
The Ulu&ion of a ))0$!-Vlelnam· windfall was thus
'dispelled. Jt was an iDusion fostered by the Johnson
Administrlltion in Its cl0<ing days.
Jobnson's economic advisora had protected the
availability o! '22.9 billion in suppo&edly "Hlra" fed-
eral !Wida wl)hin II months o! the war's end. It was the
• naUDll's hope tben that these funds would have a dra·
maUc impact on programs aimed at curing massive
· uri>an·e"'°1ems. . But a six-m0nlh ec1J11omk analysis by NL•on's UI'
ban Altairs Co'!"C".._beaded by Dr. Moynlhan, disclosed
that IDOll2y'is =-iy apoku ldr.
it will be swallowed 1q1 by,Jeclenl,go.yernment pro-
grams loog;·app!Wl!I but )lo! .yet !Un<fed, and by ~ro
grans new\y propoeed by the Ntxon A4ministration,
among them the federal-State revenue sharing plan.
New amen asked Dr. Moynihan whether the abtUpt
aw~ening from tbe)Vlnd1all dream bad ;'shocked" the
, ''It •ls not. the .l'"!l'O" o! Pre<idents to be •hocked
by reality " ho~~-. The qiaestiOn 11 bow the American _people will react to the shock ol reality In the bursUng of the pool·
Vietnam money bubble.
Many in high place•, in the Congress and in major
publlc activ!Ues have made lt allnost an article of faith
that the nation's deficiencies in education, health, em.
ployment, bous!llg and minority affaln could he dealt
with ef!ecUvely wllh the mOll•Y that could be dive
from Vietnam.
But Ille naUoa's needs -and Ila '-rowth -on 1
that few can question Dr. Moynihan ~observation
by 1975 Ibo money now .spent Jn Vietnam will look
"small change. u
The Urban Affairs Council'• anal~sls empb '
that alter the war there will be add!UoriaJ funds fol do-, mesUc purposes, but not enough to do more thap pay ·,
for things long deferred by the war's drain on national' '
The Nixon Administration, ln this regard, appal't'nt~
Jy does not intend to paint any rosy pictures about the
aftermath. of the Vietnam War. When tb1t .rirugale
ends, another one -far more massive in terma: of ei:-
pendltures -will intensify right here at home.
Equality Between Sexes
' ' '
The ,'drlve for equality in employment _opportunity ..
between the sei:es under federal law· has prOO.uoed 10me · -. · l
AJice in Wonderland rqlings here and there.,Bul•mosUy ·
it has been the source of rou~hewo humor. ;
Now, however, a serious situation'has arisen. Cali·
fomia has numerous regu1ations whieh ·make employ-
ment of women and minors mOre restrictive and diffi·
cult for employers than for men. These include hours of
work, premium pay, load lifting, dressing rooms, even
&eats .
The federal Equal Employmeqt Ovportunlty Com·
mission ha~ issued an amendment to jf.S' guidelines un·
der the Civil Rights Act ol 1964.. :I'he revision says that
state protective laws for women, such as those in Cali·
fornia, are no longer relevant and may not be' consid.
ered as a ~efense to "an otherwise unlawful employ-
ment practice or as a basis for application of the bona
fide occupational qua1i1i cation ~emption."
Government mumbo junibo aside, there ·ts a con-
flict between federal and state regulations governing
the employment of women. No courts have decided any
of the cases pending .
Se.t, to drag up the clicbe, has reared its ugly bead •
On the Drug 'l'hr.eat t o Children,' ••
--... --.
I •
Nations Mix
Many Trends ,
T endencies
Gus: A Doctor Calls for .. Dra 1tic Action
' Speaking al civil llbatiet, u I wu the
other day, when l ran out.of apace~
I ran oot al -~.,.,.. clur 11> me that govtmmenta """i>cl<Uel could tio•
more mH•Ucany dlvkled on clvll
libortarlae -.. Ideological
U any ha~ can·coherently explain
what In Vaetnam is worth nearly.
40,000 )'O(mg American Uvex and un·
told bUUonl of American dollars,
then perhapll I will alter my dov·
lsb blt:linations. L.B.J . couldn't ex·
plaln lt to save hi! political life.
-W. E. 0.
~,.~_.,,,I ........
.._..., thtt ltf tl\e MW-Mr. Sen•
--............. , ... o.llJ Pt•.
,. ones. ~ tbe:mlelvu as "aociallst'' and others as ""tllcl.st." or some softer but equivalent tmn. ' Word'I like ,..malllt" and ·;~
mum.st" and "tuc1't'' have become
almost meanlngleia : in my proctlcal
..,,.., along with "lmperialht" and
"capitalist,'' and au that polltlcal jargon
we ioherli.d fromJbe~ ~.
Yd one military dktatorsiUp U very
like-another, no maUer what ideals the
regime pays Hp-service to. It is no ac-
cident that Hitllr called his party the
"National Sociallst Workers'' to get the
broadest spectnun of support. It was only
other people's 11IOC:ialism" he·ob'jected ~-MOST NATION!! do not fall Into those
neat categories; they are ~ of
many trends and \aldencles, and each
country clloosa the mlz that see!s to RATHER THAN dividng lh• world Into
work best for itself at any civm Ume. ~ "capitalist" and "comlt!~': na-
"'Pragmatirm" is the ·ooly 41m• that -tim! .~ whlc~ ls ~ vague and nearly
seems uni~ in our day. mearung1w distlnctton today-I think 1L
1J Russia for lnstaDee, a "~list" or would be more frultlul to evaluate coun-"comm~" state? ft-ii hard, if not Im-tries by the degree of civjl llbertie& they
possible, to aay, on an ecooomk basl1, as permit and encourage, for this is 'a tru~
that naUon keeps edging away fnm test of civilization than the economic
clasBical Marxlam and toward 1 ta t e practice• or princl~Ju of a land.
capitalism. But on a Civil liberties basis, On thia acale, Russia and China rank
1 would have no hesttaUoo. in classifying low not becauu they are "socialist" but
Rtmia u a ''fascist" ala~ having more becauae-they are repressive; indeed, they
in common with !ta ldeolOgical UH:!TJes and tbe frankly fascist states are mlrror·
than tt has with the IOclalls:ms oC Scan-images of each other. The U.S. ranks ·. dlnavia « the Low Countries. relaUvtly high , not because it is
~ULITARY diotatonhipo, ~seems aafe
to a&1ume, are goln& to lncreue in South
America. Some ol. then, no doubt, wlll go
'by the name of "revolution" and SOil¥ of .•
"react.loo" -that is, aom.e will style
"<:;1pJtaUst" but because it is democratic
-arid' those who imagine we can keep
the ooe without sustaining tht other
forget that property rights flow from
humaJ2 rl&hts, and not the. other way
• Selling, Arms Abroad ..
.. ' Then: was a recent roundup story by
John L. Hesa in the New York TIQ1el
· • dealing with arma sales abroad which
deauves lurthtt airing. It is heavy with
delail, and what is written here i! only a
:; · brief summary.
In thia decade, all of the small and
developinC ,.natiom: bave ru5bed t.. ~
quire modern. sophisticated weapons.
:; Facton involved an many: national '• ::· prestlle, fur of neighbors, need to
._ employ a growing toldiery abc>ve the in·
':. rantey level, in 80Dle ~ enrlchment ol
Aside from llDAll arms. the trafllc con-
1ists In ligl>ter and bombing pllnes,
..:, misallu. tanks, radar qstema. even sub-
!:' marine$. 1"e emerPc oat.kw CJanol
produce U-weapona, and ano bQylng r r om tbe ~ n11:Uom. In m ... 1
caaei .,..,..,.... ""' .,...mg roster U.,n
"' the small natloe '• 1fOU nallonal product.
TR1I: UNITED STATES. though It has
an embltlO oa n:ne naUon1, and ticens-
bllf of pivot. .,,,. -la the biU"'
J auppller ln -and aurplua arms. IOl!ow-
• od by ... -l/ltlon, 1'nmce •ad Bri· ~ ti ta w illll•"""• ltYtnl 1ta1e1 :i ~tbe-~= :u.:::
-.. -'l1JI terminal ..,, ...
: ....i i11.W -la -or -
-..... -In Africa, the ,I MldeNI, Aa11 _. 1Alfn ADr1ca.
,, 1'bl ....... o( 8b*&k Qudlrc, I
t 1.oadcm I id 18 di cqaqlu.Uon. ndJnated floe tnlle ..... billion la ..,, .... bat 4t
._ -lucn••d to fl llllUoo II the tree ... 0ot_.rit -Id.
.. -lad Hlbwlud. u.-ulrll •
• ,_
lions, have strict embaraoes on export of
specialized weapons they manufacture.
NOTWITHSTANDING, lar&e quantities
of Swedish and Swiss weapons and parts.
more or lea legally find thdr way lO in·
tonnediari" In the merlinl notions.
Some emera:ine natiOOI have auiplua
v.·eapons for resale~ and there is a
bewildering crlas-eroas ot sales between
small nations of Belgian, German,
French and American artn1. Even our
ally South Vietnam has got in the act,
with an offer of 200,00'.I small arms to the
highest bidder.
These are sa1es which don't make news,
like the open 1alea ol ann1 lo lsrael, the
Arab slates, and a few )'W'I 8&0 to
Pakistan and India. · ·
A Senate hearing two )'tan ago dried
up a btl Pentagon aectt.t nvotvtna: fUnd
for di;poslng or surplus arms.
Bl1r IF THE Unllod States ttfusea a
u)e, ft angers the prospective buytt and
dollll't halt the traffic. We ttfUled a ale
or Patton tanks to Ar i••tlna, whlcb
thereupon --ror • l'rtnch lank. Mmy amaD African naUona which
can't fted « flducate tbt1r cblldml, can
aUonl warptan<1 and computerlzod
ltUJ'1ery. Whb brulhf1re wan and
ttbelllona In ,........ or threatened
.mrotlnd tbt world, ft would •P9f1t
Amtrtcan dtlttns: should have wlde ,_lodp ol um danim a • d
.. 4C111CM&iellly mtJcbhvoua aitu•Llon.
To the Editor:
As a practicing medical physician in
the area, I feel I am compelled to write
this leltcr. l\1y recent night on caU, I
received calls from three parent! within
a four-hour period. These calls were ln
regard to their children respectively aged
20, 16 and 14. They were respectlveJy
male, female, and female.
All three children had severe com-
pl-alnls of either · heaaichea, "flash-
backs" or irrita.bility. All thret also had
taken drugs. 1bese drugs were procured
fr~ "sellers" on the beach. One parent
related that the ''hippie-type" who aold
his 14·year-old daughter her "reds" was
in j1il, but both hil daughter and her glrl
friend refused to prosecute even though
they bad told the.ir parents he aold to
THEIR REASON -t don't know, but I
discussed this with one of my teens and
was informed that if they were to tell,
lhen they and any of their family were
subject to beatings or worse. It seems
apparent that the police are legally
unaQle to stop thia situation. "We the
):ieople" in our great quest for Individual
rights, now totally ignore the right& of
''we" the grbup.
My medical practice is in a good area
or to\\'n and the above people were from
varied socio-economic levels. 1 am cer·
Lain the other physicians in the: area are
receiving the same sort of problems.
THE LAW SAYS we are responsible for
these children of ours aod yet we are
powerless to protect them. i.e. the open
display the O'Learys of this world are
pennitted in the guise of individual
The solution? I really don't know, but
\\'ould seriously feel that d r a s t i c
mearures be taken. A few random
thoughb for consideration:
I. Protection for any v.'ishing lo expose
their suppliers.
2. Trips lo Nonvalk or oppropriate in-
stitutions to show these juveniles. v.•ho
won 't reveal their source, the end resulb
of drugs.
3. Mandatory three-to-five year scn-
tencts for sellers: with a progressive in·
crease in sentence for each year of &Q.e
under 18 they sell to.
4. SPECIAL mandatory f u 11 -y e a r
schools for known drua users. to be at-
tended to age 18.
5. ft1ake public the names of drug com-
.panle1 known .to export overabundant
supplies of drugs to Mexico. Boycott of
these companies by physicians and pa-
tienl! alike.
6. Enforced laws regulating rental and/
or occupancy ol apartments, b y
7. Enforcement of vagrancy laws (not
lncludlog su pport monies from over-in-
dulgent parents as visible means ol su~
port for juveniles living away from their
~--Bii Geer9e ---.
Dear George:
You men ~rtalnly st I ck
-together! You always make ex·
cuaes for the burns in your column.
Wtll, you cao't trust men, I say. I
came home unexpectedly to find
my husband sitting on the couch
covered wilh lipst.ick and some
woman staring at him so adoringly
they didn't even see n1e. I won't
evea answer hi.s calls now. Give me
an aUbl_for THAT!
Otar FurlouJ:
Marrtage Is based on mutual
filth and ltult ind lt b obvious lo
me your husbef\d was merelJ
trytng to be kind to a near11ighled
Avon lady and I ·lhlnk you .should
be ublmedl Call him and apolo-
Letten from readen ere welconw.
Normallv torit11'1 lhot.lld ccmveu thefr
meusgc1 '" 300 words or less. The
right to ccmdnu:e lettcr1 to fit fPCC«
or eUmlnotl libel fl r1111"Vtd. AU let-
tcn mu.rt lnch.ide rignaturc and mail-
ing oddrtu, b,t n.czmet mav be wf~ .
~eld °" rcquut if iuflicitnt reaaOft
1.1 apparenL
• 8. More-;rnonies for increasine our et•
ceUeot bat over~Jteoded police force.
9. Finally, something n:ally new, !Up-
port of our police force by parents•
(instead Qt threatened law suits for
harassing junior).
I A.l\f CERTAIN there would be
numerous legallUes to aetUe, but would
feel that service clul», women's_ cl11~.
chambers of cOminetce ind medical
societies could all find their respective
loads to carry.
I'll sfgn oU now wlth that soon to be in·
famoua American saying: "Don't for one
moment live yourself the luxury of
believing it won't be your chlld next."
Wants Eqle11aden
To the Edlk>r :
I read wllh Interest the lotter from
Commander J, McHup stating that the
American Legion. Newprt Harbor POl!t
No. 291, unanirnouBJy objected 'to the ap-
pointment of Mike Krisman as as.!ilstant
dean of studentl at UCI.
\Vhy does the American Legion object
to the appointment? I, and I imRgine
many others, would like the organization
to give the public an uplanation for
their objecUon.
Secondly, It would be helpful to me and
others who want Lo be objective to know
"·hat evidence waa used In reaching such
a decision. Dk! Legion members speak to
Chancfllor Aklrkb or Mr. Krisman? Did
they discusa the matter with other com-
munity !elders, educalora, or students?
DO THE NEGATIVE aJpecis about
Mr. Krisman outweiah his POSiUve..Qua.I·
itles? How did the l;egiOMaltea assess
both sides!
It ls difficult. to undersland v.·hy
Chancellor Aldrich would make an ap-
pointment which would not be in the best
interest of the unlversJty and studenl
A complete response by the Amerjcan
Leg.Ion Post \Vill 10 a long way In hel})ing
me understand all that ls involved ln1hll
The Krb'"•" Profest
To U.. Edlt<>r :
l hsve been wracking tny brain tryinl
to ti«ure out how American Legion Poet
!91 figures It ls enUUed to protest or velo
the appointment of personnel on a college
campuJ ' tMaillm, Aug. 25). The ont1
pos11lble explanation I could corne up with
la they figure be-cause they have been In
the aervh:e that they now have the right
to run the country-.vU)"thtn&. However,
that sbould mun that other a-
servicemeo also have a·~· They are not
all in the Lqlon, you bow.
lssue' of e fad that they
et:nt to protest Mr. Kr1llm '1 a~
J>Oin~ Big deal! It woul ( .take a
p<Olt strGng man to vol< -~ In that crow ·on lhat quealllon. That wo'ul<t be
like ~tin& ·~'no" on "Mom," or "apple
pie" 1 the ... FLAG." ·
~ I WAS IN Ille t;:gton, Ibey
alwa~ voted J~ percent ~all "Mom" questi~ I tried ._ "No" ote once. I
CC1U.ldq'\ even get a seat in my favorite poker~· that night. So dropped out. Perha othera have too. So now they get
100 pe nt·oa all "Mom" cjuestions.
I aupt\ose-they fhlnk lh<t makes them
100 perRnt Americans. I ~on't. . BILL BOWER
Reaao• With Fact
To the Editor:
I have not met Mike trlsman but, 23 a
parEnt indePfi!ndent of organizational lle11,
Chancel1« .Akirlcti'1 rea~ • for ap-
polnllna: ~m u coordinator of academic
affain at UCI, makes s e 11 s e .
Furthermort, I believe the chancellor
wheh he pays the appointment \\'U made
''only after (a) thoughlful review of his
perform ce -and comments -about
the s · llty of his qualifications."
The ican Legion Post, the Costa
Me.sa Qi ber o! Commerce, the Young
Ropub and the Laguna Hills
Klwanta b, hawever, insist on "\\Ta th''
and " lion" as a setUement to a
very com ei series of student problmia.
Well gen 11, your course of action ill
a threat not 'if solution.
' ~UGH'l' OFFER as an alternative
course"'tbe~to ~American Legion Uiat they • their 1ttenUon to the prob-
lems they best: solcHering. And.
\\'ho know1,l y m·lght find a solution to
Vietnam arll• even have a committee or
two who wotld be ~·illtng_ to go to Ulster
County and trbitrale the problems of the
lri~h .
God knows, the Costa fttcsa Chamber of
C.ommerce has a backlog of unllnlshed
business. If the members were of a coo-
structlve frame of mind they would en-
force lhe reduction ' of our tna,
elimtnate smog; cu\ city hall empJoyts in
half, lnslst 'on joining Newport Beach in
flgbUilg the airpprl, the oil seepage on
oor beaches, and demand the protec:tlon
<Jf thJ Bick Bay {eserve.
AS-FOR THE Young Rtpubllcans, will
they pleaae explain the erratic f.i8cal
poUcy of Governor Reagan -One day
broke, the 1'Jil day ' surplus. And to the
Kiwanians Of Laguna Hills -they do
mean well.
But,· Chancellor Aldrich does not
deserve the brlckbata and their bitter
condemnation mode ln1 beet and hoste.
Jnstead of makl.ba: a poll,tlcal football out
or bis handlinl or cami'ls affairs -why
not reuon with fact or shouting
with vena:e~.
JIJea• .. e F..-
To the E<Utor:
I have bes livtng 1n Istanbul. Turkey
al an American Field (AJl'S) stu-
dtnL I'd llkf: to !tress the e of A1'S ln
lb• bop< that men poopl< Ill become
1 haVe betn able to Uve • ay ot life
completely u.nllke that in ca and to
learn about a different--: and
I SUSPECT that the LoslOMalres •<>
tually know \/tr)' Ultle about Mika
Krlsmllll-probab()' oo!y thal ho · onee ·
belonged to 111 orgaoluUon that Ibey
don't lite t"hk:tl, Jncld•ntallY, they r!On't
real()' lcnof •erJ mU<:h abou~ eUber).
Their proaldenl In his kiter makoa an
culture. J'vt learned bow •tl act in a
strange aod. unknown sltut 'With ln-
tellllenct and p1Uenct. t ~ e ,been
alloWed to meet and makt •DI. y, ntw
friends. and even more lmportcwt, I've
learned about my1elf1 my ca~bplues
and how l will handle my lilt ltn Ille
future. J thJnk thae thlnp are Im·
po<Wll •
FROM ~IY STAY here, I've. aeen bow
happy llfe can be wtlhooi all the material
weallh. In Turkey, e\·~ the rid! have to
bum wood to heat v;ater for a bath. But
hJvlng hof waw •t your lingortlpo im' an impdrtant element for a happy life.
. At fJtst I milised tiome al tile ..,. al
my material life in America, but after
spqndlng a nioolb here, I couldn'I help
but realize that a close famfly, friends and
a knowledge of one's self h all that ls: noce;.sary.
All<l, mt being able to !peak Turki.sh
completely haa brought about some prob-
lems. Jt led me to dilcover how prob-
lems can ari~ among different natJons
WhoSe top leaders art trying to find aolu-.
WHEN TBF11E LEADERS speak, oflen
a translator ls ·needed. A3 with me. my
Turk1sb "aisle!(' translates for me, but
h" Engllih is limited and oflco she
mlsundentands or in som.e way alters
what I've wanted to say.
I'm sure that when heada o! countries
tali the same problem could arise. No
maUer how good at1 iotefpreter is, ,IOme
things j~ don't translate so. •"el!, AFS
hu he1!'£<1 to begin to underslaod prol>-
lema like thll.
The mosl Important aspect thal AFS
has enabled me to discover, though, is
tlaf people are equaf and alike the world
over. ·Though there may be differences.
in language, food, dress, culture and
·genqal way of life. there are. basic
qualities and characterlstics that all ~
pie 11bare. I had been taughl this and [
beJJeved tt before I left, but I feel it takes
an experience away from everything
normal (like mine) to really comprehend
and abeorb this belief.
NOT ONLY DO the studefiti coming to
America help in teaching ua Amtrlcan.s
about other countries, but they take home
to their respective countries a better
understanding of the United States. The
Americana Abroed ltudenl& (American
st.Qdenls who go to other countries) go
representing the U.S. and co1ne home
wi\h knowledge of other countries.
I fee.I that what I have learned this
summer through AFS wHI oot only help
m~ in coJ)lng wtth life, but I hope that
'vhat l have learned \\'ill enable me. and
those 1 meet, to get along better with all
people.rln the· world. This has been the
most mvl)l'ding and happiest time in my
whole Ilfe ••
FRB'• A~t1l111
To tile Editor : .
Interest rates are at a record hi&h.
-.,. mating ...-jlroflls. lnfla. tfon seems uz\checked. The housing ID-
dlistry rot aeveral yean has been in a
....,..;i.,.. ''!'ht lliiall bllf'-is
'Do the actiof'S of the Federal Reserve
Boanl actually accom9~ what •vtrY·
... has i.n ll>klt ·; 'tllLL!AM Ir. ANDERSON . '
• I
::-~;;;;;;::;::; -. .:-:-. :;::;:;;;:;::;:;:::.;:;:;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::~.:-:::. -:.:: .. -:.:_::_:;_::-::::-:. .. . ----------------··------··--
. l . -A·ir-~ttre Gqing .1fp,· Up~~ A~ay_? ~'!EB~PG . ~~-~!;;': ,.:.-::-::-:~~..::: :::· -•• , ... ~:,::,~ .••
"' . , followlng the cost of livlna: Nev a''d a t.-ongressmen, fre· -Tile formulif or United Air 400 roll.es, 5.J wita a mlle'for
~ up. quent w;elll oi. long~ance Lh>es r~ a fi.xed charge of trips from 401 to 1,100 mna,
• · · ; Depending on what the ClvJI flights, •bo·a!ready are feel· $11,·plut 5.11ctnll1 mlle\ fQI' Iii cents 1 m.Ue for distancea
F al. u dertak ' JAPoniUtica Board has to say ing the'• e~ta "Cf a 4 ""'r~ent tach pusenger ticket. of 1,101 to J,8QO mllea, and 5 em e ll ~ er abo(ll it i!l .'4 ,P.~g that interim increase all~ by -The formula Cf, Eastern Ctnta a mile for tnp. lona;er
. • •· -thli week, airline farts the boatd.Jast February. Air lllnea -a fixed charre·or than 1 aoo ·1 ·
• • 1 Could. go up;,U'lmucb as I per. CAB , Chalrman JOh'n H. '8.to 1 Uckel, plus line.haul ' nu ea:. cent wlthlnllbe 'mor>th. C k fees' tapering downward over 'll)e basic class would be jet roo er· Jr. has placed the flrst tua l\.nown to B. e Neat ~~IY~~:~t~e:h •• ~ .. ~ ~~::.i~categories, 1~:1a:.~1tne1 and :Cc!i:!..othl~.1-
• y .. fihia r . ii .... -'lbe p)an' ol Continental Branif[ Airways 1 u p po r t Like other appJicents for 1 · that~·'all beJin, ~fleet by tirlines to ~P short-haul Ea'stern's proposal, which higher rares , ~tern hu Sup.
By L. ·M. BOvti • , . ~ER SEBYJCE: Q. ~l::Uiey ~m'.~~ticaJJy ~: : !~g':t~defev: ~:of=~~ tesf·~ ported ita propoul with dlta
·-· • • ·-·-· ,.. -~·1
•, '
HOW NUT! -eustOmer · "Al. t• U caffeine content 'go into etteCt 1,1n18u1\he qot.B while raising the tariff on of equity per CUTier that we as to the high CD!t of labor ·
asks if there ar.e' any lady goes. ~ does coffee compare says IIO OrOI f'(Uments longer fiights. The increase have seen." setUementa, the aCceteraUng tl&lrl"'*'··• TM ,.,~~ e-....., •. ,; ;.... • '"°' .,,.. ......,, "rm.
undertakers. On1y k:OOw or with cd\a?" A. The sCieoce before th~ 'Wltd'\bejili:Thurs-would range from $2 for trips The Une-hao1 charge, tacked pace of non-labor cost In------------~--------~. An elderly w om a· a ml en ~Y11 YQ\lt canboulfigureni;?!l&h-day. J: '1 • from 400 ·to 499· mil~ to $9 for onto _the basit ticket char~ ~ ~sea. and othtr problems.
reportedly followed that call-Y you ~ a a ....,... a1!1-·-~· ---;-· -:--+--------'--'--'--'~:..:;..=_;:;;.;,;;:.:..;;.:..;;;__;__ _ _:c...._'"-----'---'-'----------'------'-------
ing ror many years rrr tfle• much. caf eine out of a cup .qf ..•
north of Canada. She waa cola ~put oI a cup of coffee, ·
wlde1y heralded, incidentally, de~ on how strong you ' brew lt. • for her ability to clothe the SPANtlNG ._ A IS.year-old
dead moit neatly. She adUev-girl i{ltklCallfomi~ said her
ed this reputaUoo, ·In U\~ cOs-father !I nked her atw..;t eoce turning of cOrpoes by the ... "--,,... of numerous pins. ~ she a ·morilhi and au~ a.sket;l. "ts ,
did not weave' into the lhla nonnlilT" I thought nol.
gaonents, but simply stuck in Now nomerous girl! :of that ' · ht H h . age cwnpfaln_tbey· get ..,.ruted strrug . owever, t ts regularly. WrHes one such:.
fascinating fact did not come "My bther ma~me put· on
to light until some Ume alter my· bathing suit, en •pailikB her retirement NOW ON THE MARKET ls me with' sh Ive ·down
a circular knife that cuts a baseball •at." Another says:
slice four millionths of 311 inch "?ity dad makes me lie on the
k couch face down, so be can hit th.ic . P..lust not forget to relate me with the frying pan." This
this pieoe of news· to that Bell, de pa~ does not usually
Cal., restaurateur who occe tend lo lake !ides with the canned me for slicing the ham
too thick ... THAT PROPOSAL youngster'.'\ against the folks, ' to put modesty skirts 00 calllt but scimetning's haywire here. Any old boy 't'ho still feels , was ridiculous. But not so called upon regularly to whale
ridiculous may~ was the p!an away at his 1· IS.ye a r. o Id
to put raincoats 00 dairy COW.!!. daughter ~ith a baseball bat
An Englishman, who decked f · out his herd in macintoshes, or a rymg pan needs treat·
claims the foul weather milk m;iitzE FIGHTS _ "How
production went up by 30 per-many punches •~ Chrown dur-cenl GREEKS _ A belly dancer ing one round of an average
\Yith 8 Master's in English prize fight?" inquires a client.
literature -that's what l l!law A tough-query, that 'one. Inumuch 11 -there's no such last nlghL At a bistro called thing 11 an t average figbL
The Greek Torch in Seattle. SUU, a sports' writer with a
Do you know the Greeks have c 0 u n t In g ,.machlne once
more fun than anybody? As reported about 1,000 punches
soon as that literate lithesome were thrown m each of most
lady with the ripply skin stop-ol the IO-round fights he t.ad
ped twitching, the clansmen itnessed. So • · tel roundabout drifted into a w a.pproxima Y 100 punches per round must be 5kinnish line, squatted, leaped the answer.
and slapped at heels. The
bazukl went twang twang, and
the clarinet squalled nasal
notes. The belly d a o c e r
' marshalled her c u u u i u g
muscles onto a chair, ordered
a Metaxa, and ·talked softly
about the fertile Geoffrey
Chaucer's Wile of Bath.
Your questiom and com·
~nta are welcmmd and
will be U.!~ wherever . po41ib~ in "Che°cking Up."
Add recs mail ao L. M.
Boyd, in core of' tlte Dailu
Pilot, Box 1815, Newport
Beach, Cali/.
Post Office Hogtied .
Over 'Imported Smut'
Hardcore pornography is corn-
ing into this country in ever
Increasing numbers. but the
Post Office Departnent ad-
mist little -if anything -
can be done to curtail the im-
ported smut.
Most comes from Denmark
and Sweden, where postal of.
ficials say there are no laws to
forbid the sending or lurid,
suggestive pho t ographs
through the mail.
"All we can do," says a Post
Office spokesman, "ls to put
out 'unlawfu l orders' to im·
pound mail lea.Ying the United
Slates for known pornography
companies abroad."
"Ot' course," he said, "this
cuts off much of their
revenue, and we hope to get at
them this way."
But William Lawrence, an
attorney in the Post ornce's
general counsel's office, says
Lhere is virtually nothing that
can be done otherwise to stem
the now.
No estimate is available on
the pornography entering this
f..'OUntry · from abroad, but
postal officials say there ls no
doubt it is increasing -lar'e-
Jy because or the waning tn-
terest In Scandinavia since
legalization ol smut.
At the same time, Lawrence ·
says enforcement is stepped
up; for example, 22 order1 im·
pounding foreign mail were
is&ued last month, compared
to only three during the same
month a year ago.
Efforts to deal with the pro-
blem Utroup agreements wllh
postal services in Sweden and
Denmark have met with no
success, a spokesman said.
"Not a single one cl. them
(countriea) bas a law forbid-
ding the mailing of
pornog:r;aphy," he noted. j'ln
fact, they get offended when
we even inquire as to the
possibllity of an agreement on
dealing with the problem."
Postal official! admit that
they are confronted with an
increasini amount of mail
protesting unsolicited receipt
of imported maiL
This corresponds with public
coocem ml.nlfested by mail Ui
coogressmen and stnaton:. •
·The Ni100 administration has ·
submitted proposals to deal
with the domestic variety. but
officials admit helplessness, t6
1 degree, In lltopplng th4t
from abroad.
,----•..;E_PA .. 1
AS I •ELINES WHIU·U·W,.;.A..;IT ___ _
(for Sleep) for Extractions and fillings . '
WELCOME :. e NO A'7'01tilTMlNT
NECESSAA'f r 'g· JI MOS. TO PAY ._..~,. e OPEN EVES. I SAT. Mts.,.,_,,. • SE HAILA
DR. JEPSON ~~'.:'.~':
SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 J ' . ' • . . SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 .
l~;;...."'l10liila1 EllTlllAllllUIT . .
0 l!li9 4 eye!• d••' with
lri991 I Str•tton motor,
0 Ste•I d•ck, off1•t
wh•t-11 for clo1io ltim. .749s
. .
0 8i9 r1filt link.
0 Will 1old•r or 1oll•n
in 1n ln1!111,t.
0 Nii1:1 for tho1• co ld
motnin91 wh,1n you w1 nl
to buOtr ,our to11f
in • liurl"t, sac
Cff C••••
a ·win •ht,,. .Jp *"" •'' il"4 prot1ct tfl• n•W•
[!.] w.'.;• 1ot th. poliihln9
cloffit *"' oth1r
•wlo •cc•11otl•1 too.
1'i-\ A
·~ .·.
Q F1rrt. nt•t w•l rl
to t•t th•
h•dt•• ill
0 6u•r1nt••d
qu•llty from
ll•ck I
.0 H•ndl•• w•ll• ind
c•llin91 will! •1••·
0 Will cut p•i11ti11t
tlml in l\•lf,
0 Cwt It 111 tot•fh•r
•nd h•v• th• 9uy
down th• 1fr••t de ii,
0 Thi1 will d• • f11t
lob of flt\:in9 off
th• 014 p1int.
D A11d th• 11cr1t •f
• ••" p1i11t J•b i•
th• pr•p•r•tio11.
0 Shont c1tch•1
for C•bi11•!1,
0 N• mot• tu99int
•nd 1h 1i11in1.
0 Nie• for tllot1 wh•'.,1
.tlw•y1 w111ted a
little pvll.
0 Smooth ,.,off•n
1~1 for t1bl•t, chtirt,
-~·~··'· 0 J 1i1ft h1,. for •II
th .......
4 INCH 19c
6 INCH 21c
1..::M"-~ _ _.._ 14 INCH llc
. I '
0 ll't n•w, it'1 lmpro•.d, {h .tc1rlf1td f.r
quick 9•rmin1lion, for1ifl•ll to promot.
f•it•r 9rowth I ind l•rrifl.d it'll b• l~ft 011 th• 1h1ll.l ' • '
0 So 1•v• •••r 30'4 •n thi1 pl~flfi111 tim•
•P•C;f,1 ind ••lch ii tr•w i11h t
lu1h 41chondr• l1w11.
0 Tt••t•4.with Tllir1m to P'•"••I
fu119wt di••••••·
O One co1t cemplot•fy
co,•n 111111 t11;f•~iia.
[] ·Tou9h ,ii ~1:r:iitt
wlfl k1•p •• . m• •·µ~ .. "':'hi1o fot .,.., ..
. .,
O ld.11 fcir -°'· Mi.Jr,
•tuci:o, ·~•r•t•, •"'
prlm.d .... ..i,t.
0 Gi••• f•mout Gl!dd••
b•tMty wit~ lon1 t•r"' pfo_f~ction.
0 Motlir11' 1tV1lnt •f ait
old f11hlonod prit ..
0 Kic•1tt!!d, r•i11forcff
ch•i11tw•r4, whittw•ll fir••· •Ml chNlllO f•l'Hl111.
BOY~S . 3 SPllD
D n.11 h•1 1,•rvth1,.,:
lht•• lft tfi• ""'•fit. 1hl~. \tt11t11• ••1t,
•nohby r••t tlr•. 0 Ali• lt1t1ud11 1!11y li•r.
' chrlfl'll ft.a•r1, ch•illf\11~.Ctfll.;
•tt It, tM •lch 'U ffl,.
HI Th•rr Shoryn
• .. •
• l
l i
I' I l•
-• --~-~·. ...-------
• -DAILY mor Thunday, S'l'lombtt •. l 969
6et Tough Approach Pea~e Rally Roeks Palo Alto
Event Turns lnto Wild Drinking, n :ug, Sex Party
Campus Bills· Signed
SM:IWllNTO (UPI) -Jllllo .,.... c o II e 1 e acl-
ll'' ........ !ll(ft klOlJ to
Uqdll mJ11ioDb ml bopeluJIJ "'°" oll -violence .. ~,.,.,.,p...., lhl1 year
=:.,.~ ... by Gov.
'!lit -Wednetday ~ tlit two major e&mll'JI
-bllll sent him by
Ille =-· .. allboqll their ~ w•e far ml1der
than the college crackdown
lflislalloo be had requ.,.ed.
"We will not pay for our
own de9tructioo.'' Reagan said
Jn a statement announcing his
lipalure cil b 1111 by
-~ n..t MinhY (&Sidi Crul), aad JClho Sluil.
( R· L<ucadla),
The Mllfi>by bill IDlk,. a
p<r1011 wbo lalll to leave •
"'""" •hen or<lered by lb< adtnlnlltntor liable to a !500
rlne and up to sh months. lo
lt also 1uihoriut tbe ad-
mlnlstra\or to bar ~ a
camp.11 f<r vp to three days
!'ll' >ludenl, -or facutty member who bu been
'ldeollfied .. !akin( part iJo
earlier campus dilordera..
Reagan said the bill '"will
give coUege administrators
muscle to deal with hard-core
campus troublemakers b y
niaking ii pimible to iaolale
!hem.'' Tbe najor provtsloo ol U..
ls disturbed," said Klrke
Qm:isloc.i, a city councilman
who gave 1 talk at the rally on
Comstock said even the
sponeon, the Free People's
Free Musk: Co., t.ll'fe1sed
"shock and r~ef." at what
The fally ".started out very
inooct.nUy," lllld the city
councilman. There w e r e
several rock bands, a few
speakers, lncludlnf ~stock
and the mayor o a nearby
There was alao, said potice,
a lot of wlne, beer and mari·
1'he event took place al the
El Camino Ballpark, not far
frcn the campus of Stanford
Unlvendty. The crawd, which
totaled about 2,500 at its peak,
was mainly young teen-agers.
But Jt changed as the day
wore on, with ••out1lde
elements!' arriving, according
to Comstock.
There 1 .,.-as a nurry or
topless dancing near th•
baoo.iand durioa lbe af-
ternoon. But tt was after dart
lbal the ballpark became lbe
scene o( an orgy.
A l~Y!M-old yoolb, bavlng
sex on the grau wtlb a 15-
ye.ar!b1Ggtrl, was am!ted for
statutory rape. Dozens of
other couplea doing the same
thing managed to flee while
police wen _.., Ille Wl-
lortunate youth_
f :JO ..>< Welfare Program "" •:JO
' Join us fot · I
New Heart .
•year-okl wife of a Utah
St.ate University official was
ttport.e6 in "saUsfactory"
coadiUon today with the heart
o( an unidenUfied d o n o r
beating in her chest.
Mrs. Betty Johnson, mother
ol -chlldr<n. received • transplanted heart Wednesday
in a 4Yi-bour operaUon by a
team oC surgeons beaded by
Dr. Norman E. Shumway at
Stanford University Hospital.
Tbe operation was the 17lh
for Shumway's team. and
Mrs. Johnson b Stanford's
1b:th survivlng recipient. One
petient. Robert McKee o( Palo
Alto, completed a year with
his mw heart Aug. 31 and ts
ooe of the longest surviving of
the world's heart recipients .
Oil 'Normal'
On Beaches
Tbe amounl of tar and oily
1ubslances on the beaches
fronOng lht. Santa Barbara
Channel has "returned to
historic normal levels." !he
Western OU and Gas A.ssocla·
Uon says in a report.
'Ille Petroleum J D d u s t r y
Trade Association rel~ the
findings of an engineering
-ol fl••-.. totalln( tO miles of shoreline. affected
b)' otfshore oil leaks last
winier and spring.
One sample was taken from
each beach, analyzed. then
compared with results of a
1169 survey taken by the Stale
Waler Pollution C o n l r o l
TH•lfll' -ITOUI .,..,_._
Tiit eor...n1t1n s~ ftl' ~ E11flA ltlrllOr ArM
•11 W11t H1fllllto11, Co1t1 M1••
For inforf111tio" c.1 tl: 646-5552
Neer hall a century of semce / Near hall a billion dollars strong
• Earn 6.38% on bonus accounts (~ $1 ,000 multiples), ba sed on our 5% current annu al l
rate plus the Y• % bonus, when maintained for 3 years with all Interest added.
• Get Instant Interest day-in to day-out at The Big M.
• For certain, your savings can almost DOUBLE in less than 13 years al The Big M.
• For additional security, your funds at The Big M are insured to $15,000 by an
agency of the federal govemment .•
• For slability, save at The Big M. Near half a century of service, near half a bTilion
dollal'I strong.
• ·' i~
MO Wesl Ot.11rt1 "old
Ttlephone 446-0116
2111 !al COMI Htghwey
T1lephoM 875-5010
200 Nor1h OHM A\olenue
T1ltPhON 33fi.6471
336 North Br1nd BouleYard
e . •
(homt otflctJ
JISEaat Colorado Boul.vard
TtleptlOM 4C0-2'45
and laan assa1:ialian
I . '
. SI
}l,oot sa'l!L'l'Lfl • Back-to-:sc
Entire stock reduced! tt..n-r. .. ,.
pennanent press cotton and polyester
bland! .•. in your choice or trim 'n' tapered
casual~ c.c Jel·in yol:e back pocket drus-up
1Nns-two of the season's to~rated looks
lor boyil Choice o( colon, in •i.uts 6-18.
2.99 each
!'rice smasltedl Red"""1 fn>m our
cuJTcnt stocl: ... permanent preu ~poly
MttT, ~(Olton orlonh in FaD tones of bhre,
~Id. g1ttn , .. fvy button-down rollar, hill
p\acl:flt froot. long sleeves. SU. &.18.
• . . .
11 to 5
COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 16th
GAR.DEN :GROVE -12372 G•rden Grove llvd.
' . l
" "
' l !
' , I
' !
I f
For the
' Divorces
1 DIVOllCU •tl.•O
ard'f, Mery J, Vt Jellft It.
S~ J....rf• ltll'• VI 1'1\11 H1r•
"' ........ .to.Mt VI ltl<Nrd It.
Stl>mklt, ldllfl G. lll W1rren A, lt~;iw, Cei.tlt VI T.,l"f Eut-
•lriklllff, Ctral Otto Y1 J1Y• Lynn Orftflft. T1IMI lu1ttet. VJ John lltldt-G::.. 0eMt vs ll:usfflt
Chul'dl. Jtw:t A. n M.wkt l .
S1llfll1tfli ~Ill J , w Jost ~111.111 MDftM. '-"'dltr•ll ,... itiw e. C,.lf, C\'flltlll A. vs Wllti.r. I.
0•Ul9"• ''-Jr, .,,. NlllCY J. t,,,_11, lA111t1 JUnt VI ltlctMI~ trron
Oou11ts. C.vlll C. wt J~ll'lll G.
\111t ... Stlsltl G. vt 'T!lolMI Jahn
Me-• .kllllt '*""" "' •tttt Jey ll:O'W' .. Micn..i ,J.M VI lttrmtfld het
ortfl, 0-.111 l!VMM YI #MrY ltr-.... c1nw, Cll~ ,., n V11eri. A.
W1t*lrdl. lotlbY4 F, ¥f O.lt E.
Merttn.ii.e. Ju!wl L. "' lt1y ltll'llltl 11!111 .. Mtl'Y AM VI Wilt
"'"'" M.. S.kt. 51'5 StMrn1 ""'·• Ull!I llMdl. Sunoh1• 1W d111t1llltr,
1!11t1.r Goruatv .. , bolr t1Rtfltr1, Jelln
J .• •1111 J ,. Anll!OllY II ., tt'ld Mktlll ..
LJW_,1 -1111...... L-.. '°" wll'I. "'9yll!t "'1tllllt. C•rollllll w11•,
Frt-Vlqd1, lt"lna lltllnHf',
V«Onka Ntvw. 11M Elliiibrlh A.vr· 1r1 tour .~. llOMr'f Frk&lv
ti I IHl'll ~ SatvnlfY t em, DOllt
11 51. eon.."'"""' CttllOlk Cl\\ll'Ch, Ho.tnttnltort 8"<:11. •ttlf l"tmlfof Co-
'9nltl f\IM!'IJ H_, Dlrecfor1.
lwl• Ctl"Ol'IM. "" ts. o.i. of de1th, S.llf"""""" 1. Survlvtd llY .son, Vlctol'
It. Clnllll'la. ,...,..,. Tllllt'Wr •:JO -hll tk'Mdwl'I' 0.-L Mau l"rlo(ley t
am $1. Jo.chl11t C.tholk Cl'll,il'(f\,. l.U
ll'Gffw•Y "'°"""'""· Dlnckln.
Hti'" R:. Seul1lu., 2'07 llanlboo
SlrMt, N..,..part lluc:h. Oa\9 of dttll\,
$U!tMbtr 2. SUrv!Yld ho hu~nll,
Georn1 41wll'W. Dl•le LM P't"-_,, TullltlJ Ind l)DftM ........ N-....-t .._,,, _,, 0.-.t Slwen. New•
ll'Ort -..d\1 11-.. Mltdrtd Str.11-
""'lm, C.t,. Vtl!eY, •nd M1,.,1rft 81t.Mll, C"'9 Vtllefl ~ Mr. ~ Mrt. wmi.m A11tn. C.tre V1lieY1
9r1f'lddeu'9hler, KlrnberlY PeMr'&Ol'I,
'Tintln. Services wm bl 1'191d Frid•.,
.t lU 1m .. 1clf1c: vie.. Cf\1porl. I':,..
follobrrwnt P1elfk View M...-111
.. erk, P1clfk: View Mortu1ry, Dlo
ltulh E. Neetv. 3"5 5urtvl-l-. (,,'°"' d11 Mir. D1!• of .. !ti. S... !m!Nf l. $1,1Nived by IOlll, !UMflot
J., COf'Oll• 11et Mir, 1nd ltebtrt e ..
l.0$ An .. lell datHllllU, Nadf .. b11"',
Sen O~: brotl>er, H11111d !',,....,, UI
Mnll: 7 1r1ndt~lldr911 I .,...,....~
cl'llld,..". 5"'Yltft wm b9 ....W Pricier 1 ...,., P1c:lflc: vn a..r. lriurrwntnt
Pttlllc: Vlew M..,......, ...,... ,.~Ilk;
Vl•W Morti..ry, Dl;,ct-
L0Cm .lrchl~Td todl!t. U. C'811t MMI s""'· cos11 IMP. on. et ftllth, Sept.,..,tir t. Slll"'llvtllll W w1 ... Elhel;
!IOI'. Ardlle, .. llloe1 st."'l. Duklt Nllel, ArlloN, 4lfld Mab91 Mor•Y·
Color1do1 tr-*1U11lrl9r, JI I 11 I• l.ockt, .. ltieo.. G,..vttldl 111'Vka
'l'tlvndaY ''"' ""' P1clf1C vi.w ~. onorl1I Ptrk. Pldtle Vf,fw Mortl.llfY•
~'"""' HUBER
Todd Altltl'll H11btr, 0111 o1' llNlll.
s~tfll\llef" :a. tnf1nt _, ef Or. St111-
1ey J. 11'1d TIHM HlllMor, Strvle'tt
...... !'Miii toelf)' II t """' l~I P1~!flc: VlfW C-t.l')I. W111tllff
Morlu•fY• Olrteton.
R1!pt, Tr..,..., 0.11 .. ftllh, AUIUll
26. Servi-fedlr •I 10 ''" Wnl· ell,. CFllPll. 11\hi,_,,, Goof Sheo· t. ... d Cemttln, W!Pkllft Morl\11ry,
Ollrl• tlrown. 0.1~ of del!I!, AUii.id
31. Gr111ftlclol 11rvlct1 PMld lodly at
1::Jll Good Sl'lei>M•d c..,...iery, W•t-
ciltt Mortu1ry, Plreclon.
l:1P1 SIH•nl. S«vktt Hfldln1. W•lt-
ctltf Mort\J•fY,
Htrold I(, WIUMJ', A" .1. 1941 S.1-"'°" L11'M, Hullllllt* "9dl. Sur-vi""' bY two 11-lltfn, 1'1'fY W.
Wl!l"Y· 1111! LtnA L. Tl'llyen tltrM
••.-rllldrlfl. Servle. wm M ri.1d
F•kSlo'I' 11 4 1111'1 S'"ltll'I °"'"'· Int--"' P1cll'k: VIN Mln'!Or'-1 t>1rk,
N11Woort Sffdl. Sf'l'lltll'I Mort,,,.ry,
WestcWf Mortuary
m E. 17tlli Sl., Costa Mesa -• BALTZ MORTUAll!ES
Corona dd Mar OR a.NM
Costa l\.1esa a.a f.ZU4 • BELL BROADWAY
llt Broadway, Codi Mesa
Huntiqtoo Volley
17111 Beacll 81".d.
Hunthogtoo Beocb
116 Laguu ear-Rood
CN-1411 • PACll'IC VIEW
C<melcrJ e _,
3111 Pocillc Vkw llrtH
Newparl 8*11, Coll!Gnla -• PEElt "J'AMIL Y
~ --.... Westmlaller 111-JW
• I
i.aavu 11eoc• "6-tm
Sua..nlo aMt• • 8Mml!' MORTUARY
U'I Ma111 s~ ,
• '""'1dl!', StpttM 4, 1969 DAILY l'!LIIT
U.S. Agent~====== ~~~~
Get Quick
breakers in the city of
Westmlnster soon may be
bool<ed, J a If e d and stood
before the judge· a~I in the
same building •
Oiange County Supervisors
have approved leasing space
in the city police facility aa a
temporary Courtroom for new
jurist Lloyd Blanpled Jr., who
was sworn in last Friday.
The lease will be for two
years with an option to renew
for a third year. About 1,900
square feet of the police facili·
ty will be converted into a
courtroom, judges chamber
and jury room.
The county will pay $516 per
month plus $2 ,500 to cover half
the c06t of the needed altera·
Death Case
SANTA ANA -Superior
Court proceedings qa.inst two
men aUq:edly involved in the
death of 1 federal narcotlm
l(tllt were qaln delayed
Wednesdly ~th a further
reduction of charges agalnst
Raymond Graves Jr., 24., of
12331 Martha Ann Drive,
Ro11moor and Ray A.
'l'butman, 24., ol 433 Howard
St., Los Alamitos w e r e
ordered by Judge · Robert
Gardner to return to court
Sept. 10. Motions f o r
severance and suppression or
evidence in the district a~
torney's case against . them
will be heard on that date.
Both men were accused of
murder three months ago with
the death of federal narcoucs
investigator Bruce Beck, 10
clays alter the badly burned
agent was pulled from the
bluing garage of Graves'
home by poUce and firemen.
Graves and Thurman were
alleged at that time to have
been two members of a group
which manacled Beck to a
standpipe in the garage.
Investigators said Beck, well
aware ot what would happen
when his captors returned, set
fire to the garage to draw at-
tention to his plight.
No trial dale has as yet becc
set for the accused men.
Bar Convention Slated
SANTA ANA-Many court-
rooms will be dark and law
offices ligb~y staffed Sept. s
through 12 u Orange County
judges and lawyers head for
the annual convention of the
State Bar of California.
Tb.is year's gathering is
1cbeduled for San Francisco
whh both the Fainnont and
Mark Hopkins hotels provid·
lng accommodation and meet·
tPAR~El : }:;':'.
PEI 1111111 .,.
UTEI llll
View A~rm shows on d~I when alarm Is sot Snoozt 10 milNtos
when it rinp Just by tlpplnc
bar-f0\1'11 get 1 socond call
Blue or trflite case.
ing places for more than 1,000
bar delegates.
Measures sponsored by the
Orange County Bar Associa·
tion wi11 be among more than
173 resolutions to be consid·
ered at the annual meeting .
Local bar members wtll be
among featur!d speakers and
panel contributors during the
five-day meeting.
e 7 YEAR
S,,1t YALUf
20 GAL $42.88
30 GAL. $44.88
40 GAL 549.88
SO GAL $64.88
Tll!t •llllllty llfArtllllllf •i.t• UIM wit.,. .... llt It .... '""' with .. ,.... ,. .... I.. rteilll,... ., 1tw. WI """ """' ur 111111n.1-.i .,,ri.1111. 111 P• wt.,,, All ~I lllt!lllflllt!I ,.,,_ k!cWlf, (Ill lrf HMl'I
-illt!IR tllll hy, llM ~y !fltllllllllll ................... ,.. ..... ., f!l.Ultr '111,,..,..
MOHL Ul Ha. Hf.ti s31ts I Tr. G11••••· oua PllCI ••••
MODll Sii II •• $69.91 S4688
J Tr ...... ,_ Olllt PltJCI ••••
MODU 71 lfa. S1t.tS '54" I Tt ............ OUR r11cr ••••
~~:i $458 88
You Get These Conveniences
on Either the Side-by-Side
Or the Top Freezer Model.
Good·bYt oerros1rng, Both these Frigidaire R1ffigera·
1or1 er• 100% Frotl·Prool.
SmoolhiJllde nylon rollers make these Frigidaire Flelrig·
eratort eesy to move, easy lo cl .. n behlod or btnealh.
No help needed.
Either right or /ell-handed. Cfiange yoor mind, change
)'OUt kitchen arrang1ment. Reverse-door Top Freezer
model lels you convert bOth Reversa-doors 10 right· or
lefl·hend opening. Slde·by·Side i• just naturally tmbl-
Organited Door Storta•· l ots of room lo sto re In the
door. Removable egg treys, butter and snack com part·
ments, d&ep door&helf lor hall-ga!lon milk carlons. More
door storagt on lreezer doo~.
Happy Medium Meal Storage. Ftowil'IQ Cold Mett Tin-
ders keep meat jvst above the freezing point lor salety.
yet ready lo cook without !hewing.
end Sa••
= -· ........
Decide on ,the Automiilfc
Ice MekefElther Now
Or Later In, Either Slde·by-
Slde Or Top Freezer.
'-'""""""""""""""~"~:-,.., .. ,...,,,,..,...,.,....,,, .. .,.,., • ...,.,., •• a111111•P'1111:,..1e•1•...,.,.o· .. 11•'9''9'•'""'"'.,,.,.2111•""'2"'::1111121
Even th;, thritty
Jet Action W8'hef ~ ..
OPC fllf noifon fabrics
• Ourlble: Prtts Cm. Genlle
WISl'lln1 Klion Phn ' told w1t1: cool.00.n help !llHroa ttbrics stay .. no-Iron!"
• ll!t Aetloi Agll1lor.
• 2 .le!·AWIJ lillst~
• Cold W•ttr Wnti s.nJnr.
LJ :
Durable Press Cil e
on this budget-
priced Dryer, too
• OuraMt Prtss C.e. Proper
t!ll1penitur1 pin mkli'qde cool4own briq Dlrable ,,_
items out rtae!J to welt,
• 2·CJdt Timer. Select met
llllllbtr of drJinJ mlnvttt..
• HM10o!! lll!t Sd'tell
, , , with p•w•f'ful S11p1t·S11r91 W11li1119 A,tio11
th1t r11lly ~111 tut th1 ll'l\1tl1ri, lio1•M l..1111 toitl
th1 frl.C ••t• .. ,1
LHlr at n... O.ts....ihot f1Gt11r .....
• IMuc• hlMI rtl'llntl . • • • Patter fr""1 IMlll,,.. ·"-'l·T•Y•u rec:kt ......... .., .,... $17888' Dl1peinMrl
• lachnlve 4 Lrr•I
We1h Action!
e 1,\'TEGlUl'~ dt DEPENDABILITY SINCE 1947 e
411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa -646·1684
DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M .
•• •' " '·' '· ~! :;. ...
. .\
Jt DAIL y f'lf.OT
LllGAl:t NOTICE . ' .. "j:f." ".... . .. t ... •~ • ..,.. to ClllDtTOl:S
..ota _.. y or:L ~ • lr~': t.tt:Z.~ = ._..Iii ti .. Mn ••Tl.._ ,... CWUIT'I'' °" ........ 1: =:... IJlll ~-:..ca:::. c.:':: &t• of ~~ ,._ HEYING,
'I'• AA• .. lttll daY ol ~· DltMMll. , ... olll -... Of .... SC11001 Olt~ 11Qlf(£ ,_, HERE9Y GfVlfil flt ""
...,. .... -......... A~ ~ cndltllri of ftlto 41bo.,.. '*""" ~I Mela. Ollll)lrlllle. tt Wllldl tlll'llt •IO bids t1111t •ti ...,_. ri-¥1111 clollmt ... lfltt .,.. ..... ....W ...... ttwl ,.-,.., Mid ~ _.. r.....,.., to lilt l~
MtT.a • •(a.AlfTl SUl"f'l.lES "Mth ,._ ~rv ~in IM offlc:.
A• ...... 1' -ill ~. wlfto of tlM def* llf, the '"" enll!IM CllUrt. « ~ IMtNCtlolw.i tftd _,, ..... ,.. .. _, """" -"" ~ M«Ua!'Y ~ M ...... fllt Ill tl\t .,me. of ,the --.. tt lllt ~tf9ivd 91 h lolW ~ ~ 9' Mid ~ 0~ ~ fl M:O!'/EN a G"EEN, U. E
1m .. ~ AVftWe. Golft. ,._,., ~ A~. OrWIH. ca11torr.11
c.1•1e. """'"' 1$ .... (Jlke ol bull ..... "" aQ .... 11'111$1 wtllflll I 1)111 ~I llf>det1lv ..... hi 1111 nialten ,.,,.Wiit .. fn .... tll'fll 11f I cwtlfted or ~· b '51111 el Mid ~1, Wlt!llll tllllr
.:hlCt-.r 1 llild lloN _,.1 tio fiW..,.... Milll!M 1l'Nr "" llrsl p,rllil!utioll ef tllll ,~, " rM ~ .. !fie lli!d. ~ llGtke, N'tllWI to "" 11'W fl IM M~.MiNo 0119d A1111usl tt. lH!' llfllflM ldleOI Olttr1d. A Pt'*'""""'-l{ATHlllHE I. HEYING. loflf ~ 1111 .-11"4 11 ttle clbcreltM flf .-.dfr>lnbtr1trtll vi ltlf. nttl'I tflt Dlltf1ct, 11 1M ftftlf ol t1lll,it9 to of 9111 ll;IO\le r.....,.. cltUcitnt
Wiit( ffltl ...,,,, c.ontr-.d, 1ht ~ ol McOWE• &. OllEO
.._ ~ •Ill bt fllrfdlCI, or '" trw c-Sii a. c..,_ A-.t 1 11ioM. W. WU wm lhtAOf will IJll ....._ Cllftftll ft6l1
...,.... • .... Sdlool Olflrid °' 0<'1,.. '"'' f1l•I uwn• ~. • ~ flll' AUllMmll"I Ho ......, ""9~ .,,.11Mraw h~ bld IOI" I hblhJWd Or_. i:o.n1
_.. el' tar1Y"1v• (•SI Gin .titer 1ht S.19mt>fr 4 11, 1$, 21 lNf
.. ,,. Mf tw ti. -lrll IMl'eef.
T1'll a 11,. • of Edvc1tlorl '' 1 "e I _Fr.AL NOTICE ,.~ u,,1111101 School oi.1r1c1 -,.--• ~• .... rlthl to ~lfd .,, or 1h !~---.:...--------! lilt5.Pcillllt~~tfllo. ~~··~-. ,..., ..._ W ,. -.iw Ml 1rlllltmtRt'!' ,(aJIT9'11Cf.Tf( Of' •USIMl:U 1r 1~*11¥ 11'1 111Y tllf nctMd. """'l"' PICTITIOU$ fll.M!! 0.-A-' V: INJ T!\41 ~ -ctrtlf'¥ .._ It C-•u•,•,.,t~, °"""' Wt""9 • .....,.. ., '· o. lox ,., 'llf .....,_. c.i. ~ ~Utor~. tMN uMff lhl' ol Or ... C-1'1' fld._ ffm. 11 I ""e Of T~E PHOENIX
CfdfOf'fl!I PRES$ l'ftd thtl' Miiii flritt ,. t.omtc19d ti •'9t oorolhr HlrYl!'f' ~ tolk>wlnl ,,..._, Mqe 111ma lfl fllll
"'"""""'119 ...... t Ind 9ttc9' II ra~ b IS f11110w1, MS-11M Jinn ~ M~, 4' J1~mlne ,.__
P\tllltllft Or111$N! C011I 0111y l>llo!, !WO!, tor-del Mir. C-or11!1, ~1191Nt 2' Ind ~ '-IHJ llt.Mf O.IMI A\l9UCI 27, lHf"
JarM• £. H1nclrvd1 St•te Cl'! C1nlorn1•
°'"""C-fY ----,===:=-=--c-=---°" Aufl):lt 21. INf, ttelor• ,, .... No!&IY OltOINAl'Kll HO. ,,_. Public 111 1tld tw "'" 51•1~ .. .-sot1•11V
Af!I oaoU&AftCI: OF THI! CITY C.OIJH· • p ..... r. d J•mes e. H...i!Y<h k-CIL 011' nte: CITY OF COSTA MESA, lo mt lo ~ !ht Pino!! wt1cM "'1mt 11 <ALIFO•JUA. l"ROVIOIHO i<O• THE iubKrlllied lo Jti. wl,,,ln jnsl"'"'•nt u.:I CllU.TtoM Of' A CAPITAL OUTLAY K~l'O'lllll09.,; h• e"'Cllled ~ 1•-· "A«a AMO RECREATION "UH01 !OFFIC1,L S'<-'LI PR~tDlltG POii THE PAYMEJiT OF JOSEPH E. OAVIS
Fl!lfS Ill c:oMNKTIDlf WITH CON· • No11tv Pl/tlHc.C.lllornl• STRU"10lll1 TO o•TAUI MONIES P•lllC1P•I Oflltl In FOR V.10 •u•oi CREATING CEit· Qr1119<! Countr TAlll l!X"1"TfOllll' llMI f'lltOVIOING MV CDl!'ltl'!IU!en E.l•Jr~•
,.,. TM8 Ull! OP UIO .-uJiOl. J~rie 21, ltl'O A Gruaeral Retires
o:H~~TYM~Ngi.1~:~ Jri~ A:g~~ ·~-StP~~ o:,11v11,"'~;: 1tE•'E•Y OROAt,. ... , FOLLOWS: lNt 15'2-69 Maj. Gen .. Charles J. Quilter _of Laguna Beach, for·
sB;T•OM 1. Tiit c11Y c:.-c-11 nllcil •llCI LEGAL NOTICE mer commanding general ·of the 3rd Marine ~raft :,,~1:'~ ~10:-~ ::.~~~~.,_____________ \Ving, ends his 32-year Marine Corps career with a
c:ir1.,,.1111-" 111e Hftl.-1 pf -1< 1>-l4n• final salute during recent retirement ceremonies. Incl ~illlfil ~illlla 19 -llK' CIRT U•ICATI; OF &USllll!EU
men reUred at-the same time. General Quilter
wears Distinguished Service Medal presented to him
during ceremonies at El Toro Marine Corps Air
Police Aid X ouths
' J
Lale last spring when Jessee, John Simon, Reed
baseball coaches for Newport. Gloshen, Frank Brown, Dennt!
Hirbor youth teams were ~7~o~:~ampbell anil
scarce, nine N e w p o r t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
Policemen offered t be I rr
The result, city councilmen
hear-d this week, was one of
the finest seasons in the
league's his~ocy.
The couocil ant;! officials
from the Harbor A r e a
BaseDall Program cited the
nine policemen as .. a credJt to
the fine police department,
community, city and above all
men of good wnl." '
The qine officers, who
received p r I n t e d com~
mendaUons, are Ed Cib-
barelli, Jim Bradley, Bill
U you have new nelghbon
or know ot anyone moving
to our area. please tell ua
so that we may extend a
friendly weJcome and help
them \0 become acquainted
ln their new nirroundlnp.
So. Coast Visitor
Harbor Visitor
fTtaNAl PUNISH,liilNT ;, p10.fiorlion1I
lo ...... wl1d91 ind oppprlunily. J11111
11id. " .. th1! 11rv1"! which KNEW his
lord's will -fl1ifh1r did -loiJ will,
th1ll b1 be•t•n .,,.;th MANY ship11, But
h1 th1t KNEW NOT -1h1ll b1 b11f111
witli FEW 1trlp11." Ilk 12:47.48!. A
t;amlft ~._ Hkl-. to 1rie: enc1 •1cT1Ttous uMt: Twerrty other Marine and Navy officers and enlisted
thlt ~ -'lsltlon 1111 <lweloomenl is TIW ""°'"ltned do.s Otf1tfv sht I• con.1----"------------''-------------------------------------11 IQtl,. lliilfllM wlcl ,_...,.. I~ Ill •n ductlM 1 Ml-11 1• E. 111tt st .. .s.in~ ~•lt'llt 'llllldl "111. JI •llDWld lo conllnve, 1 o, C0.11 Ma.I, C1liflM'nJ.:, ~noer '™' bt a ilet""-t •·tr. l'IMtth, taftlY Ind lklll!ous fl"" neme ... ()) TYPING
welllN Ill 1fll clllaMo .. ""'Clf'¥ fl/I CO:Sla UNLIMITEO UI TYl>IHG SEltV ICES
MML UNLIMITED Ind -n...1 Pid flnn i1 com--
t1l1nt1d "''" i"(j1il for lif1, 11 lorl\lr1d bv lhau9hti. of 1011 op·
porlunitlff •Ml !'~11ted k"owled9T. NOTHING c•n b1 don1 fo
rtm11v1 tlt••e p1"hhi"9 fhouglth.'A" i41nor•m1.t•, in j1il fer lif.,
m•v •njo, tf.e <fr11 ln11ls 111d l1itvr1; hi1 puni1hm1nt ;, li9ht.
2 Pit. 2:20·2 I c:ond1mn1 ChritJi•11• who h•v1 hop1l1ulv f1lle11
into 1i11 •lld 1t1lt1, "··tht l11l1r incl ;, worst wit~ th,m lh•n lh•
b•9in11ifl9. For it hid b•1• bett1r for th1m nPI IP h1~1 ~n1wn
1~1 way 1f ri4Jlll1ou1f1e11-", Tltet1 mi11 He•ve n ind 1uf11r rt•
mqt11 ind r191'1t at11111lty,, h1vi1uJ KNOWINGLY ••i•cl1d op·
porlv11ill•1. NOTHING c111 lt1 d0n1 '"' ,,;d lo •••• th1ir r19•th.
Thi 'ibt1 d1111 1101 t11cJI LJTERAL •lr••h of 9old ;~ He1•e11;
t-hi• ;, 1 FIGURATIVE ""•Y· to ' cl11crib1 th1 b1•utiful. N1ilh1t
doei it l1•cli LITEP.Al fi•1 in Hill; thi1 flGUP.ATIV ELY de·
•trib1• lh1 l1rribl1. REMORSE •nd REGRET 1f tho11 i~ H1!1
lwho miu1d H••ren) will for•v1r lo•lv•1 fh1m •1 fi11. Ried
Jn, 12:-47.-48. R•v. 20111·1~, 2 Cor. 5:10, R•~. 21:1 .S. You
hfv1 KNOWLEOGE of Clirill. Oo you l•~e •~••v OPPORTUNITY
to ob1y Him? VISIT Ch11rch of Christ, 287 W. Wil1on St., Coit•
M., •• STUOY th• .• l!~E with 111.
Ti. ow c-ii .tumwt' find\ w ~ ltOMd of t11t fOl!o"1N ""°"'· ~ t .. r'9•tflwt • .r11M Iii 1t1e t1C1 WlorUl!'I ff• MINI Ir) full Ind p t1ct pf "''ldlllct Ii •S
-!WI( ~l'I' --1'1' ._tloll lotlcln: 11\e llwdM crf Mlcl tu 11'1 llie lll!I• -e y-I!.. lofu.t. 22JI 0ol'lfllt 11010,
1'h4: ...,,.. "" '-.. dtflYICI .ild tr.ti 1M N-' 11.a.::h.
Cl'NllOll I/JI • ~· ... Ill)' fund to be 0.led A ...... ,,, 1'6t.
-ldld! for lii'I> ro-IH from tt:s~tt•I Yvormt E. Lollst
So Ions Learn oi Worries
It's War , Inflation, Military Spending First constr\ldloll 15 1 more 11C1Ul11blt WIV frO Slelt of C.llloml1, Otlllt• Counly, pr~ tot "'-1e1ui1Uktn A!'ld dt11eio. 011 11.utWJf l7, \flt, befort me, • NOlfl'V
'"""' pf "tb for the clh' recrNllollll Pvllillc I~ Ind tor ukl 511lw, """'°"''"' protfWll, •-•m ~ E. Lohse -...own 10 m1 WASHINGTON (UPI) -A nett IR·Utah ), s<>id the Viel-How a•-·t crime~ he v.·as It ;~n't personau~~..i aaainst • IO bt !"---W'-Ill~ It •UIKrll> .., llVU "' t.c\.I I'>
Tiii c.w council tu""" findt •nd de· ec1 1o ti.. w11111n i11Jlfv""'11 1no:1 sampling of congressmen nam war is still I.he No. I COO· ask·". Nt'xon, but the p e o· p I e are tlares llllt 1 rt!St I" lhf ad ~••....., tu •ck-~ Siie encvMd Jiit u-\.'1.1
f :30
w ""°"lclN '°' 1o "U1nu JIM 11u..-. .. cet=FiciAL SEALI ' returning from three week! or tern of people in their states. "That of course pcrmcalcs angry," Yarborou""' said. •'-w1>-c11v1s1ons 1no:1 01'*' rnklfn. ~,.., K . ...,,,_, sounding out their constituents 0 " t111 eeve1opmenb 1nc1; Not1rv Pub11c. c.111~'"'• MOST CONCERNED everybody's thinlting." VERY CRITICAL 1. n.. Cll'Y c-11 turthef find! •no:I Prlnclt>•I 0tt1a •~ revealed today the Vietnam And ·
ttecllr. 1111t 111e ~ rttiulrert 1ci 111! 11<11d • oru1v" c_,., · fl t' '"t Democratic Sens · Sen. Karl E. Mundt fH· "They're c:riticizin..-this ad· 11er«ir •rt ~ PVIWMI to tht ,... Mv Comm11.llo!I Euirn war• in a ton, miu ary spen-Gaylord Nelson and Willian'i ., _... flf ttte cii.-,,., '°"'°' tor the N.,.,. ,., itn ding and blgb interest rates S.D.), said he suspected high ministration on high interest
-.-o1 prodUdflg ,.._. Publl"'*' o •• ,,.. eo.11 01111 P1101, the . , dom. t Proxmire said Wisc on s in on the minds of persoos with rates, on ht'•" taxes, on lite T1111 c11"1 Coul'lcl1 fkMllY u1111s inc1 A"""'' n _. Ssl'tlntH;r '· n. ,,, are nations man voters re ost one ed "'' eectar.s 111tt JM cr•llotl {If , u1>1n1 lffJ 1sa4t issues. 3 m c ern wllom he spoke in his stale failure to stop the war and -
eu111v fufllf 11111 111e Pllr...-nt {If ur11111l"""----------'=~ about inrlation abetted by was inflation and attendant in ti•• rural places -on low tt" 111 conn1e11ori wllh 111e 11>1>11ett1011 tor LEGAL NOTICE Tn almost every case. ·1·ta 00· ~
bvltdl"' '"'""1" 11 111e 11lra.1 •Jlcl "'°'''-------------mtBet. nrnye..'pealsotngsa.t·d Uta•........ proble.rt}s. farm prices and low farm sup-I .,....ttAlll• w•• 1o p11111n "'~ tot •c-r ,.J.44U however. the sentimenl tbe " 11""" ports," he said.
<111hlnorr of "rlt .itn, -toPtM"' of CEllT•l'tCATE OF •us11i111s, congressmen reported they are concerned abou t militant Yarborough, just back from ,..:C:.i:f..!t~ ~ b~Pi:,;~m.te T~ _,!'~~,:!)o~ ~~~ ,,.... ir, found back home was identical ~pending, but wilb a di(. conducting town hall meetings "In every CQmmunity', peo-
fl!il L.xl Ute Dnltnanu 01v111orr Xk1 conouciinsr • buslneu 11 11131 llodttoW ta the congressmen's pr~vious fereoce. in more tban 30' Tuas com-pie told me that none of tbe
whkh th•• re..i 11 fvlllw!.: w1v, 1rv1"", c.11,...n11, ~ 1111 nr.. · th b. l , munit.ies, was asked to federal proJ·ects tlwy had CHAl>TIR IX lltlolls firm Ml!'of pf VOYAGER CAPIT"l Vtews on e SU Jee . 'I he -. mood f hi Aaric-..:~\. 1nc1 tn.11 Yid firm h ~or"",, .,!fbeDMD)eofthis counlry aiu many,. man y characterize the o $ hopedforweregetliflgfuhding ...
ca1>1TAL OUTUI ARI( 1ouow1111 .....,. ...... 'llllPM 11•m ... 1n ·iun are' •• cg-· skin· n'" alt've by remarks about the unthinking constitueots. from Washington _ no money AMD aEClllATIOH it'UMO 111d 11i.cft ol ,~ 11"t 1$ lallow!lt "'l.ICU1 ..._. d d tt ~. t s.c:. n1111. There 1$ rte:reb'J' c•f•h!d • A.lblrt• Lowrv, 116.ll Roc:k,_ wav. high interest rates and they an angerous 8 emt' ... 0 un· "Angry," he sald, for sewerage works,. for
cu1111 Outll'f Plrll: 11111 11..-eat1o11 Fvfllf trv!ne, c1mor"11 "'""· RPCIM'I' '"' 1m fl,, .d S Ra! h w dcrmine our country's national , y Imo Lynd J h hospt'lals, no SBA (Small w1110 w11 1111 ..-'°~"' for 111e..1c· 1.110:. It-rs. 116311 •im.ev 0,;..., Whit· ow , sa1 en. p . .1 . h . 1 t . · OU w, on o nson ~11111ott 111c1 1 .... _...,._., "lncWI"' '~· tit<". c111""n11 '°605. Mirr .-.,.... Green, y bo gli (0-T ) securi Y m t e guise O cu hng used to be criticized mbre in B u s i n e s s AdministraUon) ::C,mkil'll'llCl'~t~\' ,::;1~i~nc1.,:,1a:.,i:"': ~.u1~~~·,,.::~~..., "ri="tHn~~~ • ~n:~al;er F.e~ondale (0-back defense spending and in Texas than anywhere else. But loans, no economic develop-~ """ -'"'"" t11t 1111\1" 1>1'e$(1'111ec1 ,..,. .. o."" .. s.l. "'"" .-."'' ~1110.,,11 attacking the Pentagon and it& """Pie are d······-~g this ad-menl administraiu..., -. ants. 1w 1t1e P•rtt '"" R"'"11oll 0t-.ei...n-1 mo1, Minn.), sndWal\ace F. Ben· program "Bennett A,.. ,,~v 1:11UUJJ1Ju ..,.... Dl' ,. .. " • ~ 11111 tdllP1e1 tw fhe Clt1 "-' 1, ,,., s, s.uu. ministration more than The money seems to have I
Olundl •fief" COii•*"'''°" tw ti. P .. ,.. Alberl• t_,.., Bennett also reported he Johnson was ever denounced. been cut oU." •
'""9 CCll'M'llulon. llodfll'f c. ft_.1 found wide approval of Presi· l;=====================·====;,lt
JIC:. ftllU. Olfllllllllll. LIC1' .°'.... 'T ' ~fl) 1.1llereln .......... 1.,-.., "Pl!<1Pll•' ""'"' A.nnor G~ omo1·1·ow dent Nixon's welfare and tntludes ewo ~rton. firm ~' cor· Mlrv El..., Hm _.111o11 C11111111dl"-• -clwt'llint St•I• of c1111om11. or._ c-•v: revenue sharing programs and u11U tllher M IWMt""1110er ~r lltl'IVllh Ori Alllllt$1 711t. Ifft, lletor1 ,,..., ~ praiS'c generally for h j S
•hi \tl"Ylcflt Cl'! tfl'll'lovHS. ""'ts °' I• N11t1rv Pllllilk ffl 1no:I fl:il' y!d s1111• I N
!U As httllfh ._., lhe fl!rm "d,..Hlnt Albtrl• Lft"tv, Mirr Annt Gree.1 kno'"" T fairs.
Coming Sept. 6
deH-' c:ontrK!or's. -•llr 1ope1rfd ,,,,_,.., Ellen Hiii, n el"POI't performance iO domestic af.
unit"' k 1$ '-" lorlft In $edlot! ~13 pf II me II Ill Ille person• ""1low llltMI 1r1
ttie Lind UM Ordln•l'l(I. 111bsulblf 11 11te w1111111 lnltn1moet1t 1no:1 WAR PROBLEM ..
(31 II.$ llsecl ~In lilf, It"" 1do;~fd IM'f exec:ltl<'ll the Umtl. D s 2 3 "tleOr!lOll'I" lh•ll lfl(hld' llW ,._., 8All•ARA MELESKI ue ept. Mondale had Otis lo report: t'IOl'll'>lll' UHlll 1111' t.leelllflll pUl'JIO'ltS e•· NOlll'V Pullillt<1llftlr11ll • ciucH"' dlrtl119 room, UvlM room. PrlnclNt oince 1n "The grea~ and growing con·
kl~ -b9ths, Wl'Mlher de'llgn11!'<1 Or•11t11 Counh' Of slit ls . •s i ~-pr •1 •den. ~l\Mlv, •1br•l'V M• Co!nm151ion E•Plr~ Newporl Tomorrow's final cern my con uen IS or oll>l!r almH•r "'"'" 111 ..... t11enl • o.ttoOer '" n11 Vietnam. This, coupled with
""11 1i dfo!l'9n•IM 11 1 twu:tielo• unn o• st.-.Tf OF c11.L1FDRN111. document detailing all the sug· inflau·on, a sharpen·" concern c!Mr llmllar ,_ the fff ~Id bt COUNTY 0" OJIANGE lSS. t' b ) = ~ted "" ~ 111~1> "' a~ btd•oom on A1111"'1 10. ,,.. btlOI'• "''· '"" ges ions Y a vo unteer corps over military spending and
,,,.;IL !HlCWiloMd, 1 No11..., Pu11uc In 111(1 "'' of citizens on the Newport 1 f • s.c. t:nn.i. ,.., wold s111e. per110111tll' •~•rfd L•(•r ow arm pr1ces and the e .. ..., ""on '*"'"11<1int 111, ,_ ."' .... a. llPC111W 11_ known 1o...., 1o Beach of the fulure will be of· drought are bothering ,,_1in-11we111119 llnlr in ,,... cnv of co111 Mell be ...,. i>erKIM whose n•inm ire ~ubscrlb-ficially released Sept. 23 at a
1110111d be c1t1rwd ™ f(oJlow•"I iet 11 • fd 10 iM wilt.In mtrumtnt 1t>11 nesotans . .. r1 o1 lhl 0011r111W1 p~"'" te• ,, P''>" ~eel 11111 1 e11witlld *"' '"""'· late evening celebration. "I also found considerable
,.Ide<! 111r t11 Ch•l'l•• v111, .-.r1!c1e 1 D•ted """ust 10 •• JNt B ff' · I
111 Th1! ium cl' us.oo ~r OW11lll<>11 (OFFICl f.L SEii.Qi esides being the o 1c1a concern over tax equity, lbe
unll conltlnr.,, ncrt lll()rt lllan Ol'e SHlllLEY A. HOSLEJt ) t f lh ·1· ' • I bedroom ind ltw ,.,.., 0, t is.llO •or ftch Nol•rv Pub11c.c:111111rni• re ease even or e Cl 1zens s1zeab e number of persons 1<klll1ort11 bfd,._ ,.....,1c1N. ~,r, •rlnd!NI Offkl in ' p I anning recommendations, avoidt'ng La nd am-g tit 111et 111 nci .,,.,,,, .11.11. • 1ot•1 tM: '"t• 0r111t1t C-ll' xes. a .,., e
5n ,ot on •nv <!'Mlljr.g unn. MY Comm1u1on E~p1,,.. the party will be the city's elderly, a strong desire to get
1111 Still wm ii IP tH; "'kl 1n10 ~ O(lobtr lG. u10 token of thanks for the hun· SIX't.al sec 'ty ls p" c~plt11 ou tltv otr~ 1tld r..::rr111on11 l'ubll11!t!d Or11111• Cout 0111~ Pi101 -,-: UCI paymen U • fvtld •• hfrel" crt•ltd and bl ~ ..... ..-11.11111..si n. 21 111C1 ~P•embe• •. 11 dreds of man hours Spent Rel': Benjamin S. Rosenthal,
.,.,1v '°' "'' ou•111R> •• 1e1 '°'111 1"' H"-69 drafting the proposals. a liberal Democrat from New ~er~ln. s-..:11111 nu1.~. -r;~e111111111.. LEGAL NOTICE City councilmen Monday ap-York city's borough o{ Queens, ••EP=: 'foo:"t>f.":: :!,~1":,~ 91 in. ''""1------,-.,.-.-,------1 prove<! spending $1,000 to pay said he found his constituents
t•l Anv 11we1M"' unit 1nc1\Hled "' • Cf!RTn•icATI 0, Fin111ous N.-.M! for the Balboa Bay Club event. "genuinely concerned" with wlMl1vblort wher• suMlvtdef' 111!1 flth"' nw ""°""'19nert c1o he•eb'I' crrtltv '"'' An e lt'maL·" 200 person t·n h. h t nd h t th deo:llc~1.ci 1a11c1 or 111kl tees 111r Pint 1 111 ThfN h•v• to•mfd 1 C•lll<>rnlt s i;u s, · lg axes a w B ey rPC;rHtlotl•I "'"""'eo •• orovldfd for 111 •-*' Ptrl....,.,.LP uMrr 11w-r1c1111o"' eluding the 80 clti1.en volun· regarded as an unfair return Chlp~r IX, Article I C1l, section JUV Nlrnl flf e,1(9 INVESTMENTS ~! 11'3 j f N l T · · f b th rovgh ,,60. . weitcllfl 0,1~f. r.ie ........ • 8 , , c ~ eers or ev.'por omorrow, Jn services or t eir money. Cbl Any 11u,ld1"' Pt•mll tor 111e c.tilol'lll• t1660. v.·ill attend. Their ire, he said, was
..,r-ooses 11'."1~ io ,_11,... ol inr t21 The p1r!nerlhlP " toml!Olttl °' I"• Th ' dt'rect·" al all fe"eis of dwe1U119 unol +olklwll!ll 11•r1ntrl, whoM n1mt• lfl 1~11 e g r 0 U P S recom· t:\I •
IKtlllt n1n.1. 1>1rn•1tnt 5tbHult. • ... •~et flf reskllnU •r• 11 i.i11oWJ ' mendations, based on special government and the feeling The ~ IS 111 '11r111 herein 1!\all llie CAlltL J, KYMLA, Jr., 7'110 Clift Nv111i1e uJIOll •1>to!k111an tor • bulldl"41 or~•· N..._-t 11eldl. c1111orn11. goals committee I i n dings , was "across the board. people
_...u tor owtmM ""''at -ldlld tot ALEXll.HDl!R .ow1E. 10311 Mlr•l•to surveys and public meeting of all political phil...,....-i,,e and ~ln Incl re1UllCI lfl fll• pf wdl fefl .. lie•, s.fti. .-,.,.., Clllfornl1 11705 .......,.,.., ""
.,..11 l:t9 m&oe In 1111 ..em ht "" CAP tLACICJIUllN, m v11 11h1u, testimony, will serve as a persuasions."
lllllldilltl "'""'11 .,..11 nat tie •Pl>l'OW!ll NpWtl(!t'I &eM:Ji. c.111or1111. I d · • ~11on 1h111 ""1 '"• 1>11tt. fll ,.,. "rtnen 11tn'lf'CI in p1r1,r1p11 pre u e lo a cmnprehens1ve HIGH C0~1PLAINT
5EtflON l. II Ml1 Wdlotl, IUbRlttlell, 12) lbcrw 1r1 Ill ol 11\t l!lrlllfrs ef such general plan for the City. Inf J at t' 0 n, partt.CU)ar)y -~r. cl1\lllt, P!lr•~ 0t POrtlool ot 11111 Nrlller'lhlo. Ol'lll,,.nq 1, tor •nv ·~-Mid to be r,.. 11 Thef h1vr •ft•d tM 1orto0IM As the Newport Tomorrow among older persons and lhose Yllld., unconstllutlonll Iii' t1tt c!eclslon Cl'! Ctrt!lk:ate pf FICl!tlous Ntmt end ~-tud I d \ ·11 •· · f' • .., court pf amPtlent 1..,..19dlction. such ,,,. corrten11 ..,.tffl 1nc1 ~v .,, 1rw 11111 s Y cone U es. P ans WI U<: with 1xed Incomes, drew a =:!t:J,. .... ,!..":.:':rlh'i:' ~:::H~.:;:: COEi:~ineG ttl~ 1i UIV ot ... vtUSl. !Kt. \aid ifl the City p\annJng high COmpJaint rating in
cit'!' c-n pf 11111 c1w Mf'tlii'I> dfda(" c111 J . Kvm11. J•. departmenl to carry on the Rosenthal's district. "'*' 11 -.111 "'"' l<klliled thl1 ord'"'~ Alt•anotr aowi. \\'Ork -perhaps with more "They were a!!I() c-"erned lfttl ffdl Hciioll, ~!loft, ....,_., CA" 819d<b!"" "'"' <lrtftl. ....,., .. w 1>0r11on ~. 1 .. sr.-.rE oF cattFDRN1.-. c It Ii en v o 1 u n teer s that an excessive amount of
r-'lW Clf lllt l•ct 11111 1ny °"' or In •ic t· ,I·n •·· ........ teo:llofls, lUlltet:"-· tl•uses. COUNTY °" 011.-.NG£ ! p· P· I g, money was ..... 1ng spent on
-.,_.,. -11ons of bt decllrd 1nv111c1 o.. 11111 u111 01r of AulonL '"'· ~'°'" The Bay Club celebration "''elfare and> the militant," he M' Ul'CClnflltullontL 11\f, l!'le vncltrol~nld. • Natetv Publlt •~ · 6 •'
SECTION '· Tlllt ordln1nt1 111111 t•lrt •ncl li:tt" Slkl Cwn!Y •nd s111 .. i>er10t11llv l;:;;;;Wii•lii! iisiilciiiitiiaiitiiiiiioii.miiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaiiiiidii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill dNd •1111 bl Ill 11111 lore• llllr!Y dl'f'I _.reel CARL J. KVMLA, Jilt .. k-
t.om ..ni:i Iller Its """"" 1n111 prior 1'D lo ,.,. '11 llie lhfo Slef"Wll rltlose n•me 11 ftll: OPl,ltklll fl/f fll!H!! dl'f'I 1"111'1 Ill Wblcrllltd II Ille ""lttllll l.,.!rllmtnl lno:I ~U.-11'1111 llie Mlillled ~ In the Kk-llclDllOI 11111 ~ 01.euled the •lmt. °"'M1t co..t O.lht l>llel, 1 __. flf WITNESS 11'11' ,,_lld Ind olfltlfl 1t1I,
...... dfUllllm\, lll'llll..il lni ,...II,,,.,. (Of'FICIAL Sf.All
In 1ht ctt1 fl Codi Mftl, 11191tti.r w!fh E. H•rvl"'!l Oewtrv
tht -f/A !tie """1btn fl/f tht CIN MOIJf'I Pvblk • C•lllotnl1
c:.r,tlldl ~ for •t'ld ... 11111 Ille 111111W. Or111111 Covnf'I ,AS$EO AND AOOPTED !his Ind u" lr/Ov Comrn!ulorr E~Pl•o• "' ~. 1Mf. J!lftlf 1'· 1973 Al.VIN L PINl(L£Y sr.-.n Of' OLIFOllNlll. t
t • .._ ...
Clht d C-'• Mnl ATTEST: •Y C. K ... lllEST
OIY Ci.ti; Ill ""
Clt1' .. '°'" Miii
Oii lllb }4111 d~Y Ill ... \lllUJI, 1'61, IJll!P~
IM, 1119 ~!tned, • N01¥Y Pub!le In 1no:1 tor ukl COi.i'ii¥ Ind 5181~. 1>tr$0rt1llv ._ ... ALEXANDER eowrE. k-n to
me IG bt I/IP Pl!1'SOll """°'' y..,. Is
wbs.crlllied tio 1111" .... 11~1 .. ''"'""""'' lnO
STATE 0' CALIFORN111. 1 COOHTY OF OAANGE l 11. CrTY OF COlTA MESA I 10;-~ tt11t hi U9(U!OHI lfle um1.
I, C. I(. PRIEST, ClfY C!f.-Ind t~.Cl'f· WITNESS tlW IWlld Mii ollldll SNL Hdl ~ .i l!'le 0'1 c-JI llf tht CllY IOf'f;ICIAl. UAll
If C-.lt MfW., ~ ~ 111111 "" ~~rv~':.i~l111tor,,l• ........... ~ ~ .... tt<:il OflnM Counh
... ~-""" ~,.., ll!tfloll ... Mr C-1UllW! Enl•" .....,. ., • ~.., "*""" el •Id Cl1'I' J-~' 1m
C"9d • IM ttll .., "' MIUIL IMJ, $TAT£ Of' ciLl..O•lillA ............................... lP
,,,.... tf 1 r-.iw ,,.... .. *' .... CltJ COUNTY OI'" OMHGI. ) ~ ... 91 ... Jftrl Cltt tf ~ Of1 !f!lt '6111 C1oW Ill AUllV\I lf6t .......
-· ........ ~Ill totl C*ff ...... ! ""' "" ~·'*'· . ""'.,., .. iillii1c-"' .-'f'P1 ~MJl&EH WI.._, It, ... 1W Mid CMllY tind Slife, """""'1• (Mr. T_.,., .......... I'...,.. .....,... CA.. llLACKIU'IN, tM1W11 tD ~; QM,lll(ll.Mllf """" ... • ... ... _,. """"" namt *' AllKJff ¢ cou~~ --.-o'rtled to """ within ""',,_ 11111 1111 Wl.--a Hl"RHlf', I ,,_,, IW"'°"' Nfl:"""lellMll !Ml he «erullcl """ H...,.,
.. -....... lfftlld lllt ktl ti IN WITHlli "1.1' IMllll Ind oll1(11I .I. OIJ -' C'.11111 Miii. 1118 ltd ISl'r fl lOPll'"ICIAL SIALI
.... waa' JM, E, HltY)llt °"'1 C, IC. ... ICtT fllf/f_., ~le • Cl'"'"'!• °"' Qrft. fl "" Or" ..... Cwltt °" ,,, c.t• ,....... M'f c.Mll••• t:•1lrr. ....,. """"" c-...; "' J-~'· un !I'll a;,. CleMldt hblfll'tfid °"'"" (0911 0~11, ........ ,
I See By Today's
Want Ads:
• Dry-Land Sa.ilor, or you
could go by !he sea-way.
Party dri"lling to Ne:w York
City towina; 16' boat will
take yw lot SlOO and pa.
• lf<>me IW&J)pina I& new.
Exchllnge your home In
the CRn)'On for ont wtek·
end for 11\LK lovely beach -·· • Other swaps, trades. rnale
l~acher will take Catt or
YOUr home for lioom, and
a maturt ahem! J11dy may
btl1')'sit for a reducins;
Family weekly
What Should Parents Tell
College-Bound Students?
By Sloan. Wilson
This famed novelist gives some sound advice to
elders in comprehending today's youth . He of-
fers college students sympathy, understanding,
respect, and a little money-his 5imple reword
IS that they often tolk to him,
• INSTANT ANALYSIS -Tne way you adjust a
color television receiver tells psychologists a lot
about your personality. Science has found some
other clues to personality trait.s, too.
• DIET TO DEATH -It's called anorexia nervosa
and it happens mostly to teen-agers. They literal-
ly diet then1selves to death.
• KITCHEN COMBOS -New applianoes have to
do more than one job to make: it ·big in ~ highly
competitive field .
The newest
look on two feet!
1299 A. Plain toe strap.
8. Wing tip strap.
C. Demi.boot.
Similar styles con be seen in
leading men~qres across the
country at much higher price1/
1''1C' \'ery ne\\•, up-lo·thc-momrnt
:>Cl uan!d-off hlunt toe styling. 1nodif ied
but distinctively modem, .• in expe05ive
grained leather up~ with rich-
looldng antique finish, plusall lcalher
1ole1. Tll.nely details include 'ving tips,
monk stra.p buckle closings, perfor-
_ atcd trims. With ge11uine Goodyear welt
and two-piece rubber heel. 7to12.
11 to 5
COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd .. at 16th
GARDEN GROVE -12372 Gordon Gro,. Blvd •
.._...., 0,..,. (Md C1I~ l>!llJ', .\•Ill .JI ..,.. ...,..,.... ._ 11. 11. !?"• t.., '1 "'' ----''"c."~"IS."f!:"""---------.:..------· L---~----------t---.J··------------------
I ' '
U.S. ·ff.as Major Stake II
Ill Libya
By United Prt11 latem1llonal
The U.S, Wheelus Air Base
outside Tripoli, Libya, is a
vital link In the U $. global air
power chain. Its future could
be endangered by the Libyan
military takeover w h Jc h
ousted King Idris r.
Wheelus is virtually a self-
contalned clt)' on the palm
tree dotted Sahara desert
about five miles east along the
Mediterranean coast f r o m
Tripoli, the Libyan capital.
Use of the base wasobla1ned
In an aareement with the Idris
regime signed In 1960 by v:hich
Uie lJhl,teJ States pay Libya
S!O ml!Uon a year. The agree-
1nent rurt'i to Dec. 2f, 1970, at
\.l.'hich time it can b e
lermln~ted after one
year's notice by either party.
The military government
has promised to h o n o r
agreements 1nade by the
previous governnient. 8 u t
western defense sources in
London said Libya is finnly
aligned wllh the militant Arab
camp -Egypt, Syria, Iraq
and the Sudan -and that this
situation may change.
U.S. Air Force offjcers make
no bones about Its vahJe to the
Un1ted States.
Not only is it America's only
bare in North Africa but lt
also ls the only place in the
European Mediterranean area
where Europe-based pilots can
keep their gunnery and born·
bing skills honed for combal. ~
Its vlrtue1, apart from
strategic value in lime of \\'&r,
are good flying . weather lhe
year around and Its oeamess
to European bases. All U.S.
Europe-based pilots fly there
on rotation twice a year le>
practice firing machineguns,
cannon and rockel.5 and bom· as a result of EJYptlan
bing. charaes lh.RL tJ.S. alrcraft
If the Air Force lost helped lhe Israelis.
WhetlUs, the pilots probably There were anti·American would htvt to Dy borne to the Un.i.ted States (or such prac-demonstraUOM in TriPQll and
Uce ~ reducin& t be I r near Lhe base. Demonstrators
availabllity for a European wayl'lid an Air F6ree school
emerpncy. bus and, after evacuating the
The "City of Wbetlus" grew children, burned lbe bus and
from the World war II llallan killed its driver, who was said
Mellaba airfield, captured by lo be Jewish.
the British an(! turned over to The air force carried out an
the Americans ., a base from evaCU8Uon airltft of wives and
which U.S. bomber, roared chlldttn tn the wake of the
over Southern Europe. violence. Jt aJso flrdered all
Mellaha means "Salt Flals" Air Foree personnel living off.
and lJbyans still mine lbe base to move back into
fiats between TripolJ and Wheelu::: proper. Astrid l-la'lvorsen, UC
Wheelus for Salt. The wives and children have Irvine senior. of 327? Wheelus was named for Lt.. since been returned. 3ut the Richard Wheelus, an Air ban on living off-base sWI is il'I Michigan Ave.. Cost.a
Transport Command pilot kill· force ao even the families are Mesa, is spending a
ed in a crash in Iran in JN5. quartered in Wheelus housing. year in Europe for stu.
The base itself sprawls over King Idris I, the qow depos· dy ai. George .6i.ugust
2.Z:l acres fringing t be ed Libyan ruler, came under University, Qoettingen,
Mediterranean. Aboot 50 n?iles heavy pressure from na· Germany. She is a Ian·
away, deep in the Sahara tiooallst elements after the _g_u_a_g_e_m_a_io_r
• ____ _
wanes, lies the 23,MIO acre El war to force the Americans to
Outla gunnery and bombing quit Wheelus.
r~bee1us is home for about But the King. who y,·as
2,<nl Air Force personnel and believed . to feel the American
.i.2,000 Air Force "'ivcs and presence propped up h.is own
' our children . shaky throne, resisted.
Blaze Sweeps
Lnn1her , Yard
"They could get along on The pressure had since OAKLAND j UPI ) -A six·
their own there for a long. abated. alarnt fire roared lhrough a
long time -if necessary, said Whether the new military huge lumber yard near lhe
an oUjcer familiar with tht'! rulers will take up the demand Oakland Estuary Wednesday
base. for departure for the night.
Whet'!IWJ has its own electric Americans is a question n1uch A fire department spokes·
power plant. its own water on the minds of Air Force nla estimated the blaze caused
Drivers Strike
-San Antonio's 425' bus
drivers went on strlke today
leaving thousands of would-be
passengers stranded on 1.1tree:t
"WITCHES" ,.,...,.; .... ....._ , ...... .
to .,.., .,.. .... ,.., .... • , .. .
~tr 642·$025
.ff -A dictionary and Roget if In better grades they'll pay!
The Bookstall,,, L 11ttn.1t .. cett. w ... '4M•1t
Cl>lhlM Tll• ft~ ,._..,
Wt Cannot w11te time
with worda •••
8i1fran children are
dying NOW!
SOCIAL SERYICl PERMIT f·ll1 Tcu lllempt
P.O. Box 383, 308 Westwood Plau,
Les Ang"'~· California 90024 own supply from nearby artesian commanders. al least $200,000 dan1 age.
wells guarded by U.S. sen· 1---------------------------------• r1c
with an
fra nch ise
1f you ha\"C SJ0,000 to Invest ind desirn:
1 1\0 income up lo 565,000 per ~·ear.
pr<1m<11ion• ~nd advertising pro3ram1.
\\'r \\Ol!ld like to \•isil \Vlth you Thur11d1y
1'".•11in~. September 11. On this evenin1 ~ A ready lo oprralc roslauranl on a conl· l'nf:k John's \viii introduce their complete
r\utcr·tr.s!r.d site. t'r.1111 hisr prosram.
i .\ c1:1r.pr1•hc-ri~l\·e in·deplh training pro· ~
lo)./~m. !}~Ir· ~pptrnlbl'I' 11, 196!1 ,~. ~ ,, central pur1 h~sing S)'llem. resulting in Tin'lr. · fi:;\O -11:'.IO 1'/'>1 UNC'-E !
1he mo51 ~d\antageous price' & discounts. rla( c. B:ilbo~ Day Cluh. JJ, J
5 ,\ con1plrlc i;c.l rif opera ling and person· Nc1vport Beat h. California @l!N .§
ncl manuals and use of all Uncle john's Cocktail~ & Hors d·oeu\·res :•
, r ttc\-el ,1,.1~ ~n or .. -ni. I n., Id O•w•on. \"1~~·P•~•ldim1/l'r•nthli• 5&lft• r"; r~l!t>lllOll't Inn rtl ' . 11 ~lfttil 1'1•1 U 1 U\1 t:nd• Jnbn'I l!t111nr1n11, ''~ N.O.TEC TOl'.'ER, Or•nJ•• Ca I ornJt •
One reason
children are so
triea, its own hospital which is
rated one of the best io Africa,
it!t own radio and television
stations, its own elementary
and high schools.
It also has two movie
theatt'!rs, a commiss ar y
supennarket, a post exchange
that is the equivalent of a
small American city's best
department st.ore. a well·
stocked Iibr~. bow Ii n g
alleys, hobby shops. and a
swimmlng pool for those who
find the Mediterranean's
breakers too rough.
It evtn provides an adult
education program, run by the
University ·of Maryland.
Wheelus has facilities equip.
ping it for far more than its
pre~nt functions. From 19fi6
unUI 1959 it was the head--
quarters o( the 17th Air Force,
a tactical fighter command
now ht'!adquartered at Rams-
tein, Gennany. Its runways
can handle America's fastest
jet fighters and heaviest
Nowadays il! main tenant is
the 7272nd Flying Training
Wing, which supervises the
gunnery and bombing practice
operations of visiting units.
'I1le wing is equipped with
FIOO Super-8abre jets for
training and target·lowing.
Wbee!UJ also houses the S8tb
Aerospace Rescue Squadron,
\Vh06t giant HC310 Hercule!
traruiports range out ove.r the
desert and the sea on mercy
In addition. Wheelus has a
number or twin.engine C47
transports, milit&T}' version of
the workhorse DC3, f o r
service miss.ions.
Relations wilh the Libyans,
about I .000 of whom work oo
the bue, have been generally
good, Air Force officers said.
The exception was during
and immediateJy after the 196?
Arab-larae:U war, when Libya
-like all Arab countries -
exploded in anti·Americanism
aware of shoe styles is that they're
closertotheirfeetthanyouare. _
On behalf of all Americans 5 leet tall or under, StrideR ite introduces "'~[~Ar\-' J
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The shoes that are madeweU enough and lit well
enough to impress mothers.
And look good enough to impress
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Garden Grove, CaUf,
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I , I
-' .
New Study Asked of Negro Intelligence
NEW YORK (AP) -A this probability thal I fear ls Brooklyn on flfa,y lO 1968. the major defi~t Jn Negro In-provement.s In environment." U1e Arnerlcao ·Society o t...
Nobel laureate from Stautord £alllng as a result of the high Shockley said hi!! taik WllS (ellectual perfornumce must .Jensen's views were criUciz· Hutt)an Genetics ind pro(essor
Unlverslty has renewed his birth rate of the most disad· cancelled because some feared be primarily or hereditary ed by many psychologist.I and of pectlatrica and · genetics st
call for "a serious scientific vaataged.'' his vteWs .. might Cau.$e some otigin and lhus relatively it~ geoeticists, among them Dr. the MOllllt Sinai Medlcal
slUdy" of whether Negroes are Shockley's views w e r e problems" at the sehbol. remedlable by practical tm~ Kurt llitschhom. presideot ot Center in New ~ork ..
genetically inferior to whit.es published reeenlly in t.be pro-Discuul.r:tg whal be calls,-----''-'----------..:....----------~--
Students Canfield (left), Tsalta
in their potential for in-~ings o! the 33rd annual "our national Negro il1~ess."
telllgence. coaferent'e of the Education Shockley says: 11r sincerely
The sdentilll, or. Wfiliam Records Bureau of Greenwich, and thoughtfully believe that
Shockley, said be believes that Conn. ShockJey spoke to the my current attempts to
from facts now available it conference In New York City .demonstrate that American
will be possible to prove that last November. Negro shortcoming, a re
lhere hat been "a loss of William S. Utterick, presi· prepooderantely hEftdiLaey is
ground for Negro genetic po-dent ol the bureau, said It is a th~ action most likely to
tential for tn~igence" over non-profit, ta JC -exemp t reduce Negro ago11y tn . the
the last 36 years. or g a n i .z a t ion that does future."
research on tests for schools "l propose," he says, "a He said such a loss would be :.hown to b~ an unforeseen by· and also encourages wide serious scientific effort to
di""o ... ination of ....... troversial establish by how much 1h' pl'()(,!uct of, the encouragement .,,,,........... """ "
given by Welfare programs to views, but without taklbg distribution o f hereditary
"the least effecUve elements sides. potential for intelligence of
of our population" to have Lltterick said Sttock.ley was our black citizens falls below invited to speak after the while!."
large families. cancellation o! a scheduled ap-"An objective examination
"Artistry in Moving" for .,the
Student From Greece
Shoct.ley, a professor of pearance by the physicist at of relevant data leads me in-
engineering science at Stan-the Polytechnic InsUtute of escapabfy to the opinion tQat
rord, shared the Nohel Prize------------:;-'_..:_ __ __;'---------::...=---------------------------
for physics "'ith two other
men in 1956 for the develop-
ment of the transistor. His
views are similar lo a
hypothesis pul forth earlier
lhis year by Dr. Arthur R.
Jensen, ao e ducational
psychologist at the University
of California al Berkeley. By RAND\' SEELYE
Of 1M D1i1y Piiot Sl11'1
Stamalia Kon Tsaita, a li·
year-old American Fie Id
Servict Foreign Exchange stu-
dent from Larisa, Greece.
finds it hard to adjust to the
American tim~ schedule.
Tina, as she is called by her
new American family, lolr. and
New Mixed
Results Told
~1arriages between Negro men
aad while wnmen an.' twice as
stable as all-black marriages
and slighlly more stable than
all-white marriages, says a
Prof. Thomas T. ~1onahan of
:\'lrs. Arnold Canfit>ld, J5l2
Dolphin TerraC'e. Corona del
ti1ar. is used to taking a break
every afternoon -similar to
the Mexican siesta.
.. In Greece C' v er} l hi n g
tlo:>cs at noon. reopen.~ in the
afternoon and stays open late.
It's hard to get used to the
American sdledule," Tin a
Sil? has enrol!etl :1t Corona
del ?o.1ar ll1gh School for the
fall and is excited about the
start of classeg,
Tina i!'i worried, however,
because she finds it hard to
understand Americans.
··Everyonr lalks so fas.I."
Sbe-has tuken five year<; of
Eng\Jsh at the Institute of the
English language iu Greece.
but has nol taken an ':I
American history or hterature
courses. She will this Sep.
tember. ·
Jensen's study appeared in
The H a r v a r d Educational
Review and provoked a storm
uf criticisrri. The review made
:;pace a\·ailable in · the suc-
ceeding issue for responses
lron1 other scientists.
"My position," Shock I e y
·"ays, "is"not that all Negroes
are inferior to all whiles; in-
stead J do l>elieve that many
Negroes are superior to many
whites. In fact , my statistical
studies show that American
Negroes achieve almost every
eminent distinction that whltes
achieve and are about 50 per
cent more successful per
capita in winning Olympic
"However, as far as distinc-
tion dependent upon mental
powers is. concerned, the prob-
ability on a per capita basis
is between 10 and 100 times
smaller for Negroes than for I
the national averag• and it is
Villano\•a University told UielPi--------------------.-.1 American Soc iolo gical
Association Tuesday he bases
his conclusion on~ study o[
marriage and d i v o r c e
statistics in lowa between 1940
and 1967. He said lhc study
covered approximately 8,000
interracial marriag,_~~··
Monallan said he ·nlso filltnd
that marches ·between · ... ·hitc
husband and Negro wives
were more sltlble than a\1-
Negro marriages, bot less
stable than all~white unions or
marriages between Negro men
and white women.
Monahan noted the findings
"contradict previotL<i public
opinon !hat interracial mar-
riages don't have a chance of
suCO?eding," hut he declined
to make any long range in·
terpretation on the data from
just one state.
"Is Iowa representalive? 1
don't know. This Is a problem''
since many slates don 't ideo-
llfy races of marriagt'
Although the Negro-whit"
marriages v.·erc more en·
during than the aver3~e non-
1nixed marriages. the study
found them less cndurini; Utan
marriages 111 which both
partners were oriental .
Catholic or Mexican.
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extra-wide tread are two fiberglass safety
belts that virtually eliminate tread-wear-'
ing squirm . The Atlas H·P's Vicron poly-
ester cord body also means extra strength .
llUI~ l • •
~itp~red bl( J ,
~rz,:pstein 1
r, \
·Sonata ·m. - . I
[K. 545j •
• •
••• ·t •
reviations: P. T., Principal Theme; S. T.1 Second-
ary Theme; D.1 Development; M. T., Middle Theme.
Segundo; D.,
' Alleg-ro (J:: 1s:l)
o ce l 3 .
• . .
• •
IS 1 3
' ' t I
,...,....,, ....... 4r 1Mt .... 11
Year · Scored
Writing the new 1961-70 score for the 16th coocert season ere
members of the Orange County Pllll.barmooic Society who will open
the sale of season Uckets tomorrow.
'nckets, at $21 for the season of sev;en concerts which continue
the tradition of quality, may be purchased In the soi:lety office, 201
, W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach, -1. Single tickets, if avail-
able, are $4 and student tickets are ,1.75;
Two ·world-famous orcbestru, five renowned conductors and
two top.ranking piano roloiata are engaged for the current subscrip-
tion series.
Opening the season Tue6day, Oct. 14, will be Gennany'z great
NDR Symphony Orchestra which ts on a triumphant return to Amer-
Conductor will be one of Europe's mos! eminent maestros, Hans
Wallat, 1eneral music director of the Bremen Pbllliarmonlc State Or-
chestra. '!lJe 110.member group wll1 play from the stage of UCl's
Crawford Hall , and like all other concerts, i• ICbeduled to begin
prompUy at 8:30 p.m.
The remainder ol. the season will be played by the Loi Angeles
Phillwrnonic Orchestra which is rated among the top ball dozen clas-
1lcal orchestras in the United States.
. Three of these concerts will be directed by Zubin Mehta, music
director of tbe orchestra who, at 331 enters his eighth year in this
capaclty. At 1ummer'1 end he will have conducted, liJ: concerts in
Hollywood Bowl and will have taken the orc11e1tra·on a ioor of Japan
before retumlnf to Southern Calllornla for the coming series.
Dates and places ol. these concerts are Satunlay, Jan. 3, Orange
Coast College auditorium wiU1 Byron Jania as piano soloi9l; Satur11ay
March 7, UC!, and Sunday, Aprll 12, OCC. "
Conducting the other three concerts will be Rafael Fruhbeck
de Burgos, Saturday, Nov. 22, UCI; Daniel Barenboim, Saturday, Dec.
13, OCC, and Hans Schmldt-Isserstedt, Saturday, Feb. 7, UC!.
De Burgos, Spain's most outstanding conductor who made a
most favorable impression during bis debut last season, is music di~
rector of the National Orchestra of Madrid.
Barenboim, world-famous pianiJt-conductor, was bom in Ar-
gentina and raised in Israel. He demOllllrated mulical talent at the
age of five, and his parents -both ptanlsta -supervised h!J early
Schmidt·lsrerstedt, internationally famous and beloved by coun-
ty audiences, has been chief conductor of the North German Radio
Symphony Orchestra since 1945 and bas been chJet conductor of the
Stockholm Philharmonic since 1955. To date, be has conducted more
than 30 concert& la Southern California.
<Art _.,. " C..,...,. ""*'-I
forming for the 16th Orange County Phll-
harmontc· season are (top row, left to
right) Daniel Barenbolm, Hans Wallat
and Hana Scbmidt;l11e~t; (center)
Zubln Mehta; (below, left 1o rilbt) Andre
Watts, Byron Jania and Rafaef-Fruhbeck
de Burgos.
Avalanche' of Mail Repeats ·01d fory of Cobbl-er's Family;
I . -, :-
DEAR READERS: Remember the let· '!!" fi'<m tbe pbpldan't -wUe who said
dOcton male the world'& w or 1 t ' . . huJbandlT Sl(IJ-confessed she believed
(When the WU YOWll and loollab) that U
ahe mmled a doct« she'd have.......,.
1o look after her when lhe became ill.
"'ll>e closes& tbJni I get to medlcal at-
tention from DlJ husband," she moaned.
"ls lnltrudloos to go look Ill the top
drawer of hi! desk where he lhroW1 his
sampl<I. There always II plenty <t llull
Ii tbett ml I'm IUppooed tO toke -H
Additional complatnll: U the chlldron
&el lick •t nlabl. doctor-lmsband -
to call -doct.or becauae be batea to
-.· laW)'.; ........ mine. Be_, .... din-• ~I... ...... ....... -· r• .,. • ..,..... ..........
bother .a friend . Ws friends don't mind
bolherlng HIM, however, his wife
al!litrt.ed. FrequenUy be ls awakened at
all hours or the Wght and he never
ref\Jlei to get dressed and go.
The disenchanted wife . c-by
..,.,., "When l wu I clewey .. yed
romantle coed 1 thought It would be
wooderful to be marrled' to a professional
man. And l atil1 do, but I wish I h•d mar·
rled a laW)'er." She llgned ber lttl<r
"GP'1 Mate." ..
f told CP'a Mate her teller should be
answered, by 1 doct.ct'a wUe and I did not
qualify. I Invited the wi~es of physician•
to respond and promilM to prinl Ille best
Jetter. The tea:ult.~i'were staggering. Since
ll wss >lrlllailY impoeolble to.. ma)e •
declaJoo, I opled In favw.ol printJntl tlli
besHloes lroni t1!e top five lettert. Hort
they are:
FTom Clocl ... U: That doct«'t wlf1
who Udakl .U -Id· baYI m...W a
ner llome twt ...... ta I "" dace IN From Omaha, Neb.: U thal GPt1 mate Md ..... J line M •• M _,., ..
puffd tlM liar -odot 7""' qt. . thlllkl she'd bo better oil mllri<d to a -......... ..,W lie ... It """'
From Batllo c:reet, Mlch.: Tell GP's pcychlatrllt till her to ·farset It. Every lyllle. ftoal1e1to-. ..... u1.1~.·
mate to.iiuk lfijlina.1 have the...,. t1me.lloot.lldew'71 lll3' r.llband telll • ... 14ot17tull_'l-_llf)WWW111-
piobld!I wtµi 111J lwlliind mid. lie,I no Jiie. I am ~. tranafmin&. ,_ no I alT M1 -· llo. lo~
doctor. lie'•' a -ter. our -.. projectlnf ... bolluclnatlnc-m. Royol .....iemL •· I
faJllna ~.and 1 ... , pl him lo plct lllglmeu WU IO bul)' tut month I had to -wW )'<II know when the nil illh!a.
up a "'-· l'cr m l!lOOllll l'V• been mal;e an •Pl'Oi;dzuent (under an 11111!1\ed cunt1 llClllfT Aalt Ana Landen. Bend lo&;
beggtni Nm.;, fix the roof bul he II "too . name) to d"""' otr f.year:Old IOO wlio her booklet "Love« S.. ml How to·T41(
busy." All blllbllldl are the lllD8, .Am lllil nu bla p1111L the OO!ennce." lleod a-. la...., iDit
Landen -~ to the OOlllde wwld ,...;. II. 1-i' II tlolt l'""1 GP'I aloof, aelf.eddr1•1I, a.peel tu•d•(
ml bUml to U1e1r own 1-. wlo ....... -ton ,._.. 111. Ur to 1rith,.... nquell. ::
rnm ....... II. C.1 I .. -eoD 10J .... -. Bo~ a mr-W.... I -Aon J.anderl will bo flad to ~)Ill(
to a c.dlW -""" I :'. .. .... ..-... a.t ..... .,.. ..... --,.... !ll'l>ltml· -them to .... Ill'
dt ff1I -~a. -1111 lo - -"' .U wlll!I -..,.+1J f! ... 11 care <t the DAILY PILOT, endolinf" <
fallllly?Y•1 •11••lt,--el'•-........ MnHU., -ill ... u--.·llan>ped ...... 'l -
. •
; • •
• I •
. .
HoroKOp_e . .
Pisces: F~eling of Security Gained
• ~EPTE~B,ER 5
' By SYDNEY OllWlll
( I ~ • '
( ·~ (Mll'Cb'lkApril 19):
Dlsroptlonl 1n· roullne1 borne
environment lodi<".atea. But
DJ,aintain balance. You can get
essenUala cOmpleted. Some
are envloua and ""nt to crute
distractions. lie mature.
TAURUS (AprU.»May 20)'
You may want to go too far,
too quickly. Know this and
tigbl<n reins of self-discipline.
A rd.tUve may eomplaln of ID·
health. lie •)'!llp&thttic, but do
P-T Units
not. nealect your own needs.
GIMINJ (Mlly 21.Juno 20):
One wbo encoor11a ~
spencllni II sdllah. F-that
fact and the tn.itb Gou\. reta..
t.ionsbip. Improve emotional
condition and strengthen posi·
tion at home.
CANCER (Ju .. it.July 22):
Cycle I.! high. But some COO·
dilions )'OU toot for granted
are aubject to qulck change.
Plaj> waiting game. Don't be
in too much of a hurry. One
you dtpencl upon could act In
erraUc manner.
Lr.O (July 23 ·Aug. 21):
Humor can help dl>ptl ...,.
Parents Pour Coffee
fOW>ded.fears. Ont bom under serutJny. lie thoroogh. De-chall'"I" and optimllm. 'Vou
Ubfa plays lmportanl role In llWld propu rocognlUon. Get gain fetllnr Qf a •cu r I t y
day's actMtles. lie nctptl.._ .-y•1 worth. b<cawie othen -love.
"XoOI COllld llnd ........_111. AClUARIUS (Jan. :ZO.Feb. T1lis ill sooct u you do not fall
becomel,il>ort lllWllqlul. 11)' lie dlp1omaUc. Light prey to falsC nattezy. · ~r~ ( .... .._..., -) touch wlm. Hint rather than ·~ ...,.. ~ ... -: dewod.lleaublleratherthan IF TODAY IS YOUR
Greater recogn.IUon due. You blunt. Much ln your ravor. BIRTIIDAY you are dynamic.
cou1d find youndf involvtd Know thls and refuse to panic. a natural character anaJyst
with new circle o I IC· PISCES (Feb. 1 .. March 20) i and your social life is beconr
qualnla!ICeL No day to ·be Ezcltlng day-filled w I t h Ing exciting. meaningful.
shrinking VioleL sr,••tlp;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.
up-uacrt. views in p euant
UBRA (Sept. 2S-Ocl. 21),
You tend to be lmJ11111lve and
l'OIDlollc. Give f1iJr play to
uuUve llplratlons. p,,_i
IJlaandllm ratln& ;..... 'You ~ iaU almost anythlna
!04<oy. You .... big winner.
SCOllPIO (Oct. ~New. U),
What iqlpearl· solid eould !>ck
bulC loo•-... Key u 11o1 lo
take -claims too lletlouJly .
Cbect. f•cl•~--.. Ito ..
c11.•*"'• ,.. .. : • ...,. ......., .. potluck dlnrier In lbe home formaijon. uv dlrecUy ' F-1-.lft V•lllY, Hllfttl,....., IMchj IOUn:e OcHn vi.w, s.11 oJ::I' • 11 of Mrs. Iuelhardt. Dinner · .1
Now At Our Newport
Se Ion
1 ii'Vi.\$;r.~-r~1!iES was followed by a board SAGmARilm (Nov. 2Z-
"""" 11e 01 ,. meeting al which plana for Dec. 21)~> lrlends and intlMJ
T11rfQl1t. 1'nJ:m 0r , •'--v .11--···--' may not bt ,ruie ml%ture. """"' --ht<h ,.in. frklfl1 1.11t: .,ear were wai.;.....ocu •••
Mtic.tlM w ,.,, -r PTA members have been ~te ~al and bus1nea
I To uslstin& wllh.re&fltraUM of actlvilles. Appreciate thoN Are'ill 01 P. studentll and f r • , b m a • wllo· aJllUlie you. But don't
Mn. Jat:i" LQdil!ttaky test.Ing. trurt them with m a j or
Pmld'ent decil10lll.
co~~P~i~·.!,!~ Spring View PTO 11~~~·= SALONS .
PLANS UNFURLED -Outdoor setting of Irvine Bowl will be the background
for a ~pl 24 parasol meeting and pi~c lunc~eon planned b.Y' the Women's
Comrruttees of the O(ange County Ph1lhannoruc Society. Lookmg.over activity
sheet of coming y~r·s activities lo be discussed' are (left'to right) f\1rs. Ray·
mond Dosta, wDq'len's board chailJllan, Mrs. J. Donald Ferguson and Mr5 .
Charles E. Hirsch.
brunch for faculty members Mr•;=:i-y •tyle, methods, ill ac<:ented. 70 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT CENTER
at the llCbonl .nut Monday. Mew your ""1twiiquo WQ ol 644-2151
Mrs. Richard Lacock ill COMING UP: Fae u II Y 1_~doing~·~;thlnpjiiii"'i'""i""iii,_~iiiiiiii:iii:i:i:i:i::::::::'.~~ .-• .,m~. -~-A members and lpecial gu<N -..... unng~-.. w aet-acquainled coffee. will · " be honored at the an.
take place in the school nual Baci:-to-scbool luncbeon
music room for parenls of to be given by the e:1ecutive 84 STORES ••• ALL 72"
Philharmonic Put Tog~ther
all Attvalos -..U·sOpt. boarU Tburaday. Sept.(, at
IO immediately following the noon. In the multipurpoee · bell p•---room. Guests of booor will operung • • . J&U.11 are un-
der way for Bac.k-to-school be Dr. Clarence Ha 11,
Nl&ht acheduled for Wed· supe.rlnleodent of 0 c e a n
and open nlghtl)f till 9 :30
Parasols Brighten Bowl
nesdav, Oct. t~. , .Prepara-View School District; Jame.a , c II . t t _,.._,,.T..,.~.-..,..-.. -...
-Uon.a are being made for 1
• r v e , ass 1 s an ---=~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!~~=---fall carnival io toe place superintendent, Norm a n
Saturday, Nov. 1. ~=gYe!:i ~·Ml~ fl. ,/ /./l _.,
loatb .Coast ?taza
Al 10 a.m. on Wednesday,
Sept. %4, there may be as
many a:s 700 parasols blossom·
ing -rain or shine -1n
Irvine Bowl.
It will be the first lime this
Ra.300 for the ent i re
membuship of the Women's
Committees of lhe ' Orange
County Pbiillarmonlc Society
to rather, in a meeting dubbhi
Philharmonic Put Together.
The orientation me«ing.
which will be presenled by
Mrs. Edward Schumacher.
Welcoming lhe group on
behalf of the Philharmonic
Board of Directors will be
John A. Vibert , president of
the orange County
Philharmonic Society. He also
will give them a progress
report concerning the Grand
Ball to take place aboard the
Quetn Mary ..
Names of 9th and loth grade
girls for delegates to the
Philharmonic Juniors program
will be acct?pted by Mrs.
Robert Lee.
Reservations for the picnic
luncheon foll owing the
meeting may be made with
hospitality co-chairmen before
Sept. 17. They are Mrs.
Richard Lee, who may be
reached al 642-4306 and ?-.!rs .
Edward T. Maloney at 67f>.
Circle View PTA RltaJeU,allot.thedlstrict o~~'7J·33.Jt>/.P
Mn. Edward Aleae• staff; Leon House, Sprlna /t'\'3:
President View principal, and RaJpb "
REPOR'I'St u-. Ed" a r-d Burrilon, vice principal •••
"""1 Fint uecuUve b o a r d Aleson hosted a get-11c-meeUng of the school year
quainted CQffee lo ber homf' will take place Tuesday,
last Wednesday in honor or Stpl 30, ln the teachers'
Thomas Griffith. principal loun1e·at 7:30 p.m. Plana for
and Burr Anthony, vice prln-tile year's events will be
cipal On hand to mee:t tbe formulated. New ofDcen ol
new administrators were es.-the unit are the Mmea.
eculive board members the v al D "dent r A• Mmes. Robert Casto. Frank em ay, pre.al ; ~· ry Landesman_ J a m ! I
BenoeU, Marvin Hagel, Sam Quinn, and Charles ZarnJltl,
planned by Mrs. Raymond ... ._.,,...,,.,,_ ... ..,..., _ _,.,...,, _____ _
Dost.a. women's b o a r d
Erner, Lawrence 0h1 er• vice presidents: John Fort,
Douglas Lambkin, William secretary; CharleJ Hammill,
cbainnan and her committee,
will be followed by a picnic
luncheon. Along with a
parasol, each member i:s en-
couraged to bring a pad and pen for notation of preconcert
preview dales and speakers
Think ·
Wnklllf t"lf.u ,. _ _,.,. I"" "°',... ..... ., ..
Half Sizes
Be 1mcrt end
•legent in e
new Fe ll k"it. a. wise end
rneny ot
from $25.00
~(~ ~~)
' )
1 l \;-241Ji
111 .20
18_~~ .. ~ew~ .. ~!d;:;:M. E3
Hour•: 9:30 to 5:30 •
Friday to 9,00 ·
214 Or1ngef1lr Mall, Fullerton
Smith and George McClure. treasurer; Gerald Dee ,
Edison. High PTA historian and W 111 lam French, faculty npraen-
Mn. Fruk .llldlaanit taUve. Edward Brau is
PresJdeut parliamentarian. Committee
',i.. Mrnfs. lloti.rl w. Smlli.. J. "· C0111ING UP: PTA b forming chairmen include the Mmes.
'"11e1rn. Roe.rt H. Niche•-. Jorin a bowling team for mothers Bruce Hunter, hospltaUty; Pov••· lll'.I; t~. EC111trnM.11. J•c• lo m~ each Tu--•-y •--Fred M··-'·. room· -•·-1·. 11111•. WUll.rn L11l~r. Compton 111· """ CMkl UUlll U%1C' llJUWRI.£ i=~-t;~~;.Lf:l.~11\-Roti.rt 11;,,11 •• : noon to 2 p.m. in Huntingl(ln Leland Bruce, memberahip;
MUTT •ND "''" -c1 ... a ,~, Lanes. Cost will be $2.25 per Robert Fitigerald, library ;
Mt'IWs. JOl!n l(Olftr. GirClrw:or ~· T k M the bo · h Tho R b w111i.m w 111111. Hen.rv J • Jonn"-~'Ce • o rs w wis to mas o 1 en a u m ,
M1'" Anidi. 11v.1 c11u 1 . 1t11 Mmn: participate may telephone publicity; Hammill, budcet; i1~ r;. '1&1"'' lS"1i Pooli. Piul Mrs. Frank Isselbardt at Zarnttts -i-; .... 'Jl .... a .. eri<k-, 0 lno.101d11~1'ci:e'P.;. :::::;_ • w~u.oae; .... -.a.
Wllll1m l1rt1er. :d\li; S."' H-1rCI Xi 53$-40l3. Safety, and Fred Smith, !;:."'~"'G.x~\l"l~!~'. ~~i·J~ REPORTS: Ezecutive boaid health and welfare. Fred ~1'foec:rr..ld. w1111•m ''"-· 111 J1t11 members joined Erne• 1 L 1 n d & r al f is men's
c.1t1l5<1toss -0111 ,., ttie Mmt•. Pascoe, p~· and Mrs. participation chairman and
5m11n. 30; G•ev11 LU"'· !21 G•reltl!!r th b I RI h d M-~ »"r1 M1111 CotrlNw !"••l'lk11n, ::,; Mlii Ar ur I c O o c a r _,,..regor, io-Zl~w.'t~':!t~i 0~:. ~n~ secret.ary Jait Monday al a sUtuUooal represenll.Uve.
ll\11: llfrl M¢Hvi111. Jt; Leste<. H. 11'.•======================.I IC . Wllll1. Hllllllf9, NIOIO!son, J:H>ilr cia,, c, ltle ~ .. Rvlll T1vl<M'. lll; 1'1ow.,.d, ll; Pll'l'•t. llpg., Tu,......, 32· Cl.In 0, !tat Mmn. C. Oden 8-1( 7'1 l(lrman, lll; M#rff, Giii Smllll, l<I.'
Mill.I. Vl!llOI(
MOST !"Alts -Cl•u ,. the "'"'·h . PHtY 51.,.,,..,1, 151 .lol.n 0'8rlttt.
L.,..1!1 P 1tmmll.,, !l; Don "-111. W•lllMI Entrlldri, 1Mnn1 Alm..t>. 111
Cl••l l.1.. ""' M~. J•mt• SI/lion. I" "'"'* l"GY, ll/ Rollert $lllrltv, II cl> Mvrt-n, John OW1ns, 111 Ci.11 C, 1"41 M-·· Rabort Ewing, w. c. w1111 ...... 11 ; "l•ITJ' Wllll•m1, L. E. s11rk, Burlie
Wl!1on. Rkn Hooker, \Pk 81llty, 10.
a H~::e::l~;S::::S
•• to be htld at ST. JAMES l!PISCOPAL CHURCH
:r2Q94 Via Udo Newport Beach
Rosh·Hasbana -Sept. 12 & 13
Yorn Kipper -Sept. 21 & 22 ll!ST IALL OF l'OUllSOMI! -Net Sl, r~ M""''· Din a._.., J•ll'lf• McCrtd!e, II._,., Ewlnq, Ttl~ P•ul~YI Net 51, trie Mrr.1. A.t\f Moller, J-clr. 1.11111, 111cn MlH1•1011h,._Jo11n uwen1; Rabbi Bernard P. King ttf• 5', the Mmes. ,,.....,,. .1.nm.11, Cantor Mil~ Mlller . ~1)~"' ~~~J~ 'J.":..1_;'~/1: For Tickets a Information: Call 646--lMd
•IVlnlo SIMI WDClll, w111i.m F~·:~::..._!:::====================='I
1:1 ir ,J ;l/:.
I • t I i l.
1 ! .\ ( t • I . . \ ; •• I I
. \' : •. . f I
,j ; t I I . I i ;
"If(:: lj . . . '
\/ !,
~~~-tkdNt ...
~-lft~k~~~ ~~~M:lkd~~
c~~~ ~~ ~zi,Jd!,,J.
vi<_~-(~-kvx6tl&l.-":f 3ir/J ... ;(f•O
:?f'~ 3'»·/ss'/W*l'(;(,itJ.. l'lf'.JJY/ ~ .rn"/.1j:t.
,. 1
'·. ) I
Surpri~e ·Surp·rises Guests
Hen'• the fnlltlna lhortcut 1 ...., ... ~· (I cup) or I doRn cu~;... t =.baldl!I ood• .., "'• year! Mau a woo-......_ cho~olite ~ To~, tum l'"8llng Into II ~GOl!ee ~ motaels • · • fl'dlft'ieoftlalni'..sWnrp ~ 1 (ll'OIBOel) applesauce derlul, ..-..my ch o ~ o I a 1 e ,,,. cup sborlenlng erly for freezlll(. 1 cop chopped pecans
f"1Sllll& l!ltb an •"'Y recipe. 11 tea._ .,ii When ready to ... , ·,let . J.!elt -flavored
Then freeze tt for that unex· \\ cup OVfllONlled mljlt • froetlng otand at r • om • mof3ell and butter In top of
pected COa>pOl!y'.c:ris!a· thal'•. .1 Jar {7\1 o u o c es ) .leuljlUaJure uolil solt en<l\lgh dOoble boiler over bot {oat
alwa_yis loomiui up. marsbmal.'ow cream ·' tol spread. afWC()xiinl.tely 1 bollina) w8. Rtmove from
Wbeo the tel••...... an-Melt seml-neet chocolate boor. . helll:·llloud In augar . .,...._ .• morsels aod tilortooing over APP~, SQ~ Sift to,.ui.. flour, aa1t, bak·
nouocea a "drop in" .-, bot (oot boillog) .,,.ater. Add a kttnce packlges (2 cups) Ing loda. and tnatant coffee;
just break out a bol of cab aatt; remove from heaL • battencotch f I av o re d sUr into ~ mlzture.
mix and wbem yu cab ii G~ a d d evaporated monels A~ appklluce and pecans;·
balled aod ooo1e4, 10 u r milk; 1111' uolll IBlOOth. \\ cup butter mil well.
.. ., L« -1, appmimately 10 \\ cup sugar Spread evanly Ill • greased ~ ·to freeze wlD ~ J!!ioltla, Add marsbmallow I elB • . 15 x 10 X l·locb J'llL Bake in
.ready to •pread ID htacfoul cream and beat uotil llDOOtll JI\ CUPI sill<d allilU'JlOllO :m clOiftt 1". oven JO minuttl.
twirls lo dazzle the "drop in" Yield: Enough liooung and Dour Cool. CUI Into ! \\·Io c b
folks. .•. ftlllog for 2 8 or 9-lncli layer!, I\\ teaspooo aalt squ.,... Yteld: 5 dirzeo.
Semi-sweet chocolate
-.aetr"'8rc Ute flavor secret
cl th1a wooderful f"1Sllll&. Y..,
can•use it at once, or~ it
for the -future wben-"ou want
,• lusclOOa topper in. hurry.
This type of frosting talt .. to
swirling for a decorative ef.
feet, and it's easy to vary with
nuts or coconut.
Even if you don't freeze this
frosting, it will keep solt and
creamy on cake for three
days, and if you do freeze it. it
will keep indefinitely to crown
cake when yw want 1t.
Creamy Seml-8net Fnttting
You can go beautifully plum
crazy over plumil for two?
Califcrnia claims twenty im·
portant varieties, nngjng in
color from yelmr (Kelsey) to
deep mahogany (Queen Aon)
to deep purpil> {President).
This week. sl1: plum va-
rieties are in heavy supply', aL
though othen are available.
The superb six, are El Ib'ado,
Nubiana, Queen Ann, Elephant
Heart, Kelsey and President.
Very warm weather speeded
plum ripening and gave a
boous ol bigher-than-uaual
sugar C9Dfen1.
Pl~_¥'. sweet eating ripe
when allgbUy aoft. The best
id<a Is to buy thel!l a day or
two before you rieed ~
Sample ooe and if it's not ripe,
let them ripen at room
temperature. lf ripe, put them
in the refrigerator.
Picking plums for snacks
and dessert? Elephant Heart
(large, bright red) and Kelsey
are outstanding.
Few plums are freestone. bot
Elephant Heart and Queen
Ann almost are. Most othen
must be sliced from their
Want to cook plum1'?
Elephant Heart, Kelsey and
Queen Ann make deliciow;
baked pudding.
Put five cups pitted ,
quartered plums in a shallow
two-quart baking d i 1 b •
Sprink]e with milture of:
I/, cup broWD sugar, packed
3 tab!-fkjUr
lfi teaspoon cinnamon
Cake type topplag
1 cup sifted nour
l cup granulated sugar
t teaspoon baking powder
y, teaspoon each: salt and
t egg, well beaten
'h cup butter, melted
Sift dry ingredients
together; add egg and stir to
make a crumbly m.iiture.
sprinkle evenly over plums.
Poor me~ butter over top.
Bake at 375 degrees, 40 to 4S
minutes, until brown. Serve
warm wllh whipped ere.am.
Eight to "'1 servings. It keeps
.•• aad stays moist.
Top Cucumbers
With Dressing
For Smash Hit
A auperb clmlin( to serve
with cucumbers; dellcioua,
too, "'ilh cold poodted 111moo.
l container (I ounces) aour
cream '1: teaspoon ult
in teaspoon white pepper
11o ,.aspooo nutmeg
I tablespooo llllgllr
1 tablespoooa m i n c e d
l }lbllspoth; m I n c e d
llCallloa <..-onion), top
l teaapooolemonjulco
\\ cop amaU ptmleoUMtof·
fed greeo ullvea, finely
With a fork , thoroughly mil
together all the ingredlenll.
Cover and chill for aewn1
houra (or longer) to allow
navors to blend.
Mi1 lighUy before aetv1og in
case 11l1 UqWd from aour cream bat gathered at the top.
Makel about 11\ QIPI.
~ ..
• .. ....,, . --. ' ; " . -~ . ' -t . -' ~ ~ .
IAIY FOOD:="'---I'
JUllOR IAIY FOOD i=-.:.__ 12'
swin DINNERS =t"' II'
--· MAXWEll HOUSE COfRE .--68'
-.""_!JU .-.~JM
YUBAH =~-.72'
YUIAH =--.. _$JU
INSTANT=:..-::..: 'I"
UP1'liN INSTANT TIA-. .. _ 'I"
... 1:4t&,;!.--.
73c .....
'"" ....
IATH IACOll ............ ""....__··-
OSCAI MATEl IACOR ....... SHe.-1"'-' ,..___
THIR SlKID IACOll ................ _. __
891t. . ...._ -
PEllur IUTTEI ::: ___ 91'
KIRNS GRAPE JAM :::'-___ .27'
~· .... 1:4t&+-!.
.. ~--'""" -. ".' "'"· ·'-' .('.-.a . . . ~""'n' .
STA-CJllSP CllClllS---.27'
HI-HO CRAClllS ='• 37'
HYDROX COOlllES -,~,._...__ 47•
IRW ......, .. ,__ 25' ·-·------
C&H SUGAR~ 51'
lllCI PEPPUl ::--39'
... NOCIDW =.-29•
lNTllOllY NOOlllS ---37• DOU PlllW'PlE =~--25f• LIQUID SWUllllR :='.L__ 1P'
SUCID PIE lPPUS ::":: 31' · ... Mn!IWi UQU1D :::.:._ 23'
UllYPWHllVES .... ~ 35' NESTU'SQIRI;::: 47•
lPPUSAUQ ::Ir""' 16' ~. •···4&+-!.--. Ell.DIT A PEAOIES =:"uL.. ... 27• '</ JAii-ii-Wiii
DltlNI :::."'~-:-'~_'::::::. 33' l!IEfFOIPOIK·CHO,SUfY,
OIAJl..APPU JIJIQ =~---45' HICKIN;CHoW MEIN '2-0Z.c a&a ~· .... 4&,;t.
"6 OUN Cf CAN , a:a.a
P111111E JUICI ::..-:: ___ 58'
GlllDI IEAJIS =---25'
G111D1 GIANT PW::-22'
MEXICCml ==" 27'
ASPWGUS SPU15:::0-_ 61'
TOMATOIS =.:-· .. _ _:._ 23'
P1ESE1VES ::"' .. ,,.._ 59'
' '
.Ludy ;1Bomled'' Meois • • • ·
Guaranteed for flnor & Tenllernessl
LUCKY IONDD ..... IW! c111: .................. .
IONO!D FOi TOP QUAl.llT ........................ .
STINlllNC-lAH! 11111 ................... .
5 3( ~~?~~~P~~1~~.~-~-~ .. --~~.~~~7;:_ 67c
1b. !~~.~~~~:'J~-~~-~~.~-~·-··•·Ol. '•M 1oc ....
7 9 ~~~.?!!_'!,R!Z~.~.~~~ ........... 1'!~~":~;. 68c
.c ~~;f"'A,~!~.~~ ............ ~~;, __ $5~·
lb. ~~~!i!..o_L~~~~·-··· .............•. 79c
ROUND STEAK 79 Our LOWE1eriday Pricc 1-
C!lllIIClll ••• IOND!DFORFlAYDI............... lb. LUNCH MEATS
GROUND CHUCI ••••••• 690. GROUND ROUND .... 79._
RUMP ROAST ••••••••• 790. CHUCK ROAST ••• <:;•49._ ..... 1111....,01;..,, •lckl1 & ,;,,1111111
Mou,_, I & t~tcM -6.0t. ,.,. a&a CHUCK STWI ••••••• <:1 590. T·IONE STEAi! .... :::: • .s1:~
POJtTDtHOU$E ••••• ':'1';;·~ ••.. $J~ UNI SAUSAGE ••• ~~~!:?-.. 33' m 88 HAM ,_=.rw.:,:., SJ41 STEWING I •••••• ~...... L. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...
SIRLOIN STEAi ................. 99 L
Ill STEAi ••••••••••••••••••• 89.L
~· ..... 4&,;!.--.
'CT TOllfT
POTATOES =-~~ 35•
OllON lllNGS ::r-37'
RSllS11CIS :-65'
OUllGE Juta ::.-. 27'
GRlPEfRUIT JUICI ::r.'.:0-• 26'
JENO'S PIZZA i!F.:E'... 98'
SWISS MISS PIES~.-29' ROSlRITA DlllllRS ,,.. __ ,_44• ..... -·~w.--... """ CH1C1EN PIE::,.~--·-·-· 39'
llNQUll' DlllftRS ~---· ~7'
...1:4tfktt.-..... ,
SMlll LOIN CHOPS ... ~ ••• 11~
Rll llMI CHOPS ........... 'I~
.;,l •, I< I JmfS-1 ~~!.~!!.~ .......................... ~o .. c.,34c
GOODWIN lMMONIA -,m .. 45'
Dill SOAP -w.............. ... 2D'
TIDE DETIRGENT -·~ .............. 82'
JOY UQUID =:-."::'. --· ... .. . 83'
IVORY SOAP ~----····· .. -· 79'
OXYDOI. DODIGENT _, -...... 82'
SALVO PEUfTS ~"':.'. . . . 74'
DOWNY SOFTENER :::'tm .......... 79'
ClMlY SOAP MftUL ............ _ ..... 15'
MAGIC :::::.~.~--............. --.. -59'
MR. WAN CLEANER =·~ ....... 66'
... K4t &+-!·~--
IH'1 ........................................... M i. ,k,_
BABY DIAPERS ~~·~ .. ·-·· -·-89'
LUCKY TOWELS :::~~~---·--. 77'
LADY SCOTT TISSUE :::',~-...... 29•
FEMS ;.~-~~~·~~-·~-....... .,.. . ............. _ 77c
FANTASTIC ~.':{~~.°..:'.~~~;~~---··-79'
SNO BOL CLEANER :.-:..~~-..... 43'
r1adt Te S'cliool Supplies ... Health & Beauty Aids Discount Priced!
1''1'"'' ,, •• ,, SHARPENER w..r, flllw ,. , .
,_, •W.t ...,. ·~ ~h"ktl, l•t1tle11 Qr•lity
f'lt.n. r .... '"' 1 fer r••r1 11 111. All1c•t1 :.:.,._.,~..... ...u,. $}97
$178 "GIRL TALK"
Att.ff!H tolttftl ''""· 6.$ t~tth, J littf1, .,;,.1 ~GI• ..... ·"'-,.u ..... 1, 63c
.,_ tkk • .. ,..,., ... " ~· ... ,, $, 34
tllOWt..f_,..,Dl"""-''rit"' e
.. ................ r. .. ··--··· .
\ I
. . .
' •
. . . .
. -; . .. . . '
ill DAILY l'ILOt -.-bor4,1'69 .
,Vacation Ends GOP Women Researcb
Effects of Narcotics
1 d en I llk:atloo. symptoms
nd the eflecta ol w<Olica
'Y1J1 be revt.1led by a
npresentltivt ol Ult Garden
Grove P o 11 c e Department
when tht Valley v I e VI
~ederated Republican
Women's Club meets at a p.m.
Konday, Sept. a, ln the securi-
ty. Pacific National Bank.
Garden Grove.
Intluded ln the preaentaUoo
wW be a film strlp and a quei.
tion and answer perkld.
,\II GOP women in Seal
Beach, Cypress, Garden Gr~Ye
and surrounding communlt1ea
m welcome to attend lhe
l\leeting and enjoy
'Jbe v.n., View club wUI
lfJOCI 11 dele a1 t e1 and
1ltvnates lo the Fedenltd
Republican WomAJ'• state
conventJon In Anahtlm Wed-
ne<day and 'nlW'ldlY, Sept. 17
and 11.
Au.ending wUI be. Ille !lllnel.
Richard Bl<ugilt<)n, Eug'"'
McMoslen, Gerald Spal'Q,
David Steiner, Rodn a'y
1'homp&00, Jack W a 11 aee1 Robert Greabam, F r 1 n k
Norton, Jack Oberg, Herald
Piper and Clw1U Winslow.
Hosting out-of-town
delegates during a tour ot
KooU's Berry Farm TUe&-
day, Sept. IS, will be Mrs.
F""'1 Churchill and Mrs.
Jack CrocketL
School Sale Covered
Looking ahead lo chilly fall
and w1nter days is the staff or
the Golden Key thrift shop, 223
!Day Starts
1P oolside
~A poolside brunch will C<Jm·
ifise beginn1ng day activities
ftr Xi Xi Pi chapter, Beta 3\&ma Phi.
Hosting the activities Satur·
day. Sept. 6, will be 1'-1rs.
Jtobert Kremer who will open
her Fountain Valley home for
the event. Assisting w i t h
brunch preparations will be
?i1rs. Norman Nleberleln and
l\lrs. Robe.rt Shay.
The yea r book. <!ontaining
the president 's theme and an
cuUine of the year's activities,
will be presented to members
by Mrs. Eldon Dvorak, presi-
Mrs. Norm a n McGinnis,
.servfce chairman, will report
on the July donation to the
Fountain Valley Boys' Club.
Maln SL, Huntington Beach.
Sweaten and jackets wilt be
included among many other
Items when the shop opens for
its annual back-t<HChoot sale
beginning today and con-
tinuing until Saturday, Sept I.,
In addlUon to an assortment
of school merchandise, other
items will be offered for half-
price during the h o u r s
between IO a.m. and 2 p.m.
Volunteer me.mber.i o r
Golden Key, support group for
the Child Guidance Center or
Orange County, staff the shop
each Monday, Wednesday.and
Friday during the year.
The Office of Economic Op-
porlunily reports I.here are
now 4,403 VISTA volunteers.
Since inception, 16,048 have
participated in Ulis "domestic
peace corps."
.... , •• C.l.UT "'"· e n• 1•v1NE AV!. Ct-.. NI Mi r,.,...... Wnl'C.Jllf ,,.,, e lUl VIA LIDO 1'1""'*1 11-'t, .. _,
l'low-9 kldt, U).Mll e 1tOllNSOl'l'I e lt l'AlHIOfil ll~"D l'Ul>loll IJllnl
11.,......-t I-' .... 7JU tltw"°" I MC:ll
34Z4 VIA LIDO · NIWllOll.T l l ACH
Daily Pilot Workshop
Press Chairmen ln\vited
• Resumllljl mecUnp af11t a
two-month vacaUon WW be
roemberl ol CON Mesa
A!._tal Ho!pflaf Aµ•ilim.
Prt·reciJlraUon for t h e
PubUclly WorUhop lo be
pmenltd by the DAILY
PILOT u 1 part ol the Or1111e
Cout Evenlnf COlleae Ltetur•
Serl.et ls under way now.
Mn.: Alulnder M,acGllfiv.
ray .. m gavel the meeting at
10 ua Monday, Sept. II, In
Costa Mesa, oouples abo ·are ltMted. Pre· the conf_erence room whert
Oj>en free lo tht PUl>ll<, the re11atrantt thould uoe the p!'OJl'tU reports wlll bt htard
Nmlnar will be 1\ant.ed for coupon below to mill ln their and plans for the flrat birth·
press chairmen of clubs, eeat requests. day tea will be dlaCUMed.
1roups, Of'llJliuUona a n d ~--~-------'=='-"'"-'"'-'===-
The two-bour session will
ta.kt pltce •tarting. at '1:30
p.m. on Wedneeday, Sept. 17,
in the FoNm at Estancia Hlah
School. U'U PlacenUa Ave.,
churcbea, but not llinited lo
tht ...
Club groopa: are asked to
coollne teque!g for seats I<>
~wo per club because of
llm1ttd 1 e a t 1 n 1 . lndlvtdual ·----------• PUllLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION
Ple11 .. r•Mrve ...... pl~ for me at the DAILY I
I PILOT.OCC Publlclty Workahop Sept. 17 In tho -----------------
l'orum, 1!1t1ncla High School. I underatarMI I a.M 11:11ticA •s '"LA "e1e sr FAM ILY CLOT ~•NG CH A IN
I mutt bo then not lotei' tfut_.7: IS ~.m. fOr tM ·
7:JO.t:.JO Htslon. P.-..ftll1trant1 wlU heve first I
.I ~:: 01 ... ti~a-. . . ..................
."~:~"'-W If alt .;::~H
I ADDRliSS (SlrHtl .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. ,,,.
I CITY .. . . . . .............. %IP ........... I· . i· .~ROANIZATION (If Any) .......................
I. QFFICE HELD .............. PHONE .. .. ... .. • I ~" tt: 1"11t111t s ..... 1c. a..~""""'· Df<t CMtf Ch\ILY PILOT, ,. I
.W.••r••a;M·~·-----• ;..·
Exchanges W•ddlng Pledges Sweet Tooth Filled I
Costa Mesons Marry
In St . John's Church
Women Make Promise
If you have a sweet tooth or the Mission Viejo Swim and ·'
just enjoy eating desserts then Ra<:quet Club. ill. John the Baptist Church,
Costa Mesa was the scene o!
the afternoon rites linking in
n1arriage Elaine CaroUne Ben-
nell and /ltichael Madrid.
The Rev. Mark Ste h I y
performed the double ring
nuplials !or lhe daughter oi
the A. B. Bepnetts and the son
or the Max Mad.rids, all of
Costa Mesa.
EsCorted to the altar by her
father, the bride selected a
Victo rian gown of white peau
de taffeta detailed in eyelet
and ribbon , and her full lenglh
veiling. outllned in eye let and
lace, was caught to a lace bon·
The new ~1rs. P.1adr1d car·
ried an old-fashioned bouquet
of while and pink roses,
carnations aod stephanoU1.
Gowned in amethyst and
1 ave n de r chiffon A-line
gowns and hold!ng bou·
quets of pink, lavender and
while flowers were Miss carol
McGavack. maid or honor,
P.ti s5 .Joyce Zanott i,
bridesmaid and Miss Elinor
BeMelt, junior brldesmald the fi.tis.!lon Viejo Women's Presiding wID be the newly
and the bride's sister, all of installed president, Mn. John Club invlt.es you to its booth at v--1 Co.st.a Mesa. ~""' e.
fl.fax Madrid of Seattle was the annua l Min.ion Viejo Days Working on lhe program are t
hi s brother·s best man while celebraUon. the Mmea. Henry Ballard, The women will be selling Robert &1nar:z and Thomu ·
usher duties were a.mimed pies, cakes, cookies, brownies R. Murphy, pro c r am j
by Jameis and William Urone and cupcakes Sept. 6 and 7. chairman.
of Irvine. t.1rs. Donald Martinez is Women will model gannents '
The Costa Mesa home ol chairman and assisting her in they dea.lgoed for themselves l.
Col. and Mrs. R. R. Hajtk was the tempting booUt are Mrs. or thelr children. Prizes will .
the receplion setting where Jim Sheehan and Mr.i. Terry be awarded in t b r e e
Miss Gloria Peters of Costa McChee. categories: adult, teens and •
Mesa circulated. the bridal Patterns on Parnde will be dilldrtn. Refreshments will be ~f
book among the M guuta:. the theme of the Tuesday, served and 'the public is .
Miss Michele Hajek served at c.o-pt 9 ~• 1 8 · wel-e.
the punch bowl. '-;;-;;;;;;;;;";;;;;' m-=-•";i;&;;;';;;;;;;;;p;;;.m;;;;;. ;;;'"--·-~·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.! The bride i5 an alumna of ll
Costa Mesa High School, it
Orange Coast College and the I' Los Angeles College o f • r. ~~~: l and Dent a I Qv.et f:i01t: ~ "How cen I look • size smeller •nd . I (
The br;del!'"oom Is a •-•~i-s•t•ill•f•e'"e•I •p•erf•"'-t.ly•c•o•m•f•o•rl•a•b•le•?•"-· 11' ~ graduate or CMHS, UCl and i.s •
doing graduate study a \ •
California State College al ! In Lilyette's exciting new "Comfort 1j
Long Beach. • ol d 1 ·~· Anst11er : :. Wire" bra with positive contr •n · Following a honeymoon on
Shelter 1sland the newlyweds • supreme comfort.
will reside in Co.sta Mesa. ,•
Council Six Sponsors
Training Conference
\Vomcn seeking knowledge
to belier serve within their
ov.·n community clubs and
or-ganizalions are Invited to at·
tend an all-day o!flcer and
ch airman training program of·
fered by Council Slx, Golden
Desert Realon. International
Toastmistress Clubs. '
The [all conference will take
place betv.·ccn 9:30 a.n1. and
2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sert. 13,
in the Greenbrier Inn, Garden
Vl11! Our s1>owrMm1
lrfstof 9t Sn Dleto Fwy.
COSTA MU A 540·31•5
RepresenLalivea from all
area organization! wlll be
welcom ed, according to Mrs.
Calvin Olcotl, c o u n c 11
chairman. Mrs. Don Cor·
redino, 77 .. 5814, wnl take
reservations and offer in·
?-1rs. Howard Jones, vice.
chairman and p r o I r a m
coordinator, and Mrs. Ernest
Johnson, training chairman,
plan to separate various
groups according to areas of
J\1auriet Graham, member
and past president o[ the
Toastmaste r s' Club ol
Fulleron, will offer a humor
workshop. He i.s a recent win-
ner in the Founders' Dtstrld
humorous speech contest
f\.1rs. Pat Green, executive
director of lTC. will pr!.!!ent
an orientation on educatlon11l
materials wilb guides to its
availability and use.
t: ~Lilyette p
TH rt'I 41111111 '"9lc 111 Ul~'t ..... "Col!lfOft WIN" ..... ',j .. _,....., .. _ ... .,,. ... ,..., .......... ,,_.,........ r •'
Beautifully styted!
Girl}( sizes 7-14
You'd expect a 4.99prioetag on the 1
jumper a.lone-in!!itead, you get a '
bl~ too. The low-torsoed jumper,Wtlh
panel-plea! &oat aod lcick-pleat ba'*-
the bow-tied and back·buttooed ,
acet&teaepe blouse, a soft tone to
compleme1Jt the ju1nper'1richoolica..
·' ..
" i.
" .,
• ' ' •• .. .•
·~ ii
84 STORES ..• ALL 72°
ITC clubs throughout the
'vorld welcome to membership
all women without regard to
origin, reJl&ion or eltlienshlp.
They encourage' aeH-develop-
ment by guided education in
commu n ication and
lltM ft9t 11...,_wl,. 1ttt •Illy ......_ ..._.., .. ,_.. .,llft _. Ji .. ,.,.t1 ............ wlrti .................. ..,...,_ .. 1 ·r-
"'otl••· '"ltlttty ••l!Mt 'llKll. ,.., • M . Th Ulll.m. • and opon n ightly till 9 :30
South Coast 'Plaza Child Topic
Orange Coast Chapter or
' B'nal B'rllh Women will meet
,,,. h rlM • ••ft 111rdl• et1ita4 ... clrn.-..C. .t ... ..... r
New hill I, C, •HD 111, ff,.,. c• ·~ tM , .... """ 1
, .......... h ... .,,,.Ry __,. ill ............... , ..... ..,i.. '°'·
, ... iellc•t.ty IUllJ9,..i ..... .,. .. ...........,.. .... .......
elatlll ••II MMk li'c11I• 1flftllld •11,.. .Aftl'4W9 I• llltd, 1·ti.>'
Wfll,_, N11ff, ""'·II", Y1ll1•. ~~-
Toddler s', Tots' &Girls' B;zts
C cup, o.50. D ond DD cup, 7.50
fashions for ...•
. =. =s =te=a=m=G=a=rp=e =t =G=1e=a=n=in=f=;1 ~~~J:.g:~B:¥i:~1
ln populir t-·,n 1011e.'! • • •
comfortable 5t1f'lch·1 o•Rt
ttsllts tu 1ties to lit: l to 3,
4 to ex.. 7 to 10, 12 to 14.
, .
I j ,,
' . '·' 1t'1
$1 "
""' <•,... • .., ~ " ............. ..
.......... Npl4 ,.... ....... ELLEN TRACY
I Think
L.:. __ N:.:EW:..::._:MIT.::.:.:H.:.:o:.:o:.._ ___ 14_s_1_._1_1_1h_sr_._c_o_sr_A_M_E_s_A.....=I ='=4=s.=t3=1=3::.._I I w"l:.':.!"" "'ft ,,.
• •
,.,hlon l1l1nd ·Newport ltoch
Stentwood Centar • Downey
.... -'<riM• ... -Lo-~
• "
11 to 5 •
COSTA MW, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 16th
OAROEN GROVE -12372 Garden Grov1 lllvtl.
' '
~,;-·•' '
t:• ms * l't
• ••• II • Jot
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II • II ......
II • ft
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Hot ... .... .... ... ,. . ., -,.. , .. ... ...
= IM
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•atCll-... (!O)
• c:. .. , .. llllJlrt ·-<IOI ............. (C) (30)
111--(C) (30)
7:40 m Dodfl't Wtrll·llf' (C)
ll:M e Men mak11 tt areat * to my up lite!
•atCll ....... (C)
• .... -.-. " llMI tlwli-(...._) '5' -E'l'Wlttl
SIOllll. Jltl1 Dirt\.
·~lll· .... -(C)
Complete Printing Service
Top Quality -Fast Service
I'll (JI I ~'l~J' !Nf,
2211 W11t 1111>11 llvd. N1wport Buch
•·ANO .I.JS FOlt
THAT C0MES 10 •!.6J. MISS -Willi
::===::---;0:::-1., Ii .. •• fl
' '• ,,
M. Schulz
By John Miln
By Tom K. Ryon
, .... ""' . .,.,... ··--
By Al Smith
By G•s Arrlolo
STRATAalM -Pat Boone maneuvers Bar!Mlra
Eden under the miltletoe in the motion picture 0 All
Hands oo Deck" to be seen tOlllght on Charuiel 2 at
9 p.m. It Is a zany story set aboard ship with songs
by Ray Evans and Jay Livingston.
Let's Hijack
I 'Flying Nun'
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Wishes for a new lei ..
vision season:
• J
-Thal Malt Dillon will grab Kilty In "Gun-.
smoke," smother her in passiona\e kisses and say:
"I've been wanting to do that ior 15 years."
' -Thal Kitty·will reply: "I'm sorry lo !ell you
this, Matt, but I've been seeing somebody oo the
side all along."
-THAT AUNT BEE will pack up and leave .
"Mayberry R.F.D.," saying : "I've seen some dull
towns in my time, but this is ridiculous."
-That the three'. youngsters on 11The Mod
Squad" will agree: "No matter how you slice it,
what it comes down to is that we're stool pigeona." I
-That "Jul.ia" will somehow explain how she j
manages to live Jn such a luxurious apartment and !
wear such beautiful clothes despite her modest
salary. Her explanation will lead to a solution of the
entire war on poverty.
-Thal "The Flying Nun " will be hijacked lo
-THAT TOM JPNES' tight trousers will flnol-
ly surrender to his wiggling, and television hiftory
will be made.
-That Uncle Bill will bring home a gorgeous l
dis h on "Family Affair," lock the two kids in their r
room and tell them to mind their own busines11. t,
-That a deal -any deal -will be made to give
"Lei's Make a Deal" ils fitting time slol: Abou'l :,
two in the morning. : i
-That Bob Denver and Herb Edelman of "Th• •
Good Guys" will finally be recognlzed as a couple :f ot fellows who have developed into a delightful
slapstick team. 11
" -THAT SOMEONE high up at CBS-TV wtll take •
a careful look at "Hogan's Heroes" and finally a.sk 11
Che obvious question : '4What's so funny about a '•
situation comedy about Nazis ?'' )!
-Thal Gene Barry will )Je photographed from 1
the wrong side in "The Name of the Game,'' and
panic will break loose on the set. Or maybe laughter. : 1
-Thal Eddie Albert will look around al his coo-I l
freres on 11Green Acres" and fJnally saY: "All right, 11
T've made my bundle. Now let's end this thinf be-
fore people forget entirely what I did before.' .. ••
-That Lawrence Welk will offer a course in die·
tion on "Sunrise Semester."
-THAT DAN BLOCKER of "Bonanza" will say
to Lome Green: "Look, Pa. I'm 40 years old now.
Don't you think it'.11 time you told me something
about girls?"
Dennis the Me1aace
1 I r' 'i '' ••
'! ' . • :1
¥«4• .'·:}. ~'!' •
s~'"' ''"'''· m••· ,.u.,,. C.11 &42·1&11 ,., he/, wlth ... f~ ••11•11Mwe, , .. ,..fir• DAIL 'f 'ILOT Dlll'l•"'·lh1e ,4,
' I ••
!~·1 :r r• I .~: IJ :~ '[ti i .. ,, -~"' ' i'~~":2 :;.~ I
:,;i1111Fr '" w.,-., :;,i\"" tnt I I
"I -'" l11IN!o ,.., _. ..
1111 , ... 11111 Ille .... lall
tnl Tj,T t11tT•T lfT Pl'I ln!T&T lnlT&T 111n..n Int Uill
'"I "" In Ulll • ln~tfPKI
ln"'Dltt •nllrt~ tew' a.
It El~•
•• "' I! tow1P I ·-·"'" ·--tlE lm1 t!l'k c .. ITT $'f I
Niko C
• • • .. .. . . . .
Wednesday's Closing Prices-C.Ompiete New York
Stock Prices Fall
Along Broad
I I .
. " ·-
Stock Exchange List -
• \ ·I
' I
' • ' • • • '
' •
. •
Smdents Feeling
; "' -..
Congress Inaction
• I
•r n. ..... ,,. ,,_ htt. becauae "they dm't ha\t'e
Would-be college lludenll tho ,.... bank _..,,.. !hat ,
"""""' tho country are feeling .,--the financ1aJ pfuch even more others bavt:''
· than usual Ibis fall because of -New York' Unl......itY aaJd ,
Congrmlonal loactlnn o n Flrst National City ·Bank, ~
legislailon tb boost the interest ''1hich heavily ft nan c e d i ,.
rate on government· atud·enti under the ... <~
guaranteed l!ltudent loam. guaranteed-loan program, now -'
Some college olJlcla11 say turns down requests lf the pro.
the delay will prevent bun-spective student borrower baa r:·
dreds of students -many in not had a business relationship · ·
Jow...j,ncome groups -from at-with lhe bank or beeQ.. a
tending coUege at all this previous bOtrower.
year. others wi!l have to find r.tADE DEPOSITS
cheaper sch o o 11. And In Oregon, the U.S. Nationa1 .
thousands more will have to Bank and the First National
irearcb a litUe harder to find Bank will lend only to.students t
the money for ever-increasing whose parents have made· '
Witlon and board costs. sali!factory depoliita or who
The Senate has passed have had a financlal rela-
legtslatlon raising Ole 7 per· tionship with the bank for at
cent c e i 11 n g on the least -a year,
-DA~Y I'll.OT ,Wt ......
Robbins Doet-Buslnes1 In Burnoose
government· guaranteed stu· A spokesman k>r Stanford
dent loans to io· percent, mak-University in Callfomla aakl
iag them more attractive to the school e:rpecta to Jose 450
lenders who now charge 8YI students from an e:rpeded
percent to prime borrowers. enrollment of 11,000 becall!e of
BllL STALLED cutbackl in other federal ald
The bill is stalled in the programs like tbose under the
HOOse, however, over an National Defense EducaUoa amendment to prohibit loans
to student disrupters. Act.
The House ia expected to act Richard M. Keefe, dean of
00 the measure Sept. 15 and admlssions at St. Lou 1 s
President Nixon bas appealed University, said "There must
Uonal Fashion Flight with a to lenders to keep student be 100 cues" of students
!C(),untian Feels War
~Not World Solution
~If¥ eoiutljo to world peael
,:it not by OOllots, but throogh
1ntemaUonal travel and ex· i dWIVM
• --So aald Leoili&rd Robbins
after returning from a
buslne.U and pleaaure trip to
the atrlfe--tom Middle EasL
Bo murned from a I= of
brad on lhe Seventh, lntema-
Who Wants
;-_A Bridge?
-~-· . . ' .-.;,umeone. ,
• (UPl)-Jl<t Kombei.er .,,. ·wcr.ild lit• to know who's been
.ie.unr blS bridge.
'1be bridge rustlel'I have
been picking away, bit by bit.
·•t the abandoned 80-foot
bridge on bi.I property near
"thiJ northern Michigan com·
, So, Iii' Iii-, bits h a v e
-Emmlod lo It -lhJ'ee.foot·
--I-beams, each IS. feol lcmc-Stale police estimate ·u. beama are ...nil about '500 ml Ille atllllul thieves b... -cb!aellnll ofl' the
bolt beods lo, Ire< lhe beams.
'llie bridge used to carry
MW over the Bebside IUver,
but wu abandoned when Ule
road was rerouted. For 12
yean It ,bu otood prwdly oo
Komhelaers riverfront ' pro-
With most of the big bealns
gone, tho bridge look.I • bit
naked, Kornhelser flgutts tho
bridge iii a puzzle to someone.
''They could take lt down
like an erector set and put It
up someplace else, I guess,"
he sunni&td wistfully.
feeling of ....v; .... ;.,.... loans flowing despite lhe unable to get klans. Speaking Vt'.............. Congressional delay. of Congress, be added, "I
"Everything 1 saw on the An •··-' ted n.. don't know what they can be 1¥""'-"a .a-, ess survey thinking of, -..;. ls: where the trip was positive, nothlng showed, however, that Sept.15 ,,....,
negative. If everyone could may be too 18te for some need is greatest. It's really
students. One school has of· tough because most of tbi! put down their guns and in· fered to let students wllh loan goes to help black students." terchang~ ideas, we could applications pending wail until Bob Billings, director-of the
achieve world peace," Robbins November to pay tuition. office of student financial aid
said. Doug TUmer, director . of al Kansas University said,
Robbins went on tile tour u financial aid ror the University "It's my impression that
a men's fashion consultant. He of Florida, said, "I estimate many apply for these loans,
was one of 140 Americans on 300 to 500 students were kept but few are successfuL Fin~
lhe chartered flight to Israel. from coming to the university cial need is not the criterion
"We put on men's fashion because of this." He said the for receiving one of these
shows at the Tel Aviv Hilton poor students were the hardest loans.
and al Hebrew University •*""*"*"***t11"*"""***•"""""**"**"*****""*"**I before 1,000 studenU," he
··~bbins is the owner of the YOUR PROBLEM: -.
Carat Men's Fashion Clothing You want to sell some item
istore chain in Orange Coun~, that you no longer need but
90 he did some buying while someone else c1n use for
00 the trip.
"High fashion merchandise
ls universal in a p p e a I
thf'oushoi.Jt the world," Rob-
bins claims, "but U.S. fac-
tories can't make every style
of clolhlng, so I look to foreign
manufacturers. i
"The ~binalion of old and •
new ln Israel WR! very in-•
teresting and impressive," t
Robbins aald u he recalled i
~l ei:::e· a group of •
Bedouins in typjcal Arabic at· :
tire, riding camels. i
? ? ? • • •
? • ?
You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for
Classified Advertising, and place •
"On closer inspection 1 !aw
that one of the nomads had a
transistor radio in his hand
and was listening to music. 1t AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE
was quite a contrasL" 2 2 2 ! Tbepeopleoftbecounlry LINES TIMES DOLLARS
a~ trying to preserve their
Important heritage, for Israel : AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I
depends heavily on tourllm for • D I A L N O W D I R E C T ! ~ economJc survival, Robbins • j
observed. ; 642-5678 • ~----~ i =~-~ tbelr ~Y f,,,,,,,,.,;:·;•,";;.";~,c::::::::z::: •• , •• ,,,,,,
Back to School Speedo & Ocean Pool
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BASKETBALL SHOES w:;::,.. . . . . 8.95
TBllOS SHOES • • • 7.75 & 8.95
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TEJlllS RACKETS • . • . 4.95 to 45.00
mm {ll(SSES • • • • 13.95 to 18.95
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\ Foursquare Balls
:Tether Balls & Poles
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Tires • Tubes
•New contour, broad •boulder for greet.
er safety
e New tread design for all.weather trac•
•New 6/1().incb wbi10 o.idewall to match
the widlb of the white 1idewall of many
new can
Sa .... ,.
, Sept. 6th
Plus l.79
And Old 1"11'e
Plus F.E.T. And Old Tll:e
Satisfaction Guaranteed
or Your Money Back Sears Shop Monday lhru Satuda7
9::10 A.~J. 10 9::10 P .. M •
• . .
O~Y P1lOT 21
Davis' Dramatic Hit · l(eeps Streak, LA Alive
Dodgers Send Singer ~ s. Padres
RETIREMENT LOOK -Jerry Quarry .Jrighll
.smashes a hard right to the jaw of England's Brian
London in bout Wednesday night in Oak.land.
UP'I Tel.,._11
Quarry scored knockout In 2:30 of second round
and announced his retiren1ent from the ring at con-
clusion of the fight at age 24.
Early Bell 'Saves' London
Quarry Quits On Weird KO
OAKLAND (AP)-Two things happened
,.,.hen Jerry Quarry hit Brian London with
a.jolting righL hand Lo the head at.2:30 of
the second round in their scheduled J~
round figbt Wednesday night.
London, the No. 2-rated British boxer
from Blaekpool, England, t h u d d e d
forward on his face, finished for the
Quarry, who at 24 already has fought
twice for the heavyweight title and lo&t,
then decided to give up boxing -so he
ioaid. -
"When I hit him," Quarry said, "I felt
1 twinge in my right hand. It's still
hurting. That's when t decided to qult. '1
The hand, once broken, has troubled hlm
throughout bis career, Qu4n'Y said.
Quarry bad called it quits after a loss
to Joe Frazier in 1 title bout but lhen
said be would quit after the London fiiht.
He also bu said be wanted to fight
Frazier again before retiring,
15 minutes after be d eclared
Ilatly, ''this is it:• the BelUJower slugger
was reminding newsmen that ''I'm only
24. r know I can fight. If r just have to, I
can come back to it."
Londoo, J:>, stung Quarry •everal times
in the first round with left jabs as Quarry
Earthy Newport Star
Emerson Could Bag
3 Forest Hills Crowns
FOREST HIWl, N.Y. -Newport
Beach's Roy Emerson is faced with a
most fallguing one-day work load any
competitor in the 89th U.S. tennis cham·
pionships has faced, thanks to the 2% in-
ches of rain which wiped out two and
one-haU days of scheduled events here.
Whenever skywater stops flowing, Em·
erson has U1e unHk ely chore of (I) batl-
Jing the No. I player in tennis history.
Corona de! Mar neighbor Rod Laver (2)
joining Laver following t h e i r singles
match for a doubles quarttrfinal show
WASH .........................
with Jim Osborne and Jim Mc~ianus (3)
still later te1nning with Billie Jean King
to meet the husband-wife combo o( Peter
and Mary Ann Curtis in the third round
ol mixed doubles,
season, after steadilr, descending the
\Vorld tennis rankings s nee 1964 when he
was rated best on earth.
The seven-time Australian nalional
titlist finished second to Laver in the
Madison Square Garden Invitational and
won three tourneys in Europe this sum-
In between he stumbled badly al
\Vimbledog., bowing early after seemingly
having his opponent beaten.
Jn this classic he and Mrs. King are top
seeds for mixed doubles ; he and Laver
are seeded fourth in men's doubles; and
Emtno is seeded ninth in singles .
If he can upset Laver this afternoon -
and he always seems to come up with ex·
ceedingly fine play against Rocket Rod -
ErnerSon could win three of the five titles
being contested here.
Obviously he's not Jn line for women's
singles or doobles crowns.
Emerson, an earthy guy who's not
above. helping the neighborhood kids get
the. swing of his chosen sport, is not sure
what he'll do to fill his work schedu le
when his compet.itive life. tapers off in
However, he will CulfiU hit dreams of
spending more Ume with his family.
And perhaps he'll sUli be recuperaUn1
from his big day al Foust Hill.I.
took Jt easy.
But in a weird second round. Quarry
came back like a tiger, jarring London
with left books, one of them folding Lon·
don's knees as Quarry counter punched
with bis back to tbe ropes.
London sank to the canvas aDd the
refere.e made him t\l,ke an eight count as
the bell rang. London was sent to his cor·
ner but was pushed out again as oificials
decided a minute was left in the round.
The elderly timekeeper, Joe Leopold
said "J just made a mistake. It was the
first time in 40 years," Ulopold said be
was marking down the minutes and look-
ed up at the lights. His eyes wer~ blurred
and he said he saw "two mark! Instead
of one."
Quarry then jarred London ~·ith a left
hook again and hit him wilh the rigbt.
London took a 10-count oo bis stonn1ch.
"I I bought the three minutes were up,"
London said. "But be beat me, anyway.
He's still a ~at counter puncher."
"He may have felt like it was thrtt
minutes," joked Quarry, who won Ills
3.'Jrd of 40 pro bouts.
.. I had 40 fights," Quarry said. "I
wanted to make half of them knockouts.
This was my 20th knockout."
"If he quits, I think he's crazy," com-
mented London, who at 206 outweighed
Jerry by nine pounds. "He will never be
champion, but he can still make a lot of
"Whatever I do," said Quarry "I want
lo be o>n top. I have. not made it to the top
as a fighter, so I'D try something else,
maybe acting."
Quarry, who has done a little actiog,
also said he will enter the University of
Southern California in February to study
mechanical engineering.
FORE.ST ~ -Steady rainfall ha,.,
knocked out scheduled activity again to-
day in the 89lh U.S. Tennis Cham-
pionships here.
Tourney officials told the DAILY
PILOT that It will now be impossible to
complete the classic before Monday.
Originally Sunday was to have been the
concluding day. It appears that nation.al
televill ng of the men's &inglea finals will
stUI be carried out despite the •carry over
to Monday.
LOS ANGEL.ES (AP) -lt cooldn't
have beeri a more dramatic· moment
Wlllie Davil, Loa AJl8e.la Dodger with
a »game hlttlng sll~at oo the line,
came to bat with ooe out ln the bottom of
the I niuth, the "'°"' Ued H and Maury Wit s on ieconCl base. ·
Wi th first -open, New York
manager GD Hodges rnl.ghL have been eJ·
,,..,,.,. Si.te
All.-..• IC~I l .. 1
Secit. • OOdOtt't ·~ "" 06lfl 7:55 p.rn. lolpt. I D1111t1n •I SM a._ 1:55 11.m.
pected to have Davia walked in-
tenUopallJ. But he dente d ever even
U!4iklng about It.
"'II there was a aJgnal LQ give, I would
have given it," Hodges ¥6ted. flatly. "I
pitched to b1m to get him oul I didn't
want to walk blm."
Davis whacked reUever Al Dilauro's
first offering Into left field for a double,
bringing across Wills with the winning
run for a M victory Wednesday:-
"Gll wasn't going to pitch to me out of
eourtesy," saJd a tlre(l but happy Davis,
whose string stands at 31, longest in 20
years ln the rna)ors. "His left-handers
had handled me pretty good all night-r
Brufu s Laci{
Homer Punch
Prothro Says
words of coach Tommy Prothro, does not
ha'le a "home run" football team as in
the 1967 se.ason of Gary Beban and Mel
But It does have son1e outstanding
talent, such as backs Greg JQJJes and
George Farmer, linebacker Mike "Cat"
Ballou and defensive tackle Floyd Reese,
and a potentially e.xcellent quarterback in
Dennis Dummlt, s.-0, 180. a junior college
transfer from Long Beach.
"We'll have a good football team," said
Prothro as 40 or more members or the
Skywriters continued their tour W.ed-
nesday of the PacUic-1 Conference grid
UCLA opens the season somewhat
prematurely aga1nst Oregon State, a con-
ference rival In the run toward the Rose
Bowl here Sept. II.
"I'm usually pretty optimistic," said
Prothro, who came to UCLA from
Oregon Slate in 196fi. "But I'll admit I'm
a little guo shy. This opener against
Oregon State is different from the usual
opening game."
The veteran coach obviously doesn't
relish 1uch an important test so early.
The struggle for the No. I quarterback
has not been decided, the coach con-
tinued, but Dummlt at the moment is
ahead of junior J im Nader, 6-3, 189, wbo
saw considerable duty last year.
Tall Bill Bolden, who started out as the
s:ucceSl!Or to All-American Beban a year
ago, has been shifted to left halfback.
In this vein, Protbro dl.selosed that
\\·hile the Bruins' running attack will be
much the same as before, the emphas:i.1'
on quarterback sweeps will switch to the
run-pau optloos.
And don't be surprised, said Prothro, lf
the Bruins execute a few triple option ex-
ercises against lhe memy .
"I think," Prothro concluded, "we'll
ha ve better balance on offense."
An gels Host Sox
As Rookies Wait·
Rookies are being brought into the
Angel fold but manager Harold "Le[ty"
Phillip1 is looking the other way as he at·
tempts lo guide the club Lo a third place
finish In the American League West stan-
The Angels host the Chicago White Sox
tonight at the Big A and Phillips says he
Angel Slate
Al •-"" kMP'C mn
Sej71. ~ ... "lltlf ..,, ('~ <iott
kopl, J ""9•11 "' .::.:u,o 51111. 6 A!>'lllf Y1 (llktgo
k-pl. 1 ....... "' Clllcqe
7:SS P-"'· 1:~' ,.in,
7:.U p.m.
12:SS p,m,
will go with a veteran lineup until the
third-place finish is assured. Rudy May
will oppose Tommy John of the Sox in
tonight'• game.
Six young hopeJuls wil l "sit it out" dur·
Ing the try for third. They includo-: Jarvis
Tatum, an outnekler; Lloyd Allen, Rick
Clark, Vern Gelehert and G r e g
Washburn, pitchus; and Marty Perez, a
shortstop. Outfielder Lou Johnson has
been taken off the disabled Hst. Other than that he won'l have too much
doing -except a plan'ned limbering
workout the momini of th~ compe-
Small wonder lhe S2-year-old pro star
has decided this will be his last tu.Uy ac-
live playing sea'son. · Venturi Plans Comeback
Emmo, ss he ll known to close
associates, has done little sweating over
the long day awaiting him, however. He
rloes take a sauna bath during 1 relaxa.
lion program lh1l 1ill$ the voMi for the
washed out tennis slate.
He also doe.s a bit of running, takes in
a movie., read! aod tries oot to Won')'
about tennis at his Manhattan hideaway,
where he's slaying with friends.
Emerson dfd admit that having every-
thing on one diy could make it a bit
tougher. "I could hDve a tiring match
with Rod and then have to go out and
pl ay two sets or opponenl!I who haven't
had a match all day," he sold.
Emerson hAs come back strongly this
FOREST lllLLS, N.Y. (AP) -Ken
Venturi, •ho went into a 1otr eclipse
aCter a dramatic victory ln the 1964 U.S.
Open Golf cbampiomhip at Washington,
D.C.. is essaying a comeback..
He l8 convinced ae can play -and wio
'11 &.bought I WU tbtougb, DOW I am
more Optlmiatic than I 1\ave bee.n ln
yurs, '' the San Francisco styrtat. &Aid
duri"i a reception WedneoOay at the tl.S:
Open Tennia champlonshlp1.
Venturi was in town to announce a com-
mon venture with Tony Roche, the
Australian tennis player. &x:he Is ~ming
out with a new racket and Venturi ia en-
dorslnc aome oew iuddtructlble gou
Venturi aaJd he was taking treatments
from a docWr In Barllol'lf, Conn., Dr.
Steve Wotfion.
"t came upon him purely by accldeat,"
Venturi said. "lt waa al the Manera. I
hod Juat ahol two bad rounds In the 80ll. I
fe1t my career wa1 gone.
"Then a frle.nd o( Bill CMlper suggested
this doctor. I was sktpUcal, bei.:ause I
have had so much troi..ble with my hands.
But 1 looked him up anyhow. The Im·
provtmenl has been !Antastlc."
Shortly after winning the f964 Open,
Venturt wN st.rleken with a clrculatort
disorder lhat prevented the. free now lor
blood to hil hands.
He bad no reel. Hif golf 1ame col-
lapeed. He went tnto virtual re.Ur~nL
"l am 31 now," Venturi aald. "That
~n't old. I would give anytblna, In the
'vorld If lhi1 worked out tor me.11 would
Ukc another Dying al the golf tour,
"My clttul:atlon is, better. My1 hands arr.
clearing up. I'm 'keeplng rny fingers
crossed. I am hoping in •!JI n1ontlt'J to
play 1011 aa well us I ever dfd."
guess he figured UJey could do It one
more Ume."
Davis said he was bother.ed by an upeet
stomach, and that he had l>etn holdlng
the bat too high and wrapped around h~
body. Manager l)'alilr Alston 11Q\lced tt
and mentioned It. Davi.a wu re1dy in tbe
"1 eipecled to s:et the pitch be thr~w."
Davls said, "I s&ld to myaieH, 'here it
comes, that sldwrm curve ball.• H& gut
it up and I whacked It."
Tbe Dodgen open 1 Abort raid trip
tonight In San Dl•Bo wltll BUI Stnger, 17-
1, goln.g for lhe Dodgers again.st Dick
Kelley, 4-3. .
Davis had grounded out, struck oot, }}It
into a foree play ind bunted for an out In
foor p.revklw at bats Wednesday nlgbl.
He tried the bunt in the seven~ inning
and rolled II rlsbt ba<k to the pttther.
"We had a four-run lead and I kind of
smiled lo myself and said, 'Well, at. least
we won the game.' "
It didn't work out that easily.
First Tommy Agee, then Donn
Clendenon slammed two-run hOme runs
off Claude Osteen In the top or the eighth,
tying the: game 4-4. Osteen, seeking his
19th victory, came away with no decisioo.
Sports In Brief
' ' Reliever Pete Mikkelsen., 7.3 picked up
the victory.
J\1ets' starter Jerry K'oosman, who had
bean knocked OIJ\ of the box In another
start against• the Dodgers Monday, went
. six lnnlngs but allowed (our runs -two
ol tOOn on wJkl pitches.
Andy Kosco, who reached base on an
error, scored on a wild pitch !n the se-
cond. Wills came home on the other In
the third.
N•W YOAJ( LOI ANOcn.•S •• ,krW
.f.Me,d •1 11Wfflt.M Htrrt-. u • a 1 • M9ta, ff ( • .lonft. ff • I I I W.0.¥1,, cf c.ier.i-. ID • 1 2 2 ,,,._.,., lb
Swobod1. rt l I 0 I Kotct, r1
CMrU.. Jb l a o 1 Sudalr.11, lb e ..... 11. 2b I t I I i"-t. :lb
OVtt, t • I l I Torttorv, c w"",n. ~011~1Mr,c ~tNA. P t • o 1 c.0.1"". , IC-. p O o 0 t Cr1WIOrll, pn
P:e11. 1111 1 I I 0 Mll<k11Hn, p
RY•n. JI I I I I
$Mmtky, pn I 0 0 '
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MH!ll•IWI CW,1·Jf 1 I D 0 t •
Bass Draws Early Start
.Against Bills Saturday
LONG BEACH -Tnjury·prone Dick
Bass usually doesn't play more than one
pre-season. game for lhe Los Angeles
Rams in order to cut down on his chances
of being hurt.
But the little scooter from University of
Pacific will get the call a week early this
season, Ram coach George Allen said
.Bw will start $3turday nlght when the
Rams play the Buffalo Bills and their
famed rookie O.J. Simpson. Allen said
he's starting Bas.s this week to be sure
he's ready for the league opener, Sept. 21
in Baltimore.
The midget speedster has rung up 5,4.IS
yards in National Football League play in
nine seasons and is the leading active
ground gainer in the league . • LOS ANGELES -Lightweight Juan
Collado, goes after his 12th victory
tonight In the Olympic Auditorium when
he takes on third-ranked Ruben Navarro
Jn a 10-round lightweight match.
Collado, who is managed • by Newport
Beach's Stu Fine. has an 11-f·I record
and is shooting ror a spot in the world
rankings. He's the underdog tonight. • J\.tl?'.'NEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL -The Min-
nesota Vikings of the Nalional Football
League acquired former Mater Dei High
School quarterback J ohn Huarte and
kicker Rick Duncan from t h e
PhlladelPbia Eagles Wednesday In trade
for a draft choice.
Huarte, 25. was the Helsman Trophy
~Jnner al Notre Dame in 1964. Drafted
second by the New York Je\s· in 1965, he
played briefly with Boston or the
American Football League in 1966 and
1967. He finished the 1967 season with the
Philadelphia reserve squad.
SAN DIEG'O -The San O\eg.1
Chargers released on waivers Wednesday
six-year veteran Scott Appleton and six
rookies in cutting the squad to 44 as re-
quired by lhe American Football League.
The 27-year-old Appleton. a defensive
tnckle, was a standout for tl'le University
of Texas and the Houston Oilers before
being traded to San Diego. In the 1967
and '68 seasoos he started every game. • KANSAS CITY -Jo Jo White and Met
Harder, whose years in baseball lotal 85.
announced today they will retire at the
end of the season. White has been third
base coach for the Kansas City Royal"
and Harder has handled the RoyaJs'
pitche rs.
\Vhite has spent 42 yecirs In bastball
11nd is 70 years old. Harder will be &o in
October and Is finishing his 43rd baseball
Wl1ere!'d It Go •
Ufl>rt .........
In a perfect exhibition how not to field a ground ball, Oakland lhliil
baseman Sal Bando watches the horsehide os It rolls through hts legs
for an error. Poor nelding like this is one reason why the A'• have
dropped six and a haU games behind Weste'!l Division leader
' ' \
l I 1
' I 1
I ' I
t-. :
l ~
1 .
. • . • ' . • • 1
1J Olli. V 1'11.DT
-~W Sopl1s
' I .wm. Start
• •• " :.In " \ .. Scrum
" •• -By llOWABD L. HANDY .... ~ .... ,, .... ~
; Vlewtq lbe 1• seuon with an open
,ln1nc1, Cooch Ray Sbocklelord of Goldeo
~West Collegt Aid Wtdneaday be woullt ~probably go with an. aU-eopbomore ;•1arttn1 llneup when the Jlwillernu1gle
wllh Glendale Saturday morning lo 1,11 !J>.
•.formal scrimmage session but added
.liasUJy' that there were very few starters ...-eel ol a jOb at the pmeot time.
,, , "We will alt.em.ate oqr quarterbacb on
.'Saturday," be said. 0 We have four boys
-working at the position, two lettermen :~nd· two lrt.shmen and I am undecided on 1 which ol the four will be our starter this
' This means that Saturday'' sl.arter will
,hf e.ilber Steve Griffith from last year's
'team or Jim Valbuena from two years
ago. Freshnien Gr~g Henry of Marina
·and southpaw Ted Hami lton of Mater Oei
'wW al6o see action at the signal calling
' Outside of tbe quarterback position, the
most spirited contest for a starting role is
•at tailback. Bob Jones earned a letter at
·the spot last season but has t~ree
,Jrcshmen giving him a close run for the
i;tarting berth.
~ Charles Buckland of Westmin ster. Bob
·cornuke oI Em.ancia and Mike Wlttick of '.~farina are the other candidates. Jones
and Buckland are the fastest of the
quartet Buckland ran the 100 in tO.O last
Shacklefonl l@s been'l)eased with the
showing of. several other first year me'n.
Mike Priddy, a 6'2'" sput·end from Hu~
tingtoa BeaCb High School has been im·
pressf\'e as have Mike CtµJd~rs of Foun-
tain Valley and Rex Snyder Ot Corona del
Mar atrtbe 1fullback position. Don Hellon,
Blight eDcftrom ~ter Oei, will fill in for
letterman -Tom Berquist at flanker
Saturday in Glendale.
"We are well pleased with practice
sessions so far," Shackleford said. "While
we plan on starting Sophomores on of·
fense and defense wherev~r possible
Saturday, it doesn't mean they are ahead
of the first-y ear players. We really aren't
thinking too much about probable
starters for games at the moment ."
Shackleford revealed that he could
have had all four defensive backs return-
ing this year. Only Noel Paulson Is there
at the moment. One player transferred to
Whittier another to UC Irvine and Dan
McKeon'bas been moved to a linebacker
position .
The Rustlers will use basically the
same formations they have used the pasl
three years. An t-rormation on offense
with variations and an "Oklahoma
Defense". This means that five men will
be on the line with two linebackers and
four men in the defensive secondary.
The defensive line is perhaps best
fortified with returnees. Alk:onference
selection Mike Jones returns at middle
guard; Dave Graven and Mike ~ice at
tlefensive tackles; and Bob Serowtk and
/ )fllte Simone at the end !pols.
Races Slated
Furious hill-climbing competition, the
brand of racing that has made Pikes
Peak famous, comes to Orange County
Sept. 28. . .
Off-road ra<:i._ng cars, sport buggies tun·
ed for hlllcllmb action and high
performance Volkswagen s e d a n s ,
representing nine production a n d
modified classes, wilt be entered. A large
prize fund and a special award for fastest
lime or the meet are on the line.
Timed runs will be made up a steep ,
crooked course at Saddleback Park, the
Orange County motor playground. Gates
will open at 8 a.m. PracUce runs wiU be
made from IO a.m. to noon with timed
racing scheduled to start at noon .
Spectator access paths have been grad·
cd on slopes above and parallel lo the
race course. These lead to vantage points
lhal offer race-goers safe close-up views
ef hillcllmb cars in action.
Many ci the cars that will compete ln
thb new·t~Southem-Calllornia event are
Jmproved and updated veterans of the
grueling Mexican 1,000, \vhlch is con·
t.ested annually over the length of Baja
. --·---,--.,--~----~--~---------------,.-, .
' •
.~C·olor Bucs Green
.Behind the Line
DAIL 'r f>ILOT Phott ._, 011-511Tt0111r
Ro11glai 1ag It ..
Edison High School varsity football candidates (left
to right) Ted ~la rri s. Calvin Ashley, Bob Casu1n
and James Allee cool oU after rug_ged contact \vork-
out at Edison High. Plun1bers' strike has forced the
Huntington Beach District schoo l to open with some
plumbing shortcomings. Players are soaking under
outdoor s howers that will eventually be used in
swimming area.
Des pite Small Turnout
Laguna Grid Outlook Bright
OI t11t 01lly ,.!IOI Sl•lf
It's the same old story at Laguna
Beach High School -bu t with a couple of
twists for the 1969 football campaign,
The Artlstii, under coach Hal Akin s. arc
again very thin in numbers with a total
varsity squad of 29 players.
hurt becaus~ of not being in lhe besl
possible shape.
The Artists will bold their first rul!
scrimmage at the end of the week <Jnd
will follow that on Sept. l3 with a three-
way scrimmage at Laguna with Edison
and Los Amigos hlgb schools.
back pos1L1ion by sophornorc Telford Col·
lam and l\11ke Sweeney, a jw1ior.
/\ spirit l'.'U battle i~ shaping up al
fullbock where Rocco Prock. a 5-11. 180·
pound senior is battling sophomore Scott
Allen f5·11, J7fl ).
Of .. ~14 ,, ... 1tllft
After r•nolng his troops lhrooih thtlr ~ ¥c;e>od and longer tbo.n normal wOrtout
Wedne$1Jy afternoon, Orange Coast
COilege football coach Dick Tucker lean·
ed against a brlck wall and said "It's a
little too early to be opti.mlltlc and too
early to be worried."
First Diablo
Slated Friday
'P,lili{gs are still cloudy at Mls1ion Viejo
HJgb School where coach Ray Dodge's
footbaU squad is undergoln1 two-a-day
contact workouts. .
The Olablcs spent the flrst two days of
contact continuing the concentration on
conditioning with most of the work on the
bags and sled, along with blocking and
tackling drills.
Dodge has little to say about hill
thargea individually becau.9e of the laclt
of an all-out scrimmage.
He doesn't expect to send bis gridders
through a scrimmage until Friday af-
"We 're about as far along as we were
last year at this time ... maybe a Uttle
"With a lot of new kids it's nece55ary
lo work a Uttle slower with them," says
The one candidate who has caught
Dodge's eye consistenUy has been Mike
Gray, a S-11, 180-Pound guard.
"It's tough to tell who 's been doing the
best job out there since it mostly form
"It's the same old story, starling right
from the beginning again," Dodge !lays.
When it does· come down lo the in·
{tividuals, lhe q11arterback position stands
to be a key battle.
Leading candidates are Bob Dulick ,
Jim Davis and Ed Gray.
Dulick is a 5-10, 150-pound junior and
1nate Davis is also a junior. Gray is a 5·9,
JOO.pou nd senior letterman.
So alter three dl)'I of contact work
Tucker and his sti.ff are sUll evatualing
thelr per&oonel and trying to find
reotacementJ to fill some gaping holes
Jett by IJ'Bduallon .
If ' football Is like a cigaretle -ll's
what's up front that countl -then lhe
Pirate• an In good shape. Ritht now it's
the talent behind his offensive and
defensive Unes that's giving Tucker his
biggest worries. ·
''We should be strong along the line,
both on oifense and defen11e," he says .
"But we need a lot of work In our
defensive secondary. We're very green
back there with only one starter back in
Rick Selbert. And we only have one ex·
perienc«I linebacker in Finch Sterling,
but he 's a good one.
On offense Its the same story -the
Pirates only have one experienced back,
tailback Ray Ricardo.
However, Tucker thinks the Uuca-.ha ve
the makinp of a good ' running attack
wltb the addition of Tony Ventimiglia
from Marina, Steve Corwin from Villa
Park and Coe Meyer rrom Whee.ling, 111.
Ventimiglia and Corwin will be battling
Ricardo for the tailback job while Meyer
is the leading candidate to fill the vacant
fullback slot
Tuck.er rates the quarterback job an
even battle between Mlke Tamiyasu from
Marina artd Oregon State and Red
Stephens a !lOUthpaw from Winnetka, Ill.
Right ~w neither can match the ability
0; Paul Lemoine, last year's quarterback,
but Tucker says both have been im-
proving every day.
Some of the standouts in the Pirate
drills according to Tu~ker have been
linebacker Sterllng, defensive end Rick
\Vhile defense tackle George Follett -
all Jeitermen -plus 'newcomers Mike
Thompson at defensive end and backs
Bob Curiy and Bob Wickersham on de-
fense. Offensi vely. Tucker praised the work or
veterans Rob Purnell al center, Marshall
Jotinson at guard, Bob Castillo at :split
end and tailbac~ Ricardo.
Freshman George Barnett from Est.an·
cia apparently has won the job as Orange
Coast's punter. . .
Tucker and his sq uad continue their
two·a-day routine today' and :rriday and
then take on Mira Costa College Saturday
in a scrimmage.
And again U1e Laguna Beach entry
must go without a junior varsity team ln
the Crestview League.
Although the 1968 league cha mpions
h<1ve ll returning lettermen -only three
were members of the starting offensi ve
or defensive elevens.
So it appears thal the ArtisL~ \vill have
a long: tough season ahead of them.
But Akins doesn't seem too overly wor·
ried about the situation except in terms
of injuries.
'The all-important quarterback position
seems to be decided at this early date
with Brian Ottmer (5-8, 140) laking over
Lhe duties.
His biggest threal at lhal position.
Greg Kessler, the Artists' back-up
quarterback last year, \vii i not compete
in football under doctor's orders.
With Steve Weizbowski (last year's
kicker and quarterback l gone via
graduation , the AMists were without a
ki cker until a German exchange student
showed up in camp.
Like the '68 campaign, the injury
bugaboo seems to be the one thing Akins
lrets about.
"With lhc nu1nbcr of pwplc that we
have out \Vc've got lo lak e th ings a little
slo\v in pra ctiC:e.
"We're still uWizing a great deal of our
practice time for the conditioning phase
\1•ith agility and finesse drills and a lot of
running being stressed.
"We simply can't afford to have anyone
He 's Manfred Heine, from Regensburg,
Germany. Despite never kicking an
American football before, Heine raised
the eyebrows of the coaching staff with
a solid, soccer-style kicking exhibition.
Akins' only reservation is if the lad can
come through under game pressure.
Looking good in lhe two-a-day contacl
drills to date have been Mlke Abbey ul
tailback and Roland ~1cElhany at center,
AbDey is being pushed at the running
Line I s Pro1nis lng
Mater Dei May Ha ve
Bes t Backs Sinc e '65
\\'h.il 1ninor problems that coach Bob
\Vood s and his ~tater Dei Hia:h School
football staff have had seem to be
diminishing. according to the Monarch
boss .
After two full days o( two-a-day contnct
practices in preparation for his Sept. 19
lid-lifter with Santa Ana. Woods seems
more than mildly satisfied with his
"I'm pleased with some of our linemen
\vho're corning through where we thought
we might be a litlle weak.
"Pat Hernandez and Ron Dickson are
pretty fair guards and they 're giving a
little extra in speed. They're dolng the
job especially on man·to·man situation~.
··our tackles <1re the bread and buttr.r
o( our offense. so we've got lo get a lot
out of them," he adds.
Leadi ng candidates for the key tn
\Voods' belly-series pro-set offense Rl"C
tackles Art Alvarez. Steve Kemper , Jatk
Gentile and Dave Galvan.
As for the backfield .' it already appears
set before the annual Chicken and Beans
game Saturday night at the Santa An:l
With undoubtedl y the bes! backfield
since lhe Monarchs won the CIF AAA /\
chanipionship in 1966. \\'oods has Bob
Hauperl al quarterback. Mark Dunn ;it,
left half, Stan J ackson at right haH
and Tom Grzecka at lllllback.
Plus 43c Fed. Exe is• Tax, Soles lo x
&. Reccppobl• Tire of Som• Sir•
Blemished ond Discont inued Treed Des igns
6 .50-13
Check Our Every Day
low Prices on Famous
Fui1 4·Plv Nylon Cord Tires!
.. $
LOW ••
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Pl~1 ii !>9 fed (•t•ll !•• ,.1~1 '••
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How Tl1ey Sta11d Other leaders in the line lo date are
ends J im N1n111 and Jim Blackburn and
center ~1.ike Blc.ckford.
Of the apparent starters in Woods' nf.
fcnse, all are seniors except juniors
N anry aod Kemper.
DLC -100
West Dlvl1lon w L Pel. OB
MINNESO'I' A 82 53 .612
OAKLAND 7S 58 .564 61':
CALIFORNIA 58 76 .424 25
KANSAS CITY " 80 .... 28 . CHICAGO 53 79 .~ 28
SEATI'LE so 63 .376 31 1.:
Ea1t Olvlaloe
BALTIMORE 92 " .676
DETROfT 79 56 .581 1211
BOSTON 72 62 .537 " , WASHINGTON 71 66 .~J I 21 1.l
NEW YORK 67 67 .500 24
CLSVELAND 54 !2 .:m 38
w ... ,., ··""·' M~ 1, Ct.wlll'lll 1 o.f1'911 4 Kalllff CIN J QlllWllll t·I, lot!On ol.S
OlllJ' ..,,,.. KlllCl\Jllfll, T .. .,., .....
~· ( ..... rY 1741 11 0.kll nd (N1tll 1·1),
C11k:tfO (JrOfWI .. 10111 C11111ttnl1 jMI • 1-11),
fllfM~.., Ql'I' tDr-1·1111! S.l!llf (Gf!ln1t . .,..J.;::.,_ ;,,,._,. 1141 et Oetrort IWt• 1}.I \ °""' .... tenHUtlll. ~-,···-M~I al Olltletif, nltM C111C.* .. (aUflnl!t, ni.IW M"'" Off 11 hlttlM, ""'"'
""""""' 11 °""911, ""-"' ,._ V.,C "Cllllll-'· r...1~!1h1 w---et ......... 1>lwrtt
• 11
Wr.st Olvlslon w L Pct. GD
SAN FRANCISCO 76 59 .563
LOS ANGELES 74 59 .S66
CINCINNATI 7'! 59 .650 I !j
ATLANTA. i3 63 .537 3
HOUSTON 10 6' .522 51;
SAN DIEGO 40 95 .296 36
Ea11 Divt1\on
CHICAGO 84 53 .613
NEW YORK 77 58 .5711 ' Pl'ITSBURGH 71 60 .5'2 1011
ST. LOUIS 72 63 .533 II
PHILADELPlllA 54 79 .400 28
MONTREAL 41 95 .301 421·1
WllltMJ!llJ't G1me1
l1J1 Aneell'1 ), N-Volt • m Fl'tncll(O J. Mllrllrtal 1
P1'111Me!J>llfl t .... ., Oi.to I CIN:lnnerl 2, Cllklto o
All•nta I, ,.lthbv,..h 1
Of>!y ··~ ~led. Ttt11l"1 G1me1
lOI #.f"l~I~ ($1~r 11•1) 11 $tn 01~ t!Gell••
4.t ). nl~
Onl• 11~ 1t~ulH
l"rlffJ't ••mtt
"hll•df\,olll• I! New Yorll., l, IW••"I'~'
!"l!libutah •I Chlt•lll Mw>t<111! I! $1. ~"111, "!IM A,11~ .. •1 c1 .. d,.~!I ... iorit ~.., '••ntl"9 •• Hou~lon, "'<rfl' Loi; ,1,11911111 at Siii! Olt90, "'~~·
The Chicken and Beans game. an an-
11ual intersquad affair, will be led by Cf!·
captains Bill Appleton and Tom Grz.ccka.
KickoH ls set for 7:30 p.m.
Tritons Ragged
In Open.it1g Drills
''\Ve have looked prl!tly ragged so far
and I am not sure if we \VUI have an in·
tersquad ~rimmage thi11 week or not."
That's the opinion ot Coach Tom Ead.~.
San Clemente high school football coach
atler viewing his charges in the fi rst I wo
days of drills.
The Tritons have eleven positio ns wide
open on the varsity ele\•en 11ccording to
F.acb. There were no surprises In the in·
1tial turnout and Injuries have not crop.
ped up to dale.
If Earls ho10s a scri1nn1age :1ess1on. it
will be :staged on Saturday <it 11 a.n1. on
thr high school field .
1 I
0.70-14 (6.95·14)
Plt,1 S2 2<1 p•• '"'·fed. l •.
To • ond '"' off vout cc•,
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6.50• 14 7.35•14 6 .S0• 1 S
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475 E. 17th St., Coda Mesa
646-2444 8 to 8 Daily-Sa t urday 8 • 5
--OUTDOOU? 'Alamitos Entries
~,Jock A_,.
From all lndicatlona, the e%peCted late season run of
albacore oeems to be fading-fast. Already aklpjacl< have
be.en taken out of San Diego. W.ben the sklpjack begin to
invade 'Southern California, it usually indicates, but not
a1ways, tbe end of ~e albacore seasoh. .
Boats fishlng out of N'~wPOrt Harbor are finding It
hnnl to get lnto good schools of alb!es, and are having to
run 80 to 00 miles out to find any action on the longflns. Marlin nre reported slow in all areas up and down
the coast Boats out of San Diego are picking up a few
!is~ around the Coronado Islands, but the boats running
out ofNewPOrt are not faring so well . ·
A few fish were taken last week between the 209 and
tho east end of CataJµuiflllancj, but for the most part,
mar!in fis.hl.ng cnn be rated as very &low.
Davey's Locker, Art's Landing and San Clemente'
Sportfisbing are finding co .. tal action good on bass,
bontio and barracuda, with a few yellowtail and white
sea bass being added to the fish count.
DovE scATTERED Rec~rd-tireaking CatCla
The ~ni"!J of the 1969 dove •••aon got off to• very
poor 1t•rt with only • few •r••• reportlnt any !•rge Art Williams of Huntington Beach (tight} needs a son, second skip~ Gene J<>Jmson. and skipper Bill
numt.r1 of birds. lilile help holding up the 117-pound, 2-ounce yellow-\Va.Uis. Willianl!i yellowfin ' was the largest of the
The hunring pressure by local 1catt1r1unn1r1 was fin tuna he caught from members of the crew of species caught oit a sportfistlin,g boat out of Nl!Wport
heavy in all areas, as expected, but the birds were wld ... _lh_e_C_ba_M_el_Is_I_e_(_lr_o_m_I_e_fl_)_d_ec_kh_a_n_d_M_ik_e_Th_o_m-'p---:;=Hi;:;;:;arb<i=';:;r.;:;H=e;:;la;:;lid;::·;:;ed=tll=ee;:;fi;:;s;:;h;:;on=llO-='po=bnd=;:;te;:;s;:;t;:;l!n=e.=;:;.,
ly scettencl and very few hunter• were eble to take full
limits of mourning dove.
Best action locelly was In the unpotted field1 around
Lake Elsinore end Perris, where many hunt1rs got in
some good !hooting.
Bill Shefflin, Imperial Velley patrol captain,
report.d that the dove population in the Valley wa1
down as predictf'd, but that .new flights of birds have
hffn coming into the Velley, and Shefflin indiceted that
t1'iis wee"end could be better th.n opening day.
However he cautioned that th• birds will be flying
high and will be very spooky.
The Blyttt. area was very disappointing for most
hunters as the whitewlng and mourninQ doves were not
there. The reason for the few number of b1rds was the
isolated thundershowers which hit the er1a prior to
opening day.
Yuma wa1 a hot spat, not only for hunting, but also
for the daytime temperatur•s well over 110 degrees.
This writer, in the company of Hugh Wilson of the
Remington Arms Company, and Tom Forbes, manager
of Grant's Surplus in Costa Mesa spent opening weekend
as guests of the Remington Arms Company at its annual
dove hunting outing in Phoenix, Ariz. •
Opening morning sa\v thousands and thousands of
hunters take to the fields in quest of the 'vhitewing dove.
Unfortunately, for most of the hunters, limits of wbite-
wings were very hard to come by.
The area ar0..und BuCkeye was hit with heavy
thunder showers two days before opening a11if, ac-
cording to Joe Stone, biologist for the Arizona Depart-
ment of Fish and Game, most of the Whitewings headed
tpr A1exico as soon as the wet weather came.
Even though the whit&wings were a disappointment
for most hunte,.s, it appeared that most of the scatter-
gunners had a hard time keepin~ their shotguns ~oaded
as the mourning dove population was something to
In the peak hours of the morning and evening
.'i~oots, hunters could see hundreds of birds in the sky
directly over their heads. ·
Wilron, Forbes and this ,writer enjoyed some of_ the
finei:t shooting ever witnessed by any three hunters 10 a
tu1o-day shoot.
ThC group of 24 Remington guests, shooting as a
nfl.rty, all a~recd that the hunting and shooting could not
have been anv better.
1! any _()f ~r111r local bunters are heading out in that
direction this weekend, be sure to bririg along plenty of
am!'llunition and cold drinks. The mid-morning tem-
peraturt:>s were in excess of 110 degrees and the dove
populatiC'n was very good.
The threat of tbW1der showers and sand storms
hung over Phoenix as we departed Tuesday evening, but
according to Mel Crabtree, the local Remington
representative in Phoenix, the shower activity should be
scattered and have very little effect on the mourning
dove population.
Russ Cleary, own•r and operator ef Irvine Lake,
says that the bass, catfish and bluqlll ar• fairly active.
The bass are hitting well in the cooler hours of th•
mornings and evf'nlngs on surface plug• and sucking in
worms during th• day. Catfish to eight pounds hav•
been giving up good action with the bluegill hitting well
on worms and lieut.
Reservations ar• available for dove hunting on
weekend• only at th• lake. For more information call
Blame the weather if you \\'ant, and I won't argue,
as deer hunlin"' in our local mountains has been very
poor tht' past t-;,o weeks. The pressure Irom hunters is
down due to the heat, and there has been a cor·
responding decrease in the number of bucks taken. Doe
permits have been Issued and this should encourage
more bunters to go out into the hills. The coastal deer
season ends September 21.
For Hunting
State Schedules
Waterfowl Dates
Ca Ii ro rn I 1 's 1969·70
\\'aterfowl seasons will opai
Saturday, Oct. 18 .for duck$,
geese, and coots under regula-
tions adopted by the Fish and
Game Commission.
The commission adopted an
8&-day straight season of Oct.
18-Jan. 11 for the general
season area, the oortheastem
area, and the Colorado-River
The bag limil on ducks for
Tops CM
Golf Play
Jack Valasek Won low Jltos.'!I
honors over the weekend in
men's club competition at
Costa Mesa Golf and Country
Club with a 72.
Lyle Graham followed wilh
a 7S in the low gross-low nel
tw<Klay event.
Linc Shepperton was the low
nel leader with a 79-12-67 followed by Jim O'Shaunecy's
80-10-70 and Bob Hay's 79-9-70.
Fred Fredensburg and Dick
Miller w(/n the Blind Bogey
competition with 7Ss.
A two-day eclectic tourney
over the Lake Course in
women's club activity was
captured by Hazel \Vebster's
70 in A flight action.
Secood was Vi Hoskins wilh
a 78.
B flight honors were cap-
tured by BeUy Jo Sleva's 66
followed by Rose M a r y
Skillion (68), Pat Hawkinson
(74 ) aod Gerry Watson (74).
Elise Stipes won the C flight
with a 78 and Marge Fit1.sim-
mo11.1 followed with an 81.
f'V Jiilie Sq11are
C. P. Gustafson recorded a
hole-in-one on the 160-yard
fourth hole at Fount.aln Valley
Mile Square golf couise.
First informal meeting of
the men 's club b ·schedueld
for tonight (7 :30) al
the Guy Fawkes Restaurant.
the general season area Ydll
be six per day, six in
posses s ion ; in the
northeastern and Colorado
River zones it will be five
ducks per day, 10 in
The. commission established
a new Southern Call!omia
subzone,_ generally the area sa:uth of the Tehachapi Moun-
tains including all or part ot
the 10 southernmost counties,
and set a split 77-day season of
Oct. 11-Nov. 26 and Dec. 6-Jan.
11 with a duck limit of six per
day, siJ. in possession.
The goose season dale!! for
the various areas will coincide
with those set for ducks. The
general stason area and
Southern area will have a
limit of Six gee.K per day, six
in possession, or which at least
l.hree must be white geese and
no more than three may be of
the dark species.
1n the northeast, the limit is
three per day, sir: Jn
possession, but the limit may
be lncrea.sed to six provided
three or more are white geese. Iii the Colorado ruver area
the limit is si:t in bag or
possession. and such limit
rr&st contain not less than
three white geese and not
more than lhm of the dark
species, of which only two
may be Canada geese or its
In the ba1ance or Fish and
Game District 22 (Imperial
County, ·easter :"I Riverside
County and south-eastern San
Bernan:lioo County) only one
bird may be a ainada goose
or its subspecies:
Hunting for Canada geese in
lhis area will stop ,al sunset
Dec. 21 on state and federal
are·as -the Imperial Wildlife
Area and the Salton Sea Na-
tional ·Wildlife Refuge.
For all of · California, the
daily bag and possession limit
may not include more than
one Ross' goose.
The statewide bag and
possession limit for cools and
gaJllnules ls 25 birds, singly or
in the aggregate of species.
The bunting season for black
sea brant is Nov . 22 thrOUJlh
Feb. 22, with a dally bag llmlt
ol four and total Po15ession
limit o( eight.
Tlltr•'• •nly •n• pl1c:1 yo111 c:•n fi11• 1111r. a11'tw1r• th111 y1ur
c:hl1dren h••• q1111tio11-. Ch1c:lc ih1 A1k An4y f1ah1r1 1v1ry Sit·
vrd1y 111 th1 DAILY PILOT, Yo11'n lil1 it -111tl •• wltl y1ur
curiotlty.fU11cl you1191t1r1, ''"" UCL 0 vtnh. 1 -fldt. CMl1t11M. l"vru 12100. Ctalm"'9
tttltt wot.
Price• Effective
through Saturday,
September 6th
>' ln11pect l\.lasler
""l11s1lect and Adju~I
Parking Brales
~Bonded Lining& In·
1<!11lled on 4 "'·heel!
Twl119d Sl'laclow 04•rll
/11' Bleed • .\JI Lin1t1 ind
AJd Fluid
,.,. Rebuild All Whrrl
Y' 1 nspecl (..;rea.·e
All Anierican
& Volkswaacn
...,, .~re Grind Brake
I"* Repack 1-~ronl
Wheel Bear.inp:
/,.I Re11urf'ace !JI 4
Brakf: Drum~
AakAbood s ....
Cnodil "'
r1 ....
t1' lmpect Bnko
.,it' F'ree Adju&tmenl
for Life of Linin1•
.,it' Road T$8l for
Brake Reliability
Reports from Don Sendblrt of Costa Mesa, futt
retum1"9 from • week long ve~tien •f Big lear Lake,
•re good.
Race Results "Chrysler products h••i11~ 6 'Wheel c1!1 11<kl'I and an with dite Wes slish1ly
li.iahcf. Anr necessary add irronil pNra .rMI bbor anilahlc at Scars ~ow, k>wprkr.
Trout are hitting on TNT, chHH, salmon eggs and
worms fished tn about 25 -40 Mt of water.
Largemouth bass to four povnd1 ,r-. attacking
surface plugs in the early and late hours oTtlfe day and
hitting night crawlers durint the d1y. The weather Is
nic• and the win~ ha5 nof b..n blowing,
Big Bear Lak1 Is the fullest It ha5 bffn In over 30
years, end as f11ll approaches, the flahing should get,
even better.
Big Bear is located high up in the San Bernardino
Mountains1 and is only a two-hour drive from Orange
county, makin( it one of the prime recreation resorts
for local resldOllfs.
Deep .Sea Fi'Mi Report
W•DN•IOAY, tt'1'. l. 1fjlJ
Cl-a P11t
PllllT ltACI. JM Yttd'I. Mtllde~ 1 vnr oldl tlf'td Ill C.tlt. Cl1lmlflt.
"vrM flM: TM C1111nl Cl11lllrl
f'l1'$1 To Go (LllM!n)
Cllerwo CCltdoNl. Timf-1111)0.,
1.40 l.• SAi) ....... ....
SCllATCHl!Do-11/rl I~ ~IC'll• TOf
l"flllr K1y, ll:111da Pil'rn1.t. Mooltll
""" ll(OlllO IU.Cl • .ot ¥1"'9, S ,, .. ,. e!M 11111 v. Ill Gttde I liM. ,._
""'· Jllylfll Straw {f' ... I s.cttt G"-'"' (~I Mr . .S•..-V • ..,.. fAdllrl
ltM ·~4A ...... , ..
SCllATCHl!o-Moeml\IM l1r. T"-• • Moir\. ,,,....._,, Moille...,. G:nw'.
Nlllftr .,.,.,.. 4-Tlrlt CW!lt 6 a-l'IYM ltr_, HM tll.&..•.
'·" '·'° 2.lt 1 • ..a
Sears All.slate
Spark Plugs
S!I< ... 47.~1.
' Makes the car run the
way it should run.. ac
maiimum power with
faster 1-ccel~Htion.
qukk«-mns. SM r'
DUTY Moro~ Oil
Replar :l9o •
4 c~~.99e
Ft1Jl·detu1oncy isddi·
tivn keep enaine ftte
ofslod&e tnd,0-fro.
Ions oil Iik.
n• ...
'" ... ...
'" "' '" ...
... "' "' "' '" "' '" '"
"' '" '" '" '" "' ,,,
'" "' "' '" '" '" ~:
Sat'isfaction Guaranteed
or Your Money Back Sears. Shop Munday lhru S11•nla7
11::10 AJI. to 9::10 P.llf •
• 1u1s,.aouua.-AND..CO •. ----
I ) )
• •
' •
I .. I ,
2"1 ·-c.-HlthNw CllNM ht M.11-911. 67J~26t
Here's Ultimate
In Dirty .Books
would appear thnl female
novelists have coroered the
market on pornography, or at
least clinically oriented stories
dealing with au.
Lalest authoress to emerge
rrom the stacb Of prurient
Literature ls Gwen DaviJ,wbo
"He c•n't fbc a faucet 0/ carry a dish, but ht did
aomefh·lng else that m1d1 the whole ""orld sit up
~nd take notice. '-
a.u.. '"''""'''
NOW-Endo Tueod1y
First Time Together!
2 of This Summer'•
Top Mljor Film Hitsl
• !'TheApril Fools" . .. r I~ I
Jack Lemmon
Catherine Deneuve a-·
Starts Wed.-Sept. 10
'1491' Faces
Rough Sail
'George W tishington' ~hows Hi,s Age
111 TOM 'nTUI Wllhlnclon ls IDepd lo ban but Ibo ls lffn all too In-that there eren'I ""°"&h ol °'a.~ ,... .,.. llept. At bll wife actdly com-f'rtquenUy. these Unea to go around. Mm
SOmehow the·>'!~ JiaaJ· • llllllla, ''I bol'O be dldn'I ban Mlrlaln Glenelt and J o e upd1lln1 Ii not rully llUI·
ma .. Hut comedy 'Georp lo 10 lo tho ba-" ClUl<J m lino ID briefer ap-ficlent lo lgnilo this ploddln&
Wublqlon SlePI U..'' bu lloudysbell ls eomplelely pear1ncos, iheJaltu playin(J a Utile comedy, UJoulh lbere
man11ed to elude Oral}le believable lo tbe. role, &betted modified Sbnon Legree type. can be few flaw1 found In Jtt·
Co\lnly !healer .,..Pl. .IOCI by a opeeeh pallern ot But tho 111ow 1iealing honon ry Andenon'• dlrectlon ind
Judilnll by the prodll,cllon ol· ob•¥Y prac:tlced belltancy ol tho e'ltnlol go lo a the technlcal d!ecta -
leriid 6y the Lolli Beach Com-and a foolhardy · optlm!Jn\ youn&!ler lllllled Larry Qag· particularly In the rain llCOllll
mulllly Phlyhouae, li'1 Juot ., rtmlnlacent ol the ,...,1 get! who P-llY• the most el> -are l"nerally !~Ill reto.
well. Gllden1eeve. Betty Motatnaer noxlous 'mean wlddle kid" All in aJi, in the light of .uch
.. Waahlngton" II d at e d u b1I rn o r • practical wUo we've ieen on al.age, Once he p111vlou1 hits as ''Come Blow
formula wrlllnc In.Ill most ex· ~ lo mlalake volume !or puta In hl1 appearanct, the Your Horn" and "Sundly In
agerattd form1 a ,dusty ·acrlpt Cblracter, but ccmes up with mere menUon of bls name New York.'' it la not tho
pieced loflethet' by r1111blln( ,.... ol the belier line1 of !be thereafter iJ 1 sure fire I.ugh playhow<'a fineat b o u r •
ou}).plots . whlcb trove! hi ....U.C· line. "Wa'11lni!<>•" will be oo sta1e
clrdea because It& prtnclpal 'l'h6 best performances of The PC'inclpat problem bi for four more weektods.
char1c1et1 are not lntm.tlnr the lhow, however, are g1...,1.===~========::::::::::::::======~, enougli to .cerry the play oo by Denis 'l1>omu u a ...,..
their own lhouldero. It ls dll· trilled con 111111 o1 the Percy
Kilbride variety and Ann
" . ,, .... .
/ U<Jlt~Jl
r·... , .. _.JI!... • .....
' .. AMIL Y PICTUllllS
si.r eJ 'lor11 .,,..., • Int Tr•v•,..
"llN• Of lllGHT WATll"
Levuett, who 1D1ket the ~t
of 1 targely throwaway role u win cOAl't ,.mM11111t
a vll!Un& adr .... Allo In> "WI IOMllD IN NIW HAYINM
pre:ulve in hla staae debut is ., ,.. ....... " "CATCH r
Nonnan VJck 11 the sponging 0,1,.1 ,110.t.v • -• •• , •• OMLT
''rich uncle'" who manases to tw """" •i..t.. c.... ~ ,., 11..,....n.. '4t-1J11 set tblnp arighL I';::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==; Loretta Ponmrlc, playing!;
the daughter, is u bland as
her role, never really arous ing
much sympathy or concern,
while Terry Johnson as her
young boyfriend performa in
much the same pattern . An at-
tempt at spicing up the situa·
tion is made by Kathy
Knudson aa the dallying maid,
Southern Callforni•
5th WEEK!
Critics Acclaim
"OH ef .... "'olt erftlnl -·la •f ~ '"'· eM lllf• ttll.ty Off '.t tk .... ,, .....
Joli• l•rtholelftOW, WAIC-TY
SHOW STAm 61tt
~ine men who c111111ioolateend1&1yld coo 1on.;,
Port 0.. ..,111 M ,"P"fed
.. yo• '"llY '" • fill 11\ow
mt t :OO p.111.
Crossword Puzzle Deily : From 7:00 P.M.
Sat. & Sun.
' '
OtMt PaMily P11n
Dick Van Dyke Safly Ann H ...
"C:Hlm C:Hlm IAN<O IAN&"
JamH O.rner Walter INnnan
Japantn Movies Every Tuesd•y Night
I•••eee .... •••e••••e•e••• ......... ee•~
Tll• plc!~•n In "'I• 11cn; 1n1y be (Dfll~•ll<I by .om. to be u ....
w!ll&l• !or chBdrtn Ind 'fOUl\11 people -•nd requlrl ~rent•I dt.•
(•8-!lol\. • i "THI Wll .. D I UHCH" 1•1 "THI FDX Cl:I :
Cotilrll'y ni .,,..,.,,,~11\0 befOO!I our ccmttOI •rid •PC>e•rln11 1li.-e
......,,, yo11119 P90P .. vndtr 11 CllOI 161 wlU no! bl &dmll"'6 lo P•cl··
Uc T11e1rw1 to set Tiii !RI plchira !i1tt0 In !lllt bo• un11u ,..,..
r.o"lpenild &~ pet.,,I or 10ufl 91>1rdi1n. • ..................................... "
-.staotlllllll•CISI &llllder12-I
~ ~l
H•l•y Miiii
l11eommended ht' Multi ... e••·······~·· .. ····
Expl0tl¥el lrut•ll
Wllll•m Holden lrnett ler1nin•
'-..llOIEL-lj No One Und•r 11 Wiii IN A4mltttd -Unle11 Acc•mpanlM lty
l'•rent or Adult Gvftl•"-""--M•••H• ... ••••••MI••••••• .. 2 ccm.ec1y Hltell
T•ny Curtis Terry Th.,,...
Jeck Lemm"'" W•lter M•tthev ''THE ODD COUPLE"
... ~
Greet '•"'"'· ,Uf'I "RING Of HIGHT WATll" ,..,
Dan • ...,. Okk Martin
"THE MALTISI llrfr' ............ ~~e·•··········
JKl u-"""''" ....... "THI 41'RIL FOOLS" $175 I•• H-~j=lt ·~-"HOW TO COMMIT c.t.11:!~ MAlllAGl"
ltecemme~ .. fer Aiulf1
A C ~O SS 4 , '' Prlvatt
1 dwelllnt ~o us p1rty: l Plnd1r ot
Kt ab
6 '•clfli: salmon
10 SSlll
114 E 11p1tsslon
I of a guiding
pflnelplt 15 Predolllnlftt
1& Fruit
11 An1bl111 nobl emn
18 --Beat h:
19 Pro-
20 Kreps In
22. Re1d lly
, 23 Equal
24 Lacking
~ ...
2.io High 111ount1tn
211J Noun 1n dlng
31 lnstrumrn t
)2. Nol at •II
certain lC lnstrumenl
for poundh1g
l l unit of are a 39 Kind of
nols r 41 Ur1l1 k's
t lYlf 4? Ground Into
flour 45 D1wdlrr
41 Resinous
'""" stanc r
Abbr. 51 Nol '''"""' SS ltt111 usually
found la. a
wnk 57 Stretch out
51 FIOWtf
63 Shel and shtll:
i.4 Conttnd 011
PW!ll tfrlllS
(,5 Kind of
"'" ii (, "10n
i.7 -·-about:
2 WOl'dS
•8 Famed McGill
(.9 Ending ustd
with Inc and lnl
70 M1gnlfyln9
~lass n T1ttt11lzt
l Ctn1nl
? F11turt of•
bullcfln1 l Gossip r:ol u111n
C ft lsln111t a sherp
5 Srver• distress
& Concr1ls
2 words.
1 River to 35 Wilkrd on 1
tlle Baltic J& --of S 1'1rllclp1nt the Woods
al 8tl111ont 37 Elrmrntary:
or Woodblnr Abbr. 1 Go ld, In 40 Brulus,
Velrncia C1ssius. lG Prrrns: r t ;r.I
2 WOl'd• t l Common 11 Rlvtf'of pricing
northrm unit Cenidt CC Early In th e
l Z H1vt dimer 7th crnlUry
al h0111r : 41i Ski p 2 words 47 Neg1tiv r
ll EJtchl nn.r ot1111r:
1 2. words Zl Complaint: 51 lnc ensrd
lnlomlil 52. Fruit 22: Have In 51 Disablrs att1ch111 rnl 54 Mr•l cut:
frl 2 WOtd!io 25 Young .56 Unevrn
1nl 1111I 59 Prrpo1Jtlon 2.io Man's n1tn r 110 Soft drint
27 l'laces •l Puts In to 21 knll in action
cerl•ln ••Y •z Frenct 30 Splash parrnl
through ti~ Statr:
Willr r Abbr. 33 Jatllkr
~¥. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : -n. BILL 'IRAVEl!8 :
M•tll•M• ""'" •• 1t•
T11111f!I at I:•
• 1 ..
Rew•n •nd Mtrth1
"M4L TISI 11,,Y"
tl 4t•• j Continue"' Mttfnoti. Dtlly
Continvou• from l P.M.
Tickets: Computick1t
including Bullock's,
Ralph's Markets,
Wallich's or Box Offic•
GI.EN CAMPBEll.&.I ...
Th• .......... trio
eYW te trwck a killer •
liii'iilt·-.... --·-=.:. ····-·••1 ..,.....,,
IUCCl:Slr --fil11111!,
•• HAJ..Wc~ws·
''G IT
' •• • "' ~· ...
"" •• ,, •• °" " "' ~ ....
'" ~
T• ..
' '" m
. • l
Hanoi# Few. Changes Doe • ID
New Life for Old Boat
which will cease overnight itrips after November of
1970 due to changes in federal reguJations. ONA of·
flcials said the Delta Queen probably would be re-
tained as a floating restaurant or a day-excursion
Greene Line Steamers Inc., of Cincinnati, operators
of the Deita Queen River Boat (shown here in recent
photo), announced they are selling their operation to
Overseas National Airways (ONA) for $1 million.
The deal includes construction of a new overnight
river passenger boat to replace the Delta Queen
, boat on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.
Noise Factor Key Issue
U.S. Delays New Funds for SST
-Transportation Stcretary
John ~· Volpe says unresolved
questions about sonic booms
..... 1'2•
tU,.l!ltlOlt. COUltT 0" THll'.
STATI! 01' CALll'OlllN1A l'Olt
Ne. ,l,.f,J4tt
'E•l•i. of FREO W. HEATON, $Jll.,
r:rrdf!etl ot I ~ • 1bove rnomed dectOenl
lhtl 111 P11ra.on1 h1vl1>g t!•lnu 111•111.11 tht
s•ld <f.Kl'drfll ire re•wlred to Ille tlH!m,
with the 11eces.1ry voucrton, Jn 1ri. office
cl tti. cler~ cl tr.. 1bo11• ft'ltllln t 1>11rt, or
fo pr11oenl tll«n, w1111 1 n e MCl!llal"I
vouchers, to the ul\der1lgned •I tilt low
o!flu1 of McOWEH &. GAEl!H, »O 1!:111 cn111..,.o Avtnllt. Or1ng1, ca11tornl1,
w/'llch 11 Ille place al bu1lntu of tllr
undt ri!Qnecl In all m1tters 1>eM1ln!119 to
tti. 1st1lt of s1!d dKedtnl, within fol.Ir
mooth1 1ftrr !he Hrst PUbllta!lon Ill lhll roe tic..
Dtttd Aue111t 15, 196'
and domestic priorities have
slowed a White House decisi(!n
on further subsidies for a su-
personic transport plane.
"UnUI I am satisfied and
the President is satislied about
the noise ractor and a few oth-
er situations, plus the C<l8l in
relation to some of the other
domtstic problems. I don't
think you will se ethe F'r!ii·
dent make a decision here," _
Volpe said.
The former t\1assachusetts
governor was interviewed by
R~p. Silvio Q, Conte, R-Mass.,
on the congressman's weekly
radio broadcast.
million in federal subsidies
v.'ill be needed for the Boeing
Corp. to build and test ny tv.·o
prototype aircraft.
Boeing's 2,000 ·man SS T
team is subsisting on $6 mil-
lion a month in unspent ap-
propriations from 1967.
Volpe said the only reason
a government subsidy •·would
be considered at all is the fact
that America must continue
leadership position, whether
il is in airplane manufactur·
ing or whether tt is in shlp-
buildlng or in any other area."
This is important, he said, to
Ame.rica 's balance. of trade
payments with the rest of Lhe
Congressional opponents ot
the project say the aovem·
ment should not further sub·
sldize the aircraft industry.
They contend the m:iney could
be better used for pressing do-
mestic needs.
The critics also complain
about the sonic b o o m that
that would be caused by super.
sonic filghts .
Federal Aviation Adminis.
tration officials say the boom
problem is overrat~ and the
SST wQU}d fly only at subaonlc
speeds over land.
H,;;.d.line Communut.s to Take Over From Ho · '" ~1
By STEWART HENSLEY CGUlltt)' under tho Lao Dang but bu sto1ed a comeback Mltlll' call> for wid<rlaldnl
u" t:••11tttc......, (Communist) party. Among ind Is now chairman ol the only small teal• b.tHnd-tun
UPI Dli>loniatlc llepor1u ti-w b o mlaht ••llllually national aSl<Olbly and a mtm· atlacu in an ll!Ort lo
WASHINGTON -American take 110'1 place, four are moat ber ol the Politburo. He has mintmJa:e Communllt lonet
officials believe the death of promlmrl.Uy mentioned : betn Ol'lt of the most vocal ad-whJle inflicting as ma n 1
Nort.h Vietnamese President. -IA Duan~ Communist. par· vocatea of canying on the war American ca1t1a1tie1 •• _poui--
11& Chi Minh problbly will ty secretary general, is con-until all Hanol's ~aximum ble to incrtaae American
have no substantial effect on sidered a tough Communist demands are met. public oplnlon preaaurt: on
H.anol's war policy for Ute who approves of Mao Tse· -Premier Pham Van Doag Presldent NJ,loo to pull out of
foreseeable future. tung's rigid operations in has been running the govern-the conflict.
'Mley expect his aurvlvors China but, at lbe same Ume, ment slnce Ho retired some U.S. officials actnowled1e
among the leadership to con-lea,ns Jdeologically t ow a r d years ago and became the U1ere Ls a considerable tie-J
tinue mueh the same policies ?1-toscow. He is a sou the mer court of lut raort but stop-ment of gueaawork involved in
on the battlefield and at the and therefore especially in-ptd taking acUve part In gov-trying to predict who wru sue-" I
peace tables because all of sistent on bringing South Viet-ernment it!elf. The fact that ceed Ho. since tbe revered
them have been intimately nam under Communist rule in Pham Van nena; actually has father of Vietnamese com-
engaged l n tmplemenUnt any settlement. But he bas been runnin1 tbe government munlam has never speclflc11ly I
those policies for many year!. usually sided with moderate does not, however, mean that indicated upan whom M
The consensus was that any elements in Hanoi whenever it his influence In party affairs wiahel hls mantle to fall.
significant change in Hanol's has been a quesllon ol choos-is necessarily as great u Some Gftlclall considered tt
!U.itude or actlon.s could come ing between Moscow and Pek· some Of the others. possible that some foms of
only after enough time bas ing. -Defenae· Mlnlrtef N(a)'en colltctlve Jritertm JeadetshJp
ps!lied to erode the pow~ful -Truong Cblnh, a 60-year-old Glap, who lost some "face" would take over after Ho's
effect-of his personality on the veteran is generally con-· when lhe 1988 Tet o«enalve in death, with a behlDd the
country and the Hinol polit-sideted pro-Peking. It was he South Vietnam failed t o scenes power struggle to tee
buro. who carried out a brutal land achieve its o bject 1.v es , who emerged' as No. 1. They
Even thast few officials who reform program in 1956 which nevertbelesa remains in a very did not; however, e~ this
at times had underestimated subsequently was criticized by strong pM:tilon. He is the internal power st:rugg'Je IO
Ho in lire had no inclination to other leaders for its "ex-outstanding spokesman for the re.suit lµ any early or slgnitµ
downgrade the effect the ct59es." He lost his job as stratel)' flOW' betng followed cant change In Hanol11 'buic
legendary 7S-:year-old figure secretary general of the party, against the Americans. That policies. wouMhaveindeath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This did not mean, the U.S.
Intelligence anal ysts saJd, that
there wouJd not be a con-
siderable power stru1gle in
Hanoi among the top members
of lhe Communist hierarchy.
However, they expected this
would be fought behind the
scenes without affecting the
general objectives for Which
"Uncle Ho" had pledged to
fight a protracted otruggle.
Senate Democratic Leader
~ilke Matllfield saJd "We may
find out that Ho may have
been the most reasonable man
to deal with rather then the
doctrinaire Communist! who
may succeed him. I imagine it
wtll take two weeks to a
month to get a reasonably
good insight into the new
Sen. John Shennan Cooper
(R-Ky.), adde<L
"My guea is that there will
be no immediate change in
pollcy by North Vietnam. The
rlrst irutinct would be lo
maintain his (Ho's) policies,
but North Vietnam wlll not be
able to find a leader like Ho
Chi Minh and this could be an
unsettling factor that would
improve our chance.s. ••
Ptul G. Keilty ""' 3hlrltY H. S..ulre
Co-Ext culOO"l ot l!!t Wiii
Volpe's recommendation on
financing further SST devel-
opment has been on Presi-
dent Nixon's desk since spring,
Congress appropriated no
new money for the trouble-
plagued SST I as t year and
President N i x o n postponed
recommending any money this
year until the final design was
approved. Boeing cleared the
design hurdle last spring.
Top • level Department of
Transportation officials be-
lieve the single biggest barrier
tt> further SST money is the
President'! concern that ad·
ditional spending on the proj-
ect might fUel inflaUon.
Some of the leading can·
didates are tabbed . u pro-
Moscow and others a r e
described as leaning toward
Peking. But all are fun-
damentally strona: Vietnamese
nationalists dedicated to Ho's
objectives ot unUylng the
Thieves the Tube .I
cl !ht 1bov1 1111111<:1 dtcedel'lt
McCWl!N & GRE&N The government already has
spent $600 million for research
and design study oo the 1,800
tM ''" en''",." A""""' Or1ft .. , C•llflrllll
Ttl 1110 U>-51" ,4!Mn1tv1 tor C:•••tcu"'" Publ~ Or11191 COii! C1lly Pllcit. · mile-an-hour, 298 ·passenger
plane. At least another $600 Au1111t 21, 21 •nd St~lembllr 4, 11,
l9ff ls.IS-'f
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Boeing officials in Washing-
ton say the President must de-
cide soon or the company wlll
have to dlsmant1e its SST
team in December.
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Two car looters are shown in the monitor of the police department's new TV
surVeillance equipment at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. When the unit's cameras
spot illegal acts, the pictures are recoriled on video tape and police in another,
car are signaled to move in and make an arrest. Already 10 car Jooten have
been caught with the unit and all pleaded guilty when they learned how their
actions had been filmed on video ta~.
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1000 ·Ge~.::. ... .::.::;, .. ====1000=1~-=-.-1----1-000-General 10001;0.~nor!!!•'!.....---!:1aoo~ll!N!!•!•l!!'!!!!;"!..!•~•!!!dt!!_..2_!l•l.;~iiiiii~~ii·ii•iiiii•c:hiiiii1ii•iiiiHv~nHiiiniii"'ii.,i!iiiia.ii1iichii:_liiiii400 ugvno lkach 1705 • • 8-al
• • . v 48DRM W"'-n-..... -v1· . TWQ.UN1T wr nr. beecll •
IRYINE COYE RAMBLING 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; u,.At;t!"~1~"., ... : l $19,8501 .5tvliffMA llYE IN llD'ORE SCHOOL STARTS J='"""·°"""" irni j , -~, ~~""· ""''""'" HOME RENTALS ,.,..,,00,., '"''" .~ hoat, "End of tho RAinllew'' Aa 1he -· _..., ,....,. .. .,. _...,.,.,......, "Se..U~'"'' View"'· both.tn. M. b d lo in " mil S ~m C\11,tom home, 2150 #1. fl. of ~tomiied liv. . and a bullt·in kitchen. Large % baths. Kitchen with luxury ..,.... "'-eW OttH!!IJ1 rea y tDQve , ~ e ~m.tJlln& pool with Ing Spacious FOUR BEi). 4 Bdrm · Mm Venk ·Sharp 2 car g11rage and big fene. bullt.J.o 1eaturt1, Larp )'U'd; IWe I out. Eaceedl 1D9del from bea~ Firit Myment up to &O days
1lo _ __, R00t.t.' 1WO BA'l'HS :W':c big pool homl!._•Aakln& $425. _ _, Q"' "--1a Mesa .... !Jo home requlnrment1 ~ ~ aft In r c:iowred pu. ....... , • • hi OW-'-•--c,. ed y ... -... "\et ......... .--.. . .... CUltotnlltd with--.. , er moye •
Ml11iot1 Viol• 170I
BY Ownrr. Lovely 4 bdrnt.
Open House -24T11 Mu.
quttO Ln. &n..J898 5Q..6330
ou.Wde ca~ 30' FAM'll.Y ROOM with negotia "· "..,.,... · • Street. Full price p!,250 and TARBELL IU Dltt "T ._._.. TM'ft'tl VA)fHA. fram $22,990. • ·-•~-• 01 .. ;-FIREPLACE '"° ---te GoU &: Country Owb, b ~ ~ tor
\ -•• ~uu ·-~ room. GUEST ROOM (id.;j'M.;o,. Un')', MESA VERDE ultlma .. «>mi.rt ·by -· ~ ae!u~u.1'= In t'T'-l.n-Law quarters). EncJ.ot. 2p!bdnnly 1~~~~1175jam· VIEW LOT ~~ owmrwi'lh ·*'~ CORAL, SHORES
• prlve.te, qllJf.t coaununi\1. N pn.ge, rM> PtVte'Ci~ pa. ete ................ " mo. ,...,...,..... ..... ........ ( G·~·1• bet Be-• " 14 olla Condominium 1950
$8.\.100 tios. nie answer 10 a large Larze lot on cuJ-de·aac. WW room. S$rste SUiSt: bdrm.. on -.i.uc"' 1'e'D -.... agn hAGUNA Luxwiowl condom,
.famllY• problems A bu· 2 bdnn pool home • '"" "'""""" for umU. '• batl>. Si>IJN<vd , .. vnlL . 9 6 2 • 1 J 5 J furn. no~ .,... tbruotlL 3 HAll•OR gain al oruy 125;950 with Sl90 with option ava.il.ablc ro DAVIDSON Re•tty Priced to tell at eonstruo-Br, 1 Ba, wd bu, ternott:,
varioUa means of financing buy @ $22,500. ~ Evea. 545-400 Uon COit, SSt.500. ~ 2 poolJ, tennis, pvt beadl.
•"'"-C.W.. FOR DE-\;ACRE Coontry ""'"· l!x -..,. •PP't. lhrtl .. · Uni....ity Pork 1237. _..,.. ....... 1400 151.IXll " '""' 13'111 mo. TAil.S" • 4 bdrm l fam. rm. Month to .,.. pool 3 BR •---WTILUFF ·--l:;z;z---~1;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Owner 499-3511 or 213-CR • . month tmancy (principles ..., ' CUltom ...,,le'. 5~% !>-5965
F•irway's F inest
Driuna he bi.level cwr
tom home oa the MCsa
Verde Golf Coone with
O\>ef' flOO 9J,. ft., a view
trom ewo nan. • are-. ft'M!l!l'lolJs .,.... l'IXJla. •
a dclichtM adidod
pool,"' -
..., __ _
..... -.. ~-... . '· . -. ' . ' ' .
5 46·5~9 0
!Col~P-~ ASSUlllE SV.'1.
!'"Br, 2 Ba. faro nn. • din
nu, 2 bpb. C!Glllpl kit. util
rm. lmmac lnlbcpc.. By own.
et eYl'S I: wkndL S$.lJ20 ~
NMd Elbow Room?
l1ow abctll 6 BR 3 be., 2400
sq ft. immac. qual. w/w
cpta thnlout, bit-in kit, dlsh-
wuher. PooJ 1ized yd, ·prof.
Thll ls an unusual
home. Fcurt.b bedrm. --.... -<eillri&o ~ dressilw: ramn.. Just ftn.
l*'d interior paintiJV •
~~ balh with optiobal
bidft speOeJ reerure.-ar.e to Mesa Verde
""9mt•'Y 1 c b Co L
$29.'50 FfUr.VA terms.
~ COA'IS ~wAL'Ua
llEALTOU -..... u .. 6 ... 4141-.,,_. t ..... ....
coUEGE rm
Jandt. Only s.17.cm EZ OlIT OF SEASON.SPECIAL.
P"w""'c· ir .. .t "'"" RMucec1 J250> tor npld sale. ' • • ....,.... • -hardwood 1loon.
1000 -· ""'"'-pain{ Ii """· New pficoe c;-01
1.======.1 $26',900
Inc. Realtors
~-~.::Wm• ~'""'" :':,'.J:':;!;...~.;,.vnlts. RWTY ,;,__ ......,,.. loo Olt ~ 1ov.. MEIM~ID'S l·Ro;E"°N"'T"A"L'S----1
•-·"-'' CaD "' lor -~ IY S llr. • fa!D. ""· home. MANSION HO<IHI Furnllhod
' Elccelltnt Eutaide location.
Qimpletely redecorated,
heavy Iha.kt roof, redwood
&id.I~ & many built·in fea·
tures. Ideal 'home for the
adult family i pest houR
for the. fn.laws, Vi.cant &
ready fc:w immediate occu-
pancy. ...
J ... ~.~~ ., •• * 642-1771 Anytime *
Beautilul 3 bdzvt 2 bath
hQme with 1969 model type
kitchen & dining area, with
spacious master sulte +
recreation room + work·
ap + doable eara.ce +
ctmAar drive + B5xl31' lot.
All thls &. more with extra ·-.
18$1 Newport Blvd .. CM
CALL ~928
Evt&. 644-lG:iS 642-0185
"For A Wise Buy"
Coleswortby & Co.
Stationery & Office supply
located in major shopping
centtt. Good solid clienlele
-85% repeat.business. SlOOM
VOSS yearly. $25,000 dollars
for business & corpcration.
Coit• Mes• 1100 eiclultYe liltfngt. No pointr • &hort rscrow. .;.__, .. y, this •--~ home ---------1 2414 V11ta Del Oro Call for detaUs, r nlf1l'l uo: .... u "'---I 2000
Modem Spanish
Adobe brick & specla.J lltUc·
co 11eta ol1 this fonner mo-
del ho!ne-. Large 3 bdrm I
family + kitchen eating
area, Decorator wall paper,
drapes & carpets. Asawi1e
FHA loan $215/mo pays .11.U.
HERITAGE 540-1151
lmmedi•t• Passes1lon
One of our best olletings at
present market conditlona .
3 Bedroom plus large family
room open!ni to a delight·
lul ba.clr: yard. • Nothinc
like-it at this price $26,950.-
Try FHA or VA.
NEWPORT BEACH e RH Hiii Re•lty was designed fDr the mer.~ _ _.._o_r_o _____ _
644-1133 6440505 Eves. 18Q68 Culver Dr., Irvine maid in .YoW' life . to sit $110. Tiny J Br, Eutside
OPEN 9 AM.S PM 833-M20 around )ei~urly ~ dick her area, Pet O.K. Loea1 Brokrr
plckn tail in the sea breeze. ~1 B/I Coron• def Mir 1250 lt has al! the et>nveniences ========~t
I...;.-'-"-------that lets her bave extra h 2005 O\VNER WILL FINANCE! hours of free fim-10 aplaa:h Rental• to S are
DUPLEX just one-balt block Corona del Mar about in the 1~ or swi or s H ARE M Y e 1 e, a n t
to Big Bay. Very attractive Income Units shop or fix you an extra waterfront heme wtdock.
duplex with nice patio, With l!l""cial dinner af~r a hard ••--40 to 60 _ "~ mo. M do ~--· will SOC Z.bedroom unlll touth of .--,. ..... , ~--......, ..,,ODD wn, vwucr ear-dayl!I work. Beautiful ..i..... '7" m• ba1 ~-·~ 500 highway. 2 blockl!I to ocean. .....--.-. ry ance. "'"'e · .,_, · kicchen filled with all the ~~~~-~~_,.c-B • •-h Rlt I In a HaWaUan settina. Each G~IRL n 25 ·~ t •·-1y • u.•c y, nc. ... time t.aving appliances, Ilk!! · wan....... 0 ,,..,., NB apt. w1th secluded patio. 3 B be h t /tw Avail 901 Dover Dr., Suite 126, Blt·in kitchens. Cari>eted and dishwasher, doubJe oven r ac ap w o.
645-2000 Eve!. 673-1355 (one aeU cle11.nerl, ~-• , ,.,Se7pt,_,,. 6-i',,-",.,'.,.·"'"=,_"',,,..',,· -.:-:::: draped. Excellent summer ·-~-,-SHORE COTTAGE rental atta S145,IXXI. disposal. Romantic "pan!nt MALE 30 would like to anare
Older home, right on the 673·8,550 aver retreat" adult apart-2 BR apt, CDM $100.
beach. SmaU. but complete. ment 3 bdrms, 2 baths. ~2!D3
Priced at l.ot value. Owner Draperies throughout. car-I.,========• I
will finance. $42.500. J>etini::: in liviJW, ~. hall. Newport Beach 2200
HITE master bedroom with pri-• ·-----I BURR W vate bath. Completely fenc-PENINSUU. POI.NT
REALTOR ed, private gate, front laJ'ld.. CHEERFUL 3 BR. 2 Ba.
2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. -CHARMER I--11Caping, Move in tod.a.v. w/sep. family rm., fenced
S'lS-4630 673-M59 Eve. N"' England st,ylr 2-aty., 3 $30.450. On.ly $595 guaranteed play yard. Stepa to beach.
P 54f>.2313 • 646·n71 * BY OWNER • bdnn., 2 baths, Vacant I:. closin&' coat to all! cn4) Available SepL 15lh. $400 No Down ayment Oceanfront Home, 3 BR. 'util ready for ocetij)ll.ncy, $38.~ 96S-1997. 2190 Vacation Lane, month
$253 per month including 5114010 LOAN rm, sewing rm, !iv rm DeL•ncy Real Est•te l '"H"un"l:'ti,ingt~o:"o~Be~a::!<~h.!!B~io'~. !!!!•l_H_al_Pi"':S:h<"in;;&m,A;;"""[Es·:i•i~-:--I \axe-s & insurance on at· l~ /C ,__ ._ r·---H Cd'I ' w/!rplc &. ocean View. •cuo E . ...:.......t wy,, " e BAYSHOR.ES e
tractive corner home in 4 BR Ith 1 o--·· kit. w/bltns & -~==':'~=="'===-e 11 UNITS • 9 J..fonthll Winiero'<'n"'· M• Dei tlar. -4 bdrms, .£! w poo, fam room, ,.......,.,...,. 1.j!,1.11
.. ""• Vele•••' • bur'"" _ I"' ha. Near &ehools &: So. avocado l!lhq: crptg thru-IRVINE TERRACE Al.'Qulld pool; room for ex· 3 & 4 Bdrms,, furnished
"'"' ., 0 -·t p•---I ed t ~ t d / ti'o & ...,.,..,Ion. Xlnt investment, ''C" -·OMAS, ••alto• '4.t. won't la11t' """"'"" ........... mm (>OSl!I. cu· .,,.,n Y v.· pa Outst&ndllig CdM honie In .,....... •n ~""' '
.. _ .. ~ · Ceil Martin RHr. 5'J8.Q32 CAB.ANNA. $63,500. 673-6990 priv. resld. area. 3 Lge. Br. F()f' data on this exclusive & 224 W. Coas~ HWy. 548-5527
54&·S810 IBA/VA S23 Qui er (213) 69&.3627. Fam. nn.: htd, tilt. pool. otheni, please call DUPLEX·Immac. Ste.pg to
OlllneE•GcioE""'REthNbt)A'':rY residential-neigh:~hood e~ BAY AVE. DUPLEX· CORBIN -MARTIN CLAUDE SHIFFER beach. 4 BR & den. 2 BA.
D)AdlmsatKai1M.,tllL bdrms, 2 baths, hardwood :Z Modem units in best area. REALTORS 67~1662 REALTOR &7541'13 Dbl a:ar. Yearly tse $300 mo.
iloo?'l!I &. gorg-eoUl!I btt shad· Ea.ally rented, adequate re-3006 E Coast Hwy., Cdt\1 DUPLEX Family only. 64l-3490 l1Sl!~O~P~P~IN~G~F'"or""a""~bo!!mo""!?'I ed covered patio &: yard. turn. Tenna; $59.00J. LGE. hilltop lot. Perm. view TRAILER
can. write or visit OW' of· CALL 545-8424 South Coast BURR WHITE or ocean & hills. Privacy. 2 _ 2 BR 2 bath 4 years Available. now. Miracle Mile,
Ike fir )'OU1' lree copy of Real E&tate REAL 'l'OR Realtor 673-2010 yot.uig. Income s29i:ll mc. EZ N .8. $80 month. lit & last
cur "Homes For Living" 3 BR. 130' "'Ide loL \V /W 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. CUSTOPif Blt contemporary 1 terms. Owner wants otter. 1 ~645--081~~'~~-~~~-I
Magazine. wilh pictures. crptg. Drivll!' by 1940 Whit~ 61'";;,..4630 &12-22a3 EVff. yr old 3 Br, 2 Ba tun. 228 R. D. SLATES 2 Br 2 Bath Bayside Village
prices &: details of our -'=''="='="'="=="''=,....,.,====c I DUPLEX Gcldenrod. li73-5m8 for &47·3519 536-88al S3M558 Prl heh &: pool Lrg patio
select listings in Newport -Sal l imrn furn appt. f19 ,500 By Owner. e BEAUTIFUL 2 STORY Adu1ts. Days 827-2540
Beach, Corona del r.far, Mes• Dal Mar 1105 ne~ o~a~r4 Br, d!~ 2 Ba'. s BR, 3 Bath luxu.ey home. Nights 826-7676 Sat/SUn
Lido & N'pt. Harbor. RED 2 trp1s,. each unit. lnd unit Lido lile 1351 Aiisume GI loan. $4U50. 144 Bayside Village. 2 Br 2
CUSTOM RA NCH Anytime .CAMEO SHORES CARPE"I" REALTY, 2025 W. BUY th~ 2600 '"I· tt. Lwuuy loued at 1355 mo. 110,000 841..0163 Ba. "1>1<. pool, 9 mo,..,., 11~~~~~~~~~~1 Old world chaml,. abounds in Balboa Blv., Newport 1.fedallion home with 5 BR 3 dn. owner 642-3490. SPACIOUS Adults, no peta. 673--5419
COUNTRY CLUB BEACH LOT· TRADE the rinem of cransmanship •iiiii"'·'ii'.;"· .. ""° ..... · .. """°'iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii BA trnm owner v..'ho will IB,;LU;:;:,FFS"'-;'-BA"7Y;;'-;V;,!E\~""''""•°".'3 Newly "'modeled &: decor-Huntinpan BAYFRONT l dock 3 Br. 3 I . h carry nlOrtgage. AU rooms H bo 1 '"5 Rustic custom r a n c h Dr s e 11 • 3Sx95' • R-2, va-\n ttll' expensive U.<w> o nc Ba. en wkle grttnbelt. ated 3 bedrooms, 2 baths •r ur -Ba den. Lease/option $500.
cant. Appn>X, it blk. from paneling, beam ct'ilings & COLLEGE PARK carpeted. High qual ity Redu-" · • .,,...... for qutck 40· Lot mo. 67;>-4.33L Also unfurn. home, Near one cf . ruJ drapes. Garage door openn-. '--no _.,,.,., EASY UVING Nev.·port areas 1 i n e s I ocoon on Jath St.. NB · used brick, in th111 t Y cus. 3 bchms, ] % baths, carpets, Enclosed patio, largt! trees. sale! Owner a. n x I o u a , $64,500
·-·nt-<l"bo. ' I a. g, $8500 equity. $9,000 existing tom. 4 bedroom home; huge dra•"'s. fireplacP, electiic 61+-4265 LIDO REAL TY INC. Jmmac 2 Br Condo. lncludin!! Coron1 del Mir 2250 .. .,.,. ·" v ' 'ly · I ,.... Desirable Cl\f area, close to ~ bedroom!, 2 batM IOBded 2nd can be assumed&. sub-fam1 room \11th n:iom or blt·ins & \\'asher & dryer. hool ,1 th IM=o'"o"°'E'°'L,.--;H""O°'M=E"E'"x"· 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 all appliances, crpis, drps & ordinated. owner would con.. billiard tahl('. l\lagnihcent sc l!I. "any c er -· a 32· boat slip. Enjoy !his 2 BR, furn or un(urn. Frplc, ~~~liv~~ge. ~~tcd w ~l~ sider 3 or 4 units. CM. J-far-view of ocean & jelly. ~~~~McCardlt, Rltrs. features. MG-9674 CLUSlVE AREA. 3 Bdrm, CONDO rental with good leisure Jiving • Only $34,950. patio, d!sPl!ll, gar. nr. bearh .
. .,. bo a.ski $22000 $l30000 formal din m1. den; sur-leaser. 3 BR. l'~ BA, crpts, }larbou .. Rlty 847-8595 $200. 673-5150; 675-01 46 heavy beams. All rooms 4 aBDRMS ff LtJS · • ·h · b 1SlO Newport Blvd., C.M. r 0 u n d i ng po o I & drps, washer/dryer, re.frfc. • eves. ·~;i~~l. ~::~~ g:w~ Family rm, MacCo built • 10 n macna 543-m!I anytime M••• Verde lllG patk>. * 575-4920 :11::'::·""'==962-~Zl56~·'.'.;'==:;:;;;; l!F:!·~·~·~,·~';·-V~·~l~l·~Y~_l!.:4!;1~0~ IFURN 3 BR & den, beautiful . + bonu. loll •-"ya huge Uv. rm. ISx.27'. car. (714) 642·8235 BAYFRONT APT ALL 3 BR's-BY OWNER BLUFFS· BY OWNER ocean/boyview. 10 nm lse
uw 2 Ba I I t Xtot Bilbo• Island 1355 JR EXECUT ES qwUity buy 81 0 n I y pets I drapes . ga.!I B/I 001 Dover Drivr, Sui te 120 • 950 Victorl11. $19,500 GI 2 Br, . eve. • IV or yrly. 714: 6'i~Z1T7
·$29.750. Call now &45-0303 kitch, • D/W • slumpstone Nev.'Port Beach Vista Del Lido. Pier & slip 2103 Federal $11,00) 5% cond. Many extras. Priced OPEN HOUSE 4-7 In1med. possess. 5 BR., 2\1,
frplc . Prop. Jenced w/bJocki'!!!!!!':"'~:"l"~~';"!!!!! available. Enclosed garage. 422 \Valnut $71,500 61ni for immed sale! 6'*1280 ha, home, C.OmP. repainted
Bal boo 2300 ..... ,. -wood. E•;•ting ,,._ I' I WANT A $28.:SOO 203 5 .. -----h ·~.soo 5" m Sapphire Ave. Room to FINANCED NOW! .. •-no ... ~ ... 1 .......,u,.. _.. :i. build new house on tront + inter.; cpts, drps, bltns,
31 01 111\cing S20,500; asking $24,995 BIG FAMILY George Wi liamson Large take over loans H . ht 1210· existing 3 BR. 2 BA newly uted brick frpl. Family rm.; LEASE. FURNISHED. TAKE OVER S i'4 to . Foraddil.ional info. call REALTOR ee548-1059ee Newport ••SI 1 remodelt'Q. Ownr 675-(Tll)t 2-Sty. Block walled, sprfnk. Pt'nfn sula, 45' bay fronlale
CautJou1 lxlmc bu.Ye?'l!I CHILT ROBINE.TTE I'm Mesa del ~far·~ nirtsl SiJ..Uj() Eves. 6~1564 Open Hause S•t. 1.6 lers in front & o'size l't'ar w/floal 2-Stocy. 5 BR, 4
only! FHA 5% '7' loan REALTOR 64>0128 5 Bedroom, 3 bath homt. -''FOREVER VIEW-;;-l&'W. Saluar to close estate. l BDRM. -$29,000 Huntington &e•ch 1400 yd. Patio. CUl de Sac st., BA plus swimmer's dtts5-
pa.ys all al $131. mo. l S UNIT ?-.1y owner11 say rve gotten ar Poolside Pleasure $44,950. 4 BR, 3 BA. fam AND 1peclous family rm. walk to echool. Adj. lo San Ing rm w/shower. Front all
large bedrooms. 2 baths, ON AKER loo big for then1. Bult for Yoo have botb in thia new nn, 2600 + sq. tt. Crpta, Stone frpl., w/w cpts. over COUNTl.Y ~~e:!"J~. ~a;{
aP<eeP'lS.5 c.:;;, glass. Dishwasher, disposal,
hUge l!lll!p down family M EYM $37.200 I know· I'm us I cui1tom home by Ivan Wells drps, auto sprklrs, assume Hw fioors. Patio. Clean It O\VNER ~. 2 reirig, separate freezer,
room, beautJfully done in •on,_ FULL PRJCE right for YOU. l'm • V.'8.MTI , •• Do"-~---,. 4 ••. .,..,, 311 5~% loan. Pifr. Lllly Bkr. sh.11.rp! F'i.nt Heights area. LIVING I========= I Dbl oven, electric stove,
rich kootty pine. Formal ......,,.,.... • and (ricndly and just love ~ .... '>,...,..., uw .,. 642.fl221<Yr548-368-4. Owner/Bkr. ~2414 in Huntington Beach, Beau· separate broiler & d. . , E 1 fl0.000 DOWN ki•·, _ Pl•a" ask for me. baths, ram. nn. w/wet bat. + . . La nd irung too. ven rooni 0 Owner carries balan~. As· "" Roy J. \\'ant Co. TRAILER YARD! tiful custom 3 bdrm den, Westminster 1612 mt1ssene. u ry rm
expand! Seller Is willing sumabk-670 IOQII. 10 years l~30 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 f\-fove in condition, lovely 4 2 baths. enclosed patio, ha.rd. Automatic garage opener.
to help finance for r ight new. Very good loca tion. Br. fam rm, 2 ba home. Dover Shores 1227 wood floors, lath & plaster 3 BDRl\1. 1 Bath Cutie. Low Yearly or winter. 673-MJ!l
party, Only S24,500. Costa Prehistoric renls v.'ith l's SWIM ! New crpb:, E)(tras! Ex· 1;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:::;;::;:;;:; construction, Only S;:A;OOdOwn dov.·n. low paymts. Built-in WINTER Rental, mcdern 2
J.lesa. Better Hurry? Call from ($95.00) has gross in· 5 Bedrm _ 3 Beth ceptional owner's special at ......,_...,_~ & take over GI loan· S.160/ ran,ge, oven. F.P. $21.500. BR. attractively furn. Tiki
645--0303 con1e of $9,480.00, scheduled 546·2313 • 646·n71 $26,950 only $27.750. 54Q-0863 FW sale ij owner mo pays everything. Priced BY OWNER 612-3092 patio. $ZJO. 968/7510
NEAR BEACHT lotal h"'111"m+"s.ualcsA;,~·4 %. $23 1950-llugc swi111 Pool & patio. $26,950 VACANT riMghUt TJ~( S~4E~i. TY NEAR Penin. Pt. l Br hou.se.
5 e er · ......,_, ap. Best large family home at Assume 5~ % FHA. Beaut. l Spacloug custom 2·story f!.X· Or•nge 1635 garg &: patio. Ocean near.
4 + FAMILY preciation. MESA VERDE lhc price. Paneling, break· Br, 2 Ba, patio home. Fam ecutive home. Large fonnal 142-1411 anytime Frplce, crpts. adults, no
'\\'aw! •I bOOrooms + King sized bedrooms. 2 bath.!, fas1 bar. Fi~place. Prestige rm. blt·in.11., crph1, drpg. By dining room. Paneled de.n VACANT ,....,._.EX--C-E-LL£__..N_T......,,. pel<;. $200. 675-21!)9
famUy room. 2 Baths. All modern built·in kitchen. area., ~172Q cwner 54~265 \Vlth wet bar&: fireplace. Fi.'<et upper] BR 2 baths,
Built-ins. and breakfa11t 54().1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ========:I Sitting room w/firtplace. 3 formalseparaledlningroon1, INVESTMENT Lido l1le 2351
'bar in dream kitchen. TARBELL :Z955 Harbor 11 , yr old home (proL College Park 1115 bdr, 3~ balha. Garden en.. living room with fireplace, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;:
<New custom drapes. \Vall 64&•n71 • 546-2313 A·fRAME 1 XI nd 3 "-2 try. View cl bey & moun-large kitchen w1th ccnnecl· By owner: 4 units, l BR I'
decor · • nt co ; DJ, Aiiume 4"·"'• La•n · 182 500 ,,u;_ 2151 '--a.. F ed each. Cpts. blt·ins; Incon1e LIDO BAYFRONT .fn \\·all carpels. Forced Ba. fainity rm. $32..SOO. 74 11 ta1n1. , , .,._. ing ......,,.....,. room. enc . s1· ~ir heating! Only S19.950 WESTCUff Oean J BR, 2 be.. homt. H 8 4 Bdrm. l'-' Ba. 26' Uv rm. ~ VA appraisal ordered. Ask· $540 mo. NO vacany factor! 2 Bdnns., den; pier &:: 1p
be be ~ 126 uv.. l!'\82 Flee! Lane. · · RI h dbl 1-~ * UNIQUELY ~ $44.500. Call lcr appoint. for la.rge boa!. Good condi· , better be fit.SI. Call now BEST BUY cloee to st 81.:11. ··""'· 6.\6-4328 0, dshw r, gar, ,,....,,.., Ing m.......... ....... ••. ·-·-.
c..t::.J1'M7 CAYWOOD REAL TY Walk to schls i ahop'1. Va· Different "Old World" Con. '"" ~ tion. Winter, SliOO per month; ,..,........,., -..._ __ ,, ,. ~· t!~P ~ yearly~ per month. • Im maculate 3 BR. 2 Ba. 63116 W. CO<t.1t H1vy .. N.B. DAILY pn.ar WANT ADS! cant. SZi,950. u"' ....,,,~ temponry. executive lux· J •_+f; ~ 4 + POOL home. Nev.·l,y painted in It; ,Stlr;;1;;2;;90;,~;;;'42;;·34~76~E;v~•~·~=========:~..:646-=:="""=:=="'==L ==:=::='" ury llome. Unobstructed T: Tustin 1640 Kathryn Raulston
cloac lo schools. For fine Gener•I IOOOGener•I 1000General 1009 5000 sq ft. 4 Br, 41,.. Ba + -=p~,.,..,..,-.,"'ion-•""l,...,A-rt"i"'•t,..-BY Owner-.$28,fKIO. UJvely 3
BAYCREST out, Huge enclosed yard & -;:;; Bay & Pi'ltn VU·most rms. ---------! .......
~perb Newpurt Be!!.ch family home, see now a11.::.:;;o::;:.;_ ____ .;.:c:.:.;c:c.""-"'----------------maids qtrs. Ideal for enl"1'-Added a fabuloua studio &: Br. 2 full baths; J6x27' liv.
e 1 tat e. 4 m as t er $38,500. tainina. Euy maint. Immed lath house to this P1'.eolJs rm. w/trpl. Huge. kitcb. Coltlwell, lanker & (o.
bedrocm1s. H~e r i I l' d \Valier HallS(' $@\lJ}}A.-/1'~lfa·Cl .. ' 9 occupancy. Furnished. Newport Wert home. Al-Fam. rm. U911 Browning ~ Newport Ce.nter Dr. ba.ths. 1''amily room and ........ }..:J 0 n11,000. AMUme 6% % loan. toUnd your11eU by taking a Ave., Tustin 832-0'252 Newport Beach, Calif. ~ul wing vif'W of 11 Box 1632 N.B, S.S..7'249 look at tllb ol1(', Home cll!al' =='=======I IJ3..0700 ...._
2430 iropical selling around Solve a. Simple Scra.mbled Wo,.d Puzzle fof' 4 Chuc kl~ • the fin, Is wide open. onl,y L .. un• S..ch 1705 olymp1c l!lize pool. 1or;, Baycrelt 1223 ..... h -~-------~ Be.111 cf terms. Call Coldwell, Banker & Co. .,...,.950• Les.ser one.g ave OCEAN VIEW HOME NE\VLY furnished 4 BR. 4
1 ........ ,,A .. """" 550 Newport Center Dr. O l!eorrong• leners of th• A'M'ENTION Executives! sold for faJ' more. Rex, L. V , Ba, avail Sept lSth. Winter ~· -1-·, •• ,0mb'·• -~, '-Hodge• Rltr 847 .... "" XLNT et loan assumption. 1 Newport Beach, Calif. low ;; f~ fout~~i;'~rd':: Just reduced $10,000. Thia -'°"'""""'"·-=,.,·-==:;-Jnl rate will not increase. 3 l,"='°,,"""7.;;;·,.m..,.,•>,,..,,.,.,_-""'==I ' EAST SIDE 833-0700 644-2430 cu~tom Wellll sophisticated GJ/NO DOWN Br, 2 Ba, w/w ct·pts, trplc. FURN 4 BR, 3 RA, contemp.
$24,995 IS Y.8 BAH l horne. Anthony pool, 901lrini Only $23.,950 Cor lot; comp! privacy. Newly dee. Avail Sept 8 HORSE 1 I' I I I I ttmbered ~Uings. 4 bdrms., HURRY FOR THIS ONE! An x Io u • • 1 ubmil F/P wntr rl!nlai or yrly. 67a-3604 E ula!c 3 bedroom l balhl.-Now $69,500. Owntt •AA """ mE Spacious 3 BR 2 bath. Cor-.............. DI""" room with RANCH ion Shipwl)' !AM 64&-»'ll .., .,... -• PLACE REALTY 49Hl04 Balboa l1l1nd 2.155 ctlllna. Newty _ ..
._.""' U. and outt Wi11tram"""'"°""""....,.· ILUPIT I WOilclfff ·1230 HAFFDAL REALTY HANDYMAN'S WINTER Roni&>. Cao . ~ .. .JUlb .. 11 .. carpeting. 11 )( 20 J'AMILY ROOM, ] . 31'40 Warner, F.V. ™ Speclall .t Income unlfl uo . I Br '~ So ~.,. tU. 1.:-kttcbeJ> and b&lha, MASSIVE !loot· to ·
1 I I I I GltlATLY REDUCED VACANT ,,i.. to bee<h. Pa"°" decb ::""" ' -'"" '
ta I b r Gl&ln lanai = ~i!~ •,:;:. Owner built I CCC\ll>itd b: Imm«liate pou91k>n on ttili w/ottan view. Ndl, paint,. Sati.bur,, Rff!ty maoo
....... a( pabnl. Bot.. UstlrC Jar JK>meUW. ditlf:r. B I CA N 4 Bel. J Bl.. hn_ den, Rm. ~ atrium. Near Meadotr. Pr. $69,600. Oirslder tn.des. •Ye TI co k I lmmt.nse I I r.il Yt'I. ~ attractive '"'--Qwtllty 3 Br home w/ etc. SOOuld grogs $9,oot yr.
ho-t Aller ...,.. "" "'' •t =6.500. I I I' Apologetic bold • hooded lar pool, ltll.~ ,.... Oountry Qub. Onb MJSSION REALTY "'"""' "'°" u4 -Grut E~:::~t:l~~:S I'. r.;:,n;.:~'\O~yr:~=~~ R.C.GREER,n..J"' 1311.150. UNOBSTRUCTABLE ~ '"" -lo & L t 't 3315 Vie Lido 673-9300 lWi>ow' RI"' B47-35Sol .......,.,ic view. llodom Hunt!""°" lioodl 2400
'Wlnler: J..3 or 4 BR.
........ IAland Rtolty,
491 Park Ave. 81J..llJD
ilP<l fflan7t. Coll Walker eel r:D""Y""IC"'A"'""'"•,...l---.,--.· • "'oWN=m;c-"°'"""=-.,.1 ...... -;---;, -built borne with -.,.._ ~-_,,T,.,,r,..,1"' ..... ,-,., 0 Campier. thf chud:le q~d University P•rk 1237 Bedroom 2\, be.Iha. 2 story 2,tXXI eq ft. of Door space in $).!Al BEAl.Tflrtn.l.Y turn.
146-7il1 OpeG Evta. · Y'O'I d-lop from Jtep No. 3 b.low. DELIGHT 6%% mortg~ with ln\all ~bow Laguna. $55,(0). bi?auliful park. wal It I n1 b L
TORESSTOE. N 20U WestcilH Dr. by lrlllng In the m•uln!J words DECORATOR'S f\llly carpeted. As.11.ume an unparalled loc.11.lion 11.ir cond. mobile home in
tnc. Rffltan
al 11.atbor Center
:1299 -IDl'd,, C.M.
Sw$llMo,P9005oL e r:~lS~~~RES 11 r r 1· r I' 1
1 I' J ~oo:mOvl=::h ~?~~t~ :rv.~p~in~~~· ~4 --.,C~O"MMA= .... N=D"IN=G,.--;::c!:r~~r() ton b ~:.::
'" C ti!-· ~ t 11 Cao be 1eet1 by ap.,. RelA.
tully done w/ a )'00111, mod-I BY OWNER .( OH ~• • n1 1""" Luxury 3 bedroom 1 bath. A UNSCRAMBLE FOR! I I I I I I n l J -d to " II lro ~ h I 3 Vi I ' I '·-· •.• ... refl'd, 1213)371-2&13. FlreplaCf'. all ek!ctnc buUt· ·"'-''"""'"W"!"'---'·--'--· tm a r. ust ct 111 m e m uo.:ac , arge r w o n ._ .. NI °"' c.;,, •~~-~~-~~= In kltchl'n. Relaxed living $.14,95(1 . Terms. Bedroon1 or 2 plua den Mi,!liO. Sn1a1l but I e v e 1. ls Your Ad in out claaatfled1 T
•-""-•.-....... H•I Plnchi" & A ssoc. 1i\'/W~l bu, Condo. Low $1 .000 Dov.'n, bl.I. at $70 Someone wUl bl looldn& f<x· ;.~~~~rL M2-6691 SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 3SOO E. COHI Hwy,_ 67>4."2 "''"· Call ,.,.,,,., monlh, <94-U37 tt. Dial ..,.,.,.
' ' • ' • •
• ' • • t
t • t
' ' ' • • I • < t • t • I
' t
' • • ' < • ' • I
< ' ' ' • < ' t • t
• c
'"'_ ..... _, ;i... -!'!' "1 .... ,,,_
Phollfl Are OjMa 8•00 · p.m. • ·5:30 p.111.
• to Noon Saturday -eio..d Sund•y
DIAL DIRECT ••. b42-Sb78
Huntington llffch: 540-1220 ., LllJlu•• Beach: 494-9466
Houn-Regll!etions-De11dline~ .
lllOlll: M•Mflwt Moul• ct.ck.. their -...11e111 'MMI ,.,.... ttnlMlll•..,., ...,.,.. ' er mltcllQlftcatlont. THI DAILY •ILOT u1umes llalt!llty for ..,,..,. only to
the utMt ., ~ftllthl"f tM allvwt......_t cornctty .,.. tlm ..
DIADLINI FOi COPY AND KILLS r 5t'8 P.f!A. tht day Nfore pu~llcatlen, oxctpt fw W....._.. ltllHon 1nd MM•r MCtloN when cl01lnt time 11 l:JO P.M.
''""''· Summer Rtnt1J1 2910
YOU MUST HA.VI KILL NUMllllll Whtn ldlllng In ad IM<aUM of 'IUltk results, 2 BR Balboa apt adj •
• M ,.,,. te rn11ko • rw.N of ttM klH number 9lnn you .-Y ywr 1.t taker •• beachealp~r .$75-$150 wkly.
•llriflutt.n .t 1"' call. 536-390.. 67>5810
1.,...., tffwt 11 nYff to klll or correct 1 MW M tMt h•• ....., Offl•Nllil, ltut W9 can--$250 wk. Lu x u r I o U s
Nt iv.rant. ta do '° untll tho llCll ha1 •pPffrM In ttM ,.,.,., v.·aterfront apt, pool. FUrn 2
BR. 2 BA. tn•> 6'Tl...'m3 DIMl·A·LINI Adt .,.. strictly c•sh In Mlv11nc• by tNll or 11t •nr OtM •f our offlcu. I~=====--.,,=== NO,,..._.,...,._
TM DAILY fllLOT ,..."'"the rl9ht to cleulfy, .. It, cenur or ,.)u.. 11ny .dwor-
ttMmont, •M to ch11nt• th retn •nd regul•tlons without prlw notic.,
Moll Addrt111: lox y1s. Newport, l•ch, C.llt.rnl•
Cl.ASSlfllD COUNTIRS.•,.. loc11tfld •• follows:
Deily Pilot Classified
Condominium 2950
LEASE 3 BR, 2 Ba, tum.
fittpW:t', pool, $225 mo.
536-207& alter 5 P~I
.-~.!fl>-4, 1969 ·-··'"'~
DAil Y HI.OT ft
Aph. U""'5 1.w\1111 f
cOtto MO.. Sita
S Br., I!.S Ba. m Shalimar,
C.M. See Sat ~12 or callt-1
893-4487 ~
---·--Newport Be1ch 5200
... ~
NJ:lV 2 BR, ta... ,..,,y ,.,,.
(ILi. cpta. drpl. $l8S mo.
~ 61J..8212 eveL
""" Wh1ddy1 Wont! Whadt1Y1 G<rt?
Spoclel R•lt
S Linn -5 tlm• -5 bucb
11.Ul.15 -AO MUSl INO.Util
1-W-,. fllwt Ill lrHf. ....wtlM ,..., .. "' ... '"' ... ~T®A ..,_ Vl<f/ot ...,._L ......., .. fl Mvtrfltlfla,
&.-.+IOTHIJrtG !'Oil &Ale -•11J.DEI ONLTI
PHl)NE 6-42·5671
To Piece Your Treder'• P•r•cfl• Ad
2nd TD Loan
.._ ... con11d<o"'1 •rvke
6t2-2171 54$-0611
Sl!!rvlJw Hari>or arta 20 Yl'I.
Sattler Morlt ... Co.
3315 E. 17th Street
When You
Want it done
r'•g ht 8&lfc Boa tine Cootie offr.nd ' • • to the public by the BaJbOI
II f Power Squadron tor peopl~
Ca one o '"''"''" 1n ..u ....... · h wtll u powtr hoe.ts. EYe.ry f e experfS Montla.Y n~ht tor U -"" ,.1 I' d be/ I{ bea:iDni.na 1 PM, Mon., Sep!. Mort.,.., T.D.'1 6345 "f-ISfe OW. !l. <Brlhi notebook ""'
• nta:ht) •l Ntwpo1'l liarbc»'
CONsntucrJON M' 0 D. '1 Yacht Club, 720 w. Bay
•vaUaWe tot 1lloom< pro-S!llVICE l:!lllECTORY SERVICI DIRECTORY &lltVICE OIR.CTORY Ave.. Newport B<a<h. No
ducini proper$)'. l'orelgn A advance rellatraUon, Enroll
dome1tlc. Motela, Nuntnr Blbyllttlng 65$0 Floon 666& J•nltorlal 6790 at claa. Any question c&JI
Ho-Shopp"... Oentora, -~-------"""' ,~ "~ Ol!lce s:it dlns•. CHILD CARE Carpet Vinyl Tllo TONY'S O<anlng ...-vlce.1-·~--_,,,.,· ===.,.--I
-."' "" wr11e "' 1 utt1e ru·~ .. , 214 to s ...u ,,,.., ,,...i ....,.. ....... .,.., • oommercw. WANTED!
call Tltle Realty & Ytars. Al plt.)'ttlale • com-Free est. Uc. conlr. Complete Door care, wall A Overweight Lecfl11
Insur.nee Com~. 2U pan.loo for my 4 ye.ar old 541).7262 Ms.4471 window wuhini-C r_p t J w&nt 10 women wtw> are JO
Clark Bu 11dln1, Binn· dauibter, Mea1a lnclUded. ah&m,poofn&". Mo, wk, dailJI, pouoda or more-overweia;hl
inatwn, Alabama ~ Near Mq'nolla l Edin&f'r. Gardening 6690 Vl!t')I ~llable. Free e&L can to take part ln grwp wela;hr
Pho~ CIJS) 251""6286. F'owltain Valley area. $.:A>.00 --------aeytfme ~o. 1ioas Ptceram ot specialbed
20% Ref. for J Y rs. • week, can 347~7187• ANTHONY'S &STATE Ma.1.ut Tree Serv reducioe. All inquiries con.
20 Acres rt.nch. 3 Modem $3,Sn . .a 2nd tnlat deed tie-lifO'l'HER WW ~t Near Removal & trimmLnas, tree fidtntial. ,4.sk fot Mn. Thom.
hol\ll!:I, 2 wdls; fenced. hlnd ama1J ht on lot with HArbor Shop C e n l e r . l>44-4B6Q mhnate, Call SU-0088. u 5.17-6«1.2. i:'!~; u;g~ = = ~~· ::: ;a ,v~t:wa =.-,.~·. ~fhr!.,·y.. The ae,i. cost.I no more!Lond ·="'tc=•""''"."'""--"'"=1ci -*-.,0=1"v=o=1=c=E=o"'' or '!' J(S,000 Eq. ~ yrs, 22% Dilcount. ... , ·~ ... ....,. ....,.. Experienctd M.al.ntfnance
23· CAl!IIN Cruiser, 2811 l!:fli. 12. CRUISER Twin 0 auto BROKER. 494--llJT Full time or occulona.L Ex-Budget Land1e&pina H1LLS & SLOPES our YES IT'S YOUR
StiUman, v a I 11 e $3,CO'.I. ' ~Im 111 TD perlenced, depend ab I e Gradua!e Hcirticulturlst specialty_ Next )'Hrt nin FAULT
pUot, range 1200 mi. Re-"''".• t on 11,000 aq, StB-1395 COMPLETE 'will be. wor&e! Get pro. c-0, --~ mo«•• tl>al Trade for '85 Corvette or cent 11Urvey $40,<m. \VW ft brick commerc. bldg on ==='="'---~--1 tecUon now' Call 495-0&ll •" '"'""'""" .......,,e other 1nakhl of auto. (equal consider trust deed or ion.term leased land. MOTHERS Atten; If you YARD t.tAJNT. · will change your IUe call
vall. 6ta-1443 smaller boat. owner. Pa,yable $750 per mo. Incl. want a lie, matutt, exp & Sprinkler installed & repair· * Llc'd landscape con-ORANGE CO. 54':'-6667
60 x 300 E. side Costa MtM cn4) 729-3400. 10%. All due 5 yn:. Rental lovlna: baby&i.tter for your !!Cf. New lawns, c.leanu~L tractor; complete lndacpa & 24 hour recordini;
R-4 ltit & 2 BR homl', 5 ~-"""-----..,.! income ;2400 p!r mo. M!JO chUdren Mon thru F11, call l\lonthly Service. prrlens 8.JO-J031 DR. J. A. Livingston D.C. is
more unit• OK. Trad!!: Tax Sheltl'r & Apprec. in Di!count. Brok.tr 497-1210 ml'! 549--0706 College Park 968-19'18 not <.-onnectl'd & has not
$12,000 l'(fU.[ty for Santa Bar· ~ce:S:~ @~.';:1~1--.1"5"%.-D=is"C"O"'U=N"T.--=·.,."=L===~----INEW Lawn, re-secdihJ". Ppapetrlhingln1 6850 ~ connected with Dr.
SLEEPING Room., priv l'n. ........ or local. •-. ···-s BABYSITI1NG w .. c,.., my Complete la wn car", "l'~R 11n1 ng Kent 's oHicP, 1885 Park t & bath • .,.. ......... ..,., ......-.i. for TD. land, Submit oiler. l11t TD on whl~ water view <W..T .. .. .. , 2~nc::iden, a~t 6.C:': ~· Newport Beach 3 BR, 3 BA 533.3673 Bkr. Jot ln Lquna Beaeb., $6,000 home. Mothers lovina: care. ~:u!i!°,b. Caor11 ~~~"!!!;... fne SUBURBAN Painting/Dec :~e·1::1a Meli&., since July
Townhou!e. Pool, Immed OLDS. 1960, SS, Mech Pcrf. @ S60 mo., 1nc1. 9%, all 3 Yrs. or older. 108 24th St. .........,<JJ,f Expert Guaranteed Werk 1-..,:-;--,,--;--,~ ~I~ ftllnd 5355 FRONT room ;/private en-poa:s-. $31,500. Eqly" $6(XX). Good lires, 'lmmac. Interior. due 3 )'l"I. Broker 494-1138 NB 675--1318 AL'S Gardening It Lawn Free t"1t. No job too tarp Attractive Expert -----~:A Ee~ ·men prefer. Want Carlsbad or San Die-WANT ISMM camera or $SllXl Blue Chip 2 nd WIU.. Babysit in my home, Maintenance. Commercial, or too small. 4!H-31£IO YOUNG WOt.1AN LiTrt.E Balboa llland Ori red. ~ &o "'-n>"'""rlY •-•! .,..,.,,_ •MVVI <.>-__ .-d•.,. or n'•h'-,.,,_ induslrial & --'d<ntJal. dant.-er will teach ""U all Gnu.I Canal Deluxe 2'ii ....... .-•"r~ • ~.... &OOd 1till caml'ra. •.....-.WVU· .:><:UOIEU 2 yr; ,,;~!I $15 'O .::.. w ~"'·"•"'. *~* P>Jl\'TING Dit & Ext Lo~est latest !ileps, can "'Aroe11
*1t. 2~ BA. Ground floor_ B&A';!,.~~~ ~~~ ";,~ ~::..=--·-.,,H"•1"r1"'oo_m_',w"na-m ms ~~ aftyr ~:pl~~% 5.1&-8917 ...-LRES="ro=N"sr"s"L~E"•~,-ud,-,-n1-.-m-ow-:i~:P:: =:; 213: 591-45.111.10 PM
Waterfront with boat doclt. J KITOIEN! ~2955 ware. ~tal, ailver, valu-Chicken D~~ht, ~a ' . BABYSITJ'ING i\1y home, &: edge lawn (11.Vl!'n.&:e) $10 Jlru \Veeks 673-1166 1'J"O"B"S,.&'E"M=P"L°'O"Y"M""l~N:T'1
dar prap. 1.arst patio. atlo• -FOR 16' Fl•hlng Bnch, tosta' YI'! .• _ eat-ANNO'~'CIMENTS ·•-,••·~,only. Hamilton l mo••• 0-• ~1 s·30 '6 ~ Quiet ndcbbon $3Zi mo, ""''""· aean, Molll!'ymaker, \Vant "'" 8 ......_ · <>'f-o.>.w uc · • :N WAI.J...PAPERING & PAIN· Job W anted Mtn 7000 )'earJ.y leue. No chlldttn or MIK. Ren tals 5999 boal, motor and trailer. Real Estate in Maui or and NQTICES wl\ard, H.B. 968-4952 PM TING, !IJ yl'an in atta. •
~'-" To 11ee call owber 2 SMALL Ind u 1 tr i a I &48-(1355 ~Dod~ .. ~·~!o~t°'':..'.H~om~•:.:· 4>l-850~~1'.l;--:--::--::-7'."'":"'.'.:: l\VILL Care for pre-achooJ J e p•nese Gardiner Reasonable rate&. r-.CA._1 1 ENGLISHMAN. 56, 1'8ttnl i>'D-ol11 1 unlt.-ctorage er s ma 11 Lake Am>whead watl'r-Found (fr" Adt) 6400 child in my home, Exper .. cumpl yard service! &t2--0427 .,,___..; . immigrant lrom Gn=at Brl· 4M'LE Balboa l&l&nd on businl'U. Newport Beach. Eric110n 26' Sailboat, loa,d· front lot $50,000 val. Pacille 962-illll Frtt cit. ~U. 968-230! PAINTING, Papertnr 16 yn. lain 1vishe1 :steady, Iona
qrancl Canal. De.Luxe 2 BR 646.-1724 ed. lmmac new model. Palisades Ocean vtew lot, BO.Y'S Blke -Vic 42nd St &: MO'IlJER dl!'sirl!s babysitting TREE Service-. ~ne:ral yard in Harbor area. Lie. I: term job in Newport Beach
ti BA waterfront w/boat SI'ORAGE garage for ttnt, Trade $3000 t'Ql,y for TV's $27,SOO val. Want ; In~e. River Ave., NB. Call to in her borne near Fairview cleanup. Rototill &: ip1inkler bonded. Refs. furn. 642·2356. area. Willing to learn MW
dock $250. Yearly lt!&R. No turnlture only. $l day. C.M. or ! ! m.5544 or 546-3322 Bkr ~77ll 1dl'ntify. 613-7792 betr 7 AM & Baker. 5'l1Hl844 iserv. ~18 p A PE k SPEClALISJ'S _ :skills, !!lore clerk. yacht
64&-.6840 $7000 eq .2 Br hme L.A. i•~-1 do,.,,;, ha"e to -de! or alt 10 P1'1. =====-~~--o====~==~=·I maJntenanct" or m.aNJlac. dilldJ"eTI or Pl'll. To 8l'e call r.ranchelter/Vermont Art'& yua .1v -•· .... BEAUTil'UL Utlll' ii BABYSl'ITING, eh i J d r e n CLEAN-UP SPEClALlST! Cal's best for vinyl1, J1oeka, turing i••ork. E."'l"p 1 n
'-;;""""';;-;,--67l-0207=.--,,.-,,.---SINGLE G ....... e for rent 1 bl List it bl!re -in Oranp 8 ver over 2 yra. Between Wilson hrowinrr, -.1-1,. .. , odd "-bs. foil, niura!Ji. M7·1659 e~s. •-" .. -o·k, m•lal pol'-•ing.
1, ... _ (bal $5500) \Yant; and, dg, slipped ldttcn in CdM wear-. .., -=& • .,. "" vuunu .......
YRLY .. UnL, beaut upper $20/mo. Avail. now. Mesa 8 0 ~·-'I ind County's liuxest read tra,d-1_ ool'--. 61• _8 & Canyon Schools. 646-9175 Rea50nable. s.&8-6955 For better painting, , -""'~""'====~=-.. _ ,__ Del Mar are:a. 642-4422 . .. .......... comm , us . .,.. uu-.._, , . ""P~ apt, Very cloae to prop.NB CM. (ZlJJ 295-9930 ill&"poat-ar1makeadeal. YOUNG wbll< •--·ed ....... BABYSl'ITLNG. My home. GARDE.fol COUNSELOR Call C&S Palnlm! MAT URE MGR
So. Bay. 4 Br. 2 baU.. $175. __,,..,,. "" weekly, CdM. Quality, Exper. Capable 675-29'"J5 alter '5
Salisbury Realty 673-6900 lncol'Tt9 Property 6000 ~ * * * * * ID. Vlc Uni~ns!ty J>rk, * 67a-799J * CAil 642-1407 =========IExp • Finanec -BOOietl • . Jrvinc. ~ Pl t . R , 6880 Acctg • E.D.P. -St.alist.ic1 •
Small 2 BR,. l BA. 8 DELUXE UNITS "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!~!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!'!!~~!'\!!!!!ll!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!~ll~~ii=¥;i-;;;;-;:-f;" I BABYSITTING, My home, EXPERIENCED JapaneJ1e ~•ring. eptir SaJes. J\Jk11.;. P.O. Box rn1,
Cail"•-6PM ~ DESERT Turtle, 6" u:r 6. 2 BR&: 2. 3 BR all with REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and ;,ill da.,v, aood lunch, planned glU'Clener. Reliable. M0-7373 e PATCH PLASrERING. N.B.
67S-l02l 2 baths, all 1he cu:1tom tea· General FINANCIAL ~~~r, vie. College prk. days. Mesa Verde. 5'1~145 "fo"'r"l"re_c"c""::;'m=":-':-;-.,-..,I All typ~s. Fre& elltimate.1 'MAL=~E""~N,_w-,-,-.-L~v-N-d-,.-... -,'
lurea of n. nice home. Loeat. BLUFFS, my home, full or J1M 'S Gardeni111 &. lawn Call Ml>-6825 private patient, any type
Huntlftgton leach 5400 I'd on Caraway Odve, Costa Acrt.tgll 6200 Bui. Opportunities 6300 BLACK, Long hall:ed, Jen1aJe P&J1: timl"; nea r school. maintenance. r..es. It. Com· • PATCl-I PLASTERING. case. 1'~uliJpa.rt. t l me
t.feaa. Exaitknt tor live in l •gun• &e•ch \VHOLESALE ~~~Approx: 5 months, Reliable 644-0964 mercial. * 5'1&-8411 All types. Free elltimate. 6i';Hi380 , 2 BDRMS. · 2 BA TH or lax return propert)', Prlc:. 7 ACRES W/PERMIT DJSfRlBUTORSHIP I.,=,,-,,-,=~,.-,,,--BABYSl'M"ING In my home J~1>"1~·s~G~A~RO=E~N~lN~G~&-la_w_n.1 Call 54(}..6SZ; =========J
ed. $l39,DOO. Call Mr. FefE1,>-TO KEEP HORSES Service new Teenage bu.si-FEMAf:-E Choe Pt. Siamese for \\1lrk~ molhers; So. main1enance, Re11. & Olm· Job W11 nt9d. Lady 7020 I $150/Mo. 1-lEATED POOL
tncd, cpVdrpt, Kids OK
Dtlawett StudiO Apt.'5.
2620 Delaware, H.B.
:"~23~: Mr. Kraut.er al ,..i,_ nl?ll!I! Thal'a wbtte Ute bJa cat. vic Poppy Ave., Cd~f. Laguna area.499-1693 nicrcial. * 548-3Ul. Plumbing 6190
.n<.r ..... Adjacl'nt subdlvunon c n e . ~• . 673-5089 GrRL Friday, Penn. " ....
&1%·2221 anytime 536-1816
2 Bedroom carpets, draPI!!!,
, builtiJ1S, good location. One l bJoc:k to 5 Points Stores .
nJO up. Owner ~2-2835.
o THI.: Rl:AJ,
Built·in Financi112
M.ltnapr 7701 Ellis Apt D Excellc.Qt for owne-r • URI',
~ Vacant 1tore lront. 5 units ""ii!;liiii'""""'""'""..,ii I occupim. Seller will carry * BEACH BLUFF * i.1. TD @ 8% ;m•...i. piW1
New 2 &: 3 .Br, 2 B&, F.A., R111all 2nd 5 year dul!' date.
dishwshra, pa.Uoti:. p o 0 J, For infonnatlon; Jean Van
v1ew, 1 & 2 1tory, \\'alk to Der Borden of Jean Smith
5 Point.I Shop'g, H.B. Realtor, 646-3255.
847""'7 Pyramid Now!
OCEANFRONT, view, sun
dedc, beach, ntw epe.c, dlx,
2 BR. bltlna, cpts., lndry, nr
5hopl &. pier. Select ~nan!&.
S.lTS. Adult.. ~2131.
NlCE Lg., 2 B.R, OC"ean
view. aundeck. built lm. etc.
Permanent, quiet. 222 8th
1 bdrm, crptll/drpa. frplc.
B\lill·lns, pri patio & KU-
qe, small ya.rd. $135.
847-5306 aft"r 6 p.m.
82.14 Atlanta
l Bdrm, Pri gar. Pool,
wuher/dryer. 536-3971.
IVAJ.K lo beach; 3 Br .. gar,
dillhwshr, cpt.d, drpd. Patio.
Sl95. No dogs. 847-3957
i BR, chlldttn & pet ok.
C.'rpt1, drp!, range, gar.
A V9.il now. 96'2· 7637.
DELUXE 2 BT, l'ncl. patio,
watihing faciL Adulta only.
Sl35. 847~
NEW 1 -2 BR AP'l'S.
Patio&, Balconie1, privacy
8'.£1 Atlanta, HB ~2800
Tmde your propa1)1 up. WI'
have I.or sale or trade: 7
units • 32 units & 72 uni.ta •
IS7 units. Cont.act CUrtJa or
Pete at m.9150,
P"rcy H. Goodwin C.O.
1n w. Lincoln, Anahe"im
Live in tl'le bachl'for unit &
receive $280/month from du·
plex. Agt, 646-3255
Buslnt u Proporty 6050
SMALL Cafe, e qu ip ped,
rellllOnable call 53&-3856
Bu1ine11 Rent•I 6060
Small 1~
Calallna Island $75 Mo.
Pholll!' Avalon 187
Office Rental 6070
crpts., drps & storage 1pace
In the Glendale Fed Sa.vings
Bldg., Corona dd Ma.r. $50.
mo. Call Evelyn Halbakken
675-5444 or 545-3165
1 &, lockable gar;, avail MODERN OFFICES
Se(!t 10. $1CJD mo. on lease. FROM $65 PER MONTH
<194-789'1 AJr-rond., parkin&, central Jo. ==-,===---catio111. Secretarial aervJce. RE;lll ESTATE 230 E. 17th. Com M"'"
General 642·1415
Refttal1 Wented 5990 OFFTCES Reception-Anav.'el"ini
'.!=\ """"""-..... An. -ROOMM&TI S8VKI
3345 Newport Blvd., N . .B.
2 OFFICES available
Approximately 486 aq ft
1533 Baker, C.M.
549-1151 Mon thru Fri
il E I h I" • monl!:y 1S t.. ..... ay! '7.7"'7"==-7'-c.,.-"7.7 1BABYSf'ITING. -0 -to n-" "'S La & G·~ . ~' m e · o wy, u ava -\\' h 1 '"BLACK kl r __ , ·~· c .. "-"' wn .... .,"nina; PLUMBING REPAIR time. 5 hrs daily. Varied ex-
135 -"Cub b&l '-t -.. 1 e e fl you 3t't up your own tt.en, euuue, 1v/1; park, CM. fl7th & Orang•). Sl'rvitt. ~/Comcl-'·~·~. ,uuu, -n • .,. ..... b · · ta"i Irvine T CdM ........ ...,, No job too amall peri<"n~. fa.st, accura~ deed. us1ncu m al"ea neareil a 1 · elTl!..ce, Mor.-Sat. 64a-2T:J4 ~29a5 aJter S • ••• ~-• . t . "-your hon1e. ·rop locaUo"' ~615-504~~·'.....,~-"~~--1========= .,._.,._ typis. Attractive, auap. MAKE OFFERll t bl ""1238 now avt1.ilablt". Unllmit~ GREY rabbit. 546-~46 or H I' a e . ...,_ \Vrlte or contact: Georie R. ... B . k M au 1ng 6730 R• •• model, Repair, 69401"'==~~-~---I Kress, Box 914, Lquba irowth potential. Great pro. ~ r1c , •sonry, etc. MATURE Educated woman
Beach or phone 4M-4721L lit for right party. I=========~ I 6560 CLEAN UP & lit! movin& BUILD, Remodel, Repa.lr as companion/housekeeper
Seriircd cash investment on-Lost 6401 Tree &: IOhnib removal. Brlck, block, c 0 11 c re t e , tor elderl y lady. ~ 30 ACRES. ROADS, nr River ly $314:i. Work part time to BUil.O, Remodl?I, repair. Reasonable. SGwl359 crpnl'"", m ,.-b too small open. 673-ST";J!I
&: St 1-Iwy, beaut. Ju1t tart. M REWARD ~-Sh Brlck.. block, concrete, ""' =""""~-~~~--I 1 ·en or women. no -uo:tman ep DEPENDABLE. hauling & Lie. Conlr. ~TWO Women ,will clean com-
Ul/mo. Pictures. Ore. uk selli111. You 'll loye ii! puppy, mostly black, had carpentry, no job too m1aJI. moving. Reasonable rate1, pJetely $18 a day.
for Dale 675-7513 or 642-6630 Investigate now! Pb for red collar, vie Back Bay. Lie. Contr. 932--6945 Free estimates. 49-hlm.1 Sewing 6960 54&-Dill
Mount. & 0.&ert
20 !-.files East of Bantow on
freeway. Elev. 2000 tt. Near
Lne Loreen. Wonderfu! land
fOf' apricot11. alfalfa, nut trc!e
growing, fil!h raising, hone
ranch, boating, etc; etc;
appt 1714) 963--7373. Call 833-1611 ·ext l328 a.&k
MINI-ZOO for Pam. Eves. Call 8uilden 6570 Heulin9 8730 SPEEDY, Domestic Help
Original Collection 540-2219 EXPERT 7035
ROUTE German Shepherd. 1% yn. * Apartments:&. Unil8 & CLEANUP Mtlsf6ction gwtrr.
Chinese live-im. Cheerful
permanent. Experienced.
Far East Agency &t2--H703 {NAME BRAND Ct.NOY) Lost vie Victoria Bc h, * Custom Homes * Kilchen11 $12 per load. 962-68411 5'15-0137 C.t.t.
.Exciting work rel.llUna: 1 Laguna. An1 to "Thor". * 2 Story Specialists FREE TRASH HAULIN~ -.~D-,.-,,'-mC.akC.CCing-_°'Af"-tua-...,.~. -George Allen Byland Apncy
..,collecting money from coin tn4) 494-9932 layout/design 20 YI"'. exp. w Special on hems. Employer Pays Fee
operated dispensera in your L.-\O=IES=-w-.u-,-,-v-ic-C,,-,-.,-,· I P•cific Coast Builders reaaonab!e • 645-l'm * 646-6441J * lQG..B E. 16th. SA 547-0395
area. Must be able tn devotto St, C'd or 3rd Ave., Lapna 2435 E. Coill 11wy. YARD/iar cleanup. Remove "A"lt;:::,1.,.::=,;::..=;64.,.2,.,,5145..,-1 ~-========
2 to 8 hrs per week to make Beach, Fri 8/1. Valuable C.orona. de! Mar 111>n91 trees. ivy. dirt. tractor •r• 1°" · Help W11nted Men 7200
be-'" "N;;"~l, a~cc~ura~t•:=· ;:'°;,Y~'~""'~""'~·: 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;. j very r ood Income. No sell-papers. Reward. f99-23851 RE ~f 0 DEL-.Addition.5-Cab.. uuJOe, grade 962.-8745 :;::
lng Jnvolvt:d. aft. 6. 1ne-ta Block fenres-Concrete 5 I T k 5 96 MOTOR HOME
$995 to $3,980 required I,-,=,.-,--,,.--,,.,-~~-work. 642-9852 Houseclaanin9 6735 •Pt c an ' wer. 6 5 EXPERIKNCED
(Based on part or full time?) LO~: Ladies gold LeCoultre 1--========= ------'---'--'-' ~
For personal interview In wnst watch vie. Balboa \VOULD You IX'licve I will VACUUM pumping service, • WELDERS l sland. Rtowa.rd. CaJl collect Carpenterin1 6590 clean your home for Blue ll'ptic tarot_,, mmpll, sand
your aret., send name, ad· Cl13J 67Z-1674 Chip St.amps? 897-7350 tra,ps. You name it, we e TRIMMERS dress & pbo"" no. to: CARPENTRY pump it. 24 hr. suvice.
fRANS-\VESTERN DIST, CO. LARGE grey &: wht male. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job CARPETS. Windows, firs, 6Q.{1765 • WALL MEN
590 No. A:msa Ave. co.t, flea collar, 6tubby tall, Too Small. Cabinet in pr-. l'lc. Re.'5 or Comc'L Xlnt =========I e PLUMBERS
Covina, C&lif. 91722 vie HunUniton Seacllll. HB. age.11 &. 0 th er cabinet&. \\"Ork Reas! Re!.s. 548-4ll.l TILE, Cerimlc 6974
DEALERS = ~::py. 14 "' k . ::
17;·, lf ~~;,ve~i~8~ Jo~:~YO::n ~~T~ *Verne, The Tile Man* e J~~IJo~~
Lab-spaniel. Lost 8/31'.1 Bay Anderson servire. 1-~ est. 642-2364 Cusl work. Install & repairs. MOTOR HOMES
&. Nf'\\'JXl11 Return 3:l5 W. QUALITY n. · No job too small. Plaster 2135 Canyon Dr., Costa t.fesa
for .xclu.lv. Or.ng. •-.cpa.lrs -Altera-tch Leald b ,._,Ba,y~N,-o_ . .,,8,R<,_,,w_•_"'_,,--tiona -New com!. by hour JanitG rial 6790 pa · 112 1 0 we rl.,~~~~~~'l"!'~•I 41J Acre1 Ranch Land, tm-County d istr ibutor iBLACK And tan German or Contract. 646-3442 _...;...;.__;:.; ____ _.;;...;.; repair. 817-1957/846-0Di JR DRAFTSMAN
proved WI'Mi modern 2 BR 1y1tem (no selling) • i;hephcrd, female \\'/lorn ~R~EO:PecA~IRo-.~Pc'n,c.·IO:,llC-lo",,,:.....5~m-all~ WALLS, Windows, floora, T S. I 6980 With schooling & it0me job
I the hours -,,.. ht car. R, ... ,,~. 1~ ••th """"'ls. Commercial & rM rv Ce ex ....... !eJ'l(..'{'. Fee pa;d. Al., ranch house, I~ lv rm, " u .. .....,... Remodel, etc. Nite or day, ~-.... ,.... beamed celling, brellldast SUNDAY AM ONLY St. NB 'Reas! CaU KEN 5<1!J.4S79 residential. DaJly, v.-eekly GENE'S TREE s ER v. lee posiiions.
rm, kitchen, modern bath & Sma ll Investment puts LARGE Male Ge rm an REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS and/er i\to. 897-7350 tr'ffH/r;hrubbery removed: Niguel Pcrr;onnel Agency
plumbing. Tank house en-you in your own busf. Shepherd RE\VARD. I.mt in CABINE71'5. Any me. job SPARKLE Janitorial & Win-trimmed, h.auled away 26081 f?e tly Rotid
closing 1000 gaJ galv. lllor-nets. Fountain Vall ey. Sll-5027 ..,. dow cleo.ning 'Scrv. Win-549-1359 Laguna Niguel Ind. Park
k "' 45 lbs -yni. l'irper. ~1 do 'd I 831-1477 age tan Uuucr p1-e1-SIAMESE tat, answen to 1vs, J'Clll ., oomc, consL ES'TATE ?.laint Tree Serv .
sure. \Vlth double iar. Con-CALL MR. ·ROGERS C C Cleanup ~-''' -:1691 Shop M•c• .. noc freckles. female. Loi;t v1c ement, oncrete 6600 · '"•== · .,,,.,.... · Removal & trimmlllill tree '"' crcte septic tank, all elee.. SUNDAY MAIL East Bluff. 644-4529 estimate Call 54.1-0088• Elderly .'5erni-retirtd man far
S hp pump, 301 gal per min e CONCRETE work a 11 IS YOUR AD IN Cl.ASSJ. ' shop wo1·k: Neal'&. Fuhion
at 80' depth. lmprovemenb: INC. LOST: Slamc8" cat. had ID. types. Pool deekl & custom. FIED? Someone will be Dial 642-5678 !or RESULTS I 1 I and. Mu 1 t be
Fenced with 1 .. by 6' x 300 fl (714) 871•1443 Vic 35th St &. Seashore Dr, C&ll 543-1324 "loo=king""'="'='="=Olal==""""'===========;,I mechanical . .vy inclined. A~ redwood fence. 7 ll.tile1 Eut 1 _~~-~-~=--N.B. Call 673--0135 F' ply in pe1~n.
of school. $76.000. Ladies Appair el Shop 1 ,5~,A~M='Es~E~,.-,"'. "'rem-al~,-.-w-,-11r-CEMENT WORK. no job too NEAL·s
Or will subdivide I 0 Like to own your own busl.· Ing collar. Vic. Eastblutr smuall, H"'"'s u!l~ble. F r ee If you've found wMt 219 E. 4th SL
a crei. all improv1ment1 neu '! Btte•1 a ree..I oppor-!Bamboo St.). &M-2470 es m.. · 1 ick. 548-861.S Santa Ana
1.. you're lookin9 for ·$55,000 or lO •cre1 11n· t.uru.., to own )'OUr own shopl-========= Genoral • d $21 000 with a ..... all Investment for 41 Child C•r• 6610 in today'• PI LOT Cle11ifl td Ads. improve • • . ...._. Announcements 6 0 Cd.lege stlK.k-nt pit won: thlt
'40 -;. Down, Bal1nc• on fi.Xtllres tn the Huntington ---------Coo\a Mesa. )i('('fi!f!!d. can be tailored to your elau.
I 1t fruit deed. Beach ~a. All nwrcha.n· CUSJ'OMER'S Of BI! tty Vacancy for infant MAKE cs. $2.65 'per hr guar. to \Vin neaotlate, Cour1el)' to dise is on consignment. No Flower ma,y pick up dreAS Call 646-226l it.art. Car nt'c. PH: S4S-'339
broker, 847-&40 alt 6 PM. lnves11T1cnt in merchandise, making, by callin& 494-7757 FULLER BRUSH co.
••••••••• """altor ti a '°''· w, 1ra;n within 30 d.,... LOVING C... my horn< 2 , you & 3upetvise )"OU at no l-========= YI'!!&older. CynorWhlttier BUS BOYS needed lor
FURN. Cabln Vltwr Valley.
1~. $6150. Low dn. Bkr. Al
l\1aeder ~10. 6-l6-834j
expcn~. For compll!'te. infor. P•rsonals 6-405 1 ._&~h=l~d="='=641MX152==-===~ AN various shifts. Apply at 5 niaUon, wrlt-e or phone F, L.l ---------1 · pm, in per90n to Mr.
Tierney, 2130 North Holly. Attend • FREE LecttU'I!' Contractors 6620 An i e 1 o. T 0 \Y ER S
\vood Way, Burba.Ilk, Calif. Dlanetlcs Ii Sc:l"ntology RESTAURANT, 1515 S.
Pholll? (Z13l ~340. E\.'t.ry Sunday at 8 P~1 GENERAL Contractor. All °"'111 llwy, Laguna Beach
CJtW.ttt\.c..t......, ... 1n
&Y Oct l, 1tuWo, prelt:rable un6unis~, walldna: dlt.-
tarlcr market. Retired elvO
aet\'i~ "''Otdd like maln-
t~ &. prdenlrw t.c:r
put mil Box M tn D&ilv
SNACK ROUTE U703 Ecllnrer. Fntn Valley carpentry, concrete, add&. OFFER Fo,..l9n C11r Mech•nics
R. IE. Wanted 6240 BrtlKI new cabinet t.Ype lOe: ti.'ll...1X.ZO remodelin8'. 25 Yl"ll ex· Good oo. be~fUll, incl pald
lri'Guitri1I Rent1I 6090 .;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Snack I: Caney vendln& LICENSE D pertence. 53l-?984, 847--2382 va.cation, group tna. unl-
10,231 Sq rt. Co~tt block machlnl'a placed on Ioca-Spiritual Re:adlaa1. advice Carpet Cluntnv 6625 loml1 Iurni11hcd fn!-1'. Good
0Jd1. S.WJ Sq ft Balcon)' $$ MORE (ASH $$ tlon, $1596 ca 1 h. EX· on all mattera. 312 N. El -G ivt th1t party with ttlt item or item1 c:omm. llchedule. AM: Jor
w/1'S *I rt of ollkta. 12 . .-CELLENT SPARE Tl~IE Camino Real, Sar. Cl1.n1enta CARP&T I Fum. cle• ....... : f I h Joe Moo1~ Ph. S4Q..l764. ~ co•~ nllm -9136 •--ror l '-" -~-• .:::;~ty or se • I p one c1/I. Ch111cts art it's Sq h ol fenced yard. Avail IN •• .....,. pha u ited """"" , ;iv-.....,, .....,. 111:.1-v.,.. '!........ WANTED; Oean cut ooll"if!
on least. Ca.JI atttt 6: For Your Home F.qult,y expansion pottntlal. \Vrite 10 Ai\1 • 10 PM o,\."Ql'k, call Stl!riln& for just what you've btttl wttching the W•nt atudent w/own car for pt.r1
675-6443 er ~46 Ablolutely no coal • • • far full dl'tf.ils to Fftleral, DrJOY economy vaeation brlght1ll'ss! ~ Ads for. AU that 's left ii to mt kt •n time I've, delivery work. =========~ to )'OU !be Sdlerl 3W o •--• eo-~ Relf> p.rt,y, 4 chlldrl.n de-12 Y"R of "'1i1l8 mare ca.!lh ayton 1W11 , ~'U, Catalina. .lalarlll. From $3 off tr. How can you lost 1 App in penon all 4 PM 5(1'.)
t1nl w1fum H.9t or apt New. Lots 6 100 for Onlnre County property. Callt M520 mid"l\.'ftk tr two. Hel'nlQ&a C.rpet L•ytng & W. C.O..St Hwy, N.B.
pDlf ~ Haw told home, Call ... _ ,., __ 1 sr.tALL rest11.uranl, l'll!Wly Hotel. Phone Ava.km 1$7. Repair 6\26 T Ge""'1 millt have oa.-us-nc:r b)' FEE slmpll' lnol leutho.ld) u1111 n.a · • -his it just another of the 9re•t thing•
91111• Prdtt ""'ar Jeuo. Iott ln Corona Del Mar tor TtMm call lhe Best redeocor.: beach a r" a . ALCOliOLtCS AoorQrmou• F OR CAR P E TING aboul the PILOT Cl1111'fled 1eclo'on , , Ma.rrl@d man desiring ltcad,y ..,.. ·-lllnt"u torce1 u.le. Oiler. Phone so.m1 °'. write to wart: with• future. $3.65 hr.
&IT0UOl ew•. ""'by""""'· 61S-<1>0 64" ~· ·-OR CARPET LAYING ·1 I d h c . BEVERLY JAtlfUW ~·~ P.O. Box -eoru ""'· ' " • you to t • -r9e;n1. lo •ta•1. Car""'· !WU339
l 8't: apt furn. Mkkllapd NE.""WPORT Ocelln ntw lot , uuun •UQ. LIC'S, Oranre. San l \\'ill not !)!!' rt:sport5lbk-for C: A, Pace 6-t2·2070 11Ju.ER BRUSH CO.
I It'· No Pet I• Preae11tty toned :ll unit&. Dlt'to $1:.500 on sale: •l\Y de.ht11 ex:cepl nly own. &lectrfcil 6640 SERVJCE Station attrndan1, ;:':''~"'lib =$4=Hl=="=======-RI.ALTY s10,001 aa f<. Ca11 ,vms. Robert va1me.r e1ock. --------'-~ Your Ad Should h Hore ..,, """"· I J • • Ext Ac...... 6200 TON collect (2131 772--U.49 BUSIEST nlarkch>l.ace 111 EL ECrR1CIAN: hcen~. I 3928 E. Coe.it Jlwy, CdM -~~-----147-603.I or .14$.8245 DAILY PILOT DfME.A· '"""· The OAILY ?II.QT """""'· '"""jobs. malnt • Thov'ro Looking For ltl CAR Wuh • .... "' ~E~ 2 Bdrm. apt In TAKE ovtr 511<"re1, no dO\\·n. LINES. You Cftn w;e 1hem Oaullicd 1crrion. Save -"'~,,._lr_•_54_S-S_20_3 ____ ,_..__.,';;..., ___ ...,_.,.:;;....__..,..,_JI attndn't. F'uU & pt. tlmf'.
Jla,tp1:r Sch. arta by Stpl. I. t?..J. mo. Near bkt & town. ~~~'!"'"!"~l!!O!"!!~' I fot JU11t peMte& a dl,y, Dial mO!ll!'l-, time I.: eUorl. Look 4615 W. Pie, c_,, I-fwy. _n_<'-,,__ble~, _•e_l!lll ___ .• "" --'"-'"'"-Aat='------'Whlte elepha.nt11 Dtmw-une PILOT Oullfled ad. now!l~ -~1l£1SLTJ Whlle Ell.ph&nltt
, .. . . ~ . . •
, TlttlnW, S.OllmlNr t 1969 DAILY PU.OT' J9 '
Hel W led. Moll 7200 Holl!. WontOcl. r.lon 7200 Help wo,,,..r MM 7200 Hol Wontod Moll 7200 Help Wonltlll Help Wonltil lff lp Wonted Help We-Jo~1 ~. W1111~.
P llft . (LER!CAL Slks p ' Women 74GO W-n 7~ tWem"' 7400 W°""" 740q : ,
PHILLIPS PETROLEU!f On v .. "l'ak•· llol>lWlc P.IMALI HILP
Nowh!rirtcr;n ITT JABSCO !SALESMEN COOKS 12> ~"'"'nctd CLERK TYPIST ctl!lical iJ:n..~~.i:s, PIX RIUEF ' i:. ~'"' ..,.,,,,. "" .WAlnED) I. tun t1m .. 1._,,,... (AccounllOI) ITT JABSCO reo 11att!qo bodt 10 ""'°"· RetponolbW.... wDI 1nw1,. ,··: lion. Exi>erl""" deolnd. with 1 -•· o1 11111 Can'! --• --~-~"t PROOF • Ubllom!a ~.,.Ill lllntlollott. PBX-ptlo~· ~J ~ ·" ' "~ ~--··•·-· I .. -...,.. .............. • • • Varied itlpon.tbWtltt1 t~ -t ,,.. ~ ~ •--• _, P"' TIME KE.EPER. ""ihal I -)'OU. I Joi· -OPERATOR c.nt&ct Mt,~. , ltlrtiqi IUltl t1111ri I = ':".:~, ":! COST CLERK ~~~ ~';.:: 0....: ·J<~;:''Oi ·..-. T&LtER ~·!: ~ d:=•· ~=~~~ . Plllt--. nt11llnd.; ;. adv~ment. For in-teldom llved up• to the Experienced pre.fernd, ment. Sosu• '&OCO\lnti.QI ' llLUNG 31U Hl.rbar 81Yd., Clt Profit Sb&rinc '. t' .,.,.. ......... , ........... •"'"''In .... ad. UNITED CAL IFORNIA -... -'J"P-CLERK • 515-9913 • ·,i,
Brooldwnl 6 Adami. Hun-:;,:' w~::::11.,,:,.~ DO YOURSELF Awl¥ bet. 2•30 A• p.m. BANK tul. ' CASHIER • i'1iil dme tor J '
G=ach. inJ:orrelatedclerlcalex· A FAVOR! Protlt Sharina Aalilt.antbilllnc/aecount· Ntal's, Fuhlon l 1laad. • C .. C.rler Co, ;
PRESENTABLE uaitant ~:n,t:uoo:~~ AND COCO'S ~°:·~~:· I c cart c ~~~~ ~i: Must r~~ 671 w. 17th
St. ~
for c.omtDercla1 unit. New of the compaey. Prefer EXPLORE 2~~r:;~~;B, ~ ' • er L (let! NEAL'S Cotti Ml•• ':
.._. E 11 h" '1"" """school and"°""''" THIS ONE1• GIRL FRIDAY . rod. :119 l!:. Ill> ·~ s.41442! .. -photocra.hf, VTR rounllnc tnlnlnJ. 671 W, 17th St. Equal n1ty Santa Ano
or '*1el experience useful. 11 Yo\I would like lO make GARDENER..CdM area.. one 'fyplnlJ, flllng, eood phone Coit• Me11 cppn1u employtt
WWlq to leun. and to work Please apply in ~r· $250. per week lmmedlatd¥. wllo i8 capable of care or vatoe. Good with ncuni5• .sq,..)421 S.crttary $525.00
a must? 1""'mendooa future son or in writln& to WJth an (lpportunity tor plants l care repair cl lawn Steady, Opportuntty for ad. c;!~ =· ~ f;x~ oo. in Lacuna l.r'M.
in boo'!!D& I t1du1 try, Pef"llOl)nel Dept. much mort in tfll! future, + ~Ing, Small ground•; V&ncement, Compe.ey bent. An equal opportunll)' tn4J 545-8251 rood skflll + frf!nt office • •
Manapme:nt ability helpful. I would Uke to talk to )'OU, once week. Write Daily fits includlna' health lntur· employer appelnU'ICct, c&U Loraine, \-
SaJary open. Aae to 45. AV GOOD BENEFITS AND 11 your qUal.ificadom1 match Pilot Boie M""3CO ance, t>flld vacations, f'te, Merc~~w.!.'~"Mnrl Aa<N 8"" • DISHWASHER • :
Tmnl"" Ind-" 5'0-5293 WORKING CONDITIONS our roqul,.m•OU. ttm cowd WANTED: Pop • R«k Call Nita Fobom at61:1-56'18, f /C BOQKK£EP£R ~2rro 0
-" • • , l
be the ca.reer you'vo: bNn Group, Sunday I:. ?i1onday vc:t 320. Friday ~n 9 ' • t
looking tor. Call for l)el'90nal nites at thl!! WHITE HORSE am It 11 .am, tor a.poplnt. Newapaper nttd' •GIRLS • * fULL TIME ' ' a BUSBOYS a DISHWASHERS
Full time-. OVr.r 18. Neat IP.
pea.rinJ'. APPl,y in pereon ~
"4 E, 17th Sl
Costa Meaa * PRIVERS * No Experience
Muat Mv. clea,p Callto.rnl.
drlvln&'. record, Apply
186 E. 16th St.
Cotta Mesa
Bqual Opportwiit)'
(n4J 545-8251
Mech Draftsm•n $600.
Fee paid. Xlnt oppty. lib-
l!ral ben, Z yrs collqe or
exp. Aleo fee jobs. can Kent.
Employment Agency
Zll?.O So. Ma.in, Santa Ana
Top salary, regular 'vork
interview bet. 10 AM&; 3 PM JNN. Apply In penon. 3295 ment. for da.il)' aales aummary, AC· BARMAJDS $110 WEEK * EXl'l"llNCID ':~
(n4) 534-1101 Newport Blvd, NB. Secretary =~~~=le· .... :::: PLUS TIPS. DANCERS " ~
Now Interviewing
Full or Part Timi
Experienced pre!emd but
not nece11sary, Many com-
pa11y benefits. Apply in per-
50ll only between 2 and 6
Help Wontod
to 1ood i>Rbt. Prefer autom°' $100 DAY. THE RIGGER' ':~ Vice . President tlve operlence. AJk fo r The .Ponderosa Oub
M B 521-9111'
& Generel Manager JOHNSON & SON Gonor•I Office $400.00 : ~
whO can take •horthand 100 Good typl"I akllls, mature, '#18 Tuhion llland , ~
APPLY IN PERSON wpm, 11.kts variety '6nd li1· Uncoln Mercury beach area, ct.ll Loraine, Newport 8ncb T>
utts, type 60 'Wpm or bet· 2626 Harbor Blvd. Merchant. ~ Aatn-• !
scHooL The Rigger ~':. ,~~. ~~.tn:, co••• M••• ~s.:m watclltf 0r •• N.a. __ A"'"=ly-'1n='""'"'-""'"--·1 :
SECRETARY # 16 FASHION ISLAND aick; ]eave, paid niedlcal and ,W0..5630 WANTED: Ml.hire woman FRY' (OOl(S. '
Sallll'Y S5W. to $615 .• 10 NEWPORT BEACH We insurance, credit union Food for babya:lttil'lr 4 lite r '.
roonlhl position. Typirq: 50 THE j:.OOK (you may have to keep its -THE-houaewrk. l children, ' 4 5. Tiop --· -...... anen• ho~ • :;
wpm, lillng and ieneral is looking tCIP"'llh&rp &iris who ~ks~ b~~ :~ ":;; NEWPORTER INN call 96&-1.620 atttt 8 pm. est.~·~ oondttSona , ,
clerical, U.S. clUun, h1rb need permanent position, an appointment. 6'2-43:1l and tn area'a leadlll&' Nstaurant; '
295IJ !!arbor, c.osta tilesa :~'::~:~ 2e::. Ai; :1.U:th~:~~~n~.~ :is: uk for Mrs, Greenman. CJiot~IC~~!!~S~i;!l .loN-Men, Worn. 7500 =-:·::o to 5 pm tor ii> ; ~ Ncl''J)O'rt Blvd., CM
TRAINEES: 2J Y! old ~ro-DJSHWASHEJt...Ila¥ shift. i2 pllcatlon1 m1t1t be ftl¢ by a Port awe a r, For ap-WAITRESS. ienced only need apJ>4t,
motional advertising firm per hour. Apply In person * BUSBOYS * ~M l1g1ir1~~~ poinlment, call The Look, Relief ahitt, 1lve day Factory MANNI NO'S
Utlll El Too> lid.
~ )'Ollfll men. Company Stoer L 5,_;,. 644-240CI 33 Fu.hion llland, wttk.
I ted two •··k "' o.c.., Warner Ave,, Huntin1ton NB ~··'Ill~ I hi Iii on '""' ex· Retta t Bea.ch. between 9 am & ..._...... = or ih • crad• 1107 Jemboret Rd.
changer, na~nwide lV. If 5874 Edi= Ave. 18 Y«t!I ot' o~r. Flexowriter Trntt $400 restaurant. Ideal hoW"I. Nev-Newport S.1ch, Cellf.
you are earning less than Huntington Beach Apply in person 4 pm, Xlnt Co, movtni to new oft· er open holl~s or S:"nd~y, (Cont&ct Bobbie Purdy)
$150 • week, call for in. ===~~---WANTED HH<:hool &irl to ittt in Irvine. WW train ac· All co, benefits includtna hb.1-==:;,.;:=:::..;:..:::=-
tonnatlon, Mon. thru f'ri. MANAGERS Or A&siltant REUBEN'S babysit ~Thlll'I eves, curate tvo.ist. Call Diane, era! dlseount on purchue1. * Salesla~ ~94. art. 6 PM. MANAGERS to train for 5:30 to 10:30 my home. Nr vr l-=---"'"'~~--1 h' h · ·uo 1 .. ~ M •• c H HB 546-5410. for store at Fuhion sland Ptrtonntl Director ig paying posi n w ......,,. 3"'1 •t wy, · 1 m. JASON BES T BUFFUM'S needed full time sale·1·"'··,
l.<1-World Lquoa Hllll '
153'1·101• .• ~R,..,_ea~I Es""'ta""'ta~Sa~les-1
food chain. Experience not COCO'S Ianl S3&-U73 -.uJ ~iin of 5 yn af Indus. per-neet'!ssary. Ask tor Mr. ' EmpltJyment Agency #1 Faihlon ltltnd 40 hour week Monday
sonnet exp I: coUea:e degree, Dorkin, S41Ml49S NEED Babysitter: Unwed 2120 so. Main. Santa.Ana through Friday. Please C'Oll·
"""1i<OC<doal-"" b"" s.n aemem. olllco. Free telepholle •Mot, Jo\j
o( 1loor t 1 me, liltfn& cxiat-
mimons p&ld promptl)' •
EJIO!I C, Maltoot\' a.1117
1SU No, El Cami.no Rat
Must be 11t:lf motivated &1 ===~===== 15S$W. Ad1ms, C.M. mother-to-be reliable, ATTRACTIVE GIRLS APPLY IN PERSON tactMR.SJ"EM,6"./ll81
,..,.,.., wm i,. ,.,,.,.ibto CLOTHING• FURN!SHJNGs JR. ACCOUNTANT c I• a". 1 o v • ch 1 d ro. 1 A't '" • • " Karls Tow for all penonnel functions. SALESMAN for men' 1 RoomJbrd •mall salary. Full time.pa.rt time, Age lJ. 0 " to..,. and -P ,.
fl0,000 yr start. Resume & atore. Full .time. Salary 54&-7800 30. Commercial Ho11te1•ing SO Fashion Island* N.B.
aalary hi.story box M loo:! open to expenenced-ma~ 2 yrs, college or ~valent. CASHIER will train YoU11i for C.Onventlons. banquru, JIOSTESS EXPERIENCED
Pilot. APPLY.CARLTON'S, 270 E. Experienced general ledi'('r, woman 'neat ap~arance. etc. Excel, pa.y & benefits. • WAITRESS 17th SL. No. 5 Hillgren fi !al t t ntll oat Will train. Call ?ifls1 Oui1 \VAITRESS INSTRUCTOR nllll(' s acme ' c •· 8:30 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m. Call TtUior, 5"10-61!4 Daya; • • 1 _S.U..._=·~Coll=a=M~•7m~--l lnventory conlrol, etc, Some Mo-5266 5:30 to 8:00 p,m, B kk * Experienced * AP!'lv In Person l\tatu~, young adult, look· * * MANAGER 1or 1-man tab knowledge des!rabl.-. only. 00 eeper ' ~~~';.!~,~~~~ej,~11e: manuf. oper. Young, Robertshaw Controls BABYSITTER • your txime, · APPLY IN PERSON SURF I. SIRLOIN
.. ~ I'l" mature, Hi-school grad: , Co. Larkvtew School area. HB. Account£ payable tor apart. 5930 Pac. Cat. Hwy.
""'°H l~d I great opportunity for ad· Uni-Li ne Dfvl1fpn for k.inderprten child 2 ment bullder, Prefer COD-REUBEN E, LEE Newport B11ch o i ay Heath Spa vancement. <Some design & 16072 Goth•rd HB ' 1 Ex n LADY •-. d , • days wk, 84:Z..2806 a.true! on aper. ce ent STERNWHEELER To "'""k alter 3 friend· mech. aptitude eslrable) Equal Opportunity Emplo)"<'T YOUNG glr! to do llto benefits. 540-9ntl Mr, Ron· Jy 11chool...qe c.hlldttn, and }'or interview call 49f.5535 · • Co TRAINEE Young mlLll in. JANITOR FULL TIME housekeeping. l day/wk, l-4 Nd mer. dolltehou1ecteanln1 teres~ in Jearni~ trade. Order Desk $500 up Five days a v.•eek hn. Corona del Mar areL e ORDER CLERK• 151 E. Coast Hwy. Hours: 1:~5:30, Mon.Fri.
Must have aood references. Stahle non-defense Co, Top 67:;..2416 afteT S:30. Interesting job. Newport &.•ch Vic. Huntington Center.
Good pa)' & benetlts. Steady working cond & benefits. CalJ APPLY WILL TRAIN Start Sept 10, Salary open.
employment. 64&-mt. Geore:e. 54&-5410 BABYSITTER for 9 yr. old, O~r person preferred. Eves. ADVERTISING Call 847-1095 after 5:30
• Costa Mesa •
San Oc!mente
or call collect for appt
tn4l 492-61.S
STUDENTS Hixson Metal Finishin" J11on Best e DESMOND'S e 2:30 to 1 P.M. daily. Lota of AGENCY F T $1 iiL .. 1ime to study. Ba.I Jsle Don The Beacht'Ottl~r •ctory rne11 ,INf'lr
YOUNG Man Interested in Employment Agency ' #3 Fashion Island 675-?933 Apply aft. 4 PM. 3901 ln Newport Beach. needs Good oppty to advanct. Need extra money! Wt need
the pie businesa. A aood 2120 So, Main, S.A. Newport Beach HOUSEKEEPER -Jive in or E. Coast Hwy., CdM BOOKKEEPING, Pleuant working condltloJUI, peoph! to do polllical can;
Mutt to tho'""' P'"""· 6 • JANITOR-GARDENER • JANITORIAL ooL Motberleu "°""'· boaoh WAITRESS AND GENERAL OFFICE UNUMABITEDILIT!AEGS-·CY '"""'· Work will Jut op< ' I day wk. App, in perwn; Perman e t1 t position, HOSTESS p /•·-dbl ~j~ A 11 pollUqna requtre Pre«. two weet.. Applicant ! I
V., Pl !Jl! E llth SI •~ ... '""" t •A°"/ 40 Part-time work. Need sever-an:a. 2 teenagtra. Prefer ay. ™""" po1t entry, ~-E 17tb St ~·11 ~· tomo .... ~---. Good ,. .. ~ •· :n ---~ t 1 ' es, · ' ...... ,_,. a "90'1 mo, aJ men in CM, NB ar-. 4-ti under '5. 531-1451 Experienced, 18 to 22 yre old. ba.t1k rec., hlllin(, i,ype 50. "'-~ M. ·•""" !~: .... 1170 ~ ,.re<...... -·.,. or .,.~ .. ..., net
C.M. 9 to 12 noon. i:r:·ta. ex;~en!:e~~en ~~ hr shifts. Starting 6 PM~ Ap. WAITRESS & Con co u r • e Part time. Apply In person; Undn-35. Xlnt opp, c.D ~ti esa ~ v.wklna: oondJtlona &1ld appearing, Cll1 (113) ta1-m i.-I' j
EARN While you LEARN. ply 400 North Harbor, Santa Waitress. MESA LANES. MR SJ'EAK, 3267 Fa.Irview, B11.rbara, 642-3910. GtMr•I Office $475 up benctlt&. GENERAL: st hr. Pd.1n ad-· • 1 1 I
Start $3.40 hr, rai8e every 60 ~1~=~ ~-0. Box Ana. 1703 Superior Ave., C.M. C.?if. TELLER Bh.lrtitul offlce1 Newport Equal opportunlly emplo)ltr vance tt&mplns e1rcu1an at ' :~~ ~~. j~:tnebe ~~~o~ I =80~x""'eo=Y--~Mc.,,,-,-.. ~.-.. -1~1.1 BOYS to .. 14 646-3993 ~ANITORIAL YouNG: awc~•I~ • com· a.rea. Top benefits. C&1I Kay, ~1re~N:. toSe::r,:,
worker, outdoors, t 0 ea 1. wk. day mornings, oV1lr 16. Carrier Ro1 utts Open NURSES • Piivate Du ty Part·tlme work. Need sever-~a:;~is ~' 1 ~ll;r~~ e:~~ 546-Mlj11on Beat eo~4: ~~ W~. add., stamped •nwlope. •·. .I '
tll.3) 870-6551 Must be neat and have or needed. RN'1, LVN'1, All al women in CM, NB area. pref'd. p 1ea 11 ant, •mall Employment Aaency cnjJ ~ Productt tJnllmtted, Bo: , ..
SERVJCE station salesman, haircut. Apply in peraon, Laguna Beach, So, l.quna &hi.ttl, Call •ny hour, U hr shifts. Starting 6 PM. oillcc atmosphere in large, 2120 So'= Maln, S.A. J.S.313, Woodbury, N .1 '
full tfme, llghl mechanic, Richard's Lido Market. 3433 DAIJJ..J21:'°1' 642-9955 ~~ :.. North Harbor, beautiful surroundings. MARRIED\l TOO MANY 1-----------~======-I
neat in appearance, 2 yrs ~V7ia=L=ld='o,_N~.•~·-~--CHRISTIAN Lady u nunery Contact Mr, Lapp BILLS! Permanent.-part I ADYIRTISING exp. Stt Jim, m> Newport CASHIER Male, full time. GARDENER.. Exp. for apt attendant Newport lfarbor Experienced in single needle DOWNEY SAVINGS & time help wanted in mack J. W. Rob ftlOft
Blvd., c .M. Healthy, neat, good M!fs. complex. 5 Daya week. Ap.. Lutheran Church. Sun. and overlock.. Good piece LOAN ASSOOATJON bat. See mal'llller alter 7:30 Has opening• for: AGENCY
TALL Young man. H.S.
rrad· for 51,'i day week, inel
Sat & Sun. BaY3kle Fish
?ifarket. 2800 Newport Blvd,
Student OK. Apply In person ply in person. 31423 Coast 8:45-U. $1.50/..-. 548-94!M work prices, •teady work. 8:17-4911 a MiMlon Viejo pm. Paulo Drlve In
be I ween 10-1. MlLK }Ii way, So. Laguna BABYSIITER For 2 yr old, EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust Theater, 3051 Newport Blvd,
in Newport Bea.ch, needJ
PAST! UP ARTIST PALACE DRIVE-IN .,..BOAT CARPENTERS my home nr. occ. ?i1ust St., Westminster; 53f..8738 SetBe~Bruce al 01. -•-
DAIRY. 840 w. 19th, Cf'.1 ,Exp'd boat carpenlet'll want. have own transp. f\1on.Frl. CLEANING lady wanted 2 m l 'co·"--,-m-1N_A_T_!O_N_.-Sha-rp_Bl_r SECURITY
for ..,ency work, Call Bobbi :
642..JStO. EXPANDING n11.t'I Co. Mltk· r d. Inquire al AUTOCOAST 8:30-12 AM. $27. wk. days a week on Lido Isle. • Maids 1:. Go Go Da.ncen,
ing sales rep. to eell • new 1974 Placentia Ave., CM. 546--5011 Please write and rtve 166 XIJ& Top wages. $3.00-$3.50 to GUARD SERVICE Station ri e e d s
night man. 5 PM to 10 PM.
Muat have ex per I en ce.
Union Oil, 393 E, 17th St.,
Co~t htesa
computerirecl bus. systen1 SERVICE Station Wesman. DENTAL ASSISJ'Ai~T reterencu. Daily Pilot Box Agency-for Ca:retr Glrl1 start. Ph. for inf. 545-9983 -•-
tr, local !'; n1 a I I -med Exp'd, ag:e no ban1er. Full 21.JS yrs. X·Ray 831-1920 M 91'.ll. flO W. O>ast Hwy., N. B. Sassy Lauy, 2901 Harbor, MAID
Preferable dl,Y 1ttltt. APPb' · ,
businesses. 642-0003 anytime. time, Wary + cornm. Mis. Viejo. CHILD CARE, re Ii ab I e, By appolnt. 646-3939 C.M.
HANDYMAN r.tobil Station,~ El Toro BJ\BYSI'ITER llAM . 4 mature lady. 3 d~Y• I wk. • •• OPERATORS •• , -e-
361 aw Drive,
EXP Service 1111.tion at·
tendenls. Apply in person,
Fitter's Union Serv:ice, 2248
Harbor Blvd, C.M.
fabrieatioD & or installation.
Newport Beach a re a .
\VANTEO: 2 rou&h
carpenters or 1 carpenter &
Call : 673-0465
PAJtT Time 1 AM to 11 Am
or 8 AM to Noon. No 1ellinJ.
638-4698 or 544-0460
Pt. time S1nall Craft Ramp,
Pl.cl.fie Q>a1t Hwy & BIY·
side Dr. Ref's. nee. Ph.
George 673-7160
613-0077 * DISHWASHER
Full time day t.hlft
hWNTENANCE Man, ii. or
part time for gen'! all-
around maintt-n•nce
Pho-·•·••m.. Orange Avt., Costa M~. txpe:r nee. ,.., ... 'J'.. ~.
tn4) 494-5427. • * DELIVERY BOY * * 1s"ER="'v~1CE=-"m-tioo~-.-1~t.-nd~an~L-I Canyon Auto Supply
Exper. nets. Set "Mike", 843 Broadway, 1.8.iuna Bch.
Helo W•nltd, Mon 7200 H•lp W•nlod, Mon 7200 ,
I Experimental I
High School education or completion of
recognized .apprenticeship plu• e i g ht
years shop experience in manufacturln~
precision g=· WUl perform high prec1· sion mac · g work Crom blueprints,
sketches and 1peclficationa. Adapts and
improvises simple to moderately com·
plex tooling and fixtures to complete ex·
perimental machining assignments. Re-
cent experience machining preclslon
parls on lar&e engine 'lathes preferred.
c.11 •• •Pf'Y lo Bert Miii• (714) 54 IO)O, Ext. 15.1
Mlaono Sys!-DMofon
Laguna .......
Rd., Lq:una Hills. PM, 5 yr old boy Linrlbera Lite houll"keep1nj. Good NVRSES Needed tor private Experienced in aln&le needle PART 11ME DRY clwtlna help needed.
EXPERIENCED service it.a-!!Chi area 646-2157 aJt 5:.30 pay. 3 sc.hcol-e.ie, 1 baby. duty. PracUcal, Aides. No and overlockl. Good piece COOK/IAKER ExperleDced only. C!ounter
1ion attendant, full-time. &l2-404S lie rl(!C. 3-U, ll·7 4: live-In, work prit.-e1, ateady work. checken, prea•era A 1 ~
Apply in person: 2 O g 6 ~~n?s~lKg~~~:;-c:cep.. HOUSEKEEPER. Sm a 11 Must • have refa. Ca 11 EDDY MOSS 14042 LocWlt operators. Call Ml-85llO fdOl'l
Harbor Blvd. 646-5558 642..(168() ' house al the be:ach. 1 child. 642-00'".>5 St., Westminster; 5:U-873S, , Apply Ptraonnet thN Fri & to 12 mon. ' ,
HELP \VANTED -Male. , Ov no cookUw. Spani.lh or 'l'EL.EPHONE SOLICITOR 4-BEELtNE FASHIONS nttd.s R b• lO 10
4 pN.m. rt COOK -HOUSEKEEPER, :..'.
Part time. Apply In penon. WAITRE~ESS~~d,H 21
1· J~pancse speakbti: OK . !I pm dally Mon-Fr. Exp'd three styllltt ln thlt att•. Q 10$QR$ IWPD or housema.n, OOnt) for 2 ,
JACK IN THE BOX 1205 App, Co r '"'1" o t e 67~281 pref. dependable, CM outce Qua lit I cat Ion 1 · Lo adult.a. NB. Write Dally ' ..,,.
Baker St., Costa MeS.:. Laguna, Lllauna Bc.h. DREAM Job -Keep your $2 hr !>45-0137 cloth.-1, drive car. N~ col· Fashion Island~ N.B. Pilot Box P 904. • '
EXP. Ser. Sta. Salaiy + TR A .Y GI r l/Dlahwasher important job aa wUe &: CARE For l yr. old chl\d, &. lectlon~ or dellverle1. CaU Equal opportunity employer ow"'AITERS==", w""'a"'i""tr_t_•_•_t_l_,I • ,
comrn, o/time PfQ' aft 40 combination. Full or part mother & earn a wkly Ute hou.sewrk my home 539-5435 21.21 Cou H C d M.
hrs. Full/I. Perm. 990 E. time. 64i-8044 paycheck. 544-38&1, fi40..6987 Newpt, are•. To live in +G c:::IR:.:L::t::o-do-te-le-pho_ne_&_ll_iht Bus~.~. ::.d_ Apply: r•
Cst Hwy. NB. e a CASHIER e e BABYSIITER in your home, salary. BTS-2396 ofllce work. Study trnJlloY· SCHOOL
I NJGHT work ln bakery. Cat Wash. Full time. Ba.I. I81. •"'1L lat. grade BABYSITTER for infant, menl, good pay. CROSSING
Make donutt and s.sslat. 494-1922 boy, bef A alt. sch!. 675-4110 wk.day mornin1s, 1ny home, 1489 E. Warner, Santa Ana GUARD
Trotter'• Bakery, 234 Forest Llihl factory IAbor aft 6 pm. Lite hikpg. Unlveraity Park 541M676: interview 10.:J
Avt .. Laguna Bch Femall! . immediate opcnirc BJ K l NI Barmaldtdanc:er. area. 8J3..-04.31aft12:30, Mr. Kennedy
KNOWLEDGEABLE Stereo . 642-6446 Full or part.time. Coeta MATURE Woman to baby1!t iEAUTY OPERATORS
component 811.l.-s tratnel!. FULL-Time maids, f'l!llOrt Meu my home, 4 day1, 11:30 'ti! 2. One full.time, one part.time.
School,.ln1tru<llon 7600 •
The Newport Schaal ' ·.
of Business , . 71-30 yrs , Call Mr. Vann l10tcl, Laguna Beach. 64&-7301 MS-8997 Guaranteed Wfl#H p!lll aim.
646-8897 ' 494-1196 B OOKKEEPER. Full LEGAL SECRETARY pa.ny benetits, paid VI.ta· 133 Dover Drive N.I. *'
Mechanic wanted. TEACHER Needs babysitter. Charge. Contact Mr. Fish A Experienced. Busy Ottlce, tlona. Busy ahop, Ca 11 ltequl~1 fOOd health, detrite Perhapa )'OU &te ~
$93.00 bl-WMkly
Unkm 76 Stalion Houn: l)..o(, 2 boys, qes S Chipa, Inc. 4242 Campus Or, HB, ~8 or 838-6460, MS.9919, uk for Manager. p<mwtenl poslUon d .. ..1.... ··-•·--NB ru ........ to re-tni'e'r tbt b......,_ • -1900 Newport Blvd, C.M. &-. 6. 962-6283 . 546-6 MATURE Woman to babyalt WOMAN·houaewtft, use your acbool ~ar and a car, world aftH an able.nee ol "I
SECOND OXlk ror pvt, c:oun. HOUSEMAID -E n a 11 1 b , HOTEL MAID for reductni p r o cram. tpal't tlmt to earn money. Work approx. -25 hn. P e r many yean, Perhapl JOU · • ':
try club. Dinner l!hitt. Call Gennan 01' Swedish. 1A1r1Jn• Full 01' p&rt lime. Small Income. 642.-3630 Win prl:re.1, no an limit, no weo:Sc ipllt ahUt, 21,i hrs AM, ..,. workUil: but }\l.ve ~
for appoint. 847-7004 area. 494-f!TO \VUI lra.ln, 673-8800 NURSES AIDES & LVN ::u:~:..~~ ~ i!t~~ M;~p~htu n1'~ vanc00 aa tar u YoW' Pl"t•
DELIVERY man, pt·ti~ HOUSEKEEPER.. 2 Sehl. a MAIDS e Experienced. SePt. 4th. to the Penonnol enl budneu Xnowted19 A
L.A. Times car route. aien. Pvt 1'l11 & bit. FV Excitl"' apt complex need1 54~1 BEAUTY-OPERATOR • Ex· OUice, Ctty or Newport lkUJ. wW take Yo\J. Nona.
CM area. 548-3303 area, Ute cook. 342--7354 full &: part tlmt help. Good * WAITR ESS pertcnccd atylllt w/toll~-Beach. 8300 Nawport Blvd. Hollman, t.t ~will bt pay Call Faye at 642-8170 Ing. Hilb eomrnllllon + haPP7 to anrwtr aJtY 'lOfl> ESI'ABUSHED Insurance • BARMAID. Nl1hll. Apply . Apply at THE J1.YlNG Btrr. be-nefits. UDO AREA Nnport Beach, Calif., (1l4J ttona reprdbw your pu. ,
Leach avail, N.B. office. a81t:~ 6,__~·MlT23 Newport HOkUdSEKPR2 hoo%•130 ·hlld6 LER. Expe.rlencrd. 67J.-091'7 .6'13-4186. • ~6™633."""='------tlt'ular p.1. ,,.
Career oppt. ~ vu., ........ ta ese w ayfl, IC age c • LIGHT N 1 .... du 10 .;.;..:-"''-------12 Bdn:n apt. Util turn to .-.:=;;;~==.:==="-'===· -=====-owt1 tran1p, Back Ba,y,. C.M urs... u es 0 RAPER Y WORKROOM Co\Ulle for; ...
Help Wanttcf, Men 7200 H•lp Wanted, Men 7200 642-1182 aft 6 Pr.t :~i:·~~s~ ~tabtt. No •"il!:..,"Armec. ~ .. Atime Lendtcap. SAUClltMAN SCHOO.L ~
EXP'D SALEnADY .... ·~ ... _ ... Mo lnton..... Co. Fal...,.und• If, 14 I. ,...,. ... ,. ....... • • •••• • ........ MK'T'G stCY I RECPT. Irvine. ~ Whml the Prolnm 1 "ANUFACTU•IN"' Ml!n. W'tl'l'lent OothlfW Xlnt skills 4: ex..-1450 J'io lawn. JUlt ah.Nbbtr)', J::lp J'Jtl ·~-Cllld ... ,.. ,.. * MWM3 • • ·• • BABYS.ITl'ER, My homo. nee. Other remuneration p<11-W"'·J ll .... eo. '" ·• PRODUCTION hrs 8-6, O>sta Mo,. ,,.,_ 211 hrs doJ]y tilter icbooJ ~bit. Qlll 146-00 btwn T•30. -· _..,......... '' D~SK Clerk College boy; pt HOUSEKEEPER, live . In. $1.25 hr. Wt1tcllU arei 11:30amtoam.naetorappt. ..... ~..... Ed. D"•-" -":
TRAINEES tune, Ken Niles MottJ. tern Prlv. nn A: ba.th. 2 childrtn. 645-0962 _..........., ...,llUU ._... =-~D:;:\r .. ;";N.Bi:::. =rl~~~·!',',:.,""~·-·~-1-'"-'=---Proltultnol Ev<1 HJ.llll ' · ·: ~ • llll. '"'"'Ml't WA.NTJ::D· Shampoo Girt fdr ~
i Ext>'d Dental RecepUoniBl $fl A M P 0 0 G I R L &: exclliSivf bea11<ty •a Io n , Employment * Palntl1'& a..... * ~· ;·
N•wport Beach MANICURIST. Call tor ap. --c d M. A11l1tanc• Btfb:mloe, JnteftDICfl&ll, , NO EX,llUENCE NECESSAllY. 21 TO JI YE.All.$. CAll .. .1...11~ Q.JI-cn .. TAL &ftENCY d--· I ·~···· r • Hl9H SCHOOL i;ltADUATI. IF YOU HAVI THE A'· •1r;..,n;;;-~T.;;:i:7.=-=::::::IJ"'~ln!!h\l1!'".,'."''.'.,•,?,67~~:!:'.:~--1 _. ,.,.,, A .,.,~ nterna....,......, •' • TITUDl WE Will TRAIN YOU .• ,,.MANfWT I~· LEASING Aon.ti for countr)' BABYSMi'ER for 18 t'l'IC) HOUSEKEEPER, 7.a AM, A mem~ 41 recorntud ltlltructor. :
l"LOYMENT EXCELLENT 01',0RTUNITY FOii. AD· dub apUI, NB. Guar. aalaey &h'I, 4 dlt,)'l Incl Sal. 1 ew. ~~m; ~~k. SneUlnr. sne.wnc. Inc. POETS ON~· --; ...
VANCEMINT. + bonua. Elpe.r, 604170 Rtfi. 133-:1241 aft i :30 · ' 2'1'90 HarDor Bl, CM 54Q..8055 302 Main. Bl1boa •
JO PM to 6 AM. 1400 W. hO\l.tewOtlt, 2 boys, 3 6 ·~ ~~=t atatt or HAIR WEST. EX-F.ducauaa.l VMatioo a • Paci.Uc COli•t Hwy, N.e. call S4MlT3 In a.m. J)t:rUIJ)Ced 1elu:lr cutter. padl'.n ••• It Cltl:lal ~.-..
PT Tn~ -· Id .__ SALES: Mature Woman. part f'ollowlrc prefarnd. -Beif Olllcmt lO .._,. t:r.-. .~ -"
• uu~ wur CU ell '"' BABYSITTER lot' Infant. time evf ~ 1.rv1no Avt eTMU6 ~ Trtal ......... lJl.nil ~L. ~ bllott.rul new at:ult apt. Mon thru ht a.3·30 pm N 8 •i; • ... 1ur n1~--" parent•. " f, ., SPS Western
complex NB MW170 ' ' · ' " · · '11""" ~-ilAIRSIYLIST: Un h•pp~ _Mat. C.M.... ..._ .~
Mt 1..., CWllllWllftf ~WI' ' Nn')'IOT't H,,11• •tft. fi.16-6«59 HOUSEKPR Uve--ln lo r when )'OU ari! Excluawt MONTESSOR.1 tralnl ...... 1-_,,.
-...::~~~~!!!!~!!~~~~~~:__I b~~~A!N~IO~U!A~l~O~l;l'O~•~TU~N~l;TY~l;M~l~lOtY~t;•~~~~ I Tot Dally Pilot Want Adt CIARGE ITl eldf!r'ly couple, m at u re ulon need• lllJ:r..e"b'ltat A 2~ to $. Gtw 3'0Uf' ddM • • • • • • • • • • • , Dt.al ~ woman pref;d. 6U-e6&1 foUowlnc. C d M. 11).312(1 belt tdtlfUM. f48:.3'IUt. •
A DM1lon of ll!e m
Suoquolianna Corp. ~
2701 So. H•rbor, S1nt• An•
mr-----------:-----..-·~··----,,------...---=------.---~-------.... -------------------~+:O OJSPGU#4:!..Fm'ij:Jlj ....
" ! •
~. ..
,...,...,,, s.,i.mi. 4, 19'9 ••
Of ••. lUXUIT ~
S,nh• & ~dhwr••• fvn!iturt
., 9·~ Mtdlterr1"•1n B•droom Suite In Pecan
11\~ '3'19.00I .. ________ .NOW $161.00
6ort•ou1 Spenlkh Custom 8uilt Sofa with
•1 • matching loY• Seet-Choic• of heautiful
I fobriu. !Reg. $419.9SI NOW $2JS.00 ~W1~.~ie!:'1 i.~ie;··~d-c;,·;;;~r~·~;,~;-:-J~::::
Tell O.coretor Teble Urmp•
1, IR19, $49.961 -.. -.................. NOW $11.00
I S~nlsh Hen9ln9 Sw•g l amps
; IRag. $49.951 ............................ NOW $19.50
'" A decorator dream house on d~play -3
.,, rooms of gorgeous Spanish furn iture (was
• reg. $1295.00
•• •,
I '· I. \!
~ '· •
SACRIFICE • • • • a a $398
Credit Terms AYail. Credit Cletred l ~mediete ly mm FURNITURE
1844 Newport Blvda11o!::. ""'·'
Costa Mesa only .
hwy Nlglit 'Tl t -WK. Sot. • s ... 'r. 6
-Purnltw. IOOO
LOST OUR LEASE 0.-.. ....... w .. ,11..._..,.
Must Vacate Now
............... cost
Our -oq. ft. Store Si...,k must bt sold
Optn to Publlc F irst tlmt
3 looms Fum. V11ui Over$1000: Now $389.
• 5 pc. ""11"iltlc s,.hll ... .-Ill, • " ... .,tit· td Mf1 wlttt 36 IL •tc.._ '"9 Nit, .,. c•llr •
5pc. s......., ~··'·"'..,. 3 _, ... llwT-_,..,. llllln, ,., HnW. -" fw
Flamingo Do•ct.
Once In • lifetim• pric•• of I 00 I oth•r items.
Plus an erlr• specio1I off•r $5 off on any $100
purc~•1• or mor•, with • copy of this 1d.
• I 0 pc. Quilted Corn•r A11emble ·······-···$159.95
• t6 in. Quilted Sofa; w/56 In, lov• •••t-.. $149.tS
• 60 in. Heevy Spo1ni1 h Coffee To1 bl•·······-·*'29.94
• Lo1r9• M1tchin9 l•mp T•bl•s .................... $1 9.95
• Sp1ni1h Decorator L1mp1, from ···-··-···-···$14.95
• Guo1rant•ed Box Spgs. & Mo1ffrtsse1, from $19.95
• Stacks & Stecks of 15 yr. Quelity King & Quee n
Bi nk Terms St ore Che"t9e M1 1fer Cho1r9•
B•nkAme rlc1rd All Accepted
0,.. U dolly-Sol. U , S... 10.S 54&-9660
2065 Cha.to St. Cosio MHI
Behind "H•rbor C•r W•sh"
Enter off Ham ilton or Bern1rd St.
A liitl• h•r4 to fi lld, i.ut worih th1 cloll1rs yay 11¥1!
Mloctll1-MCIO Ml-Ila-, MCIO Misc. W1nlod '410 Oops 1125 S1llboots 9010
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, PERFECT POODLES ··--------
• WE p•y MORE FOR PARTlCULAR SEA Scout'• desperately
* •ucnoN * Pueuc AUCTION ... PEOPLE. Al<C s I • • • -• MAIN "" ... 22
FRIDAY -SEPT. 5 THURSDAY. S.pt. 4 ,.,.... ll0-1962 ""6'lll9
7:• P.M.. 7:• PM MAUo: C.nnan Shepherd Powor CruiM" 9020
From Re-A Bal\k. NEW & USED FURN: AKC. Clwnpion po In 11.
kiptclH. N!:W Ir USED 13odtm -U. IJvlna: l'OOm M!f, For turnJtUtt, appllancej, Prelttl adulr.., 5C8-M22 28 Cillfom1&n f b r 1 I 1
FURNITURE O:imbln&tson.: Olnettw. OeSU, Dl'ea!tttl, CQkncl TV1 plabos, orpm atAMPlON Ii.red SKYE Ter-w/Oyina bdd.i;e, encl head,
Color TV & Stereo, Bedroom • ltecllritr, SOlas. Love seats, Ud anttq~. rle,r pupS. Calm, ftuffy, rare lwn 2'JO enp. in top abape.
llct.I, Dlvat11, Cotfee lable1, LamPt, Pidures, etc. Da.f or night 549-2M7 · Extra fuel. 2 8-D baltL Bia;
Cheat., Detlw, Wnps, Pie. GUARANTEED 631-3620 1..::::..:;;;;,-;;=...,.,=--I elect. pane!, blt·in charger .
turea, '"""""· Btmk bod~ APPL IANC:ES: • WAN-D Al<C Male Afghan Moool '""'"· 1Stl wan Mattreueia, Typewriter&. Re-Gu 1tovu Electric stoves Iii 3 yean, $125. radio, C:S.ADF, depth liOUI).
fdetna.IQn. Stovet,. Waibers. Frost .. F~ Refrigerators' FUR"ITURE • 536-1.QI * der, Marry other Extras.
Gu Dl')lets &: M U CH Washen:, Dryen, Freetti:s.' TOP.. CASH IN 30 ?.tin l GERMAN Shepherd puppies, SU.500. call alter S P~t,
MOR.f:! ! ALSO: Quality t\lrni colOc u n 8 weekl, 4 females.$10 each. 64>17!11
COM!! BROWSE A.ROUND Color 1V'a. stereos, etc 1t~ ~ TV'•1;"",::.;;-065~1;· =~~~~-71'"'"'B"OS=T"'O"N~WHA=~L=E~Rc I WINDY'S AUCTION 8'\t • Resta"""t "lui;ment. olfiro ~u:::' fools, 1'ACllSHUND. Roo. W.cl< & "" hp, 1rau..-, mp. Tr>! .;i;so
Mi&e. Ileflla. 531·1212 tan. Al!C regiattred. Cham· Schoell: m.2050, ADAMS Nvv0 b"~ pion''""· 644-0221 l :CR=U1ZON==1~s'°· "'ea"-b~in-"'""'~.-1 2(175111 Newport Blvd.
Behind To~·, Bldg. Mat"la.
Co1ta Mcaa. * 64&.8686
"4.:..u ••""II one to 1000 , . FURNITURE .......,"'>priced.-· AJ<c ""'d poodle ""'''"• MX>Clltbg~. motor • tr1r. l~==~~:;;:=;;;;~~I apricot. 2334 Westmirulter S5!JO. ~388 MART Mochlnory, tic. 1700 Ave, C.M. 64._1713 l========cl
ll929 E, ea,..., 860-3'10 TRANSPORTATION ~cl-Ski 8o1t1 9030
BEDROOM set. Ea• tern Hawalian Gard.ens, 3 btcb E *F'ORKLIFr, OOXI lb.
Maple, farmhouse 1t)l1e. of 605 Frwy. formerly Pat·~ Clark. Quick sale. $.!15 Boats & Y1cht1
Bed, coropl.etr, va:J1ity & I jl~i\'6i~~~:"ii:;;~·;"''J-=~642~-8393~~o~,~E~v~,~· ~89~1~-2433~:; J ~nch. chest & night st.am l MISSION Viejo _ Moving • -FREE!
10" beach saw with 100' ex-Barg I • 8' FREE TO YO tension cord. 17' ~-'daire . ans. sofa $-6, 2 U Ba.sic Bo a 11 n g Courtt
c ''6' Dan1&h Im Po r l chairs, oUercd to the public by the
frt'ezer, new cond. lid a1n t "" Lovel TO~ 60 W U .,,., ea. Y ,......,... borne only. 6'i 1vrek Balboa Power Squadron lor
HollyiNood bed, complete. small Danish ea bin et, old kittens, hilly weaned. """'pie interested in c<>ifboats
SmaJI desk &. chair. Green wain t lta"' f O ~· -u • su we or bar range tiger-stripe male as well as po11·er boats.
leather lounge chair~ Steel th' I"" s 4 G f ' • m~ or a .,,..ms 0. ncy ema.Je, tan female, 2 Every Monday night !Or 13
9000 18' Fiber&is boat & Oil 1ibon:
TTIOCU'ing 110 hp Volvo, stern
drive, 8/1 radio, bait tanks,
etc. Xlnt cond. Gd. ski boal
On £hare rnooru.t" Balboa
lsl, No. Bay nU'l:>-2899
171A OUTBOARD c a b I o
cruiser, sleeps 2, classed Up
lo the water line, w/tn.iler,
both llcenaed. NO MOTOR.
$245. 494-2189 alter 6 PM oUlce tile. 548-1'.848 , Portable stereo/phono, like !win remWes, pure while wt-'t'ks, beginning 7 p.m.,
DOUBLE bed, box spring & new $45. OJJlce !i.te portable with gray caps on head. Jl.fon., Sept, 15 (bring .note.
mattreu, good oond $15, 36" Olympian typewl'iler, wide 642-6789 9/5 book lirsl nll;hO at Ne•.l'porl 101'' Fiberglass s p e e d
x30"x30'' Cherrywood speak. carriage $75. G.E. was.h£>r }>~REE to Qual. home with Harbor Yacht Cub, 120 w. boat, w/trlr. rohp Mere.
er ublnelll w/15" stereo w/mlni-baaket, hke new fencd yard, brautiful pure Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Make olfer. 6-16-8693, 400
electro voice Wolverine bass $&1. Eltt. dl')'er $35. All b~ red Do . Pref No advance registration. En. Slgnal Rd., NB
11peaken1 $35 each. 6ureau Quality, Vf!I'Y g~ co~itloo, older child or xi~iher 00: roH at ~-Any question, 1 '1"s·""a.=•"m,c..c.w"185""'-h~p-·r.fu.c
$5. J'xfi/8 HC wood door, Come Stt and save. 24481 panion pet 846--3818 l-:i;r.U~673-=;:;185S"'=,=-=-=== eng., l&:e whl trlr, skiing
l I----------I·-----=----~ I new $4. Industrial window 01tlsanta Dr. 837-5215 536-209t · , 9~ SCRAM I 'ETS equip. Good cond. Sl.395
i I ---------;..o.:c:;;.;:.:.=,.. ___ ..:::.:::: G.E. Wuher w/min~basket. NEW PIANOS.... fan ;i. Assorted tropical EVERYTHING GOES NEED ,........ 00:,, for 4 "L ·~""'=263-1~~~-~--• ~ OVER -STOCKED 20 PC. ''MADRID'' 2 yrs old $6,;. like new. Famous Brands fish 50c ea. 675-4875 1;, PRICE • •• at lovable j~ hai~ kit1e11S ANSWERS '14'6.' Gl.ASPAR. 7 SH p Electric dryer $35. 837-5215 1'l't'mendous savings!! DEMOLISlHING SALE! ''ANYTHING GOES'' g wks. old J male, 1 f('n\ale: EvlnnJde motor. Good con. ' MUST SELL' 3 Room Group Mission Viejo NEW ORGANS, •• ' Comp I e I e D u p I ex This is the sale you've been p..etty colon. ~1890 or dition $625. 673-5158
• FROM MODEL HOMES Frigidaire refrigerator. c.onsoles and Spinets furnishings:; furniture tall waitina: for!! EVERYTHING 541-7006 916 Shabby -Tulip -Cabin _I '1°'96:7"'°'1:6'-.,,C~las-~-n-.~50~h-.p, t Includes: Quilted &ofa and top tree~ $150. 181 Al ~jEt1?;0~!1t nns), applianctos (refrig &. at BITTH stores% Price!! 3 mo old k'tt h /free Darkly-IT SH.RANK Mercury. Xlnt oond. U495.
> ,N@W 9 pc. comer arrang. chair - 2 end tables&: col· l2nd St c ?ti ........ ~89 80 ec e-ins" Low stovel utensils, etc. 1lM $15 Bikinis at n .. Fun wear, 1 w.k , .. ,p1' ,'_"food'°' 1w_n .. •ty Apole<, ,etic bald • """ad•d Call~-·
l choice of clrs. "•· "~. fee table -2 lam"" -dress-·• · · ""o-o"' Down Payment, Terms like Oceanfront, NB. Sat/Sun " w .. ->"" " ,,,.,............, ~ ri ow JJ.59.50. Headb;: er -mimlr -oo'.;dboard -KEN M 0 RE port ab I e rent! S-l. 642.-3199 cover UPll, ~s ~ price. calico 1-purc .b I a ck ~an: In:i not re8;'1Y bald. I 15' Horizon Ski boat. 80 HP ~ Kings, $15, Queens $12.50, quiltttl tm spring & matt· ~:~~~·a::;~ent co~ We're Air Conditioned! FOR. SALE ~ ~H~aycO~:.: 675-sOOs 915 f~~~K.~Y hair
much Mere-. New li'ai1er. $1250.
P'u11 Sl0.50, Twins $4.!IS. reu -5 pc, dining room; COAST MUSIC B llf•·• . . Marine Ave., BaJboa Island '·M.oon Puppie~" 6 wk!s. old, .67 G' """PARC, 1 0 t
642-9917 alt 4 PM -·~-·-ts '(d"' ~·••)WI table &: 4 hi-back rha;-, NEWPORT & ••A<>""R eau ... ongma! oil paint. .... / """"""" ion BCS'J'ON WHALER •• ..._""' • ....,... ·~ S I M hi 8120 nn.n.ou inf, mountain scene in beau-and 2400 W. C's! 1-tiway, N.B. mix ....... te1Tier cocker/beag. Inboard-outboard l3J M , inner spring ma.u. reg. $106, COMPARE AT $749.g;j •w ng •c nu ~ ~sa Fri :o..9 s:--~~ tiluJ blue11 & greerui. Dark -"w=A~R'°E=H=o=u"'s~E~I le, need good homes. 962-2158 Cruiser ''?th pc~ver :ie~~ ~.:lit;br1BOnor * 67~ ~l IJOIW" $79.50. JtolM..wa,y beds $399 SEWING MACHINE wood carved frame. &-e to l"-'=~~~~--_::.:9r.t power trim. Full cover.
":. I inn. 3pring matt. reg. No do~Pmt.s only f16 mt'l J969 SINGER NOW -rent a Baldwin organ appreciate, Reasonable. Call Clean•OUt Sale! FR.1::£.Adorable kittens, grey Ready to enjoy. A J l
• $.59.50, now $39.50 Full BJ, • CONSOLE & learn to pl""· Adult 841 ~-1 & cuJi..... Pl 11 maf t _. Boat Maintenance 9033 ! aleepe !a iiJ9 50 W[U('S WAREJIOUSE o.v ·o.LQ • Boat accessories, motors & ... u. ease ca n e;iance re<:oi-us. l
$1S9 oo1'·llON reJbed.s · '.now Zig Zag Cab. model. Slightly beginners only, Private or 375 sq ft. Airvent screened parts. No reasonable -0ffer 6411--0688 :ml Carob, NB. Ol''lle.t'. KI 6-41141 f m.So. · Qu:'ns, ~.S(J~ ~ 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana used. StylWI wal. cab, Does ~:~ts 1:~':nl~~~~ev; patio room + !torm win-refllSCd. Sept 6 & 7th, 10 am-fEastblufll 916 22' Cabin cruiser, full rttihs, l $49.50, Twins $39.50, fully Open Daily g.9 everything without attach. it or not _ SJ.OO a week ren-dow1 & 2 drs. Oria: $1800. 4 pm. GARAGE 12' x 20·. Remove 100 hp l\lerc outboard.
£UU3.n. King sz spreads Sat 9-6 Su1:1 ll-6 Built in controb; to overcast, tal, lessons extra. You dismanUe. Sacrifice 127 Los Molinos intact or salvage lumber. !'llust sell. best off e r.
'13.95, fl. sz, $9.95, Christ-?i-iOVING ntust sell• I-Um make bu\-holes, sew on hut's, ihARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1 =$4~'~'~· ~"'~"'"""='-----San Cemente 642-4321. Ask for ?i-1.rs: Custom trailer & hitch. ~:J'4Wll.YS now, SIESI'A bdrm,, llv rm, clen & misci ~~~he~c':'s ;,~ ~ 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-M84 SURPLUS factory dre ss f.'fOVlNG : Real fine, 2S oil Greenman ~/6I;"':="=""======= .~· SHOP, 19'11 Harbor Ill' d !abrlCI le remnants. s 0 1 d palnl1ng:s, n1wst go. low BEAGLE, AKC t'emalc, s .
·Blvd., CM 645-2760 daily 10-9 ~ cep se~ ,JVd,s & service guarantee. $5.64 u pr ice, A. Is o, hut eh, "'""· Old. l'•althy & •-a"t. [;S;;s;;1l;;bo;;1;;t;;'====;'°;;;;,10 •·t-~-l... reels. 968-4737 dwn & 9 ,_ f e::. ~~ Television 8205 to )(' public 8-4 Monday J•a ~ ...., " ~ ~· ""'=',,:,::~::c._ ____ J · pym~. 0 ~·'" thru Sa.l. 1820 t.lonrovi" retri!l-freezer, lg. size . AduJts only, prefer ranch or DREXEL Solid -nb.... d. mo. No interest chge., or: ..., .,.,, ,, SPANISH ,, .... ,.,.o. in-COMPLETE PRICE 21" ZENITl·I 1V oor110le CM. IJ't0"<>243 farm. 962-7395 9/5 PRICE INCREASE!
FREE Boat repair fill.
Tt'diler you:r· boat to the
neweHI, fastest boat se.Nice
In the area. Let us make
your boat like new (no job
too smaUJ. We also lell
flbr:~lau supplies. Open 7
J737 S\Jperlor
Costa Mesa. 642-7601
MEDITERnauEAN 'm·~--se. ~•ooc:l,!,,tables. lolls of sle'rco, e.ti::. 19" Admiral VON •-•-• I ""'" ...,.. ~ $56.40 ~ SPANISH Classical Guitar -.;x;,,...uer up X>I cleaner 1 Female Puppy, \Vhite
M Showti tn model hooies. I ~========= I For 00 oWig., free home portable TV $25, \\'Olks \\1th case SM) Surfboard 9"6" machine w/ instru & w/blk spots. Very 8mart & ON ALL 1
-MAN Zi "''ants to leam
3 Rrn11 ot furn. (din rm, liv Office Equipment 8011 demo., call D-edit Mgr. till ~""""'===""""'====== $2:). Tape J't't"Ordcr $40 de t erg t' n t $2.i Hand frie ndly. Needs h 0 en e wooden boat building. Local
• &: b!drm) priced else--54~779 lawnrnower $1 .. n11sc ifen1s. desperately, 548-t:m 9/j CORONADO YACHTS I'l'fs. Limitttl exp. 548-3.34J
b .. """". 9 P.lr1. Ir toll. can O:illect. Hl·Fi & Stereo 8210 96&-1610 cves : '·W ereat.,a.Ji.syoun;today LIQUlDATINC • De!ks, 211-531-9694 DlAMOND :; 1"'" wedding NEED Good horne for f Sc • l ~= .. -=------1
I ;&! onl,y $399. Easy Credit chairs, filing ("ab In e Is' ~--'-.:..:....:.:.:.. __ STEREO 1969 dbt ainsole, rinl,:. I-lave guarantN!d a~ DRESSER w/mirror $3j, adorable 8 wk old blk sA~EUUP '/ci l..ll'• MUST SELL~ '68 Honda 175 .
• Terms. refrigerator. 1652 Newport S!~e~oa~:~c~~6t:': aimpl with full stereo, 4 spd praisaf $2000. Over 2.25 ct G.F'. metal desk SJa, ero. Cocker-terrier mix. Small This Weckend~~355 Slightly damaged. $175/ott~r
S.nt• Ane Furniture-Blvd., C.fl-1. S@.-0575 Ganard cn ........ r, 60 watt Perfect gems.sac r i r i cc quet set, folding ping-pong breed. 84&-3818 6<12-5943
426 W fth SL San design, mooog:nn, blind hem. ·-'6C. =========! · • ta Ana TYPEWRITER. Add, macb, i,a.27 mo or ;42.00 cash. dual channel, 4 spkr sound $62..). cash. 673..3600 table SlO. 5-1!'>-TTS.t RCA \V hi r Ip o o I gas 29U W. Coast High\\·ay 9035
'l;;,,..,o.C•';;,54:::1:,;-0789::;:-"•:_ __ I calculator, Very reasonable. 526-6616 ... ll)'slem. Pay olf ba.I o( sn.26 RESTAURANT GOOD Bellone & Zenith relrigcra.tor. Large freezer. Newport Bea.ch * 645-0810 Ma rine Equip.
: $10 EAOI. $0ft green & Xlnt oond, 892-2413 eves. cash' or small pymnts. ·KITCHEN hearlni;: aides In perfect You pick up. 64>2849 all. 5 ONE factory re-built (reYer
\ belge 9xl2 hooked rug. All ,.M::::u.:;•i:.:<;::•:.l .::ln::;•:,:f·:_ __ '.8125 Credit depl 535-Tl89 EQUIPMENT condition. $50 each. 642-3228 Pf.f 1966-ISLANDER 21. dac run\ Gen'! Mtn. 6-Il model t .woo! hand braided rug, 7 ft C1fe, Rtst1urant 8014 1 · . .....-BOSE 001 DIRECT refiecting 67s-c56'2 after 6 PM Qualily king bcd-qUilted Gernian Sheppard Mother ~ils, c~shlon.,, !ull c.-over, 64 HNG grey marine diesel
t gree~, :e"&~.d n!"-'~~ RESTAURANT TENOR B flat REVELLE, speal<en: with trim kit. H alth Spa be bl Coinplelc-unuscd $98, worth Flher* Six beauliJul dar-shp availaWe. $J500 cash or engine. Complete lV/twin·
, J.iresl.i... ..... ,.. Al.,
.. KITCHEN just overhaulecl. good cond, SONY 350 Tape deck. Both 1~ montm C me~ n 1 ·'is'i' $250. Aft 5 • .,,,,kncls 842-6536 ling puppliell, \Veancd 6wks will tr~dc .ip Ior :;mall disc reduction gear 2:1
YF ... .. new pads $195. E flat ln excel. oond. 833-5931 g. over 4"'N v SI Call 54S .5039 motorsatlcr on n100ring. ratio. For further details,
round lf.1l'lp tablf' w/shelf EQUIPMENT CLAR IN ET, Peddler 12/1-0 for $99. Regularly $:ll0. Miss .8" TABLE saw '.lnd 4" pla~ . . 67z...4303 call P. Sutton !213) 626-9301
for books $15. till Kings Pl. 67>0562 after 6 Pi\1 Woodwinds, all new pads, ~ .. ~.~.=~===== Lane, 5"19-1425. ner on steel stand $150. LABRADOR-Terrier puppy v.'eekdays. or (n4) 5-16--0t.38
Newport Hei&hUi 646-4032 xlnt cond. $90. 842-80'JJ C1mer1s & Equip. 8300 KlRBY vacuum cleaner with 968-4737 to a good hc:ime. Loves a:?DhES kr,, a true sitipPl?"S \\'eekcnds.
LEAVING ~A-. M-•,·•--. Garana S.lt 8022 u h & 1. children, has shot:; &. lie. e 1g '· ept 1n lop shape. A -====~-~-.• ..,i , c. .,.. ...,.. __ -_,,_.--'-=--...;::::: 1 SELMER Trumpet prol mod, a ac po 11her. Xlnt cond Misc. Wanted 8610 8.'i7-119S. 915 real bargain $4100. 67a-ll09a * ?.lERCURY · 3.9 outboard
· ranean 8' IOla & love seat, G Cost $425. Take $175. SbW't CANON QL./19 3j min & guaranteed. Pay off bal ot or 67!'>-2326 engine. $99. Huntington Har-
l _i:pHee table, 2 end com-AR.AGE SALE w h I ~lie & stand $35. 1930 record Uke nev,o, 1 yr old $33.12 or tal<e over pymn\s. $ E UY $ RHODE Island Red, 1 bour. 713/592-1036 r modes, hlcJe.a-bed. lamps, dresser, desk. & end table. collection. !168-<17J7. S50 Credit dept 535-7289 W B rooster. l hen. Baby rat. SABOTS * $265
SpanishkingaiubedrmseL ~oa.~~i~re'~iaciayP<l~:~ ACCORDION, 2 yn; old, \Vrlte Daily Pllo-t Box P·!lll ,67 XKE Jaguar, all ac-646-1098 or 615-2'.tll 9/6 Complcre . Ready 10 race? Boat Slip Mooring~ ~ ..AIM> beauWul fonnal dining w/bolsters, bottles, wonien amplilled, full 120 bass. c es s 0 r1 es. g d . c 0 n d $ FUR NITURE $ Beautiful Killen11 _ 2912 w. Coast Highwa.y
,; •Tm &eL AU 2 mos. old. WllJ & 1 1 1 -· •200. ~ ... 18 Sporting Goods 8500 Silvertone port. 0 r g • n .• APPLIANCES * 962.3451 * Newport Beach * 645-0010 SLIP WANTED I 1aa-lflce. Call co 11 e ct g r s c Ou11ng, typeY.Tl!er, ., ..........,., ~·t . 91' 1 71J...4Jl.4340 steam iron & much more! HAMMOND Organ, Model Tent Close Out "orse superto~ s I er co Color rv,-Pi•11a.-Star11H ;:r .Ki1c with trailer Pv. Pty, looking for &.lip lo
2ll6TI Chaucer Lane Hntg MlOO, ne\v $l600, sell for hi-lidcllty console. 494-1326 1 Ptece er Ho11M Fvll ONE: Calic.'O cat. 10 weeks Xlnt condition dock '69-U' Chri3 Craft.
COLDSPOT Re(rig 11,J yrs Bch. ~1873. ' S!!OO or best ofr. !168-3277 All new· Bra.rxl. names KING • O • LAWN Pov.·er CASH IN 30 MINUTH old. Box traJncd. 646-8405 Sti75. ;14:;...5311 645-1633 or (213) 697-6781
old, comp auto $l!'ll., Color SOF'A Beauutul TIC pd UN 9xl2 \Ya.ll Tent $69.95 Edger, good c.-ondition $30. e 541--4531 • art 4 p.m. !!/6 LIDO 11 SIDE tic up to:;(}'. $1.TJ per
,TV-lg, Philco console-ebony . • w, B DY Flute, xlnl cond $83. lQxlJ Side Room $65.95 449 Se -~ Rd C CA fl. \Valer & elcc. Balboa dyed walnut $170., 1 black $3j(), ~u $125. BedroOJ.n set Hi-ti amplifier & reron:I Dove Load11 $1.89 bo.'< awn_n.1 ., orona WE PAY SH LABH.AOOR R e tr i r v er FULLY EQUIPPED Island. 6T>&t.15
c 0 n 1 emP0 r a r Y chair corner urut. !'llcst & desk changer, 968--73S8 Boat and trailer hitches Del Mar, Phone: 61~2022 fcn1alc. 4 mos old. Needs SACRIF'ICE! 642--089j
'• 1 wh 11 e n au g ah Yd e Complete $125. ?i-f a p I e while pou wa.iL Phorie for LADY Kenmore comb. good home. 54~3694 9/6 27' VIKJNG Aux. Beaul end. Boat· Yacht
-cu.sb1ons UJ. Call: 847_9800 telcp~ne desk S15. Gelll!ral Piinos & Org•ns 8130 appointment. "·asher, dryer. Twin beds WE PAY CASH! g TO JO 1no. old miniature ?.1oor avail. Trd OK. Charters 9039 a1'tn 6 PM Elcc1t·1l' washer $75 dryer p REDSON 'v/headbrd. ?.iisc. lamJ>!! & poodle. til alr. b I a.ck . 546-8030 114311 ?.tr. Postma, _______ ...;.;;.;.;I
• tree. ?11any other items HAMMOND. Steinway. Ya· TRAILER SUPPLY tablrs. Bar stools. 548-1519 e NOT Checks 536-9258 !l/6 89-k094 . BLUEWATER CHARTERS
U Dnve Sail or Power
Skippered local sport fishing:
'9JN1r•ting-Mu51 Sell I 54~ maha • new & used plaoos 8 •. BOfa & love seat, ~Uet•. & B~A..;RCO,.;:::.:LC_UN_C_E_R_C_h_i_ of a ll makes. Best buys in 15 N. Ha:.!'~~~Sa.nta Ana CANON QL/19 3Jmm BLACK J~art Persian male PENGUIN sailboat 1 I ',~'
end tables, Basset King size roll a bed rd reclawoodr • So. Calif. rla:ht here. -~ Like ncil', I yr old. For GOOD, USED ki1len, 7 wks. trained 10 ,v/sail & trailer. Top con·
""Bdnn set, full s~ Spani1h lbl/be \va: Id' f SQIMJDT MUSIC CO., SURJ?BQAROS 9'2" Hobie $50 F'urnlturc, Stereo, TV or sandbox. 64~73 !l/6 dilion $42j, 837-8598
.Bdrm act. lamps, wall i;et. nc . o . ram es. 1907 N Woody, 12' Quigg Tandem, J)aily Pilot Box P-9t 1 t-louschold ltrms of any kind. WEltiiAR.ANER ma.le. 1 yr. HOURLY RENTALS
Harbor Crui!K's 646-!n!D
Mobil• Homes 9200 ~~s&!I formal din seL ~;,: ~t~~.;Jim~ia d= San~ ~:O· bolh for $58. 673-0032 Whi~ elepha.n~! Dtme-a-llne e 547-Sn2 e old. Pure _ bred. To good * Rhodc11 19's * WWAJRfu~UTirr'dd;;;n;-tahlbti;,-;w;;;/;;4l~L,;,ldo~6~1>-~29~1~6----WE HAVE PIANOS! SCUBA tank, twin 50's. Ml5cellaneou1 1600 Misc:ell1neou1 home w/lg :yd. 962.2572 9/5 Fun :zone Boat Co. Balboa GREENLEAF PARK
DBL -·g• s•~. W•••-""· You may purchase or rent 1 YT old. J.vaJve. ~~;;ii;iiii;ii~ijjjijjjii;ijii;l~~i;iii;iiiiiii;;;;iiii~l600~ FREE to qualified home. KITE No. 676. in clear, clean, -• ~---_chaln Ir 2 captain chairs. 2 ..... ....., .... , .... , .,..... nd -" S85. 548-4825 '--~'thy, •dorabl· ".' 'fan•· Aqua Blue. Xlnt COM. 'I•••. N•w 92 ,:::_ v.iaod·:;"t <WaJnut end Ibis & 1 walnut 2 wigs $50 &: $25. ioterro & a Cn:uit~l monies paid '"'"..., " 71 " .. ., .,.. ,_._., 141
reconls $65. A1aple hutrh, toy,•a.rd Pun!t'.la.se.. ·':::;'.;;":;:";'·;';::'::~.'.'.18'.'.·l'.'..6 ~-_:•::1"~l;;:--:-•..-fl'l>-J848-:'-'--;-*7'.,.,-,-I park. ?ifodels & SaJe:s office
·colfec !bl. Cut velvet ~fa, HOUSE OF HARMONY Mi1ce!l•neou1 •600 A u c ' I O N ~ 32 I -• P k 0 ta.ble, chlurs, xlnt s~. v PRETI'Y Black J \\'hile rab->. U x a A t kin oc:a.1.,... at ar . pen 9 AM .near new. G.E. stereo com. M'o••, ,~1~.,,, "'48 y .. ~bloo 1-.• --• d bl --• h U f --• to 6 P?i1 bo. 546-0:1J7 after 4:30 p.tn. 1,:=;-::,..;-:::..:.:~=:_ ____ JN ...., ,,. .... ,.. REFER $23. Washer $25. bit, lamed for pet, 549-1017 OU c-cuuer U or -.re. ·
PATIO SA,...,.,, ~ & ... , ewport Beach * 6~4-0391 Couch $25. 445 E. 171h St. Th Sept 4th 7 30 PM 915 Extremely cheap! 642-8961 ACCENT MOBILE SOFAS & dm.tlo "" "''""" _, , .. ~ BEAUT urs., . ' : HOME SALES eel from leasc at 50% of Dinette i;et le ma!"lY other IFUL The House In Back 642-6741 I . O .1 GREY F'en1a.le kltten.'i, 7 y,•k!J Celestial Navigation 1150 Whittier Avt'.
oosL ll FR c 511 W '"''-Items. 291 Flower SL, Costa GRAND PIANOS GOOD Bellone & Zenith nspeCtJOn aJ Y old. Weaned and bo x Cook.e * 673-1166 Costa Mesa 714·. ••• ·~
• • • • • ....,"1• Y..lesa. 615-1986 at PRICES vu-w;;o,.o "Mlhl481; 540-6842 hearing aides ln perfect I t [a Iv F Ch • M h d' !rained. 833-7632 9/5 CAL 24. 3rd in NATIONALS, CASH F
llAllOGAN PATIO SALE -Frl/S.t ]{).< " low It will amuc '°"' c~••UOoo. $50 .... 64>-= nspec rfJ or 01ce ere an 1se l'REE 9 mo. old T•rrkc· , ,. ..... Fwl '"' of '""'· OR YOUR
y dining room Fo·oc , .... ,,.m , _.... ah Shop Whet'!' &election & qual. Poodl 'lal had MOBILE HOME set· 6 chain --al t bl "'·-•"'J"'uu ,.. ·,.., ,. •-t · & SINGLE woman'11 mUrshp. c. " r, shots. $3'100. * 846-2957 , • .,. a e tlq"''· ..,..__1_.. ~· E. ly are 1g,,.,,. , pnces "'"1185
"\Vlpeda. l credenza. $100. Flower s[C';fa M-;., lerms arc lowest. Also, spirr Balboa Bay Cub. $1;i0. Call Tl Consignments 1-,,;.A~N"'T1~9;.,U,,;ES==-......,.. . 9/6 RHODES 33. Racina: & 646-8236 ets & consoles tor every "":."':,;;:,,.:,•.,;P,;.M,c•:,,61>..oo:,,,,.;,:,;:.'--G E R f.1 A N Sbcphent-Collie pleasure sloop, Good cond..
TV Stereo Phono comb. Ex· APARTMENT SALE decor! WATER SOFTENER & coo-8 Choice Estates OVER 200 PIECES pup. 64&-2795 9/6 Just hauled. $3500. 548-l'l31
A:eJ c:ood. $8l Colonial pole Furniture & Accessories. COAST MUSIC dltioner Cc.atEver). Best of. OF BRIC-A·BRAC & FP..EE kittl'ns.. Black and 17' SLOOP-Dacron 11 ai1 s
)amp $10. OiaJn $5 . 1884 Monrovia, No. 21. C.M. NE\VPORT & HARBOR fer. $48-1993 210 LOTS FINE CHINA while. 545-3158 lra.iler. $6.j(), '
.642--14.31 •tt • PM anytime. Costa Mesa * 6~2-2851 NEWPORT T t CI E d C•t 911,11, cup & 11w,•• tol1e,. 89'1631 . .., enn s u b x ce1s M se. 4 flfANX kiltens. alreBdy * .,.... *
, SOFA. never UM!d, quilted CARPET, shag, hi-lo NEW Dally 1().4j Fri 10.9 Sun 12-5 J>~amuy Membership, $450 lion, Tlfl•nv limp, m•hog•nv weaned. 646-19(9 915 FOR •·le K'oto, xlnt -c·o·g S4 sq .,,i 396 Hamllto WE 11 pt f f ALL MUST GO liquor bet, m1ho9 d;n rm •wit•. ..,... ..... "tklrti, 5eolch-guarded, $12;. · ,... n, ' ave a large COD-u. trv.n!I er ec, 644-3))5 191 caucl1 l 1 'heirs, Fr1nch 5 \1/K old bla.ck P"PPY· }>'ree record. Lite, rigged $600.
•Match!Jw love .eat m.1-:C;.M;.;Sa=rurd=ay=;ooly=·== tiignment of plal'IOll & WOMENS Clothing, n 7-12. THURSDAY ch•lr. 4 Drum t1bl11, chi111 doll to godd home. 646-34-40 9/5 644-4319
537-3132 .. organs. ~1ust be sold within Some b-nd -w -" ~nt NIGHT ,,u,,10·,,, m•h•• o••• ,,, w/ f-,==..,,,-.,...0=-~~-1App111ncn 8100 two rln"s. Come e .. ..i .. for ... '"' ' ...., .f\.I \VHITE Doe rabbit LIDO 14 #3072 n.....utu I.e.... "'-'---·lit~ ·,;,c;;;:c:;.::, ___ .:.:;:: ~ -..y cond thru Sun ....... """" SEPT. 4TH lthr '"''"· Lah of 1!1rti .. 9. ~~~i;ev .... 46 .........,. .... """' -best scllo'Ction. AOK Aue-. 'O"U-<>r"° 546-9965 &1 ... 1370
[ le-unwied S9S, worth FRJGIDAIRE. Bottom tion. 7722 Garden Grove CAM PER IWJi.genlor, 12' C
. All S • wknds 84U5.18 """"" --~ ''"'''"lop, Blvd. '1 blk W"t ol Beach AC-DC. Uoed 2 morot., $100. I SPECIAL ESTATE AUCTION I USED 6' """" trodng. 2114 TIKl AT. tralloc ~ ~low. xlnt 1..'"0nd. $UO. 1 wbl trailer. 548-{1656 Knox St. C.M. 916 engine. MAKE OFFER. .,.. at G.G. f'rwy). 531-1212 Call Sti-Ul9 irn-23S9 BEDROOM Set. complete, PETS 1nd LJVESTOCK !===-----~
KENMORE •otomat f< NOW-rent a Baldwin plab3 -·1-~ t•-•·• ·•-M-•1't rranean I S~anlsh I Coloru' I t ____ c;..._:.c_c;...:..;. BUSIFSr marketplace tn '""==------< " for }'our cbild for $2.00 ':A~~ nu-. M3U: BBQ. cu e 8 • e c. Pets, Gener1I 8800 .town. The DAILY PILOT wuhtt, xlnt aind. MO. wt' P. k. Profeask>nal iD-.... ~ 11vtng room sets e inlng room sets e bed·
J>rhrate party wants 8 x 40 or
larger to be moved to moun.
lain lo!. Send detctiption.
pnce & loc.'8lion to: Wri~
Bo:ir: P 424 Daily Pilot.
BEACH CLUB. 2146 Pacific
Olast Hwy, H.B. Apply th
Spc. 26. s.~ or 53&-2"f.D
WANTED: 19-20' almost new
trailer. In trailer OOlll't.
'61 10' :ir: -46' ROD & REEL
p&rt.ly furn. To be' mov-
"'· '*'3SlO
'VlnJ'l 9C:da $1S. Ollonial 847-'115 or Mli-8672 strucUon available _ results HOSPITAL ~ with aide room sets • beddinf, (Twin-full-queen & SlAMESE KITTENS Sl.5 M
d fl0 •~ -·• -INCi' COPPER ki ~) e h gi all e If & d 1-~ '·hmha~t FV 1i;o~b~ll~·~H;o~..,..~~~92~00Mobi~;;~lt~H~o~m;;'"~;;;;~9200;;.1 ....,. .... _,........,., ~ ~ TON gas guarantttcl. ,..11. & bed tablt $85. n an ng w amps co ee en vooo ..,.. ,..,
2 DANISl:f chain $35 pair. •tove, likl! MW srio WARD'~ltALDWlN STUDIO Whttlcha.tr $50. ~41 tab es • rustic auth entic Spanish tables +531-9716.-
can ~ ~ 1818 N•wpo<t. C.M. 00-1484 18 , 11 rupet, ., .. ,,11,01 S2tl • decorator wall pieces • China dishes POND GOLDFISH BAY HARBOR ""0:~': SALES
t. """"I p.m. GAS '"""· old -_..., $10. GULBRANSEN s. l n. t' OlncU• .,, SI<. .. E. """ • silver • crystal & cut glass • portable Cheap. IOc: ""' ID<h. Clearance Sale
Ooawrtible llOfa. Kenmore washer, wotka. lu.trous finillh. l90d •ctkln.1 ="~•~r~. ~..,_.=~14~'-~--~ TV's • color TV's combfnations • room * 646-2576 11 , Bdlt ~ JiO =. 5t6-H 1445. Gould M11111c: Com~. DIAMOND Wedding 3tt. 2 dividers • bookcases • crystal chandeliers o. AU D~., MMlh Jt .. c..... ,,.._ • · • ,._1«18 • KENMORE Washer. 111~ 2(>'5 N. M#rln, S.A. 547~ eta mt.I we\aht. nawl~u! • cbandeUer, Colonial & Modern Cop 8825 Al ia.. 1r .. 14• WW. hllNK bed oet, """ ""'1d, tnOClol. >In! """· $60. FORCED To ..U my......., Cll<I $1150, .. u $650, AOK AUCTION * ADORABLE ml<ed poodle -----INCLUDING -----?~ .. chi* lid. tm. 8474115 or 54&48"72 Dir J)Oll~Sldon. Steinway Gr.m 1.;...,,....;....;.u:.1~~----* puppl~. 8 \\'eeks old $!1. •OLLAWAT lfT 'AllYllW PIU11M l~ d 'pm LADY Krnmore Walher " CL). Ebony, 5 )Tl old. ~ • • • 4.U-19'71). c~s1if.~A 1AJo~=:i.~· HOM~
fr1 s-chl ...... an. Bii· Dr)otr, both lib new -11 pl~. $3900. 54&-3729 FAMILY '-ltmbtrsbip fn 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. MIN . P6odli!A, c::hampagne SHEIATON MANO• FASHION MANOI ;~~ ....
!Wiil lll*'tfml itWrf a,. tbt MM7Ul Aft 5 PM WANTED Irvine Coeat OJuntry Club "\Vatch for the Big Sign in lhe Skyu and blal.'k. S30. Also. mother
ltiiit:"f PJJ.DT Ol..w.t It E FR JG ER ATOR Sta PIANO:-A ORGANS for u lfl Pvt. Pty. 673-SI:tl 1 Bloc!t We it of 8e1ch 1t G. G . Frwy $30. 546-fi600
liWLY PllDr OeWfted dlah_, $41!. Chrome *-* THE Siii< NEVER SETS<> Wo Buy & Soll -WIMel .l OH i 531·1212 n<E QtnCKER YOU CALL.
• NO'IVI "'f""' 115. m.'1256 OAILY PT WANT ADS! DAfLY PILOT w~ ADS< THE QUl~ vou SEU.
Vi ""' ·-.. " ................ CALL 14f ·f47t TdD4Y
...,..,.,,,, ..... .. . ' .
I '
~u, 11·-·. •t200 Tr~cko ' ''°' J,'l!•rtld ""'°' ,_rm,..,,.. A-. ~lll!"!lll:~!rt~W~Aulft~!__!!-!!! ~ W•~
Dl.'LUXE Dbl '1do • Mo•l\e ... . MGI I· ws ••r ... ~ "'°" C:m "" !Im! C-,.. u,itl C... '900
CHIMOUT F.C?M"~• ' MlllTMG """"·New odull-CM. '"'Ford l'1 T'" Pl•lf DATSUN ~YOTA CASH ElYalwlmdJo. -\'f, aUtomaU<. nd""' 1111• , '61 M08 • . =="""'-==;:=I .,, I ft ...... ,. ,u..,,, ,. UJO.QI. • ; ;11: Datsun Con,.rtlble. Mlnoral blue w/ El~Rl: 1111111$ '!'" • . "" MOrcvry C-t '"'Chn""'1c.,,1 .. °"'"" hlntlop. "~ ........ , ... .._dang 2 do9r hlrdtc.o. Factory &lr tic, ndk). beater. power W Ill• Mini 111cll 927$ . • "" bl.k leather inter, AM/n.t,
Taco 4' ' SIJNSET FOR!) ~ pt) 't'fcampu, new enr, o-wU. wb.,11. etc. 1"lO mil ...
GOOD CONDmON S140 C.l'lta Om• 11!vd. "1'!t .......... • •pd. dlr. oold 4 -by ... IJ, * fKl....S76a * WnnniJwm' &tMQlO, tut. Smlill dn or tatte trade. umt btUd lltW,
··-.~•1 e~~ Lo •-"ts. N<>m!LS call tH~) mt\..iCU:o1 "'wi 1.u;. MUST SiacrUk:e, J ea \I In S •·-· • '--~ -·•-•--al 11 .,.. «M.o1'l3 ., ---·-· --• 3 hp , 1 yr old, IOOd '""6nd. $95. 11tatt:. 1968 Cbev)' " toll pick . tDOdtla, co1ort. frOm the
t Hl-8020 Ul>, SS. R & ff. U,tQ> nil , 19•7 DATSUN 1a'1:est To)iota dff.ler.
NEW HONDA MINI • Trade consicJered, xltll cond. 1600 Coupe. Radio. heat.er, 4 NICEST USED CARS
BIKE. Call 5J6.$500 Sf5..53J5 19t*S, tN ORANGE COWl'Y
$17'9 3100 \V, Coast Jiwy., N.B. USlO Beach B!Vd.
Moto.cycl11 '* R9C,.•l'n V•h;clH 9S1S SUNSET FORD &12-"00 541>176< w.,,........, P-......,,
5WO Garden Grovl! Blvd. I =-A~"~""'eo'-"~"'c..;M;_G:,...:De-"'al"''-' -I BIU MAXEY '61 JEEP WAGONEER
TOYOTA ~--·-jtlll call .. tor 1"e .-i..
"!"'llllontd, v, outomlU~ ........ Lie f TZ<MJ.I; GT J+~ 1lf bd; 1b' ..
riidto, he&ttt, powwr atltl'-..,, ~ rWr: tbs 1. brkl. dlr.' int'.
.._. Lie • ,'f:,.., SUNSIT FOID .,_, 111 Bir $2llO w111 ....
SUNSET FORD MIO Gordon Gnwe lllvd. I'll llllO. ~ _,. .-.
' ~---·--,viµal.B eoJI Phil &'113 $jtQ Garden C:ov1 Bl\P'IL "_.. .... .,... -o or '6.0ISM. ·
Wttstmhltteri '*4010 1
'"' CllEVROLET Clli)riC; • OLDSMOllLE i dotr, blrdtop. Ont ownet •te DE' soro Oood1--------....,·1
cu •1111 "" .,... '°'000 ~lloo. 135 « -· 'U OLD5 CUTLASS mu... Hu .. ,, P ''""· --•PM HOLIDAYCPE. ' Air. VfQyl roor aid I• v.a, au.to. nu.., power ,tetr-
4 Wheel Drive
C\J.ator;n 4 door modl!.f. Big
350 V8 cngint-. Automatic
-1t11.ns1ni11sion, po\.\·l'r slcer-
i.ng, power brakes, f11{'.!ory
Westminster &fft..4010 '63 MGB. hltrd &: sult top, ~o.=ts""UN~lll00;;.,""1~0080C-. =Ra-dlal-1 new tu.., radio, wl"' wheel.. ITl~IOl~IAI CONNIU
lite>, ""' w/ blk i"l. $239!> Vory good "°""· M"5! ""· or bt!:sl oiler. 536-683:i 1.iake of!rr. 494-9808 c --· -CHIYIOLET 18181 l":ACH a VO.
Hunt. h•ch 147.IW 0:: ::.!'" ~·
llxrwiowa -. co. Ito F & I ,.ON "-' ndlo. "'""" PCS 133. ,... at llO w. w_., s.,,. _.. $1JN
.=., ~:, C:ust~c := 1DINAC 'Ct Falcon HT. \fb'1I AJl iAS
Vr'ftkend for $2ll0. ot be.et top. RIK, auto: Brand new ~ "' "°"""l<>"i"•· AMJfM m-EN GUSH FORD OPEL 3 mi N. ol O>ut Hwy. on Bcb 1--.IMPO==a"ts;:-,w=AHl'ID==-otta. DLR. motor w/tnrllftn,ble WU. OtR.Y!LEJI, -r PLYl\fOtJ'fH
raoty. Prv ..V. B4S-4!e6 :lil'll H4RBOR BLVD ]
a.._ .-
~ dlo, tinted ~lnss thMlout. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1mlCi;iS;;.lc:;:W:;;; heavy duty suspension. J.uio-l 1 1967 Opel Station Wegon
m11t1c air levclcrs. delll"U! ORANGE COUNTY'S Deluxe. Standard tr.uum VOLKSWAGEN IH6 Chov,.111 =1• c:ostA 11ESA Sl&ISI< 'er!.,!:;\.~~.~-· FORD ~ ~ '66 011!
e "6T TRJUMPI( hlQB.Et' rack, ~w $300 VOL_UME ENGLISH sion, radio & heater. Extrar<---------,"I
'"""' I 411'! Rr6. Perlecl FORO DIALER cl•on. JJc # UQT..wl. YW BUGS BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ' ·-# 'll ~·· OIU... llol. Clotlpe. Gold Jm."ateeni..Uc Tn\. '64~1'0RD !'ALCON wtth 1t1k. Laad.lu top,J!·,, li'IO, P r I c If is $SW. ·e '62
Triun1ph 650 Dirt Bike $35(1.
•"6!111011(111. 00 $275.
mecbaniool condltlOn -9po1. SALES -S!~VICE $1399
lri>s 1hrtt-(lul. Low mileagr. '69 MODELS SUNSET FORD
*li4.2-5751 * Cos! over $5800 new last year. Immediate delivery 54-tO Garrl1:n Grove Blvd.
i\1us! saeli!~ -ownrr le11v-LARGE SELECTIO"' '61 llONDA 150 Sport:!th~r. gd.
shafl(', nu back tu't', elect.
s~art. $?.@/offer. 548-2370,
ing cuuntry. St!OO or besr Theodore
offer. CaJ..I 8J9.ii&a8 aft 6:30.
" \\'estmin11ter 64&40.10
:,25 f'airfll.X, CM C•mpert 9520 2060 ltarbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa &42-0010 '69 Heathkit goori1e-b1kl' ;, 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PORSCHE
1968 912 TARGA hp, 2-spd. near nel'.' • FALL I !!~~~~~~~~~1 SZOO. !lli8--1:i87 1 · A llawlc:ots ell.I' in every de-CAMPER FERRARI 1,;1, B•h"''" y<'llow, btk io-"69 Yainaha L1ldu1\J, 4 n1os. CLEARANCE trr., Ai\! / Jo"M. chrome
old, 300 nules. $695 'ii FERRAR wheels. etc. Hurry on this * 491_:-,.192 .-NP\v J.".2;-,o truck ancl 101;• I GTC O"".
EldOJ'Udo camper, tF<5BRE-CouJ)('. The upatono in m1>-.....
'6!1 YMWIA Enduro 2:..o :i:iQ 100931. Coinplcte & n.>ndy 1oru11;, Ruby red v•I blk in-
IO!itl nulcs. Likc 1lf"w. $650. for Jun, 41 Priet: $5e9.20. tet·ior. Fully eqwpped incl
:.48-802:; Dlat<:owit: $1"03.0:. SALE F?i1 I multiplex stereo ra· TRIU~M~P~H~Cu~b~200~cc=-u~oo. PRICE $4156.18. dlo, 700J actual mile•. Deal-
31111por1 •, /londlt 65 CC $100. 540-9203 Theodore •rt penional car. Set le drive
""'"'2355 ROBINS FORD " l><I'""· 3100 W. Coast Hwy .. N.B.
&U-!H05 54().17&4
Autflor~ MG Dealer
'69 Triumph Trophy 250, Lo 2080 Harbor Blvd.
miles, like new. Cosla l'o.1csa 6-12·0010 * 494--8342 *
'66 Bonneville
c11!1 962-2926 afler Ii.
'6S ''At'<fAHA Z50 OTI ; d1r1
bikr dr "lo1CX. $500. Spure
parls incl. ~ Evl's.
"69 ~1aico Moto Cross-
l60, extras. $1100. * Phone 64.2-624•1
Motor1coot1r1 9350
VESPA 125 Motoncootl't".
Good ~hape. For Qulck Sale,
ST.1. 962-8S78
Auto Services
& Parts 9400
:119-::rot Ex!. 6&-<it· fii
1970 llARBOR BL\"IJ.
1967 Volkswa9en
Camper Deluxe
t:o111pl~1••ly 1·•1t1i11r>rJ .
Lir # THZ..S:~;, "Ii i 40 HP VW engine. Bask~! $2299
"~· """" '~""-""· ''" SUNSET .,,..RD par!s are there con1pletc rv
w/ llC'W Cding. 548-8004 a4kl Garc:ll'n r.rovc Blvd.
:;;):! FORD cnglnc $25 you \\'r~tn11nsll'r ti~S-4010
Jl111µorrs * '65 CONVERT * Xlnt coll<i. All xo·as. nu pnl,
3100 W. Coul Hl'.'Y., N.B. top. Must :sell. 6'16-1234
642-91(6 :..w.1™ '59 SUPER f{oadsll'r. lnimac
Authoriied F°£.Tra1•I Dealer lhro"l'.houl. Nc1v paint, top,
FERRARI \'alvea. Goodyra1~. $.}()!], &:
Newport Imports Ltd. Or-t&kc 01·er. !168--'199S
a.nae (:ount;y'1 aoly 1atbor-19'7 PORSCHE
ized dealer. 91' S TARGA
S>fES-SEP.ytCE-PARTS Orep ;111ua hh1c l.irullh w/
.,1()0 \V, Coast Hwy. rontra~1ln~ full vinyl in!1•r.
Newport Beach I:'~ • / • I 642-9405 540-1764 ""'uiprK>d w f'very poss_1b e
AuthorU:e:I: Ferrari Dealer Pol'!lchc access. 24.000 miles. ========;I New 1-on<J!Uon. ~ &: drive to bC'l1t•vr. JAGUAR ·
.. 66 JAGUAR Cpt·. 4 speed.
At\1-FM radio. British rac-
lni:: g11•en v.·Uh natural
l!!aihrr interior. l.A!W
~1 rlt1 pOt I
10Ue1gc. Prrll>ct ninnina 311.lO \\'. Coast 11 .... 'Y .. N.B.
condition. 1'1a,y be seen at &12-9'().} 5-l0-1764
Ul \\1• Warner. Santa Ana Authunli!d i\lG Dealer
or call Bill 5-16--4ll4 Dir. cu~ 9600 .. r or.sn1t: pull, r.1achinc combustion 1967 fORIJ f-~::.O C<i1111JCr '63 PORSCHE 60
chan1bcr ht'lld, /.Ilse :->prr111t truck. ()vt:'r.'il•f! KARMANN GHIA Good rond. 494.5JO'J
par1s-you nittkt' oflrr. l ll"t'~. lo mllea.i:;e. Likr orw. ---------·1---o,,,-===c----
o """ ':>!l PO"""""'I-; 5-1.............rl li7 Pilgrim <.'U."ilorn 8' 196( l\G Cou~. rr11\ 1·leun. "~n
1 lighhoy camper. ~ S ~ j . Xln1 coild., ll~lhn;; under AM/l'~l'tt radio, $1200
Trailer,-Tr•v•I 9425 :i1t-:~11 I Hook. ru11 pri<.~ S ~7:l. * :i-48-5795 •
QUALITY 1960 KerakW 16. P ICKUP CAl\1PER Shells . Ov.·~r v.·111 help finance ii '64 Porsche ''C" Coupe
trailer. Excellent condl!ion. rail-hi, !>llbh! Jreight · clcs1ml. &W--0-140 Gleantir11; burgundy inler-
Sl£'f'ps 6. $850. 675-2639 after 1lan1age. Che~~ 839-1800 '6 l Convert. Kannann Ghia ior, w/ GOt'gl'OW> blk, learber
X I n t tr a n 1 p. c a r , interior. 1-~ully equipped. ~'~'°'=''~·"~'·======'I Dune Buggies 9525 $500. 673-1143 Show room condition. Sec &.
1967 Ch1vrolet
l/2 ton Pick Up
6 cyl. stlc-k, rx1ra nict'.
---~~----drive today.
MEYERS M1.11x for street or
oft road use, 1966 53 hp Bus
en.g. Xlnt oond. $1100. Call :-.-1 pnl. !")4.11.~7.
·r.it Lotu~ Europa
lj72 N. Coast Hwy.
l..aguna Ikach. 49-1--8213
J1rtupot l
_ii 1 lljJO rt ~'
11111 -Blvd. IL llMd>. I'll. Ill-$1•9' . uELUl(E WAOON ml(, no Witt/Wall tires •
SUNSET FORD V-3, Automotk, Radio, a.a~ -R/H, CUSIQ)U blk I
Auto L..UnJ 9110 "' <wXF 291!. Int • bucl<el seats. CaalOle ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· ;;;;;:;;;;;;;;I MIO a.l'den c ... ~ Blvd. $711 with m<lt. PI S, P/B. P/W.
LEASE. RENT Wesbninsttt 646-4010 tact air. Musi aee ~
ORDER YOUR '64 Chc~lle Malibu, l Or. ATLAS beU.vet Private Patty, B.tj1t
1970 TODAY hrdtop, 3 1pd Hunt shltter, · offer. 962-2860
Good Selection
FOR •ARLl•5T 311 • .,.. llOO cash & T.O.P. CHRY"!:!'~:i,!hYlfount'"•n~Qlliii~r.CU~t-1a-.. ~·v~ .. ~.~R~IH~.· 1
ft ot4 · DILIVl•.y , °" -credit. IU POl'. • ml•IUUUIUI< ILVD.' 'wlit. -.... &!la. Pis, P/b. ~~ "' mo. 5'&-41!;17 • ' CXlSl'A JEW, . M6.19B4 $300, t'8.,!i!54' ,0 '~ ~.:: .. :~~ .,. Q>ev 2 cir. &bit & bCinl 1~7 ,,.ni R&ftthtro x~ .. ~Super 2 o,. itr
Get ()\fr-O;smpttitfyfl 1Jatq 213 'tr-10, t 5P &. new 427 ~ .C "'*'· radki, bcUlr, AM-TM • deck, 4 1p"', ~" "1"Modof9 veJie dutch $fOO or be1t of. pcl"ftr ~ Llc # m new tlnil-f0.50.16 ~
ROBINS FORD ror. 842-27'1 930. 65 Ol<b '98" 4 <lo' Hsnl19p
'65 ""· lmpal Good $1999 F"'I · A' '
Ol>-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 2060 Huboc RIYd. oono1""'.°vyAuto, ":,.~~'· 1J200. SUNSET FORD w "°"'~~ : 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Coata Maa 6GOOl.O __....... COSTA MESA ~78 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. '69 Old1. 2 dr, gold, fact war.. -c,"'6l~V~O"'L~K~S~W"A='o"'=E~IN~ I Jll" Lelse fJlll '61 MALIBU 2 door coupe Westminster 646-4010 r., beautiful! $3300. Mk t!r
Auto. stick, radio &: healer, '61 Cadillac CollPe: de VWe, .,,,.~· ~!1'l_ &acrWce! '66 FORD V-8 C.ountry Dale 6'J5..7513 642-6630 •
.,,,, _.,1......., ..,.,... V'M·M>W, --.u11 alt. 5 pm Squin Sl Wqoo. A1.1:to. p § :~r. faC't . equip~. CWIC .67)~~~';1. ~f:U:O.q.. 53 CHEVY 4-dr. auto. R/H 1tn-r. Air, in nl~ comJtlon PLYMOUTH ~
on, r/h. air, Pl. J7S mo. $125. call Otru 961-5757, (VJZ 322) mU1t aeU this l---------+ $1611
00!:.'TA MESA 546-1934
'67 vw
Honey crf!am, 4 spd, tllr. ra.·
Uio, pius.h blrk int., J\ofusl
11ell. Take oldC'r !rodt>, \Viii
fin!.! pzvl p.ar\y, V0E211Ul,
<·Rll Phil 4:J l-97TJ, 5-l~OO:W.
1966 Volksw-ven
Oeluxt". 2 dr. 4 apeed, radlo,
heater. Lie # TSN-441. _
5140 Garden Grove Blvd.
\Vestmlnster 6464010
'GS VOLK.SW /\GEN Sunroof
deluxe bug -Runs like new
must sell thla wt?ekend for
Sl700. or best olfrr. Call
!"'46-4114 ask for 8111, DLR.
'65 VW, 2 door. 4 sJ)l?tld,
radio, heater. beautlful red
and aharp. RUM 140. $1095.
C&rl'• Motor Co. Inc., 19'1
Hllrbor, C.P.1., 642-0C:ll.
'68 VW Convert, AM/PM,
ur.dcr watt. ~t otter by
P.londay. 549-0022, 642-6923
'67 Ga.I. 500 Cpe, air, S6S mo. also Bing Surboll.rd $25. weekend only $ 15 9 5 . '66 PLYMOUTH :
SOUTH COAST '64 IMPALA SS V-8, 4 spd Jim Slernona Mercedes Benz, BARRACUDA '
CAR LEASING RAH. $6:i0. t M-8975 or 12> W. Warner, Santa Ana, Futba.ck. V8, radio, heatef,
30C \V. Cst n wy, NB 645-2183 bi3-~ Pvt. party. ~14 automatic, \VSW. lmmacJ-
'62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. Pis, '62 F01tD WAGON late condition. (SLU745> •
9900 P/b. Radlal llnL Xlnt COUNTRY S!DAN $1495 :
-TRAN--SPO-R_T_A-TI_O_N_CARS __ 1 cond. $850 54.8--26M Auto. dl.r, v.s. powtr rteer. AJLAS ; Used Cer1
'B4 =v ina. Real ~an!! FNY 782 ~ iEWPORJER MOTORS uui; , Impala 2 dr • .:I, LB S699 WW kt: ol , ni;n !WI, Xlnl "!"'I. $100. Pl!' '1n-~-CallBl&lll-•~ CHJIYSLER -PLYMOUTll sts-4-168 car u·-· _,..,.,.J 2929 HARBOR BLVD. :
2006 l-fARBOR BLVD,
548-5294 or ~11
'68 SPORTS 91!dan, U,700
mi., air, pw!'., vinyl top, Top
condition. 494-3232.
1965 SKYLARK 2 dr h/l FUU
power, air, clean repo, Wk
days: 536-6848, eve &: v»~ndl
""""" BUICK No. 225. H a s
641--2252 afttt 6 PM
'62 BUICK Special. Good
tra.iaport. for ICbool or
work. $3M/offer 642-0438
1966 RIVIERA. Fully equip.
Likt new. Top condl
MS.-25Cl (8-4 :30, M-F.)
=~"=---~---1 or 560534. OOSTA MESA 546-l!l'll '69 El Camino, 6eOO mile.. ::!C
$2900. U>w Book S327S. 1969 ~RDl al!LTO. Fully '66 Toronado, 'full¥ eqp'd.
Call 111 ~ 493-<156 powe mra.. 1-Good condltloa. M U Si
CHEV. '57 Bel Air 2-Dr. ~mo:~· ~Y iOC:e~ SELL.. --~ '
Auto., PX> or bm offer. purchued thnl company. '61 PLYMOtn'H. 2 dt hrdtop,
646-4750 Sell for cotl 1'o: more info autn, p/s. mech. ~
·~ OIEVY .., Impala, xlnt call Mf....L'm. $17'5. 6Th--0600 ~
cond, orl1 miles 2D,(O). '68 T6RJNO CT, HT, big PLYMOlfrH Roadrunner Si.
_V_'-"="-::""'="-· "'",.""=1'3=--I V~. C spd, db-, take older 8400 ml. Perfect cond. $2751
'63 Nova 11 Wqon car. Blue Bk $2500. \VW or Be1t off.er! MG-2455
S-eyt, auto, PIS. take $~ or leu, Will f1nc
-oond. 11)871-11132 ~Ph!Jprty~ILl!1LB PONTIAC J
·~ CHEV. 4 dr. Good · ~
..,.,.,.....,;,. cu. ee11 ,,. '" STATION WAGON. v~. '66 Pontiac: GT..,,
fer . M&-3910 auto, pwr st, d1r, rood rut1-Factoey air. au1oniat1c transi
nlna:. Take $399 Cuh or power iteering, radio, hea
Jlnc. prvt pl'f¥. FNY782LB, er, etc. Lie. RUL 312
49f-.6113 Sp.cl•I •t
'66 F ....... GT. "'"""rtibl•. $1799 'I,
One owner. 390 auto. d
Showroom clean. S 1 2 5 o •
FfllBllCe hf'lp avail. 646-8206
'66 Ford P•lrlane
'68 V\V. Blue. 7 pua Bus. '68 BUICK \VILDCAT
Best offer $2000. Call alter 7 POWER, AM/FP.I. XLNT
~P~>_,17.613-48611~~--,--~~· I Sl-195 * 968-7466
StaUon wqon. V8, automa·
tic, iadlo, ht'ater, powe:r .rleerin& & brakes, Junqe
r a c k. &1r condltloninl.
CW0V,i50) $495
2 Dooi'~d.a, Vs. etc. Lie.
lRM9lt -B4UOZl 01'.
''8 FORD ll'...,., Mly
equpd w/llr, PIS, P/R
'57 VW Conv. Low miles.
Xlnt cond. $400 or best al-'S9 BUICK 2 DOOR, RAH,
1 6'J5.-03().) Good cond. $90. 6U-1W. a.ft. er. eves. 5 P.M.
Z9Z9 HARBOR BLVD. 5C8--0791 evea. 54,.. t. 66 or Lie # \1·11'1~
-* LA PA~Z~*~
Guggy J.)u1l1!rr~. ::ui:.: \\'.\Var.
ner, S1\ ~>46-41'.Hj_ days 9-1
'6!1 lJJx. all Xtra~. Chronte
\l"hls. nu tirrs, rcbll V\V. :.!
mo old, l\f1nt. 61&-1:!10
V\V '611 sedan.Jthut aacrlfloe
3100 W. Coast lhvy., N.B. Utls weekend. Or I 1 In a I MERCEDES BENZ 012.9400 54011c1 •""" ...... ,. , .. ...,, CADILLAC
$23:;0. fW2...MOO d a y I . "3031 Ex 61 -i'
:1970 HARBOR BLVD. '58 FORD waaon. needi OOSTA MESA ~ some work, good lraris car. "
'87 CHRYSLER ~·llO Garden l;ruvc• Biid.
\Vr~Ln11nst~·r +illi-4010
'67 Dodge Van
0-8, au!o, exccllcn1 <'nndi-
&(i Bakrr SI .. Co~1u r.trsa
AuthOl'iZ<'d lnll-rna11onal
DUNI:: BUGGY, Ex l r :i
('lean, Nrcds rtng job.
SJ300. 962-2139
Authoril.f'd l\1G Dealrr 1 ~~-~--~~--
'6S1>' l\1CERCEDAESI Bprnl,t 250 '61 CPE. nu yell. pnt., ·r ~.~-=t~~
· · oope. u o-· i; cer. r adials i;hocks ex h s t alt~r 5 Mi-1.
Air rond. Beitulilul candy brakci;' rebll cng. &12-4147 '
apple red wi1h 11hill' 11.'atheri---' --~~--'61 VW Camper. JleblL efll,
ln1('rior a one of its kind '66 911. ti.Jany "S" optior111 A trana. ~-Call ~
clns~ic•. RrthlcC'd t h ls Europ<'a.n prl.'pal'cd, i:.: rl after 5 PM.
\\'N"krnrl to $ti7!1:'i. VCB flS3. <.-ond. $3800. Sl1-0508 after 5 '69 VAN. 16,!XXJ 111llt1. AM·
Jim Sirmons 1\1r r 1• c rt,.~ 1963 PORSCHB. rcb!t rng. Ft-1. $2j()() or bf:'ost ofJcr. Call
Bcru, 120 \I/, \\'arntr. Santa Chron1e \\"hlJ>. $2690. Days 536--ii178
An!I, 545-41.1 4 67;,...6161, eves 546-1919 * ,69 V\V $1&11 *
~. Fire frost brown
w/ full bUc Interior. Every
pou. cad acceuory lncl.
ltereo radio " tilt whecl.
Gen. Mgr, personal car, ab-
90Jutr:ly nawle1i1 ln every
detail. Aak for l\fr. Coffey
S75. 546-<lllO, 546-ll89 eve/ '67 PONTIAC ~
Sat. LE MANS f, ~DOOR HARDJOP .66 FRL SQ Sia Wag. P/1, Coupe, "'.B, eirtornatic, pow;
V-8, automatic. facfozy air, P/b air frame hitch er 1t~enng, power brake•.
power 1teerlnf1 power bra· $1400 54~2069 · CUJB3.S9J ~
kes, rad.Jo .l heater. lmma.-• $1895
culate. {UDE 743) ~3 FALCON. Perfect cond. 4 ATLAS
$2.295' dr, auto, All extra~. One
owner, lo ml. ~1
ATLAS 68 Ford Ranchero, 6 cyl, 2929 HARBOR BLVD.
xlnt cond, R/H. $2250. COSTA MESA 546-
~1451 alt 6 pm. RENT·A·SHE LL
\\'F.EKENDS, \V E f-: I\ L Y
!\IONTIH.Y * s::9-1800
'62 r·orfl 1'1rkup. 1 \\"hl'el
drJV(". V-S. Best nfff'r, G(IOl.I
~h<ipr, ~AS-~732 afh•1· 6 p111.
Imported Autos 9600
ALP!li\ GULil:.'TTA ';; 7.
Comp!. rt'bll &. t"C<."Qnd.
I::very\hing nt:'w. $695 or
OCsl olfcr. 2312 Nc1vpor\,
N.B. 675-1393
Oran!J~ County'!.
largest Selection
New & Used
Me• (E 'es Benz
RENAULT Make oUcr. unde.r warranty. 67:>-0019 or 545-7S91 CHRYSLER -M.YltOUTII 2929 HARBOR. BLVD.
J~rlll P Lirl
31111pn11 .. MUST SelJ1 '64 Fonl Co vt. 'GS PONTIAC G'IU -i . n mac wbttla • wide oval
'J3 DOtlGJ:: PANl::L
Good tires. Runs ~ood.
S\00. +;7::--0!10-1
1969 !-'2JO CA1\o1Pt:H. Spcc13.I.
6.000 milrs. Pnva\e prty.
S2. 775. 61 1-0266
ttll•nhllltt •lttl tlr CM'!•
tltliftf, flll •1t• •II•.~ .. .,.
tile"'*, ...... t1111L
.tll •tttl-11 'OOl. n fOOl,
JI fotf. 1 YS•Mt fUIANC.
IM• All •l"f'IOVI• l;llDll.
111 S11nbcan1 Alplnt•
1•ilh hardtop. S2!l:i
e s1~1 •
"fi2 Auslin Jtra!ry ])!XI
Very good <.'Onrlition
$1::00. 1;4;,..-0700
L'l59 \VHTTE romparl ~la
"'l!n. BorgwRrd, \'ery nice.
\\'lle"s car $275. 513-j931
\\'hi!e wllh blUe interior, dlr.
radio. healM', Exctllrn! run
nlng (."Ond. Full pr S8::19. \\ 1Jl
take older car in 1radP.
NCR lj.SLB. Call Larry,
194.9773 or St5-063t
Big Mdan, auto tt•lJlll, over·
be11.d c;!m, dlllC brkii. radio.
hra.ti;:r, 28 mi per gal., after
2,800 ml. f'ull fact 111·arranty.
PL 5Hl-044.1!26.
41/J Fine Avail
9IJ8 So. Coa~I fl'll')', Lai; lich
f>~ O.A.C. 491-9TII
Doe11 not incl. Ill.'( or lie.
18SSS Beach Blvd.
Huntlniton Beach
g.U-7781 or G-t0-0442 , _________ _
'62 RENAULT Dauphin!.', gd, MUSf Sell '66 VW Camper, 3100 \" e.. H NB COSTA MESA 546-l!Gf rutly -•ip, Jo milea, xlnl ... · ........ .st wy.. · · cond. S.19j. l..cslt>11; Fof'('ii:n ~ .. y 642-940.) ~1764 , __ o_,P'="~D~a7Uy~'tlo:!"l"O,.:•oc·m"'-. _
All power + alr-eond, Xlnl low mlleqe. Except.lonal
shap@. $850. 842-7657 condition (PGA 743) Jim
'64 FORD Falcon, navy blue, Slemons Mercedes Benz, 111
convt, Sprint V-8, 4 spd, i;d. W. Warner, lanta Ana, Jim Slemons Imps. · 1 E 16U cond. 642-U.36 eves. 1 · c.ir Scn'1cr, 14 · 1, Authurized MG Dealer '65 CHRYSLER
Wlilrner & Main St.
C.~f. &1~716 '65 VW, xlnl cond. plenty of 1----c=-.--.;,,.---NEWPORT =========-I ;o.:lras. Cu11tom bkl ~at1, 1966 Cadlll•c cond. $895. 4!W--6t59 546--4.llf
"ood panclg. OR 3-o:m Convertible
Factory air condition~. autL> Santa Ana 546.4114 SUBARU • ,, '66 VW Snrt. beige w/blk int. maUc, radio, heater. lull
havf' ~1 to choe>sc fron1 ron1c SUBARUS R/11. Porsche rim1, Xlnt power. BeautHul aoft yellow
\\'i1h air ('t)nd1tioning. l\1usl J~tt.1ED1ATE DELIVERY cone/. $1110. 54S-2716 finish wilh black leather In.
Sf'll lhis v.N~kend Jrom $79j, on all new 110() mod('ls. Also 67 SQUAREBACK Sta.. \Vag. terior. Lie # SAX.fl!lO. Al
full price <Slock No. Pl\1 :12) VANS iri l'i!OCk, One IO\\I J\M·f'M. Ne1v t1re11. $1600 it's best for onJy
Jiri1 Sll•n1011s 1\1 r r c rd" s n1ileai;:-r :IBO rlemonstrator on 518--795-1 $2499
Bf'tlZ. J20 \\'. \\'arncr, Santa sprcial! S995. -----=-~~ S SET FORD A"'· Ol&-4114 KU ST OM MOTORS '6' VIV "B"<"· Bl"c w/bl"' UN
Imported Autos 9600 .845 Baker St., Costa Mesa inter, ~tM2-3120 5-ID-5915
5440 Gard~ Gl"l)\'p Blvd.
\Vesbninster 6464010
1960 ?.!rl'ccdcs JOO. Clean, I=========' Jl965 V\V 1500 S :square back.
ne\11 tires. $7::.0 I i r m . '61 CAD. Convertible, full
J)OWU, tact air . .i;tereo, new
pain l. Xlnl mech. <:ond.
Caci. mcclulnlc's persoria.I
&12-44:i2 eves. SUNll!AM !~~83.i. Ask for DON
l\1ERCEDES Brni. Diesel ,67 Al •
&lie. \\'r havr 11 \11 stock pine
lrom 1958-1007. All Jn abo~
a\'t'raS;c condllion e.nd all Rd~r. 4 1ipd, v.·-whls, plush
SALE pri<."t"d. No n:asonabll' blck lnr. I"ve got a probit'n1!
offrr rt'fuS('(I Ji111 Sirmons $139!1 or make oflcr. YPSJ.14
J\lcr{'('llcs &·n1., 12!'1 \\'. LB Call Ken 49~·9773 or
\Ve.1·11cr Santa Ann, 546-4114 :>4~1.
'6.1\ Mere. Deni T."Jll SI'.: =========
VOLVO cu. 540.9100 "Did<
--------Norman" Vo Lvo o.,~,-C~A~D~.~-.-,~ .. -..,.-fil~-,-,ru"""1
power Sl95. 516 15th St. H.
B. Best Deals Are At
XI.NT CONU ,. u LL y TRIUMPH 1-~QUIP'l' ---------ll!l68 Harbor, C.M. 64M303 '* &t6-51l86 * '66 ~A, JRS, BRG, Ko~ '58 VOLVO, t new tlrta. ~
'64 CADILLAC Sedan de
Vllle, loaded. bf:'oautlful, ?.fu11
aeU . $1250. ~·7466
CAMARO l!Xi7 l\1ERCEOES Benz 2JllS. inst shocks, fog llle1, 1\'mn. or best otter. 9121. /\nnik
· 1, Jl ·-·' cowr. center ron~lc, xlnt Drive. lt.B. 968-6322 '67 Camero SS 350
Alr, lO&ded, low priced this
week! 1oor,'.. \Van'B.nty.
Au1o i;:tt•rr. . wtr1UO\\S. ncl $1495 494-~88G
Air 1-·uu \cathrr 1n1erior. co · · · 4
l\lu~1 i;rH lhl11 .,..,.,..K1•111I only '66 TR IUMPH TR -1
S·la!):;. (Stk No. PM68l J lm * 1ood a>rxlltiO'n *
S\cmoru; l\tC'rct'()rJ: Bcn:t. 120 Rea.90n11bl~ 548--4224
\\-'. \\'a~r. Santa Ana, 1969 TRWMPH TR 6, mi
316--4114 milt's, AM-FM. w h It e
'57 lOO !'L convrrl. Good \\'/black Int.· $DXJ. 54~756.l
cond. $1195. * <194-7886 * TOYOTA
. .,1 t1t··ToM. ~w """ 1TIQIYLQITl4)
" v "'" " c,, Best De•I• Ar• At lram. tt(', ~ ~~~,,...,.""-==--DEAN LEWIS '63 ?o1G P.1\dgr! l\11Q,.
(".ciod condition, Pv Pty: 1986 11#1.rbt)r, CM. 616-
.s~.:;o. J1()..4326 IT'S Meach hou.w ti
F'or oauy PU01 Wnnt Acb gc~t selection evt'r!
Dlal &U-;1673 fur RESUl.TS Di\0..Y PILOT \VA
Autos Wanted
for rood. clean utied can,
all makes. See G.:orae Ray
'l'heodore Robina ron:s
2060 Harbor Blvd.
C.l\f. 642-0JIO
845 Baker St., Costa Mesa
Automatic. ~ Knox, CM
645-2991 CVl'I,
'64 U.fPALA, 4 cir. new 1!~1 •
Your Vol~n or Ponche battery, muffier, S 7 5 D •
II J>A)' top dollars. Pakt for 642-4936
or not. Call RAlph 57 OtEV, 6 c)'t in runnlna
673-0900 condilon. $50. 962-8578
Oa.ulfied's act\on powci. IT'S Beach ~ tlmf.. Big·
For an ad lo 8C'.ll around lf!lll ~lectton ~ver! Se!! Uie
~'-"'~--·_k.~call-~B42<i611~-~-1 DAILY PlLOT Ousltled
Whlte eJepl\anllll DtmNt-llnt IOOlion NClWI
V081 automatic, radio, heat.
er, power at"1'1nc. lmmacu-
1.atel (Y-.,W 869l
COSTA MESA 546-1934
* '61 CX)),fg(', f Dr. R/H.
"""'· Jl(IO. cln NM731 Ill 5 p.m.
'62 Falcon, 6 cyl, 2 dr. For 1'·66'°"'V"ENTU==RA,,..,--1!11""°"1'1..,..(p,_2,f
sale by orig. owner.$300. dr pwr tact etr loW mil.
496-USB like~. Mutt'aeiJ, Belt of.
'61 F ALCX>N Sta. Wgn. 19561 fer, Pvt t>b'· G&-1439.
Trenton La.ne, 1-1.B. 961-3753 '63 Firebbd 400, f~1p d
lltlck. Olrome wheels.· Xlnt LINCOLN °'""· &46-ms, ,.,_,,., ----..... '67 LINCOLN Coll\Pertible l:'61;;-.,"=ro"-=-=-..,=·t1..,.."'J.1<""'
Low miles. Xlnt cond, $JD). e 0 nd Pvt puty PU·
6U-4107 all~r 5 6CW!l8T aftrr 1 p .M: ·
__ M_E_R_C_U_R_Y __ 1 ·~,.~~ !;:.'~ """".':
'67 1\-terc Col. Pk. Wm. 10•1=""=="=-====111='='""==:!
n """' o/c, rack, PIS. P/B, T BIRD CON MENTAL P/W, ...,. "''" ""'· "'"t • . &ldo -lock. AM/FM, llll1BI' "II 'II Cod Ottotte « m!ICh """"· P650. 83t>-644S ''6 T-atrd 2 Dr. HINtop •ea CoMmtJC:&l. Both lold-V4, auto. trans., f&ctor)' air
"' & x1n1 CX!Otl. 541).'IDI MUSTANG coot11u.m._, --1"'·
6 NCO powv btUb, PCIWV wt!\. . l LI LH ConUotnW. Ill dow•L :":~"" btl~whit. extraa! '68 Mtm.\NG VS auto. P. wall ~~ with •6~• • ltttt, Atr, lw:kets. Bca.utHul low, low miles. Rt>W T49
clorl< -WO ""'" with $2181 CORVAIR black ~ Reduce<! th.la weeicet1d Ill o"1y 11695. Jint
'64 Corvalr ltlonza Coupe,
Otirlnal owner. Excellent
<."Ondltlu11. -494--0085
'66 471' CORVETTE, 300 hp,
alr<ond, ~ top.a, XJnt shape.
'67 MERCURY Couau hdtp.
Auto. P iilett. Air. Nice
local low milcap car. Must
11etl thls Ytttkend ($tock No.
T1745AJ only $2195. Jim
SltmoN Mercedes Berti, 1lO
\V. \V11.rner, S ant•
AM, 54G-Ui4
SOCK rr TO '£lt!
SI~~ l(ll'Cede• Beni. U>l;fll,;-;T-'°"Blrd="°i,."-=-w=QD,,...,s""10
W. \Varna, Santa Ana, white \V/black tntuior It
546-4114 blade Yleyl lop. 21,000 miles
MUST Sell! '67 fl1u1tang bf artainal owntt with
Fut.back 390 cc, P\\T S. tvf7Y avaiWblt utra m•d&
auto trans. RAH. Xlnt cond by Ford. SpecW th I • l
$2300. 616-M alt 8 • nebnd for only 1UIO. Jim j
'68 Convt, $harp, only 10,(0) 6\mions Men:tdtl·Beftl. 12:1
ml, p/a & top $2495. Pr. W. Warner. SULia Ana., I
pt:y. 646--7301 N&-Cll4
'li8 MUSTANG CT '64 T .. Blrd oonv., an
3 speed, V·!I, Xlnt braktt., uhault, ~. I condition. tl450. 673-174' Yllvet. llftert. 1tuW, MUil
,67 MUSTANG. AJT'"CODd. •11 befort P'ridl.y. llatfce
Xlnt coro. 111815 ioc' SWl. 67>-71ll
cai1, 1<&-11S2 VAUANT . II '69 MAClf J, 1'JO mUta.
aulo lrana, rtdk>, red, l9U a Dr. Auto ~ ftdio,
S3000 • M9-C621 &Ir, ...
\Vhne tlerhanta:? • 646-1897 + -' t
' If
' .. '' '
• •
r .1 • ~""""==-~~ .. --
' ... ;
. ' .
' .
• ..... _
• • , I ...
' .
'one -stop' shopping
at ·its finest I
OPEN T!il:llUDA Y; & .~9Nl;JA Y' EVENIN&S
.. . ,
' ' ' ~ ' '
' .
' SEPT .. 6,. 10
.-. '
'. \~_r\
. '
' . . .: •·l .
Wlf.H THE •••
• " z • > c
I -MAt.llllRS DllVI. __ _
.. . :1 . WISTCLIP, o
;: P1A%A : .!r E
t. ._j
' ' . C.01\!Vi;,Nl~NT ENTRANCES
.c .... ,. , ...... ' .
~ I • ~ •
rf ·y ovr F11,votite1 r,1_ Busie~ 1'.iwin
Vi ulif Duririgi Construction : ·• .
Pleet• Try One Of The Otheu .
~ -~ ' .
"· . '
'; .
\ ' ...
. ' . ;· ,. .• t I ' "
, ' ) .
' •
; . " B1
' j
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It • ,
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the We
a ' ....
F ctn ...