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FRIDAr A~RNOON, SEPTEMBER S, l969 To Alie-..· Beca·11 ·Drive
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Laguna · Medic Faces Abortion Charge
B,razil Chiefs Give In
• -. .,
" P~!flaf!ih Ac~epted t.o fl"~~ JJ .S. En.vqy ..
, .iirO ~E JA~iRo (UPI) -The deadline of 48 ,yours for thelr demailds tG ~'dict.ator.mip ... The .aole..1Was JlJblished
Brazfilan governrdent bowed today lo tbe .be met They repealed Ult uJUmalum this earlier. ,
deman~ ~! a · ~d ci '_'ve ry, very morning but moved up the deadline lor "The government has already autbol'f%.
determined terronsls who k1dn~ped U.S. •n~-f '~Ir de -~ e<l the publication of the declaraUon and Ambassador C. Burke Elbr1ck and accep"""""-.:: o u..:: mauus. .
threatened to execute. him. The government aMowx:ement came will au~rize the transfer to a foreign
The Foreign Ministry announced it al 12:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. POT) after it country oC the_I5 person~ detained whose
woUld free 15 political prisoners )s received a band written note from· the na_mi:s will be indicated,' the government
demanded by Uie kidnapers. The a'l:' ambassador to his wife saying that be said m a public statement
noWtcemenL came barely an hour and 20 was alive and well but asPog the govern-The dect!ion was taken aft.er a meeting
minutes before expiratiqn o( a n ment to accede to.,_ what he called "very, of the bigb military command. the foreign
ultimatum that presumably would have very det.e:nnined" men. · minister and bigb national authorities.
meant death for the 61-year-old envoy. There had been two original demands '"'nlill "way the responsibWty will :tie
The ambassador waa seized by a band -release of the unnamed -prisoners and completely upon the beads of the lu<f..
al four men on a Rio de Janeiro street full publlcallon of the kidnapers note napera.for tbe safety of Ambassador D.
Thursday .and the kidnapcrs se~ a which deoouoced the covernment u a (Ste BRAZIL. Page 2)
Ex-D enw Candidate Tied Divers Search
To R eca ll of Supervisor Huntington
Lake for Boy
By JOHN VAL TEP,ZA well·flnanced campaign to unseal the
0t th• 0111, ~uot 1tatt F"th o· •·' I .... Di·-rs .,.· aearchlng the ..i....ohs of Unsuccessful 0etnOC'.:ratic congressi~\ u isw1c aupervlll\Jl . ~" <Riv~
and assetnbly candidate Pauli~ 'Die sources deacribed·the campaign as :. Hbntlnsrton Lake today ~rching for the
bas coolacted •I least one powe..i.·l a'.well-knll scheiiie 1n,.1Vlilg welMmown bndy rL • Huntlnglun Beach boy believed '."t' ' • • ., · drowned U]ere Tfiuraday morning.
citizen group leader ·in'tbnde Harborll ~· Defuocrats, in\erest"-'eroCrc1m'.Olved f.in . Raody Lee Reed •. J4, .of 17361 Lido
to bead the undergrml rec~ .. ~ the Uppe:r ~ 'and~e~-and·a JUC· Lane, Wu last seen by his 9-year-cld
ment against Supervisor AJtOO. E. ~. cessful ~ reeeatdf> firm< w~ ~ brother, J~ floundering and yelling for
it ;i: 11:~ w~8:;ked no\ Jo be~ · rt;oently '.ccinduct.ed an eitensive e~ hel p ln the ~d«tle of tbe lake about ll:U
"P" -he . . . _,,, J •~ ~"'·-• N am., Wedneaday. tified publicly, told the DAILo, .....,,. <>Pl-""" ~ ·•~ ,,~ ill> A rescue allempl by Jell faile<l when
refllSf.d to lend elt;her leaderih.lp.or·sup--ne:acb. •• '".(~:~ ~ndy disappeared under the murky
port to the campaign. another llM"• ·CM-penter told ~ l\Bfbor Area lea def\ water, said police investigators.
The <\Ylclosure added yet -y-t that .funds behind-.f:he .campaign .....: ~'a~ PoJ.ieemen and lifeguards with Scuba
to purt.les surrounding the rt;can·iem-. , .. . · 1 gear "lpa)l the enUrillg . afternoon paign, spawned 011tensiblY. by a ~ief reputed $30,<Q ·-·would bie aufficient~to· aearchlng the lake and'went back Bi'aln
newa released from San C 1 e m e n le ... back both the recall campaign and that of thlt morotng, but have. thus far failed to
sculptor-designer Anthony Taren tin o a possible candidate.. . find a aJgn of the boy.
earlier this week. Carpenter, sources said, hopes to ha•e Huntington Lake, on the northwest cor·
Soures described Tarentino as i<mere. lhe required 10 000 petition algnatures by ner of Goldemvest Street ~ Talbert
1y the front man" for the elaborate and . ', . Avenue, coven 11 acres and is from :.I to
mid-October to m.sur~ an elect.10n in mid· 40 reet deep tn aome part!, according to
P ilot's Photog
l1i Magazine
A view of the rolling. grassy campus or
UCI photographed by DAILY PILOT
Olief Photocrapber Lee Payne illustrates
the ' feature story in Saturday's.· Family
Tht story, by novelist Sloan (The Man
ln The Gray Flannel Sult") Wilton, t.Jke1 a 90ber look at today's serJ0\15,,colltge
&l.Udents and poses the question~ ''What •
Sh®ldParenls Tell Co 11 e g e -l>o and.
Student!?" 1 •
Family Weekly is a national pubi1cauoo
circuleted on weekt.ods by nearly 20t
n""P&pers lh""'gho11t the Uift<d States
l('dudlnc.lh• DAILY PILOT to mort lllon
S\~ mllJJoo. homes.
And they'll all g<I a good look 11 llCT
this weekend, as r;cen through fhe ll!n& or
Payne'1 camera.
December -a time where many the city engineering department. negativ~rlented voters come 'out to the Lifeguards, repeatedly diving below
polls to vote. the murky deptm, said visibility was
"December is a great montb for the very poor. A tho~gh search of the en-f
'aglnners' to come out in droves to vote," Ure bank of liuntington L.ake waa made
the aource sa1d. without any luck.
The recall campalgn was described as Police aaid' Randy, a poor swimmer,
a multl·pronged scheme to destroy the was trying to sWim across the lake when
chances of JoM Killder, Allen11 aa.. he at~, 'thrashed in the water. and
mlnislrative asslMant. ye:lJe(f for help, about one-third ol the
The vote in o.:ember would1 insure waJ acrOSI.
that K.Hleter 'could not~place hil name on Jell jumped In Crom the bank, and tri'ed
the. ballot. lo reacb hll brolheo:, but arrived too late,
Source1 '"'id the hiring of. Oplnlbl> .. Id inveotlplors. Jleliearch lnc. o( Lortg·1Beadt gave a HunUnglon lAke la a huge pkJt oC open
•pecialadvantage -rocall campolp land, wblch It achedulod to become a part
because of. exlenllve dai. which Ill can-of the clly'1 ...,1ra1 j>ark. II Is a popular
vassers gathered durlng a recent' IUl"VeJ" fistilng rpot, but not con.!ltdered aa!e for
or community atlib.lles in Newport swimming.
Beach. ,,,. finn , hired at.a r .. ol about $3,oOO,
g8thered valuable 'data for UM= dlJ'•
Newport Tomoo 10W dU-planning Caln-
palgn. Including observallons on the URI
of Upper Newport Bay and Orange Coon-
IY Airport.
Wreck Kills Man, 23
A Buena Parle man, Douglas Kwoog
'r'Uck Young, ~' was killed ~'lbu1*1~
momlo& wben hll 1purto car co111ded with
aDOtbu e1r at an lntenecUoo ln Cyprus.
, ,
' . ' ·:p~,~~~!~~ "i1'' .. ~-~ml .. Pbysieian
' '
·n~~i~s-~ ~ '1~
'1 '.
! Of flll. o.iry ~-l lllff I A Lquna Beach physician wu .,,.
r.esi.d at hla ,1plicinul,cllli·lop home la
J)ana Point n11irtil11Y nigbl and iceuled.
by ,"'u~ or lnduclot lw• aborllo!ia la Yi>tink unmatrled' "901"'· Dr. Robert c. Robb, 68,.speclalizfng in
Internal niedlclne, ha.a denied the ac·
· · O)fita~ at b.ls ·home, U567 Scenic ••
Drive, the physician today said, "I have
rlever performed an opf:ration on a preg.
nant woman." He tald the arrest w11
"qui le a ihock to me."
Police, how~ver, malnt.ai.ned that lhe
a).l!!ted. .Pr~.W:CJS .~d_.~1rie~rty ~:;,..~ lue Of. one Of the WOlllen volved ·wuCn ,
peritonitis, an infection of the abdomen,
developed. .
Or. Robb was taken from hifl home to
the ~guna Beach. Police Department,
booked and released on a $1,250 bail bond.
Polk:e Det. Brooks said officers armed
with a sea;ch warrant also searcOed the
PhYSicicin's Office at 250 Beach· SL, and
3eite:d "certaln instrument!."
Dr. Robb was arrested on a warrant
lssue<l in' Santa Ana munlclpe~court, Ho
was bOoked on two felony counts (RPI!"._
ate alleged offenses) under a peW\f cctdC
• !i<d1on · which is ll<aded:
"Providing or administering a-ctrug·or
. employing means to procure mlscar· '
riage." Tbe secUon list4...a-f:io. to:'fJVe
year prison penalty. ., ~ · ·
Detective B!qoka # clalined ·that the
aUeged aborilos\a were lnctucei! by in-
·"""'" •K.Ot ,_., twrr c.1•. serting a tube Into the female organa and 1
Peerin u st from HuntinJ!\Oll Beach Pier early,.~ay, ph.ii,graph-~~~~~ca; aoluliolll which .•ct ., >
er spof1e~1 fascinating free forlJ) patte,m .crealed by a ~ of Bropk• 'said 1 h"I • 1mnlna1'1 Ure ' ' tra~h ~ and tire tracing• left by vehlclea of beech ~~J!f'..'!1' C!,•W!·", --wegnancy-when . N ;-,0 .,. felul ' ·
S<!h\ary. f1gw:e ,!n. Upptl',1'9rijoll"1.~·1,MM1u~ .. ~-~b1n1-cilslOllges. He : alioaod ., J>o!h Wll'J"'n s~d with old m!ne"de~ m search of loet:Valual>l~. , , ' ' <¥veloped perllonllls litlt lliill in one..,.
~creclihle S~~ry Rev~~ed
' . . ' '
., .... Dlltr ...... ., ...
An Incredible chain ol lelllmooy -
with more promiaed. ln the tutu.re -un-
fokted 11u1tJday In the • Cl14t of a
halrm-. cbar;«I with iiOllcltlng a
Huntington a..ch lawman lo murder hla
girlfriend: .
Rlchard D. Reed, 28, ol Garden' Grove.
ware • wrinkled green rportlhlrt and
freshly grown burd, ,..,Ing dOWll at his
handcuffs 11len!ly during preliminary
heartnc in West Orange Coonly Judicial
District Court
The case ahltts to Orange Olunty
Superior Court on Sept. U, fur .,..
ralgnmenl on twin~hargetof ooUclltnc to
•..,... mnrder.~lil!r&llu ;
HunUngLon Beach under co• er
policeman Gene Pool -hlm,.u bearded
a..rl8iki.;i b.. aiii,. Ta t!t&w1 -told'
Jud .. ee11a Baker'• cotirt o1 the otralli•
clrcumltmca1 leading lQ> to Reed'• Aug.
22 arrest.
Oflon luafnl 11 his whllken, Pool told
the judge ad a illndlul ol ~ ol1a
oeda·ol -in which he claJriitd he
WU tfnallJ hfred lo kJll Kathleen
Duokell, J4, ol I25U Keet Aye., Garoen
Death was to have 1 bil4.nd·run
rendtzVOl!I with Mio. Duckett-on a
dewled llrolch ol ftledway in Foonltln
Valley, acconllo& lo Pool's lelJllmo!!y. ,,., iirtco ol fallu .. was 111ggetled lo
bo Pool'• own violtftt aemlle, he leollfle<I.
•. 1k llOld-111~._.;11>~ orranged
aL • HunUngton Buch bar and llun-
(llee DEAm PLOT, Pip I)
(See AIUIEST; ~ I)
o r .. ge
Weailler .
Look !or a plctura pciillCard
' weekend orl'the .Qranp Gout1with
sunny skies and temperatures In
the eighties after a band.ful ol low
cloud> in tho nt«ntng hourr.
A llmidftrl of UC ln>lM •I•
denti ore qiuino. uounga~rt
1 t~eir /irlt tcutt o/ tM outdoor• 1 ot.1/nicump; Pog• If. -• IMlll!I IJ MatttMI Ntn ...
C•llftnllt 1 tr-o.fJ 1i c._... U·» »Wit ,.,_ I
...... _ tJ • .,,_.. tl•ts
t• .....,. ... " 'I Dtelll Httin. 14 Ii.ell M.l'tflt6 •t
•tltlf'liit .... " ' T.-........... • 1 Pw..tt ... """""' lt<lt ~ 1~ Wllflltl' 4 Allfl u..tn Ii ... R '"'*"' ,, E:;;. ~, :=i~ll1i
! I ' ' I
Reds Attack But Pledge Truce
,.,.... P .. r: l
tington Beach's Lake Part ditclased that
Mlu IJuckdt carried • lriple indtmnll1
llfa .-policy ol whldl R«d Waold
por PGol tl,IOO !Udo "a job."
Re1i11. who , liv• at ~ aamt Ketl ,
A•-oddtta, anepdly· told the w..
df!"COWI' detective that the belt ••1 to
kill Mill Duckett would be U..Ugh a hit-
and-nm accideot wltlcb cooJd take place
on a lootly dark strttcb of Bwhard
Street in Fountain VaDey.
AJ iMurance that the killing would ac·
tu.ally take place, Rttd allegedly told
Pool that be knew "that the same thing
.... iauJd happm to her woWd happl!ll to
him ~be -~ poy."
"He made reference to a balbed-in
skull aod a bllJJel in tho back," tho cldec.
live 9ddecL
-r<J>Cl'Udl1 told tbe detective, ao-c:m!lol to "'"'"""'l' that be and Miu
Dacbll bad tann a trip to Brull earlier
when he allegedly considered goinC 100
miles out into the wildernes.1 aod cat~
ctting a poisonous snake with which to till
ln conversations the hairdre.s.ser had
with the uodercoYer policeman, it was
also disclosed that Reed had keya to two
local beauty shops where he had been
employed before, Pool said.
'Ibese be wu wUllng to sell to the
detective for Pl» or 3> per cea;t ot ~.
prOflU U a burglary were to be earned
out llllC<elllulJJ, Pool lestlfled.
In addition, R<ed aUegedly Wonned
Pool that he knew of a grocery store
O\\'Mr who r e g u I a r I y made •10,000
deposits to • bank and suggested om be
<X>Uld be t<lleved of tbe money. For this
job, Pool testified, Reed wanted a 10 per
cent ftt.
Int~ as evidence by Deputy
Oistricr-'Attomey Brian Brown wu a
photograph which tbe d<lecltve ~ wu
a map drawn by Reed on a Lib: Part
picnic table and showed how to get to a
Garden Grove liquor store.
Pool laid be uRd the map lo find the
store -re he got a gllmpoe of the .in-
tended vlctlm, who had allegedly 6een
sent there by Rttd to buy some beer for
him. In reality, the detective said, she
was acnt there 110 that the hired "klller''
could identify his victlm.
During tbe last meeting between Pool
and the halrdruser which repor!edly
took place on the Fountain Valley High
School football field, Reed 1Uegedly pro-
duced an inourance pa!Jcy CODtalning
triple indemnity clause.
The detective said he then ordered
Rm! to send the mooey to a Dallas ad·
dress and then told him, 0 you woli't hear
any more from me until you read in the
papers that your girlfriend has been till-
Detectives Carl Vidaoo llDd LoW
Ochoa, who had kept the two dealing men
under surveillance on U\e gridiron, ~
quently stopped Reed's vehicle as he wu
leaving the high school grounds and plac-
ed him under arrest.
Neither l:be total amount of the in·
wrance policy nor how police flf'St found
ou~ about Reed's alleged intentioos of in-
itiating the murder-for-hire plot was
disclosed in testimony.
Police said earlier, however, that they
1Vert tipped on by a secret infonnant.
Defense Attorney William Monroe at·
tempted to have the case dl.smlssed Oil a
point of evidence, but Judge Baker ruled
that Reed be bound over for lrlaJ on both
.................... ,. ..... --_,..., --c•• ... •11&
J•U I. c.rt.,.
T~a:-1 ....
l\•11111• A. M-"IN -·· -C:. .. MIMI D '#Id.., Sltttl ~ .. -:nu,..., .. .., .........
'i:::".J:"' "'·-· -IMllll:••-
in hono< ol North Vl<lnam'a late Prat·
dent Ho Chl Minh. South Vietnam Ind the
United States were apected to honor it.
olllxAICb tbert bad -.. -....... ,. in Salgoc. A Rusalan Tus .nsp,lth f"""
llanoi laid it would apply to the North
Vietnamese too.
Ho Hall Tuoq, a SoUlh Vteawn-'nl-
liooal wemblyman, laid be 'would .,....
pooe that aU ~de> In tbe Vietnam-....,.
stop fJ.&hting .durlnc the enlire t11ven-d1y
period of national mourning pn>C!aimed
by Hanoi but It wu doubted his idea
would be accepted. Tuong aid JI would
-U:I the Paril peace talb.
The Viet COng r-whlcb first ...
nounced the cease.lire said today any
allied soldier who violates it would be
''severely ~·" The broadcut,
pmumatily -\Ing l<r'tbe Narih Vlei'
namese as well, indicated the Com-
muni.lt.t would nre back if fired upoo.
Hanoi called Thunday far renewed ef.
forts to driye tbe ~ oot If South
Vletiwn and today's heavy attacks
follOwed. However, U.S. Officers believed
the attacks were mereJy another high
point. of lbe ComrnWllst autumn offensive
which began the night of Aug. Jl-lJ with
a similar wave of attacks.
Five of the Communist ground assaull3
were carried Wt lP1'f American hues
lsr.aeli Police Puzzled
By Pi~'s D~appearance
·-· .
BETHl.EH.ID.1, hrael1-occupied Jordan
(UPI) -Israeli police searching for
former American Episcopal b is b o p
Airport Noise
Group Denie.s
.Tie.s to Recall
The Nel'l·port Beach Airport Nobe
Abatement Committee today totally
disavowed any connection wltb the
undercurrent recall campaig11 against
Fifth Oimict Supervisor Allon E. Allen.
Dan Emory , chairman of the powerful
citiun's group, said a specl il steering
committee meeting held this morning
produced an officiaJ position of net.1trality
on the campaign.
Emory speciflcally was quoted in the
"Soolh Coast Homeowner's Beacon.'' a
tabloid distributed by lhc Allen foes. The
piblication sparked t.he Emory stale-
'Ibe Beacon, on it. seoond page, at-
tributed quotes criUcal of a>unty oCOcials
to Emory and agrees with t h e
"The Airport Noise Abatement Com·
mittee is oot a participant in any recall
mo\·ement. To our knowled&e, no one who
has actively participated in the affalrs of
the committee is involved in any recaU
DXl\1ement," Emory said
He said the group, claiming lbousaods
of supporters, has never advocated
"relaija~ politic.al action" again¢ any publ~ial u a muns of achlev"s
committee goalL •
.. Nor bu it ev.r urged lt.s supporters
lo talle dinct poliUeal action In an1 apeo
ciflc ekctloo campaign," he laid.
He· laid that tbe copnnillee, in ...
cordanct With that beJtif, ''neither en-
courages, nor di11COUrages participation
in lhf .•• recall movement « any other
poUtlcal campatin."
Emery also said tbe oommtllee
members hope that countJ supervisors
enact noise rellrictloos at the ariport and
heed the c::omm.ittee11 sugutlona far el·
fediftly controlllag aircraft noise.
Jamt1 Pike said today they 1tJ puzzled
by cirrumstaoces·llU'l'OWlding tbe disap...
About 300 police and soldier! pulled out
of the seareh, now in its fourth day. Bul
30 veteran af"Qly scou1s, aided by local
Ilcdooin tribesmen and trackers, con-
tinued searching the Judean Desert for
tbc conlroversial churchman.
Police sources said one of the
mysterious aspects in the case was the
failure by Bedouin tracltn's to find any
traces of Pike although bU wife pointed
out what she said was the euct spot
where she left her husbaod aflu their
automobile broke <lov"n Monday.
Bedouin nomads in the area have told
searchers they did not see Pike. Polia!
failed to find a camera and sun glassu
he took from lhe car which sources said
should have been disl;arded. _
.. It would be naturat.Jer'8 man slag.
gering acrosS the wildeme5s looking for
help to abandon such useless items. The
queslion is why haven't v;e found them?"
the sources asked.
Police found a map not far from Pike's
car. They said he apparently tore out a
section of the map dealing with the area
in wh.ich he wa:s losl
Only four miles from the car are two
fre:sh-waler springs bes.ide the Dead Sea .
Police said they believed the American
may have headed for them.
TI1e official search for the 56-year-<1ld
theologian, missing since the rented car
in which he 1 and his wife were driving
became stuck on some boulders. The
search begaq after his wife stumbled into
lht camp Qf SCRM Arab construction
workers after wiildering lor 10 houn in
tbe desert .
Beth&ebmn Police ' Chief Eno.sh Givati
told )ltdDen that unless Pike had been
fOWld . and befriended by Bedouin
tribes!kn be c:ould not ba\le survi\led for
three days wtthoUt food and water.
Mrs. Pike Thursday spent three hours
at GlvaU'a office, headquarters for the
hunt, but was too tired to join searchers
In the deaert as she had done on Lhe two
previous days.
'''Jbe worst thing of all is not knowing
where he is," she said.
Lt. Neil Sellers of Imperial Beach gets ''-'elcome home ki ss fron1 hi s
wile and hug around the knee from his son . Patrick, 22 months, after
arriving Thursday at ln1perlal Beach Naval Air Slatton follo\vlng
five months of duty tn lhe western Pacific. Seller~ is a helicopter
pilot with an anUaubmarlne squadron.
within 105 miles of Sa1gon. 1bese cost the
Corrununill< 1t deid aoc1 l:ilkd s1z Am-""" """"""' a. Ao .attact abcm Da Nang l:illed -U.S. Marines
•od wounded U and COil tbe C<llununl3la
one de.Id. South Viel.nameae forces killed
aJICll1er eight in beaUq back an altack c miles !tom Salacn-
U.S. iJ!lelllgence llOU!'CfS reporled tbll
Communist inliltraUon into the ~
provinces of South Vietnam bad fallen
.. to tero" aod that the allies expected a
continued lull in heavy fighting: there. But
&hey said they erpectect Ul6 lnfiltratioo to
pick up when the m<maooo rains ~
From Page 1
the patient-victim almost lost her lile.
The investigator said one or the women
wa:s from the Van Nuys area. Tbe alleged
offense in that case, he 1ald, occurred
No\'. 25, l!let. The more rectnt .CW.
Brooks Wd, occurred ~I· 11. He Hid
both women are 20 years old.
Books said the embryo in the ftrat cue
v.·a.! believed to have existed about two
months and sald the fetus in the more .re-
cent silu1Uon was estimated to have ez.
i.sted more thin three monLhs.
~e ~etective said the Jong-time in·
vestig:aUon had been carried on in con-
junct.ion with investigators or the Orange
County district attorney'! office and
a member of the California Department
ol Profeulmat and Vocational Standards,
Brooks said the physician, a widower.
told officers at the time of arrest that
they bad made a mistake.
The offlcer said arraignment in a Santa
Ana municipal CO\D"t ~ presently scheduJ. ed for Sept. LI.
Dr. Robb said he has practiced
medicine in Laguna Beach for 10 years.
lie sald that the charges are without
foundalion and he asked his friends "not
to "''orry".
Ma11 Arraigned
In Coed Mm·der
ANN ARBOR. Mich. (AP) - A 22-year·
old Eastern Michigan University student
was arraigned on a first-degree murder
charge today in the latest or seven
unsolved coed murders.
The defendant. John Norman Collins,
stood mute at lhe brief hearing be.fore
lVashtenaw Counly Circuit Judge John W.
The judge set Sept. J_, as lbe date for
hearing defense moUons, including a re·
q_uest that all evidence -including in·
cnieralor ashes -obtained from a room·
ing house where Collins stayed be sup-
pressed because of &'1 improper search
Defense attorney Richard Ryan also
asked the court to perm.it him to enter
the house of Collins' uncle, where the
murder of J8-year-old Karen Sue Bel.ne-
man allegedly took place.
Collins is accu:scd of strangling t.-liss
Belneman, who was a freshman at the
University, and <lumping her nude body
on a lonely road on the outskirts of Ann
Arbor, about 15 miles .from Yp!ilanti.
Burnt~ Case
DAU.V I'll.OT ....... ., L.M ... ,,_
''Don'l just stand there -do something," or "\Veil, Joe, \ve haven't
lost a fou.ndatiqn yet.'' Th ose are just two of the captions suggested.
by this photo oi Huntington Beach firemen P aul Ackerman (left.) and
James Merrill. Actualy, whimsical photographer caught the pair in
unguarded moment Thursday as they \vound up training exercises on
an old building.
Envoy Top Rate
Abduction Slwcks His Friends
By United Prtss lnlemalional
U.S. An1bassador Charles 8 u r k e
Elbrick cl Brllil, kidnaped Thursday by
terrorists, is regarded in the diplomatic
service as a reser\'ed but outstanding
career diplomat.
Foreign service officers "'ho have serv·
cd with him in a variety of posts in
Europe were described as shocked by the
Frona Pnge 1
Burke Elbrick," the statement said.
The k:ldnapers were believed to be
members of "MR3", a guerrilla group.
The initials stand for Movlmenlo Revolu·
cionario and the "8" refers to the date of
the death of Erriesto ''Che" Guevara, •the
Cuban revolutionary killed in Bolivia Oct.
8, 1967.
The kidnaping was the first suious in·
ci<.lent since the junta assumed authority
five <lays ago.
The commanders of the army, Navy
and Air force took control of the govern-
ment Sunday when Pre!ident Arthur Da
Costa e Sliva suffered a stroke.
The Brazilian foreign ministry called
the k.idnaping "an act of terrorism. pure
and simple, to the detriment of lhe in-
ternational prei.tlge of Brazil.·•
abduclion of the dapper 6l ·year-<1ld Ken·
Elbrick climbed to the forefront o[ his
career during his last assignment, in
''ugosla\'ia from January. 1964, lo May,
1969. President Tito was known to have
held Elbrick, a rugged featured man with
slicked black hair, in high esteem.
Elbrick is a native of Louisville, Ky. He
£raduated !rom Williams College in 19'29.
Elbrick entered the foreign service in
January, 1931, and was immediately sen t
to Panama.
Until the outbreak of World \Var JI he
se rved in a \'ariely of European posts. In
1940 he "·as sent to Lisbon, Portugal,
u·here he gained a knowledge of thal
country's language, which i.s spoken in
His career in t.he U.S. Foreign Service
has been one of a stead)I upward climb.
He sen•ed as assistant secret.ary of
state for European affairs beginning in
February, 1957, until October, 1958.
This was a period of continuing crises
in Europe, many of them predpitated by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
over Berlin and other issues. Elbrick wu
noted lor his calm deportment under
In October, 1958, Elbrick was posted to
Portugal on his first ambas.!adorial
assignment. This was followed by his
assignment to Belgrade, and later by hi!
post in Brai.ll which he took up in May ot
this year.
T ""'" ~ ;., ~ n'l(fi.,. -.doe.°"" of four Or~rs
Ir~ whic.h lo thooiot ,
Heml!don f" ~,.,,.,
The spirit ol great French period design is
alive •nd well •.• in Henredon's
~de~ $345.
7.1.,, " \
1n1 W"tcllff Dr., 642-2050
0"9H N llt,t.Y 'TU. t
Prof-ttelOMI lnt.rlor
345 North Cotat Hwy.
onw FllOAT ,,L t
' I
BQJltington Bea~h
' • EO ITIO)'I , '
ur er
• • •
FRIDAY, SEP1t~BE~:5~;1 969 '. '
Youth Lost in Lal{e ' .
Beach Divers Fail in Resc ue Tr y
Divers are searching the depths of
Huntington Lake today searching for the
body of a Huntington Beach boy believed
drowned there Thursday morntng.
Harnly Lee Reed, 14, of 17361 Lido
Lane, was last seen by his ~year-old
brother, Jeff, floundering a.llQ yelling foc
help in the middle of the lake about 11 :45
a.m., Wednesday.
A rescue attempt by Jeff failed when
Randy disappeared under the murky
watac, said police investigators.
Policemen and lifeguards \\o'ith Scuba
ISO in Audie n ce
gear spenl the entiring afternoon
searching the lake, and \rent back again
this morning, but have thus far failed to
Lind a sign of the boy.
Huntington Lake, on the northwest cor·
ner of Goldenwest Street and Talbert
Avenue, covers 13 acres and is from 30 to
40 feet deep in some parts, according to
the city engineering department.
Ll!eguarcb, repeatedly diving below
the murky depths, said vWbility v.•as
''.ery poor. A tborouah 8e.arch of the en.
lire bani of Huntington Lake wu made
without any luck.
All 8 Recall Candidates
Give Views in Meeting
Of tlll D.llly .. 1 .... , ...
Fount.a.in Valley recall election can-
4.idates -including the mayor's former
¥ntiatr who la trying to extract one in-
*1mbept . from bia .ci\y council Rat -iured their cam~gn planks fhurid'.ay.
Each 0£ the e.ig'ht Pi rsons wa1 givm
flte mlnutes to addrHs a g_roup o( 150
Citizens during the m•et.lhe..andldai..
11ight al the Fountain Valley Conunw\ity Center. .
None or tbt three incumbents named in
the recall were present; all sakl they bad
prior engagements in response to in·
vtt.aliona sent out by the FounWn Valley
Civic League..
The first candidates lo speak were
those oP!X>Sing Mayor Ro b e r t
SchwerdUeger in the Sept. 23 special
AUorney Robert Sassone attacked the
1ncumbenls on their alleged conflict of in-t.erm. "I propose strong conflict o( in-
terest legislation and elimination of •
)oopholes In our city ordinances." he said,
relying on his legal background.
';Three small signs staked among the
weeds is not sufficient notice to
homeowners of an impending zone
change," said George Scott. the other
candidate for the mayor's council seat.
He attacked the lack ol representative
government by the incwnbenl! and also
call(d for conflict or interest legislation."
Then the opponents of Vice Mayor
Donald Fregeau spoke.
"We need strong leaders, but ones who
can work with other people," said Paul
Guiso, who then launched an attack on
federal funds and giving up local control
of government, "SCAG ( S o u l h e r n
California Association of Governments)
i11 nothing more than a federal watch·
dog," he charged.
"I represent lhe home owners.•• staled
Plul Si•lflnl. ''thet rm,11&,.Nva l!IOlllf-
one ~ the council 1who defends their
rights 'a&ainst the developers." He then
altllcl<ed Gal!o !or falling lo file a list Or
''l:m running a cheap campaign,''
replied Gu!BO.
''Mine Will be cheaper," returned
Savarino1 "and l st.Ill listed my quallftca·
Bernie Svalstad was lntniduced by his
campaign manager, then outlined his pnr
gram for a "people" campaign. "Tiie
real issue is people's right.ii." he said.
"The council doean 't feel you are im·
port.ant. I do."
Councilman Joe Courreges bas also
drawn three opponents.
John Ginos first told the audience he~
\\'as "utterly ov'"'°belmed" at the in·
terest shown 1n tlie candidates night, lhen
told ot his plans for youth oriented pro-
grams ~ called for "a change with a purpose." .
Roy Richards, formerly the mayor's
dentist; promised a .. fair shake" from
the cooncil if elected and pleaded for
stability lo Fountain. Valley government.·
Ron Shenkman, the ftnal speaker,
touched oooe again on conflict of Interest,
calling for men who wouldn't neceuarily
avoid all confiict of Interest situaUons but .
would "know how to handle them if they
arise." He also emphasized a need for
developed parks in the city.
After the speeches the audienee was
given a short break, before the can·
didates n!pUed to written questions. Some
of tbe candidates displayed a quiet seme
of humor during this aeulon.
Richards wu-asted to re.tote a charge
by tbe mayor that if elected he woold
Police said Randy, a Poor swim mer,
was trying to swim across the Jake when
he stopped, thrashed in !he water , and
yelled for help, about one-third of the
"''8)' across.
Jeif jumped in from the bank, and tried
to reach his brother, t.ut arrived too late,
said Investigators.
fluntington Lah is a huge plot of open
land, which is scheduled to become a part
of the city's "Central park. It ill a popular
fishing spot, but not considered safe for
Nixon Adviser
Says .Jobs Not
Hurt by Cut
The Nixon Adminls\fation'a 75-perctnt
slash in all new federal constructlon con-
tracts will not bike unemployment. ac-
cordlnc to the President's chief economic
,!Jt· .~11,)ir f . B!l!!l'. !'\!!'!• the m"fa·
tion •I a pre" bile!\01 IO''San clem.Ote
f0Uowing announcement of the ~uslvt
cutback. '
'1 do not expect MY unemploytrle.lll,"
ht said, ''because we have an excess of
demand for construction and ill ·thla will
do i11 cut back an tile e:tCeu demands."
He refused to speculate oo what Jlnpacl
the antl-infiationary move would l:la:ve on.
the stock market '
"I have made It a practice over the
years to speak about the stock market in-
private ooly," be said, smiling.
Bums emphasized that the reducUon In
federal proJects involvt;:1 starts only. On-
going proj<cll :woold contlnuo.
Ht. said that If tt>e..trf.ieze on new con-
trac\t-la. carried throUgh the, fiscal year,
a total of IL! billiOll in federal funds ·would be ~ troni th• budget. But
"If oOndJllonl ate," Ille cutback might
be eplorced !qr iusl a few mon!M.
llilrm, puffing I pipe. explained the
"1peclal prof)Jem" in the construction
lnduatry lbal led lo the Presiednl'• de-
.. Bulldinl wages 1n ~nt month! have
been rising at an anooal rate of 15 per·
ctnL 11tt cost of constructing office
bulldlng1, lndust:ial plants, apartment
houses hu been rising aboul 12 peroent
or 100Jl· The cost of construction one.. f'amlb' homes 1w been going up sharply
aa well."
The reason for this inflationary spiral,
he said, Is the COMtruction industry's in-
ctJl"clty lo ll)eet Ill lhe demands.
W1th no federal contracts, the industry
wouJd be able to concentrate on housing
wlth Jess, strain. Cost· would then, theo:.
rellcaU,, llabllize.
. ' '' .. .. . . . . . ~ .... , -. -' Brazil Bows to Terrorist • '' .. ' . ' '
'.Demands to 'Free Envoy
' '
Brazilian govemmenl bowtd today to the.
demands (Jf ~ b~nd of 11~,. ,V!f/
detern\ined" teiTnrlJta who kJdnapt4.1:J.S.
Ambassa(ior C. Bur'ke Elbrtct' and '
threatened to execute him.
The Forei5h Mini.Uy .amow:>Ced It
would free 15 pollUcal Ji"ilonerl IL
demanded by tile ' i1dnaper,; '!'be ah-nouncement cunt' barely an hOur ancf 20
minutei before e1P1rauon of a n
ultimatum that presumably would have
meant death for the fl-year-old eftvoy.
The ambassador was •seized•by a band
of !our men on a Rio de Jtinel.ro atreet
Thursday and the kidnapers set a
deadline of 48 yours for their demands to
be met. They repeated the ulUmatum this
morning but moved up the deadline for
aceeptance of. UN!ir demands.
Tilt government announcement came
at 12:30 p.m'. (8:10· a.m'. PDT) ·art.er It
received a hmf wrltt~ note from · ult
ambassador · to· hJs wife aayillg that be·
was i.live and ~eU but asking.-U,etpem-
ment to accede to what'be: caIJ~ "very,
very determined" me!).
'~re hild 'been \w~ ortil!l1fl~dt"l•IJd•
-"'-release of the urtn'arlieci prl.,onCl'a and
lull publieatlon of the ·lfldnap.n note
which denounctd the governnwnt as a
''dldatoiohlp." "Iba. DOie w,i'piblllbod
earlier. i
"The government has already authoriz.-
ed the. publlcatlcio ~-the cleclir•lloo ind
will authorlz.e the trall!ler lo • foreign
country of the lS per~nl!I detained whose
names will be ln(ilcatdf,"1be government
said in a pul:Hic atatemeDt.
The decision was taken alter a rriee:Ung
flf the high military command, Ole foreign
minl1ter and hjgh national authorities.
"Thb way the· respomibUJty wm be
completely upon the 'heads of the kid-
napera for, the safety or Ambaaador D.
Burke l!lbrlcl<;" the Utement.&ald.
Ocean Vie'v Asks
Teacher Aides
For 22 Schools
Adminlslrators 0£ the Ocean View
School District have launched a program
to recruit teacher aides for the district'•
22 schools.
Dem Linked to Allen Move •
The tidnapets were 1 tk!!Uev.ed ' · to be
rTiembera of"'~'.,• jguttrllla '&roup..
The lnlUala ·tt.and for Movimento •Revolli-
clonarlo and the 'II" relen to the ;date o1 ·
the death of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the
~uban ""'olutionary killed In lloUvia Od
8, 1961,
The tidnapinc wu1the first atriooa ln-
Appllcations for lhe $2.56-per-hour jobs
will be accepted by · Mrs. Virginia
?\1atkowskl, classified personnel director,
until Sept. 12.
Mrs. Matkowski will supervise wriUen
tesl! at dislrict headquarter! at Beach
Boulevard and Warner Avenue , Sept. 16
and wUI arrange interviews for those who
pus the examination.
A condition of employmen t Is enroll·
ment In the evening "Teacher Aide"
course offered through Golden West
College. The two-unit course will meet at
Oak View School Wednesday evenings
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. beginning Sept. 21
and mdlng Dec. 10.
'nle course is open to the public and
will provide the training and background
neoeSNry for both paid aides and those ''ho want to volunteer their services.
According to district Stlperinleodtnt
Clarence Hall an active volunteer aide
program has been under way In the
Alstrict for severaf yea'rS. Close to 50
,·oiuntetn have asmted the district's
tetieMn In the past year.
Requlrommts for the paid aldt ..,.,1.
lion Include lfadualioo from high llChool
Al1ll U.S. cltlzensblp. PrevloQa up1rlenco
In workln& with groups of children Is
•• l
• •
. . . .
Harbor Area Leader Cott,Uictedoy Carpenter in, J{ecqll
Cident alnco the Juntft:· . med ~Jy (ive1lay,.a10 •• • • · •
The. COl1111\11\Ckr1 the· armY,.,Navy
'111'1, Aft ·force .loot -1. of U)e ,Wem-
ment Sunday wl:U 'Pre!ldent fJ1lW Oa
Of "'-O.Hy "llM • ...,
Unsuccessful Democrallc congrC!sional
and assembly candidate Paul Carpenter
has contacted at least ooe powerful
citizen group leader In the HarOOr Atta
to btld the underground recall move-
ment 1plnst Supervil<r Allon &. Allen,
U WU learned today.
Tbe 11!1111«, who uted not to be Iden·
tifH!d Jlllblicly, lold lhe DAILY PILOT ho
re!U!ed lo l<nd either leadenblp or Ill!>'
port to the campaign~
1be ~ure added yet anOther facet.
lo f)llDl<a aurroundinJ the reall cam-
paign, apawned Mll11lbly by I brief
ne.ws released from San C 1 e m t n t e
sculptor-dcsi.gper: An1bon1 T 1 r c n t i n o
earlier this week.
Souns described Tarentino p "mere·
1y the troot man'' for the elaborate and
well·financed cnnp&l&n to ti:mltat the-
Fiftll Diltrlct aupem.r.
The llOUfeff d-1bed the cmrpalgn u
I weJl.IJllt ld1eme ln9'll'f!ng ...u:kilcnm
Democrats, interut croups llr\'Olved II\
the Upper Bay land exchana:e and a aU<>
(See BRAZIL, P11e I) ~essful opinion research firm which Research Inc. of 1 LOO' Biaeh gave a . ' . , • ~ ·
recently conduct.ett an extensive public special advant,a.ge · t0 the r~ll campl.lgn , · 1 •
opinion poll ol' UM!' citluns in Newport ~awse o' utenslve 1~a\a which its CJO-p!.J._t' pL AW
Beacli. vassen gathered d1u:)11g,.1orectll1·1Ur1ey' ·, tip .~: .i; IW . ,.g,
Carpenter tb1d 1lhe Harbor Area leadtt' of commUnity attitddu,' in Newport J U . • · 1
thal funds ~-tile campaign _, ~ Beacli. ' • ' ' ··~ . '.' ' it :,riagnzine '
reputed $30~~JJ.i.would be sufficient 1~ • · The·firm~ bhcf\at'l .fMior'abOUt '3,«IO-i r .. ~ ·~ ,., , · ' .. f
back bolh ~' calnpalgn·m! that~ pthered.:valubleo'-4>, !!") ii. ciii's :.>£•¥.'i! ol·lhi·tiil\11\t..~,~ ol • =~:: aaid, bopes lo 11.,t Nt.;p0nr'llo.Doirow'"1MpllllJi"'4cam.l ' ~~=1't~!l~~~
the nquire<MO,llllll peUllon •Janaturu by palgn,. tncludlllg -rv•tk>bl on the """ the featur• ~ In Sa~'I Faml11
mld-Octobet to lll!lll'e an election In mid· ol11pper N<1'JIOl'I Bay and Orange Coon-w .. kly.
Dece:n!M!r -a time whm many 1y AlrJIOft. , T)I< l\Ocy~ bY. ~elil\ SW,n ('lll6 M•~
nepU-ted votera come out lo the "(• fa obvloiis 1hat Opinion iltawch In 'nle Oray Jlllln11tllSUl1"1 Woloi\, Iii.,
polll to vote. wb1eb bU•JUl'N Of raw data from min: • JOber Jook It today'• MlrioWI ~llep "lle<tmber b I ll"•t month lot the ..L • st"""'"' arid -tlle IJl<Slioo: Wl:il 'aglnntn' lo comlOlll in dioves lo vote,". dr~ol quallo~reg, hal ~fingers on ShdU!d P""11s1'.U Col I •1 •· b ou • d !!!< llOUlft uld-. Iii• Pll!!" of public opinion In Newport S~!" ,
The reclll campalp , w11 d....,.lbed as Buch,' • oource.111ld. · F•mllY weekly la a liallooal-pobllcaci,.
1 mW~ ochelM to desu., the ,,. a lldeUgbt,;to tile ~Jim'• drculaled <11 i.eot<lllda by ~Y 2IO
cillncel ti' John Klllller. Allen'• Id· roll!: 11"'1>ort D<ldl Clly' .~ .....papen'llrtulhol!I the U61tod Stoia
mlnlstntlvt ..,11111¥. hl~e bMo. toll\ 'that th ~ -whole lhcludlft1 lhe DAIL1( i'llhl' to -.11iaa
'Iba •ote to llecelnber woold I-• ~~tat\vea idmRled cl\Y«itllled IY• mWloo homfs. · •
thlll Kllldet cculil DOI place bll Mm• on Pl>lllni WU I ..... aervlco -made no And U!f1'11 Ill 1it I ..... look ti UCI
th• ballol prOnt on the auryey ~U.. of ~taken this --· u -truwcb bie laal GI SO\Jr<:<1 uld the hlrlng or Oplnlo11 calcul11ionl of e1penu1 invol\led. P_,,ne·1 cametll. •
r ·~ '
. '
Agent Gives
Unde r cover.
Of '" htr """ •t.tt All Incredible chain ol i.atlmony
with more promised In the future -un-
folded Thursday In the case of a
hzln!resset charged with soliciting a
Huntington Beach. lawman to mur,Jier bil
Richard D, Reed, 16, of Garden Gme,.
wore a _ wriilkled green sportahlrt and
lrWlly grown beard, staring do!m II Illa
liand<Ulla ailenUy during prellnilnary
hearing In' West Orange Counly Judlclal
District C!Jurt. '
~ case sbi!ts to Orange CountY.
SuP-_erior Court on SepL U, for ar·
ralgrun¢ on twin charg" ol aollcilinglo
commit murder and burglary.
HunUngton Beach u n d e r c o v, e r
~llceman Gene Pool -himself bearded
aOO talking-in lliOw Texas driwl -~
Judge Cella Baker'• coort of the atrango
c~cumstanc., leading up lo lteed'i Aug.
Often tugging at hi!I whilk:en, Pool told
the jndge and 1 handful of apect&tcn of a
aeries·of cont.acts in which he claimed M
was finally hired to kill flathl<On
Duckett, 14, of 12512 Keel Ave., Ga.Mio Grove. ...,__..
Death was to have a hlt n
r~ndezvous with Miu ~k ~I a
deserted stretch of roadway
'(alley, ·~!Jl,K I<> Pool'• • • ftii ,,,_ Ii flthn was (o
bo Poal'tll'fll vloJetil demlle, be teatllied. Ii lalil ilJliiiequenl me<Unca •nauged '
.... llll!llnstl>D -~ tlngton ~ach't Lah Plll'lt t
MW DuekeU carried a trio.le ·
Ille tn..urance polfoy of wh!Ch
pay Pool t:t,sqlNo do "•.Joi>-" '=.t ·
Reed , woo ·uv1-_1 1t the :!'-Avenue address, Blll!gedJy told tfitl'
dercover detective that the beat way,. o
kill Mlsi Duckell.would be through a lllj.
""1·run accident wfilch could tal<• place
on a lonely dark stretch of ~
Slreel In Fountain Valley.
A> in&urance that the kllling would 1<:·
lually Lake place, -· allegedly I.Id Pool thel he kl)ew "thal the aame thing
that wou1'1 lu!PP'll to her would happea lo
hlm it he wouldn't pay."
"He made J1!erenct to a baabed·ln
•kull B)fd ·a liullet Jrithe back," tile detec-
tive ·~. '
Reed reportedly lold the detedf,., ac-
cording 1o jestlmony that he and Mlaa
Ductiltl W llkeo 1 trjp 10 Brull earlier
wl!m· II!> allqedly consldmd going 1llO
miles out into Ole wfldemeu and cat.
chJng 1 po;......, snake with which to till
Iler. -
Jn conversations the halrdreuer had
with the undercover policeman, lt wu
also disclosed that Reed had bya to two
local beauty 11hops where be had been
employed before, Pool said. '
These he was willing to sell to the
deh:ctive for '200 or 20 per cent of the
profits if a burglary were to be carried
out successfully. Pool testified.
In addlilon, Reed allegedly lnlonned
' ' ' NEW YORK (AP) -Tho aloct market
wu a loeer apin li>ilay "ti It !inlabed tt.s week on i dOwnbeat.1 (See ~tlona, Pages S-9). · ·
TradinJ wu moderate over much of
the &eSSJon. The Dow Jones Industrial
average of 2 p.m. was off 4.IS at HJ.a.
Weadler '
' !
I • I
l I
H • --
Reds Attack· But JllCdge Truce
From Pll!Je J
Pool .tbal he knew of a irocery stot'e
owner who r t cu I a r l y made $1~000
~ to a bank anc1 •uaested that he
CtMJld be relieved of the mooey. For this
lob, Pool ~fled, Reed wanted a 10 per
ce.nl fee.
lntrochi.ced as evidence by Deputy
District Atlomey Brian Brown was a
photograph whidl lhe detect.ive said wls
a map drawn by Reed on a Lake Park
piclllc table and showed how to get lo a
Garden Grove liquor st.ore.
Pool said he used the map to find the
store where he got a glimpse of the in·
tended vicUm. who had allegedly tieen
.sent there by Reed to buy some beer for
him. lo reality, the detective said, she
was sent there so that the hired "i.iller"
could ldentlfy his victim.
During the last meeting between Pool
and the hairdresser whlch repartedly
toolr: place on the Fountain Valley Hlgti
School football field, Reed allegedly pro-
duced an Jnsurance policy containing
triple indemnit}I clause.
The detective said he then ordered
Reed _to send the mOlley to a Dallas ad·
dress and then told him, "you won ·1 hear
any more from me until you read in the
papers that" your girlfriend has been tlll·
Detectives Carl Vidano and Louis
Ochoa, who had kept the two dealfug men
under aurvelllancf! on the gridiron. su~
quently stopped Reed's vehicle as he was
leaving the high school ground! and plac·
ed him under arrest.
Neither the total amount of the in·
suraoce policy nor how police first found
out .. about Reed's aHeged intt.nUons of in·
iUaUng the murder-for.hire plot was
di~ in testimony.
Police said earlier, however, that they
were tipped off by a secret infonnanl
Defense Attorney WiWam Monroe al·
tempted to have the case diimJ..s$ed. on a
point ol e.vidence.-bu\,Judge,_~r :JUled
that Reed be bound over for i;w on both counts. ....
:. . . t . ~
Airport Noise
Group Dei,tle$
.Ties to Recall
The Newport Beach Airport Noise
Abatement Coinll)lttee today totally
diu.vowed any connecUon with lhe
undercurrent recall campaii;n agajnct
Fifth Dlstr~ Suptrvisor Alton E. Allen.
Dan Emory, chairman of the powerful
citizen's group, said a special steering
committee meeting held UUs morning
produced an official position of oeutra.Uly
on the campaign. .
Emory 6J)eclfically was quoted In the,
"South Coast Homeowner'• Be.aeon," a
tabloid distributed by the Allen foes. The
publication sparked tile Emory """· menL
The Beacon, on ilS i;econd page , at.
tribtJted quotes critical of county of!lcla.ls
to Emory and agrees with t h e
"The. Airport Noise Abatement Com·
mittee is not a participant in any recall
rr.ovement. To our knowledge, no one who
hu actively participated in the affairs of
the committee is involved in any recall
movement," Emory said.
1.•h•rt N. W••d f>rttldtnt ...., hlllbhtt
J•cli: II. C11rl•7 Vk.t l'rt•!lllnl •flf Ger.tr• ~ ... str
Tli•'"•t ICH•il """ Tholftlt A. Mutphin•
~\1~111~1 (Oolor
Alh••f W, l t l•l
.t.uorio1t l!Olt0<
H•11tl"'tH lffc.• OHlt•
109 Sth 511111
~.:i;~, Add••n: r.o. a., 790, 926CI
f>l-r1 l e•C1•= ;111 """-' ••...,. b "'-••rl CO'.•• Mftt • Ull Writ I•., i!fttl
l ..... N lktdl; ~;} f ort\! Artll\li
' lo .l!e!>or ol North VIOW'J l•!o P...i· ' '* 110 Chi Mlnfl. ~""'° Ind JM, l1lllted ll!>lel ..... .... ....... lt alUlouah" t11on bad boll! no ri.....9illlla in;SoJioa. A Ruoolan Tul .U.itl !Nin
Hanoi Aid I~ woUld I~ to !be llOl1h
Vietnamese too.
Ho Huu Tuonc. a South Vlttnamese na·
Lion.al assemblyman, said he would pro-
poee that all aides In the Vietnam war
stop lighting during Ule entire. seven-day
period of national mourning procla.irned
bY ,Hanoi but it WU doubted hil klta
would be accepted. TUong Wei it 'f'0\11dl
aid the Paria peace talks. . 1 The Viet Cq ridio which Urst an·
Gl1l1r Principe! Su11ma n
Valley Man, 28,
New · Principal
At Gisler School
Edward Sus~n. 28, has been a~
pointed principal of Fountain Valley's
Sussman comes lo the Fountain Valley
School District after nearly seven years
of service with the l.(ls Angeles City
In Les Angeles, he acted as coordinator
qf tbt "'mmer, Shlday pntcr ~ .as
g,m~tion te.cher foi new teac~s.
Re aliO trained :student teachers 1.t
UCLA. "lijl lai) ~oft WU as 'jittn-
cipal oY "the 54.lh Street . SC.boo! in 1.o.s
The new Gisler school principal holds a
master's degree from USC and is cur·
~ntly enrolled in a doctoral 'program
there. In' addJUon he Is currently a
visiting lecturer at Pepperdine College,
Los Angeles.
In 1968 he developed a beginning
framework for the New Re ad in g
Program in Los Al\ieles. He also tauttit
modem math at the Dorsey Adult School
for interested parents in Los Angeles
lrom 1964-1966 and established a
speaker's forum tn West Los Angeles to
inform parents about the new math pro-·
Sussman, his wife. Fredda, and their
two children, live at 9462 Swift Ave.,
Fountain Valley.
Public Invited
To See Indians
Pick Pri1icess
The Indians are coming -Saturday
r.ight at the Hunttnaton Beach Recreation
Center, 17th and orange Sb'ttts.
-And ~ey've: Invited the pale-face public
_to watCh them attack the problem of
selectlng an Indian prihcea! for the
brand-new, first aqnual all-Indian ~e.o.
Sept. 2'7 and 21 in Huntington Beach.
TOe festlviUes start' at 8 p.m., Satur·
day. on the ncreaUon center IO{tball
At least a dozen young Indian maJdens,
ages 16 lo 21 , will compete for the honors.
Special Indian dances will also hlghll&iit
the nlfht.
Saturday night's contest and the aD-Jn.
dlan Rodeo are co-sponsored by the
Oran~e County Indian Association and
the Hilntlnglon Beach Jay~:ss,
Their primary objective ls to spark an
int?rest in Orange County Indian! and In·
dian affairs. They hope to make boip
events an annual affair, perhaps equal to
the well publicized events In New Me.x1co
and Arizona.
Tickets for U'le rodeo may be. bw.gbt at
the Treasure Trail 1ndiari Shop In the.
Disneyland Hotel or at UM! Indian Store.in
Hobby City. Beach Boultvml · I n
An1hf:lm. They will also be availtble. at
the rodeo. ·
Citizens' School Use
Group to Hear Report
TM: nJnth meetfna of a clUuns com·
miltH studying maximum 111e or 9Chool
f1c\lill., wOI be held al I p.m. Sept. II In
off\c., or the HunUniton Bt•ch Union
Rlgh School Dl!trlct.
l>Off ol the aes.ston ls to prepare 10
m report on the wort or the otm·
ee for district trustees.
~-u:lle ,.14 tocla)' aJ\7 llllo4 . rnllle!Jl ....... "" ~ • ?Ill -Ill, --... lllt llctlll Vfel..
-.. 11¥1," ,!ildlealed ti!" Com·
111llnllll -fire ""'' 11 llred ...... Hanoi calltd 'TbUreday for renewed el·
forts to drlvi the Americans out of South
Vietnam and today's heavy attacks
foUowed. However, U.S. otticva believed
the attacks were merely another lUgh
point of the Communist autumn oUeD!lve
which began the night of Aug. 11·12 with
a slrpUar wave ol altacU.
Five of the Communist gtound auaults
were carried out '1alnlt American bases
within IOI mlltf el $ol""1-The.e C9.t Ult ~ n dud ljld tilled ~
.U.Je-. ilnd -a. .. -·, -Do 111!11 tilled ~U.S. Manne.
Ind "°""""''fl al'I cost tile C.mmunllll
one. dud. aoutb Vlttnamese forces kllltd
anolhe.r eJ1ht in bealln& back an attick u milts fro!D Salgoo. . u.s. intelllcence. aources reported that
Comnnm1st klflltralion Into ttie northern
provinces of South Vietnam had fallen
"to zero" and that tb8 allits ex_pectad a
continued lull Jn heavy fl&bUng Qwe. But.
they said they e:zpe.ctcd 'tlie inllltraUon to
pick up wbeti tbe mouoon rains strike --
Isr ae li Polic e Puzzled
By Pike's Disappearanc e
l!lll'llLEHEM. laraell«tUpied Jonlan
(UPI) -laraell police ~ for . . ' Conner American Epl.9copal b i 1 b o p
James Pike. laid todly they a.re puuled
by citaUrullances surrounding tbe dlsap.
Abou,13'.IO police and JOldiers pulled out
of lhe iearcb, DOW in Ila fourth day. But
30 veteran anny scouts, aided by local
Bedouin tribesmen and trackers, con·
Unued starching the Jude.an Desert for
lhe controversial churchman.
Police sources said one oC the
mysterious upects in the case was the
faJlure by Bedouin trackers tq find any
trac:es of Plke alt.bou&h his wit&. pointed
out what she said WU tile eu.ct spot
when ·she left. her hu.sband afta th.tr
automobile broke down Monday.
Be.d°'jln nomadt in the arta have tQ]d searchers they did not see Pike. Pollet
failed to find a camera and swi aJ.agses
he took from the car which sources said
should bave bffn discarded.
"lt would be natural for a man slag·
gering across the wilderness looking for
help to abandon such useless items. The
question is why haven't we found them?"
the sources asked.
Poll~ found a map not far from Pike's
car. They said he apparently tore out a
section of the map deaUng with the area
in which he was Jost.
Only four miles from the car are two
fresh-water springs beside the Dead Sea.
Police said they believed the American
may have headed for them.
The official search for the 56-year-<>ld
theologian, missing since the rented car
in which he. and his wlle v.·ere driving
became stuck on some boulders. The
seareh began after his wife stumbled into
the camp of some Arab construcUon
workers alter wandering for IO hours in
the dmrL
. ' ' Bumt Out Case
DAIL.'r PILOT ....... .., l.M l"Hnt
"Don't just stand there -do something," or "\Veil , J oe, 've haven't
lost a foundation yet." Those are just two of the captions suggested
by this photo of Huntington Beach firemen Paul Ackerman (left) and
James MerrUI. Actualy, whimsical photographer caught the {>Bir in
unguarded moment Thursday as they wound up training exercises on
an old building.
Envoy Top Rate
Abductio n Slwcks His Frieruls
By United Preis lllteraatlonal tuakian .
Laguna Physician Oaims
U.S. Ambassador Charles Burke
Elbrick ol Brazil, kidn3l>t<J Thursday by
terrorists, is regarded in the diplomatic
service as a reserved but outstanding
career diplomat.
Foreign service officefs who have serv·
ed wilh him in a variety, of posts in
Europe were described as shocked by the
abduction of tbe dapper 61-year-<>ld Ken·
Elbrick climbed to the forefront of hi s
career C!uring his lasl assignment, ln
Yugoslavia from January, 1964 , to May,
1969. President Tito was known to have
held Elbrlck, a ntgged featured man with
slicked black hair, in high esteem.
Innocence in Abortions
Elbrick is a native of Louisville, Ky. lie
graduated from Willlams College in 1929.
Elbrick entered the foreign service in
January, 1931, and \vas immediately :ent
to Panama.
. . •. By lllCJIARD P. NALL
Of tM Oliff' flllilt Stiff
A Lasuna Beach physiclln was ar·
rested at hia 1paciOUJ cllH-top home. in
Dana Point "niuraday night and accused
by police or inducing two abortklns in
young unmarried. women.
Dr. Robert C. Robb, 66, specializing in
idternal medlcine,Lbas denied the. ac·
cUsaUons. !,.
Contacted at his hine, 34567 Scenic
Drfve. 1Ul~ physiclae._10d1y said, "I have ~ M_Ver tJe11ormed ad"operaUon on a preg-
nant woman." He said the arrest was
"quite a shock to me.."
Police, however, maintained that the
alleged procedurts had nearly cost the
life of one of the v.'Omen involved when
peritonJtls, an infection of the abdomen,
Dr. Robb was taken from his home to
the Laguna Beach Police Department,
booked and released on a $1.250 bail bond.
Police Det. Brooks said ofHcers armed
with a search warrant also searched the
physician's office at 150 Beach St., and
seized "certain instruments."
Dr. Robb was arruted on a warrant
issued in Santa Ana municipal court. He
was booked on two felony counts (separ·
.ate alleged offenses} under a penal code
section which is beaded :
"Providing or administering a dn1g or
l!mploying means to procure mlscar·
rlage." The section lists a two to five
year prison penalty.
Detective Brooks claimed that the
alleged abortions were induced by in·
Rrilng a tube into the female organs and
inducing chemical soluUons which act as
an irritant.
Brooks said t hi s terminates the
pregnancy when the. embryo or fetus
dlslodges. He alleged both women
developed perltordtis but that in one case
the paUent-vktim almost lost her life.
The. investigator said one of lhe women
was from the. Van Nuys area. The alleged
offep:se. in that. case, he said, occurred
Nov. 25, 1968. The more recent case,
Brooks said, occurred Aug. 12. He said
both women are. 20 years old.
Books 1ald the embryo in the first case
f'rona P"fle J
pw .a law to allow large signs for den·
tis ts.
"l belo~ to the American Dental
Associellon, 'he. said quietly, '"they allow
me to have my name printed no more
than four Inches high -that would look
pmly 111\y oo a blllboard."
When Svalslad was asked about his
work a1 a restaurant locater and possible
rul at.ate. interest. he denied any ~al
estate connection, and added. ~·that kind
of rumor ls a good way to lose an elec·
Someone. Ulted Sassone if hi s serving
ihe court order that made. the recall
J)Ol.Slble, then nmnln& u a candidate was
a conflict of Interest.
· He slowly rost, ~de.red the que.sUon,
then replied, "no .' and sat down to loud
On another occasion he was asked if his
llft&al backaround cave him an advantage
over Scott. He simply .,.hf>tlnctd the Qlle$-
tlon IO the audience, "Do you think it clvtS me an advantage?"
Gullo, In a 1trlous reply, allacktd the
u1t ol federal futldt to Improve the
Juarez Colony sector ol town . "It could
h1vi ~done another way,'' he said.
No vote was taken, but the night may
have. cleartd aome myeter)e.s.
"·as believed lo have existed about two
months and said lbe fetus in the more re-
cent situation w3.ll estimated to have ex·
isted more than three months.
The detective said the long-time in·
vestigation had been carried on in con.
junction with investigators o! the Orange
County district attorney's oilice and
a member of the. California Department
of Professional and Vocational Standards.
Brooks said the physician, a widower,
t:>ld oflicers at the time of arrest that
they had made a mistake.
The officer said arraignment in a Santa
Ana municipal court is presently schedul-
ed for Sept. 15.
Dr. Robb said he has practiced
medicine. in Laguna Beach Cor 10 years.
He sa.J.d that the charges are without
foundation and he asked his friends "not
lo worry''.
F r o n• P age J
Costa e Silva suffered a stroke.
The Brazilian foreign ministry called
the kidnaping "an act of terrorism:· pure
and simple, to the detrimt:nt of the in·
ternational prestige of Brazil"
Papal Nuncio Humberto Monzonl
visited the American Embassy to offer
his services as intepnediary to deal with
the kidaapers.
Another offer lo help came from Mex·
ico City, v.·here the foreign relations
department said it was willlng to allow
the 15 prisoners to lake refuge in the
'Mexican efnbassy in ruo.
Elbrlck, who had been at his new
diplomatic post only a few weeks, was
abducted while returning to work from
lunch at his suburban residence.
Until the outbreak of \Vorld War JI he
served in a variety of European posts. In
1940 he was sent to Lisbon. Portugal.
where he gained a knowledge of that
rountry 's language, which is spoken in
His career in the U.S. Fore.igo Service
has been one of a steady upward climb.
He served as assistant secretary of
state for European affairs beginning in
.february, 1957, until October, 1958 ...
This was a .period of coiitinuing crises
in Europe, many of them precipitated by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
over Berlin and other issues. Elbrick was
noted for his calm deportment under
In October, 1958, Elbrick was posted to
Portugal on his first ambassadorial
assignment. This was followed by his
assignment to Belgrade., and later by his
post in Brazil which he took up in May of
this year.
Tneol' Dtt11" ii &1 11'1Ctofot;
•od.l .Ont of four drnotn
f1on1 .... do lb dlooY.
The spirit of great French period design is
.a live t11nd well ... in Henredon's
dt~, ' $345.
NEWl'OtlT l lACH
1727 Waat•llH Dr. '42·20SO
ONN NllAT "flL t
PrefeultMI lnttrlor
345 North Co•1t Hwy.
Ol'hl •llDAT' "nL 9
' I
' '
Men Outnumber
Girls 13 to I
_By L M. BOYD little seaweed, son\e dried fish
and a o]IOOf1fuJ o! hot rtoe. ljoT .LOVE AND W All -Where 1 e1i1lble bachelors outnumber
1ingle a\rb by J3 to l. Tb<Oe
are the places our Love and
War man wants 10 discuss to-
day. So please pay attention,
young lady. He refers to lhe
Armed Forces bases overseas.
Unattached American typi sts,
1teoograpbers. and bookkeep-
ers on such military posts are
much in demand. They do not
tend to while aw~m a n y evenings alone. How er, th ls
13-~l rat i o Of en lo
women, altho statlatically ac-
curale, may be misleading. It
does not take into account the
number of unattached local
girla available for daocinl and
romancing. Still, lhe American
girl is regan:led by most
United States service men as
a !Onlewhal special catch. The
class &)'item functions at its
fullest on military posts, and
any home-grown girl
thereabouts is definitely
regarded as high class. It is
not out of the question for a
1ingle girl so employed
()VtrSeas to rack up half a
dozen ma trimonial proposals a
Why not? That's s.Ull l&id lo---~-----
be th• typical flnt tneal of the
day for the weJl.fed fellow In
Japan. Never made it ~.the
f,r eut. unfortunately. But if
I .ever aet there, am going to
give that lfUb a co. Eveo the
year. · . .
AS FAR AS size goes, the
average octopus could curl up
cozily in your pants pocket,
mister . . . A BROWN
MUSTACHE just doesn't
make it. Not unless it's one of
those full filers that looks like
a 1TI18ll hawk in a glide ...
under age 25. One in two earns
less than $105 a week. One in
1~ earns more than $11t5 a
Week . . . I UKE TO VISIT
the back rooms of ljsh can-
neries the way some people
like to browse around antique
&hops. Is that aJI right? ...
MAN credited "nictitatlon''
with the start of numerous
romances, he meant the wink·
ing c:i eyes.
BREAKFAST -Try this to
&tart the day. A pickled plum,
fermented bean curd 80Up, a
Which side of the halibut LI
always dark. which light! 2.
How come evecy fou rth aer·
vice 1t1Uon either folds or
changes bancb ant1ually? S.
Why does 1 staked-oo.t cow
generally tend to wind her
chain clockwise?
TO-BE says she goes lo bed
every night witb her telepbooe
receiver re.sting ou the pillow
beside her. Her gentleman
friend across town d o e s
likewise. They talk one
another to sleep. He does not
snore, :ihe says . . . THAT
CRACK about the saxophone
being an unfortunate horn -I
take It back. Just heard Boots
Randolph emit m u I t i p I e
melodies on said instrument.
and it was a lilUe like
somebody praying.
LOWER CASE -Poet e. e.
cummings was not the only
citizen to eachew capllal J;et·
ters in his name. There's ac-
tually an organization of such
men. Called the league of little
letters. Members include car-
toonist mort walker. that
shlrtmak.er·to-the-stars 1 e w
magram, and author, don
herold. Originator of this nifty
-group is a Hammond, Ind.,
entrepreneur na1ned I a r r y
shields. He is thought to be the
only person in the country who
has copyrighted his name in
lower case.
Your questio11.s and com-
me11U are welcomed and
will be used wherever pcis·
si bCe in "Checking Up."
Address mail to L. M. Boyd,
i11 care of DAILY PILOT,
·Bo:t 1875, Newport Beach,
Ford Says Torino ,
T-Bird 'A ll New' /
Of 1111 D•lly Plllt Stiff
with a lower roor line and
newly designed front and back
window styling.
-Described as "all new" Twenty-one models are or.
were the Torino and Thun-fered in the standard size Ford line , ranging from the
custom to the new brougham,
and includes seven station
derbird mode 1 s int roduced
here by Ford Motor Co.'s Ford
Also anoounced for 1970 was
an "ultra luxurious" new
LTD brougham series, a new
ligtit weight 351 cubic inch
engine, as the standard V-8 on
Ford's Torinos and Mustangs,
a three way locking steering
column · on an models and
fiberglass belted tires. ·
The Mustang h a s a
rf!Clesigned front and rear but
styling is basically the same.
New UUs year on the
Mwtang Grande Is three-
quarter landau style vinyl
The Maverick inlrodu~
earlier this year remains
unchanged with the exception
C1f a larger 200 cubic inch
engine offered.
The Reagan administration,
heeding President Nixon'• call
for a cutback in building pro-
jects, today froie t h e
awarding of new "highway con·
tractJ in California.
Public Works Director
James P.ioe-also ordered a
delay In calling for bids on
road etinstruction until com-
pletion of a review to
determine what projects could
be temporarily shelved or
stopped outright.
Nixon directed a 75 percent
reduction in new federal con-
struction and warned that if
slate and local governments
failed to m a t c h the
gov errunent's anll·inOatlon
movt, be would restrict
federal funds for such con·
"NothJng is more important
than economy in govern·
ment," Reagan said.
In remarks prepared for a
Sacramento speech, the
Republican governor s a i d
there was "only one really
basic, major cause of innation
-government spending. the
high cost of government."
"Runaway inrlatlon is the
terrible rompanion of runaway
governm~nt spending," h e
sakl in repledging to drive
down the rising cost of
Calirornia government and
seek Jong· pr om is edtax
Trial Slated
Over Child
fNDJO (UPI) -Ten
members or a desert com-
mune and lhe mother of a 6-
year~ld bof believed chained
in a packing crate at the
ranc h for 56 days go on tria l
Oct. 6 Oil ielooy child abuse
A judge Thursday denied a
motion to dismiss the charges
filed by the attorney for Mrs.
Beverly Gibbons, 37, whose
son, Anthony, was imprisoned.
The boy was believed
shackled in a six·foot-:square
crate as punishment at the
desert commune near Blythe.
''The new 1970 model year
may become the first time
that new car sales in the in·
tennediate class catch, or
surpass sales in the standard
sire market", said John
Naughton, Ford Motor Co.
Vice President and Ford
Division General Manager.
Naughton singled out the
Torino as the company's
"most drastica lly redesigned
car. Torino is longer, lower
and wider with new styllng.
hot performance engjnes aOO
options. and are first in-
termediate size 4 • d o o r
Naughton announced that
P..faverick demand has been so
great that all Falcon pro-
duction at Ford's Kansas City
assembly plant "·Ill be con-
verted to Maverick production
in December. He said Falcon •
The Torino which replaces
the Falrlane as Ford's · ln-
tennedialt, coma in thirteen
models including the hi.g.b
performance Torino GT.
The 1970 Thunderbird has a
tonger, lower hood and grill
85< ......
For cans aftl!r 6 p.m. ,...kdays
and all weekend. 3 minlJtes
station-to-station, plus ta<. --@
--. ----Friday. S..-5.1'69 DAILY l'lt.Of Jl .
Reagan Signs Inc·o~e Tax Cut B'iIJ ·
SACRAMENTO (AP) bec~use ll lakes a two-thirds authority to pau legtslatt<m San Franclaco adopted Its regtsltaUon ol llreamw..''
Gov. Reaaall acted Thursday me]orlly. conc:emJne 111• llct11!Jne and onllnance 11$1 year. following•-========= on scores of controversial It hu !>een UIM. •Ince the re1lstrallon. the aswalnatton or Sen:1:-
bllls:. He gave CallfOf'nlans an legl&lature has reversed a Thlt brought an angry retort Robert F. Kennedy ln Loi
lnt.'01'0• tax break nerl spring guberoatortal veto. from &in Francl.sco Mayor An1ele1.
and l red San FrancllC(J's Reagan will be on a trip to Joseph Alioto, flxpected to Rtagan uld p8538ge of dlf·
mayor by rlgnlng • blll aivlng Asia moet ol the wffk seek the Dt:Q10Cratlc '°mina-rerlng gun control ordinaocts
tbe slate exclusive law-mutnc represtnt1nf' Prtsldeiit Nt100 Uon for 1overnor DeJt year, tn dlfferem parts of. the lbtt
authority in tba Oeld of gun at the dedlcatlon of the poulbly pitting him agalmt 'WOUld work a hardahlp on
control. ' Cultural Center ol 'the PhlUp. .Reagan In the general election hunters and sportsmen with
He also acted on a bill plne:i .J.\ Manila. ln November. firearms,
modernizing California's One qi h1a happier moments Legal toUreea llJ' the new H11 preu statement an·
divorce laws, but P8tul Beck, Thursday Wlll signlna the bUI st~te law will wipe out local nounclng the signing d lbe bUl
Reagan's. pre ss secrelal')', passed ln·the final days of the 1un re11.Jtratloo ordinances in said, "California's hunters and
refused lo· say wbe\her he had regular leglslaUve session last San_ Francisco and Beverly sportsmen represent a slplfi.
signed It or vetoed It. month that will 1ive California Hills. cant segment -«. our popula· .
The Republican governor tupayen a one-Ume~oly $14 Alioto said Reagan had Uon .•. Thue s portsmen
J·EDJn lnhA went over the final flood of million income tax cut next "dealt a severe: blow lo the should not be erpected to tiave
bills in a marathon session in April. maintenance ol law and on:ler to cope with the dllliculties In·
his office Thursday with II And he approved a measure In San Francisco'' by sup-herent In independent local wa1!~!1eu "":.': ,.,
high state offlcials includlng1~w~h~lc~h_;g~lv~"i;;ith~ei;;is~ta~tei;;i"';;iile;;;;ipo~rt~in~g~theii;;;'~'!U~ni;iilob~byii;i;.';;' ;;;;;;;;~re~gul;;;;;•~Uo~n;_:of;_~li~c:e~mln~g~a~nd~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiii;;ii~ Cabinet members and key II
staft member:i.
Reagan faced a Sunday mid-
night deadline in acting on I
bills ,passed during the regular
:iession . And he p\1nned to
leave californi• Friday on a
trip to Asia on behall of Presi-
dent Niron.
For lhe teeond year in a
row, Rea1an vetoed a bill giv-
ing California an Oregon-style
"open" presidential primary
election in which all potential
candidates would go on the
He called it a "compulsory
primary. , .which would force
all polential dark-hor:se can·
dldates to spend enormous
sums of money to mount a
Now, a candidate has to con-
sent before his name Is listed
on the ballot.
The legislature returns to
Sacramento Monday to open a
constitutional veto s e s s I o n
lasting up to five days. The
lawmakers have a chance to
override gubernatorial vetoes,
but that is considered unlikely
State Board
Aide Figl1ts
CYPRESS (AP) - S la le
Board of Education member
Donnan L. Commons says he
would decline reappointment
to fight any campaiivi by Max
Rafferty for re--elecUon as
s\al.t superintendent of public
Commons, former president
of the state education board,
said in an interview Thur&day
that he hlmsell doesn't plan to
run against Rafferty but
would oppose him • 1 I n
whatever manner I feel is
· Commons, Sl·year-0ld senior
vice presk1ent of a California·
based oil firm, told a group of
North Orange County Junior
College District employes that
Rafferty threatens I o o d
Jn the interview Commons
stated that Rafferty "has fail-
ed lo give any leadership at all
in the 'important areaa of ,
public educaUon." He said
those area.s were in ending
segregation, solving !inancial
problems and making educa·
lion more applicable to stu·
dent needs.
Saturday ~ Sept .. 6-7
Sunday Noon,0 9 pm
• Included In price of dinner is •
• • • chance on $500 U. S. Savin9s Bond'
Sponsored by
Balboa Bay Lions Club
• "
li\ll.Y"10T H •
Worth York Stock List
• •
Middle Taxpayers' Relief
Lies in Future H at All
NASO Ll1tlng1 for Thurscilay, September 4, l96t
-A-'llfj. •• _,,_ -0-
·---.. --• -.:...... • ~ .. ·-....... ~~1'.& ,: ~f:m4>~7i ii 11...:·~tt';":ll·Y u~M I u~=~ ~ .......... , ... 11 • ....,. .............. _,,..., ~'·'9:· ~ -"' iffr! :• ' ttli +" r.l,,5.tl ru ~ ~ :-: =~:
Hf:W YOlltK J"!.l ~tar ftY1 fll'l .. YIO 'l" 1~ J: i~ 1 R: ~fiJ.tj1 ! ~ \t :'j ~ { ff ~ U Arit ... ~11~ I U -?! ;,..TM.::~. :m. ,~ IU, ~~ 'l't f•W ~!f:" n: Ji I. ="1.-1 l! "'' ... i ·1. Iv. ~ =I" - . -
Aa far aa )'OU, tht
~h!olmina ml)orlly o r
:1nlddlo-iqcome taXpayers are
'coe>c.rDfd1 the lalt relief you
:might get., from the fl..,._
·J>W<d Tax Refonn Bill of
:1989 lies well In lht: future -
~and even this ruture relier is
Qr, far from assured.
l>resldent Nixon bas said
openly that he is ''disap-
PoiPted" by the House's action
,on bb ''revrnue rccom·
,-nendations''; Tr c as u r y
·Secretary Kennedy has gone
·beyond this and has warned
'that lhe Administration wlll
appose some of the:> /-louse's
~1az: proposals when they a~e
taken up Jn the Senate ne~t
·month; there is mount ing
:cr1Ucism th.al the iloUSl'·'vOted
,.tu cuts, totaJlng $9.2 billion
through 19'12, would endanger
essenUal federal spending for
•programs ranging from na-·~ional defense to space ex-
. ploratlon to educalion.
-, IN BLUNT sum1nary. this
widely heralded tax ~lief for
you is mighty ''iffy" 1n ad-
dition to bting wet1 in the.
F'or calendar "69. there
would be no rate cuts. The.
i;urcharge. has already been
extended at 10 percent to ycar-
end. and the Hoose bill would
conUnuc: it al 5 percent to mid-
1970. Actually, you probably
would pay more in taxes in
,c::aleadar '69 than in '63
because. of the higher 10 per-
·cent surcharge rate.
throughout the year.
• For calendar years begin-
• ning in '70, high income in·
dividuals would gel Lhe benefit
. of the 50 percent tax ceiling on
earned income : many low in-
.come taxpayers would gel the.
:benefit o( the bigger standard
'deduction and the low income.
~allowance ; single eer!Ons 35
•or over and all widows and
: widowers would get major lax
·rate ,breaks. . l
NOT UNTIL calendar years
begiribmi in '71 and ·72 would
,all ot us: get tax rate cuts
working olJt to about ~ per-
cent. The top rate y.·ould be
cut Crom ihe.~current 70 per-
cent to 65 percent for taxable
.years beginning alter ·11.
Here Is a table which sug.
. uo.ooo lftf Wtrltlftt Ctplltl.
WUI "'' It"., IFwlly SKur ....
$14.50 PER MO.
gests how your group might be
affected (surchar£e not In·
ANOTllER AR.EA In which
tax relief is promised starting
fOC' yea~ after '69 involves
moving expt.nSCs. In essence,
the Jiouse bill would llberallie
the present de(inilion or f;")O\/·
Ing expenses to include these
three ne.w categories: pre.-
move house-hunting cosls:
lemporary living e..i:pcnses at
new principal job location:
cost of selling the o I d
residence, buyin& a n cw
~.,:,N-:.~ -,~ 'i"~ ~ ·1~ !.5)o;ICM~l , ... ,~~"in.ut IA ,1 \iii -=;~ ,.., \j, I•~+• 1·'"·~· ~I~~~ ~=1: ! Ilion Of Mwrlllt• R!f',Ul'tl ~ )4 t I I 11. 0 ~911\1 In, l'Vt 14 Lit~ ioi ·"....... tw .. '° "'ti. ti r • I I ;it. 1 f\; -11 residence or ttrmlnating 1 ~·"':,'fu.i'M;•,,.;;: i>::.,~ _,""" 1lt""1U\.\ :c"c11.1': 1J11o !'"" f;:'l l!\ .,. ..,.,1·· "' ,; · !t ~ :t:" " ::1 111 1\.U l'I .:.: '•
.1ease. ::;:",.~t'J • .:.1:,::gr..: ~ ~""1l"'e:~_s !:~ho , ... ~JV.•" ~i! .. '"4· , ' + =~~~,.. ~f\li '~ i :.;* :r ~t' ' · 1i tt ~ '.~
Still other changes, would not ::!,':ii:~:SrJ .. ~ ~:'r~ D ft \\ TJ !i~lc!''l ,m ,,~ ~•!11: ..1 '~ .. ti A J .f "'-= :fi "'.! ff! aa tt-: ;_ !r:',.1;1f l ~ ~ · + ''
only make tax reduction e.m .• •' wn10t ~El P•lnt 7'"" 21~ ijE'm .. c11 ' t Cme n ~ d' ri'"' t," i;il = ll ~ "'.oo ' ~ • -.,'• h h I . HC\ltlllt= coulll Ent Sh ' '"° NII {~g 51 YI l~'h l t • tt .. \\ "' ..... ·-'-~ • l fOUJl R C 0 m C 8Verag1ng ~·~~ Ill.II• F.:!!1 L~ll -' 4)' N F P< 11~ 2 loa n 1' ~ A llrid .,..,., m t'4 • -"" '"" ,Qla 2 tlil l!~ -14 ' ... I "I °' E" Cb SI 2t\~ '°'' ~·r .. !.fl jl N. ~ 1. A ~c, ,i .:.:·41i ::n ':Jn 'fl 111Ao ' ... " ~ ffl.tf<f m '• .. .
available to many more tax-~~ 1bd), 111e •• e s.,., 5>f. '" 11 L111 ';1; '" 11ne1 " •'•'•' ,•,. ~" ~' ff ' t -... •U , ,,c..~, •ij i• \~tt ln? =I' ~f'nAi1r" ij' l!',,., 1tt; 1.,.. t;:; payers but would also greatly~:::, =~~I ;i~:E• n~ l!'~ :1 f~'-l • C•I Wt.I .... ~ ... • ' -• _ .. ' ' • ..... 1'th ""' -v. ~ llf 1 I~ n + \l ~implify your income ave.rag·:;:• "'-nof"'· 1~~:: fkt~~ ·~ 1 ~ 5::01~ 1!~ 1~~ ..,U~1g! tt"' j~14 ~ rit 1 ~ \\ It':;~ o ·-;., · :n ~ \'J 31~ ~ ~ :t 1 '~~G '1' • 11~ ~" ,~ + i~
1ng compul.aUons. The ef· ret111 m•<k<1P. Elt'r si~ 1"" En GE lH• 1tt w E1$vc 17~ lit! P:, : 1111 :Z :;1~ r j "mi U,, ft*.!\. ;:,yi.J ·1t 2 ~ \o!I + ~
(ective dale would be taxable :::r;.~::W" °' «m· !/ Ot~;i 10:ll.11!Vt ~~~Iii ~ ~J l:rf~tt ~ •11=tr 1AO l + q •..r1 fj 2f" H I• ,.,., ~Air .*I .... -a
years beginning after '69. ~t c~! 1i~ f:tt ~lee ~A~ ,,U ,J:~ ~::~ : ~ • ::n ~~ ifu ~ ~\ l:'"~:I~ 112' I ·, n~ l• +.. h:1' mt ,m; • 44 ~ii Ii~ ~ ::~
Th d I. f I l l ,.,~,,.,.r s 10 n Em1>s Oii lll'o 1114 N,., 1t11c ''~ • 1r1w c1 c ., Al~PC .30q 2J fwl P,~ -~ :.::·1· 'I .1.111 ;tt J.f\!j1t f;\2 t"• =1.., -'°"" :W: ~' • l = f e propose re 1e s no 0 ,.,VM C• 1 11~ 1t El'MlrtY c 11 ., NC•• NG 'YI 11 " n. >'Ii l AICot ,.. " I • 1"" 11· I d ~ 2•'• -·~ dftJoi-n •I. 11 l\.o ' JI -J: be sneezed at -but it's bardly 4<nle El 904 11~ El'Mlf• •• R• ~·-NEur Oii • ··~ ti IF lOh 11'11. ""'•!Sue! .... 12 1 • = ..... __ ·'° I 1 "' h~ ,..., -.... ~dlMf" .... I t:Y. !£:' 1'41 -•• Acmtl VIII: 351. ¥\\ EMIS I 11 12 ~PA Gtl 15 1• labQ Fd 11. lb A.MIA.C JO ... ':ii \:i::...... •r '•·:n u a.. t• ~~ ltf•.t5 1 1 no . !he immediate bonanza the ... ff HotP 2J!n '11 £11twJ11 11'~ It W NtlG lO 10\li tmtlla' IU I• Amer!:~ l. It \\ nv, 71 = IA ._ • .,. j 13 UI~ 111'\ Ill\ l'll'i. <IS .M ' F.t' ~· j •-. b Afr l'ICIUS Sl1 •'4 5Gfl Corp ' '"-NW f'U$v 10" 'lo,/; 4119eo-I "'' Amt-14» 01<1 11277 " "!ll .. \lo -f.ll~ ~dll • 13 ua. """ 3514 + 'h INI ti t.10 I l• Joi ~ - ' ucadhnes ol recent days ave "trbt'~ F '" 1'9 _ciun 011 ,,.~ is•, Muc1 AK J) ,. T-1t 13 lliii A,....H r,d~ltl 11 951• t2o\li JS +w. inc 4 1~ ,.,,, l•'h _ '"' sa inc 1.11 1J • .,. ,,.., 11ia + ,,
ed l,lllerl1 101,l 11 £•It Tte 1n .. l]V. Ofol• Art I]!~ U'llo T1vlor w .,,~ "'""' .V.1,Fll ··:n 2 jll\.t ll'>'t i'\.'J (l'!llAlf .lil IQ \)'tO; 13\'o 11\.o + I.lo ...,, ... '° II 1(N jf.!' 20'l ••• suggest . -.ie~ inc n1~ n~ F:•t1r1n JJ J3 Ot.ici w.1 JC1 n T1•u M iv. 1'h Am Alttlr> to 111 "' ,.,.., 1\!:o + 4• ri:rU t.• ' 1914 ..v ..... £11U1n1 1 20 ... ,.,, lS'o. -P.•
Nell·. Th• •-pe of relorm. •,,'="'• 0L~ 1•,,, '•' ~ .. • ,', "•'• 1 7l• "' X•n s. st Thfrm -. •w •111 ""' a.~., 1 .SG 14l; u • I v 1..20 ut 6J\• "'"' 6J + ·:i. i"'vt c •. n " li.\. ,.., 1~ _ t, '-V •• ~ I'> t "''Cini f', 10''1 Tlllny Co 1• 2j Amll\I; Nale 1 I IM• .. ,. 19"\ ' ' !~Mv ~ 2 l '""° ""''"' """'\ + ~ lt>VI Pl7.a 4 •I olO\lo .0 -11 Al ..... ' , .. F1lrtld T ,,, I , .... IP 17h ll~•TllfnJ In n •.1 Amlr•ndl t .. Joi "" """····-....... ., .... l ':an.~ 314i -\'o llrolnd 10I '11.\lo IJV, 17''1
Coppe,. Cost
Even Hits Housewife
Hike • l11
Al "'"" l'• , •• IFtf'l... " 1~ ¥ .. NA lo\, Ill~ Tl!lft Gt> \llJi lJ Af'nlOa.I IM 1'2 .... "" ij"• ........ ....,UG .n ,, 17'i 2,..,. ,, ... + \/) Evt.111,. ·"* l'O .. 1. ~ 6JT• + 'I AHltcl E• I tu Ft<!N Ml '" 1u O~vC•• 10 1011 Tr1n1C I • ,, .. Am Ct" 7.:IJ J1 """ ~u ..... :.:. " ,r-Co J II~ Hl • 11-.. ... I• Evt<st>•rll ti 1Uo 1• ti -'• At1111 Gto 1)1., I•'" Fl! "°"'' Jl PEC Ii.rt ui.. l)\lo rncnt G '"'-1..,. ACt.n pf l.IJ f. ID' 2 · " •-fl CO "' 7 16~ "u "'~ E•CellO I.ts U 1~ ntto m~ -'4 "ll'laOc l'\I .... F•K; RE ll 2'\l Pobil a~ lll'J u rl!Cnt 0 • •tlo """' c.,,, ·'° • I \'J 1 , :..:. " -Sl'lw• 1 • U \\ 11 1114 + I.:, F•twn ..0 40 »'• » JO -'t ,.,m OT.i 2•"1 2J'~ FllM Inv :Ill l'O''s P6C: S:tE ll\'I lJ\11 rt<'ld 111 2•V. 211'1 A Cl>tln Lte 11 ~I it rm -I Wf!SMor 1.50 21 J7Vt » J2'--rt IFKtorA ,56 l5 lf'h lf'4 3tlto -111 A El Liii ~ 1•.4 F•I R-... :5 Ptkco c. II.ii I Trlcq Pd l lYt n h AmCT..,rt .IO ,, ... t,<r, t '" r\lnlWli ,Olt 267 16~ 1•1'4 1''~ + ,... Ftlrdl( .10o 217 "6'"t ~ 61 -•.• AOl'1 EUI" "~ ~ Fst WFln I'• •\t PJnCOI 10\li II rld.lr lJl'o 14,,., ~CrvWQ !All. 5 11\lr ~ y, 8"cYEr I.,_, 60 '°'" I 'Ii If'~ -~ F1lr<11 Hiller SJ 1~ IJ U -It Am FUrJI t(' ~ Flldl.tl'll l'O ~ P-wv 011 n I) rOll•C-4 ,. ,...., .. crv pf ~. 1100 """ 63111 "' II, ... Ct .. ,, I~ IP.lo """ . F•ll'mCW!1 1 ,. ltr>. Otli lt'4! -Vt ,., ~ ~Cb F19M s,1 16 11 Pwle~ " 11 11v. Tv'°" Fd n v. 111. ""'"'•n 1.15 m ma ~ 'lt -li hdO co"'' i.o u u " -1\'I Ftlll•lf . .io 11 10'• 10"' 1°""-•t
Am Herl! IJV. u F-Fii ... • ... P•veJlt ll''o 16 \JnJl-c: I\'> 10 ""' O!tllll 1 ' Ut'o ,. t• -... a:ik' ":ll • • • • ... ' Fem Fir> 1.:111 1' """ :IG'o 70\i -~I Am In..:! 21 H~ Forti 011 12''> 71\~ PHt ltt T 21 " V""rt Ti, 10 21 AO~•IVI .121 II 11~ U\ 11'9 I t ·~ lt IJl'o 1] \)\~ + "'Fto\l~I Inc l3 lJ "" ·~ -'I Am MeCll l3 :a. IF°'I G<"I JSV. >tV. Pen Ol•L S!fo 61/) V" Dollr "ll ttVr A0!.!11 llt.U. 1 lJ\.'o 1,.... ll'~ :,:·.,,. !"' °'' I.II 1 :a..\4 U\~ l4'..; +It. Fir Wttl Fin lt 11'1 11"'-)1\.\ -ti Am Pt1>o1 11,,, 11~ Fltl<ld!r 1'1 :W. Pl E"Oln •'• S Un lllum Jll'lo Jltt AmEIPw l.51 :t.U ll'I ll 31'4 4-V. ulov1 W Ml 12 :J,.I 3J•, Jl\\ _ ~ FttahMI .IOll 10 •Ao •11~ d~ .. ,. SI Goll sv. S'• Frn\l;I Cp tl• lOI'. Pt G&W 15\~ :14 VII McGU I~ ..... Am En1C1 1 11 m ·. vv, 11i.o -"' eunk llltrna 110 ion. 1°"i 1~. -~ FAJ Int I.Cf Ir 2'1'14. 11 ?lYI -1\1 At.I G llf • . 10\oli Fr ... ln E Wi '1'111 P~"" RE 1~1 H \' Un Rtlt 15\1 I&•;. Am Exp Incl •? »Vr 1-M l\to _,,.,, f"'I" ll'f1.l4 IS )5 ll JI -1 FecHkn AO 114 29\/1 n 11 H\.lo .
Am Tt.lv I~ 14\lo Fuhlew , ... N Pt11sl W1 I~ '"" vs l!knaf ltl~ 10\lo AE•lncl "'"' 130 71 10V. 71 +1 ~, Ind 1.MI 1' l4lll ~ 30'1 FtdMoG I.IQ II ?8~1 ""' ll\l + "
NE\V In YORK (APl copper ' MCl'!t Cl> lS ""' tr'lrokl l6 u~ ••rlnl '"" , .... us Crw11 •V· s AG.atill!S .i.o lU U'h 11~ ... i'\,; -41 8Yrfld~ .70 ., »It :Ill lO .:..: Vt F-.IPtc El« ,, n~; n~ .. ~I JI,'' said 1.1 AflheltJ I tot~ '1 Gu Sue 14'1 H't. Pt1rlt St •JU; .i.l\li US Envtl U l'J 70 AGnln f"LIO ll 32 lll'lo !"" -1 !urrllhl Ml 103 14t>.:o '""°' loll -H~ F Ptc pf)." 1 10h 1Ql'i V. _ ~i Anllln c '"' • G Al•dt ' ""' Pllrol!I U \\ 46 us $y91r ., ., AmHols .l'G ll 1)111 13 Ii -... ilhlJny 1.,11 10 10\~ !() 10 -'4 FadSltnS .llO IJ l• n n -1 Consumers are paying higher housewares buyer from a ma-Arc11• " :i.sv. :.i.~ G Otvla 110 11t. P~"''! .., "" " us Trt.L 36 J1 A Hom1 1 . .0 12 '~ » !ti\ -1'l u!ltr$h .IOf 111 1!1t. """ 351.., _ 11 Ft'do~ir .•1 ,. .»it 36,,. x"" + •1 Arts Incl 13\ot l5Y, G Kinetic •.• lU Pflll, Yb ",,)), ll .... H",,",''• 24'.'· n "'Hom• pf 2 • to•1t .. "" ,,,, -iv. C-Fed M'9 l~Y I ' .• f + '"
P'l.ces for •"-ms rang>'ng from i·or New York department A1oen M 10\io 10..., GAi E11 ''• 10111 Pl\otGfl "' ..... .,,, .... 6:i.:. 11~ Am Hosp :n s2 311\\ Je\\ 11v. _ '"' -Frrro c,. .n s 1111 1• 1• _ ~. u::: Ardtn of :)6 11 Geoltl ••• IV. Pie Pd l'' •·-um IMO 71 JO Am!Mlt! 1.10 11 11 !,h 11o; i tl F!brebrd .70 II 11 ?"IYt 211'1
h d be '''
••·• ''" 01 ~Ifft" 19\o "''· Pll\kr1n '7•·t ,,~VII 'D '" ,,,, AmMFd~ .fO 62 1 \I II 1 · >-~ ... ,t CP .60 f ll~ 311olo 31" + 'lo Fltldc1M l.40 1 U'L 1&''-N'"> tea kettles to refrigeralors slore w o aske not to .-.rrow"""H .sa~ ll'h lllO'• JS\, Joi~ Por1r HK 1t 1G voncS s. 10-22 AMt•Clll i.1e 31 .u~ 0 v, .uv. \; 11 ln•"I •1 11~ 101~ 10-t~ _ ·~ Fmro1 t. 1 :n>: n~ "" +,.
b r · . . Arvldl 11\t 11~ l.ltlelt 39•,i 4011> p,g Golf ll"> U YI~ Wod 19\'• 211'.lo AMtlCili wl • ?to;. 2''1o 19U. -''I •lltflM .111 2ll !l''o 1l•o jl1• -\, F!11 Ftdtteln U ti'• 2'.11. 1~ _ ~, ecause o soaring copper 1dentlf1cd by name. AiCc 1101 2, u Gll!n" w •t ,,,,. P•G!I An• 1i.. t•~ w1dtw P 2G n Am Mo•o•s 1n t ••• , •. , 14 tm1>11tL .u1 •.,1 2~. 23u. , _ 1~ F!rtit11e 1.60 62 "''-~ 41~. """-,, · d · · th Au!o Sd ''~ 1•-. Glab lllvb 5:~ l>\lo Pvb5 NH 111, ~llt fl:etde a·~ t AmN1tG1s 1 JI 3l'• 37i, :12.io -tmPS11 I.lo lt't n o,; ~ _ \.o F 51C~rl '·"' 3'3 4' o .U'~ _" price! 80 tncreaSe.S ln C "!!'.! 100 early to tell hOW Avemco p , '"-Grtllt> Cn 16\) 11\1 PubS NM 1•1'1 11 Wrr$11w 101"; Ill/, AmPllcl .129 /1 10\', f'• f\• _;; 08rew . ..0. •O ''• t f•,, + \~ Ft1NCV J.211 11 6flo 6311 ~ -l•t cost of other raw materials. B•blll!I 1>1 ' Grept, Sc '! ff PubS NC 12'1"'1 l'l w''" NG 1"' 111 Am R1v0t n ao .11•, y~. 561'0 -''-"" Pit lrg r '9· .. "'• '9'1< -•,• l'11N5tr -* 2 111, 111" J1'-lo _ '• the \atesl copper price in· a11,cf At 1oi> 11 ~ '",.,."" M• 1••• 16~ PYllls11r 1~1, 16\o w1111 11E 11•. 11•" Am s.11 1 t 12•, l'7l4 1l"• _ ·~ :tM11~08 1. o ,,s 1~1-, 25 1•h + ~; Flschbc:I> .ao ?'.! ,,,, 1'lk ttii . Another rise in the price of 81ker 2J•.~ 2'\lo Gr"n lltE It '° Pur1t11 ' 1 •I Tr 11•. ,,,, ""' ~~111 .60 • ""' tt 1t _.,.. •"~ "•'" ~Y.! 29':. l'llf:i + •• c1SfltrScl .1' n ,.,, "" u1~ _ ., ·11 II l le B•I P•lnl ' •l'l Grlnr.el 1!1 116 p Btflfttl 21'• 7''4 •l>b Jlt 21• .. n "' Smttl LtO .,, lO 7'11 ,,.\ -~ ' un ·"° 7• ... ,, •JI, "3\o t '•Fi.mint .11 77 "' ll~• " copper -the fourth this year crease WI 8 CC s a s · BP.,n1 "'' ,,~ .1•,; Grvvt Pr u i,, 11~1 Porll~ 51 l1 lj'" we1r11"' 15 " AmSoA1r .10 112 ..,,~ "l'I "'• -+2l , :r~~lf1 ·1° , 11'1 llh 11~ •1 F11"11to1e 1 ..o 75,._ 1.1•; 75,0 _ ,,
E lh. . h . B•n's tr c 11'1 11 Grwm In 71 n POl.ICI (p ,,, ... Wei\,... M ;o.,, n AmSA•• ln.10 J 40', .., ...,.,.. r .41 I 11 31 0,, ]2 '• Flifll plM.SO 120 ..... ,, •• ,~, -'• -to a record 52 cents a pound very 1ng 1n ousewares 1s B••-k 13,, ""' Go•ra Cfl ~·· 6v. Put"m• 11•• u•, Wtl!•R G ,10 •:i:. 1v11 Shi 1 111 31,.. l5rt 15~ _, •r11rt11 1.o1a 101t 211. 711'1 21•·, _lo Fl• E co•ii 11 31,. »•• lit._ ,1 f .8 Tu sd k . 8611" p t;.. ,., GulO Ttc ,,, 1'• """ 01n II n v. Wsl~I p ll 13'• AmSld ltl'4.7S "101~ 105 HIS -n;, =~~Cpl.,,"' ;n 3'l'I ~ -\lo Fi. G•~ ..IO 11 II 1111 11 -,, rom cents e ay ma es up and no one IS happy aboot a1yies1 n i.:o ,1,,. it 1n1 '" "" Reost1 El 21~ 1':U. srn NA 1gr, 11'• Am sierl1 ... J JO JO JO •r~ · 11 1tt~' '• 29~~l'lh + o.. Fl.I Pow 1.51 16 o~~ '"• ~~ _.. '• ., l l rt • lh l a fde . . llffthrn XI'., ]I GYrodn 15-'w lS>o lltt~Ch Ct )JD 1JS Waln Mtp 7•.l I''> ... Su91r 1.60 ll 15 1•1• 1•\\ H ~ .ollll • • li1 2•1• + \') FltPwLI I A 11 .Siio 65 -'ii 1 :i mos ce ain 3 w 1t but complaints are not ae1i. 11i. u 1.;, H•,.., Cat ts •. 16\o'J 111vm c .. 1S 11 wun Pub 111, 1t\, AmSot Pl ·" • 10·~ 10 10 -1, , .. 11 ,,.1" ln6 l ''t 1'\>t ll't. -b Fie sittl :to • 2s .. "'" ,,, _ '• range Df products soon wili ' 8"1m Incl H IJ H-Vo ]>,,, •\,, llKP8 Eo .If 60 Wl"'° W~ IP:, I•\• Am T&T 1 . .ill Sfl »» Jl '• !Bo -1\ Ill~ kt '60 ~~ nr: 71 71 Fklol"C1> 7.0JI •JI Jll• lO -\I directedat~perspecifically &tlKP• 10''>10 .. H,,_r s 1• '' Rt11 M!t IT'lo t11.w1"b11 26~>21•~""'ww-., 0.1u1 l 111<o 11 \~ 11"' uerTr iio 211'• 11'<0-1.F11.>01"Pfll 1 !11 si l' carry e~·en h; .. h .. r price tags. ~vy • ltrt. H• 31 l5 H'ven tn 1i... 1 Aet Crtd '.II"" 3914. w1ns1w T J1o 1t1 "' 111 . ll.Y If'• 11•.; 17'.o -'lo Ct ,,._.,<i<t, ~ •• u i;, •21o -n .. Flv TIMr 10 SI 10·~ "'~ t"o .:.... .-J '"6'' Copper housewares usually 11eu L111 u;~ s1 Hllrl Mor 15'o 16\!o 11:11ev S•o ,,,_., Hit> WlK PL ?11, 11•0 AW "'" L?J zl!G 1 "to 11 -'• c 1 M •11 15 1 •;} '"" I!• + ,,. FM~ cri .u 151 :1.11. u ffi -" Trane Co. of La Crosse, au"'"' w ''" ·~ '"'"'"'° IF 11v. ?t fl:040 E• ,,,_, U'h wr111w E s1, 510 11.w •,.1,,.. 1.43 1111 12 210.. 21""' _ i.:. eco c., ia ,. n •, '.!. 1,•, _, ,'~,.·,,1.2s.-,,' "••"' ~:~ '", ,,·
f •• ( . lllrd !on lJ l6 Hlllwn !O U Robin M 15 2' •ncl C '' 21 Am lnc 3 11'1 11'4 11 '' -'h titt>tffC. 1 n " _, •• •~ t \Vi5., a major ma nu acturer, are u1e mos e x pc n s 1 v e . 111t1e11r ''• 6.,, Hotm EP IM 111 11toi.t~ 1i>. i.:i. vron, E 1 1.., Af'nlM;Jl!C ... n s1>. »'• 5ii, + 1~ ti•~ 01,,.,. 50 1 tt'• ~v. 's"" -1•1 Fotot ca .1111 11 11•~ 11 1·~ '•
.. sd . • ···-"' -· .. '" "-··r , ••. ,,... AMlt: Cl> • 1-•• ,., ,.,.. ••• • -· .Ji:i" ''• ,1., "" -'• FIKl!t Mln I 1411 ... , , ... ' ,,., announced Iv n. ay Pr'-Th •-·· h ( ...., .,,...., "'""'" -~ ., . •• "' -..,,..., "' 10 ll1~ Jr.-,,,.. -,. F<X>I• o•.-o '''' 10oo llll T '" ey re ~.• l by more a· 8011Ye El :i.-. 1•"1 Hout Fis JU, JV! AMP Inc .4 lit 4 41.,. ''tt -1, ..,1Fc1v r 1~, ·• • ., , "'" . -. l • f l 5 l 80" Bf• 1Bo 11''• Huell Ml 10 11 AmPV Cori> Ill fl ..... ~ 4Qt1 -\\ tn HI.Id I H .,., 13'• IJ'llo Ol'"OMol 1 . ..0 l12 4'l\ 4<1>11 -' increases o 4 o percen on Ouenl women." &oothe c 11 n HI.Id PP :n " Am'~ 1 . ..:i , 31., l''· 11..., •• c"" fuLi 131 • 1•'• 2'"" ,,10 + '• F!NMcK .15 16 ,.u. u u _ ,, l f · · nd'l' · o < " 1 " G 10 11 ""'It! .32 12 1•<• 10" o••~ . g ,,,,, olo. 11 23''> 1jl• 131'. -i'lo FM<K •Oil.to 7 (1 1\t •IV, 0 "1 ->j mos o its air co 11orung "' .,. 11 • 1 u• •• •-·--, -,,, "" _,.. •. , 11a 41 6 61 _ ~ ... •wfll .600 " 16 1µ,, ,, ... , _ ,, Copper also figures to a 1r1o:wv G •1 " Hvrs• P 1J:i,:. 11"' ............ ·"' .• •• -v;, tn•n I 1 11 1J 11b. "'"" 11~ + ~~ Fos• Wh ir1 1 1 15.., isv. H" .... and refrigeration prod U C't Bnwn Ar n l? 2Jo,; HY•lf C• JJ ll"' MUTUAL A"tht+od< ·'° JI 4 1• t1 -w-i. -1 tntlt 1 ·u 1J :!O"o ~= m.. + v. Fc•t>oro .60 41 lO 1'l.:o ,.
I. Th .d •• smallextenl ·1n••er·os'1ngcosts•,;~'",_e1 n,,•,:•,,•',""., '•'•'•• 2:M•''"-AllCOrr,Nsv l , n>J. nv.~1.Jo -•1~1nMPvrr !11 11 11~ 11Vr l7\'o~•~Fr1...its1r .n 11r 1 ''"' ....... 1nes. e company sa1 u1e 1..1• ~ ~· , 'l u -'Mc •Y 1-'t J l!'4 JS>. + ~· ..,, PH i M 1' •o J9bl9'~ _,, Fr~s..1 1.60 u 25,, jl 1sv, t • · d h' h f •-·· d b'J Burnv11 S lJ"' 14 lnlo!ec I~ 4\1! APlthlC1> ,7G 11 ll 1U0 1 -1 9"1 Sa11 ii lf ,,,.., n• ... n 111 _ ~ Frvoh(o l.1Q 1' 31,, IV. 31\.; 'l increases y.·ere ue lo ig er o uvuses an automo J cs. au1neo " 1'\lo u 1n1rart1 5'• t'• "l>COOU 1.ot u j7 lo!'~ l6L~ -l• enre1u Yb so 1t''1 19,,. 19,,. -11> F1Ktu. l~d " 3,1• 30,, ltll + .,
f · J d I bo . . C•I W SY 27 27\'I In! COl!I 11'' 1'' 4°~ Cl\tm 14 39i, 391~ 39\• -" ..-ro 1 ~ 151 2•'1 1411 1,,-;. G costs o mater1.a .s an a r. The copper price rises this camgo 11 ''l'i 1n,u sv1 "' ·~ FUNDS AltA s"' ·"' 11 1osi• 11M1) JIM\> -1'• •"·•eec1· .1<1 n '''l• 23,. 23&1 _ ·~ - -It 'd th t · f I 1.. Ctn"" M 10 7• lntr111... J" t f1'l · Art.1>01n 1.60 ll "3 47V, 4ffi -Vi ~•A,1, 10 •l )1tl j' >>• + '" sa1 e cos 0 copper Ull'" h ·--rt d b c I llW 6\~ N A,rl1PubSV( ' 10 tl ni. 21'9 -~:,;: I 511 96 5 ., iAC Co I so •4 " ll"" 51 '• _, .. ing has risen more :han 20 year ave """'" suppo c Y c!~~ 8 'f~. 7l11o 1~l M11ffl ••·~ l5l> ,.,,,"' os .70 N l)O~ 3l n -~. c. tdbr" ·inc 1 1lJU 1} •. Q f~ .• = :? :~ c:f~ . .io 491 H•\ 11 1111-+ •1
h d m df ll 'al C11> S~w 16 16>.11"! Nc lr l<'r 15\io ArmcoSl 1.60 3'.• 7~• 21'~ 11 +io ~l\tmpS 1.10 70 76l'26''o u• .. -1, imSko "t"' 61 !'" !',,., 1!'.lo-'I percc.nl 1·n lhe past year. eavy e an or 1e me • c1, '"'' .••" ,,, int sv5 16 11 1,.,.,..,..,."'"'"'"""""""'~IArmou• 1.60 31 "" .u~; 4J _ 1~ fllr1t•NY 7 , ., "\" ... ,,. ·~ g ,~ n l I'''_ >t • Arm' Jll ~.15 J 64'~ .i.11, ''"' + ••, !lt•tM" 1 IO 7 • ...,... -"" ams f" ~ j j 26•:. 1 + '·1 A lh b. f l f 0°•sp>·le hlgl1er cop-pe r C•PTch 5'~ 6 1"1 51 Pl 16,,. '•'"• Arm•ICll. .ao •1 3'10 :111;, ~.,,_,,, •• ,,, ••. ,, 4 51lh so so -21• n1ne1 i2 n. 37., '"•-"• no er 1g manu ac urer o '"' c.r11 111 S>• 1•:. 1"' T1"" • • • , b 1 •• , •' ll .... '"" · l n n 72 -11 i'' wvod ! . . C•r!r G1> 10'h "'" ln1t~! 19y, 1011> s.,.1 • In~ lllOlc 1~·•' 13 ,, ,..rm u ·"" ~ 26~ nll' -l'J !hemttr" lb 10 lJ 32"• 37y, -!:W. 1,00.n 1 lO I 14' na -'• airconditioningandrerrigera-pr1ces,stocksof ma1orcopper c1oc NG n~n1.1on1c1 '',JI NEW voRK !A,.11,nwrs 10.01 .u~~:21~~\~o'i';<l1 J0 59! 1"\~~ :!Mi ~19 :_~ ~=~~:,1.~ ,',' '•'••' 05'f• 51 -2 1r!oc.1< . .0 1, ~ r,;,; ~v.~··~ f od l C -C f . Ctnlfx l'IV.J01h 115oU111 21 0 ~-Tl>e lollow1~-1w"'1ors rouo. ,,....,_,, Brtw 14 Qllj:IO\'olC'•l+~, ~•Vii"Mt • 1)'J 1l•'i-V.•leyo\ln60 1of&o10'l•lO'~-'I ion pr uc s. arr1er orp. o producing con1pan1es have c.., vPs 11 11~ Jecl>bs F s !\'a 1111""1. wPOll.a br ~:>s no! ~.,. 5.•0 M ·o OG 110 Jl ~ I.SI' ij'..:. " lllcEi.i iii ' l!,,. JW. m~ ~min C•p iJ 1410 u11:1 u;, -+ ,, s NY had an . h" Cl11r10 10'0l(Jlol Jac:qunC 10•1 11 ttltN1tl0011IA,"9(· I IO .. ll.JIAf.idTr1n :.a 14ll'•lli?1 •.1=.-: .... eeoron Ui1"•112V.11'•+\ll'"'lnn~ 11 11•.11 I • yracuse, · ·• · declined sharply In value t IS CM Le• 14 1.,1 Jam w.i 1o>., Ill? 111on 01 su~rHln '°" • 60 s.oo -.ricrvE1 1 20 •'S 73,,_ n•-; 2 .., + .,.. M 0111 · 41 ...s •'I• '-'\~ -1, ""Inv iJ6<1 1 26" U\\ 1~ + •t nounced price booslls of 4 lo 5 c~rmkl ll~ l.\o J1m~bY "'• ll Ot•le•1, Inc,. •r• S!ctk 10.1211.11 All RicMlci 1 ti1 1n 11ib 111,1 fliAstP~ '1 1s '°'' .st~, 'Cl -~ Amo11 6ob 10 11.,, 6$\1 ,1"-+ ,1 year. ChH l•ICI 6\• ... Jllh FOl 6 ." !t>f orlc ... " wftl(h StleC! ''' t.6J At!Rc/1 pfl 75 ~ 51 51 51 "'CIW-SPP ,c •4 ,, •• 21 21 -n. ATrtn "t.60 .. )6h )6 )61 pe rcent On July JO. Cl>t! Utlt 15"1 16-1,; K•!ser ~· 770:, 13 li>t•t :loefltrlti.1 \/tr Pv tJ 1.13 ,O,llRcll plfto ]Gl 1• 730•0 1J'" = ',J fMSP "'110 11 I •1 62 61 . • llrn pjj 50 ! 4fl'o ..... .., ~ ' 1.j c~1 Bra.1 65 1 11>,, K•l<St 111 Mi'• iy c""ld 11•vt betn '"" Rtsll •.H !·'-' /.. c-.e · 1 6l ;n· 1~ 1 ' "' c ' 5l 12'~ 51~4 -11• "81roc J,a J ll \o lJ ll''o -. ,, "\Ve defo·ru·lcly v.·ill increase c"r1,1 • 111 111 Ka1v1• 1n · 11 wld {blO\ or baoq~t iu tt n .. ' it tits , m , • 1 "-1>1 Mv11c 1 I 26'\ 1•t'o 1'"-_ 'i n c1oit i.70 •• 1, ,,. , ~ t kt'O) I> .0 lves1 lift.I 16 t) Alla• or1> U S'• S S -1\ C~JPnouT 1 17 ll"~ lt\~ Joi 1 Cl -P.o .,
Pr'.ces of copper-lad 11·nes ':"••••m,.•••••••a~ .... ":i ',",,'.':',,Pl 101, •• '"• i •,,•,•m. !'• 1"'> •1 '" v. ivv too too A11ro•• P••• n ,.,., "'• i.111 + 111 CM r111.1 1 Mi n 65 .... .,., -• 'l.. " '·10 1 n :111;1i 21 .• .... • ··--, ..... " ' u •. 11 l ld Aili J Hl!Coclo;; 1"11 1"91 AvtSokl• .oe.t 6.J 1'" 1' ll -1. ~hfl:IP C!NW ........ 6$ +1~. ftV<OYel .141 50 l0"4 lQ lO _, of kitchen Utensils,'' Said ~Hit UA '"·25"-Ktlltl1 6'o "-A,tierd~ 7.l l :IJfJollnlln 21.lO?l"JoAUt~~lnd 9• 13" n•o Ul•-''> fl'l lPtr VP ; It: JJ.': rr::_,, :~°Ei:ml.~ 2~ 7J l''' l•'o -'t
Clyde McDonald. vice presi-C.:~1:..U..Ji ~~,.~;:;;~=~~E r'r!:i':l:!\7.:!\:0 ~-~ :.~K'lJ:"'lt1F1~"t'Xi·tt::~g9J.]0Zll ~ u,, ~·· u:;-1t ~~;~\,·to ~ 1f~: ~f~; 1f:~ g;nF~r.r: ?.lg 1 fl u .~l ,r.,1~=1 .,
I F. (llYIDrl 3'' ' Ktve Fib ll'• 111.. "'"'''' lO n 10 n &· BJ 20":z.s n ·CIJ Autrv PO n ' s.<>1 .\.4U s.i•i -,, lvy1l0< 1 105 ~11..-, , .... '' -'· Gtn Ho•• •.1 , ... " dent for consumer sa es o( cuni Me• ••· t1, K•~1 Cu• 2..1 n A1l>h1 Fd 11.» 11.•1 ~· 1, , u 10 70 Avr.e• 1nc; . .a ~s n•, n» 11... /""GE 1 ,0 1 7,,, ,-, ,, _ ,, GM ,_,, •• , 71'• 10•• 21 . lnance• Ch"tan 0 l 'o f'• K•Yst llC 1'• /lo Amc•o 5t• 6•t '" Kl 1·'2 1·61 A~M! ,,, 1 I 1' l't ?t lnMUI I""-I <A• • G t "' ,.. 121 JJi., ll•-. l-1''1 -1'1 Revere Copper & Brass, Inc., Clow c.. 10 21 Kln9• Et ••, 10•·, Am 8v1 l ?• l.~ cui Kl 5·21 J.,i Avon"" 1 eo » 1f1 IH !st -1'': 1"su1e1 1 oe 1~ :;-• ~·· ~·· =' •! G:;:: ,::ti11k ~.i 4 4' ~1.1 4' Wednesday. Cg ltm E 6'1 IV. l(ltk CP 11 •1 11~· A~ Ovln \Q lt 11 Cui SI 11:111.:n AUt( 0 1! G~ H 51~ 1··~ "" ..... CllF I" 1 . .0 75 .l6'o 16•· 36'!. -"'gMllls Pf1.7S ~ ll~\ . II ll~ -•1 Ct>lllns F 2• 1~"> lt;"IP Vol 2) ll o, • ,.,1 '·"·>ii ~U• ~l 1111 11.ll 8-CIT F 1115.IO 1 •1» 91,., 91,., +I'> ~I 1.4DI 431 1l ' 16 ff -1~ Revere, \\•h\Ch claims (O be ~olon ,sir ~:;; ~~ t MC Ot! :il" 2:, ~:::: :::..~lh ~ n ~ 76 u1 SJ I t2 1.91 -COies SV< 1 ]"JO 5.l>o 51'" M _'I> Mol 11>! J 11 II :.::: ao:! = ~ B . f ""'<~ J.I .... 1' l•~@ i" -·Am M I ... 110"21 "' St S.17 5.6) l•bc~ 'H I ~ n • 1l'• "" 2l -•• Clly Inv lOll 418 71 .. )t\, 1"-• +"I "'~ olJ.71 l J,11'4 ~'· sa the "'orld's largest maker of com Cl• · 8 • n ' 1 -. N ~'fl l ll J4~ o!1r 'll '7Se 1i.011r is 1t ll'• 'I ,1. , C•tvlnv 111111 11• "'·• •2"" enPCtm .ID , 11.., 11,~ .0..-•1 l'Je S c,,..., Aci 1 1•.Lu1e wo •11•011•.,•, , , ,•,,icnltkb u"'wi-11 .. •,,•0 ., 1 ... 71 -L , .. ,,,•7 .tc11v Sir• ,0 1 14 11• '''•-'• llubUt 1.-''' ,,,, ,,., 'l'~-·1 .. k -tUes ·,.d p ict of it com 1n11 s s" L.,..,., '" 11~ m "' • · Knlo. Gt ~n.1v•ll "' .... ~·---" ... CltrkE 1 c, ... -1 i. -•1 a C , ra1 r S S Com Ga• n•o 13'• L~ Coal I !''>Ant~ Group l ••l"'ll lO.l• ll.Ol l•IG gl8(.S0 .. 10 M •1>.I 6' . .J.U1 Cllt~ 'bu · .ill t>'•' lP1 l1 l"I -'o '" Rl!'frect 11 1!4• lJ ll _'I l . l l I co ..... )oltom Com Tel "" ll ... ltl•ur G 'I 16 C•oU In t.62 Lt• llt1th u 7'1 16 71 lnclPW"I .to J9 n·~ 21'· 11'1< -VI. ~i.vC"llfl I "' '° Joi\~ ll ,.. ~.Gen Sit 1.111 ' ll'l 43Vo m s 1uness s ee, Pr-~-Com Hnn 16>.H'•Lt~ln ,." ;·~ "~ Gn•'" 17 11U.MLl ber1y .. !7 ,;u••"'IP 01,1 1 ~""· "'' "'"-"' 1tv£1111 TO. 'lll1 311,,. :.,i..,_t..GenSlltnd .&o 1• 11'·• O\ot ""'
kettles 10 lo 12 percent on ~-P A 511 ''~ Lrw!• BF 11 11 ~'if""\'nv iii 1g C L!'• 5tk s·oi !," ::~T{ 1j\~ ~,jt il1~ ~~~ ~:! =124 ~· 1111 3'50 rlJ i{1• ]l°' Ji'~ -h &T~~~f1P1i~Ui :;ol !~., ~'• JJY> -') A I be f h" h st I PHILADELPlilA IUP1) -c::::-f;;:; N 11 Liiiy E~ 311• 7•'• Anoe • i'l1 1" l:.''r I"" '·" I.~ &•rd CR 1s 5"• si>o .1110 1 '• ~ltv P 101 1 111)') 11'-> 11..., 11 .. , · GTtl Piil JO o.l'lo + '
ug. cause 0 lg er ee Univac Division of s perry Cm1> Mt~ I~,. 1i·· t~1'Cov ! . ~ As1'~ '" 6'' L;m11ilS•YI~~ •·1 ~::~ ~~·.to '~ li"' It~· n•\ :: cl':e~~Pe!ll9() i~ !k~~ ~~1• ~~'· + \ .. Gtntlmt ,IQ l~ ~'~: UV, ll!,li -,. ::m ~~ppe:,_pperi~s. a!~' ~~~':; Rand Corp. has oblained a $%.a··~~ r;i~~ r,,~ 3f' t~.,,E1f.n ;~" ~ ~t11n'i.°".t?fl':~·1 1.i1 c:~/i ff:!! ff:U i::~ 11~ w1 'l ;;;;; ~ ~,,., "f :: ?~r1f1n1"' ·lo 1~ ~.,. ~''* fi~'~ ..:.·,,. gt;1r:1r:, ~b ¥30"jf1• u:: ll~ •• , m1·t1 ·1on c-ntracl from the ,'!..,',',',a'• S» ••n Mao GEi 11'• n•. ~und a 1.11 t.51 Mui t•.7t lt.n &ttflln c11 SI! •JOI 10. ltll + 'l CNA .,. Ai° To 1' 71h 21·~ 711'• + l\ GtMl't<o l.'CI 11 30'~ JO .!J,,, .!'~ gourmet cooking utensils .v ~, •'• •~·~r;c en J1 3;•.., 1r• l 80 l.OJM•n111n 1·J5 7.t> · Co.11s1 G·,, JI,,., )61~ 31,.,+ .,,G
M,,,•, Lf<I ., 11\.J in. yh .... ~ Spanl.sh "'-'ucation in lnistry. ,c~!'..a,", ,,,. ' e 111v ioi,, n•.1 s~ Co .1s ~.60M•n Fd 10. 61 '·1' Coc•Co1 Ill 5' n•• 71''1 n•o + ..,, tnYneP11 t > ll JJ \\"ent up IO percent. £<\I -~ ... lll'J "'~ Mallltrl so, .. 52 &toi.on I.IS l.1J Min Gtfl 11.02 ll. • Cct1811t i 10 • w,, 14'-"'L + I• GI Ptc .SGf) 112 .. J. ..~ • c ~ Th l l II f Coro S lt •1 Mgm1 At • 4~1'ra ICnt '"' t.6,MIU Tr UJ016.n (ptePtl 1;0 >O .,. -.. .,..,, GaPa ... 1,. -··T)oe pro·ce of brass goods e con rac ca s o r crw1ra 1'"' 2.1on M8nQur 11•, 10 1•1r Fo 10 0110.t1 M•""s ... ,1 •.11 ,,, • ,,,. "' •··/• 4'1:. 41'·• -·~ ~ c "' .... 10 ~ \'o 61V.-
' •-••" •' 1 < M • 1l o '' >• t,.. •"' llO SS SS SS .,!rber I 10 ;J ll'~ _n1, Jl~o dcJJveryofaUnivaclHl8co1n-,',',',','",,fl 11•,11.M•n!nM 6 6\'o "" · · .... ,,~ · · s b 'd• Collln1 A11<1 IS7'"•16 u·.~-·,.,G~t1YM110 5111 1'oli'>~-and brass ls gelling higher Jl 31'• M Browr 01 1i•11 Boston S! '·;f 1.u M~t>on f_6J 10.55 ll SI IaI'Y colllnfl:td 10 11 •1'~ .io•o ,1p, _ '·• 0o""' PC _;o 11 t1•A 17Vr 1 ~., + ,,
d " ·d K th puter early next year. c,',",',',', 'c !1"•111,.Md Sl!IP 10·~1! 11"'t°" 1·7 •.1MMa4 Mu 6.6• 7.:1~ 10101n1s1 ··~ 11 31 .. 0 36J.. 31,,_'11 !b••tt Fl" );! 311 35,4 36 every ay, sa1 enne 10 11 M~•e• o .ll\'• 3''" lr\'t'tt~ St /j·~1 l:·;J ~vodY cc \4·l.: is,10 011 intt i , 10 •l41i •1•4 ,2,, _ G•,", ,,''", .Ml is 11.,~ 11., 11,0 _'I G ·d I of H d Oon•tl In 1•'•15'• co~v ?I 19 1t;~'~ · · -~·· l u.ai 0111" 111.i ;s , -'''• •• ... ,,Gfl• e 40 u SP~ 10,, ,.,,_,
ray, pres1 e.n ar \Vare NEW YORK !UPI) ln· g:~~v o~ ]~ l!~: ~=:~" H ;i,~ ,1~ ~"\ld~ ,:J:ia:~ ~:!ih Fu'lg,~1 1.11 N Ch' £ ~c;g 11.~1:i.o 7 21-, ;j,,, ;"1·~:. "'° grmbtil er 1 • •P· tll4 fl,, Marl in New York. '·Every o8v15 Fd 1., ,., .,.,_:1,,8r 1, ,,, .1 Inc l.l• 'i. lncom •.Ol t.t7 8~ Pi...... 11s "'~ 41'• .ip, -I ~" Aide" •~ ''• ' , _'I
l. II l • cl1ana Bell Telephone Co. an· D•-"'' 11l'?1'•""• •• ,,· ... ·•Ctc!! Shr 7.0.S '" •n•o• 1.1t I.Sol ames 1e •"·•··'·M • ,,,, 'S'-iS>.-•,Go.!~~IO P!J I •I•, 61"• 6!•J-'l nnewese ou were.sorry lo • · ... C•n1 s~r 1ou11"MIF Fd t1s1000 •• .... 61 26'11 M" "'• ·~!"'1 ~n.1J '311\1 Joi'• Jo1'~+·1 notonced 11 will olfcr IBODD'·',~,-,1~ 11 '•17 "'1'"G•n 1 1'1 Cfl•nnJno FY;,d, · MIF Glh s 11 .-,, oluP l'1 609 31 l'2~ 31 l'•-'·gG!-1 Marin lG1 11•, 17'• fl'~-'I seetheproductgobecause\l·e ~·.. '· 1:,1111111<1 c. 11. ll'1 e1•1n 11.0til.11 u 8..,.G J:io s:s.i v1so0n 1.11 10 3l n·~ 32 ,._,_-l!Jbo!Un .1111 1• 16"' u~ IJ'~-'I
have lo replace al a hl.gher millionworthordebenture~in~.~·.•,0, '·' l•'olldl~• ~· 1•° Corn $!'" l tl Mu ml" IOl•H nl El,. fp•·1· s B rtCombEn '" 11 6' ,,,, 61 -··· OC<l•IU> 1n 11• ,, ll'• :r.llo-• '''"" s1,. s,,, Mlow G"'" 10•, 11''-Grwt~ 653 f l•Mo• s~rs 11:1211:12 'ec ion O I'll Ip , oga Com l$QIY .•o ?ll 111s 171 17v, + ,, Gooov•8 r .1s 106 '11~ ,~ 11t, _ ,1 Pr'.ce. The customers are \Vall Street on or about Jan. Dt• c."7 16-' 1!1 M.is G•• 31'• 311'• incom '"' 111 Mor Tro\ l .62 1.11 as president of MCDonnell !omwEd l.'O 11 4\" •a•, to•._" 9:~.~,1yA .1• JJ J2 31'.·\ 31•, _ •1 Soec:t 2.M J.SNEA Mu lOfll0.12 omE 1111.11 S 7,_., 1S'o 21'• """jd1nc ltO •Ill'< J1',w lJ'l~-1
beyond complaining, :hey ac-27. C'}~nct Grout~ 11 1i.MI ~:: 'f~tC :?:t. li':t: Douglas _Japan Ltd .. was an· =:f1k1'° it Jr.: :t ~" = ,': 8~celi 1wto "~ u:: w~ ~~ = ~ Cept it." Frnl fl 6'".nN11 lnv1t I.fl l.61 nounced1nTokyoth1sweek. °""''•' IS d "'i '1 ti _,,~r1nby l.l'O 115 J7>; JI•~ 31 1~+•! hi Snrlld 11.Ul17JN1t s,1,ur Ser: Bo -!1111 1 It'•"'• 16,0 _,, rtllOVn to "II )J 24'• J•h -,, Gray said prices of copper NEW YORK (UPJ l -P i iµ E ti• Chc111t1 11n 1t.11 B•lan 10.60 11..st gart succeeds Russell A ...... ,.,,, . .o 12 l1 ~~. 1~ , ''"uee s11 10 15'" 15"' sa _ •1 '! · I h · I d xecu ves Colololal: Bond s Sl •01 Oii dli 1 10 111 n•~ "II 11 = ,; rtnfl•v 1.40 n 1~ 111. \Ill _·~ pipeha\"egoneupaboutSper-n orns. nc .• as reg1s cre a Eouiv 411 '.10 O<vio '·"° .:t1 Denzer, \\'ho has headed the ""f"" .;i, , ,,., .,,.., ,,,, +'•G0;·.~',w~•,•,, ~ , .. ~ ..... 411 _,,
f I d rr . r SlOO Fvnct 11 16 Ii.II Grwl" t.OI t.n M Do II Do I Co Gfl dlt "' s ' 711·, IO'o '°' + ... " ... . 1.. • ,, Jj cent and prices o some smal propose o enng o G1w·~ '-"" 1.N P• s111; '·" 1.56 c nne ug as rpora· °" PK~.6J a,0 '"''• ,P~ ull -'• g~·~~,'; 1.10 11 ,,~. 27,1 ,,,, + ,1
items are U2_ 200 perceot this m j 111 0 n c 0 n "'er t 1 b I e Lose B1·eak?. C~c 1t:': ,: n = t: ~-.Vs tioa subsidiary for the past ':F~OC:~.~ ~ .~· !~~·. I~ :t," g·~NOI• 1'.~ •: ?I:: ~I~ f~t! -'•
Yea subordinated 25-year deben· Con>S '" s.o• s.t0 N•• w~., •·" •.n three years and who returns lo onF,tt.,.t t 11 M ;s.i, 111 1 oPa• 1 . .ia 50 " " 5.1 _ '• r. Commo-ltfl Fds: Nrt Grit> t.ltl0.1! G11Nt1G I 11 •J 11 »'• 11 ..o.. '• GINorP ~l«I ' IS'~ u •; IS'~-+'• .. Without fail there's a price lures for early public sale in f~" ;:tj l!:U ~~ ... 1ill itU the corporation's o 0 u g I a s r:;:t.,• "'~·1, 11 .xs l1•• »''> \t Gi Not Rv ' 11 •J'• •s•. tJ \l -~.
Wall Street through a large in· WASHINGTON (UPI ) 1.,.,,,, t.it 10.• New w1d 1l·" 14.67 Aircraft Company jivision "• Df•:!.f :M ::;: ::;; ::·~ = ,'• &:W~~~u F'.~ 1~ !r;{ ~f1t !f1' =1:.: rise. al bolh the wholesale and l ba ki di l Stock '·" 10.5& NV Vtm I .1'2 '!·1! ' ""'"'l•l .st It ,,,, 13 ll•· = ,·, GW\J" pl1 N • 2 ... ,, )•It + '•
retail levels of anything wilhl ve.s ment n ng syn ca e. 'tile "deferred compensation'' f:r:~ tg l :r l:j{ ~~:, l~Jt l,:21 Long ~ach, a.s assistant. to c""' ~": ':1J, ,~i ~~~ ·~; '\',1 + '\ g~~~·~~~ ·ff ,I J.;:: ~:~ ~1~ ,.. ...
ed etm11 ~ u 1J 16, l 8::'-h 1.11 t.10 the vice pres Iden t ·In· c~ ... p1; 1f 1~ "'• 16..., 16,~ _ ,._ g•tt"St. 1.10 , n•o n-11 77.~ _ '•
HOUSTON (UPI) -Ten-plan us. by ~any U.S. o 1ad i:n l::~l I~~ 1::ff if:ff ternaUonal commercial sales. (1°'(~ c:i.J." ~ :],~ :; : :1~: =11. G;~fi~:"'~ 1 ;: ~r; 1J:: ~i:~ = ::
Get the most on neco. Inc., is offering lo ex-corJX1ral1ons to g 1 v e a tax =: .. Fd ~-~ i:~ ,0 ~ms 1:::.1:~ In his new position, Bogart (:,,,1't,~ .iJ: 1~ r1~, ;: # .=1,0 8~¥im,:0nc; .J 7~ ~·· ~'· tti' _ , , INSURED SAVINGS! change shares of Its $5.511 an-break to executM:s In top :=d111 lt:lt h:l' !!~fl 1J·.1: 11•:~ represents the av i at i 0 n • i~·, Do;,.,,•,.•, Ht J ,.,, )IP. + "Gv11 011 1 "IO •311 11•. :11.•i lo!~_ '•
I d d nd f d ck " 1 1 ........ ~' 111 , •i•o ~' 11 _1,, GuH 'lesrc~• 36 ll'• ll~. 1i*1 _ •• KEYSTONE nua ivi e pre erre s\o salary brackets would be orisu in •. ,1 •n" so 1.11 ·'f missile and space programs of °"' sn i io l7 Jl''• '"' -'"G,1•R~• on.lO ' n '°"• 10•. -1•, ont Grh lo.ca 10.10 • Mut l .l7 l .J ont lfl 11 11 1 --. ullSt•U• 96 .., ''' 11 Presently held bv its oro Ld u.~ .a.u P111i. 15.os 1'·'° the McDonn•ll D 0 ,, g I as , , 0· 1 " n•, ny, -··~ G 11 5 .. -•v • nh + '• SAVINGS . l ldb lb di l .n!YCtPll.l14.l9Pllcflm 9.UIO.CI .. ,·',"D•"• ,,"• Ul,.8'•1<16'•1•7 _,,, u ..,p1s .. o n 10 10 _., subsidiary Moorgatc Corp. for res ric C Y e pen ng ax l•ow~ w 1. 1.16 P1101 1.n 1.J1 Cornnralion in Japao and 1 __ •, ;"• ruo '3•1• 631, 121., + q Guusu pl4.•o 110 6• 61·~ 61 +1 .1 rnW In 11. l l?.71 Pl"• S! un•v•ll •rv ,...~ ...... IQe ) JI J~'• JI G11l/Wln . .iot 111 n•a lJ\'i '1'-_I ~·;;i 10• 1 A,;o.1•110" common ar.d class A preferred rerorrn bt I. &Von M 61.10 61.)0 P1o~tt• 11.11 it,01 other far eastern areas r.:~f~r~' ,·1'90 1 J3·~ J1•:. 31•:. -+ •• GYirw 1>13.so s '1:1 "' •1 -1'• •, ... iW<q·~~<tft•-ieM • OK•! Inc 11,tll.lfPla~ 1n<1 11 .fllt.fl •
. ,,. 1, 14 1.1'o t• _o ,gvlf\N plJ.11 • 5l Jl't iJ -'• 1SK lllltlUI 5 38~•t~ stock of J. I. Case Co. of The bill, already passed by~1wr~ 1J•61111Prlt• Fu"d" :i:r;""• ,~ '111; 1s•, 1s•i-..., ~1ton 1ne1 1st• 11"' 11~-'• SP(Clll IBNUS rllN , o,~;"1,1~ Racine, \\'is., at the rate o[ It• lr 1 OS I IO Grvrrtn 1'·" 1'·44 e1>P'lpt .iQo 1?~ ~ !~,., :~ •• _" -H·l-lhe House and awaiting action lvld 5~' l.1' • 1f N E•• 9.•s.•.~! 0Pw1s11 l 10 1 19,, 1~,. 1, •• _ '• N•ct<W1t ,10 1 ,0,, 40,, ,0,., _ ,, ::;:,~ 't::~1;>:;:f,7,~J;:,;,~~t O.l7 share of the Tenneco in the Senate. \l'OUld curb the ,:h1 ~n 1:.~ ,i h ~~:v!~~d i~:li ;i:fl Co111 ptt le1· Firm ~~·~·, ld: H 1~~~ ,n,~ 1il'• :i:: ~? ~!llFtZ,11·~~ jJ ~~:: ::;~ ~Y;:: ~~
prererred ror each share of . . . . °''"' Fd ,?trHll Pu•fl•" t•iiit<t 'orol"ll'll~ .n J1 16''< '6''< l'~'-+"'"H1mw,1 ..,., u n>1 1J•. n'~.
Case Common 'nd 0.26 Sh.re 1ncenUve "'h1ch exists under l>••v' Lv 12 "° n.11 P111"•m fullOs: · ow,ltJ •. 10 10 11 1ov, 10 o H1mm Pap 1 • l'I'' 291~ 2,1\ E1•onl.Howard. ~""II 10.d 11.44 } • 1~ ox ~·•• . 461 u v, u •"\ + '' Htmrnncl .lo IJ \6 ... !''• 16,~ foreachsharesorCaseclass present law for an executive 11t1n 10.tJ11.11 """' u .1,u so l'Vllle CllaDl ;,;1n11,1.10 1l l41... 1'.'~ :u•o -1,M1ncllmn .60 10 Ji JI•• 11 +>• Gnwl~ 11..,U.5 rth 11 .3 n.•! ,-•,~ ·~ 19tll, •Po •1 ">-•flHtndHtr 12 6 JO\. 301 1 lOlh , A preferred. ID ask !hat part of h'os pay be tncDn'I ~ tJ t.1f! inc°"" 1.1J 1.tt , _,, ... n ... • lfl.1 11•~ 111.\ H1nt1C11 ·'° l 19•, ""• !t • -' SDtcl 1110 17.,. l~Yti• 11S 1.'1 rou1tHlf\d I l If 7.''o ?l . H-M I.JO IO Jo!•, lJ\~ ll~ + ~
NEW deferred untJI he retires. ~~~~ J;.~ I~;: ~:;::, '~ f: 1~j~ Com PU t e r Re Porting ~;01c~i11 .~~ T, r.?'.! ilro = ~t ~:~~·l~t1 1 ,~ if;! ff~. ff~,:. ::
Real Estatin' in Europe
YORK !UPIJ The idea behind the prestnt ~~~ sc 1:1J 1{:J :~er!t<11 ,j :11fij Sysdl~lm~.f Inc .•. computer.iied ~,c"!.,'·~ 'jl tt-'! n:; f: . .,::!:~~:~~;P.io ~' ll1', ~~'.: ~~(! Another 11 ol a percenlage Ene•• 11 01 u 01 Ra1enth 1.J1 t.Ot ere 1 1n onnat.ion s e r v 1 c e Suor; v ,~ 15 11 13•, 13•1 ·~·• -•; Herv Al 1 1<1 ,, 2•1• 23 1,.,. +i •,
point was slashed from 1n· law is that the executive will~;,f:,:• :u ,~-~~~~~. F ~~~:1'·'1 con1pany, has leased a fu1t ~u111: •. "'·'* 1! ~~~ ~i ~~:~~~:t::~1frip1..1 ; ti..~:! '~-·
h l b ti. l · d Eout Giil 11111' •~1 Ir! lnw Y"'"'\1 . Cvmfft•11 .&ob I 31''0 31';, JI"'--\lo li•YH Alb 1 10 ii • t 35 + '• le.rest rates on s ort erm e ge 1ng e.ss income-an I""~ 1115 · soti Joi l »ll floor, represenllng 11,SOO Cunno,v~ .10 , ,.,,, ,.,, J'f'"'.-1 H1i1111nt IMI u 11 •. \ ::•=··'
• ...., Mee.th. MWlt • he , .... _. .,.. Mt Nfffl I•
',... ........................... "9d• IMJNU.
~ ... _.,...,Mt u..... ........... ........
-,,,. , ...... ---flf ~ .. J ..,.,... c. ... -~ ,,.. .... ., n.. ~ h .... ,,. h ..., ...... ,.
,_. ........... &.. -.. • f'MI ...,.. cNw•111ft ,.,. tfl• --
· 1 'Id b h 'flbel ~ l I vtr1• 1~ 1•16t<tt 811 ,.,.,.,. f f . . Cur1lnWr1 I 31 II'' II\\ 111i.-t..,Htcl•M'lf 1!I 6l n•• n commerc1a pape.r n onay y encew1 ax""a a ower ~~·o• 2J1<,•o• Con'I S• io)61o"u square eel, or its national 7ur1wr A ' 1 JI•, 3,~. •1••-1.<Htl~zNJ 11 1, l4'• 11 11 14-4-'•
Assocl·ates l st l Co l Iler her ,., F11,10 1~.ll 11 ~•St<: l'>lv 11 n n 1• h d l . f h 1111<!< H 1 'Cl • Joi<~ 3,...., 31'"1 Htifflt Curi 11 14 lt :ll\6 -1• nvc men . ra e -a e res. Fft•m 11u 11 10 111n ~" Eoull f .s I·" ea quar ers 1n one o l e cvdoll'5 11111 1 1'1; n·~ 31•; ..... Ht~ Coll ,60 is 10,, ..... 1J•• -••
This brings the rate for 90 to rhe tax reform bill would Foa COr•11 n 70 u 9' ~K 1..... '·" ..... twin nine story Irvine Towers c.,.MVIM 1·411 10 •J -Ml~ '"''~ + ·~ H111er 1~1 "'° •• 11" 1::! ft~ ~1!;
2 I .1. of ~ld f tD 11.J• 11-tl IK 4m 10.GI 10.to • -0-~\::.fl~t >OI J lf II'• 11ti -'• iO oan.s down lo 71: percenl. put a ce1 Ing $10.000 a year F l~ T~~: ~~,i t;;~ ~t ~~$ ~·~ ~~ in Nev.•por\ Financial Plata. Otn l!ly 1.211 1J 16•• "'• 16'• -·~ H~mr1"6 Ct p n, i::: 1:., JO ., J
on the anl(lunt of deferred Fl~~·· Pr,o:t' 7 ,~~I"' ~·!! ',!·'tt' Announcement y.·as made ~··~ c., 1 n 11 "'' ,,,, """'" '• Htm11nc llll 1 •• 1 , i~~ + ,, '!ARIE-A G IUPI . •• l --·"d b om• .... . j . I '" 1~d 3'41 ., M•~ ,.,, '"' + u. Herc Inc I 100, ""-)I »' :t-. " • , • • .a. I -compe.nsallon u1a a..vw c 1nct1111 • 1 • J" ~10 1nv "·" "·' 01nt y today by Eugene S 1r1 nc1 Pt 1 n 4 •111 .,..,. _, HetiJlFd 110 il ,,.,, nto 1, ! :: ., _, h I . incom ~"' 4'9 ~mlt~ 8 ... I'll ' · IYtol'• 11• JI t!V 1J ,._~ + 1 HMllln 75 J "" Lockheed Georgia Co. has ob-taxcu at t e ower post·relir~ "Vfnt ~ •1 '10 !"'" 1~" t °' '11 Mikkelson, CRS president and l'.lAvtftPl 1"' i 1i ,. 1~,. _ ,~ HtwPl"C~ ·.20 ~V. 31 3s -1
ed . F l D f ed ''FU• 1n1111J< wlnv Gt 107 •1' • ' Olll PIA lil .IO 'n " SS Hlll'I Valt ft 19" fO lain l\\'O new Air orce con~ menl re e. e err p<iy ::,1 1nr.•n • •1 1• v r;w .. '"" ,,·,. 11'~• \\1ilham R. Mason president o~L nll!I ) n ,~~ ~ •• _1 ' Hill011Ho .. ~"'i 10 19'" 1•1• 1•~• -i..
II. 6 ·11· bo I 0000 Id b ... "I"~·· ··~ • .,. It-rm GI 5 •~ J(• . , g . !4 ti n ' S...t J• s.i, _,., lracls Iota 1ng SI .I 1n1 ion a ve t . a year wou c "•I Mu1t1 • :>t ''"' st11r s1 .... 1SJ0."1J of the Jrv1ne Company. owners :r~ ~0 loo 01 ~'' :1o11t. ~~ -. '• HatoC:r111 xi, to 1;p, 11•, 11•, ..... \•
f ls f lh "'A •--" · lh , · ed F<! Nol I •~ ~ 1' St1•dm1" Funtl• J m•r · •v l'll'• ,., .., n '-' •J•~ •4 or spare par or e V<r wXcu 1n e year rece1v at "" Sl•r• 11 "•I 11 A"' 1nc1 11.o1 1, ~1 and deve opers or the Plaxa. 11 Mn11 1.11 n ,, "M'l 26'• + •Ao Hotrnw11 .n 1 3\'' ~·, 'I'• _ •-.
lh h• h l h' h ldl'let C'o IM FM!K I~ 1H Ot!11Alr ,«1 .fG :lO 1'0•to ,...__,o\1-!ofl E!Jett" 61 1 •, I'• 1'•-'• alrcrafl and a computer e 1g er ra e w IC wou F1t1 F~o , •J Stltft 4 11 .-9, oe11K 1"1 u 1'•• 1' 1• _ 1• Holdvl"" .10 m "~ :itvo _ 'k
l .. · ha••eprevao·ledhadi't"--ncol F11 Gt" 1.1 J 1 ... s1·1~ ROI F~u oD&r1nM'v..:.'CI 1(1 ,.,, ,,,., 75"~-'•'"'°I"'" 1.10t> 11 '° '• .i."-'~• sys em process main· llC!l • IFIWI Gih I·" I" 8,1 :111 31111 JI ... nM19 ... 1 i n ,,~, 111.1. -v~ HOl.,.tu, 1.20 2 2ii.o, 2 ,,. ii••+ ,,,.
ten.nee and l~;•l•'cs dal8 lected 't (ti• VCOr ., wh' h '( FouMln I' ·•! t'to 0.. 1i1' 1in !fl k genn~lll:'I .04 2f 11'1 ts 1Jh .+-ltt Homn!~I ,j(I 151 Jl'• Tl'• .Ho .+1•,. ""O"' n , n IC I l=ourSP 1174 11 IJ Slot' ,,.,. 1i1; 0 ·1· ••et "'S.IJ l.:IOe 11 "'" ~· o -"'~ HantYWI 1.10 Jl 1 1]0•~ 131) .... -l '~ aboard aircraft. was actually e<1n1ed irr111k1o~ GrNn: 'un 1nGt 1 •1 1:11 o~Ro, 1.10 l 111• lilt. 114' -,. Hoov Bl 1.io. 19 l! i11. 11'1 _ ~. . r..,, St ~.,, •W5uDl"St 'll101! ~r"KO "' J , ...... s1,v. 5&14 HOii 11111 ,,)(I l ll•• l1'A -•• ii-;::=========================:;-DNTC H"l?S'S"";r GI 11: U.tl U!d l1 1.40 SI l~ 7 1J"'+·1'1101t1C.1 '-IY' 40 •'t ll'• u -1, II U!ll •.56 I lt lMR Ao lt l )1 ~· s .... I ., Ed tri"S.50 ) 16\1 U't .,. + ·~ = IMI .IO 2t 11·~ 1'" 16 t '•
Camille 1 dy. was no a .
Camille was a disaster. The fact is, the
Red Cross needs $15,000,000 to put thousands·
of American men, women and ch ildren
backontllelrleet. +-Give all you can tb your local
Red Cross Chapter or United Fund.
You're all they've got. Cl\>
A..~ftt "\f~.M-b'hN'<PI la\&
t.': '~ ~J; ~~~::;: 11°:~ 'fll ynauo s ~x~·1.1:.'°'" 1~1, ,'l:t ,, .. ~~>,i, -'0 H_r;vlf 11', :1 1 •• 111• ""' ,,. Ful'!d Am '•' 1n '-I lK~v'I 11 . ttllFlftt" .$1 17't m: 12:? t l\ HCl\ltF Dl'l" 11if' 1A:1 11'f"°' _!,)! r.•n ~ 1n•11c•Jt,cnno I U 1u "11,; 1 ltml<tll 1IO 11 .. ,~ 4J "',1 +.1''Hou"-·'•'•·•"'•'.",, 1 \l'• 6J''I 4l''l-,'o c;1ti<.11, n o n 1111ma Gt 2J •7JJ.~. "iow1ne11 1 ~ ... "'•Yr1110111tvst1t l•r•m i.• ,. 21,, n•• ,,., "...... 11 ,,, J1•. 1,.,_1., Gr>-5K " To·,.r Miii: 1.11 1 13 llocl: .... rlrtt r1Nl1t. ..... 19 It 111'0 7Q lJ ll''o :i7 -, H-!NG1 .Ill 1 'lilt )II~ 31tl 1 '< llt•o ~ 113 t lot lr•n Ceo 7.tolfloett, It pfOl:l'O 10 ,,,.,, 11'-• 11tt=l'-"""','-",1.,•, .I 00 4 .f(I '•
(efl'I ~I 13 1•1·~·1 ,.v Em ti,SI"' §le••-·,, n 15'l l!la 15'~ ... "l'0'1 ~ :Ml'• .. I• Ful '"" •i1 '"'"""' Fd 1'ff 1Sl Stlel!!1ur•t .. llt'l<lfPkl•l l!'boki ollll It HowfMI 10 10 "'' ,,., U\11-1 "lr1n1no?J •• .. ~l.....CG1 •U4rt Glor•·-1 11°,:•, 1 11 '•-1 liUlb"&f .ioa sn "1J + cor~n"" I 1'111,.T ... ...c 11'1( "' s·u .-11&1Urlo<UfrK.~lllllllJ .. ll! G ' ... 1'~ 1Tlt -\'l ~Ht1 °..0 '111 111 'l ("11f<I~ lS ... H.11 Uni! Mvt In 01 l~ t• lft 1'61 11lu~ t'tek d!V!Ott<dl. ._Oeclll"" 1111=.t·i: lo >/;~, gr,: l!'i -'' ld-Pw fMI I 11\lo ll'• n,, = :. f',,...1110,.,. IJftl'd t4J10.'1tr 11110 ,. ,,, 11111 'Pffr 1-,.tn!NI 1~ lllnt "'"'°' 1"\-1'10e11a1,1c;"1 •ll 11'• 11>, 1;°'-'• t "'I • ll I" V"llrd FitnO>· Uot\ ltu•llltl !He, e.tJmU't(I, rllt •M ll lt!>Co Mb ~ :f1~ ~ 3i. +t,~ 111 C-111 • 52" Sl'o S1'1o ~ 04 in "'""'•'' A~c"' '" •1• •tout d~, -O.C.i.rtd" ,_,. """' llltr'CllA .w ,, ,,.., n• n•-1o -,, •HC"' -'llil l ti•~ a1 ,, _ ,, 1-<tMOYf 111 1" 1tKl.'fn ll,111 lJ:il or flt> " n'ClltlTRlulltol Mtl. '""" .. 11 ts, .... \ •s :+''>II! ~-I IO " 11'• :721-o "'• """"',. ,••J ,,,. "" , .... ......-... ,., "''· 1'1-0KIWH 0#" eald l"•lllltf -,, .. .u:,• •••• ' Ill,..,, "'7M 1100 l't"1 l'fl) )t<~ 111 '"°'I'·°' •cl'\', -.i .n.r atoct '""'*""' I'( _.. -•Mlft ... "" -'""' c, Am 1:19 ult I)'• 1~ _ ~ ~~ ~ '1~ '~ \,~ L'lft111 )1' ~~{''" t.."!ftt."'~-· ':: 9r: ,_d ~ \~ 5: tt"' ff.: f~: +lit INA C.11 I.. '°' Jl JO ll _,._ HtdOe ,, ,. u H IMom ·" t8 ,... .. .!!l..I: fflS ~ • """~ llt• '' 351.o .1:5 l3 -,, ·~c;11 l \).II 111\ 11'\ ~"1~ ,,* s.;• '°' si1 j n -,.. ~-,. • .. , .M 1r. c. , JD . lOYI :n\i ... ,, I~;; s .... "' , ... -•• M-.,~ IC .. lf11C1S IOI ' 'ii~ -.. Mid Ill lHI r Ollw• 10 1)0. u·. U•• -., 1-'·":PHdl ' ~ 11 ... Ii. » '1-\, ·~-' I ~ YtlldrtN . . " •ltdt ·.1-: IAblt Ill •locll c. ~· Joi l'"\ :Jf ,. -\' ..... • " U,14 11'4 ... 'I. I ~" :·a ,.~vrJ;"""" t 11d~-:;-:~ktt~=~u'l~i: r·~ r: ~:: 1~;!_~::=,:~:~!r.,;;i : !tu. ~Mr'=~
Imo CM It 1-I :f1 ":!!,_ :1 !·" tlll~ 'Ci'~~ ':!!~1111.~·= n Jl1' ~l~ r,'r:': -.. lnllrtd 511 t ., -i:o~ a·~ !!YI = : : '"' QI~ 'S ,.,, .11W"\;' , . ', ~ " "'., ' l:J'lo I' 1 + '\ lntnOl'Ol(P ·" ?Y, If\\ H~ r.!" 1 " M ',"",. ',', '..,"' "••''• M• •'!~ •'t• cld-C.ilM • ..,_.,.. flVllMflol .,.,._1!:11 v1.,,c11 11J I• "'' ~ ''> -1•. 1,"'lrcoeo 1CI 4J n~ R '• · 1 ' • <• .,,... 0 _.. ' tP• I «I 11 )l~O "'I )O'' -'• 1"11 k P!A1,U ' N '• '\ in N 10." \¥1111 "' . • M tr otr-• ... ~-Wlflloul ••Id 1 10 ff .,,, , '"' , ""~lrtf1C1111 l ' ~51'1 .u~ *" .. ''I
I T~rld ll4)1tl"Wlihttll! ll.Tll e•miitt --Wltfl •ttf el'!ll •tit" c.' 11'\ :>0': }Q•,=11:ln!trco 1 0 JOl.o Jtl'-"-'0 "?\¥ '·!! 6.R ,,,..... i·•l •• I .....,,_ rltr=:-" "~ruNpl OUPOM ),1$q 1 I•• ,r 'N It '"'"'CO 1!11 16 I r. ,1 _, I"'' $lit 1 r: ,,, Wl"ll•ld " ,_ wn... dltltf H. wl-Wlltlo ' lllt ""'"-bH iO ,,_ = ,, IM,,llo;S! I io 11 ,... • .. ....
-ft ... 1 """"""'•Ff " ,ff °""hlrM lfH! ll•n~r y "' .... dl.tPOf!I ,IJ.50 I H'I J ' -"l!"I • 111 "''~ l,.,, lll _,, 1"¥ uld t t:I t'9Wo• lf' l.J7 lit' ftllV1Jl"V.W,,_W•~rt"1tcom111n;n, CllCIL1 M u t't. U'r tS"'I-~ 1n1!'f•'r '°" 1QO SJI.. 511,, J '""""'""'
I I , I
, /; •
' DAil Y PILOT ,,
Friday's New1 Stock . Exchange List
. .. Clo8ing ·Price8-York • Complete
American Stock Exchange List
'I -
·~ ' • •
• I
' ' ...
----· _...,
• ~ •• ~ .... , I'll.OT • -;-mar, S.ottnlW 5, !'6~) · '
P~ntaj&o• Tell 'Your Kicls
Of -Capitol
Goes Ahead
WAS!hNcToN (UPI) United Stai.a Into • l<OOlld wed. s.m. Wlllllm Pronnin -..sary addlu ... to lhe na· (!)-Mon.), llld othen IOddng mode s t de I a y s t bat
Floor mtllll.l«l '(Of the Pt1>o rate power. (q-WU:.), aald be ~ 1 ~·· Anenal. t b • cut 1 1 at d t be 1 r
To Read Uncle
tagoo 's '20· billion h>ntoare The ""11!ln&• 1reeted lhe wt M~ h'· ~ Sen. Jobn C: Sttlnla co. repreaented only • lra<:tton ol WI have come out swioilnc Senate as il returned from a e ~ar Wl IA ,amQnl"' Mill.), chainnati of the Senate arpeodments would do noth1nc the $«1 billion Pent a Ion Len's Column
Willi bolh wu apinJl a series tllr«! week vacallon to [HU111• ment to a4 of! fUnds for a Anned Servkes Commltte<, ol the kind llld were relallv<ly budgeL
of .-to scuttle key_ d&ale on the procurem<nt foor1h squadron of 2S ™ charged the 1111eodments 1n:1-:-.....c.~~~iili~~~iliii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;:~ WASHINGTON «iPI> weapoils proposals. . bill, w!Uch bu -e a test' airplllll<S. Tilt coot.ovel'lial ""11blnatloo c:oOld lnale th~~
Worried by Ille growing of wllla between Congress and almaf!, lhe jargellt llld mostl United &tilts "' .......i rato ConcrtsUonal leaders have criUdsm of military spending1 the Defense Department. 11te e1penslve.ever built;· has been ~nation by 1175/' Io r c e
docldod to go ahead' '11\th the Tuey warned Ille s e n a t e hill has been debated ~n tbe plagued by cost overruns. Amerfcon llgbllnl men to go
,cmtroYenlal multlmlllloo dol· Wednesday propos&ls to head floor slnco July., Much 'of, the The C5A ~ote ,could indicat,e to w~ will\ obsolete equil>'
Jar atemkln d.· the ~West off a ne.w 8lrc:raft carrier. a debate was on ~ aa~lc. wbethel mllitary 1 p.e.n d•l n c rhent and leave the naUon
Front of lhe us ~ ..... , Ion supersonic manned bc/mber,. o ml11lle system (ABM). The crlllcs bave 1 chance•ol block-vuh>enlble to a "1igantlci
84 STORES ••• ALL 72°
and open night!)!' tll! 9 :30
·:&oath Coast 'llua · '~...-• I 11&at1~cargo plane and,otller Senate narrowly app'roved It. inl the airorall carrier; man. milllary machlnO" belng ...,. .cfel~ beca~ o( the Viet· major ar;ns requests would The first clue whether any or ned bomber ·or F14 air stnJct.eA by the Soviet Qnlon. •ISTCll. AT.,.,,. D&11C10 fflftW,..,, COSfA ~
namw1r. :i·~<»nS!l~-~~w~te~unlla:!;·~teral~.~di.<ann~·!'.'.~'!·~the~am['.'.!endm~~en~la~w111~pus:ri'.~P~'°"~~su~pen;'.'.'o1ri~cy~fjgh~te~r~.~w~hl~ch~tbe~y~~~BuBu~tt~Sens.~Mark;;;;Jo~.!H~artfle~~ld~==,;:~~~~~~~~~·~~~·~·~~·~~~~~~,~~~~===:=:. Dlocl~ ol their ' decision ment oil!! might turn the bably will come early next claim are )jasleful and un-(~.). "lbmnu F. Eagleton
-whtch ls subject. ·lo •pproval
by HOU&e and Senate and 1s
certain to revive a furor at
le.a.st ta the Senate -came .as
President Nixon was ham·
mering out details of an anti·
inflaUonary 75 percent cut·
back ln federal construction
V~ President Spiro T.
Agnew, one of 8ve members
or a congressional comm'lsslon
on ei:tensioo ot the Capitol
joinin& in a unanimou s
dedsiCin to proceed wilh the
project, diaclosed Nixon's plan
to freeze many big coo-
llructlon projects.
T.HIS YEAR .-,BEIT TIE RAii . . ' ·.
The congressional leaders
will ask a House ap-
propriations subcommittee for
p million to prepare·plans for
the project, cosl of which was
estimated five years ago at
about $35 million and which
now is sure to be higher.
They acted partly on the
basis ol a new engineering
survey that showed the crack·
ed sandstone bearing walls in
the past year have moved both
borWJ,itally a n d vertically
with changes of tetgperaturt
and other weather c&iditions.
Jn the case of the West
f<'rori, Agnew and other com-
mission members apparently
decided safely of the Capitol
look precedence over saving
The West Front was pro-
nounced unsafe years ago,
along with the East Front,
which subsequentl y was ex-
t.ended and rebuilt in marble
at ._""COSt of $24. million, An
engtileering firm that studied
the West Front in 1964 n<ted
its r a pl d deterioration and
recommended the $35 million
extension as the best way to
save it.
The plan touched off a hot
controversy in which the
American 1es tilute of
Archit,ects. ~ong olhers, o~
posed the project, Contending
the original structure should
be repaired and preserved for
its historical value.
Jn U!e esiswng argume'nt the
project was shelve<! by co~
gr<ofllmAI leaders because of
the ar.
eliehlllon commission
was . vised on Aug. 20 by Dr.
Mile• N. Clair. president of
the ThomJ>500 & Licbtner Co.,
Inc., of Brookline, Mass .• the
finn that conducted t h e
original study, that a survey
of the slructure between
August and April "confirms
the need for corrective ac·
"In our opinion the safely of
the structure requires that you
proceed without further delay
with · plans to permanently
strengthen the foundation and
wallll~' Clair said.
He said temporary timber
shoring placed in key spots
after the original survey is
nearing the end o( its useful
life and.must be supplemented
pending completion of the
rebuilding project
Student Faces
Murder Rap
A 30-year-old college activist
awaiting trial for possession of
bombs faced arraignment te>
day on a murder charge in the
knife slaying of an attractive
Mrs. Marilynn< Wrigh~ 32,
was found stabbed lo death in
the bedroom of the susPf!Ct,
1sidro Gali Jr., here SWlday
Tollm YOUll OllDEllS."
-FIL!-MANY 01llEll NEEDS •••
$14.50 P£1! MO.
1'J>:S 543-22W'
ALL OI' OllAllG! CO.
:-...~~~~~~~~~~~ ' -
--·-... . ..
Bl; ~ co..n 2..500 aq. II~ gifts
ns•mnact t.ed.IQg fat a: lub
dfdooadla lawn. Cmotn>ls and
..W.u•""llpo•luu ...-. ad -Is-
REG. 1.2.95
It' 1 bug p~f and will mo:sk and kill
moat garbcrg• odon (unleu you go on Y~aUoQ. for 3 W•b.) derms CQQ.
•praod qaicklr *' prot.ct your , ..... ,,. hoOlth and ...u bolog by
using th9M 9CmUarf l.luin.
25 1or 2aa
Loob like real wood Ill ls. dummy),
good Jor garage shel..-iag and ~th•r
projtctl wberw you'n mot too fussy.
Smooth four sides CIDd thh la a 3 year
9 CSQ.
Gr•al stulf. just spray on any old
piece of wood. or buy uw from us,
and presto, you have a chalkboard.
.ready to wril• glad tldll:lgs on, (Uk•,
"WHEN are you going to get a ruis•?)
149 13 oz.
fun. for the little ones and a
great way to 1ecrcb ih•m to
entertain themM1T•• wh•n shut
lndOC\rl due to rain. siekn•••·
and ao on. Who knows. mayM
th• muHUm will malre an. ofler.
An nptiml•• blft d...,... a little
protection. Vinyl~ WOD'I KrCtcb
pedal or chroma. Comh1oation lock ls
better for kids. th.,. bG'f'n'I gol a bf
to to ...
Qaalfty U IL plaotlc )&cblod cable
that -,.,.. • 1e1.,-,.. _
ta.b anrwh ... ·n.. •eaoa••• lon n.
th., CCIJt go ID a closet cmd 1iaN . -· 149
Tll• works. Hermie, complete set with Vt, % and ~
inch drift. rneralbl• rak:bet. spMd driTer, all in a
nice metal box 10 you can loH ii all in one place. 9aa
Neat Uttle storage d.aliM lot the
home bandf'IDCDll who wants tbings
metbodkal (sound1 tc:my to meJ
Nice for hohby1et. ll\Ue kids.
mamoa. poppas. Josi ••eryone In
th• lamilf will u ...
12 x 12
A neo:I way to do h9Cn'f tralffe
cneaa. if on• til• g•t• blotcbd
b.yond hope. just pull it.up and
plunk down a replacemn.t, This
•lull I• durabJ.•. lltain r•slstcmt. eind
. 39.;.
Satin brushed &llv•r Unlah. elegant •
will go nlc•ly wlth •om• ot our fine
2 FT. STANDARD ........ 39c EA.
3 FT. STANDARD •••••••• $9c EA.
8 lllCH BRACKET ........ 29c EA.
IO INCH BRACKET ••••• : • 39c EA.
12 lNCH BRACn:t .•••.•• 49c µ_
Th• wafll•pott.ni lor1•li•f
of f1Ml'I t•UIOll. Whil• •lcmdl.ng at 0..
•ink couf sgi:hplc:ic•L Choke
of colors.
' Th\1 11 pr•tty cule lor a piece
of junk (only kidding). A fUD doodad
for the mod generation In many
colors. about 2 feet or ao aquaN.
These gtv• the laok. •Hect. warmth
of real brielr without lh• weig ht
work. or expense. Ju11 apply plaslle
panels anywh•r• you want instant
Early Am•rlclUI.
2 49 12SQ.
Flb.rglma &oat tffbl tMt'a NG:IJf
dwohle. UM OD hoa1a. aurf:boarda.
Clll)"W'hef9 you wcmt to rea.w and
~lace your flb.rglan wa1erproof
• ( • I
' (
I • •
' I
• I
• ' f •
' l
' 1
• ' (
f •
• • •
" L
~ • 11
• •
. * * voe. 62, NO: 21 ], ~ SECTIONS, ]I PAGES . . . . . ' .
" • • ., " ••
' • I r t I"
.~ ... 11 t,; J 'f, ur ·e'r "
Y out·h ·Lost in Lake.
Beach Divers Fail in Rescue Try
Divers are searching the deptlt!tt or
Huntington Lake today searching for the
body of a Huntington Beach boy believed
drowned there Thursday morning.
Randy Lee Reed, 14, or 17361 Lido
Lane, was last seen by hts &-year-cld
brother, Jeff, floundering o.no yelling for
help in the middle of the lake about 11 :45
a.m., Wednesday.
A nscue atte1npt by Jeff failed when
Randy disappeared under the murky
water, said police investigaLors.
Policemen and lifeguarda with Scuba
150 In Audie n ce
gear spent the entiring attemoon
searching the lake, and went back again
this morning, but have lhua far failed to
find a sign of the boy.
Huntington Lake. on the northwest coc-
ner of Goldenwest Street and Ta~rt
Avenue, covers 13 acres and is from 30 to
40 feet deep in some parts, according to
the city engineering department.
Lifeguards, npeatedJy d1ving below
the, murky deptM, said viaibWty wu
very poor. A thorough &earch of the en-
tire bank of Huntiugton Llle waa madt
without any luck.
Police Aid Randy, a poor .swimmer.
waa trying to awlm across the lU:e when
he stopped, thrashed in lhe water, arid
yelled for help, about one-lhlrd of the
way across.
Jeff jwnped in from the bank, and tried
to.reach hls brolhe!', but arrived too late-;
said investigators.
HtmUngton Like is a huge plot of open
land, wbicb ia ,scheduled to beccme & part
of the city's etotral park. It is a popular
fishing !pol, bUt not considered Bal• for
swimming. .
All 8 Recall Candidat£s
Nixon Adviser
Says Jobs Nett
Hurt by Cut Give Views in Meeting •
The Nixon AdminlstraUon'a 7S.~t
slash in all new federal construct.ioo con-
tracts will not hike ·~plo~t. ac·
conllng lo the Preaident~ dllel.........Uo
Of IPll Dallf f'lllol 'lelf
Fountain Valley recall elect.i6n can-
didates -inclod.ing the ma)'Cl''s former
cftntl!t" who is trying to extrad: one ~
cumbajl .lrom hll city eauncll sat -
oJral tlioJr Wl!llliOJ>bmb Thanday. Eicli of'tme•eight ~ Wai given
five minutes to address • group of 150
Cttlzens during the meet-the-candidates
night at the Fountain· Valley Commllllity
None or the three incwnbent.s named in
the recall were present; all said they had
prior engagements in response to In-
vitations sent out by the FOWitain Valley
Civic League.
The first candidate& to speak were
those oppoging Mayor R o b e r t
Schwerdtfeger in the Sept 23 special
Attorney Robert Sassone attacked the
Incumbents.on their alleged conflict of in-
terest "l propose stroo1 conflict <1f in·
terest legislation and elimination o[
loophole.s in our city <1rdinances," he said,
re.lying on hls legal background.
"Three small signs staked among the
"'eeds is not sufficient • notice to
hcmeowners of an impending zone
change:• sakl George Scott, the other
candidate for the mayor's council seal
He attacked the lack of representative
iovernment by the incumbents and alS<I
called for conllict of interest legislation."
Then the opponents of Vice Mayor
Donald Fregeau spoke.
"'We need strong leaders, bul ones v;ho
can work with other people," said Paul
Guba. who then launched an attack on
federal funds and giving up local control
of government, "SCAG ( S o u t b e r n
Ocean View Asks
Teacher Aides
For 22 Schools
Admlni!lrators of the Ocean View
SChool Di9rlct. have launched a program
to recruit t.tacher aides for the district'1
22 schools.
App]lcations for the $2.50-pcr-hour·jobs
will llj> aaiepted by· Mrs. Virginia
Ma~ classified personnel d~,
until S.pt. 12.
Mrs. Matkowski will supervise: written
tests at district. headquarter! at Beach
Boulenrd and Warner Avenue, s4ipt. 16
and Will arrange interviews for those who
the examination.
A ·condition or employment is enroll-
ment in the evening "Tea cher Aide"
course; offered through Golden West
College. The two-unit course will meet at
Oak View School Wednesday evenings
from 7 p.m. lo 10 p.m. beginnin1 S.pl 24
and ondinl Dee. 10.
'Ibe course is open to the public and
will provide the training and background
necuaary for boCh paid aides and thole
who want to volunteer thelr services.
Acoordlng lo dislrlct Superint<ndont
Claftllte Halt an act.ive volunteer aide
prosnun bu been ulXl<r l'•Y in the
district for several yeari. Close to 50
,·olunkera hive assisted the disb1d'L
teachen In the put year,
Requlromelll& for the paid m. pos1.
t1on Include gadwillon lrom hli)l IChool
and.U.S. dtlJOnsbJp. Pm<bll ~
In Wotklll( Ylldl IVOUP' o! chlldrtn 11
dulrahl•. ,,
California As9ociation of Govtmme.nt.)
is nothing more than a federal watch·
dol.'' he dwlfd.
•1 repreum U,, bof9< ~" staled
PaW Savarfho, ~~ liilV. ......
..,. on tho CllUllcil wbo -..is lhetr
rights against the developen. "·Jfe then
atlacked Gulso for falling lo lllt a list cl
quallficaUOllll. '
"l'.m nmning a Cbiap campalin,'•
replied. GuJso. -
·~Mine will be Cheaper," returned
Savarino, "and I still listed my quaHflca-
Bernie Sval.stad was introduced by his
campaign manager, then ooiline.d hi.s p~
gram for a "people" campaign. "The
real issue is people's rights." . he said.
"The council doesn'.t feel you ..are im·
portant. I do."
Councilman Joe c:..rrq,. has alto
drawn three opponent.a.
John Giooa: first told the audience he
·was "utterl1 crv.erw~" at the in.
1en:sl &hOwn in the candidates nlgh l, then
told of his plans for youtb oriented pro-
gramB aDd cillled for "a change with a
Roy Rk:ha:rds, formerly the mayor's
dentist, promised a ''fair &hake~' frqn
the councll if elected and pleaded for
stablll]J in Fowllain Valley 1overnmenL
Roo Shenkman, the final speaker,
touc.bed once again on conflict of interat,
calling for men who wouldn't neceuarlly
avoid an conflict of interest situations but
would "know bow to handle them U they
arise.'' He also anphaslzed a need for
developed parks in the dly.
Alter the speeches the audienee was
given a short ~ before the can-
didates ttplled lo writi.n quallons. Some
of lhe candidates displayed a quit!< ......
of humor durin& this session.
Richards was asked to refute a ehar&e
by lbe mayor that lf elected he would
(See CANDIDAT!ll, Pact II
advber. ..
. llnAlllllr!'.~--·tl1t~
lion at .. P<ftl lirie!Jn11ll 11in.deneiitt ronowtnc annouocement of the ma&live ~utliack.
•11 do not expect. arr! ,llnfmployment,''
he aa:td; ••because we have an exces1 ol.
demand foe constnid!on ond all this will
do is cut back on the e1ceu demands."
He refused to apecUlate on what impact
the' anti-inflationary move would have on
the stock market.
"I have made it a practioe. over the
years to speak about the stock market in
priva.t.t only," he said. smiling.
BfJrnl emphaalu<l that the reduction ln
lederol pro~ invo!• .. •tarts only .. Qn.
101nC proj<cla wvald>C1001lnue.•
He Uid that if the. frtt:ze on new co""
tracta· ii carried ~ the fiscal year.
1 total·' of fl.I billlOrl • .fn le<le<al funds
woulll.t\a..dlopilOd .fll>n»th• bud1et. But
''lf cmdlUom ease,~ ;.ihe cutback might
be t2lfim:<d for )1111.a'. few monlhs. Buru!i. Jll!lfln&0 a pipe, uplained tho
•special r>r'oblom• ·ln'"tho constructton
Industry that Jed' lo ·the Preslednt's de-
"Building wages in recent months have
been rWni at an amual rat.t of lS per--
""1L The COii ol """lructlng o!flco
bnl)dinp, Industrial plants, apartment
hoas<a.hal been rlsinl about 12 percent
or moft. The coet ol coostruction on&-
lamlly homes bu been 1oin1 up sharply
as well."
The nuon for this inflationary 11plra1,
he said, ii tbe copatrucUon industry 's in-
caoacll1 lo meet all ~ demands. With r»-lederal contr,acts, the industry
would be able lo ·concentrate on bou.sing_
with Jeq 1train. ·COO: would then, th~
reUcallJ,. ltablJ.iz.e.
.. ,
Brazil. Bows to Terrorist •
Demands to Free. Enyoy .. '
RIO .. DE JANE!RO (UPI~ .,-: 'Pile wa ... live and well ~ul 15'in1 the I.;..,,,.
Brazilian,govenunelit bow,ed today' to.the ment to •cceWi ·to, what he called r"very,
~ands of :a band "Of. "Vepr•. tye?;D v~ ~ete~" .men. , . _
determined"·terror!"8 who.kl<!nai"iif'.IJ,.S. · Tlieh had been two b~ginal de)rliods ~ c~ : B'!'ke: , Eibi:ict .and -releale o! the uimimed ~ Ind
tlltealened.to.uecu\e blm. full publlcallon ol ·the · kldnapm· note
l'he. E'.oreiifl , Ministry . '8J')l'l(llric.e It which denounced the government aa a
would free 15 poli~cal Flaonersi as "dlcta*«shJp)• The nOte \Viii; ~~U&'bed dem~ 'by the kidnapers. The an-earlier. • ' ' '
nounctrrienl came bare~y a~ hour aod 20 "The government has already autboriz·
minutes -before e:1pirauon of a n ed the publication of the declaration mi
ulµmatum that presumabQr would have will auUKiriz.e the transtel-to a foreign
meant death for the Sl·year-0ld envoy. country ot the 15 ~na detained whose
The ambusador, w_u selied by a band names wJU be lndlcated,"•tbe government
of four men on a Rlo de Janeiro street said in 8 publlc statement ..
Thurlday · and the kldnapera aet a . · · . du.Oline of 41 youn for their demands to The decision was taken after a meetmg ••-1 .•• or the high mllllary ""'11Mlx!, lhe fcnlp be met. They repeated u1e 0 Umatum ..,,., minister and hlgb national authorities.
morning but moved up the deadline. for "Thls way lhe responalbUlty will be
acceptance of thelr~demanda. completely upon the· heads of the kJd·
The -·gov.emment .annouhcement -came napera for the safety of Ambassador D.
at 12:30 p,m. (1:30 _.11.m. PDT) after It Burke Elbrk:k," the stattment sNll_.
received .a band *rttten note fr:o'8 the The kJdnapers were bel.leyed lo be
ambasaador to bUI wlfe ·saying thal he members-of "MRI'', a 1uerrllla grolip.
The lniµ&Ja stand for Movlmento ReV9lu-
cionartO and !lJe ."I'.' rerers to the date of
D . Le k d to All l\."Ji". thedeatbOfEmtslo"Cbe"Guevara..tbe. em 1n e .. . en ... 1il,o.v.e ·~~~~·IW~~':'.~
" ' , • ' • '• ' ; 'liie '""'"·.;1-wai'~!\r:Jtf~~""
I i • ' ' t .. 1~ -• ' :• ~ider1t~~ JwitiisSumed.'author.iW,
Harbo r Area· Eeader-Colita:~ted· by·Cu,r penUir ·~n_· ... Re.~µ: :;r~=T J!~~J.iigj~
Of .. Daltr ...... ltatt
Unsuccesaful Democratic congressional
and assembly candidate P•ul Carpenter
has contacted at lea.st one powerful
citizen group leader in .the Harbor Area
to bead the underground recall move-
ment against Superti&ot Alton E. Allen,
It was learned~.
The lea<ler, wbo ... ked oot lo be ldon·
lilied publldy, told lhe DAILY PIJm be
refused lo 1ftxl either leaderihtp or aup-
port lo the campaign.
The dlsck>sure added yet another facet
lo puWe> •Ull'OW1dllll tho reooll cam-
paip, l]>lwnod -ii>~ 111 a -
news releued fn:m San C 1 e m • n t •
1CUlptor-dcs~Aothol!1T1 t• n t In o
earlier lhl1 week. &9tJres d~-u "mtre-
ly .the Iron~ m=:;,~ tl1t -.11boro1<, ~
W<D·Unonced ' 1fo 'lo -·U..
.J'iflll lliltrfct oupenoljor.
The ""'"'"' delc:rtbod the c:ampailJI ..
a W<IJ.laitt ~ lnvol•ln& -Democrat•, lntemt IVOUPI Involved Ill
the Upper Bay hmd ucb1n1• ond a ouc·
. , menl Sllllday w1len Ft .. ld•"' Artliur 1>a
' (SO. BRAZ¢,. P~J)_ cess[ul opinion research firm which Research !BC. of~ 1long 8"c,b gl(ve • •. · • • )l •'
recently conducted an extensive public special edv8ntage·tO the ieCall cam;a!an l ~ ~~.poll of the .-n.1. Newport' ~or«twi,Vedatawblc;!l :jl•••n-,Pi.lo_·, i's ... -'D, ho_to.·,,0 '
ui::CM.:u v~ ,:athered,du!ing.a recut '1Jrvey ~~ J!!', '·
Carpenter told the Harbor ArtJ leadtr (If cpmmwnilY· tAttUudea , in•.Newport .. .-~ .-
dial 1unc11 behind llle'campaip· -·a Beo'.cb " " :l 1i.•U U. 111.nl>ii~\, ·;,
reputed '30,000 -w..,lil 1lie .llllllicimit>to ; ··'111o~ • .M.i.1.fJ.1e.1or ibciuC13,iJOo, JJ.1. 'O~
back both the"""'" cuilpalp and dlat of gathered valasble data ·1or the cliJ'• A vtew of ihoi n>luDg, ar~ campus o!
a·poulble candldale. • • UC! phololraplied by DAILY Pit.OT Carpenltr, ......., &aid, hJpeo lo baTa Newport Totnorrow. cillien planning cam-Q!lef Pbotograpber Lee Payne lfiuslra!es
the ""!Uirod 10,000 pelltlon signaluru 111 palgn, lncludln( oboenallono '"' the .,.. the fejllure otory in Salu1'fay'o l"imily
mid-October lo IMUn! an •lectl<ln in mfd. ol•Upper Newport Bay ond Orange Co\ll>-Week!Y.
December -a time where iiii'q--ty> Ain.nn, ' · • \ Th~. by navellljt SIORn en. MAC)
ntpUv-Wnl<d voter> come out lo the .,,Jj," obvloUI' lru.i '°"i.;lcin lletiarCb, in"'IM Gr01,J'ltnoel &:fl") Wllslill l.ue1 ~lo vote. lf~Jlal ~nl' <lala;ii!-Jom-a -loot at loclly 1 l<lioul colltp
•• 11~~:~1~.i:~1 ~o1-~.11a1·~ .. G't.U~3:1~~;-m the...,,..~ e .:.' ~liiY ·iu~~ ~ Ill...'!!.~ ar:.:..:..,_•" .. ~ 1' •· _., _Tbe !IJC.llJ R&lll' "·"'""' ·~ • ~.i;· • -· • "~...,.·,.a Mt\olie Er.on
" ll!QJtl.--10 . tiio I '.fW'.1 l,>·\llle ·-~ CJ , Oii 1 1'et~ndi bt I': 200 -· Jiif""~ Kl!kl«, o!Jlei!'• d: 1 n>fe liM<Port ~Cf\J C ' ra: t~t the Um:.-Jf t,. mlnistratlH ..i.tllll. ~avt lold ' Winn -the DA!t.YPILOT f; lh(lo
The vota Jn '-miler • ~ repieoeniattfa • city~. IV• mfll boma. · '
!bat KJl!dor could not plocoJalo nine oti ppninl w~ ~ -..,.Joi -mitdf''.. And tl!q'U' ah ••l 1 ii>Od ~ ti UCI
the ballot. 1. • ;..' · r*'¢1t on u., •unv beclun or mflldc th1">eeli0nll, • -UitOqb Ole lw, al
Sourct1 11ld the hlrfn1~-0ptnioa tak:ula~or upen1r111involved. Payne's camert. 1
I 1
TEN ams
• •
• • • '
0 ' .
Agent Gives
Q~ !1:1.!C~~
An lncn!dlble chiUn ol ~..itmiinY -
wflh mo.. promised ·in the rutur. -....
folded 'MIW'!d•y In the · cue ot a
hairdresser charged with &0Uciting '
HunUngton Beach lawman to murder hJJ
girlfriend. ·
Ricbard D. Reed, M, of Garden Grove.
wort a wrinkled green s)>Ol'Lshirt and
lr<shly grown bean!, star1n1 down at hll
handcuffs aUently during preliminary
hearing in Weal Orange County Judlclal
District Court.
The ...,. shift. lo Oran10 Count>:
Superior Court OD • Sepl 12, for ar~
raignment on twin charges ol sollciUng; to
commK murder and bar1lary.
HunUngton Beach u nderco ver
policeJIJ&D Gene Pool -hiniseU bearded
and talking in a slow Te.us drawl -told
Judge C,.lia Baker'• court ol the lirll!p
clrcumstancea leading op lo Reed'• Ms-
22 anesl.
Often ~ugglng al hia whiskers; Pool told
the judge and a handful of spect:aton of •
series of contacta ht which he claimed he
wu flnal!Y hired to kill Kath)e<n
Duckett, 24, of 1»12 Keel Ave.1 Garden
Deitb was to have a hll·aod-run
rendezvoua with. Ml!I Duckett on a
-otrctch ti '""1"11111 ~ .......... 11 • .,.,. POol'I ~
'i'llO Jl'f<a .i fall rr -~be Pool'• own fiolonlffmlae, he tootilied. He llald eub>equtnt meeUnp ai+lf1pd
at a Huhllnglon Beach bar ml Hun-
tington Beach'• Lake Pm dl.!clooed that
Mils lluc.kelt' ~!Oil a·ulple lndefunl!y
llle Inourance Jiolicy.of wblcb'Reed•woold
pay Pool ll,IOO lo do "a job.'' .
Reed, who p.vea af the same Xe.II
Avenue addre:•, allegedly told th! un.
dercover detective that the beat way to
kill Miu Ducketl wO!lid be dlrougb a bll·
and-run accident wblch could taJno place
on a lonely dark stretch of Bushard
Street ln Fountain Valley:
A> lnstirance that'the klllinl would IC·
tuaUy take place, R<ed at1e1edly told
Pool ~t be knew "thit the same thin&:
that would happen to her would happen lo
htm If he wouldn't pay."
"He made reference to a baahed-ln
11kull and a bullet ln the back," the detec-
tive added.
Reed reportedly told the del<ctive. ac-
cordinl lb testimony that he and Miu
Duckett bad taken a trJp lo Braz;U earlltt
when he aUegedJy C91tSkiered going 100
miles out Into the wllderne.91 and cat.
ching a pois<mous snake with which to till
fn converaallom the hairdresser bad
with the undercOY& policeman, it was
also disclosed that Reed had keys to two
local beauty shops where be had been
employed before, Pool said.
These he wa.s wllllog to sell to tht
dett:ctive for $200 or 20 per cent of the
profits if a burglary were tq be ca.tried
oul successfully, Pool testified.
In addition, Reed allegedly Informed
(See DEATH l'LOI', hf' I)
NEW YORK (AP) --" The stock market
wu a ioser ·again today aa It finlsbed
ils wee!< on a downbeat. (S.. quotatlona,
Pages S-9). ai
1 Trading ·was moderate over mUch ·of lh< sessloo. 'll>o ,Do)t,J._,., lndmllrial
iverage o( 2 p.m:wu"oU 4.U al lf0.41.
Or aage
• •
•, I
l> I .,.
' . w
I • • • •
DAILY PILOT _ H ...... ......... ' 1..t ..
Re~s AtfuCk Brit Pledge Truce
. ' ,.
Wqoll (llPI) -'Ille Comm11!11J1a to-<; 11> bat>or «>I Hotlh Vlllftam'i !tit Pr• -lie, ...,._tire uld 1<><111 any
,.. -....... ~ .... · -l!OOllMlnh.-Vlil!>nOll'I 1111 allloil _... .• -., It would be .._ .. ""'*.,../&....,. uoW._ ,,_....._. .. -......11 •·= ~·~,;1'"' ~ 11'-dU>e~~":!=-: =~~-::~ ,;;!~ti(::~ daJ cOuHJre annollncod Thund11 by -111d,ll ~ •f1P11·1o tbe NGnJi • mUllllU'l"!!ldftre1'1ctUllnd,upoo. tbe Via Cone. Vletnam.,. too. Hanoi called Thursday for renewed ef.
.. Nd VSltnameae and Viet Cone troop.s Ho Huu Tuong, i south 'Vietnamese na-forts to drive the Americans out al South
ilhtDl!CI tir.·carr1ed out rocket attlcb on liooaJ aasemblyman; said he would pro-Vietnam and today's heavy attacks
77..U£ and 'louth·VJetnamne bun and post th1t all 1lde1 In tht Vietnam war followed. However, U.S. ornaers believed
\cJwnl ar.d b!t ieven American and South stop fighUng during the enUre seven-day the aUacks were merely anoth~r hl&h ~ae bales with ground aUacb. period of national mourning proclalllled Po}Dt of the Communist autumn oUeruive
'lbe ll'Olidd-.a~ cost the Communllta by Hanol but it wu doubted his Idea wbkh began the nigbt of Aug. ll·ll with
M dllcl Ila.inst 'camparatlvely J.Jibt allJed would be accepted. Tuoni II.id it .would a similar wave of attack!.
i--. aid the Paris pr.ace talk1. · Five of tile ~u!liJt ground 1.U•ulla: ,... eeu.nr. bttlu at I 1.m. Mood11 The VJet Con& radio which first an· were carried out IJabist American baaes ' .
within l06mlloa11 llaJlon,J'heo'e ccit 'u..
Conmlwillll 71 dlll "" ldllif air ~~ Ind ,,....,... II. An -ibo\ie DIN.., llilllld threeU.S.~arlnea
Ind -11 Ind coot the eomm.-one ~. 'soi!lh \/lelnam.,. forceJ kllled ano!lier elgbt In beating boc" •n attaa .O'hilles1rob\ SaJlon, • ,
U.S. 1nteW1i:nce sources ce(JQTted that
Communist inflltraUon int'o the northern
provinces of South Vietnam had fallen
"to W"O" and that the allies qptcted a
continued lull in heaVJ !l!?IUng-Oiete. But
they aald they expected tlie lnllltr~ to JllcX up wben tlie -raJna strike .....
f'rotn Pqe 1
DEATH PLOT Israeli Police Puzzled
• •
Poot tbU be knew of a crocerY It.ore
awnret who reg u I a r I y made •10,000
deposits to a bank and suliesttd that he
could be relieYed of the money. For this
jof>, Pool 1atlfied, &ed wanted 1 10 per
cent ref. '
lntrodi;~ as ~vidence by Deputy
Dtslrict Attorney ·Brian Brown was a
pbotoa:rapb which the detective said was
a map drawn by Reed on • Lake Park
picnic table and showed how to gel to a
Garden Grove liquor store.
Pool said he mt.id the map to find the
&tore wbez:&..he got a 1tlmp.se oI the in-
tended victim, who had allegedly tieen
sent there by Reed to buy IOme beer for
him. In reality, the detective said, she
was sent thert so that tbe hired "klller"
could identify his victim .
Durlng the last meeting between Pool
and the hairdresser "blcb reportedly
took place on the Fountain Valley High
School foolball field, Reed tile1edly pro-
duced an io.suranc1 policy cont.ain1ng
triple indemnity clause.
The detective 11.ht he then ordered
keed to send the money to a Dallas 1d-
dreP and then told him, "you won't bear
.w.ny more from me unW you read in the
papers that your glrUriend has been kill·
Detectives Carl Vidano and Louis Otho&. who 111d kept the two dealing men
under sunrelllance on the gridiron, subae-
quenUy 11topped Reed's vehicle u he was
leaving the high school grounds and plac·
ed him uoder &l'fe!l.
Neither the t.otal amount of the in-
surance policy nor how police first found
OLt; 1bout Reed's alleged lntenUons of fn. itiatlnc the murder-for-hire plot was
disclosed in testimony.
Police said earlier, however, that they
were Upped off by a secret infonnant
Defense AUorney WWlam Manroe •l·
tempted to have the cue dlmlued Cl1 a
point o( ev\de.nce., but Judge Baker *11fld
that Reed be bound over for trlil on both
Airport Noise
Group Denies
.Ties to Recall
The Newport Beach Airport Noiae
Abat.rnent Committee today toWly
diaavowed any conneclion with the
undercurrent recall campaign against
Flnb Dlstrid Supervisor Alton E. Allen.
Dan Emory, chairman of the powerful
citizen'• group, said a special mering
commiltee meeting he.Id lllis morning
produced an official position of neutrality
OD the campaign.
Emory specl!.lcally was quoted in the
''South Coast Homeowntr'1 Beacon," a
tabloid distributed by the Allen foeJ. Tbt
puhUcaUoo sparked the Emory gtate--
The Beacon, on its second page, al·
tributed quotes critical of county ofllcials
to Emory and agrees with the
"The Airport Noise Abatement Com·
-mittee ls not a parUcipanl in any recall
movemenl To our knowledge. oo one who
bu adively participated in the affairs of
the commJttee is involved in any recall
movement," Emory aal~, . .
lloM,f N. w.,,
Pru-nl M'll ~llbllllltt
Jtcli: II. Cwrlty
Yiu .,.,,, .... -GeMtll MtnttU
Tht1T1•1 1Ct1~il
Tholl'l•I A. Mu1phino
Mt~1tln1 Etl1or
~ Alf.o•I W. Bt+11
A.IW<•tl1 E01t11<
H•lltlllf* lffclrl OHi<•
lOt $th Strttt
Mti!i"f Mld1•nt ,.0 . I•.-7t0, t 26il
°""' °'"'" N,_1 M!t(ll; ~Jtl WHI ltll;lllt ...... lt•t 'cl C••• ~·= »a w,11 ••• Jirrtt• l-111.ui: nl '•ell Avtft\11
By .Pike's Disappearance
Gisler Principal SV11man
i~ :qnµHEM, ~eU-oCcupled Jordan
• ·", (UPI) -Im.ell police searchln& for
(orme.r American Epl.Scopal b t 111 o p
James Pike said today tfiey are puuled
by clrcumstarices surrounding the dlsap.
About 300 POllce and snldlen pulled out
of the seardi. now in its fowtb day. But
.30 veteru army ICOllt.s, aided by local
Bedouin tribesmen and trackers, con·
llnued oeardllng the J udean Desert tor
the coolroVenlal cllUrchman.
Police aources said one of the
nlysterioua aspect5 in the case wu the
flllure by Bedouin trackers to find any
lr&COI of Pike althoug!i bis wile polnUd
out what she said wu the exact spot
where abe left her huaband after their
automobile broke down Monday.
Bedou!D nomadll in ~ ·aru have tqld
searchers they did not see Pike. Police
failed to, find a cam.era 4nd IUD· &laues
' he took from the car which ~W'CfS. sai.~
should have been dlst:arded.
"It would be natural for a man stag.
gerlng across the wilderness looking ror
help to abandon such useless items. The
question is why haven't we found them '!"
the sources asked.
Police found a map not far from Pike's
car. They said he apparently tore out a
sedlon of the map dealing with tbe area
in which he was lost.
Only four mUes from the car are t111·11
rres:h-water sprinp beside tht: Dead Sea.
Police said they believed the American '-
may have headed for them .
The official .search. for the 56-year-old
theologiaD, miufng .since the rented car
in which he and his wife were drivini;
became stuck on some boulders. The
search began after his wife stumbled into
the camp of SQme Arab corutructJon
workers alter wandering for 10 hours in
the deserl
Valley Man, 28,
New Principal
At Gisler School
Laguna Physicia11 Claims
Innocence in Abortions
Edward Sussman, 21, has been ap-
pointed principal ol i'oW1tlin Volley's
Gisle: School.
Sussman comes lo the Fountain V..Uey
School District after nearly aeven years
of aervice with the Los An1ele.s City
In Lol·Angelt.s, he acted as coord.inatar
ol the. 5'ammer Studay Center Ud as
demonstr1tion temcher for new tuc~.
' ' J • He alld traineCI atudeUt teacher& at
UCLA. His Jut aulgnm&it was as.prin-
cipal or the Sith s1ree1 School In i..
Angel ...
The new Gisler school principal holds a
master's degree from USC and la: cur·
renlly enrolled in a doctoral program
there. In ttddfUon he Is currently a
\'isiting lecturer at Pepperdlne College,
Los Angeles. ·
In 1968 he developed a beginning
frameworj: for the New R e a d J n g
Program Jn Los Angeles. He also taught
modem math at the Dorrtey Adu1t School
for interested parents in Los Angeles:
rrom 1984-1966 AM e.stablished a
speaker's forum !n We.st Los Angeles to
infonn parents about the new math pro-
Su.uman, his vdfe Fredda, and their
two cbiJdren. live at 9~ Swift Ave.,
FOWJlain Valle)'.
Public Invited
To See J1ulians
Pick Princess
The Indians are comlnt: -Saturday
r.lghl at the Huntiniton Bead\ Recreation
Center, 17th and Orange Streets.
And they've invite:! the pale-face public
to watch them attack the problem of
!itle<:tlng an I~n ptincesa for the
brand-new, first annual all-Indian Rodeo,
Sept. 27 and %.3 in Huntington Betch.
The festivities start at I p.m., Satur·
day. on the recreation center softball
field. ,
At least a dozen young. Indian maidens,
ages 16 lo 21, will compete for the honors.
Special Indian dancer will alto highlliht
Oie night.
Saturday night's conle:sl and the all·ln·
dian Rodeo are co-sponsored by the
Orange County Indian As50clation and
the Huntlngton Be11ch Jayct.s.s.
Their primary objective Is to spark an
inl~rest in Orange County lnd\ans and In-
dian affairs. They hope to make both
t vents an anonal affalr, perh•PI equal to
the y,•ell publi cb.ed event..s in New Mex!CQ
and Arizona .
OI fM Dlllf' PllM Slaff
A Laguna Beach ph;g an was ar·
rested at bis spaciOUI · top home in
Dana Point Thunday ni and accused
by police of inducing two abortions in
young wunarried women.
Dt.. ~ C. RObb 66, speclali?.ing in
(nle"!al medicine, ~ denied tbe ac·
Cootected at his home, 34567 Scenic
Drive, tbe phy1iclan today a:aid, "l have
never perfor'fled an operatJon on a preg-
nant woman.'' He said the arrest was
"quite a shock to mt."
Police, however. maintained that the
alleged procedures had ne3rly cost the
life of one of the women involved when
i>Cr.itonitls, an infection of the a~meD,
developed .
Dr. Robb \\'as taken from his home to
the Laguna Beach Pollce Department,
bookN and released on a $1,250 ball bond.
Police Del Brooks sald officers armed
with a seareh warr1nt also searched the
physician's office at 250 Beach St., and
seized "certain instruments."
Or. Robb was arrested on a warrant
Issued fn Santa Ana municipal court. He
was booked on two felony counl.s (.separ·
ate alleged offenses) under a penal code
sect.ion whkh is headed:
"Providing or administering a drug or
e1nploying means to procure miacar·
riage." The section lists a two lo five
year prison penalty.
Detective Brooks claimed that the
alleged abortions were indu~ by in-
serting a tube into tbe female <¥-gans and
inducing chemical solutions which act as
an irrllant.
Brooks said t hi .s terminates the
pregnancy when the embryo or fetus
di.sloclges. He alleged both w.omen
developed peritonitis but that in one case
the paUent-vlctim almost lost her life .
The investigator said one of the women
was from the Van Nuya area. 1be alleged
offense in th11t case, he said, occurred
Nov. ZS, 1968. The more recent case,
Brooks said, occurred Aug. ll. He .said
both women are 20 years old .
Books said the embryo ih the first case
From Page l
pasa: a law to allow large signs for den·
''I belong to the American Dental
Asaoclation, '' he said quietly, "they allow
me to have my name printed no more
lhan four inches high -that would look
pretty sllly on a bll lboan:I."
was believed to have exJsted about two
months and said the fetus in the more re·
cent situation was estimated to have e1.
l:rted more than three months.
The detective sakl the long-time in-
vestigation had been carried on in con-
junction with lnvestlgatoti of the Orange
County district attorney's office and
a member of the California Department
of Professional and V~afiooal Standard!!.
Brooks sald the physician, a widower,
tokf officers at the time of arTest that
they had made a m1st1ke.
The officer said arraignment in a Santa
Ana municipal court is presently schedul-
ed for Sept. 15.
Dr. Robb said he has practiced
medicine in Laguna Beach for 10 years.
He a:aid that the charges are without
foundation and he asked his friends "not
to worry".
Bur1at 011t Case
uoon't j ust stand there -do something," or ''Well , Joe, we haven't
lost a foundation yet." Those are just two of the captions suggested
by this Woto of Huntington Beach firemen Paul Ackennan (left) and
James Merrill. Actualy, whimsical photographer caught the tiair in
unguarded moment Thursday as they wound up training exercises on
an old building .
E11voy Top Rate
Abduction Slwcks His Friends
By United Prt1s International
U.S. Ambassador Charles Burke
Elbrick of Brazil, kidnaped Thursday by
terrorist:!, is regarded in the diplomatic
service _ as a reserved bul outstanding
career diplom11t.
Foreign service officers 111ho have serv-
l?d with him jn a variety of posts in
Ew-ope were described as shocked by the
abduct.ldn of the dapper 61-year-old Ken·
* ·-u * From Page 1
Costa e Silva suffered a stroke .
The Bra1ilian foreign min istry called
the kidnaping "an act of terrorism, pure
and simple, lo the detriment o! the in·
temallonal prestige of Brazil."
Papal Nuncio Humberto Monzoni
visited the American EmbaSB)' to offer
his .services as intermediary to deal with
tbe kidnaper.s.
Another offer to help came from Mex·
ico City, where Ule foreign relations
department said it was willing to allow
the IS prisoners to take refuge in the
Mexican embassy in Rkl.
Elbrlck, who had been at his new
diplomatic post only a few weeks, was
abducted while relurnin~ to work from
lunch at his suburban residence.
Elbrick climbed to the forefront of his
career during his last assignment. ln
Yugoslavia from January, 1964, to May,
1969. President Tito was known to have
held Elbrlc.k, a rugged featured man with
slicked black hair, in high esteem .
Elbrick is a native of Louisville, Ky. lfe
graduated from Williams College in 1929.
Elbrick entered the forel"gn service in
January, 19JI , and was immediately :;eat
lo Panama.
Until the outbreak of \Yorld War II he
served in a variety of European potts. In
l~ he was sent to Lisbon, Portugal,
\\'here he gained a knowledge of that
country's language, which is spoken in
His career in tht51.J.s. Foreign Service
ha !I been one of a steady upward climb.
Ht. served as assistant secretary of
state for European affairs beginning in
February, 1957~ until October, I~.
This was a period of continuiilg crises:
in Europe, many of them precipitated by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
over Berlin and other issues. Elbrick was
noted for his calm deportment under
In October, I9f>8, Elbrick was posted ta
Portugal on his first ambassadorial
assignment. This was followed by his
assignment lo Belgrade, and later by hl1
post in Brazil which he took up in May of
this year.
Tr~l<.0rM<H i1 M~
....X. One ol llM' ""-,,._ ...a to dioo-..
The spirit of great French period design Is
alive and well .• , in Henrcdon's
~~~ $345.
Tickets for lhe rodeo may be bought at
t~ }reasure Tran Indian Shop in the
Disneyl1nd Hott:! or at tht Indian Stare in
Hobby City .. Beach Boulevard In
Anthelm. Thty "i ll also be available at
the rodeo.
When Svalstad w1.s asked about his
work aa a restaurant locater and possible
real estate Interest, he denied any real
estate connection, and added, "that kind
of rumor is a good way to lose an elec· lion.
Someone asked Sassone if his serving
tile court on:ler that made the recall
J)OSSlble. then running as a candidate w~
DAll'f' ~tlOf. •Ill• •""" .. ~ t11o "'""""-• 9"M•V... u lh t Mf'fl $<1f'P
oy lit .,..,." 1tc111i.. 1w """'""*' ._... ,toufdtlll \ltllrf', (Mii lo\tN, ,.._ ,.,. ~ ,,,,, 1.tt-lt<>dl, ...... wlU..
-.....,..._.. .. , ...... o ...... C:.0.1 '""'""'" 1o19 ~., prtr1tl•• •-.,, M 2211 W1tl Mltllol &loi• • ,,.._,..,. INCll, ..-4 a.
.,, ... "" ....... (Ml• .......
, ..... ,., t71 41 Mlo4Jll
,,_ ._......... C..11 l•O·llH
Cl•lll'IM A....W.1 Ml·l671
cwrti.M. lttf, °''"" .Ctttl '°'iMl'lfllflt
c......... --······ .. ·~" ...... '411tfl,t "'°'llH • H WtllU-ft11 ""•"" onlf • ,..,.._.. ... "*"' '1111(1AI ~... Cw;tMhl ftHt,
~ ........... M'4 II lflMOl'f llKll
.... CitJ!t ,,.,.., C../11''~ I ' ~J(r JI"'° 1;,
tf"'llr t.lJlt 111ortlll~1 ~ .... 11 I? !I 11*11111'1 "'11119'1 llu!NI ... l!.ot ,...,,,.ry.
Citizens' School Use
Group to Hear Report
The ninth meeting of a clUuins com·
miltee etudying m1ximum uae ol IChool
f1clUU.. wtll bl held al I p.m. Sept. 11 In
olflt:ta of lhe HunUncton Belch IJlllon
Hlsfl School Dlslrlc\.
Purpose ot tht seulon Is to prepare 111
Interim report on the Work of the CQmoo
mltttt for diatrlct lrua:tees. ·.
' -
a. conflict o( lntettst.
He slowly f'C*', pondered the question,
then replied, "oo." and sat down ta loud
On 1nother occa1kll ht wu 11ked if Ns
lqal backgroood eave him an ldvanta1•
oru ScoU. He alinply bounced the q..,.
Uon lo ll1e audience, "Do ycu think It
&Jvt• me an t1dvantage ?"
Ou.lso, ln a eerlous reply, au.acked the
UI~ of federal funda to improve the
Juares ~oey stet.or of town. "It could
h1v1 been dooe another way," he &aid .
No vote was taken, but the nl&ht mey
ha"e cleared acme myater\es.
NIWl'OllT Ill.CH
1727 WOlttllll Dr,. 6'2-20l0
ONN NfD ... T 'T1L t
Prefftslonal lnt•rlor
345 North Collf Hwy.
om fllDAT """ •
,,._ , .. ""' MM f1' 0...,. c.-, l ... 1JU v
' \
• I
j '
' . ' •• ~ I '
. ..
.FRIDA'.', S~~~K' S, 1969 . ' TEN"CEW .. . . . , ; I L J. ,/ > I I I ,j
( l . • f • ·•' •, -r' I~. .. .. ....... , ~
Brazil. Gives In ' . . ~ .
To Free Eny<>y -
1110 DE JANE!l\0 (UPI) -Tbe
Brulllan government bowed today to th<
demands of a band of Mye:ry, very
attmninecl" terrorist. wbo tldl)aped U.S.
Am~ C. Burke Elbrick and
tmatened to utc"Jte 1µm,
Tbe FoteJin Ministry announced il
would free 15 polilical prisonen as
&manded by the kidnapef-11. The an-
nOWlcement came barely an hour and 20
minutes before expiration of a n
Down the
ultimatum that presuroably would have
meant dealh for ~ 81~ar-old envoy.
The amhusador wu leized by a band
of four mtn QD a.Rio de Ja:nelro street
Thursday ,and . the kl&napers set a
deariline of 48 yours for their demands to •
be meL They repealed the ultimatum th1s
morn.Ing but moved up the deadline for
acceplan<o of th'1r demand$.
The government announcement came
at 12 :30 p.m. (8:30 a;m. PDT) after lt
rectived a ·hand written note from the
ambassador in his wile SBJbii that he
was alive and well but asking the govern-
ment to iccede to what be called "very,
very determined'~ men.
There had been two original demandll
-release of the uMamed priloners and
full publication of the kldn~pers note
which ~ the gov·emment as 1
''dictat<rshlp.'' The note .... published
earlier. ' • .., .... t ' ' • . •
Prericle11t Gets • •P•l•~l•'fJ . ..
P1'ys~ci~ ..
Denies '
Accusations '
B1 RICIWID P. NAU. Of .. O.llf' .,,... lflff
A 4;guna ~ch pby1tctan• WU ....
rested at his . •Pocloua clu!-lop bomt In
Dana Pol!it Thunday'nl8hf and .,.,,1,.i
by police of ,Inducing ,two .abortions ,Jn
l""'•l'unmirrfed wvmen.
Dr. ·Roblrt C . .Robb, M, sPecww.., In
Jn~ medicine, bU den.led 1be ~a~
cUuUoos. '
Conta~ ~"hll! bome.,Msn"Sooilc
Drive, toe J>i>!'llclan today aaid, "!'have
never perfcnned an op1raUon on· a ~
nant woman ... He aatd. the -arrat WU
"'quite a shock' to me." .
Police,, however, main.1ained tba& the
•llFled procedlJres bad nearly coot the
life of one of tlie•women'lnvolved wllen
perltonitll, .. 1n1 .. u.. of Ult ·-· developed. \
Dr;;~. was taken !tom his home to ·
the ......... Btach PoIIoe ~~ ~Pd and -Ill. 11,ISO Mil ...,.
Polka Dll. ~b Aid -.lnllOll wl\b ' IOatch warrant aJao aeatchecl>tbo phyalCIM'i Olf)ce al llOo Beach Sl, and
teh.ed .. ~ inalnuDent.1."
Dr. Robb was arrilted ·m a wartait
, lloµed In ~.hn& munlclpal,c<l!Jrl.·u,
8,000 Expected
r or Viej~ Days
.. The government has already authoriz·
ed lhe publication of \he declaration and
will authorize the transfer to a foreign
oountry of Ult 1$ persons delalned who;<
names will be bxllcaled;'' the government
said in a public sta.temat.
The decialon WU taUn after I fllffling
of the hl&IJ military commaM,.the !orelfl
minister F<J high nallooal •utboritiu.
Dr. Wadp Lower (in ll!heelchalr), ma>:hr 'of , Sjin ". 'P~tinJ:.bf fl'llst VJolot .. P,~W'i\;.wu c#t !rom
Clemente, and · Paul Ptesley, .owner of San C\e,-. mte ;o!~ qmntnk.' See '1qcy, ~· t
mente Inn l>re:sen·t seascope , to Pr,sldent,,_ Nl,xoo. '.' • .. • ---;;,, .-• ' > ' ,1 , .. :tl= =~!~ ~·('": --Li J..i..i, . . Penal -
''111i& ll>e ~ ru " <Omi>Iet'I~~ lht~lel h !d\i.
' "lho¥idlnl er ~a drUC or ~"!!'It.lo '--
1 J: •iii·~~ ---~ ~· ~l° r8'9
, ' t .... :; !.. ~ Bmob eltlmtd that the
' . '
MISSlON VIEJO -All resldel!tl and
ptrlOM who work <6' ~Jn Mission
Viejo are invited to attend the Second An·
nual Mission Viejo Day• to be held Utis
weekend in the community .
More than a,ooo i>eOP.l~ are expected at
the event, which Is held throughout the
commanity on Saturday and on the north mf' of Uie' Mission Viejo Golf Course on
Sunday. •
napen I• tho nlelf of An!liluodclr D.
Burke Elbrick," lhe statement aald.
The kldDapen wort believed to be
members of "MRI", a guerrilla group.
The initials .stand for tlovtmento Revolu-
ciooario and the 11&' ... refera &o tbe date of
the death of Ernesto "'Ole" Guevara, the
Cubln revolutionary killed ill Bollvil Oct.
8, 1\167.
~. g) ........ ~.· ...
M~y ~tne · Fallmg.Do~ " ii . . "-!r m • L al!fged .-were iJ\dueed ·by 1n-, ~xpec~. . "·: :il1,1i."~ -'' ..nhi1 itube1n1tUHifema1torpnsand " lnducinl1cbemJcal aolulJoos which act u .JJUU#lng 'e~r6~. :~ an=-~ lbh <~tea tbe ~ . _ 1 pregnancy when the embryo or fetua
Evenb scheduled for Saturday include
a tennis tournament. · a swim meet. a
soflball tournament and an adult dance
at the Mission Viejo Recre.a.Uon Center.
On Sunday there will be a hole-in-one
contest. a ,Jteer ridlng contest, a greased
pig and horse shoe contest for children,
foot races and a barbecue.
e Churrh R ite Slated
MISSION VIEJO -Ground·breaklng
C!riDi<>nTes-will lake place Sunday at
noon for the Presbyterian Church of the
Work will officially begin on Monday on
the first unit which will coosist of a
fellowship haD-worship center, kitchen,
pastor's study. church office and four
large Sunday school rooms.
The chureh has been meeting in La Pai
Intermediate school.
e Flnonre "'""· Added
new f~ around city hall.
It belongs to Paul. Lew, Capistrano's
new dire:ctor of ·finance1 who began work
Lew brings 1% years experience in ac-
cainling and finance to his new position.
he was employed by the dty ot Beverly
~s before filling the post left vacant by
the death or Harold Albert in JUiy.
'H' i3 married and is the father of lhree
The k.idnaping was the ~t aetlous In-
cident s:Jnce the junta assumed authority
fi\'e days ago.
The commanders of the army, Navy
.and Air force took control of the govern·
roent. Sunday when Presldeot Arthur Da
Costa e Silva suffered 1 stroke · •
The Brazilian foreign ~ called
the tldnaping .. an act of tmOril'm, pun
and aizpple, lo the detriment o( the in·
(See BllAZIL, Page %)
Pilot's Photog
In Magazine
A view of the roltin£ 11rassy campus ot •
UC! photographed by DAILY PILOT
tbief Photographer Lee Payne illustrates
the feature story in Saturday's Family weU!y.
The story, by novelist Sloan (The Man
In The Gray Flannel Sult") WI!'°"• takea
a •r look at today's serious colle1e
students and poses the question: "What
Should PamitsTell Co 1 le I e ·bound
Family Wetk!y Is a national publication
circutated on weekends by nearly 200
newspapera throoghout the United Slates
including 'the DAILY PILOT to mort than
$1/.& mUlloo homes.
And they'll all get • good look at UC!
this weekend, u 1een lhrough the lens 'of
Payne's c:amerL
Laguna's lrv:ineBpwl Is aestled below a
series of high ridges formlng a natural
amphitheater, but according to a geologic
report just given to the city council, what
is up m.ay come dowri, and at any lime.
The report. made bef Newport Beach
soil and geologic engineen W. A. Whaler
& Associates refers to 0 questlonable
ltablity on the bowl's natural slopes.''
City official! said the problem does
represent an e1p,uge;ncy.
The report notes . there are several
overhanglna rock caves and a number of
boulden above-the the.ater.
"Thi .tb.bllity of these features WC!l't O( cmcern. :sm &bey C'OU Id pose a public
safely bawd," tlie ~ irtates.
Of particular concern are the hillside
stages on the north side of the am·
phltbeater, the ttpOrt states.
'"The degree ft ha7.a.rd presented is
high, aince the overhanging rock ledges
and large bouklers are considered suf-
ftdently · unstable to become dislod&ed
with time under pcesent erosion coDdi·
ltono," It U)'I.
There ii alJo landslide potential in the
bowl area,.acCording to the report.
"The arta upslope from the Irvine
Stork Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
waa a loser again today as it finished
its week on a downbeat ~See quotations,
Pall" H ).
Politico Leads Recall? . .
• • • ,
Tarantino's W ife Fi ngers Paul Carpen~r •
Of fllt o.llY Plltl S"'f
One·time CongreSsional candidate Paul
Carpenter today was named as the driv· inc force behind the hush-hush campaign
for recall o( Fifth ..District Supervi8or
Alton E. Allen.
11le Cyprtsa ~at was identuled
by Mrs. Anthony Tarantino as the man
who persuaded her husbaM 14 h..d the
movmltnt ahned at the unseaUna of
Tarantino, who disconnected hi.a San
CltJ!lente telephone and rctlred fn:m
pul>liC acUvlly shorlly aft.er the an-
nouncement of the campalp, couki not
be reached for comment today.
Mn. Tarantino, OWneN>Ptrator or
Teel\a's Yardage, • retail 1 ad I es '
maierials store Jn Hillgren Square, Costa
ftleaa, took Ume out from her banklnl t1>-
day to det1)' r<ports that her huabaM ""
1eriou111.Y c01itemplaUng w I t h d r 1 w a I
lnlm the recall campaign.
"That's news to rM. \,she sPi. "When ' I last spoke to him be was very much in-
volved and be told me that the campaign
wu going well alld that Paul (Carpenter)
WU Vtry pleued."
AIJo named bf the aell-styled llClllptor·
deslgna"a wife was Dick (Richard)
O'NelU, a member of the rich ranching
family and the owner ol. erlensive
IC.felle in the San Juan CQbtrano area .
She declined to -O'Ndll~ ~ ro)e in the, movement other !l!an 'fo Jdeo.
Ufy hlm ·aa--of tho ~ ""°' . pnNICbed her hilllltii!d ....... -ago."
Carptnter, mcrlbed ...s.y bf a former
DemocraUc colJuaue u a ••petTNnently
active polJUclan and a petpetuaf can-
didate", his bta defeated iD bidl for-t>e Concreuional ... t currently accupi<cl'by
R<publlcon Jama B. Utt II Tutln ud
tlie lltth Auemb}]t Dlltricl seat.
Carpenter hu bttn repeated'1 linked
over the years wilh the California
Democratic Council (COC ), the lert wing
offshoot Involved in a number of electlon-
tllile controversies with more rigid d~
meni. of the party. .
But he went on record' as a critic of the
group following Simon Casady's -then
president of the CDC -criticisms of U.S.
involvtma1t Jn Vietnan1.
Reliable 80\lfces in the IOUlh county
uea._ today insisted thAt TJranUno's
• wj!Jtdra1'al, from the reca.11 campaip Ja
"itmbl:Mnt" and thaL his reluctance to or-
fer ftrther statemenLs on the campaign
~ not the only lndlcallon o! hia rmlOd
attitude ..
"TaranUno 11 the front man or Ult fall ~
guy, whaieYer )'OU riiJpt care to call
ltim,." ooe Informant commemal. ·~nib ..
buslMq ~ llClllptinc """ dbigning Is
oort of an artlsUc JlllO tl\11 .It gw.d to
win support for Ult ca.mpalixi ltur. an, 1
(S.. ALLEN, r.,.1~ ~ '
' .
Bowl ta ""'peel.with ttgard'io !ta,j,,..t.
ble Jand!lide condl!Jon!. since tbe
be<lrock·str1La•ate·Ulted lbout 11 de'greea
tqward the ,se•tlo.g aree. •
"tf sufflciMU, weak materiill• are:
present, an W115tabl:e bedrock condition
along the bedding plane1 would be ,ez.
peeled. . .
"However, the prese&ee of such w.eak
ma~ials ii ·not known and even ~
the orientation of Die beddblg 1' '"1vtFM,
the.e1dsUng condltlcw may be ace$ble
with respect to gross stability •.
"Jointing of the bedrock and loose
boulders In Lhis area of the bowl
necessitate cotttcllve measures to e~
lect against . Raainll. surllCfal r<>CldaJJ.. 0
the study &hows.
The repart recommend.5 that overhang·
ing rock caves be filled with con·
crete., that a. sthaclural steel ftncr: be. in· ·
stalled along the northem aide of the
stage area, and that loose bci'.J.lders above
the Irvine Bowl seiUnl a~i..: lhould 1>be
removed, ·"in order to . reduce 1tl\e ~ '
pect or these larse boulders rulllns into
the audience 1e.atlng area. It alao recom..
mends planting of·adequate sited trftl to ·
"aS11i11t In intercepting falling rocks."
Cwnc:ibnen. d.lrtct.ed 1he city manager
to discuss the matter with the Festival (If
Arts board of directors to detmnine the
methOd ot·repeir. No cost estimate bu
been prepartd. . 1
Clty Manager Jame.s D~ Wheaton Aid
that H b not viewed as an emergency
situation but just an appralaai of an ex·
Isling problem that'ahotild ~.cured.'
The ·NIJon ,Aamlnlatratloii'i 7&i!er~nt dlalod&es. Be •'911epil boCh Ira.-
slash in .in new Leder II ~tru~tbi con. developed pet~ltaWI but that' in one cue the pa~ -loal.her life. tracta will not' hlte •untmployment,' ac-. The lnvestlJator said one of the women '°"llnr· .. tlie 1'?.ajllent:• chiel·eCondmic WU·ltom'lbe Vlll'Nuy1 area. The alleged
advber. · ' of{~ in that· case, .he laid, occurred
Nov. 25, 1968. Tbt inore recent case Dr • .iVUtur F. Bumi ma9a the obser'tll· Brooka &&id, occtirred Aug.· U. He aaki
lion at a press bdefinliin Sap ·Clemente both women are JO )ean okl.
foll0wln1 anDOUllCement of the maalvt Boob SJid tbe embryo'in the firlt case
cutbicll:. was believed to-have Wied about two .
"I do not expect any unemployment,"
he said; "because we hi.ve an exces5 of
demand for construction and all this will
do is cut back oD the excess demands."
He refused to speculate o0 what tn1pact
Ult anU-lrifllUonar.)' mbve-~hiVe im
the stock market. ' ' • . ·
"I hav,1 made tt a pra.ctice o~er the
yean to speak about the• stock rriarket in
prlvate only,~ he 1)1~. anµJ\nf . ,
Burns emphas'recf tbit tbe reduction.In
federal proJecta :i.ivo1vO. ·~ only. <Jn.
going projecta. wouldjc:ualriue. . ~ ,
m~ and said ,the fetUI In the more re-
cent SJ.tuaUon was estimated to have u-
bled more than ·tbree monthJ,
~ detective ~ ~ :.,~g-Ume _jrJll'
vestigatloo Pad been carried on in con-
junction with investigators ol. tbe Orange
County dbtrlct attnmey:S offlco and
a member of the Ca.lilornia .Deparbnen\ ~
of Pro!"'1onal aM Vocallonal Sfandarda.
(See AIUIEST, Pqe I)
Flood Ch annel
Bids Scheduled He 1ald that.if the.~ on l'.lt'lt' con--
tract. b carried lhrouiJI tlie fllc1I year,·
a total or · SI.I"' bt:Hon. in' federal fund!! Orange County supervlaora have ap-flroved plans and set Sepl. 2Z ror bid would be chopped from yie bud(tl But opening on recon.slructlon of La~
"if conditions eaae," the cutback IJnlpt Canyon's flood channel between F"orUt
be enforced for jftlt a ftw months. Avenue and Beach street.
Bums, puffing a pJpe, explained the Removing tthe remnants oi the old
''special . prob1etn"' In tlle constructkm : channel and Install.Ing 1 n.ew-.ooe with
Industry that led to lhe'Presl<dnt's d.. double the wat« cApatlty, wlll -an
c~lon. est/maled ltOO,QOO. .
"'Building wage. In rec:ent momtha have 1'ie Clty of Laguna Beach will be ei-
been rising at an annual rate ·Ill 15 por. petted to pay 144 OilO wfth countr.
cen,t.' The cost of coo.structfng orrice . government footing the ~est of the bll •
btilldlbil, fnduitrlal • planta, apll'tment Th• cl\y '• lhare ;, expetled to be paid ~hit ~~~.•ll'!U\ 12 ~t hack by the federal government, which
. oi,~. ~1 ~•of ~~ '1lumademoneyavallablefcremer1ency ' ~~~h.~-=:-1'¥' betp1'iof*""P:~f11 ; flood repair1.
The rJ~ f"-~uJaj infiili&l ,.. ' , I .----, ·~~"'"'"-' ..,. • ...__, ---~
11t'n1<1, 1t u,o.~ ~'f.1: Oruge ' · • ' ·eoa.n
qpac11J,. meet an the~· ., .• :
With no-feder!I ~-lh,;liic!~ . wou~ be abJO'tc>,~ate t11 hOui/lll : with'.!~ alraln. Coot' would ,tlJen, ·u..;,.
rellcaU7, llablll,.,, "' .
Barns polnti' •••;:\hat ~the alart of ille .
year new housing'coostructto.fwu q>ov· ·
Ing •Wat the nte of I~ mlUlon ~nlta
arut11ally; ln""ulv tllcjt • hacl ~ .
to 1¥)!lll<rh~ts., • 'I r. '
, -·wp11tc1 tllit tho,1ec1eriil <umkl< · , :¥-be~r ... ~t"i.kf=: Ila~
Pfealdent't lead. I • · ·
' lli.ant'.t llllld,"~~,,..~ IniltCa\ell In 1111 "t.thal.ht 11ciJ¥ ~
and ."'-'• lllte • IJ1d 'J6c&l .~; clealoN!r•ie 11111 llJe'New ' FedcraIIJm. IJ mqre than rhe!orlc. that' •
we hlve • plrtiiershfp ,jrilh elate and
lo c al l'''""\Jd>ent, a 1 putnenlllp Jn . action.'' •
U lhll cooperatlon"ll ,e..1ved, a mQ• ,
!mum totol of $4;& blOton In 11>vemm0ll! ·; ""'!'lnlc:tlciit 'eould ... llfOl)ted, be in' .
LOok !or a plclute poatconl
weekend on the Orange Cou&. with
lllllllY skies and temperatu..a in
tlie eighties after a. handful of low
cloudl In the mornll!I hours.
.. ,
• ... , •' '1
-•' .,
.,,a,_11111._v_K-'OT-'----L=--,....---...;.::~·.:::i:::: "' ' •
Reds A':tack"But
• \'
~ledge Truce
• • . "
t:lc[cM1\tnlau -."1..W al M Vlttaam'J late PrW. nouJICllll ui. ...... f-. ml la4t.Y any
............. HoOtl.lllolf~ud~ allllld IOldlot wbo 'rlolllM II-" 'Ill .. , .... 1lllllodMila..,.. .. _. "~ ...,1111"4• 1111 ......... ~coll' ~ .... $_ .. arm..,.. -·Al>lr ...ui. r. .--VIII' ltllned would tab port In a thrte-~.A, 1 l!'all dlil~loli be · -11 ' Wt1I, ·~ 1bt Com· ~-~= """""""' 'llluri!doJI by Banol. • ..s.f·lt aP!l11 to Ibo NOllll 111W111t.tW11Uid.llrebllcklfllriil uPOO. ~ v>a • ¥1etnamese too. Hanoi called Tbunday for renewed ef:.
11!')!1.Vllloa-and Viel Coll& troops Ho Huu i'\Joog, a Soulh· Vltlnameoe na-lor\1 to drive the Americans oul of Soulb
IMD:eill·•1cm1ted out roc~et attacks on llonal 1s.semblyman. uld he would pro-Vietnam and today's heavy attacks '1T .ll.&,llld ~ VJata.t,aneu bull-and po&&· that all aldtt 1n the Vietnam wer followed. However, U.S. officers beUeved ~!!'-·~~ ee.Ven American and South &b>p fighting dUJini the entire 1even-day lhe attacks were merely another hlgb V~ buea .with ' sroond attac:U... period of nilt.ional mourning proclaimed p:1lnt ol lhe Communist~utumn offensive
The P'IClnd at\lc:Q cost the Communlltl by Hanoi but it was doubled hla idea which began the night of: Aug. 11·12 with ::rs ~~vel¥ ill allled would he acceptN. TU!lJI& oald tt .wW!d a similar wsve of allackl. .
..,.._ ,. aid tht Paris ~ttiia. ~ Flve of the Comnumtat ground assaulll
,,. .... IO.fil .. be1ial at l a.m. ~ondl1 ' The Viel Cong Rdlo whlch first: an-w"" cmled wt against American baHI
~ .. •
wlllllli 106 mileo of 11!.oa. n.. I \be ._,..,w. fl daal ,.,. ldlloll ...
~ ud _... .. AtLllloct
-. P. N ... )llJad illi-ee'U.$. iilllrinu
.... ~ ll andeoat lhe Communi.tll _._.BoulhYlelnamese f0100& killed
another el1bt 1n beatlog back an attaet
'3 mllea· from .Sa;gnn. .
U.S. lotetllgence aources reported' tliaL
Communtat lnllllraUon Into the northern
provJnces of South Vietnam bad fallen
"lo zero" and lhal \be alliea expecled
continued lull Jn he~vy flahtlng there. M
they old they txpec;.!d the lnfillrallon to •
pick up whtn the monsooo rains llrlke
Turned Down
Laguna Canyon
• On Recall' Aid
ot tlle Dlll'f ,UM II.ti'
UMUOCelsful Democratic congresalonaJ
and usembly candidate PauJ Carpenter
baa .contacted at least one powerful
citizen group leader in the Harbor Acea
to head the undergrQund rteall move-
ment against Supervlsor Alton E. Allen.
it wai learned today.
The leader, who asked not to be iden.
tified publicly, told the DAILY PlLCYr he
refused to lend either leadenhlp or sup-
port to the campaign.
The disclosure added yet another facet
lo puW<s 11WTOundlng the ttcall cam-
pajan, 11pawned osteruibly by a brief
news nJeued from San C I e m en t e
i;culptor-desfgnu A n I ho n y Tarantino
earlier this week.
Sourcu de.scribed TaranUno aa "mere-
ly &he front man•• for the elaborate and
well-financed campaign to unseat the
Fifth DI.strict supervisor.
The IOUl'Cel deacrlbed the campaign as
a well-knit acbeme involvinr well-known.
Democrats, inte:reat groupt involved in
the Upper Bl)' land exchan1e and a auo-
cessful opinion research finn wblch
recently conducted an extensive public
opinion poll ol the cilir:ens in Newpon
CarpenLer told the Harbor Are.a leader
lb.al funds behind tbe campaign .-·a
reputed '30,000 -would be sufficient lo
bad< both the ttcall campaign and thal ol
1 posalble candldalt..
Carpenter, aources Wd, bopea io hate
lhe required 10,000 peil\jOa t1gn.j,..,. by
mid-Odober lo inauno .. tlecUoo In ~
December -a time where many
. a,epilve.orlented voters come CM& .W OW:
polll to vote.
•"December Is a great mootb. for the 'aiinner•' to come out in droves to vote, N
the """"' said. The recall campalp wu described as
• muJU-pnmg<il icheme to destroy the
chances of John Killeftr, AUen'1 ad-
ministrative auiJtant
TM vote ln December would hu1ure
L'iat Killefer could ool place bls name on
the ballot.
Soor<es aaJd the hiring of Opinion
Research Inc. of Long Beach 11ve a
spedal advantage to the recall campaign
becaUle ol atenaive data which its can-
\/assert aathered during • recent survey
of communitY attitudes in Newport
The firm, hired at a fee o{ about $3,000.
gathered valuable d1ta fdf the city's
Newport Tomorrow ciUJ.tn planning cam-
paip. tncluding obluvaUons on the uses
o( Upper Newport Bay ind Orange Coun-
ty Airport.
"I' ls obvious that Opinlon Research,
which haa reams of raw data from hun·
dreda of questionnaires, has its fingers on
lhe pulse of pubUc opinion in Newport
Beach," a source said.
As a sidellghl to the research firm's
rt'le. Newport Beach City Councilmen
have been told that the firm -whose
representatives admitted city-Oriented
polling wu a new HrVice -made no
proHt on the survey because of mistaken
calculations of expenses involved.
Water Line Set
Nol11 Foe Emory
Airport Noise
' Group Q~nies
Ties to · Recall
The Newport Beach Airport Noise
Abatement Committee today totally
disavowed any connection with the
undercurrent recall campa1gn against
. Fifth Dm.rict Supervisor Alton E. Allen.
Dan Emory, chairman of the powerful
citiun'1 group, said a special 8teering
com:mittee• meeting held this monUn&
prodUc;lil e official l'ii!!l""1 of neulralil1
.. the'<oipign. ;;rt"
Emory iPecifica1tt · Wi guoted in lb•
"South CaUt fl(l'DeOwnb'j' Beacon " a
tabloid dlitrlbuted'by tbe 'Atlen foeJ.
publicat.idn sparktd the Ep\ory stare.
ment. · ·
The Beacon, on lt.s second pa1e. at-
tributed quotes criUi;:al of county ol!Jcjala
to Emory · and agrees wlUt t h e
atatementa. -
'·'Tbe. · Airpqrt Noise Abatement Com·
miUee is oot 'a participant ln any recall
movement. To our knowledge, no one who
haa act.Jvely participated ln the affalra or
the commW-is Involved in any recall
movement," Emory said.
He &aid the group, claimin& lhouaands
<>f supporters, has never advocated
.. retaliatory political action" against any
public o[rk:IM as a means of achieving
cummittee goals.
"Nor has it ever urged Its supporters
to take direct political action in any ape-
cific election campaign," he said.
He said that the committee, in ac·
cordance with that beleif, "neither en·
courages, nor discourages parUcipatlon
in the ••• recall movement or any other
poUlical campai1n."
Emory also 11aid the commtitee
1nembers hope that county supervisors
enact noise restrictions at the arlport and
heed the committee's ruggeslion1 for ef-
lectiYely controlling aircraft ooiae.
From PGfl" 1
people in the Laguna area."
Mn. TaranUno today described that oc-.
cupation as "his hobby" and said that
TarenUno spends much of h1a time help-
ing in her store. "He vlslb hue 1JlQ5t
every day," she added.
Tarantino bas been thus far the only
n1an idenUfied ln a movement remark-
able for the secrecy surrounding Us op-
eraUon and the reluctance of the men
behind Tarantino to declart ·their lnlent.
Tarantino deniea any intenUQn of put-
I if11 himsell forward a• a reptacttnent
for Allen on the county board .
But three persons named by Tar1nUno
8$ ))O!lible -eandldatea for the r1fth
District seat have all denied any c:on-
ncction with the recall c1mpaisn and 1ny
knowltdge of the mo~·ement which names
Tarantino as itl spokmnan.
Little Girl Moie
Afraid Tl1an Hm·t
A ll•·)'W-old LaflUJtl Beach girl -
bike struck IM fender of a police car
'iburadly WU IO alarmed that U.. olflctr
had to follow her home to obtaln htr
name and make 111re lhe was all rJ&hl.
Police aakl H1rrlN. Ann Pennywell, 1144
N. CO.lrt Highway, sufftred on I y
scratches. She appelred .. more 1rrakl
thin hurt'' said Officer Oave Cleland, Jt.
Police said the accident occurred in the
200 block of Vl•Jo Slrecl when lhe
youngater'i bike came out ol an alley and
at.ruck the rear or the patrol unit.
CM ni. Dtllr l'lltt ltd
-Ii. fZ.5 mllllon project to brine a. water
!Jne lhroogb LaflUJtl Canyon to Laguna
Beach baa bwl al)llOunced by \he Lagwia
Beach County Waler Dfltrfcl.
The 30-lncb tranamluion llne will pro-
vJde enoup water for the ulUmate de-
velol)ment of the cou\al area. Wiiliam
V ._ Moorhead, general manqer of the
Lquna dlJtrlcl iald.
'!'be Pl'O!ed> wm he jolnll)' flnancfd by the 1rv1ne· JOnch Wala Dlalr1cl, the La-
flUJtl dlltrlct and the SOu\b cout County w ..... Dtllrlcl.
Dtrectaa o1 U.. Lquna dlltrlct lor-mallr lRPl<>Ved the ... Jee\ thlll week and called for conslnlcllon blcta.
Compl<llon of the 'J!l'OJecl 11 upected
In Ille -lflO. . The new syst.em ls "the only way" to
meet increaslni coutal de.velopment Moorhead aajd. '
He ~x,elalned that Laguna Beach is
1lO"l tot.a.Uy dependent on a ~er water
main comln.I Jn from Corona del Mar.
D.lrlng wfntet storms, that line was
wa!hed out,. and the dty left with only
a Ihm day ·1111pp1y of waler.
Thta la too Jll"C'iloua a poaltion for a
town the sire ol LallUQll Beach to bO In,
1'foorhead said.
"The line will give greater tal,itude in
the expansion and development Of the
area," he said.
The water district manager said that
no unusual problems are expected in
construcUon of tbe system.
From the starting point 1t the Metro-
politan Water District's E 1 s t Orange
County terminus at Barranca Road near
Culliver Road op Irvine property, the line
wl run u,nder the San Diego Freeway
and then licroa ~lo tbe like along
Laguna Canyon Road.
This stretch will be financed 46 percent
by the Laguna district, 32 percent by the
From PGfl" l
Brooks said the physician. a widow tr,
t:>ld officers at the time of arrest tbat
they had made a mistake.
The officer said arraignment in a Santa
Ana munlclpal court is presently schedul-
ed for Sepl 15.
Dr. Robb said he has practiced
medicine in Laguna Beach for 10 years .
He said that the charges are without
foundation and he asked hit friends ''not
to \VOn')'".
San Joaquin
Schools Plan
Bond Election
San Joaquin School District trustees
have voted to hold a bond interest elec-
tion on Nov. 25.
Act.ion was taken during a regular
mettlng Wednesday night in Irvine
School. The election will propose to raise
the Interest rate on bonds from five to
se ven percent so that school construction
can be financed .
There is an immediate need to build
th~ new schools, according to Dr.
WOilam Stock, assistant superintendent .
The district has 19 school sites with 10
already developed.
Jn other bu&i.neS!I, a contract was
awarded to repair stonn damage al La
Paz and O'Neill schools and leasel!!l werf!
rene1''ed on mobile classrooms al Irvine
From ·PllfJf'I 1
BRAZIL ... ·
ternattonal prestige of Bratil.''
P1p1I Nuncio Humberto ~tonionl
visited the American Emba&ay to offer
his wvk:a u intermediary to dul with
the '1dnapera. Another ofter to help came from M11-
Jco City, where the foreign nlaUons
department &aid it was willing to allow
the 11 prilonera to lake. refuae J.n the
Mexican emball)' in Rio.
Elbrick, who had bftn al h11 111w
dlplomallc pool only a ftw Weeki. WU
11b<M:ted while rttumtn.a: to wort from
lunch al bll auhurban rNldence.
lleaded to Mothballs
LONG BEACH (AP) -America'• lul b11ttlahlp1 tbt USS New Jer1e71 leaves
Satunlt.Y to ro Into molhbal~ at Brom·
erton, W18h. 1'be ah.Ip, bAH<t hert, U.\Y
Its mOlt recent action off the Vietnam
cout. The Pentagon ordered htr de-
actJvated la&t month.
' -----
South Coalrt dlalrtct and 2o pen:t11l by
Irvine Ranch dtalrlcl.
From the late area, the line will run
aloog Llguna Canyon Road to a ipot
jusl oppoalle the l' e a 11 v a I ol Artl
grounds, Thi1 por\ton will be ltnanctd
by lhe LaJIUIUI and South cout -Tho South Cou\ dtltrlct. which aervea
Throe Ard! Bay So.Ith LQuna. and Mon-
arch Bay, will biiiJii Ill <iwn line to· the
mouth of Laguna CO!\Y<Jn and connect
to the ...ior 1)'11em.
Council Approves
For Bowl Stage
The Laguna Beach City Council has ap-
proved a '25,000 Festlval of Arts plan to
Improve the Irvine Bowl stage aru. lt
won'& COit lhe dty anything.
'I;he plan caJl.1 for expanaion of Ule back
stage area and a new entrance to the am-
phtlheater. Al!o, a covered bridge lo the
south hltlside wou1d be bullt.
Preliminary plans.Jor the ~ject have
previously been appl"Oved by the Festival
of Arts Board of Dirtetors.
In other action Wedne9day, the council:
-Approved a permit requuted by the
Laguna Community Players to sell cos-
tumes, props, fixtures, and furnlture
from the old Playhouse at 319 Ocean Ave.
Sept. 13 and 14 from l p.m. t.o 5 p.m.
-Approved a request by the Laguna
Craft Guild for the closing of El Paseo
for art exhibition Thanksgiving and sakt
they \VOUld consider further closings of
the !lreel Easter and Memorial Day.
-Directed the city manager to prepare
! new towing aervice agreement between
Larry llunt and Laguna Towing Service
providing a rotating system of official
-Approved a request by the Laguna
Lawn Bowling Club ror an additional $900
for maintenance of bowling greens. The
club wUI receive a tot.al of $3,500 for
Lt. Neil Sellers of Imperial Beach gets 'velcome home kiss from his
'vife and hug around the knee from bis son, Patrick, 22 months, after
a.rrlv1ng Thursday at lmperial Beach Naval Air Station folloY.'ing
five months of duty in the western Pacific. Sellers is a helicopter
pilot wilh an antisubmarine squadron.
He~s No Surfer
Ocean Rescues of Nixon Prove It
President Nixon's golf 1ame has Im·
proved considerably during his San
Clemente vacation, but his swimming
aeeds a lot more work.
Twice in the early v1eeks of his West
Coast stay Secret Service agents had to
fish him out of the surf in front of his
villa, nliable sources said today .
The surf at Cotton's Point is just too
rough for anybody who is not a surfer,
And the President time and again has
err.phallcally denied he Is a surfer, or is
interested in becoming one -despite the
gift of a Hobie board from his family.
Surfboard One is used by the
President's guests. Lyndon Johnson's
daughter, Luci, was offered use of the
board by the President last week. She
dcclintd the offer, though .
f\obody at the Wertem White 1-lous.
\rill say whether the Secret Service has
declared the Nixon family beach off
limits to the President. But it is known
that he doesn't swim there anymort.
Instead, he takes a dip with friends ln
the relatively smooth surf at Red Beach
at Camp Pendleton. He did that Wed·
r.esday and over the weekend.
lte is also, of course, practicing s"'im·
ming in the even more calm surf of tht
family pool.
Details of his pasl troubles at his own
beach are ,unavailable from the Secret
Service. But one source said the Preslo
dent was twice caught in heavy riptides.
J{e was pulled out almOlt immediately,
the source sald.
l•rploe Drew•;,!.' mrt...
..,.ode. Orlt of lout drtttwt
The spirit of gr .. 1 Fre11ch period design 11
1hve •nd well ... in Henredon's
~~, $341.
'3.1.. ,_
1727 Wtttcllff Dr• '4t.JOSO
ONM nit.AT "TtL t
. '
ProfNllon•I lnterler
0..1•'"" A•ell1•fa-AID-NSIO.
341 North Cont Hwy.
Oflfl ,.IDAY """ t
I •
I • '
• .
VOL:. "621 N0 •. .213, 4 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES
Releues Priaoners
Brazil Gives In
To Free Envoy
Bruillan aovemment bowed t.oday to the
demands of a band " "very, very
determined" terrorists who kidnaped U.S.
Ambassador C. Burke Elbrick and
threatened to execute him.
The Forel!,n Ministry annoWlced it
would free 15 political prisoners as
demanded by the kidnapers. The an-
nouncement came barely an hour ant.I 2U
minutes before expiration of a n
Down t he
ultimatum thal presumably would have
meant death for tM. 11-~-o]d «1voy.
The ambassador was seized Dy a band
of four men on a Rio de Janeiro street
Thursday and the kklnapers set a
deaoline o( ta yours for their demands to
be meL They repealed the ultimatum this
nwrning but move:d llP ihe deadline for
acceptance of their demands.
Th e government announet'.1nent ca111e
at 12:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. POT) after it
received a hand written note £rom the
ambassador to his wife saying that he
was alive and weU but asking the govern-
ment to accede to what he called "very,
very determined" men.
There had been two or:lginaJ demand~
-release or the unnamed prisoners and
full , publication or Lhe kidnapers note
which denounced the government. as a
"dictatorship." The note was published
earlier. ·
Pre sident Gets a Painting
. Physician
Denie~ ·,
ot Ille Dtlfr "II!' ""'
A Laguna Beach pby~clan was. ar-
reited at his apacloua clllf.top home In
Dana Poit).t 'I'hursday·nlJht and accuRcl
by poliCJe of inducing two abortions m
young unmarried ~en.
Dr. Robert C. Robb, M, apecialitloC In
Internal medici ne , has denied the I ac-
Contacted at his home, 345S7 ScenJc
Drive, the physician today said, HJ have
never performed an operation on a preg.
nant woman." He said the arrest was
••quite a shock to me."
Police, however, malntaioed that the
a 11.•ged pn>ctdUm had nearly cost tile
1 • life Of one of the women tnvolved when
peritonftis, an infectkn ol the abdoinen,
\ Dr. Robb was taken from hla: hame to
1 th~ Laguna Beach Police Department.
booked and released on a fl,250 ball boild.
Police Del Brooks aald officers amled
with a iearch warrant also aearehed the
physician'! olfice ar 250 Beach St., and
Seized "certain instruments."
8 ,000 Expected
For Viejo Days
"The government has already authorir.-
ed lhe publicallon of the declaration and
will authorize the transfer to a foreign
counf.rY. o( the 15 persons detained whose
names 'f..ill be indicated," the government
said in a public Jtatemenl
Dr. Wade IA>wer (In wheelchair). mayor of SaD -=ling by artiat Violet Parkhurst was gift from
Clemente, and Paul Presley, owner of San C.. • \o of San-Clemente. See atory, Page 3.
mente Inn present seascape to President., Ni.iOo. , 1 • r
Dr. Robb was arrested on a warrant
issued in Santa Ana municipal court. Re
was boo~fd oo felony couota (aepar~
ate atleged ) under a penal codt
MISSION VIEJO -'All reaidenta ancl
pengna. wbo work or l'roQhip in Mission
Viejo are invited to a·ttend ~An
"""' Mlllil"'1 Vf•W Days to be htld th~ w~kend in tbe community.
More than 1,000 people are expected at
tht event, which is held throughout the
comn1unity on Saturda, and on the north
ieDd of tht Mbslon Vlejo Goll Course on
Events scheduled for Saturday include
• tennis tournament. a swim rnE!eL. a
softball tournament and an adult dance
at the Mission Viejo Recnalion Cetlter.
On Sunday there will be a bole-in~
contest a steer riding contest, a greased
pig and horse shoe coolest for children,
fool races and a barbecue.
e Clturrlt R itl! Sla tl!d
MISSION VIEJO -Ground-breaking
ceremoni~ will lake place Sunday at
noon for the Presbyterian Church of the
Work will officially begin on Monday on
the Unt unit which will COl"l3ist of a
fellowship hall-w<nitip cenler. kitchen.
pat;for's study, chU!°ch office and four
large Sunday 9Chool rooms.
1be church has been meetin;: in La Pa:r.
lntenntdiate schoo1.
e Finen el! Ma n Addl!d
new face around city ball
1\ belongs to Paul Lew. Capistrano's
new·director of fmance, who began work
Lew brings 12 years u:perience ln ac-
counting and finance to hil new posilioo.
1-ie_!!!!I e_mpkfyed by the city ol. Beverly
JUll.I t»efort rilling the po&l left vacant by
the death or Harold Albert in July.
He ls married and is the father of three
The deciaion w.u taken ·after a.meeting
or th& high military c:ommucl. Ute foreian
minister and hlgh naUOna1 a4U>orlUes.
"Tl!i> way IJ>• '"pon!lbiJ!t!' will b<
C0111pletely upao ti. lo"-' ~ 1J>t kld-
napei:s 19' ~ ~lefiY ol AmbUoador D. BUrk~ Elbrtck,* \her.statement said.
The kidnaptrt 'fftr• believed to bt
mESnbera of "MRI", a guerrilla group.
The lnitlall stand for Movtmento 1\evolu-
cionario and the .. 8" ref en to the date of
the death or Ernesto "Ole'' Guevara, the
Cuban revolutionary tnkd·in Boli'ria Oct. a, 1001.
The kidnaping was the first serioos in-
cident since the junta aSNmed authority
five days ago.
The commanders of the army, Navy
and Air force took control of the govern·
ment Sunday when Presideol Arthur Da
Costa e Silva suffered a stroke.
Tht Brazilian l<ft!Jlll mto1stry aDtd
the kidnapldg .. an act of terrorism, pure
and limp!~ to the detrl.rnent of the in-
(See BRAZIL, P11e I)
Pilot's P1wwg
ln Magazjne
A view or the rolling, grassy eampus ol
UC! photographed by DAILY PILOT
Cltief Photographer Lee Payne il1ustrat.u
the feature atory ln Saturday'a FamllJ
Weekly. ·
The story, by novelist Sloan (Thi Man
In The Gray Flannel Suit") Wilson, takes
a sober look at today's serious college
studtnta and -· the questioo: "'What Shruld Parents Tell Col I e I e-b o u ad
Family Weekly is 1 natlona1 publicatlon
circulated on weekend.I , by nearly 200
newspapers thnlughrut the United States
including the DAILY pftm to more than
~ 14 million homes.
And they'll all get a good look at UC1
this weekend, as seen lhrouih the lens or
Payne'• camera.
Laguna'1 lrvil)e Bowl ill neatled below a
.mes of high ridgu funning a· natural
amphitheater, but according to a geologic
report'just given to the city council, what
ia up may come down,. and at any lime.
The report., made by Newport Beach
soil and geologic engjneers W. A. Whaler
& ADOCiates rtftn to "questionable ltl.btl\Y 'OO the bowl'& natural slopes."
City officials &aid the problem ~r
reprtte:nl an emergency.
'Ibe report, .:notes there are sever a I
ov~g rock caves and a number' o[ boUlderi 11bave the.'bieater. -...-,.
"The ~billty .ct~ features were· of ccncem.. alnce they could pose a public
llfety ~ n the report shrtes.
Of particolsr concem are the hillalde
atqes on the nor.th side of the am-
phttheatu, lhe report states.
"The degree d hazard presented ' is
b1ch. s1nct the overhanging rock ledges
and larp boulders are considered suf·
ficlently unstable to become dislodged
with time Uoder present erosion condi•
lions," it says.
There ia also landslide potentia I in the
bowl area., according to the report.
''The area upslope from the Irvine
StOf!lc Markl!ts
NEW YORK fA?) -The stock market
waa a loser again today a11 it finished
its week on a downbeal. (See quotaUons,
Paaes M).
P 1.. . . L , ;i,... R' ·11? o 1t1co eaW"' , eca ..• .. ··-
Tarantino's Wife Fingers Paul Car penter ....
over the yeari; with the California
Democralic Couocil (COC), the left wing
offshoot involved in a number ,of eleCUo.,..
time controversl~ with more · rtgid· ele-.
mtllll o1 the party.
ot "" °'"' ........ ..,
One-lime Congres.oiional candidate Paul
Carpmter today was named as the. driv-
ing for'Ct behiDd the hush--husb campaign
for recall o( Fifth Distric\ SUpel'visor
Alla! E. Allen.
1bfl Cypress Democrat was ided.illed
by Mn. Anthony TaranUno as the man
-p<nUadod her husband to head the ~t aimed at the unseat.in& bl
.Allen. •
TaranUno, who diJCOnnected hll San
Clenente telephone and retired from
pubUc activity shortly after tht an·
nouncernent of the campaigri, could not
bt reached for commcnl today.
Mrs. Tarantino, owner~ator ol Teeoa'• Yardage, a retail I ad I es '
mat.erlall store in tullgren SqUare, Costa M..a, ~ lime oul !rom her bankin& to-
day to deny npo<ts that her husband was
1eriously contemplating w I t h d r a w a I
mm the ricaD campaign.
"Thal's news to me-," she.said. ''When
J last. spoke lo him he was vuy much in-
volved and ht told me that' the campaign
was going well and that Paul (Carpenter)
was very plea*d."
Also named by the ..U-llyled sculptor·
desiener's wife was Dick (Rkhlrd)
O"Nelll, a m<mber d the rich ranchinl
family and the owner ol atenli•e
acreage in the San Juan ~plltrano aru.
She declined to stata O'Ntlll't ~
n>lt In the l110Yllll<l1t Othtr than to lden-
Uly ' hhn u one d 1111 group whO ap-
proached her huaband .. tome monthl
Carpentu, m<ribed today by • lcrmtl'
Dtmocratlc coUtaaue u 1 "'pernwiently
active polltk:lan and 1 perpet\lal can·
dldatt"'. has been dtltattcl In ·bldJ for the
Cong"5ional ~ .,.,,. .. 11y OC<lll>ltd by
Ropubllc1n Ja.-B. Ult d Tultln and
the ltth A,,..,,,bl7 Dlllrict "'l
Carpenter has betn rtptlltdl7 llnkod
But he went on record a.s a criUc ol the
gn>Qp following Simon Casady'a -then
[ftlldtnt ol the CDC -criUclmls ol U.S.
involwment In Vietnam.
ReUabla 10Urce1 in the aouth ~1
aru \G<!IY Insisted that Tarantbio~
Withdrawal, from the recall cmtpal&n 11
"lmrrltn!nt" and that his reluctanCt ID of·
fer lurthtt statem"'ta on the cami.iign
ia not the only indication o{ hi• rcviaed
attitude. •
"Tarantino b the front man or. ~ fall
IJUY, whatever you mi&ht care 'IJ can
hlm," one lnformant commeaf@ll: "'Ilda
bullnW d tcUlptinl and ifHl'-"1n& Is
aort ol an artistic Jl(lte that ii seared to
win 1Uppoti for the c.ompalJl!I· fl'om·ar\y 1s.o AU.EN, Paa• 1r· ·-.. ·
~ • • ' I aedloo whl la headtd :
: f1'
Bowl """''pocl.with .~fo'iliaJui,.
ble landslide conditions, since the
~·str1l.-ate'LUted about.JI de,rets
~ the •se.ating area.. '
"If sufficiently weak materials • are .
present,· .an unstable bedroct· c:onditlon
along ~· btddin& planes would be e:1-pected. . . .
"However , ·the prtsence of such 'tfieak
materials ~ not. 'koown and (Vtn· though
the orientation of the bedding ia IJKfvene,
th• tx;.\lng COl\djliona may b<~ecepllble
with respect to gross lltabilky. , ' , • f ,
"Jointing of the bedrock: "Ind' loose
boulders in this area ol •lM'bowl
necessitate com!Cttve me.asq:es to pro-
tect against aplNt aurllolal ,rol:ifall,"'
the study shows •.
The report reccrnmendl that overba.,.
ing rock caves be filled with con-
crete, that a structural !ftfl ftoce be In•
stalled along the northern side of the
11tage area, and that }oost boulders above
the Irvine Bowl ·1eaUn1 area,thould bl
removed, "In order to reduce, the 1'f'OI"
peel or these large bouldei'1 rolllhg into
the audience seetlng aria. It allO recom·
merxls planting of adequate abed trees to
"assist in intercepting falling roci:ll."
Councilmen directed the dty manager
to discuss the matter with the Feat.Jval d
Arts board of dirtcton to det«mine--the
method of repair. No cost etltimate. 'has
been prepared.
City Mana1er James O. wtieaton aald
that It i~ not viewed as an emergenty
situation but just an appraisal o( an ex·
isting problem that ahould be· cured.· ·
~1 1'~0n, A~~af!an~I ·~.
slasfi ln all new federal COMtrucllon can-·
tr-will not bik•'Wltmpioy,D.n~ i<o
eOrcung to tilt Pmldent'a cltltl'tcooomlo
Dr. Arthur F. Duma made u,;. obstrva·
tiOn at' a press brtefil:ig ht-San· GIC!Jlente
following innouncemeut of the m•sslve
"I do not eJpect any unerpployme,nl.,.
he· slid, ''because we hi.Ye', an. excua of
dtmand!~COl1Slnlcilon-J1nd;all U.l1 1,w1H
do i1 cut baCt on the·e1cesa1demaiid1."
He n!ased to· sP.fcul~t~ oniwttat ~pact
lhe anU·billaUonary move .would1aave on
the stock market. '
"I have-. made it. a practice o~tr· t.fte Y"" to •r>W< •)/cul tbo-t muktl In
prlvato only," lit said. l!IUllJIW.
Burns emphaslzed tbat the reduction in
fedual projects involvea 1tarts only. On-
going projects would cdntinue.
.. ' •1admlnlittrin&:. drug ot employ In& m=· to · Jlf1lCUrO nu.car-~"!' •'f!le ~ . llsta a two to five ~ .. ~ ' ,., j
lloleCiUV• Briieu clalmod· that the
aDtgtd' abmtioos 'Were. induced ' by in-
l!fl!lllll-•"911< lltlo the female cirlm!land llidlicing i:btmJcal IO!uU.... whlch ad aa an-JrrltlbL T •
B!oob < aald t hJ I temioata the
pregnancy wben the embryo or fetus
dlilodges. He alltgecl both women
d~ perltonltls but tbll ln --the palJent.vlctl,m almoot •loot.her, lile.
'Jbe investigator 'saXI one ol·tbe women
was from the Van Nuys ma. 'l1>e alleged
ollense in· lhal cue, Jle. uld, occurtod
Nov. 25. liGt The ~ recent ~
Brooks aakl/&curred Aug. 11 He aaJd,
both women are 20 years old.
Boo'"' said the tmbr}'o in the first """
was believ~ lo have uisted abobt two
mootha and sakl the retus in tbe more re-
cent situation was estimated io have u:-
i!ted more than three months. .
'Jbe delecUve uid. the-long·Ume m..
vestlgaUon hid been ·Carried on in cqn.
j1.inction with, lnveatlgaton.Qf the Oran&•
County dlatricl altorney'a olfk• and
a m""ber of the Calllomla Dtpartmeot
ol Prol...tonal and Vocallonal Staodard!.
(See ~' P11e Z)
Flood Channel
Bids Scheduled He said that l!...tbe freeze on new con-
tract.a Is carried through the fiscal year,
a total of •t.t billlm in federal funds Orange County supervisors have ap-proved plans and set Sept. Z2: for bid
would be chopped from the budgel But opening on reconstruction of La""-"''" ''if conditions ,.,., .. •"· _ _.....,_k -•·bl •-urc .... ....,_ "'"6 Canyon's nood channel between Forest
be enforced for jbst a few months. Avenue and Beach Street.
Burm, puffing a pipe, explained the Removing tbe remnant.a ct the old
"special pro61em" In··~· tonstructlon channel and ~ 1 new one with
tndUstry that led -to the Pn!siednt'a de-double the wi t.er caPaclty will cost an
cl81on. · estimated $100,000. . , .
"Bulkflng wages ln recent montm have The City of Laguna Beach will be ts·
h!en rialng~at: an a!u}llal rate or 15 per. pected to pay $44,000, with county
cent: The cos! C'# constructing office government footing the rest of the bill.
~.'• ),~ .pl~ll..M~., The city's share la upecttd to be paid
. . · _ ,il:i~g,~ .back' by th• federal govtmment. which at: ·"~~1·;~ ~ haa made money ayail1ble_rqr emette£lCY ~-e~', ... , .. ·~.~·~·, llfdt~ ; ' ' I
ne · ......... r thtailrillallonirt"srna1 .•
llO a.1d, 11 ~ ~.m,fµjtr:y:a~\
capacltJ•to ·~.all tho cltml&l'a::
With no ·leiltial ~tho'~
W.O\lkf be lltle to«<>DCtll~•I• on ' ""'. wiJh, 1eu sfr11n. Coot 1wiiu]d then,'1 eo-
l'flk:lllly,.at,ablllZe;, '. . '
Duma po_m~10llt~~t at ~ ~,ot Ibo : year new lioui ng l:OristtuCu'on wu mov·
Ing •'°"I at t(le rm of u mlllloo ynlts
lMUal~. "1;JJlly• Ilia~ had~llliit41
to u;mutloii m111. · -•
Bunw llJ\plled tliat the Jtdtral culbock
may be jull the top ol lbe k<berf U aµtte
'!id' 'lo<aJ '""' "'""""' 1o11ow:, Ibo Pmlaeoi'll~tad. •
Oruge Coan
, Look for a picture postcard
• t weekend on the Oranee Coast with
t sunny skies and ten:ipttahwu in
. the eighties after 1 handful ot low
clouds to the morolq hours.
' ~t deal ot,~JJt. .. l<lcal =-
. , ~ in I' ·~=ld.:.w#-,,.,,al :
C1coi«! f111i1 i!altinei(1 t11a1r1:e ,
A ftand/wl of UC lr.oh!l alvo
.jd01llS ... Qlt>lng ~·"°""' 1 •Mlr lfrJI tostt of lh• ovtiloor•
ot' Uukdmp, Pag<'lt .
Mid ~,'the •stat•· 1'111 . '
aUtllotttlof to-iUI lhlt11111 ew '
Ftdtr'llllat ll mote. than 11!etaric,. that ,
we haft a ~ with, ltal4 &¢
1o ca 1 aovtmintnl, ·a ~"-'" lo ·~·" .. '~ .. -T.r
1111111 "!Optl'ltioll ~ rte<lvtd, 1!171U•
lmum ""'1 .of, IU bUllon. In fl....,~. c\iNtnlCUoa <DUJd )II Affected, ... jlft.; <llcattd. . -T T p -.
I =-1~ i="' "':
10; ... • ,. 0.-....... 14 ~~= '"' ~ j...,.... If
t =~ ~ l-..... MlfMI ,.... •
' I
-· •• 1>-1
' •
L l·--·~··"-'"·--.,,.,,_,---&~ ...... ~~~ ... .-..... ~ ... "" .. __ .,....._~_ •
Reds Attack Btit. Pledge Truce
. ' . . . ; .
OOM CUPll -~ Ccio1nn1n1111 to.
I -:-..:;
Vietnam ... --Uiet ""'!ld take part In • uv. .. doy ~ •IUIOWlced Thurlday by
the Viet c.n,.
NOdb ~ and Vl't Cone troops ~ or ~ out rocket attacks on
'1'111'.S. ...i.~ v111nan1 ... balel·•od
town.1 aQd bJt aeven American and South
Vietnamete bases with ground attacks. 1'IM &round altlcks cost the CommunJsts tt° ~_.ijv~ ll&hl allied
,,,. .... !In liqloa l l I un. Moodaf ' .
Turned Down .
On Recall Md ••
uAllV P11QI
~AllQ.~ C°"311 f"\19\ ISHflitQ CCW.-..ll'f
••Nrt N. W••4
p,.. .......... ...
J ... ., •. C4rTlf'f Vlot,.,........,. o-t• ......
n. ••• .:...,ii .... n.-· ,,,_ w...w .. ........... ,,.,.
a;Ji'"4 r. Nell 1.-•--cw, Ctltw ._ __
222 ,., .........
M•i/111t A44••ni P.O. I •• i ii, t?•ll --COl!I Mu.I :qi Wttf .. , l'T'lff
.. _.ho<~: nu""'•' ........ '",,. ,......., ... IMVI: • jt~ Slrl'l'I
-of lid Vle!nam'I• Illa J>rell-•'~10lMlnb. -v111n11D .,-111e ~-w_.. .. _k .. ~ ilMn--~~ift1: "'""I '"Iii II ~ aPIJlj lo tlie ~h Vlei.nan'ltse too.
Ho Huu Tuoug, a Soutb Vie.1llamese na·
tional asseml>lyman, said he would pro-1
pose that all s.idtt In the Vietnam war
stop llghllng during the entire sev.en-day
period of natloopl mourning p111elalmed 1 by Hano1 but it Y.'IS doubted hb ktea
woukt'"be a.~pted. ~ aald it. WouJd t
aid the. Paris peace 'tt!U.
The Viet Cong ·radJo· whieh ~rat ' 1n·
• . r ,
From P09e 1
people in the Laguna area."
Mn. Tarantino today described that oc·
cupation as "his hobby" and said that
Tarentino spends much of his time help-
ing in her store. "He visits here mmt
C\'ery day," she added.
Tarantino has been thus far the only
man identified in a movement remark-
able for the secrecy surrouoding Its op-
eration and the reluctance or the men
behind Tarantino to declare their lnlenl.
Tarantino denies .any intention or put-
ting himself rorward as ·a replacement
for Allen on the county board.
But three persons name<f by Tarantino
as possible candidates for the Fifth
District seat have all denied any con-
nection ~·ith the recall campaign and any
knowledge of the movement whlch names
Tarantino as ilJ spokesman.
Little Girl More
Afraid 'fhan Hm·t
' A sil"·year-<11d Laguna Stach gtrl whose
bike struc-the fender of a polk:e car
Thursday was so alarmed that the offlet:r
had lo follow her home lo obtain hft'
name and make. sure she ••• all rlght..-
PoUce said Hirrisa Ann Pennywell, 1244
N. Coast H1ghway, suffered on I y
scratches. She appurtd "more .afrald
than hurt'• sald Officer 08vc Cleland, St.
Police !aid the accident occurred In the
200 block of Viejo Street when the
youn1stcr'a bike came out of an alley and
struck the rear of tbe patrol unit.
. llOIJllC.,. ll!o ~ aid loda: any
allild ..-1rllt :rioll!Of II -1"i ~~Nma:: ~ • •IJ>e Com.
l1)Ullllll wookl llrt_ blck 11 llred upon.
Hanoi called Thlll'lday tor renewed ef. rocts to drive the Americans out ot South
Vli;it.nam and loday'!I he.avy attacks
followed. liowever, U.S~ officer1 be.ll81/ed
the attacks were mefely another high
point of the Coqµnunlst 4utumn offensive
which began the night ol Aug. 11-12 with .a. similar wave ill attaCb. •
Ft_ve of, the Ccmmunllt ground auaulll
wen carried out ap.b:i.st American b&Ses
wilhlo IOI mJJea ol 8-l&on. 'l'b<!f coatll\t ~ll-udlllllol ei< ~ ond.~ .. Ali ~ -. n. NIOI killed ilute U.S, Mai'lnel
Md •Olllllod I) ud ci>lt lhe Communt!ls
... -· llo!ilh Vietnemtse forces killi:d a11other eight ln beJUna: back an attack '3 milea Jrqm Saigon. , ,
IJ.s. !nlelUgence aoorees reported Iha!
CommunJit lnfUtraUon Into ·the-northern·
provlnci!s of South Vietnam had fallen
"to zero" and that the all~ expected a
continued lull in heavy fJghUng there. But
IJ\ey said !hey upecleij Ille lnfillra\IOll to
plcti: up whtn the monsoon ralm 1trib -·
Laguna Canyon
Water Line Set
Frot1a Page J
.Bl'ooks •aJd the physician, a widower
told officers at the time of arrest thai
they ha d made a mistake..
The officer said arraignment in a Santa
Ana municipal court is presently schedul-
ed ror Sepl 15.
Dr. Robb iaid he has practiced
medic~ ln Laguna Beach for 10 yeal'3.
He said that the charges are without
foundaUon and he asked his friends "not
to worry".
San Joaquin
Schools Plan
Bond Election
San Joaquin School District trustees
have voted to hold a bond interest elec-
tion on Nov. 25.
Action was taken during a regular
n1eeting Wednesday night in Irvine
School. The election will propose to raise
the interest rate on bonds from five to
seven percent so that school corutructlon
can be financed .
There is an immediate need to build
three new schools. according to Or.
WU!iam Stock, assistant superintendent.
The dl!trict has 19 school sites with IO
already developed.
In othe r buslneM, a contract \\'as
awarded lo repair storm d11mage at La
Paz and O'Neill schools and lesses "·ere
~newed on mobile classrooms at Irvine
Fro'" P~e 1
temational·prestige of Brazil.''
Papa] Nuncio Hurnberto ~fonzoni
visited the American Embauy to oUer
his aervlces as inteniiediary to deal with
the kldnaper1.
Another offer to help came lrom ~te1·
Jco City, whert the forieign relations
department laid It was wtlllna: to allow
the J6 priaooers to take refuge in lbe
Mexican embauy in Rio.
Elbrlck, who had been •l his new
diplomatic post oo1y a few weeks, was
abd\.tcltd whUe returning to work from
lundl al blJ wburban reJidence.
lleaded to Mothballs
LONG BEACH (AP) ...; Amtrica'1 J15l
boltleshlp, 1he USS Nn Jeney1 Jeoves
Saturday lo 10 Into molhblll1 at Brem·
trton, Wuh. 1be ship, baled here, saw
its most rectnt action of! the Vltlnam
coast. The Ptnlagoo ordered her de-
activated lut month.
Soulh Coaol dlstrlel and 20 percent by
Irvine Ranch dJstrict. 1
From the lake area, the line will run
along Laguna Canyon Road to a a;pot
just opposite the Feat 1 va l of Am
grounds. This portion will be fbtanced
by !he Laguna and South Coast <Ustrlcta.
The South Coast dlstrlct. which serves
Three Arch B&Y;Soulb Laguna and Mon-
arell Bay, wllf build Iii OWD !;; lo the
mwlh of La1UM Canyon and CO!lllocl
to the major !)'Item.
Council App1·oves
For Bowl Stage
The Laguna Beach CJtJ C-Ouncll has a~
proved a hS,000 Festival of Arts plan fol)
fmprove the Irvine Bowl stage area. It
won't cost the city an)'thlng.
The plan calls for expansion of the back
stage area and a· new entrance lo the am-
phitheater. Also', a covered bridge to the
south hlllslde would be built.
Preliminary plans for the project hsve
previously been approved by the Festival
of Arls Board or Directors.
In other action Wednesday, the council:
-Approved a pennit requested by the
Laguna Community Players to sell C<>S·
tumes , props. fixtures, and furniture
from the old Playhouse at 319 Ocean Ave.
Sept. 13 and 14 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
-Approved a request by the Laguna
Craft Guild for the clos.lng of El Pueo
for art exhibition Thanksgiving and said
they would consider further closings or
01e street Easter and Memorial Day.
-Directed the city manager to prepare
e1 new towing service agreement between
Larry Hunt and Laguna Towing Service
providing a rotating system of official
-Appro\Ped a request by the Laguna
Lawn Bowling Club for an additional $900
for maintenance of bowling greens. The
club will receive a total of $3,500 for
H 011aeco111i1ag
Lt. Neil Sellers of I1nperial Beach gets welcome home kiss from hi s
wife and hug around the knee from his son, Patrick, 22 months, after
a.rriving Thursday at Imperial Beach Naval Air Station follo,ving
five months of duty in the western Pacific. Sellers is a helicopter
pilot with an antisubmarine squadron.
--< -
No S11rfer
Ocean Rescues of N ix on Prove It
President Nixon's golf game has im-
proved considerably during his San
Clemente vacation, but his swimming
needs a lot more work.
Twice in the early weeks or his West
Coast stay Secret Service agent! had to
fish him out ol the surf in front of his
villn, reliable sources said today •
The surf at Cotton's Point is jll5l too
rough for anybody who is not a surfer.
And the Prtsident time and again has
err.phatically denied he i.s a surfer. or is
interested in becoming one -despite the
gift of a Hobie boarll from his family.
Surfboard One is used by the
President's guests. Lyndon Johnson's
daughter, Luci, was offered use of the
board by the President last week. She
declir.ed the offer, thoogh.
Kobody at the \Vestern \Vhite House
\\'iii say whether the Secret Service has
declared Ole Nixon family beach oft
limils lo the President. But Jt is k.now o.
that he doesn't swim there anymore.
Instead, he takes a dip with friends in
the relatively smooth surf at .Red Beach
at Camp Pendleton. He did that Wed·
r.esday and over the weekend.
He is also, of course, practicing swim·
ming in the e\•en more calm surf of the
family pool.
Details of his past troubles at his own
beach are unavailable from the Secrtt
Service. But one source said the Presi-
dent was twice caught in heavy riptide!!.
He was pulled out almost Immediately,
the source said.
l t1"le o,.,~, ;, ~•"CM
... ~.Qr.~ ol lo~r c1rr..,,.,.
"""' whd 10 UooeM,
Hem"edon f-~
The spirit of gre•t French period design ii
•live •nd well ... in Henredon's
~c$, $345.
1etl1111 ~
1717 w .. 1cllff Dr. 642-2050
O"" flltAY "l'IL t
Prot.ulonal ln,.rlor
KS North c .. 11 llwy. 4N-4511
Of'IN llllAT ,,L t
U .. IT...._ Slaa,.p Shooter·
Kristina Nelson of Long ~each rec.~es he~ win-.
ning form at the International Bikini Sports Com-
petfllon in Rosarita, Mexlco. Kristina topped a tiold
of 60 gorgeous girls. ..
OAllV I'll.OT IS
Troops Intervene
Nortlrlrela-ml .
Heats Up Again
Tax .Pl~~ Challenged .
Demos-Take Swipe at Nixon Reforms
Bm.l'AST, Northern Ir ..
land (AP)-Brltlah ~ in-tai:venod, , with filed boyonels
and the threat ol t~ au ear-
ly !Oday In )l<Uut to l'fOYent
a crowd ol ~"" from !nvodlni-a . Raman Catholic
Otmocr1ts on the Sen.Ito
Fln&nce Committee are
c'bailenglng Nixon ad~ VlgUanln aroups from botb mlnlslroUoo proposals to cul
religious c om~ u n I l I es ~ on the relief for low and
gathered oo the streets dUrLog middle income ramllies in the
the night CllT1inl poi.en, iron " Hoose tu: reform bUl.
bars and dulls. 'Ibey milled Sen. Fred R. Harria or
about and lalk;ed, In small Oklahoma, who is c~ainnan of
groups until a Crowd ol about the Democratic National Com·
'IOO Protestants bepn moviJ\c A Sh t mltUe., has told the .adm-
• IOWltd the Catholk: Falls tom 0 inJJtration he Is "really ap-
• Road area. palled that you wou14 do leas
Mmn. esotan Abdul 1,500 BrtUsh troops Off Ag' a:n • for the low income tazpayer were summoned to duty in the ., than the House bill."
. tense capital. By 2 a.m. the Sen. Albert Gol>e, D-TeM., W• TaJ t soldiers had lhrust baci. mobs GRAND VALLEY, Colo. voiced similar viewa. IDS en of several hundred and (AP) -A second 24-hou.r Administration 0 If i c I al I
cleared a ~yard ~man's delay in the uoderll'OtJfld were called back before the
At Pa. gea' nt land belwe..l rival factions alOmlA: nuclear ebot In western committee a1ain today to
without using their I a s Colorado was recommended' dilCUSll lht recommendaUons
grenades. today by the weather advitory presented T b u r s d a y by
ATLAN'I'lC C JT Y, N.J. 1bree aasoline bombs panel for roject Rulison. · Secretary of the Treasury
(UPI) -Judith Mendenbal~ smashed Into the bedroom of a The action WH taken by the Da,vkl M. Kennedy .
.a blonde. green.eyed 11-year--catholic house in norUt Beltast Atomic Ener1Y Commlasioil He said the administration
okl. Ml.st MlMtJOta, WOb the today. The occupant hurled after 45 minutes of briefing :1 woold grant $920
s_.i rowid of tal•nl com,_ ba k · l "· Ir l he -• ~-te at l"· ....W.al "1 · I ta 1·-• I tition at the -Mias AmerfCa two c 1n o ..,.... s ee w re a."' \r.:\IQ •>e ·~e-·· Y'°~ 0 1n annua x re Im o
P!lll. eant 'nlursd~ night wlth they exploded, but the third lice in nearby Graod JunctJ~. farrillles Jn the lowest income
her fl •-"T"• s las caused slight damage. Wlnds which swuna from lhe brackets, compared with $1.7 She~ ~." '"' w Protestants who barri~aded southeast toward the east da.r· bllUon in the House version.
coroe famWes.
1'<1 uamgle, he oald.1 mar-ried cnuple wltb ,,,. chlldrtn
100 '7,l!Otl of IMUll -wquld 1et 1 l.5 petc<ot rtduc-
tion, from. a $563 annual tu to
A -1mllor couple with 112,500
~d aet a 5.1 percent cut,
from ll,314 to $1,221.
Gore met stronf 1d·
mtrilslraUoo oppoattlon IO bis
propo11l ·to ,increase th e.
personal exempUon.
But he told newsmen,
"Don't you wrtu that oft I'm
ROfng to be bortns in on It
every dJy . That 1s really-the
appropriate way to ,ive ta1
Edwin S. Cohen, "filtanl
secretary of the Treuury for
tax policy said it would cost
about p .s billion to raise the
income tu exemption to tTOO
from the pr<sent MOO .
A boost to $1 ,200, mentioned
by Gore, would cul Treuµry
revenues by '17 billion, Cotttn
Gore predicted al.so that the
Donegal Road demolished the ing the night and scattered Kennedy e m p h a 1 i i e d • th~~~:S w~~~ tieap of debris and wrecked e I e ctr i ca 1 thunderstorms however, that his plan still
W.. •--COnneeUcut, Carol vehicles at the urging of the sweeping act06o the Colorado would remove 5 million Jow In-
-Vall sed l h t • f the fh• DAILY PILOT •ff,,. 101t1• Jean Norval, 21, whose vie-Rev. Ian PaiSley, the milllanl River ey cau e rot'°~. axpayers , rom •f "'• .._.. f••Mff. ii., ictwel
,_ in· the ~--·'l compeU· evangelist. Thej sang the decision despite forecasll the ,.. ,,-,. •f ,.,;,.., , .. ,ilo'lo I•
adminlllraU.. would fall In II>
l!lllott to add a tax rate a.11 for
--IO the lloute bU~ Under this propooal, the
bulc'.rate would be 4f ~
IS llalnal, tbe present 41.
Committee chalrm 1n
R.....U B. Lon1 (O.La.), aald
he could not 1tate hia positlort
on 11111 unUI bl1 panel had
made its dec1aiona on the
overall revtnUe effects it
wllbed to achieve.
1be cut wouJd save eor·
porattom fl.I billion 1 year.
ft.1 P.M.
•llDATS 1M P.M.
1714, 141·1111. &.M.llte4 ••• s..c ......... c.. ....
........ vw.~
E. H. LEVAN Solons' Anti-Military
Drive Slowing Down
~ wu ~60';ritb frenzy British nallonal anthem and winds mlsht improve during And he insisted it would give ,,.; ~ ... ,,,,, lri the 11"'11;111.
by her hom~state supportus -~th~•:23~r~d~P~s~alm~.~~~~~!lh<~d~a~y,:._~~~~~~~m~e~ri~ted~~re~li:et~to:'.....:m:l:dd:l:~:ln:·::::::::::=;:::::::::::!!::::::::::::::::::::: waving cowbells and blowing
Senate drive to slash Pf'll&gon
spending appears to h'lve lost
some momentum as it heads
toward showdown voting, pro.
bably on Monday .
But a source dose lo the
Senate bloc seeking to trim
about 13 b11""1 from 'I. '20
billion military procurement
authorization bill says the ef.
fort "hasn't fallen apart yet
by any means."
''There has been 110me
momentum lost but that's ooly
natural after the recw," sakl
this aourct.
He knew of no defections
from the 35-4(1 votes military
spending critics c 1 a i m e d
before the August recess, and
he "hoped" there l\ad been
some converts.
Senate leaders said Thurs·
day that the first of several
amendments to cut or delay
.fuods for. specific military pro-
Jec1.! would come up for a vote
Comidered will be a n
amendment lp0n$0l'ed b y
Wlaconsin Democrat William
Proxmire to deny $W million
for 23 additional C5A transport
planes and to direct the
Gentral Accounting Office to
study what the cheapest way
The 35-22~~-35 brunette won
despite a burn she suffered
earlier in the day when a sun-
lamp fell (!n her right knee.
Other contest.ants helped her
cover lhe bum with cosmetics.
The ~, Minnesota and
Connecticut thus joined Ki thy
Lynn Baumann, 19, of Ohio,
and Patricia Jo Brummett,
21, or New Mexico, as the ear-
ly favorites to become Miss
America 1970. 1.Ilss Baumann
and Miss Brummett won the
swimsuit and talent competi-
tioNI Wednesday.
Each of the four will re-
ctlve a ,1,000 acholar&hip.
* * "/:( would be to meet Ute airlift capacity the Pentagon wants.
Libya Hits
Junta Foes
S S tt Critics contend that 58 ot the en. co big planes thal already are CAlRO {UPI) -Libya's
new military regime warned
today it will crush "with an
iron fist" any attempt to oust
it or reinstall deposed King
Idrill. Hundreds of we.slern-
ers were reported stranded
in Tripoli. I
flying, under construction or
Takes Duties :,.,~ ~in3,. ~'!:ta~
' couldn't even lind enoua:h Of Dirksen ~om~~eady troops to fill all
Portly, pipe-smoking Hugh D.
Scott wasted no time 'Ilturs-
day in taking over as acting
Senate Repu,blican Leader.
But he says fits only aim is to
"keep the shop open for Ev
until he geta back."
"Our intemion is to keep the
shop going and pa55 on the
leadership unimpaired when
he returns," said the Q.year-
old Pennsylvanian when asked
how he views his duties as a
st.and-in for the ailing Everett
M. Dirkle:n of Ulinois.
Dirksen, "13, u n d e r w e n t
riurgery for lung cancer Tues-
day and is expecled lo remain
In. the hospital from four to siir
weeks and at h o m e
recuperating fOf' several more
Scott appears to be Intent on
holding lhe party together and
carrying out Dfrksen·s wishes.
"I spoke to bis o!8ce: three
times yesterday and I asked to
see him as soon as I can, u
Scott told newsmen Thlll'lday.
The tall, two-term senator
who wears ha If-rimmed
glaSHS an<l._ sports a thin
mustache, commented at a
news conference that waa bill·
ed u a report on a re-elecUon
campaign swing t ~ r o u g h
Wettem Pennsyivarua.
The Republlcan party in
Penn,,ylvania is on somewhal
shaky ground at the momenl
and althouah no one has been
selected to challenge Scott, he
is by no means considered a
shoo-in for re-election. nut
yea r. This probably would
tend to discourage any boat-
rockin1 on bis part..
U.S. Reports
'Pill' Okay
government ad.Vi&Ory panel
..,,, the .bontflts from oral
conlracepj.ltea ' 1&.10. out.weilh
the rlab, delplte new J>n>Of'of
danger from blood clots.
The committee of 14 phy<I·
cians Tburld8,J submitted ita
"'°nd report IO the Food and I Drug AdminlBtraUon since
11116 on the at>lus of "The
FDA Commlaaloner Herbert
.L. Ley Jr, terined the findlnt•
"'fa vorable.''
The C'On'lmlttee chAlrman,
Dr. Lou!> M. JWbnan of N"'
York City, oakl tho pan<l'a
Other amendments -pending
wouJd block funda for a new
mammoth aircraft carrier un-
til the ac;tminiatration outlines
how the big shlps fit into its
future policy and would delay
funds for a new maMed
bomber , a supersiie battle
tank and two new fighter
Proxmire tarried the fight
alone Thursday against a
sometimes iCathing attack by
Republican members of the
Armed Services Committee.
A Dam
In Athens , King Idris, 79,
told an interview that at the
time of bis overthrow !our
days ago, he had a request
Pending before the nation's
fe&islatlve leaders that he a~
dlcale to Crown Prince Hu-•
san Al Redha.
The captain of an airliner
that wu allowed to leave LI~
ya returned to Frankfurt, Ger·
many, Thursday~ reported
hundreds of Westerners caught
in tbe capital because airpon.,
and bordera were closed by
the new regiJne.
Kids Help Beaver's Tmk
DELANSON, N.Y. (AP) -Department, tried to stop the
Delanson's persistent beaver beaver. They broke up dams. :a. only io have lhem rise again harassed by .g o v e r ~ m e n .. forthwith. 1lley set traps that
agents, helped by kids who were shunned or sprung.
want to stay out of school and One trap was found with a
Ii red of seeing hi.I work rock dnpped on its trip lever.
destroyed , fled 'lbursday to a That Uidicated the beaver had
calmer pond. allie1.
He left behind a minor "The beaver Is not sprin&ing
water Mieraency in this those tra,Ps," said Jo~ n
upstate village. W h e J a n, a Conservation
The bea ver had tried to Department game manager.
homestead a creek that con-"The school kids are. They
nects a reservoir wilb t.be don't want to go back to
Delanson water system. ms school.
daltlll all but shut o(f water The beaver dams ~ut off
service, and Thursday the 500 water to the lOCJtl school and
villagers were ordered to boil classes were canceled. ·School
their drinkinr water because opened for half a day Thura-
low pressure caused by the day with all drinkin& founta.W
last beaver dam turned oU an turned off.
automatic chlorinator _ "Most of the people around
For 10 days village officials, hl!fe have been cheering for
aided by Vernon Bailey, a the beaver.'' said PrinciPJ]
trapper for the Conservation Schuyler Comthwalte. __ _
m..,.p to the elghl million For calls ofter 6 p.m. weekdays
American Women uslna the and all weekend. 3 minutes
pill u llmOar lo the one In station·lo-station, plus tax. --@
111111: "The llihU• ollll yellow j '
-caution." IL--------------------'!
• •
I •
Terrific savings on
our ·assortment of
Back-to-School shoes
Stop in and take advantage of the fantostic low prices on our closeout
ouortment of pre-school shoes. Choose frol'll o Iorgo variety of styles
ond colors for every occasion. All of one low price. Available in pre·
school broken sizes. Buy several pair!
Now is the time to stock up on bock-to-school needs ot terrific savings
on boy.' and girls' shoes. Choose from a Iorgo variety of sfurdy and
dress "S tyles for all occasions at one low price. Available in broken
children's sizes. You can't afford to miss this one I
• I
' •
" ' • ' ' ' ' • •
~ r.
; ~
I • ( ••
Seeking Acceptance
' ,, .
There appears lo be a minor robelllon in the ranks
o( Laguna1Beach's business community.
A group of 30 or so "non-establishment" shopkeep-
irs end businessmen have formed what might appear to
aome to be a new Chamber of Commerce.
They call it the Bureau of Commerce.
But, the Bureau o! Commerce, according to its
1pokesman and founder . insurance man Ronald Kauf· man has an unusual principal goal. TbatJoal is to be
able' to close up shop. That's hardly typic of a Cham·
her of Commerce, by whatever name.
"We are not setting up a permanent structure,"
1ays Kaufman who is 32. "We hope to be aiislmilated
Into the other groups. \\'e hope to establish communica·
tions to the po1nl where we are brought into them."
lt1osl of the members of lbe Bureau o! Commerce
ere, like Kaulman, young. And many of them operate
the so-called psychedelic clothing, book and knick-knack
shops that now abound in the Art Colony.
Tbel're doing well, they report -an indication that
Laguna s aDti-establishment locals and visilors have a
chunk of establishment money to spend.
Kaufman says the "bureau" was formed because
the town's young businessmen couldn't on their own
enter the Chamber of Commerce and Jaycee leadership
circles. They ,.,.ere met with tolerance, rather than ac·
ceptance. he contends.
The creation of such an organiza'tion -even if only•
on paper -should bring ~w perspective to Laguna's
"establishment'' business leaders on some facts of busi·
ness life.
These facts are that non-establishment shopkeeper!
can be just as unhappy about thievery, drug abuse and
disorderly conduct as are the longtime merchants; and
that both business elements have common goals, as
well as problems.
The Downtown Bu siness Association -another non·
chamber chamber -this week made son1e overtures ·to lbe Bureau o( COmmerce. DBA represefltativea protn·
ised the yoWlg businessmen thelr "lull cooperation" In
brldlling I.hi• new]Y developed generation gap. The sen-
. ior Chamber of 1Commerce will,,we would liope, make
the same effort. •
Pleasant Month .for All
The world has revolved •around San Clemente dur· Ing the past month.
On Monday, Washington will become the hub once
That's when President Nixon his family and his a(·
ministration head back easl '
Nixon's vacation here has been a working vacation.
But through some incredible programming by the While 1-~ouse staff the President did manage to have most of
bts afte~noons .and evenings free -for go-lfin~. swim·
ming, a1ghtseerng1 entertaining -(but definitely not surfing)) ·
Apart from some painful decisions he had to make
(among them ~ a delay in further troop withdrawals
from Vietnam and. a massive slash in domestic con-
struction projects}, the President's West Coast stay has
been a pleasant one. '
~lute House aides say rt.his, reporters covering the
President say it, and the President himsel{ indicates it
with his buoyant good bwnor whenever he meets the press. , '
It has been a pleasant month for Orange County
loo. Especially. for San Clemente and Laguna Beach'
which have both served as White House news headquar!
ten. Everybody likes attention, and our hometown•
have received plenty of it.
., . '
ushing Children
Too Early, Fast
For Outright
Pare1its A1•e Not Peers
l.0ne recurrent proposal for speeding up
schooling process is teaching the pre.
I child bow to read. as early as 3 or
years of age. The recent revival of the
ont.essorl method " in this country is
example of lhl! new climate of opi-
I think it is a poor proposal, on two
f9unts -pedagogically and emotionally.
~He there is no doubt that a pre-school
lid can be taught to read -and quite
ell -there is no tvidenct that this
akes the slightest difference by the
e the child has reachet.i 7 or 8.
AN ORDINARY cb.ild who learn.s how
read in first grade soon overtakes the
· d wbo lus learned to read in the
rsery, and by seooncl or third grade the SU'erences have leveled out. I know or no
'ous scientific study that contradicts
·s belieC.
My second objectlon is more important
conviooed Lhat the years up to 6
designed by nature f'Jr play, and not
any formal, structured learning. A
i ung child learns in its own way, and
ust not be directed or pushed er cajoled
to intellectual efforts before its
fm ysiology and ner\·ous syslem are
P.rcpared to cope with them. ..
:-OB \'lOUSLY, SOl\1E children mature
b1tellectually before other:. do. or my
~e. only cne could read before entering
(ij-st grade. and .she picked it up quite
~tural\y by herself . She is no smarter
~ lhe olhers, simply quicker in that
particular way_
In our increasingly middle cl.ais .BOC~
ly, parenta tend to push Lhelr children too
early and too fast, and this compeUtive
pace can be pennanently damaging to
some personaliUes. A child who i~ not
permilted to play when he j_, very young
will unconsciously resent it and wreak hj.,
revenge in one ·way or another during
~tOREOVER. THE renascent pol>ulari-
ly of the Montessori met.hod is a kind of
cop-out for the poor job th' schools are
doing al the higher le vels. If we squeezed
all the waler out of OW' sc hool system.s,
and were truly aerlous about giving
children a good education (assuming that
most communities kno\V what a "good
education" consists of), then we wouldn't
nave to accelerate the process by drilling
4-year-0Jds in teading when they !hould
be learning other things through pJay.
Each age has its own readiness for
sonle different aspect of life. and it is as
absurdly inappropriate to teach 4-year-
o\ds reading skills as it would be to con-
duct courses in "sexual hygiene" for 8-
year-0lds. If little ones never learn what
it is to be a child , they will ne.ver learn
what it is to be grown up.
l~ Battle Over Giant C-5A
l!wASHINGTON -It 's a tosS·Up whal Q\e Senate \\'ill do on authorizing the
~rchase of an additional 23 giant C-flA
.,uitary tra.nspons -at a cost or SS33 9t;mon.
'.:A ba ckstage n()Se count d1sclosed "
oi>llC line-u p on this $\ormy issue -
"'1th the outcome resU"G with a handful tic still undecided ~nators.
i:An a1nendment by Sen. \\'illiam Prox-
fuire, 0-\\'1s, chairman of the Subconi·
fqlll ee on Economy in GoYernrll{!nL to
delete -a $533 million provision for these
r.ge planes i.s lhe pending business •Nhen
nsideration is resumed of the $20 bil-
n military procuremtin\ bill.
~;J'his mt!asure already has l>l'en under
;crimoniou.s Senate debate for some s11 !J!e.ks. and the end is .still n01. in sight.
~ HE UNPUBLICIZED poll revealed
iAfong bipartisan support for Proxmire's
~e'ndmenl, with bolh ''hawks" and
'!io\'es·• in bolh parties fa\'oring it. But die Air Force, .strencusly battling !or lhe
ttiinsports, alll-0 has poy,•erlul backing.
~th .sides did a lot of proselyting dut · ~r tht: three weeks' recess. and the \'Ole
Id gO.either ~·ay.
~ mportantiy aiding Proxmi re i~ that his
ajlendment dOCll not affect the already
'roved purchase , ol ~ C-3As -at an
~ , B11 George --~
S !>ea,,.George: ~ I like nus brun,llr and repealed· & ly have tried to get a date wilh her.
,...Unfortunately. another girl friend
<ii told htt J was a wolf. How can l ~ convlnct the first girl this ill not.
true? Could you gl~ me some good
advice? Wherl I asked my wife 11he
ODI)' hit me with the mop.
Dur Coocemed:
Y-. l CID give you liOtllt good
odvb. Did. titre comes the mop
Allen-Golds1uith .
estimateo cost of more than S1 billion. So
far only fivr of these planes haYe been
His measure ill limited to the proposed
acquirement of 2.3 more nominally at a
cost of S533 million, but actually a great
deal more, according to Proxmire. He
hoUy contends he and olher congressional
investigators t:ave been unable to ascet·
lain exactly how mu ch more .
IT IS PROX!\11RE'S vehcincntly ex·
pressed belief lhat the eventual cost ol
these addilional planes ~'Iii be $45 mlllion
This startling estimate is based on a so-
called "rever.sible incentive·• provision in
lhe contract granted by the Alt Force un-
de r \vhich, Prollmire claims, the cost of
theSt plane.-; increases as more art built.
As a consequence, ii the original 120 (;..
SAs schedu led are bought. their cost will
IX' al least $S.3 billion as against an in-
itial $3 4 billion esUmiite.
Thi~ approximate $2 billion "overn1n"
has already bren Investigated by three
f'ongresslonal commiuees. and uniter
Proxmire's afllf:ndment ~·ou!d be furlher
probed by the General Accounting Office.
Senator Proxmi re unquel!tlon ably has
made considerable headway against
hea\'y odds by confining his attack to the
23 additional transports and wllh a seri"
of telling arguments.
AIR FORCE AND Lockheed spokesmen
have deflnitely been oo tbe .defensive in
counttrlng !hem · and the hnrd·hllling
Wiaconsinitc has made the most of that.
\\'Ith the "1nlllit.ary·lndustri.al complex''
under firr in general, his &pecll'i<:a 011 the
C·SA have made ;.n Impact on hi! fellow
By Robert S. Al~a
ind Johll A. Goldtmi1'1
With the beglruUng or the new
academJc year, it is disturbing to know
that a primary concem of many college
and university administrators will not be
the scholastic achievement of students
bul rather how lo prevent the .seizure and
wreckage of educational institutions by
' I
would·be insurrectionists.
The decrtase in campus disorders dur-
ing lhe summer months must not be
n1illCTlnstrued. Just at soon as the
firebrands can muster a caucus of
dissidents, we will witness a continuation
of the senseless plunder which caused
more than $3 i:nilllon of damage to col-
leges and uruversities last academic
year. Between September 1968 and April
1969. one .major university alone.,.suUered
damage 1n ucess of $1 millidfi. Some
4.000 arrests were made in connection
with violent demonstrations. untold
numbers or people v.•ere injured , and at
l~ast \Vr'O deaths resul ted from campus
not s.
CERTAINLY C R 1 M 1 N A L statistics
reflect no credit on the academic com·
1nuoity. However. unless college and
university authorities take positive action
to c~ntrol campus viole(lce, it will not
~ubs1de In the coming months. The .split
1n the Students for a DemQCratic Society
<SOS) ranks during lhe SO:Callcd national
convention in Chicago last June ruulted
in the election of t~'O slates or national
officers . The ex~lled p r o • Pe k i n g
ProgresslYe Labor Party wing set up ils
own SOS organization.
Thus. opposing forces. each claiming to
represent the true SOS. will clash on
campuses throughout the country for con-
t rolling power. Since clamor and a gila·
11on are proven techniques for attracting
n~ members and support, violent
dfSruptions will come as no surprise.
ALTHOUGH THE SOS convention in
Chicago wa s, organizationally, a fiasco,
lhe feuding faclions did not for a moment
lose sight of their joint objective. Their
goal is the destruction or ;'U.S.
Imperialism" and the acllievement or a
classless society through international
The SOS considers the rebellious youth
of our country a.s part of an "in·
temalional liberalion army." It regards
young people, mainly college students, as
a means by which the revolution can be
accomplished because "in general. young
people havt-less at stake in a society ••
are more open to new ldeas ... and are.
therefore, more able and willing to move
in a revolutionary direction."
TIIOSE WHO RAU Y lo the support or
the New Left and participate in activities
championed by SOS do so under no ii·
lusion. 1be is.sues are now clea r. Time
aod the internal wranglings of the
organization have brought one basic and
important truth lo the surface. The
youthful ideallsm 0 r "participatory
democracy," so frequently espoused by
SOS wh.lle .striving for .student approval,
has been cast aside . TI1e Marxist dogma
Is in full command. SOS now calls for
outright revoluUon.
Inasmuch as breaking the law Is t
customary part ol revolutionary tactics,
many enforcement •1endes wlll become
involved iA aimp.is strife. ln most in-
~tances, the nature and detree of fn.
volvemcnt will depend on whether tchool
~ulhoriUes desire to protect their in·
111titullons and the rights of the majority
or student$ v.•ho woold ralher study than
riot, or forsake their m:porWbllitles and
crve in to mob rule.
Preserve Generation Gap
Young and old alike are pointing to
"the generation gap" aa the cause of
today's youth rebellion. Many are saying
thal the 400,000 (reportedly all under 301
who attended the rock festi val at Bethel,
New York, and l.he.200,000 at the Isle of
Wight happening last weekend, all ex-
emplify the new generation attuned lo
rock, pot and sex as they try to do their
ov.·n thing. Undoubtedly, the generation
gap is wider today than mOllt oldsters
can ever recall. But it certainly is not a
new phenomenon.
WHAT IS NEW i.s that many adults
I anyone over 30· the Now Generation
says ). seem determined to close the gap
through their fawn ing adu lation and
worship of youth . Whether it is dancing
lhe.ir no-touch dead·pan dances, following
lheir .style trends or nocking to see and
hear what is "In" with the kids. the
emphasis is on remaining youn& forever.
Un able to communicate openly and
honestly with our youth, many pare:hts
and other elders whc ought to know bet·
ter, are striving to im1tate and to follow
lbeir hedonistic perambulations.
THERE NEVER can be a feeling of
equality between generalion.s. Prof.
Thomas J. Cottle, Harvard University
sociologist., puls it this way: "Authority
implies an inequality between the old and
the young ... Parents are by definition
not peers and their concern does not im·
ply that they become colleagues." The
rclationship.s between parents a n d
children, teachers and students, elected
officials and youth, should jmply un-
questioned authority. kept within
reasonable limits. and a finn com·
mitment to preserve, not eliroinale, the
generation gap.
' THE RECENT VOGUE which en-
courages children lo refer to their
parents and -teachers by their first name
ill particularly unwi.se. The child'.s first
utterance is usually mama or papa,
v.·hich at lirst is used interchangeably for
either parenL But he soon learns to say
mama and papa, mother and father, or
n1om and pop to delineate the function
and role of each parent, seUing them
apart from other adults and from his
peers. ·~
For a brief period. beginning at about
21: years, many children refer to their
parents by Cirst name.s, but rarely be-
yond lhe age of six.
IN EARLY adolescence, when somt
youngsters again use the parental first
names, this time in a taunting,
mischievous manner, most parents used
to react with anger over their child'J
"disrespect." But not now! Actually,
mother, father, mom, dad and simil ar
terms all plar a symbolic role in ma in·
taining and reinforc ing the incest taboo,
both in intact families and in newly
established family units following remar·
riage. For they reinforce the asymmetry
between parent and child.
THE IDEAUSlf, strengths and poten·
tial power of today'll youth undoubtedly
will change the world they grew up in. No
one is sure just bow or whet.her it will be
for good or for bad. Certainly, lhey are in
a hurry. Al one sa.Id to me rectntiy,
"You waited. We won't." No longer are
Lhey preparing for life : they are living it
now, most of them with a new idealism
and sense of community nevrr ex·
perienced by any previous generation.
NOT TOO LONG from now, when the
youngest of the Now Generation reaches
30 and find them.selves beyond the pair,
the generation of the 1990's probably will
look askance at their elders in a manner
reminiscent of the 1960's, More than
likely, when today's youth are raising
children of the ir own. they will recognize
the hazards ol equality between parent
and child, oldsters and youngsters, and
maintain, in their own way, the in·
evitability of the gerteratioo gap.
'No-win Policy Is lmpioral'·"
To the Editor ;
\Ve want the Vietnam War to e.id. \Ve
v.•ant peace and ju.slice. To achieve thest
goals we might first consider certain
realities. Then ""'e may fonn ulate a bet-
ter approach. Our views maY change
when we get more knowledge on a mat-
ter, or see other practical solutions.
No ReOPles are completely lily \j,'hite.
But on reading about the procedures and
atrocilies in the Vietnam War. it's ob-
ioos that the Communist! are the agg·
In North Vietnam, •lo Chi f\.1inh sent
strong arm squads into most or Uie
villages. All who might oppose him in the
future -landowners. businessmen. in-·
tellectuals and schoolteachers -we.r:e
forced to confe ss. tried publicly and often
executed. By killing 50,000 lo Ul0,000 in
bloodbaths, Ho terrorized the masses to
IN UU HO moved lo eliminate South Vietnam'~ leadership : elected officials,
natural leaders: those with relatives in
the military. civil strvice or police :
ACCQrdlng to the Pete.rs Principle
(everyone rlse5 lo his level of in-
competence and stays there), Sad-
dleback Junior College truftees
are roaring: successes.
./ -V. S. G.
Tttlt ,.....,. '9ftlm .._.. llMWt. Mt
-ffUfilY ,..... 9' IM -· S...
-......... " ·~· .... Dlllf •1111.
' '\ r -~'t }!
~ .... 1\1 jl ilbox. • . " \c. ·,• "'
~ --~ ....
Ltlltfl from , • ..,..._ •rt W9\o;Omt. Morrnt!l1 wrtlet9
Sh0u l4 ~0<!¥1'1' lt\tlr mnne• il't :JOCI lllOl'd• or !Ml. 1,.. r1911t ~ CllflOtnH 1tttt"' ,..-,rt-• or em·.,1"1i. "'"1 Is rtHrwd. All let!~ m"91 Inch/di •19...t\trt
•lld mtltl"9 lddtlou, bul n.,..., will ti. W!lf\1111111
'" rtq .... I If '°"ffklenf TUIOli> ii •-rent.
those who failed to pay Communist taxts
promptly ; or had live or more years of
In 1965 Radio Hanoi boasted lhal the
Viet Cong had destroyeJ 7 ,559 hamlets.
By J967's end 14,138 ciYilians were
murdered and 45.919 kidnapped. This
genocide and terror is designed to
destroy leadership, frighten the Viet·
namese into submission, force the
government into repressive antl-terrorb1t
acUons and gain propaganda advantage .
from counter·ab'ocities done by South
Vietnamese so ldiers whose (amiUes aul·
fer from the corTtmunlsts.
IF SOIJTll VIETNAM fails, lhe late
Ho'1 torturers wUJ kill millions more. Yet
over 80 percent of lbe eligible South V~·
. namese defy eYery Communlst threat
and go to the Polls.
It's inhumane io let wishful lhlnting
blind tll tO th~ reaUUes -to let our U..
difference eoodemn masses oi people to
ICH'ture. horror and death. Yet, some of
the ignorant rant tbal the Communlst.1
wouldh't be in South Vietnam if the ~
pie didn 't want them. The miracle is that
Soult\ Vietnam h&S survtvtd ao long and
1Ull fi(llll on.
I believe the war i! Immoral In that we
don't apply our power to win the war as
llOOr. as poSlible. Ifs Immoral to prolong
the suffering of the Vietnamese. Jt 's im·
moral that all our youngsttra have to
loot forv>'ard to possibly sacrifleln& their
li~s in• war that we ltt drag on without
the intention of winning.
Succea1ful Feath:al
To the Editor :
Once again lhe six-week run of the
Festival of Arts of Laguna Beach hu
come to a close and once again we are
happy to be able to report another highly
suecessful year with record attendance
both at the pageant and on the grounds.
All this is In no .small part due to the
DAILY PILOT 'S coverage ol our event
and to the wonderful revk!w or the
pageant written by Dick Nall. For your
help. courtesy and friendly cooperation,
we thank you. ,
President. Board of Directors
lrratlo11al Arabs
To the F..ditor:
The Suez Canal has been closed for
oYer two years and could remain closed
forever wjthout being missed. When a
Northwe.sf Passa&e Is found to the new oil
fields in Alaska lhe fret world will begin
to free itself from buying oil from ir·
rational Ar1bs.
Friday, September 5, \969
The tdUorial page 01 cne Dailu
~tot tetks to jnfonn and itim.
ula.t1 rcadn-1 b~ prt•ntino this
fttwspapc:r's ophtfoftl and com.
mentaru ('ft topict oj tntcrert
and rignifkottcc, b~ provid.iftQ «
fontm for the t%pf't's.rion of
our rtadtrs' opinions. and bu
prt"Sctntmgi tht diorrte vit:w-
potnt.t of fnformtd observtri
ond 1poke.smt1n °" topics of the dov.
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
TovqH -Sunami Rites
E.vening Vows
. '" ' 4''>.J
Huntington Beach Home
Keys Start
Of Season
h·lrs. Sherri Gittle1nan, lyric
opera sopr;\nO will entertain
Upper Bay )ssociales of the
Orange County Philharmonic
Society during their first
meeting of the new season.
Mrs. Gittleman, who won
the Metropolitan Opera East
Coast audition in 1958, has had '
roles at the Pacific Opera 1n
Long Beach, UCLA opera
workshop and at lhe UCl
opera theater. She Is a Cosla
Mesa resident.
In Offing Luncheon
Plans Told
'-fusic by fl1iss Betty Burkes,
sopiano, will open the lun-
cheon program next Tuesday
for the Christian Women"s
Club of Newport Beach at
noon in the Newporter Inn.
A narration on the ri.Jagic of
Thoughtfulness 1· hr o u g h .
Greeting Cards will follow by
Anson ?o.fcArlhur, and a talk
by Mrs. Jack Swearengen of
'Fullerton will cOnclude the
luncheon agenda,
The meeling will be called
to order by Mrs. Robert Leith
;it 10:30 a.m. Monday, Sepl. 8.
in the Ne\Yporl Beach home nf
Mrs. Itoberl Crawford .
Luncheon will be served aflcr
the progra1n.
Reservations may be 1nade
by calling Mrs. llarold
Jo'ischer. 962·1 129. or Mr~
William O'Brien, 545-3070.
Draws Will
A discussion of lhe Last \Viii
and Testament by Jerome 1\1.
Bame, Hunlington Beach al·
tomey, will comprise the pro-
gram when lhe Orange Coasl
Mothers of Twins Club meets
Wednesday, Sept. 10.
The group will gather for a
· ~ial hour at 7 p.m. in Li's
restaurant. ~luntingtcm Beach.
A Cantonese dinner will be
11crved at a p.m.
All mothers of twins in the
area are welcome to attend
the n1eeting and may make
reservations by calling Mrs.
Jack'faylor, 842-7076.
A l\'edding Nov, 8 in Our
Lady Queen of Angels Church
IS being planned by Cheryl
Jean Bogenrief and Willlam
Alexander Byrne, both of
Ne1vport Beach.
The betrothal w a s an·
oounced by her parents. l\lr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Bogenrief
or i'Jewport Beach.
The benedicl-clttt. son aad
'ilepson of Afr. and Mrs. C. R.
F. Smith of Pacific Beach, is a
graduate of Ca n ad i a n
The bride-tcrbe attended
Ohio Slate University where:
~he: \Yas a member of the Coed
Cadet Corps and Delta Gani·
ma sorority.
League Offers
Di scussion
~1rs. Paul Be:rnharl will
open her Newport Beach home
for the third in a series of four
monthly meetings sponsored
by the Costa Mesa Chapter of
La Lechc Le.ague.
Birth of the Baby and Farn1·
ly Relations \\'ill be discussed
:it 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. II.
The public is invited, and
further informalion is avail·
;;ible by calling Mrs. It \V
Moore at 545-4359.
Old Favorites
Anlique ldea11 in ring styles
stilt are favorites. thf" blacken·
cd finish almoost always dia·
mond studded.
Here's where t~ cabochon
amethysts. the turquoises, the
corals and the cameos play
their starring l'Qles, and pear·ls
play the suppor{Ing role.
Sltlzue Swlaml and William
R. Tovatt exchanged their
wedding rings and vows duf'.
Ing an effning ceremony con-
ducted by the Rev. Edward
Erny in the Co 'mmunlty
Methodist Church, Huntington
The bride is the daughter of > Mr. and Mrs. Daijiro Sunami ,
or Narashlno-shi, Japan, who ~ • ~ flew to Huntingt.oa Beach to be ' -, l present for the nuptials:. lfl'l-W..
The bridegroom is the son of LOS ANGELES BASE
Mr. and Mrs. Anlhony Tovatl J•Mf Merh•
o{ Huntington Beach. --
Ct let te C:O.r
Sixth Season Opens
Duo Singing
For Rivierans • "l\fy Happiness" sun, by
Jon and Sondra Steele will
open the first nlonthly meeting
of the new season for RiYiera
Club me1nbcrs and U1eir
g\lesls ne"t Wednesday in the
Balboa Bay Club.
tertainment with piano styl·
ftlga u well as the type of
slnglng that earned I h e
Record-ot-the-year award for
lheir version of "My 11ap--
piness'' will be provided by
the Sleeles.
Clubwomen desiring lun-
cheon reservations may obtain
them by calling Mrs. Vasco
Batschwaraff, 49W.'IJ7, by
next Mooday.
D.llLV l'ILOT J 3
Newport Harbor Aru Coun-
cil of Beta Sigma Pbl will
honor ils founder, Walter W,
Rosi with a memorial service
at a p.m. Monday. Sept. S. in
Halecrest ,clubho~. Colla
Mr. Ross, who '1icd la11l
June in St'Otlsdale. founded
the sorority 38 years ago in
Abilene. Since then il hu
grown to more than 200.000
members in many countrlet.
ln California alone, there a.re
more th¥ I t.000 members. f G!Yen Jn marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned
i in floor length lace over taf-
feta with taffeta edging ber
lace train. Her fingertip iJ.
luslon veil was held by a floral ~ headpiece· and she carried a ·1 j bouquet of gardenias, 1ilies of
the: va11ey and stephanolis. ,
The galhering will com·
mence wlU1 a social hour at
tf:30 a.m., luncheon at 12:30
p.m. and a short business
meeting before the day's
Club president l\1rs. Watson
E, Jarrett will \\'clcome new
memOOrs to the south coast
social organization whlch now
is in it s sixth year of ex.
istenee. Section chairmen will
acquaint members with plans
for Che year's activities, and
the Steclcs will be introduced
by r-.trs. Carl W. Adams, pro-
gram chairman.
Also upcoming is a meeting
for Book Secllon members in
the home or l\-1rs. Orville L.
Harper at JO a.m. Monday,
Sept. 1$, when Pearl Buck's
latest novel, "The Three
Daughters of l\1me. Liang,"
will be reviewed ,
Members planning to bear
about the author'! latest novel
which deals wllh modern
China are asked to call Mr:i;.
Harper, &eetion chair1nan, 49~· 11153.
Conducling the rites will be
Mrs. Frank Reed. council
president, and as~isling will be
Miss Dorothy Dunn. Mn.
Delmas Golden and Mn. Joel -
Vail . Further information Is
available by calling Mrs. Reed
al ~5-4466.
Her attendents were the •
Polished m u s I c ii I CTI·
t ~ters and sister·in-law or lhe
bridegroom . t.1iss Patricia
Tovalt was maid of honor and
bridesmaids were l\Uss Susan
Tovatt and l\1rs. l\1ichael
Their gowns were fu ll length
silk Boen styled with empire
waists and bell sleeves. and
they carried bouquets of
daisies and baby 's breath.
Sex Education Drive
Plans for the year will be
outlined when the Ladies Aux-
ihary of the Orange County
Association for Reta rd e d
Children meets next Monda)'
evening al 7:30.
Tracy and Bobby Tovatt.
niece and nephew or the
Examined by Council
J bridegroom, were flower girl
and ring bearer.
Michael Tovall was 'his
brother's best n1an and guesls
were seated by Paul tt1urai,
Mike Jameson. Al Nwnura
and Don Kato.
Mr•. Judith Fi•ld'
Up and Away
Kathryn Stael•
' ' ,,_;! The National and Local Sex
Education Drive will b ~
discussed when SI. Bonaven-
ture's \\'ornen's Council meets
Tuesday, Sept. !I, in the
Meadow View School, Hun-
tington Beach .
The prograrn will be Fo\loYdng the ccrernony and
a reception for 200 In the
church hall, the newlyweds
departed on a y,•edding trip to
Jdyllwild. They \\'ill make
lheir home in Huntington
Quartet Wins Wings
prcsen1&d in two parts "ilh
i\1rs. Bernard Gage examining
Ui~ nalional scene. including a
11arrated film strip. Dr ,
The bride attended 'Tokyo
Women's Christian College
and Orange Coasl College, and
her.husband attended San Jose
State College and OCC.
Special guests at the wed·
ding were the bridegroom 's
grandmother, l\1rs. B c rt a
'Tovalt. and f\lrs . Ra y Hartley,
his great-aunt.
Four Orange CoasL rc~1dents
l1ave y,•on their wings and soon
1Yill be flying high.
Recently completing f11ghl
ho:?tess training al T\V A· s
training center in Kan ~as City,
!\lo. \\'ere Mrs. Judi th Ann
F'ields o( 1-luntinglon Beach.
r.tiss Janet f\lerha of F'ount<11n
Valley. Mil's Kalhr~·n !..er
Steele of Ne" port Beach and
Laguna Beach Chapter
Hosts Regional Lunch
11 f Joseph i\iastropaolo will oner
a probing analysis of the pro-
posed course for the I.Jun.
The daughler of l\lr · and tinglon Beach High School
~!rs. Henry Barnard , P.1i's. District "'hich will be voted on
Fields was graduated frorn by the board of trustees Tucs-
t.11llikan High School, Long day, Sept. 30.
Beach, and <1ttcndcd Long r.1rs. Gage, who w a s
Beach City College. She \\·ill graduated from elementary
and high schoolll in Huntington be ~rv1ng TWA doincstic Beach, is a past president of
flights frorn Los Ani;clcs the Parent-teachers Club. She
Interna tional Airport . is ac!l\'e 1n church work, has
t.liss ~lerha. daughter ol served on many city and
Vranklin f'. r.1erha. 1s a school cornmiuces and on the
,.,raduatc of Dominnuez }li<1h Orange County Grand Jury in
"' b I) 1900-61.
School, Con1plon, and allended She has two Ill a r r I e d
San Jose State College. She children and one grandchild.
at an area state college.
He is a rellow or lhe Council
on Epidemiology of t h e
American Heart Association
and has ?ierved (our years in
public health research. l·tc has
taughl family life and sex
education as part of a course
in personal and community
h e a I t h. Dr. and r..1rs.
Mastropaolo are the parents of
four chlldren .
Refreshments will be served
ar 7:301 p.m. with the program
to begin at 8 p.m.
l\1rs. G. B. Kehrberg of
Laguna •!ills, newly elected
president. v.·ill preside during
the galhering in.the associa·
lion office. 2002 W. Chestnut,
Santa Ana.
Othe r new officers are the
Mmes. Rene Guns. Tustin.
vice president: Vincent Tock,
Anaheim, secretary, an d
llarotd Langhans, Santa Ana,
Interested women are in·
viled lo attend th,e meeting.
Other evenls schedu\~d by QC Single Bees
the councilinclutle :.he: October
fatnestival; November dinner The second and founh F'ri-
dance in Meadowlark Country day of the n1onth Orange
Club; Christmas party for County Single Bees gather in
school children, a follies shon·, Pioneer TO't''fl, Santa Ana.
runimage sale and fashion '"iiA;;;c;;;t;;;iv;;;it,.ics~be~gi•n•a;;;t;;;a;;;;;i;p.,.m,..~ show. 11
Theme for lhc yea r Is ORGANS
Building Through
Participation, and many
speakers are: scht.>duled for the
monthly meetings the seco nd
Tuesday of each month.
Laguna Beach Assistancf! !\!ills, Roy Thoroughman and
League \\•ill honor the Robert L. fl1arv1n.
ltegional JI Counci l of Na-r.·lrs. Kenneth Colborn and
tional Assistance League with !\1rs. Nicholas l\1alouf \\' 1 11
a luncheon in its League create luncheon decorations.
House. Laguna Beach nell"l Others assisting in pieparing
Tuesday. and serving the Junc!1con will
also will se rve domes ti C Dr . l\last.ropaolo received
flights from Los Angeles his PhD fr om the University Allen School ts the meeting
International. of Joy,·a and Is a professor of pla~ for Huntington Beachl
A graduate of La Habra physical education and depart· TOPS Pound Plnchers at 7
High School and the Un1vers1-ment coordinator of research p.m. each Monday. I
ty of California. Sa n la ;;;:;;:...,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,-;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;iiii;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;: Harbara, t.fiss Steele is the
daughter or Mr. and Mrs.
The: region, comprised of be tht' !\1mes. C::irl \V. Nash,
delegates from Assistance C.R. Beck Jr., Fred Jessen,
Leagues in Orange and San Andrew ~lorthl:ind, \Villian1
Diego counties and a pro-Phillips, t(enry Stuart \Vrbcr,
bationary chapter in Yuma, llellmuth llanneman. J on
v.·ill condut't. a b u s l n e s s Mason. Douglas Smith and
meeting and participate in an Charles Cofiyn.
Hobert E. Steele. She \viii 1 serve aboard internationa l
fllghts frotn John f . Kennedy
lnternalional Airport, New
Assisteens W o r k s h o P con-The N a t i o n a I Assistance
ducted by l\1rs. B re n t League has chapters i n
Also s e r v i n ~ passengers
.1board 1nternat1onal flights
from Kennedy Airport will bel
Miss Coar, daughter or t.1r.
and l\1rs. Roger M. Coar. She Wahlberg. Colorado, Texas, New Mexi!'fl,
Mrs. Thomas I·!. Jones, Washington and Arizona as
president of the Lagu n a v.·ell as California.
y,·as graduated from !
Westminster High School and
attended UCL
chapter, and fl.frs. J oh n1;======-================;, I Solomon, regional represen-
tative for !he Laguna chaptcr1 This steel-'watch \\'iii issue a special welcome to
Me<. Edward Pellegrin ol COS!S more than Newport Beach \.\'ho served as
regional chainnan three many gold watches. times.
l\trs. Williston Bradway,
<ilternate regional represen-
tative will assist r-,.1rs. Jonei;•
and Mrs. So lonlon along with
hostesses the Mmes. H. 0.
New Club l
Organized /
Women interested in fann-
ing a Laguna ToastmiSlress
Club are urged to attend the
group's second meeting in the
.lolly Roger re stau rant ,
Laguna Beach at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday. Sept. 9.
i\frs. Calherlnc McQuerrie 1
1Yas elected interim president!
o( the group during an
organizational meeting at
which time the nine women 1
!'resent decided to apply for a
charter. I
Toastmistress International
consists or more than JOOO
c!tJbs throughout the world
and is devoted to improving
the latent talents of their
members and d c v e Io ping
leadership and poise in bothl
public and private affair&.
All area women interested
in the group are asked to call
lifrs. McQuarrie, 494-7936,. or
Mrs. Ida May Schomaker, 499-
1579, for further information.
It's a Rolex Oyster
Perpetual Chronometer.
Oytter case carved from a solid block or
stainless steel. Water-resjslan!. •
Perpetual rotor, 26-jew&: mcvement.
Chronometer certlficalfon :;JUarantees prcc!·
sion under extreme conditions.
Because most of the work ls done by hand, 11
lakes a year to bu ild ii. 11 '11 probably last you
a lifetime. $197.50 with ma1ching steol bracelet.
• •'· ~'" c~. c•o"'" 1nd ~'Yll•l .,, lni1~t.
1/2 OFF
84 STORES •• : ALL 72° SLA__VICK'S
and open nightly t ill •:30
5outh Coast ?taza
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v.~, i;.it~ro• •"°""1 W•h:•mt -11u1u.mu1e1r4. """"., CM'l'I!• ""
0 '9• M•1tdey, frTd1tf 11ttll t :JO jl .111.
326 Marin• Av•nu• -Balboa Island
Un The Art Ctnltrl
• I
' r,
Six Schools
Offered for
Piiot Logflook
Whereto Put
Unwed Mothe1-s
Br JAGK BROBACK or -. DAll'J ,_ tt•
Mii\)' stranp lhlnis lake ploce during the lwi<e-.,..kly
aeasiorrs of Orange Coun~'s auguat Board of SllPUViaora.
but it will be a long time before a recent hearing on the
Florence Crittenton Home for unwed teen-age mothen ls
Picture, if yoo can. a hearing room full of people, more
than half of them opposed to 0 ain" in any form if tt is near
them. ~ balance flt Into the upper segments of the "do-
goodtr" types -purposeful, direct, well meantng.
Sit back and listen to some of the things said.
County 1.oning Administrator Ray Reed, who bad granted
the use permit for the home in an area zoned for "small ~
' tates0 in the El Modena sector of north central Orange Coun·
ty, e:tpla1ned the problem.
SANTA ANA _ Six sChools fie said the county counsel's office 'had ruled lhe home
tn Orange County offer 8 could be classified as an "educational tnstitutton,.'' a legal
speelalitfd educaUon f 0 r use in the small estates zone. The $600,000 faclllty to house ~rded children. 63 glrls wu to be built on 2.5 acres owned by the Friends
Operated by th• Orange Church of El Modena. Reed said many of those protesting lived a haH mile or more away from the site. County A a: s o c i a t I o n for . Attorney Modger Howell, rtpresenUng the complainants,
Retarded Children, the Hope S01Jght to set the tone of the hearing with a stipu]ation that
Haven Schools have a pr~ "the home is desirable in the county, but NOT on this prop-
gram desl.gned to teach erly."
retarded children s e 1 f • A man who said he had lived in the area since 1953 com--
discipline and responsibility. plained, "We just got a pig farm out. now thi.s. It will hamp-Children from 2,,.,_year or er the sale of our property." •
age and up are eligible for A IO-year resident (male) wanted t.o know , "Where will
enrollment at the non-profit the girls go walking? Our boys shoot guns in the hills nearby."
&e;hools. which have operated A woman protested that she was not against the home.
countywide since 1952. Classes ''We've just been approved for adoption of a child, but the
11tart in September. school children who must wa.Jk by the home, my, iny," she
The ability for the: retarded said.
child t.o get along with olhtrs "We tell them that such things are wrong," she contin-
i.s ooe of the areas stressed at ued. "how are we going to justify our statements with such
the schools. a place he.re?" .
The Hope Haven Schools of· A man v.:ho said he bought six acres nearby because of
fer courses in language, pre. "the rural atmosphere and a place to keep horses," decried
read Ing, a r it n· m etio, the plan. ~lt would be a degradation of ()Ur area." ·
citizenship, science, physical After ~veral more such plaintive cries, the supervisors
training, social adjustment closed the Hearing.
and handicrafts. In summation, Super11isor Allon Allen said he thought the
Hope Haven Scllools are at property was "an ideal site for an institution or this type,
the following locations : next to the church. Both are trying to do good.1t is the IDEA
Com Mesa: J82 1 Monrovia that is feared ." ·
SL, classes from 9 a.m. to 1:30 Supervisor David L. Baker characterized the testimony
p.m. as "emotiooal, on the subject of good or evil rather than the
Anaheim: East Anaheim proper interpretatlon ol the legal code."
Methodist Church. 1457 East Supervisor Robert Battin called the protests "argument!:
Romneya. classes from 9 a.m. against. tbe poor."
to 1 :30 p.m. Baker moved that protesters• appeal be denied. The mo-
FlJLLERTON: Ch l l dren's tion carried unanimously. Win a few, !Ol!e a few. "
Ceoter, 2000 Youth \Vay, 9 ~~~::.:~_. ~.l. . .:... -... -· _. ~c.--·"'··. - -a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ---
Gardea Greve: Pre-School,
First Presbyterian Church.
11832 Euclid, 9:30 a.m. to
11 :30 a.m.
Santa Ana: Two sessions -
St. Luke Methodists Olurch,
2215 W. McFadden. 9 a.m. to
1 :90 p.m., and Pre-Schoolers
from Sl:30 a.m, to ll:SO a.m.
Cit~• WrltM. llnldont ot E"91u•d.
OM• fll dHlll. Se!tlllmbitr '· s .. rv!v..., .,.,.. 11'*'9llCI, WlnlelOI H. Wrl9hl1
.,_VIM_., ~ .>o.11 Telbot, lCS OUltt tov.. tor-dtl Mtr. Priv•lt ~r.
\l'lcw1 ,,_ MICI et lllltr Mortuery,
Coront dll Mar.
SUWVAN Drlw S..lllY•11. 111)0 A...0.L. ... ,.,, ll,
S..I Seado. 0.'9 ot dulh. S!'ll'I '· .SUrtlwd lw slit..-,, Mrt. ll'obt'rt W•·
lie. Incl Mri. Jotedl Mt0Dn.ld. 11-
lrt t;30 Frld1r Holy F1mllr C1tt.olk
Curch. R;toui.n M.,. S.llJ'l!IY 10:00
•"' Holr Femltr C.lllo!lc Chllteh. In·
le<'ment .._It '°"'11 c-1...,. Olid911'
lri1tMf1 MottlJ,lrv, 01rwo:11:tr1. t4·m1.
1!'1rl SIM• .... tlMI Nltel Clrclf. MIJnl·
1,..ton l!Mdl. Oii• o1 duth, SirPI J. s .. ..,i..ee bY -. Rlch1rd 1nd °""''d
$turns: 1111..._ P1MY llo'fd, Iowa.
Ind O!iralt'IY Ill~, 'T•~1i; fin 11rl....,.
cnildrrr1. Senrkn wll1 be "'-Id Mo.,.
dlY et 11 em Wn1c!111 Cl'liloel. l~lor·
mll"!I F1!rh1Y1n C...,e!err. Rt•. Rltfl.
ft•d Oun\111 olllcl1!lnv. W11tt llff MO'·
1111rr. OlrKI01'9
Ftlnk ltolend U~ N1wPOt1 Be•t~.
Oltf of dt1!ll, $tpl. ), ~lltYIVl'd b•
... u .. °""°'~' E : d1u,Mer. Ck~Y
R ' brotl>tt'" Willltd f , Usl'dOm.
~•lm1t. tnd Edw1ro W , c111u90:
~ls,f<•· Be11rk t O<l1>1r 1..a Gl1<h'S
Rllbt>t".I, both or Chlt1110. ~rvlcn
will M held Mender el 11 1m P•
clllc View Cl\11>11 lnltrment P<'t<lllc
View ~Ill P1rM. P1tlfit \'llW
Mcwtu1rr, Dfr.<:tws.
Westcllif ~lortuary m E. lilh St.. Co11a J\1.esa
Corona del !\tar OR 3-9450
Costa !\tua J\U 6-2tt4 • BELL BROADWAY
IJD Broadway, Costa J\lcsa
Huntington Valley
17911 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach
M!-7i71 • McCOll'UCK LAGUNA
17'5 Laguna Canyon Road
Laguna Beacll
Cemetery e J\lortuary
J500 Paclric View Drh·e
Ne"port Beach. California
ltf.!700 • PEEK FAMIJ,V
':111 Bolla Ave.
WHUnl.ulu m= • 811EFFER MORlVARY
2 Trial W it1iesses
Freed for Weekend
SANTA ANA -Rick and
Carl Slevie Tice will get their
v•ish this weekend -release
from Orange County Jail
where the two vital "'itnt?Mes
tht district aUornsy·s office is
successful in moving for hear·
ing of the charges in Superior
secret of the
make no
fact that the
in a murder trial are being young Tice brothers face
held under guard. possible elimination from the
B l ., ·11 I be T th trial proceedings IC they are u 1 WI on y or e allowed their freedom in the
weekend, both parties in the interim period.
dispute agreed Th u rs d ay. Vaccilations in the boys•
Rick, ll, and Carl. JS, must be testimony -one of the
back Sunday night in the jail brothers has told conflicting
accornodalion they have come 41ories of the events of the night of June 4 to the Orange lo detest v.·hile the parties to County Grand Jury and in·
the agreement analyze the ,·estigators -have been the
success,,..or faHure of the \'en· result, investigators clairn. of
lure in preparation for a poss1· \\'hat one officer called "silent
hie ruling Monday by Superior pressure.·•
Court Judge Robert Gardner. Sheriff's officers had not
They hammered out the ar· determined tod11y just \\'hat
rangcment Thursday artcr t110 form and content protection of
days of negotiati ons that lhe boys v.·ould take but it was
seemed to be deadlocked made clear that their freedom
shortly before Judge Gardner would in voh·e precautions.
scheduled J\londay !or he Attorney Keenan petitioned
twice postponed hearing. for their release a ft er
A1torncys Tom Keenan and rcpeat!XI objections by the
Keith J\lonroe won the new boys and their relatives to
pri\'ileges for their young confinement in the county jail.
' clienlS 1n negotiations that at Neither of lhe brothers had
one time seemed sure to any compla int to offer about
rounder on the adamant oh· food or the quality of the lodg·
jcctions of sheriff's and ing. Keenan explained. but
district attorney 's officers op· ~oth ''were pr~tly sick of the
posed lo any modification of con!in,sinent. restriction on
the boys' confinemen t. phon~alls and restriction of
It is expected that both boys \'l sitors."
,.,.ill ha,·e vital testimony tool· \Vhatever the outcome of the
lcr if and when Black Panther v.·eekcnd experiment, jail cun-
Arthu r Dewitt League, 20, of dilions in terms or visiting and
Santa Ana, goes on trial for phone privileges \l'ill be relax-
1hc n1urder last June 4 of San· ed, Keenan and fl1onroe con .
la Ana police officer Nelson finned Thursday.
Sassctr. Disl.ricl Attorney Ce c 11
League's prelin1inary hear-lltcks v.·el co1ncd the ar·
ing IS .scheduled in Santa Ana rangen1ent Thursday as a
municipal ~rt Sept. 25. But "trial and error arrangement
the dctenhon ~f both boys _..that will give us a chance to
\.\'OUld be continued to long st>c just v.•hat can be v.·orked
after that date assuming that out for these boys .
---19'·153$ t1U Clemellto ln.cltOI • SMll'llS' M<llllV,\llY
117 ..... 81.
for cans after 6 p.rn. -.l<days
and all weekend. 3 minutes station~o-stallon, plus tax, ~ --IC="
---------. ---... _
Kids find o ·utdoors at Unicam·p
17 -.U FOll'l'llNE Sula Ana ICboolt atlanded by lor them to do," oboeMd homesick. 'l'bm's pl'1!ly ol J<llllll'' l!Jter lan't .. w., °' .. ...,,......, · _ _. ol ·~ U I th l lU lea nd th ls BARTON FLATS _ -:. • ...,.., UKI o cam P Father Edward A I le n, a • n mp. a ere cared for," 11.ld F'lofd Norris.
i 1"' Younisttn· I t d' l r ... UCI another re.ason why thoughts a 1enlor Jn 8<>cial lJCJenct who •1 d 1 I•. to ... -··tai-a assoc a e 1rec or o woi; are of ho-. • •~ ·-ww GltM K1py1m1, a UCI I t r{alth r. t and u•• WU bead cowuelor. "'They Where tbev drink · from a r,adu1te in btolo rnr lllt June, n e ~n er.,, 8 ''Thav may bt v.ry· worried have much more ru~iblllty ' ..., • re,War at urucamp. .., brook, tirto catch llurdl and as spent four aummtn at ''At the aame time lhey are Ute.Ir Job isn't getting done, •t home thin m dle class
•lffp.imdef the atart. Unlcamp. He keeJ>I coming rewvod a!>oul wbal they HY -:;:m=•=ybt==the=='=y=lhi=·nk==t=h=e=ir==kl=da=nonn=='=Jl'=y=do=.'=' ===; · At Un.icNnp tbelr ne'!' ex· back bectuse U he •nd two because there 15 nowhere lor,r
perlenca a1ao Include Jearnlna dozen other UCl students them lo 10, they can't get to live .tth ot.bul and ftnding didn't the kids wouldn't ever away. They come. up here and
out othen care about them. &et to 1° to camp. sometimes they really blow .
Man,y of them are away from Unlcamp,.at .. UCLA facllity They ell\ Jet off sleam
home for the tint time. at Barton Flats l'n the San because they're in an ac-
The dilcoveries or 6 3 Bernardino Mountains, ls a ceptlng ~p: for once they
younpten, a,ea nine to 13, UCl ltudtnt fund rJlain1 PTO-can 1peQ their mind without
.,. •hared with l b e i r j<cL Coot per cbild ~ abool getting l•tched aloog the
C01111!0lon from UC Irvine, l50 lot the 10 day~ Cciwllelon btad."
The counselors do chores work f.ree. , He said one cabin o( girls
with them, hlie, swim and The youngsters from an im· was encouraged to S<nam for
sing ·songs around campfire poverished environment make half an hour at the girls of
with them. The counselors are things interested for the another cabin to get rid of
Join u1 for
at llM,LI 5HAaON
l"-c-.nttlvti ,.,...,,.,. w Ifie
' 1!1111... lit"" ...,..
617 Wiut M•111ilt.11, C.ri• M,,,
Fet l11fo,,..ati•11 c1ll: m .1112
there to talk,.._ be acceptin,, volunteer counselors. their hostilities.
to uodtrstand and to be their .. A lot of these kids -you You ,ask the children whatl';iii;ii;ii;ii;iii
frienda. can te:U the way their families they do ln the mountains and II == i~~~~a:w: :~~~~~gh::·;:~; =::?.~;'~~ .. :i·~e: BAHA 'IS . , OF ;.~~~~~ES' A
ever ffe theb' eounselon "I've noticed these kids It's customary for children ..
again were emphaUc i n from the ghetto are extremely who have never been away answtring, "uh, uh." baJ thert' nothin 1se from their family before to get
But the COW111e!ors, UCil.=v=e'====='==:;-'=·=========== students, plan to surpriae
Speaker -Dr. Fr•d E. Littman
Theme -Some Answered Questions
Time -September 8 • 8:00 P .M.
Place -985 Victoria "It would be kind ol unfair
to bring kid.I up here, let them
see something and then drop
them back in the city," said
Becky Palmquist, a
sophomore social SClenct! ma·
She'll make Urne during the
school year to take them to
parties and outings to par
and the beach. Mis Palmquist
last )'ear tutored at Fremont,
one of two-racially mixed
to~ held .11.t
3209 Vi& Lido Newport Bea.ch
Ro.sh Hasbana -Sept. 12 & 13
Yorn Kipper -Sept. 21 & 22
Rabbi Bernard P. Ki.,.: Cantor Milt Miller for Ticketa •Information: Call 6<\6-3608
~ -
A u C.l.A. 9rld111lt. PtllllM Abel Is ·~OOJ·
niltd Dy Iliff """ clliiwn..1 I t tl'lt! _11,
*"°'lei.rt htld of Hew Acc:ovnti tlld II I
lt!!tr °" Ille lint. !.onll A,.. rnlde~ls. Ptulll't tnd htr h111bend JOfln. lltve j111/
,..rumed from 1n11r Eur-11 v1c1tloll.
Vo1.rv1 !>ten mined, P1u11,.,..
Weltl>f!MI beck To Tiit (osff Mesi Ol!<tt .
If flie lin11 he•• moved 1lowly in 1)11
01flc1 durin9 tli1 p11I f1w J1y1. ;r,
b.c1111• 1 111w sy111.., i1 b1in9 insti ll. ••• The re11on for th e new 1y1l1m it lo
1ir1 you, th• c11llom1r, b11!1r i nd
qvie••r 1er¥ie1.
Th1t is, once we t •I tli1 "H1n9 of ii",
you'll git b1 tt1r i nd 1:1uiek1f 11rvic1,
Th.,nk yov for your p•li1nc1.
'Tiit Co.11· Mn• OflJer or C1lltornl1
F.otrll ut-1 1 hfft!Y Incl w1rm -1-'°"" to In. 1]111 nlW lltlelt•tl 101'1;"9 tM Nl,.Pot'l·M-Unil1fd Sci-01'"
!•Id .
Wr're ,...OIA or °"' t•N, our 1tnool1
Ind tM VolJ<1'QJllra wtio •ttlnd. Now 'f'Oll
Clll lhar1 In lhtt prlelt 11 )'1111 11••1
l'O\lf ""' ...ciHYClr. M\Kll ~Uttt» 11\d hepplneu to 11t11 01 you.
1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan.
Deposit $1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each
year all your principal and interest remain. we'll guar·
antee a 5.25°/., annual rate, compounded daily. It adds up
to 5.39°/., a year.
''A11d whe11
the da11• of lllo•e• were e nded,
011d the llglat of .Je•u• ••• "
..... 0 .... -, ... p+p+ MEI
2. The Guaranteed Income Plan.
Open an account of $1 ,000 or more for 36 to 60 months.
We 'll guarantee you a 5.25~~ annual rate, compounded
dally, with interest paid out to you each quarter.
ln case of hardsh'ip or emergency, yo u can withdraw at any
time with full interest pa id to the end of the previous quarter.
3. The Bonus·P1an.
Earn a bonus of V• ~~ a year when your accou nt is hsld
lo 3·year maturity. This is in addition to the regular 5~0
current annual rate. Regular interest is co mpounded
daily and may be credited quarterly for extra earnings.
Withdrawals before maturity earn at the regular passbook:
rate, Any amounl of $1,000 or more opens and maintains
your bonus account. All funds held to maturity earn an
effective annual rale of 5.25~~.
4. The Basic Plan.
The most flexible plan. You can invest any amount of
money and wilhdraw ii whenever you wish. If you leave
all your money and interest in your account for a year at
our current 5~~ annual rate with interest compounded
daily, you 'll receive an annual yield of 5.13°A.. You earn
interest from the day you deposit your money 'Iii the day
you withdraw It. Plus ..• the money you deposit by the
10th of any month earns interest from the 1st, when it
remains until quarter's end.
2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams• 546·2300
AecDVllfl m 111111,.f 11' 11 its.ODO w!Ntr JrO•i.!ori1 ot lh• rnnl k••~•~' lot~ "'\iit•fll:• ~fJIOrttlllft, • ~tf?ll111t~t 1111\Q 1t 111e lln1IM lt1tn !;ovun"''"'·
' I
' t • I
I •
, Newp~rt Harbor
• • •
vet:. ;1'2, NO. 213, '4 SECTIONS, 31 PASES • .. . '
' ' .. . ' ' .. '' • • f ..
BraZil Frees Prisoners
Bows to Pressure by Kidnnpers ~I U.S. E.,,voy_
DAILY l'ILOT Jl•U l',..t•
Limas to Lobsters
Dr. John Evers Jr., Trish Scott and itario Pacini (from left) sample
some of t.he fare to be served up ttil s weekend at annual Ne\vport
Beach Lions Club lobster bake at Corona del Mar's main beach.
Lobster dinners at $3 each will be served from noon to 8 p.m. Satur-
day and Sunday. Proceeds go to Lions Club sight saving projects.
An· Cal Will Plead Case
•• 1 •.•. • ·~ ~ •. . ,,.,. ... .,.~ .... 1'+-\+"7·-11.~-f>f'-!Jt":~
Fo1· Mo1·e Flig4,~s ·s~ .... ~8
Two major ~irtine!~ bid for . irunased
jet flights out of Orange County· Airport
will toml!! up for a prehearlng conference
Sepl 11 bel~ the State Public Utilities
Commission in San Francisco.
AJr Qiilifornia. r r e s h from partial
Juccesses with the commission over
Cllghts to and fioom San Diego and S11n
Jose-Oakland, has applied for aew routes
from the Orange County terminal to
Ontario, Hollywood-Burbank , San Jose-
Oakland and Sacramento.
Padfic Soutbwest Airlines, which
presently does not serve orange Counly,
also ta asking for nonstop routes from
Orarce County Airport to California's
major cities.
Jn these route applications Santa Ana is
a stop between flight:! to and from San
Diqo and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Sacramento is included in a few or the
· Tbe PUC Thursday rul~ that Air Cal
rould ny to and from San Diego, but
stalled for a year any action on the line's
request for service to and from Long
Beach Municipal Airport.
The commission ruled that Air Ca l will
have to make 81Tangements with the Cily
of l.«lg Beach over new tenninal space.
In a awift change. Long Beach's city
council withdrew support of Air CaJ
because of pressure. from noise foes .
If the city grants or refuses terminal
Wreck Kills Man, 23
A Buet1a Park man, Doi.Was Kwong
Tuck Young, 23, was klllid. Thursday
morning when his sports car collided with
another car at an intersect.ion in.Cyprus.
righh by nell .July 1. the PUC wiU
recoosldu·lho applidllion-
Pecific Southwest Airliriel also lost bids
lo use Long Beach Airport and fell under
the one-year delay. The commission,
however granted PSA 's request for a
Sacramentc>San Francisco run..
The prehearing CQIJ.ference, held before
llvo PUC examiners. "is to ascertain the
posiUorui: of alt pa.hies on the issues and
lbe extent to which they wish to
p'articlpate," PUC Secretary William W.
llunloP sold-•
The heatiN: will start al lO :;JO a.m. in
lht State B:Uilding, San Francisco.
No White House
Comment on Ho
The. Wetlem WbJte House is keeping
silent about ·the death <l Ho Chi Minh.
"All · I can tell you," a Niton ad-
miniltration spokesman told a news con-
ference in Laguna Beach today, "is that
the President is studying the Viet Cong
statement. proposing a three-day cease-
The 7f.year-old president of North Viet·
nam died Wedne,,day. Jt has led to a
postponement of peace talks in Paris.
The Comlnunists announced that a
three-day ~ In mournJng for Ho
wookl start at 1 a.m. s.ai,on Urne Mon-
d.,.. Initial Indications wert that U.S. and
South Vietnamese forces w o u 1 d
But no IDMmCemcnt lrom lhe White
Houae was e:rpeded today. The decision
is • touah one for the Pre&iderr.t ii it must
be made.
Brazilian government bowed today to the
demands of 1 band ot "very, very
d<termined" lerrori>la who kldnap<d U.S.
Ambassador C. Burke Elbrlck and
threatened to execute him.
• The Forelt,n Mlnlstry 'aftnounced it ··
would rree IS political prisoners: as
demanded by the ktdnapers. The an·
~ nouncemenl came barely an hour and !O
n1inutes before .expiration of an
ultimatum that presu mably \\:oukl ha\·e.
n1eanl death for lhe 6l·year-old envoy.
The a1nll<H1.~ador \\'as seized by a band
of four n1en on a Hio de J<llJ(•iro strecl
·rhursday and ihe kidnapers ~1·1 ";t
dcaoline of 48 yours for t;1clr Ucn1ands lo
be met. 1'hey rept'al cd th" 11H :111:1tu1n 1h1s
1norning but moved up the deadline ror
Lag1i1ici MD
Arrested 011
4bortio1i Ra11
OI lllt Otlly tl'lllM Sllff
A Laguna Beach physician v.•a.9 ar-
rested at his spacious cliff-lop home in
Dana Point Thursday night and accused
by police of inducing two abortions in
young unmarried women.
Dr. Robert C. Robb , 66, specializin1 in
internal medicine, has denied the .ac·
Contacted at hls home, 34567 Sctnic
Orive, the physician today said, "l have
never performed an operation on a preg-
nant woman." He 1aid the arrest wa1
"quite a shock to me."
Polj<o. bQwev,.~ 111!!1· 1¥
slleged proeOOure.s htd. ~arly cost the
life of one of the wofnen, Involved when
peritonitis, an infecUoo of the abdomen. de~eloped.' ·
Di. Robb was: taken from hi.a. home to
the Laguna Beach PoUce Department,
booked and released on 1 Sl,250 ball bclld...
Police Det. Broob aaJd olflettl armed
with a search warrant also aearched the
physician'• office at 250 Beach SL, and
seized "certain instruments."
Dr. Robb was arrested on a warrant
issued in Santa Ana municipal court. He
v.·as booked on two felony counts (separ·
ate alleged offense.a) under a peilal code
section which is: headed:
"Providing or administering a drug or
employing meana to procure mi.scar·
riag:e." The sectron llsb a two to ll\'e
yeer prison penalty.
Detective Brooks claimed that the
alleged abortion,, were induced by in·
sertlng a tube into the female organs and
iriduclng chemical soluUoM which act as
an irritant
BrooU aid th i a tenninale1 the
pregnancy when tbe embry~ or fetus
dislodJe.a. He alleged both women
developed peiitonius but that in one cue
the patlent.-vJctlm almost lost Iler life.
The investigator said one of the women
was from the Van Nuys area. The aJl eged
nffe111e in that cue, he said, occurred
Nov. 25, 1951. The more recent case.
Brooks said, occurred Aug. lZ. He 1aid
both women are 20 years old.
Books said the embryo in the first case
was believed to have existed about two
months and sald the fe tus in the more re·
cent situation was e1limat.ed to have ex-
isted more than three months.
The detective said the Jong-Ume in-
(See ARRE.tr, Pace %)
Storie Marketa
a~ceptanct 0£ tneir dem41Jda.
The aovenunent IMOWlCtment came
at 1%:311 p.m. (1:30 a.m. PDT) after it
rteelved a hand written note from the
ambassador to his wile J.IYlnl 1lbat he
v.·as alive and well but astµl1 the 'oy~
menl to accede to what be. i;alled "very,
very ' determined'' Jne.n ..
• T,bere bad· been 'two 'original demands
-rt:klase of the uonivned priSOnef'l and
ruu pl.iblicaUon of the kldnapers note
111'hich denounced the (!'O\'ernment a1 a
"dictatorship." The nole was published
'"The govern1nent has already authorii·
ed the publlc<1tio11 of tile declaration am!
11 ill aulhorize the transfer lo a foreign
tO\llilry or the 15 pcrsor.s dclained \Vl)()St>
names will be indicated," the governmenl
1Wd in a public statement.
The decls.ion waa taktn ~r 11Metinf
of the high military command, the foreip
minister and high national 1uthorilies:.
"''Ibl1 way lhe •respol\.9.lbllity will be
completely ·upon Ille beadJ ctl ·Qle<"4-
napen for ~ aafety of Amb'aMldor D',
Burke Elbrick," the statement slid.
The kldnapers were believed to be
n1embcrs ol ''MR8 '1, a guirfllla ~
ihe initials •and for MofimJito Ri.olt1·
cionario and the "I" refers to the date 'ot
the death of Eraesto."Che1• Gu1vara the
Cuban revo!Utl~illed lri Bollvli Oct. a. um. "
The kldnaping w~ the first aerlOus' ln-
rident since lbe junta assumed authority
fi l'e days ago.
The., comnlanders of the army; N&V')'
Ex·Deui Candidate
€arpenter Said
Leadin.g Recall •
Of ... 01llr ,UM .II'"
One-time Coll8fOOlional candldala Poul
Carpenter today was named 11 the dri•·
Ing: force behind the, hush-bush campaign
for recall ol Fifth l>lstrlct Supenilor Alton E. Allen. ' ..
The Cypresa OemOcrat wu, l<tenWied
by Mr1. Anthony Tlranlino. u the man
who ~ her bus"'""'' l<i be!id i!le ' ll)n\e!I,'.. ,,,,.... ' . .. "'
• • ./(· ... I °1 ' . ' Tarantino who· lU .8'• Clemente' lelepli6ne. 1 . 'itii'lii from
.. bll< ll'll•llf lhortly ·.-!Ill!', ... Oouiitmint 'of lhe c!ainp~llJI, ..... not
be reached tor: ~nt tOday. "
Mn. 1'arll!lliio, owner-oi>mfor of
Teena'• Yard~, a retail J ad t es•
materials store ln JUUgren, Square, Costa
Mesa, tool tim6 out lmu lier J>o.0001 1 ..
day to deny reporfa thal ber bUlboncl wu
seriously contempJaUng w I th (fr a W a I
froril the recall campaign.
'"Iblt's news to me," 1be aaid. ••When
I last 1poke to h.im be wag very ~ch In·
volved and he told me that the campajgn
was going well and that PauJ (Carpenter)
w11 very pleaaed." .
Also name6' b)' the lilt-styled sculplor-
desl gner'a wife was Dick (Ricbafd)
O'Neill, a member ~.the Jicb ·rancldng
family and ~ owner· Of· utenslV1.
acre.age in the San J111n «;&pJstrano area.
She declined ti •atJtt -O'NeJD'• sPeclfic
role In the mov~I oth« tbl!t'fo' Id.,,.
lily him u one <I Ille EP who ap-proached her h.,band • ..,.. moutha
Carpenter, rucribed today by 1 !f>rme<
OemocraUc colleaaue 11 a "permanently
active politician and a perpetual can-
didate", bu been de!eatei:I in bids for the
1"· • DA1'Y~ .... ~IN)CED. TO .RECALL t,lOVi',' . ~'7'• ·Po,lltlco : Ciirp,;1,1 ;,~:: . -' • J ' 1: t. . ' ' Con"greas1obif .... C11(nritfy ocCupi<d "" Republican James' B. 1JU of IJ'uJUn ind
the S9lb Assembly Di!trlct seat.
Carpenter h11 been repeai.clly , linked
over the years wtth the 1 Calilomla'
DemocraUc CooncD (CDC), the lett wtn1
offshoot invol\red fn a numbu of eJeCUOft.
' '
* * * * * * Newport Noise Group
Denies Ties to. Recall·
The NewpOrt "Beach Alfport Nobe
Abatement Commit,.. today lotally
NEW YORK (AP) -The stoct·martet dlwvowed aily . connect.ion .,with the
was: a Soler again today as it finlshtd u~"rcurrent r~l . campaJ; . aplnst
its week oo a downbeal (See quotaU-· F111b OOtrlct Sil~...,.. ,AllOO E. Allen.-
Paaea !-9). • Dan E.-y, dialnnon",of. tbe_J!Owerful
~ilizen'• ~. said a 1pedal lteeiing
Reds Launch Heavy Attacks
commltttt Di~Jt« ·held this mcrnlng
prodllctd i.n officlat position ol neutrality
on the caaipalgn: .
Emory spocliicany w111 quoted In the
"South Coaiil Homeowner'• Beacon,"~•
tabloid distributed by Ille Ailee fou. The
publ jcaUon 1parted the Emory ltateo
menl . But North Viets, Cong Pledge Truce for Ho
SAIGON (UPI) -The c0mmunlst&· t~ Hanoi said It would apply to the North
day launched their heaviest mortar and Vidnamese too.
roatet attacks in nearly a month in South . Ho ltau 1'Jong, a South'Vletnamese na-"'~· bu Ille N-~• VI ' liooal asaembl)>JUJJf," saJd, lie woold•pro-~ ~m. l ""w1 Clname!e con· 'pose that iaU tlda·ia 'tbe<.\lleCMm war
lirmod, lhey "~Jd _la!<• part In • three lilDp flghtJnf <1ur1n1 Ille entire oev....tay
day 'Ce&Se.fire announced Thl1!'9day' by period of naUonal moumin1 proclaimed
the "Ytet Cong. by Hanoi but it waa doubted hl1 Jdea l'!'l'h Vletname,. and Viet Cons i,_ would be accepted. Tuoni Aid H would
sheltd or carried oot rocket attacks on aJd the Paris peect. t.t.IU:
Tl U.S. and South Vietnamese basa ind 1)le Viet Coar racllo which first '"" towna ar.d hi\ &even American and South ......nounced UM. CQJIMlre aald todaJ any
Vietnamese base• with ground attacks. allkld ·soldier who vlolalf:a It would be
Tbe·sround attacks cost the Communistl "aeverdy punl&bed." The broadcut.
M dead agalnst comparati .. '1 lig)lt 1111ed premmab'1 spoUlne:l!a lhe North Viet· I~. . nama& as .,en, ltd the Com-Tbl ceaae-rlre beg Ina al I a.m. Monday munlatl would lire back if fired upon.
In hooar ol North Vi.,..m"s Loi. Presi-Hanoi called Tlwrtday !or renewed ef·
• derK HO Qi Mmh.. South Vietnam and tht forts'lo drive the. Ai'nerfca:ns out of South
United iiUlu wlft upocl<d to i-r it Vielnaln ond iedaiJ.'' heavy attocu
altbouih lhore had been"' finn decllion lollowod. llowner, .S. o!llcerl believed
Jn Saigon. A Russian Tass: dispatch lrom ..... the attacks weri mcre:ly another bJgh
point of \he Com muni1t autumll>'Olf~rt
whicb began tht! nighl ol Alic. ll•il ._lib
.a ~~.wave of 1Uacb. ~
• , FJve ol the Communbt £TOUl"4-\dll
were c11rried out against Amer1c:ID:I·~
within 106 mil•• of Saigon. ,,_ -ihe
Communilta 71 deld and kDlfd si%
Americans and wounded a. An attack
above Oa Nang killed thrte U.S. Mailbea
and wounded 13 and cost the Comntwilds
one dead. South Vietnamese forces klUed
another eight In beating back an atbct 1
43 mJJu from Soipn.
U.S. lntelll1ence IO!lttes reported lhat
Communist WlllraUon into the northern
prov~ ol SOuth Vietnam hid flllltn
"to r.ero" Ind' tl\al lhe alllu Upeded a
continued Juli in bt•vy-,flchUCC there. But
111ey aid lhey npeotwt lho 1nn1tra11on to
pick up when the momioon raina alrtke
The BUOOn. on • tta leCOnd ! pe:gt, •!-• l
tribuled 'llJOla trlll6at of-eounlji ·ollk:Ull r
1o llmo/y '..a .,nOs! wtlh "Tl>< ' ~·''.•·"~•··/' ,/
"Tl>e Airport Nolot 1t.bli.tnent CdlJo
mil,.. w 001 a parllclpanl In "'1 r..alt
movemenL To QIJ' knowledge, m ooe:tl
has l<"ll•e'1 por:tidpllod ln"U.·d~
lho cotpmlltte ;i. hm!lved br 1111
movemen~" ~ l&id. ~ ..
He'°111 lho •lPIJllp, ~ =· of ·111pportm:, ~bu Tnever Ill ~~~=~~ ~~~ ...... ~tis~ to I.Ike direct J!OliUc,I octlon In 11\y spi!.
clric electlDn' campl.lp/' lie Mid.
lie Aid thal lhe .....UU..,. In ll()o
cordance wllb lhlt belon. ••nejtbet qi. ....,.,.,, nor dlacouhl'I pmiclpoll6n
1n u.. ..• ,...,n moveineot"" 'V1 olher
poUtlcal c:aJflP'l&n-'•
Emoly •!Jo Plid \be -..lllff
11111" Air force ~k conlrol of ~ ..,_
ment SUnday wflen Preildent Aribur 'Do
Costa e SJlva suffered 1 atroke. ·
• 'The. Brazilian foreign .minlolly called
the kldi~plnf'IO ad-ol ~ Ill'"
and ~mple, lo Ille 'd<lrlment ol Ille In-
ternational preslii• ol Brull."
Papal Nuncl.o Humbtfto MOllJOlll
vlsilod lht Amerlcaii l!imboay-to oiler
his serv1cea·as intermediary to dt.al with
the ltid.naper1. ,
·Anolber offer to help ca.me ~ ·M"'-
lco Cii,, where the foreig?I relaUona
department said It wu wlllip& to aUaw
the 15 prisooers to take ref1,1.1t in lbe
Mexican embassy in Rio.
Nixon AdViSer ·
Says Jobs Not
Hurt by Cut
The N1im AdmlniatraUm's 11-pe&:carrt
~ub In all ""' federal c:oaatrucllou .,.,.
tracts will dot bike unemployment. IC"
cording to the Presldeol'• chief ecooomte
Dr. Arthur F. Bumi made Ille.-,, ..
lionoal I preu br~l 111 San C\-
!Oll6!rfnl GlllOllllC<llll ol Uw ......
"I do nol-expecl any unemploymen~ •
~ aaid, .'~because we have an ~ ol -·i.r ~·ad OIHllll will _,.<Ill l>lcik I!' IM_...,._ ..
!lo .. r-"' _.,i.i.":; '~ u.~-· .. tile siOdi ' ;
"I have t l1 1 prlclice oter the
~abfll lilf£~ In lf!!nip;;.~~~i;""'~ln
lodlnl proX<la to'"1•• ...... iiil)i, ()n.
' projecU wooilil ~'." '°lf:'.akl lhi~ II \be lreele ....... -
lrocti ii carrt<d lhroqlr tlle --· a, iotaJ ol, II.I bllll<ii In Ied•al !midi
would be chopped "'"''Ille" ~,But "if condJtioos use.~· the eUtbtck JDlabt
be eolorced !or juat a In ~ ,
Bumt, ·pulling a ~1 •xjllalned Ibo
"1uecilil problem" In Ille comtrucljon
indurlry that Jed to 11)11 Pmtednt'• de-
"BuildJng wages ln recent months baV9
b!tn rising at an annual ra¥ cl. 11 per•
cent. The cost of consttualng otBce
bulldinp, lndUWlol plants, ·~ i1ooSel 1W been -r1~ about ·11· p.m.1
ol more: The COit of OOlllliuclkrl "I"'"
family 11oqtts bU been aUDI up lbl!'jily
u "'11'." The n-for ~ Jnllall<Jnary 'J!iral,
be llid, ii Ille C011!1111ctlon.Jnduotry'1·tp.
c(lpaclty to meet all U\I dem.and:t-
WJth no federal contradl,. tbt ·industrJ
"ould be. able to c:oncentrate on hoUllnC
W1th lea strain. Cost "'1>Uld then, theo-
retleally, stabilize .
BUJ'DI polnts out that at theJtart of tht
year new hou!llng construction wu mo:v-
ing along at the rate ol '1.1 mUllon urdtl
annuaUJ. In luly that rate had plqed
)t 1.3 million units:. Bums Implied that lhe federal cuti.ct
may be jwt the top of the lceber1 if state
and local govmune11ll follow tht
President's lead.
"A llffill deal of 111i. ond)oc:al ....
IS.. JOBS, Pop I) • '
Trash Piek1;1p· SlatOO:
Newport Beach .city crews will coiled ~ .. usual Admilllon Day, ~,.
However, ti-asl1 conta!Jiero lhoUld bO 1laced 11111 before r 1.m:, illy -aid, tie<a..0 cm.s wlll be worlilnc 'earll~
t!>oJ1 uaual. I
" J
--.. °""""'" _.., 1t .... -. ........ tl<U ..... ,.,. --.. T ......... -·--. ................ ,.
I .
--.. """"""" ..... ft-1J ,-
"'" 'p ,,.,~
~ .,
• f
J DAR. y PILOt " .~ ..... ,,,,, S. l!J
Strange . .
.Case Unveiled
. -: ' '
for Hire· Plot ·Tol.d in Beach Court
1'J 1WQI NIEl)ZIEUiKI • ef ... ,._. .........
' All lacredlble dlalo o{ tOlilinony --~~lntll<future-un
i_...,_l 'ttiW1day ha the cm of a ~ chargo,q with IOllcilll!& ~ HD:aUhcloa Beach lawman to murder his
' 1Ucbard D. Reed, 21. of Carden Grove, •~ a wrinkled ween sPQrtslili1 and 1 ireob!J~ Nrinc·aon "'his
' ·~ .uentlY durio3 prellmlnary b 1n w~ er1nge County Judicial . . Court.
Tbe cue shills lo Orange County
Superior Court on Sept. 12. ror ar-
rJ.icnment on twia ehar&a of: aolicitio1 to
commit munler and burtJuy.
Huntington Beach 11 n de r cover
Polk<man Gene Pool -himseU bearded
, and t&J~ in a llo• Tf!xu drawl -told
: Jlldp Celli Balter'• court of the 1t11nc• . .
•• . .
~ i.-. .. " .... ~ ' ---~. lM1 tl!e bell Wl,Y lo
Often tuQlnc at1ib ~.~ l'ool iolCI till Milllluckatl wouJa be lhrou&h a bl~
lbe iudr~ and 1 handflll ot ~ton at 1 ~oru:n accldtnt which could tlke place
aeries ol "IOllcll In wbkh M clalmtd Ila 'on • lonely dark stretch of Bl!Shard
.wu OOllly hlreit ii> till Kathleen Skeel In FOWJlaln Valley.
Duckett. %4, of 11$1! Keel Ave., Garden As Insurance that Ute kUijng would ac·
Grove:, • . tually fiake ptaee. Rted allegedly told Death was if" ha~e 1 hit-and-run p lha .. . ~~ou~c -Miai Duckett pn a 001 t he knew ,that the same thing ~ ol roadway In FOll1\taln that"'~ Iv her would happen Iv
Valley, acconllng lo.Pool's teatlmo;t. °"" H he" wouldn't pay."
nie.price ol. failure was SQUtsted to "He made-referenc;e to a bashed·in
bt P90I'~ mm violent demise, he teslWed . akull aDd a bullet tn the back •· the detec· He said subsequent meetings arranged '
at •· HunUngton Bt.acb bar and Hun-tlve added.
llngton Beach'I~ Parl<-·\hlt Reed reporltdly told the de,.clive, ac-
Miss Ducl-ett clrrled a trlple tndemillty cording to testimony that he and Miss
life insurance poliey of which Reed would Duckett had taken a trip to Brazil earlier
pay Pool $1 ,500 .to do "a jo~." when he allegedly c:onaidered c;oing 100
Reed, wbo lives at ·the Mme Kee.I miles out lnto the wilderness and· cat-
Avaoue addrw. alleaodly fold the UO· chlni a polsono1118nake with which to kill her. . .
Envoy Top Rate tn conversations the hairdresser had
'with the undercover Policeman, it was
also disclosed that Reed had keys to two
local beauty shops where he had been
employed before, Pool said . . • Abductwn Shocks His Friends
II)' Ualtd Pt<ss la .. raaUooal
U.S. Ambauador Charles B u r l; ~
Elbrid: of Brull. lddn>ped Thunday by
terrorists, is regarded in the diplomatic
service u a reserved but outstanding
carttr diplomat.
Foreign service officen who have serv·
eel with him in a variety of posts Jn
Eurape were desaibed a1 shocked by the
abduction al. the dapper 61-~ld K:en-
Elbricl< climbed lo the !ore!ront o! hi<
.,.,..,. during tu. Wt asslCnmfll~ In
Yugm:ltvla from January, 1914., to May,
11'9. J>resjdent Tito was known to have
""1d Elbrlct, a ruue<! !uturtd man with
.Ucked bla<t hair. In hlih esteem .
Elbrie:k ia a native of Loulsville, Ky. He
graduated from Williams Colleae in lftt.
EJbrick entered the foreign eervlce in
January, tlSl, and was immediately =.ent
to Panun1.
Until the outbreak of World War ti he
served in a variety of European posts. In
1940 he was sent to Lisbon, Portugal,
where he gained a knowledge of that
country's language, which Is spoken tn
His career in the U.S. Foreign Service
has been one of a steady upward climb.
He served as assistant secretary of
state for Europein affain beginning in
February, 1957, until October, 1951.
This was a period of cootinuJ.nc crises
in Europe, '"any ol. ~ precipitated by
Soviet Premier Nlkjt.1 S. KhnlJhchev
over Berlin and other issues. Elbrict was
noted for his calm deportment under
In October, 19'58, Elbrick was ~ed to
Portugal on his first ambassadorial
assignment. This was followed by hi~
assignment to Belgrade, and· later by.lllS
post in Brazil which he took up in ~fay af
this year.
Harbor Area Group Chief
' Refuses Recall Move Role
By JOUN \' AllrERzA
Of .. ...., ... •llfl --
Ul1111CCU1ful Jlaloi'rlllc ~ .
and assembly cliidlda,. Pall'. ~'!
bu contacted .at Jee.at orie P!J'ftdUJ
citizen group leader in the Harbor Am
to bead the under~tmd r<eall mov ..
men! against Siq>e;Vilor Alton E. Allen,
It was learned lOdaJ· ,
The leader, who asked ·bot to 'bi! iden-
tified publlcly, told the DAILY PILOT~
celused lo lend either leadenhlp or "'!>.
porl to the campaign.
The disclosUre added yet another facet
to p.i.Zlles surroundipa the reall cam·
paign, spawned · osttn!lbly by 1 brief
news rdeJ.&ed from San C I e m e n t e
acul~-deslgner Ant hon y TarantinO
earliv tbil week.
Sources ~bed Tarantino as "mere-
ly the frmt man" for the elaborate and
well.financed campaign to unsut the
Fifth District supervisor.
The sources described the campaicn as
A wen.Im.it :scheme involving well-tnown
Democrats, interest groups involved in
the Upper Bay land uchanre And a suc·
cessful opUUon research firm which
recenUy conducted an atensive public
opinion poll al the citizens in Newport
Carpenter laid the Harbor Area leadtr
Liat funds behind the campaign -a
reputed $30,000 -would be sufficient to
back both the recall campaign and that al
a possible candidate.
Carpenter, llOW'ttS said, hopes to have
the required 10,000 petition aignatures by
mid-October to insure 1n election in mid·
December -a time when many
nlittGa Cl)U1 """"mM':'CI <flMl'An
•.wt N. """' ..... lillPll ... ......_
Jedi I. c.i..,
fii•M•i Kt .. 11 , ....
1'\•11111 A. M.,,i.1~•
~ll61tsr . J••-• F. Co!nu
r 1 • • ~ Votuicome out .;, the
pOlls lo-·
..,...~-ti a geat!month for lhe "~T to come cilt in ~vn to vfU."
the -lllld. . Tbe·rteaIJ campaiJn was dtscribed1as
a l"ulti-pnllll<d .scheme to dmroy the
. cfiPctl ol J~ Klllefer, Allen'• ad·
mfnliitative qlltant. , •
nit 1Vte in December would iniure
that Kl!Wer ,could mt place bla name on
the ·baljol. " *"'*· Ui4 ti\!> 'hir!o& or • Opinion Reseirell !Jlo. of U>oc Be.sch ..... a
spedal advanta•e IO the rec.sU Cllllpilll\
becaUR of'l'!Xlenlive data which lb can-
vassers gathered during a rectnt survey
of community attitudes in Ne~ri
The firm, hired at a fee al aboul $3,000,
gathered valuable data for the city's
Newport Tamorrow citizen planning: cam-
paign, iocluding obsuvaUons on the uaes
of Upper Newport Bay and Orana:e Coun·
ly Airport-
"I· is obvious that OpirJan Restarch,
which ha. reams of raw dal.a. from bun·
dreds of questionnaires, haa its fing:en oo
the pulse af public opink>n in Newport
Beach," a source said.
As a sidelilhl lo the research firm ·s
r0le. Newport Beach City Councilmen
have been told thal the nrm -whose
representatives admitted city~riented
polling was a new service -made no
profit on the·survey becau11e of mislll.ken
calculatians at expenses involved.
F,...... Pa9e J
. .\LLEN ...
time· controversies wJlh IDOi'!. rlpl ele-ments o! the party. ·
Bui be -t on r<COrd u a crltk o! the
gtOlll) !oQowinc Simon c.udy'1 -then
pr-to! the CDC-crllkllml o! U.S.
involvemtnt tn Vietnam.
Rollable IOlll't"tS In the :iooth county
8f18 today lna.lsted that Tan.nUno's
withdrawal from the rteall campalan is
"Imminent" and that his reluctanct to of·
fer further statements on the campal1n --"" ..... ..,_ ___ "{" is not the only indication af his reviled
1211 Wnt ..... hw••-'
Mtilhtt M4rm1 P.O. In 1111, 9J&•t. --c.e. MIMI -._, .., ....... , L_.._.,i m,.._.a_ .....................
"Tarantino ls the front man or lhe fall
guy, whate•e.r you might care to call
him, .. one Inform.ant commented. ''Thia bu..,... or 1e11lr>Uni and dulplnc ls
IOl"t of ID art1.stlc pooe that Is leareci to
win au~ !or the campalr, from arly -le In the 1.1.,... .......
Jin. Tarantino lodo1 cleacribed that oc-
c:Upatlon .. "hll _, .. and uJd that
1'annUno spmda mlldl o! hll time belp-ilC" lo .bu -.. ''lie mill here moot """"day,• ahe oddtd.
Tilrlllllncl . Ital beel thu.s far thl only
man, ideotlOed tn a movement rtmark·
alllo for 1he -..........i1nc Its op-
-and Iha relloct.lnco o! Iha men bohlnd Taranllno lo declare thelc Intent.
Tarantino denies 1ny Intention of put· Unc himlell forward u a replacoment
!or Allen on the county board.
But thrtt penons nam~ by Tar11ntino
as f>OS&Jble candidates for the fifth
Dia:lricl aeat have all denied 1ny con-
ned.ion with lbe mall campaign and 1ny
knowJedae of lht movemtnt whk:h name!
TaranUoo u lt.s 1pote.sman.
These he was wilJ.ing to sell to the
dettctlve for $200 or 20 per cen t af lhe
profits if a burglary were to be carried
out successfully. Pool testifled.
In addition, Reed allegedly irllormed
Pool that he knew of a grocery store
O\\'ner v.'ho reg u 1 a r l y made $10,000
deposits to a bank and 'suggested that he
could be relieved of the money. For this
job. Pool testified, Reed wanled a 10 per
• cent fee.
lntrodi;ced. as evidence by Deputy
District Attorney Brian Brown ')'8.S a
photograph which the detective said wits
a map drawn by Reed an a Lake Park
picnic table and shawed how to get to a
Garden Grove liquor store.
Pool said ht use<!. the map to find the
store where he got a glimpse of the in·
tended victim, who had allegedly been
sent there by Reed lo buy S(lme beer for
him. In re.a.lily, the dete<:llve said , she
"'a:; sent there so that the hired "killer"
cwld identUy his victim.
During the last meeting between Pool
and the hairdresser which reportedly
took place an the Fauntain Valley !Ugh
School football field, Reed allegedly pro-
duced an insurance policy co ntaining
triple indemnity clause.
The detective said he then ardered
Reed to send the money to a Dallas ad·
dress and then told him, "you v.·orl't hear
any more from me until you read in the
papers that your girlfriend has been kill·
Detectives Carl Vidano and Louis
Ochoa, wbo had kept the two dealing men
under survelHinct bD the gridiron, subse·
quenUy stopped Reed's vehicle as he ~·as
leaving the high school groonds and plac·
cd hipl uQder arrest. · Neftbir the total'.amount of the in·
surance Policy nor how police first rouru.1
ou' about 'Retd's aneg:ed intentions of in·
IUating the. murder·far·hi re plot was
disclosed in testimony.
. Police said earlier, Ji?wever, th.al they
~·ere Upped off by a secret inlarmant.
Defense Attcmey William Monroe at.
tempted to have the case dismissed an a
point af evidence. but Judge Baker ruled
that Reed be bound over for trial on bol.h
From Page I
vestigalion had been carried on in con·
junction with investigators of lhe Orange
County district atl.(lrney's office and
a member af the Califamia Department
a( Prafess.ional and Vocational Standards.
Brooks said the physician. a widower.
tokl officers at the time af arrest lhat
they had made a mistake.
The afficer said arraign1nenl in a Santa
Ana muniripal court is presently schcdul-
~ for Sept. 1 ~.
Dr. Robb said he has practicrd
medicine in La guna Be<ich for 10 ~·cars.
He said tha t lhc charges are without
founda tian and he asked his friends .. not
to y,·orry''.
Meet to Discuss
Override Plans
Newport -Mesa Unified School District
trustees will meet in a special session
Monday evening to Ix~ mapping
strategy fer a tax override election
perhaps early next year.
'nle mttling, starting at 7 p.m. in
Costa MeSa High School's Lyceum. will
include discussion of the lax rate hike
80Uihl and proposals for citiZE"o and
group participation in the tleclion cant·
The board alS(I will discu ss proposals to
Include a bond interest hike praposal on
the ballot.
Data. includjng proiecled increased
COfrt.11 to the district if $9 million in bonds
are sold at higher interest rates. will be
given to trustees by district st.alf
members .
C.Ounty Finally
To Build Drain
Orqe County finanY ~-ill construct a
!lOrm drain at 22nd Street in lhe county
corridor between Newport Beach and
Costa Mesa territaries.
Supervi&or Alton E. Allen r.ald he h¥
argued for five years \\'ilh County Flood
COnlrol and Road Department employes
Lo gjve the drain project priority. three
homes were flooded there last y,·lnttr.
Construction bids will be opened sept.
U for lbc r:sUmatC<I '20,000 project.
~ ----=-~=----· .. --·-
Motorists Survived Tlals Otae OAlt:Y PILOT l~M .....,.
California Highway Patrol Officer Mor:rl• Hedrick
complies report at Red Hill Avenue and Dyer Road
Thursday alter vio lent crash survived by drivers.
Charles W. Cantrell, 17, Tustin, was hospitalized
wlf.h inlemal Injuries: Nancy Sadler, 36, of 4202 ·
E. Coolt Highway1 Corona del Mar, suffered mul-
tiple face cuts.
Israeli Police Puzzled San Joaquin
S~hools Plan
Bond Election
By Pike's Disapp~arance
BETHLEHEM. Israeli-occupied Jordan
(UPI) - Israeli pol.lee searching for
former American Episcopal bi s hop
J<imes Pike said today they are puu.led
by circumstances surrowicling the di3ai>""
pea ranee. /
About 300 pol~nd soldiers pulled out
of !he search, no\v in its fourth day. But
JO veteran anny scouts, aided by local
Bedouin tribesmen and trackers , con·
tinued searching the Judcan Desert for
the controversial churchman.
Palice sources sajd one of the
mysterious aspects in the case was the
failure by Bedouin trackers ta find any
.t'rottt Page l
JOBS ...
~lructlon is financed th rough federal
h'Tanls in aid ." lte said. "The President
indicated in his statement that he hopes
and expects the state and local
aut horities to demonstrate thai the New
t'edrralism is more than rhetoric, that
"'e ha ve a partnership "'ilh state and
l o c a 1 government, a partnership in
action." Ir this cooperation is received. a max-
ilnum total of $4.5 billian in gOV~rnment
consln1ction could be affecteid, he in·
traces or Pike although his wlfe pointed
aut what sbe said was the uad spot
whert she Jeft her husband after their
automobile broke down Monday.
Bedouin nomads In the area have told
searchers they did not see Pike. Police
failed lo flnd a camera and sun glasses
he took tram the car whi ch sources said
shoul d have been discarded.
''Jt y;ould be natural for a man stag·
gering acrass the wilderness looking ~or
help to abandan such useless items. The
question is why haveo'l we fouod them?"
the sources asked.
Police found a map not rar from Pike's
car. They said he apparently tore out a
section of the map dealing with the area
In which be wm lost '
Only four miles from the car are two
fresh .11.'ater springS beside the Dead Sea.
Police sajd they believed the American
may have headed far them.
The official starch far lhe 56-year-ald
theologian. missing since the rented car
in which he and his wife \1•ere dri ving
became stuck on some boulders. The
seorch began after his wife stumbled into
the camp of some Arab coMtruction
workers after wandering for 10 houn: in
the desert.
Bethlehem Pallce Chief Enosh Givati
told newsmeo that unless Pike had been
found and befriended by Bedouin
tribesmen he could not have survived for
three days without food and water.
San Joaquin School District truotees
bave voted lo hald a bond interest elec·
Uoo on Nov. 25.
Action was taken during a reJliJar
meeting Wednesday nJgbt in lrvin•
School. The election will propose to raise
the interest rate an bands from five to
seven percent So that school construction
can be financed.
There is an immediate need to build
th ree ne'' schools. according to Dr.
\Vllliam Stock, assistant superintendent .
The district has 19 school sites wilh IO
already developed.
In other busine~. a contract was
awarded to repair storm damage at La
Paz and O'Neill schools and leases wtre
renewed on mobile classrooms at Irvine
Samn~Da"is Jr.
'l'otallv Exhausted' •
LONOON (AP) -Entertainer Samm v
Davis Jr. broke off engagements toda}r
and retired. "tatally exhaust~,'' to the
Londoo PlayOOy Club where He is staying •
A spokesman for Davis, wha Thursday
night completed a Hk:iay cabaret series
at lhe Talk of !he Town Restaurant. said:
"He is exhausted. I cannot say when Mr.
Davis wUI be resuming his engagemeht.t
-it depends an when he is better."
T"pli Ote<M< It 6" I"°"
..... ()l\c QI low ~
"-~ lo dloo9e.
Henmdon f-<!-"<
The spiril of gre•t French period design i5
•live •nd well •.. in Henredon's
~~~ $341.
1727 Westcllff Dr~ 642-2050
O"N fllOAT 'Tl1. t
Profelelonat lntmer
Doll ......
LAGUNA HACH us ""1h c-Hwy.
°"" "''"' """ t """" l ............ " OJ-.. c.... '*1 !fl
I \
Troops Intervene
North Ireland
Heats Up Again
Tax Plan .(:ha_llenged
Demos Take Swipe at Nixon Reforms
Slaarp Shooter
Krlatlna Nelaoo of Long Beach recmites her win-ninJ. ronn at the International lllklni Sporta Com-
petition in Rosarita, Mexico. Krutina topped a tleld
of 60 gorgeous girls.
Solons' Anti-Military
Drive Slowing Down
Senate drive lo slash Pentagon
spending appears to have lost
eome momentum as it heads
toward .showdown voling, pro-
bably on Monday.
But a source close to the
Senate bl-OC seeking to !nm
about '3 blllloo from a l20
billion military procurement
authorization bill says the ef.
fort "hasn't fallen apart yet
by any means.''
"1bere has been 90me
momentum !om but that's only
natural after the reces.'i," sa1d
UU. 110UTCe.
He knew of no defections
* * * Sen. Scott
Takes Duties
Of Dirksen
from the 3$-40 votes military
spending critics c 1 a I m e d
before the August recess, and
he "hoped" there had been
some converts.
Senate leaders said Thurs·
day that the first of several
amendmenta to cut tit delay
tundsJor 11pecific military pro.
jecbl would come up for a vote
Considered will be an
amendment sponsored b y
Wi9consin Democrat William
Proxmire to deny $55.1 mUUon
for 23 additional C5A transport
planes and to direct the
General Accounting Office to
study 'What the cheapest way
would be to meet the airlift
capacity the Pentagon wants.
Critics contmd that sa of the
big planes Uiat already are
fiying, under coostrudioo or
on UJe drawing boards are
enough and the Pentagon
cooldn't even find enough
combat ready troops to rill all
oftbo&e. 'I
BELFAST, NOrtbern Irt-
land (AP}4jtltjJb troops in.
tuveoed with tiled bayonets
ud lhe lhreat of tear 1aa ear·
l>' today In Bellut to pr<V<nl
...... d ol Protatanls from
tnvodlnli _• Roman Cathollc
NU olB<llaaL
Democrats on the Senate
Finance Committee a r e
challenging Nixon ad-Vlgllante. croup& fn>m boUi mlnlitraUon proposals to cut,
religious: e o m m u 11 i ti e I back-on the rtlle! for low aod
gathered OD tht streets during middle. income families in th'e
lhe nlght c:orrylog poken, iron House tu reform bill.
bars and dubl. They milled sen. Fred R. Harris of
.about and talked in small Oklahoma, who is chairman oC
groups until a crowd of about the Democratic National Com·
800 Protestants began moving A Sh t mJtlet, has told the adJn..
toward the Catbotlc Falls tom 0 lnlstratloo lie is "really ap.
Road area. palled that you would do 1eu
M.i'nnesotan About 1,soo British troops Off Agnin '" the low income taxpayer ----were summooed to duty in the ~ than the House bill."
tense capU.al. By 2 a.m. the Sen. Albert Go re. D-Tenn.,
Wms• Talent soldiers had thrust back mobs GRAND VALLEY, Colo. voiced similar vie,.·s.
or several hundred • n d CAP) -A JeCOOd 24-boor Administration 0 ff I c I a Is
cleared a SOl).yard oo.man's delay in the underground were called back before the
At P g t land between rival factions atomic nuclear lhot ln western committee again today to a ean without usirw: their gas Colorado was recommended dillCU!IS the recommendations
arenades. today by t.he weather advisory presented T h u r s d a y by
An.ANTIC CITY. NJ. Three gasoline bombs pand, f<r roject Ruliaon. Secretary of the 'J'reuury
(UPI) -Judith Mmdenbal~ smashed Into the. bedroom of a The action WM taken by the DavJd M. KeMedy.
a blonde, greerHyed 18-year-Catholic house ln north Belfast Atomic .F.nelv Comm:ilsk>n He said the administration
okl Miu Mhme1ota, won the today. The occupant burled after 4.5 minutes ol brieOn1 P::;i:a] woold grant S920
aecood round ol Went compo. t bt k ·n1o lh •·eel h and ,_"·te at the -lonal of. 111 1· t ta 1· f I Utlon at the Miu -'--erica wo c 1 es" w ert m:u11 .... m on n annua x rt 1e o ,..... &hey exploded, but the third fite4n nearby Grand JuncUOfl. families tn lhe lowest income ~eant Tbundq night with caused slight damage. Winds which swung from the brackets, compared with $2.7
her flute $lo of "The Swi&s Protestants who barricaded sootheil'!t toward the ea.at dur-billion in the House version .
Shepherd Sona." Donegal RoJd demolished the ing Ule nigbt and scattered Kennedy e m p b a 1 ii e d •
Her companloa winner ln heap of debris and wrecked e I e c t r l c a l ttnmdentorms however, lhat his plan sUU
come famllles.
For example, he said a mat·
rled coupl~ wUh two children alld fl,IQO of lllU1UAI income
would 111 • IJ pet<enl reduo-
tion, from a $561 annuaJ tu to
A olmilu coople with llJ,IOO
would set a 5J percent C\ll, 1 .... 11,:!0l to 11,Jlf.
Gore met 1tron1 ad·
mlhlstraUon oplJOllltion to hl1
propoul to 1nc:tt... I h e
personal nemptlon.
But be told newsmen,
''Don't you write that off. I'm
golllf to be borln1 In on It
every day. That is really the
appropriate way to give ta•
Edwin S. Cohen, uststant
secretary of the Treasury for
tax policy said it would COil
about '3.5 blllloo to rabe lhe
ineome tu exemption to $700
,,.,,, lhe ...-nt ieoo.
A -to l1.2DO. m .. ttooed by Gore, would cut Trtuury
reverMJ.a by S17 billlon. Cohen
Gore predicted also that the
BEST the ~linilnaries Tbunday · 1 •'--In f th sweepintr across the Colorado would remove 5 ffiilllon low in· Wlll ~ Connecticut. Carol vehic es at UJO;: urg ' 0 e ... h "" DAILY ,llOT .11 ... ••111• Jean N-val, 2l, w•-v'· Rev. Ian p .. i11)ey, the militant Ri ver Valle" caused the come taxpayers from t e 1 , b 1 1 , 1 1 .,. 1....,.;: 11..-., " o tn• 1tt 11 llftl, •Y I t VI tory in the swimsuit competi-evangelist. 'Ibey sang the decision despite Jorecasls the rol.':..i he Insisted it would lrive '""''~ of ,.,111.,., •••ilibl• ;11
admlnlstrltioo would loll In Its
effort to add a ta1 nte cut ror .._au.no to the H°""' bllt
UD<kr this pnipoaol. the
bUlc rote would be 41 pment
01 ap!Mt.the -I 41.
Committee ch 1Irm1"
-B. Looi (fl.Lo.), laid lie could llOI 1tote bia pooltion
Oii this uotfl hll panel bad
mode Ill doctsiol)a on Ibo
overall revenue effects it
wbhed to achieve.
1be cut would uve cor-
pontiona II.I billion • year.
MON·TMUb 1t-l P.M.
PlllATS 1MP.M.
1714) 140.1111. ~ ...
h . c... " ... c .... MtM
Aul. Vin ,,_Mt .......
·on wa. greeted wi·th freozy British national anthem and winds mi." ht improve durina: niJU a.· 111, 11•w•••••r i11 .•Ii• 111tl•11· ""' merited relief to middle-in· by her home-state supporters 'tb~e:_:!3~rd~P~sa~tm~. -----~the':_'.d~•!_Y· _______ _..'.'.~~~~....'.:'.....'.~'.'.:.::::C'=========~========== waving cowbells and blowing -
The 35·22',?.JS brunette won
despite a burn she suffered
earlier in the day whe.n a sun-
lamp fell on her right knee.
Other contestants helped her
cover the bum with cosmetics.
The Misses Minnesota and
Connecticut thus joined Kathy
Lynn Baumann, 19, o! Ohio,
and Patricia Jo Brummett.
21, of New Mexico, as the ear-
ly favorites to become ltfiss
America lf!O. Mis! Baumann
and Miss Brummett won the
swimsuit and talent competi-
tions Wednesday.
Each of the four will re-
ceive a $1,000 scholarship.
Libya Hits
Junta Foes
I •
PorUy, pipe-smoking Hugh D.
Scott wasted no time Thurs-
day in taking over as acting
Senate Republican Leader.
But he says his only aim is to
"keep. the Wop open for Ev
until he gets back."
"Our intention is lo keep the
shop going and pass on the
leadership unimpaired when
be returns," said the 63-year-
old Perwylvanian when ukt.d
how he views his dulies as a
stand-in for the ailing Eventt
M. Dirbeo of lllino~.
CMher amendments pending
would block fuods for a new
mammoth aircraft carrier un-
til the administration ootlines
how the big ships fit into its
ful.ure policy and would delay
funds for a new manned
bomber, a supersiie battle
tank and two new fighter
Proxmire carried the fight
a1one Thunday against a
sometimes scathing attack by
Republican members of the
Armed Services Committee.
CAJRO CUPJ) -Libya's
new military regime warned
today it will crush "with an
Iron fist" any attempt to oust
it or reinstall · deposed King
Idris. Hundreds of western·
en were rtporlcd stranded
in TriPoli.
1n Athens, King Idris, '19,
told an interview that at the
time of his O\'erthrow four
days ago, he had a request
pe.ndi~ before the nation's
legislative leaders that he ab-
dicat·e to Crown Prince flas-
san Al Redha.
Tiie captain or an airliner
that was allowed to leave Lib-
ya returned lo Frankfurt, Ger·
many, Thurlday and reported
hundreds of Westerners caught
in the capital because airports
and borders were closed by
the new reaime.
Terrific savings on
our assortment of
Back-to-School shoes
Dirksen, 7S, unde r went
rurgery for lung cancer ~
day and i.! expected to rem~
in the hospital from four to six
weeks and at home
recuperating for sev~ral more
Scott appears to be intent on
holding the party togethe~ and
carrying out Dirksen's wishes.
"I spoke to his office three
times yesterday and I asked to
see him as soon as I can,"
Scott told newsmen Thursday.
The "tall, two-term senator
who wears half-rimmed
1Juses and sports a thin
munache. commented at a
new1 conference that wu bill-
ed u a report on a re-election
campalp swing t ~ r o u g b
Western Perwylvarua.
The Republican party In
Pennsylvania is on somewhat
shaky ground' at the moment
a&d although no one has been
Ulected to challenge Scott, he
is by no means considered a
shCM>in for re-e:ltdioo. next year. This probably v.·ould
tend to discourage any boat·
rocking on bl• part.
U.S. ,.Reports
'Pill' Okay
pvernmtlll advlJory panel
11ys the benefitl from oral
contracept1ve11 stlU oqtweigh
the r1sis, despite new proof o1
danger from blood clots.
The committee ot 14 pbysi·
clans Thuflday submitted it.s
second ... port to lhe Food ••d I Dru.a AdministraUon since
19116 on the status or 1"1'be II
FDA Commissioner Herbert
,j.. Ley Jr. termed the llndlnp
A Dam Shaine
Ki.ds Help Beaver's Tmk
Delanson's persistent beaver,
harassed by government
agents, helped by kid! wllo
want to stay out of school and
tired of seeing his work
destroyed, ned Thursday to a
calmer pond.
He left behind a minor
water emergency in this
upstate village.
The beaver had trted to
homestead a cretk that con-
necta a reservoir with the
Dela.nM>n water lfltem. His
dams all but shut off water
service, and Thunday the 500
villagers were ordered ta boil
their drinking water because
low pressure caused by lhe
last beaver dam turned off an
automatic cbJorinator.
For 10 day• village officials,
aided by Vernon Bailey, a
trapper for the Conservatktn
Department, tried to stop the
beaver. They broke up dams,
only to have them rise. again
forthwith. They set traps that
were shunned or sprung.
One trap was found with a
rock dropped on its trip lever.
That indicated the beaver had
''The beavn-is not springing
those traps,'' sakl J o h n
W h e I a o, a Conservation
Department game manager.
"The school kids are. They
don't want to go back kl
The beaver dams cut of'f
water to the local school and
classes were canceled. School
opened for half a day Thurr
day wtth all drinking fountains
turned off.
"Most of the people around
here have been cheering for
the beaver," 11ald Principal
Schuyler Comthwalte.
.. wa
The committee chairman.,
Dr. Loula M. Hellman ol New
York Oty, aald the ponel'a
message: to the el&h\ million
American Women U31n1 the
plll ii limUar to the one in I
1964: '"l'h• light Is still yellow I
-.caution." '-------------------~1
For calls after 6 p.m. weel<doys
and all ""ekend. 3 minut.s
station-to.station, plus tax. ,............,.@
Stop in and toke advantage of the fontcst ic low prices on our closeout
assortment of pre-school shoes. Choose from a lorge variety of styles
ond colors for every occasion. All ot one low price. Available in pre·
school broken sizes. Buy several poir!
Now is the time lo stock up on back-to·school needs at terrific saving•
on boys' and girls' shoes. Choose from a large variety of sturdy and
dress styles for all occasions at one low pric e. Available in broken
children's sizes. You can't afford to miss this one!
I t
' I ' ! ' ,
,_ ·--
Unjustifiable Expense
11 was a quiet controversy, but nevertheless slgnifl.
cant. when Newport Beach's city erTiployes' and fldmin·
iatrators entered the last weeks of wage and benefits
It bad be·en no secret that most or the city worker5
last spring believed the five-percenl over-all wage hike
wasn't enough.
The settUng factor, however. came in the form of a
vastly expanded health insurance plan that left most
employes saUsfied they received a fair shake from their
· Then, in a last-minute, angry confrontation, four
unhappy insurance agents and a critical former coun·
cilman appeared before the City Counctl.
ln sharp terms they told councilmen the insurance
package should have gone out for competitive bidding
and that local insurance men should have had a shot at
the new policy which was drafted and handled through
the city's broker of record.
The controversy subsided. RecenUy, hov.'ever, coun·
cilmen discussed plans to hire a consultant -a non·
affiliated advisor -to review the present insurance
program and recommend city insurance plans for lhe
fula~ specifically the pre sen I policy.
Ttiat service, councilmen learned, could range from
~ or so for a cursory review to thousanrls of dollars
!or more detailed studies.
Spending money for such a survey at this time, the
city's insurance ·agent, William Keltner said. "borders
On the ridiculous."
Thu~ far city councilmen have not committed them·
&elves to the consultant's service.-~
11:1 the absence of complaints about lhe program by
city employes, and the lack or sulllclenl experience wllb
the new plan, it does seem wasteful to spend the addi·
tional consultant fees now if, as it appears, the action is
primarily to req>Ond to the criticisms of the four lnsur·
ance men and the former councilman.
Relatively Quiet Summer
"Thank Cod it's over," many of Newport Beach's
permanent residents are sighing this week-as they do
each year at this time.
"Now the beaches are ours again."
And as the surf begins lo gnaw at the litter and po-
lice and lifeguards compile their statistics. Newport
returns to its tradi1.ionaJ nine months o! relative re-
What has the summer been like!
Relatively quiet. believe it or not.
Traffic congestion was maddening as usual, but ser-
ious accidents were amazjngly few: lifeguards, be·
sieged by several wann weekends studded with deadly,
large ~urf, fared well, nevertheless, and logged but one drowning.
Newport's wa terfront faced a new crisis this season
but its correction ca'ine about swiftly. '
PoHce walking beats discouraged an unwelcome
youth elf!R'lent from gathering in McFadden Square.
and fears of a confrontation between unruly youths and
officers that seemed likely early in the summer eased
All in all, it \vas a good summer.
! •
ushing Children
Too Early, Fast
SDSNowCalls Parents Are Not Peers
recurrent proposal for speeding up
schooling process is teaching the-. pre·
I child how to read, as early as 3 or
ears of age. The recent revival of the
ontessori method" in this country is
example of th~ new climate of opi·
think it is a poor proposa1, on two
ts -pedagogically and emotionally.
ile there ls no doubt that a pre-scboot-
can be taught to read -and quite
I -there is no evidence that this
kes the slightest difference by the
lhe child bas reacheo 7 or B. ' ORDINARY dUld who learns how
in first grade soon overtakes the
Who bu learned lo read in the
ry. and by second or third grade the
erences have leveled out. I know of no
ous scientific study that contradicts
y second objection is more important.
convinced that the years up to 6
e designed by nature f')r play, and not
any formal, structured learning. A
ng child learns in its own way, and
t not be directed or pushl!d or cajoled
• intellectual efforts befort its d siology and nervous system are ' itpared to cope with them.
c • BVIOUSLY, SOrttE children mature
Uectually be.fort otherb do. Of my
-,. , only one could read before entering . r!J!t grade, and she picked it up quite
nP.irally by herself. She is no smarter
~ the others, simply quicker in that ...
...... --
varticular v.·ay.
Ln our increasi.agty middle class socit--
t y, parents tend to push their children too
early and too fast, and thil competitive
pace can be permanently damaging to
some personalities. A child who is not
permitted to play when be is very young
will unconsciously resent it and wreak his
revenge in one way or another during
1'fOREOVER., THE renascent populari-
ty of the Montessori method is a kind or
C.:OJ>"<lllt for the poor job the schools are
doing at the h.igher levels. If we squeezed
all the water out of our school systems,
and were truly serious about giving
children a .good education (assuming that
most ~munities know what a "good
education" consists of), then we wouldn 't
have to accelerate the process by drilling
4-year-olds In reading when they should
be learning other things through play.
Each age has its own readiness for
,-!tmle different aspect of life, and it is 8$
\absurdly inappropriate to teach 4-year-
olds reading skills as it would be to con-
duct courses in ••suuaJ hygiene" for 3-
year-0ld.s. H little ones never team what
it is to be a child, they will never learn
what it is to be grown up.
~Battle Over Giant C-5A ,_
•l •
"1ASHINGTON -It 's a toss-up \\'hat
U)i; Senate will do on authorizing the
pWthase of an additional 23 giant C·SA
nljlitary transports -at a cost of $533
~ backstage nos(' count disclosed a
c~ line-up on tnis stormy issue -
Wtfh the outcome resting ·with a hand.fut
oliUll undecided senators. &n an1endment by Sen. William Prox·
· nrire, 0-\\'is .. chairman of the Subcom·
niuee on Economy in Government. to
de1ete a $533 million provision for these
_ ~planes is the pending business when · deration is resu med of the $20 bit·
Ji military pr ocurement bill .
·s measure. already has been under
a · onious Scnall" debate for somr: s.ix "'-iiks, and the end is still not in sight. ' ' bE UNPLJBUCIZED poll revealed
litfstig bipartisan support for Proxmire's
asi'·nd ment. with both "hawks'· and
•· .. es" in both parties favoring ii. But
tl 'Air Force, slrenousl)' battling for the
Ii sports. also has powerful backing,
th sides did a lot of proselyting dur·
lhe three weeks' rl'Cess, and the vo~
~ c d go either \\'ay.
Portantl y aiding Proxmire. is thal his
a men\ does not affect the already 'f 'ed purcha9e of SI C-5As -al an
~'"--B y George --~
I . ar George :
" I like thi1 brunette ;11'1d repeated·
h;ive tried to get a dale llrilh her.
nfortunately, soother girl friend
her I was a wolf. How can l
vlnce lhe fillit girl this is not
! Could )'OU g:ivti me some Cood
rice! When 1 asked my wife &ht
hit mo wltl> the mop. CONCERNED
Yea. J CIA ,1,~ )IOU some ~ood
n::t. Duck. Here con1es the mop
, "
estimatea cost of more than $2 billion . So
far only five of these planes have been
His measure is limited to the proposed
acquirement of 2.1 more nominally at a
cost of $533 million, but actually a great
cleal more, accordin& to Proxmire. He
hoUy contends be and other congressional
investigators have been unable to ascer-
tain exactly how much more.
IT JS PROX!.URE'S vehemently ex-
pressed be.lief that the eventual cost of
these additional planes will be $45 million
This starlllng estimate is based on a so-
callecl •·reversible incentive" provision In
the contract granted by the Air Force un-
der whirh, Pro~mire claims, the cost of
!hes..: planes increaSeJ as more are built.
As a consequence, if the original 120 C-
5As scheduled are bought. lhel'r cost will
be at least $5.3 billion as agairult an in·
ilial $3.4 hillion estimate.
This approximate $Z billion "overrun"
has already been investigated by three
congressional committees, and under
J>ros.mire's amendment would be further
probed by the General Accounting Office.
Senator Proxmire unquestionably has
made considerable headway agaimt
heavy odds by conllning his attack to the
2.3 addilion1J transports and with a serles
of t.etUng arguments.
A1.R. FORCE AND Lockheed spokesmen
h1vt ddtnttely beel'I on the defensive ln
couatmn1 them and tbe hard-hllUng
Wll<oolinll< lw made th< m<>ll of lhaL
WJUJ the "millillry-industrial compla''
under fire in 1eneral, his specifics on the
C-5A have made an impact on his fellow
By Robert S. AUu
and Johll A. Gold1mlUi
For Outright
Director, FBI
With the begtnning or lhe new
academic year, it is disturbing to know
that a primary concun of many college
and university administrators will not be
the scholastic achievement or students
but rather how lo prevent the seizure and
wreckage of educational institutions by
would-be insurrectionists.
The decrease in campus disorders dur·
ing the summer months must not be
misconstrued. Just as soon as the
firebrand.! can muster a caucus of
dissidents, we will witness a continuation
of the senseless "plunder which caused
more than $3 million of damage to col·
leges and universilies last academic
year. Between September 1968 and April
J969. one major university alone suffered
damage in excess of $1 million. Some
4,000 arrests were made in connection
with violent demonstrations. untold
numbers of people \\'ere injured , and at
least llvo deaths resulted from campus
riots. • CERT A1NL Y C R l M I N A L slatisticr;
reflect no credit on the academic rom-
rnunity. However. unless college and
university authorities take positive action
to control campus violence. it will not
subside in the coming months. The split
in the Students for a Democratic Society
(SOS) ranks during the so.called national
conventJon in Chicago last June resulted
in the election of two slates of national
officers. The expelled pro· Pe k i n g
Progressive Labor Party wiog set up its
own SOS organization.
Thus, opposing force s. each c.:laiming to
represent the true SOS. will clash on
campuses throughout the country for con·
!rolling power. Since clamor and a~ila·
Lion are proven techniques for attracting
new members and support. violent
disruptions will come as no surprise.
AL TIIOUGH THE SOS convention in
Chicago was. organizationally, a fiasco,
the feuding fa ctions did not for a moment
lose sight or their joint objective. Their
goal is tl]e destruction of ··u.s.
Jmperialism" and the achievement of a
classless society through international
The SDS considers the rtbellious youth
or our country as part of an "In·
temational liberation army.'' It regards
young people, mainly college students. as
a means by which the revolution can be
aceomplished because "in general, young
people have less al stake in a society ..
a~ more open to new ideas ... and arc.
thererore, more able and willing lo move
in a revolutionary direction,.,
THOSE WHO RALLY lo the support of
the New Left and participate in actlvities
championed by SOS do so under no il·
lusion. The Issues are now clear. Time
and the internal wranghngs of the
organization have brought one basic and
important truth lo the surface. The
youthful idealism of ''participatory
democracy," so frequefltly espoused by
SOS while striving for student approval,
has been cast aside. Th. f\farxist dogma
1s in full command. SOS now calls for
outright revolution.
Inasmuch as breaking the law is a
customary part of revolutionary tactics,
many enrorctment agencies v.•ill become
involved in campus !itrire. In most in-
stances, tbt nature and degree Of in·
volve:ment will depend on y,•hether school
authorities desire to protect their in·
stHullons and Ole rights of the m1jorily
of :iituden\s who ~aid rather study than
riot, or foruke their rtsponslbllities and
give in to mob rule.
Preserve Gener8:tion Gap
By OR~1AN NIXON, ~f. D.
Young and old alike are pointing to
''the generation gap'' as the cause of
today 's youth rebellion. Many are saying
that the. 400.000 (reporteclly all under 30)
v.•ho attendee! the rock festival at Bethel.
New York, and the %00,000 at the Isle of
Wight happening last weekend, all ex-
emplify the new generation attuned to
roc k, pot and sex as lhey try to do their
own thing. Undoubtedly, the generation
gap is \\'ider today than most oldsters
can ever recall. But ii certainly is not a
new phenomenon.
WllAT IS NEW Is that many adults
(anyone over 30 the Now Generation
says). seem determined lo close the gap
lhrough their fawning adulation ·and
"'orship of youth . Whether it is dancing
their no-touch dead-pan dances. following
their style trends or flocking to see and
hear what is "in" with the kids, the
eMphasis is on remaining young forever .
Unable to communicate openly and
honesl\y with our youth, many parents
and other elders who ought to know ~t·
tcr. are striving to imitate and lo follow
their hedonistic perambulations.
THERE NEVER can be a feeling ol
equality between generations. Prof.
Thomas J. Cottle, Harvard University
sociologisl, puts it this way : "Authority
implies an inequality between the old and
the young. , • Parents are by definition
not peers and their concern does not im-
ply that they become colleagues." The
relationships between parents and
children, teachers and students, elected
officials and youth. should imply W'l-
questioned authority, kept w i I hi n
reasonable limits. and a firm com-
mitment to ,Preserve, not elimi nat e, the
generation gap.
courages children to refer to their
parents and teachers by their first name
is particularly unwise. The child's first
utterance is usually mama or papa,
which at first is used interchangeably for
either parent. But he soon learns to say
1nama and papa, mother and father, or
mont and pop to delineate the function
and role of each parent, setting them
apart from other adults and !rom hl.s
For a brief period. beginning at about
21~ years, many children refer to their
parents by first names, but rarely be-
yond the age of six.
IN EARLY adolescence, when aome
youngsters aga1n use the parental first
names, this time in a taunting,
mischievous manner, most parents used
to react with anger over their child's
"disrespect.'' But not now! Actually,
mother, father, mom, dad and similar
terms all play a symbolic role in main·
taining and reinforcing the incest taboo,
both in intact families and in newly
established family units following remar·
riage. For they reinforcr: the asymmetry
between parent and child.
THE IDEAUS!\f, strengths and poten·
tial power of today·s youth undoubtedly
will change the world they grew up in. No
one is sure just bow or whether it v.·UI be
for good or for bad. Certainly, lhey are in
a lmrry. A.s 'ne said lo me rece11tly,
''You waited. ffe won·t." No longer are
they preparing for life: they are Jiving it
now, most of them with a new idealism
and sense of community neve r ex-
perienced by any previous generation.
NOT TOO LONG from now, when the
youngest of the Now Generation reache.s
30 and find themselve1 beyond the pale,
the generation of the 1990's probably will
look askance al their elders in a manner
reminiscent of the J960'.s. f.1ore than
\ likely, when today's youth are raising
children of their own, they will recognize
lhe hazards of equality between parent
and child, oldsters and youngsters, and
maintain. in their own way, the in·
evitability of the generation gap.
'No-win Policy Is Immoral'·
To the Editor :
\\'e \\'ant the Vietnam \Var to end . \\'e
wanl peace and just.ice. To achieve these
goals v•e nlight first consider certain
realities. Then we may formulate a be.t·
ter approaC"h. Our vlewi:; may change
v.·hen we gel 1nore knowledge on a mat-
ter, or see other practical sol utions.
r..'o peoples arc completely lily white.
But on reading about the procedures and
atrocities in the Vietnam War. it's o~
i:>us that the Communists. are the agg~
In t\orth Vietnam, Ho Chi f.-tinh .sent
strong arm squads inlo most of the
villages. All who might oppose him ia the
future -lanrlowner.s. businessmen, in·
tellectuals and schoolteachers -were
forei!d lo confess, tried publicly and oft.en
executed . By killing rio.ooo to 100.000 in
bloodbaths, Ho terrorized the masses to
IN 195,, 110 mo,,cd to eliminare Sou1h
Vietnam 's leadership: elected officials,
natural leaders: those ·wl!h relatives in
th e military. ci vil service or police:
tho.~e who failed lo pay Con1munist taxes
prornptty; or had five or more years of
\\'h~· i.s Lido Sond tre ated like •
stei)child? Firs! we get the "Queen
Mary" to cut off our view, then
the character boat parade almost
forget! to come our way. -M. H.
~1 a ilbox
l~ltttll t""" 'rlHlen trt weli::omtl. Norm•'"' wrtten
.t>ould .>OflYeY llltlr m"5Uflf lfl 300 wol"IJ er IUa.
The rlvhl IO Cl!l"dl"!MI lel'ten lo II! 1191~1 or ell111lnl1'e
tlbl'I 11 "'•rvtd. All lett1rJ muJI Incl"'" 11tn.eture
•rid m1111,.. 1dd~n. b\ll )fll~' will 1>11 wltllhe!t:I
Oil r~u1JI II IUfflc.111!1 .._ la -••Inf.
tn 196S Radio Hanoi boasted that the
Viet Cong had destroyed 7 ,M9 hamlets.
By 1967's end 14,138 civilians were
murdered and fS.929 kidnapptd. This
'!l'nocide and terror is designed to
destroy leadership, frighten the Viel·
namese into sub1nWion. force the
government into repressive anti-terrorist
actions and galn propaganda adv-'1tage
from counter·atrocilies door: by South
Vietnamese soldiers \\·bosf: families suf-
fer rrom lhe Communists.
lF SOUTH VIETNA.i\1 fails. the late
I-Io's torturers will kill millions more.. Yd
over 80 percent of the eligible South Viet-
namese defy every Con1munlst threat
and go lo the polls.
It 's inhumane to let wishful thinking
blind us to these realltiea -to let our in~
difference condemn muses of people to
torture. horror and death. Yet , some or
lhe Ignorant nnt that the Communists
woukln't be in South Vielnam if the ~
pie didn't want them. The. mlracle is that
South Vietnam has survived so long and
still fights on.
I be.lir:ve the war ii immoral in that we
don't apply out power lo win the war a.1 soor. as pa.uible. !l's Immoral to prolong
the. suffering of lhe Vietnamese. ll'1 im·
moral that all our youngsters have. lo
look forward to possibly ucrif;clng their
lives in a war that we let dr11 on without
Utc int.cntion of v.·inning.
Supporl• U orroHl
To the Editor: •
J urge Uie Board o( Trustees of
Newport -Mesa Unified School District lo
appoint Gordon C. A1orrow lo fill the
vacancy on the board created by Lloyd
Blanpied's recent resignat ion.
Mr. Morrow has taken out the necessary
papers to apply for this appointment.
In view of Mr. Morrow's !itrong show·
ing against f\1r. Blanpied in the April elec-
tion \approximately 48 percent ol the
votes cast). and in view of Mr. Morrow 's
having been endorsed by numerous in-
dividuals and groups who know the re-
quire.mtiys of a good board member. l
fee.I the ~rd should act without hesila-
Uon in appointing Gordon c. Morrow.
Jrrstlonnl Ar u bs
To the Editor:
The Suez Canal has been closed for
over two years and could rem ain closed
forever \\'ithout being missed. \\'hen a
Northwest Passage is found to the new 01\
fields in Alaska the free world will begin
to free itself from buying 011 from ir·
rat.ional Arabs.
Friday, September S, 1969
Tht tditorial paar o' tht Dattr
Pilot 1etka to inform and 1tim-
ulatt read.cl by presenting thi•
ntw,paper'1 opinion1 and eom-
mtntarv on topic1 of inttrast
and signifieo.nee, bu provtding a
forum for th.c erprrJ.rion of
01tr readers' opinion•. trnd bu
prr:sentma the dlvtt1t irltw-
pointa of infonntd obse1'lJttJ
cmd 1pokts»i.tn cm rop(ca of lhc
Robert N. Weed, Publisber
J' '
' '
'! v '
j ,
Tovott-Sunami Rites Sixth Season Opens •
Evening Vows Recited Duo Singing
For Rivierans
Huntington Beac:h Home
-Keys Start
Of Season
~lrs. Sherri Glttlcinan, lyric
opera soprano will entertaia
Upper Bay A~ociates of the
Orange County Philharmonic
Society during their first
meeting of the new sea90fl.
Mrs. Gilllen1an, who won
the Metropolitan Opera East
Coast audilion in 19f)8, has had
roles al the Pacific Opera 111
Long Beach, UCLA opera
workshop and at the UCI
opera theater. She is a Costa
Mesa resident.
Plans Told
~1usic by ~·llss Betty Burkes,
soprano. will open the lun-
cheon program next Tuesday
for the Christian Women's
Club of Newport Beach at
noon in Ole Ncwporter Inn.
A narration on the ~tagic of
Thoughtfulness T h roug h
Greeting Cards "ill follow by
Anson McArthur. ar;id a talk
by f.frs. Jack S"·carengen of
l<'ullerton v.•111 con<:lude 1he
luncheon agenda.
The n1eeting \\'Ill be called
to order by ti.1rs. Robert. Leith
at 10:30 a.m. ti.1onday, Sept. 8,
in the NeY.'J>(lrl Beach home o!
Mrs. Robert Crawford .
Luncheon will be served after
the program.
Reservations may be madt
by calling Mrs. Haro Id
Fischer, 962-1129, or Mrs
William O'Brien, ~5-3070.
Draws Will
A discussion o( the Last \Viii
and Testament by Jerome ~1.
Bame, Hunllngton Beach at·
lorney, will C{)mprise lht pro-.
gram When the Orange Coast
Mothers of Twins Club meets
\\'ednesday, Sept. 10.
The group will gather for 11
social hour at 7 p.m. in Li's
restaurant.. Huntington Beach.
A Cantonese dinner will be
served al I p.m.
All moUiers of twins in lhr
area ar~ welcome to attend
the meeting and may make
reservations by calling Mrs.
Jack Taylor. 842-7076.
In Offing
A \\lcdding Nov. 8 111 Our
Lady Queen of Angels Church
is being planned by Cheryl
Jeao Bogenrief and William
Alexander Byrne, both o!
Newport Beach.
The betrothal w a s an-
oounced by her parents, ~1r.
and Mrs. Charles A. Bogenricf
of Newport Beach.
The bencdicl-elecl. son and
.slt!pson of Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
F. Smith ol Pacific Beach, 1~ a
J,!raduate of Canadian
The bride-to-be aLLendcd
Ohio Slate Un iversity where
.she was a member of lhe CoM
Cadet Corps and Delta Cam·
ma sorority.
League Offers
f\1rs . Paul Bernhart will
open her Newport Beach home
for lhe third in a series of four
monthly meetings sponsored
by the Costa Me~ Chapter of
La Lcche League.
Bir1h or the Baby and ran1i-
ly Relations will be di:<>cussed
al 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 9.
The publl<" is invited . and
further information is avail·
able by calling l\lrs •1. \V
l\1oor~ at ~5-4359.
Old Favorites
Antique ideas in ring styles
still are favtritea, lhe blacken.
ed finish almost a1'1ays dia-
mond stOOded.
Here's where the cabochon
amethysts, the turquoJse11, the
corals and the cameos play
their starring iwes. and pearls
play the supporting role.
Shh::ue Sun8Jl'll add William
R. Tovatt exchanged \he.lr
wedding rings and vows dur·
Ing an evening ctreinony con-
ducted by the I,tev. Edward
Erny in the Comm u ni t y
Methodist Church, Huntington
The bride is lhe daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Daljiro Sunami .
of Nara.shin~shi. Japan, who ,,,.
flew to Huntington Beach to be
present for the nuptials. ~
The bridegroom is the son of
Pl1r. and Mrs. Anthony Tovall
of Huntington Beach.
Given In marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned
in floor length lact over taf-
feta with taffeta edging her
lace train. Her finge rtip iJ.
lusion veil was held by a floral
h~adpiece and she carried a
bouquet of gardenias, 1ilies of
the valley and stephaoolis.
Janet Merha
Cele1t• Co1r
"ti.ly HappineS!" sung by
Jon and Sondra Steele will
open the first monthly meeting
of the new season for Riviera
Club members and their
guests next Wednesday In the
Balbo11 Bay Club.
The gathering will com-
mefl('e v.•ith a social hour at
11 :30 a.m., luncheon at 12:30
p.m. and a short business
meeting before the day's
, Club president Mrs. WalSCln
E. Jarrett will y,·elct1me new
members to the south 1.:oast
social organizatiop which now
is in its stub' year of ex·
islence. Section chair1nen will
acquaint members with plans
for the ye<1r's activities, and
the Steeles will b<' introduced
by ~1rs. Corl \\1, Adams, pro-
gram chairman.
Polished m u s i c a I en·
tertalnment with plaoo styJ.
ln&s u we ll as the type ~or
sinjina lbat earned t h e
Record-of·lh&-year award for
thei r version or "My Hap-
)>lnesl" will be provided by
the Steeles.
Clubwomen desiring lun·
cheon reservauons may obtain
lhem by calling Mrs. Vasco
BalSchwaroff, 494-0317, by
next Monday.
Also upcoming is a meeting
for Book Section member$ in
lhe home of Pi1r.i:. Orville L.
1-larper at Hf' a.m. ti.1onday1 Sept. 15, when Pearl Buck's
laleit novel, "1'he Three
Daughters of Mme. Liang,"
wiU be reviewed.
Members planning to hear
about lhe author's latest novel
which deals wlth n1odern
China are asked to call Mrs.
Harper, 6CCtion chairman, 49t-
NewPorl lfarbor Area Cou.n·
cit of Beta Sigma Phi will
honor Its founder, Waller W.
Ross with a memorial service
at I p.m. Mond•y, Sept. I, In
fl alttresl Clubhouse, Costa
~1r. Russ, \\ho tiled last
June in SC{)ltsdalc. founded
the sororiiy 38 year1 a10 in
Abilene. Since then it has
grown to more than %00,000
members In many countries.
In Cali(ornia alone, there are
1nore than I I .000 members.
Conducting the rites will be
l\1rs. Frank Reed. council
'-president. and assisting wUI be
Miss Dorothy Dunn, Mrl!i.
Delmas Golden and Mn. Joel
Vail. Further information ls
available by calling Mrs. Reed
at 545-4466.
Her attendents were the
sisters and sister-in-law of the
bridegroom. Miss Patricia
Tovatt was ·maid of honor and
bridesn1aids were Miss Susan
Tovalt and Mrs. ~lichael
Thei r gowns were full length
silk linen styled with empire
waists and bell sleeves, and
they carried bouquets of
daisies and baby 's breath.
,, Sex Education Drive
Plans for the year· will be
outhned when tire Ladies Au:r•
11iary of the Orange County
A11~oclalion for R e t a r d e d
Children meets next Monday
r~·ening at 7:30. Tracy and Bobby Tovall.
niece and nephe\\' or the
bridegroo1n , v.•ere flower girl
and ring bearer.
Michael Tovatt was his
brother's besl man and guests
y,•ere sealed by Paul Murai,
P.1ike Jameson, Al Numura
and Don Kato.
Following the ccren1ony and
a reception for 200 'in the
{'hutch hall, lhe newlyweds
departed on a wedding trip to
ldyltv.·ild. They 1,1•ilt make
their ho1ne 1n Huntington
The bride attended Tokyo
Women's Christian College
and Orange Coast College, and
her husband attended San Jose
State College and OCC.
Special guests al the wed·
ding were the bridegroom's
grandmother. r.trs. B e·r ta
Tovatt. and ti.1rs. Ray Har11ey,
his great·aunt.
Examined ·'
by Council
Mrs. Judith F ields
Up and Away
Kathryn Steele
The National and Local Sex
Educution Drive v.•i-11 be
discussed when St. Bonaven-
lure's Women's Council meets
Tuesday, Sept. 9. in the
~leadow View School. l-lun·
tington Beach.
The program will be
Quarte't Wins Wings
presenled in two parts with
~!rs. Bernard Gage exan1ining
th~ national !Cene, including a
narrated lilm strip. Dr.
Four Orange Coa~t re.-1denls
ha\e \von the ir 11dngs and soon
"'ill be flying high
Recently completing night
ho:ltess training at T\VA 's
training center in l\:in:<>as City ,
ti.fo. v.·ere !\trs. Judi th Ann
Fields of Huntington Beach,
!\liss Janel t.1erha of founta in
Valley , Miss Kathryn Let
Steele of Newport Brach and
~·h~ Celeste l oar of .J oseph :O.la§l.r-0paofo will offer
Wesiminster. a probing analy!:is of the pro-posed cour se for the Jlun· The daughter or /\Ir. and tington Beach High School
f\lrs. Henry Barnard. l\lrs. District \vhich will be votccl fJn
l<~ields v.·as graduated fron1 by the board of trustees Tucs-
P.1illikan High School, Long day, Sept. 30.
Beach, and attended Long Pl1rs. Gage, ~·ho w as
Beach City College. She y,•ill graduated from elementary
al an area state college.
lie is a fellow of the Council
on Epidemiology of t h e
American Hearl Association
and has served four years in
public health research. He has
taught family lire and sex
education as part of a course
in perso nal and community
hea lth. Dr. and Mrs.
~lastropaolo are the parentl!i of
fo11r children.
Refreshments will be served
at 7:30 p.m. with the progran1
to begin at 8 p.m.
~1rs. (f. B. Kehrberg ol
Laguna llills. newly elected
president, will preside during
the gathering in the associa·
lion office. 200'l W. Chestnut,
Santa Ana.
Other new officers are the
ti.1mes. Rene Cl.lllS, Tustin.
vice prc)jident; Vincent Tock.
Anaheim. secretary , and
Harold Langhans, Santa Ana,
Interested v.·omen• are in·
\'ited lo attend the meeting.
OC Single Bees , Other events scheduled by
lhe C{)Uncil include 'he October lull festival : No\'en1bc.>r dinner The second and fourth Fri~
dance in Meadowlark Country day of the month Orang•
Club; Christmas party for County Single Bees 1atber in
schOol children, a follies sho\v, Pioneer Town, Sant.a Ana.
rummage sale and fashion mAiictiiiiiviiitiiieiisiibeiigiiiiioiiaiiliiloipii.m;;;;. iiii
show. I•
Theme for the year is
Buil d ing Through
Par\icipation, and man YI
speakers are scheduled for the
monthly meetings the second
Tuesday of each month.
MO DILS Laguna Becrch Chapter
Hosts Regional Lunch
and high schools ln Huntington be serving TWA dorncstie Beach. is a past president of
flights frorn Los AnGe!es the Parent-teachers Club. She
ll'fl:ftfnalional Ai rport. is active 1n church work, ha!';
""fss t.1crha, daughlcr of served on many city and
Vrankhn f ti.1erh<i . is a school comn1ittees ~nd en th e
graduate of Dominguez lligh ?:71~ County Grand Jury in
School. Compton, and attended She has t.,..·o m a r r I e d TERMS
San Jose State College. She children and one grandchild. HB TOPS Club
Laguna Beach Assistancr l\lil!s. Roy Thoroughrnan and
also y,•ill serve dome s 1 i c Dr. 1\-laslropaolo received WA LL I C H S
flights fron1 Lo!i Angeles his PhD fro1n the University Allen School Is the meeting1
League will honor I he Robert L. r.lar\'lll.
Regional 11 Council of Na-~1rs. KenneU1 Colborn and
11onal Assistance League "'ilh ~1rs. Nicholas l\la\ou[ w 111
a luncheon 1n its League <"rf'ale luncheon decorations.
House , Laguna Beach next Others assisting in preparing
Tuesday. and serving the luncheon will
International. of Iowa and is a professor or plact for Huntington Beach! SOUTH COAST PLAZA
A graduate or La llabra phyi;ieal education and depart-TOPS Pound Pincherl!i at 7 llllSTOL AT SAN DllGO ~.
High School and the Un1vers1· :;~m~e~"~' ~c~oo~r~d~in~a~to~r ~o~f~r~es~c~a~rc~h~~p~.m~.~e~a~ch~M~o~n~d~ay~.---~~iiiiic~o~ST~•~•iiiii15~•~l~•~o.~J~1'~liiiii~ ty of California. Sant a 1·----
Barbara, Miss Steele is the 1
daughter of Mr. and ti.trs. I
The region, comprised of be the Mn1es. Carl \V. Nash,
delegates f r o m Assistance C. R. Beck Jr., Fred Jessen.
Leagues in Orange and San Andrew Morthland, \Villiam
Diego counties and a pro-Phillips. Henry Stuart. \Vcber.
balionary chapter in Ywna. Hellmuth Hanneman, J o n
\viii conduct a bus i n es s ~1ason, Dougla.s Smith and
meeling and participate in an Charles CoUyn.
Jtoberl E. S!eele. She will f
serve aboard internationa l
flights from John F. Kennedy 1
lriternational Airport, New
Also s er v i n g passrngers
aboard inlemaUonal flights
from Kennedy Airporl will be
Miss Coar, daughter cf !\fr .I
and Mrs. Roge r ?YI. Coar. She l
was g r a d uated from
Westminster High School and
Assisleens \V o r k s h o P con· The N a t i o n a 1 Assistance
ducted by f\.-fr)j. B r e n t . League has chapters i n
Wahlberg. Colorado, Texas. New Pi1exico,
f\.1rs. Thomas H. Jones. Washington and Arizona "is
president (lf I.he L a g una ~·ell as California. atlended UCI.
chapter, and Mrs. J o h n1,====================== Solomon, regional represen-
tative for the Laguna chapter
will issue a special welcome to •
~1rs. f.dward Pellegrin of
Newport Beach v.·ho served as
region<il chairman l hr e c
~Ir;;. \Villis ton Brad1,1·ay,
;:ilternatr regional represen·
laU\e 11•ill assist J\1rs. Jones
and l\1rs. Solomon a!oog ·with
hostesSel!i the J\lmrs. H. O
New Club '
Women interested In form-1
i11tg a Laguna Toaslmist.ress
Club are urged to attend the
group's second meeting in the
Jolly Roge r restaura nt .
Laguna Beach at 7·30 p.m
Tuesday, Sept. 9.
Mr!. Catherinr ti.fcQuarric
was elected interim president
of the group during an :
organizational meeting a I
.,..·h1ch time the nine women
present decided lo apply for a
l'harter. I
Toastmistress lnlernalional
consists of more than 1000
clubs throughout the world
and ls devoted to im proving
the lalent talents of their
members and develo p ing
leaderstlip and poise in both
public and prh•ate affairs.
All area women interested
in lhe group are asked lo call
ti.1rs. f\1cQuarrie, 494--7938,. or r
P.1rs. Ida May Schomaker, 4W-
lS79. for furl.her information. I
This steel watch
costs more than
many gold watches.
It's a Rolex Oyster
Perpetual Chronometer.
Oyster case canied from a solid block ot
stainless sleel. Water-res/slant.·
.Ptrpehtlll rotor, 26-jewel movement.
Chrt>nometer certification guarantees
alon' under extreme conditions.
prec i·
Because most of the wol'lc is done by hand. II
takes a year to build ii. It'll probably last you
a lifelim~ $197.50 with malching steel.bracelet.
·1-....n c ... , cra""n t nd try:.111 trt ln1tcl.
1/2 OFF
J•weler' s-inc• 19 I 7 84 STORES ••. ALL 72° •
' and open nightly till 9 :30 II FASHIO N ISLAND
326 Marine Avenue -Balboa Island South Coast ?Jua v~w1 cri..,,, 1oc1-• Wtk91Ttt -•"nkA'""rlc:•l'll. M~'''' c.11t.,. "'° , . {ln Th• Art CenterJ
• •
• l
Six Schools
Offel'e d f or
Pilot Logbook
Where to Put
Unwed Mothers
~ ,... '*" ""' ., .... Many lllrange things lab ploco during the tw1 ... weeld7
1ta1lon1 of Orange County's auiuat Bolrd of Supervllon:,
but It wW be 1 loni Ume before a recent hearin& on the
Flor«ice CriUenton llome for unwed teen.ace mothers Is
Picture. if you can, a bearing room full of people, more
than h•lf of them opposed to ''ain" in any form if it Is near
them. The balance Ot into upper segments of the "do.
gooder" types -purposeful, di , well meaning.
Sit bacll: and liSten to some or things said.
County Zoning Administrator Ray . who had granted
the use permit for the homt in an area toned for "!mall u·
tatea" ln the El Modena sector of north central Orange Coun·
ty, explained the problem.
SANTA ANA. _ Sit schnols He said the county counsel's office had ruled the home
fn 0ranp County offer 8 could be classified as an "educational Institution." 1 legal
specl•Uzed education f 0 r UR in the small estates ione. The ~.000 facility lo house
retarded children. 68 girls wu to be built on 2.S acres owned by the Friends
Church ol El Modena. Reed sa.id many ol lho&e prote1tin1 Operated by the Orange UYed a hall mlle or more away from the site.
County A s so c i a t l o n for Attorney Modser Howell, repreRnUng the complainant.1,
Retarded Oilldren, the Hope AOUght to set the tone of the hearing with a at.ipulation that
Haven. Schools have a pro-"the home ls de:sirable in the county, but NOT on thla: prop. gram designed to tea ch erty."
retarded children s e If· A man "'ho said he had lived in the area since 19$3 com·
,discipline and rea:ponsibility. plained, "We just got a pig farm out, now this. It will ham~
Children from 2\2-year of er the sale of our property.''
age and up are eligible for A JO.year resident (male) wanted lo kn<iw. "Where will
enrollment at the non-profit the girls go walking? Our boys shoot guns in the hllb nearby."
achool1, v.·blch have operated ~oman protested that she was not against the home.
countywide since 1952. Classes "\Ve've just been approved for adoption of a child, but the
start Jn September. school cbildrl!n who must walk by tbe hofllf, m,y, my," she
The ability for the retarded said.
child to get along with others "We tell them that such things are wrong," she contin-
is one of the areas stressed at ued, "how are we going lo justify our statements with such
the schools. a plact here?"
1be Hope Haven Schools of· A man who said he bought liiJ acres nearby because of
fer courses lo language. pre-"the rural atmosphere aod a plact to keep horses," decried
read Ing, a r it h m etio, the plan. "It would be a degradation of our area."
citizenship, science, physical After several more such plaint.ive cries, the supe.rvisora
training, social adjustment clORd the hearing.
and handlcralt.s. In summation, Sup(rvisor Alton Allen said he thought the
Hope Haven Schools are at property wu ''an ideal site for an iMlitution of this type,
the following locations: next to the churd1. Bol.b are trying to do good. It ia the IDEA
Costa Mesa: 1621 Monrovia that is feared.''
SL, clwes from 9 a.m. to 1:30 Supervisor David L. Baker characterized the test.imony
p.m. as "emotional, on the subject of good or evil rather than the
Anaheim: East Anaheim proper interpretation ol the legal code."
Methodist Church, 1457 East Supervisor Robert Battin called the protests "arguments
Romneya, classes from g a.m. against the poor."
to 1:30 p.m. Baker moved that protesters' appeal be denied. The m~
FUIJ..ERTON: Ch 11 dren's tion Carried unanimously. Win a few, lose a few.
Center, 20SO Youth Way, 9 ; .• Li":XF'T""F'"'·· :n::;;r;g,. -:;t':"';"{.,.,..,...2 r;r a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
( --·~
Kids Find o ·utdoors at Unicaillp
. 17 'l'llOMAS FORTUNE Santa Ana 1Cboo1' alteodtd by for 11\eiu lo do," oblerved homesick. Tbtro'a plenly OI YOWli<r 11at.r 1111"1 ptUn1 BARro"N~";; "': 'the moR ~ tb1 Un I c • m P Father Edwird A 11 en, that at Unlcamp, and there is cared ror," said Floyd Norris.
younpt.en, associate director of lbe UCl another reason why thoughts a senior ln social science who
i Id 1 IO lo the mount.a1ns GleM Ka1ey8}1'11. a UCI Interfaith Center aod a are of home. wu head COWlielor. "Tbty
where 111<1 drink lnlm • lfaduale In ,blolop lut JW>t, ngular at Uolcamp. "Tboy m91 be Yer)' .worried have much more rapollllbllllY
brook, try to eatcb UUrda and &u spent four 1WDmen at "At the. same time lhey are their job ian'L getting done, at home thin middle ct.us
sleep under I/le •Iara. Uo.lcamp. He keeps coming reserved about what lht.\'. say -=m=a'=ybe==th=e'=y=Wn=k=l=b=e=i r=ki='"'="°=""=al=ly"'=do=.'=' ====; At 1.Tnlcamp the\r new e1· back because if he and two because there it nowhere' (or 1i
peri-alao lnclucle learnlnt d<neo other UC! studenll them lo go, they can't gel
to live wttb omen and flodlnc didn't the kldl wouldn't ever away. They come up here and
out otbera care about them. &et to 10 to camp. aomethnes they really blow.
Many of them pa away from Unlcamp, at a UCLA facility 'f1>ey • cab Jet off steam
home for the flnt time. at Bartoo nae. in the San because they're in an ac-
Tbe dl.lcovedes of e 3 Bernardino Mountal111, ii: • ceptlng group ; for once they
yoanpten, qe1 nl.rte to 13, UCI tiudent ftmd ralstna pro-can speak their mind without
are lhared with t b et r · jeet. Coat per child i.!1 about geWng fetched along the
coonselon from UC Irvine. S50 for the 10 days. Counselors head."
The counutors do chores work rree. Re said one cabin of girla
with them, bike, swim and The younplers from ·"an im· was encouraged to scrum for
sing songs around campfire poverished environment make half an hour at the girls of
with them. The counselors are things in terested for the another cabin lo get. rid or
there to talk, to be acee~. volunteer coonselors. their hostilities.
to understand and to be their •(A lot of the8e kids -you You ask the children what
frieods. can tell the way their families they do in the mountains and.
Tbe 10 days ct Unicamp work," aald t.Uu Palmquist. besides saying "swim. hike, do
ended Wednesday. Yoonpten ''They have to J.l&bt. irab for crafts" they say "We solve
uked il they fhou&ht they'd what lhq want." probioms.''
ever aee their counselon "J'vt notJced"' these kids It's customary for children
again were emphatic l n from the &hetto are extremely who have never been away
answering, •'uh, ub... verbal -there'• nothinf else from their family before to get
Bui the COW1Selora, UCl!r===================;'I studen1', plan lo 1urprlle
"It wouJd be kind of unfair
lo bring kids up here, let them
see something and then drop
them back in the city," said
Becky Pa l mquist, a
sophomore sociiJ science ma.
She'll make time duri111 the
school year to take them to
parties and outings to parks
and the beach. Mis Palmquist
last year tutQ.red at Fremont.
one of two-racially mixed
to be held At
3209 Vl8 J...ldo !'Vev.·port Bearh
Rosh Hasbana -Sept. 12 & 13
Yorn Kipper -Sept. 21 & 22
Rabbi Berne.rd P. Kirli Cantor Milt Miller
ror Tickets I: Information: Call 646-3608
Join vs for •
Tiit C.......tl" S~ fW fol hllre HtrW . ._,_
611 w,,. H1111r11011, Co••• M•J• ,.., '"'"""''r ..... 111 •••·1111 • ll•bbl 0.PMn OMlfm.n
•ri41 Ht. Tent,lt llMNn Chtlr
._,,.,,,. ~ .... 11 *'" -S..llnf 11 Lll'l\ltt& l•~litlne CllllV ... fw ... 'l'!ilfll •trvk&
Friday IE:....,"11S.....k#11 l :U PM
kt.io4 k•lllrllWlrl, s..www. $Wt. '· .i .. Ml
BAHA 'f s I OF ;~~~~;ESA
Speaker -Dr. Fred E. IJttman
Theme -Some Answered Questions
Time -September 8 . 8:00 P .M.
Place -935 Victoria
''Arad w her1
llae dau• of /tlo1e• wer e e nded,
a11d l/ae lllJl&t of Je1u1 ••• "
If th v lill•I hive mciv•cl tfowly ill tl.1
offi,• cluri110 the p11l few d1v1, i1'1
ff,1u1e 1 11ew 1wliem i1 b1 i119 i111lt ll· ,,,
Tli1 r111cin fcir thv "'w 1y1!1m ii lei
9 iv• wciu, 011 c111'cim1r. b11t1, 111d
quick er 11rvic1.
That 11, one• w1 911 the "H1119 cir ii'',
you'll 911 b11i1r 111d quie~tr 11rvict .
Th111~ yciu fcir yciur p1ti1nc1.
SAVIN GB .......... --
••• Miff
....... _... .....
A U.C.LA grtdull1, P11t!~ Abet II •KOi·
nltecl bY 111ff el'ld cvsiom. .. •• ttHi eqv.lly
prot191fnt llNCt of H1w Aceounls •NI '' 1 T ··, Cilf'I 11\fi litle. S:linlt Alll ruld.ritl,
ltM Coslt MIM Oflke ol C•!lte111i. F_,11 tllltfl4t I l\tl•ty Ind Wlrm Wt~
<Omt to the UCI "'"' INtllt•' jolnl"lll ttlt He'll'POrl·Mat Un ified SclloaJ_ Oilo lrld.
FEDERAL Gardeu . Grove : Pre-School,
First Presbyterian Church,
11831 EucUd, 9:30 a.m. to
11 :30 a.m.
Santa AD.a: Two sessions -
St. Luke Methodists Church,
221S W. McFadden, t a.m. to
1::1> p.m.1 and Pre-Schoolers
from 9:30 a.m. lo 11:30 a.m.
2 Trial Witnesses
Freed for W eekeiid
ul!"9 tnd llfl' hUSbln<I Jll+tn, htvt lull
I L-...-,.,1urnld tro"' ll'ltlr Eur11PM11 Ytc•tlon.
W•'rt P">\111 of -'"'· C>ur ICl\OO!s tl'ICI Ille 'tO\lllQJll!'"I """' llf9rld. How vou
ctn ll'llr• II! lflll prOk 11 YC>U ''"" \'l!Vf MW fl'OllNYOI'. Muell IUCtUI ll'd
h1pci!...,.. le ffell C>I you
WRIGHT a... W~t. R•l<ltnt ol E,..11...i.
ti.It ffil dNll!. 5-1-.Mr '· $u,...,)....., 171' l'iult>lll'ld. wr1i.... H. Wrltllli
............. MtL Jatn ftlbel, UH Olllet
GeYa. corarw dtl M..r. ,.tlvllt lfl'· ¥1tn _.. lltli! ,, 111111 Morlllllrv,
~ del Mir.
SULUVAN Dior .. SUlll¥1n. 1ino AllH1t, Af'I. 11.
:SMI lffd'I. tit'-ol' llNl!I, S"'1 '· SllrviV9CI b't' 1ist1rs, Mr1 lle>bert WV·
flt ll'ld M••· JoH .... McOo<>lhJ. llol•
,,.., 7,311 l'rld1'11 Holl' 11'1mU¥ CllhO!k
Curtll. R..,ufem M111 $ttu•daY 10,00
•m Holy F11nll'f C1ltlollc: Olurcfl. t,,..
l.....,tl'll All kul1 (ll'M~., Qlldll'
l roltllr1 Morh.ol,..,., Dl.-.c:fon. Ml·171l.
!"trl SIH,111. ft\41 Nl9•1 Clrcle, Mlllll·
1,..1..., 811tl'I. D1i. ot dffth. ~' l.
!5Ur¥1Ved b't' -. l!!thtrd IMI o.tvld
~'""'" ti1.l!'f"1, P1..,v Llovd, lciw1, '"'° o.;,.,,trw II••.,.., '"-J'" 11.,.. '''"°' d>lldreoi. ,s..,...lctt will bil i..ld Mon·
d1Y 11 11 tm W11lctlll Cht1>4!!. IM"''
"""' FalrlllYfl' C""'flll'V, Pev RI< ....
In:! [)u"ltp C>lfk.ltllnt. Wt~ICllll Ml:Jr.
"''"'' Dlrec~. USEDO:\t
l''lr* lltC>ltMI U-.. Nr«-1 llNch. 0tt1 ~ detlh. S...t. 3 Sur¥1vtd b¥
... , •• DorolPw (; d11:111llltf. Debby
11 : brotri...-i. W1!!1•d F. U•tdom•
S~lm••· end 'Edwtrd W, Cnlca91i;
.,. ... ,.. llPtl•IU! Or.<te• 4nd Giii!•'
Rl•tllfll• bolh ol Chlc1w Strvlcn
wlll bt: ~Id Mctr>Oe' ~I fl 1m Pt·
clflc V•tw Cht~I !~ltrm•nl Pttlflc vi... Mvmorltt Ptrt. P•t•tic View
Mt)r!Utr't', Dlrt<lo•I.
Westcllff !'i1ortuary
U7 E. litb St .• Costa J\.lesa
61&-4S88 • BALTZ J\.10RTUARTES
Corona dcl J\.lar OR 3·!1'50
Costa l\fesa Pill 6-z.124 • BELL BROAO,VAY
110 Broadway, Cosl3 l\lea:a
IlunUngton Valley
tilll Beaeb Bh·d.
llunU ngton Bearh
84%-7771 • McCOR~OCK LAGUNA
1795 Laguna Canynn Road
Laguna Beacb
4!M-9415 • PACIFIC VIE\V
Ctmetery e !'i1ortuary
asot Paclllc View Drll'I
Newport Buell, CaWoraJ1
f.14-t'l'OI • PEEK FAMILY
1111 Bolu A \IC.
' WetUD.lnter m-3$%5 • SllEFFER MORTIJARY i--.... 1511 1ae-.. 11:.11•
SANT A ANA -Ri'ck and
Carl Stevie Tice will gel their
wish this weekend -release
from Orange County Jail
where the two vital witnesses
In a murder trial are being
held under guard.
But it will onJy be for the
weekend, both parties in the
dispute agreed T h u rs d a y ...
Rick, 18, and Carl, 15, must be
back Sunday night in the jail
accomodation they have come
to detest while the parties to
lhe agreement anaiyze the
success or failure or the ven·
tu re in preparation for a poss1·
ble ruJing Mond ay by Superior
Court Judge Robert Gardner.
They hammered out the ar-
rangement Thursday after two
days of negotiations that
. seemed to be deadlocked
shortly before Judge Gardner
scheduled Monday for he
l\\.·ice postponed hearing .
Attorneys Tom Keenan and
Keith Monroe v1on the new
privileges for their young
clients in negotiations that at
one lime seemed sure to
founder on !he adamant ob·
jectlons or sheriff's and
dislrict attorney's o(ficers OJl·
posed to any modification of
the boys' confinement.
It is expected that both boys
will have vital testimony to of·
fer if and when Black Panther
Arthur Oe\\.·itt League, 20, of
Santa Ana , goes on trial for
the murder last June 4 of San·
ta Ana police officer NelSQn
League's preliminary hear-
ing i:i; schedu led in Santa Ana
municipa l court Sept. 25. Bul
!he detention or both boys
'1·ould be continued to long
after that date assuming that
the district aUorney's office is
sucr:essful in movi n& for hear-
ing of the chargeJ in Superior
Investigators make no
secret of the fact that the
young Tiet. brothers face
possible elimination from the
trial proceedings if they are
;illowed their freedom in the
interim period.
VacciJations in the boys'
testimony -one or the
brothers has told conflicting
stories of the events of the
night of June 4 to lhe Orange
County Grand Jury and in-
vestigators -ha ve been the
result, invesligalors claim, of
"'hat one orficer called "silent
Sheriff'~ officers had not
determined today just what
form and conteflt protection of
the boys would take but it wu
made clear that their freedom
"'ould involve precautions.
Attorney Keenan petitioned
for their relea!'.t after
repeated objection:; by the
boys and their relatives to
confine ment in the county jail.
Neither of the brothers had
any complai nt to offer about
food or the quality of the lodg·
ing. Keenan explained, but
h<Jth "v.·ere pretty sick of the
confinement. restriction on
phone calls and restriction of
\Vhatever the outcome of the
l\'eekend experiment, jail co~
dilions in terms of visiting and
phone privileges will be relax-
ed. Keenan and Monroe co~
firmed Thursday.
District Attorney Ce c 11
lflcks \\.'elcomed th e ar·
rangemen t Thursday as a
''trial and error arrangemellt
that \viii give us a chance to
:.ec just v.•hat can be worked
out for these boys .
For coils after 6 p.m. weel<days
and all -Xend. 3 minutes
stJtiorH>station, plus tax. --@
You·v1 bHn mined, P1u!l111.
W•lcclmt IMdt hi ttt. C..hl M.U Ollk 1.
1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan.
Deposit $1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each
year all your principal and interest remain. we'll guar-
ante e a S.25ci1o annual rate, compounded dail y. It adds ur
lo 5.39o/ci a year.
2. The Guaranteed Income Plan.
Open an account of $1,000 or more for 36 to 60 months.
We'll guarantee you a 5.25°/o annual rate, compounded
daily, with interest paid out to you each quarter. . '
In case of hardship or ernergency, you can w1thdra\\' at any
time with full in terest paid to the end of the previous quarter.
3. Tha Bonus Plan.
Earn a bonus of y, o/ci a year when your account is held
to 3-year maturity, Th is is in addilion to the regular scio
cu_rrent annual rate. R_egular inlerest is compounded
da1ly and may be credited quarterly lor extra earnings.
Withdrawals before maluri ty earn at !he regular passbook
rate, Any amount ot S1 ,000 or more opens and maintain5
your bonus account. All funds held to ma!ur1ty earn an
effective annual rate of 5.25~~.
4. The Basic Plan.
The most flex ible plan. You can invest any amount of
money and withdraw 11 \Vhenever you wish. If you leave
all your money and interest in your account for a year at
our current S~ci annual rate wit h inlerest compounded
dady, you 'll re ceive an annual yield of 5.13ci.4. You earn
interest from th e day you deposit your money 'Iii the day
you withdraw 1t. Plus ... 1he money you deposit by tho
lOlh o f any month earns interest from the 1st, wt'en it
remains until quarter's end.
C~!~fqm!~BF~!J.~!~!ro §@Y.!~gs
2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300
' ' ' ~t:..i2,,l'IO. 2~3. 4 SECTIONS, 38: PAGES ORANGE· COUNTY,. CALIFORNIA FIUDAY, S~lll I, '19W • • ... TEN ·,CENTS I
President Gets a Painting
' Dr. \Vade Lower (in wheelchair), mayor of S,,an
Clemente, and Paul Presley, owner of San Cle-
. mente Inn present seascape to President Nixon.
Painting bv artist VioleL Parkhurst \\'as gift from
people of San Clemente. See story, Page 3.
Laguna Doctor
' Clnims I nrwcence
lrt Abortion Rap
'' By RICHARD P. NALL I ' Of "'9 0.llJ "li.t SI.if
· A Ulguna Beach physician was er·
"'8lejl ~-~Pll<:lo<!l·Hlill,(op IYJooo i~ Dana Point Thursday night• and accused
by police of inducing two aborli~ns In
~ng wunarried womep. '\
Dr. Robert C. Robb, 66, speelalir.ing In
lnlt.mal medicine, has denied the ac-
cuaall<JIS. Coritacted at his home, 34587 &enic
Prive, the physician today said. "1 have
never performed an operation on a preg-
nant woman." He said the arrest was
"quite a ahock to me,"
Police. however, maintained that fhe
llleged procedures had nearly cost the
life oC.one of the women involved when
ptritonlt!s, an infection ol. lbe abdomen,
Dr .. Robb wu taken from his home to
the Laguna Beach Police Depart~nt,
booked and released on a $1.t50 bail t>cmd.
Police DeL Brookll said officers armed
.. -Jth a 1earch warrant also searched the
t>hysician's office at 2SO Beach St., and
Kized "certain instrumenls."
Dr. Robb was arrested on a \\'arrant
issued in Sanla Ana municipa l court. He
was booked on two felony counts (separ·
att aDlged ottenses ) under a penal code
.eclioa whkh is beaded:
"Previding « administerin1 a drng or
emplofing mean!! to procure mlscar·
rlage;" The section lists a two to riv1
)'W" pri,... penalty.
J>etletlve Brooks claimed that the
lllegred 3.bortiona were indind by in·
11ertID1 a lube Into the female organs and
inducln(I chemical solutions which act as
an imtant.
. Brooks said t h i s term inates the
pregnancy when the embryo or fetus
CUS~. He alleged both women
developed peritonitis but that in one case
the J>llien~victim almoot lost her We.
'I1>e investigator said one. ol the women
wu from the Van Nuys area. 'Tbe allqi:ed
dfeme in that case, be said. occurred
Not'. U, 1961. The more ,recent cue.
11roob aaid, occurred Aug. IJ: !lo said
hath women are 20 years old.
. Boob Aid the embr;o in the l1rst Cl~ waa believed to have existed about two
mantbl and aaid the fetus in the mote ...,. I
Ai1· Cal Will Plead Case
For More Flights Sept.18
·Two m11ijor airlinet, bid (or lDcreued
jet flight& out of Orange County Airpoit
Sept: ii-before ~ ~tare 'PUbltC'fitillties
Commission Jn San P'rancisce.
Air calllornia, f r e • h from ,partial
successes with the commission over
flights to and from San Diego and San
Jose-Oakland, has applied for eew_ rout~
f?om tbe Orangi County tenninal to
Ontario, Hollyw;;J-Burbank, San Jose-
Oakland and Sacramento.
Pacific Southwest. Airlines, which
presently does not ierve Oranie County,
Right Naine,
Wro~ CitiZen -' oi,e lo 1lmilarit.y tn 11ames and ad·
dresses, the wror11 Costa fl.tesa man was
idenUfied as addreaaing the city council
?\10Dday, cdmplainin& of cruelty to anJ..
MID ·who charged luity in enforce-
ment of lalra aplnst cat torturers wu J.
M. Palmer, of 177·Cecil•Place, not n. J.
Palmer, ol. 904 Cedar Place, as reported
in Tueaday's DAILY Pllm.
No embarrassment "was intended to D.
J. Palmer and thelle'Wspaper regrets the:
error resulting from ttie speaker'a verbal
identifica tion of him.self Monday night.
Palmer said he has been bothered by
concerned cititenii calling to rally round
the defeose of helpless . and innocent animals.
Stork Markeu
NEW YORK (AP) -The lloct martet
~as a ber. again today u Jt finishe4
its w,U on a downbeaL (5ee quotations, Page& JI.I),
also ls asking for nonstop routes from
Orllll&e Counl)' Airport ·to c.IJ!ornfa'a
"'~9!. ~ • -~~ ' t,. .. In the .. robk app1l<iilii>b&5ant& An, b
a litop be:tl'·een-111.ghta to and from san
Diep and the Sall Frafld.co Baj' Area .
Sacraroento ia included In .. few or tbl
routea.. ·
The PUC Tilursday ruled lhat Air Cal
could · ny to and. from San Diego, but
stalled for a year any action on the line'11
request for service to and Crom Lon1
Beach Municipal Airport.
'The commission ruled that Air Cal will
have to'Jna~ anangements with the CUy
of Long Beach over new terminal space.
In a swift change, Long Beach's city
council withdrew !Upport o! Air Cal
because or prusure fnm nobe foes.
• If the dty granta or refuses terrnlnel
right& by -July· I, the PUC wW =-the application.
Pad.fie Soothwest.A.irlines also lost bids
to use Loug Beach Aitport and fell under
the' one-year delay. The commission,
tiOwever granted PSA's request for a
Sacr"l'eo!c>Sn .FranC!sco run.
The pt<heatlng conlerence, held belo~
two PUC naminen •. "is to ascertain the
pcoillanl ol Ill parties on the 1's<1eo and
the fttent to which they wish to
partidptte," PUC Secretary William W.
Dunlop aald.
The huring will atart at 10:30 a.m. in
the St.ate Buildloa:, San Francisco.
Thieves Take Pills,
Then Give Cal Bath
Burglars raided a Costa ~lesa woman'ii
home Thur 1 da y, stole a bottle: ol
prescription drug pilla worth 15, then
tossed her cat in the family swlmrnina:
Man:elloe M. Allum o! «7 Princeton
Drive told poHce the intruders pulled o(f
a bedroom window· screen, which wi1
allO dumped Into the ....,, with !be Cl~
-' Brazil · Gi:ves In l t
.. ' .
'Bows toKidnapers of..V.S. Envoy _
Brazlliao aovemmenl bowed today to !be
demands of a band of "very, verJ
detmruned" temirlsti who kldnaped u.s:
Ambasoador c. -Elbri<k and threatened to execuio blm.
The Forel&n Minlltey .....inced II
would IAe IS "lltlcal prlooqon aa
demanded by the tldqapers. The an-
nouncement came~ anboar'IQd 28
mlnules bet ore exptraUoo or,, an
ultllnatur.1 that presumably Would >iave
nieant death for the 11-year~ld envoy.
The ambassador was seized by a hand
or ronr men on a nio de JRnelrM street
Thu rsday and the kidnapcrs scl a
deaoline of 4il yours for their demand.'! lo
be mel They repeated the ullunatun1 lh'-1
Nixon Adviser
Says )ob~ Not
Hurt by Cut •
The Nixoo Administration's 75-pereent
sla~h in. all new fed(ral constrnctlon C{lfl·
lracts will not hike 'unemployment. ac-
cording to the Presldent'i chief economic
Dr. Arthur F. Burna made the-obserVI·
tion at a press briefin1 In San,.,Clemente
following announcement of tbi!' mauive
cutback. ••t do not exp;ect any unemployment,"
he said, "becavM we haw u uctSB of
-far -ind all tlila Will do la cut back ... 11)1 ...... d-"
He mused to~,. on wl\a\~
.the anti-Wlattooary move w«lld !t\'i Qll
the stock m~ ·
private only." he u:kl, tmlllng.
Burns "'II~ !Oat !bf.reduction In
1e11i!ra1 proj!Ct&"lllvo!ffs·stirti-.>oll'. CJn.
going pro]Odl woUld C011tiobe. <
He 1aid that If the freeze. on new ton-
tract! is carrl!d through the fiscal ,tar.
a total of fU blllloo in fed«al funds
woold ·be d>opped ~ !be bud,et. .But
''il coodlUons eue," the eu~k might
be enforced for juat a few months.
Burns, pulling a pipe, explaln<d !be
uapecill problem" in the con$Uction
Industry that led to !be Presiedot'1 de-
"BWldlng wain in ~t months have
b2en rising al an amuaJ rate of 15 per-
cent The· CQSt of constructing olfice
b\lildings, Ind.mt.rial plant.5, apa~nt
hOU!es has been rising about IJ percent
or more. Tb cost .t>f construction one-
family homts has 1been going up sharply
as well. 1' '
The reason for thia Inflationary spiral,
he said, is the caru:truction indmtry't in-
capacity to meet aD the demand.a.
With oo federal contraetl, the Industry
would be able to eoncentrate on Musing
with less st.rain. Colt would then, theo-
retically, atabllile.
Buma point& out that at !be alart of tho
year new houJing eonl\rUCUon wu mov-
ing along at the rite of l.t rnill)Qn1 unitl
annually. In July that rate had plunged
to 1.3 million units.
Burns implied lb.at the federal cutback
may be ju11t lhe top of the iceberg if rtate
and k>ca.I governments follow the
President's lead.
"A great deal of stale and local con-
struction is rmaoced through federal
grants in aid," he aaid. ''The President
indicated in h:i.s statement that he hopes
and expects the st.ate and local
aythorities to d~mormrate that the New
Federalism is more than rhetoric, ~t
we have a partntrsblp with state and
1 o ca 1 govequnent, a partnership in
action." '"
mornlnc ~I moved up the Jludllllt for
acceptance·of )heir~' -1 Tbe· aovonunent IMOtm<emeat, ca,,,.
ii ll:IO p.m. !l:IO 1.111. Ptlr) ofter It
""'1•ed a ·-wrlt\ell aole lro!D , fhe
-to hla wile 101Jnc lllat be wu aHve and weJl but Nk!at the psn-
meot to -to lihat lie ~ ''WY, vtry cjetennlnld!' mem . ~ ·, · 1
' Tbeie 11¥ -two orlaloal.--refelM cl tho ·--...-... Ml, publlCaUolt ol Ille"' tfdoaperl 'note
whlcti denow1<:ed !be io•'"""l"ll u a
"ditt.atorsblp." The note WU. publiahed
"'The go\wnmtnt has already autborU--
r1l the publication uf the declarallon and
\fill aulharlze the transfer to a· foreign
country ol Lbe Ii persons delaintd wborie
. '
Carpenter Said
Leading lteca~-~ ,
OI llM ~ly r11tt SMlf
Qne...Ume Conarwlonal candidate Paul
·Carpenter today wa1 named a1 tbl driv.
ing rorce behind the busb-hu.!b c1mpalgn
for re.:all of F!ftlt Distrlcl Suponbar
Alim E. Allen. , ·
The eypr,. De!noc:rat wu ldentlllod
by Mra. AnU>ony Taranllno ,.., tho man
who penuaded her husbml to hood Ille
mov«-t lf!""1 at 1ho .-a\llll O! i~~~· public ocUvlly • 1h:.:J; afttt ·tilt .,_
nooncement of the C~palan coW4. not
bertadiedfor ~~-•
Mn. Taran&: .~~ ·OI , Tetnl 'a Yanfaie, a ""11 C) li.d I e i ' '
matulala lllore.fn ~ Squari.CO<f:a
Mw, took lime out fnmi bet baQklnc "° '.day to deny nports lllat her, Jrujband 1'U
.. tiousty com.mplallngw It h'd r.a" a I
from the recall campa1in. .
"1bat'1 news to me," ll'lt said. ''Wbtn'
I ID) l)lOl<e to him be WU'V!fY,much ln-
Vlllvid and he t<lld ... that !be ..mpaJgn
was &oing well and that Paul (Carpenter)
was very pleased.·~
Af!O named by the self-styled sculptor·
dealgner'1 wife was otck (ruchard)
O'Neill, a member of the rich rancbln1
family and tbe owqer of extet\Slve
acreage in the San Juan Capiltfano area.
She dedln<d lo stale O'Nep1·, 1pec11Jc
role in the movement other thaii lo Ide.,..
tfly him 'as one of the irouP who a~
pro.ached her husband .,·some montha
Carpenter, rescn"bed today by a former
DemocraUc colleague as a •1permaneoUy
active pollUcian and a perpetual can-
did1te''. has beeri defeated In bJdJ hlr tbl
... -,tltl~ED TO IU!CALL1,MOVi-
1, D«J1to 11olllf ... CorPonttr'.'
c~~ssional 1eat ~~ertYYJOCC~rby
Republican James ·B.. (J~.Qt ·~:~
tho Qtb A"°mbly Dlstrid ,..L
Carpenter hu been reputedJy Unlil9d
over Ute years with tbe Ca1ifmUa
De!nocraUe Council (CDC), the 1e!t Wini
otfs.bcwX involverlJ n a number of eledkJn..·
(Seo ALLEN, Pa&e 1)
* * * * * * Newport Noise Group
Denies Ties to Recall
Tbe Newptrt Btai:b Airport Nof!e
Abatem<nt Committee today totall)'
dlaavowed any connection with tt>e
und,rcurrent recall" campaign agatn:st
Filth Dllltrlcl Supen'l!or Alton E. Allen,
!Seo ARll&'IT, Page 11
Coas& Reds Launch Heavy Attacks
Dan Emory, d>alrman cl !be powerful
citlzon'1' -· QJd • special mmng committee meeting beld this morning
produced an ollidal f'9'1tion cl neutrality
on the campaign. · .
Emory speclfJCaJl.v .,. .. quoted In the
"Soutb Coul Homepwner'1 Beacon," a
tabloid1 dlatribu\e4 by the Alltn foU. The
publication aparied the Emor1 state-
·Look for a picture post.cml
ntkend on the Orange Coast with
Ull1 skies aod temperatures in
tho etghUes afler a hamllul cl low
-in !be morning boors.
A hmadfvl o/ UC Irvin~ 1tu-
dent1 art givino yottng.U~
th.cir fir6t tMle of the ousfoori
ot Unicamp. Page 14.
But North Viets, Cong Pledge Truce for Ho ment. , .
nie Beacon, on 118. 1eoond paae, at-trlbut<:!I quotes critical o( county o(ffclals
SAfGON (UPI) -Tbe Communi>U to-
day launched theh-heavlelt mortar and
• nic:te( allac:tl'Jn near])'· I mciitll Jn SOl!til v-. but the Nor1b 'v1etnome1e coo-
ftnned they would tate part In a thret-
day c:eaae-llre ·llllDOlll>Cnd Thunday by
the Viet Cong.
North Vietnam,.. and Viel Coog b'oopo
!iihebed or carried out rocket attackt on
77 u.11; and SiJulh vi.-'"""' and towtil of.d h!L 11veo Arn.tkan and South
Vietnamese baaea with lroond att.ack!.
The ground attacks cost the COmmunist.s
14 dead against comperaUvelf licht allied -Tbe ceue-fite beginl It 1 a.m. MOftd.ay
• In hooor of North Vlotoa10'a lata l'rfti·
dent Ho Oii Minh. Scaltll V!etilam and !be
Unll<d Slales,..... eq>ecied to honor U
lllhoagh tbeT< ""4 been no !Inn dtdalon
lo SaJaon. A ftu¥hm Tass dllPilch rrvm
Hanoi said it would apply lo lhe North
Vietnameae too. ~
Ho Huu Tuong, I South VietnameH na~
tima1 -.ntblym.an, said be wouJd prf>o
JIG" that all Bides in the V1etnun war
l1op figbtlnf during tl!e -entire oev""411
p!tiod cl nalloul mourning proclaimed
by Hanoi but tt wa1 doubted hi• Idea
,....Id be '""'pied, Tuong 1ald tt would
aid the .Parls peace talks.
The Viet Cong radio which flrat an-
nounced lhe cease-flrt sa,id today any
allied soldier who violates it would be
"severely punhhed." The bn>adca&t,
J>'elUmlbly I~ fllt the North Vl<t·
namese 11 wtll, indicated the Corn·
munllll would ftre back i.f faed'upon. l1anot called Thundey for reoewed ti·
forts to drive tho -Ill out tf.South v,.... ml todoJ'• buvy attacb
followed . However, U.S. offk:ert believed
the 1Ulck1 were mere& another hl&b
' point of the Communist autumn olfenaive
•1llch began 'tho night cl Aug. ll·IJ with
a aimilar ·ll'lvt of attact.s..
Flve,of !be.Communlal.ground 111101111
,...,, carried out aplnsl •-'""'"" ~
within IDS milu ol -n;,. "dist tho
c ... ummlata 71 dead and tilled •Ix
Amtrlc:ant and Wound'!! 113. M lllict
abov< Da•Nlt\t \llfec! tl>i'ee<\l.S. ~arlnft
and wounded 13 and COit the CommunW.
one dead. south Vleflllmt,. fon:ea tlllod
another ela:ht In bu!lni hlt k an attld:
II milts ftom Salp.
U.S. blldlllence llOUttfl ttparted tila1
Communist liirlllralk>ll Into tho -.
pnivlncff ol South Vletnarn had fallen
"to·sero" ar1d tM1 the allia'expeded a coo6-hdl'ID beoV)' Ogbllng.IJlerO..But
lbeJ ale! lbeJ Qpec1ed ihe lii!Utratloo to
pick up -tho -ralna strlb .....
• to Emory and .,...e, with th e ·
sta .. ment&.
"The Airport Noiae Al>ale!Dlllt Oon!-mlll<e ti DOI a•pattfcipul ba "'1 rocall ,
mov~ To our know)ed&e. no one •ho :
bu oct!,.I)' pvtidpeted ID tlie alloln o1 ,
the c:ommlttee ia Involved In ari1 itcall
movement,'' Emory aakl, ~
He aald the group, dalmlng thoulandl ·
·~ ~. 'haa _ -~""1 . "retaliatory poJlUcal action'' qalnlt any
pub!lc official oa a mum o! 11<bieving
comm!Uee pll.
''.Nor. Illa It IYer urged Jla IUpporlan
to lab dlnct pdlttlc:ol a.tJoo In all)' ope.
clflc tleictloa camPIJan, .. he 11ld.
He aald that !be CmunJttee. In ...
-with that belelf, ''nel!ber .. <OW"qes, nor d1-ages )>lrtldpotlon fri the ••• recall movemenl or ..,. 'other
polltlcol campalp ...
~ory 11... •aid the commut ..
__. ____ _
I \ W.M.Y1rMT _, ~
Noise Foo 'lmWf.
--~·-,_ .... ____ __ =-· .
•• DAD. v I'll.bi' c •
HarbQrAre a
·Man Niies
' ~ ,
Recall Role . . • j_,,, ....... ''--·' i~'"·'"' -VT IOM V.\J,.Tl:ftZ&
i _.,_......,:. """"~'*' ..... UllSUcCtsslul Democrauc ~ol !led asaembly ~dal&..Paul ~ !w cdnl><led 'al I-one 'powerful
C!U... 11r•••1H-la U>e Harbor~ I• l\ead tho. ••11..,.i ,...111_..
meil agalni\ &uperrilor Alton E. AD.,.
il waa learned today: •
The leader 1 who asked oot to be )den--
lilied publicly, told tbe DAILY PILOT lie
refused to lend either leadenhip or t.UP.
port to tho campOlcn. '
The dirclooure added yet anotber' IM:et
to puules IUm)lllldJn& tbe recall cam-
Jl'l1111, spawned ostensibly by a brief
news 1'.leastd from San C I e m e n t e
llCU1Pt«4esl~r Apt b o n y · Tiri.ntlni> '
:,.at11efjl!I! week ••
•. SOUl'tel de&crlbed Taraottno ai "~
:ty tile front man" for the elaborate tDd
well-financed cainpaltn lo unseat lhe
Filth Dlslricl supervbor.
The sourctS described the campaign u
a well·knh ICherrie involving well·.known
Democrata, interelt groups involved m.
the Upper Bay land uchanae and a 11uc-
cusful oplulon resurch !Inn · which
recenllJ" coodU~ all emnslve public
oplnloo poll ol tlfe ciU..ns In Newporl
... ___ °",
DAI• Y l'ILOT Sl•tt Pl!tle
Lio1as to Lobsters Carpenter told the Harbor Aru leader
that fUndl behbid the campaign -a
reputed ~.ooo -would be sufficient to
Nck both the recall campaip and that of
• a. possible candJdate.
Carpenter. sources said, hopes to have
the required 10,000 petition signatures by
·mid-October to insure an election in mid·
·Decembu -a time where many
'negative-oriented voten come out to the
Dr. John Evers J r., Trish Scott and ~lario Pacini {from left) sample
some of the fare to be served up this \Yeekend at annual Newport
Beach Lions Club lobster bake at Corona del ?\'Jar's main beach .
Lobster dinners al $3 each will be served fro1n noon to 8 p.m. Satur-
day and Sunday. Proceeds go to Lions Club sight saving projects.
polls to vol<. •
• "Oeeember h a great month for the
'aginnera' to come out in droves to vote,"
the 90Ul'Ce said:
Envoy Top Hate
The recall campaign was described all
a mulli-prqed ache.me to destroy the
chances of John KiUefer, AUen 's ad·
..ministraUve asslstatlt.
Abduction Slwcks His Fr iends
Tbe vote in December would insure
Uu1t Killefer could not pla~ his name on
the ballot.
• Sources • sa1c1 tho hlrjn11 of Opm\on
Reseorcb .Iuc. ol Loo( Beach' 11ve a
opedal advantap to the ,..,.n calnpolp
'.!Jecame ol eatenllv• d•la whldl!lll cao-·vwen ~during a rtcen 'U"Vey
cf cqmmunttj' attitudes in Newport
·By United Press International
U.S. Ambassador Charles B urk e
Elbrick·or Brazil, kldnaped Thursday by
terrorists, is regarded In the diplomatic
service as a reserved but outstanding
carter diplomat.
Foreign service officers who have serv·
ed with him in a variety of pasta in
Europe were described as shocked by the
abduction ol tbe dapper ll·ytar~ld Ken·
tuckian. '.Ibo !Inn, hired ol a fee of about 13,000,
gathered valuable data for the city'• Newp:lt Tomorrow citizen plann1nl '*13· Elbrick climbed to· the fo~front ct his
paiPt includ.in1 oblervatkms on the Ultl c~Jf."ng his lul. assignmen!J in
of Upper Newport 8-f•and ~-Y from .J.-ry, 1964, to Jiloy.
ty Airport 1 . ~lident 1tto was IIlown to bavt "I~ Us obvtous that OpinJon i&.earch, htfd Efb'riCk, a. fugged !ea\ured man wiUi
which lw ream~ 1!1;1aw dato ~ alick'!cl:~ck halr, IJI h1~h;<,tteem.
dreda of questlonllalnl, lw Ito '!' Elbricl<t. i naUv•'tlf ~Ille, Ky. He
the pulse of public opinion tn ~ gradui~ frorb Williams College in ·1m.
Beacll," a 11C1urce said. • ElbrlCk entered the fortltn service in
As a 1ldeli&bt to the research firm's J;y>uary~ 1931, and was immedWely :ent
rt'le, Newport Beach City Coqpcllmen to:'P~a.
have been told that the firm ·-... wiue Until tl)e outbreak of \Vorld War 11 he
repr911ntaUvea .admitted d.tyini«oteil se'l'Ved tn a variety of European posts. Jn
polling ,wu a new seo.'JQe -made rio I~ ·le, was se'nt to Lisbon, Portugal.
profit on tba survey becauM of milt.aim where he. gained a knowl~da:e of that
c.alculatiOM of eipensesJnvolved. cO,untry's languaa:e, , which is spoken in
*'* Fret11 PGfJe I
His career in the U.S. Foreign Service
ha3 been one of a steady upward cllmb.
He served as assistant secretary or
time controversies with more rigid elf· m-at the party. But he went on record 11 a critic of the
group rollowlng Simon C.tsady 's -then
preaident of the COC -criticisms of U.S.
involvement in Vietnam.
Rell.able aourcel in the BOUth county
area toclaf irWsted that Tarantino's
wilbdrawa from the recall campaign is
"imminent" and that his reluctance to of·
fer further statement.. on the campaign
is not the only indication of his revised
"Tarantino ia the front man or the fall
RUY, \\·hatever yoU might care to call
him," one infonnant commented . "This
business of sculpting and designing is
sort of an artlst.ic pose that is geared to
win support for the campaign from arty
.. ..
0~11¥ PllOT
CIUlllll eout, "'---COMllUfl • ....... N.w..I ---'J"'1L~
-"'"'(" ---
""-'• tc...it ·-n ....... A. Mlll'MI~• ~••iW c....--JJO We•t l •t S~I
M•ltttt M4rfft1 P.O.••• 11,0, •lllt --........, ...,.11711 ........... ...........,.
---IMdl• -.... -
people In the Laguna area." ~frs. Tarantino today deacribed that oc-
cupation as "ttis hobby" and said that
Tarentino :spend.5 much of his lime help-
ing in her store. "He visits here moat
e~!;a~ti~' ~ =dihus far the only
ma n identified in a movement remark·
able for the aec:recy surrwnding its op-
er11 lion and the reluctance of the men
behind Tarantino to declare their intent.
Tarantino denies any intention of put·
ling himself forward as a replacement
for Allen on the county board.
But three persona named by Tarantino
as possible ca ndidates for the Fifth
District seal have all denied any con·
neclion wilh the recall campaign and any
knowledge of the movement which nam~
Tarantino as its spokesman.
No W hite House
Comment 01i Ho
The Western White House ls keeping
silent about &he death or Ho Chi Minh.
"All I can tell yoo," a Nl1on ad-
mlnistraUon spok&man told a. news con·
feren~ in LagUna Beach today , "Is th1t
lhe Pre~idenl Is studying the Viet Cong
statement proposlna a three-day cease-
fire.'' ·
The 79-year~ld president of North Viel·
nam died Wednesday. It has led to a
l)OStponement of peace taJb in PW.
The Communista announced that a
thrtt-day cease-fire in mourning for Ho
~ '''ould start at l a.m. Saigon time Mon·
d1y, lnUlal lndJe1Uons were that U.S. and
South Vletnameae forcts w o u I d
state for European alfalrs beginning in
February, 19S7, unUI October. 1958.
This .was a period of continuing crise!I
in Europe, many of them precipitated by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
over Berlin and other issues. Elbrick was
noted for his calm df!portment under
ln October, 1958, Elbrick was posted to
Pnrtugal on hi.! first ambassadorial
assignment. This was lollowed by his
assignment to Belgrade, and later by hill
post in Bruil which he took up in ~lay of
this year.
Fron• r age .I
• BRAZIL ...
live days aao.
The commandtrs of the army. Navy
and Air force took control bf thf! govern·
ment Sunday when President Arthur Da
Costa e Sliva suffered a stroke. '
The Bra:ti.Uan foreigit J!linistry called
the kidnaping "an act of terrorism, pure
ternatlonal prestige of Br al.ii."
and simple, to the detriment of the in·
Papal Nuncio Humberto Monzon!
visited the American Embassy to offer
h1a services a.s lntennediary to deal with
the kldnapers.
Another offer to help came from f\tex-
lco Ci ty, where the foreign relations
department said it was \\'illing to allow
the IS prisonen to take relu1e in the
Mexican embassy in Rio.
Elbrick, who had been at his new
diplomatic post only a few weeks, was
abducted whlle returning to work from
lunch at hi.! suburban residence.
Thf! U.S. State Department in
\Vashington said Elbrick was chlorofonn-
eP by four men. But the ambassador's
cllauffeur, Abel Da Silva, said he saw on-
ly two men and doubted whether any
chloroform was used.
The bearded Ji;idnapers a1nbushed the
limousine 0 ;1 a residenlial street heavy
with traffic. They forced thf! chauffeur to
drive to a secluded spot where the am-
bassador was placed in the waiting
Volkswagen bus.
Fron• P age 1
cenl situation \\'as estimated to have er-
istcd mare than three months.
The detective said the long-time in·
vestigatian had been carried on In con-
junction with inveitigators of the Orange
County district attorney's office and
a member of the California Department
of Professional and Vocational Standards.
Brooks said the ph}•sician. a wido,v er,
t:ild officers al the ti1ne or arrest that
lhe.v had n1ade a mist1 ke .
The officer said arraignmrnl in a Santa
Ana municipal ct1urt is presently schedul·
ed for Sept. 1$.
Dr. Robb said he has practiced
medicine in Laguna Beach far 10 years.
He said th1t the charges are without
foundatkm and he asked his rriei;ds "not
to wwry",
Meet to Discuss Ove r ride Pla ns
Newport • Mese Unified School Dlslrlct
trustcu wtll meet In a .spectal 1esslon
~tonda_y evenin& to bt&in mapping
strategy for 1 taz override elecUon
perhap1 wly Mzt year,
group partk:ipation in the election cam·
The board also \\'Iii discuss proposals to
include a bond interest hike proposal on
the ballot.
Strange .Case Unveiled
• I I
Murder for Hire P lot ToUl i n Beach Court
' > • ~ ' I •
, By ,llUDI ~ZIEL8lll
Of ... o.1~ Pttn 11111
An Incredible cb1ln cf testimony -
With mcire promised lo the future -un--
fold~ Thursday In the case or a
helrdresser charged with sollcltCng a
Huntington Beach l1wrnan to murder his
Richard D. Reed, 21, of Garden,Grove.
wore a wrinkled crten aport.!hlrt and
freshly lll'Own beard, llarlng down ot hb
handcuU1 alftntly during pnllmlnary
hearing In Weal Orange Counly Judicial
Dlstrlcl Court.
The cue lhlfls to Oraniie County
Superlor Couri on Sepl II, fur ar-
ralgmnent on twin cbargu ol aoUcUJhg to
ct1rnmJt m\ader and burglary,
Huntlqton Beach u n d ,1 r c o v e r
pollce~ C.ne Pool -himielf bearded
and talklnii In 1 slow TOUJ drawl -told
Judge c.u. Baker'• court ol ihe 1lnli1e cir~nees leading up to R"1!'1 AUii.
12 ~:"i-. at bia whiskers, Pool told
the Judie and a handful of apectotora of a
series of cnnlacl• In whlch he dalmed he
was flnlilly hired to ldll Kathleen
Duckett, 24, of 11512 Keel_Ave., Garden
Grove. ~"'
· Death was lo have a hit-and-run
°nodeivous with Miu Ducktlt on a
deserted atretch of roadway in Fountain
Valley, according to Pool's testlmony.
skuli and a bulltL In tho back," tho delec·
tlvi added.
Reed reporttdly told the dettctivet ac-
cording to testimony that he ,ind' Miss
Duckett had taken a trip lo BrUU ~a~ller
when he allegedly considered 10~ 100
miles out into the wilderness and cat-
ching a polsonoua mate wltb which to kill
In conversations the balrdreaae,r had
with the undercover policeman, tt wu
also dlac:IOled that Roed bad uy1· to two
local beauty ahopo wllere be bad been
employed belore, Pool said.
Tbess he WU wlllfnll to HI\ to the
dett:cUve for f2:(IO or SO per ctnt d the
profits If • bu'llatY ,.... to he carried
ool successlulfy. Pool testified.
In addltloo, Reed alle(edly Informed
Pool that he -ol lt .,...,, otore nwner who r e au la r I y made 1101000
depo;jls to a bank and llliaerud tllol he
could be relieved ol the mooey. F0to this
job, Poof testllled, Reed wonted a JO per
cent fee.
Introch;ced as evidence by Dopuly
Dlsl.rict Attorn41y Bn.» Brown wU a
photoa:rapb which the detecttve said was
a map drawn by Reed on • Lake P.ark
picnic table and lhowtd bow to aet to l
Garden Grove liquor atote.
Pool •.Jld he used the map to find th•
store where he got a glimpse cf the in-
tended vlctim~Who bad allepdly been
' '5ellt there by Retd1o buy some beer for
him. In reality, the detective said, she
was sent there so that the l\ired "killer''
cootd ldenllly hll vlcllm.
During the last meeUng between Pool and the hairdresser wh1ch reporfedly
took place on the Fountain Valley 11igh
School football field, Reed atleaedly pro-
duced an in!urance policy cont.alnlftl
triple in;demnity clause.
The detective said be then ordered
Reed to send the money to a Dallu a&.
dresa and then told him, "you won't heal'
any mo~ from me until you read tn th.
papers that YOur iilrlfrlend bu been kUI·
Detedives Carl Vidana and Louil
Ochoa, who had kept the two dealtna men
under sun-eµJance on the gridiron. S\,lbse-
quenUy stopped Reed's vehk:le u he was
Ju.ving the high 1chool 1round.s and plac-
ed him undtr arrest
Neither the to\al amount of the in-
surance policy nor how Police first found
ou~ about Reed'• allea:ed inte_pUOl\ll of ln-
itlatiQg the murder·foNUrl plot wu
disclosed in testimony. .
Police aald earlier, however, that they
were tipped off by a secret informant.
Defense °"ltorney Wllllam Monroe at-
tempted to have the case dlmnlsaed on a
point of evidence, but Judge Baker ruled
that Reed be bound over for trial on both counts.
The price of failure was suggested to
be Pool' a own violent demise, he tertilied.
He said subsequent meeUngs arrlllied
at a Huntlnston Beach bar and Hun-
tington Beach's Lake Park disclosed that
f\flss Duckett carried a triple indemnity
life Insurance policy of which Reed would
pay Pool $1,500 to do "a job."
Israeli Police Puzzled
Reed, who lives at the i;ame Keel
Avenue address. allegedly told the un·
dercover detecUve that the best way to
kill Mias Duckett would be through a hit·
and-run accident whJch could take place
on a lonely dark stretch of Bwhard
Street in Fountain Valley.
By Pike's Disappearance
As insurance that the killing would ac-
tually take place, Retd allegedly told
Pool that be knew "that the same thing
I.hat would happen to her would happen to
him if he wouldn't pay."
"He made reference to .1 bashed ·in
Pilot's Pltotog
In llfagazine
BETHLEHEM, tsraeli-OCCUpied Jordan
(UPI) -Israeli police searchini for
fonner American Episcopal h 1 s h o p
James Pike said today they are puzzled
by circumstances surrounding the disap-
pearance. ·
About 300 police and soldier-3 pulled out
of the search, now in its fourth day. Bul
30 ve teran army scouts, aided by local
Bedouin tribesmen and trackers, con·
tinued searching the J udean Desert for
the controversial churchman.
Police sources said one or lhe
n1ysterious aspec ts in the case was the
failure by Bedouin trackers to find any
traces of Pike although his wife pointed
out what she said was the exact spot
A view of the rolling; grassy campus of wh ere she left her husband after their
UCl photographed by DAlL Y PlLOT automobile broke down Monday,
Chief Photographer Lee Payne illustrates Bedouin nomads in the area have tole
tilt feature story in Saturday's Family searchers they did not see Pike. Police \Veekly. failed to find a camera and SW\ gluses
The story. by novelist Sloan (The Man he took from the car which sourcf!s said
In The Gray Flannel Suit") \\'ilson, takes should have been dlaaatded.
.:i sober look at today's serious college "lt \\'ould be natural for a man slag.
students and poses the question: "\Yr.at gering across the wilderness ~ooklN: for
Should Parents Tell Co 11 e g e. b o u n d help to abandon such useless items. The
Studer.ts?" question is why haven't \\'e found them ~"
Family Weekly is a nalional publlcat;on the sources asked.
circulated on weekends by nearly 200 Po!lce found a map not far from Pike's
newspapers throughout the United States car. They said he apparently tore out a
including the DAfLY PILOT to more than section of· the map dealing with the area
~¥.! mlllion homes. in which he was lost.
And they 'll all get a good look at UCI OnlJ four miles from the car are two
thi3 "·eekend, as seen through the lens of fresh-water springs beside the Dead Sea.
Payne's camera. Police said they believed the American
may have headed for them.
The official search for tbe Sf.year-old
theo!Ogian, missing since the rented car
in which he and his wife were driving
became stuck oa some boulders. The
search began after his wife stumbled int()
the camp of some Arab ct1n..structlon
workers arter '"anderlng for 10 hours in
the desert.
Bethlehem Police Chief Enosh Givatl
told newsmen that unless Pike had been
found and befriended by Bedouin
Ll'ibesmen he could not have survi\•ed for
three days 1vithout food and water.
Towing Service
Spw·ned by Mesa
A request by a towing service to be
placed on rotation duty to handle traffic
accidents in north Cost.a r-.Iesa has been
denied by the city council.
Dan Ashcraft, of Mesa Tow Service, 648
Baker St., formally asked to share the
emergency business with two other com--
panies now on call for police wrecker
servi ce.
City officials said the idea of dividing
the city geographically could create pro-
blems for the other two services now in
operation and Ashcraft's bid was rejected
l~lt. OrttJe:• ~&.I orcho-i; w«. Or>t ol fOU>t dre-n
1,._. ..... IC) ID U-..
The spirit of gre•I French period design is
•live •nd well ... in Henredon 's
.de$~ $345.
7.1.,, fe
717 w .. 1clllf Dr., 642-1050
onN PlltAY •ru. t
,,.,._. .... , tm.rter
34' North c .. tt Hwy. °"" ...... , ""I. t
The meetlng, startina at 7 p.m. In
Costa Mtaa H\Bh School'! Lyceum. wlll
Include discussion of the tu rate hike
KOught and propoyls for cltiien and
Oat., Including projected increased
cosl1 to the district It S9 milllon in bond•
ani told at hlgMr interest ra tes, will be
given to trU6tces by district staff members. !-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' Ii
1 /
' I
I !
Sharp Shooter •
Kristina Nelson of Long Beach recreates her win-
nin~ form at the International Bikini Sport& Com· petition in Rosarite, Mexico. Krutina topPed a fteld
of 60 gorgeous girls.
Solons' Anti-Military
Drive Slowing Down
Senate drive to slash Pentagon
spending 1ppears to have lost
10111e momentum as it heads
toward showdown voting, pr~
bably on Monday.
But a source close to the
Senate bloc seeking -to trim
about ~ billion from a l20
billion military procurement
authorization bill says the er.
fon "hasn'l fallen apart yet
by any means."
'"Iltere has been ~me
momentum lost but that's only
natural after the recess," said
this source.
He knew of no delections
* * * Sen. Scott
Takes Duties
Of Dirksen
PorUy, pipe.-smoklng Hugh D.
Scott wasted no time Thurs-
day in taking over as acting
Senate ~publican Leader.
But he says his only aim is to
"keep the shop open for Ev
until he; gets baci.."
"Our Intention iJi to keep the
shop going and pass on the
leadership unimpaired when
he retW111,' .. said the 68-year-
old Pennsylvanian when asked
how he views his duties as a
stand-in for the ailing Everett
M. Dtrkxn of Illinois.
from the i5-4o \'oles military
spending critics c I a I m e d
before the August rece.ss, and
be "boped" there had been
some eonverts.
Senate leaders said Thurs-
day that the first of several
ameridmenll to cut or delay
fund! for specifiC-military pro-
'jl!d.s would eorne up for a vote
Considered will be a n
amendment sponsored b y
Wisconsin Democrat William
Proxmire to deny $553 million
for 23 additional CSA transport
planes and to direct the
General Accounting Office to
study what the cheaptst way
would be to meet the airlift
capacity the Pentagon wants.
Critics contend that 58 of the
big planes th.at alrudy are
flying, under construction or
on the drawing boards are
enoogh and the Pentagon
cooldn't ~n find enough
combat relfty troops to fill all
Other amendment.a pending J
would block funds for a new
mammoth aircraft carrier un-
til the administration outlines
how the bi« ships fit into its
future policy and would delay
funds for a new manned
bomber, a supe.rsize baU!e
tank and two new fighter
Proxmire carried the fight
alone Thursday against 1
sometimes scathing attack by
Republican members of the
Armed Services Committee.
A Dam
Troops Intervene
North Ireland . Tax· Plan Challenged
Heats Vp Again Demos Take ' Swipe at Nixon ~eform1
BELJ'AST, Northern l""
ll!ld (AP)-l!ritlah U001>1 In·
ternned wltll fired bayooets
and the threat ol tt1r 181 eat·
ly tod"1 in Belf11t to proven!
1-...,wd ol Proteltlnts from
Jnvad!ng a Roman C.tboUc ere1 ol BelfuL ·.
Wins Talent
WA&lflNGTON (AP) come families.
Democr•1' on the Senate For uamplo;lle llid •mar-
Flnanct Committee 1 r • ried coup!o srllh lwo cllllclren
Challenging Nllon ad· and ft,500 ot annual locome
Vl&Uaoto groups from both mlnlslnUon proposab to cul ....,Id set • •·•11<=nl reduc-
W!giOus c o m m u n I t I • 1 blti: on the relief for low and tlon, fropi a '651 annua! tu to
gathered on the slrflets durtn1 • mJ.ddle income families la th• '616.
the night carrying ,pokers, Iron House tax refonn bUI. A stmJlar couple wtlh $12,IOO •barabout~d~J1% 1::1: Sen. Fred R. Harris of would l'l '1 U partenl CUI,
Oldabom~. who b clWnnlO of from '1.30f to fl,221. groups untll a crowd ot about the Democratic NaClonaJ Com-Gore met 1 t.r on I ad-"'° Proteitaots began mo•lng Atorn SJiot m1tiee, has told the adm-mlnlslr1UOn oPPQSltion to Illa
toward the Catholic Falb lrUstratl,<>n he is "really ap-ptopa11l to lncreue t b •
Road area. 1 • • palled that you would do I~ penori.al exempUoo. •
About 1,500 British troops Off Agai"n tor tbe tow income ta1payer But he tokf n "w 1 me a • were summoned to duty in the than the House bill." "Don't you write that oU. I'm
tense capital .By 2 a.m. the · Sen. Albe;rt Gore, [).Tenn., going to be boring in on it
eoldier:s had tbru.n hick mobs GRAND VALLEY, Colo. voiced similar views. every day. That is really .the
of several hundred and (AP) -A second 24-boor AdminlstraUon 0 ffIc1 1 I1 approprlite w1y to five tu
cleared a 500-yard no-man's delay ln the Vlldergouod were called back befortJ the reUer." At Pageant land betwet11 rivaJ faction1 atomic nuclear &bot in western committee again today to Edwin S. Cohe;n, assistant
without using their g a s Colorado was recommended discuss the recommendations secrtW"y· of the Tre11sury for
grenades. today by the weather advisory presented T h u r s d a y by tax policy said it would COit
ATLANTIC C ITY. N.J. Three 1asoltne bombs panel for roject Rup!on. Secretary of the Tr .. 1111')' •bout f:S.S billion to ral!o the
(UPI) -Judith Mendenhall, smashed into the bedroom ot a The action was ta"ken by the Davld M. Kennedy. income tu u:emption to f100
a blome;, green.eyed IS.year-Catholic house in north BeUut Atomic Energy Comini.ss.ion He said the administration from the present $600.
ldmlnistralloo woukl fall In Its
eUort to add a.tu rate cul for
C<ll'J)Orlll0111 to the HOlll< bill.
Unci« lhll proj>Olll, the
basic rate ....,Id be 41 peroenl
.. optn.t the pment 41.
Committee ch a Ir m 1"
R-11 B. l.oJ\I (!).Lo.), llld
he could not slate Illa position
on lhll ,until hb panel had made lb cleelslons 00 the
overall revenue effects \t
wlahed lo JChleve.
'Ibe eut would 1ave cor-
por1Uona fl.I billion a year.
(IN l'l' f; D
~ow o,.N
old Min Minnesota, won the today .. The occupant hurled afler 45 minutea of briefing proposal would grant $91D A boost to $1,200, mentioned
second round of. talent compe. two back int<> the street where and debate at the regional of. million in annual tu relief to by Gore, would cut Treasury
UUon at the Mias America they exploded, but the third fice; in nearby Grand Junc:Pon. famlliel in the knvest Income revenuea by $17 billion, Cohen pageant 'lliur..ay nJsl!t wt1h cb •-the Ill' •,. I P.!Jl her flute aolo of "Tile S'!'iu caused slight damage. Winds wl!.I swung uvm brackets, compared with $2.7 GOr.. predicted also that the MON·lHUU • , .. , P.M.
Shepherd. Solle.'' Protestants who barricaded sou theist t<>ward the east dar--blllloo in the House version. fllDAYI 1 M P.M.
Donegal Road demolished the ing the night and !Clttered Kennedy e m p h a 1 i & e d , ;:;:========~II th:er~f:, ~~; heap of debris and wrecked e leclri.ca l thunderstonm however. that hi~lllplan1 su
n BEST l714J w .. 1111 .LMet9llltu
W.. •·· ~----Ucut, Carol vehicles at the urging of the sweeping acrolll the Colorado would remove 5 mt on ow n· le. c.. r1-. c.... M ... ~ ~·~ •· used th t f th f~e DAILY PILOT offer. 1ome Jean Norval, 21, WhO!le vie· Rev. Ian Paisley, the militant River Vahey ca e come axpayers rom e ef the lte1t feetur11, by •clu•I A .... Vtq .. ,.. M-1tr
tory in the swimsuit CQmpeti· evangelist. They sang the decision despi~e forecasdts ~he roAUsn.d he 1.n,;sled it would iive iwrve., of r••don, •v1il1ltle i• E. H: ~EVAN lion wa.s greeted With rrenzy British national anthem and winds migbt unprove ur1ng . •nv ne""''"'"o' i11 tho n•tien.
by her home-state supporters Jt~he:_:23~rd~P~sa~lm~.:_ ____ ~lh~e~da~y'.:.. _ _::_ _____ m~er~it~ed~re::1'.'.'.;e:_1 _t'."o-".m'."ld'."d:'.'.le'.'.·Jn'.'.:·..!:::=========!:========= waving cowbells and blowing -
ho rm.
The J5.221h-35 brunette won
despite a burn she suffered
earlier in the day when a sun-
lamp fell on her right. knee.
Other contestants helped her
cover the burn with cosmetics.
The Missea MJ.nnesot.a and
Connecticut ~s joined Kathy
Lynn Baumann, 19, of Ohio,
and Patricia Jo Brummett,
21, of New Melico, as the ear-
ly favorites to become Mlsa
America 1970. Mi&1 Baumann
and Miss Brumlnett won the
swimsuit and talent competi-
tions Wednesday.
Each of the four will re·
celve a $1,000 scholarship.
Libya Hits
Junta Foes
I •
CAIRO (UPI) -Ubyo's
new military regime warned
today it will crush "with an
iron fist" any attempt to ousl
it or rtinstall deposed King
Idris. Hundreds of western·
ers were reported stranded
in Tripoli.
Ln Athens, King Idris, 79,
told an interview that at the
time or his overthrow four
days ago, he had a request
pendin~ before the naUon's
legislative le1der1 that he ab-
dicate to Crown Prince Hu-
san Al Redha.
The captain ot an airliner
tbe,t was allowed to leave Lib-
ya returned to Frankfurt, Ger-
many, Thursday and reported
hundreds of WeJterners caught
in the capital because airports
and borders were closed by
the new reilme.
Terr·ific savings on
our assortment of
Back-to-School shoes
Shante PRE-SCHOOL SHOES Di rksen, 73, underwent
8Ul'gery for lung cancer Tues-
day and iJ; expected to remain
In the hospital from four to si:flo
weeks and at h o m e
recuperating for severa l more
w.W. Kids Help Beaver's Tmk Stop in ond take odvantage of the fo nt astic low prices on our closeout
assortment of pre -school shoes. Choose from a large variety of styles
and colors for every occasion. All at one low price. Ava ilable in pre·
school broken sizes. Buy severol;t>air!
ScoU appears to be intent on DELANSON, N.Y. (AP) -
holding the party together and Delanson's persistent beaver, carrying out Dirksen'1 wishes.
"I spoke to his ofOce three harassed by government
times yesterday and I asked to agents, helped by kids who
see him as soon as I can," want to stay out of school and
ScoU. told newsmen Thursday· tired of seeing his work
The tall, two-lerm senator destroyed , fled Thursday to a
who wears ha If -ri m m cd calmer pond.
glasses and sports a thin He left behind a minor
mustache, commented at a water emergency in lhia:
new1 conference that was bill-upstate village.
ed 11 a report on a re-election The beaver had tried lo
campaign swing l h r o u I h hmneatead a creek th at con-
Western Pennsylvania. nects a reservoir with the
The Republican party in Delanson water system. Hb
Pennsylvania is on somewhat duns all but 11hut oil water
shaky rround at the moment service, and Thursday the 500
and although no one has been villagers ~·ere ordered to boil
selected \o challenge Scott, he their drinking water because
is by no means considered a )ow pressure caused by the
1~in for re-election next last beaver dam turned off an
year. This probably would automatic chJorinator.
tend to d!SCOt.1rage any bolt· For 10 days village official&,
rockinl on his part. ~ed by Vernon Balley, a
• 'lrapper for Ulf!; ConservatJon
Department, tried to stop the
beaver. They broke up dams,
only to have them rise again
forthwith. They set traps that
were shuMed or sprung.
One trap was found with a
rock dropped <>n its trip lever.
That indicated the beaver had
"Tbe beaver is not springing
those lraps," 1aid John
W h et a n, a Conservation
Department game manager.
"The .school kids are. They
don't want to go back to
The beaver dams cut off
water to the local school and
classes were canceled. School
-opened for half a day Thurs-
day with ajl drinking tounlain1
turned oil.
"Most of the people around
here have been cheering ror
the beaver," said Principal
Schuyler Cornthwalte.
U.S. Reports 1I
'Pill' Okay
government advisory panel .
aaye lhe beMRt.I from oral
cooltacepttvu It.Ill outweigh
the rbks, desolte new proof°' I danpr from blood clotl.
The committee of 14 phy~
cians Thtn·1day submitted its
second ttporl to the Yood 1od
Drug Admlnt.!tnUon slnct
1961 on the status or "The
Pill." I
FDA Commissioner Herbert
L. Ley Jr. tttrned the fiodlngs
.. favorable."
The committee chalnnan,
Now is the time to stock up on back-to-school needs at terrific savings
on boys' and girl s' shoes. Choose from a large vorie\y of sturdy and
dreu styles for all occas ions at one low price. Avoiloble in broken
c~ildren 's sizes. You con't afford to miss this one!
~ Or, Louis M. Hellman of New
York City, sald the panel'6
message to the elaht mtlllon
American Women uaing tM
pill 11 similar to the one in
11161: "The llaht is lltlll yellow I
-caution." 11...-------------------'I
For call'S after 6 p.m. weel<dljs
an<! all week..,d. 3 minutes
station-to-station, plus tax. --@
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----·-,,--WWW 4 i1!L ; il?f 0 ----.,, ... , ............. ;'; .. .".,.__ •• """J;. -...... ··-----..=--r ------
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. ..
Treasurer Dilemma
TQ• tale Cy Ries was Costa Mesa city lrusurer -
a l!edlcated gentleman -and .lµs abSeoce leaves a void
that might embarrass him in a way.
No on~ has been chosen to fill the )ob he handled
wltl1 quiet efficiency and a $1,200 study IS under way to
·determine who shol\ld handle th" job and how. (That
i'um would have paid Cy Ries salary for one year.}
Four men who applied to fill Mr. Rtes' city hall role
a;re surprised now -a ball-year later -to learn -that
they all are still in the running. .1
A proposal now being studied is-that the treasurer's
office required by state Jaw, be expanded. from its more
or teSs ceremonial functions into taking up tbe broad
duties now hand.led on a full-time basis by linance direc·
tor Robert Oman.
The duties of a finance director of a city the size of
Costa Mesa cannot be adequately handled on a par~·
time basis. So it would appear lb.at a so-called consoll·
dation of duties still would likely require tbe services of
more than one person.
Then there is always the real danger that. a s is too
often the case, this "study" may call fOr another, more
expensive study.
The Old Fishin' Hole
IL isn't too late for Costa Mesa to preserve some of
the plea.,ures of country living, it money is available
and the job can be done right.
That is the hope behind Councilman \Villiam St.
Clair's proposal for a fishing Jake -or perhaps a series
of ponds -now under study by the city.
St. Clair and Parks Director Joe Jones have sug·
gested some potential sites which they believe could be
transformed. into man-made lakes with the least ex·
pense. Some of the sites \vould ren1ovc landscape blight
.at the same time.
Just bow mucl$ that "least expense" would add up
·to -not merely on costs of construction but also for
o~ration and maintenance -ts the crux of the feasi·
billty study.
Some of tbe possible lakesltes mentioned might
lend themselves to joint development with Newport
Beach or Orange County •
One interesting suggestion by Parks Director Jone!
would envision building an "old-fashioned. fishing bole''
in the Te\Vinkle Park, sioce no land acquisition cost
would be involyed. He mentions the poss1bilit·y that a
stream with a waterfall might tumble from atop what
is now the park's large earth mound, to feed a pond
stocked \vith bass, bluegill, crappie and catlish and
offering small rental boats for lazy paddling.
Such a development obviously would also be a focal
point for an inviting picnic area and children's camp
It is easy lo dismiss such tblnking as pipedreaming.
And .maybe the cost and feasibility studies will show it
to be just that.
But this kind of dreaming and big thinking is good
for Costa Mesa -particularly in the area of provid·
ing recreational and cultural amenities. It was big,
bold dreaming years ago that finally produced the Costa
Mesa golf courses -and the original acquisition of the
invaluable public asset we now know as TeWinkle park.
There is anatber aspect of the feasibility study that
does, however, need to be given careful attention:
The city cannot afford to let TeWinkle park get
chewed up by a series of projects, large or small, hov.1•
ever appealing, that do not fit into a big, bold overall
plan. A plan not related jusl to TeWinkle, but to the
whole park and recreation set for this city.
_ \Vith the soul-searching and ferment apparently go·
ing on in th'! Orange County Fairgrounds operation, this
!ieems the time for Costa Mesa once again to think and
plan big.
(Cl •
ushing Children
Too Early, Fast
SDS NowCa lls Pare.its Are Not Peers
e recurrent proposal tor speeding up
scbooliog Process is teaching the pre-
1 child bow to read, as early as 3 or eara of age. The recent revival of the
ootessori method" In this a:iuntry i11
eumple of lhi.s new clima~ of opi·
l think it it a pear proposal, on two
nls -pedagogjcally and emotionally.
ile there is no doubt that a pre·school
·1d can be taught to read -aod quite
ti -there. is no evidence that this
es the &lightest difference by the
the cbild bas reacheo 7 or I.
N ORDINAJ\Y dli.ld wbo learns how
read in first grade soon overtakes the
d who bas learned to read in the
ry. and by second or third grade the
ereoces have leveled out. I know of no
ious scientific study that contradicta
y second objection is more important
m convinced that the years up to 6
designed by nature f:>r play, and not
any fonnal, structured learning. A
ng c;_hild learns in its own way, and
.. st nol be directed or pw:hed or cajoled • JMo intellectual efforts before its
dfysiology and nervous system are
~pared to cope with them.
'l>BVIOUSLY, SOl'itE children mature
IJ!tellectua11y before other:. do. Of my
fWc, only one could read before entering
tit grade . and she pi cked il up quite
rld.urally by herself. She is no smarter Lbn the others, simply quicker in lhal -,
particular way.
ln our increasingly middle clau soc.it·
ty, parents tend to push their children too
early and too fut, and this compeUtive
pace can be pmnanently damaging to
some ws<>nalitics. A child who is not
pennitted to play when be is very young
v.·ill unconsc iously resent it and wreak his
revenge ill one way or another during
lt10 REOVER, THE renascent populari-
ty of the Montessori method is a kind of
cop.oot for the poor job the schools are
doing at the higher levels. If we :Jqueczed
aU the water out of our school systems.
and were truly serious about giving
children a good education (assuming that
most communities know what a "good
education" consists of), then we wouldn't
have to accelerate lhe process by drilling
+year-olds in reading when they should
be learning other things through play.
Each age has its OY.'n readiness for
some different aspect of life, and it is as
absurdly inappropriate to teach 4-year-
olds re.:i.ding skills as it would be lo con·
duct courses in "su:ual hygiene'' for 8-
year-o lds. Ir little ones never learn lvhat
it is lo be a child, they will never learn
what it is to be grov.·n up.
~Battle Over Giant C-5A ,,
fi,AsHJNGTON -It's a toSS·UP what
ttt Senate will <lo on authorizing the
pbj-cha.se or an additional 23 giant C-SA
~ilitary transports -at a cost of $533
~ backstage nose count disclosed a
c.:~ line-up on this stormy issue -,.iifh the outcome resting with a handful ~')till undecided senators.
~n a111cndment by Sen. \Villiam Prox-
rfite. 0-Wis .. chairman of the Subcon1 · r91ee on Economy in Govemmenl to
<t1ete a $533 million llrovision ror these
... e planes is the pending business when
$sideratioo is resumed of the $20 bil-
llti miUtary procurement bill Jl'his measure already has been under
, ·drimonious Se.nate debate for some six ~ ~. and the end is still not in sight.
SHE UNPUBLICIZED poll revealed
s~g· bipartisan support for Proxmire 's
;i~mcnl, with both "hawks" and
"G;ves .. in both parties favoring iL Bui t!Jii Air Force, strenously baltling for the
t~sportS. also has powerrul backing.
,oth sides did a lol of proselyting dur-
illj lhe three weeks' recess, and the vole
c.'Wkl go either way.
J;mportantly aiding Proxmir~ is that his
3rilendment does not affecl the already
apProved purchase of 58 C-SAs -al an • ~ _.. __ B11 Geo r ge --~
;?>car George: ~ I like this brunttte and repeattd·
•ly have tried 1o gel a date with htr.
:Vnfortunately, anothtt girl friend
~kj btr I was a v.·olf. How can I
· corrvlnce lht fint girl this is not
'true? Could you give me ~ne good
..-i11icct Whfn I Wed my wUe i hc
only hiC me with the mop. • CONCERNED
our Concerned: 1 Ya. I can give you 10me 5ood
advice. Duck. Here comes lhe mop --
' ,.
esHmateo cost of more than $2 billion. So
far only five of these planes bave been
His measure is limited to lht' proposed
acquirement or 23 more nominally at a
cost uf $SJ3 'n1Hllon, but actually a great
deal more, according to Proxmire. He
hotly ct1ntends be and other congressional
investigators t.ave been unable to ascer·
tain exactly how much more'.
IT IS PROXAllRE'S vehemently ex·
pressed belief that the eventual cr,st of
these additional planes will be $45 million
This startling estimate ]!; based on a so--
called ''reversible incentive" provision in
the contract granted by the Air Force un·
der which, Proxmire claims. the cos\ of
lhes..: planes increases as more are built.
As a consequence, if the original 120 C.
5As scheduled are bought. their cost will
be al least S5.3 billion as against an in·
itial $3.4 billion estimate.
TW. approximate $2 billion "overrun''
has already been iavestlgated by three
congressional committees, and under
Pro:rmire's amendment would be further
probed by the General Accounting Office.
Senator Pronnire unquestionably has
made conslderabl(: headway against
heavy odds by confining his attack to the
23 aJditional transports and wilh a series
of ttllin& arguments.
AIR FO~E AND Lockheed ~pokesmen
have defirJtely been on the delenslve In
counterifla them and the ~-h.itllns
Wlsconslnlte bas made the mott of that.
With the "milUtary·iodustMnl complt:ic''
under fire ih general, his specif ics on the
C.5A have made an impact on hi! lcllow
Dy Robert S. A.lkn
and John A. Cr0ldimith
For Outright
Director, FBI
\Vlth the beglnnlng or the new
academic year, it is disturbing to know
that a primary concern of many college
and university administrators will not be
the scholastic achievement of students
but rather how to prevent the seizure and
wreckage o( educational Wtitutions: by ---(
Gu est Editor ial
' i
"'ould-be Insurrectionists.
The decrease in cruwrus disorders dur-
ing the summer DlOQth3 must not be
misconstrued. Just as soon as the
firebrands can muster a caucus of
dissidents, we will witness a continuation
of the senseless plunder which caused
more than $.1 million of damage to col-
leges and universities last academic
year. Between September 1968 and April
1969, one major university alone suffered
damage in excess of $1 million. Some
4,000 arrests were made in connection
with violent de1nonstrations, untold
nun1bers of paiple \\·ere injured, and at
least t"·o deaths resulted from carnpu.s
CERTAJNLY CR l ~t IN AL statistics
reflect no cttdit on the academic com·
n1unity. tlowever. unless college and
university authorities take positive action
to control campus violence. it will not
subside in the coming months. The split
in the Students for a Democratic Society
CSOS) ranks during the so-called naLional
convention in Chicago last ' June resulted
in the election of two slates of national
officers. The expelled 1p r o. Pe k. in g
Progressive Labor Party wing set up its
own SOS organization.
Thus, opposing forces, each claiming lo
represent the true SOS. will clash on
campuses throughout the country for con-
trolling power. Since clamor and agita·
lion are proven techniques for attracting
ne\v members and support, violent
disruptions will come as no surpri se'.
AL THOUGH THE SOS convention in
Chicago was, organizalionally. a fiasco,
the feuding factions did not for a momenl
lose sight or their joint objective. Their
goal is the destruction or ';U.S.
Imperialism" and the achievement of a
classless society through international
The SOS considen; the rebellious youth
of our country as part of an "in-
temational liberation anny." It regards
young J>E!Qple, mainly college students. as.
a means by which the revoluUon can be
accomplished because "in general. young
people have less at stake in a society ..
are more open fQ new ideas. ... and arr,
therefore. more able and willing lo move
in a revolutionary direction ."
TIIOSE WHO RALL. Y to the support or
the New Left and participate in activities
championed by SOS do so under no ll-
lusion. The issues are now clear. Time
and the internal \vranglings of Uie
organization ha ve brought one basic and
important truth to the surf;"tce. The
youthful iOeaUsm of "participatory
democracy," so frequently espoused by
SOS \Vhile striving for student approval.
has been cast aside. The P.1ar;{\st dogma
is in full command. SOS oow calls for
oulrfght rt\'o\ution.
Inasmuch as breaking the law is a
cu!ltomary part of reyolutionary ladies,
ma.ny enforcement a!'l'ldes will become
involved In campus st~Jfe. Jn most in·
sUlnces, tM nature alid degr~ of In·
volvement ~111 depend on wheLher school
authorities desire lo prolect their in·
stitutlons and lhe rlgtits of the majortly
or students who would rather study than
riot, or forsake their responsibilities and
give in to mob role.
Preserve Generation Gap
By NOlu.tAN NIXON, 1'1f. D.
Young and old aJike are pointing to
"the generation gap" as the cause or
today's youth rebeJJioil.Many are saying
that the 400,000 (reportedly all under 30)
who altended the rock festival at Bethel.
New York, and the 200,000 at the Jsle or
\Vight happening last weekend, all ex-
emplify the new generation attuned to
rock, pot and sex as they Lry to do their
own thing. Undoubtedly, the generation
gap is wider today than most oldsters
can ever recall. But it certainly is not a
new phenomenon_
\VHAT IS NEW is that many adults
(anyone over 30 the Now Generalion
says), seem determined to close the gap
through their fawning adulation and
v.1orship of youth. Whether it is dancing
their no-touch dead.pan dances, following
their style trends or flocking to see and
hear what is "in" with the kids, the
eMphasis is on remaining young forever.
Unable to communicate openly :.ind
honestly with our youth, many parents
and other elders who ought to know bet·
ter, are striving to imitate and to follow
their hedonistic perambulations.
THERE NEVER can be a feeling of
cqualily between generation!. Prof.
Thomas J. Collie, Harvard University
.sociologist, puts it this way: •·Authority
implies an inequality between lhe old and
the young .. , Parents are by definition
.• 1t E~eryday ·
l'i;obfe ms, , 1 ',
'. .. "'-< <' ' .... :.. . ..:__ ··""--· ~ . ......;/
not pee.rs and their concern does not im·
ply !hat they become colleagues." The
relationships between parents a n d
t:hildren, teachers and students, el~ted
officials and youth, should jmply un-
questioned authority, kept w i t h i n
reasonable limits. and a Hnn com-
mitment to preserve, not eliminate, the
generation ,gap.
courages children to refer to their
parents and teachers by their first name
is particularly unwise. The child's first
utterance is usually mama or papa,
which at lirst is used interchangeably for
youngsters again use !he parental first
names, th.is time in a t.aunling,
mischievous manner, most par~nl!: used
to react with anger over lheir child's
"disrespect." But not now ! Actually.
mother, father, mom, dad and similar
terms all play a symbolic role in main-
taining and reinforcing the incest taboo,
both in intact families and in newly
established family units following remar·
riage. For they reinforce the asymmetry
bet'l\•een parent and child.
THE IDEAUSM. strength:! and poten-
tial power of today's youth undoub~ly
will change the wt1rld they grew up in. No
one is sure just bow or whether it will be
for good or for bad. Certainly , they arc in
a hurry. As one said to me recently,
"You waited. We woo 't." No longer are
they preparing for ure : they are living it
now, most of them wlth a new idealism
and sense of community never ell'.·
perienced by any previous generation.
either parent. Bul he soon learns to say NOT TOO LONG from now, when the
mama and papa, mother and father, or youngest of the Now Generation reaches
nlom and pop to delineate the funclion 30 and find themselves beyond the pale,
and role of each parent, setting them the generation of the 1990's probably will
apJrt from other adults and from his look askance at their elders in a manner
peers. reminiscent of the 1960's. ~1ore than
For a brief period, beginning at about likely, when today 's youth are raising
21h years, many children refer to their children of their own, they will recognize
parents by first names, but rarely be· lhe hazards of equality between parent
yond the age of six. and ct:tild, oldsters aod youngsters, and f mainUlin, in their own way, the in·
L'i EARLY adolescence, when some evitability of the generation eap.
The Story of a 'Good Guy'
To the Editor :
IL is generally conceded thal the 1'Good
Guys" predominate in this land of ours,
although al times the activities ()f the
"Bad Guys'' are given such publicity that
one begins to have doobts. This is about a
"Good Guy.''
Calling at a friend·s place and lindtng
11101 out. I took ou t my wallet, extracted
a card, and using my car as a desk wrote
a message. llavlng lefl this I must have
driven off leaving my wallet topside. At
U1e first tum it evidently skidded to the
A CAR RUNNING over it caused it to
go spinning into the air. This was seen by
a young man in a following car who stop-
ped and rescued my now rather badly
mutilated wallet.
Later. returning home. I found that my
\vallel twhich I had not missed) had
preceded me. This young man, who left
no nan1e. after delivering the wallet hltr·
r1ed ""'ny saying that he was late for an
I "'ould like so much to thank him, not
Dea r
\\1hat .,., e "ouht like to h11\•e frnm
Counci lmen Tucker and St. Clair
1~ lrll~ lungpo.,.,.er and more brain·
-R. f .
T~h f'ffhlr11 "°"""'"' _,.,. ,.,_ llff
NC"tatltf ...... 4'f ~ ---· ftM ,_ Mt _.,. M t1MM1 O•" DllllY Plitt.
···-···~· (
..... , ~<o0.N
Ltt!f'1 from ~ •~welcome. Normt!IY wrllen
lhoYkl <.:oll'•W ltlelr mes~• lfl JOO Wl'hb or ~
l "t 1•ghl lo COl\ClfnH Wt1er11o Ill 111K1 or •llmr"''' I•~ Is •es,,.....111. All J<tlter1 ""'" IMlu~ 1lgn.tu!"I
•na m1lll119 edd'T1l. tiut "tma will .,. wlll'lheld
on •e<1W1I 11 tuftklo"t rt1W11 II '"''""''·
only for the wallet, but also (or reen-
"'-1orcing my ideas about the 1'Good Guy."
Her o in Traffic
To the Editor:
Your UPJ story about the government's
'!temporary success in limiting the
availability of marijuana" was timely, lo
say the least. This limiting has caused
the kids to switch to more danguous
drugs, and il ha s induced me lo form a
slrong suspicion lhat the ''government"
may be involved in the hard~ore drug
billion dollar racket. If the government
can slow down the trafDc in ma(l}uana. it
can i;low down Uie traffic in heroin . But i~
doesn 't do It. llence tbe 1usplcion.
UZA WllJJAMS, writing in the Los
Angeles Free Presa, deplores the scarcity or graS1 ror her conslltoenl!. yet laments
the fact th3t the poor kids are switching
to the deatn d1'1i4. Yes_, that's right, she
doe.sn 't like iL
Your UPI story was most revealing,
aod I fail to see why anyone reading It
v.ould nol deduce that certain bailiwlcks
In the ''government'' are malting monty
on the disintegration of the American
people via the dope route.
-, S11p porls ~forrcuo
To lhe Ed1tor:
I urge the Board of Trustee$ of
Newport -~tell Unified School District ID
oppoJnt Gordon C. ~lorrow to fill the
vacancy on the board created by Lloyd
Blanpied's recen t resignation.
Mr. Morrow has taken out the necessary
p.aper:i to apply for thi s appointment.
In view of Mr. Morrow's strong show .
ing against Mr. Blanpied in the April elec-
tion \approximately 48 percent of the
votes cast). and in view of Mr. ~1orrow'31
having been endorsed by nun1erow in·
dividuals and groups who know the re-
quirements of a good board member. r
feel the board should act v.·ithout hes.ita·
ti on in appointing Gordon C. ~101Tow.
l rrotlo11al A rab•
To the Editor :
The Suu Canal ha:i been closed for
over tv.·o yea rs and could remain closed
roreVer without bfing missed. When a
North\\·est Passage is found to the new oil
fields in Alaska the free ~·orld will begin
to free itself from buying oil from ir-
rational Arabs.
fo"riday, September S, 1969
Tilt t"dttorial pagt Of £hf Daily
Pilot $eek$ to inform and stim..
ulaU readers b11 JJTCsenting thii
nwuispape r'i opini01ls and com.
me11taf")/ °" lopici oJ interes&
a1uJ significance. bt1 providing a
forum for lhe e.rprts.ricm of
01tr reodrtJ' opinfotU. and by
prtstntmg tilt diverst tnew-
pointJ of h1/ormed ob-!eroera
ond spoktst!W!n on topics of the c1av.
Robert N. Weed. Publisher
l I
' -1
Dem s, GOP,
From Wire Serv~
Goverp.ment leaders from both s!~es of
the party gap today protested the giant 1$
percent cutback 1n current ind proposed
federal COllStrucllon ~ by Presi-
dent Nlmn Thursday in S.. Clemente.
Congressmen from both Democratic:
and l\epubllcan parties assailed the ant}..
jnflaUonary measure as 90mething akin
lo potting a lighted match lo the visible
part of a su.bmereed lcebert.
"U you stop a billion dollar building
progranr'tbat means a year from now the
taxpayers will have to pay an additional
$120 million," said Illinois ~mocrat Rep.
Kenneth Gray.
He explained that construction cost.!
for public buildings rise about one cent
per month now.
"This wouJd be penny-wise and dollar
foolish," he said of the proposed cut.
! I
.I I
"The mllllary is spending f70 billion a
year, but the public works program in the
Nixon budget for lhb fiscal }'tar is a
measly $1 billion,'' Gray continued.
"T1't means we're going to spend only
ooe-sevenlieth for critical w a t e r
'resourCes and other projects compared lG
defense needs," he complained.
I '
Sen. Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va .) bit-
terly declared In a telegram to the Presi·
dent that construction cutbacks aimed at
cur~ing inflation hal(e miserable results.
''They create confusion and cause ad-
ditional expense to both the public and
private sectors, while d I s 1 o c a t i n g
resources In many communities," Ran·
clolph added.
Rep. John J. Rhodes (R·Arii.) con-
demned both the scope ancl method of lhe
I I ...,., He said he Wa.'I informed by the White
House lam week It would only be for 60
percent and include just proposed pro-
jects nol those already begun.
Rep. John A. Blatnik (D-Minn.) \\'as
more to the point: ''Absolutely
ridiculous." he declared.
Priest, Ex-nm1
F r om Chapman
Plan to Marry
A Catholic priest and a former nun,
both tnembe:rs or the Chapman College
faculty, have fallen in love and will be
married Saturday in Laguna Beach.
Or. Richard Sneed of Tustin, who has
resigned from priesthood and J.{arian
Scott Penhallow, a nun who left the con-
vent last year, will exc"hange vows in an
outdoor ceremony at Miss Penhallow 's
Laguna Beach home, 454 Myrtle St.
They plan to honeymoon in San Fran-
cisco immediately after the <:i!remony.
COUNTY KEY -President Nixon receives brass key to Orange
County from county government delegation consisting of (Crom left)
l\1rs. Christine Galantis, county public information officer; William
Hirstein, chairman, county Board of Supervisors,and Allon Allen ,
fifth di.strict county supervisor.
Pat Nixon to Dedicate
Park at Girlhood Home
Stepping backward In time, the First
Lady made a 48-mlle, sentimental
journey to her girlhood home in Cerritos
toQay, for dedication of a children's park
around the old white frame hbuse.
Nixon's fulure father·in·law.
Designed by Laguna Beach landscape
architect Richard Bigler, the old Ryan
farmhouse includes a red brick firepla ce
. ~t a.s a family favor in 192(\ by Mrs.
~sident Nixcm was not scheduled to
attend the 11 a.m. rites at the four·ecre
park site, but Mrs. Nixon's brother Tom
and Will Ryan and their families planned
to show up.
Large crowds are expected° to turn out
in the liltle town of Cerritos, known as
Artesia when Pal Ryan Nixon lived there
from ages 2 to 18, to hear her tell of
bygone days.
Martin had said it would take someone
with the highest rank in the nation to fire
him as U.S. marshal. President Ni.xon
did just I.bat.
A Jetter Martin showed rewrters on
Thursday was signed by the President
and said: "You are hereby removed from
the office of United States Marshal for
the Northern District of California, el·\
fective immediately.''
Martin, 53 and a Democrat, was '19:P-
pointed by former President Lyndon B.
Johnson a year ago and refused to resign
The ceremony will feature a welcome
by Cerritos Mayor Tony Cordeiro, a full
dress band from El Toro MCAS, plus ln-
troductions by State Sen. G e o r g e
Deukmejian. ·
The 4.4 acre tract upon which the Ryan
children were raised was sold to the city
or Cerritos for $140,000 and includes a
novel playground setup designed by
archltect Bigler.
Mrs. Nixon was reporteclly ent.br.aliod
when she looked over Bigler's plans and
would like for her childhood residence
itself to be transformed into a
)'oungsters' library_
She will also plant a ,Jiving Christmas
tree on the park grounds with the aid or
Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls wielding
gold shovels.
The couple met Aug. l at Chapman
College, a Christian Church (Disciples or
Christ) where Miss Penhallow is
35.!0Ciate dean of students aOO Dr. Sneed
is director of the overseas "floating cam·
pus" program. · when the federal administration changed. The ceremony following a Spanish-style
poolside soiree at the San Clemenle.
mansion Thursday night for Cabinet
members and their wives provides a
spectacular western visit windup.
{)r. Edwin G. Alderson, a Disciples of
Christ pastor who is a member of the
Chapman foreign language department,
will perform the ceremonies.
The couple intend to mainta,in ties with
lhe Catholic Church, however ... We are
both food of the church aOO we reel it is
our spiritual home," Sneed said .
Dr. Soeed joined the Chapman faculty
early lhls summer arter resigning as
president o{ SL Gregory's Junior College
in Shawnee, Okla., Jut April.
Miss Penhallow was a nun and dean of
students a( the College of Notre Dame in
Belmont, Calli., unUI she resigned in May
1988 to join the Chapman.iaculty.
A WlnH e!r
Carol Norval, Miss Connectic11 t,
won second round swimsuit
competition Thursday night at
Miss Ameri ca Pageant in At-
lantic City, N,J, Enough said?
For details, see Page 5.
He said he had been named to a four·year
term at the $21 ,750 a year post by the
president and "it lakes some one with
equal stature to remove me."
He is being rephtcett by George E.
Tobin, 56, a Republican from Miii Valley
\\'ho had been a member cf the California
Highway Patrol for 31 years.
Martin said he plans to resume work as
the publisher of a Contra Costa County
labor newspaper.
President Picks
State Marshal
A veteran Los Angeles County Sheriffs
Office sergeant and public lnformation
aide has been appointed U.S. Marshal for
California's central district by President
He i! Sgt. Gaylord Campbell, 41, of
South Pasadena, a Loi Angeles State
College graduate whose new polt must be
ratified by the Senate.
CampbeH, who bu been en the LA.so
staff f« 11 years, succeeds George E.
O'Brien, who recently resigned the cen·
trat state position.
· Chlef Deputy Marshal Edward R.
Freeman has been on temporary duty in
the federal lawman's slot.
.Tiniest Curtin
Quad Succumbs
The Unlest and weakest at the Curlin
quadruplets -believed to be the first
ever born Jn Orange County -lmt hi,,
flght for life Thursday. ·
Charles Donald CurUn, bom tast Fri·
day after his three stronger brothers,
died at Children's Horpltal or Orange
County at 1:37 p.m., o( heart failure caus-
ed by "8J>lratory trouble.
The three remaJning 1on1 ol Mr. and
Mrs. Robtrt Curtin, ol. Garden Grove, are
doing well at Garden Part Holpital in
Donald \'Velghed only two pounds and 10
oonces when born to his mother Janice.
30, !alt Frido,y, but had galn<d to Ihm
pounds. when the spark of life went out.
HJs 1urvlving brothfrs, Sean 0 ., Lance
E .• and Christopher J., will join a six·
yeor-old big brother Robert when they
are old enough to be taken home.
The final weekend will be spent wllh
the en Ure First Family, with SOO·ln·law
David Eisenhower and Julie flying in
fram a Shiprock, N.1\f. Indian tribal
U.S. Marshals
Chief T1ITner
Fired by Nixon
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad-
minislration has fired Carl C. Turner as
chief of U.S. marshals, it wa!5 learned tp-
day, because of investigations disclosing
kickback! and other lrregulartUes at
service clubs he administered as an
Army major general.
Source!§ emphasized that investigators
had no evidence Turner himseU profiled
from the kickbacks.
Turner was Army provost marshal
r1·om 19&4 to 1968, a job including
supervision or the military police as well
as set\llct clubs. He retired from Ille
Anny in 1948. Last March 5 he was nam·
ed chief of U.S. marshals, a Justice
Department post administering about 900
marshals and their deputies.
The Justice DeP<Utmeot announced
Thursday that Turner was resigning for
"personal reasons." But sources said he
was fired as a result of service club in·
vesUgalioru: by the Senate Pemierient
lnvestlgaLlona Subcommittee and the
Defense Department, the latler having
assigned 40 investigators to look into
klcltbacks and olher alleged !lnnancial
shenanigans. -· ,
Electrical P anel
Blast Kills Man
A Slantoo man, Lee Roy Mllle.r, SI, wu
killed Thursday afternoon wbe.n an elec-
trical panel oploded as he was energiz-
ing circuits for the opening ol Loara High
School in Anaheim. ..
Miller, an employe ot the 5chool
dlltrict, was dead oo arrival at t~lncoln
Community Hospital. •ns wife. Dorothy,
50, was wtth him when the explosion OC·
curred and suffered minor injuries. .,.
DAILY ,ILOT lllff ,_..,
President Receives Hefrloom From San Clemente Officer1 'Mike Rtl1hl, Stanley Metchett
Nixon Gun
Fa mily Heirl.oom Prese nted at COO.nty 'Key' Ceremony
Of *'9 0.111 ,llol Ir.fl
President Nixon has never fired a gun
In his life -and he owns one oow. But he
doesn'l lntend to ever use it.
"What's this!" the President, who is a
QuUer, exclaimed in unmasked surprise
when the weapon was presented to him
Thursday by the Orange County Peace
Officers Assoclatioo.
He we! told by San Clemente Police
Chief Clifford Murray that it's a 12-gauge
double-barreled Parker shotgun.
Murray added further lG Nixon·!5
astonishment by saying the gun was once
owned by the President's great uncle,
Charles Wright Milhous.
Nlxon said he did nol know that "Uncle
Charlie," a "plain speech'' (thee and
thou ) Quaker, ever awned a gun.
"What am l supposed. to u.se il for?"
asked the President.
"To shoot jackrabbits," replied Chi et
The-presentaUon, made on a grassy
knoll outside the Western White House's
admlnlstratlve headquarters, Included
more than just the shotgun.
Nixon also received from William Hirs-
tein, chaimian or the Orange County
Hoard of Supervisor!, a brass-plated key
to the county. It weighed two pounds, two
And he got a painting from a delegation
or local leaders. ll was a large oil o£ Cot-
ton's Point In [root of the Nixon CamUJ
villa, The artist was Vk>let Parkhurst o[
San Pedro.
But it was the old family Parker
shotgun that most boggled the President.
"l've never owned a gun," Nixon in·
sisled. "l've never even shot a gun."
The weapon, mounted In a walnut case,
\\'a1 nevertheless pressed on him by the
smiling Chief ~iurray, whase troops had
mounted it.
~furray said it had been passed down
from "Uncle Charlie" to another Nlm11
rtlative, William Milhous. Milboua, a
Laguna Hills. Leisure World reaident, ls
the President's first cousin. He donated
the gun to the Peaei! Officers A5soclaUon.
"Uncle Charlie," the President was told,
had bought it in 1880 for $300.
NU-on emphasized that his mother's
Quaker family members "reminded me
of the people in the book, 'FrlendJl
"We'll put the gun SOOle place In our
mU.seum," be said.
Highly unofficial sources later lug·
gested the weapon may indeed wind up in
the Nixoo museum -some place on a
bottom shelf.
It's tour one last chance to
buy anew Chrysler .or
as if you were
paying used car prices •.
llS dean~ time at YIM' .
Owysler~ Plymouth dealer.
Costli Mesa
ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH INC. ' 2929 Harbor Bouleva rd
1 I I
t I
-----.......--' fl I s=;r;; -L
Guardsmen Watch Schools . . South • Ill
8y Valkd p,.., laluullooll
National Guar-llnd atat< bWper.
kepi watch today while Ill atudenls
-to c-.II two all black
Aliceville, Ala., tcll!lqls that we"' clooed
'Ibunday by d..-ra'llons.
ll1&n1 parmts lri.allll&rtnllY wallln& for
teoslonl CO eue bollire resfiterinl 1heir
dlli(lreo. •
Gov. Albert -u onWed too .,ldlua into Allcevtne. . a Jowo· ol obout
4,000 located near the Mbailsippl '"'• line, Thurad)' all« about 'Ill alnllnl and
han<klappinl ~la dlsrup\od. clasaea.
ln a demoastraUon for •1q111Jity educa·
t.lon!' .
Authorttlea sald llJ ol abollt lllO
atudenls eorolled at ft. J. Kirkley IDlh
School reparted today, and 70 out ol an
't. 1 enrollment at 200 tumell up at the
.. .. 1 Kirbey 'Ele.mtnlaq Scbool. ..
Aliceville Mayor Roy Kelly ~ tbe
aeldJer:r were "a precautionaty meuure"
to insuve order. .. ..... black person
who WlllU to ieod lhelr ~ lo
ICbool may do 10 with the full -.iz-ance
that child will be protecled," ·ltelly aald.
: 'l1le P111t1 Central Railroad, try. '!be two ach9ola aheuld havo • IDlal ' •~« ~ a•~-*Ollltn riders, have eruollment o1· l.IOO pupUa, bu! many
IA otlier ll!sio ICbool dllliida, lhere -"' ..,.._, " otudenls lllll ~ve .mt llgned up '"' IJ>auiuraled "glllIDOUI' route" Phil· cJasoe> lhla achool year. Of!lclols Nld ,,
adelpbla.to-New York train that of·
I • find a fasblan show, hair styling
• advice and a wine-tasting ~Y· Seven Killed
In Crash of
B52 Bomber
• Far9 for women ls $4.95, which in-
• eludes a return ride on a regular
train. Men must pay !he full fare
-ff. 75 each way. Models in !be
latesl fashions paraded through !he
•cars, but. a r.aUroad spo~estnall
sald so-of the wonien (>8SSeng·
ers thought !he wine-tasting was
the best feature. "They'd never
had cham~gne at 10 o'clock in !he
morniDg,' he said. •
The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chi·
co.go doelfl't have to depend on
the 10eathv bureau for roin
warn&igi. Wh.-ver Pamela,,
r.he giraffe, scarll' paci11g in cir·
cJcs toith hfl'r nose i11 the air,
too o//iciall know it's aboul to
• Everyone laughed when the fire-
man inspecting the ruins of a gul-
led toy warehouse in Saratov. Rus-
sia turned in his report: "Mice!"
But the government newspaper
Izvestia reported that the fireman
proved his point by turning ~ few
hungry mice IOose in a cartoon of
loy pistol caps and sbowi°/ bow a
single incauUous bite coul start a
fin!. • Five-year-old Mark J effrey of St.
Andrew, England was the only pu~
pil in the l~year-old St. Andrew
Village School and naturaly be bad
the exclusive attention of the only
-tea.cher. Mark's mother keeps
1ending him to the school because
she resents a decision to close il
So long as !be boy keeps coming.
officials have to keep. the school
T1Lis little piggy 1t.avfl'd homt and
glodlu toO 1fnce he gets bTeak/a.aC
from Maja Hanks. Afaja, 18·11mr-ofrt
Cal Poly coed is a candidate fO'r
'lu.tetC o/ the 4211d a11nual Las Ange·
le.s ~unty fair in Pomona. • Crown Prince Carl Gustaf 'vent to
work ns an oUice clerk for the
Stockholm county administration.
It's ~art of his training for the
Swedish throne learning how vari-
ous branches of the government
operate. The 23-year-old prince will
have the job for the next tv.'o
weeks. • The ChJcago collector's office
said only 13 Licenses for horse-
drawn vehicles have ~n sold this
year -nine fewer than last year.
LIMESTONE, ~11dne (AP) -All seven
men nn board a 852 bomber were killed
when the giant aircraft crashed and
~med shortly after taJl:eoff from Loring
Air Force Base, the Air Force said today.
An Air Force spokesman said the eight~
engine jet, which was on a training
mission, crashed Thursday night in a
boggy wilderness approximately three
miles north of the end or the runway.
Officials said Air Fora personnel had
to bulldou their way in to the wreckage .
They reported recovery of all the bodies.
Si.l of the seven men on board were
stationed at Loring. officials said. The
seventh, who was riding as an observer,
was idenlifiai as Col. Homer C. Bell Jr ..
51, of Grafton, W. Va., who was stationed
at Barksdale Air Force Base in
1.ouisiane, headquarters or the Znd Air
The others lln board ~·ere Identified as:
ifaj. Nlls 0. A. Oxehllfwud, 39. of
Schenectady, N.Y., the pilot; Capt.
William N. Payne, 27, of Sacramento,
Calif., the copilot; Lt. Col. Robert c.
Smith, 42, of Milford, Conn., radar
operator: Capt. Theodore A. Burbank, jl,
of South Weymouth, Mass., the
navigator; Maj. RQ,bert M. Murray, 35. of
Jamestown, N.Y., the electronics werfar«
officer; ~t. Sgt. Earl J. Barnes, 38, or
Klamath Falb, Ore., the gunner.
Tbe bomber was attached to the 42nd
Air Wme " lhe 8th Air Force, which has headquarters at Westover Air For~
Base in Massachusetts.
Air ,Force officials aaid there were no
I'!'~• the 8'2, whlcb crashed ot If
p.m. 'Jbiu'sday.
tl took crash rtlCUe teams hours to
peoetrate the fOUih temln to reach lhe
downed aircraft. ~A military helicopter
flew over the wreckage but was unable to
land because ol tbe heavily wooded area~ ,,
Teacher Strikes
Extend Summer
F or 200,000
By The Alsociakd Pres•
Teacher strikes are kttping classrooms
closed in scores Of communities in New
England aod the lttidwest, e1tending
summer vacations for more than 200,000
chiktren. The key issue is wages.
In Michigan, 6,000 teachers were orf the
job in 25 di.strict& and 147,~ pupils
stayed borne. Forty thousand children
were out of school in a dozen Illinois
New England had teacher troubles in
New Bedford, Mass., Manchester, NJ!.,
and Norwalk, New Britain, New London.
and Woodstock, Conn. Teachers in East
Haven, Conn .• returned to classrooms in
U1e face of a. court order.
In Rhode Island, teachers in
Provtdencl!i and North Providence reach ·
ed tentative. contract agreemenl but
schools were not scheduled to open until
Girl Reflects Real Re111on
Israeli Choppers
Raid Guerrillas
In Lebanon To wn
By United Presa bternallonal
llelicopter • bome Israeli commandos
f1.ided a town in Sou1hern Lebanon early
tOday io search f<l' Arab guerrillas who
bad iiUacked Israeli border settlements.
Israeli jet planes followed up the raid
with two separate bombing and strafing
aUacka in the 1ame area.
'nler!: were conflicUng reports of "the
helicopter a.ssaull Israel said its troops
blew up 12 buildings and an ammunition
dump, captured Soviet-made bazookas
and auU>matic weapons and killed at
least five Arab guerrillas. A Beirut
spokesman said three houses ll'ere
destroyed one civilian killed and two
wounded. The gumillu aaid they JOO. six
killed and hto or three captured.
The air attack was lbe third of its kind
again.st Lebanctl Ulill week.
ISrael also reported two attacks against
Jordan Thursday and the Iraqi forces
stationed there reported a· third.
A Lebanese military spokesman in
Beirut said one Israeli plane was shot
down h>day. He said the plane exploded
in flig11t south of the village of Al-Taibey,
one mile insid e Lebanese territory.
It was considered alm ost certain
Jordan ~·ould protest today·s attacks to
the United Nations Security Council.
Earlier, Foreign ~tinister Youssel Salem
said LebaflQn did oot intend to complain
against a \liednesday air raid because
such acllons already were under council
A Tel A\'iV spokCSlnan said several
planes look part in today's raids against
suspected guerrilla bases in the ~lount
Hermon foothills near the Golan Heights
area where the borders of Israel, Syria
and Jordan meet.
East Coast Still Rainy
Skl9 ---·1"' .... ...., ~
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Reds • Ill
• •
wbila In Leon (Tal1ahusee) County.
'JWeoty percent Jblentff.ism WU
'-""at w~ Parish (county),
La., -· and U-Wll I camplele lioyt<>lt by white>' al preflouslY black
WeJley Ray High School In An1te, La.
Westlake IJlgh in C,.Jcasle Pariah, Li.,
wu sbut Wi!dne!d'1y and 'lbursday to
allow raclal ttooi<w to cool,
Aboot JI Negro pmnu and lludents
sto1ed a sit·in a! Central ~enlery
School at Somervlllo, Teno., '!bunday
aft« tbe dudents -weH denJed ldmlaslon to the pm1omly alJ.whlte ochool Supt.
John A. Bapell aaJd the llludellu lived
-the central ICbool .....
Protocol Hassle
Soviet, Chi~se Leade~s Meet for Ho Funeral .
• SAIGGN (UPl)-&vlet Premltr AleJel
N. K01Ylln left -today f..-llanoi to. a«eoo the bllleral ol Prealdent 1lo Chi
Minh. Premier Cllou-tn.lal ol Com·
munlst China was already there and
KooysJn'• arrival wlll l1<e Nodh Vie~
nam's new regime with major pn>tocol
Ho's funeral will be held Wednesday.
Saturday the ca.sJtet will be opened in the
National Assemblf B u I I d i n g and
mcumen will begin filing by for four
dty1, the Soviet Tass news agency
reported from lianoi.
Already thousands of mourners had
walked or bicycled into the capital to
stare at Ho's cottage where lived in re-
cent years and to look at the giant
blackdraped portraits ol their 7»--year-o0\d
leader, flanked by unokin& ~pots.
1be Hanoi leadership has urged the
people of Vietnam to struggle harder
than ever against the Americans as a
sign o( griel for Ho but tt was disclosed
today that North Vietnamese troops will
join the Vlet Cong in a three-day<ease·
fire starting Monday.
Today the Communist carried out lheir
heaviest attacks In nearly a month -17
auaclta against AUted bases and towm.
The protocol problems for Hanoi will be
imrneMe during the Chou-Kosygin visit.
ChhJ• and RlWla are deep in an
ideological quarrel and have fought a
series of border battles within the past
year, brincing their relations to an all
Ume low.
Ho .steered a middle course between
the two Communist giants and the new
regime iii expected to do lhe same during
the Chou·Kosygin visit. Both men
represent blg powm and powers cl~y
allied with North Vietnam, and both are
of the same rank.
By right they shou1d be afforded com·
pletely equal treatmmt and be given
equal placing in the funeral prOl'eS!lion
and functions. Whether Hanoi will be able
FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) -Two
sisters who married brothers and have
homes on the same street now have had
babies within an hour of each other.
The ·two are Mrs. Fernanda Raposo, 36,
who gave birltl to a nine-pound, nine.
ounce &Oh Wednesday morning, and P.1rs.
Theresa Raposo, 25, who became the
mother of a nine-pound, twO-ounce girl 4fi
minutes later.
100,000 A ivait
Nei l Armi&ong
In Ho 1ne Town
\VAPf.KONETA , Ohio (AP) -Neil A.
Ar1nslrong's borne town folks were trying
to be as calm today about hiJ homecom-
ing as he appeared when be stepped on
the mooo .
But it Willi hard to do. A crowd of
100,000 Is expected for rus off1tial
welcome Saturd1y, and already the firsl
of the visitors had started to 'fill up this
town oC 7,500 ~pie.
The big problem was handling traffic.
The other one was feeding all the
Three hundred police officers, many nf
them stat' highway patrolmen. ha,•e
bttn c1lled in to direci the anticipated
40.000 cars.
Conctssion stands have been set up at
the Auglalu: County fair grounds. That's
where the public reception will be held
for Armstrong, after 1 2~~·mlle parade
t.hroosh town.
Decorations are in place along the five
block1 in the main part of the business
dlstrk1. on Auglatze Street. Store fronlt:
ar' decorated with pictures o {
Annstrong. American Oap and red,
;,vhlte and blue bunting.
'1111!: whole tov.·n captured the lp8<'t
i;plrit. Headquarter' for the homecoming
1s called Tranquility Base and the namea
ot slrttts na ve been ctianged for the day
to one! like ·'Apollo Drive" and "Uft Of(
Armstl'ORJ and his wlf,, Janel, art es·
peeled to arrive with thtlr two sons late
t.Jday but Liley likely will not see anyone
except members of the.Ir families and
cl~ friends before Saturday morning.
Armstrong'• Saturday schedule allow3
only 10 minutes for a reunion with h\3
hl;h !thool gr&dualing clus of 1941. But
he will ha ve plenty or time for the one
thing he ln11tstl!d on -1 talk 1lan' with
youths on the high school fool~ll fi,ld,
the \"''Y first thing on his day'1 schedule •
\ "'·'-•
' to place them -lo· each other ... ~-""1. Leaden af the two countrit1 have not
met aiDce 19'5. Diploma*' obatrven in
LondM oaid tho dlapai<h by Ruula and Clllna ol tho two emlJarles undeneored
the strongly polltfcal nature ol the
mlssiool. Chou already had begun talks
with the North Vietnameae and Kosygin
was expected to do the ,same.
Diplcmats In LoodOQ said the Soviet
and Peking delegations may use the OC·
casion to make "contact!" on easing the
feud that has degenerated into a series of
border batUes In recent months.
Both will be ln Hanoi for several days.
first to mourn llo while his body lies in
state for four days beginning Saturday,
and Uien to attend his st.ate funeral,
scheduled for Wednesday.
Japanese corresondenll in the North
Vietnamese capital reported groups of
people gathered around the Ba Dinh
Palace in Hanoi mourning the death of
their 79--year-old prelidenl
The reports told ot aome traveling up
to 1! mllt3 to the palace, where they
ttood -some had tears in the1r eyes -
under a giant portralt of · the 1Ctl,ggly·
bearded leader.
According to the New Cllina News
Agency, Olotl and his entourage went -
straight from the airport to the palace
and laid a wreath ot Dowers bene:llth the
portrait, ~ in black ribbons.
Tbe inscripUon with the wreath read:
-.,Eternal glory to President Ho Chi Minh.
the great leader oI the Vletnamese people
and a close comradeoin-anns of the
Chinese people."
Tougher Hanoi Expecwd
At Talks and Battlefield
PARIS (UPI) -The Allled delegations
to the Vietnam talb expect Hanoi to
toughen its battlefield and ne~otlating po-
sitions to show its detenninalion to carry
on wilbout Ho Chi Minh.
Both the Viet Cong and North Vietna-
Sen. Dirksen
Mak~s Progress
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Everett
l\f. Dirksen was reported making con·
linued good progress tooay -with less
pain -in his recovery from surgery for
lung cancer.
Doctors at Walter Retd Army ~1edlcal
Center made no new report on the Senate
Republican leader's condition but Mrs.
Dirkse.rt was pleased wilh the senator's
progress since the Tuesday operation.
An aide in Dirksen's office quoted Mn.
Dirksen as being ''particularly pleased"
the pain he e1perienced in tbe irnmediale
post-operative period, and continuing
through Thursday, had lessened.
Dirkseu, 73, is not expected to return to
his Capitol office for several weeks.
mese chief dele'gates to the peact eon·
ference left Paris Thursday for ,}:10'1 fu-
neral follo~·ing the canccllaUO/l of the
regularly scheduled 33rd session of the
Xuan TINy, Hanoi's top negotiator, told
newsmen on hUi departure that he would
return "soon" and woukl "continue back·
ing the just solution to the conflid" put
forward by the Viet Cong.
Thuy and Madame Nguyen Thi Binh,
the Viet Cong delegation chief, were ex•
pected to· brfng back orders to stick lo
their demands for the complete with-
drawal al Amer\can troop& from the bat•
tlefield. •
A source close to both the allies dele-
gations !aid they "will show a hardened
attitude bolh here: and on the batUefie1d
just tG show they are not affected by HO's
deaU:l." .
The source pointed to H a n o i rldlo
broadcasts following llo'1 death which
exhorted the North Vietnamese to carr1
out the fight to drive out the U.S. troops
and "liberate" South Vietnam.
"It you !lave read what the Commu·
nists have tokf their troops -that lhey
must transform their mournillJ into a
revolul1onary ardor -(then) for the
immediate tub.Ire they will show a hanf·
ened attitude," be said.
•<:O· ...... ~·~··rr ... ...,....., .. ~~~ .... ,[lll ...... ~~~E?Ntt•'u.._. ............. ,~s .. ~ ...... ,AD ..........
Stephan Armstrong Holda fflr1t Souvenir Paeer
Smirp Sh0i0ter .
Kristina Nelson of Long Beach recreates her win-
nini form at the International Bikini Sports Com·
petitioo in Rosarita, Mexico. Kristina topped a field
of 60 gorgeous girls.
. . •
Troops Iatervene
North Ireland . T~x Plan Challenged
HeatS Up Again Demos Take Swipe ~t Nixon P,.eforms ' .
DeniOcrats oo the Seoate
Ji1nance Committee a r e
=~--·ps from both cb a l I en 1in1 Nixon .ad-
l .... .,. -mlnia&raUon propoul& to cut reU c om JR v n l t I e s back. 00 the re.lief f« low and
aatbered C10 the ltr..U during mlddJe Income famWea in !he
the night careylng Pokers, Iron House tu ttlonn 1>111.
bars aod ,clubs. Tbey milled Sen. Fred R. Harris of
lbout and 4111ted in small Okllbom.a, who b cblinnan ol
groups unUI 1 crowd of about the DemocraUc National Com~
900 Protestull began mOVing A Sh t m1ttet, bas told the adm-towvd the Catholic Fills tom 0 inistraUon he is "really ap-
' Road atta. palled that yoo would <lo less Ml'nno.u>tan. About t,500 British troops Off Agai'n tor 1he low incom< 1up1yer
----'-'DU were summoned to duty io tht lban the House bill."
tense capital. By 1 1.m. the Sen. Albert Gore, D-Tenn., W• TaJ t soldiers bad thrust back mobs GRANO VALLEY, Colo. voiced similar views. JDS en of several hundred and (AP) -A second 24-hour -Admini!tratlon of ( i c I a Is
cleared a 500-Yard Dl>-lll&n's delay in the underground were called back befoce the At P g t land between rival factions atomic nuClear !lhot in we1tem <:OtnmlUee again today to a eaµ without aiirig their g a s Colorado was recommended discuss the recommendations
grenades. todly by the wtather advilory presented T b u r s d a y jly
ATLANTIC C 11' Y . N.J. 'Ibree guollne bomb s panel for roject 'Raillloo. Secretary of the Treasury
fUPI) -Judith Mm:ienhall. smashed Into the bedroom of 8 The action was taken by the Dlvid M. Kennedy.
a blonde. green.eyed 11-year-Catholic hou3e in north BeUast Atomic Enero CommiWon He said the administration
old MISI Minne.ala, ,... the today. 1be occupont burled alter 45 -ol brlefintl proposal would grant 19211
RCOnd round ci talent compe-two back into the street where an4 ~te at tlle regional of-m!Ulon In annual tax relief t.o tltion at the ~Miss America they exploded, but the third fire in nearby Grand Junction. families in the lowest locome ~eant 11luraday nitht with caused slight damage. Winds which swung from the brae. kets, coin pared wi,th. $2. 7 ~~ &:,.~ "The Swiss f>n>testants who barricaded southeast toward the east dur-billion In the House version.
heap of debris and wreck of e I e c t t i c.a I thunderstonns however, that his plan sWI
come famille.I.
For ex•mpte, bt Nkl a mar-
ried C<llplt -... chtldreu and 17.IC!I ol ollllllll Income
would pt • I.I percent reduo.:
tlon, from I $5U llJDUll tu to
A slmiJlr C«JPi< with IU,500
would get • u -cut, lrom II.JOI to 11,m.
Gore met ''tong ad· mlnlltrltloo opposiUoo to his
propoul to increase t h e
penoaal eumptlGa.
But he told newsmen,
u0on•t you write that olf. I'm
loin& to be borinc in OD it
every cla,y. 'lblt ls rellly Ibo
appropriate ~way to sfve tu
Edwin S. Cohea, auiataat
secr<llry. ol Ibo Tnouury for ta• pollcy sald it wa"1d .cosi
about 13.5 billloo to nlse Ibo
Income tu o:tmpthlirt to· f100
from the pr..m $8(111.
A boool to It.JOO. menli<rled
by Gore, wa"1d cut Treuury
reveJNes by $17 billion, Cohen
Gore predicted al51!> that the
Her~:om on wiftrler in Donegal Road dtmollsbed the ing the nigtit and scattered Kennedy e m p h a s i z e d ,
lhewu . ro--~,-~J: vehicles at the urtrino or t'-e sweeping across the Colorado would remove 5 millioa
· lowlhln-~1,1\:u.., .....-UI
-t h The DAILY ,llOT efleri •••• Jean NorvaJ, 21, whose vie-Rev. Ian Paisley, the militant River VaJley caused e come taxpayers rom e .f "'• i..,. ftih1tei. .. Y •ct.ii
tory in the swtmsuit competi· evangelist. 1bey sang the de(:i.sion despite forecasts the rolls. 11,,.,.Y •f ,..11,,., .... a.i:ir, i• 1
~1tloo -.Id !alt In Its
effort tit 8dd a tu ra&e cut for
--to tba·lloule bt!L
\f-Ulla -· tho bufc -woullf .... 41 pen:tnl
u ....... :lho prel«lt 41.
CcmmJU. c h1lrman -1i II. IAlla 10.La.), alld
be could dot -his pooftloo .. tlU 1111111 bla ppd had
llllde 111 ... h.... cm Iba
ovtraJI nNmt elfedl it
wllhed to tddeft. · .
'Jbe cut would SIY&. tOr•
porlllono II.I billion 1 year.
' , .. , .....
MON•TMUll IW P.11.
PlltAn 1MP.M.
(7141 14 .. 1111. Ye .... lu
""" v... ...... ,..,,,,,,
E. H. LEVAN Salons' Anti-Military
Drive _§lowing Down
tion was greeted with frenzy British national anthem and winds might improve during And he insisted it would give 111y "'wt"'"'' ;~ '"• 111t!o11.
by her home-slat.e supporters ·t~h:e~23r~d~P~sa~lm~. _____ !lhe~d~•!:Y·~------~m~e~ri~led~.'.:":'.ll~ef~lo~m~~·,dd~le-'.'.::'.'.in!:.·=========::!!:::::========= waving cowbells and blowing -
Senate drive to ~lash Pentagon
spending appears to have lost
:sorne momentunt as it beads
toward ~·down voting, pro-
bably on Monday.
But a source close to tbe
Senate bloc .seeking to trim
about $S billion from a $20
billion military procurement
authorization bill says the ef.
fort "hasn't fallen apart yet
by any means."
"'Ibere W been :iome
momentum lost but that's only
natural after the recess," said
this souree.
He knew of no defeeUoos
* * * Sen. Scott
Takes Duties
Of Dirksen
Portly, pipe-smoking Hugh D.
Sc«t wasted no time Thurs-
day in taking over as acting
Senate Republican Leader.
But he says his only aim is lo
••keep the shop open for Ev
until he sets back."
"Our intention is to beR the
shop going and pass on the
leadership unimpaired when
he returns," said the fi&.year-
old Penn!ylvanian when asked
how he views his duties as a
stand-in for the ailing Everett
M. Dirben of llllnois.
Dirksen, 73, underwent
gurgery for Jung cancer Tue.s--
day and is expected to rema~n
in the hospital from four to six
weeks and at h o m e
recuperaUng for several more
Scott appean to be intent on
holding the party together ·and
carrying out Dirllsen's wishes.
"I spoke to his orfice three
times yesterday and l asked to
see him as soon as I can,"
Scott told newsmen Thursday.
• The tall. two-term senator
... ho wears ha Lf • r l mm e d
RIUSCS and SPorts a thin
mustache c0mmented at a
news coniereoce that was bill·
ed as a report on 8 re.election
campaign swing t h r o u I h
Western Pennsylvania.
'Ibe Republican party in
Pennsylvania ls oo somewhat'
5haky l{TOWld at the moment
and ..tthougb no one has been
selected to challenge Scott, he
is by no means COMkle.red a
shoo-in ror rHlection oe1t
year, This probably ""ould
lend to discourage any boat·
'1>Ckin& on his part.
from the 35-40 votes military
spending criti~ c I a i m e d
belor.e the August recea.s, aod
he "hoped" there had been
some converts.
Senate leaders said Thut3--
day that the first of several
amendments to cut or delay
funds for specific military pro-
ject! wouJd cune up. for a vote
Considered will be a n
amendment sponsored b y
Wbconsin Democrat Wllliam
J'roi:mire to deny $W million
for %3 additional CSA tr-planes and to direct the
General Accounting Office to
study what the cheapest wa~
wou1d be to meet the airlilt
capacity the Pentagon wants.
Critics contend that-58 of the
big planes that already are
flying, under constructkxl or
on the drawing boards are
enough" and the Pentagon
couldn ·t even find enougl<
combat ready troops to fill au
ol tbooe.
Olher amendmeol! pending
would bloct funds for' a new
mammoth aircraft caJTier un-
til the administraUoo outlines
how the big ships flt into its
future policy and wouJd delay
funds for a new m&Med
bomber, a supersiu battle
tank and two new fighter
Proxmire carried the fieht
alone Thursday against a
sometimes scathing attack by
Republican members of the
Ann~ Services Committee.
A Dam
The lS-22',~ brunette woo
despite a burn Me suffered
earlier in the day when a sun-
lamp fell on her right knee.
Other contestants helped her
cover the burn with cosmetics.
The MlM:es Minnesota arxl
Connecticut thus joined Kathy
Lynn Baumann, 19, ol Ohio,
and Patricia Jo Brummett,
21, of New Mexico, as the Ul'-
ly favorites to become Misa America 1970. Miss Baumann
and ~fiss Brummett won the
swimsuit and talent competl·
lions Wednesday.
Each of the four will re-
ctive a $1,000 scholarship.
Libya Hits
Junta Foes
CAIRO (UPI) -Liby1•1
new military regime warned
today it will crush "with an
iron fist" any attempt to oust
it or teinstall deposed King
Idris. Hundreds of western-
ers ·were reported stranded
in · Trtix>ti.
1n Athens, King Idris, 19,
told an interview that at the
time ol bis overthrow four
days ago, he had a request
pendinJ: before the oatioo's
,legislailve leaders that he ab-
dicate to Crown Prince Hu-
aan Al Redha.
The captain of an airliner
that was allowed to leave Ub-
ya returned to Frankfurt, Ger·
many, Thur9day and reported
hundreds of Westerners caught
in the capital because airports
and borders were cloaed by
the new rqime.
Kids Help Beaver's Task
Delanson's persistent beaver,
harassed by gover nm e ot
agents, helped by kids who
want to stay out of school and
tired of seeing his work
destroyed, fled Thursday to a
aimer pond.
He left behind a !Wnor
water emergency in this
upstate village.
The beaver had tried t.o
homestead a crttk that con-
nects a reservoir wJlh the
DelaMon •aler aylkm. His
dams all bot shut off water
serv~ and Thursday the ~
Villagers were ordettd to boil
their drinking water becau11e
low pressure cauaed by the
bst beaver dam turned off an
automltic chlorinator.
For 10 days village offM:ials,
aided by Vernon Balley, a
trapper for the Camervation
Department, tried lo stop the
beaver. They broke up dams,
ooly to have them rise again
forthwith. They set lrap:s that
were shunned or sprung.
One trap was found with a
rock chopped on its trip lever.
Th.at lndJcated the beaver had
"Tbe beaver is not springing
those traps," said J oh n
W b eJ an, a ConservaUon
Department game manaaer.
"Tile school kids are. 'Ibey
don't wllnt lo 10 back to
The beaver dams cut oil
water lo tbe locaJ school and
cluee1 were CJl)Celect School
o~ for hair a day 'J'bun.
day wtth all drinking fountains
turned oil.
''Most of the people around
here have been cheering for
the fuver," said Prioctpel
Schuyler Comthwaite. __ • _
For calls after 6 p.m. -kdays and all l'l<!ekend. 3 minulss
st.ation·lo-statioo, plus lax. --@
' "
I •
Terrific savings on
our assortment of
Back-to-School shoes
Stop in and take advantage of the fantaslic low prices on our closeout
assortment of pre-school shoes. Choose from a large variety of styles
and colors for every occasion. All at one low price. Available in pre-
school broken sizes. Buy several pair!
' ' .
Now is the time fo stock up on back-to-school ne_.js at terrific savings
on bOys' and girls' shoes. Choose from o large voritly of sturdy and
dress styles for all occasions at one law price. Available in broken
children's sizes . Yf)u can't afford to miss thit one !
' '
--• .. _ ...... ~ -·-·,.. ---------
t -
• . \ •
.. Clarifying Auth.ority
• 1 Olly ·o!lklals In Huntington Beach are beginning to
·• &olt'e an organizational pro61em they created in the rec·
'teatlon a.nd parks department with the hiring of Tom
• Severns, a capable admini5trator from the county parks
i ~ I
'f Severns was originally designated Coordinator of
J>arlc Develorment ,vith the chief goal of guiding the
city's centra park development. But his position was
,somewhat ill-defined at first, and no one knew the prfr
fesslonal status between him and Recrealioo and Parks
Dlr~tor Nonn Worthy. I,
It "'as a case of. "\Vho's in charge -Worth~ or
Severns?" City officials maintained that ~he two Jobs
were dilierent. and neither man was chief over the
other. Both, however, shared the same room. and at
times their respon~ibilities were quite similar.
Cit1 Administrator Doyle hfiller. bas no'v drawn a
.Plan to take Severns out of the recreation and park!C
'itepCJrt.ment and expand~ his job, making him directly
responsible to the City Administrator. •• Severns' new title will be Director of Development
Miller says his functions will include coordinating de-
veloprneot of the beach area, the harbor, a community
center and a new library, as well as the large central
part ~od other parks. His function now covers basic development, anti
.city officials feel his removal from the recreation and
parks department will allow him more flex:ibility,1 while
avoiding an inner-departmental conflict.
\Vortby will remain as Director of Recreation and
Parks, still in direct control of that department. With
the switch he can return to his iiormaJ function, without
doubt about what his position is.
The entire .change should be beneficial to the ci ty
and both men involved. Huntington Beach picked up an
excelfent man wben it hired Severns away from tha
ri ... ~. ;; ~-
f.' ~
Too Early, Fast
~pne l'«W'f'tnl proposal for speeding up l@ie liCbooling process iB teachi111 the pno-
fehool cbild how to rud~ as earJy as 3 or
of tyears of age. The recent reVfVal of the
bf.ootessori. method .. in this country i.s . ;ei eumplt of this new climate of opi-
(' llion. 7: I lhlnk it is a poor proposal, on two fo>u_nt.s -pedagogically and emotionally ..
le lhere is oo doubt that a pre-sdlool
d can be t.aughl to read -and quite
U -there is no evidence that thiJ ~akes the slightest difference by the
jme the child has reached 7 ar I.
;!AN ORDINARY child who learns how
~ read in Cll'st. grade soon overtakes the
~d who has learned to read in the ~.and by second or third grade the ~erenees have leveled out. I know of no
~ious scientific study that conlradict.s
~s belief.
;tMY second objectJon is more importanL
i; am convinced that the years up to 6
"'ere designed by nature ror play,~ not
~ any formal, structured learnmg. A
.)oung child learns ln its O'fll way, and
)Dust oot be directed or pushed or cajoled
~to intellectual efforts befon! its
iPhYsiology and nervous system are
jrepared to cope with them.
: ~OBVIOUSLY, SOJ\.lE children mature
.fnteUectually be.fore olheri. do. Of my
ltve, only one could read before entering
lirst grade, and she picked it up quite
naturally by herself. She is no smarter tpn the others, simply quic ker in that
particular way.
In our inaeasingly middle class. iOCie·
ty, parents lend to pusb their children too
~rly ·and too fast, and this compeUJive
~ can be permanenUY. da~ginl· to
aame personalitie.s. A clUld who ii not
permitted t.o play when he ls very young
will UDC011SCiously resent It and wreak his
revenge in one way or another during
MOREOVER, THE l'tJl&SCtnt populari-
ty of the Maotessori method ls a k:lnd of
cop-out for the poor job the schools are
doing at the higher levels. If we squeezed
all the water out Qf our school systems,
and were truly serious about giving
children a good education (assuming that
most communities know whal a "good
education" consists of), lhen we wouldn't
have to accelerate the process by drilling
4-year -olds in reading when they shoutd
be learning other things through play.
Each age has its own readinetS for
some different aspect of life. and it is as
absurdly inappropriate to teach 4·year-
olds reading skills as it would be to con·
duct courses in "saual hyg~" for 1-
year~lds. If little ones never learn what
it is to be a child, they will never learn
v.•bat it is to be grown up.
.Battle Over Giant C-5A
WASH"INGTON -J1 's a toss·up v.•hat
fbe Senate will do on authorizing the
purchase of an additional 2J giant C·5A
military transports -at a cost of $533
A backstage nooe count disclosed a
Close line-up on lhis storm y issue -
~ilh the outcome resting with 1' handlul QI still undecided senators.
:·An an1endn1enl by Sen. \\'illiam Prox-!e, D-Wis .. chairman of th ;J;ubcom-
ttee on Economy in Government. to
ete a $533 million provision for these·
liatge planes is the pending business when
lpnsideration is resumed of the $20 bil-Gon military procurement bill .
:>rtiis measure alrca1(y has been under ~monious Senate debate for some si.I
weeks, and the end ls still not In sight. .. 1.?fHE UNPUBUCrzEO poll revealed
.. ong bipartisan support for Proxmire's
4fncildment, with both "hawks" and
''Cloves" in both parties favoring it. But 1he Air Force, slrenously battling for the
thnsport.S, also has powerful backing.
::Bolh sides did a lot of proselyting dur-
iltg the three weeks' recess, and the vote
dould go either v.·ay .
.•Importantly aiding Proxmire is \hat his ~Dcimenl does not affect the already
lpproved purchase al 58 C·5As -at an ..
~·;.....--By George ---
1 ii •: Dear Georgt::
: J like this brunette and repealed·
~ ly t\ave tried to get a date with her.
·, .Unl""'"'31d7, an0ther girl lriend
• toW ber J w11 1 wolf. ffow can I J convln</' the first girl tbis is not
*"true? COuld you glv.:! me some good
advkle! When I asked my wife she
..,17 hit me with tbe mop. i CONCERNED
Dear Clonoo'ned:
Yet. I can give you. IOmt: good
lldvfeeo, Duck. Here come1 lbc. mop
buck el.
'-·· '.~ / .. ~· ~i'fi "
'.j ' '· •
cstimatea cost of more than $2 billion. So ra.r on1y five o( these planes ~ve been
His measure is limited to the proposed
acquirement of 23 more nominally al a
cost of $S33 million. but actually a great
deal more, according to Proxmire. He
boUy contends he and other-congressional
investigators have been unable to ascer-
tain e.xaclly how much more.
IT JS PROXr.tIRE0S vehemently e:t:·
pressed belief that the eventua l cost of
these additional planes will be $45 milllon
each .
This startling estimate ls based on a i10-
called "reversible incentive" provision in
the contract granl.ed by the Air Foree un·
der which. Proxmir4! claims, the <.'Ost of
these planes increases as more are built.
As a consequence, if the original 120 C-
5As scheduled a.re bought, their cost will
be at least SS.3 bllllon as against an in-
itial $3.4 billion estimate.
Thia approximate $2 billion "overrun''
has already be.en investigated by three
congressional committees. and under
Proxmire's amendment would be further
probed by the General Accounting OHicc.
Senator Proxmire uoque.slionably ha~
made considerable headway against
heavy odds by confining his attack lo the
23 Mlditional lransports and with a series
of tellinJ arguments.
AIR FORCE AND Lock-apokes"""
have delinJttly been on the detensi\·e in
count"1ng tbem and the bard·hitUng
-nlte tuts made tbe most of tbal
With the "millitary-h1Cluslrlal complex"
under f11e in general, h.is S'J)eelfles on the
C.SA ha"e made an in1pacl on hill feUow
By R.obtrt S. r\Uet1
and Joha A. Goldsmith
number two post fn ~e coun(y parks division. -
Working closer With Miller, Severns has the talent
to oversee expansion O( the parks and other faciUtles,
and can now be freed from some ot the smaller details
involved in the more restrictive recreation and parks
The move should prove beneficial. It could avoid a
sticky conflict of responsibility and increase the effec.
liveness of all involved. It must still be approved by the
City Council, but they are expected to approve it, dem-
onstrating their support tor the man (Severns) they
hired and lhe job they want him to do.
3,&93 Lives Saved
Huntington Beach life guards deserve a tip of the
sun gla~ses for a job well~one this summer in handling
J11ore than four million visitors to the city beach.
During the heavy summer moitths of June, July and
August, city lifeguards kept a sharp eye out for 4,141.363
bronze, white and pink sun worshipers. During that
time they aJso saved 3,893 Jives, not to mention the thou-
sands of sunburns and minor aches they heaJed.
OnJy four deaths were recorded during a summer
that featured unusually heavy surf and treacherous rip·
tides. Lifeguards also recorded a heavy number of visi·
tors who enjoyed ~e . .rfuntlngt.on Beach Pier facilities.
A total of 247,297 v1s1tors walked along the pier.
Lifeguard crews 'vi!J b'egin thinning out after school
starts Sept. 10, but fuJl crews will work the weekend~
unlil Oct: 10. It has b~n a long, rough summer. and
the Huntington Beach lifeguards deserve their winter resl.
SDSNowCalls Parei~ts Are Not Peers
For Outright
Diredor, FBI
With the beglnrung of the new
academic year, it is disturbing to know
that a primary concern or many college
and university administrators will not be
the scholastic ach~vement or students
but rather how to pre.vent the seizure and
V.'reckage or educational institutiom by
I \.,
Gues! Editorial -
would·~ insurrectionists.
• I '
The decrease in campus disorders dur-
ing the summer months m.ust not be
misconstrued. Just as soon as the
firebrands can muster a caucus or
dissidents, we will witness a continuation
of the senseless plunder which caused
more than $3 million of damage to col-
leges and universities last academic
yea r. Between September 1968 and April
1969, one. major university alone suffered
damage in excess or $1 million. Some
4.000 arrests were made in connection
"'ilh violent demonstrations. untold
11un1bers of people \l·ere injured, and at
lea~t t"·o deaths resulted fro1n campus
CERTAL'j"LY CR 1 rtt IN AL st.alist1cs
reflect no credit on the academic com·
munity. Hov.·ever, unless college and
university authorities take positive action
lo control campus violence. il "'ill nnt
subside in the coming months. The split
in the Students for a Democratic Societv
(SOS) ranks during the so-cal!ed nat.ionlll
coovention in Chicago last June resulted
in the election of two slates of nationul
oCficers. The expelled pro· Peking
Progressive Labor Party wing set up Its
own SDS organiz<1tion.
Thus, opposing forces, each claiming to
represent the true SOS, "·ill clash on
campuses throughout the country for CQn•
tro lling po\•:er. Since clamor and agita-
tion are pro.,·en teehniques for attracting
new members and support. violent
disruptions will come as no surprise .
ALTIIOUGH THE SOS convention in
Chicago was, organizalionally. a fiasco,
the •uding factions did not for a moment
lose sight of their joint objective.. Their
i;:oal is lhe destruction or ··us.
hnperial ism" and the achievement of a
class less society through intemalional
The SDS considers the rebelUous youth
of our country as part of an , "Jn.
temalional liberation army." It regards
young people, mainly college sludenls, as
a means by which the revolution can be
accomplished because "io general, young
people ha\"e less at stake in a society ..
are more open to new ideas ... and are,
therefore, more able and "'illing to move
in a revolutionary direction.''
TllOSE WllO RALLY lo the support of
the New Left and parlicipate in activities
<.'hempioned by SOS do so under no il·
lusion. The issues are now clear. Time.
and the internal v.·ranglings or the
organization have brought one basic and
irnportant tru1h lo the surface. The
youthful idealism of "p:irticipalory
democracy." so frequenlly espoused by
SOS while striving for su1deot approval,
has been cast aside. The r.tarxi.sl dogma
is In full con1mand. SOS now calls for
outright revolution. ,
ln.umvch as breakinl the law l~ a
customary part of revolutionary tactics,
m!ln1 enforecinent agencies will become
Involved In campus strife. In lrtMt in-
i;lances, lhe nature and degree of in·
voJ\'ement will depend on ~·hetht.r school
aul horttles desire to protect their tn -
slitulions and the rights of the majority
Ill st.udc.nt" ~ho would ralher ~tudy than
riot. or forsake their respanl>ibllitles and
gh·e in to n11Jb rule.
Preserve Generation Gap
By NOrtl\.1AN NIXON, M. D.
Young and old-alike are. pointing to
"the generation gap" as the cause of
today's youlh rebellioa. Many are saying
that the 400,000 (reportedly all under 30)
ll'ho attended the rock festival at Bethel.
New York, and the 200,000 at the Isle of
Wight happening last weekend. all ex·
emplify the new generation attuned to
rock , pol and sex as they lry to do their
own thing. Undoubtedly, the generation
gap is wider today than most oldsters
can ever recall. But it certainly is not a
new phenomenon.
\\'HAT IS NEW Is that many adults
(anyone. over 30 the Now Generation
says), seem determined to close the gap
through their fawning adulation and
worship of youth. Whether it is dancing
their no-touch dead-pan dances. following
!heir style trends or flocking to see and
hear what is "in" v.•ith the kids. the
emphasis is on remaining young forever.
Unable lo communicate openly and
honestly with our youth, many parents
and other elders ~·ho ought to know bet-
ter. are striving Lo imitate arid to follow
U1eir hedonistic perambulations.
TllERE NEVER can be a feeling of
equality between generations. Prof.
Thomas J. Cottle, Harvard University
sociologist, puts it this wa y: "Authority
implies an inequa lity between the old and
the young .•• Parent.s are by definition
not peers and lheir concern does nat im.
ply lhat they become colleagues." The
relationships between pa.rents a n d
children, teachers and students, elected
officials and youth, should imply w.n·
questioned authority, kept within
reasonable limits, and a firm com-
mitment lo preserve, not eliminate, the
general.ion gap.
courages chikiren lo refer to their
pare.nls and teachers by their first name
is particularly unwise. The chlld's first
utterance is usualJy mama or papa,
which at first is used interchangeably for
either parent. But he soon learns lo say
mama and papa, mother and father, or
mom and pop to delineate the function
and role of each parent, selling them
apart from other adults and from his
For a brief period, beginning at about 2''= years, many children refer to their
parents by first names, but rarely be-
yond lhe age of six.
IN EARLY adolescence, "·hen some
-youngsters again use the parental first
names, this time in a taunting,
mischievous manner, most parents used
to react with anger over their child's
"disrespect." But not now! Actually,
mother. falher, mom, dad and similar
terms all play a symbolic role in main·
ta.ining and reinforcing the incest taboo.
b6lh in intact families and in ne'l~liy
established family units following remar·
rlage. For they reinforce the asynunetry
between parent and child.
THE IDEAUSM, strengths and poten-
tial power or today's youth undoubtedly
will change the v.·orJd lhey grew up in. No
one is sure just how·or whether it will be
for good or for bad. Certainly, they are in
a hurry. AJ?. one said to me recently.
"You wailed. We won 't." No longe'-are
they preparing for life: they are living it
now, most of them wilh a new idealism
and sense of community never ex·
perienced by. any previous generation.
NOT TOO LONG !rom now, when the
youngest of the Now GeneraUon reaches
30 and find lhemBelves beyond lhe pale,
the generation of lhe 1990's probably will
look a.skaore at their elders in a manner
reminiscent of the J960's. P.1ore than
Hkely, when today 's youth are raising
children of their own, they will recognize:
the hazards of equality between parent
and child, oldsters and younssters, and
maintain, in their own way, the in-
evitability ol lhe generation gap.
'No-win Policy Is Immoral'·
T:> lhc Editor:
\Ve wanl U1e Vietnain \Var to end. \\:e
\\'ant peace and justice. To achieve these
goals we might first consider certain
realities. Then "'e n1ay fonnulate a bet·
ter approach. Our vie"'S may change
1vhen ""e gel more knowledge o1i a mat·
ter, or see other practical solutions.
t\o peoples are completely lily while.
Bui on reading about the procedures and
atrocitie s in the Vietnam War, it's otr
ious that the Communists are the agg-
In North Vietna1n, H:_i Chi Minh sent
strong arm squads into most of the
villages. All who might OP!X>SC him in the
future -landowners, businessmen, in-
tellectuals and schoolteachers -v.·e.re
forettl lo confess, tried publicly and often
l'XCCuled. By kll!ing 50,000 to 100,000 in
bloodbaths, Ho terrorized the masses to
IN 1951. JIO moved to eliminate South
Vietnam's leadership; elected officials,
natura l leaders: those ~·ith relatives in
the military, civil service or police;
Councilmanlc rec11ll fires In Foun-
t.a In Valley certalnly put to the
le.st Harry 'T'rum11n11 dictum: If
you can't stand Lhe heat, gel out of
Uie kitchen.
-R. D. M .
"Tlolt .. .,.r. rTnKh ~ """" Mt ........,. ........... ""-· ..... , .. ~ H! _,... fl •11ot111P Iii.,.. O.tl'r ,1111.
' I
• • 7 ' .
' • l
~1 aiihox ' · • ." · d
Lellt'1 trom re•~rs •re -rwm.. Norm.llY •ritw'I
al>ould ~-onv .. ~Ir tnaHM lrt 300 Wl'Unll or Int.
lhe rlvht fO modfnM 11119'1 to flt loPIC» or elll'nlneM'
llbfl l~ THtrwd. Atl llllen '"Ult tflClllOt llfN!ur9
"'""' m•lllnt Mldl"HA. bit! n-•Ill toe withheN vn re<l"'d II wtfklenl talOft i. ...,..fWl!f.
those who failed to pay Communist taxes
promptly; or had five or men years or
In 1965 Radio Hanoi boasted lhat. lhe
Viet Cong had destroyed 7,559 hamlets.
By 1967's end 14 ,138 civilians were
murdered and 45,929 kidnapped. This
genocide and terror is designed to
destroy Jeadersh{p, frighten lhe Viet·
name!'IC into submission, force Ute
gove.rnmenl into repressive anti-terrorist
acLions and gain ·propaganda advanlqe
from counter-atrocities done by Soutb
Vietnamese soldiers whoise famlliel suf·
fer from the Communista.
,, SOVTD VIETNAM fai!J, lbe late
Ro's torwrer1 will till mJllldria more .. Yet
over 80 perte!ll of the eligjbie Soulh Viet.
name.se defy every Commwllst threat
and 10 lo lbe poll~
It's lnbmnaM to let wilhft.ll thinking
blind us to these realities -to let our In-
difference condemn maue.1 ol people to
torture, horror and de~~ Yet, 90me of
the ignorant rant lhat lite Communista
wouldn 't be in South Vletnam If the peo.
plc didn't want them. 'lbe mir1c:le if that
Sou.Lb VJetna.tn bu aurvtvtd ao long .and
i.till fi&hts ()fl. \
I believe the wer ls i.mmoral in that we
don't 1ppl}t our power to wln the war •s soar. as ·pouible. It's bNnoral to prolong
the su(fering o( the Vietn~ It's im-
moral that all our yOW1gsten have to
look rorward to possibly 11&er1.r!clng their
llve!I tn-,, ... .,1ha"l we 11.'1 ctraa an without
U1e Intention of winning.
Heroin TraHlc
To the Editor :
Your UPI story about the government's "temporary success in limiting the
availability of marijuana" was timely, to
say the least. This limiting bas caused
the kids to switch to more dangerous
drugs, and it JJ..f§ induced me to form a
strong suspicion that the "government"
may be inV<llved in the har<l--eore drug
billion dollar ~acket. If lhe government
can slow down the traffic in marijuana, it
can slow down the lralfie in heroin. But it
doesn't do it Hence the suspicion.
LIZA WlLLIAMS, writing in the Los
Angeles Free Press, deplores the scarcity
of grass for her constituents, yet laments
the fact that lhe poor kids are switching
to the death drugs. v~. that's right, she
doesn't like it.
Your UPI story was most revealing,
and I rail to see why anyone reading it
woukl not deduce that certain bailiwicks
1n the "government" are making money
on lhe disintegration of the American people via the dope route .
Friday, September 5, 1969
The tditoncl J)OQI 01 lM DailV
PiloC lttb to inform and 11Jm..
ulatc rlOIUn bv pr1.rmtmo tht.r
n~ opinionl mid com-
mentary ot1 topCcr of lnUrt't
and rignifk:ancc, bv proofding a
forum J&r the upreuion oJ
OUT rtCldfn' opinion.a. and bJI
prtsentino the divers• view-
points of bt/M'Wkd obs1rwra
mt4 ipokel'lten on topic1 of Cht
Robert N. Weed, Publlsbcr
CHECPKING Reagan Signs Income Tax Cut Bill
• u • SACRAMENTO (AP) bt<au .. It labs a two-thlrda
Gov. Reagan acted Thuraday miajorlty.
. on toore1 of conlrovtrslil.I It tw been llM since the.
bills. Ht g1v1 CaWorrtlans an ltglslalure has reversed ·a
autbortty lo pus legialaUoo
concerning gun llceulng and
Sin Frandaco adopted Its tt:g,l&traUon of firearms.''
Ol"dlnance lut year, followln&'r::======== the assasainaUon of .sen'.t:'
Robert F. K•nnedf In Loa
Angeles: income tu break ne1t spring gubernatorial veto, . Thi nk"
Men Outnumber
Girls 13 to I ·
and I r t d San Fraoclsco's Reagan wW be on 11 trip lo
mayor by signing a bnl giving A~a most al lhe wl<k,
the slate: exc.IUllve law-maklna.._ representing President Nlxou
·authority tn the field or r# at the dedlcatkm ol the
control. CUiturai Center of the Phlllp.
Th1s brought a,n angry ntort
from Sao Franoiaco Mayor
Joseph Alioto, expected to
seek the Democratic nointna-
t.lon for aovemor nut year,
-1bly pltUng him agato.I
Reagan ln the general election
in November.
Reagan said pa.11111e of dif.
rertng gun control ordinances
In dllferent parta ol lhe stalt
wou1d work a hudahip oo
hunters and sportameo with
He also acted oo a bill pin~ at Manila.
Le1al sources ·say lbe new
slate law will wipe out local
gun registraUoo otdlnance11 in
San Francisco and Beverly
eligible bachelors outnumber
llinglt glrll by 13 to I. Thooe
are the place3 our Love and
War man wants to discuss ~
day. So please pay attention,
young lady. He refers to the
Anned Forces bases overseas.
Unattached American• typists,
stenographers, and bookkeep-
ers on such military poets are
much in demand. "nley do not
lml to whlle away m a n y
evenings alone. However, this
13-to.l ratio o( men to
women, altllo slatlstically ac·
curate, may be mis.leading. It
does not take into accOunl the
number of unattached local
girls available for dancinl! and
romancing. Still, the American
girl is regarded by most
United States service men as
a somewhat special catch. The
class sy~tem functions at its
fullest qfn military posts, and
any home .. grow ii-girl
the reabouts is definitely
regarded as high class. It i!
not out of the question for a
i;lngle glr1 so employed
overseas to rack up half a
doun matrimonial proposals a
little seaweed, som~ dried nah
and a spOOOful ol hot rice. No? Why not? 11ult11 stlU1 l&ld 1e ..._ ________ _
be the typical first mtal ol lhe
day for the well-fed fellow la -
moder u tung CaWomia's One of. hlJ happier momenta
dlvoroe laws, bul Paul Beck, Thursday wu sJanlng tbe btll
Rtagan•s pres 1 secretary, passed In the flnal days of the
ttlused to aay whether be had regular legislative 1e1Sion 1aat
signed it or vetoed it. month that will give CaWornia
The RepublJcan govemor taxpayers a one-time-only Mt
went over the final flood of million lncome tu cul nest
bUls in a marathon session in April.
Alioto said Reagan had
"dealt a severe blow to lhe
maintenance of law and order
in San Franclsco" by sup-
porting the "Ill.'." lobby."
His press statement an-
nwocln& the signing of the biU
said, "CaWomla'a hunters and
3porlsmeo repreaent a stgnlfi·
cant segment of our popula-
Uon .•• 'lbese sportsmen
lhould oot be upected to have
to ~pe with U'le difOcu!Ues in-
herent In Independent local
regulation of licensing and
Jfll,<n lnM
Japan. Never made it to the H• h far east, unfortunattly. But if 1g way
1 ever get thqe, am going to
his olllce Thursday with ti And ht approved a measure
high state offlclals .tqcluding which gives the state sole ....... 111 .. ., .... .......
year. •
AS FAR AS size goes, the
average octopus could curl up
cozily in your pants pocket,
mister ... A BRO W N
A-fUSTACHE just doesn't
make it. Not unless ll's one of
thDSe full fliers that looks like
a small hawk in a glide ...
under age %5. One in two earns
less than Sl05 a week. One in
IS earns more than $195 a
week .. , I LIKE TO VISIT
the back rooms of fish can-
neries the way some people
like to browse around antique sh~. Is lhal all right? ... •
MAN credited "niclilation''
with the start of numerous
romances, be meant the wink·
ing Of eyes.
BREAKF' AST -Try this to
start the day. A pickled plum,
fermented bean curd soup, a
give tha.,1. grub a go. Even the "'~;;:· Qu~0Ns1 "" Pro1· ects
Which alclt of lhe halibut II
always dari., which light? 2.
How come every fourth aer· F oze vice station tither !olds Q!' r n
chapges hands annually? ~
Why does a staked-out cow
generally tend to wind her
chain clockwise?
TO-BE says she goes to bed
every night with her telephone
receiver resting on the pillow
beside her. Her genUeman
friend across town d o e s
likewise. Tbty · talk o n e
another to slet:p. Be does not
sno~. she says . . . THAT
CRACK about the saxophone
being an .unfortunate horn -l
take It back. Just heard Boots
Randolph emit multiple
melodies on said instrument,
and it was a J!Ule like
somebody praying.
LOWER CASE -Poet e. e.
cumminp v.·u not the only
citizen to eschew caplt.al let-
ters in his name. There'1 ac-
tually an organiutlon of such
men. Called the league or little
leUers. Members include car-
tdOnl.st mo rt ~·al II: er, that
shirtmaker·~e-stars I e w
magram, and author don
herold. Originator of this nifty
group ls a Hammond, Ind.,
entrepreneur named I a r r y
shields. He is thought to be the
only person in the country who
has copyrighted his name in
lower case.
Y our questions and com·
ments are welcomed and
tvlll be u.sed wherever pos·
sib/c in "Checkiiig Up.''
Address mail to L. M. Bo11d,
i1t care of DAILY PILOT,
Box 181$, Newport Beoch,
'Mlt Reagan administraUon.
heeding President Nixon's call
for a cutback in building-pro.
jt:Cts. today froze t h e
awarding of new highway con-
tracts in California.
Public Works Director
James Moe also ordered a
delay ln calling for bids on
road construction until com-
plettoo of a review t o
determine what projects could
be temporarily shelved or
stopped outright.
Nlion directed a 7fi percenl
reduction in new federal con-
struction and warned that if
state and klcal governments
failed to rnatcn "the
gov ernrmnt's anti-inflation
move, Re would restrict
federal funds for such con-
struction .
"Nothing is more important
than economy in govern-
ment," Reagan said.
In remarks prepared for a
Sacramento speech, the •
Republican governor s a i d
there was ';only one really
bulc. major cause of inflation
-government spending, the
high cost of government."
"Runav.'ay inflation is the
terrible companion of runaway
governm!nt spending," h c
said in repledging to drive
down the rising cost ot
CalUornia government and
seek long· promise dt•
Cabinet members and key
stall member¥
Reagan raced • Sunday mid·
nlghl deadline in acting on
oi:lls passed durina the rt:gular
session. And be plaMed to
leave California Friday on a
trip lo Asia OD behalf of Presi-
dent Ni:l:;on.
For the second year in a
row, Reagan vetoed 1 bill 1iv-
ing CaWomla an Oregon-style
"open" presidenUal priftiary
election ln which all potential
candidates would go on tbt
J{e called it 1 "compulsory
primary •.. which would force
all potential dark-horse can-
didates t~ spend enomw_us
sums of money to mouol a
Now, a candidate has to con-
sent before his name is llsted
on the ballot
The legislature returns to
Sacramente Monday to open a
constitutional veto s e s a i o n
lasting up to five days. 1'le
lawmakers have a chance lo
override gubernatorial vetoes,
but that is ronsidered unlikely
State Board
Aide Fights
CYPRESS (Al') -St ate
Board of EducaUon member
Donnan L. Commons says he
would decUrte reappointment
to fight any campai~ by Max
Rafferty !or re-election u
state superintendent of public
Commons, former president
of the state tducaUon board,
Ford Says Torino ,
T-Bird 'A ll New '
T1·ial Slated
Ove r Chi1d
uid in an ~rview Thw'aday
that he himself doesn't plan to
run agalMt Rafierty but
would oppose him • j I n
whatever manner I feel is
INDIO (UPI) -T e n Commons, Sl·year-old senior
01 JM 0.llJ Piiot Siii!
-Described as "all new"
were the Torino and Thun:
d-...rblrd m o d e I s introduced
here by Ford ~totor Co. 's Ford
with a lower roof line and members of a desert com-vice president of a Callfornia·
newly designed front and back mune and the mother or a 6-ba&ed oil flnn, told a group ol
window styling. year-old boy Ptlieved chained North Orange County Junior
Twenty-one models are of· Jn a packing crate at the College District employes that
fered In Lhe standard size ranch for 56 days go on trial RaUerty threatens good
Ford line, 'ranging from the OcL 6 on felony child abuse education.
custom to the new brougham, charges. In the interview Commons
and includes seven station A judge Thursday denied a stated that Rafferty "hu faU-
\vagons. motion to dismiss the charges ed to give any leadership al all
The Mustang has a filed b.Y lhe attorney for Mrs. in the important areas or
Beverly Glbbons, 37, whose public education." He said redesigned front and rear but son, Anthony. was imprisoned. those ar~ we~ in ending
styling is basically the same. The boy was be 11 eve d segregatioo, solving financial
New this year on the shackled in a fix-foot-square problems and maltlng educa-
Mustang Grande Is three--crate. as punishment at the lion more applicable to stu·
Saturday Sept. 6-7
Sunday. Noon,0 9 pm .
Included In prlc_e of dinner is
• • • c:hanc:e on $500 U •.. ,~. Savings Bond
Sponsored by
Bal/Joa Bay Lions Clu~ Also announced for 1970 wa~
an "ultra luxurious" new
LTD brougham series, a new
light weight 351 cubic inch
engine, as the standard V-8 on
Ford's Torinos and Mustangs,
a three: way locking steering
column on all models and
fiberglaSll belled tires.
quarter landau style vinyl desert commune near Blythe. dent needs.
roor. ----------'---------------==
"The new 1!170 model year
may become the first time
that new car sales in the in-
termediate class catch, or
surpass sales in the standard
size market". sa id John
Naughton. Ford Motor Co.
Vice President and Ford
Division General hianager.
The ~1avcrick inlrodu~
earlier this year remains
unchanged with the exception
or 1 larger 200 cubic inch
engine offered.
Naughton anoounced that
h1averlck demand has been so
great tha t all Falcon pro-
duction at Ford's Kansas C\ty
assembly plant will be con-
verted to Miiverick producUon
in December. He said Falcon Naughlon singled oul the
Torino as the company's\ "mo&t drastically redesigned -----------1
car. Torino is longer, lower
and wider with new styling,
hot performance engines and
options, and are first in-
tumediate slr.c 4 · d o o r
The Torino which replaces
the Falrlane as Ford's in-
termf(tiate, come~ in thirteen
models including the high
performance Torino GT.
The 1170 'Thunderbird has a
longer, lower hood and grill
For cans afttr 6 p.m. -kdays
. and all -kend, 3 minutes •
station-to-station, plus tax. ,... ..... @
" I l 1
-· ---. --=-t::"'____, .. ~, -...
Worth .
Middle Taxpaye1·s' Relief OVER THE COUNTER
NASO l l1•lo91 for Thur1d1y, September 4, 196t
NI# •. 't'Ollt.• tAPI! """'"'w• ~lttt t;•w 'Yott lt.q: ~ "'1clft1
"' "' •·• ....... \ ~ .. ·~,. .. H• •,. • . •• ., , (hcb. HlethWW,CloM c.nt. l,..,. .. ,. .... ,. .. ,. .. .,.,.,., ............... ,. .. .,,. .... ~.,11eJ ~"~ ...... ... 9 ...... Ii + • 1=1· ,';lj .__..,. .....,.._. ~-. et ....,...._..., t A.Mo ~ MAIA. ~ "l.lt ~ 'tti -l\ !;,.Tl It .JI
•rR • w -.c .... ,..... w w .,...._ ., --•N AC ft I"' 1.... r. ~ .. . •k ftC M ~" J \ 14-\. 1 ... Mlt MEW '1'011:11: IJi"I ~I Sr ...... Jl• M.Y~ lnlo In\ ltfY C.nt 1 ""i Mam l,,1f ft 14 • •• !!lh lnO ' ;1111Tn·.!:~r'ZJ~ ..,~ 'll~ 1~ Md!Wll: ....... J,, 1m R~~' ~ $~ J~ I."" ~,... ,~ J' "'-i I"" +1~ 1:=Lt'"'1
llot1i. t>11111J/ltd lw Cr ttl'I 2)h MonlTI, •,it ,,.,.. ~l'I Jltt ·~ 10\.1, Mlmlt-l:'i: ?.I. "f'No U { •• 1111.l(LaD .ft
Lie s in Futm·e If at All
A1 fer •• )'ou, the
overwbebla& m1)orlty of
midi!IC1-lftcome la.xpayers art
conccmcc11 the tax relic! you
miibl &et from the llouse-
pas!ied Tu Reform Bill of
ltD lies we)l 'in the future -
and even lhl.s tutu~ rellef is
Cu, f at from assured.
President Nixon has said
openly Ulllt he is "'disap-
pointed" by the HOU-$e'! action
oo his ''revenue recom-
mendations"; Treasury
Secretary Kennedy has gene
beyond OW! JDd h.a.s warned
that the Administration will
oppose some of the House's
tax proposals wheo they are
taken up in the senate next
month; there-is mounting
criticism that the House-voted
tax <.'UU:, totaling $9.? billioo
through 1972, would endang'r
essential federal spending ror
programs ranging rrom na·
tional dcfertSC to space ex-
ploration to education.
IN BLUf\'T summary, this
widely heralded tax relief for
~·ou is mighty "iffy " in ad-
dilioo lo being well in the
For calendar ·59, !here
v.·ould be no Tate cuts. The
surdlaTge has already been
extended at 10 percent to year·
end. and Uie House bill would
continue ii at ~ percenl to mid·
1970. Actually. you probably
'would.. pay more. 1n laxes 1n
calendar j69 than in '68
because of the higher 10 per·
cent su rcharge rate
throughout the year.
For calendar years begin-
ning in "ro. high income. in -
dividuals would get the benefit
of the 50 percent tax ceiling on
earned int"ome ; many low in·
come taipayeci would get the
benefit oI the bigger standard
deduction and the low income
allowance; single persons 35
,or ovtr and all widows And
widowers would get major tax
rate breaks.
NOT UNTIL calendar yeaNI
beginni.ng In '71 and '72 wooki
all of us get tax rate cu\s
Y.'orking out lo aboul 5 per·
cent. The lop rate would be
cut from the current 70 per·
cent lo 65 percent for taxable
years ~ginning alter 71.
Here is a table which sug-
l•t Wotio.~ C111illl.
Wiii ~It I.,,._
l'llllJ ~k•rft.
14.50 PER MO.
gests how your group m1&ht be
aifel:ted 1surcharge not ~n
ANOTJl&R .\REA In which
tax relief i.s promised starting
for years arter '69 involves
moving expenses. In 'ssence,
the H~ bill would liberallie
the present definition of mov·
ing ei::penses lo include these
three ttew categories: pre·
move house-hunting costs:
temporary living expenses at
new principal job location;
cost of selling the o I d
residenc,, buying a 11 e w
"r. N1!lCN1• .... ,. lflC ' ~ o;1;, t 1n1~ e 1 Wt """' ~1 • '* ~ ,.. ·~ -·~ fYullC1-.. ti Oft ol 5.ecurlUu ~··· n ,,. • ~ Ill) ll tt In IJ .... 1~ u~ 2 l2 3'l't »'4 " + .. 8-l""'• I res1dcn~ or termlnatJng a O.•ll•L 1~· .,., o;:• .ou 1nlo'J:1 ltK-1 c~ "d: Cam• i·~ 4li ~JM. ,. K !I ,,.. -"'I"~"'
lease =.,. ",.'::• .... ~ ~-J&i 21~ iti. Murlltf t4;: t; ·~ Jl'I Jl.o AA.c .... ·'-ill ft... ?:... ~ ~ 11ec1 1. •-llliv~ !JlllN'• w "IL d • Nrrr-. ( Ul.. t1"4 1-H 11 j AJ lflllltltri-. d t . J~ -Yi I-'! Ar .IJ Still other changes would not H•llN' • 1 .. o1 ''*I" t1 • ',',~ ~~·!...!!M, •l.. $" s.c.1~ .ri ,,~ A.It o.,. 1 j 11'4 1J\ -1, kia ,. .. ·" • fPOl"lllllrNltY J l""I. ,.,,.., 1111 Ul.o l<lol pt 16\. I Ui A...,.jDC 1Jt ~ ~ ~ _., 1··--.~ only mak' tax reduction p.m .. 11 wh1ai u-P.int 2ll' 17 CP 4 ru 11 '"'" tru ~ AluftA1" •• 11 • liJl H · -\< •if M
h h I . ....wrUltt too.lid u .\fl t ft. •I ~I ~I 6CI YI I•\.\ 15\~ f.lc.oSt.1"6 d!. lr tt ----I 111 lnlffcan t roug ncome averaging .. ,.,., ~ 1JUr· eon L11l #..r" , &? fI:;~-TN~r tt\t•~-'lllt(;~·:;:z l~ ''" •\'l -\lo:::~1 1·~60 available lo many more tax· ro~"'1b1:r,:.tc1/ .. ,~~ ~s:: N. ~:1 :1 r;lbo U\j, Miii i I c. "lu ~ ~Iii .. " 'i!!· :l ' _, ~i: ~·!
payers but Would also greatly !'!!~-;ft~~ f r~EI :~ l~ =:•y:,:~•111 l~~ l~O,. t~ "~~ Jru I•'• A · 1Ja tt 1~ ~ J:W. ··~ = ,;:i; simplify your income averag· ~ O.~. P•lc" I Hut U lS\11 NP t'~ 1 n G• ~~ r! :• ~ I .. ti h ~ =~ a.-4 • . 00 l'IOI IN;luele ldCPY RI •V. "lilt '* • \II G.C• 11-'. ~ A II ,n 2 »It! M\-9 2l\'I •• ·~ hi mg computations. Th' el-r11111 m•"'""· llr"" 5"" •l't hiEn Ge 1"" 11"' w Et5vc 111'. 111..o A~!!! NI ... .&56 32~ JO\'i 'It. +Jtii ~1: c·:J!
lecllve dale would be taxable ~r.':)g:wn °' CG!PI· l ?,.~:· 1111"'11il't ~/-~!'-"~ ~1~ hffli •t&Z.1s N •l't ... lli:i"-"'' • 41 " M •••·1 ~ su 1 •
be · · ('• '69 AIU. Ent 16'1J. n~; I Mo011t J 1~ efei:"A 7t 30 ~Suw ~l.O !i~ !~::rir ~·~ 1l~ = ~~ li'Q +·ti.1r..l!\.'INI f.20 years g1nn111g a ""r . .. IU.I cor11 ti'> 111'1 l!!IK c., 11" "'' 111t e "'" ~ HN 211'1 r; Alll.o$<1• .to 12 ,.,.. UYJ 10 .. ...._" 1:c:i.,~•1 ·70°' TI1e proposed relief Is not to ~~~P'c! 7'1,,, fl E::,';!v0~ ~·111 lf.i. ~ ... -~ ~~ io"° '°';' f! •I " Atlls c~1m » 13,. n ~~ -~ a .. 1r~ .•
be sneezed at _but it's hardly A...,,. E1 t" 1011. f,...,, A, '"' 'fll NE"'" OJ"i t !" llllli:l•I " 1oi: 1t"!i !1::'1.a* 1J J;.,. J:~ ~ .:..:.il't ~1, ~~· "'an• 1111 lJ,,. l6V. ennrs e 11 n NPA. 01, lJ 1 z10o Fd '" 1~. Am•ISut 1,to 1 n f7 n .. ,1 "101
the immediat' bonanza the ..... H... 1s .... 11 El'ltW~I 11\4 " NW HetG 10 I i... •rn•• l&S lM AMBAC ·" d '' lM 17" -.. IC~ "uc. . h ilt,!r lnchu S'• •'~ E1>11 CD!'"P o ~NW '°""'v ~\II !1111 ....... -, I ''\ Am11E1 I.ti l 23 n\o ~ -VI Jtf 1 headhnes or retell! days ave Alrbrn F lh flll E"llUll 011 Ill. 13\l HucJ RK <3 ... • ,'J, !?\:., AmrE1 ptJ.60 2 "°1• ..... .O'h -1· ...... .._•,IO
d '"'"f 10\\ 1 Erlt Trc Int J""L Ol>l1> Ar1 llt1 1011 TtYlor W -. _ 1 •-u-., .,, 1., ,.,~ .. ... -• suggeste . ~~· nc: 72'i n v. Ellefln 37 ri"' " Wll JG n r.-. •• Ai sv. 1\.'t A.;;;r PD.50 '" ;41;-"" mo+'~ ·.-w , ... , -N l Th . . f . f All"' L...a 1& 11 F& (G'f>O J 7\fl I Suin !,6 59' fllt"n A ~~\' f \lt AAlrFlllr .llO 1 lH,to JH., )IV1 .• ~.: .... , u; e scope o re onn. "''ID e1v 51•,. F.\brr 1~ I''> , rmon1 t>4 10111 T11111, Ci> .. ,,,. ", AmAl•l•n .IO xu m-. 2614 'Hh_, ll01'eoll ioi Ail~ Pe~ 6 61.< 1'1Trf1G T '"'° I lier TP 11 ... IM\ Tlffnr I" ln• n Arn Bake< I S. tl\o U ll -"·-IM ~:111c."r: r~ r,.: ~:.'j~"'Mt 2a 2lf" oJ~rA J:h l:?: :P,':t,CG~ 6 1 •1~ Amil< l+olt I 1 l"• 19*\ lflti -._ !Air Jt
Coppe,. Cost
Even Hits House wife
Hike • lll
•1-,,_ '''' '"' ••< 0." '' " PEC lsrl 111;, Jli;. Trnatl G lt'"" i.r Am llr-I t 113 3'1\t tl\i -"1• -r.rl' 1.ia• "~'......, "" ,... .. ... 'Amlout l.611 0 Q ..._ 4'1'-... M . ...,,,..,., .... tl. Fs!G •e ~! 211¥1 I ti• 3-llo, u ·rnc:nl 0 A .,,. """ C111 1.11 1t .... "6\io "6h . .. ¥ 1.10 ""' DTtl UI') 25' ... F•IM In• 211 20'h l"ft FtE 3"1» l511:i rend In 24~'> 2:5\11 A(tfl Pf I.JS l5 t~ UV. mt .. pf J "" El Lab 6\o 1\~ ,..,. 11...... """ s Pilltco Co 1\'> • rlcP PO 11 ' J21.'o ""' (WI\ .flfl lJ \JV. 12* l2t. -I Am EJ.PI" Mil,ji Mi'• F1I WF!fl ~l 61• P4nc:ol 10\!i 11 ill< ~\o;o ll\11 A Cl'>tln 1.6CI I JU~ 31 ... Jl"i + ' _.,
::mG:u•n ~ k~ ~~~1111S•I : ~· rauw:y D~ ~f lf\di t~::,ciFO 11\.'I f:~ NnCradll .to 41 »,,_ ?Jt\ 2J\'o -1 ::,,u~Pl./l
Am =II lll;f IS FODO FP ·~i '"' P•ve1i. !',,, 16 Un!l'lc •• ,. 10 A~rySuJ '·'° t ™• 2'1t• 14h . • erown Co "'
""' !<U.O 21 !2¥. or~t 011 :zt"11fit. P11rlfs T 1 JJ UM,rl 'Th 211. ?!, .. :~sin ::jt 49' .t.1,,, "'~1,1 43,.,. !_1,~ ',!!! Sht•fJ A.rn Midi D 3.l FO!ll Grnt 35'~ 3'1.'i l>eo Oh<L -""' •l'I Un Oo11r , • ., •-<I < "" '" •• "" ""S/loe ~ Arn Pl"" u v; 11 ... P1>loch• ,.; l'M P• El\9111 4\:o 5 Uft Ul\lm 31'• llh ..... If I s lt~ '~"" 1~ -•• BrUNwk 01, A SI Goto Ht Sh Frnkl (1> 9~, 11>. Pe G.LW 25 .... 26 Un McGU I>, t•,· :&:lv'.,,·ll? 3i l:Mo ll:: j~ + ~ Buaoer 1'."10
AS! G p1 t lOV. "''* n E ~.• '!.."" = ~~ 1~~ 1~t't tli" !":',:1 ll~ 13:• AmE!Pw ·1.Jt '" ~I~• 31\'o n. ',""'.., •"•·"•
AITI Tel¥ 1~ U\4 F111Vrw ,. •-p 1 U •" > • Am En-• I 211 711 2™ 21 + 1\ ,.~ · , 'd Al\Chf (p IS ""' C"".arflllol 16 16'• Hin "• .... ""'n ,, ... ..., Am EKp lnd f1 71\'I 1• M -lYJ .-.,,"!..In 1.u,0 copper In it.' sal II """"'" e 6CI'"' 61 G11 svc 141, IS"• Pelrl• s1 .&l•, 4lW uj en.-1 •v AE•lnd _.,.., z,,., 70 """ 10 +I ~• . Anll ... c r.~ • G Alrcn 1 1V. Pt1fOll! .... (~ ... u S11p1r 0 "' AG~I.... 50 ltl ~ 2lt;, ~ + \~Bulow• w .to Consumers are paying higher housewares buyer Crom a ma· Arc•11 N u ... 3'1~ G Drllu J>; ,,,. ~1111dL/'' " " u Trkl ~. 1,,1 • AiGn1n Pl'l.llO n 'l"" 31 32l~ +110 B,'"!,"!."',•· Arel Ind tl\1 15 ..... t; K!'l'fllC ''• ~ h I b l?h n VP Pe.iP 6~ 1'1 AmHolif .70 l2 l "' !l IJ>.• -"•'-, , .. ·,·-prices for items ranging from jor New York dcpal"lmenl A•d~n M itv. 1~1~ &!! .r'' t"• ioy, ~oro; 1;~~ ~~ ~:Jt 1~d .t. ~ 1 . .t0 " ""'• J"Mk .tt•• -•1 ur .40
h 'k d t l be !~"~t H .. ~. Giff~ 1:\', ..!~~ Pl~krl~ UI;, u :;;, V•• LO 2~ ro. ... Home "' 2 7 fO''l fOV"J '1111'> -u, lu•ndf' .Ml lea kelll.' lo refl·1·geralors ··to-W O aS e JlO 0 ·~.,. p-... u< -» ••o-o •· -n "' Aim' HOSP .21 1' lll'i ll~o »>o -\lo Burr!lht .60 ·' •~ ""ow H ""' """ r;JllO's l!'~ 3" "''' ,.. •· • ·--;;,. 211"' Amtnv1t 1.10 " 1t~1 111 .. IT-Ir. -~ Bsnu"" l.Jlf because of searing copper identified by name. !~~'ao1 ~~..,, ll~ P,~1:,11 w ~r· ~ =~:. ~ 1tY: 1: •• N1:.,.!0dp 10 • 77 ~FIN ·'° u 20'• i'""' 1ti.:. -fl 1111i.rS1> .s.. . nd I th A.ulO Sd ''• .,~ Glalb llutl l1~ ~ P11bl NH tfi• ltn Rud• I\"•, I AMe~: !;,l0 '1 ~ ~ ~:: t:.: prices a ncreascs in e ··It's loo early to tell how Av.,,<o 11;, ti~ r .... 1111 en ,,,,., ui,:, Pub~ NM 2~\'> 'H W•rlllw l~ 11•, ....,, Mo1or1 661 '"'· 1•~ , + "' cost of other raw 1t1ateria\s. Batiorn 1:i.. t Gr•Jlh s.c 4S '' DS NC 'l'i n"' W•th NG 1"" u~ ,.,,,,.•,G•• ! 74 ll'• »fl 21-.. _ "'° •bol c1 ,60 the latest copper price in-11af•d Al 1111-, 11 1~ Grtt11 Ml i1·~ IP4 Pllbllllr u1~ "'• w°'"" RE 111.0 11<o. AtnP1111t .n1 " 1111~ 10 101~ I" ~I F!n1n1 Anolhet rise ill the price o( Billl.e• 2~'4 l6'to Grnll llE It 1Q P11reH 6 1 Wfl. Tr 171• 11"'-Am Ret.rch n 17 ~ .s&l'J$1 '' 11.,.,M .?Jf ·11 ff 1 a ( e BAI Pillnl 6 6\.1 Grlnntl 117 I!' p ltnn•t :la\,:i !'ft. 'N'ibb lie 11l~ t2 Aim S"lff I l ,,~ 1'""' 2"1 \. 1m1FIL .'51 copper -the fourth thi.s year cre<i.se WI a ec s s · BPunl w1 •\Ii s"' Grove Pr u!/, u~~ P1,1rl!• SI 11 11"' eld1rn )J, ,", Am sn1,. .60 1t•:. 1tt;, lt\I 't C11m1>S. 1 10
d •• l d E th. · h · IMl1lr C 11•, 17 r;rw111 111 11 n PDuo Co ''' 1"" W1U..-M "'" A S<T>tlt l.90 10s lCI ,.,. lCI v. CanSou 11¥ l -to a recor '"cen s a poun very 1ng 1n ousewares IS ''""k ii•~ u·~ gY.,d c~ s.\t 6l\ Pvtnm1 Ill'> u,,., ell~R G ,;" 1;:--AmSoA'• .Iii 31~1 ·~ ...,_, ,1,., +1 ccie.r~,.. ·"°"
from 48 cents Tuesday makes up and no one is happy aboot G:1~: n:\ I;~ Go'.:~ ~IC ::~ r~ ::ciruD0~t1 ~ ... ~r! w::~·1N: w. 11•~ :~s~1~ ~n.1CI ri ff~i ~: =-~ -~I !ri11R:' 11:1":
1·1 almost -~·•n that a w1·de . . IMCl>n"I »"1 11 Gv•ICln 1s1 1~. l!ivm CP 1lCI t:is '''n M111 ,,".· 1•,·.~ AmS1d 011.1~ 1t iot 1041. 1~. -I•• ao c Ides• .. ~,..., 1t. but complamt.s are nolil~lllh.,. u "'1Hamc ... 1S>~11i;ll•vrnCi> JJ 11 W't"PuD 1 •AmSl••ll .. '30 w•, 30 _,,.c1rbr11n 1.IO range of products soon will Beirn 1ne1 11 13 111...:r vo l>.. ,~. R1<CK1 Eq lt &a 1111 wn lll. u •, ... Sut•r 1611 J4 1s1, 1,1.;1 ''111 -""c1r1111e .60 directed at copperspeciflcally. 8elsco• 10•, ioio io11rioY1 s 2' 1• llfP Mt11 JJ», 11•. W!rb•1 lt1• 21•·, ASuJ: p/AJ.65 1 '° ~o .o -1 1rPLt '·'' carry even higher price tags. 1••k 118 Jl :is H••.n 1n 111 1 Rel Creel 31,, lf•, w1n11w T Ji• a'o AmSllQ·PI .61 1 lOti 10\·0 10~~ + \lo ••PTeh l.bO
C h ll ~II L~D JY1SI Htll\ 111&• 1S>o16hlllllv Slo 11\llltVoWltc PL 21\1ll'l AmT&T J.~o 'St s1•." ll -~ lftlerCp .60 Trane Co. or La Crosse. opper ousewares usua Y 111u1>1 w •~• 111 Henrtd F ,,,,, ,, R<>11d E• u>., ?S~' ~ E S\1 no ilt,mWWks .!,6 s 111.:. n tt •• _ ·~ 1r• iH2.2i
( h l l<d Son 33 3' HIHrivn I• U Robin M 15 l'f W~ C )1 H AWW~I I 7S UD 18 11 11 + '• ar1nW A0a \Vis ., a ma1or ma11u acturer. are I e n1ost exp ens l v e. 111r1,,,, 6'·• 6., Holr<I EP ~ i.a R1>1•10<1 ll'• '''' • , E , 1'> Aw prd 1.2s ,.uo 11" 1"' 11~ + '• •oe JI
d \yed esd . Bl•di HI 3110 33'~ Hgoypr ,. •• 21'\ AW •.Ip! '~ 110 " 1'l n +"" -"'Al.•• anoounce n ay price They're bought by more af-e""ue E1 1·., ,1,. HOiii• f1s 3,, m """ zrnc u 11·~ 21 ... "'" + ""cntltd<e ..o
tn. creases f 4 to -pcr-nt on 8Cll1 Ber 111 .• 111. H11eti. Mt 10 11 ....... , .... Amfletr ·'° :;.1 ll'• ">.Jo n·~ C11er1r 1.10 0 ;i '"" nuent women." Boo1n, c H ,. Hiid. PP l7 JJ ~ Amratinc .10 ' 51'• sn~ 51·~ -1''-~1 MuG01
n'ost 0(
'ts ·•r -·•111on1·n.. eo. Cap U\'. 15 H.., G•• " u jli/111>; Cl> .JO 'I ~mn ,~·~ -v. IM plJ.?S "'"' '-'VIN •oe C ] f" lo lrkw1 G 61 H H11r•I P 13<. 1•' AMP Inc: .411 111 d •71'< 6N + ·~ KO CP to and refrigeration product opper a SO igures a B•w~ Ar 121~ 11·~ Hvan c. 33 .:w.. MUTUAL Amo'" Co•o '" •1•~ -IOI'> •1'• + 1• ll•neuCp 1
II l l . th · · ls ll•Ulll Bt Jil, 21\iol 1ne1 Ga• n •i j"'' 4m•t..O ~-"'° 11 lT'!o ll'• 17'1o -·~ tlln P9A4.SO lines. The corflpany said the sma ex. en in e r1s111g cos e11ckev u•, 16 ind Nuel 2:! , Aim1,1 .n i1 u•·, 1•·~ 16\lo -'• enc:o 1"' .:io
I (h d l b'i BY•nuo S 1J'> 14 ln!ol~c 3'• ~'" Anteon<! 1.M 1tt ~·• 1Po ll"o-•oCfnH Ud l.•I increase! v.•ere due to 1igher o ouses an au omo 1 es. 11.,,..., F hor. ts lntr••d s•n ,, , ~nchHoc-.tt 1 •J>;'o •J ~ .,. ·~ ''" n1Lt 1 11:
sis f . I d I ... _ . . . Ctl w 5w 77 l~Vt In! Cont 11>, "'. Anc:otoNSw ! J . ll 1'l n ... ·~ "'HIPS l.!7 co o materia s an suur. The copper price. nse3 this Cilll"IC11 ti 191.-o I~' 'T' •·· .,~ FU NDS And Ida• 120 1ro J~·• i~·~ J\I~ -·~ centl•EI .11 ll "d lh COS( f ~pe ( b-C1non M 10 1' nlrrn 11 t t1.. 11,~(/ie(p .l'CI U 71'-1 '7'• 1J -'• mMP·# 1.U sat e O r u \'Car have been supported by C•nnM e u 11 1ni ew"" 61 1t.. AiPCODU 1.42f SJ JJ•o 31'i J1•• -'' cen1 sw 1.IO l·ng has r1'sen more ·.han 2Jl · t8nrac1 1•, I'• 1111 M;n u~ 1s·~ AQtJ• Chet» 10 o1111'• :19"• · :i.>~ -1 C•n1 SoY• .IG
h d d ( h I ( Sow " 111-l,1~ ARA Svc .96 1$ 11i'1l1 10~ 10"• -''• CenTclU .Nn percent in the past .vear. eavy c1nan o< I e meta . c!~ 1~1.., 1,., 1t~ J~: ~i~~r 16 • 11 "'<~o.in 1.60 • ,,_., •P.:. ,,., -'• Crrro 1.611b . h" h C;111T01 s• 6 ! 1 s f 16 111'> >G.e.,,,,,,;,;'l!.~~~...o jlif11PubSYC ' :i• 1J na... 7-1 (lrl·tt..O .IO Anotherbignlanufacturerof Despite 1g er co pp'r c1,,1 Bl s>.~ 6,~1~, ;,.,: ,.., 9,. Arl•n•OS .?O •• ll'~ 3l'~ Jl•i-•.c~1-1e<1 111.90 · di • • d ( · • c. f · (arlr GP 70'r> 71''> ln1f~! It'~ 10'11 Seo!. 4 Inv lrKlle U.'1 IJ.11 .t.rmcoS! I 60 ll 11'. 27~~ 771, . CHSMAI!'" .IO air con llonmg an re r1gera· prices, stoc,,,., o maJOr copper C1H NG 11•• ll'o ionl<• 79 31 NEw YDllK (API 1n•11 11m n.1sn.n A.rmout 1.60 ~3 4'1• ,,,. •"'>-1 1F1 sn .IO
Li. od l C · C f . (tn1e• 1t"1 111,,., It SoUHI 2t'1 Jtl~ -Tl'lf !~lowl'IQ 11i..a. lnYlt$10H Go-ouo. Arm11Ck llO lt 1'. lll~• ll\'1 ~._ hldtlrn Inc on pr uc s. arr1er orp. o producing companies ha ve cen vPS 1• n~ Jteobs F s n~ 1111on1, 3~1"° b~ 10s r>e11 '·" s..c. Armct.DfJ.JJ 110 r.oi. 6G ~ M" . l'Mlm1>s 1,M
S NY h d a d I. d sh I · I h" Ch1rl 0 O\o 10\-o Jtt<hln c 101 11 Ille N1!11>111! ~I· Mut HL4' 11 .l l Arl'llfitut> I.Ml I :J9 JIP1 ll>o -·~ Cl'larlffHV 1 yracuse. · ·· a n· ec inc arp y 1n Ya ue t LS Clim I.•• 14 u>. Jam w11 10,:t111 ~ lflOI" 01 saa,,.,nH P•0111 • . .a J OJ Arvin Ind 1 s "'' 74~~ "''• -",,..••Mii I.ID nOUneed price i.~Sts of 4 !O $ Cl'lttllld J .. J'1 Jafl>>b• 17•· 1J Oe•"r• h•c r S1oc1< 10.12 71.11 A•MCI 011 !.10 111 ol(l•o )OJ~ l"'~ -•.; Ci..ck~ Mol uuu year. Clle• In<! 6'• 6a..JI!!• F<i. ~· 6>o1 !1'e 11r1(" ilt.'wne11 Sf~(! 1.t& t.iJA1!.d B•e1v />['fi' 101 10" Cllem~lrn lb pe rcent on July 30. (1'C• Ulll IS"'• l&>o K•l••r $! 11'" 11 ""le i.ttur/T I Vlr Py l.9J !·'2 A1"11 DG l ?O I, I~ (.II~ ····~ E"•rnNV 2.60 {'11 Br&I tJi·t 61')KallSI of 211•'11 cou o h1vt Mtnlrrl Atsll •.H -~A<dS"t 1.7® ":lt'1 1' 3' hemw1v .10 '"\Ve definitely 'A'ill increase c"'I'' s 11~ 111 Kai~•· 119 '116 lOld Jb!(j! « bOUQh1 bl~ n ... 2l.11 A1 .. 1r'"" •D JO ,,... 1''• 13-10 +'•Ches v1 1.W1
,,.11.,.,..,.,..,,.-::.,c.::°"' a.r 1 p1 itn 101 K 5, s~ c11,t<11 H•unov ••••' 1•.t.1 u.n At1t1vE1 LlO 11 ''°"' 1' 21 -'• t~• on1o ~ prices of copper.clad lines~ wet &:liit m "'"'~cu~ 1 · •v•rn ,• ' · ''' 9.0D 9.o;i AtC!TYEI "'' 1-0 "' '' '' +1 Ch"4!Dro fl
f kit h l .1 ., ·d CUii 9u " 2:~: ,;,., ::~~llf ':,• l~ Abll"" ~'fi ~~ J Hnc:oci' 1.11 l.t1 Atl lllCllll<! 1 J1' llJ.l-0 112 lU'~ -l'o Chk.E111 111 o c en u ens1 s. sa1 c1u1 u 11 ,~ 1~1• K~llW<I 11,,: ~ ACl>li•n 7:37 1:cs ~:;._ .,'~,:1~110 :::~~ p1.J·1~ "~ 1:f11> 1a'" 1~v. ='.,, ~~~5s~~P ,,,c~ C\ude r-.1cDonald, \·i~ presi· Cl•r• Mt ~1>.11>.K!ull E l1~•1P,AU!11Ha 1tt 1.u CU\ e1lt.~10.1'AllRctt 11n.IO u 11>; 73'1 J'3ll -"CMSP plets ' F c1,,1,.., J' • 4 K~vt ~;11 11•, 17\1. ""'''c ie,n 10.n ~u• B1 20.25 n .09 Al .. • Cltfn> 1 , ,, n 1, 21,, ,,., _ ,, c111 ~je 1 dent for consumer sales of ,, i'naIICe ,',","",',.""o' •,·,,· •,',.' ,",,",,',~, ",, 11 AIJ>t>• Fo 's'"'•'• "i·'·' u1 11• t.:is1of. Ml•• coro n• s•. s 1·. 011P~""1, B ' I f''o Amctp · · ~I K1 l.'2 ! AiurMI Pia• I l"'• ,,., ,,,, CllRIP cl UP Revere Copper & rass, Inc., ciow co 10 11 K1n111 E1 9'1 101, Am e~. J.~, .11 u• Kz s.11 .~ Aurs.,,.,1r oe• " 1•" lA'• 101, _ "• ChRiF> uiiw w d sd Colein E •• , l\\iO::lr~ Co 11 •~11\•~ei 0.li" 1i.:z11.l6 ~I SI 11.1f•;ri"11lcrh•n In" J] 11•· l!'< 11•4 -'•0llTUlf 7'10 e ne . ay. 1, ?:1~~.~r I:,, ,n..:.1 ,'•"'c' ,',',' ",. l' Am• G~~" •n I JO Cut SI II .I 1. l AYCO C<> I :Ill 16 171, 1··· 17 - ' C!l«kFUll "t.11 Revere •••h•"h Ci".'ITIS lo be "' ,... ' • " ·~ C~• Sl 1.n 1.91..,vco ofJ10 1! 31'..., S"• ~.,, -'•Chris(!! o>o . .. .. .. B f 'Comee• l''•l9 L•~<e In 16 16'·~m ~"1 :·!t11'·' ,~, s' S.11 S.65 .. v~~•lr>e •O '' '"' 11'1 u i,_, C1'roma11· ... lhe world's largesl maker of ('J'e S Com '1' •'·• 36 L•nd• in • ""• .. m (t fn · Po11r •.n '·" .. ....,., "~ 1 \~ "1~·· 1~•'• 16"''· -'1· Chrom•I 111 s Corn Ai(I 1 11> L•.,.. Wd lit. 181• ~~N. '" > > ,., Knlckb 11111~1H A.llK 011 G~ JJ U't 14'11 1''> -'• (llrfl!Pr 1 tea kell\es, raised price3 of its '""' Intl j J\, La''°" •1• 11~ ""' •< -' · 1tn1c11; G1 un1.,.111 c· nGE 1 41 Com /111 1 '1 IJO...~fh Ca81 ~ s•~ Anch•11 G'°':7o , U Lt-'""' t0,1111.111 -8-cl~ GE pj 1 .stainless steel, copper·Jollom '"'" "Tei n•. 16', L1l111• G 1~ 2' C•o ~ 11·10 13·,. L~ R1th u.2' 1•.11 ClnMllf 1 oo. com Hlln l••,11•,Ltv!~ r~ 7'.~ ,,, f•w r 1·11 ,·61 L11>er1y •.17 '·l58•bcl<W l:U ••' n•~ '' 1;i; '•ci~Sulei ·2 41 ketlleS 18 to 12 percent On ~""'" ill, S\i 6'1li L~wls BF 11 11 racm{ y .. I'/ IO.M Lite SI~ S.116 S.SJ 8•~rtlilT .6S 4 1'1'-o I~ 111, -lo CIYFI" 11<1 Aug. I because of higher ..tetl PH1LA0ELPHJA fUPt) -cm" Cm l9 41 LIUv Ell 31" 1•1:0 11t,noc!• n 1·n 1:0o [\le I~• • t1 1.Jt 11~11GE l.10 'II JI'~ ll'~ J!'o -•\cit F 1>U so ~ LJ . 0... ( $ ma Ind IJ IJ abllW I l"lAi!ron ln 690 M '·'I. 81IG pf!USO 1\IO 6.l~f 6111 '''•+'•Cltle$3ve"? and copper pfiCes. The priCt' n!Vat' lVISIOn 0 • perry ~= r.:: ,,;'• ~: ::: ~::.~ 1:1~ ~~-"1c• Houoht~: . .,~i:o S1v:l:.\) ll 91 =:::;P:.:f'60 12~ l!'; ~:t ~~ -'• c:~ fVPl'l.;. or its copper and steel Rand Corp. has obta111ed a $2.8 Con 11o0 ,.,, 11 Lvnc:n c ?• .,. FY'IG A •.t1 1.11 Caon 11.t& 11,t& 8,.,...,,. DI 1 , ).t lA :u -., ~itri "" 81 ··1· t f h C!Slr•I• s:i.11~.\lldGE• 12'o 1]\. Fund & l.n'·" Mui U.191~19B•"llPD411} ~11 "lJ c111"",·,·,, gourmet c 0 0 k in g utensils m1 1011 contrac rom t e c .... rr1d ''• ,, "l•rl< Ch JI 32,~ Sro<.k !· 1.4l .\11nl'l1n 1.:is 1.•l w n P . S · h Ed t• · • C01"t•1" ~·· s M1 llilY IC'• Ill~ ~l Co .5 i·ttMau Fd lt.16ll,J6 ~I"~~'",·'° 1\"ent up 10. per""ce11t. -p1~h/11S _:::a 1,on ~Ifni 1.stryf. ~=·s L ~to, !r· ~:::r' ... , SI)'• ~3 •• ::~.a'°"Knl :::~ •. :, ~::: ~~ll a·~ U:~ c1:~~e: 1.: '"The price or brass good., e eo,, .. ac ca s orc,W1ra ,.,.15,, >Ain9ur 1,, 11 3111. FCI 10.M10.HM•I•• •.11 1,11 t1er~ 011 •
d f. f U · 1100 C:•tal Mii n"'ll>..M•nl" M 0 ' ''l ""di!~ 6.'11.AllMl"1f" 11.711!.11 s h 'd' ClevCtift 1.611 and brass is getting higher e Jvery o a n1vac com· ,,0" co J1 37.., ~ 8,ow, •1 ~111 Bo.ion s1 1.•s 1.11Mc0oli •.u10J Ial'Y c1eveu11 '·~
every day.,, said Kenneth puter early next year. ~~~~~~ ~ l~" n'· ~: .. ,~"1i ~:· ~. i~~~ St 1t~ 1t?j ~v ~~ ,:_.ri 1l:18 u SI ~~rr .. .-!5~90
Gray, president or llardware 8::;~.·:; 1:·· ?t:.· ~~o...,,. u 11 , 1'. ,g"'1~ 1':" 1:.0. ~m;;,·\Fu~~1:5 1'·11 ~~~1 1.!':n1D4.lo NEW YORK fUPll I --" ~l· t; C1nall11 111'20.?1 G1wtn 10.Ull II N a . f CHA PIAl.10 ti1art ill New York. "Every n· 00•,'.~, 0,•,• •,•,_ •·,:~. ~.,,",", , .. •, CaoH Inc 1.:u '·" lnc:om 1.ol • '' CS U C . Cot~1 St Gn d B 11 T I I Co -" ,,1 ' .,! • C•11l1 Srir IM 1.n l~•llf I.It l.l• am CslSGs Pll lf limewesellout\\•e·resorrvto 1ana e eep1onc . an ·O•Y ,..,,, n•.111,Mt11tNo .., c 1 s11 1o6'tl6'MiF Fd ,11 ,.00 c ,, 1, ' d 't "ff ff """ oeeor 1n n• .• 11 ~rch C.tn 1 1, '" ' · · · · oc1 o . 1 see the producl go because we nounce J w1 o er ~ Dt-ll•ne 1 1,. ,,.101d c. 11 ,)! c~1~n1n11 Fund11 M1F Gih 1.1 1.11 coc1e11y '" 'II ' I fd '• l . OclM AP l 't ~ 'lllClte~ • ,~ B1\1n 17.1)9 l.2IM1t OmC S10 5.51 (OICjP• I.XI have to replace at a hi,,.her mL ion wort lo e""1111res 1n ge iuK c~ ,, .. 51,, .,.,,d .. GT 1~.· ,,,• cam ~' 1.11 1.tl Mu 0m1n 10,n 11.01 Election or Philip S Bogart co11mi 111.._ 1 b T ' • Grwth 6Sl l.14Mul S~" 11,1211.11 • (Olllnflad 10
Price . The custoincrs are" \Vall Slrect on or about Jan. ~ can 1'" 11' · 1""'"11 c~~ Jl • JJ• · 1ncom 1 "' '·'' ""!' Tn1 2.12 1.61 as president of ~·lcl>o11nell co101ni.1 (.o SM<I 1.M 3.U N ill, Mui 1060 10.1! (DU ll!CI JS<! beyond complaining, the" ac· 27. '"'"' Gr-: NM wstc 10.,111... Douglas Japan Ltd. \Vas an· ccn 1" p1160 ,1 FunCI Hll\1.IONll hod 11.Ull.U k . k CBS 140b • t-epl il." F•n• •s.w "·" 1-111 Inv'' 1.t1 1.,~ nount-ed in To yo this wee . CBS oi 1 NE\v YORK luf'll Ph'I" ~ Sllrhd l1.&7 !7.15 NII Secur· Se•· B l d fl II A Co•uG•! 161 Gray said piices or coppt>r -11p E l• Cl'lfmt• 11.221t.t1 1•••n 10.1011~ ogar suceee s usse ·coivPjct 6\lcl . M I h . l d < XCC ll l "CS C..olonl•I: l"'d 5.51 1.07 De I I h d d th ColSeOll i.16 pipe have gone up about 5 per· orris, nc.. as reg1s ere a • l rou1v '·1' s.io 1v1d •.•o •.11 11zcr, \\' io ias ea e e Comt>E" 2 .io
cent and prices of .sonic sniall proposed ofrering of $100 ~~:;,.~,. 1l .• :1J·&i ~f"'S~1: :H iJ~ 11cDo11nell Douglas Corpora· c .. m1so1~ :~o · 11 · l lb I v·~• 6M lit lncom 5'6 Jfl . b 'd" f th st ComTSol i>t.90 items are up 200 percent this m I lo n co n v c r e L B k? fo,1;mc 11·n 1711 Sloe~ 1.41 t ?s lion su s1 1ary or e pa. corn.,.Ed 1.X1 uear. SUbordi11ated ~uear debe.n· ose t•ea • ornS Bd S.Ool 5.<IO N.r We•I ,.ll 6.1l tJirtt years a/Id WhO returns to Cc~.io'l'1 ~ 1 • omm..,,wlth Fd1; Ntl Gr>h 9 If 10.7 ~·• ' .,. ··w1·u··ut 1•'1 t'·-·s 8 pri·ce tu res for earl" public sale in , C11> Fd t.ll 10.s2 Nww1h t1.tJ n.n the """rporatlon's Dou g I as c,~~,• 5'1 "' "" '""''" " lncom t.1S!O.ttNew E""" t.1610.61 '-" . . . omw
rise. at both the wholesale and Wall Street through a large in-\\'AS HI NG TON IUPI) ~~~1 :·r. jg:&~~"' v":.f ~!:ff \~:ll Aircrall Company ~hv1s1on. ~.t'(;~is.6J
retail levels or anything wilh vestment banking syndicate. The "deferred i.:ompcnsation" ~::m ~g l·H l:il ~~;!';', :i:~i l1:ri t
011g ~each, as 1adssisla1nt1 to ~::iEE01;1 ~"l °"'" "' n.:i.s 16.1 0cncio11 •·P, t.10 1e vice pre s e n • TI· coned .. p1 s
plan 1Jsed by many U.S. :;i.:1.., i-H 1~:~JW'1~ 1!);1::H ternalional commercial sale.s. ~:;EF~:·'t Get the most on
SAVINGS A>tll lt.~I• A.;:;oclAl!OI<
&.~:!"' c:~_,.,,..,,,.,....
ASK Alltl IDI 5 38"' ~ill S,(UAl 111111 nil , ANNUM
'""'"•I ,,u.ulJ-"°"' f•~h. "'"""""'IP da/~ 0>f>r~ri>1l"'11."I
.. SyWyO....•
neco, Inc ., is offering lo ex.
change shares or its $5.50 an·
nua\ dividend preferred stock
presently held by i t s
subsidiary Moorgate Corp. for
common and class A preferred
stock or J . I. Case Co. of
Racine. Wis .• al the rate or
0.17 share of the Tenneco
preferred for c.ich share ot
Case com1non and 0.26 share
for each shares of Case class
A preferred.
COr ti• [ · la 11 Fd 9.1110.11 lCl Fd t M 10.5'9 1 h' .,. u . [ ConFd Pl•.5G pora ons o g I v e a x orm1~ s.119 J.56 ~ wms 1•,o.i i1.= n IS new pos1 ion. uvgar COl"Frelo111 1
break to executives in top =d•n ltl~ lt".H g-i:;~h 1J:t 1::.u represents the aviation . ?':,:~t-!.~ l:U
Oft.., in •.11 s.11 P""n SQ • •1 111 m·iss1'te and space pro•rams of c .... P .. ot4.SJ .sa lary 'brackets would be oni Gn. 1n oo 10.10 '"' Mut 1.37 •JI " conPw P14.50 l1>r" Ld 15.J' 1&.u Pnu~ B.Ds 16.'f !he McDonnell D o u g J a s ContAirL }I)
reslricled by the pending tax l~i::.nc~ 1:.&: 1l·tt ;Ugr im ;Ji 1~·~J Corporation in Japan and ~~i.fi!." J1~
relnrm bill. O.:Y:'11 '~ ll.~1;.~ ~:~~!; ,,_~l~~~o'i olher i<rr ea!:>tern areas. €r"d11 '.l\,.t~-~ "'°<•I Int 1? 2' 1J ll Pl1n 1~v 11tl11 tl er Cp o1111"50 The bill, already passed by Oet•w•~ tJ •I 1• 11 Pr;c• Fu1>C11· c.1 Miiie 1·?0 n.11• tr • ~S A'<' G1w1n 7•.4' ll" Con!MOI 10p the !louse and a"•ailing ac•ion ~ia 5~· !lOI •" N F,, •.~ ''' con1 011 ·1 so · w~1 ~" :·t2 !~~Pt~ ~~rid ;g~:f~t: C I f " • c .... 1011 or 1 in the Senate, \\'OUldeurblhe •t•el 11 11 ,~11 p,0"11n1 1.1e ,,~ ()J))ll ll CJ" lJ IJl c&n1 Te10 n · . . D•tv! F~ 1l911•1'F'uritan t .9116ta Cont..,! Ill incentive wlur.:h ex1st:i \mder b•~v! I.• 12.~o 1J 11 Pu•r1m FunCll: ,c:n~.~~ "•'•''~ E••.,.,&Hcwor~ Eoult IQ.lJ 11.u j • 1, on...... · ua present law [Or an execuli\'e s•1•n 10.1211 ,1i Geo•o l~.111J5~ J'''lllC Clla lll ~::.~r~',-~ . . ,:: 11~11~ f,;.':.,, 1:·;\11·:: _.,"TR" I lo ask that part of his pay be 5...,(1 11.70 ,, 11 1,,. .. 1 1:.s , ., . _, "'1 'l
deferred until he retires. i::J.:~~ Un H ;~ ~~~~ 1j1; '~-~ Co n1 Pu I er Rep 0~111g ~= ~S:
Real Estatin' in Europe
Another 1, of a percentage
point \\"SS slashed from in·
leresl rates 011 short term
con1mercial paper r-.1onday by
Associates Investment Co.
This brings the rat' ror 90 tq,
2i0 loans down to 71f;: percent.
Fo•e1 "1~ 1• •1 "•~ lK~ •ts 5 •1 Systetns Inc computenzed !""w1s11 1·'° The idea bt:h1nd the present Fmro ~e l°flll 1 ~1 Rrvt•• 11."o 10.n d' · ·f "u 1 •'"'••"',·11' IEn~•QY i..01 u ~1 Ro>•~tn l.11 t.oo ere it tn onna on s er v c e or 11 ·"":.~
law is that the executive 111ill ~~~~r.;-• !;!1~~~~~~~1;, FJ,.;.,';,16·i 1 company, has leased a full oa'~ '.'ia·'
be lt. I d FQU1 GI~ 11.111t•• Int t~v 11n1v•ll . OJ<IOCl l SO ge tng CSSlncome-an c"''" UU . Soc.I J6.11:U.U noor. rcprescn{J/lg 11.500 PClnll l>G
r-TARJF.TTA, Ga. lUPil -
Lockheed Georgia Co. has ob-
tained two new Air Force coo-
tractio; totalling $16.1 million
for spare parts ror lhe CSA
aircraft and a computer
sy.ste1n to process main·
tenance and logisllcs data
aboard aircrall
hence will be taxed al a lower ~-:~~ in ~~ ~ ~tt; ~::., 51 1:::1 l~·n square feet. for its national =~;,~"°
ralc alter ,_ ,. C1lr!CI l~ llJ 11 -"""( Oiv 11l'l1?.,, h ~ t . ( ... _ rouHHlnd , -1tt:re1rcs. F••m 811 1f1011 1r'l-"f Eoun 1:,s 3., ea ...... uarers 111 one o tue ..:iwco11s11
The lax refor<n b1'll ,,.,, fd F.., C···n lj l'Q u '' ~tc lftV '·" I 411 l .. . l r . To r:--Cwlr; · 1 Fld r.., , ·.so n." ~11< A'" 1o.ot io:90 v.1n 111ne·s ory rVlne wers rwnzrn 1.6CI
Pul a ceiling of SID 000 a )'car "'d Fvne1 i• is 11.:3• !t!-t s~s lJ.•3 ,,.~, in Ne"·port F1·nanc1·a1 Pia•.. rs Cori .111 · "•~ TtnCI ?S,l,1..$1 ~~ ~n ?'1711""' ..... udthy ~o
on the a1.nounl of deferred "1~i;;t.:,•1 '~%' 7 ,~~\~1 :·~lg·:: Announcement was made :iiw:,nto'.;i'
eon1pc11sat1on that t'OUld be I"""'' •.11 •Jr• 11a 1nv 11 )• u:u jointly todav bv Eugene S ummM .toti • '!¢.,..,, i-,, 4.l't <nll'h ! •'I eq • I . tmn0f"llQ .10 taxed at the lo'A·cr post·re!lre· vin1 '·" •.:l!I ~ ... " '"y J.tlll •,.. r-.1ikkel.son CRS president and urtlu wn ' ~.1 v~ 1•1111•·~ .. 1~ .. GI IG7 •11 ' . 1111 Wr A 7 ment rate. Deferred pa y ~,, 1nG1~ 'i.s 1~.~ ~wrr •rv 11~ u •• \VilHam R. Mason president u11u H 1 7t ~ $ QfJOO Flf •n~·~ I'& ,,_~!Fr<n GI S•~ '" ' JCICI01i llO auvve I . a year "'OUld bel'sl i.ou1!1 •.1' '"~I'" SI otlS}Cl.15 orthelrvlneCompany.owners Y'l>•IBM 1 ... t · ri · lh · d rst Hill ,,, •l>St••dm•~ F11nll•· axe tn e year receive at irr+ S•f•• •1;nd·11 .._..,•net 11n11;0~ and developers of the Plua.
the higher r11te which would ~1!1 ~~ , 'll ~~~~ I;; !,;t 8:~. ~~ \'.:5 ha\·e prevailed had it been co\. ;::i ~rn t~ ir, 5t;1;1 11°' J~'?0 1, ~:~::= r.'r:
lceted in the year in whi ch it ~:::~;' it~~ l;.:j ~~ °" :! n :: ;: •1a1•l"et ~:~~ 11~ wa;; Actually earned Fr•M hr G•-....., 1~G1 ~•1 1s• Jr. ., f,r,1.. t>ID 141 · rnrn Sr 4.fl 1 l" UDlnSI •.?t In 15 , C1> i
I,-;:===========:'::;:='.:=============-:;-ONTC ,,_.. n.oi. , . .,.., r,1 H..W 17,•1 11mirP 1"' I\ Ulll '-'~ '·'' Iii" "" 1• ll '1 ,, s L I ~M"!t 'lG lnct!<n 7~'l'J '·S-Tt1th•1 10 111! I" II y11auo s ell•Alr o0
Camille ~ was no lady.
Camille was a disaster. The fact is, lhe
Red Cross needs $15,000,000 to put thousands
;~:'~'" :.111~:?~ l~~I ~;~"i 6·'1 t!lte l~I r.~n ~c 1~ '' 1n.'' Tecl'lnol 1 ts 1 ~· i;''' .60 C\lb<"tllT "·fl n ,, ffmo r,, l,. .. ti"' '';;. l'D1i0Wt'lt "' • ""' !'Cl t'l'm!ielt ""° r•l't'tt1 ~ OfUCIO 51<. T~w· ..... , ,, '.71 In • $IOCl! ""'kll ,_,.,.. = 110 "'••0Scl.•>• .. 1r,.,Cto1.,.110...,._ pl8 Cnrn ~, 11 . ."!t lt.>" '••¥ Ea • M 1D.lS rut Ad t.01 '"'""°' Fd Uttoltt.i Stlel tttvrn •rt ~k:••l "'" ~0•11"'1 ~ ,..,..,h tNf 'I.II""' lW!'PC 0 1 • U ,·11 ' ·-.-;,ml>n l~J'I 11 " TW..C l!!C •1 • \ II -"bo eirt•• o' U-1\,'!i:--"'.-t 11111 I d •l!J: r.u1rtln H 6' li.6' •IA!! M\ff 1~.0t '" t~ ln !~ 1>11/1 stock d'lll ., ~CIK-rM ·'~1 14 t-l~ffll/ton: Unlld • •l 10.l! or 04i<;I io •ar Ihle ¥,•r -:::• In · t<" ~ •1 ST' U~i••d Funt'1 cllld e1ur1n, '"' •llm•led• ,, 11111 ori1F!n1n .so ()!h '""vii' A«m , .. •It lllK• CllvlCI "" .i-Oec ....... Of ~ 0 D!1mtntr 1.llO
H•rlllor I* t 1• &clen 1.1" t •' ....._Id 11sf ""' to-DKiw"lid .,, .. 111 ' HMlwlt I~ lf)O" U'il Cl~ ,...,...h aftlr 1b;fr ::£1• .... ...If W )!S __J ?!
11'"""' 1 11 1 " l""Om 1'"" U II'! Ot ~"·Cllvl:ftd 111 u.d!ftrlWllerl d.tlt; ~~SS~•,,r:• \11 •
H't t..... ll, I ' ~M \!"' I'""' t.-~ .. flt 11'1~ Ml -,.,..1..,...., -
Ht(ltl Gor -t "-r. Vil L ~ J 1) 13' <"llrl'*lftlW ~ In~ -· ... H""" 1' w ll ~ ~~ J '° I" If ~ ... ,,,.. -r. L.!l"' Gi.rtle ·'° H•~not 1l:~,J·l!v~.s.~~ j·~ ·!~ .. ~~=·~· iin 1,..fil11W:9":A": llutn~n 7 '' tl/i •1'11'111' ~ ..... II~ ... ,~ .,.,~~ft ~ D llotlCa .Me
Ill f~ lll l: ~·~i .. , ·t'~ 1~i :r,,.,J • '!.~, , · "' :.:,. ~ ~,,,J•.1., .. I-· " •.n , ~ , ·~ ~ ... """~ CIJ't.... "-·s 'l'P (Ml !.,"Tl I I Mort , .... ill fllll, • \l"l'llt (jlll JJ1 Wt llS, If! u't~j ~ Do""'! U nc: ''-""" II,. '1 W1•h Mii lt'.,,_"l . dii...c.-1 .... ...-E• ~ l-411-E~ °"""" lt1 ·'° 1~6 1~.1&.10-: ~')"" 1l-;:·1l ·~ -'• rieMt.. ,,_W"l!llol., ~ ~t"~ 11111 Tn'ld 1• o u " ::;. IJ:TI l4.flll ~· -m.s;• 1 rt• n 11 c.'~w
l of American men, women and children ,... ":,~::;-.;:.."..~Ml ":'1!'a. ,...,,. "-t back on their feet. +
•&e ... _. ..,.,_, Jee.Ir u. .... .,. .... ~1111111, '•"""'" ·Give all you can to your local
-,.,.,....-' ~" "' "'-1111"" 1• > ,...,... c .... Red Cross Chapter or United Fund. -. ewea •-. ~ -4 n. ... ~ h -" ... 'lrll i. You're all they've got. .. .................. " • ,.... .,.. c.,..., ... ""' I ·~~",,.,,..... 11r .. ~poi1~ 1~.,v 'r-""' 1111 l;~ 111::11 i:Jt$i IU'.(11. 1111-H!'' ..., I" 1...,a~~ f.IO 7.JI Wlnnt•tl ·""' !Jll ""'1"1 d • ''"*' bent 1YOC111 3
'"' "·" '' M ~ " '~ .-~··· < .. .. '"""' i.r. " "'"" ' In.,. ott'1t t H • tfw.r1fl .ff '1 dt' Ott•"" ._Wlttenll CllinlH'n'W_ fllllf" ll'Q
_.... '"" --..,.,,,..--~~~~~~~··~~~~~~~~-!
• ' \1
-, ._: .• I ... t .
York Stoel\. Li st ,... ...,.
IM~I Mlflt \.ew atM Cllf,
JJ , _,.,
lU, -'• II'· -, • 11·~ -lo 11'• 71>, " • ,, .. , -·~ J~'l ~ '. ~ -+, '''• -" . "' 1~'o
U l o -'o
11 -•
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T6urstlay's Closing
" I•
Prices-~mplete New . York Stock Exchange List
Complete Closing Prices
American Stock Exchange List
OA!l Y "1.01'
' ..
. _ ..
. .
• J DAILY .... ff •
Faoolift Tell Your'Kicls Pentagon Ra@kers · Figh1ing
To Reacl Uncle • Of Capitol
Goes Ahead
WASHJNG'l'QN· (UPI) j l\Jnlt.ed State3 lnto a second week. Sen. WIUiam Proxmire neceuary addltlonll to the nu.· (D-Mon.), ~nd ot.mtrs seelting mode at d1eJ.ay1 that
Floor managers for the Pen· rate power. (0·\Vis.), said he·"peded a Uon'a araenal. the cuts sai d the i r represented onJy a fraction o
ta&on'a • bfljiOll lWdware The warnings greeted the vol• Maoda.Y on ,his amend· Ben. Jobo C. stenni. (!). amendm<nls would do llOthtng the 1811 .bUlioo P e n ta g on
bll1 have come oUl swlnging Senate as It re.turned. from a me.nt to cut off ftl?Kb for 8 Mbl.)1 cbalrman ol ~Senate
. '
Len's Column
withbotb;fists anlnat a aeries three week vaca~ 19 resume Anned ServJces Committee, oL the kind and were relatively budget.
of amendments lo acutile ,key debate on the procurement fourth squadron of 23 C5A charged the amendmenb 1n.1---:::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;:--W .. ~~aTON wPn wea9.0ns _proposals. · bUl, which haJ becOme a test airplanes. The ~rove•l comll1uaUoo could make tb~I
1-1U" -Worrled by the growing oC wills between cOngrus and aircraft. the ~gest and most Unlttd States "a HCOnd Tate 84 STORES ..•• ALL 72°
and open nlghtlY. till 9 ;30
·South Coast ?taza
~ leaden have crtUc:ism ol military spending, JM De.teme Department. 'Jbe expensive ever INIJ~ has been nation by 1175," tor c e
decided to 10 ahead wilh the they r.trned -the s e n a t e bill h<P been debated on the plagued by cost ovetruns. American tightlng meil to go
eon:trovenlll ~uUlmlll\on do1· Wednesdu prwosal~_ . .io head noor since Juli. Mudl of lhe The CSA vole could indlcete to war with obeolete equlir-
lar eltenlioa ot the West o[f a new aircraft C"1'riet, a debate was on the anliballl!tk whelher military s p e o ding m"ot and leave the nation
Front or the U.S. Capitol, long super'IOOic manned bomber; a missile system (ABM). The critics have a chance of block-vulnerable to a "giganUc
delayed because of• the Viet-giganUc cargo eJ.ane and other Senate narrowly approved it. ing I.he aircraft carrier, man-mWtary machine" being con-
major arms requests would The !int clue whether any of ned bomber or F14 air slructed by the Soviet Union. ~"'..,. DllfllO ......,.T, ~ .._
namwar. ,.!coo;';sti~t~u~to~unll~a;~~ru:'.id!Mzm~~;··~l~h;e~am:;;••~dm~en;b~w~ill~p;•~~~P'°';;__;J'"~pe~ri~o~r~icy~ft~gh~te~r~,~w~M~dl~tbe~y~J!lB~u~t~·l)ens~~·M;;arl:~O~.JH~a~rtllel~~d~==,;:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::=:::::. Disclosure <I. thetr decision ment and might turn the bably will come early next claim are wasteful ·and un-(ft.Ore:), 'lbomas F. Eagleton
-which Is subject to approvu
by House snd Senare and is
Certain to revl¥e a furor at
l~,ln tbe Senate -came as
President NiJ:on was ham-
mertni out detail! of an antl-
inflaUonary 75 peJ"Cent cut-
back in federal construction
Vice President Spln> T.
Agnew, one of five members
cl a congressional commission
on utensioo. of the Capitol
joining in a unanimous
decision to proceed with the
project, disclosed Nixon's plan
to !reeJ.e many big con-
&tru<tion projects.
The congressional leaders
will ask a Rouse ap-
propriations subcommittee for
S2 million to prepare plans for
the project, cost of which was
estimated five years ago at
about $3S million and which
now is sure to be higher.
They acted partJy on the
basis of a new engineering
survey that showed the crack-
ed sandsto~e bearing walls in
the past year have moved both
horizontally a n d vertically
with changes of temperature
and other weather conditions.
In the case of the West
From, Agnew and other com-
mission members apparently
decided safetY. ol the Capitol
took precedence over saving
The West Front was pri>-
~ UMale years ago,
.:c:aJong with the East Front,
· which subsequently was ex·
tended and rebuilt in marble
at a cost or $24 million. An
engineering firm that studie<I
the West Front in 1964 noted
ils T a p l d deterioraUon and
recflmmended the $3fi million
exteml.on as the best way to
48\'e il
1lle plan touched off a hot
controversy in which the
American lnst it uLe of
.Architects, among others. o~
. posed the project, contending
t\he original structure should
{be repaired and p~ for
, it.s historical value.
~In the ensuing argument the
oject was 6he.lvec! by con-
eaaional leaders because of
e war. •
~~Thead::.~~u~~~ es N. Clair, president of
1bompsoo & Lichtner Co.,
·o1 Brookline. Mass., the
that conducted t h e
inal study, that a survey
~ the 9tructure between
, ugust and April "confirms
need for corrective ac·
·on." rr. "Jn our opinlori the safety of
~ structure requires that you
~rocced without fu rther delay
~Ith. plans to permanently
engthen the foundation and
alls." Clair said.
He said temporary timber
10ring placed in key spots
the original survey ls
);earing the end of ib useful
)ire and must be supplemente<I ~ndlng completion of the
Jrebullding project. r:
' • Sh1dent Faces
•Murder Rap
:).. 30-year-old college activist
awaiting trial for possession of . JM>mbs fac:ed arraignment t~
• day on a murder charge in the
L\nife slaying of an attractive
Mn. Marilynne Wright 32,
was found stabbed to death in
the bedroom of the suspect,
Isidro Gali J r., here Sunday
YOUll TEl.EPllOllE •••
•. WAl<E YOU UP •••
llDSAOEI •••
OtHEll NEEDS •••
I FOR A8 LOW AS I f14.5o' PER MO.
~ 1lbF.
··-........ . .. .. ..... --!('
Jig ~g cOYera 2.500 sq. ft .. gives
sustain.cl fetdlng far a lush
dicbondra lawn. Coatrola and
subdu•~ 15 graWiag weeds and
controls t.u.cll.-
REG. 12.95 1oss
It' 1 bug pr09I and wlll ma:•k and kill
most garbage odors {unlffs you sia GA.
vacation far 3 w-b.) Germs CCJll
•Pread qulcldy llO protect your
family's health and well being by
using th••• .aaitary liners.
25 1or 2aa
IAOb !lb na1 wood Cit la. du:rnmyl.
good lor garag• ebel'ring and other
pro}llC:te wh.-yau're not-too fusy.
Smooth four ald.H and this ls a 3 year
Great slut!. just spray on any old
pi~ of wood. or bur new from us.
and presto. you hav• a chtdkboard
r.ady 10 write glad tlding• on. CUk•.
"'WHEN are you going to get a raise?)
149 13 oz.
fun lor the lillle ones and a
great way to teach them to
entertain themMlvu when ahut
Indoor• du• to rain. aielmesa.
and IO on.. Who bi.OWi, Jnafbe
the muHUDl will make an oUer.
An expenaiff bike deMrves o little
protection. Vinyl coating won't 1crotcb
pclnt or chrome. Combination lock la
better for kids. they hqnn ·1 got a key
to !OH.
Quality 2S ft. pla1tic )&c:keted cable
that gt._ you a telephone you eon
toke GAJWbere. The t .. nagen love IL
th.,. eon go In a clont o.ncJ, have
28 PIECE socm SET
The worka. H•rmle. complete Ml with ~ " and ~
Inch drift. t9ftl'llble rvtchet. speed driv.r. oil in a
ale• melal box 110 ydD. ecm loM II all ID oa• place. aaa
Neat llltle •lorage dean .. lot the
home haadymClll who wa:nt1 thing•
methodical (10UDd1 9CC11f to meJ
Ntc. for hobbyist. litUe kld•.
mmnos. poppas. tu•t eYeryon• in
th• tamUr will ....
A nlMlt way to do h~"Y traffic
areas. If on• tll• gets blotched
beyond bope. }ust pull it up and
plunk down a replacement. This
atu.H Is durable. stabs re1lltaaL and
:l. ~ ... :--.:-. -.,,,,--JISatia brushed 1llver llnUh. elegant. \:\,~·.1.~ _ _:;;;;..--" will go nk:•ly witb. 110lb• of our fin• II shelving.
2 FT. STAllDA!Ul ........ 39c EA.
3 FT. STANDARD ........ "9c EA.
I INCH BRACKET ........ 29c EA.
10 INCH B8ACKET ..... ; ; 39c EA.
12 INCH BRACKET ••••••• 49c µ_
17x30 FATlliUE MAT
of foot t.nmioa whUe stcmdlav crt the
alair: aad IK:h plOC9L Cmc:e
Thl• i• pN'lty cut• for a piece
of Junk (ODly kidding). A hm doodad
for the mod generation hl m.a.nr
colora. about 2 f-l or llO square.
TbeM 01-th• look. effect. WQM:Dtb
of real brlc:k without th• weight
work. or expenM. Just apply plastic
panels anywhere you wa.nt lnatont
2 49 12SQ.
Rbergla11 boat resla that'• reallr
durable. UM oa boata. n.rfbocttds.
anywhere JOU want to no .. and
replace your fiberglan waterproof
QT •
n .. 1ua1 la't Q better point mad.
loday by cmrbodr lD tb• bu.alDua. u...
to the $ war guorantM. 9Cl'f palafuag.
eoYerag .. •o•bablllty, dumblllty. Cllld.
.beautlful colon.. Ibterlor lat•x. drle•
' I
P'*t;----~ ... 1Mf I , ... 11 •
Women Battle
~Ugly' Image
An all-out public service to convert Huntingtoo Beach Into a "dream
city'' ia,being sponsored by the Women!s Division, Chamber of Commerce,
the dlY and the Rainbow Disposal Co. .
GUlded by Mrs. Charles. Bauer, bea)!UficaUon chalnnan, the group'
hu 8llllOllIICed the pick-up of large or heavy rubbish from one centrally
' Old washers, stoves, mattresses, furniture and other large miscel· .
laneous items will be collected without charge by the disposal company
from tile-city yard located on Gothard Street belween Warner and Slater
The new site is located between a moWe park and the telepb<•lt
company's facility.
Residents are Invited to cleen out their garages ·for_ the · collection
which will take place between 10 a .In. and 5 p.m. tomorrow and , Sunday,
Sept. 6 and 7. No dirt or broken concrete will be accepted unl ... it bas
been bagged and tied In gunny sacks.
A second collect.ion will lake place durtng the same boon Saturday
and Sunday, Oct. 4 and 5. .
stressing that a "Dream City 11 a Clean City,"·Mn. Bauer has urged
any resident witnessing the dumping of unsigbUy objects.In city streets or
vacant lots to note the vehicle'• license number and report It to the police.
FU\ure plans now being discussed Include tncoi'poraling a facility
that woa!d make this service available on a pennanent and continuing
basis with only a nominal fee. Plan-s also are being made to provide the
same service to residents again in April and May, 1970.
Last year approximately 120 tons -or 4500 yards -of discerns
were deposited dunng the annual clean-up campaign.
IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT -Working for a clean
and beautiful Huntingtoo Beach are Mrs. Charles
Bauer, ch.airman of the beautification committee
for the Women's Division, Chamber of Commerce,
and Phil Hohnstein, representing Rainbow Disposal
Co. Arrangements have been made to offer resiaenta
a central site to dump heavy rubbish free al charge
tomorrow and Sunday and again In October.
Bon Voyage
• To Summer
Members of SI. Anne"•
Mu.Ion Circle, Seal Beach,
will bid bao.,oyage te -wbtn. they board the Prlncesl
LoWe, docked ID San Pedro
They ~ inviting guest. to.
join them on an lmaginal'J
cruise !IM fall fashions Satur-
day, Sept. 13.
'Ibe annual benefit luncheon'
and fashion show will begin1
with a hospitality tour of the
Bhlp at 11 :30 a.m. followed by
luncheon at 12:30 p.m. ' 1'
In charge of arrangement.II ,
and d«oraUons are Mrs. Ben
Rappr yrestdent of the circle, anc1· Mra. Rlt.a Herron, who
will coordinate the fashions to
Cent<r1ng luncheon tables
for lbe F8'blon Cruise will be
magnums of champagne IWiri·
ed ID colored stnam.n amid
typical Hawallan decorations.
'llcltets for the "cruise" will
be $5.50 per pmon, and ID
chara:e Of reservations is Mn.
Robert McCoy, ass~ted by
Mrs. Robert Wenger.
' .Pro•ldlng musical
background for m e m b e r ~
models will be Mn. James
Jay, and Mrs. Pat Osborne
will comment on styles
dlsplayed by the M m ea •
Chari" Bartell, Long Beach;
Mike Bausber, Newport
Beach; Dooa1d Leedom, Hun-
tington Harbour; Robert
Conway, Paul Miller and Har-
ry Shucks of Seal Beach. MW
Sbaroo Mitchell, runner-up in
the Mlall Seal Beach be,..tj
contest, will be tl>e teenage
Parent-teacher News
Press Workshop Opens
· All pl.sidenta and outside ·
publicity chalrmen from Hun-tr~~tmro.'!~:::::; tington V.U.y Parent-t.acher
organiutions are Invited to at~
tend a workshop b e 1 n g
spons«ed by t b e DAILY
PILOT at 1:30 p.m. Thursday,
Sept. '11, in the Peek Family Co1otll8!__~_Terrace Room, Westmimrer.
Conducting the pre s !I
workshop will be Miss Judy
Hunrl, associate s o c I e t y
editor, and Mr!I. GI I be rt
TumbuU of Huntington Beach,
coordinator of parent-teacher
Mrs. Turnbull ls replacing
Mrs. William Pulford of FOtJD-.
ta.in VaDey who resigned after
serving in that capacity for
the past three years.
A past president of Meadow
View School PTA, Mrs. Turn-
bull also served as first vice
president for two years. She ls
president of the AssistanCe
League of Huntington Beach
and was the orgA.ation's
public relaUon.s chairman last
year. ._
She iii a past pree:ldent of
the Huntington Beach Junior
Woman's Club and served as
parliamentarian of the senior
club prior to requesting a
leave of absence.
Proceed8 from the event will
be donated to the Rev. J06epb
Ktinen, the circle's adopted
mbsiOIW')', for hia wurk
-mlas!Olll ID A!rlCL
FASHIONS ON TOUR -Member• and guesu qi St
Anne's Mission Clrcle, Seal Beech, will gaUter
aboaro the Princess Lolli.Se docked In San Pedro
Harbor for a . fandful FashlDD Cruise to · beneiit
African mi!sions. Readr, for a departure into the
latest in fall styles are ( ell to right) the Mmes. Ben
Rapp, Robert Wenger, Rita Herron and Pat
The molher of 10-year-old
twins, Diane and Pamela,
Mrs. Tumbull,..was awanled
her BS in i language a t
Northwestern Uni ve r 11 I ty
where she was graduated Phi
Beta Kappa. She all<nded
graduate school while teaching
at the university and then
worked more than four years
in tile export departmenl of a
pbannaceuUcal firm.
Mrs, Giibert Turnbull
This ·Recently-turned-blonde .Re·ally Hasn't H:ad
More -Fun ·
DEAR ANN LANDERS : Alt.. 1lttlng
at home for 28 yeara (three dates the ~
wboll lime) I decided to looe oome
weight, become a biondo, change job&
and go where the action la.. Here ii my
recoro for the put 16 -Iha and I am
ready to admlt aomething ii WTGl1I( with
me. C&n you tell me what! How can J get lo meet a liable, decent
l bavt managed to attract three mar-man and Stt out of tbb rat r1ee?
r1ed men wbost wive. don't undentaod. -BEI.J..A. DONNA
them, two married men "hose wtve1 DEAR BELLA: n. troable wl&k NJ
undenland them TOO well, one captain ret race iJ lbl ,.. .,. l'1ldq wllil roil.
ol Industry wbo driVu a .M.....i... Bml And 61 nil ..n, wta. •
but never bu onoullt nmey ior pa, a tllaige J* apla nd pl hOYol•ed i.
mUlldan who notes craly clgareUM, a aome qbacw1Jea111 .cu.we. 1Nt ap-
i2·Y""°ld lflaurance •dJllB!er who 11 Im-peel te deceol, mble people.
polenl and a 11-year-<>ld ~ wil<I cali1 me
Mrs. Robhllon and waiil me to teach DEAR ANN LANDERS: Dad died 10
hlm a few thtngs. __ df.Y• btlore sradu...!!!?n. He hid cancer
and knew f<>< aevenl weeks that ht
wun't eofn& to make it. Dad made Mom
prorniae that she would not go into
mourning and that she would make us
kldl go on with · c.ur-normal ICbedules
olUJr ht died. HIJ plliloeopby was that Ille
11 for the Uvlng and that when • iRVed
one dles 1be1famlJy should wilte oo tlme
a!Ulng around crying.
My hrart wu ht1vy, bu~ I went to tbe
tenlot prom • .M1-lister was lnvl~e
Annapolis graduation and she 'Went, alao..·
Now my two aunt.II are mad at my
mother and won't speak to her. They say
we are rotten kids and it Is Mom '1 fault
for eliowiDJ us to be disrespectful to
Dad'• memory. Mom told them Daddy
wanted ff. that way but they say he didn't
really -that II-. just !Bid It.
Ple111 expresa your oplnion.. Our whole
family has re!pect for you.
DEAR PIDL: Your mother deeerves
mdlt for uvllg bid the.-· ta
follow yoar f1tber'1 lnstntttlott1. All
ordJ4 to •er, • bouquet of rotel • your wondtrfal dad -and 1 bu.Dell of tbhllt1
lo )'OUr 1unt1.
DEAR ANNLANDERS: Your advice to
"Hurt Feelings" wu terrible. She was
the woman who started to sit down In the
dainty anUque chair and the holtess look
her arm and led her to the llOfa -much
to her embarrassment. "HW1 Feelings"'
said the botlw wu a boor. You aald tbe
fat lady shoukl have known better.
The foilowlng II !tom a book on an-
U9ues: j'A chair too wobbly for use
should be d1'wded or placed In a
museum. To be of value, •n antique cha.It
must be stunly and in 1ood condlilon 14:
guesta can 11.t on Jt."
And now what have JOU lo uy for
younelf, MQs Knowitall!
DEAR P{ _ Th1111 one mna11 oplnlot.
Now 11ert11 one woman's.
All obef" woman llJoald -i Hase tha• le bead fer • ua..,
wlletller II ii old ir aew. Sadi a
WU lot COllliruded to ltiold Mr -~
ill tbe lltb C<nlllrJ or -· • ' How far llbould e teenage CGUJ>I• Ill'
Can necl:ing be Ille? When -:I'
become too hot to handle? Send for Am
Landers' bOoklet, "Necki.D1 and P
-What Are the. 1Jm.1ls?" MIJJ Jour
quest to Ann Landen ID we ol
newspaper enclosina 50 ceoll lll coin
a long, stamped, aeU.addl-Wed env •
Ann Landers wlll be glad to bclp
with your problems. Send them to i.~
care ol the DAILY P!lhr, !"<loll!. otll·addrwed, stamped envelopo...
' .
' •
. • • I
• .
OAllY l'llOT Frk!111, S.ptemb<f 5, 1"6'1
Leo: Mystery
Surrounds You
llemuce ii lilgbllpted lor
Pilct•; &be lunar JM)IJUon la
cood for fl&Mnc wbere early
aftmlOOD or outdoor da&el are
...-..cl. Tonlpt GemW
g:etl stack .till cbd. Cuctt
.~ u eycle 11 '1gll aDd
doald e:neoara1e new co•
tads. Arin does well f.Do terta1Dlnc at hme. C.prtcorn
~ pt wtou1. T1lll1lt ceuld
be plea1uUy surpriJ<d on
bUnd dale. Leo 11 romantic
and myAertou. Vlr10 m.ake1
new friends 1111 Can es:petC
accelerated 1odal l l f e u
-alt of date toOlgbL
llnea. Be aware of fine prlnl
Element of deeepUon exists.
Be aware of your rlght.s. A
new approach may b e
neceuary. UUllze creative
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct.22):
Day lo expand, to break
through red tape. Y o u r
p~Uge can be enhanced. Thi¥
comes about through direct
action. Watch diet. Avoid tt·
lreme.s tu eating, drinking at
speclal occasion tonight.
SCORPIO, (Oct. 23-Nov.21):
Surprise gift could bring hap-
plntsa. Make loved ones hap..
py. Adhere to golden rule. Ac.
cent on communication, trav·
el, vindication of basic views.
SAGrrI'ARIUS (Nov. 22·
Dec. 21): Be generous without
resorting lo extravagance.
There are certain rules which A Beneficial Serve may be. annoying. This 1s but ARI§ tMardt 21-Aprll 19):
SUck to what you know. Be
wllll.ng to acquire additional
knowlectae. Make claims If you
must-but back UM!m with
facts. Be thorough and aware
of details.
temporary. Be thoroughly Serving ucr Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. a healthy helping of HJettuce''
familiar with tc.sk at hand. for an athletic scholarshlp is Mrs. Louis Perino, chainnan of UCI Town and CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. G C d F rth 19): What appears setback . own ouples Tennis Section, a group which meets every \Vednes ay. u er
could boomerang in your _•_nJ_o_rm_a_li_on_is_a_v_ail_· a_b_l_e_b..:y_ca_lli_._n_g~th_e_c_ha_i_nn_an_a_t_64_6-_5_35_5_. -------
favor. Key is to avoid
discouragement. In
r.taln words, put up a good
rOllt. Important individual is
Today's Fino/ TAURUS (April 20 ·May
20): You are pleasantly
!Ul'prised by call or visit. One
who is familiar with your
work. aspirations pays mean-
ingful compllment. Be ap-
preciative, but don 't fawn.
working tn }'{lur behalf. Stocks Today AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
Call of Adventure
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
!8): You may travel in con-·Sparks lmag·1nat1'on necUon with work a n d ii
plwure. Maintain balance. ., Think
Be lfJlUOUS -with family 11 You may have to pay more
than expected for certain
pleasure!, luxuries. Be a good
sport without being toolish.
Keep promises made to
children. Bring forth exctllent
sense Of humor.
members. Don't r or g e 1 Imaginations oLmembers in _Evaluation or lhe meeting I GLEN OF MICHIGAN
birthdays, oUter ann.iversar-Las Olas Toastmistress Club will be given by A1rs. Ernst
SPARKLING EVENING -Dazzling gowru and robes will capture the aura of
Mardi Gras when Mystick Krewe of Komus sponsors a royal ball. Honored
during the event will 'be Mrs. Michael Trujillo (left) reigning queen, and Mrs.
Merrill G. Hastings, past queen.
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Cycle conUnues high. But
home n e e d s sqpmUniflg.
Some objects ~--crowded and
could represent safety hazard.
Realize this and act ac-
jes. will be sparked by a call lo Johnson of Eulali e
PISCF..8 (Feb. 19-March 20): adventure during the meeting Toastmistress Club, Stanlon.1 Good lunar aspect today coin. taking place at 7:30 p.m, Wed·
cl$1f1 with romance, challenge, nesday, Sept. IO, in the Education will be presented by
creaUve endeavors. Aura of ii-Mercury Savings and Loan Miss Pat Haynes, and word 1
Juslon persists. Enjoy playing Building, Huntington Beach. study will be conducted by
constructive games. Message Adventures of the future. ?\1rs. Wahana Vellutini.
is clear by tonight. present. past and unknown will \Vomen Interested in ac-
tF T 0 DAV JS Y 0 U R be presented by Miss Joya quiring poise and confidence
BIRTHDAY you arc sym-Sexton and the 1'1mes. Paul are invited to atlenQ, and ad·
palhetlc, generous, seem lo Bronson, Calvin Olcott and dilional information may be
have dramatic or musical Velma Bolin. Mrs. Clarence obtained by calling Mrs. Rollo
ability. By October, you get Double, toastmistress, will set West, program chairman, 536-
JEaln tn~
Wutclllf Pt.11
.Royal Ball Recaptures·
Mardi Gras Tradition
LEO ( J u I y 23-Aug.22):
?i-1ystery tends to surround
your activities. Evening could
highlight clandestine meeling.
Protect reputation. A friend 's
advice may be sincere but
lack foundation.
chance lo make constructive the stage for the speakers. 3052.
changes v.·hich might include Ip;~~;;:;~=======~~::=:;:=::=;~=~~~~~~~=~~=, marriage, travel. l i
Pomp and glitter traditional
during New Orleans Alardi.
• Gras will be ln evidence when
• ~ MyaUck Krewe of Komus
;pomon ti& royal ball Salur·
-. Ctay. Sept. 13, In the lt1eaa :Verde C:.Untry Club.
" Durlna the ball Ille group !'Ill dup11cata Ille Cablldo, old
New 0 r I ea n 1 Government House now U&ed as a mU1eum '4 display put Mar<U Gru
l")'al robes.
: ID addition to the display of : ' . '
rOOes, there will be a style
show presenting past kings
and queens in the ball cos-
tumes of their reign.
Present queen, Mrs. MJchael
Trujillo, will appear as the
queen of diamonds in a 11pee-
taoular i'J"..': encrusted w!!ll
thousands of hand-appllqued
crystal rosettet and sequins.
Her crown will rise from a
Jeweled base In an Intriguing
height, and a regal whlte satin
cape wllL be draped from
jeweled shoulders to a length
of 10 feet. ,More cryltals and
cascading mirrorl ad«n the
At this ball the reltninl
queta al.so ls presented a fnyaI
flag of original de.sign.
The king of diamonds.,
Albert Federman. will be
garbed ln a Nehru jacket with
jeweled jabol and a gold
crown bedecked with
rhinestones. A royal sash of
original design and encrusted
with jewels and beads wm be
presented, and in keeping with
tradition. the fabric of the
aash will match the queen's
gown .
Centering tables for a 9 p.m.
dinner will be over1i:ed
goblets adorned with sparkling
mirrors, ornaments and glitter
and embellished with silver
champagne bubbles burstjpg
from the center.
Hosting the ball will be Dr.
and Mrs. Hannon Ward who
were In charge of decora·
tlo0s. The muslt: of the MJlt
Washburn Quartet will play
for dancing. ,
Preceding the ball Mr. and
Mrs. Merrill Hasllngs will
entertain during a champagne
party in their HunUngton
Beach home. \Vhen guests ar·
rive at 7 p.m. they will be
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22):
Study meanlngs between the
To nnii w t wl'ln lud1y for 'l'OU ln
....,....,. Ind iov.. ordsr SYllNIY On\1rT'1
bookltl, "Secrel Hlflls for ~ •!Id women." lend blrttl4at. 1/ld 50 ctflls to On\llT Allrolol'I' Sl<••ll. f"9 DAIL V P'ILOT. Bo. 324111, Gr111d c.irtt1I St• tlon. MRW Y0tk. N.Y, 1111117.
Daily Pilot to Brief
Club Press Chairmen
Pre-regl!traUon for t h e
Publicity Workshop to be
presented by the DAILY
PILOT as a part of the Orange
Coast Evening College Lecture
Serles ill under way now.
The t!P"}lour session will
take pla"5 starting at 7:30 p.m. on Wedne.sday, Sept. 17,
tn the. Forum at Estancia High
School, 232J PlacenUa Ave.1 Costa Mesa.
Open fl'ff to the public, lhe
seminar will be slanted for
press chalnnen of clubs,
group!!, organlzaUoM a n d
churches, but not limited to
Club groupa are asked to
confine requeab for seats to
two per club because or
limited s e a t i n g • lndividuaJ
couples also are inrited. Pre-
..f'glslrants shou1d use the
coupon below to mall in their
lie&l requests.
greeted by royalty nags of all =-==--==-==--==-=,-,=-==--==-=~=-~11
former queens draped from I -11111111!1 - - - - - - -the spiral staircase and I PUBLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION
balcony. I Mrs Hastings was the Pl1111 r111rv1 .... , . pl1c11 for me at the DAILY
krewe;s queen In 1968 and her I PILOT-CCC Publicity Work1hop Sept. 17 In th•
husband served as king in Forum. E1tanci1 High School. I understand I
1966. I mutt be tht,.. not later than 7:15 p.m. for the
Reservations may be made 7:30-9:30 1111lon. Pr1·r19l1trant1 will have flrtt
by contacting Mr. and J\.frs. choice of 11atlng.
Richard Shugert, Anaheim, I
before Monday, Sept. 8. NAME •...........•••••.•......••••••• , , ••• , ••• , •
To Marry
Dyak Plight Revealed
I ADDRESS (StrHtl ............................. .
I CITY .. .. ... .. . . . . ........ ZIP ........... I fH EP
I ORGANIZATION (If A.nyl ....................... I W'
During Club Program !
Let's Make Ute U i t y
American Beautiful wUl be
topic 'of a ta11t by Mrs. Wyn
Sargent when the Fountain
I OFFICE HELD .............. PHONE .......... I fl'Ui
M•A "i P'Wllc ~kt ii.,.rtll\.il, Of11111 CMal DAll.Y P'll.OT, UI
Willlam Carro\1 Roy Donovan .. w:..!!1 ,,,..., C••I• M .... ca. m17. f
' . ------Marvin l'iaglund, Al Date Set
The engageme.nt of Kristine Valley Woman's Club con-'Jinn Gitt oI Long Beach and venes for the 11169-70 season at
~lephen P. Godshall of !fun-8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8, In the
lingt.on Beach has been an. community center.
'10tJnced by ?-.tr. and }.1rs. Mrs. Sargent, photo·
J\lchard P. Gitt, parent.a o! the journalist, pilot.. w or Id
~ride-e1ect. traveler and humanitarian,
The couple plan lo be mar· founded the Sargent-Dyak
tied Nov. l~ in the Whittier Fund to bring money,
first Church of the Nazarene. medicine and relief lo the
1 Miss Gitt Ls a graduate of native tribe in Borneo which Is
~ierra High School, \Vhlttler. threatened with eitlnctlon.
~e presently it attending Mucb'belp has been received
Krukenberg, Jack Pike, Phil
Sliver and Bob Weaver.
The public is lnv1ted to at-
tend this meeUng, a n d
refreshments will be served.
Additional information may be
obtained by calling htrs.
Clarenee Stewmon, program
chairman, at 962-5147.
Membership in tl1e club \
open to any woman living In
the Fountain Valley area, and
anyone interested may call
Mrs. Ronald M u r p h y ,
membership chainnan, at 962·
S147. J:alilornla State College at from residents in the Hun·
~g Beach. tington Valley a:ea, and the
• Her fiance, son of Cmdr. Fouotaln Valley group hopes
land Mrs. w. H. GOOihall t. add Us oupport to 1h11 Cactus Society
HunUngton Beach, 11 a venture.. 0 uate of Thomaa Jefferson Mn. Wiiliam Miller will rar11e County Cactus and
•• School, Annandale, Va., serve as chairman of the SuctUlenl Society meets lhe
Golden West College. He host.tu conuniltee comprised fint Wednesday at noon In
., f!ao 1ttonded CSCLB. of Ille Mmel. Jim Allen, Odd Fellows Hal~ CoN Mesa . .. :-+--------~~-------'-'C...:..:.C...:..:.:.:.::. .
. • 84 STORES, •• ALL 72° . ·-.. 1
and open nlghtlitJll 9:30 . ..
South Coast 'Plaza ·-.
., ·-.
----• . !.. • •
I Tovatt..Sunam i Rite s
Evening Vows Recited
Shizue Sunnml end W111Jam
R. Tov1dt exchanged lhelr
wedding rings and vows dur~ "
Ing an evening ceremony con-
ducted by I.he Rev. Edward
Erny ln the Comm unity
Methodist Church, Huntington
The brilie is the daughler of
ii 1t1r. and Mrs. DaJjiro Sunami
ol Narashino-shi, Japan. who
new to llunlingtoo Beach to be
present for the nuptials.
The bridegroom i,s the son or
Mt. and Mrs. Anthony Tovatt
of Huntington Beach.
Given in nlarriage by her
rather, I.he bride was gowned .,.
in Ooor length lace over taf-
feta with tarfeta edging her
lace train. Her fingertip iJ ...
lusion veil -tas held by a floral
headpiece and she carried a t
bouquet of gardenias, ii.lies of
thi valley and stepbanotis.
Her atlendenls were the ,
sisters and sisler-in·law of the
bridegroom . Miss Patricia
Tovatt was 1naid of honor and
bridesmaids were Miss Susan
Tovatt and f\1rs. Michael
Their gowns were full length '
silk linen styled with empire
waists and bell sleeves, and
!hey carried bouquets of
daisies and baby's breath.
Tracy and Bobby Tovall,
niece and nephew of the
bridegroom, were flower girl •
.,... and ring bearer.
Michael Tovatt was hi s
brother's best man and guests
\\ere seated by Paul Murai,
f\-1ike Jameson, Al Numura
and Don Kalo.
Janet Merha
Mrs. Judith Fields
Up and Away
' .f
Celeste Coar
Sixth Sea son Opens · Sorority
Duo Singing
For Rivierans
"f.1y llopplness" sung by
Jon and Sondra Steele will
open the first monthly meeting
ot the new season for Riviera
Club men1bers and their
guests next Wednesday in the
Balboa Bay Ctub.
The gathering \\'ill co1n-
mence with a soc inl hour at
_11 ·30 a.m,, luncheon at 12:30
p.n1. and a short business
1nceling before the day's
enterta inment,
~ Club president Mrs. Watson
E. Jarrett will \\'elcome ne\v
members to th.c south coast
social organization which now
is in its sixth year or ex-
istence. S~tion chairmen will
acquaint 1ncmbers with pl ans
for tJle year's activities, and
the Steeles will be introduced
by lt1rs. Carl \Y, Ada1!15, pro-
gra1n chalr1nan .•
Polished m u s i c a l en·
tertalnment with piano styl·
ings aa well as the type of
singing that earned l h e
Record-of-lhe--year award for
I.heir version of ''My J-Iap-
piness" will be -provided by
the Steeles,
Clubwome n desiring lun-
cheon reservat101111 may obtain
them by calling Mrs. Vasco
Bat.schwaroff, 494-0017, by
next Monday,
Also upcoming is a meeting
for Book Section 1nembers in
U1e home of Mrs. Orville L.
Harper al to a.in. ~1onday,
Sept. 15, when Pearl Buck's
lcttest novel, "The Three
Daughters of ~11ne. Liang,"
wlll be reviewed.
Members planning to hear
about the author's lalesl novel
which deals \\'llh modern
China are asked lo call Mrs.
Harper, section chairman , 494,
Sex Education Drive
Newport Harbor Area CtJtm..
cil of Bela Sigma Pbl will
honor Ua founder, Walter W.
Rou wlt.h a memorial eenice
al I p.m. Mooday, Sepl. I, In
Jlalecresl Clubhouse. Costa
Mr. ltoss, who riied lcist
Jullt' in Scottsdale, founded
the sorority 38 )'ears ago in
Abilene. Since then it hu
grown to more than 200.000
members in many coontries.
In Callfornla a.lone, Lhere are
more than l l,000 members.
Conducting the riles will be
~1rs. Frank Reed. council
president, and assisting will be
~1iss Dorothy Dunn, MMi,
Delmas Golden and Mrs. Joel
Vttil. Further information i!I
available by calling Mrs. Reed
al ::i45-4466.
·; _ j~, A 7h~~I~~~~ Sexb;,., :~~c?I~: 1
Plans for the year will be
outlined whrn the Ladies Aux•
iliary of the Orange County
Association for Re ta rd e d
Children meets next Monday
evening al 7:30.
f\1rs. G. B. Kehrberg of
Lfguna Hills, newly elected
president. will prci;iilc during
the gathering in the associa·
lion office , 2002 \Y . Chestnut,
Santa Ana.
NEW HOSTESS Education Drive 111ill be He is a fellow of U1e Council
Kathryn Steele discussed when St. BonaVen-on ~pidemiology or t ~ e lure'~ \\'omen's Council meets American Hearl Association
Tuesday, Sept 9, in the and ,has served four years in
;\-1eadow View School Hun-public health research. He has
lington Beach ' taugh t family life and sex
4' . .....,~ ·lb~~ i t'ollowing the ceremony and
a reception for 200 in the
church hall, the newlyweds
departed on a weddlng trip to
ldylh1'ild. They will make
their home in Huntington
Quartet Wins Wings
The prog;am will b c ~ducalion as part of a t'{)u~se
presented Jn two parts with in personal and communit y
Mrs B d G · . he a Ith. Dr. and . Mrs
Other new oUiCers are lh&.
~1mes. Rene Guns. Tustinf
vice president : Vincent Tock.
Anaheim, secretary, a nd ~
Huntington Beach Home
Keys Start
Of Season
1'.1rs. !jherri Gittlc1nan . lyric
opera soprano will enlcrlain
Upper Bay Associates of the
Orange County Philharmonic
Society during their firs!
meeting of lhc new ~on.
Mrs. Gitlleman. who wou
the Metropolitan Opera Easl ~
Coast audition in 19511, has had
roles al the Pacific. Opera in
Long Beach. UCLA opera
workshop and at the UCl
opera theater. She is a Costa
Mesa resident.
Plans Told
Music by Miss Betty Burkes,
soprano, will open the lun-
che:on program ~ext Tuesday
for the Christian Womcn·s
Club of Newport Beach at
noon in the Newportcr lniL
A narralion on the 1'.laglc of
Thoughtfulnc.ss ·r h r o u g h
Greeting Cards "'Ill follow by
Anson McArthur, and a talk
by Mrs. Jack Swearengen of
1-'ullerton \\'ill conclude the
luncheon agenda .
The meeting will be called
to order by Mrs. Robert Leith
at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 8.
in the NeY:porl Beach homt or
Mrs. Robert C raw r or d .
Luncheon Y.'ill be se rved altel'
the progra111.
Reservation s ma y be tnadr
by calling Mr.er. JI a r o I d
Fischer . 962-1129. nr ~trs
William O'Brien, &45-3070,
Attorney I ~d~sc~s:: l~lj !;1
1 1u~d Testament by Jerome ~1
Bame, Huntington Beach "I
tomey, wi!J comprise the pr
gram when the Orange Coai
~fothers of Twins Club me ,
\Vednesday, Sept \0,
The group will 8alher fo ~
m::ial hour al 1 p.m. in ·t
restaurant. Huntington Bea 1,
A Cantonese dinner will 11
served at ft p.m.
All mothers of twins in · e
area are welcome to a nd
the n1eeting and may ~
reservations by calling s.
• Jack Tayklr. 842-7076.
In Offing ·
1 wedding Nov. 8 in Our
L dy Queen of Angel! Church
is 1¥llng planned by Cheryl
,/ '1 Bogenrief and William
A :ander Byrne, bot.h uf
N ·port Beach. ~-te bclroU1al '" 11 l'i a11-
1 •iced by her paren ls, M1·.
;i 'Mrs. Charleli A. Bogcn!'1er
o ewporl Beach. h ie bencd ict-cle<:t. .;011 and
~Ii. ison or /\Ir. and J\lrs. C. It
r~, Smi1h of Pacific Ocach, is a
gr,1duate of <;a n a d i a n
~ 1 he bride-to-be 1:1tlendl-U
lno State University where
r1e was a member ol lhe Coed
~dct Corps and Della Garn·
.a sorority .
Lea gue O ffers
~!rs. Paul Bemharl will
·~ her Newport Beach home
t'or the thlrd in a series of lour
monthly meetings sponsored
by 1he Costa Pt1esa Chapter of
j...a Leche League.
Bhih of the Baby and Fami-
ly Relalions will be d'iScusscd
al 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 9
The public i~ invited, and
further informa tion Is avail-
able by calling Mrs. H. \V.
~!O{lre Ill 54~-4359.
Old Favorites
Antique ideas in ring styles
sUll are favorites, the blacken-
ed finish almost always dia -
mond studded.
Here's where the cabochon
amethysts. the turquoises. the
CQrals and the cameos play
their starring rvJes, and pearls
play the supporting role .
· :rnar age .exain.ining Mastropaolo are the parents f liarold Langh.ans, Santa Aria,.•
Four Orange Coast res1UenlS
have won their \\'ings and soon
will be flying high .
th:? national secne, 1nclud1ng a four child en °
narrated film strip.. Dr · Refre~e~ts will bf served
Miss Celesle t:u.ir n f Joseph f\1astropa?lo 11'111 offer al 7:30 p.n1. with the program ~~!~bu~u~~:Jy;~~ 0~11~he 1f~~ to begin at 8 p.rn.
Interested \vomen arc ~
\'llcd to attend the !MeUng.
The bride attended Tokyo
\I/omen 's Christian College
and Orange Coast Co!lege, and
her husband attended San Jose
State College and OCC.
Special guests at the wed·
ding were the bridegroom 's
grandmother, r.frs. Berl a
Tovatt. and Mrs. Ray Hartley,
his great-aunt.
Recently con1pleling flight
hustc ss training at ·rwA·s
training cenler in Kansas City,
P.1o were f.1 rs. Judith Ann
Fields of llunting:ton Beach.
i\1iss Janet h1erha of f'ount ain
Valley, Miss Kathryn L.ec
Steele of Ne,,·port Beach and
\\'est minster.
The daughter of i\lr. and
P.1rs. llc-nry Barnard, i\lrs.
f'ields was graduated fro1n
r.1i\Jikun High School, Long
Beach, and attended Long
Beach City College. She \\ill
be ser ving TWA dorncstic
!lighls fro1n Los Angeles
Jntcrnalional Alrporl.
Miss f.1crh;i , dau ghter of
Franklin F Merila, 1s a
graduate o! Domin guez ll igh
tington Beach High &;hoot Other ~v~1ls sc~cdul~d by OC Single Bees
District which 1\'ill be voted on the council include .he October
by the board of trustees ·rues· ran festival ; Noven1ber dinner 'fhe secund and fourth frt·
day. Sept. 30. dance in Meadowlark Country day or "1J1e month Orange
who Club ; Christmas party for County Single Bees galber in
J\1rs. Gagt, w a 5 school children. a follies show Pioneer Town, Santa · Ana.
gradu_aled from . clem~nlary rummage sale and fashi ' Activities begin at 8 p~m . and !11gh schools 1n Huntington show on Ii"'.:;_,_,_,_,_,_,,;._,_,
Beach, Hi a past president or -
the Parent-teachers Club. She The1nc for lhc year isl
is acliW! in church work, has Bui Id In S: Througl1
served on many city and Participation, and m a ny
school coinniitlees and on Uif? speakers are scheduled for the
Orange County Grand Jury in monthly meetings the: second
Laguna Beach Chapte c
Hosts Regional Lunch
1960-61. Tuesday of each month.
School, Coinpton, and altended She has two m a r r i e d
San Jose State College. She children and onr grandchild.
WALLICHS Laguna Beach Assistance Mills, Roy Thoroughn1 an' and
League \\'ill honor the Robert L. ~-1arv1n.
Regional II Council of ~a · f\1rs. Kenneth Colborn and
tional Assistance League with J\1rs, Nicholas f\1alouf w i I I
a luncheon in its League create luncheon dccurations.
House, Laguna Beach next Others assisting in preparing
Tuesday. and serving the luncheon will
HS TOPS Club also wi ll scr\·e d o in e s I i c . De. ~astropaolo r~ei..,ed
·nights fro1n Los Angeles his PhD from the University Allen School is Uie meeting
International. of Iowa and is a professor o( place for Huntington Beach
A graduate of La 1-labra physical education and depart· TOPS Pound Pinchers at 7
11igh School and Lhe Univcrsi· ment coordlnator of research p.m. each Monday.
ty of California. Sant a c_,-•• -~;;,;;;,;-.,-_,_,_, .. _,_,;,._,_,_,_,_,i;;;;;_,_,.., Barbara, f\1iss Steele is the 1r
daughter of Mr. and J\1rs. :
COST ... MlSA 54'0·J161
The region, comprised of be the /\1mes. Carl W Nash,
delegates l r om Assistance C. R, Beck Jr., Fred Jessen.
Leagues in Orange and San Andrew /\1orlhland , \Yillia1n
Diego counties and a pro-Phillips, Heory Stuart Weber,
pationary chapter in Yuma. Hellmuth Jianncman, Jon
will conduct a b u s i n e s s Mason, Douglas Smith and
meeting and participate in an Chafles Coffyn.
Jtobcrt E. Steele. She wilt
serve aboard international
flights rrorn John F. Kennedy
International Airport, New
Also s e r v i n g passengers
abuard international nights
from Kennedy AiqlOrt ~·ill bel
Miss Coar, daughter of r.1r.j Assis teens W o r ~ s h o P con-The N a l i o n a I Assistance
ducted by Mrs. B r e n t League has chapters i n and Mrs. Roger M. Coar, She
was gradu a ted from Wahlberg . Colorado, Texas, New Mexico,
Westminster High School and
aUended UC L
Mrs. Thomas 1-1. Jones, Washington and Arizona as
president of lhe L a g u n a well as California.
chapter, and fl1rs. Joh n1;::=====================;'I
Solomon, regional represen-
tative for the Laguna chapter
\viii issue a special welcome to
!\lrs. F:dward Pellegrin of
Newport Beach who served as 1 re~,..:ional chairman I hr e e
I . I 11nes.
1 Mrs. \Vilhslon Bradway,·
alternate regional represen-
lai.i ve 1vill assist r.1rs. Jones'
and Mrs. Solomon aloog wUh
hostesses lhe Mmes. H. O.
New Club ,
\\'omen inlerested in form -j
ing a Laguna Toastmistress
Club are urged to attend the
group's second meeting in the
Jolly Roger rest au r a n l ,
Laguna Beach at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 9.
f\1rs. Catherine f..1cQuarrie
was elected interim president
or the group during anl
organizational meeting a 1
1 \\"hich lime the nine women
present decided to apply for a
charter. I Toastmlslress International
consists of more than 1000
clubs throughout the world
and is devoted lo improving
the latent talent.s of their
members and de ve Io ping
leadership and poise in both
public and prtvate affai rs.
All area women interested
in the group are asked to call
Mrs. McQuarrle, 494-7936,_ or
Mrs. Jda May Schomaker, 499-
1579, for further information.
This steel watch
costs niore than
many gold watches.
It's a Rolex Oyster
Perpetual Chronometer.
Oyster case carved lrorn a so lid block ol
stainless steel. Water-res1 slant. •
Per petual rotor, 26-jewel rncvement.
Chronometer cerllficalion guarantees preci-
sion under e:w;treme conditi ons.
Because most of the work Is done by hand, ll
takes a year to build it. It'll probably last you
a lifetime. $197.50 wilh matching st eel bracelet.
'tYltf11 ~, C:fOWll .,,., (:lyt!~I I~ inll I
1/2 OFF
MISS THIS WAVE. SIA..VICK'S fa4 STORES .•• ALL 72° Jtwelert Sinct '' 17
and open night ly till 9 :30
' South Coast ?taza
' '"'"' 1.~··v-Ac:<v""' W1kCll'ftt -1111~mll.,t•M. M.e1!e' cn1rar '"°
326 Marine Avenue -Balboa Island
lln Th• Art C1n.ltrl
Six Schools
Offered for
FJldq, $tptombor 5, 1969
Pilot Logbook
Whereto Put
Unwed Mothers
Of .... Dlltr P'lftf Slat! M11>1 stra111• things !Ue pllloe·durlng the. ~...oi,
-Iona of Oranie County '• auguat Dom! ct 6upervillon,
but it will be a long time before a recent bearing on the
Florenct CT'ittenton Home for unwed teen--age mOtbers ia
Pfcturt, lf you can, a bearing room full of people, more:
than haH fl. tb~m opposed to "sin" in any form if it is near
them. The balance fit into the upper segments ol tbe ''do-
11ooder" types -purposeful, direct, weU meaning.
Sit back and ·listen to some of the things said.
County Zoning Administrator Ray Reed, who bad granted
the use perm1t for lhe home in an area zoned for ''.small e•
tatea" In the El Modena sector of north central Orange Coi,m.
ty, explained the problem.
SAN1'A ANA _ Six schools He saJd the county counsel's office had ruled the home
tn Orallge County offer a could be cla.ssilied as an "educational institution,'' a legal
--' •~ -~· ti 1 use in the small estates zone. The $600,«Wl faclllty to house ...,_..a~ ""'uca on o r 68 girls was to be built on 2.5 acres owned by the Friend!
retarded cbDdm1-Church of El Modena. Reed old many ol thoae protesting
Operated by the Orange lived a half mile or more away from the site.
County A s s o c I at i o n for Attorney Modger Howell, npresentlng the complabuint.s,
Retarded Children, the Hope sought to set the tone of the hearing with, a sUpulaUon that
Haven Schoo!s baVe a pro-"the home is desirable in the county, but NOT on this prop.
gram deaigneil to t e' ch erty." •
retarded children s e I f • A man who said he had Jived in the area si~ 1953 com·
discipline and responsibility. plained, "We just got a pig farm out, now this. It will bamp-
Children from 21k·yeq1 of er the sale of our property."
age and up are eligible for A 10-year resident (male) wanled to know, "Where will
enrolbnent at the non-profit the girls go walking? Our boys shoot guns in the hills nearby."
schools, which have operated A woman protested that she was not against the home.
coun.tywide since 19$2. Classes "We've just been approved ror ad()ptlon of a child, but the
start in September. school children who must walk by the home, my,. my," she
The ability for the retarded said.
child to get along with others "We tell them that such things are wrong;• she contin·
is one ol the amis Mssed at ued, "bow are we going to justify our statements with such
the schools. a place here?"
The Hope Haven Schools or-A man who said he bought six acres nearby because ()f
fer courses in language, pre-''the rural abnosphere and a place to keep horse!.'' decried
r ea d t n g, a r i th m eth; the plan. 11It would be a degradation of our area."
citizenship, science, physical After several more such plaintive cries, the supervisors
training, social adjustment closed the hearing.
and handicrafts. In summation, Supervisor Alton Allen said be thought the
Hope Haven Schools are at property was "an ideal site for an Jnstitutlon of lhl5 type,
the following locatioos: next to the church. Both are trying to do good. It i4 the IDEA
COda Men: 182.1 Monrovia that ii feared ." .
Sl, classes from 9 a.m. to 1:30 Supervisor David L. Baker characterb:ed the testimony
p.m. u ''emotional, on the subjt!(!t of good or evil rather than the
Anabdm: East Anaheim proper interpretation of the legal code."
Methodist Church, 1457 East Supervisor Robert Battin called the protests 0 argwnenb
Romneya, classes from"'9 a.m. against the poor."
to t:SO p.m. Baker moved that protesters' appeal be denied. The mo-
FULLEJlTON: Chi J dren's tion carried unanimously. Win a few, Jose a few.
Center, 2050 Youth Way, 9 •Wt oc·u l!!!l!•H•"'..-•:sm"'''""'"\1 ·~anm,rnu a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Gardea Grove: Pre-School,
First Presbyterian Church,
11832 Euclid, 9:30 a.m. to
11 ~30 a.m.
Santa Ana: Two sessions -
St. Luke Methodists Church,
221S W. McFadden, 9 a.m. to
1:30 p.m .• and Pre-Schoolers
frmn 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Cler• Wrltllt. R•ldet!t 11' Eftlll•nd. ~ "' ~ :5ePl....W.. 4, l\lf'\'fWd .,.. fllltNnf. Wlllllf'll H, Wrfllhli ISIUll'tf9r, M"-Jo.11 Te1bof, SO,, Qu!"' CO¥ .. c~ cit! ~r. Prh••1' .....
\'kn _. M'ld •I l•lh: N«tutry, Co!'on. del !Mr.
tlrlM SulllY-11. 1~7JO Molcltl. Jr.pf, 21,
s..1 IMdl. Diltt or •"'· s~. '· WNl\'tld by lbt.n, M"-llobert W,·
1i. ed Mrt. Josellll McDDNld. R-
• ,., T:JO Frld11' Hofv F1ml1Y C1lhollc Gt.rel!. l'l ... ultrn MIU SllUrdll' lG;(IO
''" Holy Famll'I' C..tl!Olk etwrcll. 1~
ll1"fMl'lf "" lot.II$ c.....i.rr. Otlder lrottMn Mort\Nlry, Dll'Ktor .. ta-ml.
SI'EA.RNS 'E1rl SIHrM. 9041 NIMl C'lrcl1, H1m1. '"''°" 81.tdl. 0111 l1f .,..,,,, $epl, J. S..nolvd Irr llO!l" Rld'!trd 11111 0.Yld
St..11191 1lst ... 1, Ptnsr Llovd, low1,
1nd Dorotl'rv II•"'"-Tutu !Iv.'''"°" cMldrM. SftvlCM will bit Mid MOflo
OfY It 11 111'1 W"k!ltl Cll1pel. 1n11r0
ment F1lrti.'fffl C~rv. Rrv. Rldl-·
1rd 0u ... i..,, offlcl1l11111. Wntcllft MO<"·
IUll"'I, Olr.cton..
Fr1nl( Rol1nd UJ.tdom, Newl>Ort Bueti.
01t1 ot ck1ll!,. !.tPI. ), 51,1,...lved bl'
wile, DDrollW 'E.1 d•utlllff, O.bbr R.l brotMri< Wiiiard F. ..,,..,_
Svlm1r. •nd Ed"w~rd w~ Chk•eo•
sl•t9", a.11ra DrlRr 1nd GllCIV• Rlst.ra. boll'I of Chk1to. Senilcn
Will be held MondlY II 11 Im p.,.
clffe vi.w Ch11>el. 11119r......,1 p.._lflc
\11-M-1411 P1r1c. Ptcllk V19w Mof"!UlrY, DlrKIOB.
WestcllU Mortuary
C%7 E. 17th SL, Costa Meo
Corona del MM OR 3-945'
Costa l\fesa ltll &.!4!4 • BELL BROADWAY
110 Broadway, Coit., tife11 u J.3133 • DILDAY BROTHERS
Huntington Valley
17911 Beacll Blvd.
U..lingWo 11<.,eb
14!-'1771 • McCOR!IUCK LAGUNA
1715 Laguna Canyot1 Road
Laguna Beac~
Cemetery e Mortuary
350t Pacific View Drive
Newport B<acll, CaWornl.I
'1111 BoluA ... wmm•••.r lt3.ms: • -~--r~ie:-a MOllTUARY
'--4K-IA5 a. Qeu tr a:w111
• llMlTBl'llOllTllABY
117 Miil II.
llllllllqW -....
2 Trial W itness'es
.Freed for Weekend
SANTA ANA -Rick and
Carl Stevie Tlct will gel their
wish tnis weekend -release
from Orange County Jail
where the two vital witne!ses
in a murder trial are being
held under guard.
But it will only be for the
weekend, both parties in the
dispute agreed T h u r s d a y •
Rick, 18, and Carl, 15, must be
back Sunday night in the jail
aceomodatlon they have come
to detest while the parties to
the agreement analyze the
success or failure of the ven·
ture in preparation for a possi·
ble ruling Monday by Superior
Court Judge Robert Gardner.
They hammered out the ar·
rangement Thursday after two
days of negotiations that
seemed to be deadlocked
shortly before Judge Gardner
scheduled Monda}' for he
twice postponed hearing.
AUorneys Tom Keenan and
Ketth Monroe won the new
privileges for their young
clients in ~gotiations that at
one time seemed sure to
founder on the adamant otJ..
jections of sheriff's a n d
district attorney's officers op·
posed to any modification of
the boys' confinement.
ll is expected th.at both boys
will have vital testimony to or~
fer if and when Black Panther
Arthur Dewltt League, 20, of
Sant.a Ana, goes on trial for
the murder last June 4 of San·
ta Ana police officer Nelson
IAtague's preliminary hear.
Ing is scheduled in Santa Ana
municipal court Sept. 2$, But
the detention or both boys
would be continued to long
after that date assuming that
the district aUorney's office Is
succes!fu] in moving for hear·
ing of lbe charge& in Superlor
Investigators make n o
secret of the fact that lbe
young Tice brothers face
~ible elimination from the
trial proceedings if they are
allowed their freedom in -the
interim period .
Vaccilatio~ in the boys'
testimony -one of the
brothers bas told conflicting
stoties of the events of the
night of June 4 to the Orange
County Grand Jury and in-
vestigators -have been the
result, investigators claim, of
what one ofiicer called "silent
Sheriff's officers had not
determined today just what
ronn and content protection of
lhe boys would take but it was
made clear that their lreedom
would involve precautions.
Attorney Keenan petitioned
for their release a f t e r
repeated objections by the
boys and their relatives to
confinement in the county jail.
Neither of the brothers had
any complaint to offer about
food or the quality of the lodg·
ing, Keenan explained, but
both "were pretty sick or the
confinement. restriction on
phone calls and reslrlction of
visi tors."
Whatever the outcome of the
weekend experiment., jail con.
ditions in terms of visiting and
phone privileges will be relu:-
ed. Keenan and Monroe con-
firmed Thursday.
District Attorney C c c I J
Hicks welcomed th ~ ar·
rangement Thursday as a
"trial and error arrangement
that will give us a chance to
see just what can be worked
out for these boys .
Kids. Find Q'utdoors· at Unicamp
BJTBOMo\S.J'ORTUNll l!&nlaAnaochobllalUlldedby for them to do;" obMrved homesick. Thtre's plenty of yo1111aer al'1tr lan'I c•Wnc .VAR;,-;~;·~ '!be ~.::~.UM U.lltcam P F1U!er. Edward A lJen. that.Al Unic11mp1_and there ts c~ for," aa1d Floyd Notril,
,,.......,...._. asaoctate director oti the UCI another reuon why thoughts a senior tn. social ·ldence who
kid• go to the moual&lns Gleim xaaeyJmB, a ·uct Jnterfaltb Center and a are or home. was bead coUNielor. ·~y
where &hey drink from a graduate in bloloa lut June, regular at Unicamp. "They tlll.Y be very worried ha~ much more relJIOl1liblllty
brool<, lry to calch llzardo an<(. fiu spenl four llllllll"1'I al "At !be nme Ume they ore !heir job Isn't getting done, al .._ lhal! middle clu>
ilffp uoder the st.ars. Unlcamp. He keepa comillg reserved about. what they "Y maybe they think t h e I r kids normally do."
back beca111e If he and two -==================;; At Unicamp Uielr new ex· dozen oq,er UCJ ltUdents becewe tl\ere is..nowbere for .r
perlencea alsa include learning didn't Ute kids W<1Uldn't' ever them to go, they can't get
to live with othm and findiJlg get to iro to camp. . away. They come up here and out others care a.boot them. e· sometimes they really blow.
Many of them are away· from Unic&mp,,at a UCLA facility 'Ibey can let off steam
home for the: tint time. at Birton Flats in the San because they're: In an ac-
The discoveries or a 3 Bernardino Mouutairu, ls a ceptlng group; for once they
yoonasters, aees nine to 13, UCl ttudtnt fund nfslng pre>-can speak their mind witboot
are shared with the i r jed. CoM per child Ls about geW.n2 fetched alOl)g the
counselors from UC Irvine. SSO for tbe.10 days. Coun&elors head.'T
The counselors do chores work free. He said one cabin of girls
with them, hli:e, rwlm and The youngslef'I from an im· was encouraged to scrum for
sing songs around campfire poverished environment make half an hour at the girls ol
with them. Tbe counselors are things interested for the another cabin to get rid of
there to talk, to be accepting, volunteer counselors. their hostilities.
Join us for .
Tiit C-wv•llvt S1Mt01!..,. for ~
£11t"-HUW ArM
617 W11t Ha111ilt•11, Cott• M11•
For l11for1t1<1tio11 call: 646°111%
to understand and to be their "A Jot of these kids -you You uk. the children wbatl'=:;;~;;;;
friends. can tell the way their families 1they do in the mountains and Jr •-~! wl!.a~,c1a':i;,;"'.':'CUnJE>mp5 work, .. said Mias Palmquist. besides saying "swim, hike, do uu~ ~R: r "They have to fight. grab for crafts" they say "We solve
asked if they ugbt y'd what they want." problems."
ever see U~lr counselors "rve noticed these· Irids JCa customary for children
again were empbaUc in from the ghetto an: htremely who have never been away
answering, "uh, uh." verbal -there's nothing else from their family before to get
But the counselors. UCil.========='=============;11 sludeolll, plan to 1urprise
to be held at
PRESENT ______ ..
Speaker -Dr. Fred E. Littman
Theme -Some Answered Questions
Tipie -September 8 -8:00 P.M.
Place -985 Victoria
"And when
"It would be kind of unfair
to bring kids up here, let them
see something and then drop
them back in the city," said
Becky Palmquist, a
sophomore social science ma·
jor. ~
She'll make time during the
school year lo take lbem to
parties and outings to parks
and the beach. Mia Palmquist
last year tutored at Fremont,
one of two-racially mixed
3209 Via Lido Newport Beach
Rosh Hashaoa -Sept. 12 & 13
Yorn Kipper -Sepl. 21 & 22
the_ days of lllo1e1 were ended,
and the light of lesua ••• "
Rabbi Bernard P. Kina:
Cantor MiJt Miller
For Tickets 4 Information~ Call 646·3608
A IJ.C.LA. 11r&11111h1, P1vtlne AIMt 1& rtcOQ•
n!red by 111tt aM cus1omtr1 '' thO ~111lly
pniUc!tflt """' of N1w ACCOIM .. •net 1$ • T11l1r on 1f'ltl Hn1. S1ni. A.Ill' ••tldtnho,
l"•ul!ne ind Mr hv•blncl JOhn. hive l,..t
,..turned 1111'" their Eura,IMn 11tcatlon. You'~• l>llfl mbud. P111llM.
WelconM Melt to 1f'ltl Goltt Mat Dlllc1.
If tlio li1111 Ii••• !flOv1d tlowly in th•
offlco durin9 tho patt f,_ .... d1yt. a·,·
lio~1u10 • 11aw '1y1!1'" it b1ing in•l•ll· ...
Thi r11son for th1 "'"" 1yd1'" i1 to
9ivo you, th• cuttom1r, b1t+1r 1nd
quicli:1r 11rvic1.
Th1t i1, 011c1 "'' 91t th1 "H1n9 of 11",
you'll 91! b1ttor 1 11d quickor 11rvic1.
Think you for yo11r p1li1n~•.
Th• Coat. MBI Dttle• of Cl!llO<nl•
Fto!ttll tillnda I hellt1y lf'ld w1rm Wtl-
COITll fo in. 13(1 "'"" IHdlt'I loln!no ltl1 Htwp01t..Ma1 Unified Scl!Gol 01 ..
Wt're pro.id 01 our ,,,., our 1ctiooll
•nd ''" vovng.iort who •lllf'>d. Now you c•n 1h1r1 In th1! prklt t• \'OV 1t•rt
veur ...... ""'''""''· Muell IUCCltU Ind h11>1>inH.1 10 11eh ot 'fllll.
1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan.
Deposit $1,000 or rnore for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each
year all your principal and interest remain, we'll guar·
antee a 5.25% annual rate, compounded daily. It adds up
to 5.39°/o a year.
SAVINGS ........ --
••• **A
2. The Guaranteed Income Plan.
Open an account of $1,000 or morB for 36 to 60 months.
We'll guarantee you a 5.25o/o annual rate, compounded
daily, with interest paid oUt to you each quarter.
In case of hardship or emergency, you can withdraw al any
time with .full interest paid to the end of the previous quarter. •
3. The Bonus Plan. ' -.
Earn a bonus of v, % a year when your account is held
to 3-year maturity. This is in addition to the regular 5~'0
cu!rent annual rate. Regular interest is compounded
daily and may be credited quarterly 1or extra earnings.
Withdrawals before maturity earn at the regular passbook
rate. Any·amount of $1.000 or more opens and maintains
your bonus account. All funds held to maturity earn an
elfective annual rate of 5.25'/o.
4. The Basic Plan.
The most flexible p1a·n. You can invest any amount of
money and withdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave
all your money and interest in your account 1or a year et
our current 5% annual rate with interest compounded
daily, you·11 receive an annual yield 01 5.13%. You earn
interest from the day you deposit your money 'til the day
yo u withdraw it. Plus .•• the money you deposit by the
10th of any month earns interest from the 1st when it
remains until quarter's end. '
C~![Q!nt~BF.~~~~r@l w~@!!!!gs
' '
2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300
• p
R v
~-· -;~-_,,.-;...:'-"--""'~·-·---""'---------:---
• IWl'I' Jl!Llll' JS l
Starts Today Wilshire
Wrong-way Race Area Site
1'4W1t ,...,_ T,.4f'lt
Cll'l'll'c• ·~ •Utll\lllt C:l•Ttll-ICATI Of' IVllJ>llU, fllOTlal :ro c:a101•o•s
'' ITIOVS MAM.a !"tc'TITIOUI MAM.I IUil'ltttOl COUIT OI" TMI Tiii' ....... . tit C191ilf'I' 9f!I¥ 11'1 TIMI ,..,_i.,... Of C.rlll\' ttwv ,,.. tTA'8 01' Cit.l.ll"OlllftA ,-Oil l ~ I ~.,_ .. 111• btiiTit w ..... e.iouctl111 I M"-II IUll eti.itman. TMI COU141'Y 0' o··-· f .... ,. ~ -VCor:1111. ~ llW tlo-Gf.,._ o,..,., , .. ..,.,,,.., wiett "" no · ......._ ... i,'""'oo·!!J"· M"" ,,, '"'''~c M)UNO '"""" """ llll'flt of AOS ""' ,,.., Mld ~II of ~= "°'' ...... -· M4 !Nit t1'41 flnt1 tt -fltfft II ~ ti lflt lelllwlflt -~ -
Set w. Cat.alina Of Fossils :.::f\1-r.-i.::=:.r.=.wi:::r:o~-~-,.,. "*«'*If NOTICi It HEllltY OIVIN t.1ttw
If '°'llowt; JoM ClllMllNt asi MHlton. Ct11t tr.dl1"1 ti .,_. •llwl ~ °""""'"' '"""' 4. ,, ...... u• Abe*" "I. ._., Cl"'*-t... 111-io , 0ov1o1 12051 ""' 111 ""'*"' 11t111nt c1-flM ., • .,.. 111to ,..._.. t..ui. C1ltfot11 .. 1 Tllorrl a.ii' •lt'llOl'I, ·~ o......, ci1lf.ir111; .. ., ~ 1r1 '""~ flJ t11• ....,,, 100 Clift Dr., lM-k1ct1.. c.4tlfenlltl Otf'M Aufill Jt. ltilt wllll fflt JllCllMN ~ lit tflt ~ t PttrlQ!t Mirfll, ml llltoM 11~ >ol'lfi (ll'P'flllllt of fllf (lfrtC If tl\t lllO\<I 91'11111111 c-.irjl.,.
Klein-Smid (No. 700). and Bob Hall (No. 262) •harp-
e_n up their cal-20s ln a warm-up race in prepara-
tion for this weekend's fleet championship sponsor·
e<I by South Shore Sailing Club. The Cal-25 and Sarrt.an~-27 ~lasses wi!J also be competing for their championships.
3 Sailbottt Classes
To Seek SSSC Titles
South Shore Salling Club '"ill
be host to three classes of
sailboats for their fleet cban1-
pionahi.ps Saturday and Sun-
t;om~Eing for titles will ·be
2 Bay Area
Men Win
MOR Race
Ralph · Nobels and Donald
Goring. ol San Francisco skip-
pered Starbuck to an easy vie·
tory Thrsday in the Midget
Oc-ean Racing Association'~
S a n F r ancisco-to-Ncwpor l
Beach yacht race.
The third annual race for
the smaJl boats -all under .'lO
feet -began Aug. 30. Light
winds slowed the p a c e •
Several of the 25 vessels in the
race dropped out.
the Cal·20s, Cal-2:>s
and San·
Each class will sail two
races Saturday with the warn·
ing signal for the first race al
12 noon, and one race Sunday
with the warning signal at 1
First class to start will be
the Santana-27, followed by the
Cal-25s and Cal-20s.
Signed entry blanks must be
received by the race com-
mittee before the start of the
first race Saturday.
The regatta will be sailed
under current North American
Yacht Racing Union Rules.
Class rules and regulations of
one-design classes must be on
file and accepted in advance
by the race committee, and
each yacht must conform to
these rules in order to qualify
for a trophy.
Four Awarded
BYU Degrees
Right way or 1•wroug way",
Balboa Yacht CUb's IDllllll
Catalina Island race aets'
under way of! the Newport
Jetty today at 1 p.m.
'The race was long ago dub-·
bed lhe "wrong way" or
"back.wards" Catalina Island
race because all previous
circumnavigations of t b e
islanc! started from the west
end, leaving the island to port.
Just. to be different, BYC
chose a course which lu.ves
Ule island to 1tarboard,
starting · at the east end and
cootinul.ng up the seaward aide
of the island at night.
The result, hopefully. la a
brisk spinnaker run home
from the west end on Satur-
In standard port-roundings
of the island, the rag-sailors
can usually count on a brtsk
afternoon beat from t h e
starting line to the west end of
Catalina, a spinnaker run
down the backside and a long
wait in the lee of the east end
before reaching for home.
BYC's race promises light
weather almost from tbe start
with a gathering of the clan_
almost certain off Churcl:i
Rock sometime after mid·
night. After breaking free of
the east end lee, almost
anything can happen. It can be
a light beat through left-ov.er
seas a reach or even a spin· nak~r run before reaching the
west end.
A good barorneler of how
one is faring in the race
usually occurs Saturday morn-
ing at dawn when skippers can
either look ahead and count
the boats disappearing around
the west end, or astern and
see who is still stuck in the lee
of the east end.
One of the things that keeps
the race so popular is that it is
the finale of the Newport
Harbor Yacht Club Ahmanson
Series of six races. The race
was included in the Ahmanson
series because or t h e
"challenging" aspect of mov-
ing a boat in light airs.
In addition to the Ahmanson
Trophy interest, the race car-
ries some highly coveted
perpetuals of its own. There is
the Breakahart Trophy for
first overall on corrected time.
The James Cagney Perpetual
Small Boat
Oasses Set
For County -· , Tbe U.S. Coast Guard Aux·
iliary has scheduled four
Small Boat Handling course in
Orange County, all starting: in
The first eoorse will start
S~pt. 15 in the Library Room
of Buena Park High School,
Magnolia at Academy Drive,
Buena Park.
Another class will be started
Sept. 16 in Room $3 E at the
Anaheim High School, 311 W,
Lincoln Ave., Anaheim .
Valley Senior High Sehool,
1801 Greenville St., Santa Ana
is the location of a third class
to start Sept. 22 in Room E2.
The Newport Beach class
will start Sept. 24 at the
Newport Sea Scout Base, 1931
Coast Highway.
All classes are conducted
weekly from 7 to 10 p.m. oo
the days specified.
The USCGA C<lurse con·
tinues 14 weeks and features
such subjects as aids to
navigation, safety, Rules of
the Road, charts, piloting and
The Coast Guard Auxiliary
is lhe civilian arm of the
Coast Guard and is dedicated
to the promotion of safety in
the maintenance, operation
and navigation of small craft.
There is no charge for th(
Starbuck cruised across tb~
finish line with an elapsed
time of 106 hours and nine
minutes. Second at 107.4 was
George Olsen of Sant.a Cruz in
Four Orange Coast residents
are among 1,568 summer
graduates ·of Brigham Young
University in Provo, Utah.
They are:
for the Class A winner, the ------------
Bediquin, skippered by Tom
Pean"!1, also of Santa Cruz,
was third at J 19.6, followed by
Richard Heckman of Castro
Valley in Quetzal at 121.16.
From Costa Meaa: Sharon '
Lo ,Elliott and Allan M. Jones.
Prom--ihmtington Beach:
~alilille M. Anderson and Ter·
• rJ L. Boll$'.
Anlgua Perpetual for Class B,
the Scandia Pa-petual for the
Cliqs C @Dd the Starboard
Perpetual for Class D.
The Frank C. Wood ll1
Memorial Trophy goes to the
first BYC boat to finish. •
Turn You On
The DAILY PILOT is proud of i~ corps of yotlng solesmtn. who deliver the new.!paper to your door. TILese
young men arc the cream of the co1nmu nity. Eacll 111onth, the best of them will be selected for listing on the
Hcrnor Roll. Each carrier liJted here htlS obtained at least four new customers during the po.st month, had no
more than one customer complaint for the month and must have paid his bill for the newspapers he bought
"wholesale" on time. Numerg_L. Jn front of :ilor r• i preceding his name indicates ·11umber of co11sect{five mont/1 s
lit.at carrier has been on £/u: lio11ar Rolt.
Eric. ., .... II J1v Guin11 M•1c. Aitchiio11
C1ry fhom11 Scott l111h &1r111v S11yd1•
l1rrv Wood1 Torrt Du"l1p H1elor 601111!11
Sl1•• Chew'in 01wid M1r+1 M!k1 &1nd1t
Mi•• T111lp Port1r l f1ckb11rn 2•Rich1rd Thom11
01vid l o11th G1or91 M1nni119 1~Ro91r E119d1ll
Robbie Mc01ni1I 11.od Stodol1rd 2•·M11• l1rtl1tt
ll.011ni• McD1nj1I N1tlltn l;l1nn 2•D1vld CoU;11,
Robert S1nlry Gr19 ll1ir 2'01rr1!1 Sh11h
Ltfltl L111ri1 J lll'I Teddy 2"lob1rl Sl11!1ry
Gordo11 McC111l1v Mir• F1ltm1n 2•0011 Coop1r
P1rry Moody Miki l111in ?•Pit Cr1i11
Jehn C1ldw1ll ll ltk Getto ?'Phil Hunter
J1y C 1tl•on Frid H1nu111•1c.hl19 2•K1w111 H11tw1J!
Jtm Sh1n~1 Seel! Whitney 2'01•1 lulut1lit
01•id T11r111t ' t· Mik t l•'t'1rl111111 J•!c.ott llobi111011
-Carrier of The Month
. '
Rick Wh11l11, 10. of 7200 Wt1+ Oc1.i1 Ftonl, N1wp•1I lttch, i• lh1 kincl of c.i t1 ii r wllo
,;.,,, "•b•olutel., tll• lti•1f .. r'l'ic.1," 1tconlln9 to hi1 1dutt tuptrw!1or, Jilfl S11y. H1 h11
btu9kt I t.icycl1 for himt~lf en.I • wri1I wilt .. fo1 hi1 f1th1•'1 bJrtllll1., out of hi1 ro11l1
ptofitt l.H h11 1i911'4 ., 1n•11th lltW •-v1totr11" to 11r11 hllfl11tf 1 b1rt\ for , .. ,,., p-.tly er
outing th1 DAILY PILOT 11111fft1'4 il1 c••rl1l'I tlnct "• 1t1rttll tll1 job.
l •K1•i11 Nic.ho!1
1•Mik1 R:ulut11i 1
l ~K111 Hower
4 •01nny Crutcher
.-•Phil 1~1111
&~Tiny Wood1rd
s •S,oH l1n1U
s•John l1rtho!e1111~
S'Rehi11 Tull1111"
s•W1yn1 En9111
1•R:ick Wh11l1r
7'1lobert C1rlio11
7"0011 Joh111011
' I
I,os AliGELES (AP)°
HaU a bloclt all buoy Wilsblre
Boulevard oclentia. are df&·
"""'· Clhl'lffll•• Ctr ... A111lr,., nu llOMlll T. Oovlt • r. IW"tMl'lt 1"""-.i• "" MOIMf"' w, A~ n. LOI,,,,.. .... Clllfof'fllt. .,.,. "'C11lforltl .. Or-· C11.1nl\f • ~" ... lltHllllril"*' ..... otl'ke ' Otltel AlllUll 11.· ltff. Oii A\llOollf A IHr. Mfor1 me. 1' Noft1y II MICHAEL J, MIU.Ill, A"°"'"' "19 1-Ph A. Ftcltll '\lblk tr. trWI fw ttlO $!1ft, _._J~ ,......... llou1W1n1, .$0!.>llt G•lt, Clllfornllt, ,.llorn 0111 ..... ...., .iofWI CWMllM &nd lltllllld T wlllf;:h If .... -llCI ol MJftltt .. 1M gtng a hole into bhlA""" P11rklo Milfn Oovlt ~ " mt ,. -. ffWI ~ lll'lllllr1"""' 1n 111 _,._ "'1llftlnt .. -~· Ct, ... Atrulr'l'I WM6i "...,_ ltt wl!Otflblcl fro 11'11 Wlllllll the tsl.i1 ol "kl ~ wlltll11 fOuf JWIL bebicd the Los.An-1 .... Slit•,,, CtU~r~ll, LCJt ,.,...~ c .... 111111 f"llfntll'Mftt """' ..._led9trll trlf¥' U· rnotlfllJ ll1tf tlll tll'lt ~bllC.TIM of "'" • •'"""' On A .... 111t'1T, Ifft. blfOl9 me, 1 HolttY tClllN lht ..,,.,.. ~tkl, Cowlty Museum of Art are Publk 1" 111111 for ••If '"''· ..--11., <01"ir1c1AL sEAl.J 01 w Allfl4t 20. , .... . , •-r-6 Jott"11 A. l't.Cltle. l>tllltle J0$1E"PH ~. OAVIS llOHALD I. "°''HIELL 8e\"eJ'al fenced-off pools Of Mltfl!, Thim Giii Ind Ctr111J "9ult" Notlt'Y .. \llllle<t11t11rnlt itll.KU!Ot know11 lo Ml t1 '-lht .,.,..,. WflM4 PrlfldN1 OH1w lft II 1111 WUI Ill 1t!ot
bubbling tar, WeJlin1• Up from "-"'" lfO 111!1M:tl~ ti' flle W!ltlill In-Or11111 C-l'r allow "lfntd ft«cient
• hug. oil dome I~ f~ ~, 1ltu""nt tnd lcll-i4dtlcl '1!11V tlll-My ~lnloll EJC•lta MICH.l•L "' MH.L•I w "'" 11'1;1 ow Cll~ !lw -· J~ ... 21. 1'11 :Ml'I ~ ...........
th .• ..1 tOFFK:lAl SIEAL) PubllWd °"'"" COit! 0111'1 1>111111, twttl 9ldl. C.....,_1 • e Sw iace. \lltcle Jo1111 Derittl(ll Auo1111 2' •IWI S.l""ller S. U, 1t, Tll= Olli LO MM4
The •·---Of countless Nol1ry P...tlllc:, Ctlllornl1 lNf l.ffMt A""9f fw • .._,., ~ Prlnclp1I Oltl'4 In Publltllld Ort1111 Cont 0.1~ PJllft,
animals -prehistort• sat.--L°' """'" c-"' LEGAL NOTICE Aut1111 n, " '"' s.,1.,...w s. 1t. "' UQ"~ M~ Comml .. lon EJC•I"• !Hf 1-.. tOotb cats '"ant sloUll dire Altrll 1• ''11 SUll'••IOll COU•T OP ™' > a• • .. 11bllsll&d OrtnH COlltl Dell'!' l>llo>t, STATa OP CAl.IPO•HIA 1'011:
wolves and at least one human A\lflltl I,\ 2t. 2' ..... Sslllllll'lk, •• TH• COUNTY OP OltANGlf! LEGAL NOTICE
bel h 1Nf U:t'CMJ Ne, A-out HOTIC• COMCl•l41HG MMIHllS
ng -were auled from HOTtcl 0" H•A•ING 01'" 1>•t1t101t NOTICE IS HE:ll:.etY 01\IEH ?Mr ll'tl
the ..... p "· m' random e·· LEGAL NOTICE iro11: Pll:OtATI OP w1L1.. AHD 1110111 foHowlM tonc1111en or (DllCllllorls ,.111..,
Ull N ""' LITT•ll:S T•ITit.MlltTA•Y •I fllt """ thlt l'IOt!r.t wu Wllmlfttid ta " b u _, ~ E1i.11 II Vl!ll;A A. HUNTEll, 119o ll'lt l!tWIHMt fat PU!Hlcttl6" et 1111 cava1-1ons au a ce .. ,ury ago. C•ll:Tl-ICATI 01' tlUllNISI k-II \IEllA ADE.LE HUNTI!"-·-rtl dltfrlcl •IKllon. be held ... fllt
Now a new '1
di1" has been ni.11~~r~1:! !:i~'::,.1, con-°=':te ., H£11;EtY G1vEN T"'' gy:::ICT~~llt .~~u!!V,,, ~~ started aimed for the first d\letlnt I buslMa '' Cllll• M-JM\El EDWIN HUNTllR fits lllld lla1"9111 1'6t, • Cllltor"lt. uoder "" ffctlllolls flrf!'I ... IN I ""''°" for •rcbti. of Wiii Ind for Tiii! '"' ei.,11 ... Oftlcft ,.,. Wllldl """" Ume at recreating in full Ill PH01"0 DEtEC'flON tNC ....... ttMI! IUUlnct ,,, Lei!"' Tftl1menl1ry lo ..... Mrt I'll -1-« fl\ "'*1tlldenr
d 'I th' f tlld firm It coml'O)ld OI ttw f011owl.,. llor>ff, f'llftl"tnQI ta wMd'I i. ml(N, for llUll'lber ef llOR'llnen 1r1 •• '91""": Ol'll etai lS part o the world as ,...._, wl\oM ~•"" 1n tu""'"" Plte:• et furt116!' Nrt~ll•a. tnd "''' 111e 11me '"" tu 01re«er i... 01.,.11en NO. 4. •nil -it existed dur1 .... the Ice Age rtti.t.nc1 i1 Ill fOllow: •llc.t r1t llnrlllt 1119 um, h11 "'"" aet en Olrtclor tor or~ltlort NO. s. ,. ..,., . "'4 ' Orloll 0 . Divis. tU Wet! lttll Street. hlr $9ltml:ltr i•, 1Ht, 11 ''JO 1.11'1,, Ill Ofl fM 8ffrd ol' Dll'ICIOrs Ill said Dlttrlef, a three-rrulllon-year e p o ch A11rtm..,1 o, ·co111 M ... c111tot~••· 1t1t courfr'tlOtfl °' Oepa11rnen1 No. l r1t T1111 If 1~11 aNltlon •r c.ondltloM
which e·'·' aboot 10 000 Dtltd A ........ ,., IHt. Hid c:ourt. •I 1'QO Wttl Elthth St1M1, Ir! ~llllnir 11 1\ICll •llc:llY• Oftk" .... , II IJ\R;ll ' -o. Otvll fllt Cll\I of !anti .l.111, Celllor"l1. S.00 •.fl'I. on ~olt!nbtr lt, 1Nt •l'ld t years: ayo. Sitt. Of C1Hfornla, Or11111 COIH!IY: Ollecl "1:iltmblr .. Ifft Ptll!lorl '''"'"' b~ 5 llf'«rlt "' ,... VOIWn
HOLD WEIGHT Oii Allfllll 2', Ifft, btfo,.. ll'll, 1 ~l•rv W. IE. ST JOHH 111, .... , ,._ d!1lrtc1, or dlY!.lon If llldod W
il'ubllc In Ind lot Hid 511!1, '"'"°11111y f '--"' Clerk d v '"''" '"'""'""' l'lllt 1 •-.ii d1sfrltt The· excavaUon is on a alte "'"''" Orlon D. 01w11 kllOWll 10 m1 10 COOil'lll: AND W•Lll i1t1;11on "' 11eio for lll(h Officio 1111 "'t • bl !ht ... rwn ....,... 11111'11 Is IUl>Kflbtd 1t7t • Slrtlt bee'! Dr9•tldell lo !hi iecttllly of Iha
Whef'e tbe tar, eJposed to air 11 the Within lnslnl"*"" 1 "d tc•nowlo H1-nr1,.,, CIOll,.,,.11, fti41 stld dl .. rld, 1-llllmll\I Wiii bt "'"' ts and dust has congealed into a IOld 11e ul!:lllff 1t11 """· T••• f41S) w"°" 0,.""!lf'1bed IW t•llfornll E!fft1-cwr • !OFFICIAL ~EAL \ Alltnll)I'• ..... Petill-ct on lli10. cap ltrong enough to hold the JOSEPH e. DA\11! Pubt11~ed Or•mi• c ... ,, Dl!IY Pikll. O•••: Autlllt lf, lfff
weight of diggers employed by ~~~!c~i11~~·:~1otn11 !IPttrnbtr s. '· 10. 1Ht l"'"' t"ou"Nt'V ~~~~ic
the C o u n t y Museum of or.,,.. covnt.< LEGAL NOTICE a, M.J. ,,,,..,,,
Natural History Mv Commlolon El.Pirro 'u•ti::.""'6,.,.. c , • · Ju.,. 21, 1'10 0, <• C S. _,. • 1.11 Otll'f Pllor, As th .... slowly scrape thet"r PubUSl\ld Or1119e COii! D•ll¥ ~·1o1 H I ONCllllNINO NOMtNlll p , ... 1'6' ,....,., ~~ AlltU I 1t .... s be I ' NOTICE IS HEllEev GIVEN !Ml Ille way down inch by inch the ,,., ' · • '''Ml f 5. 1r603~ 1011ow1,... C01M1111on or eonc111io... u1111C1 LEG., ·~CE
h rd ed. k · h ' 11 !he lfme "'*" noll<t w11 1uOmtlltd IO ~ 1,v11 a en muc JS auled away !hi ntw1P1i>er 1or PUbJlc,11on o1 11111--c;;;;:;::"":--.::::;::=-..,,,-,=--in buckets sifted and washed LEGAL NOTICE 1M>!r1t 11;,,,ICI .~11on 10 bt 11o1111 111 tne UIPl!1t101. cou•T o• TH•
'th I ,!, When the I COSTA MESA SANITAllY OIS,.RICT on ITAT• 01' C.lLl~RlllA ~llt Wl so v~u~. so vent ....... 1 IM "" .U,y ot Howmber. 1'6t. THI COUNTY OI' OltANG•
drains away workers find th s••-11111t101t cou111T o• tMlf. Th11 111e 11tt11~ ofllcn 1or w111c11 tNr• '"· A"'21tH ' e ST.I.fl 0111 CALIPORNIA llCUt ...,., llO nomlnett or 1n lnsl.llfldtlll MOTKI 0" M•ARIMG POlt AUTMOltl• bones of hundreds Of birds and TMI: COUNTY OP Oll:ANOa 1Wmber al llO!Tllnffl ire t J follow.: Thrte TY TO IOlllllOW MOHIY .IJfD TO ' I th I el d lh ' th Ne A-0921 U! Mtmbt,. lo ._,.... on 11\1 GoYtt"lnt lf.:Xl:C:Utl!' A il'ROMl$Sotl:Y MOTii!: aruma s a m ea 1n e NOTICE 01' N•'•INO ON PO::Tt"f"IOH &Olltd Of 11ld Olsl•lcl. AHD 0•10 °"' TRUIT
once11tk:ky goo. •oit l'Rd'l.ATI 01' ttOLOGRAl'MIC Thi! If ludl (ornllllon or condltlom Eltllt ., FlOREHCE E. lAHNON.
Th (·-'! full WILL ANO lllOR L IE T T 1! RS 1"9llll"I '° 1llcll e!Kllve otfl(:ft 1111111 11 Decta~. ese WI» 8 are care y TISTAMIHTAlllY, S:OO •. m. on Sffll'r'tlbllr It, lHt ..... • NOTICE ts HEREl!IY GIV!'N """'
cataloged by numbera showing e.1•1-of DORTHY 0 [ )( T £It .et!tlon lltlllO bl' ! Mt(tnl of !he .... 1 .... MIMET.Tilo FLORENCE LEE. • ~
h pth . W1Nkl£1t, Dice•* In 1111 dl1!rlcl. or O!wblorl If 1lecttd 1)11 Adml"l••t•lr111 wtllt tllt Wiii A_.ld 111 t e exact de at which they NOTICt IS HER0£e'f GIVEN Thtl dllllllon, tf<IUftll"'I "'''. •entr•t dl11tkl tJltd litr1ln I Mrltlon for •ulftorlty ~
were found The deeper the Louis F. w1NKLE11; 1115 111tc1 he'l!l" 1 =:ron ee 111111 1ot 1\ld'I of11<tt h•i not borrow "'°"'' •NI 10 •lll(\rhl 1 ,,... . • !Hltll!Qrl for •robltt o1 holooraohlc Wiii P•1ttr1ttd kl Ill• socrttlrY of 11\t mtuorv ,.,, 1fld fttC1 OI tnrst rlftf'fll(tl workers dig, the farther back lfld lo!' !1tUfllCI of M!lllPI fl5fnltnltly fc ttld' d:~~' ~"fmtnl Wl!J be mlOe IS 10 wllkfl ii mlldl for fllt1ll« ~llc\r ..... into earth's history they go PlfflfOflll, merltll(t 1o WlllU. 11 midt for = nmbY C1!1forni. Electtof>s COOi '"°' 11111 !he 11"" .,,., ,1," of,,..,.,,.""' • • fllrlher Hrtlwl1-., '"" llld Ille llmt Ind · ll!ne Nit bnn tet lot Stpllmbtr If, IHI, Jn tbi.s way Dr. Theodore ~1•c• ot lwl1r1.,. 1111 same 1111 been 111 Gtl9dt'1:"'~.f'JJ~: 1t 1:30 1.m., In~-"'°""' 11 OIPl11· Downs ctue.f of earth sciences '°' S.,t, 2'· ,,.., •1 •:» 1·"'·• 111 "" cOuHTY CLERit: ._.., No. 3 01 said ~rt. 11 100 w. t111 • covrtroom or Dfl11rf!Mnt No. l of s•ld 5trw1, 111 1111 CllY ol ~nit Al'lt, at tbe museum, hopes to open coun. "'°' wm Elthtti st., 111 '"* c 11y ~~~ J. M•v•• C1111orn11.
a wide window onto the past °' "1111 ""'· C•llfornli. •YbHJhld Ot1119e co1~1 0111'1' Pllot, Dtlld 5•1tmber '· ,...,. • W, £. ST JOHH 5.bllmber S. "'' 1597_.. W. E. ST JOHN. "Ear"·r excavat•-an. County cltrt. c°""" c1er11. ~ , "'"'"' r il'LUNKnT .I.NO PLUNKnt $y RtY Arti~Tlo. parently were Interested ot onw .,_ LEGAL NOTICE Deouh tttr11
Prtm•u•l.h• in the bones of lar~e ... 0 .... ,., JAMii L. lllUSEL JR. , ... "3 . ltllll!IHM kfeli, Ct11ftr~i., tl"4t 1'44411 >4J:1 Y\t. °"""' '
arumals -the giant Califor a Ttt: 1711) ~ C•RTIPICAT• 0, IU11Hl!SS N""'1 auc ... Ctllltl'•I• n...
lion the saber tooth cat the Alttnlf'I•'"' '""'1'1-"'' 111cTITOUi Not.Ma: Teh 1714) f1>.41n . • • " ' . Publl9!\ttl 0.111111 Cot1t Otllv , .. ~. Thi uncll••ltllff Oo c.ertlf'V 11\eY ••• A"""'"' ... l>tfllltilltl' giant ground Sloth. 83!d SHltmkr ,, 6, 10. lfff 1U.-6t "1flducllntr I b\r1(nus II n11 ilillll Circle, l'ubll•hecl OrtnM Cotlf Dally il'llol,
Downs LEG Mu~t!ntlon tetdt, C1lllorn11. ul'lder t11e S$ltn'IDl!t s. '· 11, lttt lu.Mt
STUDY' ALL AL NOTICE fltllllou1 firm n1me o1 PACIFIC -----,,.,,-,,c-----XA10NIZING COMPAN't" •nd !Ml u.ld LEGAL NOTICE "This time we are studying IAlll·?lr.I '''""It co-.o of Ille h>11ow111111 "'"""''·•--,=o=:,.,."°'=~-~---•11-l!'R•O«t C:OUilt"f" 0" 1"1'11. who~ ntmtS In lull Ind pl-Dll everything that comes out of 1tA-,, ,,.,,,,,.. 0 rt&ld1nce ,,.. 11 1ouow1· HOTICI! o~ l'u•L1c~M1EAllllN•
be ly I bo TMi"'couNrr .. OP o.iA,. It JACK WILSON 0 ... VIS n11 £1"• NOTICE IS HERE9Y GIYEN ""' • t pit, not On arge nes HI A.qaJ' NO• C\rcle, Hunll"'fon 9tich, i.11f. PllbRc ri.er1ntr wm !)e held 1tv t111 Cll't"
but microfossils the bones of MOT\CI OP HiiA1t•"IO OH l>l!TITION JO£ KENNETH OAVIS, '"'° H•N•rcl ~-2 ..... '!" "" City ,,, co.ti ,..._ °"
b, d • I h I lllOlt l'lllOSATI 011' H0\.0011:.ll'NIC I'll«, Ont1rlo. Ctltf, ... ,._. li. lM, If 1111 hOur II 7,30 rats. tr s, squ1rre s. to e p WILL ANO 1'011 L.•' TI It I JAME'S PAUL DAV!$. J2S C1rol1n• •.m .. or,, -thtrt!9fl ..... , "" fl'lltt.r us reconslruct the whole TISTa.MENTA•'f" Court, o..nrie. c1111. ll'll'lc'4 l!Utd. in 1119 tour.ell~ 11 · · E1t1lt o1 MARliARET MENIHAN J1Ck WlllOll OoY!t !lie hi KllL 11 ftlr Ortve, CM" ""'"-•
ecology of this area at various WOOOWARD •kt MARGARET M J~ Ktnntlh 011111 Ctl!IOntll, "" "" l'ollDWlng HlltloM '°"
periods of time " WOOOWiloRD' Dec•••ed . Jern11 Peul OIY!t (ll~nges In lortlrll; . . NOTICE js, HElllE!iV GIVEN Thit Sll!f of C1!1for11!1, Ille~ Petition R-lMf. bell'llP 1l'le ptfS. p a I e 0 n t olO&JSl George 'l!ollltrl D. W-'Wt•d Ill) llk!d lle1'9ln • O•tflff Cou11lv : t~ ol ll1t' Cosl• Mesa Pltnnl... eom-
Milltr in charge of the mid~-Detltlon lot Probete of hGlotr••hlc wrn On Awutl 20, 1Ht. be1or• ~. • "lottry m s11on, fO rtn:w11 '"' folkrw"lns r1111 ,,. ' ind lo!' ISllHll(f of ltllers troltmtnllrv f'ubUc In Ind for Hid St1t1, Hl'llGfllll~ perty from Ill. TWrl Ftm!IY lllts'*"lilll
ty dig believes there may be 1o Pe1111orw "1eren'' 1o~icn 11 ll'llde 1ppe1red J1ck wu.,n D1vh, "°' ic.ri-Oll!rlcf, It r •nd It, IMllfvllorlll '""'
a !essOn for m~··n man in lor tvrth« .,'1rtlt ulars. ind 1ti.1 ll>t t!me nttlt 01v1t end ~'""" i1'1ut 011111 k-~:--. 1Mr Dbl"rld; T"' ..........,1\1'
UUQ 1nd •lect of l'tf1rltlll Ille umt h11 beett lo me lo bl 1M ...,._. """"' n1mtJ · " of LOI '3 ll'ld lAf .U ~ the fate of now extinct '" 1or Seit. 26. lHt. 11 •:» '·"'" fn ltN! ,,. sublcrlbed 1o tllt wllhl11 rna-h'\lmtnl ZNPll"f .. ~11111s. In "" Cll\' If COllt
ed · th j COllJ'll'OOl'I> of Offlrh'Mnl ~ l of s.lcl tnd .n-1tc1"'1 tlle'I Ul!'c:vT!>d !hf ffl, ......,"1y ol Ortllfe. Sith-at c reatures preserv 1n e ar eour•, 11 '°' w. Elsrntn '""'; 111 t11e Cll\' u1M. C•J1forn11. 111 111r m"' recordH 111 look pits. cl Slnl1 Ant, C1lflornl1. tOflFIC!AL SEAL) !ff~!'~0113'fll": ~~ .. '"-,-'!!._•.,• '"",. "M be th D1ltd St!>lerr> .... r ). IH' 01tltne O. McK1v ..._. .,.....,...., .. a11y may on e verge w. E. st. JOHN NQl•rr P11lltlc·C1llfornl• C011111Y. EXC!~r 1111 .wlhf••'....,., 462.M
of .extinction" he says "He coun•v cte•k o .... ~ C:CNJnfv '"t °' Lor •4. Stkr l•nd Ii t11owt1 Ol'I • ' • Mll.lN M DOITAL EIO My Commrulon ExPlru mio lllld In eoot 7. p""' 4. Of RK'Orlf
has been around for several u~1111 .... t 51.,.,1 •~ ,;, Mltdl i t, 1tn 01 1tun11n. 1" 111e oft1c. of "" cw""'
th d nd h th. ··-... I M•I• II • PuDlf&hecl or.,... COid 0•11'1' PllOI, Recorcltt,,, wld Counrv. Slkl Pl1l!l'tl'fY ·~ ousan years a . e mr..:i 0,..-•• ,,11,..;nl• """ Auouil 21, ,,. '"" Sl•tmkr :z. t, loot~ •' ru Ettt 14ffl st,..., C•I•
of himself as a h.ighly sue-t.i= 1n•1 W ·mt 1H1 15"-M ~:ione f'ell!lon • ,,.., ,. ... ,,,. • f I an! I B I th tro b'• AllN1MY Mr 1"1Ullertlt' • , ~"' ffn•
cess u ma . u e u q: Publt111H o''"" '°''' o111v 1'1iot, LEGAL NOTICE t1ort of the cor11 Mtu Pl1n"'"' c-
wiUt being successful is that s.e..1embt<" .s , 10 1tu ''*'"' n•li$lon, to r•1-IM fllllowl111 '"' 111ro-
th . ft be • . , SUl'•ltlO• COUlllT 0111 TH• Mr1V from Al. Gtntrfl ,..,kullur~ e species o en comes LEGAL NOTICE ITATI 0111 CALuro•trttA l'Olll 0111rk 1, 1o 1111, sr.,.i. F1m11.,. Rftlcl9ntlii1
over-rJWUl!ated " TNI COUNTl' 01' ORANOE O!s!rlci: Loll 15 lllrovth 2s llld I.ob SI r•• · NO. •••m "'""""·:If, Tr.et .Mt2, 11 lltawn on 1 tMll l>·fffM ..,.. ~ In ec11111 n1. ll'•ttf. 4 •IWI 44 .it
West Still
~a ding
In Growth
N01"1CE 0' OISIOLUT\ON 011:01!111 ,.0 IHOW CAllll M!setll-s Mua, •KOrds ot °"'"" OF l'AJITMlllllNll' APllHUtlon of Cl•tlllt Mlucl EdwlrOI Clll.i!'lb'. S.ld •t-rt'I' It t;iclled _. ,_;, Publlr: 110llc1 Is t>treD'I' olvtll !hit JACK for Clllllllf ol Ntmt. . X154, '°11, 2060, 2065, '°" 2DJl, :1$2, 2fn, PARSONS, ~nd ROeERT L. GAMSON, CLARINE MAUO EDWARDS ti.Vint f1lo 707t. 20t~, 70114, Ind 2"' ~ltfl'llfltll CtfYI' htre!Olcre dolr>e busllll$S 111\der !llol fl,. ed Pitt Pltlllon In "" •bowe 1n1111.i ate. Ind "" irn. un ~ 2711 Sllnltll-
!ltH)u• fltm 111me I nd 11\'le DI LIOO COIJrt Ind ,.kl Ptllllon h1vl1111 r;e-sltd OrJvi, 'ci.m. Mllw.'
SHOP 11 41 E•1t 17111 ~tree! Cll\I of l>tmtlHIOll lo dttnt• pellflDMrl l'ltmt NOTICE IS l'URTHEll GIVEN ltwlf tr .. ' C ' from CLARINE MAUD EDWARDS TO I! Ccsll Mes.1, _,., of Ot1nee, Stile of ELIU.llETH MAUO EOWARDS me Ind '11<1 1iw... "'911tlonecl 11111' lfll
Clllforn11, clld c11 tf'lf hi ll1y ol J1nu1ry, IT 1$ HEllE&Y OROElllED .lhtl ill '1! ,,...._ miy ltPllr lfld bo "''1"11 11¥ 19'9, 1)11 mulu11 COl'IHnt, 11111.clvt ""' H!d ' lhl (It'll' C1111ncll of flle CJly of Coslt MtM i>erll'ttt1h11 end ltr'!'flfn1ft ltltlr t•l1tlon1 Penoia "''"'"" Irr 111111 ma1ter -•r on 1111d RtJOM Ptlllfon1 11.1,.., -• ,.
befott th lt Court In lhe Court Houee t.1 11 '"" • ,..
ll Pltlrltrt rel11. 0-rlmt"l 1. 100 Wfft llh SlrHI l" thf ' S•IO bullneu l" tl>I !11ture wm " con-Cll)' of 51~11 ,1.111 CounlY' of Ortl'!H c. K. Pll:IEST ducted bl' ROBE FIT L. GAMSOf;oi, wno wUI 51111 ot Ctl!lornla.' on fht IOfll .U,y cri Clt1 CM!rk or ll'M' P~V end dllCl\l'9t Ill l11bl1111H Ind debh Oclobtr, 1'6f II 11\t hour of t:lt A.NI.. Cl!y ~I C.I• MIM
cf the firm ind r...:tl.,. Ill moriilll ~nd ll'ltn tnd 11\ort lhcw Cl\IM, If anv p.,bli~ll!'d Orfntl Cotil Dlll"f l"l tef,
WAS NGTON Pl Th •~•Ible lo !flt f!tm, llltr1 m1Y bt WltY 1111 1eio11ca11011 1110ukl $ei>lemtler J, 1"' ~ ~.
HI f A -e F11rtr1tt llClllt e 1, ~•11!-r 11wen 11111 fllt riot be '''"'ed. o 11 11,1n11er ordtrtd ttitt :
migratory urge th:!t has push· 11"°'"1•11H wlll 11111 tie rl•POl'lilble, from • t111Y of 1n11 order bt PUblltNd In 1111! LEGAL N~CE • , . . lhft d!IY on lo• anw oblloatklM lncurtl!'d Dilly PllOI, 1 nt-•l>tf' of IHlt•tl v 11
ed m1lhons o! Americans tw 11oeE11tT L. GAMSON 1n hb own c1rcu1et1on, Publlilled •• t.olt• Mni 1--,.,.,=-~~~-----
lo d th W t I f f nlmt or kl Ille n1me of !ht llrm. c l!f I .it lo loll !O ' SUl'llllOll: COUJIT OP TM• war e es S ar rom DATED AT cos11 Mn• c1mo•nl• 111;1 1 orn '' once • ~ ' r 10t-STiloTI o' CALll"OftNIA ,011: 1 ' ' ceH!\19 wetk1 •1\11 11111 1ald PUb1Cc111ori be dead, the Census Bureau s 10t11 de~ of Autust, lKt. -"''° •rklr 19 ""' rw,1rin1 o1 lhl• T"NI cou1tn OP ou,.oa
t I ti r . J1clf P1r.on1 order "-· A"""t newes popu a on I g u res Robert L, Gem~O!I DATEo: A11e. 2t, 111•. N071(, OF E'XECUTOll·s SALE' 0, •
show. l'ublllh•d 0••~111 COllfl 01111 PllCI, RAYMDNO TM0M"S0N REAL PROPEll:T't" AT PRIVATE SALE'. I
S. 1~" th p ·r· St t StPt.,.,,ller $, 19ff l..O~ JuclD• of Ille E1lllt " LUCILLE It EVANS. 0«•11. : 1nce """' e act 1c a es $o.rperlof C-' '6. j
have gained more than 22 per-LEGAL NOTICE 100 ti1o1tL Lll'il'OLo Nof k:• 1$ IM!rtbv 1IYt" "'-' l~nn v:.
t · I t" f It. l(!tTH OINSMOll:il! l!:<"e"'' II txtcufor rJI "" WIH of LIJCll._ "' cen Jn popu a ion, a r I Uil'lllllOR COUllT 0, THE llAllL 0, Lll'l>OLD ..,... . YI .... dlc:HllC, Wiii "" II ltl'ltf9
outstripping every 0th er STATI OF CALIPOINIA FOlll THOMAS w. HINDlllSON, Jilt. glf. lo 1111 hfll!.Ut lfld IM!llf blcldet, 111141,,. ,1 . . h th b TM• C:OUHTY OP OR.I.HG£ Allll'lllYI Al "'"' Ille lerll'I• •l'ld tofllllllont: llt'e1M1ttt (l'lln-rcgJon 1n g:rowt , e ureau H•. A~:11u ut 1111 1mi s1rtet, sv111 111 tloMll,ljlnd 1ub1K• to tMf1.._11o11w1t1tt 1
said Tuesday in estimating the HOTICI OF HEAll:lHO Oii' l'fTITION (NII Mlsl. Clllflml• tUU s ...... r~. COit.rt, M,, !""~ 2'1 1 ... , ,, : . ' 1 I FOi ••OtATI OF WILL ANO •Oii Ll .. rty •nu ...... r 1w .. c ....... '·"'·· OI' nations popu at on Ill of last LITTl•I 0, ADMINISTlllATIOll A~• ltt 1'1111~ !he<Mfltr within ""llmt lllowtcl"" ..... !
July l WITll-THli·WILL ANHllll:D l'utlllsl\tf O••Mf C01$1 Dally l"llo', If -crfflt• of E. GIM Cr1111, et'll:ltllrl> ' . e5rai. of SYLVIA LUTHEll. D«ftMCI. A ... 1111 29 1nd Selllerr'!"' J, 12. It, for wld l•KU1111', It 133 Dwer OrlYI,
No region bas lost people, NOTICE 15 HEllEeY GIVEN Tll•t IH't 1~ Suite 29. "'"""°" e .. c11, C11{1omr1, 111 I . -------bul 7 01 lhe 13 bave grown lesa Wlli;on E ... ene Lllllll• ~., fllflt here!" 1 , r-~AL N()TICE tnt esta11 ot Luclllt K. Ev11111. c1tce1wo. i
th the . I Pf!lltlon for f'rotla!e of wm Ind •or Lene-. ld!f'-.1 h•• 1t«<1lrtd bl' °"'•!Ion " ltw .,. an netlona .average. of Admlnlstrtllotl wn11-nie.w!l~1nnex1d, 0111-1,. olller lhl11o or 111 tddlttorl "
By using co m p 1 i c a t e d ;~~~ ",,:"1::.,111"" ~t:,, "':111t ""= ci11:n,icATI ;~~lllATIOH POii lhtl of .f!il e1«e1st0. 11 111t l1t'M tt ..,;
methods based on school "' IM!lrlltt lf!t Wml ""' bten $f1 lor Tll:AMIACTIOl\I OF tUllHlll UNDt• ::~111·,~u:i':' =',"..ii 11wc.::.·11:,:"C:..:
Um t d t d · ~lier 26, l•ft, ti t::IO 1.m., I" thti lllCTITIOUI HAMI! ' enro en a a an previous cwrttoOm of Ol9frltnllll Ho, J OI Mid THE UNDEllllONEO CORil'OllATION ... ,.of C1tffor1111, clflCl"lblf •• follo•tt
estimates the bureau figures to11tt. 11 * w111 E1'fllth S1rM1, 1n "" doff ...,., "'",., lh•t 11 '' conc1~1no ~' : ~4,. ,,'; .. " ,~ ... ~
the nat!~n on July t had o;; ,0:,, '=~~ ~\~1111, • blHI,,.• lo(.t11d •I "'° llnc:oln Awnw. ei Mltc:tlll11e1111 M."". ",..,... ef 1 W E t JOHN • Sutn. ,,rk, CllllOtllll 11ncltr !ht flt· Or-tnM COllfllY, Cl"fom)t., 201,911.000 people -%,072,000 cO..,n!, SClel'k • !!cl-fJt!'ll 11111'11 " l/NCOLH COM· EXCfiil't flltrefrarn, ttlt Swllltrtl"
more than one year earlier. llOU.MO L 1.1.RCU·M· MUNITY HOSPITAi. Ind 11111 111ld lltm uo.to fie! of Ille W•ltrly 175 '"'of • • s Ill 11111111• 1'!. 11 ~ t:1I ""' foflowlt11 cor.-or111on. Aki Let ,. er Hf.d Tf•d »n.
The eshmate IS 1%.I percent, 1;',.i1141 T_. w110s1 or1rrc:r,,o11 111c1 ., llu*tness 11 •• 1uaJEC'f TO: An rtx@• '°''"" ''"''
or 22 598 000 people higher N•WHrt Ctnt•r "n•nt111 111i.11 tolkows: ""t 1fft-lt7'. • 11en not wet ...,,.._, ' ' 5Sf HtWllOrl Clllltr OtlY* f.ttl• PARK ASSOCIAtES. IN C .... ~ LI,.. ~nd 111 lOwe!ltnh, tolld!tlorll, t"trk•
than the 1960 census figures. NtwMrt a-h, Ctlit1rftl• n.., coin Awt11u1. tue111 P1 rk, c 11110 .... 11. !!on,. l"W!"''"°"'' -""' ,19111, Although c. Ii f 0 r Di •• s Tll! UH) ....... » WITNEU 11'1 lltM 1'11• !tlh di¥ of Ind rltlllll of Wl"f,,, recenl, 1f '""· Attlnlf'I "' 1>1IUll11er A ... ust, !Kt Tiii le,.,,,. tnd colldl!S-If .... tr.:'
phenomenal growth tftl11 pad-P11bll1!1t.CI OtlllH Co1fl Diii'!' Piiot, lCOll:PORATE $£AL) Cllll In llwfUI mo!lf'I,,, Ille U1111td ''''"
ded 't'" tr'tle a s !he most ~fflnbtt '· s, 11, ittt 1...., P•l'k Auoct11n. Int. tlf Alll•rlU II' 1>1rt c•lll Ind "rt CfOdH, i.:. Geo A. Sllon' thfo "9trns ol well crflllll I'll Ill ttcoltriw.
populous of s lates by more GRAFFm Dy Loary Pr111t1en1 to 1111 hecirfOr '"" 111o"" court. Tfll ",. · . ·d 0-11• K. w1111u ctr1t el tM '"""'"' flld lo 1CC"OmOa"" -
than • million res1 ents, $ec•tf•rv 01r.r '""' "'' "'"'-' " i.. otld °" ~ nel~hlr..ring Nevada has the :.: STATE QF CALIFORHIA l 11~1111'1 al , ... "" ~ 'Col.rrf. Tp:Wl. COUNTY OF ORANGE I w. t'tfilt, Ollel'lfll'lll tnd "'tlft'-"CI' ._,.,
hig est growth tate percel)o On 111111 111~ 111, "' """""· A.O.. 1,.1. ,,_.., •nd '"""'llfl'lf ., lltw~ If•
Lage-. · · = 1~.:· 1orGt:::: c~': ,',,., 'f.:f:. :,,~, ':t •;: ':~~":t':.,."f91o11":f
Nevada has grown by 60.2 rtsll:ll"'I '"''""' dul'I' W?lmlHIOl!tll •!Id 11111. '"' e••ll'llMI..,,. of lltlt. r..:orlll,,. . the I .-JI, Pl•IO"•llY ''""" OlorM A. al (tl!YfYltr'KI ... lllJ 11111 • llltl.il'tll<O percent s ince a.st census, IMr"I end [)oij1I•• ic. w11rec. .. _ "'kY 111111 111 et tti.t 1.111tt1111 ., 111e
from 285 000 in 1960 to .ST 000 •. me 10 · &e 111t '"'''"'-"' '"" $«-"o ....
thJ' ear> ' rtt1,.,-ol 1111 «lf"-tf!Oll thtf llftlt\11111 All flldt •1111 olltrl rn11tt M lfl Wtlttn. f ' lltt Witflhl IMlrumtnl 91'1 IJ!!ll•lf If !hi lfld Wiii Ill "'"""" lft !hi ~ Ill f.
CaUrornip gained 3 m 000 COl'IOrlllOn lhtr.I" MITllfi. • II .. Gtfll..cnl!I. '""""' ~ NW Ill ..... •I ' ' m~ ,. "" 11111 wtt1 "'"''ttron m Dwll' Dt-IWf~ 1u11t t'I. "-" """' people, 23.7 percent. tn the ... u1.-1111 ..,,,., 1n w1'"'" whll'tel, 1 c11Hor'n11. '' '""' "'9W etttt.:,.""'
aame ....... iod ""'•" "' "" 11..-11 .,.. am•• Mlle.ttltll ~ lfltt IWliet •llf· lfll ,...... • ll'IY ofl'kl•I t.111 1111 .. , IM 'l'Olf Ill .... mtkl.,. of .. w Ult. • Behind CIU(ornia In site o.rtlfk•lt' ""'' IOOW wrltton, P•r h.lt!MI' '"""'"'''°"' •11111 ""' ..,,.. C 0 m t N e W y 0 r k COFFK:IA\. SEAL) lffl\' 11 1111 .tf!ce tf u141 11.,..., fOt 1lle • W. G .. tlll ll'ftlll 1.•.r;111o<, Peonsylvanll'I, Texas and "ill••"' 'u1t11e-<11110.,.1• ,.iw r1t111 ii ,...,."'"' fe rtltct '""' """
llllool 'PtlfKJMl Olfltt In ti! 111111, &. ~ Or•nH ~I\' °'"-' StPlll'llbe' t. lttt Only four states 11howed Mr CW11ml111111 rv1r~1 L'"" v. 1v111t
I ...._ Sllflft!llor tr, 1fff litl'tlrilt ff 1111 Win If osaea. •uey were. North and (SEAL1 i.ucoi. K. ,,._ South Dakota which lost 2 a WALY.CL ••ow• tlMI tRAI~ ....... C:l.t.1 .. ' '*' ~ O'l'I ..... "'"' • .I.tit(..., fot .. ...... and 3.2 percent; West Virlinia ,....... ••"-c.ttlffW m °'""' .,....., ..... "
whJCh )OSl t,2 ptrttnl; ,and ~: • ,',~::•;::.:~~:.~·,,:·.~".·:~:~.. "='llt'll O'"'"' (ff$1 Ot lt¥ l'llel, ;:"rn41-m11.~-..lt,,...
Wyoming which loet l .ll per· ;.-~·f&:·. :; ·.:::~· ... :~'.·!·~~ ·;;~~ "llt<'tl ra. " lllf .,......, L n. PuWiOef 0r,,., coewt: D•llf Pf!':!!:• t
cent. , 11..,........,.._i.. ....,.,.,. '"' . ,~ w'""'*" s.. •· 1. '"'" 1~
'" , . ..
' ,,
. )
" '
' l
' I
----~··--------~ ... -----·-·----.. ·----
·Rain D'elay
Laver Loss
FORF.ST HILLS, N.Y. -Australia's
Jolm Newcombe, with an eye on the
•tt,000 first priu, predlcttd today that
the two-day delay in the U.S. Open Tennis
Tournament coukf Ulrow the event into a
wide open scramble.
"Tennis tournaments are I u n n y
things," the second-seed@d players said.
••A man iries to pace himself and build
up to a peak at exactly the right moment.
"Tat~ Rod Laver, for example. He pro-
Rainy weather whic h wubed out
the: la1t two days of play at f'oresl
llUl1. clurtd up today and officlal1
were hopeful of cetting In a full
day's play.
lll(bllgbt of today's action wlU be
the quarterfinal round matcll bt-
lwetn the Orange Coa!lt arta'1 two
1tar1, Rod Laver and Roy Emerson.
bably was just hitting his top when he
beat Dennis Ralstoo·in the Jourth round.
·Now he may h.ave lost his momentum. No
telling what might happen In the next few
"The same could be lrue in my case or
in the case or Arthur Ashe or Ken
Rosewall. It's a very delicate thing. The
man who can keep his driYe during these
layoff days is the man lo beat."
A second straight day's postponement
Thursday because of rain -with threat
of more today -pushed the schedule
ahead a day and made it necessary tG
reschedule the men's singles finaJ for
Monday, bar:rinJ? further delay.
The \"eterao Pancho Gonu.lei of Los
Angeles and third-seeded Tony Roche are
1>Ull lagging behind with an unplayed
fourth round match, the winner to meet
Earl (ButcH) Buchholz of St . Louis.
Six players are already in the quarter·
finals and will play today. Laver, the top-
• seeded favorite, from Corona de.I Mar,
"takes on Newport Beach's Roy Emerson,
defendlng champion Arthur Ashe,· Jr .•
faces Ken Rosewall and Fred Stolle lakes
on Newcombe in an aJl·Aussie duel
These matches are all on today's pr1>-
gra1n, along with semifinals in women '8
singles. sending Margaret Court of
Australia against Virginia Wade of Bri-
tain, the defending champion, and little
Rosie Casals of San Francisco against
Nancy Richey of San Angelo, Tei:.
··1 know ii seems that these layoffs will
help Pancho, because he is 41 and can
JJse the rest," Newcombe said. "On the.
contr"ary, I Wnk it hurts him.
'·He must play four matches over rour
5traighl days. Buchholz:, who is waiting
for the winner of that match, must play
three straight days.
Tatu111 Best
AL Reliever
.Phillips Says
California manager Lefty Phillips likes
~. to refer to his ace reliever Ken Tatum as
... "the best in the American League."
•• Naturally. Lefty also likes to call on
~~;. Tatum when things begin to get a little
.. :.--at.icky for his Angels.
.~ Such was lbe ca~ Thursday night when
~ the Angels , clinging grimly to a J--0 \ead ,
•• :· :·
A11gel Slalf'
A• to•mn H k.MPC 01'1
~I . .S Af>G"I~ V) C\:-C•9D
~. 4 Angel~ n Chklga !int!. 1 AnQtlo v. Chic•go
'.!) p ....
7:H p m. 11:!-5 p.m.
1ooked around and saw White Sox runners
perched on second and third base with
only one out in the eighth inning.
Phillips se nt for Tatum. and Tatum
responded by disllllsing of rive straigh~
Sox hitters lo pfeserYe the California
"I{ there is a bell er rclicYer around. I
don't know where he is," Phillips ex-
tolled. "Tatum has been the biggest lac·
tor in our rise to third place. I don't know
:• where we'd be without him."
Tatum's saYe was his 16th since being.
recalled lrom Hawaii' on F\1ay 28th, the -l day after Phillips took over as Angel
1-manager fron1 Bill Rigney .
ltl•llrO• w.wrni....,., 11 • o o ....,.,lclo. '' l o a H•"'""· 1 o l o o W1rd,il11 10 0
Mwlllly, II 0 0 0
M .. IOn, :JD l 0 0
P•vlalldl, c l 0 0 ~ HPp.ln1, Dh 1 O O llr.otol"ll, rl • O O .. '<-,:111 JO 0 ~ 1!1...-•y.cf 1 0 o ~· Olrill!MI, II l • I .kltln.J> 10 0
Ortl1. pit I 0 0 McCr•w, lb O 0 O TD .. 11 JI 9 0
Chk -C1Ntorrlt
10 r h 111;
Al"-'· ?ti J I 0 D Jollnlli:IM. d I 0 I 0
F•"'90ll.u JODI "~·cti•t<I•. 11 ' 0 0 0 Mllf"l'Qfl. ti J 0 O O 110.S.'1 •GOOD
A Roctri9ut"t, lib l e o o
~-ter,10 J OIO
AttUI, C 1 0 0 0
P.M1y, 0 ' 0 0 0
l l•!um, p O O o O
!o••I•. ). t l 1 &00 lWI NWI o
l!IO 000 00• '"" I
Dodgers, ,Davis
Jolted by SD
SAN DlEGO (AP) -Willie Davis' hit.
Ung streak has been slopped after 31
~traigbt games and the resuJt helped sink
the pennant-<.'Ontending Los Angele!!
Dodgers 1 ';~ ganles beh.lnd in lhe National
League West
The Dodgers fell 3-0 Lo the ei:pansioolst
San Diego Padres Thursday night, and
011 T\I To11igh1
<:l1-111111el 11, 8 p.111.
Ua vts grounded out his first three times
al bat and struck out the last time.
His 31-game hilting streak· was one of
the longest in the majors in decades.
Davis, somewhat pbUOBophic, grinned
aboul it gamely afterward and noted "at
leas1 it took two of them to atop me" -
referring lo the two San Diego pitchers
\vho teamed to shut the Dodgers out.
It was a pooger castoff, Al Ferrara,
who wrecbtll lhe Dodger pitching effort
and helpe<l boost San Francicso to its 1 V.
game cqvls1Jn lead over Los Angeles.
,.~crrara i(nocked in all tl\rce Padre
runs with a booble and a horner.
"Those 11uys (the Dodgers) are my
friends,'' rfn:ara said. "'bu~ we (the
Padres) ba~-e had our noses rubbed into
the dirt all' season. Now we have ~
chance lhc~~ next four v.·eeks 1o get
rve n.'' 1
The [)o(t;ars nominated Jim Bunning.
12·9, to lace San Diego's Joe Niekro, 7·13.
The Thuniday nighL series opener
again:;t Los Angeles was the first of 27
straight gaincs the Padres will play
against the fi11e contenders. and ~he l~ss
stunned Dodger shortstop f\taury \Vills.
Injured Li1nh
~ • .: May Sideline t Broadway Joe
··This wa~ a gaine we had to win," hr
said, "because we·re playing an rx·
pansion te.1m' and \ve've got out best
pitcher CBi!l Singer) going fo r us." .
But singles by Roberto Pena and Oll ie
Bruwn set up a two-run double by Fer·
rara in !he lhird inning and then he drove
one of Sing"r's Offerings into the le.rt field
stands in ihe sixth inning for his lJ\h
lionlcr uf the season.
"ferrar<1 hit two good pitches," said
Dodger ca1cher Jeff Torborg. ··You havr
to give hi1n credit -he"s always been :1
good hitter."
3~ '
A DIVING EFFORT -Bobby Knoop, Chicago
\Vhite Sox second baseman, is unable to get a ball
hit by Cali fornia Angels' Jim Spencer during the
fifth inning of game at Anaheim Thursday night.
Knoop dives for ball f'l.op), falls to the ground after
n1iss·ing it (middle) and \vatches the ball go into
center field lbottoml. 1'he "'Angels defeated the
\Vhite Sox . l--0.
All the Wciy to Pasadena?
Troy Still Will Run A Lot
LOO ANGELES 1 APJ -The l'roians of
Southern California losl the linesl run-
ning back in the nation. 0 .J. Simpson.
But they will again be a running n1achinc
in the 1969 grid can1paign.
Coach John r•1fcKay made this clear
Friday as the Pacific-8 Skywriter group
headed for a survey of Slanford and
California football squads.
··u we ~·ere \p pass and pass we 'd be 2·
and-3 and Jess would be in awful trou·
ble," McKay quipped. referring 10 L'sc·~
alhletic director, J ess Hill. 111e ratio,
John added. would again be about 2·!.
Southern Cal is favored to win it all in
the Pacific-II and make 11 to Pasadcna·s
Rose Bowl for an unprecedented fourth
i;traight year.
McKay didn"t argue the pn1nl hut did
Grissom Resign8
As Angel Coacl1
Marv Grisson1. pitching coach of the
California Angels. has resigned ellect1ve
at the end of th e season, he annl)unccd to-
day .
Grissom. :ii. \las one of the original
Angel coaches when the team entered the
n1ajor le~gues. He pilchetl for the New
York Giants. the Boston Red Sox. the
Detroit Tigers. the Chicago White Sox
lnd the old Seattle Rainers of Uie Pacific
Coast League when they won the PCL
pennant in 19~1 under manager Rogers
Grissom gavr. no reason lor the
resignation but said he hoped to stay in
t'Ontcnd that UCL/\, Stanford a.ncl
California would be rough. He said he
couldn"t rate the northern members of
!he <'onfe rrntc, explaining USC ditln't
Willia111s Hints
Of Retire1neQ-\
After 1970
BOSTO;\ (A Pl -Ted \\'1llia1ns, !he
Boston Hcd Sox' !tall or Farne slugger
11 ho returned to baseball as manager of
\ht' \\'aslungton Senators this year. hints
that 1970 1nay be hi.~ rinal season in
11nifurn1 .
··1 ~upposc I'll be back next sc<ison. bul
1'1n not going to make a long career of
n1anaging." \\'illian1s said Thursdc:iy.
"l n1can that ," he added. "J have en·
Joyed this season for l\1·0 reasons. One is
the ilnprovt'mcnl shown by the Senators.
Thr uthe r is the ovations I have r~i ved
in c1·cry t•1ty around the circuit on my
return to baseball. Otherv.•ise. the Job has
bee n not lung but hard work .''
\\'illla1ns, \Vho will lead the Senators in
the opener of a weekend series against
the Red Sox tonight. new to Boston early
to pron1otc sale of his book. l\1y Torn at
Bat. the story of his baseball life.
He spent 90 1n1nutes in a downtown
1lrpart1nent store autographing copies of
1he book for some 700 rustorners before
being forced to meet other commitments.
recruit the kids up lhere and he was not
familiar with their talents.
The f\1cKay field gcne r<il, at this stage.
is Junn1y Jone;, 6-tool·l. 190, a 19-year-
old sophomore from Harrisburg. Pa.
1'.lcKay described Jones as a ''prclty
govd runner. an excellent passer, a good
ball handler and very intelligenl.11
The coach also declared h.e v.•as not 1n
lhe least concerned lhat Jimmy is a
sophomore. ··1 wish I had 11 sophomore
O.J.'s" he S.lid.
~1cKay continued that there will br
11othing fancy about his offense. He ruled
out such exercises as triple-option plays.
expl<11ning thejlf are fumble prone and
idea l only on a dry field .
"'Houston use~ it extensively bul they
play about seven games In the Astrodon1c
and it hasn 't rained in thcrr yet." said
Overall. 1'.1cKay rated Lhe squad by
dcpa11me.nt and position as ··~ood " 1\·ith
nnl' exception, pass defense, lie anDlyzed
this as only "fair" and intimated this "'as
only a grade up from the 1968 sa'Ontfary.
Of!cnsivc n11mes pronlinently 1ncn·
t1oncd included pass catchers Bobby
Chandle1 and Sain Dickerson and
fullback Charlie Eva ns.
On defense, there v.·ere ends .J1nm\y
Gunn an d Charlie \\1caYer. and tackles Al
Cowlings and Tody Sn1ith.
l\.lcKay politely dechoed to co1npa1e
a11y of his tailbacks "-'Ith O.J. Simpson
except to say none of the candidates -
Clarence Davis, Mike Bcrr~. Lou Harris
nr Ron Pharris -is as big as O.J.
''But a lot of people "'ill be carrying
the ball for u~." McKay conc luded.
DALLAS (AP) -1l didn't take
Broadway Joe Namath long lo throw the
bomb oner he got into Dallas Thursday
The NelY York Jet quarterback, n1uch
to the chagrin of 73,000 ticket holders, an-
nounced he might not play against the
Dallas Cowboys of the National Footb<ill
League Saturday night in the Collon
··1 hurl rny left le.g against ~linnes(ita
last v.-·eek ;1nd I haven't practiced thi~
week ... I might not play al all."' Namath
Namath also didn't wait long in ap-
pl}•ing his famou s "needle."
··How can the Cowboys be c<illed
Cowboys when we have niorc Co\\•boy~
!lian they do?" he asked. referring to the
fact that Nc\v York has 10 Texans on the
··Everybody 'vill be booing us v.·hen we
lake the field, but remember you're going
to be booing an awful lot ol'Texans."'
Namath said ''I v.·ill make the decision
Saturday night on whether I \'lill play.
\Vr"\·e ,:!Ot to go for next v.·eek. Thal"~
11·hen the American Football League
:;cason starts against Buffalo not Dallas.''
Namath said Dallas "'as a good t.t'am.
but added ''if it was a regular season
game there would be no doubt as to the
outcome. \Ye are a better football team
than the Cowboys when the money is on
the line."
He said he had studied Dallas' Iron!
four and only defcru;ive tackle Bob Lilly
caught his eye..
"'Lilly is the exception . .he"s
fabuloo s." said Namath . "But l~e
Cowboy front four doesn't e11en compare
w\lh F\finnesota."
The Jets defeated Minnesota 24·21 las\
\l'Cek anL Namath was dropped for losses
twice-a rare thing for him behind his
excellent offensive line.
Fakes AJtowtd
LO~ "NGElli:~
1b ' ~ rlll
Will<, >' ! O 1 a MOl~.I! 1 000
W.O°llro'••· J I o o 0 P3rl<~D 0 0 0
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HOP ~y ~'"'!l" !A'"A\ Pll (a,,,,UI&•~
T•m• -':1 "''!fn<I&,,<• -1.000
Lyin~ in a flag-draped {'()ffin. the body
of Hocky l\.1arciano returned lo hi!I
adopled hometown today for a final round
uf farewell lo the former y,·orld"i
heavy\\·eighl boxing ch;1mp1on.
A requiem high mass will be celebral -
ed Saturday at St. Pius Church. wit h bur·
ial lo follow 1n Queen of Heaven Ccmc-
~larciano's widow. Barbara. and 111'
16-year-old daughter, 1'.1ary Ann, ac-
curnpanied the bocly on a flight early to-
dav f rom Brockton, Mass., where
1hOusands of perso ns crowded into e
rlrurch Thursday to pay tribute to him.
" Los Angeles A Cinch
To Get '76 Oly1npics
NE\V YORK -America Is full of rake~
1vho run around telling their friends lhry
\I ere on ce U.S. Olympians.
And. Los Angeles is a cinch lo get the
bid ror the 1976 Olympic Games. a high-
ranking United States Olyinpic official
told this column Thursday 1vhile we dined
in this rain-drenched city,
He recalls the story of a Costa f\.lesan
who was passing himself off as an
:ill('rn<ite on the t968 Olympic contingent.
'"That's nothing.'' he says.
"One of the top citizens in Dallas ha s
WASl-1 ...................
Oil the Games.
And one of bis key points y,·as lbat Jim
K'ilrey or Newport Bce1ch has led and
or'.!ani1.ed a hif!hly efficient campaign to
con1,1ince 1nternational Olyrnpic Com·
mi11ee members th at LA should gel lheir
ballot whe n the \'Ole i~ cast next ye.Ar to
det1·rm ioe \\here !he "i'G spectacle wil be
Also, he S:t} ~ the IOC likt"s 10 put the
Gan1cs in ghunorous \.\'Orld cities -such
:is llertin . London, Tok}o and l\lexico
Cily. Gi1•Jng the Olympics 10 Los An!;(elC!I
y,·oul!I be in keeping v.·ith that tr11ditioo,
he opines.
Tt11, the IOC is 1·rry conscious ol
mont~. And he feels that ba,ing the
Olympics in an American city \\"ould
bring :1 Sl.:15-$1.lO n1illinn tclc\'ision con·
tract 11 ith n1ost of that money going to
tht' lnl•·rnalinnal Olympic Com miUei:.
He 'ays l\lonlreal a~ lht Games silt
"'ould not co n1mand nearly <is high •
price l11r-TV rights.
Just Wash Those l(isses Off, Clete
he.en tclllng everyone for years that hr
was on the 1936 Olympic \\'ater polo
learn. He was even on our mailing list.
"I just happened to be looking over the
1936 team roster one day and noticed this
fellow's name \\'as not to be found . \Vr.
cut him off the mailing list but wr d1dn°t
try and l'Xpose him for the frauri .
Addh1onally, Los Angelt'S bas mosl of
1·ompcl11i<m venues tonstru<'ted. "The
IOC lil l's to know these placts are
avui labl• rather lh&n stt a bunch of pro-
mlst>s Oil paper." says the source.
llr al-n says he 's ad \'Jsed Kilroy that
LA sholld provide a 40.000.seat swfm.
1ulng poi.I to ease the pressure on •n·
ticipated masslvt> tickcl requc5ts by lhe
general Fublic. NEW. YORK tUPJ ) -You probably
saw the pboLo.
Everybody in the country did. it seems.
Here was CleLe Boyer at home plate
, rnindlng his own busines.. with a bat in
hia hands and a look oo his kisser that
the Chinese would say was "-"Otth a
million words.
The. g1rl in front of hlm hJd run ontG
the field a moment btfore. She had on a
mini mini lklrt. She wu standing on her
tippy tippy !Ott In her mini mini 1klrt lo
ltisl ~ dur1n( the fourth . inning or
Monday a game between tht Cubs and
Bl'"IVH and as she dkf. 3.1,1 42 patrons in
/\tlanu1 Sl.<tdlum bllnked their eyes 11nd
Leo Durocher Jn the adcaao d u g 0 u l
•, ' I
ncarlv swaJlo"·ed ht.Ii gun1.
4u1ckly. much too quickly ai1 far a~
most of the pl11ye rs v.·ere roncerned, the
girl was hustled off the field. But not
before Louis Atkins. one of UPl"s photo
starters. got the picture and the SCX\'·
looking inlerloper in the 011ni mini got io
kiss Boyer U1ree lime!!.
"I hope you washed vour fact off,"
Boyer"s wife. Marilyn, Ji:·reeted her hus·
band \\1hcn he came home front y,·ork that day.''
"Yeah. T did." said Clete, 11 guy wh11
Jlltes hannony around the hoosc.
Boyer. al :t2. is still one or the beltrr
rlefensive third basemen 1n lht' bu~lnl'S.'(.
Part of h1~ skill 1~ due to ptrfC"1·t
eyesight. \\·Inch enabled him to spot the
girl as soon as she ca1ne over the fence
aod onto lhe field.
'"She ran over and hugged nte," Boyer
says. "TI1en she started kissing me. Oo
the l"heck. She kept telling me I \\'85 the
greatcsl and I wa s her idol."
\Vhat did Boyer do all this timc1
'"\\!hat could I do ?" hr says. "Thert
"ere ove r 30.000 people out the rt."
Clete's only kiddll'\g. Marilyn. lie
v.·ouldn"L have done a th ing if the ball
parlt had been emply.
The Ppisodl': clidn'I urset Boyer
part\culti rly, lie ripped a single ofr, Ken
llnlllnlJtl 1ntn1e<li:1trly after the y rcmov·
rd lht ;1rl from his line or nrc ond 11ound
up the game wilh lhret hits
"People at!: sending me lhe p1cttire
1ron1 all over." Boyer says. "I c11.llcd my
lll(K'k broker In New York and he said he
hHri seen the pictutt: up there. One of
1'.larllyn's friend s told her &he had set'n
U1e picture on the Johnny C&rson Show:•
Later. it developed the gjrl was a strip-
per in an Atlanta night.spot. She even took
out an ad In the paper proclalmlng she
"·as the one who jumped over th.c fence
.:trirl kissed Boyer.
"She's just I o o k I n g for publlc1ty,"
Boyer nolY SR,)'SJ drununlng her OUl of bis
ran Club.
"TI1ere are dozens of ciises like this all
over the country. Some guys gel backed
into a corner heari.ng friends or
associates bragging about their itl'-
complishments. So they invent some.thin~
likt havtng been nn Olympian," our
source surmises.
"Then they study up on ii. drop .1 lcw
names around, gel othe.r peop lt talk ing
about it and the legend is formed "
LA In 011191111 Ho111real
The ~ourct:, who 11skr-d lo rcnu1ln
nnidenlilitd, i>olnlrtl nut bl~ rtuson~ for ,
being '° otrtaln lht Sou\hl11nd me\J"f)polts
"'lit outgun fllontreal tor the rig bl kl pul
By tbt "ay, our friend agre~ lhe
public t.1tl.et demand ror the 'i5 Ciames
\\'ill be ahnoi>I more thi\n lhl" in111i;:ination
tan conct1vr .
l'ooArl'!I'~ l,11s1 .Sl10Lt
Bill Too~"H?y . Lagun:i Rrach"« grrat
OlympiC' d1calhlori chRmn1n11. 11·111 pro-
bably c_lost oul his car~r thr ,11.'ekt'nd
after this ai LAk' Tahot '!() h<'"ll 1>rll!Jflbl~
:it\oot tht works 1n QllP«l of Kurt
!kndlfn's el ;,l\'C 1vorlrl rr•'t1r1I
Toon1oy, J eidcnta.!ls . 11;;.~ rnfulr An ~l·
large memb. r ol lhr l .S UIJllllJlc (.;0111
n11ttee's ~. d of Dirt'ctur~.
r • ,
· ~ dldPro·Gives YoUngBu~s ·SoundAdvice
I .
'1 'l
DAILY' PILOT,.._,..., kldlllrf KMlllw
Bukich -Coaching QBs
01 1119 D1llr Plitt Sit"
All the grace and fluid moUon of a pro r quarterback are there a!I the new Orange
Coast College coach drop5 back eight
yards and zips a perfect spiral downfield.
The coach looks Uke a professional and
he is one -Rudy Buklch, the same Rudy
Bukich who passed USC to a 7..0 Rose
Bowl victory -0ver 'Vtsconsin ln 1953 and
helped quarterback the Chicag<> Bears Lo
the 1963 NFL championship,
Dukich , who retired Crom pro ball last
season after suffering a shoulder separa·
tion, joined the Pirates' coaching staff
Wednesday on a part-lime. voluntary
basis S>n the advice of his doctor, Jack
duBoise .
Dr. duBoise lold Bukich head coach
Dick Tucker needed someone lo work
w i t h his quarterbacks. Bukich, w h o
knows Tucker, was agreeable to the idea
and the few wm'ds from the doctor may
be the perfect prescription for the
Pirates' inexperienced quc:rterbacks.
Buklch, who llves in Newport Beach
and builds apartments in Orange County,
shows up for Orange Coast's morning
drills whenever poss.Ible tQ work with
tdike Tamiyasu and Red Stephens.
"I look for him to be a great help lo
us,'' says Tucker, who is too busy with
the balance or his team Ui spend the time
wlth Tamiyasu and Stephens that Dukich
can .
"All l 'm trying to do i! show them
simple, little things they can improve on
and to be constantly thinking," aays
dividual's physical use!s and tern·
"It's dilflcult to teach pusing tec::hnJ·
ques unless you are a quarterback. You
have lo s.how a boy how to throw a ball
and most coaches can't do Jt the way
they can s.how how to block or t<iclt1e," he
Buk,ich is lrying to have Tamiyasu and
Stephens Ulink about passing all the time,
even during several warmup drill3 he hu
gi ven them.
He has the two ~ quarterbacks
v.·annup by passing the ball 10 or 1$
yards lo each other while on both knee!
and then alternately on one knee. All the
time, the two should be throwing to 1
target like the top ol the helmet or the
right eye.
"You have to throw the ball at least 100
times a day and always think where you
want to throw it," BuklCh tells his
While Tamiyasu and Stephens work
wltb other teammates, Buckich oflerl
plenty of sound advice.
"The center should snap the ball Lo you
so you can hear a pop.
"YQU can't elimlnate interceptions, but
there never should be a fumble 09 the
"You should end up throwing the ball
only with your arm. The only time you
have to get your body into a throw Ui on a
long pass. Pass with a fluld arm.
"Develop your wrist. Once you develop
t'onlrol in the wrist everything else is
HELPING HAND -Fonner Chicago Bears quarterback Rudy
Bukich (lefl) gives Orange Coast College's Mike Tamiyasu ad·
vice on how to guide the ball as he releases it. Bukich, who lives
in .Newport Beach, is coaching the Orange Coast quarterbacks.
"Pa3sing is a deli cate, touchy operalion
that calls for a Jot of inslghl and ex·
perience. There's no completely right or
\vrong way to throw because oC an in·
Bukich, who will be 39 later this month
looks almost youthful enough to pass for
a college .student. Tucker certainly
wouldn't mind having a quarterback of
his skills directing the Pirates and
Bukich admits, "I'm getlir!a. a little Itchy
for football."
Very Higli
On Barons
Of t11ot 01111 P'lllf Sl1H
Somehow, when you finish
t.alldng with coach Bruce
Pickford of Fountain Valley
High School, you get t.he idea
that this could very well be
the year of the Baron in tbl!: f
Irvine Le.ague. *f
Pickford, usually not one to ~
overstate or to really beat the •
drums, seems extremely hap-
py with the work his 64-man
squad has been performing for
the past week preparing for
the 1969 varlillY football cam·
His 1968 contingent finished
4-5 for the season and might
well have been in t h e
nclghborhood of 7-2 except for
narrow losses to La Quinta
(32-26), El Modena {14-7) and
Corona del Mar (19-14).
"It's by far the best squad
attitude we've ever bad here.
Our group has remained inta ct
since the start of precon·
ditloning drills without a
single dropout.
"Everybody is doing a good
job and I'm real happy with
Steve Raupp. Bob Hoffman
and Dan Shaw are also doing a
fine job and Bill Champion is
a pleasant surprise." he says.
Raupp (5--10, 180) and Hoff.
man (5-8, 165) arc guard can·
dldales and Shaw Is a lineman
who may see action both
For Lile most part, the
Barons • figure to two-platoon
Champion (6-3, 205) &tarted
for Pic kford 's outfit as a
sophomore but missed JllOSl Of
the acti on last year because or
an injury.
''If he can stay healthy he 'll
be a big help, especially at
center," Pickford says.
The Barons appear two-deep
In the tackle positions whctre
Bob Walker, George Valbuena1
Bob Navarro and Chuck
Kirchner are working out.
"Our tackles are a little un:-
pollshed. But they're big,
rawboned kids and they're not
doing bad al all." •
Pickford seem.!I deep m the
backfield, loo.
His I e a d I n g quarterback
candidates are John Svobo(la
and Gary Valbuena .
He's pslna Rick Power
(another with quarterback.. tt·
perience) al left halfback.
Tom Malone, a I s o 1,1
quarterback last year, ls being
shutUed to defensive cor-
nerback where he's tabbed as
a starter.
Power, a junior, and senior
Brady Moore art consldtrtd
the Barons fastut bacltl.
"We 1till have to come up
with 1 real top notch receiver.
I'm not espe:cially happy yet
with our recetven. ..
"Our backlJ will be running
:. lol tougher. I eX'pect the m to
come &Jong much better."
PUMP THOSE LEGS-Estancia High School's Rod
Felts strains with lhe effort of working out in an
i:xergenie Harness which is attached to the goal
post during twice-a.day drills bci!J~nducted by
the Eagles.
Baseball Standings
Wat Dtvtsloo
San Francisco
Cinci nnati
Los Angeles
Ali.an ta
San Diego
W L Ptt. GB
76 59 .l&1 -
73 59 .$53 l ~fa
74 60 .552 1 1,~
7' Iii .MO 3
"70 64 .522 51lt
41 95 .301 351,1
East Dlvl1lon
Chicago 84 5.'l .613 -
New York 77 56 .$19 5
Pittsburgh 71 81 .fl.18 l O ~i
st. Louis 72 6.1 .533 l t
Philadelphia 54 79 .406 28
Montreal 41 95 .001 421,i
TllYrMllf'I 01 ......
Sift Dll9o 1. LO. Al>ltl" t
Onh' tllM ..,,,...,,,ltd.
TMllY'I 0.ll'lft
"llllllhl,t!t,f IJ1cll-U·ll l l'!d Wiii , .... , 91 Hew Yn cs.. ........ , Ind
MCAndrllW .. SJ, 2. twl-<'>ltt!I.
All•lrtl IN~rt 1 .. ltl 11 Cll'ICJnn1U ',,,,.,l'llf 1'41. """'· Lft .. llft\H {ll.Hlnl.,. 11 .. I 11 Stn
Dit. (J, Hltl!A 7-IU, riltfll.
"" l'l'lllll:liloco ffi'tl'l'Y , .. 111 11 H9<.t .. t.fl l~t!' 11·NI, 1111111,
PltaOWtll (,,_.. INJ 11 Clllc•fl (HOltmi•11 , ... ,_
Mefllr.tl !llltff MJ 11 SI, LIUll Clrlllt 1>111, llltht,
fl'llOMlllllllll 11 Ntw Yll'•
f'llObolr1t1 11 Clliu ..
Morllrtll 11 SI, Loult,, fllollt
Aile"'' 1t'Cfft(l-11, 11i...1
""'1 Fr-'-c$ 11 """'"'°'· .,1t1t1 • L11t Anet lt1 11 lln Ot"o. nlehl
Wesl Dlvtaion
Kansas City
W L Pct. GB
83 52 ,8J5 -
75 59 ,560 7~i
57 76 .429 ZS
55 80 .407 28
53 80 .398 29
50 84 .373 32 11
E11t Dlvl1loa
Baltimore 93 44 .879 -
Detroit 79 57 .f)Bl JJ't
&!ton 72 62 .537 191,ii
Washington 71 86 .518 22
New York 67 fl .500 241i
Cleveland 54 82 .m 38~~
Tlllll"'-'1''1 0.,Tl'9
&1rttmor1 s. Def!'ofl 4
kl n .. I CllY I, S.1ttll j C111torr1l1 1, Ch!utt o
Mlf'lfllfWOt1 \0, OHllM J
OnlY 911NI ICl\ldlllld.
T ... r'I 01111ft
N.w Yffl flklll'-nVr. 1•11 111d
9111\nNlt .. 11111 Clnwlllllll IMcO.W1!1 lJ·lt 1M El .worHI H J, t, twl-nl .... I.
IC1r1111 CllV llkilltf' 1.fJ 1t &Httl1 (lt..,..,1r 1 .. 111. riltlll,
M'-toll (ClltllCt J.11 It Ola.It,.,,
lHunlt'r .,UJ, nltlll,
Clllc-fHorllfl 10.UI 11 C1ll+.tftl1
(Mu""" 1•lJJ, riltl'lt. Wltllit'ltlO!I ikt<Nn 11..a1 11 .. 1811
1111-.,.,, """'· l .. lll'!'IOA IClltlllt' 1 .. 111 11 Dtlrofl
tKlllllflllJ t -4), nlll\t. .. ,...,., Otmtt
MlriMMfl 11 Wlilellll
CMc... II C1!1!9ml1, nltM
l(<Hllll (llY 11 SMUt.. 1111111 1l1ll!lllllrt 11 Dllrelt
-1Ym 11 Clf...,!•fllf. nltl!f W1Ah 111111111 1t IOtton
' A.t Davldso11 Field CdM Backfield Posts Wide· Open
Estancia Slntes
Satur~y .Scrum
A battle for every backfield wllh a broken wrist. and
poailion in the Corona del Mar Samuels, who played un-
H1gh School football team of. derstudy lo the graduated
fense Is the topic of the day at Dave Terry at -<iuarterb.ack,
the Sea King institution as are being scrutinized b y
coach Dave Holland's outfit Ho11and.
continues its prepara~ for "They're bolh looking real
the Sept. 20 meeting with good, especially in the paS!ling
Newport Harbor. department," says Holland.
work. with actual plays, Brown The main battle b centered JeU Goeliti i! getting lop
was pleased with the labors of around qu~rback where billing from Holland. The com··
his defe""ive backs 8 0 d senior Glenn Miller and junior binaUon offensive light end ..... Ktith Samuels are on a col-and ' defensive lack.le wu
receivers. lision course. termed "outstanding" by tbe
Other apparent !tarlers are
tackles Kent Scudder and Jim
North and guard Dou c
John Kelley Is a prime con·
tender at defensive tackle
along with Hilliard.
Holland is pleased with the
Sea Kings' progress lo date .....
noting that hil squad seenu
crl!per and sme.rter.
Other battles deluxe for
starting roles are at fullback
and tailback.
Estancia High S c h o o 1 • s
varsity football squad is near·
ing completion of its first
week of contact drills up4cr
coach Phil Brown with a
"Meet the Eagles; Night"
slai.d Saturday.
Brown's varsity, along with
the frub,man and sophomore
teams, will ezblblt their skills
for their p1rents Saturday-
nlght be&inJllng .al B ..at
Davidson Field on t h e
Newport Harbor High School
He singled out seniors Mike Miller, who sat out last year Sea King coach.
Shaunessey, Fred Park.e·r,•----1-------=-----=------------------
Cratg Nomura and junior Bob
The lightweights will scrim ·
mage for 20 minutes each
followed by lhe varsity's drills
and lntersquad scrimmage.
The Eagles have under gone
intensive work on blocking and
tackling techniques during the
week with Utile in lhe way of
actuaJ scrimmaging.
Despite the relativt little
Nomura is the tallest ol the
recelvlng grpup at an even &-
One of Brown's immediate
problems is llnding
"It's hard to say how far
along we are because of the
great deal of time that we're
spending on techniques," he
Brown's belly-serjes offense
was expected to be put Into Its
initial le!!l thls morning with
offensive grnup!I r u n n i Ii g
aa:ainet an apron-deleose~
Mustangs on Schedule
After W eel{ of Contact
Offensive patterns and drills
in the morning and defensive
work in the afternoon.
That's been the pattern of
work .at Costa Mesa High
School where the Mustangs
h.ave been working out twice a
day the past wet.k. in prepara.
tion for their season-<1penlng
football game with Orange
High Sept. 19.
"We're ri&ht ·on schedule.
We've most Of our offense in
••• 1D11;ybe we're slightly be--
hind in the defensive picture,
but that's to be expected,"
says Miller.
Miller has no definite
starters in mind and won 't
think about it uiltil after the
Tu&tin scrimmage Sept. 13.
At present, however, lhe
first offensive unit irx:lude1
Bill Adelson al quarterbe.ck,
Jerry Reilly at fullback and
John Manis, and Kent Paul al
On lhe line lt'.!1 been Greg
Jordan and ' Dave Davis at
ends: Jim Miller (6--2, 225) and
Pat Sweetland (6-2, 210) at
tackles; Dave Edwards (6-2,
195) and Chauncey Baye!I f&.
11 , 198) at guards; and Dick
Ferryman (5-10, 17~) at
Four or the curttnl firsl·
team Une are junlort-Mlller,
Jordan, Bayes and Sweetland.
Paul 'WU singled out by
Miller u hll most consistent
tackler •nd of.hen drawing
praise have 'bten Ma.nil: and
)"erryman at llne}>acker.
The kicking game appears
to be set with Dave
Spielbcrger getlln1 ofr con-
sistent-punt! of +o yards and
better while Benito Ricardo, a
junior, Is reportedly hltUng
field goals in ibe 40·yard t'an&e
with e.ase.
"At this point we've still got
an awrul long way to go.
We're 1Wl short W quite a few
That 's coach Bill Vail's
11ummatlon of his Edison Hlgb
School football team's pro-
gress In the Chargers'
preparauon for their initial
Vall ls oonUnuinJ to em·
phaslie the condlUonlng .and
technique phlHS ln t h e
Chargers' practlt1ts, more so,
because the team is of such
youna vintage.
It's virtually an at t ·
sophomt1re and junior team
with only a handful ot senion
on the squad.
A llarnper ol sorts lo Vall
and hb aides haa been the
lack or a completed locker
room, forcing him to lose
90me organization time while
attending to m J n o r re-
As for lnd.lvldu1ls1 Vail's mildly happy with guard Mike
88\ch, tight end Gary Balch,
tailback Jim Moxley, Mike
Clolr at tl«~l end; split ond
John Ji' I 1 her; Ken Funkt
at fullback and guard Mark
Squeeze play.
II you're a sports fan, you know that But when youd'rive a Vollswogen, it''
the contest really starts before the ~ no contest. ......, ._.........,
Stor.Spongled Bonner. Out in tho pork· Because o VW is vo1yoosy lo poA-
jng lot. oven when the other guys ore offside.
C>iick Iverson, l11c.
445 E. Coffl Hwy.
(714) 673.0900
Blll Y oles Inc.
32852 Valle Rd .
Harbour Volhw•gen
18711 Bt1ch loulenrd
17141 842-4435
...... ..,_..:,. __ .. ,..,.;,,...;..:.. .... v .. -~, I 1 <• ~-...,....,,,....
JI DAii. Y I'll.OT Friday, St$)ttmbtr 5, 1961f
• •
Your .
by f?elce ··Hou/gate
ti.taJ<es a certain kind ol guy lo qull a good job with a big cor-
por.tioo, turo bis back on The Organization and set out alone as a
privat• entrepreneur. Such a fellow is Jerry Titus, the race
4rtver. Titus: gave up not one but two golden apples to gel where he is
fqd11. Koowlng.wbat has happened to him in the meantime, you
might wonder: Was lt worth the trouble?
"Ob ytt, I'm glad I made the switch," said Tilus on the
phone, as be intemtpted work in his Tanana, Cal., shop during
Labof Day weekend. That's one of the blessings of ~ on your
own. You dop'.t have~anybody telling you not to work 'tate at night
« on weekeild'I.
Two years ago Titus was editor of Sports Car Graphic, a na·
tiona1 magtl!ine. llis 9 ta 5 routine gave him plenty of time to dou·
hie as leiid ti.river for the Carroll Shelby Ford factory racing team
on l"!f" Trans-American sedan circuit.
First .be quit the magazine job. Then a year ago, he walked
away from Ford and Goodyear, which were providing him with
more than !ln adequate way of life.
'The reason was that he joined with Canadian businessman
Terry Godsall, a man who seems to have the keys to the back
door of the Pontiac factory. Object: To race Firebirds on the
Trans-Am trail
Bad Luck Strikes
Well. things haven't gone so well for Jerry in the last 12
Bad luck sttuck almost Immediately. SCCA refused lo accept
the new Ponllac 302 cu. in. VB engine as legal for the series. That
forced Titul'I to race all season with last year's power plant. He
has been giving away herds of horsepower in every race.
"At WaUdn.s Glen, which is a horsepower track, Parnelli
;JonP.s (Mustang) tvas clocked through the speed traps at 154 miles
an hour,., Titus said. 0 Mark Donohue (Camara) was clocked at
153 miles An hour, and I went through at lW. I was only one se-
cood a lap slower, but one second is a lot in a long race."
Titu.<1 wss caught three weeks before the season opened with
the engine dilemma, and he bad to build up six Firebird blocks in
#that time to get all the cars in the race he promised to prepare.
NeedleM to say, the fact that Firebirds aren't as powerful as
the factory pro<!ucts fielded by Ford, Chevrolet and American
Mofor! has causf'd most of Titus' problems Otis year.
"We b!Xf'i been playing catch-up all season. A factory
engineer got his hands on one of the Roger Penske Camaro
engines and nn some tests on,the sly lo get us ·some ·informalion
that helped a litlle, but mosUy we have had lo learn things for
ourselvt"S," Titus said. "Thirty percent of our problems have been
Pngine failures, anCi 70 percent have been Mickey Mouse failures."
Every time Titus goes to a Trans-Am track, and he will be in
his 11th race of the season this weekend at Kent, Wash., he has to
figure be will quaJl!y about eighth. His best starting position was
fourth a week ago at Laguna Seca.
So going Jt alone in competition with some of the most solidly
funded factory teatnJ in racing is no picnic. Why not just fold up
Ll\e team and ••ait until next year?
"We marle a deal, and we have to go through with it," Titus
uJd. 1"Iblngs aren't the way they were supposed to be, buL we are
looking forward to 1970, when some rule changes should even
things up (or us."
Fighting Conu11erclulbm
A1m,nt u If they were anUclpatlng what we bad to say ln this
tpaee a wtek age. major B11to ractn1 &tart met and formed a new
eri;anbatloa. te prepare themselves for the growing com--U.. " U>eir tpOrl. We pointed out tbat auto racing Is on a course away from .Its
nactltnlng bodies' oadoot that It ts a 1'parttclpant" 1port and
toward the Idea that racing 11 big bu1lne11.
:-ApptlftllU, sensing tllie trend, top driven of NASCAR met and
f;_ormed die Professional Driven Aun. last week. They 11amed
8l<flonl hlly P""iden~ Cale Y alborougb and Elmo Langley
'rftt.preoldmll, Da•ld Peanon, Lee Roy Yarbrough, Bobby and
l;toaaJe AUkm, James Hylton and t'barlle Glotibacb memben of
tM uecatlvf' comn.lttet.
u0u.r organir.a~n Is wtincorporated, non-profit au;d deflDi&ely
•ot a mlon," Petty aaJd.
• Rowevtr, tbt PD . .\. immediately started making nol~• like a
uloa 'wt.tit these moves: (1) It hired New York attorney Lawrtnce
!lelscbel" wbo repusents several top NBA players, to represent
the rroaP. (l) Petty sa.Kl Utt PDA will Itek better financial and
fringe bellents and bette.r workillg conditions.
Yarborough. Petty, Buddy Baker, Bobby Unser. Pa~elli
J~ A. J, Foyt and Dan Gurney have expressed unhappmess
both Pui,ncty and privately that they don't tnjoy the same benefits
of other professional athletes.
1be PDA wi!l try to work out a retirement plan, medical in-
surance and other programs to which the drivers feel they are en-
tiUed It will campaign for safer conditions at tracks and for pu~ distribution that will put more money in the ~ands of the in-
dependents -fellows who finish well but have bltle chance of
Winning the big races against factory teams.
Big guns in t.~e PDA are four $100,000 a year men -Petty,
Pearson, Yarborough qd Yarbrough. Presumably they can hold
out 11 Jong Ume, should they have to boycott tracks that don't fall
~-·1 First target appears to be NASCAR's president himself, Bil
France, who wll1 open his new super speedway al Talladega, Ala.,
Sept. 13 with a 400-mile race. Should there be a head-to-head con-
frool2Uont the result will be very significant. France ~as the
J>9Wef to &Uspend drivers from NASCAR, and he has used 1t.
· But every top driver in the club?
Two attitudes prevail as the drivers and NASCAR head
toward either tre bargaining table or ah impasse. . _.France: ••stock car racing is different from other sports ln lhat
driven are nol bound by contcact to track operators. If they wanl
to raee they ran. U not, there's no way lo make them race."
· Petty: "We have more at stake when we go onto a race track
than most pro athlete& encounter in a lifetime. We do it more
often, and we do it from January through Noyember two and
thrfe timel 1 wttk."
' f
I See by Today's
Want Ads
e F.a.rly bird! are 'o\<\sr birds:
Snow 5kis 6'3'' $25, boo\3
in siu I\~ $111, silver gTa)'
m1nk &tole and cas!'imcre
e ALOHA! ... Don H11 rour
muu muu when yoo rent
this N(.lrth Shore llaW&JI.
M honie on Oahu wilh a
tl'opkal aetting.
• Lend your best VOC91 tA}.
pnt 10 tblt chureh choir.
\\lorfhwhllr. 1Jnd ~ ~
po11unlt;y tor IOloi.st.
-------===::=:::~:;:;:::=::=:::::========== -· ~-.-.---·------~~-----------""------.;....;... __ ~---------~·~-----~-.. --
ly Marvin Myers
• f
MATCfl/NCi ff VP WITH T/Jf RRiHT FJ(.f..1 11
Race Results
lHUltSDAY, $11PT. 4. 1Kt
CINr & l"alf
F IRST IU.Clli. $ Vink. M1lclerl 2
vetr olds. Cl•lmln9. P11ne SINO.
Mr. Ponc:•n l81nlol ~ • .O 3.ll'I !.a
Well MOl"'lld (Adelr) 5.411 ).60
l~r~ FM All !C•rdolal 2.en
SCRATCHEO-S•<><:y C:ock!a11, Shtrp
Etr1, M,t~'-o B1r, OcN~ ROd<.r.
SECO,ND RACI! . .:lO Y1rd1. :t Year
oJa• Jnd 1111. In Cirfdl, 8 PW5. Purse i!SOO.
81rtombl (LIJ>h•ml Pennr CIMlrter IWH10n)
Fle ... r HoS!llS (Ad1lrl T!m-20 7/10.
1.20 4,CI 3.«I 10,IO 6.211 •••
SCRATCHED-Jo. a. Ltu. TUl)
01n<ty, Tlnv Ll11M, Gr1ndm1 Alma.
Nlll!lly Ooubl1, 7-Mr. l'Dn(ln & a
-ll•rtombi, ,1Jd s.11.to.
THIRO RACE. lSO Ylrdl. M1 ldell 2
Y~•r cld1. Cl1lmln9. Pur~ $1 100
Crim""" Streak (Smlth) 4.20 7_Jci 2.11(1 Bold Moort (Ad1lr) 3.10 J.2D
Sur11ln Clown ((1rdote) .S.CI Tlm.._11 6110.
SCRA7CHED-NOOfl. Ft1t111 Rl$1Ut. L• Pol~or1, Moolah Dixie.
"OURTH ltACE. GI V•••h. S Ytl!"
llld\ Ind UP In 9rlldt A MINll. PurM
'SJDI. J ettl'ISll Johnny (Cerdaz..) 12.en 7.MI •.eo
Mlnn!1 M•1 lar.iotr) S.00 4.IO HOilier Rock1!1 (Binks) J . .,
TiJ'M.-.10 1110.
SC RATCHED-Full Of a,e,,, Rtlaml)o
w Ne<1r1s. Oceen Qlie-tn. 8l1tl1111 Bob-
by, Su~r RcrYalT
"'~" RACI!. olOO Ylrds. 2 Yllf oldl. CIA!Jt!lf'IO. Purw 12100.
lloa Boa Rocild (Ortverl •.Ml J.«I :t.20 Luckr Bir Ch!e IB11'1it1) 2.IO l.llO
Twltllld <$hadow !H1n1 S.00
SCRATCHEO -f11ffttt'1 Oamiti..
Bree:zlll" Mii.... Mud f l1p, MIYbto Uter.
llXTH ltACI. .. .,.... a ..... r
a1d1 end Ufl In Gn•O. M Mlnut. PUHi $2200, Mr. 8amttt (P19el IJD JM 1..0
S.611 2.G ••• ,., Dtd( l'tolN fC•rdOla)
DH-P1t1Y llu. tletl l.ldelh
DH-DlcklY Due Time ($mllhl
Tlrnt--22 3/10.
Na ser1tchn.
DH-DtadhMt ftor ttllrd..
••VBNTH ltACI!. \lffillll Sr. Courw
-fl10 r1rdt. J YHr akll and Ufl, c111m1,,.. Pu.,. '2AOCI.
Part!tr'I lrnaiN fAdllr) 21.IO 10.MI 4.60 KIM Ot Tin C$mltPIJ UO !.20
£1 GIYll•fl (Llpl\ilml 2.en
Tl~7 flit.
SCR.ATCHED-Ru1ttH, Gak1en Pu--
1bkl. Trull' Amlta.
BIONTH aACI!. 350 Ylrdl. S ""r allll Ind 11P lfl Grldt AA Pl\11. P11ne
Swlft9 Ma,. IWll111nl Pecan Bar 1~1nk1)
APechl P•u~m lSmlll'I)
Tlm.-11 llal.
22.1(1 , ... ~.«I
3..cl 2.611 om
SCRATCHED -V1rocly ill-,.Git Elimln111;tr.
NINTH RACI!, 3511 Yardw. I \flat
Olds 1nct UP In Gr.O. A Plu1. PllrM ''""· Siient c;round
(APOdoca) 57.611 2'.0CI •.20
Hill Crawn tSmht.) ~.G 3.20
MldweY MIU!1 (C..nlotl, '-CO
SCRATCHED -Du11Y R:kt lllr,
P«t•t 8oll, l.lldl'I l11rt JOI, 819 Onindaddy.
Ch.11111111. S-1111111 ....... a. ~
Hiii C,_. Mkl· ml.at.
'Los ·Alamitos
Entries ·
, ... '"*'· ""· .. ,......,.. o..r CIMr & 111.t, itlrtt ..... 714' P.M. . .,..,.... . '" . "" .... o.i11111i. ........ Ht
!"l•tf RMI. ut 'IMdt. MtldWI 1 V.. .,.., ClllmlM. Puoe •lM ~~':~= 110 H-IP1t1) • no 0gi.._ R:acktt l.ldelll 11/
Moalltl Dlltle (Cllrdou) ,,,
.All IJ'ft'1 Utt 111 T,... Nott I~ !It
SNrp l!!arw lH CtOlbYl 12CI ~ht Twtflf'I ("""*9l 117 Soirvt" GrKt (R 811M1I ' 11, 11'111 DMI ISmHtll 117
SICO.HO IACB. a Ylrdl.. 1 YMr old• •NI 1111 In Orldt A Ml11111 _......
In CIUt. Pl>t'll tllOll. , Dtndy va~ n111a.tt111111
AY\mlt1 B1r.fld IP-l
Ch1m11 Al T1 8rt CRkh11'(hl
01..,..1 (H C~)
Mr. $lft 8tm fC•'9;tr..)
TrulY Ht ISll,,_) Jodltt 0.jldY 81r l!rlnilttyj
Mr Bir Mom! l•detrl 8_.t R-1 IK.lnb) tH•"'rown c~
T lttltO R:AC L 3JO Ylrdl. t
olcb. Allow1nc ... Pu•11 s:zxio.
A Got" Min !~W)
Rutw Ann Geld
Mll'tllt M•" fAPDd-=-l Hoboctr's 81trr (Harf)
ROii Dao IC.nlolll
Fl•mln Eklht (Smltttl Mool-" G•Y11 CH Cl'Cl&tr'fol ,Mr, Ultlt Didi !Brlftlr.ltf')
.llCIUU Go Go fAdllr)
Illa. Jkk (Rkhtlrfsl
llDUltTM RA.Cl!. Mt ~lf"CIS. ' VMr Didi 1nd .,._ AJloW'•noa. Purse 11100.
ThrM C1tlt 'flt.lie¥) 12:0
Rldr;lor tH CrlllbYl 120
Ptrlc ... live ILll'hlm) 117
Mcollll M1bll ID Ballbl 117
Bran Und !Vick....,) 1:13
8ob'• *•"'"' (K1nlO in Rill o.dl (Hi rt) 117
BrMZI• Ml On 111 Octl KMr tC1rdaD) 117
W1r On Paverty (Adair) 117
"'"" •Ac•. :JM Ylrds. ., YMr Didi Ind llP In Grade ...... ~. Pu,_ U20CI.
Th!nlt Rich IP11tlol 114
ZM'I P•rr IAPDd•e•l 117
Mr. Ar9G (McRnnakll) l'lO
Mlklln Jtod<et IRll...,) no
Slllar't Nllllll ISm!ltl) 117
Go Go e .. 11 llfatu1ml 111
lill• A Rocket IH CrDJbvl 12J l.ldY Aftofl l (Wllobu•ol lll Calllomll s..--(IUclMlrdtl 111
8 anllldl !kilo (A<ktlrl 1211
SIXTH lllACI. \lftH'lt Sr. Couri.&-
ll'O r1rds. 3 ~•r aim tl'ld 11~ Cl1lm· Int. Pvt&I S2QOO. Cl1lm!nt1 prke S1600.
Mr. lonst Shot (Kanl1l 111
Ci1111dm1 Atme fHaNl lll
Go Flo.11-Go !Rlntkll) 114
RMI MeC#f (C.ro:IDZI) 110
P1rr Siii> !.t.d1lrl 111
Miss Wamaum !APO<lilul 117
Ronny•t L•rt! (Smltl'll 117
Mii's Ludl (LIPhtml Ill
'Jr/INTH ltA~ Ylrd5. s re•• I
ol.s. Ind UP kt Grldl AAA Ml1t111. Purse usoo.
Miiiet' Mod.cir (Smlltll
Bar l ltti. o.dc: (8rtl'lltley)
Prb&y l ui.
Matched Set of 4 New Tires
Ut ftr• st1n 911lcl• Y••· Sydn1y Om1tt, .,.. of th1 world's fl)rt•
"'o't 1dtplo,_rs, ·wr:t11 ft.. d1ily hM'OKOP• colUN f1,t111•~
111 tft• ·DAILY Pl~.
$59.95 TANK-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. GALV. K VALVE VALUE $85.00 YOUR COST $49.00
$200.00, YOUR COST ........................•...................... $1!5
SIA·YUI GAUGP Th. Most Reliable Oivir'lg Instrument-Made In The U.S.A.
New Day & lva•lng ScuH Cl..... Now Forming
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! LocltioN h S.rv1 Yos ~ BELMONT 'IER HUNTlllTOI IEACH
11-1m 'lact, l .. I l•ICl, Llltt. • 11214 Plclllt e..t llWJ.
'211,! UM217 P1S) 112-IHt • 11141 M1•2U Atrou frOll lurf1ldl COIOflJ'
* Provides 11fety
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E78-14 $187.b0$140.70 $46.90 $2.41
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H78-14 $241 .80$181.35 $60.45 $2.89
F78-15 $199.00$149.25 $49.75 $2.45
G78-15 $219.00$1b4.00 $54.75 $2 .b2
I~~~· 1--"'.C:..:..:. H78-I 5 $241.80 $181.35 $60.45 $2 .85 1-~~~-1-~'---J78-15 $275.bO $20b.70 $68.90 $3 .02
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I ,
GET -1
Don Swedlund
SpeclaliSUr ~
~tar, camber, io.-lt\
toa-out to YoUf car
apeclfic:aHons, and
.. 1ety-check and
famou• Rubbermaid
e Glwes yo11t cir
• Lo119 hnth1q,
fode end weor
Nik hint
e Co•""',_
• Cftofu ef col.,, ONLY
i)n.co 1959
Houn: 7:30
lo 6:00 Dally
A Complete Guitle Where • • • to go ·-·. What to tlo ' ••• •·:
Hugger• Mugger
Danny Kaye, star oC the ''Madwoman of Chaillot, '1 greets Kim Novak,
the star o:f "The Great Bank Robbery," at the Warner Bros.-Seven
Arts International Film Festival in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island.
Their films are among six shown at the Festival.
Disneylan4's Attractions
Open £01~ Admissio11 Day
All or Disneyland's altraclions, lll-
cluding the r~nUy opened, humorously
chilling Haunted Mansion, wiU be in fun
operaUon Tuesday in commemoration ol
California's 200 birthday.
Combination of the Haunted ~1ansion,
which debuted in August, and the first
holiday or the school year promises a big
event for Admission Day celebrants at
the Park.
The Mansion, with its 999 unearthly in-
habilants, orrers its own hair-raising
version of a birthday party, a sharp con-
1rast to most of the observances planned
for the Slate's anniversary. i'Ghostess"
of the Mansion Invites her friends of the
:ripirlt world lo share a birthday cake and
to dance to the haunting melodies prcr
vided by an organist.
On Tuesday, Disneyland will also offer
a gala parade of favorite Disney
characters, the Marching Band and other
musical groups al 3 p.m. along Main
Street USA.
Admission Day will be the hurt TueSday
the Park will be open until the Christmas
Holidays when "Fanluy on Parade" is
presented. During ils winter season,
Disneyland is closed on Mondays and
The 11th annuaJ Catalina Art
Festival will open on Sept. 13 to
ruh through Sept. 21. Orange
Coast art1sU will be represented
Jn the exhlb1t which bas the sea
for a backdrop. See picture on
Page 20 and story on Page 2S.
Gil.Ide to Fu P•ge !O
Tnvtl Pace JI
Jn tbe Gaherlel P-.e !t 'Coco' la ....... ml Page II
~tqfclan11 Hobbla P•gt. 2t
Ferdval R.andaero Page zt
Oil 'N' About Pages !1-!%
Alu:udra Hay Page U
Micbel Cole Page !J
A1tltooy Newlty Page U
Gtide te Movlet Page Z4
•'Bft.Hur" Pqe lf
J•es MKA.rtnr Fitp !4 er.....n Pwle Pop z•
Ctml~ Pap 21
Qoeenle Page !S
TV Vkw1 P•1e 11'
TelevlaJoa Lo1 Page 25
Operating hours next week are 9 a.m.
to LO p.m. Sunday, lO a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon-
day through Friday, and 9 a.m. to I a.m.
Disneyland's entertainment for this
weekend will find Peggy Lee: winding up
her two week engagemenl tonight with
shows a_lJ_.and JO p.m. assisted by John
Scott 1totter and the orchestra and the
Vogues on the Tomotrowlaod Stage.
On Saturday the Accents, Village
Callers, the Sound Casl\e and the
Firehouse Five will be playing through~
oot the park.
On September 13 Bill Medley and
Jackie DeShannon will be entertaining as
will the Ventures and the First Edition.
'False Witness'
Solves Problems
Director Richard Colla vowed to move
heaven and earth to make MGM's
Freeman·Enders Production "Fa I s e
Wibless" the first recent major motion
picture filmed entirely on Los Angeles
Recently heaven and earth fought back
al Venice, Calif., as the award-wiMlng 33
.year-0Jd director filmed key scenes with
stars George Kennedy, Anne Jackson and
Eli Wallach. Came1as had to be slopped
twice as crystallzed vapor from a
Mjnuteman JI rocket lifting from ncerby
Vandenberg Air Force Base twinkled in
the sky and Isler, as a dying Soviet space
booster entered the earth's atmo!fJ!here
creating an even more spectacular light
Things were no heller on earth. Al the
cast enacted a particularly sensitive
scene from lhe John T. Ke 11 e y
!Cf"f!tnplay, JS members: of the Venice
Btach Over-«l Jogging and Bridge Socle-
ty jogged full Bjleed ahead through
security barricade! and right in front of
t h e camera. Undaunted, Collla and h I s
il.ars began again when four hippie
residents of the community burst into an
unsoliclled audition of their musical
group lllU!1e<j The Canyon High Drum,
Sclssot and Ptier1 CorjJI..
Prodticen Everett Freeman 11nd Robert
Enden: quickly 90Jved the problem by In·
viting the skinny kid11 to a n
"establishment" brukfast nt bat.'On and
eggs with the movie company.
'Sound of Music' On Tonight .
Marni Nixon Heads Cast at Laguna's Irvine Bowl ' ..
Tbe hills will be alive with "The Sound
o( Music" tonight. In lhls case the hllls
SWTounding the Irvine Bowl in Laguna
Rodgers and Hammersb!:in's fln4t-and
popular--<:ollaboration opens a twcr
weekend engagement on the outdoor
stage as the 1969 production of the Lyric
Opera Associalioo of Orange County.
Curtain time is 8 p.m. sharp, rather than
the tradllional 8:30,
1'tarnJ Nixon, whose vol<:e has graced
the sound track of many Hollywood
musicals, stars as Maria with Alan
Bergmann playing opposite her as Cap-
tain Von Trapp. Other featured players
are Andree Jordan as the mother abbess,
l11te r111lsslo11
Laguna Leaves
'Em Laughing
Witli Fi11ale
By TOM Tl'1'US
Of tile Dally f'llot "'" Bob D'lsido ro offered Julie Haas a pair
of cushions to improve her figure -and
neither could keep a straight {ace.
Phil lnterlandi 1~ bis pants out l.be
window -and they came sailing baci in.
Breakup time again.
Jill Carter launched into a detailed
analysis o[ her strip tease act and Doug
Rowe cracked, "No wonder the playhouse
is closing." Another show stopper.
And so it went on that historica1 -and
hysterical -Labor Day, the night they
rang the curtain down fOl' the last Ume at
the old Laguna Playhouse.
Closing nights, particularly when the
play is of the lighter variety, are
notorious occasions for t h e a t r I c a 1
pranksters. And oowbere could you !ind
any li~liler rare than "Ladies' Night in a
Turkish Bath."
EVEN BY STICKING to the script, this
show is a comic romp, but throw in a
closing night aDd the fmal performance
in the playhouse's 4S..year history and it's
pure pandemonium. Anything less would
have been cheating the near-capacity au·
dience which came prepared for an off.
the-cuff evening, many having already
seen the show in its original form.
They were not disappointed. Ad libs
flew thick and fast ; playhouse board
member Milt Han.son sailed a paper
airplane onstage from bis ringside seat;
some of the wilder moments were
greeted by the jangling of a cowbell;
playhouse artistic director John Ferzac-
ca 's bulldog put in an appearance during
what must have been the wackiest BC!;ne
in playhouse history -complete with
squirt guns and pies in the {ace.
There's a favorite theatrical rout.lne
that community actors would give their
eyeteeth to get away with on stage. Rowe
and Phil Jnterlandi did it Monday -"I
know the line, but who says it?"
INTERLANDl HAS never been funnier,
1'The Odd Couple" notwithstanding. And
It was the unmustachioed cartooni.5t who
put lhe capper on the evening in lhe la.st
act when -by accident or design, no one
is certain which -his chair "collapsed"
oo him. Seems it was placed too close to
the hole in lbe floor employed for the
steam cabinet scene in the second act.
It's been a long time slncfl Orange
Coast audiences have been treated to Ulil
kind of off.the-wall 91.age comedy -
probably not since South Coast Repertory
trotted out its uproarious "Tartuffe" and
laid its comedy literally in the playgoer'•
lap. And, in retrospect, k's sort o( a
· TlIERE SHOULD BE a liUle more
room for the shared impromptu comic
e1perience, where the audience enjoys Its
l:iughler even more bec~use It Is laugh-
ing with, raU1er Ulan at, the perfocmers.
Audience rapport comedy cert.afhly bas
ils place in lhe local theater, am it'• a .
fertile Ue\d that's virtually unfilled.
True. it tat~ some 1killed prac-
titioners of the art -the Doug Rowea
and tbe Phil lnterlandls, to cite the moll
obvious etamp1es. But there are otberl
around with an Inventive mind and 1
capacity to "wing It," notably Tony
Brandt, Jerry Hanns, JoeJ Tropper and
Be.rnie Simon -actors who may be 1t a
loss for lines bot never for words.
It would be, I think, a real kick I<> get
11ame ol these notorious •d llbberl
together once In a while for 1 real no
h.lds barred farce or the Sort !lull I•!\
la&a. fl.tonday '1 Laguna playgoers holdlng
their sides at the final curtain. Jult for
the pure fun or it.
Su Harmon as Elsa and Allred Dennis as
Kent Johnson, a well known director of
Orange County community theater !or
the past five years, is staging the Laguna
production. A full p·rofes.slonal orchestra
will be under the baton o[ Eugene Ober,
former eonductor of the Orange County
Symphony Orchestra.
Others blending their talents backstage
for the Lyric Opera musical are Lynne
Morris, choreographer; IUcbard Odle,
costume de1igne.r 11nd Jack Coleman,
choral director. Johnson also is designing
the sets for the show.
l\Uss Ni%oo, who dubbed the voices of
Nalalle Wood In "West Side Story."'
Audrey Hepburn in ''My Fair Lady" and
Deborah Kerr in "The King and' I," is a
'MUSI C' STARS -Marni N!J.
on and Alan Bergmann, above,
play the starring roles tn the
production. Dllilcing children
Jn photo above~lyson Reed,
Paula Delcolle, DeAnne Shank,
Tina Reece, Denn!J Wheeler
l\Dd Lindsay Karg.
well known musical star in her oWn right.
She has played Elha in the ~cw York Ci-
ty Center revival of "My Fair Lady" and
her "Mary Poppins" album has sold ,ever
A million copies.
As Maria, she will \X)rtray a postulant
who leaves the convent to become the
governess to seven motherless children.
Bergmann plays the austere widower Von
Trapp who has raised the youngsters in
military fashion.
The story Is set In Austria In the late
1930's as the storm clouds of war
gathered on the German horizon. The
play combines the gaiety of Maria's
adventures with the youngsters with the
drama ol the.Ir escape from Hitler 's
Supporting roles will be played by Alan
Hart as Frani, the butler; ?at
Neederman as Frau SchmJdt. the
housekeeper; David Paul as Admiral Von
Schreiber, and Bob Andenon as Rolf, the
messenger. ;
Tbe Von Trapp children are being
played by Kelly Davis, Lindsay 1 Karg,,~
Alyson Reed, Denp11 Wheeler, Deanne
Shank, l'aula Delcolle and Tina Reete ..
Others in the cast are carol Sorenson, ' Dori:> Rizzo, Luan Sands, Marsha Mit·
cheU, Randall Cobb and Leslie Reece.
Four !)erlonnances of 1'11te Sound ot
Music" will be given, Fridays and
-Saturdays through September 13 at the
Irvlne B o w I on the Fe!ilval o( A r t s
grounds, 650 Laguna canyon Road,
Laguna Beach. Tickets may be reserved
by calling 49'-3WO.
Hollywood Backstage
Tex Won't Take It Off ..
To Boost His Career
By VERNON SCOT!' "'"' "".,.,,. arr...···-HOLL YWOOO -Men, would you strip
to the bull ln • roomful of females ror
fl,000 cash!
T~ Barnum wouldn't.
He's the young actor who refused a
small role In "The Moonshine War" with
Richard Widmark and Patrick McGoohan
because the script called for him I<> peal
off hl1 clothes.
"It's a matter of principle," Tex. said.
"It made me stop and think what Gary
Cooper woold hive done. And I just
Director Richard ~ne had dUficully,
even among the ranb ol ltarving actors,
in finding a performer who would accept
the parl. A simlilr role for ID 1ctrta
was quktly f111ed. For whatever J'el.80fl g;,':I:,· ltD lllhlblted ·-dllrabloa in
Barnum wa.s born 1Dd ralaed In Lui;
bock, Tu. !Ill real name II Cllarla
Akl111. Ile bu n!ddlth bolr, 1 mustocbe
and oppean I<> be In hll uily 30s.
Tu wu given hi& llage Dllllt by Jobo
Fri on the tel of the •'AJamo'' JO yurt
ago in Brackettville..
Akins had gone there tetking movie
work when he wu expeOed from Tuai
Tech for bootl•gging booze I<> dry Kinney
County lrom wet AmarWo tn Potter
"ll was John Wayne who hired-me, tt
Barnum said.
"l followed hJm around for a wee.£
mowing him my clippings from llttlo '
theater work. Finally he got mad, m:I 1
said, 'get on that bone and ride at 1 full~
gallop around that tree down there and
back to me.' Then he threw a dime ln u.
dirt lbl>ll • loot In Cron! Or him.
<IWayne looked sore. He eaid, 'U you
&lop on that dime you're hired. if you run ~
over me 1111 knock bell out of you.; 11 ~
Barnum al<>pped th• horse on the dime '
and was given work as an extra and stunt t
man In the picture. Director Ford who
elopped by to visit changecl Allina' name. 1
"U that bone had toucbed W1yne I'd t probably be busted up I<> this dJ)';" Tu
Bamwn aald. "Wbeo that .... 1111'
aJmetlrlng you can «iunt on lt."
Asked K be didn't .-! the 17,000 for otrtppng nude, Tti nplled, "SUre, I I
could "" the money. "Bat I'm araJnst nudity in f1IJna. I'd bo
emborrlsaed I<> !Re oU my clothol m
front ol u-women. A n.on bu tocltlw
the line IOmtlwbere as a pawn and u •
actor. !
"I !<>Id the director (Quine) why t !
couldn't do It and he saw fll)' stde of It. It
made me stop and think what Mr. Weyne !
and Mr. Ford would '"1 aboot me. Joh• •
Wayne never bad to take oU hla dothel
in a picture."
• ' \l Jt DAlt.V PIUIT
,. ,. ·r •• , ... .
Opening Run
• ' SltPT. $-lt
L\IJUC OPERA -The "Sound ot Music" will be preaented
by U>e Lyric Opera Associatlon, in lrvine Bowl, 650 Lquna
Canyon Road. 1agWla Beach, Fri. and Sat.1 Sept. W and
1:1-13 at a p.m. Stars are Marni Nlloo. Alan Beraroano aod
Andree Jordan. Ticket&, $S to "· Phcme 4M-3900.
her twe>-weei engagement at Disneyland ton!P,t with &hows
at I and 10 p.m. on the Tomorrowland Stage. Sat., Sept. I,
entertainment will include the "Accents," tht ''ViUqe CalJ..
crs '' the "Sound Cutle" and the "Firehouse F1ve." On SePt. IS BUI Medley and Jackie DeSbannon will appear witb
The Finl Edition and the Ventures will be on tap also.
ANGEL BASEBALL -ln the Anaheim Sta<Jjum, 2000 Stale
College Blvd., Anaheim. All night l&me! are at 8 p.m.; day
games start at I p.m. Ticket! available at all ticket agencles _
and the bo:r oUice. Phone 1-633-2000. Angels vs. Cb.Jcago,
Sept. 5, 6 (N), 7; Minn. 8, 9 (N); K.C. 10 (N), 11 (D).
SEPT. 1-15
PADUA 1ULLS PLAY -The Padu1 Hills Theatre is pre-
senting "Harvest Festival in Iguala" with authentic music
and dancu from Me.s.ico, through Sept. 1$, at 2:30 and 1:30
p.m. Wed. through Sal Adjoining the 300 seat air~ti~
theater is the PadUa dining room where the players entertain
during lunch and dinner. MWcan and American food is seni·
ed daily, exupt Mon. Padua Hill• ii located on Padua Ave .•
Une miles north of Foothill Blvd. In Claremont. Phone
AUG. 3'
TEEN CLUB DANCE -The 1j'estminlter Recrution and
Parka Department will hold a 1)ten Club Danct in the com-
munity Center, 8200 We.!tminsttr Ave., (for Wutmin.ster
Tet.na) each Sat. from a p.m. tA midnight. Admission, $1.
for members, $1.50 for DOD-members. The "House of Noah"
band will play for dancing Sept. I.
AUG. 3' ·SEPT. 11
HORSE RACING -The Del Mar Race Track, Hia:hway
101 at the intersection of Interstate Highway 5 in Del Mar.
Jw thoroughbred hone racing daily except Sundays (and
Tu<Od11, Sept. 2) throoih Sept. lL Nine races daily with
post time, 2 p.m. !20,000 Escondido Handieap, Sat., Sept. I;
$50,000 Del Mar Fulllrity, '!bun., Sept. 11. Pbooe (711)1·755-
11.fL '"'
8EPr. U.13
L.A. t'OUNTY 'FAIR -The 4lnd Loi Angeles County Fair
will be held at the F&rground1 in Pomona Sept. 12.u.
ActiviUts will include e:llllbit.s of all typu, horse racin&,
art abow11 garden 1bows and grandltand entertainment.
SEPT. U.:1
CATALINA ART Fm'IVAL -The 11th Catalina Art Fut!-
.• val will open Sf!pl 13 to i:un throu&h Sept. 21. The main street
'of Avalon, Crescent Avl.~ will provide the .setting for the O·
hlblt. Each doy " the show special eventa and enlutalmnen\
• • wW be held oo the main bellcll and ID Wrigley Plua. There
will be daffy und aculpture cocteata. Fat inf~ aboul
entering the Festival pbooe Avalon 711. The bi& whlle m.m. .sJlip, the S,, Catalina, will nm during the event u WW air.
hydrofoU and motor cruisers from the Catalina TerminaJ,
San Pedro.
~ ·.-,
• • ...
SEPr. U.11
DODGER BASEBALL -Dodier Stadium, 1750 Stadium
Way, Loi Angelet. Day games llart It 1 p.m.; Nlibl games
at a p.m and TwHJ.iaht double headers at I p.m. Dodpn
·-· vs. Padres Sept. 12, 12 (N), 11 (0 ); Reds Sept. 15 (N), 11
.. ; •
'Festival Ranchero'
At Hollywood Bowl
i . A post.-suson program tn
• Hollywood Bowl that bas
New York. and the BeUu
Artu ln Mexico Clty. He is
also a popular rttOrdin« star. ·t become a tradition is the .n. • ~ nual "Viva Muico" p11!sen-other artlllb who will ap-
pear, include Queta Jlmine%
"t. Priela Linda," called the
"Pet o( Hollywood Bowl"
bec1use of her succtllsful ap-
pearances every year. She ls a
beauWul film star an d
recordln& artist. Pedro Varcas
hu bten called the "Bing
Croeby of Medco" for his
long-luting vopularity. He iJ a
"cootlnenial'' tenor who his
appeared in concert lll New
York'• Cameaie Hall.
:"· • lati«I by TOil)' de Marco. r I This year the "Festival
Ranchero'' to bt presented on
Salunfay, September 13, will
be the !Int 1ala pr«edlng the
grut Mexican Independence
Day holiday celebration on
September lSth.
•• • ~ • . !<.•.
.. .. ,_
~ • • .. •
•' '· " . f.
'" ' ... ..
' < •• . ~ -• ·' it_'
~ •• ~ • ~
' • .r "
•• f-,.
' --
The procram In Hollywood
Bowl will present Mexican
artists who are film recording
and conctrt artl& known on
on both sides or the Border :
"La Tigresa" Irma Se rrano,
a sultry singer; Charro Avitia,
a romantic recording favorite ;
Magda Franco, tiny blonde
aophi.sticated stylist; Hugo
Avendano!, classic ope r 1
baritone, who has sung >A'itb
the Metropolitan Opera in
The young artist on this pre>-
gram will be Pedro Rey who
already has several records
which have made the Spanhh
Hit Parade.
Accompanyicig t h e singer
will be thm Mariachis: 1m
Cape:ros, Los Calleros, and
Lo.s Gallos.
New Television F•mily
Ann B. Davi1, right, who will star as a governess in
the ntw comedy series "Tht Brady Bunch" greets
her new tamil1c.from lelt, Barry Williams. Chri s·
topber KniKb~ Maureen McCormick. Eve Plwnb.
I • ...
Catalina Art Festival
Touring·, Tips
HONG KONG -You can take a shower an),' ~Id
time you. like now in a Hong Kong hotel. The Br1t1sh
Crown Colony has a new deal to buy water fro1n
Red China for the jammed city. (Used lo be long
hours when the water was shut oft. \Ve filled our
bathtubs during the "on" hours. That -ifRt. a
saucepan -was how we filled the wash bo"'l and
refilled the toilet tank. Those were the days!)
* "Of the tourist• who come to Hong Kotlf, mot•
th•n h•lf (61 ptircent) do nothing but shop. Never
90 1lght1 .. lng ti11t •II.'' So says, Far: Ea.st Review.
·It's a shopper's city. Thal silks. India .brocades.
Japanese pearls. Carved ivory. German field gla~s
es. Japanese radios. French perfwne _and Swtss
watches. All duty-!ree. Everything is about91J!!
what you'd pay at borne.
You can bring back SlOO 'vorth free throu&h U.S.
Customs. And the NE\V rule says you can bring
that muCh even though it comes from Red China.
* Old rule w&s NOTHING from Red Chi na. And
Jast I heard from U.S. Cus toms in J~onolulu they
\Vere still halting Red China stuff. "Waiting fo r
clari!ication ol the new law."
Picturesque Crescent Ave. jn Avalon on Catalina
Island will provide the setting for a sea-side gallery
when the 11th annual Catalina Art Festival is staged
Sept. 13-21. Hundreds of paintings from artists in
the Southland will be on exhibit with a number from
Orange County represented in the show. Special
evenLs will be held each day of the show with sand
sculpture contt:sts held daily.
So we're bringing in $50 worth of Red Chinese
wood carving. And we'll let yo u know, ' * ''Do we need special shots for the Fir East?''
For 'Coco'
Climuhlg eleven years of
intensive international
negotitalons and twCKOntinent
preparationa, Frede r Jc k.
BriS50fl will now place his
Alan Jan IAmer-Andre Prtvin
musical "t'oco" In rehearsal
on Septenber 29th ,
It was in 1158 thet Bris900
first thought of puttlnl: the life
s t o r y of the world-famous
couturiere, Coco Chanel, on
the sta1e. December 18th, al
the Mark Hellinger Theatre,
Brisson will present the end
product of bis persistent ef·
forts when "Coco" has its
Broadway premiere with Miss
Katharine Hepburn starrlna: ln
the title role. Not since the
days of Ziegfeld w i I I
Broadway experltnce such a
Jururk>us production.
Alan· Jay Lerner has written
the lyrics and libretto for
"Coco," suggested by in-
cidents from the life of
Ga brielle (Coco) Chanel. The
mu.ale bas been composed by
Andre Previn. 'Ibe director
will be Michael Benthall, with
Michael Bennett doing the
choreography. Cecil Beaton is
deailninl the settings and the
costume•. Robert Emmett
Dolan will serve as musical
Because of the scope of this
1001·• w a i t e d production,
Brislon will dirpense with the
pre·Broadway tryout tour in
favor or pre view
performanoo in New York
from November 12th t o
December 17th.
The setting of "Coco" is the
?.lai1<>n Chanel. Rue Cambon,
Paris, in 1954. Motion pictures
will be employed in the telling
of the play, The finale will
present the world's greatest
collecUons of fashions from
1911 to 1970. The show will
have S3 players and 35 musi-
cians. in addition lo back·
of·the-house personnel. There
will bt 19 musical numbers
and 2S3 costumes.
In Galleries
Libraries Offering
N11merous Exhibits
COFFEE GARD~ GALLERY -2625 E. Coast High·
way. Corona del 1¥r· Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon. • Sat.
No admJs!lon charge. On exhibit through Oct. 3, paintings,
clay work and sculpture of children who attended the New·
port Harbor Service League's Children's Art Workshpp.
CHALLI8 GAU.ERV -1390 S. Coast Highway, Laguna
Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to S p.m. daily. On exhibit throu1t:h
Sept., paintings by Mark Coomtr in oil and encauslic media.
LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Cli!£ Drive, Laguna
Beach. Admission $1 . Members and one guest free. Hours:
noon to 5 p.m. On exhibit through Oct. 26, annual member-
ship show. Opening Sept. 6 .
PttARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport
Beach. On exhibit, through Sept. In the Jr. Ebell Exhibit
durlng regular library hoW's, prints of Leah Vasquez.
ME3A VERDE LIBRARY-2969 Mesa Verde Drive East,
Coeta MPsa. Currently on exhibit during regular library
hours, through Sept., oil paintings by Pat Ingram.
COSTA MESA LIBRARY -56e Center Sl., Costa Mesa.
On exhibit durlng regular library hours, through Sept. the
acrylic and oil painUns:s ol Marcella Stanley.
C.Pit. ART LEAGUE -513 Center St., Cost.a ~fesa .
Jiours: Sal and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit of arl
work in various media by Art League members. No adirus-
sion charge.
Drive, Costa Mesa. On ei.hib!t on second floor of club through
Sept., oil paintings by Jane Huffman.
Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhibit through Sept. during regular
buslhess hours, oil paintings by ~tildred Srtidow.
SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT 'L BANK -17122 Beach Blvd.,
lluntlngton Beach. On txhibit during regular business hours.
through Sept. 19, painUngs by Lloyd Oman.
Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular business hours,
through Sept., the oil paintings of William Scott.
FARENHEIT 4~1 -509 S. Coast Highway, Laguna
Beach. Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. through Thurs.; Fri.
until IO p.m. On exhibit until Sept. I~, paintings by Bruce
CIVIC CF::NTER GALLERY -3300 \Vest Newport Blvd.,
Ne\vporl Beach. Hours : 8:30 a.m. to S p.m. Mon.-Fri. On
exhibit through Oct, stitchery by Peninsula Stitchery Guild.
WEINERT • CLARK -32 Fashion Island, Newport
Beach. On exhibit through Sep\. 20, during regular busineu
hours, a two man show of water color paintings by Robert
Landry and Terry Pardue.
NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive,
Ne wport Beach. Currently on exhibit through Oct., during
regular business hours, water colors by Aline Thistlethwaite.
Simple Gems
On Duna,va)'
Fa y e Dunaway.who
became a very brlgbt slar in
"Bonnie and Clyde." m1de her
fil'!t !Um abroad for MGM, a
contemporary love l!llory, "A
Place for Lovers, 11 jn \\'hi ch
the elegant blonde actrtss la
co-starred with Italy's movie
idol, Marcello Mastroianni. r
In the Carlo PonU picture,
Faye plays a highly ·
S<.'pl1isticated version of the
J;>OOr lltUe rich g1rl. In a dolce
vlt.a party scene !be wears a
simple strand of p e • r I 1 ,
"alued at one hundred
thousand dollars and bought
'by the actress from I.he
famous firm ol lntUT11UonaJ
jewelers, Bulgarl.
Trevlso, one of tht main
towns In the lush green Veneto
where the picture locatloned,
may not have u many thieves
a~ Naples or as many bandits
as Sardinia, but M I s 1
Dunaway took no ch.aoces. To
the eternal question asked ol
motion picture 1tamour cirls.
Not Really
Member! ol the Los An1etes
Philbannonic Orchestra now
playing their 43th ~ason in
Hollywood Bowl, do not flt into
the general public's conception
of "long halr" musicians.
When thtt are away from
the classic !Dusk and podium
control of music director
Zubin lttehla, they donate
their time to many bobbies
and outside .ctiviUes.
Conce rtmaster David
Frisina is an avid sports fan
who played both ba1eball and
football in school: Robert
DiVall, principal trumpet, won
his letter at UCLA in fencing
and Jan Hlinka, principal
viola, is a Cine artist, who
designs jewelry and furniture
as an avocation. 9 e r t
Gassman, firsl oboist, devotes
himself entirely to music,
teaching at UCLA and playtng
with the UCLA Chamber Sym-
phony under Mehli Mehta .
Roger Bobo, prlocipal tuba,
ls interested in expanding the
interest in brass instrumtnt.s
and especially in a new group
he has formed, called Golpe!
Brass, composed of the Los
Angeles Brass Quintett.e plus a
rock-and-roll rhythm section.
Kurt Reher, solo cellist, was
the organizer of the Monday
Evening Concerts w h I c h
became th~ Evenings on the
Roof Concerta, probably the
most popular C h a m b e r
Orchestra irouP Los Angelts:
has ever ba,d .
Stanley Chaloupka, f i r s t
harp, has been active In Llttle
League baseball (Qr years. He
is a c:ornmiUioner of Connie
h1ack: Base,balJ in Glendale,
and past presidtnt of Babe
Ruth Baseball. His other hob-
by is fishing in which ht
flnally interested his wife ,
Paula, who is 2nd harp "'Ith
the Philharmonic.
A smallpox vaccination dated within the last
three years. It's required for almost every country
now. And you have •o have it to get back in the
U.S. anyway.
* Cholera innoculations are off and on. Cholera
drifts in from China. \Vhen it does, all the Far East
demands innoculation certificates. \Vhen no cholera
is reported, they don 't. There's cholera often enough
that I take the shots before I go. No matter what
the current reports are.
* ''If we fly to Tahiti, someone t11l1 us wt c1n
com• hom• free through Honolulu ••. "
That's the way UTA, the French airline, tells
it to me. Or out via Honolulu and home direct from
Tahiti. All travel agents should be able to write this
ticket for you through various airli nes. UTA calls
their route The Golden Triangle. Ask lor that.
* There are nine or ten flights a \\'eek into Tahiti
now. Auwe ! The new ~1aeva Beach Hotel and the
new Tabara's are air-cooditiooed . .\.:'ID want you
to wear jacket and tie at dinner ! .6i.Dd 'allo, Papa,
'ow are you?
* "Best w1rm pl1c1t to go in the wint1r close to
the Uniltd States, please.''
My idea o( such is where you can throw away
your shoes and. tit. Go barefoot. And it gets more ot
my vote of confidence if they have good beer.
So -the island of Cozumel ofl Yucatan. Good
beaches, warm water. \Vear shorts to dinner if you
like. La Paz in Baja: California. Another warm
'vater1 blue sky place. Relaxed 1·lexican ideas about
* I \VMte oU the Caribbean reso1•ts as oulragously
expen sive. Tf you want to bring prices bclo\v $50
plus per day, you have lo do a lot of shopping
* Tahiti is expensive to get lo. Expensive once
you get there. Resort Hawa ii is high priced -like
the Caribbean, you CAN shop and find cheaper
places. Get a rent car and try the littl e plantation
towns in the outer islands. In the Caribbean get a
taxi by the hour. Shop the little guest houses .
* The Australian beaches are 'vann in the \Vin1.er .
Big booming surt. Superi or beer. And the Austra·
lians are wonderful and don't care what you do or
wear. Sad to say it costs to get there, mate. * . ''Wh.at .about Sin Blas, M1xic:o?''
Haven't been there for some ti1ne, but \Vhen I
\vas the jejenes -the little sand gnats -just about
ate me alive. Two badly planned "luxury" beach
hotels have since gone to p ieces. says a friend of
mine on a recent trip down the \·Vert Coast.
~~· ZS!&dWOn~ ~··~~ ~+4"~ ... ,...-. ~
\Vt'"t been written up iR ell the produc e io11rR•h. for our f1nt1ttit 1ccompllshm1nh in 1 few
1hort yeara. They tlillln't thl"lt w1 woultl ht iR b11Ji na1t tilt month1, end now we ''' t1llin9 \I,
million doll 1" worth of prolll11c 1 • yt1r! Silt lruc•1 lo deli.v1r, ov1r 100 re1!•~•1nh ie t•l•r
to, end l,000 c111tomer1 It 1111 p•tdu;e to eYe1y w1tkl
MA YIE THESE LOW PRICES And HIGH QUALITY DID IT! ................................
ALWAll ,.UHll Hiii ., PlllH -LOCAL • AT .. THlll llST NOW
: 10c LA•OI HIAD • 10c LI. : 10 LIS. 69¢ :
l.IMIT-6 • LIMrT-6Lll. • LIMIT-101k •
• WITH THIS COUPON W WITH THIS COUl"ON WITH THl5 COUl".ON • .......•........... ~ ......... .
\ YiMr d;""'' ~11 lo t1 ''out tf thi1 •orltl" 11 th1t1 11111 ''''•u,e11h . Thtv in1y th• fi11e1! pre•
tl uc.• men•r t en tur. Ther wen'! 111tl1 for 1nv!hiR' t li e. T•ty tlimt!ld the bet!. Ttr tfi1111 1rM1
Y•u II tet! JOSl,.S, Coron1 d1I M11; IOlAL CIDT. Cet11 Mei-.: I.AL iUCH llOASTll.
l1lto1: llYINOS. Co,11 M111 : HOWAID'S, Newpert le•cli -•nil 0.,,, 200 tlhtr1. Patronl1e
tht"'! Htw ·••wt YOU c1 lli119 1111
Susan Olsen and f\Iikt Lookinlend. TI1e young11ter1
have jusl had their contracU approved by the courl
v.·ith 20 percent or their earnings goinc into U.S. Sav·
ines Bonds.
"Do you sleep in tht nude ?", 2116 N1wport Blvd. on Th• P.nln1ula -for the moment •t~least-
raye can honestly reply: "Not 1• "32 Ytn r of Product "Whert Q11aUlJ111 Tht
actually. t never Ao lo bed ,., K·nolD How" Order of die Hotuc"
wiUIOOJt my pcarb." '•----... --------------· -------.i
• -
F't'1da1, Stpttmbtl' 5, 196-9
For Family Dining
If )'Oil have been instrumental In the population
ex l061on there is a good place in Costa Mesa to ~. that' apparenUy bottomless brood !or tasty and
inexpensive mea1s. h It is the A&W Drive.In and 'Restau~nt W ere
breakfast, lunch or dinner can be obtained ~l a
cost per person well under $2. And often for as little
as $1.
This spot is aJso quite dllierent from the usual
A&W quick-food operations ~aracterized by take-
out windows and outdoor dining areas where the
customers eat. A drive-in section ~ns a.t 10 : 30
a.m. daily for those who ere!er 1.'? ~t 1n their cars,
but there is a full-fledg~ 1ns1de din~ng room notable
tor its invitingly spaetous and bnghtly clean arr
Breakfast specialties inclu~e. the "Old Fashion,"
grapefruit, tomato or orange JUice, two eggs, hash
browns, toast, coffee or tea, 85 cents. Others, all
served with hash browns, toast, coffee or tea are
two eggs, 75 cents, and bacon, ham or sausage and
eggs, $1.10 each.
A hearty serving of three pancakes goes for 55
cents and blueberry or strawbeny .pancakes, _two
per serving, for 70 cents. Jn addition, t here is a
wide assortment of too.st and pastry plates. 10
cents to 55 cents, and a full range of side orders.
30 cents to 65 cents.
Choices for luncheon soups and salads extend
from vegetable soup fo~ 35 cents t~.the chefs sala~
for $1.25. Two specialties are chili and spaghetti.
served with tossed green salad, roll an~ butter, 75
cents; low calorie plate, beef patty with cottage
cheese, fruit, Ry-Krisp, $1.
.. •
.. ..
" ..
" " ..
By way of sandwiches there is everything from
Spec:loll1fn, ht ltaUan Dinners
O ur stendard special sp•9h•tti d inner consists .of ?ur
d•licious m••t s•uc• and meet bal11, topped with im-
ported parmesan cheese, and include1 our d•licious
9arlic toast. .
No dish•1 lo w11h with our dispos•bl• •lurn in"''" cenl•in•ri.
N~"'ber af dh1aen eMI ltflc..,_t. t• ...ty.
100 -$1 45.00 6 -Sl.70
SO -72.SO 4 -S.10
:ZS -l 6.00 2 -J ,90
10 -14.!il 1 -1.45 ••s North Newport Boulevard, Newport Be.tch
Open .. p.m. -12 p.m. Ml 6-4929 Open 7 Days
.:.: 11 ==
Ente rtaln1ne11 t
F rid.ty & S.tturd•y
1:30 P.M. -2 A.M.
"We pro1nise 11ou good food
otad servlee'"
" "
" "
" "
Tropical Cockt•il1 -Ste•lc-l obster
' fl //} FOOD· TO.GO
ol..i 4 f<;.etJlau1tan f •1 '""'1 ''""'"' 11
:J 196 1 ADAMS AVE. Phones: ~· ~NTINWTON I E.ACH 961-505~ .. 9'2-9115 "
IBJ~I ·= ::II .:.: :2 !!.2 :.:! x
b:citinglydiffmnt. A delightful
idling to·meiet f!W!IY mood ilnd
taste. Wetl pn!pired gounnd
menu-well served. Strollin&
mi.isle lam add an .aunosptiere
of chum and romaom. In joy thlt
RnChmting at111CSpha11 fOf lunch,
cockLllls, dinner. A1l4. cipenin9
soon, the ln05tmttngwine
cellM in Southem c.artfomla.
1tesem.tiont suggested.
644-1700 bl. 552..
a bol dog for SO cenU to the twinburger; chopped
steak, bacon. lettuce and tomato, ham and cheese,
70 cents each. And four sandwich platters from 80
cents to $1.05.
Dinner entrees, all served with potatoes, cole
slaw, dinner roll and butter, include ground round,
$1.35 ; ham steak with pineapple, $1.55; jumbo
shrimp, $1.60; fned chicken, $1 .60.
There is also a full selection of a la carte side
orders, desserts and beverages. Examples: French
fried onion rings, 40 cents; apple or cherry pie, 30
cents; root beer 15 cents.
The A&W Drive-In and Restaurant is located at
2855 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Hours are 7 a.m.
to 12 midnight, Sunday through Thursday, and 7
a.m. to 2 a.m.1 Friday and Saturday.
How l o Order
Maybe the proliferation of good Chinese restaur-
ants hereabouts bas something to do with it. Whal·
ever, we've been asked a number of times recent·
ly if there is a proper way to order from an a la
carte Chinese menu.
When asked if there is an approved melhod of
ordering any type oi food, we generally suggest the
selection of those dishes thal individual taste deems
most suitable. The same rule certainly bolds in
Chinese restaurants, but we haven't hesitated to
offer some tips we've picked up through personal
experience and discussions with owners and man·
a_gers of such establishments.
G<>ing over the subject. with one of these people
the other day, the idea was advanced to pass along
a few recommendations to our readers. We here-
\\.•ith follow suit.
Even i[ you've always ordered. family style in
a Chinese restaurant -posing no problem because
••• •
R1serv1tion1: 494-6574
Open Dally o-tel~wers • • LUNCHEON
Cantonese Food
11t here or
t1ke home .
21st pl., Newport Bt•ch ORiol• 3-9560
o,.. Y .. INvlMI D.Jly 12·11 -Pd. _. s.t. 'tU J •.-.
Now Appearing
Wednesday thru Saturday
And The
Phone 83G-0440
J ust off th• Santi An• FrHw1y 1t El Toro Rd. I ~
'The Naturals I 6'" I I MONTH •
Open Daily 7 am • 2 am ltes. 499·2663
31106 Coast Hwy. South La9una
everything comes in a kind of pre-packaged sproad
-tel the spirit of adventure take yoo down a less
certain path the next time.
In that event, you will still find an element of
the family style approach. There is no single main
course but a combinalion of main courses to be
shared by everyone. It simply boils down to a mat-
ler of choosing the dishes rather than haVing them
pre.selected for you.
A good principle to follow is to select as many
dishes as there are people in your party. And in
choosing, to give first consideration to variety -in
foods, wa"ys of cooking and ways of cutting.
One representative selection might include
meats in chunks, prepared in what is called. the red-
stewed way; a diced seafood di sh cooked. in its na-
tural juices; vegetables prepared by stir frying ;
and some type of cold dish.
Regardless of the dishes chosen, the combina-
tion should always be tasty. pleasing to the eye and
balanced in terms of nutritional values.
For the most part, Chinese restaurants employ
lhe Cantonese style of cooking. So. a dinner for four
persons from a typical Cantonese menu might in-
clude th'e following: egg drop soup , barbecued
spareribs. moo goo gai pien (sliced chicken with
musrooms), lobster Cantonese, rice, tea and dessert.
If there are six persons in the party, you should
add two more dishes. Ideal prospe<:ts are sweet-
sour pork and flank steak with oyster sauce.
Note that the selection includes beef, pork.
chicken, lobster and other assorted foods . Thi s
menu provides vari~ty and sufficient quantity for
Should your party prefer chop suey and chow
And Hit Guit•r
Tuesday thru Sunday
Finest Mexican Food
At Reasonable Prices
9093 E. Ad•m• (•t Megnoli.t) Hunt. Be•ch 962-7911
T he
Jolly Roger
Costa Mesa 54o.8535
' \
mein, you can still apply the same formula. And,
for a party of four, a likely selection would be beef
chop suey, chicken chow mein, shrimp egg fu young
and pork fried rice.
1 It is also quke helpful to brush up on and com-
mit to memory a few key Chinese words that •P"'
pear repeatedly on menus. A1together there are
probably less than two dozen such words.
Like "ding'' which means diced; 11gee yook'',
pork: "how yow", oyster sauce ; "see", shredded;
"soong", minced. Knowing them will greatly tacili·
tale comprehension of the entire bill of fare.
Should attempts to order a la carte lead to the
shoals of indecision, however, you can escape via
the same proper and acceptable route that is open
in the same situation anywhere. Consult with the
waiter or waitress and follow their suggestions.
There are some excellent Chinese restaurants
in the area where any way of ordering will leed to
palate-pleasing results. And they will undoubledly
forgive you if it requires several visit& before you
select "ngar cboy" with the absolute knowledge that
bean sprouts will be brought to the table.
Our favorite places lnclude Li's Restaurant.
8961 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach; Wu Ben's, 333
Bayside Drive, NeWport Beach, Lichee Restaurant,
6785 Westminster Ave., Westminster.
And : Temple Gardens (formerly General
Yen's), 1500 Adams, Costa Mesa; Stag Chinese
Casino, 111 21st Place. Newport Beach; l-Iouse o!
l1yun, 410 Broadway, Laguna Beach.
Continued on P•g• 22
wlfll J""" ......... e1• ,...,_""In.
ICOH.-TUU...WU. * Larry laka
Sin ...
Rear-Men Theater s:Jl:E Costa ,,_.
145 L ltrli St. Jwst .rt N_,.,. ltN.
-,., ..,,, riMrt ... ..,. ,...,.,.. 0,.. ........ t .... 0.1" -
Dining with An Ocean View
* * * * FROM $3.25 *
Appeorln9 ·Nightly ,.....,...,. , . ...,.
PHONI IJ ... J5S!li
-l17 OCIAN A'Yt.
Ov•rloolcin9 The Pacific Oce•n At The Pi•r
Tll• Only Place to Dine
Tiie Continental Way
Enloy OM of our Home-Cooked Olnner1
We S'arve the .Fin est Wines
From Ge rmany a nd France
Our Beers are Imported
Direct From Bavaria
And H•r Accordion
Open Tuesd•Y thrv Siturd•y-1 t1.m.~10 p.m.
Sunday J.9 p.m. -Cloted Mond•Y•
We Sen• Sandwich••· 8u1inl'ltrMn't Luncheon
In the Be.tutlful Town & Country Center
18582 Beach Blvd.
Huntln!Jton Beach 968·5800
M DAil Y I'll.OT ..
' .. ,,,,, ,,,,,,
"'' "' this
..... efint!".
Wt ·lhink.
JOll sboulti.
But then, ~ng
offered Lquna's bat
view of the P.Kif.,
beautiful French
choke of good food
and drink-<On·
1iderate service--
and, enjoying this
unique atmosphere
ourselws foe o\le.r
25 y~rs. we may be
a little p~udiced.
V1<10R UUGO Im
OtffDriw i t
LoguMlieod>-...... n
Open D41ily
Sundiy Oiamp•gne
81nquet (1eitities I
~ A subJidiary ol
llW: hKll I '"-Ml_,,lt &EHINO TEXACO STATION a. 11fll a SHtl AU •U·14fl
CHILD~ PORTION HAl,F PAI.CE (tlli~ren uodtr 12)
• Bvslnm Form•
• ln'lltlli.,,,
e Pode"
e House Orgens
e L1tt1rhe1d1
e Tldceh
• luain111 Ctrdt
e Menus
2211 West ltlbo1 8oul1v1rd, Newport Btac.h
• •
C..,tlnuod I'°']' Pitre 21
Anyone unable to get to Germany in the near
luture !or some of tbal coumry's appetizing cuisine
need not feel too bad. Because it 11 now avalla1~1e
-from cabbage rolls to wiener schnitzel -a 4
place right in the area.
And all that is delicious. wholesome and satis-
fying in German cook.iDg will l b!t foun~ al the new
Berlmer Restaurant and Beet Garden m Town and
Country Center, Huntington Beach.
1 -Dpn't go expecting to eat lba gourmel creations of France.
You can expect however, to find hearty, pleas-
ing, solid food . And like any restaurant to be rec-
ommended in Germany, the Berliner's dilheJ are
substantial; portions are often more than ample.
lt should be noted, too, that the basic German
staple is the potato. Native cooks use it. imagina-
tively in a number of delectable items like potato &,~akes, dumplings (served with jyst about every-
g), noodles and manf others.
And it turns up in Just about all such ways at
the Berliner. From hot potato salad with luncheon
sandwiches to the wide variety of preparations ac-
companying different dinners.
Jt was for the evening meal tha'l we undertook
out 'n' abouter's initial sampling of the bill of our initial visit to Utis new spot. Twelve equally
fare last week went beyond-the discov~rr of a wel-tempting entrees on the menu made it a bit dilfi-
come foreign addition to the ·local dinmg ~en~. cult to arrive at a final decision.
stirred were memories of Germany where eating 1s The u1timate selections were schnitzel a la Hol-
an important activity and the people give it J full stein, selected cut of veal, topped with an egg,
measure' of concentration. "" garnished with .anchovies, served with potatoes and
AUTHENTIC vegetable, $2·.85 ; and saue'rbrateo, wioe marinated
Which is what we proceeded to do as in times beef, served with red cabbage and potato dumir
past at restaurants in Dusseldorf, Berlin, Frank-lings, $2.95 .
furt and Munich. We found the food at the_ new Llke all entrees here, the price co vered a full
Huntington Beach establishment as authentic as dinner including soup, salad, dessert and coffee.
any we enjoyed in those places. The soup, made with a heavy meat stock and
Perhaps more than in any other nation's cull-vegetables, was especially delicious; the mixed
nary art, German cooking takes the ~or:n o! r~al green salad, with a choice of three dressin~s. crisp
family or home cooking. And this dist1ngwsh1ng and chilled; the dessert, lime jello topped with whip-
characteristic is very much in evidence at the Ber-ped cream, the perfect light touch for si~ning off.
lin As is frequently our accustomed habi't, ""'e also er. ed th I So a word to the wise seems in order for patrons sampl one ano er's main plates or points of
Jess familiar with German food and its concoction. addiUonaJ testing. Both the beef and veal were ex-
Open to the Public
~ Newly Enlarged
Popular ...
Entertainment Nightly Tuasday throuqh
country club
For R ... rvationa Call 146.1116 or 146-1416
NEWPORT CENTDt .. ~ •llff-...... toe!•• A1nolo P•rtdfl9
Neyt on the Mr. Steak menu and an epicurean
deli ght! We call it Bee f. and B .. ch. Two South
African Rock lobster tails and our popular Fron~
tier fil•t steak. Served with crisp tossed green
salad, choic• of dressing, including Mr. Steak's
own homemade Blu Cheese dressing (best you'll
ever hive}, cracker basket.-Ranch House T cast,
choice of potato.
ceedingly lend.er, and the other di shes typical of
the aforementioned German style of home cooking.
Other Berliner dinner en trees include fl ambe'
1ni~non, filet mignon served with potato pancakes
and vegetable, $4.25 ; hobo steak. served with
"French fries and vegetables, $4.25 ; cordon bl eu,
selected v~, stl!ffe<l with ham and cheese, veget-
able, $3.60, wiener schnitzel, breaded veaJ served
\Vith potatoes and vegetable. $2.65.
And : roast bee!, slices of lean bee! in brown
gravy. with Gennan potato pancakes, $2.65 ; beef
stroganoff, beef slices in creamed gravy, with rice.
$2.95; rouladen, beef rolls, stuffed with bacon and
onions, with red cabbage and potatoes ; hasen-
pfeffer, hare in a thick stew sauce, with rice and
vegetable, $3.25 ; German gou lash. chunks of beef
in brown gravy, wi th potatoes and vegetable, $2.25 :
tempura shrimps. dipped in fluffy sauce, with
French fries, $2.35.
I-lav ing an opportunity to peruse the lunch
menu too, we found a good many reasons to drop in
at midday as soon as possible to try any number
of the special dishes and hot or cold sandwiches,
12 P.M. TO 4 r.M.
fi1rc 011111111 Siure 1%~
JWl [~T CoA5T J ht;Jl\\',O.\'
CoaONA lll.L ~IAR., C...ut-Okf'llA
Pt!ONI:.: (71 .. ) 675-137 ..
D s~~f!.~~~~
1'41 Wflf (OAJf tllONWAf
MIWl'Olf llAOt 1714) ~
Go Oul To
Dinner Th is
'Whed: Exciting
"{j'ings c5f11:
Tltt!fUU' ~rlt~1 C°"'JN1'1"
;,, tltf! St:r1ill• LtHU11t:
.Oin;"P i11 tlt11
"'•utiffll Mttttt4or Rll(llft
11e10 b«nq•et frttiJ.itin
Daily offerings all tabbed at •I.~ and served
with sauerkraut and potatoes, include the Bavarian
lunch veal sausage· Polisb...lunch, Poll&b sausage;
Genn'an bratwurst;
1Kass1errtb, arpoked i>ork JOln.
For $1 .35 there is knockwurst, pure be~ with
sauerkraut and potatoes ; Polish sausage With bot
German potato salad; cabbage roUs and potato
dumpling, topped with gravy. The $1 .15 Hofbrau
lunch consists of veal loaf topped by an egg and
served with potato salad.
In the hot sandwich department there is the
Reuben corned beef topped with sauerkraut and
cheese,' with bot German potato salad, $1.35; pas·
t rami, with potato salad, $1.10; corned beef deluxe,
\vitb potato salad, Sl.25.
AJso: the baron, corned beef with grilled cheese,
$1.25; veal steak on toast, $1.25; stuffed knockwurst,
$1.15~asl beef on a roll. $1 .10 ; hamburger on a
Kaiser roll with French tries. 95 cents.
Cold sandwiches include ham and imported
cheese on rye, 95 cents; Black Forest smoked ham,
95 cents; tuna salad on a Kaiser roll, 85 cents. There
is also a chef's salad for $1 .
And one can order side dishes of hot or cold
German potato salad, cole slaw or macaronJ saJ.ad,
green salad. steamiJ1g hot sauerkraut, French fnes •
Pour superb desserts, available a la carte al
all times, are apple strudel, 25 cents ; Napoleon
slices. 30 cents: cherry cheese torte, 30 cents:
Bl ack Forest cherry torte, 45 cents.
• ~
Since Germany is widely known as a great beer
and wine drinking country, this factor hasn't been
overlooked in the Berliner's offerings either. And
there is a seemingly endless variety of bolh to
choose from,
Draught beer from f\.'l unich is $2.50 a pitcher
and 40 cents per glass. Jmported botUe beers in-
clude Becks from Gennany, Pilsener from Czecho-
slovakia, Heiniken from Holland, 65 cents each, and
Berliner Weisse mit Schuss, 75 cents. And there are
domestic draught or bottled beers.
An extensive wine list includes a selection of the
best German, French and American vintages. A
few of the many possibilities, quoting full bottle
prices include Liebfraumilch. $2.50; A-foselblueJn.
chen, S2.50: Riesling, $2.50 ; Chateauneuf du Pape,
$3.50; St. Emillion, $3: Tres Grand champagne. 13.25.
The restaur~ is divided into l\\'O main areas. A.
comfortable and spacious dining roo1n in the back
part where decorative Gennan ornamenls have
been kept to a minimum: an enclosed beer garden
in_ the. front section that con veys an ou tdoor feeling
wtlh its colorful tables and chairs and waterfall
thal splashes down the rocks on one side wall .
Enhancing the almosphere after 6 p.1n. on Fri-
day, .Saturday _and Sunday evenings is Sylvia, a s.t~lhng accordion player who provides music both lilting and relaxing.
. The congeni~I propriet~rs ere Oskar and. Ingrid
Schaumann, natives of Berlin who left the city about
15 years ago and lived in Canada for some time be-·
fo re moving to Swthe"1: CaJiforn ia. They operated
the well-known Das Berhner Resta uran t in Gardena
for the last five years, but closed it to open their new pla ce.
It is located in ~Town and Count ry Center, 18582
Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Don't confuse the r~staurai:it with Der Berliner Delicatessen, which is
s1 tuated-1n the back of the Center and also is opera-
ated by the Schaumanns.
As yo u dri v~ into the area, look for th e restaur-ant~~ the left ~1de of the U-s haped Cen ter. Be sure
to v1s1t the Deh some ~~her time because th ere's ~ ~o.rld of fine food s, sp1nts and gi11s to be explored in 1t too.
Hours for the Berliner Resta urant are 11 a m le>
10 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and 3 to 9 p:m on Sunday. Closed Mondays. ·
Guten Appetit!
Contin1nt1I Cu i1int
Luucheon and Dtn?ltT
Mo11day th rougoh Saturdau.
Closed Sundaus
Open fOT
Private Pa rties Only
We •re lot•ted neirt to
tha fvl41y Co . in So1i1th
Coast Pl,1•.
33JJ s . .,....,
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! : ®. :1'
• ,€;/, d/lf ___ / Caribe Room
: • ~~-~ ~ PRESENTS :1
• • • • • • 2267 FAIRVIEW •
l.Af Wl.._I •
642.07)2 •
o,.. Dolly 11 .....
f.tjey ,_
._.,._... IM C-1.,, -.....
I 1~1 t. F A M I l Y F L A l l : Zll 12 OCEAN AYI. IC0011 Hwy.I -HUNTINGTON llACH -5H-14Z1 • 17171 1r .. khut1t Strffl
Fo••NI• v.n.,
Tel.,,...e: '6Z-6HS • ~································· .__........_~---'
' l
Prefers to Pl•y Te.m..er Roles
Newley's Writings
Headin g for Boston
An Englishman's personal stage hits, "Stop the World,
papers are going to an I want to Get Off," and "The
American university. Roar of the Greasepaint, The
Anthony Newley, who ex-Smell o1 the Crowd," as well
I.ended his multifarious talents as the script of his recent
into the nightclub realm with movie "HieronymUs Merkin."
hiJ debut at Caesars Palace in With the scripts w e n l
Las Vegas, ls contributing his p a p e r s. manuscripts, and
theatrical w r i l i n g s and complete scores, includ ing
personal letters to Boston such song hill u "What Kind
Univenity, for Inclusion in the kind of Fool Ani I?" and "Who
library. archives along wtlh Can J Tum To! which he ~
documenl!I of other noted ac-created with Leslie Bricusse.
tors, authors, and ~i:tJsls. .. "I was deeply touched when
Newley, a proltf1c author University officials made this a~ coi:iiposer, ~a~ sent .the request of me," Newley said.
UruveI'!lty the origmal scripts "Jn fact, they don't quite know
of his London and Broadway what they've started. I'm sen·
. -.... " ~ ~
:t.i. . • • .....J
It•• of •~or" Fret' • 81!1 Trev•~
"llNGo OF lllGHT WA.Tiit"
win! It_,. •!Ill M•rt'ki
ding them personal letters,
photographs, and press clip-
pings that trace my theatrical
career back to its start when I
was 14 years of age and was
when I served him tea at my
job of tea-boy in a London
dramatic school."
Why hasn 't he given his
theatre collection to a British
college.? .
"None. has ever asked me,''
replied Newley candidly.
trl Hlltl
2915 IW c .. t Hltllw•Y Nl9htfy 7 -M•tl ... 511111. Z c.,... Del M ......... 11. 6JJ.6Z•I
He can't fix: a faucet or carry a dish, but he did
something •IM that made the whole world sit up
and take notice.
DAJl.Y I'll.OT ar
No Sexpot? '_Sqµad'· Vaulted Cole
Alexandra Wants to Act • ~, ' •od m;yaell hu Io t t e n mul( of 'Mod Squad'. It
you believe a wide-eyed, 21·
yea.Nll.d blonde when her lips
tremble aod she says, "I want
to play a Kansas City school
teacher, not nude sei scene..s
in movies"?
Is she putting you on or docs
she mean it!
The gJrl is Alexandra Hay,
the beauty who was ll'Te3ted
14 separate times while star-
ring in a play, "The Beard,"
1n a Los Angeles theater,
Police hauled her off in a
paddy wagon because she
shouted obscene words at her
co-star and took part in a (a1r·
ly e.zpUclt se1 scene on stage.
Each arrest required Alex-
andra to post $1.2.50 bail, all
since refunded.
Comes now the refonnalion
of Alenndra. To hear her tell
It, she is a lamb caught up in
a maelstrom of madness, Yet
she is not ungrateful for her
appearance in "The Beard"
and subsequent arrests.
• i E x p I oitation of con-
troversial plays or sex scan-
dals brings young actors to the
attention of movie producers,"
she sa id the other day.
"Sex is the easiest thing to
!!ell, but 1 don't know why. 1
was never for it to begin with .
IJ I'd been playing Ophelia in
that stage role. I'd still be
working in little theater."
Instead our heroine con1-
pleted a $100,000 screen test -
perhaps the most e.zpenslve in
history -for the Aldrich and
Associate 's new production.
"The Greatest Moth o{ 'em
The film is a thinly disguis-
ed story of Florence Aadland
and Beverly Aadland -friend
of Errol Flynn -and their
ildventw:e.s as stage n1olbe.r
and daulhter.
"I hive lOlll blond& hair, a
lithe figure and I'm Younc. ••
Alexandra said. "So I'm of·
re~ pictures wlth sex scenes
because the producers know
they are added insurance al
the bo1 office.
''You know darned well they
aren't going to orfer lhoi;e
r oles to Mar1aret
Alexandra had just seen the
rushes ol a sceoe in which ihe
appears almost tot.ally nude.
ln "The Beard" she wa.s
dressed at all times, Either
I A year .,0, Mlohael Cole •tnlilier wllb time lnlteod ol up .,, :::;:: Ol ,Uma. ad
WU oot of thooliaiidJ ol J'Ulllnc IWlf from tacll ofleo )ult ......
hopefuls 1tudyIn11 In other. , IOmO place but of CIM'le I'm
Hollywood, w•ltln& for the '"Ille -·· succea me1n1 geltlnc ueed to jt. Alao ~
break that would l1unch an ~~.~ ADoth~ ~.f.C: l wu c!Ole to hlf~_ ':1
acting career. He bad played not livlnc honcl-to-moulb; I'm serlet 111tt<d !lave ...... ~
roles In two films aod lbte1 eatln& regularl7 aod I can clrilt 1w11 booallae " .,...,
television pro1r1m1 but ,.,. even' belp m;y Mom. 11 Ille have Ume to pt on __,
malned an unknown to the needl It. Tlie money's Im-grounda anymore. Tbal'1 ud, •
country at lar1e. ... • PoJ'.tMt beCauae I Uk eto drive and one of my rq:rets. :
Then come "'!be M o d · mf own car, to eal, aod to "The other lblnp. lib ,.mgf
Squad,'' .seen 'n!ead1y1 on travel It enables you to to the market and ~
O.annel 7, aod wllb the lll'lt broaden your whole Ille -aod mobbed -!bat whole bit. Weil}
lt880ll behind blm, MkHae1 there'• no way you can take a they tab aome: 1ettin& uaed ..
Cole bu arrived. FM mai~ breath wlUMiut it being af~ to... But, he adds with a :
z.lnes covtt stories abOut his fected by money. t learned philosophical tbnJs ~ a_!
persona.I li!e, and litters pcM.ll' that a Jong time ago, the hard broad smile, .. any tlqle tt &etst
into die network by the thou-way. to be too much I know I can:
11nds. "There are aome lhinp that always p back to wllhing;
How bu catching the brass are bard to get uaed to, as a piua traya." !
ring alfected bhn! ,;;;:::=::=================j:
"Tho hnportant ci>anges NOW PU YING! l
'Mod Squad' bu m•de 1n my ,,.f.,'°"O~X;:::!,OllTll~::;.~ :;he is a very convincing ac-MICHAEL COLE
tress off.·screen or she "'as Mod Squad Star genuinely upset about peeling -----'------
to the buff for the camera. •
life have been to the C'OOCi,'' he IOX OPPICI OPINI 1:41
admits with I grin. "I'm SHOW ITAm ''"
Her eyes brimmed wilh
tears and her voice was
"l hated it." ,she said. ''Ten
years ago the same scene
would have stopped t h e
camera at the bedroom door.
Today it follows you right in.
"It's different on stage using
four-letter words. They can
mean different things to peo-
ple, and if yoo repeat them
often enough they become
m eaningless . But it's
something else. lo take off
your clothes.
"I haven't gone to see any nf
those spicy movies. I have a
wonderful boyfriend. We're in
love. Who needs to see dirty
"I just hope lhe trend
reverses itself before I'm too
old to play leading ladies who
wear all their clothes all the
limes. I mean Grace Kf.!ly,
Elizabeth Taylor and Ingrid
Bergman didn't have to take
off their clothes to become
stars. Why should J?"
Artists Set
reaUy beginning to discover s..-..,...., .. ..._..MWJ11 COOLED IY
mysell for the lint time -REFRIGERATfON
For Exhibit
In Catalina
and to work on myself too. I
feel secure enough now thl( I
don't have to feel ao 'uptight'
with other people. 'Ibe auccess
of the show bu brouaht me respec~ and being' mP,ected
has given me confidence I An open invitation f o r didn't have before.
amateur a n d professional • tlm " Ilk bel art~to show their works 'Some es 11 5 e ng introduced to myseU for lhe during the 11th Annual first time, but as r learn more
Catalina Festival of Art, at about myself it's got to im-
Avalon, Catalina Is I and . prove my acting. Right! t feel
Septrrnber 13-21, has been ex-I have improved. ln fact, l
tended by the Catalina Art think lhe serles bas pro-
A890Ciation. · J th As.wciation pres 1 de n t greSSlve y gotten better as e company has pulled more and Charles Holt announced that more together. At first, we
more than $2.000 in cash were thrown together as
award:; would be distributed strangers, now It's more like a
during the week-long Festival, ramily. The people I work with
wh.ich has become one of the are groovy _ really great.
most colorful .art ~atherings in We're very fortunate !n that
Southern Cahforrua . the friendship between Claren-Hol~ announced that all. en-ce ( w i 11 i a m 11 ) 1 Tige
try b.;.nka m~t be receiv ed (Andrews) Peggy (Lipt.on) by the Association no later 1 ____ _;'--'"'----,,-.,,,H
than"september 17 . For entry c~:t1111u1' COAn :a • "' !.,...,. "-blanks and additional in-
fonnation please writ e to : I.
Nine men who came too l1t1 ind 1by9d-1Dng,,
.. .
' • •
• •
Catalina Festival of Art. P. 1-:::::i;;;;;•;;rm 0. Box 233 Avalon, Catalina II I ) d H 1• d SJ island, California 90704, s an o 1 ay ates .~ .. 1o~~1~~~n:.ri~r..::
1'he Big White Steamer, S. S. Last Trl'p to Cat.alina Catalina will continue it.. daily crt1SSings to the Island until
Sept. 28.
The ltf/V Island Holiday will Pavilion to have breakfast. 1;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;11
make its final daily scheduled lunch or dinner followed by a
round trip to Catalina Is.land leisurely sight.seeing tour of
from the Balboa Pavilion in the harbor on the Island Holi-
Balboa on Swiday, September day.
SOUTH SEAS 14, with a 9 a.m. departure Telephone 673-5245 for in·
returning at 7 p.m. forma tion. Largest Selection ol
Tropical Fl!b &
Supplies In the area.
But the fun cruises for the fi,,:[m,WC!' !T'llt'K • t•llrts'tll 11
Coast Guard approved 140 PICKWICK passenger vessel will not end ~
for lhe year. It is ·~ailablethefor BOOKSHOPS prlv~te . charter ~ps to S.th C-t Plu._ C::.t1 Mew magic isle or crw.ses around f40.llll
w or I d • f 8 m o u s Newport 1743 Mfl-,-,w-..,-.,..
New J L.c:.tl•n !ll W. WILSON, con• MISA
(ol'I l'tlrvi.w ltd~ s..1-ni.1
117-G, ltl'll.l~lds Dr. -H _ _, IMtlrl (bWlllJd tht l"o.t Ofllc1J ....... 5»
Harbor. /:i"~"i"~"'~"~'"~"°~.,~"~' ;:;~~~~~~~~~~~~,/ Many groups t a k e a d-
vantage ol a combination plan
~~~ ~~ta~aniaJ~n oft~! m!fril/l'1tt!;\Tm
Rowan anlll Martin
Continuous M•tln'*' Dally
Grfft Filmlly Fun
Dick Viln Dyk• S.lly Ann Howe
Jim•• Garn•r Willter lr•nn•n "SUPPORT YOUR
Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night
[ ................................... .
SPICIAL NOTJCI TO o u • PAT•ONS : • T~t plcturn Ill tllis boll( "'9Y llo9 comlclered by -ID bl .. ,,..
n•bl• for cllllclr• 11!d W'CM'I P9DPle -•nd ••Ire P1l'tnl1I dll·I ·~·""'· i : "TN• WIL.0 IUNCK'" flt) "THa l'OX (Ill
I Cor!tr•ry 1'I ld¥tf'lllirl9 •-_. control •nd •-••1'111 et ...
wll9rll. young '*"''-Wider 11 fllOI 16) win not be ...,llt.o 10 l'•<l-j fk T,...t.n fo ....... (It) p.c:I-lbflill' Ill 11111 boll: 11111ftli ~
!;OIT!pwll.:I ...... ,..,. tr Rull tiMnli.n. .....................................
'"'' H•ley Milli
Rtcorrun.Jalll for M ulti
............. ~ ....... ..
lx,l•lffl ltvtall
Wllllam Hitklan l rnut lol'tnlna
"THE WILD IUNCH" • .. ..
N• On. u""' lt Will .. Admitted uni... Ac:cem,.anlelll by
ParMt er_ A•ult Guanllt n. ......................................
2 C ...... y Hlttll
Tony Cur1l1 Terry Tfri•rna1
AND THEIR JAUNTY JALOPIES" ''"' ' Jack l.eml'Mn Walt•r M•tthau "THE ODD COUPLE"
............. ~ ......... .
llWU.,.::;;.., ~ (il.-
Umfllll lftlttl Iii! ---·---all*ITlWlllTI-
•.:.i "" ...... ,........ -• ,........ l'l2la& (i)9:
TUllPIDM,_ ..... __ £Ill ...... ••am IDITS" -6!0I -4 11:41 .1;
Southern California Exclusive Showing
Sth Smash Week! Critics Acclaim!
"I li ktd C11tf• K"P· I Ilk• it 1 lotl An offbe1t war film th1t'1 o~ the be•ml
Burt L1nca1tar glvu a d istinguished portray1I •nd tht ending 11 deva1t1t•
ingl" ••• Wanda Hilt~ N. Y. Dally Newa
"On t of the most origin1I movlu of th• ye1 r, i nd certainly
beitl" , •• John B•rholomaw Tuckar, WABC-TV
one of the
"A high mark! Epic in siitl Ht ndsom1ly produced! The 1ctlon 11 furiousl"
• •} Archer Wln1ten, N.Y. Post
"Fasc inatin g! A film well worth 1tdingl" ••• Rich1rd Schlcktl, Life
A one~yed ma;or
i end his oddball herou
P"'atric:k O'Xeal
Jean-Pierre Aumont
"' SCOTT WID • 11111' Ill • .illll l&JEll
11.fJIUllM..l · JOOPITl!ICiOll • Malllll Ill .... , ..
GrNt Pantlly_ Pun "RING Of' Hl<OHT WATER" .. -· I Plu1
D•n Rt\lhtti Dick M•rtll'I
The colorfUI sounlll of _ ~
Grana• County Music .. ~
From Fashi on Island, Newport Beach
••••••••••••• ~-........... .
""'* ................ ~
W l·RNI•
. ~..:.-. -$1 7 5 "THI Al'RIL FOOLS"
.......... ':'.: .. ·--"HOW TO COMMIT uaJ!~ MAARIAGI"
RMMUMl'lll .. fer Adultt
.,........~ __ ... _ ............... _ ... .....,..
. . .
• •
Best Pieture of 1959
·'Eye of · Cat' Rated Adult ·Thriller
(Editor'• Note: Th Is 12th century history. Peter The P.t1lltse Dippy G): T1toH Darbll YCIWlll P.lea ta with eight children who mar ..
movie gt.lidc U prepared O"l'oole and Katharlot J-lep-NONenaical co m e d y-chiller 1'elr JaJutty J15opit1 (G): ry. Lucllle Ball, ffet!Q' Fonda
b11 iht filfnl commlttt1 of bum. aboul a couple or fly-by-Terry Thomas and Tony and Van Johns~. . '-..,,
Horl>ot C6tmcfl P'PA. Mrs. Odd C •a p I e: Uproafious night buslneu partners who Curtif;raCing rival! in~ lb· * * •
John Clark U pre1~t comedy in whtch two UI became invoJved with a famUy ternatlonaJ Monte Carlo .RaUy Tli.t Utter immediakl!I
and Mrr. Ho.ti StoeeMv matched. e1-marrieds decide of werewolves. Dan Rowan ln the 1920s, go through aft.e'r the title' indi~I Utt
ii commitUe ch4innmi. lt lo room together: Walter Mat-and Dlck Martin. hilarious misadventures in ;.ating gtotn th1 psctur• b11
i.t intended a.s 4 Teference thau and Jack Lemmon. • l,OOl,tol Yean 8.C.: A their vintage jalopies. the Motion Pictur• Code.
in dettrrnining suitabft Wlnniag (M): The marriage stone age story of two Youn. "Mtae and Out1: The Motion Picture Code
fil I of a racing car champion Is cultures. complete w i t h Hilarious, warm, I I v e I y p mau ms or certam a '1 e almost wrecked by his con· dinosaurs and earthquakes. domesllc comedy of a widow-And Rating rogram
group1 and will appear J Raquel Welch. ed naval officer w1"' 10 be found on the motion
kl Y central on on winning the big w• wee JI. our view.s are race. The racing background Popi (Q): Tender comedy children and a navy widow picture paf1t.
10Ucited. MaiL them to Mo-is culorful and exciting. Paul abou~ a Puerto Rican·~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~=;:;:~;;;:
vi<1 Guid<, care of the Newman and J o a o • e widow.,, played by Alaol~ NOW EXCLUSIVELY ,I DAILY PILOT.) Woodward. Arkin, who toils at .three dil· * * * , ferent jobs in order to support
ADULTS TEENS AND ADULTS his two sons. He schemes
Castle Keep (1\): Art·hlled Barefool in the P 1 r k : frantically to lift them out oC cast!~ occupied by wounded Beguiling story about the first their slum environment.
men is a symbol o{ resistance few weeks or newlywed life in True Grit IG): Western set
against the enemy on the eve a Greenwich Village walk-up in lhe 1880s aboul a 14 year
of the Battle of the Bulge. The apartment. Jane Jo' on d a ' old girl who is determined to
setting is the Ardennes Forest Robert Redord. avenge her father's murder
in the winter of 1'44. Burt Ben Hur (G): Screen classic and is helped by one-eyed
Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, with superb sets. (.'OSlUmes marshal and a young ranger.
Jean-Pierre Aumonl. and a dramatic chariot rat't'. John Wayne.
Eye of the Cal (~I): IL demonstrates the impa ct or FMULY
Suspense thriller with Mlchael Chnstianily Oil Ben-Hur and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Sarratin, Eleanor Parker and hi s family. Charlton Heston (GJ ; A cheery musical in
Gayle HUMicutt. and Jack Hav.•kins. which Dick Van Dyke portrays
Tbt Fox (RI: The r(•l:1-f'unny Girl tG): Lavish the crackpot inventor of Ian
tionship between two wonien n1usical prcsenlHtion of the Fleming's fa n ta s y . He
living on an isolated fnnn 1s lire of fo'anny Brice. the child remodels an old racing car
shattered with the arrival of of the slums v.·ho becomes a and spins fabulous yarns lo
an attractive 1nan. Anne great co1nic star. Barbra the amusement of his adoring
Heywood, Sandy Dennis. Streisand, Oinar Sh a r i r, children. Sally Ann Ho\ves also
Goodbye Columbus (R): A \Vatter Pigeon. stars.
sumn1er romance between a Ice.Station Zebra (GI: All-
poor librarian and a nouveau male spy drama about a !;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ riche college girl lapses due to Ast1·ona ut nuclear submarine's trip to their differe'nt views. A satire the North Pole on a rescue
Stephen =8<'Yd and Charlton Heston star in •·sen-Hur," winner or 11 Academy
Awards 111 1959. Film has been re--leased . and 1s now playing at the Cinedomc
21 in Orange.
jamin, Ali MacGraw. I • d Borgnine, Jim Brown and
on sex with Richard Ben· mission. Rock Hudson. Ernest • BALBOA NOW-Ends Tu•sd1y
Twisted Nerve <Ml : Sensa· p.lrtgue Patrick McGoohan. 673-4041 First Timo T09etherl
lional psychological drama !'l-1y Side of the !'l-1ouotaio OPEN
::"s1rtrabedyiog a you1ntg man'ds By 'Gi'an•eo' !G): Wistful, charming film 6:45 2 of This Summff's
1 ur persona I Y an ~ about a 13 year-old boy who 7ot E. l1fltoa Top Major Film Hitsl
Hawaii His Paradise erotic fantasies. Hayley Mills ·leaves home to spend 8 year a.1Mt Pflllnsula
and Hywe,I Bennett. • l~undreds of distinguished alone with nature. Theodore
The Wild Bunch (R ): An v1s1tors to the Hollywood Bikel plays a traveling folk-
allegory on vi o I enc e. and studios of 20th Century-Fox singer who interrupts the
bordeT villainry which is car. have stopped by the "Land of boy's solitude. Ted Eccles is
ried to the bloody logical eJ:· the Giants'' set to see the fan-the boy.
treme. William Holden, Robert tastic over-size props and chat Oliver ( G ) : Spectacular
Ryan. with stars Gary Conway, Kurt musical version of Dickens's 'Five-O's' MacArthur Dig.s Setting
Hawaii may not be exactly
the ethnic Garden of Eden
that some oI its admirers
claim, but according ' to
James MacArthur, who spent
eight months there last ye a r
while making the CBS-TV
series, "Hawaii Five-0," its
melting pot is harmless
enough for him any time.
Headin1 back to the
islands for a secood 5eaSOn of
filming, !be stocky, good-look-
ing MacArthur says that
working there certainly
matches location a c t I n g
anywhere else -and he's
been almost anywhere else,
from Swiberland to t h e
1bere are, Jim says. rt w
technical problems in filming
.a series in Hawaii, even
tboQgh it's so far from the
tore of television on the
mainland. "We converted an
old warebouJe into the 'Hawaii
In Love With H•w1ii .,.
Five-0' offices," ~ notes.
"but acluaJJy we only shoot
Crossword P11zzle
1 food'''" 6 Jtlt hwd
10 Float 14 81be-lltr!h's ....
15 Steel •IU 16~s.. 17 Type 11 English
river l•A Dff
20 lrcustit ...
2? Birds
2J Celetnled
24 Opposll• of ''.Boo"·
2S Ctone
28 Dry-
29 Old Frei ch
"''" 30-SaMdor,
31 Hnln11 ttir
stills, 35 V«Y clost J wards
38 R1n the
40 Pridp1ted
fft I track ....
41 Brln9er of gifts
CZ "1« .... I• to hi wtth: 2 ..... 4:5 latt of1
n•vt§l.Uon . .-.. , Born
47 fots or the
48 State
of amitd
SO Groups of
two: Abbr.
.51 Boggy lind
5Z Coins
54 Without
51 Casino feature:
2 words
hl Afrltiln seaport
bl Professlonll man: Abbr • 113 Kind
of work
garmen l
64 A ppell1!1on
115 Lot
66 In strument
f.7 Plea sed
b8 Poetic contraction
69 Brlnb
11 Chinese. geUtin
12 Stile of !error lJ Puts 1 bill
on a p~ ll Stylt of
flCket 22 lfas much
ooo.d to s1y about
Z4 Mari's
1 Structure nlc•name
Z Breakwater 25 Wore:
l Actor 2 words
J1min!s Zfl White -4 Allow o poplar trte cross the 27 Sp1ct In
botder: 1 for est 2 wtrds 28 lunch lltms 5 Actor 30 D1wn
Howard 31 Enttrtalner 6 Paunches: 32 Puts the
2 words sU:rap of
7 Contlnl/f'd la tpproval on
existence 34 S_prlle
8 "As two peas 39 Kind of
In --": 111ovie shot:
2 words Colloq . , Gls 37 Unpaid bill:
10 lndfm"\'IP lnlorm1r
J • '
" ..
l' ! l r ,
' " 915/69
39 True's
partner 43 Place
ace om mo· dating lour!Sts 44 Ditto
49 Make 1
record over
again 51 Punished Jn
a t!t'taln .. ,
52 Judiclal
53 Having
flavor s• Berlin product SS Of the
56 Aslm priest
57 Make
58 Use
l1ngu11• 59-wol
60 Mr.St .. dlttt
6Z Ship seclloo
12 1J
" ....
there a day, day and a half a l\1ATURE TEENS Kasznar, Don Matheson , classic about an orphaned waif
AND ADULTS Stefan A r n g r i m , Don cast into the teeming squalor
week. The rest or the stuff is The Apr!J Fools (!'I-I): Marshall. Deanna Lund and of the lower class. He finally '
mostly exteriors or i n Hilarious and romantic fan-llcather Young . escapes to the elegance of the
somebody's apartment we tasy about a marlied man who The latest addition to the ·upper class. Mark Lester,
borrow." meets somebody else's wife. growing list of personalities to Jack \Vild and Oliver Reed.
MacArthur l~ases an apart. Jack Lemmon, cat he r in e see the stages where the Ring of Bright Water !Gl :
ment when he stays in Deneuve star. Channel 7, Sunday nigh l Bill Travers and Vi rginia
Honolulu. and the ea s y. The Chairman f M 1 : adventure is filmed. was !'l-1cKem1a p18y the leading
pleasant life appeals to him, Gregory Peck is Nobel Prize astronaut Gordon Cooper. roles in this warm and engag.
an easy, pleasant guy. winning scientist sent on a spy Cooper was particularly in-ing film about a writer who
"That 'aloha' spirit really mission to Red China, Co-star-terested in the space ship settles in an ancient seaside
"The April Fools'A' ca
Jack Lemmon
Catherine Deneuve
does exist there, you know ," ring Anne Heywood. which crash-landed its crew cottage in the Sc o U is h
he says. "It's an insular place, and passengers in the "Land Highlands so that his pet otter Slarts Wed.-Sept. 10 .... ~~ ..
of COllrse, and sometimes you How To Commit ri1arriage ol the Gian ts _.. v.•Hl have living space. SHOWTIMI -7:00 G8M,£ Wffit"fiiEWIQ feel pretty far removed from IM); Bob Hope and Jackie "Your ship is remarkabl y Support Your Local Sherif( .,...,.__
the action . It's great to come Gleason portray two pro-close 1n design to some of the IG): Hilarious tongue-in-cheek Part 011• will M ~t..t J'lori~-:::.-
back to the mainland and get spective fathers-in-law who try future space.liners now on the almost nonviolent western : ~~:o '";.:,..'" • f•ll Mow -~~&U.19
the feeling of txcitemcnt _ to prevent the marriage of drawing boards," Cooper told -~w~i~th~iJa~m~es::::~G~o~rn:c~r~,~J~o~a:•.b.::;;;;::::::;..!~==~:~-~-~~~~~J but it's great. too, going back their children. Jane Wyman producer Irwin Allen. ~Jackett and \Valler Brennan.
to Hawaii to live and work.'' and Tina Louise. During the course of his
Lion in Winter: Clash of I wo visit, Cooper was given a
During t h e eight·month strong-willed monarchs. King simulated ride in t b e
stretch last season, he got Henry II of England and his spacecraft, made an honorary
back to the States just once or queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, me1nber of the ship's crew
twice. makes a brilliant, explosive and pronounced a "giant"
The son of famous parents d)ama out of fragments of giant.
Helen Hayes and Charles,=:!:===r===''===============,
MacArthur, Jim has been ac-
ting since he was 8. when his
mother had him taught Welsh
to play a bit part in a stock
production of "The Corn is
Green." Now . still com-
paraliveJy young, he is a pro-
fessional, if not a frenziedly
dedicated, actor.
l y 1M AulMr II "CATCH :zr
Meu ''' lllU¥'+'tlfolll '4oi-Uill
"Now and then when I lindl'====================== myself running down a road in
front of a camera, with a toy
pistol in a shoolder holster, I
shake my head a little and say
'Hey, aren't you a little old for
this?" he says with a smile.
"But the other moments are
rewarding enough, the com-
municating bit and the see-the-
world thing, so thal I don't
dwell on the occasional
absurdity of it all ."
f\-1acArthur is Los Angeles-
bom, spent a year and a half
at Harvard and has been ac·
ting pretty steadily since he
was 17. His first big success
was in the Television drama,
"Deal a 81.nw," and he
repeated the role in the movie
version In 1956, called "The
Young Stranger.''
M•!I""' Uiooly
11 I:• To11ig~I ti l :)f
He's been on Broadway with lr~~~~~~~;;~;;;~====~=~=~~lll Celeste 11olm in ''Invitation to
a March" and his films in·
elude ''Kidnaped," '•T hird Co11ti11~oa Siio• D•ily
Man on the Mountain" and ,, • .,. 2 r.M.
''The Love-Ins." URtil Sept. 10t•
Tit. "Motton Plcti"o Codo •nd
Rotl111 Ad'"lnl•trotia11 •ppll•1
th• follawl111 ,.tl119• to filin1
dhtrib11Nd 111 tho U.S.A. Pie·
t11ro1 t•hd G, M or R q11•1ify
far t~o Cod• Sool. Elf&
Pictvro1 rotod X do nat r1c1iw_t
• SoeJ, Th• r•li1191 lpply IC
picturo1 roloo1od ofter Nawom-
bor I, 1961. Plchtl'OI rolot1od
boforo th1t 4oto OfO do•cril>-
od 01 prowl•111ly I 411&
•r.d/M" SMAJ.
ml-1•1101tH f°" OINIUL
®-S119101t.d fM MATUll
•fflot1c11 I P1r1ntol dl1-
uotl•• odwl1o<ll I.
-llSTllCRD -p.,10111
1ndor 16 11ot odmUt1<1l,
11111111 •ccomponi14 by
p1ro11f or od11lt 9u1rd.
i111 . _......... •'"'" ,, ... ,
.......... Thl1 •t• 11-
1frlctio11 '"•Y b• hl9kor
I~ c1tt1r~ •ro••· Chi"~
• • • •
Ci The story of a
· carefree otter ...
with the stars
of "Born Free"
fll:El PAlllllN•
• ~~ot¥~ ~ ~ U'a1eti TECHNIOOi: CIC:
. •
The strongMt trio
ever to track a kilter.
A Fil111 fr•111 tt1t
Ntwll• tty
ft.. •fhor .t tM
• What •v•r your age you will enjoy th• ading of Benjamin ind th• stun.
ning movie debut of All McGraw, the frankQess of their l1ngu19e ind the
tender •nd gtntle relationship betwe•n the two.
M.o\G.o\llH I
' t
7·' ..
.. ,
fl ..
1 l:Oll
Complete Printing Service
Top Quality -Fast $•rvlce
2211 Watt llalbH Blvd. Ne•port 8e1ch
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• ~
I 0 i .~ .., ./
Tlle ll\<lld '°'earned. A door slammed.
t .
. "
z:6 't?> 10'
-1'9' ./
By John Miles
~ I il I . -~ ',0"' ~ ~ r..
-. ~
•'( / IY, . • ' • '
By Harold Le Doux
TEll ME, 11\AVSf A. POZEtl TIME-S •• M.IH~
W.tl'I TIMES H•5' 6ff ™e ~!Me WAS FOUHC1
ME«E It THE. Sl~ •• A C.OUPLE OF~ CF 1r:
LIF!! !
By Tom K. Ryan
AWf LAWMAN l'MOAUOWSAAl'Cf+ I-:::::=::::----::~-~"".;:;;'=:.~ CRIMINAL,UKE SNAKE·EYElO~KE 11M A
IS UNl'.llRTliY 10 BE CAU.EP A OfF1CE\
WELL ...
By Al Smith
N.Ala::IA, ¥C!l 1Nm1ED LIWI\ :r e~'t 1
'rld11, Stptt111bff s. 1969 D.lll Y l'ILOf 2$
, QUEENIE ,, Phil lllttrlatlcff
.. J need someone who typu, files, tU::~ dictation and
can still be a. fun secretary.''
He Loses
With Flair
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Stanley Myron Handel·
man, who has parlayed a splendid BrookJyn &.eeent.
a New York cabdriver's hat and a deep in.security
into a fine career, just hopes h~ will be discovered
some more.,-
During the past two summers, he has been OC·
cupied by Dean Martin's summer replacement show
on NBC. As a result, he has been signed for increas-
ingly frequent gue·st shots on the parent Wint~
show. ''That," says Stanley Myron Handelman
earnestly, "is where it counts.''
STANLEY WAS dispensing his individual !lyle ot hwnor -he's always the loser. but witb a
jaunty air that shows he doesn't know it -in an
airless Greenwich Village coffeehouse for $8 a night
in 1962 when he· had his first big chance: A spot on
a summer revival of 11Talent Scouts."
"That was great," said Stanley sadly, "and it
'vas even followed by a break on a Sullivan !baw.
Then nothing happened."
.fie went back to the one.night dates, the Cat·
skill resorts, the small night clubs. Then Merv Grif·
fin discovered him. Although the pay was low, the
exposure was great and his extra· TV career picked
up. Stanley decided, however, that the only place for
an ambitious ypung comic was Hollywood.
"HOBO.DY SEl;MED to care, so 1 tine.Uy ran an
ad' in 'Daily Variety• figurin~ if an ad bad gotten
Bette Davis !ome work, it tn1gbt help me. The pr<>-
duce.r ot Martin·'s s}\ow saw it, looked at me oo a
Metv Griffin show' and hired me.••
By the time the c'urrent series, "The Golddig-
gers," is finished , stan17 will be playing the best
rooms in Las Vegas an New York. ·
"Today the only real way to ¥,et reco_B,nition and
big money is through television, ' he sBJd. "Before
the summer shows I was getting, tops, $750 a week
when J worked. Now I can shoot for $10,000."
HANDELMAN'S low-key style develops slowly
and much of the 1ime he permits the audience to
anticipate, with delicious dread. his punchlines.
"Like I tell them how I've just read that to be
successful in dealings with people you have to !BY
something about the other person that will make a
deep impression," he explained.
"! tell them how l was looking !or lhi• job and
when the man started to interview me, l was going
to make a bi!{ impression. So r !tarted the interview
by saying, 'l see that you're bald.' The audience
usually screams -see, they identify.''
A!C SKIPPED a rerun of ''The Flying Nun''
Thursday nJght lo give a half-hour sampling or the
cartoon shows,that will fill its Saturday morning hours.
The ~hows seem to be the standard mix of music
with animal and human characters in wildly exag.
gerated situations that children, presumably, know
is all in fun.
"The Cattanooga Cats" is a musical cartoon
'''ith a portion devoted to the pursuit of a fast~rid·
in't mouse on a motorcycle by a bumbling cat. An·
other, about auto racing, is located on a track. Still
another is an adventure series about two high.fly.
ing boys and their father. The cartoon villains are
more amusin~ and maladroit than evil, and virtue
triumphs easily.
THERE IS nothing particularly scary-or novel
-in the assortment, but they probably will keep
the little ones quiet if anyone want5 to sleep late.
Dei11iis tlie Me11ace
_,,.....,... __ !> ... _ ·~ . ~ ,.~--...-.~·~~~~--.--------------------~
M D,\11.Y PMT r~d.tJ. S.ptonber 5, 1969 ........ • ..... --4.-1
Things Mess ·at Eastern White House '
I II ~
Air Force Planning
50,000-men Cutback
"/Jr Force will announce soon.
-• • cutbact of aboot $0,000 of.
ficers: and mm.
minl!traUon bas looked ahead
to armed force reductions as
the U.S. commitment ln Viet-
nam is scaled down, it bad not
planned on moving this far
lhis fast.
'Ibis wiB brln& the overall
reductloo of U.S. armed fo=s
past the 150,000 mark ., tile
aervlces comply with orders to
Delalll .. lo bow tile cut-
back will be applied
throughout the Air Force sWl
have not been buttoned down,
....... gaJd.
1be Air Force's cosl.-eaving
drive may lead to fewer
oquadrons and lurth<r base
1be Pentagon almdy ha!
di3clmed plans to slash the
Anny by 34,000 men and the
'Navy by 7%,000 men and 76
ohlps. Additional reUremenla
of Navy vessels art upect.ed.
Nothing 1w been said yet
aboul Marine Corps troop
c:ub. Pentagon officiala said
tbeae probabll' will b •
relatively ligbL
With obvloul reluctance,
Secretary of Defense Melvin
R. Lalnl announced on Aug. 2t
Jb.at the armed services will
have to absorb an additional
. '3 billion spending slash tilts
Blaming the Democratic-
...,trolled eoogr..., Laird
warned that •'there will be an
. lnevilable weakening of our
.1'0rldwide mllitacy -·· Alth(IUifl t b t ' Nixon e\
The expected Air Force
manpower reduction, together
with the Anny and Navy cut-
backs, will bring the total of
U.S. anned forces close to 3.3
million men, about the level of
late 1966 OOt still aboot 600,000
above the Z.7 million in
uniform when the Vietnam
war buildup developed in the
summer of 1965.
According to sources. the
current thinking involves a
reduction of 44.000 Air Force
enlisted men and about &,000
'!be slimming down will be
acmritplished, not by mass
releases of men but by taking
in fewer replacements for men
whose hitches ezpire.
Nonnally, the Air Force
absorbs about 125,000 recruits
a year.
The officer cut will be 8C·
complished in part by early
release of some due to retire
or resign later 1n the year. and
by turning out some officers
who were kept on only because
of the Vietnam war •
The Air Force ts under
orders to reduce its flight
training by s o m e 300,000
When you're single and young , life can be so great.
So many fun things to do with your freedom.
SO many interesting people to get to know. That's
what South l;lay Club Is all about. The most
complete.country club you've ever seen with
apartments located around 1t-1un ol yoor kind of
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olympic pool, health clubs, and much more.
Don~ say yoo know It unUI you've seen It.
Newport Beach-I Nine at 161Ji Slreel (714) &45-0550
WASHINGTON: (UPI) -curlotlJ while wark , ... OIL
President NJ.Ion's working The office ts-geWng a new
quarten at the WbJte House Door and new doon have been
are in a real meq. added to the .neat'b1 C&blnet
Wblle the.Jeirll FamUy and room.,Tb6 WeatLoblly, whicll
maff membm ·are at \ the tr.adltionally ts used as 11presi
western White ROWJIJ In 1 room, has been repainted bu( c a 11 f o r o I a , eledi!dans, the groen leather 1u;;;J1ure
derorator,. and l'llntors-~. Ind pici!l.m !bat were added
redecoratina: the offlcta_ irl:Jhe in recent yeara .. w-Ul remaUt. ..
West Wii1g of the EiecuUve The new ,.floor apparently Ma~on. • · means that 11be pockl """Q
Sarah Jackson. Doyle, 'New. :left oo tile floor of the oval of.
York: interi.,W ~ deeorator . who fi°' by President DwJ.gbt D.
did the Nilons Fifth,Avenue ~Eisenhower's' golf aboes will
apartment and also t he be covered-up.
private qltlfiert ln the Ex· OU~ ~n the driveway where
ecutive Mansioo. 11 redeoorat· televtsJOO cameras frequenUy
ing the President's oval office. are set up to interview
Tbe doon ere clooed lo the dl8nlleries,. there now Is a llpe
491 Plastic Coated
-•2 & $3 Yalu11I
•Pl••H..U-... nf.,.
. ;.:.,-=-. "97 coatuD:le ~ ill c --JClbJ, topilz, Mp. sibiie: a aurora
•!Ollell t b. l look
dollm -~
of wooden sawborsu.
IllBidt desb are piled high
with boob. Duplicating
machines perch on . Plastic·
draped coo¢bes and there are
gaping ~olea in1be celling for
installing fl new;_ a l r • c on·
ditionlng sy.Um.
Plastic covers and sheets
cover 1be furqlture in Ule
famlly quarte,, '>ti· tile •"""1d Door. .
II Probal/IY w!D be a~
tracllv•.,,.,, ll's finished, but
it wiU take; a while. The job. is
ooly half._pleted end tile
N!xOM· will be baclt Sunday
night .or early Monday.
"fl shouldn't diacomlit the
Ptuldtnt too-much because
he can .work Jn hi• new otfice --gretn. The m.ASC\lllne tbe,ne-Wblte Howe each year Co. 1.
et the Executive 0 ff I c t hu -<arrltd Into the malnloln oudl dlanges.
Buildlug CEOB)," ecccnling to Presldtol's office nearby. 'Ille White Houae ii relu"'I
a spokesman !or Mrs. Nixon's Gayle ~ lat t..r l_o t tant to discuss the EOB•
press secretary._ Mrs. Gerry decorator-/or the. Geoeral decorati~s until , completion .. ,.
Van der Heuvel. Servi e es Adrnlnlstration because much of tr l5 subject ...
NIXon llrl'8nglld to establish (GSA); ii ~ tile job to IP!"OYal ol the Presideut ori;
e -~~ in tile EOB, In the.lobby ta well u the,._ . mem~ of tile staff w-next to the While llouse, cood "'Nb:on oLOc:e. In four otnces, a-1 so are Deing ap-}1:
1;honJy after. he took of!iee groupil'lp of furniture in the proved. , _f"i
beea.Use. lle, ~d he wanted to, lobby are two antique velvet · •1W"e'(e .. l act u·a I J y jusr-~
be able ·to get· away from the wlngbacl: chairs in red end fl n l s M n g the job ol
hlisUe aqd bustle of the main gold 11tripes. There are._ aJso tt'i!eeor;atfug aod fumHure..i. 1
office · area; nie new of flee it two sofas and matching chairs . switchlng which was begun in~j
almosf retuty. in anltgue velvet. . J.anuary,tf.lhe s p-ol.e s man:.
The EOB lobby also is being . ~:lurnilufe, all new, was -said. "It '1:ways iS'14~ficu1t to redone. The color scheme for purchased by the-GSA from. a redo a place whereJ~ple also
the lol>J>y of the historic olc( North Carolina ma,nuf.icturer. "a.re working, so •this ·was a '
building, now almOft 100 yeilrs Congress a ppr o v es a. good time to complete the
old,. will b;e ,red. gold and household bu~t for the ' work." ~
-1 ,
• I
., •
• '
. !
• • • l
~··· . .
• • '
• -------,.-
• ---~--·-
J ' < '
1 • • , I • • • ' • I • !
18255 BEACH BOUl.EY~RD : , .. . JHiWflY ~9) . · . . . HUNTINGTON BEACH .
411··~~ .NEW. &l .. USED· ,CAR ·C·LEARA·N.CE
. . . . . •• ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWl'NG '.FORD . DEA~ER.. . . . .
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1969 GALAXIE 500 v.a s•ORTSlOOF -.
ti&( iii-
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FULL PRICi •1988
Heater, & defrOsl'tr, 815x15' .( pfy th:es (5), directional si9nals. back-up lites,
50;()90 mile/5 yr. guarantee. Ser. No •• 97087.
'69 F-250 STYlESIDE * CIO -ii f': (ll!Olll'ID ~-7=~ .. --=-
LUNCHll • •
Coma , iii and fast drifa any new o~,
used car or truck and ba our guest
at • • ,
'67~-~R~,!~;~T~. ~er. Bal. N/C $8·88
warranty avail. TWW 302. ·
'64~~!~~~.Lpo~!~ .. !~~~~ .. ""'· $488 er. Some metal damage. No. 26368.
t65~~!r~~;~.!~~!l!~.ck•t ... ~ $688.
Dark green finish. (PJL 021?.
'68~!!~k~~~!l~~er~~~u~!. IMO $158-8
6,000 miles. N/C warranly avail. YQC 635.
'67~!~~!~:. ~~~~'~"~.~~~~ ,;, $1688 cond111on1ng. VRS 360. . .
. .. . --· ..... . ... .. . ,,, ..
• ON
'6.0FALCON . ·
'6', •utomafie, radio, heater. CPUY 798) . •148
'63~.~~~,~~h~r~™~)'. $288
'67~~~~~. ~~~~~~~. ,;, cond;. $14' as· tioning. Acapulco blue finish. (TVV 584). .
'61 ~~~~d~, ~!!~~pare th;, unusv•I
c.ir. (REB 864) .
. '63~!.~~!~~ •~g, focto~ ,;,
. condition ing. QUS 9.C2. $488
'66~~~!!-!~~. ~.~!~.~!t !~~'"" $168·8 per unit, T52809. .
'68~~,R~ftf!~er~m!~~~. aut~tk $2888
Compare. Heavy duty equip'd. Ser. No. 12380
'68MERCURY MOllTEGO $198. 8 • V-8, automatic, power steering, vinyl roof, _
radio, hea1er. N/(,warranty avail. (WXU 014)
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'65!~~~.~~~~~r ~~~~!e! ~n-$14'88 dows, power seat, factory air conditioning. •
New paint. RfV 728.
'64!.'!~~!~~~~r ~~~~!!,win-$1188-dows, white/red interior. K8N 017.
'65!!~~~~~!~ !~!~~~ ...... $1488
f!ctory 1ir conditioning. No. 163340. •
· U11 one of our m111Y WIJS 111 financt your new or llSld .ur of tMk lnclud inf Bink of Am«iu, Un ired Calif. Bink: or Ford Motor Credit Corp. With you( Apprond .er.di!.
' .
1s2·:;s BEACli .-BO-U1'"E-VABD . . . -
540•7780 ,,:~u:0 ~~1;0~ . M=~o:~ir r .. ~~;M,o;~M~PA 842-6611
l .
. i
I •
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Frldll', Sfl)ltmbcf 5, 1969
• ·····----·"··
' '·
. ... -··-. . ..
....... ---..,. ..... ~·. '"·~ '..... ... -, ... •I .-.... ,, .... o ., • ., ... , o1 • ••"'o--•:-.... ~·~
• H;;.OU=..;S-"E-'-S.;...PO.;..R.;..;;SA.;.;~;;;-1;.....,;.;HOU.,.;.;s;.;E_S FOR ~I \ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR·SALE HOUSES FOR SALE
Gentrol 1100 GoMral 1000 Ganerol IOOOGonoral 1000 Oonarol , II* • O....ral . IOOOGonoral , IOllO Genor1I lOCO G-ral 1000
Harbor Hlghi911ds liiiiiiiiiil:.~, iiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiili~l;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;E' _Tw.,.., o-Bed_roo_m_" 0 THf. Rf.AL
. >
J Bedroom family home Ol'I
quiet 1ide stre~. -Near
school..'l and &:hopp~. -
Block wall fenced, -Large
livirtg room wi!h fittplacc.
&st buy ·jn town.
$4500 c:IO\vn and assume low
interest loan on this neat
fatnilY tlotne. -1800 sq. ft.
Immediate possession can
be arrangt'd.
Doubie domii lead to lightt..>d
outer court yard ""lb gt ner-
ous plantings., rommunity
ob'mPic pool:, patio al'ld Bar-
s.Qut, Quality wall-t1>-wall
~Ung. Cozy fireplace,
built-in cook center with din.
ing area for family feasting.
Two spacious bedn:;ioms, two
Juxurioa.. he.ths, $tt this d6
llghtlal adWt care.tree re-
treat before yO!.t buy. EX·
CLUSIVE V1U.A for those
Who care. f"ULL PRICE
ONLY $48,:.00!
Evenings Call S48-32t5
No Down Payment
View home built fo.r family living & enter-
taining. 5 1BedrOOP\S, large liviog room, huge
step • down fam1Jy1 fodm with fireplace &
walk-in wet bar. Pool size yard, beautiful
view. . .. , ... , ... , ................... $88,500
Call for app'(.
Old world chann abounds in. the finest of
craftsmanship in the expensive use of rich
paneling, beam ceilings & used brick, in this
truly custom, 4 bedroom home; huge Camily
room with room ·for billiard table. Mtcnifi·
cent view of ocean & jetty ........... $130,000
Open Sat. & Sun . 4515 Perham, CrlM
Pier & float; a very beautilul, formal 3 bed-
room, paneled den home. Decorated iil ex ..
quisite taste. Owner must sell NOW. Re-
duced $15,000. Offered at $la9,500, Will con-
Here's a dandy -Side yard
with boat i&tc and rovert.'d
patio make~ thil HB 3 bed-
room 2 bath ttdecora led
home an outstanding buy at
just $26.950. -
S:?r» per month including
taxl.'s & Insurance en al·
tractlvr comer homf' In
Mesa (>('\ Mar. 4 bdnns, 2
baths. Veterans • hWT)' -·
this "-on't la.st !.
sider $30,000 down.
Open Sat. & Sun. 301 Evening ~tar Lane.
Exquisitely decorated 3 bedroom hon1e \vith
formal dining. roomj large sunken l iving
room, huge master suite. Electronic oven.
Unusually beautiful landscaping, with lanai. 5'1-5110 Oean 3 BR, 2 bL homt,
~ to best beach. $26.500.
6300 W. Coe.st ff~')' .. N.B.
, .... cilllN ll'lelbtJ
JliX) ...... t-.tv.
541-1290, 642-3476 Eva.
Open Houses
""' this ha"'~ry with ytu this wuk-•"4 a• you .. untln• All the locetlone lb~ Mlow .,.. llHCrlW In gr••ter detall -.,
atlvertltl"I tlMW ...... ~n todey'1 DAILY PILOT
WANT ADS. Patrons 1howlnt open houMI fer ul• er h rent era urtff to ll1t swch Inform•·
tlon In this column uch Frld11y.
(2 Bedroom)
2200 Fiesta (Bluffs) Newport Beach
644-1280 (Sal & Sun 1-5 )
(3 Bedroom)
*522 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB (Sun 1-5)
600 Aldean Place (Newport Heights) _NB
646-3255 (Daily)
W.2501 Crestview {Bayshores) NB
· 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1-5)
48'll CorUand (Cameo Highlands) CdM
833-0700: 644-2430 -(Sun 1-5)
(J Bedroom & 2 Baths)
685 Buena Vista \Vay, Laguna Beach
494-5940 (Sun 1·5)
(J Bedroom & Family or Oen)
1046 Pescador Dr (Dover Shores) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa
408 Carlotta (The Bluffs) NB
(Sun 1-5)
833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun 1-5)
894 Sandcastie Drive, Corona del Mar
644-2430: 833-0700 (Sun 1-5)
**301 Evening Star Lane, NB 64:1-8235 (Sal & Sun)
1536 Sylvia Lane (Harbor Highlands) NB
642-5200 <Sun 1-5)
J24 Snug Harbor, Newport Beach
640-2000 (Daily 1-5)
320 l!Uckoeli Rd (College Park) CM
5411-1920 (Wknd s & eves)
(4 Bedroom)
*1756Skylark !Baycresl) NB
642-8235 !Sal & Sun)
(4 Bedroom & Family or Oen)
1374 lialaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB
642-ll'l35 !Sal & Sunl
*4512 ttoxtlury Dr. (Ca1neo Shores) CdM
644-2430 : 83:µ\700 !Sun 2-tl)
4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdA-'I
64241235 (Sat & Sun)
1834 :Samar (Mesa Verde) Cl\1
642-0221: 548-3684 (Sal 1-tl)
1124 Santiago Drive, Ne,vport Beach
670-0930 (Sun l·S)
23'1 Irvine (Back Bay ) NB
54f).J720 (Daily 1·5)
*1607 Santiago (Baycresl) NB
642-5200 · (Sun 1-5)
1514 Warwick (Weslcliff) NB
642-5200 (Sun 1-5)
*2131 Eldorado (Ea.tblull) NB
642-5200 rsun 1-5)
1430 Galaxy Ur. (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 !Dally)
(5 Boclroom)
*200 Via ~lenlonc {Lido Isle ) NB
673-ll830: 673-7300 (Sun 1-5)
(5 Bedroom & Family or Oen)
1210 Polaris Drtvc, Newport Beach
642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
1536 Gal axy Dr. (Dover Shore•) NB
642-8235 (Sal & Sun)
(2-3-4 Bedrooms)
*752 Amlgos Way (Easlblull) NB
64U200 {Sat & Sun 1·5)
Asking ............................. $99,500.
Elegant 3 bedroom with magnificent. Mt. &
bay view. Spacid\ls living room; garden or
family room; oversize pool wtth extensive
surrounding terrace. Done in exquisite taste.
Priced to sell, ................... ., .$127,500.
Call for app't.
Fascinating Z.story hon1e I o cat e d on 1 ¥..
acres; spacious living room, large formaJ
dining room, both with heavy beam ceilings.
All electric kitchen. Barn & stE1bles in excel-
lent condition: corral & pasture. Each mem-
ber of the family can have his own horse.
This delightful 4300 sq. ft. Sj>anish home
overlooks a beautiful swimming pool. Auth-
entic Mexican tile doorways & grill work,
make this a unique offering with a Newport
Beach address. ~king ...... _ ....... $149,500.
See this custom built 4 bedroom home with
dining room. family room, 2 fireplaces &
pool. Owner has purchased a new home, must
sell , Asking , ... , ....... ., ............. ,74,000.
iohn macnab
901 Dove,. Dr., Suite 120
1000 General 1000
For the Big Family
4 queen :.;Ile bedrooms, Two
very luxurious baths. This
home features step • down
living room with romantic
fireplace. FORMAL DIN.
ING ROOM. Separate step
down family room leads to
completf'ly enclosHf rear
yard beautifully Urndscaped.
:rrEP UP into this gorgeous
all electric kitchen. FHA
loan has payments of $155
includes aU. \Vlll sell VA at
appraisal of $29,450.
Walker & Lee
7682 Edinger
S42-4455 or 540-5140
O[X!n eves.
CUSTO~l buUt home on pres.
tige Baycrt'~t slrtel, Well
planned with four big bed-
rooms in one \\oing, Entf'r-
talning i~ simplllied wiih
large living and family
roonis plus formal dining
room. Handy kitchen, ser·
vice pon:h, 3 baths and loads
of closet space make this
a very livable family home.
Pool-sized yard hAs pe,vrd
patio, double g&rage plus lots
of olf.strttl parking. Under
':o · THI: RE AL I':' ESTl\TI:RS -. . . . .
548•2313 • 846·7171
P 11*''1'
H"rc'' a ~lassie~ Rambling
i;ingle story 4 bdnn on a
good gized lot \\'Ith beauttful
landseaplng, many extru I
loaded with charm. Cust01n
home neighborhood, $44,m
(Drive by. 2916 Java Road,
Open SUnda,y l·SJ,
• )1:.-s.1 \~·1 ~, J~~,i!l ·
546-5 990
4 Bdrm. Mtsa Verde . Sha111
big pool home. Askin&: $<125 .
negotiable. Overlooks C.M.
Golf & Country Oub,
2 bdrm TownhouSt" . Com·
pletl'ly !w11iahed. S17J/mo.
2 bdn11 pool home • le::ise
n90 \Vltl1 option a~·ailabJe tO
bey @ 122,500.
4 bdrr1 & fam . rm. 1'.fonth to
mon1h tennncy (prlnciptes
only\. S250/mo. includJtii
Unlimile-d enjoyment in this
brand new, unique design
by Ivan Wells. On the rim or the Bay. 4 bdnn1 3 bitths.
family room with \vet bar.
3065 sq ft cf quality living
aiea + 3 car garage, The
price or S88.SOO includ'C!s al-
lowance for carpMlng.
Roy J, Ward Co,
(Ba,ycrest Otflce}
I.CO Galaxy 646-l:>:iO
l'.lesa Del l\1nr \\'ith
electric· kitchen, earner
lot. •~•s for boat or
trailer. Assume 5~%
F11A loan, $29.950.
REAL TORS -546-4141-
(0p.n EvtninpJ
Bayview Beauty $23, 950 -3 BR. hugo famey >oom.
MESA VERDE "''"!Uul carp<!' I '"Pe•· bit-Ins, On lac fl':/'lctd lot .
}Qng 11Jed btdtoom1, 2 j>atha, % bk>ck from l'ICn\tlntary
All modern built.Jn kllchtn, ~chool.. $26,000 \t'.'ls oo down. s-io.1no /furry on lhi! onr!
1% ~T old hOrne \prof. T~J&O\l•I
decor). Xlnt oond; 3 Br, 2 % ACRE Country Estnte, l~x
8'1. funiily rm. S31.t~. 3" pool, 3 an Cll~lon1 hortll'.
12'JS2 rlt>r ! l,.inr, 11.H, f{ro," )lll'd: llflr"t'~ 11r l!!lll&,
646-4;E S43.:ioo. 0 1,·rlt'r. t>."-7636 w=hJ~te""'jiC-1e-plw>~~ ... ~, ~Dl-,,,...-~~l~.,.-I Olal 642-$18 1ft RESULTS
Big Four n J? //) /J. e.!.c:J ~F J.,00:-' bath Cutle Eastslde ~"M'':'..!..~t~'!''.~"1,_ .. /-' ele V..:Jarrell I_'-' ea(fu ,.,,,.. Mlh 1969 m00o1 """ Costa Mesa .., --~• .,......_ -,..,. .I.. (f Jd•.:.hen a: dining area. wilh · f " brary, f lqe btdl'6otni. prt:tetit.D 'f" + Perfect l0<:etion ot re reeJ
buill·ln lcHcllen .M ,pa. ~:n ~..: '..f1'!ork· or newlyweds. Delightfulbt
cious f.aro:ily, room.) Spart. shop + doll.ble garage + quiet neighborhood with tow-
ling ol,.. lluoUg,,..t. · OPEN HOUSES eil'CuJar d'I" + 8Sxl11' lot. •ring ""'· Spao-kHng cl•an
$33,500, Listed Exclusively, All this &: mort! with extra in and ou t and INCLUDE:s
call for appointment. DOVER SHORES _ VIEW. Custom ele-IP'Cial fi.nancinr. s1ove and refrigerator lot
gance. DelighUu! family plan. 3 bdrms 31'.i $2~l~J.SELL A HOME Oaths + maid's room & d.iniog room, teen-
age recreation center adjacent to swimming EVERY 31 MINUTES
pool patio. Walnut paneled adult family . Walker & Lee
room with fireplace & sunken wet bar, 3700 1'60 Newport Blvd., CM
sq. ft. of luxurious family living. CALL 646--3928 2CH3 'Vestclilf Dr.
' 1046 Petc•dor Drive (Sun f·S) Eves. 644-1655 6·12-0185 646-m 1 Open Eves.
''For A Wise Eey"
Colesworthy & Co.
Unusual cw;tom styled home
with individuality, 3 bdrm&-
] 11' baths, Cavrred patio &
Bean1cd ceiling in livini
room, formal dining room,
breakfast area. Jamily room,
4 lxlrms, 2~ baths, pool
sized yard beautifully land·
:icaped, $57 ,500.
400 E. ]7th, Costa Mesa
HARBOR HtGHLANOS -See tbis'faobion·
able & "iunctlonal S lidnn home .V!li large
family room, 2 fireplaces, inside corner ad·
dress. Large assumable 51h % loan.
1536 Sylvia Lana · (Sun 1-5)
BAYCREST -VACANT. Needs large fami·
ly -4 bdrms, family room, den & dining
room. A bonus: child-safe swimming poof.
1607 Santiago (Sun 1-5)
decorated 4 bdrm home , large fa~ room
& large kitchen with breakfast area. New
carpefs & paint, 2 fireplaces.
1514 Wa,...lck (Sun l·SI
THE BLUFFS -Belter than new! 4 bdrm&
& famil)'. room in immaculate condition. End
''E" unit overlooking green belt.
21)2 Eldo•ado (Sun 1-51
-for lease. 2-34 bdrms, 2 & 3 baths built-
ins, fireplaces. patios, cpts/drps, pool 1& rec.
area. $245 to $295.
752 Amigo& W·1y (Sat/Sun 1-5)
Office Optn Saturdays & Sunday&
1605 Wostcllff Dry N.B.
-----------· -------· AUumo_$20,000 G.I.
Loan $165 per Month General lOOO Genert1I 1000
$34,5001 Complete privacy. King sized
On a h.uae pool sized lot. bedrooms. Fo1mal dining
Huge farnlly room. Electric room. Built-i n range, oven
built-in kitchen. 2 fireplaces. & dishwasher. 541}-1720
Full dining room. Complete-TARBELL 29'5 Harbor
'r '"''""· 54-0-JIJ"lO ONT APT TARBELL 2955 H.,bor BAYFR •
Villta Dcl Lido. Pier & &Up 3 BR 2 BATHS available. Enclosed garage,
$22,500 S28.;xio
No down VA or low down George Williamion
nlA. CUte home, convtni-REALTOR
ent location. Bit-in kit. new· 673-4.'.l.'iO Eves. 673-1564
ly painted, w/w cpts. Hurry! I---,=:-:;~
P.W.C. 540-l440 $20,950
BUSIEST marketplace in SWIM POOL
Cla.s.sUied section. S a v e
money, time & eUort. Look
Lwury 3 bedroom 2 bath,
Fireplace. all electric built.
in kltcben. Relaxed living
at its' best!
1000 General
Coldwell, Banker
Corona Del Mar -most unusual ne\v home
& apt .. located on waterfront Dr. ~odern
version of old world charm. Split·level-
includes eve_rythmg with as -+-------1 =========,II Jitt.lc as $2.500 down. Thii'I Youngster's or 11
ash paneled 3 bedroom, 2 Old1ter's Dslight I view of bay ....................... $107,500
Mrs. Harvey
balh ~park.ling home boasts Assume this less than rent
bf'autifUl NEW SHAG CAR-ot $134 per month F.J-1.A.
PETS, cl.rapes and magic loan er only $1,300 down to
rye range and oven. Quiet new f'.11.A. 3 br's and 2
street \Vil h sweeping patio baths, plU8 LARGE FAM·
and muny FRUIT TREES. ILY ROOM! Soft luxurious
\Valk to school and shop. NEAR NEW CARPET nnd
pint; ccn!l'r. 1\l3SOLUTELY dru.pt"S throughout. pa r k
GREAT!:! like lawn with ~rlnklers.
moHarlmBlvd.a!Ada.m• Walker & Lee
Open 'lil 9 PtJ
Reduced $2500 for rapid sal~.
4 bdrms. hardwood fioors.
Home net>ds paint & CllJ'C,
New pri('('
2790 Harbor BJvd. at Adams
Open 'tll 9 PJ\I
Stationery & Otflce supply
located in major shopping
centtt, Good i$0lld clientele
-&5';'~ repeat business. $100~1
gross yearly. $25.000 dollars
for business & corporation.
Inc. r:ealtors
Riistic custom r a n c h
home. Near one o f
Newport areas 1 i n e s t
country clubs. 3 J a r g e
bedrooms, 2 batha: loaded
with tile. Vaulted cell-
ing-living room w i t h
heavy beams. All rooms
center around a huge
atr iu m, 1-lardwoods galore + b o nu s loft truly a
quali1y buy at o n I y
$29.750. Call now 645--0303
TAKE OVER 53/.4 %
Cautious home buyers
only! ntA 514 ?'11 loan
pays all at $131. mo. 3
N large bedrooms, 2 batM,
Newport ewport huge step do\\.11 !amily
at at room. beautifully done in
Victoria r ich knolty pine. Formal
Vlctorl1 dining too~ Even 1'00m to
646-8811 646-8111 exptnd! Seller Is willing (anytime) to help finance for right
Anytime 1 ~;::;;:::=zc:z II party. Only $24.500. Coata ?.~~~~"'l:!~~ I 1 Mesa. Better Hurry! Call
Or sell -~95'. R·2, va-
cant. Approx. ~ blk. from NEAR BEACH
"''"" "" 3.lth SL, NB . '+ + FAM ILY $8500 equity _ $9.000 existing
2nd can be assumed & sul> 'Vow! 4 bedrooms +
ordinatf'd . 01vner would co~ famlly r o om, 2 Baths.
sider 3 or 4 unil.5, CM, Har-Built-ins, and breakfast
bor area • asking S2'2.000. bar in dream kltcheri.
4 BORMS PLUS New custom drapes. Wall
Family rn1. 1'.f1ux-o bull! _ to wall carpets. Forced
huge Jiv, rm. t 5x27° • car-air heating! Only $19,950
pel ~ / drapes • gas B/I belte-r be fu t. Call now
kitch. -D/\V • slumpstone 645-0303
(rpic. Prop. fenced 111/bloclc 00
\\.'all & rM\.\•ood, Existing fio. 4 + P L
anclnr S20,aoo: as king fl4,995 BA YCREST
-For additional info, call CHIL T ROBINETTE Superb Newport Beach
REALTOR 6·5.{112!1 es t ate. 4 ma s ter
Excellent Eutslde Joca1ion.
Con1p1etely rtdecorated.
hea'J)' 11hake roof, redwood
siding & many built·ln fea-
tures. Ideal home fer the
adult fan1Uy & gU1?1t house
for the in.Jaws. Vitcitnt & ~·dy for lmn1ediate Occu-
'.ll • _ .. , .... * 642-lnl Anytima *
SHOPPlNG .~or a ho1ne?
Call, write er vil:it our of.
flt'e for Your itte copy ol
Qur "Honit•s f or I.ivln;"
J\1a.g:iuine, v.·ith 11ic1un:s,
prk'eS & d11tall5 <JI our
SC!ltel li11tlnitS in Nf'WPQrl
13CAtl1, Corofllt drl J\far.
l.iolo S· N'pt. Hi1rbor, llT·:D
CAHl'l:.I. rtE.\l.iY, :llJ2j \\',
&llloa Bh·.. N f' \\' p O:t I
Beach, 92000. 67~. '
2 story. 4 bedroom, 2 bllths.
Large covered patio entire
rear & ~kle of home. 12 x 20
ft. hobbyshop, Family room,
Pricf'd below market!
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
3 bdrms, l "-baUu, Carptls,
dra~s. firepta~. ek-clrio
blt·ins & washer &e dryer,
. S2t,250.
Well1-McCardle, Rltrs.
1110 Newport Blvd., C.~t.
548-7729 a nytime
5 Bodrm -3 Bath
Huge S" im Pool & p&\lo.
Best 111.1'11' femUy hOme itl
!hi! p!'ice. f'atl('llng:. break-
r~t b.tr. Fireplace, Prcstlae
11.N'll., !).1().1720
TARBELL 2955 Harbo•
DIAL direct &12·5618, 01arge
your ad, then !It ba<'k and
llslen to the phone rlOi!
bf'drooms. HUge t 11 e d
balh&. Family room arxl
east y,•ing view cf a
tropical settln&: around
olymplc size pool. 10%
down_ Best of tern1s. Call
lodll,f. ~
Immaculate 3 ~room
home. Dinlnt room wllh
beamed celling. Newly
decorated in and cu.I!
New plush pile c:arpeting.
New tile in kllchen and
bat h ! Giant lanai
overlo nks imnie"*!
gardl'n of palms. BonUB
future! Alley access for
boats and trailers. Great
locallon!, The pl"icc Ill
rt,rhl! Hurry!, C a 11
Inc. Realtors
3l 1-tarbor Centt'r
2~ Hatbor Blvd.. C.M.
Better lb.an 'new -improved w; lovely
carpets, drapes, landscaping & sparkling
pool. Great for family -4 lrg. bdrms. +
fam. & din. Rrns. -Owner moving, 'vants
offer. . ....................... ., .... $74 ,500
Mrs. Harvey
SUN. 2-6 ; 4512 Roxbury. 4 BR's. + conv.
den. Specious patio w/pool. Ideal family
home. Owner moved .. , ......... , .. $69,500.
Cathryn Tennille
Completely redecorated 4 Bdrm .. 3 bath
home. Dln.ing room & large family r oo1n
with fireplace. Otte room s u i l a b I e for
maicj's room or office. Large covered patio
& pool-sized yard. Fee ............ $68,500
Kathryn Raulston
Three bdrm. 2 bath horue located ln best
area. Custom built with beamed ceilings.
Beautiful, large South patio. Excellent con ..
dition. . ........................... $81,000
Kathryn Raulston
9 Mos. old. has everything for bountiful
living. Fam. r1n ., brkfst. rm,, din. rm.
Great view from most rooms (sid-down
view). Prof. landscp. 3 Car garage. $64,950
Walter 1-laase
894 Sandcastle Dr., CdM. 1801 Vie\v from
most of this Lusk quality bullt 3 BR. 2~
Ba. borne. Lge. fam. rm., all elec. kit .. lge.
patio wilh gas BBQ pil. Asking ., .. $59,950.
Chuck Place
Distinctive 4 bedroom, carpeted family rm.
w/fireplace. Neat as a pin. Beautiful lat)d ..
scaping, lge. patio witi1 great view. 3 Car
paneled garage.
Mary Lou Marion
SUN. 1·5; 4821 Cortland. 3 BR. 2 Balh. Fr·
plc. Room to add. Lots of brick, secluded
ent. yd. Open beam cell's ......... -'43,950
Al Fink
OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 $41,500
408 Carlotta-The Bluffs. "E" Plan; most
attractive 2-story, 3 bedroom & den. gra·
cious patio overlooking picturesque greeir
Mary Lou Marion
SUN. 1·5i you can see tbe best buy in this
exClusiVe area w /priv. beach & boat stoWw
~:~.eoo:;ry redec._ 3. B_R: _2 lla '. _2501~~~
Joe Clarkson
J Bl c
2 ba'
3 Br
• $1
'" """' fil'f'J
.'.J Br.
5'19-1 ....
ro ' dd
""'' FH,\
On ti lo b
Ba.: , ' Oavb
1 B ..
'"'· l' Ctr.
583 '" 849
lor 31 l~b11.1
< BR
1~ I
Coo• Ceil .
res id
fl ooi·
l"d c
let (
-1 BR
t•an 1
'""" """ tea tu
s -• •
............ --~ ............... ~ .. ~-· .. ..,,......., ........... ,,. ..... .., ........... ~~ ......... ~ ... ~ ............................................................................................ ~ ....................................................... """" ..
-fl.lit Y PILOT 20
1000 M•a• Verde 1110 Newport Buch
_H"'-0 -'-U""SE"-'S-'F-'0;.;..R...;S;.;..A.:..L E"'--H"-O"'U;,.;Sc;;E.;..S .:..l'.;..011:;..:.;SAc;;L:.:E:_ I ~_I! SE S -~ 011.~A ~ ! _
1200 Huntil1jlon lluch 1400}1untington llhch 1400 L1gun1 llhch 1705 i --~=iiiiiiiiiiii~· ~-1
Houw1 FurnishMI HoUta Unfurnished HCMIMI Unfurnlthed
271 Princeton, CM
J BR -+ df'n, Ja:e cov pa.uo.
541-&*'iO Evei. &-l!t-116.i
ALL 3 BR'1-8¥. OWNER
!1iO Victoria $19,~ GI
211)3 , • ....,..i $:11,llOp,5%
422 Walnut $2l.;AJ) 6~
Ill SusaMah $26.~ S1A.
La~ tak,e ovf'r loe.ns
Neu new. lonn~r nlOdcl
home 1n tip lop cond. 4 Br.,
~~t tam.. lomlal d1h, I: \l.t!t !Mr. Quick ~~.
Ow~r movillJI: to WllK"Olllin.
41 1 Windward Lane
Hal P lnchin & A11oc.
3900 r:. Co.Jt Hwy. ti7:>-4:;9'.!
* BY 0\VNER •
Otta.nb:onl Ho111e, J BR, ul\I
r1n, sevling nn, hv rn1
New homes, ready to move in. 2 to $ bed-
rooms, 2 to 3 balhs. \0 nule from btach. First
payment up to 60 ~ays after move ln.
VA/l'HA T1nn1. From $2',9'0
The Beach
Ion Brookhur1t 1 mil• South· of Adami)
ll1lbo1 2300 Cuti Mose 3100
l~SE, t'URNISJIEO. EA.mlDJ:: 3 BR 2 baths. Pc.n1nsula, ti' hi.)' lrontaae w/0001t. ~~lp'fy, ~ BR. 4 ~acanl. lmmcd. occvpancy-
BA plus 8\Vfhimer'• drtU-S~mo. Agt. 548-4141
Uii nn w/1hO"'tt· }"font all CLEAN % Br· duple.x, gara1 glaa$. Dishwasher, dl1JP0119,I; pvt fenced yd, some c:rpla A
2 retrtc. ~PllJil1e fl"ffrer. drp11. SJ20. ~
Dbl oven, elt!etrir 11tovt'. l Bdrm Townhouse Untu:rn.
s<'parate bruller lr:Shq t'Pll. Orps. l ~ bath$.
rotl&!:ICrM:. Laundry "nl Olshwubeir, etc. ~762'J
Autotnalit• ~arage opener.
Hunllntf00t Bloch S400
3 Br. 2 &. ckn, trpi, w/-.
crpl'!!, ~Dl'd POtth. pool.
ntls, no pcfJ. $250 mo. be,
3 BR. Bit-ins. t'Pb. drpii.
Gardener It water pd. UOO
mo. J:LW96--U42
1 'End of th• R•inbow"
2 baths. Kllchrn whh lu.\Ul'Y
built-In lea1u1'C~ Lat1tc )'ard.
TARBELL 146-0604
College P1rks Sh~rp.11
Open H~se Sat. 1--6
183~ •Sln111-r to cl~ est.ate.
S 14,950. <I BR, 3 BA, lain
rm. 2600 + ~-fl. C1'PI$.
dq111. auto !!p1itlro;;, asin1111e
51"~ loaf'I, ~11·. I.illy Bkr.
&12-5221 or 548-.1684.
S26.950 VACAl'IT
A.!;$Ulfle !'>\. 1,~ FHA. Beaut. 3
Br, Z &, palio horne. Fam
r1n, bit-Ins, crpts, dt•ps, By
O\\'ncr s-t;;...i.wa
'v/frplc & ocean view. I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roomy k11. w/bltra. & I'
Coron• def M•r
OCEAN.f.RONT lar.d ln South
~-trom CQqt llwy, to
beach. Al.molt l/3 act'<', 11ur.
rounded by Jqe tree-. The
prope11y-overioob' • Mndy
~\.i'I. iiurl. ~ poinbl l:
a ~le11~ view or tbe
oce,.n · '-1..1.1\t"-008.llHoc:.
All for 1139,000 & Includes: a
IBJ•ge older hoU&e that U
q11lte linble or re.nta.ble.
Tl~ land ultlma!ely should
be used for high density
apt.a. or eondominlum.s, but !!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!!!!!!!~I rneanwlillc, you can enjoy 1250 Huntin11ton Beach 1400 livina: itt your Investment as
Yearly or wint<'r. 613-2039 DUPL£X, 2 Br, Cara, yrly ===~-='-';.:...=~t lelllW!' Sl.2> ""'· Harbor It WlNTER RcDtal, nlOOern 2 Victoria atta, 673-:ll34
BR. a1tractlvely tun1. T~I I BR I nOOI I I patio ~ 968/7510 urn. MO ~ ·
Fount•ln V1llty 3410
NE\V 3 BR, 2 bath, tam rm,
bl.Ins, crpta. drJ>!l', palk'I,
{rple, \\'alk to ~s. '230
mo, SJS..0164
3 Br, 2 Ba. lam m1. sep din
rm, :? frplcs, Nll'npl kit, util
rm. lmn1ac lndsc.:pg. By O\\ll-
er evl's ·" 1vknds. :>~9-19:.!0
PRESTIGE horn(' 1 ~~ blocks
to t.il'till. Venlt-Country
Club. 4-BR. $46.300. a.is--Ui78
College Park 1115
Costa Mesa 1100 Assume 4:V••/. Loan I-'---'-'-"'----'-;.;.; I~ Bdrrn, J&• Ba, 26' hv m i.
e $23,950 lfal~'f('~t ;~ BR & RIO. di>hwhr, dbl gar. fncd.
den l'lon1e. llard\\'09 floors, Walk to Khi!! &: sbop'g, Va.
!klor to l'Clling s 1o11" C'ant S?:O.~, 1218 Cornell.
firtplaec. I n1 111' 11. r n I "' 1 " c'='6-=ZJ=ll9=""='="===== covered patio wtth .1:11.N -
1200 BBQ. Subn1i r do1,n-hii.:h Newport Beach
Sll.000-4 1~'ii 11.!litun111hlc
taxes. Sini!ey Ritt . G12--2't21,
ki«.n. S42!l/mu in<'IOOing
taxes. Sn1Uey Rltr. 6-12·2221.
College Park's
Aisume Sl/4•/o $178 pays
3 Br. :! Ba. tam rm, :<rp 11in
rm. 2 l1·plrs. t'On1pll'tc k11.
u!1l rn1. ln1n1ac lndscr>e:. B.v
01,'JlCr. £\•rs & wknd,;.
Modern Spanish
Adobe bri~k & 11pi..'C1al i;tuc-
oo t.ets ort lhii; ro1111rr mo-
del home. Lai~!.' -~ bd1111 &
funily + k1l chrn f'a ll!l{I:
areit. Df><.'Orator 1111.JI papr1·.
drape!': 8: l'<ll'f)f'I~. A~~u 1nr
rHA l01Ln t l l.'il n10 IJ:OY~ ;ii!
Needs New Owner
$15,750 ~Only 10°/o On.
On ll'N' li11l'd ~11~·\·1 . no1J111
kl build: R-:! 1,~f :! Br. I
Ba, 19G9 Full•·1 ltin .\\ r.
' Call: !\!1. nu1J l11···•11
Davis Reall y h i~ 7!'1~1 -B .. 1'1~ d\JI . !.'al. ~·;;; l'L'
"''/option. 32-!,j(l() S\WJ IJri.
Tern1s. Finr .\IUL''" lioi11t•
"·/bu~, use. 61!' ~·ni1.1 ..1sr 011
\V, 19th SI. Edge Of btg mkt.
Ly1 te Rralry
:>83 \V, 191h. C:\l ;...18-!M!l~
Open Sat., Sun. 1-S: 30
(Qr lll'C by app ·1. ! :: Bdnn< ,
l·balh. On large, fl·nced fot.
642 -7000
5Y4°/o LOAN
4 BR 11 ilh pool, fain rooin,
1 % bQ, Ne11r schouh: & So.
<:oast Pl;v.a. lnllllL'll poss.
Ceil t.la1·t1n ltl\1· :i l~·li332
!'HA/VA -SZ::. 73'i0 QU;M
residen11al nc 1ghOOrlxlU!J :i
bdrms, 2 bath~. harr.11100(1
floors & gor~euus trrc shad·
rd ('<lVrr'l'd pa tio & ~<in'!.
CALL j<l.;...s42~ .Soulh Coa.~t
Real Estatf'
OLDR 3 BR hon1r on dhl
Joi {127 x 1201 On rurur<'
road to Univers1 1y. S11.300.
l Ol\'nl'I': J46..3167
-3 BR. 1::0' "idc 101. \\'/w
crplg. Drive by 194o \Vh11.
her, !hen call j!S4i96;,
Mesa Del Mar 1 IOS
BUY this 2tiOO sq. ft . Luxu ry
'-lerlalllou honir 111!h :i BR l
BA fro111 011 hrr 11 ho 1, 1U
carry 1no1·tgage. 1\IJ roon1s
carpeted. !11:.;h 'tu a I 1 l y
drapes. Gara{ic tloor OPf'lll'l',
Enclosed patio, 1t1q;c t1·(·r.~.
Desirable CM an:a. 1·losi' lo
~chools. 1\lany n ! Ii r r
features. :i l6-967•1
Mesa Verde 1110
1tlovr in cond ihon, lu\L•ly 4
Br. lam 1·1 11. :! h.1 ho111r.
Ne1v crpt~. l•:\o·,1s' t:x-
ceo!ional 0 111K'r'< 'IK'l'1ai at
only S:.17,7.JO. ~)10.0StJ
NOW See Thi1o!
811: 0~~11.n Voc•w fl'Ulll l1lll~
Br11.ch !1011~. Dining area in
Oil!' end of lrut:<' hvlni;:: roo!ll
with firrp!acr. Sl<'ll saving
built-i n ki!l'h(•n Two nice
bed100111s. Fr!IL'l~i.l fl<t\10, All
!hi.~ fur 011ly $39,f>OO \\'ltl1 1:;r;
duWll. E\'eS, sn.J.3.j.)
Tiu!>. 3 be1h'OOn1 CL/Ft'I!.\\'.
EN hon1r 1s vat"d11l and ,1~.11!,
inl; fu1· }'flll Tl11s hnmr Oil
a qturl tf'N'-ltrM•1t str~'1 is
ideal fo r 111,· )·uung lan1ily,
01· ror lhr n1 o r r nia lure
f:i.m1l~· PrH'<' 1-cduef'd lo
t.H.40IJ for .i !a.~I Sdl•·, OPEN
DA ILY J,J P:\1 3"24 Snug
llarhnr ~:1·1...,, :O~il-1810
Bay & Beach R lty,, Inc.
!.l()J 0oV!'J D1'IVl'. Suite 126 1\8
/\~ 111,, ad11 rc~~ lra.nsia!es,
"l;r:o u1Jfu t \111'1\" -both in-
,.11!r .~. oul . E:xci>eds 111odrl
li·H!U' n•11ur1i•1nrn1s . l<iv1sh·
J~ 1·thlun11z1d l\'ll lt decorator
11r1µ<.nnt 1nru1~. Dr.:1gncd for
ul11111;11r ..:ornforl IJy s1ngif•,
1l1sct1n11nal1n:.: Oll'rK'I', l!\1gr
nia~lr r ~01tr \\ r!h !)i U111i;
1u.;n1. S1•11<11·atr gur:>l bd rn1.
• ~ b;11h. SJ1l1l-lC'Vt'I r od un11.
Prn'<'cl lo ii"11 ;1 t t'<ln~ll'Ut'-
111111 1'0SL S:il,511(1. Sho\\n
daily hy ·•fll•'I, lhn1.
C.111 us /or olhl'r Bluf/~
f'\CIU1>1Vf' lis1 ~s.
.'Il l Vtsla Del Oro
644-1133 644-0505 Eves.
LJl<B To live on a .sn1all
l1d11nd ? f'-or sale by ov.•ncr
dut: to divor ce, Charn1ing
olf1 h~c. on Nc1\port Isl. 1
1·oonis, '.! baths, ha<t IX'cn
1!1()(lf'111 kit •1/bltns. M ls
u[ .slur·ai;r. t.:wiJ bnck h'J.llc
,t· dining 1'00111 1v a 11 .
Balhroon1s 1~w w/~unken
lub. Lrg. sunrlrck \\/v~w .
Ne wly pi._intr'CI o u I ~ i d e ,
Al'T'Ol>S s1. h•on1 Bay on 2
sutl'!! & ~ blks. rrom ()(!('an.
$-12,:)00 !JU)S thh 4 B1• hornc.
IOOS l\l;u·cu.s. NB 67).-0363 or
Oldl'r ho111r, 1 1:;~11 on lhc
b1.·a~·h :O:n1all. bu1 ('<11•1pl• 1l'
Pl'iL·1d al lo! \alu.•. l llull'r
n 1U ltnant·r, S·l2,.-i()l\
'..'91J1 i\t'll flOM Bl l'<I .. .\ 1; s; .-rn::o 61..:-n.~~J 1··1, ~
A hu11lt' pl11nn!'d lul' 1hr ";.;1•n-
l'l';11lon .i::ii f! I 131~ :: b;1
<'n1 crl:11n111cn! ont•nlcri
h\ 1ng arra.
11 :?1 Sl\11l111go.01w11 :O-'un, 1-.i
'.>q:?ll F.:. C•"Xost Jl\\•y .. Cd,\I
615-5930 '
Bl.l 1 ' ·" '' "r ,.lt'\V :: Br. ;
Ba , , · ,1,. i:-1'\.'t'nbelt.
H•·d·1· f, r qu1c:k
}(,l it•' I 1 II II S ,
1;4 J~I~ '
avocado sha,g crptg lhru-
out. l''ront yd w/palio &
CABANNA. $63.500. 613-6990
(ll' (213) 698-3627.
2 t.todem unltit~ belt iU1'3
Ea~I)' rt'nted, adequate i-e-
lurn. Tcnns; s.;9.000.
~'901 Nc1vport Blvd .. 1'.B.
67:>4630 642-1153 C:vf's.
All lhc W&.y! Thi!! spac. hom<'.
nr. bi!ach & shopping, :)ec
ii tlO\\', $13.950 !1Gl.C1
615-4130 675-1642
&.le or lease_, 1n1n1ac. furn,
nciir beai:h, -4 Br. tlt'n, 2 Ba.
~ frpls, each unit. :!nd unit
leased al $355 mo. SI0,000
dn. 011·nel' 6~2-34911.
S!U.E OR LEASE.. 2 BR. 2
BA, Luxury conUon1in1um.
pool, putllng i,'l'Ccn. All
niaintenancc pd. Back Bay
arC'a . 1..?6.l 1110,, or i::OOO
dO\\'ll. j.18-6179.
Sat & Su n 1-.J
2 Bit 2 BA. l ICVC'l Co111r
look & n1ID!e oUel'! 2'200
Fiest11, 644-1280.
Cl.US IVE AREA. l Bdrn1,
lorrnal din rn1. den: ~r-
r o u n ding pool &
r•atio. * ti1H!l20
KNO'rTY PINI'.: 11u1Jout , high
bcan1 ce1l'ln.cs. J lrg an·~. 2
BA's, pool. ganl<' rocnn.
Ba.ck Ba~·-0\\'lll'r, S4:iJJOO. * 6~ij-1420 *
If' you arr 1h1nld11g ur SC'll·
in~ ~·ou 1· horn". Jr! u~ lll'lp
y11u 111th !i'f'C Hd\t•tl1sin~,
appr;1iS<1l & r1nanr·1ng. L1"1
you1· hon1r '' ith u~
Graham Realty 646--2414
l"r 11r :\r·1•porl p,.,~, Ol lt<'<'
OPEN 1101.JSt :. Sun l·i jl .!
El i\!udcna. N r" 11 or I
llt•1ghLs. :; BH, ::-car 1:ar;q;e,
Doyer Shore• 1227 ......---------FOi7e1YOwli8r
Spacious eustom :?-slory c."·
~ut1ve hon1e. Large fonnal
1Jin1ng J'OOm. Psncled den
\l'ilh wet bar & flrepla<.-c.
Siltiniz: roo111 w/fircplacc. 3
lxlr, J1,~ balhs. Garden en-
try. Vie1v o( bay & n1oun-
ta1n.s. SS'!,j()(). 646-Zl:.J -----------------*UNIQUELY
Diff<'renl ''Old \Voi·ld" Con-
1empol'a r)'. cxc.cutive hL'I:·
UI'}' ho m r . U•M>bstructe<l
Ba,, & i\ltn VU-n1ost rms.
:JOOO sq ft, 4 Br, 41,, Ba +
maids qtrs. Ideal for cn1cr-
t.a1111ng, E<tSy nuunr. li111ncJ
oc·cu1>3ncy. f'urnisl1ed.
Sli8,000, Assu1ne 6 •, loJaJ1.
Box 16.12 N.B. :HS-T.!49
Baycrest 1223
ATTENTION E . ..;ccu!ivrs~
.Jusl reduced Sl0,000. This
l'U~ton1 \Veils sophi.s11ca!cd
hon1c. Anlhony pool. ooarlng
111111)1.>rcd rc1l1n1:~. 4 txlrn1s ..
~ b;i lhl!.-i\0111 S6~.~iCXJ. Owner
~'021 Ship\r<1y La11r ti4&-20:!1
University Park 1237
61/i"I. LOAN
See it today! e Red Hill Re•lty
J~Gg Culver Dr., Irvine
0 Pl:N 9 AM,8 PM 83.1-08:!0
NO nialtcr \\'hal 1t 1s, you
can .sell l1 wllh a DAILY
PILOT \VAJVT AO!' &12-567!
Gener el 1000 General 1000 Gener el 1000
Solve a Simpte Scra.1nbled Word Puzzle Jor a Chuck'
0 Reorro11ge letl•n: of the lcA!~ •romb!.d word1 b&--
low 10 form lour Sil'!'pl~ w01d1 1
.· I' I I I I . ~-
I' 1 • I j )~ 1· -
... -. -J
ISYTIX I 1--j,-"'j"l-.,-T,~ _ A Scotc'1 neig'1bor: Anyon•
_ _ . _ . con borrow his Jown mower. r-------.., It hoi a --·on It. g-S
IRAHROI ~ ~ 1-...-,-~,-~r,-~rr-T,-~ 0 C~l•!• tht ct11.dl1 auo!eoi by tilhnQ' rn the rn1blJ1Q 'NOTd~
• • --. you dtwelop from •19 No, 3 l>.low, o ~~l~~f~~~~~f~EtlW I' r I' r I' I' I' 1
_€>_,"'"~:o.ict.::.:'~""~W!;;i"'.,_;_urr_,""'·~:..1l--1l--1l--1l_. I I I .............. ~ .........................
• t
· · utll. P.1ature ~pie prefer· L19un1 ISuch 3705 NEAR Penin. Pl. 3 Br bowie, ~. Nr Bhop!I. ~ Rltr. • it appreciates. Open house
-:;::;;;;;;;:;::;::;::;::;;;.[ all d a y Sun.. Sept, 7th, * SACRfFIO.: •
J.'abulou.s \'iew hQruf' in
Corona df'I Mar. 3 BR. r11n1
r111. 211 88, pool, all new
llflflllancl's, newly
d1•coratcd, landscaped. Xtra
li;e livinJ: rm 1v/frplc, lge
<'losets. Prier reduCf'd from
S69,500 to 59,;,0Q Jor quick
sall'. Call O\\'fl{"r 644-2732,
2807 S<-llil'l.K Sun Drivr
• Please call owner for app't.
MERMAID'S • •'"''"°""· <9'-2816.
garg &. patio, Oc..-cttn near.l==========-12 BR. part!¥ f'Urn, ocean
f'rpl<.'e, crpt11, adull.I!, no N•wport Beech 3200 view, 1unck>ck, No pets. Sta;
MANSION ECXCEPTIONAL Coa'"'"" • pets, $200. 61~219!1 mo. ~19M
READY.~ •.
To n10v~ ui. 509 Begonia
~ Bdrms .. SSJ.900
42 Ft. R-:l Loi
Frankly, lh1i; beach home \\·hlte \Valer views from
wa3 dci1igMtf for llir ml.'r-every room of lhii> outislJul-
maltl in your IL.£... 10 sil dinz tri-level custon1 J BR 2
around lcisurly &:: nick her BA home, c a n • 11 e v e r
golden tail in Ille sea b~r. decks &: protectM palio.
II has all tbr convcnk'nces A di1tiot1lve & unuaual pro.-
that ~ts h<'r have l'lctr"J. perty that mw;:t be se-tn.
hours or frf'e time 10 splash }lrst tl.tnc oUered. $55,()()(),
about in lhe surt or sun or Call for appt, 4!»-5Mll. Open
~hop or fix yo11 i.n extra house Sunday, J.5.
special dinner aflrr a hartl BY OWNER
~=========~ ~....,_,,.._,...
Lido l1le 23SI LEASES • * 1t • LIDO BAYFRONT . "WE GOTTEM"
:! Bdm111.. den; Plt'r &: shp Rl.'ady ror schOol . 1, • .uk to
r?r la';¥' boat. Good conch-Cdl\1 llij:h Ir stiopping a1~a.
lion, \\ tnter, S600 per nwnth: tl-lOV'!'"in !rc!!h Several choic
yearly S825 per m\llth. B ,__ · c Kath n Raul 1 4 R. ........auons: all near
1'Y 11 00 pooh1. Oelu...;e re:OOencri In
out.st.anding &J.'l'a -S?.;)(J per
month to qllll.lified l<'nanls.
Al~: Bay view ho1nC':<; io
s.t:iO per nionlh. Call for pri.
Condominlwm 3950
CONDO. 3 Br. (rpl, \\'U:hcr,
dryer &, refrlz;. Crpts Ii
drps'. 962-4076
•• • 1 Al-!)
Aptt. FurnishN
~ 2 Br. 4-plr.x. Pool,
W/w. i\'viUI 9/6 Broker -C.C'ne Rob<-rtson Rllr 6T,;.-1S99
days work. BcauttluJ gla.;s i.~mn1 th<• Pine lrecs to your
"!tchcn filled "ilh au !he own &and)" beach. 90 x 400
lime l>llVJnI:; appliances Jlk<.1 coastline vir'v .supreme.
4,000 SO. FT. I dn;hwasher, cloubk-oven E.'l:ishn:: 2 r\1slic rt'ntals.
Coldwell, Binker & Co.
5j() NeWpOrt Center Dr.
Newport BOOch, Calif.
val" showin;;s. 1 ,1~,85=.-. ~Lo-,-.,~,Y~,~.=,-. -c~.hol~.,,-1
EASTBLUFF """"°"· ,..,1. Adwi.. Loo&I Colonial :J Sty. 4 BR. + nut·-lone self cleaner), range & Terrific eondo111inium po-
s,,ry: ram . rnl. 4'~ ba. 80' tHspoW, Ron1antic· "p<U't!n t tcnllal. Now avallablr at 133-0700 644-2430 REAL TY Brok" 64>-0UJ
ri-ontagt", Hop. !liklfl & 11 saver rC'lrea1" atlult apaM-Sl37,000. Isr TD ol $•16,000; NEWLY 1 l ·hed 1 BR 4 :.MJ4 Vist.a 01;·1 Oro
jun1p 10 bt'a<''1. $119.000 n1cn1 . :: bdtTns, 2 baths. 6r1;, aJ1Sun111ble ti.W-4787 ·urns ' . · NE:\VPORT BEACJr
I) . . B:i.. avail ~pt 15th. \V1nter 1..a.1 1133 ... 1505 E Delancy Real Estate i·~perK's lhi-oug.houl, ear. OCEAN VIEW HOMt: or longer. 11141 67:l--1349' _,.... _.... ves,
282ll E. Cs1 Hwy 613-:J770 P.'llng in living, drnin£. hall, XLNT V I I U ---n1aster bedroom with pri. • · e oan a,sswnp on. t'URN 4 BR, :: BA. conten\p. :-~
lsf TIME OFFERED \.ale ba!h. Completely fenc-In!. rate ivill not increa..'ie. :l Newly dee. Avail Sept. S 1: Blk, fron1 ocean. Likf' ed. private i;:ate. front land-Br, 2 Ba, "'/W ci·pts, .frplc. \vnlr rental or yrly. 57,;..3504 B/B
nr1v :! BR . &. Urn hon1e. R·l sea.ping, t.101'1' in today. Cor ~ol; coinpl .priva;y. ;; Bdr1n. Ril.Yfront home. f'1<'r
Loo.CS49,j()O, Jo'or app'I. $30,.~50. Only $595 1uaranteed ~ ~ 0 us -8 ubmit. ~IP Balboa l1la nd 2355 t-slip, sr:JO mo .. I or :i yr.
'all: t.lary Grahain cl01;u~ co.st to ~I! 17141 PLA, CE, REALT" 40.,91,.~ --·----le~ avail. 5-13-4009 i:;Vf'S, 6"2·9190 9G8-1997. 2190 Vaca lion Lane, .'_ -:---_~_ \VJNTF.R Rental. LI:' t .
~·a1'1'\ \l'alkPr Rr altnr llun!ington Beat·h. Bkr HANDYMAN'S lfP!:lcious 5 Br. l ba. n1·. So. TOl\'NllOUSE
-IRVINE TERRAC.E i ""'"""::'"'"'"~~"'""'""'""ISPf't'1al~ 4 Jncon1c units 120 Bay. Adulll!i only. J BR.:!'~ Ba.
Ou1 standnii;: Ca!\'f honie 1n Super Sharp yd!!. to beach. Patios, deck!! Salisbury Really blJ-6900 Beaut. decorated. $2iJ niontb
pri,-, l\'»id. ar-ca. 3 Lgr. Br. Two Story \\·/ocean vie1v. Nds. paint. :.Winter: 2-J or 4 BR . Bay & Beach
Fani. i·ni.; hid, fill, flOOI. 4 Gigantic BC'drooni:s ,,·iUi el<". ShOOld gross $9,000 yr. houses. Island Re11hy. Realty Inc
CORBIN -MARTIN deep pJ.le carpcljj & lovely Pr. $69.600. Consider trades, 498 Park Avr. 673--1200 901 Dover Dr.: NB Suite 126
REALTORS 67:>-1662 drapP s, !luge hving room tl-USSIO~ REALTY 4!M-0731 IH.>2000 E L19uno Be1ch 2705• \'ell. ;)4S.6966 ::036 E Coo.st !hi')',, Ccl:\t \lllh bay wiodow and io1-ge-T\VO.UNIT LOT nr. bc11ch.
New Broadmoor Home ous rin::placr. F'cature~ "For-S21,000. terms. Ch"ner: <714) OCEANSIDE, Vici\'. :z BR & BACK BA~ J BR & ramily,
t'incs1 lan<lscap111" &.: Int. fnal Dining Room''. All eleo-l,=36>-=·=2254========0 I den. 'l BA. \\'ashcrl ..... •er, double fircplacx:, covered " tric: ki!chrn, "Separate" ... ., t'-• ·-clriugn. j Br. 3 Sa, drn & dsh1\/.shl· avail Sept thru pa "-'· ..-..i;;e corner lot.
. Lo 1 · ill family roon1, H<'a1y !.hake San Ju•n ,.... ·!'''"" '''"· I s ,. AduHs. S2!Q lease _ lncludell tu r111. vc Y view or h !!. roof. 21 1' car gara"c. :: yeill'S C•p'ostr1no 1720 .,,n-.:..JU "' f or appo1n1. <-lzy2S .. SHORTE.1l. RENTAL 1nay 111rdening, Ava.~. 0<.·1. 1st
young at $37,500 and assu1ne bf' .arran ..... i·d. !i nio 01. more, Referl'nccs rcquu·ed. 642-4387 EX C LUSIVE. Unusual hi"'h loan. LIKE HORSES? "' lsc. l~t Ai1. tlesli::n. 2 BR. fixer-uppCr. -WE SELL A HOME Open hou~ Sat&.> Sun 11-4.l,';',.::'.'.;::'.'.:'.'..~.---~l ;-;f.'°"""°'=-;:-'7'=-,.I
Gene Robert.son Rltr. EVERY 31 MINUTES 27401 Ortega lln·y. 3 Br. '.;\~ 3 ER. S2JO. 1 BH. S150. ulil. LEASE OR SALE. 'J BR. 2
67::-4899 I I (2131 2-14-6.186, or :tJ:Z Chic-Ba, Luxul'y eondornlniun1, --=-~~-~~ Walker· & Lee ···'" '"" a1,. '''""" ' · ~ + I d qui ta SlrL'rl poo • flUlling green. All ;, HR . :.: BA, dining--<lcn. I blk house barn, Four entt
frt1111 Cd~! n1ain beach. paddock.~ c!c. ti ',< loan. Dor-malnlenet' pd, Back Bay
Owner. S.li.:At0ti7:r..31Htlays 168'.l &linger othy funk, Rltr. 6.J:l-3344 Summer R•ntal1 2910 area. $2W ino., or $3000
or 67:.-3. . ..30 f'VC! £, wkends. 1!~:1-44.)5 or 540·5140 •1 BR i:; Ubo dJl="°='='"=·="=8-<l=-'='=· ~---OP<'n c\·e.... Dan• Point 1730 -: a apt a CllAR~tlNG ~ Br :l' ba LGF.. hilltop lot. Perm. v1e1v beaches/pier ~15.$ljt) \\'kly. · -. , ·
o! OL-e<in & hills. Pi.·1\•acy. REPOSSESSION ~ BR. CAPE COD :>:.6-3'Jll. G1~...;i810 honi<' on thr. ~valer. Xlnl ~ Clllld. l.'IC. S.:l7J 1110, Bkr.
Rettltor 673-:'010 Low Down /Var.ant Ot:C'a~ " valll'y \!\('\\. ~~rpl., S2JO \\ l\. Lu x u t· i u u ~ J..l!i-1290 .
CU::,'TOi\I Bit L"Onten1Porary 1 Lar~~· 4 BR. Ne" i·orµi.•llng, family 1'00m. Nr~v ptunt i, \va1erfron1 11nt . 111 •11. F• rn ':! \l'ATl!:P.r--:P.Ot-.T--h ., O,
)r old :: Br, 2 Ba lmt. :.'28 IW\\'\v. painted in<· '"'l. '.~ ca1-pe1tng •. Cl'cal fan1-BR. 2 BA . t71\l t.~.\-.\IJ:}:: d -·k :\ 6' 1, ',.'11 " ~oldenrod. 673-~~ Io r " '"' il ho $: -~ --oc · · r, • 3· ttJll!!, ~. _HAF_FOAL R
Y . Y rom',·NT"r.''°"lEALT,. D I F ·---:_-97-5 drµ ... urlulls . .ljQ() mo. yrly. -•~i~•P_t._S_1_9,~'°"~-"-'-v_•·~-'--8 . _up exe~ urn. '"·-6i3-CG't'l CAi\lEO SHORES-::. BP.'s •-10 \\arn~r. f'.\ · Sl~·4 l(}j :14136 CO!"la llwy, Dana Point ----.-o~~-o---~
$79,500. BY O\VNER • 11 UNITS • (TI41 496-.>..::r: $115. CLEAN. t."Oly, 12 bl l\. lo LEASE 1 Br. :: Ba, ci·pts.
Around pool: room for t'S· bcli \\'inter rcnti..I 1 Brdrn1. drps. pool. $325. t-io pets.
$120. I Br, Avail now. All util
pd. Broker 534-6980
Costa Mese 4100
$30.00 wk. up
• Da.Y. week. month. e Studio & Bach. Apls.
• Incl ulili & Phone &er"f .
• Maid Servk:e, TV avail.
• New Cale Ir Bar
2376 Newport Bllld. MUT»
1 BR apl, newly painted I.
crptd. Also bachelor apta
•1•/dress~ rooms k kit·
chell$. Oltk!r people only.
WO to S120 mo. 2135 Elden,
Apt 6, C.tl-t
Nc1v 1 I: 2 BR, rum apts.
Adull!I only, No pclJJ, Poot
enclosed iU'&ges. 1160 Po.
nwna AVP.
1 BR furnished. S1"5 mo.
Includes uUI. lltd pool.
Adults. no pet!. 549--2627 or
I BR new, beaut fun1. t.1o to
mo $16(1, Adults only, Zl20
Elden. 645-1251 C\<eS.
$Ki. Very nice 1 BR trailer.
133 E. 16th St, C.~I. SU-1265
EAST Side 2 BR turn, clean,
adult!! only, M pet:t. 364 E.
I6tt Place. $165. Mo.
2 BR. healed pool. arlulls, Ill
pcls, S145 + ulil. 642-$20
DELUXE l BR. spacioul,
ideal for bachelors_ SUS.
1993 C11un::h. MS-9633 * 6T.>-J.-,2() + tl)l .•. ::Gth S1. i\R Bluffs. "·'·' n·;::n • -----·-----pansion. Xln1 1nvei11111ent. Condominium 1950 U'T't"'V......,. I BR furn <ipl. Prclcr old@r
BLUJ<'l·'S, sub-lease., 3 BR, peopJc. SJOO. per ma.
21 ~ Ba. Lf::. util rm. Pool, 64;.!.1804
l l5l For da!a on this c:.clwive &
others. please t·all LAGUNA Luxurious t-ondom,
CLAUDE SHIFFER turn. new crp\JI thruout. 3 s:;x •. 644-44:.:.; ------~~~~•
Houses Unfurniahed
OPEN SUN. 1·5 REALTOR 67~7J Br.:: Ba, \\'Cl bar, tcrraee.s, c=~~~~-----iS98. CUI@ !!ingle. uni incl, I Gener1I 3000 LE.ASE OPTlON :: BR, den, "'oman, no pell!. 319 Del 200 VIA MENTONE 2 pools, tennis, pvl beach.
Graciowi :; Bdrm. & :1 Bath O\VNER 1'ransfC'red-5 $jJ,OOO or retlt $lill mo.
hon1r wilh lovely J)<ltin & Bcdt'OO!ll 2 i ~ baths, 2 ~!Of}' 01\'nf'r <199--~17 or 213-CR
COLLEGE-educal('d ""Ol'l\lll" lurn1al dining, rl"mlly,. 21" M11r, C.M. 642.-4112
c.."Ouple, une child. one d!Jf:~ bH . .S:·;j(t. Drlt::i 646-4414 f'URNIBHED f
I Iully carpeted. A s !I u n1 e 5-596.-
poo · 6~4',i. mot·fgagc 1\·ith s111all 1==~'"'°'~------
Sl:fi.OOO down pttymen!. Call 342-8<124 RENTALS :;s~N' ~':tlc~~1!:B~~t~d ~~ W•stcllff 3230 27~~~:a~M.
6L7.!~~e, REAL TY INC. ful' apjX)intn1ent Houses Furnished
''"OO<JU !i7::.-T.l00
CELEBRITIES' HOME '! BY O\VNi'."R I General 2000
f'V ~ :,,.; . , un.~c," $200, ~all $16:)..2 BR, bltn'!, L'rpt<l, SMALL, clean bachelor t'Ot· 548-~.__, 01 ~-;,719 '-lC'iiVC be11m ~Ulni:s. hld pool. tage. A1ature "''Orldng 111an.
1nesi;agr_ \Villi~ to fL...:-up, Ai.!ult~. IM> pels. 6-12-:l.Jl4. 510 mo Incl util. 22t Palmer
Cus1. built on prirn e LIDO
corner, 3 Bd .. conv, plylTll ..
din. tm. 41~ Bas. Pat10s ror
!an1il)". <'nlertaining. 5195,COO
11 n1il<' lrom beach, laq,:e J . -----
B<'droo1n or 2 plu.s den $LIO. Tiny I Bi•, Laslside
\l/w1·i bar. Condo. Low lll"Ca. Pct 0,1.;, Local Broker
cle;;n-up, p;unt, C'l1:, for low. DUPLEX 1 Br, !umlshed;
('r "'nt. University . Pork 3237 · t -
dO\l'n, Call 96Z..9j.')J 64.;..-0111
qu1e , no ""5~· \V.-'\NTED: 3-4 BR homl' for •~2720-.
Jr. Ex:cc iE: ramily. Newport 1BDRMS21.4 baths, 2 frples.1-==========ol Height~ or \\'estclilf area. On green belt near pool. Newport Beacn 4200 R. C. I.REEP.. Realty
l'.:j.J \"ia Lldo 67l-9300
• BEAUT[FUL 2 !-ilORY I=========
!i BR. J Bath luxury IM>me. Rent•ls to Sh•re '2005 S2:iO-JOO. "Mr. Coleman," S29j/month. Alt. 833-0504
&12-4910 AS!:iUl\1e Cl loan. 544.9:.0. s RE • I 847--0l&J HA ... 1 y e e g ant
Balbo• Island 1355 ==========I \\'aterlront hotnr "'/dock,
OPEN HOUSE 4-7 I Huntington :~~~~ 10 60 yrs. SIJO mo.
HOi\rE unrurn J BR. Harbor Irvine T•rrace 3245
or Corona dcl l\l!l.l' Hi school $42:l Yellrlv leasr, Irvine.>
dis1. Lease a.l'Ound S250 nio. Tt1Tacc. 4 ·BR lovely hon\e,
673-8120 Apt B 3:0. cpls. cirpg. b I I • i n 9 .
5160. 2 Br. :l Ba 1cnc:d yd. playhouse. Xlnt 1 c h o o I
Children &_ pel.& 0 .1\. Local district. 673-1118
:!I'.? Sapphu·c Ave. Room 10 Harbour 14051~~~~-~~~~-
build nl'\\' hOUSl' on Iron! + tl-1ALE 30 \\'OUld Ukc lo .shan
r x1st i_ug 3 BR. 2 B.4. nC1\•ly
rr r11odcl11d. ()11 nr 675-02il-I
Huntington 6e1ch 1400
AND :\.~tiWllf' GI loan $201
nionth pay!! rverything. ~
hd1111s, 2 ba1hs \\l1h garden
k1!rhen. e11stom d rapt ii,
beautiful e111·prts. harch1'00d
nooi~ &: 11hokr roof. AduH
oc....::upicd only. Hurry on this
ra1·r find of a homr.
842-l·US a nytunr
Guaranteed Tr•de In
Sl600 do1vn & payn1l'r1ls o!
Sl89 per n1onlh uicluding
ta.'le~ & i1111urar1t.···· 3 or 4
bedroon1~. :.! ba!hli. built-in
ran1;e, ovl"n, .E:xceplloAAl.ly
clean, l'a.J'pets. draflC6, land.
sc&ping. bhx·k 11all. rnd ol
I111n1ac 2 Br Condo. Including!~====~====
all appli<111ces, crpts, drps & Coata Mesa 2100
a 32· boat ~1µ. Enjoy this ~ ----
lr1sw't' living . Only $34.950. NEAR Back Bliy, 3 BR, 21:.1
Hal'bour Rlty .'i41-8.39j &. Many bll-ins. 2 lovely
Fountain Valley
Bkr 6-1:;...{ll l 1
EXECUTIVE honie ~1 Br. J Corona del Mir 3250
BA. crpL~. clq1~. clrr bltns J.~OR Lea!!( cam<!O Shores 6
Fenc:C'd. $3:i0. j4tµ;740 1nos or \~ss, 2 Br, 1·onvl.
3100 rlcn, :.! Ba.. spHc,;. living rm,
Costa M••• dining rn1, gardener pd.
S Bcdroocn. 2 baths In ex-S37j mo. 673--8778
pal\011, hua:e garden,
1410 Gardener & 1vater pd. Vrry
homelike. Yr. lse. S270
a4S..3l56. JR. EXECUTIVES crllcnt north C.t.t location -SPACIO US 2 BDR1'tl. Crpts.
lmn1ed. possess. :J BR .. 2VJ I~========= Built-ins. Dish\\·ashrr. en· drps, bttns, garage. Quiet ?<'· honie. Conlp, repainted Newport B••ch 2200 closed P<1tio 5375 leas<'. Kids cpl or 2. n!clC'r ladles. No
in1cr,.: cpls, drps,. bltn~, ----C.I<. ch11drrn or pcls. \'early.
U!!ed brick [t'pl_ ramlly 1m.; PENINSULA POINT TiiE: REAL ESTATERS 6i::.-.2'l7S
2-$ty. Block 1valled, llprlnk-CJiEERFlJL :J BR. 2 Ba. b~=~~--~~~
lcrs in front & o'size rea.r \\/sep. family rm .. fenced al&--231'.: 646-1171 CAi\tEO Shores. 2 BR.
yd. Pa!io, CUI de Sac 11fl. play yard. Steps to beach. LEASE Lovely i\1e~ Ve~ Convert. den, 2 bl!., spacious
\\alk to liChool, Adj, 10 San Available Sept: Jjlh. $100 Pacesetter,:: BR. 7 Ba, $J1J Iv. rm t.. din, rn1. garrlener
Diego F'l\'y,; easy acCf"sll to month incl gardencr & 11·ater. incl. 6 mo lease or le~. $37j
all indu11trie~. ror app'l. Call Hal Pinchin &: A~. 67~--l.~92 Avail Oct ls\. 2838 Tabu.got~"='°~"-'""'~=''--..,~~--
0\VNER 8:ID-0896. e BAYSHORES e Pl. !ofI 1\lesa Dr. i> 3 Bdrm., Ocean Blvd., VK'IY
\\ll.LL FINANCE AT 7'i.! By !t l\looths IVinter rentals Scra ng l. j.16-27;19 l>omr. Vase, yearly.
O\\'llC't: Lovely 3 BR, 11 J & 4 Bdrms., furnishtd AVAIL &pt 3, :; Br, 2 Ba.. Don Franklin, RJt.r
n11le lro111 tiehools, shop-.. C .. THOblAS. Realtor Crpts, Urps, bllns, dlll\'hr, 673--2222
ping, park wfgolf COUZ'!IC. 224 \V. Coast Hwy. ~ pool. Pool &. la1v11 service '.! BR .. trpl., f .A. heal. Ne1Y
•1 ~1MED OCCUP• provide<l. E-11ide loc. $300. ,carp.: patio.$~ n1onth
\Viii take beach propcJ1)' for l On the Penui~ula mo, l!lC'. S.'6--0C>S4 be1'vn 8 Ii: 5 S<."Cnic Propcrtil's 675-STIG
down. ~'31·1.!lZJ. .~ blk 10 bay &: oce?n. 2 BR E1·es un1il 8 LI S-1371 nicely tum, No cluldren or 3 Bdrm., Ocean Blvd .. view
(~;, ACRE -POOLJ 3 Br, 2 pt'ts. 67>-3700 after !'1. AVAILABLE Sep\. 15. 3 dryer & l"ef1·1j;. Crpl!! &:
Ba. hori;es or units, $43,000. COZV 2 Bel f 1 Ii Bedroon1 2 bath, 2 rar Urps. 962-4076
O"'l'ler ~11-7636 llCl'Oill fron:m~ari7 ;·,~:le~'. ga1·agc. larar fe~d roar 2 BR. dbl garage, lg yard,
I yard, l'lt'\V carpehD£:. 2 0" I ~-1 •· II t
1612 Nl'WJIOl't Isle.>. 9 n1os. Adu ts. h'ld 0 K 1,,..., ,... or ....,.. , ua er, e c. W_i_s_tm_;n_s_t_t_r _____ 3115. 401 l91h SL $8..1869 ~~l~n 646-i5o9. _, per $3.iO n10. b'73--202J
2JOO .st! f1 cu.~lom 4 bdl'lll 2'~ 3 BDRM. l Bath Cu!le. Loi\• TRAILER ::~;·1~~~dlJ'. or extnl.~. Down-down, low payn1ts. Built-in Available now. t.t!raclc 11li1e, Li;.-5~ ':;A,~;:~. ~=1~1n:1.B_•_l_bo_• __ 1,_1._n_d ___ 3_3_S_5
R. D. Slates Re•ltors rani e, oven. f'.P, Sll.500. N.B. $S0 month. IAI & last. landscapine. Nr, school.i. 2 Bedroom. rang~ I rclrig.
BY O\VNER 642-3092 Ma.-0810 n-fi36-&0l S·l1·':ril9 I ;==========l;:';;:""-;;;:;;c-;;;:=::;::-;;;;;::;;: I tnuned oceup. S285 n)(l. call Adul\Jt, no chlldrcn. ""
1635 2 9t 2 BaU1 Baygjde Vill"!c ('V('i;: 642-7061 yrly. t2L1\ 281..Q36.j POOLS? o,,_•'"'"119,_ _____ .,, "'h , """' 1.o~ .. ,., -27 2 ,40 3 BR. 2 Ba, fam rm, cpU;, 11_ h 3400 TAK~ YOUR Cl!Otcr Of ~ Adults. Dl\y!I 8 -;,t drps. beaut yd. i3rdencr ~~gton -ac
TllE.<;E T\VO. Both in !he EXCEWNT Nlghlll 8'£-7616 Sat/Sun ifl<.-1 . Ri!nl or lciU!C. S215. Avallabl• Sept. lst
Pre11tl,ge tnae1 . Both 2 llltor-INVESTMEua BAYF'RONT l flock, 3 B~. 3 Call for •ppmt alt 6 PM. S ·~ 2 8 , .... Mu,i. '~· 1 has 4 l lhe other hlll'I nT Ba den. Leue/opllon .$5()0, "92-:ml San Oen1. DO,-,,room:t. a'"'-
:, bdrms. lmn1ed , oe<:up&IICY By owner: 4 unltll, I BR mo 61a-4331. Alao unflll"l1. n1um upkeocp. HunUll(1on
on t ither. Re>: L, Hodl:".s. each. Cpta, blt·ln9: Income · 3 ~R«?Ol\1, 2 bllth, be•m SeaC'h Arca. $210 mo, l.ci..\>'C.
fUlr ~~=~·ANT !::· ~va~.:~.~': ~ron1 det Mar 2uo ~ll~~~ac:t'Rer.~ Walker & lee
Immediate J)081t'&&ion on thill ~L~~----___ _ 2 BR. turn or untunt 1''rple. n)(). 642-l&Sl F.diTVC<'•·
Top Qualify 3 Br tiomr v.:/ --~ patio. dlsf>ll.:_ iar . .nr, beach. FOR. LEASE: l BR. 2 BA, ~~ or ~140
lnncralrl11111. Near ~lti!.dOY.'. La11un1 Beach 1705 $200. 6~Ul: 675·0146 bll·ins. 111.mtly nn, cpl& Open tves.
1111·11 Country Qub. Ot\b' • ~s. drps. $225 n'll:I. \Qkr paid. ' S~.750 COMMANDING 2 BR eottqe. Sept : Junr. _M_>-0803=~~~--~-iltrp~~~in ~:iocR-8.AS.=:
llarbour RJty 81't-S:i95 Coaatlln•Catillna CIOKe 10 beach & ~1oi-es. 3 BR. ? BA l\JnOo. 2 n.r Cl,)\lf_i"-<d paUo. bnuid new
8'\' OIVNEH; ~ Bd. 2 Ba. \iic1v lot ln Laauna Bcae!'I, SIOO Mo. 673-4923. rar. fully crptd, $200 crph1 A lo~1of fre811 Plolint.
nC"Jtr ;J Po Int s. carpet!, $6,9JO. S1uall but I e v ,.1, f'URN l BR &. ue1~. benullf1,1I ino P-Ool/rl bh~, 54~3J'J CIOIKl lo k:tll.• A 11hps. Avsll
flrrr1htrt. blltln. .. , hprinklers. Sl.000 Down. bal. •I $70 OCf'Sn/00)•\'k'\\. 10 m<>8 1lilC BUSrlST' marketplar.f! In StpL J, t230 roo, t2lll
iz1.!'JOO &11-mR month. 49'-lllT or )'l'ly. TI4: 61"'~2111 IO\\'n. T'he Os\Jt.Y PILOT 3Jl·!n87 Jor app!.
f i
Ne\voort Beach
LID.wy garden ap&rtn1ents
oUering complete privacy,
beautiful laod!lCapinc I! un.
paralleled recreatiOna.I taciJ.
it.ies in a country club a t-
mosphere. N?w leasll1i' in
Newport Beach.
1700 16th Strcrt
ful'nished or unfurnished
A'fodels open noon to t pm
TI4: 642,8170.
3 BR., 2 Baths . .. • • • S250
3 BR.. 2 Balhs .. . .. . $225
2 BR .• 1 Bath ........ S200
3 BR., 1 bath .......... sl1a
:! BR .. I bath .......... U50
2 BR., 1 baU1: yearty •. SIT::.
3 BR .. '.! Bath: yc11.rly .. S300
2 BR .. I beth .......... $140
29Cft Ne"'PoJ1 Blvd .. N,8,
6Ta-J630 642-22:Jl Eveg.
SINGLE Young Adull! L\lX·
ury gan.len apts with COYn-
try club allnO!I'~ 1 •nd
l"Omplete privacy. SOUTH
BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine al
16th Ne\YpOl'I Beach.
l TI4 1 64.>0;JOO
tcacheni -\\'Omen. ~tn.xim~
3. 3 Br. l ba, gilt. S2Zi a mo
Incl utll. No pets. AvaU 911.
Set wknds or aft 6 pm.
Ul)..A 34tb St., NB.
b dcconated, a\IOCado 1hft$
crpt.. Bachelon: only! $J.J)
incl util. 67J..6990, l213>
"rlNTER Rnlta.J 300' rrom
beach, 2 BR Sl60 r$.
Oeeanrront 3 BR S2ti mo.
Cotita Mua 2 BR µ:,Q
mo/utiJ pd. &lz..3831
'''ATERFROJ\i'T, W\nre:r l:se.
Like new 2 Btl. 2 BA. xin
lgc llv rm, elec kil, tr,lc.
FIA, patio. No ~tL A~ia.
$225. rra.-1899. Dock avall.
% BR, modern duplu, at•p 1o
boach. t180 rno. Wintft,
• •
. •
• • '
n OAllY 'ILOT F•"'1, Stft"""' 5, 196'
NTAU .11••t AL> ltiNTAL~
~ Fumlthool Aim. Fumlallo4 Apts. Unlurftllholl
'r.:07,llrt -(200 Or.nee Counly 4600 Colli-· 5100
1 1.. 2 ~ ~ Apts. SINGL.£ YOWll adult&, 1.wr;. 2 BR UNITS: Twnhle $16l. I
Jru;.t'T..-..wd s.r. =· ""' --,.,.,. Co ..... 1155. Bllbw, pallo. PfP wk. 6. up. TKS M~ recnation tacllltita A com-pr. M\llt.t, no prt& Avail
m N. Nwp< BIYd. -..... """"'" So\llb a.. on . mo eoouq. 549-003
OCEANFRONT Wllltu rerP Club Apta. m SO· LARGE 2 Br, 2 Be. Adults,
W. 1-3 Br, 1-1 BR. nr Bruokbw'll. Anaheim <7tt) no pets. Qlld efJ'. plQ )'I'd.
IChoolt 4 chW'CheL Reh m.-4500 &l\-073S. ~ •
nq'd. 540--2'128 J Br., l'it &. m ShaJimar,
.BAJ..BOA hn1nsu11. Lowly G•tlltn Grott 4610 C.M. !tt S.t 8-12 or WI
AplL Unturnl1htrd
Huntington 8um 5400 -------
WALK to btadl; 3 Br •• pr,
dbhwW. cptd. drpd. Pali>.
$195, No dop. 8'17-39$7
2 BR. dilldren • pet oil.
Crpi:.. drps, ruge, 1ar.
Sl-3:>. mo. 962·7637 N'
aiM NOTICIS -Bui. Opportunilln 6300 Foun<I CPNO Uil 64IO ~-la '4~~
WHOLESALE ~ male ~t. 693 ClUf ~ cb6lr llnKt!h noecs.
-OISTRlBUTORSH!P Dr. Lopoa bdoro 11 IOI tr tel. Qppartuhlty ... ~
Service new TetM.Be bu.al--I~·~..,~~~..,_-:;:: ___ __,_ .....
neN! That's whtte the hll eEAUTlriJt. LltUt silvtf ··• ;o.;._;.;;., '---------' '"°"'' b !Od'1! oOppe< km" 1D CdM """ JOIS1A _IMPLOYMl1f1: We he."' you aet up your own lntl: c;dlat. sn-JIT& --~ ~ lo 1tt1. oeartal BROWN Ir Wbl\.I" mecl a1a-.W. Wenttcl, ~ 7000
,you.r home. Top Jocatiom: k o ~ -now tvallablt. Unl.lmlttd ~ dot:, fOWtd v l'IJP EN , 98. rtctnt
il"Owth potentW-Grut pro.. County airport. '31-lll2 Im · nt from Great Bri·
tQOCl.,-n 2 BR a.pt. ~ts, SINCU: Younr Adult& Lu.'t· 1 -89>-<=~"'~'""--.,...,== dr'IJ>tt. BuUt~in&. $183 pet ury auden apla with coun-AVAILABLE 110w, 2 BDRM,
mn. 54W1Al ll')' club atmosphere and crpts, drps, blllna. carport.
OCEANFRONT, Rear 2 BR. oomplele privacy. SOl!J'H No pets, 1dults. 5'M769
pn1111. CIDR to sdd11 I( BAY CLUB APTS 13100 l BOR, 1a.r, cpts, drps.
cburchrs. Wb!ter renfal Sl!iO ~CHAPMAN Avt.. Carden Prefer tea.cher or couple.
DEL·UXE 2 Br, encl. pa~Jo.
wuhlng facfl. Adult! only.
$1~. 8(7-6692
Whaddy• Want? WlladdY• Got?
111 tor right put)'. sROWN PuJ!PY wJblk col· tain ~ 1ttad,y. Iona
Sea.ired CA11h lnvt11tment on. lar. Corner of Me)'fl' A. 19th trrm job ln Newport Beach
lY $3145. Work part time to St. C.flt. !leg...1613 aru.. )V1ll!QI to learn new
starl. Men ur women, no YOUNG whlte Samoyed, no 1k1Us, . atcn clerk, Yacht
Hlli.ni. You'll low It! to. Vic University Ptk, mainleaa.nce or man~
JnvcsUpte now! Ph for Irvine. 833-0777 'u:f IOfk. work. lal ~fi."1~ .. rt 510$
Spo<l•I Reio appt {?t4> 961-73il. DESERT Tur t I e, 6" \\' 111 me a--•"'6· mo. 673-«151 Gl"()\.-e 1n4J ~ 2-l2 Flower, C.M.
LAME bachdot, likr new. DELUXE la, 1 Br. 5Ulldtdr,
'i block to bay or beach. UfJ', ocean \•ltw, carport,
2001i 15th SI. Winter $135. Sl&a leaae. Util pd. 400-1473
Ynrly $1'95. li?J...6460
3 Br. lock.al*! prg, •~ll 5 LlnM - 5 tlmM -5 bucb
lit\ILU -40 MUtT IH(1.VOI .MINI.ZOO -Orifinal Collection ~r, vie. Collea;e prtt. --,MA"" .. f"'U"ll"E...-.M"O"R.--I DupleJC 2 BR. W/w crp1&. Stpt 10. $180 mo. on leua, 1-'llif!Mt ... MW " t'ICle, t-· 'Ml ~ .,..,,., lii'I ttta ~YOU a i11Mt1t tMI • ...,,._._ ~ ltllQ ot ..,...,,_...._
t-f!OTHIHO Falt IALl -T•,t.bfl OHL"+ l lli. 2213 An1ericaa Ave. -494-1891
Costa l\1eM., W.-7tUt REAL &STATE
MA CANDY SUPPLY Exp • fl-. · Bu<!aets ROUTE SMALL <llrl 's bike vie AcclC • E.D.P. -SIAtiltlct . PHONE 642-5671 fNA~1E BRANO CANDY) N9\\"])0rt Beach Pltr. Call rlc Sall"!. Mkll ·P.O. Box tm,
St.1ALL Jo'w'n 2 BR apt $175. L19un1 le1ch 4705
Winter only. 217 A _19th N.8. 2 BR duplex, fum & unlurn,
2 BR, 1 ~. BA, B!tins, cpl!. General To Pl1ce Your Trider'• Paradise Ad Exciting work retilling & identify. 642-9695 N.9.
Adj to bay bch. 67>0736 nr Vic H u g 0 , new
2 BR. BaJ Pt>n, yrly l&t' $160. cpll/drps, frpl, & a r .
Bachelor apt., on water, 49Ttl056
winter, SUO. 675-1070 kOOEAN==~rn=o"'N"'T"i'"°"t..rr"'""", "'1ug=,
OCEANFRONT 3 BR. 2 BA dml:, q1,1if't a.du1ts 'Ul 7/1,
apt. Yr. rowid renlaJ. Mar-util pd. $19:>. 4~
ried couple only. 530-40&4 NE\Y Studio apt, close to
OCEANrnoNT. 3 BR, 2 Ba. beach, pvt entrance. $100
lurn. fli>'c, Yearly lease. mo year-round. 4!M-8946
O.lwc:e. $.150. &'fl..T053 RENTALS
• \\'LNTER RENTALS • Apt•. Unfurnl1hed
• ~ • Genertl 5000
\\'INTER lease, 2 BR dupl~x-1.;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;
: ~i','.;is:'..ii:-"'"' VENDOME
J BR XJnt loc. OOl!e to Bay IP.fl'YtACULATE AP't'S! & beacft. Adults o n l y . fir.>.7H76 ii no ans. 494-9m. ADULT l FAMILY SECTIONS AV All.ABLE
2" 3 Rh. Clo" to shoppin9, Park
l blk from beach. * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba
Call 67J.245;i * 2 Bedrooms l;\~V~INT=ER=~R~,-,~tal-,-$1=85~--S~p-a-c.1 *Swim Pool, Pul/grtt11
2 Bdrm, rrplc. patio. 2100 * Frpl, lndi•llndry fal'·ls
Clay St. 646-7602 IMS Aneheim Ave.
JllO Studio Wlntfr only, COSTA MESA &12:2824
Rnp. aduUs. 1H1>% lV. J!!!!!!!!!![!!~~~-!!![!!!!!!!!
Balboa °""'' rmi ,...2898 e RENT e
$!17.50, util pd .
Trail~banli. Nkle! Avail'
no. Ma-1225. For appL
3 Rooms Furnltur•
$20-$25 & UP
fl.fonlh.To-Month Rentals
Appliances " TV's avail.
l Bdrm, 1 BA, erp!g, % blk
to bch. S250 mo. )'fiy IZ%
40th St m-3249 No Security Deposil
YEARLY, Npl Penin. 2 BR. JIFRC Furniture Ren!als
drps, retrl&". Car. Use pool, 1---------
nr 11chooh. 213-M7-0067 Rent•ls Wented S990 I> x 300 E. :ddl! Costa Mesa I--"-'------'-'-'-' 1t-4 lot & 2 BR bo1ne. 5
Newport 811ch 5200 COLLEGE-Educalcd work· more units OK. Trade
--'--·------tni couple, one child. one S12.000 equity for Santa Bar.
$300 to $395 Watutront. Lux·
W'i<>us &: elegant 2 BR, 2
RA. pool. prl ba.IOO!l)I, vit'W
apll. Boe.t slips avail,
aubtern.nca.n parkif1c.
Car\be BaJboa Apls
:UO Fernando St, N.8.
1714) 673-3003
NE \YPOR T Beach
\Vnterlront 2 bdr, 2 ha, New
luxury bldg-. bui ll·ins,
:subte1Tanean parking, boat
sllpe avail .•
Caribe Ball>OO
310 Fernando St.
J BR, 2 BA EastbluH area.
£76 Dmnln&O Dr. N.B.)
Bnt.nd new. be.loony view
lron1 both muter BR & !iv
rm area, h'PIC, dsbwshr,
$310 n10. No children or
pets. 64~1260 or 548--8482
Split-level condo in Blutls.
Trina model. 3 BR, 2% Ba.
frplc, dshwsr, cpts, drp11,
patio. garage 'v/aulo door
opener. Avail early Oct.
$425. 644-44&1
NE\V 2 Br, 2 Ba, crpts, drp.!i,
trplc, dshwhr, prv pe.Uo.
ACl"Ollll from Coco' .!I &
Westcl!U Plaxa. S 2 1 5 •
doe. desire unru.rn. 2 bdr. &-blra or local. Agt M9-a2lB
den or l Bdr home tQ lease: Neivport &-ach J BA: 3 BA
Ot1, NB, FV. · .under $200. Townhouse. Pool. immed
54.S-5673 or 962-571J I: leave poss $31 500 Eqty $6000
messqe, \YllHna to fi:s-up, want eari.~d or San Di.;
clean-up, paint, elc, In ex-go Co. property. Agent
c han&e for lower renl ~.
llXIOISM ··· ....... ---...--n ia'l!<I
E."ehange Heirloom china
ware, c1:vslal. 1ilver, va.Ju.
11,Uon S750. FOR 11'.i' Fishina
ball, motor and trailer.
•aw. m\.e..t. M.M.MMlll Ericson 26' Sailboat. load·
'll" s e es e A?P ·er tel. ln1mac new model.
Resp party 4. children de-Trade $JaXI eqty for TY·s
slres unfurn' fUf! or apt Ne1v-or '? '? 6~ or ~332'l
port arew.. Have sold home, S7000 eq 2 Br hme L.A.
must have occupancy by f.fandlesttt/Vermont al'\'!a
9/15. Prcler year lease. 1bal $5ii00) Want: land, bldg,
517·1809 eves. 8.0., .. cumn1'\, indus
UNFURN Ho1ne 3-1 BR, 2 prop.NB . 17131 29ir9930
Ba. Blllns. cpts, <frps, in 4 Nation cash registers.
Corona <I.ti i\111.r llith Dist. computer type, rings 3
180:i) 497-3277, ( 714) de V ue S1300. Trade
642--9881 trailer or 7'?,
e LANOLORDS e 5'l·l5'5
fV.EE RENTAL SERVICE Have 15' Terry travel trail·
Broker 534-6982 er !can't low ou1· boat w/
LANDLORDS: We have ~allcrl TRADE for Camp.
tenanll waiting for renbJ.!l · cull ~7616
under $150. Free service.
* *
20 Acres T'&nch. 3 ?-.todern <.'Ol..lectini: monl"')" from coin BLACK. Lon& haired, ftmale 1 ~>!Ait""..-~N~,...--, ~L~VN~-~~,~,'~..,-1
h0mc111. .2 wells; fenced. operated dispensers in your kitten. Approx 5 montht. private l)attent, any type
TA.intni: lraek, bogt ham. area. f.lust be able to devote ~9965 ~-· Full/put t Im e
14 11tall11: FOR land, units 2 to 8 hrs per \\"eek to make FEMALE Choe Pt. Sia.me5e 615-8380
or'!' S-15.000 Eq. 61>6:?a!I very aood inc.'On'lt!. No .seU. cat, vie Poppy Ave., CdM. IA~~N~Y,.-'fype=,.,--,.,..::::::--~,~.~.~.,1
ing involved. 6T3-M89 p •ta. tMO Nt__.. c .. Ta.~ Shell11r & Apprec. in $9!15 toP.980 requi!'M aym ~..--. ..,...
m•i. center. AAA tenant. ("···• lull . \ MALE Siamese, in &!boa. 6 J 0N:•=·=3~C~·;M::·=S<=tsz-«>6Si=:>=""=cJ ··-.. Dd:>CU on put or hmt mot:. old'? ~. or fZlll llit TD S100.'1 @l 6%. Trade For persone..I Interview in 19$-2M2 for 1'0, land. Submit oiler. your aN&, ll"nd nafYlt'. ad-I c=..:::=------~
a.13-3673 Bkr. dress a: phone no. to: BL.ACK ldtttn, female, "·1•:
OLDS. 1960. 911, t.tech ~rt. fii.ANS-~VESTERN DIST. CO. a tall. lrvlnt Terrace, Cd~f
('.ood !Ires, ~m.J.:!ilac, lnterior. 53o No. Aiu&a A\•e. 67~5049
\VANT l6r.1r.-r c11.n1era or __ Co-'--'-'"~':..· cc~"-"~· c'~"-"--GREY ..ra.bblt. 545-5146 or
GIRL t)'iday, Ptttn. · IW'f
urn~. s hrs daily. vsrtea ~·
perienct. Fast. 1ccurltt
typlat. Attractive, &dip.
tab.le. 642-1238 '""' "ill~~;;:· DEALERS ,..._
Chicken Deliahl, Lal(una L-•~•lc_. ______ 640o..;;~1 . r.!ATURE Educt.lfd ~ari -as companlon/home,.,6eper
!Wach, e.'ltab. ~ yn;., NrRI-f I • 0 L l BER AL Rew1rd·BIOl'.ld for elderly l1dy. Salary Oran, f.1oncy n1al;CI;'. \\'ant or •xc UllV• range
flea! Estntf 1n ~ltu11 or County distributor German Shephe:rd, 1\) yn. open. 673-87~
Dodge Motor Honie. 49+.8301 system (no telling) • Lost vie Victoria Sch. TWO Women will clean COM·
I h I •mn1a. Ans lo "Thor", I 1., Ill ••• Lake Arrowhead water-s x ours --....... p e ~:v • ~·
front lot $50.000 val. Pacific SUNDAY AM ONLY c7t4> 494--9932 ~2260
Palisades Ocean View lot, Smell investment puts L\OIES wallet. Vic Centtr
$27,500 val. \Yllnt: Income. you In your own buil· St, 01 or 3rd Ave., Lai\lfla
Bkr. s..is.m1 neis. Beach, Fri 8/l. Valuable
pap e.r s. Re1v1rd. 499-2369
i'.!' Cruiser T"•ln D, auto CALL MR. ROGERS alt. 6.
pilut. rana:e 1200 mi; ~nt SUNDAY MAIL LOST: Ladles gold l.eCoultre
survey S40M. Will consider "Tisi \Ol"alch vie. Balboa
!rust deed or smaller boat. INC. l11land~Reward. Call colltct
(},•1nr ~TI41 729.3400 1714) 171·1443 <2ll~ •rr1674
\Vhat do you have to trade? Lidles Apparel _S_h_•_P_ LARGE grey & "·ht male
Li.!lt It hcr-e _ in r.-........ cat. flea collar, 1tubby !AU, ..,._.. Like to O\\'n YOW' own busi· I
Counly's )<>....,.est read •-..1. ., II al vie Huntin1ton Sfac ill, HB. .... ., u...... nc>s.s. ere·11 a re oppor-~3834 evei ln£ poat -aM make a deal, tunlty to own your 01,11 shop I C"'-.;::.;_cc.;.;c_ ___ _
with a IUtlall investment for BLACK And tan German
flx:tu rts 1n the lfunlh1i;ton !'.ihepherd, female lY/lorn
Beach area. All men:han· r ight ear. Reward. 129-Mth * * *
Job W•ntld
Men l Woman 7030
\\/JU, t.!ana11 up to 20 unit
adult apts. In C.M". or
Ntwport. Rel!. 541..(llll
Domestic H1lp 7035
Chinlsa liv:!-ina. Cheerflj
Pennanent. Experienced.
Far Eul A&tncy 6U-a703
George Allen Byland Apncy
Emplo)'P r P&)'s Fee
l~B E. 16th, SA 547..(1395 ~l.<><=•~l-'B~ro'-k~'""~"5-0llccc='=--I •
R.E..llRED Ledy desil'CS Un· -------------DELUXE 3 BR,~ BA, lrplc, rw·n. J BR or i;tudio nr REAL ISTAfE
crp\J. drps, bit.ms. 1h blk !hop8. To s100 mo 646-m5 0. 1
dilf' is on L'On!ignment. No SI. NB Agencies, Men 7100
frm bay & beach. Adu!Ls, NEED 2 Bdr · 1 . nera G1ner1I invl'stment in merehMd~e. LOST: CITI:"Ular brushrs on
pay alter It ls sold. \Ve train Ne\\']>Ort Blvd. l'ind•r phone SEAi\ISTRE5S, D r ap tr Y
2 BA, frplc. Adulls, no peta. 517 \V. 19th, CM 548-3481
673-654.2 or 673-3:!09 ~ W. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800
lCE. Jovdy l Br. 2 B&. beach $155, 2 Br, RIO. New \V/W.
IPL 9 mos., X1nt artt. AU utll pd. Otildren 0.K.
Family only $225. 549-08«. Bkr. S34-6mKl 1190 ?-.1 545-7098 I m. ap 1n 0· Harper Sch. area by Sept l Income Property 6000 Acreage
4 BR duplex, 1,) blk to beach, Reaaonable, M;)...1155 ----------
6200 you & supervise you at no S@.-3544 "ork. Inquire Lquna Beach
exJ>('nR-. For complete inror-lnler1ol·1, lO'lO S. Cout
11111.Uon, wiitr or phone r. L. BLACK Cock·a·poodle. Jl'\ale, H11y, mornln;s. 4!14-a48
Tierney, 2130 North Holly-2 ll'hlte back fttt vie Harbor I ~='===0::====1
iioorl \\·ay, Burba.nk, Call!. & \Vllson, 0.1. Call 548-3925. Help W1nted, Mt" 7200
$120. 2 Br. Sto~. new \VIW Newport Hgts. 4210 & drps. Chlld 0.K. Pet with
-.-0-.,-,-1-0-,-2-B-R-.-· I deposit. Bia. 534-6980
view of ocean. 6i;)...l!m * CONCRETE nn. tialios
wkdys alter 5. Rooms for Rent 5'95 l'lc, Concrete & btk top saw·
$l7S. Bay!!id~ Village No. 81. 2 BACllELORS ha . ing. Rccis. Don, 642-8514
TAKE over 5 acres. no down.
S'lJ. mo. Nettr lake & \o\\·n.
89-1-4743 A~l. Phunc ('.!!~~ St.::·43-10. .. SIAMESE cal, ~Y•ers to
• Adult!, no peL&, 2421 E. 16th 1135. 2 Bl', studio, patMJ &c
St. $ll> mo. up ~1801 pool_ Blt-in R/0; local Bkr • 64;,....ollJ
2 BR, 2 BA. Adullto. NO · • s re fine I'°""===""'====
PETS. Evt>s & Sun 675-4221 8 8 Y s .h 0 r" h 0 me · Bu1ines1 Rent1I 6060 Mount. & Dffert ProfeS1>1onal11 or g r a d _;;o:::.:..;.;."'-"'--...;:.=
Si\IALL 1"estaur11.n1, newly freckles. female. I.mt vie MOTOR HOME
redecor.: beach at'e a. East Bluff.fM:.4529 EXPERIENCED 6210
Corona del Mir 425011 ·-120-.-l~B-,.-w=11-v.-,-.,,-,,-poo1-. EASTBLUJo.Jo' 2 Bd1·m 2 Bath stw.Jents fll"l"ferred. 6.ti>0462, small store
Adults S225. 848 Ain!gog i -8 Pr.I or aJter 10 PM. Catalina Island S75 Mo.
Avail 9/6 Broker 534-6980
BEDROO?tt, l aund r y·!-========"'"=' g~. Newly refurnished. C:otta ~ 5100
310 Maf'i\lerite. Open Sat. *1 -;;;:;;;;;;i!i;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Way 4~2354. -6#--0906 S12.'.i. Phone Avalon 187
BEACH Duplex. unfurn. 3
RR, cpl.I, drps. Ye&rly. $250
mo. 646-6189
PRrYATE i:.ntrance. ne:ii:t to
ocean & garagr. . Office Rental 6070 Sun.~ 8a.y Ii Bl!achl• "-
VIEW, l BR apt. l hot.lse
from ocean. $150 winter;
SlS5 yrly. Owner, •at
* 494-5681 * '--....:.~ ===~~-----CROUND .Floor; p11oeled & Beck Bay 5240 ~TUDENT Or ..... o.r:klng girl. C&.rpeted, air-conditioned of·
---~------Pool, kit. privs. Close to fice al 419 E. 17th St., CJl,f,
2 BR, crpts, drps, bltns., pool.
S165. 673-36911
OC. S20 wk. 545-0860 including parking, rectp.
sis WEEK & up "'' kit. Apt lion. telc>pho11e answering &
SlO ""·eek up. Sunny Acres xe« servlt-e. 11~ per mo.
I BLOCK lo ocean·bl..Y
w/vlt!w. t Br studio, pri
patio, l adult. no peb. Sl30.
Lease 673--7629.
H1rbor Heights Four
2 ft 3 BR UNITS
all wlth llreplaces,
dillhwashers & 2 baths.
Coron• def Mir
l\1olel. 548-975.'i Call 64U7•J7
5250 's:::L.:E::.E::.P..:IN.::Gc.::.:Roo=-m-. -.-,;-,-,-,·.1 .=:.:..,Pc:R::.IV::.A"T'-E~O~F-F~IC~E~. -·I I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii u-ance & bath. $60. per mo. crpt.s., drp11 & storage space.
Rental ?tfanager • _
LARGE MOD BACHELOR r.tra. Ouistiensen ~· -.,,
Beaulifl.llly rum. all util pd. 3117..A Cinnamon Av•. fl,.. brt•
Slill mo. $4G-2'l66. Costa Mes•
2135 Eldt>n, a.pt 6, C.M. In the Glendale Fed Savings
NICE JoUrnlshed. room in Bldg., Corona del f.!ar. S:.O.
prlvate home. Breakiasl & mo. Call Evelyn Jlalbakken
"·uhlfli done. 6-12-3167 675--5444 or 56-3165
OFFICES CUTE Bach. w/rnod kil . & Phone ~lGJ.C ON TEN ACRES I ·"--k. So LARGE Comfortable room, rr Ill•~ . or hiway' ,,. ... ,...,,...,,,,...,!!!!!!!"!!!! 1 • '· BR. Fum , Unlum I '"" Receptlon-Ansv,;ering d I I' -.... convlcnt area. ..::; 10.·eek. A u ts no pets U45. rnMi~ HARBOR GREENS Fireplaces I priv. pa tioi I Call 642-17~ Secretarial LG. prv Bach. So. of Hwy. Pools. Tennis. Contnt'l Bk!st. ~::;_.;.;;;_:.:;;.;_ _____ I 3345 Nc...,·port Blvd., N.B.
cpts~.!.!>'&med ceil. Util BACHELOR unfurn r r 0 m 900 Sea Lllrn', CdM 644-Z&lJ f'·RoNT ~rn U w/prlvate en-67:.-lflll
pd u•....-v:nri 1r.1acAt'lhur nr. Coasl Hwyl tranct". en e1ncn prelcr· COSTA ~1 Kl fl f
· · $110. All!O .!lvail l • 2 & 3 1~~'!!!!!]i!!!i!!i!ji~i!!!!I ~,.~d~·;,"'~'-""~~-;;-=7'"-:C";;: 11,-, .. Al~."p"'°aoo:i',·,g, 00cr'p;,,· I..G Pvt bech, so. hwy, c & d· Bdrm. Heat~ poob, child ... ~
beam ce.Uing, ref & hp only. care center, adj 10 sbopplni. NEWLY deror 2 Bdrm.: BACHELOR . Private balh dr)l!!. ample parking. 39c sq.
$110 inc util. 673-69D4 No P<I•. belo1v hi&h\\'&y on quiet & fnlry, $90. inel ut.il, NO fl. 1555 BakC'r. :>46--4890
k L-}(11'CJIEN•. 675-"""~ 7700 Peterson \Vay street. \Val to ....,ach or -=='='==="=~=== CdM, 2j() sq rt office in
4300 C M S"'"~ shops. S17 0 month.~ bid Ila • k' --o-",-1,-'=''°""°"=~='oc'-ADULTS. Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 ~a~:· th "'" P g.
f'OR Privacy 1 Br. ni~ MARTINl"UE Hai"'Pinchin I:. Assoc. 675-43921;;~;-:;;:';-':;:':7:;;-~1~~~~~==== T' \VEEKL 'f rates :) e a I a r k
Mair. pvt patMJ. nr. heh &. GARD£W APTS. l BR, rear cottage, frplc, ~totel, 2301 Ne...,-port Blvd., Commercl1I 6015
bay. 10 or 12 mo lse. '' ,;~ l -" ~~~~~=~==~J;;;;;~ii(;;jF.;;;;;;;;r;;;;; Excellent. park·like surround-Ptl'"''" mm~. OCC\lpancy ;Costa f.lesa i-"'-~'LEAN'"'9"'l~o-' &~6~7~~.~,,.:-,~A'p-,.-.-i':!c~~rl ~~ultil 0;~: ApL'I.
6~ 1\
cLe<Xi. Misc. Rentals 5999 PiifEifRiGITT
All util incl $85 up Pool, nr shopping. Balboa 5300 ----------1
313 E. Balboa Blvrt 1m Santa Ana, Apt. 113, ----------HA\\'AJI No11h Shore Oahu. ritJ'xJ63' Com1nr1·ci11l coi·ner
BALBOA 673-99-13 • 646 5542 • NEW 2 BR, l Ba, yearly ren· Tropical sr.tting. lmmac 2 Jot on Ocean Ave. in Hunt·
ta!. cpts, drps. Sl85 mo. BR, 2 BA hon1e. S150. 11·k. ington Beach at only 135,000 FURN Bayfronl 2 BR apts. I
&c 2 BR $180 to $275. Adults
only~ 507 E. Balboa .
Fairway Villa Apts Call 6n.&2l2 eve1. 673--2l27 ...,·ith S150 monthly inL·<nnc,
67~. Bkr. :>;ear Orangt' Co Airport l
I BR furn. apt rcw feet to UCL Adults only. 201Z2
bay. Sll5 mo. + u!iJ, yrly. Sanla Ana Ave. ;;40-2796
Adults only. 6"T3-68fKI
NICE I BR Peninsula Apt 2 BR-In1~11cdiatc ~upancy
Sl4li mo uliJ pct. Yearly. -f11,~~11~11c area-hke new ~ c:ond1t1u11. 2 bathi\, \V/W
"""'=c-.,.--,-,-.,,-~-11:arpe1,._ Sl:;:)/nK111th . CALL
\VlNTl:R rental. Balboa. 54.}-8124 South Coast Real
Small 2 BR apt, upszain. Esratr
UtU pd. Stal. ~· -~ro>-t533. l.c"'UT=E~' "2"'s~n~.,~.-.~.,~,,-poo-,-.
l BR. yearly. uti11be1 paid, recreaHon privileges in
$130 month. Ul.2 W. Balboe clOM> 1n 11.dult Mobil,. Home
B!vd. 675-1737. Park. \VIII con~ Ider
N~CE 1 BR. yearly. SllO. fumishlng ir nt'l"'ded. $140 +
Incl utilities. util. 548-;)337. 54~906.i
-,,==*=67>.JG=="::;:;*====ILGE Bachelor unit 51111.rp. ~ Cpts/drps. Nr. So. Coa11l
Balltoe l1l1nd 4355 Plaza, OCC. 1125 incl refr(g.
Y.'lNTER renU.I 4 BR. All &. utU. See at 913 Valencia
B1lboa Island S3SS --LITILE Balboa Island on
Grand C11.11al. ~hlXf' 21,1
BR. 21, BA. Ground Ooor.
Waterlront "''ilh bo11t dock. l
car &aragc, Lerge pnlio.
Quirt nrighbors $32.) nlo,
yearly lcue. No rhildren or
~ti;. To i;ee c11.IJ owner
LITTLE Bl.Ibo¥ Island on
Grand Canal. DcLuxe 2 BR
1 BA waterfront "·/boa!
dock $250. Yearly lea'-!". No
ct-.lldren or pets. To 1~ call
OWnt'f 673-0207
YRLY .• Unf., beaut Up!)et'
duplex apt. Very close to
So. Bay. 4 Bt'. 2 balm $375.
Sall111bury Really 673-6000
ie L d. h '--d" 11p!. 2 aft Pf\t wkda.ys &. all e: t: is ws ... , lllp, gar, "'kends.. Hun.tlnatan Beech 5400
ltpk. 12011 Aplt!. 6i3-89J8,,I;-==--,,.-,.,--=-~ or 1713) 72.8-7065 LARGE 2 an. 11.; BA. 11tudlo Fu RN 1 s II ED OR UN· 1;2;-;;B~R.,.-,,~,~ .. ~-=;-.,1,.,-,-,-d~u~ll-,,I •Pl in triplex adj. golf t'1RNIS:HED
Wlnttt or yrly Jeue:. 2JJ coune. Pri patio, bHlnl. 2 Bedroom carpets, drapes. any,:. ITI4l ~ crpti, drps, rtfli&:. flio pets. b\Llltlns, rood location. One: ~ Joann. ~l.SM block to 5 Polnb RIOl"t's.
Hunll""°" Bffch 4'400 * TOWNHOUSE * 113• up. 0w,,.,. 042->ro. I ----'-------;....;~ l.2 BR. l Ii BA, crpu, drp~. Mflna.it>r 7701 Ellis Apt D
J BEDROOM furn. incl!Kllnf: patio. Adults. $150. 134. E. 842--3303. T.V. A: ullllti", 1 or 2 adultt ~1elody t..nc. 6-12-6812 iiiiiiiiiii"'""'"'"' __ ..,; I
"' Jl'U 11'5 • mo. m; l ot 2 BR, turn or untum. * BEACHILUFF * ~ . New crptf II pa.int Nr sbops New 2 4r 3 Br, 2 Ba, f'.A ..
Nt;AH B ~a c b , .0011o•ly Show bcb-e ' 6t&.Q22 No d\alLw11hrs, J161Jo&, p 0 o I. ~ 1tudlo apl UtU children or pth! view. 1 t t •IOI')'. waUI to
pt. 8lart $125 Pf" mo .. lllao l.ARGE Bachelcr Apt _ 5 Pointe Shop'&, lt.8,
•·Ubot.d: ldt am. 536--Z79 Cpti;/drps, b11.1,., retrtG:. 147..JS67
BA&iiDR .,\pl SJU.. mo. J !l51mo . Own/Ast.
UUI pd. pool. Adul1s only. ......,,_ OCEANl-"RONT. vlrw, :o;un
Mck, heach, new spc, dlx.
2 BR. blllns, cpll. lndl')', nr
~it pla. Scltct lt.nantJi.
Sl7l. AdUllfi. SS&-2131 .
2 SMALL 1 n du s \ r i a l Pacific Shores Realty
units-lllorage or sin a 11 ~889~ or 847-8586
busirk'.llll. Ne\\·por1 Bellch. Evenini;~ call 842·8728
&16-1724 ~
SI'ORAGE i:arai@ for rtnt, ln.sustrlal Rental 6090
furniture only. Sl day, C.f.t. --~
646-6810 For Lease 4200 Sq Ft
Shop Bldg Nr Dntown
Income Property 6000 Costa M•aa. M1ny'ideel
Built·in flnancing
uses. Cont•ct owner,
Mr. Oicktrson.
642-008' D•ys
S48-S4J2 Eves.
10,2'10 Sq Ft. Conerele block
6 Unit1 Commercial Bldg. 5.000 Sq ft B'alcony
E.'lcellent tor 01vner • user 1v/J2j SQ ft ol olllcei;:. 12,000
Vacont store lront. 5 units Sq fl of fenced yard. Avail
occupied. St-Iler ...,;u carry on lefl.'lt'. Call alter 6:
l.'lt TD @ 8% in1ertsl, plus c6:75-&1<=:=:'::0='='":"':;':.\6;==
111nall 2nd 5 year due dnte. -
For intonnatlon: Jean van Lots 6100
lkr Borden or Jean Snlllh ·;;.c..;;.. __ -------'
R llor 6·!6-3255 FF.E 1.1n1pte ( nol lrall(t:holdl
et · · lots In Corona Del ~111.r ro1· I DELUXE UNITS galr by owrt('r. 6T:>-<t'lj0
6 . 2 BR It 2 -l BR all with NE\\'PORT Ocean view Jot
2 balhs. ah the cuslom fea· Prf:M:ntly 1:0ned 30 unilt.
tu.res or a nkf. l'lomt'. L.oc1t. 548-81(16
ed on Can""'A.Y Drivt. C05ta.1.;:;;,,~======= ?ttesa. Ex~Ue.nl for llve In A or ta:< return Pr"OP'l"t.¥. Prie . ...!,!;_•_•_ .. ;.;_ _____ 6_2_00_
t'<I SJJ9,000. Call ti-1r. l'erp la9una Btec1i
'°".,.or ?-.tr. Kt•uier at 7 ACRES W/Pl!RMIT ~1&-:i;lll. TO KE!P HORSES
; n THI:: Rl:l\L
'."'. Co'l'l\T E~!O
A~nt &Ubdlvlalon o n fl
mllt E. ol h~. ulil avail
$3.i,000, 'ii Cuh, NI lst lnlsl
dtt<f. Pyramid Now! MAKE OFFERll
Trade your proput.y llP. \Ve \\'rilt ot rvntact: George R
have for a.le or lnid,..: 7 Kn>ss. Sox OO•. taruna
unltJI • l2 urih• . r:! un ili . lkach or pho!'I« '9.C-.nG.
1!17 units. Contacl Cu1·tis or 311 Af'RE:;S. ROADS', nr ft.lver
Pf-it 11o1 n :Z-9150. Ar SI If \\')'. beaut. Just
, •••••••• ,
20 t.1iles East oi Barstow on
freeway. Elev. 2000 ft. Near
Lake Loreen. \Vonderfu! land
for apricot!, alfaJfa, nut tree
growing. fish raill.ing, horse
ranch, boating, ere: etc;
40 Ac1-e11 Ranch Land, Jm.
proved \VITll modern 2 BR
ranch housc>, Jge liv rm,
bcttmcd ceiling, breakfast
rnt. kitchen, modem bath &
plun1bing. Tank house en-
closing 100:> gal galv. Slor·
age tank und'r 45 lbs pres-
1ure. \\'Ith double gar. Con-
ettle septic tank, all el~ ..
5 hp pump, JOI gal per min
at so· depth. lmprovenlenls:
r·rneect "'Ith l" by 6' x 300 It
redwood fence. 7 ?-.tiles East
of 11ehocil. S16.000.
Or will subdivide I 0
acr11 all improvtm1nt1
$55,000 or 30 •cre1 un·
impro•ed $21 ,000.
40 •/. Down. 81l•nc• on
I it tru't deed.
\Vill nea:otiale, Courtesy to
broker. 847--6640 alt 6 Pl\1. , ••••••••
FURN. Cabin Victor Valley.
J1,1A. $6750. 1..tiw dn. Bkr. Al
Maeder 77&-8010. 646-8345
lllnclt! fOl'Ces so.le. Otter. ... '""'S • WELDERS S.12--0724 P11rson1ls -v
1 LIQ. L1c·s. o,.,,,,, Sao FREE! • TRIMMERS o;,., 112.;oo •• "'" • WALL MEN Sl0.000 off ~air. C&ll WJNS. Ba.!!ic Boatinr Course
TON t·ull('('1 12131 272-424.9 of!emi lo the public by the e PLUMIER.$
2nd TD Loan
Prompt. con!ldl.'n!ial service
142·2!71 ,,,~0611 Serving Harbor itrca O Yl'!I.
Sattler Mortgage o.
336 E. 171h Stree
Ballxla Power Squadron for
pcopl• '""'"led 1n ""boa" • JANITOR
as well as pG'.l·er boats. ISLANDER
Ewry ?-.fonday niaht for 13 f\IOTOR HOMES
wte.ka, beainnlng 7 p.m., 2'1:'.3 Ca.nyon Dr., Coit.a ?-.fe sa
?-.ton., St'pl, 15 (bring note.
book first nl1hO a.t Newport Shop r.lecha nic
Harbor Yacht Cl ub, 72-0 \Y. Elderly semi-retired man for
Bay Ave., Ne .... 1>011 e each. 1hop work; Neal'1, Fuhion
No advance re1istn.tion. En. J 1 I a n d • M u 1 t be
roll at cltss. Any que1tlon, mechanlcalyy ioclined •. Ap-
c.U 673-l&M. ply in pe1"110n.
Mortgages, T.D.'s 6345 -•-NEAL'S HUNTINGTON BEACH 219 E. <th st.
CONSTilUCTION Mo ney Sept. 8 • Ott. 16th at Hunt-Santa Ana
avallRl.ile for income pro-inaton Be11.ch Hi&;h School, 'eo=x~eo=y-------1
du::Jng property. Foreign & 7 pm. for Info call 96~1839. t>lu~l be avail. ·wk. day
don1eslic. r.1otels. Nursin( J j la d 1-lo1nes, Shoppiog Centers, 30 Ce Ra 00 momlnas, over 16. aood
"6 ap~u'"" "'''"'· Appl• Of f ice Buildings, ,.. "
Apartn1ent", etc. \Vrite or '-in pemn: Richard's Lido
co.!1 Title P.ejt,}ty & Dave Ross l'.!arkr!, 3433 Via Lido, N.B.
Insurance Company, 21.5 Ge11t'ral
Clark Bu 1 ld i n g , Binn· College: student pi t ·work Uw.t
inghan1, Alabama 35203 Ha"e a wonderful can~ tailored to your clul-
Phonc t'...'OJ) z;.1~. JJ. f'S. SZ.65 per hr l\W'. to
20~, Ret, for 3 Yrs. start. Car nee. PH: 546-633!1
S3,5n.4J 2nd trust deed be· Ol'le'J"l»OOlt f'ULLER BRUSH co.
hi.net small 1st on lot v>'ith in BUS BOYS needed Jo r
La~ll8·s fine11t ocean view. various atillt11, Appl)' at 5
$10 per n1onth incl. 9% 3 / / pm, in person lo Mr.
yrs, 2:.!•/o Dlscoun1. .....N-awaii An£ el o, TOWERS
BROK.l::R 494·ll37 RESTA URANT, 1515 S.
$7j,000 lst TD on 11.000 5!J. Becky Coruit llwy, Ln.guna Beacll
ft. brick. commerc. bldg on * I Foreign Car Ml'.chenfcs
long-term leased la n d' 1·vel Good co. bentflls, incl paid
Payable 1750 per mo. Incl. • V8:C'9.tion. 1roup ins, unj.
JO•,o. All due 5 yrs. Renlal fonns Jurnl&hed free. Good
inl'Omc $2-m per 1no. 20~·f t.1eet that s~clal $0ll\tone comm. schedule. Ask for
Dist-ounl. .Broker 497-1210 & be(l:in to live. Joe ~foore Ph. S41).17&1.
15-J, DISCOUNT OR.ANGE CO. 5-17-666! LOT MAN. l\1ature. New
1st TD on wh.lle water view 24 hour rrcording Buick Dealer!!hlp, Excellent
lot 1n Lll1una Bea.ch. S6,000 Attend a FREE Lecture worki~ conditions. Apply In
@ $60 n10., incl, 9S"'I.. all Dianellcs & Scicntolo:;y person. ?J.4 E. 17th SL,
dul' 3 m. Broker 494-1138 l'::l'ery Sunday at s Pt.I Costa r-.reaa
S5000 Blue Chip 2nd 11100 Edinger, f'ntn Valley WANTED: Clean cut collqe
Ti)..$4{t(J(J. &11.soncd 2 yr: 531-3220____ student w/o"'n car for part
Joe art t."01nplex, 61,J% LICENSED time ~e. delivery work.
-E_x_c_i.._"11-=...,...:..' _11_._E_._6_2_3_0 ,•=·=·"='·='"' "''='"='=·=-=£=·I Spiritual R.eadinrs. advict App in pe.rson all' PM 50:> on all matten. 312 N. El W. Coast Hwy. N.B.
mADE: Commerei:tl lo! 111 Money Wanted 6350
R 1 ver ~id1• 1)1• 1u:du
through.lnrt'. $17.000 1·11uil)'. \VAr-.'TEO: $60,~ 1st TO,
Sil.GOO bllht.~. 60.\l:.;;1• Ko 10~. 15 yri1. ~cur~d by
111or1"y necdt'd. S11bn11! all $!15.txXl Comm. bid. Bkt.
orfeni. OwrtN. 371S Arl· 1 c'~''~'-4~3'3~=====--1
lngton Ave., RI vet""& id e. ANNOUNCEMENTS
92006 •ml NOTICES
R. E. Wanted 6240 Found (fr" Ad s) 6400
;,:;;;,;;.;.:.;,;;.:,;;;.;;,;;:;;;;;;;;; MF.DI UJ\I -!-llred ltmale
slla,ggy dog, off ""hilt, rtd
roUar + Ilea roUar. ritain
Beach, LaaunA, Wed .
Camino Rea.I, Sar. Oemente General
49!-91l*i, 496--9~ lot . d d
10 A~I • 10 PM arr1c man desiring stea y
"'Orie with a future. $3.65 hr.
-Attractlvit Expert to 1tart. Cir ~. ~
da.nttr \vlll teach you all EXP Service station at-
late1t alcps, Call Ardell ltndenta. Apply in pmp0n.
213: 591-033 l-10 PM t'ister·1 Union Service. 2248
ENJOY economy vacation Harbor Blvd, C.M.
Cat.al.Ina. I&l•rod. r r om sa "T""ALL,,..~Y~ .. -,~,=.,.-"-,-.~il-.s~.1
mk!'iirtt':k for two. ll~rmoa grad. for 5~~ dq wee:k, incl
Hotel Phone Av11.lon 187. Sat ' Sun. &,y.lde Ji111h
ALOOHOUCS Anon)'mOUI Market, 2800 Newport Blvd,
Phone 5'2-7211 o.· 111Tll9 to NB.
1-"or \'our llome Eqult1 P.O. Box 1223 Coill f.feq. SERVJCE Statton need 1
Ab8olutely no COISl . . • BLACK And \\'hitc female I v.·W not bt ~sponsible: for niatit men. ~ PM to 10 P,.t ,
to you the Seller! dug "'"nrlng flea c'.Ollar. Vic. any dehta ellCf:pt my own. Muet hlv• t x p e r •t e n c., . ,
12 Y'arn of ~Ina more cash Z:rd & Sa.nla Ana. &12-~ Jtokrt Valmer Block. Unl()n Oil, 393 E. 17th St.,
tor Oranie Counl.Y pro{Mrt)'. or 673--706.) enst Mesa ~~ t!':ii ~: ks'i 1 oo=V'=s~B~ikc-,-.~.~k-,~,-,,.~S-t -. Announcement• 6410 lfl(pi'<'·"f"IU""w""'c"t"D'""I•,...,•"hu"t::::::I .
147-6033 °' S45424S
Rl\·er A\·~.. NB. Call to SUN siGN ASTROLOGi tahrblloft &: ar lrataJlaUon.
irlenHfy. 6i3--7792 btlr 1 AM ~ •. Fler\l1tr no~" NrNpOrt Bu.ch 1. re a ,
or afl 10 P1t1. &.-inners _ Al!val'll"ed. 64$-3882
TRJ..COlorl'd, partielly snwn Call lhe sun SiJn. IT~ SEft.VlCE SllliOD attendant.
klUen. C11ll .\ de~ribf. Vic da,ys or 6T.>-2J40 aft. 6. cS-., W011c.
~~~ & Bilbb, C · M • CUST'OMER'S Of Bet t 1 3928 E. Cout Hwy, CdM
11o..·tr may plrk up df't51 CA1t
1a1Ww ·• lttV ,i.
f'OUNO hl1r k rurpy. Loll( m1k lna. by c&lllng 49+-T237 lltndn'L 1\lli ' pt. lime.
UT-112$ hREAL="'"°~N~,.,.--,,-,-,o-:8'--d-up~l,-~. IT' ~ tN mu, W/W crpls, dl-pci, Jlo\"e,
.. ill apptluca ygta nnd rrfrls. J>ll.00 l 8'&1'i· Ste •I
In • Oa.M&iied Adi. Oaeda 1 _"';;,.:..'-H~•m_11..,,'=s-'.:.··~c_.•:.."--i NE:\V l - 2 BR .APTS. Pt1n.')' H, Con<,!1\ln Co. SJ0/1110, Plclure1. Ort, 11.Sk DIAL 1flm:t 1112--567!, t:h1U11e
lse!t \\'. Llnt"'Oln. Anehrlm for Dalt> 675-T.JIJ or 612~ Your id. th~n •ll hack and
bl~ck tau Pink f: "" rol· Within ll~•· *'25 W. Pat. Cst H ..... y.
l11r. f ound Albe.rt&0ns r.lkt, ffiE Round !tip t e LI~OT\'PE
C1,1"flnA tl~t Mar. 673-.~. S.\l'"l'M'lenlo -NO\YI Ol'ER.ATOR. fWm now1 ror oauy rUo1 Want Adi
01AR.GE IT' Dial 6'2-b&'iS for RESULTS
• ) ~ '
Patio., &Icon~~. prh•IH'Y
8262 Atlanta, HB SSS-.~ \\1hlt" t'lephit.nl.11! lltrM-a·llrw OAfl.Y PIUIT' WANT ADS! ll.stt'n tQ the Phol'le ring~ 1..;..c.......:........:...:..:....:_..;;.._ \\.hltP c>lephl'nl1! Olmr·ll·ltne 961-MM 8")•1 ---==--• I
Part ttmt.
SERV -• •
= Baby
pl e I
'"'"" aand
"'"" Verdi
"""' ..,_,
l Yr:
N1l 6
E. '
"'" MCYM
in h• .,.
""" & c.
Rll (
""' R<.li
'°' Lag
"""' Llc.
c •• -To< ... ... ... ...
QUI ...
"' iiEi c.
2S ' c;;
'"' Ca
"" ... -Ch --M~
'" '"' 64~
yr ·-..
----...-------...... -----------------~-----
When You
Wont if done
right •••
J ( .• I
Coll one of
the experts
listed below!/
• Apartment & Units
es • Kitchen Experts
.~ T o Story Specialists
.I __ 61_s._119_1 _I
UT. & SUN. A.f't'TS. A.YA.IL.
IY THE ...
Babysitting 6550 Contractors 1---'---=---..::...c.. 6620
ATI'ENTIVE mother will I----------ca.re for your child in GENERAL Contractor. All
p I ea s a n 1 ,home sur-carpentry, concrete, add &
rounclings, w/swing set, remodeling. 25 yrs ex-
sand box, children'!! patio perience. 531-7984, 841-2382
oompletely fenced, and play Carpet Cleaning 6625 room upstairs. Preler 21iii or
older playmate for my
daughter. Also pre re r CARPET & Furn. cleaning;
teachers' children f 0 r !Qr 1 day service & qUality
permanent situation. Mesa work. call Sterlina: fur
H•uling 6730
& CLEANUP ru prr to.,d, 962-&Wi
Houtecle<11 ninq 6735
WOULD You believe l wUI
clean )'OW' home lor Blue
Chip Stamps! 891-7350
BAY & Beach Cleaning Serv.
Carpets, windows, noon:,
etc. Res&: Commc'l 646-1401
CARPETS, Windows, flrs,
etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt
work Reas! Refs. 548-4lll
Johnny Dunn your local
service. Free est. 642-2364
Ironing 6755
•WILL do irorung in my
bon1c, 15 & 31 cents a pi('{'(',
IRONINGS In my honie.
Sl.25 per oour.
>18-<97-0 *
Janitorial 6790
TONY'S Cleaning service.
Re.sidentia1 &: commercial.
Complete floor care. wall &
window washing. Cr p t
~lul.mpooing. J\1o, wk, daily.
Very reliable, Free est. Call
anytime ~9l10.
WALLS, \'lindov.·s. floors,
carpets. Comntercial &:
residential. Daily, v.·eekJy
andtor Mo. 897-7350
SPARKLE Janitorial & Win.
dow deaning Serv. Win-
dows, !'t'Sld., comcl, const.
Cleanup. Free est. 968-2891.
EST A TE Maint Tt-ee Serv
Removal & trunmings, tree
estimate. Call 541-0088.
,6810 Verde area. 546-4678 brightness! ~
f ,M.;OTH;;;;ER;;:~W'.;lll~bo=b::y::~~ .. -N-,-.,-~;(;;;,=,....'==, ;;;L=e=yl=n=g=&;:o==o I JULLS &. SLOPES o u r
Harbot Shop Cc n t er. Rep1fr &'i26 i.l)Kialty, Next years rain
EJ¥:losed backyard, patio, will be worse! Get pro.
playroom. 9 mos to 3 yn. FOR CARPETING tcction nov.·: Call 495-0811
preferred, $4 day -~ hrly. OR. CARPET LAYING * Lic'd landscape con·
Full lime or. occasional. Ex-C. A. Paa:e 6tz.2l70 tractor; complete lndscpg &
perienced, depend ab I e EltctriC'11I 6640 gardC"ns R.10-3037
8ABYSI1TINC, Next to new ELECTRICIAN: iicensed,
park, nr Newport H 1 s borxied, small jobs, maint .&: rep.a.in. 543-5203 Elcmn. Sehl. Mon-Sat,
64>-2754 Floors 6665 BABYSITTING Weekly, my
home. Mothers loving care. Carpet Vinyl Tile
l Yrs. or older. 1IE 24th St AD styles P:>td colon
NB 675-1318 Ffte eirt. Lie. contr.
BABYSI'ITING My home, '-==S...~?262=="o:;:641~78;= I wee~ays only. Hamilton ~& 1 ·
Bushard. H.B. 968-4952 Gardening 6680
"!Jd ;a:,. ,:;'~/""""'-ANTHONY'S
LICENSED Babyollfu•< 644•4860
Westminstt'r area. The Best. oosts no niore!
Call 8!}1-4971 Experlencect ?oilaintenance
ALL day or after school. my Budget Landscaping
E. side CM home. over 2 Graduate Hort!cuJfUrist
years. 642-4386 COMPLETE
Paintint 6850
SUBURBAN Painting/Dec.
Expert Guaranteed \Vork
Free est. No job too large
or too small 494-3190
PAINTING lDt •Ext Lowest
contracted prices. Fully ins.
Sa llsfaction guru , Free est
Jim Weeks 673-l166
TlNG, 10 years in area.
Reasonable rates. C a 11
PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs.
ln Harbor area. LiC'. &
bonded. Refs. turn. 642-2356.
For beilf'r painting,
Call C&S Painters~
6T;,-2!r.J.l after f>
Help We~t..t: Men 7200 Help Wonted, M•n 7200
Good opportun11y fol' A
man with tlOnle at°\.'OUnl· ma or related dcr1caJ e>:·
pcrietK'e to come into con-
tact with all deparfmcnl.s
-Of the COOIPllJI)'. P1'Cfcr
IU9h School a .. JllOme a<:·
counting lrairung,
Please apply in TM'r-
~n or in writing to
Personnel Dc;t.
Equlli Opportlln1ty
COSTA fi.fESA, CALit'. 926211
17141 54~51
PH I UJl~s PE.'TROL~Ut.1 co
Nbw hiring !or
se.lary--0pcrated !St'l'Vll'1.' ~la·
lion. E:xpc1·lencc de~uw.
Good s1.11.1·ting ~ary plu~
gencrou:i (.'On1mtss10n, 11.•ith
excellenl opportunities for
Do You Ta~
WANTED I ' 1qlh a grain of lWll! Cun'!
!WY that I bliUl\c yoo, I fof.
l()W{'(t ·1t few myself only lo
~ d1sappolntL'<I. The job
~·lllt1n1 Jived up to L'lc
clahn~ in thr ad.
If you 11.·ould hk~ 10 n1akr
$250 /')('r 11·1·l'k 1n:n1f'diutely.
W!ui au opportunity 101·
1nuc1i n1orr 1n !ht• fu lu1·1'.
I would likr IO t11lk 10 you,
H Y•lUr qua!iftt:ation.~ 1na1ch
ow· l'l'qUU''n1ents. lhi.<> could
II(> lht• cil!'C'C'r you've bet!n
looking for. CW! Joi' pc1~,,1ll
i11 tcnt1C"1v brt. 10 Af\i & 3 PM
11111 :'"\'Vl.1701
HI y1•at'S ui· ovrr.
,\ppJy 1n !)(.'MO
advarn.·C'1nenl, For in. tSSS W. Adams, C.M .
''""'"'" """'"' "'""''"'· JR ACCOUNTANT Brookhurst & Adams, Hun. ,
tington Beach.
10 yr n1in job shop exp
Top Pi1}·bcrK'{i!.~·r>1ur11 ~h~1r's
Space Aircraft Comp.
'1 yr~. coU1·g~· 01· cquival('nt.
Expcl'lt;>!l('f'd i.:•·n('ld.I ledg~r,
flnanc1a l :;1aten1cn1s. ('OSI~.
tnv1>ntory c."Un!rol. l'IC, Son1r
tab kno1\'ll'<lgc desirable
Robertshaw Controls
Uni-Line Division
16072 Gothard, HS.
Equal Oppo1rlun1ly Ernplo~··r
17'51! Paularina J\VC', l\1:lnaJ;:en1l'nt
Costa r.1esci 714·510.4710 :011D·1\1A."'IAGE.\l.l:."NT
GENERAL Tra111t'l'
PRESENTABLE ass11an1 CarC'rr opportunily. No C'l!.·
for Commercial unit. f"ew pc'rtl.'lll'C llel'<':ssury. r-.1i.l1l;1ry
company. E I th ro r l'lrc· oblli.:alions cu in p l cl c d.
tronic!I, pho1ography, VTR Slrtrling salal)', $125 per
or sales cxperit'nCf' u:seful. 11.'Ct'k Age 1}1..2.i.
\Villing lo learn and to \l'tlr k Tripp Elrctnr Inc
a musH Tn!n1P.ndous ftjturc j.l!J-7212
in boom ing i ~ rl US 1 r Y · ACCOUNT ANT, s1•1u1 . or
lt~anagcml'nl abih!y helpful. ht::hl i;t·ninr fur 1'S"pandii1g
S:alal')' open. Aw to 4:1. AV Ornngr Co, CPI\ firm, f\!usl
Training tndustr1C'S ;,.J0.5293 h.1 vr at.our :! yr-;, n.'t-ent
pubh<' a<'l'OUntin:,: 1· x p, e BUSBOY~ •'a pa 11 1 r n I a u d r I e 01$.11\\'ASllERS n•spons1b1l111C'~. CPA n r
CPA ranrlidalr 11111)', Call
Full llinK', Chrr IS. Nr ai ap J.11-7061 for :q1µo1ntmC'nl
pearilig. Apply in f>l'l"SOn • JANITOR-FULL TIME
!>I E. 17th St.
Costa t.11'sa
No Experience
Must have clean caurorn ia
driving record. A9ply
186 E. 16th St.
Costa t.1esa
!"iv{' days a \l'C'C'k
# :{ Fa.~luon 1~1;ind
Nt;\1'J)Ort Beach
Expanding Jnnd d1'v1•lopn1ent
fl1·111 in Nr1q>ort Bcl\rh hus
ufl('n1ng for ,JR. DH.AITS.
MAN 1\·/ som(• 1•xpt'rlt'nce Jn
Ctv1 I f::ng1nl'C'r1ni;. Call Bob
\\'1·11~ al 5-1(1.77·10 TRAINEES: 23 yr o!d pro---------
motional adv1?r1i.lltni;:: tirm CAR WASH HELP
needs young n1rn Con1pany PAHT s, ~-Utl~ Tll\lE
lis1ed on hvo stOt"k (''I.· Tnr1 s:tlary, l'f'f!Ul:ir "'ork
changei;, nal1onwu1r ·rv. If METRO CAR WASH
you arc rarrung l1·s.s lhan :!9'.iO !l.1rtxir. Cu.-:1<1 t.lcsa
$150 a IO.'l'ek, call for •n· DISJl\\'ASHER-U.iy sh11t.$2
formation. 1'1on. tlu·u t'ri per hour. Apply in fll'l'SOll
;,.H--0594 aft. 6 P~f. S!f'f'J' Jr Stell~
R1 •sw ur11 nt
MOTHER desire-& babysitting \.ARD MAINT.
in her home nelll' Fairview Sprinkler iru.1aJlf'd & repair .. Plastering. Repair 6880 P ersonnel D irector
& Baker. 545-6844 ed. Ne\V lawns, cleanups. • PATCH PLASl'ERlNG. Min or :; yrs or Indus. prr· .~;1 E<lu1i::1•r 1\1·1·
BABYSITTING, c ll i J d re n l\fonthly Sen·iee. "'I 1 ~-tim. 1 soru1eJ c"p & co!legr dC'"ri.'P, flun t1n1•1on Hr<1l'h !168-1928 1u yp!s. r '"" cs a e. .. o~r 2 yrs. Bet10.>een Wilson . Cd S®-6825 J\lost IX' St'II rn(lllvntl'd & 1\IANi\lj f'.:ll:i fJr Assis1aal
& Canyon Schools. 646-9175 NE\V Lawn N re-seeding, maturt>. Will be-re~pons1ble f\1 ANAG~~RS tu rran1 for
BABYSI'ITER Complrte lawn care, clean Plumbing 6890 for a11 /)l'rsonnel functions. high paying r.os111nn 11/fas1
My home CdM.~ Mature up t>y job or month. Free $1C,OOO yi· star!. Rcsum(' &. food t'h:JL'l. 1:;xp.·nt:'nc£> ;101
mother of 2. 673_5054 estimates. Call 846--0932 PLUMBING REPAIR salary his1ory box M HXXI ncCf'J>sar:-A.~k rnr i\1r.
AL'S GardeniOJ: &. Lawn 'No job too small PiloL Dorkin. c~fHJ.lft:,
BABYSITIING • M)' home, Mal·!•"""-. comm~·', e 642-3128 e T · C ----Cd " ._....... "'"..., ra1nee areer * • l\1i\i\AC:ER for I. 1nan V.'Celdy, i\1. industrial • -·.d••tlal . • ~ ~3 * "" '""' " Opportun1t:,.. F1nanc,. inot nvu1ur orit'r Youn~, '"a-'"" *"'° ". m* Re_ model, Repair. 6940 ......,-,)Q,., salt'!Rf Mu~1 II!' lY ON!.\' ut n1a turl•, H i·~r-hool i;rad:
BAB!! ,vsrrrgoodlNGlur!y ~i~~R =~ES=ro=N~SIB=LE-="~ .. ~ ... -.-•• -.-m-ow-1 BUfLD, Remodel, Repair mffilal')' completf!tl. To S5;)(). grt•:tt UIJINl'(Unl1Y for ad· ~--~' V _,_ 'c::"::i45 & edge la11o•n {av.~rage) $10 Brick, block, c 0 n c re I e , Wl lh opportunity to advanl'C, vann:n1t'nl . 11'<nni· design & .....,s. "1esa e.-. .. :. ""':.-t mo. 642-83li bet 5.JO' 6:30 crpntcy. no job loo small Call Ann 6-15-1n o. r-.11'rcha_n1s mrth-;ip11tud1• dl.'slrabl.-J
BLUfTS. my home, full or Pf\f Llc. Contr. 96U945 Personnrl. 2043 \Vcs1cl1rr For u1Let'\·1ew rull t94-:i:1:~'l
part time; near school. -Jo:-::c---,G,.-"7"--DrivC". l\.13. i'JANITOR.C,\RDENER9 Reliable 644-0964 apanese ardener Exper .. l'Ompl yard service! Sawing 6960 TRAINEE Young man in· p l' r m i1. n r n, J)Ollltion
BABYSITTING In m)' home Free. esl. 645-0912, OOS.2303 leres1rd in learnini.; trade. slart1nt:; :11 $1.~/rno. 40
far working molhen; So. SPEEDY, !\'Just ha ve 1,.'00CI relet1'!11ct's. hr/11k. PXf'l"llrnt I r in I\,,
Laguna area.499-1693 TREE Service, gt!nt'i'al yard EXPERT Good pay & bcnE!hts. Steady bcn!'l1ti.. Sc>ncl rt•suinr lo:
cleanup. Rorouu .i Blll'inkler ALTERATIONS 1 °• 77 I
Bric~ M'11sonry, ate.
BUILD, Remodel. ~pair.
Brick, blocl., concrete.
carpentry, no job too small.
Lie. Contr. 962-6945
cn1poyn1ent . .,.,&-2 · P"rsonrK•l Dcp1 , P. 0. Box serv. 64(i..58<18 · I • Sa1lsfacllon guarr. Hixson l\lrta i''111i~h1nc; 471, Sou1h La~una
CLEAN-UP SPBCTAUST! s.i::..0137 C.~I. YOUNG Man intcJ'C's1ed 1n MAINTENANC'F:·-,-,,,-,-,~-"'-'·
Mowing, edging, odd ~be:. e D k' •t · th . b . ' I ,., ressn1:1 1ng • n leral1on9 e Plf' us1rwss. " goo< elccfr1cal ~ plumht11" r xp. Reasonable. 548-6955 Sped h 6 ' al nn ro1 ~. tuture lo the right person. Gd. working knowledge of
JIM'S Gardening I. lawn ~~-·~·~·~~&l"-16~~·=~ day Y"k. 1\pp. in person; hflnrl air lfl(ll~ or{'. High
mainlenance. Res. I. Com-Altaralions--64?-5845 Vi 's P lcs. 191 E. 17th St. !-;rhool 1-'T';ld Milnul'~ Co in
mercial. * ~ Neal, accurate, 20 years e:1.p, C.l\f. 9 lo 12 noon Costa f\-f(•sa ::o2\ Ne1\·port
Ca...antering 6590 C&S Lawn & Gardenine BOYS 10. 14 Blvd c .r.1. 111.r~1U-:::JOO.
•r-Ser'V!ce. Rcs!Comcl-lndull. Septic Tank, Sw•r. 6965 Carrier Routes Open CJ\Slll Elt Mn!r. fu!l 1un1•.
CARPENTRY ll1>29!i5 arter 5 Lor Healt hy. n<'at. i.:ood refs.
AflNOR REPAIRS. No Job * Expert Jipan.. VACUUM pumping service, Laguna Beach, So. Lngwia Student OK Aiiply in Pf'T'S'.111
Too smaD. Cabinet in Pf" FINES!' WORK 646-0.1114 aeptic tanks. swnps, 5and DAILY PILOT be I w ren 10.1. ltllLK
aps A other cablneta.1========== I trapii:. You name it, we 642.c21 p At. Ac E u R 1 v r::.1 N "~" .. 75 ·u no answer leave _.. pump ii. 24 hr. acrvlce. --• Ganeral Services "•.£ 645--0765 SERVICJ::: Station ~Ip· )''u!I DAI RY. SHJ \\I, ]lllh, CJ\ol ~~ '46-2312. fl 0. ·· h nw. ExpP.ril!flCt'd, Apply in JANT1'0R-Nite !1l11lt , mid·
ft&alq__. EXP'O pvt. paJ1;y avaU ior TILE. Ceramic 6974 person, Ke11 "-C I Yd e night 10 s u.n1. Call Bob
QUALITY Repain -AJtt;ra. window wa.sh.ing. Free Service, 3100 E. Coa111 Hw)', Quinn 81
tio.ns • New COMt. by hoot i~'='l:tma=l=<='·=546-1337===·=== * Verne, 'The Tile Man "* CdM HUNTINGTON LANES
or ColltncL 646--3442 673!) Cu9t. \\'ork. Install & repairs. SERVJCI:: slalion lil•ll'$fnnn. • ~l'\Gli •
REPAlRS. ALTERATIONS Hauling No job loo 1tmall. Plaster full lnnr. lig ht mccharnc. r:XPANDING nat'I Co, Sl'Ck·
CABINETS. Any s1ze job DEPENDABLE, haulin&'. l! patch. Lea~ I h 0 We r neal 1n dppcarafl{'(', 2 yrs inl! Mies rep. le) :llt'li n f'K'w
z; yrs. expar. · 54Mi713 mov:inc. Reuonable ntfl:. ttpair. 847~~1846-0206 exp. St>t J irn, :!>90 Newport ron1puterizerl bu :1. !lystcn1
r--•nt, Concrete 6600·=-~~"~um~·~·~•~o.~494-3033~'"'.:,.,=-Blvd .. C,_1, 1(1 local 11ma tl-me d .......,.. •: Trff S.rvlca 6980 SERVICB station atttnd11nt. bu.<;.lrieSflcs. fl42-6603 anyt1n11J.
e a>NCRETE """' a I I TRASH HAUUNG GENE'S TREE SER V , Exl"''· '""'· See "'Mik<'", * COOKS
types. Pool declm • curtom.1 reaaona~--""---•--"'"-""'-tf'M&lihtubbel')' rr.movi!d, 4678 Cam pus Dr, NB ALI_, !'lllFTI'
Call 548-1324 a.EAN UP & lite movine trimmed. lulu.led aw• y GARDEN ER'S fuince. No 1'111': t•LYING BUTLER
CEMENT WORK. ~ job too
small. ttas:inable. Fr e •
etfim, H. Sturuck. scs-.1615
Tree l 1hntb ~mov.1. 549-~ exper nee. Phone anytime. rn.am
Reuooable. ~ll58 E.Sl'ATE Malnt Tree Serv 17141 41M-!i417. * DISHWASHER
HAULING, deanup, ~ etc, Removal ~ trimmings. trtt f.1echanlc wanted. f"ull 11me day Yiift
Handyman anytime you call I ftllmate:, Call 541..()(188 Union 76 Sl8 tlon Tllt; r t.YING BtrrL£R ~hitd C<11N 6610 ** 60-3398 ** , 1900 Nl'.'1\·port Blvd, C.~t. 673-0977
MAT1JR& Mother w111 care CLEAN-Up and llJht mov· 1.u...,e_ho_1,.tt_.!..,'], ___ ....;6.;.990_l 1 ~SECO;;:;,N.:co~eoo""-,'"',=.,:.:,:cvc.1.=.,,=,.,.:-l ;,:c1A;-,1"N"r"E"'N~A"Ni.CE;:,::.,M"•"'o,.. . .,n,... -,:, I
for child, M1 ~. I~ ifc, Call Davt! CZYKOSKJ'S CutL Upho.I. try cluh. Dinner Khift. Call pa.M time for gen'L all·
fncd yd. Nwpt H i h t 1 • *' 5Cl-3!'l3 * European 0..fttrnllnshlp for appoinL 847-7004 nmunrl m a t n t C' n a n re
~ YARDlaar cleanup. &MOV'e 100% tin! S0...1454 DEIJVERY man, t;l-tlmc SAWYER 1ro,.1i::, 2 6 19
LOVING Ou~ my hOme 2 trets. ivy, dirt, ITadllr WI Newport Bl .. C.J\f. L.A. Times car n'lt1t1" Orangt' AvP .. °"'a ~1esa.
yn: It olMr. Cyn or WhilUer backhoe, ,grade 96J..r7.f5 THE QUJCKER YOU CALL, Cf\1 arra. 548-3303 * * OEI.tVf:HY ROY * \
!="'Iii di!lt ~ DAILY PrtDT WANT ADS! THE QUIO<ER YOU SELL ESi'ABLfSl ll-:O Jn.suranrt • C,nn.)'l')n Aulo Su11ply
Leads •vAfl. N.8 . offior. Kl Bruftd ..... ay, Lagun;i Och
Carrer f)ppt. 675-fi38.1 'Vhtte Llcyhants1'
I .
Frld.11, S(ptembff 5, 196q DAil Y ~ILDT 3 f
Help Wantaci Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Want.cf
Women 7400 Women 7400 HW'.!~ntod 7400
l . Ml tln'llJ aJttmoan
and evcnllg shift. , •
l • Pllrt linll", ..
Ovl'r 18 Y"-tS of a.gt'.
Expcn<>rK'Cd preferred,
Apply llt!L l:JO &_ 4 p.111.
2131 Westclllr. N.8 .
{17th & lrvlfK' I
Available lunc h & dinner.
Pl'E'fc1· 111 )'rll, or over.
Ar-.! & PM, Over 18 ~rs.
Snack Shop No. 1
2305 E. Coa1t Hwy.
Corona del M.ar, Cal.
Sala ry S50'l. 10 Sfil!i, • 10
months position. Typing 50
wpn1, filing llnd general
clencaJ. U.S. c:lttun, hi&h
school graduate. 2 years re-
sponsible clerical exper, Ap.
pllca!ions must br tiled by
Wed., Sept, 17th., Personnel
Corrunl~SIOll OUicc, 7972
Wan'lt'r Ave.. 1-lwitlngton
Beach, brtween 9 am &
M1i::h school graduation, and '!t! 0Ct'an Avr ,
Onf' v.ar of ...,,.....,.,....,.n Laguna Beuch J~ 11"-'"-J••-· 4~
levC'I c,>;perlcl'l<'t' In tht> ----'--"-----
n1aintenance and repair of
automattve equi p n1 c n t . WAITRESSES s~lary begins $631.00. Apply
r-.londay thru Friday fron1 8
a .m. to 4:30 p.m. 1901 . ._
Nev.-port Blvd., Classified
P<'rr.o nncl, Cosla 1\1 r s a ,
645--0600, C1011ing datr Sept.
l "
151 E. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
1S1 E. Coa st Hwy .
Newport Beach
1\\;ichin1sts e Punch Press & e Multislide Oprs.
To $432 pt"r 11.·«'k. Apply
Tony Dut"hl.
'.HOO Pulln1 an LarM•
Costa f\tesa. ;.10·~32
The Rigger
TQ service ladies only, l\1ust
furnish local references and
huvr city license. Please ap.
ply In person fbr interviC'W
Holiday Health Spa
:.!.100 Harbor Blvd .. C.f\t.
i~ looking for sharp girls who
nel'd pe rmar'J('nt position.
r.lust be cxperil'nccd in high
fashi o n d ress e s &
s 11ort s wear . For ap-
pointment, call The Look,
644-2400 33 Fashion Island,
NU R~ES AIDES All 1hilll. Light Factory Labor BxJM~encetl ;, iroi!K'ell, female -Immediate oJ)left\ng
FULL-Time maids, reJOrt
hotel. Laguna Beach.
466 Fl•gship Cttman or. Swedish.. u..runa
Newport B•ach, Calif. aJft. ~70
ClllLD care & I 1 t e HOUSEk'EEPER. 2 Sehl .
bol!SE'\\'orll:, 2 boys, 3 I; 6, agen . Pv1 rm ~ hn. F'V
c;1ll ~1:...Srr.J In a.m. nreR, Ille moll:. MZ-'rll-t
Ul\UYSITI'Ell !or l11funt, BARMAfO. Nlichls. Appl)'
Plf(Jn thru 1''rl, S..:::30 p,m., afl!'r 6 Pt.I. lr.!8 Nc1vr:irt
Newport llgi~(l't'a . 6-16--M59 Blvd .• C011ta t.1Mll L
(Accounting) •
Varl~tJ m1por11lblUUei tp.
volv ing typing and tillni;:
In ®t aooounUng depart·
ment. S o m e aca>Untlng
!Chooling or cxperiencr ltelp.
Profit Sharing
I. C. Carter Co.
671 W. 17th St.
Coste Mesa
,\n rqual opportunity
Quahtl('(I for high • era.de
rtstauran1. Ideal hours. Nev.
rr open holidayi; or Sunday.
All co. bl'oot'.lts including lib.
era.I discount on purchases.
Assistant bilUnc{account·
ing department. Pre~
f'xperience and t:.YPll'C
Equfil oppor!onhy employer
1.f!lg Dale \Vay
Costa J\.1esa, C&lil.
1714J 545-8251
\\'e require • ta.st, accurate
!ypU!t, preferably with
allor~han d (Or cor-
respondence, re p o rt s,
ansv.·ering phone and IOmt'
bkkpg. We also requitt •
report wo rk which
nec e ssitates usinr •
calculator. BUFFUM'S
;ti Fashion Island
l'.l20 Newport Blvd., N.B-
l714) 675-3551
10 A~1 to J2 and '.?·• PM
HOSTESS • \VAITRESS • • l::~pcrte11t.-cd •
1S1 E. Coast Hwy .
Newport Bttch
Opening eX'ista for a pC'rson
11.'ittt rect?m. experience in
ac~ recelvablr & pay.
ablt', in our a.ccounting dept.
C1 ll J iin Hyams, l)ay!I
6-12·2400. Eves, 546-0319
Ap11ly at THE FLYlNC BUT.
LER, Expcr\cnc«I. 613.0077
Xln1 skills • eq)f' •• $450. hrt W , Coata Mesa ~
Prlv. rin I. blllL 2 children.
t'tn. Vall, &Cl-72:;4 ----SOCK TT 'l'O 'Dt!
. abilities
an Li mite()
Quality Pnsll:iooa ror
Qualifted AppUcants
~ E. 17th St.. Suite 224
Costa Mesa 64,2.1470
!Jeal !or t.fothers with child-
"'" starting back to 1<:hool.
Uniforms I. meala fwnlsbed,
Cantact Mr. Dinius.
31U Harbor Blvd., CM.
• 56-99.tl •
' ' '
Pr-TIME tour tutdem Jbr
beautUul new •tult apt. ...
c:omplcx, NB 60-8110
BABYSJ'ITER -ti mo &id.
4 day1 Incl Sat A l ew. Re.ts
833-2Nfl aft I: 30 Jrvlne.
MANICURIST. Call .,. e,p.
po6tment, 675--«mJ
-~-~--~-~--~-~--~~~----~--~~-~-~-~---~~-~~~ .·
• • .&. • t
-· "
• 'f .·'·
. · ,_.
h•s imrneditt.• openings for:
\Vork available in the arta or computer, mem·
ory, logic, system, or po wer supply check-out.
Printed circuit boards a nd harness asse1nbly.
Call B. Baker,
2921 Daimler 'St.
Santa Ana, Gali!. 546-3551
Help Wanted
Jobi-Men, Wom. 7500
Sp1nish & Medlterr111Hn fumitur1
9 ·p c. M•di+err•ne•n B1droom Suit• in P1c1111
I Reg. $349.00 ) ........................ NOW $168.00
Gorgeous Sp•nish C ustom Bu!lt Sof• with .
matching Lo ... • Se•t-Cho1c• of -b••ut1ful
f•bric,. I Re9. $419.95 1 ............ NOW $225.00
~:~ ~ i~. ~1i~"J 15:~i.~·~ ·~d .. c·~·f 1~~ · ·r·; ·~·1;~·: .:r::~~
Tall D•cotator Table L·amps
IReg. $49 .95 1 ................... -... NOW $18.00
Spanish Han9in9 Swag ;,.amps
IRog. $49 .95 1 ................ , .... NOW $19.SO
Furnltvre aooo Furniture
$60,000 lnv•nfory of Fine Furniture
Must le Said NOW I
B•nk T •Nnl Stor• Charg• M•sf•r Ch•rg•
B•nkAmeric•rd AU Ac:c1pt1d .
Opoo 9.9 Ullf-Sot. U, s ... 10.S 5'W6'0
2065 Ch1rle St. Cost• Mtst
B1hind "Harbor C•r Wash''
Enter off H•milton or Bernard St.
, ... r..t .... 1ce ... •'1>ft -··-DIAL' DIREC'J' NZi.587&
HOUSES FQll SALE '"''" •::.-t ............. :l aaMlllAL ,., ..... -......... t• OflPIC& fl'fAL • ····•• • H>I COl'TA llllSA ................ IHI INDUITllAL ,..,. • ..,.,, ,_ .... .....
Ml.SA Ol"L MA• , ............. 1Ttl c;OMM(ICIAL .•••••• --;.,,_ ir.t•SA VllD.11 , • ., ........ ,.1111 LJrtDU,raiA.&. lt&_,TAI. .,., .... .... c~•H ·r••• .............. 10• ~on t .... ~······ ........... •:: NSWl"OltT llACM ............ lite u.NOa ............. -•• ·-·-' NlWPOl:T MlttMTI ••••.••.•. 1n• CrTtUs MOYn ....•••••••••• ,,.
IAUOA COlll.S .•.••••••••• 1111 11.Cll;UOI . •··••••••••••,. .... M•WPO•f MtO•ll ,., ........ Int UKl\ILlflltOll ~, .......... tim •AYCl••T .................... UD IUOCf PllOf>lllTT ......... .. IAYSIHIRU ................... Int IUAJt4. c•. PJOPl•TY ..... an oovt:I IHO•IS ............... u21 OUT Of naTI PlfOlt.J ........ -W•ST(LIP, .............. UM lltOUNt.t,llf 6 blllRf ........ 4111 ltAl;IO• t+IGIKU.MOS ........ Im IUIDl'flllOJI LAND '"" ,,n1 UNIVEltllTY PAltl( ........... IU1 •EAL. lfTATa ll•Vtel .... G U lltVlftl ...................... IUI C ... IJ~l'tAffN , ........... ftM IACJC IA'f' ..................... IMt I. L WUITllD ......... 6Htl EAsr11.u,• .............. iui BUSINESS ond llVINI TlllltACI ............ lMS
COltONA Dll MAI ........... 11;51 FINANCIAL IAL-lo.l PENIN1iUU. ......... U .. IUllNISl O....otlTUHITll!I. Ult IL\CON IAT , .............. •·1* IUSINl51 WANTID '* IAY ISLANDS ................. llSI lf11Vf$TMPT 0....,.11m.i ·:::ult LIDO lllll! ... , .• , .. ,..,,,.lUl IH..,ESTMllllTWANflD ...... 6nJ IALIOA \SU.NO · ........... llll MOfollY TO LOAM ............ tltl HUNTINGTON IUCN ....... l4" PlllOMl.lt. LO.I.HI ............ 6111
* Fantastic!
OPERATE A decorator dream house on display 3
room s of gorg eous Span ish furnilure (was
reg. $1295.00
G1r•g• Sile 8022 Appliances "'-""--'-0---""'-'
TAPE ret.'Ordcr, ma ngle, 2
baby cribs, hi-chair. chairs,
fran1ed p1cture11 ti some
.100 HUNTINGTON MAll;IOUll ..... Utt JliWELI'!' LOANS ........... UH POUNTAIN VALLEY · ....... Ult COLUTllAl t.OANI ......... '231
1960 Kl!n.fT\Cn Wlllher It
Dryer, worlt good, $.10 each.
SEAL IU.CM ............. UU Rl!AL 11tT•TI LOANS ...... ~ \UN~llT ll!ACtf .......... ., ... !US MOltTG.f,G'lS, Trvtt 0..-... _,.S
• ..
• • • •
'" ... . -' . ' ' t .
--,, ..
' I
Hotel Retiraurant. Exper-
iefteed only need apply.
R.eliel shlft, five day
1107 J1mborff Rd.
N•wport B•ach, Calif.
(Contact Bobbie Purdy) * Salnlady
!or store at Fashion lsJaod
needed full time saleslady,
40 ho u r w-eek Monday
through Friday. Please con.
tact MR. STEM. 644-0081
Karls Toys
lO Foshl°" hlond, N.B.
Apply in Person
5930 Poe. Cot. Hwy.
N•wport a .. ch
?tfaids le Go Go Dancen.
Top "'I.le!· $3.00-$3.50 to
start. Ph. far inf. >i;)-9983
Sassy Lauy, 2901 Harbor.
•• , OPl>RATORS , ••
Exp!rienced in r.lngle nct'Clle
and overlocks. Good piece
\li'Ork pricis, steady wock.
E DDY.. MOSS 14042 Locust
St., Westminster: 534-3738.
GIRL to do-tele phone il light
of.liC'I!' work. Ste1dy employ·
ment, good pay.
1489 E. Warner. Sanw Ana
MQ-6fii6; inlcrview 10.3
Mr. Kennedy
011e' full.time, one par1 ·lin1r.
Guaranteed wages plus CtJm.
pany benefits, paid vac:a·
tionL Busy shop. C 1 l l
548-9919, 11k for Manager.
\VOMAN-housew1fe, Ulte your
apare Ume to earn nioncy.
Win pritt11, no 11.ge limit, oo
time limit, WW train u
Beauty Counselors. 8f7-M46
p«ienced sfj'list w/fol.Jow-
in;'. Hi&b commission +
benefi t!". LIDO ARE.A .
ORDER Takers. Women
Girls over 19. Day11 or ~ven
i~ Pl11sant work. No exp
nee. S&la.ry $1.65 h r .
is the 11•0N for lhi11 naliona!
ron1p.any·~ °'-'~' progran1 /or
Southern Califo111ia ! \Vr
This ls a real ground nnor
opponuruty wilh a )olid auto.
matic electronic equipment
Ii.rm that offers
Contact Mr. Rijo
(7141 537-8590
Parlor 403
A 11 pos-1 lloos rcquirl!
liUlllC c:..:perienr:C'. G(J()(I
11.·orkini:" <,'(indit1011! and
~qua! opportunity employer
1485 Pale "'ay
Costa Mesa. Cilllf.
(TI4l ~jl
SACRIFICE • . . . • • $398
Credit Terms A ... aiJ. Credit C leared Immediately mm FURNITURE
1844 Newport Blvd. H.~., "'""·'
, Costa Mesa only
fvery Night 'Til 9 -Wed., Sat. & Svrt. 'TA 6
GAROEN.GllOYI .............. UH MONlfY W NTlfO .. UH LONG •EACH .................. u • ANNOUNCEMENTS -AKEWOOO .................. IHI
tK"w lrames. 2 nlpl twin I ;T"'AP"'P"AN"''c"u""'~ran~g=,c .. -;;c; .. c,cexc-.
beds & dressing !bl, wheel & cellent condition. SJ5, Call
ftf't', carpel pieces, s-mall 642--0856
misc. 9 am.& pm, Fri & Sat. I "°""'"°'""':::::::--:c== 2558 Carnegie, c .r-.t. WASHER l dryer, avocado,
>RANa• couNYY ............. ,... and NOTICES OUT OP COUNTY ............. 16"' • OUT 01< STATE , ............... 1 ... l'OUNI ti'-................ .... STANTON , ................. 1611 LOfT J .. , .,, .. , .............. 6411 Wll!ITMINSTll ................ 1611 "lfllSQNALI · ···•·•••••,.••··..e:!I MIOWA'I' CITY ... ~ ............. lil6 ANNOUllC•MINTI ............ 6"111
CHIWS School c Io I h l n g ,
ladies clothes. b e d d i n g ,
household items, dhl bed.
1n3 Miramar, Balboa. Sat
Sept. 6, 10-6
Sl25. Retrtg-frost free $115.
Frttrer $65. 540-1095
KENMORE P o rtab l e
dishwasher, .-xcellent con-
dition. $95. 846-9248
lAPfTA ANA ................ 1.,. llRTl'js , .... , ................ 6"111
IUI l'UN••U ........ ,~ ..... '41J lANT . ........... •aoo:ioilfUA.llT ............... u OltANOI ............. lUS tUSTIN ... , ............. 1.-t f'UNl~AL OllllCTOU ....... 1414 16"1J l'LOll!in .......... .,6'11 NORTH TUSTIN .... ........... <A•O o• THANKS , , .......... 6416 ,t,NAHllM .......... USI llLYERAOO CANYON ,,, ..... tUS IN JotfMORIAM ............... "'11 UOIJNA HILU . . ........... 17tl Cl.~TllY LOn .............. u LAGUNA llEACH .............. 11os CIMlTllY CllYPn ......... 641' LAQUN,t, NIGUEL ............ n• Cl~lllY CIYPTI .,,,,,.,.6411 • •o 111t CR TORll!I ............. 64H MISSION VI -'""'"'"" •• OOAL , ............... 6421 A I 8 lo SAN CLEMENTE ....... 1711 nt ques • 1 SAN JUAN CAl'llTll•NO ...... 1721 •u IONI ............... ,. --~-----~--CAl'ISTllANO IE.II.CK ......... nu •v TIOtf lllVICI .......... 60) ROLL Top' d~sk, A-1 cond. DANA l'OINT .................. 1n 1 Tl. Vl!L . . . ........... "4ti U.RLSIAO .................... 17 .. All TllANIPOITATION ....... 114611 Heirloom bowfront chest, OCt:ANSIOlf IJJf A!JTO TRANSl'ORTATION ..... '4U 40" wide, curley m•plo, IAN·Olt:GO .... :::::::::::::::1ns LIEOAL lllOTICIS ......... 64H RIVEllSIDI COUNTY ......... HM OiRMAN 6 TUTOllllNO , · 6'111 peg'd, orig brasses. J' Dutch wousEs TO •• MOVED ...... 1,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY
roll away bed, rd redwood
tbl/bcnch, old r r a m e s ,
lamps: !bl/hanging, dishes,
llooks. nusc, 118 Vla Ithaca,
Lido 673-2916 8000 SC'rver ~·/marble. 53&-8981 CONDOM1KIUM ......... ltsl •C<OUNTIHO ......... uot he! ~--• ·' OUPLEXllS FOii l,t,ll! ....... l tU ,t,l!ISWE•INQ Slfll:VICE . . .. 6'411 DRY t lea.ning P '"-"-Vf'u. 17 s• APARTMENTS FOii: SALii .... Ult A,PllAHCI ltl,AlltS, Pith Q1t
Experienced only. Count '\OVER-STOCKED Pc.,Kin9 1ze MOVlNG 10 E u ro pe. Sewing Machines 8120 RENTALS Al'""LT,oits ....... 1m h k ' & Co I h h Id 1--~~-------A TO Rt:l'A'tltS . ISJI c ec crl:I, P r(' s s.. r s Bedroom mp etr o u Be o Housff Furnished A,UTo, Seit .. ns. T-. e1c. '541 -----------1 operators. Ca.U 541-9$0 Mon MUST SELL I furnishings must be,> dispos.-SEWING MAClflNE Gl!MEllAL ......... ,.. 1-.1vsmtNo ......... 61$1
R b• lhru Fri 8 lo U noon. • Large 9 drawer drosser, mlr. eel of. 2l83l Kiowa SL, JIB 1969 SINGER lll!HTALS TO IMA1te ........ 'oos 1o•T MAl~'TINANCli ........ uu J. W. 0 1nson ror, ~ bedside stantls, king CONSOLE cosTA Ml!SA .............. 21oe •~tcK. MA:t0N1t'I', irtc. ....... 44• HOUSEKEEPER NC"1v !) ""'· rorner arrang. 96Z-9TI7 MESA DEL MAR ............. 21u •~•1Nes1 SERVICt:I ........ "41 Has openin9s for ; ,... \ site headboard, lran1e, quilt· Zig Za g Cab. model. Slightly Mll!U. llEltDEJn t • 1uu.oe11s ............... .u,. for elderly lady, 5 da 11.·k. choi<'e or <'II".:>. rei;. S230, £'d mattres.~, sheers, blank. DBL rlll\ge $125. Washer $3.i. coLlEOI! l'ARK .............. tllS C.tEltlNO u1s
Apply PcrsonnC"I
10 to 4 p.m.
Robinson's Newport
Fashion Island, N .8 .
Room, board & salar y n 0 w $159 50 Heudhrds· 2 wigs $50 & $25 steiw & used. Stylish wal. cab. Does Nl!WPOllT •EACH ........... 110. C•llNl!!TMA KrN• ............. -. .. . . . . els,~!('. . everything without attach. Hl!WPORT HGTS ............... Ttll ,,, ... ENTllllNG ............. .,,. ti73-~, 673-7365. Kings, $15, Queens $12.ao. Choi('<' or Spa:-'.~h rccordi; $65. !\Iaplc butch, 'I I ·-· Ml!Wl'OltT SMOAES .......... mt CEMENT, c111um ............ .. ~·II SIO"" Twin $4 ,-la .. l", cha'''· xlnl IJ=. Bui I n conuvis to overcast, IAYSt+Oltl!S ............... nu <MILO c,t,llE, UcMNlll .......... It HAIRSTYLIST r.. .:..u, !I .. :i. or r-.Iodern Stylr ., .. .N make but·holes, sew on hut's. DOVEi SKOltlS ..•............ mi CONTRACTORS ........... ... \\ith following for l'Xt:lui;ive Trundle sets (duo riser! w / All For $249 r.1ise. 5J6..-7120 ..._ Wl!STCLll'f' ............ me t All,ET CLf:AIHNS ...... ..u inner spriog mntt . reg. $106. hem dresse~. ma .. c fancy UNIVIEltllTY PARIC .......... nn CARl'f:T UYIND a Al!l'Alll t4M salon, CdM, . NO st10.un· N ,, p _, PATIO SALE! 1-~ri &: Sat stitche<= etc. 5 ..... ""rt& and 111;YINI ............. IDI DRAPEllllES · · ......... "" no~· S79.;,fl, Roll.a.way beds 0 uo11.·n . Oll.s. Oruy S9 mo. D' lh ... J• .... IAST ILUl'P .............. tl41 DEMOLITION .......... ,HU poo1ng, \\'e have shanipoo 1netlc set & many 0 er service guarantct". $5.64 lltVINE TERUC• ........... nu DRAf'TINO SEllVICI .......... "'1
girl. 673-3820 w / inn. spring matt. reg. WELK'S WAREHOUSE itcn1s. 291 Flower SI .. Costa dwn. & 9 pymt!I. ol S5.64 co1tONA ot:L MAR ........... 1HI ELECTR ICAL ........... u. $.19.50. 1)0\\1 $39.50. Full sz. Me--... ~,~ N . ch 8AUDA .................... JllOt EDUll'MENT •tNTAU ....... "51 llAIR STYLfSTS To n ""' .,.,.,... ~ mo. o IIlternst g• .• or: 00 '''' "'' l'EHCINli Mtt • -JOI s.lec""r·sofa reg. $239.50, no1o,· .. L1 .. ................ .. .. · ......... . ,,_ COMPLETE PRICE IA't ISi.ANOS ................ uM l'LOOllS· . .. . . .. ........ "65 5(111f of HAI R W~'T. ~· $169.50. New beds: K ing 600 \V. ·U h St.. Santa Ana PATIO SALE -Fri/Sat 10-4 IALIOA lit.ANO .............. U55 l'Ult NACE ltEPAlllS. l!lc. ..... un
perienced M:1ssor cutter. $99.50, Quoeo,, $89.50, F ull 0-n O•o'iy 9 . 9 Fine c:hina, crystal, an-$56.40 EAST ILUl'I' ................. l2C l'UltlOTUll t: llEfTOarNO .-~ · !re ho IACI( IAY ................... 11411 I ltEl'INISHlfUJ 4US roUowing preferred. Best $49.50. T"•ins S39.50, fully Sat 9. 6 Sun. 11 . 6 !iqucs. jc~·elry. 36.1 E. For oo obllg., e me aAC IC IAY ......... "" OA1t oEN tNo ........ u.
guaranter. 613-4186 guaran. King i;;z spreads 9xl2 ALL l\·OO! shag a\'oca.-lo Flower St., Costa !\1esa. demo., call Credit ~1gr, till MUMTIHOTOM ll!•CM ......... , .. Ot:NEll.l.l SERVICll ......... "'2 9 P.M. Jr toll, Call Collect. l'OUHTAIN VALLEY .......... t4'1• ORADIMG. DISC INQ ........... ..a $13 .95, a. sz. $9.95. Chris1· rug, davenport. c h a j r N ' GAH.DEN tools. st ud i.o SE.AL I EACH .............. 2iJ• GUSS ................ .... I SIESTA lfJ -531.9694 LONG •t:ACM .............. lJ.)I liJtEEN THUMI ............... 17'0 mas ay.aways 001v. lan1ps, patio I urn 1 tu re. couches. toys, lots more. ORANGE couNTY ............. ~ GUN SHOI' ................ 6TI•
SLEEP SHOP, 1927 11arbor 646-3695 20301 Birch, S. A. Hgts. Singer, auto, zig ug, 6 mos SANTA ANA ' ................ 11:; ,",',',',',"0CLUIS .............. ',"',,. Blvd., 0 1 fi-l.5·2760 daily 10-9 Id N h a-.. WEST .. INSTI! .............. $! ·-: ............. . f'~I RST BAPT!Sf DAY RIVIERA Love Sl"HI, blue & 54£1.1519. 0 . 0 attac nee <:U lo do MIO'#AY CITY ........... UH MOUSECLEAlf lNG .......... f7l!I SCllOOL of Costa Mesa Sat.Sun 10-6. design, monognn, blind hem. 5ANTA ANA HlllOMTS ........ tu• INTl!lllO• OECORATIN• ..... •m antique" guld uphol. $70 CP..ADLE S20, des~. SCC· COASTAL ............. nl'fl INCOME TAX .......... , ..
School .. lnstruction 7600
Pr\vl!.tC" clC"mentary school· . :14&--39'..:2 lional. mlllc. junk, couch. 15.27 mo or $42.00 cash. ucUNA ll!ACH ............. ,1105 tll ON, orn1meft1tl. Eic ......... 67M mt>inbC'r of c h r is 1 i an Separating-Must Sell! -:::::::::::;:;::-c:::;:c--52s.6616 LAGUNA N1cut:1. ........... 11101 1110N1N11 ................ 11• Equel opportun11y rmplu)'f'r ,. I I fl & ConvC'rlihll' sora. 112 E. 22nd, C.M. 548-Z171. MISSION YllEJO ............... 11111 INSULAT ING ........ , .. Schools. K.St h gr a d". so a & 0\11' seat, 1.:0 (!(' ~AN CLl!MENTE ......... 7111 INSUR,t,NCE . .. .... n•
Quahflcd tearhen;, r;mall end 1ables, Basse.I Kl!lg Sl7:(' Beige naugahydC' $50 ;, ROOMS furniture, real SAN JUAN CAl'lnllANO ... ~ 27H INVESTIC,t,TINC. o.ltdifl .... ,.. Bd f·"l s h • 645-1408 • ··hean.btJt '"""'1. 1 351~ 45th Musical Inst. 8125 CAPISTRANO au.ct+ ... -.~ .. 11• JANITORIAL ....... •nt e111s11es Sr well . rounded nn sci. w Sll(> panis I ~==~~---~. ' " .~~ ----------.-DANA POINT ........ , .. 27'1 JIWEUIY llEl'A111, Etc. ..... ,jM ""'''""'"""· from 8:30 an1·:l Bdrm srt, lan1ps, wall !>t'l· BROWN fonnica Dinclle 1-'-'-·_N_B_. _,,.. __ s._. _._s_._,_ .. __ ll lVEllSIOli COUNTY ........ ,..,. LAN DSCAl'INli ............. "11 '" ' al TENOR ~ fiat REVELLE, llACATION ltENT,t,L.I ..... ;,::!'ti \.OCKSMrTK ........... "2t
pin . We le1tch high n1oral11 I~~ Bas.st!! fo1m· din sel. 11.•/6 chairs $·15. Just overhauled, good cond, SUMM~ll RINTAU ...... 7, 2'1t MASONRY, 1111cK ........ ,jpt
II · i & ' • --' ' C ii 646-1667 CaJJ nr.o 2:198 CONDOMINIUM ............ 2'SI MOVING & STOllAGll ........ .... Re~pons1b1htl<'~ w 1 1nvo ve · rue #..,,,.,ricanu;m. a "'=~=~c~-o~-07~-I Furniture Auction 8025 IK'W pads S195. E flat DUPLEXES l'UltN.. ............ ms PAlNTIND, Pa-111.,.1,,. ...... 61.M
PBX reC1)ptionltit N.'l1cl, n1a1l :HS-28411 or 548-173:'1. l'URN!TURE b" _ DESK $15; Stauffer wilb J('g C L A RINE T, Peddler RENTALS l'A INTIMli, SitltS ....... M:S5 ,, 'b ----------& ca niels hke L-PATIOI ...... 6Ut !Orting ar.., di~tn ution. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL you haYe never seen at attachments Ui Portable e Furnltur1 e \Voodwinds, all ne1v pads, Hou1•1 Unfurni'""d PHOTOCHtAl'H'!' .... 4111
PBX cxpcric1l(:e rrquim:l. c . nd 1-8 ,'=''="="=··='=·'=~='='="=·=·="='=-='="'="=·~I Appl1'ance• • Color TV xlnt cond. $90. 84.2-8020 QINE1tAL ........... •" ~teU":,!~o, "'"11. ••••"' ""'.: o. 1-atrgrou s. gr. Arnrn ca's l1trgcst .t· mo~t cosTA MEJA ............... 11• "ET OllOOMINC ............. .,..
Proht Sbru·1n1:: \Vhere lhc Program unusual unfinished furniture AOK AUCTION SEI..r-.fER Trumpet prol mod. ::~ ~=ic~• .:::::::~:::::~?! l'OOL SEllVlcE ......... ··'"'
J. C. Carter cO.
671 W. 17th St.
Costa M1sa
An cqu11I npp.ortu11J1y
F its the Child stQl"r.. Cor Redhill & Sanla Office Furnitur. 8010 7722 Garden Cost $425. T;ike $175. Shure coLt.Eol! ,ARK ............. 1111 POWEii swEEl'INO ........... ms
\\'ill ard. lf. Sauccrman, Ana Fwy. Tu.~tin, I m1 So. \Vcstmins ter !\'lie & 11tand $35. 1930 fl!!C'Wd Nll!WPORT IEACM .... - ...... :not :~;.~:•vic E ............. ine Ed D I N AN AEROSPACE T & Th -llo•to'oo. ~ ,737. Nl!wPOltT KGlffS ............. 3211 ,.0 ,0 ,, .. ~ , ............ ,..,..,. . . 0 ewport 1-~ ....... o -n 3ti2 UC'S urs ..... " ...,.,...., l!WPOllT IMO••• mt ' '""'"'' "-A" ·'""n En-ll -w '"' "' Y'· ,;;> •rro~. CORP REL EASES N .......... m REMODE LING & Re,..,, ........ ,,.., ................... •u ,.., ~,,. • Estate consgnmt, Repo. New CCORDION ' r,, I AYSHOlll!5 ...... _...... s llEMOOl!LING KITCHENS .... Eve~ 548-1758 * ~1 8-60x34 \Valnur dC'sks, A ' yrs 0 ' OOVl!ll SMOlllES ............... n 11 SCISSORS SH .. ltl'EN .... ,, ..
1r Painting Classes· *
BC'ginnini;:, fnrrrn1cd1atr,
A dvanC1)d. Internationally
l'f'('Ogniied lns!rucror.
302 Main, Balbu.il
67J •. 6.'l,S1; 962..fil'.)9 l'VC>S.
• Furniture •
ApplianceJ e Color TV
7722 Gatdcn Grovr Blvd.
\\'C"stminster nr G.c:. Fl'\.\')'.
Tues & Thurs 7 Pr-.1-Sat C.30
~~sla!c consgnmt. Rcpo. New
.mplili-' l"" 12() "---WESTCLIFI' ............ l2JO • WO•O .... . 11\lh 11e~·er man-cd tops, $200. ~56ts"" ....,.,,, UNt\tEllllTY "AltK .......... nl7 S~WfHli MACHIN• Rl!PArllS ,;:;-
l"f'furb1shed ...... S74.5(] Appli1ncu 8100 .~~~=~ Tilituci!'".'.::·:.:·:.:·:~ 5El'T1c TANKS, s.w.,., 11c.. '"* * :l:?-4 tloor lrl\C"r file HAMMOND Organ, f.todel CORONA DEL MAii .......... mo TAILORING ............ ft1'
................... $.'.'..i ra. LAP.CE s-elctlion or l'Cl.'Ond i. r-.1100, new $1600, sell for IALIOA ................. ™: i~L"E~·J!.~°icHTllOL .. ::::::":~~ • I I &
. d I IAY ISLANDS ................. lll TILE lift leu A MIA• -,, • • 11•a nut sccrelnr1a 1011c app 11uices, ~pos. ap. $900 or best orr. 968-3277 t.100 ISLE ............... m1 TllEE sa;v,~e ...... ....
unlls ···•··· ....• $125 ca. pllallL't'S 1ron1 n1odl'I homes u y Fl lnt nd $85 IALIOA Ill.ANO ... •·•······ )lH TELEVISION ••• 1 ... · EtC:''' •JU
• Also drallill"" l a b l cs, • all gu11ra nll'cd. B ND ute, x (.'() . =~:~::.i:,~~E~~A(11"""'"':!~ Ul'NOLSTEll Y • .:: '"'
" lli·fi am plil.ier & record """''"'''" ,,,,00, .. ::::.i.es Wf1.01No "" rhrurs, work tables, s1erl \\'c Scr.-it(' -\Vr Finanao chan~r. 968-7358 l'DUNTAIN VALLEY ......... 3'11 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT
rl<"SkS. c1'Cden1.as, lirt> Ji!. DUNLAP SEAt. lt:ACH ............... ~!•
t·i.. 1•11·. APPLIANCE ROGERS Dnnn . Set. eyn1· CAROl!N GROVE .............. 1u1
Educational Vacation 5!h
DRAP ERY \VORKRDQ:0.1 / grader::; . • ST Cl!lreQS \VAL.VUT di11 tabll' \1'/~
No exp. nee. Full tin1e fRY (OQKJ 0 11lcoat IO 11'sson typing chairs &· 2 c11.p1al11 chairs. 2
10& WANTED, Mcft ........... ltOt JOI WANTEO, WMltfl ........ 11'1
work. 17352 Annstrong Ave. Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Wl!.lnut cod tbls & I walnut
_, I k lONO ll!ACH ............ UOI tllctl!AHAN'S HH5 NCl\'JM)rt Blvd .. C.~L blill;, ~ses. st ........ i e new, OllANG• COUNTY ............ Ufl
ltvinr:. 540-&i03 Top wa~e~. pe rmanen1. hon· l\tar. C.~1. 548-2859 coffee !bl. Cut vclvC"I sola. 1s::o s. Anaheim Blv1I • 54'7780 • must 5f'll! &33-2907 SANTA ANA ............... 1611 o-WESTMINSTElt ., ........... M!J 77'.!·11150 Anaheim MIDWAY CITY ........ J.111 '~CRIB=~. ~pc1,-,,.--0-. -chcigch<-·ch,-icc·, 1 ~st, an'.I wo~ing cond1uons i\olONTESSORI tr1tullng, ages !lC'!lr OC"\I'. G.E. ster!'O l.'l.}!TI·
chti t, ilro!Jer . toy~ll. 1n area s leading restaura~t :ti.., to !i. GivC' your child bo. 546---0307 <1fter ~· ::O~ (,\Jongs1t1c SA, fll'Y· G.C::, \\'asher ~·/n1 ini.baskel , SANTA ANA Hl:IGllTS ........ ,..
2 yrs old S65, like new, Pianos & Or11ins 8130 COASTAL .......... , .. J7'1 al Kalt-Ila\ • LAGUNA IEACN ............. _J;>;S Electric di;:er $35. 837-a215 _____ ..;.. _____ LACUNA NIOU El ........... 37'7 compl1tc nuniery S 4 5 • Apply 9 ani to 5 pnl for in· be~! C"duc:a11on 646--1706. 12" OAK cof!Cf' tbt lg claw i '==========
..... """"' tcn ·iew at . · · Off E · t 8011 U'V<"'.-.u fRENCH lessons hy nati\'e fec1 . 2 small :1nt1q . end tbJi;. ice qu1pmen Mission Viejo GULBRANSEN s p I n et. MISSION \tll!JO .............. ml JAN CL•MENTI ........... m l
FRIGIDAIRE, BABYSITTER, My home, MANNING'S Parisian. Grammar or con-naugahydf" l'haU'; odds & TYPC::\VRITER, Add. mach, lrcl'icr mode!, Bol tom
110 frost lop,
cund, SllO.
lustrotJs finish, good action. CAl'ISTUNO ......... l11J
21,S hrs daily alter school. COFFEE SHOP vt>r~11tion. S!'i Hr. 675-1TI3. endg, 2007 Baja jB!uffs1, calculator, Vf'ry rcaNOnab!e. ycllo11', xlnl
$415. Gould !\fusic Company, CAP15T•ANO I EACH ......... n• DANA POINT ........... 3711
n .25 hr. \\lel:i,d ill are11 24031 El Toro Rd. N.B. Xlnr rond. 892-2423 rVt•1. 644-2L!I' 2W5 N. !\fain, S.A. 547-0681 CONDOMINIUM ....... ., 1tM
1~645--0962==~-,,,----oo~-,,--i Leisure World Laguna lhlls MERCHANDISE FOR S01"AS &: d1nct1r sclli tc'tur11· I:=========: i.;:ENMORE Au I 0 m a 1 i c
WANTED: Shan1poo Girl for 837·1014 SALE AND TRADE f'rl fron1 lcllsc a1 ;(I•,, ol Garage Sale 8022 washer, xlnt cont!. $40. cxclw;ive beou\y 1 a Ion . t'OSI. H.F.R.(;. 517 \\I. 19th, 0 .,
7 0115 ... ~2 &37-38:l> C d M. I Furnitur• QOO 548-3~lU; 5-~2 GAH.ACL ~A LC:: w h 1 ""'-o or.............,,
HOUSC::KEEPER. 7.9 At..t, Real Estate Sales drt-Nscr. desk. & end table. 30 IN(.1-1 COPPERTON i;as ,,.. QUALITY TV Stereo Phono conib. Ex· C 0 111 n1 er c ! a J po"""rn s!OV(', hke n!'w SfiO 5 dayr; a ~·l'f'k, . J Pi• crv Prov. qll sofa be~e/ L't'l cond. $80. Colonial pole .. ~~ <..JfHil~ .,,,,,,.,~.., C.'I. l:xper1.-nrl"d sal('Sp('l"li011 ror 1--i• 110 c•·•-$" machine. Day bed .J" <N ...........,._... •• l"llrth print Unusual ""'"an ...,,. · ,....._..,. J · /"·! -,,o;:;;:;;;,,.o-'-;;c:::;c;:::--;::;: busy San Cll'mt-nl<' olfit"f'. p Rd. · 1 Kl 'hdbcJ 642-1•131 aft !i P~t 11 ...., stl'rs. bonlrs. 11.·omcn K.ENM ORE ~·ashel', lute SECRETEx~Y · -~EGAL Frre telephone NC!tv1re. lots 7.~v .1b1• 1 n1
1 ~ • ~~ . · 1,8c. "s"o"FcA:-==-:::.cc;-_"-:c.71cc .• , & girls clottung, typc1o,'fiter. modt>I. xlnt cond. SfiO. WANTED
• ..~ enc: .. ..., or noor ti ml", lisling 00111· " t l' < n:-s!K'r, < e m1r. . nl'\l('r usc:u, qui,~..., s!('arn iron & n1uc:h n1ore! 8<17-8115 or 546-867 2 Dlr PIAN O-I:: ORGANS
FORCED To sell my prized
possession. Steinway 6mnd
ILL E bony, ;, m old, bare-
ly played. S39S0~729
BALO\VIN 40" Aero.sonic
French Provincial piano.
Sell new $14CK:J, SacrWce
$700. 546-2759.
61>-26T1 CDf\f 1 . Id ti n11r stds. p1f'r dt>f'k, \\!al floral. scokh-i;:uardcd. $1~. 20671 Chaucer Lane, Hnt" '""-""-'==;--,;;;::;:.::--;: *636-3620 • Jll ssions pa prom p y Bl t 'Bk hdlvl M t h' I 1 s-· "' !..ADY Kenmore Washer &. I c===~~~-~--,,-, HOUSIJ(PR live-in f o r E:llC"n C, ~la.honrv Real Iv ( i·m ;1· ·j ~as~. p ""'J 5.1;~~~ ove S('!I IJ, Bch. 9t)8,..J$73. • Dryrr. both like new Sl28. UPRIGHT Plano-Excellent
clduly couple, m a I u r (' 1624 Nu El Can;nlO Re~ nit(' st s .t· <cs ' ;, rov l;:;;.;~·;c--,.,::::;-:::;;;-o::::::-1 DI S\lf:S. \'~'dagr . furniture PM condition, $150. woman pref'd. &t2-6661 ~n Oen1cntr 1.1·111·ood l'olrcr !able I .ma t~ MOVING rnu;;t selJT f urn. Ole! locki S.· JUr'!I, Onld's 846-4701 Aft 6 * 646-1881 *
BABYSITI'ER, morna,, my or eall ('ollec! 'or appl ;,~: &1 ~·tl:1 :P~hr:1"~9sl bdrm, liv r m, den & n11sc:J cxlra 1o,·ardrollc. 1.v trays. REF RIG E ~nA T ~',:_ Slfl ••••••••• home. l'ta~ Sept 10 SIO (714! 49'1-6145 · · · · iten1s, dttp sea rods & c I 01 hes. LI l I I ,. 0 I dish~·asher ....... ._., .. vme
wk. 646-0409. EXPERIENCED SPANISH reels. 968-47:17 Evl'rylhing! 20m BaY'-'lt'W kitchC!n SC'! Sta. 67!'t-7256
BEAUTY OPERATOR KITCHEN MEDITERRANEAN DREXEL Solid n1oho~. din· 1\vc, Sant;. Ana /l('ights FRIGIDAIRE t>lec!r ic stove,
Busy Colit:A r-.tesa Shop HELP ,\s Showu in model homes. ing .5el. odd lables. lots ur '.'~l!l-J~\j t'n 11rt .~. Sal &: u~'d 18 lll08, like new $4.fl.
TOP PAY S46-JJ61 • :t Rn1s of furn, (din rm, liv misc. 548-5003 Sun 646-4606 all 5.
LOVE'S rrn . .i.· bedrm~ priced eJse-Quality king betl-q\Jilted, CARPET, shag. hl·lo NE:W l --,~.,c-.,,c;~rt'"•i'"rec-cre""l•~\gc=<>~l,-"~·-
Job........Men, Wom. 7500 II here at SSOC> 18 )'OUrS toda~ Con1plete-unuscd S98. 11-orlh $4 :.q yd . 3'.J6 llanulton. lop frecU'.r S150. 181 B·B•Q ~~~:~~ $399. Eas-y Credit S:l:JO. Aft 5 &: \1·knd11 842-6536 C.!\1. Saturday only. 22nd St., C.~1. ~'4&-+t89 e DISHWASHER e
.1()16 Br1~101
Co~la ~fe511
Santa Ana Furnitur•
426 W. 4th St., Santa An&
• 5-17.()789 • ,f:mfS TAR GA'ZEK1<~ 1-'~~:"r---Sr CLAY IL POUAN---,r-=:-""I .I.Ill$ , Liili
M.#lt . ~l 1:j... 'I' out Dooly Adi••tr Guiel• );).. SlJll 2S rtJ. .~ ,.,. ,... .Accor d,~9 lo llo• Slar1. 00• ?! ~
11. · To de~lop rn~~soge for Sc1u1day, l().:ll-32
S7..o&-a rf'Od ,.cord~ cl)l'rnpo1'<1tng ID t'll.mbers ~7S
---ol )'Ol;f Zad1oc birth ~·gri. NOW'S . THE
OUPLEX ES UN~UIUt, ........ :rns IUMMl!ll lllNTALS ......... 1'tS
Apts. Furnished
Dt:NEllAL .. • ......... 4°" COSTA Ml!IA ................ 4llM! MESA V•ltOE ............ t111 NEWPORT I EACN """"" 420I Nl!W .. 011.T to!EIGHTS .......... Ult Hl!Wl'OllT 11401l•S ........... 4221 lil'ESTCL.lll"P ...... ., .. .tUI UNIVEllSlfY PARK ........... '2J7 IACK IA T ........... ,.,UI l!AST 9LU,I' ....... .,., "2t) COllOtolA OE\. MAil ........... 4UI IALIOA . .. ......... CJOf IAY ISi.ANDS ................. clSf LIDO ISLf .. ,. ....... , 4U1 IALIOA ISL.ANO ......... <U!JS HUNTINOTOlf IEACll ........ UOI FOUNTAIN v•u•Y ........... ,. IEAL I V.CM ................. IM'41 I.ONG IE,t,CH ............. oUGI 'U.NOll! COUNTY ,., .......... 4ffl GAllOl!N GROV• .............. 4'1t W•STMI N6TElt ,, ..... , ... , ... IMlt "1 1DWAY ClfY' ............... IMl6 IANTA I N• ............ 21 S,t,NTA AHA NllOHTS ......... Ull TUSTIN ., . . ............... .... COAST,IL ............. .,,41'1 UGUNA IUCM .............. OU U.OUN' NIGU Ei,. ............ UfJ MISSION VllJO ,.,,,,.,.,,. 47'1 U.N CLIMliNT• ............. •111 OANA POINT , .................. 1 .. TRIPl EIL tic. ................ ftOO CONOOMINIUM ............... .,SI
Apt1. Unfurnished
Ol!M!MAL. . . ......... ... COSlA Ml$A .. . ........... Jiii fl'•S' VlllOI . , ............. 1111 Nl!YIPORT ll!ACM ........... JHI Nh PO•T tlt:IONTS ......... n11 NIW1"0JIT tlfOltU ........... SDI flrl!STCl..IPll' .......... 5ut UN!Yl:llSITT ""II.It .......... ft)f •ACKIAY ............ ntf IAiT ILU,, ........... JMt COll.OltA DIEL MAI .......... S2M ..... o. . ............. '* U 1 ISLANDS ............... SIM
LIDO ISL• ... .. ........ .51$1 SA"""" ISUHD .......... Jal NIHITIN•TOM l•ACN ......... .... .OUNTA IN VALi.ET ......... Mii Sl!AL lllA.CN ............ Mii l.OfolO lfA(N .............. Utt OU.NOi! COUNTY , ••. ., ....... Jttt •t,ftOIN OltOVI .............. s.11 "ISTMINSTl!lll ............ ,,Mn MIDWAT ctn ................. $616 S"NTA llNA ... , ........... .... S.urTA ANA NllOfln ......... JUI fi,ISl'IH ,, ,,,, ........ SMt tOAST•I. ..... ,, ....... S1't LAGUNA •IACH ............. S1W lAGUNA NIGUEi. .......... , 11'1' l.\111 CLIMllfTll ...... 1111 14N JUA N t.APISTJIANO ..... Jns 11,t,NA l'OlNY f14t
, .... Ul •• ttco. ... CONDOMINIUM .......... JUI
lll NTAU WAMTIO ......... "" •OOMI f'Oll llNT . ... f"I •OOM a IO"•o ..... "'OTELS, TltA!l lll COU!lf S ,._, GIJIST 110MIS ff9I ~fit. 11.ENTAl,.S r. -IN(OMll P•Ol'l!I! ,. . . .._ IJ~IN!!SS PAOPI: fY ~
MEN & WOMEN .............. 7m OOMf:STIC MEL" ., ............ 7US ,t,O E!NCl!J, Mcft ........... TI• MEL" WANTIO, Meft .......... 1211 AGENCI ES, Wt,.,,... ....... 1* HELP WANTED, Wtme11 ...... 7 ..
JOBS-Mt., & Wlfl'lp ...... 7SID AGENCIES, Mtft I Wtmffl .,..7SSI ltHOOLS I INSTRUCTION .... JMI JOI l'REl',t,llATION .... 1 .. lHEATltlCAL . . 7'11
SALE AND TRADE "UllNITURli ....... .... OFl'ICE FUllNITU&I ........ 1011 01',IC E !QUIPMENT .. ,. .... NII STORE liDUl l'M•NT ...... ,..:ltl) ~~. ltESTAUllAHT ,,., .. ., .• U I AR EDUll'i.IENT .... ,. .... ltll MOUSEltOlO COOOS ......... :lni OAlt,t,QE SALE .......... N22
'UltNITUllt: AUCTION ........ NU """LIANCEI ........ lllt ,t,NTIQUf!il ............. 1111 SEWINQ M,t,CMIHe ........ 1120 '-IUUCAL INSTllUMENT ...... tits PIANOS & OROANI ........... IUI ll:AOIO ................. ftlll 1ELEVISION .................. nQ lfl·"I & STlllEO ............. ltll TAPll! RliCOllDl!ll ...... flll C•ME•AS & EOUIPflllMT .... Qle MOllY SUl'Plll:I ... ., .. .... IPOJITING GOO OS .... , .... I.Ml llNOCULAll5, SCOPlS ........ l$JI MISCELLANEOUS .. , . , , ,, .. , ..... MIK. WANTED ....... ., ...... ltll MACHINlaY, Etc. .......... .,.,.. LUMI E• , ., .......... , ... :1751 sToaAOE" .. . ......... '17i IUILOlHO M,t,T•a f,t,LS ....... P .. SWAl'S , 11'11
P•T1 ,Ol!lfliltAl .............. -CAT$ ......................... ... OOQS ....................... IHI MOlt5El ......... ,. ..... . ~IVl5fOCI( ,
NURSE•l&S ............. Wit SWIMM.ING POOL.I ............ -"ATIOI ........... -.... nu -WN INOI ................... Int 'l,t,C,t,TION1 ... -
IOATS A 'l',t,CMTS ............. ... U.ILIOAT1 ........... .,.H'lf POWER CllUHfll ............ "ft Sl'lil:D-.JK I ao.llT .,,,, ...... ... IOAT TIAILIRI ........ , ,_,, IOAT MAINYllNANCI ........ tul IOAT U.UNCHIN8 .......... HM MARINll •ou1P. , ••••.•. fies IOAT ILi .. , MOOl!IN• ........ MM IOAT ll!ltYltl'I ............. ,ftll' IOAT 11:11'TALS ............... ... IOAT CNAITIR ., ............. ..,, "'ININO 1o•n .............. , IOAT MOVING ................ ... IOAT n o ................... .... OOATI flrANfl!O .............. Nt Alll(ll;,t,l'T ............. '1• PL.VINO Ll!UOMS ............. ru1 MOllLI ltOMl:I ...... ,,. ...... ftll MGTOA llOMU .............. .trll llCY'tLIS ............ ,,,tm Rt.lCTllllC URI .............. ftll MINI lla•s .............. mt W>TOJICYCLl!t. " .......... ,,. i\t!OJOISCOOTl!lll ......... .. AVTO •••111c1.s • PA11'1 ... ,.. AUTO TOOLS a IOUIP ....... "11 r•AILIR, TltA V•L .......... Ma flllAlllllS. Uflllff ., ........ .. t.AMl'l •I ............. mi TllUCIU .............. .. JEt:PS ........... tilt CAMPl!lt lllNTAU tnl OUNI IUCOll!S mJ IMPOltT IO ,t,UTOS ........... ... SPOllT Ur.IS , ••••••••• Hll ANTIOUllS, CU.UICI ........ •Ill a AC I Ultl, ROOS ........ IGI AUTO I YKNT'I ........... tQI 4U'(OS WA"TlO ........ , ... , tl'9I :3~ <t::1111t ···:::::::::'j:: •1111 0 C.Altl :: ........... -...
... __... ....
• ...
MHC~I l'Oll MlllCKANDlll lJOlt MlltCHANOISll POii -TllANSl'OltT Frid», s •• ..-s.1"'9 IWl.Y 1'11.8'1' •
Pia,... A °'91no 1130 Ml111I-• MOO M1..i1_,,.,,. MOO TO-botMonlf.~-........ YMfilo fOOO,.,...; C......... 9020 Molllto....,_ ., ""''200 Molor<ycloo nool110c...i<n Yahlcloo '515
NEW PIAIOOS.... EVERYTHING OOES bllSSION Vlojo • Movlna • old kltteJW, llJDr -FR!E! 16' IOITON WHALER ra-)kanda ~ PlllCE •••• 1 Uorpldal .,. Obla 'l<O '2 ~ ua .............. Bulcl!oatlna°"1rleott0l'ld llllbp,Jrill'r.il>Q.1'>!-GREENLEAF '61JllP"WAOONl!IR
TNm...iou.oavtnc•!! "ANYJ'HINOGOES" O..lab Import <hairs. ~=tan.te ...... 2 totl>O.publjcbylhe8alboa Sch:>ct 173Ja!O. ·-IDrlVe •
NEW ORGANS.... Thia: ii the~ )'OU've beeo .i.ld W*lnut S4IJ n .. Lovely with 11'11 :-= lll:lwef Sq~ for peoRle CRutzON li Ct.bia au*t' PARK ~ '-dOOt· """"' .• -...:..!! Conlolu ud SplMU waJlinl ftrtJ EVERYTHING small D&nlab c: ab l rre t, 1f2...ir89 on iD.lensted tn ..W.11 u ~ motor A b'tt. ·--·-~
SA.VE DOLl.tUt$!?t at BOTH .tol'l"I ~ Price!! wtlnlt, auitabll!I Jor bar t/5 "11 u ~er bot.II. ~ $5.iO. ~ tranllnla.doa, Jll'IWl st.eff.
AJ., "'1ed !'Tnd~IM" I.ow 115 8lklnlo at l'I. Fun ~-~ or albuml l 4 a . MY Doe la unaJJ • ........U,. Mohilq nl&bt for J: ...a In cloar, cl<u\ cool a.ta • inc. power bloht, i..t.a,f
Down Po:tmea~ Tums W.. ,,,.., • .., baclloa II pnc.'. Portable atereo/-lib cute • .W., blonde, I ,.. old. ·-T l'M, Mon.. Se\X. ~, 11 • Ski 1oatt -M .... Naw 12 -Adult alrdlo.~~~~1'M-n1,·
rtnt! Sile ~ ~ at 9 AM new $t5. Of6oe Ible portable mixed wire baired/coclctt, 15. (Brina notebook fttlt Parle NOW OPE:N! Mob1Je ..... ""' .-
We'hl Air O>ni:t:Uioned.! al: AKml'.INO GOES.
Olymplan f1peMiter, 'Ntde well bebavtd flne com-nl&:bl) at Newport Harbor 11' rtbe.rs\11 hoat 6 on lblft l:lome D~ ,ModeJa I: beavy dOly ~ at»
COAST MUSIC ....,;,. AW.. l!olboa l.lland -115-G.E.. wuhtt l'Onlo>c. I'm -to Yacht Oub, 120 W. Bay -llD hp Volvo. item Salel oflloe -led ·at Pm. FOR Salo' -"Yamal>a U5 :"°-\le a1r,.1eva1ck, ~-~~
NEWPORT ·• l:WU50R and )tCO w. Cit Hlwv N.a w/m1Jti..bUkel, J~ new '>tcl•nd: pl1 .,....1tak:e Ave., Newport Beach, No drfw, I/• radio. bait tanb. OPEN cc l:nduro_ lit -£l-...... -g:~ :::--;:,; ~ ~~ ' 164 Dec. -$35. All him Ha'1 -· -tll -........... .....U etc. lClnt oond. Gd. old ..,l • ....-. .,..,., ,,,_ I dirt t!ret. Porltcl ~ Hil HollS9· A~iquos Quall!}', von -mndlllon. rREE to Qua!. home wllb at -"*' question call On ab<n -...,.. 9 AM. TO 6 l'M ~ !!\,,. ~ Call ~lcal condlllon. Spot.
NOW • not • Baldwtn o<ean Come -and ,.,., 24481 f•ncd yard. beaulilul 613-W5. lrl, ~ Bay '111-61$-"'9 arnllT UAllt -.. lhrl>ollt. Low mllel ...
ol "'6rn 19 plq. Adllll Sclh vtntqe clothes, tun, O!rilanla Dr. &'J'T..6215 bred red Dox1e ~ HU _._ 11'6 Ol1J'BOARD ~abtn A\Uftl l'IVDllf '~l0NDAJ.50~ter.a:d. ':~ovtr$5800newlutynr.
-n """'· '1ivalo or old;.~ etc. * AUCTION * older child or .;,,., ...,. NTINGTON Ill.I.CH aillaer. ileep. ~ sJaued up pe, nu -U..,' •lect. •crlflce • -luY. clau Jn.Jal ,.vaflahle Annex Open {rear) panion pel &M-3!1.S ar Sept. I Dee. 16th •t Hunt. to the water line wltraUer H-'AW atart. UX)Jotttt. 5tl-t370. ma COW'ltl'y. $4200 or belt """" -· Bel..,. ALL SORTS ot -me~ U )'OU Wm ,.II ot blll> SJ&.21)91 9/6 1,..ion !let.ch ffllh School. bolb llcenaed. NO MOTOR'. Ill'!!; ~ tJ25 Fairfax, CM ofkr. Call l3M643 oJt .1:».
It or aot -aa.oo a week reD-candla: LI n en s, moe.a. &ive Wind)' a try NEED Co<>cl bomea ! 1 pm. '1'<# inlO clll 962-1$39', $245. Of...21D after 6 PM 1750 '61 lltathldt ~ s · .,.to
tal, 1eaant ~ dotl:w£. tumlhmti etc. A~ Friday ?="' p.m. lovable lone haired ld:na~ · 18' °""""' wt§ hp Mere Whittler Ave hp, J..pd, near new. 1~Com;;;;""'";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~~~~": = ~h~=: ~~ Windy• Auction Barn • wb. old• ma1e, 1 female, SCRAM•LEJS '"'·· i,. whl lrlr. old;,,g Costa Mesa ~. 00&-1>8'1I• ·FALL
HAMMOND_. sttlnw••. Y• Behind Tony'• Bldi. Mal1. .,.., oolora. 53>-1890 "' . equip. Good rond. 11395 714• 642 1350 1968 YAMAHA Trail Muter. CAu.• .,.
-v BEDROOM. .seL Eastern 20151,i Newport CM 646--8686 Sil-1096 9/6 ANSWERS ~36ll • • lOOcc, fltc lt&rt,rlo mllel. .....-~ ~ ;.::· .. ~~~ ll'•ple, tarmrou.. •tyle. • To -home. Lon( h&k II'!" GLASPA!\-75HP e FOR SALE or RENT. 12' X!nt "'""·ID!. S<l-1255 CLEARANCE
So Calif .11...t.. hue Bed. complell', vanity & M Siamne fftn&le mothe? &. Nicely .\Qom Sxty Evtnrudf motor. Good con-wkl tum '69 Yamaha Etduro, 4 mDL New r..zo truck and 15• SimiIDr;i.uSJc co., "'"'""..,' • maht •land isc. WonNd 1610 ""2 bn>thenJ \V/...,t mil· Hub;, -com BOX ' -dltlon IG25 • .,~ Mo.eutil tnCl.18.200 ,,. 1100 old, :m mn ... 1695. El-camper, <F211111r:. l"'l N. Malo, 1~~-AW with 100' ex· :;; te"'-talle )!OUr cbole<. A Scoo:b -hor: ....,.,. 1917 U' .Glutron. 50 h.p. e FOR !!ENT: Be•ulif\JI ,_ * '9<.5492 * llJOll3). ColJlplete l .-
. Santa Ana tenaion ~ lT Ffi&ida.ire WE PAY MORE 613-6Cll6 9/1 can borrow his lown mower. ~.' Xhlt cond. $1495. 2>' wide tum. $2lil mo HONDA Encint. 350 CC, onl~ tot tun. L1lt Price: •.m.
t re e • e r , new cood. 3 mo, old kitten each w/ltt.e It hu: a CO!N BOX on IL CliD f1l-m ind. · utU 415 m1 prior ID cruh, $85. Dlltoount: $l.S(IS.Qt, sALz: You\~ ~N~;!renl Hollywood bed, complete, CASH 1 ~k 1uppl)'-food. 1-0.utty HUDSON a., Packet u· Horimla Sid boaL 80 HP •Country club atm05phere 546-6905 . PRICE ~.:!.:. 11111 credit all mooles paid Small detk t · chair. Grttn cal•oo, 1.,... b I a c k • Olornblo..,.l, U' ......: lllorc. Ntor> lralla'. ll250. Acrou lrom beacll. Recrea: '69 y AMAHA EndUnJ 250 500 '_,_
toward .......... =·fil~~::~· Steel .. "........ 9/5 cruiser, "bertlua hull. -7.all C Pr.I Uon Cooler, goU oourae. tolal mil•~ Llko new, 1651>. ROBIN.$ FOID
HOUSE OF HARMONY I iO~:,.;;:;..::;:;,=:_~-Moon Puppie1" 6 wks. old. teak deck, S\Wdiah inboard. ~N WHALER puttin& ireen. pool • 543-8025 2CiO Harbor BlYd. 48 Fuhion lsluid' DOUBLE bed, box spring &. For furnl~. appHanoes, mixed terrler/cocker/bea1· · pilot wheel helm. New cover 40 hp Johnlon * SOOD Sauna. Adulbl only. ~ Sat. O>ata .Mesa 600110
Newport Beach •
4--0391 mattre11, &ood cond $15, 36'. colored TV, pianos, orpns le, need aood bomea. 962-21511 A bl.mlnl cottvut top. Xlnt IB-81~ or m.3571 Sun, nm Pacific c.o&.t Motorscooten 93SO l.,."'ll~!!!!!~!!!!!l!iiiitiiii;;I
NOW-rent a Bl!dwin p;ano x "1" x "1" Cl>en-ywood and anllq.... 9/5 oond. $1,500. B · C. Y. C. Hwy, Hunl Beaeh. ,....-1967 Volk•w-
I ~.. chll a~er t'abinet1 w I 15" De.y or nil(h\ FREE-Adorable kilt.no 6T3-3l72 327 · VESPA 125 Molol'IC:OO!er. C•mpor Deluxe
or >'""" d 'tor it.OO electro voice Wolverine baa 6364621 .l callc:o. Pleaae 'c area 1Y1 Boat Mllnten•nce 9033 Good ahape. For Qulck Sale. Complet 1y u1 __. ;~~n a=~ resu!~ ~;/l~Cea~B=-~ $WE BUY $ 644-0688 2921 Carob, NB S.11 .... lt 9010 FREE Boal ,.pa1r .;;: ·~~ ',!,. R~~ ~ "= 115. -11 I Ue # ~ zuarantttd. 9J Ind CEaslbluU) 9/6 Tr&iler _,,,..,. bolt '° the ed. l!.U .. ~--Auto •--1-$l2tt new #'• u1trial window J V-~ ~· -SUNSET
WARD'S BALDWlN !mIDTO fan $5. Assorted tropical $ FURNITUR'E $ ,PARA.GE 12' x 20'. Jtemow: ntwft:t, f.utHI: boat servkle POU Ul9 Nowport, C.bl . .....,... llAh ... ea. .......... APPLIANCES UJlid "" ........ lwnber. PRICE INCREAS~! In the ...... Let .. Make Motor H-9'lll a P•rh 9400 5440 Garden G.,,,. Biid. BEA~PIANOS DEMOlJSHING SALE! ColorTV1-Pi•tto1~Stirto1 ~:..nAak for ~6 ONA.LL :r=)~W:ew:: 6S CLARK Cortez. L-o '6440HPVWenglne.Buket Wes~r 646-401I C.O m ~I et e Du p I ex 1 Pleq.., ...... ..,. nberalau supplies Open 7 mileage. ()tie owner $8950 cue. Good cond. $50. All 196'1 FORD F250 Clmjlr:r
•t PRJCES fumiahinea: turniU,re Call CASH IN io MINVTU BEAGLE, AKC Female, 5 CORONADO YACHTS dyl/\\'k. · or may trade. ~5194 para att there complete Speclal truck. O v era I ~e
so low lt will amau you! nnaJ, appl.iancea Crefrig
e S4l--4Sll e )Tl. Old. Healtey I beaut. WIND AN' SEA w/ new cuing. MS-6004 Un!s, lo mileap. Like..-.
Shop where ae:l.ection I< quaJ. stove) utensils, etc. llD4 Adults only, pnter ranch or eJfeclivt-Sept. 15t!l rm Superior Mini Bllcts 9275 352 FORD engine s:zs )'Oll iT Pilgrim CUiiom I •
1> .,. hlrhm. pnC<a • Oceohtront, NB. Sal/Sun WE PAY CASH form. 062-7395 015 SAVE UP TO $1555 Colla ~ 64i.-pull. Machine combustion Hijihboy camp er. $111111.
t-nns are lowest. Al&o, apiD> S..L &il-3199 This Weekend! I ~ uiv• MICKEY MINI BIKE chamber be ad. ..,,__ 5t&-3341 eta Ii: COlllCllet for every _________ 11 Female Puppy, ... white MAN 25 wanta to learn 3hp tyf Id. -1=~=--~----
decor! FOR SALE WE PAY CASH! w/btk apota. v..., aMart A 2912 W. Coast "'~w.. wooden boalbolldlna. Local • o -oond. $95. part&-you make off' r . '69 VW Suodlal """"'' .
COAST MUSIC S..Utilul -oil pa;n1. friendly. N"'11 home N · -· ~ i. Limlled 518-3341 * ..,_ !l4MI04 waler, Ice """· IUio. bad: NEWFORT A HARBOR inr. mounlaill acene Jn be•u-............. 5'&-1223 9/l •-rt Beach * 61&-08IO ~. "'P· Taro 41 185. I CRAGAR mq wbe<b. $1U. 11<n&e. Owned onlJ C ,,.._
Cc.ta ,MeM • 642-2351. tifUl blue• 1; areens. Dark e NOT Che k NEED GOOD CONDmON 1958 Porsche 1 p e e d 1 t er Mu1t .ell, Movine to Afrit.a ""'n~ v.'OOd carwd •--e •••.
C 5 Good home for 1966 ISLANDER. 21. dac lttUST SELL! '68 Honda 115. * 646--5768 * seats. xlnt cond I I 0 . $3500. ~2992 "~ ... Fri IM suo u.; ~· = For GOOD USED adorable s wk old blk Mila, -fUll cover, Sllahtly damaf<d, 111'/oll<r ..._.... 5
appreciate. Rtuanable, Call , c.ocur..tenif:I' mbc. Small allp available. $3.500 cub or 642-6943 T.4-00 3 HP 195 a.tt • '60 Chev. C•rhper
Rod 817-'1187. FumllU1', St...,, TV or breed. li46-38U wilt. Ind< ap !or •Mall Kina ... Lawn, ~ hp $llO Big VS, tel• uni~ fully equto
Jo 1200 GOOD Condition l2 cu ft Househcld Itema cf any kind. RCA \V h 1r 1P
0 0 1 gu motoralltr Oft . Both like new. 847-9752 Tr•ller, Travel 9425 New car dlr. K6!111. Pb.
AMATEUR Rad;, atatlon, N-relria. ltlO. New • 547.5722 • re!riguatar ....... "'°"'· 67'...cJO! mo<>rUIZ· Marino Equip. 9035 BONANZA Mini B1"", 0,., 646-9303 or 540Sl87.
SB 300 rtVr .l SB 401 xtmr, ~ din nn lamp $UI. • WA"NTED You pick up. ~2M9 aft. 5 al.zed tires, 18 b.p ena;ine. TERRY Travel Pak 21' '69 VW WESTFALL\
'"' the alr now. $<15. New blHn type bothroom . PM SABOTS * $265 • FOR SALE • 1715 or trade. 546-1258 comp. ocll...,,talned, toilet 5000 ml. Excalldl COOJI. 1;,.....=="====== I medicine oab, 17. 548.2343 FURNITURE PUPPIES' ' Complele • Ready to ,..., 23· HWh wllb "'""' ...... NEW HONDA MINI & lhwr, 1967. lClnt cond. * * 494-2'111 * * I: 375 " fl Airvent """"" TOP CASH IN 30 Minuleo Shephenl/Terrler' n1ix. 3 2911 W. Cout llJahwoy . z: Boa~ con1plete .......... BIKE. Call 536-"'91i 548-filBS a!tu 6 p.m. PICKtJ!',-CAKPER Shelli
Tolovlslon •205 patio room + "'"" win-Quality OJmlt.,. color Tv-1 male, 1 t.nWe. S •"'· N.,._ Beach * &l5MO ~. Holbwllh <Xlra• ........ QUALITY 19al Kenoldll 16' .._ '"""'' -' dows " 2 drs. Orig $1800. aterecN>, appll&r}ces tools ~1B03 9-8 17 SNOWBIRD SallbGat A 35, 'Marhn deck ............ Motorcycle• noo trailer. Excellent condttion,1::-=::"'::· ::9'=··~1:839.::uoo:::J n1• ZENITH TV C01180le You dllrnanUe. Sacrifice o!lice equip. ' ...... 1 , No 95. • 35 Marlin hull ........... ,.. Sleeps 6. $850. 615--2639 after 9~"'" "-•"-.,.......,
531 121 German Shep-·-' Mother ~ c. • Xlnt cood 21' H .. "-• 5
1tereo. $45. 19" Admiral ... ON. .............. • 2 Fther* Six ~;uWul dar· Trailer Incl. $495. can att 5 ' WU • ••••••••••••••••••• '69 Trlumpb Trophy 250. Lo :OD p.m. .... II
portable 1V $25. Mirlu <-sURP""'"L"u"'s-'-::1acc.1"0-,.,,~.~,-.-,-, NEED bricJoo one to lOOO. ""• poP!Jll•~ w .. ned 6w., p.m. 121ll ,...,,... ~. ".!'k ·:,;ijj,;,;;··0··hd~ mllea. like now. ~•• 1191ln 9525
perfect. 54S-$'JIM ta.bric& 4: remnanta, So I d reasonably priced 644-4687 Call 543--5009 * 494-8342 * T L-MEYERS Manx i street 1-0.21"• "R"°C,,..-..,..-~~~-to lbe public "" Monday , I NEED a "'"' lnexpen,.ve 21' D<ck ..••.•••••.•. ·•••••• rue.. 9500 or ~ , A oolor TV. llJO thru Sal U20 Monrov;. _ LABRADOR-Terrier puppy Main Rll fQr my·otd (lJ72l 21' Deck .................... '68 YAMAHA 200 OT\: dirt oil road ""'· 1966 53 hp Bu• Good*~~~-CM. • Machina,'I, otc. 1700 to ' -"°""'· ...,,,.. Snipe. a.artotte """10 all 26' Oeck plur .............. bike or t.!CX. l5flll. Spore NEW'" GMC YAN ""· Xl'1! cont. 11100. Call children. bas 1hota &. Uc. 6 p,m. 23' BGa.t tn.ilt:n •••••••••••• put.a tncl. 9S:J..4S35 Evu. Auto. trans., bydraullc brwke, S.T pm. 548-91167. D~OND 3 1'9W wedding *FORKLIFT, 6000 lb. 831-4498. 9/S sEA s c 0 u t • 1 desperattl,y Llmlttd Stock • Special re-~ Honda 50. Nft' ln Ml~'.. booster chrome bwnpen, EX'l'RA Otani Gold FlaKe
HI-Fl & Storoo 1210 ~Have auaranteed ap. Ouk. Quick .aic. 1875 RHODE bland Red, 1 ""'d a MAIN ull tor 22 duced prlca <or q•lck oalel •~~ ~ al&aa. radio. H.D. !rt. Manx. Joad<d, No reu, of· S~l-£R..;..:;.EO..;'=~".::;.dlx _ _:_._=le Perfect :: ~ r ~-~i ~ 642-8393 or Eves 897.2433 rooeter, 1 hen. Baby rat. FOOT AL 8 AT Rn S S . rn ~:St tbnac:o!: bl ... .., Call 615-4691 c:r!.,' •,s !,,,~w/po~ ~btaed. ~fust Sell ~ ...,,_, $625 646-1098 or 66-m.t 9/6 642-5769 • ., HONDA 50-1967, aood COl)o .. ,-._...... r-r
oompl wilb fUll at•m>. ' ,.,i . '""· 673-.1<00 1 5 . 6 • • LA C ""1""'11 no phone callo clltlon.' $135. • top, <GF:lf!'.,P,~J. * LA PAZ *
Garn.rd chancer. 60 watt Health Spa memberships, FREE TO '(OU Beautiful Kitte1111 -Ca HATT E ONE tactory re-bcllt (never r ~ dual channel, 4 1pkr 90Und ll ""'""" j over 200 vi,;.,) * !162.J<Sl * tam.,... CU.-built runl Geu'I Min &.n""""' 56-'611 AL ROBERTS Bua> BWlder'
IV. War. ""'""'"Pay oil ba1 .. 171.26 !or $99. Recularly Pll. Miao l FEMALE puppiH, I w"' 915 See lo apptWa!e. $!000. 64 HNG t"Y marlno ....... 67 SUZUKI' XI. 10080 Gardon· G""" BiYd. · :"'• SA· -· dll" ~7
...., or JJlnall pyrnnta. Lane. 51>-1425. old. Mother W<lma"""' & 817-9152 •n&lne. Complete w/lwl» Exccl1mt ...... tew ml. II Block w of Bloold>uttt 69 Dix. all Xlnl. o..m<
Cm:l:lt dept. 535-7289 KIRBY vacuum cleaner with Pointer-fath er ? . PETS •nd LIVESTO$:K Kite with trailB disc nducrtion par 2:1 J375. . 6Q.Ql.5 5.17-1800 ~._!10 tire1, reblt VW. 2
attach 1; ..... 1;~0.-Xln __ _. 642-5729 9/8 p ~-Xlnt oondl&n ratio. For furtber detiils, MUST SEU.• '88 Honda 115. mo ow, Mint. MS-13l0 BOSE tm DIRECT reOecting _,.....,-~. t <.vuu et1, """nertl 1100 $615. u: lt"H1 -" P. ~-1~.1 -,._. ~1.-..1 •• ~ • ..:___.11w ,~~. 1962 Chevrolet t>UNE BUGGY, Extra
11peak!TS with trim kit. l guaranteed. Pay oU bal of AOORABLE long haired kit· ~ ~ 0
''-'""" ~ _._.,, ._,,. .. ..,,,-......... _. '"'"""q-\..\ ton Pfdc: U
SONY 350 Tape deck. Both $33.12 or take over """"""· tens. 7 wks. old &: poHu SIAMESE KITTENS SlS 21' VIKING AUX. BeauL end. weekda,yt. or (714) M6-0t38: 6'U&C 6 p Clun. Needl ring Job ,,.1..... "" .. -~-cyl. sUck. extr. nice, 11'Nlll. ...._.... ""...;
in excel. rond. 83J..5937 g. Credit dept SJ.>..1289 trained. 673-000 9/7 10688 Lehmhardt FV J\foor avail. Ttd 0 K . wttiu:uu•· '69 Malco Mota emu. Lie # V47286 1-•=-=·=====-=-=1
U/1-5 ~ '67 XKE Jaguar, all ac· ONE Calleo cat, 10 weeks •531-9716• 546-8000 xt:M Mr. Postma. SAILQflpt. Specl1l1 361>, utru. $1100. $749 I'"
ceaso ries . gd.cond old. Box trained. 646-8405 POND GOLDFISH 894-W!M 10% CASH Dl1count *Phone&l2-62U SUNSET FORD Import.cl Autos MOO
C•mer11 & Equip. 1300 Silvertone port. 0 r g an ; aft 4 p.m. 9/6 Cheap. lOc per inch. PENGUIN aailboat 11 ~ • Laundry, repaln, sail1. 'fi6 HONDA . Trail 90 12,00'.l 5'40 Garden Grove Blvd.
n:un ~01:8" .supertone ate re 0 LABRAOOR Re tr 1 ever ===*=":'-:2S:"7:6:*== w/sall' .l trailer. Top cOD-HANNA SAILMAKIRS ml. Xlnt mecb colld. $0). Welbnlnittt &4MOlO ALPHA GULlE'ITA '5·f .
Uke ne\v, 1 •r old hi-fidehty comole. 494--1326 female. 4 mos cld. N~ d!Uon $425. &n~ , 861 W. 18th St •• C.M. 546-06l3 Ewa. -,,;.'T:;;o:::;::;;....;::::::;;;..,-1 e.omPI. rtblt .l ttotind . , LIDO 1• H n1 ... •u• 1966 Ford Y, Ton Pick _.,,...,. new. 1695 «
$50 LADY Kenmore comb. aood home. 541:1:.11:94 9/6 ft.-1-s " W'f traikr. a.RI I: : .....,._ 1968 Kawuald 175 ~ -"-. 2312 Ne---' :"!": --=.:...• ____ _::.••:: full equ1 1'150. Gd -~ VI, automatic, radJo, heat· -•• ~· '""fW"l.
Write Daily Pilot Box P-911 wuher, dryer. Twin bed1 9 TO 10 mo. old miniature -P. "!"""• JOHNSON S,ah:Jrtlo. 5.5 hp $450. Below blue book. er, s ti. bed. Lie. # U38-014 NB. ~1393
n., w/hl!adbrd. Misc. lamps 1: pocdle. Male, b I a ck . PERFECT PCK>DLES 846-00SI · ' w/tanJc: I: hole. XJnt cond. 5&-1664 $1•9' 1-========:I 3'mm SLR. nm tables. Bat stools. 548-1519 536-9251 916 F 0 R PAR TdC UL AR. HOURLY RENT .... • $110. ~aft 6 p.m. '69 HONDA 1w •--bier SUNSET I•
. . ·-· CANON QL/19 35 PEOPLE. AKC BI... * ~~-•N -• HP M ·-.. ~~.. FORD * 644-1158 * "mm % J\1anx kittens. Appivx 2 J\ilniatures Fu r.o::wun ....-• * fl'Cla7 Outboud. u _..... 1901_ ~ Ave., I-============ I Like ~w. 1 )Told. mos. old affect i 0 n at, S4l-l9G2 n Boat Oo. Balboa ii w/Merc c(mtrola A Pl C.M. 64J.1714 5'l40 Ganten Grove Blvd. Sporting Good• 1500 l50 M&-2209 918 KITE No. 67>. tank 1'15. -7535 '55 TRIUMPH 800 O>opp<r, Wesbnlnater 646-0llO 61 SUnb<am AJp;no ~ Pilot Box P-911 FLUFFY K' CHIHUAltUA puppies, 16 Aqua Blue. X1nt .....-.a • .,_, clu'~ ,.•-"t •••'··, '67 "'-'--Van with flard\op. S295
T Cl 0
1ttens, 1 wka. old wits. 5 Mal ........_ '""''" ...... -.ii -.. I.Pl: -r e uo -e ent os• ut GOOD C'rop of C.Oncorc:l 2 blk males. 1 blk/\qht $25 311 \~s, no papers. • 673-380 • Boat Sllp Motrtnt 9036 $450. 646-3185 v..a. auco, aceJlent condl·1-====-=====I
All new • Brand namea grapes. For eating, jellies. femaJe 54&-3&42 9/8 ~~ · Bay, O.I 32 x 11 x 5 At k In <l --Uon! I· 9"12 Wall Ten\ $69.05 Brihi lur. Yoo pick $2.50 doubl...-hWl tor oa1t SLIP WANTED MOTOR HOMES 9215· KUSTOM MOTORS AUSTIN HEALEY
lOd.1 Side Room $65.9S lug. 54&-"890 2 Year old female Beagle. SHE pH ER o I Schnauzer · · ~ &ker st, O:.ta Neu. ~-·· • --d II -box LECT Jtealthy &. be• u tit u J. mix. male. 10 -·tbs. u. Ex!Nmely cheap! "2-l9lll Pv. Ply. i.....M-tar lllp tn 5llJ.S9l> 1.11.1Ve '"""" s ·"" . E RIC Range, Kenmore 962-0161 ""'"' ""' C I ti I N ...t. d---'-~ a '67 .......... H I Bot.t and trailer hitches near new $l2S.
Hicleabed~ 9/8 pounds. loves kith. $10. • •• • ...... ation ~ '..W Cui• Craft. I Authoriud Intematlonal. "&"""" ~."w1,..•• _"!. ......
while. )'OU wait. Phone for near new 1100 each.
· BLACK Part Penlan male 675-0181. Cooke *' 1'13-U88 &1$.1833 ar t2Ul 697·6711 a Dealer -l'oUall' ,..,..,_.
kilt 7 ..
· NEED r ~ radio. 4 , ........ , etc. New car
appo1nl!M1rt. \Vestminattr, Colta Men en, v.· , trained to AKC TOY POODLES CAL 24. 3rd In NATIONAL! .,. dock space for MUST Sacrlflce, I ea v Inf ~ FREDSON BEAtmFUL aapphire
aandbox. 646-5471 9/6 Apricots-White• 2 yean:. Full set of wi.'. dinghy. Will ~ $15 per 111 stale. 00 Chevy%, 1on pick dlr. VGXIM. Pb. 646-9303-
TRA.ILER SUPPLY diamolld ring, Appraised at WEIMARANER male, l yr. Reasonable &tS-1096 $3700. * MS..2957 month. S4&-M60 up, SS. R I H. 13,000 mt.l'""'"';;,;:.946"'7"-·.,.,-..,.,.--=~I
315 N. H~t& Ana 1875. WW ..U foz much""· old. Pu.-. • b,.,d. To -BOXER pup. AKC. Champ RHODES 33. Racing l llool·YI ht Trad<....,..,..,, xlnl oond. ·~e~":..'''~Z;.:".
SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hobte 673-51NG ?84. : w~g .:i::~~~. :~i:-64· ~Beat otter ~~e:~u1!t~~~. ~~1· _ Ch1rt~rt 9039 :54;.:SJ~R!~~N~T~-A'-·~S!i!HE~L~::-=l==~Sl~>ll~. ~-~·~~:::::-·~!
S LE woman'• mbl't!hp. '"'""" -~ HEADQUAllTERS Woody. 12' Quip: Tandem, Balboa Bay Club. $450. cau healthy, adorab1e ,; Manx AKC D 0 be r rn an pups _ 17' SLOOP-Dacron 1a11 t. BLUEWATER CliARTERS WEEKENI>s. WEEKLY ALFA ROMEO 1..:."'=;i"'1'tii"if""';;;,· ;'673--0632~;;=.,.;--I. ~an.~r;•!.P-;M~. !"~5-000~~1 ~--1 kittens. 54&-lMfi 9/5 <llampk>n ~-trailer. $650. U Drtve Sall or Power FDR _M_o,,NT,,.llL..,,,,Y=~*=.,:83!>=.:l800::;1---------
SCUBA Wik, twin Slrs. MEN'S Schwinn Qillqlate PRE.TI'Y Black I white rah-1n4) 891-2344 •893-7631• Skt~ b:al sport flshi?W '53 DODGE PANEL '66 ALFA ·
1 i;;.~ld~ve. lti" s ..... '35. b" tamed for pet. ,...1017 MALE German Shepherd FOR Sale Kiio, xlnl racln( l!arl>or erui... ....... MOTORHOMU OOGood ..... Rono ..... V•loce Sprint. GT. RaN ....
• :>45-627:i * 915 AKC. Champion p 0 int1 record. Lile, ri&ied $000. CM 2t $25 da,y • $l.5IJ wk. S1 · 6'f3.-09CM del, 5 speed. Nt-w cat d;lr.
WOOD SNOW SKIS, 6'3'' WATER SOFTENER .l con-GR:EY Female kitte.ns, T ""1cs Prefers a.dulta. ~5122 ' 644-4319 CAL 36195 day-$.S'IO wk 1969 F250 CAMPER Speclal. $8942. Ph. H&-9303-541).M"I'
$75. B<Xn'S, st l~S. $10. dltiontr (CalE\ler). Btst of. :ined\Ve:2632 and box CHAMPION aired SKYE Ter· LIDO 14 #30n Fer Chat1t"r. * 846-2957 tl'.IXXI mUes. Private prty.
646-1881. '"'· ,.._7993 . 915 ,~, ..... Calm, •ul4'. rare. 644-1370 -="f·715~·~-i°iT,p;uw,;;;;~l-~B~O~R~G~W~A~R~D~-1
MJ1COll•-MOO NEWl'ORT T..,,~ CI u b FR.EE 0 ~. old Terrio~ 5'9·"47 12' TIKI CAT. lralltr ~ :Aoblio Homos 9200 '64 FORD II T P/U w/oan1· 1:::====:.---== Family Membentup, $450 Poodle. Male, had ahols. AKC Malt Af han ename. ?.1AKE OITER. CASH FOR YOUR per. ~fany extra.a. Xlnt 1959 WHITE compact lta 'WAREHOUSE p1., """'" l<e, 641-mi ,...ms. 9/6 l,..,., 11J Call '4S..12!9 oond. S<s..3040 •tt 5:311 • ..,,. llorpard. "'"' nlco.
WOMENS ClothhJ3. a 7-12. BASSF:IT Hound 3 ,...,. old. * 53&-7420 • 21' 1969, Never u.... MOBILE HOME Wife'• ear $l15. 548-5031
Clean-out Sale! Some brud new, an Xlnt Good home w/Jarae yard. l.JACHSHUND Red black" Sleepa 4, Mila, trailer. Private party waota 8 x 40 or '"'"
951° CORTINA Boat act"l!uoriel. motors A: cond. thnl Sun. 6G.61'98 fl62..629l 9/8 tan. AKC reiiat~ Qiam. $8Xl. * 642-7014-larJ:tt to be moved to moon. '64 JHp Wagonffr $1495 ___ ;..;._;.;;...;.__
puts. No rttaanahle of!ft c AM p ER Rdrigt:rator rn.IDrnl.Y Kittens. WW de-plon sittd. '44-0227 HOBlE CATS taln kit Send description, Radio, healer, f.wheel drivt, '65 CORTINA WAt':l.l'tAI
retueed. Sept 6 A 1th. 10 am-AC-DC. Uaed 2 mmithl $100: Uver lo )'OUt borne. 846-0768 AKC re 'd poodl New Used R81tal price If location lo: Write OM Orm.Al' TM All 111'1 • Dual-0-Matk, front hubs, White with blUe lntetlo";,_, d~.
I pm.lll Loo Motl l whl trailer. 5llH656 9/S aprkot. I 3334 w' .. =; .,,..,,..,;,,, Sail •• ..,,.,;,, Box p 121 Daily Pilot. DODGE "EXPLORER" °""' V! e»g1,,.. UOG 982 todlo heater Excell•nl""'
g.,, OeM<n':" BEDROOM Sci, OOMpiete, MOTHER cat • kittens. 2 Av<, C.bl. -1771 SfAN MIUor ubol Racina NEW MOBILE HOMES FOR JOHNSON & SON nlrc ;,,,,,,. rUn Pt 1399. will
POOL Table Br u n 'wick fruit.,,,. finW>. aloo: BBQ. ~l 2 black. M AT . ADORABLE mixed poodte ril. "°" oond. sm. ~Li O. ~';. '.\."w ~o,;'~ ::...""':'" ...::.·-~ Uncoln-M•miry !al<• older car In lnde.
Bl'<ul-Mod•llli' x 7', 64&.9031 918 puppin. I weeka old 15 ..... 116tle BEACH 0.UB. 214Q Poc•k ·-- -540-5635 NGR'5!lLB. Call Lart1,
like aaw, $U5 (C01l l4il0). O' HOSPITAL bed "10! -5 '1ull7 loac MUed klttena, 4ln-tm, . CAL >1.· 3rd in Natiooala 2 C.UI HW7, H.B. AP!JIY In m "'"" '"'· H ,,.,, 2626 Harbor BIYd .• CM <94-
or 5'S.tl!531.
m:icb iD wry pod cond., ralll .l bed tab&e $15.. 1 wits old. 8414191 911 WHITE ney Toy Poodle yean. Full 1tt oC 1&11.t. Spc. 26. ~ or 536-27ll • fOOT. , TlA" ,,.,,... ~ ml. So. of San 01qo f'wJ.
l"1 c .... 1 1215.
Vibrator WheclctJotr $50. MU1<1 GE e MAN Shopheoo-eot11e pupp;.,. AKC SJ71l0. 1W&-m1 CAMBRIDGE 20,..60 """ '" •a .,.,,.,,. "'"'· '19 • WHEEL """ ,..,,.... DATSUN
red. chair $25. 494--2991 DIAMOND w~ ML 2 pup. ~ 9/6 • 673-4281 • COLUMBIA 22. pid cond. bit. Cabana. 100' AwnlJll. 2 • • LAnd cruiser ha.rd top, --"'---'-'--,,,.-
MOVING to Euro Pi: cl> .,lal ••11•1. F1awlnat FREE kilt•"'· Black and POODLES. Ma It" e & ...... oxlrxl. ll200. or but Molal otorqc ...... & oJr. • Warn bubo. r/h, dual .,. BARWICK IMPOltT•
Comp5ete b
e h
1 d Oolt '17'0. atU-.$ C 5 0 , White. H>-3158 Yoridea. Pupt tr ovwn: 2 lb offer. 644--0982 or '44-USI. tond. Adult park. Sl4,f:O'.I. : haust A hip atacb. A·l DAAl1TRJOSRJZEDU N
tumllblnp mlld be di~ fl$-(ll1 4 MANX kittent. a1reactJ Jtuda. ~00. fU..6151 CAL 20 2 yrs cld :xtru ooi-m (Onct $2900 or beat olt.
ed: ol. nm Kiowa St., HD, 11 :x ll carpet, exetllent pi weaned. ~1909 t/5 IRISH Sttttt JN))I. 3 m&1ie:1 Ne~ ott ... bore ~'. i-'
:::1!-<1615::::.;,,.,==---I lllU71
Dlneflo act Ill 4G E. 17th. 5 WK old blade puppy FM left. AKC. Call -!5tll ,._1St7 Mobl!o Homu 9200Mobll• H-'200 '52 JEEP 911 aedan, aoto trans . ...,.
MOVING: Rt&I floe, ~ oU Of, rat'. MWTQ. '• t0: pod home. ~ 915 SAILFISH complete, S placl, Univenal, onJy one in 1own . head c:it.m, dim llrks, ~
palnllop, mual '°' )Ow DESK, chain. flllna cab!-Wiim: One bbll •--~ -xhlt oond. 111$. 513-SUS alter BA.Y HARBOR •HOOlt•'•' SALES .~.~w.!;!' ~·~~-llll.. pi,,,,. l"'" . ..!"n1'1". -~~ f,.,.idp1.w·~=
prlct.Al10,hutch, Dtt.rffrtcttator,11S2Nt• ~ ~&Yac:t.h """'6 p.m. ~ .,...,.........., ._. ~""' -·-v
_..... ii· al••· qortBtY<l •• c.M.51MSlS "l'IGLASSPARCltuton . , Cle Sal '6'WAGONEER ptsi~. 64M24S • SILVER t"Y m1olc -USED 6' reed '-""' ,.. lnboanklu-DO More. Powor CrulMrs 9020 arGftCe e < dr. ,. ...... S eyl, powtr FJV. Fine Anll
GOOD Bcltone • 1.ontth 1115: -...... -~ till. K"'x Sl C.M. "' Oulw with .. .., )cl a o .................. ,. c..__ ,1 .. r1nr.1oo1ta lll<enow. 1,;., LL PRICE $1151 --·In"""" ShellorU.ctto:m CUl'EKlll<lll,portblam<,11 ...... -. l\il1 ..... " Calllornlan fbrrl• ....... r .. J<'WI• S!Mll. N"'.., dlr, Ph. 99!So.00Utllwy,Laalkb
..,.,.,_ $50 --2 WHEEL Ulllll}' -!all. -"' -., -A Ii w/fl>i"i ....... eocl ..... • INCLUDING ~Ir 116-llJq,I --· -0.A.C. -, .• r llNNwlck I~" liate lllhb and u..... ~ WHITE kltt•ns, 7 ....... old. ......,...... ....ri.. l ~.,;-:,,:.~ s'."o ':1:":.: IOUAWAY Ill ... llYllW_, • ONll Dnoa nol Ind. """'lie.
POOi. TABL& WI. -Bor trained. 51o-1761 M ....... Kf Mlfl tlect. panel, bit-In <tw,ie';: ~ .. \~:· IAY HAllOI HO~lltll VI. hllcko! ., ... 4 wt...i .,llANCJE-COUNnrit * ~ * PORCH SWING $20 2 Femalf ldtlml Ml ot Tim 22' Cabhl Cl'ldafr, lull· nJll. Mond 1~ft1. ~ watt 1HllATON ONOI PAS~:~"~'!Nol cs:::~ :,"'in:.po~-~~M..~~ DATSUNNO.DllALEll
Quality kins bed~i.d $47-31.82 "vieor. lbbrkn $41-tru 111 lOO hp Mere outboard. n1dlo. CB-ADr. depth ~11 •--;-;-::-:-'.:-:-=~=_,,;,._...:.::__:==.Jll ,.__. -~ ·
Compl.,M>nu"" 198. ""'h l. RABBIT wjth 81"'1 ..U, bttt offu. """· Mony other Extm•. 142.S BAKER ST .. COSTA MESA -· 1 DOT DATSUN
\ $250. Ah. 5 -wknda ~ lib' lie Elephant•f 5'1Mt~7 tt c • 1,~s ~~ tra.ller " hlf=h· !~!ili001708. Call after I PM, ' v. llM• ·-· ef H•~' •• ~ ·so WIU.YS Jeep 4 wb dr. 11&3!5 8Hc::h Blvd. .:I -" CALL 140-t470 TODAY • P.U. Good (\Jnrl, ~IUltiSetl. l tunttna\QO Baell!'
MS-4'.»28 aftt:r ~ P.M. ~ semi w '*4\M2
' ... WE PAY ... CASH
DAt.'f 1'11.0T Frida!. _.., S, 1969
~ ...,_ 9600 Imported ...,... -lmpOrtM AutN -'"!!!!~ ,.,..... Hoo 1,........... ""'" -lmpomd AutN -l!"f"!W --1mportoci ""'°' -Autao Wmlwd '700
'IS Datsun _....., '67 FEllllAlll OTC J9'f Ka""'"'"' -1 d• ... usarERCEllES ..... m;, PORSCHE VIII 91 ... s ORANGE Cvv"t. l'·'S ~-The ~tone ln moo-Xlnt O'.Jbd., .otnc ~ Aulo P l\eft'. P. windows. 18912 TARGA '"'Triumph $69' In VII
;-w/eatQpl!r, new 1 rn£, •
~ lide mlmlra. 4 spd, dlr,
,•1 ,alnl Small dn or~ tn.de,
Lo pymntl. NOZ631LB call
,. Rob IM-.!n3 or~.
VOLUME ENGLISH torint, Rutry Nd w/ blk in.. Book. f'ill1 price $11 5. Air. Full k«ther intmor. A ftawlru car Jn ewry ~ O:lnw:rd.b&r, 4 speed, new
FORD DEALER teriot'. F'Ulty equipped iJICI Owni!r 'trill be1p tinanoe JI Mut RD tbis weektnd only tail, S.h&ma )'t"llow, blk in. top, New car dlr. SJOi8J.
SALES ... SERVICE FM I multiplex irtereo ra· deaited.. GU-OUI), $4595.. fStk No. PM") Jim ter .. AM I FM, chrorne°'.'.':''l oPb.~,;""c;;.:930!=..;_,.:_,::::;:_:;·~I
·eg MOD~ dio. 7IXXI actual miles. DeaJ.. Skmiooa: Mercedez BeJt&. UJ wbeels, f!lc. HWTY M '_65 Spitftrc. xlnt cond, Ver)'
lmmodlote deU...,. eno P'raonai "'· See • drive LOYUS . w. w.,...,.. Sonia Ana. ""'· low ~ New '""· IOOll or Good S.1Ktion
for med CUI • trodtl fUll: call U1 for froee ntfrnafe..
LARGE SELECTlON tt1 belie'\'e, -l-~--·-------I trade for Van or BUI. Aak for Sa!es Mlllll&er ,.
1 ' 1'67 DATSUN Theoclor. 60-2812 aft 4 Pl'l· l8Zll Beal"h Blvd.
... Lo~ -Huntl--• • &CO Coupe. RadKl, hea~r. f ~ ROBINS FORD 1572 N. Cout llwy, MG ~-~-ms, lisRG, l<M-Kl,.-
·: '&pefd. 2000 Harbor BJvd. Laauna Bea.ch. ~ ,.... '"""""'"• JOI tH, Tom.
$l7'9 0>o1a M•" 64UJOIO '67 MG GT "°""• "'""" "'"'°"'· xlnt Wf PAf WH SUNSET FORD u MERCEDES' IENZ. F .. 1 Bae~. wi" w"""· • '100 w. Cout Hwy., N.B. """'· ne. 494-7886
West.minstf'r 64MOJO LINES. You CUI UM! them Authoriud Fan.rt De:aler ---------New-car dlr, Ph. 646-9.103 -Authorized MG Dealer * good condition * 5UO G.;..,, Gro" Blvd. DAILY PIWr Dl>IE-A· .., . ..., '40-1764 '"""· It "Ill look• ..,w, 61.2-..., S<M'l64 '66 TRIUMPH TR ' '" FOR YOUR CAR
.f'cr Daily Pilot Want Adi tor just pennies a day. Dial FERR.ARI '1i7 MERCEDES Benz, 250 ~ UJC!J.l. '"57 PORSCHE'' Reuonable 548-4224
' Dial &C-5611 PrIJJr Oasrffied ad. SF. Coupe. Aulo--P. steer. 'S1 'M.GTD, new brakes, Sunroof C.oupe_ Must S!ll. 1969 TRIUMPll ra 6, «m 533031 Ext. 66 or 67 CONNELL l"-=O:.:~~~~==o:.;;;;;;.~~~~~=~I Nf!"IV1JCll1 1mparU Ucl. Qr.. Air cond. BeautffuJ candy traDl,·e1c. $550. New car d.lr. JKF34.l. Ph. miles,. AM·FM. ,,,. h I te 1970 HARBOR BLVD. CHEVROLET , . 96001 ~ • 9600 ana-e CounfJI'• anlY au~ •pple red with white leather ,.~., 1517 ~ .... ~ t ... ....,.... v.·/black inL ,,"lM, 546-l5Ei3 (l)S'J'A lttESA Imported Autoe mP..""'rf...-• ... utos iud dealer. interior a one oI ita kind -.....,.;l"llU, or .....,.........,. ....,.,., ~ tla.t'blx BlYd.
SALES·SEJlVlCE-PARTS classic. Reduced th is '63 MG~etMJa.. + '65 CONVERT* MUST Sell! :i!ITriumphTR3 '61VOLKSWAGEN Costa M~ ~1200
~ • • • • •
' • • • • • •
" "
' • ~
, . ..
' •
' • '
Think 11 Fiat"
"Herb Friedlander"
537. m1 '!"-.~... 894 rm
e '-ete Forei,i Car Senice e
"M6" ...
3100 W. Coast Hwy. weekend to $6795. VCB 983. Good cooditioo. P'll Pty; Xlnt cond. All xtru. nu pnt, Good cond. ;525 or olfer . Auto . .&Uck, radio l heater. -~n=-IPO'=~R~-~ .. ~w"ANl'ED==-1 642.~ewport ~J7&4 Jim Slemona Merced e Ii ~. 5-1()...>1326 top. ltfu.st itell. 646-1234 545-8'Tlll f'Ully 11tct. equipped, (\\'JC. 1.1-~-> Ctluntin
Authoriud J>'emtrl Dealer Beru, 120 W. Waruu, Santa '59 SUPER Roadster. Imm.e.c 1----~----S9l). $l68I TOP $ BUYER
Ana. S<6-<1U MGI tl1to••"""· N•w ,,._;,,, top, TOYOTA BILL MAXEY roYaU
2 Dr. Oiolce ot 2. New car
d~. It """ "'1· .... 9303 -.... ...,.
"66 JAGUAR Cpe. 4 11&.
AM-FP.f radio. British rac-
iqg green with natural
leather Interior. Low
mileage. Perleet running
condition. J'ofay bl-Sttn at
UD W. \¥amer. Santa Ana
or call ~ill 56-4114 Dir.
'66 Jaguar coupe XKE 2 + 2
autom, chrome wire wheeb.
$3225 'lll-'holesa1e book or beat
otrer. 494--3440
o. ,1 1111,· c .. (;11•v ~
L.t •g• ~I s~1~.-1 :Jn
J\.·.... .s. u;. rl
fl.~"'''' d··~ &en?
Jim Sl emo ns Imps . w .. rne• .s. ~: .. ,.n St
Sant,1 An<1 ~4_6.41 14
'62 MERCEDES 'Benz 2205
have 5 to chcJoee, from some
with a.it condltioning. Mu!I
sell this weekf!?ld trom $"195.
valVH, Goodyears. $500, & ---------AJ LAS 181181 Beadl Blvd. ,61 MGB Wie over. 968-4998 ft Beach. Ph. MT-E
Coovortihl•. Mi""ral .,.,. w/ PORSCHE own•"'' '''" '62 ElMOR£ MOTORS CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH WE PAY TOP
blk leather inter, Ml/FM. Super, chrome wheels, new 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. DOLLAR
"1t'f! ,wheels, f"te. 7500 miles. tires, Burch exhaust. Xlnt TOYOTA COSTA J'of.ESA 546-1934 for good, oll!il used can,
.&Old &:: serviced by us. Al· corr.I. ~1965 '64 VW Bug $995 all makes. See Georre R&,y
moat brand new. 1967 PORSCHE e J..ariest se.leclion or a I I VGA 973 Theodon! Robins Ford
31111port s
911 S TARGA mode.ls, colors, tron1 the JOHNSON & SON 2~ Harbor Blvd.
Deep aqua bl\Je finish w/ lai'gi!5l Toyota dell.ler. Llncoln-Mrrcury C.J\f. 6Gttll0
contrasting full vinyl inter. NICEST USED CARS 54~5635 W'll 8
Equipped w/ every possible IN ORANGE COUNTY 2b'26 Harbor Blvd., U\1 I uy
Porsche access. 24.000 miles. 15300 Beach Blvd.
full pril'r (Stock No. PM 52} 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B.
Jim Slemons Mer ct d t 1 642-94Cfi 34()..1764
New condition. Set>; &:: drive I ~\\~'"~tm~-~~<c'Pf'.'bon~•~894~·:!3322""-J ~~~c;m:::::.L .:S.::·:.:0::1_.:Sa::•::..:D::Jeg:!:'..o .:.'°'.:"'.:.·
lo believe . '67 vw Your Volk&\vqen or Po1"!£.hc
& pay top dollars, Paid far
or ool Call Ralph Beni. 120 W. W~. Sanla 1 __ A_ulhoN ___ . _od.-M_G_o._ ... __ ,_,
Ana. 5*-.ill4 '6J !ttGB, hard I. soft top. J1 rtup o t 1
3111tports Imported Autos 9600 new tires, radio, wire wheels.
1960 Mercedes 190. Oean, Very fOOd oond. P.lust sell. Make otter. 4!H--980ll new ti.res. $7SO i i r m , 3100 W. Coe.st Hwy .. N.B. 6fl.m 540-1764
Aulhoril.ed h1G Dee.ler
642"'452 ""'-
MERCEDES Benz Diesel
Sale. \\'e have 12 ln stock
lrom 1958-1967. All in above
a1·erage condllion and all
SALE priced. No reasonable
oUer refused J im Slemons
P.1ercedes Benz, 120 W.
""arner, Santa Ana, 546-4ll4
'Ii.ii Mere. Benz 250 SE
EQUIP'l' * 646-588& *
1964 180 Seda.11. White \\"/red
Jealher. Private owner.
St895 or offer. 673-lns
'57 190 SL converl
cond. Sll95. * 494-7886 *
• '!18 PORSCIU: Speedster. Bill 1967 Opel Station Wagon Thomas Corvair engine in-
Deluxe. Standard trans.mis-itallation Aft 7-Friday
sion, radio &: heater, Extra anytime ~knd.s 540-858.l. '
"""'· J..ic :i.;,QT-4(11. '63 PORSCHE 60
SUNSET FORD Good '~""· 49451°' '64 Porsche ''C'' Couna ~ Garden Grovp 81\·d. ,..-\Vestminster 646-4010 Gleaming burgundy Inter·
1-----~----1 10r, v;/ gorgeous blk, leather
'67 Opel $1095 interior. Fully equipped.
Kade\1, radio, ~all'r, 4 s[K'Cd Show mom condition. Set' & JOHNSON & SON .,.,., ,....,.,
26:.JG 1-larbar Blvd., Ci\f
~ mi. So. of San Diego Fwy
J1rluµot r
BIIL MAXEY """"' ITIOIYIOITIAI Honey '''""'" < •pd, "''· ,... dio, plush hick int.. M115t Auto Leasing 91101 ~.,;,,i.o;;.i.,;,.i~!;;;;.!,,;.!;._,;i 11ell. Take oider IJ'ade. Will I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '
18111 BEACH BL VD. lrnc PM party, VOE247U!, LEASE • RENT
Hunt. llHch 147-1555 "'"Phil "4-9nJ, >ll>-0634. ORDER YOUR
3 mi N. o1 Ooul Hwy. on Bc:h t'966 Volkswagen 1970 TODAY
OeltLxe. 2 dr. 4 speed. radio, FOR EARLIEST fTLQIYPIT@ heater. Lie$fl~-441. All po~!;IV!a'!e~ P
Best Deals Ar• At SUNSET FORD ••'"'"'•• i.,,int: .,...m. DEAN lfWIS M:~.::e;~t· Get Our:;: ltms
1966 ""'"'' c.M. ..._,,.,i .... ~v"'o=LKS=.=,=v•"c'-EN==s=unroo'-1 ROBINS FOR
'66 TOYOTA deluxe bug -Runs like new 200.1 Harbor Rlvd..
10 to choose lrom mu.st &ell !hi.ii weekend for Costa Mesa &4U010
Slick shill, radio, heater. Sl700. or hl!st oiler. C8.1..1 I '""""""""'"!!!!~"l!"!!!!!'I
New ctrdlr. SBV730. Phone 546--4U4 ask tor Bill. DLR. .Jtt" LEASE i/JI
64&93m -540-!MITT. ·~ vw, 2 door. 4 speed, '68 Cadillac Couf>t de Vil}.!.
1----------I radio, heater, beautiful red .full)' f"<{Wppe:d. SU!! mo. and sharp, "RlThf 140. $1095. '67 ll'ord, 10 pa.as station wa&"· VOLKSWAGEN Car1'1 Motor C.o. l ne., J9'l1 on, r/h. air, ps. $15 mo.
1----------1 Harbor, C.M., 642-0"13. '67 Gal. 500 Cpe. air, $65. mo.
'6' VAN. 16,IDl mtlo~ AM· ,65 VOLKS SOUTH COAST
FM. $2500 or best oiler. C&.11 CAR LEASING
9600 Imparted Aul,. 9600 Impart·' Autos 9600 ~178 Bug, Special paint, \\'Lll sac· ~ \V. Cst If""'. NB 645-2182 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 310o W. <:oa.st Hwy., N.8. .=:...:::.::. ______ , rifice for $825, New car dlr. "J pm 6-tl·IMOC; 546-1764 * '69 V\V SJl!jQ * REL. Bal, Phone &-16·9303 _ '69 ruviera, W!:e over lea.se
__ •_"1_ho_n_·,_.,._>_1C_O._al_oc_,1J'oiake olfer. under .... •arranty. ~0-9-)61. from pvt. ply, Full pwr,
'61 CPE. nu yell. pnt., 675-8119 or 54.>-1891 , C63:.::.:.:V\.:.V::__C_Al_'1_P_E_R_N_,-.,.,. a/c, immac. $137.22 per
radla.l.s, i;hocks. ex h s t, r.1usr Se!~ '66 V\Y . Camper , engine, oew titts &: map. mo. 962--0849 or 675--774:2
The Jaguar XKE bas 15 standard featureo Detroit
lo considering for its can o( the future. At $5,775,
why wait?
l "Acti,c" Stt"rl Bod)
2 Tru~ 1\('rod~·n a111ic S1,·lin1
J Aircraft.'fype llitc Br•ket
4 RaC"e C er Stt"erin g
5 Unique 4-Wheel
lndepe.ndr.nl St11~ntion
6 Twin Erctric C~ollna f•n•
7 fvl1 A.cceaa Hood
c-.halt En,in.
9 Fuel Preheatcr
I 0 7 Main & .. ring
I} Eleclric Fuel Pump
J? fr•e-Flow
Exhau1t Sy1trm
13 Hembpberiul
· Combu1tlon Cham.IM:rt
J 4 Adjustable
Steerint Wheel
J 5 Complete ln.tn.ame:nt1
l•auar Pric~'
XK -[ Ro•dster . , .. , .. 5558-4.
XK ·E Coup• ..•...... S5775.
XK ·E z. z COUP' ..... 55950.
XK -E Z'-Z Coupf"
IAu1om1tirl.,,, .•.. $6 19 5.
f'-r1~~ P, O I", \\'fll Coo1
The J1guu XKE is not only an
advanced cer. Ifs one of the
world's 1rrat 1utomobilts al
boll th< gnol oulomobile pro.
hn't ff tiaM: you 11:wyour l•J\.111
Jaguar I)
900 So. Coast Highway
Laguna Beach
540-3100 494-7503
brakeli, reblt eng. 642-4147 fully eqwp. lo miles. xlnt Runs great! J'ofust sell,
·oo 911. J'otany "S" options rond. 642-1536 eves. Sl.250. 67J...S939 alter 6 P.M. 1.:U..:sed;:::_C:::•:.:•..:• ___ _;c9900c:;:I
European prepared, g d 1965 V\\'. Radkl, heater. Like '68 vw Convert. AM/FM,
cond. S3800. 833-05UI after 5 new. RUr.f 140 Sl,&19. 1941 ui.ckr wa.rr. Best oUer by
Harbor Blvd. 642..-0413 Dir. Monda)'. 549-0022. fi.U...692.l
'62 RENAULT Oauphine, gd.
cond. $395. I.esters Foreign
Car Service, 141 E. 16llti
C.M'. 642-rn&
,~~~· ~'to~ndb~lc:a~'. '6Jes~i1e:"~~ ~at~i 2<L16 =~E~~VO.
wood panelg. OR J.-0309 PM 673-48611 541-.5294 or 548-1511
'66 VW Snrf, beige w/blk int '57 VW C.onv. Lqw mllel. }'lNANCING AV All.ABLE
RIH. Porsche rims, Xlnl XJnt cond, $400 or besl <i-z ~tustangs $2650 eacb
C011d. S1350. 548-2TI6 fer. 675--0305 eves. 3 Chevy Impalas $7700 ea
SUBARU 67 SQUAREBAO< Sta. \Vag, VW '691 Sedan. Must sacrifice J Font Galaxie1 $2700 ea 1
Ar.1-Ff\.1. New tirts. $1600 thl!! weekend. Or igi n a I YOUR Q-l'OICE-1969 I
SUBARUS &48-795-t priva!e 011o'ner. 644--0857 e 534-5290 e
ll'tfl'ttEDIATE DELIVERY '65 VW "Bug". Blue \Y/blue ·51 VW Camper. Reblt. eng. '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700
r>n all new lJOO models. Also inlet. $850. & tran.'I.. $&j(I, Call 6-1~2 m ·" -''"YI top. To VANS in 8tock. One low R42-::0l20 after 5 Pt.!. 1"d? ' ..... ,.., ._.,,':,'.. Pi
m_lleage 360 dcn1onstralor on 1965 V\\' 1500 S. aquare back .. 61 V\V Camper. Rebll. ene:. =-~=~-'--~~ 1:::.::.:...::_.:.::::._____ ron ition.B•Ul.~CK. I
special? $99,j_ 11150 KUSTOM MOTORS . & trans. $850, Call 644----0552
g..is Baker St. Co.ita ~lesa 497-183.i Ask fol' OON affer 5 p~f.
5-K).~915 ·w vw Bug, clean! Xln1 run .. 1_________ ,67 BUICK
~~&.i ~~·~.ni;~~dio,' ___ v_o_LVO___ VISTA CRUISER WGN. SUNBEAM 1· ·-V-8, auto. trans., racho. hea1.1
'67 Alpine ~~:~·"'o:'yow~~· VOLVO :~:~~",7.;,:.·=1
Rdstr. 4 -~rd. v.·-whls, plush '6-4 & ·57 V\V Bus. Good ron. Best De•ls Are At $2595
blck int. I've got a problem! dition. DEAN LEWIS AL ROBERTS
S1399 or makt' oflcr. YPS114 •6lN188• 10080 Ga.n:IM Gl'ove Blvd.
LB Call Ken 49·1·9m or 's;i V"'· 40 M n1ilrs. Ntw 1966 Harbor C.1\f. 646-9303 ~-:: Block \\'_ or Brookhunt I
545-0034. muffler. clutch. Xlnt (.'Ond. ,62 Pt800 537-7800
I '65 Sunbeam Triger _>_t&-t_t_&l_. ______ 1 Sport Coupe, Or~ or Eui'Oprs "69 R1v1cra, take O\"er lca.w'
4'60 VS, -t spd. Jt':1 nice. New '68 V\V Bw:, \l"hite, 4 &. 8 finest sports cars. New car from pvt. ply. Full pwr,)
car dlr. UOH200 Ph. 540-9'167 track tape rll"Ck, SJ6;i0. dlr. OYS107. Ph. &~9303 _ a I c, immac. S137.22 mo.I
or 646-9303. • 962-0061 * 540-!M67. 962-0049 or 57;..17,12
ts YOUR AD IN Q.ASSl-1 ~,.-V\~V-Sq_"_are_ba_ck_~s,-.~,~-,1.~.,=P"'.=1soo_& __ B_ri_l._r_-,-·in-g I 1965 Sh'YLAR.K 2 dr hit Fulll
FIED ? Someone \\i.l.l, be \Vagun, Xlnt cond. 9.000 nil. green. Pirellis, 0/0, P/B, power, air, clt>an repo. Wkl
looking ror U. Dial 642-5678 $1415, 545-(648 $25\Xl flim. ~ntG days 536--6848, eve & wkendsj
~ Think "Volvo"
~ * SEE *
"Herb Friedlander"
13750'-It111ri. !Hi"! Jr) W_IM,_,
893-1516 • -·-.. l:.'>l-6824 ..... ,,,.,. U'IJ
e Complete Foreign Car Senice e
Antiques, C)assia 961 S
1931 FORD Cpe. Completely
rebuilt. Stock. SlOCKl or
make offer. 540-2173
li.utos Wanted 9700 :;;:__...:.:..:;
'fiO. '63 Falcon Rane.hero
Low pi"ice. Priv. party /
.... J5lil
BUICK No. 225. H 1 :.]
e"erylhi ng ~
6.J2-2252 after 6 Pi\f
'62 BUICK Special. Goodll
lransport. for :ochool or
v.·ark. Sl'i5/ollt'r 6-tl--0436 1 ~ RNIEP.A. Fully equip.!
Llkt' new. Top co nd '
~~l fs-1:30, i\1-F.)
S1495 .. 96&-1
Imported AutM 96001 mporlwd Autos
0.... Lawll fer NftJ JMn h11 IOlll loyot• t.
ht"*"'5 If llllffiM CWlhNMn iii Or_,. c..ty.
T1lls -,.. ....... * ter "" Ms! llool * ter .... _.. --.. -* '"" "" .... ;,. ,.. ..,.. .,.... ,..... .. , -i...i& T.,.., "-~-
.............. ..
fiOI '"' 4 WHIB. otM LANO CIUtSB
HlW 'H Toyoto (,._
A .. ~~~=....,Wf NHD TRAD€$~"'~::-:;
• ' •
• ' ..
' • "
UMd c... 9900 u...i c... 9900 UMCI c ... ~. -Utod Ciro 9900
.u~.-Md.._C._•_ra'---"°°'""' 1u.c1 C.n "°° Utod C.. 9900 1 -::::=Cl=":....-_;9900= u...i c.rs
'6& CAOILL4C '18 CAMARO R..s. f /S. R.111, 1'65 Chevrolet C1prlce 1966 CHEV. Bel Air. 4 door '&J l'lllYtl R 'ff C0U911' $1ffO '!S DE son> po o d
Convertible • .rtre ln>lt bfown Ay~t.k:. 214 Kim. CM 2 door budtop J"actorJ air Sedan. \18, autoinatio trul. ~,..,.. Power rt~rlftl, ptwer bnJc. tra.risportatiaa. • • Cftlr. 'ST STATION WAGON. f.I"
·w/ full blk interior. Every 664991 nes. · =tsoned, v& aUtolll4Uc. pQwur ateerbta, r• d Io, NIOOlt tiARDTOP n, factory air, s.pctau tQf. 49Mi351' .nw t PM auto. VWf st. dlr, ~ ·
..... Cid '"'-"' ll>cl. "HIYIOLET lo, ........ ...., ....... ~~'l'BBGI·" 9!'ff~DlrlMI V.f, .. -.... ......... air, ra.llo. ........... -11ol-==""'""''""'::;a""'= ~ ~ ~ Colli "':
"'"" nd;o & tilt -L l-::::'":::--7"'.'7'"-0:-.I in&. Lie# PHK-MT ·--· ••.• ":'"""" • -~ -bra· .......... YEL QI DODGI '9+-m.I :;;.,:"a."".J!:'1 .,,c":",:~ 1"' Chovrolot lmpill SUNS.$ETl29tFOllD 'ill CHEVY hl>P&lo. Xha k" rodlo a ""'*· 1mm.. JOHNSON & SON Do O>unb'y -, iSetall Aak-for Mr. ColJey Super Sport <:onvtrtible • cond, orig mile• 29,0kl. culatt. (UDP.:?«!), Lincoln.\{~ Ul3 DGE Dart. tdidf ~ air. $1100 or C:ADfLLAC .. ___ ..,.. ___ _
, 1"6 C•dlll11c _I~ I l : ' Ll ~ l I
_i\111;1Llt I~,
VS. automatic, radio, beater, $440 Garct~ Grove.Blvd. Very reuon. 5404'13l $2295 MQ..Jm thlft.. good ~' ·Ult ...... ~
JIOWq' steerlpi&. Lie # Tnt. Wesbnlru;ltt 6*4010 2626 Harbor ai.vd., 0( cood. No tr.de, • 5 9 5 • for &oOod 1'.C.
al. •i-•iii CHEVROLET ea.-. 41 CHRTSLEI ATLAS II ml. So. or San Diego""'· 1 ·113-;.:.;..•..;.m.;.... ____ .~..,,.GT, ..,.
• • • ' •
' •
" • • '
rartory air C\lfldllioned, luff>.
Inf.tic, radio. heater, tuU
power, Beautitul soft yellow
finish with l}lack lH.tl'll!:r in-
terior.. Ud W' SAX.-i. At
it's best for only
5440 Gard€"n Grove Blvd.
Westmjllsler 64&-4010
'6& El Oorldo $5195 F:uU power, factory a.ir, Lan.
dau top, automatic, n.dkl,
~ater:, teie. Wt wneel, ster-
eo. 4Mn:M. etc. wru 466
540-5635 '
2516 HM"°' Bl,_, CM
~~ mi. So. of San D. Fwy.
CO!,l!'J; pE VILLE
V8, autO., n(lfO, heater, pow-
er steering, po\\·er b~J.
power windows; factory air
cond., white wall tireR, vinyl
tofJ, tlnMd rta.ss. Ser. ~
l<X!() Garden Grove Blvd.
% Block W. of BrookhllJ"lt
'51 Cl6 Fachicy air tun
po\Ytt' U!tl. 516 15th St.,
Huntinfton Beacil.
• "'""' door, hardtop. On!! owntir I 1967 Mtrcury C.,.ar SUNIET FOllD .. , whh 1 ... u.n 20,000 '" CtlltYS~IR · . . . enu .. """'°'· va, ......... FALCON ~...::'clna~ i ~; 9 : M4Q Genlen Grove Blvd. ~mllea. Hu aukt P stffr. TOWN l COUNTRY artt_YSLER -PLYMOU'l'H tle, radio. beater, power J1nance help av.U . ....-~?.~· ,Ccut ffw7,;,At;!~'!wiA we.urunmr ~ • 1!1::.~ ~~ ~ ~ Sdtation !':"on, V8, autorna. ~ ~R BL~· ..... ~ ~ Lie # TZG-41$. IMMAC '81 nlcOa HT. Vlft11. ! ' ~ .,...,....,_.,. 1 · .. ..,..,...,,u ~ .....,, uo: e. ~..,o, ht•ttr, powitr """"''f'I' ~ _....,.,., ~ · 'to Riff. ..,_ BnJ:id
A•-MG Dealer · 61 Cl:IEY PU , ,... at llO )V. Warliu, San-l!ffrina • blUn. llA8iQ• Open ~· 'Ill 10 p,m. SUNSET FORD .,!;.. .,1.::-.i,.. :;'. '6' Ford P•ltl-
'67 C11dillac $d9S ~ To.Q,k, n.!mflttr:eeU!de. va. ta~A.na er call ~I• ~ -r(WaOc k:.u, air condition.in&. 1iifri OIRYSl,.ER »> 4 door 5440 Gard G Blvd. n.My. Pry srb'· ~ 2 Doo TM.~V8 ._ Coupe ~ Ville, lull pow-?r, .-~ • s, m~ CQS. tor Dab. Must saI uu8 Vwvl Ha?d top au t 0 mat1 c . . en fOVf _ r • , th•;.
lncludin& fadory air ~ tOrn f~~ures. M;h <"..ar dJr, weeke..S roe $1150. or best $3395. ~km. Factory li.ir' Wtsbnuater 646-4010 mM~. Phooti 84U02l]tr:
tlon..,., beaull!ul leathu in. =.4C. Pb. 646-&10:I or o!lff. DL!t. ATLAS <Ondltbnlna:. -~• at..,.. '69 Coug•r XR7 $3580 FORD ' "'' FORD w...,., 1iiilf
terio1'. t...ndau. top, tilt , · tng. Power bra.lttt, Radio, Power 1teerillg1 power brak· flQUpd w/&Jr, P~-~
w.,..I, ,,....., AN/FM rad"' 62 •Dr. Che'> ltn]l&)a. Pl• '66 Mlllbu "396" hoat'1'. S1>119 !'tJ!) 141) •• fadol'y ilr, ••IOll>atlo '68 Foo! ltanchtr<>, 6 .,yt, !;;"'.;_ !.'.:8"" l!i'~•·
automatie transmission, etc. P/b. RadLal tifta. Xlnt YeDcrw •1th black bucktl CHR~si::RBO:L:L~~ $2,~ l9il Har1>or 6t2-0tl3 mz.., radio; heater, etc. xlnt corid, R/H. "2!50. .,_.,,.,, .,._ j:
a beautiful car, V,OL lfO cond. $650 ~2654 &rats_ V8, power steering, COSTA MESA 546-l9l4 Dir. ' VPI' 828 8.U-1f57 aft 6 pm. ~ '58 FORI> wagod, Jl!ftds
JOHNSON & SON '64 CHEV. lmi>8la 2 d•. """ rad~. hoaie•, Now c.,. dlr. ,65 CHRYSLER JOHNSON & SON '61 FALOON Sta. Wan. 1'51 ...,.._.,, --~·
Llna:lJn.Mercuty R&H, Xlnt cond. $700. PH: TPC728 -Pb, 6*-9300 -Uricoln.Mercury 'l'rtnton ~. H.B. 962..3Ta3 $75. ~·1:~UD "
545635 ......., · 540-i>l67. N!WPQfT COMIT 540-NB '60 FOIO Sac to;<
26'J6 Harbor Blvd •. CM '69 El Camino, 6600 miles, '59 CHEVY SbL Waton, V-8, automatic,. rad~, he~t.-'626 HarbOr mvd., CM tlARDTOP $80. 64UJ947 '68 i'RL SQ sta Wai. PVt.
"'·-$2900. Low Book .,.,.,.,5. e· ~ 61-hi.. er, power stt!tnng, unmacu. '65 Ct.mtt $149$ '1' ml So of ci:.-;, "'--., P. n. • .g , ,.,....., ~ % mi. So. o1 San Diego ,, "'T• CalJ aft 5. f~ =n. ~~;;;;;: $4°'~ late! (YAU 8691 .tot WJi011,11lillOmatlc trana, • . __ ._, ........ ., rwy, PIANNING lo ~7 Yoa'D '1400. ~-:-tr:-
'61 CAD. Conwrtible, full CHEV. ,57 "&-• Air ·~. MT.JD78 $1111 radio: htatl"J'~ etc. JUN 583 t.Your Adlnour""aifledat ,.._ ·-·-'-'--63 ,..,~ '°""'· laol air, •le""" """ -~~ ATLAS JOHNSON & SON ~~ """""'"" -.. -...,.... --of ~N. l'Orlect rtM paint Xlnt mech. cond. Auto., $300 or bllst Offer. '55 Chev 2 dr. Jteblt & bored. tt. l>W.-boftwt in toda)''1 Oa1111tw dr, attl&. AU utru.
,.._..;: __ __,_ __ , • al 646-4750 26i T-10. 4 9Jl & new 421 lin~p.Metc\lr;Y , . ' ~ AAk. a.ck ttJma now. OWQtr, lo nil. .am.· ~ """"'..,"C I person , J46.56JS -; I , t · · !I c.ar. 5 t 0-910 0 1'Dlck '63 No\18. 11 Wtll')n ~tit clutch $400 or 1*st Of· CHRYSLER -PLYMoUnl -u_,....__ ........ M.. Ulild &irt 9900' lHid~Ci~ 9900 :u.:_ ... ,,._... '. -•
Norman" 6.eyl, auto. P/S. ler. &U--2741 -2929 fiARBoR BLVD ~• n&f"VUl o.i.u., '-"' .;;·;;-;;;;;;;;:;==:-=====·====~~~'.!-~!~~~--_:-~:!!
'64 CADILLAt.: Sedan de good conCI. {1)827-4032 '65 Chevy Imp&la 2 Dr. Good COSTA M!:SA 546-i.saf ~ mi. Sil, ef San QiUG "hrf .
Ville, loaded, beauUJul. !i-IUlt '64 IMPALA, 4 dr, oew titts, cond. Auto, V..S, $1200. l9&8 cim.YSLER New '66 COM.ET CaJiente. 2 door
seU.$1250.963-7466 battery, mufiler, $750 , 675-6578 Yorker 4 doorhardtop,tac-Hanltop-.V8,a u t om atlc
642-4936 '68 MALIBU 2 d6or coupe tory air. full powu. Loaded =-~~=· .=
'64·otEV s.cyt, auto, R&J:I, $J050 . .Must sacl'ilice! with e,.1ras. UTT-041 $36115. Bl ·d .. ~··"Dir
CLEAN! tTOO. "2-1122. 963-3217 aft. 5 pm 100. Harbor Blvd. Colli\a \; • ...,,~ ·
'67 C•maro SS 350 *83&-'552* 53 cffEvy "'<tr. auto. R/11 Mesa 6U-Ol13 Dir. --*"61 coMi.f. 4 Dr. JVif.
Air, loaded, low Priced ttUs '65 IMPALA, air, full $125. call Chris 96Z-5757, 1965 CROWN lmperial 4 dr Runs. '100. Call 5'M73l aft week! 100% Warranty. poYlet', new tlrt!s. loaded. .,.,,Btrw" Slfrboard ~-hardtop. Thi• beauty hu1.5-'-•·~m_. _____ _
KUSTOM MOTORS •S4J.L\34• 'M· lMJ>lLA SS V-8, • spd overylltlng. u~ NGK :11!61--------
845 B•ku St., Costa "\,. 57 CHEV, 6 cyl U. ~ !Wt, $600. 49<-8975 or $189;, 00 Hubor Blvd. CON11NENTAL
5'10.5915 . conditon. $:A). 982-8518 673-206S Pvt. party. OJ. 64M4l3 Dir.
N::ow-~c.ii .. iiiiiiiii!im.iiii9ii800iiiiiNii ... iiiiiicii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9ii800iiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiC.~r~· iiii!iiiiiiii~-~.N~-iiii~C~·~'"iiiiiiiiiiiiii9~800iiiiiiNiiowiiiiiic.~ .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9ii1iijj00 ~ •• c~::•t:! ~!'.!.. .... hrter.. Ltndau top, auto
trans. radio, btattr,. fUll
,pov.ru, tilt wheel, etc. zuc
Every New 1969 in our stoc:k reduced to c:lear immediately
' FuRy equipped , even h11 VS, power
J!eering and tinted gl•u. Numb•r
433279ZI 1254'1
Cutl1u Coupe. Auto. l1n1 200. Auto. tr;1iu.,
lr1nt., f.1ctory 1lr cond., r1dio, h11f1r. lmrn1c11·
f11ll pow1r,. R1dio, h11f· l1t1. SVF 251
1r. WUK 711. 52595 · $2695 -
F1ctory 1ir con..,, Ctn· Cyclo111 C.11p1. ,A.uto. lorn tqi1dpp.d. full trt111., ftcfory •ir cond. pwr. ZLIC 275. TQH2fl4. $3195 $1695
Wildt t f C111to"' Cpe. S11p•r Sport Cp1, 111to.
tr1111, P"'' 1t•er, •edio. F1cl. 1it co.,d., •1110.
h .. t,r. ROA557. tr1111, l'.S. UUV054
$1295 $2595
'65 'I• TON '67 OATSUN
~ pltk·up. ld11f for Rl 411. 4 1p•1d, redio,
ctmf*'. R61 5JJ h•·•··· TZJ 294.
$1395 t1295
Coro111t 400 4-dr. fief. 2 Dr. H.T. fi e 1ir, 111to
1ir cc111d., 111!0 f11nt .. tT1n1, pow1r tl11rin9,
P.S., RIH. VGl,79 WJM llt
$2395 $2495
'66 T·BIRD '66 CAPR)CE
F1clory 1ir co11d. full 2 Or h1rdtop, 1ir cond.
powtr, OSF 893. •1110 fra111, pwr '*'''· rtdio, ht•f•r. SIMJ7 I
$1195 $1795
4 Door H.T. Fttfory t it llo11l'l••illt. 4 door h1rd-
c.011d~ euto. tr1111., po•· lop, F A CTORY AIR
tr '~"'· RI H. SVFSZ7 COHO., r.s ....... WXG
$1695 '" $2995
t.. S1IH•. F1ct 1ir u 11. '6' T·BIRD
power t1ttr I breke1. Fttfor'f 1ir tot'ld. F111l
IHYM 4111 . pow1r. SLV4fl
$995 $2395
'&5 OLDS WAGON '66 vw
f·l5, 11110. h111t ., pow. 4 1p1ed, r1dio, h11!1r.
I f •••••• PI H 7)7. TRHJ70,
$1495 $1295
'67 MERCURY '65 MONZA Mo11 .. r•v 1 door hArd· Hardtop. A11to. tr111t., top. A11to. ff11>1, power im111 t t11ltft co11ditio11, 1lttr, R&H. UON.·704. (TXJ 116) $1795 $995
'65 ELECTRA '69 ELl!CTRA Ht rdtep '"" c.011, •• C1uto111 to11p1. Fectorv power. FACTORY Alll
air to11d. Fullv pow1r
1~11ipp1d. YrT 44'
$1895 $5195
We9011 Co1111try Squire. Avto, tr1111., 1ir co11d., Auto lr1n1, eir coM. r1dio, fieefer. UCl •06 IHF 116
$1695 $695
Complete S.lu 1nd
Service O.p1rtm1nt
Open Mon. thru Fri • 8 a.m. ta· 9 P·Jll· -Sat. I a .m. to 6 f 'm. -S11n. 10 a.m, to 'p.m.
_ 'J626 HarboP "Blvd., CM
% ml. Se. of S.n DWto Fwy.
'6& CanliMfll•I $4995
hctory alr, leatbu \llter1or,
landau top, ailtomatlc tr&nl,
radio, hea~r. full power, etc.
WES 178
2626 Harbor Blvd., CM
% ml So. of ~ Diego ""7.
'62 Contlnont1I $195
Moor, Nil power, tacwey
air, leather interior, auto-
inatlc trans, radio, heater,
etc. KEP 233, JO~NSON & SON .
2626 HarbOr Bl\td., CM
K ml. So. of San DitJo l'wy.
'64 c..,11nont11 $Im
ConverH~, fUU power, fao-
tory air, leather interior, ra.
dio, hea~. ~ulomitlc tm1a,
etc. OMI' 067 ..
26!6 Harbor Blvd., CM
% ml. So. of San Diego l'wf.
'67 Contlnont1I $31i5 '
C:OnWrtible, full power, rec-
tory air, leather interior,
Landau top, automatic. trans,
AM/FM radio, tilt whet.I.
llOG 181
Lincoln-Mercury --2626 Harbor Blvd •• CM
~ nu. So. of San Die&o ~·
'66 Cantlntnt1I $1195
4-door, full power, factory
air. leathel' interior, auto-
matic trans. radio, beattt,
j'Q'lfN!oN & SON
2626 Harbor Blvd .. CM
% m1. So, oJ San Diego Fwy.
'63 UNC. Continental, fully
eqp'd, "1.nt COhd. DU Urea,
wht w/"'1 llphol. SWO.
Eves I;. wknda: 982-9SW.
MUST 1tU '64 Cad Coupe or
'66 Conlint!ntaJ. &th load-
ed &: Jdnt cond. 5*-?828
'61 LINCOLN C0ttttnenl&l, all
Utras! . ..........
'64 CORV AIR Mena Xlnt
cond. $Ci.
'64 C9rffJr Monaa Coupe. Orlsfnal owner. E:xctlltnt
condition. ~
•ii OOl'Valt Mora.a. lib ntw,
'M Co,...tto Stint R•y
llatdtop °"'"' • .... ta· •dlo, btatw. ITXZ tf4).
AL RO.IRTS 1tdO Garden Grove BJV'd.
¥ Btock W. of •-$)M8GtJ
'ff mitCUJ(V ()oqpr lldtp.
Auto. P ltffr ... !Jr. NkM
local low mil..,. car. Ml<.
•ll tbil Mtkt.nd Cllook No.
't'l74Ml ol\ly $219$. Jim
Slemoni M~s Dem, 1lO W. warntr, Ba nt1
Ania, M9--0:14
High heat and low salts has prompted tht boss to
put o~ a. real money • makl119 sale -the kind you
can save ltlg on. Come In ,tOclay.
'68 Chev. lnipcilG
Co11po. v.1, •11t•. tr•"•., f•ctory 1ir
c0Rclitionll151. power lllttirtt, 11Gio,
keet•r. WAJ. •21. ·
$2095 TOTAL .. ICI· + fax. IJ~
'65 Chtvelle
C.n"1rtiDI•. A11fo. *'"'"'" ,, • ., st•et•,.
in9, redi•, h1et1r. SZH n t. ~
$I 095 TOTAL .. ICi + Tax a: Lie.
'6 7 Toyota Corona
4 Door. A11tO. tr•11t., r1Gio, hett•r.
YYU 512.
$1295 TOTAL PllCI + Tax a: I.Jc.
'65 Rambler 770
St1tio11 w190R. A11to. tr1111., r1dio,
hetttr. OYU 433.
+Tu A Uc.
'66· Cadillac
Co11¥trtlbl•. Au to. frt111., f•cfol'f 1ir
conclititniflf, p•w•r 1lt1rlt1f, r•dio,
h11t1r. ,MM 06 1.
$2595 TOTAL PRtCI + Tax a: Uc.
'65 T0 8lrcl
Coup•. Auto. !t111s., l•ctory tir con•
ditioni•f, r•cilo, he o1t1r, IXP 961.
$1195 TOTAL PllCI + Tu I: Uc.
'67 Chev.
$1495 TOTAL PRICI + Tax &: Uc.
'61 Corvoir
Coupe. A11to. tr1n1., r1dio, ho1tor.
$' 95 TOTAL PRICI + Tax 4 Ltc.
'67 Chev. Impala
s~ Oo11p•. 'ti, •1110. tr'"'"' pow•r
JM1ri111, todio, h1ot.r. THH 515.
+,Tu A: Uc.
'64 Chev. 111 Air
Stotiolll w..-.1V: ••fl!. h 1R1., pow.
tr 1toel'fflt. t~ taftr. ll:ll:Y 990. . . . ' $995 /~OTAL PRl~I
'67 Mtista119
F•ti .. 1elr: 2+2. v.1, fechlry 1lr •on·
dllionllllf, r•cflo. heifer. TI Y '449.
.+ :ru f' Uo.
'65 Pontiac Graner Prix
Herdtop C•11p1. v.1, ollM • ..,,,,.,., f,,.
tOry .;, c:o11dltienll!Jl"Po-t' 1to1ri119
rtdio, heet.r. '
$ f39S-TOTAl..PRIGI ~ + Tax 6: Uc.
'65 Plymouth
l1rtOt11d • COUPf. 'V·•, •ufo, tro1 ... ,
radio, lrt11tor. NMP 111.
$995 TOTAt .. ltl
. +Tu l:Uc.
'62 T·lird
CoR¥1rtibl1. Awl•. fr•R•~ power 1feor·
lflf, ttdio, ho1f1r. SJl. tot.
$295 TOTAL PllCI + Tax I: Uc.
'64 El Camino
Custern. A11lt. tft lllt., r1dio, he1f1r.
N76t OS.
$995 TOTAL PllCI
+Tax A Uc.
'U Ford
&ole11.i• 500 H.T. Coupt. v.,, •1110•
ll'lttlc, r1tllo. SIN 114.
$895 TOTAL PllCI
+ Tu a Uc.
2128 KAHOR
MUA 546-1203
• • l ,,
' v
• -! • '
• '
. -.
Wl.Y Pn.OT
_..,~ •r "' ,..,...-c,,...'·~• •
~ .. .. OYER ACTU~L • • , . '
1969 COUGAR Model '1
Mid Miit mettt!lc. A11tomlll\c, w-.... llll, -· -'ttr• IJftlO;tl, t ir cond, rM;,,, llflt tltU. t1C,
I SW. •J.llat 1foc11: f'9t.
~.A!! ... s5154s
Mid. 1>11>9. 8111d;9' -tt. wltitll vinyl '11C!f, 1tl11CI
lhtl!, "''' -1i.. -I&. Poww ,...,., ltrt!tes, AM
rtdla, lint 11&u. ""'"! CIWfrl.
w!~Y.! $450°5
1"t MllCURY
l •ao:' -wl!I! tit' cniHr-. •llllful ...,.."' O<t ... WINI Jll 2V \'I. ·~ niel, Mild lllllfl, ... , ... 11 •• ,.,..... !Ibo: ............ ~ .... & ......
-~ ..,, #"'2P ·22•1
1969 COUGAR Model 91
Llgl'll ·~¥ ,..11DW. A111otMl1c ''"'· W·Wllll, c .... wi. POW ... )lt&tlllg, br••l. •Ir '°"'d· AM_ ,,,lo r In I
t l<lu. ...-it "'1"'°'. Sir. '*°" 511Xlt #Ull.
.. ~;4!~ ... 5517 00
NOW J619.ff
Cyc looK $pOlltr II ~ whft llOt ,w>Klll lllilU•-1
A .,e<iol ,..n.11&11 tllow1 • • H11 Ill lfUI UV· Int• • )11111. s.r. ,. •. ~ .~ •• ~
SAVE $661 00
WAS Jf.41 ."
l rW ~tw Wllll •Ir c-llkM.t, Nl.tll""F PIO! HI~ Wh1'9. _..,. M rt VI, llltc1 sn1f1, lltf" doK
tttka .... 1i-1nt. Ult ,..,., tu. ,in.; ••"-• ......, "°--. s.1. , onu.
SAVE 57.4000
WAS 4144.N
1'69 COUGAR Model 91
ll fqllt, 11!91:/ tl'l!tf, W·Wll!I, po-''"'• bttkft. •Ir cDnll, <tdlo, d.CCW ''°"'°· tlfll ,i. .. , 111'1~ (DV· 1n. St<. t512t61 S1ock r-eu.
..~~ !~ ... s5239'
NOW J'41.M
151 VI. ~eltcl 1hlfl, w/1 ••!!1, pow1r ,,..,., brtktt.
tli'" Cood. liffl t l•t1, rtmote ...irror. Flnllll'l!ld 111
""111•· rw1u 11DC1< iu1
WAS 3126.10
NOW 3JS0.11
Flnt TllM lwer st lawinp.Llke Thltl
4 ooo• HARDTOP 1~ ltlllol wlllr•. ~lldl: v'1!rl 'Poot, ~ "'111. •I•
Wi lli, !Will comfort -It. &lltf, llflk• & l lf,
ritilU 11DU, WI
NOW 4450.0I
WAS 5111.11
1 .., Hlnf, wllllt rOOf. 'Stltc! sllill, WlWlfb, ~onso!t
POWlr "'"'' bttkt=., tlr c-., AM •tlllD, tifl! ...... hr, tJ1'06ll Stvdl l-Mi60.
SAVE $58694 WAS 4511.40
NOW 3924.4, .
'"uhM l!llC. 11m•. l51 Vt. HIKT Slllft, WI ... 11 ..
........... 111.-. ... •Ir CMll. ""' •tc: .. '"" fl.IU,, •-" mlrr.-. ,~ 11oQI ~1.)9
SA VE . s49·'379
NOW J461 .0I
Fln•i.11 N Ito n'lfroon wilto '11 \It, 1e111e1 1n111, 11111.
ctrrior. lnt 'NI, br1kn, '''''' tlr cG!ld. Uni ti•~~ t nd H.O. ),_,_Ion. rstJI'»
WAS UZl.70
NOW 45'6.77
.. ~~ !~ ... 5685 48
N9W 1711.JJ
01r1' IYY ,,_ wl!fl sn VI, w _,~ ,,,_ window.
J:'d W I, ~ 1W, ....... t ir ...W. Mil rNi.
11111 11au • ..010n •IDCk J160
w~s~!.~e s5451s
NOW 3736.45
~ l•tl'IO~lt ... & ......,. •1111 ..-..YllllrW ~
!di •nM~ )nf -1, IWll .,... ....
WAS llJl.40
ti.OW 4719.41
•ffu:it ltod! 225'
' .
' •
NEW CAR$ JohnS0.0ii son USED CARS ... •
540-5630 540-5635
I ' I 1 Mile South of the 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA San Diego Freeway
F .. rted Autos 96001mported Autos 9'001mporttd Autos '600 Used C1rs 99:00 Used Cars 9900 U!9d C1rs 9900 Used6r1 9900 U~ed Cars 9900 Used C11·1 990C !
Here'" how you save •t Chick Iverson: (I) h•tter
cari, 12 1 better ielection, ( 3 I bett•r pric•s, f 4)
better fin•ncinq, 151 better service •nd (6) quer·
anteed s1tisfaction.
lt'1 #it r.t' th1t won't '1iv1 you 1nythin9 fo worr, 1bovf. W1 mike 111•• ol th1t, I
W1 t lv1 It th1 VW l•·poiRt> ••f1ty t rtd p1 rlormtnc1 111!. It h11 lo p1u. So wt
!iv t it our 100% 9u1r1nl•1 lh 1I w1'll •llol1c1 1!1 m•jor t'n•~h1ni•t l p1rt1• for lD
"•v• •r 1000 mil11, whi~h1ver 'omt1 f:,.1. l1n'f th1! whit 1 new ,,,.own•• n1•d17
A but th1t won't drive you 11uh.
''5 vw
'rtllow wifh bl.ck inltrior.
W1 0~1•h tul1d thi1 en9:n1
~ our 1hop. L;c. RYU 507.
''6 vw
G oldin 9•1•n fo11l1h -1
lt•111liful color. lt'1 •ttlly
4iff••tnl! R1di1 I-h1tl1r, 0 lHX 9ll.
·u vw
:C.m111l1f1 <t "'P•• incl ud-
.i119 c191n1 •'"' lu99tf1 :11c~. Cn9int ov1rh1ul1d
..... U1. SQF 101. . $2399
. •
'61 vw
Rtd with bite~ :"t••jor.
Sliow1 1~ctll1nl c1r1. So
nic l on tht rotd, R•dio
& h11l tr. l'IY 161.
'66 GHIA
Yt tlo• with bit e~ inl11iot.
Economic1I 1umm1r fuR
ct •. ll t dio I httl•t. VTU
'61 vw
A.ulom •lic Ilic\ 1hift, Rt ·
dio, h1tl1r, Ebo"y with
c1nlt11tin9 :ni1rior, Low
mil1•91. XEW 6 I J.
''6 vw
R1dio tnd httlt•. Oo"'t
mi11 lh•1 on t. SI S ISS.
A.b1o lut1ly like nt w.
0Yhltndi"9• ori9in1I fin1
dtlYin9 ttr. F!Y1 1p11d
•r1n1mi11ion I FM r1dit ,
Rid with ~lie~ inltrior.
Thi1 CI T h11 b,1n ch•c~td
v1rv c1r1full 1 by u1. Lie.
445 East Coast Highway
'67 Ford $2295
:?-door hard!op. power steer·
Ing, pol\·er brakt's. !itctory
air, Landau top, automatic
tr&.ns, radio. heater. etc. vuz 837
Llnl'Oi!l· \lrt'\·ury
~'b'26 H!t.l·l>or 81\·d., C~l
lj nil. So. of San Dit';fO F1vy.
V~. 1\11tomatic, Radio, lleat.
<'I'. (\\o'Xf 1!'111.
COSTA MESA a-'6-1934
'65 Ford $1295
jlX) ha.i"Cltop l.'OUPf, po\\·er
stee1•ing. aulornatic lraru,
radio, hcalC'1', etc. RDV 745
2b"!6 Harbor Bl\ld., C711
\il mi. So. or San Dlc!go l'\vy,
1967 Ford Ranchero XL
VS. ·I s!)4?{!d, radio, healer,
po1\ er steering. Lie # TYX.
S.l.KI Ga"rden Grove Blvd.
\Vesllninstcr IH640IO
'66 Ford $1895
Gala.,.ie 500, 2 door hitrdtop,
po\1·cr s1eering, powrr bn1k-
es. I11ctory au·, radio, heal-
er. aulonn1lic Iran!':. etc
sv~· ~'.!
2tr'6 llill'001· lill'll., C.\I
'~ m1. So. of San D1('go t\1)'
'66 t'ORD V-8 Country
Squu't St. \\'agou, Auto. p
slct1·. Air, in n1cr L'Ondilion
tVJZ 32lJ n1ust ~It this
11·cckcnd only $ 1 :; II j .
Jim Slemons 1\lcr(•ede11 Bt'nz,
120 \V. \\'aJTICr, SanlH Ana.
Auto. dh.', V .S. po1~er slecr·
ing_ Real Oean! ! FNY 782
LB, $699. \YUi take olrler
car ln tiactc. Call BUI 494.9773
or 5-1~ .
'68 TORINO GT, l·IT, bl&
V-8. 4 1pd, dlr. take older
car. Blue Bk ~. \\'ill
take $180o or I~. \VIII fine
ptvt prl,y. \V IL &77LB
call Phil 545-063.1,
196:i •""ORO C.ountry Sedlltl
\\'1gon. VS, aut0tnAl1C trans.
power 11tl!4'1·1ni,:. r a d i o ,
heater. ''PS 744. $1295. 1941
ltai'bor 81\'d. &12--0413 Dir.
·~ FORD FiilL'On, na''Y blue,
ronvt, Sprint V~. ·I l!pd, gd.
cond. STil.:i orrrr. 19-1-6ti9 ,.
steer. Air, Buckets. Beautiful 2929 HARBOR BLVD.
1969 Imperial LeB•ron dark metallic i:i-cen \11th COSTA Mf;SA 546·1!!34
4.DQOR HARDTOP black vln) I. R.cduL'C'd thii; ·r.· T 1 I II 'd tlO V.,,. auto .. rror ::&Cal k _, nl 1169-J ~ orona<o. u Y C'l:!fl • wee e,,... to 0 dy · .... ~. 1m20
1 Good rondition. :\I UST s_Jl('al."'t'r radio. ht'all!'I', pow· S!cn1ons i\lcn.-e es ...,,nz. SELL o·'" 91.,-
t'r stccring. power disc brak. \V. \\'arner. Santa Al'lil, · ...,.,. '"'1
{'S, factory air t'Onditionin;, J-15-411~ '61 PLYltlOUTI-l. :! dr hnHop.
1~hite wall !ires, vinyl lop, •67 1\ruST \NG f'ASTBACK aut~. p/s, 1n<'t'h. wund.
tinted gllUl.S, remote niuTUr, : '.. ' !\ ,,..1 SITJ. 67.i-0609
c:omcring ll&hts wheel cov· P/S, disc brakes, A11-~ .. ·loc.===""'"""°..,_--= et~. \\'8.l'fling nr;iit sys., pow. fact air, auto tram. $?..'00. PLYMO.UTH Roadrunner ~-
er irplll seals. power door 962-7317 8-100 n11. Per'.e'.:t co"?. SZ150
locks, elecll'ic ant.. Serial ----or Best offer. :NG-24;15
YM43·K9C100l8:! -Slock No, OLDSMOBILE
IOCdO Gardt'n Grol'e Bl\'d.
1J Block \V. or Bi:wkhurs1
3J7. 7F-OO
HOLIDAY CPE . '67 PONTIAC v.s. auto. trvns .• po1\·er sl~r· LE MANS
ing, rad i~ he11t<'r. PCS IJ3. ,._. 1.8 I I ........ pe, . ilU oma 1r, pow.
S11N er sll't!ring. powC'r bri\kes. ATLAS •UJEJS9I $1895 ATLAS 68 JAVELIN A/C. P IS CJJP.YSLE:R -PL\'i\lOUTll
Oisc/bl'kS . .Sterro 1•tf)C :;-13 29"19 llA~BOR BL~~· ..
cu in. Xlnl cod .. t!~OO or ol· COSTA r.1ESA .i41i-J!PI CHRYSLER -PLYi\tOUTH
ff'\' !'>-IS-12•11 •LL Old ( ti 4-0 '21wMJ HARBOft-..llLVD. -s u ass r. CO::."TA i\IESA '"").1&-19;}4
'b1 LINCOL.~ Convt>rliblc
Low n1llt'1. Xlnl t'Ond. 13200.
612-1107 a.ltt'r '5
\'-8. auto., radio. hC'ater. po11·-1----------
er slt>Cl'ing. powt-r brakl?!'i. '64 Pontiac $1095
fae.1. air L'Ond .. l\hjt(' 1\1111 .t Dr. 11.T. Bonnir )ilvrr
111'<'5 llntcd ,1ass. License B.tue metallic, factory air,
No. UEV 70•t "'ttri.ni;, braloics, etc. HTL-
$1395 867.
l..1111 •ol11.~l r1'(:ury
100$0 t.;a1llen Gt'\)Vr Blvd,
1 ~ Block \\'. of 6100:..hutl>t
'61 Mercury $3895 26:!6 llarbor Blvd., Ci\I
REAL Sharp '66 0 I d ·~ mi. So. of Sari Di.':::o ~·uy, Oilouy Pal'k slation \\'ai;on CUtla.ss. Hol. C011pc. Gold ...,---------"
19 fla!'S<'~rl, po111er Sll!(>r. \l'ilh blk. Landau lop, lo '65 PONTI.AC GTO ~ speed
•n,t:. power brakes, strreo mlg. nu 11·ht/wall tire:i &,, ri1ag whecli, & 111dr ovitls
lape. !aclory air. aulon1a1ic brk.~. R/H. i·uslom blk Uht' low mileage'. l::'l:t'('ptmna!
trttns, radio, h<'Hler, etc. int a: bucet 11eats. Console cond.H10t1 1PGA 74:;1 Ji-::.'fl\ '""' "' """ "''ilh lach. PIS. P/8. P/\V. Slemot1s ~1rrcedt's B<!ll7., 120 JOHNSON & SON fact air. i\lui;t ~ to \V, \liarner. Santa Ana,
J.,.u)('()ln-i\f~t\'UI)' belle~? Privalc P'cU"!!" Best ~114
540-5635 oUer. 962-2860 I ''64~°"G°"T0,,,-°'389"'"'"~.,;-.po-,-,.-.~d.
~~":!b lhtrbor Blvd., C:.\J 65 OLDS DynanHt: SS. VS I dr !ires, 1K.ls paint. beaul.
1 ~ nu. So. of Sl1n Dlciw F'lvy. Hardtop. P /S. fai:I. Air. n1ech concl, n1akc otr.
'117 ?.lcrc Col. Pk. 1\'an. 10 Auto. lraruJ. Ch·an in & 613-~
pass, ate. rack. P /S, PIB, OUT. New \\'/w titts. ~lus1 lc,6';;,->~·IR=E~B~l~RD"'"°.-400=.,ri~h-,-,~ir,
P/\\'. p11T. seats, lipd. 1..'0nt. Sell. 64:!...j()39 11! 8:30 fact \1'8.JT, Pr1v ... pa, •Y·
auto door kick. Ar..t/F~I. "61 OLDS CUtlau v.s., R/11 As.1.1me bal SJtr;,. S'42..:£t&
much niote. $26.'.iO. 830-6448 whl side 1valls, Pis. Pl~ 846--02T.!
$300, &flh1604 1,,,-7-0""'""',......,-,~~ =-==-=~-~~-= '66 VENTURA. 1\h hd tp :! 66 ctrn.ASS Suptt 2 Dr. HT dr. pwr, fact air, low mil. MUSTANG
----------1 AM·F~1 tape deck. 4 111pkn, Hkc llC'W, ~lws1 i;cll. Best Of·
MUST Sell~ '67 ~lustana: Qe11· tires 6-12-5(1.16 fl'r. Pvt pt/. ~9'Jo.l639,
Fastback 390 cc. Pwr S.1 :~7"""7., =.~. -o-~~--1,,,.;;:::;;:'-:--.,e:;"'=:,,=auto trami:. R&J I. Xlnt concl 61) Olds 98 .t dr Han:11op ·ss Pontiac. Xlnt condition.
S2300. 646-~ aft 6 Full power. Air. Ne\\-' bl'&.kt!s, 00.tteries, carb.
·~ Con M2-Ja:z;i 646-7063 vt, sharp, only 10.000 1959 Olds &8 Pm I ml, p/1 & top $2495 Pr . ~r •11'1" '61 GTO Tully cqp'd. Air
pl,y, 6f6-7301 ' • brb. R l If, gOOd con-<.'O nd. Pvt p&rty. PH:
-...,.,.===,..,,=--I dltion. $295. ~ 642-9!191 aftc.r 6 P.M. 06'i 'tlrusrANG GT ··==,...,..,,...,....,.,._,....,.--10~~~~.c..:.=--3 ,~. V-8, Xlnl 69 Olds, 2 dr, gold, fad "'l\J'o '69 PonUac Tempest convt.
cond.llton. n.oo. 6T>i1.W r., btautifUI! SlDI. Ask Jot P/r., dilic, air:. Priced to
Dale ~1fll3 ~ seU. 49-1-6893 1t1. 5 pm '67 lt1USTANG. Ail'-(..'Ond.
Call: 8*i-1of92
'69 MAC-I I, l~ milc.1,
11110 !rans, radio, red,
$.30ClO .. s t!).062)
••I!b""l PL'~IOU'J'H 2 Dr. RA?.ffiLER '62, 4 door, Auto,
V.,,, .. uto tr&AA. run. SroJ Rl:.H, new J)!llnt &-tires.
01• brii:I Otrrr. 545-2169 Prlmf' rond. SJJO. 673--0Sll. ,.
'67 T·Bird $2695
Full po"cr. !acto1y air, Lan.
<Wu top, automatic trans, ,.. ••
dio. healer. etc. 1T\V 018
540-5635 •
:!ti26 llarWr Blvd., C1'1 1t mi. So. o1 San Diego f'"'Y·
T·BIRD ----------1 · 68. T-Bin:I Landau \\.QD 5IO ..
"'hite iv/black interior &
black vinyl top. 77,000 flli!.e1:1
by original 011·ner with
cvery available c . .;triil mitde "
by Ford. Special t h I • ~
\\"Cekend for only .S.12:.0. Jim _:
~emons Merccdt'!s Benz, l3J •
\V. \Varner, ~ant a Ana,
'64 T-Bird conv., OCIV tires, 1962 T Bird. POl\'{'I' strg &:
b!'akes, exhaUil, bitttt'ry, b1·ks. Engine top cond! li1w;t
vaJ1•c_>i:, lifters. starter. ~1usl :see? S695. ~~
~ell before ~Tidey. Sacrllce ~ ,., "'°· 67>-ml VALIANT
~---------1 ' 1963 2 Dr. Auto b-ans, radio, ~ '55 T·BlRD. 2 TOPS. NE\V
PAINT. $1100.
642-1450 or 54.8-4326
air, s.100.
* 646-8897 *
Used C1rs 9900 Used Cart
. •.
lri our Bar9ain Corner we hevt numerous ..
used cars. Some clean, some not so clean.
Some that are dupl ications, some we 've
had too long -in any event these cars
are real b1r91ins. look 'em over.
'''AGON. 4·Dt. Stick. R&ll.
SVZ063. Needs & little palnl
and metal w0t·k.
'65 FORD
CUsto1n 4 dr. srdan. Auto ..
V8. i\lake a fine 1vork cer
·1 door sC'd11n. t"11rtory sir, pov.·er steering, po"·t'r bl'&kl!s, auton1atlc
trans., radio, heater # 1901A.
Full po11·ie-r, facto1y llir. auto·
mAtic tn.ns., AM/FM, heater, etc. RRY444.
ConvttUble Cpe. Fae. air t poWtr 'ttttrtng, auto., R .l 1-r
'''hlle with white top, low
n1iles. Had It too long!
USED CARS -540·5635
2626 H1rbor 80\llevartl, Coste Me&a
1 mil• South of Sin Diego Frttw1y.
• '
' •
!. • ,. .. __._____, •-,~~-"---.. --g ...... -·-.--~~-~-~~-----------·"-~---------------
--~----• -....-• --,-+ •• -··------· -----·-----· --• • ~--• -·· T •• •
Cordova top, turbo., stereo redio, PS., tllt wheel,
tinted 9less, power seet, r,ower windows, AIR ClON.
DITIONING, "llY II wh1es. 1276579P240133J
H.T. Cp1. Cordova top, turbo., Power steering, power
brakts, power windows, AIR CONDITIONING, tint ..
ed glass, foern cushion front seet, white walls, dual
exhaust. I 262379Cll6955)
'4 Dr. H.T. T11rbo., push button radio, deluxe s11t
belts, dual exhaust, power steering, power brekes,
tinted windshield, power windows, heed rests, AIR
CONDITIONING, power bench seet, white walh.
I 262399Cll3223 I
'67 RREBIRD H. O. $237.7 116 VI, 4 tpttd, powtr dterin9, 11dio tnd ht1!1r, whilt
t i.It will tir11, b1ir911ndy with ~l1Ck interior. IUJC 7711
'66 CHARGER $2177 YI, torqutflitt, powtr 1lt1tin9, rtdlo, h11ftr, whitt 1idt
will tlrtt, ll,'175 miltt. Li9ht blv1 wiltl dtrk bl111 iRttrior.
'66 FORD GALAXIE $1877 ~ 2"Door lt1rdtop. VI, 1vtol'l'J1fic, pow•' 1!1tri111, pow-
1r brekt1, r1di11, htthor, whilt 1id1 will tirtt, f1ctory t ir '
conditioning. ( RQL 919)
• '69 TOY OT A CORONA $177.7 Sed111. r1d.io, f111!1r.
4 1pt.d #lllOB. .
H.T. Cpe. Cordov• top, turbo., power entenne, pow-
er steering, power disc br•kes, power windows, AIR
CONDTIONING, cruise control,. tilt whl., white
w•lls, deluxe belts, etc.. l262379C\159081
-t Dr. H.T. Turbo., push l:iutton radio, deluxe wheel
discs, power steering, power brakes, tinted 9le1s,
heecl re1t1, AIR CONDITIONING, white well tires.
I 252l99Clll233 l
H.T. Cpe. turbo., push button radio, power steering,
power brakes, tinted glass, power windows, custom
bench seet, AIR CONDITIONING, heed i'ests, white
wall tires. 1252l79Cl091121
:~~. ~~.~!.: !!.!9.~ .. d .. d ....... "''• $2077
httltr, ctmptr fully tqr;rippH. IT4ll1ll
:6!,.~.9.~~~~.~~~ ... '1'"'"'· ndio,$25 77 h11l1 r, ftclory t ir. !TZG '601 .
'68 BUICK WILDCAT $34 77 1 Door li•rdtop. Hychtl'l'lttie, pow1• 1!11ring, power
br1k11. r1dio, hetttr. whilt 1ldt well tirt1, f1ctory t ir
coniditi oni~. IWAESlll
'66 VW BUG
$1477 Rtdio, hetltr, whilt 1idt wtll t ire1. 10,000 milti.
<SST 1041
H.T. Cpe. Turbo.,·push button redio, rear seat speak-
er, power steering, ~ower disc brakes, tinted 91111,
power window•, Al CONDITIONING, white well
foes. l252379Cll27191
4 Dr. H.T. Cordovi top, turbo., deb.ix• belts, power
steerir:J, power brek9s, power windows, AIR CON.
DITIO ING, heed re1t11 vogue tires, etc, (26~399Cf ..
04871 I -
-t Door H.T. Turbo., push button redio, power steer-
ing,Jcower brakes; power windows, he•d rests, AIR
CO DITIONING, white walls, tinted gless, etc.
I 256399CIOl322 I
:~,,~~dt~~~~m•ti< '""" '''"'"•· ndio. $1677 httltr, whitt w1llt. rTEY 64t I
$3677 116, Avlom1tic, pow1r 1 l1tri~, rtdio, li11!1r, ltnd111
top, cutlol'l'l him, copper colo r. IVHC 7891.
:~z.~,R!~~ .. ~~!~. '"'"·whit• w•"•·$2577
f1clory 1ir. !TX6 21')
:~?.h.~~!;'~EH~~.~~~ powoo '''"''•· ndlo, $1977
httler, whit1 w1lli, f1ctory t ir. IUOC 84ll
7:30 A.M. lo 6:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Bonneville 4 Door Hardtops
Catalina 4 Door-Hardtops
Le Mans Hardtop Coupes
Tempest Custom Wagons
Custom Hardtop Caupes
Le Mans Safari Wagon
Catalina Hardtop Coupes
Executive 6 Passenger Wa90ns
Bonneville 9 Pass. Wagon
Executive 4 Door Hardtops
Custom S 4 Door Hardtops
Executive 9 Passenger Wagons
GTOs Flreblrds
Catalina 6 Passenger Wagans
Executive Hardtop C"oupe .
Bonneville Hardtop Coupes
Grand Prlxs
Catalina 9 Passenger Wagons
• • '
IYI ~I -·--
! .. ,
I ' !
i ' !
t !
t '
. .
• •
• Se~ Orange County Since 19Z1
' '
1D '' GLEARANCE· ........ '·"-•
'V • • • • • • '
' ' * ~~vericks * Mustang$ * Falcons * Fairlanes
• • * fof'.ds * T ·Birds * English Ford's ''Cor:tina'' . ' . * Shelbys *Campers* Mot~r Homes * Vans . . * Trucks* Leasina * Rentals
A Theodo.,. Robins excluslYel Look for our dlagnoetlc ·C9J1ter Mii and
take the gueu-work out of buylnt 1 vM cir. T..._ An hive p1tMCI
130 vital tests for performance, nltablllty, incl 111fety.
Galm~ 500 .
2 DOOR HMDTOP tJ»ffl"2S)
LIST PRICl.$393:1.43
fOUNTIY lfUlll
f.100 Styleslde
va. Crulte., raiillla. , ...
Jtoa. etc.
tFO!Hldl76 i M61n•Ut \. F10Hlllt:S211J •
100°/o PART & LABO A
MILES OR 90 DAYS ' SAU $313%.10 Ll51 PRICll' $5036.31
l?ISCOUNT $1021.46
1.IST PRICE $3469.39
b1scou1.r $ '775.63
DISCOUNT $•749.10
LIST PRICE $3931.85
DISCOUNT $ 673.63
c.-. .11111 .-llolllnl ,.rft l1tehHll ... et1tlH , ~W.. *'" ~ .._. .... PLUS
~ .....,.,,.ad ...... •Jll"I. AN ..,.ir w.n: dw l•·Mf ... .mc. lll•••t.,.,. . . .
_'68 vw
lug. Autom1tlc, r1dio,
h11t1r. {WIC 40ll
2 Door h1tdfop, l90 YI,
FACTORY Al'-. ,,__
1t11ri119, po-r 4 i..c ~lr.s,
..i...,I r<1of. n-wide OY1l1,
21 ,000 ml\11, WXGISI.
Factory W1nt11ty Av1ll.
~/FM RldlD.
'67 Rambler 220
Am•rfc•it 7 Or. SMl•n. I
own•r, •<onot11'( 6. fVC L
'66 GMC
V•n. low 1t1il••9•. H••l1r,
1t•nd•.-.:I tr<1n1miu ion.
ITl07 I I I
'63 Falcon
Conv1rt. 6, 1ulom1fic, fl•
dio, h11t1r. IPLP 1171
'67 Chev,.,
Iii Air 4 Or. S..d. VI, ftc·
tOry 11r, PS., RIH, 11110 •
tVWV 120)
$1495 '
'62 Chevrolet
1/t "" pickup frvck. ' cyl.
l~er e119h1.. 1Jlt4111
D1lu•• w•9on, VI, •llfo,
FACTORY AIR, 11199 t•ck.
'65 Buick
Sptcltl Wit9011· YI, RlH,
111to., P.S., f PDD SJJ)
F•1tb•cl:. Cttoilto1t1•fic, pwr •*••r, pow•t lllli1c br•••1, <1 ppro11. 4.250 mil,.,, t<1dio
.&: he•t••· ZLHll).
Vf, pOW9t tfewiltfo e11tcJ•
lflotic. r•dfo, h••tot. YCM
'66 Fah1ane
500 co11"•tt. Aulom•lic,
r•dio, h1•t1r, P.S, ~f
110) \V .
'67 Cortina
4 Dr. SM. Redr., h••t•t.
a11tM11fic, (UJl 156)
GT 500. 471 Cobr• J.t, 4
1p••d, r•dio ,114 h••t•t,
111otltl' #410904. Stock
#IJSJ. 1910 mil••·
'-65 Ford f.250
• " foit piclup. VI, crub•·
m•tlc ftoen1111!11 Jo11.
! Rt9020)
l p1111n9•r 1!1tion w•t·
327 VI, •ul•m•tlc, po••r
1l••r, RIH. lutt•9• t•ck.
App. 26,DGO mi. VZW61t
'6B Continental
Coup•. Vill'f'I roof, full
pow•r, f•ctot'( •lr, •11 It•·
ther inl1riot. (VTM 7321
~~ $4014.92 •
COlllA I
~IST PRIC! $4316.85
DISCOUNT $ 650.10
PllCI $3666.75
LIST PRICE $5803.21
PllCI $2693.76
sro1n IOOf
LIST PRICE $3934.lt
DISCOUNT $674. 14
Pl IC I $3260.25
DISCOUNT $1207.98 LIST PRICE $6530.l3
$4595.23 DISCOUNT $1361.26
PRICI $5169.47
New F-HI trutll ..... lOW E 1-dorlldo ca.._. Compi.11 a. , ...
dy t9 ID.
LIST PRICE $5459,20
DISCOUNT $1303.02
::.-:. $4156.18 .
_. LIST PRICE $3276.05
~ ";, DISCOUNT $ 544.53 'O.,. ~
S.A. VINGSI "!. ~ \ r,~~,$2731.52
PRICE $3564.25
List $4109.32
Disc. $710.94
PRICf $3398.38
Shelby GT
350/5 • 500
S.t1.t Ulll'L~ ,_ Mltoll
Drlw • ~·N"' "'· ...... • "" ..... ·--..• ., ..... ·I',_ It_.,. tf*· 11 AM!I .. n. • ... , 1....:111 $NI,
LIST PRICE $3506.71
DISCOUNT $ 511.71
IAU $ ....... C rllCI V6.il
G.T. 500 CONV.
LIST PRICE $4983.42
DISCOUNT $1266.94
~.~. $3716.46
PRICE $3258.22
GAL. 500 l~Dr. H.T.
LIST ,PRICE $4270.47
DISCOUNT $791.49
PllCI $3478.98
LIST PRICE $5529.47
DISCOUNT $1154.21
' ~:-:. $4375.24
S'•ri•I 9K47Hl46705. VI •l!f., t•dio, H.D. 1u1p•11-
DISCOUNT $ 731.69
PllCI $2525
\'"' .......... "".·6·7·For--d·G·ala--xle-ti"'".6·7--C·h··vrolet .......... 66 .. B.ul.ck ....... 6.B·C·h·.·vro--let""'ll-1·4·.·TRA--·IL·E•R\ \~1:.' ... sA•Vl!llllN•G•S•! .... w.E·T·A,·L·OR•'lllli ....... 2.6 .. ' ..
'66 Volvo "'c. 11, "'\ TERMS TO
North••lf Coed. Sl••P• 6. C": 0 SAVINGS! YOUR BUDGE, T LOW MILEAGE
1225 4 Dr. s.e.n. 4 ''"'" 500 2 Dr. tt.T. VI, f1cto,., ll'llp•I• 4 Door h•rllltop. 2 Dr. H.T. Aohtrn•tic, P•-M•libu 2 Dr. H.T. VI, •vto· sto.,1, ice llo•, lllin•tte, 2 1-. "ii' \ti DEMONSTRATORS
•ir, P.S., RlH, <1 ulom1tic. Avtom•lic, r•lllio, h••l•r. 1t tl1•rint, r•llllo, h••tor. 111.1tic, l'.S., r1dio, h1•ter. bul•n• t111ki. l••llfiful ti' \ 11' • • e AT EVEN
fr•n1"'i11lon. IRREl21 l l TSRl~6) (UKU 1571 IRPMl60) IWIJ7JOI cond ition. FE7017, \('\\~ .. '.... GREATER
$1095 $ $ $ $1995 $995 · ?.._ ,. Financing thru 1795 1495 1495 <o ~ ~ Loc:al Bonk• SAVINGS! ~~~ ............ lfr ............ rl!!I .......................................................... , ~~
'6B FORD ·
Cu1to111. City of Coot•
M•1• 1••11 c.1r. Fully
m•i111•1 ~1d •t Th•o. R.ob-
. ln1. )90 VI , cr ui10, h•.1l•r.
P'.S., 1ppro•. 16,000 111il11.
"65 Ford Galaxle
SOD 2 Dr. H.T. VI , •ulo· "'•'i', ,,,,o,., ,;,, r.s ..
'61 Ford P.100
V. to• pickup truck, VI,
lof19 b.1111. fll17ftl
'68 Datsun 510 '69 Datsun 2000
5t•tio1' ••t•8. 4 1p1•d
lr•~•ml11ion. (VIV 151 1
R.01dd•r. n.. hot on•.
Like n•w, 5 1p1•d, '"~
w/b1,c:k cordo"' top.
IVCI( lltl
'62 Falcon
St1'tio1t ""t•n. &, euto1111·
tic, r•dio, h••l•r low ..,;1,. •t•• IGVK 716)
OVER 200
•17 _ f, 81/2 acres of the most moderl1 Ford ·sales and
f "111 service'facllities on the West Coast
~RW£~1D£~Yrheod ·o .re
Rob.ins · F.ord~l-NG
~ ~
-------f""ll"' Costa Mesa @ 642-0010