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1969-09-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• ... ' .: ~ • 1 •• , .. •, • • • : I . -.. ;,!Jus t ·-Like Tv· ••• D<i~ .~o.u~1 •. Cu11men . ~ San ta , lfna · ' . Li tili? "Cirl Die s Colst Community Hospital from lnjurelea suUered Tue.sday when his ca.r ran of.f Trabuco Road and down m embankme11t less than a mlle north of El Toro ~ t.frs. Cmi:tello was involyed in a J. lis~n ~!onday . afl<rtlOOCI al N....,.., Avenue and Irvine Boulevard in Tuttlo, according-to th~ California Hlgbway PaJrOI • .$oth Mrs. Costello and Hadlock di6i ctt ruptured spleens. Spokesmen ror the' CHP sakl Rhea Sctiarf, 48, Tarzana, driver of the ., ear v1hich collided with Mrs. Costello's aUto, cseaped Injury . · 'f1ie Edwards girl was struck by a car TUesday evening as her horrlrted rather Joeeph watcfled, according to Anal»tlm polk:e ... ho said the victim WU Pi&1~ In lht 1trett. •• . . ' Ii. German ~ ~ Ulll' Tioo -a direct iiesc.tndam ,Of1 famed mo'vi.~· dog, RID 'rln Tin -;.ui<d' ~men holdliig· a bousel<ffper"t gunpoint from a Saqta Ana ~ TueodaJ. ' · Ju!t' lib po television; the two men turned bed and fled when the 110.poond dog came' snarling into the room. The inckltnt OCClUTed TUesday mom· 1ng at tbe home of Santa Ana optome- trist Dr. Borace·Cad.en, SUJ N. French SL. Santa Ana poHce 'laid. The doctor was at Work and Mrs. Ca· den ·was . st.ill in ber bedroom, ;when the gunmen, entered the 'home <al t :" a.m. and grabbed boust.keeper Adtlalde Je- sm, 38, arotind the neck, demanding to know wile.re the lldy o! the houso was. Miss Je.ius broke away when .the~man holding ,,... 1-ned bil grip to .get a roll ol aclbeai.v, tape and ahe rau toward the re&r'ol tbe house screamillf fnr Tito, ~~1~id. iiom tbeo it .... Jlln Tin Tin's de&> Cendeftt lo the Hsooe. • , Tl\e .Cad .... Wil-tbey wrchased their <19g frOn\ Lee ljiqic~ qwner o! the orig· ihal !Un Tin Tio.. . • ea. ' Fog f ' •· ' ~ * * * .,,. • --;; " -.[' -• t • -* * --• ' • - .. -· • ~ ... • , • .. -·~ ,~ ~-'!"' i .. ·: ' '· I I 5 oil .. Flying . Marijµana Smuggl~ ,;s ... ' '( I ..-I ,• f~fire Ends ~: . . iButWar 1.ones · l t .? r .;. · JReinairi Quiet , ... .. , ~l l s~co.;-(IJPl) -The throe-day ...... ~ jl,.. pr<c:Jalmed · i,y the Vlei Con1 In . J tnemory bl. Ille late president Ho Chi ·, M1oh ~at l a.m. 'lbur!day (10 a.m.._ : Jw loda)') but -bltlldield> .... malood relaU•elJ quiet. Wblle lhe United States and South Vlei· llllll dld DOI olfldaUy go along with the Ccmmunist truce, actioo subsided across the country and American commanders ordered obvious moves at matching de-. ... -. . ftllj]f., .,..,.iillill-ln Salpo tllll' .. u:s. Conm\ind '!!"Id ~ .... ~ ' ~· ~e i.1um.1nir-·~ South .Yut~ .ft~ t11o ~-• -· Jl'aWalned 'DOrlllal; mllJ~> • "'OU• bl( cq11cmi whoo "'pie)< up blips ts ~t wt doo't hU. any Jllanes," ex- plaintd Maj<lr Robert Booher, ol tho El Toro MCAS joint informaUooal services cfflce today. He said Ult unll hlvolvtd has been ~eactlvated, but the L.AMB br~c~ Itself l.s no1v a part of the Thij'd Marine Aricrafl Wi ng with headquarters at the Oronge County base. · Smu$ilets do oot flle flllht -plans Indicating their wher:caboUt.J tt a given Ume aloiig the route, bowtver, and the' Federal Aviation Admfn.IW'IUon r1dar operates al 1,000 reet ana ,at,ove. Calling io military 1$1latince, ilie FAA and olber concerned agf.Ocle,, set tip a secret surveilla.nco S}'$tem which uncov· mil • -blaliflay la the sl<7. Cart)'ina -of mai!Juana. , "Tbe aovwment dfd a 1tud1 in a valley Jn Alilbfta and founil there Were. an average of 4..5 planu a night croasing from Mexico llJqalb'-ill that <lie vii' Jey," aald a state olficiaL ' Some o( -airofalt W<re ODl1""4d e.is bombCn lllOd in lobster smUfllllll alter World War.u ,-i ill c:<rWn .....,, flew bf:low sea .Jtvei.. ovtr dq sab },Ue.e, On1Y thla week, U. S. auOiorlUes , ill • Conjwlctl~ with Ille Mexlean IO•emn><nl anoNJOCed a major crackdown ora drug , smu~ foe later' thla inonll>-ll w114 admitled aller OperaUnn lntereept'a ._. . The plan wblcb had been deYeloped from Presldent N1J:on'1 apecial comm.ls- llao e11 nattotlcs canlnl..,.S _,,uu., Smllqlen llyiog the 1...W 111"""'1 ~ 1111111 f111rteM1Po pumll )Ilana to hm two lavcrlle l'OIJ\tl, ooe of tlMin _ _., the Tecate Slol, wbore lql\ mow1a1ns llloJhenilll UP bonlor lnl,....~"I"· on each llde block probing radar bet1111. Sensing devictl whlcb can spot fielda The ume llrinc!Ple works over Laguna o( -marljlllll.t from 1,000 1 .. 1 Salada, wbich 11-i «>-mile dry lal<e lead- above ore known lo ba•e been de•eloped ing ""'1h from tile Gull ol C.lilomia IA>- allt.. 1'illo-.. ..... lo; ll"!ll!OI tile -~ llipfclll. . racliet are 11111 bpi -The' bonier U.... ts actually lfl"" sea ·~ Got ol the otweol -. ........,. fl tevet • ' - .,..,..ioed In an FM,_nallll( nqutrtna O...!nears the! Operation lnlerctpt'1 pilots croablc" lhe -lo ,_1ec11y n.: effectl-baa b •en rldio tboJt .~ buad Oil' a lllgbl ellecti bluafcd slepo att •llill beJac ~ liled earlier. de• lo CUrlail the -lnWnl!ICllll • And pllola !mown lo be ~ Ille dro1 frallic, Mexlca .. Amerkln -an -to Small bolls art ,lrequedlly used ftJr Im! at lntornatlooal alrpor& when cu.. lntirbonle1' marijuana tramporlatloo • toms agtnt.s may mate routine inapec-while a major 111pply also eomea into tions. America via motor vehicle traffic. Bodies Recovered From Air Crash IJWIANAPOµs, Ind. (AP) -CoJlec. Uoo of bodies and. debris continued today in a farm {leld where the broken parts of a colliding airliner and a Ugbt plane plunged lt!XD tile sky, klllirig 83 persons. (5eo Pboto, Page f ). Eyewitnesses said the singte-enalned craft carrying a 90loing student pilot, 3&- year-01d Robert w. Garey, knnct..i tile tall off the Allegbeoy Airlines jetliner u the larger p!ane approached Weir-Cook Municipal Airport Twosday. AU 78 pa.g.sengen. and the crew of four on the jetliner, u well a.s Carey, an ln- dia.napol.Ls plumber aOO father of sir, were killed. The jetliner, which began lt.s rugbt at Boston, had touched down at Baltimore and Cincinnati and wu scbeduled to .stop at the Indianapolis airport before going on lo St. Louis. --..... ~,. ............ MAP SPOTS CRASH SITE ~ ·Ci~·.::;J .. ~ -=-~rir.':.'<a~,~;.'.;,i . ....,_ · .... s·aa·t:. Creek ......... r.;·• • • "• ~ ~,~Ar I E11bt North~ ~ers We · , "It was near perfect. weather," sald John Shafter, one of a team of 16 in- "estigators from the Federal Aviation Administration. "It's a I m o s 1 ill- conceiveble that the two pl.8{les were al ·the same spot al the same time." from 1,000 feet to 2"°° leet ill It. landing approach. carey ~ J ate n CJU from nearby McConls'111e on a :io.mile training Olgbl to Columbul, fu:t. · His wile, llCibbing as >he spoke to newsmen, said: "He loved fl;ing. He had been doing it !or yean just for hlll own plea.sure. Thia past year be was working to get hl1 ll~ He didn't plan to buy a plane rliht away, but maybe sometime." ,, thniugll bulMid wltt bomcades m>und This Is how -.ie folks will get to Salt Creek Beach Ille lllline CorllO stllrage laclJIV lour between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point on south ment to private beach. Arrangement of earth fill in huge banks along ·coast Highway by developers ~ c~~ ~U,.111uc11 of !"o!Qris~' sw~-viila ol sea. The aerial collision occurred near Lon· don , a community of 300 about JO miles southeast of lndianapoll.s. · miles '"" ol the norlhem cooNI city Orange Coast. Overpass bridging Coast !U&4WAX· , -lhortl1 after I Lm. today but wtre will connect inland side of Laguna Niguel 1levelop' elven out.. spokesmen said. -Communiquu r.plriecJ satcbel charae• • ~lanled by the commondM caused ligllt ~ damqe. One CommlDlisl. was ca~ . . and -llarine -..i m the llghling, ipoWmen said. El....i..r.. North v~."1'4~1et tClll gnlWJd fin> downed throe ..-n : heJioopt<n, but ill)ltlllc ....... Dy .... liPL A U.S. Qmm1nd spot.esman Aid Com· munisl activl!J bad -"11111 Of • : ~;=I:&"..=:. • bUUfteld ....,....'; .... OllJclalJJ, Salloa and Waalllqlon are .·;In ..-..., their -"' the • · itallddown. A joiol CllDllluniqoe iauod . Monda, aa1d Ille level of alJJed military :·lldlvtty during Ille cuao41re wouJcJ be ''influmctd" bJ the level ct Coounuaist . . . ·1·~ .. ....... -· : . [t .~n't~: SlateCI -~-~.;~ {~ 1lo . ... ...:~ Y. ~l': F••;inl:.;'IWJor 8'Dty Lee Rood, ·: It. ol 17111UICI1-, llullUllllon Beact>; ~;'"'°dawned lNt ~' wm be cm-::-.ti 11 a:m., Friday, ill DJlday ::ar.a..n a..J. ll!IU ~ JIM. ::11ar111 will loUow al Fomst Lawu :~ Omwt«y, (..)piw. . :;~ J!.anct1 daowued last Tbur'ldly while :· tnnml'BI 1o the cmter or old Hun~ ::Late, clespilo rescue elforls by hlll .. ::J•'<lld -·Jell. -: He ii •united bf hi1 Jl010lll.', Mr. and :: Mrs. a.rles Reed; two brothers. ::0:ar1es Jr. and Jtfl, and t b ~ :: ..... euU, Mr. and Mn. Louis Greve. :• W Vops. Mrs. llary PohbnaM of 5 .'xt ·,. and Cart PUlbnann o t ~Ce ..... ~.~~~~~~~~~....., .. ~ .; ~ =i ~ ~ ~ _, , ~ ~ ' ' ~ j 3 ~ ............ 12 ,, ..... _____ .,.., OIMfGI: C:OUI "'*~ cOllllM• a.Wt M. ... _, .................... J•o&\ .. c.1.., ............................. ,..,. ...... .... 11>-A. ......... -·· I' ·ti"~"l.':!f~=.-· ·"'··= Conflict Charge Refl!te d 20 Sta nd Idly ls Grandmother Suibbrfl ;br. 1X outl& l\1ost of the wreckage ot the DC9 airliner landed in a 90ybeao field 100 :vards from a mobile home park where many of the 150 residents wetched with lel:ror as the .severed fuselage of the jet whistled toward them. Bodies, wreckage: and luggage fell from the sky. The family mo•ed to lndlanapolls lrom 1itanchelter, N.H., a year ago. The crew memben who perished with 78 passengers were ideotfiied b y Alleiheny a.s Capt. James M. Elro::I, 47, Plalnlield, Ind., First Officer William E. Heck-" 2'< -pJttaburgb. allll , two stew~, htridl Perry of -Lynn, M ..... and Barbara Pelnlcic& of-... ' I By Fountain Valley Mayor. • ~ I About 500 policemen and a tS-man team of federal investigators combed the fiek! today for remnants of the dhut.Fr. Air9>rt contltillers said lhe jet d!Jap- peared from a radar screen as it dropped Searchers found bodies .in a wide m•. some aznoot '1railer bomea and ~ hidden in the four-foot aoybeao ltalkJ. ' IJy TERRY OOVILU: ot•Mlr PIM ... •·Jt wu nothing more than a routine 10Dc clw!ie and tile law doesn 'I require me to disclme 1n1 interest m routine Jnatien. •• 1bat WU Fountain Valley Mayor Rober! Sdn<m!Uegu'1 reply Tuesday to c:aqllict of iDlmit chai:ges thrown at him ~ tv JelloW Cocmdlmiui Jolin rH~.aaif*·a· attack is @ft er.ample of :jbe or1alllzatl<i0' C<llOprisea ol • ainall pp or ~· iiymi to gain cootrlil ol. .lbisciq," Jai<tthe mayor ill a Jll'<SO ceo-lereuce calio<I on his return lrom Npr1liera cillJornJL - · ... plan to . show bls statementa and l1IP8e Of Eugene yannm to my a;ttorney And I adt fot slabdtr mly folJow," added the lllol)'l!r. , . . MorldV, ilirper told "porters Ibo ...,... ... "c~arly gull!J ol ~cl or lnt.eresl," ovu-the Springhum trad at tbe IOUtheaa1 corner of Warier A •enue and Ward SlretL Schwerdtfeger admitted ltarpl!'r's In· formaUon as to his being the re.al utate broker on lhe land sale was correct and that he had not disclosed his business lo the council when the land was 10nid for ling~ family resklencu (R-1). But the m1yor pointed to the same government code Harper bad cited to de- fend his posltioo. "Sect.Ion 1l20 (b) (3) clearly shov.-s.Ull\t rouUne matters belore a public !>Ody -if tbty would not be' affected eff:n tbou&h a ctrtain member were not pru81lt--do not coosUtute a conflict." 'l'hlt section deals with the disckwrure ol dlr<ct lillanctsl lntemt Jiy public ol· Ucials. 'l1'e aubsecUon clled aaya: "(I) 'llla1 of • recipitnl ol ·public serrices generally provided by \be locaJ public agency for -.·hich he acts, oo lhe Mexi can CofC Official Raps Off Jjmits Plan -NEW Yorut (UPI) -rs. Eva Bre .. wne lenns and conditions u ll he ...,.. Id -~--··-bo not a member ol the perning body, cilno; a 70:year-o lfa.iJW.ll\IWU w us. board or commission." ed to cl!an churches and acctJ* nothing 'ii"' heading above this sectloo In· !or II. remained bospilallsed In crlUal dieat.es it is for members who shall not cohdiUon today. be deemed lo have a financial interest in Doctors said she would recover lrom D01HX1Jtractuat matters. an apparent!{ senseless attack Tuesday "l\le al~ys considered It a general by a lf..year-o1d boy who stabbed her rule ol thumb," uplained the mayor. with a switchblade while al leul 20 "thlt anytime: it.is a routirie matte{. and witnesses dkl nothing. U.S., Saigon 'Breach' Denied by White House no ~ beiidu;-.;. ~; ·•OI! dooi Half ol them fled. Others otood lroun. need lo diiclcJte,yoor tntifiM.~'"''·-1 ~': Someone telephoned police. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The ivtute the. Cammunilts. ''The -~' act ha(I'afi .~ or Nalbanlel Burton of Brooklyn, who House sou&ht t.od1y in advance of a full Ziegler stopped shor4 however, el • •--•,·1s-~. _1 rxH,"-' , • ..._ witnesses said stood over her, knife in . ed 1--• ra"-· Ul:llCl -... -:":""""" ~ ha~ ~-la --~·-floor scale review of Vietnam poUcy to 11uell saying Nuon approv o :1"""'1 ope UUlMI mayor, expl"1nlag hb '""'""'""' ol in-·-u ~ Y on a '~ ~ • tftnis fi • tetest ln lhal action. • --c-l . surrendered lo authorities without a reports oC a "deterloraUoo ol rtl1 " during the three-day cease-re pm- Scllwerdtfeger-also emphatically denied struggle and was charged with juyenile between Wasbingtoo and Saigon. claimed while North Vietnam mourned h ..i.. Id _,._ rty · ... ti delinquency. Press Secret•rv Ronald L. Zl-let' the death ol Pruident Ho Chi Ml.riL l•u'6 90 vw.n::r prope ln Ute C )', Mrs. Bresciano, Of Brooklyn, With bear• -;r -o ~'-~-otpartlng onm· ~ -~ges wUboi.rt tell· lng and 5pcecb deficiencies, bad been denied some broadcast and publi.!hed Tbe cease-fire endtd this afternoon, -m:1 ~ ~ .. haunting" family court since her reports that NiJ:on was angry over South \Vashington time., and Ziegler said it ap-..-~ but•'--~u'!tom<rldebiin~~-~ dauahter bad her declared i.ncompe.lent Vietnamese army offensive ope:ratioosb pea 1 ,reatary· llkelytiothat the1di..I~ of U.S. ~ U>O ws:: • ......,.... • _...... and in ber custody. during this week's cease.fire initialed )' mt 1 opera ns wou ........ ase. such invol\·emenls. -• " 1..:=.::..::::...::::='..:.. _______ :._...::cc....:._ ________ '-------------- "J expect llarper's announdeineot ls the type ol article !ha~ stmeglcolly spaeeit. will be released durioa the coune of Lh.la campaign," said Schwl:!'dtfeger. .. I'm reaDy surprised be didn't wait un- lil the day before the recall election to rele1ae this, giving me no time. to replyt'1 he added. 1be m1yor 11so squashed rumors lhlt he was trying to st.II his house and mo\'C out of tbc city. "I'm going lo stay nnd fight this thing to the end," he declared. - "My next rebuttal to the entire recall issue,·· added the mayor; "may be in the ronn or a suit for dt[amalion ol character agalrut VanDask, Harper and individuals involved in the recall group.1' * -t:r ·-tr Sch 1ve rdtfege r Rejects Bid To 'Meet Press' Fountain Valley ~1 1yor Robert Schwedtleger TueJday turned thumbs down on a challenge for n "meet the prus'' type debate with recall candidate Robert s.ssone . • ' I t . CIUDAD JUAREZ, Meilco (UPI) -A local d\ambet of commerce olficial aillciicd as ultjusUrHMI todey any move t• declare Me.aican border cities off llmlb to American ltoops because of the repon« availabillly ol drop there . Sassone , a candidate for Schwerdtfege:r's council seal, asked the mal'or to tne« him with the same lype of forum I.he m1yor had chaltenged recall leader Eutene VanDask, • ' $121 l -• • I i 3 s ~ • t ,, • f I ' • ' I · Ntvy ofllciab lo California said last mortth they plumed lo declare Tijuana oil llmlla S<pt. II. They blc&track<d later. sa.yln( lbe JnS10sa1 was under study. Chidad J\llfU liuslD<ssm<D Wo<T)' lhat II a bu Is put on T(Juana, their """' mualty, Which la jusl acma the bonltr lrom El Puo, will be MXL 5ucll •,ban "an onl7 J..,.anita nl•· tiolls 11e1 ..... the llnlttd States 11"1 Mix· loo,.,-"-dial to Manott Enriqua SI~ bud ol the d>amber'a tourlstn boinL .. I want VanDask. not Sassone,'' said the mayor. "Susooe slmp))r wants publicity, J don 'l nnt , to debate VanOe.sk'i band-picked candidate." VanDask had refu.!d to meet tht mayar under "meet the press" terms. in- -auatstint a wider form.a~ io-clucling thriie tepn!letltaU•es ol ~ side, whlcll he clslmed 1'ouid ~ !ai...-. "Whit he rtallJ waits,''• a 1 I d SchnrdUeaer. "b 1 ~a cirtw wilb a pacl<ed auditn<e. He wants -the "!111"1 •nd lbc !Uty. I Wtllt ealm and rwon." CONVtNIENT TERMS 11.\NICAMERICA~O MAsta .ct!AlGE fl•~ \ . I' To rhe girl who knows ..Nt&h~ .. w11nts but not where to find It • M11tch your style w ith our m11ny distincti..,. designs. And i!slc bs ~bout oar famou~ Orange 8kmom SU•l'lhtee. • I J. c. J.lu,,,,,fin~, ~!ms • .u YlA~S SMIE LOCATION I~ llll NEWPORT AVENUE PHONE COSTA MESA llil-JjOJ I • • I ~ 1 · ------' ----~ ~· .. .. ...... ' ' , I I ·I I I , J \ I ' • • . • .. . u n tingt.n Beaeli ' • ' • ORANGE CQUNTY, CACIFORNIA-~ . . \ a "' ' . $~~side's • Bo ~y Origin Still ·Mystery CoroneA deputies, lcienti.sta and police offlcm are "111 pinled today il>out tht orisJn ~ Pl1'\IOM ol. a bod)I• wuhed up at Surfside !leach Saturday. Deputy Corona' JOlm Cale loday. lndl· cattd that the grlaty. mnAins may be burl~ u ".Jfm Dot" if they are deter- mined to be of human origin. But even though an autopsy has be(!n conduct~. the coroner's om~ is not - certain th~t till!: torso portions are hu- man. Only parts of a bacl<bone, the hips and:a porUon ~fa leg bone remabi, mak- inl identif!cat~~n difficult, iDvesUgaton loatd. . Sidn ~-. bone •Ill and fracture jests are currently bell!C ajlmtnlsterod '1f !lie Oral!(e County Oenl!iet'J· olllc• tlirqol(ll th• Bld ol llclentlots a Cal Slate Fullotldl. 'l'he 1keleta I renuli"' were dll<;OYero<I at S p.m. Saturday on a private bt.acti near Jl.13 Surfside by Mn. Marjorie Fill Whl\i !he ·WU ~ in the ocean. 'flley w.,. photogrophed by SW !leach PoUee and 111hoequmtly tat .. to Sniith'• l!oot!n&ton 'Beach mortuary where tht au~ was held.. Seal Beach Del Dave Van Holt said .. • 1peculatlan about the ~ of. the'. re-. • • · ' W.K.Y """'°' ,_.. 11r bt1 NllQM~ '"~~.:!!;=J;~.t"'1~ Cplil •Feet, Wa_.... Begrts l •• :_~ ~~~ · .. ~'*~;,;.~~li!ilf·~~.h,.O~~~~ ' . arkt:5 · allOui f~ '*"" .ii!ld. ·-·: 'Wif:jiOUnc eo0ple'w'Hfioured ij•iilc ian<11·o!'lftlntiri ach tu ... Tiii' man, wbo -unid,.Wi~ day afternoon. Their outlooX? Love is where you find it. waa r~ aw~the ~.b1 ., ·•ot:#llloi1'1r8-~-.... ' July ... ~ . ·-Pellot~ llQI ~-about tho JnvaMlnml·c>C ~~ li!!l 1lr. David ~;i!i that µJ ~.iiiJ: and marb: on the ltc:"bohe could have -lnf1lcted b)' a. knil<. 20 Stand ldJy As Grandmother ' St.abbed by Yo uth 'NEW YORK (UPI) -Mr1. Eva Brts- ciano, a 70-year-old grandmother who u.&o ed •to clean churches and accept nothing for it, remaiMd hospitalized in crlUcal coodlt~ today. Dodors aald she would recover from an fpparently aen.seleu attack Tuesday by,.• 14-year-oJd boy who stabbed her witb'I a swltchblade while at least 20 wlln~ did nothing. ' Half Ol them fled. Others stood frozen. Someone telephoned police. N•U1anlel Burton o( BrookJyn, who wit:Aesaes said stood over her, knife in hand, u she lay on a ~floor. .umndered to auUUIUe& wi~ a .truggle and was charJed with jU•enile delinquency. Mr1. Brt5eiano, ol Brooklyn, wilh bear-tnc and speech deflckncles, heel -b<tn "hauntJng" family court since_ her daQllhter had h<r dtclared incompe!alt and In her custoc)JI. Wea .. er The onl7 wa7 to j>eat the ID( It to sleep late in the 1'D«lilng. caue it'• goin.( to ltly wltb u1 ThurlAy. Temperature.a al~ the Jbore are .. tabbed hi . the hlgfi I0'1, rillns a few degrees inland. - INSW E Tobi\Y Oranoe Couni, ivnoooout• are plan7'ing aff'l7fte:1 for High Holp Doti• 1'4rllhf ..uh Kol !lid,-.. 1crvfet1 thfl uieekend. Sclltdulet for the N.llO Ycor eomrncmoroUcm oppeor on Paoc ' 14. ...... ,~_....,.... t1 == ,. ,..... •u cer.r " ......... . ... ..... """ ... c-tca KP r .,.. ~ '' c,......, ti '""' W.tr ::.,~ . f:t:!=.: ::::=··· = .,......,. '°..I . I ,..,....., " ........, • Alilt~," ..,,.....,. +f MlffMI; • .........,. .......... _ 83· Victll;Us'.;Reco11iei'ed , . . . I , . . Froni Ii1dlru1a Air Crash IN~APOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Collec- tion o!:l>odlea and debria coot!Jlu<d today in • faptl field where the broken rarta or a collJdlDg airliner and a light piano plunged /rom tht sky, killing 113 per&ans. (See Fhoto, Page 4). Eytwiloesses said the single~ngined craft CAl'l'}'ing a 10loing studeat pilot, 3$. year-old Robert W. Carey, knocked the tail off the Allegheny Airlines jetliner as the· larger plane approacl'ted Weir.COOi Municipal /llrport Tueoday. All 71 passengers and the crew of four on the jetliner, as well as Carey, an Tn· dlanapolls plumber and rather of six, were killed. The jeUlner, which began its flight nt Boston, had touched down at Baltimore and Cinclnna.U and wu acheduled to stop at the lndlanapalla airport belore going on to St .. liool>. "It wU ,near· perfect weather.'' said John .8halr.r, -ol a ttam of 11 ln-o veotlpton Jiom •the Ftderal AviaUon AdrnbdlttaUon. "lt11, 'a Imo 1 t ID-c~abie' that the two planer were at. the aame· •Pot at tbe aame Ume." The aertal collllion oocurnd near Lon· doo, a ~ ol IOI about 10 mllea llOUlllwt o! llldlanapolll. -., Ille 1'ftCbp of tbe DCt ajlllMr ludod lo a 107beu !'<kl JOO f . MAP SPOTS CRASH SITE yards rrom a mobile home park where many of the ISO residents watched wlU1 terror as the severed fuselage of the jet whisiltd toward them. Bodies, wreckage and luggage fell Crom tj1e lily. .~t 500 policemen 11¥1 a 16-man team ol. fe9,eral invesligator1 combed the nekl todaffor remnant! of the dlauter. AlrP9f1. controller1 said the jet dlsap- peu,d~ from a radar sc:reen as It dropped (See PLANE, Plgt I) .r ' , • De.ai; .Mlll~ ... Sl1ot, ·Killed I J ) • ,.w , • ~. ' ' ·!' I ! t • • • • . • . . . ·, .· • . -. . . • . . . . . , . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . " · . .. . . . ' • • . • . ' j .. $ ~ ) , ' :· . •, ~ . . . . • • ~ • • • ' . . ~ • • • • . • • • • . • • • -Isr~~li Plane-s Hi~ Egyp,t Agp; ~ I ' I • "' • u11 ... M.lllerUlltoal .1 ,_d pI.-·rtlilmed tod.oy to tho ...,.. lll 'l'lloldq'a, tW,. ,.. ~ .ur _.. ..-E1Ypi. boo>blni and ttlallag !lpPtten armi' vtllldea and """"'· 111e· U.S. Slate Otparlmtnt reportticf uraent Mlddfe East talk• would: _ bellil neJIJf'l'~ with Rwisla. An Israeli sipokesman said today's air raid against Egypt was in retallaUon for "further Egyptian cea11e-tire violations aton, t~ Suez C~al this rnomlng." <;ailo d!pion)auc reporta said IJUFh EBY!>' )tan: attacbWere likely lo cantmue since .,.....,... ~vea: tt.1can win a war cl at--iri'"" .J:'.1Statt ~ment oald secretary ol State wm!am P. Rogers and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko --. ~eEying Land Between . . . CdM, ~guna By·~ KREIBICll \..0 Of ... OUlf' PtlM .... " Waiting for the B_. Ptltns arer in the making to turn the Trvi.De Company's prime ocean {root land brtween Cameo Shores and Irvine Cove lnlo ·:t11e outsltlld\tl& c:outsl tkveiop- mmt in America," a com 'Pan y spokuman dbcloaed today. Irma Sela. 10, smiles at friend as she ~ •g~JChinl bUI 'fllat took them to school this morning in Huntinl!On . Nearly 45,000 elementary school children and 14,600 high iChool student.I wenl b6ct to classK today in Fountain Valley, 'H1111Ungton Beach, Seal Beach Finl l1ap In the project, &cbeduled to start .,Y 1m, w!JJ be a lly!ng toar of Jn. temaUonalally f a m e d MedlterTanun resort developments by Irvine oWci&ls and a top-drawer San Franciaco pllDllU. and Westminster. "" Trophy to Mark ·GWC, Leaving by air from New Ycri: Sept. 30 lo v~it P<Jriugal, Spain, Fr~ and Ita- ly, will be. Wiiliam I\. Mason, e..-r and president ol the lrvlne Componr; Raymond L. W.atson, architect and senior vice president of Irvine's land develop- ment dJvislon; Richard A. Reese, planner and vice president of the company's plan~ ning department; and Dr. Thomu J. Ashley, director of de v e Io pm en I al ~trategy in the planninc department. ., . ,OCC IF ootball Rivalry Football rivalry between Golden We~t and Orange Coast cqlleges, DOW in Jll fourth yw. will have a perpetual trnpby lo be' awarded for the first time Sept. m. Although not quilt u traditional. yet, as the California-Stanford Big Game A:s.e or the famed Little Brown Jug fought fot' by Minoelota and Michigan. the new trophy does have ill own history. Funeral Slated For Drowned Boy. Funerlil oervlcel !or Randy Lff Reed, 11, allf7lft Lido Lane, ~ Beach, who drownod l&st Thursdsy, will be.,.,. duded at 10 a.m., Friday, In Dilday Brothers Chapel, 171111 Beach Blvd. Burill wW follow at Forrest Lawn pemetary, Cypress. • BanctY· ,drowned last Thursday wbile ~Jinminc to lbt ceottr of old Huntington 4,P.,,~-i:escue dforta by bis 9-:V--~.-Jell. . I lft.ll ~ _tiJ hi! parwl>, Mt. and ft1tl. • Clth:I' .Reed; two brothers. ~la r.Jf, 0 and· Jeff, and t h e ~1 Jilt. and.Mn. Laois Greve •. ~--~egu, -Mrs. Mary Pohlmann o( Maliolm anc1 car1 Poblmami o t taum .... Fi:-em Page 1 RADAR ... plan filed earlier. And pllotl known to be cro&sin& the Mexican-American border are ordued lo land at int.miational airport! where cus- lQDl.J agent.! may make routine inspec- ~-Smau:Ien: Oying the aerial J-jghway Jlave two favorlle routes, one o! them the Tecate Slot, *here high mountains on· each silk block probing fldar beams. . DAILY PI LOT JoO.rl N. W•4 Prnllllnl n PullllW.r J•c.k ~. c .. r1:r Vkl ffe:tkltMI MOO GUlff M-rtr Tho1t1•• K•••il f:ll!V Tho"''' /4.. Mwrph;,., M1n•til'lt [01IOI' " Alb.rt W. 1,1,, ~MPl.ilfllr H•...,.•• 1ectc• 01nc• lOf tPI '$lre1I Mell;~, AddrtUI P.O~ lta 190. •2•4t o .... Offkft H""""'1 M Ml'I ,,11 Wftl 811oe1 .... tc .. ud Cit!• Mn 1; UI we,1 flt~ ,,_, l. ....... lftdl; nt, ~""' -- I • To b&dODated by the Huntington Beach Exobange Club in 'ceremonies Thurada:y noon, the symbol is a beU'frvm lhe first motort:ed fire engine In tlle HunUnaton Beach Flte Department, :i. 1932 model Seagrave re.tired in the early.-1'50s. The fire engine la now oq dJsplay in Travel Towo in Griffith Park. Lo! Angeles. The bell, according to Ezdlanie Club Preiidenl Dou& Archu haa been mounltd on a walnut stand three feet long l.lld two feet high and includes a plaque upon \\1lich will be enscrl.bed the name of tbe ·winning team each year and I.be tu.m's captain., Attending the Thursday pr81enlalion will be bead football co&.chei ffWQ both .sdtiols, student activity leaders, student body presiden!JI, and Huntlnaton Beach city officials who doiiated th• trophy: Trophy committee chairmen Vines Collier and Carl Lawr~nce: will make the prt&entaUon: The new trophy \wiD be iflsplayed at boll> !Choob priof to 111" Sept. lll ·pm~ Ft;>m Page 11 PLANE... I ' from G,080 £eet to 2,500 feet In Its landini! approach. [ Carey had t a k ' n off frO!'li ntarby Mc:Co~'(ille '!I a 50-mll< tr~ fllgbt toCo~lbd. . • His wtc,, JObblng as abt ~ke to newsmen, p,id: "He loved fi)li . He had betn doing', it for year3 jwt fer his own plusure. 'lb!J past year he was working to g11t his ~oense. He dldn 't plan lo buy a plane right away, but maybe iomeUme." The family moved to lndlapapolis from Manchester, N.H .. a year,a$'.o . The crew members who ,erlshed with 78 passengers were J~atflied b y Alleg:lleny as Capt. James ltt. Elrod , 47, Plainfield, Ind., 'Fint Off~ William E. Heckendorn, 28, Pilt!burgh, and two litewardesses, Patricia Perry of Lynn, Mass., and Barbara Pdfucick of Botiton. Sean:!hen found bbdie1J n l wide area, some among trailer homts111nd others hidden in Ute fouMoot IO)'bt~ stalb. * * *' Victirns' Airli~e Switch Revealed In Europe they wID "be joined by In- ternational planning consultant Adam Krivat.sy; who5e finn, Hart, Kriv1tsy, Stubee of San Francisco, has been "'Ila&· ed as planning consultanta for the Irvine coast.al development. Krlvatay 11 now ln Greece as a CCDo;. Sllltant to the govermnmt regarding a resort development on the Aegean cout. lie has plumed resortl Ill Rawail and the Caribbean and Dlmeywofld In Floridt. The Medltemntan trip ta a pr .. p1an. Ding mission for development of th6 thr ... mile c:out sector ol lrvfne Ranch land, i~uding: apprOJimately 550 ,acres cl, Pfll!\O -~t ~ and ad-ditional acrute extendlpg.1~ one mile Inland. Coastal ailea Include Crystal Cove. Scotchman's Cove and El Morro Beach. The parcel under COMidez:aUon for development adds ttP to 12,000 acres. The Irvtne planners' ~rar.y inf:ludes aurveys !'I the iigarve (;o~.fn ~"'1U&al, Spaln'.s Costa · del l!ol .W,(:orla Brava; Ult CCllt: , ,d'Azur in ,.Quce.. Italy's Llgurlan •n<! AqiaJl\ P>J&.R Ind tho Costa Smeralda in Sardinia. . The trip will last for ~ weeka 1nd each coastal area will ~. teured by car for two to three days. The tour, Mason said, WUt be a follow- up to similar !Ul'Ve)l!I of coast.a.I developments in Hawaii aod the East, thls time offering an oPc>Orturuty to es- 11mine an area with "c1imatk: coodltions romparable to our own, •l Irvine Granted $45 Million Line of Credit Financing for e1tenrive nal estate development on Irvine RaDCb property was auured this week as Aetna Llfe and Ca.sualty announced it bu granted a $45 million line of ,credit to the Irvine Com· pany . Fw:id.3 for real e6late development on the ~aDCh will be made available on an incremental basls over a five.year period, beginning in 1970 . The transaction, fjrst of its kind ever made by Aetna, was arranged by Coldwell Banker & Co., Aetna's mortgage ClNClNNATl (UP J) -Sever a 1 ~f:a~ correspondent in California and pas1enger1 ~illcd in the ~ra.sb o[ an Urban K. \Vllde, vice president or A.lleaheny Airlines DC 9 Jet near I~ COldwe11 Banker in cbarte Of loan ac- d1anapoll1 had been scheduled on l.QOlher·. H"llf, said It was the lugeat tln&le flnan. flight, but boarded the ill./at.ed craft~ clng arrangement made dur ing his nnn·s because their plane was late. 30-year n!laUon&hip wtth Aetna. QfficMtl.s at Greater 'ClncinnaU Airport \ Irvine officials said the funds v.111 be discloSed "A oumbtr ol pueengen'1 hid ~ ... ICbeduled. to. tale a Trana World used ror development of new ofRce ... 1..11-6-buildings, •partrnenta, shopptna centers IUIWR:ll fli&hl due here at 3:15 p.m., EDT =lnduMal facllltiea and "In further 1"u.etday but &he plane was dtliyed ii at· f lJn)ent 0( the I 1 v1 n e eom. rival from New Y-"'. ' · "'• -'1, regional masttr plan." In the meantim' the Allegheny Oi1ht, AOoouncement of the financing agree.. due $o depart 00. at 2:57 p.m., was be.Id mt c:oiqclded with news ·that lrvlne of· up 15 minutes to accommoatte them. fk:1 ll't Initialing a plan to develop NO Olflciab « both TWA and Alle&heny _...... -·~·• laid •"-• were u111ble \o determine Uie .--... _. ranchlaDd between "~' Sboro and lntoo eov..' llUl!lber of penons who mad• the Wt· lllder -Oii ·11 a ... minute swflcb. .., m\1!109 complei at the OIJllJlr Saks Founder Dies )'IEW YORK (APJ -A,dom L. Giiobef. w~ bldll ~kl Jrlflh Aveliue l!ilo Ille ... tloii t 1oirceol specf11ty chain, died, 'l\Je,., day pfa!it Ill New York Jloopl'tl Of paJ>. cmllt&. Ife wo ts . tl J anc1·11an Jodn10 Hll11 Jldod, ,,.. IO-a<re devtlopmlnt. ,.,..,1· ever built hi Orange Counl;y, WU! !nCludo t,llOl ~ unlla ad a "!oUI !\vine envln>n~" .tncluclfq a.pork. "'l'Jii!ln1' Ctlnttl', I QI, ntmlftini ~.~ .. 1b courtWI l'"lllll~~ ~ . ~ltt, dt.•I fit adu , lt lciioctulod r dOmj>le lo -• . ' . H would meet at Ute United NaUon1 whtn heavier Ja:raeU strike• if Lhe cease-fire the Genaral Alo<Jnbly ccm•-1100<[.oy. v!olflloos ...,11nue, and Premier Golda •·vtet •-bl-• ......... r ........:.... Iii•'• at.~t f'ICh 'raldt ~ .... ----v ' --1-· tJnue U no peace aeulem<ot ,..,. reacl>-wd ICCOl'nl*Nnl: Gromyko from Moacow and la expected to lit In on the talkl. edFlglltfng also fl&nd today·on the Israel· U.S . .SOvfll lllb ·on the lllddle Eut Jordan front and a !J)Okesm1p1 il\ ~ hive l>eeb pontlnWng lo MoaCow for the aaid lhe two 1ides exchanged attUlery lift tew monlhl b~t_pe,ct-l!\lkinK mova ilre.ror '30 minutes in lbe SoutbJordan . have been more or leu llalled: Ap°ierlcan Valley. He 1.11.id I.be Lsraelis began it by officials eJ"pressed hopes ~ Rogers-using man.rs and artillery against Gromyko talks would give them a new Jordanian forces near Maghtas, four slart. T\)lles 110rlb QI the Dead Sea. Jsraell off1clals had indic:at~ they An Isratli spokesman said today's ab: would cMry out Dew· ptmJUVe raldt att.ack dutroyed EgypUJn army veJIScles aplnlt Egypt. wbeneYV they felt it \ near Adu Dara g and Ras Zaafrlnll, ,two neee>aary. cl the prhlcfpal poinla hit TuesdaJ In a · The: ft'lft ret.aliallon was 1n lloe with combined air, aea and land attack Wtilcb Defense ~llnilter Moshe Da)tan's warning Israel reported left 100 lo 150 Egyptian to Egypt that it could upect even troops dead and scores of tanks, true.ks Ceme-fil'e Over, Bt1t •• • and arm«ed CUTiets destroyed. 'l1lo area.II about .a mlloo IOlltb of the ""' CWI. ., c___ ..._ He pve no ilttalll on the afleSed viola· tk>nll or on the siie ol the 11taeli air •t· tacking f~e. N,.. did be Indicate any c8411.ilt}( fiiu<el (Of tftl"' I~ l<\<1111 • , hrael'• surprbe raid. In wlilc~ tanks wait landed oo. Epplian terrJtory,. c.."O&t the Israelis two cuualt.iea, a pil<t htlaJ.. ing and believed dead ln the Gulf or Suez and one soldier •lflbUf~~P' '· J,ig the raid Dayan:·lofd-llli ' l1lllU' biltq d1v-. of fiClll1nC ll4 ad •DC\ thil tront Uno lrooRO should UJie<I no i'eaplla In Arab al!aca.> ' Gen. Haim Bar-Lev, lhe IsrteU com· mander-ln-dllef, WI hll lt'OC!P' !Qfay Ille Tuesday raid dramalited the "cainp!Cte helplesaness" ol th Egypt!"' &ml)'. Battlef f elds Remain Qui~t 1utoma'l!c weapons, roeket grenades and • dynamite bomb.s, military 1pokesm~ raported. SAIGON (UPI) -Th~ thr<e-day -fire proc!almed by the Vfat Cong In memory of the late president Ho Chl Minh expired at 1 a.Ql. Tburaday (10 a.m. POO' teday) but Vietnam battlefields ... - mained relaUvely quiet. While the United States and SOuth Viet- nam dld not offlclally 10 along with the Commwlist truce, action subs.lded acroa the country and American commanders. ordered obvioua moves at matclllng de- escalation.. There was speculation In Saigon ·that the U.S. Command would uume a wait· and-see atUtude before re I um in g "'normal'' oUeMlve moves. SOuth Viet· nam, as it had throogb..it the 12-bour truce, maintained n or m a.I military operations. , Commun!Bt command"ll earf1 today at· tacked a U.S. Marine base wlth · .· Eiabt North Vietnamese aoldiers brOke through "barbed wire barTacades aiound ~ M~e Corps storage facility four milea we.st of the northern cnast.al city shortly after 1 a.m, today but were driven out, spokesmen said. Communiques reported satchel charges planted by the commandoa caused Ught da:inage. One Communist was captured and one Marine wounded in the fighting, spokesmen said. Elsewhere'., North Vietnamese and Viet Coog ground fire downed three American helicopters, but figbtlng generally was light. A U.S. C-Ommand rkesman said Gom- munillt activity ha been "still of a r~Uvely lw level In comparison to Dancitag in Manila enemy activity prior to the enemy's an· nounced cease-fire." Officially, Saigon and Waabington are in •1Tetment over their responae to the standdown. A joint commWllque issued Monday said the level of allied military activity during the cease-fire would be "influeocet:C' byithe level of Communist activU,y. , But it wu apparent that while the United Slab!s had scaled down tts ac- tivjty, the South VJetnimese bad actually .increased theirs. ComniunJques showed South Viet· namese f<rcea stepped up their cffenalve cperatioos Tuesday, madlnc 57 drives compared to SO on MODCJly, The South Vietnamese alr force flew 80 sorties Tueaday and 54 Manday. In cornparilOfl, U.S. planes Tuesday made II tactical air striku; 400 is normal. 1,1,,, ....... Governor Ronald Reagan dances with Mrs. Ferdi- nand Marcos 'vbile his wife, Nancy, takes a turn with Philippine President Marcos after dinner in the Reagans' honor Tuesday. Reagan is in Philip- pines to attend today's opening of the Cultural Cen- ter of the Philippines. He is special representative of President Nixon. CONVENIENT TERMS l"NICAMER!CARD '. M~T,ER cl-V,R&~ lo1tle Jirt who knowswhat.ihe · wantS but not where lo find iL M•ti;h your style with our many dislinctive designs. And ~sk us about our f&"10us Orange Blouom 1u1n.ntee, J.C. .J/umpfu.i~ ');welra !Ill NEWPORT l\VENUE COSTA MESA ' • I • U YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 111.J./01 • I, • .. .. _____ _..,, .... ,. ----~._ - ~ w.-.,, StpltmW'ta, IM PllOT-ADVERTlSU I J:J ' \ \j I :i ~ <;• More ~t~~ent .. ~ ~olding , . -.t<111,Stp~J~l'f " I ~yf¢,,Jf , .Jobs Now ·:.rffajl Eye · B,efore . ' In Oc • 11111, 100 per«lll more YC1Uths (II to II) beJd jobs whlle1n IChool lhu dur-tnc lhe ,.... monlh ol 11111. F'"" oot ol 10 mtft atudenll woriced, and one odl of 'three women. Employment rates 111 tw:D higher Oii 1· )'e&r),y ~ Don't Think Mind,_Body Not Jjnked j ~' •. ' BJ' ' . '. 1 '"°' ' ' Y. ~ °""'Dr. ~~ l:"u,.~;.~~y~ had arUinl!t!oj )1 L Jot I noUce.\tlat:. . atri1n ...... i.~·ttwotso. l 1 For 1'a 1.m p 1._.,. , 1ftitn -rated fn>m my busl\lfl . for loo( Pt!l!>dl (M'tmt!!1•· lot In bis bllli•> l·set ..... ac)1tS ~ ;aim: Is II poYlb!e lhal,_~·qn be O!fet$ed by. !tied!_, -Mrs. Y. • COMMENT: >.. Ille oaylng ~ goes: "'and \hen some!" 'Jhe mind ii tied In with the body; the body with the mind. . l' Pl)'dioeoniatics Isn't just I fancy lenn. What happens In the psyche (n>lnd) olleo 'IJJ. vohes wliat ·happens In the soma (body), 1 Many rhtµmatlc patlonta like youneU have told me bow an:de!1 end other emollom mate 1tbeni feel mil9r~ble.i • Then, for days and weeka 1 their 'lylnploms becOmi'mor< bearable and they realiJe this l ii so during a period of calm ~ and contenfment. tt seems to have no relation to the medicine they are taking. LlkewUe, with people who auf. fer from other allmenb. MANY'S the ulcer pat!tnt who has been overwhelmed by !I &erioUI hemorrbagt because he bas just gone through 1 period of emotional llml: loll bis buslnesJ, for wunple. Llkew!Je, the coronary pa- Uent may get more frequent attacks of angina pectoril wben be ls upset and wonied.· L" 'rbe d!Jbetlc will come · 1n saying that be II spllllnc more qar than usual. His usuaJ in- DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE 11.llin dosage doesn't. seem to cootrol the disease u well as usual. Ast him about whit's b]ten happening lately and b'e will coofe&! that he hi.I been under emotional strain. So you see, Mrs. Y., lt may really be true that your tmt> Uom affect your arthriU.. MEDICALE'n'ES (llepli!I to Readers) Dear Dr. Steincrohn : ls it true that a myocardial to- t'arctlon may not sboit' Oil an electrocardlogram for months? -Mn. No. ' COMMENT: Not "usually true. Occasionally It my not !how mi the ECG unW 7 to 10 day1 alter the attack. But the full-blown heart attack ls nearly alw1y1 confll'U\~ by electrocardiogram witldn a lew days. If there Is;;:~ Uon, then the doctor Ibis dlagnosb on labof ory enzyme tests, on p~ex· amination, and on the ry or the attack. * * *I Dear Dr. Steincrobdl OUr dilld with bronchlal ~ bu beeo e._i to, ll!r cat for a >"ar without ~ an attack. SensiUvlty are negaUve to the cat. Site' lOffl this pel But nelghbop !'11 we lhould get rid or It i\o :1VU ogree?-Mn.F. I COMMENT: Keep It. Unless, of course, your doctor fiDds some delinlle rea• later for the painful tepar• lion. * * * Dear Dr. Stelncrl1hn: ls Vitamin C belpl\ll !or c:bnJDlc backache? Mn. c. ~:I doo't see wby -or bow. Dear 'tr. ~: Whit causes feet 6o "fall UIMp" and lep to haw L atraqe, atmoot pelnlul ..... ttont I have lat... nlcotlnlc add, bonnona end QUimm witllool 1111 tmprovmart. -N11. 0. COMMENT: >.. you lmow I can't dlagDoae from w11 back bert, but two oondltioos come to rrtlnd : ''peripheral neurltia" and Interference with the dttulaUon. Have you hid 1 bJooll tu1ar tolel'8l1Ctlt An •yoo anoml<! Bow ere ,_ ltc on.rt.s and veins! I f l)'tnpkJms contirme. hive. your doc;tor do a checkup on yw. · worked i... lhu II houn. WlW 111* " Jobi do ~. hold! Male ....,. qm Wt(O ' -•led In operative, eerv1ce and labortr jolil, whila wbli&<ollar work pndomllla\ed for JO-lo u. )'W'<lld meo. Flye ol W. older· women ltlldmt• alto bid wblt&<Ollar jobs -ball of Head & Shoulders __ .-lllllla_I_ "" fllllll '11111 ..... 99 c ~-·~ oLlalloo . <OlltlllllOUS lCTIOI W'SILll ... fer nlilf ti lllll.a. p1111o .......... sac .... 11. . . 1.4t1t'• S11n!. iptwe111trase wili ""' ""'· .. ---~ ..... 4 93· loillt jlOClet will po11. tloo. • Ill" Sliilil Rile wl~ CASE • Scott T,owels: .•iou.:!s.u W.! •. -.. ---· 4il~OO • • • ! .. " . ·'IVlear'' . , t • -1\ Su.rouslWI " " Floor-Wax- i'il1)ilfl .. . • - 1111 "' .. : 1· 29' ... .. '~c-. • . ' '~Spic Sll'n'' . 9'a lllO JOI a ...... •• ...._ =.!' .. ,~ ... asc . GintSl&e '''Vitalis'' wlflo y.7 . . -.. tittlool Crtuo. 11111' ..., ~ICIOlll ' ...... t 77( 1.,.t.M7ei. APRIL SHOWERS ''Skin Balm'' "Cutex'' Nciil care Aids • • -~ i MlllT FRESH f0<llt,0.WW.C.. -= .• "!"l,. Keepa bid• soft 111d lftllOtll • well a skie aU ever ro1r kdy. lJ10li1 helps 1D softetl all• a· posol ~ -ad""' ,111... ' . . ~1:. l ,.25 LADIES' Blouses Star Flowers ,. ,, = at ~ 97c ~ 88c =.• 1.39 ~' 1.19 =" 1.29 1111-IL 1 09 . ':;' . ' 'Preparation H' Slrt1b HtatrrHI• ••• klps to rNt pain a~.._lltbiilg in rmstases. "Listerine" 1.21 ·-llr. 98C TAI SllPMSITelllS u•l 19 12'1 • AllTISEPTIC ,/ •• Kills germs ~y millions en tdnt1ct ••. 79c bratll stJys frdl 1.11141z.Siz1 I iaOll "" Ill.Ill! lib "Geritol" uau11 1~11olllli11ot11tuma 98C hllW.,.._ •ii 1.11 hr. Sin "Bromo-Seltzer" ~ aid for~ pleUant 11Hef of mifl!lt' .. 1pstt stom,K•t ~ervon 7gc ........ """""" . 1.1141' IL Sil• !ill11I. "Geritol" n•tm T11 ~ mtai11 llicl tilt lrol 11 a ...,i of coWs mr 1 39 l'UI$ 7 . -for _..,.,1.Jllfl I 1.39 ' ''laslill ... ' Mokto ' floit•· ~ ~ R. 1 ' • p '• ' •• I " , f • • ' I ,._ Htlfm ... TOM llACH -A4-_. .. ,.._,. HUtmN•TON llACH -if"t..,_ _.Ml..., \I ""' -'"" ..... ..ii.t alla, 1N1 "' ,;1 , MfWPOll IUCH -10%0 l'MN I• W .. fdfff rt.- liMs, -... -"' lrl1H10ollow lirn. 1Jf;IKPllL Q f11i1i• ltygi• s,...., Deodorant Vt11"""9-.. ... tlttilll-• • ~ tlta• llitllr<lalot • 411 • l 69 Sill I "CAllDll-GLOW'< OVenware © eoo:l:'rs:'!.MO •. , Cloost n.i1 1 nt 1~ ql.-•~-' ... ,.'!lo .... 519 ' lolf ,.J. l~ qL ~dia sac~ . UCJ ~ 4'.-Pc. Bowl Set ~Soenb" -Hat resist.t 1, Ill, 2~. ~ 3 qt 3 98 sl!a ... oidl .,, 1 irla diffnt color. • ~ . .. I • ' • • • • -• • • • • • ·. ; . ·-. .. • •• l l • . • • . . l I ' \ I I I - 2t 11.'ILV PILOT H Wolnt>dor, Sept.-10, 1'16t Beckman Reporis lleebw1 lallrumenll toe. hu ~ Mt wnlnu ol M.I mltllon, or $1J$ Pl\' Illar<, ........ f13UmlJIJcol lor theyW"todedJwiell,-· 111'"4 with 1 nel· ol M..J nillll<m, or 11.u per lhln oo ,.1,. Ol lllU mJlll<11 In ~ 1181. 'Jbt tompln)' said 19" _.ting eam1ngs lotlkd M.I million, or fl.3t per share, but wm ndUc<d S!00.000. or I 'AHUSSIYI . OIANH COUNTY COllPOUTION NODS 111.,Nt WOlll.N• CUfT.t.I. Will •• , 11"9. --SM ilnl -AL1! CUA I ' • • • MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS,. ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE - TAB llECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE AllSWBRI ..-.[FORASLOWAS I !'14.50 PER MO. Districts to Go? CALL US NOW FOR JNFORMATION N1D 4 A llROCltURE. an:.: b,uwa 543-2222 I OFl'1CU TO SERVE ALL OI' OIW!_G_E CO. -- COPYWRITER New in erea. Awerd winning edverti1in9 copywriter for 1teff or freelence. Retail or egency background. Selery open. PHONE: 968-6815 VISIT~MERRll!.~LYNCH'S•NEW' ORANGE "COUNliY~OFFICE ,OPEN HOUSE-,THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 AND 12 To meet the growing needs of Orange County residents, Merrill Lynch's Santa Ana office has just moved to new and improved quarten. located in the hub of Orange County's Financial Cen· ter, here's an information center where the busy investor can check the pulse of the market. Managed by Norman M. Oahl. Merrill Lynch's staff of experi- enced Account Executives are at your service to provide personal· ized, i~dividual help. We have at your disposal the most modern • electronic equipment, Dow Jones and Merrill lynch newswires, and QRQ-the largest compu· terized information retrieval sys· tem of Its kind in the world. Plus a complete library of Investment brochures. You can get current quotes instantly. The latest facts on specific securities in minutes. Our staff of Account Execu· lives will be glad to help you get information, or to answer any questions you might have about investing. They will welcome a visit from you . M•IUtlLL LYNCH, ~••111c•, l'•NN•lll a •MITH 1111c 1000 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA ~A 92702 T11ep11one: 541.nn Honnlft M. DI.hi, ........ • --.. -• • • ---... I ' I I I~ I \ ·~~ ....... .,,.......,....,..,.....__,..,,,..,...~~....--r ...... .-..~~~--1'-...... ~ ..... ~ .... .. -'-~~....:;.. .. _, .. __ .. ·-· . ··--"'"""- ... , ..... , ..... I • ·O.W~fl • • • • 1 -.... .. ' I I' • ' l . • • • • • ~· I , . l. • • ft >Olll.Y PU.OT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL 'llOl'ICB LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE D•l'AllTMeHT ~ PU•l.tc woa1ts DIVlltOff ... Ml ... WAYS HOTICli TO COWTUCT .. S r ' • • • ~ ~ ·'P~~l~s Parad~e' Open8 • ·At Hunt~ngton Playlwuse nalalio waHod 1wen1y years for H to happen; and whon H hopponecf, &lie didn't OYll\ know whot happened. 'POOL! DIRECTOR Howard S,olomon " Laguna Beach's Irvine Bow1i 1 MmU N-and Alan; Bermann play the •larr1'! rolti under Kent JohnlOft ~ d.lrecUon. The musical Will tie sta&:ed Friday and Saturday •t I p.m. with rewvaUooJ belng taken .at ut--3900 . * * * South c o a s t Repertory sea~ opeoer, the bi~ anti-war comedy-drama "!71 Bombed in New Haven. enters il! second week~ '1UJrsd>r. playing throu Sunday at lbe company Third.Step Tehater . Martin Benson direcU Joseph Heller satire with 11 Tucbe, Heath Park, Pa Brown and Kat Landon J heading the cast. The theater' is at 1827 NNJ)Ol't Blvd; Coe:ta Mesa, and reserva~ are ~ taken at ~131J. , * * * ~ < Moanwhil" al the ~ Beach Communtty PIJyho the Kaufman-Hart corned "George Washington SI e p llere" plays Friday and Sat , day under Jerry AOOenoo'• direction, " Keith Houdyshell and Beijl Motsinger head the cast at playhowe, 50%1 E. Anabe' St., Long Beach. Ticket&: ma ht reserved by calling: (2.13) <Ja.-0>.lli. HELD OVER IOI OJ,ICf ortNS 5:45 SHOW STAITS 6:00 COOtE.D JIY. REFRIGERA'l'IDN A PHIL FELDMAN PRODUCTION ~row ~otm IDW}Hlt West Coast Premiere ,.. .. "',wro•r Engagement IN .. ou.•11 ...... , • ..=== .la:: NOW AT ~~·EV~~ .. '=== B 0 T H STAU<llG MOON' •"" '""I ...?!.!'uinalllll'!'. THEATRES ;""""' ·"""""""!• ,~ .. ·1i,.,;;;;;iii. ............ ;.;.,.,..;,.;,,;,;;;;;;,,;.;;;,;;;,;;~ .. .::.:mliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i~H I - I I I t I ' I I • ' Valley ,.....,,,, ...... • EOlT IO N VOL. 62, NO. 211, 5 SECTIOt4 PAGES ' TINaNTS • ..,. • •• ' " • -' • . " ' . . a or en1es on IC a Surf side's Bod y Origin Still Myster y Coroners depuUes, scientists and police offic.n are i;tiJJ puzzled today about the origin of portions of a body washed up at Surfside Beach Saturday. Deputy Coroner John Cale today indi· cated that lhe grlsly remains may be bul'led I! "John Doe" il they are deter- mined lo ~.of human origin. But even though an autopsy has been conducted, the coroner's office is not «nain that the torso portions. are hu- man. Only parts of a backbooe. the hips and a portion o( a leg bone remain. mak- jng idenllflcatlon di[ficull, investigators Aid. ..$kin tissue, bone age and Fracture tests art currently being administered by the OrlllJe County Coroner's office through the aid of scientists a Cal stat.e'Fu11erton. The skeletal remains were diacovered at 3 p.m. Saturday on a prWate beach near B-23 Surfskle by Mrs. Marjorie Fill while she was rwiinmlng in the ocean. They were photographed by Seal Beach Police and subsequently taken lo Smith's Huntington Beach mortuary where the autopsy was held. • _ .. , Seal Beach Det. Dave Van.,. Holt said speculall"1 about the oriJ.1n of the r .. mallll at ·this polot w~ impossible." . ' ~ • • ~ILY P.U.Ot ,,,_ .-, ... MM:l.!•111111 "fit:"re oaw c~ with the Hunting.. ton ~ !'.,_olf;! J>t~tNlo ~·~ mlne-u ll ~ ..... ,~ -·~· a~ a month ago," he uid. The man, who remains wlidentified. was reportedly swept into the ocean by heavy riptides oil Huntington Stale Beach Cold Feet, Wa• B'earts , · nelor~ of~. °!t:.:J.ii·~·lM~li.lmlili. e ~oi' ot this yoong cc)qpfi who lOOred~~ Q:f 'Hunlinjldil·ileach Tu0.. daf iifternOOl'l. Their outlook? Love is where y6u fmd it: July JI. 1 ' Police have not theorized about tht Involvement of (oul play but Or. David Katsuyama, a coroner'• consulting phys. lcian. indicated that the clean tissue cuts and markl on the lt:e bc:me could have been iollicted by • kAffe. 20 Stand Idly 83 Victims Re covered From lndi~a Air Crash As Gran dmotlie r Stabbed by Youth INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Colleo- Uon of bodies and debris continued tOdar in a firm field where the brokep parts of .a colliding airliner and .a light plane plunged lrom the sky, tilling 13 persons. (See Photo, Page 4), NE\V YORK (UPI) -~lrs. Eva Bres· Eyewilnessea said the single-engined ciano, a 70-year-old grandmother who us· craft carrying a 10loln111tudent pUot, 3$- ed to clean churches and accept nothing year~Jd Robert W. Carey, knocked the for it, remained hospitalized in critical tail off the Allegheny Airllnea jetliner u the larger plane approached Weir..cook condition today. . Munidpal Airport Tuesday. Doctors said she would recover from All 78 passengers and the crew of four •n ipparenlly sense I es.. attack Tuesday on the jetliner, as well as Carey, an In· by a 14--year-old boy who 6labbed her dianapolia plumber and father o[ ail, with 1 switchblade while at least 20 were killed. witnesses did nothing. The jetliner. which began its Dight at Half of them fled. others stood froien. Boston, had touched down at Baltimore Someone telephoned police. and Cincinnati and was scheduled to stop MAP SPOTS CRASH SITE Nathaniel Burton of Brooklyn, who at lhe lnd.ianapolis airport before going yards from a mobile home park where witnesse.s said flood over her, knife In oo to St. ~. many.ol the 150 residents watched ~·ith hand, as she lay on a courthouse floor. "It wa11 near perfect wuj.ber,tt ~ tertor u the severed fuselage of the jel 8W'f'tl1dered to authorities without a J.ohn Shaffer, one of a team of 11 in• • wblsUed tow d lb ilrugle and was charged with juvenile nstlgatc:ri fr<m the Federal Aviation · ar em. delinquency. Admfuistr1tion. "ll'r a In\ 0 st \in· ~ "Bodies, wreckage and luggage fell from Mrs. Bre5ciano, of Brooklyn, vdth bear· concelvablt that the two plants wen: at the 11fr. In& and speech ~eflciencies, ~ad been the l8JM spollal thl aame'UJne.:• .I ~ .AbOot • 500 policemen and a 16-man "blunting" family court since her • The aedlJ eolliaioa oceurri.11 ·~ ......,:: team of federal Investigator! combed the daughter had her declared incompetent don, • c:ommunilT cf 300 ebout 10 miles field ioday for remnants of the dlaaster. and In her CU!tody. llOU!heut of lodlanopolit. , . ~ cooi,.lten said the jet cfilap- Most oL 1be wreck11e of ~ l>C9 -~ tf®t a Mldar screen 86 it dropped ' Orulfe alrlioer Imlded In a soybean fiald 100 ·-.,_!See PLANE, Pap II , Cenfidential Bet.alb Released • _Fl~eing . Deaf Mute Sl1ot, IGlled A d~ mute was shot and killed while fleeing 'fivm ail Anaheim policeman Tueaday nigh\ after the youth railed to heed the olfictr'1 order to halt. A 7l·year~ld man who pointed a run at 1 Fullerton policeman and th"atene4 1o &hool alao waa shot t.o death Tue.iday. The deaf mute, 19, was struck by a eingle 6hot. Anaheim police policy Is not tn fire warning shots ••promiscuously in the air but to u.se the gun.as it is meant to be us- e.d -shoot to klU," a department spokesman said todny. · The elderly Fullerton man, In contrast, 6ttmed to be asking police to shoot him. "You might draw that conclusion; it kfnd ol looks th a t way,'' said LI. Gilbert Causley. The dear mute, Scott Hall, or tZ8 Wakefield St., Anaheim , wa~ suspected in the theft of a car stolen from a supermarket. He was dead on arrival at Orange County Medical Center. Fleeing with him was a girl, Doloru Valdillez, 19, Santa Ana. She I.a also a deaf mute and Wat captured by olficcn about a bk>c:k fro'!" the shgotina: scene. Anaheim police ukl they tecelv~ a call a car bad been ll«flen and gave puroul\ Into Glnkn Groy~ · wher'o HA~ ·~~.J:-~1'lr~OI· ficer SW: lfaup oril~ ""'°' 'fn bait, tlien r ... r the raja1-111ot;·p011ee "'1d. _ rn the otl!& 'lhootlng. c. l'levtlle Roblmon, 7!, of 4\1, E. Nutwood Ave .• FUlitrlOll, ~u slid111wlUi ~ 111!1 In. hil baod. He waJ allot tOlce In 11\e /:beat by of fleer Donald F. Prtce. Police said a teleobone operator tteeiv· ed a caU lftortJJ afier' 4,p.m. from a man who said be wu iolnl to kill hia Mfe and anyone elle who 1pproa.cbeil the house. A patrol car war ~ Det. Darrell llopn ~ !he home from the front 11111f heard a man yell from tmlde "I'm IOfn& to till you". Hogan dove behind 1 tree, the police report said. Community Chest Gets Zo.d y' s Gift The HunUngton Beach Community Chest campaign is off k> a good start with a "11iz.eable" coatrlbution to the Advance Gifls Division by Zody'a Dis· count Department Store, according to Walt.er Young, chest vice chairman. Young added that Zodys' emptoyes will conduct a chest campaign this month for the lluntington Beach agencies. The chest drive will be officl1lly launched at a combined service club luncheon, Friday, Sept. It 1t tbe Sheraton Beach Inn with the Rotary Club actlng as boot. Buslneu leaders will meet with Richard Waldzunaa, advance gifts and corporations ~hairman, Wednesday Sept. 17 at a Sheraton lM first account ex- ecutlve llChool from 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 P,m. Manaement manpower ls b e I n 1 recruited to conduct the employe cam· paign in the drive's aoal of ,115,000. .. ., l . .... ! ~ Ji1(1mi~y' s Dog·: _ ' • J ' ;:..-Roras 2 Gunnten. ' From SA Home .· Slander Suit . .. .. . • • • ·May Follow · _valley Fight By TEl\RY COVILLE \ CM ... Dlf)r ,_ ,..., "It was nothing more Uufn I routine zone ~ and the law doesn't nquil"I me lo dlscl... my Interest In roatlne m'attera.'" · Thaf was FOlllltaln Vallq Moycr Robetl Schwerdtfeger'• rtpl)' 'J'Ue!lelay to conflict Of tnterm charges thrown at him MondJJ by fellow Couocllman John Harper. "Mt. Harper's attack II an u:ample cl the orpniu.Uon com~lsed of a unall 8J'OUP 6r IOdety trying tO pin-control ol lhlJ city." said the mayor ID a preu con-. ference callid on hia • retbrn from Northern Ca!Uornla. ' "I plan lb show hil l!Lal-11 and tholle el Eugene VanDask to my attorney and a suit for alander may follow, .. added the mayor. Monday, Harper told re)JOrlera the m~yor was "clearly guilty ot conruct of In~," over the Sprlnghur5l tr~ at the aoulheast eornt( of Warner .Avenue and Ward Street Schwerdtfeger admitted Harper's fn· formation I! to bls belna; the ~ estate broker on the land sale was coriect and that he had \JOI dl!closed his bu!inesl to the eourJcil wbeu the land was zoned for lingle famllj< retidencu (l\.l). But the m1yor pointed to the ume f:::':""'~ ·IWJ!lr had cited lo de-_ "Section im Cbl m cleulyili0lil 11>at routine maJ~ befora 1 publlc bo\iY -ii U,.,. woiild not be affected evi!lf1hoqli a ctrtlhi memtief wem-DOI pre>en1 -do not.~. COQfUct. ••• 'fllllt ai<Uclil dMla ·wmr the dlicbur• ol dll¥I nm.Ill) -by puPJllC ol· Odl1ls. Tba _,,. cited -,.ys: "(3) ·That ..i a nolplent of public -gennJ\y provided by Ille local public agency for which he! acts, on tlla aame terms and condiUQOff as U be Wer9 A GmMo shepberd dO( oamo TICo -!"!·• member of the 1ovemlog bodJ, a cUtl!CI deloendant pi fameil lDO'fle 4"1 boilnl or COlllJlllJslOll.• Rio 'l'ln Tio -routed two men boldlnr Tba headinr abbve lhll aectbi In- a hoo!<keeper at gJll1POlnt from a·saota dJc;alel It la lor_memllen •who sbaU not Ana home Tuesday. be· deemed to have-a financial interest in JIUI like on ..... Won. tllo-t'i(o men DOD<cinlractull) .......... turned heel and (led "~ U. JtG-pciund "I've 1lway1 conaidered It a atneral dog came anarllng lnto ~ rooqt. ~ of thumb." uplalned the mayor • The lncldent occurred. 1'Jesdaf mom-.. tba~ aJIYlime tt 11 a rouHne matter, ·aad Ing at the home of Santa Ana optome. no spedal benefit. are given, you dcio't trial Dr. Horace Cadeo, ml llili;r!'nC" oeed to dtocloee your Interest" St.. Santa Ana police said. • --"The Lan.to Trael had aU types of The doctor was at wort and Mrs. Ca-benefitl and spec.ill clJJel " COQUnoed the den was atlll in her bedroom,,..hen the mayor,•exPlaining hill disclosure of in- gunmen entered the home at 1:30 .a.m, tereat in that acti.oo. , and grabbed housekeeper. Adelaide Je--Schwerdlftger also ~pbatically der1led SUI, 38, around the neck. <lemandl"ll Jo having oold other property ;n the ctly know w~re ~ 1•4Y ol Che house~•¥-then voting on zone chana;es without teU: Miss Jesua broke aw~y w~en ~man illg h1a part 111 the·sa~ holding her -bia VIP lo ltl a Ha •--'d · ... -::------roll of adhesive tape.abd shti rafttoWard rper •"llll 181 on more .. _, one oc- the rear rt. tbe boose. ~g for 'nco. Wion that the mayor told him of. eeveral pollce said, · au:;h involvement.II. , From then It was R1n Tin Tla's ·ae.. I expect Harper r announcement it cendent ti the. rescue. , lhe type of article that, strstegically The Caden> said they purch.iud their spa«d, will be releued during the """"° do~ from Lee Duncan owner of the orJg. ol Ull! campaign," uJd Schwerdlfeger. inal Rin Tin Tin. ' · · "l'm really surprised he didn't wait Ul)o UI lbe day before the recall electkm to rele~ this, &))>log me oo tbne to reply," Sen. Bee Hospitali~ he r:i~ayor a1ao ~ rumors that SAN Fl\ANCISCO . ( U.P I) -he W13 ll'ying lo .. u Ilia liOu!e and mova "'5emblym_an Carlos Bef w•s ladJnl~ Gti! 'l', Ille cily. • to lhe UnlV<nlty of California• Midioar "I m aoing to stay and figl>t tli!s lhln1 Center Tueoctay 1Uffer1ni • · Ii e m to Uie end," he declMed. · "complete exha...UOll," lj:C<>rdln' lo lib_ · "Illy neit rebuttal lo Ille entire re<all wife. , J 4. \ ~ Issue/' added the mayor, t•may be Jn the . . form ol a suit for defamati<1:1 ot • • • • ".. d\ancter against 'Val\l)ask, Harper and lndlvldualt involved in tbe. recall lfOUp.'' • Wea ther The only way to beat the. fog is to aleep late In the morning, cause it'a goina lo stay with us Thursday. Ttmperaturea along the shore are tabbed In the high 60's, risina a few degrees inland. Stop ··Marijuana Plan Jeopardized. * * * Schwerdtfeger Rejects Bid ' INSIDE TODA I' Orange County 'lf1Wpogiua ore planning service• for HiQPt. Holy Da111 starting "'1il1 Knl Nidrt aervict.s lhf1 weekend. SchrduJ.e1 for the New Year com~tton appear on Pog1 14. • ........ " -J>U ~'4 .......... ........... M ~c-9' It ~ ... ,, or ........ '' lledl Mft... IW1 ,......... JC" 1 --·-. --.. --- ~· . ~ ' . , A momnnental aeuck on oraanlJtd marijuana .. ua1en -tel to atriU - n tons d I.be -new Mu\can crop would be n09rn into the U.S. via an aettal Uodergrooncl Railroad -. has been seve .. ly Jej>pardlled. Detatb ol the conl)delllial plan· to cap- ture !iPt plaoes aai1 .,.. conyorted traDIJ'llfU "''" pmnalul!llr relelltd .by a government ollldal In Wuhlngloo aod received otYrrpaper coniraae. The mull, feden.1 autboritiel fear. lJ falllll'l-ol whal bad been Utled OperaUon lnt<n:<pt. oornJng al a llme whcla the 11· lepl -;, la ... lllPPl1 ..... ud would bring high J)ric<J. '""""' probab\y won't bo • plane up ~re when we uuiteour mov~" 11\d one the .,,,._.. of the IDIUlvt•piall, "II loob Jfte the 111•>1<,. operation ii down tlla drain.'~ • • ' Ptderal authoritie1 have Jong: been deactivated, but the LAMB branch lbell na;e ti. a major marijuana traffic Is now a part of. lhe Third Marine between the border naUons, but e~ Artcraft Wiag wll.h headquanert al lbe fOfCemenl has been crippled due lo the 0ranp (:ounty bo1t. vast, desolate tmAin to be covered. Smugglers ' M n6t ft)e Digh }llJ\9 The major break came last fall when a tndk:.itlng \heir whereebouti al ,• liven U.S. Marine,_Corps Hawk mluile crew Ume 1bil: Ule route, blhttver, ml'tbt from Filth L11ht AIJU.Aircrall Mobile Fedel'al Ariallon AdmlnlJlrallao radar JJattallon (LAMB) maneuvering oo( Of operates af 1,000 feet am abovt. Yuma, Aril. ran Into opel'alio!l31 dil· Cal1lng In mllilu7 uatatance, the FM flCUillea. and otlla' conctmed qenciOI Id up-• The LAMB crew began mooltorfng odd secret IUl'Velll~ tyttem1 which l*lOV• blips tndlcallng unknown alrcraJI Oil their em1 • lncrodJl>le Jil&ln!11 .bl Iba ll(f, radar equJpmeot and notlned the U.S. carryloi kJnt ol..~~DL Border Potra!. "The -govtmmenl did a sWdy In a "Our bl& CMcem when we pick up bUps valley !ii ArlJooa >,nd fOWld there were ls tJ\at' we don't hit aroi p~· 0 • I.ti aver.eae ol 4.I )>Jane.a a night ctoulnc plained Major Robfi'I Boolitr. J1( Ibo El fro~ ~ ~it'~ that ,.. vaJ. Toro MCAS Join! mlonnatlonJ -,i>mt'<ll U.... -,;.., """"""' ·-today. -• ' • a.JS bomllelt -llL~ '""'"""' He aal4 J,. W\il liiv<I Ns Jltn. . ~la' World War D, ud la clStaln·tpOlll ' t -t • ' . ' • -·-·--• ~ ~· To 'Meet Press' • • • ------L----~ t t ' I ' • • -• • ' • I ' I j , · Israeli Plaijes lfit·Egypt ,·Agam DAU. Y PILOT lltfl l"llllt Waiting for the Bus lnna Seja, 10, smiles at friend as she opota approac)ling bus that took them to school this morning in Huntineton Beach. Nearly 4.1,000 elementary school chlldren and 14,600 high school Jtudenls went back to classes today in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Westminstar. Trophy to Mark -GWC, :•:OCC Football Rivalry Football rivalry between Golden West and Orange Coast colleges, now in ItJ fourth yw, will' have a perpetual trophy to be awarded ror the flr5t time • 's.pt. 20. Although not quite as traditional, yel, as lbe calilomia.stanford Big Game An or the famed Little Brawn Jug fougbt for '· by Mlnnescta and Mkblaan, the new tropby does bave Jts own hlstory. To be donated by the HWll.lngton Beach ExchlJlie C1ub in ceremonies Thursday nooq, the symbol is a bell from the first moloriud ~ fllilne In the HuntiJlijon Beach Fire Department, a 1932 model Seagrave rttired in the early 1950s. The fire engine is now on display in Travel Town in Griffith Park, Los Anaeles. The bell, act<ll'dlng lo Etthange Club Pl"t!ident Doug A.fcher hu been mounted Fhnei·al Slated .. • w11nut.11an11 lbl'it feel lO!lf and 1wo feet high and includes a plaque upon F D d B "'hich will be enscrlbcd Uie name of the or rowne . oy winning team each year and tbe team's . m .. ...i ,captain. .1 Funeral Jef1'icel ror ll!!!!dy Le~.,....., Ahe!ll1inf th~ Thursday pruentaUon • 14, cl Jllll Lido Lane, lJiintldg1<>o J!!acl>, •·Ill be head football coaches fnm bolh 'Who drowned last Thursday, will be con-schools, .ttudent activity leaden, student ; ducted .a~ 10 a.m., Friday,. in Dilday body pres.idenb:, and Huntington Beach Brothen Ciapel, llill Buch Blvd. clly o(ltcials who dollal<d the trophy. -BurlJI will follow at For:rut Lawo Trophy committee chatrmen Vines Cemetery, pyPresa. • Collier and Carl Lawrence will make the ~~·-11-'ljr,,.il ,_ ........ -,to u,. -., !'tlllllfl(• luld, -li!il air ......... """' i........, and llll'illll Joptlu 111111' ""'"1a and '-· 'l1le U.8. -· -Oti* lmWll ' ~ urgent M~le East talks woald 6eain next wett with Ruaala. An 'lm.el! apoU5man lalil lpdO)''s air raid lCalnSt Egypt WU 1D retaliation for .. further Egyptian ~· violations alooi the Sue; Cina! lhit. morning." Cali'• dlpiomallc ,.p0rta said lllfh Egyp- tl'an !attackl wue likely to cooUDue since ~gyp\ believes ii can win ~ ""' ol al· ~tUon. ' The Stale Oepcrtme;JI uld· Secretary ot state" wnuam P. Roe:ers and Soviet Foreign Mlnlsler Andrei A. Gromyko lrvine Eying Land Between CdM, Laguna By JIARBA)IA ltREIBICD Of ftt OftlY .... ''"' Plnns are In the making to turn the lr\ ine Company's prime ocean front land belween Cameo Shores and Irvine Cove inl9 "the ouUtanding coastal develop- ment in America." a c o m p a n Y spokesman disclosed today. Finl step in the pn>Ject, scheduled lo start by 1m,· will be a flyJng tour or in· ternationalally f am e d Mediterranean resort developments by Irvine officials :ind a top-drawer San Francisco pllMer. Leaving by air from New York Sept. 30 to visit Portugal, Spain, France arid It. Jy, will be William R. Mason, engiiieer iind president of the Irvine Company~ Raymond L. Watson, architect and senior vice president ol Irvine's land~develop men& division; Richard A. Reese, planner and vice president or the company's plan· nlng department; and Dr. Thomu J. Ashley, director of de v e Io pm en ta 1 iitrategy In the planning department. In Europe they will be joined by in· temational planning consultant Adam Krivat.sy, whose firm, Hart, Krivatsy, Stubet of San Francisco, has beftl engag· ed as planning consultants for the Irvine coastal development. Krlvatsy Is now in Gre.ece as a con· su1lant to the government regardini a resort development on the Aegean coast. Hfl'hu planntd reaortl in Hawalt. and the C&rlbbtan and Dimeyworld in Florida. The Mediterranean trip ts a pre-plan· ning mission for development of the tbfee-mlle coasl sector of Irvine Ranch land, inctudlnr ''PPrtl'm•lelf lliiO acres of prlni• oceao rroiil properly and ad· tfiUonal acreage extending about one: mile inland. Coastal sites include Crystal Cove, Scotchman'• Cove and El Morro Beach. The ,parcel under corWderatlon for development adds up to 12,000 acres. ; : Randy l!fowoed. las\ 'I)luraday whilt present;tion. The · riew · troi>hr will i>O l!i"1mmlng I<> lhe·cenler o1 Ol\l•H1111Ui¢oo . ~lfp~ at botb schools prior to the · Lik•, '2slllto rucuo ,elr.rti by bis 11.. ~Sept. :io iame: »~ )>ID!het,.jeff, ' . ' • The Irvine planners' itinerary ~ludes surY~yg oJ the Al1arv,, Ooi&st in Por1.l!gal, SlJ'in's C..ta d~ ~~~ta Brav~: the ~ ·d'Azur in · F~;, Italy s Lljurlan arid ~ ,C.ata "i"d ..., Costa SmcraJda ln s'arcilnia. ~: J:le'luutvlvtd bl' l>lJ'~ Mi· all!f ~ • CIWltl -Reed; • two. br<ithen, t'Ciiltle!l Jr .. and Jeff, . ·and · lh • gr>napannt>, Mr. and.Mr~ Lou!& Greve, t'.l.as ~egas, 'Mrs.. Mary Pohhnann of U\naheim and Carl PohlmallJ) o r ~alimesa. ,. • < f'rona Page 1 illADAR ... .. ' l Plan filed earlier. • · And pilots known to be crossing the : Mexican-Amtrican border are ordered to : land at international airports where CUS· ·tom! agents may make routine iMpeC· : tions. : Smugghn flying the aerial highway ~have two favorite routes, one of thtm :the Tecale Slot, whttt hlgh mountains :On each aide block probing radar beams. DAILY PILOT ClkAHGl CO...!T PUllll!.MING (.Olil,.Alff ••l>'rf H. W11I . flrnidtnl -Putl!Wttr . . J.,~ 11:. c~111v • . VIU 'rnlcllnt ~ GcMrll Mlftf ... • . Titom•I t<•t•il • . l!tllOf . Thoff111 A. M~1,::111 . """""'"' (fl AIM1l W. •~••1 . ~11 .. etuw H•1lll1ttH l•ttll Offlc.• JO• 5th Sl•11I M1:11~1 A4orl•111i ,,0. 11• 7,0, '2••1 Ot• 6Hkft tlf-1 kt~" l;ll \'O tl llJ!tlllil tft\1~11 t Goll• Mttt :1.)9 W~\l llY ~llftt L"""' ... ,,t DJ Ftfnl "l't"'W . ~-L . . . l)AIL'll' "tLOf, .-!t!I WlllC!I It °"""""" P>e • H-·l'<fl,f. I OIUll•J!'H Ol~r 0.l>IHI """'° ~ .. , .. -•Ill till!~ Iv """"'""!"' ' ~ .._.!ft.. Vt lltY> C•ll' Mtit. tis-• _. fffcll .,.. ~ lfllld\. ......... ~ . ,.. '""'"'' d;lllo\s. O!'atlll a.sr rublhll· . 1111 ~ ""'*" '*""' -tt n11 w• ~""'4 .-w., IAo.,pOll lf'ICfl. 1n1 JJI ti "" '""'· <-ti """· § r~ •71•1 '42~J11 ' lfti. W•Mlt* C1ll 140·12JO ' O.tl,.,. .U..rtw.. H2·1171 •• -· 0r.... ~ ""*ll"'!'f ~ -== ... , ... •-.itl>ll- • ._.~'"""" 11ete111 ~ ........ ~ ... "" .. """ ! .,... .... ~~,. .... ~~ n . I ·':$"·'· t;i.&M1•1kl .,_ I ,., 11 ~ti --_..,,. ' ..................... ~ ..... ., ... l ' J .. · Fr11n~· Pcg11 ·1 PLANE ... . frcm 6,DOO feet to 2,500 feet in fts landing approach. Catey had tat en off from nearby ?ttcCordmlle on • 50-mile &rainirlJ flight to Columbus, Ind. , His wife, sobb[fli as she spot;, Ill · newsmen, said: .. Re loved flying. He llad been dOlng it (or years just for 1i1s ow n pleasure. This past year he was working to get hls Uctn&e. He didn't plan to buy a plane rtght away, but maybe sometime.'' The family moved to lndtanapalls from P.1anchester, N.H., a year ago. The crew members who perished with 78 pl!sengers were. identrued b y Allegheny as Capt. James M. Elrod, 47, Plainfield, Ind .• First Officer William E. Heckendorn, 2.6, Pittsburgh, and t'iro stewardesses, Patricia Perry of LyM, f\tas.s ., and Barbara Petrucick or Bostop. Searchers found bodies in a wkte arta, · some ~g trailer homes a.id others hidden in the four-foot soybean stalk!. Victims' Airline ,. Sivitch Revealed CINCINNATI (UPI) -Sever a I passeOJ!:ers killed in the crash of an Allegheny , Airlines DC 9 jet neat Jn. dianapolit. had been scheduled on another flight, but boarded the Ill-fated craft because their plane was late. OfUcials at Greater Cincinnati Airport ntsck>sed "A numbet of pmsengers" had been scheduled to take 1 Trans Workl Airlines fli&ht due here at J: 15 p.m., EDT Tuesday but the plane wag delayed in ar· rival from New York. In thfl meantime ·the Alleghen}r Ol&hl, due to depart here at 2:57 p.m., wa11 be.kl up \$minutes to accommodate them. Olllctal• of bolh TWA and Atlegtieny said they were unaJ>Je to determine the number of penons who made t.be lut· mJn'ute rwttch. Sah Founder Dies NEW YORK (AP) -Adam L. Gimbel, "ho butll Sib FUth Avenue Into the na· Uon'• torial rp«IAlty chain, died 1'1<>- day ntalll In N..,, York HOl!)llal cl pan- crealttls. He waa 75. The trip will last for three weeks and each coastal area ·will bt toUred by car for two to three days. The tour, Mas-On said, will be a follov.·· up to similar surveys of coastal devt>lopments in Hawail and the East, this Ume offering an opport~it1 to ei:· amine: an area with "climatic conditions ccmparable to our own." ~- Irvine Granted $45 Million Line of Credit Financing for extel"l.'iive real est.ate development on Irvine Ranch property V.'as assured this week as Aetna Life and Casuslty announced it has granted a $45 nli\llon line of credit to the Irvine. Com· pany. Funds for rtal estate development on the ranch will be made available on an incremental basis over a fi ve-year period, beginning in 19'1U • The transaction, first of ils kind ever made by Aetna, l\'as arranged by Coldwell Banker & Co., Aetna's mortgage and loan correspondent in California and Arlrona. µrban K. Wilde, vice pre!iden~ of Coldwell Banker in char1e of Joan ac. tivlty, said it was the largest single f\nan · cl'!S arrangement made during his flrm·s JO.year relalionship \\'Ith Aetna. Irvine oUlclals sakl the funds v.·ill be used for development of new office buikllngs, apartments, shopping ctnlers and industrial facilities and "ln further ·fulfillment of the Irv 11'1 e Com-- pany't reglooal master plan." AnnoUnciment of tbe financing agree- ment coincided with news 1hal lrvint of. fici a\1 are lniUaUng a plan to develop 650 acres of prime coanal W>Ctiland between Cameo Sborea and lntne COve. Alrtady under construction ls a $25 .million apartment compleS at the corner of Jamboree lload and Sail Jacinto HUii Road. Tht 5'>-acre development, largest l"ver built In Orange c:ounty, will Include 1."SH dwetuna unl\s ind a ''tota11Jving environment" ln<lodlnf a park. lhoppln& center, hullh spa, S'Wlmming pooll, ten. nili cowu and. putllna areen1. The com- plox, dellined for adulta, II scheduled r0< compteUon bi to monllll. ------- wwld mttl al Gi tndle4 Nalloal when 1111 qon..i ArrtrlllJ _-.., • So'de\ Amit 'n ff< """""1 r. D..,..,, WOI _ , • ., Ga!nYko fromlo!- aod II ~ lo 111 In on the talb. u~ ~ "' 111e· Mkldle f;ut ha"' hem ~"'' Jo Mooeow for the i.t few montba but puctrrl\atinf moves ha.ve been JJ)OU ~ Jell at.allfld. American offlclala expressed bopea tbe Roge1s- Gromyto talks would give them a oew Jlar\. Israeli officials had lndieated they woukl carry out oew punitive l'iids apinll E&YPI . wbenever lbt)' felt it necwary. ' The awtft rdallallon "" In fuie with Defense Minister Moabe Dayan's warning to Egypt lhal ll could eipect even btavler Israeli llriket U the ce .... rtre •lolallooa canlinue, and P"'ml<\" Golda Molt•• llat"""'\ --..,.id .... lln111 II DO -IOlllemart """' natl> ed. Fighlinf abo llllid today on the lira& Jordan front and a apokeaman in Ao:lman aald !he lwo lldu ettha0ged artlttery flre for 30 minutes ln tbe .south Jordan Valley. He said the Israelis began it by uaing mortars and artillery against Jordanian force near Magbt.a.s, four miles norlb <I. the Dead Sea. M Israeli spoteaman saJd today's air allack de!lroyed EgypUm """1 vobl<lea near Adu Darag and Ru ~IDI, two ol 1be prln<.fpal polnla lllt Tuoad>y jn a combined.air, aea and land atlack which Israel reported left 100 to 150 Epptian troops dead and scoces of tanks, trucks Cea11e•fire Over, But •• • and armored carrlen df>$ltoyed. The .,.. la lbqul jQ mUeo IQjlff\ or the &lei c.nal. r ~ Ht gave QO detaUs oa the alle1ed vto1a· u~ or on the s1Je oi tbt Israeli air at. la<k!nlf force. Nor did he indk:aJe any C41uall> Ugum lor ellher aide lpdO)', Lsrael't surpri.se r,ai~ Jn whlcb ·tanks were landed on EmJtian territory, coat the Israelis two casualties, a pilot rnlss· ing apd believed dead ln the Gull ol Sue< ancl «tr: aoldier slightly wWnded. FonOW. Ing the' raid DayM t.old bl! conntmntn llllDY bllter days cl fll)lllof U. ahead • and thol front line trooP1 should eapect no respJte in Arab attacb. Gen. Haim Bar·Lev. the IS?lt.li com·· mander·in.(hief, tola his tNIOpl tod11Y the Tllesdl)' raid dramatized the "complete belplessnen .. of th Egyptian army. Battlefields Rem·ain Quiet SAIGON (UPI) -Tbe lhrtMlJ' cea1e-ru. pn>elalmed by tile Viel Coog ln memory of the late J)rtlident Ho Chi Minh expired at 1 a.rn. Tburaday (10 a.m. PDT today) bllt Vietnam balUellelcb re- mainad ralaUvely qu!eL White the Uofl<d States and South Viel· nam did not officially go aloog wJth the Communist truce, 1cti~ auhlided acroe the country and American commanders ordered obvious mova at matchlng de-- escal1Uon. There was speculation In Sai&on that the U.S. Commaod would uwne a walt· and-see atUtude before r e 1 u m i n g "normal'' ofJensive moves, South Viet· nam, aa it had thn>ughout the 72-bour ttuct, maintained n o r Ill a 1 military oper1Uona. Communist commandos early today at· tacked a U.S. Marine bue with 1utorn1Uc weapons, rocket arwactes and dynamJte bombs, military spokesmen reported. Eiibt North Vietnamese soldiers broke tl\rough barbed wire barracades around the Marine Corps storage facility four mllea west of the northern coutal city shortly after 1 a.m. today but were driven out, 5pokesmen said. ' C.Ommuniques reported satchel charges planted by the commandos cauted light damage. One Communist was captured and one Marine wounded in the flghUng, spokesmen said, Elsewh8l'e, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong ground flre downed three Amuican helicopters, but lighting generally was light. A U.S. Command spokesman said Com· mwlist activity had been "still of a relaUvely ... ~ow level in compariaon to Dancing in Manila enemy activity prior to the enemy•s an. nounced cease-fire." Officially, Saigon and WaShlneton art In agreement over their response to the standdown. A joint communique issued Monday said the level or allied rnilllary, activity durina: the cease-fire would be "influenced" by the level of Communist activity. But it was apparent that while the United States had &l"aled down ita ac-- tivlty, the South Vietnamese had aCtually increased theirs. Communiques showed South Viet- name!e forces stepped up their offensive operations Tutsday, madlng 57 drive9 compared to 50 on MOOC:ay. The South: Vietnamese air force new 80 sorties Tuelday and ~ Monday. In compariJon, U.S. plant! Tuesday made 18 tactical a.ir strikes; 400 is normal. Governor Ronald Reagan dances \\'itb Mrs. Fercli· nand Marcos while his wife, Nancy, takes a turn with Philippine President Marcos after dinner in the Reagans' honor Tuesday, Reagan is in Philip- pines to at tend today's opening of the Cultural Cen· ter of the Philippines, He is special representative oi Pre5ident Nixon. CONVENIENT TERMS IANl<AMERICARD MASTER CHARGE $121 To the girl wtW> ~what she wanes but not -Mn: to find iL Malt;h your style with our many d°dtinctMI desisns-And ;;isle us about oDr famous Oranre llof.som gumntiee. J.C. .J/un1pfu.iu 1 J;wefer.i llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA r 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION . PHONE • '~~:1401 • ' bo ... 1. . ... •Y Is •• 15· "' •· !n Id ct , .. .. te ' ' • j I, ' I ! ' • ' • • . . .. a B~aeJi ~iPf•al • VOt 1>2, NO. 217, 5 -SECTIONS, 74 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA ' ' • • • rv1ne _uxu-r ................ tofT9.llOl•1" ....... .,,c;~ MAP SPOTS CRASH SITE Air Crash Victims Recovered INDIANAPOLIS, lod. (APl -Collec- Uoo of bodies and debris continued today tn a farm fie.kl where the broken parlS of I a colliding alrlioer and a light plane I plunged from the sky, kilJing 1.1 persons. !See Photo, Page 4). Eyewitnesses said the single.engined craft carrying a soloing student pilot, 3S- year~ld Robert W. Carey, knocked the tail off the-Allegheny Airlines jetliner as the larger pl.aoe approached Weir-COOk l\lunlclpal Airport Tuesday. AD; 71 J>URl'.ll'n: and the crew of four fJl'I tit1 jetliner',• well as Carey. an ln· dlanl'polil ptumbft' and father or 1ix, Wert killed. The jetliner, which lq:an Its flight ;:t Boston, had touched down ai BalUmore and CinClnnati and was schedlded to slop at U\e lndianapollil airport. bttore going on lo St. .Louis. ''It W'8JI near perfect weather," said Joho Shaf.ftr, one of a feam of 11 Jn- vestigators from the Federal Aviatkin Adm.lnbb'ation. "It's a I tn o st in- cooc.eivable that the two planes were at the ~ spot at the same time." 'Ibe aerial collisk>n occun"ftt near Lon-don. a Community ol 300 about 10 miles IOlllhew of lndi>napolls. Most cf the wreckage of the DC9 airliner landed iii a 50ybean field 100 yard,, from a mobile home park where man1 or the 150 residents watched with terror as the :ievered fuselage of the jet wbistled toward them. Bodies. wreckage and luggage fell from the •ky. Abou't 500 policemen and a 16-man team of federal investigators combed the netd foday for remnants of the disaster. Airport controllers said the jel disap- peared from a radar screen as it dropped from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet lo its landing apPl'O&ch. Carey had t a k e n orr from nearby McCordsville on a SO-mile training flighL to Columbus, Ind. His wife, sobbing as she spoke to newsmen, said: "He loved flying . He had been doing it for years just for his own pleasure.\ This past year he was \VOrking to get his license.. He didn't plan to ?uY ~ pl,ane right away, but maybe sometime. The family moved lo Ioclianapolis from ~er, N.H .• a year ago. .11lfl crew members who perished with 7i passengers were identliied b y AilttlhenY u Capt. James M. Elrod,_47, Plalnfletd, Ind., First Officer Wiltiani E. Hidendorn, ZS, Pittsburgh, and tw~ stewardesses, Patricia Perry of Lynn, Mus., and Barbara Petruclck of Boston. Oruge Coast Weather The only way to beat the fog ls to aleep late in the morning, caiu it'a aolnc to stay with us Thursday. Temperatures along the shore art tabbed in the high 60's, rising a few d.egi"tes Inland. INSIDE TODAY Oro:119e Cottnt11 ~11no11ogul!s are pl01'ni11,g service1 for High Hol11 Da113 starting with Kol Nidre eervictl this weekend. -ScMcJWes for tlle New Yi-ar , comniemoration appear on Pagi 14. -" , .... llM 1f C:w.f c;,,.... lt C:lbltl... ..,.. ,_ ... , C:,_,.. I) Pt41ftl fftllkft II := ,.,. u~ ....... ..., -ft --ft ...... . Dow1a the Mission Trail Viejo Offering Oasses in. Yoga MISSION VIEJO -Yoga classes will begin M01Jday, Sept. 22 at the Recrealion Caller. The sii classes will be taughLby Renee Taylor and wlll take place on cooseculive Moday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The fee will be M. for members and '10 ror nonmembers. The instruct.ion is designed to hnprove pbysicaJ and mental condttion. e Dhu1er Hou•e Begun OAI\. T Pll.O'i Stitt ....... Route One to Salt· Creek .. Project .. O.utlined By BARBARA IUIEllllCH Of -Dlt:!r """' lflfl I Pbna are in tbe makin1 to tl.lr1' the JrvlJ¥: .Gompany's prbne oce.an front land iielw"!I' Cameo SOO... and Irvine Covi into '.'the oulllaodlng "mutat de'felop- meot 1n Amuica." a comp a a 1 1pokesman diaclooed today. • Finl step·in the project; ICIJeduted to allrt by t.m, will be a f!yln( ICIOlr of io- temaliooatatty I a.med Medllerranoan resort developmenll" h)\ Irvbae • offklalt :i:nd •· top.drawer San FrancJaco planner. Leaving by air from N•w York 8epL II to visit PortugaJ, Spain, France .am1i !ta. ty, Will be .WUlliun R,,M...,, engloeer &n:d president of Ute JrvlH Company;· " Raymond L. Watson, arcbJtect and 1enior vice president of Irvine'• land develop. m.ent division: Richard A. Reese, planner and vice president of the company's pJan.. nlng department; and, Dr. Tbornu J. Asblef, director of d e v.a Io p m e' n t al litrateu in the plan ning department. LAGt.JNA NIGUEL -Construction is under way on Laguna Niguel's fint restaurant, Rembrandt's dinner house and cocktail lounge, due to open about the end of October. The restaurant will be on Crown Valley Parkway just north o{ • Pacific Coast Highway, converted from tile original Lagu11& Niguel Corp. admlnistralloJI building. This is bow some folks will get to Sall Creek Beai:h between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point on south Orange C~st. Overpass bridging Coast llighwar will connect inhmd ·side of l.a,gulia Nlgilel d~velop. men\· !<>-private beach. Arrangement.of ellrib fill in huge· banks along Coast Hlgbway by develqpers has cut off much of nlolorlst.' sweeping vista of sea. In Europe they will be Joloed by in- ternaUonal planning comultint Adam Kriv11.tsy, whose firm, Hart, Krivatq, Stubee of San Fnmclsco, J>a• -00111- ed as planning consultants for the Irvine ooas\Jl development. I • . --. '" ' County zoning officials, over the protest of t.a.runa T,rrace P,rope'tty ~· Msoclation lnstdent 'j\fabll:i Ooenbaugh, agreed to a one--year 1.rtJl of reducUoq 1n norm~ parking requirements. Osenbaugh ~te~ cars would be parking on Cn>ll'fl Valley Parkway. • Airport ,ctose4 By Heary· Fo~; ltl,000 ~rtjuitded De~{''Muki SllOt, Killed ) Krivatsy is: DOW in Gree:ce aa a co""' aullal\I to the 'll"•erqrDenl tqar<llJ>g • ret0fl •de;nt09-1. on the ,......,. ~ lft hU plamMll ......U in Haw'aii Ind the Caribbean aJlli Dlmey,wortd in Florida. '!'he Mediterranean trip ii a pro-pit .. ninl mtsatoo tor development or tho ~ tllr.....U. -sector al ln1ne -. Ii~ e,apprHim•l<ly iolO acres ~ ,, .. 4' .,..r r • e Car srw, Ble>elce•1 DANA POINT -Oranae County pta,,.. ning commissioners have approved enlargement of an automobile lwte-UP shop but may have made the cost pro- hibitive for applicant EmU Hoffman. Ptannen required the bulldtog be SOUlld atteiuated to the county Building Department's satisfaction apd the alley be paved. The shop is located on the liiOUth side or Del Prado Avenue east ol' the strffi of 1he Ruby Lantern. e lrulne Tr'"'t OK'd IRVINE -A huge 791-home Presley Development Company tract has been approved by Orange County planning commissioners for the central Irvine Ranch area, corner or Robert and Yale avenues. Approval was subject to the condition that atreetl! shown as 56-feet wide. be widened to 60 feet. Included Jn the tract are a school site, three church sites, a park lite and three areas sel aside for ~cstrian walkway1. e Trailer Park Set MISSION' VIEJO -Mission Viejo Com- pany has the approv al or Orange County plannmg commlasioner1 to build a trailer and-camper parking area bidden Crom view 900 feet south of the end of Avery Parkway. • A petition circulated in the Mlalon Vte- jo area iodicated that ao families are m. terested In trailer park)og spaao. Ooe bundred thirty spaces will be bullL After a nlgbt of heavy fog, Orange County Airport re-opened to 14ke-oU traf- fic at 6 a.m. today bUt rimalned cloled for landings unW later 1n the day. An estimated l,<X»-to 1o;uoo airline passengers were grounded or detoured from their destlnat.ions as the thick fog b!ankeled Los Angelt:s InternaUonal Airport. SOme of the jet.I scheduled to land at JoternationBI wou~1d up at such diSlant points aa Sao Franci:ico, Arizona and Nevada. The Federl Aviz.aUon Administration reported 141 flighta bound for Loa Angeles were diverted to ot.ber points dur\Jlg the lllght. WJlh Long Beach and Orange County airports al.so shut down, airport! at Ontario, Hollywood-Burbank aod Van Nuys took much ol the burden, with lhe overflow heading (or Las Vegas, ·Nev. and Phoenix, Airi. Industry Relations Director Succumbs BURLINGA.i\1.E (AP) -P et e r Welober,ger, 54, slal.e director of in- dustrial relations, died loday of an ap- parent bean attack. :feinberger wa.s the brother o{ Caspar W •• w--, st.to Jina nee dlred« to Gov. lleqan'• admln!Cattoo. ConlfdentW Detafb Released A dtlf mute .. waa Allot ,and killed while fleeing from an Anaheim policeman Tuelday night ofter the youth failed to heed. the -· ord<f to ball. A 71-year-otd '1'111 who1potnted a run at .: Fullerton policeman Pd lhreahoned to shool al!o wu shot to dellh Tuesd~v The deaf mute, 19, wu struck by a single shot. • Anaheim police policy Is not to fire warning shots "promiscuotlaly Jn the air but to use the gun as it ls meao\.to be us- ed -shoot lo kill," • department 1JHlkeaman said today. The elderly Fullerton man, in contrall!, seemed lo be as&g ·pollce lo lhoot him. "You might draw that conclusion ; It kind· ot looks that way," 1aJd Lt. Gilbert Caulley. The deaf mute, Scott Han, of 121 Wakefield st., Anaheim, Was suspected in the ·thelt of a car stolen from a supermutet. He wu dead on arrfvtl at 0rwe 1Jouoty Medical eenw. Fleeing with hlm was a girl, Dolorea: Valdlllea, 19, Santa Ana. She is also a deaf mute and was captured )>y officers ai>out a block from the .!ihooting scene. Anaheim police said they received a call a car had been stolen and gave pursuit Into Garden Grove where Hall, allegedly driving lhe car, struck a parked auto. BOlh ht and the girl fled, Motor Of. lictr Slan W liu&h ord~ them to bat~ then fite<j ~ fatal !J!o!.~~ ln ~ ~;~·, • N~,. ' . RobllllOD, 71 of Ill E. I!ii\..:...i A..:, Fullerton, was 11alr1 with a euJi in hli hand.• lie. WU shot twjce ln the chest by olflcor Donald F. Prlcl. ' . · Potl<e said. a teJephoae. opei'ator r<celv- ed 1 call ahbrt1y ·atter • p:m~ ftom a man who said he-wu 10Jna: lO-kfll hll wtle and uyone else who approached the ~ A patrol c~ W8I dispitcbech · DeL Darrell" Hogan •PJll:OOCbed the tiom< from the !rout. 11nc( l>f...i. a, IUD yell frojn lrillde .. I'm (Olog to kill .rO.''. Hcigan dove behind a' ·!rte; the poUce repcrt sal!I. ' . . Officer Prtct meanwhile -atlpped Into the rear of the house and moved' to the kitchen woo.. be Confronted! Roblnaon. Ordered to drop bis run. --~ ed, pobted the gun at the • offcler di 1 said, "I'll shoot you.loo," police'uld. Price fired the fatal shot& Neigbbon aotd Hoblli!on!• .wile, Rlldi. Je~ the borne .ieveral weekl .so· to Uve with her daughter. ·• - Sti>ck JlfarkeU NEW YORK (AP)-The llock market ourged ahead today '"' moel fronll to finJah on an upbeat for the 'aecond straight seulon: (Ste quotaij(lo!. Pagu Jf.21}1•-. ,. • ~ "!'hi 1low .(wf!tifoatrlat iftr~ at •';"""~ ~-U-•l,~J.35 . f 0.:-/ ' ,, •• • ·,-., l { . . • },. t t •' !'.It 'l~ ' ol ..... front properly and ad-dl!JOnal a Oltendlog •bout ooa mile llllaod. ~ lites Jnclude· Cryatal Cove, Sook:lbnan'1 CoYe and El Mom, Beach. 'll>e parcel under cooaideretloo for deveJoginent adds up to 12,000 atre11. The frftne Pl•ooen' itlnetary inclodel '""'"" of the Allai:v• Cout In Plirtugal, Spain's Cools def 5ol ltld Coala BraVI; llte cote . d'Azur in France, ltaly'a tl£11r~ and Amain coast. and the Coala Smeratd.l •to SardJnta. . - Ti!a trip wJU l"'t !Or tiu.e Wetkl and deb C!Oaltal area wtll be toured by car fbr two to three days. 1be tour, Mason saJd, will be a. fotJow- u{ ·to similar surv.ey1 of coaltl l ~elopment. in Hawall and lhe East, lbli time offering an opportunity to ez. apllne an area With "~tic condltlons ~parabJe to our own." Watson added, "Spatial retailooshlps (See IRVINE, Pace II * * * Irvine Granted $45 Million · . - Line of Credit Fb)ancing for ertenstve real estate devetcpment on Jrvt.,. Raocl> property WU asaured Uda Week u AetJia lpe and CUuaKy anoouoced It bu graoted a t45 million line of~credit .to the· Irvine Com- pany. Plan Jeopardi"~~d .· • Stop Marijuana Funda for real ealate deve11<Jpto&il~ the ra~ wru ·be made available oo tncre~ntal b~la over a five-year period, ~gln1J70. The transaction, first of It! kind ever made by Aetna. Was arrang~ by Cold.wen Banker le Co •. , Aetna'a mortgage and loan comspondeot in CaUfonlla and Arizona. , A · monwnental alt.ack on oraanlzed The major break came last fall when a and other concuned agencies set up a marijuana smuggJera -.et to strike loiDD .,,.. U.S. Marine cOrpa Hawk missile Cll'IW secret . aurveillance system which uncov- H j<llll of the new Me>lcan crop trould be !,.,.. Filth Light Antt-Aircrolt Mobile ered a iocrtdible •bl&l!Wa{ in the licy, n.... Into the IJ.S. _vie an aerial Ballalloo (LAMB) maneuverln1 out ot carrylnl .lo!JI of Dllifjualla. lfoderln>w>d RallrOad -hu -Yuma, Artz., ran into 1operaUopat dil· ·~e govei:ni.nJ!lJI .did a ~ in a ......Jy jeoplntlzed. ficutlles. vaDey in Ar~ ·...i Sound there were • lletaU. of the confidential pl'" to cap-'l'htiU.l\111 crew began mooltortng odd an averap of 4J ~ 1 ,.qJ11 'miasilltl lure Ugh! ~ and even cooverted bllpa indicating unknown atn:ralt on their from Mellc<>'llleO!ly-fn llW .oao· •II', transpor\s were premabuoly i;<~ by radar' equlpmenl and nolllled the U.S. ley," 1a1<1 a stote,~al. · a governmeot. offldal in WNhtofton and Border Palto1 &ome..of thole· IU"Cral~ete CCM1Vtrted received newspaper ..:overage. "Our big~ when we p1ck up blips ~' bombm mid in llDUQl1nc 11ie result. ledeeal authorities tear. ~ ts that we don'! bit aey planes " u-~ World 1'11' n. fn cerlaln ljlOll, failure ol what had been UUed Operation plained MeJor Robert Bool><r, of it.. El , ~:""'~u·~ ~~u!!":i; Intercept.. comlng al i. time when the 11· Toro MCAS Joint tnform~tional seJ'Yices ' cdn.JontUonrWuh U. M~~ol legal weed is In low aupply here and offke LOda,y. aooounced a D\f)or'Cl"ltk4oWn J'!!I m-u, w~~~~~~lyjlriw~t be .. pl•ne up Ile ~ the. unlt-lnvolved has: been ' •muullbl-set-for 11ttr ' ~· morilh-lt ,,.._ deacdvated, llol lhe LAMB braoc!i ll!elf wu aitmltted alter Operallon lntmept'I there when we make our move/' 1ald one Is now a pen ol the Tb1rd Marine upQlllre the engioeen ol tile .nwslve plan, "It Artcralt Win( with headqyarten at the 1'he pi.,; which had been d<oeloped ~-!!ke the "11ole operatlan is down the Orange CQ\ml)' twe. . rrorn ~en! N\<Pn'I -'•l -i.-• Federal aulhorlU1a ha•• Iona been 1iJ~i;J0.,:..:C.!llafli ~~ :;..n~~=-='1 aware of a meJoi' DllifJ.... lraf& time aioltll IM nuto, horihc. anJ 1lie ~ ap -~ between the -natlolll, but en-Federal .ivliitido Adn>IDfilrAtton ~ 1 ~"-' wtddt con llllOI ltelll t.........i hH betn crtwted doe lo the operata # l.Dlll f"" and lllOve, , , •of m.ilulnl lm!t' 1,a loel vart, desolate terrain to be covered. Calltof'ln mlllteiy)C••t.t~ die FM •bove 1t1 own lo haft been develop,,! • ' ' Urban K. Wilde, vico pttoldenl ol a.ISo. while other ltePI lo con~ the Coldwell Banker tn charge of loan ac- racket are llill kept ..mt, • • tmly, llld fl WU tho largat sinllle Onsn- ()no of .the newelil'-. ~, lo <iNI arrangement mad• during bis ftnn'a contained In u .PM rOllni • requltinr 30-ynr reta-p with Aetnl. pllotl.crouloi lht11ord« \O-rep111edly -lrlioe offldata llOld the ftmdo will be rldlo lhttr Plllltfool. ,hued' ... • Olgbl -for devetopmeol of -omoe .. •• l1IOd tar!lef. . bulldlnp, 1partmentl, shopping --..,,._ J>ilota' -to be ciooitn& the lltd lndustrW flldlltl .. and "in lurlheo Mexican-,AmerWan bonW' •• ofdefed to talftUmeirt ot U. J r v I n e Como l"IJCI at interpl!lanat 'airJlb111 -... Polll''• rqiOllal muter plan." loJD< ...... -...... ~ llipao-iWlow\cemeDI of !lit llnaoclug - UOns. •• ~ , ~Lco!nolded, with --lrvtne of, Smugglers n,tfta the 1 llfsfuy ~ are tnttiatlnf 1 plan Iii develop lllO have· two lli<rftt -· 11 t11tJn ~ ol prime COl3W ranchlaod bet....,. the Tecat& SIDI,• wliaro lllP (!"'"'him C-si.o... and, lrvtnl Cove Oil -lldt. .... t ,...... '*"' -Already ' lllller. conol,ructloo. la • $11 :!'!>" .,...., )flnolplo -a -1-·mllllon apai:lment coaw>ex 11 Iha corner Saiada,"'lllUll Ii a 11>-mlle dry Illa JUcl,. of;J-lloool 11111 tan Ja<iolo lfllla •na oarth .flonl the, Gulf of cOD!ciliill to-. Rold. '"" ~ de~ "'- wlrd Mabll. bulk In 0...,.. Counlf wlll lncfUdo I~ bonllr ti-. II ~ llalow * :; <11'<~ UDlia •od I "'lo\al Uvmt = """ lhit Oper1tlill lnlmepi'1 f!IV-' I..,bllo& a pork, ........ h eUectl-11U be en ""'J.oi', btaldt ..... nfaunl!lc ~ ._ -""° are odll bolor 1111.....U and putUna .,...._ '1111 ._ to ...1an •a. lntwtMlloal plei, a..tped ror adlllls. II xhedldld lot' dnl( , • COIQtlletloft ID 10 monlhl . ' I • -~-..... --- l \ I , I I [ . I DAILY i'llOT L .lfnsitument · • ·: • -i ...... ; ... '• D ---• ly ,1'1111 ........ Builder·s to Walk Out? ' . ' • Co~ructtdn Freez.e Brings Strike Talk ;~ttipDue '.At El Toro • • • ~(UPI) -T•• . ~-~~to<ia~ ' Ide atrlk• ··-the .... ~ •• )lulel Comlitlttee , klll•oi"''i ~,.. urirJrlll . Prel!ldOllt Nina to mlnlml!.i! cu~ .lo federal construcUon. &. .... iiaria cf eotuWcll,.. projocu • llnaoclod enllttly II!' the federal 1oven> men~ lie also hll' wged .talc and local ~ to follow au.It Tlie lteagan •dJnlnlstr•Uoo bu ordered a freeZe on new highway conatrudJ.on contract awards and on bJd calls in GOID· pliaDC9 with the White HoUse directlve. cutback like lh1I could affect th• ecooomy ol Callf•ml1." • Lee said be agrtied wttb Nixon that "•• have got to do aomelbjng about In- flation," but added cutting back c:oo- structlbn "certalnJy 11: not lbe way to solve the problem." . ,,,. !Int naultr au.ran l~•lrwn"lt l.andll&g 11,ttm ever installed al a M_arlne. bue Is scbeduled al El TOro Marine ~ Alr Stalloo late this fall, lo guide in -pmidtnllal flight!. The WI will naturally be used for olh<r · typos o1 plan< than Air Forto One, but is a direct ..-ilt ol President Nllop'• an· Ucipated OfJnlt County arrivals. Othtr dlanges are alao Jn lhe worKs. bot th! lLS is the major improvement at ·the base, aoconling to Col. Walt.er Red· mood, director o( operations. . Now, two aircraft pidance systems :art ia operation at thl alr atalioo, but the n.s will allow Jandlngs when weather .conditions would other'Wise-shut down the traffic. . One Is the Radar Air Tralfic Control Center, wltich monit.on: and guides 1~aft , wruch are headed through • 'J>l'iml.t')' coastal air space cove.red by t.be county installation. ''Don't Tell Me Summer'• Over -I Still Coukln't Find 1 Parking s,.ce Downtownl'' . The second system Is the Ground Con· · trol Radar System, which oow brings ·.aircraft requiring instrument assmance _ besides pilot ,Won -1.ato the El Toro Arts Festival Plnn~ing runways. . Any craft entering the Southland Ill' ,apace bandied by El Toro person~I are Jnonitcnd by the more comprehensive 1\ATa! aystem, then talked in by the .To Print Own Programs • mou local network. ':. The new ·u.s system will allow aircraft to liteally ride an electrooic slgnal beam _dlreclly &oward the nmway, Lindina: when yislblllty ls at ooellall mile. No maller what, the final aircraft toochdown is made vl!Ually by the pJ!ol himaelf and if weather conditioos -such as CUITeDt coastal foe: p-evall -landing ma7be~ted. . Planes ing in such weather cao· De diverted to"Callfornla desert strips. Volunte,_ers Give • Time to Build - ·.Fort -at School ·., Before long, the.company o( Lilliputian toldien at Laguna's Top of the World Elementary School will hlvt their very Wnrort. '"1 • ~· l, ' Commanding I portion Of the school · pJayJll'lUl!d, Ibis i• no on!intry fonr.u, JM.It a styllud collection cf donated lots . lJlll tOgtther II!' men wllo I"" '"!\UI· teered.ll>eir time. ~i 'n, •I ; Tbe ""=i&.n . itcboola tr .. -lnc to hi• aon, nOoald, a Jciger wi1b a /Nonbem Ca111<>m1a nrm lbaf lreata. 1op • 'fgr aUlify l)(lleS. I 'Fialival ot Arla dlttclors Tueaday aired the pouiblUty lbal the Festival '11"1 produce 11.t """ .... ytnlr ptOll'&m um-yeer. - '!be _... this iw was published und<i: a c:ootracl with the South Coast N-"ocl. 'Th< matter waa brought b<tue !he boon! b! the form ol a teller frun publlsher Vernon Spitaleri re- questing an early meeting to discuss r~ program arrangements. t>trector Paul Griem. chairman of the publlclty committee, said the FestivaJ was receiving t1 ,1m as its 10 percent of the program advertising sale. He said Spitaleri reported advertisiJla !al" had bi'tlulhl in $17,891. Tbe programs 90Jd for $1 each. Festival officials said 40,000 were.printed. In the past they had betn 50 cents each and had gone up to 7' ctntJ. Griem said it would not be wise to delay J deciak>n on the programs. Dtrec· tor Richard Brooks, the second member (){ the publicity committee, said. "l'd Uke to move that we produce ou1 own progruna." Director Heteo Keeley said. "1 would Plans Draw~ !Jp !for ' Foundaiio\i To Aid Schools '.· 'Ille company donated 4% pol" ""ling from 35 to 60 feet in lengtland six to 14 A study ..,,Ion Tue!day night by in diameter t.o the school. V;alue er Trustees of the Laguna Beach School •OC!llo baa .been. placed al ff.olOt ; Dislrlc! ·-~ an outline, <I ~•"IOI>' 'nlc;Jop.,...... then.l><OU&bt to ~oa· · 'l'a~ll.l. Iii': ·1:-'.·. Eduea• ~I Fou .. , ntJllJ~. ~ UW-polnt, ~ fort• ~· -. ' u dis!JJ:"'! fl':\~~ ,en! and .triO>o . The foondalloo.ls a nonprofit organiu-m-. ~ lion wt'lk:h-wW Abllcit Uldcwmeht fund! to Pt · call,.lor llJ• 'llOles to be tut. 'I be Invested and.the in\ereat ll6ed !or lll• .. '&ii · ~;·ldd far hor1Jontal Jiole}~ dtvelopment' Ol'fld~Uonal progral'(is in walk on tn-a.mue. "'· Jl'llbllc ·tChoot.. ;.. A -crew • 0( mtn led by Arne~; Sc~ls truste,s who will .allo ~ direc· :ILlderman· prestde.Tit cf the top or Ui"e tors cf the foundation agreed lnfonnally ~crld PTA began their work, 11tb.erin&1 lo IUbm.tt nampiof perscns they feel will ~ Slturdays tor construcllon duty. • '.be aood directors. From the·.Jlsts they =l: In addltloo to ~waon and La<lerma!!:' JIQbmlt. llfo ·lift diredor. "lll be ;Bill Ptn:ts;; ita'Vern nuu~. Lee' aetlded. .:.:: . ' I. ~1'r<n<h. Gdirp Reller, Bob Miller at!d .•ftelldo• tha .icl>ool boan! members, "Al Haven, principal of Top or the World fellr other dJieclors will gukle..che foun-~,chool have been acUve ln the project 4al.¥ln. 'bro. cf these directots l'lavi been ~along wlth many o th e r parents and ~vioualy named, William MCCready :f1chool dlstrlct employee. am Robert T.umer. former trustee. ~ More manpower Is still needed, in-, :1tt the atudy seuion, dales for In· ~terested persons may contact Laderman ten'ievtin& professional fund raise.rs were ~•l his heme at 4&4-7971. \Vcrk session are allO set. Supt. William .Ullom and Peter ~Ob Saturdays. Fulmer. .lnfonnalion c:onsullanl, will . :i If sufficient help 'i! available, the fort work this week oo a statement of ~will be ready for ,Hay by the end of pllilosophy for the foundation . ;September. Total cost to the district is Acj1ob is to be taken on the statement ~PX!. . and the new directors al the school ;i-~~~~~~~~, boanfi ftext mtttlng. Tuesday .at 7:30 p.m. at dlslrid headquarters. ~ that bul I woold Ute to hear what sallJ!,. Jw t1> oily." Mis: Salty Reeve, 'Felllyal publlcls~ said, "I would be var happy if we could produce CIOI own." Board Pttslde@ Wllllam D. Marlin ~. "I _VI o u l d Ute to hear a rectm- mendaUon. from the publicity conr mittee ... Brooks said the matt.tr ahou1d. be diM:ussed promptly. Brooks said Mrs. Reeve had discuued some of the problenu connected with the program sold Ulls sqmmer and bad shown a willingne11 to do the job. ''The performance this year of Sally having to second gueu and re-do and work wllb uncooperative pebplt ahoold not be repeated," said Brook&. Griem said he wanted to discuss lbe matter in private alter the opening meeting. Mrs. Keeley suggested that Mrs. Reeve submit various . p r o g r a m recom- mel)dations at the October meeting from \Yhlch the board could choose. Directors , agreed in\Ol""'lly to llli• Cellar Building In, Eaguna Sold To Varied Group A group or eight well-known figurr.s in the fields of entertainment, lcience, educat~O{I apd .bl4JlneM ha.s p1.1rchased the m00eni !>!tlldin& at ·229 Fare>!· J:ve., Laguna iieaclt .. ..:CUplcd by :'(be'.\:<~lar reslaur"'1 ll>d the Lall'll1' Beatj> DAU. Y PlLar<i!~. ' Purchase price was \n the· neilhbor· h~ Of $100,(llO, said Gtot:fre)' Riker • rial. estate btoker• who ol"ganlt.ed the traasaction and Is serving M general partner for the new owners. The buyers, in a partner1hip fonned as C!llar Group. Ltd., are acton Arthur Hl11 •nd RQccr C. Carmcli-Dr. Duran Bell, ecoDOmks professor at UC Irvine; Dr. Harold Mirels, research ~ at Aerospace : Dr. John Wallace, soc}olOIJ' profeuor at UCI and muski&n: Eugene Segal, reporter for Time Magazine and fanner: Dr. Elle Shneour, re.search scientist at the City of Hope; .and Riker. C!1nnel and Riker are aa.10Ciated in the real estate business in Laguna Beach. T~ Forest Avenue buiktlng, a modern glass, post and beam and block structure, was built three years ago by Beacl\ Construction Co. or Laguna Beach and wu owned by builders Richard Burt and James Schmitz and reslauranteur Lucien Brack. ' l • • • • • • . ClllMG~ COf4I """ ... V#Hltf a.Wrttc.w..I ~ received a report by. Fulmer calling.fa,~ establishment ol a Jl:man adyisory bliord ol well·knowp people who wtb "lend~ en;lbusiasm and narne.s: ~o . the foundation." · Cholera Outbreak Kills ·29 in 2 Weeks • . l • . • . • I ---. J"\ .. c..1.., _,,..... ........ ., ....... ri. .... x.m .... . '--- The advisory group would h e I p establish a cammunity base for the pro- ject and help aenerate funds, acct1rding to the report. ·-: Ccinmillees art to be sel up lo deal with "ills an_d \J:USl!, advance gilts, and volunteer ofllct workers. The found&llon bas alrtadY ret'tlved it:ii first donation. a $100 gift from an anonymous patron. SEOUL (UPl) -An outbreak of cholera along So\llh Korea 's west coast has killed 29 persons in the past two \veeks . health ministry officials said to- da,v . A total or .S!I pcrBOOI · havt been :itricken in the epidemic, with 120 of them alrtndy released from hospital!. l I 121 """' A••· , M•UJlt """""" PA>; hi .... tJ•ll : ......... • • • °""'· -..i ....... ...... .......~"'11"'"'~ ... ..... .. ......... , ... ... Ex-111an Pregnant~ ' i , -'ri . . :; CHAru&:~~C~A~a~:.nlt::k~ :~h~:::~.u ·~ ~ =l,..."'°:i • 11*4~:% lA"nl'.ley H•U Shnmons. the Ena:Ulh the waiat and was "'earins maternity J _. • ...... ...., _,-,...,.. ...... ..,1.... ho 1.~,) ,.K,..... clothes. • ~ o an· :a -.. ...... ....., 0t-. w.~ w n.u a 1t1 ....... 16c thtouah . • ..... , .... ,. .....,~ ~ nd th anted N "Everylhin& is fine." said Mrs. Sim· ~ f ::t..o..:.;.C:,. .,.. · 0 0::: f 1uraery a tn m a egro man, mons. 0 l'm llvlnc quietly at home ind . ::., :er"' .. ....., ..-. .., saJa today aht is prernant very bappY to haft a chJld. '1 wt • l7'it ........,.. ·But 1 spokesman at Johns Hopkins She said she became awart "several a.' ; e ...., M>Clll ~ .ll...Ba.ldmore, where the '?Pt'•· trionths qo" tba1 she wu pregnanl ne , Jl!I' -- -' lil>nl wve perfonned, iiMt , n ii dlagnollis. she !al4, wu made by a New ...;;. ~:jj '~' ~>~ ••dtflnlle?J 1mpoesible" ror }frs. Sim· Yori phYlician wtme ldentlty she refll!- 9'.!i!!IS. ....--.-i . . mona to become. pregnaol. • • ed to alvu:Jge. ;~ • · '1 'MtL Slmmona, who aaf.s she 11-31. uid · Mrs. SlmTilOOI sak:I her CQOditlon --.. . -;: ~ lo upocilng in Noveafbor. Sb< .. Id pr•vMt;d her lrom travellinc lo Eii1iand -· , dttlYf!" wllt riobly .be ..,....here In lollowtng the rectnt dtalb of her mother. ''i'l"--';;....,...,._.-,_.i..',--'" the .rnktwe1t. 6ut did not apeclfy wbtn. .. It was a very f!,Bl shock and l was ~ "Penoos who have ttert .btt ln recent. not able to travel, • ahe aald. f , ' James Lee, representing the S,000- membtr council, aakl be wW contltct ma-- Jar locala ol lhe union orJanl>atlon tO poll them on • pooalbl• mike. 11J'm going tO reOorruDend 1 lt'riie to cmpbaalu llle drullc cfleCj <I • th• president's order, .. Lee said ta •n ln- lerdt!W. Nlnn has ordenid a 75 percent Cutback fi'rotlt p .. ,, l IRVINE ... between buildlq;s ' IDS terraio, •ite ' desll!o. visual 1ltractl-nc:ni;UOn •ad entenalnm'ent f&l'llltiea .wbklt allfact and prolong the my of tourlsta wlJl lie. in. ctudod In' the awdy, along.,!f\th methods ol-•hllPlnl and •Wlzinl bbllra aimllll' to ~ .. the Oranp Cout." In the • Itvine development, W1llon said, "Tbe iro>)mlty ol public beaches wru be an Important consldentloo, rcflectln& the Irvine Company's conc<rn for mcb faclllUes and its cooperaUon with govenunental a&~ in thls mat- ter." .. ~ Rifles, Shotguns RePorted Stolen By Laguna Man Four rines and two shotguns valued at S36Q were reported stolen Tuesday to Laguna Beach police. ;tie rllla ""1Ullltlee de!caled on a 2·3 wlJ·llne vote a ""°lullon b y Dtonocratic Sen. Lawrence Wal.!h cf lhm-liniton Pork W'ling the l're!lllent tO re- evaluate the cutback and mlriimfze any cODltruction curtalhnent. 1'alsh said the construction workers may strike for one day "to show how a "lt puta everybody out or work," ht ad· ded. However, Sen. -Clair W. Burgener ol Sao Wtgo who WU jolQed by. ftiloW Reptibl.ican Sena. Howard Way, Exeter, and Robert S. stevens, Los Angeles, In votin1 a,ainst the me'asure, said the reduction ln public works p-ojects. could spur new boi:ne building. Good Thing Going San Clemente Seeking T ouri.sts ' ' S&n Clemente Chamber of Commerce directors decided to take advantage of publicity ge~ated by establishment of the West.em While HCIUBe in their city and invest some money to lure other visitors to the area. By unanimous vote, the directors agreed to spend $8.500 on a special tourism promoUon campaign, beainning ·immediately -or as soon as the City Council authorized use of matching funds, "When we have a good thing golng we should capitalize OD il," said auto dealer Charles PaUerson, Chamber vice presi· dent. "Strike wbUe tourism is hot. There is nc city 1n the United States as fortunate as we are sinct: lhe Western White House bas been established bett." The camPJign will not be hinged en- tirely on the We.stem While Hoose, Pat· lerwi said today. "\Ve just want lo mnind people lhat San Clementt is a nlce place to visit. We alsc y;oold lie to attract developers of new hotels and other tourist fadllties, as well as tourists themselves," said Pat- terson. ~1uch of the money wlll be spent C(I newspaper advtrtislng 1n Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Phoenix and northern California. An additional $1,000 will be spent <n productloa or a new, full.color brochure cn the city or San Clemente and the sur· rounding area. Chamber directon will seek White House aproval to include a color picture of President Nixon's San Clemente residence oo the cover cl the brochure. Five thousand of the brochures will be printed for the Chamber, Patter.ion said, and additional copies will be ll\lde available lo advertisers. The expenditure, he added. I s predicated upon obtaining matching funds from the CHy Council. San Clemente finance director Gtrald 'Teachout said today he sees "no pro- blem," since the city's curr(_ot bud.pt eannarks $11,375 of bed tu funds as the city's contribution to Chamber of Com· merce advertising projects. BUI Panlcy, 42, or 34% Poplsr SI., v s s -. 'B h' LagunaBeach.reportcdthethellfnimhis • ., aigon reac residence. Police believe entry wu gam- ed to the Panley home throuJh an unlocked rear dool'. D • d b Wh • H Property taken included two .%2 caliber rifles, an ftaJl&n army rifle, I pellet rifle, " enie y ite ouse and two shotguns, and a blanket. In another burglary, two Laguna Beach men reparted ~ lou of $250 worlh of musical lmtruln'ents, j suitcase wtth clothing, and jewelry. Thomas O. Leonard, 20 and John W. Fletcher. 21. both of 1484. Bluebird Ca· ~ uld the then. occurred sometime bitw°"' ~.,, and Tuelclar. S.Spoct entered jloo ruld«tce b)'. ftDIOvlnl lou- ,.,, windows, pellet 111d. $2,100 in Grants OK'd by Festival FuUvaJ o( Arts directors Tut.Sday ap- proved $2,100 in scholarships for seven art studenb to continue their studies. Scholarahip recipients are Andrew Ball, $400; Tom Nof1.l1er, $400: Ann Hathaway, $300 ; Jacques Jura. '3(l0; Patrick Tobin, $300: tt11gnon Slentz, $200; and Peter Tobin, $200. Combined with F e s t i v a 1 art scholarshJps made lo graduating hiah school senlor1 in June, tht Festival scholarship •wards for the year tat.al $5,100. ., ... • WASHINGTON (UPI) -The While House sought today in advance cf a full scale review of Vietnam policy to quell repcrta of a "deterioration of relations" between Washington and Saigon. Press Secreiary Ronald L. Ziegler d•nl¢ some broadcat and publiohtd reports th~t Nixon wa• anJr) over Sooth Vietnamese army offensive operation.! during this week's cease-flre initiated by the Communists. Zle1ler stopped short, however. of saying Nixon approved of wch operations during the three-day cease-fire pro- claimed while North Vietnam mourned Police Seek Kidnapers, TORONTO (AP) -Police are ~earching for the kldnapers of a wealthy young y,·oman who was freed unbanned Tues-day after her husband left $200,000 ran!lont on a country road. Police would not idenUfy the kidnap \icUm, but she was be.Ueved to be Mary Nelles, 29, wife of Toronto stocibroier Henry Radcliffe Nelles and daughter of Toronto trucking executiVe ?tfarshall O. Dav ii. To"'° pl who-'°"" she w1nts bulnot where to find it. M.J.l(h yoUr styJe with our many di.stincttve desisns. And ask us about our f1mous Ora.nee Blo$SOITI 1u1r1ntee.. the death ·or President Ho Chi ~tinh. The cease-fire ended this alte~ Waahington U1t1:1, and Ziegler 1ald it ap-i peared likely that the level of U.S. military operalions would increase. he added : 'flt tho l'1!111Mly lower level of eoem1 ael!vl\tf-..aatd continue, this ii one ol 'he lhifras 'that would be considered and would' be an important factor in our deciiibn.. to rtspond \vitb reduced military operations. Nixon meets Friday with top advisers lo discuss Vietnam war and peace strategy. White House sources said the meelilli likely will be al Camp David, in the Maryland mountains 65 n\lles northwe st of Washlogton. METER FEEDERS: NEYER ON SUNDAY Never on Sundays, at least not unW Marolt 29. Lapna Beach city hall announced that parklne mete.rs wlll be. inoperallve on Swlllays from Ocl 5 until then. CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMUIC>.RO MASTf~ CHARGE J.C. fiwnpfiri1" 'J~wefer"' I Ill NEWPORT AVENUE 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE Soll-l4bl t:OSTA MESA I I• I EhJlt~gai~ Attacked • By · Israel l 1 By t.Jnltecl Pra11 IDternatlohal Israeli plan~ returped· today to• the acene of 'l'ueaday's land, sea and air aasa.Wt q:atnst Egypt. bombing .-and strafing EapUan army v~es .and troops. The U.S. State Department riported uraent Middle East t.alks would begbi next week with Russia. An hraell spokesman said today's air ra.ld against Egypt was in retaHatron for "further Egyptian cease-fire violations along the Suei Canal lhia morning.'' cairo diplomatic reports said such Egyp- ~~='v~~ l~YJfn C:~J:e~i~ trftion. The State Department sftid Secretary of State Will lam P. Rogers and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gmn1ko would meet at the United Nations when the General Assembly convenes Monday . Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin was accompaning Gromyko from Moscow ahd is eJ:~ted to sit in on the talks. U .S.-Sov1et talks on the Middle East have been continuing Jn Moscow for the last few months but peace-making mOYes have been more or less stalled. American ol'fjdals expressed hopes the Rogers- Gtomyko talks would give them a new lilart. Israeli orficials had indicated they wOuld carry out new puniti\'e raids againsl Egypt whenever they felt it necessary. -The swift retaliation was in lioe with Defense Minister Moshe Dayan's warning to Egypt that it could expect even heavier Israeli strikes if the cease-fire violations continue, and Premier Golda Meir"s statement such raids would con- tinue if no peace settlement were reach· ed. . Fighting also flared today on the Israel· Jordan front and a spokeman in Amman csaid the two sides exchanged artillery fire for 30 minutes ln the South Jordan Valley. He said the Israelis began it by using mortars and artillery against .lnrrla.~ !~s near Maghtas, four miles north or the Dead Sea. ' DAILY PILOT,....."' •IMh Nltihlelllr;I Cold Feet, WorHi Hea rts Desolation o! fogbound, deserted beach did not dampen the ardor of this young couple who toured dank sands of Huntington Beach Tues· day afternoon. Their outlook? Love is where you find it. Viet Cease-fire Ex pires, But Battlefields Quiet SAIGON (UPI) -The three-day cease- fire proclaipled by the Viet Cong in memory of the late prcsldent Ho Chi ?tt'inh expired at 1 a.m. Thursday (10 a.m. PDT today) but Vietnam battlefield5 re· mained relatively quiet. Just Like TV Santa Ana ~ \Vhil c the Unlted States and South Viet· nan1 did not officially go along with the Communist truce, action subsided across the coontry and American commanders ordered ob\'ious moves at matching de· escalation. There was speculation in Saigon that the U.S. Command would aswne a wait· and-see attitude before r e s u m i n g "normal'', offensive moves. South Viel· nam, as. if had throuehout the ']1-hOur truce, maintained norm a 1 inilltary operations. Dog Routs Gunmen in SHEPHERD PROTECTS LADIES Chip Off the Old Block A German shepherd dog name Ti~ - a direct descendant of famed ;iov1e do~ Rib Tin Tin -routed two men ho'fding a hou!ekeeper at gunpoint rrom a Santa Ana home Tuesday. Jusl like on television, the two men turned heel and fled when the J JG-pound dog came snarling into the room. The incident occurred Tuesday morn- ing at the home or Santa Ana oplome- trisl Dr. Horace Caden, 2330 N. French SL, Santa Ana police said. The doctor was at work and Mrs. Ca· den was slill in her bedroom when the gunmen entered the home at 9:30 a.m. and grabbed housekeeper Adelaide J~ sus. 38, around lhe neck, demanding to know where the lady of lhe house was. Miss Jesus broke away wlien the man Jiolding her loosened his grip to get a roll o{ adhesive tape and she ran toward the rear of the house screaming for Tico, police said. From then it was Rin Tin Tin's des- cendent to the rescue. The Cadens said they purchased their dog from Lee Duncan, owner of the orig- inal Rin Tin Tin. LAST CHANCE ENDS IN DEATll SAN FRANCISCO (Ul'i) -Donald }'ti:rgerald. 30, ol Los AngeJes was only 30 bot . be bad spent nearly ball his life behind ban. Sht<e the age of 11 he bad served tiine for burglaey, robbery and escape. FiUgeraid got allOther chanct Moo4;ly. He wan.ct out of San Quentin prls<li •t noon, wearing a pair of black GL aboes some modest ne•r civillan"""""" and a ---checl<. ,-l!jj:lii>dt. wu·fcOmd. Tueoday night In do-San·1'rlncilco, the l2llO check, u.ncasbed, atill in h1a poctet,.-Police &aid 1 • be ~died.of an.ovri>le ar • ~ ... ol beroln. 1.IYE 11 WXUIYI Pion.;. bHutiiul lnttrlor with designers who offer fresh, vibr1nt 1deas-yes. luxury begins 1t Atte's 1t prices you tan 1ffordl liboral Terms Av1ll1bl1 Open Datly 9-5:30 P.M. Mooday •nd Fri. TiH 9 P.M., ' • Communist oommandos early today at- tacked a U.S. titarine base with autorpatic 'jJea_j)f:tnl,. roe~ grenadel iqd <tynamlle bombs,.. ·mU1'8ry lp0ke1men reported. Eight North Vietnamese soldiers broke through barbed wire barracades around the Marine Corps storage facility four miles wtst of the northern coastal city shorlly a!ter t a.m. today but were driven out. spokesmen said. Communiques reported saLchel charges planted by the commandos caused Usht damage. One Communist was captured and one Marine wounded in the fighting, spokesmen said. M1rrial Winter, British Ouh Leader, Dies \lr1. Muriel "Norma" Winter, known to thousands of immigrant Brltains in Orar.ge County through her work in the British Blighty Club died at Hoag l\1emorial Hospital today after a long il· lncss. She was ~. l\lrs. Winter is survived by her ht15-- banJ, Nick, founder-president of the Costa Mesa organization, by her daughters, Mrs. Beryl McKay, Mrs. Jean Neumann and by three sons, Robert, l>erek and Tommy. Derek and Tommy rf3ide at the home address, 861 Capitol Sl. Costa Mesa. 4 A nilUve of Kent. England, 1ttrs. Wint.fr cwne to Costa Mesa with her family via Callada about 10 years ago. They im· mtidl!it(lr estabu..hed Ule British Bllghty <;fti!l.':'IJl organiulion Ula! bas prewved BJ'il.im eocial patternJ and entertainment ftr ".eXiled" Britalns through it.s ~a and social fanctioos. Flmeral arrangements are being baodJ. od W Westclilf Chapel Mortuary, 427 E • 1'1Ul SL, Costa Mesa. DAIL V l'llOI' ' ;s, ------~-. Report e r T~rns BeTere~d t. • ~ ) OCC Ad Leads Newsman to Man of the Cfa>t/i .1 CQUJd-teslll1 ·to mr ~ for )loraU{y J~ ~ me.U...., By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ... Dlllr ......... Many; are called __)ul.-re11r are cholen and rewei' 1U»1Efi personal memo. That's 11ow·1 aqi.the ·au. "Lei's,.. U Mr. VlnSo!~an'beoame.the Rev. Mr. v1 ... 1,» pld the note•rrom the editor, aUIPled lo an ad dipped .out of the Orange Coast Collep n~, ''ls tllls you?" the bold-lace le.ttm read. , The toll wu slanted toward ~IKioe op- posed to the Vletoam War, offering tn- (ormailon about the Olurcb oC the" Humanitarian G<xl, for $1 to cover clerlca! ezpenses and cost of malling. My buck broqbt appUcallon !Olina, p1U5 •• $2S (eq<tesl r.fi. ,.....,.._ materiall about the church. wl)ose. formal hbtory d:ites back to the dim be&iimfngs or laaf January. My next massive from wnr}d head· quarten In SL P<tersburg, Fla., broug1>t news as _euftin& as a amoke signal from the VaUcan chimne1, WELCOME ARTHUR "Denr Arthur," it read, •'weJCorne to the Church of UW! Humanitarian God.'' I was a man Of the cloth -whole clolh, based on my application. Ulllng ·friends' addresses and fie· Uonali.z:ed reference.s apparently never checked ou~ l imqinatlvely applied as an idealistic 22-year-old landscape worker with a mWion to help othel'll. Never having written a letter of recom· mendatlon ror, anyone who wanted anything trf)f'e dramatic than' to adopt a child. 1 composed mY credentialll with relish. "U he has any fault, it is probably too tnucb jdealism for the C;urrent time.I," I wrote as my fonner employer. "I disagree with his views on the Viet· nam War too," J conUnued. 0 but I am a veteran, a Methodist and an Elk and I fought fOr his right to bold them." Then I warmed up to my work. "I would say he is probably more in· telligent than most his age and with lhe same amount of schooling," my former employer wrote. That schooling wuld be tough to check out. The point is, I sliced five years o[f my age to fit lhe recrultment campaign the church aee.med lo be mountlng and a little judicious charade was clearly indi- cated. What could they want from a 4-F re- porter pa.~ draft age anyway'! How about hiS $25, for one ~dera llon! T9 C<1Ver my iraD, T 11id 1 qU!!'three coll~~ wlthOt.tt any crtd1k'1oser . to the: frUth than not -forgot my high school'• add(eas and my ~tary ICOOof had bt.., condemned And lorn dOfn, .1. .,,.'.no poiat ~ wrl "'\mY1 .,.n board. • r- 1 e1plained that I bad volunteered and then flunked out of the system as 4-F due--to illness, mostly being lick of the milJtary life, altboujh 1 dldn't tuctly aay that· either. Mother wU perhaps the oolJ one who th< '""'11· u-, upecll o1 ,Ill ora•nilaUon wblcli """1 didn't even uk. and u a former ~.J11dl~fs,,will. •J<ee with l!IOC• newspa~llWI, she "" dluppcihlled. r.~~ ihan tl10oe ellillt. SEllv,E F!WIWS , ~ilUG. vsE JIAD ;. 0nce become a rillnlltONni&slo,,. ~ ...:..Uy orpi!lzecl deoomin4lloo acy ol J:1 Church ol the ~tarian believes dlu&· Ult to bo bad, -.. one Goel, )'Oil can do little but """' )'OW' 11 ucluded from m'l"~P In tlii fellow man. church fir"11Y ,.,...;, qcept 1U-.whi> That would be the enl!. ol lhe road for -~--f-· .... vi·'-to acllleY• tome modern clerk:I. -.n.....,IO ..... ~ ~ ~ Unlike the Uo!vf!rlal L1le Church aoob. · founded J>y the n.,lloyant, • .....Oed '!'lier (wel) consider mallllllde 1IWI Modlslo 'M~··· \l'!D!ie1-mi mtrlcllOns a! bfndina' on aD lmem-~ Goel bu a ~. ol the b.irs. eii'epl 'f!beil lliooe ~ law• 'l'M creed ls -IDCl·JiisUce to all. ~ W!'l> the laws of Goel. : Don~ lniounlentancf, the'-l>uie -Quutions · abour 'wblch 'la~• cOl!Jllct ot>hY ol the Church of 11\o lhlmanltarian . appartnlly hav...-1 )'et beon . ralJ!O ~ God 19 1n honorable one. ~ the Church oJ the HUUJ3.1Utatlan GOtt tlie Scanllinc over the IOUf·Pl(e, 2$.point way they have 1 .... ltlrby Hemley and b1.s brochure malled to new minlslor-mlllloi>-Uolvei:sal Life ·CbW<K . · ' ' ~rlelt however. it appears that )'O\f can . 'Perba;e. DAD.;Y P~~~·-Md· •eoll:' rwlng In certain ....,, and stili ager ·Jack I\. Cµrley nught replr to lljr. keep tbe faith. HensJey's difficu1b' with aulb<rtilel over hl5 ord~ mlDIJlen~mall. llAISE •Jn'EBROWS CiJtley Is a tiooMfde ter of lliat Some are certaln to raise eyettows rival Dock. whlle the urdl"Of the 'lt.t- among Cl>l\le!'V&Uve elemtn.11, such u: manitari!p God steers clear of Vlolat.l:DI -Draftlna men for the Vletnam War ~ certain sratut.es. by Dot awaidinl tactUal limllar conllie\I iJ aboolutely Immoral. certificates . • -No member or minister ol·the Cburth Investigators for the FBI are 'Ill&- • , • can serve tn the armed forces during pected to be' keeping u eye m the Mo- • period ol such aggresalon. desto M.,~ah to det<nnllle -~e -There ls noJ'usUflcatlon.for vio~e. may be prosecuted for encouragtng drift ~bull lnp ln tbemaelves, are evaaloo. of litUe true value in serving one's fel· low man LIKE CLERGYMEN -Servbi1 one's rellow man does not B~ an California law,' J'!Yft1 ol tbc consist or dlctatlna hll sexual 'If: moral ministers Hensley has ordained la the standards, if he applies tbe priridples of put aeven years--clole to 70~ve nonviolence ancf love. . performed weddinaa and .obtaiD -..me. of -'Ille Bll>le (wlU!out a capital Bin this the privileges ol iler17men wllll lblditd rtference) ill too conlradktory in philo&-for yeara. opby to be taken Uterolly. "From the dtall boards to tho tax wben becomes rtallstfc about em aU a:ratchtn' tbe.lr .., HeDlley 9 61 the Mun 'fill be optional ~le to the attorney a::=;, !'ft IOI wba ., mWs. bragged .-.u,. Mexico CofC Official Raps Off Limits Plan for Border CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mmco (UPI) -A local chamber of commerce official crit1clzed as unjustified l9c1ay any move to decla>o Mexican border ciUes oil 1imi1! to American troops bocaule of the reportll'. nallablllty ol \ln!D tllere. 1... Navy oU\clall rn Calilol'llla . 1&111 ..., mooth they pWmed to" didaH '!IJllona oil limits Sept. 15. They -•eked later, saying the proposal was under,... atudy. f ~ ;.J audld J"uarie:a bullnesamen worry that ~. ~/$\!~~~Ta.';'; t~ Paso, will bt nm. · Such a ban ""'II only Jeopa~ rel•· Uons between the Unlted·stilea·and Mtr· Joo, 11 according to Manutl Emiquez Savlgnac; bead of the chamber't·tourlsm board. Enriquez Savignac &aid the Mexican ftdera.1 and state governments ••have 8pent thousands of dollarS to prevent the growing and transportation of narcotics, barblluralf1 or any kind of dope to tht l!ol:de• cil!P," Cblhanaliua Stata 'l>oUe< Cl!l•r' J..l.1 Chacon said be had no record ot any American Jel'Vicemen belnJ arrested oa. narcotlc&.,d>aram In his Jurisdiction. l>loOt c1rti1 orre1t1 hive I n y 9 Iv t · d fdriirlcan ,&olfW ~ Mid' othir !lflllru. OUllY u;e/s wlien lbef entU Md!&, hil'ula. Chacon Jild Merlco has Inspection sta- tion.. bn all notthboulld blgbWl\YI and Cll1t of .tbtir princJpal duties ii to lnt.erctpt narcotics slilpments bollnd'lor Ille Vblle4 States. HARMON·KARDON 90-watt SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt $fereo .. • -II PRICES SJ,U.T ~ ASLOW ·~s •4950 ....... () ..... ~ r::. ··.=i .... ---. I - , r I .. I l , ' w..,.;q,, s.,.-IO, IM E SC ~-t ~ ----.. ~. -.. ---~- • -' Tragedy in ·Indianapolis ":ti ~ w .. Dtltr ...... 11..n • Froilorlck A. Yount, 411, was fin- ed ,100 and sent ·to the Clnclnllatl rdlY warkllouH for 10· days 'for &hoollnJ arrows al a post office noaf bis home. Young told Crlm- lnol C-' JllClfo ThomH HHkin he sbot 1the arrows because he was "mad at them. .. Jle sald he was angr.y: because a post office em· plofo gave bis mailbox key to Y~'s1 Wife. • • • ~I Ca"U"'I MlndaHnly is "In loild he'll\& .tnd ln good aplrits" at !he U.S. Embassy in Budapest where he' )las been In refuge smce 1956, ~ys ·Pr.anz Ci1rclin1I Kotnl.g of AU!lrla. Cardinal Mlndszenty JS under 1entence of life imprison· ment for difiereflceS with the Com- mwiist regime. II has been report· ed that the Vatican would like to . mOv. him to Rome, but ho ia said t to be OJ!P!>Sed to_ leaving Hnnfary. L Al!er a Vlalt with him, Cardinal Koenig Wd: ''I see no change in Cardinal Mindszenty's situation, no u,., ....... killing the pilot. The crash narrowly mia&ed a trailer court (backgrowid), The wreckage of an Alltfeny· Alrllnea let carrying 82 persons Ilea in ·a soybeon lield aoutlteast of In· dianapolia. It collided Tuesday with a lllll!t plane, ~-'=-'-=---'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • r-<Jl<'ll. posslbllitiea ... • • Dubcek on Way Ont, But ·W Qn't ' Make f.Qnf essio~ . ' PRAGUE .(AP) -/Juandor Dubcek Is &<>1111 to be drivon from public lifo, c.ech • ln!01'111111ta !'<WI. bul they ~Y bel is • re!ualng to inako lhe tradlllollal ·cbn-' · fossl<111 of gull!. Dubcek's successor as Communi!t par· ty chief, G"*v HuW, and other loadors Dal1fd Oprlad, 18, (Wfl and Ro&,nl •· . ,.., ·-•u •-~ t 1'lcmfng bot1l of TorttnlCt oobb?e up now "' power recen-v a .... .,v-~ie 1pa.ct cakt after emtrging for a rU: charges that Dubcek'-s failure to curb • bu nine foot 1tructure mtd for thei1' "counter revoluUonarles" and anti-Olm· • 144411 rimUla~d lunar ~e. The munllts la 1961 justified the Soviet in· I bous. who decMU:d to fort.go the ~ vasloo. · • antine period, wilL Ult Ui.eir carefully The reginie plans to ftmove Dubcek I logged e~ritnce1 in a· tcitnce fair from the »·member, party presldium ! experiment. ~~ • • Within a few weeks, informants said. 1 e · · , . . . ~bcek'• ~ from bis govenunonl . Goorge Poloro, · of I-non-jqb, the ~ O! P->o federal parlia· : profit drug treatment Clilcago, lnen~ Is Upecled to !Ollow. : testified to a House Education SUI>-~bcek, 17, upaet tho limelable at a : committee recently about a_.Shild presidlwntmeetlng taat weu; the sourett ! he know~ who has 'l'Jlde. -~ , ~d! wbe1» he re!Uled to •perf<i!m tlijf ' aelllng dtuP on: ta. ireel: ·•~ine . .lradllioilal "Cclmmunlll ritual # self» I thinl·irilde' boy Ollell' lean -up erwctsm. ltwu t1iougbl 111a1 11e"did n<lf a1ainlt a squad car anA sells bis want to bnoak lailb wfih . the mW Iona of : drop out ·of a hrown_.,..per !i!§· Czecha and Slovau •ho aupported hll Nobody bolhers•tiecause,lbey d6a t . rel0fl1'·i:nimo· In addiU111 aett-<rfticlam I believe &-UiUe kid like !hit is 1et!· and lllllJlfuion ol error. b7 Dubcek today Ing d.,,gs." . • · could become the balls for trJals Ii bis e , oupporttrs tomonow, H':'rricane Gerda Moving ~Inland ·to: Quebec -Area HALIFAX: N.6. (AP) -Hurricane Gerda moved inland over Quebec pro- vince today alter lashing the Canadian MarJUpi.6 provmctt of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with rain and wlnds of up to 80 mJles •an bour and causing damage that !O far appeared to be. mlnor. A> ahe barreled up tho Atl$Dtlc coast Tuosda7, Gorda brushed Now England with 50 m.p.h. wlnds before moving owr Grand Menan Island, oil the 10Uthwet1t coast rJ. New Brunswick. Four inches of rain fell in PorUand, M~e, and .two in· . chea: at~Eastport. But the center of the 1torm di~~ bil the U.S. coast Nova ' scoUa1a south ~ ·bore the brunt of the alarm, wb1ch tore down telephone and power linei, uprooted trees and , djsrupted '!>iPPlni and airllile &ehtdlLles. • " ~ lnler'l!itlonil Tiiria Cup com· petiUon for Ii.ab.Ing vessels was suspended Wltil the sea cahned. The ferry, Bluenose, between J)ar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, was kept in part. Power fallureJi put wide sections of Nova SCoUa in darkness. It was not known immediately how the provinct'a $3 million apple crop fared. $1.S Million in Gems Stplen From Tourist PARIS (UPI) -Jewels valued al about $1.5 million were stolen from an : >.r.nerJ~n touriat. staying in a hotel in the fuhlOnable Faubourg St. Honore section, police reported today. Police said 1.-Irs: Simone Karoff, 50, of Palm Beac&'",, Fla., \old tbe.m the jewels were, in a suitcase ~ w~ taken from her hotel rmTuf.sday DJiht wblle abe was away. Quiet EI~quen~e . -. ~-~·'1 Nixon to Review War, Peace Plan . . . ' WMllINGTON (UPI) -l'rell4en1 Nblan will lal:e his lop advtsen to the 1aehllion GI <?amp David 1'ddq for an a1raordio1r7 review ·GI Vletoam War And peada-ilrattu-. Wbltil -..,.,,... uld todAJ top mWtary, dlplimaUc and lnttlil&ence loodora would fly by bellc:opttr to Ibo presldenUal retreat in the Maryland Mountalna, 65 mile• northwest of Waahlngton, Friday mornln( for the MU1on, ooe of the mOlit camprd>enaive Strong GOP Force Lines Up · for Baker WASHINGTON <UPI) -A strong coaUUon of ataunch cor:iservaUve1 and impatient young turks today rallied behind Sen. Howard H. BJ.ker ol Ten· nes.see to succeed bf• late fatbef.lft.law. Everett M. Dirksen, as S e n a t e RepubJJcan leader. The early·bloomlng combinaUon doom· ed !he proopecls of Sen. Roman Hruska or Nebraska, the anticipated conservative c1ndidate, and left the RepubUC&ns with a two-way race between the boyish 4J.. year~ld Baker and Hugh Scott, 88, of Pennsylvania, ·the acting leader and a political pro «. aeveral dt.icades. Intense politicking within Republican ranks acc001panled the solemn final ctrtm<1nies for Dirklen.. Despite; pro-- te!taUona of "bad taste" and "ihap- proprlate" there was fJeree infighting. There was general agreement Tuesday that only three candidates , Baker, Scott. and Hruska -were under CQD- sjderation. Sen. Gordon Alkltt. the policy chairman from Colorado wtlo wu once considered a contender, was Rported to have no strength. But a series of meeting.a. including one in Oirksen's old o[fict, indicated that Hruska, a bland eonservalive, could not muster ev-en his own forces in a :;hov.·down. As a conservative spokesman put it "the only question now is for him (Hruska) to find a way to gracefully withdraw.'" &m. Barry Goldwaler of Arizona was reported backing Bak~r and had, at last reports, 1wung Sen. Paul J. Famifn, also of Arizona, to his side. Sen. <4ori~ Murphy of California indicated intoil!t.- * for NWo bal held ol tbe ll'ouble....,. Viel· Jlllll altuJUon. Tl)e di..cuaa!m ii e1pec:lecl_.to center In llrge pa/I on 1-lut Ibo United Stat._. can pull qut lroopa. Oen. Creighton W. Abrama, the U.S. commander in Vietnam, and Adm. John S. McC&in Jr., bis ~ediate superior as commander of all U.S. forces .in the Pacillc, are flyinl; in for the meeUng. The President coocentrated today on olber foreign policy problema, meotlnr dlsclore 8Ubject.s of today'• NSO -his advl.sory board on forel1n affairs. He bas scheduled another CQlmciJ n\..Ung 'lllunday. Wblte H-lp0if"1Don would not dlaclOH aubjecll of today's N S C diJcwalona bul aaid Uiey ~ neither· Vjetnam nor the ?aiddle Eut aituation. · The timetable for further reduction in the half-million U.S. force in Vittrwn has been altered since the newly ccmpleted, initial 25,tJ».man wltbdrawil. More withdrawals had been .expected to be aq.. nounced a couj>Ie of weeks ago l)uf Nixon put off de<:Wons pending further ltud,y of Communists intentions. · Attending the Camp Davkl ..WOn besides Abrams and McCain will be Secretary of Stale WUllam P. R4(ors, Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, Gen. Earl G. Wheeler, chainnan ol. the Joint Chiefs; Henry A. Killinger, Ni.Ion'• na· tional aecurlty adviser; Richard Helm!, CIA director, and Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. ambassador to ·sa1go.,. Bunker met for an hour TueJday with the Preaident as a preliminary to the broader review. * * * U.S., Saigon Reject Proposal For Peace Meet PARIS (UPI) -'lllo United Slalea .and South Vietnam today rtjtd~ a Viet Cong proposal that . the twice-postponed 33rd session of the Vietnam peace eon. ference be held on Friday. They said tbt date was ••not convenient." • . ·. The Allies, in a joint communique, countered the Viet Cong propo1at with a 1>l1ggestion that the four delegations hold their nezt meeting on Saturd.ay,.SeJ!L.13, the day aflli' President ?fixon bolds an exceptional policy me.Ung In Wuhlnstoo with his key advlstrs. South Vietnamese source.s said that ·the Allied delegationa decided 1XJt to accept the Viet Con, proposal, because the Com· munl!t delegatiOOJ were using Ho Chi Minh's death for "propaganda purpo111". ........ ..,..,,_..,,_,_•••i· Dubcek ,reporledly ,,_ Ibo Brllal •-· • I ~ 1,prealdlan1'1llal premier. Pldrlcb Cornlk world'• ~~·:-• 0.~ ~· , 'and Jan Pllltr, l.nother presidium ---•-'-'~-~ 'Ii member, velad wflh him for lbe -~ ot tcic<altr nl~ -pru;dfum'1 raoluUon cmdomning !be in· N~on Delivers Eulogy at Dirksen's Funeral The spokesmen of the South Viet· namese and American delegations declln· ed to aay why the Friday date proposed by the Viet Coo1 WU 1'not convenient ... • ' I I lltv ~ Londoll· rtt1..it4. ff!< ·~ aoid qi,,~ •111ditd neii,t vaaion. ftrf' aOme tnoftthi and prot.1td I I that birdl haw «on immorol tendency.'" A paPff the zoolo- g{rti put out JtJys the most am- oroU3 bird is tht British f'ttd bunting, a constant trioamilt. Many other bfrd!. art btpambU, it odd<d. • ... ........ ml'!~ ............. I AatroMut J1!1 A.. Lovell Jr. ~ may announce a decision on his I future as a politician after the Apollo 13 moon landing which he is to command next year, Wisconsin '1 Repuhllc1111s aald. The atate GOP chairman, Ody J. Fish, said party I spokesmetl huddled during the : weekend with Lovell, a fonnet Mil· ~ waukee resident, about the Po1sl" ·: bility of challenging the lll10 re-i election bid of S.n. Wiiiiam Proi· i ml,. (D-Wis.) • . Nuclear Blast .Slated. for Today GRAND VALLEY, Colo. (UPI) -An und"ground nuclear test blut, delayed for ai.x d111 because of strona mountain breeies: blowing from the 'W?'Ong direc- tion, wa.s to be touched oft at 2 p.m. (PDI') today in the Colorado Rockie5. Bob Tha.\a:ott, te:K manqu for the Atomic Enerl)' Commission, aald a ten· tative decision to 10 ahead with lbe Pro- ject Ruliaon detonaUon wu made fXl the bUl1 of weather foreeasu. The '8.5 million project hu been delayed aince Thursday because scJen· um want winds to be blowing away from populated artas in case any radioactive -OICOpea. . • W ASJllNGTON (AP) -No band pl1yod lor Evt!fll McKlnley Dlrl<sen. ~ · were no muffled drums, no·21.,un salute. Only quiet eloquence aa his President and the Congress bade him goodbye. .. Our great men are the conunon pro- perty of the country," said President Nixon In bh eulogy to the Senate RepUbllcan leader. "Everett Dlrk1en of Illinois Wh and is the common property of the 50 states." Jn an honor conlerred on only 20 men before him, Dirksen lay bene&th a blanket of roae.a In the great rotunda of the Capitol where he spent nearly half his 73 years. Instead of a flag on the coffin, there was the seal of the Senate. After being borne at noon today without procession to lbe Nalional Presbyterian Olurch for funeral .services, the coffin, accompanied by Mrs. Dirksen and the famlly, will go aboard the Prealdentlal jet fer the fllght to Pekin, JU., and burial Thursday. The memorial service Tuesday lasted only 24 minutes before 900 people wbo in- I Heavy Rains Drench Maine I Fair Weather Centers in Midwestern Area MlfPILew~ .. " " .. " " ,. " " .. .., J, "" " " .... .. " ,, • f,)11 " .. .. .. ... .. .. " .. " " ,, ,, " .. 101 71 H e n ,. .. " .. " " .. . .. .. .. n " ,f! : ltlt " ....... .. .. " . ': ~ ~ .. .. ., n " fj :: n " \It ., " .. eluded the Cabinet, ~ators past and present, most members of the House o( Representatives and envoys of foreign governments. "He was an out.spoken partisan, he was an individualist of the first rank," Nixon said of the man who had served the Republican party, his state and his nalion under four Presidents:. "Everett Dirksen added a grace and eloquence 8J1Cl-..courtliness to the word 'politician,'" Nixon added. "That is how be became leader of the minority." His eulogy over, the President shook hands with Mrs. Dirksen and the Dirkaens' daughter ind her hmband. Sen, Howard H. Baker Jr. (R·Teno.);. Sen. Baker gave a brief response in whlcb be called Dirksen a realist as well as an idealist. . Dlrksen's heart failed Sunday, five days after he underwent sur1ery for lung cancer. At one end or Dlrksen"s coffin w11 a wreath Of red, whJte and blue flowers placed by the Pn11ldenl On the sldea were huge wreaths from the House' and Senate. An honor guard, repffilentlng all the military services, stood a 24-bour watch. Tho U.S. spokoaman refrained from all comment, and would not go beyond what wu contained in the joint statemenL _ la addition to reading the joint state- ment, the Saigon delegation spokesman reluHd ·the text of the dele&atioo's slmllar toply to the Viol Cong proposal of lbb 111-0mll)g.- Although µit: official spokesmen dec:lin· ed to comment on the Allied rejection, a knowledgeable South Vletnamese aource said the Allies judged that the reuon gi•en by the Communists for the aecond postpooement was "unacceptable." Holo~aust • ID Houston Flames pour from a high pr..,uro fal line whldl explodoc! in 1 resident!BI aree north of Houtton "'' , ...... TueMay. At rigbt 11 a home enflllfed In Ille fl&. ~n. Several persons were. Injured !il.llle.blne: . I I \ I r I l I- n • . .. n s • • i ' , ' • I • ' I I l 'BeHast Wall' Set - By British House 1Take$ Up Election Reform 1, • .. ' WASHlNG'l'ON (UPI) -HOUll Judiciary COmmW.. '. ,Y/•11"", ,.,._"10, l'f' . DAll.Y -· Senators Blast , . , Nudear G.rrier mrur Ml'. N«tllem lnlpci tllPD< -Bnllsh troop,. prepared tqd&J lo -a barbed wJre , and wooden ••1'eH'ut W•ll" to It~ llllldlnJ Calholico mil l'nllettanta. Defiant Calhouts' , '!be louodloit f&UlerS pot. It atter Aix ,... ... ol he1r1np, Nawy'1 , -' for a new lllcllers t( tlle ,....,.. oil. untn at Jeut 171'1 beolllSe -!.~ lo head counts II!' ~ ain:r,il •If· ~ •P tlle ai-1 o1 a I they eouldo'~ agree. 'Wlthlnl 'leadtn OI. llOIJr '~!We'. It mr .U -flre loday-....._ o1 ... 1o11 ""° fa•O( 10 ye.,a there Wll leglslaUon atand&·a aood dlinoe ol ap; oenstors uadaunted bf on a reductiOa la U.~ - belore concr<. lo .Cvtse' it, pnival """" lime' --·~ ddeat tn !heir 1...,. ~ .. -Ion. l And within ancitber three die-by the two-th!MI ::tr.,\l'.:i. attnQiflo clllo) ~ o1 WIUt.m Promllre'1 - ades the lienat. four times quited of a ' the:::;·m---"'ane, menl lo slash • million fot voted lo monn i~ only lo "" amendment. ~-·· .. hollled ao lrtah Repibllc ,,.. "' their own burien and -lo de/end them. rebulfed by the House. If 11 aeeul.i similar Al>' 3' ·.1· CCUSed ·Wallor F. Moadale (J>. Ille (llA llvm tho bill '!lit The Issue -.refqnn al the !"""al 1n the Senate, whleb ;. it. Mlnn.), and Cllflord 11; case amendllw,nt loll -· method Of presidential elec-in doubt and nll!lcallon by "' (R·N.J.), baw called up thelrf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w catbollcs and Prole!ianls " L llE RAL <:AND I DA TE Uri~ MODER.ATES' HOPE ' Shariff Grlbb1 thlllS-arrived Gn Iha H..,.. lh-ioui1Jls (II) ol tho Jn E •m""1me.lll' to a1Jee ·'3'/1.1 floor again today In the form &lat.a, wblcb fJ a!IO In 4oub1, VefS -""-for Iha carrl. er !All of had bultt 1helr own.makeshift ' .Audllw Auotln . of • proposed c:ons\ltuUooal It would 'become lalf -!Mit ....,..... borrlen lo pro!«I t h • I r homtl from attack Jn thls riot torn city. The govenunenl ordered them torn down and tbe wk of enforcing peace left lo Ille Britisb Army. "We'll fight the w b o I e Britiah Army if we have to," shouted a young man a&tride a lil-f<>el high barricade of p<Y• Int -wreckod cars and girders. Hi1 reaction was rdlecled In Ille faces of lhe men and women who Jive fn the two aquare mile Catholic ghetto behind !heir street bar· amendment. During this week probably too lala lo al~ the Ibo $20 bllUoa mllilary pro-, •!Ki next the House will im prt'il.dentill tlectloos.. Murder P1ot curement authqrliation bill . Bla k Wh • Ch • dlSCUSs whether Iha ele,doral Due lo the lhreal or-con-./.•.I. . 'Ibo .,..odn)ent would pre-C ' ·, tte oice college should be scrapped in .Ulul\Qn crlaia posed by. the FAYETTE, Miss. (UPI) -vent Iha hnlagon fromFia favo~ of a popularly electe<j third -part.y candldaCy or aheod on tho ~arrler pen a president, George Wallace lut 'year, 'I'hree'Whlte men, one. believed review b)'. the General e-u D • v Rather than casting their there ls alm°"t universal sen-a former Ku Klux· Klansman.. counting Office of aoUclpt.ted P to etr.o. it oters· votes for .unknGwn "electors" tlment In lbo-llouse let e1eo-"'"'ac:cusedTuOsclafn!ihtof COl!sandlheneedforcarrle~ . pledged !Mit not hound Iii •Ille tor al reform, but ai8!rlflcant trying lo Wuslnate Olarles ln•an qe ol nuclear lllhsll .... DETROIT (UPI) -Tbe na- tlon'1 fifth largest city,· torn tt.ro llJP')Jl'IBI ago by racial violence that claimed 4S lives, will cboooe be-n a blacl: . presidential ti<lu!t 'lialed · .., cllaqroement of Ibo mtuiod. Thll "8S lhe same approaeb "I can usure yoo that Wf. the ballot. the naUon'a voters Many of the .argwpents pm Even, -the Negro mayor of used umuccessfully Monday won't have a raclat cam-woUld ~ rqistertng their ' andconwerefilstlleardlotbe. thl1 town ln .aouthweatem agatnsttbeQA.., . P8Jill,· ,• All!lln, se, jlr'OOll.wd cho0_J~ ~~Y -and tho oon:itltutlonal 'convention that Mlaslsslppl. Sena ,Jobo 'c. S tan n I 1d · ~t "'"' tile _, popular al-lbe !all• moment Ill years • .-•··· b 1 h chalnnan of Iha Ar m • hi• d-1ng wpportm at • votes would win Iha . Whiia. ago'· adopted llJe electoral col· ·.,ven. W•-ro er 8ervicel Coounlttee, already victory ""']Y·ln a downtown ~ouse. provided II lopped 'to lege a»a·comprom!M. · M«!larowas liilJed 1roro am. has ·auaeked the carrier '""4-rkades. man IDd a white man f<r •u tbe troops tzy to llhifl the barricades they will have to deal with ua tint," said Bill Dwyer, a dock worker who 1t.nds six feet three inclfes. mayor. Richard H. Auslin, a Wayne County auditor who is black, and Roman S. Gribbs, the Wayne County sheriff~ were Iha ea')'•wlnnen '1'uead>y In • nonpartisan primary electiQR that drew the heaviest voter. turnout.Jn 32 yW'll. hotel. pen::ent of the total vote. President Nixon and some bush in 1963 after altendlng a amendment. . "We wru be mayor or all the ll any ticket fell ahart, the Rouse memben would like to civil rights meeting, said "In voting on thls amend· people, not ju5t IOme Ot: the voters would return for a se-see the office , o! elector Fayette"• Integrated police ment we may make ·a vtial -pie. We will ,a.-.• a._ ,,_,_ cond poll between lbe two top abolllhed while electora1 VQtes 1 ~-• · d and eruclal cledsion as to r--·~ ~ri:: r--tickets. -whJch equal the total of a orce arre~w;\I one man an ther we will have an· effeC- . '· .. ~old·•~i In several streets groupi cl men and women b u s 11 y strengthened their barricades whfle BrttLsh aokiiers watched. ple of Detroit what democracy This plan was brought tO the state's senatoca and repraen-FBI agents had joined the tive naval atr arm in the late is really like." floor on a 29 to 6 vote by the tatives -are retained. .earch for the other two. 1970s and 1980s." said the e STARTS WEDNESDAY e .. ··~ "''!r" C"'°'l,'i -~ -'If"-',• Atanotberhoteljuslaww1f'"======~==..,.~~==,;.;:;,;;~~~~;;;.;.;====~~~~~~===-~==~~~~~==~""" ----::= ---=- Both men immediately prD- mised a campaign fret of racial bit&erness -dlmcult in a city still physically and emo- tionally ocamd by Ille 1967 bloc.ts away, Gribbs.. 43, made a similar pledge, though it was tinted with a taw-and~rder hue. "l'll fight on the barricade& myoel!," said Brigid O'Leary, the mother ol three young ams ... Anything would be bet~ tu than leaving our homes un- protected again.'' holocalllt. Oil Rush Due "We want to work for more unitj, not polarization," Gribbs laid. "'We want both ... r btacb and white to be the beneficiaries -not the vic- tilns -of police act.ion. We want more police on the Gus lier Boorn for Alnska ANCHORAGE, A 11 s k a lllgh bidders to offer more (UPl) -Wilb the stakes ln than S.l billion -putting the bllllons, Alasta'B modem more money in the treuury in ::.-..!rdoQsbs bMI today for ~e next 10 days than Ala!ka claims bi j;il oil boom which 1pent in Its 10 years a1 a state. Jnakes the 49th state's famed The parcels, which wtnt 1old ruah loot like penny-ante. unclaimed at an earlier bid· The pro!pll!Cton of 1969 -di.og, included several near leCf'ttlve oll executives 1Dd Prudhoe Bay where Atlantic lhelt tightlipped bankers -Rlebfleld· Co •• and Humble Oil waited until the last minute Co. brou&bt in wells iD. 1961. before aubmltting offers on Experts estimate the north 450,1151 acres of the state's slope's petroleum resenie at fi"oten Arctic tundra. • aom.ewbere ~ween ,5 .billion At state were 171 pm:els of aiid'50 billiQn barrels-which state-owned land along the would make it one of the north slope. an Icy wuteland world's latgest oU fields. frequeiited primarily by -Oil companies have spent an Eskimo bunlen until oil was estimated $500 million e:r· discovered there last year. ploring the area and prG- Alsata offidab expect the tecting their findings. street.'' The two men jumped out to early leads in the field of 28 candidates and Austin 500n pulled far ahead. Forty per- cent of Detroit's 1.6 million resldent! etl'e Negro, and Austin 'ltas polltng close to !O percent of the "f(lte.s in black preciods. Cooley Quits Post at Baylor HOUSTON (AP) -Famed beart tcansplant specialist Or. Denton A,, Cooley · resigned Tuesday from the clinical staff of BaykJr College of Medicine.. L. F. McCollum, cliairman Of the Baylor Board ol Trust· ees, confirmed the resigna- tion. Cooley c o u I d not be reached for comment. • • )lit ,. Evertrylodl!SCrlbt.lhet .. !e o Of a whiskey to a friendlThere aren't. too In.any words yoii can US.: . "Smoolh" •• ."mellow" .. :lhafs ahou! i~ · When yo«re describing the taste- of Seagram's 7 Qoown we think there's one more word you'll want to add.. That m< intangible,;." quality". You can't touch ii.But yoli sure can taste itl Say Seagram's and Be Sure~ ... ' • . ' s51t '1'7 4/1.. lf1,W . ....,_DlotiJ!an'-7,N.Y.C. llindod ~Nl'loel ... foCniaNoalnl- - COSTA MESA .. .CELEBBA·TES its Eirst From tlie l:ieginnilig, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital was ~esigned to provide 11 complete health care center for the entire community. Equipped with the most advanced teclinical facilities, Coste Mesa Memorial Hospital also provides equally edvenceCI provision for the comfort end convenience of each patient. During tlie past year, our medical staff and hospital employees have used the hospital's facilities lo achieve 11 common goal -the fine.st quality of patient care. In' tlie years ahead, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital wijl continue lo keep pace with the increasing complexily·of-ho•pital care and to emphasize our special c:-on·cern for the care and comfort of each individual patient. We at Coste Mesa Memorial Hospital wish to thank the community for their support end to reaffirm our original purpose: to provide a complete health care center for the entire community. Coit• Me1a M•mori1I Ho1pit•I i1 •1p1cially f'oud of lt1 di1tinCJuished med fe41l and prof111ional 1taff. Chief of Staf h Or. Johnnie R. Batson, Jr., assisted !Y Dr. C.H. Tumer, Vice Presidaht1 tnd Dr. Lionel I, Oa Silva, Sacrat•ry-Traasurar. The seYan'Clapartman+ chiefs ere: Dr. ShetJrlck Moore, metJicine; Or; Fr•nk·'!it Oifio~ surgery: Dr •• ct.1rle1 S. St.•v•n11 9et1erel,prectice; Or. Cft:i·rtfi A. O.l•nty, retJlolo111t end Or. Sh1rr•y M. Schne1tJer, petho'°4id. Serving on th~ ex.cuti•• commtttee es cfirecfon et ler9_t ere Or. Welrl'ce A. Gerrie incl Dr. Relnh1rcf M1rthen. Hotp1ttl Ad,rninistr1tor it AltJen 0 . S19e1 lu1lne11M•n•9er11 J, Jam•• Wilson encl Doro.thy .H.. ThomP.•on, R.N .. ts Directoc of Nu rs••· Costa Mesa Memoriol Hospitol is own. oil ond operoted by Beverly Enter- prises. • leodor in the heo lth care field. "Beverly Enterprises is notionally known for highest operoling st~ndard1 and .mod•m innovation$ in hospital con- . 1lruclion and P.Olionl care • " •-1•"1' • ,....,~,..., • Olllfl ~lllll l'lllr/ 301 Victoria St. Costa Mesa Memorial Hospif,;iJ Coda Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642·2734 , ' ) • ' j I ' I ; I • . -. ti DARY PILOT EDITORIAL ·PAGE ' • Children ' With Ille openlnf of school, that old sense of dread for the lives and safety of the cblldren all.aguna Beach's EI Morro school bas relumed. . . Dally the youngsters aN placed In a haUrdOUJ &itualion when thefr lwnberln{ bwes af<! forced ID mate lei\ runs across busy Pacific Coast Highway. The EI Morro stretch of the highway is deadly. The curve near the school has claimed more. than a dozen lives In traffic mlihaps since 1965 •. Fortunately no school chlli!J:en or school persoMel have been Involved-not yel MuCb cridll mus[ be given to the school bus drivers for their caution. There have been near misses, though. For years the school dl~trict has been negoti~Ung with the state Division of Hig_bways for a traffic s~gnal or school mne 25--m.p.b speed limit, but to no av.ail. Something must be' done about the EI Morro situ- ation before this school year Is marred by a tragedy. We pray that it will not lake a death ID provide the realG!I for action. The Storm Drain Pain You can't please all of. the people all of ·lb! lbne. Where assessment d.iatri.cts art concerned, its diffi. cult to please anyone any of the time. The Sleepy Hollow-Park Avenue District 15 In that position. Property owners at the top of the bills in newer deveJo~ent.s maintain that tfie storm drain doesn 't really efit them because all their water qwckly run• on down lillI anyway. . People at the bottom of the hills cast an angry eye toward the new development al the top and say they bad • Ill Jeop~rdy . , no prob10lll until the developero pol houses wliere °""" was absorbtive virVrl g?Ol!Dd. • . . • 'J'eople in the middle, DIAllY ot who111 hive holllea that have been there for yean, tend to 1lde with lb• ~s at the bo~m. 'Y!'!l ·they a1k, should we pay for something we wdn't n,,,.. unW they built llJ>land tn.m U&! It migbl be well to bac:ktrQCt a bit on the whole subject of the storm drain. · It was put In because It wu needed for. the whole by tilt areas II servea. The project was st8md In 1"3 at the direction· of. tho county be al th olflcer. In November of 11164, the toll! estimated cost of the work was put at $308,850. Of that, construction wu put at $211,&50. When bids for the work came in they were much higher than the estimate and the city Council rejected lhem. The engineer revised bia plans. Bet.ween 1!1e 1965 rejection of the bfgh bids. and 1968 constl)lct1on, the project was tied to two county• wide flood conlro! bon~ measures wblch failed. It was 1~":ed dgaln when high bids were rejected · µ, early Inflation and Increased construction colts took their toll. Subdivldors In the upland areas received soi:ne benefit as they paid some -money for !h• project based on a 1962 ,,,.sler drauiage vlan for the entire city. That estimate .Of cost .was low, '180.000 for only construct.ion. Subdt~d.ers were required to provide for drainage as a condi(ion of aoprovaJ for their devetopmenU-a proceeding which offers greater leverage than even a c(IY, ordinance;ofliclals e1plaln. · lt is difficult to determine ''benefit" to each part of the assessment district body, but the process could well be compared to a vill:tl operation on a human being. It is expensive, and It hurts. but the whole body is better oft for it-even the head, arms and legs. -·---·----·~ • l Audiences Spoil Mo vie s For Har ris Dear Gloomy Gm: Toward a Violent Black R evolution: "' '-"'.it-.;'~(f·1·· f ': . -'. . . , . ............ ~,.,...,ii ' . '"-~··" .,. • .,i.~'l" ~· •• ·."1"' ., .. Cloe o( the ........ 1 ' .... 1, .. 1o maries has nolhlng to do wilh movies, but with the kind of peoplo who ,.go1ar1y altend them. They rem.lDd me of Olcar Wilde'• n:marlr:, "MJ lut Phr wua 1111>- cesa-lhe audience wu a failure!,. l have never undentood t be JlC)'Chological _....., cl the people who. for lnstaoce, feel Ibey !Jaw 1o repeat out loud the wordl ll>at ore lflll>. ed OD the ICretD. '"Ille Fealure Presentation." tbe, will repeat Joudly to their C91Dp'..,., « "A Paramount Pro::luctlon... Do all tbele people llrlng tlll""1tes wlfh 1hem lo the movie houle? OR TllJ:Y WILL lferate a f1lmlY line that hu been lpoRn by ... "' the dlMact<n -thelr volc<s usually blur· ring out a rejoinder that is even f~. Perbapi they want to let tbtir CCI&-=knot' that Ibey-l lltDlf!"' II Laguna Beach IUgb School pis any m<n teacher1 from ~. Ille csmpus will soon atart lll'fOU~ Ing -cactus. ..,.....,.,. ...... ""' _.,.,, ...... ,_ .................. Piiar rt• •• Further (S.C...4 of • Jhree.part ..,., .. ) W~GTON -'Ille ''Black Guard Organizers •M>nuaJ," a !&.page rfo.i~ yourself kit f~ recruiting and training • black g>ierrilla fiJl)>ten, is l> e I o 1 Circulated in ghetto communities from coast to coast The manual describes Amulca u "tbe black JQ&D's battleground.'~ and autlioea para·lllllllaly training """""' for a "f~ of I black Uberaticm umy.u II abo Includes a detailed strucbrre and , chain-of~ for loctl ·lid J!Ckxial • groups 1-ly knit lnlo a naliolniide · of a film. guerrilla fon:e. U the people around me are nolly, or The pub-offers a further lmlgbt inattentive, or greed1IJ muncblog Ga lnlo that. aegmebt of !he ac><:alled black com, tt tends lo warp my .-e "vdl.lloo ,wllldl .serloosly contemplates watching and listelllng, I. tao r.l.U. i ttvO!f-vlblent aode&aplnst the 11atus gen~ tezture nl an slllllence IIh a quo -lo the IUUM ol ~ock aeparatism. palpable coatiatl around fJ'1 _.uty; aodabor!lpauai..cemaU&meltthand, l'llOM ITS TEXT, the • .........., want to run up tbe aille aod out lbto'the manual ""clearly.written fa. RAM, lhe coot d.srknesa of the llreeL -Rtvolullooary Action STAGE · ACfORS are a 11 o es-traonllnorilJ .-ill .. to tbe emuaUons of an 4DdieD:Ce. and IJl8rll1 bave toict me that Ibey glvt lhelr bM peri«mance ~ wbm &beJ' can "imeDJ' • smart and at· teoUve lloaao. C<!nvenely, Ii gnup o( raucou1 conv«itkineen can bring do-..n the •level cl a performance wtthln min- utes after the curtain bas risen. What most of us fail to rtal.lz.t: ls that every wori: of art (or even entertain-- melt) la a collaboration between per· focmer and audience. MovemenL .lor:ontlng. to New YOik City autbortttes, a Black Guard rorce was estahlished !here by RAii in 1167. ~Glearly• however, the RAM manual ~'been put lo other.,.. lo otber sreu. Coples, marRd coolldeotial, bave lumod up lo Phlladelpbia, N ... York, Detrnlt. ctevelaod, Chicago, Demer, Los Aogeles and in UJe San FrandBco Bay area In OakLmd. acoording to a defector f~m the much publicized Black Panther Party, the manual was used very rtcenUy in the trainiag of a Panther Look at undergroond . Acconllng to ex-Panther I.any Powell, the underground "Black Goard" •aa charged with maintalnlng disdpllDe and doing violent choresb the OakJanrl.baoedPaothen. IUSTORICALLY, 'Ille Black Paolher ParlJ was I~ by Stok-ely Carmidiaol and olhers. In Lowndoes Cow>- ly, Ala., In 1911. It has llO cliiect coo- n<Ctloo wilh l\AM. lhaopft ilao seeb to free "colonlaBr.ed" .blMkl. fnxn their white ''apprtSIOl'l0 Jn lbe UDlted Sta&el. N.,. Yori< Oily aulhorities told the McClellan Corrunlttee, bow""''• that one branc.h of the Blact. Panther Party there originated as a RAM 4'front" which was also clooely tied .. the Makolm x a-iauoo, Orpnizattoo for African American Unity. Some, Police offlciab, who watch old grOups die and new Olla emerge, wilh in· teriocldll( dlrectarates, lillglng lhe same tune of 6laci: lepll'8timl, would like to think there is a master plet, coordinated. perhaps, by a -.Ille c011lmiMion wb.leh has ties abroad '(or fmancing: and other purposes. THERE IS, as ol oow, no evidence to support I.hat theory. Nor is there any documentation, despite persistent rumor Black Ultr·a~L e ft ud widespread speculation, for the lde:i: be a change in that C'hlna bias. Then: Is that black mohitioaary groups, here sor;ne evidenre that the Moscow-aligned have received fi.Dandal. help ' from Communist Party of the United States is ideological brothen ln CUba, Cllna at trying to move in on the action. elsewhere abroad. A! previ01Uly reported here, pr1>P~ The best judgment. now, appears to be ting participants were excludrd from the that the various black revolutionary Panther-sponsored Confe~oce for a groups peddle the same idea, nae the Uniled Fro'iit against Fascism, held in same literature and aer:k the aame goals Oakland last month. Panther leader Seale because of a community of interest, was a speaker at the Conference and so much as unrelated branches cl the Ku was. Herbert Aptheker, a veteran Kluz Kl'1l have operated on the other member of the Communist Party's na· edge of Ille racial spednun_ tional' committee. The Justice ~ under A~ ANlYI'llEI\ CONFERENCE of the .:"l!":;'~:..!t~ ~b,~ = Fr1>0I Against 1'i!dsm is scheduled next In tim8. the attorney general ma,.~ ... (· maatb m. SU Fr&ncl.SCO, and Jts pro- tome>tocli.Yidllals and organlD.tiom: l:Dlo 4*'dinp l'ill be watched for further Jhe federal "'""'-The bettiag ,_, e.tdeoce ol shllting ideol?gy· Federal o(. however, ls that charges W'ill involve ficial1 art ~ to .think, ~ of now, speciflcs _ a:ossine state lines to tncite • that the anU..Pekina: attitude will prove to particu]ar riot, or failure to file tax be temparary. . returns-and not aome broadly-based o1· 'f!ieY aote ~t ~ largest of the white fense militant organwitions, Studentl £or a · Dtmocratle Soclety, is currently feuding NEW DIRECTIONS! -lt is DO wtth the pro-Peking Progressive Labor surprise that the violent black revolution. Party. They comment that the Black drawing ldeological guidance from such Panther Party ia much interested, now, Pekina;-oriented propagandists as Robert in the activities of the lily-white SOS. F. Williams, has often followed the We will explore that interest in our Chinese Communist party-line. The black nut column, the final column in this Panther Party, under the leadenb!J o( series. Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver, bu used lhe Red Book o( Mao Tlle-lmlg as a party bible. Now police officials and olbm wbo monitor the activities of black milit.aot grou_p1 are wondering whether ~ ii ~ (Nert - How does lbe violent black r"n'OiuUan eiert lnflaence? Some reflec- lioos OD 1 short, cool summer.) By Robert S. Allea ud Johll A. Golcbmllh Even more: aggn.vaUng are the apee- t.tton who laugh at what 1 consider the wrong places. A stupid piece of bu!• foooery excites their hilarity to • byaterlcal degree: a genuinely patbetk: 1Ct:11e fmda lbem lllic.tering wilb. misplaced risibility. Or a tense and silent moment of act.Ion ha.I them ''explaining'' the proceedlngs to the adjoining seat. Eveo when the ptrlormer Is ponona1lf abseftt.-aa in a movie -the behavior of the home affects the influence of the fihn. Tbe:tt are 80me downtown movie bouu I will not enter, no matter what ruin they are showing -because I know that the kind of audience there wUJ destroy the responsive mood OW is necessary for full enjoyment. Law Unfair t o Irish Immigrant~ PDUIAPS I AM unduly sensitive to the atmosphere around me, but the audience has always seemed \0 me to share rupcmibility for the general enjoyment Praise for Alton Allen To the Editor: I want Supervbor Alton A1ltn to bavt a quick word ol appl'eciation and support from m>. Hla steady elfort loc planning sod con-..,...u.n, particularly for lhe AlilO Beach Purchase, the South Coast Scenic Program. Ille Niguel Park, Ille l1"1oe Agricultural and Open Spece ""°""e, V·e Fer.therly Part, the Sharelloe Preservation Study, the General Plan Project, the Park Purclwe Fund, must not go lllH10ted. IN ADDmON, 1 especially appreciate the lhousJrtlul advice and help he bu given our Laguna Greenbelt from the Vtr}' start ol out effort. 1 certaioly will tJerl all my effort to forutall any mnrltting support rJ. a ttcaD dlr ected againlt him. Beyond Iha~ I am looting lonran! lo helping In his ~ tioo. oe:rt year. JAMES W. DILLEY Aaeltd Marphfl'• BIR To the EdUor. Your August ll guest edilorlal, "'CclnNDerl Speak Out," cunmentl on S... a.or,.. Murp!Jy'1 Conlwnor Food Proleclla< Blll whlcb the edit<lrial refers 1o .. "prolotype o( (ed•rtl logilito i:.=~:n~-~.°i{ ...,... lllo rtPI "' purchu< lhe food ol --. ii 1111 place "' lhelr clloict, -blillc llaralald aod damaged by -boJCOUI and IU!ktL. A lllil&W Gt -111"""'7'• blU ..-t1iat H ,..,.111m for the com- ....., -balloo ol Wm • .n .... ' <: · Mailbox. .. • '• Letters from readtrs ore welcotne. NormoU11 toritns should convey theit mtl.SCOtS fK 300 toord.t or U-.ss. Tht right to condnle lctUrs to fit 8JJOU "' tlim.inaU libel ii ruerwd. AU lft. ttrs mwl tn.cludt signature and mail· ino addrest, but name1 may be with- .htLd on request if sufjicitnl reason ii opporant. Passage of this bill ln Its present form would give Cesar Chavez lirense to put bis hands: in the pocketl ol lhouaands ol unwtlling worlr:.ers and would be the first 8\ep toward tot&; conlrol and domina- Uoo by !he Unll«I Farm Worftr& Organidng Committee of Callfoniia'1 number one: lndutt:y. MOii Calllomisns, and lod<ed most Americans, want effective lf'.gislaUon to deal with Ille boycott problem, 00! cer- tainly oot at the uper11e of lhe farm wori:era tbemlelva who have been f'Ui.sting forced wUonizaUon for a Dwnbe:r o( yelll"I. WE PEEIJ 111AT the worll:m ahoukl have eviry rlabt \0 Join a labor union ol their own chooolo1 and an equal rlihl lo refrain from .Jolnln8 • union to whtcb !hey are oppoood. I bope II wUI be poMl- ble for you lo lend edllorial tupport lo •n amendment lo Senator Murpily'1 bW wblch would clearly aotlaw oompnlsory --membenlllp In .., farm. E. R. WlllT1I Pmldert and Elecutlve -Callfoml1n1 for Right to Wor1r l ha\'e mentioned before in this space the fad that this oounlr)· is in grave dan&er al losing the emollient and civiliz. ing influence th1tt the shanty lrish so richly gave or themaelves in America's be hall. The Iris}\ may have had other things In mind. to be :sure; but that was onl! ol the effecta of the mailer. What IS called llish-American, 1n both its pejorative and its praising sense, Is almost wholly from the shanty Irish - lhe or>e1 who lilerally lived In slumUea along the eastern seaboard in the 19th Century cays following Ille awful polalo famine. The famine WU the W<nl: thing that ever happened to the l..rl!h, and just about the only thing they haven't suc- cesslully hung on the English and the cune of Cromwe.11 (Not that I haven't heard even THAT tried.) ~ SHANTIES brought Ull such benisons as the Kenoedya, the McCabes, and .lis Nibs Himself, John Joseph Tunney, ct.lied Cene. Some of the shan- ties are now so elegant they blacll:ball Swedea from the New York Ath1eUc Club. U:>rd llelp Us! The ahanties, and thelr emicbmeot, are being denied lo this COWJ!ry al fl"'IOrl( by an unbalanced immigration law, whk:.b bears the name of. a shanty on it. The l!ll>Called Mcearran Act went Into Law on December, 1MS, and into full ef. feet oo Jcly I, 1968. The purpose ol lhe oe• law, justty· enough, was to eliminalt! the di.sci imlnatory features of the old law, wb1ct had been set up oo the bases ~--By George --~ OW Gtor1e1 Geel You've got a great worry eolumn. I used lo banUy worry 11 all until I started reading yoor col· umn and now 1 worry all the. time. DAN C. Detor Dan C.: Don't try to thank me, Dan -that'• whit I'm here for. of a national ori&ins system daUng back .. 1915. TUE LAW ELIMINATED a Io t of abuses; but it caught the Irish, and some other immigrant groups with tbe.ir pants down There was no longer a clamorous pouring or people from lhe old coontry lo gel past Ellis Island. The Irish in U.land weren't doing badly. 1be lrisb here were wallowing In affluence, for a good part, and abnply didn't cart. These cireumatances, and olhm. created an anomaly. For years lrtland had an hr.migration quota of about 18,tm people. The Irilh didn't use the full quota in recent yean_ ImmlgraUon to this count.ry cumbered between five and six thousllld eachYtar. The prestnt Immigration law , as Father JMD Ring points out, is unfair to lht Irish. LESS TRAN 71 lrbbmen we. Ii.sued U.S. vilas duriq lht lut llil< moolhl of 1168. Cross•examination in Court Cross-eumlnatl<m ls very okt People have always queaUoned a speaker to try to judge the truth of what ht uys. The Thirteenth Book o( Daniel tells the slory of Susanna and the elders. The two t1ders trttd to wll'l Susanna's affection, but wben they faOtd they tried to cot'l· dtmn her before the tribe, claiming that she had accepted a young man's at-. ten&Jon1. 1be tribe was about to till her when Daniel laid: "An! ye ao foolish, that wttbout eiam!nation or knowledge of lha trutb. you havt condemned • clauJl)>ter "' Imel?" DANIEL TOOK eaC'll of the two elders aside and quest.loned them. Their con- flicting stories abeolvtd SUsanna and cm- demned her ~. In • 01odern trial the oppo&ng lawyer can crosHunrlne each witness to test h1' memory, his blal. and bis ~ledge and lo bring ool lhe whole llory. CrOIS- examtnatioo may show the witness has an tnterat in the outcome fl. the casie, or hu prejudice ahoul II whlcb cula doubt on bis credlbWly. Each paJty wo have wltneate! excluded durtnc another'• tut.imony. The judga will also order !hem not lo discuss lhelr tesllmonr before tria1. Each witnm 1hould teat1t1 free from the lnOuenct of other wit-- -I l .Law - nessea. Often a lawyer loses bi& case on Cl'Olfo t..'tamination when he untnten~ brings out fact.a which destroy his own case, or _when a wttneu he ii ~ to impeach gives aqnrua that SOUDGO:D- vindng. TIIE DENIAL or curtalilng cl.,._. aminaUoo lmpaln a lolt !rial, Ille rfabl to conlroot wJt11 '' el 1fMn this ocmn. I higher court o(ten Itta• atdl ClleS. Cloe crosoaamlnalloa -is "lmpeaclunenL" n.. lhe q-1onet Ir> tendl .. aOOw that the wlme. -bav• made <Onlndictor1 Ila-be! .... If 80, hll earlier statement.I or UJOte made. In the coune ol dl-ery ( quCstlon1 ask- ed In pniceedtngs bel"" lrlal) mar be produced In coort. hlconslstencles moy ca1111 lhe jury to daobt or to dlartgan! wllat he 1ay1. Nor., Coll/omlo la1o!lm of/er Chu column 10 wo• ma11 know cbouC oMr laws. This does not mean that more than 15 lrllhmen did not want to come aklni;. The law ia qainst them. Says Father Ring : '"I'\le new immigration law in at. temptin& k' cure the 4i&criminution or the old law, has now saddled Ireland and other nations with on unfair immigration policy. "Tbe American 1rish c o m m u n I t y should be shocked by the drastic effects ot the new U.S. Iminlgration and Na- tionality Act on lrilb hninigralion to the Unlled Slalal. '"Ibe Jri&b.communky cannot be silent tmW tbe pr-I law is changed. .., M'J'8I: IRWI cor.D1UNITY mu.st spealt up and put p«ssur• "" Ille Congreu r:I. the United States to amend (be law in favor of lreland and other na- tiom who are being unfairly and unjustly treated ... U b.'1 a grievance you're looking for, my, beartlu, this Is a proper good one. Added wlldom, and names of Congressmen, ia to be had from Father ·RID& .net the 1;>oy1 a~ tbe American Irish JmmJgraUoa Committee, N o rt h e r n calif<l1lia Qapter, 1290 Filth Avenue, San Frv.cisco, Callfornl.a. --WWW- \'lednesday, Sepl 10, 1969 n. -Poll• ., ... Doll' l'iloi "•"' .. ,,,,0,... and -Wale ffll<l<n bl/ pr•Uti~ng !>ii ..._-, oplolou and "°"" .,..!my Oft COplci of tnl<ru& tmd $lgfllfl=lc•, br prnotdl"" • forvm for UW: uprtujon of our rtodcrt" opfnfons. and b;o presmling &M divf1"t1 tticno- paintl of Informed ob.s1rwrs oM rpokt.smen on topfa o / the ... ,. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I I I I ' • . Saddlehaek *· * VOL 62, NO. 217, 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES ORANGE ~.NTY. CALIFPRNIA ' . ' ~ ' .. .... ~~ . . ' • rv1ne ans . uxnr •• MAP SPOTS CRASH SITE Air Crash Victims Recovered !NDIAJ:IAPOL!S, Ind. (AP) -Collec- tion of bodies and debris continued today in a farm field where the brokeri parts of ~ CQUiding airliner and a light plane phlnl!.,~ Crom the 1ky, killing 83 persons. (See Ph.!01 Page 4t. ' Eyewllntlla"IS sald th6 1ing1e-engined craf\ carrying 1a soloing Jtudent pilot, 35- year-old Robert w. Carey, knocked the tail off lhe ·Alle8heoy Airlines jetliner ,. the larger piano approacliod Weir-Cook Munidjlal Airport Tuesday. AD 71 passeogtl'.'5 and the crew of hlur on the jetliner, a.s well u Carey, an In- dianapolis plumber and father or six, were ·killed. · Tbe· jetliner. which begao its flight :t Bosioo!, 11,.t toothed don at Ballimo<• and t:ioclnna!I and •as ~ to ilop at '"" "!Jidlanapollr airport before going Oii 'G"fil Louis. "11 was near perfect we'alJ>er,',' ~id John Shailer, ~"of a twn of 16 10- vesUgaun from the Federa1 AviaUon Administration. "n's a I m o s t in- cooceivable that the two planes were al I.be same 11pot al the same ti:ple." The aerial collision occurred near Lon· don, a commwilty of 300 about 18 mU.S southeast of Indianapolis. Most of the wreckage of the DC'I airllner landed in a soybean field 100 yards from a mobile home park w~e many ol the 150 residenu wat.cbed with terror as the severed fuselage of tht jet whistled toward them. Bodies, wreckage and luggage fell from the sky. About 500 policemen and a 16-man team of federal investigators combed the field loday for remnants of the disaster. Airport controllers said the jet disap- peared from a radar screen as it dropped from C,000 feet to 2.500 (eel in its landing apprva<:h. Carey had t a k e n oH Crom nearby J.fcCordsville on a 50-mile training flight to CA>lumbus, Ind. His wife, sobbL'lg as she spoke to newsmen, said : "He loved flying. He had been doing it for years just for his own pleasure. This past year he was working to get his license. He didn't plan to~ ~ plane right away, but mayt_>e ~time. 1be family moved to lnd1anaJX1lis from l.fanchester, N.H .. a year ago. . 1be crew members who perished wtth 71 passengers wert idenUiied b Y Allegheny as Capl James M. Elrol, fl, PIJ.infield, Ind., First Officer William E. Hec:kendorn. 26, Pittsburgh. and i.o stewardesses, Patricia Perry of L.ynn.. Mass., and Barbara Petrucick of Boston. o .... ge Weather The onJy way to beat the fog 1s to 81eep late in the morning , caUlle it's going to stay wttb us Thursday. Temperatures along the shore are tabbed in the high IO'~ rising a few degrees inland. INSWE TODAY Onrnae County 1unagog!Lt'1 are pLmtning senrict1 for fligh Holt1 Doti.1 starting with Kfll Nidrt 1trvice1 thil weekend. &:hedwle1 /or the New YtM commtmoroiion appear on Pogt !{. -" C...,,.. It c-c-" -... c:.k• ICI' f ·-u .,... .... 11 !C!!!!!I ,... ' ._ ........... ...., ....... .,, -~ ·-~ ,. --. ........... II -•n --. N.-.i ........... Of-. c.... 11 ...... ,..,, ~ ........... " .............. T~ SCP f -""' WMl"4itf f --.. --- • ,, Down tlae Mission .Trail Viejo Offering Oasses in Yoga P.11SSJON VIEJO -Yoga classes will begin Monday, Sept. 22 at the Recreation Center. The six classes \\'ill be tuusht by ncnce Taylor and "''ii\ lake place on conseculive Moday evenings from 7:30 lo 8:30 p.m. The fee will be $6 for members and $10 Ior nonmembers. The instruction is designed to lmprort': physical and mental condition. e DIHner House Be g1111 LAGUNA NLGUEL -Coostruction i.s under way on Lciguna Niguel's first restaurant.. Rembrandt's dinner house aod cockhlil loungt, due to open about the end of October. The restaurant will be on Crown Valley Parkway just north of Pacific Coasl Highway. converted from the .original Laguna Niguel Corp. administration bullding. Counly wni.ng officials, over the protest ol Laguna Terrace Property Owners Association President Walson Osenbaugh, agreed to a one-year trial of redilcUon lo oonnal parking requi.remeoLs. Osenbaugb · ~ can .....W j>e Fkinll1 oo c....... V'alley Partway. • ~-Sloep Iii.eke!''! l>AllA POINT~l.. Orange Counly-plal>- nlilg eommias have apj)l<IVed enlaflement of automobile tune.up lhop llut may have made the c:oet pro- hibitive far applicant Emil Roffman. Planners required the bulkllng be M>Und altenuated to the county Building Department's saUsfactiOD tnd the alley be paved. The shop is k>cated on lhe south side o( Del Prado Avenue eut ol the Street oC the Ruby Lantern. e frt>lne Troct OK'd IRVINE -A huge 7'll·home Presley Develcpment Campany tracl has been approved by Orange County planning commissiooen for the central· Irvine Ranch area , corner o( Robert and Yale avenues. Approval was subject to the coodition that streets ahown as 56--feet wide be widened to 60 feel Included in the tracl are a school site, three church sites, a park site and three areas set aside for pedeslrlan walkways. e Trailer Park Set Route One i.., Salt Creek This is how some folks will get to Salt Creek Beach between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point on south Orange Coast. Overpass bridging Coast Highway will connect inland side of Laguna• Niguel develo~ • OA.ILT PH.OT"*" ...... I , 1nent lo private bea¢h. Arrangement of.~~ fil1in huge banks a)ong Coast Highway by deve\open has cul off much of motorists' 1w~g vista of sea. . -.. , ~~~~gtina ·f._roje.c;t . . Out~ed -. ' 81 llAllBAM ·JalEUllCB . --~""'""" Plaoa are In lbe making ·to tura the Jrvlm! Companf'a pr:ime. ocean fruot land between COA>eo Sb«es .... Jrvlne eo .. lafo ,"the oulstancling .~I deYetop. m~ tn'.:l A,mertca," '• comp an 1. spOl<esman dlaclooed today. .Ftm step Jn the P..JO!'I. ICbedllled to ~ by 11112. w,!JI be, a lfylng-~ of 1 .. taniatlonalailJI I a m e d ll'!f!!manan mort d••e\ofllll'Jlll by Irvine olfldah and a lnpdro;.-er s"ll Francll<o plnner. ,• J:uvlng by air lroil>Ntw Yori< Sepl. ~,, to vlalt Portlliai, Spai/I, Fran<e and lta. · ly, will be WUllam .R. ~ eop.r .... (ftSldent ol tho llvine ComfllDY; .Ra)mo,.l L. Wateon; arcbitect and lelliar vic:e pre;sidm! of IrvinJ'1 1aod deteJoo. ment dlvl.skm; Richard A. R-, planee •!"I vice pre:sklent of the company11 plan- ning department ; and llr. Thomu J. Ashley, clir:ector'oi de v e.I op me D ta 1 5b'ale1Y In the planning ~L lJf.'-EonJpe they""w!ll be joined by ln- lernalfoaal . pWinlpg conoullant Adlm Krlvaby. whose firm, Hart,." Krivat.s:y1 Slu~ol~Frantjl;<o, haa been ..... ed u Plonain& consultants for tho Irvlno coastal development. ; ~vatsy ia now in Greece ·U a cm- mltant to !\JO ... .......,~ rqanllDJ a AU a d f M S ho r_.i do•dOpmeol • the Mltan ..... i>o11 -ose Dea ute t, Killed ~==..::.:p~u. B.y,,H · F~ -~"1f:!." ~f • •. •· ..•. r · ,~ .• ':!..n.-·-., Irvioe a.!: io.oooGrounded ,. 1ng Anaheim ~~~=~~....:·. 7 · • f ., dit.t?F'~atendj'llabllt' ... ml9 ... • ' ~ .....-trltllide Cl:Ylta1 Aller a ni&bl o1 l1eny IOJ, Orange • _,....__ " CovO. · .. Cove ...i £i Morro l County Alrpod ..._,..i to take-of! traf· A deal mute "u 1bol and killed while Ro.......,, 11, of Ill E. II-A..,.!, Beoch. Tbe parcti under a.Hldrratioia fie at I a.m. todq but rematoed closed ne.tng from an Aiiabelm )IOllcemBn Jl'ullefton, -sloift wflh a .,.. fil Ilia !or dwvaiopmenl -up to 12,llOO ..n.. for landing> untll la1'r In lhe day. Tue>da:f oi&hl aftor the youth failed lo hand. He wu -lwi« ill' the chest by Tbe Irvint plailnen' ltirlera..,-locl- An estimated l ,000 to 10,000 airline beed the officer's order to hall. ob Donaiil F. J?r~. ' ......,. ol the Alpne c-t 1n Ponupl. pus0ngen ,..,.. grounded or detoured A 71-yeaN>!d man Who pointed a gun al · Poli<:< !Old a felel'I-operalor ftedv· SpalA'I Colla del Sol aod Colla Brava; a P'Ullerlon policeman aod thr<alened to ed a call ohor1iy afler 4 p.m..lroin a -the Cote d'Azur lo Fnnce, ltaty'1 from lbelr destinations as Lhe thick fog shoot also was shot to death Tuesday. Llprlan IDd Ama.lfi ooasla,and tbe Costa b!anketed Los Angele! lnlernational The •--• t ti •--• b who ?id he was going.lo till hLI wilt and Smeralda In•~•-•-• · ~ mu e, , was sw. IA'a. Y a anyone elsf: wbo approached the ldlae.. A .-nu1U&. Airport. Some of the jets scheduled to singlt: shot. patrol car wu dilpatcbed. • The trip wW 1ut for three weeb end land al lntttnational ~ up at such Anaheim police policy 11 nol to flre each coasj.aJ 11U'111 will be toured by car distant polnta as San Franclseo, Arizona warning shota "proml5cuously lo lhe air Oet. DarreD Hogan 41psaoacbed the for two to three days. and Nevada. but to use the po as it ia meant to be us-home from the front and beard a man The tour, Maaan said, wlll be a follow· ed -shoot to kill," a department yell from lnllde "I'm going to "tiU 0you". up to limllar llllrT'>'I of oaastaJ The Feder! Avizallon Admlnlstrallon k .aid loila development.. in Hawaii aod the,•-reported 141 flight. bound for lAl< gpo ....,. y. Hoga. dove behind a tree. tho poUce th!> time offerln' ..._.I • 1o"'T Angeles were diverted to other pointJ The elderly Fullerton man, in conlrast.. repdrt. said. r In vppa;muty .a .. seemed to be a.s1r1 .... police to shoot him. or•--Pr" hil Ill,.;_, Into &miM: ID area with .. climatic condltiom during the night. .... '6 ...-.. ICf: meanw f: n-a --ble to our~" · · With Lon n~ h nd Or Count "You might draw that conclusion; It kind lhe re&! of the hOuse am moved Jo the ""'"r--v-.. ... I g ~ac a ange y o( looks that way," said Lt. Gilbert .. Wataon added, "Spatial relatloolblp1 airports also shat down, airport.a at kitchen where he coofronted ~-~ (See mVINE, Pap I) Ontario. Hollywood-Burbank and Van Causley. Or~ to drop bla aun, ~ ~ NuyS took much o{ lhe burden, with the !be dear mute, Scott Hall, of 121 ed, pointed the gun at U. offqer and overflow heading for Las Vegas, Nev. Wake.field SL, Anaheim, was SUI~ in said, "l'IJ shoot·ypu 1p2, .. pqllc:e ~ and Phoenix, Ain. lhe theft or a car stolen from a Price Ilred the .fataJ ahott / Industry Relations Director Succumbs supermarket. He was dead on arrival at Neighbor• aatd Robinsoo'• wile,~ Rqlh, Orange Cot,mty Medical Center. left the home at:veral WeeU ..,. to Uvt fleeing with him was a girl. Dolores wllh her daughter. ValdUlei, 19, Santa Ana. She is also ~ deaf mute and was captured by officers about a block from the shooting scene. Stock 111 ... 1uu M1SS10N VIEJO -M!asion Viejo Com· pany has the approval of Orange County planning commissioners to build a trailer and camper parting area hidden from BURLlNGAME (AP) -P e t e r view 908 fed south al lhe end of Avery Weinberger, 54, state director ol in· Anaheim police aak:I they received a call a car had been stolen and gave pursuit into Garden Grove where Hall, a\legedlf dri~ing the car, &truck a.parked auto. Both hf! and the girl Oed, Mot.or Of· ficer Stan Waugh orderfl!I them to halt, then !!."'ed. lhe fatal &hot, police aaid. NEW YORK iAP)-Tbe.,1tock .mar~,tt surged ahead toct.y oo most. froats to finish on an.. upbeat fDr the lecond straight &eSSion. (Seo quotallaos, Pqu 20-21). Irvine Granted $45 Million Lille of Credit Parkway. dustriaJ relation.&, died today or ao ap- A petition dmtlated Jn the Mlssloo Vie-parent heart attack. jo area indicated that fO families art ip.. • -Weinberger was the brother of Caspar terested in tniler partdn& space-. Ooe + W. Weinberger, state financt dlreclor in hundred thirty~ will be buUt. Gov. Reagan's administration. . Confidential Details Released In the other ahooling, C. Neville . ' The Dow Jones "lndustrilll average 1t Z p.m. WU abt.ad 11..11 a7J5. ~top .·Marijuana Plan Jeop.ardized , A mamunental at.Lact oa oraanized m1rlj\l8Rll 11DUUlers -Bet to lllrib: IOOll ••tom of the new Mexican crop would be ftOwia into tht U.S. via ID •rial Underground :Rallroo4 -""' been ....... 1y Je<>pardit<d. ll<laib of tho ~denUal plan' to cap- ture Ughl planes and even converted transports .were pmnaturely released by a govmuneol otrld.al tn W83hlugtoo and ,...ind ,,.,.spa~ covera~, nie result. federal autl)Jtltles rear. i.s failure 0: what had been UUed Operation Intercept. coming at a l1me when the U- lepl weed la In low svppl1 here and would b<lng hip prlca. "'l'bmi pnli><bly ....,, be • plane up t.htrt when we make CM' move," uld one the engtneera ol the musi" plan, "It loob 10.. lbe -_.u.n ts down the draiD." Fedenl autllorillet have long been aware of a m1)or Jn•rttuana tnrnc bet.WM11 the ~r natl<Jnsi. buC eri- r .. -hu --<rippled dllo to tho •ul, de3olala !main to be -- 1bt major break came last (all when a U.S. Marine Corpa Hawi missile crew from Filth Ught Anti-Aircraft Mobile Battallon (LAMB) maneuvering out or Yuma. A~.. ran into operadonal dif· ficullles. Tbe LAMB crew began monitoring odd blips lodicating uoknown alrcra(t on their radar equipment and noWied the U.S. Bonlet PatrDL "Our big concem when w• plat'up blips ~ that. we dM't hit aqy plaoes," H• pl~ /olllor Robert Booher, ol the El Toro MCAS jolDt lnformalicnal services ornce today. He said lhe unit 1nved hu been deac:tlvalod. bat the LAllB branch ilaell b "'"' a part o1 the Third Marino Arlc:raft Wing with l><adquartm at the Oraui• Coouly bale. =!en do not Ille ma1i1 plana lndi thtlr W~, "" I glvej I lime aloM the ~I IJoNet" ,> Ill( lhl ' Yederai A;iaUM ..,,,..IJlralkln rJ<l'r """'"'ll l,aot'ed and a-.· - calling in mllilary ~.1he YM , \ • ,i I ( 1 I , I L "~,I;'. lG,l ... I -Instrument . . !;~emp· Diie • " ··At El Toro '111e lint f<llllar aircraft lnstnlment Jandini system evrr 1nlLlUed. at. 1 Marine base ls scheduled 1t El Toro Marlne carps AJr St.aUoo i.t.a this fall. 14 guide in prellde!ltlal fllg!llJ. The tu will Qlluliuy be uied for otbtr • typu of plane thin Air Force Ont, bot Is, · a direct iuuii ti Pr"e~ Nlloo~1 an. Ucipattd Orang1r~ty pival&. Other changes are aim 1"' the works. but the 1LS Is the major imprOYtment at the hose. ac<Ol'din& to Col. Walter Red· mond, direc~ of operat~ . Now. two ,altcraft guidance. nsttma aro ba opmlkln II Ille air Jlallm, bul lbe ILS will altow landings when we1ther c:ooditioos would otl'lerwise ihut doWll the -traffic. . · Ont Is the lla<ll< Air Traffi< Cootrol ·eenter, which monitors and guides • aircraft which ar~ headed through a priman' coutal air iq>ac< covered by the > coonty lmt.allatloa. Tb< second system Is the Ground Con- trol Rader System, which now brings · aircraft reqolrlnJ lnatrumenl uslstance • -bookies pilot Tisloo -Into Ille El Toro runways. Any craft entorin1 the Southland air 11\)oce bandied by El Toro ponorm<I an , ~ by 1he men ~prll>eoah>• : "jtATCC system: then talked in by the . tnon local network. • TbO new n.s system Will allow alrcralt lo Utmlly ride an eledlooic slpal beam direct)y toward the nmway, tandln&wben l'lalb!llty ii ot -mile. No maU.r wbat, the final alrcrall loucl>down b made vbually. by the R.i!Ot h1maelf and if weather conditions -1uch u current coa.W fog prevaU -landlng may be PJOhlbilad. • . Planer inccmlng kl &Udl wea~ can : be diverted lo cautornia deaert lltnpC. . Volunteers Give •. -. Time to Build . Fort at School -Before long, the cmnpany of Ulllputian '' lddien at Laguna's Top df the World Elementary School will have their very •· own fort. Command1ng • portion of Ille school . · !>laY,,..,,.i. this is no on!lnU}' forlrtsJ, 'i>ut~ a' stylhed collectiolt of dooatad logs JIUl together by men who have volun- teered their Ume. Tbe project begin wben Riy Lawoon. -tranrpcstatlon -.... talk· 1ng 1o ,1111 ..., Donald; If loner Wl1lr • Nolihern Cllllloinla firm lhal treat! logs • for uUlicy polf~ . ' 'Ibe company donaled U poles rangmg 1rom ss 1o ao fett in JeJlllh 1nc1 '" to 14 -'Jncbes in d.lamtttt to the school. Value at .! !;; wood lw been ~1'ced al $4,000. f ii,!'~=~~~ J;:~ ~:wu designl!d and lhe·logs ·cut and trim' .~1 tned ta specif.icaUons. i. {: Rliins call~ lb<; 119leo lo be cul at ~t !)'ariouilengthl, and lor horlzontal polu Jo. ·to walk on in a~ • : ,• A crew oC men ,Jed by Arnold : Laderman, president of the top cf the : .Wedi PTA began their work, gatberlnc : ·On Saturdays fQr construction d,uly. ·: · tn addition to Law90n and Ladermari; ·: lJUl Plrrish, La V e r n Dug1u, Lee : • French, George Reiter, Bob ftlliler and ·: Al Haven, principal of Toe or the World : ~I have been active 10 tht proj~I • 11long with many o th er parents aild : tichool district. employees. • ~ More manpower is still needed, in- • t.erested pt.rSOlll may contact Laderman ,• 11t his home at f!K-7978 . \\'ork session are :f pn Saturdays. • · If sufficient htJp la available, Ult fort ·: will bt ready for play by the end ()f ,: $eptember. Total cost to the district is ,':: U>O. .. r: " ' ·. . t: •! I -. .. ~: ~ :; . '• :~ ., . ~. ·~ i . I . ~ ... .. :: ~ ~ ~ •• •• .. " • • l•l\ll 1 t:•1101 It•'"' H. W•tl "'"*"' ................ Th•"'•' ICMVU .... Tli•M•I A. M"'""''~· Me!lllmlh""' R!tl.1r4 r, Nin ·--c•w ,__, ---211 ,..,..,, A••· M1ill!tf Mllr••H •.O. a., tu. t:ZNZ --c:.t. --.. ..._.. ..., ...... ,.._. 9lldl1 m1 'llfW ......, ... ......,. .....,,.....,.: ... ... ,, l'hM ••• , ....... " • I • • ' "Don't Te11'Me .5ummtr's Ot;ier -·I StlH Couldn't Find• Perklnt Spece Downtow"I'' ' , . Art$ F e·s_tival Planning ., . To · Print Own Programs Flttival of Arlt dlred<n 'llle5day aired the pCIA1lbjllty that the FetUva1 may produce its own souvenir .program na:t year. · Tbe progrun thi& year wu J>Ubliahed under • ccmt.ract with the 'South Coast ~Part. 'lbe matter waa broacht belore 1he baanl w 1he form ol • loller from publisher . Vernon Spltaleri re· queltlng an early meeting to discUS.! 'future 'program arran1ementa. · Director Paul Grlem, cbainn.an oI the publlclty committee, said the Festival was receiving i1 ,101 as its 10 percent ()f the program advertlaing sale. He said Sp!taleri reported advertising sales had brqht in f17,801. Tbe programs sold for $1 each. Fesli\•al officials said 40,000 were printed. In the past they had been 50 cents each and bad gone up lo 7~ Cents. Griem said it would oot be wise to delay a dtc..Won on the programs. Dlrec· tor Richard Brooks, the second member of the publicity commiltee, said, "I'd like to move that we pr<>duce our own programs." Director Helen Keel~y said, ''l would Plans Dra\m Up For Foundation To Aid Schools A study session Tuesday night by Trustees of the Laguna Beach School ·Oistrlct brought an ootline o( devekip- ·rnent ef tht: Laguna EdLlcaUonal Fowr dation. '. The Joundatk>n Is a nonprofit organize· ti()n which will solicit endowment funds to be invested and 1he interest u!ed for the dtive1opment of educational programs in ,public ~hools. Schoola trustees who v.·ill also be direc· 'lors of the foundation agreed infornlally to submit names or persons they feel will be good direcl()tS. From the lists they 11ubm1t, two new directors wlll be ieled.ecl. .. Qesides the school board mem~rs, four other directors will gukfe the foun· . dallon. Two of these directors have been previoosly named, Williain McCready and Robert Turner, former trustee. AC · the study session, dates for in- terviewing professional fund raisers were also set. Supt. \Villlam Ullom and Peter Fulmer, information consultant, wlll work this week on a slalement o[ philosophy for the foundati on. Action is to bt taken on the statement and the oew directors at the school board's next meeting. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. al district headquarters. 1'rustees received a report by Fulmer calling f()f the establishment ()f a 21-man adrisory boird of well-known people v.•ho will "lend their enthusiasm and names to U1e roundation." Tbe advisory group would he Ip establish a community base for the pro- ject and help generate funda, according lo the report. Committees are t() be .sci 111) lo deal with wills and trusts. adYancc gifls, and volunteer office workers. The foundation has alread\I received its first donaUon. a $100 gill fron\ an anonymous patron. aecond lhat but I wouJd like to hear what 'Sally hu to say." Mrs. Sally Reeve, Feltlval publicist, aa.id, .. , would be very happy H we could prOOuce our own." Board PrWdent Wllllam O. Martin s.ilid, "I w OU 1 d like lo bear a recotn· mendaUon Crom the publicity com- mittee." Brooks said the matter should be discumd promplly. Brooks said Mn. Reeve had d18CU5Sed some ()f lbe problem!! connected with the program S<>ld this summer and had shown a willingness to do the job. "The perfonnance this year of Sally having to serond guess 3Jy:I re-do and work with uncooperativbl(people should not be repealed," said Brooks. Griem said he wanted to discuss the matter in private after the opening meeting. fi!rs. Keeley suggested that Mrs. Rttve submit various program recorn· mendalions at the October meeting from which the board could choose. Directors agreed informally to tills. CeUctr Buildi1ig In Laguna Sold To V a~ied Group A group of eight well-known figures in the fields of entertainmenl, scienct, education and business has purdwed the modern .building at 22J) Forest Ave., Laguna Bea'Q:i, occupied by The Cellar restaurant and the Laguna Beach DA.IL Y PILOT ()mce. Purchase plice was iA U1e ne.ighbor· hood of $100,000, said Geoffrey Riker, real estate broker who organiied the transaction and is serving as general partner for the new owners. The buyers, in a partnerShip formed as C~llar Group. Ltd., art actoni Arthur Hill P.nd Roger C. Carmel: Dr. Duran Bell, PConomics pr()fessor at UC Irvine; Dr. liarold Mi.tels, research scientist at Aerospace; Dr. John \Vallace, sociology profPSSor at UCI and mu!lician; Eugene Segal, rep<irtcr for Time fifagazlne and lanner; Dr. Elie Shneour, research scientist at the City of Hope; and Riker. C;iriTicl and Riker are associated in the real estate business in Laguna Beach. Th:: Forest Avenue building, a modern i;la8s, post and beam and block structure, was built lllree yeani ag() by Bead\ Cvnstructifln Co. of Lag!llla Reach and was own~ by bullden Rlchard Burt and James Schmitz and restauranteur Lucien Hrack. Cholera Outbreak KiJJs 29 iu 2 Weeks SEOUL (UPI) -An ()Ulbreak of cholera along South Korea's west coast has killed 29 persons in the past two \vceks, health mlnistry officials said to- da.v. A total of 46!1 pcrSQns ha\'~ been stricken in the epidctnic, with JW of them already released rrom hospitals. Ex-man Preg11ant~ Medic Says It's Impossible ' . CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -Dawn Lan1le)' Hall SlmmCln$, the En&lish wrtter '\\'ho had a s~ change through ruaery and then married a Negro man , said today she ls pregnant. Bul a apotmnan at Johns Hopkins .HOIPital in BaJllmore, whert lhe opua· UOM Wf:l't ptrf()rmed, said Jl Ls ''definitely impossible" for Mn. Sim· nlOl'll lei ~e pregnant. , ~1n. Simmons, who say1 Me ii U, aid lht ls ~ In November. Sile 11kl delivery will probably be >omeWhere in ..,.the midwert. but did not ~fy wherf.. Persons who have aeen her In recent v.·ee.ks noted .she appearl!d Jar11cr around the wabl and v.·as wearil'lg maternity clothes. ''Everylhin11 Is fine ,'' said fi1rs. Sim- mons. upm living quiel.J.y at h()me and very happy lo have a child." She said she bec::ame aware "several months ago'' that abe was pttJM,nl The diagnosis, she said, was made by a New York physician whose identity she reruir e<t 1o dJvuJae. Mn. Simmons said her condition prcvtnttd her rrom travelllna: to Engllnd tollowlng the rectnt death d ~mother . "lt was a very great shock and I was not able to travel,'' she said. • Construction Freeze Brings Strike Talk · &\CllAXIPl'l'.O (lll'O -Th • QallllllJlll 'b\Illdln( and co114tructlon lnldel --ltned today lo caU .• statewide tbik• anu the Senate Rules CmmUttee tilled a resolution urging President Nlzon to minlml&e cutbacks in federal ronstruction. James Lee, rtpresenting the 250,000. member cooncll, aaid be will contact ma· jor klcala of the union ()rganizaUon f() poll them oo a pulble strlt'- "I'm going to recommend a Jtrlke to emphasiie Ille drasUc effect of the pru.ldent's order," Let &ald in an tn. tuview. Ni10n bas ordered a 75 percent cutback Prom Page 1 IRVINE ... between buildln&s and terrain •• _aite deai1n, visual alttactivenW, rtcrtation ind enttrtainmeDt facilities wbJCb attract and prolong the Illa)' of tOllrlJb wW be in· eluded in .lhe stlldy, along will! methods of ohaplna and uWlzilIC blufla similar to tho.wl on the Qrqe Coa.sl" In the Irvine development, Watson sa.ld. "'l'be croximlty ()f pubUc beaches will be an important ct1nsideraUon, rtfiecting the Irvine Com.pany's concern tor such facilities and ita cooper1hon witb govemmenlll a11encies in lhil mat- ter," Rifles, Shotguns Reported Stolen By Laguna Man Four rifle• and two shotguns \'Blued at $360 were reported stolen Tuesday to Laguna Beach pc1\ice. Bill Pars1ey, 4.2, (){ 342 Poplar SL, Laguna Be~gi,.re1>9rted lhe;lllen from his resKlence. Police believe entry was gain- ed to the Parsley home through an unlocked rear door. Property taken included h\'o .22 caliber rifles, an Italian army rifle, a pellet rifle, and two shotguns. and a blanket. In another burglary, l\1·0 Laguna Beach 1nen reported the loss of $250 worth of musical instrumenls, a suitcase with clothing, and jewelry. Th<unas 0. Leonard, 20 and Jahn W • Fletcher, 23, both of 1464 Bluebird Ca· nyon said the thefl occurred sometime between Sunday and Tuesday. Su1pect entered the residence by removing lou- ver windows, police said. $2,100 n1 Grants OK'd by Festival Fe:1tival of Arts directors Tuesday ap- proved $2,100 in scholarships for seven art students to continue their studies. Sch()Jarship recipients are Andrew Ball, MOO; Tom NoC:tiger, $400 ; AM Hathaway, $300; Jacques Jura, $300: Patrick Tobin. $300; ?<.1ignon Slenu. $200; and Peter Tobin, f200. Combined with F e s t i v a I art sch()Jarships made to graduaUng hi11h school scniors in June, the Festi Yal scholarship awards for the year total $5,700. in new staIU of construction projects 1tnanced entirt'Jy b)' the federal govern- ment. He also hu urged lit.I.le and local · governments to follow suit. The Reagan administration hu ordered a rreeze on new hifhway construction contract awards and on bid calls ln com· pliar>ee with the White Rouse directlve. 'The rules committee defeated on a Z..3 party.line vote a resolution b y Democratic Sen. Lawrence WaJah ol Hun- tington Park urging the Pre&ident to re- eValuate the cutback and mlnlnil&e any construction curtallment. Walsh sa.id the coosttuction-workers may strike for ooe day "lo show how a • cutback like thl:s could affect the economy of Califorlfl,1' Lee uid be itreed with NJ100 thit "we have got to do IOl'Dethillg about in- flation," but -.dded cutting back con. structlon "certalnly ls not the way to wive the problem.'' "ll putl everybody out ol work-,'' he ad· ded. llowevu, Stn. C1a.lr W. Bur1wr ()f San Dlqo who "" joined by fellow RepubUCIO S.... Howlnf Woy, E1eter, and Robert S.' Stevens, Loi Angtle1, in voU111 q:ainst the measure, saJd the raducllon In publle worlu projec:U cOuld spur new home bulldln&. Good Thing Going San Clemente Seeking Tourists San Clemente Chamber of Commerce director3 declded to lake advanta11e of publicity generated by establlshmt:nt of the Western White House in.their city and invest some money to Jure other visitors l() the area. By unanimous vote, the directors agreed to spend $$,500 on a special touriim promotion campai1n, beginning immediately -or as soon as the City Council authorized use Ill matching funds. "When we have a good thina: going we should capitalize on it," said auto deale r Charles Patterson, Chamber vice presi· dent. "Strike while tourism is hot. There is no city in the United States as fortunate as we are since the Western White House bas been established here." The campaign will not be h.Jnged en- tirely on the Western White House, Pat- tel'S()n .said today. "We ju.st want to remind pe<>ple lhal San Clemenle is a nice place to visit We also woold lie to attract developers of ne\Y hotels and other tourist facilities, as well as tourists themselves."' said Pat- terson. Much of the money will be spent' on newspaper advertlslng In Vancouver, Seattle, Podland, Denver, Salt Lake Cit)', Dallas, PhcieniI and no~em Callf()mia. An addiUonal $1,000 Will be. spent on production of a new, fuU'-'Olor brochure on the city of San Clemente and the su,r· rounding area, Chamber directors will seek White HOU!e aproval to include a t.'Olor pict\J.rt of President Nixon's San Clemente resideoce on the cover of the brochure. Five thousand of I.he brochures will be. printed for the Chamber, Patterson said, and additional ct1pies will be made aYailable to advertisers. The expenditure, he added, ls predicated upon obtaining matching funds from the City Council. San Clemente finance director Gera1d 'Teachout said loday he sees "no pro- blem,'' since the city's current budiet eannarks $11,375 of bed tax funds aa the city's contributi()n to Chamber ()f Cam· merce advertising pr()jects. U.S., Saigon 'Breach' Denied by White House \VASHINGTON (UPI) -The \Vhite •louse sought today in ad vance of a full scale review of Vietnam p<>licy to q~ll 1 eports of a "deteriorat.ioo of relations'' between \Vashington and Saigon. Press Secre:lary Ronald L. Ziegler denied some broadcast and published reporlS that Nixon was angry over South Vietnamese anny ()ffensive c>peratlons during thiS week's cease-fire initiated by the Communists, Ziegler stopped short. however. or saying Nixon approved of such ()peralions during the three-day cease-fire pro- claimed y,•ltile N()rth Vietnam mourned Police Seek Kiduapers 'TORONTO (AP) -Police are !'earching for the kidnapers ()f a wealthy your.g woman who was £reed unharmed Tuesday after her husband left $200,000 ransom on a country road. Ponce would n<>t idenlify the kidnap 'victim, but she was believed to be Mary Nelles. 29, wife Clf Toronto stockbroker Henry Radcliffe Nelles and daught~ ()f Toronto trucking executive Marshall D. Uavis. To!Mg;,f whoknowswh•l•he Wll\IS but not where to rand il Matc;h you r style wilh our many dlstinclive designs. And .ask us about our lamous; Oranse Blossom l\lat'intee. the death of President Ho Chi f\1inh. The cease-fire ended this afternoon, '\\'ashington time. C1nd Ziiegler said It 1p- peared likely that the level of U.S. military ()perations would increase. he added: "lf the re:Jltively lower level of enemy acUvlty wciuld conUnue, this is one of the things tbal y,·oul~ be considered and would' be an important £actor in our decWon" to respond ., \\ith reduced mllltafy operaUons. Nb:on meets Frtday with top advisers: tn di3CUSS Vietnam war and peace 11t.rategy. White House sources sald the meeting likely will be at Camp David, in the Maryland mountain.! 6S miles northwest ol. Walhington. METER FEEDERS: NEYER ON SUNDAY. Ne,·er ()Q Sundays, al least not tmtil M-19. Laguna Beach city hall anoou~ that par~ meters will bt inoperative ()n SWldays from Oct. 5 und.l then. I CONVENIENT TERMS ,}. C. ..lJumphrie6 'Jewefer6 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE 1823 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA • PHONE 50-3401 I r j • • • • ' •• .. . -• • • ~ESl>AY, .SEPTEMIER. '10, ·19 vpt:. 62, Np. 217. 6 SECTIONS, 82 PAGES , • . ' '. -am () &Vine .Co. Plans Lu sh Coast Tract By BARBARA KREIBICB Of ""' o.itr , • .., $tiff Plartl are in the making to turn the Irvine Company's prime octan front land between Cameo Sborea and Irvine Cove into · "the outstanding coastal develop- ment in America," 1 co m..p a n.y ipOtesman diaclosed today. First 1tep In the project, scheduled to l!Ort by 1m, will be a fcylng tour of in· ternatiooalallj f a m e d t.1ed.lterranean .....rt ctevei_.oi. by Irvine ofllclab and a tap.drawer San FraMisco plaMer. Leaving by air from New York Sept. 30 I I ND. MAP SPOTS CRASH· SI TE Air Crash Victi1 1is Recovered to visit PortugaJ, Spain, France and Ita· INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Collec· Jy, will be William R. Mason, engineer lion of bodies and debris continued today 11.nd' president of the Irvine Company; in a farm field where the broken parts or Ray.mond L. Watson, architect and senior a colliding airliner and a light plane vice pre&denl. of Irvine's Jand sdevelop-plunged Crom the sky, killing 83 persons. m.ent div.Won; Richard A. Reese, planner (See Photo, Page 4). and vice president of the company's plan· Eyewitnesses said the single-enaiJled nin1 department.; and Or. Thom.as J. craft carryinj: a soloing student pilot , 35-- Ashley, dlrector oC de v e I a pm en la I year"<Jld Robert w. c~, knock~ the Wat.fry ln-tbe pianning,.department. --iotail". ""o'fflhe Allegtieily Airlines jelliner as In1 Europe they will be joined by ln-- t.e:rnitional plaDflinJ consultant A4.am the larger plane approached Weir-Cook Krlvatsy., whose rlrm, Hart. Krivaby, Municipal AJrport TuJsday. &tubfe of. Su Francisco,_Jlas been eia:lc· Alf 7a passen1er1 1hd the crew of four e:t at pl~ COllllultants for tbe lrvlne on the jeWner, as well as Carey, an Jn- coutal develOpment. dlanapoli.! plumber and faibir of lix, Krivatsy is-now in Greece as • con· "'""'1. lo 1111 ..... ,....1 ~ • ~killld. Hiid ~on thO ACem coasl. 'l'h<•Jeilloer, "~ began its fliabt ot He IW planned ......-!a In ~ and-th< BoiUJG. had touched down ·al ~ Caribbean and Disneyworldlnl'lorida. and oD!fimau and was lclicdlllad la rtop The Mediterranean trip II 1, pre-plan-~ In n1ng mlasioo for devel....,..,i o! !he at th< lndllnapolls airport ~~ • '' I lhreHUle coul sector o( Inlne Hanch "' to SL Louis. land, Including approximately 560 acres "It was near perfect wealber,'1 said of prime ocean front properlJ: and a4o John Shaffer, one ol a team of 16 in- diUonal acreage ei:tendln&abOut one m.lle vestigators from the FederaJ AvlaUo n Inland. Coastal sites inclUde Crystal Adminisb'ation. "It's al m o 1 t in· Co\'e. Scotchman's Cove and El MOTTO coacelvable that the two planes were at Beach. The parc:el under consideration "~ time " for· development adds up to U,000 acres. the same spot al tuc: aame . The aerial colllsioo occurred OOU" Lon· The Irvine planneri' itinerary includes don. • community of 300 about 10 miles wrveys of the Algarve Coast in Portugal, southeast ol Indianapolis. Spain'• Cmta: de! Sol and Costa Brara; MoSt of the wreckag(! of fbe DC9 the· Cote d'bur in France, Italy's airliner landed in a soybean field 100 Llgu.rian and Amalfi coasts and the Costa jardJ from 1 mobile home park where Smeralda in Sardinia. many of the 150 residents watched with The trip will last for three weeks and tenor as the severed fuselage of the jet each coastal area Will be toured by car whistled toward them. for lwo to three days. Bodies, wreckage and luggage fell from The tour, Mason said, will be a follow-the sky. up to similar surveys of coastal About 500 policemen and a 15-man developments in Hawaii and the East, team of federal investigators combed the this lime offering an opportunity to n-fiekl tcxfay for remnant.s of the disaster. amint. an area with ''climatic: conditions Airport controllers said the jet di.sap. Comparable to our own." peared from a radar screen as it droflped Wabon added, "Spatial relationships from 6,000 feet to t ,500 feet in its landing (Set IRVINE, Page%) approach. Stock /Uark e l• Carey had t a k e n off from nearby ~lcCordsvllle on a ~mile training flight to Columbus, lncf. . .. . • Fog Holds .. . . ·Passengers , At Ai_rpo1~t Alter a night of heavy fog, Orange County Airgort re-opened to take-olf traf. tic at s a.o'... t00aY but remained closed for landings until laler in the day. An estimated 5,000 lo 10,000 airline passengers were grounded or detour9d from their destlniations u the thick' fog b1P.ok,et~. Los Angeles,. lnterpational Airport . Some of the jets &eheduled to· land al International WOU!lll up at ~ distant points aa San ·Frandaco, Arllolia and Nevada. • • The Feder! Avization Administration reported 141 . flights bound fO( Los Angeles were diverted lo other polnt! during the night. With Leng Beach and Orange County airport$ also shut down, alrportl at OnfJlrio, HollyWood·BU(bank andi Van Nuys took much or the burden. with the overflow beading for Lai VepJ, Nev. and Pbocnlx, Airz. 20 Sta n-d ldlv-- A ~r~mJ~ot er Stl!~-~~d ."fiy X.'!~. , NEW YORK (UPij = Mrs. Eva B1Jo. cllllO, a ~Id~ w11o• ed ................ """""' DOlhhC for It, 1'llW!led 1-pllallzed Iii lldllai cond!tlor(today. ' · -, fr' lloc!Ofl said' ;be would recover lr..n an appartnlly aensele.u attack .'held., by a If.year-old boy who •tabbed her with a switchblade while 1t lult 20 witnesses did nothina· ' Jlalf. of them fled. others stood lrozen. Someone telephoned police. Nathaniel Burtm of Brooklyn, who witnesses said stood over bu, knife in hand, as she lay on a courthouse floor, surrendered lo authorities without a strug&le and was charged witb juvenile delinquency. Mrs. Brescia.no, of Brooklyn, wltb bear· ing a~ 1peech deficiencies, hid been "haunting" family coort since her daughter had her declar!d incompetent and in her custody. Industry Rela tions Director Succumbs NEW YORK fAP)-'I'he stock market surged ahead today on most front. to filJbh on an upbeat f,,. • the second ottalgbt oessioo. (See quol!tiODJ, P- tl'!l). HJs wile, IObblng as she spoke to BURLINGAME (AP) P t newsmen; aald: "He loved f\Ylng. llt bad -' 'r been doing It for JWI jual 1or his ""' Weinberger, 14, alate director o! In· plwur.. 'l'IU pail year hi! wu wortdng -<lustrial relations. died today ol an ap- to gel hlJ ~He didni plan to lillf a parent heart attack. Plane right ff''1, buf ~t,, IOD'lethne." Wtlnberger was the brother of. Caspar The famU1 mand toittlllanapolll lrom • W. Weinberger, rule financ< director In MancbeUr, N.H., a year ,go.•' · ~ Gov. Relgan'a admlnlatration. } 1, : • I The Dow Jones industrial averare .at t r·m. •as ahead U.68 at 827.JS. · Drug Rafd ·· PJa~s ··.'Periled ---....... ~:-..,,-. • • • • ··-- -' . • Border Ai~ Trap'.Leaked : by. Gooernment ·. '·. .,,, A monumental attack on organiltd 1fbe mlJor -cairne l,.t fall when a and Olkl" concerned. .agencies set up a li_og Greets H~rbor !(Uh marijuana smugglers-set to strike.,.. U.S~ Marlne Cofps ffa"k JhiuUe Cf'd leCret 8'1"e1Jl~nce lytlem Which UDCOV• ... . .. , . . as. toos of the new Mexican crop woold be lrom Filth LIP! Anti-~ Jjobil<., _ _tnd a Incredible highway In the lli<y, flown Into the U.S. via an aorlal Balf.illM (LAMB)< ma-venns ..,I ol ca"7h11 tons ol marijuana. Underground Railroad -bas been Yuma, Aria., 1'111 Into Gp.raliOnal dll· • "'Ille eovernmeot did a study In a RYerely jeopardized. fica1tJc: -• " • A.. Talley In Arimna and found there were "· Oi:i ·~a:ek~ro Sclwo~JJay~ • l>etalb ol the c:onlideoUal ptao to cap-The LAMB crew began mooitorln1 Odd an average o( 4.!_planes A_nlghl miaing_ For a..~~ 1o'~-,..,.·for·tod.r lure llghl planes -and ev•n cooven.d blip<lndtcalhfj unlmowd atrcrall on their from MeX!co llleplly--=ui Iha! one val-· ~ iieilpori.-Unified Sclmf lramports weno pnomaturely relel!<d by radar equipment &nil· aollfled the U.S. ley," aald • l!ati olllciaf. , l>i.trld -· ali• lbeir lli\I. dll ol a pemment olllclal In Waahtn&ton and Bonier PalrOL Some of !hose alrcrall were coovtrled ICbool.-. , i'tttlftd newspaper coveraga. ''Our bi:J concrm when •e pick up blips S.ZS bomben uaed In lobster smuatJnl , , .• • . . 'Ille mul~ federal authorities fear, Is ts lhal wa doft'I hll any planet," ex-after World Warn, and In e<Nto lpols, But~ dldn1burltfilii~11)ucb,-exc<i>t laQure 91 whal had been UUed OperaUon plained Major -Boobet ol the El new below sea 1've1, over dry sall l1ke1. 19' }le!:I)..-~-llUdf'lla .. ¥ ..... _ bl~ comi,. al a lime wh•n the II· Toro MC,IS fotn! lnlormauon:.i ...,,1,,. 0!111 this Week. U. S. autborJUes In l!P"~ (or, lhe·dlstrlct •akf lhl~g• 1loJ 11..a ia in low supply here and olfk'e today • COOJUnction wllh the Mule&!\ govemm<nt w~ telaUVoll inioothly Ulla< lllOOlllli: ..oiild brine hljjh prlcea. He aald ihe unit involved bas been announced 1 ma)Or c:rackddtru on dru.<. 4ejilljii. U. lilurlo ·~11\!r < , . ''Theno probal>ly woo't be a plane up deactivated, bul !be LAMB brandl llaell llllllgg)~ f0< laler this montb-/1 ·-'.Bl!>...r'vlce "~ deto7W '\onlY • unall thtltwhtnwemabourmove,''SJldone la oaw a part d the 1bitd Marine ~ alter OperaUon IQtetcepts , bm'.,_liut-prql'spok'90*J"kl. lhe ~ ol the massive pbn, "It Aricralt W1oi wtlh beadquarten at the ·n.. pi.. wbtch bad boeii developed '""" IOI wu -· bul no1,..,ny looks !!Ire !be whole -•lion ta down the Or•nc• County bale. from President Niioo'• .IJ"C\al commil-, tl>fclt ~ to ciUM. acvm "'®lams;". draln. s~ do DOI nte fllllllC pl•01 11 .. "' narc0ucs cootro1 .,.... -.. one IJ!Olc...,,. said, Feclerol authortOes have iool been tndicluni their wberaoboull il a given from u.lng fl&llter'IYPo ~..., Ii ,Onli lhne tl'IU1lporlallO dfJIJ's wm. aw.-. o1 a major molijuana lrallic Ume abif the route, however, and the tou.,,.,,lng •P bonier ~-~ -primil'llY llpOllB l!le· routM· bttir,.. tbe -natiool, but en-Federal AvlaUoo AdmlnlJlratloo radar ~vlcol Wbich ea .,.i Oeldo ,,.. •,opecial educatbi :· ci-New foi->ent baa beetn:dpplod due to th< oporatu " J,G(ll. feet and abote. or ourlluaoa '""" 5,Gllll fell driver& are on U-""8'L vial, delolat< te1Talo to be covered. Calling in military wbtance, tbe FAA ( RAl>AR, Pap J) .\Jolllant Suptttnttndlnt !toy -. ' ' • • ., • I • •• ••• 2 -Gunlnen· • '' • I • s· deou · 1-· .(9 .. pe, ., . ) ~·· ' Get' Jewels ' . Don't Tdke Long Look :at Ec;lip~ _ LOS ANGM CUI) -cdloritlana cao gel a IOOg look 11 a 70 -I edip,. o! !be aun '11!ursclay, bul they~,,..,,.. eel today nnt to -11 1'811 DOI djn<lly. ' The <;alllornla Medical AJlocialloo aald those peraoNI wbu chance a dirocl look al the ahaded IUD, eVC!D tbroup llU!lJi]UIOS, .,..keel glau or uposec1 ·01m, will nu eye Injury and pouible, blind-. The eclipse will be vltlbt~ In Loo Angel" llartll)I al 10:43 a.m. It 'Will reach lta·maalmum at U:U p.m. aid will eod at 1:43 p.m. · • . To view the_ eclipwd SlD1, which will •till be brfiliant •ilh®gb th< ,., bas darkined, th< usoclatlon rtcomm<llded ao lmj>rovioed lhactow bot< effeot. A cJ<ar plclure ol th< ccJtpoe wtlf mutt by" ming i-1 black.Md piecea ol clltdbolrd. Cloe perfonted J!lth a ~ plnhu4 shquJ4 be liekl ltitraid {be IUll, with 'the otlier-lield be~lnd I~ and· moveil l!llD J>OJl!lor\ .wliatt Ille .IUDllgbt ~ tH""'~ ~· pinhole. •• . ' . • Weadler ' C.u& • • ~I I 1 I :~erupl?ne • At El Toro ~· ftrd reiular aircralt lnstrument llMina aysttm ever installed •l • Martne ~.. la llC!leduled at El Toro Marine CM\B Air Station late thls fall, t~ guide In pnoldentlal fllihls. 'Ille lLS will naturally be used for other _typa Gf plane than ?Jr F-on., bu\ Is a direcl result ol President Nixon's a. ijoipoled Oranll' Counl)> arrivals. . <>tMt-chll1gts are also In the works, but the 1LS is the major improvrment 11 'the base, according to Col. Walter Red- mond, director of operations. Now, two aircraft gutdance ay.s~erns ·are ID operation it the air st•Uon. but Utt ·~ will .now landln1s when l'eaiher ·conditions would olberwlse shut down the tralfic. One is the Radar Air Traffk: Control ~' _which monitors and gukleJ oltcrOft Jr111ei1 are headed lhrllulb • irliilJrY Coalla1 atr spit< cove"'1 by the county installaUon. The secopd system Is the Ground Con· itrol Radar Syafiem, which now brings aircraft ~na instrument asslatanee -besides pJJot vision -into th e E'I T<lru runways. · · . /iJty craft <lllerin& llie Southland ,,, space handled by Ef Toro persoMel arc monitored by the. more comprehensive RATCc system, then talked in by the mor-e local network.. ·' The new JUl, system. will allow aircraft In Ulerally rlde an electronle signal beam :OirectJy Ww'ard the runway, land.in& when \umbility is at one-half mile. No matter what, the final aircraft ,loucbilo'fm ia made visually by the pilot blmldf and ll weatber cooditlons -eueh .a• current cbastal log prevail -landJn& I may be 'prohibited. Planes incoming in such weather can be diverted lo c;alilornla desert MP'· From Page 1 RADAR •.. above are known to have been developed •llo. while other 1tep1 to ·control the racket are sUll kept secret ' One of the newest mown methods l! contained in an FAA ruling ttqulrtng j>Jlots croesillg the Imler lo repeatedly n.dio .their positlom, based on a fli&ht plan filed earlier .. --And.,.Hols lu1UW11 -lo be crossing-the Mexican-American border are ordered to t:_ at ·tniunatlonal alrpo1:1' where cu~ o~..:i-= :: m:• :::e~ have two favwi.te routes, one of them the Tecate ·Slot. where hllh mountain. on eael> side bloc); otobln.< radar bwlu. The ume·princl.pfe works over = r:,~~1su:~11eot~~ .. ~ ~ 1MexJcall. ' I r ~ -'"'I , e~~. ~ ~ ,actuilly be'low· ,., I Deaj)jte lean.t.hft ~alloo lnion:t,111'• lithtnfna-llke effective'neaa has 'b· e en ~~-~ted, elel" are •UJI being . ~~ r· curtaU the ln~al SmO~l>oitl. are ' treq..,,oy u'...i' ior1 . . , maflMna trillliporlaUon. Me ~ m;,&JOr 1Q91y abo comes into ' '1(.mo!of-vehicle tralnc. .,. . . ...,,,. . ; . ' .. ~ : . dys · Club Back . · n Shape Again llulinaa Is booming again · at· bOth ' ranches Df the Boys Club of the Barbor1 , a, after a brief respite for repairs and. :.,,painting. : ,AU th6 usuaJ organized and individual :-=t.ivities; will be offered at the Central .Branch, 59C. Center SL, and lht' Upper :Bay Branch, 2ISI Tustin Ave., both Costa :Neialldd~. : :,The faci'ti tltS ate open after school and ·t\ttnlngs~ &s weU as wie'.tenda:, with :rAemt>enhfp open to all boys in the :tfarbm' Area at a nominal does fee. ' ' i 1-~~~~~~~~~~ .... ' ' ' DAii Y Pll 01 .-...o& C.04Sl f'Ull .. Hltt• COMMll'Y t.\.ft N. W•ff .... JN..,....., ....... , J•~• •. c •• 1.., Vitt •mklllll -Goftot• .. .,._..,,,. Th-•, Kt1•il ··-Th ...... A M11r,hi~t ~I!~- . J-"'· '· C.lli~· -,_. Cl!y ........ ---2111 Wnt ltll1M .~111ffa,• Mam"' AU.-.. n •.o. a.. 111' tlUI. -- DAll..Y "ll!of ....... WU. P'IJM tNI .. ..._. PAINTING POLE -Mary Ann Quinn and her girls attack chore ol painting llagpole at Newport City Hall. That's Mary Ann on top ol Dagpole (aboVe·), Slie tOok photo of ccrworker Diane Burton, 22, (below) with our pho'tographer's camera. The guy in the white s~irt. safely on .the ground, is our photographer. Life Has Ups and Downs For Lady Steeplejack By EVEL VN SHERWOOD . 01 Ille Olll1 PO•I Stiff ' Run Mary Anne Quinn up the /1agpo!c and see who salutes Tbf petjte vetera~ or 23 years in the st.eeplejack businl!es claims to be the onl y lictnsed fe1nale flag pole painter 1n America and sht will be painll ng th!' Harbor Area white-for awhi le . "No pole is too high," she declared Tuesday as she prepared to ascend th e lofty heigh ts of the Newport Beach City }!all flag slandaro. f'rotta P.,e J IRVINE ... The weather up there was about llke tt was on the &round. "I hire gitls who are gailor1 ,:• Mrs. , Quinn hollered dCMn as she 'was hauled up on gear designed to hold 3,500 pounds \\'ith ease. ''They understand ropes and rigging," sh<' said. slapping paint on Ille pole, "they stay with n1e a couple of· years then usually leave lo pursue trips arwnd the \\ 1rld. ·• Based on Mary Anne's calculations, 1ncst of her girls were still dampening cHapers when she w;15 wetUng down her first nagpole with Its coat ol. palnl The stet:plejacks-<ir Is It steeplejanes -climb with steel footholds and body braces fashioned lrom two lleel loops. 1 b:el.ween buildings and terrain, sit'! design, \lisUal allractJveness. recreation a.pd enterta.izun~nt facllllles which attract and prolong the stay or tourists will be in- cluded In the study, .. long: with tnelhod~ of shaping and uUlii1ng blutrs similar to "I have 'ft·@ver-na.uy had a narrow escape ," atSded ,._trs. Quinn, whose Dtxt · job will be to paint" the 15 Oagpold atan· fl ing before campuses In the . NeWport· !-.1esa Unified School District. .. ' • • 1 do the paiµtlngs -usUa'lly onCe every two years -on 1 Conttact 'ba1Js,11 she explainedi • i'olrs. Quinn said she baa J?llentl on her own llatticular stee.pleJact and naqoJe. . painting gear and keeps Malr\tenance o'1 lhe equipmen t up to date raU1ioualy. ' • those on the Oran.ae Coast.." • In lbe frvl'l' ~cnt, +lat.wn .aid, "Tilt prolim"y of public· l>taches ~·di be an ln1p0l"ltnt aonside.rallon, reOect.ing the fl'\liM Company'• OQnCern for such lacllllltJ and ; its ~flll>n -·Ith ao\lemmenl.al apncies ill this mat· tqr." Thal, in tum. keep htll splrlU tllgh. because she doesn"t worry about ilte • heavlu pcirtions of her ptnOn nrn•il!lne aloft. • " "l figure that's the way to stay in· business," abe quipped. • ·Ciiy Aid.es lt'anu Rate Sa1 ' ' - To Attend Waler ·Meet · On Am·hulances Nolr, strlortnl roquh<ment> for w~ter q~IUIY Gf nooc1 COO!lfol -. (ll1l'tyln& irjto Newport Beaeh waterways will be considered Sept. 19 before the reaional water qu.Uty control board. And Newpori Beach cllJ' repr,..n- ta '"' wjll au.M llie COola M ... heal:- ~ lo balp push the .... ,lllnd~. . City Horbor and Tidelands C<iordlnalor G«i'ie Dawes wt.U' appear ... before the · Santa Ana Rl\ler Baain Water Quality control Board at a 9:30 a.m. hearing in Costa Mesa City Hall. my JEROME r. COLLINS Of tire ~" ,., ... lltft • Two weeks ago, Newport Beach city cou.ncllmeo appttived striet new rtgula~ tlooa for ambulance firms licemed to do ,;.bwilne&s In llie city. Former Man Pregnant? Doc Says No The· intent o( the hearings is to detemllne whether the areas where nooc1 cbannela·e:mpty Into watewayl'could be Wed ... """'"lion~ irus, •bd If thq ""'· 1o es!abllab'Wll!Or quaU~ UmjtoU.,. on them. CHARLES1'0/I, S.C. (AP) -!lawn Tlws far, channels emptying lnln UPP"' Langley Hall Simmcm, the Enallsh Newport Bay and tl)e cbannela behind ' writer who had a su cban.le through Weel 'Ndport art Included Jn the list ,Gf surgery end then marriell 1 Nearo man, waterwa)'l 'tO ba conaide.red. • .. -.... · Sfild today she is pregnant. Bur, Dawes explatned, the .new stan-·But a spokesma n at Johns . Jlopkins ~ants could help imm~aiurably lo c~b--Hospital in Biltfmore, where the opera- 1ng tile now of pollut1na materiala into u:ons were performed said it is Newpoci.Bayl . . • · '"definitety im~ble" 'for ~1rs. Slm· . In a _prepar~ pr~11entaUon Dawes. W'ill moiy to become pregnant. c_1te this year s lnchcatlons o~ dete:iora-Mrs. Simmon!, who aays she Is 32, said t!OD ~ NewP?rt Bay ~ater, mcluding a she is eipecting in No\lember. She said fish kill. and mcrease in mou and algae delivery wil probably be ·somewhere in growth 1n the lower bay. the midwesf. but did not specify where He points out Iba~ more than 80,000 Persona ~ have seen her in ~nt acres of land draln mto Newport Upper weeks noted she appeared larger around Bay every rainy season. the waist aod was wearing maternity "It ii fairly reasonable to assume that clothes. our water quality problems thl! year mar. "Everything i~ fine,·• said Mra. Sim- have stemmed from upland sources, mon.s. "I'm living quietly at home and Dawes said. . very happy to have a child." As a consequence, he said, there has She said abe became awve "several been . an abnormal ~ of plant months ago" that she was pregnant. The matenals .in the harbor this year. diagnosis, she said, was made by a New ''Thi! plagues boat owners and detracts York physician whose identity she re!us- from lhe esthetic enjoyment and the ed to Wvulge. swimming acli\lities in the harbor," he Mrs. Simmons 1aid her condlUon said. . . prevented her from travelling to England He cites a much larger amount this following the recent death CJl her mother. year of tree limbs and other types of "It wa1 a very great shock and I was natural debris, due to the hea\I}' storm not able to travel," she 11akl. drainage. "And, !inaUy, lhere was one fairly ~~g~b kill, the cause of which has not ~ satisfactorily e:rplained." The last action which the board -bas· ed in Riverside -took on the rnaUer was in March of 1968 When iL$el .water quali- 'From Page J CLASSES ... ty standards £or marinas, bay~~ a)ld ~ started today. Several district high sloughs, but the act.ion eiempted rfood •.s.chools bad f~I orientation .sessions control channels. (or new classes. ~ Rogers, Gromyko ~eeting S~ated WASHINGTON (UPI) -Face-Jo.faco talks ~)WI"" Sl'Cl'd¥)' ol Slate \V\Ul•m P. no,er1 and Sole! Foreign M!i>lller Andret A. GromyWo on the Middle East situation and disannament are being ar- ranged for nex t week, state department officials said today. The site of the get.:togetber will be the Untted Nalions .In New York wh.e.rt the general aS&embly convenes Monday with both Rogers and Gromyko on hand. Washington officials: had looked ror a possible ind.lcaUon of the Kremlin's at- titude toward the two problems upon the scheduled return today of S o v i e t Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin to Washington. But Dobrynin postponed the flight. It was learned that Dobrynin pUt off his return to the United States so he could travel wltb Gromyko and other members of the So\liet U.N. DelegaUoo scheduled to arrive in New York Sunday. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR6E ' At Corona del Mar High School, students 'tarting. th~ first full year under no dress ,code at all impressed principal , Leon Meeks. "Oh, there are a few beards and moustache5, but they're a delightfully dressed group of sttid.ent.s here this morn- ing. We haven't had any problem!,'' be said, bappll.y, \ I .1 Total enrollment liillfe& are .bthig col· lected at all the dlstrlcl'• oeboola t!J11!ugh the day. Principals wlll meet thii af. ternoon with Superintendent William Cunningham to compare noteti. Preliminary projections forecast an enrolhnent jump of about 600 1tudents to bring the a\lerage daily attendance up to about 27 ,263 students. Slight overcrowding might occur in the Corona del Mar schools and in the Mesa Verde and TeWinkle school areas, Relocatable classrooms ha\le been o(>!ned at several of the schools faced with bulging emollments. Some o! the portable clati:srooms are not entirely completed, but pupils are lltlencfing classes,anyway , spoke,unen said. They said a few more weeks work ~round the pupils will complete the rooms. To the girl wt.o --she 'WJt1ts but notwf>tre to fftd iL Match your 1ttle with our many distincttwi designs. And o1sk us about our famous Orange: Blossom auarantee. !Ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA .. In two more weeks, councilmen will make the regulations even tougher. AOO one of the city's two ambulance services is mighty unhappy about ft. Dan W~ck, general manager oI Seal's Ambulance, stalked out of t.be council chambers M.onday alter loslna bis ar~t again.st the new restrictions. Wadaac.k'a principal prof.ell w a 1 against the city's intention to have a ~Y in ambulance rates. The subject came up for the first time Monday. On Sept. 22, lhe dty's right to review ambulance charges will be added to rules appro\led on August 22, councilmen in- dicated. City Attorney Tully SefmOur and PoUce Chief 8. James Glavas recom. mended the rate review procedure. They pointed out that while Seal's and the city's only ol.ber ambu1ance service, Schaefer's, have the same basic rate, Seal's has several other charges. These depend Oil the circumstancei of the emergency calls it receives from police. Seal's charges ~tra for night calls, for ··~ling difficult patients," for climbing statrs, an<! for meeting trains, boats and planes, said Clavas. "These can make a considerab.le dilference in the aggregate patienl charges," said Glavas. Sef!llour said Inasmuch as the city h creating a monopoly o! sorb by llmlt11:1g t~e number of ambulance fmns entitled to roll on emergencle1, it is incumbent on the city to see that uniform rates are charged by the firms. Wadsaclc: insisted that the city has no busffiess impc1'lng a rate sttlli::ture on a private company. Wadsack conceded that his firm's rates are h.lgher, "but thert is a reason fur these differences.·· He explained that Schaefer's also operates in Los Angeles County and there it receives subsidies fro~ 1.-0.s Angeles county and city governmenUi. "That's why they can charge lest." .he said. "Their whole operation Is based on the LA subsidies. Now if Newport want... to subsktlze us, we'll be quite happy to sit down and discuss it.'' Councilmen ignored the p~I. Wadsack also reiterated lils ann •s o~ j~ons to regulations approved. on Augll!t 25. These lnclude requirements that attendants in the back of lhe am; b~ance be at least 21 y~rs old, and that or#i.I reports of a)J calls be made-to'JXlice. Councilmen declined to change their minds on those requirements. "Does this mean I won't be able to use qiol *fl~egulatlons mean preciae- 1 . !": around µcl waited out Wl . wotd. "''1'1-' Mtly or Pinkley Story Due pn TV 1be stQrY of a smhq toWn mayor.who stays the\ way in a city rapidly lfOWlng big -co.ta t,i:esa -will 800ll be aired on KABC Cl)amJol 7 Eyewitness News·"°""· A ere~ lrom the Los Angeles staU"1 taped ant.tnterview with Mayor Alviri L. Pinkley 1t hla More, Pink's Drugs. It is schedule& for. a 4:30 p.m. presentatio11 later in Uie week. II hadcbeen scheduled for airina lnday, but a KAllC uecuUve saJd big ctty news has \6mporarily taken the spotlight from the 1mall . town mayor's drug store in· tervJe-w:. 22 YU~S $AME LOCATION PHONE 641-3401 I l I I 1 I 1 I ' I ! j 'BeHast Wall' Set • By Bi:itish Bl'.!J'Jr, N:..U.... lrelaocl (UPI~ -BnUsh tr 00 p I prepared tod1r to erect. a barbed wire and wooden "'Belfast WaUM to eeparate !eodlo& C Jtt b o 11 CI aod PrvtestanlJ.,Deflanl Calhollca boillled an frlab Republic Flag on the.Ir own banofere ind vowed lo defend ui.m. catholics aod Protestants had balk their own makeshi!t barTiera to pnitect t b e i r homea from 1t!Ock lo this riot tom city. The government ordered them toro dowll aod the tuk of enforcing peace loll lo tho British Anny. • • LIBERAL CANDIDATE Auditor Austin ; .. U"T ....... MODERATES' HOPE Sheriff Grlbbs Black, White Cho.ice V p to Detroii V o~Fs • • . Rouse Takes Vp . Senators Blast - • ' -. Election Reform. • WASHINGTOK (\IP'I) -lilllllO Jlldldaty ()lmm!U.. ·W~'!"N'(AI') -'11io~Ullllppl Domocr1L 'Ille looodlnga lathm JIUI It olltr slJ: ..-ol bel?lnp. Na.y'a nqllllt for a new llocker1 ol the Pl!ldqoa all untll at lwt 1!1fbec11J11 ~ to bead ...a. bJ, --o!nd aircraft cu-plclold up lbe Mlpporl or • tb<y c:ouldnl -. Wlthlo I~~ al both . Pl'l'li!'o , li rlllr "¥ ~ lire fod4y ~,. IMl!lll!Orclf aeoaton who llM 1oy .. ra.t11erewalegialatlo\i ' lllanill a goad <jllnce o1 ·1p--· ~ ~;,tn· a roducttao ln.U.S. ....._ belon -lo re.U. I( ~al'-·lhno•MSt ,..t• .~dtlut!n•tl,d; ,fatc;u~jlhdefeOllen, :.: "/l!lo :f! .. U::: bq~ .~ :.:cz •t)el1'1it ,ta ¥-1'~ cit wuuam · Proll)lln'• """"'" oted •• -• r -• • . • lb< CSA ~ga ~ .ment la llub '611 nullloa for ;'.i..u.d i.;':' u"..;;:1 to be .. !/"'~.:!;....,. 11m111r •P-' .s.aa.;w&iwr_r. ~ ([).' the. qA from lbe bW. '"" Tho laoue -reform ol the proval ln the Senate, wbkh 19 3 Accused Wm.), aod Cllflard P. cu. amendmenl loot 64-13. method elf presldenlial· ~ In daUbt, and nUli<alioa by (ft.N.J.)1 hlv .. call«J up tbelrp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. UON -arrived on the Hauae th-fourths . <•> ol I b. In Evers .-.nt to lllee '377.1 floor again today in the form states, wblch 11 also to doubt., of a pro_.i COflslituUonal it ....,Id become law .,. but million foi' the· carrier' out o1 ameodmenl. During lhb week probably loci late to allect the the '20' llllllon military-pro- aod n.n the 11ouoe w1u 1r11 pro!lldon\jal e1ec11-Murder Pl'ot -•uthOrllallon bill. dlscass whethlf the, elecloral Due to the threat ol con-. · The amendmont ~ pre- college should be scrapped lo ll!ltullon crllll pooec1 by the FAYE'!TE, MIS8. (UPI)·-... ~thePenlagonfr~ng favor o1 a _..,ly elecled third party caodl~ ; ol abead on tj>o carrier a president. George Watlace ~ ,ear, Three white mm.~ ,believed "vleW bf the Gent.rat nellllo )Ill' doddod . 1hotii.- cohlblllnt .. • very -word. uwe'D fight the w b o I e Brit1ab Army if we have io." Bhouied l young man astr~ I 11).foot bigb barricade of pav- ing ltooes, ttrecked cars ind girdera. lils reaction was reflected In the faces ol the men and women who Uve in the two square mile Catholic ghetto behind their llreel bar- DETROIT (UPI) -The na- liocU fifth largeot city, toro two IUDUDeTll ago by racial violerice \hat claimed 43 lives. will choose between a black man and a white man fer Rather than caating their liHore I!· aJmaat ll1llveiaal ..,.. a former Ku Kluz Klansman. couotlng Offi<:e ol antlclp1ted votes for unknown ••eJectora" Ument·in the HOQ1t far eJec-werel(:CUSed.Tu~infcbtol . ~taandtheneedforcaJ)llert; plodged but not bound lo the tcral reform, bat signlflcanl .......... ·--~-·· _._,, __ lnan•!l"ollllldearmlslfltt· ·pruldenlial Ucket llsted ..._ di5qr~enl'lflbemetbad., .,.,. w ~ UIOI'~ Thl!wuill<aameappi'iild> "I ~ UfUre Y9U that we the ballot, the ••UoO'• voters Mer o1 .the ara-ms ·F." Even, the Negro mayor_ ol llS<d UllSllCC<S8fully Mondaj> won't ha .. a raciJI cam-woWd be registering' their '· an~conw.refl>olbwjlmthe thlJ town ID ....ii.western 6ga1nsttliec&A. ' · paign," Austin, 56, promi8<d choice directly -aod the .-ituuoaat .~\lll ~ ;. MbsissippL s... -JOIIn C. s t • n n l 1, . ticl<et With the most popular af the lasf moment '11!1 ,._,. · ~:. h 'b 1 b cbalnnan ol the A rm• cl his cheering_ l\IPporte'i 11 • votes would win the White •co 1dopted the electorll coJ.... ~•.::I'!, " ose r 0 . e r Servica Committee, already victory party tn • downtown House, provided it topped 40 Jege is. a ,comprombe. Medgar was killed from mt. ~Ill altlcked the carrier hotel.· percent of .the total vote. PreSid~t Nixon and aome bu.sh in 1963 after ·1tt.endJni a amendment. "We wUl be mayor of all the: If any ticket fell short, the House n-.emben would like to civil rights meetlDg. uld "In votlng on Urla •mend· ricades. · "ff the troops try lo shift the barricades they wtll have to deal with us first," said Rill Dwyer, a dock worker who stands &ix feet three inches. mayor. ruchard H. Austin, a Wayne C'.ounty auditor who is black, IDd Roman S. Gribb.s, the Wayne County sheriff, were the eaay wil1nen Tuesday in 1 nonpartisan primary election that drew the heaviest voter turnout in 3Z years. peopre, not just some •of the voters would return for a se-see the office of elector F•yette's integrated police ment we ml)' make a vital cond poll between the two top abolished wbUe electoral votes and cni.clal declaion .. to • STARTS WEDNESDAY • people. We will show the ~ tickets. _ which equal the total of a force arrested one man and ther we will have an eHec-1.._. NewrMt a-. pie of Detroit what democracy This plan was brought to the state'• senators and represeo-FBI agents had joined the tive naval alr um ln the late ._.. .. 0..-.. ....., .. Jn 1everal streets groups of men and women busily lltttngthened their bamcade3 while 8ritlsh aoldien wat.ched. i.! r.~ like..'"1 .,,.:n;;:oo::;r.;on~a~lt:,::to:_s::.:;:vo~te;_;b~y~the~~ta~ti:!"~'~!are:,:reta1~~nec1:;,.=_·,.:,.:•~n:~h;,:r~or~the~oth::;::er;:.::tw:::•~· -~·~197tls=_:an~d:_::l980o:!·~"~ea~ld~lbe:;!~~~=· =I::::=·==~ At another hotel just a fewrr 1 . blocks IWIJ', Gribbs, 43, made a similar pledge, though U was Unt.ed with a law·INktrder huefi. "I'll fight on the barricades myself," said Brigid O'Leary. the -ol three fOll"g llO!l!. "Anythlng would be bet- ter than leaving our homes un- protected again. .. "We want to work fOr" more unity, not polarization," Gribbs said. "We want both -'I blacks and white to be the beneficiaries -not the vie- &th-men immediately pro- mited a campaign free af racia.:l bitterness -difficult in a city still physically and emo- tionally ocarred by the 1967. holocaust. Oil Bush Due ' time. -of polial action. We want more police on the street." 'The two men Jumped out to early leads in the field of 28 Gusher Boom for Alaska candidate. end Au.tin ... n pulled far eheed. Forty per- " cent of Detroit's 1.6 millicu: ANCHORAGE, A 1 a s i a :Jiigh bidders to. ~er more" resldenlB ve Negro. and (UPI) -With the stakes in~· t b a n $1 hilijon-..~ p.itting Austin was polling close to ai the billions, Alaska's modem more money in the treasury in percent oC the votes in black aourdouabs bid today for Jhe next 10 days than Alaska precinct& clattns ih an oil boom which 1pent in it.I 10 years as a state. makes the 49th slate's famed The ~g:~, Vfhich-went cold-rush look like Pf!hnY·ante. unclaimed at. an earlier bid· Cooley Quits The prospect.ors of 1969 -ding, included several near secrtUve oil executives and Prudhoe Bay where AUantic their UgbUlpped bankers -Richfield Co. aod H-le Oil waited until the last minute Co.· brought ln wells in 1968. before submitting offers on Experts. estimate the north 450;858 acres of the 1tale'1 1tope's petroleum reserve at fror.en Arctic tundra. somewhere between fi billion Post at Baylor At stake were 171 part":tls of and 50 billion barrels -which state-owned land along 1he would ~' it one of the north slope. an iey wasteland world's taf.ge;.t.oll fields. frequented primarily b y Oil companie! haV!: spent an Eskimo tnmters until on was Utitnated $500 million ex· dllCovered there last year. ploring the arH. and pro- HOUSTON (AP) -Famed heart transplant specia11st Dr. ~ A. Cooley resl&ll'l'I Tuesday from the clinicl.I staff of Baylor College of Medicine. L. F. McCollum. chllinnan ol the Bayl0< Board ol Trust· ees, confirmed the resigna- tion. Cooley co u 1 d not be reacbed for cc:mmecrt. Alsaka official• expect the tecting their findings. • • • • (,/ ; i..~~f try lo deJaI'be lh• la.!e o . . of a whiskey to a &iendlThere aren't. ~ 'lj too many words you can usi 'f 'Smooth· .. :mellaw'.' •• :tha!'sabou! i!. · .. 1 When you're describing the taste- . of Seagram's 7 Crown we think lhere't j one more word you'll want to add; , , . 7hat rare intangible.~."quality". , ... t • • 1 You can't tcuch ii. llul ;vou sure ,_ 1 can taste ill , ~\.. Say Seagram sand. Be Sure:. .. .... s51t '1'' • ,.... y, .... ....... Dittlllm C...,..,. N.Y.C. 11...W·Whltlc.,.-:i. l'ro<ll. 61!1 Ct.i. N-tl lpldI• ' CO SIA MESA From tlie l:ieginning, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital was designed to provide a compl,te h~alth care center for the entire community. Equipped with the most advanced technical facilities, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital also provides equally advance<! provision for the comfort and convenience of each patient. During the past year, our medical ataff and hospital employees have used the hospital's facilities to achieve a common goal -the finest quality of patient care • In the years ahead, Costa Mesa.Memorial !:'fospital will c.ontinue to keep pace with the increasing comP,lexity of hospital care and to emphaliie our special'concern for the-care end comfort of each individual patient. We at Co1ta Mesa Memorial Ho1pital wish to thank- the community for their support end to reaffirm our original purpose: to provide a complete health core center for the entire community. . Co1ta Me1e Memori•I Hospital i• ••p•cially.proad.1of its cll•tin9ul1hed medlc•l •nd prof•11ion~l 1taff. Chief of Steff i1 Dr. Johnnie R. 8ttson, Jr., e11i1tM by Dt. C.H. Turn•r, Vice President, encl Or. Lionel B. Oa Sliva, S•cretary-Traasurer. llia seven deprartment chiefs era: Dr. Shedrtc• Moore, m~icii1t': Or. Ft-1nlr,fl.r.Difiore1 surgery: Dr. O.•M• S. Stevens, 9er1ar•l pradic1; Dr:CherJ.srA. o.laney, r1dlolo9i1t and Dr. Shirley M. Schnelder, p.tholoQist: U;virit on the axecuttv• committee 11 dfr•don et t.r9e •r• Or. Welfaee A. 6errie and Dr. R•lnhetd Marthen. Hosplt1I Admini1trater 11 Alden O. Sa9•1 lusln••• M1na9tr Ts J. J1m1rWil1ori •nd Dorothy 11-ThomP.ton1 R.N,.11 Dlrectoc: of Nune;s. , .. Cosla Mesa Memorial Hospital is own- ed and operoted by Beverly Enter- prises, e loader in the health care fiOld1 · Beverly Enterprises is nationally known for highoSt operating standards end modern innovatiqns in hospital con- struction and petient ·care, . • ,,......, .... ~:wy • °""' """'""""" "9licy costa Mesa Memorial Hospff,aJ 301 V'octorio St • Cosio Mesa, c.nforni• 92627 (714) 642-2734 ,, I I ' ' I • ... -.• --. ...... • I DAILY PILOT EDITOBµL PAGE Inflation ·l{its Schools The citizen's bill for Inflation doesn't end al Ille 1UP8f111&rket checbtand. ' The painful ...,rlrul manifestaUon of a trvullled economy reaches much larther, an4 come nut Peb. 10, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa taxpayers will decide wbeiher to pay another !nstallment o1 the inflaUoo bill. Newport-Mesa Unified School District will ask the district taxpayers to approve an override of perhaps 81 cents. . They also will decide if the dtstrlcl sj>ould try "! sell its bonds at an interest rate &)love a five-percent limit. Both of these issues relate directly to in.nation. It costs more to buy lnstrucUonal equipment, pay teachers and build and Improve school buildings. Thal cost will have to be borne by taxpayers. The tight money markel, too, enters significantly into the picture. No one wants to buy school bonds y!eldlng lfve percent and no school district can sell its bonds at that price. '11le law says the distrlcy mwt ask the voters for approval to sell them at a blgl!ar rate. Tb&t ts what the Newport,. Mesa voters must decide. I( wm cost them money in the long-run, too, Ju!lt as the override will. · · On $9 million worth of bonds, the annual payment on a 25-year term would increase from $6391000 to "738,• 000 if the interest were 8Jf.a percent-$99,000 more. ' Staff studies have shown the d.Jstrict will need new tax money to ray for rising employe salaries. ';the dli" trict also mus provide for increased cost of itnprl?v,~ meot and building projects wblch have been planned but not budgeted. By the time these jobs are undertaken, their ortgi- ' ' na1 cost will· bave Increased at lea4t .10 percent a year. All ol Ulis i• awesome, especially wben It appears on a tax bill. But trustees, administrators and tupayera all must aa.k, "What elae can w~ do?'' His . ~tar.s Were .1Ug'1.t What bad· pronilsed_ to,be a long and~y-for a private dUzen-i.legal battle for Bal6oa utrologer-sy,. terns analyst Burton Morse ended Monday nigbl Newport Beach'• City Council, in an admirable ge,. ture, agreed to change Ila ordtoance forblddlng !he prac- tice of t~acblng astrology . ao Morse would be able to leave the court.a and reaume h15 classes 1n the ancient lore. ' · ',· The entire i.sue created some chuckles and wl!e- cracks abouf Um,loglcal slgn&-in co~ and oul But, as a municipal court judge reµiinded, the Issue involved a 1epoos legal qu,estipn. Why, be aaked, can a man write a book and sell bl• thoughts on astrology theory, yet be forbidden to charge a fee to read it aloud! Newport Beech coundlmen, realizing that the or· ~ did need. revision, answered that question by relenting-something government boards and agencies rarely do. Fortune tellers still are unwelcome in Newport, as they should be~ they said. But per&<>ns Wishing to teach the ancient pseudo-science of the stars need not fear arrest anymore. , .. , • !Nl . ' • Audiences Spoil Movies For Harr is Dear. -Towa r d a Violent B lack Revo lution: " • ... Gloomy • • Gus:· Further Look at Black Ultra-Le ft One of the rtasons 1 rarely go to movies bas nothing to do with movtes. bot with the kind of _le who rqularly atlttKI them. They remind me ct Olcar Wilde's remark, "My last play wu • suc- cea -the audience wa1 a failure!" t have never understood th e psycholoi1cal processes of the people wbo, for instlnce, feel they have to repeat out loud the word• that 1ro llash- ed OD the screen. "'11le Featwe Presentattoo,• they wW repeal1toudtf to lhell: companions.« "A Paramount ProdDctlon." Do an 111ese -1"· bring Illiterates wltb them to Uie movlebouaeT OR TUEY WILL tt.rate a lum!7 tine that bu been spoken by one of the chancten -their ""'"" usually blur· ring out a rejoinder thst ii even hmnler. Perllapt they want to let their com- pan.iona know that they.poues1 a aense of humor. · ' Why should any non-member of the Balboa Bay Club vote for ·• lease flltension? 'l't. city needs - every 1ncb fi prime! space it CID ' get, or get back, to serve the bl;st Interest& of Its P"""'"l and Mure residents! -A "No'' Voter "" ........ nMm ~ ,,.,.., .., _......,. ...... tf .. ---· '-._. • .....,. • • ......, -. Dellr Pl• of • film. ll the people around me are noisy. or lnalteDUve, or greedJ!y uumchlng on pop. c«n, it tenc!S to W~ Jny .pleastire iA}, walcblng anCI liltentng. l caa 1leel lhil general teltw'' of. aa UdleOce Ute a palpable coaling~ dir ~f and a burlap audlenee mUis ma lldi u4 want to run ,up the a1Jle a..i ¥ lnlO the cool dar~,~ the otrect. STAG&. J.Cl'OJIS aii also ex-lraordtiiartb' -il!ve to the ananaUOna ~ an 'aUdW>ct, .and .6any ~ve told me lllat tlJeJ gfve their be.II petfolmance -'llloy ·can "small" ~:.miart and•~ taUve bqooe. ·Converl0!1; i group of :rauc<M,11 *'{enUorieers can bring dO'Rn the level of a perfolmance wtthln min- utes after the curtain bas risen. What most of us fail to realiu is that eYf!rJ wort d. art (or even entertam. meat) is a collaboration between per· former and audience. ,. (Second1of • three-part series) ~-,,.· ,r-...... ..,.._..,.._~ ... . . . ~; .... , WASHINGTON -'Ibe "Black GuiM ' ~ 'l l Orgamnn Manual," a If.page db-1~ . ~flen-Goldsmitl. "j you....U kll for recruitiDc and lralnlng · ' • -.; black guerrllla fighters, ts b-e t n g. • .,... '-~ ~ .. '1..!1 circulated in ghetto communH:iea trom • coast to coast. . underground. According to ex-Panthf!r \ The manual describes America as "the Larry ~owell, the undergroond "Bl~ck. lack man'I battleground"' ind cbtunes Guard" was charged with maintaining para-military training «.ur.e. 'tor a diselpllne and doing violent chores for the "forerunner of i. black tiberailon.army." Oakland-based Panthers. It also lncludu a detalled structure and chain-of~d ror local aDd regional groups looeely knit into a nationwide guerrilla 1orce.S · The publicattoll offers a fultber !Jlsliht lntt that segment of the so-alled blact r<"'!1"llo11 whlcb seriously oootempletes ....it -Tlolent action qalnot the status quo -.ln the name Dl'bl>d: separalllm. . . ' . . ' FROM m TiaT. the organlun ml!l11al was c!Qrty wrttteo for RAil, the now-defunct J\eVolutlbnary A c1t Io n· MovemenL Accor4Jrig to New Yort City authort~ a Bliek (;uard. force was eotablllbed tber< by RAM !JI ~.1 Clearly, however, the1 BAM manual bas been put to other uaes in .other arus. Copies, marted confidenila1, ?tave turned up ln Pblladelphia, New Yert, Detnill, Cleveland, C'bicago1 Denver. Los Angeles and in the San Frailclsco Bay area. ln Oakland, according to a defector from the much publicized Black Panther Party, the manual wu wed very rteenUy In the trainlng of a Panther WSTORlCAl..J..Y, The Black Panther Party was founded, by S t o k e I y c,;ml,chael """ others, !JI ~ Cow> ty, AJa., tn 1966. lt has no .direct con- ~· with RAM, thouih It al!O setka to f.teie •1colonifll'l'd" bht$ from their "*° "oppr.Osora" In the llnlted States. ~ ... York City aulhOriHes told the McCleJJ.an eomp:i1uee, bow~.~ one bran<ill. of the Blade Panther l'Brty tber< 9riliblted as a RAM fffronl11 which was -al!O clm;eiy tled to the Malcolm X asaociatton, Organlz&t!on for African Amiriclm Unity. Some police ol.flclals, who watch old groupe; die and new ones emerge, with in- terlocking directorates, linging the same tune of black separatism, would like to tblnk there ls a muter plan, coordinated. perhaps, by a Mafia-like commission which has ties abroad tor financing and other purposes. THERE IS, as of now, no evidence to support that theory. Nor is there any documentation, despite persistent rumor and widespread speculation, for the idea that black: revolutioJM!ry groups here have received. financial help from ideological brothers ln Cuba, Otlna or elsewhere abroad. · The best judgment, now, appears to be that the various black revolutionary groups peddle the same ldeaS, uae the ·same literature and seek the same goals because of a community of interest, much as unrelated b~hes of the Ku Kha. Klan have operated on the other edge of the racial spectrum. Tbe Justice Department, under Attor4 nty General John .N. M.itchell, ts taking a clo$er interest tn :black militant groups. In time, the attorney general mat. haul !O"'l!'lndlviduals and organliaUonJ tilto the federal C'OUrts. The bettiQg now, boweyer, II that charges will tovolvt specifics -cf'!!OSing state lines to tnclt• a particular rtOt, or failure to file to: returns-and not some broad1y-baied of ... fense. NEW DIRECTIONS? -It fs no surprise that the violent black revolution, drawing ideological guidance from such Peking-oriented propagandists as Robert F. Williams, has often followed lbe Chinese Communist party-line. The black Panther Party, under the leadership of Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver, has used the Red Book of Mao Tse-tung aa a party bible. f Now police officials and othen ~ monitor the activities or black milittnt groups are wondering whether there ~to be a change In that China bias. There Is some evidence that the Moscow-aligned Conununlst Party of the Unlled States is trying to move in on the action. As previously reported here, pro-Pe- king participants were excluOed from the PanUaer·spon.sored Conference for a UnJted Front against Fascism, held in Oakland last month. Pantber leader Seale wu a speaker at the Conference and so was Herbert Aptheker, a veteran member of the Communist Party's na· tional Comm.ltt~. ANO'l1IEll CONFERENCE of tht Front Aga~t Fascism is scheduled next month In ~ Francisco, and ib pro- ceediagt JWnll, l:i;e watched for further cvl4ence·'ll. ihif~ id<ology. Federal of· ficialt are lnc!bied to think, as of now, that the a.aU.i>ekiog altitude will prove lo be temponry. They note that the largest or the while militant organizatiom, Students £or a DemocraUC Society, is currently feuding with the pro-Pek~ Progressive Labor Party. 'Ibey comment that the Black Panther Party is much interested, now, in the actlviUes of the lily-white SOS. We will explore that interest in our next colamn, the final column in this aeries. (Ne1t -How does the violent blark revolu11on exert lnfl~ce? Some reflec- Uonl Cll • 11bort, coot summer.) • By Robert S. Allen ud John A. Goldsmitb Even mm:t: aggravatil'lg are the spec-- tat.on: who l.augb al what J consider the wmig placea. A stupid piece of bof· foonery excites their hilarity to a hysterical degree; a genuinely pathetic scene findl tbem anicftrinR wU1li misplaced rlsibilily. Or a tense and silent momtnt of action bas them "explaining" the proceedings to the adjoining seat. PERHAPS 1 AM unduly sensitive to the. almogphere around me, but the audience has always seemed to me to share responsibility for the general enjoyment Even when tht performer is peraonell1 abtent-as in a movie-the behavior of the hou&e affects the Influence of -the· rum. Thtre are some downtown movie house& I wUJ not enter, no matter Wba\ film they are showing -because I know that the kind of audience there will destroy the responsive moo:I that is necessary for fuU enjoyment. Law Unfair to Irish I m niigra~ts Praise for Alton Allen To the Editor: I want Supervisor Alton Allen to have a quick word of appreciaUon and support from me. lib steady effort !or plaM!ng ~con oervatlon, particululy for the Aliso Beach PurcllaJe. the South Coast Scenic Prosram, the Niguel Park, the Jrvtne Aglcultural and Open Space Preserve, ti·•-Fer.therl.Y Park, the SboreUne Pftservation Study, the General PSan Project, lbe Park Pw'cbaae Fund, must not il:O un.noted. Iii ADDmON, I especially appr«:iate the lboughtful advice and ti.Ip he h., given our Laguna Greenbelt from the very start of our effort. I cerloinly wlll eurt all my effort to f.,....ll any unwitting "'l't>Orl of • r<eall cllrected agaln!t him. Beyond tbt~ l am Jook1ni fonrard to helping !JI his re-<leo- tlon next yeor. JAMES W. DILLEY Atnenll Murphf'• BUI To the E<lltar: Y-A.,...i 15 guest edltarlal, •"()omumen Speak OUt," comment.a on Seo. George Murphy's Colllwner Food -em which the <dttar!al reftrs w u "prototype of f<deral lel(llla- tlm aoucJil bf • rapidly "°'""' body of ..,.,,,_ -tila nation to....,.. all .. Illa rillit to ...-the food of tbi1r -. ID the p1aot of their cbolce. wlthool belaJ --and ctamqed by -boycotll aJlll llrtteL ff " uvmw ·;, s-1« Murphy'• b!D ravaall Illa! It ~ for the com-~ --el farm w«lm. Lettn1 from readns are totlcome. Normally writers 1hould conve11 their mtisooe• in 300 wordl or less. The right to ccmdenae letters tO fit !PQce or eliminate libel U reserved. All let. terrs mus£ include itgna:ture and moiZ.. hto oddreu, but names may be with- hf:ld on request if 1ufficient reason ii apparent Pawge of this bilJ tn ll! present form would give Cesar Chavez license to put hi! hands in the pockets of thousands of unwilling workers and would be the first step toward tota; control and domina· Uon by lhe United Farm Workers Organlzing Committee of Ca.lilorola'a number one industry. Most Callfornte.rui, and Ind~ most Americans, want tffectlve IP.glslaUon to deal with the boycott problem, but ctr· t..alnl,y not at lbe Upense af the farm worker& tbermelves who have been nslstlng forced unlonl.!atlon for a nwnber of yeart.. WE FEEL THAT the workers should h1vt every right to Join 1 labor union of their own choosing and an equal right to refrain rrom joining • union to whlch they are oppooed. I hope It will be poai· ble ror you to lend edl.torlal ltlpport lO an amt-..,t !JI Senatar Murphy's bill which would clearly outl•w compullory union membership In any form. E. R. WlllT!l Pmld"'t and Executive Director callforni1n1 for Rjgbt to Work t have mtntlone.d before in this space the fact that this country is in grave danger Ji losing the en1ollient and civiliz- ing influence that the shanty Irish so richly gave of' themselves in America's behalf. TlW: lristi may have had other lhlngs in mind, to be sure; but that was ooc of lhe effects of the matter. What IS caDed Irish-American, In both its pejorative and its praising sense, ia almost wholly from the shanty Irish - the ones who ·uterally lived in abanties along the eastern seaboard in the 19th Century Cays (ollowlng the awful potato famine. The famine was the worst thing that ever happened to the Irish, and just about the only thing they haven't suc- cusfully hung on the English and the curse of Cromwell. (Not that I haven't heard even THAT tried.) • Tlr.: SHANTIES brought us such bcnlsons as the Kennedys, the McCabe!, and ·lis Nibs l~lmself, John Joseph Tunney, coiled Gene. Some of the shan- ties are now so elegant they blackball Swedes from the New York Athletic Club, Lord Heir. U1I The shanties, and lhelr enrichment, are being denied i. thtl! country at pre""t by an Wlbaianced lmmlgraUon biw, wbicb beara tht. nlme of a shanty on iL The S<H:ailed Mc:Carran Ad went Int. law on December, 1965, and into full ef· feet oo Jdy I, 19"'. The purpose of the new law, ju!Uy enough. was to eliminate the dlsct bnlnatory features of the old law, whict had been set up on t.be bases ~--B11 George --- Ow Georae: Gee! You've gol a great worry column. l wed lo hardly worry at all until I 11.art.ed reading your col-- umn and now I worry all the Ume. DAN C. Dou Dan C.: Don't try to Uumk me, Dan - that'• •hat I'm here for. ,, -------- ('"·;-"{':" ---\·--....,.... ··-··1 I· Charles McCabe ,. '' of a naUonal origins system dating back to 19IS. THE LAW ELIMINATED a Io t of abuses; but It caught the Iri.llh, and some other immigrant groups with their panla down There was no longer a clamorous pouring of people from the old country to get past Ellis Island. The Irish in Ire.land v.•eren't doing badly. The Irish here were wallowing ln affluence, for a good part, and simply didn't care. These circumstances, and others. created an anomaly. For years Ireland bad an hr.migration quot.a of about 18,twJO people. The Irish didn't use the full quota in recent Y,Ur&. lmm.ig:ra~ to this country cumbered be.twee.a [lve and slx thousand each year. The present immigration law, as Father John Ring polnts out; is unlair to the Irish. LESS 11IAN '11 triShmen were l!SUi!d U.S. visa! durln& the last Ill monlhl of 1968. Cross-examination in Court Cross-examIDation is very old. People have always questioned a speaker to try to judge the truth of what he says. The Thirteenth Book of Oanif!I tells the story of Susanna and the elders. The two elden tried to win Susanna's affection, but when they failed they lried to con- demn bu before the tribe, claiming that she had accepted a young man's al- t.entiona. The trlbe was about to kill her when Daniel aakt : "Are ye ao foolish, that without examinAUon or knowledge of the truth, y~ ha\""e condemned a daughter of Israel?" DANIEL TOOK eacb of the two elders ulde and quesUoned them. Tbelr con· fllcting stories absolved Susanna and con- demned her accusers. In a Tl'odem trial the opposing lawyer can cross-examine each witness to test his mem<iry, his bias, and hJa knowledge and to bring out the whole story.~ exaniinaUon ma y show the wltnes. hu an interut In the outcome of the caae, or has prtjudk!e about It which caru doubt on hi.I crtdibiUty. Each party can have witnesses excluded during another's testimony. The judge will also order lhe.m not to discuss their testimony before tr\111. Each witness should testify free fr om the lnOuence of olber wit. ., ..,,...,.,,,,_,.,.,......,..,,~~-~~ ~ ... '1 'liaw jn· .Action l ' I ' ~-.,,._ .... o;lot-----" nessea. Often a lawyer loses his case on CQ>Do euminaUon wben he unlntenUonallJ brings out facts wb1cb destroy hfl owe case, or when a witness he Is trytna to impeach gtves answers that sound coo- vlncing. TIIE DENIAL or curtailing of crou-e.»- amioatloo impairs a fair trlal, the right to co~ .. -. Wheo lhh occurs, a higher court often reverset 11.tCh cutS. One ct011GB.mtnation method ii "lmpuchment." Tbert the queatiOMr in· tends to 1how I.bat the witoeu may have. made. ~tridJctory statement.s before. lf !IO, his earlier statements or those made in the course of discovery (questions ask- ed !JI proceedinga before trial! may bt produced In court.-lncon.sistenctes may cause \he jury to doubt or to disregard what he SIYJ. Nore: California lo1D1Jer1 offer thii column 10 11ou may knotD about our la.wt. This dCle..'l not mean that more than 75 Irishmen did not want to come alon&. The law ls .against them. Sayi; Father Ring: "The new immigration law in at- tempUog tr cure the discrimination of the old la•, has now saddled Ireland and other nations with an unfair immigration policy. "The American Irish c o m m u n i t y .should be shocked by the drastic effects of the new U.S. lmmigralion and Na- tionality Act on 1tjsb immigration to the United States. . .. Tbe Irish community cannot be silent until the pre3e.nl Jaw is changed. "THE IRUH COM1i1UNITY must gpeak up and put pressure on the Congress of the United States to amend the law b1 favor of Ireland and other na· Uana who are being unfairly and unjustly treated." U it's a grievance you're looking for, my hearties, this is a proper good one. Added wisdom, and names o f Coc\gl;emnen, is to be had from Father Rlog and the boys al the American lrish Immigration Committee, N o r l b e r n California Chapter, 1290 Flfth Avenue, San Fr1U1cisco, California. ----- Wednesday, SepL tO, 1969 The cdftorial pogr 01 Ill• D<lily Pilot 111b to Inform and attm- tdotc rtadera b11 pr111nUng thi.t n.w1paptr'a opfnion.s ond corn- mentarv on {opfcs of Interest and significance. bt1 providing A '°"'"' for the t%pf"e.ssion o/ our rtcdtrt' opinlom . and by prestn,fng tht divcrst vitw- pofntl of informed obstrwr1 and rpokeamen on topics of tM cSau. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I ' - • voe. ,2, NO. 217. i SECTIONS. 82 P~GE$ FQg Veils FWst ·Day . I Of School • i.f__ ~ ... Ft; tlle.nnl ~ ln 20 yean log lodll)' ,greet!ld Ne:wport.Mesa Unilied School Distritt student! on their fU'St day of reboot'.: .• \ Bul'Jt didn't ·hurt µtings lnucb -e:rcept ror perbaps the students' enthusiasm. Spokesmen for th< dlstrk:t said thlngs went relatively &QOOthly Ulis mornb:lg de!plte tht tnurlcy weather. Bus service was delved "onJy a small hit", bus garage spOkesmen said. '"The fog was obvious, but not ~eally thick epouch to cause severe problems," one .potesman aaid. Only three transportaUon delays were reported -prlmarlly among the rout.. for special education classes. New drlveri are on those btlses. Assistant Superintendent Roy Andersen said the efficiency this morning was surprising in spite of UM! fog. "All.y time we have llOl"llething like thil on 1oJ> of the normally busy first-day momlpg we should expect problems. But they didn't happen," he said. Besides the weaQier set.ting a record. oome academic aapecta in the district. set reeilrclS toda"S', too. For the first time In the district's history, aixtR graders\~ntered junior high ecbool. as a vanguard ,for the district's pilot proiram in the .,_"middle school" concept. Aboul 'IOO of the stltlent> joined the junior high r~• ln Lincoln, Davis, Kailer IUd TeWlnkle j\ipior high achools. cl ..... in .mrt " the od>ool:! II ~ay. Severjl, dlsttk:t high $C bad fOrmal orri~ sessions for new classes. · Al Corona de! Mar ill.Jii School, studeqlo llartlng the flrtl !Ull Y'F under no dlia eocle al all lml>re ... chl>rlriclpal Leon Meeks. "Oh, there are a fa}' beards and mou.iaches, but they're a dellJhUully dressed group of sludenta here trus mom· Ing. We· haven't had any pioblems," lie said happµy. total tnrollment figures are being col· !ici.d at all the dlstrlct'I schools through the day. Principals will n:teet this 8.f. tef.noon with Su~ William -Cunningham to CO!l_l~~· Preliminary project!Go. I~ an enrollment jump of a.bold: 600 student& C• bring the average dally attendance up lo about 27,263 students. Slight overcrowding might occur In the Corona del Mar schools and in the· Mesa Vude and TeWlnkle school areas. Rdocatable classrooms have been opened at several oC the achools faced with bu1ging enrollments. Some of the portable classrooms are not entirely completed. but pupils are aitteodlng classes.anyway, spokesmen aaid. They said a few more weeks work around I.he pupils wUI complete the rooms. Airpo11 Oosed By Heavy Fog; :10,000 Grounded . ' . After a ni&bt of heaVJ fo1, Orange COllnly Alrj>ort ro<>peoed to lake-off ttaf• fk at • a.m. today but remamed eloled ror landings unUI lat<r ln the day. · An e.rtimated 5,000 to 10,000 airllne ,'pasatngen were grounded or detoured ~rom Uielr dcsUnall005 as the th\ck foe b!anketed Los Angeles lnternadOMI Airport. Some or the jets sched uled to land at Int.emaUonal wou~id up at ~ dislant~points as San FranciSC1>, A'r1zona '9nd Nevada. The Feder! Avliation AdministraUOn reporled Ill fllgbtl bound !or Los Angeles were diverted to other points "!tiring the nlghl Wit!\ Long Beach and Orange County alrporU also abut down, airportl al Ootarlo, Hony,,ood-Burhcmk and Van Nuys took much of tho burden, with the ... >:It.,. beadlng for w Vegu. N ... •nd Pboonla. AJn. Stoel< Jtllll'keu NEW YORK !AP)--'The atock mark!!l turaed ahead today <f1 most front& lo ilniih on an upbelt for the second llraight teSSion. (See quotaUons. Paau »21~ _ The Dow Jont!I fiidU1lti.aJ IVtrllf It 2 p.lh. "u a.head JI.• at &27.35. • \ o-,1L Y ~!LOT l'llittlt '1 Wt l'tYllt FIRST DAY -Mrs. Sylvia Stevenson, kindergarten teacher at Har· bor Area's Mariners School (above), pins name tag on one of her new !Students, Bridget Barr, as Leslie Proctor waits her turn. Mean· \vhile, Libby West , Lorr Meisinger and Carrie Conway (from • left) size up klndergartenA!lassroom before crossigg threshold. Casper Weinherger's B,i;other, Peter, Dies BURLJNGAME (AP) -J,>-11 er "ootanee from his San Bruno home. Weinberger, state dir«:tor of-l.00ustri1l ~ • He was the_ brother of Caspar W. relalloni, died locl§r 'at ~-Weinberger. slll1e !inane< director ln lloopital where. \10 Was MWcb~ PY,, aai'' ' Govt !lonald Reagan's cabinet. Stop M~rijuana A monumental attack on organized marijuana asn~rs -.et to .strike aoon • toM oC the ne.W Mellcan crop ~ould be · hown Into· the tJ.S. via 'lft' IClrW1 =~~ -~been Dolalll ol. lbtt conlldenlJal pion to cap. lure lifl:lt planes and even converted transports were premafurtfy released by • aove<M>inl olll&l In Wlllhlaclob and received oew-Jplper coverap. The mu!~ ftdtrll aulhorftlu rtar, b fallurt ol whlt'hld hem tlt!M OporaUoo lnlercep~ .,,.,,.. al a tJme -the D· lepl weed Is ln low JUPPly here and would briJI& hiil> prlca. "There 'probably won'l be • -plane up there when we mab our move," •ld one lhe engineers of the massive plan. "ft loolcJ like the whole operaUOll lt dOlfil the drain." Fedmt auiho!JUes ha~• lone i-. ilwart ol a mtlor ma~oa tra16c betwetn the border nations, l;Mrt en- forcement bu been crippled due to the \'lll(l. (ie.'IOla1e ten'ain to be covered. The major break came II!\ fall wbcn ~ .. tf.s." Marine Corps llawk mlsslle crew fr:om /Fifth Light Anti·Alrcrart Mobile Battalion. (LAMB) maneuvering ool of .. Yuma , Ariz·., ran into operational dU· Oculties. The. LAMB crew began monitoring odd •blip~ ijldlcating unknown ah:craft on the.Ir radar equipmen\i-and notified the U.S. Border Patrol. "O\Jr hlg concern wllen we plclc up bl!Po Is that we don't bit any plant.I," eX6 plained Major Robert Booher,_ of the El Toro MCAS joint lnlormaiional aenoica of!ic< l<Jd,ay. He said the unJi Involved has been deactivated., bul the LAMB ,branch Ille~ ls now a part of the 1'h1rd Marine Aricraft Wing with headquartm at lhe Orange C....17 base., Smups do .ot file fight planl Indicating thtlr, wbereabouta..at •Jven Ume along the route, hm!vtt a the Federal Avlafl111 · Ac!ntlnlalraU&: radar operatet" it 1,000 fett and above. Ca!lfui In mllltary Ulbtance, the P! AA •nd other C0\1Ctl'.11id •l!!!<l'" HI up • secret 11.1rveillancit~mtein which UQCOV- ~ TEN CENTS • .. " Li do Ma'.ll . :ftohhed . ., \ . ., ' ' (unningham Bou~;. Jewels Taken Ill' JOl{N VAL TERZA Of .... ,....... • T",.o men •nned with. C'JJ bound and robbed 'Llcjo Js!e. yadl n Brlaa Cunn1"abam ahd 1111 wtfe this ""1!llilil. then ltOc! from UIS -. lllth 1 · 1arp aQl!>Wlt of jewelry. -•!..... . ,l'!twport -...... ~. wlio -alely iealed all the lllud CCllllllWDll)''I on!f exit, llfd "tbe robbery occurred shOrtly after 10 a.m. Mrs. Curullngham. told oJOcera she heard a knock If the door and answered to find a Caucaalan and a Negro boldfna pistola. They. forced their Wll)'' lnto Ute home at SU Via Lido Sood. Mri. Cun- ningham screamed. h·vine Co. Plans Lu sh . - Coast Tract By BARBARA IUIEIBICll Of "'9 Dtlff ,II .. Stiff Pl:in1 are ln the matJng to turn the Irvine Company'• prime.ocean front land between Cameo Shores and Irvine Cove inlo~ "lbe ouLSIAM.ii\g ~coa;!tal-deVelop- ment in Amerlca," a ·c o m p a n y spoke.!lllan di.scloled today. First atep ln Ille project, sclleduled to ltarl by 1m. wlll he a llj>tn& tour of io- tema~Uy I .am e d Meclterranean resort ~ by lnllie olflclll• and a ~San~a''ao~. 4av1ng bJ •. h:!m! llew "(._::,rt· • ~·~~·=,.._n:; ;:.\.r pralcltat " Ille lnl!>e,Conipaiiy; Raymond L lfataon, aidilftd and"senior vice ~r GI Imne'• land de•<lop-~~~~~= nlnr· departiqenl, '-' !Jr. ,~ J. Albley, c11ncto1: of & iv e I l •p·m.e n i 1 I •trattgy In tho plailnlng d~L In EUfOpe lll<y .nu be JOfued b1 .in. temldOCICll p!CIMllll conadlltol Adirn Krivatay, wb!l!t fir,m, Hart, Krtv.aby, SWbee of. S.. Francisco, ~·be!n "'IN!· ed ,., pJannlnc -1tanti for Ibo Irvine coaatal elev~. . MAP SPOTS'CRAsH S IT~ . krivatsy It nOw in Greece u • con- sultant to 1he pemmant i'eprdlng a The jetllna', which bepa"lla• flllbl ct 'esort develoJlntnl on Ibo Afj)W> coa1t. Booton, bad loucblcl •clown Ill e.tllpiora He hal planned r09ql'la Jn Haw air and the , and qlnclnnl.11 and wu ~ to otop Caribbean and lllaneyworld In Ft'orfda. at the lnd!Mlpolti airport before JOlng Tut! Medit.erranean trip ta I pre-plan· 01. to St. l..wil. · 11: nlng mission for development of the "ias MIU' perfect 'ffllfber, .. ~ three-mile coast sector ol lrvtne Ranch , 1. :..:muer, ont <'I a teiin of tf In- land, lncluding 1pproximately .llO '"'"" veaUgalon. fn1cn iht ·I~· • .iil!On of prime ocean front properly and Id-Adminlstralloll. •11.. 1 Im o 1 I \iJ>. dilional a~e u.tenciln1 about one rriile ~l'iable that the two P.afte1 wre at inJand., .Couta.I 1ites' include Crystal the same spbt lt the same Ume." Cove. Scolchman'• Cove and El Mom> The ..r1a1 c01Ualon occumd ite1r Lon· Beach. The parcel under consideration don, a community ot ')(18 lboUt 10 miles for development adda up to 12,000 acres. aotrtheast ot Indllfll~J4. The lrvlM planners' IUnerary includei! Most of the wreckage of the DC9 surveys of tho A!garv• Coal! ln Portugal, a~llner, land!!d m a sd)'lit~ fie!~ lilo Spain'• Coata del Sol and Cotta Brava; )'arda from a moblle. hoin8 ;'P.ltk 1'hete lhe Cote 4'Az.ur In Fr~. Italy'• many of the 1110 residents wltehed ivtPt Usurian and Amalfi cout,s and the Cost.a terror as ·tht severed fuselage at· the fet Smcralda ln Sardinia. whistled toward them. , The trip will hut for three weeks and Bodies, wrecka&e and luggag! fell from each c0asta1 area will be toured by cai the sky. , for two to three daya. About 500 policemen and a ts.man The tour, Mason said, will be a follow· team of federal 1nve.Ugator1 combed the up to similar surveys or coastal lipid today for remn11}11 of 'Ilia~· developments tn Hawaii and the East. Airport controller• ':!'id the jet· ~P" this Ume ottecinJC an opportunity to ' et· peared from a rad11r ~ u I( dropped, (See IRVINE,.Poie 1) (i!M P~-~ ~l .. -• ' Officer Kills Deaf Mute In Anaheim A deal mute wai shot and k!Decl while fleel!'i from an' Anaheim , policeman Tueicfay night ait<r the yOUth ialled to heed the officer's order to halt. A Tl·Yeat"!)ld man who palnLed a tun at 1 Fullerton policeman and threatened to lhool '1so was shot to d.,lb Tueecla,j • The. d~ mute, 19, was 11lrl,1Ck by a &ingle AboL • Anahflm pollee polky Is not to fire wafnlnt ibols "promiscuously In the air but !ci ... ibe'gun .. u Is meant.to be ... tel -ib6ot to kill,'' f a department sp0kesrnan llid. today •. The elderly F\IUerton man, in contrast.. ........ to bO ~ pollce to oboe>\ him. "You ~gb\ draw !bot c:onclullao; U kind of loob I b • I way." nld Lt. Gilbert Clal!oleY., ' I.Pf mll!e-Scott · 'Jfafl, or l28 it SL, Anlbolm, wa 1U1i>edaci ln IM fJI 'I car llolln fn1m a tupermir~ ik wu Clecld oo m!Yal at Qranp Counly .Mecllcal center. ' ,ll'lfflnl wtlh him waa a •glrt, ll\>lore1 ValclJlles, Ill, Santa A1!a. Silo II alao • dell mate and wu captund by ornoen 1boui. bkla trOm Ille •hootliic """"· AMbebu pOllco uld_. they l<celvec! a call a cat bad been .1toltn 8D:S gav• punult into Garden Grove Where Hall, •llepdly clrl~tlle ..,., llltuck. parked · oufO. Both be and the ~I fled, Molar Of. nm Slao Waug)i on1erec1-them to blJ~ . then !lied the ratil ahol, police said. In the othtt: shooting, C. Neville &binsonl 711 of 112 E .. "Nulwood Ave .• FUiierton. Wlf, slain with a gun In his ~. He was s11Q1 twice ln tho -t hy, officer Donald F. Price. ,Police said a.telephone QPetator r.e~v· ed a call ahortly alt.er 4 p.m. from a man who said be was going to kill his wile and anyone else who approached the boUle. A patrol car -dlsJ)llohiid. . Det. Darrell Hogan approached the ~ from the front and beard a man yell ~m inside "I'm going to kill you". l!QPii. dove bohind a !rte, the pOllce re'por:t said. Qfncer Price meanwhile slipped Into the tta!' of lbe hou.&e and moved.. to, the kitchen where he confront.ed Roblnaon, Ordered to drOp his glm, Roblnaon whee~ ed, ~titted· Ule gun at the offcler and uid, "I'll shoot you mo/' police aakl. Price llred the fatal lhota. Netghbon aald Robineon'• wife, Ruth, leit the bomie . l!\le:ral wetkl ago to live wllli h<r dauihler· Plan. Jeopard ~~e d, ·~· Oraage . ' • ' • Weadler Tha only way lo heat the fOi ~ to sleep late ln the momln1, cau~ It'• going~ m.y wltll 111 Thund'f· Temperal.W'f1 along Jbe 1bore ata tabbed in the high ect's1 rlaing • few decrees lnJancl. INSWE TODAY • < Orn•g• c-ftr •Jl!lilOOOUU ate planning ffrv#UI f....,Hlgh . IJolV Dorr darling with K'OI tff4rt amrlcta iAls -and. $cheduln for th< N... Ytor • corrlllle!nololiQI\ Qj)/)Cat "" Pogo 14, I • -..ll =-. --.. =c.....,;;i •. ..• ... " i["oc!:l · --=-.Al I , - J NII. y l'1UIT c W 1 ..,, Sal .. 11. 1 ... City ~aes To Attend Water Meet New, strlna:tnt requirtment1 ·for water .,uallty ol flood control areu emptying into Newport Beach waterways wtll be <Cllllllder..t Sep!. 11 before lht regional nltr quality control board. And ' Newport Beach · cily repr....,. Wlvn will ottend lht Colt> lolua hell' lap to help push the ... standards. City Harbor and Tidelands Cocin:linator George Dawes will appear before the Santi Ana River Ba.Jin Water QuaJUy control Board at a 1:30 a.m. bearin&.ln Cceta Mesa City Hall. The intent of tht Ma.rin&I 13 t.o determine whether the areas where flood channels empty into •·aterwaya could be UJed U f'JIC"!IUOnaJ art.u, and U thf:y are, lo establlll> water qualily llmitalioos 00 them. Thus far, cha:Mela emptying Into Upper Newport Bay and Ille channell behind Weet N-aro Included In Ille list ol waterways to be canatdued. But. Dawes aplalned, the new Wn- danta could belp immeasurably in curb-ina lht Dow ol pollutlna materials Into Newport Bay. tn a prepared prescntaUon Dawes will cilt this year's indications ol deteriora- tion of Newport Bay water. including a fish kill and increase in mos:s and algae arowth In the lowor bay. He points out U..t more than IO,lltltl aats or land draln into Newport Uppu Bay evrry rainy seuon. "It Js fairly reuonablt to ~that our waler quality probleml Ibis year may have stemmed bun upland sources," Dawes said. M a coiaequence, he aa.id, thtrt bl.5 been an abnormal growth of plant materials In the harbor Ulis year. "Thil piques boat OWllUI and delloets from the 1 athetic e.pj!J)'Ule:Dl and t.be awlmmlnt adlvltlea In Uk harbor." be aald. He cites • much larger amqunt this year or lree limbs and other types of natural debrb, due to lhe heavy otorm dralnqe. "And, flnally, there wu one · fairly large flab tw, the cause of which bu not yet beeo aatlslaotorily explained." '!be laat ai:tloo which Ille board ..:. ba.Y ed in Riverside -took on lhe matter was In Ilardi of 1111 when H set waltr quali- ly llandards for marinas, bays and lbl&"', but lhe tclion exempted llood cantrol channels. ' Tennis Lessons ~g Qff ere~"-"· ·, ' II In Costa Mesa T!mlis inltnlctlon lor cluldren, teens and adulta lotll be o!fettd this loll by the a-M,.. Reoreotlon Department. j L•• ;.fot adultl f .W bt :liYeo ( 'l'wdlJ!l ,llld<,'lli'!r.lda!I al TeWlnkle ~ I'm, lil&IDOID& SqJI, io. 'Btllnntna, Iii-•. ~ta '1Xl advlneed le~ olart 11 . !i 11 'I'd 11 a.m. -1ve!i. Fee'for 111e .. DVfe .......... iJ.·tL I • : lll!urdl1 -a inllnlctloa will start i Oc.i.' t "' lhe Caola MW Hlgll 5cl>ool .. c:ourtl. Taaou for children wU1 be at s : a.m., for tew at JD and for adul11 at JI. : Fee for the 10-.... k coone II 11. · : RqlatraJi!!! will be oo the four11f 116or : of lht Clvli: 'Oenter, 77 Falr Drive, 11\lin- : day, &ep1.a, frQlll I to I p.m.'andl'rlda1 : and S.tur<lay, Sept. 2'I and fl, 1'<*11 I to . . 11 a.m. For fur1her inlormalloa can au30l. Alioto Inundated ; SAN FllANC!SOO (UPI) -May6r :-Jooeph Alk>to aayo hi• office bas be<n 1 "irtundated'' wilh leUers, phone calls and : telegrams from cltltens supportina him ! qaimt • mapzine article accusing the ; mQor ol connections with the Mafia. . • . • . ' l . • • . . l . • . oaAMt• COiU1' "91. ...... CQIWAN"f t.wtt M.W ... _ ... _ Jee\ I . °"lty .,. .. ,_.....-~...., n-.1 IC•ni1 ·-,. ...... Ji.. .,..,."" ... ------Jtl Welt lt'f ltr"I .... ,u .......... u •.o .......... tl•l• --............ ,.,.~ ..... .....,.. =-· ... -·-.. ...... : ........ • Pair Arre.tell :.Burglaries N1et ·$3,000 in Mesa Star Spangled Bmneeonaing • _ A aer\es of bur&larles nettacl an u• fl'Uller ,.... !bill 13,000 In -dirlng ease and ntlted Co&la Mesa pollce t'lfo roulbful auapects In anolberjob 'l'Uadly. ........ uaed a ~ her: cbiael ·and till aolPo to IMr hla ""1 ~ a ·-.-al Wlllilln&IOa CleaMn, , 1977 ·instrumental System Set For El Toro The llrst rqular alrtraft lmtnunent 1andlnc system ever 1nltalled at a Marint -II lcliedufed al El Toro Marin• Corps Air Statton late lhll fall, to guide In pmjdenUol fllgilll. Marine Maj. David Wakins gets wann and colorful welcome home from wife, Gwen, and sons, Jeff, 14 months, and Sean, 5. Neighbors decorated garage door at Watklm residence, 3224 Dakota Ave. Maj. Watkim came home Tuesday after 13 months in Vietnam. It was his third tour of. duty there. The !LS wW naturally be uaed for other type.a of plane than Alr Force One, but is 'a direct iuvlt of Prellldent Nb:on's an· 1 ticlpated Orange County arrivals. Other chan1es are allo In the works. but the n.s 11 the major improvement at the bue, accordin& to Col. Walter Red- mond, director of operations. From Page I ·PLANE •• I "" from l,Gllll feet to Z.51111 leel ln Ila landing approach. Carey had I a~ en o/I !run nearby McCordsville ~ a ~ ir.in1ni flight . to Columbus, Ind. Hl& .wile, sobbing ~ fJbe spoke to newsmen. sa1d : • "He Joved1 fiyina . .He had been doing it for yU,., ju.st for his own plwun. This put year be was working to gtt his Uetnfe. }le didn 't plan to buy a plane ~t aw11, but maybe sorneUmc. '' The family moved lo Indianapolis from ~fa~er. N.H., a year 810. ne crew membm wha perllhed with 71 passengers were idenUiied b y Allqbeay u Clpt. Jamu M. ·Eaod, 47, Plaln!ield, lnd., First Officer William E. Heclr:endorn, 2ti, Pittsbui-&h, and two s\ewardeau, ·Patricia. P.ttry of Lyllll, Maas., and Barbara Pttrucick of Boston. SWchers lilund bodiea Iii a wide area, 90rlle unonc trailer homes and others hidden 111'.U>!; four-fool aoybean 1talb. ·n~gers, Gr~ihyto Meeting Slated \V/,SHINGTO~ (UPI) -l'ace-lo-face . ~ botii,.P ~~cy a{ Stale 1'1111'1\' , P. lll>Cen o.hd Solet Fil'"lgn Mlnialer Andr!:I A. Gromyko on the MiddJe,Eut ·situation Jibcl 1tiWmament art beinC ar· nnat4 for Mii week. ata1e de-I l·ofticlils laid todq. ~ Tbo alte of lhe get·toaetber will be the United Nations in New York where the general 111tmbb' convenes Monday with . both Rocm·~.Gromyko .on band. " Wlllhln&tm ~ had loolled foe a . p111ble fridlcaUOa of the Knmlin'1 11· Utude tonnl the two prvbl<ma upon the scbcdultd mum today of s 0., it t AmbuaadOI' Anatoly F. Dobrynln to W~IOn. But Dobrynln poolponed the llighL It wu le~ed that Dobrynin put off his return to the Un1ted Slates so he could travel wttll O('Omyko and other mtmbers ot the Sovltt U.N. Delegation schedultd to arrive in Ntw York Sunday. Boys Club Back . In Shape Again Bu.sine,,s la · booming a&ain al bo<h branches of the Boys Cfub of the Harbor Area, mter 1 brief respite for repairs and repainting. AU tM usual organized and individual tctlvitiel will be ollr.red al the Central Bi:an<h. 591 Center St., and the Upper 8-YBraucb, 2131 Tustin Ave., both Costa M-~ ,,.,. t.acUft.lu are open •fter ICbool and e\'tnings. as "'tll as -.-·eekends, with memwship open lo all boys in tlW. Harbor ,Arta at 1 nomia11l duts fee. Trophy to Mark GWC, OCC Football Rivalry FOOlbaU rivalry belWffll Goldeq WOii and Ora.nae Coast colleaea, now ln its fourth year, will hav·e 1 perpetual lrophy to be awarded for the first Ume S.pt. 20. Altbough not quite as traditional, yet, as the Calilornia.stanford Sic Game Axe or the famed Llttle Brown Juf fouibt for by ~ and MichJpn, the new trophy does have its own hlltory. To be donated by the Huntington Beach From P .. e 1 IRVINE ... ttmine an artl with "t:lim1tic t:anditlona cctnparable to our own." Watson ~deli, ''Spatial relationships between buildings 'Ind terrain1 ait~ d~. !,lsual rttractivent ... roa'utlon 4lnd eriltl'Wament faclliUes"fVhich atlr1ct ond prolong the stay of tourists will be in- cluded in the study, along with melhods of ahaplng and utiliJina bluffs tlmilar to thoJe on the Orange CoUL"' · ln \he. . Irvine d~eloP.frient, Watson said, ''The izoxlmlty oi pobllc beadles ' . .. m be··an important conalderaUon, relledln&11l• lrvino:Company'• concern lOf auch •faeillllet -and · ~ti cooperaUon with aovmunentRl •1et1cles in thls mat· ter." Don't Take Long Look at Eclipse LOS ANGELES iUI) -Calilornians 'an get a Jona look at a 70 percent eclipse of the sun Thursday, but they Wtre warn- ed today not lo -at least not directly . The California MedicaJ Auociatlon said !host persons who chance a direct look at the shad1¥1 sun, evtn Lb.rough sunclasses,.. 5moli.ed glass or exposed rum. will ri!k ty~ injury and possible blindness . The eclipse will be visible in Los Angeles startin& at lO :U a.m. It will reach it.s maximum al 12 : 13 p.m. and '<'"ill end at t; t.3 p.m. • To view the eclipsed sun , wtiicb will still be brilliant altbougb the sky hm darkened, the as.90C.ia.Uon recommended an improvised shadow box ef(ecL A clear pictw"e of the eclipse will result by using t'\\·o blackened pieces of cardboard. One perfcrated with a tiny pinhead should be he.Id toward the suo, wllh the other htld behind it and moved into position \,·here Ute &unlight comes through the pinhole . Exchanae Club In ceremonlea T!ruroday noon, the IY!Dbol IJ a bell !run lhe fast motorized fU"e engine Jn the RunUngton Beach Fire Department, a 1932 model Seagrave retired jn the early 1950s. The lire eneine is now on display in Travel Town. in GriUlth Park, .Los Angeles. Tht belT. accordill& to Exchange Club w President Doug Archer has been mounted on a walnut stand lhret feel long and two feet hi&h and includes a plaque upon which will be eoscr:lbed the name of ~e. winnin& team each year and the team 's captain. Attendlna: the Thursday presentaUon will be head football coaches from both .schools, ttudent acUvity J~ student body prwdenls, and Hunllngloo Buch cily ofHciab wbo donated the troplo;r. Tn>pl1y committee chairmen Vines Collier and Carl Lawrence will mate tht praenlaUoa. Tbe new .1<1>phy will be dlaflayed at both acl>qo/I prior to lbt SeJ)t. 20· 1ame. Mayor Pinkley Story Due on TV 'lbe story of .a small town m1yor who stays that way in a city rapidly growlnc big -Cotto Mou -will -be llred on KABC Ch,...! 7 Eyewllll,.. Newa allow. A crew from the Los Angele.a st&Uon taped an interview wUb Maye." Alvin 1 •• Pinkley at hls store, Pink's Drup. It is scheduled for a 4:30 p.m. presentation later in the week • It had be<n acheduled for airlnff loday, but 1 KA.BC e:recut.ive said bl& city nns hu temporarlly taken tbe spotllgbt from \he small town mayor'1 drul llore in- terview. Ex-man Pregnant~ Medic Says It's Impossible Cl!AllLESTON, S.C. ,(APl -Dawn • Lonalq Hall Simmooi, the English 'trfttu who hid I Kl change lhrou&h IW'ltr)' am then married a Nq:ni man, 11.kS today she ii prepanL . flll( a ~-al Johna HopkiM Hocpitol In Baltlmore, who .. lho oper• tloos wm performed. aakf It Is "dtflnltely impoaiblt" lcw loin. Sim· mans to becxlne pregnant. Mrs. Slmmonl. who '*" sbe la II. said ah~ ii expoctlna In NOYembtr. She said delivery will probti>l1 bt oomewhere ill the mllhooe~-lJUI did not -111"""" PerlOlia wbo ·lltve setn her h> rteent ~·eeks noted she appeared lar1er around the wliit and w~ wearin( m&lemity clolh11. "Everytblog II lint," aa!d Mn. Sim· mans. "I'm Uvlnc quieUy at borne and \·cry bappy to have a child.'' Sbe uW the ·became awart "sevt:ral months qo" that she waa preinant. The dlaposl.s. she said. WIS made by • Ne ... · York phyalcltn whoo< idenUly sh< relua- ed to dlvul,e. Mrt. Simmons said Mr condition prtYtnted her from travelllnc to £n£1and following the recent death of her mol.htr. ''lt wu • \'ety grt&l ah;d and I was not able to lravcl," she Hid. • CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAA&E Now, two aircraft jU1danct systems are in operation at the air itaUon, but the lLS will aHow landlnp when weather condlt1on1 would otherwise shut down tbe tralflc. One ii the Radar A.Ir Traffic control centa, wblch mon11on and pities almaft which are beaded lhnluCh a prlmll'J' coulal alr opoce covmd by the county lnltalllUon. · The IOCOOd 1)'11<111 Is the Ground Con- trol Radar Sy1tem, wblch DOW brings alrt:raft requtrtng tnstrument 1sslatanct! -besides pilot vision -into the El Toro runways. Any cran entering the SouLb.Jand air space handled by El Toro per10D.nel art monitored by the more comprehensive RA TCC oystem, then talked ill by the more local network . The. new Jl.S systtm will allow aircraft to lU.trally ride an electronic siinal beam dlrecUy toward the runway, Jandin& when vialbWty iJ at one-ball mile. No matter what, the final aircraft touchdown Is made visually by th• pilot himlelf and if weather condhlom -auch. as current couta1 IOI prevail -landing may be pt<Jhlblted. Planu incomJnc in such we.ather can be diverted to Calilornia desert atripci. " ., Deputy Injured In Auto Crash An off-duty Oranae County aherifl's deputy wu injured Tuesday night in Costa Men when his car was aandwiched between two otbert In a rear«Mi col· llafon. Tbomu F, Conny Jr., 48, of Garden Grove, w11 treated for a bump on the rorl!bead and scntcbes after being taken to Costa Meaa Memorial HOIJ!ltal. Pollco said the accident oceuned on Palin.du Road at Newport BoWtvard, when WlUord A. CUnunl.ngs, G, of 48%3 f -:-~·· Drive, Corona del Mar, did not csr in Ume. : •• ,.;. ~tty Book, '3, of 810 S. Yorba St.. Orange, wu not hurt when Cum· min&I' auto lboved Conway's vebiclt into hen. To the Jirl wllo-wrut she wants but not where IO t.nd it. M•t(h your style with our '""'Y cl'ISlinc!M ........ And .ask e.s about our famous Ortrtp lb.sorn IU•~tee. Ill) NEWPORT AVENUE COs'fA MEV. Baker St., laking a larce haul i.n cash Jnd checks . ·OWner Howard Kyte dbc<lvered I.ht job wben be arrived at Ult office and found his safe overt\ariMld and pa~s &Cltten.d about lht prulaa. OfUcer Robert Berg sald UW: 1 intruder 'climbed into a partJUoned olfice area ()f the bulldini and crawled along shelwes to a vQid trippin« 1 burglar alarm. No evideoce of how the burglar got in was left al ITT Jabsco's J. T. Carter Pump Co., 1435 Dale. Way, where $500 worth of micrG-scale inspect.ion equJp- ment was lost A 11eighbor thwarted a burglary al the home ol Francis A. Tyler, 64.1 Rakam Place, wbero a 3tHD Sprlllfl(ield rifJo \li'Ol'1b $65, chanee totaling tto and 12 bullets were taken. "What are you doint!" she called to a small boy who dropped the weapon.II be ran across her lawn, but wu traced down along with o compaolon and arrested oa suspicion of burglary. '1'1le pair, 10 and 12 years old, wert released to their parents. Mesa Girl, 14, Felled by Drugs A 14-year-old Cotlla Mesa girl ·~ parently under the lnflueot:e of the hallucinogenic drug mescaline w a 1 haspitaliud In byaterical coodl!ion Tu ... day nigllt. "I'm going lo die, I'm going t.o di~·· police quoted tbe strict.en }'OIJDptu 11 screaming whtn they arrived at Colt& Mesa Memorial Hospital. A phy!ician at the hospilal where the vic11m '• parent.a took ht:r for treatment told' lnvestJgators she wag In extremely serious condltJon. The youngter was taken by ambulance t.o Oran111 County bJedlcal Center's psychiatric crisis unit for iObservation and further care. They Won't Need ' This Attorney A pair of young burelan who tip!ily tore up a Costa Mesa home Jut wetkerid may soon nttd an attomty -but not C..1:arles R. Brady. It was hi! house. The ~ nturned lo %444 Collea:• frili.t'hcation and noWled police Jftat 30UleGoe had broken in , lhe premises and lei! with IZtl n: cu iiDcl an addltiona1 $40 in alcoholic spirits. A neighbor woman tokf police she saw the l~age suspect.I -who even anplug· ged a food freeier -but was not tware Lht faru.iJ1 was away on vacation. .. Police ~ek Kidnapers TORONTO (~) -Polle< ·n t 11earchlng fGr t.be kklnapers of a w~althy young woman~ WU frte(I llJlharnwd 'lllesday after husband lefl noo.ooo ran.aom oo a try road . Police would not ldentl!y the kidnap ,.~. but she was believed to be Mary Nelles, 29, ...Ue ol Turonl? stockbroker Hoory Radelllle Noll" and doughier ol Toronto truckfn&: es:ecuUve Marshall D. Davis. I l t 12 YEARS SAME LOCATION rHO"lf ~··l•OI l ' 'Belfast Wall' Set By British BELl'AST !..~ lrtlald (uPI) -.~;-, 0 Op I prepared lodly to ...ct • barbed -aod wooden "B.ellut Wall" to oeplll'lllo !aiding C a l·b o 11 c a· and Proieltanla. bdiant CalbailcJ floilled ao lri* Republlc Flag .. ll>elr -burion. aod \'OWed to defend tbem. , Calholica'""' -had built tboir .,.. makeshfft balrim to ,protect their bom.0 from attack in th~ riot torn city. 'lbe government ordered them tom down and the last of <nlorcing peat< left to the British Anny. "We'll fight the who 1 e . BriUab Army if we have to," shoo.led a young man astride a 10-foot high bamcade of pav· tng atones, wrecked can .and ~en. His reaction wu 'ielleded tn the faces of lhe men and women who live in the two IQU&n mile Catholic ghetto behind tbelr street bar· ricadeO.' '11 lhe lroopl lry to -th• barricades they will have to deal with ua tint/" said Bill Dwyer, a dock frorter who lit.ands &i:r:. feet three iochtl. In several streets groups of men and women bu1ily strengthened their barriudes while British soldiers watched. "I'll fight on the barricade.I myself," said Brigid O'Leary, the mother ol -young Dll. "Anything would be t>et.- ter than leaving oor hemes un- protected again ... ·.-..sir.~ I0, 1969 ' Home 1Ta~Vp Senators Blast El,ectinn Reform ' Nuclear Carrier • . WASHINGTON (UPI) --·Judidlr)' ·C41Nn!Uoe WAilBJllOTON (AP) -'1111 Wlii!alppl lletnomL l'be loundinp htben put It •lier m w..kt ol llwtDp. li•'J'a. nqoest for 1 -BacUn of tho """- arr 1111W at least 1187 beta~ ~ to heod counll I>)' ~ aircraft .,... plcUd up tbe ~ ol a the7 coolda'I Ii'«-, Wllb!o , ~n . ol l!olh , ~, ii· M YU tmder Ore todoy fl!om· -·a( 1e11aton Who l.IY ... 10 )'l!ari there waa 1'.glslaUGia irian4o a pd dlanOe "' apo -..,, .-11111..i bJ ~' a ~ In 1 U.S. ovmoeu before Col)gress to r•vis< Jt: pnival ...,. Qnil next. ~ Ota~ dde&I ID llMit 19"* 'l'ljol6y to ddOll llen. And withln llllOth<r three de<-b7 tbe hlo-Ollrds nioiortt1 ,.. •u.ril.P! to, delay ~ ol William Proxmire'• 1111\-adea the Senata four -quired or • ...,,uoac.,,1 the C5A __ ._ -··-meat to ala!h $$.l3 mllllaa , ... voted Id nform IL oo'1y to be """""""'l · ~..--~ ,..._ rebulledbythellcwe. ll u aecum Cm11at..,. 3 .A-----..l Seno.w-r.Mmda1e(l)., tho,<¥-.the b111.1b• The mue -..corm o1 the Jl">•al 1n the-. wbkll Js u;ueeu Mhn), ud Cllllord P. Caae -lost IMJ. method of presldenlial eJec. ID doubt, ud ntlllcatlon bJ (R-N.J.), ha .. ;n.;J up tbelrf.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ • LIBERAL CANDIDATE AWllorAUllln U"'r......_ r,\ODERATES' HOPE Sheriff Gribb1 tlons -attlY<d on the Hou.. ttir.o.f<Nrlhl <•> ol t •. In Evers -to aJlce P'/7.1 floor again loc!a1 tn the -11ala, wllJ!:ll lo alio In doubt, • mUlloa ""'·the C01Tler Cllll o! ol a propoJOd constitutional it 1IOUld become law -but amendm<nl. During thb week prolJablJ toe Jato to allecHbe-· • the '3f billioa mllitlt)' pro- and next the House will 1m pra1c1<n11a1·e1.cu.no. Murder Plot curemenhalhorbatloo bill. discuss whether the electonl Doe to the tbreal ol ...,. The amenilmoot would pre- college lhouid be l<tapped.in otilulion crbJ1 -" I>)' the FA~ Mia. ,._) _ 'tttll the hntagoo ~ favor ol a popularly eieded !hird party caadldacy of • ~"..., •~• ahead on the c8rrier a presidjonL George Wallace latit year, 1bree white men. """ bellned r<Yiew b7 the G<neral Rather than casting their there b almost un1 .. na1 ..,.. a Conner Ku Klu:s !CaDmii1D, counting Ollloe ol anticlpat.,! votes for unknown "electors" timent In the BOUie fir e1eeo were accused Tuesday oiP,l of cosll and lhe need for carriers , ple<!ged but not bound to the toraJ reform, but' alplflcaet .lrytng to ~ Charles tn an age ol nuclear mltlllileo: • pns(den&l llcka listed on ~ment ol·lbe -1bia wu the aame awoacb DE'mOIT (UPI) -The na· "I cao .....,.. you that we the ballot, the nation's voters Maey ol the .,..,__ Even, tho Negro !haYot ol U9ed """""""'lully Mooda1 Bl'1ck, White Choice Up to Detroit V oiers 'tloo'1 fifth largeot city, tom won't have a raci>t cam-would be re~g tbelr aDd Cllll ...... llnl bean! ID the lhb town In --m against tbe QA. two sommera aio by nciaJ Plign, .. Austin, 51.., pinnmed choice directly -and the ~tutional convflllim·tbat Minissfppl. Sens John C. Stennta, .. .,. 1_ •"-• .. 1 .. 1-...1 •• 10.-"'--....rtn _ __._ 1 ticket with the. mo6t papular at tbe last n~ ta yean: 11'..-whoa b , 0 t b 1 r chalrme el. the A rm e d • ----~ w ··~ •~ ~ 8 _..,...._. • • votos -Id will the Whi,. ago adopted tho•olectDral col• ~·~-. -Ccnunltteo, ~ will -between a blaek Yictoey party tn a downtown Houae, provided It topped 40 1ege as a cotnpromlao. Medgar wu killed from am-bu atlacked the carrier, man and 1 white man fer hotel. percelli of the lotal vote. Preslilent Nlx<n and IOIM bush fn 1183 after attending a amendmenL mayor. "We will be ma1or ol al! the 11 any ticket ren •hott, the Rouae meJilbera would lite to civil filhls meeting, aald "In YOtlni on this amend· Richard H. Aultln, a Wayne -..1e, not just some of the voters would return for • 11e-o see the oCOoe of elector Fayette's integrated poJlce meS ft may make 1 'ffi.l County auditor who'ls black, :,::le. We will show the _ condk poll between the two top mMisbed while dectoral votes fOl"l.'9 i-~-• -man and and crucial dedlion as to and Roman S. Gribbs, the ..-1ur ~~ bat ~-_:-lie et.s. -which equal the total of a i i>:eu:u ther Wt will have an dfec- Wayne County aberiff, were Pe of UC1o1va w uauuuacy This plan was brought to the lllte'a aenatora and repttSeD-FBI · agentJ bad joined the tive nanl ait arm in the late the easy winners TUesday in a is really like.'' floor on a 29 to 5 vote by the taUves -are retained. aarcb for the other two. 19705 and ltlDs,,. said the nonpartisan primary election At anOlher hole! just a few•i===--"~=~~~;;.,,;;;;~.;;;.;;;;;,,.;;:=;;;;;;;:~=~:;;:;;;.;;;:..:;;.:;;;;;;_;;;;;;.._~;,;;;;;..:;;;:;...;;;:;;;...;~~~ that drew the heaviest voter blocb away, Gribbs, 43, made turnout in sz yean. led tho gb · Both men immediately pr~ a similar p ge, u It was mised a campaign free of tinted with a law-and-Order racial bitterness --in hue. a city still physically and emo-.. We want to wort for mart tibnally ecamd by the tll6"l unity, no I polarlzaUoo," holocaust. ..J Gribbl 181.d. "We want both .... )111 .. lded 1hlt9"wmd cohlllli.it la ....,...,wm11. --~----. Oil I b1aw and wm,. to be the B h D I ~~espoli~notadli:_ v~; us ue ::i_.:oon police .. the COSTA MESA 'lbe two men jumped out to Gusher Boom for Alaska early leads in the field of za candidates and Au.stin soon pulled far ahead. Fortr per· cent of Detroit's 1.6 million residents Mre Negro, and Austin was polling clo.se to l!IO ~of the votes ,in b~ci. ANCHORAGE, A I ask• (UPI) -With the stake! In the billions, Alaska' 1 modern -~ bid Jod>iy "for claims in an oil bo<m which makes the 49th state's famed gold ""11 look like penny-ant.. 1bo pruspecton ol lfl&t - 9eC!'elive oil aemtives and lbelr tigblllpped banken - waited until the last ~ before submitting offen on ~,851 acres of the state'• frozen Arctic tundra. At stake were 171 pare:eJ.s oC -land alone ,the north 1lope. an icy wasteland 1r<quenta1 primarily oy Eskimo bunters until oil wu cliacover<d there lut ,...,.. Alsab ollicialo upect the ! ' ' high bidders to offer more t h a n $1 billion -putting more mooey in the treasury in the -10 days than ·Alaska spent iD ita 10.yean as a ~i.:. 'Ibe parcels, which went unclaimed at an earlier bid- ding, included several near Prudboe Bay where AUantie Richfield Co. and Humble Oil Co. brought in wells in 1161. Ei<perts estimate Ille norlh alope 's petroleum reserve at llllJ)eWhe~ between 5 billion aod 50 billioo ham!b -which wou:ld make<. it one ol the world's large\ot oil field>. 00 companiei have spent an estimated $500 million er· ploring the area &Dd pro- tecting their findings. ··11' .. Cooley Quits Post at Baylor HOUSTON CAP) -Famed heart transplanl specialist Dr . Denton A. Cooley resigned Tuesda from the clinical stal£ of Bay~ pollege of Medicine. L. F. 1\fcCollum. cbainnan of the Baylor Board of Trust- ees, confirmed the resigna- tion. Cooity c o u J d not be reached for commenL •• • I . Evtt 1ry to d<SaJ'be .!he wte o v Of a whiskey lo a friendlThere aren't I !DO many wonls you can U..: "Smoolh·-."mellow'.' ... lhal's about ii. • •f When you'ie describing the WI .. ' f of Seagram's 7Ctown we think there' I / one more word yciu11 wan! lo add:. I Thal rare inlangible .:.•qualily". j You can'! touch ii. But you""" can lasle iU Say Seagram's and. Be Sure: \ ~,, '1" . '"". f>,W -. f : • lllollllonC:..,.-,,,N.'1'..C.-·iYhloby ... l'loof...,.GiOa -llflriJo. • . . ..... . CELEBBATIJS -its ,Fi,-st ' • • •• I ' . From tlie lieginning, Coste Mese Memorial Hospital wes desig~ed to provide 11 complete health care center for the entire community. Equipped with the most edvenced teclinicel facilities, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital also provides equally 11dvancea provision for the comfort end convenience of eech patient. • During tli_e pest year, our medical staff and hospital employees heve used the hospital's facilities to achieve 11 common goal -the finest quality of patient eere. In the years eheed, Coste Meu Memorial Hospital wiH continue to keep pace with the increasing complexity of hospital care and to ·emph111ize our special concern for the care and comfort of eeeh individual patient. We at Costa Mesa Memorial Hos,pital wish to thank the community for their support and to reaffirm our original purpose: to provide a complete health care center for the entire com1111111ln,<. Cost• Mese Memori•I Hospit•I is especi•lly proM of its disfitHJu ishtd medlcel and profe1sional 1t1ff. Chief of Steff ls Dr. Johnnie R. letson, Jr., e11i1ted by Or. C.H. Tum•r, Vice President, end Or. LiOMI 8, 0. Silvi, Secr..t•ry·TrHsurer. The U¥fn cl•p•rtm•nt chiefs ere: Dr. Shedrick Moore, medicin•; Ot. Ftenk.R.. o;r..,,., surgery; Dr. Cheri" s. st.., .... , 9•n.,..1 predic.e; Dr. Cherlff AfQeliney1 rediol091st1M Dr. SJiirley M. Schn.tder, p•~ist. s..-mg on th• necutfve committee •• di..cton et J.rfe.,. Or. Wetfac• A. Gerrie and Or. ll•fnh1rcl Merfften. Hospit1I Admtnistraior ls Alden O. S.911 1Su1ine11 MaN'ter f• J. J1me1-Wlfaoft and Doroth.x H. JhomP.,•on, R.N., is Direct.of Nurs•s. Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital is own- ed ·and operated by Beverly Enter- prises, • l .. dor in the health core field. Beverly Enterprises is notionally known for highest operating standards end modem innovetioris in hospital co,,.. struetion ~nd P.Olient core. • • ~-.• ,.....,~~ • °""" Mtf!IM • .,..., 301 V"ictori1 St. eosta Mesa Memorial Hospif.a! Costa M.Y, C.t.fomio 92627 . (714) 642-27)4 I • •• • I 11 i ., .. I •• • . - Inflation · , Hits Schoo.ls ' • The ciUzen's bW for Inflation doesn't end at tH aupennartet chocbland. Th• painful, soaring manlfe~tation of a troubled economy reaches much flJ'lher, and coi;ne next Feb. 10, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa taipayera wW decide whether to pay another ln1tallment of the inflation bW. Newport-Mesa Unified School District will aok the dl&trlct taxpayer• to approve an override of perhaps 81 cents. ' They also will decide U the l!lstrict should try to sell illi bonds at an intereat rate above ra fiV•pe.rcent Um.it. Both of these issuea relate directly to inflation. lt costs more to bUf instructional equipment, pay teachers and build and unprove school buildings. That cost will have to be borne by tupayera. The light money marke~ too, enters significantly Into the picture. No one wanta to buy school bonds yielding five percent and no school district can sell Its bonds at that price. ~ The law says the district fnwt ask the voters for approval to sell them at a hlgbei rale. , That l& what the Newpo~Mesa voters must decide. It will cost them money In the long-run, too, just a• the override will. On $9 million worth Of bqnds, the annual pa)'.tnent on a 25-year term would Increase from SQ!l,000 to t/38,· 000 if the interest were 6~ percent-$119,000 more .. Staff studias have shown tbe district will need new tax money to pay for rising employe salaries. The dis- trict aloo must provide for increased cost Of improve- ment and building projects which bave been planned but not budgeted. "' . • By the time th-jobs are undertalr.en, their orig~ na1 cost wW ha•e lpcreued arl~at !O percent a year, All of this 11 awesome, e1peclally when It appears on a tax bW. But trustees, ddrnl!)istrators and taxpayers all mull ask, ''W)lat else can we do!" Mesa's Panel on ·Crime Crime is everybody's p1')blem. . Chdc leaden In Costa Mesa are taking action to help solve that problem-lnsOfar as it can be aoived locally-Uirough establishment of a crime prevention committee. .The group will not be any ganglluster outfit, nor will ii sei:ve as a police .review board '!"Ith a voice in how lhe local department operates. The basic function of the pariel wllf be to study methods ot dealing with · ~rime, then retoll)mend steps tq ,be J.al<en locally. Fbrtunately, COiia Mesa's crime rate· ls generally low. The city. lw a good police depariment and the average offenae Ls the rhi!demeanor variety. Scan over the dall,Y pblice log =~u'll generally see only a few burglaries and a sp ·' g of narcotics arrests. No one should OJ!pect anr miracles to be worked by the nine-member panel, which wisely will Include two y~g persODJ, one of hia:h school and one of college level. But if the committee envisioned by Councilman Wil- lard T. Jordan .. makes a change-for the better-in the llfe of. one ·indiv1dua1, it could be a valuable achieve-ment, Worth the effort. (Cl Audiences Spoil Movies For Harris Dear . Gl~y Tf)Ward a Violent Black Revolution: ' . ' Gm: Further Look at Black Ultra-Left One of the reuom: I rarely to to movies has nothing to do will> mOYie1, bot with Ille kind al people who rqularly attend them. 1bey rmllnd me of Olcar Wilde's remark, "Mj 1ut play wu & lllD- ctu -the audience wu a tallare?" I have never understood the poycbological -,,, tbt pmple wbo, f<r imlanc:e, fod Ibey ha" lo repeat out loud the -1llat .... flash- ed on the -· , ••The Ft.ature Preserita.Uon,•• they wUl npeat IN .... to thelr -paniom. « "A P~9roducUon:." po all t.be9ie people brio( Wit.rats will> thel!I to the mo'tie house? OR THEY WILL lterala a funny line tbat bu been SllOl:en by -al the cbaraclerl -lllelr v*ei lllUall1 blur-rinl out a rejoinder that 11 fte:D funniet. Perbapo tlley want to let their com- pani0115 l:DoW that Ibey polllJW I -of humor. Here we go for another round. Gueu our councJ.lmtn, don't have much else to do. Now they've fin.. • oily tlioaght Up I "°" idea - ridding ,the town of gara(f "" ~ . Gue$1 we sl)ould be.-more-c&Neul who we vote for. -C. w. " ™' ......,, ren.ct. ,,.... .,...... -_...,., ...... ., "" -..-. .... ,_ ., "'" II OllMr -. Dellr Pllft. ' (Second of 1 du...p.n 1ene'1) WASHINGTON -The "Black Guard , ~ 'J'f~.~~ "..-;J "' <I ':i organtim Manual," a 1s--.SO:K-:iilen..Coldi.mffh . ' j younaJI tit for reci:uJlllif aiid"tralnlng · ,' ' ''t >' •.; blade guerrilla fight.en, is be l• 1-"":;,•' .::~,..-..., .... ....,..,.""'>IJME;ttlJf 'clrculaleil Ill ibetto communities fram coast to cout. v. underground. According: to e1-Panther The manual describes America u ulhe Larry Powell, the underground "Black black ·man's battleground,"'' and Outlliires Guard" was charged with maintaining para!mllitary training COIU'lel for ·a d.ilclpllne and doing violent chores for lbe "forerunner ot a black llberaUoo army.» Oat.land-based Panthers. It allo· lnciudeo I deWied slruc:tllre ml · BIBTORICAILY 'The Bldck Panther cbaJn:ol-<OllUIWld for local ml reglooal Party was fou.;.ied, by S to k e I y il'OUJ>I loofely' knit into " natlonwlda Cannichael and others, In Lownd., eoun- of a film. . ~rrilla (orce. ty, Ala., in 19INI. Jt iw 00 direct o:& If .Ill< pmple around me are llJlllY, or 'l'be pobllcatlon olfen a furth<r imlgbt .-00 will> 11.\M '!bough it aloo -a t<i inau.nttv., or sreadily muncbJn&"' Pop-. In~ lllat segment of. the se><alled ~lad! free "colonlallzed" blacks &om their com, It ttnds lo warp ff'Y pleuure i.,. rotolutloo wblcll 1eriootiy cootemplilal -"opp~" Ill tho,Onited States. watching and llslanlng. I .ean Itel _thf' .molt-:-viol,'!'ftlCtlon agalmt lhe atatuo N.-.f York City aulhoioill., told Ill~ general texture of an a"i!Jiiloo '1!k9 @' quo -bi the IWllO of b\ackµpsratiSID. McClellan Co=iijtee, boweru, tllal one palpable coatin1 around "11 ~t ·· · brand! of Ill< Blad! Panlller Parly there andaburlapaudlencemallillaiil&Cbua noM ITS TEXT. the · O!S:~ 'ortginated as a RAM ''front" which·was want to run up the allJe.-! aul into tbi manual was clearly wrttten for J'.lAM. the alto cloeely tied to the Malcolm x cool clar~ d. the llln<I. now-<lelunct Revoiu\(onary ,A c II o • woctalloD, Oraanlzalion for African STAGE ACTORS are ~ alao ex· tnordinarily .... 1uve to !lie emanatl<1111 of llj audience, and IDlll1 have joid ,,,. 'that Ibey give tbelr' llM perfonnanee' when they ch "amell'' a smut and at- lanUve bouae. llnnvenw, a croup of rauoous conveaUonecrs can kin& doe Ille level al a per!onilaoce wltbin m1Ji. oi.. allar the curtalll bu rt.en. What most of us fail to realize ts that every work of art (ar even entertain- ment) 1s a collaboration betweeo per· former and audJence. Movemenl AccordiJIC to New York cut Amerteu un1i, authorities,. a 'Black GO~rd fo"tce W~ Some police ~. who watch old estabijabed there by BAM;ln 1981. gl'OU)ia die a.qd new ones emerge, with ln- Cleariy, however, tho RAM manual larlocklng directoratd singing lhe same ha .been put to other btes ID other area. tune ol black separatism, would like to Copies, marked COD!ldential, have ~ think there is a muter plan, coordinated, up in Phlladtlphia, Ne;w York, Detroit. perhaps, by a Mafia-like commission Cleveland, Ctilcago, Denver, Los An(eles which hu ties abroad for financing and and ln the San Francisco Biy area. other purpo5es In Oakland, according to a defector · from the much publicized Black Panther THERE IS, as of now, oo evidence to Party, the manual was used very 5Upport that theory. Nor is there any ncently in the training or a Pantber documentation. despite persistent rumor and widespread speculaUon, for the tdea that black revolutionary groups here have recelved financial help from ideoI01icaJ brothers in CUba, 01ina or elsewhere abf'O:'d.. • The best fudgment, now, appe..an to be that the various black revolutionary groups peddle the same ideas, use the same literature and seek the same goals because of a community of iaterest.. much as unrtlated braoc::bes ol the Ka Klux Klan have opefl,tal on the other edte of the racial spectrum. The Justice Department, wider Attor· n<y G<neraJ John N. Mltchell, 1s taking a closer inten!st In black militant lf'OUPS. Jn 'time, the attorney general ml:)' haul some individuals and organir.aUcmt 1nto the l>deral courts. The beltln& !llO'f, llowev«, b that charges will lmolve specifics -crossing stala lines to lnclla a part.lcuJ1r riot, or failure to rue tax rtl.llrm-and not some broadly-based of· lense. NEW DIRErnONS? _ -It is no surprise that the violent black revolution, drawing ideological guidance from such Pekingr0riented propagandi.!its as Robert F. Willia.ms, has often followed the Chi.neSf! Communist party.,line. The black Panther Party, under the leaderahip ot Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver, bu used the Red Book of Mao Tse-tung u a party bible. Now police officials and otben· who monitor the activities of bltct militant groups are wondering whether there 11 to be a change ln that OUna bias. 'Ibere ls some evidence that the Moscow-aligned Communist Party of Ille Unllfd Stai.. 1' trying to move. in on the actio.n. A. previously report.eel. here, pro.P&- klng participants were excluded from the Panther--spo.mored Conference for a . United Front against Fasclrm, held in Oakland last moath. Panther leader Seale was ·a iDeller at the Conference and so was Herbert Apthtker, a veteran member of the Communist Party'• na- t.lonal committee. ANOTllER OONFERENCE of Ille Froot A&aln>t Faadsm ts scheduled nut month ln Sa FranclJco, and its pro-ceodlnfil. wfil; watched for further oYldeDoe el kleology, Federal of-~· · ' to think, as of now. that the · etUtude will pfove to be lam-'f. 'llley not.. that U. !arvest of the white militant-org~, Students for a Democratic Sod= , Is currenUy feuding with the pro-P · Progressive Labor Party. Thet::zcomment that the Black Panther P 13 much interested, now, In tho activl al the lily-whits SOS. We will expF"e that interest in our DeJ:t column, Cb• fmal column in this" aeries. , fNext -Ho~ does the violent black" revoJuUQn uert, htfluence? Some re.Oec- Uom on a short, com summer.) By Robert S. Allen .. d John A. Goicbmllll Even nXn qcravaUng are the ~ talDn who lauih at what t consider the wroog places. A sluj>id piece ol buf. fotmery ucites the.it hilarity to a hysterical degree; a genuinely palheUc scene finds thein snickering with mllplaced rt.iblllty. Or a lanse and lllent mome11t of action has them "explaining" the proceedings lo Ille adjoining seal PERHAPS l AM unduly sensitive to the atmosphere around me, but the audience has alwaya seemed to me to share respoosibility for the general enjoyment Even when the pep'onner i.! penonally abseut-u 1n I rooVie-the behivtor <If the house affecll the influ~ of the film. There are some downtown movie bouaes [ will not enter, no matter wh!lt film they are showing -because I know that the kind of audience there wW destroy the responsive mood that is necessary for full enjoyment. Law Unfair to Irish lmmigrf:tnts Praise for Alton Allen Te the Editor: I want Supervisor Alton ADen to have a quick word of appreciation and IUJlport from me. His llaady effort for planning and con- eervation, particularly tor the Aliso Beach Purchase. Ille Soutb Coast Scenic Ptogram, the Niguel Park, Ille Irvine Aari<ultw'al and Open Spa"' Preserve, t!·e Fu..U-Jy Park, the Shoreline Preservation Study, the General Plan Project, the Park Purchase Fund, must nol go uo-ooted. tN ADDMON, I erpeci.ally appreciate the lbou8htful advice and help he ha• given our Lagunl Greenbelt from the very at.art ol our effort. I certainly will exert all my effort to forestall any unwitting aupport ol a recall dlrect<d against him. B.,...i Iha~ I am looking forwanl to helping In bil r...iec- tlon oat year. JAMES W. DILLEY Atnend Murphlf'• BUI To the Edllor: Your Augull 1$ ~ , edltmal, ''Consumers Spe1t Out," commenta on Sea. C-1• Mun>bY'1 Conlu...r Food """8ctioc lllll ·whldi the edltortai reler1 to u "prototype of federal )egiaia- Uoo oougbt "1 a ra!lidb' ,,....In/body d. ~ KrM tbe 0.Uon to llN't all ~ !Ill J1dlt to pur<baM the food of their ......._'Iii Ille placo of lbelr cbolce, dtoool """ bar-and damqfd by -....,.,.u. and llllUI.. A •taw ·;, lw'tM" M~a bill nftlil CW it .-•1111 tor Utt com- pU!aorJ -lz1Hcw d. flllll WCl'kerl. A:~""""-:.·-;:-'ff'.;,'18! ) '!-;--,..-~ Ma~x I. Letur& from readtn ors Wflcomt. N~mwiU11 tDriter1 &hould conve11 their mt11aoe1 'n SOD IDOTdl or less. Tht right to condense letters to fit .rpcct or tUminaU Ubtl U re.!eMJed. AU let- ter• mu.tt include rignature 011d mmi. ing addre.!s, but names may be witA- hcld on request if .sufficient rt08on i: apparent. Passage Of this bill 1n Its present fonn would give c.esar Chavez lirense to put hi.! hands in the pocke\J of thousands of unwilling workers and would be the first step toward tota, conlrol and domin• tJon by lhe Unlted Farm Workers Or1an1zins Committee or C&lifornia's omnber one lndustry. Mo.!!l Californians, and indeed most Americana, want effective lrgLslJtion to deal with the boycott problem, but ctr- lalnly not a\ the erpenae of the farm workers the1111tlves who have been fell.sting forced unionization for a number ol ye.an. ft FEEL mAT the workers should have tVerJ rlght to join a labor union Of tbeir ..,o cboo&lng ano sn equsl rlliht to mtaln trom jolnlna a union to which lhey m opposed. f nope it will be -I· ble for you lO lend 'edltorlal support to an amendment to Stulor ·Murphy's b!U wll!ch _,Id clearly outlaw cvmpWlory union mernbenhlp In any form. E. ll WlllTE Pruldmt and ~...,,UV· Director catUornlans for Rial>! to Work 1 have menUoned bd'ore In this space the fact that Utl.s country is in ,-ave danger Ji losing the emollient and civiliz.. ing lnflaence that the shanty Irish so richly gave of themselves in America's behalf. The Iristi may have had other things in mind, to be SW"e; but that was one of the effed.5 of the matter. What is called Irls~American, in both Us pejorative and its praising sense, is almost wholly from the shanty Jrisb - the ones who literally lived in shanlle.s along the eastern seaboard In the IWI Century ~ays foUowtng the awful potato famine. The famine was the worst thing that ever happened to the Irish, and just about the only thing they ha,ven't suc- cessfully hung on the English and the cor1e of Cromwell. (Nol that I haven't heard even TI-MT tried.) TH'!; SHANTIES brought WI such benisons 11! the Kennedy&, the McCabes, and lis Nibs Himself, John Joseph Tunney, c~llcd Gene. Some of the shan- ties are now so elegant they blackball Swedes f!'om the New York Athletic Club. Lord Hels; Us! The shantlt!, and their enrichment, are being denied to this country at present by an unbalinced lmm1gration law, which bears the name of a shanty on IL The l<M:Alled McCarran Act went into law on Deoernbet. 11165, and Into full ef. feet on Jdy I. 11118. The ~ of the new law, jusUy enough, wu to ellmlnate the diaaiminat"Ory feature! of t.be old law, whicl· had been set up on the bases .----Bt1 George --~ Dea1 George: Gee l You've got a great worry column. l used to hardly worry at all unUI I started reading your col· umn and now I worry all the time. DAN C. Dw Ctn C.: Doo'l try to thank me, Dan - that'• what I'm here for. I _ .. -~ ~-·----r-... ·-;·, { r . "" : i .. <1Jiarlea McCabe.. ol a national origins system daUng back to 1915. TlIE LAW ELIMINATED a Io t of abuses: but It caught the Irish, and some other .immigrant groups with their pants down 1bere was no longer a clamorous pouring of people from the old country to get past Ellis Island. The Irish in Ireland \\"eren't doing badly. The Irish here were wallowing ln affluence, for a good part, and simply dJdn't care. These circumstances, and ot.her11, created an anomaly. For years Ireland had a.n in-.migralion quota of about l8,000 people. The Irish didn't use the full quota ln recent years. Immigration to this country r.umbered between five and Ill thousand each year. The present immigration Jaw, as Falhcr John Ring points out, 15 unfair to the Irish. LESS THAN '15 Irishmen were luued U.S. visu during the last Iii months of 1961. Cross-examination in Court cross-examJnation Is very old. People have always quesUoned a speaker to try to judge the truth of what he says. The Thirteenth Book of Daniel tells the story of Susanna and the elden. The two elders tried to win Susanna's affection, but when they failed they tried to con· demn her before the tribe, claiming that she had accepted a yoons man's at- ttnUons. The tribe wu about to kiU her when Daniel aatd: "Are ye so foolish, that without examination or knowledge of thfl truth, , you have condemned a dauahter of Iarael?" DANIEL TOOK eacb of the two elders aside and queationtd them. Their COl'l- ftlcllng stories absolved Susanna and con- demned her accusers. In a ll'odem lMal the opposing lawyer can cross-examine each witness to lest his memory, his bias, and his knowledge and to bring out the whole story. CroSJ. eicaminalion may show the witness bas an interest in the outcome of the case, or has prejudice about it which casla doub\ on his credibility. Each party can ban witneues ucluded durins another'• testimony. The judge will abo order th em noL to diJcuss their testimony before trial. Each witness should testify free from tho Wluenoe of other •It· ,. .... ~"Y"'~ J'.aw --~ ~ 1'!',,,,.., . .i iii Aett9n. . ncsses. Oftea a lal¥)'er loses his caae on Cf'OISt" examination whe.n he uninlenUobally brings out facts which de.Woy bla OW'd case,· or wben a _witness be ls. trJtnl ~ impeach srves answers that ldUDct coo.. vincing. · 1 THE DENIAL or curtailing.of Cl"Oll-U'" aminatlon lmpa.tn a fair trial, the riaht to confroot witnesses. When this OCCW'St a higher court ofttn re.""'1tl such cues. One Cf'OIH.U.minlUon method ii "lmpeacbmenL" There the quettlone:r in- tends to show that tbe wltne. mq bave lllldo <0ntradle10rY stalemenll bef0tt. U ao, hll eirUer slafcment.s or tl'°9t: mAde in the course of discovery (quest.Ions ask-ed In prooeedinp before trial) may be produced Jn court. Inconsistencies may cause the Jury to doubt or to dlsr<pnl wbal he says. Nofc; Califontia lo:wvers offer thil column 10 u<>U mou knoto about our ...... 'l111s doe3 not mwt lba\ more than 15 Irishmen did not wapt to come akm,. The Jaw-ls against them. ,Sa~ Father Ring : "Tbe new immigration law in at· tempUn1 le cure the discrimination of th~ old law, has no" sad'1ed Irel;md and ~ nations with u ulifair immigration policy. ''The American Irish c o m m u n 11 y should be sltoc:ted by the drastic effect3 of I he new U.S. Jmmlgration and Na. tlonality Act on taJh immigration to the United States. "The Irish communlty cannot be silent unUJ the present law 11!1 changed. "THE IIUAH COMMUNJTY must speak up IDd put pres'.sure on the Congress or the United States to amend the law lh favQr ol Ireland and other na- tiom who att being unfairly and unjustly treated." U it's a grlovance you're looking for, ~ Jn)' two.arUes, this is a proper good one. Added wtsdom , and names of ~eo, ~ to be had lrom Father lllng ond the boys al tho American lr~h ImmlgraUon Committee, N o r t h e r n California Q\apter, 1290 Fifth Avenue, San FN.c:isco, Califcrnia. --~-- Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1969 2'M tdltotllll -Of 1111 Dally Pilot lf<U to Inf""" 4'"I llin> Mlat. readtn br pntrnthro th.ii """""'""'' opmionl "'"' co ... .... taty OI& fopla Of lnltr<il 4'"I tlgnffi-. by providing • forum for the t:pr•rrion o/ our r1od1rs• opfniOM, mtd b11 prermtino th• diwrie v£tw. pointl of fn/onntd obserwr1 and rpokttmt11 on topici oJ the day. .... Robert N. Weed, Pubilsber II I' • • . -' Repor ter Turns Revere nd OCC Ad Leads Newsman to Man of the Cloth, Jy AimnJR R. VINSEL • Of .. ,..., , ...... ,.,. Many are called but few are chosen and fewer •Ull get a personal memo. Thot'I bow I got the call. "Let's aee if Mr. Vinsel can become the Rev. Mr. Vlolel," said the note from.the editor, llapled to an •dd clippi<I qut of the Orange Coast ,Col~ge newspaper. "Is this you!" the bold-face teuers read. The teJt WU slanttcf t.oWIJ'd lho5e Cl>- posed lo the Vietnam War. oUering in· formation about the Church of tbe Humanitarian God, for •t to cover clerical expenses and cost of mall.in&. My ~utk brougl1t ~pp~t;ori forms, p1U11 a · 'S25 request fol' educational materials.a.bout the church.. who6e fonnal hi.tory datu back to the dim bqinnings of last January. Afy next massive from Wodd head· quarten in SL Petenburti:, Fla., brought news as e1ciUng u a smoke signal from the Vatican chlmnty. WELCOME ARTHUR "Dear Arthur/' il read, "welcome to the Cbur<:h ol the Hwnanitarian God.'' I was a man of the cloth -wbolt cloth, hued on my applicaUon. Using friends' addresses and fic· tionaliaed references apparently. never checked out, I "imqinativdy applied as an idealistic %2-year:Okl landscape worker wiUl a mls&on to help others. r Never having written a lelter of recom· tnefldatiqn for anyone who wanted anything more dramaUc than lo aQ,pl a d)ild; I composed my credent.i.als wiUI relish. "U he bas any fault, it is probably too math Weallsm for the -<;urrenl UmUi." I wrote as my fonner employer. "I .disagree with biJ views on the Viet- nam War too," I continued, "but I am a veteran, a Methodist and an Elk and I fought for his right to hold them." Then I wanned up to my work. "1 woukl say he is probit>ly more in· telligent than most his age and with the same amount of schoollng," my former empklyer wrote. That schooling wuld be tough to cl)eek out. " , The pmnt is, I sliced five years of! my age to fit the recruitment campajgn the church seemed to be mounting and a Valley P roVides Drive-in With Traffic Ideas Fountain Valley city officiall have o{. fered a few suggestions to the FOWtt:ain Valley Drive-in Tlieeter for dearinl traf. fie congestion at Brookbunt Street and Talbert Avenue during peak Clper&tinf hours. City personnel, meetina: with the theater management this week made tbe folowin& rtcOmlllendationr: -Double the personnel taking tickets to &peed entrance into the theater. -Hire two off-duty Fountain VaDey policemen to direct and control traffic when necessary. -Theater advertialhg urging residents lo come early and avoid the traffic: jam. -Explore the use of the Talbert Avenue exit as an entrance. City Manager James Neal said theater -personnel were coOpe.raUve and even ad- ded the idea of ticket runners (more personnel) to speed up auto entranct. "They realize," said Neal in his weekly report, ''that happy motorists are an asset kl private enterprlse a! well as making satisfied resident:;.·• Wreck Victim's Services Set ' Mass will be celebrated at t 1.m. Thursday at St. Columbian 01~, Garden Grovt for John P. Hawley41'°' !1202 Aloha Drive, HunUngton Beach .wtiO, died Monday in a truck-car crub Jt~peria. · · Burial will follow at Holy Sepuldit Cemetery in Orange. ; . Mr. Hawley, 42, WM killed lns~1· when the truck in which he wu a passenger collided with a car. Driver ot the truck WU Earl L. Cox_ 48, of Coitf. 1.iesa He was injured but is recov I < • . Uttle judicl""' dwacle wu clearly lodl· eated. W)lal could they want fmn a +-F re- porter pa.st draft age anyway! How about his NS, f(l" one com.idera· tion! . ' To cover my trail, I aakl I quit three coDts~ lt'tthout 1ny credit-closer to the tiuth than not ~ forgot my high school's address and my elementary school bad been eoodemned and torn down •. And no point ln writing 'to my draft boan!. J explained lbal 1 had volunteered and then flunked oot of the system as f.F due to illnw, mosUy being sick ol the , m1ll1ary llle, allhou.&h J didn't euctly •17 that eilbu. f.!olher wu ·per&pa the onfy one ••ho could testi!f to my prepartdnw for the clergy. They didn't even ask and as a former newspaperwoman, she was disappointed. SERVE FELLOWS ' . Once you become' a mfnis!er-mlsslon-- ary Clf the Olurc:b cl. the Humanitarian God, yoo can do little but serve your fellow man. That would be the end of the road for some modern cleric.s. Unlike the Universal Ute Church fouoded by the flamboyant, so-called Modesto Messiah. Kirby J. Hensley- which has no doctrines-the Church of the Humanitarian God has 1 basic one. The creed ls goodness and just!Ce lo alt. Doo't misunderstand, tbe basic phlk>s- ophy of the Church of the Hwnanllarlan God is an honorable one. Scanning over the four-page, 2S-polnt brochure malled to new minlsteMI'lission- arles, however, il appears that you can really swing in ceNiD ways and 1WI m p the fallb. RAISE EYEBROWS Some are certain to raise eyebrows among C(>lllel'Val.ive element.s, such u : -Drafting men for the Vietnam War or similar c:onructs is absolutely immoral. -No member or minister or the Church ... can serve in the armed forces during a period of such a,W"t.SSkm. -There is no just1ficaUon for violence. -Church buildings in themselves are <i little true value in serving one's fel· low -man. -Serving one's fellow man does not consist of dictating his &aUlil or mor1I standards, if be .applies the principles of nonviolence · and love. -The Bible (without a capital Bin this rtference) Is Joo coolndicti.y In philoo- ophy .,. be taken Uterau:;. -Clolhinl ol the '"""' will bo optlolial when aocietf. becOmea .realiatic abcrJt what morality means. Morality certainly means. mentioning tboee aspecU of lts organizal.ion which ctftatn lndh1duala will agree with more readl\)' than those elghl. l)RUG USE BAD The N!Celltly 0<ganized denomlnaUon believe& drug use ta be bad, while no one b eicluded fNm membersblp In the church for aity reason ,except those who advocate force and violence to achieve 1oals. Tbey (we1) consider manmade laws and restrictions u binding on all mem- ben. ex~pt v.1ben those manmade laws <:gnlUcl.Wllb the laws of God. • Qul:S\IoJ\s about which laws c:onflit"t ap~ haven, ~ be<n raised for lbe 'CIM:cb..i-the Humanitarian God the ·"'3< uieY:hlve l<i< Kirby Hensley and his 'lirilvenal ·IJle Church. · eemcs.llAILY PILOT BU!in"' Min-..,.,llc.; It Clirley miiht reply lo Mr. 'l!-siljf/Jiclj!lf with authorllleJ over lllS ~omamrng minlstera · by mall. , ' >CUrleyf ls.a boqafid~·lnlnlster ol,that rival flock, whil~ the Church ol the Hu· maftitarian G6d stem clear of vio1a1inl' certain etatutes by not awarding actual certilicate.1. · InveStittttors for the FBI are sus- pected to be keeping .an eye on the Mo- <le$to 1t!essiah to detennlne whether he miy bt ptoseculed for encouraging draft evaaion. l.JitE"CtERGYMEN' . ~ .n ·call!onrta Jaw, in'.uY o1 t11e Jnblloi.r. Hensley has onlilned in · the put sevt!D yeam-close to· '10,000-bave performed weddlnp ll'lti obtain aom.e of the privileges of cleriYmen who' studied for years, . "From lhe draft board! to the tax people to the attorney general. I've got 'em all scratchin' the.Ir heads," Hensley bragged recenlly. . · Mr. draft· b!>ard has yet lo respond to notification that I am ineligible to par· ticipate anf1!1ing the military-industrial complex nught have up ils sleeve. My denomination has yet to respond to just what my legitimate dutlea may be -besides introspection and helping little old ladies across the street-and I'm a bll disappointed. ·- How can it be any fun as a ma'n of th.e cloth when you can't dictate people's nioraJ and sexual standards? Reagan OK's Bill Giv.ine ~oters Control on Taxes Gov. Roneld Reagan has lil&ned a bill cuaranteeinc that tebool t.axea cannot ex- ceed certain maximums without voter approval. The measure. A. B. 5 was proposed by Assemblyman Robert H. BW'ke (ft.Hun· lesser Charge OK'd by Court ' In Kidnaping A youth lcawd of kidnaping a Hun· tington Bea.ch waitress has pleaded cuilty to lesser charges in West Orange County municlpal court. David Loma Villasenor, 20, o! San Gabriel, offered the plea to amended charges of assault and battery and ex· hibitlng a deadly firearm. He was crdered to return to court for sentencing Ocl. t. Villasenor was arrested last May 17 following his alleged attempt to kidnap Gloria Swearingen, 20, of 814 14th St. The waitress broke loose. from Villasenor and ra.1 into a police station screaming for help. tington Beach) and rtpe.als the con· troversial section of 1967'1 A. B. 272 which would have removecf' mandatory t:chool ta:r ceilings on July I, Jt71. , "The real significance of the passage of A, B. 5 g°" l>eyoncr the r<peal of an unwanted· Jaw,·• Burke said. ••The fad that the ~oters' voice in determining school tax rates was a signal that our legislature was oul of touch with the people's wlshes, '"I'he education establishment ~ couraged the obscurt provision in the 19117 bill and there WM little opposition to its passage because few people outsld~ of the education were aware of it," Burke added. The Orange County legislator who had carried a similar measure during the 1968 session, voiced his appreciaUon of the support he received this year. "The issue of the right to vote directly in school ta:r elections ge~rated more mail than any other statewide issue bandied by the lawmakers this year," Burke said. Valley Acquh·es More Industry Two ne\19' additions have been added to Fountain Valley 's growing industrial faniil) with a request by Ken Hines, . arCbttects, to build two Ult-up concrete .ljnlclmes. . . .Permission for the construct.Ion will be Grab )'tlW' partner arid b r i 11 f · bee ~ ftom the planning commission on down . • • Sept; 17. Huntington Slates Sqµare Dancing To the square d.ance class held In ~Tbe llructurts will cover a total of towQ • • • nutll. Id 000 l<fllar< feet, on the em side It'• Ill put on by the HuntlnJllon Beach . o! Euclid' Slreet 238 feet south of Talbert RecrtatloO ind Parks Department for a Avenue. n fee. Classes •tart Sept. 29, 5: 15 p.m. to . 'nilJ request follow! on the bee ls of an 7 p.m., at Lamb School, 10251 Yorktown ·~ppUc:atlon, already 1pproved by plan-- Ave. ~ • 1 vm, 'br Dmn Coli>. ti Santa .,.na to con- Far '(urlher lbJ!ormauon ,caD 1314671. ~"27 atructures In the same area. • \M 11-u1~1 P~n 1 booutiful interior with da&igne11 who offer frah, vlbr1nt idels-yes, luxury begins 1t Atra's at prkel you ctn 1ffordl liber1I T ""'' Avtllabla .; 1 ,' . ' All Fogged.-lJ'jJ ' \Vbat.'do early rising school children groggy with buses ran behind schedule because of tb' •i"" sleep, have In commoh• With tile weatherman? Fog blottin~ abi>osphere and motlier,.driving UW~ Chll- .on ille bi;ai~. ·ll'.;;I'& wbat.r Thou,.nds of orange dnm .to school found' lheqiselv~s in · some minor Cbalt.younnt~"""J'et1~1fa¢l«lo c1a,_1n1a fog It>? traffic-jams. d&J•BS tb~~l9f»70.sah0ol year·goe..und.;:;;•:.:r:.:w:.:•:::Y:.:· :.:SOm..:;.;::.:• __ .. __________ -'---~----· '_ Mm·fai· Winiel', British OuJ) Leader, Dies Mrs. Muriel "Norma" Winter, known to thousands of immigran1 Britalns in Oraage County through ber work in the British Bllgbty Club died' at Hoag Meniori.al tlospital today a.!ter a long u. lness. She was 55. 1.lrs. Winter is survived by her hus- band, Nick, founder-president of the CClsta Mes• organlzat.19fl, by h e r dauStitera. Mrs. Beryl McKa)':. Mrs . Jean Neuraan11. and by three sons, Robert, Derek and Tommy. Derek and TomJby ruide 1t tht home addfeas, 861 Capitol St., Cosla Mesa, A naUVe-of Kent, Entla¢, Mt!. ·winier came to Costa Mesa wltb her flµTlily via Canada about 11 yearl •i<>· ff\ey Im- mediately ellab~ th• B<Klth BllJlllty Club, ·an organitatlon that ba.!I preaerved British social pattsm and entertainment !0< "exlled" Britalns through lt.o dances· .and social functlom. FilneraJ arrang.emtntl a,re,~pc,handl· C!CI by WeslcU!f Olal"'I MoctUl'l', 427 E. 17tb St., Costa Meal. ' " ' . Educator Says. Tea.t;/wrs . Push Methods Over Ends 11The main thing wrong. Milt American education today is that 'tead>ers ire preoccupied with the means •ftdcfJ'lethods Clf teaching rather than with ilie ends ... This was the messcige .~f UCLA Professor James Popham Monday al a joint meeting of the Ocean View and SavilfUla (Anaheim) iichool ~tric:t staffs. \Yhat CQU11tsJn. thS! ~nd. are .mea:!lura\>le results, Dr. Popham etplafne<l 'ta th~ 700 teachers gathered in Hunlinaton £dwi1rds Cinema. He pl.aced emphuis on "criterlqn- referenced W\ruction" which he.J>elfives will l'esult in an hic:r.eued l~vel of l6am· Ing. l• . "nlll .apruP,ach tnvo)va tbeiformulatlon of meaa~rt~le objectJv~.. (911,owed py "pranasessm,e~t tt;fting'"' to, help thfl: teacher delennine what ~ student aiready ~ws, tfien instruction, 8¢ !lnalJy evaluatJon thr9ugb test.Ing, "Follow)rig such a 1 seq~nce ln , a cl.,"900' llltuatlojl wW rel¥flly J>Olnl out wttere the ""1cbor baa beet\ delicl¢ In ln5truct1l1!141 tech\li'l.U~·" Pcplw)> ~· ''Thb pJ>P'oac:h takes into conaideraUDh Ur8t no prinCiples of ·imtruct.Jon work for every teacher in every !ituatlon. It abow1 for tna.rk~i dlvetsc teacb41g mt\¥'f. .t.nd, i£ the e~ result is . a student-wf>o h~ met ·the ed\iCaUqnal of;>jectivai Ifft.or him, then the method becomu leu '1pl· J>QJ"tlfll, t I I . Popfiam then pr .. "1~ ~J;Od .for 1 .. rhera to·lollow tn J:omeJeq Ille llm .ai>d1 J111111 imporJanJ •I<~ ol> ~~.Ju ' . ,·,.!!, ~ , ..... ••-of·sev .... booP c111-. tion•I · obj~ve1, P~m 1 ~"! ... "'""' both diAlrlcls a.,, lcl-5'rvlce 1'CWl'l1' dur, iiig the pas\ year. · i· He. will RI in t!lal .ca~tY ;.,.;. thJs year aa: ·the Ocean View ADd Savanna dlstricts be8ln '!lie flll4l de!eimlnatlOo of fonnal edcicatiotlal llOOls ' lilr, thalt ettldmts. · · ~~~~"""'"~~~....,,-,,---=:-::::==:::::::::= HARMON·KARDON 90-watt ' SHERWOOD·AR 200 Watt St,reo . .. . • °""' t11r •lllOIM!le 1\11'11~ wlfll »ow• ... IT'lllr'll 1!ytu:lo. • • t ' -~--- '!' -• . . . . ' • ID Indianapolis · C!"'P ,_,Id Meet ~ ' ' . Ni~on to RevieW' . -.,. . ' . ' .. War, Pe.ace Plan . . • tc-llM "' ... 0.19 ........... r ,.:....rjck A. YouOI, 48i WU fin. ed noo and sent to the 1,;incillnali city workhouse for 10 days for &hOotiiiJ arrows at a post office near his home. Young told Crim- 1r .. 1. C..rt. Judge ThomH HMkin h-· ihot tJi;e arrows because be was ••mad at thBm." He said be was angry because a post office em- ploye gave bia,_ mailbol: key to Youn.e's wife. ''-• -.• ' •' ~ ~~~I Mlnduenty is "in ' good h'ealth and' in good spirits" al !he U.S. Embassy In Budapest wbeie ha has been in refuge smce 1956, say& F r•nz Cerdin11J Koenig of Ausiria. Cardinal Mindszenty is under senW:lee of life imprison- :1 menUoi' diHenmces with the Com· munist regime. It has been report-""' ......... • led that the Vatican would like to move liim lo Rome, but he is said to<be opJ)ySed if.o leaving Hungary. f After a vfsiC wiLh him, Cardinal . Koenig said: "I see no change in The wreckage of an Allegeny Alrlines Jet carrying kllling the pilot. The crash narrowly missed a trailer 82 persons lies in a soybean field soutlieest of In-court (bac.tgrolllld). dlanapolls. It collided Tuesday with_;_a_li...:'gh::.=t..:planec::::=• -----·--------------- Cardinal Mindszenty's situation, no new possibilities." '\ 1 • -~k on W11 y.''.·_Hllrt.ica;k Gerda.Moving ' Out, But Won't · -' ,_ . '.Mak:~-c.o~e8sio.ll Inland to Qu_ebec Area PRAGUE (AP) -Alexander Dubcek I• unti'l going to be driven -from publlc life, Czech HAUF~. N.S. '(AP) Hurricane the sea calmed. The ferry, informants report, but they say ht is Gerda movfd inland over Quebec pro-Bluenose, between Bar Harbor, Maloe, refusing to make the traditional airr vince today after lashing the Canadian and Yarmouth, wa.s kept in port .. fesslon. .of ~IL . Maritime provinces of New Brunswick Power failures put wit:le sections or ~·isuccessoruConunuoi8t·par· and Nova 'SCotla with rilh and winds o(: Noya :~a in darlmesi1. Jt wa.s not •.,. ty chief, GQltav Husak, and other·Jeaders up lo S> mil• an ooJr. and caus1!1g ;, known immediately how the province's $3 . . ~1.5 l\1illion in Gems David Opslad, 16, • ) cmd R~rt now In ....,. ~'· 1_.,, SoVl'el _. damage Iha\_ '°· ~ar appj!llJ'O<l to be minor. :. mllli<lD.apple crop fared. 11emfng both of Tomm'ct oobblt tcp. -=.~::-·~.,..,....,. ""'"t'"'" he t 1 : ipcce cake afttt ~ for a ~ chligea· that Dubcek's failure to curb M 1 ~ ed ·up ·the At antic coast . by nine foot structur.-1'Ud for.tMir-"counter rnolutionarlff" and anU.Gom-Tuesday, Gerda brushed New ~gland • 14-0au simuJated lunar, CIOJIOQe. ,TM muni.sts tp. 1161 justified the Soviet in· with $9 m:p.h. winds ~ore mov;ng over boy&", who decided to ~o tM qMT· 'n.Sion. Grand Manan Island, Off the -60Uthwtst ••O•e J)<riod. will_ .... .,,.,, =-/1111• ,,.. ~plans to>-remove Illlbc<k coast cl New Brunswitk. FOllP.lnches of Stolen From Tourist logged upe-rifnc.n-"' a: acicn.ct -fob' from the_ 11~. party preskliutn rain fell ID Portland, Maine, ·a:J)d two U.. } up<TimnL • witblD a few weeks. informanta said. cbea at Eastport. But the center or the P A.'RIS (liPI) -Jewel! valued at about Dubcek's departure from h~emment storm did not. Jii1 the U.S. cqast. . •· $1.5 million were stolen from an G9or9' P.e.n. di.rector of. a DD~ job, tbe JWaideur.."J of~ t al parlla· Nova •~•a•s -·th -•-e bore the American tourist staying in a hotel in lhe profit 1lnlg treatment in Qiirago, -. ii~ II! fDl!ow. ~~ -M~ fuhlonable Faubourg St Honlft ...:tion, testified 10 a Home Edii:alionll!il>-~ -Ull!'lt the -1 bnlllt al U. l1«m. wbicb--lore dowo potiO< "1'91'1!" loday. ; rommiUee recenUy about a d!lld ~~ i..t-\; the...;.,.. ~disruaocfptedpow-~:llnes. ·~and _,,,.line, Police laid'lilrs:ilrnlone KOniff, IO, al ' he knows who has made $40,000 uld. ~ lie relllled. to. ~crm the ~M ~PP111I air Pabn Beach, ~. ti>ld them lhe jewtl• selPAg drilD ou the atreet: 1"l'he t:racfitimM1 CQnnmmiC ~c.d ttlf· · ~·. . _t _ _. .. _ • · .. , were~• suit¢1111 that was taken from ~nld6'$-boy ofta ·1eans iiJI '~11.,,.. °"'!111!1-llO'did riot Tbo •'lnlAonau,.J :Tuna Cup : com· · her .~o;J room *.Y night .,bile she agali!S! a.-~uad car l!l!d seUs ·bi.r' want Iii bmi ·faith \ijth tbe' liiBHON of peUllan frr ~g_-ls':'U IUIJ"!nde<I • wu ~way. '·',, ~~"l!;u,.~ ~:.nc:; d':i{i '= ·= .. ~ ~ ~~ " . -( , , l::'~1'3~_~1u.1ri4lill•thati•..U· ~=.iod=~',:::%.o:ttk.:r~ Q_uiet _El_._0_--q· •\r.en, ~e U:!.f e · ~ wpportitf Wmw1uw .. -., . _ laf J i . l'ASHlJl!JTON (UPI) .-Preoldenl ~ will la& hli ..,, Oil¥isen to. Ille , IOClllli<lll""-Capip David Friday for q -aordinuy molft cl Vl<Wm War &n4 peac•!llrategy, White Jtouse llOU?C:OS aoid today top military, diplomatic '!Id W.lli&eoce leader1 would lly by helicopter lo the Jll'Olkiontlal .nVul In the .Macyl>nd '. Mountalns,. M ~ ~ northwest-of Washington, Frida7 morning for the 1eSS""1. ""' of the moot -prebensive Str~ng GOP Force Lines Up {or Baker WASHINGTON '(UPI) -A stroog malilion of staunch c:onaervaUves and impaUent young hlrlu today rlllied behind Sen. Howard H. Baker oC Ten- . nes,,ee to succeed his late father-in-law, EvereU M. Dirksen. as Sen ate ~blican leader . The early-blooming combination doom- ed lhe p.-.specta of Sen. Roman Hruska ot Nebra.Ka, the anticipated coast.rVaUve candidate, ·and left the Republ.icam with a two-way race between the boyish 43- year-okf Balcer and Hugh Scott, A, of Ptnnl)'Jvania, the acting leader and a poliUcal pro fl. several decades. Intense po)ltkting within RepubDcan ranks accm:ipan.ied the solemn final ceremonies for Dirksen. Despite, pro- tcst.Rtions of "bad taste" and "inap- propriate" there was fierce infighting. Tb:ere was general agnement Tuesday that onJy three caodidates -Baker, Scott, and Hruska -were under con- Eideration. Sen. Gordon AHott, the policy chairman from Colorado who was once ccilllidertd a eonteoder, was reported tO have no strength. But 1 series of mettings, including one in Dirksen's old office, indicated that Hnu1lca, a bland constrvalive, coold not muster even his own forces in a shW:down. As a conservative spokesman put it "the only questJon now is for him (Hruska) to find a way to gracefully wilhdra"." Sen,.Barry Goldwaler ol Arir.on~~., rtporf:ed backing Balrer and had. at 1ast reports, swung $en. Paul J. Fannlh, also of Arizona, to his side. ~ George Murplly of C.lilornia indicllted intereot. * for * * •Ev~ I ,, ,=~.nit.. ...,,dnilod the '" ,-, . ;;, . , . "'' . I =.~/r~~E '::m~~ :fi.w1~~~-'t': NiXon:'DeUvei~ Eulogy · at Dirksen's Funeral I rit11 in Londtm rneolld. Th~ ~ldlum'I re30lution condemning the in-WASHING TON (AP) -No band played eluded the Cabinet, senalors past and Dirksen Ii' clau~ter and her husband} Sen. I I • ' • ezptrt.s a:aid they studied nesta: vulon. f« Everett 'McKinley Dirksen. There present, m<>it members of the House of Howard H. Baker Jr. (R-Teoa .). Seft. for aome mon.tha: and proved wen no mufntd drums, no 21..gun salute. Representativ~ and envoys of foreign Baker gave a brief response in whkb lie · that birdl haoe ''an immoral Only quiet el~ aa his President and governments. called Dlrksea a realist as well as an tendenq/... A paper the tooler Nuclear. Blast the Congren bade him goodbye. . "He was an out.spoken partisan , he was idealisl . gisti put out·sbys t'he Tnoa:t am-"Our great men are the common pro-an iDdividllalist of the first rank," Nilon Dirksen's heart failed Sunday, five · oroU$ btrd is tlie Briti&h reed pen1 of tbe country," ~ President said of lhe man who had served the days after be underwent surgery for lung buntin.g, a constant trigamilt. Slated for Today Nb:on in hlJ euJoa to the Senate Republican party, his state and his nation cancer. Many o&Mt birdt are bi"mni.st&, Republican leader. under four Presidents. At oot end of Dirksen'• coffin was a it added. "Everett Dirksen of Illinoi! was and is "Everett Dirksen added t grace and wreath of red, white and blue Oowets GRAND VALLEY, Colo. (UPJ) -An the common property of the 50 mtes." eloquence and courtliness to the word plac-ed t>y the President. On the sides underground nuclear test blut, delayed ln an honor conferred 00 crt1y 20 men 'politician,'" Nb:on added. ''That is bow were huge wreaths from the House and ; Astroni1ut J1m11 A. Lavell J r. · may announce a decision on Jlis i future as a politician after the 1 Apollo 13 moon landing wh.icb he is · to command next year, WiscOnsin for siJ: days because of strong mountarn before him, Dirksen lay beneath a he became leider of the minority." Senate. An honor guard, representing all breezes blowing from the wrong direc· blanket of roses in the great rotunda of His eulogy over, the President !hook the m.iltt.aey serv:I~. stood a 24-bOW' lion, wu to be touched off at 2 p.m. the Capitol where he spent nearly half hls hands wllb Mrs. Dirksen and the watch. (PDT) \oday in the Colorado Rockies. 73 years. Instead of 1 nag on the coffin, Bob Thalgott, ~ manager for lhe there was the aaal of-the Senate. Atomic Energy Commission. laid a ten. After being borne at noon today without Nbon bas ,held cl the titubl....,,. Viel· ' . ~· ~ situition. 'hle dJlcuuioo la expected to ~ler In large part oo bow fut the llnlled States COil pull out tii>oi>s- Gen. Crelght0o W •. Abrams, the U.S. c:ommaildet' ln V!dl!am, and A<fnl,·John S. McCam Jr .• his immediate auperjcr as cbmmander of all U.S. f'orces in the PacUic:, are flying in fer the meeUng. The Pmkle:nt concentrated today on other foreign policy problems, meeting disclose subjects of to dia y 1 a NSC -his advlaory board on foreign affairs. He bas scheduled aDOCber cqpncU meeting Thursday. . White House apokesmen would not diJc.lo6e subjects ol today's NS C diacuss.ions but Jaid they coooemed neither Vietnam nor lhe Middle Eut situation. 'I11e timetable fOf' further reclueUon ln the ha1f·mHlion U.S. forte in-Vietnam has beeTI aJtered since the newly completed, initial 25,000-man withdrawal. More withdrawal! had bttn expected to be an- nounced a couple of weeks ago but Nixon pot off declsions pending further study of Communists intentions. Attending-the Camp David ses.Uon beside! Abrams and Mt'Cain will be Secretary of state William P. Rogers, Defen!le Secretary Melvin R. Lairdi Gen. Earl G. Wheeler, chairman fi ·the Joint Chiefs; Henry A. Kissinger, Nl:xon'i na- tionaJ security adviser; Richard Helm!, CIA director, and Ellsworth Bunter, U.S. amj>assador to Saigm. Bunker J1ltl for an how: TuMia1 with tbe Pr~tdent as a prellmlnary lo the broader revlew. * * * U.S., Saigon Reject Proposal For Peace Meet PARIS CUP!) -The United Sta ... and South Vietnam loday rejected a Viet Cong proposal that the twice-pootponed :!3rd session or the Vietnam. peace ·mn- fereoce be held on Friday. They aaid the dale was "not cooyfllli.enl" The Allies, in· a joint communique, Ct1Untered the~ Viet Cong propogaJ.. with a suggesUon that the four delegatiou bold their next meeting on Saturday, Sept~ 13, the day aftu President Nixon balds' an °"ceplional policy meeting in Washing Ion with bis key advtsen. · South Vietnamese sources said that the Allied delegaUons decided not to accept the Viet Cong proposal, because the eom. munist delegations were using Ho Chi Mlnh's dtatb for "propaganda purposet". The spokesmen or the Soulh Viet- namese and Amf:rican delegations dttlin- ed to say why the Friday date proposed by the Viet Cong was "not convenient." The U.S. spokesman refrained from all ·comment. and would not go beyood what was conWned in the joint statement. In ·addition to reading the joint state-- ment, the Saigon delegation spokesman released tl}e text of the delegation's i;imilar reply to.the Viel Cong proposal ol this morning. Although the orficial spokesmen declin- ed to comment on the Allied rejection, a knowledgeable Soulh Vietnamese source !aJd the Allies judged that lhe reaJOn given by the Communists for the second ,postpaoement Wil! "unacceptable." I Republican& said. The state 'GOP chairman, Ody J. Fish, said party spokesmen huddled during tbe weekend with Lovell, a former Mil· wauk:ee resident, about the possi- bility of challenging the 1970 re- election btd of Sm. William-' Prox- mire (D-Wis.) \aUve decision to 10 ahead With the Pro-procession to the National Presbyterian ject Rull!On detonation was made on the Church for funeral services, the coffin, \ basla ol weather forecasts-: accompanied by Mrs. Dirksen and tho -'l'be $6.5 million llrojec:t has bttn family, will go aboard the Pre!idential Holo~aust • ID Houston delJ.yed aioce Thursday because xien-jet ror the flight to Pekin, UJ., and burial lists want winds to be bknrin& 1way from Thursday.· populated areas in cue any radioactive The memorial service Tuesday lasted material eaupes. only 2i minutes before 900 people wbo in- I Heavy Rains Drench Maine Fair Weather Cente rs iii Midwestern A rea Mlwll Ww l"rK. ... u .. .. " n " " .. t1 51 1.N '' 1• .. .. .... ,, JO 1.JI " .. u 4S ... " .. " .. " p ,, ,, " .. '" " u ~ " n .. " .... " .. . .. .. .. " .. " .. IU M '" " "' ... Oii ... u • "' " .. " ~ .. . .. " .. .... .... .... "' a " .. Flam .. pour from a high pr ... u~ fas line which exploded in a residential aree north of BOUiton u''".,.,.... • Tuesday. Af rlghl Is a h<>me eoglilfed llf Ill .. (I;_.,. S.vel'll persons w~re in.iured !ii lhe blaze. , ' \I 1 l !l· In s. .. " ~ g c •• u ,, ' • ' ' r ' . l • 'Belfast Wall' Set B):_British BEIJ',ut, Northern lrelond !UPI) 7 • .Br,itlah troop f J!ftl>&"4 ' ~ to met •. birl>od wire and -... ut "Wall" to aepan11 f811dln( C a l h o II ~ s .aiJd l'nlteltlnla. nen'aol Calho!l<I .auted an l'ii.b_ Jleplbllc Flac on thel.-own blrrierl' and vowed to clelend lbem. Calbolles '.m ''Pr~ta "L'taERAJ.. CA .. blDATE> had built their own ma)rulillt Auditor Auttln ~ to protect ttieir '1 , • """'" from attack ln. lllL< tio! " ' ' u,,, ....... MOD ERA TES' HOPE Sheriff Grlbbs tom 1 cHy. 'lbe go~ermntnt ordered them 'tom. -down and the task of enlwclng peace left to the British Army. Black, White Choice Up to Detroit Voters House ·Takes Up Election Reform ' --·-. • DAILY PMT f : Senators Blast Nuclear Carrier WASHINGTON (UPI) -H"'91 Judiciary---wASl!INGTON (ill') -The Ml""8fppl oai-1t. - 1be fOW>dln,it ftthen Jl'll ii lfter tlx weeks oi beulnp. ·N1vy'1 '-1 for 'a ..... Baclira Of the Penlapl off unUI at least 1787 becaU5e According to bead counta by nucl~ 1lrcraft e• pk:Jced up tht aipport or 1 lhoy coukla'I ...... Wllhln Jeoden GI bolh por!IU, It 0r!erwu'Underftretoc1111Iom llllllherGlteMlorswhof1vor i IO yean:•tbere Wll' JtlWaUon ltaDda a eood chance Cl( ap-aenators undaunted by an a rtdl\ICUoo. Jn U.S. overaeas before -ID mis. tt. in:ovat aome· Ume nen · ....t o•erwl\elmlnr clele1\ tn. lbelr lo~• Tuesdty lo defeat Sen. 1 And Wllhln-....U.•thlee deco , by the two-lhlrds maJ•rlly ,re-lll<mP! lo.delay prndUcttill GI WUUam. PrnJ0T1lrt'1 llflOfld. ades lhe l>enale foor 11.... quired o1 a • C<lllllullaDa1 the CSA -"'go plaM.. mtlll lo tluh 1533 mlUlOD for voted to reform It, only to be amendmenl ..... _.- reburied by the House. n 11 . ~ 'limlllr •P-3 A•.,·use· d Sent. Walter F. Moodale (!), lbe CSA from lhe bill. 'Ille 1be blue -reform ol lhe proyai 10 the Senile which Js ..,., Minn.), •nd Cllllord P. c.... amendment loll IH3. molhnd of presldell!ial eleo-Jn doub!, and ratillcallon by (R-N.J.), have called •P 11ie1r!p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, lions-arrived on lhe Hoose lhreo-lourths (31) ol t.h e Jn E amendment to Mke .,,.,.! floor agalil loilay hi lhO form staltl whldl II alJo In doubt VCrS million f<r ... -~-out of or • propoeed COMtitullonal ii wo.'.id become ,.,, -bui w~ ~·= ameodmonl. During lhil week probably too lote to affect lhe · the Pl· 6wkm mlllliry ..... and next tho Hoose will 1m presidential electlOlll. ' Murder · Floi Curtrnel'l 111thorlzaUoo bill discusa whether the electoral Due to the threat ot con-The amerldment would pre- college should be scrapped In stilutlon crisis poaec1 by the FA YETrE, Mlss. (UP[) _ vent lbe Pentagon fn>m~ng favor of • popularly elected third pai:ty Cllldldacy of ahead on the carrier pen a presJdenl George WallaCe )~ ~ar, Three white men, one belie~ review-by the General nllllle )Ill! docldod 1hal1he- cot.eblbi1t la IYl<J-wud, "We'll fight· the w b o I e British Army if we have to," abou&ed a young ma!\ astride a 10-foot hJgb barricade of pav· ~I .tones, wrecke.d cars and lirde.n. His reactioa Vf8S reflected in the facts of the men and women who Jive in the two square mile catholic ghetto behind their slreet bar- DETROIT (UPI) -1be na- tion's fjflh largest city, tom. two summers ago by racial violence tha.J claimed U lives. will choose between a black man and a whi.te man for Rather than easting thefr there la almost unJveilal,sen-a fonner Ku KIUJ:lltlansman, counting Office of anticipated vctes for unknown "electors" timeat In tbe House kir elec-were aceu.sed Tuesday night of costs aod'tbe need fQI' carrien pledfed but not bound to the torat Ttform, but atcntOcant. trylng lo &i.ussinate Charles ln an age of auclear m.i&Wu. pC'aldentiaJ tkket J1ated 00 disagrtemeQt of the method. This WIS the sam°e approar.h '1 can usure YO\J that we the ballot, the nation's voters Many of the arrUments pro Evers, the Negro mayw 'of used unsucces&fWly Monday won't have a raclllt Cam· would be regiatering their and con were firstheard In tbe thls town la &OUthwestern agains1i ~ C5A. ricades. "If lho lroops lry to ahifl !he barricades they Will have to deal with us firat," said Bill Dwyer, a dock worker who ltanda slx feet three inches. Jn ae\·eral streets gn>l(pa of men and women b u • i.J y ~ the~ barricades "'Jll;; r~~ :~"'~ mayor. ' RJchard H. AU6tln, a Wayne County auditor who is black, and Roman S. Gribb!, the Wayne C-ounl1 sheriff, were the easy wtnners 'l\&esday in a DOD~ primary election that drew the beavieai voter turnout in 32 jean. Both men imm~ly fh- mised a campaign free of racial bitterness -difficult in a tjty sUll pbyslcalty and emo- tionally scarred by the 1967 · ,. .. ~-u ..-1.-choice dlrectly -and the coQStltutlonal convenUon lh8t Mississippi. Sens JObn C. S t en n1 Id paign, A~~. -.-~-tide! wllh "• most I hal f ••-his cheering 1Uppo· rrm.at a wen;; popu ar at the Jut momeht ta years Even, whose b r o th tr c rman o un;; A r me votes would wto the While ago adopted the<electorel col· Servlm Committee, already victory party ln a dowataWn Hou.e, provided It topped 40, lege.u 1 cot;npromise. Medgar was killecL from 1tn· bas attacked the carrlet hotel. percent of the total vote.. Presl.den! Nixon and some bush in 1963 alt.er attend4lg a amendment. . "We will be mayor-Of all the U any ticket fell abort, the House members would like to civil rights meeting. uid "In voUng on this amend· people,. not just some· ol tlle voters wCllld return for a ae. see the office of elector Fayette'• tniegrated poUce ment we may make a vital people.' We wlU show "·-_.._ c:ond poll between Ute two top aboli!hed while electoral votes f ted nd and crucial declslon as to UJll;: ,..... tkket... • -which equal the total of a oroe ams qpe man 1 t.her we will have an effec- ple Or Detrolt what democracy This plan was brougbl to the stat.e's senators arxt repreaen. FBI agents had JQinfd. the tlve naval air arm JQ the late i.s ua1fy likf." . . flopr on a 29 to fi vote .by the tatlves -are retained. search for the othtr two. J9703 and 1980s," said the At another ~ just. a few.1F ... ~=--""'-"""~;;;;..;;;;;;:;,.:;;;.;;;,~~~=-.;;;:;;.;;;.;;:;.~;;;;;,;;;.;;~~=~~=.;,;o~~;o..'"" blocks away, Grlbbs, 43, made a 1\milar pledge, though lt was Unted with a Jaw-and-ordtr hue. "We want to work: for more unity. not polarization," Gribbs sald. "We want both myself," said Brigid o·~. the mother of three young ..... "Anything-woold be bet· tu than leaving our homes UD· protected again . ., boloc:{jusl. -I blackl onct wblte to be the beneficiaries -not the vic- COSTA MESA .: Rosh Doe ;. Gusher Boom for Almka tims -of police action. We want more police on the street.0 .The two men jumped out to early leads In the field o[ 28 candidates and Austin soon pulled far ahead. Forty per· • cent of Detroit'• 1.t mllllon 'ANCHORAGE, A 1 as lt a high bidders to offer more{, resideri.s ..re Negro. and (UPI) -With the stakes in t h a n 'l billion -RUWng Austin was polling close to IO the billions, Alaska's modem more money in tbetre.aiury in percent of the Votes in black ~ ~lc;I today for the next 10 days than Ala:ska preci.ncts. cWms 'In art oil boom which spent in itll JO years u a state. rOakeJ the 4.9th state's famed Tire parcels, which went 1old JVsh look l,ike pepny-ante. unclaimed at an earl~r bid- 11te prospecfun of 1969 -ding, included several near secretive oil executives and Prudhoe Bay wbete Atlanttc their tlghtllpped bankers -Richfield Co. and Humble Oil waited until the last minute Co. brouibt in wells In 19111. Cooley Quits Post at Baylor before .aubmitting offers on Experts estimate the north HOUSTON (AP) -Famed / '''J\\t. '· ~~ttJ.q~; 'e STARTS WEDNESDAY e 14__. Hl'W9*t C._ hdfk'I. Or-.. ......... -~------ :;;:Eu!-*~~:;, =~i:~::::~~ii =tr..~~= VE~· EBB~ ~·E· 'S ·,··t·s-v,· .. Qt ltate-owned land alOng the would make it one of the ol Bay1or College of MeCliclne. • • , ! '" ' i l ~ • 4IJ' north slope, an icf'w1st1land .. worlCl's ilrge$1 oil fiel~---· L'. F. McColhnn, Chalnnan , . , 1 , • • ; • • • """"""" primalj]J-.1 & Y 00 cor\ll'¥'1iS have ~-an , o(. lbe Baslor Board of 'l'nill· • • " • Eaklmo .bunten .. ui , oil, war estlma~', !It» ,.!iuon ex· ees, confirmed the mtana.-· dlacovtred there last year. plortilg ·u.e area and. pro-tlon. Cooley co u 14 not be Al8lka alfjcials expect lhe tecting lhelr findings. ,..ched for cmnmenl .. ' • " • . Ever try lo dl!tal'hlf.lhe t.u!e o of a whiskey lo a friendlThere arm't. · too many words yeti can U..: "Smooth· •• ."mellow'.'-;thars about iL When·you're clesaibing the taste. of Seagram's 7 Crown we think there's one more word you'll want lo add.. That rue intangible .•• "quality". You cant touch iL But you sure can taste iU • Say Seagram's and. Be Sure~ • ' • -- ~~~ • .;:$.1'~ .... • . . From th·e beginning, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital was desi~ned to provide a complete health care center for the entire community. Equipped with the most advanced technical facilities, Colta Mesa Memorial Hospital also provides equally advance'd provision for the comfort and convenience of each p·atient. During the past year, our medical staff and hospital employees have used the hospital's facilities to achieve a common goal -the-finest quality of patient care. In th.• years ahead, Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital will continue to keep pace with the increasing c:o'mplexity of hospital care ~nd to emphasize our special concern for the care and comfort of each individual patient. We at Costa'Mesa Memorial Hospital wish to thank the community fortheir support and to reaffirm our original purpose: to provide a complete health care cente1 for tit• entire comm111lty. ·· - Cori• M•st M•mortal Hospital 11 ••pecitlly froud of lt1 di1tingui1h•d medical and prof•s1ional 1t1ff. Chlaf of Staf ls Or. Johnnla k. 81t1on, Jr., 1ssi1t1d by Or. C.H. Turner., Vice Pr11ldant, and Or. Lion•l I. Oe $live, S•cr•t•ry·Treesurer. '111• ••••n depertment chl•fs •r•: Dr. Sh•drick Moor•, mtdicln•: Dr. Frenk ll Difi•r•, surgery; Ot. Ch1rle1 S. Stev•n1, 9ener1I precfite; Or. Charita A, Dt(eney, redioloqi1t end Dr. Shlrl1y M. Schntider, p1tholotli • S.tVint on th1 extcutlve committ•• •• dirtctor• •t 1•1'9• ere Dt. W11fact A. G•rrlt end Or. Relnherd Marfhen. Hospltel Admlnl1tN1to; li Alden 0 . Sege, 8u1in•s1 M1n•t•r is J. Jam•• Wihon •nd Dototh)'H. Thompson, R.N.1 i1 Director of Nur1es, ·" Cosio Mesa Memorial Hospital is own- ed and operated by Beve1ly Enter- prises, a leader in the health care fielq. · Beverly Enterprises is nationally known for highest opereting standards and modern . innovations in hospital con- struction-4nd patient care. Costa Mesa. Memorial Hospif,a,J 30 I Vicjoria St. S-DloWcnComp111,,N.Y.C.llm!OdMUk-.,.81l'leol.'5'/lcr ... )!lfttnllpttlla. Costa Mase, c.nlornie 92627 (714) 642-2734 • . ' _, IJ .I I l I ---i~}m;y·-plLoT-EDrrOIUll PAGE • .. . ,. . I. " •' IO-Year Budget Facts . ' . The impll!ldlng (Sepl 23) recall election In n;n. ta1n Valley" b.is taused mlsconcepUOlll about the ~ celebrated ia.)'l'ar plan to pop up £arler than crall . •• grass. .., . · !l's about time the fllct. were k.nowD. To bqla with, the plan waJ conceived and developed by Jim Noa!, tllt city manager, .,.;th extaisive help from :Ill Ille depart- ment chiefs in the city. Some individuals say the incumbent ll)lljority fa<>- 1Jon of the council (Mayor Robert SChwerdlftler, Vice Mayor Donald Fregau and Councilman Joe Cou.m~f!l bas been taking credil for develo~~1of the guld e to the dt)"s tuture gr9wlh a!l(I "'""""'!~ They did not develop il It, wu l'feai.1 wort alt the way. But they did approve it and lent full support to the . idea ol a 1'master plan" of budgets for the next 10 years. · Is th I . Another mi.sunderstanding popping up e ro e 1n future tax ratl!S played by Fountain Vall~'s mucb-dl:>~ed JO-year plan. COWlcilman John Ha:p(l h8I. criticized Whai he feels is an 6veren)phasls on,, the as- pect of "Do tax increase for the next 10 years. . . Not so, be charges, pointing out that a council 1s not bound by the plan and m~ raise properly tues at any time -• · · He makes ao ob'1ow point But the plan was never lauded as an absolute barrier to ta:z increases. As _Neal says il the plan can be followed no tax lncrea&e will be neceSsar,. It has been set up to show wha_!;tbe city will earn at certain population levels and bow. m~ of those earnings can and must be spent to provide servtces to the po~ulalion. -• . If mcreased services are desired -wltbo¢ \;u•ting ether services -then more money must be brought in. But the plan, if followed, accounts accurately for 111 services without property tax boost&. . Some critics also point to a special fund noted In the l~year budget that diminishes each year and is al· most non-existent in the final year. That ~ is for capllBI expenditure---new construction. In the ~ yeu · • 111 city c:onstructlon-acconUllg to plan-wW be !lnlahed, erco no money nooded. • The IO-year bU<l1et hal achleved lntem.Uonal • .,. claim aa unique In city mapagement: J,I IJlcllld be rec- ogn¥ In Its own city as 'wen, But with a Nlllinder jbal II II •not a guarantee of ,ariYthlng, but a very well •• thoogbl-out guideline to the dty'a lufure. 1 Serviee . Station Blight A l<!Od·loot'f se~ station b· not 4ucll a bard • c:omw<>ditY to ; not In SOIJll! communities. Hunting- ton Beacli, however, b runni!1J Into ~bleml With at least one major compaoy whicb is g to change the expressed desires of both the City undJ aod the planning commission. The citY needs tight rules to regulate serVice sta-tion designs. oace a decision ~.design has. been made, It "Should be malle clear fbat pl&Dllers and councilmen will not waste IJilP,e listening to pleas for cbaoges. Lui week Standard Oil Co. spent an hour of pl111>- ning commlsslon time trying lo persuade plaoners to. cbange thelt lnlnd's. Several cltiea have fought battles over tbe comer service station and ii& beauty-or lack of it-and many are now winD!ng. Fountain Valley, for example, ,... qwres a ranch atmosphere for its stations. Sta!l(lard Oil, in common with most of the major oil comp.mu, has invested heavily in Its pullllc Image over a long period of years. Both broad public relations pro~s and product advertisi!1g have been instru· meat.a in the never--ending and itigbly competitive search for public favor. II ii difficlllt, therefore, lo understand -why a com- pany with such a large investment in HuntinRton Beach as Standard has would be anything less than all.out In its cooperatlClll !!>wllfd tl!e clty'J beautification-including ~g aetvice station design. • s -· ' • ''THIS i' A:udiences. · Spoil Muv__ies F°or Harris Dear ·. Gloomy Gm: Toward ·a Violent Black Revolution: I .Further Look at Black Ultra-Left ' ' (-of a tlireepert "rte•) . and wi-rtad eeailallon, for tbe Idea be a change In that China blu. Thero la w MHINGTON .,.....;: that black revolui,ionary groups here some evidence that the:. Moscow-aUped ' " . . . When tbe -enlal Geller fom- ily Uftd at Talbert and Brootmnt In Fountain Valley, weed conlnll •u a major tuue. Now Chit they've been evicted the weeds Ulere are to-feet tall! -"'"'' "Blad< Guard bave i<Celved fl,,....ial help from Communist Party rl. the United Slates ts 'OrgBlllztra Mmial.'' •· IS-page do-It-ldeologlcill< brothers In Cuba, Clllna or trylog lo move in on the action. yoo....U kll Im-recndtlnl and trainill( el9ewbere 'ibn>Bd. Ju prevt= reported here, pro.Pe- -J. G. R. ."7 •• •'ftlt ....... nf'l9m ._.. ....... ... ~ .... ., ......... -..... ,_. ... ""' • • ...., ... Dalb Pllll. a.., of tbe reasons , I · nrely· I" .lo IT10ldel bas nothing tO do with mo'1es, bot 'with the kind of people wllo ...,alll!Y .au.ebd lbe.m. They remind me cl. ~ wildt's remark, "My last ptaJ was a a\lc- cesa -the audience was'• r.ailure!,. of a fibn. ~ • 1 have never ·VQdentOOd :--the lf Uie people around me are nolay, or poyel>ological procesoes r1. tbe .-le . lnattail(ve, a< greed!ly mljllllbbts 111 pip- -I for Instance, I~ _!bey Ila,. 1o ...., II leodl lo wwp J1J1 plea-. m rei>?"t out loud tbe wonlo'.Dial.alll llUh-W>ldlln( and ~ I" f81 "f•t tbe ed on the !Ct"ee!l. ., .... _>-"'"' cen~al texture of. an ·a•lt""zre lltl, • ''111e F .. ture Presenlatlon.. ""'l' ~.w pojpable -u.r-......i mf-1111' repiat loudly lo their ~panlll!A,. ~-~ •ind a burlap~ niabo"'" llduod p""'""""' Production.~ Oo all """" want/<' nm iqi ""' alile and Cllll lalo the peopi. bring Ulil<rales willt Cliem lo !bi cool oar~ of lbe Fed. ' mo\iie house? · ,; · ·' , STAGE ACl"OU are 1l1 o es· OR THEY WILL iterat. a funny llDe lraorclinld1y ~ lo tbe -- tha< bas been spo~ by usuallooe rl.blurtbe of ID audW..,. and ID>JIY Ila,. lold me cha!Bcl<rl -their VOICOS Y " . '~I '~ ~Ve their IJM performance ring wt a rejoinder tha1 is even ~· ' ~ tDay .caa "Jmen" a smart and ai.. Pertiap1 they wanl lo l<t .i!ld' ...... ~ve ....... Con-11, i '.llJ'OUP of panioos ~ tl)'t,~~ a -~<!>!lv.mtioneers; can bring duon humor. ·· . tbe level GI a perfonnance within min- Even morei aggtavatinl art the 1-pec-oles after tbe curtain baa risen. tatorls who lauttf .a1 what I consider the What most ol WI fail to realii.e ls that wroM" placts. A ablf,ld· piece of buf-every wort of art (or even entertam- foorwry escites their hllarity to a mmt) ia a collaboration between per· hysWical degr~ ra. genuinely pailheUc (onner aM audMmce. sCede rinds thlin snickering Willi Even when the performer ta penon.iill1 misplaced riaibllity. Or a tense and. sllent abJeot -.u'in a tna9ie-the bebavi« of moment o( action,has them "explalnlnt' ~the home aHeicts the infhlence of the the proceedings to lhe adjoining seat. .. film. There are IOIDe downtown movM P~ I AM unduly sensitive to ~ a~hett around m~ bu\ the audience has 1 always seemed to· me to &:hare resFbWty for the 1eneral enjoyment bouaes I will not enter, no matt.er what film they are showin1 -because I know that the kind of audience there will destroy the responsive mood that is necessary ror full &ljoymeoL :Praise for Alton Allen To the Editor: I prant Su~ Alton Allen to have a qulqt word or Sppreciation and support frord me. Hl&: steady effort for planning and con- sertation, parUcularly for the Ali8o =urt'haJe, the: South Coast Scenic , the-Niguel Park~ the Irvine Itural and Open Spece Preserve, tt!f: F1!ntherb' • Park, · the Sbdrellne PrelervaUon ~tudy, Uie General Plan Project. the Park Purchase Fund, must oot co un-noted-'• •' . '' Letta• fTom readers are tfflcome. Nonnallv writers 1hould conveu their mt11age1 in 300 worda or le11. Tht right to -· letun to fit """' al f!'liminatt Hbel LI rt.served. AU ltt- kr1 mu.st in.elude rignoturt and mau.. ing oddrt11, but name1 mav be with- held or. rt'qullt if IUf/idenC Tf!'QfOn b apparmt. blacli guenilla ftghferr, is bt I n g ~ The best Jud-·~ now, •-." lo be , -. •• ··~• were escluded from tho circulated in ghetto commun1Ue1 from • e.-·---rr~-: aMlfi .,.._ .. coast to coaat. · ~. According to ex-Panther that the various black revol~ .PaotbeNpODIOl"ed Conf~ for a The manual describes Amerlca as "tile IJlrry, Powe.JJ the underground "Black. · groups peddle the ~e ldw, use the . United Front qalnal FUCllDl, btJd in black mon's balUegroond,'' '"'41 outlines Gtlard" was 'charged with maintalnlng same llteratui< and seek_ Ille 18JDO goala Oakland la..t month. Panther luder l!ulo (>SnH!lllltary training cou"!!i for a '\lisdpllne and doing violent chores for the because of • OOIJ\IDUlllly of 1¢erest.. wu a optaker al the Conference and ao "forenmner of 1 black llberauclt •rmv.'' Oaklaod-bascd Panthers mu~ u Wlftiated br~ <JI. the Ku wu Hert>ert Aptbeker, a vet.eraJS 1 _,_ -··v · · Klux Klan have cperated on the other member ol the: Communist Party'• na- t -Includes a dtlalled ~ and IUSTORICALLY, The Black Panther edge_ of the .-.c1a1 spectrom. tlaqal cominllt.t . :..,an;:"l:.i~ ~r t::" .an:.: Party was founded, by s I 0 k • I y The JUilice Departq>enl, under AUor· ANOTllEll CONFERENCE "' IM ~ Ion:& ' . ' ~1!t ~h!' ~Coon-:":t,.., Geu<ra~OO:, ~I~~ laklJli Froot Alalnst Faoclam ii schedUled nest · 'lllO P1blicatl0o offers a further Insight ~·;.;th RAM thou&11 J:° ai.; 11ee1t':': ;0 time, mtbe attorney general ma';1l:i ' lllGOlh lo_ •San i'ranclsco. and Ila pro- lnlo lbat -t "' tbe se><:alled bi.ct free #coloolaij;;i" bt8i:ka !tom tbtlr ...,. ljidlvlduab and Or't~~ ceodinp .Will ,ftij . .....,bed for fl!rtl>t• "YOliltloo wblcb. ~ cootemplat.. -"opp.....,..'1"1he Ualled States. tbe ·loderal courts. Tht bttt1D( p;;t.''""•:~Jdeology. F-of-'mo!t-"vlolent8Ct.., ap1nat lhe l!lb&s ,_,New. Yori< ~17-l•tboritls lold the -er, la that chugeil wtJJ ......... ~ a19 · lo think,., of\...,, ~-la the name olbladr~ md:lellan Cooul-Mlol.'_..,.; lllat 1>oe specifies _ cnioSing siat. llDes lo b;;ij;'l' • tb0t11ie· . ltlllldt wtJJ ,,.... lo FIUJll ITS ~ the J -branch of thl B1acJ: POntbet-rarty there parileu!sr riot, or leilure In Dlt mi be Tiiey note ·M1bt. larsest of tbe ·whit. manual wu dearlJ WilltJ 1or·:":: <J!lginlted as a ~ ~lronl" which ,... ..turns-and not some broadly-baled of:.. mllllant orgmlOIW.• Studeola !or a --· Revolutlohary At ti o • also tlooely llled, I& the Malcolm X lense. -Democratic Soc:ltty, Ii curnnUy f!IJdlnl ---Aooordln( l'1 N.,. York Cllf M"'1&!loo, 0.pnilltl!M> for African NEW DIREcnONS? -It is no wtth the pro-P~ .Progres.ive loabor authOrtlles, a_ BlllCit "Guard lon:t wu•· ~ J:.11imd,~ who watch old ll1JJ1lrl>e that the violent black revolutlno, Party. They comment that the Blad< estahllllled f.b&e by RAM !<! lll'l · die a 'liow ' drawing Ideological guidance from such Panther Party Ii much-Int.rested, -· Cleat!• howevet-tbe RAJ{ mmiai· .-pl !:!!.,...._ ooes emerge, with In-Peklng .. riented p~••andlsts as Robert In tbe activltlea of tbll Uly-whlt. SbS. " • _,, o -ledoct1og -,-..,,.tea. llngtna the same • ~~ bu been put lo other .... In ..,... .-. lime ol black ,. .. rallm>, woold llkt lo F. Williams, has often folk>w<d the. We wtJJ •l!P\ort Iha~ Interest in our Coplee, marted coaO&nllal, !lave lllmtd lbink theft 114 ..... plan, ooordinated. Chinese Communist party-line. The black nell column, lhe final column In this up in Pbiladelphla, New Yor;k, Delroit, perhaps. bl' a ·~fa!Uo\lllte oommission Panther Party, under the leaderi!l>tp ~, aeries. Cleveland, aitcago, DeaVer,.Los Angttes which bu tits atniad for flnanoing and Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver, bM and 1n the San Francisco Bay area. other purposes used the Red Boot of Mao T~ 'u a In Oak.land, according to a defector · party bible. from the much publid:.ed Black Panther TB.ERE IS, as of naw, no evidence to Now police officials aM others , ~1 Party, the manual wu used very support that th@ory. 1'or is there any monitor the: act.lviUes of bl.let mllttallf1 recently 1n the tral.ning of a Panther documentation, deapite persiate.nl rumor 1roups are_wondertng whtthe:r there ii to (Nat -How does the violent black NvolUtloa eurt influence? Some reflec- t.Ian& on a short. cool tummer.) By llA>btrt S. Allft aod loliil A. Goldlmltl Law Unfair to Irish Immigrants I have metilioned ~fore ln this gpa<:i! the fact that tbls country is in grave danger of losing the: emollient. and civiliz· ing inf1uell0e that the shanty Irish so richly gave of themselves in America's behalf. The Irish may have had other things in mind. to be sure; but that -as one of the etlect.s of the matter. Whal 1s called lrls~American, in lxith its pejorative and lta pral!lng sense, is almcot wholly from lbe shanty ltbb - the: ones who literally lived in shanUes along the eastern seaboard in the 19th Century clays following the awful potato famine. The famine: was the worst thing that ever happened lo the Irlsb, and just about the only thing Oley haven't suc- cessfully hung on the EnRlisb and the curse of Cromwell. (Not that I haven't heard even THAT tried.) of a national origins system daUn& back to 1915. ' 11IE LAW EtlMINATED I Io t of abuses; but It caught the Irish, and some other Immigrant groups with \heir pant.1 down. There wu no klnger a clamorous pouring of people from the old country lo get pa.st Ellis Island. The Irish in lrf:land weren't doing badly. The lrbb bere were wallowing in affluence, for a good part, and simply didn't Can!. Ttle.se ctrcumstancea. and others, created an anomaly. For years Ireland had an bnmigritioo quota of about 18,000 people. The lrW> didn't use the full quota in recent yeara, Immigration to thia country cumbered between five and siJ: thousand each year. The present immigration law, as Father John Ring points out, is unfair to the Irish. LESS TBAN 71' trishmtn we:re ll5Ued U.S. vi... during the Wt lbi months of 1968. . Cross-examination in Court Cro..uamlnatioo la very old. People have: always que:stJone:d a ipe:aker to lr)' to judge the truth ol what he ,.,._ 11Ua: does not mean that mol'! tban 75 Irltllmeo did not want to come along. The law II agaii131 them. Sa!'• Father Rini : 1'1bt new lmmigiation law in at· ll!mpUng to cure the dilcriminatlon of ~ old law, bu now ~led Ireland. and other nations with an 1unfair immigration ~ Amel1cait Irish c o m m u n i t 1 shoukl 'be shocked· by lht drastic effecta CJ( t be new U.S. DnmigraUon and N ... lionallty Act on lriOb lmmlgraUon lo the United Slat.._ ' · "Tie lrlab commimlty cannot be alle.ot unW tbe praont law II changed. "TllB 1RW1 COMMUNITY must speak up 1and put presoure oo the C<lngreJa or Ille United stales lo. amend tho law In !av..-rl. Irtiaod and other ""' UOOll who .,. belni llllfalrly and wtjusUy lrealed.'' IN ADDmON, I especially •PP.Tec:i"te the •lhoug)IUul advic< and help he bas giv;n our Laguna Greenbelt from the Vel"f'J start of out effort. I 1Certainly will e::tert all my elfor1 to for-..U any unwtttlng l\J1>POl\ of a recall dlrtctect againat him. Be)inf lhal,. I am looting forward to helping In bis ,,,.1ec- tb1 next year. JAMES W. DILLEY Passage of this bill In ~its present ronn would give Cesar Chave:i license to put his hand& in the Po<lrets of tbouMnds of unwilling workers and would be the first step towan:I totai control and domin• Uon by the United Farm Workers , OrgaoWng Commltlff of California's oumber one industry. Tm: SHANTU!S brouilbl ua •ucb benisons as lhe Kennedys, the McCabe:s, and :Us Nibs Himself, John Joseph Tunney, c1;.lled Gene. Some of the shan- ties are now so elegant they blackball Swedes from the New York AtbleUc Club. Lord H.clp Us! The shanUes, and their enricbmenl, art being denied lo tblHoontry al presenl by an unbalanced immigration law, which bears t.be name of 1 shanty on Jl· The Thirteenth Book of Daniel tells the story of Susanna and the elders. The two elders tried to '(in Susanna's affection, but when they filled lhey tried to con· demn ber before the tribe. claiming that she had accepted a young man's at· t.enUons. The tribe wu about to kiU her when Daniel said: "Are yt: so foolish, that without ttaminatlon or knowledge of the trulb, you have condemned a dau&hter al Israel?" ....... Often a lawyer klses bis case on G'089-- exam.lnation when he unlnttntklnalb' brings out fact! which destroy bit oWa case, or wben a witoe:ss be is try1af to impeach gives answera thal IOUDd ~ vinclng. u K's • aneva.oce you're: looldnc for, Ill)' ~ this is a proper lood one. Added wtadorn, ·and names o I ~ II lo be had from Pathe.r Rini anll tbe boyl at the American Irish Immigration Committee, N o rt• e r n Califoml• Oll.pte:r, mo F1ftll A'feauie, san Frm..cllictl, Clllfomia. M011t CN.lfomian!, and indetd most , Americans, want effective IegislaUon to Ed Jlfarrph11'• BIH deal wltli the boyootl problem, but cor-tainJY oot at the erpense of the farm T ltor: woriera themselves who have been AugllM 1$ guest editorial, resisting lotted unlonlutlon for a •• 8 Speak Out," comments on number ol )'flart. George Murphy's Cooawner Food 8111 whlcb the editorial refm 1IB PDL THAT the worker• ohould lo prototype of federal loglsla-• !lave tfflY rlghl lo join a labor unlo!i of Uo(9oulbl by a rapidly growin& bod)' of their own -., ·and an equal '11Jlt lo c;;:;wn ICMIS the riaUon to uwre all rttrain from joining 1 union to which 1111 rfgbl to purch.,. the food of they are oppoged. I hope II wUI be possi- il>Olr c:hol<e, In lht pia<e of their chotc<; ble lot you lo lend editorial SUPIJO'l lo an ifl!W belnf harassed and d~ b)' amendment lo Senalor Murpl\Y'• bUI inlR:J r ,,...""1UJtll and-H ~~ woaJoL~~fylnoutla,.1 compubory • • uww memlJlll;l"ewp l.fJ1 orm. A 11EV111W of -Murphy'a blD E. R WHJTS nvula lbli I! pmvld<a (OL the ~ Preoldenl and E.tecullva Director pu11ory -lloa at !&rm worlilia. Californians lot ru,ht lo Work . . 1be so-called McCarran Ad wtnt into law .. De<tmber, 1985, and inlo full ef- fect oo Jcly I. 1181. The purpose of the new law, justly enough, was to eliminate the dilCI. iminatory features ol the old law, whid had been set up on the bases ..---Br G.,o ... ., ---. Dear George: Get! You've got a gnat worTy column. I used lo hardly WOIT)' at au until J started reading your col· wnn and now I worry all the Ume. DAN C. Deu Dan C.: Don't try to thank me, Dan - that'• what l 'm here for. -- DANIEL TOOK each of lhe two elders a.side and quespontd them. Their con- flicting stories a~lved Susanna and con- demned her acc:USttS. In a modem trial lbe oppoalng lawyer can cross-uamlnt each wltnesa to test his memory, his bles, and hla knowledge and to bring out the whole lllory. cr..s- examlnatlon may abow the witneu bu ao inlertlll ln the outcome of lbe case, er has prejudice about it which cuta; doubt on hll credibility. Each party can have 1'itnessN ettluded dilling anolber't teatimony. The judge will al90 onltt them not to discuss their testlmony before trltl. Eich witness should testify free Crom the influence of other wit· THE DENIAL or curtaillni of-· amlnaUoo lmpaln a lair trial, lht rllhl to contrn WitliHMt When thb OCCilht • higher court -........ """" ...... One --niethod II "lmpeoduneot.";11111• tbl --... tends lo 111\l\r. ltiat a. -may ..... mad< cootradictA)ry llattmenla belott. If ao, hl1 urUtr statemtnts or lbolt m1de In tbe courllO rf. dbcovery !questions Uk· eel in ~ be! ... trial) may be produced ID coUrl. ~ may caua the jury to doubt or to dtartgmi what be oaya. Nott: CaliJOf"'ftia la.wvtn offtr thil column so 11ou mav ~now about our I.awl. • I .. ·~-.. ,. . ~ ~ ' ' • • ' ·, J ' • ' ,. ' ' ·• .. . . • • HAPPY HAPPY SAYINGS ON OUR BIRTHDA.,! - ' ' . . -' , . .wGANT BONDED WOOL FLAN- ..:. Nn~~to-1ato,...i. .. ""1o'° 611 (• llMY) t9090n'I ,_, clcnlSc kd;s; ,.. ........ cvlottM, doolgno ....... .._ '.i.Cb. ~ of bright er balk .,lhk. -- .. ... . . ~· .. -- .. TKB Pl!NNBT ftallY ''She gioea something.of herselP' By llOBBRTA NASH ,\lady in Cali!omia wrote us this lovely letter: Dear Penney' a: Recently I have taken up aewing. Ju a beginner, I have had many quu·· tions to ult and I have been really amazed at the helpfulness of one of y011r 11le11adie1. She gives more than pleuant aerv- ice, she gives 10methinC of henelf, which in this 1 rushing, complex world is truly uncommon. 'M1110.G.D. Dur ¥rs. O.G.i>. . Not.IO uncommon. At least, not at Penney's. . . Roberts Nnh Save 20% ·r .. . (thru .. Saturday!) Bonded f.a .bric sale! . . " GREAT LOOKING ... EASY S.EWING ... NEED NO Ll~ING! . , r . • • : 4 REG. 3.50, ,NOW 2.78yd. .. , ........ ' " IONDED ACRYLIC . PLAlilS Thete fobrics go a long -t jn Ml1. cim.. O< slacks. ColCJrCCMcfita.d lo mixn' mold.. ketatetrfcotbadling. Awilablt ii) GllO<ted l<incies. ' .. • . . '. ' • ·""""' ~rour Madqvctm11 for your •my-Ing nescl. We've 91WJdtfna lrom Kiuon to J1ppe11 ••• ~to pins. SAVI NOW ... CM.UGI I'll REG. 2.98, NOW 2·.3ayd. "'"'-~ . ,,, ! I "il.J ' , ' Ol'L'ON• ACITLIC/WOOL IONDEJ>rW~~liE JERSE'I' Supple soUd ·• ll!'o ~to - tote •• : .... iianJ ~ Great for your Fall -cllobo. OllW, dtollrut, gold. Got out yoo.-MWiftg macNno and stott iewlngl RIG. 2.91, NOW ·2.38,.. w ...... ' . AVAll.:ABLE AT YOUR LOCA.L PENNEY STORE • ' , • • I . , .. ; ' i • • . ' • ' . • • ' i i • ' ' ' • t ' . ' ' . • ' • I • • • • ' ' J...e•s Violence ' . " . •, . ' RadicalS Wilf Fini1 . Some Toug!fer Rules By GARVEN RUDGJNS aecurity< ~ )1r two men AP EdlH:aUoo Writer brln&lng the to14l to II. WASHINGTON (AP) -'!be.._ 'oi"~ police Radkala wanning up for a forcts' has bHD a l!IOl't point M:w round or s t u d e n t with many college students. upheavals can elpect to find Dr. Earl Jones, 41-)'ur-old bJ&her -ifOUnd rules oo cam-.. ecuttve 'vice prtsidint ol JlUI this fall. Saa FnndJco Silt• Co11e1• A nationwide Associated -a foc:al point of raclJcal Press survey ahow1 that UlU'S over the :past two unl..nlly and colt.go ad-y~~ .• ~ point minlstralon, once helplesaly on the a1lbje<t ol ' polJce In· bafOed by violence behind Jvy-terference oo,campus. · covtred walls, now a r e "~-accuse us d determined to deal dedllvely resorting toJa~ wh<n we and firmlylrith fotl:ta , .. tin, are forced to llU'nunon .,htlp to obstruct the "°""al Ille of from police.~ lit aaya. "l!ul In ~ ICademic ..... Willy. a toQl1tariaD .-Jety, pollce At the same time. the are Cl.lled to StetUe in JS!Ut, "'""'Y dlsclooes lhal ad-Nobody on .any campia ex· nµrustratcn have taken zt;eps pects...pollce to ·aetue an iasoe. lo liccommodale --.. ·We call them In to .....a.bllah stmmt demaodl for more 'in-a minimum order ·am· peace vol'tltmeot in· tile day.(o.day eo tbat we can get On with tbe , amduct of '<Ollege a n d buslnes,I o1 the university, ·fitllifWlity affairs. wlllch ii auppoaed to be educa- tion." .A( the same lime, the ..,..., dlsclooes Iha! ad-Refiectlil( J!Ublic impatience n\JmairaUn have taken steps with recunini wave.a of c~ to acornmodate construct!ve pua turmoil b a 811".i~ of bills -demand! for more In-JlUOnd In JC! 111o1e lefialatureo YON,ment in the da~ In the put lour mootba. ~ of college '" an d Most ol tbe1e measures IW°" unlnnlty allalrs. hlblt .bloc_.,. bulldl!>p, 'In- other survey flndinp: terferlng wit!> ~ .lftd In- , .....,. Across the co u n l'r y tlmJdaUng member• el tbe ll><ft'• been a JoooenJng ol -unlv.,.slly CGllUll!l"ltY· ~Ye campus . re&UJa· lllustrative .ol tbe ~ lfont, ailCh as rules forbidding pollcJes laid ~ by uni~ men students frnm visiting ty administrators ti 1 new aet coeds in dormitories. of guldelin• li'Gm th e -An increasing nwnber of Ullfvenig II ·1'fnri .~ instituUona are moving to of· At the oUtlet. tt.deClatea; J fer m<n opportuniUea .lo "Any atudeiit Gr faculty minority groups, and. to wldeo m~ 'lull tlme the fteld GI lilect itudmta. or port tlme inllnletoro-wli -C1IJ1pua www llj> forcea wtUfllll;y by uae of '1oleoce, bavobt<n&e.led'!llatmany force, coer<lon,'-~ 111- Admlnlltiainn aay llmldalJoo ' or< feor, ollolructa, ill rt1y more on .-i dilruPls or • -PIS' to , such .., ~. le -.ct or~ !Iii ll<lrinal curU radical ad.fvis&a. And oPlf•~"er~ C,_UJ rftanY say they wen"t hesitate ol the ~ :imtttQuom to Clll police onto campus of the un!ftr!lly, or '"'° ln- wb<n nec=ary. citet olnijt IO 4o oo ·lball bt Ort a majority of the cam-subject lo.,.. IQllf'nakm, a. -· -.it. this fall will be PJ)slaa, dlldianio or dlamls-~ -placea on faculty 1nd sal from tl•funf..nlty •.. " admlq,l.strative c o u n c 11 s The Carolina 1tatemenl a1lo ~Jy of(Umtti lo' them, spells out re!pOO!lblUli<t of acttrding to a po~ by the the president, chanctllor aod American AalOClall« of State trustees and bars Jn, advance Collegu and Univ tiea. aey amnesty for per_tonJ N" admlnlatrafor w i 11 charged with violations of tht precQct, hbwever 1 thlt these re,cuiations. and <ither changet already put CorneJI U•lvenlty, rocked Into effect ar< ¥&h to head by the black militant takeov.,. off dlmlpttan. . of Slraig)lt Hall in AprU, ~t emergdmoet strongly adopted in J'llY regulations , in ._ AP ~ey is the banning attempts to obseruct d e ~ rm 1 n at t o n of ad-university operations or to Jn.. mlnittrators to ' ivoid the im· terfere with any gr o u ~ ap pf the unl~.itf president thtouib the threat of physical powlrJess in • r°"" domain force. w~ Ylolence ltllk.,. . Firearm.!, language Ukely lo ne stiUtnili' attitude L! Jncite the use oC physical force reflected in= p security and "peraistent noial" also IOl"Ctl at tullonf. ar< . banned In lbe tuiien n.·u.i ti M1rylu4, r~&na. , lnr •ample, bal ·lnstautd . a The 0111Ji111n1 of . ad-oectil'll7 JU)ltnllo<. wWt a ,lnlnistrative moods makes It bacli&r<Jund ol '!l"k In police. clear tjlat college autllorlU.. He 1111 a cami"!I force of 47 ,.are ,anxiou& Iii employ the el· olllcOn l(lili 11)'1 would like tiirti of.moderate -this to "'1 10...-.. > fall to curb dlaruplloo. Thi UIMnllJ ti Tuai baa llrudels Unlvenlly ~I· !ncrWMd 'ka ~Y force dent Morris Abram aaerts that "pa~ beca..0 of 0ur'vawth only Z to 3 percent of the .. and flrtb' 1ieeaU8' WI Want Co· ... tion'• atodent. p>pWatloD are be r.ilJldJ for lfl)'thing/' diYI ".ct.~.'.' _ 'fbe ml-- a UJilvertlly spoket)nan. The jodlj>,'lie statea.,~pprovt ol force Includes tome 50 officers ml,jor futuru Qf 6mtdcan traiaeJI In Jlll·sponsor<d society but -be ocboiL IOr pe>ce offloen. clsssllied 11 rl!f!cll adlriota. r_,.. V • I v e r 1 I t y In Abrabam P<'fOlll uilni lbe Phlladclphla, which o n c • !See CllANGI; -P ... '111· rellof on Mlttd men hir<d a detec!IVe lf"1C)', llsnwn~ ---""" 'l"'ldtat Jed of· ._ a.-oat Ooll- ol sis private ... • mlla from Lne A41~11 to 1ncreue campu1 --... --_.. ________ --·--·---- ' • • ' • • : I i911!W• .. . • • • r • ' ' . . :. ~ '" ' ' -t 1 '1•_,(.. l~t. I + • • •> ' ~\ • I I I I /.' ffAPPY .,:lifAppy SAVINGS ·ON . OUR:BIRTHDi~!· ..,. • ... .... . . " ~i.J " • • ' • • T!J§n~ ST6fty A'h~rit ~"'' .. ~ "'~ti like-'; ·,;~o-ple ,· •• ·., ' · • I By l!OBl!llT>;,NA$M ,• • •· J • • I · I.uked a frietld of min J junw.Ys!KJ bopt•tPen· . ll'J~a.1'M'ell;Jihaveaf1m· \ ny. to -• ,ctrc 9f. And ' . " l'ln op iibU~aet. 4t Pen· -ney'1 Ill)' 'doltan seem to llO further. llat there's an- oillcr rc11oil1 too. "At ·Penney's I feel, wU, 1pecial. Not just an- other cu1tomer. Tbc sales pt.op le are. cou·rteou. H1JpfuL , They 1eaa to -like 1'hittlley d~, anoJ1be people-who shop thefe. T~ey're iieople who Hie ,. • people. So yoa can't htJp lik!na:.11 ... :• SPECIAL I •• l - ~t'"' .• ,.. • Boys Acrilan® knit sport shirts with mock tu.rtle ·styling 2 ·for$3 . . luy tht111 by tho poir ••• .,..r..ia.,. Aaifane ocrylic knit sport ohirh ... styfed tho .W<ii - he 1Jk11 thent ... slio.+ 1'""'8 with-" Mile oeck ... 1n-so1icl; .....cJ; .. ..-.: Si• 6•16. Western style iea.ns mqcle th~ ~t~~_y way fQr school agtrboys " .. , .,. "' .... .. ~ I .. -' 199 ' ": '· ' • r'•nneyt It yovr h1tt1dqUodtrf · for:tt eon:iplef, Une,~·11*1'• • o!ld ~ya tyrnw1tt1r. ~: ' .. .. • • ·-· . • ' • l • • • '• ~ f' • ,, .. , " • . I ' . " •, . SPiCIALI • • • I • • • Boy's sw•afshirts •.• the l~and the shortiof.itl Buy '1im'seY.rall '; Coniforttible men's . 1.22 Of 95% cottoll/5% OCl')'lic, with .................. ~ .i-... '" "". ,,_ ... inorq,-r,,.ltiiw,W... maize or f*1*k ·if! s!i. 6-20. . • ... $Weatiliim at a . comfortable price •• :.-handsome, tool . . ... ~ . 2 '$3 .for _. • _______ ....._ ___ ~ ·• AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE , • -.,, s.,ttnlbor JO, 1969 !h!flte Saoklng Nation to Keep . --• ~ To~(!o Su~_~y ~. , ~ . ) ' \, ,, Our bowl I WMlllNG'l'tiil -~ .-acres In~ wp mono tbe Nblon Id-cosUy burlt)' iOblc.:o I s ....... In • 11.,.'*'1' 00 gl'OWll. Tcblcco aiells at about wllldl fbt -tpeDds 115 ...U I pound and each Uoul "° milllln Ytlr. acre 11-•booll fl,300 ""'1h, dollllta Ille ~. own "one of the hlJlbest "\'.lllJO etdinate tb&I lllJloklng kills acre cropi< l?OMl'ili'tfio Uni-.~ ~-ao-led States" •acoorcling to the nualfy. ' ~·· \ ...... ,. a· over~ • . ~ ~ fl ~ -' ' •' I · Althouah'... .i a.t'te • .in. .., Tbe.~aDo!ni<Dfs .liave lWnokin1 pre&sure was strong Kept 'tobacco farms so small enough to pn>mpt a tobacco that they coold nol stay in industry agreement that would business if forced to switch to end clJant!e """"'1el'dl on other crops, Ellender said. televislan, lhe S e n a t e "On one acre of tobacco to- Agricultun Commltlee bu no day Y'"' make as much prolll plans to even COOlldu bills as Oil 10 acres ol: soybeans," that woold 11op .,. ?<duce. he said. Without tobacco, he tobacco.subsidies. aaid, tobacco farmm lnd Agrt<iulture Secretary CW-. ~ed help would "flock IOl'd M. Hardin haa Indicated Into the dtla ~ cause m .... he plam to propose no changes welfare burden. in the tobacco pro I r a m , Despite the-farm ~cs, Federal agencies and many Sen. John J, Wllliama (R- aeoaton: have called tor De.I.), has urged the gove.rn. advertising bans for restric-ment to realize .lt makes little tioos as the . best way to sense to spend JS mllllon a r e d u c e c t garette-related )'ear "emphaa&.lng the danger deaths· but Hardin decided of tobacco w;hile at the same thil y!ar to continue a pro-time spending more millions gram under which ab<Jit· :to·~d.ize its production." $230,000 in U.S. "FOOd ~ ~ called it an Peace" money is~t to ad.. ~~.n and Sen. Edward vertise cigarette!! containing. W. Brooke (R-Mass.), haa in· U.S. tobacco in Japan, Austria lroduced a blll to stop the and Thailand, 1 ' IUbsldiel. "Federil tu dollan Government • .tobacco pro-lhoold oot.tw llS!d I'! supPort grams abo liloltide fann price , the prico of a produc:t wblch oupports, 11101J1JJ in the form bas heal proven by ageod.. of loans, .,.. • program under of our own gov-to be which U.S..l4acco aporters in!uriOll5 to heilU>o" ~ get five atl)s a pound from UJd. ~ .~ ', 'l the ~ '!'he subsidy But to the :Agrlculture is desiped to let exporters Department and congressional sell ~t the "world" price, farm block leaders., t h e whicli is below the domestic subsidies seem small com- level partly because of U.S. pared with the tax revenues farm supports. f/olll tobaoci> • w.bkb totaled "I'm golag to keep the 'fl .1 ·WJ!on In lederai, sta~ aub&ldies on "' in the past," mid~ taw Jut 7ear. The Senato AJo1alilllle ChaJnnan . ·AJri<'"l!ure Depertment alllJ Allen J. Ellender (!)-La.), said piinls out tobacco uporis in an interview. "H you don't 1contrtt.i:led taS milliorr&o U. proled the fann..-, he'• f'1"1 U.S. side of.laat year' a balance to be put out of business.' of payments ledier. Elleoder's s ta te•e·nt reflected the p e c ~ ~si::d ~~now ' Irish Eating suppor1s about &21,000 1aQ)ilies M . F d acc<>rding to Agricu)twe CXlCan 00 Department estimates. l'Qbac- co ii the nation's foult!i or filth bigest IDODl!Y cnp at about fl.3 billion a year. To participate bl tbe SUPP,Ol't program, tobacco farmers must atick to a JOft!'DIDeDC ~ ~t •bleh ·-ooly u -per farmer bl North Clrelina, the lilueot P-. and ~ . . • ' WASHINGTON (UPI ) - Enchiladas, tortillas, tamales aQd chili ore oelling like bot, · c:aUs in Dublin, ~ to the Agrlculturo Department. It Aid that u nblbitor of a Tens line of f1JOCb lOld his ••. lire demoostration stock in two days at the hish lnterna- tionll Food,and Drlilk Fllr. See more ••• enioymore! . WIDIANGLE BINOaJLARS S1111'al YOUR FIELD OP VISION ., •' . ~ · .... UK1 rr ••• OtA1GE m .· CANOGA PARK DOWNEY . ' J -. ,____· ~~ .. ·-·strike•· ti· Foremost•.ptuiqo.l"i " t ( • • • . 'l ' . bowling' begs ••• carrM •II yoyr ~w~ns. n~sl ' . . . ·- Hanhide-Tough themioplastic ,._ sistuaaldoesand saapos. Metql s'- rad<, lad<. Blade, blue, wl>ite. 8.99 , s.,.r1tor-large size room for . shirt, shoes. Metak ball rack, .. w nylon zippers. Block/red, oil"/ white. 10.98 LIK£ IT ... CHARGE ITI , I D . ' ' FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH to your ·~ meosu..- Mnta. No chorgs ••, h'a oil lndudod .. tho pi.. a....p1co. ''SAVE '31 TORNADO SAVE '31 ~C\"300 BOWLING.BALL BY EBONITE PLASTlC BAU. BY EIONlTi REo, ~a.99,. t-io.w 1S•9 9 11Gc1t Mnl ~'bon, 1ono pr.r.n..t by !he 'J"OO'. ·-fbt PonriOyl'by """°"' Ebonltel Made .. ~ ""'1ln; Congi.. opedllca~..._ A,,.;. able In 12, 14 1$0 16.lb. Wllghb. LAKEWOOD MIN'S BOWLING SHOL Softgla¥e leather uppers for sup..-me com· "fort. 2-oyolot bolly typo . '1yllng. 8. 99 • ' , • MONTCLAIR . . .HG. 20.99, NOW 17. 99 ' 1Mi ii our beol •lttns bolll SparldintJ lowol - -.. bl.., In 12, U, 16 lb. wolghts.-te ~rfeaft Bown"' Congrw ipedfiwtiot-. .· . ' . 1 :J . . WOMIN'S IOWljll9 SHOL s.-.... . i.atMr Upp. wahaa to Y""' IOOt for• .... comfartahl• flt. Hew round "'" otJlng. 6.99 ., b • • . ,,. 3 \ • . ' ,. , , , I 1 • ' • · SAV~ '1.so PER GALLO"' ~/mcraft•'Custom interior lawt : ·R.g.~~ 3. 99~ :'. • DO a profliuional looldng job with dlh ...,., , ·; ·to,apply paillt; ldeol lor ....Ytnt.rlarMtaof. ·_It goes on ~ly with •lthooj ~ w rofor ; ond dries to Cl beoutiful finlsli. -. ' Penncraft9 c..,t.;., inftrfor tint ""'"" 1 ; Rog. 5.49 NOW.--,,,,. .... • • r •. • " • ,., .,....., 0 .' AH ~-------· • ¥ . . .. . . . SF Mayor Restates Malia Link Denial on TV SAN FRANq$CO (AP) -magailne, had made the I !ls comn1enta on four Franciscans on I.he publication minutes. "1 am not coln('to allow my denial earlier In a nc"'.!l too~ televlslon stations and several day of the Look tasue, or which "Talk about the Mafia being oame or the "~tlon ol our !ere.nee and ln 1 49·page rep· radio stations were patterned all ti ooo ""plu "·t lb t d · db" to be-niuab &he • "" -r u e active in San Fra~ is mud • ., ~ , Alioto lyi. as aa address to his fellow San here were eol ~U}i within , aheer non~ i• J~ tale, declal<d lO 1 teltv on broad-plain ru~biali,'' the mayor said "" 111•9d•y lll&bk, Look Editor Hears ·Alioto Tr1'-inr: 1;:::1~':'~. ""· For the 63.yeWd}d pro-aJ.K. ference alter his 1alk, Alioto epecUVe Defnocrat!"1 dndidate said lle would decide in lot goVemor, It w" th6 third SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -\Villiam Arthur arrived the article but reaffirmed the January or February whether t • The edltor or J,ook magazine Tuesday with an attorney for · h Ill m•Jor denial •Of a Look Is in San Francisco "to the magiz.ine and 'met wJth magal.lne sUll stand1 by a e w challenie Republican magai.lne arttde ~rt Ing to determlne whether or not the authors .of an article which statement issued Saturday Gov· Ronald Reagan. tlnk him to Cosa ' Nostra M•yor Joseph Alioto said allegedly Jinks M~or Alioto that "the facts speak for "The Jibd ii clear, and the ' leaders. anything on his television pro-with the Mafia. themselves. We are confident malace is manifest," he said ' ' ... • m11A1~~o·u~~ ~a IU'eet a tl2.5 gram that might call for a Tbe edhor ot Look had in the accuracy of our ,,1,.. 0w1rl.~.! ~~~~ b8Y~-~~c:_elanced ·-. • , · • , z...~"-·1'!1119 11· i-~~~--~'~wt_•"-7•·1na~t~th_•~"!~·-'"~~-:-~~~~d==1~·'."!:..f:.::.:h:::::...::.::ln::::::_::::._~''.'.':.."~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~=~-·~~~'"~~-'L-tB~E~L~ts~·~~~·~1~A1t~·-t I _. ec in 1.4.rt er co ment on RicbarJI Carlson. Mayor All1tei ij ·Brigg~ Campaigning For .~OP Caucus Spot ~CJIAMENTO <UPO -;Aooemb!yman Jahn, V. llrlw ,tod81' Cllllpalped IDlOl!I his jellow'· l!epubllcin lerta.!aton 'lor support in ousting vetertn A ..... blyman Don Mulford u f<JP CIUC!ll chaJrman. <t' "I fully intend to make a llJn at it," Briggs. o f 1'ullerton, said Tuesday. "I Wlls hoping that MuUord would gft aome kind of a promotion f(f a committee SJ>Qt and leave the Office vacant"-. . fbe secoud-tenn ltgiilator sald there was a posalbllity Assembly Speaker Robert T. ~tonagan "'·ouJd create a special c ommittee ap- pointment or estebllsh a aelect committee for Mulford. "He doe.sn't have the votes. r have the votes," said ,1-fuUord, cau~ chairman il!IDCe 1913. . ".Anyone wbo ba.; 21 v*' can ,.1 It but I don't anticipate cb&np.1' • • • It takes Jt , ol the 41 wembly llepubll,c= ~ eleol Hayakawa: Revolution Mooing On. \$A!lf FRANCISCO (UP!) - Sin FrandllCO State C.Jl<tio Piesident S. I. Hayakawa Mys I.bey o u t bf u I nvolutionary movement that stuMed col- lege campuses .Jut year puiy usumt a different lorm 'dur- lq the upc«ntna ac~Y.•..-. Hayakawi., speaking Tues- day at a luncheon ol the Lawyers WiveS of California, said radicals already may have shifted their interests away from tht nation's cam- puses. "The wave may h a v e already passed us by and moved on to oth,er areas, sµch .. buslneas, lndU!try' pro- fessional societies and govern- ment agencies," Hayakawa iald. "I wonder whether the m.ainstrNms of our society will be able to cope: any better t.ban lhe educators." Hayakawa squelched a five- monlh stude,ot~ •trike la.st school year al San Frariclsco state by ~lllng hundreds of police lo !~ camJIUi. 6'vtral bloody bi.ttles d e·v e I c:i p' e d belwetn police and students, and more than toO persons were 11ruttd durln1 the fi ve months -includiiiJ:. most of the student strike !elders. Routine ' Sto1~ Nets Pot Find party, officers. The caucU1 cbairinan ii the fourth ranking Republlcll'l behind the speaker of the Aaaemb\y, th< speaker pro tempore and the majority leader. The caucu:1 chairman helps other party leaders a n d members set policy and·lceeJ>I members informed of changes on lsaues. Second-term Assemblyman John Stull of Leucadia also 1''U mentioned by sources as a possible contender for the caueus chalrrnaosb.ip. Stull is not actively seeking the job but he was appointed by Monagan to serve as acting caucus chairman last spring while Mufrord wu hQspitallzed for several weeks after an eye operation. Veto Session Winding Up SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe legislature neared the end of its t9il9 sesslon today Vtjth 1 23-year-old tradJtion still intact -failure. to override the governor's veto of a. bill. Some senators stld they pWqied to Icy tdd1y to overturn Gov. Reagan's vet.q of some proposals '° thej cooJcf wJnd up Lbe veto~ion by lonijh~ • But one aenator, Democrat Alfred E. AlquJst of Saa Jose, joked with ref)Of(ep that he might tfy' to" keep l he legjslature in aeSl!on until Fri-day. · · Asked If, he. would 1ty to overturn Rtqan's veto o( his open preSidential primary bill, Alqu~t lool<ed around the Senate chamber and remark- ed, "Not today. We don 't have the votes. Maybe I'll mike it a 11peclal orde:r for Friday." But Alqulst admitted such an attempt woold face sttff-o~ position f r o m Republica n leaders , <if both houses, .who hoped to wrap up the veto session early. ' Voting .Age: 18 or 19? SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-A joint Assembly committee ie leaving San, Frlncisco after hearing a load of reasons why Calltomla~i legal voting age of 21 should bl: Jqwered. In hearln1s Tuesday, the on· ly quesUon that seemed to be in tbe mlnda.Gr' Witnesses was whether ttie 'new vo'tlng age should be lt or 1&. LOS ·ANGELFS -(UPI) -A But it was clear that the car atopped for a rouUne traf-legialators wtie concerned, as fie .\riol.ttkln Tueaday nl&ht ln well, with an issue tied to the West Hollywood area lowertd \•otlng age: rcvlsl9n )'ielded e11bt kilos, or about of the age of I e g a I SI0,000 worth, of. marijuana . respon&!billly. the C&llfornla lflahway Patrol Dr. Joel, Fort, University of rtecf. , . _ California at Berkeley lecturer Tlle·aitfo,Wb pWled ..,., on and oociolollst. recommended t Boulevird and one of the vote go to 18-year-olda. occupucfe,:Z• d>ltrved • "Youth in Calllornia and the dropplq 1' oul of the .reat of the nation should be · a CHP «ncers liven the full ri&hl! and appr'OIChed. A check nivuJed .responalblUUes of American .clp;rttte wu marijuana. clltlt.enshlp because it i s 1 ltarc:b cf the car turned morally right. conatitutionaJly P Ille eight IO!oe" necesaary •.• "Fort said. I 105 Days 1'111 Chrl1t111as GIY• Something of Yourself Join our craft classes NOW! ,Qecot1pa9• -l>r'!I!'"' .,.. Flo wen . • llftln -Statuei Phone 645°246.0 Inf HAlllOR BLVO. COSTA MESA T ' ' CANOGA PARK FOREMOST® B.R.W. 4 PLY NYLON CORD BLACK TUBELESS PLUS FED. TAX AND OIDTIRI ORIG. FID. I Sill OllG. PID. TAX TAX 650-13 .. 15.9S .. 1.79 695·14 .. 17.95 .. 1.9' SIZE BLACK TUBELESS Sire Orir. ferl. t•• ?JS.-14 .•••..••. 11.95 ••••••••• 2.07 ' "5·14 •••..•..• lt.95 ......•.• 2.20 . 775-15 .•.••.•.. 19.t5 -····· .•. 2.21 BLACK TUBELESS Sir• Orir. f•lll· iax 125-14 •........ 21.95 •..•..••• 2.36 aJS.14 •••••• , •• 2:1.95 •••• ,,,,, 2.57 115·15 •••••.. -• 21 .95 •..••..•• 2.31 t45-15 • , , , , • , •• 23.95 •...•••.. 2.S7 $16 plu1 fe4. l.n: .... •" tf,. $19 ,11111 ,. •• lex •ml ehl 1iN WHITEWALLS ONLY '2 MOREi 27 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGAINST TREAD WEA:f\OUT If your tire wears out durin& the firlt half of the l'Jlflfttff ~riod, return it with yaur auarantee ctrtif!Cate and """• will replace your. tire wilh a nl!w tire, ch1raina you 50% less than the current sellin1 price incl\Jdinr Federal Eilcise Tax; if you r tire wears out durl"I tht second htlf, yOO Pl)' 25% leu than the curre nt se11in& price includint: Federal Erci11 Tax. GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE II we repl1ce the tire durini the free-replacement period, th tr• is no GN11:e; if we rtp1Ke the tire 1fter the tree-replacement period, you pry 50%or 25°' le_ss than the current sellinf priu of the t1r. inc:lodint Ftdtrtil Excise Tax. COMMERCIAL USE This 1uanntn is void where pnsen£1!r tires are used on trockl, used tar busin.!Ss, er driven over 30,000 mires in one ye.ar. H•r•t h.,., Y•"'r 9u•nu1t•• fl'fai"ft faihH• w1rk1: f"li,. 1uaranl•• period._, ...... , ••••..••... 21..,...,ht fr•• r•plac•'"•"' ,.ri•d .. ,, ..• , .. , ...• , ••• J.14fl'le"lh• SO%eff period ..•.•••.•.•... , ••..•••• , .• 11-21 IM"lht 25% off perlacl , ••••• __ .•• , ••. , •••..•• 22 t• 27 -nlht Our own Foremost Premium shock absorbers 4 for 27 .88 inotallocl These great shocks give extra service and extra 1afoty on the road. Up to.43% more cushioning in the piston CIN<l than ordi· nary shocks. For a smoother ride from now on , , • •lop in today at your closest Penney's Auto Center. LIKE IT .• , CHARGE IT! CHULA VISTA DOWNEY LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA ' ' 1 ~· Apatla" Cited Relations Board ' Pereira to Study l Regional Airport I May 6e Dissolved By TOM BARLEY ot 111 Dellr ...... II• committee members but It was argued that the publicity stopped there. ' ' SANTA ANA -~ project -· foe Yederal COJnty govorum'1!1'1 airport 4 • l a 11 on ~tWn coosultanl, William L. ........, <rMl baa Qaipoil penonnel • -..--... won In "' aft\lo'l' capacl-and Associates. has 1moved cm 11. , t SANTA ANA -A much heralded move lo create a human rtlation! commission here ts apparently foundering on a very human faiUng - apathy. losomelbingeffilblatr. Pe.-~ liis done • 'nit Corona de! 'Mor !lnn, l'hal!t I aiod i. now dol~I along with s,_ Dlvekl!> l'llalt U ti 1 Moller Plan for ment Corporalloo wu bind Air ~ f0< tiio Meetings WIDHllDAY Mllllfl\c kll••ll'll ~ Nil. 1. A 14-member committee was fonned ln July with a view to holdlnl • • m a s. s ' 1 meetings al which public ,_ ... lo the proposal coold It hu be.en suqested at commlttee mettinp that "it might be concluded that the people in Santa Ana do not favor a human relaUou com- mission." City Councllman Jerry Pat.. ter1Son, the cqmmittee chairman, isn't so, sure abou~ that. Tueod&y by the Sootllem CllUlll;J. ' California Asaocl1Uon of Otber CGU!'ll&es ltlvolved ate Govemmenlt (SCAG) to lloo Ao(tlea, RMnido. ~ develop a fl00,000, lo.ec.mt}t Beroardim. Sm D i e g o, master plan ror a reakml hnperlal. Ventura, San Luiai airport system. Obdpo nd Santa Barbara. MtlOllJc ltn111i., Ulh SlrMt Incl St. ...,.._ Piia. N._I a .. dl. 1 ·~ CIYll Air P•trvl """"ron n. Km AtKl1 St., COlte MIH, 1 '·"'· Mi.ll'lhhlll hKll Mll-'C. ~ MeNflle. Hill, 1115 Liit~ An.. H-tlrtllfeil hedl, ,,,. .. JOI. '"-1 B11c~ Amtirlan L"IM, ,,_. 2'1, tlJ 15111 "" N--1 kK11,. I '·""· fl:nl1"b ol Columllus Jubllte CourM:I!. be meuured. Attendance at four subsequent mettinp - two of them In "mlnorll)I" dislricta -wu described by a committee member Tuesday as "abysmal." Re ls on record as ~ menUn1: "I don't know if l1'• ' public apathy or contentmeol wt th the way things are." SCAG member ·c11y llld - counl)I government. wt1I pul ---t...rft up one-tblrd ot the coat and UYWIMW the Federal Department d Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUD) two thlrdt for the two-year study. M111t S•l&-me Delivery INSTANT CREDIT No. ~' SI. Joa<lllm HI\~ 1"'4 Or1ntot A ..... Co.11 M•u, I D.m. Oraftg1 C011nl'tl $k! Chit!, l!lkt Club, lOi Yl1 Oporf11, HIWPOrf IU1dl, l :XI "·"'· Three more meetings are on lap but If attendance doe.s not. show a marked htlprovement it is extremely likely that the project will be abandoned, the committee member added . lt ls also likely that the blame for the demise or the project will be foisted on to a familiar whipping boy -the press. He'a determined to find oul Patterson has charged each committee member w i t h responslbUlty for establiahing penonal c o n t a c t with members of minorlt1 groups in desi&nated areas. Invita- tions to attend meetings have been mailed to s e r v I c e organlzationi In santa Ana. Piling l,lp at VCI SCAG President Dank! D, Mikesell sa.ld the study by the consu1tanb will provide a pro- lolype for the entire Uotted N"' t pc. comtr arrana;. chotoe ol clra. res. $230, now SLSS.m. Hn.dbouds: Klnp, $1!5; ~s. $12.50; Full, Jlo..50; Twina. $4.96. Trundle 1et1 lduo rl5er) w/lnner ip~ matt, rtK-SJ06, now S79.:IO. Roll..,,-tl.., bedl with Inn. 1prlnc matL ft'i . $59.50, now $.W.50. ruu .a. Blffprr· eo(a, ree. $l39.SO, now Sl69.!50. New beds: K\nJ $99.50; -$11.50; Fu!~ $49.00; Twtnl. $38.50. '""' Aerot1Ul,_,k T .. \tme1Jwl, V 111 I M1rlna, lo.IS l•••kll Drive, Nt-1 fltl>dl. ,,. p "'· C-1 s1,..i... YMCA. i:n Un!.-.r1lt'Y' Drl'ft. ""'"°'' INdl, J:Jll p.m. ll:KOYHY l"C,, Ht.onllMlon htdl Hl1h k'-1. R1111m In. lf03 Mlln SI., Hunllnt!O!' 1,.ch, I 11.m. Steel reinforced concrete towers are part of .$3.15 million Fi~e Arts Village now in it.I initial stages of construction at UC Irvtne. Village will lnclude concert ball, drama theater, studios, an art gallery, shops and practice rooms. It is scheduled for completion in mid-1970". State!. Needs of commercial, private aod mWtary aviation wtll be consldertd, movement of cargo and pe.ssaigen, airport noise, land wie plan- ning near aJrports, a n d surface transportaUon within the S7 ,000 square mllfl sWdy COlll Mf1.I Jut1lor Clla"'1bt.r of c- ll>t•t t. Co»t1 Mela Gell 1nd Country (II.lb,. J;JO ....... THUllDA'f H1t'bor.t.llft To.th!\1Jl•r'• C~. O.tr1 C1fete<lt, F1Polon hlllnd. !<kw-I .,,.di, 1:00 ...... Brffkf•I C)ptJmltl Club ol C&ott Meta, Cort i llnf Res11ur1nl, "'5 Ht"'°' llllYCI,, Codi Mtu, 7,30 t .m. J I 01nil of "11tlor1, Nrw_.! tltrbw '"" (NII H!gh*IY• Nrw?Crl Btttll, 1:001 1.m . $I u I! $flirt RHJ1urant, Ntw.,.rt1 IS"clt' 11 ,_, • And now1men who do not oonnally cover Santa Ana civic affairs have been ur~ed to att.er>d meetings which could conctivably result in the formalion of the human rel•· lions commission first ad· vocai.ed three months ago. Historical Homes Tour Set Friday Anthropology Course Offered at VC Irvine area. Architect James M. Sink. ol the Pert.ira firm, will act IS ~ 11."': =..·~ k!w111l1 Club of C01l1 M .... , Nori~, Cor1I Rfff Rut1ur1nt, 26'5 H1rbor 11...i .. Cos11 Ml->1. ":10 p,,..., DEATH NOTICES The news media's "failure to adequately inform the public of committee rntetings" has been discussed at length at meetings of the group. It was conceded that county newspapers gave con· slderable coveraee to the• stated desire to form a human rtlalions commluloa a n d publl!hed names of appointed "We're going to bring the mJssll)g hundreds into the meeling room," commented one committee member. ·"What we had last time won't do." IR~E -The effect of en-A variety of cultures will be SANTA ANA -1'Adobes vtronqient on people, the role sturued and lndividuaJ lee-How To Holcl and Gingerbread" is the UUe or rellgjon in social organlza· lure.rs will present mulls of f ALS E 1'EE1'H mu lay .. wa)'I no,r. Bee.utf tul Walnut t drawer dtt9 er, 2-2 · dfawer. eommoci. headbocd A framed mb'Tol $172.00; Soa-Oonf! ... 11..,,... -. 111\ft'l "'"' wood. bel.utitun:t µphol1tl od. .... 114931. !"i"' $3"lll SPRINGMAN The last time? Members of the public were outnumbered by committee members. used lo describe historic Uoo and the re8!0!1s some their personal research. homes to be shown In a lee-social groups are aggressive Enrollment 15 open to the 'Firmer I.oater SIESTA SlEIP S8' c11~1 G. SorlMm1n. 7Df W. &llbOI l lvd.. 111bOI. 0•1• of clffth, '-•· t11mblr P. hlovtd l'lu1Wfld of ltull'I M. s,,1,.,.m1n1 f1th1r of l"1lr!cl1 kh1bel, Hun•lnP•on ll11ch1 M1rlorlt UfldoV. wood, CDYl!Wll ltoblorl S1>rln11...._,,. 1111- ..,11. Aho wrvlwcl riv nl"' ••1nddll!· drm 111d '-1r111.,r~hlldl"tll. Strwtcn. Tllurld.fy, J.J:l l"M, 1:11"°°" (~'"'' ltOM Hlll1 Memorfll P1rl!, Whlllltr. ltMe Hllll M«h.11r11, t>lr«I· ... Lectures At Irvine ture-tour to be sponsored by and others passive, will be ex-public at a fee of $40 for non-DoJWl'tallle'-Ui~~'•· 1927 HatW Blvd •. lhe Orange County Historical anilned in "The Ways of credit and MS for three units b&rTMI JW~-!:! :.:i.,:=; Society Friday. M'ankind," a new anthropology of credit. Tickets to individual ~~~~.t:e·r= Cost• M••• The Illustrated program will qtiunie offered by UC Irvine lectures may be purchased at c1etiw.. ann., ~ ~ Deily 10-9, S.t. 10~ F:bro· s: ~ be presented by Anthony l:rtenalon. the door 1f space permits. Ad-=r:..T~~;::t S¥n. 12-6 " &-O Lehman of Claremont at 8 / The 1D-aession c o u r I e • dlliona1 lnfonnalioo may be ~.Ho svmmJe.F::• ~~·· IRVINE -Potentials o! a p.m. in the Bowers Museum, coordinated by Dr. Joaeph L. obtained from the Extension =~~~~ C::uac~~ 545-27&0 GIDDEN Sleol>tn Jotln OldOfl\. 1'°' F1111111~ L1k~. O." of d11tll, Ster!. t. Su~ \llved Dr Nftnl1, Mf. 1...t Mrs. Do"' •Id 1.... Gid1Mn1 11111rs, JllWll!flt Ind o.i1111 •rendNr.roh., Mt. 1...i Mrs. LllY C1bl1 Mr, 11'11 Mrs. Ed Gldllffir ,,..1..,.111dmo!l\er, Mrs. !:"'"" C.bl. s ..... ica, w..tnndlv. lod1¥, 10 AM, Dlltlav lrotllln Mor!Ulnf CMNI, new frontier, the ocean, will C-'ls Set 2002: N. Main St., Sant:a Ana. :f;~T~om~ch~ak~·~w~i~ll~be~gln~Se~pt.~25~olll~.~ce~on~lh~•~U~CJ~c~am~pus~. -~.,~·~·~.........,.~~~ '"~"'~-~-~~-~~ii:iiiii:iii=Siiiii:iiii:i be examined in a lecture fU Many p I o n e e r homtll series to be presented by the throughout Southern Califoroi~ University of Callfornia El~ ORANGE -Members of the now are open to the public a, tension beginning Sept. 24. Orange County Chapter of the historical monuments. The a.a.nn. The lettures wU be held on NaUonal Cystic F i b r o 1 i s Jeeture will pinpoint loettions \\'ednesdays, from 7 to 9:30 Research Foundation w i 11 and illustrate a number cl p.m. in l h e Ncrlh Orange make house calls during the these early structum. REED County Y~1CA Auditorium, next two weeks to help figh\ They include lhe Palcmares lt•Mlv l •• it.Md. 1n.1 Lida L•~•· 2000 Youlh Way, Fullerton. children's lung diseases. adobe in Pomona, Ute Yorba- H11n11ntton ... c11. s~rvlvtll bv ..,,. Planned for e n/in e er s, They will seek contributions Slaughter adobe near Chino. -· Mr. 411(1 Mr•. Ch1•lt1 l . ltffd; · · I p I H R 'd d be · &!'of"'""· c .... 1" •NI J1f!•1Vi ,,,.. economists an scientists to hep finance the u monar')' the ugo e1 a o in ••'e"11. Mr. '"d M'1. L111111 G••w•1 functioning as plaMers. Pediatrics Division er the Arcadia and La Casa de Mrs. M1rv Piir1tm11111 1"4 Mr. IC1rt I h Los C "( · Lon Pat>1.....,nri. s.rvit ... Fr1111v. 10 AM, designers, managers, users or Orange County f.1edica Center Rane o err1 os in i 011Mv 1ro1t1en1 ,,.,.,,.,,,,,,.., C"9J191, researchers of co a 1 la l and 110 other cente r 1 Beach. 14 • 7171 • HENNEN systems, the se.rie! will cover throughout the country. Other ea rly landmarks In- ..... o. Ht--.. ,_ 11 . o1 lOIO T•v· the various uses of the. sea Mrs. Richard Nixoo has elude Pio Pico's Hacienda In w w1r. CHI• M11•· °'" 0' mih, coast area, as well as the h......n named the honorary Wbittier, home of the· state's s.,1. 7. SIH'Vlvld DY wl'-, Mrs. tt.. ""'i lb tr1c11 Ht~....,, '-..... L•w,.nct technology avallable for solv-chairman cf the "Breath or last 1t1ellcan @:Ofemor, e •l'ld T1i,.1ottw1 twe 1111u"'''"· '"•ut• ing coastal problems. Life" fund raising cam .... 1gn Victorian .horn~ of Lucky tl'!d 81tlt1 1wo tl~l'lt••· Atthll~ 1!Mf )It" M•rlarl H•nn1n1 •l1tw•· Mri. L<llclll• The lZ-week series i s and Hu@:h O'Brien, TV"s Wyatt Baldwin in Arc 11, the Da~d B11r111m•11• M•L "111• Lt 811nc' Min S"""llSOred i·ointly by Universi· Earp. Is lhe nation a I Morley home in edlands and C..11'* HtnMn; M'1. l!tl'ltl Crllllfflltr y- Mrs. "1M11"' •••ML ~ ..... k.., Thu•.. ty E:itension of Berkeley, chairman. More than 10,000 the Stimson and Doheny d••· to AM, 1•tt •l'Old'w•v t~'"1• Irvine, Los Angeles and San vol"ntcers •re ex....,.ted to mansiona near downtown Lm 1.,1...,.,...1. l"tcltl~ Vlew M....e•1t l ,..... .. "''"'· 01rtctoc1 It'!' 1111 11rotc1w11 Mot· Diego. seek contributions nationwide. Angeles. fu•rv• 110 l•ot'"''"' Ca111 Mttt. !;:~'.:==============================~ CLARK Htlllld 0. Cl t M<. J'6ll MllO 0!'1¥1. 0.111 Pain!. 0.11 ol dMl!k, '-•'· I. ft Survlwd by wlf9, ltult! M. Cl111!t '°"' Vtrnon O. Cl111!1 d11>11h1tr. Ctr!· -Chtlll11 llwe 1r1/'!lkhlld,.., tl!d -ere.I 11r1Nkhlld. Strvk,. _,. .•. ~··· w-. ' '"· ""'" ennen1 V1-Cll1Ptl. Oll"tdld 8y l"lcifk vi.w Mor1u1rv. Jeftll L. Cl•~~~~ Tu111" ........ ~AY8 FlRIT~~UAUTY ti~w~"""""~·m~M11•""yw~~"t"'-~·· ((If.II M~. Dttll Qf d••!~. S.81. I. "',." , .;. ~ > ,.,_ ' ~M ::."'~iili!!u~~~J~~;'."H~n,~~~ . LAS. ,T,~ ' ..... 3, 'J i~ ".:.D~-AYS'~,~j H1rllo;lr; Dale E. MeCu1111, Gltndtltr , ~ '"'"" """ """""" """· .... ·, «; . • ;·,"' Zelda Coffin, CMll M"': '"" !hr" , . ., ••tlldel'lll<l•tn. $•rvlcts wm be lteld ~='. $~o~j~t~t;,,M·,.:~~!c ~::: _ji·.,e. -'f1f.~. rft1, .4~~f!:.?·.'~to.b;l.;J,~ • M-111 Ptrl<. Dlrtcltd by Ptclfk: ~ --Ji;, ,,. ·"' --------... vi... Morh11•v. I"' BEYER Grtc1 I. llYl!f. 720 tlh SI.. Hll"fln• ion •••eh. 0111 al dt1lh, Stol '· Su.-Avtd by dt1111M1~. Mr1. Lorr1lnt Arid.....,, H11n!l"'!On e .. ch1 tonl. l"ID'l'd sevmou~. of M1W1'1!. c1111ar. ~!1r Bruce F . l1y1r, fflmll"'!On 811(111 bratM•, John, Ind 11• '''""' thlldrtn. Strvk ... Thur'ld1 ... l :J:l PM. Smflftl Cl'l11>1!. Prlv1t1 l"ltt/l'lefll, dj. rldtd b'I' Sml!M Mortu1rv. ARBUCKLE & WEI.SB Westcllff Mortuary U7 E. 17th SL, Colt.a Alesa ........ • BALTZ MORTUARIES ConlDI dtl P,far OR J.1'5t Co1ta Mesa •n I-HU • BELL BROADWAY l\10RTUARY 110 Broad\l·ay, Cost.a AleP LI S-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS HuoUngton Valley Mortuory 17111 Beacb Blvd. Hwadogtoa fteacb MS-7?11 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH r.tOR'flJARY 1795 Laguna Canyon .Rm:d LaJllll• Beadl 194-fill • PAClli'IC VIEW r.tEr.tOIUAJ, PAJlll CtmolerJ • r.lorlury Chapel SSOO Pacific View Drive Newport Bucb, CalUomfa '4~1100 • PEEK FA!llLY COWNIAL FUNERAL HOME 7181 MIN A,e. Weatmluter llWW • SHEFFER MOllTUARY Lqna S.acb .,..11111 0 tllwtr.tltr1• fftt.....- ONLY 3 SALE 20% OFF DAYS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF LEFT! DIAMONDS • U.ltRINGS •SOLITAIRES •WATCH An.ACHM!NTS •TRIO tlTI • DINNlR llllNll • IRID4L sna EXAMl"Lll1 ONLY 3 DAYS LEFTI • W!ODIHI llNll • MEN'I OIAMONOI •PENDANTS A•a. MIW Ilia. Wtw a. Fl•JY dllmond t!•tK Ill L 011. stud 11ryNs to kiu tilt .. , p11r1 JU: pld _ 19.50 71.IO with flrtl t•K ----2"-~0 DIM I. Dll. ' 14K l llpl'ICI for th• """ '· a flfiy ~ tMt tell WWt ttofy, of dis1illdloa 100.00 MJO t•K Jf'l4 --1lt.SO 111.M •. 2-!0'L-..... 10 -·· .•• 11 ............... ""'~ . Ill ellr 141( -•75.00 SIO.m t1mlnlMI 14K tM.50 1- •• l/ftUMI lnt111ocklnt bridal M~ I. $p91\ll111 dllllWl'ld IOllUlre lllGUlltld 14' aot4 21.00 110.01 to 14' ~ tllJI CHAllOf 11 AT YOUll "HHfY'S "HI "JfWIUIY Df,AllrMfHT ........ llll .... llbt•1•1o D...,.._. .__,,...., w-... ... _ ......... SU Qemtate 411-fl• • 11r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·111 SMl'l;llS' MORTUARY b7 Maht St. RaoUnirton 8eacb -FULLEITON Orent• Cent., Harlter •t Or•ntfth~ ' NIWPOilT llACH '••hhm l1la,.. MKArthur •t raclflc c .. 1t Hwy. HUNTIN&TON HACH Huntln1ten C..tMr ltlln,_ •t .. n DI ... 'wr· PUBLIC NOTICE!! 7 DAY SALE W ENTERPRISES, INC • WILL SAVE YOU MONEYI '""°• DUPONr NYLON PIU Oeco,tte, col•f'S, h••v1 J1.1t1 ll•ek. •Iv• mill)' >'••rt w .. r. SAU 2!5 yd • CARPET ONLY TO SHOP AT HOME .•• JUST PHONI 549-3349 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE • . ORANGE COUNIY'S LARGEST . CARPET WAUHOUS! 0 0UR AUDITORS SAY: WE MUST REDUCE OUR STIOI INVENTORY If $31,0DO WITllll "EXT7 Dlfl WI WILl SAVI YOU -TO 7°" Oii C:.U"1 YAWIS UP TO $14.H * OUR PRICES START AT $2.74 SQ. YD. * NO REISOIUL£ OFFER REFuSED! SH US IEFOH YOU IUYl WI HAVI -AYAllAllll 3 Room SPECIAL 3 ROOMS FULL OF WAU..TO.WIU 100% 0~~=~ NYLON CARPETING COMPLETE FOR ONLY • AVDAOI INSTALl.ATION 2'7 SQ. PT. DINING IOOM ••• LfVINO IOOM 11'xtS' $169 95 PRIOE l1oluffl • 01rpet • , •. ,., • Del111 T 1okless l1alalllH11 HAU 4'xr • IOW IN STOCK • 24 HOUI INSTAUATION ==:7.EN:-!:TERPRtSES IN~C.~-,~§c::::~:;n s OPIN1 Monday, Thunday & ffldoy 9 1.m, II l1JO ..... • Tutld1y, W""""', kfl\4ty 9 ..... to S ..... o S..., ' . I • ' ; • , ' • ' ; , , , I I \ I I J I • . ·-. . -~-..» ... --~ --_,_~ .. ·--- Wodnosd01, Soptembor 10, 1969 B PJ LOT-ADVUTisr, • !!~o~~~v~PllDT~:;::;::;:~wtdrlesdlJ;;;;~·=~=•"~m1>or;;;;10~,1~'16'1;._ __________ """'.':--:;:':::::::::::;:::::::::;::;-------"."'"--~.~6121~w;.~._;,.;.~ .. ;,.~ww;.~w-~~~~,.~::~~:;;;;~...;I c.w '• ''"''' 1 •••1t.•·T._..~,....c...Ps•~..., • 111nheUilntSt.•W-'M .. ttt-LW"....,_.c.tw,•.~ • 1 ' • naa.1711i1t.c--•a1111o1e.-. · · • -·-·""L H••11•-ll11tl ,_,tu. • ""' vo1:.,.,.. .. ca.,-A .. .- 1 .., 111 .._.... • ' ~ e1"'41....._,. ...... ~s...,,..c..tw,1o.•. e 11111.._. ..... ...__"..,.. • ._. g Aa M~ spe Ptl "" ' I t . 1,· I l • . ) ,,-~1Cb•'i.•AY1:.11t~c...tfrt-.•·•· • ' e 2111...._..__....._p,rtl1C...W.CIM"-e .......................... nolsY ..... e 1•61W ...... -'M-.l$t.-l....,.c.tw,S.A. '-r IUMIO llZI -· 19 .COLOR ,PRINTS c ... ~,. .................... .. . 'I l&ACK ra WIUll ......,., .. . . ;l(ODACO~OR FILM DEYELoPID 1211 ""•" .. & . PRINTED $297 ·..i4c ........ , .. ,., , 11tt• 1tc • iim.t. He: • .,. ... aft to· Sell for ·$4''! Mono·& Stereo · . Recird Albums Jisc111111t Prl"I s121 ABC-Pawnoun~ Rq>ris<, A & M, Pruli & Kama ps I . Sutra caturing Ray Charles, Deaa. Martin, Frank Sinatra, Hctb Alpert&: ' Tijuana Brus. Dusty spli•g· fidd. Hum1 of Dady deco~.ate d . dlln.l nhlp an col· or . cootdiaatal md21 ltte i11 populu hlgh shades I Pnctial, smart! Bvy for yolUSdf ••• ther make idetl gifts. too! Reg• s3n Glass Hurricane Table Lamps Jimps fat family, li11-Milk ,;bite gbu t.J.1, $2" ing ot bed room. Ul... apptot"ed. A d d chum tn ,unr dec:or-uTC. at Thrifty" s discount ~ leg. s1 19 Swih's Plant Food Full Gallon H igh nitrogen content for futcr gtttn· ing. $23'5 Value! Cobra Sidewalk Bike "~:·• $17 88 '\ . s5•s Waft to W11ll . . . ' ' ,.. ~ Sx6 loot Plysh Cotton Bathroo.t. Ru s Ud Cover . ' ~~ . l! 111 IO illllll ~9cH.CeffHRlfllS ..,.._._, .. 4i$1 00 Cllp<liiw e big-, u>'i~gsl ~ ,~ .......... ..op . b.tcki-ag..lU. dJbli.-. -in Pin:I:, l!urat Otar:F, , .Gold Blue. A Pat. m a:m. , . • s.r' Quilted ~ ~"'*••I'• ~mw BedPilloV, Salt. ... -$191· ~r,1110,,1 Wit& •• tlcelof" · pftalol -----.. Metal ·folding . Bridge' ~hairs 1 ' 4:s111s •Matdtl ........ ...... , ..... complete at• Iii Got .... ---· ., •• 'IW1r- SJ4t 1-FOof lallery , looster CDle =9t J.1..-..alle- ll ......... . IDCltlldltl1 .... * .. -""'"' '311 Value! Nationally Fainous lath Powder y .. , Choke == $169 Y .. 'U ........ ..:: ------.-.. R ... •19" lallmar 7x3511nomlm ,, .. Reg. 3' to $1n ea. ... CutJery.a.J Kitche . ,. 3: ~ a-:sav. 17• .. 110..1.,...,,,......~u.. $1" No:nema ::::r . uo.-$14' Dep foam ::.- • 0..... .......... ,,.., $1°' Mennen Dry $f' Pepto Bismol tr:;.,ec1i-Qui~ -;; ~ ·1 -. • I • . ) • • • " --·----· --~ -- • -· ·-- . '11.DT-AIMRTlSU 9 Wtdnf1doy, S.,ltm ... 10, 1969 • \•si1A1N4. """'*"' J•. •* e Wl.1Mlt .. C......._a.,,· ;c..t.,C.. ..... e tnMN11 l•te.•T~W-...C... ...... ..... ..,........ • ......... • ......... c-............. e 1"41 ..... AM.• IMU• I••••• S••r•la; c.tw, ..... ..... • ..... , ..... .._.,,,,, •• .._. .. Jo' fc..e.r,H ..... wk\. ·-I Th .,. ................ . e Mtl 'ats•ilA-.• .. , .. • Os 11 C..., ......... ...... e UM.....,., ....... a1rrh1C....,C:-~ • 1 '' ,..., ........ ' ....... -....... JC--. ..... Cl*9 ....................... _. .. , •• c...,s....u. .. ,,,, .... ..... .. ...... .............. . ' ''1" 4-Shelf Metal Book Cases . . . · $5'1 Printed Unen Famous 1 ewel Wrist atches General . Electric Clock Radio $11·· Ile0>11tor style iA scntthfree walttut fmish or new avo- ado with ltmdy ..... <ads iA go!J. tone 1Inish. Pot achoo~ hom<, olli~ 123'' Kodak lnstamatic ...,-. . . . Camera Outfit & F,ield 1Ca~· ~~~~b: $16'1 """' """""' ;,,;-ltnktiona. 'ria;l fidd. cue. ltnp.. 'LE OF @fi) VITAMINS If· '2''.Full Year's Supply Multiple Daily Vitdmins With or Without IRON c.,...,.._..u'"t ht $1AS iiM! frr> lottle of 60 Suptr Potency -.. -... -~59 1111~11 tupPlics.up to 10 bma mm. d&il' tt- quiremmtl Reg. •6" i O·Piece Electric ~ Hair Clipper Sets $ 97 Luggage . . $~99 I Boyi'Ru.ged ·BelJ-BoHom Jeans -..... ~·· "'~ ... 'Toil .,. r...--bo!l '""-' tom jemt in nlf• pd a>ttOll. hill • "'"" _,... hie.le 2 ftt1nt •coop oockeu. .....,c:._., Gold ill 1-11. Ladies · Y~Neck . Slick Knit · Tunics . s2••· Tbi1 ii a aeW ..,.. ........ hu be::oml O.• cepOnn•''r pop-Ur u •pa al IDp. The 1tyle -ahinJ' mactt· w Ji-.e the look • oma. .rµo, • • mm:h hip. u pcio= I Bmceld: •l•••e. 1~ tieetate, willll Id.£ bclt. Si.-!l-38. "Gold Min" · autch Pursel I =~971 Htlanca Nylon Shells " Womenjs .,.. Orlont Swea•'" Wome11'' BOlky Acrylic · Sweaters --•s•• Men'i Fltece Untd Plaid m,,.... "" st98 = .• 'Cftapelll' Wiglets $618 19'' For . IHI W1111111· Wc:rnm'a iDdGde z.djaDWld atyle • • • • IDCO.'t aJeb.. . du, maar more. White or Y el.low gold with maldi· .' io.1 cspaa.sioo bancb: or stn.pt-- ca ch in ftetoq gift box with _ .... 0..0 Sbt 1111 AIM 1Lady Wiishire Panty Hose -- ,, Men'• High Color Dreu Shirts s3•• 1'1111"1 W IT! The NH and bclti"I Everything ~Scarf = ~,5_7. lllfaats' Crawlen ~ ! ... .: .. ....... " c.r_ ............. s11• ~l"'r."' .. -r.=: ----- . Reg. 2r to 4f School Needs Ellllr's Ill Purflll School Glue -·"""" 2' itt fot aote· J,oab:. M wodcl Zipper Top Cmy Cast ~~\ 49' 29c1to0"Rilll CtlWTapt ·23c Reg. s1•• a ..... C.awu Binders !.~~;6-8c r:::.:: •37• All Steir All·ln·One Binders Has .ode: nilit. -...... $244 tbaDe book, ·-· fil· . ler pl.JIU, 1111•· --. 3-llele .... ltok ~ ":l:!l" · 1 r · 40 ••••t• -Choice of 4 - ' J4 OAft.V PllOT i • .. - Wtdnesda,r, Stpttm~r 10, 19611 .- Up by 81 Miiiion Temples Mark V.S. Utility Bills Increase • Higli Holy Days WASHINGTON (AP) -The principally by Sen. Lee Met. of utility flnnl, .'..~~ naU00'1 -···-·•• wUI pa• In ti (0.Monl ) to provMle Tuesday, la unprece$n .... exceu ;;-"';"blllion doliari Cl · 1 acUon, the Federal Com:-· more public Wormation on munlcaUont Commission too'-' By llablll AllM GooO!eo Of Tempie Sli•roa Judaism'• lll&h Holy Days. beginnJn& Friday evening, in•llJ usher ln the year 5730. Orange County IYll'i08U'" p I 1 • special obaervantts. Rosh Hashanth, New Year's Day, bealne: a\ sundown Fri· day. It le: a day of prayer rather &bu one of joyous celebration and is followed by 10 "0.,1 of Penitence." 'The perlod culnlJ.nates In Y o m Klppur, the Day of Atootmenl Aecordini to Hebrew tradi~ S e rvlcn commemoratlnlJ the high holy days will bt held by the following templell at lhese hours : Temple Sh•ro11, 117 W. Hamilton St.. Costa Pi1e.o;a, will hold Ro6h Hashanah services Friday, a p.m.; Saturday, 1:30 a.m. and Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Youth services will be held Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. One shabbat sbuv1h service is slated from Sept. It, 8 :1~ p.m. Beginning will a Kol Nldre service Sept. 21 , 7:30 p.m. Temple Sharon \•:ill m a r k Yorn K.ippur with seven service.s on Sept. 22. They in- clude: morning, 8:30 a.m.; junior aod youth, 10 a.m.: Yizkor, 11 :30 a.m.: Musaf. I p.m.; study and meditations, 2 p.m.; Mlncha; 4 p.m. and Nllah, f p.m . Services for Sokkot will be held Sept, 38, I : 15 p.m. and Sept. 'J:l, 10 1.m. Other Sukkot. riles are &lated for youth Stpt. 28, JO a.m.; family. Oct. !, 7:30 p. m .: Ylskor·Shemlnl Atz.ereth, Oct. 4, 10 a,m, and Simchas T6rah1 Oct. 4., 7 p.m . All servlcu will be conducted by Rabbi Garson Goodman. High Holy Day services at Temple RWel, 401 11th St., Huntington Beach are slated to begin with a Kol Nldre service1 Sepl. 21,,f:~·p.rn. to Doctor Says Flouride Helps Aged WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Harvard professor rep c r I s that besides preventing cavities in childfen's teeth, fluoridated water may help prevent some ailments cf ag. ing -aching backs, easily broken bones and hardening of &he arterle!. Dr. Frederick J . Stare. chairman of the departmenl or nutriti on at Harvard University's School of Public Health. say1 nuoride has been found to harden the bones of adul ts and co unteract osteoporosis. the p r o c e s s which dim i n is he s Ille subsl.anct wllich keeps bones hard. Osteoporosis o cc u rs fre- quently ln women in the mid· sos and men in the mld.OOs. In a report to a Sena te com· mittee studying lhe nulritional needs of the elderly, Stare said recent studies "suggest that the adult -especially the older adult -may ha ve 1nore to gain from the proper use of fluoride than lhe child." Osteoporosis is "one of the reasons f"or many aches and pains in the back," he said. "and It Is the usual reqsan for a broken bone in the tlderly, frequenUy a hip bone. which results from a relalivt ly minor fall." lion. man's fate Ls "'ritten down on Rosh Hashanah and sealed on Yorn Kippur. Rosh llashln.ah servicta reach a drametlc climax wlUI &he 30llndln1 of the ahofar (ram's horn) which symbolizes lhe reijgjous caJI to return lo the princlple5 of faith In God and the common brotherhood of man. In the home, bn!ad or an ap. pie 1' dlppt<I Into honey in the hope that "sy;eoetness'' will flavor lbe comin& year. be conducltd by Rabbi llalph DtKoven and Cantor Paul Levine. Yorn Kippur services w:lll begin Sept. 22at1:15 a.m. with Youth services at J0 ~30 a.m. and Ylsltor services at 11:15 p.m. ReUglou! school at the temple begins Sept. 21. 9:30 a.m. Ul'IT~ Ship Leaves €.tallftag Card St;aw dumped Into water ne~r "vy Pier in Chicago to soak up oil discharged 1 by a freighter is SCOOped Up by a1Crt\V working fo r the Sanitary district. 'fhe Coast Guard ha.s been asked to int\cept vessef, the Verdale, which is bound for Korea. ' .'-\ \ Have Puhli«!ity Job~ Daily Pilot, OCC to Conduct Workshop more each yw 1n au, e\ec-te "' trlcity and Wtphone bills 1r utility operations and to crea a step toward matchllll what.II state cornm1.ss1ons approve all a federally flna.nooi staff of lhe Metcalf bill would wrU.t rate lncreNt:s current I y experts to represenl consumer into Jaw. soogbl by private utlUUes. interesls ln rate cases. I ........................... ~ Thll fi&ure _ based OD a The commlltee sald as of vlrQln . , compllaUon by sen• t e June I, ooly eJghl llatts and being a researchers _ represents 8 Puerto Rico had no requests 11 ons1hlna "' record vol\lme or rate hike ap-for utility rate increases. bUt natane hasn' r "-b '""' I wned 'Tbese were some ol the even been klued. P icaww. '1 P1"'vate Y 0 largest rate applications as of uUlltlea. June t: New York, $198.3 The Senate's Government mllllon; Mlchlgan, s 1 8 8 Oper1Uons C.Ommittee sal~ a million; California, $1.M.7 mil· total of $9111,166,505 In gu, '"·-··• 171.5 elec1ric and tele . .J.one rate In-lion; 8 n d M.-.iw .. .,., mllUon. r.rusea were pending before. Metcalf and other memben the 50 state uUllty regulatlng of Congress have criUdud commla$klns q of June 1· !ha""IY pre!tllt state ~ NOT INCLUDED · • I Not lncluded in .um total, It federal· procedures in utl lty rate cases in which they say said, art a number of subslan~ little consideration Is given to tlal rate l n crease ap-the interests of utility con· plicaUons. Including one for a •tt7.5 million rate increase by s~:~ll sald hls. bill would ''?Nl r, ,.,._MA,L 0 "· Consolidated Edi.son of New th York and I $45 mUlion pr~ provide consumers wt 8 • STARTS WEDNESDAY • posed boost by Commonwealth right to representation in rate Ed••'* Hew,.n c 1 ..... Edison of Chicago. caseti and a right lo increased Peclflc'• 0 ,.,.. D"-I• The rate af.pllcatlon figures, ~i~nf~onn~a~l~io~n=o~n~th~e~o~pe~r~a~Uo~n~=:::=::: Senate ataf ers pointed out. Ii also do not include some $218 million in rate-increase re- quests noW' beo(re the FCC and the Federal Power Com- mission. Join u• for HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES at nMPLE SHARON Tiii c-vatM ~ tor tlll f.n11Pe H1rtior Atw 6 17 W11f H1milton, Colle M111 Fer inform1tlon cell: 6•6·5552 The state figures -on a utillty-by-uUllty basis -break down this way: Proposed elec- tric rate increases, $317.4 Jill mill! ll•Ml>I O•r1on Offillm•n m on; II!, $175.7 on ; anti the Ttmple Sh•ren Chelr teJephone, $4M million. 11t .. •rv• "°"'' 1,111 IOd•r _ s..111,,, h l imited. ,. Rabbi Bernard P. King will officiate with Cantor Pifilt P.Uller for HJgh Holy Day services for the congregsUon of Harbor Reform Temple. Services ate slated for Rosh Hubin.a Friday, 8: IS p.m. as well as on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Children's services for Rosh Hashana will be held Saturday, 1:30 p.m. The Senate COllllTlitlte lla! a1Dy.1lttnt provlclld for dlyllme 1•rv~. If you're, looking for blunt The workshop will cover all pre·regialration requests to held 21 days of bearings thisJ FriMy l!v11nll'lll 5er>tkel ,, 1,u ,.,,,. answers to some pointed ques-phaw of pre.as relations and tW"o &eat1 per organlz.atloo. awnmer 00 a bill, sponiored khoo1 1tt11111r111tri. ""*¥· kilt 1, '' 1• AM t!Olls on publicity, the DAILY will offer speclflc."how·to" in· The program will cover,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; Shabbat Shuvah will be held Sept. 19, 1:15 p.m~ with Kol Nidre slated for Sept. 21 also al I: 15 p.m. Other Yorn K.ip- pur services are slated Mon· day with a morning service at 10:30 a.m., cbildren·s service at 1:30· p.m. and an afttrnoon service at 4 p.m. The con- gregation will break fast togethtr. All the services will be held at St. James EpiscopaJ Church. 3209 Via L i d o , Newport Beach. Tickets may be purchsed by calling PILOT Js preparing to field formation on the preparallon publicity for all sections of the HEY! NEW SCHOOL CLOTHES your querlu. ot news relea.ses, plotograpbic ~per -general news , The decision-makers in the coverage of k>cal0 news and Women'• Section, Sporla Sec· AT DAILY PILOT news depart-community events and tlon, Weekender and special menl, led by Editor Thomas d•adUn" for subnilsion ol pages. Some ol the DAILY R!INERT'S material. PILOT staff's key persoonel in Keevll, will be amon1 lhoae It allO will al~ press theae varloua areaa will be at -· Due to the demand for High Holiday setts, Temple Negev, 7m Centrll' Ave., Stanton has leased the Retail Clerks Un1on Auditorium. IMO Stanton Ave., Buena Park for its New Year ~crvices. Jnronnatlon and tickets may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jerry Bleiweiss, &!HM3. Schtduled for High Holidays are Rosh Hashanah services, Friday, I p.m. and Saturday. 10 a.m. with a chlldreo's service at l p.m. Yorn Klppur will be marked Sept. 21, I p.m., Sept. 22 10 a.m. also with a children's service slated for I p.m. Yilkor service is planned for Sept. %2 at 3:30 p.m. Rabbi Gershon Fisher and Cantor Bernard Mariihall will conduct each or the High Holy Day servlcts 11nd will also hold regular Sabbath servlcts Friday, 1:15 p.m. at the temple. appearing next Wednesday, chairmen In determlPdng to lhl'! workshop to aMwer que&- Sepl. 17, in the DAILY PlLOT· whom publicity mattrlal lions about their operations Orange Coast Colle1t Publlci· should be directed at the DAI-and about publicity policies. ty Workshop. LY PILOT. Don Jacobs, Orange Coast The two-hour s es s 1 on A special "Pointers for College public relaUons dlrec- preaented as Part of the Preas Chairman" booklet ii tor, and Tom f\.1cCann, DAlLY Orange Coast Evening College being prepared for distribut'tln PlLOT public service Lecture Series, is scheduled at the workshop. Each pernn manager. also wi11 appear on for 7:30-9 :30 p.m. in the "'ho attends the session wN the program . Forum, Estancia High School. receive a free copy of the Dr. Thomas Blakely, direc· 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa booklet. tor of Orange Coast Evening Mesa. Because of limited capacity College, and Robert N. Weed, Open to officer& o( clubs, ot the Forum, organizations DAILY PILOT publisher, are organlial\oos, churches, youth sending representatives to the 1cheduled to open t h e groupa: or just interested stsslon are asktd to bold their workshop session. clUzena, the seminar '!\'ill be =-=~==-=~=;--:;=,---;;;;;;;-;;;;o•;;;--;;;;;;;--;;;;;;-;;;;; present.eel free of cl\arge. I - - - - - - - - - -Ill Llmlltd '"llng makH pre-PUBLICITY WORKSHOP llEGJSTRATJON I reglslratlon necessary. Those I . , y.·ho pre-regisler wlll have Pl•••• re1erve ...... places fGI' me •t the DAILY I first choice of seats on a flrll· 1 PILOT·OCC Publicity Work•h• Stpt. 17 In tM I come, first-served buls. The Forum, Est.ancla High School.' I undarst•nd I coupon which appeara with must bt there not l1ttr than 'f: 15 p.m. for the I this artk:le can be uted for ad-I 7:30-9:30 Mttlon. Pre-re9l1tr•nt1' will have first vance registration by mall. choice of H•ll"I· be 1!~: ·~·~:l~e~'!w~ I NAME ... , ..•••••............. · · · · · · .• · · · · · · · · · · · I a space available basis only. , I I ADD RISS (Strttt) ............................. . Mesan Aids I CITY ...............•.••......... z" ' .......... ,, A b Child I O~GANIZATION Ill Any) ....................... 11 . ra OFFICE HELD .............. PHONE .......... 1! By SCF I Moll loll '""'le f.trvlct Ot••rf_., Ottntt (1111 DAllY I'll.OT, 1M I ., _________ _ Temple Beth David • t A Cost.a tilesa man·s ron- Orange County will hold Roah cern with Middle East affa irs Hashana serv ices at Church of Is not only about Arab-Israeli the Latter-day Saints, 440 N. relations, but how Rlman Loar•~ Anaheim. Se T vice Fuad Malar's cow ill doing. times are Friday, 1:15 p.m. Edmunds. Taylor. of 2479 and Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Fairway Drive, helped the Children will convene for their famlly li vlng in Majdlsya, O\lln service at 2:30 p.m. on Lebanon obtain the beast Saturda y. through 1:ponsorshlp under lh1 W:._!!r Slr9*1, C•t• M..-, Cl. ttoW. • 1 The Los Altos Methodist Save the Children Federation. Church , 59f>CI E. \Vlllow, Long Founded ia 1932, the federa· Beach Y•lll be the site of Yorn lion assures adequate clolhin1. Klppur ~erv!cts with the Kol dietary SJJN>lement and other Nldre slated Sept. 21, 7:30 basics for \children, but the p.m. ti1orning Rrvice ~·ill be fund s also help the entire held Sept. 22:, 10:30 a.m. "R"ilh family. a memorial service the same The o r g a n i z a tlo n ls day at 4 p.n1. Children's reglate.re<i with the U.S. Stale servlct for Yorn Klppur will Depart1nent Advisory Com· be held Sepl 22, 2 p.m. millee on Voluntary Forclan Tickets for services are Aid and al50 assists In self·1 avail;ible for families in the help projects for enUre com· area Yiho are not affiliated munlties. I I See by Todaf s Want Ads e Evtrythif'li oonvertlble! ! ! Palio room to~ dls mantl. ~. complete with ittonn ,,·indows, don't !"Pally steaJ II, jU!t pay the $4~. • Little rtd Tl'tn~st Le- ro.ran~. r.lcan converlible; olfeL· or $SW, • Conwrt thie aluminum hull into a plea3ure ho11.t or "'-ork tub or fl!l hing l'lkltf; new, 19"6", f Vl'n ~nl ~ gar11.ge whllr. work Is aoifli on. •. ~~ STA-PREST.~ LEVI'S.~ ~()/llJS WATERPROOF PARKA BY PACIFIC TRAIL LONG, LEAN LEVI'S JEANS IN A CARE FREE CORDUROY lHAT ALWAYS LOOKS GREAT BECAUSE IT'S STA.PREST ..• SIZES 27 lo 34-5.H PAIK CONYINllNTLY JUST A STIP 'IOM OUI IAST INTIANCE [v1ryon1 9011 for "Tr1il H1w~" -lh1 1nli·r•in, 1111i-cold co1t from P1~ilic Tr1il. E11v·t1r1, •1th 111 w11r w1i••J1roof nyl1n, with co1y pile lini119 , c.on,111. 1d w1t1rproof hoed. Si1e1 6 to 12 • , , SIJ.00; 14 to 20 •• , SIS.00 JN COSTA MESA IT'S MAJO• CRIDIT CARDS ACCl"ID DlPAftTW&HT &TQf'.e t..:::= ltl' NIWPOU tOULEVARDI=::::'... OPIM t :JO -6 FRIDAY IYI. TIL NINI , . " ... Throughout adult life, an occasional fluoride sup- plement in addilion t o fluorldat.ed · ·water should give maximum 'preventive pro- lectlon' from such bone diseaJcs as osteopor~s. \\'Ith a temple by phoning the Interested ciUzens who wanl temple office at 430-6813 or lo help the less-fortunate may 82G.a260. Membera of the arm-obt.aln furlh er Information by e<.t forces stationed li'rlhe arta wrlllng the oraanltaUon ln l are invited to attend as guests Norwalk, Conn., according to of the congregation. 1_'.•:•~ecu~tl~ve~•~· ======~==============:=:E:=:=:=:=~==============================~:~ BIAFRA • Wt Cannot wute time with worda , •• Blafr1n children •rt dying NOWJ YO U CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW! IOCtAL lllYICI PlllMIT f.127 Tu Ile.apt SEND YOUR DONATION TO: llAFJlA CHILDRIN'S RELIEF COIM\ITIEE, INC. P.O. lox 313, 301 Westwood Plaza, Lot Anal .. , C11ifornl1 90024 • I Hun tin gton Beach Office: Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach. MAIW O,,.ICI: TAWNA: l lh I Hlh, LM .......... • t»-tHit 1STal V"""'-11¥f. • l'Ml14 --l.un'l lfCWIOk 71S WIJW!lrt """9. • ....,-41 wn..Ml"ll OH'IClt :tWWlltfllrt lttfd, • -.1u1 ... "_ 10ttl. •tclflo ... , ... , t.&. e1•te eatlJ11 WllT COYtM.l1 iM 11,.1,.ay • w .. 110.t llt$1enf IP!otl,iflf Off.• SSl•l20l ~ --~-.. ~~-----~---'--------------------- IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach, Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is IAFE • CONYINIENT •AVAILABLE M•..., •""ov111o .. don't wony eout and SoolMm '"'~ HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES •.. thtlr capltal la a...,. rWft1 In vtlue. And rou're aut'11 :!~ ~.::•.::.~'."'"'"' with ulety whon '°" 5 003 j 5 13% I 5 39" Fot'9mOIL ll&Mlrlnct Of theM btMlltl II th• out1t1ndlng • • • flntncltl llT9ngth mllnltlned through th• years by th• man--.ANNUAL ""T£ COMPOUNOEO GAILY '°""" l"L.lH ag11Mnt Of eo.t •nd Southlm F9denil S.vlnga. INSUJJANCE TO $1S,OOD/RISDURCE$ OYER 800 MILLION DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL •AW0"4MA Cm'1 h ll Vari Hll)'l l l'ld. • li2·1171 \.OWtl llACfl• COAST ,,., • ~. 417·74*1 IAffTA MA ANO SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS lOAW lllNICI AOIK'1"1 tllOI Ho. M.tlnlt. • 111•1 8'74~$7 " ' .. • • • • • " I ! ~ • ~ t 2 3 ~ a • d ~ • • t 0 h G , z b A t l 4 , t • I I Changes Will Face Radicals . on U.S. Colleg~ Campus G~..A°'°"" Ualvtr~lty1 also, ~lverilty, hat 1novt<t to ad· At Sal) Ji'ranci rlaie.:Ea'rt ID Mooiana, a 5ti'lte with one natlon'• smaller black ~=~· Montana Stale p. hu set up a black ea program and currenUy • developing one for lndlan Its. At lhe UDlvenHy of 11lua in Missoula an Afro- erican studies course goes · its second year this !all. The Ualventty of Denver. ents have gained in· eued representation o n ttees which ~lect cur- a and have participated in selection of, two vice Sees World, :U.S. Viewed • • • ASHINGTON (uPI) -A of n7 /111 foreigners vis- the United States during flnt six moil.th! of this ar, an increase of 13.4 per- t over the iame period in , aceprdln1 to the Com- rce Dopaltiiient. , On the as:sumptiOll based on nreys that the average over· as business or pleasure vis- r spends $401, the depart- atlmated the 1968 visit-<f• left behind llOS~ millioo. t Americans who go abroad $1.t billion a year more do visiton to the United es. 'nlis is known as the rism deficit" and it con- te1 to the U.S. balance of !llyments problem. •As usual, the United Klng-llKn sent the greatest number ol overseas tourists, ~,059, clJring the first six months. irtUsb regulaUons limiting the <tnount a traveler can spend lo 820 restricted the increase in '!rilllb'visltors lo ooly U per· •nt over the flnl half of last ~"· pennlta men students to Wil coed donns on weekends. Ohio Slate Unlverally has added atudent· repre6elltatlves to committees l o r m'e r I y domlnated by staff members, Including the Faculty c.uncu and the Council ot Academic i \ • • ,Japan, which liberalized its travel spending allowances • ~m $500 lo '100. sent 56,641 .asuon, an increase of 49.7 dercent and a reOcct.lon of Ja- oen's prosperity. : Other countries that gener· =~le lravet to the Stales and the number ol ~alton thej sent the first hl1f of this year were: West Gmnany, 55,MI ; France, 34,390; Dominican Republic, 28,216; Italy, 2',"3; Colom· bla, 20,14.l; Australia, 19,826; A.rgentlna, US,353: and Vene- 2\ltla, 17,9:51. The number or Venezuelans waa a 1.3 percenl drop from tut year. ' VI al tors from Mexico tot.a led 4u,712 ln ithe llrsl half ol the y11r an .t pucent jump Which ected the reluJng of U.S. try requirements for l.1e:idca l Affairs. Ohio Stale'" also-lt tf. fcrlng a new major In Afro- Amtrican Studies. A,t Cli\boUc 1Umivenq:y In WaalllngtOll, D.C:, mi\le and femaJe students ti,Jve gained permission to visit each ocher, in dormitories . In the capital, it incrcUing mil an estimated ~ 6 0 o Jones, veteren w r~ent bl..ck representaU~ among c c o n o·m I c 1 11 y deprived llayakawa ol 6l the ita~ t joot studeots t to s stuoerttl' to meet lludent . toQgtlell campus upheavall lo por<enL Mon Lh•n hall the dem!Jl(IS lhol tJMI \mlvmlty date, bellevesfr:ll a need bltek truhnu11 thil •fall wUI better 1erve ;=nll from. UUs tAJI f9f, .,., more be OD J)ilt ~lar~p. communities s rOuoding It.I ~ ~ adtaftliati ,. ahd cur- Ru•rtl•New Jtrsey'.s St.a\e 'three campusesi i;u:ulufll Ui1""5 .fn the na· Uoi1.s unlverslll~s und col· cording lo whut raotlons lbtJ ltlJl.'5. belonc to. .., see a terrible need._ for . ~Peopl~deota. taculty ffi:OnciJU.tJon, '' Jone~ says. m e m b e r s a n d a do -·J'he grt1at need now is ror minlstralors-have forgott.e1 people to look at each other in that they have a CMl~ lA- fterms ot lhelr rcspt.'CUve tereat Jn the 1urvivaltof e Jrr resporuilWUlies <1nd noL le. st.rtutlon .•• • · STANDARDt--.1 DUTY MUFFLER 4~~~. 6().63 COMETS, FALCONS 63·66 DARTS if"·'' I ·~'"n"ll'"I ••rl••<•~r··t ! I"' ,\l.,!11. lo .olUO"' II· '11 lr I 11 ,1,,11 <>1 I dr.11,•ni..ol'~ v ,·,1iJ '" '''" Fo•ds · Chtvroltls F .. rl•rift. V1hent1 Plymoulht· M..-cury1 Oldt Dodges Bu•d<s. Pon1h1c• • 7.99 8.99 9.99 SHOCK & ALIGNM~NT SPECIAL llKl!E·s \\llA'l' 128 8 \\ E IHl • Adjn•! I "-l ~r & r.1111l" r . • :,. l l•I(' Ill k ~-.\ .. t .. , "'""'".! <1UL '""l ~M"'' • 1 "~11'-'l.1 ~IA'ernii: !110S'r Ar..IEHI C1\:--t c;,\RS PLUS 2 FrlOYI' ~TANDATm s110e1;s !~STALi.ED FH cE Al.I. ll'!lRK PEl<FOR~l l·:O BY F.\CTUl!Y 'rJ{/\l'.\ED s1•Jo;l 'IALIS'l'S FISK BATTERIES YOUR BEST BUY! G[J SJARTED f 95 WITH FISK , , . . Fisk def)"nd:ihlc i. •• tlcri'~ ... <jU!lk \V:!4S sure 1t.1rl1ni:: f'l'''"'!:r. 12 vnll r~rhiui~· L! )\fl~ 111 L,\ '.\]{.\:" J •.h I I 36 (ltONTH GUARANTEE •FULL 4·PLY 100% PRESSURE-COOlED PRE·STRETCHED NYLON CORD BODY • HEAVY DUTY BUTYL INNE R LINER •FULL CONTINENTA L WRAP-AROUND TREAD DESIGN ANY SI.IE LISTED AS GROUPED TH E S~ SIZE BLACKWALL l UBELESS Tl RES 6.50.13 7.00.IJ 6.~5·14 .7.35-H V.35-15 7.75-14 7.7!1-15 8.25-14 8.25-15 (8.15) 8.55·14 8.55-15 (8.45) FIT TH ES E .CARS: • Barracuda • ('onlel • l'on•air • Dart • falcon • Ford • Ply rnouth • C'orvrtlei Buick • l\\ust.ang • 'l'emprsL • ~kylark • Chevrolet • l\tercury ·• Pontiac K 1r1•rt fl$1t fllf COl.IAltANTll • f<00 lo,.l•co•••l-It lloo lo••;.'"°""''••• , • ..;,.obi• to•••••••••• '"""I t~o 1"11 .0 4ofl •'••• ,...,.,.,, o! •o!I •• <oplo .. d a• •• ••••9•. P1111 l .7!1 lo :!.63 fe- dend l::x(ise'fu • ·-· 1'01•••1""' (•;1 ............... •·· •• "'" k••···· •. u ••••• 1., .. 1 ••• ,.,.-............ "''""' .... ,;., ,.11 .• , ,.,i,. ol '"' '"'· ...... . .J •'i•""''"~ ""''~' ... 10 .,,.; '''"•'"'"'· '"'~ 1PH,f,.4 "''""'' of "''"'~' ••••••••• d. • w.,\,..•••"'' aoil ....,,.,1,1 -(,,,, '"" oold ''"'., '""""'"'d •v••""' all lool"'"" ,jolo<•• ,, ••••-••"'" onO _,.,,,I lo••~• lolo ol ll>o .,,.1,ol !• ... d !! +>1 '"' j,,1, d•• "4•1•"' '" ...;,,.,,,1 ••" • .,1,. •• ,~·p. t~o '"' ... 11 ~ •.. ,.i .. ,d, •••••••••• 1, 1 ... ·~· ....... ot ... 1 •• , ......... . ' FOR LARGER SIZE CARS S!ZE CARS * 8.85·1' Old1mobil' • Polu1 • ANY SIZE LISTED AS GROUPED s22 I h;? 1'1 1u 216 ftdtr.I ~:.a .. Tu All #IDI Ul1MIH1J All IAJIO OH (UlllHT IYllTO•T UlllHO •llCI, #I~ ,Ill fl Ml Of AD.IUllMINl -MOf Ulf •tfC I 01 HO·fl ,.01 "1"1• GUAIAHIEI GOOO NATIONWIDr, • 8.85·15 R1\itr1 •Thunderbird • ~~ 4 & 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER P11y1 1U your T1,otite 4 i: ll·lr1ck IMJ>el. RR4:1 ! 0 8997 AND GET THIS CA;~iioH~E·; ~ FM RADIO 1 c I FOR ONLY Wl ll~llVI THl l lOKf TO UMlf QUANTlllli ;1-~rn;J'~ ~l.,j'"' ' '~! . r .... _ -~ "' . ""11' t J,. ,,, '" ... ..J .. ., ~' /C< ::ai,%;C, °"••"'-. ~-L ••• ,~ 7 ~ ~~~ ""f· -~ ~--·--~ FULL FRONT RUBBER FLOOR MAT ASCOT I~~ 1'1"11'1 I~ RllJ lit.1111inl'A yuu1 r•1'~1n\t1 ior. f..o~\' II> in~\<'111 Rlirl ~' .. 'I' '·lr .• n. Vl'ul!! ~.rll!f.·l1un n! <!P1 or~l1\e t•1lo1" tn 111111.11 "r h;i,rm<11111f' w;11i '"ur L;i,r'~ tnt.•11n r. :-.on-•J.,.I l.:1rl. he<.p, nl.tl 111 rol.u•· ~ro11l •"WY ••. 1t ll "''"''"' n1"l '.!fi.114;1111 ~'i \\'f'- FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES ae .... ''" .• f~ ' " WHEEL DEALS! CHROME REVERSE WHEEL 12!,f S/S CRAGAR CHJLO:ME WHEEL ~~.::. 37aa and cap included IACN l !.l.8·1059 t firu 28-TO<i: C FISI( WHllEWAIL C~IAf\IEI ';'o l•l '"\{l..:i 73 . l'~·~ c ~"'' lil~·h i~ LllJ l"CM D. ftSK WAX Kif ' lloCM : 1 .''. ::'..-~· 1.:1 1 • 1 3 ' ,, . •fl'''" ,,.,. " RACHET JACK 2,, .. ' ' WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA ' I • I I 15440 leach llvd. ot Mcfeddt • IU-2018 .518 5 Llite_.n A.,.-e. et Yatlty Vl•w 126-5100 i I I ' 5301 l each lfYCf. at L•ltwleltt 52l·l040 2200 Harbor llvd. at wii.o. 11411°2082 ' . • 1400 rc11.,.,. .. 1r11..i 546-71l2 ' l I J ) ' • • P' I -• -------··--.. ----If tAll v PllOT w ........ s..ut-10, 196t I Astros Next ' After Loss ~ . asi•g Fly Balls Is His Way of Making· til'Qig ' ' •To Atlanta HOUSTON -The: D o d I e r 1 try to rqroup t.beir fon.-es WniCht tn lbe AJlrClllome after losing live al their 11111 six -in Ult IAlrrid Natioeal 1Aque West permait acramble. Don SuUon faoea l;)enrty Lemaster II tbe ~ j~\ OM game be.hind the stui:npin& ""UOdge:rs, at· 1empt to Caln • tie !or fourth place. Tmrsday nia:ht in A t 1 a n t a , knuckleballer Ph1J Niekro, became the tir:rt AUanll Braves pitcher ever to win 20 games in a season. "f told bim lo bang one on the line so "'"'9er Slate ...... -.. ""' 1 ... 1 ~I, ti DoQen. 11 ~IWI l..ll ~1)1· s.t. 11 ~ •I Hs11Sto11 s,n ~"" 5-t. u ~ .. """ oi-1:55 , ..... some&idy qoutd bang lhtir wash on it," be said. "Believe me, he did." Hiekro. who gained bis big victory Tueldcy -11iPt u tbt Braves dowoed the Loo ~ Dodgen 2-1, rderred to root.ie Ralph Garr, a soft-spoken Louisia· nian only recently recaJled to AUant• from Richmond ln the JnternationaJ ~ ~" pinch hitUng for Niekro in the IDtb DUng, followed the pitcher's advice. He mlheci a ~ single, scored the winni!'I: ~ and moved the Braves to 11"' gllbiet oft the West Division lead. •"JUa ls the best Jeeling I've ever bad from bueall,"' ,Nietro d e c I a r e d juhil.Uy ... I've wajted a long time for this day -but I'" waited a )ot ~er lot a peooant,, playoffs and a W o r) d Serles." Nietro, in achieving bis long-sought Coal, becomes the first Atlanta. Braves pitcber e:ver to post 20 victories in a season. Tony Cloctinger. now with Cin· einnati, won 14 for the Braves in 1965 bu! at that time the team still wu located <it Milw.auket. Gan, although obviously pleased with his aecood straight bit since rejoining the Atlanta club,ji{ld little l,Q_ say about his &am&Winning lin&le. "t wu jmt lucky," be said. •·Just Jacky." LOI A .... LSS ATLANTA .,."" .. ,~,., Sii"'*"-• .. ' I I I l'.Alov, d ' I l ~ Moll,11 1 111Mllllfl.2tl ••IG W.0.¥11,.d •I IO HAll'lll, rf J 1 1 I "•rlcll',111 •••oc.rn,lf ••1• Cr•wtonl, rf • 0 1 I Ceptdi, Ill 4 I I I s...._i.. lit l • • • ..,,..,_:,,A ..11 1 l a Koller, .: .C I I I lt.JK!Cson, U l I I I L~I~ 2ll 1 I I I Dldlt r, c l I f I llunnlfll, e l I 0 0 ".Hlekra, ' J I 1 0 8.._r. '° ' I I I G1 rr, pll I t I t GellrlNtrl. ~ I I I I Mlltktlw'I, ' O 0 0 I Totab :J2 1 ' I Ttlll1 l3 , J 1 0... - -w!Mlflt ,..,,, KOi' ... L........... tlOO IOI 1111 1 -1 Alltflll 000 (IOI IOI I -2 Sports In Brief These Mets , Are Different • ... '' From Ste~ge1's--They, 'r:in NEW YORK (AP) -Mrs. Joan PaylOn burst into Gil Hodges' pre:ss conference, excused herself for interrupting and then threw her ample arms around the manager of the New York Mets. "Oh ," the Mets' principal owner bub- bled, "it's just so wonderful. We're all so happy." The subject ol Mrs. Payson's joy was not just the Mets' 7-1 romp over Oticago Tuesday ni1ht that moved New York to within one-half game of the crumbling Cubs in the National League's East Division pennant race. Jt also was a burst of aecumuJated emotion over the sudden and stunning success of her eight-year-old franchise. ~·hkh for so long has been the biggesl joke around the National League. The Mets. believe it or not, are con· Lending for a pennant. Yes. the Mets. TI.ey wear the same unilorms tbal Casey Stengel and Rod Kanehl and Marv Throneberry and Elio Chacon once wore. ' Bu~is ooe important difference. pl.ayers who-belitve they ~ dit 14" ' Mets win~ fiese Mets artn'l1 Do itt'You ~. wtMhe ~t? The very f y to the rest. of the Nali~al Me:ts? 'Ibe same team-~t pn~ 24 League,, games out of firsl place }ast\year. t "I reroember when 1 played for "You know, it's f~" said Ken Pittsburgh.," said Donn Clendenon, who Boswell, who drove in the. first fwo1Net made T11.l!fday's key victory a little ruru: Tuesday with .a fi{st.4nniq double easter w:itb a two-nm hornet. aumst loser Fergueon·Jenkins, "I-be,.- "We'd ~into New Yo~ feeling we we had a'team·~bJe.lo(being wber~ ~e were playing the Mets ~ we knew are, but ~tllJ1 rt$ _. surprise. • ~ they'd mab ~a mtstake -mental or everybody. otherwise and we'd take advantage and wln." Suddenly, the shoe is on the other foot and it pinches. Tuesday night, moments before Clendenon hit his homer, Art Shamsky was trapped in a run-down but slid safely into second when Glenn Beckerl of the Cubs dropped a lhrow. Clendenon followed Wilh his homer. It was a scene reminiscent of Mets"1na circa 1962. Ah, y~. 1967, that was the year Mrs. Payson invested just over $2 million foe • team stocked with ~~aulifuJ name( but not.very many lat J.>laye.r~ . ' The Mets we-en't v good, but at least they showed up every day. And day Messersmith Fa ces Ro yal s, • Angel s Lose Leo Cardenas ~n't know whether lo laugh or cry. He looked at the scoreboard and decid- ed he could afford a little grin. Graebner to Miss .C~p ; Bruins Ready for OS U aft.er day, they lo.9L They lost an almost unbelievable 120 times that first season. They lost in al.most every way knoWn to baseball -organi.ied and otherwise. They had a pitcher -Roger Craig - who was so effective, he k>st 24 games. You have to be Ute ace o! the staff to pitch often eoougb lo lose that many games. Craig improvtd the next year -he lost Cardenas, the spindly short-stop ac- $1Uired from Cincinnati in an off.season trade last wU:iter for p i t c h e r Jim '-1errill, committed three errors in lhe field Tuesday. 1 1 But he more than atoned for those sins Ange l S late .... a--kM!"C (Jltl Sept, 10 ""Oii~ YI Kl,_. Chy Se9f, 11 1Arlol:ls YI K•no' City Sept, !? Angels 11 Se1ttle J:li P·'"· 1l:55 p.m. J:SS p.m. 7:55 rt.m. NEW YOBX (AP) -Clark Grubner wodbe ablt lo play with the U.S. Daris Qq> tum In Ult Chall<:nge Round matcbel in Cleveland next week because of. an. injured right ankle. 1be lJ.S. No. 2: player's plact at Cltvtland will be taken by Cliff Richey. Dould Dell al Wubington, D.C., noopllying caplaln. annoonced Tuesday that Arthur Albe Jr., Stan Smith, Bob LC and Richey would face the Roma· ...... .S.pL 19-21. However, be .can aubstitute for any one el thete players five days before the start al compeUtion. • LOS ANGELES -UCLA football Ct1ach Tommy Prothro 58YS be e1:pectl to bave a lull, healthy &quad ready to play the Bruins' opener Saturday against visitinc Oregon State. The Bruin'I held • one-hour scrimmage TUeaday, their shortest of the fall session, as Prothro elected &o rest his players for the entOUDte.r at Memorial coliseum. For the first time thia season the entire 1quad nn at full speed. lncluded in the workool was the Bruin't starting backfield -quarterback Dennis Dummit. halfbackl Greg Jones aod GC9"ge Farmer and fullback M;ickey Cureton. • ANNAPOLIS, "td. -A U.S. Naval Academy f~an injured during foot - ball practice last Thursday died at Bdbeeda Naval Hospital early Tuesday, Joaipb D. Anderton. 19, died '11ortly after midnight. He was the aon of Mr. and Mn. Arthur D. >.Merton ol Garland, T"'. Academy officials uid Anderton col- 1apsed du.ring a tackle drill after com· plaining of headaches. He was rushed to the hospital where an operation was performed . but the midshipman died without regaining· coosciousness. • CORVAWS, Ore. -Oregon State University continued lo ease up in foot- ball practice Tue5day, lmiiting action to light cootcat work and play execution. The Beaver defense spent most of Tuesday's 1ession diagnosing UCLA of· only %2. · The Mets were so bad that Stengel once implored his athletes, saying "Can 'l witlt a homer, double, 11ingle and three anybody here play this game?" The RBis as lhe Twins shellacked the phrase fit the Mets perfectly and became ·California Angels 11·7. the title of a book about their early The third place Angels, now officially adventures. out or the American League West pen· For their first four seasons, the Met.s nant race, send Andy ~1essersmilh, 13-9, always had one pitcher who would lose. at against Kansas City's Wally Bunker, 9-10, Jeast 20 games. Now, suddenly, they have as tbe visiting fourth-place Royals open a a pitcher who has won 20 grunes. ln fad, two-game set tonight. Tom Seaver, who9t five--hitter beat lhe Twins' boss Billy Martin took the op- Cubs Tuesday night, has won 21 games -portunity to aim another dart at Angel IOJ>.1 in the NalionaJ League. Manager Lefty Phillips, rekindling an old Sei>t. ll Anvels •I Sffllhr fcnsive plays. OSU's sea.son UCLA. The talk around. tbe league y.'hen the 1 feud stemming frpm an incident earlier opener is Saturday at J\tets started making waves this season 1in the year when Minnesota's Rod Carew was that eventually they'd fold . AfLcr all. stole home. • . CLEVELAND -The Cleveland Browns announced T u e s d a y night . that qull'terback Frank Ryan and running b&.ck Charley Rarraway have been placed on waivers, cutting the NationaJ Football League team 's roster to the 44.p\ayer limit. Ryan became a free agent permitted to negotiate with any club that might be in- terested in him when none of the NFL clubs claimed him. • LOS ANGELES -Southern Cal coach .John McKay expects a rough game when hi.! Trojans open their football campaign Sept. 20 at the University or Nebraska . Said f.1cKay of the Comhuskers: '"Nebraska ha s shoy.·n it has an outstan- ding ·Oefense and they also have one of the flJleSL runners in the country in Jo Orduna." The Trojans' coach had all four 'quartet'li>acks working Tuesday. Jimmy Jones, Mike Holmgren, Jim Fassel and Greg .Briner took turm passing as the squad abarpened its aerial attack. the argument went, these were the good, .. He said we wou]dn•t win the pennant ol?. '-tels. , , . ., w..ith plays like that " ttartin quipped, . I wonder d. UJ:eY r~. believers now , "but now he's picking us to beat Balti- 1aid Seaver, gr1nrung. The Met chance.'I more in the playoff. That's what scares at this moment are the best of anybody me because he's been wrong all year." in lhe league. We've got a bunch of young MINNESOTA CALIP'OllNIA 'WE'LL WIN IT BECAUSE OF LEO' NEW YORK (AP) -Ron Santo. the Chicago Cuba' third baseman and team captain, retreated Tuesday night from his po~ition challenging the New York Mets' pennant credentials but remained finn in his outspoken devotion to ~tanager Leo Durocher. ''There's not a belier son-<1f·a-g un in baseball than that guy in the other room," Santo said as he pointed a finger towards Durocher's cubicle in the Cub dressing room. "He'.1 a great manager and a great man. "And we'll win it because ol lhat man." Mlrl!rlll ~llr~rlll UhJ,.ftlll(,r. II ' 1 l I A!omar, 1b • 1 2 I C•rirw, 2b $ 1 1 1 SPtf'Ktr, !1> $ o a o 011¥•,ff s121 ~rtQ01i,u s ooo ltil-,...:Jb4J11Pera,u. 0000 Ouilld, lib 0 I I 0 Jotifl$1':ml!, cl S 1 1 I R~@. 11> S 1 l 1 Rtk:Mn:H, I! l 7 1 0 l0¥1f.C l l J O Vos!.rl 1 01 ? l'!o•ebOro, ~ s 1 1 1 Cow111, rl J O I O C1rdl'N1, " • I J 3 A,llodr\gl,HIZ. :lb • I 1 0 D,Clll nc;._ 11 I 0 0 0 Al(~, t t 0 ) 1 roerit.. ..... !OOOGt!tllt'rl.11 )IOG ll W-"°"· #I 0 0 G 0 -· P" 0 0 0 I 1t111,11 JOllllr..i~,11 000 0 ltNlef, p 0 0 0 0 J.Totum. 11 1 o o o E.l"bllOtr, p 0 0 0 U 1or11i •• 11 1• lU Toll~ ll 1 11 ' MlnneMt•a 010 111 Hit -n C11i!llf'ni1 XIO lJO 000 -1 E' -C1rr1Mi l. A~r. 11'.all, F'99(1SI, AKue. DP -Mln-1• '· C.O.lilor11i. I. Lo• -MIM..ol• I. C1ll+orn1A l'O. 1fl -Von. Kllleb,....., <:.an:ltNli. lihl1end,r, OU\<1. Cow111. 3fl -Rftl•. HR - C••dc,,.s fl> . .se -Ai.mar 2. 5 -C.0.rd-s. 5F -Mllf'l!M. l'°KJll!:ltaaSO D.Clwl<>tt l l l l 2 I ll WoocliOfl I • l 1 I 0 lt11: (W,1).11) S 4 1 1 l , Gebllttl 5 l ll l1 8r9Cl!1y IL.0.1) 111 • 5 l I I ltHhry 2-1/) S l I 1 l I; Flillto' I I 0 t I t kll" -by 0 C"'P>C'I l ll.11c1!1nfll 'wP - Kwit¥ 2. Time -J,01, Al>tllOellCI -,,$12. Rams w·o~'t Fool Around at Big A J11 HOWARD 1.."·11ANDY ...... ,,... ...... Tho period al ~Jaliol> bu tnded for U>e-Loo-Aage\<f lllnlo. When they lair< Ult lleld in Anaheim $1 .. jnm aplnol Ult San FranciJJoo .... -, w11b .tldroll II 5 p.m. coach <l9lr1I' Alla Im pmDlRd ... will .... ,...... u cloM .. poalble to the .... he will employ agafnlt Baltlmcn in the ~ -• wee!< later. "'!lie -,.,.. will bo a IHI of 01u ~ 1bb la bl( "pniblem and ene tblt we mlllt hive if we are tn _,. 1 -..-iP lootball team ." Alla ...... ) V~an~~tiJe Roger Brown, onto(~ mort jX'OOlineot c.asuallies of the prettuon campa1cl\.lfll be •J'&f •lidetmed · 1'101 a _r1gbt hand broken in .two places, •Jit>ean healthy ...,. again. A member ol the flh'led Front Four of the Ram defentive mlit, Brown is hapPy that-dab is playing as a unit ooce again. ''Tl.ming is the ZllOlt Jmpartant thing' and the only way LO 1e.l It ii ln • game. all W«t:ing lottlher. It bu ta.ken me a coup~ ol games t.o &~ tbel_eel .aga1n.'' The Ram fourtOlnf: brought down lht Buffalo quarterbacks !even times h181. Saturday night but Brown Wartllll that the 49eN will be """"" to penetrate. ''The 19ers 1ive their quadtfltcks a lot ol protection with, backs '• well u linemen and tbfir offensive line 1s one of the strongest in the Jea,ut." Roger, a former AIL Pro tackle, ind Greu: Schumacher, play the "other side" of the d<'fensive tine from Deacon Jones and Merlin Olsen. The '49ers traded backup qQ&rl.erback George Mira to Ult Philadelpbia Eagles Tuesday. Thia moves Steve Spurrier to the number two slot behind John Brodie. .In• rtlurn. the 49crt gained Randy Heisler. and two future draft choices froro tilt Eagles. Seisler wu the number one pick three years •Co and hu psformed as a defensive end and offensive tackle with the Eagles. The Rams picked up an offensive latkle Tuesday' when they traded two draft choices to the Washington Redskins for Mitch Johnson, former UCLA star. With Jim Wilson sidelined iOOelinitely after surgery Mooday, addtion of Johnson could help the Rams consfderbaly. He stands M and welgbs in at isc>. Ht was drafted by Dallas In 1965. went lo \Yashlngton the next year and was a starter in 1!164 and 1967. Last seaJJOn he was out most of the year .with a o1slt'Clled right hip. The injury no longer bothers blm. ' ' I •• 1 OAtlY j.ll.OT ,...._ ..... ~ FRUSTRATING END -Newport ~ch's Bill V0'5 comes\o: fruit· less end to bis long chase of lhis fo flyt baJI duriQg aftern n hos· lilities at Anaheim Stadium. Voss, former Oreng41 CGllsl ollege star1 flays rightfield for lhc Angels. He's been credit~ \Vi. being one o the keys to the team's ascent om the' cellar to third ce. ' . -·--------. ---~-·,·-~·""~~~- I l • • l . • l ' • I ' I I ' l l l j l • I ~ • ' j ' ' 1 l • • • • l • • • • • \ • • • I • • ' • l : ' • ~ ' l I I I ' • I •• ~-~-,..-1 .~ 1" -l'".,,.,,.. ..... r-.... _____ ... _______________ .. 1::1 ___ .. _iil_ii;;; __ ::;::;;;;;;;; ---~~----,..--. --~ -• • ••• ~ t.• .. . , ' Top Ten l ,.' &MtlUCAll LllAtU• "-CM. e&alfl:MM. ~ Ml" lQ JU n ISi .MS titiM Min 111 JN 4lf lU _.. Ill. Sml"" a111 11• •'1 a IQ .JU Olfot• Mlt<I lJI WI M 171 .trl' '· fllolllniM! kl lU _... Its 111 .ll7 .,..... lal 1)6 -11 lit .JIS f! ..... ll'O W•1 1G .flt ttl IR .M ~I lilt Ul 4U .. 1»' .. ~ NY '" iP n ,., .ar jiliiir--... 111 Ill " 161 .M l ...,. ... ' lfl. ""*-· °*"""" ~ .... ..... .,... ~"""'-., l(lf ........ , •• =·:.t:"~ ~ 11•:,.ht- ftATIOKAL LWAeu• ..... ,... C. • A• A N P<d. • c..1-.,., 121 «1 " 1u _...1 ~ ... .... It-Clft ~:l:t $N 107 1• -"' CIWllnl• 1'911 111 «t )J 1sr .W A."""""' Cllt 111 4M 1't lSS .m ~ ........ '"' 1*7 .fft " "' .. tttl'ftff Piii 1n m 1t 14 .i;a .. ~ hi! 10. m • 1n a W.,iiiY!i:-U, 101 •II .W UI .. ~,, :: m: ~= ~~ . ..... .... 'Mce:wft',_ S;tn FT•~ .Cr H. AaftM, ~A. lt1 L. Mtt. Clndlto llllfl. lh ..... C1Mlnnd. .., ...... -- 4 Left CDmpeliton In the Santa Ana Country aub~a aMual club cbampioashipo iJ doW!I to the aenUl1nalt ~ completion. or ,'the letolll: 'nun:t evs Ute -~· Set to .meet Saturday mcm· Ing at 10 art JMU 9.rown and Dr. Bob ~-iiid Jock~ Rowsen ~ "1'i!m.(e, Brown eated J a c i: Bowman'1 m and five while Irwin was disposing of Wlly Bennett one up on the 18th hole. In the )ower bracket it was Van Rowsen dropping Fred Werder out ol championship hopes wipi 1 five and uiree ~ liltiile Talmage was edpng Bill Mocaul<y ooe UJI. The JI.bole finals a I" e 1<beduled for Slmday begin· nlni at lfJ a.m .. RMeho SI . 'ia!t. ilrilnmond and Don =. IWlled ·UJI ;for a . net 18 in bdlO{ ball :r.:; · · (low net) adlon at Rancho San Joaquin Country Club Saturday. A stroke behilld •ere Ille lama /jl Al "lllli IJld Paul ~ ~ "'1 Botl>fllld Pat ."~ 1'W!l:l'R. 1!.'•Whlt. llld .... -th a. Tbo,lltlt ,cl Ille Ill-lo Wcada' nml ii 1111!1 dib . . ' > I> I • DAll.Y p)(91 ,.., ..... t, While. All are Jeltennen &11.d will see plouty of ac- .tion Saturday ni(bt when the Bucs, take on Whittier College in a scrimmaee. i.~ • . , • . -• • • . . ' Ir .. ) . . QPcenkate ' •. ' •:ng Attaek .. - , ; ~ ~·~•• aoliiil Wbltl~,'I he uld ~ • lf'pual'* ilr!llll .aod II aher a li\I'( "'°"'"'' In Ibo .:r,· · Ith urlal -wDI , ~and Iii ~II. ~ .. .: • < °""1le ~·· llnebfcklng lirolitv-!ii" J ~J!lrile boU . is mot< cor!IS wu tiohltred Tlleaday .liltra! ·"°M'-nllll bjs by llie addllion 1ol Gtora• -. lllalo • dolql•• unll H, .,pectiO to l!Ur, w!¥> tranalerred ln from 4-\ -II WU be •U.O. up .-. but the \ uac, • H l\rll ap-.,.....,,,,, WU uotllia;.q\les' A &,I, ~. ,Junior. I -~ bi1 -, Uoo ~ • l: Borf playOCI II Wdlminlt.r . , , "'l\lilil now l'e are 1<Jugn llili'. and he lmj>mled tM '"bit""•· ar.e • apimt..U»e pua,.t>ut.we'U iel J>lraf1 coechea on 1'115 nr~t ... .• pultlna • a bell. of • lt$I Sf-'y day, • -.arr-m , ~ ~~lllJ!L""'~ lai • r Ila J · · • ' i5:i::::·-;µ:.:.: ·l~s Long, ~eac~; -. ... .,.a,_·~ IM ='ftlcbr WI fUU: ' . • • ~~~:::·"Not OCP; for ~er "' IOOd l>loctmf. -,.; i lirtl . ·' k'liam:ialt It wasn't a bad ef· 10<1, poi;!cularly wb60 you Roy Miller WOOld nlher · · F ' Mira Costa wu usinc ' "'i'ltch thin fl&ht hb way to , · OOClceyed dtlense , apliul' ibt. backboard& •gainJt bi&ler " college !orwards. . · · Tucker ls convinced the Miller tolO the DAD.. Y Pirates will have a rtrong run--PILOT he will a.t lend cal ' ning attack centered around state Lona: Beach and ~ay tailbacica. Ray Rlcardo.J Tony haalc!jl>all undel'JtlT)' Tarka-• < Vt!!tbt>ltU. a°" Sieve U>rWin, , "1a!>' lnstea4· ol loins to · :-J '«corw1n wu one of our ,Ora.ace Coul Collqe. · -· "My prima?y -!Of molt pl..,.nt surprises. We ..... lo Loni Beacli 'la I think toew Ri<anlo ,and VeuUmi,U. tbe only dlanc< I blVe lo play were JOOCt; bul Corwin wu an ~11--··•""be untoown qu~~· aay1 the at a four-year \.vin:ae. wuwu f Pira "-&--as a guard. ta ~ wound up ''.At Oran"' Cout 1 would be u the ~lra!oll' IOCOOll Iudin( ola.Yinl forward and I don't rusher m the 9Cl'Um. ihhik r can play forward at a Tucker alto wanta , to &et • four~ur scho<it. u r went eo"" -loot at lullbilck Coe .Pnnl• CW!. rd bi losini two Meyer this week. Tucker ..,. bY ll)'in& /orwml " thinkl he'll be • otronc ad· Mi11er Aid. P · • ' dllloo 1o the lUMlnc atw:t. Miller -tbe Lonc·Btach Meyer ooly carried once coachlng staff told him they ~Jaiml Mira .Costa. •1 are~ ml}t interested in using Orange CO&ll'1 blg1ut Q1IOI-hliil u a cuord. • . 'R<IY ·Ml~Lli,R Pickl Lon~ Beach · Uon mark·on offense 1:s ·ltlll Lona Beach Which Tarka· pa.uin1. Quarterbackt Mike nlan ii l:iuUdfni into_. ball.et-· Tamiyuu .and Red Ste~l\a ball power. h~ Jl'anted Miller bal:~;1·h.iglt iclloDJ 'career ha~ no jun!« C<tilqe es· ~ 1ebolanhlp that will c:Over "Miller disUnimbt.id IUmoel! perieftet and both had oil day1 ~ coot of bll tu!Uoo and wl.lh bis ru~· ;dr:.pl .. under th• !all Sa,lunlay. boob. ~ TtlUday. Tuck# ienl hll J4lller. had teamed w 1th· board! an an ex c-e 11 en t Mike Contrtru to. lead Hun. asaortlhent of.move. inllde. • Ill SACC l.os-Alamito,s Results u.cioo Jlach Hip School 1o The Oilers didn't need hb S.O.Ot 1.eque ~onsbips outside shooting •~illty, but tbe put two ll!llOl'll. He was Miller abo 11 rateil u • good ao AJl.CIF aetection botlf shoot.er away frolq the buket. years a.s a forward . Miller's rugged. but poU!bed Miller hbn't played guard play, urned him plenty of In three and a half years. The ho~rs and praise Jrom op- lul time he pl.iytct\ bl i the posing cqlcbea. • ' backcourt wu ln -r-summer.1 ~,a BDI Annslhlns.-coach of 1._ at Vto!ce Hlgb School, dF• champfon C.mpfoo lDgh. bet~ movtn to,~ P.Ufiaps w~ the most im· acti vites .i.! scheduled for Se pt. 211. A Tin WhiJtle affa ir with a Scoth Darby in the afternoon iS slated for mixed C°'1PkS ~l ZI . .o Seaellfl William ~ tool< the low net iwte)>! at Hun· tfnrton SeacE!I Country Club over the weel:end with 1 net "· Second went to Lawrence Jacobs' 68 while Dick J ohanson, 0. V. Johnson and Gerard Cloutman Ued for third with 70!. Mel Moore, Le! Rosenthal and Don Muldoon Ued with 71s for fourth place followed by Shel Rosenf~ld <1nd J i m Thompson with ns. Jtleadotelark He'1 Bob Beckett of Hun- lingtoa Beach. His b e s t , recorded at Carlton Oab in San Diego, is 86. Jtleaa ¥erde c h a r I ts earl and John 13 to win 1 similar tourney Messersmith. lrl>ine ()oaat . ' Club member Loo Spe1'!>ts. af Irvin< Coest Country Club Sunday in the Florence Crit- tendm Charity tournament. Spejpb ued a ave-•apd on.. the 174-yarct~ evebt. Ht tOUow~ eel the feat ' with 1 •100 dona- tion to lhe c.harlty event. Jim Lockwood and Chic Higbie loo a better ball ol partners event in men's flub play Saturday wlth 'a 60 while Ors. Bill Cowan and Maurice Rice combined for a Los Alamitos Entri,es list Wednesday. ~nd went to .Bart M clluP and Gent Sloddanj (81}. ~· • ~ : ~ ·'• Women's Club actJon ·Sept. J was an even hole! event. Barbara Lltn'ac.her took claSS" A· h9o•rs wltb a :11\1, Hekne Nlchlaon woa elua B wJth a 341h: and Mi:dne Poyas was class C winner wJth 34-Y.i. RJcki Ectemach took class A honors Friday In women's club play (medal plq) with a 78. Class 8 went to Mary Louile Sork's 77 while Cappy Badham was lint in dais C with a 69. t ' TftM•r, s.t. t , IN' C161f° 6 Put l'llJT UC•. l$O t irft. Ml._,. t .,, .. , olcb. c111rni... ....,ne 11-. OIO:"'• ''1 ., I . IJmlttil Sl ... IA1 .... MadMIM •tr t"•toel •.• fA l•,id Mtlil4i. (Ulll'IMIJ ... TlrM-11 IJMI krlfd>W-Nil ...... 1 TOii .. GIL lltolCW 'bH. .._, lk's .,. '"· . --'' T SI CO ND ucli; -tlnlJ. ·';" ... Gldl I nd UI I" GrHI • """· llfM IUOI. _.. Tllo 0111<1t (Ill Bu.t.11 u .... f.09 s.'° ltH• T-!Ad•lrl J,lt J .• Sli'1wdor1 !"lu!l'l!ll J ... T~ t /10 Scr1i.:becl-t111111 M-. l uck'/' ri-1• c11, ,.,...., wr..,,.,, lrffl• Ml Oii, --· l BMcll. l \' I. " !i ~~· ·' • However he ~t think he" ''8'•• lhe 6isl g.j player in will have inan,. Jl'Oblema. re-Lhe hi&b school c a m e, ' ' adjulting bimaelf to the Arms~saidl~,'e'?'1· ' ' ' ·.-:1 .... .l : , .,.,<II j .. SHEirs ,GRBEN ' SCRIPE Since 1853, lbe orlliml llcbl ScOICh •• \ .. ! ) I • I I ' • Ja Do\11.V Pll,81' ' ,W~ • ..,_ lll, i.., Sn Die~• ~·~• . . GOld C"(lp .io ·Se~ ilutory R~peai?. • llltlory "°' a way ol ~ 111111 -In hYdroolant rlC&nc u well u oilier oporil purtulto. Bui tho dolen « more thunder boala WhlCh' c:om)ietl le< the American Power Boat ~atlon Gold Cup and 1"' ~ port ol a NJ,1111 pur,., 1iooe thin&• mllbt be dHfuent °" yu.r. Otberwtle, thty'O all be ntJPI chqrlnld Jo watehln1 Ok Bardahl walk off with tho rJmed mui f« the al.Ith time. 11>e 1111 ol hlllorY wUI c:ome Sept. II when llie . h1ilros tanile on the w~ter1. of Mlulon Bay, San Die ... So 111, ~· ~-1 yur or the unu.u'lJ, with the Bardahl moeblne nmn1n1 Oil! or the lll,OlltY ln mlJor eydro races. lillDABL FAVORICD ~tho •)llll>ool llola !or the -tlllli 11111 .,_, No ...... hat ...... Ills Sold ~. Onl1 two, ... -u.,. llraipl tlnce World Wu 11. Ont of tbont WU BanlthJ -, I-. " lbt'otJw WU tho )tltndlt)' 81 .. M..sbun team whlcb woo ft,V'I In I tow. No owner ha won .. Gokt CUp ..,. year and 111ccw1Ully' defended wMI) 1 totally new driver -.e,empdq the SI .. M o • s lru.n tum whlob alt.emated tw• drlvttt tn dlf. ter.nt·boata. MJu Bardlhl wtll attempt thll :oJtb· Fnd Altlr who la rtplo<Jnl Blll 8cl1111bldttr, the IN7.fl>Ablner. Aler lloo his 11r11 m outlnp 1n the Bltdahl In Seattle. addl111 them to two wins In another boat at Seattle. He contldently feels th1I 'could be his . year, and will work toward thlt end. So will lhe Bardahl crew head- ed by Jerry Zuvleh. ~ r ~-. • ~ W>NNIR'S TOAS'I\-Prime copac branay. 11 poured· for Don Aronow after 1vUuting the Long Bea~h Hennessy -~up. The brandy .apparentlY spurred blm to anolher major victory In the Cow .. Toniuay race acrosa .tlia l:nglish Channel lhe lollowing week. The back-to-ba<ik victory vlr!ualltissures the Miami driver of another world ~championship in' oUshore jl6wer boal racing. -' • OauB._ree . . . ~o~qiWst~ ·~~~ AhmallMlh n, ALMON LOClilflY dMlioo ylcllta tdlni'.fl•e out pored by Bill Birr)', tifth, and .... -...... ,... ' ol lklht ~ ~ . • tllo l'Z""""'41 Amorio, Gey BID Poll1'• RecrilnH1J..~ llooGod ov.,.U ..,, Fred Jn¥law wu llilth., Conqllell ~ 1°"111 ~a Cb\l"w.; Ii .. "".ooWt In tboollnl 10 • ., • =~:='a~°!: ::!, = ~ ~ Orlen4 II-fool 1loop, hltr N~ JIQ1llioo Yd Clu''' Club. 1'll'CI -~ C1111i D Davia, ~3 Odlo. - _,_ """""' ......-,,,. tally ·-Wiii; a .Cal WO llZ.Jloil ~· NHYC: ~tiri, unolllclal. ~ ~l>Y Km1 'l\inllerJ o1 !(.._, Jollit Quiet, BYC, 'and '.Ille Ahmamoa w1n1>et It C.illnla Y1<lll Clilb. , . . An1ba, Ca~ •. Dave Smiley baaed ... tho \besl ,... GUI ol ' 'l1it -Clua ;a yacblt· ""'lJRlni '""""'· BYC. u ,..., lhr«lehoul tho,..,.. ,..,.ff. · Jr.'1 EOOoon-The claM wlnnen: -· 4f N~l!aroor ~ A -Cl) orient, a!!!' hear'•~ wu a Yadil Ou folinh; ' t b e p-DavJs, NHYC. · ~ !"'" l<CGlld ' CoMnbla • N 5enp&; Hip-CLASS B -U) Conqueot, ' ~,,.., 1tiI1 Polly, LBYC; ( 2) NiUiport Star S't;liwr · In ·San· Diego Meet . ' a.Jmaera, Fred. Llebbard4 SDYC;, (I) Firebrand, Don AyreeJr., NHYC. CLASS C -(I) Altrl, John Catlu, BYC; (J) Sanderlin& (Colull)bla.M) Morrie j{trk, BYC and Bob Poole, BCYC: (!) Lo Pren,., (K-41) Al ol Lockabey, BYC. , CLASS J> -(!') Wlnd.,.ift, Karl Timber(, CYC; (J) Odin, Rod Lippold, NHYC; (J), Ar· rlbe, Smlley" Tori>e, BYC. $.ivm Southern Calltornlo naJr wltb X..I Edler s~ . ..non -tnchl<!inl ooe · Newporl.Bel<h u crew. liomNewportBuch-willbe The other Soutblanden in among the IO •kippers and !he, "world'•" lineup' wm be crewa wblcb ll&J1 compet.IUon Ralph De Lota, Los An1eles; for the w ... ld cbamploosblp !Awell Norlh, Malin Bllmhao>: Sepl.12 •I Sao Diego. J.olm Berutell and .Alan Ralee, Repreaentlng the .Newport all tram San DiegD. ' Harbor Fleet will be Charla· 'North Qi a ft'll'mef..slrif.Umt ·Hav e you e·11;1 see11 .1 1n tho past IO Gold Cup ..-. the dllllldinl champion npatld on M occuions -or • percept or tho tllnt. The o11-v10111 parollal It th1t Miss Banlahl, winner In 1917 and 61 ( o\11 1lao ' 198Mloll) will be Ille odl!Nl lt•,..Ut·IO win thla year. Mllllolll ol dollarl In raclnr llf\llpment and talent will lhoW up 11 Million Boy to dlopute the Bltdabl clolm to ~O> IUJll'lllllC)' -tnd to put a new n1me on the Gold Cup. All will cut ansk>us 1J1nct11 II tho camp al Checkerboard OonM~ which bl<ll1ht ltJ thlr1et· out or brief rotlr .. mtnl Jo lltOlll f1nJJbel )n last mootb't Selttlt Seafalr race. · Zu>lch pollltJ out that the Checkerboard Comet u 1 e d equipment In the stattle race t1n=.~=1a~i~1 ~: LIYC Holds Ar.onoi-OV.icwrAgain,· ponr plllN wlll be prtmlum quall\y -and that abould.keep U • R , Le w-1 adder Jn ZUcter world. champion ~ US. Kanlnchlo IV with •B 111 ' aod wu on ()IJmplc, iold Munster u ...,., . . -Winner · 1n Jl!j 1£ Bartilo Beelll I ·resldenl .ol A -·'-.......,. ~ ~-bla Newport Buen, !Jiii aall for · ca.,...... ··-.,.,ww,..H the Loi AO(el" Deel In ff.In. · «?lymplc cmnnan, ~-1'ar-,.~ wlllt,hlm In Jlte.cocl:Plt. Yel!o·h . S111J111.1:; 11e ~-·l: fr 1112 ~JI Chateaux 7 · :~·i AmooS the top entriel wlll bt N.1ss Budweiser, fi.tyr'1 Spoclal. Miu U.S., Notro D&me and Atlu Van Llnu. o.q ..,. team, Myr'• Speclol -...., 1 plate oa tho Gold 'lbal w .. WOii beck In by Galt V opar1t1n1 out ol I Scboenlill 1t1~le II dou Dltloll'1 Myr'1 Speclal. ~:~r rival cnw• up late .t mque ace ter.taiii Tii'le Winner PLAY SPOILEll J.ldo Ille Yacht ·Club's unJ.. • • • ' Unable to compete for the que seaman of the Yur race COWES,' £n&land -Don hi1.tht~ield. natlonal champlonshlp -will be beld next. Saturday 1n Aronow or Jl'lorlda became the The vktory also g a v e whieh ls lllll up for irabJ -the ocean oU Newport Harbor. top OCtlD·~rbo&t racer of Aronow his fifUi Union of Mlsa Bardahl rnay play a The race is wiique in that it aU time as 'he )Xfted his I n ternauonat Motorboattne' ST. PETERSBURG; Fla. -spoUera~role Jn the Gold Cup, requlres skl""""ra and crews 10 th "olr "A-, world points Wiin and has ap. Florida Firm Appoints Aide duhlnf the hopes of ~tyr's r....-seven 1.-"C win '/. ~ ppentfy, .earned him bis ae-Charles E. Morpn, president Specla Miss ·Budwtiser and perform varlou! ' acts o t yw in defelt.ln1 tbe,.largest cood wm-ld drivers ctiam-ol Morcq Yacht COrp., ba.s MJ&oi U.S. seamanship before flntshlnc oceao r1et Oekt In hJ5toii In plooshlp. announced the u.wl•tlon ol In abort. the Ml" Bardlhl the race. All observer 00 the J!foml1e C0wt3·Torquay lit now bu 51 poinl& toward Richard Schaumburg .mo bu late season advent has added bo&rd each yacht ir•des the r~ last week.· the coveted Sam Griffith joined the ei:ecutive ttaH u more l;ilct lo wbal'1 alrta.dy crew on IUCh feata 0 f Aronow won the dash across Memorial Trophy. His neare.st ptl'80nnel m1D1ger. Burnlwn II allo Llenner world c:bllllPk!n ln'the~ u . . IJ Bill BucblJiGl PUgS SOund: DElffA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less c-,1 ... Lill• ·' fillertl•t• l•l+.tl ,llNt A••il•ltl •• ""'-S.. • 121.tl ,a. P.LT. fi~.•!• Willl• Oto.11 -S11,•r l'rffli•M - lt•lllipl -s,.m -s.11111 •"''' -I .n Sia•• Tr11ck Tlr" 1 been a tfnt.ap ~ar for. the the English Channel &bOruy rival is Ilaly'a Francesco Schaumburc · wu formerly HJecl lffiUP of the world'a aeamanshlp u rescuing a alter winning the Loni Bach Cosentino who was second in employed by the Rly-0-Vac :BE.·IQ'S 'DEL J A JIRES fastest boeta. •lmulited man overboard with HeMesay CUp race at Long the Cowes race and has fl Dlvlllon, ESB Inc., Llncastet, It's betn a campalp In 1pinnabr flyln1: jlbln1 the B<1ch. points. M..,, where be held posllloni 141 E 17"'-St C M •AS-2010 which a boat thot w1., one tplnnaker In downwind run1 His time In the C:OW.S. Tor· DefendlOB champloo Vitel1!0 of penonnel mllJ!l(et, and, •. "' • • Oita ftG • .., · nee wiDds ~p tn the con-and chanrtna htadl!l& on Lbe quay race wu 3 hours, 3S Baleslrieri of Rome, has 2& more recently, manal."l@r Of ad-1•11kAmwl••" fo,p.tt.e ...... ...,. M•tt.r Cli•'I• n, re1l ol have aperrt a bundlO chMfO( tho APBA top prbe, llul to no ovall, -1Au ..u•'-~r Jer I •·· -· 70 boets Int min" · ~-lll1·WDT17 ... U.NTAANA-.. 14t04 ~onnceattbenutevent~:.:::·:::~~~-~~~~~_::m:•:u:~~·~"'.'.:~"~w~e~re~.!:'.'.'."..-".po~s~.~~~~~~~~~"~~·~ti~on~.,.....~~~~~~:!!!!!~~:!!!!!:!!!!!:!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!:!!!!!:!!!!!~ -where difftnnt boats win ,-,.. CllALLENGE FACED 8peHln1 or history, Jhe lllibboldhs tallorod to It whan Bardlhl team will bunch a few etch beu thntUcJtout the day, and where the ooJy thin& ... peettd Is the UneipecJed. PA Tl'EllN CON'l'INUE ~·1 evv, reason to beUeve Ulla pattern •W t'Cll- CBYC Sailor linue rllhl down lo llnol ~nlall 1\111 al the Sin Die.. Gold I' Clip. ~ Vietor in ' R.aee-off And .. -lhOUld be toe illi1Jrlald II the llnaJ nee tndl Ult ill • -hell -throe 1ioa1a-lill tied 1n hio -. and with two ol tlie tbroe lied !,.. tho n.Uooal BUI ,._ o1 Mrillo championship. lloodl YllCitl Cluli wu the Whit woW<I happen then! POlllibl)o a Jlltttln& ol the wlnnor 8wldoy ol tho Southem Gold Qip COl!l..t Board - Cllllorllia Yachtlnl ADocfa. •114 lw the flnt time linco the U. ,.._m1chrt'1 Tropby tn a nee •u lnaupr.ated in l!IOt -dllllt ,_ -lrwn -• -Gold Q>p In ... ~ .... ~ Yadllip;)"";;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.! 'l1tmt .... hur -11> -· la ~ nee, CBYC, HllYc. Loac lleoch Yadlt a.lb and Aiamlloo a.,. Yadlt Cub. Tbe -.... aalled In Clloll 11-. Th f Com-• . . .-.·1 CUp is 1,.. juol<r Allon. Otbers la the net Wart llotlf llu1ollo, 'LBYC: U Foo, AllYC: IQll Roll<rt -m.IDIYC. The IUIYC eotcy Withdrew ®1al the -beeaOll al ...... fllJurt. ]t 1\"IS \n aeeond plaot 11 the lln>e ol the ')\\l. I I~ prtSe.Otatloo WU ,,..,JAi.,, .. !. btld $nlQ nJab1 at tho cap. llla't Jillt, Loos --• lTAOT$ WIDNUDAT • ltalpb a.dwtck. MCl"ttarJ " ......... ••&fl: a... SCY~~A~in~ ...... ~~·ii;;;;;m;J=-~ -_,. YOUR PIOILEM: -; Ywwtftlt...li .... _ , ... ,... ............ .... llhtlllW ... Cllll -.... NOT OYll $'50 7 7 7 7 7 7 YOUl'"'INSWEI: ~ Y09 ull THI DAILY PJLCl.T, .... tw c1..i11o11 .w-tw,.. ......... . PILOT PENNY - PINCHER ·~IPllDAD AT oµl lllCIAL LOW IA11 2 LiNIS 2 TIMll 2DOLLARS AND YOUR CRIDIT IS OOOD I DIAL NOW DlllCTI t4J-.1671 \ -. How .. to add $100 a month or 1110re ' . to your retirement money., ) ! •• con It "CeKlontlo Fed-rs llanthlJ MOfllt'Pt.t,"ltlldlp•:dable..,ofrecelw· ... _., ....... ~·-Thelolalrly almpl .. j>ou deposit $10,000 or mor&. Then w-.rneil you a ch1ck .1very ~ F ... 1q,_,. wilhout f1ll Your principa!---hyura -IN we add high lrt-L We ccmpulo the In-at our highest tolll lo glw yru , maximum earnings. It'• possible to have caah left over at the end or the plan, too. -do,.... want row olloclt 1o go? You decide. Maybe you don't want to uoo yoAI( ,__ oheclc for your rotiremenL ..... you'd pr.w us to -..... each -to--lo help lhem lhlough "°""""'or 111 JOlll llSlod -ta. or to your cltutcll. or._. '-Ito cltartly. You tell Colllomia--JOU w111t1fle- -1 ond -h l9fl to ua. u..,.... ... oaw • ......., .... ,,.._ .. For one thing u.r.·1 no maximum age lltftit. (Aoa 21 lo .. "*tillllun.) lbare's no phJslcal examination to go throagll. No commission lo pay. No "load.• No -ol llr/ kind. -~· You're dealing wftlt ~·• lolgaot _ .. ...mvs and 1oan U"odofion, w1t11 asaea of over one and a half bilion ~11'.L And your -lo Nanci llp lo $15,000 bya._iagency<ilfhaUnlted-· GoveinmeflL You---·- No wony about !he upo and -ol lhe market. there is no safer form of protection for your capitaJ. Whal·--pa:q ~ __., Juat'811~-.. ,..- -quldtly and Iha ...... .,..,,..,_ can be _., taitttittnod. ,,_ ,.. ...,. drn as you would regular U¥inaL Two--. M1ybe you•ye some queetiorie JO" wanl answe<ed. Thet'l wtiy--~ you a C.lifornia Fedonl _.., ...,_, Plall boCJt -. Drrip"' -af - - and ---llaf-· not ... ,.. .. -........ pick up,.,..,,. COPJ ol .. 95-poO. CalHomla --1 Gulde. lt'o 1n.ci wil!t p1tat0o, n• ci.cr1p11ono -~oflUtdrclll -olu•a n1 ... 1n .. --ltat-ol--Olld taltlll .,. c•••Fwdlral ile1.w, MonilJ Plln -w. ioak "'4•1111 "'~JOU. ' ---••. 111tploceloririe_,__, .... ltt ... Califor.nia Federal ... i.-A~•llO...•A_..,_ N1n10N'S LARGEST l"EIDAL ANAHEIM OFHCE:D K. EUCUD ~VE. • 71N221 COSfA IFSA OFHCE: 271111 HARBOR ILYD. • II• I• OMllGEOFHCE:31'10W.atAPIUllAVE.•111- -tmm: liEl'O "7 ftitll-. l.aaAllQJI .._ ........... br .. ,,.... ...... t.o.k @C.,• ................. ,, ...... _ ... __ ' - • 1 • ' • I, d 1 • • ) • • > I • . i . .... ,. ' •, W-. Sflllt-10', 1!6', w-.,, ~ 10, IJ6! PILOT·ADVERTISER I .J:J ( 1.. , ' J ts:t ; # 1_ ~~r~ S,tIJdent ~ ·~.oldin .Jobs · Now ·l;li.an ~r,f1r .-. • • • Don't Think Mind, B9dy Not 1.inked DOCTOR IN 'fME HOUSE · Head .& Shoulders • SHa--llill!'ll --:'., .... ...,.. 9.9c 1.65 6J!i OL lofloo -'ll(o..t' .JI . . .. : • ._.a ... C-OlllAcTiolCAPSlllS ... 111 nllol of Diii -...... '"*-raac .. , .. IC. ,, f •) ' ·\ · 1.4flrs·1 '· .... APRIL SHOWERS ''Skin Balm'' - for All -Sklto Cln K11os •ws soft 1nd llllllla .S well a u an over r•rr ~dr. LIDoli1 lolp$ .. -...... ,,,.i lo -• ... ~~ .. "'· --~irbl 1.25 • ~"'!11. . \ '. ' I • .... ~ . -Ill ="'· 97c 8SC -:;. 1.39' ~1.19 :-1.29 S1lldy, JPhlollbl qie lri~ •inyl -· .......... iolil'""" 4 98 ""* pocltt will '"11· lloL • 10" Slllle Riie 'fitli CASE ' ' R: 1.1• '.r· .,, •' '1 SUINll11llR 1.1•119 1r1 • IADIU' Apran l.21-98 ~ c 3.29 \IU._ .. .,... ""1IW al>los. Ml• oft lion, ....... ""' -aol lleblltOollow m.., ' , '-''Klear'' ~-Floor Wu, .. Jiil"" • • • ' ' 2 ::t, .. 11.,1 .1 9·' -...... c.. • , • ~~rt . ... 1 • ' •• ; '-.. --"S1ic 'n Span" .. tM ·.J, JO. 6.wr, tor Jiit• · ~~ ""' ···asc · '~1.ts~~ · '".'Vif •Ifs'' ~ij,, VJ • . , CM• loil"wltlftfC!lm: i!ltp 111r INt· ... 111,i ·imnt 17 .,.ai. . . . • c· ... 1.ot7·k. ' ' 1 :- MunFRISH • I I ----------------------------~~~~---'~~~~-~ - JI • • • • , .. • ;:t o.llLY PILOT s Beckman Reports lll<!<mal' bslrumenfl Inc. hu_ ~ Mt .. rn1n1s Of fU mlllloo, or fl.25 'pt< .Wr<, "" Al" ol fl:IU milllon !or tbe year ended June 3111, com- Pl"'! -• Del of f<.l mlllicio, or fl.II per allor. on Aleo ol ll!U mllHon In lbc:al 1961. The company said 1"9 operallni ellllllnp tolaJed IU mlDioa, or $1.34 ptr .W... but W'et'& teduced p:JO,CIOD, or t AffllSSIVI e>µNH COUNTY coarou not1 llllDS' SH.tot WOl•IN• CArlTAL WJU PAT lt'!I. • .... _ SU .... . A 7 t tl!1JJI MORE DOCTORS, DENTISTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE USE TAB BECAUSE WE'VE GOT THE AllSW•RI ~ lf0RA8LOWAS I $14.50 ""'MO. C4U. US NOW FOR INfOAMATIOH AND • A BROCHURE. ., .. :i dlllftAU 543-2222 I Ofl'1CD TO' IERV£ ALL Of' OMNGI CO. - COPYWRITER New in area. Award winning advertising copywriter for staff or freelance. Retail or agency back'g.round. Salary Clpen . PHONE: 968-6815 VISIT MERRILL LYNCH'S NEW ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE OPEN HOUSE-THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 AND 12 To meet the growing needs of Orange County residents, Merrill Lynch's Santa Ana office has just moved to new and improved quarters. Located in the hub of Orange County's Financial Cen· ter, here's an information center where the busy investor can check the pulse of the market. Managed by Norman M. Dahl, Merrlll Lynch 's staff of experi· enced Account Executives are at• your service to provide personal. ized, Individual help. We have at your disposal the most modern elec tronic equipment, Dow Jones and Merrill Lynch newswires, and QRQ-the largest compu· terized information retrieval sys· tem of its kind in the world. Plus a complete library of investment brochures. You can get current quotes instantly. The latest facts on specific securities in minutes. Our staff ol Account Execu· l ives will be glad to help you get information , or to answer any questions you might have about investing. They will welcome a visit from you. M•RAIL.1. I. YNCH, I Pl•Rc•, l'•NN•R a •MITH INC . 1000 NORTH MAIN STRE ET, SANTA NIA 92702 Telephono: 547.7272 ' Norm1n M. Othl, M1n1aer • ... t.,:.·" ,." Tl l • .... +·-. =1-··· _,. . t .. ' c,,j .... .. ; . ... . .. .. _,.. ... : ;i ... .... : :t ... = +-' • l • '!t ~ i .1 ,. t ,t I .. .i :i " •. ,1 .• . " • . ' 'l • < -. '"1•''"' ' .. • ' I' A • . .... • •• • I ' • " ' I \la I I ~..._.. ~ AtMCL • -· ,. .. ..... ~·11 ••• 1. "''ii ~ ..... r~ ' I 1 w_,, s'''"'"" 10. 110 ' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE aal'A•TMl!NT 01' .. Ull,.t( WOlttl 01\llSION 01' NtONW.AYt HOTIC:a TO CONT•ACTOU • LEGAL N6*JCll) Children's A'lldition s Announced Kent . Jttbn&op bu been c.hosen .to direc1. lbt fall pro- duction of the New~ }larbor Children's Theater ·a u i I d , "Puss W Boot.s " which will be • • staged at the Orange Coast Colleae au<h1ilriwn .Ncw. 29 aod3'.' · 1 . , Ajldit!W lrir tM 14Jrx tale musical '"'wll( be coraducted Saturday, SepJ. 131 at Hf a.m. in the guild headqu~ 1511 Newport B!Vd.1 C.OSla Mesa. Johnson. who I! currently staging "Tht Sound Of Music" f?r the Lyric Opera ,Msocla- t1on, has directed ,a.number or musical productions in Orange County, including . "&op the W.orld. -I Want to Get ()fl," .. The Roar of the Greaiepainl , t~ Smelt ol the Crowd," "Oklahoma," ''Ooee Upon a Mattress" and "The Amorous · Flea." Roles in "Puss in Boots" are open for men, women and children. Tbo$E! unable to at· tend' may arrange for an audi· lion by phoning Mni\ James Dowty at 64&1535. Tll,eater Note,s 'P-00l's Paradise' 0pem 1 At :Huntington Playhouse -, . About thrtt ¥&sons aJO, the HW>Ung!Dii Beacll' Playhouae hit the box dfllce jacl<pol. wllh a wild and wacky English farce called. "See How Tl\ey Run." a theatrical study ill perpetual motion .. Lest the memory or , Uu1L comlc coup be forgotten, the play~ is trotting out · another comedy by the S1me. author, Philip King, which features the same characters. It's called "Pool's Paradise" ·and. i'" makes its debut Friday llilbt. . ·. . U.ke .Its <predeces.Sot\ the atioW • Is set ih an English vicarage and all, but ooe·of pit first show's characters have remained intact. Two of them, in ract. will be played by the same actors who Created the roles in ··See How They Run·." These wou Id be P a u, 1 Sullivan as the Rev. Lione l Toop and Colin Guiver as the gentle Rev, Humphrey. Rita ~ner wiJI tak.e Ute .role of Uonel's wife, Penelope .. with Valeree How cast as . Ida the Cockney rnajd. · 1 , · ;RoUndhftOu~ the. ~~ington ~ c~t are L1Uy Ann ~a.tfe.aS Mi~ Skill6q. Martin H. ·~b•· ~·/he lli"!l_i>p QI ].ax and newcomer Steve. Uhler as \l.'illie Briggs, Ida's suitor. HJ>ward _Solomon, who stag- -~ 'Mt., "4..U'.<tl. 'o ~ e STAI TS •WIDNESDAY e Edwonb Newp1rt CiHlllCI rGCifh:'s Or••te Or1 .... 111 'POOL' DIRECTOR. Howa,.d· So~mon ed "Two Blind 1'.fice" f(Jf' the playh~st two seasons ._go, is directing the inl·pacfd com· cdy,·w:lth Lynn Strau ss assisting and 1.oe .Ralph J.n charge or production. "Pool's' Paradl:Se1' win play for five weekends, Fridays and Saturdays, 'On the stage of t h e Huplington Pla)'house, 21~0 1'fain 'Sl.. Hunttngton Be:arh. Reservations ml!Y be acquired by Calling SJS.1861 or 546-13'2. ' * ' * *. Also 2nd BIG ATTRACTION SlloWft Al ' & lf:O Wiii avndl .Al t :• West Coast Premiere Engagement NOW AT BOTH THEATRES . ~ • • ' Luana Beach's Jrvtne Bow . Maipi lll>•n and fJ• Bel"llllM ploy the. Ila~ ralt! wider trOQt J-·, dlrtcUoti. The musical wlll b6 staged Frld<Y and Satur":'>'. at a p.m. wllh rel!ervat,!ons bani tak!n at 4H-390D. * * * ' . South Co ii st· R'Jl'!l'(qry,ll season o~er. the b1uri'9 anti-war camei!y~a "W. Bombed . ~ New !Jave~· enters its s~ weeke4f Thursday, ,play)ng lbroufl Sllfl4ay at the: COR)pany'& Th.lrd Step Tehater. \ MarUn 'Bens0n direct. ~ Joseph Jleller satire with Don Tucbe, Heall) Park, P ~l Brown and Bil ·Landon Jt • heading the cast. 'The theater Is ~t 1&27 Newport Blv~ (:o!la Mesa, arid ·rescrvatl<>lf are being tat"~· at 646-1383. *'* * Meanwhile, at the ~ Be•ch Community Playhous the Kaufman-Hart c-em , "George Washington S I e p Here" plays Friday and.5.@.t ·day upder Jerry Anderson's direction. Keillt Hoo<IJ/shell aiid Be! Motsinger htact '.tP,e caSt at · playhouse, 5021 E. ~nw· SI., ·!.o!>g !leach. Ti<k.U mot, ho reshv<d by callinc (113~ •38-0536. . r ' Miii• --• ....a:..... WAVNIJAiii-- • • ., ,,...,, • a..-.: 5414011 : ........ ·····-····· J14 111t OiANGI Ol:IVl.fN GREGORY · EVA. MAIUE •fEQ( ~ STAUONG MOON" ,,.,.........__, -·• I 1 I I • • Smothers .Brothe':s --Air '.That .. ShQW'· Toriiglii · : -. \ .. • , , • 1, By JERRY lllJCK Tom . and Dkk Smolhm llld ..... Doi W•\Obltic network ' ud a terl11 oallad "The Ap Fickle Finger of Fate to sen. NEW YORK (AP) _ The have a lot more rldlllc on Ibis 'to1evi.loo -·-be rtad>ed J A40arli!f" J"1n1'0. Pqtore, tha - oootnwerslal Sm o tho rs show than~· Rtun> ta 1w a!lerliat•ve ....., ol pro-'!be lat!U 'Tom 11111. "Is a bl&ll!I Democrat who, has Ire-• -t , ' quepflt complalned of "sei lln>lllera lllow th•• oauood televlalDll. hrvthera am 1TamlnlnJ. mualoal CQllledy wl.th no. lloat. U!d Yioleoce" ort televbloru " ---;a "" ..._ thilr abnipt exit from tel'" placlllJ ,!els · phalla oo 'Sin~ uW bt ltll be W¥ The .-11 "9 tntrocluctd by • ' • 11.J.c"~'g ~~~.:;",';"!:" ~ -~ ' k:&. ·i:e1rA~~d 'be lhe =-~ m:i oo -~ crow10I out• Of Ibo !Julvt,..lbtit.irod!&e ll&lll. W!'ro lbn· /!_ONE WITH THE WIND /fhe -hour program wlll In the wbola ra111• of en-theihY,awprmP>mtbot~· lqllfqrapo&Slblomi~ Q be aired for tha fint lime In tertalnmeaL that hto' raal0alttaltb II In ~ ~Ill'"""'·• He i,ucbod , O..• Uot1o °""' ...... thi• tOUl!try toaig)>l ,by a)>oot , •we·~. ~ , oom!'8"}' iructJoo. Al,ooo time be P">.., "~!>e !I'll replace• Liilie , "•" o~ ~ .. .,,.,. ... ~ t ! , .. ...., .... fldl .... .. '" 6.~ .... ,._~ •another ID stat!Of\J .wlll lo<. Tllat ooundl very but'"l'btGlenCampbellGood-AvarietyhourstarringMlas • , DAllY mor U J.rulis on TV . • Star Jai!ls P'alge bu beeo added ta Ibo cut or· ~ Hope,'• oew video\ verSioD d the m..ic&l • co a> d y . "Roberta," lit 'WtUdJ hi .... 11ar on NBC .In tbO /all. ,She will pi.ya~- LE•HOWARD·De~VUM,ND•LEl~H 81 tolevtsioo •tatfpni. At lust· wt'VO-ton.o called-&nolhera duCOI\ not only~ own show,• UQ1111"''. l>.."""1<'t6CHNICOLOI . ' ~...... telecut the procram. at • utabll'1lment," said Tom Um• Hour" OD CBS and the uuanu will ·premiere this ~~i~~~~~~~~---~~-~~~i~~~I later date. • Smolhen, su-d In hto West Coast staglllJ fl/ "Hair,!' inonth ID the Sllnday nlibt ' CBS c a n o e 1 e d' , "Tbe !>Old ayll~ l!l' , hlp.looklq and helped otlalnitt, tbt "Tbe bout lonnerly ocoupled ~y lhe Smothers Brolhe!'I \)omedy "'tlnue of aliles. Music 5oene'' la< AllC Ibis Smoti>en Ji..thm .. ·· Houl"'.Jast sp_ring_ in a.dlapute "Wha\ we're trying to do ls fall. Ht hu liDca IOld bla in-Tom Wd 1'° ,Sb , • fo be ·,. . over censorat\lp that came to 4 set up attract Ive en-terest in the two ' television presented w-"' .,;•"t , ' cllma,jt wi~ the tale delivery tertaimnent in films, In lhows. . . . . 1 cost '172,000 Lb prod~ b;fb Winner Of ., of the eh.ow for a ~rescreenlng television and on records for Srnothera curren'1'y ls work-beJn& offered to the stations.at S Ac•demy Aw•rds • by network aff1llates. The f~!'8b· ~~do~~-wh~~ ~~!~.! lng on a 8rnthets .special fof no coat The staUons also bave ~,,..~f ~· - "I N THE HEAT dl!puled show was telecast In .wb1' _ --.. ·early nert year, • ~ the rJiht n1 cemonhlp Canada, but not in the United Smothers said. \alY about fll_!k's auto racing On Ille 1 ~ ' · 2tos , .. , c-t Hftli•ev Cere~e de( l•htr-poh. 17S•l260 - ALSO P'Ll YtNc;. NIW llG w'ISTllN OF THE NIGHT" TELEPHfNE 541·15~2 FOR INFOIMATlf5tt Spine· Tingling; Hair-Raising I ® ' .. CAROL WHITE PAUL B.URKE 1!!0 r""'"°" ' " •ALl-0 THJS COMEDY . )je has a,wi re. Shei>as a husband. With so tiiuch in·ro~mop tl}ey just haye to (all in love. • \ jjThe April Fpols" • Stales. He •said he bbped the sue-callecf "My Brother the a. progr~~-~llrb:t cess of ·the show would cu " a moll.on picture1 ill David ~lnberg reatea a ~onstrate to advertiaer1 wbicli TOm pJajs a man wbo' airmoneUe ·~ ~ Dao that young people -who he !'ii!" fottane Cookie ~ • ~.;.;.,~ p~!t ~=1~1~ -'-~~-'-=-~~~~.._..:....._._~-,-~~ -"HOW SWEET IT IS" 1 .l•-·O-r · ~ 1t1yMld• COllll-S.t., 11111., • \•M ~..M. ·Mayerling • • • • "I' tll II.,.,._ ~ . • ,'" . ;, Diii ltll.,,.., """" T-w•n COAIT "'"'l•U "WI IONllD IN NIW HAYIN" . ' W tllil ., ..... ., '"CATCH W' ~ ............... c.q., .... ...,. ................ ,., -"'" " . _,,.~"-~· -·~ ,_ ' ' ' ' • One Night Only • Sat. Sept. 13 • • • • • . ' • • • • • • • • P,1.NAYISION'AN:> 1:1-,o rtcHNICOLOR ' ~ ' Bill NIEDLEY JACKIE DESlilNNON KENMY ROGERS Ai1 THE FIRST EDITION • • • ,..-.~ • . /--1£ClllllCCiOR ~ A'-Miclt• J. hll•rd J11 "HANNIBAL BROOKS" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI Alt•i T•l!f C-.m. •114 Tttry Th•111•1 1• ' ''THOSI DAlllM• YOUN$ MIN IN THiii PlTJlt6 MACHINQ• • ' .. • • l[GlltlllMG scrr. IS, OISllO\.Ull Will. ClOKl llOffMYl Nit TWIMYI nus 'fl'til(. °"" ~'t.flllDAI', 10,Atf.7 l'M, MTIMM'f, t.W.J AY • ••••••••• Disnc~tlltnd Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Causr of an 11.c.h 5 HJ! ' Pronoun 14 "··-UJJOn J. llm• 15 "Onc e ,yPOA . -. ·-16 Engln• roO m wor ktr 17 Staport In Vtntiuelt 19 Chou -···• 20 A.mtflc an : Comb. f0<m • 21 "Talts of• Waysldt --'' 23 ---Agts 24 Mort lnfor1111tl'l't' 27 Th1lland's fot11er na11 t ?fl Hit h1rd 31 Fort1tr SI. Lou is telll'I 3$ Group Intern ltd In tdugl/on: 52 Street cleantr's conctrn 54 Edlblt p1rl of grain , 5, L.ltttrbyf .59 Spanish' evtrgrttn t.2 8J.ktry product 6• V1pld l.5 Concttnlng 6'7 Kilchtn acctssory 70 Do I 9r1m,.•Htal ,/10/lt't ?'Obltlll 71 lmpt l with lO "Otvll t1ltt :JS C11ru1ontf vloor tht ~-11 J• Do a floor• 72 Ln 11c1ous 11 Ending used Ing Job rl1nl , with c•p )I S•raztn and 73 947 le1dl•11 '11d cltro11 'Tunney ncth01se 12 Bum 41 511111 bird i4 Bro•dw~ ll King of 4) Ootnlng ptOductloia Dtn11•k: 4l 8bstf'Jt 1S S11 birds Var. 4 attl1t's 11 Wt1tln1 t1tplo1• DOWN tlntnb" ·SI Ur. H1111•1t• 12 '•rt of 1 1kjold l Klnlf or ~tn ll Fll'nish •It'" • • • • • • • • • • • • :1 " :1 • • • • • ; I • • • • • • • • Abbr. 37 Ftl'tltr tltlt: nu111 t ral 2S TOwn 011 lnhHlttnll" 2 _"Wll,J~s ln Ult Thfllltl 'S' ANW. 2 WOfdt 2' C1strt J. · 57 llu T"'J 1 w0tds 3t Pallld 0 Rhythmic swln9 42 Absolutely not 4 4 Onl takJng bUk lnstrvcUort 45 Ntw Y«k ltland 47 USSR htr0 °''Ski ··~ SO Dtfea ttl '2 word·s st1tur, 31 S11ill1 J Huts •tone tt11 e '''ontr -4 KIF1d of 021 t lg fltst 57 F111I vthlclt naillt at 1111t11b : s· Depot Abllr. HoUt Dut lnfot111I •First . 30 Afjuttlc 60 fl1c1/I CtnlufY da t• ltl'lltlt th&pl slf1I; 7 Both : J111flx 32 Rapids 2 words I C«taln feature: lil ,auern f Mtxlcans 2 words 61 l laC:tblrl ' · ·~ llakt: '3 Succeuor" 6' A KMntd)' Nottd Claudius 1 68 .... 9Cba11 hocltty Jt It ftll1 In 49 RtfUl1te play• •klt•r lh• pitch or Q • I 14111 WEik I -LAST . WEEKS ' . EVERY FA'fHER'S. DAUGHTER RATED (Rl IS A "VIRGIN! . -OR -IS SHE7 . • '! I • ! ' ·' YOU MUST SIE , THE ORANGE 'COUNTY . PREMiERE". PRESENTATION OF • GOODBYE~ COLUMBUS .... MA-.U.llllS \.l,1 . MAU.ZINI, SATUA.,_Y .. ' .. . . ., ' Southern California ~:xcluslve Sho~li,g, . . . " 6th Smash Week!· Critics Accla{ml • l ' ' "I liked c .. tt. KHp: I like It a .Jotl An offllNt war film th11'1 on Ille ~111J lurt L1qc11t1r give• • dfatfqulshed portr1y1I and the ending •ft dlv11t1+. ' . fn1t" ••• Wand• Hale, N.Y:. D1ilY News ~'One Of thf me1t·orilin1I movlea ef the Y11r, anti certainly ont tf the Hstl" ••• John B1rholom1w Tuck•r, WABC·TV . "A high mark! Epic In sin! Handsomely produced I Tht action 11 fvrloutl'' ' ••• Archer Wjn~ttn, N. Y. Poat "F•scin1tlngl A film -Well worth ntlntl" •• , Rlchtrcl Schlcktf, Life . ' I . A Oil ... ~, maior and hi• oddball .beroe.r · d•ty ih.N..Uand chanqe 11tt: caledar ol b!tloryl / '. . . ' f"alrick O'Jltal ...... ,..,,. .......... .. . 11)1!1 .. • 1111111 • -- i.11Wt111..1. • .11111 PllTPJllll' • --"" Pzl1r .. IHWf'DH IU(M -...... -.......... IJM ......... .... ' 2nd ·FEATURE: "ICE STATION ZEIU" • j I I \ . .2«._ Q.111. Y PILOT 1 - • •. • *'ALL SIZES! i .A'LL STYLES! '·1*'ALL COlQRS! .. Wtdnffda1, Stpttmber 10. 1%1) . i l:l ' Select f ,(,,;, Over · k . ~ ,• 20,000 Pair lEVl's ® In Stack m (Grant' st LEVl'S ®··,coRDS $ 5, 9·8 CAREF~EE ,Corduroy thot always looks greet ' beJo'use it't Levi's•. Pick you'f favorite color ' ~ . ' -· ·-· \ of ;Gold,, Beige, ChJ>Colote ,Brown, Olive, • • 1 , '. ' • "POie ~r Ro·)ill f'u•.· Slies 2'6_ tO 3~. i. • . . , a(S:y•s SIZES !Slims .and .Regu lars> • : • $4.98 NY, MANY' OTHER LEVl'S9 STY~ESI SIZES Lev rs • • '* SUl'El-TOUGH "'"'" •.• tbe world'• ~.,, mOtf\C,plff ,.,....,, Wetht'i '°411hHI < dt11ilm, nhtferce4 wTtti copper rlvtt1 1~,.~ atltcW, te llQ. Shfin~·to-flt , , . , .•• f.ilr. "" lf ttitr ,.,_ . ' . W!<l:J!X DINIM> . $Sf8 ~#·SO ............. , to•r'v-Xxr DINta\s S4H -·•t•0-12 •............ " ., :z:,.~!.'r.'~. ... .. . . . s36t ~a.s12 ' f. • TAILORED to give you fo.uliless fit in a wide selection ot Sta-Pre~. Fabrics..,...-solid fashio,, ccil9rs~ ' ttripes and patterns in ~ stfClghf leg oi fl cire. ,"' V ' ·-ii ~ ... ~ •\ ... ;t:.,-·;:~. lEVl'S®-_ •• for IJ•it & Women-Bors altl(<Gtf;ls! 1 ~.~ i '! SPORT SHIR-"15' . -k;$oli~s! · , ~ta1~1 ;, 2 FOR • 5 IA SY CA U P1nnintnt Pm s . . 'J Sport Shl!'ll In button-down'"-* Checksf Reg. to s3· " lprHd collar sty! ... Finest ,,.. . . ·r I riu IVlililllll I~ S-M-t..XL * Stri~~ --... New! Fully l.tne.d . CPO JACKETS NOWI •'1495 . FULLY flnctl lhMi wfth .,,,;,,. 1erylk. ltt i.o1; Wnmf pl1lih '"' tl1rt Wut. Our mott 1ut5t~11'4l1t1 · M'tr Jlcketl' $-M-l-XL "°"' 111~ · 1todd - • se·e Grant's Selection of All Styles of Quality Sliirtsl UIUNID CPO JACIIl/llilllt .. $t.tS . . USE YOUR CREDIT! . ' • CHAMBRAY SHIRTS •291 lASY ·TO· CARE for blue Ch11mbr•v 1hirt1 for b11ck lo 1thool. Si111 14 It 17. CONVERSE "DECKS'' · •a9s FAMOUS Conwtru Dt clt 1hoe1 thtt 111u~ you of 1 petlatt rrt. Potltiwt grip 1ol1L N1•y or white. AU liilf._ ·STRETCH SOCKS . ·1~~ AD l £R'S qu~lity 1tretch 101 in 30 bright new col· ors. Wt 1110 c;irry !ht niw o't'tr lht c•lf ho1e. SWEAT SHIRTS •229 SE LEC T from o•tr '° bright ntw tolor• in lont 11r short sltt't'eJ just in timt for b1ck to school. All 1(111. FOR BACK·TO·SCHOOL , ·Nationally A¢'!'ertlsed UNDJRWEAR Fruit of the Loom * BRIEFS * JIOXER *T-SHIRTS . SHORTS ·3 FOR 5265 HANES BRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS 3 FOR 5)69 Special! SCHOOL SLACKS Regulorl y $7.?S 2 FOR $10 F1mou1 Mr. Hide• 1X.fl'r111 slicks ltl't'tr na1d ironinf. 10 colors tt thooM fram , Slz1t 21 tt 42. "CHARGE IT" 1t GRANT'S SURPLUS GRANT'S CHARGE ACcoUNT$ famo11s Maker· . SK~LOqK NYLON 'PARKA Cl\llltd ,.I'll. 'w1,h tMMth ., '"' llnln1. Hidden hffd. ·sluh ' '°'k1tJ. $25 VALUE s15as SliH S, M. L. XL All. tlYLON unlintd l1<km 11111 "' cemPI•"" wlnllprwof. Jumbo st- heti'ttt tf 10 new colon •.• all sins. BOYS' SIZES . .'. $3.88 31 snus OF JACIOS al GRANT'S! Conlu,.y J1ekm, -... $1«1 Ut!',. -Jsckoh $7.88, Sueda.lib Jackm ...... $14.BB Inf .. llntd J1dc1h $11.91 Mtn'o '~ti. -· ... $'19.95 Foul w .. it..r Colt~ ...,., Uoih, 1!·11 .... $16,ts• . . •.... 7:" .... 10.t S- ' 1 ·, Jacketsl --.. • .... ~ ............. .1......., • .... ~ . I ' • t t . ' • 1 t •• • • ' .( .. • , ' ' , .. ' . . ' . . .. . ' • , . .. ' ~--~-----~--.-~·-----.-~·~~ ---------..-------------- I ~NOi: COAST 'D"ililL Y PILOT W,...t111~liy, 1··' hr 10, lfff: ' I ' ' " . -~;...,.... ... ' ' • ' I r ,1 ., • -• '.' AR tlorw oro opoo nlthtly 'Ill 9'10 P.M." • ' I ' H •\ • .I 1 'I ' . I,' ' .,, ' ~ ' \ -• ) " • Custom en Won't Get . Cigarettes UU'FOllEST, DL (APl -,.. nan now on Martin SOpocy'1 \·· I:·. -will h8"' to go elw""6te to boy their ~· I . leL Of I"'' Wld!ao!LI ' liqpoey I... ~~lilll beillle iuer. · ,. , ~· a ii-DoJ1<r· for . I -.)$,.)'Oil> •Wbo Ml'I hi· I -Mt . """" !he llnl cancer .... \oi•bem\ ae!llng ""~11 ,..,._oo!• a1ocl< ol dlmtlllii if.,P: priOd llld ~ -4"fl ol the ~ f" 1' 'nunday. '• • 11' '·J°ew1p1p1r ad- ... ~ .-·111 .blt cio,e• ... In lbla . ~ .~ziwi-norlhol ' . aw. SOpoCJ ,..iii: "Oor : : ~ ,.._ l•rbellla II 1 • 11ie 'l\Wth ~-a.. -munttr. ; : ,,.-....._ )'o -DO va\Jd .:i _ .. ,...........pn>dlld ' · ..._ Wt want llld • There; Z efwas Area • Servi~e News Cnll re11or, IO, ..., of Mr. 1411111>tnwn liOad,-I e 1 Clement., rec:eivecfliJ; second and Mn. Loe 'II. Feller ol 1671 Bw:b, sn operations lllalf of· and tlllrd awards of the Air Waltoo Dr 1, e, Huntlqtoo , ficer IJ! O,llllil of the Paclllc Medal at Langley AFB, Va. Boadl, hu beta asatped to Air F.....,, Is 011 duty at Nht Sheppard AFB. Tez. alter Trang AB, VietnlJJI, Capt. Fales, a C • t 3 0 -plelltoc bulc trllnlna al Tile colonel hol<il a com-Herculet pilot we decorated i..c•l.aNI AFB. . • n1aoo pilot rallng. He Rrved. lot outstanding J)rmanshlp ' h•a• &;".,. Tedllldaa' ;!in ;~cw1d War ll Ind durlng and'eoutaae OD 6UCCeSSrut ~nd J-8. w..-USQV , tho ~ Wsr. He ·was · tmt>Or\llll mllslons, compfoled IOI! or Mr and M,. ~ a.ss!ll)e4 14 Naplu, llAly, 1\Zldsr haµrdqlll ceoo1tions. i., wl<ilwOrth or a Bowllni . before his a!Tlval fn Vietnam. The capt.all! 11 a gra\ldate of G,... Drive Colla MMa, ta ' Clpl. Dl;td P. Fales, uSAF, Mater Del 8fl. ~. 1962 •Ue>clin( .0.,., equlpm"'t .., o1 Mr. and "-David ·~ recel•.'41 J B.S.thedegru.s" maintenance couna at the =L ••~ <omnusa "'1 ..., . · N~vy's Fleet Sonar SchC>Ol, • Fales of lOll Calle Dorado, Sao Air Fcrce Academy, 1966. Kay Weoi, Fla. Upoo complellon of Ille -he will be ""'aned to duty -• Cout Guard Cuttor . Spec. '· Rud• K. Y 1ta, 22, son of Leon Yata of -Campus DrJvt, N 'e w pc r l Beach, r«elved the ·Anny CommenctaUoa Medal while serving with the 140tb lle.avy Equipment Maintenance Com- pany, Long Binb, Vietnam. Spec: Yates, earned the award for .merltortcua aervtce · as a communie1Uona section chief In the company. BOOKS BOOIS .. BOOKS .JOOKS O'l'WruY WCC r:rGcl •~"II Je PICKWICK~ BOOKSHOPS Sluth C..t l'llR, CMll MIUI 540-21tl f14J ~'-~,~, .... ~ (21ll MO Nlll : ;r·~· jO bi I Ill .. L ,,... ti )I wilb .. '"' I '1 : lolll •" It'~ Doi quite what you'd expect In Iowa but that's what visitors saw at the re-' ; . , 8" '...W. -ol 1111 cenl state fair in Dea Moin!OS. They were part ¢ the many livestock shows and I' .....,.. _to ,....i the _bel_. _o11.:g:o.,..1o_,_a_s_ausa_;::;ge_com~p:..an_:.y_w_hl_cch.;..· _1r_eop...:.r_'_lli_am;;_'_f_or_d_is.:.pl_a.:.y•:..::nothin=;;:c· ::egc..e;;:cls:.e:c.._ -CapL o.ntd E. lrwbl, 20, '°" of Maj. and Mn. K. C. Irwin (USAF-ret.) of Newport Beach. la serving as a lire dlrtcticn offi~er in the 17th Artillery near An Kbe, Vie~ Dllll. -~--ol I : ' .... • Ir <II dp!ottea ',: Jd , ---the !: .:;~~!'f-·-~ j ~ ~ a1¢WC1 .come •. 'up-~ ..... Lo Db I: ='"--ai::~.i: .u.~. Facing Tight~t Single Home Market Will Britain End Drink Of Its Navy? Two Coata Mesa men are HrVln& -the guided mlsllle cniller USS Clilcago off the cout ., Vietnam. r' ~ind-IWUI." ' Sosi0q. ll.11DC1 a ~· ' " •4i1 -· uld be will ·be ; : ~ up I .,, .. _ that baa ave .... 2.000 poclll a -k. ' : SOpoCJ baa been deulng out the lloclt to 'mW room for :,: ~ Cucer Society ' " J>U>P"'* ~tied "J00,000 , llocoln um Qui! Smok1Jli." , .• 'l1oe ~ lnclllllry main- ' .. lalnl -la Ill> -of "Ill' dlncl ........,U.,, belween SIMillDI aad w lotallb. "l'ff -lhlDI: abool cut,. llpg ~·the Ale ol apr.tta for a UnM." ~ aald. "Wben leclllalura nlsed thotu """11 ce!U. pock to . U c:enll, II made tho declaioo easy." - 1-w11o 111c1: w II h . ctpnljia -' 11a .. far to ..... Two --In Ille ..... bled 11111 mry them. ) @ NEW YORK (AP) -!ln&l .. WnlJy boua1ng Is .. tight that "'we m.ild aell a haunted houae.'' says a real estate saleslady In New Jemy. ''This ii the tJghtest market for private homes ln San Frandaco I've ever seen,'' oays a Calllorm. broker. Tbelr commmta on the acarcfty of private homes for sale match the natlomrido fin. dlnp of an Advance Mortgage Corp. survey for the first half of 1119. rewer new homes wire atarled during the first alz mooths el this year than In .. t flratllaJI period llince World Wpr ll. -the oz. ceplloD if! 00. That year tbef'9 were G>,000 housing ailrll In January tbroulh FASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS GIFTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES SOUTH COAST PLllA -COITA MUA HIMl .... C..... -........ June, eompa...S to 481,IOO this year and 475,!IO IJ! 11168. • BIGGEST YEAR llz the blggut borne-building year, 1950, first-half starts numbered about 900,000 wltb the year'• total 1.a million. Yet, demand f"' homes Is n!ported very Slrolli IJ! almost evtty aedloll of the couney. A tight money marke~ IJ!. eluding high mm,age lntemt rates, and the spiraling cost of labor, matertals and land a.re blamed for the low number of boua1ng slartl. In Phlladelphl1, Muwell Montague of Slrlln .Really Inc. said: 1'Because of the tl&ht money market. new bulldlna: ~ atruction hu ground to a vlrlual halt. Then! II 30 per· cent leu availability of homes than 1811 yes." Wllltam Fllher of Levtttmm .Realty Co. In Philadelphia. said, 0 Tbe problem la to find a home to buy.'' "We bad seven or eight Umes as many ~omu for aale lut year," be added. "What we need 111 m o r e con- stNCUoo." I;lenver llld Kansu City, Mo., real estate brokers agreed, but in Ne" Orleans, Mn. Nancy Wlodmlller of Gertrude Gardner Inc. com· menta: "Prices art not low, but I wotlld not aay there ls a scarcity of homes available." PlcnJRE CHANGED "I don't think that the pic- ture hp changed a great deal in the last five years," she ad· ded. NaUcnally, hcwever, the vacancy rate Is the lowest In llORle 15 years, the survey rtported. "'Ibe vacant In· ventory ls 40 percent smaller than ln 19&6," It said. "And in many markets, there has been Ill lhcrea!e in dcubling up." And when a prospective· buyer does find a home, he may find It priced beyond his reach, for inflaUon ln hcu!lng costs In the put three years has been double that ol the rest of the ecconomy. LONDON (AP) -And now, ,added to the wan, civil !trlfe, hunger, taxes and dl!ease, somebody has come up with the shattering idea c r abollsltlng the British navy nan rauon. They are !lwnu Appreo. Gary W. Ecdatoa, 800 of Mr. and Mrs. .John D. Ecclmoo of 300) Donnybroolr and -Mil< l .C. Tllomq W. Dowo!. son of Mr. and Mra. Thomai Do~ ol 2523 Orange Ave. __, Pfc. MlcbM.l A. PoUer. 21, of 532 Cent.! SL, Colla Mesa, hu been asslaned to tho Z3rd Artillery Group, Vietnam. He aervu as a canooneer. "Some ~ ha1 been given to the abotWOn of the rum ration but no <!edat'I" bu yet been taken,., a Defense Ministry officlal s>ld'llCJleiMly Fireman Appmo. P•l'r)' a. Thursday. ..A. A. Adam, USN, son ol Mr. , and Mn. J.,.pb Adam of 2175 The dally tol of . grog has Maple Ave., Costa Mesa, Is been llsued to l!r1ll1h sallon serving aboard tho USS Trux· ever s1nce the Idea was to ... N • ~ d adopted In 1740, mOl!ly to ~ .:l'~ -:=• nu ear ket:p the tan ~ve when they The 1hlp la: ~ ror du· were scrambling arwnd ice-In the Western Padllc. encruated 1 ,.__ halyards a n d ly wllb Ille U.S. Seventh Fleet rawJQ. '(o _ The ministry calculates II c:osta the equivalent of $204,000 a year, which in these lean days of Britiab defense could be quite 1 saving. Officials admit, though, that they must take a full reading before acting, to weigb the ef- fect on the men. 1be tipple cf "Nelaon'• blood" is by now almost a ceremcny. Every ship baa its rum bos'un. His power is complete. And-lives there the sailor who hasn't given his bos'un ''sip. pers"-a Ught sip-to mate sure be got his fair lhare " the nectar? Fleet rums runs llS.5 proof. Ordinary rum, u .. Id In Brl· lain, Is 70 proof. It II a man's drink and the fleet r<eogntzes thU!. Senior ratings (enlisted men) are allowed ta drlnt their toL neal But the juniors must mix it with two parts of water. Saving up the ration ls forbiddbl es:cept for thoee rum boa'uns who collect their "sippers" W1W they have enough for a real blast. The expression N e l 1 o n ' 1 blood g ... back to Trafalgar. The admiral's body wu put in a keg of nun to preserve It on the I o n g journey baCk to Portsmouth. Alrmn Da,w L. Vlllllovol, son ol Mr. end Mrs. !Warlo Vlllalovoo of' 128 Stanford Lane, Seat Beach, haa been assigned to Sheppard AFD, Tex., for tralnlag In alruaft maintenance. · v Sgt. Beman! S. SblW., USAF, IOl1 of Mr. and Mra. G. H. Slukkl• of 2538 Ozlord Lane, Colt.a Mesa, Is en duty at Korst Royal Thal AFB, Thailand. Set. StuWe, a special vehi- cle repairman is a gradaate cf Colla Mesa !Ugh School, t96S and attended Orange COl'st COUq:e before entering the aervlce. LL CG!. Herbert A • Pedenoa, USAF, aon of Mr. and Mn. H. A. Pederson or THE BEST lt•ill•P'lhl, , •I I 1 prove "P1enuts" 11 0111 ef the ..,orld'1 Me1t pep11l1• c•"'lc 1Wlpt. Reid It 411/ty h1 tile DAILY 'ILOT. ~!31~~~~@•0.Jc.·~-~<il ~~fl~~~~ ~ '!) SHOETREE ' STARBOARD I I Vampt •r• on the upsw in9 Joyce is one of the 'wingers! • and Hera are two from our c•llaction, Stirboard in black or tan poli1h.d C!l\f· Omar in Cjlleaming, burnished go den c1lf. -···· .. ····-·-·----··-$20 ~ ~ @ *" {i I@ ~ ~ ~ SI ~ " _.. OMAR i$ ~ ~'I> ii FM! GIFT WRAPPING 10% OFF On All SCHOOL SUPPLIES , ~fr g~od thru _ Wed., Sept. 30th (IX(lh POI ITIMS AlRIADf SALE PllCID) ~~ STATIONERS IUEMA PARK SHOi-PtMG CENTtR C9SfA MESA SOUTH COAST PUlA KUJfTUfCTDN CDCftl • MUICTlfRTDfll IUCR'. FULllRTON =":} $599 .... ..,, Conip!lh Commm:ill ............. from pendis"t111 --•upplln. * weisfie!dJ lBWBLZR8 Phone 540.7187 SOUTH COAST PLAZA lllSTOL AT SAN 011~ FlllWAY, COSTA MISA Up,., Mell Across INM WM!nrth't UH Wt!1ft.lf'1 •-Miit tat1•ft, •11141"'"'1'1'C,,_ .,-Mtt191' (~ ..._ ··----'= • How Times Change Vast Space No Bar? Man May Bridge Solar System Distance WASHINGTON (UPll comets may be visitors from projett spacecraft \JliSl!llons to Beyond the solar system -galactic spal.'t to the solar comets. But it said planning to the sun and its family or nine !iystem. that end should be started. planets lies w h a t astronomers call gala<..1.ic or Comets, a1nong tho nlost Man wants to explore the interstellar space. mysterious of all the objects great planets-Jupiter, S&tum, The nearest star to earth, in the sun's grasp, are huge Uranus, Neptune -because other than the sun, is U.5 but light. T~ey trail tails as Uley may consist mainly of the trillion miles away. Can man, much as 200 million miles primordial matter out of presumably a prisoner of the h th solar system, ever bridge so long. But their cores are tiny, w ich e sun and Its family, great a distance in order to only a mile or so in diameter, including earth. were con- find out what kind of malter and their mass is probably densed some five billion years ex:lsls out there? Jess than 1·10,000 that or ago. He may not have to, ac· earth's. SUN CAPTIVES cording to a recent scientific GREAT SPEED Bul comets, although ca~ report He may be able to lives of the sun. may ha ve send his analytical space Most cf the1n come inward originated eJsewhert: in galac· machines 0 11 interstellar toward the sun at great speed tic space from ·a differeat bath missions of a sort withaul ever from vast distances, billions or of lhe stuff of creation. leaving his~solar system home miles beyond Pluto. The solar.. So, in effect, the space base. ~~~!~i~~d. l,~u t hav50eien~1.5'15R.., scie~d panel s.a1hid, co~ets BEGIN WORK provt e man w1 an ' op. believe there may be 10 billion patrunity for the first in· A while back a panel of the others. terstellar space m is s ion ' ' space s~ience board of the Na· • The space science panel said without ever leaving his home tional Academy of Sciences not enough is now known to grounds. proposed that the United ----------------------11 Slates begin work at once on ,---------------------,11 "grand tour" flights by un· manned craft to the outer SEE THE STARS planets of the sun's family. Lei !h1 ,f•r1 gu ide you. Sydn•r Omerr, on• of tk, world'' /.1r,. South CMsl Pina S..pp. Dany Jtllot, W.,J., Sept. 10, !Hf-I Prep Shop m: Princeton never looked so good before 148 female Tigers moved in as freshmen MO?day. A fen~it.1ine freshman inspects a book on Pnnceton traditions in the university bookstore. AJas, the old days at Old Nassau are no more. These are Jupiter. Saturn, mo1t •1holo9er1, w1ite1 ih1 d1ily horo1cop1 c11l~m11 fteilred Uranus, Neptune. and Pluto. ;~ the DAILY PILOT. ~==~~~~~~:. ranging from 483.3 million to '----------------------'ii I 3.67 billion miles in average1-;;i;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mi;;;;;;;iii1.,;;: Co1iey Island A rgiies Over I ts Discoverer NEW YORK (AP) -The of the society. ''He was a good Italian Historical Society of sailor -he used Verrazano·s America is making waves at maps." Coney Island. Lacorte says documents in Civic leaders at the famous the Vatican prove that Vet· amusement area, the Society razano got to Coney lsland in says, have il all wrong: It 152~. That's 85 years bcrore wasn't Henry Hudson who Hudson arrived under the discovered Coney Island, il auspices of the Dutch East was an Italian sear are r, India Co. GiOvanni d Verraiano. Verra z an o was com· Coney Island plans to hold a missioned by King Francis I celebration on Labor Day to to search for treasure for the mark the 360th anniversary of French. Lacorte says. He ar· Hudson's supposed discovery. Landlubbers rigged out in rived at Gravesend Bay, off sailor togs will r~nact the Coney Island, and what is no1v landing of the party led fr.· New York harbnr was named .John Coman, nrst mate or after him. Hudson's Half Moon , in the LaCorte 's fight for recogni· aummer af 1609. tio n of Verrazano persuaded The Italian Society demur-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller rer has given the planners and, before hinl, Gov. Averell pause. The Coney island Harriman, to name a bridge Chamber <( Commerce ls across the mouth of New York weighing the objection. Harbor after the Italian. "Hudson was not an ex· The name could easily have plorer." declares J oh n become corrupted to Coney distance from the sun. The J grand tour flights would begin· in 1974, take years to com- plete, and would never carry a spacecraft beyond the fringes of the solar system Nevertheless. one of them. the voyage to Pluto, might put a human contraption in sens- ing distance of matter which is more representative of in· terstellar than solar stuff. According to the space board panel, it has been sug· gested that Pluto, now the outennost planet. "may not be an original member of the solar system" but a stray from more distant and more mysterious regions of space. OTHER MATERIAL Some of the s1realled minor planets, or asteroids, and particularly the CQmets· which a spacecraft might 'encounter in a tour of the outer solar system , may also consist of material from beyond the border, the panel said. And perhaps a few of the rc1noter satel lites of the major planets, the scienlists said. "may be captured bodies from I either within or without the l solar system." S&l..E reg. 1.19 panti·hose ••w~ Shee r. clinging seamless stretcl'I nylon for perfect fit. Fall shades. Bui the comets appear lo of· South Coast Plai1 .. , Costa Mesa fer man his best chance o! sampling n1atter foreign to his Bullock 's F1shion Squire .• , Santa Ana 01vn neighborhood. .Just as Broidwiy Center ... An11h1im You 'll ~ave more fun in the pants made tor tun -Levi 's Jeans. Slim, trim and rugged -in a wide selection of popular sportswear fabrics and colors. See our complete line now -and pick your favorilet. SOUTH COAST PLAZA lower Lt,11 -Opposite C1r11tHI BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY COSTA MESA PHONE 540.9521 LaCarte, founder and director Island, they say. 1neteoriles are visitors from l'--------------------r solar space lo earth, many =======,~~~~~~~~~===================:.=::.=::;::;::;::;;~ • SIEPLNELY TO THE CHRISTIAN DIOR HOSIElfY SA1 E wednesday, sepfember 10, to saturday, se[bmber 20, In }m luslery. . ' ACTIONWEA R PANTIESTOCKIN6S, regularly 3.00 a pair, NOW 3 PAIRS, 7.10 sizes pefb, BYr.189 and tall. suntan, off white, black orchid, winner grey (dark), sJ<ylTne grey(ITght}, classic beige, creme crepe, parlsian plum, rlvoll rouge, fl(flf brawn (dsrk), navy ribbon, carnatry green (dark) and avenue taupe. ULTRA DIOR STOCKINGS, regularly 1.7 5 a pair, NOW B PAIRS, &20 B'h to10 short, B!>to 11medium,9'h to JI long. frerch beige, toast of paris, MfY ribbon, black orchid, creme crepe, trench taupe • • JOSEPH llAGNIN jm Wiii gladly accept orde1s by mail or phone. when ordering by mall, • I write: }mall order, 59 ha"lson street, sanfr1nclsco, callfornla 94105 ftlOI' JM Af SOUTH tO•Jt PL .. z ... 111111TOI. "'r SAN O!IGO 1111.llWAY, &1'10 , ... SHIO,. JOUAllll·L,t, HAllllAt MONDAY, THUK SO,t.Y llNO 1'11.IOAY l••M TO ''"" TUISOA.Y. WIONliOAY ANO t AT UlllO,fiY lt1M TO''"· Registration Slated Regtslratioo for c o u r I e 1 rangll!J from judo to dog obe- dience begins September 17 at tbe Westminster Recrutlon and Parts Department. Applications will be taken at the Community S e r v I c e s Building, 8200 Wesbninster Ave. from 9 a.m. to S p.m. weekdays unUI the lndiv:idual clams begin. Sports classes lo be offered In the fall program include beginning judo, novice swim team, adult ttnnls, rhildren's gymnastics and begiMlng: teo- nis leasoos far YOUJl<ers. Special actlvlttea for clilldren---eooaist of an art workshop, ballet and tap dan-dn!!, Scottlah country dancet and a "Uoy likes" program lor pre-school age youn,cster1. Teenaeers and adults may sign up for cake decoraUng, dog obedlenc<, oil painting, TahlUan dance and women's volleyball classes. South Coast ?laza KAPLAN'S Restaurant,. DeUcatessen & Bakery REMEMBER OVERSEAS SERVICIMEN! ~~~llsMy !U~~!~~- Pays the Postage ON THEIR SAM GIFT PAKS GIFTS UP TO 5 LBS. We Also Handle PAL GIFT PAKS Art I• for Everyone "A Sandwich or a Full Meal " GIFTS UP TO 30 LBS. WE WILL PAY $1.00 FLAT Painter Zarou oUered to show his work! In llW new a twiJt: the paintings are displayed on floating plat· ' • BREAKFAST seashore French Riviera city ol Grimaud, but with forms and can be reached only by boat. ' • LUNCH ' POSTAL CHARGES FOR THESE SHIPMENTS. -;;;;;;~~~~~,-~~----'-~~· l .-e DINNER • decorator line • • • Welfare Faces Problem; ~ . .----.A-N-9u_E_T-FA-c-1u-n-Es-~ :,· WALL SYSTEMS ANY OCCASION. foERVING UP TO 150 Man Eats Self to Death ~· PARTY PLAmRs ~ 111111/llllll[[lllm BRIDGETON, N.J. (UPI) -an expensive and dangerous ~fs':iT :LlfTVE~:~n~$\11/s5 per peroon ~II The Cumberland Count Y cperation to shorten hi s -• per person . 1 welfare board ls trying to save digestive tract. The theory is OPIN t A.M. to 10 ,.M. E11t Wing Lower Carousel Mall Cost1 Mesa the lire of 8 71S-pound man lhat his huge food intake will · PHONE 540·9022 Bristol at San Di~o Fretw•Y Phone 540-6991 who is. doctors say, llterally produce les.s poundage if his JJ]J lllSTOL AT SAN DllGO FWY -COSTA MU.A eating himself to death. body does not have time to L••• tn.1-0ppealte M.,. c.. America's Lending Cheese Stores The 29-year-old man, who ~d~ig~es~t:_:a~ll~o~f~it:_. ____ _'.__:::~~~~~~~~!':~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!'.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ has not been identified, has,~ EB'' UNIT AS SHOWN 14" LONG .... COLOR Z'7 .so WOODTONE 309.50 been on welfare .several years. He i3 unable to· work, has food delivered to his home and wears specially-made clothing -all at the expense of the county welfare board. 195 Different Wall Units ... 144 Color Combination• . , . Unlimited Arrangement. ... Dr. Oilton Fineman, who reported to the b o a r d ' s monthly meeUng this week that the man Is continuing to gain weight. said: "fie is literally eating himself to death . If he continues on his present course he will not live much longer." The obese pa- tient's problem is simply "eating too much," Fineman said. WHICH ADDS UP TO THE LARGEST M 0 ST COMPLETE WALL SYSTEM "NYWHERE ••.• MAITll CHARGI IANlAMlltlCAltD Lower Mall Lev11 54D-7n7 TIM Soll Dl"I• Fwy .. Cosio Mesa Several years ago the county paid $3,200 to put the man in a one-month crash weight loss program at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. He lost 60 pounds, but soon regained the weight Welfare Director Charl es Land is planning to ask the man if he is willing to undergo GIFTS • GflNA CRYSTAL• SILVIR South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Bristol at The San Diogo Freeway Special Offer cm this elegant 4-'Piece "GEORGIAN ROSE" TEA SET IN STERLINS b11 REED & BARTON Fora UmiW time Ol:ll1, a.I end BN"totl'• klbr eet.ablnbed •Georrin Roee" Sterlinc Tea Sd: t. beinJ' oft'end at apedtJ .a?iap, Foar pMce Mt. replarlJ 1856 i1I AOY onl.J '6Q6. Special 11a...ma. al• on I and 5 plect ata. Matchin.r ailnrJ1Wtild tn.1 rectvced from $100 to 185. GIFTS • OUNA CRYSTAL • SILVER South C.OUt l'tua 540-2627 Sears Use Sears Revolvi11g Charge Discontinued Styles, Patterns SA VE 403 to 703 SAVE Up to 433! to Yoa e.a.:n't beirin to see selection in vinyl t..ile ontil yon discover Sean! 1-lundrerls ol glossy colora. 001.rns., rlo1.ens arid doz.enz o! J)llttern.&. And Sears hu all the necessary in~t.al!at ~on Lools 11.nrl adhesiv-es fOT" the do-it-you rselfer. Or let as in-;t.111 it! ,. ~---.-£ry· 4e --tne.h:9-4ft. tae "1!J\al'~kl. .. __,.. 17e none liook.. 13Xl~-·-.. 13e '"ErnboMed }la.rble.. 17• r~ bk 12xl:!.-lrl. -·· . ::.fte "'FAD1-J.'" mode1"9. 17• and br'ighL Jhl.2-UL __ _ 28c ""C ... y-,_• lhlUn.. A Spani.&la mood. --·-···--.. 24c ,-----~-------------------------------------------1 ___ .._ ...... ·--~· ---•Mi.tt _. .. ....., __ .,,~,, ~.tU-·~· ' -.-:se.-. -Cll~O...., a.c........... ._ • ....,,..,..,,,. ""' ~os. ~A"-..-.U""-'°11 lllUMl-..nl' I I a.ai .. ...._ .. .._ _,_,.,...,.... -6:17-7!00 -Mot1AMCM1:1.EXUn1 ~'°,,......,..,.. I ~....., ...... Cl NSZI ,_ ...wa\ ..... .-o::w.sr"'* Sl().lU3 ,,,_,,..Ill.....,.. , __________ _._ ____________ ~--~------------~----' ~sfodtua8eooc1,.MCI04"1bwMDMyBcrck• -----,.,.,,..._.....,"'_,..~,.>OA.M.,..,IO,..A • ~reud Finally Honored South Cou t Pl1 u Supp. Dilly Pilot, Wed., S.pt. 10, 1""-6 • Vienna Recognizes Well-known Son VIENNA (~L -PQJ' decades. Vienna did all ft could to snub hhn or, at best, Ignore him . Now, 30 years after his death, officials of his home town are anxious to make up for blunders of the past but his countrymen still know prac- tically notfllng about the man wl10 revolutionized the science of the soul: Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis. Even ~ay, only 12 of Vien- na's 113 listed psychiatrists pracUce psychoanalysis. And only four of them pro(ess to be "orthodox Freudians." Most of the rest are openly hostile ' to frtpd'l l®c:bln&>. DIED JN 113t When Freud died in London on Sept. 23, 1939, Nazi..cx- cupied Vienna failed even to record the event Only weeks before, the ailing old profe ssor of psychiatry, then 83, had been forced into exile. As a Jew, he was allowed to take with him only the barest of personal properties. Vienna now is willing to pay thousands of dollars lo buy at least part of this property for return as the basis of a ti'reud musewn -lhe famous couch on which Freud ordeied his patients to rest while telling their. dreams and the shabby little armchair in which the first psychoanalyst listen«! to the confessions. Freud 's daughter Anna, so far has expressed unwill- ingness to let this furniture return to VleMa because of the clly's traditional inlolerance toward her fathe r. But these steps taken recently by the city council's socialist majority may change her mind: -Vienna bought Freud's large apartment at 19 Gerg. gassee. The two families who moved into it on the Nazis' order in 1942 wert! offered new nats which tl\ey quickly ac- cepted. -The city counctl voted $15,CO) to make the apartment part museum, part library. -The International Freud Society received a grant to hold a Freud congress at 19 Gerggassee in 1970, BEST KNOWN A recent poll conduct in the United States revealed that Freud was the best known Austrian in America, running well ahead of composers Mozart and Johann Strauss. In Vienna, few people know who he was and what he did. When two bombed-out I Phone Sean for an appointment. Free estimatei, no obligation. 'J<'es dval' Long 2-i nch Sh ag 'Debat' IM% Nylon Pile Shag Outatanding Value ! 6 99 The lat.est look in carpets-at a prire young couples and single people can afford. fl takes heavy JIQ. Seart Low, Low Price Wildly lush. It's the ultimate in a deep deep 11.hag loo k. Because the nylnn pile ;o;L1nds un anrl sl1p·11 thf'l'f'. lfi n1ulti-c:nlnr:;. 79~ .,1. traffic. Comes rn JO color~. ~·r1. 'Rave Revue' Soft Shag-Pleb SAVE $2! Regular $10.99 8 99 The royalty of the ghag fa.mn .-r .. _ aoft a.nd thick enough to wa..de in. Fortrel(R) polyeett'T .. 1. pi1e in 14 duto-tone colors_ _yd. 'Sbag moor' Polyester Pile S hag SAVE $2! Regular Sll.99 9 99 Oce of onr m~t beautiful sha~. It ha."I what we call "color vih- raney'' for that elegant look! Jn "41· 27 ~hades fron1 pale to bold . yd. P'bone Seant '"'"Jn-Home Cleaning Services e Ou"pel• • J;'urn.ltur• • \\llndow• •\\/all. e JW11 e F~n e On.ptrrlM • CA.IUnr• e ,\.nd lllUIJ mDfl' '. MloolN tsl-111~1 for l"Ht:t: E1Urnale9: Ask Aboot s~ars Convenient Credit Plans SatU{rzctio1' Oucmnt.eed 01' Yow MO'M:!I Bau Shop llolHlay lln Saturday 9:SO .A.L to 9:30 P.lf. famltle:s, the '"Storrs aOO the Henke11, moved into It Berg· gasse, they had no klea who had lived there from 1891 to 1939. (From 1939 to 1942, the Nazis used the flat as storerooms for confiscated Jewish property.) In 1915, ll•e Stotts and •lenkels soon found out. Over the yea.rs, thousands 0 r· Americans and other forei,ners rang the doorbell and asked for a quick look at the place where psychoanalysis was bom. Against their will, the Stoffs and Henkels became Freud experts. Only Jew of their countrymen can claim that. FARES BADLY In public opinion. "Freu- dianism" fares badly. The ''minority complex" ls a much laughed-a t target of almost every cabaret program in Vienna's night clubs, and when a visiting French CQmpany of- fered a play on Freud in the stale-run Burgtheater a year ago. a "sociely a g a i n st degenerate art" c I a i med "misuse of public funds ." Prof. Friedrich I~ a c k e r , Vienna·born president of the F'reud Soci!!lY w i t h a rlourishing Practice in Los Angeles, Calif., had Ous com· men! on the situation : negaUve atUtude of the Vien- nese towards one of their great!." Merit Awards To AIID The Annual Presentation or Certificates of Merit AwardJ by the Orange Coonty Area Chapter of the American Institute of Interior Designers (AID) was announced today by Vice-~resident Robert Ben-ner. ~ 1 Deadline for entries to the competition is Sept 2 O . Certificates of Merit will be presented to the designers and architects at a presentation ~ Nov. 25 at the Towers Rest.aurante in Laguna Beach. The third aMual presen- tation isopen lo all architects, landscape architects. designers and in d u s t r i a I designers in Orange County, Benner said. Four awards are lo be given for arch i le c tu ra l (com- mercial), arch itectu ra I I re s i dential ). landscaping \CQmmercial or residential), and industrial design. The design or project must I be located in Orange County _ However, industrial design s must be drawn in Orange County, but may be manufaC· lured elsewhere. Entries will be judged by a 3 DAY SPECIAL! $560 Reg . 6.99 Moc v.ith black le1the:r upper, pillo..,y loam.backed lininr. Accented with white alitdiinr •nd a ~Hipe of p1ten~ nn the band. Save on 1 c1mpu1 ravorh.e! ~_,,/~L/9~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRISTOl AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, COSTA MISA "\lie Y:ill finally have a r~reud n1useum at 19 Berg· gasse. Scientists from all over the world will come to teach and study al regular sym- posiums. NBC will do an hour- long television film to com- memorate the 3 0 t h an - niversary of Freud's death . committee of the county AID l----=---------~----- chapter. Entry blanks for the "''or ' Top Spo1·ts Coverage competition are a ' a ; I a b I e J: "But I am afraid this will change nothing in the entirely from Benner at Glenneyre Furn;ture, 370 Glenneyre St.. Read The Daily Pilot Laguna Beach. Here is how: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 =·.zs~ Free safe deposit box for as long as you maintain $500,00 savings account = 'El!! (approximate y11rly co1t to rent box 11 b1nk) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of American Express travelers cheques OR •7!! Service charge free OI) purchase of up to 1 O tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater events through TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 savings account =$~·!! Stop by and see us to open your account. If you have any questions please call 540-4066. We are open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m ., Monday thru Friday and 1 O a.m. to 6 p .m. Saturday. acific • • • • • • • • • • avings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SOUTH COAST PLAZA • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA • ., ...... w~ MAIN OF1'1CE: 1401 WHITTIER BOULEVARD• LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ' I l ; l I I I ' ( ( I \ I ' ' ' f I l, I I .. • ~ c-1 Plan Supp. Dally Piiot, Wad., Sop!. 10, lfff ""sar!ly Saggests Ambitwus Dads Can Sire Girls WA.5HJNOroN (AP) -A new psychological study sug· gests that hard-driving, am· bilious fathers are likely to s1rt girls and social-climbing mothers to produce boys - provided neither parent is under particular tension ntar the time of conception. Also, an Iowa S t a t e University , research t e a m reported Thursday, the study indicates that: -If both parents are under tension, they are likely to pro-- duce an even number of boys and girls in their married Ille , but possibly have only one of · each. -If both parents a r c chronically calm citizens. they. are likely to have large tamilies about equally divided by sex. Psychologist Donald H . Schuster and Locky Schuster - a husband-and-wife learn -told about it in a report to the closing session of the 77th annual convention of I h e American Psychological Asso- ciation. mi1bt be predictive of "sex ra:t1o based uwn anxiety scales." They did so by giving psychological tests to 9 4 parents in Los Angek!ii whose family composition wa s known. Then, they applied the equa- tion in attempting to ascertain the sex ratio of offsprlng of a group of graduate. students at the.ir own university in Ames. Iowa. All tht students were mar- ried and bad children, but the researchers 1hemselves were unaware beforehand or the sex-raUo composition of the families or the students. The students were also given the same type of psychologic al test -designed to assess the tension factors -that had been given the Los Angeles parents. •·The type of famil y that is. majority boys versus •1• majorHy girls was Need Depetads 011 Agt aty predicted 73 percent cor· reetly,'' they wrote. \Vhen you're a giraffe, il takes a little extra effort And they indicated that they and a pair of flexible legs to come up with a 1neal. can1e close to that score in That \Vas the case for Goldie, the Albuquerque Rio I Grande Zoo's lady giraffe. Giving her a disapprov· ing glance is her boyfriend Apollo. They said the search was prompted by suggestive evidence from other researchers' animal studies and observations that pilots of fighter planes have been found jn one study to have produced a significantly higher percen· tage of female offspring than was true of bomber pilots. predicting more or Jess e1'enly -------------------------------------------11 di vided families. In the latter study, the scientists had assumed that piloting a lighter craft is mare stressful than manning a born· ber. The Iowa Slate psychologists said they first worked out an equation that • ' Defining the l}'pe of every- day stress that they were talk· ing about. the researchers said: "The emotional stress is a st ressed father is one who is striving lo get ahead on the job or in llfl:. "Stress also may be mani- fested as frequently being ·hol under the collar.' frequent irritation with small mishaps and inconveniences." THE CHOl!CE OF PARTICVLAR PEOPLE • Alternation' for Men ottel Womett • Suits. and SJgcks RtdeshJned • Narrow Lapeis and Shoulders on Coet' • RtmoYt Pleats, TapC"r Alf Landon Impressed With Nixon TOPEKA. Kan . (APl -Alf M. Landon, 82 today, says he has been pleasantly surprised by the way Richard M. Nixon is working out as president and thinks he is likely to be re- elected. The 1936 Republlcan presidential nOmlnee a n d former Kansas governor, never a strong Nixon sup- porter, commented on the eve of his birthday: "I think Nixon's s I o w , steady approach to our social and fiscal policies is better than a hard jolt. "But it's too early to tell how bis policies are going to work out. He has been presi- dent about seven months and we have been involved in Viel· na1n seven years or more."' Frencli Girl to See What Americans Are Bathhouses Era Ends "ln Fr.;,nce everyone speaks In CJ1icago of · the Americans a n d' CHICAGO (UPI) -In Frenchmen either love them Chicago, where census takers or hale them. I've always discovered some year!'! ago wanted to conic to tht> U.S. to that more citizens have TV find out what Americans are sets than bath tubs, the really like,.. said Christie Chicago plan commission bas \'Oted Thursday to demolish Vuillequez, an American Field one o( the city's eight re- Service exchange student from maining pl.lb,ic bathhouses. Normandy, France. A Chicago park district Now Christie has the op-spokesman said lhat all eight portunity to better understand remaining bathhouses (at one the American \\'<IY of life, time the city had 14) are ''in bad shape and will have to because she is living with the come down before too long." William Chichester family. tlO\\'Cvcr, Alderman Paul l 2475 Arbor Drive, Newport od ·d I Beach for the next year while Wig a sa1 ie \vants at least one of the bathhouses, \\'hich attending Ne\vport Harbor date back to the 1890s, saved tligh School. as an hisLoric landmar. She has already formed "Some of them are favorable first impressions of beautiful, with bronze fixtures the country. and f~tastic mos a i cs, ' · "My American family is Wigoda said. Johnston &Murphy ·SHOES FOR MEN The .foll .tyles hove orrive.d. Experience first hond the lux· uri&us · end oxhiliroting feel that only fine quality materiols & croftsmonship can provide . Priced from $37.50 up . Innes SHOES SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol at the San Diego Fwy., Costa Mesa Phone: S4S..9220 In September at The Knit Wit If y•11',. pla•nlnt •11 any •11lnff lteiM for 9lffs this Y"'· • yo• had bdt•r 1tart t1ow! W• llff• ell th• 111atitrlals ye11 • llfftil phu pl9Wty of fltlpf11I n,lce. GIVE HER A BROTHER LACE MAKER Select It 11•w - USE OUll LAY·l.WAY BRAND NEW YARNS e GRAND COTILLION • l••utlful hollday y•rn for holhl1y s4 25 ta•hlons. BALL • •• e INDY Alt 1ynth•tic. M•chln• l•undrable. T•k•• I for a sw•attr. IALL e ANGELINA 1S% Mohalr.17% Acrylic Flbar. M•· chine l1und•r•bl1. Take1 6 to make $1 98 a 1we11ter. BALL • CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS & PIXIES Cllrl1t111os 1tocliiN,S or• 111 11ow pl111 co111ple1-$200 wo1l·llol11Jit19 1titcl!i~ kits ht e;oricor11re pixln. F1111 to ,,.oke a11d gritot 9ifh for •rddlH. o"'h • THE KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA Leo.er L•~el 01>pos;1e Woo1wor1h'1 lrist~ cit So• Di .. • f'ffl'. ColtO Mno; Pho,.. 54$-.2111 ' • I L09s • Coats Relined Landon still goes to his of- fice nearly every day to oversee his radio and oil in- terests and always finds tin1e to talk politics. Me said he was irnprcsse-d by Nixon's statements lo roreign countries that they are going to have tG do n1ore to help themselves. lie remarked : great and the people are very And some citizens recalled frieOOly, but some of the peo-that some of them have fan- ple ask nic very funny qucs.-tastlc graffiti too . lions," Christie added. ~iii;,i;iijii;ii;;iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ''Everyone thinks \\'e arc un-11 ci\Filized in France ."' • Coats, Dresses Shorten tel • hpfl't Frueh RtweoYin9 • Atterin9 of Suede, Furs and Leather CUSTOM MADE LOOKING US OVER Christie and Friend !\liss Vuillequez plans to become a Spanish teacher in a French University \\'hen she completes her schooling. "l \vant lo teach Spanish because our fan1ily has spent the sum· mer in Spain for the last 12 years and I love it there.'' Custom Tailored DRESS SHIRTS f'W !!vi ""fllill IHI< -!~ •lid1, 1lripes, ""' we•~u. l"\lre 1!"1111 <tll ... t Ind Pt'• rft<l•PrtH. Suits • Coats e Slacks Mfdt " Y°'1f Uftl me11~remenh by M11!9f T•U•n •"' Jlltl1n. Wvndrtd• O>f F•l>rlct ICI dlff'• l/'9ln. "Too frequ enlly, under both Democratic a n d Republican Presidents. "-e \·e been t o o much inclined when \Ve got a kick in the pants fron1 some jerrybuilt country to say ~~~~~~~~~~~ "!hank yOU, Sil', whal \VilJ YOU r ha\Fc?' " At r\ewporl Harbor High School she has enrolled in classes of American hi!itory, I civics. English. s peech. I orchestra and dance. I AU GUARANTEED WORK • COSTA MESA ., , 5•11th Cocat rlna Cit111er-S4M4•1 HUNTIN1i'1'0N llACH , SUO Edi1191tr at Spri119dGl-146·D'1 I Landon said conditions ap- pe<ir favGrable for Nixon to be elected to a second term. He said the Democratic party has sho1vn no signs of recovering from the disorganization lefl by its national convention ln Chicago last year. 'i I GET READY, GET SET WITH &ACK TO SCHOOL FASHIONS 6e bright and witt-i-it, lea rn your leuons from A to Zin our no-wa le corduroy shirtdres1 with tabs, accented with contrasting print bow at the neck. In Wineberry $18 I Pl•••• stnd for your Fr•• !•ck to School Fashion Book S..tti C.wt Ptn11. CH•• Mna. l rbt•I ot Sa• Dl•t• ,,....,.., 540°7711 s11., •• ...,. "''"' .. •:lO P.M. -Sat1111ley 11 •• 'P.M. PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell un"·anfed ilcrns 1\'lth a DAILY PILOT Cla~sificd Ad. PHONE 642-5678 Christie's American 1nother. l\1rs. \Vil!iatn Chichester and1 her daughter. Cathy , IS'. a junior at Harbor high. think the French visitor \\'ill be 1nistaken for an American soon. "\Vhen she is in Spain the people lhink she is Spanish and 1vhe11 she returns to ~~ranee next year. her friends are likely to mistake her for an Amer l can, ' ' Mrs. Chichester said. MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE CLASSROOM Hove your youngster's eyes checked now •111r "'lcet l11cl111.t.: • Conf•ct l•nses • low Vision Aidi • Ey•s Ex1min•d • Gle$s•s Fitt•d • Fist l•bor•tory Servic;t • Prescription Sungl•sses ASK .t.IOUT ou• CONT.t.CT Lt:NS TalAl WtA•ING PU.N Use Your ~lnlJ Co. Charge DR. BERNARD SIMON h• Costa Masa/New,ert 540-1171 OPTOMETRIST hem S.11 Cl.......,. 496-1283 MAY CO. BLDG. ....... \.etlllM ZE 7-1038 South Cotst Plate ·'ID· HOSIERY COAST .TQ.CQ,.,ST STO RES South Coast Plozo Costa Mesa CHOICE OF 35 COLORS OPAQUE CANTRECE SHEER MESH 99 PAIR BUY ONE DOZEN GET ONE PAIR FREE BIKINI CANTRECE PANTY HOSE Available in 10 Colo" 2 4 ~ir ALSO BAREFOOT PANTY HOSE ~ SPECIAL SCHOOL DISCOUNTS LEOTARDS and TIGHTS Complete l ine by Denskin 10 COLORS 12 STYLES TOE SHOES -BALLET SHOES HOSIERY SOUTH COAST PLAZA lrhttl Cit tk So11 01 ... ""wa1 Upper Mell ... , ,. May c •. COSTA MESA 540-4997 I l f I •I " .. ,• . . " " . • '• . " " • " " " ' .. .. .. .• ,• .. • • .• ., " .. ' . • • • •, " " I • ' . ' COUSTEAU ADVl!NTORE -"The Legend of Lake Titicaca," It 7:• tonlghl on Channel 7, §hows Jacques CoustMu, famed oceaJJograpber, and his crew •I they. explore the lake between Peru and Bolivia In a search fdr lost ln<;a gold, believed to have been depooiled there 400 yean ago. TELEVISION VIEWS . 1968 Takes on Order, Sense By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLLYWOOD (AP) -One mey not agree with the conclusions drawn by Theodore H. White 1n "The Making of the President: 1968," by they gave the CBS program Tuesday night a point of view and jumping-Off place in an effort to give some shape and form to a jumble of events. WHITE, writer and political analyst, opened ihe program by expressing belief that somewhere among the "lunatic events" of the election year - riots, resistence. assassination and an unpopular distant \var -"the old politics died." In electing Richard i1. Nixon by a narro\V popular vote, he maintained, the American elect.orate "violently re- jected the past, yet it gave no clear mandate for the future.' Based on White's book of the same name. the television program suffered primarily because there was just too much material to cram mto 90 minutes. While, in \Vhite'g view, "television colored and shaped every move" of the campaigning, there was not enough revealing, fresh film and tape to illus- trate the program's well-written text. THE PROGRAM was at its besf when it used bits of interviews, informal shots, to summarize trends, moods or attitudes. It had a tendency to ling- er over Jong on the more familiar scenes -the shocked partisans when Robert F. Kennedy was shot. the battles of police and young demomtrators' eL Chjca~o the platform speeches. • MANY ASPECTS of the campaign defied the camera, particularly the explanations of political tactics. Thus White's smooth script, narrated by Joseph Campanella and occasionaIIY by White bim- •elf wes most belp!ul . White's reacUons to the candidates and bis de- •. scriptions 'Were particuarly lntere,$ting: Nixon -'1Shy and inward-tu.ming, he nonethe- .. Jess .ha$; cut his mark upon the paS\ as a bitter partisan." . Kennedy -"Wistful and pufnacious, haunted :: by past tragedy yet echoing tomorrow's hones." McCarthy -"Graceful, lean and easy, his coot, :· clean style breaks tolally with Ille rhetoric of the •. past.'' WHAT SEEMS fn retrospect to have been a tangle ot events too~ on, during the program, some •· sort of ·order and even' sense. It also impressed the :· viewer with the incredible trauma of 12 months - \Vhite c_alled it 1'the year of the grotesque." Reoon\inendad tonl~bt: "Lena Horne Show ." •• NBC. 10-11, special music and comedy special \vilh •. David Jans!len and o, C. Smith a!s: guest stars. ' • .. ,. . ·' .. ·-" .• .. .•. . • Denni• the Menace f • • ON ~ THE TUii For the best guide to what's happening on TV, read TV WEEK -distributed with the Sat· urday edition of the .DAILY PILOT. • D STEVE ROPER lc::::::======:::;====::::z:t:i<~iiiii°CAA';:p-'17 lllJTSOMEN~•"""'I ,OLlfH SflLLE~Wf IW MY PURSE ND f.W>E 'THIS SMUDGI.! I REMei.!BfR IT! WfS ALL Rl&lf. I :.t EXlfCTll/6 WOIW fllQll NII ll!!ll~ _ .._[] 8y John Miles .--------., .---------., .-------·-----=,,..,-=---., ~~·.. J .(l)ih.e JUDGE. PARKER TUMILEWEEDS ' ,, ,, . ... ACTlJALLY. I PREFER A SWIMMl~G-POD'..!. ••. ... MUTf AND JEFF ? MISS PEACH 111'-- MU1'T, WHATS THIS? I FOUND IT AT THE BOTTOM OF~E FIRST PICTllR£! ·---1~- ..... I By Tom K. Ryan iTDO£SN'TTAKE1llE UFEGUl\RD SO I.ONG-TO REACH ME W~N I FAKE A PROWN ING! °™l(T MEANS WE ARETIW>E MARK REGISTERE0.1 >JO/!IOD'>'HAS'T>i£ RIGHT 'lt> llSE US COMM~IALLY.' ly Gus Arriola By Mell Wf CN[\OAI 'IUltlilo 10 i:to. n. .... ·-(CJ (IO) .... ..,.1...., (CJ {10) ·-Moo .. (CJ {10) "" .... I -""' "'"'·...., Y~ir. 'Oel'J ltlffrt\ JiMr Ville~, ··--(CJ .... _ ....... OMft) '51-.W. .. .,. ,.,, -""""· DI ... (Cl (IO) • -..... (C) (30) ·-(CJ (30) ' ll1I ()) ... -(C) {10) Bl.,... lllwf (SO) "AMntwes Of TOM s.w,tr." 1011, H11et 1nd Jh fill freedoll tll4 h1pPl111• on tbtlr it11141. '11111• '" t11bot1l1 h1rttr11 b bllrll pil•llld tor tblm .... -. tlll--,_ (30) ·-(CJ (IO) "'' ...... ~,.D,..,. -e<> <"l ·--(CJ (30) Ill""' .... (30) ·-..... -(JO) QI Cll ·-(C) (30) ID r .. m (C) <JOl .. Auatna: Crfflt of M1111ic." A doc.11m1nt1ry Oii Aoltria't contrllutlom to tflt ........ _ QI Cll &l -IC) (30) Ill -" (CJ l"l 7:00. cu [Mini ..... (C) CJ WW1 Mr Un1 (C) (30) m ,, , .... ,...., lCl <30l m -· ""' <"> __ , __ Ql(l)IM -lo It (30) .,_, (30) QI (I)·-· (30) Im W1.-t•I (C} (30) m,._ ..... ,ci 1i0> 7:308Qll(i)llflll (C) (t0} T111111 blCe!llM ttfljped ~l'Wtll I dant· l!WI Jullllt fh tlld •nt:lfld n•· u. lllflilt •rthlnt tor 1 bnlld alr1 •nd "" ... ..,.. lion. (IQ II Iii! mm n. .....,., tci (JO) ·POC. Clf LM. • A roun1 aow. boy'1 111a lhds to trtubll I• 1t1. Ind his bt'neftctoN lllfltfl he ttit' to rtPIY past f...,..1. httr Otutl and .llllM Gr11ory 1uut.,(R} e .. , 11111 ss... cci <Jo> l :DO 0 .lltk 1tur (30) m ..... ~ n.n (SO) (D Jm AIMf (30) Doc [Vll'll Is fNt""' M ,u.m,.t. 1111-·-(lO) 111----, ... j v111tun) '47 -MidlMI ... 11-. If.ii kldfor .. IHJ ()) QI liJ QI Cll -t<> I I mn.1-•-tvo. I '°Md II Gon Oil ... 0.,'" wllr 1 .......... tllon -"' lllm tNCIMR nl ""'al lfit• I I ' .. : t ' • ; ) ~ r: lH URS C't\" I 1 " . ' .•. l:JI ID"""' - -•11 • 1 l' -i!"· (.t~ "'" ....... u. • .,., ..,. (.,.."1 .. , ...... ' DAYTIME MOVIES I I 4flJ fOftlrt Wit .,.llt.. 2"' ................. ~ ...... ) • ., 1:00··-... "" ....... ,,,,,,. -'-....... -h,,, '47 -Robitt MOlllfDmtfJ, W"'41 Htnlfb. D"""'" ...... (,....llOI) 'SI - lrtlwitJI Monrot, Wlllltlll llllldlpl. .JS fJ '1h latllw Wnr" Clft•tJ '56-JoMI Dwtk. '•YI 0.11,.... D <tl -nit M11 wa.. """ Wat' 4:• 11 m .,,_. 1ey 11 ., .._. Cdr11M) 'S&--<:llf!Oft W~, Glor11 in,-Cd11ma) '56 -lloMrt St.• Gnll1Mt. ••....W lu1t. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service Pll OT i'l-"',l 1•H 642-4321 2211 W11t 11/boa Blvd. I I • ' I •' I j -• I I > I I tf • I-South CNot Pina S.,,.. Dally_ Pilot, Woe!., Sept. 10, lff! 'S. Mes!9 a Jf•rder' I Five Bodies,· BOOKS i,. • .. • .. .. • f LC6 ~Dn (UPI) -It Shoroo'J body Wll IQUllll Folger, In a nlltb!Jtown, wu to IL ll'a. Ice Uvt»i near a 1 'l1>e 3$.year .. ld Sebrlnc .... In ll)e pnt momln(, haa -A""""""~~ Wllllam "°'-·-a -er nude, aot In p1ata ...i a bra found dead ol stal woundo nol fr<ewlll' -1*eUy soon you 'found to have narcotia In hlo abeolY<d llDd la suing the dty u.trlpo,,... belol IOlll!it In Fi t>odiea Footprl~ls in as lint reported. in the living far away. Youna Parent w~a don't bear the cars driving black Porsche wbich waa tor '1·Z:5 m11bon tor false ar-Clnada when be *8TtDdered ve . ' room. The nylon rope bad In his <!at, shot five times m by.'' • _1 ...,. rlell"'~r:t.. rest. hlmaeJf d __.'he J>OOlaol.w,:i~f"I"'·" bolta IW. lll<llllld,'lllt ·~i•llle ,~. ,! ·:.,. 1'l , lllti-WU.."'iil r..!!.~ un.•'!'r~ w1 ''!';;:,': Police beUeve Parent"" •n .. ~-'IOQKS ~ , _... .cool -·· tie. -4 .~ · ~/, -'I'll~ 1".' ~~X.' ""' ,....,... ·on _,lo\lont Jnclud!nc Ii• killed aa be~ to driYO been with frioadl mllet away ..,.. . ..._ '"--1 "P!I" .....n.llhotpeCr,et~~. ~· ·-~· ,., ~".'i~<d~i"'hi>'li,i,......,14> onti ~bad•-1>: ·ii.itl\: ·~•Y7'mlul'areo1 ·w111it wu thenighfoltherauraai. ........,...,. ___ ,.. IOCl1Wlod'tobiob<t'"11-1 , rormer fii~~-~~-,11i.:_0cre Olat~i . ., ~ ·~1.:\r!JlJi .. ,~ .. ikaroie: .. ,.,, •. A •go!ns'bll.•G•m-·said h• Dept. Cll!fd "Ro b ed r•<fiWlC" . 'Tler llll'COtlcL"-"·_.... 1'M'•Y~• · i · ~47,iili . P-•rt. • · · '• . ' .• '.'."~ -sat •plhrough tbenigbtlnthe Houghton 1di¢la tbe more . "~ .'° ....,.....,.. 'lh'1, ll8d ~ , ~ i thO)lgh! • iru dr""4iliC/: t :,.A 'l'ollsh aruil~ <!!'"!"'. VISrrJl'IG j':I\ ..,,... ""l'llldedgoeit,houae, listening Um• elapeea the "-tderll 0 KSHOPS -thll b •·0 •I tt 1 1"' sha'I' -poa and -were : 1 ti\~ 'a.<liiilil jl ,,... I l'lllll'<\ porahna .WJ\h ·~ P.,.pt ~ad,been the to rllcOtda and wrlUnc Jetton be to'°'"' the cr1me. • !lii.-L Pllb\i<HY· foll In· •;x" mar111 cUt ,!!i liOtll'boaita. a'!\'ther~~-' · ' ,. ,, l'~sk)t had &aJt lll'd(utt, caretaker, William, (i. , and~ notlllng. He tried t0 Could tbe kllltl'I 'otrlllt =..----~ Wl>ollamed..,...... A STAlllll!!l; 811Q1'1 : ' • '1'1\(!fo'1 • '11';1\1 acrw!>lnc" ·codlpoll .. 1w1Ual<ed•l)Jm ••u 19. at a goest liodle·-a .,. IWi , ~one e~101 qaln! '· ·• ~wboloundthe.,...,. Tbe 37,yoar'.olii FtOlcow!U 'l and ·j¥el,llp f1 l~ •!bl& •uollet-beaV)' &Uard .li\1ej,b'fir• PoOI from tbe ·!!<iiiJ.,fJI/, after dawn b•t t h ou1ht "Penooalty,J-~•• ..-.:::;:;::-_ In the bqurbefore:dawn. -wu founcl<Ji>·tlMi·la"!'fHe·l\ad ,, ~dB~ GO v.:iekends," name ,'appeat'ed 11> a • .Los• retaon, the oaly Ode atffi! on DOthlng ...,_ when be louad be aayL •Prolm!OlllllJi J · "rbm te<rDed cl11t1 eaous\i been stal>bed ~"ofiO!. MlaJ r ~ 18\!L "Y,aa .-r lorl o1 qM!d Angeles-~· .,_ Jbo acene wben police tj!lhed it· dead. ' couldn't rule U out." li>lve 'a dozen ordinary ! . i .;· r ~,.&. .. • urdera. But a month later, and a_fter uiuing more than IO o . t~n: :.ravea~ suJpe<t Id the grisly of a::itreu Sharon Tate our others In a rented d Clll)'Oll borne. ~OT SAYING ~f they knew the motive, . y are not aayinR. The eapons, a knife or sword and gµ.n or guns. have not been lound. Apparently the killers icfid not leave a fingerprint ~~gh .the carnage ranged from the living room to Ole lawn to a car Jn the driveway . 'Police are not surt wllether ere w a s one or &e'tleral killers although they Jean ltroogly to the latter theory. OBe victim apparently was 'lain because he happened oo murder&eene. A ·detail comprising an In· specter, a .captain, two ~"'and 17 sergeants is Jnvestiptbig the murder or Mlsa T~. ,cqllee fortune beiresa Ab4PD Folger; men's llalr atylllt JOI' Sebring : l'ollsb emJgree V o H y c k Frokowsky and 18-year .. ld Steven Parent. Mia Tate was the wife of Roman Polamld, F re n e h · Polish director of the movie, ''Rosemary~• Blb)',V.who Dew here from Londoo after the Aug. 8 shliyings. GIRL VILIFlED Polanski defended his wife as a JoveJy girl who had been ijlilied. He said she wu a ·~able" person w h o could not refuse friendships 3lld Jlted ''constant parties" tiUt be said she did not use cfup, drink or even smoke. Polaost.l's tearrul and I~ digmmt rejecUon of any idea al a wild party did aot oqilare, however, with the acene police found when they "6e, sum-"'°"'i!! by a t.ntfied mild. § e BACK TO SCHOOL ' ~0%0FF! . . . To p qfltr!ity .. -S~""* . . M c:o1ora ... ._ lldGdtd-· 11 ... ____ dj IWJ 4 ' .......... .., l'~---..... ·.-...... j . "'*"" ..... tnfn' 7 1 l ~ ..... w. __ ·-.--...... .-....J ! ................. .. ·1 ~----.............. . .... .._..,,II ·~ ---..,., ~ .. "-* .......... ~'$ 1 thMJll'kes filhl:.._ ....... _..,... .. Monogr•mmlng FR EE "2"1o 011" ·--...... _ ..... _ lll.15 •11.11 ,,.......,. n.• 11.a n•.-. ,,_,. n .a -..-•. ' ii all girl .•. the !lippy all-over pleated sk irt 4.99 ' H's Arnel® triocelote · crepe. Jus i ho~-wosh, and skip the ironing. A lo.iJ of a skirt in deepe5t purple or holtest pink. The in-fashion, in or out of school. for sizes 7-14 matching shirt, sizes 7-14{ 3. 99 girl1' weor 824 -exc!pl Wihhir• sale! wide choice of no -i ron sport sh irts 3.99 <egularly 4.50 Find plaids, checks, zingy solid colo r!. long-sleeve permanent pres• sport shirts with regular or. button-down collars. Polyester/cotton blends. The greot bock to school value-finds. In tizes .imoll, medium, large, extra Jorge • "*''' Jp0f'l""'10f 305 -e11tept W1l,hore • ' ' save now boys' and 2. piece on toddler girls' cute sweatsuits ' 2 sets for 5 00 rog , • 3.49 oa. Cut& liMle zip-front jackets wirh oppliques, attached hood . ~ matching e!ostic waist pull-on sweo1 pant~. Of nylon kn it with soft, fleecy bocking. Red, yellow or blue, 9-24 ma's. children 's weer 808 -e xcept Wilshire the all-important bush jacket for cam!)US life 9.99 regularly 12.99 Authentic styling you'll lik e. four poc~els, self-belt. Find ii in cotton poplin or ru gged cotton duck. find British ton, bei ge, morel S-M-l-Xl. Regulo~ly 6.-99·7.99 permonent preu · casuol)>onts, sires 29·38. 4.99 men's casual pants, sites 29-38. 4.99 ·' A B Stepmaster ~iris' shoes lon.g on style and wear 8.99 Notionally advertised, crof1ed of top-quality leathers. We show two of the newest littl• loob afoot A. Brown monk-stro p, perf border, B. Mo nk strop perforated pant boot in shiny brown or smoke-tone. ' children'• Moet·.813..-excapt-wilshtre . . save -on our Tarleton corduroy sport cc>ats 16.99re;uiarly 19.9~ Choo1e from 2-or 3-button models. Side or center vent styling. Our very own T orleton sPort coots, priced for boc k to school savings. Green or gold cotton cordur~. Sizes 36-46 regular, 38-42 short, 38.44 long. me"'• dottl~ 81' -•11C9Pf W~shire may ca south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 may co buena park, la palma at dale; 827-4000 ' 1 I ' THE TOUGH " JEAN, THE SMOOTH SHIRT . High-Boy ·sp9rt shirt , , • th • nt)ti closer-to-the-neck styli'ng. Permonent . pr•n polyester/cotton in soft chcu~· bray toniis of blue, oli'le, "!;Qi r• or bross. Size,8-1 8 in group. 1 .• 99 Rugged i~ons with FoPriloik® krieea. ... olmon ~y-Proof. Heav)'weigl;it polyester/cottpn denim, bor-tQC.k.d ot streu points. BlUe, olive, ""°"Y• , bross. 6-12 reg ulo rs or slims. · 2'.99 l•o.rio:;et l10res, boys' wear 822-eiicspl Willhire .._ ahop monday thru 1aturday 10 am ta 9:30 pm MAVCO •• " • I ' I l I I Wtd-J, S..t-lD, 196\ • . ' a. Q9o rS O~e.rl ' I . t.. •• ·By JO 0~50t' Of•~PllltMllf I ' i: Tbe~~(4eedlng m0re 'tbJUl 445,ooo.puplll wUJ ,begin all over •gain -•in schools !iiroU&hout Or.uige County when schi>Ol.!lll<!l"'t~. cal)lngmore than '<l!IQ -school cafeteria em~loyes back to w9flc, . , . · ' 'nps'On baling, a 11Jlnlpse at some of the new food.product.. available . fol°'\cat'eteria and snack Dar ser.vice and a look at the l.J, S. Navy,food.1er-. vlce.piogram all """' Rilered a>ore than 600 food service employ~s attend· ing the 12th annual O~ange County Sch!>Ol• Food Service Wi>rsh<11> at N•w· po1fHarbOr 'Hlgh School. · • · • . _ Jteynoting the conference was Dr. Wi!Jlam Cunningham, su,perin· .• -• tendent of the· Nowport-Meia lfnified School District. ~ BA D HABITS • ,., t · Dr. Cu1111iqbam slated tbaLypv\hs lear. bad eating li!>bils early, ~ • '<11)41~.'ll· tbe")Ob Ji( tbe ~~ Jgvlce employ es 'help· them · "ui>leam" lhe · · 'bl>biis.,'aDd replace1J!~.\jtb ~00\I. ones., (.. , • " .j:elevlsto11 ·commiils:.ilew marketing .technlques; J\ew ."processitig . ''1ilic!i~g ,~O!\ and the affl~e~°'/ in the, cOtmtry ,all ~"!:fi~Ule to Jl!!Pi:'Jf~ diolc~s, J)r .. Cln)nlng)lam ia•d. • , . . . . . . • · • . . . .. ;:; •. i..:,'l')t~ weilltl\Y,"fiav0 ltad loOi:I bpbits top, Dr. C!l/U!in~hain P,O!n!ed qut, .. lold.114~ tbat ~a.me·,.-.ii-~ famlHe~ t•~"'~'ll1'as 'lbe clfifdiin'who · \' .~~Jheirlonly ~ mJ&l~Of''f..be ~f at•scb ,,. -~~~ ; . f' Jl • • ' ... , ~.,.~" ~teVisionl il •onercr the:biggest influence , tbft superintendent-stres.'!.- ·sed. 11Cbildren watch approX:inultely 26,000 hours of TV before entering kinderRarten," he illustrated.. · ' J;>r. Cunningham also repoi:tcd that food habils affect the learning process ~ urged that eve.try 'eUort be made to guarantee proper nQurish· ment for the sfudentS. • He also predicted that bN!~t ·will be served in the schools soon, as many children now come to school with no breakfast or an inadequate one of just a piece of toast.. ' A demonsrtation on baking was given by representatives of the Ful· lerton Elementary School Food .Service staff. directed by l\1rs. Margaret Ronnberg, featuring tips for .easier preparation for baking. RECIPES EXCHANGED 11rs. Leo Cremers, food service director for the Newport-Mesjl dist· rict, who supervises a staff of 140 which serves 36 schools and 27,000 Chi!· dren, sajd, after the baking demonstration. that recipes are excbangid on a state and nationwide basis by school and institution cafeterias, to ensure variety on the menu. ·- Often, however, the staff starts with a home-sized rectp·e and tail on; it to a particular number of students. The recipes are tested on· the stUdents and Ole ones that prove popular are kept and served with v'ariatlons. students also request certain dishe s and U1ese are created by the staff, again with the assistance of the students' criticism. ' • The concluding speaker, Lt. John Duran o! the U. s: Navy, described the Navy food service program, highlighting his talk with a description of the' Navy's Ration·Dense dehydrated, frozen and cann~ fQOds, used in THE RIGHT WAY -Tips on -mixing and baiting cinnamon rolls for school cafeterias were offered by {left to ngbt) Mrs. Andy Boatright, Mrs. Richard Osb.urn and Mrs. Margaret Ronnberg, food sei'vlce director for the Fullerton Elementary School Di31ric\ ' before art audienCe of more than 600 food service emplo-yes .frol'Q.' school districts au over .the county. such places as the Sealab experiments. The dehydrated foods, which are extremely light and compact, en~ able Navy fihips to remain at sea longer than ever before and carry more · weapons and operating equipment, while still maiutaining adequate diets for the servicemen. , -·. Perishabltl foods sµch'a.s.bacon can be canned and stored. making "it possihle for the. servicemen to enjoy many ij,ems not ususally carried aboaftr ship: 1' -• • Dehydrated .foods require fewer loads so ship ·roadin.R: time ls reduc· ed, and the men's' morale is boosted because of having food more like that served at home ... TIME SAVED Food preparation time is saved . a/i the vegetables are sliced. cleaned and ready lo ~refreshed ip water, and cooking time is cut coh siderably. There i.S ·less rood waste, enabling 1.be food dollar to be stretched fur- ther, and Jess rubbish{or disposal. , . ~cal Ration--Dense foods served by the Navy !all into three cate- gories:.1(1ebydra\cd. c,anned and lr<nen: Dehydrated foilds, which are dried· by hot air, spray, vacuum and free.zing, are light and have half as much bulk after treatment. Foods pro. cessed µi this w_ay include instarit applesauce, inS'lant oran~e ju.ice, green beans, cabbage, cottage cheese, cooked shrimp, synLbetic vmegar and ice cream mile. He3t processing prepares foods for canning such as prefried bacon, corned beef, chill con carne, frankfurters, hamburgers· and luncheon meal, extending,!_v,ailable chiU and fr~eze space ... Frozen foods, wblch eliminate food refuse from criUcal storage areas include boneless portion.cut beef, egg whiles, pasteurized whole eggs, egg yolks, concentrated milk, boneleis cooked turkey and dehydrofrozen pe'as. NEW ERA AHEAD Adaptation ol the Navy program for public schools promises neW ttcbrds in work hours saved and new variety in menu. Perhaps the Navy program too is a foreshadowing of a new era· in quantity food preparation. For cafeteria cOf)ks, who . must measure amounts in pounds an t quarts instead of cups and teaspoons Cor their baking and cooking, the job is a big one. . For school cafeteria cooks, the job Is an even bigger one as they work with the knowled~e that Of\ly with proper nutrition can children have alert minds to learn their lessons !or later lie. ' Here are samples of favorite school cafeteria recipes, prepared in quaotity, from several school districts, inCluding the Newport-Mesa. COFFEE CAKE fNewport·J\.feaaJ ~ pounds flour 21h pbund5 sugar S tabletpoons plu1 I . tea - spoon baklng powder 2 lablespoo111 salt z cups powdered milk ,, 8 eggs, beaten 7 cups. water 2 pounds butter, me I led and cooled Mix togethel flour, ..,.., • baking powder• saJt , an d powdo!r.d mUX. 'Mlx lhe,egp and 'oal<r together. Add two. thirds, 1 of I.be egg.water mli:- ture to lhe :-JOU?" and sugar mixture. SUr !tom bottom and slowly add rest of egg-water mix· lure. Add butter slowly to mixture. Pour lnw lilied pans (approllmately 21h quarts per pan). . Topping I pound butter 2 pounds 11uaar 2 cups flour i;, cup ciMamon 11> leltllJIOOllS salt 1 1~· cups bread munbs (fine grind) Mix, 'wtthout overmixing, and sprinkle over top of coffee cake. Bake at 375 degrees 25 minutu. Serves 80. chopped apples or other fruits. Sprinkle topping on and bake. f3) P.fu: equal part.s ·ol eon· cenlrated orange juice and sugar and stir; set aside. Pour over cake while hot. (4) Pour cherry glaze over cake while hot (5) Spread a .th in powdered 11ugar icing over cake while hot. PRUNE BREAD (FullutMI Elementary School D11trict.) 3 pounds fat (may be 11.t shortening 'or 1ani and ¥. butter) 'Z pounds granulated sugar Z pouncU brown SUiar ~:, pound dry eggs I quart water J quarta around canned prune pulp {do not drain while pitting) '·• cup vanilla • pounds 12 ounces all purpoee f19ur . 3 pounds whole wheat Oour If• cup aalt ' i;, cup' soda Cream \ogether sugar, fat and dry egg solids. Add prune pulp and vanilla. ~x at high speed until well blended. Mix dry ingredientJ, add alternate. Jy with water. Scale approximately It POPULAR SCHOOL CAFETERIA ITEM Mr:s, Leo Cremer., Mrs. Fr11nk O'Brien Variations: (1) Before sprinkling topping on, dot with 11poonlull ol applesauce gpread lightly with spatula. Sprinkle on topplng, bake. (2) U1e pounds to each pan, or five quarts. Bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes. When cool cut in squares, ~n per pan. Split each square, butler and serve open fact. N'EW, PRl)DUCTS D!~PLAYED Ml11 Do ri s Struble Truth Lend·ing Law u 'nderiies Honesty as Be.st Policy\, .. • In By DOROTllY WENCK I °'"fl. ~ .....,. AllVI-Home News and v ·iews Have you been reading the ad1 for new er used can lately? lf you have, maybe ._..,_,.._.., __ i:l••~------------""•-••ou you 've notked1 tut~~Y're different now Vertlse tml"-parl of Mr crfdll Wm... tban tk-"en_ a few fuonths ago. ~ .. ~., such u ••just. $200 down," or "only $3$ • The l'UIGpr Truth ln Lending -the montb."ijinyoneofthetermsoraioan new federtJ taw regulating 1-crtdit are menlloned in :l>e ad, then then must • dl.sck>sum _ now is m. eUect.. The law be a full dh1clo1ure or all the &errna -, . cub prloe, delomd PoY)nent Jlrice, down nquirel lend<!• to loll ua lilt/ Wtal l*!'Jl)ell~ number of p13meall, ..,. ol •mount ol,fbuutce -and !tile ... Jll)'meollt and flmnc:e charge .......,... ... 1-.. all mdi tleail. • true ....... percent per )'tit " The law • requlm tltat ldvwt!&ing dollm per llGD per year laame u per· ol credit !erml be honell. nie lnlerell cznt per year). rate offered In an advertisement, for a:· LIST TOTAL PRICE ample, must be ooe whk:b tbl teller er It 1llllll "-.. ar ...... •v• wt i...i.r <U81omarf1Y dtarps. Jt cao't ba a Ill ...,.. 111 .... 11ao NII ti" '119 oolJ lldioMI, low-....Uol "<0mHO"· lilt 11111 price. ~lo~~~ • , , liOftYll', 1 few lldvertlleta are brave Solien or lendtn can oo loqer '!"-<nCll!ih lo tlM }'Oii !he whole tn<IU '""r· mii·· anb.mple ol olte ~, ,. "Buy 1 new 1970 •••• for only '5S to\al down payr:nent ; "3 total monthly pay· n;ient, lncludln.g tat, license and all car· rylQa charies on approved credtt for only 48 moolhs. FINAN~ CHARGE IS ,10.lt PER YEAR PER ''l!l ol wtpald heWtce (lhl• ii the same 'a llirlh& \0.11 pmen1 annual inltrest). De!emd paymml price II IU91 In· eluding all intmtt. t11ea, llcenlt and lrelgli~ or U yoo prefer to pay cub the lull wh J1rice 11 ooly 1Z211· 7$, Including all tan., llcenK aitd frelgbl." Serial numben of lh• <ar1 offered oo lhl• deal were then lilted. Here II an ad, lbeJt, tl'41 ....ity !fve1 you the full story. By 1Ubtracting the full cash price of $2228.75 lrom the total dtlerred payment price or $2690, you know that the 4' years of credit will coat you $6.1$. Of coune, there'• still the possibility that when you get lhere, the can whose serlal numbers were listed in the ad won't be available -"sokl" perhapt - and the cars that are available for sale wiU have quilt dllferent, less favorable termt In thls ca11, lhe wise shopper bida lhe dealtr aoodby tnd finds another who d ... oeU wlial he advetllsea. Survey1 1how that most people who bu,y on credit pay no attention to lbe new ln-- lonnation about cftdlt COstl requ~od by Truth ln LendinJ. The amount of lhe down payment and the •lu of the montltly P1Yment.I are 11111 flte ooty lwo queatlool L~ uk. ""' real savinp could be made 1r consumers would comparleon shop for the best. buy in crel:llt, just as they do for merchan- dise. QllEsTtolis·n ~RE~ Q. 1·11a sewtac a "fake leatber" oulflt (Or my dnp\er ud .am wWonckrlDC wlietbef • Mt I ca• prt.11 tlle IUtlll. Would &ht ltot tr. melt the pht1tlc! A. A hot Iron dellnlt.ely could damage "like leather." Instead, o( pressing seaw, open them and finger pret1, Ulen use glue or cement \o teal then open. Place somethlne htavy on the glu~ part until 1tt. Q. t '-•ve 1evcral large t.ablttt• lht are dUUc1llt '8 lroci, and lt teem• lllal { alw•)'I bve Ct rtlroo diem afkr they've -bttll •lored becaue they aet 10 wrlaldtd. I bye iM ~ ume .ortblcm w I : II -. ..,._ .. pmnan•nUy preaed tabte<lotlll. ,\!If 1u1gt1t1on1? • ~ h A. A good way fo store ):cis' tablecloths 111 on a h an g a r wlth a. canJboard roller lone per harpr). Wrinkles are miniml7.td ltnce the c19lhs don't have to fie· stit:ked. A plastlc · ov<r the honaer will keep the tab...i.ci clean. ' Q.Mybusballdl ooalow ......... b II all rl&bt f0< blm. to 111\v. mul '!ltlOlj I bu bt .. teodelllod --·-dertaert A. 11 would dtpencl o~ bow -• sodium ho II allowtd on 1111 dlol. llOll m~t tenderizers do eontatn ,Alt, there ts al >east one low todlun;1 ~ lu r on the marktl. Rea<I ll1e label i, see If salt ts an lngredlent io thtl tett- ~ ,.,. ..--. I \ I ·I I \ , 1 I I • Publicity Workshop Offered ~gi.tralloo I fl! • Cout E~ CoUece Ledure Pubijdly WaWl>op.Jq. be,. Serita la ;..s....., ..... prat<Ottd by the DAIL t l'be wollour ..Won wm l>ILOT as a part cl~ Orange ~ke place •t.arlinl 1t 7:30 ' . . llJ1I. on W-1, Sept If, th .... lll 11.11J'Ql.1ID II~ Hill! Club ll"IPI are a&ked lo School, 13!3 Ptacenita Ave., coofiDe requests for se1ll to Costa Mt11. two per club because of Qpen fne lo the public, the limited s e a t I n g . lndlvldwl lftftlnar will be slanted for coupl_es also are invited. Pre- • - - -11111 - -• - - -.. pna dWrmen of clubs, regl.ltrants ahould use the I "PUILICITY WOltKSH9P RIGISTRl<TION ' """"'' orpnlutlom a'a d coupon below lo mall In their Pl ~ . ' ' I cl111rchel but DOI llmlled lo ... , -. • ... ts. Hit l'Yo , l, •.. placas ''" mo ot tho PAIL Y f;-;:===· ===::::;=:· ===·=~=+====::; I PILOT ~ Publlclty Workshop Sept. l7 In tho r . ' ". f •rvmJ l1tilncl1 Hl9h School. t """'""""" I I' must i., tho,. not lottr than 7:15 ~.m. for th• I Live• ·.where ' 7:J0.9:I01so1114n. P,..regl1tronf~ will hivo first I choice ot se•t1ng. , .. . 1 INAM..~ .............................. 1 the fu~· I 'ADDRESS IStrnt) ............................. , 11 ~ .,. I Cl '!! ....... , ..... , ............... XIP ............. 1 , . . . I 'Ol{GANl,ZATION ,111 Any ) ..... : .. .... . .. .. .. •• . . • • '· .. ,··1 I f l • • ' .. l 0Fr,1t:,E' HR,D .:;'.." .. "" PH!)NE " ........ I · MllJ "! ~ Jtnb ,~"-llt, Or-. CM&! GAILY ,ILOT, Ill I , .... ~ -''Ii-"""'· .:..... . . -·-----.---· FOOTBALL HE RO -Goal posts and pompons will center tables when Lawyers' Wives of Orange Coun- ty entertain prospective mem.bers during a Kick· oil Coffee Tbursday,Sept. 18. Getting in practice . ' . for .the social meeting are Mrs.Lee Adair (left) as- iisted .by son Brett and 'Mr1. Stephen Stewart. In-vjta~ons have been issued to wives of all membe.rs of .the Orange County Bar· A'1soc~a.tioQ. Hawaii Honey moo n Enlarging Membership Playa del Rey Home For Stuart E. Goo dells · -\ I • Lawyer~ Wives Goal 1'1iniature football players reservations by contacting art! scoring touchdowns all lo.1rs. R 0 be rt Pike Jr., uver Oran"'t;~•y. 'l'he·Uny be hi •"' f "herOS'',':lrt . brl""t uniforrtta mem rs p C11<1.1nnan. o ~, Playa del Rey is the ne\Y tiome of Stuart Elliott Goodell and his bride. the former Jill ,i:vans Hubley. who honey- l:noooed in Hawaii after their ~ge in S;ou~ Shores Bap-f!.. ~·South Laguna. 1 1)(' .Rev. C. F. Waters ~ Uli1 ~•rlng ~-~daughter ~ Wl~iam 'ifui1ey 0 Tliroc Ar'h the 50D of Mrs. Gloria al Luuna Beach and 'QQodeTI of Huntington 11.-. ( Mrt~ tiiry Ward Johnson. (J)e: ·l:iftM's sister or Three ~.r~j, wM matron of tiodoi' ~·Mila Joanna Post of ~ was maid .of honor. lritlesmaids wtfe, Miss Gail ~ the bridegroom's mt.er ol Laguna Beach, along .rrtth Mrs. William Noel of Pasadena aod Mrs. William Weecl ot Three Arch Bay. Jill Marie Johnson, the bride's GI Gift :collection . . niece, was flo"·er girl. Russell Yensen "'aS best man. \1'hile Thomas P.earl, Pete Foster, Stan Lo\'elady and Gary Johnson escorted guests to their seats. folloY>'ing the c e r e n'I on y ?lf1ss Dru Comstock of Three Arch Bay and ?l{iss Cathy Johnson of Sactamento assisted at a garden reetptioo hosl.ed by lbe blide'B p;vents. The new Mrs. Goodell is a graduale ol Pasadenar High School and California State College at Long Beach. Her husband. an alumnus o ( Laguna Beach Htgh School, "'as graduated from C1UiforrUa .Polytechnic CoUege, San Luis Obispo . where he :affiliated with Della Sigma Phi frattrni· ty. 'l ' · &'' • ' • Mrs. Hayward Le Crone, d&corf e tpe Inv:Ua1iofts ~)~ hospitality chairman. ~ mail 'fol the annu'al K!Cr- o(f Coffee sjloMored b y Mrs. Welsh Morningstar , Lr,wyers' Wl-ves. • · · · president of Lav.·yers' Wives , gomp)ona andl goal , posl• .,..,ill be joined by the executive d~ig~ in fa! colo~ wl!I board to greet new members. qtf\ltr tables for the mem-During the social meeting berihlp 'toffee laking place ti1rs. Morningstar will outline between 10 a.m. and noon the year's program and explain Thu_~y, Seet . 18, In the San· lhe assistance provided the ta ~· holTlt' bf Mrs. Richard Legal Aid Society of Orange HaVMna. . County by members of lhe ~hairmen for the event organization. are Mi.,: Cecil Hicks of Santa Soon after this kick-off A~ a n d. Mrs. ~wrence memberslllp coffee members C&sey of Garden Grove. will be invited to smaller area .The-1nvitallons, designed by coffees to give the groups an J\.frs. Howard Block, are betrlir opportunity to become better 1nailed to all present Lawyen• acquainted with Lawyers ' Wives and p r o s p e c t I v e Wives in their immediate members whose husbands are vicinity . members of the Orange Coun-1~--"-- ty Bar A!.!IOCiatlon. Jnterested women may make Clambake , Coffee Told · Fall activities for · I he Newport Shores W o m e n ' s Social Committee, to-include a New Englahd clambake, will gel off the ground tomorrow eludes clams. albacore, 1nedallion of lobster, chicktn, corn on the cob, sweet potato and white potatoes. ! at JO a.m. with a Welcome Under Way Neighbor, Get-acquainted eoP Cost umes Out I fee in the Newport Shores Ho'7 would you like lo be Clubhouse. For Desi gner responsible for 2600 Christmas During the git t h e r i n g Jlresenl.8? nev.·romers will be introduced Designer BUI Blass built his Operation Shop Early is. to various activities of the creallve reputation first in ijle The Orange County cy.pter Newport Shores Association, y,•orld or "'omen's "'car. Then of the American Red Cross and gl(ts will be give«. he turned to men's af>parel. has a quota of 2600 ditty bags The clambake, to truce place Of all fashion, Blass, with -.. m.P fUI d ...... : " the Sunday. Sept. 21., at 4 p.m. will the house or Maurice ., e, an ._p .,y , inch,ide music by the Dixieland Rentner. New York. says. ~ of Se Pt ember 'to ComDo the Doctors Gt'Ol.lp led • ··costumes aild fads are still ~men in Vietnam, 'nd by Dr. Patrick Murphy. absol uteJf out. Personally, you can help. · Dinner will be served at 5 I hate all glmmk:ks." And New articles lq fill lhc bags:. p.m. and tickets are $5 for the that, he added. "includes may be donated 3.cd sent l1> clambake dinner which in-yellow shirts loo." lhe American Red Cross1'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chapter office in Santa Ana. 11 Mn. James F. Stewart is Orange Coun~ chairman for the ambitious pro}ect wbich aims to ship out gill& In good tlme for Christmas delivery. Moth ers Tell Fligh t Plans " X1embers of Flight 19 of Uni€od States Air Force Mothers will (.'fl\her at 8 tomorrow evening in the recreation hall of Hyde Park Molt.Ile Eatates. Santa Ana. Mn. JamC!!I Tu1::ke r . presidet:IJ, win call I hr meet.log to order and Air Foret mothers and fathers are Jthited lo-attend. NliiGnal officer' will meet Ill, 11!1> home o( Mrs E. P. Splpdlir, neUonal director. 10d wW attend Flight It's ~ aml•ersary par1y '!W ~ ol e:30 p.m in lbl hotoe ol Mrs. Melvin Roenloldl, WdfJninater. ~Todays Fino/ :stvcks Today 1 ON OUR FAIULOUS TRAVEL WIG! e lh•r• 11 11olhing lik• ii -w1i9l11 oRI, 2 011nc•1 ·e N1W ''i1nlific: fib1r ibat'1 , .. , .. b•tl1r lh•n h1,orn•n !11;• e l11lt111t b11Utv bec:.1111• yo11 c:1n do 11 vourt11f e Jutl W11h, '"P dry, btuth ,_ ______ -; !nto "'oil ,.11.,. tlvl• 111 rnl11ul1t e l11f· i119l1 r.urltd SEn. '' fe ,., 1 DAY5 ONLY ----JUST $1·9 '5 SAVE $5.00 '-;;;",::: Z::.;, .. WIG FALLS .... • •••• 4695 • =~· 4795 • ::.-;. 4995 250 E. I 71h ST. DAILY TILL S:JO WIG & BEAUTY SALON COSTA MESA THURS. & FRI. TILL 8:00 548-3446 ... "J\ " 'Woman 's View Moon Launch Pictured Members and guests of the Retired Officers' Associ8tion, Orange County Chapter will hear A Woman's View ct the Apollo 11 Miuion when they gather next Saturday for din- ner. Mra. Harry Reinhart&en, one of two reporters from Orange County assigned to cover the mJ.sslaD at cape Kennedy and the SP,lce Center in Houston, will ~ for the gathering in the Office~'. Club, El Toro Marine Corps Air St.aUon. . A former anllque dealer. feature column wri~er ant hospital pu~licist, hf r s. 1 ij,einhartseii aiso was flown to Acapulco lo cover the final leg of the Queen Mary's farewell ' vayage. I Reservation.! may be made wtth Maj. Billy C. Hall, 320 E.J SI. An<lr>ws PL, Santa Ana, 546-2029, or Maj. Matthew R. I Kenney, 602 Lari:spur Ave., Corona del Mar, 673-7958 .. VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N ' STITCH SHOPPE 3134 E1't Co11t Hwy. • Coron.t d•I Phone 673-8050 TAKING • "Horn• Ee" cou1t•! S•wiR9 ir the 'in' thi119 for not only t••111 but rnoth•rt too. lt't 1 91•1t 1rll1tic outl.t, 9i .. i119 you 1 v1ri1d w1rdrobc for 1 friction of cot! of •••cly·rn1cl•t. Wh1n vou q•t your fi,tt i1win9 •tti911rn•nt ~1 1111 lit our qu1lifitd tl1H htlp you. Wt h1vt on hind 1v1rylhin9 fro"I! 'pint lo 1ci11ort 011 vour 'lit!' plu1 111 the ri9ht f1b1it1 fo r b19inn1rt or 1clv1nc1d tlud1nh. Sorry lo 11.,., w1 prid1 ou1t1lva1 with tve< lO y11u of •~p1ri1nc 1 011 9ood 11r~ic1, plut 111m1 br•nd 111d gu1r•111!11d f1bric1 10 vou ''" b1 prou~ of yo11r 11wi"9 •'· forh, looli119 forw1rd lo Servin9 You, VIRGIN IA P.S. Don't fo191I lo merit your c1!1nd111 fo• S1pt1mbor 19, 14 ind Oct•b11 I. Ti1111: IO:JO lo I I :JO for free in1truclio111 011 lini119, u11d1r• linin9, etc, U1e Your lankAmtricard or Menter Chart• Jl II 'UJ'o ol s~~ .f!o.mo iu: rnakas rn2.$1si.t15 ~~rf.ivor•te la bel•. __..___._.__. ____ ~_..._.____ -"----_ ______._____-J___. --·-~--· •4 _._ ____ ~~-------- Real JiVlng Is meeting and having fun with a lot of people yoor own ege. Thal's the Sou1l1 Bay Club idea. Apartments with the most fabulous recreation set-up you've ever seen. A 31, mnnon dollar clubhouse, tennis courts, olymplc P'X>'. hNllh clubs, and much more. AU just for singles over 21. Plenty to do and plenty of interesting people to do it wi1h. Why not start living this weekend with a Visit to a 5outh Bay Club. CHAMPAGNE OPEN HOU&E nns &UNDAY 3TO1 p.m. • South BayClubApartments Newport Beach-Irvine at 16th Street (714) 645-0550 OtberSouth Bay Clubs W/l)·W'll.SMlfltEIL/14. ANAHEIM 2QI 6oulll W.-1.w:I A.... 2n 5<>tM1 BfooiJlllnlt 1~1~ lll0-4l21 (114J 712-CSOO """"' 15-454 st.n.>en Wey (213) 988-1010 lrolAll lHA OEt l'IEY 4111 Voa Mi1r!n1 (213! 623.5443 LONG BEACH M7t Alt.Mic A-... (Zll) Ql-1243 1 ' MISSION BAY ;1868 ln;11h1110 Slrllll: 1714) 214-2180 lrolOUNT~IN Y1C'# SSS Ll•ddhrl•~OI A6ld (415111164·1551 :;1111!1'1 e..., Cllltl Af)ll$o """'-I• • PFOl9CI ol A&BO-~CO. lifutk co lla.r0 cl from our ·oiort -fumo"" 1>111 nd s sluc;k. sued l eat!10r and wobl ~ R?4 !110 TI> t125 -------·-.. - Late Afternoon Rifes · Nuptral V0-ws R~c:ited •' MRS. JAMES M. SEYMOUR Washington Hom• ·-- A la~ U...-. .._ in. the °'""" ol the llelll, Whelm wu ltJetC;td ..for tbe vOW-e.idw>p ~etwee.a Manh1 · Lpe and James Micheal t Seyaiour '!Of HUD- ~ .B<acb. ' The bride, d&Ulirttr of. Mr. and Mrs. Loooatd E: Lone ol J(lncmao, Ariz., ... ., pvttl 1n dwT!qe by her i.lher for lbe double rlnc .._. ·She. wore a "bite ora:anza (Own -a 'deladlJble d>apd vain arid embroidered Jaco tiodlce trimmed wllh seed pw1s. Her veU ol sjlk bddal il!usloo fealured a llClllCJP!d eilge trimmed wtlh seed pearlJ and WU attached to A ....... ol seed pearls and ... qulns. She carried a shower bouquet .r c:amatlona, piolt · ,,... and llepllanoll.t. Mi.!s' Sharon Lane was her sister'• maid al honor, and Ibo was &owned In pale pink orgama featuring 1n empire waistllne and flared sleeves. A band ol plnlt flowers formed her headpiece, and she carried a nosegay of plnt carnations, daisies and baby'1 breath. Similarly attired wt re bridesmaid,, Miss J a ·n e Seymour, lister or th e bridegn>Olll, and 'MIM JIM,y Schilling, who.so gowm and flowers were a deeper lhade of pink. Tbomu Seymour served as bis brother's best man, and ushers were Steve Theis and Micbeal McM.hoo. Following the ceremony · guests attended a recepUon in . the chapel, and Mr • .and Mrs. Bethel 0. Seymour, parenU of the· bridegroom, en~rtalned at a perty in their Huntington Beach borne. Miss Roberta Nichols circulated the ,uest -. Tht bride-ls • iraduatt of Westminmr Hi&b School and attended Golden WeSt College. Her husband was graduated from Huntington Beach lli(h School and Golden W e I l JOAN COZY HAMILTON Novombor Ir~ Hamiltons Tell Betrothal News A Thanksgiving wedding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cbureh is being plaoned by Joan Cozy Hamiltoii and Hugh Eric Barker. 'Their engagement bas been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Hamilton of Newport Beach, parents of the future bride. Mi'Ss Hamilton, a Newport Harbor High Scttool graduate and 1968 ·Empire debutante, attends Orange Coast College and will c~ plete her education at California State Col· feg~ at Fullerton. Her _fianct, son oC Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Barker of Roanoke. Va .. attended the Uni4 versity of Virginia and currently is. a student at Santa Ana Colle~e. He also " attached to the Marine Air Wmg 1t Marine Corps Air Facility, Santa Ana. _ Collqe, and will au.nd the .. _________________ Ill MRS. CELESTINO BEL TRAN Home In Germi1ny Michel Mary Becomes Woods Bride New Germany will be the home of 2nd Ll. and Mrs. Celestino M. Beltrari following their honeymoon trip to Camic1 and San Francisco. The fonner Michol f\tary Woods e.1.changed vows and rings with her• husband during nuptials pcrlormcd in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woods of Ccsta l\fcsa and Mr. and Mrs. Celestino BeHran of El Monte. Given in marriaie by her father. the bride wore an organdy over lalfeta gown Luau Lures Partygoers f\1embers of Dell.a Beta Epsilon Chapler. Bela Sigma Phi. will conclude summer \'acation with • Hawaiian luau laking plact II S p.m. Saturday, Sept. lJ, In the Hun- tington &iacb homt ol Mr. al'ld Mrs. Kenneth SuttOl'I. o.c«auons In the lJlalMI lhtme' and a bllf£el ol lwtheo- tic Hawaiian dlshel prepared by the social committee wlll set the mood ror the part). • P'8nnin-g the event are P.trs. Donakf Sheltoo, Mra. Deni• Tqrttay arid Mn1. Tom Bran· nor\,. ilra. 'Rkbard ~ is pr...Sdenl ol lhe lfOOP· wilh floral lace trim which also edged her mantilla ~led veil. She carried a bouquet or stcphanotis, and for h e r jewelry she borrowed a ~ ycar~ld Spanish !:I e i r I o o m cross. In rainbow colored 1owos and carrying bouquets of spring blossoms were Mary Frances Woods, maid o( honor, and the bridesmaids, Rosie Montes, Mary MartclJot. U. Londa Woods, G J..o· r I a Beltran, Roselyn M or c an , Carmen Beltran, H e I en Beltran and Unda RawlOI>. Attending as best man 1'13 Russell Randzus, wb1Jt ushers were AUen Gray, Henry Woods. Raymond M a s t i e I , Manuel Gonzales, Joe Perez, Eric Blodgett, Richard .Montes and Raymond Leva. 'l'he newlyweds received MO guests in st. Sava's Hall dur- ing a reception. Attend.in& the guest book was Mar~ Feidti and assisting were Iii J 1 a Garza, Cece Amarantbus aod S"phanl~ Pnbestd. The bride atle!lded Malu Del Hl&b . S<bool and Mari· mount College. Her husband ii a graduate ot B1shop Amai lllp School. Mount Sa n Antonio Junior 'Collete 1~ Loyola Vnlverslly ol 1<"' Anarlu. Presently• lit JI icl\I• in& In Iii Amt1. • ... University of Washill(1M on an athleUc ICbolarship. Fdllowini a wedding trip tG Bunning Springs, the newlywed!! will make tbelr home in SutUe. Sonnee Stallman Now ) I HathaYoga Series Due Mrs. Rob~rt A. W eedrl Redondo Beach will be the bome of newlywed Mr. and Mrs, Robert Alan Weedn · followilt('lbeir hone)'Dleee trip in Canada. Thrtt clasles In Hllha Yop wDJ begin tarr.ocrow and nut · Monda), In~ by Mn!. Robert Seaney. certified Y ota · instructor. ··ne eilfit-week 1cssions will take· place in the Halecrut Clubhouse, Cosla Mesa. and OMi :Fountain Valley Mollile Estalel·Clutihouse. The flrll session will betin ,at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in • .BaJecrest aDd 1 mortUnc &ftSlon at 1:30 ii 11eheduled for ·, Monday in the 1ame location. The Fountain Valley class will begin Monday at 7:30 p.m. Hatha Y<>sa ~ches control of the bOOy, mind and emo- tions, builds rnerve strength, relieves tensions and prolon&s youth. Pre.re&istration is necessary and those wilhin& lo enroll may call Mra. Seaney 1t M&- S38S. TM Rev. Dr. CbarleJ: H. ---MRS. R. A. WEEDN Roell•• Pltclgoo Troth News Revealed CHERYL ROTH Eng•gad Betrothal Disclosed Mr. •nd Mrs. Louis H. Roth of Newport ~ have an- nounced the engacemenl of the.Ir daughter, Clle.ryl Roth to Michael E. MUler. aon ol Dr. and Mrs. C. James Millu fl San Anselmo. Miu Rotb la 1 junior at the University or Callfantia. Santa Barbera wbtte ~ is af. flllaled wllh Alph1 P h I IOl'Ority. Her fianct., I graduate of the: 1 a m e unlvtrlfty, 11 attendln1 Dombil<.. Colleae. s • n Raobaet. .Be affillated with Phi Della Tbela ft•ltrnlly., ·No wedclln1 dllW Ila• ... .. - . During a dinner in the :albOll Bai Club Mn. Loie ~cler KnJcl!t ol Balboa announced the enl'aement or ' her daughter, Patricii Loic Kniiht, fo Thomas Scott Speirs ol Newport Beach. Tables, dressed In yellow cloths, were centered with yellow,. white and sreen f!Qral arrangements and • i J v e r candelabra with yellow tapers. Attt:odtng were the fufure bride'• brother and sister-in· Jaw, Mr. and ~lrs. Kenndb Knight: h e r ll'andmotber, Mn. I. M. Knoptn)der ol Colton; (\er aunt. Mn. Robert K_,itr1 !')» ol Colton, and_ the onoesroom·to-be 's brG<her, John C. Speirs. Other relattves. learnlng the news that the cdupte plan an Oct. 2$ >eer<mooy In SI. Andrew 's Preabyterlan Church were l he benedlc.W.lect'1 parents, Mr. and Mn. Harold M. Spetro ol llellllm!r, Mr. and Mrs. Jl'red Offtnhauser. Mr. and Mrt. P1ul Lewis, Mn.· John Elt(J.m.n aod Car· roll Slrachoto. The bride, a Newport H.-Hi~h School graduate. a\t<ndtd Punahou, Honolulu •and &i'ldiialecf Jn>m Gkla Cl>lleJt. Loil<lon. Her fi1nce la • gradualt ol B<llllower Hip . Scl\ool and 1tt&odtd Oranp Colll Collqio. ' Dierenf'Jeld performed t h e double ring rites in St. A~ drew'• Presbyterlln Churcb • for the dau&flter of MrL George R. ~ ol Corona del Mar and tbe son ol Me and Mrs. Henry J . Wecdn t6 Pacific. Beach. ; The former Sonnee Del.iaht SlalJman was 1iven In marl- rlagc by ber stcpf.athu. shA wort a caodltll&ht t I I i: organza over t:affeta gown With ca~·train. A bead· piece of oranie bloseoms and passJon flowera • caught her bouffant vei~ .. d fotmlnr her llOlePY were ,s1ephanotis and blbj11 breath. Jn a white lace empire gown and carrying a nosegay of stepbanotis: and baby'1 breath we Mrs. Van Jobn1on, matron Of honor. In yeUow aowns and car- ryine identical noecrays were the bride!maids, Mn. James Lawrence, M i 1 1 Catherine Schindler, Mrs. D 1 vi d Welshans, tile bridegroom's: 11ister, Mrs. Dan Wiseman and MW Jaoeau &talhnan, the bride'11Jster. Flower 1irls wtre Dana and .Joi Wlacmao, who were at- tired like the hQnor attendant. AttendJng as best man was James Finn, and seating guests were Welsham. Fred KhasiJian, Stephen McCon- nell, Jame, F i n n and JaY. Stallman, the bride's brother, A reception tor 350 well· wishers followed In t h e Newport.er IM where Mrs. Christopher Wilcox circulated the fl\IM book. Special RtJCStl 1'ere. Mrs. Delight Church o( Corona del Mar, the bride's grandmother, and Mn. Mary Pollard of Suu.'h Gate ,rut Mrs. Nora Lofnln or· !lunttntton Park, the brldegroom'1 grandmoth-era. . ~ bride, 1 1964 Chlldren·s Home Society d t bu l 1 n t t, graduated from the Univenlty of Southern California whert she pledged Alpha Gamma Delta. She .also received her masters degree rrom USC and wUl teach. Jn Torrance this fall. Htr husband aUeods USC where ne ii 1 member or Sl(ma Chi. Soroptimi1h Newport Hlrbor Son>ptlrnlsl Club met1t the lllot thrtt Wedneada,y1 for a noon lun- clM!on in Villa M-a; In 1 1 Newpon Beach. The l•rt Wed- .. llllY ol Ille month mernbert mttl In the aame WUoa for d!M.,. al:T:IO p.m. 11An.Y PUT • ~ . . quq'chusettJ· .Ceremony ... • St. John the Ev I ~lel'J 11t C!mtch 1a.swam;...u • .- "" pie settllil for the a/, temoOn nupUlls 11 n: k I n 1 ~lhryn Irene P!oct'1 . *fJd David Wetll!y Schneider. IOft of. Mr. and Mt>. ,Wealby llollalld Schnelder ol N-1 Beach. . The bride, dllil!Utr o( Mr. and Mn. lohn li u ctt t n.a Proctu ol Mallllehead. ~· and Naples, Fla.., was' &lveri in nurrla1e by her father. She chose a handmade weddlni I01VD of 1Uk or•anza em- broidered petals. The cleslllll lealur<d a wed- dinc band collar1 1on& 11-ves and • 1 chapel train. Her cathedfal 1enlth veil w~s caulht to ' a Dutch caP, tliln- mecf wtlh peorls and c!'yllojs. and fonnln& her cl!Cade wore liU.1 and ltephancitb. . ldentlcaf (Old empire -and caocades ol cr<>tOn let.v<a, rose! and IOndriona 1ftre 9Clected for her attendanta, Miss Bevtrly Miller, Mrs. Donald Orslllo and M i {I Deborah Sullivan, tht bride'• cousin. Attendlnf .. his brotllu as best man tras Alan J • Scb.Deider. and ushers wtn! Lawrence C. Procter the btide's brolhor and D,.;,e1 Anderson. Performlnr U\e ceremony during 1 nuptial mass wu the RI. Rev. John P .• Carroll, assisted by the Rev. Jatnes Savage. · A reception followed in the Bolton Y.acht Club where Mn. John Poulin, the b r i d e ' 1 couain. circulated tht iuest book. After a weddin& t r l p to HawaU, the bridal couple trill reside In Marbleheed. The bride ls a &rtduate of M..Dt' Ida Junior Collep far Women, and ber husband 11 a gradua~ of Orance Coast Colle1e .. LORRAINE KEMP PMvtmMr Rltn J.B. Kemps Tell Troth At Brunch Mr. and Mrs. Jatk Bradford Kemp of Balboa Jaland reveal· ed the en111emtnt fl tbcir daurtrter, L«ratne Kemp,, tD Warner B~bop Clarke 'OI Weatwood durlnf • brundl ill the Bel Air Hotel Gueits at the aUair included Mr. ud Mrs. Lou.it Warner Clarke ol Wtitwood, parents: ol. the bridegroom-elect. ' . Others 1tl<ndin1 tnCluded the Meara. and Mmes. Paul Robert Kemp ol Ne..,.n Beach and Los Angel..,hant M. E(llei!Alh, 'p, Clay van Hike al Palm SP/'bll' and Laguna Hiiis, a!Ofi4 wlill M"'8 ¥,artlut M«ilnn ol a.1cf4o ~~ MW .~1Yn Komp, sister ol the brldMlect. ~fin Kemp U a graduate or Newport Harbot lltfh School and oranae.Coest C0Ue1e •. Sbt a,tlended San Diego St.ate Colle1e wh<n!· ll>e p!e<!fed ,(Jpha Gamma Delta ....,fly. Htr flance, an a/umnua of the Uni,er1Jty at Pcn!t!Ylvanta. wu affiliated wUh Sigma Chi 1tattm17. U. terVed the U.S. Ann)r; U a a:pta!n. The couple plan a Novttftbe't wedding. · Party Pooled · Pitur Collea• lrutuMi> will have an opportunity tt mttt< reblrnJni Pl!Rr lludenti ..-. Ing a twimmlng party lloeted by Mr. and Mn. Glenn E.T;rllb ol Fullerton tomorrow. Reaidents -from Whittier, l"ullertol!. DowMJ and IA· fl\lna Buch wUI be Included In ftotlvllt... MRS. DAYID: W. S,CHNEIDER H-ym-1111 lft'Hawtll . ' Laguna Hi/Ii-Setting ~ For Nuptial Ceremony St. Nicholu c 1t11 o Ji c Cbutch, Laauna !Dils WIS the .aettlnc fm ttie 11 up t J a 1 ctrcmony linkin1 Kathleen Ann Bell and Eric Karl NO..din. i'ar<nta or the bridal couple are lfr. ud Mn. Oonald A. Bell al El Ten 'Ind Mn. r . Leon Webb c( GIOlldole. Given in maJTfa&e by ber lather, the bride -. a 11-lenfth (own ol «pma over taf'fe\a. Which WU · trimmtd wtlll whl~ do!Jy lace. Her fingertip vell wu caua:ht to, a crown of dables tnd baby'• breath,. and the flowen were repeated Jn her bouquet. • Attendin& u maid of bonor was Donna :Bell, w ht 1 e bridesmaid• were Arlene Coa. Mes Johnson. I(aye Evletb .ana Rome Wallact. Beat man wu William !CrlJlllen and ""'1nC as 11'1>- cn were DennlJ Huches. Rob- ert Carey' l\ObeJ1 <lUlllmno •nd Michael T'bomptlOn. ,Followtna: 1 honeymoon trip to HawaU. the newlyweds will tesldt in Arcadia. u~:ra1~": cJ1= sa:!': Barbara .. 11ere her husband Laguna Rites ~ ....... MRS. NORDIN Arcadle HetYt, "as graduated. He-affiliated with Lambda Chi Alpha and obtained his 1 • c ·o, n 4 • r J' teicltin.g: credenUal at Su Fernando Valley S ~at• eotleae. Janet Service Wed 11'hit& chr)'Mlllbem\111\S ml )'CllOW fCllCS adorned the altar of St. Mary'1 Eptaeopal' Church, 'Laguna Beach, for the weddinl al Janet Service and William F. Brewer. The early afternaan riles !or !he dau&bt« al Mr. and Mn. llorl W. ~ce ol Conx11 clel Mor and )On ol· lfr. and Mrs. James F. Brewer of Brent· wood ...n read by .lhe Jtev. John Hauser ol Coniaade.' ror !ht double r la I ~mony, the bride chose a slllt organr.a aown appliqued with daisies and pearls. Her llhouldcr lenalh llluston-veil w~S,1'cau1ht to a headpiece of daWes: and pearls~ and her, W';.~1,;,,.;..;0tW-loil'lw bouquet was . Wblaoed er yellow roses. Wtll'fnl yellow allk" orianu 1awm and• carrytnc booquets ol dlllliel .... .. b ii • clil'ylanllit111U111> ...n MlJa B111>ata l'hUUpi, mald ti bu>or, and Mrs. llichud Jacks and Mra. Mari An• C.yot, bridffmalda. 'the bridesroom'• brother. JaMtS F. Brewtr Jr. aerved u belt man. and uahtfl were Glenn and lfart: Im.tr, aloo his. 11rot11en, cart w. Servi« n, bn>tbu af the brldl, and T. Otoa1-flold. Twt hundred ~ aj. tellcled • cbampagne -ptlon In the" Irvine Coaot Country Chil>L 1!.~~Jht ,_ relilter W'8 .dreul•tecl by Miu Mary Afql. Jans• and Mi~ £lltabeUt """Hiiiei. Special 1ue.rits Tf'e:re ?t1rs. AM• Bell Ill Price, Uiall. ( MRS. W. f. lllEWIR Exdla_v .... 1ran<1.-ol lbe bricl6, and Mrs. Frank-Main ol Berhley. arandmotller tl tilt'' brldelfOOlll. . Afttr boneymoonin1 11 Saa . Francia and WU. Tallot, the newlyweds will establish ' their fin( home In Sao Luis · Obispo. I The nmf Mra. Bmwer wul 11aduated ....., °"""' ... , ldar ffii!" School u4 a • bualneil Colle .. and ailmltdT Orance C4lll can.,.. - H.er flar>ee, al11 a ,..... ot caMHS, ls a 11nlor • Callfamll Polytecluilo Coliq•. San Luis Obltpo, where lit b ll\IJO<llt( la en"'*<ltl1 an1fls actlvt In ROTC . I I \ I I I . I I ·' I I II I I . ' .. Progra ms Begin ning ,._ I S-L ''· i '111. ..C1A. ·~A..~. ~nQQ1 > ttr•~~a ~ 1 • '£11!1ol"t Molfi A "" c1cvo1e11 •o C:.torue Met!hAn. l\enne.lh ""' nl • p Ol ·w th• ••hool "'t '"""""' YtllllY. Hllntln .. °" llff<ll. a ..,,,, V • • °". , O-=*t!I ,v 1,. ,.,, lll•l er1"1 .1111 w••'-\Voods, Birch MQt.ltel\'S and niulliputpose room. 'l'he din- • FV Cou ncil Mn. Gerald Bil m1n1• kllilol oi.1r1c1 P•rtf'l~"k<,.. Charles Llpot a.Ml.sling, ner .will. •'lj,.laUy ~gin the-., ...... ntM"'"' will tplif:ft" f!I I II • 'fl .., "'i' f 0.1.11.v .. 1LOT •Kfl wtn. 111tOrimi1kll\ Ci'rcle Vw. PTA · nnnu~I PTQ rnemblrihlp ,,....,.; t.. ...aMG ti' """· Gl!lltrt Turn. drlv.•, •·· , r WJL. Yrl IMMJlll1' Orlvt, Hllfllirltlon T ~ ktdl fl'r: s .,rn. FrlOlr 1w PllOl1<at1on htrs Edw!lrd Alt1c11 , w_,.;r.i • PresldenJ ' FY Hi9h. PT A -REPORTS: Executive board ·l\tra. William '8rockmallD mem bers enterta~ · 4 0-· • Prasldent -..... ---.... -.... -·.......----....------~-~--~--._.....,... __ _ , President teachers and staff members fiEPORTS : Teachers and- al a luncheon Frlday. Mn. staff members were honored r REPORTS~ A special welrome ,. was extended lo ne w James Lacy , hospitali ty guests at a .Juhcheon hosted chairman. was in charge of by ,e. x e c U' t J v e board teachers, principals, and •1 ~ol!!rie> at, a arrangements. members Mohday i1' Foun· FY El e. PTO · JuOcliiton. lli!o!'jl • 'lllllr••>aY . if_ i'be.•. S~~~t Mt1. Walter Tale . Pm!l1 Cbul\¢1 '<>f )"oiuiia1n President ,. r ~_ilfey EtemeJlr-ag .SCboPl REPORTS: First executl\'c ~ tlitrict tn' · ~ • ~L board meeting of the school ~ ·J4~i: Eijeria. ·~ year took place in the heme P~(ebt' ... r 1V>~ t ~~ of Mrs. Wafter 'fote. 'fllns !· chalmlani« Jbejwt~:with were fbtmulated Icir a fami· t the Mm6S James Ackley ly potluCk Saturllay, Sept. ;. 'iiiliiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!ii~ ·cELEBRATl·NG . OUR 6'" YEAR IN BUSINESS $500 P!R MONTH AVERAGE COURSI IA$1$ taln Valley Commun lt y Center ••.• Al their recent 1neeling, executive board rncmbers approved the an· nual budget presented by Mrs. Rudolph LaBlanc, the ways an01 means ·p~~am outlined 1 by 'Mra. ~ Rl~d Hopper, and the yearbook lherne Portraits -1969-70 as presented by Mrs. Richard Benedict. Elected to serve · as delegates to·· Hiintington Union Council this year were the Mmes. William Brockmann. Benedict, Hop· per and LaBlanc . Fulto n PTO tllrs. Robert Welch PresJdent C0fl.11NG UP: A winter bowl· Annual Faculty t:un'cheon l\1rs. Verqal Day;, president Qf Spring Vie\v School PTO greets Leon House, school prlqcjpal 'and Dr. ,Clarenc,e Hall, Superintendent of Ocean Vie'v School District (Jeff. td, right} during last week's annuaJ facuJ ty luncheon. The PTO executive board sponsored the event. · ing league currently is being ; organized. Bowling w i I I h1mes. Robert Haus.~aden, Thursday in the school Aiello and Ptu.lip Meiners, beglo Tuesday, Sept. 23, at booths: Ronald Du Ii n , library. I\trs. ch c 5 t e r assistants. Each teacher , IZ: Hi p.m. in Kona Lanes, finance; Chrys DeLlsser, Weronko, library chair1nu11, received a corsage as a Costa Mesa. Mothers who posters. Proceeds from the memento of the occasion. I wish to participa te may carni vaJ will be donated to served relreshmenl..s •••• telephone fl.trs . Rober t the Westminster Schoo I Mothers of klndergartners Wa rdlow PTO \Velch at 847-0890. Babysit· District fund i purchase became acquainted with kin· ting will be available at the heart disease d t e ct ion dergarlen teachers and Bur· ~trs. George ~1ceban Lanes for league bowle rs. equipment. I d i v i duals rill at a tea presented Fri· President E:PORTS: New PTA prcsi· \vishirtg to donate to this day by the executive board. REPORTS: A Back·lo-school dent, Mrs. Welch, was in· rund may dD so by con· Information was given con-luncheon was presented by I traduced by Ed Lavelle , tacting Keystone Savings & cernlng kindergarten ac· executive board members' principal, at a Back-to_-Lo an Assoc i a t i on , 'livitles, dUrtng an informal Monday in honor of faculty i school luncheon presented Westminster. program and question·and· and staff members. Co· Wednesday by 'the execuliVe answer period. In charge of chairmen of the potluck board. Mrs. Welch wilf sue· Rob inwood PFO arrangements for the tea luncheon were the Mm es. I ceed Mrs. Ar'tbur Bfown Mrs. Lte Mock v.·ere the Mmes. Ka r I Richard Eckert and Don l Blue Star Moms • Huntington Beach BJ1te Star Mothers, Chapter 2 stage nittllngS every Monday at p.J!k Jo La8 ]'ark Cllibho"'4. Every \\'cdneiday at 7 p.m. members or TOPS Btach Babes conycne in Huntington. Beai;I!, Hlf/1_ School· !or 1'(1>- grs.ms. 1rs EASY TO ST,llT A MUSICAL IDUCATION at WALLICHS MUSIC CIT"'. GROUP ~..'.!:::;;;,..;___ USSONS 100 RENTALS ,,,.!!!!!!!!!!!! ,.., dllt•rfl' 7 "'"' lllOM ll. O.r lt-IUI~ ''' ,W,llt 111o11Mr• .s7tS It lie-ti '11111¥-* Pl• ... ti.. LallOft l•t i..,SI" i. RE!ilSTl!R NOW .,,. - WALLICHS MUSIC CITY Pho~• South Cout rtat .. ~ .... MOH 540•3161 • ' 1 .\ < ·' ' The beautiful new decor oi the Playboy salon pro-f vides a setting of comfort and elegance for having ~ your hair done in the latest styles. Manager Char- lene Clark and her staff: Chuck Hulsey, Maxin• r McGevran, Meryl Beebe, Linda Barker and J er:y ,, Gutierrez will do their utmost to please you. M1s1 Monette is -available for manicures and pedicures. . ' 548·0460 WESTCLlfF PLAZA who' r.esigned because of ll· President Schopp, chairman; Albert Kenney. lneu. Arrangements for the REPORTS: After a meeting 1-:===================:3::;;::: \"unch.eon were handled by with Stanton Burrill, prin· J. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK for Both Sexes SA,UNp;:.sT~ itOOM HEATED POOL - WHIR L POOL SUN ROOM-FAC IALS SWIM LE"ONS AVA I LAI LE FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN GARDEN SQUARE ' .HEAL TH . CLUB . 9562 GARDEN GROVE BLVD'. GARDEN GROVE CALL FOR APPT. 531'.'5410 . the Mmes. Clyde Eaton. cipn l, faulty members were~ Ivan Ubaldini and Joseph welcomed back to school at Simone, hospitality coin· , a coffee hour hosted by ex· mittee ,members. · · • The ccutive board me m be r s executive board met Frlday-;==========.I In the sctiOOl l ibrary .I 1 Procedur;e •·tiboks were RO· BJNSQN S di•Ji'ibuted a~ offlcors and chairmen Wf!te faipiliarlied with their duties . Subsequent I bolrd meetings will occur · lbe first Monday of each rqonlh at 12 :30 p.m. in the hDrary . • • , . A•vdeo PT A: . . . "J.•. "''Otty1 t>eU11tt -"' ...-President · C0).1!NG U~: A (all "'"11val • ·Will b<"pr-ted Saturday. ;::==-:·:~~ .... ,:-:.~ .. ::~ .. . • Sept. JO; al Hayden SChoool. -14782 Eden St., Mid·, way City. Ftltivilies will begin at 11 a.m. Hot dogs, chili dogs, coke, coffee, cat· l!)n c a n d y and popcorn wil l satisfy hun gry carnival goers. and n in e game booths will provide cntertain1nent. Games \\'ill TAKE THE ' · ' include Teddy B ear Toss , _Tip the Cllt1 Lollipop Tree, and Fish Pond. General i chairman of the carnival is ~tN:. C, h ~ r I e ft Hargrove . . ~er c~airme~ include the FIRST BIG STEP TOWARDS •• LOSING WEIGHT,•• AND. KEEP ING:~S.T 'ot:F' WHO'D EVER GUESS THESE RACY LITTLE IMPORTS FOR Gooo: COME TO THE ONE ANO ONLY WEIGHT WATCHERS® " -WOULD SELL FOR s29 95 THE. SERVICE FOR 8! We imported these four great stainless pattQrns directly and saved handsomety. We're passing the savings oq to you. Choose from La Manche. Gr.-nada, Monterey. La Spana patterns. · Each 82~ie0. sat contains : 8 dinner kn ives -8 dinner.forks-8 salad forks -16 teaspoons -B;so4pS-a iced tea spoons-cold meat fork -gravy-sugar shell-butter knife-tablespoon -pierced tablespoon, Special, special price: S29 .95 Use our convenient club payment plan. S L A._'71 CK'S J•w•l•r• Sinct 1917 18 FA~HION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1 !80 Yfltt , ...... •ut11n! -ltl'lllAITlf•IC;•f'f. ,,,..,,., C~•rp, "'· o,... Mt!MI..,, llrldrt 1110!1 f:JO ,,,._, , •• NO PI LLS .. NO STARVAlllON DIETS •,,YOU EAT THREE HEARTY MEALS A DAY 1 ANO L OSE WEIGHT~ t'.VER.Y MONDAY EVENING ., . BEGltffilNG OH ' '. Stt~T • .J.iWi.fH ' ' __ ,... ' . A N INTil:OpucTORY OPEN ~1 EETING AT 7 PM; ANO EVERY -TUESDAY MORNING BEGINN.,IN~ ON SEPT. 16 1 WITH AN I NTRODUC'rOl'tY OPEN MEETING AT· 9:30 AM . REGlSTfl:ATION FEE 15 3,'00; WEE~LY PUE5 t 2 ,00. AT NEWPORT 1 'THC LJOO BUFFET•' 90~£ EARLY,,, W£1R£ EXPECTING A 910 CROWD~ ROBINSON'S NEWPORT ' ' t"""""'" I I ,; ' "' v·· .,.,, • • . F.~SHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH , . ' . , .. • • One place for all the fall • shoe looks! Here, two-tone combos. Navy calf-upper tie with red sc1olls. 1 O 99: hi· tongue with black and tan overlay. 10.99; brown manmade palent pip ed with beige. 9,9,9, , Th~ collection is 8.99 10 10.99. I-' HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTING TON BEACH SOU TH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA ~--------1~-~-__ , -· ------------ --- ----' __ , ___ - Wtdnrtsda.1, Stptembtt 10, 1969 DAILY l'ILOT D .feenager: What Have You to Gain by Numbing Your B~ain?: ' r DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am noL1ober u 1 write thlo· ~. I've jlllt llnllh<d lll)'l<iurih ean Gf-lftd 1 needed every drop of It to geA. the cuts lo wrJte W! ltt.- ter. • 1 ~in, a 18-Year .. ld guy and 'have been ~etUng'druril<,almost ••'1'Y nlgn• sln<t,L wu 1t. I usua\ly drink wine because 1t 1 th•-clleapcst thing I can &el lllJ' hands on. l want to' q~t because I know I am wrecking my life' but I naven't got enough wlttpower. l.a:it year l went to my sch9o1 ooun.selor and be he.lJ>ed .me but he won't help me ·anYmore. I broke my word and sot drunk and was kicked out oI school. My family doesn't care about me and I am sinking lower every day. 11 it pOsslble that a kid or 16 can be an alcoholic? Please help n1e. I am desperate. - YOUR FRIEND JIM DEAR FRIEND: Ve1, I 11-ytaMl.d CIA be an alcohoUc and you are llvtD1 proof. Ate you aware that alcnhollsm 11 a symptom of a deeper prob1em? \Vby do you NE.ED to oun1b your brain and plclde younelf regularly? Wlly do you: find Ille so a.nbeart1blc? l\'httl are yo11 ntnn.laJ aw•: from? Thut are lhe question• lhat must be IDIWCred. GeJ hi touch ,wllh Alco boll cs Mesa Legion Auxiliary Horoscope Anooym .. 1. \It b ._ la th P"- boH.) Md p1 .... ,,., "' ......... i.u. tr rthactant ...... • medlng bttarne yoo .,. eoJy !I. M loelpl ....,,,.. no wula lJ be b<lpod. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS' You keep ad· vil!ng people lo -paychlalric help. Will you pl~se be DKn eiplicit? How d~ a peflOR co about finding a ~ychlaltist he can afford? You often aay, "Your family doctor. can advise yw. ., MJDe can't t told him r was taJ1Jna lput -u.ovp the -liloWod DO organic -Wlien be •kl, • .,,,.,.., nothin& wrq .rltb you." 1 anawend, "-etllln& ,..;at be """'" M1ybe I need a , Pl1,Chllkial" llil reply w111 "Ev.rybody bu.,...,_ or ..,.lil~ or llJ\Olller. S10P worm. uc1 70U w be .u rJchLn Frequeolly JOU ...... a meolal health cllnlt &Ir thoee. who can't afford private thet•P>'· Where are tbele clinics! How does Obi 'flpd tber;n'P· You do a wor1d ol good, Ann. Please 'do . a little more by answering my qU<atlooo. -COUNTING ON YOU DE,Ut COIJNTING, '""'PbJllclaa wbo told '°" te "•'°P wtrl')'lq:" 1bcMtld 10 back lo medlc1l ocHot. Al loof "" Gey ............ _ ... ___ ,... -·-·-.......... IJl'O -..-~lll·-·· palieol lJ "stop ...,.,. -•boot at mac.~ ltDH U &eUlq: Wm te l&op 1weaUo1. ~ Hm 11 lloe ~ rw lbote wllt wutlM .._tl~dlala. lAolo 11 lk ,._ -.-COUNTY HOfllilll. Or ldepllw lllt --111 f•n•d ar,nacy bl yOIU' cit)'. ~111 tome dtiet there 1 • Community re:ftrral aervlce whlclo can dlred yoo.) Free: dl1k!1 are UIUlly fGIDd 1t lllliverllliel. A pllODe eall lo Ille aalvertl- ly ..m tdl ""' ,.111. -... aval!ab&e. People wbo Uvt ln 1tull town• 1bould telepbone die etuntr medJcal IOCltCy In the neattat llr&e el&y. AnyHe -~ •IUe• detailed ... ronnau.. .... kl wtlte to lllt N~ -lllo ltr --la -York. fte -11 Jt Colalllllao Or*. · New York., N.Y. !Mlt. n... wllt wlolo private P')IChi.Jrlc CU. ~ ull l'elr pltyslclau. Alld' I llope lo ....... "'1 r«tfvt I bdlu IDIWet &bl )'Ill dJd. -I Is alcobollsm 1 dise.ue! How caa the alcoholic be treated! ls tbett a are? Read lbe booklet "Alcoholllm -ifopo and Help," by Ann Landen. Encloae 1$ cent.s In roln wlill your request ' and a long, llamped, ..it .. ddtesled envelope. Ann Landen will be glad to help Joa with your problems. Send them to net In care of the DAILY PILOT, encloiln& I sell-addressed, stamped envelope. Don 't try The first Thursday or the Costa Mesa Unit 45$ gather in month members or the the American Legion llall, al a American Legion Auxiliary, p.m. Taurus: Personal ' M.agnetism Obvious to lose weight ·,, alone. :"' • KEEP SCHOOL CLOTHES NEAT I. CLEAN!. FRIGIDAIRE LAUNDRY PAIR Jet Action Washer with economical Small load setting • Small Load Settina. SIVH water and detergent for loads of leu-11'1111-uswl si11. • Automatic Soak Cydt. For heav!ly soiled items. diapers. • Deep Action Ag itator. • l .lel·~WIJ llinsts. Matching Dry&" with 2·positiM Fabrics Selector r lels you cont1ol d1yu11 llie1t lo suit !Ibric. • Durable P1ess Cafe. Prope:r temper1tu1e plus cool·dowll and elld-Gf<ycle si1nal leeps !ht pr15s iii Durable Pfess ilems. • No-sloop Ont scrt111. BOTH C:~L~ s343sa NOW -AT' ~ .. DAVIS -BROWN -THU RSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 By SYDNEY OMAIUI New !\1oon ln Virgo todaJ and an ecUpie o( • tbe llJA.' Best buys: account boob, files, typewrltera, dres& pat- tern& and medlcal aids.. ARJES (Marth 21-Apiil 19): Concentrate on work. service and ways towar(_ .self-im· provement. New moon accenta more acceptable policy in area of employment, -health. A new, better deal is indicated. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): New moon position today coin- cides with romantic period. People appreciate you . Personal magnetism is ob· vious. You are complimented and nattered. But don't be ex· travagant. GErttJNI (~1ay 2l·Juoe 20): Basic issues may be difficult lo contend with t o d a y . Transform restlessness into versatility. Don't be ronfused by one who makes fantastic claims. Keep feet solidly on ground. CANCER (June 2!.July 22 ): Travel of short distances is emphasized. So, too, is rom- munication: me & sages, telephone calls and telegrams could figure prominently. Don't expect conditions to be scUled -they are not. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Changes today could..result in 411 · East Seventeenth St. prolit. Have confidence in creative abillties, judgment. ~lllC~os~t~a~M~·~·~·~~646-~1~6~8lll4~~D~a'~oly~9~·9~,lllS~a~t.~9~-6~~~People desire to commwli.cate ~ with you. As 1 result, you You'll wonder where the ta.I low went! ... Unwonted fotty tissue ~imply seems to melt owoy effort· \ lessly orld pleaso11rly, leaving you looking ond fee ling rodiont, glomorous, desirable ond lovely. \ Mony women lose severol pounds and inches the very first tfedtmen1. But ren1ember, weight loss alone solves only one figure problem and often ca us es others ... let Shope Sl\oppes properly contour, trim, mold, slim, reduce and build as.. needsd to fosh ion the perfect shape for your frome and bone structure ... lrs what we do besf. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your free sho r>f! .-~ dnotysis t"®y and see for your self I summER EHPARSIOn SALE 20 TREATMENTS •20 LIMITED OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figure fa ults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at lhe time of your FREE SHAPE AN Al YSIS, where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is designed e)(clusively for you ••. There's no mystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! FIGURE-SHAPING IDLONS L-NOW SHAPING ] . COSTA MESA & ANAHEIM, TOOi • • .. ~ / ,,.;;._v '! 9 A.M.·t '.M. DAILY, t A.M..J ,.M. SAT., OULD CAll t·J ANAMllM COITA M1SA WIST U. 635-0271 642-7032 uu,~:ou 477-1122 ntl;it!ill<A• llOl....,.,M. INfOltMATION J112~ SANTA MONtC.A MISSION MIUS-MOITM•IDGl 1ua1ANIC 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 111 Whlwt 10341 ~ tt:l:J ..-M ins w. v_. .._.,. ' . could· hear some tall sforles. VIRGO (AUii. 13-Sepl. 12): Stress tadepe'ndeQce of thought, action . A c C e n t originality. You have knack today for turning talent! lo profit!. A family-member oeeds your aid. Grant. il LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 12): New mooh today coipcldes with your chance lo con- 1truct.ively participate l n worthwhile proj~. Fraternal organizations are emphasized. Be proud of your lde,alilm. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Spotlight on hopes, friends and wishes. You rind ways, means of fulfilling wants. One In authority gives you op- portunity tot.est theories. Give yourselC a chance. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Greater recognlUQn romes today, followed by ad- ded r e w a r d s and respon· slbil ities. Could be one of your mosts i go i Ii cant periods. Don't pennit It to 1Up away. Be ready. • CAPRICORN (Dec. n.Jan. 19 ): Emphasis on com· munications, journeys. Your SANDY MALLIN Engaged News Told At Party During a party given ror relatives and friends by Mr . and Mrs. Fred R. Mallin Jr. of Huntington ·Beach, they an· nounced lhe engagement of their daughter, Sandy Mallin to Rick Loebel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Loebel or Lakev.•ood. The couple are planning a wedding In Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church next summer: Miss Mallln is a graduate of HunUngton Beach HJgh School and attended Golden West College. Her flance, an alum· nus of LakewOQd High School. attended California SL ate College at Long Beach . Auxiliary· Dinner Progressing ?.ffa. Robert M. llauct or Newport Stach Is chairing the progressive dinner spontortd by the Worhen's Auxiliary 10 the Orange County Dental Society, • Tb e end-<lf·IJ\e..S um rn er social iJ enUtlcd This Is Your Bag and wlll take plact Salur- day, Sept. 13. Cocktails wlll be """" in the Newport ll<ach hnrne ol Or. and Mrs. Wiiiiam IJolmtl. Ile la the president of the OC Dental SOciely and his wire Is 1 p&st president of the au1dliary. .., A buUtt dinner wlll follow In lhe home or Dr. and Mn. Les Starnes or Newport Beach. long-range desires c o m e closer., F~ JOUtS6lf IS )'00 actuilly exlat -that ll the first steP toward eoostructlve changes. AQUArutliJ (Jan. IG-Feb. 18): Baslc Issues could be ob- !uscated bY costs, financial projections. Do what ml¢ be done. The valae of dlrect ac- tion is great. Seeking excuses is not constructive. PISCES !Feb. It-March 20): Legal affairs should be left in hands of experts. Don't go too far afield. Rlghl person may ' be closer than you imagine. GiYe full play to intellectual curiosity. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you have highly de v e Io p e d intuition. Your thought., policies are: advai» ed. YIM.I finally are getUng rid of burden wh,ich weighted you down emotionally and finan- cially. To llnd Olli wllo'1 l\.ICk¥ fiDr \IOU tr. ~ '"' ""ii. orw SY..., Omorr'• booll.1191, "Sou H""' for l'Mlo .,,., W-." loftd blf11'1UN W lO tWtl\ to Om1rr Aalrolo9Y Socret.. lt\I OAILY PILOT. Soll JU), Grond Ctnlr1t St111cw> N-York. N.Y. 10011, WEIGHT•. WATCHERS.. • Some t11klng, &onM lllflnl .. 1niit 1 procrr•m th1t worb. t• 1 nu 110CHU11-CAu uJ.HOS Let TV WEEK Turn You On . Look far tbe blue windmill at selected sapenaarkets. mps • . ' "'' . ' - ' Special Prices. Thurs.-Sun., Sept 11-14 It's back to school with Van de Kamp's Date Nut Loaf Deep, delicious ofld distinct1\le with fresh Deglet Nolr dates and California wolnuls. A good idea to remember for days when 1here's not much lime between getting the kids off to school and frieOO..S dropping inl (Rec. 75cl 8utter1cotch Chip Cookies Old-fashioned butterscotch chips turn these c.lossic "chip" ·cookies into something extl'o special. Vo n de Kemp's hokes 'em better-just the way yo u would. if you hod the time. Packace 33c (Rer. 39c) Pleitt <•k• De111hn11tt P\g. ol 6 ..•. (l!eg. 39c) 33c Str•wb•"Y C•k• 2-layers ••• ,, .• (VolUl!I SI .lS) $1.19 Ivery Almo1ttl lofk 10-oi ...••••• , (Value SI .09) 99c Dutch Chocol•t• M•r•hmallow Ahno1tll le• Cro•M y, Got. ................. (R,..11.29) IJ. ]9 p;,. ........... : .......... tlog. 39c) 35' tic• Cr.om o~llobl• ir1 "'°" Vo11 do ~mp'• star .. } <ako O'Mooth 11 35 ChMol•t• Alrt111ontl 2-kry•n .• • • • •••• • r---Wele•t Swirl Coff" Cobo ~ , In the"!-tOlfeo G•kes, Vaa de Kan!p'• llglw. lldo sweel r0n d~h ti roll..i around e daluxe flllll9 mode witli real Vermont·Maple Syrup. Fresh walnut pieces odd o Ct!fCl}y controsL Pkf., If I 49c: . ' (Ref. 591:1 . Apple Pie J _ , Von de Kamp's mak .. o . ""'-1v1e cno1 Mi hard lo beott W!lot's ·tiottotoiOoth?~frlsh opple ·slices. What's on top? Sugar ond ~ and wery. lhing nicel And who! could bo nicerlj><m thot? I", 6<Jc: !lee. 11tl ' Orange Nwt loot If yoii've oiways t~ought oftoosled bread m breolrr rost fare. 'fO" haven't diicowred what Voit de Komp's Orange Nut loaf ca• do to complemalt • perfect breokf..., Or how the tong of fresh.,_ and the C..Unch 'of...,,_ makes delJghlfvtly df.. ferent tea time foNI ·v ...... . . • .. ... -.,..&· .; -~ ' "< J;~r::1"~bl. -. ·-:~, .· .. -., . • ··, ·":"':" •. ~ ... '"Y";· '' ·· .... v~otL4tl(amp5~·~ We bake Ute way you would. If you ltad . lbe tims. • ) . ' I \ ' t I. I I I I • . I \ I " I l I I ,~ • " I J .. .. .. ~ -~--;., •. • 3 ffbAR.V •n.OT Wolntldll. S.otombtr 10, 1~ ' ''Happy .Meals Ahead' · • S_ays For fune Cookie · ' ~ Here in a beautlfill array or t colon,' navors aod textures , golden canned pineapple ., chunk& bring excitement to ;t party dishes. In each one it is the sauce which makes the difference. , A tragran,t sweet .1:1nd sour "pineapple sauce Is a perfect • foll for crunch~ deep fried chleken legs. The thin tern· pura·like batter gives them a ·• naky crisp cOaUng. • And as with most Chinese . ~d~ th.ls ls ooe to make and then e4l as soon as i><Uble. .i Along the: same Polynesian • style of cookery is the outstan· .ding recipe for pea pods with ~pineapple chunks. It goes well wJth beef, pork and poultry. This too is one to do at the last minute ,and serve piping hot. Bright tomatoes and con- tr83ty water chestnuts make Jhe vegetable offering a pretty one to feature on a buffet table. Keep it warm in a chafing dish. U you ar.;. fortunate enough to own a hot pot as dlo'~'n in the pholograpb you ntighL want to use. it for cook· ing as well as for serving. Although there are many cuts of canned pineapple, it is again lbe ver~tile chunks which are used in the quick ly made shrimp and pineapple enlree. The sauce on this one is ac- cented with wine, sour cream , and dHI. It is a superb chafing dish idea to whip up before ad- miring guests. GOOD FORTUNE cmcKEN Dry clilck"' l'f' will> paper towelin&:' dip iri batter, then drop in hot peanut oil heated to 350 degrees F. Fry 10 to 15 minutes unW chicken is crisp, brown and tender. MeanqhJle-cook1 green,~ per and OQkln in l table.!poon cooking oil until tender Crisp. Blend syrup drained from pineapple with vinegar, augar. water, soy sauci and com· starch. Add to vegetables and cook, stirring, until sauce boils and lhickens. Add drained pineapple. When chicken is done, lift from oil and drain on paper toweling. Serve hot wilh sauce. Makes 4 to 6 servings. NOTE: l tablespoon toasied sesame seeds may be added to above sauee'ot sprinkJeH over chicken 1vhen served. . Dipping Batter Beat together unUJ smooth 1,~ cup sifted nour, 1 tables- poon cornstarch, I tablespoon cornmeal, ~ teaspoon baking pow.der, I egg, 1/3 cup. waler and l tablespoi:>n mllk. SEVEN SEAS On.LED PINEAPPLE SllRIMP* J !ft pounds fresh or frozen large shrimp l)i cup butter I clove garlic 1,~ teaspoon dJIJ }Yeed I tablespoon cornstarch 1.~ cup dairy S<lur cream Dash liquid red peppe r seasoning v~ teaspoon salt '•2 cup sauterne I (I-pound +ounce) can pineapple chunks Shell and devein shrimp. over hot steamed cice. Makea 6 aervings. • • -Ot,l* (kllnce or lkunce) packages ftozen peeled and develned shrimp. • " ' PINEUPLR PEA , p 0 D s I t . .llJO'l'.IQUE ~· "cup butler .1,: teaspoon--curry pOwder ~~ cup sliced green onion % {kunce) packages frozen Chinese pee pods I ( 1-pou_nd 4-0tmce) _ ::an pineapple chunks 3 tablespoons cornstarch % tablespoons tirown sugar 1~ cup wine virlegar I cup beef or chi9ken brolh 1 table:1poon soy sauce 2 tomatoes 1 (5-ounct) Can water chestnuts ~ ' Heat butter and ' c u r r y powder until bubbly. Add onion and peas. (Peas need not be defrosted.) Cook, stir· ring, a few minutes until vegetables begin-to wilt. Blend •,i,. cup syrup drained from pineapple wilh com· starch, b r o w n sugar and vinegar. Add to vegeta~les in pan. Add broth.. Cook, stirring gently, until sauce thickens and becomes slightly clear. Stir in soy sauce. Add tomatoes, cut in small wedges, sliced Watt.r chestnuts and drained pineapple chunks. Heat few minutes longer. Makes 8 lo 10 servings. •May use 1 quart fresh Chinese peas. SHRIMP BOATS BRING HOME CHINESE TREAT THE PLACE TO FiND THE UNUSUAL WITH PINEAPPLE 12 small chicken legs Dipping Batter 1 quart P.fanut oil 1h cup green pepper chunks b cup onion chunks l tablespoon cooking oil 1 (13 'h:-ounce) can pineapple Heat butter, crushed garlic and dill a few minutes in large skillet. Add shrimp; C®k, !tlt· ring until shrimp turns pink and becomes tender about 10 minutes. Spr~Je with cornstarch. ~kL.-wl!-.a" chunks ~'2 cup vinegar 111. cup brown sugar V.. cup water 2 lablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon cornslarcb Blend ln sour cream, r~ pep. per seasoning and salt. Gently sti r Jn wine and drained pineapple. • Heat slowly until mixture thickens. Delicious a e r v e d CHICK EN'S GOOD FORTUNE .Yams, Apples · Ma.ke Up learn .. Yams and apples make a In a It}.inch skillet melt the 1wonderful learn lo serve with butler; remove from heal . Ar· a platter of cold ham and range yams Jn the butte r. turk ey. Bu t heri!'s something · Sprinkle yam! with half lhe new -a rangetop version . sugar n1ix here. TI1e r~ipe su,gesls lh~t you Arrange the apple slices 11se a l6-1nch skillet But i£ you over the yams: sprinkle v.-lth ha.ve ~ shallow casserole o( U1e remaJning sugar mixture. this w1dlh lhat can be used on Cover skillet and cook over top or the range, ~her!'_s n.o moderately low heat un tiJ reason. wh~ y_ou can t utilize 11 most of the sugar has melted and bring 11 rtgbt to the lable. and liquid has collected in the APPLE Y Mt SKILLET bottom ol the pan -5 to 10 J/3 to ~ cup finnly packed minutes. ~ dark brown sugar I ~ teaspoons grated orange rind. 1.• teaspoon o( cinnamon Pinch or salt 2 table6poons butter 2 cans (each about I pound) yams, in syrup (halves or pieces) thoroughly drained 1 can (about I pouOO , 4 ~) ~!Iced apples lJick'ed In water or In auaar and waler, tbbroug!lly drained 1 tn a cup or a small 00\\'I lhorough)y stir together 1he brown sugar, orange rind, cin· llllmland aall. ' ' Uncover and continue cook· ing until yanu and apples are t.horoughly hot through and some or all of the Jlquid has evaPotaltd - 5 to 10 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 ser1Jings. Note: lf apples packed in syrup are used , add the 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar; Jf apples packed In water are used, ildd the 'Ai cup finnly packed brown sugor. Whole yams In syrup On aOOut !·pound cans) n1ay bt o!fd Instead or halves or pieces; in this case cut each whole yam in half Jengthwlse, c. F, RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER Home a Gift Shop A. GARDEN OR PATIO LIGHT • Ant ique finish brown and natural ceramic. Holds votive candle. ...................................................................... 3.50 B. ITALIAN BOX. Charming Italian ceraniic to hold • multitude of miscellany. ····-···-·-···········-···26.00 C. MUSHROOM CANDLE in browns 41nd orange, made in Italy. ······························-················4.50 D. MURANO GLASS MUSHROOM • for accent or as a paperweight ....................................•.... 10.00 E. MUSHROOM PLAQUE ~ Handmade wall plaques of pepier meche •nd wood, by Elfi. -····-·······6.00 !others at l .00, 10.0 a'nd 15.00 ) F. MUSHROOM TABLECl:.OTH, Belgia n lin en wii h permanent pre11 and soil release fini sh. Ginger tones. 52x52·. -··-·······--·········--············--··-······8.00 G. DOUBLE OLD FASHIONED, Moss and orange mushrooms by Capri of Californ ia. Set of 8 ... 8.50 DISCOUNT SPECIAL Earth.toned mushroom salt and pep- per shakers. Regulerly 2.00 pr. Attenti¥e Courteous Service Beautiful, Fest G ift Wrapping ~ied Un usual Gifts Open Daily 9.6 1.49 "" 3433 VIA LIDO , NEWPORT BEACH • 673-635 0 HO\V TO WIN A PRIZE l Guess the number of flsh;tn the apothtc&ry jar .•• sru l\1erre1J. hair stylist del\cr round Newport Beach •11.ed up !he imported Swed!ah jellies In the Candy Shbp, promptly wrote down ~ month, 8, the n the year, 6'. and won a beautiful gou~t food gilt package ... BW't already called i11 and w • ed to know how to fix the . ce.n of steamed cla.rm. He bJt tfle tish collection right on r the button '"ilh 869. ' Whlle candy 1hoppln around, it isn't a bit too eat. ly to start thinking of die boys overseas. Remembi- SAI\{ and PAL. The posl ~ fice will like you for it. if will the boys over there. ~ gals do them up so pretty llJ Hallov.-een and ThanksglvJnt, and they have s amp J,e packages ready to go, ri~ size, ri g ht welghr. ev1:rything. A phone call d. the trick. CAM.11 . .LE AND THE r AMERICAN RED CROSS ; • Giving ls always brought "to sharp attention during 'I. catastrophe. Now is lhe ti~ for you to help. The Newpc:ft Beach United Fund Drive II officially on: ' Big kick-off breakfast al the Balboa Bay Club yesterdi; moming with president. Han. cock Banning III: campaiglt chairman, l\trs. Fr a ni; Lynch; and Gary Burrill; Manager of KOCM. in charg•t of advanced business gifts ••• getting up in front of 400 «- 60 breakfast buddy volun- teers and saying, "Go kldl go!" Already thousands of letters are in the mail, loving~ preparelJ. by the Volunteer Bureau. ·°""l'hat"s the pitch qt this whole campaign ..• Volunteer. Nobody gets any money !or doing anything_ Everybody pitches in to do their bit for a great need. The American Red Cross is only one of the 26 need;y charities wlxl will beneUt. and new one has been added ttillr year • • The Orange County Association l o,r. Retarded Children. The gottl is S205,25B, and our Newport Beach United Fund haf IK"l'l!r not reached their go~ Let's go back in Uc history. OUr local Com.- niunity ~t became A Unlted Fund in 1956 when the' American Red Cross becam~ a part. The goal way bade when was $27,{00 with only 11 charities. Time man:het on, and people march in. TM suggested amount lo give ii S2 for each charily. isn't thal easy. All you have lo do i• reach in your pocket and grab out a 52 dollar bill. \Vffil THE DODGERS UP THERE PITCffiNG .• I'd like to let you in our local baseball lore. The Costa Mesa Recreation department is the w h e e.i behind our municipal SUllJ.: mer league. The teams come from the Costa Mesa Police Department, Nonnco, tl}c Buccanneer Bar, Frank's Car Barn. St. Andrt'W!: Presbyterian Church, lhl! Flame Room, Habrock Elec· tronics, and Richard'·a Market. Last year our boYS came In second in the 6 League. This year The Poliot Boys b!Wed Richard's 3-0, putting us in third place on the A league. But ii wa s a ti&ht pennant all the .\v~ And our boys like to bOaS they took the police for 11 u2t ning:a once. ~ Togelhm>ess and !IUPF"tJ Is the 5Cf!nl!! with our KICal baseball teams. Jim Cherri and Mike Swans:in, from' Grocery; Jim Mccurry\ Delicatessen: Dennis. ~t~ Bakery; Jim Eva1111, bo ' boy; and Chuck W a e r display and advertising~ the ones you've probably m . and kno,v. The others past employees o[ Richard' and even a couple of ba.eeba nut enthusiasts , Certilled groc<?n.. But 1~' boy1 and girls from ti market all v.·ere In the _. shouting at TeWinkle ~ all summer long. Even nice customers have keeping track. and hav enthused over the fine sporl8In.aruJhip and 1ove OC, the game !hat ill refiected ti; our team. Watch for 3' summer Munldpt) Leag next year, ii will gh.-e sornelhlnt to do on )'OUr lo · summer evenJ.ncs. RICHARD'S THE PEOPLE Sl'ORE I .. Of N""""' Beach 1 where we're long orrsuvi • • Tclcfood • • Frtf • Gounnet Food Gift Packl ·~ Dellveiy • • . Malllhg •• CandleU(ht Meats, Bake I' and Complete Dlf!llcateaseff right. here . • • all ~ with plenty of &ave. ~ ,, I • ,, ' l ' 1 1 ·l ·BIIlllY· • Fl~-~U~ED AND Fl.A~RfJL. ~,A ~~ µNDWICH CHvlCE , RYE BREAD •" -43c D NISH PASTRY, LEMOt-1 FlLLED AND LEMON TOPPED TROb~EY BUNS r • ' SAVORY ROLLS TO COMPllMENT BARBECUED MEATS • \ Cheese & Onion Rolls tUTTERY RICH POUND CAKE • 6',..43c 6, .. 31c 89c GRBEBB.Y CRISCO 3 LI. SUNSHINE Io OZ. Lemon Cooler Cookies 47c , KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER , ,~ 79c HU~GINS YOUNG MOCHA JAVA COFFEE 1 LB. 69¢ BERN STEINS Italian Dressing BERNSTEINS Vinaigrette Dressing GOLD MEDAL 1Z er FLOUR S LB. BAG 49¢ .DELMONTE .:Ml\.·. OUND·UP SAJf SLICED YELLOW CLING PEACHES #IV• 4 '" $1 YELLOW CLING PEACH HAL YES , •• ., ... 4 ... $1 PINEAPPLE-PINK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE DRINK .. ~ 3 ... $1 CUT GREEN ·BEANS ... 4,..$1 FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS "' 4 ,.,$1 Early Garden Peas "' 4 ,.,51 SEASONED PEAS "' 4 ... $1 Cream Style Corn "' 5,..$1 ZUCCHINI "' 4 ... $1 TOMA TO WEDGES JOI 4 ,..s1 TOMATO SAUCE ln.10,..$1 CATSUP ,. •r. 5 ,., '1 CHIFFON BATHROOM TISSUE ,,._ 4 ,., $1 SPRAY DISINFECTANT LYSOL 14 ... 98c FLOWER !HOP SWEETHEART ROSES Sweet little 'miniature roses in red. pink or yellow . BUNCH OF 25 1.19 ' ElHDY BUNCH NEW! FROM IT ALY PERUGINA BACI -Chocolate lined with whole and chopped hazelnuts PERUGINA CHERRY -lt1r.an liquid ceni.r cherry chqcolale _, ......... 1.59,., PHONE 673-4360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES ~FFECTIVE SEPT. 11 , 12, IJ ' Organ Serenade For Your Pl.asure LIQO MAR~ET C·ENTER by Bernice F1y NEWPORT BLVO .. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE '·• I , The fl•vor1 of curry, cinn•mon, ore9•no •voke the mood of E•1t•rn B•z••rs. You c•n •lmost smell the mimose end incense. Set • mood of flickerinCJ c•ndte li9ht •nd enjoy •n exotic dinner. !You'll be emazad •t th• variety of lnd i•n end Neer Eestern speciel ities on our shelves. I INDIAN DINNER COLO SENGALESE SOU, 11;,,.~ I LAMB CURRY PILAU with s•ffron, re i1in1, •lmond.s •n<f becon bitt. INDIAN CONDIMENTS Bomb•y Duck, bec:on, reisi11s, chutney, kuinqu•ts . FRESH FRUIT DESSERT ALE or BEER PERSIAN DINNER MARINATED ARTICHOKE HEARTS SHISH KEBAB •• PERSIAN PATTIES RICE PILAF GREEN SALAD with Treder Vic's B•n9•I OressinCJ ICE CREAM topped with HONEY end ALMONDS CABERNET SAUVIGNON WINE KEAT STUD WITH GARLIC, RUB WITH SALT, PEPPER AND ROSEMARY-BARBECUE LEG OF LAMB WHOLE OR HA~F MORE DELICATE IN FLAVOR THAN OTHER CUTS-A DELICIOUS ROA ST RACK OF LAMB THE PRIME RIB TRY THESE BREADED AND SAUTEED IN BUTTER Large LOIN CHOPS THE SIRLOIN CHOP NICE BAKED IN WHITE WINE WITH ONIONS. SHALLOTS ANO PARSLEY Small LOIN CHOPS THE 1-BDNE CHOP PERSIAN PATTIES A DELIGHTFULLY UNUSUAL BLEND OF SEASONINGS Lean GROUND BEEF WE FIX ALL MANNER OF MARVELOUS LITTLE SPECIALITIES TO TANTALIZE YOUR APPETITE. WE'VE DONE ALL THE WORK-ALL YOU DO IS HEAT AND ENJOY. STUFFED SPLIT BROILERS SAVORY STUFFING, OVEN READY IN FOIL PAN LONG ISLAND DUCKLING MARINATED IN ORANGE-WINE SAUCE, T DELICACY! 98~LB . 1.49 LB. 49c ... 98c LI. BREADED FISH ,,.., .. ..., ... ... 79c ... CHICKEN ALA KIEV 1.39 .... BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS STUFFED WITH CHIVES AND BUTTER . Wtdittsd.11, Stpttmbtt 10, 196t .PltDDllR s LIS. $1 THE JUCIEST, SWEET, CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES. 10 LBS. $1 BY THE SOX -J.15 GARDEN°FRESH, TENDER SUMMER -, SQUASH FROZBH F80D! TREESWEET Orange Juice •or: 4 FOR s1 SARA LEE POUND CAKE 69c RICH'S COFFEE RICH ORANGE JULIUS Orenc_Je, Wild Cherry or Wild R•spb·erry ICICLE BARS , ,.. 49c OH BOY BAKED Potatoes w/chff1e12 .. 3 FDR $1 OH BOY .BAKED POT A TOES;::~; •• 3,.. $1 MRS. PAUL'S DEVILED CRAB MINIATl!~ES MRS PAUL'S Deviled, CRABS VERY FRENCH! C&W PETITE PEAS 11 ... 4,., $) J. , TENDER ~ITTLE FLOWERS OF IROCCO~I. caw , BROCCOLETTES , ... 3 ,.,.'1 C&W SLENDER ' SPRING ASPARAGUS ... .l9c . We ~•v• • most unusu•I coil.etion· of ff'Ol•n foedi t "1 like CoFonut Milk, lychee1, Brioche end Croiss•nts ' from Fr'ence, even froz•n Hors d'oellvr•• lilr• Rum•lrl •nd Esc•r9ot! • DELIElTEilll ·' OAK COOKED, SLICED • Danish HAM DEMO. FRI. ~D SAT. DELIGHTFULLY MILO, YET FLl\VORFULI f ARMENIAN . String CHEESE LB. 1.30 MELBRAY ENGLISH Pickled Onions 10 • .. 59¢ PILLSBURY BUTTERMILK BISCUITS .... 2 FDR 19¢ ~NUOSEN LOWFAT YOGURT loL . 5 FOR $1 In • bowl mix I lb. ground beef with I sm1I onion 9r1ted, I egg, I lo 2 slices bre1d 101k1d in milk, I tsp. salt, l/i tsp. pepper, lfz lsp. cin~rnon, l/i hp. oreg•no, 1/4 hp. g•rlic s.lt. Mix won. Shope into petties ind bron. '• I '2_;,J...,.cCs-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9°7, .SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY t -6 OPEN DAILY 9·6, SUN. 10-l DAILY 9-5:30, SAT. 9.5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 1:10.6, SAT. l :lO.I I ' 1 I I f ,. I I " I l I \ • , • , '+' ,, ., ., ..--., ., -.;; ,.. • 4 • • , 4 ; • y q; w ; y "• o • e '1 w ; y V>"'*"8" i; ~4i"" • '~'°"-'C ',...__~ .....:-'""' • ,. . .......,--...-.~-.. ~·" --• ~ · •· 1 ... Sttttlllbtt 10, 19" MAYFRESH EGGS ' ~!~ 51 c ~~~-47~ AA DOZ. M DOZ. mru1fair f roz w. Food ::~':~~~,:i~O:F .................. 9 fo~ t VETS'. 'No.'1 t2', . $1 DOG FOOD~~ ... _........... . , for . . . -. ' .. INSTANT ··· ..t~ · . ~ BREAKFAST ~l~~ .................. . f xi:::.~.~ .. ~-~:·::: .............. & 5 ~. sToKEL v .... "-· 3· , -·s1' GA TORA DE -~~---.. : ....... ~ .. ..:... 1~! • • MA•ISCHEWIJZ ROSH HASHA•AH FEA Jl,IRES GEF'ILTEFISH .... QT sp 9 MATZOS ... l0ot 3!Sl WHITE FISH ............ cr s1 39 BORSCHT ... c .. 31s1 GLASS CANDLES FOR THE HOLIDAYS ---'-"· 1 Oc MATIAIR HAS A FULL srumOI Of SCllOOL SUPPLllS ,---mru1fair Liqu.or--- CANADIAltWHISKY ~~~~6'6~'S $ 3 9 9 FIFTH • • !,~~~ALIS ---= ~FTHs.19 ~~~L~C~~:'.~ ....... ,_,_ 9'~399 59' All,..111-0NE BINDER $189 LUNCH KIT $ 239 V"ISllJ,C.0.0.WN ... llON --·--···• .. ··--~-,... , ~°" Kll'UW(Ol0R5 ....... ~ ROYAL OCCASION SCOTCH s4s9 s5s9 86 PROOF ·····--······ ...... -.................... -.... -.... ,,,,,,,.,, ......• FIFTH QUAllT . . I I I I I I JUMBO ROLL VOU~VEl k WIJ'H ltflS'COUflON =~=: 'OFIU GQOO SEn. ll T~UWT.17 ··SHORTENING CRISCO J UI. CAN Ycil SAW 30c W!1>I Tiii$ co..fON UMIT 1 COOf'OH PEI ADULT CUSTOMER OffEI GOOD $UJ.1 \ THIUSUT.17 YOUSAvt:2-'c. WllHTli!SCOUf'OM 3 l.IMIT 1 COUPON Pfl AOULT CUST9""Ell Offft <iOOO SEPT.11 THlt\J SEPT. 17 ' CHEERIOS ClllEAL 1 O'h oz; BOX YOO ........ LIMl'f..c>HE • AOUlT OJSl(».\Et WITHTH1$COUPON 2 llMIT 1 COUPON l'fll OFffl: GOOb SlPT. \ 1 j THRU 5Ul'. 17 • ~----------------------------------~ MAYFAIRBW~llpON STHR IEEF-U.S.0..t.l CJIOla j FARMFRESll WHOl.ELIG$ ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS. THURSDAY.SEPT. 11th.THRUWFl'I ~EPT.17th 175 E.UT 17 .. snm. COSTA MESA 2030 WIST h t snm. SANTA ANA '892 WliSTM INSTU AVE., GARO!N GROVE FAMILY SIZE LIMIT ONE YOUSAW36c WITH THIS COUl'ON llMJT 1 COUl'OH l'fl AOlAT CUSlOM !II YOOSAV'EVf wirH THIS COUrotJ llMIT 1 COOPOM PEit AOUlT CUStOMflt Offfl GOOO SfPT.11 WSff'T.17 w ww~www ·van de Kamp's SPECIALS Thurs.-Sun., Sept. 11.14 Walnut Swirl 49c Coffee Cakes .. ,.,'" r:!t.~.~~ .......... 11 IL&Sc Apple Pie ......... ~r .. 169.c WWUYIWlYHJl\Yf ' • • WtdnHdJ}', Sf:ptembtf 10, 1969 Market Basket fielps you f19ht . inflation evervweek with.·. • • COP'IRIGHT1969 MAAKET BASKET SEl'TEMBER I 0 We ·f't\frvt tho right~ llmif qt.iantl11ts. Ho soles to wholt· solers or distribl.rtot1. USDA CHOICE . WHY TRUST TO LUCK? ·Take U.S~D.A. Choice Tenderay BrQnd Beef- Oon't be suckered by gobbledegook .•. "Bonded" e._ef isn't U.S.O.A. Choice. ''Trim· Rite" Beef isn't U.S.Q.A. Choice. Only U.S.D.A. Choice is U.S.D.A. Choice! And a Federal Govern~ ment expert soys so with a purple stamp right on the meat. Market Basket sells only U.S.D.A. Choic;:e Beef. And ·only Market Basket sells it discount-priced! Prices effective Wednesdov September 10 thru Tuesday September 16, 1969 U.S.D.A 010G Ttndem Stand lDrgt ~!y End £-Z CCIM Rib Roast •••••• •" 89c lbdtCt.!t-U.S.OA Chob Tll'odtroy lror>d Chuck Steak •••• "59c 7FLAVORS Hl~C DRINKS ·"·""' Apricot Nectar.'i!.'15c .--..-""""" . . u.s.D.A. CHOICE lf!f TENDERAY BRAND SEVENNCUBONE ~~ ROAST . ,_ S.0.,.._1 Contr1c.. br ConllOn Mi.fc1Noll Slllldls Utnrs.ctm AMotbl8crW!(Dsift Nylons ........... ,99< Cossack Vodka ~$69' Rtgular-UllM*lted-Super Mold 13-0L (°" lirMld Timi 00. S!roight '°"'"'°"Whiskey M P,W Style Hair Spray~9< Ancient Age •• ~$10'' Bottle ol 100 lmportld Canocb Wlodlcr Bufferin Tablets's.:99< Canadian Mist .,,,,$5 1' '6lili·Oz. Tubt I.OS Sile Ntw Spor\!ingW'11M1Morthel'onllf Crest Toothpaste 72c Cold Duck .......... $1•• Driscoll f)l:'1 ro Foney Strawberries ,,.,39c Excellent for Juicing ond Hand-£oting 8-Ui. 809 Juice Oranges sac log of 10-5"'1m0id Raisins ••••• '~'39c '""""'""' Bananas •••. 2 ,~29c · '""" Cr1sp Head lettuce.l<M19c · Count on Market Basket to be your perennial inflation fighter! W•'" bffn bottling hlgh pricn for• fang tim• with th• most po--.rlwl onti-infla.tion weapon of them oll ... De•p.C11t Di1Co11nt Ptic••· (ORIJMl,.I Th•1• Morket la1ket prlcet or• 01 low or lower than mOlt other food chain1, di5C011nt 1tore1, conv9ni•nc• alid In· depend•nt 1tore1 any doy Of the week. P,.vol Nobody, b11t NOBODY, offeri~.yo11 better ¥0!11e1, wffk ofter w .. k, than yo11r Market 8aslte11tore1. You can't~.•• well onywhoro oltet KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE. WHIP 49c Morktt 6o11of! Colrslaw, Heelth, Pvl!1111, Moulronl Salads •••...•• .'1;~'33< 30-0z., Pkg. Uc I( rl7fr Mouortlki Cheese ••• e •••• 1p~! 89c • PillJMy Choi:.olo11 Chip ' Cookies ••• e •••. 1 ~L.48( Mcrl1111 J.CourwMVim.!1t1 Frozen Dinners.'~::64c JUICY RiPE BARTLITT -PEAR.S JLss.J9c~ e NEWPORT BEACH-1\:l~~:~·,:!::J:·,,.,., . e COSTA .MESA-~::."-' e HUNTINGTON BEACH-~t:!;.~11.._ e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'6..~" e SANTA ANA-~~!.'A!:'" .. • ' f I 1 { I J I I " I· , I ~ I l I U DAILY PILOT w ....... ,. Stp-10, 1969 ALL MEAT WIENERS • MANHATTAN 1-POUNO PAOCAGE fAAllHA Tl All ALL BEEF 14-0Z. PKG. . . c LB . C'°OCAFFEE !ifr~~0s~i~ ............... 59c WHOUKlltl&OICllAMSTYU 5 s1 LIBBY CORN....... c3:is HllSDMIMAllSUCIS 6 s1 PINEAPPLE ...... ....... ,~~s ii.FFE·E.MATE ....... 69c 7111-HlAvtN 8 s1 1C:A T FOOD tu~~......... t~~ ... DEAL PACKAGE 69c DETERGENT ........... 'lfz~1 iEST FLOUR ...... L.~A,59c DETERGENT ........... ':~:E1 6 7 ' JR. BABY FOOP """ . 2 rn .oz 27' HEINZ JR. MEATS .ssr .... 2,..oz 47' GEBHARDT TAMALES . NO ,. CAN 43' SANDWICH BAGS Ge.AO ........ COU NT 55' HUNTS PEAR HALVES ... -2 ~~~39' SKIPPY DOG FOOD .... _. 3 .,.oz..29' BAR SOAP ;;-.:~.:-.•;" . _ 4 :~~. 36' :.U:u~'I.u~~--·= ,.,,. 7 2 c dRAVO FLOOR WAX ·-···-· 27.oz 97' WHISTLE SPRAY """' ........ T~OL 63' SUN COUNTRY "'""NEN<R 58' ASSORTED t -Ol ....... ·--·· RUG SHAMPOO fili~~~. . ... -OZ.' 2" LB. BOllE-111 FAVOR ~~.i~ ...... -12-0L s1.os ...... l ·OZ . .,,. WIN DEX ~I:'.:'.?.': ..... . ........ ,Ill. 31' ~~:~::~';1,.,oa ____ 3 7c PET NON-DAIRY CREAMER .. oz 79' FACIAL TISSUES ~gri .. ___ wo . 29' TOILE't TISSUES ~" ........ ,., .. 27' SWISS CHEESE i:~·,x;~t''. ..........•. oz 35•· STRA.WBERRY JAM ~,~:~·--'° oz. 67' SUPERIOR TAMALES ·-·-····'oz 10' SARAN WRAP JUMIU >OOfT.•Ou ._ ....• 63' WATER M<O•YKEAD ""' 29' ONE 39' PUfUTAS _ . . ..•.•.•••. GAl. 6'f.L. LBS. Wednesd11, Sepl!mbtr 10, 1961J H 6 PILOT-ADVE~Trsr:" SIRLOIN TIP STEAK . USDA CHOIQ OI STATHUO$. CUBE STEAK USDA CHOICI OI STA.Tf:IAOS. 98~ 98~ • 1 iiiii FOOD ... 10 :~~1 RUSKET BISCUITS .. ···-·-···"oz 39' RUSKET FLAKES .. -·-rn ... ,.oz.37' VEGEBURGER '°"' UNO• ·········· ... oz 67' RAVIOLI co••u•o• ···-········ ,..oz.37' GRAVY ou1K co•• UNO• ···········-··· 2 :is: 49'. U.RGE X-FANCY IARnm !9.l~!·--~ .... 5 ....... 6 LIS. s1oo CANTALOUPES PEANUT BUTTER ~~~" "oz 91 ' TOMATOES '°'"0""°"N° 1 ' 31' 300 CAH ••. l2c _ .. CA.N TOMATOES i8.\'.1:1i'~' '.It:'... ,\i 35' CORNMEAL ~~~~\vrLtow ···"·· _____ 41c POTATO FLAKES ,o,"o"' ,., oz 29' POTATOES ~~,'l,~~o .6".oz39' SCOT TOWELS .,,"'°'°"··-.... :6~,33' SCOT TISSUE "'"o'o" . . .,., 38' · KDN'l6..PAK 49c TOMA TO JUICE ··········- BRIOUETS ~t~:;0•.0 "" . 10!89' WATER SOFTENER ~~·~\:~~',,., 54' FACIAL TISSUE :~:T~g~, ,.o, 27' FRISKIES CAT FOOD "" ..... 6 "oz '1 FRISKIES_ CAT FOOD •ssT . 3a.oz 35' TOMATO PASTE roNaO,N• .... 2. oz 33' TOMATO PUREE ~&\'1:1~~· . . 25' TOMATOES fi~~~~~r~to . i~ 31' !Da,90TIU, .... 6 10.01 49' C&H SUGAR •O·LBS CHALLENGE COTTAGE CHEESE ~~TAIN031' QUUTS .5" BUnER-llUT COIFEE h~~ 68' MAIMAL.t.Of GllA"-"lUM PEPSOOENT ••. o •. 49' lACH UOGE PE:ACHES ............. 5 Lis. s100 SWffT 5 , I VINER(pE : I W••"APPLIS ~INCfON REO OELIOOUs 5 t S. Sllt.4,U FANCY f I SURF COLD WATER DETERGENT AllAHEIM 3430 W, LINCOLN AVENUE. 2564 WEST BROADWAY GARl>fll GROVE 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE ltOMfANTAI.. BREADED SHRIMP ,. oz. $.191 l'KG. , swm AMD r.out CHUN KING PORK ':.~' 89' .. 4TWYOUl10Alnt I WAFFLESDOWllYFLAllE ·-. ~~~· 1 & e'.GEJUICE _4 • .,,'1.~000-.... 69' I ORANGE IUICE _ ""'-49'lTufl'ED POTATOES ;, . .._31" _.,.. 5 ...... .,,.._ EGOFOOYOUNG _,,,,, 9'SANDWICHES _,. ... 791 -~ S CCill'o-1'1 .. 0l .... I FISHSTICK$ __ 4,.,, 1 ONION RINGS _,...291 u.MA-" '°"UIClll't-flSH STtAKS __ ,u 99' MORTON DINNERS_2,..19' -wau ,......~ SLICED TURKEY _ •., 39' MEAT & TUNA PIES _ 5,., 11 O!l!l!RI~ .. COSTAMISA 2 180 N,EWPORT,BOULEVARO 707 WEST l9TH STREET 1175 BAKER STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH 6162 £01NG£R AVE - SANTAANA .. 2630 lOIN~ AVENUI: 2603 'wfST I 7TH STAE'T WESTMINSTER 8522 WeSTMINSTEA BLVO. WHITTllR-14212 MINES AVf. - ' . ~pha Beta's Man f D·: 'Bhte .. ~ says:. · _,,. P·-CllRI \'{-. Stpltmll<t 10, 1'169 DAllY Pl(OT g ' • - ·in thi~ ~d, incl~ding 33 DOUBLE g1SCO.UNTS, · save you J9.97*'' · SAvt WITll .111!1{ BETA'S Alphi ·Beta wishes all our Jewish frlellds ,, ttAPPY NEW YEARI 12,876 10111 DISCOUNTS l(l!t..l fllSC(l11Nl~ lVEf!Y f:Af IOM! All'HAlnA ...-.:'--..•-· , ITOllES DISCOUNT .•: _..... ·~ "'°"' wffn CMo\K[ l'ILC( DOUJll OfSCOUHrS ut'~"WllS 410381 ~I"--"'::,,~'~ II-OUNCE" CAN lll)fM spec11I pun;tiase with cost IUI U:OWll lltEAD J3c -r reductions Pi$Std on to you. Look for thtlll tmv- out the store. GIFT WRAPPED MUMS TAANY COlORS TO CHOOSE FROM ~INCH $197 IOI vowM£S s199 2 THRll n E.l Better Produce at : DISCOUNT PRICES! Lii~i _U.CE TOiALli·oiE ·I~ •1llll The Illustrated 22 Volume COLOMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA \'OUIME l 69c FRESH • SALAD FAVORITTS • BELL PEPPERS •CUCUMBERS o~ L B s LARGE SIZE • BUTTERY RICH AVOCADOS SWEEI • MILO • RED ONIONS EXOTIC ·• NEW ZEALAND KIWI FRUIT RICH IN VITAMI N C PRODUCE PRICES Eff'ECTtVE TllURSDAY throu1~ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM8£1' 11 througfl 17 TOIAL DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY IM>Ml WHA IETA ITORU ltlSCOOHT CIWIGE P~ICE F'Jlot£N • 9-0'Z. CAN • CCNC!NlRATE rOJl 1BiR'DS~ ~Nl JUICE •1c 37' •t,Na 8£TA • f'JIOZEN • ~ PKGS. BROCCOLI SPEARS or 241 CAUllROWlR ~ Value · @ii~Pol:l'PE'tl •w39c 19' " .-, RY'T'ONE • 500 COUNT :~ VOLUME 2 • NOW ON SALE ~'O'o'k'i'W Bis'Em'i'is" 1.112ic 27' MJNUTt MATD •FROZEN 28' ORAN&E JUICE o.m. CAN 29c "~ · !I .e:: Fl«'iMiii 1~ 1 I ~ I l ITT:W FROM C1w:m: • 8.0Z. • ' llKIZ. CAN• AU.~ VARltTTtS ~C.IRllATION 22' ~SUIJIQ 31• @ ouwm·s • 11 oz. •omz 37' FRENCH DIESSlll; 411c CHAMPAGNE DRE651NG Sk tis f.OUNC? PACV.OE 37' UllCU: IEll$ CURRIED llCE 39c llABTFOOD ~ SW1fT StfAINEO MEATS Tic &.OJ' \\liOl.E • OISCOlllT PRICED • QUAlllY & SATISfACTIOfll GUWKltED •U.S. tovlUMEJff IJrtS'(CTED BEEF BAUICUE FAVOR/TEI •?~ ::: FRYERS tf.C~ IEST of FaDRS NO NEalS PR BACKS 49:. c ~IS ttl!" l-------------------1 ~---·t1t~-ALPHA BETA lnmll nm am BEEF SHORT RIBS 49:. · BOIELESS STEWING BEEF 89:. BolELESS 7-BOIE ROAST 98:. AIM lltll lilll!l1 llDI llif BONELESS ... F.lMILYSTW .99c11. ' -·WfllllCMJAl.llY 1 LI. '"' • SlJCQ) IOV(A MAID BACON 73c · ROSE • I OL PACKAGE SHRIMP 39-STICIS SWllTSAUSAGEUlll!S IROWN'n &9-SERYE ::il' ALPHA BEJA IVTCBH'S HIDE PUSH GROUND BEEF :~5!1c OVER ~LI. FmH • OllA t.WI OROUllD ROUND 87: QUICK M1AL fAVORllll ..., ..... 67' BURRITOS • ~-nw 69' IUT LOAF • ll!lflf 10 UllE UI -Riil IWIS 12 OUNCE CAN $7~ Mc TROU:N • 8 mcH SIZE APPLE Olt CRUSTOP LEMOH 33' SIMPLE SIMON PIES 38c ' rAOZEN • ID~ OUNCE 'le 47' REAL WHIP • lfi GAL.• rAMJLYPAJ: • 5kVAL.UE &"' ALPHA BETA ICE CREAM 111" '1'ilfr~N·s ~~~'fi 1B'uifs"'' 211c 28' AU.'1iA1"'wlFriE'Rs' ... "'~5c 87' Aif'ifu~1ERS1·LI. P<085c 77' ~~i.O"s~cifmt"0 41c 47' 'D'i:~J'~c'ib' ~;>-&9' 85' l~TR1~l1i ~ithllu""' 2.4s 121t lllSS WlSCONSTN • 4.o!. PICO. 37' Shredded Chedbr CHEESE 39c ' ~-LB CARTON 41' ~CHIFFON MARIARINE 43c @ !·LB. CARTOIC IMPERIAL I MARGARINE 11. GAL • f'RUIT PUNCH • ORANGE GRAPt • U:MONAOE 29 26' HAPPY DAYS DRINKS v.<J.uf 2().0Z. IAll5 SMUCl(ERS GRAPE JELLY • Oii.ANGE. MARMAU.Ot • srrottss BL.ACICBtl\R'f • APRlCOT-PlNEAPPU: •STRAWBERRY ~so""' 1111F.P.SPIRAN ~~ DEOOOllAllT , l<U. JAR • FOii llI:QUUJI ~-... DEP Hair Styllng Gel '(11U P'IPEli0cDlo'cilPs' ji.J.1'0 g ouocc • NtUTlAL !r q COSTA MISA-.141 I. 17i\ 14'. HUNTINlotON WCK-9041 A.._ MUNflN•TON llACH-llMI N. M.S. It. -liOUM'TAIN-YALLIT-ttH w ..... SOUTH U.•UNA-lllll L CMlt HI.,., LA•UNA MILLS--itMI .e.tt. .. le W. llYINE-ll040 Cilh"lf, V.!""1ty r-t: .IUWI SPRl Y SHIRE : >11 ----- -- I \ \ I . 3f DAILY ~!LOT ,f PILOf.ADVIRTISEft Wrdntsday, 5fpttm~t 10, 1%'11 Beaten Eggs, Pudding Among Items Discussed EAR NAN: A ....,Uon hl1f cup servtni. MR S. delicious recipe l use. often juat like corntntrdll 10UI' Mt•-,...--... iomm.1 by of talt ud chopped bltd CGU--1prtokild wttll cbopped U1ve1 Sampler." To obtlin your tOl'l:f o UM>ll ICl'lmbltd qp you STANL!Y EVANS. KANSAS with no one being the wiser. ' mam but-ti tower 1n calortu, leJJbls. Mimm. CID lurn, ed q:g. Awfully good oa let.. aend 25 cents and a long, 5 t amp e ~ , self-addressed taltlnc Uout. Ukt )'OU, 1 CITY Not even my own mother (who MRS. CHARLES o. PORT.ER. too. 1 U.w. tuce wedgea. Or mix • cup or or parsley. l llkc cblvn best. envelope \Y lth your request for 1 UUlt \fat.er with my DEAR NAN: Remember is a sour cream nut), All you ROWNG PRAlRlt. IND. Yo. mlgbt try 11D1UtuUng more ot It with 1 can of HD-' ~ it lo Nlr) Wjiey r· care o{ the ltn egp &o theYll be fluffy when you wrote about mock do is blend, tiU smooth, I cup 1\1y hat alway1 Is of( i. the your mis bt • Tboutaod lllllld dented cream of to ma kl, N111 Wiley Wi, you how to ' DAILY P~. lnatud ol usin& 1 fork for sour cream and uid to use creamed cottage cheese, If• bome u &culon cal•. Tbty dreatln1 tUl cl.U1 for a cart.on ttlery or chicken soup (un-make mock hot dop no-egg ..... wi1 .... rf...t• 1~•• .,,, ,.~,.., I ln& lD the pan, l Ult a )'Ql\lrt? In our county eJ• cup mJlk, I tablespoon of spread le II Ow t e d f e ud ti ·YO&Uri, Qopped ~ ltld dll11ted) for a flnt coune ham loaf ud a r l i f I c f a I ~v~jf~t~~~ W~.~~i tula. tension work we had a leSJOn lemon juice and V• teaspoon fillllllne wherever they 10. oll~e• lo All, • bit 411 cra&ed c1dllec1 1oup. Thai 1hould be chocol1te syrup In her helpful t~-;;~~~1!.a'j:i7W::'u:. "'~ A~~ the eus cook around on blenders which gave a sail It tlates, loob and acllJ Hope I haven't ctltOll'td tldnp . ,enloa and clill1 AUCle, a toadl aerved fey cold. the bowt. booklet l1.~llergy Rec 1 p e 'j;j'~1~,; ~:,• .r,1~):. T~~~r;· ..... ,~dgu--whlch ~ey ®l...:::....::;;:;;;.;~~--''--~~~----'-'-...... '-'-'~"'---"'-'-......;-'-''-'=""-'==""-';;;;:::...::;:...::;=.;;::;:::..:.;==:....:::.:.::.....:::!....:::.::::_::::::....:::::.:::_:::=::~:::;:.~...!!::.::..!.!..:.....'!!!~.!!!!...!!!l'!l!l!..!!)"""'--- f I - I push ~em from Ille de of lhe pan co Ille mid· and Jet the uncooked part to the outside. Keep doing untU the eggs are done the . "~ ttr ae& ~ ! t •r It' SWISS STEAK ~;~~~~:~~ ............. 881 POT ROAST '°"'""""''''~"d. 881 U S. Choice Lb .••.•• · · • .. " • STEW MEAT U.S.CI••'" 881 8o<>el.,_\ Lb , , ... , • • • • , ••••• RUMP ROA ST U.S. Cho<0, s.--93~ 8onele1~. lb .• ,, •• ,,,, •••• ·aound . Steak --• '.i • U.S:O.A. Choice full Center ' Cut, LB. . "Hind- quarters ~1woffey PlvJ!IP & ,. Meatf ~ ' ~8. • In foil Pon Ready, to 'Bake Quick 1-Eosy LB, HALIBUT FILLET G.,oolo.,df.,,hFlooM 5 Si Otlicio111! lb •••••.•••••• FILLET f SOLE '""o'"''~• ) 19 0 Flovo<, io\ly! Lb.'"'''"''' SMOKED HALIBUT ~:,:::~~::d,":,,. 119 STUFFED PEPPERS ~;.,'~·,:".~'· .. 891 CABBAGE ROLL ~".:~;:~~ ••• lb ....... 891 HOT DOGS ::-.:,'r,:,,.,. _ ................. 691 BIG ROLL SCOTT TOWELS ROLL2sc I R!OUCfO I LARGE SP!CIAI ~ "AA" EGGS SpM•ollyP•i<•d! 56 OOl.tn,,,, •••• , • MI L K O..o•~ Mo id . Holl Go!lo" •• , , , , , •• ,, , . -ltfDUCfD CHUNK ... c,.1 25 ~ Tu NA .A.lber11on'1 l;gh1'Meo1 No. 1/2 Tons , , , ••••••, SHOP ond COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMSot FULL DISCOUNT-7DAYS A WEEK Save at Albertson's OTHER OUR Save at Albertsqn·s OTHER ou• PR1CE PRICE PRICE PRICE CHUNK TUNA ,,. ....... ,., ... .,. ...., I :I '.,,.' • •.' • 30 < 281 COFFEE '''•" '"' Ji .. l.• .................. 189 1" WHEATIES '"'"'"''tt"' 11 o. "'g ••••••••..• 39 : 371 WOOLITE ..,.,. •• ,,M, so, c .. ~ ...••..••.•.... 71 < 671 VARIETY PAK """'°"~'"''·· io c .............. 51 < 491 MARGARINE ~:;·:;, .......... 42' 381 DETERGENT "'""""' O·tt• locwod.0ol>'1 ,,,,,,,,, 59 < 491 CROUTONS ::' .. :; ............... 39< 371 SYRUP .... , ... "' , ...... ~-1? C.1 .......... " 39< 39 1 FURNITURE POLISH ;·~~,~. 83 < 791 COFFEE •. , .. " ' 111> ·~ ................. 65 < 591 FURNITURE POLISH ;;;, c~ l " 1'"' COFFEE ,. ...... ' :I la l • , , , , , , , , • , , •• , • , • l ' 1 U · GREEN BEANS t\'..";:;::.':':. 25 < 231 BRICK BRICK I PRO FILLER Con<entrate BASIC Toothbrushes . PAPER AO, 84' AO,, s199 Rogola, 4;s1 300 59' Count Rcg1.1lnr Regular 69( Special \] 09 !2.25 . Buy! "DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Specials APPLES I / Jonathon Extra Foney New Crop Cri sp & Juicy LB. c SUNMAI D RAISINS :~t';a, "" .. 10 '~~;; ... 39¢ ROMAINE LETTUCE f.0>hAdd,z.,1<0 1 ·2¢ T o~'ed Green So lads Eoc.h ..• , ....... ~ RED LEAF LETTUCE ho·hf,..,,_Sal ,dHond• 12~ Bor901fl Buy! Each .••• , ..... , • , . •••••, LARGE CUCUMBERS ld,olSl"'"''"'h 1 o~ Fro!"'I the Gorden Eoch ,,, ••••••••• COOKiES 1· OREO 47 J. 1-LB. " WHITE KING ''D'' I WHITIKING SOFTENER KING 108 SIZE I Save at Albertson's OTHER ,PRICE WATER SOFTENER ~:;~,;: ... l " CLAM CHOWDER ;;;~ .• ·:: .... 35< DOG FOOD w,,, .. """'" "" 'f,....,.'K.bbl.d ,,,,,,,,, 2" EASY OFF '""°'"""M-801. CoMO•"-' • •• • • •,, ,, 71 < JUICE COCKTAIL ;:;:.:~;·,':';:' 49 < JUICE COCKTAIL ;:;~:.~·:~; 39 < POTATO CHIPS ;'.";;,";;; ..... 69< ICE CREAM •"""0" 69 ' Holl Gollo"·.,. POPSICLES ::;~'.,5:;:,~·:4 ,. 1. Refresho Bars .,."4, •. 1. B EE R Mill~" H~h 1.1. 22 9 12·120t.Co"'•••••·- champagne Oolo Ho• S~''"'' 229 & Trop•Col f ,fth , •• Pink Chablis ~.:.:.-:'.:·:~: ..... 4 9c BEER Tobo-gOoo•••Do « 229 o• t •gl.t 6 Poe~ ....... . Bourbon O'oM• 80"0:449 6 v., Old ~,l1 n Bourbon "''"··· 1098 Holt Golloro Tequ .110 """0 '0 "0 ., 499 F ,11h • , , •• , • , , , • , • Wh.1skey "'''"" ·' J49 b e"O f ,•1~ ,., OUR Save at Albertson's OTHER OUR PR1Cf PRICE PRICE 1°' LUNCHEON MEAT ~;':,";';\, .. 47 ' 431 331 BATH SOAP ::;.~:: ............ 12 ' 101 2 •• ICE TEA MIX l•1>•0~ la C.,j 85 < 79! W •~l .. •'<>o &O• •••• 671 CANDY BARS ,,_,., .......... 10 < 5/39 1 44! APPLESAUCE ~;;;~;;,_ ....... 20 ' 171 37! KRAFT DRESSING ;:·;;,";;.:~:. 53 < s 1 I 59! GRAPE JELLY ;:,"',:.:,:,~: ........ 59< 551 . GRAPE JUI CE w.""' o, 20 ' POT A TOES 0·~'d0 '""' 25 ' F"tt 1 Lb Pkg ., PIES Vo o Comp>90F. 34 < Chick•n & Turktv , ..... ,, .. ASSORTED CREAM PIES Delicious! FRESH From the Oven! Ta sty Dess ert! DINNER ROLLS :;:.:;·~;:.~·.~ ........... 391 CAKE DONUTS :.;:,:;:;.: ............... 591 FRENCH BREAD ~.' ,:: ....... 4 ';;.~1 00 PURlX I RE YNOLD S I NABISCO BLEACH 'GAl. 59~ FOIL 12"•25' 30~ SNACK CRACKERS 41~ Huntington Beach-15511 Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. l.a9una Beach -700 So. Coast Hwy. \ Huntington Beach -8911 Adams Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolia • ,-DAIL y I'll~ l l .. Packets Hot Foil ' For Fo6d El<plnd and brl&hl .. your O p M -.i _.., by adding HOURS: 9 A.M. T 8 • • vegetables COOUd ill !oil. ' Tbeao Dllllcious Cheeaed Potato Packets, for ei:ample, mab sreat gowlths for ham· ... bW'gers, 1teaks, or moit iny choice of meat, poultry, or Wb. ' GD fit19j: d)lly alum1num ;.:{"irJU;. .. ~lQer -~ a-11 c e d "~ _..., .!ruh al(ced F_ • ""'l..,..,, , """'"'ber: ,...,. spoon on , •• ,~~--._-, -1...~ C!k .. I • c~ ·.,i.;i~ sauce. .-. • bundAei · before . placLng them ~l·'on the '.lrill. · • ''I Yiiu•if; welcol}le-the' eaay-: ., .._lC cheese sauce ,mtde I# ftoDf a OD af condensed Ched- : .,. 'd4(_ cheese IGup._ 1:. This-IOUp is so , versatile, It ' can be used to aavor any ~ number of vegetables cooked • in aluminum foJI. ; Try it wiUl green peas, cook· ... ed green beans, c o o k e d : _cauliflower, and 2--vegetable !!" ~mbinaUons. : With Dill-liclous Cheesed ' . MIRKEI - ~ .. . ' Prk•s Effective .Sept. f.1 thru -Sept., 13 • EAR BALI.GA llVI. . BALBOA -Phone: 173-1311 USDA C·ROICE BEEF FO"R BAR;1;9UEING ' • Potato Packets a n d ham- • burger, on sesame seed buns, .. serve sweet pickle fans aod , stuffed olives, iced tea or fruit .. punch. And fur dessert, make FRESH FROM OUR DAIRY DEPT., FROM OUR GROCERY DEPARTMEN-T a big sheet cake and cut It i.oto large, eat-out-Of-hand pieces: Dll.L-UCIOUS CHEESED POTATO PACKETS t can (10% ounces) con-de~ Cheddar cheese ""'P 2 tablespoons water I> cup, U>lnly -sliced lfttll ouion _ it. teaspoon dried dill leaves, crushed 4 medium ·potatoes cooked and sliced (~I 4 cups) t medium cucumber, thinly sliced tn small bowl , combine .. soup, water, onion, and dill. Layer potatoes and cucumber ~ on each of 4 squares (14 i~ each) heavy duty or double •-thickneas regular foil. Pour soup mixture. over p¢atGe!: and cucumber. Brini: · c~ of foQ ~gelhtr ; seal to mW tight package. "' Place on grill 4 inches above glowing caals. Cook 3 O ~ rntDutes. Makes <f servings. ' • • Knit a Skirt • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • - KNUDS~N'S CO.Tl AGE CHEESE KNUDSEN'S •. LA BON BUTIER FROM OUR LI QUOR DEPT. BALBOA 75~ "VODKA FULL QUART$,~9 10°/o DISCOUNT ON Al:L CAS,E ... _P,U!l~ASES Qf . WIHE . & LIQUOR FRESH FROM OUllt PRODUCE DEPT • LARGE BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES c lb • HAWAIIAN ' PUNCH 46 Oz. Tiii HALLEY'S CHILI , MILD OR HOT 300 Tln S & W COLLOSSAL RIPE OLIVES Req. 57c: Value ~: 39~ . C&H • CARNATIOt.i CONDENSID MILK 9 c . ·. rM"·. •\>: ~ ,. l Tai Can MOTHER'S COOKIES MIXED OR MATCHED • .3· =~'1°0 GIANT GAIN DETERGENT 49 Oz. Pkg. 59!~·· . • . ~-Aau'B~ SWEET-·FRESH CORN ......................... . 'C POWDE'RED OR BROWN ea SUGAR ·-·----·---------· --·-----··-.. ·-· 1 LB.· l'KG • 12~ • ~ No wonder knit sk1rta are so ~ popular -they're smart any ~ season, pricUcal for travel. ~ Double your Wardrobe with , w r inkle-rtsislartt, ea.ay·ko:U ~ skirts. Tqp AYle has baby .,. cable front, pockets. Pattern 11' 7081 : wa ist sizes 23-30 incl . FIFTY CENTS ( coJno) !or each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special hand.ling; " otherwise third-class delivery WASHINGTON GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES ......... ·--·- . ' . ' ' CRIS.CO ~ -... c ' I SHORTEN I N·G --___ .'l · LI. CAN c •• , , • : ~:~~~~i~ CORN~ VGGR.ABEANS 3 :BEETS 6 ~ $1 LPAO'('TS A. TO CHIPS . . . . · 10011. Print Name,· Addrt1111 Zip, Pattern Number. Giant, '' 9 . . if);i~iiS:: ORECO COOKIES 1 LB. PKG. 4 ~ JUMBQ TW~~ PACK ..•••.. : .•.•..•..•••..• : ..... 59~ NEWI "50 INSTA N T ZEE 4 D u p k , , GIFTS" -rabulous fashions, • "0 QC 2 ~~.:::~gi::~..:: TEMPO Pk9. of 20 19c L T TISSU ~ ~+.1·d:;°':::·:~~: STYROFOAM CUPS REG. 29c -ea TOI E E ··-------·-.. --·-··-------· crochet. weave, sew, hoot. ~ ' "" 50ctnla ' • ' • ~§;;;~:;;~: We Re serve The ' BALBO~ MARKEi -i.!"':"u~:4~1i!'~ Right To lim it 608 EAST BALBOA BOULIYARD; BALBOA STA.MPS ems. ~ ........................ ..,.!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ............... ~ Book S. "QaDtt ftr Ttd1y11 Uvln1.". 15 patt.erna. 60 centl. • WE 'GIVE Blue CHIP ,. 11 ,, I . I 1 I I (' !ti lllll. y I'll.OT , Change of Pace Chinese Touch · .Adds to Loaf . .. Here are a couple of change- of'.pate inenu ideas for cool fall evening meals, ODe is a Chioesey flavored meat loaf -yith the fla vor ')>rovided by ·chow me i n noodles and soy sauce -and the olher ls a fancy mixed vegelable salad. Together they provide a new touch for old favorites u well as a dellck>us: and nutritious -dinner. Wbdher it's the b3ck·to- achool bunch, the after.work lroup or the party crowd, all ' need the support of exl{a-good food at the evening meal. 'Smart Topper This me.at loaf fills the bill. ll's great either hot or cold. Also, it is as easy lo make as any just·plain-mea\.Joal, and it has so much flavor, texture and glamour thal it stands out as a wonderful main dish. The Chinesey meat loaf makes two pounds of meat work like !hree by omitting tbe usual bread crutnbs and adding c=sety crushed chow mein noodles. The flavor also is enchanced with tht addition of ooy sauce. So you get more servings and a·nghter, nutlike flavor . You also can follow the same procedure wllh your favorite ham loaf recipe, but remember lo omit the soy house. CIDNESEY MEAT LOAF 2·pounds 'ground lteef chuck 1 can (3 oz.) chow me in noodles. crushed 1 cup butlennilk 2 eggs, slightly beat.en J medium onion, finely chop- ped 1 teaspoon salt l~ teaspoon pepper l~ teaspoon ground thyme 2 tablespoons 'Jl:1'f sauce In a mixing bowl, combine noodles and buttennilk: let stand 15 minutes. Add re- maining ingredients; mix thoroughly. Press into greased loaf pan. 9x5x3-inches. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Serves &-10. FANCY ML\'.ED VECIETABLE SALAD Drain and rinse \vlth cold v.'aler one can fancy mixed vegetabl es. Chill thoroughly. Add shredded cabbage or lettuce broken In small pieces and chopped green onion. Toss with creamy garlic dress ing or llalian dressing. For added rlavor and tex· ture in preparing your main dishe5 th is fall , here are some additional rec ipes. QUICK CHICKEN POT PlE Turn a little lerto\ler chicken into a kit of good eating by combining one cup diced cock· For town. travel, cool even-ed chicken and ooe packagt lngs? T°:P c~~I clothes, ·. (JO oz.) of frozen peas. cooked , gheath, with this Jackel. Ydlh one can of chicken chow Knit a smart, sllminfng, mein. medium.weight jacket -Ideal Pour inlo shallow l'h quart year 'round. Rll>effect pattern baking dish. Top with pastry stitch, cables Pattero 7494: crust. Bake at 425 degrees for sizes J2..34: 36-31 included. 30 minutes. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for TUNA SKILLET SUPPER each pattern -add 15 cents for each paUern for first-class mailing and special handling ; otherwise lhird~lass deli very will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee Brooks. the DA J. LY PILOT, 105 Need lecraft ll<pt., BOll 161, Old Olelsea Slatioo. New York, N. Y. lOOU. Print Name, Addrtss, -RIUer'I Nomber. Giant. new 19'9 Nmllecrafl Clltallll -over 200 de.signs to choose, ~ tree patterns printed inside. Send 50 cents now. NEW! "50 IN ST ANT CltrrS" -fabulous fashions, toys, ftecorator ace9s«ie1. Make fl today, .ci•e lt tomor· rowt ldeaJ f« all occasions. 50 ...is. "11 JW., Jbtp'' lo knit, tndet. Welvt, aew, hook. IOceotl 8o01t IJI II Prlu A/glum•. 50 ""'" ' Barplal Qodll -1 ha• 16 beaulillll palleml. IO ceni. Mo-QUll<,.Book i -pol· I> ltrM for 11 IUperb quill>. 50 ·~ --a, "Qlllla lw Today'• Uftaa,•.11 pall<rnl. IO,"""'- J i In a skillet, cook one-ha lf cup thinly sUced celery in lhree--fourths cup of water un- til the celery is lender. Stir in one can {10~~ oz.) co nden s ed cream of mushroom Sou p. Add one can \7 oz.) tuna. drained , and one can chop uey vegtables. drained and rinsed in cold water. Heal untll hot. Serve hot over Noodles. RICE 0N BEEF BIRDS Cut 111·0 pounds of thinl y· sliced round steak into 4·by·2· inch strips; pound Oat Cook Otinest! iilyle fried rice according to label directions. Add one jar (4'~ oz.) sliced mushrooms. drained and cook- ed in butter, two tablespoons chopped parsley and one· fourth cup chopped onion. ~t1x tighlly. Put a spoonful on each piece ol meat. Roll up and fasten with picks. SeBliOn t.-ilh salt · and pepper. Brown Jn hot f2l In a i.kllle:I. Pour on one can beef cons0111111e; ~. Sim· me.r for 11 i h<>urs ove.r low beat. --·. FREE 50 ~ Extra Blue Chip Stomps - -WITH PURCHASS OF U.S.D.A. Cholce Beef LCH~DON BROIL WITH THIS COUPOll COUNTRY STYLE FRESH PORK SPARERIBS EASTllliN GRAlll flD 69!. U.5.0.t\..CHOICf lfff 10NflES5 LOllDOll BROIL U.S.O.A. CHOICE lfff I ONE IN RUMP ROAST fROZEN U S.O ..... INSPECT'O SHOU't;.r LAMB ROAST IMPORTED CANADIAN WHISKY AIWID Pears Go ' In Freezer lDA 'S GINGER PEAR FRf:EZE JQ PllOf·AIMRTISER l WodnHday. Srpt""b<f 10, 1969 I can (1 pound, 11 ounces) '.••ii pear halves. undrained ;. ~~ cup (about 4 ounces) slic- ed syrup-preserved ginger, lightly packt>d Turn pears (including their syrup ) and the ginger lnl.o ab electric blender: whirl untn pureed. Turn inlo a refligeralor trey and ireeze until Onn -atir-ring ii oot necessary. Scl-ve cut in tquarts with sliced fresh peaches or vanilla ice cream. (The amount or ginger called for gives .Jlrong ginger fia\'Or.) Dessert can be stored for a (ew weeks: lo do so after It Ui frozen break up with a sturdy fork and mash (or beat with electric mixer) unW mushy but oot melted; p8ck in ap-. propriate container and store in lree1.cr ; use an ice cream scoop Lo serve. ~1akcs ahoul 1 ~ cup less than a quart. FREE SO Extra Dlue Chip Stamps - WITH PURCHASE OF Gel an Even Line on Bbngs To cut your child's bangs evenly, slip a piece of lined paper under ~he ba~gs. 1'hen by follo,ving one ~of tbe lines you will be able to cut the hair straight across. AJ so, thi! mcthcid'\•;il l keep the cut hair out Olthc child's eyes and nose. FRE E 100 FREEIOO Extra Blue Chip Stamps Extr• llH Chip Stamps WITH PURCHASE OF P1ostic Gollo" FOOD &IAllT BLEACH WITH TNIS CONPOll FREE 50 FREE 50 Extra Blue Chip Stamps WITH PURCH ASE OF Ol'Virgi11io -l2·0t. Pkg . Extra llue Chip S•amps WITH PURCHASE OF Any Brand FLOOR WAX ALL BEEF SALAMI WITH THIS COUPOll J.~.OWHEJ..O.PUllTAS BOTTLED WATER WITH TNIS COUPOll • i;,.,, o..~ Coup<M1 ,., Cu1t•-1 ~ VeHd Tb•l. th<u S..ft., S.pl, 11, 12, 13, 1.4. 1969 ==! WHOLI UGS & THIGHS CHICKEN FRYER PARTS 591~ it«OZEH U.S.O.A. INSPlCTEO RIB LAMB CHOPS FROZEN U.S.O.A. INSPfCTfO S/Mll LOlll LAMB CHOPS 981t $1~.~ 891t. PRISH KIST -MIX er MATCH VEGETABLES • CREAM CORN • KERNEL CORN • CUT GREEN BEANS • SWE.ET PEAS 5 ~~~·1 •••• DELICATESSEN Ol' VIRGINIA FRANKS ~~~ ·:;;·.4~ FOOD GIANT WlSCONSIN-RICH , CREAMY MILD HONEYDEW MELONS 5 C CHEDDAR BRIGADOON IMPORTED $f~8 R"D POT A TOES ~g ' FINE SELECTION OF KOSHER FOODS SCOTCH WHISKY --oo<h BANAN SQUASH II>. FOR ROSH HASHAllAH fi~~ Lwunz• '1A"CNKONRYE NESTLE'S CHOCOlATE MORSELS ........ 12-ot. ,,, 55c JO LIQUI DETERGENT INCL 13c OFF """· .... 45c KERN 'S PRESERVES QUAKER OATS, REG. OR QUICK ........ "oz r•o 31 c SALVO DETERGEN T TABL ETS ............ '""' ""'· 75c c20.oz. JAR.IJ COFFEE QUAKER OATS. REG. OR QUICK ........ .,_. ,,, 5 le SPIC ~. SPAN HEAVY DUTY CLEANER . .-. ..,. ''' 33c PEACH 53 HORMEL CHILI CON CARNE W1BEANS .. "" ro•4 I c WAL l ER Kti~DALL "FIVES" DRY DOG tOOO .$1.45 APRICoi:PINEAPPLE ........ 53' t'> 68C KELLOGG'S POP TART ASST'D ........... "' "' 39c CllEF EOY·AR·DH CHEESE PIZZA MIX .. IS·ou>o 59c STRAWBERRY ······59 '----""' ""' PARKAY MARGARINE .. .. .. ... .. ... 1 • "" 4'.'r _C!!lf_ F.QY:llR-OEE SAUSAGE PIZZA MIX!~", 75c GRAl'E lEllY .· :::::::::·.43 ' 2300 Harbor Blvd. nt \l'ilson St., Dnrlt0r Sh~pping Center, Costa Mesa 1 ~--------------------------.. ----------------... ---.. --- , • DAILY PILOT ~ • L • ~ -..,. I • ·- 4 ·a1G SALE DAYS ·. :, . . ' Our warehouse is loaded with merchandise whlc~ must be movecl to make room for back-to-school a'"' holiday 111erchan• dise which is due he.re during the next couple . of weeks • hundreds of bargains which we don't even have space to Hit. All prices subjed to stoc~ on hand. · , ' SUP REMA RED SOUR PITIED SPRINGFIELD . , CHUNK ~TYL£ LIGHT MEAT CHIFFON PAPER TOWELS CHERRIES TUNA SPRINGFIELD MARGARINE CARNATION INSTANT 89< VALUE SLENDER BOX OF 4 ENVELOPES CARNATION 10 OZ. CANS SLENDER LIQUID DIET FOOD ANGEL RFOOD< CAKE MIX 39¢ 3;s1 HALLEY'S 15 9L CANS . CHILI BEANS . HOUSEHOLDR ,.LEANER 25¢ ' 3 LB. CAN MJB C·OFFEE s1s9 1 LB. CAN ..... , 69c 2 LB. CAN , ..... $1.37 FRESH . PROD.UCE ioiACA'iEoiEi _._ ...... : ........ -.1 o~ APPCLE s. ... _.. .. .. -6 L~ s100 YOUl CHOICE! 2 SWEET MUSCAT or Extra GRAPES LBS. fQncy II.ACK RIBIU 25' PE E1A c ii E1S =-=~: ~~~~y ~-~-~ .... _ 19~ :; llN. s ...... _ .... -.. --...... -... -_ .. ___ ... .. .. ·.1 o~ LA CHl9UITA . I LB. CTNS. ROYAL MAJESTY NYLON HOSIERY 3;s1 KERN'S B OZ. CANS TOMATO SAUCE 12/51 2 LB. CAN ~~T;~OLATE COCOA MIX siFE6u110· 3aiR soAP 1 o~~ 3/'1 . DIAMOND "A" -#303 CAN CORN' WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE 7 OZ. AEROSOL CANS FURNITURE POLISH SATIN GLO WITH LEMON ~IL DIAMOND "A" -#303 C_AN GREEN BEANS DIAGONAL CUT SPRAYL ST ARCH COTTON MAID 31'1 MANDALAY LARGE #2 CANS (REGULAR 1.43) KING SIZE • SLICED PINEAPPLE FAB DETERGENT NABISCO OREO COOKIES • • • I lb. cello bag • , • 49c USDA CHOICE . BARGAIN BASKET BETTER BEEF • USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE BONELESS CLOD BEEF ROAST USDA CHOICE CHUCK L. ROAST USDA CHOICE FRESH LEAN 7 BONE . CHUCK STEAKS 8 .E E F 69~ GROUND BONELESS LEAN ' USDA CHOICE ROUND BONE BEEF · ROAST USDA CHOICE 7 BONE BEEF ROAST 59~ USDA CHOICE BONELESS LEAN - BEEF . BRISKET CORN TORTILLAS Padi .. e of 12 1 0' STEWING BEEF 89~ PRICES EFFECTIVE: 98~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULK STYLE ' WIENERS I· ' USDA GRADE "A" 'FRYING CHICKEN L•GS & THIGHS • • • &91. Th1rs., Fri., Sat. & Sinday S.pt. 11, 12, 13, 14 • FRYING CHICKEN BREASTS • • • • • • • • 69L Prfces 1ubleet to stock on harid. HORMEL I OZ. BRAUN CHUB BIRDS EYE e FRENCH SLICED IEANS-t-oce Pa<Ut• 5;s 1 00 We GIVE e CUT liRRN llANS-9-Pock09e ILSUTEAMCPHSIP e MIXED VllinAllL6-10_..e Pock°'• 1 -SW-l-SS-Ml-SS~~~~~-..,,..-~~~~-..,~~~4__,/_$_1_0~0 cPolAn!!:~A l·lnch PIES • APPLE • IOYSENllllY • mcH UIUUl • 11 ,. • WE OIVI ILUI CHIP STAMPS t9111 •• PllCtlllla 710 w. Chapml1 I ' . I I . I I I , ! .\. ( I ·~~--------.. ----- ff OAl.Y '11.0T f I Wol.,.,,.,, Stptembor 10, !OM L P!LOT-AOVERTISrll JJ , ' , . . -. • YOU M~.Y ~BE . ~"I-OF . 86~368 WINNERS!!~ PLAY llT llNKLEllEI'~ QCITlllG HOUSE1_ARTY tAME.AT YOUR FAYORITUHRlnlMAIT SOMI LUCKY WINNERS IAHAllA HAWAIIAN $1,000 IAPARI HOUDAY CASH WALTER H. JOHNSON RALPH AVERY F. O, PIERSON LA MIRADA HAWTHORNE 2200 W. lon•nz• Rd. ROBERT F. i',IALONEY Sto••'Emtol"' LA MES.t. l . W R l.t.S YEG.t.S, NEY. • YOU CAN STILL WIN! CAMAR~S, HA)VAllAN HOLIDAYS, SAHARA SAFARIS, APPLIANCES, PWS OTHIR PRIZIS INCLUDING BLUI CHIPS'l'.AMH VISIT YOUR LOCAL THRIFTlft\ART NOW .lf.S.D.A. ''CBOl~E'' TEN~ER M;i!;D .STEER BEEF STE . K .ALE " ' I ' "TENQER-LEE" FINE ,QUALITY . j GROUND MEATS ' Mo.ED . . """' ' "" , • , • GftOUND ••. 85c· , : R~ iND ....... . ~r. P. 1-·N1-1 ~:3:KN? ...... 1~ 75c ~ --,,._s,t....,•d O••~ l••dw ~~:..... .. ·~· 69'. C . BEEF ROASTS . . . COAST ........................ I;' $ J 05 "'11""' ~ ... ~,, SJ 05 · ROAST ........................ 1:·. LB; .... •· 894 RUMP RO~ST ............. ':. 55• • .... °" 98' 4 PRE·SUCED ............. • RUMP ROAS'I' .......... 'i:' • MOl~ll.; ;Otts.Ml-I 7 I •BONELESS lfAN a· ,, ' SLICID BACON ...... 9• STEWING C -~A ''"" ROUH . • BEEF 'lb -.;;: 10 CHICKIN ... . .... ':!~ 49• • • • • • • • · FLAVORFUL;STE.t.KS $139 LONDON BROIL •• ' , SEAFOOD SP~:r1 \LS US.D.A. "CHOICE" • i>ovii s0Lr' .. . . .......... ~'. 91: ROUN'D "-~ ""'"""'" 79• i EYE OF $139 ' ROUND STEAK •• , "· BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN $ 59 OYSTERS ... .. ... 1 .. ,,., •• Niorl~·"' W~H. "8 STEAK HALIBUT STEAK!> ........ . .. \~ ~ 4 ~:A:~~~~ .... '1 ~; . STEAK ... LB. FROZEN FOODS SPECIALS "''" ..... 794 "'""0 " 1 '"· 494 8 5 ,.,.., HALllUT ••• p~g. FISH CllSl'S ••••• ,,~.,. BONE c SIRLOIN TIP $109 STEAK •••••••• ' LI. MAN-SIZED BONELESS !i~ i9 : PORTERHOUSE $ G•rle11 1'4.er. 63C C1r111fio11 I-lb. 63C fll .. STICKS ••••.. pk9. COD FILLfTS .•••• PkQ. IN 39 Rv pert I ll·••· 63C Mr). f•id1•,"• l'lo.tb. s219 . . lb •ISM 'N CHIPS.,,. pk9. IRIADIO SHltlMf' . Fk'J. CUBE STEAK • • • • !I ... : ~,-I! AK ;:;:i~F~.s~ • • • • • $11.~ l iii Iii -. • • • LB. FciiiiY ·coc·KTAIL 5.!1~3:. HALF SLICES PINEAPPLE 6 111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~'~~ . i 0PPLE . SAUCE 8 303 • • • • • • • . • ~I~~ • CALIFORNIA TOMATOES 5 No.2'/i • • • • -' • -... "I • • • • :1~~ . ' iKCiMATO P ASTE .. 8.:1~~·.· TENDER CUT GREEN BEANS 8 303 TINS • • • • • • • •••• ;············Delicates.sett Specials·············· • ' NON FOOD SPECIALS ' ' MONTEREY CHUNKS M.D. BAYHROOM ALL GRINDS YU BAN COFFEE I-LB. TIN 69c IMIT.t.TION ICE MILK !rUNFORALL ... MCP BLEND · BANQUET-BEEF, CHICK., TURKEY MEAT PIES 8-0Z·. PKG . 15~ ORANGE DRINK ..... 2 29c 6-ot. . . Tin 1 L.t.NGENDORF "KRE.t.M KRUST" WHITE OR WHEAT 2 SC SLICED BREAD .. . . . . .. . .. l~~; PETER PAN CREAMY OR CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER 18-0Z. 59c JAR FOR SALA DS OR COOKING CR ISCO Oil 38 •0Z. 59c ·~: BO TILE 0" ·······It's f'resli t 'rciit Selfi101a .at Thrifti1t1f~1·t·--... LARGE -MEATY JACK CHEESE l~:y~ .. CANTALOUPE • • • c • LB. HEAVY DUTY DETERGENT BOLD Gl.t.NT 65C ••c. PKG I St • OFI ' LIQllOR DEPT. S PECIALS i lrofAN15CHEWITZ GE~llll 99c.' MANISCHEWlll IT ~T ., • 1 RON OE LEON-LT.OR DK. i FISH ... 0 '.;:', i BORSCHT . ~ ~·.,"' RUM I ~· I • • • c .1ALIAN PRUNE P.LUM S ••• 2 ~~R 2sc LUNCH BOX SPECIAL 10 "'' ·••· 39c SUNMAID RAISINS. Pk,. 1 l'Hl~ADl("1IA CJtl:AM 39c: OANOLA ~LICLD 0,\Nl ~H . 59c . '2ft9 ! CHllSE ........... ';:; : HAM ............ .'.':;:; . '-' i' .. ,J. , • . . FIFTH MIX OR MATCH-RIBIER, RED, ITALIAS AND . ""°"''. Chocktn. a .. 1. Ht ... fo•koy, Comod e .. r " p., ... m. "'" "' c..... $ 09 THOMPSON G RA p ES 19 c 'SLICED MEATS ' .. 35c WHISKY ...... ···· 3 '"'" : SEEDLESS lb l ... ..:.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·:·~~~-~~~·~:~·~:::::••••••••• iiQiiiLA .................. $3~nt t ..... ,. .... ,.,..,.,..r , ..,,. ..................................... ~ .. : .. : ... • .. : .. :: ............. , .. ~ .. , PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS .. thru SUN .. SEPT. 11, 12, 13 & 14 • 1 HARIOR BLVD., COSTA MFSA e 13912 B~O OKHURST, GA r--~·, r..,,.,,,,, • 1308 W. EDINGfR. SAMTA ANA • 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO f ~-~~-----------·---~------------------------------------ I ' .. . ~· .. ' • •< • • ,•. • . . • • J ~ -. ' ' inoo or· ~(!)11.utants~~ Make · r emselves . "at -Home . . .. . -.. ~ ..,.,.. --~ ---f' , NEW YORK (UPI) -There An ef!!c!ent air "'"'4itln!>er It II in )his !all.er Cllepy ~ cllarp, 'tbtJI COi· • -with • 11 e r & I t 1 1 ~ vllllilaUn1 l)'llem, he R!cenll,y,'lle IOld hit <Ompony "'!M'r\ in ~ -fl )tu ltloi a sbnplJ II .., 1UCb t!lln& u a c,on· col~ around "IO to IO that Bsty ll -llUnlted. leclod, u U dtlWll ~Y a especially tlie ulhma and hay •Id. to Dome t..al>Oratorlto, wbete private pai;1y." spotleuly cle1111 baUR. Sorry porc:ent•: o( the unatobleo, be He tnv~ a poriablo olec· ~l. onto cells With an op-fever su.Uertrs. fie ~ lt The ~Ust b a soil·sPo.:\en he now ls ~l ~h Bqle were lmore about that, all yw Proud· lf1L Biil be addl they docnot tn,cal ·ln' applluco, a , 1e·chal'I•· a.an· ab Ulen to comp!~ tho lh<rijlf the>i• N<w Enalander wilb · a apeclallll GO tnvlrOnmlntil abOl!t'air poihrtioo doln& housel<etpen. w<ir1: oa ' thb ltablel wblcb . mlcrooa l'bl!:b a a I) tr s rec!reulafed. When thb cells vltllms' doctDn pracrtbed. ~ <fegree tn cheln\ctl control. an)'ll!lng '<bout K, .Bui Even· thoolh Y'* bav°' iull llllke up the billt of airborne U-!II> apd deaoa the air nted cleanlil& .remove them, . 'But like other appllancet e r( 11 o e • r l n g from lhe BerlY ~ the technical Uie l·till~or . fl( to d"'ted, run lhi ,....pet and par!lcleo. Eaclt welJhlng' throl!I!' electrost1tlc dunk them I> <lelergenl suds whtch 1otm. for ''POd!lllr.ecl , ~olaaclluaelU ln!tltule 'o.! knoW'libW .fol'"fttaklng elec-'·~ a national the pl..,. looks •lilc ~ !J"MI, •* fiye m1ewnl. ,.A ""81-~!iatloll. , or cie&I!'. wllb a. hot water use, the ciea~ -la becop>-;rectr.ology. For a while, lie t;u.-n had been ';=· loolfl\old when there atil1 are Uhy~~ mon .'6ol parllcle, lo• Ill-Tll• lldeotllli> api.oauon Is •Pi:•Y• ' 'Ing part of the gen!ral,home · .,boooed lii> own air cleaning ·•Yall~ ' )ilan. But even ;(' a'a imoS perhapa .., lal'fltr lhOA a llaoot, ~ ~bout oae 1 ~ •· Jl1ll la effect, ~1¥ .dav,eiooed the air scene, either .as •·portable' or ·firm in Boston and helpecl fh'illi'' ...... he started, •: · the ICUll micron Con~ ~ti> o! a mjcrOI\. • . µ.. Porl\cleo ~ ctvu an ,cleaner lint lor nltef of , on 1 larp ICale u palt of a '!hole ciUes tn cleon their air, there..,. ""\*It IO peopeJe '~ mllllmeler) 1 n ·drl.'Ulalf<lil. • • • , '> . , , They're ao th!Ye°"" neec1 • -microscope to • them. There can anywhere from five to ll.nilllion of - partlclea per 'cublc foot. In most common ,fOl'1ri, t JJ e s e ' make up duit, ~. aoo1, animal -(ii l!>ete ... petal, conking teildue, 11110k, .. , 1'!Sldue, AD\! bllleri&< '• • They're the bfddeft ooilen respcmalble !OJ' a new kitchen paint fob devdoplng a dull, filmy covering in ail moothl or • year, ·for • ·~piper turning drab, (Gr, cpperlea and upholltery gathering aoll in apile of ~'P'l•te .care.. They're aW.~le for many crea'ttqe:r ·~orlS, •. for wme b~ and viruses ride .. plUY back" on theat parUcles. Pollen which aff~ hay fever aufferers thb: Um; of the year Is one ixaltzple. Ali thil I gather !rom Edward Berty, a scientist who's doing something to ct1m· bal these indoor pollutants. Berly says there an: two kinds of dust and , other particle! around the house. One is stable, the other is unstable. 'Ibe unstable ones such as linl selUe quickJy onto surface and can be tremOVed ~. The atal>le. odes, lhol!di, "float around and ev~ settle on walls and the like." Zi p Up, Away 9183 srza 8-16 ZIP swiftly up and away In this side-pleat, swift-lleW sklJn with buttons that are just for &how. Choose prbUne pique, rayon, blend. Printed Pattern 9183: NEW Misses' Sb.es 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 (bust 31) takes 211 yards JS.Inch fabric. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS In coins for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing an~ sµecial handling; otbel:wise third-cl.ass delivery will !Ue three '"ka or more. Send to M'.lrtan Martin, the DAILY PILOT 442 Patlttn Dept., 132 Well 18th St.. New York. N. Y. 10011. Print NAME, AD- DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring-Summer P a t t e r n CataJog. 1?'fe 1p1ttcrn coupon. 50 cen1-. INSTANT· SEWING BOOK sew today, wear tomorrow. $1. NEW ~ANT FASHION Book answers au what-to-wear problems. Double wardrobe! Acceaeory, Ogurt Lips. $1. Frosting For.'Cake Co!feamd dlocollta na .... bieod lwmaalaullY. • MOCHA FROSTING 1 tableopoon instant coffee .% tab"'~ bolling water IA cup t.irtltt, at. room temperature L tablapoojl -cocdl GOOD QUAUTY. You• 38 CHOICIE ~ WIOI! Oii; c COLL.me llUlf. ~.Pll .••• •--COUPON --· I I I I I I DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS I with this coupon on the total amount of eny purchase excl udp in9 r,quor, tobacco and 11.uid milk prod ucts. I coupon per custo mer. Coupon good Thurs- day thru Sundey, S.pt. 11 l o Se pt. I~. I I I I I ·-------· HILLS BROS COFFEE Premium Qualify All GRINOS-1-ta. CAN Style HAIR SPRAY Your I Choice ...... 1: , ' , 1"' ,• ) "'i .Bonelesi·CfiuClt ·~ ~· 89~ RIB ROAST Shoulder .CJo,d ,:\·~~st~· Fresh Beef Bristet ~98~ ' . '""'"""" 89c GROUND Fn:!.\ EHiy 6t~ · CHUCK "''"' ...... -. TENDB,, lMGI I .. ....... , ... A1AS1CA !ONO• CAT.IJ.HA llOADMt CUii MEAT SytORD•ISH ..,._ 1·"' -'I" MIA!. 1' l&. -· y · ._ --LI. Gotton's Fiib sticb M:--. "' ~ -· 69c Rupert'.• FrllMh fried ScolWpli+i:a .$1 .55 •UJMrt'• Frend! fMd ~·tMG...-.. 75c Mn. Friday lreetded ~---, $:JA9 ...... ~ TOMATO JUICE . FANCY FARMS . • . ' ' '-TOKAY GRAPES i!.~ 10c. CWSTEU lo , .. Fresh Carrots ;;.\'.. l(-· Large Avoc.,do~ ,Dj~·~'l8 .~i~, Fancy Li•. ,~.::...'"=s lf LARGE ·';:;!=:.• fti CANTALOUPE4i : I ,,,m11.,,n ~~MA.-:U-? ~..!',., kll Jfc, . FarMN -p)~i-"v\J..·.N~ I ' . SLIQD PASTRAMI I AMERICAN CHEESE I Swlwlclt SprMd i:~ .. 45' ;t:"t ... 3 ~!1 ;;2..~'; ~St ,. . . . .. ~ -AXION • En~!~~A~~ Ind. JOc Oii ... '°"'· 1~,,::.;.},".:J.',1 'd -_ ..... ...,,,._c..w.._..; • .,, EFFERDENT MOIJnfWAIK l/ISr 'NM JtilDI ' OICONGt1TANf Dir ~ ~-~-the -~-tn ..i... ..,._ a... ....,._ t&,.. 2117c uQN1111n:: ~1.,. uft:I ........ ...,_.,. Oii ..., • • Q1ANSINO TAllm bol1'nl w1ter. ~t the butter a."""'°.,..-.·-·--We IHC1. 1Sc Off to.er. an. anf\.Ocoa together, \..col Pnilt Driftb ¥ITU-.......... ,,.,_,.,, 44c I )AVORIS ANACIN DRCSTAN BLUE BONNET 114 ~........ '12' ~.'' 791 ~'.".'........ 11°1 ~~"".. 39' ai=~:1~ w~\~ ~1~1" 1011 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach Maka enough frosUng lor 340 p . , h top and ,,d,. or , z.1ay er s-81 Doheny ark Dnve, Gap1strano Beac inch round cake. ' ' ' 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Hunlil1Efon Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain YalllJ 21082 Beach BIYd., Huntlligtan Beact " • 1 ' . I ,Jt ~LV l'lLOT a ox ,_ µ 1¥"""*1· s..1.-10i ,1'69 ' • Celebrity Cookbook " ' Holden Hungry E·nougfi ~to ~ Eat a 'Gaat ' By JOHNA BUNN , lhe wry, l!lralg!IL-IOl"'•rd ap. slacU, be wu moro eaaer· IO d(aftlle. He Ind Illa partnm FREEPORT , Grand proach to• cullilary sm.ion talk about anlmaJ col-own tbt Mount Kenya Game Bahamas _ "l haven't fouod with actor William Holden who servallonlsm than lbe ~ · llandl there, ln coajuncUon anytMng yeH wouJcllt:t .. ~ >.. was auending a film. festival sumpUoo ol food. wltjl tbolr mort botef. "We're a metter of fact, a partner of here. . "We've established 1 game dolns.rflw'<:h GO altering the m 1ne ~· J;ll . ~ aJlY(hlng Looking natty In a crisp ranch In Manyukj al 7,000 mlarelor)' hablla o1 animals that doesn teat me)lr.st.". was whit~ linen shirt~ lllht blue feet," be aaJd, llghUna a by supplemental feeding, and i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lestlng !heir 'compallbllliy "' areu of land where they do llOl lnlerfere wtlh each others' 1-,.._"-',. lop V~l U I DISCOUNT SUPEtlMARKET I 19th & HARBOit ·COSTA MESA Fltq CHICK CASHING SIRVICI Prices Effective September 11th ~ 17th fULL CUT ROUND STEAK USDA CHOICE 79c, •. USDA CHOICI .T·BONE PORTERHOUSE IONELISS STEAK TOP SIRLOIN STEAK s1~?. STEAK s1~!. $1.49 "· CHUCK ROAST 7 BONE ROAST 49~ 59~ 0 BONE ROAST BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 69~ 89~ CHUCK STEAK 7 BONE CHUCK STEAK 49~ 59~ FR,ESH LEAN LEAN GROUND BEEF SHORT RIBS ' ' 49~ 39~ RIB STEAK USOA CHOICE gs:. ... ' ........ . CUT-UP CHICKENS p & M'• ........ 33;. JUNIOR TURKEYS WHITING 29~ FISH BACON ENDS GOLOEN RIPE BANANAS ' U.RGI STUFFING SIZE BE~L PEPPERS IXTllA f/IMCY WASHINGTON FARMER JOHN'S LITTLE LINK SAUSAGE BOLOGNA IOL Pkg. 29~ 9~ ..................... - 15~ GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES ... 12~ • 'lbe aniJllllt In the main are 'anldopo,)ie wd. "Very lera• ,antelope IJlce elanda, wt>lcb ' c&Jl ~ qp lo 1800 J>OUnds. are .browsers and IJl'IUrt. 1bey graze u <erlaln times of tbe year and browse on shruba, bWlhu and trees al other -· Impala and animaJJ lii:e Grant's and 'Tommy' or.tlle are sirlctl,y grazers. -~~:t-~ DEVELOl!ING GAME "We're irylq lo arrive al appraxlmlte . ..,numbers o f ·animals per1ac;re that can ex- ist Oil, niarllaal !Ind areas. We're nol l!lln( rich &razing crOunds nor 1anda that cnuld be developed for qrlcultural uses. Our pu._. la · lhe .. -led ...... 1 .. feeding · pr.-iarved Africans." # ThO eUorta of !he Moonl Ken,ya;Game Rauch, he qo-"m help banish kwashlOfttor. lhe dreaded and Olton raw disease $> rampant amoog protehHtarved A f r i c :i D I , Holden's ectivltles hau. Jed lo the establlshm.ent of a school and hospital for the 500 nat1v~ who 'work and live around the re.sort. Turning from hi. researches In the production al nuttltiou> foods, BW llolden 11.. his plain views ol: cooking' atid eaUng. He had. recently returned from Ille bodlands al nortlH!tntral Mexico wbtre he had filmed "The Wild Buucb" and had defighted In the local foods. "The food in this district (Parras. Mexico) wu pretty stanaard, like beans. tortlllas and enchiladas," he said. "One thing I enjoyed-tremen. dously was cabrito, a am.all goat roasted over a barbecue or wood fire. It's delicious." The four-footed deUcacy, akin to lamb in flavor and texture, is difficult to get bi the United States. Cabrito Is basted with a fiery barbecue sauce al fresco. "I like lo see how peo.. pie live and where they work,'" he said. SPORADIC lNTElll!ST llllJ Interest In food is sporadic. Once a connolsseUr of fine wlnea, he built and stocked a wine cellar in b1J • Geneva villa Jn Switzerland. He often aO:vtsed his guests to limit their predinner cocktail to one, JO that their palates would DOI be dulled for the wines that were to follow. 1'I'm afraid J'm fairly ple- blan about the food I enjoy. I'll eat almost anything, but I prefer barbeaJed or spit- roasted meats', simple salads and mild cheeses of the cot· tage or cream varietlea." Holden Inherited lhe blind diet of his parents. He was born near St. Louis i n O'Fallon, Jll. and raiaed ln Pasadena. "In order to cope with the foods of the world We can't ignore complete1J-the foods we were rahed with, .. he said. "I have a friend who was ~m and raised in vlenna and a:rew up on all thou rich sauces, whtpped cream and pastries. He had s o m. e stomach trouble so he started eating yoaun, cottage cheese and other bland foods., But hi~ problem only grew War!e," Holden said. ",He sooght the advice of a doctor who asked him how he was raised. When my friend told him he ate all the foods typical of Vienna, the doctor said. "Go back and eat what you ate then and ~'Il be fine .' And be wu! Holden coocluded. ClfiNESE CUISINE Bl!ST ,.... "J ftnd I get upset if I ex- plore for too long the rich looda al France and l\aly and Uie very spicy foods of the Far East.. Chinese la the best a- ample of 111 all-round 'pljsine. It has infinite 1 varlf!lr, in· eluding the vegetablea coolted in soya sauces." Hl1 * miraliClll of !he Orient mench lo objectl of art, ""' In hil col· lectlon are statuettes o f Siamese and Chl11e1e .. cr1nc1111oc1s. "There are very re " gastronomical innovations I go f«." he aald. He rarely in. vades the kltdlen. Holden Uvts now in d~apartment jn Geneva, Jince his tonS have grown up and rd.urned to the States. ui. chern111 consists al "good roa>1 beef which I In- ject with a number of htrbl and 1plce11 bolled n e w potatoes wltn a bolter aauce (an interest.In& hybrid between the clauk beurre blanc and a compound bulter) Ind a mb<ed sreen A1ad. I like a lood let· luct ~kl liirU<>ne, M I'm Juclcy _..,, lo •• It •brne!', Ind i .... 11-,......, lvncados. n llb~IO~fi "whatever 1 feel would betas-. t1 that particular evenm,. Very olten it's a aente of taJte rather than a matter o( tote. If you're c:reatin& a .salad, one Ume you might use thyme aud the next ttme a whoJe aeries of ingredlenta.. • ¥ore apflcl\ loslnictlom for ,.uce lnd_cr,_ salad lhai wlU ~pt 1lfJI Holden lam follow: . ' - I • ' JftLL ,HOLDEN'S NBW Pal'ATOFJI WITH HBRBED llU'lTER SAUCE For &i.e f'IW• e1· 1 pound new 'potatoes, preferably of uniform size· bolling salted water· · , Wash pptatoes well. Place fn saucepan, cover with boiling, salted water. Cover, boll until potatoes are jun t e n d e r (about 20 milllllto) when tried with a fork. ~. shake over heat• minute to· dry. Ski{ potatoes, place In heated serving d1ah. Pour bealod berbed butter sauce over them a,nd dust with paprika (optbW) .. aerve alone aJ)d Peas ... sauce m separate bowl Serves 4-S. For tbe "Jaerbed".ltuUet uuce V. pCIUnd sweet butter Salt, white pepper to taste 2-3 tabll!lpOOOS lemon juice ( 0< load sbarp pure whlte vinegar, distil1ed or white wine vinegar) 2 leal!IJOODS minced fresh parsley 1 teaspoon minced chlves, opliooal 1k teaspoon each tresb (or tiny pinch ~) thyme, tarragon (er chervil!, summer savory and basil Clarify butter by cu\llnf lnlo pieces and platjng It in a aaucepan (or sklllet) over low heat When butter has metted, akim off and discard the loam, ltl'tln clear liquj<f lnlo a bowl, leaving the milk residue {use in soape or stews). Heat clarifted butter over very low beat. Gradually whisk in lemon (or vinegar); heat thoroughly. Add snipped fresh herbs (or dried herbs pulverized, using a mortar and pestle or simply rubbing between the fingers a n d pabn1); heat few minutes wr ti! well blended. Afterlbougbtso A• B 111 Hold"1 suggests, "SUCCt:8S with !he sauce ia just a matter of tall&e." Although the ba.sic sauce ls designed to go with molt bland vegetables, let your palate be your guide and e;qiertm~ Key the herb selection to c;boice ol entree. For example, if you're serv· Ing a leg ci lamb, substttute fresh mint for parsley, limit mixed herbs lo rownary, savory and basil, and increase the amounts of fresh lemon juice and grated fresh lemon rlnd. For "beefy" favorites, heat 1 small clove a:asiic in clarified buUer few minuttS before di.scirding; limit herbs to oregano, panley and basil, and. "spice" up the sauce with Worcestershire sauce or dry mustard. For fish or fowl, vary herbs by using dill, watercres,,, ground saffron, ground fennel er coriander, alooe or in combination'. BILL HOLDEN'S ros8ED GREEN SALAD WITH SOUR CREAM DRESSING For &be aoar cream dnl1in& I cup sour cream 1 tablespoon wine vinegar Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste Good pinch dry mustard Few drops pressed onion (optional) Dash cayenne Combine a 11 in&redients blending well. Chlll until ready 1o .... For tlle lalad I head lettuce 1 head Boston (or Bittb) I~ luce · 1 head Romaine (optional) Glove cut garlic (optional) One ripe l!raeli ( o r California) avocado I~ C\Jt )emofl Small cucumber; peeled and chopped I tablespoon frtsh chopped dill (or aood pinch dried dill) 2 tablespooos mlnc«I fresh pan1ey (or watercress) 1 lablesPoOflS snipped chives Sall. -freshly gr<Mmd bleck pepper Wash ind crisp lf'tens. Rub wed bowl lightly wllh cul garlic. Break greens inl.o blte- sll.e plettS. Cut p e e I e d avocado into bunU. sprinkle pieces llg!ltly with lemoo juice to prevent darkening. Add ""°'mbet, herbs, salt and pep-per to taste. Spoon generous amounta ol tl(IUJ' ere.am dress-lnl over 11led. Toa UghUy, eerve at ooct. Serves 4. PLEBIAN TASTES William Holden Th Thru Sun~ Sep\emblf 11Iii14, 1969 Pric:ts ettKti'lt ill uoeased Satew•YI urs. ::.:.:.,;...;,.... ___ ~-; Old Calho\ln Bourbon . Coldbrook Whiskey Blended. SO.Proof. $299 S1v1 &Oc fltt1' Kentucky Straigtit Whiskey. s~~,·o~o~MiX$•349 Canadian Hill Whiskey Fifth Blended. 80.Proof. $449 Sa'ft 50t Fitlh MacMai(s Scotch $469 1.---_.. ==-~ Flit• Afterlhoughts o Agalr key your choice of herbs to the en- tret. Celer)' or caraway seed11 II I :~!: i:n;:.';:,~1 w~:J:IW:;~ ~~ 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach ryl cumln or ginger navored 11 11d drustna if 1erYed wtth d\lck••· duck11n1or1ur<ey. 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South La9una lC) 1Mttill•a•1.1~ -----4-------'----+--~---=----- "'------------. .....__..~.~--~~-------~----------------..._ ____ ---- ; n t. C11p11 GtM Ftr ~ · Double 'Blue Chip · Stamps Yecil Shoulder Chops :::. • 79' Veal Steaks :"" ... ::::.. ~ 89' a.1i•chops ==--. '1" Stew! ..... , :·~-..:""'. 89' .... Sheri Rills ~= • 49' Chicken Fried Steak ::::.. • 89' Paock Royal Dog Food ' DAIRY & DEl/CllTESSEN luceme PUddings 3=$1 Bl I .... _ ..... , -9' -ICU II mtk .,. 11ttn1t ... ,.._ Chnse Spreads =.. 'j;9' 45' D sl lan"'" "-"'' 59' res 11f1 ... , • .,.,. -... · Butt.' ........ ,. ..... ..... ,... ar· ,.rllll ClwilM DlllJ ,.,._. tll. Lucama Sour Creom !:: 49' Half & Haff ~ ,::, 39' Specialty Bread Skylar\ r.q.GpH & Elsy.close 3 s100 CMNc1 ll'hn~ o.11nu1, w.oo r.,., w... ZkL """ ~ • llvtttmlt lenftlc:lrj Pot.ti, lo .. S••r•• 1•. ~•IOI$ WbGlt If ~ .. ....,, Jelly Rolls r.::r.=' ,~29' Coffee Caku ~~'!i:."' -39' Orange Juice · Bel-1ir Q11lity Co1centr1l1 .-.. "' ... ,, L..i ............... h ... .. $ ~ - Hill 69C 111/111 . .,... ' . · ..... • ~Rdeit --'"~=' ---L ' _, --, .. ,...__ ... • Cod Fiiiets '"~::T.:"' ,.....,.. ·~Off Label ·· .. Kleenex · ,, Paper Towels ... -... ... ,--·. Tool~~T11111lf ~ AsMlflll ' Jell-well Gelatins ·=.7c ..... ... -~ ' MntWtftW• Wad Dressings -.... 9c W1Ml•cfM lttt• I~ " Honeydews~. ':9~ Prunes :~~ 2 k . 25c Orang~s J~~;; -~ ~ 98' . . c Raisins = 1 q ·~:-49' . T ematoes ,, .. 3 9 D I '"" ,.,., 2 ... .i.9' r: ~~ •i•tt a •• 1'lolr VntJ 111 • -·. t•.ta,'!'l l 0 I:; 59c Mu_~ ~-'"!.::·• 'l" Onloris i:.. .. ' 3 1~ 29' f, 211 l 171h SI., Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dt., Newport;Be~ch • 24 Mo!"" Bay ~11, So. ,llauna 636 N. Coast Hwy., llauiia'Beich • San ta Ana Freeway atll Pu, Mission Viejo .. I ' I • I ' i I .... 77' :: 57' • l _J '. ; • • ........ -4 , ii. .·r ,,. 1i, ,-,. .. ./ . \ · . • _ G~rg ... m~~t. ; . prodllCf# ••.• del~teaen .... every department · , , .:.~l.:Y-'!~r._El I,la~ht>. h<l8 .~l'IJains (It go~! · " -~ .. -.......... ....... . "' . . . ... .. . •• • . .. '. .. ~ ~ .,. . PlrklDlnlllli Tender, succulent po~k • , • m6re flavorful bec&u.se it'1 frilm "the f'mest mid-weatern rrafn•fed ·pork! ••• Roast one to a golden broivn thla week-end ••• and be ao 1lad for the cl03t!r trim ..... the sreater .'n111t •.• at El Rancho! LOIN EID • • • 3 PctJHD A VEllAGE ••••••••• ." •••••• . . Pork Lo·1n Ro· a·st ·. WHOLE iiR RJ• HAlf 691 . ··~~··~······~····· lilat the ticket for sati!fying a host of liuniJ'Y &ppetiteJ! ••• and ,qie. left.overa find so many uaeal . . . .. - ·Center Cut , Pork ' RdaSt .~ ..... ~981 -. . . . . . 'lb heart ot1he lain ••• you'll fmd'it'.to.s.'·fork t...der. •· •• Jov,ir-to"bellold ••• delightful to dine on! Farmer ·sty.le· Sp~rtJi~s ......... 69~ lo111uch _t._ •• and ao tuty, 70ll'lt,wiah yon'd boqht .mo~l.~JI don't fofK't barbecue s&uce! Center Cut Chuck: Steak ....... 59~ Your fOlb will love the flavor of U.8.D.A. Choice Beef;, ; ;.&lid ,,,.u budget will Jove El Rancho's value I Ground Round............ 89~ ·El :-Rancho Bacon ........ 89~ So •ery fnah ••• patties, too. at this low price I Beef Brisket ..... ~ ....... ~1~ Bon,teu • ~· . fl~t .•. , deticioua oven roasted ••• add a.can of onion soup, wrap in foil, bake! Ranch Scy!e ••• thicker slices,' lean '!lld \Qty I • 1 • • ', • ~ ... Fillet of Sole ... ~ ....... 98~ ' Tender tnd naky ... the delicate navor makes fillet of ao)e a favorite with everyone! • Super Fresh Produce • Potatoes 5k29c U.S. No. 1 quality Wltlle Root ••• serve with rich pork sravy •.. or why not potato' salad I . . . Gravenstein Apples ........ 2 .... 29• Criop and aolid and juicy •• , and so-o-o.o sood I . "'°wn Onions ................... 3 111. 19• Sweet ••• robuat fla'MI", vet not too strong! Super DelicateBSen Rath' s lunch Meat 1 :'-mm. 3 .. '1 All X!!&t Bolocua. Picld" Olive or Tasty. Cllocolate Chip Cookies ...... 39• ~·1 • •• ready to 1ll01 and bake I losher Dill Pickles , .............. 39• ~ • • • 22 OI. 1lau,. ••• ao crisp they anapl de :~amp's Dressincs 3 "''1 fAo(ce ot 89 •arietiea I ••. 8 ounce&. j s SaJa~l ................... 3 "''1 .... ~ ~ • • • nsular a9c aebl ~~ ..... ' -. Large Tomatoes ~ .................... 19~ Red ripe .... aolld ••• for picture pretty ilices I • . Camts .; .............. , ............. 2 "' 1s• Garden fresh ••• in 1 lb.' flavor seal hap i Liquor .Specials Andent Age ..... ~~ ....... '10.98 Straisbt bourboll ••• aave si.oo on _thl1 buy! El Rancho's Scotch .... ~ ..... ,,79 Bottled In SeoUalld ••• juat for JOll I Imported Juleps ....... ~ ........ '2.59 Dtllsbtl•I aperitif, ••• blickberry or cherry I MDler's Hlgti Ufe ........ 12 tor '2.29 Twolv1 OWICI caai ••• ftl'Ular price ••• $2.M. Almaden Mt. \Ylr.:: .... ~.~ .... '2.54 Barsuncb', Cllablll Cir eiar.t ••• dtoa11tul ---. ' .. . . - 1 ' . ' ·1 ' · ... ,,,,..,,,,,, MW · • · ·No • .soil .s• •Jara ~t l>t ·you ,.. the . tenipt;nc b 1 au t y o! pure : ·~~ from,.~~~ 'apples. Serre chilled, with pork ••• add a teupaonful : of Awake, mlJt tli~'?'lhlY ••• for a delicious variation! Ebjoy t!Je goodneS1 o! apple sauce ... -the l&v'".;; at El Rancho! · · . ' . ....... ·/ .Yibin. ....... ~ ~~D. ~N ••• 16' The ;richtr brew ••• with the deep Cwit flavor! Have a cup of Yuban .for d~ .•• ryou'Il find it.'° rewal-ding ! Rewarding, tori, is th~·wbnt for ab~ pusr 1t1.EJ.Ra.ncbo ••• valuel on quality you can trust •.• such u 2 poula. Yuban ... $1.29. . ---tlll~ .. 4,.,,: ' . You uae ao many faciaJ· tissues, it'a alwayi WiM to keep & few apare ~ packacea on hand. \Vhen someone has the aniffle1, hand them Scotti•~ ••• aoft ' senUe Scottiea, but ao atrong. Get four 2~ ct. packasea • .this price ... you'll ~pprociati'EjRanchOt • -· . . ~ '? '\~ S.Jlo..Wlht-Stoel.,. Doi -....,. Sara· Lee Rolls fnZEll 39• . Butter .Geni; Filli'r, Seaame,'f;.;.k;;b~~~·!··' Early ~'rlJen . ~~Cl$ 4 tor 89~ . Del Monte • ' • 1W..t, lend~· ••. No. 803 can& · . ... , Enchilada Dinners flW 49~ ............ Fruit Cocktail .......... 4 tor 19• Van de Kamp'a ••• Beef, Cheese or Chicken. Blend of ripe f&voriteJ • , • Del Monte ••• 308 cana. Orange Juice ... ~~~ ..... 5 ~·1 Green Beans .......... 4 tor 89~ : °,.'li!ornl&'• famous qualicy ! 12 .,._ can ••• 39e. Del Monte ••• cut or French 1\yle ••• ·803 cans. Tomato Juice 4 '1 • • • • . • . • •• • • • • • for , Zucchini ....................... 4 tor 89' · Glor:ietl:a ••• •s oz. c&ll8 at ereat aavinp? Del Monte's unique goodness r ••• No. 303 can& Margarine ... ~~ ... 3 lk'1 Low in poJy.unaaturatea ••• lei've it and aave ! Del Monte Spinach .... 5 tt. Stock up on Del Monte quality ••• r;i. 808 can& Saran ·wrap ...................... : 49• Bartlett Pears ............... ;. 43~'. Save 16c on the 100 fL roll ••• at El Rancho! Del Monte halvee ••• swee~ firm ••. No. 2~ can; ' Tomato Sauce .......... lO tor·1 --1 Del Monte ••• rich and aauey I ••• 8 ... c:ana. · Rinso .................................. 59• Giant aize ••• save 24cl ••• (lnclud~ Ille off) Del Monte Catsup .......... 29' Save on Ille family aire 20 ounce bottle. Dov~ Soap ........................... 37• For com pl won care ••• packap of 2 bath sise hara I 0p.,. I to I tkil1. Swio4o.1l:IOto1:80. I Pricu ift •ft•cl T.\ur. IAN1Ug1' S•ndar Sept.11, 1!, 13,.U :No fal,. to4«11on • Afk th• m1nagtr.ebout our convenient Chllfit Account StMol ' ; HllNTIN&TIIN HARBOUR: Warner A~ & Al£011Quin St N~T BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 255!i Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also COli~lenUy Jo_cated stores In 'Arcadia, Pasadena and SQUth Pasadena • , : \ - _.________. -!:!~>µ:-c; --------~-~~-~~ .... -_.........__ .......... --...... ...................... ---·~··. --·--------- • ~·----·-~~---........ -----~----------""""'.,..--~'9!""!'9"11!!'.!'l'll!P!'!ll -.. s.;..-10, 1!69 'l • ' ' ... 7 ' ' • . ' • . '• ' " ... . ,, ' . . . ' .. , ... ':t·.· ,. . ' ' ( =-'I < .. '•' .. ' ' '' ' ';,-I ' ' • • ' < ··eDliliif "'''· . ' .. , > ". ,;.· :_· ... ,. . ~ . , ,' ... ~e~ "'&-, . ' /, -~· f\. lflfrl) ' . . , ... ~ ·~·, ,._. , . ,:.. ... .,, .::. ...,] c .... 1'. :'~ .,·' ~ti'.11-. • , -, •!)q '~{J966 '.·~·~0o·D ' . , "~ " SALE '· ';;~: / · '~;<()VER HQ ~;.., .... .<>-wr-~1-9-6~8--....~~'-"·-D .... L_LA-"-C"--' -.-..,--''"-.. ..;.," ....;~..;..' ......:..· ..;..· -'...;,·· '"·' .;:~ro~gham.cl'U.~<irilit~"t"f.mi •• ; :·~2900:·,·, · · _,/-~l· 'Q•.-0 '·i ITY·lJ:. .: \f.::'-%;;~il'~1~.Nf=4'tJ:i.\'Afh~ ;-~A'1QO · " ' 0 'topandblacktirOca~-Mdreathertrim.Full : . A/ ; ·~·' " UAL . ~ . factory air condl~tllt-i:M>'11f , 'mti J r power facl~l')' :ah; conclitj9n. S~l"eQ AM-FM. .r AM-J'M rad.lo; etc. -. on't ·er. · · p ·· " Ult-tde;wheel-all options. Local onf! owner. PRICI 1 h_ r , . . , > • ' J . , , , 1va,z1_11~ . , 1 • '·' . , .,,.. f.,. , ·.~~!.•'!J ~lf~. -~ "li'-~.t ! .! .1!:.·l ~------------------..._;7."i"t"<-. •'·•'!.:'/!, .•. ' 1 ' .. . • 1'9~7'1£.:~o . SALE • ~ :"' :,\.'.:.J" "c· .ADILT . ,il.;MI~ Fittmlat Rosewood with brown padded roof s4' 400 . ~~ I: saddle leather trim. Full power, facl air, . ;';• ~ \: tilt teletc0pe whttl, AM-FM r&.dio, cruise-. . TO '. . .. controJ, door lockl, llP,t_.~n~I A dimmer, P"ICE • rrar window defOner: ~dfsc bi'akt£' <TVK· ... ~ ~ . -.. 1' ~;, l l t ...... 196?.''IMP,ERl~L .'.. '. LeBaron coupe. Full power, factory air, ''""° .. ~. """"" '°"'"'~""" -!""'•••· option. Paaqm t,oD. <XSrrr1Y .. . • ;.. '-·f _,--w . . ' .. I , 1967 CADILLAC Coupe De VU~.' Phantom 'blue 'wtth , blue leather lnteN.or end "fVtt1te _'top." FUD .'powe• equipment 1Wus f&ct9cy air condltionin1. <UJA35i'J .. . • -. 1968 EL 1)9RADO ' . Chestnut wtth beige ~ ap matching cloth and leathe• intetlo<. run pov.·er, f11.ctory air, Sttte0 AM-FM, tllt.-telescopic wheel, au op- ~ona. (UNB466J 1969 ·MAKO SHARK Corvette Fastback. with. remo\>ab~ panel~. Full power; factory &Ir conditioning, AM- n1 t1tereO radio, tilt stttr1ni wheel. Gor· a-eous Cobalt firentlat wi\h mat.chin&: inter· ior. {XNZ'8:1,9)-• ' 1 · 1965' CADILLAC eoo.., O.Vllle. Sh<tl"ood .,... with blaok padded top aiiil blaCk leat&er .Interior .. Jl'ull powtr, factonr· tir c:6ndltioning,, ~FM ra- dio, tilt 11MrfnrWheel, ~-trdnk O~ner. .{NCB 3371 PRI~ SALE :·$3600· · PRICll-' . ' SALE . '$5300 PRICE . SALE $5500 PRICE SALE· _$2300 PRICI. ' ' ·~--rf •• ·SELECT FROM . . • " " I . .,, .. ; .... .... ,. . ' " " , .. ' ,. ,. " ' 1967 CADILLAC ' .Convertible. ~ white '.Wlt)J .black top and 'bla,ck full_ 1~ lnteltbr. J'ull power : lncludirig J>OW.f!I' lt!Jel1ng • brakes • wtndowt1,· 6 wty seat; ilr-1'M ta4.lo. t'r7'168072) '· ',. " .. Sedan de Ville. Tahoe blue with blue dever· 11.ux cloth and leather trim. Full power, fac- tory air andltionin&,,-tiJt wheel, many op- • Uo~ .JIWJ?20fiJ .. ·i • .. " '---------------.-.-------' . . . . , ,,. . .. . ~--7', -. .,,,,-:,:-, ... 7', -_-;,,-;,'.'". -,-, "'.:,:"".--:-~.:'. .. ~.-: .. ~..,. ... -f,-::.-i!oi'i'+. Yodr Fadory Authorlzi!I .Ciidllltlc.Dffl1r S.rvlni 'tlle o;an91 Coast Hdtllot Arff "'"·' . ·~--, ~ .. · ••• J ' . ' ' " " ' •: l l,j: • • • ' ' r:: .l ., • N·ABERS~ .. ,, . " . .I.LL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SAt~ 'PRICES EFFECTIVE,. .. . ~ . " I ,, ------------------------ \ \ HOUSES FQR SAl.E I HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALE '*°"'-' 1000 0.nerol .1000 Cool• Mou 1100 Newport Buch 1200 ' " -' FOREST· E • . ~.) •' ,. ' ' " . ' . ' ,0 LSO N lnc. Realtors Costa Mesa Eost s;de ·-· OMneat and preltiest ... -strttt 1n town. Deconited ·""l bedroom home, formal ~ dining, ntlV pl lWl pile ~ carpetinr over hard"'Ood· ;~v Ule In kitc..'heo and bath! Cianr lanai over- looks immmsc prden or ; palnu. Alley ~ for • lloaU and trailus. Creal .: localiCb! TM (1ric-e is .-• right! $2.f.9!i1Xl. HB"r'I . · ::_ tbe diDd:wr! Nut new • hl:lmt. bw'ty~ Call 66- ·.' BL --,,. .. ' .. • ' . City Rone.,_ Horses! :z-• Tote Over 71/i "/. Fonlostic Buy ·~ $31,tDO Joe.n. No t fees. Ole' of ~ beaulifUl -fl:nrm homn in exdush-e .)il!'fo'IJ(ll1 Beach area. To-- -'23,%;0. : """" 1&rrc bi:dlwms. 2 bl.lbs. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR llLVD. 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 COUEGE PARK WITH POOL Otrr OF SEASON SPECIAL. Reduced $2500 far rapid sale. 4 bdnm. hardwood floors. Home Deeds paint I. cw:". New~ $26,900 o.-t mu.rt d! So Bed- ftlOPl.I. 7* batM, ez:tra luie li•-bic room with -:..u of st.as. -Attractive stone fire- ~. • Garage ClOIMTted lO 2b:24 pb,yroom, -Reduc- ed ~ 1o s~ . 105' down a.nd uswne 5~% bA. -~ THE 'i:I:il.L r c..!'T!11'f'O ,·: ._, . . . . ,.._ ~. built-ins + dub i---~~=--- -""' ...... pool. $31.SOO Only to~ dn. HWT)'! Call ELEGANT 2 STORY 6ti-03Q.1. Value ~ beauty plott. 2 WI)' .• bedroom. 2 baths. Newport Beach L6rre COYtted patio t'tltirc rnr of homt. Hug(' 9JO!'k. Deluxe Duplex abop. Built·in kitchen, fam- '• Sand pebbles throw from • 41 the poundin& surf. Two '-~ -largt. bedrooms. Laree ( · 'large bedroom11. Larae " .. ' kitchen with deluxe built· bu, gundeclc1. Great lo- _catloo.. Big ~ls. PAYs for ·-~ jt&tlt. Only $.1!!,500. Call " . .. ' •• .OO'I~'! ~Jll. FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Rct.lton at lUrbor C.enter "'.2299 Harbor Blvd., C)f. • 1'lE QUIO<ER YOU CAU., , ?" QUICXEll YOU SELL ily room, plus lluge pl~ .. room. 540-17.in. TARBELL 2955 Horbor TRADITIONAL CHARM - BAYCREST Adult oocup.led 4 bdnn 3 bath hlme. Huir;e fornial dining !'OOm. \Veil d c 11 i g n e d • .100J71no .lOJ t .'.111Aµd ~aJdWO.J entertaining. Excel. value - ~9SD. Pete Barrett Realty "'"""" Ocean View Lob with panoni..mic · view Lq\m& to Newport, Exoe\. lent buildi,.-Kite. Full price onJ,y Sl!J.500 terms . HERITAGE 540-1151 RENTALS 2 bdrm. TO\\'llhwie -Com- pletely ·furnished. $175/mo. 1 bdnn. pool home • lease Sl90 ll'ilh option a1ailable ro buy ' $21,..,. ----=-=--=-= """"'bit . bdrm. famli, BAYCREST COWGE PARK room, dining roOm. U-ase 3 bdrms, 1* battis. carpets, 13>S/OIO-wlll\ option to buy. ORANGE COUNTY'S BEST BUY -Oreplue, electrlc Juat under 3:lOO sq. ft . LARGEST Better than new • impn:md bll-lna a. wa!Mr a; dr.;tr . S4S·51IO 2629 HARBOR BLVD. w~ ......... dnpn, S2e 250 OUl-G-E"'"Ri.~:rv 541 1140 -L -0 ""\ r. • 1,.::r'"~ Well.:Mccordle, Rltrs. ~.. OPEN EV!S Tlli_. 1:30 poo rta r Y -. l81tl NC'lvport mvd., C.M. ~~~~~·~' ~· O~Kw~ .. ~,Ql~ 11-~~!'~~~~~-1 Lrg, txlrrns. + fa.m. I: din. !HS-7729 anytime MAKE OffER on UU. immaculate 3 BR 2 bath Cor:dootinium. Hu .U the ~ incl~ IU'Qt cloor opt~. ~ anxm. -': .-dy • mow, AMq $h.fi. 141 Lu.lntfan, CM (MONTICEU.Ot •. --' PEl=l~ON ;.1t •••••••• '42·1771 Anytimo -== $21,518 4 BR speclal In COTSA MESA. Malit Jow ntA down J111mtnt I move Into a spac- .iot.ls 4 BR 2 barh ho~. Cor- ntt klcatlon with BOAT It 1'RAD..ER STORAGE. HERITAGE 540-1151 MESA VERDE ""'·.Ow"'' mo""'· • .,,~ $11,950 -FHA-VA :.~~:· 'l"'!S'!!2~6 .. ,9'."!5l"!O~'~'Pl"!O~O~L-== .. l Bedroom lamily home Oii RM 3 BATHS quiet ski" slrret. -Near ........... 5 BED + schools and shoppin:. _ Jr. Estate erounds ~ Fiesta Block wall re~. _ 1...argt: -pool. Rich wood paneling, IMns room v.ith fireplace. C.W..U a.kn & Ca. handaome breakfast bar. .Be-st buy in to~·n. SSO ,....P.rt Center Dr. i:'~'.fELL 2955 H bor Newport Beach, Callf. •r BOAT OWNERS m.4700 -24311 SEE THIS BEAUTYI ~·• a dandy -Side yard I !!""!~~...,~~~ftl College P•rks Sharpest with boat <•lo ""' """"""' 53/4 0/0 LOAN ASSUME 51h'4 ,_tlt> mili• th~ HB 3 .... COLLEGE PARK'! $171 MO.PAYS ALL . room 2 bath redecorated 3 Br, 2 Ba, lam rm, ge-p d111 home an outstanding buy at :l kinir bed~ + a lure rm 2 frplcs, compJ kit util just $26.950. _ dt>n. 2 bathl'I. All el~~c rm'. fmmac lndacpg. ey'o,vn. dream kitchen . Bu1lt-1n ~r eves .r. wknds. M~1920 ~·HI b1e00er. Rich \\'OOd par\el· l :*if§iW:@ .ln<. '""me loan & m""' OPEN DAILY --•-payments leu tba.o n:nl. 271 Princeton, CM 11-2313 • 11411·7171 541).l!llO. liiOOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...,...,i TARBELL 2955 Horbor Blrrett Realty prasents Exclusive · New Listing! Custom built family home on SHOPPING For a OOme? 3 BR + dl!ft, lgr. ~ pat~. Call, write or visit our of. DAVIDSON Realty nee for your frtt copy of ~a.tao Ev£>s 549-t~ our .. Homes For Living.. · ~tagazine. v.·ith pictures. IRVINE TERRACE . $20 900 I qultt cul-de-sac Westcliff. 3 • • bd'm" 2 baths, h•mily ,.,,m, prices &: details of our Ou~standi~t: Cd!a! home in select lisllnC: in Newport pnv. res.id. area'. l Lgi-. Br. Beach, c.oroo. del l\far, Ll Fam. rm .; htd, filt. pool. do• N'pt. Hubor. RED CORBIN-MARTIN CARPEi' REALTY, 2025 W. REALTORS 67~16b'.2 Balboa Div., New p o r t 3006 E Coet Hwy .. CiM Beach, 9:119). 6'rr>-6CO>. 24'3 nt. ESTATE -°'lighUu1 3 E. Cout Hwy, CoroM de.I bdrm, 2% baths. On gec:Jud· 4 BEDRM • 2 BATH dining room . Excdlen.t con. Excellent atta -Large patio dition. immediate occupan. for outdoor tun I: reluln&! cy. First t1me advertised. ""''"" TARBELL 2955 Horbor $18,500 SHARP AS A TACKI 3 big bedrooms. 2 baths, all elt<.1ric buill·in kitchen. Spacious yllt'd. l"kllghtful patio. --TARBELL {',~ ACRE -POOL! 3 Br, 2 Ba, hones or units, $43,(XM). 0\\-ner Sll-7636 lS YOUR AD IN CLASSI· l'IED f Someone wm be looldrw far U. mat 642-5171 Oaaslled'• actton' po\\"Ct. For an ad to .n around ... """" call &a-!611 1.60i WestcliU Dr, NB 642..o200 MESA VE rt OE I 16th TEE E1Cdusivc atta -goU COUJ'!Je view. Massive dual atone fil't'J>laCe, forri\t.1 dininl room. RecreatiOo room. All l!!leclrlc buflt.Jns. Pool sized jroUndS. 544).)721). TARBE LL 2955 Horbor Lec:ation? View I View! I Unlimlted eDjoymcnl in I.bis brand new, uniq:ue dealp by ;Ivan \\'ells. 4 BR 3 ba. Jam .. rm w/we.t bar, l cu range. Roy J. 'Vard Co. 1"30 Galaxy T>r. 64&-1550 Mat mzs {714> 67S-6060 ed cul-dt'-cac, shake roof, LUXURY LIVING larae abelttred play aJ1!a. NEWPORT Well m•intained. $29,SOO. Pele Ban'elt R ~ a 11 y BEACH! ~&U..m>=---.-,,=-;-==,,.- • bedrooms, 2 tie.th11. CUA-Preftlr LOCATION? tom homt.. 2 elcpnt fire· Quality 3 bdrm & ram rm places formal dinln& room. Westclllt. Walk to shOppinr Ftne1t' appolntm.enta inside A: achools. 2 baths. bit-in kit ~ OIJt. M0--11'JO. hnmac. ,y I w cpts/drps. TARBELL 2955 Harbor W..950 EZ terms. $20•950 P.w.c. 546-1440 :i%.% -$17:i mo. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths • very \Valk to bch. 3 Br. 2 Ba, horMY residence. Flre-pla.C't', channel bomt'. All xtras. .U ell!Ctrlc built-in kitchen. 127,900. 22lm Capistrano Ln. Pool. H.B. 540-9545. 958-U3'J '41-6691 TARBELL HAVE s;m>. Need home in For Dally Pilot Wlllll Ads Collete Park. Would corr CMal 642-5678 sider a pool. 968-5663 lOOOGenorol IDOi NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646·7711 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFIC-~2-4455 ,• • 2043 Westcllff Dr. et frvlne Open Evenl"fl NO DOWN VA • LOW DOWN FHA on this jusl li•ttd be.ut.Y. IJ'G Bt.\.MED CEILING ram1\y roor.1. 2 bath~. built· " Ins, and lovely 1andsce.p[n&. S-wbl.t $25.~ buys "1th the ilncst of termsl ' j TWO ftDROOM CU~IDI COSTA MISA Perftct location for rellrfft or n•wtywm l)flla:htfull.Y quiet neiahborhood "'Ith towmna t.ttta. Sparldlnt de.n ln &Pd wt &Dd INCWDSS li lo\·e & rt.!rli;:erator •m® • CUSTOM MEDl!lllllANIAN 3XIO ~ ft. CUS'l'OM bomt tn NfWPGM"s tlnett •ru. Beau1 iful bH.med ct>llln.p, l'OltMAL dlnins Mlm, 3 baths. 4 Sr.Clow bedroomt: 24 ft. MASTER SUITE wmJ KJRRORED wardrobel and S PA.RATE drmlnr room. 10,000 11q. ft Jot (}IOU .00 OWN THE UNO) o(fttt ut.mcmt privacy, beauUfult)t l.andicapOO ln- dudlAI ..... hH.ted POOL. The ultimate bl vaJIJe' for $97,:>00. I ), 7612 Edloter O~POSIT• 0 E '"'' MUNTl"OTOM CINT•lt pM Yft 4 IEDROOMS VACANT $21,'50 Hup comrt location with country almolphere. 'Vilh a little paint this home will be • btauty. Detp pit• avocado "'""""" Mod<'l' bulll ln kltthtn for Mom. Double ·Garqe. GI's NO MONEY DOWN. Paynwntl like rent. Also YHA avail· abll!!. $20;750 FUU PRICE Believe rnet That'• the price on thi1 .1 bedroom Ranchero. Sttualt'd on hu~e 60xJ25i foot lot. Covtred P•lio. f'l'w catpcts. F'rftihly pelnttd lnsldt. Submit $2,000 do"'TI· auume TH.A 6liilt intertst 1\·lth ~enll or $162 lncludCI t.11. Call be fort it., aone ! $148.00 Pit MONTH ! Includn THA loan at 6-:;. taxes and in1ura.nce. Anyo"" can qul lify to buy this sharp 3 klna 6!~ bedroom. 2 bl.th home. 14"24 coverfd pa.tlo *'4s to hurt t'n· (.IOled yard with Juab (rffnery • .Double rarare wl~ laundl')' ars. Ou built ins. Submit )'OW" down pe.yment. Our OU\C@ Is #:1 In \Valktr & Lff'1 25 o tflca:. \Ve •rt e;<pe.ndlna. \\'e need 4 men tir women "'he> would like lo Join a 1..-rtnrlng ort1ce. WI SILL A HOME E~IRY 31 MINUTES Eastside Special! 2 bdrm home on a larp R-2 lot with plenty or room for building a.n- otbtt unit, Nicely locat· td just oft Newport Blvd. S17,9JQ takc5 It. • COATS . .. WALLA(! REALlORS -~54~6-4141- (0pen Ewolnp) Early American lmmed1ate occupancy. ~ tom stYled home with ln- dividuality .l. warmth • nol just a box. 3 bdrms, l ~ baths. Newpart Heighl'!. JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646:32SS 400 E. 17th, Costa f\lesa Mes.a del Mar llOS * BY OWNER-4 &hm. ]!~ BA, ,v/1v crpt thru~t. NC!wly painted. a.tG-5712 1200 *BY OWNER * Oceanfront Home, 3 BR, util rm. sewln& rm, !iv rm \\'/!rp!C le ocean view. Roomy kit. \V/bltns l avocado shag crptg thru- out. F'ront yd \V/patio & Ci\BANNA. $63.500. 67l-6990 or {213) 698-3627. llAY AVE. DUPLEX 2 Modrm units ia best area. Easily rented. adequate re- twn. Terms; $59.000. BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport IDvd., N.8. 6T;4i30 6U.2'253 Eves. OPEN HOUSE THURS .• FRI. 1-S 1S11 SYLVIA LANE Qul~t Harbor Highl&nds; 3 Br. Comp. radec. Newly sur. fB.ct<I pool. Hal Pinchln & Assoc. 3900 E . Coa.,\ l{wy, 67a.439'l Spacious custom 2-etory cx.- ecutive name, Large tormaJ dinin,g room. Paneled den with '''et bar & fireplace. Silting room \V/!.lreplace. 3 bdr, 311 baths. Garden eQ. try. ViP.".v of bay & moun- tain~. 182.500. 646--2151 ~ Westcliff 123(1 FASHIONABLE REDUCED • 61,S Yr. owner custom bit 4 Bd., 3 Ba. Pan/den. Comp!, ·insulated. Built-ins. Rm. for pool. NOW $69.50(). R. C. GREER, Realty 3.155 Yia Lido 1573--9300 University Park 1237 IF YCiiJARE -:-;-:- Young at hean, 42)1 SetoQ Rd. wW be a joy, J Br. 2 Ba. + atrium. In low S30's. see it! e Red Hill Realty 18lli8 Q.llver Dr .. Jrvinr OPEN 9 AM.-3 Pf.1 833-.(820 lack Bey 1240 EXCELLE.1\IT B a c k Bay location on cul-de-Mc street 3 BR, 2 BA, fam rm, hch\'d fin, hltns, llC!avy shake roof. Ne<xls p ai n I i n g . Asswnp S\' '!{, $21.JOO loan & $165 pays all. $26,500. By owner. 548-li:M Oener1I 1000 General 1000 Gtneral 1000 S©\\~lvl-~£~S". Solve: a Simplt Sera.mbltil Word Puzzk for a Chuckle ·~.:~~~,:: '-to form kur .ldmple word.a. IN.EOLOD I .11r11 INYSAP I . I' I' I I ~ I ISAEIN I -. I 1 Comment about o doncino l 1• I ~hcros: "'Get a Joad of 1ha t r:".:-:--::-:,..,.----.,,.., line. l've seen .better J.gs ol') IVASTAN l rnu1ic -," •· r-r-T-'-i,;....T"-,,e--1 9-\I> " I I I I I' o °""'"" 111 • """"· -..i bv tllllno '" th. miuing "'°'d . . "°" clwtolop fro11t np No.'3 below. & PR~~rE~~~~slETIEJS IN I' 11 ·Is I' 11 r I 6 ~=.tlflTI!> I I I I I ·I I ·-.... -..........__ SCRAM-Lm ANSWER JN CLASSIFICATION 7600 COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491-540-0465 2790 HAHOR ILVD. Opeo (Yeafep 'ril t P.M. MESA VHDE ON THE GOU: couase Bre&thtaklng view from FOJU.t.AL Olli.ING ROOM and tP'Ck>ul llvln& room with e.:cotlc tlrrpl&01:. La.rte FAMILY Rt>QM with 2nd ftrepllet>. Mroa.Ilion ELEC- TRIC KITCHEN opening to anciat.1t GARDEN PATIO and e&tlng area. Four- maah-c bedrooms and 3 luxurloos batlls. Most desirable )tesa. Verde loot.Hon and beautiful hom.-s In the &J't'L Tr-emendous 6" insuran~ loan of $39,700. (;et the m06t out of Jlfie Md own the t\fiest! ASSUME $20,000 G.I. LOAN $1H m MONTH lncludts evrrylhini with as liltlt. u 12.~ down. ThJI a5h i:ianeled 3 biedroom. 2 biU1 sparkling home ~ts bcauUful NSW SHAO CAJLPE:?'Ei. df'mptt; and mas\c eyt ranae and oven. Qukot street with l>"'t'ePlnf i-tto and 1nan,-FRUIT TREES. Wal k to IChool a.ad 1hoppln11: C"t"nter. ABSOLUTELY GREAT!!! ONE ACRE HORSE llANCH 2600 :ttt ot 1'rl·Lnel luxury! 4 lttUlh-e bedrooms and 3 bl.lb.5. T\VO CUSTOM FIREPLACES! Plush carpet.I throughout-even In lht 1peclous fAMILY ROOM. All. eltttrlc kilcbtn and FORMAL DINING ROOM! Completely a.lr condllloncd. Thl.!I heavy sh11ked roofl'd beauty \\/Ith THREE CAR GAR.AGt: b onlr 1 'n: hours from the mounlAin~ Md 20 mi ntilrs lo the Blue Pacltle. Lo,v Interest "'llh 40 YEAR LOAN •nd orr~red 1t $68,~ In this prtStlgc area. .... _ I • I I Wod-, 5'9t1/nbcr lO, 196' * • DAJ1. Y PILOT 7 RENTAU f~fNTALS RENTALS R ENTALS i< Hou... Unfurnlthed AptL Purnlthect Apt1. f urnishM ~., ••. o..nfurnit .. .ff I Apts. UnfurnhlarMI ' ~-• dtl Mtr :1250 '°"'" Mtaa • 4100 C:..ont 4tl -., 4250 Gtntrtl 50QO 1 Cor.on• dtl Mor HOUSEi POii SALE HOUSES POii SALi HOUSES FOR SALE IENTAU Hous.n F ur n l1 hecl .....,,...,..., lttdo l~Hunfl"J""' Baach 1400 Logu no lttc;,;.h _ _,;;1705= 2H1 lllYE IN BEFORE SCHOOL· STAlTS New homes, rea~ tD movt In. 2 'w 5 be<l-rooma, 2 tD 3 bath<. ~ mile from beaclL Fint Jll)'!Dent .up I<> 80 days after move in. NE\Vl.Y ~ 4 BR. .a SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. Crpta. e N••1.1 J>.lml a , .o.n , &.i avalf Sept 15th. Wanter drpl. bUns. Ptl&'I· Quiet l A 2 BR. Pool ~GE MOD B:ACHELOJl ~ 2 lkt 1toYt. New \V/w, oric:..r cn•l&T>l.)19 csN or 2 oldtt lad.ML No m&.%ll;ldSC. 6U..J665 lkaut.ifUJlytuni.allutll'pd. dl-lktftn 0.K: ,8rokc·r .. :--, HtN'• • real bl.IY. Cl.arrnirw · children or pet&. YM.rty. Sl!XI mo. ~ • ~ 1'ntb"-at)'Ie hOnw, dtualrd WJNTER -m'llal. fYJlly t--Wb m.zm. - -Ji'Urn bachekW' apt. .,._,. $l4S. 2 Br_, 1 Ba_ 4.-.l..~ ...... 0... .w-.1 CUTE COTIAGE WOODED GROUNDS VA/FHA TtrmL From $23,990 ON' LCe. LOT, NESTLED 2 bia, frple, patio, dbl pr. ~ BR 3 .... ..... $tl. roo. No ietsl lalbH --W/w •-~-lo ~-8 £NEATH TOWI:RlNG :t ... Via Dl,iun. " ' -· ,..,.ne. Yearly, • &C-4139 * I---"'-----.:;.;:.: ' .... _ "-~ ... ,. Sl •• ~E TREES VtlERE $215 mo. No chllc.lt!!n or ~==~,_.::;::.~,.--. WINTER rent-•, avail -··. ,";"',;,-;;,;;;;:==== ON TEN ACRES M CX>OL c.:RE~ OF ~~C For a 2 BR. den, pc11. Wm. Winton Re&! f'uRNISl-fED l BR. util Lovely new, furn, Liit n;.. : l & ? BR. Film &: Unttn NATURE ABOUNDS IN A ho111e on a "'.inter lse! Eat.ate.~ pakl, $12). Adulla. nope.ti. duplex. 3 BR. ~ BA. Costa Maa 5100 t"U-.eiila('t'i; I vriv. paUgs ./ QUlE'T AIR or SF.cLUS. Thls ia it! ~ IF You will pay $32:> nlO, you 1911 Church St. 646-.W waj!:hu/dryf'r, dshwhr, aar. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I PooCs. Tennis . Comnt'I BlcUt. The Beach JON, A pleasant ""alk from FURN 4 BR, 3 B..\, WXI· must 11ee this 3 Br. 2 &. So, BAOI. uili pd. ~ lndry $325. 1355 E. Balboa. Blvd. (QNSTRUCTIOll 900 Sea L&ne, OSM "4-JDll the beach. Newly dee. Avail now. of !he hwy home. 615-3446 rm. E-skk. U5 mo. After 6 _lc,TI;;;4") ;.m.~n~73:::..,~~~-i!\.1acArthur nr. 0.lt fy>1 • 1~=:::;::==;=~==== ;;;;o=o======ol Olde fllshlone.d parlor lype \Vntr rt'ntal or yrly ~7109 or 644-0991 pm 6'12--0265. Adult! -CLEAN Bachelor Aphl, ~ 1. (on Brooklwrat 1 mil• South of AUmsl 962. 1353 Corona def' Mir 1250 liv. rm., HAS O A K E N 3~Bdr.;.:mc:.::. ::;Ow~·an-8~1-vd-.-. -,-.,-w 2 BR, HEATED POOL AU otB incl $85 up JUSJ. COMPLETING S.lboa UGO l,;;;;;~:;;~~:7;;~;1;H;u~n~tl~·;;"'°";;Ba~t~•~h;;l~4~00;1 PLANK FLOORS, WOOD Ba lboa lsl1nd 2355 ho ' -I Adults no,.,, $146 + .. ,.. , .• "· D-•~-91-~. .... PANELLED \VALL. cozy WINT·~~-ln~;:}~:~~~-futr \ 642-U . . ..... ewJ<fl' _.......... 61~ -. -- NEW 2 BR., 1 Ba. ye.arty m> tal. cpta, drp1. ll.85 mo. CaU 6TJ4212 evts. UNEXCE L 0 G BURNING FIRE R!!ntal. Lg e. LLED ' . •paciow; 5 B<. J ba. So ., .. ,,,, YE'°' y I '" u MERMAID'S PLACE lN ANT 1 Q U ED ru·. · =-o~~~.,;:.:___ Newport Bitch 4200 ... ,_ rooins ~ ll! Harbor & Ocean BRICK DESIGN. cenler MU Bay. 2 BR, dbl csnge. Ii;: yard, __ Bay. $130 mo Incl util. MANSION opens to the 2 bdrnls .. ~r-Salisbury ReaJty 67'J-691'Xl OK for boa1. trailer. etc. STUDENTS OVER 21 A0ult5 only, no pel&. 319 VIEW Frankly, thls beach home viced by ttntral 4 FIXTURE \VINTER: :H Bdrm. S250 mo. 673-202;, WINTER RENTALS f't.rnando St,~ \\'U d6i&ned for the mer-BATH. KOPPER KE'M'LE houses. Island Realty, J BR, :.! BA, 2 slOry house. 3 Bd1·ms, 2 ba ........ $225 l & 2 BR apt&. Nr bcha. $Th. maid in your lik lo sit KJTCHEN \VITI! ELEC. 498 Park Av!!. 673-1200 F'rplc, gardener incl. $3JO. 2 Bdm1s. '.! bll ........ $190 per wk. lO $125 per mo. Util H•rbor Htlghts Four 2 &: 3 B'R. UNITS au with fireplaces. dithwuhers A: 2 baUi.t. Rental ~tana&tr - t.1n. Christlenscn 3117..4 Cinnamon Ave. Costa Mesa Phctnt 546-1034 Attractlvt: sphl -l!!vel Homt: localed on R-3, $100 sq. ft 1ot. sm.cm. around lelSllri;y & flick her RANGE & OVEN, CERA~1-AITRA. BAL IS. 3 BR 2 ba, ~lo.~ l BPdRmo'p· El R"'Tt'e"s"'w"'e'SSTl"O ·'pd~·,;SJ6..J9;::;::11;:,:lc:'70:::;.581ll:;:::':::.~~I gold!!n tail in the sea b~. IC TILE1 E'T<: •• OPENS TO cot hs!. Winter. Nu paint, SPACIOUS Ne\v 1 Br. Vll!'W \VINTER It yearly rt'nlala. It has all tht! conveniellCl!S SEPARATE BRKFST. RM. frlll,c, patio tncd 613-6267 home. Avail. OCI. Isl $150 Prop, ~llffil. Dept, bT,16-U ~ East Balboa Blvd,, ..... ..,. ................... !! lJ01 Ocean Bl\'d,. Cd.:'\t that Jets her h&Ye' extra. ~ spacious rear grounds ='======== month. Agent 613-ttll WINTER RENTAL _ ScD:>o' Ba.Ibo.a. Broker 613.-ml HARBOR GREENS hours of free time to splash have sheltered arbor rypr. Summer Rentals 2910 leachen. \\'Omen. ~luimus about in the surf or sun or patio, tetrA~ gs1Uen, pick-H · h 3 .. "" 3 3 B I B1tboa ltland By tppointmfl11 only Ball""' laltnd USS -"'--'= UTI1..£ Baltio. hlud .. Grand ¢anal. Det.u. J BR 1 BA wal,ttfroni ..,,,, ... dock ~. Yearly \ea.tie, No cLildren ar pets, To .. c&IJ owner 673--0207 • Bill Grundy 6T.>-3210 DEVELOPMENT CO. WNDA ISLE 1080 Bay&ide Dr., NB shop or fix you an exll'a et fl'nce, THAT LOOKS TO 2 BR Balboa apt adJ u ntington ll•c ..vv · r, ba. gar. S225 8 nio BACHELOR u.ntum I r om 11pr.cial dinner aftl'r a hard Tl!E \VOODS& OLD \VOOD. beacbes/pitt .frr>.$150 wkly. AVAILABLE NOWI : ~~!;,!0 ~ts~~,,~:~: WlNTER Rental (lilUe 111.\e\ SUO. Also avail 1 • 2 le 3 ·.~~-\\·ork 1 Ul ... Bec.utilul Uglass EhannN BRll OGE BELOW. This 5.16-3911, 675-MlO 3 Bedrooni, 2 bathti. Co~ l;ili;l&-~Ai3l;itl>~St:;:o. .. .:.NB:.:::· --\\ilh landing !or 11' boot. J Bdrm. Healed pools, child 2 8edroo nc.~n ''''" a th c "" old "·-· -~, B•·. food "·-. '" lo·, dlop, ca.reMnltr, adj lo 1hoppin&. m, yearly 11 e . .., er ,..,...., ll<=•· $250 \\'k, Lu" u r i o us to shopp1ni:t and ,chools. """" .... No -ts. can after 5i30 tlf"e saving appliances lik~ a little touch Up here & waterfront apl, pool. Furn 2 Completely cleant<I. Lease OCEANFRONT, \Vlnll'r, 2 illl'i adults $180 613-5644 .-- YRLY., Unf., beauL uw-r dtlplex apt, Very clmt to So. Bay. 4 Br, 2 baths J315. Salii;bury Realty m.e:JD PRIVATE BEACH dishwasher, doubl(. oven there. Jt's an outslandini BR, 'l BA . (114) 673-lXll at $210 per mon1h. DR. Jaundry, gas/\i•atcr 2 en: altac~ ~r. adults. c!!: ~~':~".:-~!~70 ~J021 •o,ne sell cleaner) ........ & buy for: RENTALS w lk & L paid. ms. Costa f.1e611 2 I I -~~-;:::.:-::::~~=-·I '""'°""' Rom"'"' .. ..,.., $25 950 a er ee BR, utll paid, ,.., .. ~. .;-.::·,;;~, ~~·"· ,,. MAllTI .. l"'UE Huntington .... h 5400 'aver ~treat"' 11.dult aparl-FULL • C Houses Unfurnished couµles pref. $140. 642-3831 ,., "'I" 3 bedrooms. convertible den, family room and formal din. ing room with a view of ocean and jetty, All this PLUS a gorgeotL'I large pool in a protected courtyard, .. for the fam ily that deserves the bcS1. 177,500. men\. J bdnns, 2 baths. PRI E 76S:! Edinc-tr 500' .rrom beach. immac. 2 H ti GARDEN APTS. EXCLUSIVE ON-THE·BEAC}t 67J.8l.;I) -0 T HE RE AL ·'""\. F~STATERS Draperies throughout, car· LOWER ON. Gener1f 3000 5\2.41aJ or 540-5140 Br, TV, S17{t mo. Adults un ngton Belch 4400 Excellent, park-like $W'l'OWld- pcting In living, dlni~, hall, PYMT. O.K. o c EA NF Ro NT Sunset Open f!vcs. only, oo pets. 112 34lh St. BR f\'fcdalHon Condo. ings !or &dulls only. n1aster brdroom with prl· OWNER WILL Beach, l BR. 3 BA . J 3 BDRf\1. l"'f BA. Bltnt, N.B. 67J.-2473 aft 6 pn\ or BH-ins. ~fr\i, \1shr, (11•yr. Bach, 1., 2 & 3 BR. Apta. vatl'I ~lh. Completely !enc-HELP FINANCE fireplaccs. drn, b It_ 1 ns. frplc. bltn indoor B-B-Que, 6T:>-7860 day& Pa!io, pool. Quiel. $l30. Pool, nr shoppint. !!<I, ~rivatc, gate, !J'Ont land· MISSION REAL TY cpts, dt·ps, I yr t ca s c covCt"ed patio. bn1nd nc\Y OC.;.,.EA~No.:.,F;c'R:::O,:.NT~. -,.,.,-,-.-,-&: :! 67j...5()34 1n1 Santa Ana, Apt . 113, :;cap~ng. 1•10~e. tn tod1t.y. ~So. Coast lh\')'., Laguna m1nimun1. No :.ingle t)J• crpls & loL'I of fresh paint. BR apls. AdulL~ only, no NEAR B ca c h, nc1vly • 6'lfi »-1 2 • $30.~. OnlyS59J1ua.rantttd PHONE (714 ) 494-0731 JX'U;. s:m nto. (213l 592-17~3 Close to liChls & shpi;::. Avail pets. S195 ea, util pd. Refs. decomted studk> 11p1. Util fa1·rway Villa Ap!S closing cost to all! (TI4)·•;========= ,!:,==.:..::::::...:.:.:::..::::.= Sept. J. S230 1110. i21J) 968-1997. "'"" Vacatio· n • ·ne,t' $17:>. J Br. tencd • ...i. w/w, Avail 9/20 It 10/L 61>3171 pd. Start $125 per mo .. also -~ L NI I 1707 ,..... 351-9787 for appt. ·11 t kit • .,.., ~...,. .,~.,.. Hunlington Beach, Bkr. _a9una gue drps. Children Ok. Broker ,,::c..::.==-"'=----1 *NEW BAY FRONT* wt IOU .-. . .....,.....,," l in....~;;;'-A..,;;;,~1,~i;"i:i~l·~~;;;;;,,;~;;;;,~~~1 ~ 3 Br. 2 Ba, d!!n. fii>I, w/w 'J BR 2 BA Yrl I Adulll LARGE Oeluxt: bt:ach apt., I vyso• se aily 1-5 COMMANDING crp13, screent:d porch, pool, .. · · Y st. · 2501 Lighthoun ln. Widower Must Sell Coastlin..C•talin• fl;JO, 2 Br, ft:ned yd. Patio, refs. no pets. $250 mo. ~J-~2:'.3:'.,3 ;1';;lh;.,::SL::,_:615::5-0'l36:::::::_ __ 1 fj~ s~R;.p:U.,~~nfurn. 219 • r.'t:;i,r 01"ana:e Co Airport & ucr. Adulta only. 20122 &nta Ana Ave. 540-2796 2 & 3 Bedroom Apia. Lu.>tury livln1 to pleaae··Uv 1nost discrimlnatihi. N~ available at The Huntington Pac Hie BROADMOOR HOMES y;,w lot lo , __ ,,,. ""''· w/w, """" Child,..n O.K. 5">-7652 W7NTER Rontal: 2 11>'. ' , ;;:;;-==~,,.,-..,,,--~ Bkr 53H980 . p 1. 1 "LGE "-·"·lor ""'L ~--. 711 Oct:an Aw:., HB. 4 BR 3 bath tri-levcl \v1th S6.950. Small but I e vi! I, ocean view. 810• x nt _.,l_ ~"' ..... ..,_., n ·~ I ·' ,. . $1 ~ Oo Sl40 2 B 1 3 Br: 23071., florid11. S115 cood, likto IM"\Y. _.,~::. 17.,,., ... Ganaen Grove 4610 Cpts/drpt;, Nr. So. Coa•t i ,.,..,..,.' ,.',.',.-,..',.",.'...,...,.ti Call K.aye Neal evl!s., 644_0323 onn ..... uung room: sepa.r· """' '""· baJ, at S70 · I' dup l'>I. Gar. \Y/\1·. mo, fenced yd, ch.ildrcn ok. ~ .,., G.J• 1 ! Donald M. Bird l.:. k>roc. al• family ~ \nth fu"('. month. •194-1137 ~.,:"', ,:,,,,,,avail now. Broker ;J.16-1s.14 ~'=~~~~~--DELuxr; lz, l Br. aundl!ck, i1:';~i. ~· ~~~~:C~r.· r URN J s HE D OR tJN. S47·l04l place. Only J months young, J.:. -="" NEAR /\'l'1v'2 BR furn apt. 1~ i1v, oet:an vie1v, carport .... f"URN1SHED 8 appro:\. 1IOO sq ft •• ·\ssumc Dana Point 1730 E..XECUTIVE honie 5 Br. 3 3 BR, iv/w crptin~. (\rps. blk lrotn bay. Vrly lea.st:, Sliij least'. Util pd. 499-14Tl :~,',·nd2 -~.It PM wkdays & all 2 Bedroom carpets., ctr~ E THE F I RST GI loan •• -.1>00 tot·' c•sh --'-.;..,.;-'--'---· bllns. Children I< pctli S'J~n m·,, 6'·'-0010 ..... ,... , b 'lU "-' BA, crpt.~. dt'ps. elcc bltns I S~~ )(] """" "" .,... ... Ul ns, ;ood loc.ation. ()he To 1tt this 3 Br, 2 balh home r!C('dcd or ~ ~ Eves. 5:l6-t123 $17.501 Barga.in~ CI can, Fe/lCC'd. $354}. ~6-67"10 11'{' c1..nnr. 1? Don Ctc\·ier Laqun• 8 t.1ch 4705 LARGE 2 BR. 1 1 1 BA. studio block to J Points SloNL in Eutbluff&. Imma<: co111cr Real E sta te Mart sn111.ll, J Br, l Bil. r-.·ce r I=========; c-~=C'-~----o.:.,.:_:;.:..;:..:.;c.:;.:. __ .:c...;c: I apt "In triplex adj. golf 5130 up. Owner '50-31135. prop., huge yard beaut, Ind· 8 47 8531 J-larbor. S1.150 dn, SllO rno Costa "-sa 3100 S1nt1 An• Heights 3630 1 I.· 2 BR-Bachelor Apts. TREMENOOUS Vle\Y, & 1.-'0ursc. Pri pat)o, blons, !>lal"'"Cr 770l Elli.I AM 0 -pd. $39,500. " "032 Cop-•" .,,,,n ITIW Nit-TV-Pool-Maid Ser. $35. •· .. •ti "· h B ch I dr ~ •• -. .,., ,_ ..,.. WI.' on on ucac . a. a.p . crpts. ps. l'l'frig:. No pets. 84~. Delancy R·eal E t t VACANT .. Be I 3 BR. all util pd. lmmcd. oc· per wk. & up. THE f.1ESA Cliff Drive near v i e lo r 726 J·""". M" "•• '• e RENTALS J rrooni, 2 baths in ex-cupancy, $160 mo. 415 N. N\vpl Blvd. 646-9681 "°""' ,.......,.. 2 BDRMS. • 2 BA lll 2828 E. Chast Hwy. 67J..3770 3 bdrms 2 baths. large living Houses Fur nished celtent north c.r.t. locauon -•546--034.7* Hugo. $135 mo. ?-1.:r. 49~ '1"'0"'•"'2"B"°R-, ~,-,rn-,-,-tmi-urn-. 2 BR .. den, 2 balhl. BeauL room with used brick fire-Built·ins. Oii;,h\\·asher, en· j =========:: URGE ba.c~lor, like new. 21Tu New crpls I: paint. Nr sbops ••--t·"-All wool ca-,., •".": bi" kitchen, •l•ct·•·,, Ganaral 2000 closed n"fio $27' lease. Kids i;, block to bay or beach. "2'0BOiRO-od-,-l-"°f--,•,....."'t-SI ~1 ......... = .,... .. • '"•--------'-'-'-,,.. Ouple11 e1 Unfurn. 3975 206' 15!h St \VI Slll up vi, urn "" un urn, IOW ""'on: 4 646-6222 No ma.ny &hutten. Elegant bar built·1ns, range/oven. dii;h-•· • . 0.K. ~ · nter · nr Vic Ii u go. new chiWren or pets! IE r est fut garden-patkl. waAhc?r, plenty of cupboards, BACK Bay . vle\i'. Pool. THE REAL J::STATERS FRONT 'l Br duplex on Santa =Y~o~a=rl=y=l~J<=l_. _,.,....,._=~~ cpts/drpi1, trpl, I a r . '2'-s"RF°'s1ec,doi~'-"a=pt::.~1\~,~ .. -. -.,~"\ Finn $48,500. own I a 11 . FA heat double iarag~. car· cover«! p~t.10. 4 Br, den, 546-2313 ~7171 Ana Av~. Resp. adults, no BAYFR.ONT, spac. 2-3 Br. '197110&8 i;::ar, patio, c pt s 1 drp 11 , $150/ Mo, HEATED POOL Jncd, cpt/drp11. Kids olt Dela1v1u·e Studio Apts. 2620 Delaware, H.l:!.i . 6tl-2221 anyLlnle 5J6.i,16 673-0145 pell. S2TJCI do\1n , f 8 ormal dining. 2 frplcs. AVAIL Sept J. 3 Br, 2 Ba. pet!. $145 mo. &IZ-9139. pvt. patio, sml. boat slip, 1 1-"B.:,R=,.,:..rn_a-pt-.-N-,-.,~ .. -,-,-h. bll·inB. Sl5..i. Davtt c•" .. : ... rokl'r 645--0111 Wll\ll?r 15C $1.90-$22.i nlO. ..~ ,,.,_.,""., New Broadmoor Hom e lTnl '~Ii~~ Crpts, rtrP!I. hltns, ds\\o·hr, ;o.L::t $\:ill pe1· mo. yrly li>I!. Laun· Evc11. 546-0689 8 * ,.. I la npi~ •. ' . ' nnnJ .. Pool & la1vn SCI'\•\('{' F d lf\l·l. ulit LI 8-U9J eVf'S d t ) G 494-l-"'"' * EACHBLUFF lMS nd!JCaping l· int. -···• , Rental• to Shar• 2005 ,~ Apts urnishe l"Y ac · ar. """ 1 BDR, "·"· cpt•. drP•. N " 3 9 design, 5 Br. 3 Ba. den & f62-4471 :;: 1 providf'd. E-sidl! loc. $300. • 2 BR lw111shed duplex . 1: blk , ·'L:> 1 e\v • &: r. 2 Ba, 1' ... A., din rm. Lovely view ol hills.1-=~~=~~~--l:SllARE 5 BR hou:;c, 3 ba. :: n\O. lsc. J l&mM bcll\n 8 & :> General 4000 from ocean. 122 42nd St. "" Pre!er teacher or couple. dishwshn, patiol., P O'O l. For appoint. 6.u.oo28 MANY FEATURES car :: 11 r \\'I ni 11 1 u r r . l::vrs un1 1I 8 LI 8-lJTI I ~c:;c.:.:,::;______ NB. Sl'n prr n\C'rulil pald. Apts. Unfurnished 2-12 Flower. C.i\!, view, l I., :! 11tory, v.•aJlf t.o Ex c Lu s 1 v E u sua1 )1ilc tn tx-;ich. wa!k to "<'" rn1plo~·l'd 111 a 1 r (')!. 3 er., 1 Ba, l;i.nt rni. l'(>ts, S'ingle Call all 6 pn1. b'13-9142 Genero1t 5000 AVAl.L.ABLE 9/lS, 2 BDRM. 5 Points ~~:i.e. de.lizn, 2 BR. fix~-up';:r. Jr ~ Iii schools, 2 pools, '.:! t>,16-IOJS. J.19-26'l3 a.sk i\lr. t11·p~. bcaul yd. gardl!.nrr Nl::AR Nt'\I', across rrom ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I erpls. drps. bltin.<;. carport. :~~'!l'!'~~!'!"!!!!~ii!i•I Ge:r» Robertson JUtr. lcnn1~ courls. Beaut. dccw-Baker. incl. R.cnl or lease. $215. Bay. 2 BR, 2 BA. \Vinl(-r No pets, adults. ~169 MODERN :: Bdrm. Cr;ta. &13-4899 ~!~, 4 ~R Condo._ As~l'12~Bd-m-, -,-,-1-,0--,-h-,-,.-I! Call for appn11 all 6 Pf\f, rt'ntal. $%!!. lnquu'!: at 223 VEN DOME 2 BR, S12S including ut\I. Nr drps, bltns, ~nck>led lir'i 5 BR. J BA. dining-dcn.1 blk :;,:-•C 1' HA .. Slti,S:>O .• 1296 u•/female 21-JO on Balboa 492-W San Clem. Young 19th SI. NB. 613-2706 Harbor Shop Ce n It" r . ealinc bar. p&nellied walt •j,n t.rom CdM main beach. \\iav;crl'!I Cir., 11· B. 9Si.!:· Pcnin. 646-0416 3 BR, 2 BA Condo, 2 car YEARLY Lf:ase-Stepi1 1o ThiMACULATE APTS? 5"2-888.l, SJS..tm llv rn1. No pets. Sl35 ft)(). Ow'nl!r. $47,500 ~141d&,ys t -"'='·=~=~----iMALE30 11·ould likl' to share gar, fully crptd, S200 Occ11n or Bay. 1 01· 2 Bdrm ADULT le FAJ.JILY 1 Br ap!, stove I.: relrig, Clll"i 2612 Encland SL 968-308$•: or iT~ ev~s k wkl!nds. VACANT/Cool Pool :? BR apt, COM SlOO. mo. Pool/clbhse. 540-6339 Ad I apts. * 673·7432 SECTIONS AVAILABLE k Ptttio. 240 Avocado St. CHEZ ORO APAR1"MiNiW E. hilltop lot. Penn. vleiv ~ubmlt Terms/Low Int. 1~67;'-°'""='====-== 2 Br duplex, stove, c:rpts, U ts r.IODEP..i'l 2 BR. close to Close to shopping, P•rk 646-J362 8234 AUan!a al ocean & hills. Privacy. \ic1y. lgc home 1vith 4 bdmis, 1 • garg, 1 child ok. NO PE"TS. beach, frplc. Adu I ta . * Spacious 3 Br'i, 2 Ba 2 BR, Sl5.'i. Bltins. patio. 1 Bclnn, Pri gar. ~· Realtor 673-20lO family roon1, 21~ bath.~. Newport Be•ch 2200 Refs req'd. Sl35. J<l6-1Cl76 ' t\11 blt·lns. Sl&l. fl.1o. &U-3~90 * 2 Bedrooins crpls, drpR, gar. adults. 3009 1vashcr/drye.r. 5.16-3911. l;;==,-:~~---~1 Repo1/V11cant/low Dn.~ FOR Rl'nt 'ti! sold, "-.,;,, '· Luxury single. I & 2 SPACIOUS, '"''· 2 BR. 2 * S1vim Pool, PUl/i;::1tt11 Coolid!l:e-5tS-Ol33. • DE'LA'·'E MANOR. CUSTOM Bit contemporary 1 HAFFDAL REALTY BY Ckerui & sllOfl cnh', Jni· "' b d tmc ts * f'rpl, Indlvllndry rac'ls ...-,.. Id 3 B 2 .. h -s BR. 2 Bil. fnd yd, enc gar, e r oom apar n • BA. Nr each. S(XX)l,:I Nep-1••• An h · A '"e 1 Br $120 Xtra cl"~--·- yr o r, m. ~~ 8740 \Va1Tier F'V sr•-<1 1"~ n1acula1c ~BR, 1'~ Ba. Lv f . h d d f _., • ••m Ye. N rt 8 h 5200 -' . .._, Goldenrod. 673-5068 f 0 r · · --"" rm. din i·m. BBQ. Covered 261 l\liagno11a. $160. 646-2I0j urn1s e an un UT· lune, !714• 62!)..1492 OOSTA ~lESA 6'12-2824 1wpo ••c pool, patio, adults, no J)!6. appt. $79.500 Sy 01Vni>r. * $19,950 ~Owne r* patio: cabinet sink, lounge nished, with complete TRIPLEX 2 Bclr: or unfurn. YEARL y RENTALS 536-6 717 ;,. 3 ~rm, lS;i d~~· RIO. frplc, equip. 4; yd, block 11•811. _N;;e;;w;;po;;;r;;t;;B;;a;.a.ch.;;;;;;;;;;32;;.0;,;0,I privacy and landscap-S175/mo 9 n10!I: $200/mo • RENT • .f BR.'! Ba!hs ........ u;o \VALK to bt:ach; ::i Br., 1rar, 1351 1~; ~~~~tcr 0~~6.i~~O!J !~~ A~\T ulil. &1().Jj74 bcf • B/B ed cohuntry .clu 1 bd.at-yrly. lll 18th St .. NB 3 Roomt Furniture ; BBRR.; 8Baths ••.••••• S.'.lOO ds~:'v~1r, ;ptd, d8,,.41 ;.,;a'h, BAYFRONT mosp ere 1nc u 1ng DELUXE I BP .. i;teps 10 520 • 525 & UP . _ -alhs ........ S26:> . o . <>1s. --.. , Lido Isle 491,i' Prim!! footagl! on VIA Fountain Valley 1410 ., LINDA ISLE . TO\~'NllOUSL $750,000 \VOrth of oc"an. Adulls. $125 mo plus 2 ,BR. 2 Baths ........ S265 . Lklo Nord, oppo11ite Bay ., Yea1· lt'!aS<" for S<>au1if111 6 Adults only, 3 BR. 2,~ Ba. recreational facilities util. i::ar. 673-2617 ?tlonth-To-Month Renta.lll 3 BR. 2 Ba!hs ........ S~ ~~una Be1ch 57.!lS 1 Cub. s BR. &: 4 ba .. pier \VILL FINANCE AT 7'<! By Bdrn1. & study, l1: Bath Beaut. decora!cd. $275 month designed and operal· 3 Bclrn1. 1 BA. crptg. ·~ blk \VlDE SELECTION ; BR. 1 Balh .......... szoo 2 Br. lockable JIJT, •~d &: slip. owner: Lovely 3 BR. ,~ home, so· slip. $1500 per mo. Bay & Beach ed just for s l n g l e to bch. $250 mo. yrly 126\' Appliancea &: TV's ~vall. i :~· ! :!· Fum . •· ... s1ra Sept 10. $160 mo. on leUa. S'..139.000 n1ile bi>in school s. shc>p. LINDA ISLE Realty, Inc. people. itOth St. 61~3249 .;:c ~~~~s iURR FuWm H"'l·TE·· S2J4l 494-7891 LIDO REAL TY INC. ping, park W/lttJU CQUf'SC. DEVEL0Pi\1ENT co. ""! Oo D "B s 116 • \V!'.'ITI:R RENTALli • REAL ESTATE ' ' ,. ' 673-8830 573.;300 •itlU.lED OCCUP• Bill Grundy 67.-.. 3210 "" \'Cr r., .~ uite ANAHEIM 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 REALTOR \v ·n m be ji~i,Si~iE,5c:<~;;;;;;;;;:;:JI ;"~;.~2000;.~ .... ~E~·';"~·~":'~·•;"';·: I ~'INlFRED L. FOSS. Agt. l5Q \V. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800 290 General NEW BAYFRONT ~w~-531_1;~. property !or BAYSHORES. 4 Bedroom, 3 217 So. Brookhurst e 642-38JO e 67.>.~~e\vport :;~NE~~s. On the tirawini; board. Plans ba!h. Sept, • June leas~. TO\VNHOUSE: 3 Br. 2 '~ Ba 11 blk. So. or Lincoln) OF.LUXE furn 2 BR al Rent•ls Wtnted S~ availablP. ~ B<fnns .• 411 ba . Westminster 1612 Pr1vale coinmunity w1r~ I Frpl. PaUo, pool. 2 Car rTl4) 772.-t."JOO bench. \\'intl'r. fl~ & i16,j RENTAL flNDEftS S::OO to $.'195 \Vat~rtronl. Lwt-I home. Pier. d ip. 37'1. lot. beach. S315 mo. 645-1086 gar.: aJI bltn..~ .. cpti;., GARDEN G RO VE •ltil pn. Call &12~j9. IHDPUtSIVE -··GUAUHJIU ur'ious & ~le-gant 2 BR, 2 QUIET, Sl'rious a.tudentil.t.. $:?25-hf. Call. ite:lect colors 3 BDRi't 1 Bath Cutie. Lo\\' _A_,_'·----·----drapes. Lea..;c $27.3 l\lonth l.ARGr: l BEDROOM 16l0Dll'W-•''"'""'! AA iX>OI. pri balcony, view tending UCI desires c.i.,n. I d 871 •M1 "2 2>•7 9UMrlU art:s. Boat slips avail, pdvatc room & ha.th 1.._·· eary. own, low paymts. Built-in • BAYSHOP.ES • """'' or 01 -• 5150 !\.tonth, oreanvle1v 1'1'.··•00MMAn savta f:TY R. C, GREER. Really rang!?, O\ien. F.P. $21,500. !t ;\lonr.hs \\'intl'r rentals 1::100 Oiapinan .\vr _ • S7J...80S8 +-suhten-anean parking. &!pt. z;;. CaJJ collect or~ 3l.l5 Via Lido 673-9300 BV O\VNER 642-3092 J & 4 Bclmis., lurnii;hed LEASE Or Sill!!, 2 BR. 2 BA, (ol blks \\'.Santa Ana }"\vy.) •ts W.IM.C..+.»...,MMlll Caribe Balboa Ap~ card. t21JJ 651-5299. Mr.. L - ~1 ,. (Tiil ·----· 310 Fernando St, N.8. Harri' 6001 \V-t b" ,,_ ··c·· TH0l\1AS. Re11l!or ux. t'Ot 1• .---....... · put ing · &36·3030 Newport Hgts. 4210=-vr == ••= • .,,.., ' .. ~ .>UJ ,.- BAYFRONT HOMES Santa An• 1620 224 \\".Coast l-hvy. Sl8-jj2'1 grn. All 1nalt pd. S26:i mo .:ir $16:>. 2 Br studio, 11!.! Ba. (1141 673-3003 Los Angeles 90048. ·.: Priced from S98.500 ---------.:C $3000 dn. 548-6179 NEWPORT BEAC H + Clean 1 or 2 BR '*' Patio. pool. children 01· 3 BR. 2 BA Eastbluff area, WANTED TO LEASE1 · ~us for the Lido BY 01Vner-SW Santa Ana . ~~~he ~~~h: 3 8~· :;1od. \VATERFRONT \Vith 30 • livint: and 1 Adults, no pc!s, 2421 E. 16th ~mall pct. Avail now, Bia. {14.) Domingo Dr. N.B.) !\.fATURE couple would ·'Oft home to sui1 your needs Jmmac. 3 BR. 2 BA, new ac. ·ins. Cf'P s. rpl!. d k J B 11' Ba St. SIJ:i mo. up. 646.-1801 &1).-0llJ Brand ne\\', balcony view lo lease a rrice h<.nte. A~ Walker Rlty. 6l~S100 caii>ets. drpi:;. frplc, blk tnc. gar. &pl.June $180 mo. 6201 doc ' d 1~~ .-.!.... ' crp1 15' in4i S4S.o:J50 ,..,.:r•t.GE IT' from both ma.sler BR & liv $300. Ref~nct:s. Box M ncl F Seashore Dr Open Sat & ll>ll· a u "'· ~ ino. yr Y· \Vhile elephi!lllts! 01mt:-a-line <..n.IU\, 3336 Via Lido NB Open Sun c · patio. inished gar. nr · 673-G698 S L rm arta, frplc, d8h\vshr. Daily Pilot. /: ' · schools. cul-de-sec. 540-143.5 Sun. c21:n 797-4287 '°"'"'""-'..:---=---outn Bay Club $310 mo. No children or - l'NDA ISLE LSE-oplion. J BR 21, ba, Newport Be•ch .C200Newport Beach 4200 .,~ • .,,,n FREe ELANRENTDLAOLRSDERS~ .. * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. Assumable Apartment s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; pcls . .....,.. .... ..., or 548-8.IS2 L •-h den l: fam. Also 4 BR 3 ba. 5'~% loan. 8)' o\\1ler. agu na D9aC 1705 Avatl. for lease Sept. 1:'.I. 3 ==~-------BEAUTIFUL BAY VIE\V Brok•r ~• -• < B ba .t fam. t'rom $300. Delta $100 Ba h A N I N h -S60.500. 673-Tri6 -r. 2 . ..l. slip fur 50' 646-4414 . c . pt. \V/iv, \\'all!r ow Leasin9 n •wport Beac Split·lev~I condo in Blulls. REDUCED $6,000 ~ boat. Boyd Rlty. 6Ta.~30 -gai; pa.id. Avail no\\·. Bkr Trina model. 3 BR. 2~ Ba, BAL lsL yrl)' to Sl!K> by n:tp. Btlbo• lsl•nd 1355 2 Lota ii.! Victoria Beach. BAYFRONT le dock 3 Br 3 DiARMING 4 Br. 2~;i ba. .5.14-ti9!0~;;;;,.=~----oakwood lrplc, dshwar, cpts. -· woman. Furn/uni. ~ 1.o.==.;.;.:;::;:;:_ _ _c:::.01 One w/n1ce l-Br. house + Ba • honie on thr water. Xlnt = Cl-64&-5521, U 8-2022 ' OPEN HOUSE 4-] ~"P· guest houSf' & ba. Jl:: den. Lea.se/opUon $500. nd Lse BA IELORS Or l bdrms. palk>. pn.ge w/auto door , . F p .,. Co H mo. ST::t-4331. Aillo unflrrn. ro · · s:m mo. Bkr. $100 to $145. Costa Mesa. The best of two worlds , , . opener Avail early Oct MOTHER, w I 2 da\l&httts, 212 Sapphire A~ Room to t. on ac11c ast \Vy .. l"'====,,.C-""""':...:.... 548-1290. s· 1 1 , .. ,,.. · · nH<ls-2 BR. home or a-•...._ build new house ~n front + stl'P5 to tM"aeh, VK'\\' from WATERf'RONT, 4 BR. nt:\v-DELUXE Condo. 2 BR. 2 ini es or cp 5. Bier 64>-0111 ...-.. 644-4464 Newport Beech. 60-~ exislin; 3 BR. 2 BA newly pat io, must Sl'll. ucrifiL't' -ly cptd, pk&; lor 4. SS50 mo. RENTALS your home and your country club NEW 2 BR. 2 Ba. crp!$. re~lcd. Ownr 675-0XM $36,SOO. 642-1272 Own l' r1 1 _615_,>.,71"'1°'7==-==--I ~. ~~~~ 3 BA, Apts. Furnished For your hom•, s•l•ct from sin9l•, on• drpg, trplc, dshwhl", paUo. ~~NT.;,L~~W'* Broker. PENINSULA POINT 1-C.;os.;Jl::;o;:Meu.:...;~:;;::::::___ •nd two b•cfroom •parfm•nts. Furnished Acrosli from Coco's & moo 8ncon Huntington BeaJh 1400 OCEAN VIEW HOi\1.E CHEERFUL 3 BR. 2 BL Newport Heights 3210 I ·-------4.:.;.:100:; or·unfurniih•c:I, each is prof•••ionally cf•c-Wt:slclW Plaza. S1.l5 to $21$. r XLNT Vet loan aa&umption. \v/sep. family rm., f'roced '-"'-""'-"'-'.:.::!.::::.......:.::;.: or•t •d •nd inc ludes c•rp•tin9, dr•p•ri••· 1 ~ hvine. 2 BR. 1 BA, NEED 2 Bdrm. ap1..:,,li! IY THE SEA Int. rare will not increase. 3 play yard. Steps lo hf'ach. 3 BEDP..OOM, l balh, pool. $30.00 wk. up .11. al•cfric w.1tinghous• •pplia11c••· '~· 64s~ do'ivn. 1601 Harper Sch. &rft by Sel~ LOL0f" DOWN Br. 2 Ba, Y"/w apls, frplc. Available Sept. 15th. S400 Nelvport Heights. Avail Sept e D&)', week, monlh. itorag• tp•c.• a pl •nty l l'ld privat• bal· Reuooable. MS-1155 ~ Cor lot; compl privacy. 1nonth 15. $300 mo. (213) ~21~1634 • Studio A &ch, Apt$. t' BEACH HOUSE :' AND auumc CI Joan '201 An xi o u 5 • submit. F/P lial Pll'IChln & A&SOC. 67!".,4392 • lncl Utila &: Phone ICJ'\, cony P• '0· 3 BR. unfw-n, crpts. drps. Rooms for Rent S month payi t'!Vt'r)'thlng, 3 $44.500. OCEANFRONT 3 BR 1,, Westcliff 3230 e Ma.Id Service, TV avail. Ju1t s••rs from your door is • wholt Yrl)' $2:10 mo . 2 Br rurn. bdrm1. 2 bl.lbs with prdcn PLACE REALTY 4M-97!M BA, 2-car garage. YciRL; .:;_:::.;.::;.:;.._ ___ _:::;:: e New Cafe I< Bar world o •xclusive country c.lub rec.r••· winter $185 mo. 64fj..6]89 or C 0 LL E G '£ GlRL, -:t,c~~~~ ~mta,dhar ~~~..!; For Sal• By Owner lease. 6Th-1;;J6 $1thi 2 BR. 1 BA. hid pool. 2376 NeWpOrt mvd, MS-9'1:» lion: 645-0618: 101 H.J&hland st, campus Ii vi n 5: on BaI.lira .__.,,.. '""'"""" 3 BR Ct'\)1d, drps, bltins. Beamed l BR • p I · I · T · C _. N.B. llland. Riie rm W/'l'V~~ aoors &. :!hak~ roof. Adult . \\'./beaut. ocean vlev.· apt. newly painted A. ro •s11ona ••z• •nn1s ouns phOne, MtaJs tncJ ud e • occupied only Hum on 111\s I: poolsized yard. Low, klw B•yshores 2225 ceillngs. Elec £:. waler pd. crptd. Al80 baclH'Jor apts • Re1id•nf T •nni1 Prof•11ion•I •nd Shop 2 BR unfnm cotlqt!s. Pool. 67;N613 • rare find of .·home. down ~ only $33.500. Will W -:--Adults. no pelll. 642-2514 w/dresei.ng roorm a: kit· • Olympic siz• Swimmin9 Pool No chUdreo or peta. 2405%. ~· from beach. tii MUTUAL REAL TY ahio le.se-/oplion or leMe INTER Rental, attracttw, ~ chen&. Olde:r people only. • Whirlpool l•ths 16th SI. N.B. 646-4664 . $250 month, can Karen. N!!wly deroratt:d. 3 BR home Bick Bly 3240 roo to S120 mo. 2W Elden, • p d dl T V I b II 4 B tum. room with bath, Ml·1418 itrtyttnle __ 54.>0IN or 499-3960 ~ra~. t:ncloscd patio. s Bedro<ml. 3 baths r I c'~'"'',;';,· ;:C;:.M::·~-~--a!sk.:ba lin~;~rtsol •y • vi! du:;u~!,~ to~~ ~~no~: tO. BY OWNER TWO.UNIT LOT nr. beach, !\ 54:'>-l2l9 rm. J CAr !~ra"". Ga~e:': I BR Sl20 utU furn. n....n aft wkdys after S. 67" 2473 an 6 pm •.· $2 llOO " ,., v.,..-And 1 20.000 squi re foot cluhhous• offtr1 .,. Tr11nsren-ed • :! s!ory. w/\\' ~· • lenns. ()'A.·nrr· (714) Coron• del Mer 2250 p<I. LEASE »iO mo . 2--So.I & Sun. (man th••• f•atur•s: YEARLY-Ocl lit 3 BR l t>. crpts A:. dl'pt, frplc, cov pa· 5-2254 &tf.--0770 only.rel:!:). ~10 f.1 ~ado w • S • l 11 33nl St. ~. b)ock ocun. :. ~:! d~~~ l~fa;'.1•••••••• w~~.R f:~·~~t ~~C ='".;,.'°n=o=de=l=Mo=,=;3;2=::50 ~ Ln, oU l286 Santa An11 H'!.i;h'C1~:n ~i:hnc:lsa':n:~•n's 67l-4m tertst GI klall, smaD equity. Pllio. Nice cond. ~ 125()! c .:;B,;R;-,pt~. ~----Ad~ul-.,-onl-y. • Indoor Golf Orivinq Ranq•, 968-tna TIME FOR mo. Vacant. Won'l lNt! f'OR Lease -Camt'O Shores, no pelt. Lease. 2381 ,t Billiards Room NOTHING DOWN 81.y ii Buch Re~ty 6 mos or lesa. 2 Bdrm''· CO!\. WeKlminlter Place, S3&-3JJ? • Th•1tre TV Lounge, Art Studio, TOAGI 9UICK CASH , m-mI 67>-2519 Evu. -lbto 1~~ 2 "',.th'a, oratt.,•:30,m-0215 Party Room• llJ)8Cl0Ull .~ .. .,. nn, inn'& 4 BR. Dutch Hawn home. lm. 2 Bedroom, )'Mrly rental. sn· EAST Sldc 2 BR furn. elNn. Mod•I• open noon until 9:00 p.m. daily tMd. occupancy, rttie kxt· THROUGH A S1U. Adull!I. ;;:~ner 1~: ~ adults only, no pe111. 364 &. tion. Ldl than $26.000. • 6Th-5043 • or collttl 213/341-2819 16lt Place. $16:>. MQ. OAKWOOD R u L. Hodges, Rllr. DAILY PILOT CAMEO SHORES. Lw"'-2 E 147 2515 ·~ t·oR Lea5t'. Cameo ShOi~s 6 DUI't. X I Br. lllrnl~hcd: . WANT AD 8" den. CX.an v;ow, •du\tg, "'°' "' '"'· 2 Br, coowl. "'""·"' '°"" GARD"N APARTMENTS ITS l!<tl<h -time. -SOSO mo. 6'fS.!>698 d •· ,~,. ·-, ~ .... ,.. P-n, 2 Pd, spn.c. 11\'ln; nn, ,,...,..,,., 1700 16th St t N I ' ~If tldecftol1 ever! 3ee U. J'tlr DaUy PBot Want Ads dining nn, r~'dcner pd. DAOI. Apt ulil turn. 1 mall! -ta• • ewport ••en DAILY PILOT WA"1' ADS! ••••••••• Dial M2-'613 tor RESULTS $373 mo. 6Tl-•TI1l •rlult. FAido lllO. M0-4431 Pho".: 6~2·11 70 • • ' TOWNHOUSES 2, l It 4 BR. $%SS. up. 152 Amlp w~. &4""5XIO Of ~ BUSIEST m&Jfttplace in town. Th. DAILY PILOT OauWed gectiofl, Sa v e SLEEPING room lor man montl', Ume It: effort. Look n1'.lnlh only. MO. l S now!! I ,°';;:.;':;;"ge'"'. ;;C:::.M;::·:_,,..,...,_,.,,...;~I Oallltled tterion. Save $15 WEEK It up w/ kit. money, ttme • eaort. Look J30 ~'tC!k u.p. S1.trt111 f'IDW1 I? ~ Mott:I. ~ • • I T-:al;,i;;ii~~-,-..,"Il'"wi~~·~Hd'1i'i.~s.~,~·~·m~1>u~1ro.i1ri'l6T.' r; R 8USINESS and 6-rol flNANCIAl. BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL * * * * * ;;::;;:;;:..::.:::.:..-s~";.;.:'i a1:1'.'.1""~G~·~·~··~·=~·~11~sq ;"';: .... ;~°"~!"~"'~'lfl~11~1oo~,~:14~oo~a.~ ... ~°"~~~·rt~·~·~"~*~'~'Ol!~.~I Room in private -O .&CR£ 1mr. ,....,.,...._ uo 1 ,.. ACTIVI! EXECUTIVE """'"" -'""'pm , INYES'fMENT PARTNER /!lof!IL Tri<, Cris. 5991 OPPORTUNITY =:~.~,~~-VENTUR£ lnttruu In t• • l·li acrn tilanted with Ill Partner awal-be capah'8 "'take dW'lt .. J.ndJvi.d13l i£ IUJRT uP NAVU. OftJlle tr-.. (T able to •dmlnJrtn.lb producUoo. operaUON ln top When You Wdnt it done right , •• a l<llebr. TV, maid $Ctv )'Nrs uldl w:ilh 23 acrt'a alqt. Potential anu mlddJe 7 flJurea. £xcelle;nt pro- • PhOae sttv1~ and pool pla.nr.abl#. CKCtllfnt "Rana· flt pr'QjttUon. naarketlna R 6 D competed. pro- • Care • Bar '* Belt" location wltb f\lD l[Nm read.Y to co. P\ill l)littnl prottttion. '316 NeWP>tt Bl. Ot d-line lrriaadon -~. ~Al\ ff'iec\ecl wW draw top isalarY pha partlcipatt: l:~O .....,,,, ..... ..,... In all benefit. aown tht line:. E:xeellent irowth pal· -'-"'""' $59,000 and OWNER \VTU. ~rn, Ideal o~portunity for par\)' "·JUt ·;CO.POW• y mes Sea Lari< FINANCE •l lolj\i. ER". Princlp&Js only. """ WhadttYo Want? Whadctya Got? Cqll one of the experts listed below!! %101 Newport Blvd.. WE SELL A HOME Write <in CQnficlencel RP: your qualifications, Mesa EVERY SI MINUTES etc. PORnON CON"mOLS Div. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclol It. .. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIR§CTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY W lk & l MOBEnl ENTERPRISES =.:=:::.-__:5:.:..;999c.; I a er ee 11512 Beach Bl•d., -Sulto 212 Huntington h•ch, C•I. 92646 nr 200 \Ve11clU:t Dr. 5 LlnH -5 ti-. -5 bucks lt\JLltl -AD MUST INClUDIO 1-1\tl -MIM ,_ lttltl. 8-wti.t --nt lrt tr•'"'- 6735 0B::.:•;:ll;:do:;":::=..===65=7:::0::B:;u:;i;:ldo="=====657=0 HouucSNnlnt -WINDOWS DffiTY! or 6ts-7nl Opr_n Eves. -------------------1-TOUlt ...... .ilt/W ......... ~ .,.... ., _.,,.,rflt!~ .. ~111HO fOlt I.A.Le -TR .. oes OHLYI • Add A Room • Apartment & Unrts l·t~~~~~==:'°l "c"'• 6200 Bua, OpporlunltlH UOO Mo~ T.O.'o 6345 PHONE 642-5671 . '°""' Pl'OpOrtv 6000 _....:; ____ _ OONmtucrION M 0 n e y To Piece YDUr Trider'• P1r•dise Ad I DELUXE UNITS Lo ..... llffch 2 BR A 2 l BR all with 7 ACRES W/PERMIT be.U., ..n !11c custom fea. TO KEEP .HORSES ra of • nio: home. 1.ocllt· Ai:ijacent aubdivilion on_ e ~on Carawa,y DriYf', Costa mile E. tJt bwy, util ava.11. Mesa Excdlent for live in $35,000, 1h Cash. bsl lsl tnlSt or t~ retupl properly. Prlc-deed. ""$139.lllO. call Mc. r...,... MAKE OFFER II 1q11 or lt-1r. Krauter at \Vrill'! or COlllact : George R. Sfi..2.n.3. Kress. Bo.'f 914, Laguna Beach or phone 494-4726. S8 DOWN, SS PER ~10., $795. FULL PRICE. buys 10 acres in So. Calif. L. ,0 THE REAL "-. ESTATERS ... ,,__.,..mi.,.-...;;rr.~-1 Shewfelt, ?6 W. lrd Sl., BRA D N L.A. C213l li23-0l02 ; .2 BR. fOURl'L£X 30 AC.RES. KUADS, "' Rivo. { IN,-ome WiQ/mo. With de-& St Hwy, beaut. Just tiniciarlon ~hould ncl O\'er $.ll/mo. Pictures. Ore. ask :!0%. Call any limf>. for Dale li'i<>-75\3 or 642-6630 R. 0 . Slates Realtors TAKE over 5 acres. no down. &41-l.'i19 5.16-&!0l ~i::G--1:-.JB $2.l. mo. Neu lakt & lawn. : ftT Ocean N.B .. ~ howles, 1c"=',::'::"::::"'::'::· ::=::=;::;;:;::;;:= j lot,. &d-incc>lnl'!. otlK'r I ' { Jfr'operty a1.,. 6T>i'.19%1 Mount. & Deurt 6210 ' 8\ninu1 Rent1I 6060 ~ . -SILVER VALLEY RANCH HOUSE & ACREAGE : '9R RENT: &a\J lllul 2700 sq ft Statt' fully crpted l newly decorated. reasonable 1'!11L Traffic location In center of San Oement. F'or Info. ... fi46.-0771 A ISLAND Le~ 2 • :Jn 1'farine Ave in m.8153. Or K't' CITY Of 100 LAKES Notional Pok-G-Golf Be Your Own Bois Pert Time or Full Time ~ )'OU!' own bosa ind run )'OUr own bwlirns. NATION. AL POK-O:GOLJI' announces available di1tributor1hips in your area. Th~ i" a fantu- tic opportJJnii:y for unlimit· cd money-making potl'!ntill with our golf pulti"I:" ma- chint', \Ve fttl our product ran protlUCI'!' ~ motll'!'y per location lhan the 111ell- known coin operated bowl- ing machint. OUr company \\ill sel up your business for you in 1 proven method ol suecf!s!!. All you do is serv. ice dealen. PUBUQ,Y OWNED avalla~ for lnco~ pro-4 N1Lional c1Sh n!Jl'.istrrB. dudne: propert)r. F0ttlgn It computer t}'pl". rirl&s 3 domestic. Motels. ~uning depts_ Value SUOO. Tnde Romes, Shopping ~tcrs. for travel tra.iler or ~?. Office BulJdtncs, 5-47-154;, Apartmc~ts. etc.' Write or Jla.vc 15" Terry travel trail· call T1UI'! Realty 4: t.r (c&n"I tow our boat ,.,,/ Insurance Company, 215 trailer! TRADE for Camp. Oark Buildln1, Binn· er logbam, Alabama 35203 ' Pho~ (20:}) 251-5286. Ci.JI 56-7616 $73.000_ ht TD on ll,IXM> sq. Ericson 26" Sailboat, load. ft brick commttc. bld& on l!d. ln1mac new model. long-tenn leased land. Trade S3000 eqty lot TO'• Payable $'150 per mo. Incl. or ! ! 615-5544 or 546.3322 lOtf.. All due S yn:. Rentall,.,--",:c.:.:..,cc...:..::..::=-lncome $2400 per mo. 31% Havt>: 2l" cabin cn.iiser &. Discount. Broker 497-1210 trlr, 200 hp lnbcf. head. J:Bl· 15•' DISCO.UNT ley, crpts, sips 2-4. slip, t• Looks & runs well \Vant : 1st TD on white water view Real E~!ate. S46-20iT COMPANY lot in Laguna Beach $6,000 CLE If acct"pted, you will sha.re @ $60 mo incl 9% all AR land: Antelope Val. in the profita of otw'! ot the due 3 Bfoke '494-tlla ley Ii: N. San Diego cnty. futest irowinc. most ag· yrs. r Exchange for Orang" Coun. ircssive co. .panies ot its $5000 SIUP Ollp 2 n d ty property or -: 7, Ole t;ypr which has diversil~ TD-$4000. SellliOned 2 yr: 6T.>-J.2.U rl'!s 613-03((; · •-r'-'d Joe apt complex, 6'n9'• • 1n otui:r IO<I a. qrtly, 3 yr due. &M-t2G.'> 69 FORD F200 ~"Uper Van, NO FRANCHISE FEE! :::::::::'.=======-JDeluxe, many extras. camp.. Minimum investment of er eqp'd, for older van, bus, $5525 throui::h $9950. Money W1ntM 6350 or tra.n!portalion car. Take 259'0 00\VN! over pymt1. 646-1158 Ll'!'~ng availab~ "''ith a~ WANTED: $60,000 1st TD, Tax Shell , A · Prov-__ ,., lOr' ·~ c--_ _. by er .. pprl'C,, 111 .,.. u=il · 10 .w yrs. ..,.,cu,=i maj center AAA tenant AVERAGE EARNING PO-!~-~Comm. bid. Bkr. lst To $700.,i@ 6~. Trad~ TENTlAL of Sl,500.00 A ~ ~IONTll! for TD, land ..•• ~ Submit \VRJTE us TODAY. Plea~ ANNOUNCEMENTS otfet, 5-1&-3'13 Bkr. include namr, 1ddrl'!Ss and and NOTICES Lakl'!' Arrowhead water. ......... !rlepbol'll'! nu1nber. Full di'!· front lot $50,000 val. Pacilic NE\\'BERRY SPRINGS scriptivl'! li1erah.1r, will fol· Found tFr .. Ad1) 6400 Palisades Ocean View lo!, ·ce or beauty shop. ttnl r..lAKE YOUR O\\'N LAKE low. $27.500 val. Want: Income. NATIONAL POi\·O·COLF' On CdM State beach Glasses Bkr 548-7111 ~-$~to Sl.2S per mo. . w/~ lnscribed as tollo'a.'!!l ~~--·~--~-- Riverside Ave. 64&-2414 20 ?ifiles East or Ba rstow on Box -123 '"~iario M •rs i 11 i Via 20' Century Runabout, idral frtt\\'8.Y. Elev. 2000 ft. Near 1().1()7 Libcrly M ...... 1,1 ~_,, ,,.._,_..1, .. ;..., __ , Day cruising. fishing, etc. ; ' sma11 st°"' ~ _..,, Arttn. w--"--'-·1 •• _ .. 81 , _ . ,1. . " ., ....... JQ , ,-IQ! vw•"" ...-. ...., ~''w ,...... . ....,uis. " 1ssour1 1:;. pis call fin..7JT9 $3,000 value; 1va.nl truck or 1 ::-.:.:Catalina h:1&fld $75 Mo. Ior apricots. alfalfa, nut tree: 314423-UOO 8 • . eqty. in T't'al estatl' or ·~:ha!. ~ ' Phone Avalon U7 i:f'OWiog. fish raising. horse ASK FOR ~1R. DENTON LK/wh! Ion&: haired female "ver. :MS-9661. t ranch. boating. etc; etc.; cat, vic. of Adami . .c:.1,.,,c.;~.cc,-------Rentel 6070 Ladias App.1rel Shop Albatross. Very alfectionate ilAVE: lJO" 11vin diesel lux. 40 'cr•• Ranch • ·--", irn· Like to own your own busl-It e:x.-rtanL Pis e 1 11 ury yacht SI75.000 clear. '•-.• LAGuu• BE.CH " ~N • 1 ~-v· . nA "' pr'O\·l'd wrnf modern 2 BR nt'S!i · ll're's 1 real oppor· a4S.-'5M6 \ ... NT: pnm" vacant land { -.;-. Air Conditioned n.nch house. Jge liv rm. tunity lo own your o\\'n 1h0p . or inromr property. Mr Jr. ON FOREST AVENUE 'l\'ilh a small invc!l"tmrnt for 1-lALE puppy. part !Shelly win 8.38-8460 Agrnt 72' Cruiser Twin D, auto pilot. range 1.200 mi: recent 11uvey $.WM. Will con&~r ln11t dfeed or smalltr boat. Ownr £TI4) 1'29-3400 • Custom Homes • Kitchen Experts • Two Story Specialists \Vant 6 to 12 units Coal!t &n!a ror approx, $23,!SOO eq, in le. 4 txlnn, fam nn + pool, lormer model. Fani.s. tic decor! Agt. 546-5880 PUERTO V ALI.ART A. Mex. ico: Commercia.I + apart. n1ents, $85,(0) • Tnde for Wable So. Cal. Paul Stuart, Bkr. 494-32'13 JIA acres citrus, Lindsay. Calif., $80,000 equity for boat. airplane or TD's or submit Paul Stuart. Qwn. f'r/broker 494-322~ 3.'>' Chris Roamer. also Tus. !in view lot, all util. Both frt'l" & cl<!ar. Trade: TD's o• v\e-.v home, NB uea. Ofc. 6T>320, res 6r....-03lD '68 Camaro 327 R.S. PIS R/H. Auto. Trade for T.O. camper or consider a.ny- th1ng, 2S4 Knox Sl , C.)J. G-t.>7991 rves. Adajaccnt lots, \\'eslclili. NB. Value $30.000 each. FREE LAYOUT & DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL NOW OPEN WlllbATS 675-7191 SAT.&. SUN. A.I'm. AVAIL. INOUIOHICI Olt YOUl HOMI 2435 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Trade up or do1vn: Incom~.1 --~======-ir"'-------~= Harbor area duplex, or res. idcnct', boat ? 646-8565 Babysitting 6550 C.1rpet Cleaning 6625 ----~-----' 63-l 6' COMANCll!-; I~lP. CHILD CARE !;!.Bu~~~r~:~C.Fl~e~~~ 1 litlle i;id , a1:e 21,~ to 5 MODEL CAR. year\. As playmate k corn- DIAMOND Is a carpets best friend! Diamond Carpet Cleaners. 64~1317 S46-8..l65 panion !or my 4 year old daughler. Meal~ Included. Carpet L1ylng' Mav~ 13 units. 1vill ex· l'llear ~lagno.lia & £din3rr R1p1lr 6'126 changr for Janel'. trusl Fountain VaUey area. S:.!0.00 ------'---'-- deeds. pcr!Onal not or ;;_ 1 week. Call 11<11-,187. FOR CARPETING Nancy J. J\loorr, Broker.8 =~AB""'Y:,.SJc,rn=N~G,.:._~,",y"'--,,0-,.-.,-I OR CARPET LAYING 6tt-7CXX) C.f\1. 1'1on lhru r· r 1 . C. A. Page 642-2070 LOVELY hon1r on Al!adena Licensed, rxCl!llent care! \.oll Course. :ii,.% assum-549--0706 Electrica;I 6640 11.blt> loan. S39,950. Trade for ELECTrucrAN:fiCtn;a: BABYSrrnNG, Nex1 to nf'w bo-" OCach area. 01Vfl('r • Ltt ,..,ed,small jobs, maint &: park, nr Nel\•port If t s s.12-3025 or 838-5712 repairs. 548-SlX'! Elemn. &-hi. Mon -S it. Johnrly Dunn )'OW" kJcal service. F'fte HI. 60-2364 Ironing IRONINGS in my SUS pu hour. .......,. * 6755 hom<. 6790 WALLS, \VIndo;n, Ooon, arpets. C.Ommerclal I: resiM.nUal. Daily, weekly and/or Mo. &9'1-1330 SAARKLE Janitorial .. Wlll- .dow 'cll"aninc Serv. Win· dows,. res.id., comcl, COMt. Oeanup. Flft esL 961-2i91. ESTATE Ata.lut Tree Sen RC'moval & trimmln;•. free estln1.1.11'!, Call S4l..OOSS. · 6110 HILLS le SLOPES o u r 1pecial~. Nl'!'Xt )'ClJ'S rain will be worst! Get pro- tection -now! c.au C95-tm1 * Lic'd .JapaDeX" J.andJcape contl'aelOr. complete lM- iCPI I: 1ardt'1L<1 &3l).JOl7 Pap11'1a1i1>9l"11 Polnti"I 6150 2 reliable college ·students contr•ctin9 interior/ exterior hou1e painting. Free estimates, Xlnt work. 494-6936 NEED PAINTING? Call.us~ Reliable Service: w/ Quality •I ib bl'!sl, 1l the most ttasonabll'! pricl'!a. !-"ree estimall'!'s. 548-6002 SUBURBAN Paintq/Dec ExPert Guaranteed Worir }'r'f>e est. No job too faJ'l'fl or too small. 494-3190 PAI1''TING Int il Ext l.owut contracted pricK. Fully ins. 1 beaml"d ceiling. breaklasl 1 . .__ 1 . Ten-ter. short . hairt'd, in ' . Desk' 11:paM! 1v1lbble n rm, kitchen. modern bath l •Xlurl"s in 1,~ luntuigton Heisler Part;. Laguna Bch Trade 240!_) sq rt busine s.'I ~"5t oUk" building •I plumbing, TW house en-Beach 1n:1. All merch.an· lnquirr 161 Cypress Dr rental: ofhcr or reta1l i.hop Floo,-. 6665 Satisfactioo giw. Free esl BABYSITI'ING. !\ly ho111c, --------'-'-;;;;,I Jin, Wffks 6~1166 LlOO ISLE 3 Bdrm t Dl'n 66-2/;>4 PAJ..i\f SPRINGS '1 Bedrm ~ ~location in do"1.·n1ov.·n closing IIXM> cal gaJ..-. 1t0 r. diSf' i~ on oonsignml'!nl. No for :!nd TD's 211-213 62nd ' Uiisuna Beach. Air eoodi-age tank under «i lbs pre• investment In men::handisl', 81-:AUTli'"\JL ~lale Afghan. St, Npl Sch." owner t'.!13! : tionf:d. cupetl!d, beautiful mre. With double pr. Con-pay alter it is aold. \\'e trnin vie Costa ?>lesa. 544.-2l14 or 2-14-3101 eve l2l~l :i46-0700 LAGUNA 8£.\CH 3 BMrm \Viii trade up-S76,000 ('(IUllY Submit. Chvrwr. 67l-7on I •ntnnees: J-"rontq:e on crete septic tank. all e!K.. )'DU It 1upervbe you et no M:>-2785 or St4-6838, Owner ' .fmut A~ .. rear ~ads to 5 hp pump, m ell per min ex~. !>"Dr compll'!'te ln!or. must idl'!ntify. i * * * * * ,l(u.nc:iplJ parkinc lots. ~ at 80' depth. lmp:rowmftlts: m1tion, write or phont F. L. SEAL.POINT l\1ale Siamese "!]!!!!!!!![!!l!!!!!!!~~!l'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!'!'!![!!!l!!!!'!!!!! .~ month !or ~ce. Desk Fenced with 1" by 6' x 300 fl Tirrney, 2130 North lloJly. cat. red . 1..'Qllar, vicinity ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS and chairs av11hble lor SS. l"l!dwood tencl'!'. 7 l\till"s East \\'ood Way, Burbank, ca.ht. Nev.:po11 Pl.Cr. NB. 642-6629 and NOTICES and NOTICES -Businl'!ss hotlr.!' answering of school. $76,000. Phone-(213) 843-434o. f'vcs. a.II 6 pn1. " R. E. 6230 6405 avaUabli-f(l(' no. AUTO >IEOWllC -If MAN 'S "·h1le gold wedding Lost 6-401 Person•ls . llf.iJjfit's paid exttpl Oc w,·11 , .. bd,·,,·d, IO yoo·-t-•~ w t t k ----------.. ,._ -,..,. s an o n1a e ring, Laguna. Sl·llli River-~. ep~~iLY PILOT .1 cres •II improvaments OYcr $15,000 I.Kt yr in an lane Orivr, Indio. Ca.lit mDl F'E~t. Ger/Shep. hlk & tan, LICENSED _ "'ORES-AVt.'NU~. $, 55,000 or 30 •ere' un-established business. call approx 1 yr old v.·/surgical Spiritual Readings, advice .:..£ r " r. d $2 1 000 for confidential appl. This ls SIAA1ESE Cat ~stbluff are-a scars. Vic. Bal ""n. Rc1\•ard on all 1natters. 312 N. El LAGUNA Bl::ACll imp.rove • · Call Betty Smith ft 3 30 ,.,... ,,. • .._.~.., -40 y. Down. B•l•nce on chance of a lifetime. t.fajor a er : 675-0319 or 2051 ~ 39th St Camino Real, Sar: ctemt'nte ...,....,...... financing avail. Mllllt be 644-1000 / . 492--913'i, 496-9507 •31' o=rCES I 1t trust dead. bl • ,.0 . ,. LOST: Siamese kiltcn. 5 r r persona e a 1:0-i:"ttcr. UNO: K1Uc11. 1:1~y. 4 1nos mo.~. !>'cmale. VW::. The JD A~I • 10 Pl\i t "~ttption-AMw·crin&: COURTESY TO Night appts ok. Don't waslr olJ. vie Baker & Royal Blulls N'pt 8 r 8 c h . -.~,-"-,~-'-,~F~RE=E~L«.c__lu-,..- Sccrclarial ROI( lime if you 'r~ not Palm Dr, Ci\1. 54G-U76 Re"·~. 644-14-11 Diancllcs & Scicn!olo!!)' 334:> NC'o\'l)Ort Blvd., N.B. B ER. thoroughly experienced. u1v~oniMiA•>N;-c' s<"°lp~-;:;:;.;.,;;-,,;;,i;·,0~-I,_.'.:~~':;~~",..,-~->.·,.,~ S"nd3y al 8 P'1 /!" 675-1601 WILL NEGOTIATE! " ........ "CALICO Cat in Aloha Palms "" .. " CALL 847.6640 O. D. Cole. Rltr, 64:Hmel glasses & case. found on Trlr p rk 133 E 161 h C ~I 1 liO:\ Edinger. i-"111'1 Valley '1ffi1ATE, Air -ronchooned. AFTER 6_ SHOE REPAI.R -It you Cd~t beach. 673-3232 Rew'd~ ~15 . . . . ~101 -37'.:!l plo parking: !!t!lectetl 11'aJ11 lo Ol\'11 " t:aini; "'0;\1ENS glasses vie K Attractive E.-,-pe-,~.- tl'!llant"· $6l)-$7j. 64z.-013S, business Ii: step ri1ht in to ~Ja'rt tore C M • 642-filOI . G R E E N A n d l e I l o "' YOUNG \V01'tAN "Ms 646-1103 ,,.,.. M z1twitt ... ~ enjoy imml!dla\t' income, s • • · parakeet. ~!ale. Vic . ._ call nmi•. Train\...,. providl!d GREY rabbit. 54~I46 or Nr1.,'J)Ort Heights.. 646-0117 dancer will leach you all .,,A MMll ground Door of· FURN. Cabin Victor Valley. ~... 549-3888 latest stl'!'ps, Call Ardell bQes. Ale. paneUifl&', crpU, l'h:A. $6T;:il. Lmv dn. Bkr. o\l &N uller "_ill caJT)' PllPt'r'· 1.==========,I·~ Leopard. ~' Siamt>SC cat 213: 591.-4538 l-10 P:-01 ·dips. ampl.e parkiJl&:. 39c sq. ?ttieder 7i6-8010, 646--83ti o phone 1nfonn11.tion. Call 640I grey /black spo~. Rl-1\"d. for appt. Lost 54&-0197 . ENJOY economy \>acatior. If: l55a Baker. :.46-4890 0 Catalina Islar.cl. From SS liii>i~f;i--;;;-0-;;,,;;;;--;;I';°========~ I · D. COLE. rutr 64:-i-OSJO LONG Hai~d grey &: blk SIAMF.sE cat. al\5\\"Cn: to 212 Victori1, No. 1, C.~f. tiger striped <al, ivhite freckl-.' l•malo. , .,, VI,. mid\\."eek for h\IO, Hermosa ..,, ...., .. Hotel Phone A ... alon 187. •LIQ. LIC'S. Orange, San under no!ll'. n1alr, "Rally". East Blutr. 644-4529 all day, good lunch. planned C•rpet Vinyl Tile days. l\IPS& Vrrdt. 549-114:, AU I _.. PAINTING, Paperini 16 yn. sty l"s I'.· .... colon in Hatbor att•. Lie. I LICENSED Babyslltln(: }"rce est. Lie. conlr. bOnded. Reh. furn. 6"2-2356.. \Ve!llm insler att1. 540.T262 ;;46-4478 Call 894-1971 Plastering. Rep.1 ir 6880 BABYSrrrtNG 1'1y home Gardening 6680 •• PATOI P' ·~~c. vie. Bolsa Chica ,. Sisson. ___ _;;_______ ~·~· 11·"· Any .. ,. "'_..'" ANTHONY'S , ~ ~,.,,,. .. tima.._ BAB'iSITnNG, My horn('. 1r . 171h S1. Ci\!. F'enccd ,.rd . ...642-7082 f.tOTHER \Vanis playrnate for pN.>-5ehool boy, Mesa dcl l\1ar area. 5"16-1692 BABYSITTING Jn my hotne for 11'0rking n101hcrs; So. Laguna arra.49!}.-1693 PlAYi\tATE Nl'f'ded for l yr olrl girl. Incd yd, Sl5 11·kly. 548-38U C.i\I . Brick, Ma1onry, etc. 6560 BUILD. §odrl. repair. Brick. bloc!... COnttelc, carpenuy. no JOb loo small. Lie. Contr. 962-6S45 Builders 6570 644-4860 The Best, costs nci mote! Experienced Maintenaoce Budget Landscaping Graduate Horticulturist COMPLETE Y ARU r-.IAINT. Sprinkler installed & repair. ed. Nr\v la,vns, cleanups. fll onthly Se1vice. 968-1928 Nl:\V L a 111 n s re-seeding. Comple1e lawu can', clean up by JOb or month. Free estimate~. Call 846--0932 AL 'S Gardening IL Lawn r-.Iainlenarn:e. Commercial, industrial & rosidential. *64G-?.Ei'29• J apanese Gardener Plumbing 6190 PLUMBING REP.ua- No job too small • 642-3128 • R~!"'odel, Repeir, 4MO BUILD, ~e>. Brick, block, c o n e r e t 1 , crpntry, no job too unall l.ic. Contr. ~ S.win9 '"° Alterations -642-5145 Neat, accurate. 20 years exp. • Dressmakifl:: • Alttrations Special on h!ms. • 6-16-6446 * TILE, Ceramic 6974 ,~_,,_ ______ -TRADE: Commercial lol in OELUXE oUicc in Costa R 1 v, r 5 id c or. main ' ." . 1500 sq f\ .. \1r rond, lhroughfare. $17,(0) f'quily, Diego Sll.500 on sale; Lost vie Adams/Brkhurst. GREY & V.'hile female kil- Sl0.000 oll sale. Call \VINS.-118 or C.M. Post Ofc. ten. about 1-6 mm old . Vic Announcements 6-410 RE ~1 O DEL-Additions-Cab- ----------inets·Blor.k frnces..Conct't'\e Expo.!r ., l-ompl yatd service! * Vernt:. Tbr Tile ?ifan * ~~rtt e~t. 645-0912. 968-2303 Cust. work. Install&: repair!. TREE Service, general :yard No job too small. Plaster clranup. Rototill &. sprinkler patch. LcRking shower -;;"'"-'"'•-~6~1'-'~"'~'~'=-~~-I repair. 847-J9j7/&46-0200 ·~""'='='·=·=""=·=,,.._..="="='=·==·I Sll.500 be.la~. GOxl3:i. No 'I· mont•y llt'Cded. Submit all · Cgmmerci1I 6015 TON collect 1213) 272--4249 968-2340 Santiago Or, NB. 64.2-156.1 Sl\IALL Restaurant, newly LI BER AL Re.,1·an:l,:Blond APRICOT Toy p 0 n d 1,., redecor.: beach a re a · GrrnWt _ Shcpl~erd, _ I i yrs. reinalc. lo~t \ir. Nri1·pt. 10-/. NET Plu~ oUcrs. Ch1TM'r. :l7l5 Ari· in~ton Avf' .. R i \",. rl'. id I'!. ""'" lllness forces saJi-. Offer. Lost 1·1c Vtctona Sch, Shorrs. ~l4S--079:i 642---0124 L.nguna. Ans lo "Thor'". -~-~---- AAA CANDY suPPLY 17141 494--9932 ~tALE Irish &otter, ~· ~ 1110~. . vie. Albert Pl. Ii l'\i-11110rt Jlepi."CCtatlon '-: ainor11za1 1on Nly l•uod. now ' """ PROPERTY PROBLEM? bid(., great apprec1at1on po. ROUTE L \DIFS wallet. Vic Center Blvd. c.~t. Rew'd. :,.ig..a.103 (NA~1E BRAND CANOY) SI, O.f or 3rd Ave .• Lazuna _.:,,.:.:::..o;cc,,..cc:_;...c....:..;:..,:c:::_ Exciting 'l\'Ork reWHni: t: Beach l'-ri 8/1. Valuable RE\\' ARD-Boy's Sr h \\'inn coll!<:lin& money from coin pap; r ~. Rt>\\'lrd. 499-23169 grn Slingt'J!y. vir N.,1·pt llrbr ' lentlal $115,<Kn. i~. <;;. 1nsur-\\'h not rxcha.n ,.~ ·lnce kle.n. Total f!lO.~. y g operated dispensers tn your alt. 6. HJ. &h. 548-692'1 (>v(ntt 548-0332. Call for App"! 6t.'>-OR?.O 1rea. ~tust be able to devote: GERMAN Shepherd. nialt', ·~ustri1I Rental 6090 0. D. a:>LE, RLTR_ 210 8 hrs per 'l\'ttk to mike 11; Collie), tan leather col-Pers!'lnals l 405 .;.c ___ BUSINESS ano ""ry good income. No ad!· lar "'/brass rivets .t 1ings.I--'--------'-' For Le•M 4200 Sq Ft FINANCIAL Ing involvrd. Belair ~p. tag. 616-3.j()tj FREE! S&.-Bid N 0 $995 10 $.1.980 '""CfUired P.eward ,,.,,. SI r ntown B n--.. , . IBa8Cd 00 part or lull lim~l Baslr Bo at I n i:: C\JUrSC Ci1ta Mea... Many tdeal us . ..,l"t'"" .unities 6l00 Fot personal interview in BL.ACK Labrador RetriC\-er. oUl!rrd to lhe public by lhe ........ Coniact owner, CANDY SUPPtY your arer., tl'!'.nd name. id-appl"Oll: I l1l06 old, lo!;! near Balboa P~·"r Squadron lor k ·Mr.·Dickerson. ROlITE drc~ i, p0011(' no. lo: Cr11.b Cooker on Balboa Pen. people inll'!rt11ted in ~ilboots .•J 6424»4 Days Af/llJATE rRANS.WESt'ERN DISI'. co. Sun 10 am. Rew'd. Ans to a1 "·ell as J>O""·cr boal!I. rf sca.5452 Eves. ~No SdlinK lrrvol 11f'd1 :)90 No. A.N&a A .. -e. ""Joshua". ~7~ all :l::iO Every .J.tonday nicht for 13 RENT new M-1 : 1125 S(f . ft , ~en~income f~ le\\' Covina. Ca.Iii. 9l'i22 f~~.N~ 2~~ ~· ,\:~~ ~:O~~Sc~~l~~i~irh~ ~~~~: ;:f15 mo. ~ !lq. fl. $Z!5 "' work ( ys or BUS INES S OpportU11ity "'3 .,......... book first night) at Newmrl •• l3.".i5 1..opn, l'. M, ewn\np:). Rt-filling: l coJ. a\'ailahll' for ind!vkluil in-!mall black dog white fool llarbor Yacht ctub. 711) \V, Sll6 lcctln,g monE"y from coin tercsted in participating in & chest, J\1ercdlth Gardens. 8 N 0,,..rated dL\""nsen in Costa 9GS-2990 ay Ave.. C"1'J>Ort ,Beach, 1~ ...-. t'll'1v CO!illl ~lrsa uUboot .=:..:::::. ______ ~! No adv1~ rei;istrafion. En. 6100 Mesa " surrounding area. n1 an ufacluring 1._-ompany LOST Vic of Balboa Pier, 2 !'Oii At rlass, Any qucsllun. r~;:,..;;... _____ _;,~ \\'1'!' e~t. roule. ltlandlcs 642-8!)61 kiltens. 4 1nos: yellow tia::er. call 673-1855. name b r a n d calxly & "'========= a: art'Y calico. Dey! 832-3630 -•- snacbl sisr.;. Cash rt'· Money to Loin 6320 aft 5, fi75..7894 HUNTINGTON BEACH uired. F'or personal lnt-e.n·le\\' In c.osta P.1esa Att•, ----------1 BLACK lltalf' po o it J e . Sept I · Df'c. 16th 11 llunt. RT. Ott1n \'IC\\" lot. send na1ne. addrus &. •"""' 2nd TD Loan Uncltpped. Vicinity \\lhite 11111on Beach lligh SChoOI. ~ •f~~:llY 201'11.'d 30 unlta. f'ront, C.l\I. Belo....., to 2 1 pm, For info l"Rll !16'.l-1839. " Oli numbtt to ~tulti.Stale Inc.. "'6~ --'='-------I ~7 1.'.. tm~·• H-.. p I' I 1 1 . small ehildrt'.n. 639-1196 -....... t""'.... -.1 mn1 pl. c"On If ent a serv1re BOSTON Bull, fem. vk:. oi Santa Ana 4. 23rd, C.;\I. Reward . Chcartbroken> ;)48..j71S * live! « fRA.'TW'y, Cahl. 90242 '213) 642-2171 S45-061 I TIME FOR ;9UICK CASH ~HROUGH A • ·DAILY PILOT WANT AD 861--0871 Srr.111~ llarbor a1'f'11 20 yl'J. READ THIS X1nt fur rrt1m:I peoplt 11 )'OU \\'Vil 1 Pl.M or full tiDIC' opportunity to meke mooey in a bulineu of Your own, For ~mplt $2000 i~ watmcnt can nl'!'t S50 .,1,.kly by lpC!ndlnc t h!'1 miikina: deli\lt'rie~ Ca.II D. \V \\'il~n 17'141 ~9697 .. S•ttler Mortgege Co. 3.J6 F., lith Slrttl Mort9ages, T.D.'1 6345 20% Ret. for 3 Y rs. $3.ln.43 2nd truat deed be· hind 1mall lat on lot with t...;iuna·s Clrant ocun view. $ 10 rcr month Incl. 9~ l yr~ 72r~ Olacount. RROKER 494--1137 'M~E SUN N!.'VDt SETS D DA£L\' Pl1.oT WANT ADS! ' ='°"-=-~~-----1''1eet r~I sprt·ial son1cone RE\VARD. Lost one 4 n.onth Ii: Msin to tivt-. old female llirnala,yan kit· ORANGE CO, &47-666S t~ Vic. The Blulls. NB 2~"hour recordln;: ..._.,,, ~=~-=--~----tCINNA.i\ION A m 1 n BLACK Part Siamete cal ~ithout a llOUl cannot a~ with coll~r Vic. PortaflnM preclall" t~ ~autlf'lll mom. area. Lacuna B r. 1 e h . ing sun. t 1m but an emp~ ~99-381.t After$ Pl\f )\flrll "'ithout your love • L.A..DlES Diamond \\-"tddini: 1 _L~-~B_. --~---- ril\i ouWdci Alph~ Bt>t" l71h Al.CX:>llOLICS Anonymous St. CM Olviwr pl~ ('{I.I) It Phone 542· 7711 °" oaTite to Identity S·IS-0317 P.O. Bo'C IZD O>sta f.teJa, SUN SIGN ASTROLOGY v>ork. 612-9852 elas.'ICS. Regis•er now. Carpenteri~L 6590 Ber.inlll.'rs -Advan<'rd. fall the Sun Sign, 67:;..6661 day!' or 67~21<\0 afl. 6. CARPENTRY il11NOR REPAIRS. No Job Tor Small. Cabinet in gar- agl'!s & o I her cnblne!s. 5~5-SlE. U' no ill\l!Wer leave Jil\f'S l.oardenlng & lawn maintenance. Re11. & Olm-T re• S.rvic• 6980 CHURCH choir singers nt'l'd· l:'d . Oppo11uni1y for 80ioisls. 6-14-42.).). mercial. • 548-8411 tr Expert Jap1nan FINE!)'"J' \VORK 646-0381 Cemetery Lots £°~18 n1sg at 640-:?Ji2. JI. O. .c.;..:;.:CCC-'------~ Anderson BY Q\\'NER. h PAClF1C ---------- VTE\V <'f'nir1rn.· t n t s QUALITY Repairs • Altcra- 6730 s.1:Hl960 · · tkins -Ne1v consl. by hour or Contract. 646--34.12 DEPE.""1DABLE. hauling & moving. Reasonable rates. Free C'Slin1ates. 49-~ CLEA.~ UP & lite moving Leg.11 Noticts 6450 CAR PENTRY-Cabitl('ls -~"'---"-"' Custom door! • ll'!nf"I'$. Any I \\"ill not ht> ~ponslb\c lar any debts olhc.r than my 01 ... 11, Rotlf'rt F" Sti>\"enson t \\"ill not he rrsponsiblc !or any debts olhcr than n1y 01\'fl. i\tiltll't'd Olive Shawll('r I \\/ill not be responsible for any deb!! othr.r tha n nu· 01.,.n. 1\fildrcd Olive Sh.11\Vf'r .NOW1S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A size job. QUI &16-Zi76. REPAIR, Parti\iOll$ Small Remodel. f'lc. N'he or day. Reas! Call KEN 540-167'9 REPAJRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS. Any 1f7.c JOb 2S yrs. exper. :118-671.l Cement, Concrete 6600 e CONCIU::TE work 11 I I types. Pool decks & c-uston1. Call 548--1324 Tree I.-shrub removal. Reasonable. 54!}--Ili'l CLEAN-Up and light 1ng. Call Dave: • 54$.3823 • YARD/pr cleanup. Re:mo\'t trees, h')'. dir•. tractor backhoe, grade 96247~5 GENERAL HAULING & CLEANUP $12 prr load. 962~ TRASH HAULING CEl\1EMT \\'OR'K. no Job loo rc&.l!Onablr e 645-2120 sn1all, rt'l'lson.1blc. ~-r" e ;,,:;=c:.:::.:.._..::__-.:.::.::.:: r-stun. }I. StufUck. ~14$41615 * OONCREI'E Fin. patios. etc, Contrell'!' &. blk loP !"-al\"- lng, R!"as. Don. 642--&il4 Housecloaninq 6735 WOULD \"oo be.lie\'C I wiU clean your home for Blue Contratton 6620 I iCh7"'"c..;:';'am=-'ps~.~'~897;:.:,_-~"'°=-=--C-..C....C.:C:.;.;.. ___ ;,.;.:..:. BAY & Bi:ach Clraning Sttv. GENERAL Contractor. All Carpel&. \\•indows. noon, carpentry. concrete. add &,. elc-. Res & c.ommc'I 646-1401 temodelifl&. Zio yn ex· CARPEIS, "'\ndoWS, Qrs. pcrit.nce. &JI-7984. 847~2382 etc. Rl!'ll or O!lmc'l Xlnt GENE'S TREE SE R V ; trees/shrublX'ry removed, trimmed, hauled I W & y 549-!3a9 ESTATE Maint Tree Serv Removal le trimmings, free esllmale, Call 541~ Upholstery 6990 __ _..;.:..:..:1 CZYKOSKf'S Cusl. Upb:>I. European Crattsmant1hlp lOO"t, fln! 642-1'54 lSll Newport 81 ., C.M. TIME FOR <j)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD DAILY PILOT "·ork Reu! Re!a. MS-0.11 Corpet c1 .. nlnc::;_..;,66;;.;2o;5 1 l"~;;;iii;;;~~~~;;..;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._..,.;;j cARPr.r • "'"" c1-..i .. , Your Ad Should Be Here, fl)(' 1 d•Y sttvlce & qUBllty WANT AD ·~·~· "'" s1"""' '" They're Looking For ltl brightneu! ~ 642-5678 L • i 40 I ' t fol'l Your., Conveldellc•·.,-AIJ Positions Offered • 1 ., • ' ""' ARE LISTE~ ACPHABEtlCALLY IN _ OW! . ' CLASSIFICATION #7100 HELP-WANTED <Men and ·won,en) No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT ' WANT AD! 642-5678 DIAL DIRECT 'CHARGI l·TI JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS I. EMPLOYMENT JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT JOllS I. EMPLOYMIMT .10a5 Ii IMPLOYMINT J09S 1. IMl'LOY -------Jt~t Mtn, Won1. 7100 lobo Mtn. w-7 Job W°"""', ~ 7000 Jobo-Mtn, Wom. 7100 Joba-Mtn, Wom. 7100 Jobo Mtn, Wom. 7100 Jobo-Mtn, Wom. 7100 MATURE MGR ACCOU>l'TANT, "'"1 • "' BOOKKEEPER Exp • Finance • Buda"ete • Ugbt 9eniar .lor expandl1': 'ftu'u T/B woric\ni with d.Y-CHRISTMAS Money now. Acct&: • E.D.P .• Statistics • OnlW'e Co. CPA firm. Must · m.nUc ~ man Gd aen Sell Luzier Olcmetlcs, a Co. Sales. Mid&. P .O. Box 1n1, have about 2 rn. recent otc bqmtl z. ~ leeh. of Bristol Meyer&. 3474314 !:NTERUINll!Em'· GENERAL COOKS 121 Pep A 1'oclt a._ Sun • l'RESENl'ABI£ -' ¥on. nit~ the WHITE Commercial '1idee u.ni·:c~-::.·11· 1 N.B. public accountm: ex P · MISS EXEC AGENCY 1 1~,~~y-,-.-,-,-~Q~C~.-.-.~d I c a p a b I e o ( a u d 11 4.10 W. Coast Highway 'WILD CARE For 1 yr. old I; 1 ~ _full time aftt_rneoo and eVf'nlna: sh.lit .•• HORSE INN. Apply In per-camP9JJ1. EI th e r • '°"· 3>15 N..._ BM!., NB ........ -"""'· ESTABlJSRED Insurance • °'° lltlel experience ,_"I-I Leadl avail, N.B. otnce. Willing '° leam and to Career oppt. 6154313 a must! Tremendou& ExperieDctd Jn .llQgle needle In ~ I D ~ u I l r rcspons.lbllllles. CPA or Nt"i>ort Beach &to-~ le boollnl'k my hon'le mela.llurp.:ai I ab Tator Y CPA candidate only. Call _ Newpt. area. To live In + mer. Kmw all phaseli HT. 547-7061 for appoinlment BOOKKEEPER aalaty, 67>-2396 1 .. PlU'I time. , . ~Over 18 years ol ace. , l:xperieooed preferred. plaW.: and N.D.T. \Vlll travel US/abroad. b'l3-ll66 ACCOUNTANT, JR: Full 1'1. ~· Contact ?.fr Fish &: CHil.O CARE, ? e 11 ab I e' 16 Yevs O.C.and meta.Uur-charp NCR. Grut company Chips Inc. 4242 Campus Dr., m&tUre lady. 3 dlQ's / wit. with young ldeu. N.B. Ute '"-··-keeni...... ..._,.,,, Apply ht-I. 2: JO I -4-p.tn. and -Good .--· abili'7 """"'''"'" ..... -steady ...... Sakry ..... ~ .. '5.~ EDDY MOSS l«M2 Locuat 1'raWJw lndustrln 1kal laboratory, mar. Know $S90 ~ ....... uvuu all pbucs Irr, plating .and Call Jean~. 54G-G)55 B 0 OK K EEPE.R.-Recep-~ school..qc, 1 baby. COCO'S Sl, Westmlnste!': 5.W-1'131 General i(., N. D. T. W 111 tr a Ye I COASI'AL AGENCY tionist l girl office, CM 1 ~u~-~s"'.t°"'•"°"""'""'d-'._673-....,_l1_66 __ 1 mo Harber m. Costa. htesa M2---061ll 2lll We1tdl!f, N.8, (17th l lrvine:) ;;;:-:,.::::::;==~· :;;..:;;;;-E:XPERIENCED Factory~ $1.6$1ir • FINISHED . ' ANY Type work e a s b Paym'ta. 1640 Newport, Sp. No. 3 C.M. 5e-9065 Job Wtnnd Man & Womto 7030 COLLEGE STUDENTS AVAILABLE !or all types of work. Part Umc. Call: Southern Californi• College Student Employment Servict', Kl 5-1178 0Unese Ihm-ins. ~ Pmnuent.E>q>erienc<d. Far East Agmcy• IG-lmJ Jobt Men, Wom. 7100 cibilities aolimife() ageoCiY Qualily P08itlons for Q"'"""'APl'lieanls -4-81 E. 17th SL. Suite 224 Costa Mesa 642-1470 CHILD care It 11 t e nvnKo<~ """""''" 2 bo ' • ' -:-------i G90d opp'> 10 • ..,...,,. CARPENTllS· Adminlstretiv• Asst. BKKPRtSECY; Part time " 73 )11, . , O:ioks Pkuant ... ~ .. -~'""IEScoodltio.nl. • WALL ...,N • to •$650 for interior decorator call &l~l In a..m. ._........ "'~ ..,. _ _. ba. .. i..-... • ....i mature st>-94191644-0637. CHILD CARE -your home Ol' FRY (OQKS llNWfITEO AGENCY ISLAHDE.R l ~ ~,,... ... , mine: Harbor Vie1v schl •-E 11th SI "'" -· ..-a.. S with admlnuitralive ability, area 2 childrn 3 days per -.oo • ., .,...le ....... MOTOR nwml 1 Corona area, call Loraine, B 0 0 K KEEPER/ACCOUN· wit ~ ..... ,,.,.. _:2 C.OSta Mei& 643-1470 2Di ~Dr., OdiiCa ~ Mttch&ntl Persoaoel. 2043 TANT: NCR 3HXI, accounts . ~ "'~ Top waaes, pennanent, hon-1'~ACI'ORY Traintt and ship. .,...,.,;..,..,..,..,..,.I \\lestcli..H Dr., N.8. &t:>-2TIO payable, Xlnt oepty! $f4S.. CJDl.J> ell.ft. Harbor View est, aoo iood worlc.ini:' con-Pine clerk. Shift work. • ANSWERING Service Oper-$590Call Bill " "-·k r..·'" ~'""' =~d In~~~~=:~ ~~:':~~-Aa;~·~, ~~~o~ FERJW CORP., Fibergtus GIRL F RI I) A Y: ~)£. ator Experlt.nce preferred, ie °""". ,,.~ .-¥· -··~-.. Divilion, 188U Fibera:lul keepLna, lypiftc, v a ri•I but ~I train. COASI'AJ.. AGENCY cart' for childrtn qe Jl l'.. pm for intttV!c~· 111 Rd. Hunt. Bcb. du.tlet. intrrntlnc. $~Cit e 541}-2CG2 e 2190 Harbor 81, Chit& t.feu. U whole mother wori<B In FAC!'ORY wm'lt, ........ male atart . / · Pasadena. M+2300 alt 7:30 MANNING'_S .....,_., cau Billie Bede. Auembly Tr•inees p.m. COFFEE SHOP clean cut. 1B ID 25 approx. 540-6005 : , Women. Day Shift. No expcr. BOYS 10 • 14 Child Catt 24(131 El Toro Rd. Mech or Ens apptitude COASTAL AOENCV ~ knee nttes!WY, but must carrier Routes Open Pl.A YROOM altcndant O\-er Lelsure World ~una Hilb desirable. 548-4211 ~ Harbor Bl, a.ta ~ havdee I~ e)"e.!~'!!. !., fiAn1· '·-·"· Bea!' So. '·--· 21. Part timl' needed im-837-1014 Factory General Product~ . er xt~ntY. "'M' .......... P. ._...__ ....._ ._...,__ med. Call Ray Randall • 1 ply in pet'80n DAll.Y PILOT 962-3386 COOK, mall!, ror rclit!I, ,s FEMALE -::-t S.A.E. Adv"""" --~642~'-~Cll~---lii~iii ornJ:iINmGGl'c:,;;;; ~ •• ;-;;;;;;,;;;~;:;;; • o1>•1at ... k. $2.'5 h>'. ITJ JABSCQ No ";.""'pp1y~::"-~. ' Packaging -~~ ~ '"an~ C'OTT'AGE COFF'EE SHOP _.__. \ l.157 E. f;dlnge' Av" * BUSBOYS * doy Coll '47-101' ''" W. 19th, C.M. THE HARTLEY C0.j Santa Ana I---------COOK MATERIAL 1987 Placentia Ave. ·~ I BABYSITTER' 2 <hildtto, -HOUSEKEEPER, 0>ata M.,. . , lit )'"a" or ovrr. Oeritlll or houseman, (XlntJ tor 2 H "NDLE & Jite bouSI': kcepinf:. Approx 4 Apply in pcreon adult.... NB. Write Daily " R General Offtc, ; mo. Room-boaro & •mall Pilol Box p 004. TRUC-K DRIVER fo $125.0I ' salary. un.,.,-ed mother or Sf! ra1 . ~ •~ •I""""' w•l<om<. REUBEN'~ SECRETARIES " . ,.,..,,,.. '°' .. v Counselor ty pist In beach area 548.-9531. J>refep IOmfl experience Santa Ana. Call t:.oraUicd BABYSITTER. 5 day& wk, COCO'S Shorthand. typing tnd gt!n-In rnanulacturfne taclb-Merchants PeraoMe1 ~ 6:l5--4:30, will bring baby 10 era.I office. Pertonnel Agency ty. ~!es fork_,_ Wt, ey, 2043 w,stclltl nr .. -'ir.111 yoor home. 7 mo old fir!, Aia.tune wocnan "'ho ,njoy1 driV"et comp&JQ" tn.h.:•, 64.>mo _) Newpt. area near holpllal. 1555 W. Adams, C.M. mectin1 public. Genmli ~· 11----~---·.1 64>-10Z1 BUSBOY -· KEYPUNCH 642-0026 S45.097' ~~~~Ng,.';;hfo"i:'s Collea• atude1>t '" '''"" ' PLANllUIG ~BAB=y=si=rr=ER,~--,,2-clill""''°'dtt-n'"'°'S Availablo '""'" l diooct. OPERA TOR COUPLE to manqe ,,.,,,..,_ ,..,, be l&il""' 10 ,..ur years ol S mos. 2 day \\.ttk. Prefer UiJ"· or gver] rd 14 unit apt. CaU ~ Equal Opponunity e11. $2.65 per hr iuar. M .. ~. • "-....... n..-~RA DISHWA HER before 7 p.m. only "' lo ••--~--PK· To REMODHI -......... ---~ ~ Swing shift. One year key---===~=~-c.mp yer ...... '-......,. '""'"· · , Sebool. Call 646-4311 AM l PM. <Ne,. 18 m. punch experience desirable. * * DEUVERY BOY • ·. fUl.LER BRUSH 00. ·I i f \ f ,, . i /' Re•d Clastifications 6500-6900 Jn the i>AILY PILOT BABYSITI'ER for in(ant, Canyon Auto SUpply 1-lfi DALE WAY-Ge11eral -· Mon thru rrt, g..3:30 p.m.. * APPLY IN PERSON * Ml Broadway, Laguna Bch. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 EXPERIENCED turntt\iC NewportHgtaarea.fi46...6.t59 COLLINS DENTAL ofilce Newport, <n41545-3251 man l drivtr, run lid BAii'YSITnNG Snack Shop No. 1 p~fer m.1.ture woma.n with I=,.-"'-'_"'______ Military abltiatlont ftlled ~Ala~,~~~ ry~ c2:!~·d~f~~~~·,, RADIO co. ~~":IC1l":i~:1 ~un;'. Stores ~::1t1YJ ~· BABYSrITEJt -18 mo 1ili, 912, Dally Pilot. Warehouseman WOMAN tor hoo9ewark. w 4 da~ incl Sa.t &: t eve. RA!(11. DENTAL ASSlSl'ANT Experience required in 1tor-or Tbur11, _1:~1:30. W.2246 aft 6:30 Irvine. e BUSBOYS 19700 J•mbore• Ro•d 21-35 yr&. X-R.ay 831-tm es activity In prec\1ion mt!· trans. Call be.I S pm., BABYSI'ITER. Reliable, 3 to e DISHWASHERS Newport Be.ch Mis. Viejo. chanial components, with 673476 { 4 nites. own tr.n!p, CdM 0 E NT A L C b a I r-S I d t! ~e of Katckx .and Ge~: • • area. ~'7783 Full lirnt-. Over 18. Neat ap. EquaJ opportunity rmployer AMistant. Send )'(Kil' work a.bility ti:i read bWeprints. Pl...EASANT, Neat Lady, pearill&. Apply in pcr10n.. 0.EJUCAL resume and qUalificaUon& 45 hr min. 1t.'Ol'k week Danish C.oftff Gvde& At BABYSITl"ER. 8:30-5:30 or NEWPORT BEACJ-I to: Box M...&4f Daily Pilot Profit Sharinc tractive position fDr 11tS ll:30-5:30, my b 0 me · BOB'S BIG BOY \V" .......,,ire a tas• accurate retired 673-2740 m ~o! ·~-.~ ,. DENTAL usiHtant. or• I J c cart c ..........,.. 154 E. 17th St.. ..... isl, .. -r ...... i.i., w It h er 0 """'"'' "" ~--~ ..,,.. . ..,. ''"'" ..... ,, .... . . ' BABYSJTIER: girl, 1:»1 ___ _;Co="c.•,;,M_;e,;,sac_ __ 1 1horth1nd for COi'-543-m9 RETIRED man. part 5:30, Mon thJ'u rn, my respondeoer, reports, ==-~-----671 W.17th St. tor iolJ' shop. Apply house ln Latuna. 494-5653 BUSBOYS amwering phone and IOme DENTAL R.eceplionisl, ex· Costa Mesa Mesa Golf Range, BABYSl1TER -2:30-m.ld· bkl.w. We all!IO require a perienced. Newport Beach. 541--3421 Newport BJvd , CM. night. S days wk, ioc1 Sat 1: Now and thru tht-!!ehool STATISTICAL TYPIST tor 1 _"""'1_. -'=-----GENERAL Sun: w 2 mo old. Call befr Y'Br. 18 or owr. Apply al-report work w h I ch Designer An equal opportunity EXPERIENCED in Dutt! 2:30 p.m ... 548-9674 le moons l2.S pm at o e c e • e I ta t e 1 us-inf a Circuit Jr. to $300.00. Call employer fabrication l or ln!!talla BABY S IT'I'ER-Mesa del FIVE CR.RAOWNNTS ~:a:iutv & ASSOC'S. ~=~~~:es~ Newport Beach • r Ill a Mar, trnd 2%: yr boy, in R.ESTAU 303I Newport Blvd., N.B. N.B. 64.5-2nO }'ACI'ORY 'Mll'k, l lsht,1_646-J88Z _________ ll Yo\ll' home. lntenntttent. 3.S01. E. Paci.tic Coa.'it }lw. (Tl4) 675-3S5l ==~-~~~--, 1 female, 1! to 25. •ntf or part GENERAL 545-8375 ~~~Co~m~oa~d~''!.' ~M~'":'~-la:EiucAL"'-----DESK Clerk College boy: pt " M8--42ll. r-Part Time 1 AM m 11 All ~ Q..ERICAL time, Ken Niles Mote-I. lCW • ~-"";.,...· -------BABYSITTER, mature. BUS BOYS needed I o r 1 }~ood or 8 AM to Noon. No Sell~ Olristian \\."Oma.n for local variou.! shifts. Apply at 5 Bayside Dr., N.B. ' ma«~ . I dmreh. Sun AM • EVE • pm, '" "'""" lo M" ITJ JABSCQ • DISHWASHER • -THE-"""'"" Wed EVE. 962-2321 Ang• I o, T 0 WE R S NEWPORTER INN FEMALE pt-timo help '" Bankin~ RESTAURANT. 1515 S . 21, luncb tin, pre:aaii..J E•P"ri•""' Coas1 Hwy, Lagw>a Bea<h • FULL TIME CHECKER/CASHIER und.....,._ 67'">-100< PROOF OPERATOR • TELLER UNITEli CALIFORNIA BANK 2?l Q-ean Avr. Laguna Beach .....,.. BEAUTY OPERA TORS Ont full-lime, one part-time. Gua.ranteed 'Vl.il!.!i plus com. pany bcnclilJi, paid vaca- tions. Busy shop. C a 11 548-9919, ask for Manager. BEAUTY OPERAnJR Busy CoslA Me&a Shop TOP f A Y 546-3361 B I K I N 1 &nnaidtdanot!r. F\lll or part-time. Costa """ -&4&-7301 CABINETMAKEF<3 TIME KEEPER· • EXPERIENCED Hotd Re11&unnt ExP<~ GEN ERA 1" ""1 or CARPENTERS COST CLERK ''"''" ooly ..,d apply, tlm<--Over 18-T ASTB• FOR,,.,._. .... ...., ,.... THE RIGGER Rcl1'1 ""'" liv< doy FREEZE, 2966 8"'lol, c : gram. New plant. Must be week. . cxpertenced dra1tsmen. Good opportunity ror a 1107 JamborH Rd. GIRL FRIDAY:· Bria' DYNAMARC OORP. man with some aceount-Newport Buch,,Caltf, sharp pJ ID uablt Y·. 1851 Reynolds Ave. ing or related clericaJ ex-# 16 FL!hlon Island (Contact Bobbie P'os"(tyl Fut paced fan spot. .,......., o----A peritnce to come into (On-Ne..,.....rt Beach ..._,.,.. ~·~ .. -~ Fry Cook ssm to •1&r1. Cell ta.ct with all departments CAR WASH HELP ol tht! compaoy, Prefer A 1 · ~-1 11 o K&y, ~ -PART I: FUlL TI.ML Pfl y in prr!!On .,.,.per, top pay, u me COASI'Al. AGENCY ~, High School end some ac-DISHWASHER I KITCHEN Bob's Coffte Shop 21'90 Harbor Bl "-ta "" Top salary. regular worlc count1n1 training. t~OO s. El Camino, San a ' ......... • METRO CAR WASH HELPER mal•l 5""'' .,;.:;:...,;c-:=;..:.:::.:."-':;:=i= e GIRL e 2950 Harbor. Costa A-fesa Plea&e apply In per-job. Da.y Shlfl. Top wa~. Foreign C•r MRh•nlc& BAR.MA.IDS $.170 WEEK • son or In ~TitinG" to Call \Vaynt! lll3-0ll2 2 + Good co. benelils, incl paid PLUS TIPS. DANCE'J\.5'11 CAR \Vuh le. serv Illa Ptrsonncl De,t. RANCJ-10 SAN JOAQUIN vacation, sroup tns, uni. UOO DAY. 'i;; attndn't. Full le. pt. time. Golt Course, 18021 C\dV't!t' forms lurnished free. Good The Ponderoea Qub .. .; 4625 W. Pac. Cst Hwy. GOOD BENEFITS AND Rd, NB-Irvine, nr. UCJ. comm. schC!dult. Ask for SJl.tolif ~' , CA.SHIER • Jr'ull time for WORKING CONDITIONS * DISHWASHER. Joe Moone Ph. &IG-1164. HAIRSTYLIST .. Neal's. Fa&hion I s I and . * BUSBOY FRONT D1!1k. clerk,, exper, with c..n .... ""-fDr excl·:!'c".....i Must be bondable. Equal Opportunity neftled at PBX. b'Jllnc. mow in --.. ... ...,. -~ Appl~n Employer ALLEY \VEST Lquna Beach. 4!H--8521 :!'rnC. ~·ti.a!o 1106 Ocanlront ~ ... • Time --'•-, -rt ~~ 67' -' 219 E. 4th St. j••• DALE \VAY N -71A ,,..,...., lll6JUl!i ·:--•"'' -."! • ._. ewpon~ach grJ-1 ., hotel. Laguna Beach. l ~'--------'-i...;I -__ _;Sa:.::;;•;,:1•:,,:,:A="'~~-COSTA MESA, CALif', 9262S ·~ ; (71') "" -·1 * DISHWASHER 494-l19' Ho~tl-rht-~--., U • • • CASHIER • • ~. Full time day shift •• -.. vnwu - Car \Yuh. Full time. Oeric.aJ TtfE FLYING Bun.ER :-Pr:1rt-tima Lab Tech-Service o.pt. U .if i Boats "94-1922 61l-O!m older. Mutt \t • feW ! For Expert REPAIRMAN CA s HIER, -· RUTH RYAN AGENCY =o'°'ISH\=•7ASH=E=R""-~Full'7."~tim-" f!<::•• :.::t"\' pr• drlwr ond hold a va~ A.SIS• tan-· FIBER.GLAS NightA. Call ~ . .i\!k SPEClALIZJNG Apply ODIE'•, %12 E. 17th , , no MC-Id Calif. Uc ..... s.. -OC"HOO<, Newport 675-3321 ror Mn. Franke. IN s ,_ M essary. · Mr. Hinman • ~1-l''---=r;5;~~~~~~::~::~:::=~=~~~~==-== OFFICE PERSONNEL . I., ....,,,ta ~a. e Permanent Mekltrs· 1793 Ne,vpon Blvd. D raftsma..-Jr. e Apprentice MM:hlrr- Costa Meu 646-t834 ExPflndins lend dew!opnM!nt ltt &rm In Newport Beach has PRECISION ' *CARV~R PONTIA 2tU HtrbOt' llvd., C CLERK TYPIST 0"'""" for JR. DRAJ'rS-~ 50 aceur, public OOfl. Pi1AN w/ 80me eicperience In llouseketper 1..,1. '"""''""'""' dlU<r-Civil El>&l ... M ... C'1> Bob CASTINGS URGENT! Liv. '" "" ent from ordinary busin. al-Wells at 541).TI40. Molberleoss tiornt. Mtlio.~ motl)Mre, Drapery Workroom 2044 PLACENTIA woman only. 2 boys 7 .... MISS EXEC AGENCY PART A !WI. <U.. ""'""" CDS'l'A MESA ~~ ..,_un • •t1t ' 410 \V. Coe.st Hlghway Opera.tori. ».x.p • r:l .f D c io.ner.J=--i==:.:...;=~--1 . ..:-.;:.,;;:::c_ ____ _...1 Newport &ach M6-.J939 pl"l!ferrabll' or will U'atll Wt H-Mor• Jobi ~-rk aood .eWtna m • c b I• c ...... ~ ...,....._ Thtn W• HIVt Ptoplt FEMALE clerk, apply In 1 __ ,.,_ Jobs an ""'" btQina -· ~-'" LlqUO<', 706 .._ ... _ Belch lntc:rion ..... -.....-ivr 1020 S. Olut. H...., In Oranp: Q)untf's Pkciflc CoMt H 1 r h w a Y • ~, 1 ttnandal indotlriN. Huntirwton Bch. ~":~b. Call mom-LFJ«?Ef:lS CLERK TYPlS'J': Plcuant 1 ,,,=-.,..-..,-~--,~ Pf.RSONNEL AGENCY phone voicf', lilure aptlludt, DRY clea.nlnc 111'!1.p ~. 2JO W. W1mct', S.A. ·~·-· .,.,, ~·1 -· "' -""""""""" onl;<. c..m.r <tt<l 548-n92 v ,..u1a '"" ,,~~ ·~·, checlct1s, p-re11ier1 A pleawrt ll.lmlUndt,.1. To ---, 0.U 5cJ.-G10 ¥on 3959 W. 6lh1 L.A. "" to ·-~----''""'=l..;3*Mlm;;;;,,;=--Call Giorta Kay, 54l).-tllM thru "1 I to 12 ,_._ COASTAL AGENCY * DRIVERS * 2790 Harbor 81, Colta Me. No COCKT.llL GI~ ... lhe 'xpM•Ce Njuloal n-... No food, s Nee111 qi nft.tst, I.fl E. 1tth Sl. C.M. Muat hl•a c1Mn cal1ltlmtll * COOKS dtlvl.,. '°"'"'· A~!'IY Au: smrrs YELLOW CAB co. nCE li'LYlNC.. BUTL.LR 181 & lltll St. HSKPft,...Cook, companion f'.lderiy lady, I l v e. • l • rm/boud. u.tary. M 1mokt or drink. hnll: .,....,,.; HOUSEKEF.'PER 11101. 4 days • week. Corona P,{ar 6T".,....J04 ~~--~-----~-~~-~ ____ _.,..__ ________ .,......,_ _________ ,_...__67:).(871_____ °"'tM,. 1 f • SEICE£Pl!ll. g s ' ... ' EllW!lllt or Gen:lwa. 1.Aadna ,,.._.,..."" JNSTRUCTRESSES Youns, matln: cltlt ablt to meet tbo J>YbJle. l.f'mt tit' .&ttracliw Wlth a aflOd figutt. A~y tn ""l'IOn Hor.doy Hoolth Sp1 2300 Harbor Blvd. • Colla Mesa • JANITOR FULL TIME Jo"ive day1 a -..ttlt APPLY e DESMOND'S e #l Fuh\on lid.and Nl!l\'J)Ort Beach • JANITOR • Pcrn1anront. ruu ~. ISLANDER MOTOR 'HOMES ~135 Canyon Dr., Costit Me&a KITCtlEN , STAFF WANTED THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 J1mbor.e Rd. Newport llHch, C11if. • KitcMn Steward • 2 Fry Cooks •Pantry Man • Dishwasher For rood men, top nJ._ry, security, fine ~aJl.h proa;ram O..toct Mr, Oscar Ziiw- Exccutive O>cf bt1n·een S.ll am or i.-t pin . ,,. -... :•.; .. -~ ..... ---·-~ • ... _1 •• ,,_ •• , •• -.. llD!CHANO~ING J, C. Pe~C1111!pany Inc. Fashion J NeWiiort Beach ·-Koy ,.. ___ nlngs For Merchandise Mallilt•-' Trainee with recent graduation fro~. college or equi- valent in conege and ful l tiine work exper- ience comblnalton; a desire to participate In a training program for management with 11 rapid1y expanding national organizaUon. This Is an organized on·lhO.job training pro- gram. Our policy of promotion from \vithin makes this particularly attr~ctive. APPiy in person 10 AM to 5 PM Mond•Y thru S1turcl•r J. C. Penney's ,;,24 Fashion Island. Newport Beach An equal opportunity employer Jobt--Mtn. Wom. 7100Jobt Men .. Wom. 7100 RESTAURANT, PART I. FULL TIME BUSBOYS WAITRESSES HOSTESSES DISHWASHERS COOKS BARTENDERS APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN. E. LEE 151 E•1t CNst Highw•y Newport Beach .LAB TECHNICIAN Jobs--Mtn, worn. neo Jobo-Mln. wom. 1100 TRAINEE Moi.r·M.,,...""'"' PEOO-ORntO APPU ANC YOWll: couple wanted to ES. ~nd compe1e work, manaa:e Kn\all motel. 1 BR, bobhiH and lntettsts resume furn apt. uli1 and $3X> mo. to Daily Pilot Box M9ffi. 450 Victoria, CM ~ LADIES 1' to 'W eun $25 10 NURSES . F'rivate D u ! y SI"" nttded. RN's, LVN·s. All "" v;ttkly C • 11 • n 1 shifts. Call any h o u r. l.Jneerie. F.qual o p p o r I . 6f2-99.)j employer. We train ~I--'-'-==~=~--NURSE AIDES Laundry Prasen Day &: P;M shifts. • No 6Perie~ ~ E.xpcrientt prete:rm:I. H.B.~ APPLY LEASING A&enlS b-OIODtr)' L&runa Be:a.ch Noni~ Home dub Qlls. NB. Guar. .aJ,.uy PH: 4M-3175 + bGnus. F.it>tt. 142,..1].10 NURSES Needed tor private: .OTYPE duty. Pn.ctical. A.Mb. No OPERATOR. PU"I time:. lie: ne:c. J..IJ. 11.7 l live-in. 8a)i S41-2>T1 l-1ost haw n'ls. Ca 11 LM-ln,--· ...__ Ute duties. excbanll! b' NURSES AIDES I: LVN room l bond. 645-0770 Experienced. M11cblni11la .s«9-306l . e Punc;h Preis & · e Multi•lfdo Oprs. Ti> Ktt ~r .week. Appb Tony Ouchi. Wu.a> TOOL l. DIE 3lSO Pullmp ...... C:O.ta Ml!Sa. ~ MAID, full Ume. Apply in pe1110n. Contact Housekeeper at tht' JAMAICA INN HOTEL 2101 E. O>ut Hwy Con:ina dd Mar MAIDS F\JLL.Time, mw>11 hotel. Lquna Beach. 494.ll.9S '.MATURE, nea1. cle~n. 6 AA-lo l "r 2 P~1. Salary 1:. 11rri Qenellta. Ap~ ly: ~Ir. Cris~'t'Ll lO M.f lo ll:JO AM. McDONALD'S NuMiifl&' NU1'SC!!1 Aide&, E."JJl!riencc neces.ury. Huntington Valley Convaleia.nl Hospital 13&2 Newman Ave. JiunL Bch. 842-5551 OUi(."C • Assemblers • Clertc Typists • Typists • R•pro Typists • Secretaries Work when and w here you want! INTERIM PERSONNR AGENCY POLICE CLERK I $474, to $576. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requires orM-year or N!Cenl rlelical experle.Dee. 50 ~m typine. Initial assignment to the evenina: shift. Apply be- fore 5 p.m .• ~pt. 12, 1969 to the Pe:r.ionnel OUitt, Cicy ol Newport Beach, 3300 New· port Blvd., Ne:wport Beach. Calif., (7141 613-66.13. POLICE OFFICER $711. lo $172. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Several newly ertal~ posi- tions available with progre11.-- slve pollee department cx- pandinJ: in size and IC'Ope of activity. Requirement! in· elude 5'9". 150 pounds mini. mum. 21-Jl yra of age, 20- :'.0 UOCOrTl!Ct~ \•ision, 11.S. diploma. Tho~ qualified should repon l ot the next written test. 6: 30 p.m .. Sep. ~mber 17, 1.969 a! City Hall, Council Chambcn. 3300 Ne\vport Blvd.. Newport Beach. California . No appli· l."ation nece:s1ary prior ro 1est, F'or further info. con- tact Personnel OUice: tn4l 613-«JJ. POLICE RESERVE OFFICER ...,. --w•-TnU:ll, Sharp pt ~..., traln. Set )'OW' own b::lul'I. like• pCoplfl hu aoine ex. OB W. 6th, Tusttn ~ perieoce can laod lhll One of the largest and most respected relaU companies h8B a need !or clepon- du.ble, married men to take over and serviCe well-established routes ln the ' beach cities. Tf you are ~ :i:e.lr-starter, have a good employment record and tbe desire to be more than just average: SAt.ESl.ADY 1<r aam,.. <NlltutllttC ..... NII "' A.ttt:nwions U. start C:all Gloria KQ, ltl Marino, B<lboa ls. -~ COASTAL AGENCY SALESMXi!:-serv Sta. NI mo Kui>o<' 81, C..1& ,._ Uni•. ii:wtna . 11hUf. Musi ti. Tem.poracy 1Jo~ TIClll in appearaJ:lc:c. se.i W•ttern Glrl Inc. Jim. 2.500 NeWl)IX't. C.M. NOW In ~ewport ~a,eh! Rt&· WE .OFFER Saleadlu Wanted lster today Jor lntemUna !'ull·time. Apply J a c k • 1 r.mporary · au\&nmenu,. m. Mengy,·ear ,%3189 El Two Ra. tarview houra: 9-11 AM, J.3 • Opportunity to earn $'1-$10,000 yearly . • Guaranteed salary up lo $125 per \\'eek, after short training period with pay. (Leisure \Vorldl P?if. 4867 ?>.icArthur Blvd. SALESMAN Elt:ptt. Se P I SUlte 314, N'S tln'U Dec. Conunlssion on!$. 540-0l15 e FamUy medlcaJ plan, life ins . and M&-0064 before 5 PM sick pay. • Vehicle with expenses paid. • Established accounts. • Up to 3 weeks vacation per year • Advancement into management. • Retirement at age 57. • Security and Independence. For complete Details and Interview Call 774-0330 or Apply in person Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. JEWEl HOME SHOPPING SERVICE Recpt/Typlat to $400 Xlnt future for Yne mlu 1v/ BOme ale bkgrnd. l.()vely So. S.A. oil'. Call Diane, 546-5<10 JASON BEST Employment A&ency 2120 So. Main. Santa Ana RECORDS SUPERVISOR: Responsible involved job, training program. $400.S450 Call Billie Beck, ~ COAS'TAL AGENCY 279(1 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Rc.!laurant Ancient Mariner now IAking applications for full a: part time, day Ii eves 1hifls. e KITCHEN HELP e DISHWASHER e BUSBOYS Apply in pel'$0l1 2601 \V. Coast Hwy. Ne\Vport BeaC"h RuaunJ.nt FEMALE HELP PART·TL\ra ll AM·2 Pf.f Ideal for Mothers ~'1th child· rcn start.Int: baelt to 11ehM!. Unllorm~ l meals furnished. Contact Mr. Dinius. McDONALD'S uf HARBOR, INC. 31'41 Harbor Blvd., C.:\I, • !)ti.9943 • RESTAURANT A SS 1 ST. ?>.!GR. with fry rook ~· for new fRSt-lood re5taurant in Co 1 ta l\lesa. Xlnt op. portunlty ror advancement. 642--0590 wkda)'ll. Do You Take ISAWMEN WANTED I "'"i!h a grain ol s.a.lt? Qu;l'! say lhat I blame )'OU, J fol- lo"·ed a ft-w myself only-10 ~ di1>appointed. The job Sl'ldon1 livC'd up lo L'le claims in t~ ad. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! AND EXPLORE THIS ONE! If )"OU \\'Ould like 10 make $250. per 11.'@ek immediately, \Vith an opportunity for much ~ in the future, I w()U]d like to talk to you. Sal" * Fantastic! Salo. UNUSUAL Opportunity SECRETARY Part·lime, flexible hrs. l da/ wk. U hrs each. Typin&, gen'I oUke duties. BALBOA Tilt' Independent Order or MOTOR H 0 M E S, C.~1. ForeJters have opened a 540-5103 ne\\' orfic" in Orange Coun-__:_cc:;_::_ _____ _ IY. Rcqui!"f' lntellla:ent man SECTY, EXECUTIVE 2:'1 -:>9. Collegl' no! net:· LrJi Sch. Top· s.lrllls. 4 ytan 1'11.UIY. S ho u Id have ex· aoOO . 1ecU bkg:md. Beaut periel\CP in meeting public. ores overlooking bay. 6ignifif!d lile time position. MISS EXEC AGENCY ~a.mini commence.s immed. 41!t w. Coa.<it !-Jiihway tately. Should tlf! 1n txecss N~11.1>0rt Bc1:1ch 646-3939 of $250 w~kJy. Secretary.Receptionisi Telephone bclwecn 10 11n . 4 Attz:. &irl for ci~l engineer's pin, Mon. thnJ Fri., for ap-()(fi~, near ~U'J>Orl May point.men!. OOl1S1dtt pl!J1~time. Sales J:l4. I 701 540-JTSO AVON SECTY,LEGAL Santa Ana, 1·2 years Calif law. Recent exper not nee. Tyl)e 60. &hid 80. MISS EXEC AGENCY -tlO \V, C.011.St Highway Newport &ach 646-3939 Says It All SECRETARY • LEGAL "takeup ll'aarance Experie:nced bath powdt-r.!I -shampoos 67>-26TI CD~1 deodoranls! SEAMSTRESS. D ta p er y Everybody Ule.!1 then\ -$0 work. 1..,...,itt 1 .. -... ~ Be ch v.·hy not 9ell lhe:m" CALL -..~ ._.,._ a 540-7!Mt · 546-43.il t nterlOrs. 1020 S. Coast ()r 1-J""'Y· momina1. 494-6343 Sal" COSMETIC SERVICE STATION SALESWOMEN Philllps Petroleum Co. N011J hi.tin& tor E ~P9rlenc•d prefarred Saluy~perated service sta- Excellent be:nellls. FUii tJme. Uon. Experience desired. Apr)ly In pel'3Qn, Perwnnel Good 1ta.rtln1 aallU")' p I u s TRAINEE: Jo"irl&nce t.1amt. Tm1fic future! $.C50 white trainin&'.. Cio to s ' 0 0 . BenelitJ. f~ paid. Al.lo !ee jobs Call Jean B town -COAS1'AL AGENCY 2790 Harbor Bl, Coat.a l\lesa We\dPr APPRENTICE for tmall ma- chine abop. ** 4M-1889 ** I LOST LEASE , • FINAL DAYS • TUESPAY THllU SU~DAY CONTRACTOR HELD US UP I! $60,000 lnvtntory of Fin. Purnlture Must h Sold NOW ! SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN ACT NOWI DON'T MISS THISI lt11• f t1M\ • Sl•r• Ch t rtt M••l•r Cht rt• l •11•A111t,;C•rd -All Aci:tp!•tl OpH f ·lll•llr -ht. f.,, S111, 11·!1 141·'''' APPR D FURNITURE 2065 Chlrlo St.. Cost1 Mon B•hind "H•rbor C •r W a•h" Ent•r oU H1mllto" ot lern•rci St. A littlt h1rtl hi fl ..... but worth tht 4,11.,. l•V ••••! Furnitur e IOOO Fumltu,. -20 l'C. "MADRID" --------OVER -STOCKED MUST S~LL! 3 Roam Group FROM MODEL HOfwlES 1ncludes: Quilted sofa and chair -2 end table11. I: cof· !ee table -2 lamps -dress. et -mim>r -headboard - quilted box spring & malt.- n!SI -5 pc, din\n1 1"0Clm l table & 4 hl·back ch.8.lnL COMPARE AT $749.9.:i $399 No down-Pmls only Sl6 nin, WRK'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., Santa Afl4\ Open Daily s.9 Sat, 'M Sun 11 ... MOVING to Hawaii. E'i'Uythlng like: new.-Incl curved quU.t~ beige 11ttt'I, dub chn. oval Drexel din rm set, upright freezer, ref.rig, 5 twin bed Met 13 xlra long w/elec blanketsl, tel\'· ing machine, upri~ht Hoover vacuum. IN a.nUque 11·hite: -J·fam· mond chord organ, tea wagon, coffee & end tbl,8, mrbl top chest, comole col· or TY. Plus Imported an- ~ 1ilver, copper. brass I bric-brae. etc. No dh11! QJ.M. 615-5176 (l-6 pm) FURNITURE a,. cabincls likr you have never seen Atnerlca's largest & ,, unusual unlinishtd furni s1ore. Cor Redhill k S: Ana F'wy, Tustin. 1 mi . of Newport F'wy. Open days: per yr. 544-5470. Office Equlpmtnt 1011 EXEC. Desk. J...shapcd + swivel chair. S400 set, Sacri!, $125. 545-0131 TYPEWRITER. Add. mach, calculator, Very reasonable. Xlnt cond. 892-2~23 r.vcs, Garage s.1. 8022 445 E. 17th St. Coat• M•a•, C•lif. 642-7523 635 \V 19th, C.oata Me~a MAINTENANCE mechanic, electrical It plumbing exP. Gd. worki"1' knowled&:e or hand air 10011 nee. 1-Hgh ~I arad. MAnufc. Co. in c06ta Mesa. 3021 Newport t111ervle:wing II.Ion. lhl'U Fri. B!.vd. C.111. 114-546-3300. 8 A~t to j P?l,t tr your qualil!cationa match RequiJ~s 21 lo .tl ye111·~ ol our requirement$, this could a.&e. &ood hl!1\U1. Hiah b(' the career you've been &:hoo1 diploma. US cllizen. looking /or. Call ror personal ship, good vision. 5'9", min, interview bet. 10 AM ti. l PM 150 lbs. 1n~1 5.14-1701 oHlce. ienerous com1nission, with J. w. ROBINSON excellent opportu!dlle. "" Fuhion llland. N .8. advarttmcnl. F o T in· Equal opoprtunlty employei· fonnatJon contact manqer. SA.LES Btookh\ltlit A Adams, Hun- TIIE LOOK Uncton Beach. School1·ln1truction 7600 COLDSPOT Refrig l ',~ yrs old, (.'Omp auto $lj()., Color TV.Jg. Philco console-ebony dyed 111alnut SliO., l Wack conternporary chair iv/while naugahydc cushions $30. Call: 847-9809 after J P711. Furnitur• Auction 8025 • Fur niture • Applianc•s e Color TV Equitl opportunity employer MAINTENANCE \Vanted: Matnttnanct nian, OFFICE CLERK lull lim<'. P.!ust apply in Reliable trainee n<'t'CIN as ~n. Jama.k:a Inn t.1otel pennanent clerk in F.dittlr· 2101 E. Coaa1 ltwy., Corona i.1.1 Offices of lhe DAILY lid Pilar. PILOT. So1ne typing and ~nt tiling experience helpful. :\tlD-fllANAGEMENl Must have car. Hours ii AM lo 3 PM. Ptlorv.lay throu.&h Tnlntt Fr1day, ~ r-.tn. McA1i5ter Career opponunity. No ex,. a.l'lemoons alter 2 o'clock. perience neoeuary. ?itllitary NO PHONE CALL'i. obliiallons comp I e: t ed . Daily Pilot Startfni" ~· $)%) per 330 \V. Bay St, ~·eek. '41 ~ Co!ta Me:Sll Trtpip De:ctric Inc 5'8-"" ••• OPERATORS ••• MASSEUSE ,,.........,. In .,,,.,. "'""' and overloclts. Good piece * QUALIFIED work price~. Jleady work. To ICt'Mc! a.diet oni)o. P.tnat BODY MOSS 141»2 Loc11sl lumi1h \ocd rclcrence1 and St ., We1linln11ter: 534-8738. have city Uctruie:. Pleaae ap. ' ;Jy In pen;on ror inleNicw ORDER Taken. Women - Holfd•y H••lth Sp. Girls ottt 19. Da.y1 or even· 2300 Harbol' Rl\·d., C.~l lnp. p)caga,ll wort<. No t'XP 04:c. S.laty JJ,6;) hr . M«ha.nlc WMled. 547~132S. Union 1' Stilion PART-Time AM/P?.:1. S2 hr, 1900 Newport Blvd, C.Pif. car. Open small blKtret iiECRANJC In motorcycle aocta. rn a:p. ~"""8SOJ shop. Must MW toolt. tao PT-TDfE tour -·Lf-for 'Nowpor< Blvd, CM •-· beaotlful ntw alolt apt. , MJD1CAL Traintoe for back oomplex, NB 6C4110 --EKG, ""· "'allied PAYROLL & A/P dlliel. ru.11 or pll1 lime. ~ medM2! ~not". To :u1gt acct, payroll 200. f'R· 5G4TJ5 mUlar data pl'OC:'eH procff.. ores. Be:aur offk.'t._ UOOl!UI WArm:t> MISS EXEC AOENCY Womc'IMI~ of all 410 W. O'.lul Hicl'IWIY , .... to • "f,V. Com-N~M Buch 646-3939 ~ Tract! Sh ow 1 ' PHO't'()..lfb tttll. MUil hlvt: , ,Grud ~ M.,.at~ exp, 11t.nd raumt PO box 1 ~ rufJJda • n d 381 ff·-41-ton Beaeb, --"'a111 .=:..:.:.::-=·~•;:;:..:=:__ kind.I. Ttllr. C. tio fH l~ PJES wlvtd (nd n an not a YOUNG fltan int~rtt11ttd II') .:bclol. \\'e are tn u~ thr pie bualr'll!l1. A swd .ttwrt!Mrw and martsfllnr fulun to !he r\a,'bt pnwn, • 11uSJneaa, l'lrt tlme ~ day \\'k, App. In ~mn: li)loeililnl._~ Ph en• VJ '1 t'ie-. 191 E'. 1Tth St. m-81"'-nln c..M..~ toll noon. \Vrinen test 6:30 p.m .. \Vf'd .. 1---"'s""'A-'LE'-""s;_:_ __ Sept. 17. 1969, City Hall l.!1 looking for &harp lirls ~·hO SER V. ST A . ATTN' The Newport Schoel need ' permanent poe!Uon. D a °t t i. m e • J\tust hl\'t Pllusl be e:xper;e~ in hiah lubnca!lon C:\."Pt'r. and a of Bu1 ln e11 AOK AUCTION 7m Garden Gro11e Blvd. \\'estmin.~lcr nr. G.G. Frwy. Tues & Thun 7 PM·Sat 6:SO Estate conqnmt, Repo. Ne-111 Councn Chainbc~. ::JOO New. BEf'RESENTATIVE pooi Bl,.., N'"·pon Beoch. " I a I h Ion d re:' I e: s A hair-cut. ALSO: Sat £; SUn ll3 Dover Drive, N.B. FREE DRINK 9 p 0 r 1 s w,. a r . t~r ·~ day11.. 490 E. 17th St., Ot 642-3370 ,..;lh California. For additional inforn111.t1on call or come to Pe1~nnel OUicc ITI4) 67J...6633. PRESSER Quality finisher for new dry clca.nini shop. Yo u n I a I n Valley locat~. Phone 546-4929 eves. Real Estate Sales E.xpcrlenc(!(J ,&!Kpcraon for blliiy San Clemente oillce. t"ree telephone JJCrvicc. lot~ of floor t i me, lislin1 com· miulon1 paid pror .. ;••ly, Elle:n C, ~taho11ey Realty 1624 No. El C.nitno Real Sa n Oemcnte \)I' cllll collttt Jor appl fTI41 C92-61l> R EC E P TIONITISEO\'E- TARY: Plush olfttt !or 11harp, allr. eaJ. sood phOne voice. ~1 p<'Ople, type, JM'll'i )'OU bf>hlnd • d~a1n dt"llk ? t'()(I Call Gloria Kay, :>10-60."i.i COAST Al. AGENCY 2190 Harbor Bl. Cana t.1eu Receptionist L.i&hl t,ypl~. am!Ul 0U1ce KU monlh lndopenclont P1nonnol lil6 Ora.nae. Aw., Suite C C\t IM%·0028, ~79 RECEJ7J10NlS'l' -S«rtilary. ful Jr:J"O'fln& co. dt!Alrtl, yourc lad\ra "'' phOne .. ,p. Can handle ru'1om<"n, lite: I) pi~ Saito' O pr n . :itl).9681 J f Nationally • kno\1'n company Is seeklng a Walied ..ales representative for this area. No tra\'tl Startin& salary plUI incenlive Increases u earned, Give-complete back· around and experience in letter lo , •. P. 0 . Box 18611 Ne"·port Beach. C..lit, 92663 Slllr! Equal Opportunity t.'mpJo~r • M & ~~ ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES · Short term secretarial tt-... po1ntmenl. call The Look, SER. Sta. Exp. Salary + 10% finement councs for 1 FISH & CHIPS 644-2400 33 f'uhkm Island. comm. o/Ume pay aft 40 more satilfyift.C carttr with rux 2196 Harbor, NB chn. Full/t. Perm. 900 E. a good income. no E. 17th. CM LARGE selection ol recondi. SALES TRAIN 1:: E: 111 Hwy, NB. t'Ji.Sept 12th onl.,y. tiol'led appliances. repos. ap. Insurance, No exper nee. SERVICE Station atte:ndanl. ~===.=u•=~=== 1--_:_;::__:'-'-'--=:::..::::e_:___ pllal'K:('s from model homes 1'1gntt oppty tor stable day ""Ork. SAUCl"'""'N SCHOOL \VING Back chair sa. Daven-·all gUAranttt<!. re11por111lblc pttgon. F'rom 3928 E. Coast Hwy, CdM ~~~~..a ~rt A._ cb&lr, ln&ke alftt. We Sentlce -\Ve Finan« $j()(I to $800 Guar Bo~i~s. SERVICE station attendant. Fitlll the Oilld King slze bea.dboard fl'. DUNLAP Call Jean Brown, ~ E."l:pcr. neu. See "?itike". \V'll·-' H Sa Other ml.ac items, 453 APPLIANCE COAsrAL AGENCY '678 Cam.pus t>r NB 1 IU\I Ed. D.ucennan, Tustin. Newport Be a ch . 1Bt$ r\r1•'J)Ott Blvd .. C.M. 2790 Harbor 81, Costa Mcu. ' 5'0-4060 El\1'0ll now Ml-2033 • SU.nto • 5ALES CLERKS S=~e~'~.! 1~1f ~~: Eves 541-tTaS . 1 'so=F~AS-,,'-'l-,~..,.-tt-,-"-ts_re_tu_rn-"R"o'"r"'E"R'---'-e,,,,__-"--1;,ov:.:,:;t-l::,-pn~ .• ~ht-l ntale, tull I: part lime. for 2&01 E. Coast Hwy. 573--.1641 s ed from lease at 50% of gas atel'W' w I ' 11 de -out ~~tl~:.~:r.~;~~: • New. SERVICE Station attendant. CRAM-LETS ~;,:~~7 \V. 1 9th. ::~'; :-:P!T~~~t;r; Appll1.-1100 The Tobacconist Inc. exp. J"ICC, Sec J\Jlke. 4671 ANSWERS \.\'hite. $7!. 54s..5623 lfuntinalon Cente:r, CampU!\ Or. N.B. 8' S01'~A, oewr Wied. quilted 1.,--;=====~-- l\lcOonald't ~~1n1Uy Rest.au· H ti Be S • M h i Ooral, sootcb-tuarded. S125. * \VEST1NCHOU$ d h I un ngh)n •ch •w1n9 •c M l\1atchlnr love seat sra oven ran,, & c>ha .. •I rl11Ut3 haVt' positiorui ava.11-SALES ,.,....,, ••• ,. Noodle -Pa.nay -Ar!~ -. "" ' I -.-"-SfAND 537-8032 unit. HarVf'st 1old. New & 11bt~ OI' ""n1en. 1/ork in SERVICE •latlon "''" tor Experienced on dresses k ~,·ant -S 1~-=--==~--~~-cle:an, pWuant tun-ottnd-Comme:nt about a dancing 2 Early An1er. \'inyl love unused. 6~ pvt pty. * lnat •1.lh uniforms furnish-full lime, lla:ht mechanic, sportswear. Top pay. &63 chorus: "Get a load of that seats. 1 vinyl Ovt'rstuUed COLOSPOT 12 Cu. 11. ed. ftff. n'lf:alt and Liberal neat In appe&rallte, 2 yn Productkin Pl., NB &4tHJ308 line, rve seen better lets on rocker. STh e:a. Newly reup. mlrigerator. tl'ee:zcr areti. hollrs. u y0u have <'hildren t'xp. See Jim, Z'ilO Ne¥.l>Ol'I Shlppina-lnv1ntory mlllic SJ'ANDS." MWTn. 3:l>-6:30 Good condilion s:A), 54<>-~ ho It -• hoot --~ Blvd., C.~I. StHdy. 6'2-2866 • .,._ > P'I •· a Puu IC ..,,.. you • P.&.1nU111 Casees * MOVING • Se l 11 n I all tu.la' " v.'l)Uld Iller lo r:arn up to SALES -Earn money "illl Shop ?>.ltthanlc Beainnlna:. lntl'm1tdil.te househc>ld furniture. COIOf KEND.tORE au Io mat I c SUllJ/pe.r n1onth dw1na your ~ inveitmenl. Sa r 1 h Elde.rly ~relittd 1nan for Advanced. lnteTT1Arionall,y TV, etc. 1166 Chariestun St., wt.sher. late model, );nit '"'"M' 'c'""o·olfr11LaDt:,S oi·c~icy "'"""' :: ,'",,u " Mlop \\'Ork; Nea.1'11.. Fashion rccocnlml lnstrur1or. c .. 1. ~i.17. c:-on:1. S40. 847-3115 41 r ~ pa11·ttn\(' P. "o e \.<ery: I 1 I an d. ._f u 1 t b t POETS ON CANVAS 546-8672 ='.;,8886~-""'~',,,',-,"~",;,'~•"-·:..· '-'"="~I ~;~ ~7..!..n. J.'or interviel\' call mechanic:aJY)' Inclined. A~ l(C ~11tfl. Balboil ~~~.~ ~t~~ \V~ I: d......,., •VOCAdo. SALES. SERVlCE 6latio11 ....._ "" ply in peraon. 673-6311 or 9Gl-600!l -,~. SALES NEAL'S Ul. Excell~t 548-4032 Sl%i Refria:--fnllt b'ft SW. :lr~~F\111~!~: :i!,~ ': DREA"f Job -Kttp your ~l!I E. 4th ~'I . =Uonal Vi~Oo~·iU-:lh t.fUS'T SIU llwm tum, JI.In hftte.T ~. $t0--ll!Z comm. f.lobil Station. 24362 Important job as wUe I Sllnla AN& n · Q · r 1 ns CA&e:, draftina tabl.t., parto NORGE rt.friaf'rator, $JO. El n.• 1 .. _,,... ttlOthcr A •am a "'kJy ~·ROQu, G'J u-•'-Chilcoat l ltl80n lyplf'C furn charbroil el<' ~2310 2:»1-A Slatt' Ave, ~ Toro rv1 •• ..._. ... -Hllll'!. o•vo..n .... ...... • .......... , Sehl. T'rlal a..e.on. 173 Del • · !it .... •••~ SALES: Pl\YChttk. 5"-3&34. 54Q..87 rentals exp. helpful, \Vlll fitar, C.M. ,._.. BEAUTlF'UL SPANISH din-I ~=:-c-,,---~--- KNOWl..EDCEABLE Slflrt0 SALES train. H.d . ~ MON'l'DiSORJ tnJ I Ina l•ble. Wl"OUl'hf·iron le11. LADY K~nrnoni W1u1htr It component talf's tnl.lnte. M•tull' \Voman. part tJme !UPERVTSOR: QI.Wiiy Con-%1,i 10 I. Give ;,~· ::~ 4 chain $100. BlG-1583 Dl)'tr, bolh li~e M't' $321. 21-30 yn. Call !\Ir. Vann e-ve, lllr.kory F'ann• 1Qlt? Ir-trol. BS O.m or rel•ted. beat ~cation. &l5-3708. Qualll:y klaa bed-quUted. MS-4'16l Aft g ?tii ~7 vll"lt! A\e., N . .B. \Ve1tclW ~I.amt ti. analyaig. \VeU ..::::::.::::::::::.::::..:.:::.:;=-IComplt'le--ummd S98. \\'Orth CRAN.BER Gu ntnp, tnp DIAL dlrtCI fC.5678:. Charae your ad, 1hcn til back a.nd lbten to the phof\t' rl15J now: Plsza. e1ta.b ro. Benefita. ree pa.Id, BUSIEST maliletplace in ?30'· Aft 3 & wknds 142-M36 C'Ondllion "°· 968.fi021 .ti &llt1!1 allO fte Jobe. To S.13.000. town. Th& OA!LY PILOT KNOTTY Pinc c11blncl \\'llh 6:30 or all dny S.t . Sill~Sll('r"-On lor Stereo 11.pe Call Jean Brow!\,~ Oaatned aectlon. Slive d001'8, 2 x j ' 11'", S:,O. Kr:n. GI·. 1 kr1 r·,,-.-o~,,-. ,-,-_ -...,.,- s!or<'. lull or part llrne. COASTAL AGENCY monity, ~-' CJ.Hort. LooJc n-.orr di~h"'nshfr J::;; '''" '•1 ', r~:o1onable:! Call ~I 2790 Harbor Bl. Co!lta i\leu. nowlll IW&--~l:l I:: pt\1. •• --1 I '' ll I l -f ! ' T t I N. I I • • [ .. T H > c s ' z ' I I I -.,, S.,.t-10, 19" 'tl~i':."J~:,.~~· FREE TO YOU TltANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATIO fl!A!'I T ~ • 1§ P!LOT.AOVUTISU Wod"""1, Stpltf!tbtr 10, I~ Mil!CKAHOISt •oil MkllCHANOISI llOll1 MlltCHANOISI llO!l, OM. V !'!LOT SALE ANO TRADE SALi ANO 'l'RAOI SA~I ANO TRAOE 1..;. ........ _.;_.-'---1--.,------... ,. .. Y~lo tOOO j!P:!o~wor~C~rvloon~!!..,_!~11~~~~-~nDO:! Dunt 811!!~ ~· Fumlltlre looo•uml""* --.ooo-MIK.ao.-... -~lo--nm: m,_ al cl pa • FRIEL CRUIZON II' C&Wn aulooc ~· LA Ai* '-:: --" l!r. 6*-1;m. .....,~ -a Ilic . PUBL IC NOTIC E DKOUTOlt ~ CANCIWTIO!I OF 11 l.UXUIY APARTMENTS SptQbh " Medtttrr.,1111 ftniture AU IRAND ·NEW · 9-pc. Meclit•rranean ledt:00m Suite in Pec•n I Ra9. ,349.00 I --·----·---·········NOW $161.GO 6or9aou1 Spanl1h Custom luilt Sofa with matching Love Saat-Choie• of heautlflit lab•lco, (·Ra9. $419.'51 •. ; ____ JIOW.$225.00 ~=iidi~.~1'E~J f:~ie~··;·~d·c~·f;·~·~··y·~·bi;·;-~·f,i.:: Tall Oecorttor Table Lamp• IR•9. $49.951 ............................ NOW $11.00 Spanish Henging Swag i..tmps IRa9. $49.91 1 ····--·····-----NOW $1t.i0. A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spani"1 fumitvr e (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 Credit Term1 Avtil. Credit Cleer•d lmmedittely mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.~-., Cosfa Mesi only · hary ...... 'Tl t -W .... Sol. I $oot. 1J 6 -------------------- Applion.-1100 Pi.•-·& Org1,,. · 1130 TAPPAN Gu Ra,... $35 • .-.0 e PIANOS eo..,_ Cotta Mosa (of! e PIANOS P1"""1af •'"'' e PIANOS MAYTAG Automatic washer, late model, :xnlt cond. $65. 841-811..5 or 546-8672 Fina.I Days of our SWnmtt Sale. Save on fabulous GRANDS lnduding ========c I • O.ickering • \Vurlilzer Antiques 8110 • Steinway • Knabe 1.;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I PLUS AtANY ~10RE! SPINETS & CONSOLES AUCTIOll * 2 PElllOD "1.0\oo .,.,. !SO '161 W. Ulb st. c.ata Buie Boa.~ Coune olfmd ._ • 11"11> 11113 W. W•-• ., pair. Huvy cbe1t o f Mtt.a en2 to the bUc a... ....... 8a1bol s:ti0. ~ ner, IA ,...Of!J, ~ .. 1 I(.. drawen 1 dHk $15. s· ' 1 • pu "~ ~ !JM. FRIOAY -SBPT 12 W1do old roll l"f>-!"" 8 WONDERFU~1 .,...,.... I "°"" S.Uldron •for pioplc • .. ,, 'Id Booh fMO cu.~-. ~ .. ~ i>iJ • 7t30 PM ' ' · · wks, S*1't DachShund .1 lnternt.d in Ailbolts u :t;.;: ~ . .., ..... SU50 • ....,.,. uw-.. v~almtd storQt * * * :, "':!tr~~ 545-6156. U4.' Fordham Dr. ..~ u powrr bolt&. ~ u• Jiballt bol.t • on ahon Newpin. ~-.. ' ))om Sm)'th Movlns 6: table A lheH combO C.t.f. 9/S2 MO(l(ll.y nltht Jor 1S 1"llkf moortrw UO hp Vol..o. ,ltJ'n -"- SIOR(e aod ~·-•~-~'Th 5DARK-• .. bb kill ~TPM,M .... Sept drive,111,...UO,baltlinka, lmporlldAl!too ,ftGt t:>< U\Nll .. r;o-iua. ,,,,_.a,p, W'I •• ..., Y ena, 15, tBrtnc not.eboolit ftrll etc Xlnt CIOfld Gd lkl bol.L · •"'!4 IUpomask>n • * • le: Fri only! &M-36&6 2 abort tau... Also 4 yr. old n!ihtr al Newport Hubm: an' •hen mOartni-Ball:m , • ALPHA ~A • ~1 .. ~ ., Klng, Queen. Full 'Chet~ EVERYTHING G6ES ~ manx mother c • t • Yacht aU~ 120 w. SQ l!J, No. Bay nf..615..l191 'Ill Triumph TropbY , 250. Lo Compl. rtblt &: ~ .tr~ sl~ Bedroom se11. 1,h OPF, ............. AT M14S 9112 Avt., 'Ntwpart Stach. No mlJ~.llbM'W. E~na new. $66115 or ·1· ~et!a:tee ;,imM:=~'!: ''~NYTHING GOE$'' NEED sooct hOmt 6>r lovable ~v&l'Klt rtPtratton, ~ 1°™' -~~ cab t n * 49'-8342 * btlt offer. 2lU Newport. ,.-. 'Lampi, Paflo fumlhU't'. 01. Any top with aey botlom' black and white kltttn 8 at cl'91. Any qU111lion. Call :"the ' :Pl line ~p SUZUKIµ> C.C. ti't.U -b.lke lo N.8. m,..1393 ' • vana:, Occ chain:, Gl'IJ1dfatl\. · AU Blklnl1 ~ to $1: wkl, 1'fother Slam~.e. ~ both 1~. NO wMQTO~ miles, $200. SU K1np Pl.. ., clock, 011•" Tlblea • IN<•4001Ul~toc_,_ 8'7-'IO!t. • _._ l>l!l .....m911tor•PM NewportHolghlL ALFA ROMEO Chain Admirlll Color TV Ii. &I& MariM Ave., Balboa ~ UNUSUAL: Part Rhode1lari ~UNTINOTON llACH 18• Owens w/85 hp ?der'c 'al Kawaaakt Mach m · ii:, others.' Picture1, practioe land. R1dgeback p1q1p1ea, 3 belp, pt, I ~ 16t.b •ls::::· e~.. lee whl trlr, skiing 500. LI~ ntWl p '66 Alph1 Romtf'O $2597 ' Piano, 1\f!trl,pn.tora, .wash-J<lR8Y vacuum clea.ntt with 2 belge/blacll:. • 1'1aJe. 1 ~For Info~ 9D-11.U. eq\Up. Good mnd. ~ e 5&&.ISS3 • Velooe Sprint, Ra~ modtl. er l. Dryer tell li •insJes, attach & pol!Wr. Xlnt cobd female, &t6-066I 9/9 , ~ ' 548--2631 1969 Kawuak.1120 Elrtllent 5 epeed, # 890· Stt>ves, Pool table l. MUQI •suannteed. PQ' otl bal of 5 MONTH old male eat, grey ALUMINUM ~ U'&'", 21' RAYSON cratt det: v condition.. Sel. "'icir l"lcillra. DEBoAatNo .. iL. AEroWAt1s· -MORE! 1 S33.U or take owr pymnts. W/Whlte med. lone hair to never been used. bunt lot • p • 49«3(1 • COhiE BROWSE AROUND Credit d t S3$-'l2&9 good Mme w/olde' 1 U.S. eoftmment at OC11>t of <lftl' nlte crulRr. Ju.It like!:==-:-,-~~~=-=~~ WINDY'S AUCTION op 66-Jm "'°';~; $2350. Will mab xtnl bay now. S.. to ........ ,., lJ66 'J'rlun>pb ilO a: -·-__ 20!514 N._,. Blvd. Behlnd Tony's Bld&. ?i1at'b Co5ta Meu * Mi-3686 OPEN DAILY 9 10 4 boat. diW. or YrWk boe.t Eve1 56.6IJM. days 893--7* Speclal. Xlnt lhape. $695. l!Q Hatl19r, C.M. -~ Misc. W1ntet( 16to LABRADOR Terrier pUppy !-WI. (;uap can be tn. 14'6" GLASPAR. t5HP ~ -'""---'---"'----to Rood home. Love• eluded at $12 per rno. Call Evlnn.tde motor. Cood ~l=========- chlldr@n, bu abot& ik Jack f15..lm or l>uaty ditlon $625. 613-.ml Trvdc:t , 9500 WE PAY MORE Uco .... 837......, 9/ll 61>!044 SAMOYAN mal ==,.,..--:---=-~-1967 16' Glastron, 50 b.p. '67 Dodg• V•n AUSTIN HEALEY · I< ... CASH le ~. th• t k-UDSON Bay Pac tie l , Mercury. Xlnt cond. $1495. v.s, auto excellent condl· LOADING Ramp/dock DI kivn, Jovel, love& children. I Hornblower), u· 'ha:ttu Call m,1259 t1om , • i I ~=~~rp;~~: ~~ebroken, ~J cruiser. FlbcfllQ& hull, is· Horizon Ski boat. ai HP KUSTOM MOTORS •·-··-com_.._._, "-2 ,,..__ teak ~c-~. Swedl&h inboard, Mere. New trailer. $1250. MS Baker St., C:O.ta Mtu. '61 Hooley $997 "30Xl" Rlhtr. J,.ookl like a ot~ one. RXK-11111 Bo4t Oo•I• Aco At .. ,. DEAN. LEWIS ,_,'6 ... .............. .,,.,.. r-..~ atttional llving room pilot w...u helm. New c::over. 6G-89J.7 aft 4 PM 5t0-59J5 and thmnostat, 25,000 BTU F~~-~TV!uft-\.~~ ttt and chair. 241 16th pt l. bhnlni convert top. Xlnt Au•"'-"'· .... Intemallonal like new no. cw trade fQr .......... ~ • p ..... ....., orzans """"f (b<twn .~... • nd .. -8 c y c ·-~ __ .. .. ....... ..... ... '6 • to61, __ . .....-. · · · • Boot Mlln .... n1nco 9033 De:aler, carpenter work. Sc o 11 ' • ........ an\lqucl. . Westmlnster) 9/11 .,._,,,. 1• lawn spreeder, like new $9. Day or night '65 DATSUN ~"-..... ~~·~----= ~--~'~"--M_:IO __ .,._.,N•=ble°T w~m:id f~~ ·rn=t~~~~ ~ 1:~ =!rm ';5~ 1968 Hari>or, C.M. . &i6-931B AUSl'IN Heeley 19tM, ?i!Kll 3000. Convt. Red W/ wtllte top. Good condition. Sl.6Cn. , -· . GUITAR. Y'Ull ¥!~ IO.lk $):> $WE BUY $ ~"' .• '!~!;'.mix. Small CrullCI' with power jet A ncv.'e!t, fastest boat service PU w/ camp°e.r new ene °" to JO books Blue Chlpg. w=u ~... powtl' trim. FUll cover. In 1ht area. Let us make &kl itTo • 'spd di xint ~l\b~~~3uo;~ $ FURNITURE $. BLACK, i wk old German Ready lo enjoy. All ~ur boat like new (no job ~dn ::'l&'tn.~t' ~ DATSUN •PPLI •NCES She""•-' "''"""· F'r1!e to mabllenance record&. l too small). \Ve also .ell pymnls NOZ63kLB call .Rob' ---------1 CCl6C» beat and maasaie "" "" __:~~_,. ..... ,.,, owner. KI S-4444 flberglus supplies. Open 1 f94.91'li or 545-0634. • · ,.i., new $211. preu form. ColorTV5-r.,110-st.,...1 ~lllF·uCall before 3, I:=,-,~---.,.,=-..,,-,,,-dy1/wk. ORANGE COUNTY'S stand, adjust 10 to 14. $3. 1 Piece.., ...... hD or S-M32 9/11 36' Endeavor, 1969 Nat'!. WIND AN' SEA '80 Dodie P.O. a» 1'p. nu NO. 1 646-0644 CASH IN JI M1Num' VERY AUect. all bl.k. lem.. Champk>n. F\dl race, 12 1731 superior enc. batt. top. Gd tlfts. PATSUN DIALER • 641-4531 • klllen, 3 moo. io nffd ol w1'8aalh,nowbal.Aboal . Cotta M .... 66-llU! ll50/otttt. 673-0911 Ilk for DOT DATSUN FOR SALE aood home. WW deliva-. be.th. Many other xtras. See 1---------1 "Dick". Bea.atif\ll oriaina1 ~oil paint. WE PAY CASH 5U-1096 9112 at CYC a:lp 525 or call ~ MWI'Sll&hllySf:ldoJ_:.:.6!.. "1onda1-,0~1::l--.R"E"N"'T"'-A..,..-,.S"H"E"L"L--U835 Beach BJvd. 213-391-7171; nlte .. _ .... -i.i;-. HuntinctonBeadl ing, mountain 90Cne ill be1u--~~=~==--!TERRIER/Poodle puppiH ZJ.3-828-t.326 6U-S943 • yvEEKENDS, WEEKLY SU.ml or Ml)..(IHI tiful blues • ll"'!M. Dark • WANTED to good homeL 2 female, t ---------1 NONl'JILY "* 839-llllOi~,.,,;,;.;..,;,c-=====-1 wood carved framC'. St"C lo maJe. 1 wks. Ca 11 1955 GMC V-f. 4 1peed '67 DATSUN •PP"Clale. R"'°"""'· Can FURNITURE _.,.. 9/12 Sollboah 9010 Morino Equip, f035 ..,..... •• ,, c1 .. n. 1'95. 847-7187. TOP CASH IN 30 fo.finules DARLING Blk Cock a poo, 4 ONE factory re-b.lllt (D!wt Call aft 5 pm, 54.8-4941 LGE D1' 1bl w/6 ciu-., SJS, Quollty !um!!""· "''°' TV-. mo old; puppy ahob, .., 1o lASJ CHANCE! ' ""'' C..-! u-1-n -·n FORD \0 -Ton. C..tom 4 DR Sed, 4 IPd. dl.r, l>Mr oew. Haa bad eXCepHonil ... ;~ .. VII ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE Sept 11. 12, l.'.l, 14 Thur Fri Sat 1·10 Sun IZ-& Long Beach Municipal Aud. SAVE UP TO ... $250. BUY NOW!! Prices will not be this low again!! Retrig, $35. Perfect eond. 1tereoa, appl.ianees tool&, lovtna home w/ chldrn. 64 HNG lft'Y~~ c!tetel cab. Ex,traal rr,@ Friiidaire $100. Wuhin& ollice equip. 544,.5014 9112 enafne. Compltea w/twh"' miles. $1595. 893-3185 machin. IJS. St""""'°" 531·1212 AOORABLE. Younr male SAV~PAI~ $1W dlle reduclloo par 3,1 "64 FORD I> T PIU w/con> can. Will taedflcl. llMll cln. fioc pm ...... -LB. c.ll Phfl, ~ « 545-CIS34.· "Ii\ o I COAST MUSIC NEWPORT & HARBOR COST A MESA * 642-2&'1 I'"'""'!!"'~~~~~,,. I Open 1().6 Fri 10-9 ' Sun 12-5 COLLECTOR'S SHOP Used H1mmond Or"an Lon& Beach Blvd &: Ocean Ave. CLEARANCE SALE! • 'J'o make room lor new stock SAL£ S.3 & ~It', A-100, S.100, H-100. M-100. M-3. L-100, J-100, S.l. From S195. Temu. IOIJ. Sealey maU .l •pcl.,.. WE PAY C'"A"SH".l;--1 ..... caL Noe<la hom•. Ru collo. Foe !urlhec tlololl~ ,.,, Ma"" <l!!l'JI. Xlnl w/h<adboacds $65. ,..._ "°"· 1115-0lll 91., CORONAOO YACHTS~ oall P. Sulton (2J.!). Q!.8301 oood. -an 5,30 lhla WMhncl BEAUTYREST "'"' m•Hn" • NOT CL--ks NEED Special"°""'°'" II PRICE INCREASE Wffktl.,,.. or mo IW6--043ll S65. Bonanu. mini bike ~ Manx ktttet11, whb need lot&:" weekend1. · w1;ack • • • 1 •. '""' For GOOD, USED to ... ,,.._,.... "" ,,:f::_tlb...~:ni:!!'~· SAILWOpt. Spoelola J"po 9SIO suspcl'l5.lon $l50. Seaiull-40 Furniture, Ste~. TV or BEAUTlFUL.Calico kitten, 3 Newport Beach •· 645-(Bll) ~10'4 CASH Olacount ''6 WAGONEER $2°'7 outbd, offer. 646-2l05. HDUsehold ltenu or any kind. moa.. old to cood home. I '!!'!'!!!!"!!?'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!~ Laundry, rep&ln, aaUs. Bli 6 engine, power tlterina, SURPLUS factory d re 1 a e 547-5'722 e Loves c~. 847.ell 9/l2 CAPTAIN John aa)'s.aell hll HANNA SAILMAKERS 4 "hHI driw:, ready tor labries A: remnants. So Id PHOTO STUDENT FLUFFY ufue l11lY i!ttj :.O' Schooner a Vlntaae ahlp 861 w. 18th St., C.M. mountain or de1ert, Lk. to the public M Monday ~.a-JUMK n•~•RAS ,, .. ~ Slameae. 1 wks. old. w/ )ota of potenttal. 5ff on n4: 54$-3464 SVE 368. thru Sat. 1820 Monrovia, ·~ " ~ • trained 546-1153 9/12 moorln&: oU Balboa Cari.be '69 us HP Johnlon. 9 hn Best De•l1 Are At HELEN MAA"'NING Antiq\Je!! 2423 Nwpt Blvd CM 64.2-9251 CARVED Walnut 11th cen- tury Medi!t'rrane&on pedestal table, $125. 548-4522 CM class project, etc. 642-955.1 • aptl, To blard boat oontact DEAN LEWIS ALLEN THEATER, J2 pcd.. ~D:,,IAMc,,·~O~ND~~3-,...--wod~d~ln&-IN-EED--bl'l-ci<t>-.-... --.. -JJJJJ-,1 ~~ ~~ lem~:rpu~ Enie Minney al MM!Sl. ~~.w~~~~~ panel al al , · ._._ ,__. na."1.. _.. ...~ .,,_ All oUen over fl5,000 con- Sowint Mochl-1120 SEWING MACHTNE s, moM. new . nng. nave cuaran~ ap. ft&«! "V pn~. vn-mo1 PM 9/12 .u.-.... ·-fl "° c M .... -praisal $2(XXI. Dver 2.25 ct. ....,.,,.,.. Bolt t;llp Mooring 9036 ~ a r, · · .._ -=1=N"=G=us"".· H=fO;::;o=· "'''"·'··: -ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH PORO OEALIR SALIS• SIRVICI 'OJ MODELS Immedlate dellver)' LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2ll6<I Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 60-0010 ' ~ 1 . 196t SINGER ·CONSOLE Big Savin&s Now in our End Perl~ct gtms. S a c r If Ice --------BOXER-Labndor 3 mot, SAIOTS * $266 · --'49 Jttp Sta.. Wag .. new Urts of ·Summ" Cl<aran<oo Sal•!! $625. , .... 613-3600 FREE TO YOU malo h<allby, lawn"''°""· SLIP WANTED • ........ -co" d. HMU.10ND · 'CARP ,==ET~~,,.-tal-le-c~hd--,,.,.-sv.·eet It ea.pr. m.~ 9/U ~1; C:~~:;! Pv. Pty. iooklnc tor slip to thnaoul n.take o 11 er . • j;u .• : z11: Zar cab. ~ti. Slightly u!l'd. Stylish ival. cab. Doea evcrythlnr withcut attach. Built in controls to overcast, make but-holes, sew on bul's, hem dresses, mak~ fancy stitchea, etc. S )'I'. parts and service ~ntee. $5.64 dwn, &: 9 pyml!i, ol SS.64 mo. No interest chge .. or: COMPLETE PRICE $56.40 For no obUg., frtt home demo., call credit Mgr, till 9 P.At:. tf ton, Call Collect 213. 531-9694 In ())RONA DEL. 1'4AR rol.J, avocado nylon carpet, \\'HITE NauphydC' couch Ii: OLD upri&:ht cabinet TV, f'{twport Bea.ch *" 64,5.(SlO dock '&Mr Ottis Crafl.t---------- 285'1 E. Qiut Hwy. 67H930 double juk-backed. WW eeU chair, platform rocker-worn needs some th Ing . I ·~645-~lll!3~~er~(~2U~I ;:m~.i;~m~=IC.;.;;.:;;---~9iif •i••••i ••01v 1 Bald • all part I l / d uphol, Sm, 8-.S.Que, floor 644--0191 9112 HOBIE Cat. l::;;J' th tra.Ut:r. r "-" •~ • ren a WUtorgan or , yar . ._ Campert 9520 N..-DnporU Lid. O.. ·1, le learn lo play. Adult ~1245 lamp. maple chair, small, FREE-Mixed poodle •mall See at 4801 Crescent Belt·Yecht I;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ··-· - beginncn onJ¥. Private or''•~1AD=E~~T-,-.-.,,~.,.--ochoo~I formica dining table \v/5 trained. Likel chUd°ren. ui N.8. Sl.150 or best otter. Ch1rt9n 90391• ~dc..tn•al-". '1 Gilb' autbor-••. ; •·-1 ·-"·bto chairs. small end lable. ..., __ , Balboa 1,1.~ •in Owner ltaving. Phone •-'-'='-----FALL I.RI\! ... • e....,s essons av.__ -d.ressea. Size12lo12. penna 548-7196 9/11 .....,....... · ....... " 646-6942 SALES·SERVJC&..PARTS '- FERRARI _._ . results fUll'&.D.teed. Bell~ press. Baby ~ wedding CAL 24 S25 day. $150 wk CAMPER 3100 w. Oout Hwy. it or 001-~.oo a week ren-BEAU11FUL black mother PETS and Lrvi'STOCK "VOON="'a;;-;ii="· -,"t'"'o'"'o'"'p-,-,-tm-CAL 36 $95 di.¥ .. $510 wk CLE'RANCE N rt Beach tal, leuons extra. gay·~: ARe:SocnMabl~,,~New cat 2 yn: old, expecting kit· · maeula.te, allp Inc I u de d. For Charttt. * 846-2951 .. ,,w F-"""~ "".._.,k ... lO\I' 642-9405ewpo 540.176t . ': WARD'S BALDWIN SnJDIO Ull\ v • . . ~· tens. Movin&, cannot keep. Pets, General 1100 $1650 or trade for eqalv 'Eld d"'U uu .... FisaRE-Autl>arized Ferrari Dea.ler 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-348.( MOVING to E u r 0 Pe · Perfect way to t e a c b value Mel"Cede1 ar &mailer Mobll Homtt 9200 ora 0 camper. ( THOMA·S Comple!(!' h o u st ho I d ehlldttn about family Jife. SlA11fESE Kl1TENS $15 boat and cuh. 145-~ • 1000.1). Complete I readf FIAT fufnlshlngs must be dlspos. &36-7392 alter 6 9/11 10688 Lehmhardt FV ...,-" S • d ... 1.. BAY HARBOR tor lun. Ll1t Price: $5459.20.1---------1 ORGANS t'd of. 21831 Kiowa SL, HB, * 531 9716* ..,__ co u t 1 esperat......,. Dllteount: SU03.o:?. SALE 2 ADORABLE heal'"" kit· -need a ~1AIN sail tor 22 Mobile Home $1111 PRICE •AJ~.18. '67 Fiat $1197 962-9711 .,.., .,.. Exclusive c.oJor·glo program· ====~-~. --ten1. IJ'RY I wht, and "'--IS2S FOOT ALB AT ROSS, Casa Lorn.a Roll · Away · Theodore 850 2 door. Choice of 2. med rylhmn. ?ttany other KENl\fORE e.l«:lrie range, whle/gry stripped. g \Vkl, ~· 642-5769 Sheraton Manor . Homclle · ROBINS FORD # 9!189 plus fealul"el!. Sec the new ne•r new, 24 n\t'h oven Sl25.. n t: c d good home 1. HURRY! TMse won't last -~K;;,it-• -~~.,~.-..... -~.,--Kh • Prestl&e • Sahara Best D11l1 Are At LawrenL-e Welk model 'fre. new arttn tv.·eed SIOO. ftllAc. 5J9..1890f542.7006 long! 5 \\'ttks old Siberian Xlnt eorxlition ALL SIZES 2060 llarbor Blvd. DEAN LEWIS mendou.s savinp on ~lttt-table5 $10 each. 2 5 0 0 CAN'T Keep cute tut puppy. Huskies. Choose )'OUl'I noN! $67:i. ~ NOW ON DISPLAY Costa ?.tea GU-0010 , 'I ' ' • '" r, ·' .. " .·: ! i Singer. auto, Zl& zq, 6 mos old. No attach needed lo do design. monognn. blind hC'm, $3.21 mo or Sf2.00 cash. """'' ed demonstrator models. \\'estminstt'r, Cftf 545-091-t She looks like wi~ haired GenUt', affectionate, lood 1G5 Baker St., Cost.a Mell. URd Orgam from S199. * * * * Doxie. E\lft. 7000 W. Coast v.ilh children. Only $1S 21' VIKJNG Aux, Beaut end. *block Ea1t ot Harbor Blvd. '69 V\V Sundla1 t'amper, 1966 Harbor, G.M. 646-931'.n COAST MUSIC FAMILY Membenhlp t n Hi&hwq Trlr Sp. 21. N.B. beca.u&e of no papen 00 ~a;::. 'Jlr~ POI~ Costa Mesa cn4) st(),i470 ~.iceaw!:, ::~ ~ ocM;;;•;;;•;;,i<;;;•;;,l,cln;;;•;;,t';..._~1~12-'5· 1 NEWPORT & HARBOR Irvine Coast Country Cl1.1b 9/11 thew little beaut I e •. 89f...fllK GREENLEAF PARK Must .e:U. Movlnr to Africa. 1· for ule. Pvt pty. 613-1918 5'5-86n In cl -•----• ,._,.. 1-------''--1 ACCORDION, 2 yrs old, l'OSTA MESA *" 642-2&1"1 FREE Puppies, Tay Collie ===,,-.,.-:-,.---,., OLYMPIC FlM No. 141. 3 ear • ......,, UNI ......,.,. $3:!00. 644-2962 ESTATE. Sale-XKE '14 JAGUAR -: I . . . .. ampUfit:d, fUll l20 bu&. WANTED PATIO Room 15 x 25, tcreen-and Cockapoo mixed . 7 wks CHIHUAHUA Puppil:s. 16 ICll l&ilt, l MW Nart.h, lteSL New 92 space adult PICKUP CAMPER Shelli Coupe New Tafiierlne la<> PIANO" ' ORGANS ed with stonn windows. You old. Adorable, to eood home wks. 3 males, no papers. tralleT. Samnce $ 8 O O. park, Models A Sain ottlce cab-hi, lil&ht f'relgbt quer; Ame~an ma I a; $Jl0. 962.-5613 ......... ._,,..* dl.!!manlle If steal for S"'93. 8~9678 $25. 377 W. Bay, 01. L"M...."":l located at Park. Open 9 AM d ~-, •~t"""' Mlchelln X 11m·. ,,.,. u~ Conn. KOl.d tenor AX. ...__..,. Value $1.800. 549-3793 6'1~2004 ... ,.....,.w to 6 PM. e..mage ..... ..,ap . ....-<NII """• Excellent cond. $195. -~------3 Lovable tortoi~bell kit·I""'===--.,-,,==-NE'"l NapJH Sabot g•, fbgls, ACCENT MOBILE ahcdcl. A real Beaujy! • 54().262:J • 1---------}fealtb Spa membenhlps, tens, 4 mos. Two twins. Nd CHA1'1PJON •ired Sh.'YE Ter-complete. Easy to car top. HOMc-SALES Dun1 Bugglu 9525 MW oiler. 6 3 3 -0 9 0 g • •===~~--.,..,.-,...,I Recflo l200 12 months lover 200 visits) good home1. 821-Sl 9/12 rier PUPs. Calm, .OuUy, rare. Call m,1147 "'¥" 639-0l21 atl 6 pm. HA~tMOND 6ri'an, ~fodel AMATEUR , Radio station, ror $99. RefUlarly $200. Miss PERFECT children'• cat! M9-2a47 llJO Whittier Ave. VW dune bUUY chusll ========,I Ml.00, new i1600, MU tor Lane ~9-1425. lr."CHSH===-=.,--,-,.-,-CAL 20, 2 yr1 old, xtras, C.0.ta Men. n 4: 642·1350 11hortened. clean l painted. KA".,ANN GHIA $900 or ~it ofr. 968--321'1 SB 300 revr &. SB 401 xtmr, ' TortqUl6c &hell female, 5 UA UNO. Red, black Ir. Newport oU-allorc moorln&. CASH FOR YOUR Red metal flake. M-r1 ~i\"I on the &ir now. $475. CANON QL/19 35mm mo1. 642-4424. 9/11 tan. AKC registered. Cham· 5f6..l54l .. " .. 12 STRING electric guitar &: SG-8878 L.ike ne~~l yr old. NEED ~ home for ""'""It pion 1ittd. 6#--022'J .,, ===",--,=.,..-==-I MOBILE HOME T4!!,w:?,.9"°"', • .,1~;~i~_n. S400. '60 Coupe, clean. cutC' XLNT •, ... ... '" . ::· r .·~ ... :· . ... ..... ..... amp. $120 or bes1 offer. ...,., &"" ,,v-· PU EB SABOTS F'rom $200 to $400. .,.,...... • ....., ....,.,..., COND iood 2nd ear $6:!0. 546-31$9 aft S P?.1 Daily Pilot Box P-911 Joni haired white and grey R RED m 1ni"1 u re xlnt eOnd. 548--1542 or Prlvat& party wan!s 8 x 40 or MEYERS l\.fanx for stl"t'f't or 548-6367 all S PM a ··i:• T•lnlslon l20S ;;E:i\ii#iruc-;;;Jmhinl;I ~·~"c,· ~M~ol~•,.>•~1'"'~'!'."C.· ~536-~2091~ Dachshund• <Doio'•l $30 or 6~2-3430 tarver to be moved to moun. ou roAd ute. 1966 ~ hp Bug wk/end~ Pl1nos & Org1n1 1130 -"-"--"----_;;;; BEAtITIFUL aapphirt I: fUJITY kittt:nl, one black best offer. 847-3813. PENGUIN sailboat 11 1.I' taln lot. Send des.crlptlon, enr. X1nt eond. $1100. Call ='7.'==;:;--=,,..--=:~I ==:...::-:o;=;.;;;._;;.;....;; Lease Color TV or Black diamond rlni::. Apprabed al male, 1 black & white fem. ADORABLE mixed poodle prl~ & location to: Wrtt.t !>-1 pm 548-9881 '59 KARMANN Chia. new •• ..... HAMMOND. Stelnwsy • Y•· I: White. Option to buy. S875. Will .ell for m11ch lea. 548-3SU 9/U puppies. I weeks old $5. w/l&il &: traller. Top con-Box p 424 Daily Pilot. , . trans, '60 rblt efli. new -·• • -• I ~ · N de It 613-5184. 19• ,...,.,.. dlUon $425. 8.17--8598 • -EXTRA Clean! Gold Flake paint $500 call alt l5 . -.'"' : .,...,a ' oew • UI-.. P al'lOI ~ • ..,. aerviL-e. 0 po11 ,,:,..'='=~~~~-.., IYOUR choice, long ar short .r.•,,.u, 69 .13 x 25 w 1 skirting:, Manx, lo&dK. No reu. of. n4:4~l9 ·' ~ all makes. Best bu)i1 ln A-Active. TV Rental Co. DlAMOND Weddlna: ~I. 2 haired, cat or kitttna. PUPPIES, 5 wks old, mother H~~,~~!1"3 shed .rr. porch. l bill: to ahop. ft!r retuaed. MUit Sell I~,.-,,--,...,--..,==-:::-.: So. Clllf. ri.ihl here. fll 522-1153 els total we:l&ht. Flawleta! ~2674 9(12 Huaky &: O,Ow mixed. ,10 ping. l~ Newport, No. ~. 546-U '81 Convert, Kannann Ghia SOiM1D'J' MUSIC OJ., 21 .. TELEVJSION Good £!'~Uln7j(I, 1ell $6 50. e:a. S.1S--6527 Fun 1.ont Boat Co. Balboa c.M. "=========< Xlnt tran1p, ear. lJ07 N. Main, .,,......., Adorable kittens, 1,1 Ruulan1-~-.;..,-----KlTE N 676 1· S58(1. 673-UU Santa Ana =eves~Uon S 25 ·1,co=M=M~ERC==1AL=-,-,-1-m_m_•_r Blue. Fret: to l'OOd home. Gt.rman Shephrrd pUp Aqua Rlue. ~nt' ~nd. DELUXE Dbl ~kt(' ~foblle MOTOR HOMES 9215 \VE HAVE PIANOS! You may pW"Chase or rent and credit all monlet paid toward pun::ha!le. HOUSE OF HARMONY 43 Fuhlon Island NtwpOrt. BMcb -t 844·0391 ••YAMAHA PIANOS & ORGANS See the oom~te line at: COAST MUSIC 642JJ54 9/9 White AKC. SB;; * f'n...3848 * Home. New adult park, Ot. 21" Magnavox, tabJe ~l., lawn rnoYtl'er, 2S'', xnlt cond. • ~1 • Eves/v.•knd1. 646-4680 black l. white, l yn old. $100 DARLING Kittens, IOfll hair.1~~.-=,..;.c;_,.;.;;;..:_ __ CAl.. :U. 3rd In NATIONALS, . 642-8528 lhort ha.ind, your Choief'. • BLACK mlnlatura poodles, ~ years. Full set of aaila. '61 10' x 46' ROD I: REEL -:.=· :.-=,-,-rv=--==,"'1"4·"°',· I R E F R I G E R AT 0 R Sl5 6'8-87G 919 AKC, $7S. 842-1962 S31'00. * 846-2957 partly furn. To be mov· Including stand. Xltlt Washing machlne l30 2 CHlliUAHUA. Older. Adults1---------td. M&-3'20 condition. Call SJ8.8691 pie:ce &Cetlonal ~. DI.nine only. 642-fOO& be~·een &-& Hortn 8130 I ·,-.,..--,-C-rvl-.,-,-,.--90-2-0 Mini Ilk" ta~e,wooclM.54&--2152 ~·~-m~·~-~--,.2.'~/ll~J;;;:;-;--;;:::;;::;-::7~ ---~---~ Hl·FI &. Stereo 1210 ENCYO..OPEDIA r .e cent CUTE, fuuy kilt~ g wb, ~L d sr;:Uand. c h I Id 21 C&.llfOmlan I bra l 1 eon.,. 5 hp, jacklh&ft. C'dltl«I .$35.. Al.lo b e• t lttt sl'IOI« lo good homt:. • •P lft)' f15. w/llylrc bridlf.!, encl held, shoclal, tenden. flOO, STER.EX> 1989 dlx: C'OlllOle, childtcn's encyclopedia 844-0006 9111 S45-S838 twn 226" cna:,, in top 1hape. * 5'0-14&3 * compJ with full stereo, 4 cpd 54 .... 9380 , • SHEPJIERO _ 'J'errlt'r mixed VACANC'l 9xll box s!&ll, Extra fuel. 2 S-D batt1. Bis Garrard chanpr. 80 w.tt BEAUT. Germar. made new pul>fl. 5 wka od, 2 males, l l&rge corral, tac lockt'r, elect. panel. bll·in charger, Motorcyclft 9300 NEWf'ORT • HARBOR dual ehanne.I, 4 lpla IOU.nd aheer embroidered Whitt female &t5-l!03 9111 ~td : $«!. 549--3591 &ft i ?i,lonel llhalls. 150 watt ,_ R •wt •· .,~ • COSTA MESA .. 642-2851 .;yatf'm. Pay att ba1 of $71.28 ' • ;:::::;::::.· .:::~::...,~_::..:;:1;;;T.;;-;<:;:;;:::-;;;--=:::; radto. CB-ADr, dfpth soun-'llil' ta!JllU aooa-<J CUh or small pymnta. curtains. 9$ • lone, x 21% PART cocker. terrier, 2 SMALL Geldlna to a:ood der 144"1: other Extra. hp, 2--tpcf, mar new. N~w-:,!. a~ldw:; P::; Credit dept. 5.$-7289 wide. $125. l39-033l male, 6 wtcr. old. nt~ JIUP' bomt, !~2826 * s12.~. c.it attfr s PM, $200. 96f.l!n week. Pmte"1onal ~ ···-·-= CROSS-top reefer $6. Couch ,,>P::;l";·,.:llC-;:;;21;;;58;,...=~~~1---------66-170& Honda 65 muctlo• available. ttaul!I Comer!". E'i!!IP. l300 sw. w....,. •ntl • .,., l'5 INTELLIGENT. Allocllonott TRANSPORTATION 21' OWENS cabin cnn.c. Good coodltltm cuaranttfd. CANON Qt.JU 35 ·rn each. 416 & 17th st. IRcarl '~ irown malt: rPtten, tw ~ eQUJ.p'd. Good Onl. 9&l-09» WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Uko oow. 1 '/T ot~ ~Ill aholL 64>-0131 919 ... h A Yldllt fOOO Sllp avaJ!. J!OOO, -Hooda. n>ttdtl DSJ, GttDt1 l!1!I Newpare.. C.M. £U..MM sso '.ii K~ ,honw beer cooler In-& YR altered m a 1 e ntt. aoodluon. $15. -...mt PLAY BUOflE YOU BUY \Vr1te Daily Pilot Bo:c Mll chtdi._ Ml II: C01 tank f75. Himalayan eat I ov el A~ Uttlil _...boat •i"'""'""'=="""'""""'""'""'""=====:;== -==='=====I --· !nt ouUiiiiid bot .t-t .......,,.H .._......,,_u_._ FREE piano du&N form.I'll • · women. 64'5-.ii.;i,o ~ tt, t., 4"' ft beam 10 HP """"",. ~ 7a.w...-.. .--.,.. now -call tor re8'r'Vationtt. Sporting Goods &500 22 Caliber, tu-rel plltol, FREE 'lcittens. Black a..od Jotu.:>n l. contn:U. Needl GoWd 1't"* Company. me 8roW11in& Meda.Ii.IL Call "'h1te. ~SI painl , Lovin can! $1.50. N. l\tatn. S..ntf. A n & • SUR1'BOAlU>S !'2'' Hoble 8'1-2m WHITE Doe rabbit 60-SUS 547-0611 Woody, 12' QuJa T-. 1,;.;;;,;;,._-~~~~ KI•~•., "-l•"c p•·-both for S$1. 673-0632 STE.AM cabinet, lib new, ,,_ 5f6.f9&5 2::t ~btn eru:twr: fUU nlla. m-~-" ---========I prlco '11$. ~al W lOO i... ' ~~ $495. Xlnt coM .... unw 2· an I. 4J$.tM1 2 WOOD yard dla1n. 409 71b .. ., Mtrc out ....... ". Oa All ........... • .. a.-"'-..... ,.,.·Ci MhcellHIOut l600 · St Huntlncton Bf'9Ch tit Mlllt 1tll.. bell o It• r. · Al ,,_ tr ,. J4' WW. ....-vw1. NEW-on patnthW* S*1 e•. · O»tom tralltr a hltcta. INCLUDING ' Gftntl -otl&lnal Quall'1 klDr bed-qullltd .. tam,_ 130 eo. TV Ill.SO. 'ro Good -.,, ''"'°" whli. -11 r-------..--:;;;;°;.i llolab, l,..Y. ""'lolla. "50. Comol<-Ill. -646-4117 bu"""· GT.l-18113 9111 :Ill' nBEAGLASS Ca> I n ::...~~~ ::=:: , 64MlSl . $2!1). Aft I· --GIRL'S Enallllf to l!>ltd, ! Btoulllul ltll"no, mole a 0.UICI'. S1etpe 4, 1011,_ CAJn.U COINIU. ST U DI 0 PI• no, I u J \ NEWPORT 'ftrtnlt C l'u b denfler, vtry pt eon. ~Ille 962-3451 9/lJ b'lr. l"fw 95 bp lttM" $2000 SHIUTOlt MAMOI PAllUOM MA~ ....... keybo&rd. XnU cond. P'-.mU, Membenhlp, $450 dlllon. m ~ CUTE kittens nttd love. 1 or best oflrtr, 819-.mS 2307\1 Flocldo. HB. p1uo trua!~ lao, -OOOll BttlOl>I A Zt>rllb wkl. 515-tSl& 9/ll "DEAR OU> GIRL" 142S llAICllt ST. C A MISA v. __ .f __ _ KIMBALL ConlOll.ettt> ¢ano. HOU8E1'UL Ot tumltutl!, tor helU1nr aldes In pt:rltcl 5 Wk old cute klllena to tood SO' Mof'Jttrty, Xlnt cond. CAU 14M471 TOIAY }.1nl, Must ltlll 54...._ ale. mmei~ 545-?SM condition. $30 t'ach. ¥2-3228 Mmes. 644-429S t/ll: 1.~_!13.!:!2l0.~60-~_!!IGl~--''lm"'!'!!!!A!ll!l!!!! .. !!!!!l!!.., ........ ~IJlll!- BAY HARIOR "HO:~': SALES Clearance Sale HEADQUARTERS FOR llOTORHOMU "'~' "' 111 IP .. "QPlOIO" ... es e ~ • ..... = ..... -. --au erta ti ,..., • ren. a ,..,., t Yr.AM r lllAllO- ... .t.11 ............. 11. OPEL .. .. , • ~ .... ' ~ .. ' " . " ... "" .. , .. '•t 1 - t l I [ • ,5 . • • • • Wtd....,, ~-10, 1969 Wtd.Wtdaf, S...um\etl0, 1969 PILOT-.ADVt~TlSU :• T A T l"ORTA'TION ,. !!!_ANSl'OltTAfJON ~Sl'OllTATION -~ll"ORTATION TRANSPORTATION T~SPORTATIOH TltANSl'O RTATldN . _. NOi! 1-md -'--lm ... od A-.-Imported Aul•. 9'°° lmpet10d Autes -~ AUi.--U_.Car& -UiM ca,. 9900 UtM C1,. ~ POUCH!· l'OISCHE SiifcA TOJOTA V21JCSWA•.JN VOWWACHN-IUICK -MUST.AN • • ._ PORSCHll IU. .... :dnl '51 POlllt'HE "°" -: 1960 SIM<;A. -Job. .... BIIL MAXEY vw· BUGS "1 vw ea.. ..... Reblt;--CIC •• Rlvlen, ....... 62 ,coll VJ.l.J< --MUST Stll! •6' ""'lal!! ...... -11mL AM/FM, 5 I'* -~ tim, ofltt, ~ A -. llSll. CaJ1 Ml-Cli02 olr, tl!!1 ....,., -, au1-Uo Radio pd ...... :r..lbadt 3IO °"• Pwr s; :_ ~~ =.:, ~ £~ii;.";.~ •C.11. ...._. !TIOJYIQITIAJ rnoM S:: ~:!.i vw. 1 owner. =~'°~'"' ::!.~":; t:, ~ pt~~~ w~ -N~ • .,.. SUI U $399 Completely -2315 '16 JlWd< Riviera, . 11111> !>ftcont N.jl. Owne< lea"' 'ti :MUSfANG. Air-«N>d. • : + '65 CONVli r * -AR . "'" BEAC!f BL~ . N• ...... Blvd. -I ....... ....,, -·mull -q. ,,_ -' Jani """'· 11695 : >ctDt ....i. ,\IL-~ Pll~ "' llO), ...,.. Int,---• . • Hunt. Beach 1147 : 9"d Saltctlon ,. -. $3llll. ..,,_ ' Call' 840-1491 : '°"· .....,..u. .... 11!' .. ,,., ... .,,.c1. """· ro<1. 1wJ:!~~~~y 5miN .. o10>ut11wy ... Bc11 ~ VOLVO anas COR~ ; ..,, Poncho c. .,... ..., 1"' thH. 11000 ..... -•• au .. "( II"! ..-!<. Ai.. jTIC>fVlnl'f IAI '811 Riviera, take .,,.., 1e... ,69 VETTE $5117 r OLDSMOBILE : .,._rm ...,. RENAULT ,mlle,.. 3'0 dum"'"''" '" Best Deal• An' AJ ~ ' a; • I •, linmac. 1137.21 mo. l'.lo')..ert, refilaininc !Ac:l<iry REAL Sha>? •o; O Id : lnC -6'JS.OM4 u VANS In ~ldcl<, One low ' • -~ IQI' ft~ vo· ·vo· tronl t>V1. ply. ruu ..,., -"'! .1995 D~AN LEWIS ' ··-""-' .. ·-•• 962~ot:'15-~0 ..amu.t;, # 1514., CUtlus, Hot. Coupe. Gold • ' I UL ' -ot -~ ""' -'It BUICK ---,...,. Bos1·Deal1 An Al wilh b1k. Lendau top, IO ; ';!,~J1.'"w'!'.::;"11r ~~To~'"""' .!~~~~;to~~ .. l96tJ Barbo<, c.M. 146-m e. -DEAN LEWIS .~~ ~,;. ........ ..,,,·"'.'c.""'11 DE, AN LEWIS =. ~w= ::S1~ · ft. Dill IC2.:l61I * 67l-O'l2T * .........,...u , -'t 1966 ·i&;.. lnt I: buclcet .se.all. Conlolc 1m..-i A--VOLKSWAGEN r:@':~n"ar-:. ~i~"'$1:"1 au:"~ !!Kld.H a, ,,.. -· c.M. &46-S303 :~ 1a_:· P~.;.;'~~ -....,.. 1er -,..,. ..., ...,. r.,._. t• h , ... ef HfWilll c•twwi ill 0..-..r~· ..... _ .. ,,_ .... * ... "" ........ *, ...... wt CMrtMWI 11h11 111 * • tt.t , .... a you ..... -....... -...... 1.,. ..... ~. . THE -TOIVTA POW 11UCI: IS tBl - . SNQAUllHG .. lAdS .ve ~a NEW "'69 .T1.yot1 ·Cp1 • TRIUMPH COSTA MESA E·-·· ,.,.,, ..... ear. ....,....., DODGE c_., __ , ....... -~-.... '62 vw IUS -~ OXJ '"' BARGAIN! ;,a;"';...,,..~'~". FOR oale. or """' 1,. Van. Rblt ......,, ttblt ''""" d1', YW SPECIALS Belt Deal1 No At 61)..2252 a11n 6 Plol •o; DODGE P/U \I T. tone 65 OLDS °""'""le 88. VI 4 <k TR. f.'66-IRs. Brttlah racina: camper spetjal,.. large mat. :•1 VW Bus .... , .. $20t7 DEAN LEWIS bed; beibc tran&. mlJSt .ell, Hardtop. PIS. Fact. Air. pin, spoke)'fheels, Mich.·'trnl & ~tra equlpmeaL SJ».lil.Splitirontacat.town. -C.&."ft.l.AC ~~ P•1ments. Auto. tra.M. Oean in&: _tires, wood ~ Jow mile. $899. F\ill prict' .. W.ill fiQC er# 3335. 1966 lfll"hor c.M.: ~ "1U6 OUT. New w/w tires. Must ~~ mnd. 675-1964 P"".t. Prt)'. NPU~. call '67 Bug. Hurr y .... $1197 ,67 p ' . . ,69 CADILLAC CdV l '60 Dodae "'W-.gon. all power, Se1l 642-5039 aft 8:3:> i6 TlUUMPR TR t · , Phil, {94-9'113 bn ~ n _ ~~UTXI A1St A . ~ erttft·. ·=is:~~.n.~ owner. ll.CW miltl. • )J} i:ood tires, $350. '65 OLDS 442 CuU~ l * &QOd oorfdillon * 65 vw he! door, 4 speed. CM It ._a • re t , $2500 firm ._.. pwr. Under Blue Boolr.. * 642..-3354-• lo ml best o&r. ReuonabJe S4M%M =1o~.1~·u~a1:Wn:. DEAN LEWIS '65 Volvo ~an, lo m)&. ad. 6M-m. FORD ~ a. . 'S3 TR4, Wire whls, plastic cart's ?.fotor Co. Inc .. oo · ml'Ch cOnd, ad. tittL $100. MUST tell cheap!, '64 Cad '69 Olds, 2 dr, gcMd, fact war-., U!J>-·$1;095.·~XISC eves Harbor, c.M., ,642003.. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93m 67S-2794 ait 4:30 Coupe1, '66 Cont. Both load--'61 FORD WAGON r ., beautifW! $3300.. Ask tor '60 vw, "'"' &OOd. mu '68 vw '61 VOLVO, eood tnMp. ear ed, :dnL 541>-18'8 COUl4TRY SEDAN Dale 615-1513 61Z-<630 TOYOTA recently overhauled $450. $150. • '64 CADU:J..AC Sedan de 'Auto, dlr, V-3, power Jtee11-6S Olds "98" 4 cir 291 Flower. CM. lright rear 543-1819 Vllle, ~· beautiful, Ml.Lit Ing. Real Clean!! FNY 782 Hardtop, Full power, Air. house) 548-3!55 Air con:lltloner, <I spd, dlr, Rll. $1250. 968-'l4Jj6 LB $399. WW take older 642-1525 ELMORE MQJORS loaded! Honey cream ext.; -------I ·-'--'--"-'-'-'---I 1962 VW ·Convertible, needs plush black int. Takt small Antiques, Cl1ss1cs 9615 car tn trade. call Bill 4&4-9'n3 -'fTf TORDNADO Deluxe . front swipension ~pa:i? &: down .or trade. Low, iow • CAMARO or S45.0034. PFI'• air, AM-t~M. tit whl.s. tome body worit. Make of. pymntis. VHF890LB . Call 1931 FORD Cpe. Cor:nplelely 1969 Jo"'ORD L'J'O.' Fu.Uy )2925. 968-1129 TOYOTA .,._,_ $1"""' . ...Ww.CllUISll /7V . ·;r-·--.. ~ c~ •-• wt trE1> TUDU """""· 1: ,,.,.,. ~Wl' .1, fer. 2953 Baker St., OM. Ken 4M-9713 or ~. nbuilt stock. Sl<OJ or '67 Camaro SS 150 ~ &: all qtras. J..ep • """'"' "Jectioo ol a 11 MUSf Sell '66 VW Cam '68 B Bl 7 Call ""Ike oU.... ~7J Ail', loaded, low ptl'-"'1 this thau I mo old, ootr 1000 ml ....__.:.P,;:L'-=l~M;;_:O_UTH;_·;__ l models, colon, frorn the full . lo mil ~· alt ~PM ue f':· wk week! 1001' WUTant;y. Decided not-to k :e't.p,. 1·· largest Toyota dealer. Y eqwp, es, ...... ,t er or 1 a:; • Autos W•ntecl 9700 KUSTOM MOTORS purchased ttau company. '61 fl,.YMOU'tB, 2Clr brdtop, Nl~ST USED CARS cond. 642-1536 eves. ends. 613-4868 us·Bl.ket St. ec.ta M.na StU for t.o&l. Yor men in.fo-autc, p/s,, mech. ~ ~~!h ~~~ ·~ =:~~ ~~ ~.' .... =:~~ ~ ~ WE PA(Y ·A .. SH CAMARO i:-5815SSIRS comb. ~= P:a!ilane... • P~!=~nnu 69. \Vestm.inster Pbooe 1194-3322 cond. $1350. 543-7T16 ~•MiY 350 erw, kpd. <llx" int. crac. $495 8400 mi Perteet cond. 1 '69 Ta)oola.Land Cb.Wier, ex-'64 VW Van with 1500 ef'f:. 1965VW1!iOO S .quare back. ban. &''MP'CS. tr. disc br. 2 Door Loaded. V8, etc. Lie. or Best.offer! 546-245.5 19'6 HAllOl llYO. COSTA.MESA tras!Likenew! Best otler. Call after 4, $1l50. for uaed can •truca jusl Snow tn. ind. $1990 , IRMM9_Pbone&l2-6023Dlr. ~~~~~~~~~==~ * im-oon * 845-1698 491.183.j, Ask for DON call UI tor tree estimate. 642.-m12 aft I '68 Torino GT Fastbk. 350 hp, PONTIAC tlOONl'W c8n 9IOO New C•rs 9800 New C•rt 9IOO GROJH OIEYR01£T :;:..~ ~t :et;i:; 1962 Pontiac Bonneville CHEVROLET mako oi.. 543-2148 alte. 5 A REAL BUYI AJk fDr Sab!I Manapr dr. R/H. $350 Private pty. DEAN LEWIS OllNtGf: C0UMTV TOYOT,to..YOt.VO HEAOQUAHERS 646-9303 l.82ll Bearh Blvd. '65 IMPALA HT 'Iii Ford Ranchero, 6 cyl, 545-3100 atte.r 4:30. Huntinirfm Beach Full · di :xlnt cond. R/H , ;2250. 1 ====~~~-..-. KI 9-3S1J. own!i'bya.t~ttln:w 'ol: ~ 833-1451 aft 6 pm. '69 FffiEBlRD, 4(XI dlx, air. FINAL CLEAN-UP· Every New 1969 in our stock reduced to clear immediately all the 1970 auras will be bere Thurs., SEPT. 18th. WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER HAVE A BUICK? '61 OLDS Cvtl111 Coup1. Auto. h an1,. faeloiy air eond~ f11ll powar. R1dlo, h11f- 1r. WUK 711. S2695 '66COMET C.,do111 Coup1. Auto. tt1n•~ f•clory 1ir cond. TQH164 , $1695 '66 MERCEDES l1~l 100. A11to. tr1n1 .. ••d10, li1•t1r. lmm1tu· ti t•. SVF 251 S2595 '67 RIVIERA SS factory 1ir tond. C111- lom •quipp.d. Full pwr. ZLI(. 275. $3195 '61 DODGE Coron1! '400 '4-th. f1 tl. 1ir eond., 111+0 tr1n1 .. P.S., RIH. VGI 979 $2395 '64 T·BIRD '61 IMPALA $2495 'H CAPRIC E F1clot'f air cond, pow1r. OSF 191. Full 2 Or li1rdtop, 1ir cond. 1ulo tt1n1, pwr 1!11r, rad io, h11!1r. SIM]71 $1195 $1795 ---------~-------~~~ '66 IMPALA '67 BUICK '6' IMPALA '68 PONTIAC HT C W'ld I C C '4 Door H.T. f1ctory •Ir . • P•· A11IOM1lit, • Cl 111to"' Pl· cond., iir+o. trini., pow· llonnevill1 . 4 doo• J.1rd· top, FACTORY Allt COND .. '·S~ '·'· WXG '" l"""'r 1t1•ri1HJ, 11dio., f1cl. •ir cond., 111!0. ,, t'••t. JtlH. SVFS27 ...... $1'795 ...... $2595'" $1695 '65 o/, TON O..w piek-up. ld1al for IU"'I"''· l615ll $1395 '67 DATSUN ltl 411, 4 tp1.d1 r1dio, li11+er. ru 294. $1295 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m $2995 'U IUICK le s.b ••. F.ct ,;, con. I '66 T·BIRD pO'W•' 1tee1 I hr1le1, Fatlorv eir cond. Full IHYM 4111 pow1r, SlV4'1 .5995 $2395 NO HTTll PllCI$ ANYWHlltl MAKE US PROVE JT! '6S OLDS WAGON $1495 '65 MONZA H1rdtop. Auto. lr1n1., i"'m•tul•t• co11dition. ITXJ 376l $995 '67 LE SABRE Coupe. Fi ef. 1ir eond .. ••lo., pow•r 1l1•r. I brt k11, redio, h11t1r> cuuu 4341 $1895 '67 MUSTANG Au+o, h•nt., 11• c111d., r1&iio, h••*"· UCL 106 $1695 '66 vw 4 1p11d, ••dlo, h1•l1r. 1RHl70, $1295 '67 MERCURY Mont1•1't 2 doot h1 rd- top, A11lo. tr1n1 , pow1r die•, R&H. UON-704. $1795 '6S ELECTRA H1rdtop co11p1. Full po.,..er. FACTORY Allt CONO. NCI 420 $1895 '63 FORD W19011 Co1111lry Sq11ir1 , Auto h1111, .;, cond, IHF 116 $695 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW -USED Complote Salol ind Service O.partment 'Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a .m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a .m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED l(UCK -OPEL-JAGUAR SALES i 'SERVICE -=~=--=-,.,.-==:--I from Lei.9u-World.' Wlil '65 FORD Galaxie, 4 dr, fact warr. Prlv party. wr PAY Wff .... Aasume bal S3175. M n' take foreign car in tra~. hrdfup, a bargain al $650. Xlnt cond inside ' out, Phone eves 545-3310 I =846-02'13~---~---• fOR JOIJR (AR RFHS82LB. Call P.t r. Phil 'M Ford Falcon, navy blue, '64 Tempest LeMans convt. CONNELL CHMOLET att.,._.er ~ AM, 494-9713 ar COriJ'"· Sprint V-3, 4 itpd, gd. New red paint, clean, -r,; or beat ofr. 673-3481 ' .... , .. co . $595.. -494--6459 '6' ''SS 396" $15'7 RAMBLER ma Harber Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 Yollow with blk buekeb, ,... LINCOLN dio, beater:, power steerini.1 ____ ----1--------~ J V8, front line car. # 'l'PC7'28 •67 LINCOLN Conve:rtible 2-1961 ~bier Americans. ___ Wi_d_l_B_uy ___ ,DEa.A..-No..1.LAE ... WA•IS ~~·:;.~; eond. 132JO . ~""..;'~~~ ,, ... '61 RAMBLER convertible, Your Vol~n or ~rscht! 1966 Harbo CM 646-930:! MERCURY auto, R/H. New top, budte I: pay top dollar.I. Paid for r, · · seats. $2&3. 644-2951. or nol Call Ralph '57 Chev. Sta. Wgn. 61l-O!UI Bel Alr, 4. Or, Very good coDd. '67 Mere Col. Pk. Wgn. 10 T-llRD IMPORTS WANTED Rebuilt2&lena;ine,newtitts. paS!, a/c, radt. PIS. P/B. Oranp O:Mmtiel new trans., powe:r 1teering, P/W, P'V!'. seats, spd. ~t.. ---------1 TOP $ BlJYER pcrwer brak!:s. auto tnJl!. auto door kx:~, AM/FM, 1 67 LAN~U. 1..ow mile, BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Must see 10 apprecia~. Rea-mueh more. $2656. 8S0-6tt8 luJ.I.r CQUIP~ Take cu for 18881 Be.aclli Blvd. sonably priced at $595. eqwl;y, Call. 962-4018 ff. Beach. Pb. ,.,...,. Call 147-n87 MUSTANG ·~"';:;,.':,au~~ WE PAY TOP 'GS IMPA_LA Wgn. Air. p/s, make oiler. 54.>--0797 DOLLAR 16,tnl m1. Xlnt cond. $3» .l '68 M t take: over payments, $00 mo. us an g 1962 T Bird. Power Slri: .l for ~. clean used can. 6'M879 &ft 5:30 brks. Engilll" top oond! Must all makes. See Georg~ Ray + 2 t •-k ,_ " K'nl< "''" .. ~ Theodore Robins Ford '69 El Camino, 6600 miles, GT, 2 • st "'"' ' a ... , .PS. -""'=·=~="·=~===="'"'I 2060 Harbor Blvd $2900. Low Book $3275. pwr stil:: &: brks. d~. mt . - CM .4uimo ""' aft 5, '9>-tl56 .,. ••. Bl Bk 12810 will"'" TORONADO ' · · rif Sl!lf.tO. Take older-trade. WANTED: Volk 1 wage n '64 IMPALA. 4 dr, new litts, VZLJlm.B call Phil 494-9m suitable for Dune Buu;y. battery. mufner, $ 7 S 0. or 545-0034. TORONADO Private party. 84.2-84.73. &12-4936 1~ ... =M~A~CH=~1.-mi=~m_,,iles-, '64 CHEV b-cyt, auto, R&H, auto trans, radio, red, Deluxe, air. f/p, Landau top. $2475. 54()..5IE3 Auto Luling 9110 Q.EAN! S700. $300'.l ,.. 549--0621 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 *~'1552* '67 MUSTANG FASTBACI< VALIANT LEASE • RENT '65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good PIS, disc brakes, AM-FM. 1963 2 Dr. Auto trans, ra@, ORDER YOUR cond. Auto, V~. Sl.200. tact air, auto trani;, stDJ. a.ir. $400. 1970 TODAY 6T:>-657B 962-7371 * 646-8897 * FOR EARLIEST CHEVY '66 ~talibu, p/1, DELIVERY auto trans. lo mtg, ;1r::i0. U•ed C•rs All popular makes. Ford Pvt pty. 646-9031 l'iiiiiiiii;;~;;;;;;~~ij 9900 Uud Can 9900 authorized lea.sine system. '68 CA."lARO 327 R.S. P /S. Get 0or Cotnpetttlve Rates R/H. Auto. 284 Knox St., CM Theodore sg.2991 eves. Will trade. ROBINS FORD '" MAIJBu 2 """ """" 2c&:l I:larbor Rl.vd. $2000, Must sacrifice! Co.!ta Mesa 6(2..QOl{l 642-1822, 968-31l'l alt. 5 pm '69 Chevy Malibu, air. all 'II" LEASE 11"' power, Excellent co n d . 'till Cadlllac CoUPe de Ville. $2950. 642-1826 ,fully equipped. Sl29.mo. OtEVY '64 2 Dr. Impe.la. V- 67 Ford, 1D fl&SS station w&a:· 8, p/s air. $875. Call on. r/h, air. ps. Sia mo. """ ,. • .....; '67 Gal. 500 Cpe, air, SS& rno. .,, ................ SOUTH COAST 1 '·62=-Chevyo:---oon'"""eo'",-.-. "'RJH=. CAR LEASING Auto. Original paint. Exe 3tt W. Cst Hwy, NB iti-2182 condition. $"50. 544)...3178 '69 Riviera take over ieue '69 CHEVY Kingswood, 9 from pvt.' ply. rui pwr, pa~ wa:n. 4000 ml. lully a/c, lmmac. $137.22 per eqp d, mwit sell. 548-7232.. mo. 962--0849 or 61~714.2 '62 4. Dr. Chevy Impala. P/~ =========I P/b. RadiaJ tirrs. Xlnl Used Cars '900 cond. ~ 541-2654 -------TRANSPORTATION CARS '63 OIEV. 2 dr., hardtop llWPORJER MOTORS --'m_pala_. _"°""_'·_cl_• .. _·_ 20.16 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA SQ.5194 or 54MS I I FtN~CING AVAILABLE 847-2104 or 847-9164 CHRYSLER '67 CHRYSl.ER 59 Ford Sta \Vag, reblt er;ig wl only 21.000 mi. $200. 2·DOOR HARDTOP AJ90 '61 Vali.ant station V-8. automatic tsctory a.tr wagon wl '6( Cl'llline, $225. power 1teerlni, powt?r bn: 64~2133 kes. radio .t: heater. lmma. 2 MustMp $2650 each culate. (UDE 7431 3 Chevy Impala. moo ea $2295' 3 Ford Galaxies $2?00 u YOUR CHOICE-1969 A ... Old: ... ":"F~ v... ATL s RIH p/a. p/b nu tittl QIRYSLER -T'LYMOtrm $'100..0 9' ovhd 'anpr it2i 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 54&-4995 alt S pm., 646-3160 COSTA MESA . 5t6-l!t34 Open Daily 'tll 10 p.m. '6B ~RTS ~an. u.700 '63 omYSLER CbnwrOl>le ml .. air. pwr., vmyl top. Top V de lo "'--••-coodiUOn. 4M-3232. ~ ~ o:~ •J.OMr· BUICK CON11NENTAL CORYAIR 186 BUICK WILDCAT ''4 Qww1r Monu, POWER. AM/FM. XI.NT cond ... %1. S1 e • !168-7466 1t 646--49.j]: • A Theodore Robin• exclusive ! look for our di1gnostic center 1t1I ind l1k1 tho guess· work out of buy ing 1 used car. These cars hive p111ed 130 vit1I tests for perform1nce, reli1bility, ind 11fety. 1000/o PARTS AND LABOR WARRAm 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS CoYtrt all mechanic.al parts IMlud ing engine, drivs Unt, r11r t nd, PLUS bnkts, baH"f •nd t xhl u1t 1pttm. All rtp1lr wort llllM i" eur ewn st"lct dt pM'fmtnt. '88 Y.W. BUG s1395 '82 CHEY. 1/2 Ton P.U. '595 s595 '81 FORD SIJltside I U. W 1tlr&. UP9't '&& G.M.C. Yaa s1295 ' • . . t , • • • , • • • • • ' • • ' • ' • , • ' ' .• ' ' ~ ,. : :: ·: .. ;~ : :: .; .. " ., .. .. • ··~· .,..1 , I • THAT'S RIGHT!!· AN · OPPORTUNITY TO .. SAVE BIG :MONEY: ON THE NEW CONTINENTAL, MERCURY AND COUGAR. OVER 78 'NEW 1969. CARS TO CHOOS·E FROM. LOOK AT THE EXAMPLES BELOW. . STOCK #11H Sil. # •211:.:110211 ... ',litAMD NIW . · 119 COUlll Xl-7 ·-· ... ,. llL, t"3MIH714 ' L«ii'f'ONE EVER ' ~ILABLE AT ' VINGS LIKE t THIS - • lt6• MERCURY Custom -4-door Herdtop with 190 2V, VS, blec..lc vinyl roof, select shift, eutometic transmiss ion, white side w1ll1, power brakes, power steerinlJ, whisper eir conditioner, redio, tinted qless, complete heed rests, nmofe Whit• ll 1 4V, Vt, select shift, white side wel\1, power sun roof, bletk viny( roof, 1porti cOnsol1, power steerin g, power brekes, tllt wheef. AM-FM radio with t1p1s, interv1] wipers, tint 9less, deluxe seet ·, 4' belts, wire wheel covers, frt~ lt)lmP.r guerds. • CYCLONE SPOILER llr•nd N•wl , W)iif• with d•rk bl1,1• ll'l•t•llic. lSI Sia•c:.i•I H•t CID 4°'¥\ .. 11ti11•, Hot 125 I• I ,..,. ,. 1 txi•. two loll• ro•f I d•ck, 1tyt.d 1fo1I 't'h••h, roci119 !l'llrron. rotr d•clc 1poilor, Tl.•~ 1lt•r whool covor, 1olocl 1hlft, F70 hoclio11-fir•1, lfO••r 1loori119 & ltfokt1, rtdio, 011d \ . 1poilor modrflcttion1. \ NOW ONLY $AVE ' S326&95 -··· :. s7~-.00 mirror. $AVE s713·.oo NOW ONLY $AVE $922.00 -$3976.00 • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS .Johnson & So11 Has The Reputotiota of Otferitag the Finest Selection of Vsed Cars in th' ~opn(fl _ Cougars · Mercurys. '69 COUCi.U ~w ... l!fffifit, POWCf brlkH, flCllory llr, Llndtu tOP. ••die, hfft.r, 11/IO!'rlllic 1r1111. lie.. 'l"tl 4Jll $3390 '6t COUGAR XU Powtf' olHtlflsr, Dll'#tl' brP.a. flctory •it, 11,llOIMlK lrflllo r.oio. heeler, t k. VPT 121 $3580 '6t COUGAR '47 COUCiAR p_,. f1lfl"if19, IUIOtrlllk tr-., r.!ID. l'IH!tr, 11<. UOH •11 .2150 '67 COUCiAR pr,inr stttrltlt. lltrW9r lw'lket. IKtllry Iii, 1vloml!lc '''1'4. · r9111a 11t1i.r, ttc. UNZ 701 . '$2395 'H COUCiAR A\llOml!K Ir~., Pll""r lltlnflf, _, lw'lka. !•t10•1' 1lr, 1tM4!11 top. XfV llL $2695 '6t MAR9Ul5 '41or Mrdloit. "'11 powtf'0 IHJofy t lr, lll'ldlN toll, lll~fnllk ffMl. rlfie, l'IM!lr, t lC. $4390 'H MERCURY Colony P•rll 1l1tloll WlllQn tY P1SS8'19ft), SIO'#tf' ll_lfll, pe. .. r brtkfl, 1htrto llpt, rottory 11•, ·1uiom11k tr•111. r•· 11'. 11ur..-. 1tc. STIC )02 $3795 '41 MERCURY ,.,r1r; Llfll (lnvtft*I•. Lie:. Y81C 541 .... J!omllk tr1ns, rllllo, Pl«tw, """' ttfllrlllt, poww brol<-. JlO""'r 11¥1• IKIOrY olr. $3195 '47 MElCU•Y etupt, l ie. UOF UO, AlllOmltlc tronsflliU~. tod"' l>Qtitr, NII pt"1 • IKIOr)I 1lr. . $2595 '45 COMET ' .... """"' tUIMlli ti3i'i tor, ti(, 11.1,.. ~ Lincolns ·- '68 CONTINENTAL F1c10ry 1lr, l~•thlr Jnttrior, Ll<!dtv !OP. •ul-llc lr1n1, ••die F!Uler. lull POW••· lie. WES 171 '68 CONTINENTAL 1-<k!Ot. flt!Of'f t lr, let!,..,_ '"'tr~ Lllld111 IOP, •!llo lr1111, r1doa. 11e11.,., 1\111 -· lilt -1. 1tc:, ZUC 7t• '67 CONTINENTAL COl'lvlrl10le. Ml -· l..:;tory •Ir, ll•lt>e• lnhlrlor, lotldt11 II>!>. 111lorNllc tr1n1, AN./,.M rodle. t!lt wfltel. UOG II' '67 CONTINENTAL ,_._.., f1,1ll "°""''· l1clory 1lr, le1m1r lntwlor, laM111 '°" nu """'"'· rMlio, 11M1v. 111~11c, ere. r1m '64 CONTINENTAL Cenlftnlbll, M .......... fKtlry 11r, lltlfl.,. lnl•rltr, rtlllo. hffltr. llll'Dtnllk lftna. llC. OML "61 ' s1795 --FORDS '66 MUSTANG Aulomlllc trontmlnlon, tldle, ,...!er, ...-1!Mfll'!f, Air toncUllO!ll119, ltndlu top, $AVE '65 FORD Country $ll11lra 1111ia.. w1oon, A\l!Omollk f!'MlllYllttlOn. rMllo, 11t11 .... 11111 _.,, llC'°'Y ,,, cn1tlonlrlg. Lie. HCM 150. $AVE '67 FORD l-d-Nord• -11'1trlnp, _.,. br•k•. toe.Jory 11t, Ur1'111 top, .,,.!omtHc :ri nt, rocllo. hotter, l'k, VUZ t» '67 T·BIRD llNhlr, l ie. TTW O• '66 FORD Gtlt•lo JOii, 1 ...,. hfr4!0o, poww sl10t11'19, 111 .. r '1•t11, ..,.,. olr, r• ... ,,..ltf', Wl!:M'Nlk: lrntt,, lie, SVI' IN $1895 MIS~~· '64 l'ONTIAC ~ Dr. H.'t. tonnlo Sll'tlf' llw 1Ml11llc, fKIOl'Y 1Jr, 1t .. rlnt, 111'1-fl, lk. HTL M7 .~1195 '65 CHEVY IMPALA '67 PONTIAC CiTO ,._...,_tic tr1111mlnlon, rMlt. Piqtv, -1'"11119. ell' <*'!lllllnJl'!f, l ie, TIU SO> AIN 'ER In Our Bargain Corner we have num~ erous used cars. Some clean, some not so cletn. Some that are duplications, some we've had too long -in •ny event't~ese cars are real bargains. Look 'em over. '62 CONTINENTAL ...,.,., tul pow.,., foctef'Y olr, IMl'h« llltvlOr, ow!om.llc tr-rofi9, ~ ltCIHlf' nt $895 '65 FORD 4 door. A11iom.tk: lr-liolOn. rllllllo. l\tllv, Lie. SVZ 11t" '68 EL DORADO ·-.. $750 '1111 JlolwW, fot!Ory 1lr, ~ foili, ••torrMllc, recl itl, h .. t- .,, tt!t, 1111 ...,..I, 1!..-00. AM/llM. lk. WJl'U 4" s5395 '69 vw '67 OPEL $1095 I ··4 JEEP WAGONEER lltdle,. llqfor, +wtloot •rive.. Dwl-0-M.,k:. f110'lt ttvlllf, CMY1/VI 111111111.. !JOG _, $1 .895.---··. i $1275 Johns.on1r .soa r ' NEW CARS: $40..5630 · 1 Mile. South of ' • 642.0981 ' • ' I .. r • l ' 'I I • ! • l -• : . . . • I • I I . ,. '(" ,,. ' ' . t. .. I I . ' ·' l• .. ! FIREBIRD: WIDE-TRACKING'S GREAT AMERICAN SPORTS CAR • ' \ • I . ' - GtO: FOR PEOPLE WHO l\EALLY LOVE CARS. -....... .CATALINA: PONTIAC'S GREAT CAR THAT \ GETS GREATER AT RESALE TIME. ' •. -----·......---- .. • . ~ ' I .~ • ·' · ~ ..... ,~ .:r~RE'S STILL A GOOD SELECTION .•• NOT EVERY MOI}EL AND COWR, .BUT THE GREATEST DEALS ON NEW '69 PONTIACS lN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! I '68 GTO 2 Doo' H.T. Redio. heeter, 4 1p.eed, pow1r 1teerin9. Verd'"' 9ree11, fVTM 15?) ~3177 .· ·....:·~-·~· ·, ' :~ .. ~~.:!:1~~~mrii<. .......... ,, .... ~;., s1· 677 11eater, white w•ll1. ITEY 641) • '66 CHARGER s2· 177' .,:·· Vt, foN:J11•fllte, power 1teeri119, t•dio, he•l•r, white lld• ••II tire1, 15,971 '"lln. U9ht blue with dirk blu1 interior. , :6?. .. ~.~~C:~~-~~~ ....... ,;,, .. ., .. 52577 h••fer, fecfory eir. ITZG 960) . . ~!!~.~!~~~~.~'~'''•· ... ; .. h .... _,,,,.., 526 77 top, cu1tom trim, copptr color. !VHC 719), l ., ~· '68 TORONADO Full pow1r, f•ctory eir con<:lltionin9. Rtd. I owner, ll!'ll!'l•cul•t. c•r. IVT L 1011 '65 GTO 2 Door herdtop. R•dlo, htetet, ''""tic, power 1+••ri"9· Red. 1'6-U 0921 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:00 A.M. to 9:10 P.M. EVERY DAY ., $3677 '68 BUICK WILDCAT s3477 . 2 Door h•rdtop. Hvdr•metic, pow•r 1l••ril'l9, power br•lr•1. reilio; he•+tr, ..Mite s.id• well lit .. , lecloty ''' • conditionh19, lWAESll> .' : . _ '68 GTO 52977 '67 RRIBIRD H. O. · . $ ·: . ' J26'V.t, 4 1pffd, pOwer 1teerint, rtdio ind h••t1r, whit•; ·2 .. '77 Con¥trlibl1. Air co"d .. PS~ 1lereo, turliohydrern1tic, gold. fWFS 9781 1idt well tires, burgu..Oy Wft\i Dl•ck'lnterior.' !WC...17!71 •·· ~ ' .. . ~· ·~ . . .. -' . ,..._,,,, . •· .. • T. ·H: 'eR·E. A. R. E . nu·y -. 'A .. ·F·Em · : · . -: ':.: .. ; . ... :~··:f~~· <\ :: • .'' -·~ ·"~t' ,··~ ... · .·· _~.: ~ .· ;~--~-~~,,-~~,.~~:.,"~·!, ·. i' .. ••.• · D•Y.$: ·U~TIL THE 19705 GO .~,.-_..,,.,,.V 'AT ROY " CARVER'S. EIGHT DJ(YS 'IN' ~Acr. ON THE . . . ' 18th »YOU'LL SE' THE BOLDEST NEW STROKE .PONTIAC HAS YET MADE! THE GREAT 70! t. I ' • • {__w, . ., J.... :," ·. . . . .. ... .,("•. • ALL CAR PRICES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE. OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE & TAX. • ROY ·. ;CARVER PON'TI·AC ·2925 ~·:RBO .R BLVD I COSTA· Mt:.SA -·- •• -~---Kl-64444 ., ' .... -• ' . . l , ' .. . l ·i • ~ "' I ~ ,! 1 I 7