HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa0
vol. 'L NO. n .. J SECTIONS, ,. ,,. •• , -o ' '
Hoode~ Marauder
.. .Mesa Housewife Egypt S~nds
iglit. Re~~tioli i-: Attacked tn~
A hooded marauder 11Upped into a Mesa Verde ma home earfy tod1y held a
pWow over a young boµsewife's face and
aexually moJested her as a small &on
slept beside them, the victim told Costa
Mesa ·ponce.
Tearing away the pillow, the 28-year·
old "woman ec:reamed in terror, awaken·
in&" her child and sending tbe panicked in-
truder runriipg from the house.
The victim told politt she awakened by
lostincl. about 3 a.m. to find a shadowy
form peering down at h·er 7-year~kl son.
Tblnking it was her husband who was
dUe home from work soon, the startled
woman gave a small cry, only to have the
roan mnother it with bis hands.
Then ohe re4Jl1IOd the ma. -w.wlnc
wbal appeared IA> be ~ hooded rw"llhln s\icll II Jow<a use -wu Do! !Mr bul-
"I'm going to put a pill~ over you; .• ••
he sakl.
The victim said be did so, but not
forcefully. as though intending to auf.
focate her.
At that point the Intruder, described· as
25 to 35 years old and about five feet, 11
inches LaJI,. began crally fundlln1 her and
the woman screamed.
Patrolman John C. Whlte llkJ neither
the Vktim nor her small !Oil could give a
clear description .of tbe would-be raplBt
because it was dark in the bedroom. . . .
Orange Youth, 21, F oun.d
!Jead Near Hippie Haven
A young man from Orange -hired as Angele! "County probation ·orfieer,• was
tha cafetakt!l" <>f a dtsert C1lmmune found chained ln an open packing Crate
where a small boy was allegedly chained under the burning. desert su n. , Investigators said the anlmal-llke pen fer 56 days under the hot sun in a squalid was littered with excrement, had no
pen -has been -found de~ uoder shelter from the sun's rays and that little
mysterious aircum~ci!s. 'I .. _ An4tooy '.ras ~Iii, Vd1"asted rrom; JBck .
The body of m.~j..t~ H.frtwett L''l, of adeqw\t.e fOOd·aM '!filer.,.. . '~~ ..
wu diacovered .Wedneoday by• P~Y'!ll rnaf~aiili ~is'chl•~ ~~ ·-:• · '"" .,,,,..,. · ""' 0ne-w:eit ~ cbilrt<d-'
dove hunters n~ar Bl\1"". ·alJc!ut ...J.mlre :s1~; .;: Q!.l~ .. 11~.;!i·n~~ '.
lrom the comtnufUll) raodf where the ccmmunal'~ · .. '' ... -. •
chlld wu held captive. ·I Since tbal tiine, lhe child 1w ~~
No-cause of death bas been detemuMed, 1 JD<¥1e ~ ward of l®mide Coon~
but Riverside County Sheriff's Capt. placed ma proper ~e. ·: • Ro~d {lickrqore said there a r e ~ ~
li~_M9ious,aspects to.the case. , F 61 _:. ~..!. lh<" vidlril waa reportec1' m1 .. ing fqur og-· UJDUllUCS: _:, -·
days ago from his job u caretaker o( tile
communal fann. 'I' Dis An lnvesUgatlon ii under way into what .I. 0 mpt'
caused Hortwell'a death, bul Capt. •
likltmor. declined to comment any
furl.her than hls r.emark about the Air Traffic
ausplclOUI nature. ..
A raid on tht: ranch several weeks ago
-the resu~ of a Up lo alithorl!lea -led
t6 tM. arrist of 11 P!U'IODI now awalUna
trial on charges of felony child abuse.
Anthony Gibbont, 81 son of a Los
Ford Motor Co.
President Fired
Knudloo, president of Ford Motor Co. for
tt months, was fired today .
'MlC flrlng or Knudsen was abrupt.
Knudun said Henry Ford If hlm&<lf
nolifled him Tuesday he W<J\Jld he leav·
"His explanation wa1 that things ht1d
not wucked out u he had hoped,"
KnudMn aaid.
Fog conUnuecL lo di'rulit 11 1 & b I
aclledules ln OrlJ!p and Loo Ana<Jes
counUel w~ nlgtot.
Otwip c.unty .A1rport went onto in-·
atrument operatllxl al I p.m. Wednaday
and planes sun were ob!Jied to land and
lake oll oo lnllrumenll ht the -Jy hours or thJa morning.
At Los All(lefel lnlemalf!>oal Airport,
fligbb were b<lll(l broqbl In on a
sporadic liaala, olflclala aald.
Darmg Tueldl11llgl>l'a fos. more than
lllO flights were cfhlerlod Irmo Loa
Angel.., ...,,. lo alrporll • for away as
Phoenix, San Franclaco and Lu Ve ....
A& the roe conllnued Wednesday night,
BOtDC alrlinen were diverted nt the
pifol's option lo Onlatlo, Hollywood·
Burbaok or Van Ncys alrpm1a.
Jet Force '
By United Prus lntemattonal
Egypt sent Its air force today agalast
Israeli targets in the Sinai Desert in
retaliallori for Israel's fand, sea and air
as5ault against Egypt on Tuesday. A
series of dogfights. broke out o\rer the
desert and the Suez Canal and each side
claimed victories.
An, Israeli military spokesman in Tel
Aviv said Israeli fighter planes and an-
taircraft flre shot down seven and
pooslbly eig)>t Egyptian lighters and
fighter-bombers. An Egyptian spokesman
said Egypt shot down four planes and lost
one ol. its own.
The Cairo spokesman saki the dogfights
erupted when the Egyptian planes struck
In two wavea against Israeli targeta ln
the desert. He said they hit a radar ala·
tion, two rocket sites, the southern com·
mand post of the Israeli anny, artillery
positions and a naval installation on the
Gull of Suez.
Fighting also flared on the Israeli·
Jordan front and a Jordanian spokesman
in Amman said two Israeli warplanes at·
tacked Jordanian forces in the Jordan
Jtiver Valley with napalm. He reported
no casualties in the five-minute raid,
Israel's sixth this month. Jot'dan said ttie Israeli planes attacked
following a brief exchange ot machine
gun fire near Al Karkar, a mile aouth ot
the Sheikh Hussein Bridge thtet miles
S<Jllth of the Dead Sea. Israel said the
planea atruck Arab guerrilla baus in
retaliatkm for guenilla raids againsL
farming communlliell ln the area.
Today's Israeli-Egyptian air bpllle!
were the largest in the Mkldle East since
July when the lsraelis batUed Syrian and
Egyptian planes over the Sina and the
lsraeU=upied Golan HeighUI of Syria.
Tel Aviv reported aeven Syrian MlG 21st shot down July 8 over the Golan Heights.
Egypt's air 1trUte today was the first
attack against Israeli Sinai positions
iiinct July 7 wbeh israel repQrt~ two
Egyptian MJGs shot down and · Israel
reported ""' Dreell jel c!e>lr01ed. Tbooe
battles follo'led ·a ser1ea of Egyptian
conunando raids across1he Suez CeM1.
sam. Ana police wednesd•J caught
Joe Huber of BUena Pan In the act ol
nalilnli up • •IJll readlll(l, "Waleb Oul -
Cop" IA> give •'!'BY the bidJn& place of a
patrol car·waitln& for lralfic viofalon on
Brlilol Streel
Huber, of 8131 Page Ave., &aid he
wanted to give the public an even break.
But police took dQ!lll hi& llJll and 1ava
him a citation for posting 8dverllllnf oa
public properly.
. . , ,• ':
'Iona1re ..
·-.. ,
... DAU .. 'l''.Ptl.OT ttlf'I '!""'
Sgt. Robert Soramon (loft); Lib-Tech Rlch1rd·Wlllllmrl -·-•
Stofun Car, Bones Found
' • • ..... !
' .
On Bottom of Beach LQ~~
Of '91!." °"" , ... •ttH. '
Frqmenll of a oodal 1JeCUr111.'eard
and a mlufll(l yOljlb> are key e1.-1a t.>-
day Iha! 1n1Y ldenUly the llkefelal -,
IOOnd Wednuday In a car dredpd ,Ollt of
a HunllnglA>n Beach lafle. '
The miaslnl youlb WM ldenlilled as
Wlllll!ffi Llch\y, 111 of Ganlen Q<ove.
He dlnappearea. )iQv. I.I, .JJlj, apd ·
hlln\. been INl)tD since..
Lldl!y dlnapPeated Ibo ...,. day the
Cit t WI l&Oleo \ frOm Mrt... ,..Shirley •
Blankl!ftlhlp, of lfSI lOth ' ,g I. "
"We 1 have part.s cl a IOclll securlty
numtier, a shoe, a ring and• a waUet," sa\<!-dttecilve Gii Velne, today, "bjll '00
poi!Uv• ldenlUll'&U~ of the bone1 baa
btt1) (1llde,J' I
AbOl:rt. ~t -bonea .. scattered· over the
front an<f liact aeai., were found lnalda
I "' Gems Taken
. -
Of .. -~ , .... '"" Lido Is\• mllllonalre yachlaman Brlal
Cun¢1l(lfiam, a, and hJa \rife;·Laur"!,aal
bound and (ll(!(ed ' nearly an nour
Wednesday while two thk,vea, ripped out
• phpnt1 ·and scooped .. up more • tbu
'200,000 in jewels.
Included In the ~au! of dfamooda, 11Jl8la
and dher, gema were the aame plOces
stolet! in October of 11164 In a burglary al
the "!UPI•'• gray bayalde home al Ml Via Lido Sood. ' ' ) •
, Thal jewelry wu recovered from a!
nWj>y lleJ4 an hour after the burllarY. '
Newport Beach' police detecllve .Qpt.
Lou lle<res, wbo . II h<adlng the Jn.•
vestigalion or the morninf robbery, 1ald
the two IUSpalla, atlll al latae,. came . Id
the door at 9:05 a.:rn. aod rq·u.·0,m.1
nlnghams• doorbell. •
~·· CµMlnglwn &!11\Yered the dOor,: he •afd,.aoll the'pair, a "eoc;NI lookln(9,.
CaucUian· and a long-haired Negro, IDo
Qulr<d about boat ma1ni........ JObs. •
Secomk after lhe.converaat!i>n' slarled,
Heerea .. aald, the. palr ruahed throog~ the -
door ·and Mn. Cuhningh'ai:n. acreamed
several times. • 1
Her cries · brought Cun n l n g tram
downalaln and· the inlruders pulled two
platala, ''Thei made the CIJMm&bams all on
the living room noor and the two .
suspects' tied the couple .with ropes ml
gagg<d them," U-.. Aid. ·
For about -45 l!lfnuta aller that, the
pair rlHled Ibo •Plllalrs becb!>oma, cul
one 'Phone exlenalon cord and rlJ>?O'I ~ ®t of the wall. ~ '
"" Ibey gathered up Mn. Cun-" nfngham'a colleclloa of Jewel& Ibey dropl •
ped a pair o( jade eaningJI In a platlwm
· (Sea'ROUlltY:, hat I) r
..---~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~ r r
¥'" haay i\mlh!\le wm 'llghJ 111
war lhrough,lo!r ~'°"" * '°' ... Friday· wilh lempenlona 'In the
low 'IO''· loca!ly and tba mJd.«i'a
INS.IDE TODA '1i < Whw ha0t I/le oi<ml .coUco•
comp.,ef',o/ Soootlt"" ·c.u1.,.i.·
~ .... ffialiwlf/ f1tc. of Ch• dll-
l1irl>o11eu Chai haN tro•bl<'d Ille
'"'' otu.. "°"°"'rttlooli. ,.. 11. .
• f:.= .. : -.. ·-.. --' . ..,... ~ ... ' , ...... "'-f ,. ,,..... , .. ,, -.. -u..w.-,, -. ........ '
= .. -= .': =-· =-*"'-:: -. =--.} _.. ..... .,.u
c l
Viel Action Steps ·Up
~ . . "EMmy lnitiativ?F ollows End of .Ttuee
-· ..
1.330 Usted as missing or captured.
The Sai&on government reported 50t of
JtJ troops killed last week and 1.210 woun.
The increase ot actlvlly on both sides of
the war &oda1 while-not yet-of m~
proporHOM, appeared to dim l1f9Spect.s
for an est.ended tcallng dowel Of allied
military ,operations. There ·bid been
speculation that the cease.-flre rrilaht be
taci.Uy extended.
"We're cooducUng comb*t auaulta, cf·
fetllive operationl," said one U.S. field
offlcer. "W~~ reacting to lntellJi<nce
reports with recoonaissan« in fcrce
operations.. We 've got as many comt>et
assaults as in any day during the week
before lhe cease·lire."
A spokesman for the U.S. Command
said tl)ere. "are five announced American
operations, none cf which tmninat.ed."
There was no way ol kncrwlng how many
· urwutounced cperatiool IH £Oin& GI'(.
-, $2~638,B5o;8Ul ·ok~yed 'Table, Shape'
F~t~Ptojects at OCC
. '
Tiff Pospones
Paris Talks ~
TruolOes· of the Oran&• Coast Junior
Collt;e l;!i>trtcl Wednesday night accopt·
ed bids 'iolallng $1,1131,850 for new
~ Md remodeling projeclo at
C..ange Coast College in Costa Mesa.
Work i> acll<duled to SW! tlJis month, . PARIS (UP.I) -Bickering reminiscent
"Ill> completion expected by spring ct ol the dbealo owr lbe •hape of lbe con-
lflt. ference table postponed today's session
N_.-t Pilot ANH,_
Tbe ~jedl include COMtnlctkn of a cl lbe Vietnam. ialka unUJ Saturday and
• btalUI iiulldtng and mallMc:knce left bo6I Bides with arow>dJ for claiming mtkflor.._11'>1 11111 addltinns to the •~-v~-,.
data pr«rrdng buUdJng. additiooa: and U.S. arid South Vietnamese negotiator!
renovation in the food se.rvic~ depart-Wednesday rejected a Viet Cong request
ment.. remodeling the old library to the 33rd session be delayed until Friday
serve as • counseling center and house so the Communists would have another the admissioo.s and records department,
additiam to the men's and wamer(s day to mourn Ho Chi Minh.,
locker and shower areas and completion The allies said Friday was not con-
ol ptiUe two of the new electrlcaJ , di&-· vmient for Ute South Vie\oame.1e and p<q>oSed meellnf Saturdal Instead. The In._ .,.,_ ComnumisU accepted, getting their ex· Half a milllon dollan in matching federal funds will be available for the tra mourniilg but at the same ti~ yield-
beahh building and data processing ing to the allied proposal.
addition. The balance of the projects will It took four hours for the U.S. and
be financed with state-district funds, the South Vietnaemse delegations to an-
, -mt:e contributing65 cents en tht dollar, nouoce theic.,disapproval following Ute
~ tbe ·district the remaining 35 cents. Viet Cong pootponement ·request. They
• ~bid on general construction cl did not uplain why Friday was incon·
'1.111.Gf. came from K • F Coqstrue-·-• •·•· tiaa am -Cowan Cc:mtructian .CO., cf v ...... ent to ..,...on. tot &Mt: t7tb St., Long Beach. The bid Already the 33rd session bad been post·
:wu :Jiited u a joint venture. Truattts poned one week, at Vitt Cong and North
aloio ~ auzlllary blda from tbe Vlelnamele request, so the top Com· ?-llri!il ,,...,.. for fire eJ1lnguil!> munill delegates coold lOll!!iei· to Hanoi
. ~equlJllD<llL and 191,llOO for demoun~ lot the funeral of Ho, """"' death was parlltiCllC .f announced Sept. 3. • --T
• . air ~ beating and ven-'!be Jaleot eJ!llOde W~ay ofl"ed "lilallng.-.-:t1r111 go to Air c.ondltJoo. l!We hope Im' progress when the dele-' !or Co., lllc., • Sao Fernando Road, gates gath<r ID the former H*I r,fa.
• Gleodale, Cllll., -low bld wu jO!lle Saturday. It wtn be the l1rlt Sat· "= P!umblnc Inc. ol Garden G-. . unl•y meeting aJnce the fouri>IJ'IY talks -llad aobmllled the io.r bid m • began Jan. II.
pbDrilll.C, nquerted lh4t Ill bid be wit!>
--• ,mall>emaUcal ..,.. .... dllMdid !D.ccimplUnc the total. From PIJfle I
.·Russ; Oiina . '
I . I P;reiniers • ... _._ -•
Hold Meet
MOSCOW (UP I) -Informed unoUJclal '°"""' a.o¥ l;'remler Alexei N. Koayll!i
had a !>rlel meetJo& today ID Poldng wtt1!
1 Chlneae C.mmualst l'romJt< Chou E!l'la~ "1thq1Jgb the surprising reporl of , ~
meeu.ni e1me from wtll·Inf~
eourc:es wblch hive proved aaeura~ bl
the put, there wu some re.serva&klll
about the meeUng among dJpk)mats. ~
Dlplomals pointed out that Kosygin wai
reported to have left Hanoi Wednesday
after attending the Ho Chi Minh funeral
and arrived at Calcutta and Dushanbe ht
the Soviet Union the same day. Since
then there has been no olflcial report on
hi5 whereabout.a.
· A~ to some sourc" Koay!lln did
not fly r'roni Jqnol to Peking bot by-eua-
id tblna and arrived at Dll!hanbe ltwn
wl1ere be waa ioatructed to turn back to
Peklnr today. It would mean rufblng
,. thiais C<>Dmderably, but the fllcht wu
loglBtlcally possible.
The ittst Sino-Soviet summit meetlng
since 1965 was held upon agreement
made at Hanoi where the Soviet and
Chinese delegations were present during
the Ho funeral , the sources said.
' . .. ... ,...,, I!!"... . ;''!'be c!JacuiolON '"'' Ir~.· tJle DETECTIVES CONFER -Capt. Lou J1eerei chief of NO)Vp011 l!eaCh 10U!<e1 ~ wjtliout lndlcallng tile con-
e detectives. (facing camera), gets ret><lrt on Cunningham rob-• ·lerita and tel><;-otthe talkt.
from detectives Bill s.~rs (left) !IDd Tom Shearn shortly al'ler It W8' the first Ume the two premj~
esday morwrlg gem beast -on fa~ble Lido Isle,. . .hfd me'-since February, 19'.5, whlD · '!/ , Jloaygln, on bit way to and lrmn !!pl.
.J " 't rrloPpec1briefly1t PekW, to'See Mao~ .... dmg .aM Chou.
Fro111 PO!J~ l TJie • -~ lllen ~ to lllm
L ,.., ~el<ribed u "/rlgJd" i;id Ihm ,ru IDO ROBBERY .• ~· .:'' nort-to~thaf10Cl•t•mk1!Jli wa-. any wanDir. ·
setting on ·the floor of the master
bedroom and left them there.
The two then walked downstairs and
fled through the front door.
"Mrl. Cunningham made her way to a
pair of scissorli and cut hcrsCU and her
husband free," Heeres said.
She ran to a neighbor's house to phone
" SM ileelinod • photographa of either
herself or her husband. Reporters were
not allowed inside the home.
Throughout the mcming and afternoon
detectives combed the neighborhood and
asked n e i g h b o rs about susQicious
pa_lice while her bw;band ran upstairs to One neighbor, a woman living across
a phone still operating and phoned for the street from the Cunningham:;, related
help from there. appearances cf several solicitors in the
Immediately alter the robbery report neighborhood. the -previous day.
shotgun.armed -pOlice sealed off the qnly One neighbor answered the door to
land access to the plush island commu· find two young persons-one a Negro-
nity-the bridge al Via Lido and Lafay. asking to discusa rac-ial integration.
ette Street Two Negro girls knocked on another
STOPPED AUTO door and asked to speak to aomeone
Th 20 f"" about an UMpeeified subject ere; at 11 : a.n1., o ueers stopped As polic~ walked through the nelgbbor-
a pink station 'il'&gon containing three hocl(:I, harbor patrolmen searched the
1be report came .. ~ ~ SUl'Jll'ile
to most diplomatic obs!Tvers' who nOted
that Kosygin flew to Hanoi by way of
Afghani.st.an, PaklBtan and India simply
to avoid flying over China.
Kosygin and bis delegation were eJ:·
peeled back in Moscow"bJ Friday.
The meeting in Peking coincided with a
new Soviet baITage of anti-Otioese pro-
paganda with tbe Soviet .prw bitterly ac.
cusing the Chinese -of maintaining a 1tat•
of armed tension and "provocaU()ll.ll'' on
the S,000 mile-long border.
There was nc immediate indication on
whose initiative the meeting was ar·
Kidney Patient
Still Improving
Negroes and searched the three men. channel on which the Cunninghame borne On one. a Riverside laborer, they found face!!I. A Co,,ta. Mesa man who received the
a Browning automatic piBtol with cne Heeres said that the exact amollllt and kidney of a 1tar' alhlele killed in an auto
round in the clip. detailed list of the loot would be made accident continues to Improve today, four
Th e man, whom police later discounted ava4Jable sometime this afternoon after days after the transpalnt surgery.
as a suspect, told olfice.rs he took the appraisers aiid insurance investigators Jim Wiemlaz , 35, of 318 Ogle St., wi11
gun from his girlfriend, whom he had complete their work. sUll remain under extremely close
just dropped off near a Lldo home where "1 couldn't say right now if there were obaervatlon at Mt. Sinai Hospital 1n Los
she worked. any particular spectacular jewel r Y Angeles for a long Urne to come.
He told police he took It to keep her pieces. We'll know better lat.er on today," Hi.s wife was with him today, but
Newport Marine
Due Home Soon
Di.es in Vietnam
'lhlll!lll .,.med the withdmral and
a<lCeplod· "'" tllt,115 plumblll( bid of Anderloft ftnN!J& CO., Inc., Q0 pojn.
aettla-Sl, Santa Ana.
&.....,nil..bldder Ill' olectrical wark
WU 6benriD Eloctric S<nict, JS47 Sao
Fuuado 1lold, Loa Angeles, with a
from geting into trouble. he sald. family spokesman said Wiernia was the car, police saSd. He was booked on charses of carrying It was not known U tbe rare .black doing well.
Some backbone, rib, leg and arm bones a concealed weapon. His companions Australian opal stolen ln the previous Surgery was performed on the man
A Marine Corps helicopter piJol from
Newpoi1 Beach, who had only two
lllOdhs left in VieWm, WU killed UilJ
week in combat.
He WU Lt. Kent s. Aodenm.Ji...._1@1 or
Mr. and Mrs. Montague AOOenoa~lf
Via Lido Sood', Lido Isle.
LL Anderson was a graduate at
Newport -High School and Cal ·
Stale Long B<acb. He had been in Viet-
nam llnce last December.
Survivora besides his parents include a
rilltt, Sherry, and • brother, cnlg, bolb
of tbe Lido Isle residence..
The family <UggioUI makin1 c:on-
tributims tn Lt.-~·s -memory to
the Navy lleijef .Fund at )':I Toro !,jarlne
Corps Air StaU...
............. .......... ... --_,,..., --CiUIFOllllA
OlAlfOI C:OAl1 PVM.IPlltfO (OlllNMY
1•"'1 N. W-4 ,.,.,..., ... ~
J•oelr l . c-t.,.
Vlu Pre ......... a.et• wn.w
Tli_., KH<-D ·-n ..... A...,~"'' .......... lfl'ir -~ ... , J» *"' ... Mt-' ......,.._,.:.,,......, ...... ......... &...-. ... :m_".,...-,.....,. ............... 1••-
bid of lm,117. .
A ......S eleclrioal linn, .lloJ\a EJeo.
trlc Service IDc., Jtun GeU;y Drive,
Lquaa Nlloe1. 'lllth • bid at $SQ,llO!I,
WU .....me.s 1lle -lot -..
th• ----· ,..,,.. letl aJao acoopled Delta'• bld ol .... r ... lnltallatkm cl manhole eoma to lln
aoot11 lot fnlpec:Uon ol the eallege'• new
und.......,..i eltctrlcal l)>ltom.
Woman, 23, Dies
In Car Accident
A youna Sant.a Ana woman was thrown
from her car and killed Weclneoday af.
ternoon when she toat control' or lbe auto _
on the Santa Ana Freetay.
carol Lee O!lf1e, 23, of 1717 Woodland
114 Deatll ToJI 141
IHI CODCj' Tralfie !Ml
Place, Stnli Ana, 'was dead oo arrival at
the Oranp County Medical Center.
The California Highway Patrol II.id she
lost control wl\!Je northbowld on the
freeway at Main Street at 4:10 p.m.,
struck a guard rail and was eje<:ted. She
was alone 1n tbt car.
were found, u.ld police lab technlcian1, were released. burflary was among the loot in Wednes--who had been kept alive by an artlllclal .u well u t sock full cf foot and ankle Mrs. Cunningham, displaying · what days holdup. kldn chi 1 1 •~-·. appeared to be rope burns on her wrists, That atone, in an antique setting, bas ey ma ne or near y cne year after
--• d nd t1r·• ft ... hee d 1•~ b M ~ ... · h ., 22·year-old Willlam Seinsoth died Sundav No alwll was r-·M" eJtber In ... car or appear..u rawn a i;:u a er u"' n escr ........_ y rs. vr.uu1Ul~ am ,
on the murky bo; cl the po~~ 1-,;ioi;in!ii;eaii;J;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;'soi;;iibeii;aii;uii;tiluli;iii,;il;i;t ii;dii;eli;ii•;;;• ;id;;;escri;;i;iiii;pUi;io;;in.,.";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;t ;;;Ha;;;r;;;bo;;;r;;;G;;;en;;;;;;er;;;a;;;l ;;;H;;;osp;;;;;;lta;;;l,;;;T;;;o;;;rr;;;an;;;e<;;;;;;. ~
_t•~ ldenUfleaUon proceU is moving 11
11owl,y," explained Veine, "because moat g. St persons involved when the car was 1tolen •
In 1164 have moved away and we can't ·nnnpo•• .( al/tna.1 0ll contact them." ~ c; ~ ~ -
Vaine also denied previous reporll that
~~,rr-might have been inside.the DINN I NG ROOMS 1'1 never heard that," be aaid.
T'1e car Itself, now a complete wreck
and wi1b Its top sheared off by firemen,
is at a aulo wrecking yard. It was iden-
tified as the auto stolen f r o m
Westmlnster by a license plate.
"It lOoka like whoever took the car
mmt have been travelllna at high speed
up Go1denwest Street to have slld that far
into the late," 1ald' Vtlne. It was found
about 35 feet west of where the original
road l''!d waa.
WO: Jin en are CU?Ttntly widening and
lowering· Gcldenwtst Stref=t In prepara-
Ucn for a central city park surrcunding
botll Talbert and Huntington Lakes .
"Ollr 'closest link seems to be with the
1nlssb]g Garden Grove boy~" concluded
Veine, "but we haven't identified him
yet. It's the only thing we have to go on
at the moment."
Aj 1nuch aj 20 to 400/o OFF on
No Night Re-vels
Parking Ban 01i Coast Hightvay
A night parking ban Ilona Pacific
C<Mllt Hl&}lway between Corona de! Mar
aod Laguna Beach "" eodoraed· Wednes·
day by Orange County supervlsot'I.
The parking ban, which would oJ.
fecilvely pn>Y•nt lllegal uae of SCOtch·
man'• Cove ror b e a c b parties, also
would o!Jmln.I~ the sertouo tr1mc 1alety
problem, coonty ofOcllb feel.
· Stile Dlvt1loo of Hlghw1y nUficatlon
~·ill be needed before 1lpa can be polled.
County olficlalo oaJd tbty don't !mow how
"""' that might be IOl'thcomlnr, but
noted It was the Stale Dlvtalon of
Hlchw'I'• that lnlUated the requut by
pretenUJlg 1n accident study tc the coun·
The propoeed 1lgn1 would deelart no
ptrl<ini either alde or the highway
bttWHn the heun ot I p.m. and I a.m.
Vlolalorl would have their cor1 towed
Over the Labor Day weekend, counly
sheriff's ofncen arrested 270 persons for
il1erat11 uaJng Scotchmln'1 Cove private
beach at night. Use of lhe Irvine Com.
pany--0wned beach is allowed during the
day for payment ol a parking fte.
"l know the sberlU· bas -qulte a problem
til•re," Asalstant County Rood Com·
missioner Ted Mt'ConvlUe said. "But oor
reeornmendatlon to County supervisors
wa1 b11sed purely on Ute traffic safety
part of the problem.
"'1'1ltre wu another fatality there last
week," hf not.ed. "Problem1 h11ve In·
eluded drinking pedestrians •nd sharp U·
turns rrom a parktd posiUon to head
back norih."
Th.e parklni ban area would extend rrom the Newport Beach city Umlta at
the end of Corona del Mar to the Lepnt
Beach clt,y limits at lrvlne Cbve.
Your favoritt interior designer will be happu kl aiiiit uou , ••
INTERIOR O!SIGNERS Optn Mon., Thun., & F rl. Eva&.
' "
. -
' .
' I
' I
iingto~ ~e~.
' . -Tl:tUltSDAY,.SEPT£Ml6R Af,J"'., . ' ' . •, . .
I ' '·~ . '
Stolen c~ir Bones::F QU.lld . ·_
_ ' I r 11 .,J 1 • ~ • •• . " . . )
At -Bottom of Bea~h l iake
War Flares
As 3-day
Tr uce Ends
SAIGoN (AP) -American and enemy
'.rcrca stepped up operatiom today
foll.owing the end of a truce that had
quieted ~ Vietnam ~ttlefield for three
' ' )
Teen's Mom
' ' ~ ,. '
' . . '
By 1'ERRY 'Cav11;L&
Of ""° Dellr Plitt Hllfl
FragmeA\.s -of a social security ~ant
and a missing. yoolh are .key elements to-
day· that may idtnWy the skeielal ~
found Wednesday.Jn a ••r cJredged out of
a HWltington Beach.lake.
The· missing youth .,..., idenUfied as
WIHiam Lichty, 16; ol. Garden Grove. U.S. spokesmen said American military
adivHy was increased to meet an
.. enemy initiative" that included 37
rocket and mortar atl.icks and two
grliund ~ult.s sborUy after the 1 a.m.
end of the Viet Cong cease-fire for the
tuDeral of North Vietnamese Pre.sideot
Ho Chi Minh.
Mrs. Eveiyjl LIC'11Yi of Gardon Grove,
this ' rooming' Identified ' a shoe. silver
=~~";1-~~~'.".°'1 In the ~ar as !:AB'•T CH'RIC AiiD WILl!IAMS DISPLAvS''tiQN"fs--
The: anncM\cem~t was made by De-. In H!!nflngton'• T•l~rt Lake, A G.ri1Jy Dl1covery
tective GI~ 'Ve)pe. , •
'. The bey d~ NQV. 14, I9&1, and \, · •
Moat or the attacks were in the area
froin Saigon north to the Cambodian
hasn'~ been aeen ai]lce. ,..._ •-a-: ... · c.1f"Z.~:~~ %. d~ke; ~"'.~!"i~~t-: ~ . . . . --
~~·~ •• ::~.::lhov:t~ • llnntfugt. ;on CofC H~s The rOcket and mortar attacks wound-
ed 31 AmUicaru:, U.S. headquarters said.
Four other Americans and 37 enemy
troops were repo~ killed and 16
Americans wounded In ground fighting in
the flnt 12 hours after the cease-fire.
front 8n(l ·bllct aeata, were found tnskle , 1 the car when. tt:. Wu ~llitd out. ol a pOnd •
"There's an Increase of enemy activity
from y~. bdt We J2o not cdnsider it
Wednesday. tz;~~en at .Goldenw~t ~: ., , .. , ' ~li 0. )·~..:...~, , ~~and . A.ve · .. 1 ,~1-r .. ~ ~··r ,, ... 1.. '"'t 1~@ .. ::_ . .W,v_'
~~fol···iC9· ·:;r~f.~l>+!':i . '.·" :: '.'i'• .,.:.i.. . 'fl·. tr: ~.----i. II\~ I ~ J I ~i-1 -~ \ ¥ !• ~~ :t:J' . . ' ~ ,.t:,.,,, ;J.l; :-, ........ "<1;11*"•~-
. "-·"· ....'..... PUll~·-·aut1*'~~·lielcli
a high pofnt." aaid a spokesman for the ~~~,;r~·
r . ' - ' -f ceaoM!re.
•iWe•re up some, ab<lrt as much as
tbe1, are·tn the level oC activity. It's pret-
ty . .Ducb to meet the enemy inltiatlve."
The . .anJed c:oimnanc1J also announced in
their, ·~ · ~. repm:t that
American caiaualties dropped Ji per cent·
WI week, the tolaJ o! enemy ~ drop-
ped sllghlly Bild South Vielllameae .,,..,
-obarply. U.S. headquarters said 137 Americans
were killed in action and 1,449 were
wounded, compared with LIS killed and
1,m7 wounded in the previous week. This
brqht total reported American
casualties in the war to 38,450 killed in
aCtian. and 249,902 wounded, whh another
J-,33& listed as missing or captured.
The Saigon government reported 502 of
Its troOps kilJed last week and 1.210 WOWl·
The increase of activity oo both sides of
UMi war tod,ay, while not yet of. major
proportiona. appeared to dim prospects
for an exteoded scaling dawn of allied
military oper1tioos. '111e<e had been
speculatim that tbe cease-fire might be
tacitly extended.
"We're ainduc:Ung oombat assault!, of-
fensive operaUms,0 said one U.S. field
o!tlctr. "We're reacting to intelllsence
reports with reconnaissance in force
operations. We've got as man y combat
assaults as in any day during the week
be6n. the cease-fire."
A gpoi:esman for the U.S. Command
uJd there "are five announc.ed American opwaUona. none of which terminated."
Then 'II-' no way of knowlng how many
,.,.......,_i operalioM are IQlng on.
DA.11.1" I'll.OT tt.tf ""'"
• . ~ ! Sgt. Rcibut ~r.,.aon (111t), Lib Toch ,Rioh•rd .Wllll•m•
'-~ ' '
Eg y pt Sends Jets Deep
Into Israeli Territory
P<ilico llld uremeo ...., .p.m., ~-'-of . . ' Wedilelldtl', ....... ofl•lbt'lmld and -,-•·. · COlrunfltte .dfceC"tOfl
ballf!li Ill< -ind olher evidence. \\'~,1'1!,t \If~ to fel·llllOll!molm
Todll' illt b0oea·111'4"~ ~ by approVll If 1he beard.
cie,utlel> lr<>m tile· Orange County ~ Jl'ottet, Vlt;o ]ftald<nt and
Qrooer'1 ofl~ Bild. pqll<e lab t«hn~ I~ ·mW(<T of the HwltlWoo
dl\W.li1 tlie Hf1Rli11lon -h poll<•l.•b. . ~ ... pany, 11b1Je'. atr,la\iia'lh&t:hia
They bave been tdantllild 11 human. •....; ?ID ,.1• , ,.,.,. •• ••· -'••" A11 ~""''IMioe ltr)tCtuft "om•rie .,,.., !' ... · .,.vpr...,... ~· ·~ .,,.... ciW 'b.'ti~~ toi bCioif.aa~ wondered wby 01~.pai'klng lpllCtl ':'11
1,,...,llle'rmlaW, 'and ldlo\ily' the pl't>o .the10Jand-otPiiclllc C<>i.i Highway
babkillle1aftd.11t'ofwhoever'CUMI: ~ were neceaary-lb sfart.."l '·" • · • •
lbt •dr\ ·pollce laid. · ' · · Tiie piln. u outlined by U.rban Land
!Oo;ne bad<l>One; rib, ltg Bild •i:n) ~ lostltute , Cl!l¥"• Ste<;rlng CommlUee.
wr!le folind, HI<! police l•b ~w. (CSGl ; membert •Rqbert, M""11nM. and
u well ii a IDCt. full ol' foot ahd antlt Jack Koblg, will l.nC100e about five acres
bOnta.. of Hunlln~ch;~ prQ[)Or1y
NO aknll '1'aS·toond either Jft the car-or east ."of t:..:i'e · Strfft.1 md' n<rlb til ~the
on ·the" mutllj> bottom ci· the pond. hlghw•f· .
"Tbe ldtoliflcatioo procesa ls moving · FOfler wan!ed to (""°" -the CSC By United Preu Intemdonal planel struck Arab guerrilla bases lh ' ilO\tly,'' eiplalned :Vetne, •\because most couuUlttte deqdE¥f that ~·1~· P*rkliig
Egypt sent its air force today agalost ~t:aliatlon for guenilla raids aa:alnlt ~ ln'folved when the car was stolen spacti .were ·lM i'l&fll ~" for the
Israeli targets in the Sinai De.wrt -in fanning'CC111munitles1n ~,areii -·--lit tiM h&vt mOVedfnlY Ind we cin't ~ ~kfnl areLw.JUch 'will~
retaliation for Israel's land, sea and air Today's lsraeli-Egypt.ian ' air bautes con~' them." from hli corh'palJY'a'property .west. to 6th
assault a~ Egypt on Tuesday. A "Were ·the: largest in QJe Mid<Ue East slndi 'Veint lllo denJed prevl0!.19 report. that 5.Jz'eet.and pne.block inland.· • .
.July When .-. I-ae'~ baWed Syri·an _ _:,, ·CSet OAK BONQ, Pace I) "Why nbt' five 1 acr'e11 at a. tlme to series of .dogfights broke out over the un:: ... Ull ailU <teletniine :tbe (eaSlbllltY Of. the project,"
desert and tHe suei: Canal and each side Egyptian planes over the Sina and the Foster queried.
claimed victories. Israeli-occupied Golan Height.a of Syrla. ff Kobll e"Xj>t.amed that the ngure had
An Israeli military spokesman in Tel Tel Aviv reported seven Syrian MIG 21Jt · POLICE CATC been delennlned al!er cOMiJllallon with
Aviv said Israeli fighter planes and an· shot down.July a over the _9olan,Heights. Vincent.,Moorbouse, director of harbors
Uircrafl fire · ajlqt down seven and Egypt's ab' strike locfay was -the fin! 'COP' WA RN ER and beachu: tn&i-lng COllluJllin\I, possibly eight Egyptian fighters and attack against Israeli Sinai posllions and othert ,.wbp tere .ensa.aed 1111 t~
fighter-bomber!. An Egyptian spokesman since July · 'I when Israel reported two santa Ana police Wednesday caught orlgtoai cfttermlnatlon to 6ufld the now ~airt Egypt shot down four planes and le>il Egyptian MIGs shot down and Israel Joe Huber of Buena Park In the act of nearly-completed 2,500-tpace parking lot
one oI its own. . reported one llraell jet destroyed. Those nailing up a sign reading, .. Watch Out_ on the ocean side of.the hllhJVay betw
The Cauo spokesmatt said Ute dotlflgbu baUlea lo~ 'a ·aeries of Egypll•• ~· . ••· bl"•• lice ci 1 the-J>1er ....t 8Ncll ~evM,11.
erupted wben the ~an pl1t1e1 struck -~""'°" lhe.Sqtz CanaJ.1 1o, '"" agy ~ .....i P-0
• "Alto/ li ~~."lllll~j!adlft~ ln two waves qalnrl lsraell t.rgets In The "Egyptlaft ~lllil' In-~ 11M Br1_?!1·~S•-~ for tralftc v!oiltoinn· land wW COii IOs8 ·~ ·0.Vel~ pl't>o
the a-~. He laid they bJl a rai!&r Ila· , ~:.....r-"""'-abd'"""'-bombers b" ow "= -"'," Kobig tolll FOiler. Tbe HUI> =' ...,,..., .. ,..._. ..,...-• H~. ci 1!31 Pqe Ave., Aid be ,_,,
tion, two rock el silel, Ille •IOlllhern ·oom-,....,, fureS Md U. de!._ :'deep lli ·~ •· ..., ••· b"· an even -k l\llP>n' Betch. ·Co-~y ls. un-
mand· post ol the Iaiaeli ann~.,ai111lery ifu."';;,ibem arid central Sibal" 1and lbal won-w .... •~ pu ~ ' dev-lcped but the balani:'e Ol lliti ll(opol!d
fi:) ·rutfp Chan'ce pl5i(;ona and a naval' lnstaflalion on'the they_.. "In retaltatioo !Or the enemy'I = !°~!= ~...:!,~·: putl!!g'ofea lrlir!k!i bullt'.,P: : ·• 1
'fll. o" Gulf ci Suez. 1 , , • repealed aggraslona oa OID' auanf oo• public p-ty . 'llolllg ind Mttrim1n l'1irll<!i' explalned'
,. • Ftgh1in_g alllo • ~. 09, ~ lsr.e.11· p09t.s." . ~ ~ _ that the plan '4 OUtllded',,.. tlf ~;
Growm. g nemote Jontan cfui\ ti>tl;l',~n ~tlill.. . • . . , . , , , , , . ft tn Alilman ~ ~l,!<.OUMi~·•I· . ' · •· ,
'Ill<.·.:·. -"'~~t:.:~, =1"'~i~=.'"J~~ L. 'd 1M" . -, ·, ··a ·: hh -d-· !.e Jl· -·· .. ,, ..... I : . Y!(~•..-r.thJtf. .Ma ~#?'l')l~'n:-~tJVe-~~~nld, 1.1 o ,... an ' 0 ~-.. 01~·,~1 ·~;w~ s ~-~~Pn ~:!of:J!than~ / ..... l's,, ~th,·,'"1~· -i t "j,~j.,;..~',,J'l: i"o ... ., '• · '~ ,', :°'(•, . · ... <'. '~t l.11.1 ,~ I
.... -• r-..... ..:....' ' ~ . taa""' . _,_ ... -< J>->·· ,.. . I rl;" ./!. .. . '. • , . . " "1.. " ,. , ~.Jl<olana-th11,aocorc11ng gunnr.n..ir~h'kll, · -_ ~~,'J' '. ~~~e"· . ~~&t .. M;, ,:.:,«('D-ine-"'''l>.:!1 \1!-'~1~~ ~ •
.. le lllflla j._.l ~gj.,~ DY• lillbWllc ,< · 1 l'..J .., ':\. ,..-•i: -~•· • " 1 ,.......... ' , ' Ji I ~ , t" , , • • ,
V> Coutal Area Protedlve !ague the Shelkbi~ _._t three mUei: · •. ·~·.; ~~ o .,,.,. A~~~f.IV1•!ftODOe•~~ r "1 ••
C!hl1rmia \tk'tor C.. A.lctrft'I. . tOUtb of Ule ~Sea. ibel uld41ht • f: , ~ ~~'·,'· • '. i. . ,.-o'y• u ', ,_, '•>. .... . \~1·;·;, '•,''; t •
-a1oo ,..Mild IHI the CAPL · ,. ~; ~ · " ' ~ • .,. fllll·~M «i: .,··
~'!:"""-~~~~ Wo ' -~ lMes ~· · ' ·., .-. ,.,. ..... ,...,..._, ". : -~ .. ~ . ~tier , 1oo.9 u111rw .•lbtc1t1aofHanllng-' . T' • • • · -·--·1 · fO••'l'l,lr.! c!!!'!:l'll'lo•
Jeidl'I offahcn it plmUilnnl llld Ute •• 1
, 't'A · .. 1 ~ ! mc1: .;::::;;\,....... niftol;-:-.. ... ~· ~S::..llno1iocludedln..lll< In Car Accident w ~~ •. , • !f=.i~.,~ · ,,. ~·~~·ljl,~.~~ COll!tal Uncl<lll'y tteOted by lbe SbelJ. • = ' ' > · I ' .'j · ~ -• "~~• ='t •Pl/~· •
Clnmlngbam Act II yem qo. A ywng Slnll Ana woman ·was thrmm ' ' Jn'ihe'lraiil . f 'tc " ... 1 a· ~ . abirluiO' ~ ~-
'11le "buffer zone• Andrews explained lrom bet car and kilted Wed.....tay 11-nil other ms ...,. the ..,,,. 1 '• ~ · -~·• V •' . · •..-...·11all6'.d!·~ "ii:r.;
""'11d eooimpasa approximately .• five-temoon when abe lost control ol. lhe auto :.ii.. •In O::ber ~f ttM in k burgilty at the 'llNI .-i floor and the "l'IN l<O>UI to":. 'Pltil!I Island .......,,
mtlt·long offabort area tn which no on !he Santi Ana Fnet*1. the couple'• gray bayaltlt bame 1t Ml Vii 11Uf0<11 ~ the couplo 1!1th ropet 1111 nlb'-tbo ·tirld(e 1t yi, h!"'• ... llalo$·
oflotxrre oll plaUonns would be allowed. carol Lee Dalgle, :u, of 17J7 Woodland ~ Jiolld. Pll'd"-." lfetrel 111d. etla SlrolL , •
IW -,.. Ill 'lba1 ieweh WU recovencl !tom I - , .. -• .-.. -tllat, the Thlre, II 111:!11 'a.m., oU!!>ert alO(>pod I St.rlc /lfarlcru Jiit c-ty Tnllk 1111 qearliy lldcf 1n hcMJr afltt the 1'!irll•l'1· 1>1ir riBled tho up_olaj(I ~111, cut a p1a11 ilall.., ~-<••~lall>i 11n1, · a.i;i lleWllOfl Beacil police delecll•e <llpl. one jih/lcioo UWllOn Cord llitl ripped ~ ahcl -~ pw.e -.
Piaco, SiDta AN, ,.., on liTIVil 11 Lou Reem. woo i• beadln& the 11> anolboi' oat if. t1ie ••It" O. -· a ~ ~ thn foontl • NEW YORK (AP) -The •tock market
finiabed on a <lownbtaI tedly, with de-
cllnet 111c1n1J llllo tho lead lel bJ Id-
..-(See ~. Pqeo lJ.ll).
1'e Dow Jones tndUIUial average at
2 p.m. WU ap Jtl It ..... II bid betu
up to llUI In W"lier tradln&·
the Onnge County Medical Cerite<. vmlgatlon of the morning rpbbefy, llld !ta they olhered up Mr. Cun-a'llrownlnl ~· ""Pi wfth ... ,
The Calllomla H!pway P1trol uld 1be the two llU!peclS, s!;n .i lu&e, ..,.. to nl..iwn'I colfeclloa of Jewel• )hey drop-nllmtl Iii dfo ~·
lost «<1trol while northbound '"' the the-door ai t '.111 1.m. and "Ill !lie QiD. pid a palr of !ado~ ·1n • plllllllm 'ftle -Wbcfm --•""''I:;;• Im.way al Mlin S!rffl 11 •:It p.m., lllndiunJ' doarbelL NllioC ., h -Dloo tf 1111' _. II I ~ tmf olllcelf be IOOt
otruck 1 guard rail and wu ejtcted. Sha Mn. ~•m 1nawlred lbt door, bldlOOIV ml 1111 U-llNn. ... frml. lill~llrlli1wl. ,,.. Ila bid
.... alone In the at. he uld, llld lbe pair, • "pod lo<*llll" Tbo two llJle ·--llld ( .. llGllll:ll1', .... ,
' .. •
lln.tl 11 'ihla . • '
"Ir -.at to the cit)' mincil . ' . aometime lnr) October, then, to U.
engtil<en •nd c0naullanil lilr amne bald
fllur<a. oqd Oil to bond ~tanla WbO ..w te11• Jt'tlit 'jir0piaaria_u1ea$o""'
the bond milt.I;" they alated.
""Slit W.e ' hive ctetefmlMdi"tbit 1,1»-
"l"'ci parkbi(1o1.11't11e ""'an.at 1wlblt ~~P,." ~Urbnanem~ ,, ·•
The chamber . dif<clo('I . m1di •no
d<claion iin tb9 plan 'Wednesday.but plan
to "1')ie ·a.I a pooltjoa !>e!P~ mailer
15 presented to· lhe city <Ollll¢1 Jn
i>ctOber,' accordlria: to Cbainber ~
C. E: 'jlUJ" "Woods. ,
Tbe-'project i. the· aecond 11ep In the
csc Committ..!'a..beach arid -
iedevelopmint ·i\lan. Tile ~ar!J~
pleled ~· parJdoi·~'"' "lbt
ocean~ ol 1be hlgbway bu ~
ex~ 11 t.o reveme, the CS:
spokesmen 'reported, •
The Inland ,porkllig' Plan haa. not rece!V·
ed unaotmous ·endorlemmt· oC dowlDown
buainemnen and propert7 ·-rt. .
Ford Motor Co.
President Fired
•• ·=· ., -. -n· ~ = -. ::.ft-d
_, ' ' ,, -~.,.
.. '
• •
• •
• if
' • • I
. ___ ,.... ____ -. -------
llAll.Y PllQf "
OCC Proje .ts ~~o~.
• -.... , ..
Buu "A'ccepted for Buil.ding, · Rempdeling·
\ ~ • .,. f -
"l'nlslMs « tl>t ~~ eo.st Junior ~-11n1t 11111." :g ,., 1te t w1i1!b •w ··••·• -..,_._ lilt:"" . Collen District Weclnt.tdJy night accept. • bollUI llulldllll Pi ,-.. olwnldnr. ~ 11111m11111 'Iii .... .,.
" bids lolllinl 12,118,ISO for new · ·-· ,,_ -<JI pi;,,.... w!D ilraW!\ wllen il --emir -oono!ructfoo and r<m0dellf11 projects 11 be flnancod wllh llalMUtrlc:I funds, the discovmd Jn computlfll the Iota!. Orence COut College in Coat.a Meu. siatt COAtrlbQUJll a cent. on the dollar, Trustees granted the Withdrawal and
Wert II ocbeduJed lo st.n Ulla monlh, the dlatrlc:I the rtmalnln( 35 c<nts. accepted Ille 1210,195 plumbjng bid al
'llilh cmnpletloo ezpected by •1"1111 ol Low bid on general conslructfon of Anderson Plumbing Co.. Inc., 620 Poln-
1171. 11.513,iSf, came from K & F Construe· selUa SI .. Santa Ana.
71le proJecU include construction t!I a Lion and -Cowan o:mtruction Co., of Successful bidder for el~ica1 wort
-biaJlh bulldllll and malM:lence 901 Eut 27th St., Leng Beach. The bid wu Sherwin Electric Service, ~7 Sau balMlftlo remoctWn&-and addiUOM to the wu 1llted as a joln1 venture. Trusttts Femlndo Road, Los Anctler. with a
dala orocea1f11 l!lilldlng, add!Uons and also accepted aUxlllary bids from lhe bid ol 1231,117. . ·
renovi.Uor. in ihe food services depart· same finnl ol 0,300 for fire eiUngulsb-A ltcaod electrical firm, Delta Elec--" -~ nrnodellng Ille old lilrllll' to Ina equll!lfflll and $92,llllO for demouno Irie Service Inc .. 10073 Getly Drlve,
ltt'tt u a coonsellng center and house able parlllSona. . Laguna Niguel, with a bid of $242,600,
the Mrnlsskm and records department, ' The aL{' condllioolng1 'heatin, and ven· was awarded the contract for work on
additions to the men•• aod women•1 tillting cOntract .W co to Air Condition. the eJeclrical distribution system. Trus.
Jocter and abower areas and compktion ina: CO., lDc.., ctS S&n Fernando ,Road, tees also accepted Delta's bid d $9,400
of 'pbue two rifthe new ellctrical dia-Glendale, Calif., 1'bole law bid was !or installation d manhole coven to give
tn'bution system.. $270,JM.. access for inspecUoa of the coll,.e's new
l!alf • mnu._.. cloilln In malchln( Burke Plumliiq Ille. of Guden Grove, underlJ'Ollnd electt!cal syBtem. '
Orange Youth,21,F~und 'Table Shape'
D -ad N H. . H Tiff Postpones e · ear ippie aven Paris Talks
A )'OUlll mon from Or>nie -bl?<d u
the · Cll'ltabr of a daert commune
w~ a....ae. bo)' 'IP allegedl1 chained
for II dliJa under the bot sun In a squalid
pen -lias been loond dead under ·
mys1er19Wa circwnr!anoes.
Tbe 1""r al <l1ristopher HumJl, II,
wu diJcovered WeoloeldoJ bJ a Porl1 <JI
dove lnml<n nelf BlJtbe, allaat..,. mUe
Crom the cumnuNl · nDeb where the
child WU held Clptlft.
No cause ol death bu bea de!ermined,
but Rivenlde County Sherllf'1 Capt.
Ronald B'ckmore uJd there a re
suspicioua asrects to the case.
The vicUm was reported mlain1 lour
days ago from bis job as caretaker of U>e
~unal fann.
An invesllgaUon .la under way into What
caused Hartwell's death, but CapL
Htctmore declined to comment any
-than hio remark abou\ .. lhe
1115picioul nature.
A raid on the ranch several weeb aao
-the ttsult of a Up to autborltles -Jed
to the &nest of 11 peracm now.awaitinl
trial on clmgea of felony child abule.
Anthony Gtbbom, 6, son of a Los
Angeles County probation officer, wu
found chained. in an open packin ~ate
under the bumlng desert sun.. ~
lnvestipton laid lhe anlmal·like pen
was lltiu.d with uc:rtment. had no
~ljer from the sun) roya and thet Uilie
Anlhon7 wu thin and wasted from lack
of adequate lood and w.ier.
Ooe ol Ille arreslafs cblr&ed wllh his
-11 bll 31-ytlM!d mother, Bever!J, ... ol -who Uvlf1I at the (.'C111m1mal ranch. 1 '
&lace l!IOl Ume, the child ,... been
'!'*fe a ward ol lllvm!de Counly and
placed In. proper hom<.
500 Marines Set
Station Today
Mon lhan IOG members of the Finl
Light AnU-alrcralt Mlsalle Battalion of
lbe U.S. Marine Carps were to arrive
from Vietnam late today al Seal Beach
w;.p..., SlaUon.
1be rare return of troops al the
Weap:.m Station is neeessilated because
the two LSDI (Landini Sh! p D<ick)
bciblbl&.tbem from. the war iooe are Ofl'·
• I
Softball Game
1')'lDI Delvy "" anti-aircraft equlpment,
Marine Corps officers explained.
.. , The anU·air~aft croup has been 11la·
• tleoed ~ ·llli f(ang !or the past three-
\> yun provktlns a.Ir deteDJt for troops, in
that area. Beef Raffle
To Aid Scouts
A oollhll! &amt whkh wlU benefit a
Boy Scoot troop and from which three
fortunate persons will go home with
1iuable hunks of top grade bed will bt
&taged Sunday, Oct 19.
Contesting in the "showdown" contut
will be teams representing the Hun-
tington Beach Police Officers As.wclaUon
and the city's Reserve Officers Aslocia·
The unit 11 '~ of President Nixon's
announced wltbdrawt of 25,000 men from
the war zone. ·
· Ttie battalion WQ activated I n
Febnwy, I~ at Tw<Sllynine !'alma and ~u~ ~ Co O~a tor tralnfng before
shipping" to Vietnf,m, Marine ofOertra
feported. Hometowns of the men· were
not •nil.Ible today.
Tbe men were to lfrlve on the USS
Belle Grove and the USS Tortuga.
Lauren Bacall Gets
Me~can Pivorce
PARIS (UPI) -BicteMnt reminiscent
of the debate over the shlcit of the con-
ference table postponed today's session
of the Vietnam talks until Saturday and
Ir.ft both sides with grounds for claiming
U.S. and StAJth Vlelnamue negotiators
Wednesday ttJected a Viet Cong roqn..t
lhe 3.1rd ....ion be delayed unW Friday
so the Commimlsts would hate another
day to moorn Ho Chi• Mirth~ ·
'J'be allies said Friday . was not con.
venient for the South Vietnamese and
proposed meeting Saturda1 Jpstead. ni.
Communists accepted. getting their ex·
tra mourning but at the aame time yield·
ing to the allied , proposal1 It took four hours for the U.S. and
South Vletnaemse delegations to arr
nounce their diaapproval following the
Viet Cong postponement request.. They
did nol. uplajn, ~y F'rlday was Incon-
venient to Saigon.
Already the S3rd session had been po.!t·
poned cne week, al'Vlet. Cong and North
Vietnamese request, so tbe top Com·
munlst delegates could journey to Haool
for the funeral of Ho, whose death was
announced Sept. 3.
The latot episode Wednesday oUered
lilUe bjl>e for .progr.,. .,,.,._.\he del<·
gates gather fn the former· HOteJ Ma.
lestic Saturday. It wi,ij be the first Sat·
iTday 1MetlnlsiP!:t ,die J<>!/'·Parly t~
began ,JU. t '' · . '·
Prom Page 1
two perion.s might have been inside the
"I never heard lhat," be said.
The car itself, now 1 complete wreck
and with its top Sheared oflby firemen,
i1 at a auto wrecking yard.1t was iden·
tilled as Lhe auto stolen t r o m
Weatminster by a ll~nse plate.
' ' .~i DAil T PILOT Staff l"""9
DETECTIVES CONFER-Capt. Lou Heeres, chief of Newport Beach
police detectJves (fac:~ camera), gets report on Cunningham rob-
bery from detectives · Speirs (left)-and Tom Shearn shortly after
Wednesday morniDg gem heist on fashionable Udo Isle.
Prom Page 1
just dropped oH near a Lido home where
she worked.
He told police he took It to keep ber'
from geUng Jnto trouble.
He wu 6ooked on charces of carrying
a conceaJed weapon. His companions
were released.
Mrs. CUMingham, dlsplayin, whit
appeared to be rope bums .., berwrt.m,
~ drawn and tirtd after the
Beach Studies
2nd Boys .Quh
HWltqlon Beach Recreation and
'Parts 'COllll!llJslOhen WedoeadJ1 'd<Clded
to. appoiqt a committee to ·dtafi ~m
mendltl0n$· to th~ 'City' council for the
cumtnictidn of a second Boys' Club
The new facility would be located on
land just purchued for the Springdale-
Heil park and would be a branch o[ the
present Boys Club on Yorktown Avenue.
Club director Pat Downey told com·
missioners the new building would cost
about $100,000.
One fourth of the amoont, Downey
said, would be donated by the Andersoo
Trust Fund, a nationwide source of funds
for Boys Clubs.
The other funds needed to complete lhe
project are expected to CQme from
various foundations. he aald.
She declined photographs of either
hme.lf Ol' her husband. Reportera were
' not allowed inside the home.
Throughout the morning and afternoon
detectives combed the neighborhood and
asked n e I I h b o r a about suspicious
County ·Solons
To Meet People
At Beacli Picnic
Ttq:ee prominent legislators WiU.meet
the people pver hot dogs and soft drinks
Saturday at a barbecue sponsored by the
Huntington Valley Young Republicans.
Those scheduled to appear at the 8 p.m.
picnic at 8801 Savoy Circle, Huntington
Beach, are Sen. John Schmitz (R·Tustln),
As.1emblyman Robert Burke (R-Hun·
tington Beach) and Rep. Craig 11osmer
(R·Long Beach).
In adc..ition, Dr. William Teague and
Bruce Nestande. both GOP candidates in
1968, are expected to be on hand.
Host George Stokes said "the get-
together will be an informal affair and
provide a unique chance to talk wilh
public opinion leaders."
Further information about the
barbecue is available by phoning Stokes
al 84Ul5li.
Russ .. China
I ' '
d eet
MOSCOW (UP I) "'Wonned tmolllcl1l
1011rCe1 Hid Premier Alen! N. ll"'l'l!n
bid a brief meellng loda1 In Petin, with
Clbineae Commmlat Prtmier Chou F.n-lai.
Althouih lhe •urpr~lng report ol the
.. meeUnc came fr o m wel1"infonned
BOW\."eS which }!;.ave proved accurate ·in
the past, there waa some reservaUon
alx>ut lbe meeting among diplomat.!.
Diplomats pointed out that Kosygin was
reported to bave left Ha{)Oi Wednesday
after attending the Ho Chi Atinh fUneraJ
and arrived at Calcutta and Dushanbe In
the SovJet Union the same day. SiQce
then there ha!I been oo official repoit'"oil
hla whereabouts.
According to. some sources Kosygin did
not fiy fiom Hanoi to Pelting but by-paes-
ed c.bin.i: and arrived al Dushanbe from
where he was instructed to tum back to
Peking today. It would mean rushing
things considerably, but the flight was
logistically possible.
The first Sino.Soviet summit meeting
since 1965 was held upon agreement
mad~ at Hanoi where the Soviet and
Chinese delegations were present during
the Ho funeral, the sources said.
"The dlscll3Sions were frank,'' the
sources said, without ioclicatlng the con·
tents and tenor of the talks.
It was lhe first time the two premiers.
had met since February, 1965, when
Kosygin, on his way to and from Haooi,
stopped briefly at Peking. to see Mao Tse-
tung and Chou.
The r~ption then accorded to him
was described as "frigid" and there was
no reason lo believe that today's meeting
was any warner.
The repor! came as a stunning surprise
to most diplomatic observers who noted
that Kt>bygin flew to Hanoi by way of
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Ind ia simply
to avoid flying over China.
Kosygin and his delegation were ex·
pected back in Moscow by Friday.
The meeting in Peking coincided with a
new Soviet barrage. of anti-Chinese pro-
paganda ;with the Sovie't press bitterly ac.
cusing the Chinese of maintaining a state
of anned tension and "provocations" on
the 6,000.mlle-Jong border.
There was no immediate indication on
whose iniUaUve the meeting was ar·
Kidney Patient
Still Improving
A Costa Mesa man who ncelved the
kidney of a star alhlele killed in an auto
accident continues to improve today, four
days after the transpalnt surgery.
Jim Wiemlcz, 35, t1f 318 Ogle St., will
still remain under extremely close
observation at Mt. Sinai Hospital In Los
Angeles for .a long time to come.
His wife was with him today, but
family spokesman said Wiemici was
doing well.
Surgery was perfonned on the man
who had bee.n kept alive by an artificial
kidney machine for nearly one year after
22.year-old William Seinsoth died Sunday
at Harbor General Hospital, Torrance.
The 7 p.m. battle will be played at'
Marina Park. Edinger Avenue 1nd
Graham Street for tbe bene.flt o( Ex·
plorer Scout Troop 563, sponsored by the
reserve officers group.
Donatiorul will be used to equip, tratn
and JX'Ovlde field hips for the young men
who art intert.Sted in lta.milll about law
NliW YORK (UPI) ->.ctrw Lauren
Bacall, 4~ returned here today wllh a
Mexican divorce from a c t o r Juon '
Robai'da Jr. to begln rehearsals for her
new Btoadway show, "All About Eve,"
h,.. fll'Sl slngin, role.
"It lookll like whoever took the car
nlust have been travelling at high spetd
up Goldenv•est Street to have sHd that far
h~&o the lake," said Veine:. It was found
about 35 feet west of where the original
road bed was.
Workmen are currently widening and
lowering Goldenwest Street in prepara-
tion for a central city park aurroundinr
boih Talbert and Huntington Lakes.
(fenerou:J Savin<J-6 on
Tieketa are 1vailable for $1 e.ach or a
book of .six ticket! for '5.
Ticketa will be drawn al the came for a
first prize, one side of beef: second prize,
one hind quarter of beef, and th1rd prize,
one fore quarter ol. betI. All beef is
U.S.D.A. graded choice meet, the
association IW>ofU'.
Those intelested m purchasing lickel!
may can 962-7171 .
Rob•1I N. Wttd
P-ldol!ll Mii Pl,lbli.l\er
J•~li 'I. Curlty Viet l"1n>Otn1 •noS GcMrtl Mlntttr
Tht11111 k'tt•il
l~t"lt\ A. Mw•ph!ftt
M•n1tlr1 [Oo!Or
,t.!~t•I W, l~to1
A\M<l1 .. •<tllO<
H111llRft• lhc• Offlct
109 Siii St•,tl
Mtill~t A41i rtn1 P.O. lo• 1!0, '2641
Ott.er Offk"
w.,.._.r kecll n11 w.,, S.ltl>'l.1 ""''''"r' ,.,. llilew: »I""'"' ••• 51""1
L....,.. k~; 121 f'IWfll ""'"""
C6q,T 'ILOf, '"'"' -..h,tl\. I U.,..t •"•f 1-.
...... PttM •• --· .,,.~ ...... , "'"' 44r a. HIM••tt "'' .... ' !Ot w,,..1..,.tt~ 14adt. f-t•lo\ V1ll1y, (lfll 1>'.t'M, N,w-
11111 lkldl .... LAI .... llNUI, .,,,... Wllfl
,.... ,.., '411:...t °''"'• Coo•• r,.,,ltlt-11'11 ""'-"''!' ,,lilll~ .,.n11 ••• 11 nu Wnl
...... ...... .. ... "" 81't(I\., •1'4 uo
..... "" '"'"'' (•tt MfM. 1'111 ... •• 17141 642.CJJI ,,.. w..tMIMMr C..11 540.1220 a .. .,... .ww.-111t.t '42·1•11
~ ...... °'"'" (OMI '""""""' c-,. -••••tr .. •llltf•tl,...., .,..,.,._, -'* • .....,u,_..,, ""''"' .., • ,.. ............ W>f(Ull ~ ...... , .... ..... ...,.. .. _
kord c;llu ,... ... M '' .i Mt -.. fdl ...i CUI• Mil ... (•111.,..,lt i!J,.t.1(• •!"" l.t
9"W O• llMfl"""' It' -11 "• -1111'1'1 -.., ............ ., ... _,ft.,
Miss Bacall shed Robards, wbo has .a.
Oourlshina: film and televlslo~ career, ,
after eight years of marriage apd one
son,. Sam, 7. She got custody of lbe boy.
"Our closest link Remf to be with the
missing Garden Grove boy," conclUded
Veine, "but we haven't identified him
Yet It's the only thing we have to go on
at the moment"
Zen Bud dist Roshi to Tall{
On Beliefs at Gplden West
YU!llnl Roahi, considered by Ea<Wn
mylUCI to be one of lhe greateat Uv!n1
names in Zen Buddhism, will deliver tw>.>
public lecturu on his religion Friday and
Oct . 9 on the Golden \Vest College Cam·
His first visit this Friday will be an in·
rormal dlscu1slon in the Community
Center from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and will be
fo!Jov.•ed by a mere formal presentation
at 11 a.m. OcL 9 In the Forum.
Both talks an open lo the publlc
without charge.
Yasutanl has published Ove volumes of
commentarlei on Xoan teactllnts and
OOlds Zen sesslonJ at bis own temple In
Japan. un.Jverslllts. {actoriet I/Ml at the
Self ~enae Academy oi .Japan.
Al a youth ht wenl to Uve 1n a ttmple
and learned the lllndamonlall d Bud·
dhl•m from lhe bead priest. He also
spent five yeara al 1 SOto 11ect seminary
and completed hlJ: Koan atudJ• wtuJ the
IUnuJ ae<t.
Yasutanl Ja hero of Ute book, "The
'n\ree Plllara of Zen," eotnplled and
odlled bJ Pblllp K1pleau. who spent a
clowl ,.... 1ludyln(i and coUectlni
material from or11inal IJOW'Cfll, •
The !ectu,.s 011 lhe Runtlniton Beach
campus will txplain the growth of the
ulf-realluUon relip>o. Jn 1111.:1111 China
an<f Joi>an.
Yuulanl wW also upalln lhc Im· , ,
Y11ut•n1 Roahl
portance ol Ztn as U hu developed la
America and Mare experle.ncu in In:.:
1lrucUna: Amerkan 1tudeat1.
.Aj ntuck a.1 20 to 400/o OFF
Your ~oritc fflUrior tf«tftrttr tcln bt htrpp~ io 4.UUt ~01.1 •••
INTERIOR DESIGNERS O,.n Mon., Thurs... & Fri. haa.
" .. . .. . .,
ComlnCJ Sept. 13 ·~
·Family ~ekly ·;,
.What Schools Should .
,Teai:h ·Your .Child : · ·
About Family J.iviag
By M. Arthur Neiman
The author gives suggestions and starting points
for family-living coarses for high-school slu·
dents. These programs teach them how to meet
the demands of our fast-moving society.
e LAYERED LOOK -Pallerns for blouses,
l·umpers, coats, dresses, tunics and skirts -in
atest fashions - a look borrowed from the ski
e HOUSE OF EVERYTHING -The story about
a store which furnishes props for movies and
TV. The article is appropriately called "Holly~
wood's House of Wonders."
• 'JUST KIDS' -The Fischer quintuplets ol
Aberdeen. S. D., start school this year and their
parents are wor ried about whether the young-
sters can be "just kids" in the outside world.
Tiie colOl'fUI sound of _ ~ o.._e County Music .. ~
RADIO KOCM 103.1 f.~
From Fashion Island. Newpoh Beach
. .
. ' .Be tlie fir1t_ on your block to plant spri~g ·flowers & bulbs
from ·Holland; Produce masses of unbelievable color from
the finest domestic & imported bulbs.
ou•Li l'LOWUS." .
, .-,. FROM
MANY · MORE OF THE TULIPS-. MOST POPULAR SU~~ 98~oz. nemones, Sperexis, Freesies, Spider·l.i!·
-----------------------lies, Wahonies, Snowflakes, H,y•cinths7
I .
For an winlor ind spring color. Ni·
ture's best for borders, flower beds,
and bulb cover.
. '
'. '
Exttr.d 9arden color throughout
tho foll.
It's alee to lrle¥1 frtsh ....._ .,,.., __
Lort• weft OltabH .. N plaots.
lriu11edlot• colon.
Dwarf bonlty tr<1wer _. ....,
,.... .. .,. l'lem 1 .... illt.
1 GAL. $149
SP,ICIAL ht. $1.'5 98'
I l
PACKAGE OF I •••• ·a9c ·
REDWOOD PLANTERS , ,... ____ _
....... &-.. ................ & .... ..............
£ ..... J.11
14"' ............
• • , • US. for Mtic 111ivr1l I ·
pathways i(I the shode ,........
"' f.._.,.:Eur IO buid. · •.
lk.--·iooo .... -...... . . ~ ,. . . . ~
HOURS: MON. THRU THURS. 9 to 6i FRI. TILL 9 P.M.; SUN. 10 AM to S PM
261 ,Har.bor Blvd.
.':0v•itt1 :.~ 5-ko 51 ... 1946", I CAL\', 54a..p
• •
• •
• • • I
• ,
., TlllY HANT. 11..Ph
)lan1 airlines prohibit pllott tn:wn Oytna for twent,y-four
lloun .,..,. -· """' the dfects ot al.cabol can
list that Joni.
Tm tJmet mcxre cookers
Ua&n nonamoMn die ot lung c:&ncer. ~ .
The person who smokes a
pack of cigarettes • dlly
spends OYer $150 per year.
.Amerlcana spr.nd more fb&o
$9 billion on to1*:co prod--
uctf each nar.
Glau(.'()IM ii bot "catching•.
However, lt ts likely to run
In farnllln.. Relatives of ptt-
ION with g]aucoma suffer from it five or six tlmea
more often than those with
no 1laucoma in the famU,y.
The flnit known written
medlcaf -tho 4000 ,.ear old l!!bft'l'P!lpynm, con-
tain& a precrlptioo for ba1d-
neu. Take equal part& of
Ule fat ol a lion. a hippo.
pOtomus. a crocodile ,a roe-. a IM!lJle?ll. and an ibex and apply Ubmllly to the
bild. pate!
l'Ol' modem ~ wt.Ui
old·fUhloned court.Hy, hrinE
,..,..,._,.~ ..
P.UKL1DOPM~ Ul H..,!fil ....
.... ,..., lwh '42-1111
A.1M1tta ........
CORl'O .... noN Nlf.ID.S
Ul.tol WOllJB CAPltAL
Will PAY ll"llo. ,..,_ ''' .,.
$14.50 PER MO.
1ib,:i llJRWI
• Wt .... I ........ Pc• ..... ~·lloM ad l"tcUtL • Tn ...... & ...... ~ ....... lit ... Sltfll.• .,..l_., ................ ~Y-. .. , ....... --~ :_ • WI flfflt ... tr--a .nca... 9-~I If.Mi.
lnve.st1Mnt Brokers
Member Boston Stock ExchlrngP
ltONTAC'Tr DICK MlrTZ••R mo ........ Ir JOt!N Kl•K tlU) MlodM
Ontc. .r: "•...,.,. .... $Mrwt9 Oeh o.w..,. ,.,_. , .. " ..... , ...
Simply and clurly this free lecture
expl1in1 how Put and C1ll Options m1y:
• protect yoUf' profitt e minimize your risks
• increne your returns
• lncr11s1 your l1ver19e
Lecturer: Wiiiard T. Moore,
Vici Prnident in ch1rve of
Wnt1rn R19lon Option Dtptrtment.
There are many misconceptions about Put and Call
OpUom. For example: some feel they are too comp.
Jicated for any but the professional investor. Others
fear that buying or se lling Put and Call Options is
too wpeculative. Attend this lecture for a clearer
picture of how and for v.·hom these stock market
tools can work. The lecture \Vilt last 90 minute~
and will be followed by a half-hour disi::ussion ses-
Datt: ThuriCl1y, September 18
Time : Starting at 7:30 p.m.
Pl1c•: S.ddlebi(k Inn, Tr1buco Room "A"
Off Santi Ana Fraew1y at ~irst St.
Senta Ana
For l"flle"alions, phone 644-2292 or our toll free
ielepbone number from Orange County. 833·0230,
er write to the Newport Buch Dean Witter & Co.
oUlce listed below.
uo ,...,.... c .. 1 ... or1.. • 644-2292
Newport°• ,Strau~s
CJ11tt S... •fW•1f 17th St.)
Complete-N~w . York Stock List
Tliursday"s Closing Prices-" Complete ·New York
Complete ClosiQg Prices -American Stock ·Exchange List
... --.... ... ---........ ....... 1 .•••• ··-.... . . ' ................. •·· ..... " .... . "
• •IWllf.,..,_
Proud Mother
...... '"', :. :.·:.::!.-:-:.· .. • .··,, · ·: .. · .: ~.·· ... ·· ·: .. ··..,-: • .... ' .-... ,. .,·~r~f""'
aince moYfnf lo Nevada In
llM; ls .... ..,.,, lo buy Air
West. 1 ieiDia1 alrllne, for $9Um~ :.
Tiie pun:llaM ls Wllht up In
the c a r r t • r ' 1 compicated
fUjaoclal prOl>Iems.
Federal ilaW re q u Ires -ol continued work
on cefiain' clahns, and the
documenll'liled In Austin by I
ilugbei lido lly $120,111» .... •P!'lll ,Id. mmh . <IJl)orlni cJaU.. in jhat county alone.
'rfu IN
A : MOVIE' ' r•rs WEEK
Just like any proud mothe~ •. tb!J orangutan.at Madi·
•on'l'(Wlac.) Vila.· Parle Zoo happily, disp)ays her
week-old baby. A]>out 12 or&DglllaM at' oom .each
yeer fn the United-Slates,
This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, A&W's "Good
Old Fashioned" root beer will be served at the
g~d old fashioned price. Just 5~ will buy a cool,
frOsty mug (8-10 oz. size) of the root beer that
made A&W famous.
A nickel goes a long way at A&W-an Is·
lapd of Refreshment.
• ..
' '
Friday and Saturday only!
wide or superwide
fiberglass belt tires
Vanderbilt Premium *V150 Ultimate, 42 month guarantee
Vanderbilt Premium *Superwide Sports, 36 month guarantee
V •ndorbilt Sports ind y:100 Vindicator tires
Fod. Exe.
Sport& Utt alze Price Tax
600:d.3 (700xl3) $15 l .58
5.0x15 C695xl4 1 $16 1.28
:>60xl.l'i (560xl5 l $17 J.76
with ~ln 600xl5 $18 1.89
600x13 Fed.
• tubeless blackwall& r:xc •
V·lOO or Sport& v · 100 tlre giz,e Price Tax
plus Fed. Exe. Ta~ 733xl4 $18 2.07
1,79 or I.Sf and ""5xlll $16 2.08
your old tln. Without 775x14 $17 2.20
~In, add 1.00 mxl!i $17 2.21
per tJre 82Sxl4 SIB 2.36
use one of our
Convenient credit plans
FREE thofovtli 11f1ty cll1c:k
FRIE ... 11 •• 1 r1f1ti111 1v1ry 1.000 mll11
Oelco Ple11uriztrs
Designed to Wee tht jol.t out
or driving and put the pleuure
back ln. Excluatve .. Oe.netren'"
ru cuabton takel the place ot
air lnstde the •bock absorbe'r
for 1mootb action and rldtnr.
Fib moat Amtr1can made CUL
SALE 2 for 19.95
JttsuJ,ar 2 for 25.90
' s V-150
Supenw Ide Sportl
·s25 v.150 Soperwlde Sports
'IOO>!J Jl7G.11 (686zl4) mu cmx10
Wllfl trtoe-111
s29 V-150 S=de Sports E'IS-14 (7!5'114) 70-11 (131x14)
F78-14 (775xl4 ) F70-ll ('l'IS'14)
F"/8. LI (nixLI) F70-LI ('l'ISXLI)
Wll!I tr•d•ln
532 v.150 Superwlde Spcrta
G7"14 (82.1114) G7o-14 (!1$xll)
lfla.14 (llSSl14) Jl'/\).11 (llSSl14)
w itll lr•d•ln 0711-15 (815xl5 I G70·15 (8151:15)
534 H73-LI (8'5115) 1!70-LI (lli5xLI)
V·HIO Superwide ·sports
Wlr~ trfdt.ln J7"14 (885xlO N.A.
All tubeless V·l50 Ulllmale and Superwide Sports
ti!l! prices plUI Fed. Exe. Tax, L56 to 2.86, depend.
ing on size and Ure and your old lire ln trade. Wllbo
out trade-in, add $1 per Ure.
VudtrbUt Ure parantee
Eveey Vanderbilt tJrt Js guaranteed for tht Ute ol
the or&lnal tread,, against mahufacturlng detects
and workrn&nshlp, and a,plnst all l'.alluret from
road hazard&. If titt f&llt, wt will-at our opUon-
rep&ir It at no COit. or In exchange for 11. new tire.
charie only for the tread uaed. The amount ch&r1ed
y,•111 be on a pr~rata balls agaln1 t the current sell·
ing price at time of adjustment plus Federal Exc1ae
Every Vanderbilt tire Is iu•ranteed ap.lnst wear· out for the num~ of months specihed. If tl"tad
wears O\lt wtthtn ttit"at&ted period (leas than 2/3~")
return the tlre to by auto centre selllnr Vanderbtl{
tlru. We will ~e It tor a new Ure, chariitna:
the current aelllni .prlct at t1me of adjustment plua
Fedaral Exclw TU. leu a 1tated allowance,
•Stnce no indu1tl'y-wlde •Yltem of 1tl.ndardt e11sts the reptftlentatlons u to "artde," "line," ''1tvtl, ,;
or "quality" rtlat. on4' to the private gtandard of
the marketer' Ce.a. V&Ddetbllt Premium Gradt).
FREE ......... 11 .... .
FREE pu11cfut1 r1,1lr for lif1 of ori9J~1I ftNil
'wheel alignment
prolongs tire life
Whet! allpmenl ltl'Ylct In·
eeaoter llld camber ..i.
eToe-ln 1el lo rpsclllcalloo.
eFront end IUSpension
P'or most American made can.
Open d1ily 9:30 1-m. to 9:30 p.m.; wturd1y 8:30 to 6:30
mer, co south coos! piHI, H n di1190 fwy ot l.tistol, cosl1 m•••; .546 -9321 .
' l
' '
-Fount • I I . I I
• V~ll~y .
YOL 62·, NO. 218, 3 SECTIONS, 34 1'8ES '• • >
I , '
' . .. .. . ~
At Bottoni of Se8.ch Lake
~ar Flares
Truce Ends
SAIGON (AP) -American and enemy
f(l(US 1tepped up operatk>ni today
foDOwing the end of a truce that had
quieted tbe Vietiwn battlefleld for three
U.S. spokesmen said American military
activity was increased to meel an
"enem1 inltiative" that included 37
rocket and mortar attacks and two
groond assaults shortly after tM l a.m.
end of the Vlet l3ong cease-fire f(I[' the
funeral of North Vietnamese President
Ho Clll Minh. Moil' or the auacks were In Ult area
fnll1'I Sttaoo north to !he cambodlao
'. ,• . .,. .
Teen"s Mom
Ide11tif ies
By Ti:RRY covn.LE
Of tltt "-llr Plllr SI..,
Fragments or a , soclnl ~rtty c&rd
and a missing youth are key elements to-
day lhit may ldevtify the skeletal bones
found Wedtiesd,ay In a car dredged out of
a HU:ntlngton Beach lake.
The mlSl!linl youth was lde.nfified as
William Lichty, 16. of G.arden Grove.
. Mr~. Evelyn LiCht.Y, of Garden Grove,
this . 'mopUng ldintl!ied a shoe. silver
band ring and watch found in the car as
possessions of. her son.
The announcement w11 made by ~
te<Uve Gil Veine.
· The boy dilappured Nov. 14, 1964, and
hasn' ~ be(o seen since.
• I I '• ~.
• •
Parking Qlt ...
The rocket and mortar attacks wound-
ed 11 Americana, U.S. headquarter! said.
Four other' Americans aDd 37 @nemy
trbOps were reported killed and 16
Americans wounded In ground flghtln( in
the flnl ll hours after the cuae-fire.
UchtY disappeared the same day the
car waa stolen from Mn. Shirley
Blankenship, of 1121 ~ S t • ,
• Westminster.
A~ 60 bones, acaUered over the
!ront and.back ffala, Wen!: fcund .inalde
the CM wl)eo It WU pulled out"of.1·pcmd
Wedd.!Cfay by wotkm<n . al' Goldenweot
Huntln~o~ ~eorc;·11;e~~
"There's an .increue Q( enemy activity
\ frilm~. but we do not coosider ii a hlP paiai,•. uld • spok.,._Jor II»
U.S. Commend. "11!~4-dbr mumptloo
of w.bal they have been d91n1 before their
''We're up some, about aa much as
tbiy aR in the level of aciivlty. It's prel-tY much to meet the enemy Initiative."
'!1le lllled commands allo llJlllOUllC«I In
their w'81y casualty report that
American casualties dropped %5 per cent
Jut week, the total of enemy dead drop-
ped iUghUy· and South Viet:ulm.,. losses
, ... sharply,
U.S. headquarters said 137 American.5
were tilled in action and 1,-449 were
wounded, compared with 1~. killed and
l~I waw.:ted bt the previous week. This
b~l tot.al reported A m e r i c a n
casu&IUes in the war to 38,450 killed in
•dion abd 249,902 wounded, with another
1.3*> ilsted as mis&ng or captured.
The Salgoo. government reported 50Z of
fts·troop1 killed last week and 1,210 woun-
ded. The increau ol activity on both sides of
the war today, while· not yet of major
proportions, appeared to dim prospecl!
fat an utended scaling down of allied
rnWtary operaUoos. There had betll
speculation that the cease.flre might be
lacitly extended.
MWe're conducting rombal assault$, of·
fensive operations," said one U.S. flekt
<lfflcer. "We're reacting to intelligence rePorts with reconnaiasance in force
operat.ioM. We've got as mariy combat
BS1a11lts as in any day during the week
bel«e the cease-fire."
A rpokesman for the U.S. Command
said there "an flve announced American
operation!, none of whlcb termipated."
There waa no way of knowing how many
uoannounced operations are going on.
Oil Rigs Chance
Growing Remote
The prospect of -oil rip along t~ Orange COut IO\lth of the Santa Ana
Ri•er jeltJ is more remote today than
ever before.
Stale legislation jUlt eigned by
ao.ernor Reagan urures tha~ acconlinlf
to · Coutl1 Area Protective League
awnnan Victor c. Andrews.
Andren also revealed t,t\at the CAPL
Is neaoliatinll with the titles of Hunting·
ton B<l!Ch and Newport B<ach llN' a
"'btl.Uer iooe" b et w e e a Huntington
Beoch'• ol!Jhor• oil platfanni and the
Newport city llmiil.
Huntington Beach ls not Included in the
coaatal unctuary created by the Shell ..
Cunntngham Act 13 yean a.go.
The ••buffer zone" Andmrl uplalned
would encompass approximately 1 five-
mne-lon1 offshore area In which no
olflbore oil' plaUorms wollld bli allowed.
Steele Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -'l11e slocl; market
finished· .., a dowllbtot today. with cfe.
dlnu slldns Into tha leod Kt by ad·
vancu. (See quotaliool, Plies 11-11),
'Ille Dow Jones tndusU'l.al avtnge at
2 p.m. ,,_ up #I at Ill.GI. II had be<n
up to m .ti in •atiier tradina.
" I
''\ ~.~ J• ·•• l',J "! • OAILY,.ll.OT511ff ....... ' . ' . . '
$ft. Robert Sorenson '(loft), Lob· Tee~ Rlchard Williom1
• . • !
' ... ~g~pi: Senifs J ~ts 1)[3ep
' . ' . . ,• • ' . ( . . • . ! •
Into · Israeli Terr~tofy • • t •· ~ _w ' • • ,.,. • '·.....;. ,.r -·· ';i",.
By· Ullfttid 1>tttt l.JtRra•tlOnal
El)'RI sent Iii alr fon:e today against
Israeli . tariets in the Slnai Desert in
relallatiOn for Israel's land, aea and air
assault agaipst Egypt on Tuesday. A
series of dogfights. broke ·out over the
desert and the Suez Canal and each side
claimed victories.
An Israeli military spokesman In Tel
Aviv said Israeli fighter planes and an-
tai.rcraft fire shot down seven aod
possibly eight '.Egyptian fighters and
fighter-bombers. An Egyptian !pokesman
said Egypt shot down four planes and lost
one of its own.
The Cairo spotesman·&aid the dogfights
erupted when the EgypUan pl..., llruck
In two waves agQinst Israeli targets in
the desert. He Aki they lUt a radar !ta-
lion, two rocket lites. the IOUtbern eun-
mand post of the Israeli anny, artillery
po&itions and a, naval installatJon oo the
Gulf ol Sues..
plaries -struck Arab· guerrilla bases In
ret'1iallon for guefrilla 'raids againllt
'farming communlUt!I' in·the-areirr -··· -
Today 's Israeli-Egypliah air batUes
. were the largest in the MJddle East since
July when the Israelis battled Syrian and
!'..:gyptian planes over the Sina and the
Israeli-occupied Golan Heights of Syr!a.
Tel Aviv reported sevea Syrian MIG 2I•t
. shot down July 8 over the Golan Heighls.
F.gypt's· air slrlke te><Jay. was th:e Ural
attack agalmt Israeli Sinai position.5
si~ July 7 when Israel reported two
Egyptian r,,11Gs shot down and Israel
reported one lsraell jet destroyed. ThO!e
battlea followed a series of Egyptian
commando raidJ ac:r;oss the Suez Canal. . The Egyptian command In Cairo said
Egyptian fighters and fighter bombers hit
Israeli fon:es and air defenses "deep in
the southern and central Stnal'11 and that
they were "in retaliation for the enemy's
repeated aggnssians Cll oar suard out-
posts... -
~t;~t p»d;T~·AY~ I • ·~ f. ,, :.
·~lit~,bul-a ofol(
junk.can are buried in Talbert and !lJm.
tlngtoo Lakes !Ji'that spot. . •
Poflce and fir.men worked nnUI I p.m.,
Wedne>day, ·cleonll!i off the . mud and
baggtng !lie bOnes oh<! olher evklence.
Today the -· are being inspected by depu4es trom !he Orange County
Coroner'I office and police lab techni·
ciaos ln the HunUneton Beach police lab.
They have been idtoUfied u buman.
An expert on bone 1tructure will .be
called In to aUempt to build a skel~n
from the remains, and ltleotlly the pro-
l!able size.and ~.of wboever dlOJl \Jlllde
the par, poUce salif.
Some backboue, rJb, le.g and arm bones
wer~ found, said police lab tecbnlClans,
., well ., a eock· lull of IOot end ankle
bones. -
No skuii,W'14,lound ei\J¥r'.in the.cor or
00 the IDlJCllY.bolt..n of the pond.,
"The idenUfielUon proctsa ii moving
slowiy," explaioed Velne, "because mo&t
persons lnvolve4 when the car waa stolen
· in ··19M -have-moved ·away and we can't
contact them."
Veine also denied previous' ttportl that
(See CAR BONF.S, Plie ZI
·Santa Ana police Wednesday caught
Joe Hu6er of Buena Park in the act of
nailing up a sign reading, "Watch Out -
Cop'' to give away the hlcllng place of a
patrnl'clii' walUng for tra!Ilc violator• on
Bristol 'Street.
Huber, of 1131 Page Ave., said he
wanted to give the public an evm break.
But' Police took down his sign and gave
him a citation for poe:Ung advertising on
pubUc property.
' . ' ' • 1 • , I '
-,~t No Dkay~
4 ' Tbe ''Top, of 1Ji6. Pier ~~
Plan" 1'Uoutilned.to ~~
Chamber ot Commerce· d Ir e•e tor 1
Wednesd_,. but it failed to.gel unanimoUs
approV.I of the board.
William F....,, vlce pmlcttnt; ind
general rpanager of the, 1f!unuilgf.on
Beacb Company, while lll'.l!WI Iba~ hi&
firm w11 "faVorable to the: plan"
wondered why "J,880 parking 1pacet on
!he inland llde of PaoHic Com IDghvlay
were necessary to ata,t. •• '
Tbe plan, Al oUll!hed by Urban 'LaM
Instltute Ctlhens St<erlng Commlttee
(CSC)l. ~'l'ber• J!e!>ert.-Merrtm!l'I and·
Jack """''· will iiiClu.le<aboiii nv. ~ of Huotlng101CBeach Co!!IPlllY ~Y
eoit of ~-~ ;ind ~·el~~ highway.
J-·wanl!!Cf . to rimow bow ' tho C8C
c:ommlitte decided that "t.8\ll parking
spaces were the right number" for the
pr<>p<J>ed parking ma which'.'#UI mend
from hil company's property west to 6th
Street and one block, inland.
"Why not five· aci:ea at ·• ti.me to
determine the feaalblUty of !he project,"
Foster querled. •
Kobig exp!~ lhal the figure bad
been determined after consultation w:lth
Vincent Moorhouse, director of harbors
and beaches; · engJneertng consultaotc,
and • ~ who 'Were engaged In ~
origin.ii 41ttnnlnoUon to -bulk! .the 1-
neariy-completed 2;!00-space parlthig iol
on lhe ocean &Ide of the highway betiteen
tbe pier and Beaeh BouleYBf'd. , "
"Also/ it 11 obfl9ul that •Unde~
land Will' <Oii "" thin meiqped ._ perty," Koblg tokt Foster. The Hun.
Ungton Beach Co. property ii un-
developed.but the balance of the ptOpoled
pjlrklng area I• largely bulit qp.
Kobig onci Merriman further explained
that the plan u outliQed wu far fiOm
final il·thjl ~· • • • •
•It .,,.. bbl to 'the dly <Ooinefi
eome:Ume in October_ thea to ,the
engineers and co,.ultanll f!)r ioibe ¥nS
figures, and on to bond consultants who
will ten .... u the piTipoSiJ, 11""'1eoJ* ""'
the bond marke~" they stated.
"But we have de~nnined. that 1,..,..
1paco parking lot ls the ama\Jeol !~le
lint step," Merrllnan empbaaized.
Ttie chamber directon' made no
decWon ,On !he plan w-.y, but pJan
to mive at • po1mon fkrclre the l]laltet i ) ti ls presented , to the -cl,JY· '*"1dJ JJ!
October, acconllng to Olimi>e<.~
C~ E: "Bill" Woods. n;.,· (lioje<;t ls the oecOrid l!leP m •Ii!• ac comrQI£teei1 b4ch abet .~ i~~lopmein'-iiiiii.-Tliio · Di'1tf.am.
pieted 2,500-SpBcO parking Jot, .... the
ocean ai<le of tbie higbwly has Weeded
expectaUons u to re.venue, the CSC
spokesmen repor1ed •
The Inland pB.(klng plan has not ~v·
ed tlna[1bi>ous.OJ!lortemenl ol·downtown
buslneumen '1lcf property owners.
Ford Motor Co~ . ' '
President Fifed . '
D·E T'R(tl r -(UPI)'...:' s •'lif'oa -&.
Kjiudson, ~eaidenl ot Ford Motor-Co. for
IP montba, -lll:ed tiidv. .
,The li'rinr -d · l<J\lldleO' -abrupt. Knudsen sald Henry Ford P hlmsalf·
nqtified • him-'Elluday' he 1Woulct; boo lea••
ing. • '
"Ilia explanatioo wa. lhat ,thlnp hod
nqt worked· out .u he bad hoped,"
Knudsen uJd. 1
FllJrtll!g alao flared on the lmleli·
Jordan front and a Jordlnlan spokesman
In Amman aald ,two llratU warplanes at-
la<ked· Jonlonlan ,_ iii the Jordan .
ruv.r Va!1"1 ~ Jlllll)m. He reported no casuaJUes 11 . tHe five-minute raid.
i.a.J'• aath thfl month. Jontan Nld llio ~u plana alta<ked
following a brief:......,.. of machine
gun nre nceSrAI JC.rtm-;a mne IOUth of
Lido · Man Robbed of Jewels Oraalfe
the Sheikh """"'" llrldp -miles sooth of the Dead SU. !Jrad uld the
· W oman;J 23, Dies
In Car Accident ·
A )Wnl Santa Anl WQman WU thrown fmrT1l her car and tilled Wtdnuday af-
ternoon when lhe loll oontlOl ol the auto
"' the $anta' A!>O•J'noeq ' ' '
Carol i... Daigle; =i ol l'/(7 l'loodl•ncf
i11 o.;. 'l'tll '.. tll
1111 c.al, 'bllJIC t•
Pli&, santl Xiii. waa &Id on.ltrival al
the Oronge Coottly Medlcal Centtr.
The Colllornia ID&J!way Palroi llld 1he
lost control wbjie JP1bb.ouod. ao the
freewaJ •t Main Street at •:to p.m ..
-• J!UUd rofl ond wu ejecttd. Sb•
w1s alooe in the car.
Millionaire Loses ~ms in ~Repeat' .Ro,f,b~ry ' ·weadler
~ ~ . ' _·____j~l/...____~i_ .......
---~--'----"'~'"---'--~-~·.o·-..... ··--,,,·~-~· .., .......... ...,.,.._ ···-·-.._ .... _ ·--__. -r -.. •• -•• ..:.C•o.:.... ___ _. ..... _________ _,_=~~-~ .
""--"'-"'-.!" •• -·
2 Doll\.Y 1'11,0T H
Building, R .
-lild we nst' ...,,._. Iii afi ' Dlmnblal. ................. ... Clrawn· iMb r-mat!iomltlill 111w wai
dlacovenod in CO!l\oulllul the total. .
'l'rwll<ff grantee! thO wltbdrawal and
..,.,.pteli the mo,195 plumbbll! bid or
Anderson Plumblng Co., Inc., bl Poin-!elti• 5L, Santa Ana.
Sucoeulul bidder 10< electrical work
wu Sherwin Elettric Service, JU7 San
Fernando -· Loa AnplU, with a bid ol 1231,117.
A HCOnd eleelrieal !inn, Delta Elec-
tric Strvlce Inc., 2«)13 Getty Drive,
Laguna Niguel, with. a bid of $242,IOO,
was awarded tht contract for work on
the electrical dlllrlbuUoo ,,,....,. Tru&-
teu also "''"'¢'<! Della's bid <JI 19,IOO lor lnstallaUon of manhole covert to give
access for inlpecllon of the collq:e's new
underground electrlcal qatem.
O~'!nge Youth,21~Found 'Table Shape'
D.,;;..~..JN H. · • • H Tiff Postpones -~ ear ippie aven . alk · Paris T s
A 1"1111111111 fnlql~e -bind u • lnvestl(llon Hid the aolmal·llke ptn
the· ~ ol a deiert comm.UD11 wu l1Uend with eiete1nent. had no
·-· llDlll ...,. -aJ1fpdlJ --from the ..... -8"'1 lbat little !er If dodo imder the hot -In a sqaolld Antlloo3' wu lll!n ind wuted from lacl:
pen 1-ha -!Ollllll dead ...,.. of adequate !ood ml walm'.
11111li!rioaa ~. . One <JI the amti-clwpd with bis
'1'1111'~ <JI Olrtstoiil>e< -.ii, 2t, -ta bit ..,._d mothor,
WU dilciovered W~ l>!' I P1tl7 ol Btver!1, OOI GI -wbo living al the
dova bunten nur Bl1llle, Uout ma mDe ~that~. the child 1w been
lrom the "'""mlQ!ll ranch wlllro lbi· mmo a wan! of Rtvmlde Coooly and
chlld WU beld captive., pl_ Jn a proper bome.
No cauoe ol death bu been damlllld,
bui Rtvmtde County Sbertll'1 Capt.
Ronald Blcklncft eatd tlMft a r o
Rllpidoas upecta lo tho .....
'Iba victJm •II reported mlsaina lour
d~s qo from hia job u caretaker of the
communal farm.
An investigation ls under w1y into what
caused Hutwell's death, but Capt.
Biclanore declined lo comment any
further than his remark about the
1uspicious nature.
A raid oo the rancb 1everal weeb.qo
-the reault d a tip lo autborili• -h!!d
t. the ams! of 11 peroom now a:wattlng
trial on charges of felooy ch11d abuse. ,
Anthony Gibbons. 6, oon of a Los
AnJeles County probation officer, was
found cblined in an open packlni crate
Ullder Ille -i d...n 11111. I
Sohball Game,
Beef Raffle
To Aid Scouts
A llOft.baD 1ame which wD1 benefit a
Boy Scout troop and from wblc:h -forlunat. pencm will go bome wltll
aluable bunu of lop grade bed will be
atqed Sunday. Oct. 19.
Cootesting in tbe "lhowdown" contest
will be teams repruenllnC the Run-
Ungton at&ch Police Offi~ AsaociaUon
and the clty'1 Reserve Officers Asmcla·
The 7 p.m. baUle will be played at
Marina Park, Edinger Avenue and
Gnbam Street for the be:nefit cl. Ex·
plcrfr Scout Troop 563, sponaored by Ille
reserve officen group.
DonaUool will be IUed t. equip, train
and provide field bips fur the young rne.n
who are interested in learning about lllw
Tk:keU ~ 1vailable for $1 each or 1
book of &ix Uckets for $S.
500 Marines Set
To Hit Seal Beach
Station Today
More than IOO memben or the Finl
Li&ht Anli..aira'aft Mi&slle Battalion of
the U.S.: Marine ~Corps were to arrive
from Vl<bwn lat. loday at Seal Beach
Weapon.s statloo.
The rart return of troops at the
Weapons StaUoo ii nect•ilated because
the two LSlll (Landing S b I p Dock)
• brlai\n& them from the war i.one are car· iytng lieavy' anli-abµ'aft equipment,
Marine Corpe olflcers upbined.
The anti-oir<:ralt '""'p bu been llla-
Uooed at Da N1n1 fer the pui three
YWll pmidlni air dtl-for troopa In
that IJ'U.• I
The Wilt ll .Plfl of Prelldeni Nixon's
announced wtt.bdrawJ of 25,txXJ men from
the war zone. · n.e baUalion wu acQvated I n
Febnw)(, IMS at Twentynlno Palma and.
f1nt went to Okinawa tor trainJng before
shlppinc to Vietnam, Marine officers
repmted. Hometowns of. the men were
not available today.
The men were lo arrive on the USS
Belle Grove and tbe USS Tortu1a.
Lauren Bacall Gets
Mexican Divorce
NEW YORI( (UPI) -Actruo Lauren
Bacall, 44. ,.tiJrned here loday with a
'MU:tcan divorce rrom a c t 0 r Jason
Robards Jr. lo begin rebeanat. !or her
new Broadway show, "All About Eve,"
her first singing role.
Mia Bacall 6bed Robards, who has a
OowiJhln& fllm and television carttr,
after eight years of marriage: and one
IOll, Sam, 7. She g<il custody of the boy.
PARIS (UPI) -Bickering reminiscent
of the debate over the ahape al the con-
fert.nce table postponed today's session
of the Vietnam talks until Saturday and
left both sides with grounds for claiming
U.S. and South Vietnamese negotiators
Wednesday rejecled a Viet Cong request
the 33rd seuion be delayed unUl Friday
so the CommunisU would have another
day to mourn Ho Chi Minh.
The allies said Friday was not con-
venlent for the South Y,elnimese and
Jll"oposed meeting Saturday iMlead. The
Communists accepted, gelling their ex·
tra mourning but at the same time yield·
ing to the allied proposal.
ft took four houn for the \l.S. and
South Vletnaemse delegations to an-
nounce their disapproval following the
Viet Cong postponement requeaL They
did not upJ.aln why Frtdlly was incon-
venient to Saigon.
Already the 33rd session had been post·
poned one week, at Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese request, so the lop Com·
munlst delegates could journey lo Hanoi
for the funeral of Ho, whose death was
announced Sept. 3.
The la~t episode Wedne.sda,. offered
little ~ for progress when the dele-
gates gather In the: fann~t• Hotel Ma·
jestic Saturday. It will be the flnt Sat·
brday meeting since !ht four.party lalks
began Jan. 18.
Frotn P..,,e l
two perf'Ons might have been inside the
"I never heard that," he said.
The car Itself, now a complete wreck
and with its top sheared ort by firemen,
ls at a auto wreeking yard. lt was iden-
tified as the auto stolen I r o m
Westminster by a license plate.
· "It looka like whoever took the car
must have been travelling at high speed
up Goldenwest Street to have slid that far
into the lake," said Veine. It was found
about 35 feet west of where the original
road bed was.
Workmen are currently wid~nina: and
lowering Goklenwest Street in prepara-
tion for a central city park surrounding
both Talbert and Huntington Lakes.
''Our closest link seems lO be with the
missing Garden Grove boy," concluded
Veine, ''but we haven't idenUfied him
yet. It's the only thing we have lo go on
at Lhe moment.'' Tickets will be drawn at the game for 1
first prize, one side of beef: second prize,
.... hind quarter ol beef, and thin! prize,
one fore quartet d bed, All bed is
U.S.D.A. graded choice meet, the
association repc;irts. Zen Buddist Roshi to Talk
Those tnl<rested la purclluini ticket>
may call id-7171.
OAAHG& Cl».IT ruet.JIHIHG (°""Atn·
ltNri N. W••' "-llltrll _, ~llllef'
Jtct It. C"'rlty
Vkl ''"IOenl -c-.r ... Ma.oitt1•
Th""'' K11•i1 E•uor
Tho1"t• A. "41;rp~i .. 1
.,,.,.,..tint Efltor
"'lb1rt W. l•+•1 .............
H1111tfttttt-leecl Offkie
JOt Ith Sll11t
Moili111 A.I,,....., P.O. It• 7tO, t2,41
"""'°""" ......, 9tlcJI; 1111 Wrll ••r-...,....,r~
c.f• Mnll nt Wnl ••• "'"' ~ ttKll: m ,..,.., •-
On Beliefs at Golden West
Yasutani Roshl, considered by Eastern
mystics to be one of the greaten living
names in Zen Buddhism, will deliver tw11
public lectures on his rellgiO'll Friday and
Oct 9 on the Golden \Yes\ College Cam·
His first visit this Friday wlll ht an in·
formal di.lcus3ion in the Community
Center from 8 p.m. lo 10 p.m. and will be
followed by a more formal preseni.allon
at l 1 a.m. Oct. SI In the Forum .
Both ta lks are open to the public
1\·ilhoot charge .
Yasulani baa published five volumes of
commentaries on Koan tuchlngs and
holds Zen ses.!kma at his own temple in
Japan. univeralUes. factories and at the
Selr Ddtnae Academy of Japan.
AB a youth he went to live in a temple
and learned the fundamental& of BlJd.
dhlam from the head priest. He allO
spent flve ye.an 1t a SOto sect stminary
and completed hil Koan lludles with the
Rinul sect.
Yuutanl is hero ol the booil:, "The
Three Pillars of Zen." complltd and
edited by Philip Kapleau, who spent 1
douo yun 1tudytng and collecting
material from ort;inl.J IOUl'Ctt.
The leeturn on the Huntln(ton Beach
campu!I will upl11in the p-awth of U)e:
HU-realliaUon rallak>n ln 1ndJa, China
and Japan.
y 1111"'11 will Ibo upalla the Im-
Ya1utani Rolhl
port.Ince of Zen •• tt haa developed h1
Ammc11 and sh<U't elJ>'r'le.nc:ts in in-
1tructlnJ American lludenb-
.. -·-.. ...... ... . .. . '
DAl\.Y '91.0T If*"' JlllMt DETECTIVES CONFER -Capt. Lou Heeres, cblef of Newport Beach
=•-detecttvea (fac~ camera), gets report on Cwmlngbam rob-from detectives · Speirs (left) and 'l'om Shearn shoruy alter
Wednesday morning gem heist on fashionable Udo Isle.
• ,._... p .. ,, 1
just dropped off near a Udo home where
she worked.
He told police be toot It to keep her
from getin1 into trouble.
He WU booked on chargu of Wl'Jinl
a concealed wea~ Hla companjmis
were released. •
Mrs. Cunningham, dbplayinl whit.
appeared t. be rope buma on ber wrbts,
appeared dnwn and tired after the ordeal. .
Beach Studies
2nd Boys Club
Huntington Beach , ~tioo aod
Parb commiss.iooers Wednelilay decided
to appoint a committee: to draft ncom-
mendat.ion.s to the city cow:tcU for the
coosl;rucUon ol a second Boys' Club
The new facility would be located Cll
land just purchased for the Springdate-
Heil park and would be a branch of the
present Boys Club on Yorktown Avenue.
Ctub director Pat Downey told com-
mis.sioners the new building would cost
about $100,000.
One fourth ol the amount, Downey
i;aid, would be donated by the Anderson
Trust Fund, a nalioowide source of funds
for Boys Clubs.
The other funds needed lo oomplele Ole
project are expected to come from
various foundations, he said.
Sbe d<cllned pbotogrlpbs <JI either
herlell er ber buaband. RepOr1'n were
not allowed lllllde the bome.
Throuibout the mornina ml afternoon
detedlves combed the nelJbborbood and
uked n el 1b bo rs about ~cioUs
Cou~ty Solon.s
To Meet People
At Beach Picnic
Three pl"Omlnent legislators will meet
the people over hot clop aod,aolt drtnh
Saturday ., • barbecue !pOtllOred by Ille
Runttngtoo Valley Youns Ropubll~
Thooe ochoduled to appear at the I p.m.
picnic a~ Mll Savoy Circle, Htlntington
Beach, are Sen. John ScbmJtz CR-Tustin),
Assemblyman Robert Burke (Jt.Hun-
tington Beach) and Rep. Craig Hosmer
(R·Long Beach).
In adcJtion, Dr. William Teague and
Bruce Nestande, both GOP candid.ates in
1968, are expected to be on hand.
Host George Stokes said "the gel-
lotether will be an informal affair and
provide a unique chance to talk wtth
public opinion leaders."
Further information about the
barbecue is available by phoning Stoke.s
at 84UI51.
Russ,. China
Hold Meet
MOSCOW (UPI) -1nionne4 uboflldll
.._ said PmnJer Atexet N. Koonift
bad a brtd me«lng loday in Pekjng -with
Chinese CommUDiSt Premier ,Cbod'En-tli.
• Alth!>u&h the surprialng reJ1Qrl ol the
metUna came f r o m · wtll-tnformtd
~IOW'Qel which have iro'ted accurate. in
the past, there was 90me reservltion
about the meeting among diplomats.
Dlplomat.s pointed out that KotiJ'llP was
reported to have ltft Hanoi WMnest!ay
afle< atlendlac the Ho ad Minh fWi!ral
and arrived It Ca1cu11a and IJulhanbO 1a
the llovtet 01119o 111e "'""' day. suice
then there bas been no olficial reJ>(rl on
bit w'ben!aboulx .
Accotdi1l8 to BOine sources Kosygin. dkf
not Oy from ll>noi lo Peking bui by·paM-
e4 Cbtna and arrived •I Du5hanbe from
wbm: be waa instructed to tum ~ to
Peking l<ld>y. It would mean rualllng
things COMi.derably, but the flight was
logistically possible.
The first SJ.no.Soviet summit meeting
since 1965 w1s beld upon agreeptent
made at Hanoi ll.'here the Soviet and
Chinese delegations were present during
the Ho funeral , the sources said.
"The discusslorui were frank," the
soureea said, without i.DdieaUn1 the con·
ttnls and tenor or the talks.
It was the first Ume the two premiers
had met since February, 15165, when
Kosygin, on his way lo and from Hanoi.
stopped briefly at Peking to Bet Mao Tse·
tung and Cbou.
The receptlon then accorded to him
was described as "frigid" and there wu
no reason to believe that today's meettng
was any warmer.
The repor:: came as a stunning surprise
lo most dipiomaUc ob&ervera wbo noted
that K06ygin flew to Hanol by way of
Afghanistan, Pakistan and India simply
to avoid flying over Ollna.
Kesygin and his delegaUon '111'.ere ex·
peeled back in Moscow by Friday.
The meeting in Peking coinckied with a
new Soviet barrage of aoti-Ollne.se pro-
paganda with the Soviet press bitterly ac>
cusing the Chinese of maintaining a state·~
of armed ten&ion and "provocations" on
the 5,000.miJe.long border.
There was no immediate indication ou
whose initiaUve the meeting was ar-
Kidney Patient
Still Improving
A Costa Mesa man who received the
kidney ol a star athlete tilled in an auto
accident continues lo improve today, four
days after the t.ranspalnt surgery.
Jim Wlernicz, 35, of 31& Ogle St., will
still remain under extremely close
observation at Mt. Sinai Hospital 1n Im
Angeles £or a long time to come.
His wife was w J th him today, but
family spokesman said Wlemici was
doing well.
Surgery was performed on the man
who had been kept alive by an artificial
kidney machine for llf:arly one year after
22·year-old William Selnaotb died Sundat.
at Harbor Gener1J HospiW, Torr~.
(}enerou9 Savin<Jf> on
Aj much a..~ 20 to 400/o OFF on man'J /foor jampfej
Ywr fooorlcc fntc?ior dtriO'ftff t.0m bt Mm to arilt VO"' •••
Open Moll., Thura.. & Fri. fvoL
2115 HA~IO~ ILVD.
~~.0275 •
-·· .... -
*· * YOL. 62, NO. 211, 3 SECTIONS,-34 PA~ • ' . , .. • . __,. • • "
Nixon .. Reagan Cut~aeks -Halt Floo~-~epatrS _
lly lllCllARD P. l'JALL .................
Pmdine -repolr ol aillmHl11bed
Lapna CaQyGo Rood bu -
another cuiWly In the lederlklale -1111..-opendilg epil>qo. .
Clly lllallq<r '""" D. Wbeatm dJRnped the at out ol lbe ba( r ... Lquna
Beach MmcJfmen W~ay lilprt u be
told them Gov. lleagail hu lmpcJled •
<OOllrvctJon emhlrgo almilar to ~
dent Nilon'a federal ooostructioo cuts.
Bill Signed
Oil Drilling
The prospect ol offshore oll rigs along
the Orange Coast south of the Santa Ana
River jetty is more remote today than
ever before. '' 1
State legislation just signed by
Governor Reagan assures that, according
to Coastal Area Protective League
Chainnan Victor C. Andrews.
Andrews alao revealed that the CAPL
Is negollatinl with the citlea ol Hwiting· ~
ton Beach and Newpqrt Beach for a ~
.. buffer zone" b et w e e n Huntington •
Beach's offshore oil platforms and the
Newport city limi13.
HW!Ungton Beach i.s not included in the
ec>asta.I sanctuary created by the Shell-
Cunnlngham Act IJ yean ago.
'J'he ''buffer zone" Andrews explained
wc.uld encompass approximately a five-
m:ile-long offshore area in which no
offshoi-e oil platforms woukl be allowed.
Measures signed by Reagan lightening
the Shell Cunningtwn "l!lJ!ations 511..17
and AB-622, Andrews said. The ftrSt bill,
authored by State Senator Donald Grun·
sky (Jl.San Mal!O) and amanded by
Assmililyman Robert Badbam ( R •
Newport Beach), )X'Ohiblls exploralory
clnlling In the sanctuary, vAticb extends
three miles out.
The Grunsky legislation, Andrews ex·
plained. Wa! originally designed to pro-
tect the ?tfonterey area, also en-
compassed by the Shell Cunningham Act.
At the CAPL's request. Badbmn suc-
ceeded in broadening the Grunsky's bill
coverage to include the Orange Coast
area. "TtUs is the single most import.ant step
toward shoring up the Shell Cunningham
Act " said Andrews. "Before all the in· Qw;lry bad to do was lo go before \he
State Lands Comrnsision a_nd ask for an
eiploratory drilling pemut Under the
Grunsky bill, thiS can no longer happen.
Drilling like \hat is DOW prohibited."
AB-6%2 provides "double protectlon'',
said Andrews by compelling the atate to
give 60 days ~Ct pri« to public bear-
ings on any requests from the oil induWy
that relate to the oil sanctuary waters.
''This was never done befOI'!..:' he said.
"AB-m for the first time gives local
t'ifie:s ample Ume to ~ • .. fight
agalmt any oil industry intrll!IOOJ.
* * * Victo r Andrews
In Li1ie for
Federal Post
Orange Coast civic leader Victor C.
Andrews may be tapped fU' a ?IJ.gh
govmunent post in the N l i o n
Admlnirtralion, reliable IOUrces indicated
Andrewll would neither confirm nor
deny the reporl>.
1be long-time Laguna Beach reaident.
a Nixon campaign Jeader in Orange
C.OOnty last year, said:
"! wish 1 coukl &ay "'""Wn& but I just 1lmply cannot at this lime."
IL ia pc>Uible that Andrew.J,, termer
presJdenl ol Sooib Coaat 't.mmunit1
Hoopilal and present cbairman ol Jbe
antkll Coaatal Am Protecttve League.
may receive a dlplomatlc post, acoontlng
to unc:onlinned ...,.....
An IMOUDCtment may be fortbcami.nJ
within too w..a, -llld.
"""'""'I a.ct parllB!ly> wuhed 1way by
February &torml. " •
. ''Tbere are two problema there," said
Wheaton today. ·-'Iii• -... ·..-1111, especially lbooe not ,famillar ·
with the •ri>ad. It II an unllgbt.d; badly-
muked, poorlylbarTicaded sllualion tbal
Is 'poqt ~ on 1 the part oC the
operator ~of the road syilem. · ·
"Secondly, Uley can bt that \Vl10Jc
road way if il ia not. repaired. If v;e get a
whale !Quirt of winter ·rain we coukl ~v1
. ' ••
a rt!al disa!ter. 'fhere art people Uvtng
there whose -CaJ>be mdanga'ed by failure of the stare to repair the road."
1be road Js one of'tbe three·encrance-.
uista from Lagµna Beac,b. Coast
'Highway II the qlber too. Wheaton llid
Assemblyman Robert Badbam ( R.
Newport Beacli)'. and Stale Sen. John
Scllmlll (R-Tuslln), Will be uled lo ln-
.tm·ene on.bt.balf ol the road and another
delayed project, lrlffic •i8nal modorniza-lion. \
. . .
Lido · Couple
Held Up
Uly :ioer!' VALTERzA. °' .............. ·. Tio !l"'!')>en'....,, allll 1t larje lodly, an.. !>Jiio!hig and g"fKlng wealth1 Lido ·
Isle yachlsman B(iQI CUnelngbam and
bil wife, ripping out pllone -and
scoo¢>I up ...... -1210.000 In kwelry Wednelday,. •
Paliie 1his mmUng diacloled new detalJJ in'tbe<larlng claylllbt holdup.
Olllcen i:epor1ed the ureat al·fUl11!0lnt.
""-• RM:nlde it"llD&·'":i:o1fl< ·~':aft:S~i\,·;
lhe.111<11. ll!il pGllce hltwHllacounled-hif
role In lhl·crh)>e. They boolied.hlm on a
cbar(e "'caajtoc • c:onceal«I weipon. Befi:Jtt gain( .Into seclnsfon todq Mra.
Laura Cunningham, dlsphlyiJig rope
burna on her wrists, tolcl ol being bound
with rope UICI pgged along with her Jws.
Tbq '!"I ilolpl,..Jor 15 mlnu1ea 0n .the
' livina room f1oor while the two men in
theit mid 203 rifled the UJl.'talra
bedrooms o£ the baylide home at 3~ Vii
lJdo Soucl.
OAILY PILOT ..... n L• P.rM
Ca used ~y Moon P•ssing Between Earth.•nd"Sun
Coast Sees Moon Turn Sun
Into Crescent in Ec~pse
Once upoo a Ume. evsy Bal JDdian
In Jbe Jerrltory wonld l>e down Pit hi•
-. lrembllng with Alllidpollon ,of 5ometllblc . Ai<ful .
Californlanli an "llli!hlltJcaled eoough
today, ....... lo • 'that • putlal
eclipoo ol the ... -IUcb II ft i"1
about --· aolltbirlo be -about. The~ .......i by the ....... ,
Sort ol !lire • bad apot on the> yolk ol
)'O!lt ~ eflll. •
A lolal Oclfllll.l ll 1111fcb more,raro, ac·
cording to a spekesni;an for q.e GrlfOth
Park oi-tvatoorln 1"1,Angeleo.
The pertlol, ... .,,nulltr «lipae, Is caU&-.1! becallae tlir m..., ls too lar lrom i!arlb , ... jjg Iba_ lo ~pJellily block
M the sun. t!
She' and ~ "t dwerecJ up
with a larje doth unable to set what was
occurtlng, ~ aaid.
-Newport Bea¢' police detective , Capt.
Lou Heeru, who Is heading the i<>-
.. 111g1tioo o1 the morn1ng l'Obb<ry,wc1
the two -· still et 111111<, Callie lo 'the door at 1;05 a,m. and rang the Qm..
ningbama' doorbell
MrL Cunningham &MWered the door, . (See 1\9.~Y, P1ge II
Raccoo n Found
That Bit Child
Hold the calls. Rachel, the raccoon that
nipped a Jil:.le girl's fin~ on Aliso Beach
Friclay, baa been lound.
"I a~3Lfld your efforts so much,"
said Mrs. Ray Kinner of Pacific
Paliaadea. Her 2%-rnonth-<>kl daughter,
Kelly, bad been bitten by the pet racooon.
A story l<>llowed.
The bite wasn't seriOU! but the lonphot
posalbJlity of rabies was. So was the
prevsUve terl.es of Pasteur vaccinadoOI
against rabies which might have hannfu]
medical side effects to Kelly.
Kelly ii home Cree today. sald her
.rrother. The raccoon was owned by a
Rivertide physician's family. It It now
under quarantine.
;\akeil about the coiled calla, Mn. ~
ner llld there had been many such rac-
eodrl clJh.. "I was' 11MI to get every one
ol tbtm,",lije acJdeil. -e bet---the -at· the IOlar 1~racbld a mubnam. 71
percent at lJ:U p.m., 8Ct'Gl'dlQc to
. \ De•pite Obje cdon.s
No NigJtt 'Revels
• ,# .... 11 ... ·-··
Parking jla'h ~n Com t Highway·
A)' niglit f!&fklng 'bln • alorifr Pil<Jftc part ol the problem. , .
coast ffiJhway between,.Cotm:ia•c1e1 MW· ~ was another fatality there J,ast
and Laguna Beach waa endorald wem.... . ,...k," be noted. "Pn>blema' llave Jn.
day _by Orange ,county,.UperyU!or•.. sluded drinkliig pedostrians 'and sharp IJ.
'l1ie parting ban, w61cli "'ou1a '«f· 1urna froin a parked position lo -
fectl"ly fl"'Yent Wogl! uillt' o1:•5cold>-· bad< n..-tb." ._
man's COve for b eicb·plrlles; a1ao 'J'bOJ:.'k ban a!oi ~d ·m.:nd
would,ellmlnate the llricM!a tnfllc lafoty •'-' N.,,.;.~ '"·•·• ·....,, lllnua 11
problem; <OOnty o!lldals feel. : ii,;':i.d·ol ~·~t.;'liii;J.l&una
Stale Dlrulon'ol Hlgjlway .ntlficaUm e..di dty 11mJ1a at Imm eove.·
will be needed·befilre Blgila can' be~-
Couiify olfldals' iild tliey iloo't linOvr'how
SOOD that might be fortbcomlng, hOt
noted it was the State D!vlllon. of
Higbwa)'s that initiated the "'llMSI by
presenting an accident atudy to &be ~
ly. .
The proposed si&m would declare-no
parking oltber •Ide ol UJe bllhway
bet.Ween lhe"houra of 8 p.m.. and 06 a.m.
VtolatOn wtlUld have their can· towed
Over the Labor Day weekend, county
sheriff's officers arrested 270 persou for
illegally ualng Scotchman's Cove private
beach at night Use of the Irvine. Cmn-
pany-owned beach is allowed durin& the
day for payment of aiparttn.g fee.
"I know the aherlfl has qu!IL 1 problem
there. >I A.!s:istant County Road 'Com-
missioner Ted McCouvUle said. 'l!ut our
recmninendaUon lo county superviaora
wis b8'ed Jl(l!<ly on the lralllc llfoty . . . '
NEW ·YORK·('AP) -'l'be lll>dl•owtel
finlahed on a .dolmbeat toiJaY,) '!ill! cJe. clinea 11.idng into the lead 8"' by iid-vancos. (See quotlltlooo, P-~II).
. i
lnjm:ed La guna
Youth COnscious . ' .
· J <ff Wllloo; the ' I>year-<>ld Lagunan
who' lractured hll nock diving 'oil· ...U
more thaD two months ago, 6U mM~w&
ol ~-• 1t SouUi Cout ~ Hoepltal.
Hoopllal · aJcles aaicl ·tcicJ•y 'that wn ...
was able to talk, stt up and feed hlrnae:lf,
a marl:ed ~-lorthe yomiptar critically injureci-ln a m1sbap July t.
WiJJOn Wll divlng...Glf rocks at Wood'•
COve when be ltruct ti,, ...... bottom.
The YOWJ&Sltr lay lace do"11.fll lhe ••Je'• for an estimated five· to .&: minutes
loilowliig the dive.
'Ibe young ·man is the '°" of Mr. and
Mra. Rldlard Wlleoo, &II IWnool SJnol,
Laguna Beach.
' Weadter :, . . ,
experta. -. .
'lbe IUD ~ed to 'fieWen u a Cftlo
Cll\I. while In other )lltlt ol Ille wMd, the ~ed anoullr eclJpoe WU 0 dart
~ wltb • Jl&bt bolo mund It. · . .
Scenic Road Plan ·Okaye_d ·
' I
DNlY '11.0T L t
• • Viejo Co. Areas
Get Annex Okay
r"1de!lllll .,... In Ille Mllalon Vltjo
Company plan were approved for an+
neuUoo Wednesday by the cOUnty LoCaJ
Agency Formatlon c.,mn~ lo ~
Olo Vallty Service Ara.-
The BUVice ~ which take1 in
invioaaly d .. dopod .,... ol -Viejo, pro.-!lri! proCilctloa, 1ruh c:ol-
lectloo, ~'Cleanloc and part and
park'!"' -ror a~ tu rate ol fl .-11« f!OO ol ....,,...,yaluatlon.
'l1'e ~ . ....., m u u yet Unan:.
........ ~1developmfnt on Jlle
-'llanl end ot tbO MJS11«t Viejo Randi
and, .. :..-.... Granada JiOme
devt!npPMIC-olthe pml!lll G......a
e ;e.'9 ·io Aid Need11
~ JUAl( CAPI5TRANO -It may
l10I ~ -bu! Ibo dty ...... ell> Jiu :ilei:laod io..,, play Saola Claus
&llJW11Yo I
In -al lut nlgbl's meet!nC the ......a-~ lo -Uk the bolrd . ol the
C.Ri"1iM Cmnpunlty Center lo find •
neeb' J1m.11y to inhabit a city.wned
dwtllilig, • .mrt free.
1be """'° la.located on tbt Ganado
-pht Idle, a Ille -bu been
piqued by -· 'Ille dl7 -hope lhal the _... ol a famll1 on Ibo
pl'llllllta will _.,. fllrlher v ...
dallmn lo groundl and • llirp building
that may IOl1leday become • community rnoeUnc place.
• BNflldut Slcted
SAN~ public la In·
vited to have treUf.ut with students of
San Clemmie Saturday Sept. IJ,
1be pncote lnatfut will late pt..,.
fnm 1 to 10 a.m. in Triton Center at the
ochool, 700 Ave. Pico.
Adul!a will be chlrged fU5 and
chlJdno and ltudenla -lludtol body Carda will be cbqed '1$ cenla. 'Ibo fllnd
ralaina: event la: lpootCrfJd by the,..
AuocWed Stud<nl Body for varloul pro-
e SU11rlt11 Man Set
LAGUNA HILLS -Leland S. 8llpa
has been appointed chief ol ~ for
Le!turt World, Laguna llilla.
nie 47.,..,...)d Costa Mesa -
had served nine month& u deputy ddd
belor< biJ appointment lo the lop~ l!J·
Robert L. Price admlnla1rator ot the
Stipes brinp 23 , ..... ap<riellce ln the
Jaw enfarcement field to his new pod in-
cluding %.0 years as a police oUlcer in
Toledo, Ohio and three yw. u a lp<ciol
inve9l111tcc' for the Provolt Manbal's of~
!ice military poUce, U.S. Army. ·
Stipes succteds Dcxiald E. Wickland
who died AUi. 11
From Pqe 1
Bluebird Canyon Dri\'e.
State spokesmen said the state coo-
&truc:ticn embargo a w a i t a rttom·
mondalio!ll by G<rdm Luoe, ""7ttari' ol
business and 1ransportalkn He will head
a task force to study which state. projectJ
might be aUected by the federal c:urtall-
It ii to inventory aU major capi\aJ
outlay project. scheduled for awud or
advertisement by the state durin& the
ne.xt 20 moriths. The t.a1k f.orce will be
repre.senteii by an of lhe major state con-
struction -spending departments.
spokesmen said.
It will gh·e inventory resulla to the
go\·ernor. Meanwhile, Luce bas asked !or
a temporary ball in awarding or 1d-
\'utiJemtnt of new state CODlracls, 1
iipokesman said.
uAllY Pl(Q f
~ ~ f"VMllH ... CClfill.pu'
lte\.eti K. WtM ,,,...... .... ,......
Jed I. c.J.,
V'lclt ~ -a-.. MMi.wr
n... •• l"·il ....
n. ... , /1.. u,.,,1.;11,
lliUM P. N•ll ..__
cir.,,... .. ._ __
211 ........ "'""· M.in., A44•••: r.o ..... '''· •2•sz --c... ..,., • '#Ill ...... """' ........, lltdl• m• .,,., ........ ...._,. .... , ... ..
llY ClC)VIU.11 .. OlllJ ,,. •
~"·-~c:aN ........ ,... .. lllir .......... .., .. _....., .. ~-..... ,,._..,ft a.,....,. out ti
a flunllqton Btacb late.
The ml.s.itug: youth was idenillled u
Wiiliam Uchty, 15, of Garden Grove.
Mn. Evelyn Lichty, of Garden Grove,
thll morning identilied a &hot, allver
band ring and watch found in tbe car u
....,...ior. of her son.
'lbe annour>eement was made by [)e..
toctlve Gii Velne.
Tbe•bo)' df&a~red Nov. 14, 1964, and
bam\ been teert since.
· Llcbly dlappelJ'tld the same day the
car wu ltolen from Mrs. Shirley
Blantenahlp, ol llJI 20th S I . ,
Abolrt ao bonel, acatterfld over the
fr'Oot .ud ~ seat., Wtrt found inlide
tbe ~ wben U wu pulled out oI a pon4 Wedw~ by workmen at Goldenwest
St·etl and Talbert A venue •
., .
'<II/ W a]IOI~ half IU
......... 41i'i,"• hlJ ..... .
~ ...... ,,,,,.,....,. mt• II! ti ... '
-.. .... tut.I .. ~-~ ....... t.abt la 11111 llllio . .
Pollet and """""' -tod 1Jll\ltf1>.l!I .. \VeClaesday, cleaning off the mud and
bagalnc lhe bones and other evidence.
Today the bones are being inspected by
depuUes from tbe Orange County
C-Oroner'1 office and Pollce lab techni-
ciana ln the HunUnaton Beach pollct lab.
They have been ldenlllied as human .
An e~rt on bone 1lructure wlll be
called In to attempt to bulld a :skeleton
from the remains, and identify lhe pr~
bable size and age of whoever died inside
lbe car, pollct said.
Some back.boot, rib, lea and arm bones
were found, said police lab technician&',
as well ll a sock full of foot and ankle
No skull was found either in the car or
on the murky bottom of the pond.
"The idenUlicaUon proceq is moving
alowly," explained Veine. "because most
LOOKlflil'>'ffEAD -Slanlonl University Law Dean Bayless Man-
nln.1r(left> 8lld Stanfonl Board <ii. Trwtees President W, Parmer
Fuiler ru (atrillOll tie) examine model of new law reboot facilities
with Mr. and Mr.. Frederick I, Riclmum of Laguna Beach.
Lagunan Gives $1 MiJ]ion
For Stanford Law School
attorney-businessman, has elven tl,2
million to be.Ip finaoce a new acbool ot
law at hil alma mater, Stanford Yni-
Richman ts president of COnsolidated
Mortpge Co. whicll lasl year sold to the
City of Laguna Beach prime beaclrlront
holdings for II.I mlWoo. '!be land will
be part of a lllaln Beach park.
n.e Richman gift was announced W~
nesday by Bayleaa 1.tarmlng, Jaw school
dean, as a fund-raising prelude for the
$9 million stanford complu. Jt will
hOOSe the entire law school.
Richman, 63, ol 1200 Skyline Drive,
earned bill bachelM's degrM at Stanford
in 1927. He was graduated from the law
school 1 year Jaret. .
He earlier bad endowed a profeasonal
chair in philosophy at Claremont ,_1en's
College. a gilt amounting to a b o u t
He Is a trustee ol the college. which his
son attended. and al.so a member of the
board of overseers for the Associated
Colleges In Claremont.
Richman said today the Stanford gilt
is without strings, the only stipulation
being that it .be used for the Jaw :school
buildings. Target date for occupancy
of the proposed complex is the winter of
A Laguna Beach property owner since
1950, the tall attorney is an avid out-
Nell B. Gra1uris
Succ un1bs at 79
Strvica w!U be he.Id at 11 a,m. Satur-
day in Pacinc View Manorial Park
Cliapel for Nell 8. Crannls who died
Tuesday in Soulh Coast Community
llospltal aller a long illness. She was 79.
t-.1rs. Grannis, mother·in·l•w of the late
mulU·millionalre financier How 1 rd
Ahmanson, was a resident of Q:irQna de!
~lar for ti year1. She made her home al
221 Orthid Ave.
Active In community affain , &he w11 a
member of the Republican Woman's
Club, the Garden Club and I.he Opera
Surri\'Orl include htr dauthttr. Mr1.
Dtnnis Sullil·an ol. Harbor ta land; a
brOlher, H. Parker Bolton ol Oakland,
Calif. and a grand.IOU. Howard Ahmanaon
Inurnment win b6 at Pacific View
fl.1emorlal P1rk, COrona del Mir.
doorsman and big game hunter.
AA an undergraduate at Stanford, Rich-
man was a member of Theta Oll frater~
nlty, served as president ol the Christian
Science Club for two years and won atti.
let.ic laurels in track and crosa-country.
Fro1n Page 1
or way," be said.
Another Dana Point resident, Dr.
Roger Sanderson, said, "We !IDrt of hope
\Ve don't have to have that higbway com-
ing a block closer to our OOme with all
the noi.se and lw'moll. I have talked lo
merchant.s on the highway and they say If
you mo'r·e it they're golng to be high and
H. L. Remmers, of 24032 Paseo det
Campo, Lagu.1a Niguel, 80tlght to refute
the Dana Point apeaker&. "l know when
you try to change anything you get a Jot
of oppoajtion. So many people are against
change. With the harbor there'• going to
be millions put into Dana Point and lt'1
not goJng to be the same.''
Jn voting to refer the plan to the county
planning commission for public hearing,
supervilor Alton E. Allen of LAiuna
Beach saJd, "Ont of the most Important
Lhlng1 facing us In the yeara ahead is en-
\·ironmental control. When the public
hearing does take place everyone will
have a chance lo be heard."
Allen said the study, paid for by $7,500
In county funds and $7.500 In pri vate
donations, was un}que In that It was '"the
first lime I know private citizens have
been lnleruled enoup lo dli dowa fn
their own pockeL''
Supervisor Robert BalUn told Lake that
if he would put down in writing his
criticisms and mail them to him he would
be happy to k>Ok into It.
Ford Motor Co.
President Fired
KnudJon, pruldtnl ol Ford Motor Co. for
19 monUu., w11 flred today.
The flrtna of KnudMn wu abru-pt.
Knudsen 1akl Henry Ford JI hlmstlf
notlfJed hfm Tuuday hi would bt. luv-
ing .
.,....,. Jnval,,.. wllen ll>o ear waa ltOitil
~ ..... ....,, ....... , "Y.l:t:-.:..E· ~lfial I............. VO been blaide Illa Cir ... , nl.,... betrd Iba ," he said .
Tbe ell" ttMlf, now a complete wreck
and Wiili Ila top abtared oll by flremtn.
L'I at a auto wrecking yard. It waa iden-
tlfled as the auto stolen f r o rn
Westminster by a Ucalle plate.
"fl looluo Jita Wboevtr loot the ear
muat bavt been travelllng at h1cb spetd
up Goldenftl! Street ID b .. e llld Iba! far
into the lake," said Velnc. It WU found
about 35 feet west of where the original
road bed was.
Workmen. are currenUy widenin& and
lowerin& Goldenwest Strett in prtpltl·
Um for a ctnlral ell)' part IUl'f<JUDdillC
both Talbert ollll llmllhl(lon Lat.._
"Our cios<at lint ...... lo be -the
rnluiq GII'den Grove boy," oxrhaded
Velne: "but we haven't identified blm
yet It'• the only t.J:Una: we have to 10 on
at the -moment."
White House
West Cost
City Money
The President of the United states and
his Dock of WbJte House staffen: are not
transient San Clement.ans - a f a c t
wbich may have cost the city treasury
mote than a few bucb.
The c11T1 tnmlto1 occupancy tu (bed
lu) placu a five permit leyy "" ...i.
paid by lodgen who llay I~ lhao 30
d011 ln lbe beach cltI--paid for • 1,.....11meareeumpt. same 111 ~ rcntinl for JD averap
ol f!J per day al lbe San Clemente Inn
.... occupied by Whit. --for 30 daya plul.
Hod Ille alaffen lei! on the Z9lb day,
Ibo Sao Clemente Inn WUlld have con-
tributed alJ&blly ...... than f),000 lo Ibo
cit)' col!en.
Sao Clemente Finance Dlroclor Gerald
T-, uld that Ibo clly probably 1ort
about '1,lllO !run what It WUlld have
received ·durblJ the IUmJller becauae ot
the ealerided slay.
Group to Guard
Festival Vote
A five-member ccrmnlUee has been a~
pointed lo ...... decllon ol -y,.. Uva! ot Ar11 ~ .
1be commJltee will rruard qainll Ir·
regular!U" In llOl!lWllon o1 emlldatea
lo the aln&<ntn>b<r hoard. llal1ola will be
counted Nav. 10 at the annual mem-
benhlp meeting at Irvine Bowl
1be committee will Include Mayor
GI-Vedder, former IDyor J .... -die, Roberl LepptJt. Dr.I Hall and Bill
Molla. A C«!llled publlc """"""""' will count balJoU. Incum-hoard memben-tllrtt year terms are up foe eledlon are Verne!"
Beet, Stu.rt Durtte and' Dr. Hatold
Burton. Plpll'I may be plctflcl up al lbe
F..u.al offices. Nmlinatlom c1-Sept.
19 .•
... •• ., .•. 't:r G • t · 1ot9' 't· •\1'1 ...... , 4.at.J.-'b "'11 ) '1 .. df"'O~' ~:.=:...
• m Buried ·Car
• DAILY PILOT St•fl ......
POLICE MOVE IN FOR CLOSER LOOK AT OEATH CAR 5tf. Robart Sorenaon tloft ), Lab Tech Rlch .. d Wllllam•
Fron• Page 1
h:: 1aid, and the pair, a "good looltinr"
CaucasJan and a long-haired Negro, in·
quired about boot maintenance jobs.
Seconds after the conversation started,
Heere1 said, the pair l'll!bed through lh•
door and Mn. CUnnJngbam screamed
aeve:ral tbne1.
Her cr:les brought C u n n i n I h a m
downalaira and the. intruders pulled two
"TheJlt made the CUnninghams ail on
the lJvfug room floor and the two
suapeds tied the couple with ropes and
1aued them," Heeres said.
For about 45 mlnutea after Iba~ the
pair riffled lbe upolair> beclrooim, cul
one: phone extension cord and ripped
llllOlber out of Ibo wall
Al they gathered up Mn. Cw> nlniham'• collection ol jewtla they drop-
ped a pair of jade tarrlnp In • plallnwn
setlln& on the floor ol the muter
bedroom and Id! them lhece.
Tbe two then walbd dowmtalr• and
Deel through Ibo lrool -· "Mn. CUnnlnglwn made ber way lo a
pair of scluora and cul heneU and her
husband fret:," Heetec1 said.
Sbe ran to • neighbor'• bouJe 1o phollt
police while ber h111band ran upllalra lo
a phone still operating and phoned for
help from there.
Immediately after the robbery report
shotgun.armed police sealed off the only
land access to the plush island commu-
nity-the brid1e at Via Udo and Lafay.
ette Slreet.
There, at 11 :20 a.m., officers stopped
a pink station wagon containing three
Negroes and searched the three men.
On one, a Riverside laborer, they found a Browntni automaUc pistol with one
round in the clip.
The man, whom police later Wscounted
as a suspeet, told officers he took the
gun from hia girlfriend, whom he had
just dropped off near 1 Lido home where
she worked.
He told police he took it to keep her
from getlng into trouble.
He was booked on char~ea of carrying
a concealed weapon. His companicm
were released.
Mrs. CUnningham, displaying what
appeared to be rope bums on her wrists,
appeared drawn and tired after the
She declined photographs of either
herself or her husband. tleporkn were
not allowed inside the home.
(}eneroud SavingJ on
A4 much aJ 20 to 400/o OFF on
Open MOn., Ttwrs., I Fri. 1 ......
... '
. ! ' ""' ......... ' . . '!'.. HEADING FOR COURT FIGHT ABOARD WHITE CHARGER
I · Tho Now u:s. G'ront 'Lil•~• Fol low Hip• t~to Froy . .
Loves His Countr y, Hippie Commune
Outside the main building of the hippie
commune an American flag wisps gently
on its pole. Another American ' Dag ·rues
on the grounds amid ' the com. squash;
beans, pears, apples, nectarines and
"l love my coumty," says Ulysses S.
them evicted. Briley and Sandoval Coun-
ty Sheriff Emiliano J.1ontoya served evk·
lion papers on the hippies. The sheriff
said be went aJong to "ensure law and
order when the papers were served."
"They have oo right to be there,''
Briley' said. "It doesn't bother me to
serve them in my pbannacy, but when
they are on my property, that is
aomething else." Grant, 3J, who claims lo be the rein-"We have an omen from God that we
camalioo of lhe president and civil war should stay," said Grant, whose legal general, is the "sheriff" of this com-T.h · · buildin · th name is iodeed Ulysses S. Grant. ~une. e,, mam , g u e Grant said' he and his "brothers" li\'e
Ct?Wihouse. ~· ·on the land in accordance with the Treaty
Grant says his colony ·of ~ hippies in of GuadaJupe Hldalgo which ellded the
the foothill! of the &ndia Mountairu do Mexican war. '
not clabn o~hip t01 the land_ ~.d •'How can (Briley) run me out'of town
anrooe who think~. they do own it • 1J just because he, doesn't like my looks?"
being bamboozled. Grant' said. "You lciok at aur land and
Al Briley, a rancher and operalor ol an you can see lt'is not overgrazed. lt's-well
Albuquerqae pharmacy, does claim to taken care of.,We're treating it rieht.
have a Jease on the land. And tie wants The commune includes 22 adults and
the hippie.s oot. thrtt children, With tWo moie on the
He aaid he will go to court to hav~ way.
It's All in the Name
:when It Comes to Music
Of h Dtltr l'llM Sr.ff
Musical instrument.! seem the bane of the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts
existence. Once there was an organ that the rats got Into and ••• but that's
another story.
At any rate, the Festival board Tuesday decided to buy a piano, a good
With Director Heien Keeley directing -al least recommending -the
!bard decided on a Bhrthner, a German make, for about
$4,500. JI wlll'l one of the alternatives she presented and
the one abe recommended.
Director Stuart Durkee who can play the org111 that
the r ats got into and ••• but th at's another yarn. Anyway
Durkee, who has beard a lot of good plani6ts. admiUed as
much and mentioned that they seemed to play Steinway
Mrs. Keeley ~ that V.:..kee research the
mailer with planisla and piano tuners: He doellll know
any ano tuners. Director Paul Griem noted that °"' St.einway company does
a tremendous public r$tiona job in coojunctlon with tts piano aaJes.
After comld~tion, Durkee ujd that Mrs. Keeley bad miearched the
maUer and. if she rm>mmtnded a ·B1uthner, ·a Blutbner Jt should be. ln a
chord ol. harmony the board agreed.1The Festival of Arb Forum would have
its stage graced with a new BJulhner along with the electronic organ that the
rats once gol to.
Bui wail -some SUSJ>flUe music plea• -alter the board meeting end-
ed. the board met again io private as it usually does at lhe eod ot regular
meetings. . . * Tbey decided lo "'1y a StelnW>)' f<>< ool -. than ~.500. Tbo price Is
appartntly beln1 negotiated with a Steinw.,. representative· who appeared
IOmewher"f: aJong ~ line doing a· good public relaOona job.
What of the organ! Tbat'a ...Uy another ltory but the board bouj!1rt It
1 few yurt ago u a deleme. against Wary demands from the muSJcians
Jt worked quite we.U but not against the mUJicianJ union. Tht orchestra
got WI pay raise, Jnbabty lhe organist too.
Th"1 the pact rab came In the dead ol nigbl am departed wllh part of
the organ's innards. Its IOl.rinr voice wu muted.
The Festival board dfldded to lelJ the organ. No one wanted It alter the
lnl<rnal gnawing.
* Jn a what.tbe-beck hometown Jesture the board decided to give It to the
IChool district for the high school audiklrium.
. Jn one cl those polite lettera that IChoo1 people write. the achool board
declined the organ at least aa long aa it sufJered Internal ravage.s. The Festival
thought of 11Pllttlng the -ol repalra but d«ldecl to be big about tt and reo
pair the Olgin. I
Tba ochool diJtrid tool< IL Lala' the llCllool district gav. It back. It worb
fin< thou!lb. Durkl!e has played and ao did an organigt at the opening ol the
Forum, which ii what the Festival calls Ila new theater. Comm, up with tbat name took a bit ol dofn&~ but that'1 another llOl"f.
-· s.,""""'11, 19111 • .L OAll.Y I'll.OF .#
U.S. ' Dissension PrQl.ongjllg War?
By AJmll1ll R. VINSEL Of .... ,..., 1'1111 11"9
Picture a delicate dole of peace with
a gun muzzle pressed a(alnsr each aide
of ita bead.
Thia ta Asia today.
Harbor Ana buslnal coasultlnt WaHer lklm>u&bs dilcuated hia For Eu! travelJ
of 1111 April llld May Wedneoday in a
talk ·belcn eo.ta M ... Rotary Club.
The former plblisbet of the Oranp
Coaat DAILY PILOI' IOUr<d at bis own
upenae with other memben of the
Defeue Orientation Coofenoct Asaocla-
"l was somewhat di.sheartened.. Al·
lhoogb I arn a, natural Oj>tlmls~" sald
Burroughs, "I'm peuimlsUc and a UWe
1be ~week visit by the group
which makes recommendatiom coocern-
lng U. S. de!..,. began rather ligbt. heartodll' in Ha"ail llld turned grim ...
a Ja~ airstrip as transport ptanea
Bew in hundreds ol wounded G!s, be sale!.
1be veteran oewspapennan apenl Ume
In South Vletum, Sooth Korta, Thailand,
the Nationalist Chinese lsJaods of Taiwan
and Quemoy, plu.s JaP.Bn-
Narth Vietnam. ls likely to continue a
long, dra~t batUe agai.Mt its ene-
mies, despite the (ad the CommunlJt
reghne l'l'ould love to have an end to lhe
"They delay, because they expect to
win in the U. S:," ~ said, add~
ing glwp)y, "abd I'm not ·ao sure they're
not winning."
He was referring to disstnsion at home
over the war.
"And I'm not a member of the John
Bireh Society," he added. "In fact, the
Communiits make good use of that organ-
hation to create discord."
Burroughs said the Communist! are
cunning and well experienced at laylna:
the groundwork for a nation's internal
dl!order to hast.en their own revolution-
ary control.
Vietnam's neighboring 'lballand is a
wonderful, exotic nation, he added, bot
has dlfflCUlty with insurrection in its
northern provinces. The picture is a bit better io South
Nasser Prompted
By Soviets in
RetaJiatory Act
Korea, who6e crack ROlt trvops are
helPlna oot In the Vlelllam , Wat, wblla malntalnlnc tine dlvlllons on their awo
tense JSth paraUel buder. •
"What has been dona to help Korea'•
..U-de!ense pooture la = lhort of miraculous." Bum>uabs ., oad, men-
tloo.lng .statistics of border clubes, plus
N..th Ka:tan "" promlJes. "There are COOltant curtacta by pa·
trols, with 1a ROXI and 15 Americana
kllled in 1118." be aald, "we dkln't find
pt4Ce tMre."
North kottan Premier Khn 11 Suna's
IDteWgeoce .....,.,.. falled hlin aUgbtly.
bow.ver, and they did ool learn ol the
VIP gr11u1>'1 .tait until I daTlalu. bo
Believing them to be In the Demililar· lied 1.ooe, Bumtoahs aaid, the Comn\11<
' ,
. •
LONDON (UPI) -Egyptian President ·
GamaJ Abdel Nasser, stung by I1rael's ""
unopposed IO-hour ''invasion'' of Egypt
Tuesday, threW Im numericaJly vastly
superior air force into the battle today. •
It was one of the rare occasions since
the June, 1967, 1il.oday war he bas risked
doing so.
Israeli reports indicate be suffered
another bloody nose.
Western military and dlplomalic ...
perts believe Nasiier waa prompted by
these f adars to strike bad::
-The fact an Israeli r1iding party
coukl stage a 10-hour rampage on Egyp-
tian territory Tuesday ..,,.,,.,....i by the
Egyptian air force wu a severe prellige
blow to NasseJ;.
-The Egyplian leader is scheduled to
go to Moscow soon for talks with Soviet
leaders. Presumably, he wou ld find it
humiliating to ask for more military aid
when he was un:able to show the Soviet·
built arms already at his d!sposa.1 have
not been commiUed.
-The Ell'Ptian high command may
have taken seriously Israeli warnings of
more raJds to come and was trying to
tum to throw the b:raelis militarily off
balance by .striking across the Sue1
Although the Soviets are reported to
have mi(le up the devastaling air lo6sea
BU!lerod b)• Egypt at the llart of the six.
day war, NBS.'Jer has rarely taken UM'! risk
of commiWng his air force in the Suez
Canal Dgbting.
He has held It back although. on paper,
it greaUy outnumbers the Israeli Air
Lastest Western defense estimates give
Egypt about 400 combat planes to Israel's
Israel so far has taken delivery of only
five of 50 U.S.·built F4 Phantom jet
fighters bought recently from tbe United
States. Final delivery ls not scheduled
until 1970,
Despite this . numerical inferiority,
Jsrael'a tough alr coiTtinande.r, Gen.
Mordeca1 "Motti" Hod, appears ready to
rl1k hia air foroe in batUe, counting on
superior tactic•., training and morale to
beal the EifPtiana.
500 Marines Set
To Hit Seal Beack
Statwn .Today
More than 500 members o( the First
Light Antl-.aln:raft Mla!!lle Battalion ot
the U.S. Marine Corps were to arrive
from Vietnam .late &oday at Stal Beach
Weapona Station.
'Jbe nre return of troops at the
Weapons Station ii nett11itated because
the two LSDs (Landin( Sb I p Dock)
bringing them from &be •ar uiie are car ..
rylng heavy antl-a!n:ralt equipment,
Marine Corpo officers explained.
The antl·aircraft gn>Up has been tta.
Uoned at Da Nang for the put thr<e
years providing air delen1e for troops in
that area. '
The unit 13 part of Preoideot Nbon'a
announced withdraw! ol. ~.ooo men from
the war zone.
The bat.talion waa activated l n
Febnwy, 11165 at Tw"11ynlne Paiml and
Ont went to Oi.Jnawa for trainJoc: before
lhlpplng to Vl<b!am, Morine olficors
repor10d. Hometowns of the m<D Wert
not avallabie today.
The men were lo arrive on the USS
Belle Grove llld the·USS TortuaL
.,. , . ·: -.,., .
-"~ . .. •• • :1 . . . .
.. .. .... . . _:~;~La el' ~ ... ·:;· . ·.r l '· I'· • • ! ~ ./! (;·" •• ; • "J .. . .. .. ··,; I • .! ./~! j\'
.. . • f • • ' '• ' .. ~ , .. u a /! . f I .
> j
Levi's~pan ts are made for tough kid!!
t hey 're .ruaranteed
• • •
Brinr"' yoir padcot•ldf111, 111f.d11t, lotct-J""""' ••• leyi,• cao tau 111
lllt 1'Qflt -m ICtiYI lloy Clft JiYI thel. "1ilpet l'lttb"•lll !lldl of llJUld • • • I"~"'"' and collot •s1eeiJJ111". Jrs trwled trllll d«lllactim ~ IOI!
.~;; ~1 .... ICtiOI. Tltt~ ... imr~ loolcs ...,;, Wi111 .. 111n~r ••• Mr.
Super Panp; 8·ll, lq\1lar or slim,~ %1".JOH nisl, UI t.Yi 11 Ori1iul Btut. •
Je11s lo .tx111wvy 1llcalton,'"'!Gfcliad; 27'~.air' waist, I.II
llewport Caiwr . •l Fashim lslald • 64+2200 • lion., Thu1S., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 Oller ~10:00 Ill 5:30
.J>J , ¢• #Z' -·· ~· W-"MH'''b!11C¥ ·•ac "•
TlllNsdor, ~ 11, 1M
I~ .... 0.... ,,_ ,,_ftl
What abouldll't bappen to a poli-
ltciall did. Telemion newsmen cov·
'Ad two big events at Great F.U.,
r,follt.-.iie arrival of Gov. Goo,... l'llgh of Qklaboma and the claanlnt
of the downtown nwer main. AA
the 1llm <howed Lt. Gov. Tom
Judp of Mont ... ireettng~· at fhe airport tbe televiJioo eer bmdve~ mtdled audlo pa. fiewen .. ., a ID!iling governor
!'I)', "U smells ~ l>8d down here, but wa've blowing hot !i!r 11uoue 11 an day." Judge re-
Pli!!I. "It 1 lll1ll six feet deep, but
ye're •PHng progrHs."
' .
Ont of tht tD01id'1 lop fOlhlo!I
~I.a. Eoo Gschopf. ahown fll an "'"'°
da/;id jilt pholo, fell to Mr d<al/\
whilt climbing a tr~e in Burlq, N.Y.
Miss Gschortf. a red-haired Mtlot o/
Vintna and °" eth.nt"al beauts/ 101to
commanded $75 an hour for poling,
came to the U.S. for a aesrion with
photographer1 at Kingoston, N.Y. • A gunman described as about 15
ytWs old entered Mabel's Corner c..te in Oakland, shot holes in two
COffee PQts to back his demand for
money .. and. pedaled furiously away
on a bicycle with '30 in loot. • When a skunk wandered Into the
El Cerrito, Calif. Police S~tion,
Ditp.tcher Robert Resmuuen de-
cided to cbase it oot for the benefit
of the other off\cers who would be
dropping by. The animal respond-
ed angrily-and Rasmussen bad
the station all to himself !or the
rest of the day. •
Wb..tn Suzanne Smith, S, of
Hull. ~ ..... ask<d bu htr
teachn to draw a picture of tM
~e of \Vale1, .slie drew a
1.aroe ore~ whale with a red
mouth and wearing a cro1D11. S""
t.anM'• teachers sent tM picture
to Buckingham Palace. and Su.
zma~ rectivtd a letter from the
ht.ir to the British throne, e~
~ssing pleasure toith the pfo.
ture and of/erin!] best wi1he1.
• Not many young females moo
Nixon to Addre·ss -U.N.
Vietnam, Mi.deast Possibl,e Topics for Speech
WASllll!IGTON (UPl)-l'nlldeol Nl>Oo
wW -the 21th -ol the Unli.d N1U0111 G<nerll Aaanbly Sept.
11, the Wblt. e .... &llllOIUIC<d today.
Pl<3s secretary Ronald Zl•gler said
the President probably would use the
occaakm Ill the vblt to meet privately
wtth rtpreSentaUvu ol other countries.
bot he said he had no information on
any speclfle,meet!np.
Ho aJio ClOUJd give no lnformaUon M
Ille .,bjecl ol Ille Pmldenl'a address.
bul tt appear<d lJlolJ N!Ion would deal wtlb two of Ille IDOll preosing foreign
prob!.,.. bo !.......the "" '111 Vietnam
and --In Ille Mlddlo Eut. The Gtneral A""""lJ coavenes
'l'l>adq. Nim\ wlD -' _,. time
be1<n I LID. PDT m 'lbund&J, Ille
Wblt. -saldl, Ziegler allo 8llllOWIOld :
-Friday'• big Vlelnam ·~ llralq)r aeasllm would bo bold at the
Wblto HOWll llWtinc al l :IO LDI. PDT.
JI hid been -t:•iooal1 that It would be 11 Camp Id, Md. N1xoo
will go to Clmp David Frldl,J allemooo
to •pend Ille nJgbt.
-Nixon bas selected Secor Browne, 5.1,
of Llncoln, Mass., since. March an wlat-
ant secretary of the Department of
Transportation, as a member and chalc·
man of the Civil Aeronautics Board. He
will succeed Jobn C,.Oker, the prmot
chalnnan who has re.signed elfecdve
Sept 30.
Ziegler said .be expected no immediate
announcements woWd come from the
Vietnam review and that declsiorui made
there would only emerge in the coming
'!be Wblte Hoo.. has cbaracteriud Ille meeting, which will be attended by top
mllltary and diplomatic strategists, aa a
general review of the Vietnam situation.
Coming Wlder clooe oenrtlny wW be the
prospecti for withdrawing more U.S.
Weapons Foes Meet U.S. Officials
F ahe E~onQmy Criticism F1y to Rites
. · For Dirksen
WASBINGTON (AP) -SenalGn ..U. 1Utborhllfon bill, mcnda"y reductiooll
"" to defS" major --pro-will be ...,, llDall.
.....,. found 1hla -~Ibey .... ruimlotl So far mly f/11.6 mlllioo bas been eut,
Into "1'1""111"" from eoDequls -,Ii>-1:5 mllllon from the Pentagoo'1 eon-
cludiog former lllJeo -who view their U....,C,. fUnd mid f*.I million f<r 1oeial
lalelt ~ &1 W.. """"""1· oeiaJee reoea:n:b. ~ Ille military ttlileo
Tbo result la a tncr..aiDg -ba•e • won lmporllDI ....trletiom on
Iba!, -Ille Smale flnal]J ""'1pletel ebomleal and Nologlcal .. ~ ..... a ,..
the QI blllloa ml1itary 110<111_ quh-for~ •udlliai·cif defense
contraeta and m....-confllet ol in-
Kopechne Case . . . Argument:S , Due ·
B06'lt)N (AP) -The fOld WU elear
lodq for the Muaachuadll Bup"me Co\dl to set a dale for bearbl& orgum.m.
OD the eonstillltiona! ~ which
ba .. bloCked Ille Inquest Jnlo the dealh of
Mary Jq.,Kopechne, but wben lbe !.>igia mirt would act WU uncertaln. -.. ~
1be deve)opment came with tbe filing
lat. Wednesday or all Ille ~lnqu<sl
orden and rulinp made Ill the case by
Edprtown Dlslrid Coort Judges James
A. Boyle, bet.,. whom the inquesl
ulllmat.ly ii to be beld.
'!be lnquist WU IUP(>Oled to haYe
Btarted Sep( S, bul Asooclale Supmne
Coort Justiee Pali! C. Reanioo ordered II
delayed lll1ill the bllh aiurt'• lull bench
eould bear the arguments dealing wllh
the constitutJmal que1Uoos. He alao
IOOgbt Boyle'• rocords.
Reardon acted on a petiUon from •~
tomeys for Sen. Edward M. K11U1edy, Ill
whole ear Mia Kopeclme died JlllJ 11,
lerelt dllclosure.
A -1 to cut 111S million for the
CSA llUpOte&t(O plane wu def .. ted 64-23
~ earlier this week after ~ senators
arped the Jllllfl11Dl 1a nieded to enable
Ille t)nlfod S!afOI to reduct ii> troop *""°' ........... And aloQg 1hla Nme lliie, Seo. Marlow
W. Cook used econcmy 11 an argument
Wedneldq aplMt an amendment to
defer P'17.t million for a new nuclear-
poweied airerl!! c:arTler.
Cook, a Kenll~ky Jlepublleoo who was
a ltroog supporter of earlier mavea to
lhnlt the P"1lqon, poloted out !bat three
d the nation's 15 carriers are 2S years
old and ..,. ii 19 yem old.
"U we ft!fu.se to eontlnae to modernize o.r Navy, arid obvioally we have been
draglng our feet Ill Ibis regard for
.y .... , ... plaoe -.. In lhe poGtion
where the cost to malntahl old caniers
aild older aircraft iJ C<J>Skieroble higher.'' Coot &aid.
A vote oa lhe c:arTler laol9 la ocbeduled
for Friday ,,-. .
B<m. Henry M. Jaek>M (().W18b.).
and Harry F. Byrd Jr. (l>-Va.). noted
CoogfeM already bas fOO!M""'t $1J2.9
million to tile Clrrier,
Widow Predicts Spiritual Meeting
' SAN JOSE (AP) -'!be widow of .Dr.
J"""' A. Pike 111Y1 she II ID .... of hi•
&piritual sutYival that Ille beltev .. he will
"'"'!Qlmlcate with ber ~ and not
tbroogh a medimn.
Tbo former _Diane Kennedy, SI, tbe
thlnl wife ol tbe fonner Epileopal bilbop
o( California, apoke at a news conference
Wednesday )eu tban 24 boors after
Pike"• burial In a tiny Protestant
cemetery in Jaffe, hrael.
became 5tuck and they started walking
out. Pike"s legs p .. out. Mn. Pike said,
and she went on for help.
Mn. Pike still wore bendageo lrom her
"I feel if there ii to be aey com-
nwnication between us," she said, "lf
there js anything to come througb, it will
come to me directly!'
PEKIN, Ill (UPI! -Tbe body of Sen.
-M. Dtrlaien, aboard the --Ual jelllner, ldt lhe naU00'1 capital to.
day for burial bt the prairie earth near
thll town whkb ROI him to Congr"' 35
yean ago.
Dlrlaien'• widow, Louella, otl!er family
member1, llen. Cbarles H. Perey (R.ID.),
and members of Dirksen'• staff ac-
eompanl!d the east.I aboard Air Fon:e
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and
men than 100 senator1 and coogreannen
eome on lhree other jeU to pay their last
tributes to the colorful lawmaker who
had been Senate mlnorlty leader for
nearly 10 years .
Scboola and government offices here
closed for the day. Virtually aH of the
00.inesoes In Pekin planned to .in.t their
docn from noon until 3 p.m. B1 mldmornlng, about :ioo c:arloada ot
lownapeople bad already gathered al the
grave 1ite tn Glandale Memcrial Gardens east of here. Flowers, Including the
rnarlgokf, Dtrbea'a c:ho!ce for a na.Uonal
flower. lined the IG-foot approacl1 to the
Sen. Howard Bater (R·Tenn.),
Dirksen'• IOIHJHaw, bil wife aod the
Dirkaem' only dliJ&hter, Joy, their
c)ltldren, Darek, 11, and CyMhla, 1J, and
the i.i. _., 1w1n mother, Tom
Dtrben, were allo aboard 41tl>orce One.
The alrbome oortoge wu ezpeeted to
land al nearby Peoria lborlly afternoon.
The body and moumetl will make the
haU hour trip to the eemet.ey In a
DETROrr (UPI) -General Moton
Corp. today ll1IIlOUl1C<d price Iner .. .., OD
fts lflO model can averaging '111 per
car, hrh.tlng S3B fOr new equipment.
GM prices are e<pec:ted to set the tre>d
fo< the entire auto lndastry. The ..........
in the hue price of the c.ars av .. ged J.t
l..endlllfl. llelplltfl Band ""''~
An American Green Beret (right) and a South Vietnamese soldier
assist a wounded Vietnamese llO!dier to a medivac helicopter follow·
ing fighting peer the Special Forces camp at Due Pboog, ({) milea
north of Saigon.
Gigantic Nuclear. Blast '"i
Touched Off in Colorado
undergrouod nuclear U]>IOl!on equal in
force to 40,000 t<ms of TNT Jarred
western Colorado Wednelday. B u t
whether tt shook a billion dolblrs worth ol
natural gu free from buried rock rorma-
tlom remaln.3 to be seen ne:rt spring.
'Ibe Atomic Energy Comm1ssion aaJd
no radioactivity escaped into the at·
Alter aix dl,JI of weather-canaed delay,
the blast went off at the acbeduled hour
despito about llO ob)eetors wbo marebed
into the ob<ervaUon t.ot while predetooa-
tion ceremonies were in JJl"C)lr'el3.
'!be proteslen, nmUy from the resort
community of Aspeo and the town of
Cedaredge, said they !eared the blast and
a possible flurry of cootamlnatl'rl gat
later would release a radioactive form of
hydrogea called tritium Into the at-
mosphere and then into the food chain.
· Tbo ground at lhe oboervaUon lll!AI, Ii<
miles from the blaat. surged upward
enough lo shake spectalon when the
charge went oU, then jiggled for left!'al
seeoodl. llu8t clouds rooe aloQg the c:r.sl
d the mountalna f<r 10 milet or more.
One big cloud marked a Iand.1llde b1gb up
on ooe mountaln.
A few rocks tumbled down 111 highway•
which bad been blocked to prevent IOJ'
Ho Shrine Planned
TOKYO (AP) -The remains of Presi·
dent. Ho Chi Minh of Norlb Vietnam will
be pre.ouied In a mamoleum to be
erected in Hanoi, a Japanese report from
Hanoi Slid today.
Bricks were knocked off chimneys in
evacuated bou9et near the blast and ln
Grand Valley and Rifle, the cloee!t
towns. Several bricks fell from an old
cornice on the Grand Valley post office.
The blast was felt in Grand Junctlm, 40
miles southwest. but no damage wu
reported. A few miles away a shoekt9er
at Colorado National Monument saM CiJl!I
were shaken from a shelf.
Colorado Sebool of Mines at Golden
recorded the blast on a seismograph and
li5ted tt at $.$ on the Richter scale, an
earthquake intensity capable of tnructlng
damage when centered on an tnhabited
Tbe explosion, named Project RuJiaon
for a big-vanished village, waa: part of
the govemmenl'1 Pl-program to
find peaceful usea for atomic energy.
Policeman's Son
Shoots Father
CIDCAGO (UPI) -Paul Thom(l60ll
Jr., a crucago policeman's 28-year-old
son. fat.ally 5hot bis father and a famiff
friend Wednesday and lben was slain by
other Police ofiicers.
Alter the shooting lnt.rrupled a calm
IOl!lllwea side resldenlial neighborbood.
dead were Patrolman Paul Tbompsm, 59.,
his 8Cll Paul Jr., and Mrs. Pearl Oloson,
51, in w~ home the first shots were
'!be tragedy ati11 remained unuplafned
today al1bough police aakl they were
ehecklng reporls lhat lhe "°' bad • history of emotiooal instability.
contentedly while undergoing a
beauty treatment but when you're
a cow what else can you say? The
CCTW in question was one of a num-
ber whose boove1 were given a
coatin~ o! clear nail poliab during
a speeial beauty parlor treatmenl
at the Mohawk Farms barn in Ti·
lusville, N.Y. The animals were
being readied for the auction block
today at the state's largest inde-
pendent pure bred Angu. cattle .ale.
Plke'1 body wu found Mooday ln a
canyon in the Judean Desert. He fell 70
feet wlille attempl!ng to climb out of Ille
canyon to find her, Mn. Pike &aid.
.. nus is a long st.cry and 1 will write it
carefully: Some messages will come
through because we are oot separated by
deaUl. Jim has found peace and joy and
he knows it is not necessary for him to
talk to me to let me know th.is."
Reprimand, Promotion Dela.11
They had become lost during a llekl
trip In Ille desert where they were doing
raearch for • iilanned book on the rue of
Christ, '-nit otber Gospel" Their car
After his son's death In 1966, Pike said
he had established cmnmunicatiOn with
the youth and wrote about tt in a book,
"The Other Side."
Cold Wave Gripping South
Cool Temperatures Joined by Clear Skies
1ll9 -M• lo\ • 'J'I -"' 9tlll'M
•• 12:1) '""· ~. bul ..,....,. """ ""'!
~ C.Ulorn'9N ~-19nc.ftl 111
_ ... R'J' T"""""Y-tlllllltll' O'lt•·
(.Id "' fM mornl!W 1nrll werm In lt>t .,,,,_
a.. A!lfflll9 eP>d' \lldnttr ht<! .....,.
fol end '°"' (.loulM In IN -II' "'°'r>-
llW ,_,,, bvt holly tulllhi,. tofiv,
• ..,....."', hlell "' ,, ... • .....
..,_.., fW hldev, wllh " tM low i.. .....
tt~ " "" ten GntNI •nrll
P>GlllOllll'W.lk>vt V1lt.Y1 _. lfl !or
... _ lldi.-." .. "" ... ,.. Poll!J-
... c.ttr'lll District ,..,...., Its ...
Ult Ill ,._ .,.... ....... -·" -~INlllll ...... IK,...,... -o..i Id .... ,. .. #\II _.,_, -·
--" I'll ,_,..,., ·-......... ... ~""
.... ,.. Mill .,,. _...,. -Ill ..... ,,. ..... -.... _,,., -· ....... ..,._._,,..,_ .............. -'"'.......,...
...,.. __.. ""t;mrltdl lllvw
v.-.. ..... --·""· --;:.-::-.:a..~~.,~
................ enittcr.... f# .._, . ..-CIVdlt LOl!f ................. , ..... ,,.. ..... ..,,, -... -:: .. ~ ',',':!!: .... ... .. .... •• M11 IJNN _ ...... . ........... ,.. .....
c-tai ,.-.rt llul -,,..._ 11111 wrth MtM -.. Wlfldll 'Wlltfttr ,, ..
" ti.ta, ..... ...,.....,.. ,..._....,,.. , • ~ •• 4 "'°"" • lllth ., • .. 10. '""'llCI """
"''"'" ...,... -.... 11. w ..... '--"" -" ....,..._ S1111, M._, '.l'ida
l'lr11 low •. , ... l :.Q '·"'-IJI tl'ln! fllllt • . t .Q e.rn. 1 6
l"lrst ""' ................ '·"'· ••• FIO"Jt h1911 ••••• ., ..... ,TO.II 1.111. J1
hqorod klow •••••• , ..... 4•111."'-I.I ~ 1111'11 .. . .. • .... 11 11 I.I'll. 1-'
htl .,... l ;U 1,lft. k11 1;0S I .IT\.
M.-..... 6;tt l,fl'I. $otl1 ,,. '""'' "'"' •. """ .....,, .. ,. ... kiJll, It ltpf, )t (kt, ) lftl. 11
v.s. s ........
All vn11111nebtl mN -.,, ...
.. trill the ...... '"' llCIVlfMn -
tl-f// IM NllM todft' wllll ,._... "°""' fW ,,_ ._,. ,.,......, Ill _,. II
1't-~ Altlllfl'll ,
~ .... ,...,....
,. ... Clllfl ~ ~ e('-
-11111 lJp "*''" dMr lllltit. 11t1111
II WM WlllNf' lf!d tlfft '""*' -I. Ati... Ille ,.Klflc Olltl, io. cltudll enit '°' .,_........, -""""'" l .. ~, 1(1""""' ...._.. ..... • ..... ""'~---..d "''*-d tti. Mllof'I.. mllheclle!\, ldilndl"9 ""'*"" *"'-Mklllt111o Wftttnl 111111511 ll'ld M1-tl.
111 Nlilefl, jrtlll,. li.trtillllt lete
Wfld!lfldty -tllfoll lhl'H ,_ ... .
~ ..... ,..., ..... Nltli.r ... . lll~•••tk.
'"" ......
Cincinnati .,.,,..,. .,.. ..., ... .......
Fort Worlll ··-H-...... ,.
IUllM• Ciff' l•t v., •• ,. -M""' M...,_..1,
N-OrttilM .... , ..
Netfll ri.'"' Otlo l•NI OIU11-Cltr
""""" f'llll'I~ -· l"ltlMll'tll ..........
lt•tlld Cltr
llfd '"'" ·-Sell Lelo.1 CtlV
'" -a.11 FtltlCl&.c:e
"'"" ........
....... L.w l"rK. " .. " " 100 ,, ....
c 'J .zr n n " ,4 ... ....
n "
n " ,. "' n n a " .. 1$ .. .t• " ., " ..
p " " .. 10s n " .. .. " " .. .. " " " . ..
" " " .. .n 71 st Al
Ill 17
107 4 .... .. " .. " lN M " . .. " .01 ~ .. ., .. " .. n " ,., n
" "
Evans Officer Punished
SUBIC l!AY, PhDlppinel (UPO -'!be
deck officer of the U.S. dmto)'er Frank
E. Evan1 today roc:elved mly an official
n!primand and a delay In ~ f<r
hil role In the eof1ialcla of bis llhip with
the Australian earrf<r·MeJboume.
u. (j.g.) Ronald c. -· 24. of Long Beach, and -. ArtJ., could
have been jailed for two y<ar1 m the
nogUgenee and derellclion o1 duty
charges. to wbkb bo pleaded guilty
earlier in the dQ'. . ,
Ramsey was the HnMr officer on the
Evans' bridge during tbe pred.awn ~).
lision June 3 in the South China sea JD
whlldl 74 American sailors were killed.
In addition to reeelving a reprimand,
Ramsey 1ort 1.000 promotlclnal numbers,
meaning he '"' aet back behtnd l,OOD other officers on the Navy _.,tionll
rol~ .
Before the .......,log, Raltlle)' nee!•·
ed prailt In t.sttmooJ lrom the eneutlvt
oflleer of the EVllll, IL CDW. George L.
MeMiehael, 34, o! Fountain Valley.
Asked by the def .... -he atlll wanted to MS"Ve with Ram• e J.
McMicbael aSd: "Yes sir, 1 would be
pleased to have Mr. Ramaey Rt"Ye with
me Cf' under fD1 cammand."
Testllyin( on hil awn behaH. llamMY
said fer the firat time lhat his father
mired r..m the Navy u a mast« chief
with 30 years' servke and now U\'ea with
hb mother In PhoenlL 11&-r said his
Jn&Mnt wtre and 2-year-old daughter
Althougb admllting 1111 own 111111,
Ram1ey t.sllfled tbe -would not
have occurred if the Melbourne had
maintained tts course while the datroyer
was tryln& to m1neuwr 1,009 7ardl
Lt. q .9.) Ronald Rem1ey
, 'Jbe guDty plea CllM after Ram5!J'•
chief counsel asserted w I d e 1 p r e a d
pubUcJty hid mlde It imJ)OM]ble for •
fivHnan military ccurt to reach • fatr
decision. The military judge, Capt
J1mu E. Xe)'l, lhen uld he •lone would
hear tile ... and -the peoalty.
Key1 told Ramsey the mulmum
lel'lteoce wu two )'ta1'I at bard labor,
dismissal from the Navy IDd loa of all -"Do you still pleld guilty?" the judge
"'Ya1 sir, J do," Ramsey replied.
Tbo def.... theo began presenting
-offering m!Ugating t.stbnony
in an effort to convtooe Keys to redllCfJ
the aerrtence. Ramsey Ulus: admitted
fail.in& to inform the Evans' Htpper,
Cmdr. Albert S. MeLemore. of the
onlmd change of station which l<d to
the colllidon and ol raillne to awaken htm.
'!be young ofrleer alao accepted
responsibility fat placlng the destroyer on
• colJ.i&ion course and ol fallin& to tak•
effect.Ive "avoiding action."
Mcl.emore, 40, of Vallejo, Calli.. will be
tried oo cbarges ol derelictioo of duty
and negligence after the proceeding.!
agalnol Ramley ore completed. A third
Evans' officer, Ll (jg) James A. Hop9on,
21, of IW1W City. Kao., received a
reprimand f<r bis part in the Incident.
Ramaey was to have faced a five-man
mlllWy jury whleh would bave dedded
hil pllty or -e and llxed hl1
rtenct .
But Ramsty'1 clUe! counsel, Capt.
Luar H. BemiJbi of Coronado, CaUf.,
malnWned the jury could not reach a
lair dedalon beea ... of the amount of
newspaper and news maguine cover1a:1
of Ille eolllam. .
Btorubi said "probably no other ool·
ll!lion in modern Umea haa <-nated so
m1ny words tn our prf!Sll." Wa ving a
sheaf of newgpaper clippings at the
judge: Btorubl lald "everybody knows
what baj)peQltd on the EvaDL" l
I '
DAILY PILOT ,..., h' ,..._ Uca*t
• Sunshirie
F""'1 a diataoce they looked just lllte
any other yachlillg enlhuala•ts or tennis
bu&, enjoying a typical balmy SOulhom
Calilorn!4 day.
and Briggs Cunnlnibam, C<ilumbl1'1 ~
helmsmen ln the 196'1 defense tr!als, Tom
Scbock, Chris Weir, and Rob1 Tom, Pit and
Mike Douaan. all crew memoers. '411• Pit.
rlcla Dougan rounded out the p8$aen&"' llsL But they were hardly typical, tor the
groop of. boaters recenUy seen gliding around
the ltaJtor included Presldent Riobard M.
NI.Ioli and the recent four110111e on lhe tennis
court ol. the Balboa Bay Club included Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew.
While ttie NI.Ions were swinlng In San
Clemente, Vice President and Mrs. Agnew ·
mada the Balboa Bay Club their headquar•
lers for a brief vacation.
Taking advantage of the lnviUng weather
with Iii• temperature ln the mid 701, lb~ vice
president ventured to the lennls court& for a
rousing tw<>hour game. President Nixon, aboard Thomas P.
Dougan'& 12-meter Columbia, runner.up in
, the 11187 America's Cup defense trials, was
part of a grouJ> of sailors including (at left, !ell to rigbt) Mrs. Dougan, Mrs. Emil Mos-
bacher and Mosbacher.
Singer Dinah Shore (below, second from
left) teamed with the vice president •1ainst
Barbara Marx, wife of comedian Zeppo
Marx (second from rlf..ht) and C. D, Ward,
a member of Agnew s stall (right), and
among the nUQlerous spectators at the match
was Mrs. Agnew (center).
Mosbacher, the President'schief of pro-
. tocol1 was the sltipper of the !:I-meter Intrepid
wbicn, in 11187, successfully defended lhe
America's Cup. He also arranged the 91).
minute voyage.
The Agnews also spent an anemoon bOat-
tng on Newport Bay before coocluding their
Others aJ>oaro the yacht were llill Ficker slay in the l!arbor Area. .
Firs t fo r County
Auxiliary Racing
For Silver Collar
.. For the first time the principal funding event of the Women's
1\uxilJary to the Southern Calilorrua Veterinary Medical Association
will take place in Orange County.
I~ a departure from its traditional luncheon, the auxiliary this
year will sponsor a Derby Dinner and Night at the Races for m!fl'l.
bers, husbands and friends .
Proceeds from the 13tit annual Silver Collar benefit will be used to purcha>e guide dogs for the blind.
. The group will gather for a buffet dinner between 6 and 9 p.m.
in the Garden Room of Los AJarrtitos Race Course. The first race will
slartll at 7:4t.i e.m., and highlight of the evening for auxiliary members
w 1 ~e ~ S~ ~r' CoUar Race, with group representatives presenting
the wmrung Jockey with a dozen roses.
Chairman ol the new funding project is Mrs. Richard O'Sullivan
of ~ta Ana, ~nd assisting are the Mmes. Richard Fink, Yorba Linda,
auxiliary premd~nt ; Stewart 1'fughes, Lon' Beach, Hason for Guide
Dogs for the Blmd. School, Inc.; Elden Bainbridge, Fountain Valley,
patrons;. D?na1d Lind , Santa Ana, door prizes; Arthur Stone. Garden
Grove, mv1tations and reservations; Charles Hendricks, Anaheim,
hostesses; Howard Weyker, Long Beach, decorations and Duane Gray, Orange, publidty. '
• . .
1 ,
A WINNER -'Picltinl? a new fund-raising project for lllla
year are members cif the women's Auxiliary to the Southern
California Vetertnary .Medical A!sociation. The group will
sponsor a Derby Dimer and Night 1t the Races. Certain
that they bave plcted a winner are (left to right) Dr. and
Mrs. Elden Bainbridge and Dr. and Mrs. Max Graehl.
The SCVMA and Its auxiliary Is e<>mprised of the Southea st, Val·
ley and Orange County chapters. The next combined project will be
a home ~our and luncheon 1n October, and the area chapter also is
plannhtg its annual Christmas dance,
'Pot' Luck Wakes Up . Youth So He Can Enioy Liv·irig
and have been smoking pot since t was
17. I've heard a lot o( weird stories about
pot and I'm sure most of the stories are
exaggerated to scare kids off. Some or
my friends have been smoklng for five
years and have had no bad ~ffecl3,
Others have gotten into all kinds of trou-
ble. I'm eonvinctd It all depends on the
physical coodilion of the smoker and how
strong the stuff is, I got oil Pol se¥en
weeks ago and I hope )'OU will print my
lttter because it might help tomebody.
Six months after I Jtarted to smoke t
began to get terrific headaches which
lasted two and three days. Then I
developed a tort of slttpJnf ak:knea. I
could !all asleep lllJI place, any Ume, la
any Polil.ion.
When I 1tar1ed lo fall uleep oa the
hiiJtwty I decided I'd bllt<i qui~ but I
kept going back lo the joinla becalllO I
llked the feeling. Pot -era tall ud!
other it i1 not habit formlnl but I'd Uk
to know whit you call it w6eo you cmtl
Two mooths ago I "" bJsb Iran a
lllllOl<e and decided lo drlw to a lowll °"'
ly ii mDee away. The nezt thing I knew I
WU in the hospital. I bid fallen uleep at
the wlleeJ and bit ID abutmmil. 'I1le car
WU demolished and I WU lucky .to get
out allff. I aiJo .w11 lucky tba1 I dldll't
kW 1 car full ol people.
t thank God I p off pol before It
wrecbd 111)' life. I'd stin 111)' name but
111)' folb _.Id die ol t h •
DEAR llER.B: Jt'a alee to wake ap
•llve, lm't ltt Not all peopl& bawa ytJQr
kind or luct. nazW for wrlUac.
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am dalloi a
1 fine young ma.u and he Jiu asked me to
marry him. My folk.I think Arnold Ls
marvelous and l must say he trtata me
beauUlully, The problem II this: Arnold
acU: 10 slrange when he 11 With bl.t flJ1li..
ly Iha! I wonder U they are normal.
For e.wnple: Last night Arnold'•
brolber Ben (age 22) as.ktd him for a
k>rm of •10. Arnold rtplied, "You are a
person ol proven lnlefjlty and l'" can .bate ll1,YUl10I I havt. love you. •
Ben took the 110, kl.ssed Arnold and
aald, "'l'tlant you. I loYe yau, too.'"
They wen not kiddlni, Ann. This ls the
WI)' they talk to each other all the time.
What'1 more, they always kiss each other
and their parents hello and good-by. I've
never seen anything llk:e it. We are a
close family, but this Lt ridiculous.
Do you think Arnold and I could have a
1ooc1 marriage! -Q.T.
DEAR Q.: l't'1 bow An1old &tub 1"
Uaat C'Ollttl. ud acaordla& to your letter,
M treala yoa very weU. I admit bit
fam.D111 behavior ii uu1ual lo .., the
luJI, !lot I He •otblng lien 10 lodicate
that Ano)d wtll!d not be a lo•inl llas-
DEAR ANN: J'm floon!d by your
nlerence to the Hog alsters, Ima and
Ura. You've been had. Ima la for real bul
Ura Is a myth. That put~ hi! Ileen
floallng around for age._ Only the gullible
yokels believe it. How c::ome YOU
DEAR HOUSTONIAN: l pt11 I mu at
be a gu!Uble yokel. ~ ebe!
U )'OU have lrouble pUing along witll·
your parenta. • ,II you can't 1et them i.
let you Uva )'Ollt 01'Q life, teDd for Ann
Laodel'I' booklet, "'Bu&ged by Parents!
How lo Get More Fretdom." Send IO
cents ln coin with your requnt and a , Iona1 tlamped, self·addre~ envelope. Ann Landen wllJ be glad to help JOQ
wltb your problems. 5<nd them lo l)or In
c:oxo ol tbe DAILY PILOI', ~ a
..U...idrwed, 1wnped en'"1opo.
. ..
., • -.. • --. .. ..
• ·' . . ..
' .
. •
, •
---....... ·-
-· S.,.-11, 1969
--. -
Horoscope. ' • '
Aquarrus: Watc.h· ·Directions
BJ n\:lHgy OMAllll
MENU 11Pi People m ....... lo _, bn..,ied
-X.1 la lleealy, rdtml.t -tlie •••I 111 ........ liHll .....
eem • .,_. A1tt a.e for
--.. ap<dl]Jy W-. &Ml ele1aat ll
l]IOillpted. ,..,. .... _,
dlfftrftt. M.oHJ...... eoe-
jadloo .. Libra .............
Rukwti.tnd1Uoa.Be1dlt-.. , _.
ARIES (March 2l·April 19):
Publicity lndlcatod. Voo get
.U.lllloo. Avoid quick, im-
pulsive d<dslom In legal area.
Avoid notoriety. UllUSUal re-
quests come your way. Special
one 1s from mate, partnef,
TAIJRUS (April ZO.May 20):
OOl'lllCOpe ore-· From lloqie t---far OUL children to idu!ls,' lllU7 -But ........... toda)' do to you in -"le maooer. -.,, 1""f -dl!ntllll
-ot -will bolp. Be and revi.w. patltol Somt, ore -eq CAP1UOOBN (Dee. D.Jan.
-· . 19): n-.... ~ ~~~':.!'~ n4'. ;:,.in~ baae""
pear upset. lie reldY for da7. lleallze tbta aod be ....
chanc.. poa!bie tra..t and oerv1Uve will> your -· plooly o( vad<ly. Whal &!> AQIJAlllUI (Ju. Meb.
peared to,. llOltled -need 11): lie -ot dtr«tlm>s, ii> addlUooal DeColilllclL • 1lnlctl-. Co II munielticn
LEO (July U.Aq. D)!-~ tad .. be prbled. You
be bYJll"'"· IF TODAY 18 YOUI\
Bll\111DAY yoo ore ver11Ule,
lllled with -· to lean.
Roadlng, wrilh>& """ -ore part of yoor !lie -so &
(eachJng aod tbe lwning I"""
""" lie ready to begin new project. Someone 1lgnlliCJ111l ls
du< to enter your We. T•fll'll_._.......,..,...,,,...it .... Ml~i:.' ~J:"'T~~ --u-·-· "" It. DAIL •ILOT, .... ...._ ,... Ctntm lfl Mtw York. H.Y", "· Oop't drive with lotGnporote :;i! .. :;.,li!'"~ ~.=: :::'y1dactuol.m~'~-you .....,.. ....., d eupa1«1. Sweet Adel'1nes ~ ' P18C1!8 (Feb. lf.March 20): Attend to aetalla l'"'-ily. Jllooey afledlo( mate, partner Harborlll., Chapter Sweet
Delegallng duties Cllllil leld·to may became iasue. Some Adellnes convenea every Mon-
delay, lou. foolisb apendine could occur. day at I p.m. for programt in
VIRGO (Allj. JS&pt. D\: But bnodln(,,pout!or will not 'College Pork School, Costio
Avoid beinr emtk: wbml 11e1 molten right: Lei b)'IOIJe' Meal.
money u concerned. Y·":tt~;;:~:':~~;;;;;;;;;i;;ii;~;;;;;;;:;::::;::;::;~ receive numerous hlnta.-~11& ....
wbere your llnanc,. ar~ in· II., EASY · ... ;n I valved. Key is to separate TO iTAIT A 1
daydreams from actualities. MUSICAL IOUCA noN •
Artistic Information Given to Volunteer Guides
Y oor routine Is changed. Doo 't
permit this to upset aense of
balance. Enlarge b o r I z on a
without acat.tulng your forces.
Fine for wrlUng, catcblag up
OD basic t.aska in unusual mall--
Persooal attention comes your GIOUP -~
are closely observed. Young • k"dll'*-'"',. RENTALS way. Your act.ions, reacU.onS LISSONS 5200
Sueo Serisawa1 juror for the Annual M....-q,
Awards Exhib1tioo in Leguna Beach Art Asaocia-
tion gallery gives volunteer guides (left 1to right)
Mn. Alton Allen and Mn. Murat Boyle information
Westovers Feted
oo a sculpture by Marion Zeller. The two, along
with olller volunteers, are conducting gallery tours
every &mday lhrougll Oct. 26. GEMINI (May II.June 2'1):
Love upects of J o l 1 r
Weddings, Troths
.......,,.. in v our lire mates 1'-ow ......_ ••OM ,.............. # .,. ..... _..,. 'T.' demands. Be kind, but ft ... ............ ,.. ...
ber I b a.. LUSOll re.mem 0 er mm-v REGISTER NOW = .:==._ • mitmeots.
scoRP10 -(0ct. 23-Nov. 21J: WAWCHS MUSIC CITY
11 may be difficult to lie 540•3165 dl!Cree~ but lt il-_y. A -C-Plul. Coote -project b being c:om'pleted.
But detalb are not iealy to be
Golden Date Celebrated Pilot's Deadlines
revealed. Act accor<llng!y.
SAGl1TARl\l8 (Nov. ZZ.
Dec. 21): Welcome new con-
tact, lri<llds aod challenges.
Mr. •nd Mrs. William H. Westover
TRY •••
fMls ll& a little not'1ing on your fool,
loob fik• qui!• .:xnerhing wi~ nery natty t
of hoberdashefy f<>f Fon I Dlsc.ovw a '#fho:e
new d11Jte11.sk>n of soft, light flexlbility
, Vrtorrty·.s po111perer.
We C•rry
Si1•• to 10
" All of their chlldren and five
of tbeir Dine grsndcbildm!
were present to help Mr. and
Mrs. Wllllam H. Westover of
Corona del Mar celebrate
the.ir" soth w e d d-1 n g an-
The festivities began with a
marriage ceremony in the
Westovers' home performed
by tbe Rev. Raymond C.
Achelno of San Diego. pa.tor
of the Westovm' church in
Yuma fOr maw years,
Following the ceremony, the
lel<d couple aod tbeir guests
eojoyed a wedding feast in tbe
Stull Shirt, '""" returned to the Westov~ residence for
punch aod cake.
Family memben present ~
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Charles
To avoid disappointment, prospective
brides are reminded. to h&ve their wedding
.storleo with black and white glossy photo-
graphs to the' DAILY PILOT Society Depart-
ment prior to or wiUlin one week after the
For engagement announcements it is
suggested that the story, also accompanied
by a black and white glossy picture, be
submitted early. lf the be"trothal announce--
Presenting lhe I.2th annual
Hairstyle a n d Educational
Show Sunday, Se.pl 14, are
members of Orange County
Cosmetologists Association.
The Grand Hotel, Anaheim
will be the show setting. ment and wectding date are six weeks or less
apart, only the wedding photo will be ac·
cepted. !'I Making a guest appearance
will be Claude Coupal,
_member o{ the Canadian
Olympic hairstyling team last
year. who will conduct classes
in the current international
To he1p fill requirements on both wed-
ding and engagement stories, forms are avail-. ~
able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices.
Further questions will be answered by Social
Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. 1
McLey of -tingtoo Beach, 1111------------"""""'°"""""" Mr. aod Mn. Lem. Orsio of
During the galhering stylists
will aimpete for the tille or
Orange County Hair~r-of·
the-year. The group later in
the day will present a donation
to the OC Kidney Foundation.
San Marino and Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Westover of Ymna,
their daughters and son and
their apouses. and t b e 1 r
grsndcbildren, Linda, Cindy
aod Rnee Marie Tenyberry
and Sprague end Rebecca
Guests, in addition to the
Rev. Acheson, were Mrs.
Ache!on, Mn. Eulah Phair of
San Diego and their step
grandson, Tony Onio.
Westover practi~ law in
Yuma for more than SO years,
also taking an active part in
community affairs.
He was city attorney for two
tenns; a member of the board
of governors of the Arizona
State Bar for 10 years, serving
as president for ooe year, and
was a member of the board ol.
~gents of. the University of
Arizooa for eight years.
Mrs. Westover also was ac-
tive in civic and community.
affairs, assisting her church in
obtaining the first electric
organ in Yuma.
Entertaining Parties
Light Demonstration
and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and
Also included in the pro-
gram will be information on
proper lighting to make back-
' '
The Tee
A snack party for the young,
"bandito" party for teen.s and
fondue fun for yoong adults
will be demomtrated by Mrs.
Carol Heinz, home economist
for the Southern California
Edison Company's Electric
Uving C e n t e r , HunUngton
to-scbool homework easier. G.'i!p!i!'JI~ I*
Entertaining ideas for all
ages will be offered in the
c:enter, 538 Main St.
Daytime demonstrations will
be offered at 10 a.m. Tuesday
and Wednesday Sept, IS and
17; Tuesday, Sept. 23 and
Thursday, Sept. 25. Evening
programs will be presented at
7 p.m. Monday and Thursday,
Sept. 15 and II; and Monday
Pointers will show bow to plan
a study area and important
considerations for selecting a
good desk lamp .
Tbe programs are open to
the public wiUloi.Jt charge and
each guest attending receJves
a recipe "book. For addltiona1
informaUon call the Edi.son company, 547-~1. ext. 278.
(Edl1'rlr'• No~: A colu!M et _,,..,.., ,,,. 110lt scorH will -r •Kil wnk 111 tlW OAtL Y PILOT. To nllOl"t KOrtl for 1ht wrrk. PIMH m•ll them to P. o. llOll 15'11, C111!1 Ma.a. TIMY mus! be rK.9~'ac~l;l .IOAOVIN
•l!IT HINI: HO\.E l'< HANDICA, -Fllglll A, fM Mmes. L .. wlYl'll ~ luu11 Golibr14!].. >6vt1 Gltber1 ~·ktmri1L ,.i:!.~11111"'"•1ff"'-= »'tt"'Har:;I~~. 'ft1 illWIH;"'Z,~ MtnB. W1rr911 WllTie. Jl\.\1 £111 ~ J. FW C~!. C.j"I ~ '::' llllr~~ ~~1 F. W. ~ '41 Rldltn:i LLc,Wle~ ff·
R1klfl lr~~.l"flJ4,~ln '~l;'l:t Cott..,,. 111 P.t~1, ;91_ C. F. hr1hOfOnWWMl/t'..r1:1tl:l' "·
TH••• SUMO Mtef -A I"=
~~ 'Mvt1 I Fii.tit. lh9
Parents Participate
During Orientation
Dips Help
t\"~~I F-~= ~v.=' ""' Wiiii~ Mlnlow. t5L, Wiison vens, r~\19-',:, =*~m'::. "]~~·f.t°l'~. ~Tony M,~1mno, IM1 Dan Browri, 1 J.ct ~Ji~N}° COAST A dime..a-dip dinner will aid u.01•1 E».Y, rv•N MOLll -
the remodeling of buildings at it's; ~~ ~~; '°rct..~:
Moosebeart, Ill. the children's B .. , d:'~i?:1~1 1 ~"= h rted b W f Robtrt H , 3-lvti w1f111m Lt111.,~· ome suppo Y omen o JM; 111:11 ce._1o1i, J. ~la F~ rn,
the Moose, Huntington Beach. ~rt Jr1:9'P~&s. 411~v11 •o.c. P:"i
An orientation for ne\Y
mothers and children at-
teDdiDg Sun 'n' Fun CreaUve
Play Group, a parenl -
part.lclpatioo nursery school,
will take plaCf: Monday, Sept.
15, in Zoeter Elementilry
School, Seal Beacl>.
The first session will begin
at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17.
Three-year-old childm! will
attend each Tuesday and
Thursday a o d i-year-olds,
1'1ooday, Wednesday and Fri·
day. Both groups m e e t
between 9 and 11 a.m.
The nonprofit crganization is
designed to encourage
youngsters i n educational,
emoUonaJ and physical
development. Instructor for
both age groups is Mn. LouJs
Children aUend from Seal
Beach, Hunlington Beach, Los
Alamitos, Ross.moor and Long
Beach. Additional information
may be obtained by contacting
Mrs. Ronald Bennett,
mothers' chairman, at 596-
Choral Group
Every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
members of the ProspectivQ
Aliso Valley Chapter or Sweet
Ade.lines convene in Mission
Viejo High School.
Ham and meaUoaf will be ICsl"!'Mo!!· .• / c. Olten II.a.ti!, •1 ~-D ell lld11ut'I, .;oy,I RO'!' L-11. ~ \.\. served between 7 and t p.m. ~ 0.-1.. •u.v -,..,.. A.r[ ":+
Saturday, Sept 13., in the lodge f,:O~l1m~· ~ ' c!ri-
od da · t i .. i. ... _-.... · ;,~ .... ""Ml'";. oft'"'& "• Mi a ncmg o ,_ ID"'1C c.,. 'I• "" ""'"'· ,_ •,. Tw,.,,
will follow. f:'.t~h~~~=._;,1711 -~:'t.
RecenUy the group, with ~ ~ iVl"i«'.''n~W~ "· ~:
Mrs. Paul Schabatka MrVing _...:.:"::..' .:.:1:-W.:::...' '='":::'•ox"·'-----1
as new senioc regent ,
sponsored an enrollment in
hooor of Mrs. Sue Kelly.
Mn. Kelly was invested
with her cap and ·gown after
attaining a college or regents
degree during ceremonies con-
ducted yearly in Mooseheart.
Attending the enrollment
ceremony were visitors from
other chapters Including Costa
1'1esa, Santa Ana, Long Beach,
Buena Park, Garden Grove
and Lakewood.
Steam Carpet Cleaning
, ...... ...,.., .,., ........
M' Mc: ..... N114N le
Wt .. .... ,.. ,...
NIK ...
n.k _..,. ...... •'9-'tf "'"""" ..,.ty ....... ..
sell _. 9Ji-,..,...,..ty. ...... -~'" .... ., ........ ,_., ... .., ........
~ • • • Y'lt wttti UNI A• _,, •• ,. MR 11 ......
.m-t.4. 0.. t.IHM .. wlft e:..m.. ....
147 E. 17th ST •• COSTA MESA I 64S·l3U
Catli'I ~ has MOVED
For your complete wardrobe
at reasonable prices
Ll'tKA.IWIWDI e Suits e Gowns E •Smoc.lta
• 0As1es • H•lf Slips
.• • Jo1ekets • B"riefs
e Skirts •Br••
e C.pri P•nts • G•rter Belti
Maternity Shops
1767 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa
Phone 646-5388
formerly of
in Huntington Beach
Vnller Complete Neto ~l•nn9etrie11t
Open Mon -Sat Eves by Appointment
Braly-Stelzner Vows
Said in Costa Mesa
Wearlac a nutd gown of
white matte Alln crepe,
P&trScla Ano Stelzoer wu
e...n.d to the altar of SL
Jobn Iha BapllJI catholic
Church, c..ta M.,. by ber
father to become the bride of
Wllllatn ffyde Braly.
Tho Rev, Mark Stehly
performed tho double ring
C<ftll-Unktoi tho daughter of Mr.,and Mrs. 'lbomu i..w
Steimer of Edmonton,
AJberla, Canada and formerly
o( Oleta Mesa and the aon of
Mn. Harold Hyde Braly of
N""IJO<t Beach and the late
Mr. Braly.
'1'le bride's gown W a I
faahloned with three-quarter
sleem and a chapel train of
cbanWly lace. White aaUa
Oowen crowned her !lngerUp
veil of llfuslClll and abe c:arrid
a bouquet of white rooes and
babt'• breath. Mia Marilyn Slelzner, the
bride'I 11Jiter1 WU maid of
honor. She wore a full 1enatb A-line gown of cllnll yellow
1fnoa, trimmed with wlda
baDdl or lace Oil the bem and
ehort lleeves. She carried
white daJay ~
wltb baby's breath. Brldeamaida, dressed ldeft.
lically1 were the Mlues Llnda
Farria of Costa Mesa, Susan
Bro of San Clemente and
l<.athlffn Stelzner, the bride's
sister. Mill Janet Stelzner, tbe
bride'I youngut lister, WU a
junior brtdesmaJd.
Edward Newland of
Newport Beach WU bell man
and uahen were Jelf Hom and
Lee Park al. Newport Beach
and Robert Slelmer, tho
bride'• brother ol Costa Mesa.
Following the c ere m on y
Mias Marianne I.A.Prairie ol
Fullerton circulated the guest
book among the 160 guest.I at•
tending a reception in Mesa
Verde Country Club. Assisting
was Mn. Joseph Imbaih, the
bride's aunt from South
Special guests included Dr,
and Mn. William Harrison,
grandpan!Dts of the brtd ..
groom from Rancho
Santa Fe and Mr. and Mrs. Ludwla Wa~y of Alameda, the
'bride'• irandparents.
The bride ls a graduate of
Mater Def lllgb School and
Loa Antoloo Now Homo
UC! wllere lhe majond In
biology and joined Tamandoa,
women'• een1ce organlzlt1oa
and the -.... te.
Her bwband, an alumnwl of
Corona~ del Mar Hlib School,
attended Orange Coast College
and UCI and was actlve in
swlmmlng and water polo
sports at all three achools. He
will continue his education ln
the Art Center School, Los
The newlyweds t'UlTtnUy
are tourinl the P a c i f l c
Norlbweal, V l c tor I a, B.C.
aod the Canadian ltocklu.
They will return nut. morib
and make their new home in
Los Angeles.
Calling the Women's Society
of Christian Service to ordet
next Wednesday at 10 a.m. in
Thompson Hall of the Flrsl
United MelbodlA church,
Cotta Mesa, will be Mn.
Philip McKenzie, pre.tdeel •
Daily Pilot to Brief
Club Press Chairmen
A birthday bmc:beon will be
oerved by the Lydia Clrc:Ie,
cbalred by Mn. Ruth Bamett,
with pa3I prestdenll u spedal
guests. Addmsinl tho gathering
will be the Rev. Fnnd! J,
McOi.11, chaplain al Faimew
State Hospital.
In Carmel
Hunllqtoo Harbour II -for lloo Robel1 H&llby and .
hi> bride, the lonner Marjortt
CClllrad)<, who booeymoooed In
Bora Bon, Moorta aod TabiU.
• They were married lD the
Ht,ghl•nd• Inn Chapel, Carmel
and feted In tho Inn followln(
the oeremony.
The bride wu given 1n mar-'
rtage by her father, Julea
Conrady of Stocliloo, and WU
attended by Mn. John EYaos,
Mia Barbara Hankey aod
Mtsl Madalelne Conrady.
Best man wa• John Robert
Hankey and ushen werti John
Eliana and Ru DeGeora:e.
Tbe bride, al!o the daughter
of. Mn. Conrady, W a I
graduated from the University
of Southern Californ.la with a ckgree in bu1lne11 ad-.__.,_...__
mlnlstraUon. Sbe was af.
fillated • with Alpha P b I
Her husband. son of Mn.
Franci!s Hankey of Newport
Beach, also was graduated
from USC with a degrM in
bu!iness admlnl.stratlon. He
attended the USC graduate
scboo1 and was affillated with
Pbl Sigma Kappa.
Laguna Group
Amerlc:on Legion Auxiliary
of Laguna Beach gathers tho second and fourth Thuraday
evenfnp In the Lqlao llall.
Anniversary Picked
For Wedding Rites
!Ur parents' woddlnl ...
nivenary wu lhe dale
sel!cted by Barbara Diesel to
exchange nuptlal vows and
rings with William McCoy.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mn. Waltu Dresel of
Huntington Beacb WIS
escorted by her father to the
ahar of St. Franclll of Assl!l
Catbollc Cburcll. Cooductlng
the ceremony wu the Rev.
Colman Collot~.
The bride wore an em·
broidered 1ilk organza cage
over a fitted sheath. The IOW".I
was designed w1th full length·
puffed ...,,... and a hloh necl<
trimmed with lace daiJles.
Her cathedral length man-
tilla train repeated appllques
of matching lace and ahe car·
ried a bouquet of yellow
daisies and white roses.
Miis Mary Jo Bobish or
Sharpsville. Pa., wore a green
silk organza cage over taffeta
and carried a caacade of white
were lhe bride'• brother, Dorm
Dresel; Dale Zemke.
Weatmloater, and Tom
Kalleta, Shar<n Junior whers
were Timothy Kiluk o f
Pasadena and Gary Mark! of
Fountain Valley, Ring bearer
was Glen Barnet~ Cypress.
The new MTI. MCCoy tJ a
graduat6 of Hickory Hlgh
School, Sharon, and graduated
cum laude from Immaculate
Heart Co 11 e g e • Hollywood,
with a BA In English. She now
teachee in the Woodland Hill5
School District.
Her husband, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cral& McCoy of West
MiddlCMS, Pa., also 1.s a
graduate of Hlcko:y High
School and Penn S t a t e
UnJversity where he received
a BA in history.
Following the ceremony 125
guesls attended a poolside
reception at the heme of the
bride .• partnt.I.
After boneymoCllling In San-
ta Barbara, the newlyweda
will make their home ln
Sherman Ow.
OAfl. Y l'!LOT 15
" North Dakota Rites I
Melanie Clifford Wed
Words Tell
New Tales
·PRETTY HAIR , , • 91imm•rin9 h1tr • , • hold1 eny
1tyle heirl That 's wh•t h1ir beeom•• when a 800~ • ENQURE weve i1 applied. It 1nabl11 eny heir to eO: > ,
ctpt eny style end~hold It lon91r then tver befor.S
It i1 shampoo 1a1y to do. No t11tint1 no checldn,!' -lHTlODUCTOlY Pl!CI I 1 2"
B-of 174*> Beach BML En"""' .f-•-l
! lll!AUTY SALON Huntlnston llNch
Opon 1 ... f.,1147-91114
Pr9-reglstration for t h e
Publicity Workshop to be
preseoted by the DAU. Y
PILOT as a part of the Orange
Coast Evening College Lecture
Serlel ii under way now.
&eminar will be o1anted far
press chairmen ol clubs,
groups, organlzatlont a D d
church.., but not llmlted to
Following t b e cbaplaln'a
Wk, allde& al. the Peace Corps
work lo Aflbanfatan will be
presented by Mias Mary
Spdgp, chureh member who
has recently returned from a
three-year enll!tment with the
Bridesmaid! w~ t h e Alberto Fabiani of Rpme,
Mi&sea Patricia BadeD, La !'iays the words elegant andl"::=================s:J
Canada; Cheryl LI Rue, luxury have new mean1np 00 1-·'
Hollywood, and Mar I e Indians Topic the faahloo tcene. •
Halloran, Hlckory Towmhlp, ''At one time they ooly 1~-~------~=====~~
The twiHiour seseian will
take place llartlng al 7' 30
p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17,
in the Forum at Estancia High
School, 2m Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
Club groups are ailid to
confine request.s for aeatl to
two per club becaUlfl ol
limited I e I t 1 DI • Individual
couplu: aiao are invited. Pre-
registranb lhould uae the
coupon below to mall In lbtlr
seat requests.
Soclety memben are ma.k-
ing preperattans for a Harvest
Fealfval Bazaar planned foe
Oct. 21 In ThomPIOll Hall.
Chrlatmu gifts and decora-
UODJ wUl be offered and a buf •
let lunch and bot dlmJer will
be .erved.
Pa., and their gowns and nowen, tilmllar to the honor Wllllam E. Holston, an tn. meant money," he said at a
attendant'!, were yellow. Each slructor at Saddle back ~~era' Speak-in in New Ladies and
of the bride'a attend.anti made College. will speak to Mission Sears her own ~ fc.-the weddinJ. Viejo Republican Women on "Only the very rich could
Also similarly attt.red we.re Prehistoric lndtans Tut!day, afford them. But now there 11
junior bridesmaids Cynthia Sept. 23, during • noon lun-the elegance of looking natural
and Valerie PatrW, couaiM of cheon meeting in Manning's, and being completely at ease,
the bride. Their pm were Leisure World. S@Ct.lrt in the knowledge that
made by the bride'• mother. Holston ls an Instructor in what!vu you are wearing ill Open tr.. to the public:, the
I - - - - - - - - - -Ill Lori L)'llll Patrhl, flower the aoc!al science dlvlaloo of working !or you, not flghUng • 1 _.i..: -1n.. the comrnunJty college. you
I PUBLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Service Mothers gir, _..a wwte -lll'gwalipiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiil I cage over green taffeta aDd
Pie••• reHrve ...... places for me ct the DAILY Every third Tbunday U.S. she acattered daisy petals
I PILOT.CCC Publicity Workshop Sept, 17 In tho I Air Fotoe Mothen Fllgbl 19 from her baaktt as •he
Forum, Estancia High School. I understand t ICbedule m •et l n g • in preceded the bride down the
I must be there not late'r then 7:1 5 p.m. for the Callfornla Federal Savings aisle.
7:30-9:30 1e11ion. Pr .. rql1trant1 will have flrat I ~ ~ p.:a"dlnJ, Costa s!.:ik .. ~ ~ ~
I ~:: ~. ·~~'~:.. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 1,rr-;;;;;i;=;i;;;;====;;;i;;~~i;iiiiiii;iiiii;iiiiiii
1ADDRess1s1."u .............................. 1 Half Sizes
I CITY .... . . .. . .. .......... %IP ........... I
I ORGANIZATION (If Any) ........... ., .......... I
I OFFICE HELD .. , ........... PHONE ......... .
M•• tft .... k s.r.lc'e ~"-'· °' .... c...r DAILT PILOT, J• I
W,__!!p' Sirwet. c .... M-, (.I. ftft7. ----------·
Come As You Are -
8ra•k the cha ins of rollen, clipt, and dryan. Try our
1oft sci11or cut • • ,You mcry "'"' ~to Mt ,..
llolr ......
Now ••• Pane lope (Formerly of Gene Sh1cove)
& Robort Pignotti
(•t RIVA'S)
>17 Marine A.,... lallHMI llla......,,htne &71-12::18' fw App't, o.., 1 0.'9 a •-· ........... -, .... C.I ,_ ,.,.. ....,. <llrt a 1. ... ..,.
Wontod Operator •ilh Fellowlnt
You look 10
Good In
mott. flf'MY-
the luxury
with the
.oft hand, ••
graceful draptt.
GIOl'"lou1 Jewel
,,.., $16.00
1805 Newport Blvd., C.M. ii
"'Y, Med:...,.., .... '"-'"
Hou,... 9,30 to 5,30
Frkfoy to 9.00 •
224 Onntofa~Mall, Pullorton
6/4.89 Sizes'Sl2-11
Reg. 1.00 pair. Stock up now on our
best selling stretch hose.
Made to Buffums' high standards,
th~y are good looking,
long lasting afld completely wash·
able. Of Or1on•~crylic/
nyloo blend In an excellent choice
of solid t11lors. Sizes !1-13
rei.1.25 pair ••••••• nqw 111.H
Store .for Bays, ..
""""' 0..-.i ....... ..... • ...... • ...,,...,11, -u• 1:111--.-u•
Learn to Prepare
Gourmet Delights at the
' • •
I Sears I --.--
C' est Magnifique!
Learn to Plan, Select, Pre-'
and Servo Gounntt
hta with Prido and
Oboeml and 1...,, tho tech·
nlquea of tht ti.. ari of
eooklnl tram our famom 1 Choi, Thamu J. Holton.
President of I.ht Choi do
C Q i I f D e AuociatJOD al
.... ' I CalifornfL
9 Complet.e Leuona
pfn.o -• a wlam• book
upeclally p~pand for W.
coun. brlrilminr with tu~
color alld black and whit.
$JO • ! • • l •
Enr,,n Today •t th~ s.n,
ORANGE or COSTA'-::: Store1 in the Stove D
men ta
Seant Cod M:eea e'•nz11 '-
will bogln Tueoda:1, !!optom.'
ber 23rd l. 8nn 0r...,.,
cJ ..... ""' bealn wec1n-. da;y, September 241.h, duo-)
ea wiU continue for the nat
9 -CJlas&oo will ... held Jn tht Stora Caflit.tdo
flOln 7 :80 to 9 :00 p Ji!. ! i
!!eon 0 ....... %100 N, Tatln A.,.,
~ c..1a 111-. ma lltliitol 111.
• r-.... ·--·-• --r.---•< •• . ..
• Mt~. Hovey Cox LeoCJs
·Affiliates Seat New Officers
' Mrs. Hovey· °"" wtll talc• ..... pr..ddOallll dWlea dwin((
the 1111111&1 melllberlhlp tea
and &iatall.U... ol omc.... for =.::~~i:: 3tolp.m. '
Tea, will be aerved durint af\ttDOOl1 1..Uvitles In the
Laguna Beach All Alaoclallon
G.a lJ.·et.1 ·under the
cbalrmausblp ol ·Mrs.· Walter'
Lanon asalated by M r a • Ellzalleth Hume .
. &,tes&a wil be the Mmes.
Louioe. Myers, 1JQr1a Funlr and
William Beiyiet. and Mrs.
llol>ert M. c.u.ren, outgoln(I .. -=....~~~·,. • ·1f. bO ,_' . Ii*
• ..... ' ... ~). .1 New ·executives • ~;g,.,
• M.n. Coz will be ··.;t~;
presldenUi the Mmp. Wlllfaio'.·
Gieseben, . programs; Mura'.( ' _,
~le, way1·and i1neJ!P, and
z.,hory "t.falaby; j>ariiamen-
\ad.an. • I • •:
Other new Oflicer1 are the
Mmes. Fred Atcheson and
Rodnty V. Wrtgb4 reco"!jng
an d corres p ond lng
and correspoodln(I 1eeretar-
iea: Cotterel, treasurer: Lar·
.... hoopltality, and William
H. Bruggere,' publicity,
During the gathering Mrs.
Gieschen will present Vincent
Farrell, Laguna Beach artist
and teacher, who will .give a.
demonstration and lecture on
oils and acrylics.
No reservations are
I ' -necessary and the meeting ls
open io au those interested in
learning more aboot art and
the AffillateS. The purpose of
the group is to stimu1a1e in-
terest in the gallery, rah:e
funds and enjoy social. events,
art lectures and demonstra--
., f j me to Take a Sentimental Journey . . : : · · ·~ ." f ::.r~11ow-'"';~~·=
·Ifs Ulrie for members ol Les Martneru Awdlia;)' will offer typical Mexican fare for tlunevening,. j lli.• All Califorru_a Show. Suc-
·14 the •ramily Service Assoclatio•f to tak,e a senti· Ready to board· a bus and enjoy chilled champagne · · Wslul !und-rwmg ·~•nts m-mimtiil journey and this year they .will travel during the journey south are (left lo-.right} Mr. aild• eluded an All Sludio Tour
"soath'" to El Adobe for an l'\lel!llll"of dilling and Mrs. Thomas E. Crosson and Mr. and Mrs.:Robe'rt wjlich will be. repeated nelt
AR'.l'TOUR -Making the rounds in Lai!una Beach Art Association Gallery·are
m.einbers of AHiliates <(left to rigll'O ·Mts. Robert'M. Cotterell, outgoing presi-
dt$1, Mrs .. William Gieochen, inconiing vice president, and Mrs. Hovey Cox who
will take over presidential at.ities next· Monday. · · ·
d~ncing. The San Juan Oapistran<i ristaurant. made Ba•maiian. year.
Mmo!i&. by ~sldl'llt, and· !\!rs. Nlxf>ll'•· patro!lflge, . ----------------..
GO L.:ol:N!'.t!!DOING' : '
Col. and ... Mn; T.1 F. Gu"n
teisure World Setting
:~;Children ,Host P~rty
G~nn rl &enl. Park and U.S.
Aimt &I. (ret.)' and Mrs. A.
G. Lombard of Winter Park,
1 Equcatqf s
. Victorian Book . · Hi 9 ~1i~k t
, . . . • I ;
A ·Rib-tickler G~th~~l~.
lady who IJved . in London
around the middle of the 19th
century knew, in a pinch, fine
boot polish coold be made by
cmibining French red wine
and brandy.
She knew a lot more -in
fact, practically everything.
Her name was Mrs. Isabella
Beeton. She was a forenmner
of Emily Post, Dr. Benjamin
Spock, Fanny Farmer, the
lawyer who wrote "How to
Avold Probate" and all the
people who have written home
medical books:.
Her storehouse o( ~ledge
pn all things came out In 1861
in· "Beeton's Book of ' ·• H o u s ehold Management."
·Naturally, the.re was advice on
how to give instructions to th e
footman -which every couth
!am.Hy had to help with the
• horse-drawn carriages.
A facsimile of the first edi·
tim of Mrs. Beeton's book
weighs two pounds, has 1,112
pages, and costs about $6.SO a
The facs imile is b e i n g
published in the United States
by Farrar, Slraus and GirouX.
It is billed as an unrivalled
guide to t.be manners and eco-
nomics or Victorian
i¥>1seOOI&. It also can tickle
ribs. and te8ie palates.
"We shall uevet be satisfied Two rt\lre4. JGl~iw-ho
till the abominable use of lht: . reside In ·~ HU1{ wil be
pin is avoided in toto .•• " gues~ · ~ak~rs during a
•ledical dvlce m· I ded . "A ~~mg for ~~man:s Club of . a . cu : San . Juan ca:pi.strano In the
flannel dipped I~ b o I I I~ g Woman's Clubhouse Tuesday,
water, . and . sprinkled with Sept.16, at·12:3o p.m.
tw:penl1ne, la1d·on the chest as ''Accordina-to Mni. John
qu1_ckly ~ possible, w i 11 ~ven, program chalrman, the
relieve the m<m severe cold or ~ isses Elythe · Monroe and
hbarseneas." ulah B a r t I e t t . were
Reading aloud with lbe teeth educaton in Los Angeles and
clOS;ed for two hours a day fur Kem counties aa well as in
three or four months was Mrs. Ttkyo aM for the Peace Corps
~eton's remedy for stam-in Ethiopia. ~ : ·
mering. · · i'oUowing :tbett last tour of
Great claims were made for . duf3 in Ethi~'B, th!lY retired
the' tomato. "As an article of toiLaP,na Hills, but ~rrenUy
diel, it is almost a sovereign are:.pacldug for 81trlp to South
remedy for dyspepsia·and..m-~ where 'they are
digestion." sdlldliled." to·~ cpnr~r with
In the 1egal department, ~dut:ator.a. · . .
tlrs Beeton tells how lo k ~ Ont clOb. meeting for : . . ma e the season marks the 49th a will. The directions still ap-·.,ear o£emtenc;e~cr Ole group
plr, loday. . and · Mrs. Geofrey Mansell
. C-Onlrary to lhe vulgar opm· :i•nmeis lo attend. 1~n. second cousins as w~,11 as Pri r ' to the p r o g r a m
first may legally marry, she 1 will be:serud by a
wrote. . com Uee headed by Mrs.
The chapter on domestic Keith Hutchens and Mia.
servant.s starls out -"It ls Edward Chermak.· " the custom of society'to abuse ·
Its servants." .•.
A-1ost recipes. an.er more
than a century, still work.
Some suggested bills of fare
include a bid of practically
everything that grows, walks
or swims -and ls edible.
' ~ea Sirens ..
TO~ Sea Sin!n.s meet In
K·illyb~ke School, .C o s t a
lt>fesa.-Programs begin' at 7
p.m. every W~31.
. ' . . . '
. '
'. .~ Fla. '
·tJ.S. A:r my Col. (ret.) and
Mb. 'I'llomas F. Gunn of
Leisore .world had a happy
Qll> wadding anni...-..ry lasl
s.mrday <When their children
aha spooees gathered to host a The elder G11ons have lived
rii:iept!on Jn their honor. . . in· Laguna Hilla for lhe past
:1t01St.a and hostesses for the 2· four yeafs,,and were 'married
to-4 p.m. event in a Leisµre. .• in El Cellfro Sts!L I, 1911.
W"arld Clubhouse wue \ht. Mrs. GUM ls a member of
Messrs. 1and Mmes. R. H. Laguna Beach Order of the
ClJtler d'~I Paso, T. F. Gunn Eastern Star and Daughters of
Jr, ol. .LU::e Oswtgo. Ore.. the Nile. He is past president
~~:o ':!~n~~e ~~r~i . Engagement Disclosed-,
dll.ldren a n d 28 when s h e
died, offered : hd I ~.,,wi:,~~: th~~~~r~:~ During Birt ay Party 1 ·
too tighUy. Seems some In·· .
TE~!AWAITED -Reed~ to open another season with a membership ·lea are
Lag®a Beach Mond~y Morning Club members (left to right). the Mmes.
Hald"d Dally of Laguna Beach, social chairman; Robert Carr of South Laguna,
host~s for the Mooday, Sept. 15 even!, and Calvin Gibbens o! Laguna NigueL
fanls each year were unwil· During a family dinner par-
tingly killed by mothers who '.ty Melinda Burtt celebrated
hugged them too strenuously. .he.r 21st birthday and her
~ KIUr of Poft\ao41-r of .Lagwir ~b, 9ub
-A plea for the demise of mother, Mrs. John Burtt of
pim in infant '1 clothing since riewport Beach announced her
daughter's engagement t o
Frederick Scott Garcelon. ! • .,
' f:eeri(lg Around Among the special guesls
-·· -· .Anniversaries -· ..... Feted .... , •
celebration 1n the Stuft Shirt, 'nle Newport Beach resldent
Newport Btad1. plans lo em.r Jnduala lldlool
All UU'ff: armivmaries took al the same university.
placewlthinlivedl:yaofeach ATl'ENDING Stephens . Olher.
"··-""-1-L ... _. CoUege, Columbia, Mo., will ~u~A.G.Ham· A~ baum. &be 1 en I 0 r Mn. be Miu Julie Ann tw,dit,
Kostrad>'• tmher of Long daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Beach -wu tn t b e Arnold A. Al1rldae, Costa Koottach'• wodding par1y ~T Mesa, and Mias La11tta Ann
YNTI qo, and bis wtfe. Kalmbach, daughter of Mr. and Mr& Herbert Warren
. MISS BELEN JOHNSON. Kalmbadl, Newport Beach.
who WH jp'ldualed from the Speclal .... 11 at t h •
UnlvenltJ of e.Dfomll, Santa 'f001en•1 college durlna the . ,..,., . ibd .•foll wfll W.:.i-.·.~· ·:.:1!11J,.,lftQA:9>1lllT.1' ....__.l"llit. l'ar..u·w.-...i'llft.-. . Will Marry
'were Mr. and Mrs. Frede,th:Jt
F. Garcelon of Three Arch
Bay, the benedlclrelect's
parenlS; Jeff Burtt, the ~ture
bride's brotheri John BW'tl of
Altadcna and Mrs. ~our
' AJ 11mnae Open Mo nday Morn ing Club
Fcil l Season
Nutt of San Clemente, her ~ the fall seAIOfl with
grandparents; Mr. aftd Mrs. a PQluci: 111pper are Stepherus
Garden Tea Charted
Kermit Nut\. of A1tadena, her Col~~ AJumnie. Mrs. Robert Carr of South
godparents, and lhe Rev. Isllmid House, Fashion I&-Laguna will open bet Afar VJs.
James F. McKeoo o1 St. Widillll be the settinB fo1"'the ta Drive garde111 !or a ·tnem-
llllary Church in Pico Rivera 1:30 p;ln. gathering Tuesday, bership tea opening another
ho ·n th ...i:.n.... Seot..~ u season for Monday Mohling w w1 perform e w"'""'""-'6, :~!~· esJd 11 · Club or Laguna Beach from
and his wife. w~~ ~ ~ rr::n. 2 to 4 p.m. A1onda7, Sept IS.
The brlde~lect, a.lJo .the-: ben: uced and the caJ.. Mrs. John Casey, member-
daughter of°* late Air. Burtt; end.( of events revealed. shlp chairman, and Mrs. Har-
is a graduate of Newport All~• alumnae are invited old Daily, chairman o[ ~ocial
fir_.. and'l'l)l)'calleltherMrs. Wynn affairs, are in. cbarge ·of at"" Harbor Hlgb ~1001 and at.-Chapman at Q7.(l680 or Mr1. rangements.
tended Orangi Coast College Catol Tackett, 64G-f003 for fUr-Presiding at the tea lahle
and Wells Colltee. New York. 'tber!Wormation. • wUI be the Mmes. Robert Ro-
Her fianoe ls an alumnus of . , • per, founding pre&ldent: Ralph
... Laguna Beach High Scbool , , , David, pruident, and OUve
and has served In Vieu.am . He l:larbor TO PS Teale. Mrs. Ruth Wilson. pro-oow is asslgne4 to the Fifth , gram cha:lnnan, has made ar-
M!rlne Div• _ BJnd •I 111,rptr In Cosli rongemenUi !or Mrs. Karen
Camp Pend.leioti:-Mes, 'Ja the 1 aUon ere Bitler, harpist, to entertain
The couple wru be married = of PS H dUring the attemoan.
Nov, 15 .Jn. su.~lblciflf 'W:.i... 14cfi en gather e Monday VlckJ Guttridge. hos-
s!eaa CJnn1tb. ke:, at 7:30. pllal chalnnan, ta in char
of Invitations and Is assisted
by the Mmes. Calvin Gibbens,
Helen PeriiM, Donald Foster
aod Elbe/1 Mitclidl. Mrs. Ed-
ith Saunders wlll arrange re-
Reservations may be ob-
tained by contactina: ~Ir&. Ruth
HaUleki, 494-4650.
Lockets Li ked
Grandmother's locket I a
b a c k with teena gers. T h e
teeners llke Lhe locket look
~raved. stone get, ant.IQUed
fin in white or yellotr
nnis • en in sterlJn&
hlch Is r11lra · g more and
more tten alien
·-_...,.,...__...,.,~-------r~~~~~m~~~7~ . ~ .._.,,.,..-'"' .
• Sadlllehaeli.·
\ . Ei> I I I <>'N
VOL 62, NO. 218, 3 SECTIONS, 3f PASES
By RICHARD P. NALL ... ...,., ..........
Pendini tepilr of stomHluhed
Laguna Cinyon Road bu become
·-casualty In !he foderal·atAl• -alnlctlOll >Jl'1ldlng enibargo. ,
City Manager Jama D. Wheallin
dumped the cat out of the bag for Lquna
Beach COUllcilmen Wednesday night u be
told them Gov. RU&an hu impoeed' a
comtruction embargo liriillar to Presi·
d<ot Nlxoo'• federll COllllructloo cuts.
"'lbere•s IOlllt kind ol 111. tOODOmY ax
up lllere (Jn -:•)· otbe city
manager said. , 4
_Spukesmen fo11 the State Division of
!Ilgbways Said tod'1' Iba! Ill) mJUlon "111 .i ...,.\nJCll .. wort;' ,will be af-
fecled belw,.. now· and' !tie: f1l'1t of\tbe
year. " 'Ibis is the amounl' tbal would have
bien spent for .a..rtloid ccnidructlon
pn>ject&,ln the Ital~ Repair of La(una
Clnyon ~ ls amooa them. It 'was
underc;ut and partially 'w'asbed away by
February 'norms.
'1There ace two PtO.blems there," said
Wheaton to9ay,. "The life hazaftls ,lo
motorisis, ospedal!y 1Jiose not famlllar
with Iii• roa'd: 11. Ls an unlighted. badlr·
marked1 poorly baJTjcaded situation that
Is 1poor btfsi'ness on the part of the
operator of the road system.
"Secondly, they can lose that whole
road way if it is not repaired. If we get a
whole squirt of wiriltt1fain we coul:t h&Vt • •
a real diga1ler. 'nl~re all! peo,Ple living
there whose hdmea can be endangered by
failure ol the ttaie to repair the road."
nie road Lt o~ Or the"Utrff enlrance-
exlsta from LalUfll Beach. Coast
Highway ls the oth~r two. Wheaton said
Msemhlyman Rqhett Badham ( R •
Newport Beach). and State Sen. John
Schmitz (It-Tustin), will be asked to in-
tervene on behalf of the road and an<ither
delayed project, traffic·algnal mocferniza.
Lido Couple
·~-:~ ' Bill Signed
Oil Drilling
, Held· Up
The prospect of offsbor'e oU rigs along
the Orange Coast soulh of the Santa Ana
River jetty is more remote today than
·State legislation just signed by
Governor Reagan assureJ that. ilccording
to Coastal Area Protective Lelgue
Ch'l)rmllt Victor C. Andrews.
Andrews also revealed that t.he CAPL
is ne~ wl1h the cililt of Banting·
Ion Buell and Newport Beach for a •
.. buffer zooel!t between Huntinaton
Beadl11 offshore on plaUormr lnd the
Newporl city limits.
HW!tington .Beach is not 1Dcl:uded In the
coast.ii sancblary created by the Sbell-
Cunningbatn Act 13 years qo. •
The "buffer zone" Andrews explained
wr.uld encompass approxhnately a fJv~
mile-long offshore area In which no
offshore oil plaUo111l.'! would be allowed.
Measures signed by Reagan tightming
th< Shell Cunningham regulatloM SB-57
and AB-622, Andrews said. The first bill,
authored by State Senator Donald Grun·
5ky (R-San Mateo) -and amanded by
A521nblyman Robert Badham ( R •
Newp>rl Beach), prohibits riploratory
drilling in the sanctuary, which extends
three miles out.
The Grunsky legislation, Andrews e1-
tilained. was originally designed to pro-
tect the Monterey area. also en-CQmpa~ by the Shell Cunningham Acl
At the CAPL's request. Badham me.
ceeded in broadening the Grunsky's bill
coverage to include the Orange Coast
area. ''This Is the single most important step
toward shoring up the Shell Cunningham
Act " said Andrews. "Before au the In·
<lusiry had to do was to go before the
State Lands Commsision a.nd ask for an
explorat.ory drilling permit. Under the
Grunsky bill, this can no longer ~pPtl'
Drilling Uke that is now prohibited.
AB-m provides "double protectkm",
!!&id Andrews, by compelling t.be state to
glve go days notice prior lo -public hear·
tngs on any requ~ts from the oll industry
that relate to the oil sanctuary waten.
"This wll! never done before," he uid.
.. AB-622 for the firsl Ume gives ~al
cities ample ti mt to ~repare a" fight
against any oil iodmtr)' intrusions.
* * * Victor Andrews
In Line for
• DAILY f'llOT ...... ..,,~ •• ,..
C•uHd by Moon· P•sslng BetwHn Earth,•nd Sun
Coast Sees Moon Turn Sun
Into Crescent in. Eclipse
Once upon • Ume, every Bad Indian
tn the ltrrl1ory would be down on his
knees. trembling with anUcipaiion rl 5o""'1hll1M A1'ful
Calllomialll OR IOPl>iltlcaled enough today; bowever, lo -tbal • 1'¢1111 eclJpoe d the IUll -auch u wi had
---ii~"' bealarmod about.I ~
The (!henomenoo callltd tiy the moon's pawp li<lw;een earth and the center of
the aolar 113'1tmi n:ac~ a maximum 71
perCent at 'U: IS p.m.. according to
Sort of 111\e a had spot on the-yolk or
your morning egg. , •
A total ecllpse is much mo~e 'rare. llC·
cordlng to a spokesman for the Grtfnlh
Park ObS<!l'Vlllory lh Loi Mctles.
The pa~ or annular eefipte. Ii cau1-
,ec1 because the moon 111 too far from
wth for Its &hadow to """'Piet<IY ijlock eut the sun.
2nd Time
. '
Of .. Dltfr "" .... ,.,.,. gunmen wen' oWl at larp today
after• blndl•.g Ind ~Ill wealtby Lido
1sle ylcbtaman ~ and
hit wl!e, ripping' out phone llnea 8.Dd
scooping yp moce>lhan $1)11,000 In jewelry
Pollcer this. mornina disclosed new
qetalli in ti, ~artng dayllgbllloldup. . .
·\Of . ~ -~· to be a lho'lllilf!;... lllot'! . 'bls
roli!-il IJle,erfiiit. 'lheJ-.a.-... ._
charge of COITJ'inll•·--pon.
Bef.,.. going inlo oeclusl<ift toilay Mn.
Laura Cunningham, displaying rope
bums on her wrlstsl tokl ol being bound
wtth rope and (SUed along with her hus-
bapd., •
tfhey Ill helplesJ for 45 minutes·on the
liVlng room floor whlle tbe iWo men in
their mid 20s rifled the upstairs
bedrooms of the bayslde home at 343 Via
Lldo Soud1 ~ •
She and Cunningham aat covered up
with a large cloth unable to see what was
occurring, she said.
Newport Beach police detective 1Capt;, Lou . H'~, who ii heading, the in:
vesllgallon of ltie momlng rohtiery,,aaid
. the\ two 111/'P<Cli. llllll al J1U1e, came to '
1 Ult door at'!t'.'05 a.m. and ran.a: the Qm.
, nlngbams• doorbell.
'Mrs. CunnJn.iham answered the door,
!See ROBBERY, Pase Ii
Raccoon Found
Tl;,at Bit Child
Hold lhe calls. Rachel, the raccoon that
nipped a "W.e girl's finger on Aliso Beach
Filday, hu been lound.
"I appreciated your efforts so much,"
!3;fd ~. Ray Kinner of Paci!lc
Pill.sades. Her 2Z·month-old daughter,
K~lly, bad bef:n bitten by the pet raccoon.
A 1tory fof!i:.wecf.
The biteiwasn't serious but the iongshot
pcjSBibil~~ of rabies wat. So • was the
pr'even!ive series of Pasteur vaccinations
against rabies which might have hannful
medical side ~~feds to Kelly.
Kelly is "liOH1p free today, said her
rrother. The raccoon wu owned by a
Riverside phytldan't famlly. It Is now
under qua:antlne.
Alked about the collect calls, Mrs, Kfn.
ner 18.kl t.'iert bad been man,y auch rac-
coon calla. "I was glad lo gtt every one
of them," she added.
The ~gnallzatiOn P1'.0Jjct Ii alao lllll<d.
Wh<at<in 111~ the Coast. llllh,way li!pJect
through Laguna had appar$U)' been'.
transferred' trom · the catesory · of
maintenance lo the category or new clin~
st.ruction. As such., it ~d have to Coin-
pete for new constructkln funds. . •
State Division of l:Ogbwa)ls spOteimen
said U'lat plans and specifications for the
delayed PI0,000 project are cdmpleted: It
wou!p entail a new ~YJ!ll algnal ...1y~ . .. .. -·-,,,. ~.., ··--._ ...
--... ----
. , ..
. ' . _, .e . r:--:::'. -..
r • ' I · ,iJ No ,,:N~· bf.\:~~,·,. +..-.,.,,. . I ; T • ~J ' • 1 I~ I
• (" ,,_i;.. ..,: : :· r•: I.'-~"""' ~···~-t.·o.!
Parking Ban q,,. Cami llig'lt@'f ,~.
• ,, 1 ' • . .. ·, tr
A, ni,ilit parklng : ban 111.6, P~ put cil 1ht piOb~;: " .. ~ • ~
eoasr llighivay'belween Co"'°"del Mir' "'liien. wu ~rai.11! .,.,,.~
and Laguna:llea.ch wa .. nctonod ·W-week;" he ~ .. "Pr0Wemo~~ loO
<4Y by,q,....e.equ¢y ·'!'l''"'l,!oil ... , eluded drinkli!I ]>ei!~ itMI ibir\> U.
Th< ·parking , ban, 1'blch woal<l'i<I-turna lrom a· pa-J>l!llll!>li.,to• ,i-s
fectlvel'y ift:vertt' illegal U8f: of. ",~· · ba~~rtb." 1
1 r .,. ·# -
miin:• eiwe for ' b e a c h part!'!' llao ' The t1n' "" ....,'! ';ozl.ia
would Eilrilinatt tiie'Jeti<>us t;a!~o ~~; f . ·iN:r N_J;."rt~~,clW7U"11
problem, COUl)IY or.newi /eel. · • c:r · • 'Ym .na -, co;o,;.;;~ ,• !rMir-tg~
Stale Df•l>fon '.Q!:·lllillwiy'riUfl~lllol! •. ~·cli d';y lbhlu .IJ;vlili eqve.." will be ne<dod'belore signs can he )liliteod. ...,. , " . , , COU!Jly officia'!i sat~ Ibey "d6o1'1Pownojio' • · • •
soon that rrilght' be forthcomlne. but 1. , d La · ·
noted it was· \he • Slate Dlvl!fon of DJ ure . giltJ, a,
Highways that 'Initiated tlSe rt.i::iuest b}'
r;eaenling '" acc1den1 study'• the ·OOW> Youth €o. nsclotis.·
The proposed signs would declare no
parking either side. of the l\Jghway ·
between the hoUn or 8 p.m. and 8 a.m .
Violators would have their cart towed
Over the Labqr Day weekend, county
sheriff's officers arrested 270 peraons for
lllegaJly Uslni Scotchman's Cove pri•ale
beach at night. Use of the Irvine eom..
pany-owneif .beach is .a.Uowed during the
do.y for paymeqt bf a ~ktng fee . ·
"I know the ,sl\erlf! has quite• prob)ttn :
th<re," Assistant Coonty Road Com-
missioner Ted ~d;onville sa.I~. "'But our
recominendatton lf? counfy su'ptrv,leon .
was based purelf .on the trafftc ~ety
NEW YORK (AP) -"The stock mafut
finished on a downbeat today, With de-
cttnes slicing into the lead aet. by ad-
vancea. (Set quotaUoN:, Pages 18-19~.
'Jell Wilson, Ille JJ.y~ .Lqmtan
wlio [rac!Urod bla noot4jvlnf !l!f,IJiClai
rriore than.two ~ hU.come.out.
of a cqma at C<Uml§d)' ·
ltospltal al(Iit said l<iilay !lilt "W1liOo
was able to talk, sit up aOO feedllimlelf.
a marftd1..,....emenl !or tl>•'YOW!Ptir
crlllcafly inJ'l'od In a,mllhap J,ey 4.",
Wllso_o waa divine oil rocl!I ~t W<iod'1
Cove when he ·llrllclr llll -boClom. Tlie younpter lay face_.. Ille Water
for an ..tlmalod /Iv,. II obt • -following the ·d!Ve. 1 'l'tte young ma~ la t.h_e son or Mr. and
Mn. Rlchanf WUaon; Ml'llaln<lna.Slleal. Lagun.o Beach: •
Federal Post
Orange Coast civic leader V'tclor C.
Andrew• may be upped 10< a hip
governm'flt po5t in the N I 1 o n
AdminLttraUon, reliable IOW"CeS 1ndicl1ed
eaperis. ,
The Ml appeared to Yirwd'I .as 1 crq.
e<o1t, 'WhJ1e In olher,.,,..U ol the world,
the so-ca~ IJ'mUlar ecn,.. was • dark
,pot with • llifit' halo -11. Scenic Road Plan Ok~y:~d
Aodrtws would ne.itber contlrm nor
deny the reports.
The long -time Laguna Beach retldent..
,. Nixon campaign leader in Orange
County lasl year, said :
"I wish I cauld say something bW I
just slmpJ~ cannol at UUs time."
It ls pauible that Andrews, former
prestdent of South Coast Community
Hospital and preaent cbalrman al the
1nU.oll Col!lal ,,,.. Protectlv< League.
tn&Y receive 1 diplomatic post, llCCOl'lllnl
'to unconllrmed rep>N.
An 1nnouncant.nt ~ be forlbebmtnt
'vlth1n1two weeks, mrces said.
.; -' " J•
-.., 'd .. -· Q. ·-,, f ]' Q ' ... 'f • d•rt 'h"'* ••-I ;'h t ... e «•ft,. •• ·• t .... ft, t d • • d tcft rt 4 i #•'. t el·--
. -·
l. •
r ..
:a .,
' j
• I
..... ~ .
•. DAl!.V .P.llOT L
... !:\\
' .
. ' '
-Viejo Co; ·Areas
Get Annex Okay
"USSION VIEJO -Two future
residential areas In the ~sk>n .. Vl~o
Company plan were approyed far an·
nexalion Wednesday by the 1:9Unty Local
Agency ;~ormation P«!'nllllliion io the
Oso Valley Service Area... •
The service area,, which take1 In
previously deve~l areas of MlS!ion
Viejo, provides tire 'pratbct!on, traib _coJ..
lectloB, site«: cleaning uct 'patk and
'ParkWly Service fOr a current tax rate of
67 cents per $100 cf awssed valuaUon.
Tbe annex-afeti are an as yet unao-
llOUllCj:d 193-~e· development °" th<>
~end of the MlsslOo Viejo Ranch
and a~ new Granada ... ome
developni!bt east ol lhe present Granada ho!\> ... -. . c
.• ~ to Aid Need11
n<A' !>II·~~ but the city t;<>Ull•
ell< Ilia l!eolded J o play Santa Claus
lillYW"Y' ' • • In. acti111, al-last ~igtrt'1, meeting !ht
councll •wte:t . to~ ask the board bf the
capi.strano_Q.munanlty ~nter .to find a
needy famlly to" inhabit a city-owned
d.;eniljg .• .l'epf rree.
Ttie 1house is localed on the Ganado
Road park· glte, a site which has been
plagued by vaiidals. The city officials
hope that the presence ol a farolly on the
dallsm Ill grounds and a large building
that may someday become a community
m,.ling place.
e BreaJdmt Slate4'
SAN CLEMENTE -The pubUc !s !n-
vitdl to have breakfast wilh studmts of
San Clemente Saturday Sept 13.
The pancake breakfast Will take place
rrom 7 to 10 a.m. in Triton Center et the
school, 700 Ave. Pico.
Adults will be charged $1.23 and
children and students with student body
cards will be charged 7li cents. The fund
raising event is sponsored by the
As.oociated Studeot Body for various pro-
.. . .. -· . ---------· ... --.. --· -..
.J\fissiltg' Yoltl
-I 7 • • • i,: •
11J Ti;;llllY CO~ ' , 1' 0t.r . t.M..' lpo~ hi ~~
.. Pallr Pttit "'~ ~ u ..... ~ .... ' .... ~
btdiiliiflll•••-• af • ilOtJil Mclirllr an1 • •Jlllloo ~" 11111 ow ........ ,...,.,~~.1\IU*'°'t ... uil~
i!ot'lbat -ldaolll1 die ~ . lll1&1tdl WM ID tul · • •loulid..~111 Jn,a,Ca, clradptl Giii al l'ollce'llld ftlomen,wdrted untD 9 p.m ..
a Hiultlo&lon Bttcb. late. 1\'ednesday, cleanlng off the mod and
1be ·mlalng ·youth was Identified at bagging the bortes and other evidence.
'Vllliam Lichty, 16, of Garden Grove. Today the bones are being inspected bj
itrs. Evelyn Lichty, of Garden Grove, depuUes. fro?1 the Orange Count~
this morning identified a shoe. silver ~roner s ofhce and police lab .techni-
band ring and watc,h round in lhe car &1 t'1ans Jn lbe Hunllnaton Beach police Jab.
possesaloru1 of hlr son. They have beeu ldentuled as human.
The anilouncement was made by l)e. An expert on boile structure wfil be •
1eedve OU Vel!Je. called In to attempt tG buUd a skeleton
Tbb boy d~ppearecl Nov. 14 1964 and from the remains, and identify the pro-
ha-lfl'l been wm 1lnce. ' ' bable sile and age of whoever died inside
Uchty ciis1~1tf'td \he same day the the car, police sald.
car ·• was atoJb: fiom Mrs. Shirley Some backbone, rlb, leg and arm bones
Blalltensh)p, Of 8121 2Qth S t . , were !ound, sald police l•b lechniclaoa,
Westinlnste't. :-as well as a aock full or foot and ankle
Abou~ 60 bones, scattered over the bone:i.
{ron1 and hick seats, were found inS~e No skull was found either in the car or
, the C.r when It wt1,.1 pulled out of a poiid on the murky bottom of the pond.
Wedne.sti.y by '!Orkm~ e.t. Goldenweal "The Identlticatlon process is moving
St"eet and T1Jbert Avenue. slowly," ezplalned Veine, "'because most
e Securltu Man Set
LAGUNA HILLS -Leland s. ·supes
baa been appointed chief of ~for / Leiaure World, Laguna Hills. , v..
The 47-year~ld Costa Mesa ffi· h.ad served nine months as de#J , 1 • ,
before his appointment 11> the to!1' <a WiEAP -Stanfo nivl!rof~, IA\w'>P.an '!Bayless r.fB!>' Rober! L. Price admlnislratcr· ll'tY nln .ueirt llnd silln!onl Bo•inl'i>f Trus~ l"Pnisiden ' W. Partner
community. . ·r -FuJ et Ill (striped tie ) exari'lint! mod& af;new law sdlool facilities
Stipes b<ing• 23 years upenonee In the wtl!J Mr. and Mrs. Frederick I. Richman of Lagwia Beach.
law enforcement field to his new p05t in--·
eluding 20 years as a police offic'.er in
Toledo, Ohio and lhre.e years u a ipeclat
investigatcr for the Provost Marsbll's of·
fice military police, U.S. Army.
Stipes succeeds Donald E. Wickland
who died Aug. 13. ·
From Page 1
Bluebird Canyon Drive.
St.ate spokesmen said the state con·
struct.ion embargo a w a i ts r~-,
mendations by Gordon Luce, secretarj' of
business and transportation. He Will head
a task force to study which state projects
might be affected by the federal curtail-
It i.s to Inventory all major capit.al
outlay projects schedu led for award or
advertisement by the state .during the
next 20 month:!. The task force will be
represented by all of the major state e<m·
struction • spending d e p a r l m en t 5 '
spokesmen said.
It will give inventory results to th!':
governor. Meanwhile. Luce has asked for
.::i temporary halt in awarding or ad-
vertiseme.nl ol new state contracts, a
spokesman said.
OAllY Pll OI
OIVJtG~ C0.U1 f'UIL t$HtNi;; UW.1•,u~·
'll:ob•rt N. Weetl
Jet• a. c ... r..,.
V!C. ~re'llftnl ...., a-.i M.iftl!MI
Th1m1l Kt••il
1\om•• A. Murphine
........... ~. ff•!O"
~icl.1rtl '· Nolt L -hie~ c ll'f l•llllf
L9f'.._ .._.. Offt••
111 f•••1' Av1,
M1lllfl1 i\lli4••tt: ,.0. ••• "'· ''''Z
Ot• OfPkff
c.t1 Msu· m "'"' a., s•,.t N'""""' 18<JI ffll Wtt.! &. ....... lfnr• H ........ ,., kMll. :iot Jl11 S"'"I
Lagunan Gives $1 Million
For Stanford Law School
·F.rederick l . Richman, Laguna .Beach '
atlorney-busine.ssmaa, has cive.n $1.2 ,
million t.o he~fm~nance a new schopl ~f
law a( his mater, Stan.ford, Uru-
Richman is president. of Consolidated
Mortgage Co. which last year sold to the
City ol Laguna Buch prime beac~fronl
holdings for $1.6 million. The land will
be part o[ a Malo Beach park.
The Richman gift was announced Wed·
nesday by Bayless Manning. Jaw school
dean as a fund-raising prelude for the $~ rciUion Stanford complex. It will
house lhe entire law schaol.
Richman, 63, of 1200 Skyline Drive.
earned his baehe!Gr 's degree at Slanford
in \9'27. He was graduated from the Jaw
school a year lat.er.
He earlier had endO\ved a professorial
c:hair in phi10&0phy at Claren1ont Men's
c:o\\ege , a gift amounting to a b o u l
He is a trustee or the college. which his
son attended, and also a member of the
board o( ove.rseers for the Associated
Colle~s in Claremont . Richman said today the Stanford girt
Is ~111.hout strings, the only stipulation
being that it De used for the law school
buildings. Target date for occupancy
of the propo&ed complex is the \vinter of
19i1. A Laguna Beach property owner si nrP.
19a0. ttie tall attorney is an avid out·
Nell B. Gra1n1is
Succumbs at 79
Services y,·ill be held at 11 a.m. Satur-
day in Pacific View Mernorhil Pa rk
Chapel for Nell B. Grannis who died
Tuesday ln South Coast Community
I lospilal after a long illness. She ~·as 79.
l\1rs. Grannis, mother-in·law of lhe late
multi·mlllio11aire financier H o w a r d
Ahmen!Ol'l. was a resident ot Corona de!
Mat for 18 years. She made her home at
221 Orchid Ave.
Active in community affai rs, she was a
member or the Republican \Voman 's
Club, the Garden Club and the Opera
Club .
Survivors Include her daughter, l\1rr;.
Denoia Sullivan of l!arbor Island; a
hrot.htr, H. Parker Bolton of Oakland,
CaW. and a arandson. Howard Ahntanson
tnurnmenl \vlll be at Pact!Jc View
f.1emorlal Park, Corona del ~tar.
doorsman and big game huqh!f.
As an undergraduate at Stanford. Rich·
man was a member ol Theta Chi frater-
nity, served as president of I.be Chrlstlan
Science Club for two year$ and won ath-
letic laurels in track and crooS-(!ountry.
Fron• Page l
of way," he said.
Another Dana Point resident, Dr.
Roger Sanderson, said, "\Ve sort of hope
we don't have lo have Utat highway coin-
ing a block closer to our ho1ne with all
the noise and turmoil. I have talked to
n1erchants on the highway and they say j(
you mo\'C it they're going to be high and
11. L. Remn1 ers, of 24032 Paseo de!
Campo, Laguna Niguel, sought to ref ute
the Dana P-aint speakers. "I know when
you try to change anything you get. a Jot
o[ oppo:;ition. So many people are agains t
change. With the harbor there's going lo
be n1iUions put into Dana Point and it's
not going to be the same."
In voting to refer the plan to the county
planning commission for public hearing,
supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna
Beach said, ~·one of the most important
things facing us in lhe years ahead is en·
\'ironmen!al control. ·When the publi c
hea ring does take place everyune will
ha\·e a chance lo be heard."
Allen said the study, paJU for by $7,500
In cOMnty funds and $7.500 in private
donations, was unique in that it was ."the
first time J know private ciliiens have
been ln,lerested. enough to dig dowc in
their own pocket. 0
Supervisor Robert Battin told Lake that
if he would put down in writing his
criticisms and mail them to him he would
be happy to look Into it.
Ford Motor Co.
P1~esident Fired
f\nudaoi>, president of Ford Motor Co. for
19 monU1s, wrui rtred today.
'OlC flrlng of Knudsen was abrupt.
Knwlsen , sold -Henry Ford ·II hilllleU
notified him Tuesday ha· would be Jea v-
-·· ..
•I• the car waa sl<>len .. ., ...... -... . -· v·....,~~·!U~ .. Wi'it bav• been inside •
.l'f De"f ·IMi•it tbt~" he Nld. •
The car llleJf, now a complete wreck
and with Ila l<>p llbeared off by or.men,
b at a auto wrecldng· yard. It was Iaen-
tffled as the auto atolen fro m
Weslmlnster by a -,. plate.
..."It 1ooka like whoever toot the· car
must have been lravilljng al h\lh speed
.\Ip Goldenwest Street· to hive sud that far
Into tfle lake,'' 1ald Vtlne. It 'Wu found
about 35 reel west of where the original
road bed was.
Workmen are currently wld.ening and
lowering Goldenwest Street in prepara~
lion for a central city park surrounding
both Talbert and Hunlinl!l<>n Lakea.
· "Our closest llnJr: seems Ill be with the
miSslng Garden Grove boy/' concluded
Ve.lne, "but we haven't ldenllfled him
Yet. lt'1 the ooJy thlrig we have to go on
al the moment."
White House
West Cost
City Money
The President of the United States and
his flock of White House staffers are not
transient San Clementans -a f a c t
which may have cost the city treasury
more than a few bucks.
The city'a transient occupancy tu (bed
tax) places a five percent levy on nnta
paid by lodgers wbo stay lesa than IO
days Jn the , beach city. Rents paid for a
longer time are ezempt. ·
Some 115 rooms rent1ng for an averqe
ol '19 per dll)' at the San Clanent. ll!n
were <>CCUpled by White llou5o staffen
for IO daya plus. · •
Had the .Wiers !en on the 29th day,
the San Clemtnt.e Inn would havt ~
trlbuted •ligbUy more thin 13,000 Ill the
city colfera.
San CJemente Finance Director Gerald
' ~' ..
CAIL Y P'll.OT Stell ,.,.._
.POLICE MOVE IN FQR CLOSER LOOK AT DEATH CAR 5t1. Robert Sorenson (loft), Lob Toch Rlch•rd' William•
Fron• P"'fle 1
TeacboUt, aa1d that the city probably lost h::. said and the pair a "good looking'• ah9\lt $1,IOO from what It would have .' ' . . a phone still ,operating and phoned fo;
help from there. rectived during the llUMler because cf .. Caucasian and a long-haIJ:ed Negro, 1n·
the mended atay. • quirtd about boat maintenance jobs. Immediately after the robbery report
shotgun-armed police sealed off the only
land access to the plush island commu-
nity-the bridge at Via Lido and Lafay-
ette Street. Group to Guard .
Festival ·Vote
A O~commiltee has been ap-
pointed to overiee election bf thl'ee Fes-
tival of Arts dlret:tbrs. •
~ committee wll! auard •fablal Ir·
regul'aritles in nominatfon of candidates
tG the nine-member board. Ballots will be
counted Nov. 10 at the annual mem-
bershlp meeting at Irvine Bowl.
The committee will Include Mayor
Glenn Vedder, former Mayor J~ Rid--
die, Robert Leppert. Olxl Hall and Biii
Motta. A cert!fled public accountant wtll
coon! ballota.
IDCl.Unbent board members whose three
year tenni are up for election are Verner
Beck. Stuart Durkee and Dr. Harold
Burton. Papen may be picked up aHhe
F..Uval offiw. Nominations close Sept.
19 .•
Seconds after the conversation started,
Heeres said, tbe pair rushed tllrough the
door and Mrs. Cunningham screamed
several Umes.
Her cries brought Cunningham
dawnstairs·and the intruders pulled two
"T~y ~e the Cunninghams sit on
the Uvilik room floor and the two
suspeCts Ued the couple with ropes and
gagged them," Hee.res said. . ' .
For about 4$ minutes after that, the
pair riffled the upstairs bedrooms, cut
one phone extensian cord and ripped
another out of the wall. , · .-. ·~ _
As lhey gathered up Mrs. Cun-
ningham 's collection of jewels they drop-
ped a pair of jade earrings in a platinum
setting' on the floor of the master
bedroom and left them there.
The two then walied downstall's and
fled' through the. front door.
"Mra. Cunnlil1ham m•de her way to a
pair of scissors and cut herself and her
husband free," Heere:; said.
She ran to a neighbor's house to phone
polk:e while bet husband ran ups~s t.o
There, at U:20 a.m., o£fii;us stopped
a pink station wagon containini lhree
Negroes and searched the three meJJ.
Un ~e. a ~Veiaide laborer{ they found a Browning aulomatlc pisto with one
round i'n the 'clip.
The man, whom police later discounted
as a suspect, told officers he took the
gun from his girllriend, whom he had
just dropped off near a Lido home where
She worked. -· • '.,
He told police he took it to keep her
from geting into trouble.
He was booked on char~es of carrying
a concealed weapon. His e11mpanions
were released. I Mrs. Cu nningham, displaying wha
appeared to be rope burns on her wrist!.
appeared drawn and tired after the
She declined photographs of either
herself or her husband. Reporters were
not allowed inside the home.
(}enerou~ Savin<J6 on
AJ 1nuch a.1 20 to 40"/o OFF on
I «::'
Optn Mon., Thurs., & Fri. EYllS-
• '
r . ,N~~~rt
voi;. 62! NO. 218, 3 SECTIONS, 3( PA6&S
• THURSDA'f, SEl!JEM8ER -11, 19119
Tei..,,. ....
... ... •
Buff er . Zorie
Sought o~ -Co;strif .Oil nrilling
' .
Tiit prospect ol ollllhore oil rigs alOlll
the~ Or.Dae Coast south of the Santa Ana
RlvU je:tty la more remote today lban
ev~ ~<n. ~
Slate leglslaUQl1 just &ignod b y
Governor Reagan usures that, acconUn.i:
to c.oastaJ Area , Protective League
awrman Victor c. Andrews. -
Andriws also rev,.led that the CAP~
' . '
' ' •
1 .....
Is ue~ wlib Ila .W. of~·
ton s..ch 'lnd ~ 8'0ch for, a
"bu!fer' zc:me'' b e l"w;e e..n ~
~b'a -oil plaUorma and_ the
Newport city llmi1'-1.f •• i,; ' ·, ~r ..
Hurllngton Beocq~llQ!~Jlded ill.~
coaatal sanctuary created by the Shdl-
Cunnlngham Act 13 years·ago .•
The "buC~er zone",.~· eiplatne!I
1 J • .,.. .... ~ . ' ., ~~ ·-' ... ~l. '. ' '
'I ~. I " ~. '""'1d ·-P _..imately a !Iv ... ~ ~ ~~ln·1wlilch·-no
-di p1au ...... """1tl be allo\fe.i.
M ... ura &i11>ed by Reagan tl(lttenin1
the ~ Cuidngb1m, ....,i1t1ona ™7·
!and ·~ Andren Wtl.·T{ie llnt blll.
authOred by-State Senolnr Donald Gnm-
sky CB-San Mateo) and amanded by
Assemblyman I\Oberl Badl\am ( R -.,
-_,,,, -
Nt!Wjl!>(t -M. prolllblll ...,ioratory
drtlllq ,bl tlla -"· •Idell tli...is ·~ miles out. The GnwkY lqislaUon. Andrews «·
'pl~, WU O!filrw\)f d .. lgned to p!'O-
lect' the Mclittre,: area. also en-
compused by t1ie Shell CUnnlngham Act.
At the CAPL'& rtquut, Bad,ham SUC·
cecded ln broadening the Grunsky!s bill
' -coverage to lncludt the Oranp~llilut
area . 1 --1
' -' "This ts the a1na1e .... t lmpar11ntatep
tow1rd sltorlng'uP the Shel~
Act," uld Andrewa. ''Befar.e. all, the in-
dustry had to do wu to ab befcirt 1lhel
&fate-Lands Commsislon lnCI 1sk'f6r ·an
esp!Qratory dr!Oing pel'l!llt. Ultder-the
Grun,,-y bill, thla ·can no longu haDDen.
Drill!"( ilJce. that is -ii'Ohlblleti.•'i:_ •
~· ·--
.-r ~
Mid AotlNwt, by-po!Jq1be tllale lo
give • ~ -ll'lor to pabllc'llelr-
tnP:Olt any ,reque,11 11\\D> Ille ol1 lnt!Ulfty
that f<\ale \o lhe oll !'I"~ wilfs.
"Th!J was never dOOe before," ht said.
"AB4I for the tint Ume pvos local
clUes ample Ume to prepm: a ftatit
agalnst an~ oll lndualry lntruslonL"
.. ~ '.... ~
2· ·Lido ·-Rohber·s"·:·'.·.HuHte·d: --· . . ... . . -. '
Neiv . [)etai,ls _ ~ared in· Dari~g C:l!n.11:,ingham He~~.
I ' t , , • :J ..
By JOHN VALTERZA vestiptl?n of~ mornirg-~bery, said 1
ot "'9 oenr"'r .. '''" tbe :two IJUM>eCl&, stiU a large, came to ~·•l!t wo gunmen were stil l al large today the dpor it J:06 a,.ro. and rang the Cun·
.er binding and gagging wealthy Lido nlnjhams' doorbell. ' ·
. ~I~ )'l!F~tsm~~ Brtaa Q.i.!mln~ and . Mh. iCun'nfnihainl lnaWertd the door.
•\llO .i'lfil. lJ;Rl!it ""' pbooe :and '° aald, anil the , polr; a "p>d loollng"
. =oping up mar. than $200;000 In jewelry c:auwr ••. and' a• long-hflr.o 'Negro. in-
WOOne9dar, ' ' iiuirid about boat maintenan<e )®<. Police this nlornJng dlsclaaed new • · · · df:tails Jn the daring da light bo)d Seconds aller lhe conversation started. Y . up. . lleerU said, the pair rushed lhrough the
Officers reported the mat at IJUl\POmt dOiii' anilratl:" CW!nlbgbl~ed
of a Riverside man coming oU Lido Isle several Umea. ' .
carrying a coocealed automatic. pJ.slol. H · brought c I h
lfewu·ffrstbelit!ved•tobe 1 auspect 'ln doW~~ea~ t&e in~ ;'.di~ ~w~
the theft. but po11ce later dlsc:ouJlted his piltola. ' , . '
rple.Jn the ctime. They booted blm on a "'!l;ey' mtide ~ CUnnlnghams alt on
charge o1 c:arrytnr a eonculed ""J'Oll· the Uvlnc room 114>!>r and the two
· Be!Ori! '&Olni ,Into ~s!On today Mrs. tiuat>Ocll "'4 !ht l00upJe with· ropes and
!laura CUnnlngbam; dlaploylng rope aaileil lhoin.'.''ileert• aiJd, • ' '
!Una .., ber wrlsts,_toi4_ol blln& bound For. abaul 4i-•lllinu!<a alter that, the
with rope tmtl r.aued 'llong with her hi&&-WT riffled the upotaln -.Oma, cut
band. ... pboae ~ -tmtl ripped ' They sa\-helplea ffX' 45 mJnut.es on the another out of 1be wall Jtt\nti r0om. lloor · wlille. the two 1DeJI In As . t!i<Y " gallltrtd up Mn.. Cub-
• ....._t.I I bAfL., tin.GT. """" ., "-,.,_,..
Causod by Mi>on P•11ing &at\fr-· Earth and sun.
\ ' ' ' .
Coast Sees Moon TurnSun
. Into Crescent in Eclipse
Obce upon a time. every Bad Indian
In the territory would be down on his
lcnees. trembling with amicipalion of
Something Awful.
Californians are sophi-sticated enough
today, however, to know that a partial
eclipse of the sun -such as we had
about noonish -is nothing to be alarme.d
'n!e phenomenon caused by lhe moon's
passage between earth and lhe center of
the solar system re.ached a maximum 71
per.cent at 12:13 p.m., according to
The partia~ or annular eclipse, la caw-
ed because the moon ls too far from
earth for Its shadow to completely .block
out the sun.
Santa Ana poUce Wf!hteiday cauglit
Joe Huber of Buena. Part in the act Of
nilling up a alp reading! .. WatCh OUt -
Cop" to give away the hidtilg place of a
patrol Car walUJfg fol trafOc vlolatorl on
Bristol Street. ·
lfltlir 1 mid .• u,. -!~ m· : lil**"olillN~ lfilllr I rt1ttlli · ~--• Jitlll!l"~,lilfflltr.ii!Ri
llldi>Soad. ' .JI. ''" ~,.. ,.noat ,itf"'11to" --. Sbr MMI ~ .aat covered~upl ~:lbern ~;·"' .. wtllla~\lioaliji;toael•balwu .1'llt .)t~-riM>! 1111 ~ . lald.· ' ' ' Oed. lhrvuP the -• 1-W'"*t po11ct ·&:!OdJri Copt. "Mrs. Cunnlnll!&m made lier wirto a
Lou Heerel, . who •Is ' beadlilC the In-(!lee ROBBERY, Pqe tl • "
~ ' '
' r
Deadline Nears
For Candidates
' In .Board Race
$2,638,850 Bid O;kayed
For Projects at _occ
Candlda!M for appoinlmmt tO tbe
Newport-Mesa Unified Sdtool .Dlllrlct
board ... t recontly vacaled by Lloyd E.
Blanpled Jr. liave fliicll S p.m. Monday to
· iulimit Jheir applkltkm to the dlstr!ct.
Blanpiid, truitee !or District I, left the
·board last mooth when tie was named to
the bendt Jn the West Orange. Coon1y
Munlcl~ Court. Ills nplacemml will be
named bY ren41nin1 board ri><mben.
To date ooly two .candidates have (fled
applications. They ate Gordon C. Mor·
"''" 30, Ill '124 Aleppo St., Newport Beach, and James B. Wood, SI, of 211
Jasmine SI., Corona del Mar.
Morrow, a former teacher, now wiUi
·Global E n a l n e e r 1 n g Oocumentatioo
Servk:e of. Newport Beach. WIS de.teated
by l!lanpied In the April school board
election. Wood is president of Mesa
Verde Realty CO. ·
CUdldal<I r.r •ppoinlment to the
thre&-yeer term mm:t live ln the aru.
whldl Judp Blaaplod roprettenl<d -all
the tldlaol dlstrlcl lmitory eut bl Upper
Newport Bay, Jncb!lng Balboa l1land. ~-.. nallable a£1he district olJlte, llQI lllh,81.1 Newport 8acb.
Trulteta at the' Orange cout Junior
College ·DlstHct Wednesday ntpt acoept·
ed . bkll totalinl IU31,llO ftr new
cohatructlon and -..mode1111g, prt?jed! al
Oranp Cout Colle(e Jn Coita Mesa.
Wort ii ttcl\eduled to llarl this month,
with completion expected by spring of
Tbe · projec\I lnclud~ construct1on of a
new health building and maUHclence
building, r<tnOdtling and atlditloriit to the
data -Ing bulldlng, addlUons •nd renovaUon · lri lhe f09d servicu dep.a.rt·
men!, iemodetlng the old library 'to
aerw: u · a CCJUJ)leUns center and howe
the ~ ind -department, a~ to . the men'• and wotnen'a locker 1Dll lh0wer·atea1 apd completlOn
Ill pbill' two ol the new electrical dls-
lrlbulioD oyJfem. HOlr a mlllloo dollan In malclllng ledml IUndl • will be available for the health bulldlni tmtl data ....,.,....,. adjllllOll. Tllo balance ol the pritjecta will
be finaDced wllb Jlale<Jlstrlct ftmtls, the state cantrlbutin& 15 cent& on tbe dollar,
the. dlllrtel the remaining 31 ""11.
lag Co, Inc., 8281 San Fernando Rold,
Glendale; .C&llf., ,wbofe low b\d wa&
12'111,314. • .
Burke Plumbing Inc. of G.~n ·arove,
which hOtf·iubmliled" the IOtr bid ...
plumbJnt; ,.qiiested;&hat Ito bid be W!1JI.
drawn ·when ~ · mathemat!cat urOrt· wu .
dltte0vered in comput(ng·tha•to\I). ,
Truateel grantetJ . lflti wl~ifal,and,,
accepted the 1210,195 plumbing bid o/
Anderson Plumbing Co., Inc;; l20 Poio-
aetlla St .. Santa Ana. Successfuf fildder for eleo'11Cal work wu Sherwin Electric Service, · 3347 San
Fernando Road, Loa Anae~. witb 1
bid of 1Z13,U7.
A aeconcJ elecli')cal firm, Delta EI<c.
tric, Service li>c., ,ie073 ,Getty Drive,
Laguna Niguel, with a bid Ill 12a,IOO,
wu awardeCI the contract for wort on
the eltdrlcal dlslrlbulloo rntem. TNl-
teu also accepted Delta'• bkl of $9,400 tor lnataDaUon of manhole coven to give
ac<:e11 for. inapectlon of lhe college'• new
underafound electrical l}'llem.
War Heating ,Up
' ' In Vietnam as
Cease-fire Ends
SAIGON (AP) -American and enemy
forces attpl\ed up oporallons today
following the. end of a trucei. thit bad
quieted the Vietnam baWelleld Jor lhrH
·u~s. spokesmen·utd·American·milltaFJ-
actlvlty was increased to · meet an
"enemy inJtlaUve" that included 37
rocket and mortar attacks alid twtt
ground assault.a shortly after the 1 a.m.
end or the Viet Cong ceue·fire for the
funeral of North Vietnamese President
Ho Chi Minh.
Most of the attacks were ln the area,
from Saigon north to the Cambodian
The rocket and mortar attacks wound-
ect 31Americana,11.S. headquarten aaid.•
Four olher Americans and 37 enemy
troop! were reported !filled and 16
Americans wounded in ground Oghting in
the tint 12 hours after the cea!e-firt.
"There's an increase o[ enemy activity '
from yesterday, but we do not conskier it:
a high point," uld a ap>kemmn !or the
U.S. Command. "It's a clear resumption
ol what they have been doing before.~,
'nte sun appe.ared to viewers as a cres-cent. whl1e in other parts of tbt world,
the so-called annular eclipse was a dark
spot with a light halo around it. Sort of llke a bad tpOl on lbe yolk of
A. total ec»sa ii much more rare, ae-
conling to a ttpOkesman !or the llrlffith
Park Obter.vatory in Los Angeles.
llJ!l>er. of 1131 Page A•e., .~ he
wanted to give the•publlc' an eftn bruk.
But police toot do;,wn )lil ·lllcn and pve
bin!• citalion lor PlinC ·~ oo · public pro(>erty. '
To ha allflble far appolntmen~ an ap.
pllcan! must be a mldent and ,.,iltered
voter fn ,.,,_,Area f and IDUlt have
resided Jn u..cwn1ya 1eaa111 diy1 and
Jn the dlllrfcl lit loafl U dayL
'l'lle board bu 1DIW oci; U IO aet.ct the
LOw •bld on general -of ttJU,IM; came·rrom K I< F ConMic· Uoii .and .-C:OWt11 Construction Co., of
IOI Eat J7th 81., Long Beac!1. Tiie bid wu ltated aa a joint venturf. Truitees
also accepted iU%illary bkll !tom the
"""' flrml. ol SI.JOO !tr fire otlqulsh-lna -.qu1pmeo1 tmtl.182.000 1or demount·
able partltlona.
'!'be air condlUonlng. beating. and .....
tilatlq cdOtracl •will 10 to Air CondltJon.
Victor .Andrews
In Line for
Federal Post
"We're up . some, about aa much aa
they are in the level of acUvlty. lt'• pret.'
ty much to meet the enemy lnltiaUve. ..
' . new member. ·
Graad .Jur11 Criticl:ed
Badham Blasis Critics of B1;ty· Swap
B7 JEROMll F. oot.UNS °' ... o.tJrr ""' Jllllf
AlslmblymJn Rol>ertt E. Badham (ft.
Newport Beach) t<iday crlticlied critic!
ot the Upper ,Newport Bay land a-
chlngo. Including lhe Oran&• ~
Grand Jury. '
Badham aJso disclosed that three yurs
ago he had advised the Irvine Company
lo 'forael tt" and develop Us bay area
pr(ferlies on lt.s 'own,
l(tilne: officials ignored the advke,
howt:ver, berause "to be very honest
abODt It,. they were more patient and
cljfc~ abou\ it than I .,., 1t the
timt, • said the leJislstor.
'lfte Grand Jury -ntly queslloned the Bad<.Jlol' awap; which calls !or the a·
' v . '
c:bqo of 11'1 -of _,,;,, lldelaiids lot 117....... of, Jf'll!lo apludl &lid
·~•nda . ,, . lUrOrt ubd eoanty·~to lake --~:i·the 1ore-·c1eat. Tho dimtt •11P11l ..r;lbll.,,...." co&tly UUgaUan , migltf bl' a~ by
devel0flin1J·• revlaed plin that tabl b)to
account problems of COOltn'aUon. Bad1ituii tOday bldicated be le mUl-4 at
tho Grand J"1 Jor not laoltlng him to
feltJl:I an the iubJect ¥ore Ille Jury lj1fd i1c July 17 RporL
"I found It very Jntmlllns that u..
"'""" who pruenled lnfonnatloo oo this ._111.Jilo.atat<.Landa ,__ -not called on to t,.ilfy bef«t tllt Grond
Jury.• said -, llitl"'s of. Illa Ii>
. ~
\0 .... 111
' More buy aunahlne will llshl fls
way through )ow ctouda and f!lf: oa
Friday with temperalurel In Iba
1ow ?O's locally and 1he mld.aG'&
inlsntl. --
Whp haoC the ofonC c:oUt,,. """'•-•lff SOlltJ!<'rti!"Collf~ / '.bUll·~-li'"'"•·'Wf'P..~~· '11tt&~Tih;.1 ..:.Q irovbl<d u.l
rnt of thi Mti0ff'1 tchooll. Pa.oe
~ ......
Newport Marirle
Due Home Soon
Dies· ·in · Vietnam ..... \. A'Midne-Corps helicopter pilot ftom
Newport Beach who had only two ~ontha left. in Vietnam, was killed thls
v.·eek in edftlbal He w,aJ 1J. 'Kent s. Anderson, 25, son of
litr. and--M:rs. Montague Anderson, tl6
Via Udo Sood, Li.~o Isle. u. Aoderson was a graduate of
Newport 'Harbor HJgJ! School and Cal
Stale Long Beach. He had been ID Viel·
nam since last December.
Survivors besides bla parents include a
sister Sherry, and a brother, craJg, -
of tbe1 lJdo Isle residence.
The family suggests making con-
lributims in Lt. Anderson's reemary to
the Navy Relief Fund at El Toro Marloe
Corpa-Alr Slalton.
Cute Pup Brings
On Not-so-cute
Rear-end Crash
A cute spaniel puppy Wednelday caus-
ed a yrung Costa Mesa girl to drive into
the rear of a parked car in Balboa, and
both she and another girl passeng~
The puppy which had been sitlinJ in the
passenaer'I lap, WU not inJur"4.l.~
Police aaid Nancy Kelleher, \T, 111
Center St., Costa Mesa. s u.f f &
moderate chest injuries and ~ 1il\
the 4:30 p.m. ,cruh. _ .
Her passenger, Tylene Smith, 18, of the
sa.me Center Street address, received
se veral deep face and scalp cuis afttr·
her bead went partially througli th.e
Police said ~1iss Kelleher was driving
her English sedan southbound on Balboa
Boulevard near 15th Street when she
turned to look at the puppy. Her car
s\•/erved out of the lane of traffic and hit
lhe rear of an auto parked near the
ce.nler divider.
The car belongs lo Merrilee \Vinterowd.,
23, of 212 Garnet Ave ., Balboa Island.
Both of the injured girls were treated
at Hoag ?,1einoriel Hospital.
The puppy was lodged at a Corona.de!
~tar veterinarian's <lffice far safekeeping,
officers said.
Elbrick to Return
To Wa~hington Soon
\VAStuNGTON 1APl -C. Burke
Elbrick, U.S. ambassador to Brazil, will
return lo \Vashington soon, a State
Department spokesma n said today .
Elbrick is expected to discuss whether
It would be prudent for him lo remain in
Brazil iy lighl ol the incident last week in
\vhlch be wu abducted and hold !or three
days by terroris~.
t14tAMGI C!),1,11 ll'Ul l l!.HIN'Cl COMPANY ••"•t N. Weul
~lftfol ..... """'1tl!tt
Jeck I C•r1ey
lfoW , .......... ,..,, ~"" ... 1,1,.,,.,.,
Th•"'•• t:;,,.a
T~I,,.•• A t.4~rphift•
"'""""",.. Etllflt
Je•o""• F. c.11<ft1
N.._-t 9tkll
(!.... litlllllt H...,.,, a..cti Offke
2211 w .. t l1t\.1 1 •••'••••• ! M1 illRt A44rtn< P.O. 11 1 1171, •l••t.
• ---··· .. -
Par~Ban '
OK'd 'to Halt
Cove Parties
A night p:irking ban along Pactflc
C®st Highway between Corona de! l\1ar
and Laguna &ach w's endursed Wednes-
day by Orange County supervisors.
The parking ban, which "'ould ' er-
fectively prevent Ulegal use of §catch.·
man's Cove (or b e a ch partlel]I, also
would elimlnate the serious traffic salety prOblem~ County officials feel.
-----• -· • ..r
DAll:Y PM.Of Sf6tf ,,....
State Division of H1ghway ratiiicatioo
will be-~ before signs can be posted.
Couoty officials said they don't know how
1:oon thal might be forthcoming, but
rioted it was tbe Slate Division or
Highways that lnitlated the req1.1est by
pr~nUna ap aocklent Study to the coon·
~ proposed signs would declare no
parklrlg either side of the highway
between the liour$ of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.
\'iolators . would hav, their carS towed
Tr•ppod by • Plutlc Flo•t Burler •nd Pumped-Out by • Fl .. t'"9 Skimmer Puft\p
away. •
Over the Labor Day weekend, county
sheriff's officers arrested 270 persons for
illePJ!1 using Scotchman's Cove private beac:b~at night. U~ of t~e Irvine Corp·
paoy:.owned beach i,1 allowed durlng tha
day for payment of a parking fee. ..
· "I know the sheriff has. quite a problem
there." Assistant County Road Com·
missioner Ted McConvllle said. "Bul our
recommendation lo county supervisors
\t.'as based purely On the traffic safety
part of the problem.
Newport Developer Bren
Faces Surgery' on Spine
"There was another fatality there last
v.-eek," he noted. "Problems have In·
eluded drinldn& ~ aad &harp U-
wms from a p8rUd pos!Uon to head
back north."
Tbe. parking ban area would ertend
from .the Newport Beach city limits at
1he end of Corona de.I Mar to the Laguna
Beach city limlts at Irvine Cove.
Youngster Ro,bs
Police Station ·
A small boy aboard a aetaWilY vehicle
-a plinibike -slippedinto the property
room. at the c.osta Mesa police Facility
Wednesday and pulled ofj a daring,
dayUIJit burginry; '
He stole a man's bicycle from the
headquartara btJilding a1 99 Fair nr1 ... pu~putting' oil down the road while
holding up the seco1'1 vehicle be51de him.
Newport Beach housing developer
Donald Bren will undergo surgery Friday
on-bls broken. spine at St. John'• Hos-
pital In Santa Monica.
Bren. son Qf actress Clair Trevor, a
Lido Isle resident, was injured in a crash
of his private helicopter, Aug. 30 off
Laguna Beach's Crescent Bay. Bren was
reported In gOQd condllioa today by
hospital aides.
A companloo la the helicopter mishap,
William .lrm!trotlg, 45, of 1101 OUonf
Lane, Newport Beach, is ~ ,ill
good condition at South Coe.st Cornmuruty
Hospital la Soulb Laguna. Armatroag al.lo
3Ulleted a broken back ill the crash.
Bren, 17, of Los Angeles, was traM-
ferred to the ~ Sl ;John's Hospital
over the weekend. His helicopter mys·
terlously plunged into the .sea during a
Saturday afternoon flight.
The aircraft, a Self fl.ff.I setlled in
about JS feet of water. Laguna Beach
U!ecuards resc;:ued both the men.
They were admltted to the emergency
room of ~th Coast CommunJty Hospital
Opposes Tobacco Use
Police laid a jail trusty observed the LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The Cowlcil
°""pe via,the r .. r ~t al the ~opart· on Penta! HeiiJt!'. '!(, the Southern trleii\ bul waa too lale to IOWld an aJmn Callliintla Deatal ""°""tlon has pwed
for the burglar's capt~. a resolution opposing the use 'Of tobacco
, Value o11:;:,io1e impounded bic1;,.. ..,.,~ oJ the ipcreasinl evlde.nl,..!bal
1 cle was ~' · ~ .. ~ cariett ls ~tPed ~ tbbacco uaC 11
' y • , • .f .~ . .
From Page J
pair of llclssors and cut herself and her
husband fr~" }Jeerei said.
She ran lo a neighbor's house to phone
police while J'ter husbnnd ran upstairs to
a 1>hooe stJU operating and phoned for
help from there.
Immediately after the robbery report
shotgun.armed police sealed off the only
laOd aeeess to the' plush is!Rnd. ct>fnlnu-
nity-the bridge at Via Lido and Litay·
eUe Street.
'There, at 11 :20 a.m., olllctrs stopped .
• • •
round In the; clip.
The man, whom police later discounted
as a suspect, told officers he took the
~n from his girlfriend, whom he had
JUSt dropped of( near a Lido i)ome where
she worked.
He told police he took it lo keep her
from geting into trouble. • . He was booked on char~es of carrying
a. concealed ,J'eapon. His companioru
were released.
In serious condition.
The helicopter, understood to have been
piloted' by Bren, was uted by lhe devel-
oper in his construction w<rk in the
Harbor Area. A pad is maintained at
the Harbor View Hills development in
Newport Beach. The aircraft ha! been
retrieved from the .u.
County Increases
OCC District's ·
Tax .6 Cents
A six mills, or siI tenths of one cent,
tax rate increase for Orana:e Coast Junior
College District was made this morning
by Orange Couaty Supervlson.
The adjustment. in the previously ap-
proved tu rate cf 83.3f cmta for this
school }'.ear wu necessary, Coonty
Auditor Vic Heim Said because "lands in-
volved in lhe questionable Upper Newport
Bay assessment were included."
County A&sessor Andrew J. Hinshaw,
because he disputes deeding of lands by
the ·Inb:Je Company'to~the coonty, bu
assessed all lands in the Upper Bay area
as one Jismp parcel, not breaking them up
aa County Cowisel Adrian•KQJPO< ,,_
into pqblic. and privtte landJ. · · ·
The . UPPor S.y Janda already· have
betn deleted from the asses.ud valwation
roll upon which city of Newport Beach
;ind Newport·Mesa Unified Schoo I
District tax rates are based until a set·
tlement o( the dispute.
The· supervisors' action tooay brings
the junior college distric t into line with
the other two jurlsdietions.
Orange Coa!t Junior College finance
director Correllan Thompson said a little
<>ver $16 million is involved out of the
district's total assessed valuation ·of-$934
He said trustee.! -previOusly had voted a
28-<:ent tax rate increase from 57 cent:!
per $100 or assessed valuation last year to
83 cent! per $100 this. year.
Newport's Oil
Leak· S~_pi~d;
Source Probed ' '
A npr-ilve Of th..,taie lleaoottes
Areney baa liken a quart uniple of west
Newport Beacb'1 mini-oil allct lor teai.
to determlne'the 30Ul'Ce or the leak in lbe
smJll chaanel.
The oil, sUD flowing at a rate of lour
.&a.llom a day, la belnt trapped by 1
plutic floal barrier and·pumped out by •
sm.ill lloatlng atftntner pump.
CllY Harber and Tideiandl Coordinator
Gecqe Dawes said the trapping IJ'o
rangement will remain in' tbe channel 1t
the end ol ISrd Street and Newport S.y
Meanwhllle, tell• for the crude 's
viscostty, ·chemical makeup and carbon
monmkle content will be conducted.
The JaU.r material might hold the key
to the oil'• source, Dawes aaid.
. If carbon monoDde is discovered In.the
oil it could fix the cause lo drilling oper1-
tlons forcing the oil upward through
small openings in the ground.
The float arrangemcit is collaring the
slick quite well except at extreme low
When the water levtl drops too much,
Dawes aald, one corner oC the float ar-
r'1?1ement can't bold the oU in. City
crews with a akl.Jm:ntt suet the oil off
when that OCCW'I, Dawes said'.
Tbe oil lllct. formed about a month ''°• mieorla1 bulkbeadl and boat bUils in'1tbe amaur cm:nneJ. between Ne,.,ort
laland and tbe matnland. • ' .• ' ! ·.
Ford Motor Co.
President Fired
Knudsen, presld"'t of Ford Motor Co. for
19 monthl, was tired today.
The flrinj: of Knudsen was abrupt.
Knudsen Wd Henry F<>rd U himself
notified him Tuesday be would be leav·
ing .
··H.is explanation was that things bad
nol worked out as he had hoped/'
Knudsen said.
Egypt St~4s >. '
:·tT~i For~ -.,:
•· ' I
By l!lil!oi Pim klenltlt..J
Egyp! -IL<' ilr I-1oday. •laWt
laraoli targets in the Sinai D...rt in
relallatiOQ fo r Israel's land, sea and alr
lll5aull lllinst fcypl oo 'l'lleodly, A
S<rlea al doslJgb!a brote out 011<r the
desert and the Suez Canal and each tide
claimed vtctorte.s.
An Lvaeli milllary 1pokesm1J1 In l)J
Aviv •aid lareeli ffl!>Jer plmes and . .,,_
llirt:Taft fii'e shot down aeven 'aJMf
poosibly eigJ!t Egyptian flabtm . and
ligbter-bomben. An E(Yplian spot"1iian
!aid Egypt shot down loor planes and I.It
one ol Jts own,
'!'be Cairo 1poWnwi lald the d~
erupted when the Egyptian pllloea otlii<k
In two waves aplnat llrHll lar,.U In
the desert. He said they blt·a radar lta·
tlon, two rocket sites, the iwtbam com-
madd poet ol the hraell "'-· mi!Qory P>'iUoM Cid a naval IDltaDaiSQa «1 Ute
Gulf <i Suez. •
Fl&btln& alto 'tla(al Oii Illa .' iar..U-
Jordan 1ron1 [Ulll'. JcrdlJllaD """""-' la ""1maD uid two I.ftell warpllJ]es at·
tactid Joroanlaa fOIFtJ Iii the Jordan
llivtr Valley with napalm. He reporled
no cuualUes in the DvHDinute raid,
Israel's si:&tb this month.
Jordan said the llraell planes attacktd.
fulxlwin& a brief achan&e of machme
gun fin near Al Karkar, a mile south of
the Sbeitb HUJlein Brklge thr,. mllet
sooth of the Deed Sea. llrad aald the
planes struck Arab l\!Bl'Ula bala In
retallatlon for guerrilla raids qalllll
lmnlng communiU.. In the area.
Today's Israeli-Egyptian air baW..
were the largest la the Middle Eul ...,.
July when the lsradL< baUled Syrlaa and
1':gyptian planes over the Sina and the
Jsraelk>ccupied Golan Hd1bls of Spla.
Tel Aviv nported seven Syrian MIG 11lt
shot down July a over the Golan Helghti.
Egypt's air strike today was' the ,f1nt
attack against lsr1ell Sinai )KlllUons
since July 7 when Israel reported two
Egyptian P.11Gs shot down and Israel
reported one Israeli jet destroyed. Thafe
balUes followed a 5Ulu or Egyptian
commando raids acroM lbe Suez Canal
' >
Nell B. Grannis
Succumbs at 79
Services will be beld •I tt •"1't saiur. day in Pacillc View Memorw Part
Chapel IOl'"Neli B. Granai. wba dled
'l'lle!il•i• la. Soulb Cout c.milurnllJ.
Hocpital alter a Joni illaesl. Siie WU 71,
Mr1. Grannis, mother-In-law ol the late
multl-milllcinaire financier How a r d
Ahmanson, was a realdeat of Corona del
Mar for 11 years. ~l.?e J111de.ber; botge at
221 Orchid Ave: ,
Active in community affairs, she wa1 a
member of the Republican Woman 's
Club, the Garden Club and the Opera
Survivors Include her daughter, Mn.
Dennis Sullivan of Ha rbor Island; a
brother, H. Parker Bolton o! Oakland,
Calif. and a grandson, Howard Ahmanson
Jr. .
lnurnment will be at Pacific View
MemCX'ial Park, Cormla del Mar.
a. pink station wagon containing three
Negroes and searched the Oree men.
,On one, a Riverside J;iborer, they found '
a Browning automatic pistol with one
Mrs. Cunningham, displaying what
appeared to be rope burns on ber wrlat.s,
appeared drawn and tired after the
She declined photograph! of either
herselr or her husbanc;t Reporters were
not allowed inside the home. SavingJ on
OAIL Y Pit.OT Stiff ,....
DETECTIVES CONFER -Ca pt. Lou Heer••. chief of Newport Beach
Police detective! (facing camera), gets report on CUnningham rob;
bery lrom detectives Bill ·Sp<>irs (!ell) and Tom Shearn shortl)"·afller
\Vednesday morning gem heist on fashionable Lido Isle.
_J}.J much a,i 20 to 400/o OFF on
• • PllOFlSSI ONAl.-
INT!RIOR OE516N!RS Open Men., Thure.., & Fri. llw ...
, I
\ •
·:-.. )
y<)L 62,;No. 21.~, l SE,CttQNS, l~ll'AE . .
I lo, r: _,
. . . ..
... .
tective GU Veine. . sali:police in vest'igatorg, but a lot Of old
ne-bordi4appeared Not.14, J964, awl Junk can are burled th Tlftbert and Hwi-
basn.". been seen since. tingtllfl Lakes in that spot.
Liclily d1'apptared the same day Utt Pol1ce ~d firemen worked until $,p.m.,.
car 'w,aa, '"stolen . from Airs. Shlrley ~r: cleanlna: pU the ~ud· and
Blanliftllhlli, of ·1111 ' •lloul S I . • ~,ljf ~· bOnoo anil oilier evtderice: wesimhilter. . • . 'I'~ file oone;·.u. 'b<ing inJpected by
Aboul IO booea, ac,att.eted over the de..PUUts from the Orange County
front inf.back \tlb, were "found inside Coroner's o(fice and poliq:: lab techni-
the c;a ~;t Mf pWledJ'!'!:~.! pond ~in lbeJ!untinl!IOI\ Beach polico lib. WedlleiolilY !i1-;.wkmto ~.~mm! -'llieJ !Ji,.._, ld<ulllled .s hump. 4-'
St'eet and T.albe'tt Av~ · An expert on bcine strUcture win be.
The C9J' had' been spotted, half au)). called i"' to attemP,,t to buJld a skeleton
~ed, " UJ'ly ~ t_ri f~b l\<f9f<, · \See .CAR BONf';S, Pqe.11
K.;altef~ Paiwnt
Mt:i:kiit,i}PJ:ogfeis ' .
Irt, ~~ .Hp~pi~} -~
•Al<loe\I Mm u ~ ..:.O.<ii!.s<11>e ' klllD!y~: kl)Jedlid'd-. ecddent "-1n1prov,~ •. fiur ~~is. II, \if m'df:'h: win
.all nmaln -eitremel)' dooe obaerval!On. ~ Mt. Sloal"llospHIJ In Loa
AngeJu for a ~ time to come.
His wife WU w i t,h him today. but
family spokamao ~d Wienies. was
doing 11ell
;~l'l•l'Y .was performed oo the· man
""ho.bad becn.keP,t aUve by IO artifidal
kidney machine roi-..peaily one year afjer
2#-year-<!ld 'William Uiosolh dled'llunday
•• ~ ~ J:!!'!pttal,_'r~~~· :
' . . s~ llfarlceu "
Lido Bqndits Hunted;
Po·lice Bare New Clues
Of 11M Oil" ,!lift Sl•ff Two gunmen were still at large today
allir bindinf and gagging wealthy Lido
Deadline Nears
For Candidat~.
Th Board ·Race •
dandidates for 1ppoinLmel'll to the
N~Me11 Unllied School District
boml seat recently vtcated by Lloyd E.
Blanpied Jr. have unW 5 p'.in. MOndly to
submit their appllcations to lhe diatrld.
lllanpled, tnmee IOr Dlstrlcl I, Ieft. the
~ !all --he .... named to lhe, beoch in the 'tleat or...., 'Couot,
""'*!pal Coin. Hif i:epllcemenl will be, "'°I""! by remalnJnc bOanl momben.
To ctaa '"11 tfio illnllldales have !Ued ,~u...; T!ief .,. Gotdan C." l!IO"
""'' 311, o( ?t4 Aleppo 91., "Ne•porl B.o,cI>. Uc1 ,...,. B. Wood,. JI, al Jll
Jaamlne Sl.;OOMOf<l<!Jlor,
Mprrow, a ronn<f ~. -wllb <llaballllnglne10n1Dot1a-1..., ~-ol Nowport'8eaCii, was dde~jeil
by ,...pled In the ' April acbool bMrd
eleellan. Wood Is -1<fenf ol -Vmle Raally Co. '
,Clndida1"' for ~-'1o U.. thrt\e-year ttnn must ·live in'........._ ~·liith Judge Blanpilld repruented -ID
the 'llcliool dl!ttl<I tenitory eall of Upper
Neilpoil Bay, lncludlng Balboa laland.
Afi>i;c;auons ar• available II the district
olf!Ct, 1601 Hth SI., Newport Beach. !'1 be eligible ror appointment, .., ap.
plli2nt mull be a -and ftll*rtd
... in ....,_ Ano-• 11111 -haft nolJled In the C0111!1r Ii'~ ID dots and
In''" clis1i1rt at Iteat SI days. 'l1e boorcl llu unW Oct. 24 to ... 1ect•IM
•• '
. • l )
• I i ! t.' • t
. " Coast Gets -O(>Pd . . . ..... -
View of Par.tiUl
..,( . '
8'Jlla Ana police W>$,eoclay Ct1J1b1
Joe Huber ol BU<O& Park In the act cl·
· nailing up a ifCji:i'iidliijf.'"Wllch Out -
Cop" to Ill•• awt¥ till llldlllc plaee cf a
patrol car walling for tnmc-"f01alan oa
Bristel Strtet:. • ' ' -1 ' -• • I •
Buber, of llJI Piii" .Ave., uld ht
. wanted to give the public-mi•evftl ~
But police took down bia. ptgn and pvt
· him a cltatlon for.posting ldverllainl on
J>Ubik: property.
i '
• ,, ....
~ .....
• '
-...... -·---·-·---··
c ,,,,, ;'t u,
New ·Mesa Well Probed
• -.
qt.er l)istrict _Studie.s Three Sitea '.Tonisht
. • • • • .It. ' • • ~ . ' • .t.IJ oaoildar.U.. ri a .,.. al al.ii-. A-lilrk ... _., ................ ..,... .... w1lll -ooo weU • ..-. ... to -w more lhao _--..,._,_la• Ibo 1111-~_..1e ·-a-~·· .......... -~ •--el -_..,.Ibo "'1"" -~ ' r·'-J;tlll _llllooa per m!n•te. lolo lht area · s.. D!OCo-FrMtoy: · • · ~ ;. the firm ~ flilt ~aier .
.,-, II aohtdUlcd tonfibt by dlreclon Cosli Meu ~or Alv1o P111~1<Y. a ""'pn.soied in the """' 1e00ai are• io el~ Mesa CounlY Water lllatrld. CMCWD 4freclcr; sl1d loday tbe ·aoct o1· biller qiiallty lhan Colorado RI ....
will mttt al a p.m. in oWces choice will depend on how much land the water bought trom the Metropolitan
at the M"' Civic c..ter. dblrk:t cao obtaio. Water Dlotrlct.
TJu.e potential olteo ate und<r con-H• l&ld aloo lh1t It •on't· bt 1Urprilfns 'lllfl MWD flow Is used to booot lht
-for the ,..ll. which wfU be °"' ff an aftemale att.JJ <hooai, bul tbe ,.. C.. Mua oyatem•a produclton.
of lhree 14 supplelllent the CMCWD nialolils two •J>Ola wtU llfU be consklere<! 1be atudy -fl<>m which the lhree nttwM< ol aenlce lfneo within tho DUI for the two a>ot< wells to bo drilled. lllu were choleo· Ues "Inland from the
rew yean... Recemmend&Uona for the situ: wtrt Newport·llglewood earth fault area and
AD are: on property owned by the ma4e by the ooaaWUnc firm of James f.1. comequeoUy there ia no &e1w1tq in-
Sqmtrom fllJlllly, promln<l!I Or..,. Montgomtr)' Inc., Puaclena. aller a truston.
County developers wbo ..,tOcJ Tlieada:; thoroulh 1eoloilCll ilody ol lht Wiler· A ttll earthquak• lo Sao Die'io County
14 all the tvtoluafly at1ed<d olte to the ric:h !fewpon Meoa and Downey Plain callled a mtnor ehlll in the area strate,
dlftrld. territory. shutlfnl olf one older CMCWD well,
Nllmber Ooe Is at liuo!IOw!r AvenU< Ono ol lht primarJ coosld<rajfons was which partlall;> ...Wied In pl11111 for the
east of Falr>Jew Road; Nomber Twq Is '111111111 aod -lrimt vlllfous new drillfnr.
·• ~diary Wt f'roilt P .. e 1
B:_..Jha B'-"' F ROBBERY ..• Uu , m ~ts oes pair rUOed 1Jie, upolain btdroo!na, cut " .. -r one phone utenaJoo cord and ripped
anoUier out ol the wall Of,BackBay'LandSwap n:ham~:~ .. re:i1:e .. ~!:
"!. • • ped a pair of Jade earrJop fn a platlmun
Bt .IEIUIQ r. CC)WNS ..... -..... -~ Rol>irl E. Bldllam (JI.
Ne . Belcbl 'IOiloy <ritldud crlllcl
of Upgir .Ii-.Boy 11114 u'-chanl•, ·lndudln( . ilte 0....,. Camty
Grand Jury.
Bldbam alJO -thal tbtt< )'WI
... be bad -"tile lnlnt ~y lo ·~.,..i II'' ml dWtlop Iii biy lltU
propertia GD itl own.
1tv1n< officials Ignored the advice,
however, becatllt "to be very bcnut
about It, they were more patient ·and
clvfc.mlndtd -tt lhao I ·wu at the
time," said the )ql.alator.
The Gr>nd Jury """'1117 qu.,tloned the
Back Bay nap, wlrlcb calla for ~ U·
dJanae of 117 acres or county tidelands
for 47 ams of lrrine uplmll ml -Juron ul<ed coonty 111pervbon 14.lake
anolhtr loot at the loofl-<leba!Od il<al.
The COllllly pond aplalned lbal 7'FI ol
OOllly lltlplloo m!pt be avoidocl by
devolop!Jll a nvtsed pl>n that IWa · lalO
.. settinJ on tht Ooor of the muter
accounl ~ d ..... rva11on. ~·--and le/I them ~---Badbam lod*1 !Dolcaled be ls'mll!lld at -~ ~ . the Gr'aod 'Jury for not lnvfifnl him to The llro tbeo wllklld downstairs and
teatffy on the lllbjecl before tbe jury filed Olld lhroullh the !root door.
itc 'JulJ' 17 l'.'P"'t. "Mn.. °'®lncbam made her way to a
"l ~·ii ffry folertllina: thal the pair o1-. and <Ill beneff ml her -wile ,.-1111ormailoa on tbll husband free," -.. Aid.
islae 14 tlla -J..mdl ~ ""' nol c:alJed ae 14 lallfy btlcn the Grand Silo ran 14 • oelllhbor'• -lo phone
Jury," oald -· rpeoklq ol his In-pollco while her lltllhand 1'111 upolatr1 14
volv<IDIOl·ln laadl ......-1ppmll a ~ 11111 ~ aod ·pllooed fur
of the •~ two years 110. help 11om then. ·~ 1111 Jury saw ftt 14 clll on -Alan Simi)' Jl.ll<verl)' HUis) a!ld K.,,. Jmmodlatelf after the J'Obl>«1 report itell! Cory (11-WulmJiii.!<r). They never 1l!olpn.armed police oeaJed oil tbe only
<Ollladad me until the aludy "" com· land _.. 14 tbe J>!uah lllaod commu-
plekd aod the molutloo made." nfty-4be brldit al Via Udo ml Lalay-
lladbam said he later bad a chao<e 14 eue Street. ,
cldeod tho eubanp before the Jur]I when Thert at '1J " o11f .... lha•Jocl came up duriol a dllcUJslon • :,. a.m., cen otop,....
of "&,..ral lfilalalloo" 14 which be bad a ptnt llaUOll .,.,.. ~ lhre•
been Invited. "Bu\ by tbeo tt wu 140 ~--""'! ~ the·~ men.
late.. '<::.~ 111"'6 la= ~found Bwlham oald be ..ea llOml lrolly In lhe :wm lo •~ ..-uccllp. ooe
POlfflea -by Itta "-bly colleMut .... Sim>ly .. the laue. ~. •.lollc-llint ni. -. -polf<e laltr dlJcounl<d
f ol ·~ ~-u. ··~ -· ' ... ·~ 14kf ollktrl be looic the °' -...,,.,.., ear-r -•-00. J: fnim his Jdr11rlm!, whom hi bad
In la1ned an opinion !ram tlla ll"llfomla dr""'""' olf ,_ a Lido home "llhtre Count Crea.u>a l.<slJlallve Coumoi'a -atitlot tbe ~.,... . Y <>:""' 1aoda mnm--d ,.....kllr, the .abo -itld. ~. · . • Ha IGld .police be looic It to keep her OCc DIS• tn· •Ct's "SciiM -..a~ I a c I ult• I ~ ~ lnlo .trou~l>w."' < .......... . • ~Fm,"oatheoneband ~iu ·~oo tlw-,,.,. . .. EE .. w flfll"I oi Saa ~= "'!J>Oll;.. c:ompanf""' T 6 "->" Olltlitotberbaod,·li ·'~· • •f I 'I ax • \.A:nts . ~ 14 ~-·-~by-"·ate .... ,,,~ ' ~!spaying whit
• • • 1111(;~~ """ a to P1: buina on be.r wrists ovrnei'lbtp •. t!teyt1dfoea~ flllin& portlons ' appeared: i:lrrin aod tired after th~ A six mflt., or ~1 teolhl ol oat clnl, of Upper N"'11!1rt •¥.v ID ,...ier to pul onfeal. · ·
tu rate increase for Orqe Cout Ju:nlOf publit: land lii'tri:i&t it prlvaie latida. '1 She decll.ntd photoariphs of either
c.otlq:e Diltrlct waa made thll momlnl . He emphasized thll be ls ter1.much 1n herself or her huaband. Reporters were
by Oranae COUnty Supervisot1. , favor of the aounty-lrviDe Company nOt alJowtd l.ru:ide the home.
The adjustment In lht previous!;> ap-lramactioo. "1 lhlnk tt'a ttm. lhat we pl
proved tax rate of 83.s.t ctnll fOf' this an with it.." he uid. "'Ibe ~
5Chool year was neceau.ry, County basJcall7 ta nat ~r or no\ the bay
Auditor Vic Heim said btca.,. "laoda In-!hould be developed, bul • who l1loufd
volved in the queatlonable Upper Newport develop it."
Bay asstmnent were included."
Cauniy Aaaeisor Andrew J . Hinshaw,
becauae he disputes deeding of 1aoda by
the Irvine Company to the county, has
155med all lands in the Upper Bay uea.
aa one lump parcil, not breakln1 tbtm up
II Couiity Counsel Adrian Kuyper Wilbea
into public and private land.!.
The Upper Bay Jandl already have
been deleted from the auesaed val~Upo
roll upon which city of Newport Buch
and Newport...Me&a Unilled S c ho o I
District tu rates are baaed unW a Kl-
llement of the dispute.
1be: supervisors' action today brin1s
the junior college district into line wilb
the other two jurisdictions.
Orange Coast Junior Colleae Jina.nee.
dirtctor Correllan Thompson uid a little
over $1$ mlllion is involved out of the
diJtrlct's total assessed valuation of $934
He said trustees previously had voltd a
~nt 1,1 rate lncre12 from ~7 cents
per $100 of assessed valuation last year to
83 cents per $100 this year.
Dhlli 1'1101
OUNOa COUl' "Vil llMltte CCIMP.ut't
...... H.W"4 .,. ..............
Ja1!l l . Cwt4.y
V'-"'"""""' .... ._. ... ,,.,.. ..
n._., w.~11 ··-Tli.1'111 .... MYlph~•
..-. ........ 1•1ier
c ........ .,...
JJO Wnt .. , St'"t
Mt1li~1 A44rtu; ,,0, IM 1160, •t•t• --....._,....,.,U'I,~ ........... ~ ..._ -71:,. ,,_, .,_
I' ....... : .......
Cute Pup Brings .
On Not-so-cute
Rear.end Crash
A cute 1patiiel puppy Wednudl)' cau•
cd a YOID'1I COit.a Mtn pi ~ drive into
Lbe rut al a parked car in Balboa, and
both lht ml anolher ,UI pa.,..,.,-were
The·puppy wbfch bad been slttln1 In lht
paasqt.r'I lap, WU not lnjlU'ed.
POUce said Nancy Kelleher, 17, or 891
Center St., ~ta Mesa, 1 u r fer e d
moderate chest injw1ea and bruises In
tbe 4 :SO p.m. crash.
Her passenger. Tylene SmJth, 11. of the
same Center Strett .addrtu, rttetved
sevual deep fd and sca1p cuts after
her head went partially through tht
Police said Mias Kelleher wa' driving
her E111illh sedan 90Ulhbound on Balboa
Boulevard near 15th Street . when ahe
turned to look at the puppy. Her car '
swerved out of the lane of traffic and hit
the rear of an auto parked near lht
centtr divider.
The car belongs to '1terri1ee Wlntuowd,
13, Of 2U Gamet Ave., Balboa Island.
Both o1 the Injured &lrl1 were treated
at Hoaa ·Memorial HOl!ipltal.
The puppy was lodged at a Corona de! 1'1~r veterinarian's oUkt for saftketplna,
officers said.
Mesa Eyes Plans
On Development
Recommendallonl Oii •lepf>ln1 ahead
with Plana for urban rtdevelopment (,(
downtown Cost.a Meu will bt made to d·
Ly COWJ<:iinltll Monday by Plnanf"I
Dl-.r Wllllam lluM.
A lerles of le.Uen to various consu1tln1
Jlnnl IOlldUnr ldw on lhe projecl hu brou&bt aome rtpliea Ind also IOmt ::i=. conalder lht job, Dunn l&fd
ff! plant to IUQul btg!Mi"I ln-
ftnrieWS with the lnttrested consultant!,
1IDC1 • t$0,000 overall datan ptcbge
must bt cbooen by tar!;> '970 and will
take about a year to complete.
'lllt 11 to Q million project 111<11 wfll
be done under the l11Je '1 114? ...Sevtlop-
meut Ad, wltb ~of the flnancln& COf'I\•
tni ftol'n a tas freue on the atta
dtat&naltd for a new look .
from the rtmalnl, ml fd<nUfy the pro-
ba.ble alJt and •it of whoever died inside
the car, police said.
Some backbone, rib, leg and arm bones
wen found, said police lab technicians,
u well u a sock full of foot and ankle .........
No skull was found either in the car or
on the murky bottom of the pcod.
"The ld<ntllfcaUoo proc<ss b moving
slowly," explained Velnt, "because most
per,aona lnvQJved when the car was stolen
, in 1tH have moved IWIJ and we can't
, contact. them."
Velne a1ao denied previous reporta that
two petlOnl mlsbt have been inside the
"I never heard that," he said.
The .car lllelf, now a complete "1tck
and wftb Ila 14p obeartd off by flrtmen,
is at a auto wreci:lng ya.rd. It wu lden·
llfied u the auto stolen f r o m
Westmlnljer by a llcenu plate.
"II loob like wbo<ver took lht car
m1131 have been travtlllni at high speed
up Goldenweit Slrett to have 1lld that far
into the Jake," said Vtlne. It WIS found
abo¢ 3$ feet wtlt ol where tbe orlglnll
road-bed wu.
Wartmm are c:urrenlly wldenm1 .and
lowertai Gold<nwest Stred In prtpara-
Uon for a Cllltral city park ll1lmllUIC1fo&
both Talllert and Hunllngton Lakt!.
"Our 'closest link ...,.. lo bt wllh lht
m~ Ganim Grove boy,'' concluded
Velne, 0 bu.t we haven't identified him
)'et. lt11 the only tblna we bave \o &o on
at the moment."
Nell B. Grannis
Succumbs at 79
Strvlces Wl\1 be held at 11 a.m. Satur-
day In Pacllk: View ·Memorial Park
<l>apel for NeU 8. Grannfl who died
Tueaday fn Boutb Coallt Community
Hospital alter a Jona 111nesa. She wu 7t.
M~. G~ ~-In-law ol the late
muJU-milUOnatn financier H ow a rd
Ahrnanoon, ,..; a raldeot of Comia del
Mar for II yun. .Sbe made her home at
:Dt Orchid Ave.
Ac:tlvt tn coinmunity affaln, the was a
member ol tbe ilepublfcan Woman's
Club, the Garden Club aod the Opera
Club. •
Sunlvor1 hlchldt her dauJl)ller, Mn.
Dtnnll Sullivan ol Hatbor llland; a
broCJl<r, H. Parker llollao ol 01kland,
Calfl.ml a 1'11141on, Jlowlnl Allmanaon
lournment will be al ·Pacific View ~temcrl1l Park, Corona dtl Mu • ,
... -.--. ., ...
' • ,. ' ' ' ! ••
' ' ' i · ' Tht ~ pf olllhote oil rip •lone
--the orup CO..t IOlltb or the Santa Ana
A•• Eagle tor Estancl4 .".
La.Urie Bill and Patti Greer, students at Costi. Mesa's Estancia High
School, admire new art work adorning gymnasium at the school.
Eagle Is Estancia mascot. Painting was done by Wallace Parker
chairman of the high •chool'• art department. '
. I
Vietnam War Pace Grows
As Ho Truce Period Ends
SAIGON (AP) -American and enemy
forces !tepped up operations today
followin1 the end of a truce tbat bad
quieted the VletnarD battlefield far three
U.S . .spokesmen slid American military
activity wu incrf:ased to meet an
"enemy initiative" that included 37
rocket and mortar attacks aod two
ground . as~ulls shortly after the l a.m.
encl'" o[ t.he Viet Cong cease.fire for· the
funeral of North Vietnamese President
Ho Chi Minh. ".
Most .of the attacks were in the area
··_.; ., ' .
SA Heights Road
Contract A warded
A contract for work on three roads in
the Santa Ana Helghl! area was signed
by Oranse Gounty llJPtrvl!on Wednes-
day wltb lht GriUllh Company, of Cosla
lif~sa, low of four bidders at $S,910.
The ccatract is ror improvements to
Azure Avenue from Bayview Avenue to
Orchid Street; Redlands Drive from
RJveralde Drive to Mesa Drive, and
Riverside Drive from Redlands Drive
to Mesa Drive.
Crom Saigon north to the Cambodian
border. ·
The rocket and mortar allacb wound·
ed 31 Amerlcan1, U.S. headquarters sald.
Four other Americans and 37 enemy
'"""" ..... reported killed and 11 Amerlc:ans wound<d fn IP'llll1d fiJhtlng in
lhe first IJ bour.s after the cease-ffrt.
"~e's an Jncreue of enem1 activity
· from yeaterda1, bat we do not consider it
a high point," said a spokesman for the
U.S. COmmaod. "It's a clear resumpUon
of what they have been doiJli before their ---•--. ' ce~. "We're"'up~. about U 'mu~ as
they art= In the level or activity. Jtl pft)t·
ty much to meet ·the ·tnefn7 lruilatJVe."
'J'he allied rommand1 also annoanced in
their weekl) casualty report diat
American cuualties dropped 25 per cent
last week, the total of enemy dead drop-
ped sllghtly aod Soµtb V!¢namese_to...s
rose sharply.
U.S. headquarters said 137 Americans
\\'ere tllled in acUon and 1,449 were
wounded, compared with 115 kllled and
1,057 wounded in the previous week. This
brought total reported A m e r I c a n
casualties in the war to 38,450 killed in
action and 2U,602 wounded, with another
1,3.'ll listed as misslng or captured.
The Sal,gon government reported 502 of
i~ troops killed last week and 1,110 wowr
lllver Jelly II -• remote today ~
eytt WGre.
Slfll' lt1lalatlon jUli ~pd b T eo • .,... 'Reagah ... .,.., tha4 accotdlnf
to Coastal ~; Protective Lcaiue
Chairman Vidor C. Anclrtws.
Andrews al5o revealtd that the CAP[.
la ntptfttlng wllb the cllleo of Ruolfli&-
too Beach ond Newport Beach far a
"buffer zone" ~ e t w a e n Huntington
· Btacil'a ol/-e oil pladol"l!13 and the
Ntwporj dty llmilS. ,
H...Unit"!' "Beach l. ool lnc:luded In the
coulal· linc:bwy croal<d by the Shell·
Ctuminpam Ad 13 yean '80. .
Tbe "butter zone" Andrews exp1aiotd
. wr.uld encumpass approximately a flv~
·• mile·long of!ahore area. ' lo which no
olqhort oil platfonna •ould be allowed.
Measurer sirned by Reagao lightening
the Shell Cupniogham regulationa: SB-61
_and ASQ2, Aodr..., oafd. The ffnl blll,
authored by State Stn11tor Donald Grun·
lky (ll-San Matllo) ml amanded by
A"""blyman Robert Badham · ( R .
Newport ll<achl, prohibits explor'atory
drilling in the sanctuary, which extends
three miles out.
The Grunsky Jtaisla°""', Andrews e1·
plained, was ortilnaDy desJined to pro-
tect tb~ Mohterey irea, also en-
compassed by the Shell Cunnlnsbam Ad.
At the CAPL's request, Badham IUC--
ceeded in broaden!ng the Grunsky's blll
coverage to Include the Orana:e Cout
''This ia the single moet important step
toward shoring up the Shell CunnJngham
Act," said Andrews. "Befort all th~ iit-
dustry had to do was to go before the
State Lands Commsision and ask for an
eiploralOry drllllng pumiL Under the
Grunst;y bllf, tbll cao no 1.,,.er bappeo.
DrilllD& llkt that II now prollfblled." .•.
.. AB.QI provides ·~doulale prOteetiaa",
said Aodrtws, by comi>eliJnl the alate lo
give llO days notice prior to puhllc bear-
ings Oii Ill)' requests from the oll 1od""'7
!bat relate to tbt oll unctuaey -
'""1ls wu never done ~e," be:iild.
"AIMii ior the flrat lima II.., local .
<'ities ample time to pi'epare &.t n,tlt
againlt Ill)' oil fndUJtry lnllillloos." • ·' . . .. · l.
Burg1ars Take
$500 . µ. Tools
lli&h-ptrlormaace auto ·enilne a.-.
soriei and auorted mechlnka tools
total.Ina '50> were stol~ in two aepar1te
Coste )!.,. 1mre burllarteJ reported
Wedneaday .
Virginia G. ,Hall, ol , 3141 Limerick
A'f., said QOO worth of .,,.in. parla
were removed from a vehicle parked in
her garage.
Robert D. Labo, of 914 W. llllh SL, lold
• officers he lmt $200 in tools stored In bis
open 1arqe .
Savin~ on
' O,.n Mon., Thurs., & Fri. 1., ...
' I
The Ntw U.S. Gr1nt Lti1d1 Ftllow Hips Into Fray
·u.s. Grant' Ba~k -Loves His Countr y, Hippie Commune
Out.side the main building of the hippie
commune an American fla_g wisps genUy
on its pole. Another American flag flies
oo the grounds amid the e-0m, squash,
beans, pears, apples, nectarines and
"I love my country," says Ulysses S.
Grant, 31. who claims to be the rein-
carnation of the president and civil war
generaJ, is the "sheriff" of thls ccm-
mune. The main building-is the
Grant says his colony ot 25 hippies in
the foothills of the Sandia Mountains do
not claim ownership to the land and
111.nyone wJ» thinks they do own it "is
being bamboozled.'"
Al Briley, a rancher and ~ator of an
:Albuquerque ,pharmacy, ·dolS claim' lo
have ·a lease on the land. And he wants
the hippies out.
He said he will go to eourt to. have
them evicted. Briley and Sandoval Coun-
ty Sheriff Emiliano Montoya served evic-
t.ion papen on the hippies. The sheriff
said be went along to "ensure Jaw and
order when the papers were served."
.. They have no right lo be there,''
Briley said. "Jt doesn't bother me lo
serve them In my pharmacy, but when
they are on my property, that Cs
somel.h.ing else."
•·we have an omen from God that we
should stay," said ·Grant, who5e legal
name is indeed Ulysses S. Grant.
Grant said he and his "brothen" live
on the land in accordance with-the Treaty
(If Guadalupe Hidalgo, which eoded the
Mexican War.
"How can (Briley) run me out o{ town
just because he doesn't like my looks?"
Grant said. "You look at our land and
you can see it is not overgrazed. It's well
taken care of. We're treating it right.
The coountme includes %1 aduJts and
thtte children, with two more oo the
It's All in the Name
;when It Comes to Music
Of file DllllT r 1i.t S!lff
Musical instrument& seem the bane of the Laguna Beach Festival of Art.a
erist<?nce. Once there was an organ that the rats got into and •• , but that'1
anolher story. ~· .... At any rate, the f'estival board Tueeday decided to buy a piano, a good
Wllh Direetor Helen Keeley directin& -at least recommending -the
board decided on a Blulhner, a German make, for about
$4.500. It was one of the alternatives she pre:;enled and
the one sbe recommended.
Director Stuart Durkee who can play the organ that
the rats got into and j • , but that'11 another yarn. Anyway
Durkee, who ha! heard a lot of gocxt pianists, admitted as
much and mentioned Lhat tbey seemed t.l play Steinway
* Mrs. Keeley recommended lhat Durkee research lhe
matter with pianists and piano tuners. He doesn't know
any piano tuners. Director Paul Griem noted that the Steinway company does
a tremendOWJ public relations job in conjunction with its piano sales.
After comlderation, Durkee said thal Mra. Keeley had researched the
maUer and if 11he recommended a Bluthner, a Blulhner it should be. In a
chord of harmony the bolrd agreed. The Festival of Artl Forum would have
its stage graced with a new Bluthner along with the electronic organ that the
rats once got to.
But wall -some suspense mwic please -after the board meetin1 md·
ed, the board mel again in private as it usually doea at the end of reauJar
They decided to buy a Steinway'""f:oc not more than SS,.500. The price Is
apparently being negotiated with a Steinwq representative who appeared
somewhere along the line doing a good public relations job.
What of the or1a.o? That's reel!Y another story but the board bouJht It
a few years ago as a deftnse agaiM. salary demands Crom ttle musfclau
Jt worked quite well but not agalmt the musici•m union. The ·orcbestta cot Its pay raise, probably the organist too.
Then the pack rats came In the dead of night and departed with part of
the organ's innanb. Ili soarm, voice was muted.
The Festival board decided to sell lbe organ. No one wanted it afler lbc
internal gnawing.
In a what-the-heck hometown ~ure the board dedded to (ive It to lhe
IC:hool dlstrlct for the high school auditorium.
Jn one of 1hme polite letters that school pe:op1e write, the tchool board
declined the organ at lust as Iona as it suffered internal ravages. The FesUval
thought ol spUtUng the coot ol repairs but decided to be bli •bc>rt It and , ..
pair the organ.
The school district toot il Later the 11ehool dlltrict gave It back. It works
fine though. Durkee has played and '° did an organist at the openlfii of lbe
Forum. wh.ich is what the Featlval call.I itt new theater.
Coming up wilb that name took a bit of doing, but that't lnOther story.
Tlwnlar, s..t.mw 11. 196' , · ,_ o.\Jt.v Pilar ii
(J.S •. Di~sension · H olonging War?
By ARmuJt R. VINSEL °' .. ~...,.. ......
Picture o. dtlkate ,dove' of puco wl!JI
a' gun mlllZle prelS<d alilnat uch 11<16
of Ila head. -
.This la.¥>. today, ' ..
. llatbor Area bosineu conauillht Wlillu B!'J"Ol'IM ~uued h!a ,., F.aat trav ...
of Jut AprD 111>1 M01 1W.W.eaday ii!. a Wk belore eo.ta Mesa llolaiy ~b. ,
1Tbe former publiaber of , lbe Orange
Cout DAILY PILQT toured 1t his own expense ·w11h olher members of the
Defense OrientaUoo Qderence Asaocia·
Uon. ·
·•11 was aomewhat dilheartened. Al·
though'-I am a ilaturaJ• optfmist, •• Saki
Burroughs, "I'm peM1mistic and a UWe gloomj." .
The im...wm 'visit by , the FOUP which mm. ...,..,_tioRs coDctm. il1jl U. s. de!ense begai> ratber lljbt.
hiarlediy'ln Ra,..U 'and lumed p "'
I Ja-aintrlp U transport pJanis
flew In bnnclndl ,i wounded Gr., be aid.
The. veteran newspapermtn spent time
II\ South Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand,
the NaUoiiallstCbiilele laWxlJ ol Taiwan
and Quemoy, pJus,J apan.
North Vietnam ls Hkeiy to continue a
Joog, drawn-out batUe aga.imt tis ene-
mies, despite the ' facti the CommurUst
regime would love to have an end to the
"They delay, because they expect tG.
win in the U. S./' Burrouallll "sa.id, add·
ing glumly, "and I'm oot so sure tbey!re .
not winning." •
He was referrir.g to-disaension at home
over the war.
"And l'm not a member of the John
Birch Society," be added. "In fact, the
Cqmmun.lsts make gocxt use of that organ.
ization to create discord."
Burroughs said the Communistl are
cwming and well uperienced at laylna
the groundwork for a natioo'a intelnal
disorder to hasten their own revolulion-
iIY control.
Vietnam's neighboring Thailand Is a
wonderful, exotic nation, he added, but
has difficulty with in.mnecti.on In It&
nortbetn provinces.
The picture is a bit better in South
College Beckons
David ' and Julie
As Summer Ends
WASHINGTON (UPI)-Julie and David
Eisenhower are geUing ready to go bact
to college-ttluctanUy.
The Elsenhowen are winding up a
summer stay at the White HOUie and will
be ret.umlng Olla wee.tend to their $95 a
month Tudor apartment In Norlhamp.
tan, Mass., for one more year.
Jillie ia a senior at Smith College and
David will be in biJ final year at Am-
herst, commuting W: miles every IChool
day from Northainpton.
Asked wbelher be WU looking forward to goJng'bact tG 8Cbool,-DaTid. JI, shook
hi! head and &aid: 11No."
Then he pointed to Ilia wife, Julie, JI,
and said ''She hates to go back even
more than I do." "Are you tlddlna"
J utte said, with a look of a1tonlahment
when asked whether she wu happy to
be returning.
David said he had "a lot of fun relax·
Ing" lhls summer at the President and
Mrs. Nixon's new ·callfornia villa by the
sea in San Clemente. He played golf
several Umes a week wjth hls father.ln-
law-beatJng him often-during bis stay
at the Western White House. Julie, a
golf beginner, is learning to swing and
has one big ambit.ion, accordlng to her
mothtr: "To beat David."
David'• clam& begin on Sept. 16, and
Julle goes back to school two days later.
Both will eraduate in June.
Trip, to Miami
Lure for Beach
Grid Contest
A possible trip to MJaml, Fla. ll the
lure in the Huntington Beach RecresUon
and Parks Department annual "Punt,
Pas.s and Kick Conte.st" for boys from 8
through 13.
The event wiD be held starting at t :30
p.m.1 Oct. 4 at four playgrounds with the
wlnnen qualifying to compete for lhe ci-
ty champkmshlp, Oel 11 at the city gym.
nasium grounds, 16th Stred and Palm
'Itle qualifying events will be held at
Meadow Vlew School, 5702 Clark Drive;
Murdy Park, Nonna Clrde and Golden
West Street: Wardlow Park, Magnolia
str .. t and Piot1'<1' Drh-e, and lhe ll)'m-
naslum grounds.
There will be lndividual d:l:viaions for
youngsters in each age from 8 throqh U.
First, second. and third place trophies
for each age group will be awarded and
wlnnera of tile city finaia will be eligible
to particlpaio In regional conlw. The
NalJOllal flna'3 are scheduled !or Miami
at the N1Uooal Football League puyoll
game, Jan. 31 1870.
Each boy will compete in three
categories, punting, paulng and kk:ktnc
and eaclt cooio.<lant Is allowed but one ol-
flclai try al each 1klll.
Nixon Names Humes
Australian Envoy
Nixon bu llAJlled John P. Hum<t, 41, a
New York lawyer, 1.1 ambasndor to
Auatralla. Humes will replace Doug1aa
MacArthur ll who bu been IWll<d am-
bassador lo Iran.
In addlUon, the Senate Forelp Rela-
tions Committee ha.a approved two other
nornJn1Uon1 -Charles W. Adair Jr. 11
ambauador to Uruguay and Hobell M.
Sayre u ambassador to Panama.
Koru, "'-crock ROK troops &re
belpin1 °"t In lhe Vietnam Wu, while
mainWnlJ1I -dMaiOlll on lhelJ' own• tense 18th paraOel border.
!«>ls, wllh 112 ROKa and II Americans
tilled in 1911," he Aid, "we didn't find
~ there.1•
nlsla bombarded the ...... but the
Defense Oti•nioU.O COlllatnce -
lion WU .....
"What liq be<ll done to help Korea's
lelf-<left111e .,.,...... la nolhln& short ol mlroeulOUI,. •!Jumuihl eJplained, m<n-
tlonin1 staUll.lcs ot 6ordet cll!bea, pJu•
Nottb Kore.an war riromtses.
''There are CGRSl.ant contaeb by pa-
North Korean Premier Kim n Suhg's
lntdllgence sourcea f•iled him &UgbUy,
however, and they dld nol learn of the
VIP sroup's visit unUI a doy liter, he
Believing them to be In the Demiliior·
tied ,Zone, Burroughs said, the Commu·
Bum>agJu . uld· k "" ...-U, shortenin.t hil coveraae ot 1.JI tbat. wu
.... andneanl on lhe Allan !Dur, but hi
wasn't pleased by much •
"There ii no pa-..and I doni ,..
•RY hope for pact for • Iona time lo , come,.. ~ coocluded. 1
i '
. . . . . :: ,;; .
~ ,;I ••• •• . ,
' .. t• .... • • • • • • • ••
·:;.· ·:r, ~ .... , '
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11! . ·'
11/i ....
; ! .
• ,,,.., '"j:
j! . I .• f!I' • •
/ i ,I
' .
Levi 's~pants are made for t ough k id~
t hey 're guar anteed
111'11 ill J\1111 poi:kel-s~fflll, "ff....iteis, llll<tjll!pt<S ••• l..e!i$' C111tab111
llll IOlllh -tan •~ti" boy"" 1iil II!""· "sUperPanls"~rt iMdt of""""
1"i)1ofel and col!oo "Sletls11111". ll's llulad wiill dOJblHcti01 Scottb.ianl•ancl '-'
sil!O ~leaSt action. The Sbt-lns!'l'Od loob ,..,;, 'llillt no '""in1 ••• em.
SuPlf Pants; 1-\2, retular or sliia, ~21.,·30" wais t, t• tevi't Ori&inal Blue.•
1-io.ntrHler!) •II coltQI, llSjnlOJfled; Z7"·30u 111Jst, UI
S!O!I fM 8'yu .
; ' " .
-7 I..,; -· .. --• ., . " .
' ! ••
' . ' . ... ' . ~I~ . ::I!< .....
ft ewporl Cen!!r 11 Fashl11t Island • ·644-2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri. JO:OO lill 9:30 Olller days 10:00 6115:30
, ..
~ • •• • ' • i
' •
I <
• I
" ..
T""*t, s.,i.-11, 1'69
Nixon to Address U~N .
Vietnam, Mideast. Possibl.e Topics for Speech
will -the Jllil _,,, ol lilt
u.u..i Nall"" Gtnml Aaatmb1)1 sept.
,... lilt White -llUIOWICed loday.
Press secretary Ronald Ziegler said
·•·-'--'-' ... ""'-'"""---...,.,.. the President probably would use the ... occasion of the visit to meet privately
with representaUve. of other countries, • What sbouldn't happen to a poll· bul)ie oaJd be had no inlGrnllltion on
tician did. Television newsmen cov-aiiy specific meetings.
tred. two big events at Great Falls He a.llo C!OUJd give no information on
!l!onl.-lhe arrival ol Gov. o .. ,,.; lbe IUbject ol lbe President's address.
Nigh ol Oklahoma and tile clean!Jlg bul U a_.-ed llkel1 NISOn would ~J
th d --•-•. wllh tw ol tht '-* pressing foreogn of. e owntown sewer i,U.NU, .,,,,. problemt he raca u. war ln Vietnam
the film showed Lt. Gov. Tom llld -lo tht Mlddlo Eal!. ~udg~ of Mont-~ Nle=.t The e;.,,.;ai -!>IY convones
the aJrport, tllo ~ ~ Tuadl7. Nlxoo will ~ aomt time
inadvezWltly mtcliod audio pu. bdore t a.m. PDT oo 1lwrtday, tile
Viewers aaw a llDillD.c &overnor l'bHt 11ou1e aid.
gay, ult smeU. pretty b8d down Z1egJer also IMCIWICed:
h~ but we've been blowln& bo.t -Friday'• big Vlelnlm war.and-peace
air Uiroue JI Ill day." Judge re-atrue&1 -would be held at lilt plied, UJt I 11111 U fe<!I deep, but
we're meltlllg progress."
I~-., .. D111J ..... IMJ
Wblia llouM llaril!ll at 1:111 a.IQ. PDT.
It hid been upectOd -"' that It would bo al COJ11P David, lllit. Nb<On
will •o to ~p David Frldo7 all<rnoon
to -Iha nighl. -Nixoo bas selected Secor Browne, ~.
of Llncoln, Mau., aince March an aaaist-
ant secretary ol the Department of
TransportaUon, as a member and chair-
man of the Civil Aeronautics Board. He
will succeed John Crooker, the present
chairman who baa resigned eflectlve
Sept. 30.
Ziegler said be npected no Immediate
announcements would come from the
Vietnam review and that deci!ions made
there would only emerge in the coming weeks.
The White House has characterir.ed the
meeUng, which will be attended by top
military and diplomatic strategi!ta, as a
1eneral review of the Vietnam situation.
Coming under close &erutiny will be the
prospects for withdrawing mDre U.S.
• Weapons Foes Meet U.S. Officials
0.. oj Ill< tDOTld'a fop J.,hlon
tno<kl4 Et>a G1chop/, shotDn l1o "" ,.,..
dated file photo, Jell to h<T d<alh
while climbing 4 tree in Hurlq, N.Y.
Miss Cschopf, a red-haired nattOt of
Vienna and an ethereal beauiv toho
commanded $15 an hour for poring,
oome to the U.S. for a sesdon with
ph.otog1apMr1 at King.tton, N.Y. • A gunman described as about 15
years -old entered Mabel's Corner
Cafe In Oakland, shot boles In two
coffee poU to back bis demand for
money, and pedaled furiously aw111
on a bicycle with $30 in loot.' • When a skunk wandered into~
El Cerrito, Calif. Police Station,
Dispatc:her Robert Rasmusten de-
cided to chase it out for the benefit
of the other officers who would be
dropping by. The animal respond-
ed angrily-and Rasmussen had
the station all to himself for the rest of tile day. •
When Suzanne Smith, 5, of
Bult. Engl.and toas ruked bu her
teaeht'I' to draw a picture of the
Prh&ce of Walea, 1he drelD a la~ green whale 'With a red
mouth and wearing a crown. Su,.
zmme'~ teacher.t &ent the pictuf'~
to Bu.cktn.gham Pal.ace and Su..
umne -receioed a letter from the
heir to the Briti.th throne, ez.
prtsdng pleasure wirh the pfo.
ture and offering best toishei.
• Not many young females moo
. False Ecooomy Criticism Fly 10 Rites
For Dirksen WASHINGTON (AP) -SarJa!ara ,..k.
ID& to defer major' new wupcm Jl"O-
grams found lhll week Ibey wen nmnlng
loto oppooitlon from oolleagJJes -In-
cluding former aUlea -who view their
latest pnl!lOoala u W.. ocooomy.
The result ll an lncrusing likelihood
that, when the Senate finally compleW
the f20 blllicn milltar7 procurement
Kopechne f.ase
Arguments Due
B06TON (AP) -The road w,. clear
today for the MassachuaeUa Supreme:
Court to set a date for beartng arguments
on the constitutional questJons which
have bloc:ked tbe inquest. into the death of
Mary Jo Kopechne, but when the bigh
court would act was uncertain.
'lbe devtlopment came with the filing
lat. W-ay o1 all the pre.lnqum
~ and rulinp made in the case by
~ Dl!tricl Court Judgea James
A. Boy~ bdcn wt..n the inqurst ultlmatolf la to be held. .
The inquat wai wppo5ed lo have ...
started Sepl. I, but A.-,i. Supreme
Court JUltice Pllll C. llemlon-it
delayed ontU the bigh court•• lull bench
could bear the arguments dealing with
the ~tutlonal question&. He also
oougbt Boyle's 1'COl'ds. ·
Reardon acted on ·• petition from at-
lomeys for Sen. Edward M. K""1ody, in
...-car Mia Kopeclme died Joey II,
authorization bill, mooetary reductions
• will be • .,, IJllall.
So far ooJy $70.8 million ha! been cut,
$25 mllUon from the Pentagon's con-
tlogency fund and ~.8 millioo fur social
eclence research. IM the military critics
have · woo hnportant rest:rict.ioM on
cbemlcal and blologlca1 warfare, a re-
quir!lllenl for tig!il« audlt!ng of defense
oootndl and~ mallict of in-
t..-..t dllcJosure.
A proposal lo cut 153.1 m1Ulon for the
CSA aupercargo plane lt'U defeated 64-23
earUer thia week after many senators
argued the program ia needed to enable
!he United States lo reduce 113 troop
ltrm,tb oveneu.
And along th1a same line, Sen. Marlow
W. Coot used economy as an argument
Wednesday against an amendment to
defer $377.1 millloo for a new nuclear-
powered aircraft carrier.
Cook, a Kentucky Republican who was
a Itron& llJpprter d earlier moves to
1im1t the Pentagon, pollltedout 111at three
d. the nation'• 1$ earritrl are ZS years
old and ..,. la II years·old.
"If we rtfuae to ccmUnue to modernize
our Naiy. at\d obv1cualy we have been clroulnl OllJ" feet in Uil~ nprd for
yean, we Plac:e ourselves In the poeiUoa
..... the -f4 -old camero
...i ~ alrtrafl Is -hlgher," O>ol: Aid,
A vote cm the canier iMUe is scheduled
for Friday alternoon.
Sem. Henry M. Jacq,,, ([).WBBh.).
and llMry F. Byrd Jr. ([).Va.), noted
Coogress alresd)' baa coounlUed $132.t
million In the carrier •
Pike •Alive!'·
Widow Predicts Spiritual Meeting
SAN JOSE (AP) -Tbe widow ol Dr.
James A. Pike &a)'l lhe 11 '°sure of h1I
opirituaJ survival that she bell<• .. be will
communicate with her dlreetl)o lllld DOl
through a medium.
'Ibe former Diane Kennedy, 31, the
thJrd wile of Iha former Epiloopal bilhop
of California, spoke at a news conference
Wednesday lw than 24 hours alter
Pike'• burial, in a tiny Prolestant
cemetery In Jiffe, Israel.
became stuck and they started walking
ouL Pike's Jep gave ou" lo.Ira. Pike said,
and she went on for Imp.
Mrs. Pike still wore bandages !tom her
"l feel if there Is to be any com-
munication between w:," she aaid, "if
there is anything to come through, lt will
c.ome to me directly.'"
PEKIN, 111. (UPI) -'!'be body of Ben.
Ev~ M. Dirksen, aboard the p-eaiden-
Ual Jetliner, left lile nalioo'1 capital to.
day for burfaJ in the prairie earth near
this town wbich sent him to Congress J.I
yea.rs ago.
Dirkseo'1 widow, Loue.lla, other £amily
members, Sen. Charles H. Perey (!\.Ill.),
and members of Dtrk.sen's ataff ac-
companied tile cuket aboard Air Forca
Vice Preaident Spiro T. Agnew and
more than 100 tenaton and congressmen
came on three other Jeta to pay their last
tributea to the colorful lawmaker who
hJd been Senate minority leader for
nearly 10 year•.
Schoola and government offices here
closed far the day. Virtually aH of the
businesses in Pekin planned to shut their
doors from noon until 3 p.m.
By midmorning, about lOO carloads or
townspeople had already gathered at the
grave ait.e in GlandaJe Memorial Gardena
east ol here. Flowers, including lhe
marigold. Dirbeu'1 cbolce for a naUonal
flower, lined Ule W-foot approach to the
Sen. Howard Baket' ( R-T en n.) ,
Dlri<Mn'• ·100.IJ>lihf,. bll' wile and the
Dlrbens'. only diiJ&ht.tt• Joy, their
children, Darek, lfli and cynthla, 13, and
the late aenatcr'1 twirr brother, Tom
Dtrksen, were also aboard Air Forc.e O!le.
'Ibe airborne cortege waa eXf)eeted lo
land at nearby Peoria lihorily afternoon.
'!'be body and mournen will mate the
hall hour trip to U1e cemete'ry in a
DETROIT (UP!) -G.neral Moton
Corp. today announced prlc< increa>es on
113 1970 model °"' •• .. aging $Ill per
car, includll)l '31 for new equl~L ~
GM prkes are expected to set the trend
for the enUre auto industry. The lnc:rease
in the base price ci the cars averaged 3.9
Lendinf, Helping Hand
..,,., ......
An American Green Beret (right) and a South Vietnamese soldier
assist a wounded Vietnamese soldier to a medivac helicopter follow·
ing fighting near the Special Forces camp at Due Phong, 40 miles
north of Saigon.
Gigantic Nuclear Blast
Touched Off in Colorado
underground nuclear explosion equal in
force to 40,000 tons of TNT jarred
western COiorado Wednesday. B u t
whether it shook a billion dollars worth of
natural gas free from buried rock forma.
tions remains to be seen ne.1t spring.
The~e Energy Comm.is.sion said no rad.ioa ·vity escaped into the at-
Airer six days of weather-ea used delay,
the blaat went off at the scheduled hour
despite about 60 objectors who marched
into the observation tent while predetona-
tion eeremoniea were in ~·
The protesters, mosUy rrom the resort
community of Aspen and the town of
Cedaredge, said they feared the blast and
a posslble fJurry of contaminated gu
later would release a radioactive ronn of
hydrogen called trltiwn into the ·at-
mosphere and then into the food chain.
The ground at the observation site, aix
rntrea from the blast, surged upward
enough to shake spectators when the
charge went off, then jiggled for several
seconds. Dust clouds rose along the crest
or the mounta!N for 10 miles or more.
One big cloud marked a landslide high up
on one mOWllain.
A few rocks tumbled down on. highways
which had been blocked to prevent any
Ho Shrine Planned
TOKYO (AP) -The rt.mains of Presl·
dent Ho Chi Minh or North Vietna.m will
be preserved in a mausoleum to be
erected in Hanoi, a Japanese report from
Hanoi sald today.
Bricks were knocked of{ chimneys in
evacuated houses near the blast and in
Grand Valley and Rifle, the c10&eSt
towns. Several bricks fell from an old
com.ice on the Grand Valley post office.
The blast was felt In Grand Junction, 40
miles southwest, but· no damage was
reported. A few miles away a shopkeeper
at Colorado National Monument .said ClllS
were shaken from a shelf.
Colorado School ol Mines at Golden
reeonled the blast on a seismograph and
listed it at 5.5 on the Richter acale, an
earthquake intenJity capable ol lnfi.lctini
damage when centered on an lnbabited
The explosion, named Project: Rulilon.
for a 1ong-va.nisbed village, wu part of
the government'• Plowshare program to
fmd peaceful~ for atomic enera.
Policeman's Son
Shoots Father
CIUCAGO tUPf) -Paul Thompoon
Jr., a Chicago policeman's 28-year-old
son, fatalty shot his father and a family
friend Wednesday and then wa,, slalo by
other police office.rs.
After the shooting interrupted a calm
1-0Uthwest. side residential neighborhood,
dead were Patrolman Paul Thompson, 59.
his 11:1n Paul Jr., and Mrs. Pe1rl Ololon,
SI , in whose home tbe first shots were
The tragedy still remained unexplained
today although police sald they were
ehecltlng reports that the son had a
history of emolionaJ instability.
contentedly while undergoing a
beauty treatment but when you're
a cow what else can you say? The
cow in question was one of a num-
ber whose hooves were given a
coating of clear nail polish during
a special beauty parlor treatment
at the Mohawk Farms barn in Ti-
tusville, N.Y. The animals were
being readied for the auction block
today al the state's largest inde-
pendent pure bred Angus cawe 6ale.
Pike'1 body wu found Monday In a
canyon ln the Judean Desert. He fell 70
feet 'Mille attempting to cllmb out of the
canyon to find her, Mrs. Pike said.
"This is a long story and I will write it
carefully: Some messages will come
through because we are not separated by
death. Jim has found peace and joy and
he knows lt is not necessary for him to
talk to me to let me know this."
Reprimand, Pronaotio11 Delay
They bad become lost dwinc a field
trip In the deseri wllere they wore doing
research for a planned book on the ll!e ot
Cbriat, "The other Goepti" Tbe1r car
After his son's death In 1966, Pike said
he had established communication with
the youtb and wrote about it in a book,
"The other Slde.'•
Cold Wave Gripping South
Cool Temperatures Joined by Clear Skies
TIW -Wll In I 7' lle't9111 K ll-
•I !J:\) .,.,... lod1v. boil elM• t!Mn IMI
Sclul""n C1Ufor"I•,,. eic"'l9ncld 1n
.....-1M 6-r TIH.t•141"Y-.tl'-"'11v over·
c-11 Ill tht mor11!nt1 11111 w1rm In 1111
lo. ,fr,llD'l~I Ind Ylt!nllY lled -
fOll 11'd tow eloud1 111 ttie e1ri. morn·
IM l'lou" but Nry 11,1ntlllM IDCNY.
WedNld11"1 "hm of I' w11 111111
kncelf fOr tlllllff". Wiii! " t!\11 low; fO.
AMidtflts of t"9 !o11t G1brltl al'ld
"-.Wtlr>UI V1lley1 wer1 Ill for
I "~ Kii_,,. II the Air Pel~
!Iott Contnil D111r1ct rw!Yd lh for•
cot In llMM _. from .....,.Ii•
.. l\etl'tY and }llued I KhDol MTIOI
""''" ...... Good t<1""'9-~ ... IM W9ttlltl" ..,.,
_.... •• Ille NC.rWl""'-1 .....
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F11ttl' ....... -•"-'-llVll with t111M ,_, M. Wlrldt ~ It t.
II kl'ICll•.
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Evans Officer Punished
SUBJC llAY, Philippine> CUP!) -The
deck offker ot the U.S. destroyer Frank
E. Evans todly rectlved only an oUlcial
r<prtmand and a delay In promotion fa<
his role ln the collls.km: of bis lbip with
the Australian carrier Melbourne.
u . (J.g.) llonald c. Ramoey, s~ or
Long Beach, and Phoenix, Ariz., could
have · been jal!ed f°" two yua on the
negligence and dertllc;tion ol. duty
cha1'ge11 to wti.1cb. be pleaded gullty
earlier ln the day. ·
Ramsey wu the sen\«' officer on the
Evans' brldge durtng the predawn col-
lisl.on June 3 in the South Chlnl Sea in
wh!eh 7t American sailors were killed.
Jn addltlon lo rece.lvtng a Teprimand,
Ram!ey lost 1,000 promotional numbers,
meaning he waa ~et back behind 1,000
other officers on the Navy promotional
Before the 1entenclng, Ramsey .receiv-
ed praise In testimony bun the executive
ofUccr ol lhe Evans, Lt. Cmdr. Gtorge L.
1tt~11chael, 34, of Fountain Valley.·
Asked by the defense whether be still
wanted to serve with Ramsey ,
McMldlael saJd , "Yes sir, I *ould be
pleased to have Mr. Ramsey serve with
me or under my ccmmand."
Testifying on his own behalt, Ramsey
u.id tor the first time that his father
retired from the Navy as 1 m&Jter chief
with • years' &ervice and now lives with
hil mother in Pboenb:. Ramsey said bis
pregnant wife and 1-year-old daughter
were in Long Beach.
Although admJUing his own gull!,
Ramsey testified the collision would no\
have occurred if the Melbourne had
maintained Ila coune while the de&troyer
was trylna: to maneuver l,COJ )'ardl
l,IPI Tt""""'
Lt. (j.g.) Ronald Ramsay
The guilty plea came arttr Ramsey's
chief coun~I assuter;I w i d e I r, r e 1 d
pubUclty had made it imPoUlb e for a
rive-man military court to reach 1 f1lr
decl•lnn. The military Judge, Capl
Jam~ E-Keya, then aald he •lone would
hear the case and decide the penalty.
Keys told Ramsey the mutmum
sentence was two years at hard labor,
dlsmlssal from the Navy and m ol. ail
"Do you still plead guilty?" the judge
.. ked.
"Yes sir, I do," Ramsey replied.
Tbe defense then began pretenUng
wi.,..... offering mlllgating lelllmony
in an effcrt to convince Key1 to reduce
\he sentence. Ramsey thus admitted
falling to inform the Evan1' 1kJpper,
Cmiir. Albert S. McLemore, of the
onlered change of station which led to
the collision and « Jailing to awaken him.
The young officer alao ac«pt.ed
responsibility for placing the destroyer on
a collision eour.;e and of falling to take
effective. "avoiding action."
McLemore, 40, of Vallejo, Calif., will be
tried on chargea of derellction of duty Ml/ negUgence alttt the proceedlnp
aglfnst Ramsey are completed. A th.lrd
Evans' officer, Lt. (jg) James A. Hopeon,
28, ol. Kansas City, Kan ., received a
l'!plimand for bla part lo the Incident.
Ramaey wu to have faced a five-man
mlllt.ry jwy which would have decided
bla guilty or Jnnoceoce and fb<ed hll
But Ramsey's chief counsel, Capt.
Luar H. ll<nrubi ol Coronado, Calli.,
maintained the Jwy could not reach •
fair declaion because of the amount of
newapaper and news maa;ulne coverq:e
of the coiUslO!I •
Bmrubl said "probably no other col·
Halon 1n modem Ume1 bas created 10
many words in our prus." Wavl11r1 a
sheal of newspaper cllpptnp at tho
judge. Benrubl sald "everybody knowa
what happened on the Evans."
. '
nlnd.IJ, Stp11m1>er 11, 1969 11,\JLY l'ft.OT I
Belfast Wall: Monument Haynsworth Pr~be Slated
WASHINGTON (AP) • -lnt.,..ts ' b<lm Ille lltnlto to Irish Strife
BELFAST, Northern lreland ''Belfut "V(all."
(UPI) -A sullen and allent 'Ille Br It I 1 h, using
crowd or Protestants and bulldozon, poeamllllc drilll
Roman Catholics watched t,o.. and Jledge htmmer1, were
day as an ugly moownent to wortlJ>& lroal bolh t!jds of Ibo
sectarian bitterness alowly troubled area toward tbe
~ 1n the heart of Belfast un. ,ce11teo, a di.Stance of about one
der the supervlsloo ol BriUsh acd a hall )!Illes. Al the
.army eogioeers. center, Catholic m 111 t a n t s
Both Protestant and sounding aw~ th1t,they
CathoUc clergymen admitted would tts15t the old, bal:rkad.ea
they vieWed the scene with a cooili\g down.
sense or shame -the coo-Both oldea tlftw Ull prot-
structloo o{ a barbed wire edive barricadel at be6gbt ol
peece line dividing the two l h e Ca t b o l lc-Protestant
communities, a banieade rioting.
described by some as the , .. !t makes one feel ash.am-
ed," the Rev. Q)u!es Porter,
a Protest.ant clergyman 1aki.
•'Barbed wire fences to keep
Cu1aUans apart," be added,
bllli lo hlmaeli.
On the other aid<, his ,.,,_
-!O<md .. ecbo In the ::;;.~~le, I Boman
61'hls will stand u a monu·
meot to four fallures,11 he
aaid. "AD al us mum share the
'll>e ..,,..di oeemed lo share
I leelln( al sedness,
'flt's not something we can
be very Jl'OUd of," Mrs.
Alaska Sells Oil Leases
For Record-setting Price
(UPI) -The Stale of Alaska
sold oil right! in a huge region
of the frozen Arctic Wed·
nesday in a dramatic financial
baltle which established two
re0>rds -more than $900
million in total saJes and Wgb
bid of $28,233 an acre.
The total price of
$900,220,920 surpassed a
previous high for sale of oil
rights which netted about $'700
million in California.
A two-company combine, in-
cluding the Getty Oil Co. own·
ed by billionaire J. Paul Getty
and Amerada Hess Corp., top-
ped the acreage mark 'by
paying m:m ,13.1 for the 57th
of the 17'9 parcels sold in the
day-long sale.
The h1ghest price ever paid
before for oil rights was
$27,420 an acre for a plot of
Louisiana tidelands.
Every major oil company in
the United Stales w a s
represented in the 1.087 bids
submitted for oil rights to
~50,858 acres of Alaska's
fabuJous north slope. State of-
ficials said most of them were
successful biddeni on at least
one parcel
"This is Alaska's greatest
Main Issue
Skirted on
midpoint in the House debate
on electoral reform, 1 h e
political cooseql.leflces 0 f
changing the method o( elec-
ting presidents had not been
In the first of two days of
debate Wednesday, members
found fault with the direct
popular election plan before
the House on grounds that it
might be impractical; but
they left unspoken any con·
cem about the profound shifts
in political power that would
be brought by the legis lation.
More signit'icanUy, not one
speaker challenged the pro-
posed constitutional amend-
ment on grounds it would
weaken the presidential voting
power or his constituents.
In part the lawmakers were
reflecting n e a r unanimous
sentiment that the outmoded,
JOO.year-old Electoral College
ls a constitutional c r i s i s
waiting to happen. And in part
they were reflecting the fin-
din g of opinion polls that bet-.
ter than four of f i v e
Americans favor instituting a
popularly elected presidency.
Rap Faced
By Suspect
FAYETTE, Miss. (UPI) -
Additional cbarges-includlng
conspiracy to commit murder
-have been lodged against a
former Ku Klux Klan leader
found in a car containing five
guns nesr Negro M a y o r
Charles Evers' office Tuesday
The new charges, con-
gpiracy and violation of the
Gun Control Act of Hl68, were
placed a g a i n s t 43-year-<1ld
Dale Walton Wednesday night.
He-previously had been charg-
ed with speeding ond carrying
concealed wupons and faced
a hearing later today.
Evers, who took office only
a few weeks ago, declined to
comment on the new charges. 1~e saift Wednesday that he
had received s e v e r a 1
anonymous telephone catls
warning that he had been
marked for assassination.
Asked today if he believed
there was an assa§inatioo
plot against him, he replled,
"you're damn rig.ht."
" I
day,11 Gov. Keith Mlller told
'IOO persoos jammed I n t o
Sidney Laurence Auditorium
for the opening o( bids,
Earller he promised Ala.ska
woold u.se the money for
"meaningful purposes," in-
cluding tax relief for the
slate's 285,000 restcfents. (See
story page 10)
A few persons failed to
share his eotOOsiasm.
Four pickets, who said they
represented a group of 25
Eskimos at Point Barrow,
marched outside with signs
claiming the land belongs to
it.s original Eskimo owners. An
old car parked actoM the
street was plastered with
~igns reading, i•$2,000,000,000
Native Land Robbecy."
Early t>ids ran so high of.
ST. PAUL, Ore. (AP) -
This sleepy farm town in
Oregon's I us h WillameUe
Valley is home to 250 persons
and a tople.ss go-go dancer.
Each Friday, Saturday and
Sunday night St. P a u I • s
farmhands troop into the
Twilight Cafe, drink whisky
and watch Miss Gail Garon,
straight from San Francisco,
perform bare breasted.
And while this is going on,
the wives of the patrons are
on the phone, demaod.lng that
ficlala estimated the total
might exceed 12 billion, but
later parcels went for much
lower amounts.
A flrtll called Ownpion Oil
Co. of Alaska routinely bid $1
for every parcel and finally
bought one at that price -
$.00039 per acre. Many tracts
went for leS5 tl1an poo an
Bank of America, fiscal
agent for the Slate of Alasll:a,
stood by with a chartered
airliner and fiew the millions
of dollars worth of 20 percent
deposit checks: to New York
and other commercial centers
for lnimediale collection.
The state expected this
device to net It up to SS0,000 a
day through early investment
of the fu.nd.s.
270 E. 17TH STREET
Dally 10-t, Sat., lM, Sun., Noon to S
BankAmericard Master Charge
Carmtl Fog•rly, a Calhollc
l>ousewUe observed.· On the
other side, Eric Cole, a
Protestant buslnewnan, said,
"lt certainly could not be can.
ed a peace line -you don't
get peace with barbed wire."
mtu.e Mid tt had uted
mldects bd!ind tile bar-
ricades whether they lavwed
the dlm!antling or the bar-
ricades and "~ was an
overwhelming vote 1n favor ol
their ataying up."
Judge Clement P. H•JlllWorth Judiciary Cnnmtttee -
Jr. has been called on to llderi hls JIO!llln1llon ~ 11111 troopa," saJd Br!Usb Army LL dlaclooe bis oullilde financial Su""°"" Oouit Gen. Sir Ian Freelm:11 tho -----~-----;_ _______ _
AJ the army worked, amne
20 barricades had been takec
down volunt.arlly by both
sides. But tile real showdown.
waited for the army to reach
the center hard core or
C~tholic resistance to lbe dismanUtng oper.ulon.
A spokesman for t b e
Calhollc CM! lle!ense Com-
Anny llliOl<eomen promlaed
theY woold hand!& the ---lion, beginning today , with
caution and dellcacy, hcplng
Catholics and Protefltanta
alike would offer oo op.
"We are not going to come
~ng into Belfast with a
great military oPm1llon and
armcred cars and lots ol
"We are not going to cbatgf"
in and say to people we wUl
llhoot you down if you don't
remove your b:arrk:.ades," be
said. "I hope we 1et them
down with cooperation.''
British a.nny engineers COO•
tJ.nued WQf'k on the barbed
wire and steel post peace llnt
-the second phase of. a two.
part ellort to keep the peace.
whl.1e clearing side atreeta ol
the barriers that have blocked
them since U!.e aectarian riots wt month.
Crash Quiz Centering
On Collision Course
In Washington, Max Karant,
vice president of the Aircraft
Owners and Pilots Allisoclation,
said one question It wanted
answered was: "Why did the
radar see the DC9 and not the
Cherokee? Was the radar
looking only at, or mainly at,
l rans ponder· e q uJpped
aircraft? Wu it ignoring all
other aircraft on the primary
Duane Jennings, In·
dlanapolis airport chief, said
all aircraft within a 25-mile
radiw of the Weir Cook field
normally are kept under radar
survelllance. The colllslon oc-
curred 23 miles from the
• Don't gamble your life with I leaky mamer
· e The deadly, odorless gas from a worn out mufl1er is
even more dangerous during winter when you drive
with windowa closed
• Come to Sears for a FREE muffier inspection ..•
No obligation!
SAVE •7 Woven Seat Covers
Regulor $36.9S
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• l!·ml tooled 1..U... ..... ,.,,....1 ••• notylet
and n!IDl:W'I your ear'• interior
• l.n blae. ~ black or brown ceLln
Now! PSA jets
hoii e\ertfie)' L~.r . . on 11UUr
tO San Francisco!
7 om to t pm. Bctl1 ,..,.,
7·1-1-10-11 •m-12 noon-1-2-3-4-5+7 .... pm.
Mot• on weekends.
Plus flights
onthe lhour
to San Diego!
1:15 am to 10:10 pm. Both W8JI.
8: 15-1:30-9:30-10:30-11 :30 •ni-12:3(1.1 :30-2:30-3:31).
4 :30-5:30·•:15-1:30-7:30-1:311-10:10 pm.
More on wffkendl.
Wtiy worry aboul a reservaUon when PSA has over 180 fllghtl 1
clay? Such an easy-to-remember echedule yOu can cany It
around In your head. Why remember lowect rares? Or all Jets?
Or great service to Oakland, San Jou, and Saoo
ramento? Or that kids Uflder 12 fly PSA (with
1tlelr parents) for hall fart'? sun want a
reservation? Ju.!t call your traval agent
or whatslt&name altllnes. PSA giws )'OUalifl.
Prices Effective
Thursday thru Saturday, SepL 11, 12, 13
Fit Most Cars
Auto Tune-Up Kit
Regul"" $1.47
e lneladm eondmeer, rotor, wnted
poinll, cam lube, e.ilher gap pop
ot' L wrench
• Rnn cooler, lat longer, bold11euing
----------------------~---------------------------, 1 ---lA M«JQ.~ ....... er,_,,,, tcMlll>Dl)lfUIJI ........ 2-ll.f.1,"4•·'1'1,YV6'NSI ........ ,al IOlllMCCWl'IWA~.
~ ,.-. 1"°"*1 •-1 Of f-1CllM. Q M 611 Ol'l'<llflt" '°'°AH W2tl Mtll'o\ .W. IJ 74Vt 1mtMCf Ul-ISll
I ......... ,., ~ J.Jnl lll*'IWOOO K) ,.,.,, Cl...CX '37.2100 ~ MM.\" ....as '""'" Yloliff PO ~I. --I COW. ~11 llGt'#OC»Ol l-211'1 Pt.MOIHl61'1-3211, 1SM711 &uQMOICAIX '"'111 ...,,..,_lfl1 '------------------------Sear:s -------------------·' '""ntidmcak11L..Gem 1 11 I l•'*-Mwrlodt" .-'tt• ., ....... M11 1 1)' .... h s.tt.. .. ,. NOAM. litMO.PIM.
• • •
The blunl and tow-l>lowed recall campalgn In the
FUU> Suporvllorlal District has all \he elemenl.• of an
Agatha Clu'ill!le myirtery-wlthout, al t11i1 point'. lhe
benefit of a saUsfac\or)' ending.
• .:Ibo key unanswered quesUon so far b: Who is
bel!lnd lhe elaborate and well-finaneed recall campaign
against F'lllh District Supervlaor Allon E. Allen!
And who ls tbe shadow candUlate on whose behalf
tho recall ls boillg run? There b, afterJlll, no such thing u a recall wl\hout a candidate.
The campaign Is allegedly beaded .bf Anthony Tai'
anlino a one-Unie Costa ~esan now livtng in San Cle·
mente: a man who had never .made his ~resence known
In politics o~iovernme.n'81.P.1icles.p;ev10usly. . .
I! 11' .a ~II!' tbar~.'been 1if!jle.makmg lbr
' some w~-,. evid~i°"· P'!'.sslve ,prlntlhg Md matHJW of~~ ~"l!tr.AIJM\and Al•
Jen's asslstan~ Jolin efer of Corona del Mar.
The end design may be nollling .more than an a.I·
tempt to discourage Allen from seeking election again
or to keep Killeler ftom becornipg_ a C!"'didate II _Allen
does not run again. But even Iba! fMWr.,, a cand1da'le,
presumably one of sOme stature, in return: for the large
amoonls of money being invested by unknown backers
--e.nd even more so to justify inviting contnbutions
from citizens at large.
The campaign · alreedy committed probably h.as
cost somelbing like $10,000. The polling coJJ!Pany gu1d·
Ing the recall petition--p~ssing has indicated its fee is 1.n
the neighborhood of $5 000. Printing and addressing
alone for 'the four-page 'newspaper tabloid mailed out
to the r~denls of the Fifth District can !"'silY exceed
$1,000. Mailing fees probably cost an additional $4,000.
the ·Body?
tlOI) tor Allen'• seat. A recall election would CO«! Orange
County taxpayers about ~.ooo. ·
, ,Tho Filth Supervlaorill! District has about lU,000
·registered voters, more than twe>thlr<h of \hem Repub-
licans. Yet, the forces behind the Allen recall movement
•eern to be allied to the DemocraUc party. The ofllco of
county supervisor Is a no,..partban o.flice,
Paul Carpenter of CYDress, twice an unsucce.ss(ul
ca.odldilte on the Democialic ballot, acknowledges that
he Is helping Tarantino. Both Carpeoter and Tarantino
have indicated they ar:e only representing. other 1up-
po<edly "large and powerful people." Yet Carpenter Is
not· even a resident of, or voter tn, the Fifth District.
Allen won reelection ln 1966 J>y the largest majority
in.FifJJlDistrict. his(ory,Jelling~ of tlie '8,736,voll!s .
.casS:-Qesp;te this •!ft;!l41P. j t Iii-. '!'~ ,.. .. sea~ lY In offfce 'When • one of 01 "<lllflli'• 1>tfiob•r81 · !lgUl'es, 'Ptlbli~f'elat!Oris "maa · DolltJiaI agenl Chip
Cfeary, faunehed a sbort-liveil lUl<i a!iortlve recafi at-tempt against Allen. But Cleary, best known locally for
his chief clien~ Joan Irvine Smlth,.qulckly dlsclalmad
any connection with the current recall movement, al-
though he acknowledged his sympethy with the Idea.
So there the mystery ol the recall campaign stands.
Someone who wishes to remain unknown is spend·
Ing large sums of money to acquire polltlcal strength
by either discrediting Allen, or by proYldlng a bankroll
for some mystery candidate. ;
Allen may or may not be the btst candidate avail·
able in 1970. In fact, be may not even be a candJdate.
Mistakes he may have made, but Alton E. Allen is an· honorable man. By no measure of conduct or honesty i&
he deserving of the anonymous smeGrs contained in the
recall material. ·
Allen -and, more important).y, the citizens of
Orange County -·are entitJ.ed to some honest answers
aboof the people and the goals behind Ibis shabby politi-
• '
A complete recall election could require four·to five
times that much money. And all of this presumably
would be spent for a recall election that might occur
only days before fillngs open for the regular 1970 elec-
cal display. ·
Where is the body buried? 'CARM'iSA ! I )(NE\11.tt WAS A M1 ~1AKE ro St ir Af NIXON JN (A ~ACAS ." . -~
Toward a Violent Black Revolutima:
Propaganda Comes First i
Even the Black Panther Party, for all
lurid reputation lta members have
eved, was said to have !ewer lhan
,000 members nationwide.
DESPITE THE lncident.s of violence
I . I August--a Month of Quiet
: WASHINGTON -Now It has been proved that the government can be sus·
pended for a while without doing any
jarticular harm.
; A monlh·long interregnwn In the e:r·
ffcise of power is coming lo an end.
~ess and the President will be back .iii Washington and the daily clamor of
J!onUcai conflict will begin again. l 'l'bis WBI I -•irll<·A-for' tbose' ho can remember when It wu normal
ibr Congrea to go home in late summer e>r the remainder of the year, the Presi·
~nt relued and the c:ou.ntry was
..-:hllps belt<r for It.
E• year the mood of. the country
ed to respond. There wue nlaUvely
riot.II. The troublesome young floated
lapptly by the hundreds of thousands on i cloud or pol smoke above a sea or mud
al the Woodstock rock lestivaL
COULD IT POSSWLY be that wben
a!blngton quleta down IO doel the coun-
· ~icb ard 'Wilson
> ' J -·---,,
try? Is there anything to the surmise that
the constant roar o{ conflict i n
Washington renders the country ed8)',
contenUeu.s and even riotous?' Wbth
Washington lowers its voice does the
country respond in kind?
It would be comfortlng to think that
this was true. l( so there may be a lHson
or two. The major in!llru1nentalllles of
power -While House, Congress, Pen-
tagon -might make a regular thing of
observing a period or quiet from Ume to
time. The infonnaUon media represen-
tatives, who swarm this city by the
thousands, might ponder whether or not
lbtir frenetic activity js a primary cause
contributing to nallonal unrest and
diaorder1 rather than the other w1y
ProlOl.md 1tudies and d~ IOU.I .
searchlng have shed little '11gtit 'on tJit '
cause ind effect relationship of ag·
greaslve press and TV coverage of 1.n·
cldeots reflecUn1 national discontent. ls
the discont.mt as great as a score or
demoo1traton oo TV can make It appear
to be! Do these two ·types of "eom·
mltted" journalism combine to fan lnto
flames scattered embers of diAcQotent
ploit or illustrate controversy (it is called
"developing" the story) were absent from
the haunls where reporters usually find
them. Consequently, there was little con·
lt became necessary to dwell upon cer· ·
lain discrepancies between the Pentagon
and the State Department on a lowered
rate of infiltratioo into South. Vlelllam.
The potential of ~ nudW-alt.act b1
Russia on China -whlch hardly anyone
expects to happen~~was given awed
credence as if it were a live possibility.
All this gets away from the main polnt
herein that the August solstice deserves
to become a national custom for its own
sake to give the country a breal.bing si:ell
and the contfoversialisl.4 a mt.
REALITY IS NOW returning as the
President shuts up the western White
House, the senators return from their
far-nung junkets, and the Supreme Court
resumes Its deliberations of. out esseriUal
liberUM. . -
which would ot.herwiie die out? When Alexander Hamilton said, ·•vour people. sir, Ls a. great
OR, AS 11IE CO~tMmED joumalisll Ma.st." ht must have meent those
believe:, lJ the Amer!Ctlll sociely so rot· Orange County people who park In ten. to unjU!l, so mild1ttcted, ao badly Lbe red zones at the markets and
motl'falt'd that lhti al•re of publiclt1 stores.
must magnify every Incident wtdch hap--D. T. H.
pens to illustrate their parUeultr blas
..... ll?J!ldlce' .•\:> ' ' ,.;~''' "'"' '!l!l,--·-~-.... ' ~;;;;~'.:';~~ ="11~~""',f"1ne·iliU!1 'lb't'W~ lhdi.IH'~ ~ · .... ~. r.. ....... ~ • , I ,• Publis&er ' CIMs becati:st 'tt prnvlded a period durinc '"'"' """"••-..row.. DI/tr"""·
wlticb o!rlclals who could be used to ex·
' . -,,
A Little Child
Showed Them
The Way
Cocktail Parties
A Social Torture
Rea! Life Productian.s presentl •••
* * * IJ'ITLE MISS U.N. * * *
Shirley Temple
RoJWd Reagan a1 tbe Govenor ....
Georce MarJ'1 • Ille S...tor
SCENE: A glltlerlng di plomaUc recep-
tion. Guests with wued mousta~ and
beribboned chest are sipping cbampagn<.
Enler Ronnie and George, looking
sUBplclous and ill al ease. lJtUe Shirley
greets them warmly.
Shlrle7: Golly whillikers, Mt. Reagan
MdOM!': Mlirpby, Plll-IO•gltd> yoo 1f'ei:lded
to come after alL
Roule (grimly): ni.-only reason we
came, kid, was to get you out CJl here.
This is no place for a decent American
kid like you.
Sblrlf:y: But, gosh, Mr. Reagan, this is
the U.N. And I'm part of il now.
George: Look, kid, I'm just a tired old
broken-down ex-hoofer, but I know one
thing: Tbe U.N. isn'l ••• well, it isn't
Ar.ierlcan. . .
From cl~ and fairly constant
observailoo o~er~lbe years, lt is my con-
aiderecl opiniOn 'that nobody really likes
cocktail parties -not even the people
who like cocktails.
l am not speaking of those .small, in-
timate groups cif-si.x or eight, but parties
of more than twfee that number. Most of
tile people I tnOw despise giving them,
and dread a~g them -but they
continue to give.~ to attend.
I'\~ so easat become the vicUms of a
sacW cuatom, '.!Nt the c:ustDm permu
lone altet ~1'ple81Ute, if any, has
dewte<I. ~·Diodern cocktail party lo
an institution~ keeps rolling on its
own power, aiWl 'no group of ind!vidual5
seems strong !µougb to stop iL
I HA VE ALMOST never bad a good
lime at a c:octta.11 party, whether on the
giving or receiving-end. 'The former role
is too harried, and the latter too hectic.
As ·a host, you have little time to talk
with your guest ; and as a guest you
generally find no one worth talking to.
Ttris ii because the cocktail party,
unlike most other social occa.sloos, is 1
kind ol grab bag. In planning a dinner, or
other celebration, you pick the people you
like, want to be with, to laugh with, &o
talk with, and ao sing with.
THE COCKTAIL party bas become a
social obligation. rather than a joyou!I
gathering of congenial people. You sud·
denly reallu that you owe invitations to
20 couples, few of whom you particularly
care for, and none oC wh0tn have much in
common with each other.
It would be impossible lo have them
for dinner, and .intolerably tedious to in-
vite them for a full evening-and so lbe
melancholy compromise ol the cocktail
party is arranged.
THEY, POOR devilll, are just as un·
..comfortable as you are: and, in order to
conceal their discomfort, they drink too
much, laugh loo loudly, and drift unhap-
pily from group to group, looking for
somebody who resembles themselves.
Of aJI ronns of sell-imposed socla1
torture, the cocktail party is the most ex·
cruciating, interminable. Un•
companionable, dysphoric and dismal.
\Vorse than all that, it keeps you frO!n
dinner until you're no longer hungry -
and lhus is an offense against the body as
well as a betrayal of the mind.
Roule: That's right, kid . Why do you
think I've refused every year to proclaim
U.N. Day: The-U.N.'s full of fortigners.
Why, there Isn't a red·blooded American
in this room. • • • "
Se'lection of Krisman
Shirley: But, leaping lit3cs, Mr.
Reagan, the U.N. does oodles of good
things, like feeding hungry kids and help-
ing the sick and promoting peace and •.•
Ronnie: But it's really just a place for
spouting Commie propaganda. You said it
yourself, kid , when you were one of us.
Shirley (thrusting forth her lower lip):
Bul don 'l you remember what you tOld
me in Little Miss Muffinchop?
"You gotta be big enough, kid,'1 y'Ou
said, "to admlt it when you're wrong."
George (shaking hi s head): It's no use,
Ronnie. The kid's sold us out. We've lost
her forever to ~ rbioestone glitter of
diplomatic society •
Roule {sa~);, You're.tight. George.
Let's 'tea•e hU Wltb · her new fofetgn
Shirley (tuuJng on their sleeves with
tears in her eyes): But don't you see? 1
want my new friends to be your friend!,
too. You'll like them, honest you will.
Come shak'e hands with the Russian
Ambassador, Akim Tamlroff.
Ronnie (aghast): Shake hands with a
Commie : tf he's Commie, kid he's a rat.
Ambassador Tilmlroff: I heard that,
you neo-fasclsl swine!
George (squaring of(: Who you calling
a swine, you pig? Put up your dukeal
(The guestl drop thetr c:hampogn~
cTO• the Edllm;
In answer to·Jobn L. Jensen, Bil Bower
and John A. Wright (Mailbox, Sept. 4),
they seem to be all in the same belief
that au leaders in our public school sys·
tern are correct .in their selection of per·
sonnel. Mike ~an wtll not be aMist-
aQt dean o[ studems at UCI but more in
the capacity as. student advisor, and at
his age he is hardly qualified for that
posiUon since J}l .has spent·most of his
time as a student of discussion rather
than the pol'liUve approach to our real
honest need ror better educatibn by adult
example. ·
I AM ~ ilie American Legion.
Chamber · -Of 'Cbmmerce. Y o u n g
Republicans and KJwan.Ls Club, all people
of our local are.1, did comkterable in·
vesUgation before ta\ing the action they
did for obiectin&·to the appointment of
Mike Krl!man.
I suggest the above mim do a lU.Ue
more rue.arch oni the subject of school
adminlstraUon personnel and their in·
flue.nee on the student body. Then come
back and make a sound statement on the
appointment as they wrote to the editor
admitting they wart conrused. .a T. (SHORTY) BEAL
Qla.sse1 and form two battle Une1. Car-•cu .,..~ •-~G' noge apptart immin.tnt. But ~hirley .1pf'll• .... 19
s~s bftwen.tk#M, 'jtovtino prttdl~.) ' To the ~l.ol"· ~
Sblrl<y (s<omplng her fool): Ob, you 're Craig Hl•11n..: I Co-a lro
111 just 11wfull How can folks. live in Long Beach d 'Oranie c n b:
peace, If~ won'l be friends? Now If all agaln demonstr•lld, by ~· and
of you do~ t ~~logue this v~ry l.nsta~t deed, the fact that he should re-rtg!Jter
a:ld promise lei' be friends, I II ••• l II as 1 mtmber of fM..~1v Socialist hold my breath unW I turn purple! • •v .......... e
Roule (ashamed): I'm sorry, kid (ti· Party .. He ~y rekindled the
tending his hand to A m b a s 1 8 d 0 r memories of the famous 196S SLAC
Tnmiroff). Put her \here, pal. power line cootnwerry (A.E.C. vs.
Ambaindor Tamlrof( (retumln& the Woodside, CIWonUa), reg 1 rd in g
w.uet he had stolen from Ronnie's o~erhead power lln!s to the Stanford
pocket): To thlnk.11 Look a litUe child to Linear Accelerator Ce"nltr. Mr. Hosmer
Id 1 vlndktlvelY ref-eA '° this u "the rape of show us the way &o wor peace . the virgin Woodstdt." He polnll out that
fRonnft #fgN a UN. Dau Procfamn-the "hnrless victim" bad "Iona liooe lost
Uon. George and A.mbossodor 1o:mlr-much o her vl.rtue.11
off do a R~si~ Co3taek ~nfe lo-,.. • ' '
gcU..r. AU • ~ <g11•#11 «lfilbUJ •t'·., ,"l'lllS 1\1\ili: OF ,..,oning appears to be
Shlruu· .. f•lf• 1hc ..,,,,.,, ailil MJ>' ffie itand1r.l opor11lng proo<dure ol 110mc
pily ltad$ o chorus of ''Friend&hip1 of thole wbo feed n!gularly at lhe pub""
fritndlhip , •. ") · trough, They Ignore the l•ct lhat pnip-
" _. l
Mailbox .. I
' ~AJ""'
Letter• from readers are welcome.
Normally writers should convty their
meuages in 300 words or less. The
right to condense letters to fit space
or eliminate libel is reserved. AU Let-
ters must include signature and mail-
ing address, bui names may be with·
held on request if sufficient reaso11
is apparent.
erty rl&hts and equity rights are para-
mount in our country. They distort an1I
direct the massive power of our govern·
ment aJong the lines they choose to
follow, brushing aside those con·
servaUonist elements whose aims they
cOMider inimical to "scientific pro·
Congressman Hosmer recently pro-
posed bis own mathematics • PE equab
PM; i.e., public esteem equals poblic-
money. Again it's evident that our
Congressman needs an antacid tablet. tic
is probably logy from all or those after·
dinner speeches that be has been giving.
Tbe way I look at It. CH equals NG.
,...---B11 George --~
De.Ir George :
Every day I read your column
with great eajoyment and think you
do a good job ol bnnging a smile lo
a pretty serious world. llowe'r'er,
m;y boss looked over my shou1ckr
the other day and said, "NobodJ
but an imbecile would read that
stuff be writes day arter day."
How do you pul up with people
like that?
Dear C.T.:
J put up with this gladly -ht h11
to be a constant rtader or he
wouldn't lroow about day •fter
day •••
DAA.V PR.t1 7 ,. · ~ · :!l. Dog~ in· Vietna111 .Beftt•••e Pot SDifferM· CHECKING SAIGoN AP -Coollle and Mekong Della packing vp to -qalnlt It, lnc:ludin& the ltlde-Vietnam, II Is nol ~ Up • . Smld,.11re Jootlnc !or Maly .llO home under' Pftlldtnl's ..... cl l'1lillO and telU!lton that.,,,,. Gii tblnkcl e J-mv-. --Nhon's-15,ooo-t·roop .•poll on .!he 1oca1-.-.. -to.lhel<,.frltocls
Tiie two ltO a maJe.lemale withdrawal ...i.r. forte1 network. But wlU. Ill" home. ..._ _______ . ____ lt8D cl German llbefllllrd Cbolde and Smidgen are the cannab!J pllllll so readily -Ill typical demomlratlolll,
clop brGulllt loto the <OWl!ry only two dop wbo paaed the and cheaply -avallahle In Coo111o and SmJdcen 111111 Ill*
~ater Ski Fans
wok fo r S~les
By L M. BOYD marriad, lenda to be -std
type Wba,11 ei: c e edin 1t1
genetOlll, but does not bllleve
a lw$band should do,bou-'d
cbor<s. This ls the sort cl
fellow wbo'iJ buy you all the
cilahts you wan~ providlnc you
don't uk blm Ill WW lhem.
by the IT.S. Army po"tem· course out cl llO candidates. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii porary duly statm" alter 16 .For II ...W the clop' wm weta cl lnlallve lnlnlnl on trained in bulc obedl...,.,
Ol<lpa... '!'boy' l'ett dnlled 1 a let y , ftltlevlng, and
f.oe llie mlllW1 ellorl in fOll'b scouting, taking on tbeir.<om·
the lhlomtnt of marljµana plex sniffing missions starUna
1 back io the States by with a, rnarijuana..fl.Ued toy.
wvt-. The purcbue and llW ol mari-•s. lar the cloo llave b<en juana, alio CiJled Miry Jane, k~ bulY' -demo11Str1Un1 by Gts have Joor been a pro-
thelr 1ktll1 everywhere from blem in Vietnam, although the
the main pootal • termlnal at extent llaa often ~ the 11Jb. Salcoo'• busy Tan SCo Nhut jed of cootroveny: ln recent
air bue. to , ,Ith l)llanlry montl).o the U.S. 'l!l)ltary llaa
DI~. trooPera tn the stepped up ,• c1m~p~~~l,1~n~~~~~~~~~~~~
lflY ·put llllONd Pl<ces ol find !he dot ll•nwardod W!Ut
-"' ))lctageo 11111 In-.. ""-.. .. the dlriihoilr and 111111 Diii planl.e4. .-aod.11>• his -.i 10Y
marijuana shipments of to chew oa wblle be botlM 1llJ,
pulOnal "llutieo" In a man's for his nut ••I II ll 1
balD lallp poebls. For Ills -'
LOVE Al'(D WAR -It 1aRs
three people to water 1t1. One
to run the boat, one to iiki and
one to watch the 1~u. That's
why resort lak.ea are among
the best of place.s for single
girls to meet eligible
bacbelors. When a pair. of
YOUDi men go out to watt? akl,
they usually look around~ to
recruit a watcher to ac-
company them on the water.
Just a tip from our Love and
War man, )'OUDg Lady. Hope.
you appreciate il '
IN VIETNAM, the dldlgent
lady of the nJght earns three
Umes as much as a cabinet
mlnlsler there ••• AM TOW
HONOWLU has a n op-
tometrist or two named Dr.
the retail price of p e t
porpobes was $300 apiece •.•
lovers, the men who know bow
to conquer are always more
numerous than the men who
know how to pacify •.. WREN
YOU ORDER a breakfast cl
bacon and eggs in Ireland,
you're served three eggs, not
VACADON -"Come to San
Clemente. cant.," wrOte a
friendly reader t b e r e two
years aao, ''to ccmplle )'Ollr
droll by our bt.autttul 1e11." ' . Upon receipt ol this plwllll
-ease, the 1*IYltlend and I
llmed saving vp. Too late.
We11 never mate iL S an
Clbemenle houses llavo -
-Ing for 11,000 a .m«>lh.
Snazzy ones. •t,500. Oieapies,
NEGROES -Much has
been written or late about the
black man and hls berltag!.
Along that vein, did you know
the rm of the famous wooden
cigar store Indians were not
Indians at all? At least not red
men. They were cut to
resemble West I n d 1 e s
Negroes. It was not until about
ta years before lhe Civil War
that the carvers starting put-
ting war bonnets on them to
make them look like Indians.
11My genUemen friend is a
Pisces. Ask your Love and
War man what kind of b!J5o
band he'll make." A. Our L.
and W. man is an unbeliever.
He wants no truck wllh
astrology. Therefore: h·a 'f e
found it necessary to hire a
Planet man to handle your in-
quiry. He says a Pisces, ooce
w~ NOT BOB n u n,
but Jne Nulhall who IOI the
record u the youn1e1t
baseball player ever to work
in a m.alor league game. He
pllcbed lor ClncinnaU In 1111
at the age of 15 yean 10
mOntbs U days ••.
STAT18'11CAILY, odds you'U
get divorced gradually .ln-
crea!< from East Ill Weal and
from North Ill South. Certainly
doean'I say much lor your
matrimonial cbancts in San
Diego, does it?
DIVORCE -What led Ill bis
divorce was the manner in
which bis former wife used
her n'f.il polish. 'Ibat'a what a
San Francisco man reporb. one morning she dabbed aald
pollah on ber riibt olockfnl Ill
stop run, th<n lell the hoose
for the day. When she came
home that night, be noticed
the stocking with the nail poJ.isll was on her left leg. He
promptly called bis lawyer.
Yoar qwatlom ... com-
ments are welcomed ... 'Wiii
be _. wherever poulllle Ill
"Clleetlnf Up." Addrea md
to L M. Boyd, ta can of DAI-
LY Pll.OT, Boi: 1171, Nnpert
Beacb, Calif.
Czechs Fear Future;
Go on Buying Spree
PRAGUE (UPI) -A buying
fever born of fears that an
economic crisis lies ahead, has
gripped Prague.
Shoppers are hoarding
anything they can b u y •
Childless couples line up to
buy diapers. 111e black market
is flourishing.Furniture,
handkerchiefs, sheets -all
are scarce or sold out.
All thls was admiUed by
Rude Pravo, the Czechoslovak
Communist Party newspaper,
"·hich diagn~ the buying
spree as a cue of "buy what
you see today -tomorrow you
may not have enoua;h money."
The basic fear, it &aid,<il the
popu lar belief that the
Czechoslovak crown, which is
not convertibl e in the West, is
falling in value and will be
worth even less in the ruture.
T h erefore, Czechoslovaks
are buying everything they
can on the open market, going
to the black market both for
sc arce items and for hard
western curttncy.
"People try to gel rid of
lheir money as fa.st as possible
and buy everything which is
on tbe market.'' Rude Pravo
said. "'Ibjs resub ln a buyina:
This lack ol confidence
lllem5 In part ln>m the dU·
ferent values whlcb both the
government and the people put
OD il
Officially, .there are 7.2 cruwna Ill the collar, But
tourists are given 11 to the
dollar. A CieCbosJovat travel·
ing to the Wen .llVlll PlY S$
crowns for every dollar be
buys from the state ban\. And
the black market: rate is up to
70 for a dollar,
Infiatioo is growing at an
annual rate of more than I
percenl Long lines fonn In
front of a plastic •bop on wen-
cesla.s Square to buy a plastic
gas can for $9.80 or a pall for
$4..~. A baUe.rtd, five-year old
Soviet·made Volga car sella
for $1,IMO.
Couples buy furniture to
give their children when they
marry -aJthough the children
are 7 or I years old.
Rude Pravo compWned that
factories and storet, inltead ot
Increasing productloll Ill keep
up with demand, llmPlf nlH
their prices, thus IJ)IDTlD,I tbe
• You want to Mii some item
: that you no longer need but i somHn• else can uu for
: NOT OVER $50
? i ? ? ? ? ?
You call THE DAILY PILOT, aak for
Cluslllod Ad•ortlslng, ond plou a
6 42-567 1
CTtft ,,_ Mri C:ttl"'Y .... 1ml • • •.. ,,,,,,,,,,, ........................................ ....
' ,
' 546·7080 . COSTA MESA·
wmm •~· SATUIDAY 9 to ·5i30
SUIDAY 10 to 5a00
alack & Decker
71/• Inch Saw
0 Mei" • t rfft ti~ for ye11r
f•••rife cuf·vp.
0 Or .,.., ••• fer yeurt•lf eM
. ltuild IO.ft'l9tt.irt•
0. lly ln·ti"k·•rtter
no l•n.
0 No ll'IOrt, l>ut m1yb1
ntrl y11r thty'll p11t
in 111 r1dio.
0 Gu•r•n+,,d 011• y1tr
p•rlt prot1clle11.
D-Swi119 tpoul •11•
illf'fl'I mi11 fot
kit.:h111 or liittla.
0 Tlt• 1fotfi119 It
111.Jerw. '"• ,11,.
it •ltl_f11hlti•-'·
0 H•r•'• '" i+."' th•f't 4ol"''"'•·
0 A ltr•IMI 11•• ; .. o.ty r•u,t111cle.
D With • l'ric• Hi111t it httr•41~1 ••
l•h, th1t'1 111wf11l.I
We Got$ome .. Deala
0 6 1tti119 tirM of thtf iii
R1fi11llh wltli ch1lc11f 36
c1loni '"'"""'-' ''"'" ~.~:;::.~~:'
0 6liclclt11 ••v• If you wt11f
to 1•t thi1 ptl11t tlrip,
you'll h•Y• • 1•119 w•it.
0 So, COfl'lt buy ''"''· p1i"t, 111"cl wtit for •
0 !Don't n1tcf lo wtit, ju1t
m1t my cl111u9ht1r't "'"' hoyfri1ftd.)
~~.:.,.j D~OR
0 Oi119y '••r ~hl1110 It •••Y to i111i•ll. 0 Net quU• C•rMtl• H•fl.
0 lut htftr th•ll lt1r•
•1111c•I•• rtppl119,
D "••• finhh 'l'fi"t ktly,
0 N•11·111•rlii119 ple1lic ti,,
0 5,,.,, th• wtll from \lfly
liltck 1111rli1.
.---..• -.,... .--·
0 A• l11ex,....I•• wt y +. 1pic• 111p tftt ''""
d111Jr19 ,_, llYl11t·,0•111, Ollr•,.,, t•••
'''"'· ''"'"''• q111rt1r1.
0 Thi ptic1 i1 •• low yo1;1 c11W 1fft'4 t1 144
1 '""' j111f·to.Ji 1v1 the pl..un1 of p•MhJlf
ii 11 cht1p.
0 lovely pt1fi11i1lried, Y·ttOl'ltil, r11ly fer
imM11U1t1 i111t1ll1ti111.
' 0 Thet'1 the c•l•t tt.e
M11111•9•r turllttl wh•• Ile ••w th• ,rice. a~H.!Mly fer I I.+ ••
hetn•li•l4 •M werbli•I' ......
·-~ 0 U1• for 111hd"f er 1tirri11f
or r9!1i119 _,'"' if Y1'11
likt .
·a S.wwltlt thl1 •'"''•Int 11 .. ..,. y•u'll h,., .. ,
tl•nlittt Wtt• ""11 l111w1. 0 •••.••• _,, ... f., ...
Wohftl you't• f•f1i,., f• ,1.,,
D .,.,, '''"'''' •• ~;, ••Yi1tt• ''°'" •II• •f .... fi11e1t
llt!MI i• th• .... 111•1 .. 0 All p11r,01e f1rtili1•r 1e11t111i111 ch•l111t ... i,.o, ~"'• 1a4
lltillltf4!"•••· 0 u .. wfftt ce1R4e11ce •11 cll,holl4rt, .., .. , l1w11l, ~Wtl•
pl11111tl1191, '"" ,, •• u , ....... 2 FOR .95
--------"""~·--~----·----·---• -
r -Alioto Campaigm rciil&Fln
1t costs
too f'1Vch
to ~et
To Counter 'Link'
.Embatlled Moyor Jooeph L.
Allolo of san Francisco, be-
llevtnl 1lle best c1e1.... b •
good -· Ja campolanlnl lhe lq\b ol ca11IOrnl& ..
3 Convicted
In Slayings
LOS ANGELES (AP) nree .,.. were convicted ol
IOCOOlklell"" murdtt iod>y
In a double slaying apparenUy
stemming from a biUer !aid
between two black nationllst
lfOllps at the University ol
California at Los Ana:eles.
counltr chargeJ aplMt hhn•
publJsbed In Looi< 1111gazlne.
Alloto agoln denied lhe ...
serllolt• In Ille article, ''Tbo
Web That lJW San Francis-
co's Mayor Alioto end th&
Mallo," and clalrnecl ii faltely
stated be was *'enmeshed with
~o~et~, r~
for ti othirig
a web of alliances'' wiUI' Con •.
... ~;~~ .. ~ ~:~c; ~ f,\~\\;;, '' ~·· Nostra i...Jen. ' 1be Look issUe With Uie Cl1'I--r
u slory oo Allolo -on---------saJe Tue9day, but the ma,or
learned about lhe .article last
Friday and prooiptly filed •
llU ibllJlon Ube! llUit agalnsl
tile maguioe and ill pib-
* * * Look St:ory
Defense Set
'He Did It'
Gal Says at
Brown Trial
Soul .singer James Brown ad-
mitted he had suual relations
Two brotbers, who each blam-
ed lhe olher lot tile murdet ol
Ramon Novarro, are equally
auJJty ol Willi( Ibo -xreen actor, the prOKCUtlon
contmded in Ill llUIDIB&tloo
at tbdr trial.
It appeared today ., at.
lomeya tor Paul and Tbomu
Fer~ began their closlnt
argumtnla thal lhe def,...
lawyers would be p i t t e d.
against each other u well 11
the prosecuilon.
Deputy Dis!. Atty. Jam,..M.
ldomlOllld, .._ .. mab
I bil --but Ibey -too far."
ldeman aald Novarro did no1 beD lar .. amoonta ot -Y In bil borne. "'!be problem
.... lhll lhe ·~··--Paul -wouldn t tab DO for an .anawer,.. tbe proaecutor
-"-point In hll lllJl>o lllltloa, ldmlll! Hid the actor
wa 1'trut9ed up llU 1n
animal and heattn lo death
••• tbla waa del l berate
torluro. I -a ._ ... to bctll delendonta
of murder tn the tint dearee."
Cl-' J. llanlliD, wbo .....
'UnUed his llWDIDltion' ..
2 Top Reagan Aides
Reported Leaving
ldemlll told the jurrol ....,. SACRAMENTO (UPI' The men .and. five women Wed-r-
neadly: 1leopa --todaf apMeomeo aald Ibey did nol
"You ban lo decide 1ba4ll -"""'"4 to be l!>olDc lwo ·l:noo' !lhll p1-Ibo two ol-
.,.. 1111111 ... ,,,..•u -1op · ~ a-u sem<.s fidals ·bad made.
know wfiO .truck --· rlllrecimt Aw4ntw R. Lolll ud Lolli formorly -111 .,. But il doesn' mattu if yw Fin-. Dlredar Caspor 'II', slstalltloll>Ovtcep«lldentof
find they acl<d ~ether far w-..,. Hughes Alrcraft In il'u-.
torture rr robbery/ • Lolll wu reported by"""* Weinberger; sz. ,... vaca-
heba1f of Paul, 23, ~. told
tbe jW')' that 1lbomaa. 181 is
prone lo lanLuy,
'l1le allonloy said that In a
telephone call from Novarro's
bome lo an old lirl friend in
Chicago the nfgbl of the
murder, Tbomu aald the ac-
tor' 1 home~ : rooms,, 7~
pictures and • an upetalfs
Hanlfln asserted the home
actually had only n1ne roonts,
2D w 2$ plcluru and no
Hanifln was expected lo con·
elude his presentaUon today
and then Richard A. Walton
will make his aumrnatlon for
Geotge Stiner. 2%; bis
brolller I.any, 11. and Donald
Hawkins, 20, also were con-
\llcted of conspiracy to com-
mit murder by a 10-man, 2·
..-oman jury that deliberated
24 hours in the five-week.old
Look Magazine tonight will de-
fend it.s article on San Fran--
cisco Mayor Joseph Alioto in a
15-minute television s h o w
originating in the studios ol
Tbe ptO<eCUllon c:ootenda • ., lo be pllllnln&, lo leave the !ionlng In Europe and -d
the Chicago brothen wenl lo '24;171, -)'tar pool about not comm<nt oo reporla he
the 69-year..old actor'• hon:ieibl oct. J.. 'lbe report was net-was offered and would accept
the HallYwood H1lls I 111; lber ""1finDed -d<oiied by a post with the Nixoo ~
October wtth the lntent 'ol lhe 17-year-old retired Army istration on Ille Federal Trade with a Sacramento woman ac~ torturing him to rtveal tbe Jftljor ~al. Conmission. •
cusing him to being the father whereabouts of $5,000 the "I don't want lo reveal my · Last week Reaian·ccriflnp-·
of her son, a long.time friend brothers believed bidden in the, plane ·.rt this lime," be ~d. ed. Weinberge!' had a "decl·
of the woman test if i e dl-~h~om~e~.~~~~~~~J"~l'm;:l>Ol:'._~COl:m:-:•~tlng~al~tlils~Jli~oo!to~m~ak~e';'~w~hen~he~Nbm>~:!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The three are memben of a
"°"P called US.
Wednesday. ''There two young men/' U.." ed. to the eapUoL, , Paulette Jones, a member of
Two members of !he Black
Panthers, Jclu! J. Hugglm. 23,
and A1prentice Center, 26.
were slain in a classroom last
Jan. 17. The pnl&!Clltion con-
tended ~ slayi.ngs resillted
from a dispute between the
two groGps over control of the
IChool 's black studie.s pro.
The three face possible
sentences of five years to life
Imprisonment They were ac-
cused of lint.dell"" murdtt.
Many other Calirornia radio
and TV iitations will carry the
program, which will coosist or
a statement by William B.
Arthur, editor of t h e
magazine, and also comments
by the two authors of the arti-
cle which linked Mayor Alioto
to a half-dozen members of
the Mafia. Alioto went on
television Tuesday night ta
repudiate the article. He has
sued the maguine and its
piblioben lot 1115 million.
the cast or the musical "Hair"
now playing in San Francisco,
told a superior court paternity
hearing that Brown made the
admission to her in a
telephone conversaUon three
weeks after the ch1ld was con-
Mary Florence Brown. 20, a
former president o( Brown's
Sacramento !an cliib, filed suit
to bave Brown named the
father of her year-old-son and
pay her 15,000 a month child
Your Choice
of three
S298 50
ldeol for amolier rooms or opertmento Im than~o· 1ong. yet eech brings"""
outstanding performancel You11 thrill to exciting Sterto FM; drift.free, ne>Ls.free
Monaural FM; plus selective AM radio; and your f1vorit1 records played on the
fabulous Magnavox Micromatic Player that letsyourrecordalasta lifetime. 20·Watts
undistor!Bd music power, two 1.000avm Exponential Treble Homs and two high'•
efficiency 12· Bass Woofers project thrilling sound from both sides and front of fine ..
fumiture cabinets-all on concealed swivel casters for easy K10Ving . Record storage
erea. Why not fill your home with beautiful music'?
Colonial modal 3632
Othc1 Mnyuavo~ Soln! St<1te Stereo Console s ho111 only 169 '1
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2666 Harbor Blvd.
6115 Westmlnstw
1 ti 16 s. lroolchmst
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Costa Mesa, Calif.
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'9. 99, 50-fL Robber Hoses
-~ ... -podm ......
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Look at these features:
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1 CXJ¥IK\ lofGUWOOO ,AIAD&tA ...... • Sears -----------------__ _, '---------~--------------"'$ t' f t Gu 7 1dm ... Moa1Jlodt" ~ •• ,sa..,6NIPltM d 1 ..... S..nloy9'~A.M.•9.lOP.M.
. ..
TB Prime lc•ue
Hospital Billing
Policies Probed
MurW IC. Wlfttlr. Ml ta.riot st ..
co1t1 -... °'"' or °"""· a..r. 1t, SutVIWld 1W ...,._rw:I. M', C.Cll W~
1«1 daUltdln. Mn. ..,.,. Md(_.,
111d Mrt. .J-L. ~1111 1 ltlr• -. ltliflwt. H,.. DerWI '11'111 T-Y
Wlnllt!'; a"4 lb! ••.r>dchlld!'WI. lerv·
la1, S.fUnJtY, I f'M. Wpti;Jlfr Cl\a..-4.
Wt1Tellff 0..Pti Mortuary, '"'41&1,
Dll'Kf~, DENE
Otrl......,., "'' OMI. Wlf'lf IOI'! of Mr. 1nd MrJ. Tlll'rY °""· of 71? H. Alphlf, 1-IY Hlltt.. Gr1vt11cM lotfY•
left, Tl'lurldlY, 1 l'M, Good Shelll!tf'll
C~trv. with Rw, Brue-Kurrie
ottlcl1tlnt1. W11ttllH O..i»! Morl111rv,
....... Dlr9Clor1.
Jullue l.utk-. 14.NI Hew\flld, Mid-
_., Cl'IT. SWVIYM 11'1 -· Wlllll"' A. Sdn"le, ef S21 Cllff Drtn, N-rt 811oc:h1 1nd foul' 1r1ncldllldrl'!I. krv· Tc" 1nd tnt9"Ml'lf wm ti. l!tld f" c1 ..... i......_ o.1o, aa1t1 Mortu1,..,, 1141
SuperlOI', Colli M9M, forwanll111 ell-
l!nrll!~ c . hltr111... A11 IO, or ntl Det1w1rw $1~ H11111!111111!1 IN<:h. 0.1•
of dffltl, Stpt9mber lt. S11n11'1M If(
w!h , Mlrlil' '°"' Alf-.i four d111111!-ten. 5-ldl si-. Twry ~r.
C-411 AM1'a. MMY ,,_, * ~ .,.., Hluftor 111d \'"-It ltltr9111
1l1ter. IMne l9'!r1111 • -~ •nd ~ .,..1 .. r1!'6dl""""-lt-rv. ........ • l"M. lmllhf; ~·ry OleP-
11. 11-llnl MaH. S.funll'I" t AM. II
S..,_ I. J-Cdlallc Ctlwdl. llllw-"""1', O«ld ~ C""9terY, lmlnw;
IMrtUirY, Olfwcton.
Ollbtrt I". ColllM. 111112 GfWe C1relt,
Hunt1119fon. llKb. &urYtv.d IW wllt.
f vtll'f11 '°"' Doru two lilrofMrt. ,.,. J. •llCI f:dn911d $, Golll11u •IJttr. Meye l"r111cit. lle&a,.,, l"rld.ty, I ,.M.
""'""'" ~ Selwdt'/', 1t AM. Miii 11 SI. llolleYOfttv.. Ctfllollc Olurch.
"""'""""" lktdl. Clf'9dN "' hM '•mllv co1oni.1 P'Ufltl'tl Home.
Jun• THtll. 11&$ Au~!t, CMl1 ......
Dele of dtettl. S..t. I . SUrvftl .. lw ...._hi', Mrt;. Voltftllo c.__~-
1,.,, l"rldly, 7:• PM. ~ Mt11.
""'"""' • AM. botll ,, ti. JofWI tlM St~Jf CtlllDllc: Cl!urdl. 1111.r"'Wll•
Geod Sl\tll.,.,d Ctme!tr\I. DINC!ed IJ't'
Btll 8rMdwlY Martutry, llD lr0f6.
lltt!Y Lou H...n.y, ..:I! l"•ITl•lon.
Stntt AN. <Mi. Df dllllh, Sll>I. '· survtv.d lrf IOI!, J9hft t.. H"4lti.r1 cllul!lttfl. M ... JtCCIUllllll tc.r HI~
1 lno1 Mrs. ,.,_,, M1ller1 bn:l!he.-,
Wlllltl'fl Cl ...... llCll tlilt1r, Mn. Lor·
... 1111 11~-Senrltwl ~Int II
.. II lrtlldWllY MlrfVWY, nt aro.o-w1y, C.M MOM.
1'""9 Dotto'-11'6 Sllltl tt .. te1!1
Mat. Dll9 If •ttt. k!ll. lO. SeMcn
"'1dlntt .i 1111 lf'Oldw•'f MOrll/trl'. 111 al'OltfWrl', Cati ~.
RENSHAW ' c11,_ 1. RMIPltw. All JS. Df m
MOu11t1l11 llCllld, Utunt •••di. Dell of dMlh, Sfl>I. 10. Survt .... bY Wiii,
111111 t-. dll111hltn. Mrt, S.lldrt
9urt, •_.,.kl Itri 111d Ml"I. 1"1trld1
McCOl'd, c..,. ,..... lllCI ltlrw ... .-
dllklrlft. Grt.....ide ...,,1cn, P'rlcJty,
' l"M, Mcen11oo! Cl!Mt•"'· Dll'Kltd lrt" Shelter LMunl 9tldl #IDl"tlll.,,.
Westdllf M-.,.,
1%7 E. 17th SL, Colla M.,. -• BALTZ MORTUAIUl!S
Coron dtl Mar OR M4St
UI Broadw1:71 c.&a Meaa
l!mlliqllo ValkJ
l!mlllqtoo -Mt-ml • McCORMIClt LAGllliA
1'111 IAl80 CaJto -1-0Beocll --• PACIFIC VIEW
~, ..... ..,
-Plclllo View Drift N...,.n -. Cllll1nla -• PEEK FAMILY
a>LONIAL rtnmW.
7111-A ... w..--• SHEFFER MOllTVABT
Lap .. -$1111 Sn a.m..te llMlll • BMml!I' MOllTIJAllY
Cl'l Mabl IL ----
bro1d •tu"1 of Ill. bllllna
oollclea II °""lo CowllJ Medici! c.ter.
'Ille. tu-._, II
•bell\tr ~···· -..•itod lot tlie -ol IOdol:J-
be btll.a ' IDd -• n, 11 ~to-,ll!em-... -~~
)1oui>da -'"' b1lls, R._iattva tho c:ow>
ty TB -.1klo telllllod
lbree -qo that <Calilomta II Ole cmly -o1
the IO llalteo t!iat dou not Pl1
I u berculolt.i hoopltaJls;llpo
-""" 0nqe II the oo)y _,that bu .. ...,..,,.
collectlori proce&Jre.
Mtdlcal Center D l re e1t or .Robert Wblt4 In ......... P!d
Wednosdq that under ""'8bt
..... .... the .,..,. ..
®Upled to bill PIUenb, but
lite t<ounty could !IOlton 111 col-
leoUon method.
~ coUectlon a I e at
w1iereby be recelva 40 per-
cent of the am-collected.
White ugued~llnsl the TB
-·· tlon tho! Pl' tla!ts abould cared for in
the hosptlal , without charge.
He uid, the care ii <Ji clear
benefit to 'tho Jllli<n1 by .,..
...uni tbe dlleue within, not
jllll o(beneftt to the public by
llOlaUng the patient.
He aaid large medle11 costs
are just as much of a hard.Bhlp
to persons with other di.aeues. . . Dr. Patrick Murphy. a
Newport Be ac b ,p!!y!lclan.
spoke for the TB As!ociaUon.
"I submit other Cast! art not
the aame," be 1ald. "Uthe TB
patient refuses to go he is
brought to the hospital by the
'1leriff. But bo.!pilallzaUoo is
not abooiutely oeceasary for
ANAHEIM -The three lllrvivmK Cl!rtln quadn!pleia
born A111. It art <a>"""J!IC to
cain nill>t II Glnlen Par!t
A hospital apot...... uld
their might ii getting up near
five pound! at which tlme they
four pounds aeve:n ounces;
Cbrlstopber, four pounds Ill
""""" and Lance, lour pouodsm-
Cbarlel, the fourth quad
wbo wdjbed' cml1 two pouadl
10 ounces at birth, died ol
respfratoey problema Sept. 4.
The quadropleta, believed to
be the first 00.,. Ill Onoge
County, we.re born to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cl!rtln;<Ji G~
New Study
Course Set
In Fullerton
He said medical insurance
does not usually co v e r
tuberculosis. "Th.Ls is a
notable uclua.lon, '' he said.
"other c om m u n I c a b J e novation in study paUerns that
dlseues are covered."' cuts a:cnu tradiUanal college
TB AssociaUon spokesmen disciplines bu betn launched
earlier said hospitalization in cal stale Fullertoo'i,newly cost.I about Sl,000 a mcah and
the Wbert'Ulolls patient created Scb·ool of
usually Lt commUt.ed for four Interdllciplinary S~es •
or five months. . Offerings ot·tbe new achool,
White said in cua where a :filst Cf ill kind ln the ~te
Jarg< bill is 1Dcuireol 1be coun-co11egt l!Yllem . will lnchm
ty does not alway1 try to <1>1· Amerlcap . studle,.. ~ lect~ the who!~ aino:Wlt. The .! sluiliei,. ~ 1tudJe 11 amount needed _Jor. a te 'cbnoio1ic1J etadlts,
aubslatence standaril of liting l l n gut 1 t t c , a n d J n-
ls subtracted from t b e t.erdisclpllnary coursework ·in
family's income and the coun~ other fields.
ty tries to collect the rest of D D id M. F ~--· their income. r. av. . e11.11ua.aJ, pro.
For instance. he said 1 feasor of lingulatics, named by
family of four would be eon· C.I Slate pi-Wdent William B .
sidered able to live on $386 a Langsdorf to ~.the 1cbool,
month. If the family inco'me is Jolnea the faculty lit 1964 and
$634. the county wotild ask for won a di!linguished tea.chin«
payments of $241J a month. award In 1968.
But if the family couldn't A UINvenlty of Southern
manage on m& and therefore Cali!omla graduate, he bolds
coulda't make paymentl the both a matter's de&ree and, a
collecUon ageocy would be doctorate from C o r a e 11
ca.lied in. UDiversJty •
N aturali7,ation Service
To Open County Office
Naturalization Service has
been persuaded to open an o(-
fit-e in Orange County •t the
Santa Ana Community Action
Council headquarters, 212 w.
Civic Center Drive.
An ofOcer of the lm-
nUgratloo Service will mate a
one-day a week vi.sit on
Wednesdays, beginning Oct. I.
Joseph Amato, director of
the Legal Aid SOcie!y of
Orange County, l!ltd the o!Dce
was reque!ttd bectuie of tbe
difficulty of pttlng
tranaportllloo to L<ll Angeles.
Some geople were llftkina ad-
vice locally from persona un-
quali!ltd On in;DnlirtUon mat-
ters, usually campoundlng the
problem, he said.
He said the Immigration
Service re!pOOded rapidly to
the request. Space, furniture
and a secretarial &ta!f was
donated by the Community
Action Council but slnct there
is no federal budget allowance
for .!llch an office tbert will be
no telephone.
Telephone or mail business
still will be handled by Los
(For Sleep) For Exfr1tlions 1nd flllints
§e 16 MOL TO PAY e O,lN EVES. I SAT.
,_, • .._ •SI HAILA
DR JEPSON ''"'"'" · • I '• ' ' \
Deep cushlon insoles .and erchos.
Extni Clvreble soles. Bleck or white.
VALUE 2"~ Sizes ~ to :10.
OXFORD 2a• la,Ji&
4TO 10
76 Qa~lity 'Mlt!t Cotduroy r" l.w end Hf •.
•tvl•L Crinld ... C..pe Solas.: Cushl~I\ -
huoi.s. Style -•itd comfa,t. 6re•n and
2VJ TO 6 6'/J TO 13
No,,..skid 101••· Cu1hiot1 irt-o
soles and erchn. By MaJor
U.S~ Manufecturer. Sa9e,
9re•n or n•¥'(.
10 TO 2
444 '
Special value for beck • to • school
wear. Black and 4"
white. Cushioned
FiM quality cM¥aL
C.lhioe insol" end
·rdtu.. NOA0 1kid hC.•
tioa. solff. llack M .a
white. 2"
Stretch fuR cushion sole. 151.
Cotto• -15 % Nyloo. 6ood
wear artel comfort!
2 Prs.
FREE •••
R19•ln Cot. , 49c
Sites To Fit All JI'•
mLE . .
FIM qutbty Uln'f ..
Black with white
rim. NOIM~id rubb.,
5898 Edinger at Springdale
Huntington kach • 847·9125
10045 idams at Brookliunt
Huntlntton leoch • 962-9178
(Ntxt·te S...O. Dni1l
J I Dolll.Y I'll.OT
LEGAL liOl1CS !.!:GAL liOl1CE
DAILT r1LOT Sltlt Pll9'9
Surfing tlae Soup
Having successfully negotiated a quick break off the top of a left shoulder. this
surfer was content to nde the soup to shore. Action took place near Huut.ing·
ton Beach Pier.
to Revive Alaska
Giant State Badly • N eed of Cash
-An oil boom of recyrd pro-
portions bas opened a great
vista of ~ll-;development for
Alaska, long dependent oo the
federaJ govtrnment both as a
ll!rrttcry and a stall!.
The $900 million reaped at
WedneifCiay's sale of oil and
gas leaR;S on the frozen North
Slope wll) . give Alaska the
reserves ii needs to solve
m a n y problelUSa including
-Though it ls more Utan
twice as big as any other
state, It has only 4,000 mlles or
paved roads. Travel i.! ei-
pensive and difficult and many
Alaskans never leave their
native villages.
-Many of its native
children -Indians, Eskimos
and Aleuts -still are flown
thoosands or miles to lhe
"lower 48" states to attend
Bureau of InClian Alfairs
schools because · schools in
their own villages would be loo
cosUy aad few teachers are
-State ·taxes are extremely
high but the standard of liviag
in many areas is very low.
Southeast Alaska must bring
milk by boat from &attle
because there is no land for
llvestock. The federal govern·
ment owns VI percent of
Alaska's land. '
-High prices and a grievous
housing sbortaae tend to in·
hibit populaUon expansion,
and only 280,000 people live in
Alaska. Of those, 120,000 live
in Anchorage.
mistaken tmpressioos that all
of Alaska's financial dif·
ficullie.s will disappear. We
can't spend money just
because we have it. The funds
must first be appropriated by
the tegislature."
Up to now, the Alaska
Legislature has been like a
crowd or husky fishermen
trying to make a meal of one
small salmon. There basn"L ·
been even enough state man·
ey to mee~ the most obvious
needs. Alaska has spent only
$800 million in its 10 years as
a .state.
Alaska gets il! o i J • a g e.
economy under way next week
by selling $8.5 million in bonds
to build highways, airports,
f i s h hatcheries, hospitals,
schools and a pioneers' home.
~tiller said a substantial
port.Ion of the oil lease money
will be deposited in Alaska
banks so it will be available
for loans in the state.
State officials already are
fe>rmulating plans for long·
range u.se ol the oil bonanz.a.
Miller'• office ha11 hired a
research fi1'm to help come up
with propo!als to be submitted
te> the leglslature. Th e
Legislative. Council has re·
taioed the Brookings Institute
to manage a series o £
seminars designed to tap the
brainpower of the state's
leading citizens.
There is a committee. to
study building a state capitol,
perhaps with oil m on e y .
Alaska's government operates
out of an old federal building
in Juneau.
Some want to move the s
capital from Juneau t a ~
Anchorage, already the site of ~
some stale government ()!. j
fices, or to some other more
centrally located spoL Tht on• ~
ly way to get into Juneau is by 11
boat or plane. f
Each legislator will have his ~
pet project, bul the idea of \!
such wealth is so new that few ~
h,ve voiced seriously thought· ~
out 11rograrns.
' • ' • ' Hanna Mails ~
Quiz Home " )
Rep. Richard T. Hanna (0. ...
WestmiMt.er) has ma i I e d
200,000 copies of hia annual :
legislative. questionnaire. ~l
vo1ers in his distrjcl ~l
The congressman is seeiinft the views of hia c<>nstituents
on sucti diverse subjects a9
tax reform, crime, defense .
and Vlelnam, and Se.lectiVo
Service reform. ~
In a11, 11 subj!!cts are'""
covered with others being
legislati ve priorities, t h e
President's program. the
federal budget, consumer af·
fairs, drug abuse. electmal
college reform and student
In past years as many as 20
percent of his questionnaires
have been returned, Hanna
Republican Gov. Keith---------------------
fl.filler cautions :
"There should be no
Seeing tlae World
Janice \Votre of Costa Mesa ts broadening her horl·
zons with this \Vorld Globe she won by submitting
a question to \he DAILY PILOT'S Ask Andy col·
umn. Janice sent in several questions and doesn't
know which ono \Va'i the \vinner since the news-
paper never received the colwnn containing he~ question .
1 I
T-, ~ 11, 1%9 D>.JLY l'ILOT JJ • . . . .
NASA: Budget. Fight Next on Agenda
• •
Different Speed Sign· "'''' .......
Motolilta puslng lbrougb•the Madison Counly, Ill., community of Bethalto are greeted with a rather
bittersweet traflic wamlni. The different kind Of
speed limit sigm are pooted In the SOil bloclt ol South
Prairie Street.
Kidnap Points Up Prohle10
Elbrick's Fate, Hijacks Part of Politi.cal Gambit
UPI ...... N-""'""
For the "Ovtr 30" genera.
lion the yeara through the late
J950's to the praent have been
a series of sbocb.
A generation brought up in
reasonably simple terms of
blar.k and white, of readily
detectable good guya and bad
guys and of wan that are won
or 1...t, suddenly finds lbfll
faefd with sltuaUons DOt so
readily solved, of good guys
and bad guys not so easily of kidnappe.n and with an u1ly
rtcognlud and of wars that lamp on hb head to prove they
are neither won nor lost. meant buJiness.
It alao find! itaell faced with It wu JD act designed to get
a refinement of techniques for the utmost publicity for the
upsetUng the rouUne ol day-t~ young terrorists and it ~
day events for whlCh so far no jected the Bramllan govem-
soluUon has been found. ment to the hwnlliaUon of
HAD LUNCH being forced to release 15
U.S. Ambassador to Brull political prisoners held in
C. Burke Elbrick bad lunch at Brazil jaUs to obtain Elbrick's
his home in Rio de Janeiro release.
and was on his way back to · lt made use of a technlque
his embl!sy office. Suddenly against which there is DO ade-
he found himself in the bands quate means ot d~ense
llV"9 lluo....., $•.•• .---,....-.. Levi's
LM'S41 Conlunys ••••• LEVI'S&
O.•rl1l••I uvr-s~L J •£•• 11.. lf'fl'-'-~ ... , ..... , •• , Nltl .... WAWal
"'"" u '-uvrse Nwo'1 $8.00
:; :;.~,:": LM'$9 f11r11 $1.00 $650•$1°°
~··~·· '-' uvrss Casual PMts from $1.oo rit• 1-1. Sizes 21
to 46 Woist a TOIO IAM QIM9lfl $S,ft DAllT lo-6 DAllT 10 .. '
ftl. 10 t. t SUH. 10 .. •
$U,H. II .. '
llllldo _., oan, you'll Ind Ollrea'-t•
tq.goodntn ttllh eotktal11. Uquor and all.
They don't t1111 homlmllde. They're mb:td
proftuH>n11/y. With tht flnnt tngredlentl we
c1n lay our h1nd1 on. like Smirnoff Vodk•
tor lhe Vodka Martlnll; Gimleta •nd ScAlw-
drlYera. And b9c.luH lht can• are atumlnum, they
chlll rnter. An you do It fltp open and 11rve.
Whentver you're r11dy1 wt n. Whtrw
)'OU are.
Mo,. lmporlant, Clubl•ll• come fn nine
favorite navort, from Extr1-0ry Martini 10
fre1h, frothy Daiquiri.
We Clll them ClubtaUs. Blcluat thtY'r•
10 much 1ul1r, qulck1r and bttter th an
"l'D drink to lhll."
Praldent John F. Keooedy,
only bow-1 before hit own
~ said thera ....
no 84equate w., to protect an
American preuclellt'• 111 e
igainst .i determined enemy.
Th• State Department bu
said that special . eecurity
measures have been taken at
American mlulom around the
world. Many dJplomats res.lat
these measures u cuUlng
them off from the people they
are supposed lo reach.
The kidnap technique tor
poUUcal purposes is not new
although Elbrlck may be itJ
highest ranking dlplomaUc
Terrorists la!t year kid-
napped the arthblahop of
Guatemala, Mario Casa Riego,
in Guatemala C'ity .
VenmJelan guerrillas seU:ed
U.S. Air Force Col. James K.
Chenault in J963, Fidel Cetro
Jci<inapped nearly 50
Amertc.ana In 1958.
AJ drama.Uc as the kid·
naplng~ haa been th< ruh ol
btjacklngs of p111enger
An early victim of this was
Mol.ahe Tshombe, former
premier oC the Coneo who died
~ year ill an Al(erlao jaU.
Of approxlmat<ly IO hJ.
Jacldop llnce the bellnoln& ol
1911, nearly 50 hive occurred
so far this year.
These also have de.fied a
Mo.st of these are not the
work of lgnoraat peuan\11 who
decided to &boulder a 1W1 to
redress real or fancies wrongs
committed by aoctety.
Many art carried out by col-
lege graduates trained in the
professions, capable of plan-
ning and carrying out their
plam: with Ume-table ac-
curacy. Latin Amer I ca
abounds with examples.
Green Flags
To Wave
For Safety
Traffic aa.fety •l the aeven
schooil ill the FOWllalo Valley
School D1Mrict will be reward-
ed by hoisting "'"" pennant.
this year.
Dr. Dale Coogan, wpt. ol
educotlonal ""!-, •aid thil year Ille "'°"°" ' w 11 i
partlclpale In a "Green Pen·
nant Safely Pro1r1m ''
1pooaorod by the South Cout
Junior Women'• Club.
The eUort ill aimed at mak.·
Int every rtudent ln the
district cooscloua ol lbe vital
need for Jralllc ulety, Coogan
111d. .
Larae lour by 1w<1 fool pen-
nant.I will be given to each
ochool durln( the IJrrl week ol
achoo! along with pamplllou
e1"plainlll1 t&e prOll'lm.
If a acbool records a
1tudent-relaled aecldent, the
peMlll1 mu1t be loWfred and
placed Inside the building to
dramatize the need for 1afety.
'Ille alleded llCbool mllll then
complete 30 conaecuuve ac·
cldeot.lree 'da)'1 before the banner can be raised again,
ac<Ol'dlni lo Coo1an.
Schooll which complete the
entire year wltbout an ac-
cident. will receive a "Perfect
Safety Award" from ~al
Motort Corp., national
-of lbe program.
Prepared for every cour1e trith
'""""' ---pwfllct for lolmlO( ardmto· .. rc.9¥1flOOtltlolantlialollowlnlU>Joci&'
AllTltROl'Ol.OqY lAllGUNIO
ART t llllllATURE
::fN'l1~::.0 . :=°°'
w •••• 17th ltteetl , .... """· """"'' , ..... .,.. ...... .._,
it by1he yw 2000. modoralt Senale Rtpubll<anl.
Aantw'• comment at • o New York'• Cbarlu Goodell, llT'S llE ., I -c:: . ...,., ol c:rltlcllot rpr one, hu made Jt clut on
:«lib anal1e1d and hlr aall-aevtral occllklnt that whtle u,... .... .,.= iant Dtmocr1Uc le I d tr , He >Upporll eomplolhlo ol lilt
Edward M. K~, ill 1be APollo cam be believes .. -.,~·
fortlron l. tb1'r na 11 Jonr4 term to our arta. pltue W UI
Otbera, lnel•dJn1 pr ltilo ... hen .. eulh. IO tbat wt n;-., ..,.. I
Democrotlc S... PbWj> A. In I relat!i! deYtlopm<n~ --~ .... Kart of Michipn, ...,.. qulcll ~ .. s.n. Howard n. lhe!nto_._.
lo add their yolcet, dWii'tllt Jr. cir Tenoes.we hat illtba!r_ .... ........._
early deb1te over space qen. relulld a ,:,u ll>owill1 h~ So. (Old~ dinl m11Cb of tila aame lineup ~ttltuent.s &\/Of a 'f:: pro-
IS the battle OYtr dtfeue gram "J:.riled the 494-0579 .
1peodlog. tocal -· l!Od&e\ 'l!ill>qul 4'4-"'8 Al In the i!!' over an--Jal eJ11phuil .•
Uballistic m f u n d 1 , Baker llld I~ lllrllor Ylsll« llemocra]I probably <Ill OX• t:' laYOrecf I . , _ if,
poet help from llberal· wlthJlussla.
1 "Artistry
in Moving" for the
. Call· •' ' ' 494-!1025
Keep Y0ur
F1mily SAFE with
from yo\11' .
Home llliiii
An exti111111sher thafs decon-iivl. For ho1111 or office. Coast
Guard opp. Ett1ctlv1 on oil, ps,
paint, rnotm, etc. 210 lbs (01) ____ .,.._ ____ _
. Aju-UTE
~lo bn'jlholdtr of t11t 1lumlnum. Moun1s eesil1
on 1ny flit 1urf1t1 or ouUet bo~ With wall flanJ•·
HoJds PAR31 or R40--•... ,, ..•. , , ••••• :(02J ,
[l)(l!*tL. •
-.... '21\ll!l!P , flllllWS .
For •iuner •Ir, 1r11ier comfort 11111 ·
lower ope11tln1 casJJ. l·incll thlel in 1ssort1~ sizes. ...... : .......... (OJ)
4911: In , ..,, loll 111
All-purpose for v1llnee, cover
comics and ctilln1 lljhl Q
inches ................ (01)
Hosvy-<Suty, Uqu1fl" oraonlc
subJfance in cloQed dr1lns,
trips, etc. 28 ot •.• , .•. (09)
STANDARD. Tums lljhil on l
off. 875W. (06) ..... , •. I.II
DELUXE (not shown). Wllnut.
arsln panel. 1875W .........
1H WAU 11111-All (not shown),
AulomaUc & ma""I control 1t
wall switlh or outiet •• 1US
Finni padlock pmtectlon mott-
' •I'" birl. IW' !On. .... 111
Ctllllla1tftt ••••••••••• 1.21
Mu. Sl<lrity .......... 3.25
VAi.ii 910
Jlnvn"'1!0ff Mee 1111rd ,r•· vents-forced entry l\lln If tubidt
i~~d~.'~~~ -~·~~~ct
Protect yoursilf with 1 chlin
door 1uord. Ail 111 docllS.
Hend-pol11h1d .solld bran.
heavy-<luty wilded thlln. .!0$)
l'llllq llc1tAI for bldrooms. With
button lock. •••••••• : •••••. l.11 1'rfnlJ i..cu.r1or both. .... 4.11 IJlfJJ IMMt for socurlty on 11·
ter~r doors. ........ , ..... 7.21
8.DODa . C10Sb. Powarful ·ciOl~i ·1prln1 1ccommodo!1i scrun,
stoml, lnllf1or doon. au .... 1.11
t ~ S1ID. SUlifACl IOlT. 112l llO
D,I" ma Wlfi 111.f, ..... 411
LlllT llUS
Choice of 60, 75 or
iOOW. 4 pat
With thll coupon
Reiulor Price ... tit
9 A.M •• 9 PM.
Monday thru 'rffay
t A.M. • 6 P.M.
10 A.M. • 4 P.M.
~---------...................... ______ ..;;.;.;;..;;.;;;~-....:----------------==-=--===--.....:-".:. __________ . --·-'--'-=""""'" -~·
' .. ..
• .,,
. '
• ...
JI Nll.V .._err : "'"*'· ~ ll, 1169 --c
ly Jlhll lnfelfanclt '
Moun.tain Idyll
JVewlyweds Keep Fire Watch
l!IYLLWILD, Calif. (AP) -
Newlyweds Cliff and Gayle
Dotji picked a tor.st.fin
lookout cabin atop a,m.foot
Tahjjuia Peal< lor their hooey·
They're smoie--walchers for
the U.S..For<St Sen<iao for the
duratloa ol the fire season In
sOuthem California.
••.{t first," says ~year-<ild
Gayle. "I thougbt tt WOlllcl be
pretty creepy -living llP on a
mountain. <IWI)' fttm
"'But ni>w I like IL It seems
evet')'body .findl their way up
to wr pf.ace. Hikers come to
visit us at all boun of the
She and Cliff, M, were mu.
ried 'In April and begu ttie1r
job In !Uy. They look for
:dgna ol llro -and belp lost
bikers. So far, G a y I e
estimates S,000 have climbed
the nv...ue. 'lrinillDtf palh to .. our mauntain puadbe."
She was Interviewed by
teleptione at a ranger station
in Idyllwild wbm she came
down for 8Upgliel. Cliff re-
mabied at the lookout •taUon,
out ol touch with the -ol
the world e=pt by ..,.,..,,.
cy radio.
"It's sort of a primlUve life
on our mo1ntain,.. she sa1d
Thursday. "We don't have a
telephone and the.re'a no elec-
tricity. We have a gas
refligerator and gas llghla.
The only way down to dvilia.a-
tioo ii by foot -unleu you're
lucky j!OOUlh to hltcb_ a J!de m llll'lleclQe's l:Jorse.••·
The cabin ls 20-feet-by·20,
with' chesMeveJ.to.ceillng pie>
ture. windows oo all· four sldeS.
A nmger brlnp locid to them
each week.
The coople met lbroo&h a
mutual friend juat five ·weeb
befOre they were maniei:l.
Tbe °"' ...... OOWd Jut until November or December,
clepeodlnc oo the weather .
.. We.'U atay until then and
we'll dedde what we'll do nut
a!tm.anl," Gayle aald.
Workers Set to Enter
76 Miners Death Tomb
W.ort on opening glant tomb in
West Virginia wJll start Fri-
day, provk!ing the weather is
right for the highly dangerous
It's a coal mine called
~founlaineer No. 9, at Farm-
ington, &ea.led nine moolhl ago
with the bodies of 71 men in-
side and still full of metba~
-the gas blamed for the
death-dealing blast last Nov, 20.
Conlolidatioo Coal Co. has
lVamed that when its mine is
n!!OpeDed and the methane is
blown out it "wlll pose a con-
8taot threat cl explosion in the
immediate vicinity of the mine
for several days ,al least."
Unlavarable weather con-.
~ that could let methane
accumulate, I n s t e a d of
diasipaUng through the at•
mosphcre, wouk! f o r c e
postponement of reopening.
Even under the be&'t con-
dil.icns, says a federal safety
expert. the men who break the
first concrete seal face several
hours -perhaps even a day
or more -o( danger.
"We don't anticipate any
trouble,11 said James
Westfield. an assistant dJ.rec...
tor of the U.S. Buretu of
Mines, "but we're taking
every precaution.
"Once that lleal ls cracked
metbaDe will be comtn1 out
under 'Jft58Ul't. If it we.re to
explode the men working ther
could be burned or blown all
around the place. ..
Consolidation ))as planned -
with Bureau of Mines approval
-to use fans to blow the
escaping methane away from
the wcri:men.
Jacthammers used by the
workmen-will be tipped with
molybdenum to reduce the
danger ol. sparks.
Methane is estimated al up
to 97 perceM of the mine's at-
mosphere. 'lbbi gas becomes
explosive when diluted to
between 5 and 15 percent.
As air is forced through the
mine, the methane Will thin
out to that uplosvie range.
Eiperts believe all the un-
dergrmmd fires are out and
the mine ha,, cooled enough to
avoid new fires.
I! they're wrong -if "hot
spoU'' stil1 eDst -the mine
could blow again.
The company figures il will
take five to sevtn days before
I.he mine's atmosphere is safe
enoogh for men to go under·
Tbeir job then will be to ex·
plore and repair the eastern
hall ol the mine Ind seal tt ol!
from the mon heavily damag-
ed western haH where most of
la.st November'.s victims are
Experla eatimate il might
take months berore the-bodies
can be recovered.
I See by Today's
Want Ads
• For 50,~ Llncoln bead
penniea yoa c:&11 own this
1960 Uncotn, in aood con-
dition. with many men ~ .. lir. lelt.
• ~ 1rom dilhwatw ~~= tor Pl.
• Ul!t • """"'' don1 tuber--· ... -...... It CIOf ntedell now, WSI
PtAftd, -~ ... ... nqabod.
• n knfilloc Ml bee• )'OW' ilobbJ .... it )'OW' ... _, __
netdedin_allo_ ----
.. ' .. -.. .., -
""'"""'' ......... ,,, 1Nf , ... ti
»Basks . '
F1llm a distance Ibey 1oolie4 Jut lit•
.:.,y otller yachting eolhuslots or tennis
bulb, enjoyJng a typlcll balmy Soutllem
Callfomla day.
... . ...
. " and Brlgp Cunnlnlham Columbla'1 co-
hetmr111ei,-In the 19'1 diimse trill!,. ~
Sdlocl<, ~weir, and Rob, Tnm,_r•t .....
1111re _1)oug'an, all crew membt11. •••11•Pat..
rlcla Dougmi rounded out the ,......, .. ljlt.
But !her were lwdly typical, for :U.o ,
group of !>Oaten recently ...., gll~ a~
Ille harbor Included, President Rlch4rd M.
Nix°"" and tho recent four&(>Dle on ·the tenriti '
court ot the Bllboa Bay Club Included Vice
P_resident Spiro T, Agnew.
Whlle-1he Nlsons were •Ulll\lill In Sall '
Clemea'le, Vite Pre1ldent and Mn, Agntt{ 1 lnade the Bllboe Bey Club tllelr lleiclqoar·
ten fqr a lirl~ -.acation. < t,
President Nixon, aboard Thomas p,
Doug1111•1 12-meter Columbia, runner-up In
the 1167 America's Cup defense trills, was
part ot a group of sailors Including (at left,
left to right) Mn. Dougan, Mn. Emil Mos-.
bacher and Mosbacher.
M011bacher the Prelident'schiel of pro-
tocol, was the Skipper of the J2.meler Intrepid
which, in 1967, SUOCOlsfully defeoded the
America'• Cup. Ho also •arranged tlle 90-
minute voyage.
Oth~rs aboard the yacht were Bill Ficl<er
Taking adVilltage ot the lnv\Unc WM!be~
w!tll Ilia ~lure In the mid 70lf, Ill• vice •
president veiiimM to the tennis COl1N for 1 -~ t'w•~aame. ' smcer DiUb'Siiort (below, ...... fJeat
left) ....,eel iltlll~thC.vlce prelideat 81~1
Barbara MarXi -·'wjft, of comedian . ~
Marx (1econt\ tiOni nt) and C. I). Ward. ' a· mom-of , Ail\! ~ staff (Nbt), ancl among~~ Won at file matdl
Wll Mn. J,inew-(~ogter). ' 'lbe~!;also speDI an afternoon boet· • Ing on N~' Bt1 befoz9 coocludlnJ lhelt atay in the 1larbOr Area. -
" . -.
First fqr County
Auxiliary Racing
For Silver Collar
. For the first time the principa1 funding event of the Womeh's
Auxiliary to the Sbuthern Calilonua Veterinary Medical AssoclaUon
will take place in Orange County.
In a departure from its tradiUonlil luncheon, the auxiliary this
year will sponsor ·a Derby Dinner and NlCbt at the Races for mem-
bers, husbands and friends. '
Proceed& from the !:Ith annual Silver Collar benefit will be used
to pun:llM~ gµt4e doge for the blind. ,
. The group will gather for a buffet dinner between 6 and 9 p.m.
111 lhe Gardea Room of 1'os AlamJtos 'Race Course. 'The first race will
•WI at 1'46 p.m.; and h!Jhlight ot the evening for awiillary members
\•!ill ~e ~ Sllver Collar 8':ce, with group representatives pre1enting
the w~g jockey with a dozen roses.
' . ' Chairµl!m of the new funding project ts Mrs. Richard O'Sullivan
ol Santa Ana, and essl&ling are the Mmes. Rli:baid Fink, Ydrba Linda,
alUillary president; Stewart Hughes, 11::.t; Beach, llason lor Gulde
Dogs for lli.-Jllind School. Inc.; Elden brl~g~1 Fountain Valley,
palroos; Dobald Lllld, Santa Ana, door prlies; JU'Ulur Stone. Garden
Grove, invitations and retervations; Cbar1es Hendricks, A:nahelm,
hootesses : Howard Weyker, Loog Beach; decoraUoos, and Duane Gray, Orange, publicity.
. •
A WINNER -l>ickbui a n.W 'fund-raising project for Ulla
year are m~ Ill die W«llen's Allxiliary to U.e Southam
California V«mnary Medical" Amlciation. The eroup will
sponsor a Deri>y Dinner and Night at the Races.' Certain
that they have picked a winner are (Ien 1o light) Dr. and
Mrs. Eldeo Bainbridge and Dr. and Mrs. Max Graehl.
The SCVMA and lls auxiliary I& compiilled of the Southeast. V•l·
ley and• Oranee County obapteri. The ·next combined project 'Will be
a borne lour ·an4 luncheon 1n· OdC!Jer, and th' arM cb,apter alSO' is planlllng Ila *'lllall Chrutmas dll!!Ce. -
DEAR ANN LANDERS : 'I 1111 ZO, male,
and have been smoking pot lllnce I wu
17. I've heenl a Joi -.I Wtlrd slarl .. about
pat and I'm IUf'e molt of tbe ator1es are
eugg.raled IA> scare kids of!, Some of
my £.rWx!J have been smoking for fi\'e
years and have had no bad dfects.
Othe~ hive 1otten into all k1ads of troll·
ble. I'm convinced It all depends on the
physical condiUoo ol lhe anol<u and how
strong lhe stulf Is. I aot Q/J pol MVGI
weeks ago and I hope you will print my
letter because ii might help oomebod1·
Sl:r months after I ltarled to smoke t
began to get terrific headacbes whlch
Jasted two and three daya. The.~ I
developed a oort of al~inl Ii-I could fall asJcep any pJ&Oe, any time, iii
any pooition.
When I atarted to fall asleep oo tbt
hi&finy I decided fd bettor qui~ but I
kept going back IA> the jolnls 1>ecause I
llktd 1he feeling. POI amoken i.11 eadl
olh<r It iJ not habit fonnJoa but I'd like
IA> know wbal you call It wlien y111 can't qWL
r.o monlh1 qo I 1fll ll!P lnnn a amoke and decided IA> drl,. ID 1 town ....
lY llmlla away. The nal ihJnC I knew I
1'11 IA !be holpltal. I bod fJllen uleep at
the wheel and hlt an abulmeol. Tbe car
WU dlmollabed and I was lucly IA> get
out .Ure. I allo wu luc:k7 lhal I didn't
kill-a car lull of people.
I thank God I got all pot be!.,. It
wrecked th)' Ufe. I'd 1lgn m1 name but
my folks would die ol t h 1
' DEAR REIUI: 11'1 alee lo waU \IP
alive, ••t 11! Nit all people laave ~
kind of luck. ,_ I• wrtt1s1.
DEAR ANN LANDERS : Im datlni a
fine )'ouni man and bt hu -me IA> marry hlm. 'Mv folb thlnt Amold ·ta
manelous and } ~ 1&1 be trtall me
beauWull7. The problem II tllil: Anlolit •els'., 11tahge when bt ii wtlh bla IJlllll.
lY lhat I wonder U they are llOl'1llai.
l'br U&llljlle: Lui n!Pt Arnold'•
brolher a.. Cap :Ill asked hJm for a
loan ol. flO. Amokl replied, "You a.re a
pe-m!roveo lnJegrily and r,ou can have 1 1 have. I love you , '
Ben loolt f10, kissed Arnold and
Mid, "Thank you. l tove yCQ, too."
'Ibey were not kidding, AM. Thli II tbt
Enioy Living.
• • • ' ' wll' thq lilk lo each oeber in 1he lime. WbaVa more, !hey always tbs each other
and tbtlr parent.s hello and g~y._rve
never teen an:ythiq like IL We are a
cioM famllJ, bul tllil 11 rldleoJGul.
Ura ii I m)'lh. That put-<>n 1111 boao
fi!>aUng anlUlld for liff. Only ll>e.111UlbJ.
loi<e!J believe 11. How come YOU
ilid! -HOUSTONIAlf
DEAR BOllSTONIAN: I lft'I I mul Do you think Arnold and r could bave a be _,,.., .... L --· •-• 1ood marrlap! -Q.T. • a •-we,_, "-•-• a
DEAR Q,1 B'1 1'tw Arwold 1nlb 191 . H JOU bave lrOW>le pWng alon1 wtlh
!bt -IOd -. lo yoor lf;Utt, .,..,, pareols ••• ij 7"11 cao't 8'I 1hem •
.. -11 191 • .,., ..u. I adak ... lei )'OU llWI ,..., -lllo, aeed '"' Ana 1am117'1 -.-II --lo 0.,. lk Linden' booklol, • ..,.. b7 Pareotst
leall, bot I -aoiloloi ... lo 11-V... IA> Ott Moro hn•m. • -It lli•l ArMll wwld 1111 M a ~ .... ~t.s In coin wllh your nqMt and a l>md. _, " locil, stamped. adl-addre.ed ......
AM Landen will bt 11ad IA> l\eip yw.
DEAR ANN : I'm floored by YCl\lt , .,,llh 70Ur problem.. 5end lhem lo !lit In
... rerenoa IA> the H .. g dlters, ·~ and ~" ol the DAILY PILOT, 111Cloallll a
Ura. vou·ve been hod. Ima ii !or na1 bllt lall~ ~ytlopa.
_ ...... ....,......,;--..,..-----------. .
:;.· ••
·Horoscope ,. • •
Aquarius: Watcn Direct.ions
llENll TIP: People are
-.. ._i Imported .......... Key •• .btnty,
tel e•n& -&le be1t ..Uta•• .,._lbten ...,
~• tlllak AllO floe for ......... dllllog, apedally nere Gil e.tcc••* ·11
---' Try --· aitttfn1. MO..UrUUI ClOD-o ,_ lit Uh,. ealplwlul
bmll wllll tndlUoo. Be a dlr> llg cllDer. t
AlllFS (Morch 21·April 11):
PubUclty lndlcal<d. You get
a~. Avoid quick, !,,..
pulslve decislono in !<gal area.
Avoid notmlety. u.......i re-
quests come your way. Special
one ts from ma~·partner.
TAURUS (April 20-May IQ):
~are accenttd. Fn>m Some I-may oeem far ouL be by19..,,
dilldl'lll to adulta, -y read But 8UU-today do IP TO D 4 Y IS Y 0 UR
to ~ tn, eccmtdc manner. dfserve your COhlideration Bm'DIDAY you are versatile.
Srie al humor will belp. Be and review. Oiled with dtlir1 to Jeani-
patlenL Some .... meroJy CAPRICORN (0 ... II.Jan. Reading, writing and -realJeiAI. ~---JJ);_Tbole who~ part of your.Ille -so ill
CANCEll (June 21.July 22): about investments, r......w teaching and the Ieornlng pro.
Coodlttoaa at home may ap-matten could be off base to-~ Be ready to begin oew
pear upoet. Be ready !or day. RWlze this and be coo-p1<1ject. Someone slgnlficant ls cbaJwe. POSSible travel and servative with your assets. due to enter your life. plenty of vary..··. What A"-AQU.AIUU& (Jan. 1.0-Feb. To tltW ~ .,... •bollt _,...., ...,.
peared to be ·~Ufed may~ 11): Be sure of ~OPS~ in-.. iro-io.:ai.i~ t:"r::;.1"'~ additional ~ .. .i-structionl Com muntcations =JoWlt..""' t: ceitt1 to Oll'l•rr •"'6-today tend to be prbled. You :::"..1Ctmr1ffi~-:1k~·y::':, fl.~:
U!O (Julf ' ti.Aug. 21): want to Jmprmt your own """
Don't drive with lnlemJ>ttlle lltyle. 'lbal'a line _ but don't Individual. Many alOUli<I you today acl In carele8sJJllllll)er. arou,. .,..., al ••per!•"· · Sweet Adeline•
AU nd de'"'" -·" ·PISCE8 (Feb. It.March IQ): • to ... ~ .... -·-Y• ·Monty affeollng mate, partner Horborlltes Chapter Sweet Delegating dlJtles toU1d lead io may become issue. Some Adellnes convenes every Mon-
delay, !o&'· foo11lb spending could occur., day al a .p.m. for prof.ams in
VIRGO (Aug. ~. 22): But brooding, pouting will not • College Part &;boo , Costa
Avoid beillg erraUc where aet lllllWs rlgbt. Let bygones Mesa. , money -ls concerped. Y
receive numerous bin\!, tips
wbere your !inane .. are in-IT'S EASY . -~ I v.ol~. Key ls to separatio ·TO START A '
daydreams from actuallti.,, MUSleAI.. EDUC.A TlON
LIBR,\ (Sept. :13-0ct. 22): et WALLICljS MUS!C CITY J : t !
Artistic Information Given to Volunteer Guides
Your routine ls changed. ·o00·1.
perm.It tbis to upset sense or
balance. EnWJe h o r 1 z o n s
without scattering your forces.
Fine far writing, catching Up
on basic taskl in unusual man-
Penonal attention comes your GltOUP -=
way. Your actions, reactiona LISSONS '200 RENTALS are closely observed. Young •w c111'*"'',.,,. ••OM
Soeo Serisawa, juror for the Annual Meml\ersblp
"Awards Exhibilloo in Laguna Beach Art Assoda-
tioo gallery gives volunteer guides (left to right)
Mrs. Alton Allen and Mrs. Mural Boyle Information
Westovers Feted
cm a sculptnre by Marion Zeller. The two, along
with other volunt~ra, are conducting gallery tours
every SW)day throogh Oct. 26. GEMINI (May 21.Jone IQ):
Love aspecls of a o t a r
IL O!lr ~ ' person in 10 U r Ji[e makes lrl ,r._ _ .. rl $7'5
demands. Be kind, bu t .. ..... ....,..... .... -· ..__ U.. LISSOM ,.. ' remem,""',-0 th er com-REGISTER NOW :;: ,.:::::::._,.. mltmerits. .
II,__,_,,....,_,....,"""'..., _ _._ ... _... 1t may be dUllcull to be 540•3165 • diScreel, but ll ls necesaaty. -A ~S.uth Cout Plata. Cotta Meu
p1<1jecl IB being comple\eil.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weddings, Troths But· delalls are not ready to bei,
{Golden Date Celebrated Pilot's Deadlines
revelled. Act .accordingly. , ·
8AG1TTAIU\1S (Nov. 22-
Dec. '21):• Welcome new coo~
\a•~ lrieod.> and dlallenges.
-t -· (-
' I
. .
' . • . . . . . . . • . . •
• •
. .
' .
. .
Mr. ond Mrs. Willl1m H. Wnlovtr
TRY •••
Feels &ke o liltte ltOlhing Ofl yovr fOOI,
l~s lib quit• 50l'llelhing with fN$f'f "attv t; ·
of hobe,doshery for Fon I Discover a whole
new dillll!lnsion of soft. light ftexlbTilty
in, Yil.Pltty'S pamperer.
o/tfnll& ..
W• Carry
Sb:e1 to 10
All ol their children and five
of their nine grandchildren
were present to help Mr. and To avoid disappointment, prospective
Mrs. Wllllam H. Westover of brides are reminded to have their wedding Corona def Mar celebrale their 50tb wed d 10 1 an-stories with black and white glossy photo--
nlversary. graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart.-
The festivities began with a ment prior to or within one week after the marrlag~ ceremony in the wedding.
Westovers' home perfonned For engagement announcements it is
by the Rev. Raymond C. suggested that the story, also accompanied
Acheson ol San Diego, putor by a black and white glossy picture, be
ol the Westoven' church In submitted early. II the betrothal announce-
. Yuma for many years. meht and wooding date are six weeks or less ~
Following the ceremony, the apart, only the wedding photo will be ac-!eted couple and their guests ted
epjoyed a wedding feast in the cep To' help !ill requirements on both wedM
Stuft Shirt, then returned io ding and engagement stories, forms are avail-
tbe Westover residence for able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. punch and cake. Family members present In-Further questions will be answered by Social
eluded Mr. and Mn. Charles ' Noles staff members at 642-4321 or 4!14-94M.
Mcl.ey ol Huntington Beach.·-------""''""'""'"""_,_,...,,.,._..,.-~ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Orsio of
San Marino and Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Westover of Ywna,
their daughters and son and
their spouses, and t be i r
grand~, Linda, Cindy
and Rose Marie Terrybeny
and Sprague and Rebecca
Guests, in addition to the
Rev. Acheson, were Mrs.
Ach<$on, M(s. Eulah Phair of
San Diego and their step
grandson, Tony Orslo.
Entertaining Parties
Light Demonstration
and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and
Also included in the prcr
gram will be infonnation on
proper lighting to make back·
PresenUng the 12th annual
Hairstyle a n d Educational
Show Sunday, Sept. 14, are
members of Orange County
Cosmetologists A~ociation.
The Grand Hotel, Anaheim
will be the show setting.
Making a guest appearance
will be Claude Coupal,
member of the Canadian
Olympic hairstyling team last
year, who will conduct classes
in the current international
trelld . ..,_~-~ During lhe 1athering stylists
will compete .for the title of
Orange County Hairdresser-of·
the-year. The group later in
the day will present a donation
to the OC Kidney F~tioo.
The Tee
Tattler Westover practiced law in
Ywna for more than 50 years,
also taking an active part in
community affairs.
A snack party for the young,
"bandJto" party for teens and
fondue fun for young adults
will be demonslrated by Mrs.
Carol Heinz, home economist
!or the Southern California
Edison Company's Electric
Living C e n t e r , HunUngton
to-school homework easier. """"'""'""'"""-""'""'""'
He was city attorney for two
terms; a member of the board
of governors of tbe Arizona
State Bar for 10 years, serving
as president for one·year, and
was a member of the board of
regents of the University Gf
Arizona for eight years.
Mrs. Westover also was ac-
tive in civ:ic and community
affairs, assisting her church In
obtaining the first electric
organ in Yuma.
Entertaining jdeas for all
ages will be offered in the
center, 538 Main SL·
Daytime demonstraUons will
be offered at 10 a.m: Tuesday
and Wednesday Sept. I! and
17; Tuesday; Sept. » and
Thursday, Sept. 25. Evening
programs will be presented at
7 p.m. Monday and Thursday,
Sept. 15 and 18; and Monday
Pointers will show how to plan
a study area and important
considerations for selecting a
·good desk lamp.
·The programs are open to
the pubUc without charge and
each guest attending receives
a recipe book. For additional
infonnation call the Edison
company, 547·?581, ext. 278 .
!Edllot'I Noi.: A '°"-'mn of women'1
lop llOll "°"ff 11!111 -· NCl'I wtell; In the DAILY PILOT, To r•_.I scorn tor lhf w~, l>lffM m•ll lhm't to P. o.
Box 1560, Colli Mat. Tllff '"""'' Lit rec.l~llA':ic~$1.{~ JOAQUIN
S~ST NIH& lfOLll \ll HAHOICAP -=. Aiu Ille M~. L-l'l'llf
U.. '
,, N<I 0.brlel, :UV11 Giibert ::i,.,. J J~ Keeler, kobe!'t
Rii&ii""rlt)IV.1 Flltltl BR Ille Mtnft. l6\.'.11rt..,,;1~m._~7, F'ri.~·~ Mmes. WI,,_ White. 3111>1 E•rl '~"u~ ...._, J. F, •• CtKll~ _ )t' C••1 ~. :11'~1 ... 1t1er 1 room•=• f'_~tllt D, Ille MINI, Thoma ~Lr.fi. 'fl· Ptterwro. ~I ll m.fd
LOW Nit -TPlt Mmes. P•ter~, llelph Troutln.ii, 741 · Otrlf'I Wrl1 , ~him~ Pt!~{ 7'L C. .
ir111o MIJt' vn_tt "·
THJIEll 1Liif0 MICE -A l"~"I "",,M .. ~~ frlf!k P.l'ddock. ~.i.. ll r
Parents Participate
During Orientation
Dips Help
'""''• ...,I llObrrf Mesort. IOI?; 091191e1 6'\111 8 1"111111. ltl• Mmn . W!lll1m ....... ntev, 45~ Wilson E¥.ns. ~1):11Je":. t.~ J~·=:g~~i . ~!i. Tony MllrlUIM, 17\/ri 0.. ''°""' ..'nl J1dt Llrv~Q'·
A dimw..dJp dinner will atd U.OIES 'oA?'.' .J,\'4ST MDLII -
the remodeling ol buildings al i1CI~ ""~ Mmes. It. w. LlmKhtlt, .,; """'' G1tdrttt, John Koilt'"', M-•-ar1, JU the chlJ•-n• 9f"T M.cH111h T11om11 ecr.tem11t11, Ul.-.11~ • w~ s N11I GMey, ~\.;/ Clln 8 IM Mmes. home supported by Women of ,f,ll"',Nlcllotsan. M\.\1 w1in•111 L"lef", ~: 1Ar111w: CGmlltvn:. J, R!.Frttbl.lrn. lhe Moose, Huntington Beach. Mm-.,,: . JclM:• •. ..a~~' ""o.c. P::i
An orientation for ne1v
mothers and children at-
tending Sun 'n' Fun Creative
Play Group, a parent-
partidpation nursery school,
will take place Monday, Sept.
15, in 1.oeter Elementary
School, Seal Beach.
The first session will begin
at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept 17.
Three-year~d children will
attend each Tuesday and
Thursday a n d ~year-olds,
Monday, Wednesday and Fri·
day. &th groups meet
between 9 and 11 a.m.
The nonprofit organization is
designed to encourage
youngsters I n educatlonal,
emoUonal and physical
development. Instructor for
both age 1roups is Mn. Louis
Children attend from Seal
Beach, Huntlngtoo Beach, Los
Alamitos, Rossmoor and Long
Beach. Additional infonnaUon
may be obtained by contacting
Mn. Ronald Bennett.
mothers' chainnBn, at 596-
8191 .
Chorol . Group
Every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
members ot the Prospective
All.so Valley Chapter of Sweet
Adelints convene in Mission
Viejo Hlgb &hool.
Ham and meatloaf will be rm1n, »i c. Odtn Bedwell, «1\ e . Dlfll•"""•' tn. «IYu Roy L~man. ' I'>. served between 7 and 9 p.m. .., DAL l'LAY -c1au "" "" M!I?!!; Saturday, Sept. 13, ln the lodge ~~'t!Nfa0trt79l klK1';'.; M..,,, c'!..TnM
and dancing io jUke-box music ~~k~ ,:~':!:. fii~;....:;
wl11 follow. ~en M1~1{7~:·~1,l'r.1 ~j.:'l;
Recently the group, with W: Tt.:i::tw 5Uiii.-~1a~W1~r Rtt 1~:
Mrs. Paul Schabatka serving.-'""-'.:;·..::.:.·=,,.::::"':::.'.::"'-' ----f, as new senior regent .
sponsored an enrollment in
honor of Mrs. Sue Kelly.
Mrs. Kelly was invested
with her cap and gown alter
attaining a college of regents
degree dwing ceremonies con-
ducted yearly in Moosehurt.
Attending the enrollment
ceremony were visitors from
other chapters including Costa
Mesa, Santa Ana, Long Beach,
Buena Park. Glirden Grove
and Lakewood.
Steam .Carpet Cleaning
,..,..,......, ...... ........ -. .......... ..
lift ..... ...,i11 ....
..,,.... -..tr ....... 11
.... .., ..... .._. •• ~ly, ...,.. , ...... w ""' ................ , .... .., .... ..
..,,.. ••• ¥9t whir ..,.1 Al ... ,_.,, nD h •lclty
t.ltf..-...1. 0.. ...... 1'111 c...-. ,....
147 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA I
Catli'I j has MOVED
For your complete wordrobe
at reosonoble prices
• Smocks
• Suits •Gowns
1 • Ore11es
e Skirts •
• Half Slips
• Brief•
e Brit•
•Garter Belts • C1pri Pants
Maternity Shops
17 6 7 Newport Blvd •
Costa Mesa
Phone 646-5388
·formerly of .
in Huntington Beach
Vnder Complete 1\'e10 lll111tngenaent
Open Mon -Sat Eves by Appointment
l 673-68901
---------------------~----~ ---------~-------------.
T!rnrsdq, !ept1mbfr )I, 1169 DAllYPllllT ff 1
Braly-Stelzner Vows
Said in Costa Mesa
In Carmel
No1fh Dakota Rites
wear1n1 • mted 1•wn o1
white matte aaUn mpe,
Patrld1 Ann St.elmer wa•
escoried to the al(Ar of. St.
Johe the Bapt~t catholic
Church. Costa Meu by ber
father to became the bride of
William Hyde Braly.
The Rev. Mark Stehly
performed the double ring
ceremony 11i1klng the daughter
of Mr. and Mr1. Thomas Lew
Stelzner or Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada and formerly
of Calta Mesa and the aon of
Mrs. Harold Hyde Braly ot
Newport Beach and the late
Mr. Braly.
The bride's gown 'W a I
fashioned with three-qu:arter
isleeves and a chapel ~ of
chantilly lace. White 11ttn
flowers crowned her f1ngertlp
veil of illusion and the cirrted
a bouquet or white l'Olel apd
baby's breath.
Miss Maril\>n Stelzner, the
bride's sister, was maid ot
honor. She wore a fuJI lentth
A-line gown of citrus yelfow
Untn trimmed with wide
balKis of Jace on the hem and
short sleeves. She c.anied
white daisy chrysanthemums
with baby's breath.
Bridesmaids, dreued tden-
tically, were the~ Lloda
Farris of Costa Meaa, Suaan
Bro of San OJemente and
Kathleen Stelzner, the bride's
sister. Miss Janet Steimer. the
bride's youngest li!ter, wai a
junior bridesmaid. ~
Edward NewJand ot
Newport Beach was best man
and ust\ers were JeU Hom and
Lee Park of Newport Beach
and Robert Steimer, the
bride's brother or Costa MeM.
Loo .Angtl11 Now Homo
Following the ceremony
Miss Marianne LaPrairie of
Fullerton circulated the guest
book among the 150 guests at-
tending a reception in Mesa
Verde Country Club. AsliaUng
was Mrs. Joseph Imbach, the
bride's aunt from S o u t b
Special guests included Dr.
and Mrs. William Harrison,
grandparents of the bride-
groom from Ran ch o
Santa Fe end ltfr. and Mrs.
Ludwig Watty of Alameda, the
bride's grandparents.
The bride is a graduate' of
Mat.er Dei High School and
UCl where 11he majored In
biology and joined Tamandoa,
women'I service organization
and the studelit senate.
Her husband, an alumnUI of
Corooa del Mar High School,
attended Orange Coast College
and UCI and wu active In
swimming and water polo
sports at all three achool1. He•
will contlnue h1a education lo
the Art Center Schoo~ Loi
The newlyweds currently
are touring the Pacific
Northwest, VI c tor J a, B.C.
and the Canadian Rockies.
They will return next month
and make lbe1r new home in
Los Angeles.
Daily Pilot to Brief
Club Press Chairmen
Callln& the Women'11 Society
of Chrlltian Service to order
next Wednesday at 10 a.m. in
Thompson Hall of the First
United Methodist C h u r c h ,
Cost.a Mesa, will be Mrs.
Philip McKeru:le, president.
A birthday luncheoo will be
served by the Lydla Circle,
chaired by Mrs. Ruth Barnett,
with past pres.iQenta u special
Addrusln1 tho gathering
will be the Rev·. Francis J.
McOla!b, chaplain at Fairview
State Hospital.
Hunttnston llarbOU"r II home
ror Don Robert H&l'lkey and
hll bride, the former Marjorie
Coolady, wbo honeymooned in
Bora Bora, Mooru and Tahiti.
T.hey were married in the
Hlgblands Inn Chapel, Carmel
and feted to the Inn lollo"lni .
the ceremony.
Tb~ bride was liven In map
rlage by ber father, Jules
Conrady ol Stockton, and WU
attended by Mrs. John Evaw:,
Miss Barbara Hankey and
Miu Madalelne Conrady.
Best man wa1 John Robert
Hankey and ushers were John ilfiw\ioll!'i Eva and Ra DeGeorge. •
Tho bride, also tho daughter
of Mra. Conrady, w a 1
1ta<!Uated from the University
of Southern California wllh a
degree 1n buslnes1 ado
mhl.l!traUon. She was af.
flllated with Alpha P h i
Her husband, aon of Mrs.
Frances Hankey of Newport
Beach, also was graduated
from USC with a degree in
bualMSS adminlstraUon. He
attended the USC graduate
school and was affillat.ed with
Pb! Sigma Kappa.
Mlnnetota Mom•
Laguna Group
American LeiJon Awdllary
of ~ Beach gathen the
seconCi and fourth Thursday
evenlnp in the Legion Hall.
Anniversary Picked
For Wedding Rites
Her parent~· wedding an-
nivenary was the d a t e
selected by Barbara Dtieael to
exchange nupUal vows alld
rings with Wl!llam McCoy.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Waller Dresel of
Huntlcgton B e a c h w a s
ese-0rted by he.r falher to the
altar of St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church. COnductlng
the ceremony was the Rev.
Colman Colloty.
The bride wore an em·
broidered silk organza cage
over a fitted sheath. The gown
was designed wlth full length
puffed sleeves and a high neck
trirruned "1th lace daisles.
Her cal.bedral length man-
tilla train repeated appliques
of matching lace and she car.
ri ed a bouquet of yellow
daisies and white roses.
Miss Mary Jo Bobisb of
Sharpsville, Pa., wore a grten
al.lk organza cage over taffeta
and carried a cascade of white
were the bride'• brother; Donn
Dre.set ; Dalt Zemke,
Westminster, an d Tom
Kalieta, Sharon. JW'dor uahera
were Timothy Klluk o f
Pasadena and Gary Marks of
Founlaln Valley. l\lng bearer
waa Glen Barnett, Cypress.
The new Mra. McCoy la a
graduate oC Hickory High
Schoel, Sharon, and graduated
cum taude from Immaculate
Heart College, Hollywood,
with a BA In English. She now
teaches In the Woodland Hllls
School District.
Her husband , son of Mr. and
Mr11. Craig McCoy o( West
Middlesex, Pa., alsG is a
graduate of Hickory High
School and Penn S ta t e
UnJversity where he received
a BA in history.
Following tlle ceremony 12~
guests attended a poolside
reception at the home of the
bride'• parents.
After honeymooning In San~
ta Barbara, the newlywed&
wtll make their home In
Sherman Oaks.
Words Tell
New Tales
PRETTY HAIR , , , tllmmorl•t hair· , , • hohlt ••Y
1tyle hetrl Th1t11 whet heir ~.comet wt.en a IODI· .. h
ENDURE w1v• Is •pplied. It tneble1 any heir t• •to
C•pt any styl• and hold It longer than •• ., .Hf ...
It 11 1h1mpoo ••sy to 410. No t•1tlnt1 rio checlti4:
B-•I 17Ql ...... IML
Bstr•n 1
-·-I BEAUTY SALON · Huntlntten .. ch
Opitt .......... Mr·fl'4
Pre-registration for th e
Publicity Workshop to be
presented by the DAILY
PILOT as a part of the Orange
Coast Evening College Lecture
Series Is under way DOW.
seminar' wlll be slanted for
press chairmen or clubs,
groups, organizations a n d
churdle1, but not limited to
Following I he cbaplalo's
talk, aJJdes of the Peace Corps
work: in Afghanistan will be
presented by Miu Mary
Spriggs, church member who
bu reei!ntly returned from a
three-year enll!tment with the
Bridesmaids v.•ere t h e
Misses Patricia Badell, La
Canada; Cheryl La Rue,
Hollywood, and M a r i e
Halloran, Hickory Township,
Pa., and their gowru and
Alberto Fabiani of Rome,
1ays the worcl5 elegant and11'=================o:t= luxury have new meaninp onr
the fashion scene.
The two-hour session wlll
take place start.inc at 7:30
p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17,
in the Forum at Eatancla High
School, 2323 Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
Club iroups are asked to
confine request.. for seats to
two per club because or
limited s e a t i D 8 • Individual
couples also are lnvited. Pre·
registrants lhould use the
coupon below to mail in their
1eat request...
Society members are mak-
ing preparaUons for a Harvest
Festival Bazaar planned for
Oct 28 in Thompson Hall.
Christmas glfts and decora-
tions will be offered and a buf-
fet lunch and hot dlruler will
be served.
Indians Topic
flowers, similar to the honor William E. Holston, an In· i;:trucLor at Sa ddleba c k attendant's, were yellow. Each. CoJleae, wlll speak to Mission of the bride's attendants made ., her own gown for the weddlog. Viejo Republican Women on
Also almilarly atUred were Prehl!toric Indians Tuesday.
junior bridesmaids Cynthia Sept. 23, during a noon Jun·
and Valerie Patrlzi, cousins of cheon meeting In Manning's,
th e bride. Their gowns were LeiH~~-World .
"At one tJme they ollly
meant money/' be laid at a
De•lgners' Speak-In in New
i::o-Open lree to the public, the made by th e bride's mother. OlDwu Ls .an Instructor In
• - - - - - - - - - -.. Lori Lynn Patrizl, flower the aoclal .~1ence division of I PUBLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION Service Mothers ~;~; w0~:, 8 ;~ •:,f!'f.'~1 -th_!_ commumty coUege.
"Only tho very rich C011ld
afford them. But now there ii
the elegance of looking natural
and being completelY at ease,
1ecure In the knowfedge that
whatever you are weartna ls
worklnc for you. not fighting
Pleas• reserv1 ...... pf1ces for me •f th• DAILY I Every third Thursday U.S. she acattered daisy petal•
I PILOT~OCC Puhllclty Workshop Sept. 17 In the I Air Force Motbera, Flight 19 from her ballket as she
Forum, Estancia Hllh School. I undar1t•nd I schedule meet in 11 1.t1 preceded Ule bride down the
mu•t be there not liter than 7:15 p.m. for the CaUfornla Federal Savings aisle.
7:30-9:30 session. Pr•re9l1trant1 wlll have first I and LoanL building, Costa Mark Ebert of Sharon, Pa.,
choice of seating. ili"M;;e;;sa,;;i;;;;a;;t B;;i;;p.;;m;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i"';i;';;ve;i;di;iuii";iibes~t m;;;••;;•;;•;;d;iiuall~er•
I NAME , ............••.•••..•••••••••.•••••..•.•• :I
I ADDRESS (Street) ...... , ....................... I
I CITY ............................ ZIP ........... I
ORGANIZATION 01 Any) ...................... .
I OFFICE HELD .............. PHONE ......... .
M•ll M: "ufllk $M'\'k• Dffilrt""'9t, Or1111t C.... OAJLY PILOT, llf I
• w. ••Y St!"Mt, Coti. MeM, u . nn7. ----------·
Come As You Are
Bre1k th• cheins of rollen, ·cllp1, end dryen, Try our
soft scilsor cut • -.YM NJ """ MYe to Ht JOlll' ltolr oga1n.
Now •.• Penelope (formerly of Gene Sh•cov•l
& Robert Pignotti
(at llVA'I)
J17 Marlft• Av ... lalltM l•l•M--f.._. &~1230 t.t Arft• 0-. 1 CUl'f' a • ..._ W-... G""'flO! -l"IM• C•• ,., __ . '"'""••car.al..~ Wantod Oporotor with l"ollowlnt
Half Sizes
You look '°
good in
molt• f&rsty-
t"1• tuxury
Wlth ·th· oolt hand, ••
graceful dra.,-.
Glortous Jewel
1805 Newport Blvd., c.M. Ill
"V' ..._. ..... et-tM tmlt"
Hou": 9130 to 5:30
·'-'"''L!° 9:00 •
224 On"fll•lr Mall, P•llorton
' '
614 .89 Slzes·e~ll
Reg. l.OO pair. Stock up now on DtJr
best selling stretch hose.
Made to Buffums' high standards,
.th~y are good lookina,
long lastina aqd completely wash·
able. Of OrlDh•'acrylic/
nylon blend In an excellent choice
of solid COIO!t, Sizes ll·l3
reg. 1.25 pair ••••• : • nQW l/Uf
&tore .for Boys, ·
..,.. °"'* •t ..................... .
••n.,'ll"'o.,l'IL'-Ill r.IO -11111-11.M
Ladies and
Learn to Prepare
Gourmd: Delights at the .
\ •
' •
• •
• • • 1 • 1 ' '
£._es A~t 1 Everv % .D..••~ • • I
LA ., Harbor · Business Serves' of 25,000
• • •
Jlln FOOD ....... -"'--
IAIY FOOD='°--10'
GElllB'S CllEAL.:.='-20'
e"''"l> IUTill-lllT:"..;_ 61'
llJTTil-lllT :::!' .. _ '1"
MllClll JAVA ='--72'
(Uffq =.-ru:,_·~-621
ComE =..-'1"
... UPTON 1U:l":.73•
... Kif fkt/.--.
• "I ' ,.. • ' • .
~outh Gets ., .. 1•
. .I . \2-0UNCECAN 1''
:a:a.~ I• ' ' . :Laguna Art. . . . . '
· A.1Ui Ofl .YOll
FDOll l•&ET AlllE
. ' . . . . ._. ... ~ . '. . '"''" . ",
MEAT PIES =.-· • 1-" 11~·
OIOW MilN =.=. . 75' ·swm & SOUR PORll ::: 94'
CllWll PIES :k"'I. 27' --FllEllCH TOAST ~--36'
MExKlll FOODS:=.:.. .... -49'
' SliSjMI ROUS=.i-... __ 41•
llllO'S PIZZA i=-78'
~ ' ... Kirfkt!.--..
. llllMST DAY STlWID ·
• · · 16-0UNCE CAN :1.90
:Unit Honor;
iW.tD-Florello flf·ll<dl~
li;llie wim>tt ol the ""' $IGO ~ ••anlln the ........ Bill:h ;\rt Aslodation'• ...
nllll ,,,.,ru>enblp awards u-bllllfan. •
GRAPIFIUIT ~"'=-'*'"""-""--31'
CUlll· PEACHIS ::=.• 23'
SLKID P11APP1E ::1;,_ 24' f1llMOI fllES ::r.:...:..:__21•
APPUSAua·=r.. 36•. VIGITnilS ::::-::..-25' fim!o'• entry wu a dJpllc ollil!allal& Ulled "l\lorpbeus." the aDnua1 $50 Hinkle award
!«;bl! went lo Ann Scheeler ol
P.We Palisade.I for "S\.ill
I§ In Art." the $50 award !or
...,UC painting lo Can>!
Bel!lard ol Loo Allples lor
••!Cant Farms" and the $50
~ for watereolor to
llcimhy·McKinncy of Brea foe
WAGlll OWIGE D11111 :t""-_49' PICTSWEET ::' 31' . ........,..,... ..
PINEAPPLE JUla:=.. .. _29• RW WIUP=:-47'
. .:;Kiffkt/. MOR1'0lf MACAROlli ~-23'
UIClY IWfD MOR1'0lf DBIGllT ::.:-!' _::55'
MAYONNAISE TAllGElllll JUKE :n .. ~26'
"A:'Wa!k tn·the Part.• • 32.0UNCtJI<~\ ,, • . 4&0 llary Riker Of •Laguna
BfilCh woo a $50 award for
nil'ied media for her collqe,
••soler Moon," Stuart J.
c.iweU <II 'Pasadena woo the wnat GllAPI JUla-...__37• '51· graphics award foe h~ 'Imo\ ~ · , ·
aet1grap11. "The A5cent" prwl ~..,.,,1 G111119-IWISi;._-;:.......,.2s•
Ardelles Neil o1 Laguna Be'och IWVEST D'Y PW 16' ~ the $50 &CU!pture award " ,..,09_ io;~rck Bnllhcad.'' PW w10lllOllS ==" . 21·
• menU11111 wenl lo lllW POTATOU--16, Darulhy WelfJ ol Long Beioh ._,., __
aol',-awlalto !lam! ol Laguna. YIG-lll ==--. . 21•
Beodl. . . PORll. & ...... ··-25 From ·4'11 entries in the UV.I --.c. c
m.Dbersltlp award a U.· CHIU 1EA115 =""' 171: hl~n. ,100 pieces were CM---
111ictod• for dl!play In tile 1 .. .:Kitfkt/.·-,..· -. Mtln Gallery and tile Entresol ·· · . • • •
allhe Arl'Assodation Gallety, PAPER
~"111~.!;i];.1::° ::_; ORCHID'S NAPKINS "'"" .. ' . -,, 360'CQuNT PKG.·
Oil Drillin~ 4=8
~an Sought
•; HAPPY ~
• • ;(I,.. • • • , • ' ....... 1114.
-• fw >I.it ..... wwc.. ......
• . -· •• • ' .. ••
TOMATO. julCI =....-, __ 2a·
..-DMUD ~:;:: 43• lliua.ClliJim., 57'
Ylll W1!1 TUllA : .. _ 21'
AlllCOIE TUlll :=-.:-_ 36'
... W1SlllOllE =--· 33'
GAIUC SPIW ::. 33'
Jl~CllSIR'-.... -30'
•-lV~n dt Kamps••
lH OUTSTlllllNG YlllTY
(AT MOST lUClY STOIES) ··-······ .. •·
' t
OWIGE JUICE ::.:::, ___ 26'
... Kiffkt/.·--
FISllSTICIS ::r:::" 39'
PERO!, ll.lE1S = 61'
ZUCOUll STICKS =="~37•
RICH'S COfflE RIOl ..k~.-27' ·
SllLOIN TIPS ~=-·---43'
llGGID STWS :":.":..""' 19' .
dl'l.11 •. ' "' • . -,, ' . PREMIUM ICE ClllM =.-::... 79' ..-MARG~ l':l:." ___ 35•
IUWT mm :.°i:' . 33'
WllATION Mlll1::..'::.a __ 17'
... K;yfkt/.--.
:io.oz. CAH· .
WOK FORKEY BUYS ,.., llTS"..... I 0 ...... .,_ ....... .....,......... . ....
In"' ...... -...... " ........ ... ~ .... ,.._ .. ... .. ............ ,.., ... .............. ~~~. .... ' ~ '
kllchen lo landlubbm. habtU. Brt!Jlh, German and
The Port <If Lai All(Jela i. llulcb shlpc buy more polaioea
known thtougllwl the world thandoG ... k«Jlallan ohlpt.
hr having the lineal fttsh One group will want only a
tult.s and Vt{lelabl<.s available i... beads <If lettuce, another
al)'Wbere. Keeplng GO band a _aeveral. caxs.
IUppiy ol thlnp ohlps wlU One Greek cargo 1 b I p
want ,.quirts a lot <If lludy recenUy took aboard 10
and ptannlnl. ShJp chandlers watermelona. A ScaQdlnavtan
musl itudy ah!p ochedulel and couoterparl wanled only a
they must have 10me idea ot half-Oxen melon1. Oranges
what each sblp wUJ wanl II ts and apples, bolh ol wblch keep
a 1peclal knowledge and well, .,. In tpUl denwld.
comes from yean ol expert. Peaches, prunes, peart, p!IDDI
enc:o and !mow bow. and other freab lrults ....
For lnalance, dllfemt na-popular wtlll -i1 aU COWi·
Uonalities have different food tries.
. -···-· . 83' . ~*"-· . . lb. Delk ........ M.ML 891<b l.ckr........ •
COM,All WCICY'S 10W OISCOUNJ 'alCio SANDWICH flXIH'Jf -CHUCK .STWC •••••• ~ •••• .59._ AMDICAllCHIUI,=. 67• . OUrLOWEYCr)dayPricc!.;.......,
I .............. ._-i-·--:-1 ..... ,... '. LUCKY SOOD .
~f!.'"<>!~flf!~.!~~"!:.68' . lUNCH MEATS
7&CANNEDHAM' . · $619 1Plpgno,Plckl•&'1-to,01;.,., •
............ ~·----........ .'...... 'Moairo"/ I. Che.M -6-0r. ,._,,
OSCAlMAYDWllllHS 75' lll ..... lo:ne.Jllr,lMllll[I~""-··.,...-,
~ -~--' ·~· ,,, : "'' I . . ' . ~ ' ~ ! ~ .
PEAiluT 11nmt·-..... · '1" , ,..... .. m ·OACllllS_... · 43•
• .r ............. T--JW -· 33< ---:i:.w.m .
,.. CRISCO·;:.:;:t . · 79•
PWlllT IUTIIR :..,. . 61'
SPRECllEI.$ SUGAI .:=--. !).7•
. MJ.L RICI MIXIS E-:.l'.· -35• .
. POMPEllll OIM OIL-.. _ 13, ausm lllSCum=.':'_39'
PINTO IWIS:o-. 29'
SWIITENER ---S9• · . • . 1 e~uNcE aox ~ ~~fkt/. ~. <, 33" . C01Nmam
ui-..ouNCE CAN 4:1.0 . .
' ··. : . •:c.m-.i . . -, ~ ....
llllNEX TOWBS ="-U-
r-WIMX =::..-~ 39'
DU-PONT SPOllGIS ._ ... _35'
C1IEIR ~. _;._ 12•
DllE1T DE'lllGINT _ ... _ 79'
..-STA-PUF llNSE ::-... _99'
IOLD DE11IGl1IT -·-•p•
DlSN DnaGINT ---77•
IVORY UQU9 :-= 13' ' ..-nu-.1D111.:u ... _19•
COMET OIHesa -... _17•
DST SOAP ... 14'
· 11NG-SIZI •
MA,. r aNS · •ool'.WPASn ~ llf.OUllllT
.11111 .11n ... et ,.,.. • c ... .......... for ....... _ .,...... ___ _ . ..,., ............
'"--' o.i.-mmA~ 92' DISCOUllT PIKI' •
UtlRDENT 'TABLETS ...... ,. ...... " ........... ... ....... _...,_ ......... ..... ............ " ............ .
ouuoiimmu $) 11 ~ICOllTPttq --·-
GROUND ROUND .......... 79l -CHUCK ROAST ..... ~ ... ..49l
RUMP ROAST .. ~~ ......... 79•. -PORTERHOUSE . ·--., .. . . .. ........ ..
SIRLOIN STJAK ............ 99l
STEWING IEIF •••• ~ ••• M'-
COMPAIE Tiii QUAUT'f • ". .• Tiii
· .·. · CHIQUITA BRAND BANANAS ::::::: 11( ts1tyMKb .
•1141..cll ...
"""' Ill. ·POTATOES
U.S.llO.l 10 '=48' 1ussns u• _
--- --------------
.. s
LC wey
' ....
the •
u nl
Calli man
mcel Fem
raid talce ·y,
in th
in a
studl re po
to ..
Negi y,
ol t
Ben• -Uni\
Southern California
I I ' '
B7 DON DORINE In the c:umbenome, deceo-
Allld-P-Writer tralJJed dWn o1 ecwn1n.1nd at
LOS ANGE!& (AP) -. the coUep. ,.t>ertby six
Why have the bl&~ ~: ia:,".' agree be!'!"
-In S...tbern • e1<1ped madl ol the violent ENGl.\llGED FORCE upbeavela lllal haw mMbd Mllnly becauff ol tbe bornJ>.
u....i JI other ~ll ·•C!Oll but lnclci.nt, ~,P!ellclmts
the counlr)'! · enlaraed the ·<amJ>Ull aecurtty
Southern CallfornJa h I s force by two ,men, to I tcPJ or
some of the nlUonts largest 11.
ualvanlU..UnlVinll7 of/ Akey~atSaaFeraaado CalUomia campuses tn Lot Valley State last · YW'' 1 was
Angeles, San Di<go. lrvlno, recrultme>t o1 m I n. o r It y
Rlvenlde and Santa Barbara: ltudents. Fewer th.an n were
lbe Unlvenlly or ljoutbem estimated lo be enrolled. In
CalllorJl(a In Loo Anlelea. and two d<mollllrllliom In the fall
Jlllll))'majOl"otaleco!le,..·and .and winier, hundreds of
prtvale' llCboola ltudeab were arretted and at
Yet they ha~e upertenctd ooe, ml1Hants occupied the ad-mlnlatratton building. only sporadic l n c 1 d • D t 1 , Admtn~ra&ora ac::eded lo
mosUy at -1cbool, San \l'•er!ll ol 0 long list o1 Fem111do Valley Stale deinuils and :promlled that
College, on the out.sklrb: · of about ,00 new: m i nor tty
Loi AnaeJ... studenle will eoter the CllDJ>Ull
,Unde rtlaUvely geotle ~ Yet Deaa ·of· Stu!f,enfs
ding from mlnor~y gt'OUJlll, Emund T. P...tbarri 1171 be
virtually all ICboob 1·n does not bow-if tbe IChool's
Siiothern Calllomla are oiler-progress In meeting legitimate
ing African studies coorses, radical demands -has been
aful many )lave black studies speidy enou~ to aaw1y most
departments. Studenta art liberal students.
being added· to faculty com-And he notes. wearily., that
mttteea so that they, too, may
bave a voice In nmn1111' their
But restive students are far
from aatlaUed, aeekln& liberal
cetorma and more atudent
l'C>Wer. Militants among them
!a!rly seethe wilh duil'e' lo
Lake act.ion. .
··Yet aside from an bolated
bombing 'II the Claremont c:ol-
IE:geS and violent demonstra~
lions at Valley State, the
dissidants• hostility has
Mlidom surfaced in Southern
A parllal uplanaUon la that
urilike UC Berkeley, Stanford,.
San Jose and other trou~ed
Scbools--except for San Fran-
cisco St.ate-in Northern
California, the large campuses
in the sooth tend to draw com-
muting students. The 20,oo&-
student CalifornJa St a i e
College at Los Angeles ls com-
prised entirely of commuting
student!; it doesn't even have
residence halls.
Another partial answer ts
that school administrators
moved niftly to placate stu-
dent mililanla after aeelft& the
violem episodes al UC
Berkeley, San Francisco state,
Columbia and Comell.
Still another uplanaUon
may be that m o 1 t ad-
ministrators took t.ugb -agaimt excessive demands
and made clear force would be
met with force.
At the Claremont Colleges, a cluster or ai% private echoola
!O mlle1 east•o1 Los Argelel
when a secretary was injured
in a bomb blast last year, a
Human Resour«1 Institute
begins operations this fall.
Conslatlng ~ black,
Mexican-American and urban
studies, the institute
represents one of the biggest
st.tps taken anywhere toward
exploring the world ol the
Besides i t s educaUbnal
value, the institute is intended
to serve as a relief valve for
fbe fnWrations or young ae-
tiviUst.s. students will be en-
Cot,ll"aged to conduct field work
in such areas as voter
registration drives a m on g
Negroes. ·
Yet officials are worried,
feeling there may be a
political struggle over control
ol lhe insUtute. And Looi&
Benezet, president of Clare-
n'iont Graduate School and
Univerilty Center, which in·
.stltute Officials must report to,
siys there will be no change
Coming sept. 1~
Family ~e.kl.r ·
What Schools Sho1ild
Teach .Your Child
About Family Living
By M. Arthur Reiman
The author gives suggestions and starting poinb
for family-living courses for high.school stu·
dents. These programs teach them how to mt1t
the demands of aur last-moving society.
e LAYERED LOOK -Patterns for blouses,
l·umpers, coats, dresses, tunics and skirts in
atest fashions -a look borrowed from the ski
world .
e HOUSE OF EVERYTHING -The story about
a :store ·which furnishes props for movies and
TV. The article· is appropriately called ''Holly·
wood's Howe of Wonders."
e 'JUST KIDS' -The Fischer quintuplets of
Aberdeen, S. D., start school this year and their
parents are worried about whether the young·
sters can be "just kids" in the outside world.
Tll• colorflll sound of _ ~
or ... • Ca11111Y Music .. ~
From Fashion Island. ~ewport Beach
---·~-~ ---.,-..-.
Colleges A void Campus Unrest·
' BB.
. . • IRILUA:NT COLOllS OF FUL1Y 98', . Be the first on your block to plent spring flower~ & bulbs
DOUILl 'l'l.OWllS, ;
frolll Hollend.-Produce messes of unbelievable color fr11m FROM
the finest domestic & imported bulbs. · · · · · MANY MORE OF THE TULIPS-
Anemones, Sperexis, Freesi~s, s·pider-Lil-
lies, Wetsoni111, Snowflakes, Hyacinths.
For en wintor end spring color. Na. .
ture's best for borders, flower beds,
and bulb cover.
l DOZ. s1 1 9
RIG. ltc DOZ.
. '
lbtottd ..-color lltr ... itotlt ........ lt'1 alct to ltaY• . .,_. 1.meM
th• ,..., ar°"ncl •
L.-t• wel wt-od plaots.
.......... colors..
Dwarf lmily 9rowor _. ._,
prodocor. Flaost 1 ,.i. Ille.
l GAL. $149
Reg, $1.95
P.t.CKAGE Of I ••• , 89'
Hltlrl 411.nty ..-...... wtfll ....... -.t
~ ,.., .. '-'--••• , •• 1 .. .....
14"••,.itle ...... 52~ .. ,l SPECIAL
•... Use for rustic n•tur·al
p~lhway• in the shade 91rden
or fernery. Eesy to build.
lOc ... -....
HOURS: MON. THRU THURS. ' •• 6; FRI. TILL' P.M.; 'suN. 10 AM ID 5 PM
SATURDAY 9 liM ,fo l:lO PM
2641 Harbor Blvd.
CA~L ~25
<;1 I
' ,:;.. ,.
!.l.. ... : ~
j j ._,
,! !Ioli..
. ~:"!1 ...
"''.<-!. ,;,, "'
.... ::r -
'/ ~
~~1 ' ,,.~. •t •,
.1r z·~ . ' .·ir..
. . .. -........
·DEAN W1TTER. ll!: C:o.
• UCC'OJlllOL\%'&.D
~ .... YM SNd; I•~
S.SO Newport Center Drlwe •
· Comple~New,". Yor~~·Stock List
D.ut. v mer . Wednesday's Closing. Prices-Complete New York ., ___ ll.1----.---------------· Stock Exchange~ List ..
Jt DAii. y '!(OT
·~··· . ,,:~ ~ ........ •
. . '
.....,h--t.-+--1 · new. " Tb., , A•1rt'cUJt·ure
Departibebl, wblch announced
!he dedsloll, ·aald the TUlt<i
'woald take elllcl ~1 In
November. They will appJy to
~::;~=/= Cranfurlers, ~ -anc1
When USDA allllOUileed the
propasal Ml1 ;ie,: ii fat J,O&e
letters, the Jno!t fver MOelved
on proi\oaed cball!les In meal
and p<IU!try re1W.UODL Mott
were from cipnaum~ij and
consumer 9roup1 opposed to
the ch8Jlges. ;
Comurriers' '\ViU be able to
find out what ia Jn 1 fran~urter by 1eadilig the
"statenleat of lngredlenta"
·printed'. on the tabel. The new
rule&· require · tha& chicken or oil"!' pooltry must be· listed
when used. .
' •
' I
• • . ' . '
...;...;._ ___________________ _
• •
:~. .. .
wide • or
Vanderbilt Premium *Vl50 Ultimate, 42 month guarantee
·Vanderbilt Premium *.Superwide Sports, 36 month_guarantee
Vanderbilt Sports and .v:1 00 Vindicator tires
s14 Fed.
Sport.I Ure size . Prlce Tax
600x13 (700xl3.) $15 J.08
5.0xl5 (695xl4) 11• J.28
560x.15 (560x~) 17 1.76
~·ith tralk-ln 600xl5 ll8 1B9
"60Qxl3 Fed.
Lubt.leu blackwalb Exe.
. V'~lOO or Sports Y ·100 Ure alze ._ Ta•
plus Fod. £><c, Tax. 735xl4 11• 2.07
L 19 OI' 1.3f .and ~· 18 2.08
youi: md.tite. Wlthoot 'TllSx14 Sl7 , 2.20
UU.-lnc a&! 1.00 71llx15 $17 • 2.21
per '""' "'5"14 ,Sl8 2.36
use. one of our
Converiieht credit plans
FREE ftlorou9h ••f•ty cli•c~
FRIE w11 •• 1 ,. •• t1.,. • .,.,., 1,000-~11 ••
Delco Pie1surizers
Designed to take 1.be Jolt out
or drlvtna and put the plffl.W'fl: .
back In. Exclusive ''Genetron".
gas cmhlon takes the place of
air inside the shock absorber '
for smooth action and ridJn&.
Fill moet American made can.
SALE 2 for 19.95
Ina Wied
Re(Ular 2 for 25.90
s v.1so
65QX1S •
Superwlde Sport&
.. "' Tredt41
-~ 1, .•
l15· V· " SoporwldeSporU '100XtJ ··,.._ ~It (11111~ tn-11 1-.io
""'"' ft" .. 11! V-150 .~· S~lde Sparta s29 E73-14 ('llkll) 70-14 (71hll)
F"IS-14 ('1'15ill) F711-14 (775xl4)
F?S-~ ('1'15x~) F70-15 (775xlS)
WITI! lrBd ... !n
s32 V-150 Superwide Sparta
G73-ll !825x14) G711-14 (C5xl4)
H7!1-H (8'.lxl4) H70-14 (85SxI4)
Wl!h ITfll•Jn G78-15 (81Sxl5) G70-15 (81 5:a:t5)
s34 His.~ ( 865x15) H7Q.15 (865115)
--v:I50 Superwlde SporU
"II' ~In J73-14 (885xl4) N.A.
All tubeless V~I50 Ultimate and Superwide Sports
Ure prices plus Ped. Exe. Tax, 1.5& to 2.86, depend-
ing on size and tire and your old tire in trade. Witbo
out trade-in, add $1 per lire.
VanderbUt Ure guara.alet
Every Vanderbilt tire is guarantttd for the life of
the or&lnal trea~. against manufacturing defectl Md W'Orkmanshlp, and agalnilt &ll !allures from
road hazardJ. If ttre fatls, we will-al o\Ir optlon-
rl!lpair it at no coat, or in exchange for a new ttre1 charge only for the tread used The amount charseo will be on a pro-rate basis against the current aelJ ..
Jng price at time of adjustm<'nt plus FMeral ExclH
Every Vanderbilt tire Is guaranteed against wear·
out for the number of mon lhs specitled. It trttd
wears out within tlle stated period (lest lh8n 2/32")
return the·tire to any auto centre selli.u& Van4'11·bU{
tli;ea. \Vf! "'111 exchanie it for a new Utt, chal'&lng
the current !di.Ing prltt at time ot adjustment plua f'~ E:lcdae Tax..· leQ a Stated: allowance.
"'Since no tod:~·lllhh-l;)'ltem of al&ndards exists,
ttie representa.tkJr!s u lo "'grade," "llne;• "level,"
or lfquallty" ~late only to the prlvate atandllrd of tM mm"keter Ce.i. Vanderbllt PremJum Grade),
.-1;heol alignment
prolongs tiro lifo
W'Mel alignment service ln-
e euter tind camber ad·
e Toe-in set to specification.
e Front end suspension
For most American made
Open a1ny 9:30 1.m. to 9t30 p.m.; 11turd1y 8:30 to 5:30
may co south co11t pl111, son diogo fwy at bristol, cost• mes•; 546-9321.
I' ..
ftwai ;;;;;;;;w;;;o..;;. .... --== a== ==== ~ l=R I~_...., u l_i)l'1fti .
Real winners for Fall and
Winter , • , V-Nac.ks, Mock
Tortla11 Cardigans. Co Io r.
c.Olor, color •. , and all true
(;hlmP.•I Toddler 2 to 1i1a 12.
' 0..0.1$ ....
J11ckorf Foms of Ciiio
\lllllrt·Jh. of World-
• .., ..... obiaj
' wg11:n Lt*''IRG 'itf§: @IBIS
fl(C~ ••!!!!'· WISTCLIFF PLAZA
I THI F:ulll.Y·IAllH
. S••• o~ ~stly h•ircutsl
. . Trims, Thins, Ship•;&: Blends. •
ONLY. a---BOXED--.
. 50% OFF
W• Carry o lil•t·C-plioto Lio• of . .
Peiper Pony hods
wmCl.lf'Pc-PLAZ.(-1141-7921 "
l ... ,ofM--1 -<;;~·
Heavy Duty Trash Can
$6.lt VALUI ONLY S4. 99
iiii c"°ic>isi' :· ·89~L
Whle., c..,. hie. s1 .1,--..... "'·
CHll.DllN'> • $199 LUNCH KIT szAt ,.,,. -
Wltti ........ -~....... •
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, • • ' . . . :, '
•one-st.pp~ all.opping
· •t. it$ f'i?,'l.eat! • OPEN JMUltSOAY &'.MONDAY E-VENINGS
. . I •
A PllNC'Tlf M.\TCH•D PAii~ -• •
Honeywell p.;,,.. Photo· System~
Pontar Gomora + 135 MM
Super Takumar F/3.5
Tol•photo .Lons
ONLY $289
WlltCLIPf P\AZA -14Mtll . ' .
. .
• ~ • M.1tc.h the loveline11 of autumn
with axcitin9 ne)V hair cotorl You'll
love the wey our' c.olori1t1·leav•·your.
· --llAll\ J . PtfN.•. ""!. ~·4!460 .
DRA·PERY ".SfECtill . ·
I DA'J. D~t.Y SER.VICE , . 9.5:~ . HR': ··A.1.n . ·.
JUST INSTAWD ••• .,_, Now MMe"'l"""'I•
w...__4Gloo•w ...... ,., ..... -k.... .... . . .
Moatgomery Cleaners & laundr.y ' ·
OPJ:N DAILY I A.M.·t P.M., SAT;l •A.M.-4 P.M.
~ Optometrist
Or. Lou Roy Elder
1124 IRVINE NEWPORT BEACl:f 642-0720 I
. . ) '
darrell's dedrick TUX SHOP
S.-nta Ana
1130 l"in1
N•wporl ... di.
• Complete Slioe,
Laggage alid ..
. Haild ·Jag lfl'"""-
L ' • P-°
r , , • ,.. 'C:oNYIMlllfT sHOrs .
. '• • cotOfM -... ..._ .... 1 .. c..t-........,1 ,. e flllWfOIT MACH ->4JI ftt W. e 14 ~di.ANO-....,_.,._. ~ wtnaJPP~.'~11r,:1•.,_~ ..... Wtt ..... •'f .itJ ele .... e~'I W..l I ' .
. . ... .. . ...... . .............. ,, .. '. . -· ... . ..... . . . . ..... -• .. --· ... •
Q 111.Y}!UT ~. Stpt-11.196~
Astros Out
By 2'Mter
Ripping LA
One Man -sSugar.18 Another~~ Pol8on It Happened
In '69: Mets :..
HOUSl'ON (APl -"We'tt hungry -
we want to win ttlls th.Ina. and we lhlnk
9/e can, down to every ,.._ man on the
Tblt'I the way Houstoa A 9 t r o s
lhorlltop Den~ Mtnb uplalned the
club's feO!hip WOC!neod>.Y Dllhl alter the
Allnll bell the Loi Angelee Dodgen a-1.
The two f.., conlde again tonight.
'1be mt.ry moved the Allnll lnto a Ue
witb tbl Dodgen, only lwo game.a out of
first plb in the N1Uonal League's
)Vtslem Dtvlaion.
"lt'a a pleasure to come to the ball
~~--... ~rim:
flnl imlbW with • double.
'1be IP .... RBI total to , .... .
........ , (Mil
lolfl, 11 llt ...__ S:25 p,,._,
.... u w ""~'*" 1:S.S '"""
•. tops ' the team and his highest ettt.
Veteru pitcher Denny Lemaster liful(td lhi l>od8"'1 ln slI hit. while the
Allrol~ ......, Don Suttoa and two . -for 10 safeties.
ht . 11th •Victory against 14 '!be ~ allowed by Lemaster u
i-1 Wai Maury WW.' homer In the
fourlb. ~ a · r-nm first inninl', Lbe Aslros
plcbd up o mOre in the fifth on a dou· ~~::.· ~.aw~==·s --·co¥pli\eil · ~I,
atn& wl!h a -hiitDer Pl! l@llever Allll Foller In the alxlh.
Alou bl\ -... .. hlli otralilil -... !ID" Ilia II hill In bit-iait-2.'i -LOf utiLl:S HOUITON ·1• r Ji1'111 ltrJi..i
Wll... • l 1 1 I MofV.n, 211 5 ~ I I ~;ff OD J.A1911,ll S!JI W.DeW. ef -1 I I \'lynn. d l J I 1
...,...,, 1111 4 I 1 "'.Miiier, rf J I J I
~rt -111 IW1ry,lb llll
...... • 4 I 1 llttdw, 3b l I t 1 ,......_. 2tl Mtl*a.u JIJJ
T.,.,._c 3t1 E....,.rda.e •1·11 ltitllli. * 1 o I l-1i.r. it • I • t -· ... ........... 1 •• .....,, • f •• =::--':I ,...._~ '..tt If 'Tol9b u 111 t
U. ~ IOO IOI "1t -I ..._,_ ~ • m •-• .... -K·-s. ........ ,. -MMbl, ... MN•t J, Aloi!. 11/'Ull, Hll: -WUIJ l•l· ~ '811.·I 1-rot.
. l'"HR•llt.llSO
Wflllt l~l~lA 4 ' ' I I ' =-111111 .......,. 111t11
..._,_. "'•11·1.c) t • I I p J
HI .. -1W Swtliwl 1 .. 1. WI" -Mcl1111o P"'9r I. TIIM -Jllt. -
R9yals U~ 27
As Angels Win
Wilh 17 Hits
Joe ~ smiled, somewhat ...,.,.,11,Jiid plead!d b1a case. "lleall1. I •• ,,,, trytng !OT any kind ol . ~r wanled lo give some of "'!" JOlllll a chance to plal'-" •
N lllilliiil @ifil 1111i MW Ill' ty·Royall U. lii-iii<"r-""biiit ~.,.
'11lt l!Gyall )IO?adod a idaJP!llllJ'll l!"I' cm1o 1he pflyflt( field ·widnW'p iiOOtt =· .. Jill -.. Uit-flilffvlfttj
Tbe two clubs faced each other
close out their brief two-
17•~! Pli'I 7:U p,l'I.
1:U ~-'"·
Ofll'Ollnl 10.
with Jim McGloglblln 7-14.
City's Wally Bunker, 9-
By~-his lineup enough Limes lo ' emploJ servicei; o( 27, Gordon
estlb '11 all time major league
record I aame of any duration. The
ta Y~ aoce calle4 upon 26 men bul
t~I WU fj( f IJ illl!l!ltl llll!r• 'l'l!!o ..... ln!jllJJ Amerlcail Leagije ttcord Ill 2l and
the N4tlqlial 1-ltat>dard <i Ii were
bolh"'4tlmd. .
The llol'llo w _..,, ....... i
by tJ.tillliq; lftlr differtnt players at third
hue -~oe=:,:y, Paul Schaal, Bob Oliver
and Fred -
Almolt o in the Royals' rapjd -
tl'lilsit PIYfi' shuffle wa.'! a 17-hlt allack
by the AbCIJs, their high mark foe the .......
&bba Mfon wu the California hit·
ting ltu' wt a two run single in the first
and a ~ run double in the serond. .Alter drl in five, Morton was given
Ille -QI nlgiil off. ltAlllAI CALIPOINIA
r•oM •br~rt>I l(tny, " 1 I Alol\lt, 'Zll S 1 J I
..... ,. • 1 JlllWlll9iw, Cf s l 1 •
....,.,,C ti F,_J,H •7 11
~'!, :: ~~.::.If:~~; F7,:'"'i i I Meri.ti, rt J ' J J =.c:: ~.! ~~;·!l1l! ,_,,,I'' ,__, 'I• !,~-t I ~1111.i j 1 I ~·i•' ••• ..... ~ j I,
.,.,,. ,.. 1 j ~:. ii
' :. : : • • • .. . . . ' . ,. 1 .,
,..... t I Ttteh '1 11 17 11 ....... .,. 000 ..,. _ ~
2a 111 01. -11 , -c:., ........ 1 LOI -K-t =. 15. 11 -AUlr, "'°"' """111t1.
''"•••••so ...... (L.)... l•lo) S 3 J J t == 1/),,,,,
• 1 1 I I t i • l·l)Jllll
=:~ :_L)J; ::r..~r.:=.v 'rni.r fl!f~
teiilf1,vtileit llU~·li lli!i '-Nelv York Mei fans jubilantly read !J!ii"'m~ssage 9ll their scoreboard Wednesday night as Qie amazing 111f!1 D111\'0tl 011111\Ul game in !ronl of the slumping Cbiopgo Cubs in
A GLUM WALK FOR LEO -ChicagQ Cubs' manager Leo D~rociler
wears a grim look as he leaves team bus al Connie Mack Stadium.
Cubs dropped game, fr2, to Phillies whjle Mets were sweeping douQl~
header to take over first place in Nalional League Eas\ nag gb41f!. ·
Duroche1· Cl1a~es Writer
After Cubs Fall From Top
r,WV.llt;l.Pttl~ VJ') -Th~ q1j91B9
Cul!! ''" wl of flr.t place today fi>r U\e
nr.i linl~ this ...,.,., '"" ~1anager Leo
WIQlllOi llroi• h!J otony 1Jlfnce.
Bui doo' gel e:sclted. Durocher onl)'
chewed out a baseball writer for bealiQg
him into the Chicago clubhouse after the
CUbs lost 5-2 to the Philadelphia Phillies
Wednesday night. ll was Chicago's
scvcnlh straight defeat
Combined with a double-header victory
for the New York ?i.tets over ~1ontrcal,
the Cub< dropped Into oeCOf1d place,• lull
izame behlnd the ~1ets in tbe Eul
Division of lhe Natianal League.
Arter the game, Murray Ctiass of The
New York Times, hustled to the Chic11go
drtuln1 room, arriving 1usi as Durocher
came through lh.e door. Durocher iisurd
a terse ''no comment'' to Oiass, then ad·
ded, "Out." The dres.sln& room door v. as
Then. he lcciured Chw.
"Vou. young fellow, w,re In here
be.fore I got up the stain. That was un-
called for. I'm warning you, don 't do that
to me or any other mana1er" At least,
glv11 a man five minutes.
''liow do you know l'm not having a
meeting with my players: Use a liUlc
disoretlon. Use some judgefJlenl. Even if
I had sorncth!ng to say, it would be a few
mloutes. You 're lucky l didn't run you
through the door.·•
WhtJe Durocher wasn't ~Ing, some or
hia pJaytrs were. AJ t.be writers filed into
the locker room, pitcher Jfank AguJrre
shoytcd, "Herc they conie "'i~h the
heatse and fl~'ers."
R(>n S1nto. Cubs' captaiJt 11 ;is more
pU1ble. Santo \\'ho drove in the two
C..1tlta10 runs to ~t h.11 tt~I 1.9 1~61 ~
f!llfter·high for U1c JD-year ftlerin, 11ld
he still was opUmlstic.
the National League East race. Ttt"° Mtts won ~ doubleheader from
Montreal, 3-2, in 12-innings, and 7-1. Mei\jtwl\ile, the Cubs lost to Phila-
delphia, 6-2.
A HAPPY PAIR -New York MO!\ man~g@r . {Iii Hodges and club
owner Mrs. Joan Payson reflect iliJPPiI!t}!I! follpv.·ing a doubleheader
victory for the Mets and a C.hica10 Cpb ttss that put the amazing
l\1ets one full game in front in thf NaUof\tll League East.
Sports in Brief
Sparian Mentor Dead;
Padre Future Doubtful
EAST LANSING, flfich. -J ohn Ben·
ington, whose wit was as sharp as his eye
ff>" Wlh aiftta, died of a masalWe haBrt
attack Wednesday nigbt at MlcJiigan
State University where he coached
Spartan ~ketball leams for the paal
four seasons.
'!'h! 1-rtk), 0 -yeahtld Hi!a~ llfl6clt Iii•
l1Nltil d1~4 Pll lllP flllDI' al MlJ f!O!lf!i"'
locker room at Jenison G~lum on
the campus. -· SAN DIEGO -The Padres will be in
San Dieco again In 1970 but It will be a
crucial year for the new Nat.ional League
Buzzie Bavasl, \\·bo quit the Los
Angeles Dodgers for the opportWlity to
oll'n part of the action, was optimistic
when he came to San Diego a ye ar ago.
But unless attendance goes up next
season, it's possible ~ lranchi.&e will be
sold to another city.
The Padres are averagtng !,Ill per
"l don't like to consider It, but I'll ad·
mil the possibility has crC>S.5ed my mind."
!'aid C. Arnholt Smith, co-owner ol the
tcan1 with Bavasl.
.. \'i'e'IJ have lo take a hard look al our
situ;illon next year," Bavasl said. "I
can ·1 go on taking this kind of a healing."
U.S. trackmen char1ed Wednesday night
that the Amateur Alhletlc Union refused
to pay air (are fur 19 East Coost athletes
In hopes ol breaking up a planned
grievance session.
D!s11nce •tar ~!"l' f.! q P H • n 1poi•1mon tor lhe gii,up-111rt ol the field
for a track and fie.Id mttt her Friday,
cla.itnetJ the •AU is laking a "divide or
COIHJUef" attitude. • lfPUl'fON '!le Ken Boyer, veteran Los
Aqgol•1 ~•i! 1nne1d,.. 11u dlJclosed ufw l@ r !fQ!ll Jldlve pla71D1 •I the
1't'J11:.g.-!li!!~.lilll!~\rlth I~• Jlo!lierUO . ' 111:• Jiii g 1naqag1/, llt poosJ 111111 er uh
ofRl\lliMUO!I-• CQllV,U,li!f, Ore. -Oregon State
Unl\ler1Uy'1 fjfotball team worked out un-
der Utt lighl! Wednesday night in
pr1oar1Uon !F SatW"day night's seuon
opeqer ~t Ucµ.
The Offense concentrated on passing,
whi~ Qt, defe!Uie spent its time on UCLA
play,. flul'IUn. and kickoffs were also
E~U,r. COQCh Dee Andros •IU10UllC<!d
that juoJor Gary Barton would start 11t
~uar~k With :sophomore S t e v e Endlcotl read)' to back him up .
• T.\11.ADEG~. Ala . Br °' d.
1hoqldw-ed o,rue Glotzbach muscled his
purple •nd w~lte Dodger Charger to a
Worjd'1 t imed course speed record of
)H.466 {Ylile8 ~r hour Wednesday to win µ,e PQ!a poelUoo f..-lho lnaugurll TJlt~ 5llO stock car race. G , al, came close to the magic
$00 m., ... mark predicted for the new
1.&-1flil• Ala)>Jma Internat ion al
IP<lld"IY· Lfroy \'arbfough. 11.-inner of six major
•Pftdwlf l'ICtl and $165.220 this season,
1'11 tht tJUt ftslcst at 1911.350 m.p.h,
.. !~~· ~1~~ll:1 &11a~~~r~11.~
NEW YORK (AP) -When Apollo ll
landed on tbe tDOOD '8ven weeks ago, it
Ml the palt<m. Al1ylhq can bappeo Di.;
lNI aod now It bas. -,
The New York Meta are ht lint place.
• The cbrool~ ol bJatory 1"ll note thal"
tbe MN, Jo\fable JOla'I ·for seven Jong •• •
advt11ture..fllled IUIODI, made It to the
top ol the Nallooal League's East
Dlvilion for the f1rst ti.mt ever at ::.
precilel71:43 p.m. Wed!leod•7 wben Ken
~ell laced a alngle lo cen!f!r, driving ·
tn Cleon Jones wttb the winning nm in
the U·lnnlnl first pme u IM Meto litm-· •
med Mootrell H.
That victory put the *" ... percel>' -
tage polol In rr.ot ol the staggering
·(ll!li!illili l!illli1 Wtoi -ij1 the proc<!S Of loeltig a 6-l game to Phlladelphla. ·
When Ulat wu accompllahed and Nolan ~
Ryan had eet down the J:;xpos 7·1 on a .,
threeJilltu In the nightcap, New York _
had llJI. almOlf.lnbellevable ooe-game
'."H'14111i · '{!! .m7 the Shea ; wa.I "IA'"' -~ In ~.
SllWrillii acor · d jllieeti!d, proudly,
dilplaylng the NL ~ as Mn. Joan .
Payni, the club's . . I owner, toot a
lfWliijtiiill iliill lil ! I'. the MelI'.
dugout, smilingly acknow~g a stan·
ding ovation from the fans.
The Meta made it to the top In their
140th game -they now havj II 1ames to
play and their magic numljer ii 20 for \
clinching the pennanL
Jn 1962, after 140 games, tlfe Mets were •
Jell with a $-105 rec<rd.
"Lei'• ...... 11162." llo!l'ell thought .
for a moment and then f1membered.
''Why I WU in the ninth ~e then. And ~
l can tell you I wam't dreifnlng of the ~
New York Mets or first placfl," ..
But ii was lhe •econd ran who -' made lhe Met dream come e. He had •
five hlts In the doublehead ~ sweep but
the r1l04t important one was e single to
center that brought Jones' ' with tho
winning run in the opener. '
"We came in here just U¥ we do any ~
other time," said catcher ~ Grote.
"We congratulated each other and we 11?\
ciur minds to winning the seignd 1ame."
Ryan made that easy. He pllowed just ~·
three hits -none until the ilxth -and i
by then the Mets \'>'ere in cl)l(rol with a -
sli:·run third inning.
1•1Jt li!i, l WH I lllliluflan In high 1
.school," Ryan remembered.' "And I was -'-
a Houston Astro fan. I saw the Mets play
once and I only went to see Calley
Stengel." Stemrl was U)C manager ot the first M!I 1J!.JPt!l'fllfJJr8• lhe 1-that · £1 w111°"tll'i'J\bi~~!L~f~~~! J
manager's office now, ·
"I'm juat very bantfti-,*1 Hodges ukl. "l
!iii ifliL IAili Ii ~erftll lor all the '
fans, the p1ayers, the ffpnt office, ·
everyone connected with the prganizalion 1
that suffered for so many YflrS.
''Finally lheir patience is P.aying off. I
jlll!lt hope it dan continue. We've gQt both
feel in the door now." ·
How Pennant
Races Shape Up
East Dfvlftlon •
t\'ew York
St. Louis
\V L Pct; GB Play
84 57 .594 -21
e4 59 .ss7 i 11
77 65 _sq 711 20
Ne-w Ycl1t -•I htme I, Plltstivf911 J, 51. lllkllt ""
'· Montrt•I I; IWIV u. Pltl•burvh ~. l"hlltdt!Pl'll• 3, S!. Lou!1 1, Montre1I 2, ChlclllO 1. •
CM~ -•t 11om, lQ, St. loul~. (, Phllld1lphl1
,, Mofttrnl 2. New York ~= IWIV 1· P!tllburth '· St. Loul1 J, Monlrtll 1. Phllld1lllltl I.
SI. l.c<li1 -11 home 10, q,rc1e.ii :a. l"hlltdt!Ph!• !. Plt11bl.or1h 7, New Yortt 2: 1w.Y 10.. Clliut11t (, "'\on!rt•I l. Ntw Yort. 1, Pllllburt~ I,
EVANSTON, 111. -Uos~ Pierrie
Bart.hes °' France conUnue4 In the role
of giant k!Uer tn the S25i:~ tennJ• tournament by defeated el seeded
?\1arty Riessen, 8·5 In a · · quarter~
fln•I malcb Wedneaclay nlg~
Barthes prevloualy l<Doc olf top._
oeeded John Newcombe of •U,Ualla H In the first round. -
But<b Buchhob eked out. •8 .. , v1cfD17
over Ray Moore of South Afrl@a. '
Ken Rosewall1 the 18'\ of fi•e
Australian entrle.r left In COfl\iliUon, wad
his quarter·final match, ... -ovir Rem
The semifinal hracke\ wa1 comple\ed wt... Allflm QlmfM fl~ loeat Roga-TijlOr ot En1Jand, 1-7.
In ... lio
I •• I
"' it ' I ....
I cO
lni I
°" 1
at ·
it I
1 ....
hie • the
" froo ..,., -
~ " • ~ ,, • " " " .. w w .. ..
" " • • h •• ~ " "
Yikes Central C1iokes
Rams, Colts Duel
For Division Title
NEW YORK (AP) -Another
Balilm<n-Loo Angeles duel for the
c.ostaJ Division crown and a !r<e-lor:·•II
In the c-.i Division appeer to be on
lap in the w ...... Cao!.......,. " the Na-
donal Fooll>oll League. • •
1be Colla, "'1U omartlnf from that
upset by tbe New Yon J.U In the Super
Bowl. are dedicated to another shot at
the Jets, ar their aucc<sa<n, In New
Odeanl on Jan. lL
However. the Rams are determined to
&el • -at Iha! &!per Bowl ca!h.
Noboey knew who was goln~ to win the
Central Division in 1968 until the final
weet fl. the ae&.900 and .it looks aa though
it will be a repeat perbmance UUg year.
Minne9ota. with a taste of winning,
wantl to go all the way. Green Bay
knows the Pack Will Be Back. Ollcago
has renewed hopes with the return of
Gale Sayers.
Detroit's attack should get a shot in the
ann from rookie Ahle Taylor.
Jt probably will be the Rams edging the
c:oK8 this time and then beating the Vik·
ings for the Conference tit.le.
Here's the way it looks :
Coastal Divfllon Central Division
l. Los Angele, I. Minne.Wa
2. Baltimore 1. Chicago
l. San Francisco 3. Green Bay
t. AUanta 4. Detroit
'!be Coo8lal ball!• could be decided ..
opening day when the Rams and ColU
play at Baltimore. U they still art close
at the end they'll bave a chance to decide
it at Los Angeles in tile final game, Dec.
Although the Rams have not looked lood in tbe emibition seuon and Ml! still
grabbing for pa.as receivff's, that little
epioode ln..ivtng COliCh G<orge Allen and
his loyal players wt wintE:r has to make
them a better club.
The Rama .stood up for Allen when he
was fired by the management and made
the bol!ls reconsider. Much depends on lbe
obility ol Les Josephson to bounce back
a.ftS" missing a year.
Jdm Unitas seeim lo bt all the way
back and ready to take over from Earl
Morn.11 after a year on the sklelinee: with
an elbow injury.
However, the Colts are very thin ln
runnjng backs and must fill nne 1aps In
the deleose wh1<h allowed 511 painll ln
two exbib&ion games agaimt AFL teams.
Diet Nola.n's San Franciaco 49ers are
mud> belier than their early e>hlbltion
record and could make a run fror lt .in tbt
division il the Rams oc Colb faller.
Despite Ncnn Van Brocklin'a 1n--
!piratiooal sideline lllb the Allama
Falcom stfU are not a 90Und club. U
Junior Oi!ey continues his cunebact
and Cmmonball Butter can keep it up,
they could make trouble on any given
It ia a brave·man who will try to pick
among the four in the Central Division
but that Viking front four tip the acales in
Minnesota's favor. Gary Cuou.o may be
ready to finally take over from Joe Kapp
as the No. 1 quarterbec:k.
The Vikings sboWd have a good NMing
game with Bill Brown, Dave Osborn and
Clint Jones but they need to pick up 1n
the air.
Sa)'i!f'S ls' the man in Chicago. Diet
Butlras aod that rugged defense will keep
the Beam in the ball games but it will be
up to Sayers to spade the offense which
probably will be operal«I by Jack eon.
Green Bay's offensive line collapsed
against Dallas in an exhibition when the
Cowboys got to the passer eight Umes.
'Ibis brought beck Forrest Gregg to the
active list from an assist.ant coach. Bart
Starr can't do it if they don't keep those
linemen off his neck. Mike Mercer will
win games with his kicking, a disaster
area last year.
Detroit cook! be the dark horse in the
division, if Taylor lives up to his great
pt'Qfnise, teaming with Mel Farr. Much
depends on Bill Munson's passing.
Th.at Lion defense looks as tough as
ever with cornerbaek Lem Barney and
tackle Aler Karras showing the way.
Browns, Cowboys _Favored
For Eastern NFU Titles
NEW YORK (AP) -Jt k>oks like
ardber Ceveland-Dallas showdown in
the Eastern Conference " the National
Football League this season, the last
before thr Browns move over into th~
American League in the 1970 merger.
'Ibe Browns appear to have too much
for the St. Louis Cardinals, their main
cmtenders in the Century Division and
the Cowboys tindd haVe no serious trou-
ble In the Capitol Division.
When the Browns and Cowboys meet in
the Cotton Bowl, Sunday. Dec. 28 for the
East.em title, Dallas probably will be
favored again but Cleveland is the likely
Here's the way it looks from herp·
Capitol Divish>e Century DivUion
I. Qalla.s I. Cleveland
2. Washington 2. St. Louill
J. Philadelphia 3. New York
4. New Orleans 4. Pitl'lburgh
The Browns have the two-time rush.Int;
champ in Leroy Kelly, a solid offensi ve
line. a capable passer in Bill Nelsen and
fine receivers despite the injury to Milt
Morin. Blanton Collier has a sourxl, well-
disciplined team despite the 34--0 disaster
NHL Expansion
.To 14 Give11 OK
NEW YORK (AP) -The National
Hockey League will expend from 12 to 14
tearM starting with the 1970.-71 season, it
was announced today.
11>e announemient was made at
limultaneous press conferences in New
York and Montreal.
against Baltimore lasl December. Rookie
Ron Johnson, although bandicapped by a
late start, should make up f« the loss o(
retired Ernie Green.
The Cardinals sufrered a severe Jet.
back when Chuck Latourette, ttieir ex-
cellent punter and kick return specialist
had to undergo knee surgery tn August.
Jackie Smith aod Jotm Gilliam obtained
from New Orleans, are fine targets fur
Charley Johnson or Jim Hart who has
been out of action with a broken finger.
New York, has been slow coming
around due to irijuries to the offensive
line. W'rt.h Tuder Frederickson rounding
into form and Allie Sherman's shuffle of
Freeman White and Aaron 'lbomas
beginning to work out, the club has the
attack to make trouble. Fran Tarkenton 's
talents will be wasted unlesll the defense
maoages to rush the enemy passer.
Pittsburgh's last year in the old NFL.
They shih to the AFL division in 1970
with Cleveland and Baltimore. Look!! like
another cellar finish although new coach
Chuck Noll expects imJX"Ovement. Rook.ir
Joe Greene should help the defense lhat
allowed 397 points last year.
Despite lhe retirements of Don
tlferedith and Don Perkins, the Cowboys
seem to have too much for the oppositioo
In the Coastal Division. Craig Morton
gels his big chance and Calvin Hill, the
rookie from Yale, hes been a pleasant
surprise although the injury to Dan
Reeves hurts,
Vince Lombardi 's first year as head
man a:t Wastiington hinges on Sonny
Jurgensen and the fine pass receivers.
They could challenge the Cowboy• if
Mort.on doesn't come through.
The Eagles have a new owner, a new
general manager and a new coach and,
unfortunately have traded away Bob
Brown, bulwark of the offensive line.
Coach Jerry Williams, brought down
from Canada as .succe990r to Jor
~uharich, needs a n o l h e r Tom
Woodeshick in the backfield.
Rustl.er Tailback Candidate
Mike Wt'tlti.ck, a freshman from Marina high .idlool,
is among leading candidates at tailback positio
with Golden West Col1ege football team. The Rus-
tJers tangle with San Diego Mesa in scrimmage .aes·
sion at Orange Coast College's LeBard Field Satur·
day morning at ll.
.,ays Sports Boss
10,000 Students Needed
For UCI to Try Football
01 "'• o.irv ,., .. , ''-"
The prospects of fielding a football
team at the University of Calif?mia,
Irvine is still very much of an un-
Athletic director Dr. R a y m o n d
Thornton gave this indication recently
when asked if the Anteat.ers might give
football a whirl in the near future .
"We feei strongly that this phase of oor
athletic program must wait until such
time as we can do a job that will bring
credit to the school as well as those who
lll'ldertake the project.
"l personally feel the program will
have to wail until we have at leaM 10,000
11tudentJ on campus and can afford lo
field a team,'' he aaid.
.~eason wUI be no exception under aew
head coach Tim Tift.
Rowing, yachting, golf and several
other minor sports have also been ac-
cepted and maintained on a competitive
basis. Next spring the school will Held its
first baseball team in another move
While the rise of major sports squad!!
ha!! been on a well~aJcuJated. slowly pro-
gressing basis, devek>pment of the
school's athletic f1ciUt.ies has more than
kept pace with other building programs
on the campu!I.
Al dle moment, a sunken baseball dia-
mond ill nearing completion with IOdding
expected !IOQletime this fall . A tenni!I
court complex will be increased and a
stadium for football and track and field
rvents is shaping up for future play.
Darnell Tops
Mesa Golfers
Bob Darnell took lhe low gros1. fOm·
petition at ColJta Mesa Got! and Country
C 1 u b oo the Lake Course o v e r the
weekend with a 72 In men's club ac·
Low net honors went lo Linc Shep-
perton 's 80-12-68 fOllowed by Bob Ray 't
7S..9-69, Norm Popkln's 79-8-71., DI ct
Hyland'& 97·15-72, Frank st. Pierre's 89
1&-73, Jim O'Shaunecy's 83-10.-73, Harold
Martin's a;...11-73 and Jack Chapman's JS--
Wooien'!I club action Friday wu won
by Joyce Capl.i!I, Nadine Mue, Be(ty
Brown and Dorothy O'Leary with a 17 in
best ball of foursome play along with the
quartet ol Mary Evelyn ImJer, Sbirte1
Hawke!!, l\1errllee Dungan and Jean
Monday's best ball at partners play
was won by Dorothy O'Leary and Betty
Brown with their 68.
IN TOUGH SWITCH . . • CLEVELAND (Vl'I) -Rocnanla"a
Davis Cup team la tryfn& to _.
tw.o months work in JJ da)'t.
Tiie -mao ftlm. who will be lrylfts
to pol the !YDlbol " 1n1-.u...1 -1!tliful.lbo .... oMf;~
ftrst time in matcbea here S8pt. 111 JO,
and II, ls fli>dlng Ibo coune at llltold T.
Clark Ndium a major handicap.
Clarlc'a tmlpootllon IXPo court. are,
made ol a lyolbellc material caBed tenl,
flu. The-...... -to -C.., surfaces. I
"Normally, you need about two mootiw to adapt to a new type al aurtace;• Ion
Tiriac lald. "But we adapgd to
England'• graa surface well enauP to
beat the Britillt"
It's Gabriel
Against Brodie
In Big A Tiff
San Francisco's John Brodie will face
Heman Gabriel in ~ battle of wits am
deception Saturday, 5 p.m.1 at Anaheim
Stadium in the final pl'WealCll outirw for
both the Los Angeles Rams and the 4ten.
Each club .i! deterrnlnect to aet the
jump on a winning edge for tha eeuon
openers a week later.
Dick Nolan, 49er <mcll hu Mid : "We'll
10 au out. We'll use the tint n and IUb
very little agaimt the Ram&. ..
Ills counterpart. ~&• Allen ol the
Rams, sayll: "We'll put it all toptber
for the first time. I think we're rtady
to roll."
Despjte the fact . they haven't won a
pre.season game m live outi!l,p, the
49ers will have ooe of the top pustni
combinallons In the league wortlof I«'
Brodie will be los&ng to Cli1f McNeil,
The Rama traded defemalve UHmu
Dave Cahill to ·u.e AUanta Fafcou for
• fulun drift elloico WedaetdaJ. Mm
mbHd dte entire sea-. la 1111
becaute of knee iajury. He came It tlrill
Rams .18 1117 .. .. .u ..... trade
wttll New Oriea.nt,
Ram offlclala stated lltat mOlt o( tlte .
$1 reserve seat tlckeq hve bee• aold
but pleety of M tad A duca.ta are '""'
available tltroqll all Mutual Ticket
Age.ncia and It Aadehn 8&8dlam
from I a.m. '9 5 , • .m. an,.
the league's leading pass: receiver lul
~ a.long with rookie G t n e
Washinst<>n from Slanford 1Uld vet<n.o "Plil end Dick WJChter,
McNeil Will be remembertd by Rim
ram for his tint perftnnance with th•
club. Ol>taln<d from Oleveland juat two
days before tho Ram pme, be <1Ulht JI _. for J9I ya.rdl.
The Bay City J'lllllling 4amo Is beaded
by Ken Willard, the lecoikt best nmnm1
back in the NFL ground-gaining derby
last aeuon, He averaged 4.2 yard! pet
carry in gaining 981 yards In z:t'1 carriel
and scored seven toUchdowrui. ·
_ The 49er record in prweason camea i!'I
deceptive. Holdouts hart the club fn ur)J'
game!! and injuries have played an im·
portant role recently.
Rookies Waobington aod Ted Kwalick
along with McNeil and All Pro pard
Howard Mudd were boldouU for aeveral
weeks. All are now ready for full aama
action against the Rams on Saturday.
Stan Hindman, a deftmffe eod, 1Uf-
fettd a shoulder dislocation bul ii ex~
pected to tee action Saturday. Kevin
Hardy who .plays behind Hindman, l1 Ollt
for six to eight weeks aft.er havina sur-
gery 0o his knee """'Uy.
Seven.I others heve mialed a pme er
two along the way becauae of injuri<s.
For the Rams, Gabriel wtll have Diet
Ban aod rookie Larry Smllh at the run-
ning back poslllons. Wendell Tucker Is
listed at the wide ~Iver IJ)C>t with J•ci
Sdow on t.bt other side. '
BU!y Truax. out with a concusalon lul
week, is expected back to take over from
rookie Bob Klein who caught alI: puaes
for 89 yard! again.st Buffalo.
Biggest problem facing Allen for tho
49tt game Q well aa \he leque opener in
Baltimore a week later, b at offeolive
Addi!ioo " Mltdl Joimaoo from the ' Redatins strength... the position with
Jim Wilson out ror several weeb follow·
lng,early -knee '""lerJ'· Bob B..,.. ancf Charlie COwau are both e1pec:Uld to
ploy this week.
Clarence Campbell,~ NHL president,
nid the league bad r~ved informal ap·
pllcations for franchises from Vancouver,
BaJtimore, Buffalo, Atlanla, Cleveland,
-Kansas City and Washington .
The cost of each new franchise will be
$& millloo. When the circuit expanded
fr om six to 12 teams three years ago, the
coe't was $2 million each.
1 Tom Fears' New Or1eans Saints could
move up a peg to third place if all Uie ex-
periments work out. The Saints can be
l'ough but lack depth to play consistently
all year. Rookie quarterback Edd HargeU
1 may be a sleeper.
Lack oC a football team, however.
doesn 't mean Uie Anteaters are m.anding
still in ~ field of athletics. Far from lt.
They have had out.st.anding basketball
teams in the few years of their existence
2nd indlcations are that Ule 1969-70
Large practic! fiekls are available
along with an Olympic·!liie swimming
pool, indoor handball courts, and a gym-
nasium that eventually will be turned into
a recreation area when the modem cam·
pull pavilion is e:-ected sometime in . th•
How They Stand
• future .
Los Alamitos Race E11tries
The current gym also has adequate
dressing facilities for physical education
programs and t.he athletic tea.ms now
competing for the Anteater institution.
Getting back to the football picture,
UCI was ho&t to the San Diego Chargers
for early .eason drills thi.15 summer and
:~ indications are strong that Sid Gillmatbn's
1n charges will return neit year. At e
present Ume, Saddleback juni«" college is
,_ ""'"""'' s.t. n, ,,.,......,,. Dir , ..... t. PMf. '°"" ..... , 1:41 PM,
Dlfll"'-M ISi l ,_. a-
Q\11..n. ... 10..-•.u
11tlllt0 •Ac•. bl v.,..n. M•kM11 1 .,,_ Old•. C:l•lmln9. Pll~ll 61100.
'""'"""' ..-kl UlllO,
0.nch' MG11111'1 fl.lllNoml
8v.it .. llot IH CrOlby)
Hi. Mu9MJ-IAdllr)
11'11 Go Al c.. (Lloto.m)
!11 Doubl9 °"" IH1r1l
Ill Clli<l!NOllJ:i. (Ad1lr)
UI C..t Oukt !P11tlo)
PtlUT •...Cl. JM ,.rdl. M11Mn 1 ....., lhb. Cl1lm1nt. ,.,.._ 11100.
Cl<ilrrtltll Prln 1*f,
!<Im 10 Go IL~m)
K~ Glltftr"(U.....m)
Mldwl¥ T°"' !DIT/ffl Ml,.,.,, ,.,. .. <>-1 1s...-1n1 e.r F-Mith' flote'1J
IM Mr. "-'' ll•r IJt011111-1 uo L1tti. Ml• w.., cwn .... 1 117 W!Mt Luck IS...lltl)
II 1 8111'1 ,:.or Llld:
. " '" ...
"' "' '"
llOMTM llAC:e . .. .,,,,._. t ~ .. ,
oldJ lltd u. flt GrMlot AA MlftUt. l'\lrlill snoo Tr.. l-&Mell Chi•.., .,.
UBing the pract.ia facffilieii to get ready
rot the 1969 season.
ltldl ~ !Hartl
OVllfWl"I 0..111 CP-1
T t• "Iott: I Orv«I
Dkwll9 Stw (Wrl<il!ll AU Brt.,, Lilt lltotlf1t,.,,I
Tlw"M tlr Al (C...UI
~'"""9 IU.!Otl
$111CY ~I Cit ..... I WIW'll Wtftfl lwtWll
W-41 ~ tMlll')
1\1 1.o 1<1a (H ~I
117 "-._, (ltob'-'il ne OIU1 .9tltl !Drwv..-1 lft's "'"' {~) RoM1t Ocbln (Ad1>lrl
T-Ll'dool IL.....,I
'"' ~ 1c:. ..... 1 111 Im. °"'R CSmlltll
'" ,._ (Slrww)
'" •w
"' ,.
'" •• POUllTM llAC:ll!. G 't1rlh I r•r
9lcb •ltd v. In ~ t Pllll, P'w9lt .....
P•n• IM ...
llXTM llAC:f. tll ¥.nl• J v..r
tldl llld IHI. Cl•lnll"9, PlltM i2000. Cll!Mlftt .,.q IU.00. l<er YOll, l'K..
I. LI'""' Olnwll A-i... s.non Hi.tll tltllbl-1 17' MlM llftlt ON* CtrW.lft'I Mtl'• lid (L.lllMml
l!!l~-.i COOi H Cll~I 11ll Golf Olli "' "' ,. w,,, Oii "Oii''"' ,.....,.," sir • ...,,. r,.111m111
117 Ml•l' .. SUn CM C'""'l
111 OlcktY OU. T""" !SfftlWlt 111 PlAt l .... (•tlilllle¥)
Ill P•fl' St.. IAdllrl
111 "I have watched other universities go
::: Into the football picture without adequate
'" preparation and feel they missed tbe i:: bolL When we do field a team, it will be
111 w1th lhe idea ot having an outstanding
111 ' d 11• club from the out.set and you can t o
SICOMO •...c:1. «It v1rlh. l vtl•
~ 11111 11• Ill ~ S Plut. Pvne
Gell• Hlft\Gf! fH..-1)
llDl'I! illlll'IMf IH ~IWI
svr.......,,. •-(Clr-•I
IU "l"nil¥ Ami• IC~•! !11 "l"rlpl' ft'I '" '" '" ••
111 that with the limited budget we now
have," Thornton said. NINTH ltllCI. -l'•nll I 'l'Nr ollh
....... hi Gr#de ... Minon Pu•M llllOll Me e1plained furthtr that UCI doe11 not.
hnve a physicll education major at the
present time and consequently money
thal is spent at other lnstituUons for such
equipment for classroom work alXI utlllt·
fit by the football team on the practice
Utld Is non-e1·lstant.
Tl'ltM C:•ll5 (ltllnl ,.._,.,. .... ISmtlhl
Mr. 5•1'1dy l1r !Llioh.ml
""-"'"'-... IOl'Oo&I)
ltc!TI GI'*"' CCII"-) ltO(Ull .. r MOrlfil flt l1rQ)
J111f1.,, NllHtl !lrl!Wl...,I
ICl!lf ftf ,,.,. T¥l'f (Wi.tlli"I ~ au-fW'rltltll
1'0 ltldi!llr CWrl-"'11
,,, TorW'I ~It 151•111111
111 Cllc.11 Ofd! ILllll'llm)
120 Wl111 1•m 1 llolr!n f.Sll'tlt~I
111 $Ori• Bili• (NU~I)
111 f'l~I ... Slr1"' (P•Ml
'" "' "' ". ,.
'" "' "'
Pll'TH ltAC~. nD v•rdl. t 'l'Hr oldt
•nll "" lfl Gt-Itek A Pl~. ,...,,,. IQOOCI,
IU Ml" JllM!I Ill• (C1~i11 UO
llVWNTM lltACI . l• ¥•rdt. l YM•
f>!111 •Mi 11•. ci.1mi.i. p.,,., !1000.
Cl•lmlM 11'1« J200CI Tl'lit Alll~ S!thl. 0!•1 tr1111fy (H tre1tw) IU
010 \'tn fP1Ulol 11• (119 o..;11: , ..... , I It ,.91'1 P11•1 °""""' (Slr111w' tu Mr Ole 1-1Wr1vllll 117
Aloml( Attlon (5mllh! 11'
StMtll'O '°' (It (f"O\bv) "' 118"'•" ll•r 111t ••'*-"' 110 H1.,.,1ow11 fO.-rritrl !11 Mitt 70!> PKO (Ll.,,,.ITI) 111
lltd £1olf llr IAdlltl 111
Wor1d•'l llodurt (19rtl "' , .... r. Poo Aodt.i {Wlff:llll'fl tU
IC• ... .., ko'lllll llrlnlllrrl 1't
Y•lk!v 8111~ fC.rOOll l 1!1
Eut Dlvl1I01
W L Pd.
BALTIMORE 98 45 .11$
DETROIT 81 60 .577
BOSTON 71 114 .543
WASilJNGTON 7! 711 .510
NEW YORK 10 71 .491
CLEVELAND 51 17 .392
West DMll"'
MINNESOrA II 55 .110
OAKLAND 7' 114 .543
KANSAS CITY 51 13 .m
CIDCAGO 55 14 .'911
SEATTLE 55 IS .391. ...... ...,. .. ..,... .... ~ .... ""'' e>.f('Olt .. ~1
WMllJflttofl " MN Y~ t C:llk_l.,_.........., JNl'llt •• OlllJJllll t
C1INwnlti 11. IC11t1WH1 at!' I
T .. r"t • ._.
I \>
21 so
301, •
.SN'"9 ,,.,,._. •11 If 0.1'"' IH•l!fl J.FI
ICl'l"t Cl,., llteo1t1r +111 •I C1llfeonl!M (fM.
Ot.t111111 1·10 Ml-11 ~.,_,.II ~lal •I Cllk ... ( .......
10.UI. flltM
Ottrall tMtl.lllll tJ..f,I •I Clt-...lel\f ITillnt •1n, !llt~t loflOll fL-11'*'t t.t) 11 8111'""'9 (M(Ntl"
17 .. ), """' trftW' Yorti lt91'1,_ ._131 •I Wllfllllfi.t (M-""
"'" ).$), """'
. ff OAR.Yl'UT ~.~ll,1969
WRA'l'I ulN....,.
I 1 1. r
_ . Helen Smith alloil>M,~ Club,.,.,,.. lhal Ille awlla.,.
Uon has mlJy ptd!"9 ~p ow the put week. Dorin& the -.,
•• ...,. ol nit ·blll!flb .... ~ In " tho dd>•dllJ1 '!!fll lllll S.turdo1 Produdnl~ fllli lollON \if illlit-mllliilllJ, -
Mrs. :!iiiilh r.,.·thlnp 1..i. ...,u..i 1or..,. 1"11a1 ,a, t11o
waler baa !old _,,.. ..,talde ud men and ,... 11111 ... Wos
.i,!ltod. . -
~f:ict""1, "Oyen", and lip .,. all dqln( Ibo -lild< Ille
•'pi•ehllis ...,. 10 have ..uied dcnni 111.utWtt llllo. -u
Most of the actloo Is In the ""° behoin Ibo II aiort iil\d Ille
cast <.xi of C..lllllna Wand, with IOmo lilh ~ -Ibo m
spot. -
John HUI of Loa Anples -rdod tho W.-nw:lln fl Ille
•·cell while lllhinr -tho bool ffAngler" ou1 of.Newport
Barbor, the llah wejped la at I~ Pooncll. '
.\! t!le dove ...,... approoche the holl way poinl for Iba flrtl
pan ot the ......,, many ... 11er IUDDt"' ""' haadlni .... Ille
Brawley an:a of the Imperial Valley. John O.terlwnp ol Newport
Beach and Brawley reports a FOCI-populaUon ol blrU ID the uu..
Oc!<itamp encl hi&'"° IOlll took lbnllll-of moumlal..,.. bolh
: Salnrdlj .tnd Sunday, and said th.at other bunters were dolnc a
The second weekend of the seuon, In most IJ'IU, wu modi
heller than !lo• openinl d01 u new flllb!S of blrdl ---.from the norlb. ·
Ev'1I the thundtr showen over tllt'Weelead lallad IO diao.'1111
b nls south ol the botder. Hunten can look tow"'* a amcll coolor
hunt this weebnd, IQ! weebnd'INolon nCllnlla( -tho
Blythe-Yuma ~rea .sald It WU 10hqtthateveqiltit1ilank Witt
'weP.rtn; undlll. '
The c1o .. pop1fatlao Is llarlfnf IO lie thinnad m1 a b11 and
, hunten will hove to -• harder for thdr'llmllll. Lballl ad nur
:Jimj!J; fl dove IN ooailn& out of lmnt LIU: DD W! t W• nportl Ruel e1e1..,... . -•
CIMry .... lolonned this writer thal u..,. ... 111111 -
open ror WN1ttached bllDtcn who would Uke to bunt dote oo the
next three weekend!. ·
DAn.Y PILOT ..... ,._
WHAT.A SHOOT-Tcln Fornes, manager ol Grant's
Surplua Jn Colta Mesa, aeema to be u tind •• he
11' happy after taking a full ltmlt of dove last week·
end near Phoenlr. Forbes o,hot wlth a &IOllP ol U
other hunters as iuests ol the annual Remington
dove hunL
Race Results
Otclt Peoretf CH C"""") La UI t.•
Tiit C-' tltovi-1 4A 3M
'"'" UCL .. ,.,.. J .,..., '"'~ w~ tuttt) s.• t~ -' ..... 0,.. I l'M. l'Wle Tirn.-40 1/lt
l'IM. • knold* -Mf, .. , CM,,.. TM :••' ~Nf".w!'e1'-> fA ::: ::: W... 11111.W A1111 Gelid, Ll.IO:y lit Clli.:.
,,... Me. Ol'I 0 .. 111 '·• llXTM uca. v-lt tr. cou.-.-
Mille Gl"Oll. mana1er ~ B11bol Pa'fflkln. ''UIOUnced that the
1"' dally scheduled """1d trte to c.a1111tna bland from lhl
PH!!Jon, aboird•tho Wilna Holld•y, will be SundQ', Sepl. H at
Ill a.m. .
T...,.,.._. •f1t 111 Tll'dl. J YMt o1W Ind 119, Cltlnl-
' k1'1tc:t1elf-4Uc:llltw, hucY ""'' W1r .._ -·--GA ~ • ......,., ~. ,.-,.,_
G""' Yid tliat e ... thoU"1 the •euel will oot ran dally II will
be anllable for · charter tripa to the mqic ilia or for -
around Nawporl llorbnr.
~-. .... -... I Allnlltllc 1• h,.1) U0 UI t.AO .-; 1111 Ill o,.;; l' l"\Ue. ..:::; Ge!IWI lt111unt CllnUM) 10 ... J.Jll
-. Gt l'lonlt Oe tlUl'llldll ,.
(f'91Y llcf (a ........ l Ml UO ~A Tlme--46 7110
llfY McClrl IWl'llM> 6.40 t.• kr1tdl4ld -ll GnH111. 11111 0111-
mVJNE LAD TO a.osE GA.~ StJNOAY Df Wttcll (lr!tltf'I) ... bert, II/MY ••r tM. Tifinot-a l/Jt llYlll'T" It.A.Cl. U ~·'*· I W'Mt
'111, e end of the 1w n1hlr11r aeaaoa at Irvine Lake la ........ around kr1tdl.,. Clflte ...,. let'. ""°"'' e1t11 •nd ~. P11rae woo. ....,. ~ ,_. ._,, Tiit Ylf'ltt. Whit Llldl. WHIO'OI' lttbtl Cllllr!lt tH1rt) 00 t.• t.IO .the corner. Gold. Nlftr ~'-(Plu111b1 n• s.:io
Cleary,owner1ndoperatoroltheJatereportsl004ftlb1ncand fttltm.T DOUll.I _ ,.._, Cwnt c11r111 11t aal'lk1l JAO
that be b l*,tn&,forward toil &ood clOlinl weekend. '=.:... ~""D ':i: :;::..., 1.:.-;:.'J'.:. Bua. cat.nib al!d bluqil are provJdinc angle.rs with lob ol ac-c......, .... 1.C•• .., ..... .... •••ttTM IU.CI. ,,, ~.,,, .. I ,..., tio!I. 1 ICNfctl. ..... 0 .& t 14t •net 1111 Ill GrtN AAA MilluL TM••• uca. .. ._,., Mt._ 1 ~ .... moo. ~ 8"'1 ll'I_ -..M-&be IUl'face lo \be cooler boun cf tbt .t-Ind· "'' ... llttlll lit (tllf, Clllnil..._ MIM l"il"I' ..,. (l'I") 4.00 JM I ... .,..,.._,. ~ l'vnl ._ .....,.,Ill IM1rtl •M IM
JU'e hJtttnc Stnttbwt--cut cloee to shore or Del!' Uie ..... ~ ,,.;. (lffttlll1 Ut .... IA Llllle T-Clmllt!I •••
I Cattm l'lftl .. lAI ... in the weeds and gulN .. up·•·•· and prllc R ..... ,........ CR-..itl) 1ut 1• ,...,.._,, '''' ,._.... t'""6 .,.....,,. C.llflnli. .... (c:.r...I t;OI HI kflfdln.
flavored cbeeel. 'Ibe bJueetD are everywhere and art bWnc CID TllM-l'I fltt. "'"'" u.c1. .,. ,.,.. 1 "'"' fed worms and llcuL Ne ....... •• Md ""' "' or.-M MllWL l'll1M
•-"--for .. 1-1-w-1.--' ·-not .._. ... , __.. "°"'"' u.ci. • "''*-1 "'"' a.. L ~~1'•MUU9i ...._....... cica.CU1,1 -• --~ .. ..,,__ :::..-W .. GfHt M ,....,._ l"llrM l'lllY D9ll fWllMnl ,, ...... tM ~:;Jeary. with pleotJ of 1btl a•allable. Irvine Lab lFlD nopeD ,,.. ......,. \~I lL• tt.eta ,,,. ~~:.!~1 •JD~= earlJ 1D 1970. All ...... .,.,,t HAO... D~ llllellf (Dm-"1 J.•
I , .. Al,,IACOU: UP. AND DOWN M:.....-~ .. llmtttll SM ::n::,::
lt would Min, th.lithe 1111 albacore llUOD is llmoct .t lta encl ::::=-.... ,..,.. I ·-·· OHO ...... ..,, ftllN.
'Ibe Q:lpjlci bne moved lD and a1blcore count.I are up eat ct., _ .... ...:...°'='"..:'"':;;_;,~.:;"";;:M..:-=·----=O:=!:.'".:.::~::'-'~·=-=·-:.___"' __ • _•-_ 1
and """ """' the ·~ Only the boolll lllhing out of 8ID Diep '~ . .,. pltlni llilo fllli.'
There ore Cllllf ~ ooiiPJe of ch&rier boalll running out of Newpon
IUrbor lhal ...,'fUl-lnOUlb to gel Into .fish. The real of I h e
sportllahln& boOll ..,I al U.. horbor are llahlng locally and the OC·
lion is good. • ;
Bus, bmito, barracuda and a few yellowtail are provJdlnJ the
lUlglers wUh loll of 1Urlace 1ctioo.
Phil Tozer, 'bead man at Davey's Locku, says local fJShint l!
good wHh the outer i!landl al.to prOducm, some fine catches.
lion Adami of Newport Beach llabing aboard the '"11111n·
derbird" caught 1 bonJto wtla:b.inl over 11 pounds.
• !
" • ' •
~ ;
~ ~
Mesa Police Chief Bag8 Deer
AL\. S \ t1bel1SS Whitewalls .... ...
~ \slTill 2ndTIR
\ .... ,
1111 1ettlll ~ti;, ,20.00 $\0.50 ,, .19
101 ...... ,. t11.oo ~ 60 22,60 11.so 1.10
,,,.,. 19.2& ~ 60 23.00 12.60 1.11
l .30 1.1•" \9.76 ' • 26 25 \3.60 2.31 1.1•'" . "60 • 1.!17
.,,,.,. 2s.2& • 29 00 14.60 2Ji7
..... \% 60 . TClf I.fit~~ 25.76 \.US~ .... •nd l t1..-1 off
•·' '" .,,.,, r WR\1'\NG \O~· .1 . '.
••• 0-11
l'LUI J7c 'O Sk P•lt Tlltl l'•D. IX. TAX, IALI' TAX & RICAl'l'AILI Tlllil 01' SAMI Sltl f/PI' YOUR CAR.
Lou Cesn.ar of ~boa Island ha1 taken over the development of
a duck bur.ling club in the San Jacinto area. The club ii located on
ao establl.sbed Byway and ii only 90 mlnutes from Orange County.
eema~. p!aM ..u for the hunt1111 ol ducb, , ..... phunnt
and dove 1t tbe club, wbicb, will ~ open for limited mem·
benblp1. I thought
I saw a
~1oni informaHon on the club can be obtained by caillnl (714)
W~l! or f1Wl7JI,
The much publtclud effects of pe1Udde11 over the past few
tnonlb& baa brw&hl &clioo by the V.S. Deparlment of AIJ'lcul·
WN. .
Orders bavt' been iuued to the Forest Service and tht
Agriculture lleMuch SUVlce to llop lht wideoprad ... of DDT,
Dleldrin, Edgrtn, Aldrin, Cllordane, Tnophene, Heplachlor and
All ....... cl&ullftd u "penislelll" peoticide&. Further ... of
Ut.,. pestlclde• II banned, pendlq "'view of the!ll, by the
deoulmen\'1 pe11 cootrol pr<>grom.
The !tuditl bopo to dotmnlne lull """' dleclll 0.. pealldde• have on the wildllle of our country,
SOFT SELL SAM ly Marvin Myws
"IT'S A !lfMO FRre roll. MF~Y &At1~, .. ,
ANY SIZE OR COLOR i r fi rt$fOnt
You did. You did. The Puttycat it a
cleliihdul -....... -...., !hot ~up •boot u ~uid< 11 a <aL Thi&
.. t10na1 J>ri>o --w;nmnr drink b made-
with• ~otol"l-PilMycatM;,,;' w1ter Md E.rlJTlnMI. Hne IOffte fun
with The Putoyat. It\ p!QfuL
D·70.t4 l~.9S·14l
Ph,, Sl.24 P•r Tl••· r.d. I•,
T1111 o"d '"• 111ff yeur 10•.
Otll1• •i••• ot IOMpa,.ble
•lipunent byakl.Ued.
moebanlao _s5ee
C.tw!lh ...... .. ,.., .. ,_. 1u11111.,tii.t-
with this coupon
CHI,. U,11'1 S1pt. 30, 1981 II ;;; ··==---=------
4 for sea
' I.JS.ti WMteltri,_
7.71·11 '#MteltrfJe
I.SS.II lM •lte t .41· 1 I , ,.,.,,.
1.11-11 , """ 1.11-11 11-n.tl
1.11-11 ........ 1
"h"' n.n i. ..,_.. Ftd. li•e. Te•, .. fft T•
6 • Tlr• Oft Y-Cir,
Prvlon1 the lif• of your tire1
471 E. 17th ST. e 646-2444 147-61111
·1--.0·P·EN-M·O·N·. ··F·R·I·.'.'.·.•.: .s.AT···'T·l·L··-----·O·P·E·N·M·O·N···· ·F·R-1 •• • .'·.'.' .u.T ••• ·T·l·L ··--'
' f
' •
• • I
' c
ore :u
'"' Sllow ~ 7 , ... c-i.--s.t. ,,_ S: S.. ,,._ J ............. ,, ...
Not ever)'.body
has a great
time at the
Fair •••
BUT if you
like ••• ncrse shows,
the flavor and color of
the Mexican Village, the
excitement of a giant
fun zone, flower and
garden shows, watching
artists and craftsmen in
;iction, livestock, the ex-
Pfing new decor of the
Interior design show·
case, fascinating dis·
plays, exciting demon-
strations and thousands
of exhibits ...
YOU'LL have
a great time
at America's
largest county,
IT'S WJaf IT'S HlffEN!NG •••
l!oUrp ~·,..
Open End's 'loy'
Nwport Show
Exwnding Run
Alla-the addllioo ol thrtt
<Jira perform.ances, Newport
Beach's Open End Tbeatu has
'reported continued sold~ut
houses for its current pro-
ductioo "Joy : A Sensory
The additional performances
were completely rtSerVed two
days before they w e r e
scheduled, accortUn'g to Walter
K. Phelps, director cl the pro-
In order to accommodate
the COlltfnu<d demaod !or tick.
ets, the production is sched-
uled to run on Sundays al 7:30
p.m. Indefinitely.
"Due to Olher , production
commibnents, we are unabJe
to continue the production on
Friday& a n d Saturdays1"
Phelps said, "but:we bave Id
aside Sundays through the tall
In hope <lhat all -wtsh to
9ee the show will have that
Tickets are $2 and reserva-
tions may be made by calling
the theater at f15-1120.
The production, the first of
Its type offered In Oranp
County audiences, allowa the
audience to experience varlowi
sensory stimuli as they are
taken throq)i the thuter ooe
at a time.
... ., '" ,,.,.,,,., l!KelltM •.. " rt. UIU'tMo LA. TllMS
111 11M A"""" "' .,CATCtt D'" Hr ._....-.. ...... ,..,
P•rt O• wfU M ,,.,..'94 ..
you _, -• fllll 11Niw •
t :OO p.a.
~..3J .
Winner Of
S Academy Aw•rd1
OF THE NIGHT" 2tOS lost C... Hltfr-y
c.,... .... ........,.. 67MJ61
RM St,it•r
Sid"''I' 'oiti1r ALSO PU TIN•
EN ,,..., -S"-9 N9"'
0.. low• -Dk• Mwtlo
Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night
tmml ~l
F.twric Dr-.
Ste,.._ ley4 -Df .... W.-wfd"
"SLAVES" , ...
leco 1 114 f'W A..., ............. .-,....... ..... .
T" firMI w"*-
Jot. "'1n1, &..w
Plu1 ----w-"GUNS OF THE
MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" ......................................
Jot. w.,. -... c ..... ..
' • Tiloo4oiN ...
ltc.oWI ... ,., Mtftt
IJyh; ,.,......, -....._ N .....
"THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS• .... """ '°""" -ca..o. Cwllll .... "ONCE UPON A TIME
IN THE WEST" ... ... ..... ••••••••••••••
$175 ·=~·: =:.;.. · : "NeVE'R °A~ULL
-•·•-i MOMENT
..,,,.. i Pll ''" CAai.0.AD .iKlt L•m-· T"'!. ~ "THE GREAT !<ACE"
Lyric Group.
For Singers
Auditions will be held Sun-
day from 2 to I J>.m. in
Lquna'1 lrviDe Bowl for
sq.11 and adon who wlah to
participate bl a oeW repertory
company training --ol the Lyric Opera Association ol
Orange County.
Age b not a requirement.
Mrr. Velma Sun, executive
dlredor of the assoclaUon said
that ••prtmary quallficatlom
include previous vocal or ac~
ting training and a strong
dellre to learn more about
singing techniques, acUng,
stage presence and other stills
of the musical theater."
Persons auditioning should
bring their own music. An ac..
axnpanlst will be provided.
Mrs. Sun said repertory pro-
gram members will perform
in Orange County acbools and
before civic and cu I tu re
groups. • '"Ibis unique plan
gives the singen opportunjtie&
to perform before audlencea
and provides programs of in-
terest to students a n d
members of social. cultural
and civic organizations," she
'Gay' Show
Passes Out
Free Eats
free cookies and potato chips
are an irresistible temptation,
you can pass up "Silhouettes,"
wblcb made iU fey way onto
the lllage ol olf-1lroa4way'1
Actors Playhouse Moad a y
1be gloomy gli"'I"""' of the
purported gay world o r
-ose.uala that author Ted
Hanis mistaUa for 'drama
won a prize a few mootha
back from Washington's
department of recreation - a
dire comme1:1t on wbat'a new
in capital culture.
"Silhouettes" is set in New
York's bOOemiau East Village.
The five cbaracten wbo spend
most of theit time circling
around and In a disheveled bed
include a middle-aged wailrw
who wddenly finds herself
with chHd; the midnight
cowboy who like3 """' ..
well as lads; a couple of ultra-
fllci.y chums; and fOI' con-
trast, a simplebearted girl
wbo keeps looting out into lhe
audience for converaalional
Assorted snacks art passed
around for the sake of spec·
tator inv~9ement during the
party lhat bring> the affair to
a rousing peak of boredom,
James Racioppi does an
Ethel Merman imitation and a
drag rouUnt with vast en·
thusiasm, while Bill Hai!Up
and Fred Forrest Indulge In
trlcksy innuendos. M a u d e
Hjggins, the .whilom waitress,
and Ann Stafford as 1 reluc·
tant youngster amid t b e
reefer-an<k'ock uproar could
hardly be blamed '°" being le&s than believable.
NolhiDg .was.
NAnoH"1. CEHER.ltl. CORPORATION Fo-x .. •••CllST ....... ft. w ...... ,,_, ........ s..zn.
AlTRACTION , ......... 1•1• ...... ·--Al •1•
Ozawa Conducts. ID.spiring
Concert at· Ho'llywood :Sowl
wbo -1ur• Into Ila myriad 1,--------• compleJitlea.
If SetJI OuWll .-.-... his · Ozawa a!ld the New York
becomina known to the music PbllbµmOl)ic paged. tbe test
world as the man who dldn't with .fiying colon.
get Leonard Bermteln'1 Job he Whal • -that the post proved Saturday plght at the whi'cb went 'to Pierre Boulez
Hollywood Bowl' that b e waa not made avlUable to Util
doeaa't Allow hll feellnp Ob eimest, bnmense.ly 8 i f t e d
that aubject to latertere witb YOW!< coadoctor: B o u I e 1 ,
hla podium performance. artistically aod technically, la
Aod that performance, lei 11 not· In the same street and it
be qui kl -~-' la ooth. would be very hard to con-e Y ·--, uig vince us lhat Bernstein ·-•er· short ol mqnlflcent. 'lbJs ' ... -
slight, u D • I I u m 1111 Man.-red the unlnspirtng French-
dwrlan-bom maestro l • man to the craftsman who
deotined, In 11111 wriler'• view, .. imlft8led us Satunlay
to join the libs cl !!eedwn, night -hair and hell boltoml
BentelD, BarblroW and and all
Furtwangler wboe the time A word hert about the
comes to a19e11 hll con;. balance of the program and
1rtbullm to the WUle of only • wont.
music. For pianist Leonard p~
We got the word h.,.nta... nario singularly failed to im·
• • • I
---..... press us with a performance
thal lf Ou.wa bad only made of Grel.g's beautiful Piano
recoune ol Bem.rteln's barber Concerto in A minor that can
and tailor when the New Yori: only be cl~ aa competent.
Phllharmonic job became. va-Nothing wrong with the
cMnt be would have been b~kdrop provided by Ozawa 11 ----------1
leading the orchestra at tbe and his orchestt·a, but we
Bowl , Saturday as 1 t • couJd feel our compani-On - a
permanent director rather. fonner concert pianist to
than as ita guest eonductor. whom Greig was her life blood
Lookln% at Ozawa'& flowing -itching to get up there aDd
'JG.:ks ancfhis bravura bell bot-show him bow.
tolllll, yoo could see the Too bad she couldn't.
reasoning behind that theory . rr==========JI But It woold bave been all the
same to tbls writer U he'd Jed
the New Yorken wearing a
nightie aod slippers ; what
counts Is what be extracts
from bis ens<mble and the
superb Ouwa lmpressed us as
we haven't been impressed for
many a year.
•, ,,.,~AS.""''
Ltv.Ju1z ,. .,,. . . . . G...,.,., hell • 0..... SIN>l'll
"MacKENNA'S GOLD" -"HOW SWEET IT IS" ,,_ ...._ . .,.... . .,.....
c.r-.. Sit .. s..,.. hJt •.M.
He brought from bla ob-
.,;ous1y inlplnd orchestra a
performance of Schubert's~~========= Symphony No. I (the Unfinl!h. f~
ed) that toot ua right back to(;;;:/...,;;:
the Halle Orchestra •t a time
wbtn Sir John Barbirolll was
at the peat of his considerable
Every nuance d. this esaen-
tially romantic wort w a a
by Ozawa in a flowtng rend-
ition that obviously delighted a
near capacity audience. Ht
brought to a lime-honored
work a treshness and vlrtl-
ily -and an unmistakeable
Sf!D3e of devotion-that made
us realize once more the fuU
dept!> and -ty ol the &lit·
Ticil9'1 ,... Co"''9f'lcltot o.tt.tl
5'1c.lo41 .. lolloQ"., .... --
ht&, Wollldt'1 ., 11t tM hi
Now diowl .. Mllf ,,.,. l iH
p.-.: l1N.., M• Z:OO ,.._
.... ,A.Jiu. ~ ..... =I
.... ll~J.,..... ..
.. :.:::::::: a.o.r.--._._ ..
Pt ..... ,.., ........ ,. i.
.. Jane Fonda In
'Barefoot in the · Park'
tericg Schubert score. p~,tll> ' g _ •.-on 1u.c:M -.... .--
It waa much the. same with U;;~'BA~-~~C>~lll~OR~• :=;::~l!!!:l~=-~~~~~~··~.....,~·~"~'· .... ~··~ ... ~~~~~I IOTH U.TID '"t." Tscbaikovsky's Sympboo.y No. I;: ----I'
t in F minor. Here again .Hiit GlfN QI
oun1'"'ugbtbometouthe 14'" Week Leist Weeks WAYIE·W.1111.1.•IWllY full nnp of emotiona , ' ... · .. :··
garnered trom hla orchestra in
• manner that Rpt our eyes
glued to bla podium. Every
note of th1s Jewel of a xore
waa made to tell tta tale in a
performance that b r o u I h t
Ozawa and the New Yorken a
tremendous ovation.
I l wasn't. mark you. the
ovaUon of the evening. That
was reserved for an encore
that imperiously swept. roman-
ticism aside aDd left us lalP' ,
Ing tn the alterma1h of ·what
must he the most swirlin,,
tempestuous score in Ouwa 1
Ginasteri'S "Estancia" WU
the plum that Ozawa pulled
from bil superb pudding and jf
he meant to ahow us that hiJ
style was by no means limJted
to lyricism then be succeeded
beyond his wildest dreams.
This work bi: a jangling.
clamorous on:htstraJ piece
designed to tu t.o the utmost
the orcheilras and conduct.on
Fonda Guests
OM or the pest stars who
will appear frorri time to time
in the new Bm Cosby situation
comedy series for NBC is
Henry Fonda. Fonda appears
in an e.-~e tn which he,
Cosby and a cleanlng woman
who speaks no English are
trapped in an et 1 v1tor
overnight. ·
2*I .. HIWPOIT I ..=.1 ~ .,, ==
WIUI' ---..
West Coast
·Premiere • Engagement
Ah o: To11y C11rti1 ,...i
T•rrv Thom•• i•
. -·-= 117..,11 : ··-.. -·••..--.. W•OIAHH•IYMN
TtC>l«Xlltlll • ~. -.
; 1' ..... '.
NOAH'S ARK --A second Chalice to cal@ BW Co
by's Special of last April, tonight at 7:30 oo <;!!~el
4. His' oof>omaD ahow features Fat Albert, Wlerd
Harold aod,"Nliahl,all played by oaoby. "Tire Second
BW Cosby Special" no<talgically recalls the day•.of.
childhood. t ·. "
•• ~Ujlmple, how wW •Leslie Uggams' new liariety Hriel,-whicb replace the Sm~ers Brotll-
*'Oil, CBS-TV, do· against NBC-TV's :"Bonanza"?
;. "'0n the'same nigbt, Sunday, hcfw will NBC-TV's
new Bill COsby series, predicted to be a hot one,
do against the long-running Ed Sullivan •bol" and,
''The :FBI"?
MONDAYS, as has been widely noted, ABC-!
Ws new eop recording series, "The Musi.c Scent:,",
1will try~ put a.dent in "Laugh-In," 3nd maybe
even "Gqtt!m¥''' too.
.Also Mondays, llarold Robbins' new serial about
the jet set, "The Survivors," with Lana Tu.mer and
Geo"N• Hlimilton, wW go. u~ against "Mayberry R.
F.D.' and the Dori,s Day show:
Tuesdays, NBC-TV's new Debbie Reynolds sit·
uatioo comedy will face "The Mod Squad" and
"Lancer,'' a Western.
Tbe same night, AiC-TV's new 90-miD.ute
"Movie of tbe Week" series, an anthology Of vld~
oriJd,nals, ,,.m take on such power.bOlt~ as *'Julia,'' ancf Red Skelton. , _ , _
ALSO ON TUESDAYS>. lhe .CS,S..TV'.news hour
wl!l-f1<:e the new competiliOll of an !iBC-TV medical·
series, ''Marcus Welby, M.'I).," sfaning Robert
YOUD(. Both of these programs will be underdogs
in, the ratings., of course, to the Tuesday movies.
' ' _ On Wednesdays, another new sawbones series,
"Medical Ce!ller" (CBS-TV). will be hard-put to
beat out the weekly movies of that night. But since
those movies are .on ABC-TV, which generally bu
ratings troubles because o( jts smaller affiliate lilie-
up, t.11e new entry might hive a fair chance. . ' ANOTHER NEW Wednes<!ay·series, "The Court-
ship ot·'Eddie's Father" (AllC-TV), based on the
film aboUt a wladWer and \>js son, will take on "The Vii'iifnian" an(G\en·Camp1*11·, .
:nn\t'!aaYs~CB.S,TV Will trv .t~,UJ>S•I NBC-TV's •~lineup ol "Ollblel lloon~1""1r0nside," "Drag-
net<• ind Dmo, Martin. cBSiifv will OJ"'n up with
the hlib~l'e'tM "Jllamily 'AffaJr" (switched from
MmM!ays) against "Daniel Boone."
FoUowing "Family AHair," CBS.TV will offer
the new Jim Nabors variety series, against the
second half of "Boone" and the first half of "Iron-
side.'" Since Nabors focmerly starred as "Gomer
Pyle" in th.at top-rated ~eries, his 1neW show is con-
sidered a distinct threat to any and all competion.
SATURDAYS will also feature a heralded bit of
competition between CBS-TV and NBC-TV. For that
is the night that Andy Williams (NBC-TV) goes
head-<>n agaiMt Jackie Gleason (CBS-TV), who thus
far bas been an almost unbeatable weekend video
mamsta)' in tenns of popullil!ty. ' '
' Dennis the Menaee
• ·.I
MfSS l'EA<;H .' • " I
' '
' ...
ly C""'* M. ScWI
.l .y John .MU.. ,
.. ly Harold Le Doua:
<.eRl'AINLV !
ly-Ferd Johnson
. By Tom K. Ryan
MY 1llES IN'TllE
Oii. l 'o SAY
By Al Smith
"''" 'FOWi. PL.AV. CH,
ly Men
-r IXlH'T
'"" 0 ljj) Ci) "' '"-(C) (90)
nm"--··-(C) <"'• "1M f'llnlri1 Is M llundy." Jullt
H1w1111r ,..m • sw...11 Sut. Ion, llttlclMolna fl. tit .....
with I coM/ld .. ~-II•
"· (R) .. CJ Wt! (60) '-blM lat eM: TM
Assodatio11 .rllelt. @m _....., !Cl 160\
The --feetww ...-. Wllto!i •rid Diii ..... ·--"" ll!J -..... (Q (90) "' ....... 11-ltl (IOI
ID Mllllr: °"Dlklilt Cwl'HI I 19
,_ '97-11\oo --G1ri.lld.
@CIJ ID (j)QICIJ -t'l
l~• 1rdllls tf Tht Prilonlr tad, 12:30 m Qillf
tnd hi is lffncl bb thoict of ,,... m
dom or 18admhlp of 1 mJSt•lious ~ ~ '111dt • VllMt
war1d b11111tt1 1111 aurf1<:1 ol t11t MllL
earttl In tht ti1111 1p1Joctt of th•
...... (R)
Diii kll T• (C) (30)
D IHl m II 1'ol •~ (C) C301 •'fiMii w. • TlllM An11 Met I l'jt.
man." Ano M•rlt tlka 1 pie In tlit
flCI en I 3o'IOw Ind finds It ,. ..
millltlnt---U·dclll htt fathtr. (R)
, .. 11-:(Q ___ _
"11) '5& -_. M1hoMJ, >ulil ......
DD-(C) a C..•unitJ lllflttht km (C)
~J,-hr • .., tc> (30) Did l:JO m U-111&111 "-"011.,onf
Cll;J'," "Rootl T1 LC," ... "'l"
Slit Yktor.· 111--(90)
''"m""" -,_ <•• I'll) '51-1'1• ... Mklllll .... ......
'46-Alan C4lrti\ 11ct ffoK.
Complete Printing Service
Top Quality -Fast Service
2211 Wnl B1lboa Blwd. Nawport IMch
Sgt. J. L Coach cont1mpl1tes his tr1lnea from below.
--·-,,, ·---··· .... ---•
S ince he was 18 years old and a graduate of San Ramon
High. School in Danville, California, Jack Vl. Stevens
wanted to join the Marine Corp!I.
As the years slipped by, he majored in retailing at Diablo
Valley College. Concord, Calif., ('Ontinuing his basketball
and baseball activiLies to keep in shape. He married a near-
by Sacramen to gil'l, moved to JifcKee~port. Pennsylvan ia
and kept up hir .lttempts lo become a 1.farine.
His problem, as taken to State Supren1e Court Justice
Samuel Weis5, in Pitl"burgh, for advice. was his 6-foot,
111 ;-inch frame, too big for mili tar.v requirements.
Judge Wei :;;;:, ¥.'ilh the cooperation of Pittsburgh's U.S.
Represent ative, .James G. }'ulton 1 R-Penn. 1, re•iewed
the case thoroughly. One mon th later, in June, 1967. by
Congressional action , the 252·1>ound1 25-year-oJd giant
'\\'as assigned to the Marine Corps Recrui t Depot at Parris
Island, S.C., the biggest and one of the oldest recruits.
He encountered t>roblem s i1nmediatel)., His long stride
had to be adjusted to the 30-inch step required in close.-
order drill, hi! large frame had to adapt it.self to the small,
but normaf, bunk at the barracks and his uniforms had to
be cut to his siz.e.
The drill instructor~, at the same time, were making
their own adjustments lo lhe big trainee. Convenient boxes
or crates for close~up direction, an upturned head for
plainer thing'"
When graduation day arrirC'cl t~vo months later, Stevens
was standing tall in more ways than o~e. Now ass igned to
Basic Infantry Training at Camp J,ejune, N.C., he will
later go to the Naval A·ii· Station, Memphh~, Tenn .• for
aviation traini ng, a beginning finally for what he hopei;-
will be 21. 20-year car~r as a Unjted States Marine.
Tho n9w MtrlM w1lll for ~lolhfng lauo, whllo 1 clork
looks and wonders.
' •••
ThWld11, S..tembfr II, 1969 DAILY Jill.OT J7
Standing tell, Stevens h11 hit h•lr:net 1dju1ted by
one of hi• drill in1tructor11 Sgt. J. L Coach.
• • ' ' ' • •
... -, ...... '\'..-, ...... ·~
~ _.., ~lntlon Booch 1400
HOUSES ,Ott SALi HOUSES FOR SA~!, HOUSES FOR SALi !l~S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE -al. 1000 -••I 1000 O...r•I 1100 ~·-•' ' 1000 0.nerol 1000 Newl!!rt BHch 1200 Ceron• tlol Mor 12.SCI
OUT OF SEASON SPECIAL. R.educ:e4 $2500 for rtPid sale.
~ bdrmi, hardwi:iod tloon.
ltomi' ncitdl }*Int l Cati!.
New price
l.oYely 2 ST'OR.Y l.:in1e
with • bdmu, l~e
ramlb' room, covemd
patio &: ltUCE 'REAR
\'ARD with acctll for
!! , l..ocaled OJI a qUifl
cul.<fwac 1trett neat
N•wport major lbopptnr center.
Outalde Is ~
•t with sprlnlcll!:rt Jront 6
Vldoria rtar fr SHAKE ROOF.
646-alll Full prlc< 131.lW.
Unbelievable But
l bedroom home In coa-
ta rM:tt 1o111h on added
family room wUh DoOr to
crllini? .and atone ti,rcplaoe,
all new c&rPetlnc fhrau.&b-
out dtlllX •has. JI '• betn
mmpletely repainted, alAO a
covtted ~tio knd Ioli of
bla tree•, owner u.klna m,.
500 no down to vets or .mini-
mum ctown FHA. Hun')' on
-Anytimo • COAn 1.z:::mm:::;:i:lljl:z::J ·wAi.'i....ce ORANGE COUNTY'S ACRE IN RIALTORS LARGEST $4~4141-1629 HARBOR BLVD. NEWPORT "'--1 541 1140 IEACH , ....................... ..,"" ... .i • ...i .... ,..,;OPEN EVES TILL 1:30
t bdnn boene + f.amily l'J)Om 2 150 • ottico. llotw1 OK Spani.h '
••• ivor. .. t ""'· .i..,, S'i)UARE FEET
mU.Y txll'aa. • ONLY ~. If you need I JEt\N SMITH, ....,bii<W .,.c1oua 1tome <d cannot .&nl Ibo biP .... · Realtor tnr -. .... i.t •• -. "6.32$$.. you t!>ll LARGE YO U R
400 ~. 11th. C.O.ta Meu BEDROOM. !WO bath wlttl
/!!!!!!!!! .. !!!!Jll!!!!l!!l!!!!0!""'/ 22'ld0' FAMILY R 0 0 II
' $21,500 Wrrll FIREPLACE ... "P. ELEGANT 2 STORY u.te 1.ttache d GUEST
Va!Qe A beauty pl.ore. '2 ROOM. Gue1t room makel
111.ory. 4· bedniom, 2. baths: Mteal · mo~r-IDJ&w quat·
l..a,rCf ~ patio entire .~· Encbed prq:c, two
• Bdrm dnde •tory
lloor plan w11.h beauU.
Jul carpetl, delJ&ht:f\11
•trlum entry Ii: all elec·
Irie kitchen, Thia could
be j\llf. whal you're look· tna tor: 10% down tin.
anclrc available. Drive
by m6 AlbllroP. Atk-trc 135.51)(). pabOJ.. Thil home coukl be rear of borne. Huge work· the aaswe.r 10 .)'OL!r prob.
6bop. Built-in kh~bm. fam· ktnl. Various mean1 ot n~
111 room, plul Huge pla,)'· ~ avalllble _ CAU. rua':tl.~t55 Horborro ~~o~A·Y~1tiill!11!11!!1!!!!!1!!!1!1!;loi~=~~=~iii ~::' d=.'::', -:, IMMED. POSS.
;:.:'=~"':: 5 BR & FAMILY
Custi;m built vlew.cide ter-
race. Lovely landacapln&:. Thl1 Iarp Umily hon1f' In
S79.500 • Ow.a will tlnance. No11h Collta Meu with all
Immediate polRIEon. Pete Evcnin;: Call ~ !he built -IM Including a
Barrf'tf Rnlty 6f2..2500 liiiiiiiiiiiii..,.,iiiiiiiiiiii•I \\'a\er conditioner. Needs •
SEE THIS 8£.AU'(Yt RENTALS liltle TLC. Vacant &: fJric-ed
Coll ... Pirlct Sharpest 2 bdrm. Townhout!(' -Com· way under marilet. Hurry · , ASSUME $1/1% pletely Iunilshed. $1T.V mo. this won•t tut. 0 NL Y
$111 MO-PAYS ALL $29,750. J Br 2 Ba, farft rm sep din 2 bdnn. pool home · Ira~
rm.' 2 trplca, compi kit util S190 v.•lth option 1v11ila blt. to
nn. lmmac lndlcpa. By
0own. buy ~ $21 ,950.
PERRON ~r evet A wkndL SfS.1920 ~ .. . -.. Lovely bi' 4 bdm1. lamUy 1---------roon1, dinlnr room. Lcaite "42-177' Anytime
GeMril 1000 ~mo. with option ta bu.y./'!!11"!!~'!!!!!~~~!!!!'!!! tr:=::::::======:.I Juit unclf:r aXX> $q. ft. 'LEAVING STATE: 4 unique
Inc. Rlllton
Costo .Mesa --Eost s;de
Euts:lde Colta r.1 e s a S•5·~110 apartments :i Bat'hl'lon (llWciMnthlllltJ .
LLEGE REALTY c OMPI.:ETEL;' lunllstk'd iSIXJMMslt"'*-tll e:wopt hne1111. 2 2·bcdrooms
' MOSTLY tuml'lhcd. A 11 lf:l:=::=::=z::=::=::=:C::~J with fireplaces, bean1ed
MAKE OFFER .,.n;,,., d•po"'1>, I " b ' ,
showers, c&f'l)tted. draped,
cu1tom de c oralrd.
Operating equipment lron1
1001JI to receipts books i~
eluded. 2 blockll Major
Shopping. 61~':t loen. Over
$2.000 SPENDABLE incon1e
Fabulous view home
Jijllt llllfd 111
&--A1u1lvt1 Cameo ShoR1,
Wll.1 3 oversbe bedrwm1.
and 3 ti.tbs plm
hirse, view family room.
eleaant re~ llvlnc f'OO!tl ·
l TX35 1wlmminr pool
S Car &&ta&e, Sl~."10 • Owner may carry
but this view 11 rantutic,
full uo· panorama o( the
Paclfie cout line. The home
II brand new only four years
old, 4 muter 1itt bedrooms,
rear yard terrace and much
more. See It to appreciate
It, $36,500.
271 Princeton, CM
IEACH 10-YS Corona del Mar
NO )'•rd malntenant>e wllh SIX 2-bedroom units tot1th of
lhll ddlghtfUI hOuae. 4 spac. h.lchWQ", 2 Wocb to ocean.
3 SR + <kn. tie COY patlo. loui bedrooml, 2 b a t h •• " In a Haw&lian M~ Each DAVIDSON RNlty BUU. T-tN ldtcbm. Excel· •Pt. wtlll llOclud<d patio.
New homes, ready to mo., In. ¥1 mile
from beach. rtnt pa1ment up to eo dayt
ifter move In.
5'6-S460 Eves. 5i9"-l058 lent NEWPORT location Blt-ln kttcheni. Carpeted and
IRVINE TERa•cE-where YoU can walk to the draped, Exctllent summer
TMml VA/FHA. From $22.990.
.CORAL SHORES ~ beach and tennis· courtl. rental area $16.000.
Outll.OO>na CdM home In 2:::',.;,, ot • • • kind .. 1,. •I 673·1550 priv, te!.ld. area. 3 I.cf, Sr. __
Fem. rm.; hto, filt. poot, WI SELL A HOME (on Garfield betwee n Beach & ldainolla
llEAL"rol\S 6'!~1662 w lk & L ,_3036=E=:eoa_ .. =H"""'"·~· Cd_M_ 1 a er ee-400 • -""~-1115 -------Hunti~lfon INch 1
"'7>1. 79 -mo. 2043 \Veatclill Dr. -Walk to bch. s BT, 2 Ba, 646-TTU Open Eves. BIG IAY VIEW
ehallrd .. ...,. All xtru. s .... d....,. 1P11t i...i 1tom•. MERMAID'S
177,900. 2'll22 Cap~tnno Ln. OPEN HOUSE. 3 Cor •"-l;<e. '°" Jot w/ MANSION H.B. ~sat5. 96&-U32 THURS.· FRI. l ·S rm. for pool. Take· Ovt-r
1511 SYLVIA LANE li~~~ loan .. $69,~. Open Frankl¥. tW1 btad:I home
Cost• Me•• 1100 Quiet Harbor H.J&:hlands: 3 HC>U.5e SaVSun 1..5. UlO Star· wu de11antd for the mer-
J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J Br. Comp. redec. Newty 11ur. board Way. maid in yoUt ll!e to sit '"'"'pool. EXECUTIVE HOME ""'und le!IUrly & ftlck bu
H•I Plnchln & Auoc. New Broadmoor t Br. I Fam. rolden tail in the .ea breeze.
I ...... d ed It has alt the 1..'0nvenitnces 3900 E. Cua.st llwy, i154ll.l2 room: ute • ....,,. eeorat
• I pd r-n ( that lttJ her have t'Xtnl ASSUME 61/J O/o ~I: · J';; ~::::· hours or tree time to 1pluh
3 + raniily. Lovtly patio: Cheshire Real Eltate about in tht 1ur( or sun or
w/w carpet l profu.~. Ind-e 675-2503 ANYTIME e llbop or fix you an extra
5%0/o Loan
Loguno leoch 1705
Special! 4 Income units 120
yd1, to beach. Patios. decks
w/ocean vit!w. Nds. pa.int.
elc. Should fl'Ol!a $9,00> )'r.
Pr. $69,600. Q)nslder trades.
For S•le By Owner
3 BR. w/bl!aut. ~an vle.,,.
l pOolaized yard. Low, lo\Y
down le only $.13.500. Will
aho lease/option or lease
S250 moolh. Call Karen.
~ er 49$.3960
with payment, ol S202/mo
PflYI all av&llable to bu)'·
er ot thii lal'le 4 BR fa.mlb
room on C\ll-de.aae 1treet.
deluxe eXtna. Room for
camper Ii: bolt.
I M I ~~" ~-•peel.al dinner a!ltr a bard ~~ OVe n n<l\Y, -.JW Lusk View Home days work. Be11.utifU1 &lau 1---------
PROPE RTl ES WEST Open Houst Sat·Sun 1-7 kitchen filled with all the L_•gun• Nipl 1707
17Ml30 •7S..1'42 Week Days 4.7 time savin& appliances lik~
El 3 Bed b th dl..shwuher. double oven COMMANDING
SPACIOUS erant room, :i a . _,. cl • NO DOWN TO VETERAN-Si family room. This home's lone K!U eantrJ, rarll"e Coutlin•Clf•lln•
HERITAGE &40.1151
Spukllnc 3 BR ·2 bath home 3 Bdnn & famUy rm. L;e. bcautiluJ landacaplnf l dee. diaposa.I. RomanUc "parent View lot In Lquna Beac."i.
In quiet rtaldenUal area. llv. mi.. stone fpl. \V /\V oratif'li compllment1 I h e saver retreat•• adult •part. S&.~. Small but J eve 1.
ORANGE ~OUNTY1S Love:!.)' ttee IJiaded patio, cpts. over HW fin. WeU wondertul view It hai or ment. 3 bdrm1, '2 baths. $1,IXKI Do,vn, bil..I, at $10
LAAGEST nicely landaca.ped in tra.lflc kept. Card<'n settln,:. $28,000 Catalina and the mountains. Dni»eriea throuahout. car-month. 494-1137
2629 HARBOR ILVD. ttte·•trttt. Priced tor im.. Graham Re•lty 646--2414 Owner. 644-1392 peUna: ln llvins. dlnlll&', hall,
546 N40 mediate uJe al $23.150. Near Newport Posl Otfic~ -,,H,_bo,-~V~l-~H=.1~1 -·I mute:r bedroom with Prl-
CALL 545...a04 South Cout •r r •w 1 1 vale bath. Completely feoo-Den• Point 1730 OPEN EVES. TIL 1:30 Real Eatate. DUPLEX Ex~1ive view or ll'ttrr ed, private sate, Cront land-
CUSTOM buUt home on pm. ~=~==~==~·I Sale er kase, 1mn1ac. funi. belt, nr. a.uoc. poole, Lovely .caplnJ:, Move in tod~. $11,500 Barpin! C 1 ea n .
fi&:e 8aycre11 street. Well COLLEGE PARK'S ~ar beach. 4 Br, den, 2 Ba, 4 Br., lam. &: din. rms. Wet SJ0,450, Of11¥ $58:i 1uarantttd amall, 3 Br. l Ba. Near
planned with four big bed· SHARPEST. 2 trpls, each unit, 2nd unit bar. Like new cpta. &: dra~ clo1ini '-Ott to all! cn"4) Harbor. $(.150 dn, $110 mo.
rooms in one wing. Enter-ASSUME 5V4 ~.. leased at $355 mo. Sl0,000 e:a S65,SOO -Make oUer! 96&-1997 _ 21.90VacaUon Lant. 34032 Copper Lantem
talnin&: Is si mplified \\1th $178 PAYS ALL dn. 01Y1l<'r 642-3490. OeL1ncy Re•I E1t•te Huntin&ton Beach. Bkr.
largr liv1ni: and family 3 BR. 2 BA, lam r111, din rm, A1 0 DEL ti 0 ME -EX-2828 E. Cout Hwy, 673-37701 ....... ~~'!'!'~"'""'"'"'Duplexu for S•ll 1975
rooms plunds ronn1 al dining 2 Crplcs. fully ('(lpd kit. ulil CLUSIVE AREA. 3 Bdrm, 2 BR., den, 2 baths. Beaut. VACANT DELUXE duplex. 2 Br •••h
room. Ila Y k tchcn, ser· rm. Jmmac Jndacp '&:. View formal din nn. den; IW'· d~rated. All MIO! carpets, 3 bdrma 2 bath&, larre livinc ......
vier porch, 3 bath.• and loada r.ves & wknds. By owner. round in&'. po o I It many ahutten. Elegant bar room wilh ull!d bfiek f~ unlt. Close to ocean I: bay.
or r.IOt1Ct .!!pacr makt this 5(9.l920 pallo. * 67!>-4~ Ii: re 1 tfu 1 g:ardcn.patio. plac~. bi& kitchen. electric $40,000. Owner will finanot.
11. very livablt' family hOme. 1-77',-.,~~=~==-~-.,. 500 0 1 bulll·lns, r ... e/oven, d~ no polntl. Villa Park Realty ized h d ALL J BR'•B'i O\VNER SALL Or leuc, 2 BR, 2 BA. ..... ,,, ..,.., · w n ail · 637-11634 or 61>3435. Pool·& yard as pave 950 Vlctoria $19,500 GI ~. condom, Pool, Puttinl: 673--0145 wuher, plency o! cupboard.a. patio, double g~ plua lots FA heat double 1ara.ce, e&r· ot off·st~ parking. Under :llOJ Federal S2L,OOO 5~ gm. All ~ai~~ mo. EXCLUSIVE. Unuirual pdB, S27SO down. Ap•rtmenft
S70,000. 422 Walnut $21,500 6'ii _._,_l3000 ___ . _____ ,
de1ip. 2 BR. fixer-upper. For S•lt 1910
203 i!~;"~:e ovc~~~ ~1" 1227 r.ene ~~n Rltr. l!P@Hl_ mu LUXURY Apt, 2 car ;arr, \-0 THE REAL ~ ESTATERS . ·. .
Slalionr1')' { Office supply
loca!cd 111 mll}c r• i>hopping
center. Cood 110lld clientelc
-85'llo repeal bus1ne1t1. SlOOM
gmss yell.fly. S25,000 dollars
tor buslllf'ss &-corporation.
••;,.1~1~•• Oov•r Shores ... ~mF poot n· ht t 14· ooo ----------:;;;;;;:;;;:;:;:;;::;:;:;;:;::,JS BR. 3 BA, dinill&'-den. 1 blk ' ' on wa er. :i, .
TOP VALUE ------~ lrcm Cdl-1 main beach. Mu S II 494-4952 or 213: 447-5644
, BR , 0" '"'"'"""''· "' For-sale -by owner °"""'· "'·"" 675-5141 ..,, Widower st e RENTALS Catholic Church. 7 ~ old. or 675-3530 evea &: wkends. Hou1•1 Furnish•d ~1odern ~1\chcn. 0 n l y Spacious ru~1om '.!·BlOry r.,"(· LGE hilltop lot Perm view C BR 3 bath trJ.Jevcl with 1--------2-000-1
$17,f-,60, Payts $Tl. per nio. ecutlve home. t.a-e formal · hil · r:.....: • lot'lnal dlnin; toOm. 1epar· Gener1I Bill Cole, Rltr 64;).-0830 ·• of OCt.an I;: 11· .--.. vacy. at• Camily room wilh firc-2'" y C dlnini:: roon1. Paneled den Realtor 613-3)10
u 1ctoria No. I. .~I. with •vrt bar I: fireplace. pla.cc. Only 5 montha )'OU'll,
LOVELY-Bi& 3 Bdrm home. Slttirti room w/fiteplace. 3 ---------approx. 2t00 Ml lt. Assume
Prime location. P..fany bi· bdr. :11 ~ baths. Garden en· Lido Iii• 1351 GI loan • S5000 total cuh
tra1. Priced at i28.500 1or lry, Vi!'\\' of bay & moun. needed or '? ~ Eve.a. 33~2123
quick sale. Owner. 2372 tah1,, .SS:!.j()Q. 646-21..il BAYFRONT Th• R•al E1t•t• M1rt
Rutgns. 546"-999.1 ~ 491,' Prim~ Iootqe on Via 847•8531 Lido Nord. opposl!e Bay 3 BR home +den on corner Unlv•rsity P•rk 1237 Cub. $ BR. " 4 ba .. pier Profe1sion•f Artist
lot . Backs on aUey. 54''/t. ---~-----·I "slip. Added fabWoua studio Ii. lath
FrfA loan. Only $26,9JO. Z!88 v .. t Pocket Rancho $239,000 house. Newport Weat home.
t.lt!yer. ~52 Rltr SJ)ll.ni!lh ttlr roof. 3 Br. Early LIDO REAL TY INC. Home t'lear . the lln. is wide
11 l'ICRE + tharp 2 Br C'alif. niodcrn, in low S30'1. 6'Jl.3830 613-7300 open • only $33,900. Lea~r
$26,r.oo. Best buy in aJ'NI, Call for detail~. ones hl.\.'e .old for tar more.
llorsei; -1crm~. 642-J851 e Red Hiii Realty BAY FRONT HOMES Rex L. Hodaes, Rltr. 841·2525
bk.r lSl))S Cul\'tr Dr., livinr Priced lrom ses.soo A "MUST SEE"
BACK Bay virw. Pool.
covered pat~. 4 Br, den,
formal dinin&:. :i frplo.
Broker 645--0lll
R•nf1l1 to Sh•r• 200!
SHARE S BR houae, 3 ba, 3
car i:ar \Y/mature .
employ~ ma It . Ci\T.
646-1058, :¥1~262J ask l\fr.
:i Bdrm apt to shar e
11·/female 21-30 en Balboa
Penln. 646--0416 Oeandt ind prettitlt
street ln town. Deccrated
3 bedrooJn home, formal
dlnln£ new pluah pile
carpetlnc over hardwood,
new tile in kitchen and
bath!· Gl&nt lanai oYer-
looka lmmen,e prdm ct
on this Immaculate :t BR 2
balh Condominium. Hu all
the eictn.s including garace
door opener. Owner anxious
&: rndy to move. Askin&
140 Lexington, CM
PLUS Lax lhl':lter. Rents I =========~ SHOULD be ra!Aefl. Zoned I•
for additional lncornf'. f or
complete Inventory and in.
formation. call ~1446
OPEN • 1940 \Vh!tticr
S2'1 ,000 * 548-696!r
OPEN 9 At.1-8 PM S33-0820 ~ us for the Lido ONL y $25,400
home to_sult your need• ONLY Sl68 Total per mo. 1240 W•lk•r Rlty. 67.S.5200 Assume low int. loin on th!&
3336 Via LKlo, NB Opton Sun. lovely 3 BR 2 ba. w/many ex.
l\IALE 30 \\.Wld like kl 1harc
2 BR apl, COM SlOO.
~ ----
:::" ...i~=~~':. DOVER SHORES
locatkio! The priet ls 642.1n1 Anytim• Exquisitely decorated :\ bt'd.
PERRON _,, . .~ .. ,~.
M• -oo H • room home with formal din.
right! ...,,,....... . eft I 11:::=o::::~c=====1 the ciinchtr! Near new I! ~-------Ing room; laf'I(' sunken liv·
home.. }lurry~, Call t;.W. O.Corator'1 S,-cial lnJ:" room, huge ma.'ller ~u1rr.
303 3 BR 2 ba!h + family room . l!:leetronic oven. Unusually
O • A ladies des.lined kitchen. bt'autiful land~apini;;, wltb
new carpets It drapes. Your lanai. Ask1ni; S9'J.500, ~~.may be loo l•lr for thla iohn macnab City Roncli-
Ap~me 6 °I. Loon
The · blr 6% loan pay1
ell'l't')'thinr al S166.50 fl;)O.
4 master massive bed-
rooms. Lata;e, '25 It. Uvin(
room. 811 C0011try kit·
dim with delUXe buili.1n1.
Hurt.' hqe: lot right in
Lochen my er
1714) 642-8235
901 Qo\•cr Drive. Su11r 120
Newport Beach
""' "'"""'" Bl"'1 .. cM PACEsmER CALL 646-39'18 .
E\'es 6#-1655 64&2290 A lamtly'1 dclifht in a home
· Iha! has charm and 1\'ann·
the city! Plenty of ~!bow MESA VE ROE -th when you 1\'alk i11 .. 4
large bedrooms and :: baths.
Sprinklers front and rear, room, 11nd you r-.n have Immediate Po11•1sion
bones too: Don 't dri1;y~ One o( our bt-~1 oflerlnaa 1t
Call today !or rxcitlng preSC?ni market corditions •
lcxv ~and tenns. Dial 3 ~room plus la"e fam\I)'
645-0303. room open1111 to a deli&:hl·
ful back ya.rd .. -Nolhlna 540·2313 • 646·7171 Take Over 71/2 j~ like it "' this price $26,950 ..
Fanf.lltk: 120,!0> loa.n. Ne $21,500
fen. Onu ot ~ beau!lful Loaded with chann Ii per·
toMi home1 in txduaive llOnalit.y! Kini •izcd bed-~ Beath t.rl!ll. Tc> 546·2313 • ~6·TI71 rooms. 2 baths. F'trrplaee.
tal s-ice S23.S, 2 tX1r1 ti---. _$_1_8_5_00 ____ , Formal dlninc room , BuUI·
!Mp 'bedrooms. l bl!ha. 1 In kltchtn • J\al'ldll0fl1e :ttrv· ~. bullt-ins -1-dub SHARP AS A TACK! i~ bar. M0-1720 ~ •nd mper pool. 3 bl& btdroom1, 2 bltha, all TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Onlj ltt;t. dn. HUT'Q'! Call elcc:lrk: bullt·ln kllchen.
64$0)3. : Spacious y1rd. Dtllsf\UuJ Location?
patio. View I Vl•w 11 NewPort Be'ach 146 o6o4 TARBELL Unlimited e:nJoymcnt in 1his
brand 111!.w, unique d,111,cn
Deluxe Duplox COLLEGE PARK by,.,, 1v.ua. 4 BR l ba.
SaAd pebblu throw from 3 bdmi&, 1• bath' i.:arpets. ram .. rm w/wel bit, 3 rar
the poU'ndin• surl. 'f'W1:I drapes. fi..t'eplact. electrlc 111.ra;:e. Roy J. wani,,.cn.
tarp btdroom,. 1..arae bU·lnl 4 wisher II dryer. 1430 Calally ~r. 646-1!»0
-·-U'f< ~ kltdlm wtlll delu~ buUI· Well...McC•rcUe, Rltrs. IAYFRONT APT.
.,.... .. iiandect.I. Great lo-Ulo Newport Blvd., C.M. Vista Del LldO, Pier s,. 111ip ~ '8.11 Yenll, Pt.YI for ~1'129 wtime avail•ble. Enclo~cd galilgC.
1...ir. On1Jr 131.500. c.n Jl~~~~~~~~I '"'·500
,_t M>03ll.1. $26 950 "POOL" Geo,ge Wllll1m1on
' Rt::ALTOR PORtsT i;. S BEOltM + l llATHS IT.l-43'0 Evtt ll>t"'
Jr. Eltate C'l'OUl'ldl • Fltala ' · ' 0, L s 0 N 'PoOI. Rlch wood pancu111. S\4 % LOAN ~ bl'f'"kfa~t ba.r. No cha11;!' oJ inlo1~1 1 .. te
.. • V1cant 4 BR • r.m rn1. I ~ 1nc. RilOton TARoELL 2955 H•rbor ba1ht. ~1D' llY rm, lrplc.
at 1farW c.m.r HA VE ~. NeH home In blt-in kit. t, 1ot. Only $32.IC'XI
• Collea;:c Park \\'ould corr Jlum" -11.-Jll..i.. C.M, -O .,.=---====''-''-'""'"'-' .:c'..:"°"'=·c:"'-'c:_':::<l<l.::·c__ P. W. C. 546·544
. I
BEST BUY :! BEDROOt.J. Lari;e corner
lot. J car gararr.
Belter than new -Improved
11•/lovely carpels, dt'l.pes. -
BY 0\VNER. * 54a-ti001
EXCELLENT 8 a c k Bay
location on cul~e-uc st?w!L
3 BR. 2 BA, fam nn, hd"'d
fln. bllns. heavy shake
roof. Ne-eds pal ntlnr.
tra11. Trailer ~a al110. * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. Assumable HAFF DAL REAL TY
5~% 10811. By owner. 8140 \\'arner, F.V. Rtz.4400
SS0,500. '"7176 MANY FliATURES lt1nr!scaping k ,qp1:1rk1Jng Mt" d•I M•r
pool. Great ror family . 4
Lrg. bdrn1s. t fan1. f..· din.
rms .. Ownr r n1ovlnj:!. "auts
ollt'r. $74,500.
* BY O\\'NER. -4 Bdrm. 1 ~,
BA. ,,·/1v <'rp1 thni-0ut.
Nl'•1•ly painted. 54D-j7U
A11.1un1e ::i1,. ',"., $21.100 loan l i ----------f.1ile lO be:ach. waJk to new
Jr " Hi iChool1, 2 pools, 2
1ennia 1..'0Urts. Beaut. decor·
ated ' BR Condo. Assume
5'4, '10 f"HA , $26,55Cl 21296
\Vavccrcst Cir., II. B. 9SZ·
N•wftOrt Beach 2200
BY Ocean & 1hop cntr, Im·
maculate 3 BR. 1'~ Ba, Lv
n n, din rn1, BBQ, Covtred
patio: cabilll':I aink, loungt"
equip. 4:' yd, block "·all.
$17~ +. utiJ. &30-1574 bcl.
9:30 A.t.I. Mrs. Harvry
Coldwell, Banklf & Co.
550 Newport C•nt•r Dr,
N•wport l••ch, Cellf.
Ul-0700 644-2430
Just Listed
Neat 4 B<lnn with fully equ1~
prd Anthony pool Jn Ne.w·
por1 \Vest homr. 0 n I y
SJ4,950 \\'ith GI loan of
$22.200 • l~Mn! Opt'n.
3 bedroorna. 2 baths • VtrJ
honicy: residence. }'lrtP'ace:.
all cleetrie buUl·ln kttcl\en.
141 ... !t TARllELL
l&mily home. N e w l y
det.w atcd. M111ny ull'U. Nr
rwrylhlng. $28,500. owner.
1372 Ru1gen;, C~I. 546--8!'1!\l
I llR . 5 BATHS
r r1'nk Jarnew Rltr, 5!8·481 7
111 ACRE ~ POOL! 3 Br, 2
Ba, hont! or units. "'3,000.
0 11""'r 531-7Ui
516.'.i pays 11.11. $26.500. By
01\-ner. ~1m!
Ir vine Terrace 1245 Newport le1c.h 1200 -----'---~--ACROSS FROM PARK * B'i OWNER * Oeli&btful cor. location. 3 Bd. Or.eanfront Home. 3 BR. ulil ·1 d' 2\i: b¥. F11m1 y I: in. nns.
rm. sewini rm, liv rn1 Spac., open feeling. Bl kit.
y,•/frplc .t ocean view. Rm. for pool. $&4,950
Roomy kit. w/bltru. & R. C. GREER. Rea.I t.)'
avocado shag crptr thnr ll'i5 Via Lido 673·9300
out. Front yd iv/patio I:
CABANNA. $63,500. 673-6990
or C:ll3l 69&-362'1. Coron• dtl Mar 1250
Open House Daily 1-5
2501 Lighthouse Ln.
212 Sapphin Ave. Room lo
build new holl!e on tront +
exlslin&: 3 BR. 2 BA newly
l'l!'modeled. Ownr Gra-0204
Huntington &.•ch 1400
"'/sep. family rm., ft1\Ced
play yard. Slepg to beach.
Tt·an!fcr~d • 2 11ory, \Y/\I,' Available Sept. 15th. $400
crptJ ! drp1. frplc. cov p&· nionth BY THE SEA tio. 3 BR, din rm, Ira: lam Hal Plnchin & Assoc. 675.4382
rn1. bltns. Assume low In· ON thr beach: 3 BR, mod. LOLO DOWN lere1t GI loan. small equit)'. lmmac, blt·inl, crpts, drps.
AND assum" GI Joan $201 ___ •_9'8-c_1223 __ • ___ 1 gar. Sept·June n&I mo. 6201
month pay1 everything. 3 Seashore Dr. Open Sat &:
bdnnt, 2 bath~ \Ylt h ;ardcn -F-o-un_l_o-in_V_•_l-lo-y--1-4-1-0· I Sun. C.!13) 797-4287
kitchen, c1.1slon1 drapes. LINDA ISLE
brauti!ul earpets, ha.r(hvood \Vlt.L FINANCE AT 7~0.! By Av11il. for Jea.se Sepl, 15. l
noora k shake roof. Adult owner: Lovely 3 BR. i... Br. 2 ba. + slip for fl()'
occupied onJv. Hur.-u on !hill '-"I Bo·• RI 6~ ~· J •:1 mUe from 11Chools, shop-.....,.. . :I" ly. '""""'""" rare find of a homl':. MUTUAL REALTY pln,e, park w/roJI course. \VATERFRONT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba
*IM1'.IED OCCUP+ Den 2 b'plcs d!hwahr dlsp 842-1418 anyllme -~==~-,i----· i\VUI take beach propert,Y for \\'ashr/dryr tncd yrd. 3513 * $19,95'1 .. Owner* _do;wn=.;53=1-;19;'15;"·====:/ F'lnley or call 1:nJ) ~
3 Bdrm, 1 '4 Ba, RIO, lrplc, -BA YSHORES . 4 Bdrm, 3 ha v.'/w crpta. dbl &ar, tncd. $1nta An• 1620 &pl. _ Junt leaS(', Prlva1,. 8322 Afunattr Dr. 646-2309
l19~_a..!ch 1705
.\ fine home of 3000 11q. fl .
Has fantastic view1 ol 1ea
and shoreline! TI!ere are !i
Bednna. 4 baths, blr famUy
room. REDUCED to $79,000.
AMume low \ntere11t rate
loan. Vacant. Bee anytime!
JAMES LQ,\IAS ReaJ Elta.te
385 No. Co.at Hwy
T\\'0-UNIT LOT nr. beach.
Ul,000. terms. Owner: (1141 -PANORA~flC Ocean vW-'" 3
RR 2 BA. IOfl of lllyMlJC Hill,
S-16.i'f..(l, ~97-11~9
rommunily \\'ilh/beach. $3.15
mo. GtQ. lOllli As;!.
BAYFRONT .t: dock 3 Br. 3
& den. LeallC!/optlon s;;oo.
mo. 675-4.Sll. A!IO unturn.
WATERFROlli'T. 4 BR, rlC\\'·
ly cptd, plq for 4. $s.;IJ mo.
NEWLY t'inl8hcd :l BR
Oceanfront hou11t, nicely
IUmlshed, S300 mo. ~2400
l•y1hores 2225
\\llNTER Rontal, allractiwi.
Newly dl'(.'Orated, 3 BR home
Obie aartJ:C, cnclowed patiO.
8'yahore11 64!)..U39
2 Bedroom, yearly ttntal.
Im. Adults •
CAP.1'QJ SHORES. Lu....:ury 2
Br. dl'n. ()(-"11n ,·leY.". Adults.
Sl"JO mo. £7;i-..'ili.<!8
' I
' ' ' I
ti •
' ( • • ' ' • ' • (
' ' ' • I ' • L • • • • • ' • • L ' • • • •• < L L • " ' ' D • ' " " • R
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" .. n. " .... .... •• .. •• R
" " .. ,, .. •• GI • '" ..
·--------------.111NTALI RENTALS RINTALS ltlHTALS llNTAL• DAILY PILOT H••• l'uPftfohell Hou111 Unfurnl.,.. ~· Pumiol.eol A,... llvrnllhM A,,._ UllfllrnW... Aplt. U~nl~-Clooorll •
c .... , ~ti Mer UJO !fowfl!!:!. e.oa. , noo -.. 1 ~ ""'ei:t .!"odi Of!O ._.. !!!:le" ..... 111•• w. !.'d
CllIN)I COVE. 3 B ..... n. TOWNl!OUSB; ~iii .... $llO. Bach. Apt. W/w, wa~ S!MatB Y.iq ~J.a,. i.mO JIATI'ltONT An!. · YJliltLY lllllfAU NEED l • t WIMI -
f f SW.tu Ml l.Qiert ~ Jl'trrtudc vkiw. l or 2 )'I' ~. "PtUt.;. ·pOoL 1 -C. -CU paid; Avail noW. Bi:zi 1117 ..,... 1ft1 wttb. ooun. I .,._ I k Unf Ju.It { 81\. t BltN •••••••• SJSO or """11"1 a.,°'*""" W
Dwf ~ :• Dl .. :,~ ..... "87L 1,.. ~er 111!h1!0it ""'" all bltno., c p h" -tey dtib ·--ml -tod. IUPt ., Lido I BR, ' Balho ........ • noo.• &.e -I -4L ...,,..... ..,. ,.. ~LeueD'15MODtb BACJ0::L0Rs: oi-~ &Irma. rompltte ~ •. 80\n'ti ,..W.W bead!. All roomt tn J Bk. 2 Baths •••••••• S2IS Call aftlr '• ••1alb1
1'----------------"ILido Isl• 2351 an .. u or -1100 to 11•~ c..1a Mou, BAY 0:.UB Al'TI, ltvilla at --· A J 1111. l Balhl V""" $211:1 -
HOUSES FOR SALE , ... ,"",,. ,...,.IC, a!f LEASE Ot .re. 2 BR. 1 BA. s1n11e1 or cpl.s. skr M5--0lll 16th. Ntwp0rt BMcb. _ ,..._.nt Mme. Ftrtplc. a sa. 2 Bau. •••••••• •"Y.:,OUlid;;,;;;.;.A~t~l••~•~.,-m--.,,.-1
••NIM\. ................... ,. i~i·:~':r~':I•L ·:.':::::·:::= 1'--URN 'BR, 3 84, $400. Lux. <.'ODdom. Pool. pututw (ru) --4 Ltue at •• * • 2 BR.. 1 Bath •••••••••• Jy rtmal. l .. fin. u co•'• •••~ .................... 11• ~e>u1T•1•L ••oP••TY ........ Ne'flY dee. A\'ail now. cm. AU matt pd. $38$ mo or Coot• -4100 OCl!:AN11\0N'JI, wl.at.r, 2 2 Nnm :a Ba Unt Ill bll 2 BJ\..1 k l\&m •••••• ms ., ow . ......_ at .,
MIU. DIL ..................... 11• COMM•ICIAL ............. Wlltr renral Ol" yrly " ........ dn. 114Mlll e·-. wk;. BR. • ... ~. -·-... room•: frple, 1ult redtc-~BR. J Ba. J\ti:a •••••• -.. ___ • ---.. MIU. ¥••ot ··-········ ··i"l •Not.1n•11.L llNTAt. ........... ...,. ..........i ... .., ...... _, ._,.... --.. -·-1 IURI WHITI ...,~ ••~ COlLIOI •,t.llC .............. 11 LOTS ...................... ,1• (n4) ~n.111 od. $30 00 ~ Plkt $225. 0.ta Meta 2 on.-. "'6 'v e w &at.
NIWl'Ol:T ••ACM ...•...••.. ,. ~u ..................... UEWLY ···-···-· • BR • • WI\. up 811, ··!II Id ... of bay, om of UDO s DlOll 1 ™ w1WPOR1' "' .. '"" ••.•.•••• :11lt crr1v1 elo'ID ............. .in l~ w~ • WATE.RP'RONT \tifth JI' e n. ... week, ,.. .. ,. • no pt! .._ ,.__ ... .nAI.... REALTOR. WAfi 1..., 10 ~
••L•OA co••• ........... 111; t.CllAOI ................ -B:i. avail Sept 151.h. Wintu dock 3:. l .. .,_ -11. ._,,., , Moll.,.. couples pref. SlfO. 542-3&3T ••u-.Cu"' ~,.s. 2901 N-Blvd lf.B M·--· -· -llot MIW..oitT JllOlll •··•1•·•·• • LAICI IUINOIU! .t .......... ,.am ,,...,_., 1tC) -""' • • ""' "'"" -r • 8twUo t; Bach. A.pis. · 1.eMf! at ~. • T •-..-~~-;;,:::::.· • ,.,..,_ •1ivc1.UT ................ 1m IEIOIT ••OfllTY ........... or~· ( '11:1•~-drps, ad t.. IWO ti)), yrly. e ,_ U"'-• ---· r-x!' Fn>m M.oh tmmac. 2 ;.;.:_~ ••--.....,., S1Ml30 ~&WI, ta .... a..nke llwlW. A'-t •AYSHO.U · ................ 1t21 DIANOI CO. PIOl'llTY ....... r . 6..., .,.,n., u,..;a UMI ~nw'9 Mini, ...,9 ! 11,,&11 IQI", ..,...,.,..,. •
DOllll SHOIU . , ............. mt OUT 0' ITATI ,.Of' ........ ml WINTER tut.al, coa;y 2 bdr ' ·-• Maid ~ TV avail Br. j. y. $110 mo. Adult. SCG--2960 ~ $300 to $.385 Wata'b'oot. Lux. ADO. Jte••ztr ... I'll !,•,•,' .. '"1'.', .................. ,,,..• ""'\IMTAIM .. 01•••" ........ .,.., .. , 3 ba ft.Plc. patio, dbl car. I M;' -p•=-n. 3 •• 21l ""' • New ,.._.._ L n... only, no ptts. m '4th St. Mu"·-~-a1... uriou.I ... 1.--t • .., 2 Dl1J1 Piiot. .. ....... ........ w•o1v1•10f1 LAND ........ • ' . ~ ~ ..., _.. ,. ...... -• -NB ~ ·~1 alt ' U&l1 """ v ._... -1,.;;:;;;..;..;;;;,,~---·~· 11N111•ai1n ·.-1i•11e ........... iw 1tUL DT•T•·111tv1ct ..... "11 2..£ Vla: Dl;on. de.n &: tam. A.I$• BR 3 ba 2378 Newport Blvd. ~ · · ..,,.,_,, pm or SltlCt.fnpu• Dr. suite 121 R.4, pool, pri bllcoD;y, view NEED 2 ldna.' ..,, ... 11\11Nt ...................... 1UI e.a IXCMA.Nq , ......... 6Dt, .............. ,C • ,__ >"--.,.,..... Dtltll 675-7800 da¥i a""' Boat .u.... ·-" u-...... -,._ L IACll .,,., ..................... IM t. i.. WANTlllD . ···: .......... u..ouau~ For a 2 BR. den, ........ ."'"' -·" 1 BR apt, r.ewJ.y painted I: ..... ...... ... _, ------... ...... ~:J.'.'eLu/:11;.c, .. :::;::::::::~: BUSINESS •nd 2 BA. home oo a winter bet 646-4414 Cl"Ptd. Alao ba.cbdor aptfi OCEAN •~NT. Yfl1. 1 I: 2 VEN DOME wb~--~... ........ ltll•r••Wt. _.
co•ONA OIL 114.llt ........... 1ut FINANCIAL Tblm: ill it! 615--6940 2 BR, QDnYen den, 2 bat)!, w/dreulrl&: room. 11 kit-BR apt&. Adulta onfY, no .._.,.,.. a.1 ....,.. ...
IAL•OA P&NINIUU. ......... i• 1u111itut o~•TV"llTllS. • ,._, """'-blt 1-· cl\t!lli. Older peoplo o-"·. pets. SJ95 ea.·u.W pd. Re.b. 310 l'em&ndo St. N.&. lltMml fw llftt SM
Ill.CON OA'f ............... ··'* IUSIJlllSI W.U.TID &M \.-.:: utl!C. re...... -u.... nr ''V ., • a ... -IMMAetn..A.TE APTS! I ~=,..;~~·~·J-~~ ·-~,_..,..,~~~~=;t~~;;;;:-:-:;;1 IAY 111.AMOI ................. l»t IMVltTM91n' = ........ .sit B1lbot l1l1nd -i35S e>ce•l'I· $250. 49>4519 $110 to S120 mo. 2135 Elden, Aval S/~ « 10/l. 61-...., ADULT• FAMILY 1, .,,_ ~~c:.~~lL.~.u. .. o" .. '.'::::::::::frJ IM\ICITMINTW T~ .•.• ::·~!! . ·ER·-. 8 2 3 BR "'m• .• ~ ...... lam-Apt 6. c.~f. 1 I: J BR... S..Chelor Apta. ---IONS Av·· ··LE 3 BR,, BA. Eutbl.un: ...... COLLE,GJ; ~-,!! l'IUJllTffott;TOJll •U.CM .. -••. 1 ... MONIY TO L.OAN ............. -WT.NT : Cha.Mnl11£ .t, r. ,,., .... .. """""' ~ (745 Dom'-N.8.) Clll1JIUI 1 vt•c.., -HUNTINOTOJll MA••oua ..... 1•u PE.IOMIAL LOAJ;t ............ AQ ba. .__, __ t·'·nd RI• .. 4911 U;,-only. $225. n.to. l BR $120 uW turn. Open art Ktt-TV~Mald Ba-. $35. Clote to ah-I-Ptrk .,.v Dr. ...,...... "'° --a ,ouNTAIN VALLl't' 1c1t J~WaL•Y l.OANs ............. &»e ·~ ..,. v · 96S--43ti2 2-S& per wk. I& up. THE MJ:S.t. -rr •. .,, Brand new baloooy view --·-W1•~
''"L l&ACN •...... :;::::::::1ut ~~~i1'-:.t1Lf:.":1 ·:::::::::= Park Ave.. 613--1200 Agt. t l SUn. (ma n 415 N. t.Ju-t Blvd. 6tMl6S1 * Spadwl S Bf'" 2 Ba from both ~tor BR A: llv phone. MeUI la e 1ade4 • .uNJrr ea.t.cM ............... 1ut MOllT.,..IL TfWI .,_. .,.. onl,y-retsl. 310 Me • d 0 w .... ., * 2 Bedroolnt: _,.. m.a1l
o1.101M e1ov1 .............. 1•11 MONn WANTl!o ...... l B h 2705 Newport Hel9ht1 3210 t.rk Ln. o(f 2286 Santa Anl WLNTER or yelJ'b' 1euo. *Swim Pbol, PuVll"'tfl rm ue-. ... _, dahwlbr, , ~=:.'~" , .. :::::::::::::::::: ANNOUNCEMENTS.. lllUM ••c Ave. Cbolce toe, l blk bcb I: bay, * J'rpJ. Indlv/lndry f&e'll $310 mo. No children er~ from ~ 1naMe: ~~;':,'":~~~'W'.::::::::::::·\: and NOTICES 2 BR, 2 BA. Oen, patio. J BEDROOM, 2 bath, pool. 1 BR •pt, Jum. Adulta only, spat 3 Bl, 1 Br. bltna. lMS An•h1lm Ave. BpeEts •• !!'~ orBAl4Mll2Y T.,.,.., :n-:.::..~ oUT o' ,,,...,, ................ 1a ,-ovND ,,,.. -.., ........... "" Wall to Wall crpt, bll·ln Newport Hei&:hls. Avail Sept no pets. Leue. 2381~ compl tum. PaUo. 675-6781 COSTA MESA 1Q.:ut Au'"'"',,. w~1·•-. _,., m" -11.' ·•• STANJOtt .................. l,l1 lOIT ·· ................ , .. ..,i BBQ $350 * 49;>.4995 15 $300 mo 1213) 4ll l63f ' Spllt-Jevt:l condo in Blu:ffl. '">Y• ' ,._ 11/!STMIHSTll ................ 1 .. 1 l'llSOMAL! ................. 1411 • . . . . -We.1bnln1ttr' Place, $-3207 NEAJt. New 2 BR turn apt.~ Trina -~-L I BR, s•L n.. ~aft''"'
M10WAY CITY , ................ 111• 1.NHOUMCIM•NTS ............ '4ll or aftf'l" 5 30 ~5 b1k fro .._.. y..i.. le.lie, • llENT A Ull.llK .,_ -I ~c.;.,;;,;;,::;.;;..:;;;;., __ _ sAHTA """ ................ im •••THs , .................. .,.'4n Summer R• t I 2910 Irvine Terr1c.e ' 3245 : ' m ~· •v 'W!' frplc dahwsr cpt.,, .,.., ·SLEEPING room I: pa;; .. u.HTA ANA M111s ............. 1ue 'VNIEJl:ALS .................. 11 n • • EAST Side 2 BR,,~ clean, S250 mo. &G-OOIO aak for • R-• l'urnltu.. • • -OIANGl . . ........... llU '"10 OllTUAlt'f .................. ....... Don Crevier <# _,.... patio, prap w/aulO door ti.th. ~"PU-. "'*'
rusTIH ................... ,, .... l'VMl!IAL c111ao1s ......... UJ BR Balboa apt adj 8AYU UNSURPASSED adull:I only, no pet&. 36t E. $20·$25 & UP opener Avail earb Oct. l.llb' lSOl()nnpAw,CM. MOITH TUSTIH ............. 1'41 l'L011m · .......... .,t4ll beaches/ · I~~~ kJy Le · •A"" , Jilt Pla 1165. M BAYFRONT " '" Br ' • -NANltM .......... tut CAllO 01' TMAllKS .............. " pier . ·--w . aSt: or opbon, '""" mo. ~ ct. o. ' spac. -• Month-To-Month lt&nta1ll $425. Mf....4t&4 Mf.$310
llLVallADO CANYOH ......... 1W IH MEMOll.flM .............. '411 SJ6..39ll 675-S810 BR, 2 BA. 40' po.n:b " pool DUPLEX 1 Br. furnl-btd·, pvt. patio, amt. boat allp, N~" • BR, ' Ba, -... 'llDRM'I ... ~ -. 1 = L"OVHA Kll.U .. . .......... 1 .. Cl.MITllY' LOTI ........... 4'411 ' ..., ~""! Q • .. lie 11-·-WIDE SELECl'ION '"'" * -r .., ·~..,., -u.OUNA •11icw ...........••. 11H CEMl!TEIY CIYPTS ......... '411 $2$0 wk. Lux u r I 0 u, & yard maint., Ownr s,.,.....,., quiet. no dogs. WU\ k' ............... mo. Appl'"--• TV"• avalL drpe, frplc, dlhwhr, patio. from bMcb. p.. ~ •
LAGUNA llllOVl!l ........ -.• 11n Cl£MIT•IY CIYPTt _., ..... '411 t rlro t I I Fu 2 or 6~. *r-"8--• incl. utll. LI MS9S evff ........... • A-·· -m ~·. • -· --. . MllllON VllJO ............ ,,. ClllMATO•IEl ............. ..-11 wa c 11 ap' poo . rn ..... ........ No &tc:urtb' Depot.It ....... .u.y ~" ..... -·-
'"" CL!MIENTI ...... ,1n1 MIMOIUAI. f'AlkS ........... M21 BR, 2 BA. fTI4) 673-3003 BACH ..... util turn, 1 ma.1111 NEAR New, acrou from HFltC -·~--Ren·-·-Wtatdilf Plul. 1115 to $215. n.:. .. ..-... .,, .. :.1... ..: SAM ~VAN c1.l'1ST•AH0 ...... 1nt 1,ucr10N1 . .. .......... wt Corona del M.r 3250 Ba 2 BR, 3 BA \Yint ~.,,.•u•w,. ...wo -"--...,. t 1 CAl'llT•ANO ••,,cN ......... 1111 t.lllATll* llll\llCI! ..... ., ... 141 RENTALS adult, £...side $90. 540--44Sl Y· · U 511 \V, 19th. CM ~ U65 Irvine. 3 BR. l BA. $30 .,,.}i; \tP-SUMI' Aenl OAHA l'OIMT ................. 11>1 TllA\llL ..................... 11 u f h-..1 rental. $22S. lnqulre •l 223 • -Sl70 Up $175 down. 1601 I u.11u•1.o ..................... 1141 1.11 T•AHS,;01tTATION ........... Houses n urni1 -u FOR Lt~ -Cameo Shores. e Na.uau Palim e l9lh st, NB. 5'1l-271l6 1YI W. LDdn. Anhm n....._..,, . • MottL ~ OCl!AN5101: ................... 11• AUTO TIAHll'OllTATION .......... 6 mos or lea:. 2 Bdrm 's, con. 1 A 2 BR. Pool B@dfofd. IG-Q23t ~"'"'· --·-:::c:;:: 5AN 011110 . . ........... 1ns LI.GAL NOT1cu . , ....... '4• r!-I 3000 ~NEW BAY• RRONT* SPA.C bach $135. C. M. • u ... , ~ w ..... -111vl!lllC1l COUNTY ....... 1tot OlllMAM & TllTOllMG .... v.ner1 vertiblt dtn. :z bath's, 177 E. llnd St. ~5 r' 1 BR, patio pr$135 C.M. bome lttla II , •• l'IOUl~S TO •• MOViO ...... t'" SERVICE DIRECTORY spacious livinlO nn. r1;n:n.. 2 R. 2 BA. $330. Yrly l.se:. Newporrt ,....... sno ··~ CONCIOMINIUM ........ ltst ... 0 c EA NF R 0 NT Sunset .... ....... ... ~ FURNISHED l BR util 2 BR 1tudh>, 2 BA Sl&O month. -.ni.,... ..... 11Ul'L1xa11'0111.LE ..•.... 1•u 1iccoU"MT1No . ··. · roon1. $375 per mo . • Adult.. 233 19th St. 67>0236 _,.1 Af'AITMINn FOii SALi ... IMt :~~~,~~~Nl!O ::,Xii!, ·r.frti !m Beach, 3 BR. 3 BA: 3 gardt>ncr Included.. 673-8778 paid, $125. Adu1ll, no pell. 2 BR dtlx, i-$l80 CdM S Br, 2 Ba duplex. Qptw. PIUVATE Room. .Q "'°'"
RENTALS .u.-MALT, Ofll ................ 6Ut 1irr.placc11. den, b I! -1 ns, or coUect 2131347_2819 1971 Church St. 646--2093 2 BR. l~~ BA, l bllt: f«un 3 + tam rm, child oil $200 drpa. bllnl _ re.lJ _ $225 mo. nr n.t, I.A. zu~
Howes Furnished ~~i~. ~•-111 "T'"·",' Eti'~ cp.t•; drp1, l yr . I e ase BACH, Util pd. Free Jndry beach. a~an. 4 BR, Back Bay HR $400. lease. fC..0603 onl1 tlf ws.r·lflS.UN N s le or FOR Lease, Cameo Sbores 6 * Call 613-2'55 * \Vide. te:lection apt.a, hou.lel. ' 1
I -· iJENE•AL .. .. .. ... 2tot tAtV11TT1No . . ........ us• m1nunum. o ing rm. ~ide. $95 mo. After 6 , ......... 8 ,_ """" ,..,, 2 Br, 2 Ba du~. kwtet', ROOM· Wltlll lliatb. ldt. --..., lllNTAU TO SKAlll ........ Hts IOAT lrtlAtnlMAMCI ······· 'UJ pets $375 mo (ZlJ) 59'1-1743 lnO!I or leu , 2 Br, convt. pm 64• -. Adult'. YEARLY Lu,se..Steps to .............. '"" __,.,,.u.i. .. Adu! ... _. totTAlllllA ............... 21M •llCIC,M,1,SON•T,tol(.. ....... "'f ' ' d n 28a J'' rm ......,...,.. ••r.i:,. a-... ..,1•1., 8a iJ. mo. ta, no pel&. S&')mo.Neldtlll',J.-' Ml!SA OliL MAI ............. Ut$ IUSINISI SllVICIS ........ u.it 111a 3 Br lencd ....t IV/W e ' ' •pac. IV\ng . 2 BR, KEA""' POOL Oct.an or &.y. 1 or 2 Bdrm -• D4' ·~ n . Eves 4M-89l2 111 -·-.. --• MIEIA v1aol!t11t !&11, .. ,• ... , •• • ,,,, ................ '11t ,._:., Cbil·~. Ok'." 'sroke.; dining rm, prdeocr pd. ·~ apts. • 67J.T452 Patio, pool, chlldttn or n,.:u"·_ "'::. !I' = COLL!CI! , ..... IC .............. 111s ....... ....,... ....... ur mo 673-8718 AduH s no pet! Sl'-5 + util B1cr """"'M IUS ,..... -I NEW,.OllT 1t:ACM ............ nM o.•rNnMAX.1Ne ............. 6Slt 534-6980 a · .,A ... ~..... • • • •mall peL Avail now. • • 1 II ff S"'2 ~ -NIWl'OIT MOTS ............... HI• CAlll'INTllllNG .............. 6JM SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. C'l-pts, '""'""P'J N rt H ... 4210 645-<11.U .... u .. M•. Hice • ·-
••v•• .. ••,T,,IKOllll .......... ~. CEMINT, Cellcm. ............ UM, $150. 2 Br, fe.ncd yd. Patio. dr bl Qui 2 BR, ' BA. Nr ...... ,.. eweo I -TOWNllOu-·. s •• BR. ~w~~~~ .. ~ .... ~l.~··~ ... =~·I · \ •• s . .................. CHILD CAiii, l.lcwltff .......... I . ps. tns, ganr.ac. ct .. "'""" ..
00111• 1Moll1:s ............... 2221 coHTIACTOllS ........... uH w/v.:, i;1ove. Children O.K. cpl or ~ older ladl~. No center. No children or pets. • Ce.an 1 or 2 BR * C .. ___ SlGO -rr:~Ji~'~:. PAIK··:::::::::::~~ g,::~ a:~~N: lll'A1it' .. ':~ Bkr 5.1"-6980 children or pell. Yearly. 646-6222 before 4. AduJts, no pell, 2421 E. 16th oat• ,,_ ~a:~ Wq. Met.a.. Trlr. cm. ..., 11v1MI: ........................ HM 01Af's111s ................ ..a Sl40. 2 Br duplex. Gar, w/w, 67~zng St. $133 mo. up. &46-1801 _ _.,. •-.,." ILV"" .............. mt Dl!MOLIT10N . .. .......... uts l BR Lum ai>t. $100/mo. Incl. (OllSJRllCTIOll -"-"• ~ 11111N1 TlllllACI ........... t14J 01t.t.f'TIN• 111111c1 ····-··""u df'P5. avail now, Broker 4 BR 3 b!ll hom y 1 utll. Mature people prefer. ,._,,_..,. tlel u-5250 •Kl~-"-, TV,--" -co1.0Nt. OIL MAI! ........... me 1L1cr11cAL .................... ~ · · '· ear y, Coron• def Mar .C250 -·--.,,..,. •'-.... -IALIOA .............. not IOUlf'MIJllT •EMTALS •.•.... U)t $275 mo. No children or red. 548-3209 Rltr. • Phone ..rnce ~ ...
LIOO ISLI! .................... UJI l'IENCING .................... ua EXECUTIVE borne 5 Br. l l5 \V \Vinton Real I IWftlmllG • cat ·--::r.~~:~NO ·::::::::::::::::: ~~:.a,,sc1·11i:·,. ... ·,i1i:·i·k.".:'.·:.: BA, crpts. drps. clcc bllns ~~te. 67~1 i:, 1 :Rb1~f!" :~. c;J;; 2 BR .. cpt.s " d11M1. poo' JUST CVl"lr~llft -: ZU: N::i.m1b. oc lAIT ILVl'I' .................. )lU l'UltNITUllllSTOlllNG ,. _,...,. ·~u. 546-6140 adult• only,,·~~l3oJ HW)'. ~ _..;.-... •AcllC IA'f .................. '241 •••,1H1SKIMG u1s e ........... _,.,, IF You will pay S32i> 1110, you apt E. 1846 Placenli• .......,.. H bo H I h fl fl., _,._
•ACK IAY ......... H4t OAIOeMINO ....... "" th' 3 Br 2 Ba So ELO er r •• t1 eur .,.,. ..,,...,KLY r.•-.. idi HUNTIHOTOH •EACN ......••. ,.... GE.NllAL 1l!1v1cts ........ 6611 C 1 ••-3100 must set 1s , • · SllO, FURN. 1 BR apt. Util. LARGE MOD BACH R :a It S BR UNITS .,.~ ..... .. :~~~'•"~:,~•.LL~~.::::::::·::!!: =~~1Mo. 01~.1.~~.:::::::::::::-J ot • meH of the h~'Y home. b"l~ pd. Qu I et-;. du It. 19 Beautifully furn. all util pd. all with flreplacu. ON TEN A.CR.ES MoWt. DD. Newpol't .....
1..0HO Ill.CH .............. UH G1tIIN TMUMI .............. '1• 5 Bedroom 2 baths in elC· or 6#-0991 Po1noN., 0 1 548-072I SlOO mo. 540-2266. di&hwuben ar 2 bat.~. 1 a: 2· BR. Furn • Untum"..;Cotta;;::;:':;';:•;:=====•1 OU.NOi COVNT'f ............. 1 ... GUH 1140" ............... '111 II ' C 1oc "-. ,r SANTA. AJtA ............... -Ult HEALTH CLVIS .............. 'm ce ent north .M. auun -3 Bdrm .• Ocean Blvd .. view • 300 Rental Mana.a:er -ll'irepl&cts I prtv p&tlol I ""·-H .... Wt:STMl#ITlll ............... uii H"uL1N• · ................ '1• Built-ins Dishwasher en. home-. Lease, yearly. Newport 8e•ch 4200 •Ibo• 4 Mr1. Ou'iltienae.n Poob. Ttnnla.OJnint'lBkflt. _,. 4 tn11 MIOWAY CITY ............. 2,16 HOVllCllAMIHO , ........ ,JU ' '
SANTA""'" NllOMTI ........ UM INTl!llO• OICOIATl,.I> ·····'"' cloeed patio $275 leasc. Kids Don r~ranklin, R.ltr "117~A Clnn•mon Ave. 900 ~-Lant, om 6"-Kll PRI -·-11-·4 ~.~ C ••• T.L
'-, COM , x WlNTER nintal, avail now. ,. -·-"' ...., _, ...................... N I A .... •141 0 K 673--2222 Newport Beach c I .. _ tM--·~· ~--1 u-1 l.AOUMA tlACH .............. vu 11loN,Or•11Mnl•l,l!k.·:: .... ::,1)1 · · Lovely ~w, tum, lat floor QI• "'9U ..wu ... urnr,'l.NIUI i' Homtb't:lder111MJl<Good
LA GUNA NlGUIL ............ 7717 1•0NINO ............... , .. ,.,75S TH•.: RLAL J::..'iTATl'.:RS 2 BR. dbl gara-. 1, yard, COUNTRY CLUI d 1 l BR ' BA PhOM 546-IOM -bid, --1-1 atrnl ..... . MISSION \llEJO .............. llot INS\ILATINO ................ ,,.. 546-2313 646-7ln .. ~ up ex. • • ··-" ~ ... ··-.-.-•• ·-IAN CLEMENTE ......... 2111 INSVllANCIE ................ ,111 OK !or boat, trailer, etc. LIVING \\'Uhn'/d~r, dthwhr. ;er. \"'""'""""""'""'""""'""""'I ·~ • -
' 'l '
', . I . ' ' !
s"N JUAH CAl't,T•ANo ..... 1ns 1N111:sT10ATIMG, Dtltdlv. ... uM AVAIL o-1 3 3 B 2 .,,.. S250 mo. 673-2025 L --' -tm ts •'>')O; 1·~ E. Balboa Blvd. R£EH$ l.....,,._ ________ .,,;;;;:;,:;:;,:;,z;ii;===I CA l'llTIANO 1ucw ... -... 2n. JA10To111iL . .. ..... ,1N .x:p , , r. oa, ID.Ury a ...... e.n apa1 en ..-.. ;>,N UIDDlllR G r
DANA l'OINT ......... '1" JIWILllY llt:•A•ll, l!IC. .......... Crpls, drJ)IS. bl tn:;, dawhr, SPACIOUS New 4 Br. view oUerilli'. complete privacy, <n4) 190-7113 fUU\DU NEW 2 BR, 1 Ba, yearly rel> Mltc.. leftt1ll ..,, • 11\lllt.SIOE COUNTY ........ -l.AHOSCAf'IHO ............... ,4111 1 Pool · rovu:led ~.. beau•a ... landscapin1 & un-I \It.CATION lllNTAlS ......... 1"' ~OCKIMITH .............. m t poo · sef'V\ce P · horn('. Avall. Oct. 1st $4;7J ......... CLEAN Bachtlor ApU. tal. epta, drpa. UIS mo. .. !ED ...._ _..,_ ...._ nr
IVMMt:• llENTALI ......... n11 MASOHllY, 1111c1e .......... ml ~ide Joe. sm. mo. lse. month. ~cnt 6n-2222 paralleled rccreatlollal tacll-All utll Incl 185 op BACHELOR unt\ml tr om Call 613-1212 tYe1. " ORu. '1Q9 prv ,_ CONOOMIH IVM .............. 1'M MOlllNO. ITOIAOI: ......... 6141 ""'" nl:.o• '--t ' • ' E ities in a CGUn•-· club •l· SllO. Also avail 1 . 2 I: 3 bcb. Int 1n CU'lt:lkmc Ill' -OU,.LlXES l'UIM ............ 2t1S PA INTING, f'I~ .......... Mst .... """""" "" wn a ves 2 BR HOUK, $235 mo, no ... ;r 315 E. Balboa Biv-t' ...... ·-r•
RENTALS f'AINTING, S5-.......... , ... 6lls unlil &, 1..1 g...i:m mosphe~. Now leasini ln BALBOA 673-99-45 Bdrm. He.attd pooh, child ltlbN lallnd 5355 part rtnt. ••-·-:·
Houses Unfurnished ;~i~°to11·AM " .. :"··"·:::·=: 3 BR 2 Ba. l•m ,.,,, cp~ iu""m"· ea"""chc'1!."'1'85'a~,· •. •LSOc-•1 Newport Beach. care center, •dJ to lhopptna:. NURSE, i:mp&, ~ amall -.t ,.LAsT•11No, ••kll. •••Ir .. 4111 • • ' "' " .. 1700 16th St-I YEARLY l t'00111s by lhe No ptll • -'E" Bal~-I,_..., on .. ~--.....a. _,, G!NE•AL ........... :NIM l'LVM•tHO .............. ,. drps, beaut yd. i;t"ardener 675-2698 ''"' . Loll lW:. -·-apt Of ,._ -""' COSTA MllA .............. JlM f'ET GIOOMIN• ,,... ·•ncl ·-·· -le 1'1'7r. Furnished or unfurni11hcd Bay. $150 mo illcl utll. 2700 Pe.tenon Way Gra.nd Canal. Del.wee 2 BR 9fMce conaiclend ..... .
MllA Cl!L MAI .............. Jltll l'OOL Sl•lll(I! .......... •fH . <U: 0• a.sc. ~· ... 3 BR 2 BA 'l howlr atodeb O""n f'IO('ll1 to 9 pm Adu1ts only, no pet.a. 319 COlta Mes. 546-0310 l BA wa·----1 w/bool'=========.::-·1 ·, MllA vr:•o• ................ llll l'OWll 1Wllf'IN$ ........... ,,JJ Call for appmt alt 6 Pi'.f. • ' Slut')' . ..... ~'""'' I' '
coLLIOE f'AIK ............ 11n .,,. F'rplc, gardener incl. $3JO. TI': 642-8170 t~trnando St, 6'13--S80$ MARTINl"'UE dock $26.:1, YearJ.y Jeue. No ·-p, l,I::!.: j /'• MEWf'O•T al!AClf ............ »ti f'UMf' Sll\llCll ............... 492-2083 San Clem ... -" --~ NEwl'o•T HONTS ............. »1• •OOf'IHO . .. ............ ffM · Mo. ~5423 OAKWOOD BACHEI..OR Apt.a. Util paid cl.lldren or pelt, To 1ee ..-
NEWPOllT s110111s .......... mt =~:!,'8oe'~.r-.. 1:f,'Aiii·····::: 2 Br dupl~x. a!Dve. crptli, $78 & SlKl mo. El Mar Motel GARDEN APTS. owner m-.am e f-PJex--MUOO, 119' ••YIHOll!l ............... lm 11MOOl!LIHG, 1C1TcN1Ns .... , ... garg, 1 child ok. NO PETS. B Ibo 3300 GARDEN I d ...__ -'"-~ OOVEI SHOll.S ............... m1 1 111 • 310 E. Balboa B v • , ~cellent, patk·like IUJTOl&nd-2 Bfdroom. )'t&rl,y lf:ue, <IV"'" '""'"....... _...-I iN!ITCLll'I' .. . ........... mo SCISSc»lS IKAIPIN .......... ,,, Refs req 'd. $135. 54&-1016 673-9702 ln11 for adul.. ••••• Call ···-5.·30 t•kt OVf:I' $17,700 lit TD It /! UNl't'lllllT'f •.t.111C ........... mi s1.wi1to ·· .... ·· .... " .... ·"'' NICE I Br neo• ""'"°' • APARTMENTS Y ~--•• -11111N1: .......... -.. ns11 sl!wiNo MACHtN• ••"A11' •HJ s Boru.rs. 2 Buths • -1 & 2 BR .... Nr •-•-. 11~ Bach, 1, '1: 3 BR. Apll. '75-1021 6'A "· Owntr ww lllVINI TE•llAcr: .... -...... :nu SEl'TIC TANKS. ~ lik. .. 6NJ stv:ip'g, l:;t I: lul mo. rent. ..-Ul.'fla Pool, "' lboppl-. balance II T~. PIO tD ., co110NA OIL. MA• ........... 2llf TA1Lo11He ............ ",. Enclosed patio MZ..OOl• MODERN :Z BR. clole to per "'k, to '125 per mo. Utll ~
_ W
IAl.IOA ................. JJM TEI MITE CONTIOL .......... ff '2 Lease $ZTS Jl,fonth 545-1 8&1 beach, frplc. Adu It I . pd. 53&-3911" 67S-S310 1m Santa Ana. Apt, 113. H_ ~ntt...tM l1Hh S400 mo inclomt. 3-™' • 11' tAY ISL.ANOS ................. nst TILE, C-mk ............... n4 • 6465542 . -~ BR ' bath •· .. LIOO ISLI . . ............. JUl TtLE, L\NllvlOI & ~rite ....... ,,, FOR Rent 'liJ sold E'sidt' 2 Huntln•ton B••ch "'•"" All bit-Ins. $16.j. ?i1o. 642-:W!IO WINTER • -•rlY rentals. .:.-t ... _... • u.L•O• 1su.No ............. :ws T1E1 sE1111cE ........ "" Ind • ., .-.rv J~ FURNISHED OR UN· ...;...,.,.1ce c --e•• • MIWPOIT WIEST ' .......... 1J11 Tl!LE\llflOlll, "'"""' •tc. ....... BR. 2 &. yd, enc ;:ar, SPACIOUS, crptd. 2 BR. 2 507 Eatt Balboa Blvd, FURNISHED Build.in& over «Q) Ill ft.well
N\INTIHOTON ••ACK .....•. Joi• ~~~~~~llY ···· ········:;,~ 261 ~1.agnolia:. $160. ~2105 AVA'ILABLE NOWI BA. Nr each. 500Qt,, Nep. Balboa. Broker 673-6880 ORLEANS APT$, -i .. --... .... __ ..._ I HUNTINGTON MAllSOVI ••... :MtS E T 3 BR ll Adul nl 2 Btdroom carpell, drapet, billow ••~u .. u• ._. tiOUHT&lN YA.LLl''t' .......... u11 JOBS & EMPLOYM N -3 &!<!room, 2 batlui. Close tune. 1114) ~1492 an. , ta o y, bullllnll, aood location. One 1uqe1 that b&ck tll 11111. ~~~i>::"Gc."ovE ·:::::::::::::::~; JO• WAN1•0. M111 ........... Jtot Newport Beach 3200 to shoppin~ and 11chools. TRIPLEX 2 Bdr·, or unfurn. Huntington Be1ch 4400 bloclt to 5 -inta S-•· Larp '15XU1" lot lmlt1
'.' •••• ,. ... JOI WAHTICI. Wtmt• ........ 11tt1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;. Co I I l I n·• "''" 17tl 1i1slin, Coata M••• ~ -" ............ .... Joa WANTl!O, i• mp e e Y c '8 00• $175/mo 9 mos; $1)()/mo $130 up. Owner 6'2-2335. J'tlb'. eG--mt. t• o•ANGI! COUNTY ............. ~ MEN & WOMIEH ............. ,.711t a /B at $210 per month, l ill ,0 S NEAR Be a ch, newly Mar. Mrs. Canon, 6U-4&Q -"· D
IANTAAN.t. .................... »i OOMl!ITICNl!\.,, ............. Jl3t Walker & Lee yry, .... th L •• NB decontedBachapt.UtUpd. Mana&er n01-Apt • D LUXI N W•ITMIN"lll ................ >'! ,\Qli!llCll!S, Mn ............... 11M 842._ I • •• .. -MICIWAY CITY ,., ........... Ml' KELf' W"NTIO, Mn .......... not TO\VNHOUSE 3 Bdr111, I BA. crpta. n blk Start $U5 per mo. Also ~\V F . Y'Ua A ..._.... • -'BR I: ... -SANfA ANA KEIOKTS ......... UlO AGlNCllS. w-11 not .I I I' "" to bch. '"" mo. ,, •• 126" I airway I pts ' b&Uw ID ttw cumt .... COASTAL .............. JJM HELf' WAMTID, w.m.ft":::: .. 14,. Auu Is only, 3 BR. 2~ ""'' o:r 7W 2 BR. apta. drps. No pt I * !'llACHILUflfl * •-o J 'a -•--. ,_, LAOUHA •l!.t.CH .............. 21'1 .1015-Mlll aw-....... HM Bc11ut, decorated. S215 month 16!2 l::ding<'r 40th St. 675-3249 or children SU5. mo. ....,.. ut. ~ -•
.... , •• ,, •• • ..... , •• ,.EL ............ :::: AOliNCllS, MIR & w-•.. :Jiff a & a h 8-12.44» or 540-5140 Near 01·1ng• Co AL--11 Ir. New 2 • a Br, 2 Ba, l'.A .. ed on CaraWQ Drive. ONtll •""" """ SCitOOLS a IHSTllUCTION .... 16" ay 8QC $175. 2 BR Studio apt, patio&: ~2579 "I"' 1 -1-.,."" SAM CLl!MEHTI .............. me .1oa l'll!f'AllAT+oN JtH Open eves. 1 C drp • blti UCJ. Adulll only. 20W dllhw1llrl, patm, po o ., MeN., ExctUent _. .. .,.. ... CAl'lltllANo .......... 2ru THIATllCAL ...... :·::··"not Realty, Inc. poo . rplll, s, ng, LARGE Deluxe beach apll, l Santa Ana Ave. ··~2106 view, l A 2 itory, ""~"to or tax rttum pl'O~. Pl'I g~~~,:~.~~ iuc~ .. ::::::::J:!: MERCHANDISE FOR 001 Dover Or., NB Suite 126 J Br, 2 Ba. cten, frpl , w/w 1'~ Placentia 4 2 BR. furn/unturn. 219 .,,. s PvJ.nta Shop'1, H.B. td SUl,000. Call li&. ,.._..
CONDOMINIUM .......... "11 SALE AND TRADE 64.S-2000 I:: 548 6966 erpl5. screcnctl porch, pool, $131.50 Bachelor •Pt. Util pd. 15th St. Apt 7, HS MT.J901' son or Mr. Xtautet II ou,Lexes uN,V•H .......... lfn ves, -r~f11, no pets. S250 mo. lsc. C 1 · 1 2 BR Studio apt. l'I bl. encl1'!!'!""!!!'!'!!11!""!''"''""'!1!!!1tj IUMMll llNTALS .......... :If'$ ,-ullHITUll! ......... , ... 54Q..'IB52 rpt1, drpe;, b tinS I poo · I! *'2SU.
RENTAL:. OFF1c1 l'V•N1Tv11:E ........ 1t11 1525 Placentia Or1ng1 County 4600 ;ar. paOo, c pt1 /drp1, MODra"' 2 Bdrm ,.._ta O!"l'ICI l!OVlf'MIMT •.. , .... Mil LOVELY 3 b<'droom home I l llr ' ••~~ ;....;;,_,::.o,_;.__;._....<,____ blt.-1 $1!15 n. ... SU-3524 .-.rw• ' ...... ., ' Apt•. Furnished sT01.a l!OUl,MINT .......... 1112 • 3 Br: 23(111, f or1da, J • WINTER RENTALS • n1. · .......,., drpl, bltn.1 t:ncloled pr,'
lllN•UL '' .......... c .. , •• ll:ITAUll.UIT ........... u al TifE BLUFt~s. Prim.<' mo, fenced yd. children ok. WINIFRED L. FOSS, Azt. SINGLE YOU!li: •dults. lwc· Evte. 54~ eaUn1 bar, panellld wall in ~o::,,A:.i~so', ................ !l~ ~~e1::~t"::~0,·:::::::::::'J: v.·aterfront view. SUn.sct llllg 536-19-14 • &42-3850 • ury ;ardcn apls, \\'/full 1 BR, prl 1>1.tlo. alt tltc. Hv rm. No pelt. SUS mo.
NEWl'OllT •EACN···::::::::;:.tlot OAllAOE SALi! .......... "12 horn(' v.·ith light & colCll". 3 BR, w/w crptin .. , drps recreation faclllllet &: con1· Crpta, drps, carport. No 2612 Ena:land St. 9(58.3089 MIWl'OllT KlilGKTS .......... 4UI l'U•N•TUlll! AUCTION ........ Mu Call 644-0843 • .., · DELUXE turn 2 BR at plete privacy. Snvth Bay
0 ., Ill "' '.
~I ]',\11 I
ltt:Wl'O•T SNO•E~ ........... 41H f,l'PLIANCIS ........ llot bl!ns. Chllrlre.n & pet! L.-ach. IVo'ntcr. , •••• 1185 Cl"b Apt•. m s 0 ' pell or children, re1ponalblt: CHEZ OR.O AP.ART?ailiNTS IU ~ISTCLll<, ........... cnt lNTIOVl!S · " .......... IHI,.,.====~,.-,-,.,.--.., wcl-n>c. 846-1130 ""' ""' " adults only. $115. 548-1322 -~ A"--1" Z 1• FOUR., RV UN1111•11TY f'AlllC _,, ....... 41'' ~RJ::~L"'i~i~~i~iNT··:::::::J~1 EASTRLUFf, :i bd11n, 3 --""--------util pd . Call 642-8759. Brookhunt, Anahflm (714) _,., ...,, "-rMiA •ACK: ... y ............... Utt ,.lANOf. OIOANI •u• balh I ' 172-4500 1 BDR, pr, cpt1, drpa, 1 Bdrm, Pri au. Pool, r--· _,_ With ... •A5T ILU'' ........... 41t1 · ......... • am r n\, · car pr. TIME FOR LARGE 1 BEDROOM .... ,,,_ ,,_, ....... . eo•oH• ol!L N.Aa ........... •m 11•010 .................... ,.,.. Garden<'r pd Lease $550 11,~ •to•th, -•nvi-.. Prefer teacher or couple. wuher/dr)ler. 5J&..Sl27. p-'·tlon -•-·u "" •• ••OA 4Jlt fELEVIS ION , ................. «Ill • "" " """ ,._ 0 o 2 ~-.. C ·~ -.. ............ Hl·FI & s11:•10 ............. '211 n10. 644--0170 G•rd•n Grave 461 .4 I' w .... e.r, .J\t, • DEL-I.AKE fl.tA."JOR. • 20~. Clll &ll)'tlmt. ~fJ'o 111st",HOS ................. !: TAf'IE IECOllOlllS ··• .mll,,.-===c-,-=-o:--,.-"'UICK CASH • G7l-8'J8S * =.;:::.;:,;::.:.,;;.;.:..:;,:_ ___ 2 BR, n u . Bltino, p1t!o, • -J -. ••~. x--It. D. Sid" •··1-IALIOA 1sLANo··"":::::::: .. tu1 C"MllllAS & 1ou1PMINT ... '*CHARMING o1 Br. 2'~ blil. ,, 1 Lu: ....... ...,.., °'. -.... ., _. ._. KUNTIHGToN ir:1icH ......... -..• Mo••T SVl'l'L11!1 ............. ho ti 1 XI 1 THROUGH A OELUX Upper du P ex, SINGLE Youna Adults X· ci·pts, drpt, rar, adu.llt. S009 poo!, patio, adulta. no pttl. MT-Ml9 53f.8801 5)t.a FOuNTAIM llALLIT ......... tt1t Sl'OITINO aooos ......... UM me on lC' \\'11. er. · n 1vasher/dryer, workina: cpl. ury cnnlen ap11 \Vltl1 coun-536-4TIT
SIAl lt:ACH ................. +IM llNOCUUll, ICO,IS ........ ust L'Ond LliC $3T.i nu> Bkr. ti7l-01l4. 1413~1 \V. Bt..1' Ave.. try club atniosphere and CoolWae $49-GU:I. ~ONIJ llACH ............... Ult MlSCELUNl!OVS ................. 548-1290 . . DAILY PILOT ·-mplc•• p"vac•. sourc1 'BR.-·-·-. ·-·m-·-· WALK to beach; 3 Br ...... '""" .. Rtntll .... ,.AHO I! COUNTY ............. ~ Mii>(. WANTIO ...... , ......... MU .,,.,,=·°""',,-.,.--,-;,,,--; .,_., ,. ~ ,. ,..,,_..., ""'l'• ,.., !DUI -
QA1t.DlH 011ov1 .............. •611 MACHiN••Y. eic. .......... •·1111 DELUXE c ndo 2 BR 2 IS YOUR AD lN Q.ASSJ. BAY CLUB APTS l3100 pool, prlle. Adullt, no dl1hwlhr, ciitd. drpd. Pado. FOR. It.ENT: llleutiflal nao
>ltl:STMOUTEll ............... "'12 i~: ... ~.... . .. , ........... :~i n~ pool !2500 . 3 BA. WANT AD FIED'. So--ne _... .. CH'~IAN Avo., c-~-. ..·-... , _,. "M. No ~. MT..!937 .. tt ...... • ~"-_;... • l'llOWAY CITY ............... "'" IUILDIHG M1iTl111.t.L's '::::::.11-. oa., . . 3 BR. ' """' ... UI ..... °'"""" .. ~ --· .-;, ... ......
IANTA ANA .... " ............ ,. SWA,S .,,. $275. Broker 646-0732 lookl111 Jor II. Dial 6C2.s618 Grov~ 1n4) 638-3030 2 SR, 2 ba. Cpll, drpa. OCEAN Vle:w new df:luu 2 ........ decclftttd. ,__.,'-SA NTA ANA HllOKTI ........ tUI PETS d LIVESTOCK 1-==~:;;;.;::;;=:;==.!.:=========l========== 2 Ba •• •• 1 BA ~ ·~-~ rusT1111 ....................... ...-, an DELUXE ls. J Br, sundl'ck, $135 month Br, •.:>no Qi.a. nnt. Tntdt loeadea ill
COASTAL . .. .............. •1M l't:n .01H11.1.L ........... -Gener•I 2000 Gen1r1I 20000eneral 2000 i.i!ll', oceaa v'ew, csrport, e Hi-3235 e $115 n10. 53&-f1'Z ce.nter o1 su Clement. hr
LAOUNA ll!ACH ..... , .... , ... tl'U CATI , , .............. , .... mtil-'-,;.;.."-';;._"'"'.===============::======-----LAOUNA NIOUEL ............. 410J DOGS ' " ............. , •. lt1J Slt15 le.uc. Utll pd. ·~1473 $.135. '"e 2 BR UP'tn •Pt. Info. Clll M5.o:m.
MISSION VIEJO ............ trot KOISEI . .. ............ IUI ,..._t,-, •-, bl"-·. Pool. ltlAL 11.TATI s°T.•"A JM•-••--I SAN CLEMIENTE •........ ,,,, 4JlC ~rVEITOCIC .... C.f'l'il-0 ~' x.. f)-C ~c:..e ....... '""I"' ..... IUtQV _. ..... -~:~,.\;l1'!:c. ·:::::::::;;:::·.::::: CALIFORNIA LIVING pl,,,!;, ~~ l."J..-'b J:,J<f• ~ L1qun1 ae1ch C705 Mgr 1pt E, 1848 Pla~ntla Gtntr1I •torts. 30t M.u1M Aw in 'R0e"~TA,NLOUSM .............. .,st :~~:~s •ooLa ·:: TREMENDOUS Vlew, & 3 BR, 2 BA, Xlnt North Colt& ltentlll W-----.11 5ftO .An:1dt m-ms, Or •
" h •AT•Ol . . .. ... •. ..u .Solve 4Sim.ple.Scrambled WO"Td.Puzzlc fo1 A Chuckle location 00 ~ach. Bach••' flfe.u. locallon. $170 mo. ~ your btobl'. AptL Unfurnit ed AWHIHOS tm ...,.; .. ...,., """• NrYPP ........ 1.. .... a ........ _. • OINl•AL ., JIM 't'AC.ATIOMI lfll Clift Drive Mir Victor ---............ ,;Jll:'I·-••uuiun. &1!' smaD ..
COITA MISA . .. ....... 11H TRANSPORTATION ·~IOfl'll"V9 ~.,. of :!': Hup. sia.; mo. Miir. 4S.1-ltndine UC dtsltu clean, Ca.taUm lllaDd Sll Me. ':l:t"°V,,~1 ~: .. ,H ·:::::::· :~ :f1t~:J"A'""1
::.::::::::.:,; low :fo:°tovr .. ,;:~ds. 21u N•wrrt l11ch 5200 prtvat! roomCall ~-.... batb11~,1..,=;;P11;;~"';,.;;A;:"~;:""'=:UTO:.c:=I Ml!Wf'OIT WEIGHTS .......... 121• l'OWll c:•u111•s .............. I ~=~~-~-~-,,=-1-~---------1 Sept...... eG--.;1 Of II'
M11w1JO•T sH011£s .......... snt sl'1•0-1K1 aoAT ........... m1 I' !Y.U DO I 2 BR duplex. turn Ii u.nturn. BEACH HOUSE cll'd. (2Ul 6SL-6299. Mn. Office lttnhl ... ~:tJ~i~~fT ..-..~it ·:::::::: .. ::1u~ :g:; ~~~\•l!':.'.t.Nci··~:::::::J '. I I' j j I nr Vic Hu1 0, new J Bl\, unturn, crpbl, drpt. Harril, 8$)1 w1" 5th St. 1AcK1AY ............ ll"t •0-.1 LAUNcw1NG ......... ~ cptsld1"111, frpl. I a r · yr1y S250 mo. 2 Br tum. u. Anaell!e 90IM8. LAGUNA llACH •A•" 1Lv"" ........... s,a MA••NI! s:eu1,. .. ..... ·"" m11ooc ... .Al...... 1 c-•~--· co•ONA O'IL MAil ........... 11541 •ot.T SLlf', Mco11Ne •.. ,. ... ,.,. winier $185 mo. --.. or e LAND\.OlltDi e Ar """",..._
UL.o.t. ................. "" IOAT 11av1c1s ............. ,.,, I t BR furn apt. Neu beaCh. 6U-06JJ; 107 Rl&h1and St. .,...1=1 a11<.-o.L _'",..... ON' 1'0ftESI' AVENUS IAY ISi.AMOS ................. UH M)AT ••NTAU ................. MY, ET I La B ·~ n&o>~,.ft '"'"'"y--"·'lie LIDO ISll ............... Slfl JOAT CHAITl!I ............... "1t Sl50 per mo, )'rly let. Wlo N. . Bro11e'r *--Dttk liJ)aC9 ew.-~t~~~~O~~llllOIEACli",'.'.:::::::= ""H1Ho ao.t.TS ................... S I' I I dey fad. Gar • .tK-1668 ' BR, Hoq n-. Ana. w·~· ~ -newttt omo. ~ IOAT MOVINO ......... ,.......... _,.. _,~c.u a.or cal' ..._ •-~OUNTAIN llALLl:'t' -........ tt11 IOo\T STOllAe• .... -........ IMI Crpls, drpg, bJUna I: encl ' ~l'M • .._.Ill t~~~ ~i;~c,~ t. :::::::::::::·t: •oATS WAMTIO ............... Dena Point 4740 aa·. ""'Mo. Call~ appt. ~~ vie. Balboa ltL LQ\1N. BllCb. Air ear.d ...., AlllCIAf'T ,. ............ 91.. I . --· .. ,_ ,.._____ ._.. ... o•ANGIGOVM T ............ ,,... ,LY'lNO LllS!ONS ............. flM MITDI I , ~ '241 HIJ.ari& Way, ..... ,_....,_.._. t)onld, arpt-, GAIOI N OllOVI: .............. w1• MOllLI NOMl!S .............. not $25 Wetlc. Up, heated p(IOl, N 8 BOAT rllp Of moon--.. entn.neU: ,..,,.,.,. WllTMINSTIEll .............. Nit MOJOll NOMl!S ............... nl• -s . htt I' "Id Id .... M_ u111--1.1 o.na .;a> ... Mtow1.,.c1TY .............. w1111cTcL11 ............... ttu 1 j j' I j t1a1g a~ vnno whcst t .... -~, • ......,.. H'lB·R· • __ .......... 1atlboat 171·1111 TortatAve,,rev..,.-"'
SAl'ITA ANA ................... ILIC1'11C CA.al ., ............ nst ~;;;;;;:;;:::=:..., 1~oke1 you 1lck, but I •• ,. ~tartr. lM 14111 Cit .. un1 wu ~. "M•-..ol"ftDon'" ,, .. __ , puidlls Iota.""" SANTA ANA HEllHTS ............ Mllll lllllf ................ nn ......... ~ TI4· No cbildl'9h .. peta. 3tDISl4 ..... ,.. ......._ .&....... ~ NsT1N .•. . . .............. NoM JW10l'o11cYCL•1 ............. .,.. .hope Jt'.s 0 --." way, ........ .,,..... · BAL,._, --a ........ ..,_,..... ptr month _. .-..
COi.iTAL . . .............. ,.. MOTO•SCOOTllS , ........ fUt I y I ... ·-1·~ 18th ~. N.a. ~ .... J~ .... -"" .-:-...... _ .... c-.._ •• I.La -ueuH• •t.t.cN .............. .,. 1iVT01l!•v1C•••~••TS ........ SO ffll ,. " 'Jfr'JW "" womu 1'lmfWd. evee. --~·-.-J,j
ueuNA WfGVIL. ............. ,., AUTO TOOl,.f a 1at.11• ....... t-111 • 0 ,.. __ '· ..i.~ .L •TALS 'BR duplu, "bDt to bMcb. ... M'L u. -. Buli.nt-hom'I IJ'•-~ IAH CL.liMlWT& . . . ...... 111• raML&a. 11t1.11m. ........... HU 1 I I ·I* I I ~p .. t. .... o;.nuckle quotld vll!W ot ocqn. 111-Un --.... -nrriot a¥tllaltle tor Slt.J M,~fvtli"Cf""'•••o ::::: :ru ••A•l•ltlo""" ............ ,,.,. by folUl'IQi ltt tftrt mlllint ~ A-. Unfurnl•hed --~ •. WANTED fft CdM1, vnl\lm 2 '" atlfl•t.... ·--·i:r --..,i6.
REAL ESTATE CAMl'l•s ...................... tnt . youdweJopfr0111 ... No.3iteJow~ P'·-ulu-iJ • .._ ......... , 1 "'" -,.... _,,...,.
' raucics .n ......... -........ tM . ""·-rol 5000 YEARLY-Oct. lit I Bf\ 2 b& _," .._,apt. Yt a r 1' ttkpboae:.
Gener•I ~w: ...... ,., .. u •.•.•.••• , ::: • ffr';'i.~~.!1 I' ,. r ,. r r I' 1: I -·-111' 33nl St. ~le 1.i.....i.. ocan. retlred lllttn. l1s-ot1S DAILY PILOT rl lPll,_, 9k. , ........... ttt1 OVNI IUHlat mt ~r-. . - . _ _ . ·-• l'9 -.-.,krl, m TOft.£ST AVJ:1CUS r:oHOOM1N1VM .......... n.w JMl'O•Tl!D AUTOI ................ $UO. 2 Br, PIM!. New W/w, f73...C'm MO'nlER, w It da .. ,. , ~ .... ...,~ ••~
ltlMTAUWltMTl!O .......... ...,. Jl'OIT CA•• .......... "" o u,~".w'r'•Mell/ORI I I I • I 1-I I cbtldrtn 0.1(. Broker. BR, 2 •• -·-needlltBRMmewaptin _.. ... ,~~ IOOt>U "Oil lllNT ......... M'tS AlfTKIVIL ClAfJl(S -....... tell .., 1,., -• -..,_ N -n-.a. IQ..fG.1 ..... •OOM a IOAllO .. ffM UCI CAl!I, ltOOI .......... , KH -~ bltJN.. Adu.J.tJ., DO pell, $11' fl .. _. -""'~
'AOTl!U TIAILl!I COUllTI "" "llTO S'f'SJJTI ................ Mtl 114" 2 -, 3 •-~1... • •• ••• _,.. --... -tr _....Vl_ • =r.;;;I -• -OVISTlfoME$ ,.,. "UTCll WAHTID ••••••••••••··'"" .,.. ................. ,... .,_ +'• ..,. .....-,. ---+-.••.r-..•v SV:W'.1-DK>n "'° ~-~
MJK:. lll!HTA!,,S "" HIW UIU .............. , .. ,... W/w. drps, dOM to rwy, nn TO LANDLORDS M-. 19tlt • ft. 4'r mlllt
,.,., ........ " ............ '"0 .... , ................. "" SCRAM-LETS "NSWER IN c• •ss1fllc "nON 7600 ·~1t 1 ·-1 ~---.. _ •• ·--••• ···1 ~. ·--. IUJIHfSl f'llOl'lil.llTY ~ 111eo CAU ................... "" . ~ "' Bkr 534..flNIO \,., • II! QJW1Rtl ....... ~ ... -P!IJI nwaeon -.u. ........ -.... .
' I
r • I
I ~ I
" " " " ' " ' " ' •• . •
' ..
' ' " ~
1 ..._
• '
Ill'~ ......... * *
* * Ollke ..... ..,. ..... o,.1flot-'* f";;;;:;.~ot;;lltZS;;:;;~_.;.;.; A.UCANDYSUPP\.Y
Reiiiilia-Anl-•--"'"• ·RQUTE -Whf'n You IW<fti>Nl (!<A!d'llll.t;NI! CANMl 336Ne•~i:i"'·· N.B. :,.•.=.,~co~ Want it done
PRIVATE. Air -o:mdlliod!d. operated difl~tlleli In JO'Jr T •ghf ...pie """'"'"' ,.....,.. aro1.""" be ab!. ., dew" I • • •
""""" -6'U13S. 2•••m..., .... k,......, Call one of
e\11!11 6*-Ufl.1 vtrf &OOll .tnoornt. No teD.
100=,.sr=. ,:A.;;M=-' ... "'=.,...,.=•-=:'.:o1<. I ma -.....i. th rt """'" _ Al<. -~•tna. """ ""., 13,11111r""ulred .,., e expe s 1.ep1 Noli-, 6450 • ·aoa-.. -==---1 _.-. CBued on out: or tun ti.mrrril / ecJ bef t "-'='--";:.:.;= __ .:..:;:;:
drpo. ample partdna. 39<: oq. For -ll>lttviow 11t Whaddy1 Want? Whlddy1 Got? isf OWJ! I Will not be -ble"" R~P,llRMAN
1.tt.:;.;CilO=;,:;°"::"'::'::.· :;:.,.__;:._:;~--,,I ,...,,. ...._ "od ,,._ *"· SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR ""' debts other then my FIBERGLAS
CdM. z,> aq n office in d.ttss Ir \'lhone llO. to: NATURAL 80RN SWAf/!P.ER:S awn. R1:Urt r. SteveMOll SCHOCK. Newport 615-3.l23
Ar<ade ..... Bath • pk'e. rRANS.WESl'ERN DIST. co. ~111 Rat. SERV.ICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY I Will ool be ..._ .. tar BOYS 10 . 14
$6.5. 6'73-1M8 59o No. A.tusa Ave. S Linet-S tlmts - 5 bucks any debts other than m)' carrier Routes Open c.v;,,., a.JU. mm s.~•tt1-6550 C1-1 L•Yl-.. j It ~-1 6790 tlU\.EI -AD MU6T IMC\.UD! ..,,... ••• • .,.. '"• lft 0,.N 0\1-'11. Mildred Olive Shawver for Cornrntrdll 6015 L1dle5 A-.arel Shop ........, ,., """ • "1de. ~ .,.. ••"' 111 ,,... Repoir 6A2.6 I"'"""-"""'----...:::..;..;; '""un Be ..... So. ' ......... :;:;;;:;;;:;.:;;;;:_____ rr-1-vout1 ....._ ...u. ~ +-i '"" et ~b.111 CHILD C •RE SPARKLE lanitcrial &: Win--; aDAILaY • ._PILOT __ _ Like to o\\·n your awn bwii· 5-NOTHIHO '°" u.a.e _ ta .. ou OHL v1 • " JOBS & !MPLOYMENT 10% NET n{'~! tlert's a real oppor-PHONE '42-$671 1 little girl, •ie 21,; to 5 FOR CARPETING dow cleaninc Serv. Wif>. M2-ml
Plut. tunitr to own youC"own shop To Place Your Trader's ParadlH Ad. yeal"!i. A• pJ~ma.le & rom, OR CARPET LAYING dows. resld .. comet. CONl Job Wanted, Men 1000 1----.B"O"'X""°'B~O"'Y=s---l
Depredation & 1m0rtiiation \\'ith a :;mall investment for panion tor my 4 year old C. A. Page 642-2010 Cleanup. Free est. 9fi8..2691.
FWlY ka5"d, ~ 4 unit fixtures in the Huntington \Vant 6 to 1% unlls Coa.it dauabter. Meals ifl(:luded. W~ Windows. floors, MATURE MGR ~uit be a\•a~ w~ day morn.
bldz., zn'&I apprtciation po. Beach area. All merchaJ>. Erlcl!Ott 26' Sailboat, Joad. area for approx. $23,500 eq, Near Magnolia & Edingtr. Electric.ii 6640 carpets. Commercial & Exp • Finance • Budgets · ngs, ove.r · ,. .......... appear-
tential $115,000. 1* % insur-dise is on consignment. No ed. fmm.ac new modd. in .~. ·4 bdrm. tam rm + Fountain VaUey area. tJ0.00 EL ECT1UCTAN';-1J"Censed, tt&ideotial. DJ.lly, weekly Accii: · E.O.P. -StatisliC'!I • In('(' requi~. ApPly in pcr-
.ance loa.n. Total $210,000. inwstment in merchandise, Trade ~ eqty !or TD's pool, former model Fantas. a week. CaJl IWi-7187. bonded, small jobs, maint & and/or Mo. 897~'1350 Sales· Mkt& ·P.O. Box 1m, ~~~~~Markel ,
OWntt $$S-0332. pay alter it IS wld. \Ve traln O!' !' ! sr~ or 546-3322 tic "deror! Agt. 546-5880 • D~m Add, ..... ,, -.. ~. " .. ,~_,' ·'iN~.·~·,,----o=--~ 1 ........ ,.,-~----1 . •wu ..,..... ·~ u .. """"' ~"" ESTATE Ma;111 Tl"t'e ScrY o BUSBOY
:you l: liUPf.'rvtSe )'"OU ~1 no Have: 21' cabin cnd!ler &; 31.4 act-es citrus, Lindsay. • Ap3.rtments & IJnil.s Removal & trimmings. tree 1 6 Ye a r 1 QC · and A il b'-1 lndustrfaf Rtntal 6090 exi>f.':n*". F~r compJele 1nto1·. trir, all hp inbct, head, gal-CAiif.. $80.000 equity for * Custom Homes • Kitchens Floor? 6665 eatimate, Ca.ii 5U--0088. metallurgical laboratory w a ~ W\Ch &-dinner. n~alion, wnte or phone F. L. J_,y, crpts, llpt. 24. tlJp. boat. airplane or TD's or * 2 Story SpeciaJJst~ FREi 1--"::-'---:-::---:-::::.:::::.::::. j ::==::=::=:::=::;::::;:=== mgr. Know all phases Jr!', Prefer 1B yrs. or over, RENT new !ll·l: 1125 ~· n.
$1lS mo. 2250 sq. rt. $22.l
mo. 135.S Logan., C . M •
T1emcy, 21.30 North Holly-Loob &. runt Vt"'.!ll Wa.nL· submit Paul Stuart O'wn-\ayout/~ign 20 Yrt. l"x-o. Cerpet Viny l Tiie nd plating and N.D.T. \Yill DISHWASHER
wood \Vay, Burbank. callf. Pt.eat Esta~ 5*20il · e.rlbroker 49-1-3223 ' Pa cific Coast Builder s All styles ""Ii colors La tcl ping 61l0 travel US/abroad. 613-1166 Al\f & PM. Over 18 yrs,
Phone 1?131 843-434(). • · •
UQ Llc·s Ora San CLEAR land~ Antelope Vat. 35' Chris Roamer. also 'J'Us. 2~ E. Coi!.8t "lh\'): -F~ -,e!t,. Ll54'<.6~~~lr. tllLLS &: SLOP~ o u l' ANY ' Type work cash * APPLY rN PERSON * * . · · iige, fey t N. San Dit:go ~ty. tin view lot. all util. Both Corona deJ ~tar 67.>-•Hll ......,.. '"" -n10 specialty, Next yean rain Paym'ts. 1&40 Newpot1, Sp.
Lott 6100 Diego $U,500 on sale; Exchange for Ot3nge Coun. tree &: clear. Trade; TD'g GRAND,\fOTHER \V ou Id will be. "·orse! Get pro-No. 3 C.~1. S.13-906;; 5 k 5 1:.:::.:--------' ~~cofi~~3~=S-ty property o~ '! '!. ore Oi view borne. NB area. Ofc, like, pa1·t lin1e C\"t' ehild Gt1rdenin9 6680 tection now! Call of95.1'.1811 I~============' I nae hop No. 1 ~ l..Ol'S. Costa MKa. l'1Ctt iiMM:L"R;;;t;;:w;;:;;(.--;;ewi;l~"~S-32<~~3~,...~~613-0l'.li~~~~-6r:>3243, res 6~-0;;!P care, in youl" hoh1c vie. ol * Lic'd Japanese landscape Job Wanted, 2305 E. Coa1t Hwy. :ii· 1.oned~units. Phil ~~r.:Res==t·. ~~ '69 FORD noo super Van, '68 Ca1naro :;:i1 1:..s PIS \Varner & f'.fagnoli11 . f.V. $1 ANTHONY'S contraclor; complete lnd-Women 7020 Coron• del Mir, Cal.
"""· . ru-· ~, --•o. ~·--. Deluxe .• m~ extras, cam~ R/lf. Auto. 1'1-ad{' fo;· T.D. IX'I' hr. please call Opal scpg &. gardens 83().3037 MEDICAL~·-•-b·•k 1----------1
NEWPORT QOl!an view lot. '"'°" "u""' _, vw::I" 841-8230 644 860 "~·~ -• -642--0124 er eqp d, for okler van, bus. can1per 01· consider any-1;:.;.,,.:.::,:,______ .4 office. EKG, e tc. or aUied
duties. •-uu or pe,rt time.
Some medical experience.
=tty zoned 30 units. or transportallon car. Take thing. 284 Knox St., C.M. BABYsrrMNG My home The Best. costs no more!
Money to Lo.11n 4320 over ~mis. 64S.JJ;J8 645-2991 eves. , C.to.I. Mon thru Fri. E."'l:perienced Maintenance
Painting 6850
A 6'200 Ta.'I: Shelter &. Appret'. in Adajacent lots. \\'estcliU, Licensed, excellent care~ Budget Landscaping
er•• 2nd TD Loan rn:ij. l'AJl!~r. ,\,\,\ lcnanl. NB. Value $30.000 eaeh.1c."~ ... ,.:...100~-------Graduate Horticulturist 2 reliable c:oilege
Leguna Beach 1st TO .SiCU.'f ~ Ii'~. Trade Trade up or d~nvn; Jnoom<?, DAY Care lor children of COMPLETE students contracting
7 ACRES W/PERMIT Prompt. conflC:entl;ol ~ci·\l•·e ror TO, land .... -: ::;ubm.il 1-larbor area duplex. or res. working mothers in my YARU MAINT.
Job W•ntffl
Man&. Women 7030
TO KEEP HORSES 642•2171 54s..otill orrer. 533-3G"i:lBkr. ide.nce, boat "!646-8565 home, Mon . l''ri. tttar1 Sprinkler inJl&lled I.: repair. interior/exterior
Adjacent subdi..,ision one Serving Hl\rbor arcll 20 yi-s, Lake Am>wheai1 water-'68-16' COMANCl!E Th1P,1.""""'-'-----------ed, New lawns, cleanups. house painting. COLLEGE STUDENTS
mile E. ot hwy. util avail. Sattler Mort919a Co. front lot $50,CQ'.t val. Pacific 1.JS Buick OJ\·!(.', trailer. cov. \VILL do babygitting in my ~fonthly Service, AVAILABLE
$35,000, 'A Cash, bal lst trust 3S6 E. 17th Street Palisades Ocean Vi~v lot, el"$. Extras. }~OR ·LATE home, Monday thru Friday. 968-19'18 Free estimates, ror all t)'Pes of \VOl"k.
d.... RI I CASH FOR 2 ND $21,SQJ val. \Vant; Income. MODEL C6A4~~= I love children. Call alt 6 N"E'°l"'Vc-'-;L-a.c,::,:.,=,::::.....,_-,.-,.;-"g-. Xlnt work. 49'4.09 36 Part time. Call:
MAKE OFFE MORTGAGES. PRlV. PTY. Bkr. 548-m.1 .,...,,,.,.., ,,•~·m_. _<94-_18.c.7_2_____ Complele lawn cal'l', clean Southern
Write ot contact; George Ft NO brokers comm. 548--03l7 3J" Century Runabout, ideal J-lave 13 units. \Vill e:<· B.~YSITnNC. Next to new up by job or nwnth. Free NEED PAINTING? California College.
Kress. Box 914, Laguna bay cruising, f!Shlng, etc. change for land, trust park, nr Ne1vport Hts estimates. Call 846--0932 Call u.s~ Reliable Service wl Student Employment Se1"iCC',
Beacli or phone 494--4126. Mortg•ges, T.D.'s 634S Sl.OC<I value; want truck ot deed&, personal not or 1 ! Elemn. Sehl, M 0 n _sa t, Quality at ill! best. at the ' 1 -~--~KI:....:.~c.1~"'.=,,,---
SS DOWN, $8 p ER MO._ ~ty. in real estate or'wbat. Nancy J. Moore, Broker. ~7154 AL'S Gardening & Lawn most reuonable prices. Chinese liv~ins. Cheerful
CO"STRUCT!ON M n 7..,.,. b1aintenance. CommerciaJ., ~ u· 1 ••g.•-p •'-rl _, r'Jai:: FULL PRICE, buvc 10 . " . o e Y ever. SCS-9fr61. 647-.,.,., W!LL '-b . . • c '"I" es ma t'S . .,... 11\NoO ermanent. ......... """ en'-"''"U·
......... J-\-ail bl to .,.. y111t for child of industrial &; residenlia1. · 642-8 acn.s in So. Calif. L. a . a e r meome. pro. tIAVE· no· twin diesel Jux. LOVELY home on Altadena teacher. X-teacher, now •64&--3629* • SPECIAL • F<ll' East Agency 1113
Sbewfelt, 325 W. Jrd St., dlll!ll'lg property, Foreign k . '"-U C 5''·% lNTERIOR t.: exterio r . domestic. Motels. Nursing ury yacht $175,000 clear. vv oune. ni assum-mother. 6~504 J G d Job-""-n, Wom. 7100 L.A. (213) fi'l3..5102 Hom-~pp;~ C•"''"'· WANT. : prime vacant land abll' Toan. $59.950. Trade for BABvSJTI apanesa ar ener Single 3 BR stucco !: trim _.~ ...
.. ,,. .xa.i ..... " • M 1 beach area owne:r • Lee. ' ING. fo.fy home, Exp.;-r., <.-ompl yard .servi~! $288. 4 BR or 2 i;tory $388.
TAKE ovtr 5 acres, no down. office Bui Id in gs, <i~ income property. t r. ,.,')_.,-=-, ,,. '-snl all day, good lunch, planned Free est. 645-0912, 968-2303 abt" l1"t1' es S4 mo. Near lake Ii: to\l•n. Apartmenb!. etc. \Vrite or win 838--8460 Agtnt. .,..~ .;iu.;J (),)I)" d M Verd "19-4145 30 yrs. exri. Chuck 645--0809
594-47.fl Agt. call Title Real1y & Trade 2400 sq It business UDO ISLf 3 Bdrm & Den i::~EN~~ e."' . TREE Service, generaJ yard SUBURBAN Painting/Dec anlimiteQ ~---
Insurance Company. 215 rcntaJ; office or reta.U shop PAUf SPRINGS 4 Bednn ~ Babysilting cleanup. Rototill & sprinkler Expe.11 Guaranleed \Vork
Mount. & ..,...rt Oark Bui Id Ing • Binn· for 2nd TD's:, 2JJ.2:J.J 62nd LAGUNA BEACH 3 Bedrm Westminster area. 1-"'-'_v_. ~-~58"-'8C.,----1 1'~ est. No job too large 09eflC(Y ~.~~-ingham. Alabama 35203 St, Npt Sch, owner. (213) Will trade up.S76,000 equity Call 894-19TI * Ex pert Japanast or too small. 4~3190 QuaJity Positions for --.-w-w---Phone {205} 251-5286, 244-3101, eve (213) 24fHJ100 SUbmit. 01Yner. 673-7071 BABYStrnNG My honie FINEST \VORK 6"6·03.S4 PATh"TlNG Int & ~t Lo\\•esl Qualified Applicanls
2r/o Ret. for 3 Yrl. San aemente 2 R-3 level 11' cruiser Twin D, auto vie. Balsa Chica &:. Sisson, contracted prices. Ft1lly ins. ~ E. 17th SL. Suite :!24
~ Mill!s i:ab"t of BantO\\' on
freeway. Elev. 2000 ft. Near
Lakt Loreen. Wonderfu! land
for •Pricots. alfalfa. nut tree
IJ'OWing, fiah raising. horse
ranch, boatin&, etc; etc;
$3.STI.tl 2od trust deed be-lots 90x100 clear. aosc to pllot, !'ange 1200 ml; rcttnl H.B. Any a.ge. 8'l2-43TI Hauling 6730 Satisfaction gua.l. Free est. Costa hfesa 642-1470
hind small 1st on Jot with shop'g & beach. Trade for survey S40M. Will consider BABYSITTING, My hon1e . Jin1 \Vecks673-U66 ACCOUNTANT. S£mi . or •-·-"~ ll ~ .. , 11th St C'! ,. d CLEAN UP & lite movi,..... 1. • I d La"''"'"s finest ocean view. N.B .• C.M. comm'l ~.or ""'""' <.n:\.'"U or ama er uun · 111·. . "· encc ""' eFOR Better Painting. in-1ght senior or f'Xpan 111g •--~ !TI41 -•3400 nl '"'1082 Tree&. shrub remo1-al. ,..,_ CP f' •t ••• por month incl. 990 3 units. 642-3490 call pm. v•vnr •.:~ ya · .,........ terior & E>XIC>rior. acoustie v.ange Co. A irm. '' us\ ~ ~~;;;-"';;;;;;;;-i':;:;;~~1.;c;;:,;1;vn;~~;;:;;;;;;;.:>;;;:ll~"~·~·~"'~""~b1~'~·-~~"'~"~'~""'~I yrs, 22% ~unt. ~ "67 V\Y Bus 1.500. beige w/ l\fodcrn Newport Bch. 1n-* * l\(ATURE. D<-~ndablc, ce;ilings. &16-1017 & 5·11:3507 have about 2 y..,. recenl
BROKER o!M·ll. .. 7 blk interior. sun1'00f, clean; o;une unit. gross $8760 yrly lo\1ng child care. Call eves, CLt':AN-Up and lighl niov· PAINTING. Pa!X'ring 16 yrs. public aec...'OWl\ini;: exp, -'"Cl 1 ~h ·~ooo .. •3090 in".Ca\JDave: "•P•bl• o f aud;t t S•/. DISCOUNT gel cond, au ac:eM. TRADE rcnu:u. ose 0 "" · ,,.,.,, u-....-"' in Harbor area. Lie. &: ...
1st TD on while 1valer view lor boat or "!:> eqty, ;rade Jor C.~f. area h10T~lER \Vanb playmate * ~8-3.8:!! * bonded. Refs. rum. 642-2356. ~~;rn~~i~~~~ 0C,::: c°e.J~
lot in '"'"""" Bea<h. '".000 * 673-3:>24 * wmm I mfg or unit.!!. (.all for pre-school boy. f..fesa de! YARD/&a.r cleanup. Remove ---~ p 642-3490 .__ · d'rt 54.7-7061 ror appointment @ S60 n10 .• ind. 9%. all PUERTO VALLARTA. Mex.. m. · ~1ararea. ~1692· •n:es, ivy, 1 ' tractor Pla~teri-u. Re1>11ir 68801.:c:::.:::.:.::::...:o:'.::::::::c=._
due 3 yrs. Broker 4!14-U38 i<:o: Commercial -l-apat1.· ~t.do you have. to trade? BABYSITTING ,.1Y hoinc, hackhoe, gradt:" 962-874:i Administrative Asst.
S5000 Blue Chip 2nd n1ents. $85,000 • Trade for List it bere -1n Orani;e hot lunches coinpanions GENERAL HAULING • PATCH PLASTERING. to $650 T0-$4(00. Seasoned 2 yr salable So. Cal. Paul Stuart. County's tru;:est read trad· fenced ya.rd. ·~g....:;.g74 ' & CLEANUP All typ'5. Free estimate. Good background, n1ature
loc apl complex, 611~~i Bkr. 49~-3223 tng post-aM make a deaL hABY~ING '" my horn• $t? per load. 962-6846 Call 54.o-6825 ~·ith admini.strallYe ability, n .:1111 Corona area, call Loraine,
qrtly, 3 " dU< • .,._.,., .. * * * * * '"' wo<kh•• mothen; So. TRASH HAULING Morchan" !'<'™'""''· 20!3 ~ , _ Re .. m. odel, Repair~ 6940
Money W1nted 63SOl~~!!!!!~~!!!!\l!~!!l!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!! ..... guna area.499-1693 rea.sonablf' • 645-2'7.?0 Westclill Dr., N.B. 64~2770
ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCtMENTS PLAYMATE Needed for l )TI========= BUILD, Reinodel. Repair AN"SWERlNG Servi~ Oper-LOCAL exe.cutive. ll years, old girl. fncd yd, $D 1\"kly. Housecl~aninQ 6735 Brirk, block, conc r ete, ator. Experiencr. preferl'ed.
40 Acres Ranch Land. im· needs $T:i00. Secured by 2nd and NOTICES and NOTICES 548-3824 c.~1. 1.:.:.:::::::.:::.:::.:::"" _ _:::_:: crpntry, no job t.oo small but will train.
proved wtm. mod~ 2 BR TD on residence l$14,CXXI L t 6401 Personals 6405 I•======== \VOULD You believe I ·will Lie. Contr. 962--69'1;'; e 510-2052 e
..aDOh hou!<, 1 ... e liv rm, equity, 51~Sli FHA l!it TD.J os ------'----.:.C.C..:. B • k M t clean your home for Blue ~--:..C~--"----'6 #0 rte , 1sonry, e c. * IF you need remodeling, Assembly Trainaes
beamed ceiling, breakfast & 3:55ignment of S9jOO TOY apricot poodle, lo.st vie FREE.I 6560 10C=h=;pc..::S~"=m~p='='~"'.::.·===·.:;_ __ 1 paintin,. or repairs. Call
It1 mod •-b • 1 Re 1200 $10 ·---------"' Women. Day Shilt. No cxper-nn., tcben, em ""'' secun Y· pay mo Scavil'W & Catalina, Lag B . B BAY &. Beach Cleaning Serv. Dick, &1.2-1797 PlumbiDi· Tank house en-int. Your te1ms. 847-3-144 Bch. GENEREOUS cue oating. Course BUILD, Ren1oclc\, rt•µair. r~--ts, ivindows, fioors, ience necessary, but must
Full time. Ov<!r 18. Neat ap-
pearing, Apply in person -
IS.I E. 17th SL
Costa Mega
No1v and UU'U the school
year. 18 or ov€'r. Apply el-
ternoons 11·5 pm at
38IJ1 E. Pacific Coast Hw.
Corona del Mar
BU:l BO\'S needed f o 1'
various 11hirts. Apply at 5
pm. in perllOn to Mr.
Ant;e lo , TO \YERS
RE~1'AURANT, 1515 S.
Coast H'.ly, Laguna Be.a.ch
FOR. long-range tooling pro-
gram. Ne1\' pla.llt. Must be
CXflC'l'ienced draJtsmen.
l&il Reynolds Ave.
Santa Ana
CJ\S!lll:Jt · rUll time for
Neal'i;. 1-~ashion l s I and .
Musl be bondable.
Apply ln person
:!19 E. 41h St.
Santa Ana
e e CASHlER e e
Car \Va.sh. Full time.
CA S H 1 E R , Experienced.
Nights. Or.II 613-9405. Ask
for M.rs. Franke.
CHRISTMAS Money now.
Sea Luzier Cosmetics, a Co.
<l[ Bristol Meyers. 847-&JlC
CHIU> CARE For 1 yr. old I:
lite bousel\Tk my home
Ne1\'Pt. area. To live in +
salary. 67.)-2396
doling 1(XXl gal galv. stor· Eve. RE\\' ARD. <194--033? 0 r offered to the public by the Brick. blocl... t..'Onc.TCte, ........ .,.. have gOOd eye 8ight &. firig-
ap tank under 45 lbs pres-W"~E'""" e~ IY"' 494-9806 Balboa. Power Sq_uad~n for carpentry. 00 job too "r,ia.11. etc. Res !: Comrne'I 646-1401 Sewing 6960 er dexterity. Age lS-28. A~ CHILD CARE, re Ii ab I e ,
....,, • ~v: .....,"""' Isl TO, -=-,=";c:'--------pie interested in <:ailboats CARPETS, \\iindo\l'S, •-. ply ;n porson matu!'e lady. 3 d""• I wk.
5Uft. With double gar. Co~ 10% 15 vrs. Secured by cLOST v· f Balbo p · 2 ...--• Lie. Contr. 962-694~ =" •tt 1· 642 5845 ~ ~, u· tank an el ,,. 1c 0 a 1er as weU as po\ver boats.<~=""======= etc. Res or Co1nc'I. Xlnt "" tr• tons -• S.A.E. Advant'ed Lite housekeeping, Good '"""'"" eep C • ee., $$,000 Comm. bld. Bkr. . . ' · I· Neat, accurate. 20 years exp. · 5 hp pump, 301 gal per min &J.H32:3 kittens, -t mos: yellow ti.gl'r, Every Mond.ay_ night for 13 Builders 6570 \\'Ork Rea.s? Refs:. su.-tl.ll Pac:kagmg pay. 3 school-age. 1 baby.
at ll' depth. Improvements: 1----------1 &. zrcy calioo. Days 832-3630 \\'t"eks, bcgmrnng 7 p.m.,1"-'-'-;__ _____ ..;...__ ,VfNOOWS DffiTY'! • Dressmaking • Alterations 1357 E, Edinger Av~. 642...ilQ..i9 Fe~ with l" by 6' x 300 ft ANNOUNCEMENTS aft 5, 6T~7894 Mon., Sept, 15 (brine: ooie. REMO DEL-Additions-Cab-.Johnny Dunn your loca1 Special on hems. Santa Ana ~C~H~ILD"""~c~A~R~E~--,-0-"-,-ho-.,,.--0-,I
redwood fence. 'l Mlle$ East and NOTICES book fint night) at Ne\vport inels-Block fences-Concrete servicP. Free est. 642-2364 * 646-6446 • BABYSITTER: 2 children, mine; Harbor View sehl
Of --•--•. s~ooo. BLACK l'lfale Po o d I e . Harbor Yacht auh, 120 w. wock .... .., ,,,.~2 M.'lSNI ,..., U I" ped V' · · \Vh' ""'...,....,., lite house Keepin;:. Approx 4 area, 2 childrn, 3 days per
Or will su~ivide I 0
ecre1 ell improv•ments
$55,000 or 30 1cr•s un-
improved $21,000,
'40 % Down. 8elanc• on
I 1t tru1t d••d.
Found (free Ads} 6400 nc 1P · icinlly ite Bay Aw .• Newport Beach.I::==::::::::::::== 1---------TILE, Ceramic 6974 mo. Room-lxlllrd &. small wK. Call 673-3842 ----""-~:.._:..:.;:.:1 Front, C.l'lf. Belongs to 2 No advance registration. En. C 6590 lroninn 6755 8ai u ed u On Cdl\I State beach Glasses small children. 639-1196 roll at class. Any question, lrpentaring • v Th Til 111 .. ary. niv mo ier of" CHILD care, Harbor Vif!w w/~ inscribed a5 folio BOSfON Bull, fem. vie. of call 673-1855. CARPENTRY lROf\'INGS in my home. C:st ~~=k. in:tall ~ 1re~irs. eve ~:student we 1 c 0 me· area. I need a neighbor who
'"i\1ariCI ~1arsi11 i , Via Santa Ana & 23rd. C.M. -•-(l.flNOR REPAIRS No Job Sl.25 per hou.r. No job l.00 small. Plaster 54.3-93.lt. 1~·ould proi'ide "emergency"
l\taz:zini 56 Trieste" 0\\'lll't" Re"'ard, theartbroken) HUNTINGTON BEACH Too Small. Cab~t in gar-5-18-6970 • patch. Leaking s ho wer BABYSI'ITER, 5 days: wk, care for children age 12 &:
pis call 673--7379 ~8-571::. Se. pt. 8 • Dec. 16~h at Hunt-,.es & o th er cabine!!I. repair. 847·1957/846--0206 6:15-4:30. will bring baby to 13 who5t! molher ~'Ol'ks In "'°=-,-,-,-,--0-~-~1='="'"=-------I l B h H h •-hool your home. 7 nio old girl, Pasadena. 6·11-2300 aft 7:30 BLK/wht long haired fen1ale RE\VARO. • -~t 0-4 mo,th tng on ea.c ig ~ · S4~17a, Uno an..c:wer leave · """ ..... 1 F r all 962 1839 Ne\\'Pt . al'ca neai· hosp1taJ. p.m.
cat, vie. ol Adams & old female HimaJayan kit-pm. or in ° c -· msg at &1.6-2372. 1-L O. TIME FOR Tree Service 6980 -';,,-,-,,----------!
V 64.~1021 Child r--
CALL 847-6640
Albatross. ery alfectional(' ten. Vic. The Bluffs. NB * Alone". Anderson ............ ~~tant. Pis ca 11 10&1~4-!=9'~'~-~----r QUALITY Rcpa.irs -Altera·
1.:;o..:,:..;:.._ ______ BLACK Part Siamese cat lions -Ne1v canst. by hour
trees I JJ!uilbbery removl'd. of 2 children returning from
trimmed, hauled a1vay school. Hrs. 2-5:30. i\layCo. Cj)UICK CASH
PLAYROOi\-1 attendant over
21. Part lintC' needed lm.-
nied. Call Ray Randall
MALE puppy. part Shelly \\'ith collar Vic. Portatina. YES IT'S YOUR or Contract. 646-3442 54~1359 area. 5<19--3493 962-3366
Terrier, short • hail'cd, Jn area. Laguna Be a eh . FAULT CARPENTRY-Cabinets
... ,, n '*"'" ........ m ,, Helsl('r Park, Laguna Bch. 499-3814 after 5 Pl\I custom doors -fenti>s. An,y -w• -v•• 1 lnqulri-167 Cypress Dr. f°O!' recorded messa~e lh at 5ize 30. b. CaJI ... ,_,76. l======~==~I irF':tm'mtt:'"ii;;;~i;i;;;;;-jLADIES Diamond \\'edding will change your life call I=="=-""':....:.-..:..:~":::_ __
THROUGH A F.STATE /llaint Tree Serv BABYSITl'l:."R. l children 5
Removal .t. trin1min;i;, free years & 9 mos. 2 day \\"eek.
eslimall". call 5'11-{M}SS r.tust Live neat Pomona :::::::::::::::::::::::::==I &hOot. eai• .,._.,,,,
0..EANING Lady 'vanted4:J
Call 847-701:i
B~AUTIF"UL l\1ale Afghan, 1·fng outside Alpha Beta 17th ORANGE CO. 547.fi667 REPAIR. Partitions Small
vie Costa P.fr>sa. 544-2514 or St. Cto.1 Q\\·l'K'r pl11 catl &: 24 hour rtconlin~ Remodel. etc. Nit€' or day, DAILY PILOT Exch•nges, R. E. 6230 Upholstery 6990
TRADE: Commeteial lot in 6-J.l..27~ or. fM.6&38, Owner,~;'~'~"~H~ly~54~8-0371-'--~~--LICENSED Reas! call KEN 5-I0-1619
R i •er side or. niit.in _rn_"_st 1 entiry. BLACK Labrador RetrieVt?r. REPAJR!S. ALTERATIONS WANT AD O:YKOSKJ'S CU5t. UphoL SEALPOINT i'll J s · Spiritual Readings, advice · throu&hfare, SlT,CXXl equity, a e · iamese approx 8 mos old, lost neat CABl'~. '"Y •"• 30• b European Cra.ftsmansh1p cat red !l · · on all matters. 312 N. El ".1:..'~ "' · 54 $13,500 bala~. 60xlJ:J. No • co ar. \'tc1n11y Cr<1b Cooker on Balboa Pen. Cl ~ y-. ,~. '· •18 .. 713 100"~ fm! 642-14 N t p· "'B "'" """" Camino Real, Sar: emente ..., '" .. ,.... ,,. money nttded. Submit all • ewpor icr, •• · uu--~''"" sun 10 am. Re\v'd. Ans to .., .....,. "'°" 1831 Newport BL. C.M. rt 6 49..-91.J'i. 4;ou-JJ.,,1 ~=======~__;,;;;..;.;~;;;.;,.;;_;,;9 ofier:&. Owner. 3715 Afl-ei•es. a pm. "Joshua ... 616-T.106 aft 3:30 10 AM . 10 p;i.f Cament, Concrete 6600 r"
initm"l Aw., River:& id e. f'-i _AN'S \\'hite ;;old 11.'edding FOUND 2 male dogs, \Vhite -~-,'--==~;---I
92SCl6 nng, ~unu .. 8I-30ii_ River. shaggy poodle mix, yoong At~nd a FREE Lectu1'1! •CONCRETE \\Ork a 11
lane On\•e, lncho, Cahr. 92201 small black ...i ..... \l'hite foot Dianeties & Scientology types. Pool decks &: custom.
llUSINES• ""• E""-Sund<>v at 8 P'I r-" "0-1'24 ~ ano SIA!'IESE Cat EastbluH a.rca &. che:st. t.leredlth Gardens, •J -.,, " =~==~=~·"'"-----FINANCIAL Call Bcuy Smith alter 3:30 968-2990 ll7tl3 Edinger, r~ntn Valley CEMEMT \VORK. no job too
614--1000 53l-3220 s1naJI. reasonable. r~ re e c,;~c;;:.-,,.~-----IG REEN And Y<' 11 ow • E 8vs.. Opportunitie5 6300 fo Attr•ct1ve xpert e>stim. H. Stufih:k. 548-8615 UND: Kitten, i;T\'y, 4 nl06 parakeet, i\lale. Vic. YOUNG \VOl\L\N READ THIS old, vie Buker & Royal Ne"l!.'POrl H('ights. 646--0117 danct>r will teach )'oU 11.U Child Cara 6610
Palm Dr, Ci\t. 5-l~ll76 ~~ Leopard. 1; Sian1ese cal !atrst steps. Call Ardell I ~c;.;;_;c:.;=.. ___ _::::.:.::
Xlnt SOr te'tittd people
U )'OU want • pa.rt or full
time opportunity io make
money 1n a bustnc'' of your
awtt. For example S2IXX> in-
ftltment can nrtt S50 v.•ldy
by • .,.,.11,. ' hn mak;ni:
C..U D. W. WUGn 1no_,
\V 01\1 AN' S PreSCT1pl1on grey /black spots. Rew'd. 2.13: 591--43311-10 P?tt D~Y c~. my home. State
glasses & cast, found on ;HS.0197 =""'"'"=.c.:;:;;._.:.:;c_:.;;:_~. -1 Lie. Hot lunches f'airview Cdi\f beach. 673-3232 ,.;.;;;;..;---:-----,.-ENJO'! ecooomy vacation &. Baker. 540-0042. ===,;_.;:.;.:..:=---!SIAMESE cat. answers to Catalina JslaOO. From S8i-----"-""-----
\\·Or.tENS cla.s~a. vie. K· freckle8, female. l.Otit Vic mid\\~k far two. Hermosa Contr•ctor1 6620
Mart 11orc, C.M. 642-6101 East Bluff. 644-1529 Hotel. Phone Avalon 187.
GREY rabblt. 546-5146 er GREY &; whllr female kit· ALOOHOLICS Anon)'mO\ll GENER.AL COotraclOr. All
56-3888 ten, about 4-"6 mos old , Vic Phone 5.f.Z.nt'l er.-write to carpen'J?'. co~le, Md &:
Sanli•.m Dr, NB. 642-1563 po •-1123 ~-oa ••· remodt:"hng. 25 )TS ex-
L ~~ ·~=·=·=~=·===~===="~=·==·=I . ~,~ .... ,~., ost 6401 APRICOT Toy poodl r., 1 · penence. -•;JO't. ....,,,,..
LONG Haired grey & blk femalC", __ iost vie. Ne1vpL Announcemenlt 6410 Carpet Cl••nlng 6625
~ s!riped cal whi... Shott!!. J<IS--01'9:) EN ·~ PERMAN T CARPET &: f'uro. clesning;
under no5(', 1n~lc, "R.aUy", ~\ALE Irish Se:tte.r, 4~ mos. SPECIAL for 1 day 1ervkt &: quality
lml vie Ad.llrru>/Brkhunrt., vie. Albert Pl. "-Ne~-port z iV"ks scta.rdna: Sept 12 \\'Ol'k. call Sterllna for ~ C.~1. P0t>I Ofc. Blvd, C.M. Rew·d. 548-0..lJS Sl2.50 . :17.50 brightness! 64~
8 lalO l..ab-Spanl mix, female!, Jloct:rs Bf!11.uty World 1A ONO
L\DIES ~ ... net. Vic Center blk w/ wht chest. Vic CM. So. Coast Plua. 516-19!l0 D ~1 Is 3 carpolll best
St -· Cal friend ! Diamond Carpet • ... ru or 3td Ave .. Laguna 1 6U-34t!O SUN srCN ASTROLOGY Clea.Mol'S. 645--Ut7
&lat.h, Fri ll/I. Valuable OlAR female German I fteli t
pap erL llc!wmL .C!B-2369 Shepherd, blird & gentle, in ~~~ .1de:ai:: QIJAWTI' Carpel cleanin;.
•ft. 6. Lag Sch. Re\.\-"artt. 4!14-2193 C.11 the St.in Sian, 67&-66&1
CALICO Calin Aloha Palms RE\\' ARD-Boy's s eh w I nn days or m-.1140 art. 5.
If you'v• found what
you're looking for
in tod1y'1 PILOT Cles sifi•d Adi.
Give that p•rfy with th• item or items
for tale • phon• c.111. Chances ere it 's
iu1t wh•t you've b•en w1tchin9 th• Went
Ads for. All +hit's l•ft is to make an
offer. How can you lo1e1
Thii ii just •nother of the gr•tt thin9t
1bout th• PILOT Clttslfla~ ••cfion .•.
it f•tds you to the b•r9tin1.
'Trlr Park. W &. 16th. C.r.t . gm Stingra,y, vie Nwpt Hrbr For Dally Piloc Want Ad•
Jte:w'd, 548-8)15 HI M::h. 5-18-«m 011\l W.stm fm' RESULTS ·===========================
BABYSITfER, 8: 30-5: ~ or
11:30-5:30, my h ome .
BABYSITI'ER for inlant:
weekday morns, nly home.
Lite housekt>eping. 833--0131
B1\BYSTTTER; girl. 8:31).
5:30, l'lton lhru 1''ri, 111y
house in Laguna. 4~1--56.)3
BABVSI'ITER -2: 31).mid·
night, 5 da)'l' '"k, Im::! Sat &
Sun; for 2 mo old. Call belr
2: 30 p.n1., MS-967•
BA B Y S tTrER-:'.1esa del
~tar. trncl 21a yr boy, 1n
your hQme. lnleriniitent.
BABYSITI'ER. m 8 t u r c ,
Christian woman for local
church. sun .Uf .\. EVE &
Wed EVE. 96l-2.111
&nking ~
Shortha nd, typ1n, and &:el)-
cr<l.I oUicr.
S\\1ng ithifl. One. year key.
punch <'X0flt'r1ence dt'!li.rable.
19700 Jo1 mboret Road
Newport Beach
E:qual oppor1un11y f:mployer
'\'t require a r.u,1, accurate
typist. pretaaboly w I t )I
•horthai1d !or cor.
1't'Spot\t1t nCf, r e ll o t t t.
.11\."ll ('t"ln~ pllClne Jiil!"! llUmf!
~"l'l O<:ean .\\,. bkk1i~. \\',. 11.l..>0 l'Nf1tire •
l...aauna Beach STAT ISTICAL T)'PIST tor
494.&>16 r t p or1 11ork whic h
BEAUTY OPERATOR ll l"C (') SJ (a I ~s Ulll"ll • ct1INla1or
Busy Costa P.fl!SI Shop J OllN Gi\r.F:.Y c, A'"'',..,..,., TOP PAY 546-3361 "' ~ ~ '°",,.-~-;--..,-~------I .i020 N1>.,..'fl')l'I Rlvd., N.B. \Vhilf' ell"ph.8n!.s' 01n1P..,,.-iln--•il~1 6i:}J.lJl
" l.
. • I
' ' I
' I
" I
' . -. -0
' p
' 1
I ,, *
:· D
' I
' '
' 0
' t
' '
Ci , ,
" ,.
c • G •
• -
-· -.
-oasa-1MP1.0vMINTJO~ar;~;°Ye~~Lb;Y~~llllHT:~·~·;~~~-~~LO~Y~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i~ Jobo · -.. w.m. 11• ~b· i.w.. w..-.. n•h1~~~111~M~-~~~-~-w.~"""~~1~1D!l~f~~~~~~~~~;s;~~~~~~:1~
;' a.rical ---·' _,.,..,_ I; ~a · 1 • , , BOlln""''-.mN
:: At~!!~~:;f~K-P~!._fltl~~.~":'; ::: ... 11.,,.•abToch-J, C.JJ9:!i':9J.1Co.mf&/,W. ROUTE SALOME. ff. ,., ,.,.Inc ,,.,.,;u bom coJcu. prelm'ablo or Will troln . ' 1'a&lllcid NowpGl'I llellCb •
:· .!Atmr u.,. -.. ,,.,,...a _, -·m••~ln• .nlcl•n1,1tu&nttpt. · Hu •, ~-One of·U.liaraeatana .. ~ _,,.., ""' .....,. _.._ t.<r.d, bvt not ,,... Koy pooll,_, _1,., retail compqlU bu a nMd for tlepu-
. ...,.U -AccouDdns Lquno Biid> -.,..,ry, • -F'r ' • : , ·, dablo, ~ men to late -.S :;~~lf.::-!\: .....,:' e!..,.,""" Call~ • Pornwiont Mo~n Me~ Ma11191Nllt Trell--lllJS. 1ESSE'. , ,. : 1 servlct w.u...tab!Wl!Od roulel In Ille
"' .... tull ~"· tzwa,.._ • r11 .. Mach ... ~'!nt:£:..~~...u.,.~~o':.:l.°!: ' . DISllWASllEIS'I" 1.': ="·=·~r.c·~=-
• ,.
Neat appe&raDCe, a.nd Pl!J'.''o"REAll!'°""'"'""Jo1>~.-,,11«p,.--,....-.-~-i-.: \ll._.._ ~ .. -d ••• to be ~ ....
...,.... -job u wife • PRECISION 1.....-: • dos!ri tO,particlpate In ..... more ·-· avuagt:-', . ~~~"."'~ 0~~~ cAn1Nas · ~~:5nf±@;!=~~ •BA~rDr =~~{~ta~
' GtJLTON 11'DUS'nUES -., ....... ~ -· P' 'CENTI' gram. Our policy of pro on from wt ftJ&nUIJW week, '1ltr abort .......... Wllb • l&H Whittier Ave. mt neat. --~ It £_.. -"' makes thb padicularly attractlve. · ~·v · ... ..--·-· ! . ~-~..._ ,._,,. dependable. 1:'I... --''d bUt COSTAME•A ~· · ' · ' -~ -~ -~~ -ApPLY IN 1'RRSON • amn.,. medL:::J •Ian, lilt ····. • •• Equal """°"""'"' empt.,.., not ,...d. Small _... !!!!!!!'!'!''""''""''""'"!!~I APPiy In po....., ~ ""'" .,, ..., ,....
a.<1< ..,.., cte... --aood GENERAL. ID AM to S PM Monday thru S.tvtday "' sick pa,y. , • -
FEMALE cleri< apply In -.... ,, • bcmllta. PRESENl'ABLE uslstant "'' J, c. P-y·s -REUBEn. E. LEE • VehlClo With expeDJU p&ld.
Drive-I •Liquor 106 Diie ~ :rnl1 S. Commacia1 video unit New _ ISi Eail c .. lf Hlthway e Ealablllhod accounts. , • , =:, °'"" ~ighw'ay, _H_•t..,.Iad_•"''':::s.nta==-=~-...,..,,,, Ellhor .i.e. #24 Fublon Island, Newport Beacli ..._rt llHch e UpfoSweekavacaUonperyear-, .
"'""""""" BdL * DRIVERS * ........ -""'· vm An equal . .....,.0mt1;r ..,p1.,... ·-·.-• Advancemerit Into IIUlll8gemeul. or ,,..,. •xporlence usef\tl. • Retirement at age 57.
a.EAlIDIG la<IY w • • '"d No Experience Wllllng 10 team """ to -j~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!~"f.!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ I • Security and Independence. ~ d.t.Y/wk. S2 hr, ALSO 00-N I a must.I 'l'mnmloos fuh.n'9 Jobe Mion. w-7100 Jooho ,., . Jolq 'IMn. Wom. 7100 Jol»-IMn. wom. 7100 Cuional owrnight babysit-tcessaty in boomini t n du at r y . ...... 1111111 M91t, Worn. 7111
tu. El Toro. 830-5591 Must bav. tleu Califomia ~Dt abWty llelpful. • •• OPERATORS ••• Re:sauranl
COCKTAIL Glrl ... the drlvlnc """"1!, A.W Salary open. Age to '5. AV HOUSEKEEPER ·.UV. in, 2 MAil>, !u1J time. Ex-aood In ...... ....no FEMALE HELP
For complete Details and lnlervlelr C811
774-0330 'or Apply in person Tuer., Wed., Thur~, Fri. • · • Fabalow> rune. No !bod. 5 YELLOW CAB CO. Tralnlnc Ind..-"""293 oilul" lo N.E. Santa Ana ~ In ....... OJotad &Dd OYldocl>a. Good pJe<:o PART·TD<E :t.l AM-2 PM
nttn, 145 E. l90l St.. CJd. 186 E. 161h SL r--· I p--'-~lon opl Rm, boanl l aood AJ. --.... at the "°"' -m.dy """'-ldNI for Mothen wilh cbJld.
l . full timie aftemooa
and ~ning shift •••
t • P8J1 time. , ,
Ovtt lB ~ o1 age,
Expierienoed orete~
Cmta Mesa ....... ,. '~1 MY. 5U.flll JAMAICA INN 80TEl. EDDY MOS.! µGa Locust ren afa:Ulw ti.ct to .:boot.
FEMALE HOU-Expe• ME.CoutHwy Sl.,W-5SU!31, UolfonmA--....i. ENTERTAINMENT No erpeorit!noe ~ .___,..... £o0~ • • n......-_._, ••--"--ta-~-. ~-~
ar ,. __ .. _ t ,._,.... ...._.....!,Kl ~ ORDER TalmrL Wonien -'--' \..L ...... -~
Pop • ...,. """'•· SUD • Apply In .,.,...., --· --... -... -·-· McDONALD'S
"""'-n11eo tti. WIDTE THE HARTLEY CO. area......,,. '";::rt'""" !ull-.;;:;;:-::: = '=.';".;';',; of HARBOR, INC. 1000 E. Ball Road, Anaheim -· •• ::,.OO:, ~""t! ~ lil8l Pl•co•tia Ave. INS1RUCTRESSES KEN NILES MOTIL ""'· Salary $1.6$ h r . 3141 Rulooo: Blvd., C.14. 111!!!'!.!!!!!!!!!;;;~~;~;~;;;~!!i!!l
· ' Costa Mesa YOWi&, ma.l.\Jre aidl able to 1021 8a,ys1de Drive, NB 547-1323. • ~3 9 lobe M«I. Wom. 7100 lohe Mlle. w-. 7100 ~ABLla~ ~ General Office meet the public. Must bl! Maid, over n Full or put. PART-Time AMfPM. p hr, Restaurant
ean.r oppt <15-63113 to $425.IO ·-wi\h • -time. $1.7" hr,._ .... car. Open ....n -· Ancleet Moriner -~ Drat•••
Sewn! ·-tw --A ~. Apply in penon Lquna Shoft.a; Mo t e J , accta, no -5tS-8f01 work. Inquire LqUilil 8-eb ~-enood In--·--·-H .d H Ith s DOW tatcm, --'" UNUSUAL ':"~'-_ _._._ -Good .. 1-typist in beach Utt and 011 ·~ ti pl 49t-85%1 PHOJ'O.lab tecb. Must have Full • ••R "-·, .... _ .. . hlter'kn, lO:aD &. CDut Appb' bd, 2:30 a: 4 p.m. .. .... VVQ~ _ Santa Ana Call Lon.inf! ~-., _.. uun:: ....., • Hwy;lDOflllnp. ......
v.'Ul"k prioH.. steady wen. • • 230o Harbor. Blvd. MAIDS exp. ~ !ftUme PO box eW!I shlfta.. I ::::'""'~.::;,,,~,.;;;;..;;.....1 COCO'S
2lJl We1tcli.tt,, N.B.
(1 Tth • Irvine)
EDDY MOSS ,_ Loout "~'W ""=';! ~ • O.ta..... • FUlJ,Tlme, ..-hotel, ... Hun-Bcaoh. • KITCHEN HELP .Opportun1"t·y SER~ ~-'ft. Sl, W•""""''"" .5M-8138 el';.mo "' " . e JANITOR e Lacuna Beach, ""ll96 e DISHWASHER N.;, bi;:J;. b"'-"." -
Factwy T,.,,... $1 .65hr Ge..,.. Ma-man. No ..,,.."'°"' MAINTENANCE mechanJc. POLICE CLERK I e BUSBOYS The lndepcndeot Order of ~led......,. sta.
WOMEN Collep ltudent p/t work that l'l@Cel5U7. we will tn.in. ~ .I: pl~b~ Qp. Apply in penon Foresters have opened a tlon. Ex;erlerice 'clliidnd ••c-.,...-------·lr~ -ty to .~---...... __ , ..... Free-•· unflnmq fUm. --...,...cdp ol ...... to•"t por month :l607 W. O>ut u..,., ,_ offk:e In~ Co<n> "~ -~-· -•·~ 1 1· uvuu -..... a.uv ...... -.:. can ......,l~ to )'OW'..,._ ,_......, ... :=__ ..,..... ·-" hand air tooll nee. Htch .,.. ..,, Newport Beach b' Requlie tatdlia ~ • ._...,. --~ P u
Pleasult 1ftlfldng oonditiona. ies,• ;l!.Q per hr auar. to .~·c-~""C: = Aa:~ adKd -" .. •--·••a. Co. ,,;. • ent man ' I"™ comm!.....,_. wltll
FRY COOKS ABILrrlES ••R ca PH 5<&'339 --· -a._ -~---~ CITY OF RESrAURANT ASS JS T . 2S ' '9, Coll.,.. mt neo. .,.,.ileDt -\Jeo tor UNLIMITED AGENCY •-., r n@C. : a.t: McDonalda ol lluntillaton 0.ta Mesa. 3021 Nl!WpOrt NEWPORT BEACH MGR. with -.·eoot tor eaary, Sh 0 u 1 d have ex. advancement :r or » FULLER BRUSH co. Beach. 16866 Beach Blvd. Blvd. C.M. nf.MS.330J. ""T exp. perlence In meettnc publk. -488 E. 17th St., SUite 224 Geoenl new fuWood restaurant In Dipi&d llte time pceitlon. formation contact DMl"'O",
Top waces, perma"ii:nt, hon· Cast& Mesa 642-1410 EXPERIENCED turnltuft 847-9100 MAINTENANCE ~a one year ot recenl C 0 1 t a Mesa. Xlnt Cl()-Eami..ne commencer ~ ~ ._ Adami, Bw.
esl, aod good working coo-FACTORY woric. light, male man ._ drl¥tr full time JANITOR Wanted: Maintenance man. clmcaI experierx:e, 50 wpm portunl.ly for advancenent. lately, Sftxilcl. he in excess tincton ~
dltklrw In UN'.s leadii)g clean cut, lll to 25 approx_ Military ~tiotts fllled: run tlmr. MUlt apply in typlnc. lAltial aul,gnme!al to Ml-«m •kd&YL al. $250 w~. SER.-sta. Exp. Salaly.+ )°"
ttttaurant. Apgly 9 am to s Mtth or Er.:-apptitOOe Call KJ..Z50 Pl!nlOD. Jamaka lml Mote.I, the ewnl.-lhlft. Apply be-comm. o/tlme PQ' aft Cl
pm fat intervie..· at d8irahle. 548-4711 OR 2101 E. Coast HWy., O:roM. fore 5 p.m.. Sept. 12. 1969 to Seto Bett7 Broee al Telephone bl!twttn 10 am • 4 hrs. "111/t. Pinn. M z.
MANNING'S Fac&my ~~for bouaework. Wed JANITRESS ~~led with ear for ~~S:c~~a:e: m f> pm. Mon. thru J"ri., hr..,. "'c.t::RVH'iiwy:i'f-NB.Si&i;;;n':ijiQiiiif
COFFEE SHOP ~~ s:::rl:~. ~ P/time art 5 pm, Men.Fri to n ..... mua newspaper l'OQtie, port Blvd., Newport Beach. /tM Wee polntmentM...1101 ~VI~-statlan ·~nc
24031 El Toro Rd. IJT JABSCO ..,,..,49 .. work In CM. NB or rmn. H.B. area. Phone 846-:Im Callt., <n4l 6'J3.<633. _.._ f" Cueer G..,. •·•·· 3928 E. Cout Hwy, OllC
Lcl11Jft Worirt La&w>a HJJJ. r---•· .,..._A~-at lTlSl-2C Sky. MANAGER " u 1 Ia t. ~o W ~---· N 8. -•· 8371014 ~~-·~ POLICE ~ · ~ ••• ,. · E -••-•·lo SERVICE atalloo ,-..,. !==~--.,--·~-,,...,~ PLEASi.NT N t Lady for park Circle, Irvine. 541).19'1tt manaatr pmitlorm: avalL ill e1 appo!nt. .... x-"'"'• -1 Expel' neu See-"MDm''
' COOK. """"· far reliel. 3 MATERIAL llonloh Cott..·~ ..... : A• JANITOR FULL TIME food ·-· C.M. ...... OFFICER ~ ;:!" .:::.... """'::; '678 o.. ... ·n.. NB • • ~A~ J'"~· SHOP HANDLER & = .:;::;:' "" Rm!· Flv• days a week ~ ... :'S..~ c.n.;: '1,!.~ !:.~~ Sllca Do You Take '1.2.0CXI p1,,. -'""' 2 ;... SERVICE Sta-11\0"'a'"'
5'2 w. l9lh. C.M. APPLY 5'7-253& <SALESMEN --.......... -See -.m <lXlK -HOUSEKEEPER. TRUCK DRIVER Genenli -ment CITY OF lm'Y old nat'I '°· 8.a1ncu Campus Dr, N.8. or.......,...,, O<Intl ro. 2 RETIRED man, pert time e DESMOND'S e MJD.MANAGEMENT NEWl'OltT BEACH WANTED) orwea_..._ Sawing Machmo
&d l NB. W · D ;1.. Preftt .ICltne .. ._....._ for goU atwJp. Apply Costa #3 ,...,_,_ '"-'-~ Trainee with a -1'" ot altf Can't No trawl, ll&mt ~ , .n--a--
u ts. nte a..,,-...... ,-.---~ Mesa Golt Ranae. 2717 ..,.., ~... •--• -.. .. -~-.., ..... 1 •• ., Iha•,• 1-"·-· -· 1 r·• itief. Equal OllPOl't. ftll"'1•, -:::!::'00'~.,.·-l Pilot -P 0>4. In ~ fadlio N...._ S.•cl> Career opporlwtlty. No ex· ~~ --~ ----~ -~ ,_ -,... ·-ty. Opttalel tori:: lilt. Newport Blvd, CM. e e perienol neceuary Millt:aey Hons available with Pl'Oll"H'-lowed a kw myself only to N. A. Nlela.n apcrtswear. Top pq. 163
• OOUPLE to manage~~ driwseompaeytruck, GENERAL JANITOR obllgatlonl comPlete d , sMt pol1c9 department ex--be dllappolnted. 'Ibe job m :nioo Prod\ad:kJnPl.NBS4&(8(8
ed 14 unit apt Call f9M453 Part Time 7 AM to 11 AM Permanent, tun time. Starting salary, $U5 per Pandina in 11• and IC.'OJle d aeldom lived up to t..'le SALES SEWERS ~ Apo '
bdore 7 p.m. only GOOD BENEFITS AND or I AM to Noon. No Sellbl&. IS' • uDE R week ,,_ t• ""' activity. u-·1-mients m. claim1 ln the ad. THE LOOK .. 1 .. .....: ;,.-A , : __
CUSTODIAN WORKING <DNDmONS ......,. « 5M4EO MOTOR HOMES Tri;;";,., n., dud• ,., .. :-w-;,.., -• DO YOURSELF ~..!:;""'"for lharp llrtl ,:'. l'i:.d;'. m-ll3l ... -~~=== Vit; Equal OppoltQDity G~N.ERAL; Full er P8l't 2135 Canyon Dr., a.ta Mesa 541-TJU ;:~21~ ~·a.2: " A FAVOR! Muit ~ h1ah SEWING rwhine aperUcn.
crai}eeduca&n,goodcha.r-Empla;ytt 1 ~~-~t!._T~ MASSEUSE d~L 1boae qU&litied AND faablon dre1aea .I: Exp'd.topPQ",id"ealcmd.
actor.: Apply by Sept, Zl, KITCHEN STAFf *QUALIFIED -roport tor the ntXt EXPLORE 1porl1we1r. For ap. lSlllMmlnMa.C.M:-... W 't ~ -•d D"-AY e GIRLS e To-!Adlew OllQ>. •ual -_., k, ••1 .__I .... •. ... en exam _,., ~. ,_ -w WANTED ,.~ .• ·-· ~--.~ wrllten ... ~ 6:30 ...... Set> THIS ONE' m .,... i.,, -•PP"'I--...... _lwy CX>STA MESA, CALIF, 92£26 BARMAIDS $170 WEEK · .......... -.-~ ..... ~-aui tember 11, 1S&9 at CJty HaJl. • 6"--20 33 1'uhion lal&nd. Stady. ~ •
WESTMINSTER sarooL (ntl ~ PLUS TIPS. DANCERS haw dty l.loemR. ~ * Council Owunberw, 3300 U you would like to mab NB Shop MechaftSc
DI.SI'. Factor)' $100 DAY. JHE ply in penon forlntavtew· NeWpert Blvd., Newport $250. per week immediately. SALES CLERkS El.dub' lettlJ...n.thd man W
• 141'1 c..i.n..od Ave., S....._ The p52.'.~ Cuh Hollday Hoalth Spa , "!<ob. ~ N~ aPf1ll-Wt\h an, opJOOrtuni" . tor Male, full A -time, for ahop. -Neil' .. •FQJllon
;"" Westrnins~r •vr•a "' NEWPORnD INN 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. qdon nec:'_!'I_'! -~ tD biuclr mmw In, the future, Rundniton Center. New-l1land. Jila1t b.• · OclJvery l>lan Warehouseman HAIRSTYLIST IUl Mechanic wanted. test. For 1unmr Imo. cob> ?would UJte to talk to YoU. port Crntu Apply· mechanicab7 tndlned ~
PART at Full time. Must be Experience required tn itor. with followin& fDr exclu.s.lve UnloB 16 Station tact Penonnel OUk::e <n4) U YoUt qUaltficattom. m.tdl The To&acconlrt Inc. pl,y I.a penorL
neat&: clean. lAguna Beach ~activity !n prttlsion me-aak>n. CdM, NO abam-1roo Newport Blvd. C.M. 673-6633. our requittmentl, thll could Hunttncton 'C.enttt, NEAL'S ··
Furniture, 260 Forest Ave, chanical componeot&, "1.th pooine. We have shampoo 1107 JamborM Rd. MF.CHANIC In motareycle bt-th! careeT )W've beoen Huntington Beach 219 E. 4lh SL
Lag Sch knowledge ot Kardex aJld stn. 673--3113J Newport &.•ch, Callf. lhop. Must have tool&. l6lll POLICE ~or be~~ SAi.XS _ F.arn money with santa Ana . · ' · * * DELIVERY BOY * '-abUity to read blueprinta, Newport Blvd, CM RESERVE OFFICER cn4) 534-l70l no inveatment. s a r ab STOCKROOM Gtrt. Unfbm
Canyon Auto supply ~hr min, 9."0l'k week HOS'llSS • Kltchen Steward MEN or women aper. in Coventry needs full &: rentals ap. belpfllL wm
• -843 an:.dwa,y, Laguna Bch. Profit ~ F'UIL TIME • 2 Fry Cooks direct sales .t: In hatJd.. Requires n to a )'ear::~ S&IH F • ' part.time help, No del.lwry; train. H.d .. ~ . :
: o:,;..AL ... :!" ... .:~ I. c. Carter Co. Nights • -k•ndl : ~l'.'l,~ .. ~; =·~=. ~/~ ~ i~ .!'~:~.~= * a ntasllc. :.:,: For .......... call YOuNG: ~ •.....
front desk exp. Send resume Murt be over n F rood t .aal 150 lbs. ' 11 the ~ tor thlt national Sain pgny, needr teller/new ao.
& qualifications to Box P· 671 W. 17th St. or men, op ary, MOTHERS Mlper ..mt WritteD test S:30 p.m., Wed., company 1 new program for Salet1per90n for stereo tape counts Pt,· 1 "'·J )Tl. ap,
9'12. Daily Pilot. Coat a M.sa Apply between ll &: S aecurity, fi~=th program IChool girt+ Hte d~. Mon Sepr. 17, 1969. Qty Hall Southern Calllomia.! We ttore, ~ 1r put time. Jftf'd. Pleuut. small ol·
DENTAL ASSlSTANT SU-3421 FIVE CROWNS Mr Oscar Zl.nc thnr. '111.ur M, Fri 1-11 am. O:nancn OWnbers, 3300 New-oeed 536-6561 ftce aln>olplirn In· Juae.
21.JS yn. X·Ra.1 831-19:11 RESTAURANT Exttuttve Otet Own tranap. t:iCJ wt. &lbol port Blvd., Newport Bea.ch, -OISI'RIB1.1J'ORS 8aJel beautllul IUl'fWDdhlp. ~-•
Mia. V~jo. An equal opportunity 3M1. E. Pacific Coast Hwy. between 9-U am or i-4 pm Bay Clab 548-2479 Calllomia -MANAGERS MAKE atra Wi Cactact: Mr. t.w
DENTAL Cb a ir-S ide employer Corona Ml Mar Motel ltlanapment For .&11Uon.J tnlarmatioll -sALE9IEN" train. Set your ":7~ DOWNEY SAVINGS jj
A&sistant. Semi your ..ark LAB TEC NICIAN Ymn&" aKiple wanted ID call or come to PenonneI -&LESWOMEN C& w 6th. Tustin SH-.2:112 LOAN A&50CIAT'.Q.( " reaane and qua.Jilieat:iom FACTORY Trainee (!bift ro-Hostea..Chauffeur for H ~ small motet. l BR. Office cn4) 613-eil3. :~ATIVES ~UU.. Aae. l>40, a-837...mt • lliMiDD Vle)I
, to: Box M..M4 Daily Pilot tatloal and shipping ~rk ServlC9 Dept. 25 or TRAINEE ~v~:.:~m c:' ~mo. Prot.11Jonel Th1I i& a rut croond floor perienced tn knlttiIW 1: TtmPotVY Jobi
, DENTAL a:.s&istaat.. or a I dccy1. Shift wort. FERRO older. Mu1t be a good PEDO-OR'nlO >.PPLlANC ....... -. EmploymMlt opponunity with a IOlld au crocbetlne ean The Knit-Western Giff Inc.
llt1l'ge1'Y otflce, x·ra.Y l!:XJI. <X>RP., Fiberglass Division, driver 11nd hold a vaa.. ES. Send complete work. NURSE AIDES Asalat•nu ma.Uc electronic equlpmenl Wit, So. Cout p 1a11 a , NOW ln Newport Beach! Rec·
548-7719 188U Flberglaaa Rd., Hunt. Id Calif. llcitnsa. S.. babbiea and 1nt.ett1ta resume Day 1: PM ahitts. COASTAL AGENCY firm that offers 545-2812 tar interview. tater today far lnterHttnl
DENTAL Receptioni!t, e:I• Bch. Mr. Hinman to Dally Pilot Box M905. Ex.pertencie preluttd. A meer,:, HIGH SALESLADY IOl' BaJ&:uy. :m:"'im!.~:ii*"Jt. ~
• perienced. Nev.-port Beach. FAC'I'ORY work, I I g b t, LADIES 19 lo 'ro earn sz; to APPLY SmlUna ' Inc. I __ .,... Atternoom U. PM
646-5411. femal•. 18 .. 25, !u1J or port *CARVER PONTIAC SlOO -c I l t an I Lquno ::;;'" .::.."" Home :mo -Bl, CM -m ...... , •at• m Marboe, IIolboo IL il6r Mc.l:\h1r Blvd.
0.1l9Mr time. 548-42ll 2925 Harbor Blvd. CM Ltngm.e. F.qual 0 P P 0 rt • NURSES .>JDES l Lm PRESSER Eam ltCJS 6tM686 SJ!~ 314. NB ~tJ~.:!nt!8°i:~~ Food • em~e :::.~ Experienced. ~in&n:F":u"::.a~ 546-3050 ~=-~":~~mu tn.
Ageoey, 20U WHlcliff Dr.. -THE-~WAITRESS No dperience neoessary 56-3061 Valier locatkm. PboD• Sele. ne.at In_ appearance. See t.mlted IQ~ tmde.
N.B. 645-2TIO NEWPORTm INN Muot be n. Apply In.....,. H.B. "°"""" Num"" . . ...._.,,. ...._ ATTENTION Jim, 2590 N"""""" CM. Jl(uat ..... ioo<J-......
• DISHWASHER • .-3 P.M. ll: <:apWo UF'E()UAltD, -~ N=...,,. ""'"'· .,,,,....,..... Real Estate Sales HOUSEWIVES .......... w.m..i GOod Pl1. hOoefita. S"'"'1 CHECKER/CASHIER Jac:k'1 Restautant, 18121. S::lt, Sr. llfto:sa.ving req'd. H ~ van 1'ull·time. Apply Jack• 1 ~t. &l&-T12L '
Hotel Restaurant Expel'-BeaCh Blv., Hunt. Beach. WSI priefernd. To apply, ,.._~, t H "'t·" ~rt--• aa1 for McDonald'• FamUy R!ftall-Mel'l!Wttl' 23189 El Toro Rd. HixeoJi Metal F1nlsbinS
ienced only need apply. call 837-6050 ext. 205 ....,..,v .. etcen 05P ..... ~-~ espenon .rant. have poaldonl avail-<Le"ltur. Warid) -~-
ReUel shill, five dill Houeekeeper 8382 Newman Ave. buly San Clemente office, abJe' tar women. Work in W Al1RESS
ATTENTION LINOTYPE Hunt Sch. · MU5l1 Free teleplxme -· lot> dean, pt.uant ............ SALESMAN Exper. 5 e P 1 EXPEIUENCID
*FULL TIME * EXPERIENCED N1~~::=~ ~~·If, ~~.!!';...,.:~TOR. Put~ .. i!."~..;L!!! u ~.::..·::.i·~~'."'"' ~ = ~ ~ ~~~ Cbly. Apply In Ponoi\ THE RIGGER !Contact Bobbie"""") -+ aalary.UtJht-. Llw-ln, --.. permanent dcd< in Edi"" Ellene. M-RellJy 00.U. U '°"have chlldrel> SECRETARY SUR~ & SIRLOIN mptnr and ~. Own Ute duUet, ~ far ial Office• o( the DAILY 1S2t No. ,El CarnU» &sl wm i.tte:nd achool and )'OU $414 mo lteqnlrement9: U.S.
#15 Fashion tsJand
Newport Beach
Fry Cook car tb:tra~. 133-UiOO ext. room le baud. 645-41'7U Pnm Some t)'p1nc .and San Oemente would like to eam up 10 dtlsenlhip 1 yn ltellO ex. 5930 Pac. Cat. HwJ ..
2229. M•cldnb" ~ 'Gp.nenoe helpM. " call oollect "" IOPl llOJllper month d....,. you< per, type 45 Wpm. lh\hnd to Now port _,, • .' ~;ope:>'~ I~ time Houekeeper e Punch Prest & Must have car. Houn 6 AM (D4) 49'Ul.Cii spue time, apply at: -wpm; APPb' by Sept lJ, 'I&; WAlTRESSESNIPt 1 llfl t t . 1~ s: El CmnJno.. SM a URGENTJ IJve tn or out e Multl•Ude Oprs. to a PK. MondQ thfou&:h Rl'XEPI iONIST • Secftt&ry, MC DONALD'S Wrltm1 exam Clll Sept X. "9. Hospital. nrslCal. · rM41caJ.
Apply in penon Mothl!:riea borne., Mature To sm per wttk. Appb Friday. , Fut crowint di. detlrn, 16886 Beach Blvd .. HB WFSl'MINSTE!\ SOIOOL dental plan. Appf1 •In DISHWASHER / KJTCHEN Foreign Car Mechanics woman onb".J boyi 'I .I: t. Tony Ducbl. NO PHONE CAU.S. young ladlel w/ pboM exp. Sales DIST. peraon. ROWAJt.D•S
JIELPER {Male) Steady Good co. beneflll. incl paid lt6-7365 &U-l'm eve a . WTLCO TOOL & DIE Dilly Pilot Can hlndle c:urtame:i:s. Ute COSMETIC ' 1'121 Oedtrwood Avenue, RMaunat, «m.. W. Cit
job, Day-Shift Top "'8.gel. vacaHon. lf'OUP ins. Wit. 545--39'l2 3190 Pullman Lane 330 W. Bay St. typlna'. SalaJ'y ope D. SALESWOMEN .Weltznlnstt.r Hwy, NB.
Cd )V~ ,~ 2-+ tonns fumilbed tree. Good HOUSEKEEPE8. live in ~ta Mna. 540-5432 Costa Meta 540-8681 Experhlncetl preferr.I SECRETARY w --IJTRESS~~-.-Coc:ktallof;---. -... -•
JWIQIO SAN JOAQUIN comm. """'ule. ""' ... .,....,,_ -NB azu Rocpt/Typllf to $400 Euellent henellta. Full U-4 ylS ....... --~~ "' pertenoed Cbly. Call a.,
Goll, Cou:rwo. pttn .CUl\l'l!r Jae MOl:ft Ph. 540-l7&4, 2 tttJ'llaCen. W~ ·'119'ftb :i Jobs M.n, Wom. 7100Joba Men,. Wom. 7100 Xlnt future for ~ mm w/ APP17 in pumn. PtnDMeJ lePI be~ "'-Voll be La..U at . : I!-~I.rviot, Jll", UCI. l'RONT DeM-ckrk, aper. am.I. child ok. Prefer wxlel" .ome otc bklmil Lom, So. omce. · ieucutlw oJJbt-.. HUNTINGTOl'f ~ * DISHWASHER PBX. -motel In 45. 531.-145 MANUFACl\JllNe u ore. can Diane.~ J, W. ROBINSON MISS EXEC AGENCY e ...-e • · * BUSBOY 1.quno IJeadL "'"'521 HOUSDiEEPE!i -1.1veolli, PRODUCTION J~ BEST CW W. Cout ~" WAITRESS tor & doli .l. needed' at J'RY(l)()K wanted. Exp'd. bdJ -. ........... cpl, Employmeot Aao<1 Fuhlon Uland, N.B. Newport Bcaeh -,_tlw, oxp'd tt.a AP!ll>
A1LEY WES"r top...,... muat ...... -11 yr 'dlltlbi.r. m-«191 TRAINEES' ruqSo. llaln, Sa"nlAAM Equal..,...,...., •m.....,. Secrctar>"'-lotloollt In penon. be;.....,'t ,.._,
2106 Ocanfront Bayalde Im\ ~ FW::Wc evea. ~ Rtltlurant Help =~ lor Attr1 std .for ch:U ~· am. inc Placentia Aw, CM.
Newport Buch 6'1'5-1D4 O.UlH.,.,N.B.'73.(1934 HSKPR.-Ooolt.companlodfor l"OUNGtdothrr«at\ldent"to ~~--:':cs.. :.:sa~~~ Mq W~ .I: OXXJ'AIL
DISHWASHER. -Full time. . e1dert)' lady, ttve-ln, · work btwn ll t.m-2 pm. ' ..-~·-WAITRESSJMmLamt.
AWlj' ODIE'1, 112 E. 17th FULL-Time maids. ft!Q't 1'1Dfbou1I. .W,. Mo i NO EX'ElltNCE NECl:SSA•Y. ti TO JI Y!AlS. Mm.rrt, ·.tutlrw P91' SJ.CS tor a aatloDlllly-ed.wrtt.c) !WIM'750 1'03 ~ AVI. ~
St., a.ta Mesa hotel, Lquna Beech. mxite or drink. Pnm. HIGH SCHOOL WUDUATE. IF YOU HAVl THIE-''· hr + tnta1a. .APPt;y any ~~w ,!.«~~ SECTY, LEGAL a.ta MS M1-a3.
• D ~ _ 1\ G4-ll.9fj --TITUDE. WE Will TlAIH YOU. 'ElMANlNT lM· -1-beet' 10 am. Jack In ..,...,,.,..., • _.._ r..... ..___ ~ • "'"""' -~=~="='"-"'""'""'I :. ra.,.m1._r. ~ ,LOYMEWT EXCEUENT O,POlTUNITY FOR AD-;:;;; 38$ E. l'ltb St, CM. SA.LES. SER.vtCE Station i:' .... ~ -~ = WAJ'.1'R&SS .u • trl It•
1 Expendlftl lalld dewlopme.nt General EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER n" a. VANCEMENT. F.qu.l ~ Empbr •le1m&n. Elcp'd, ap no ~ 60. iht4 T . ~ -= ~
• ::;: N~ ~~ • FINISHED '..'!" .,;.:""' °"""' ciel INTERVIEWS MON. THRU ~·-Rellaumt b•"1•1" ran ..... '""'7+ MISS axa:c AGENCY N ....... ;,.... , •
~OU I ~-to SPS w • nosn:ss. CASlllER --Stalloo. -GD"· Cout HIPirv C,';Q' ~c;n~a.. CARPENTERS HOUSEKEEPER, llw • tn. estern e.BUSllOYs I.NI tlml) El 1"" Rd., LqWOll Hllla. N ........ --WAITllEllS, -IL ,.,
W•Ua •t ,...7140, • WALL MEN """· nn A be\h. 2 chJltlrm A;oJ>ly lo -.,, MLES: SECllLTARY . LEGAL. Ship A!Jollruot.•L Otool.
DIAL dlte<t ..,.__ °"1le JSL'uDER l'ln. Vall. M>-1154 tlOTEL LAGUNA. KNO~ si..... ~ Los Bc:ll. 491-:lllD ~ "'""''"'"~ 2JOI So H L __ r __ .._ _.._ ta-•-Beach t " _,_ --co., WIJ?ERS.,W1ttre..awa, ,;,., ad, thm oil ha!"' and MOTOR HOMES ...,.-o:;-:=.-'t. port V~ · ""°'• _,,a ,,.,. = """"""" .... -. ••~~" -%121 E. Oo11t 11"1'· Q 4 ii.
il.-t.n 1D \he --· 2U!I ""'''"' Or., o.i. ,.,... =~ ~ ~ ~H iod.l.i o•lollM4rfr.'t1o1 ... .m.: Whlto eleplw1t.J ~ ~ Call ""· ""'" Dial -... RCSULTI -· -. .... d. -..,, llllJJOI' ••••••••••••••••••• ,
• •
• •
• ....... ' . ··-
$60 ... l"""tory ~ F ine Fumltur.
Mnt le Sold NOW I
B•n\ T enns Stor• Cherg• Mest•r Cherg•
BenkAm•rictrd-All Accepted
0,.., f.f dalfy, Sat. t-6. Sun. 10.s. 541·t66D
,;;;;;;-.-;;;;;;;.....,.-~-~-;;-;;;-::;:-:::-=-=-:::"=-::~~·~--~~~~~~~~ --------·-.. . -. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . -~-. ' •
llom&Yodlls fOOll ........ °'P•7! ,,, Mbz 'lln vtn i a MOO wtt!TE'"~ m9dl. 2 Piece IOC'tkml u:vv. rOom AU1MlNUM ™ )1'1"
1HOU.&• .... TI . -· platlann """"""-" ... """ c:haU, 211 ,... Pt. ..... been ....... bullJ. ,.;
OI.,.':':'.: * -1111 * upbQI, Sm.,.,._, llw Cll (-0..,,... & U.ll. -·., -o1 ,...._ i._ ...... """"· lmall. w-..i.,) ' 9lll su;a. Will ..U. xlDt "°'
-~ -P l lDAY -S E PT 12 -=~;::BUCK. ...... Gmnan boa~ dl.U., .. -boot
....i -_...., -7:a PM ~ om Sbtlifid 1'JPl>7, Free 10 u;o. <&...,cu be.,_
plus ktu:Ns. Sat .. .. Oni:Wmed ...,_ * • * eood hmne. Call before S. dD:ifrd at .$12 per im. C.U
DK'OIATOI &rrS CIWR••llOI La-Wtlt -,.,.. ..... -""""". BEAUTIFIJL blad< -......., "'u .._ 9/11 Jack 67S-J355 .. ......
-........ 00 -. ~ ll>d eat 2 )'n old. -kll· VERY A&ct. ail b11L !em. ll!S-Ol« OF 18 lUXUI\' N'All.-.n'S .. ,,._.,._ 11<-* * * =..:i-~.':::"o Id-3 -ta,,... o1;1,,"'•:;c;:uw..:::.:..--.,-.-,.-.-.-•. Spenlslt & M1lt•1a1u fw ll • u ... °"'-"""''1ll. KlllC, -Nr • 'l'Wln ...,. ,. . good "°""'· ww den ...... _ twl m vi
a u -a-NEW-COAST -MUSIC ---••• ""'"' °"""-childm> about lamllt, lil<-512-111J6 ' 9/U marin. -•....::. IAl 15,,,.,,
IU.I. MlAnll NEWPORT A JIAJWOR G~'fa• witJa,14'0iialrt, .1392 attq 6 9nt TERJUER/Poodle puppies radio. ·i:.ut. tam.ii)' ~
9-pc. Mecfiterr•n•en Bedroom Sult• ln P•can COSTA MESA * go.an Ooc ~~b l ea, M~ 2 ADORABLE Malth1 kH-., good homn. 2 female, 1 $9100. E-Z bank lmn• with
IR•g. $349.00 1 ···----NOW $Ul.OO ""'~""';o;;;;,,_::,,.,;:::;;;;;1 tom... Patio.Nm!-, Of. !tor. ~v I wht and--•-7 ~ C II lo-tN -•-
Gor9eou1 Spenish Custom l ullt Sof• with PLAY BEFORE YOU BUY vW. 0oc chain, Cranci!alb. whte/cr'Y~ped. I Wb, ~~':""..;.... w..... 9•". Be·-''n ~~.. ~-~·
m•tchin,.. love S••t--Choice of b••uflful FREE pl&nocla-.tonnlaa: ~clock, Other Tables A: ntird eood homes ~ i.u ..,.,a:v,,• ~=~81•·:~"....:N""'8•
• now -call for rtltrvationL Clain. AdminJ. Coklr TV & ~.J.890/542..7006 • DAIUJNC..Blk Cock a poo. 4 "1.LI ewport ...... , · ·
2065 Cllorf1 St, Com Mm
B•°hlnd "H•rbor C•r W•sh"
Ent., off H•milton or Bern•rd St.
f ebric:s, I Reg. $419. 95 I ---·-NOW $225.00 Gould Music OomPQ1, *5 othtrw. Pictum:, pra.ctioe . -mo old, puppy shots, tree to -~-="""'=~~---!
Spenish Dining Seti ·--·-··· .. ------$75.00 N. 1.faln. S&nta A a•. Pt.no. Refr1ieratonr. Wub-~';-~cu~~ puppy. lovil'w home w/ cbldrn. '61 GLASSPAR cit at l 0 n,
Solid Oek End Tebl•• end Coffet T•ble• -$11.00 541-tl681 e.r • Dryer aeta: &: singlet, ~~~ .JOOo~. = Sf4..Ml4 9/12 ltlboe.nklutboard. 120 Mere.
T •fl D•cor•tor T •ble Lam ps StoYet. Pool tJ.])le &: MUQI H}&b Trlr Sp 21 N B. nn.r.. 8kloded Si a m e , e Cruiser with powt!l" jet A:
I Reg. $-19.951 ·--·------NOW $11.00 Radio l200 MOREii W8IJ · • · male lo Son · ail~ power trim. Thl1 ......,_ A liffte lri1,... .. filtll, blot wortt. Hie cfo/11n you t1¥1!
Spenish Henglng Swa g L.mps -------_;;;= roME BROWSE: AROUND 9111 IDDI. 111 • 1 Readr to erijoy. A 11
JOBS & EMPLOYMENT . IR•9. $-19.951 ···-···--··NOW $It.SO AMATEIJk ltadlo atatlon, WINDY'S AUCTION • WONDERFUL ........ 1 ;.,: .. lmmedla~ --I
Fumlturo -A ,_·rat~ dream house on dt'..J-- 3 SB !Ill,,,.,.• SB 401..,.., -,.,. D a•.,• u • d. ....... Kl._.... ucw """ ~..--, on the &ir now. $f1S. ~ 2H.1 Fordham. Dr.~ ~ .wo r ks** 13• Bolton Wh&Ja, I) Jobs Mon. Wom. 7100 OVER -STOCKEO rooms of ""'""'"" <-ish futnilln .__ MS-#ll 20'l5ll Newpqrt Blvd. C.M. 91'2 -· °'""'.,,."°" wube<-b J°""""' i<otric ldmt r·•~ "l""' ,,.., _::;.=:;=======! Behind TOZl)"1 Sida:. Mllt'la dryer, 122 T'arquolse Bal-P e · Windowclea--reg $1295 00 .. T.~·---· a.ta Mfaa * -' DARK ....,. tabby klt1eno, boa i.land • 9113 "" ""'-673-3571 " ·-MUST SELL I ' ' --..... OPEN DAILY • "' • 2 .-Wb. Aloo • Y'· old ' . ..,..., .. Tot> pay. FUl1 tim.. ""'°rl· • SACRIFICE $398 --'--=;,;._ _ _.;:;;.:: % nwuc moth..-c a t. G R E Y Ma I e k> t te •.
encrd only. Apply at JT1Sl· • • • • • • laaeC.olorTV.orBl.ack MOVING-MustaeUAM·FM 6C-414B 9/ll hou1irbrkn .• playful S.ilbolts 9010 , ::2C:..::Slcyparl<,"'-'='-'-Jnoine~-'·-""'-1JJ=JO' I ~~~,_! o1"'· "'1 mer arra ..... ~· CreJit Terms Avtll Ctecfit Cl•ered lmmedi•tely ~ Whlbe. Optbi tD buy. !~ TV ~. $SO. NEED~ -•--lov ... ~""""'°~~·~gd~·-="'~lh~c~h~ild~,.~n~.1;;;~~~:;:;~:;~;;;:1 ,_ "'"""'"l' c ~. reg. .....,, :r '""" 9l!IVft. No depmtt ....... ~ convt aita, brown · •---a._ 646-7549 sm ~'OM.AN-housewlfe, wie your n v w Sl59.50. Headbrd1: R ID A-Active TV Rental Q>.. tweed ~ ma.tchlng tolid black and white kitten 8 LAST CHAJIC[!
,,.,. -to eem ·""""'" Kings, $15, Queen, 112-"· RJRNITURE UJ SD-1153 birch end tbla $15 ea. 42"' """· Motbe• Slamee... PETS •nd LIVESTOCK
Win prizes. no age limit. no Full Sl0.50, Twins $4.95. 21 .. M·-·-.... ,k -....1.1 rnd drop teat coffee tbl $:1), ·"::':..·""':.::::::.·------1---------I ti~ limit. WW traiD u TniMJe sets (duo riser) wt -·-·......., ~ .. .........., lJ lt d ~--~FREE" ~-I 00 SAVE UP TO $1l5S ~----• ••7 _,,,, blaclt • -1tlte, 3 ~ old. cu · eep u..:=e ..,.., Plywood s t r I p I , P•ts, v.ner• 81 Beauty UNl»Clon. O'l ~ jnner 1pring malt reg. $106. 1844 fl ...... f11 ,,.. Lo eJy al 1 ON ALL
WOMAN To ~iat in yarn now $79.SO. Roi.kl.way beds ewport In ......... ) SSS. 646-fm pl v ~~pr ght mahogany '= fir. 6£Z37? SIAMESE KITI'ENS S15 CORONADO YACHTS
ebop. The Slitchmlft Shop, w I inn. spring matt reg. COLOR ~ 21" RCA , w7:U.. 3 'scoop ~t= :4esa.w. lBth-st. °:~ 10688 Lehmhardt FV this WHk•nd
............ 67>-258S $59.50. now $39.50. Full .._ Costa Mesa 0,1, w/ttmot•, "' top cond. Ft. Ploneu 1"., HB. 96>-5»< 'i"===*=""=-871=6=*===1 PRICE INCREASE .. -··• -50 ~-~~ Pvt ph.o ..,A,. -FREE Puppies, ·roy Collie * * WOMAN * * '''"t"''._..a reg.~· •now ...-~vv. -v· --"11 2 PERIOD U:Jve seats $50 and Cocka ixed 7 k$ EUective Sepl 15th
FOR DAY a..EANING $169.50, New beds: Kl n g ..., Nlgflt 'Tl 9-w..l,. Set. & S.. 'Tl 6 ZENITH TV portable, 14", pair, Heavy ebest o t olcl. Adora=. : aood ix:ne Cits 8820 2912 W. Cout Highway
"95-M15 S99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full ~~~~~~!!!!~!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lnclwling etand.. Xlnt dl'awea .l dnk $15. 5, 846-9618 ii. SIAMESE kitle" .._,,1.",.•,.wpo!!!!!rl!!!!!Be!!!!!ao!!h!!!!*!!!!.,645-MJ!!!!O!!ol $49.50, Twins $39.SO, tully condition. Call 838-9691 Wide, oid, roll ,;.... desk $100. ~ f -~ hi-~" ... ~n 1~
guaran. King s:z Sf>l"l!adS ""-·wood b=~•---n1 -LONG Ha.ired Duffy, part pay or ~ti w "" 18 _... CAPTAIN John says geO his S<hoolo-lnsfnl<llon 7600 113-"5, •. '" $9.95. C>rist-G:;•::•::;•9!:•:.:S::a::;l•:__ _ _:IC:;:1t;::22 Sowl"' Modi•-8120 HI-Fl a s-1210 w:... "'""';i""....;;;; Penlan klttena. 7 ....... 64&<l137 50' &."°""" • vi.iue ....
SCRAM.LETS ~.S:6;!,;: ESTATE Salie: f POlta Slnpr, au.to, s.i& ~ fi mos tahJe ,i: abelf Cllmbo $15. trained to •and box . 1825 w/ loll of Potenllat See on
Bhd Of MS-2760 d.ai1¥ 10-9 rnah:V bed, box sprgs A old. No attacb needed to do STEREO '19fl9 db anole, Odds j: Enda. Oieap! Thon 646-5473 91!3 Dogs mooring otl Balboa Caribe s.t.&m l0-6. mattr, rnimr. Many M~ design, monocrm. blind hem. compl with full •tefto, f lpd &: Fri on1y! ~ CUTE, 10 week old kitten to HURRY! These won't last aptl. To board boat contact ANSWERS 2 RI Bargains! m Romona Wa,y, $S.27 mo or $42.00 cub. Garn.rd ~. 60 watt 'LO:;.,.AO"°"IN;.;G;:..:~.==----=,,=.=-_.-800-good home, White female king! S weeks old Siberian AIJErrUe AUnney at 5CS-419L 0 PC. ''MAD D'' CM 645-2482 526-SiJ.6 dual channel, 4 spkr flOWJd nAJn """"" with IUBY <1n head . Hus19es. ChocR yours DON! offers over $15,!m coo-J._,,,..i Timid S)'5lem. ~ oH b&l of $'17.26 lb met tor pick-up truck. 642-6789 9/U Gentle, atled.ionate, -s:idere<!. ~ -EmJJtt -· -l Room Group GARAGE SALE FRI A SAT: cub "" ama11 pymnta. Dernomtrator $50 FUrnace, 1-"==-----
._,,.;:; ~~ ~r' dUnno FROM MOD_ EL HOMES 2IXXl Vista Cajon, Newpt ~M"us-'-1'-'ca;.;l..;lc.:.ns;.;t;... --.:..":.:"=I Credit dept. -72119 .._ comm.rcial type ~R boT.-rL puppy ;::! """:'''" Only $15 SABOTS * $265 ~~"';;. tick. buf l Includes: Quilted l!lllfa and ~ ::) ~ =~ ACCORDION, 2 yn old, C & E ul l300 = ~~ 25t:e 1To; ~~ ' .:;e. ~ v e: these URlit~ ~ e ':ii.~ e ~ Complete -Ready _to race!
hope ft'1• 'J'lMEBOMB. chair -2 end tables &: cof. -'A•• misc. amplified, full 120 bu& •"'9f'h: q p. ............ ter work. scot t • s llceMt. 837-4498 9/ll S4s.&i7l N;:u_wllea. eo..,ht ~!&~~ .. ;:::=.:.~'-----1 fee table -2 larups -dress-~ SDI. 962--5SJS -..-.. vw-u;iw
er_ mirmr-headboard_ MOVING-Must sell apt CANON QLl1t 35 mm lawn spreader, like new $9. SAMOYAN female, t hat CHlllUAHUA Puppies. 16 HOBIE Cal. 14, wlt.b trailer. The Ntwport School quU~ box spring & matt. fun:i.i.sliliws, incl re t r i g.. C.Onn, gold tenor au. t.J..b new, 1 Yl' okl 646--0644 love~ loves, loves children. ~it&. 3 males, no papen. See at 4801 Bruce Crescent
of Bu1lne11 resa -5 ...... dining roam; ............. _ misc item.a. In Excellm cond. $195. $50 GUITAR. Full size folk lf'Jn Hou• e broken, lihol $25. JTI W. Bay, CM. NB. •••El> be" u ,..... ..... ~"' • 540-2623 • Write Daily Pilot Box p.911 _, Stl-5885 9/ll 645-2954 · ,fL1JU or o.uer. 133 Dover Ori~. N.B. table & 4 hl·back chairs. excl oond. Sat & Sun 'Bil ===~~--=-" to 10 books Blue Chips. Owner leaving:. p b 0 n e
6G-3870 COMPARE AT ;749.95 Elden Apt C, CM . ~16(8 HAMMOND Organ. Model &SOO Boy's bike 26" 3 speed AFFECTIONATE Gr ea. t TOY Silver poodles, females, 6'16-$42
SJ;rl tmn seattari&l ft'-$399 MOVING to Eu .r 0 p e , MlOO, new $1600, sell tor Sporting Goods English, good mndition $20. Dane, altered fem.aJe. 3 yrs. AKC reg, show stock, 8 wks VIKING 20'
I 0 0
p ' im· ftnemen~F.~~_!_or wt~ No down-Pm ts onty $1fi ma. C>mplett-ho u 1 e ho Id $900 or best of?". 968-3271 SURFBOARDS 9'2'" Hobl.e Cosco beat and massage Goo::I. watchdog. N e e d 8 old. ~S-5347 maculate, slip I n c J u de d .
_.a -NI·~~.......... wn ll'S WAREfDUSE !'.'.'°'.L~~. mKJowau" be Std'-. HB 12 STIUNG electric guitar &: Woody, 12' Quigg Tandem. pad, new $20. Dress fomt. ranch or farm. 830-5691 9113 LiAOLSHUND, Rerl, Wack &: $16SO or trade for l!qUiv
""""" Btu\ QI "J.0oU amp. $120 or bn:t oUer. both tor is&. fi73..-0632 stand, adjust 10 to 14. ;5. FRIENDLY Kittens W i 11 tan. AKC regbitered. Cham· value Mereedea or smaller
600 w. 4th st., Santa Ana "~~7m~7,..,,-:-;-;;-;o,-:--:-.= 546--8169 aft 5 PM I ==========-1 646--0644 de.liver to your h o m e . pion sired. fiM...-0227 boat and cash. 645-2629
SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Open Daily S-9 GARAGE SALE Sat & Sun.M .-.lsc.°"'"lla"neous-"-'-'-"--8600= EVERYTHING GOES 8'llM1168 9/13 ADORABLE mixed poodle SEA Seo u 1 • s de.Qen.tely
Co. Fairgrounds, gr, 1-8 Sat. 9-6 Sun ll-6 A1any item~ incl. 110fa, Pianos & Orgens 8130 1/2: OFF ............. AT AOORABLE, Young male puppies, 8 weeks old $5. need a l\IAIN sail for 22
Where the Program Jl.fOVING to Hawaii. dresser, chrst. bicyc l e. e PIANOS FOR SALE ''ANYTH ING GOES" tiger cat Needs home. Ha.s 49J..1970. FOOT A LB A TROSS .
Flta: th!! Oilld i;-.. __ .. ._. 15932 Willett Lane, H B Beautilul ,~M••• oil -•n• Any top with any bottom! &hots. 645--0137 9/12 PUPPIES, s wks old, mother 642-$769 Willard H. Sa.uoerman. ..... ~,. ..... 11': like new.-lncl . . e PIANOS ·-~ • '-"~o;:.-~.,.-,,---1 ~ quilted beige sect'l. PATIO Sale, Sept. ll, 12 &: lng, mountain IOlfnl ln beau-AD Bikinis reduced to f1. NEED Special home for 2, 1tl liusky & Qiow mixed. $101• Kite with trailer
5IJ..ftsJ Ed. D.Dtroll now club chrs, oval Dre.xet din 13th. 3ll W. Ba,y, C.M .• Sp. F'-' ~·-or• ... :1~.~~~ tilul bluea A lft!tnl, Datt Over 400 suits to choose from, Manx kittens, who need lot• ea. ~ Xlnt coniition ~ • ..:..a.1 •-29 646-....,4 ....... ~· ., .... ~· WoOd caned frame. Sf'l't to 3?6 Marine Ave. love. SG-13t6 9/12 IJOG ~""ING ~-"'•" "'"~ Eves 548-1158 rm se.., up.'61.l .u=-=>", · '"' S&Uo. Save on tabu lou a -~,.,.CBaJ~boa~,_!l~ola~nd~--liiiEAwm!Leiik.-kitie.:: "=' ~" ~ ir.&~.,,;ii0o~ .. i[, ~V~aoa~tloo~SSthib I refrlg, 5 twin bed set tl xtra GARAGE SALE GR.ANDS Ulcludtrti •PPttciate, RA>aamable. Call BEAlll1FUL Calleo kitten. 3 Prlv lessons only reas ntes 27' VIKING Aux. Beaut end.
-"-* • , • Sr Citizens long w/e!ee blaniretsl. sew· End tables, coffee tablt1, e OUckrrina: e Wurlitzer 847•7187· KENMORE e.leclric range, IDOL old to good home. 213: 423-3506 Zll: 423-1830 Moor avail. Trd o K . Cii'i]~ 10 leaon typing ing machine, up rig h 1 10fa, Ma.ny items! 540-6987 • Steinway • Knabe . 10 Spd boya Fttnch ractt, near new, 24 inch oven $125. Loves childn!n. 847-6Si!ll 9112 FOR Sale, -4 months. black. 546-8030 xtM Mr, Pmtma,
Sehl. Trial Leuon.. 173 Del Hoovei: vacuu~. CARPET ahq: hl-lo NEW PWS MANY l\fORE! like new $65. ltelrlg S35. 8' Simmons hideabed, n e 4 r FWFFY Litue p-ay kitty MlniatUf'I!! Poodle. Shots. $25. 894-4004
;"":::.·c:C.::=M.::..:5'8-=..:"59=---1 ~tiq~·hi~~ H:; ;4 sq.
7d-396 .14milton. SPINETS & CONSOLES ::tet:. ~~~~~ :i:~:ie iwe::r· 2~~0 part Siamese, 7 wka. old. 962-4775 1'o"L'-'YMP""':c,~C~F~;M-N~~-1-4L--3I
UDNTESOORI training, agu wagon, cotfee & end Ibis, C.M. Saturday Oftbt. SAVE UP TO , • , $250. bl.bi $5.. 5t5-63ll Westminster, CM 56-0914 trained, 54fr172 9112 German Shepherd pup seta sails. 1 new North,
nfi In S. Give )'OUr child mrbl lop chest, console rol-BUY NOW!! Pric'ea wiD. not "°'==-,.-.,-,,--,.--KIRBY vacwum cleaner with SMALL Ma.Ir: &: female pup-White AKC. ;85 trailer. SacrifQ $100 .
beil. education. 646-3700. or TV. Plus imported ~ Fumiturt Auction I02S lie thlf low again!! CARP.ET installer has one attach & polisher. Xlnt mDd pies, 540-5766 aftrr 5 • 644-4151 • 673-7251
MERCHANOISE FOR tique ,u,,..., "'PP".•=• COAST MUSIC ::.,:M:'.'°...Z.:f w~ii & guannteed.,..,, ott baf of PM 9/12 e BLACK mlnia,... -1.,, Unfini•hed 30' Tehltl
bric-brae. etc, NG dlrs! e Fumlture • NEWPORT &: HARBOR ail •• ~ 131 d $33.12 or take over pymnts. BOXER-Labrador 3 mos. AKC. $75. 842"-196:2 KETOI, Maki!' otter. SALE AND TRADE CdM -~-•• J Ap 1· e C lot TV oo~A ~~·· * ...... .....,. "°""' .:,,"' -.., ya r • !a t -3 "' ~,. · ,,.........,,u {...-o pm p 1ances o ~· ·~ ........ -...... ..noro.v-w Credit dept 535--7289 male healthy, wn co orecl. SHELTIES ARC, 3 montlvJ, 2 ~~ : ""°"°~
8000 ESPANO'l IN Q UALITY AOK AUCTION Open 10-4 Fri 10-9 Sun 12-S MADE To order school DIAMOND Pendant. , cost sweet & elljer, B7584 9112 fem.aJea &: 1 male. 544-&392 NEW Napln Sa.bot 3·, fbgh, ~mlture
MOVING • china • Noritake •
Nanuosa, complete Jor 12,
all or part. FUmiture, old at·
Uc, late iarage, almost an-
t:jquet; in chairs. tables,
desks. k1dney vanity, large.
chest, old bench, knick-knac
sbdt. mimn. lamps and
JUNK. Also Teen clothcL
Until IOld, all c b e a p t -SPANISH
As Shown 1D model homes.
l Rma ol turn. jdln nn, ll.-
rm, • bedrm l pricf'd el•
when at $.'.!!$ ls )'OQl"1I today
at onJy $399. F.uy Credit
S•nte Ari a Furniture
426W. 4th St, Santa Ara
• 547--0789 •
l.EAVING STATE. Medlter·
ranean 8' aota & love seat.
coHee table. 2 end com·
m()dea, hide-a-bed, lamps,
Spanish king~ bed nn set.
Abo beautitul formal dl.nlng
rm get All 2 mor;. old. Will
511.crifice. Call co Ile ct ,,........,..
Model Hom1 f:umiture 'Tm Garden Grove Blvd. Used Hammond Organ dtta.Wa. Size• 2 to .12. perms. ;500 sell for $150 cash. OLD upright cabinet TV, complete. Easy to cu lop.
Savings to 85%. E-Z financ-Westml!llte:r nr. G.G, Frwy. SALE .,...,. Ba"'-· &: weddl...,. Matchlng diamond pierced needs a om et b Ing . Horws 883Q,Call=~Jr19.""-"l'-7<"-7-----Tues 4: Thurs 7 PM-Sat 6:30 ...---oq .... --' $100 = ••11 04• ••~ 9/12 " ing. Nothing dawn, 3 com· gilts. Reuonable, 3229 New en.11 1np . u•..,......_. ~...,., . SABOT ha.s everything, sails
plete rooms of decorators Estate consgnmt, Repo. New York A CM ~6-5092 n. ... ntu w ..... bed ~·ated FREE-Mixed ......... ne, mall, SMALL Shetland, ch 1 Id gd, your kid will dig it $ill. B-3 &: Lestle, A·lOO, B-100, ve, · · """"""'"' ~ """".... }'U'AU broke daple ...... , $75. styled Spaniih Curniture. Comp)' ete-unused -worth tni.lned. Likes children. 127 ' • 4!"-Call Dewey 548-7441 A II .loo H-100, M·lOO. M-3. L100. MOVING to Europe. ......,. 54:>--5828 Consisting 01 the famous PP anc.. Comp) h h 1 ~-Aft s -wlmds 842-6Sl6 C.Oral, Balboa Illand. 9/11 LIDO 14. Hwy •-u-, -·-'-·" J·l00,$-1.Frte ;195.Tenm:. ete ouse O d .....,... V CANCT 9xJ2 bo tall, """ o;w.wm qu.Wty Madrid liv--m"'t be .1i-~ __ ,_,_., bl . 2 A x s --"· •. full -·Jpme t ROPER I ) ( ·•~t) ......_ DIAMOND Fancy "'""""'......., FREE Adora e ltitttns, la-• --• tao l-k-~ « -.,-n ing romn group, 'Ibe origin-ey._.... eve ul-'-' '6" ·.. ....,,·nu ...... '" 1750 Good nd ••• -· al El Ptesidente spacious gas stove w/sllde-OUI b~ AU.EN TI1EATER, 32 ped-ed of. 21831 Kiowa St, HB, ring appraised $1500 sell black &: white, 2 tiger strip.. feed; S40. s4!l-359t aft 5• · co · ~
1Illl5ter king size bt!droom er tray & bottom alorage ah. &lmost new! 962--9711' $500. 673-3600 ped. Call 67J...&t34 9nl Sl\1ALL GeldiJW to good 17' VENTIIRE -salls, trlr,
liuilc and the authentic La compartment: whlte. $'15. * * * "* KINCSIZE bed \\'/lr"anle $"T0 CUTE TABBY KllTENS, 7 ho $185 outbrd, Jnally extru. $1995,
Paz 9.TOUght iron dinette 548-5623 or 962-9625 Big Sa.W.1 Now in (!\If' End FAMILY Membership In Stove $25 Ref $45. 44:i E. wits old. Sandbox trained &: me, * s3J_2626 * 495-4798
sets. Limitl.'d stock • $488. * WESl'JNGHOUSE dbl of SUm.mer Cea.ranee Sa.it!! Irvine Olut Country Club 17th, rear, 642·Sitl weaned. 548--0179 9/13 CAL 20, 2 )Tl old, xtru,
Hamilton Showroom, 5!M8 oven range &: exhaust in co=g~ MAR for sale. Pvt pty. 673--:1918 '59 VW Karmann Ghia, runs TWO Bright killen1 are we, TRANSPORTATION Newport off-dlore moorin&:-
\\.'estminst.er Ave, We5tmlns. unit Harvest gold. New I PATIO Room 15 x 25, screen.. good, needs paint $250. wanting good home. come 546-1SC7
ler. 894-«.14 unused. 644-5.i66 pvt pty, * 28.54 E. Clast Hwy. 673-3930 ed with storm windowa. You 548-7"'41 and see. 494-Ei3 9/13 Boats & Yachts 9000 SABOTS .From s:DJ to $400, FURN~-o o· >:L... NOW. rent a Baklwin organ d'-··" •~ J aJ ( 1-.i t nd «• «-•• uo.c. & ca mets...._ COWSPOT 12 Cu. f t . & learn to -1.... Adult .,. ........ ue • & e or '"""· NEWPORT Tennis CI u b 3 Lovable tortollie--lshell kit· FREEi n co • ..........,... or
you have never seen at refrigeralor. Freer.er area. _,. Valu~ $lSXI. 549-3793 Family Membership, S450 tens. 4 mos. Two twins. Nd • • c:'4'""'30::..::=c_ ____ _ America'• 1~.....-•· most r-... ..., _ _.a,_A •::n. "'~"""""' ~ only, Private °'" -~---------2501 g 12 Ba · 0 -·t· Co f!~' -E>'"'" "'" ........................... uuu ..,.. ~ dasa lel5011A available _ Health Spa me.mberwhlps, ph11 transfer fee, 644-ww good homes. <>-£•-I stc .,..,.. 1ng urse o t:n:u PENGUIN a.ilboat 11 y. •
unusual unfinished furnlt\ft After 5 PM resulbl guaranteed. Beliew ll mcmtha (OYU 200 visits) BRAND New Weston digital PERFECT chlldttn's cat! lo the public by the Balboa 9."/sail &: trailer. Top con-:~·FwyCot-, ~h,·n.ill l&mSan,. s."'. KENi\JORE au I o mat i c ii or rot -$3.00 a. week ren-for $99. Regularly sac. Min volt meter, 1000 ruv. $225. Tortqul5e shell female, S Power ~~.!.oboar people dilion U25. 837-8598 •~• -·•--J t ~ J Lane, 549-1425. intereslcu 1n -... ts as of Newport Fwy. Ope.n J62 v.·...,.,~·. a e muue . xnlt tal, lessoNJ extra. 644-1564 mos. 642-4424. 9111 well a.s power boatg. Ettry KITE No. 676,
days p>r yr. !'M-5470. cond. $40. M?--811S or WARD'S BALDWIN rnJDIO CANON Q1Jl9 3Smm HOUSEFUL of Furniture NEED god home for young Monday night for 13 weeks Aqua Blue. Xlnt cond.
SOFAS & dineue sets relurn-~ 1815 Newport. C.M. 60-8484 Like D1!'$5ol yr old. fo.r &a.le, l!Orne tools. long haired white and grey beginning 7 PM, Mon., Sept. * 673-3848 *
ctJ tmm lease at 50% of WASHER & dryer, avocadcl, HAMMOND· SteinW8¥ ·Ya.. ;==="'=~=""'==::::::::::::: cat. Male SiameAe. 5J6.3m JS. (Bring notebook first CAL 24. 3rd In NATIONALS, cost. H.F.R.C. ?il7 w. l!Jth. $125. Rcfrlg-trost free ;ll5. rnaha • new & u.&ed planoa 1 __ Dally_~P-Do_i_eo_x_P~-!lll--I FLUFFY kllten.'I, one black night) al Newport Harbor 2 years. Full ge t ot sa.ilJ:.
548-348l; ?i40-6842 Freezer $65. 54G-1095 of all ma.kH. Best buys ID BEAUTIFUL sapphlre & MIK. Wented 8610 male, 1 black Ii; white fem. Yacht aub. 720 W, Bay $3700. * 846-2957
8' SOFA, ncver used, quilted
floral, :scotch--guanled, $125,
l>tatchint: love seat S75.
TAPPAN Gas R.al1gt' $35. 959 So. Calll. rlibt here. diamond ring. Appralsed at I ~=~~c_.:._____ ~2 9/12 Ave., Newport Beach. No
C.Ongrcss, Costa Mesa. (otf SCHMIDT MUSIC CD., $875. WW sell for much Jess. advance registration. Enroll Powtr Cruisers 9020
Placentia) after 4 1907 N. Main, 613-S784. WE PAY MORE YOUR choice, long or short at class. Any question call :..::.::.::...;::.:::.::::.:;. _ _:_:::;I
Santa Ana haired, cat or kittens. 673-1855. 28 Californian f b r g Is
s.,.rating . Must Sell 2 Earl" Ainer. \o·nyt ,__ late model, xnlt cond. ~. WE RAVE PIANOS! lawn~. 25", xnlt cond. CHIHUAHUA. QklQr. Adulta HUNTINGTON BEACH tv.'ll 2al enp. In top shape. ai!AYTAG AutomallcWllllher, comtERCIAL trimmer CASH 540-2674 9/12 ---w/Oying bridge, e ncl head,
Ll f &: lo I ' ...,.,.., 841..,8115 546-6612 You may purchase or rir:nl $100. Ex tut:! 2 '" rm. '°a ~ s~a seats, l vinyl overstutfcd or and credit alJ morUes paid 6C-8S28 on.ly. 642-4096 between 8-S Se.pt, g Dec, 16th at Hunt-tnt. • 8-0 batt.. Big
velvet: coUcir: il end tabl~s: rocker. ;r;, ea. Newly reup. l.oward purchue. 1..m. 9/ll lngton Beach }ligh School. t'lect. panel, blt·in charger. ~ '°~-~tlovebd"rm".· Ki ... ~ 5-lB-9771. 3:lJ-6:30 Antiques 8110 HOUSE OF HARMONY REF RIG ER AT 0 R $J.5 CUTE. •-kl-8 w'-7 pm. For lafo call 962·1839. Mo~I oha1ts. 150 watt
..._. ue.-: ..... .., -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Washl111 machine $30 2 For turnihu1!, a~ ·~ "~·-......, radto, CB-ADF. depth IOUD-lamps, pictures. King iaze MOVING • Se I I I n g all • -48 Fashion Jsl&nd piece Mrlklnal Ul. Dlnina: colored TV, pianos, ortam free shots to good home. HUDSON Bay Pa Ck et, der Many other EKtru.
Spanish BR. &Ct. Formal household furn itUtt, mlor VII ANTIQUE; Nev.'POrt Beach * fi44.039l table, wood $4. 548-7152 and antiques. 6'4-0006 9/ll (Hornblower~, lB' harbor Sl2.'5DO. Call alter 5 PM.
Baaaet din. nn. set "china TV, etc. 1166 Charleston SI., SHOW & SALE e e YAMAHA ENCYCLOPEDIA. rec en I Day or nWit SHEPHERD -TenilT mixed cruteak"°'d:-•,Fs'wed~'.""h .,,· boardhuil,·'-:i-"="",;1;:110:,;...,...-=-...,,.-=--1 cabinet. 646-7667 CM. ~2t7, Se 11 12 •• 14 ~20 5 -~ 2 male• 1 ~ "' '" Pl ' ' ..., P !ANOS & ORGANS edition $35. Also b l' • t -,,.,~==-=~=:;;;-:;;: pUps, w.... ...... _, pilot whttl belnt. New ---r 36 tL Ou-ta Crall Ex-e Furniture • GREEN brocade 7~·· sette & Thur Fri Sat 1-10 Sun lU chlldren's encyclopedia $".: WE BUY $ female. &6-lml 9/11 • blmlnl convert ....... ·;,:;;,, Cruiser '61, M. n ,~;;.
Appl • C I matching chair. Perfect L:mg Beach Municipal Aud. Sc!e lhe l'Clmplete line at: ~,..
l1ncos o °' TV ndl . COAST MUSIC S#-9360 PART °""""· turiu, 2 oood. l<,500. B , c . Y . C. tnu-radH>/OF, '" • AOk AUCTION co hon. $1~D 494-&303 or -L.o11g Beach Blvd & male, 6 wks. old. nice pup-673-3872 · deluxe interior. ; 14, O O o .
<l!»-9.117 Ocean Ave. NE\'rnn.RT & HARBOR % Keg home bttr cooler In-$ RJRNITURE $ 1 ~~~~~:!J58~,..,--::-:-.::lii;.::_;~;oa,;;;;::~iiiiiliai'i:I,"~"~ -o·~·~ _ _,__:_ __ ] Tm Guden Grove Blvd. ~.-v cludi--i..-._ C02 tank $75 NCES p eL .......... 26" Endo.a·-, 1969 Nat"f. ~ '.-•~-G G F MOVlNG raust sell'. ll-·-"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!'!"~'!I!!!!!!!" I COSTA MESA • 64Z-285l u,. -• · APPLIA • .,. _......_...:..rnr . · rwy, """'-= COLLECJ'OR'S SllOP 499--3554 6 YR altered ma.l e Champion. 1'U11 race, ]221' OlVENS cabin cruiser. Tun A Tlnll'l '1 PM-Sat (i;30 full ol furn &. mlsc. 1~ CLEARANCE SALE! NOW-rent a ·Baldwin piaoo 2i Call~ target llitol Color TVt-1i•11e1--Stereot Himalayan cal, J ov e s volt, 8 salla, new bat.&: boat F\Jlly equip'd. Good Cond.
Estate conqnmt Repo. Nt'w ~tonte Visla, Apt C, Co5ta Tn make room for new i;tock tor yuur chlld tor U.00 Brownlre ' Medalist P eall J.;'HiNet1:':.iiN~-:S ~-ome.n. 644-2732 9/11 bath. Many olher xtras. See Slip avail SlSOO. ~ Bro~1QD~SPOTj;c"ifJi-ieii~'il'~~yyn;; l~M~"";:·~·~l>-~79'17~,;_~~-= HELEN P.tANNING Anl!que11 week. Profeaalonal In-841 2822 e 541.4531 e FREE kltten11. Blaclr. and at CYC alp 535 or call da.YllJ,;";,';·=~~-=-,-,--~-I
old, COMP auM $150., Color Birch Duncan Phylr d\ni0& 2428 Nwpt Blvd Otf GU-9'l5l struction available -results --·--------whit!!. 54S-3lM 2 1 3 _ 3 91-T 1 7 l ; n i t e CRUIZON l6' C&bin enabler TV,. Philo> I bo table, pads. S50. 6 Ch91n guaranteed. S'l'EMf cabinet. 11.ke new, ~~ WE PAY CASH ~· ~ •"-,.. mnso ~ ny C R -• 7 •--· Ill WH1TE ~ -bbl! ................. .uv wooc11n...1-, ""'°' & ~. ~.~ ·-• t SI-1 bl k S50. Excellent <:•o A••'"' A VED \V.,nut l th cen-WARD'S BALDWIN st'UDIO price $95.. ~ ext ~ .... ..,...... _. ~ WlLIDU •u., 1.c ~ ~.t-546-9965 A~---'·· IJttlc &bore boat or $.;bl). S45-45&8 ••• I. m P 0
'.' Y ••• ,_ BEAUTIFUL SPANISH di" tury 1.tectllcrnrnrlln pedestal 1819 Ne"-.... C.M. &l2--8484 unW 2: a.ft 2. 435-9441 .,,~ 1.;=:=======· :-I ....,......, •r table, $12.i. 548-4522 _...,.., TO~~ I--•-hi"-outboard bay I run-about.I· w/whl tir: n • llP h r d e irGr tnblt. \Vroughl·imn leg&;. I:::'::;:::;::::;:::::;:;:;:== KIMBALL Cormolette piano. N£W.. OU palntinp $M "· • WANTED ....,..... home. e ....... w
u: 91~ ft. 1.g 4~ n beam 10 HP Speed-Ski Boeta 90IO Cl-$30. Call' M7-9ll09 < <han-. $150. 8'11-1583 1<95. Xlnt oond. >-lampo $30 u. TV Sil.SO. FURNITURE huney. <I>-188'1 •·-· & -•· N--"-'=--""'-' afta' S PM. Sewing M1ch1nn 8120 fit&.-0147 I ---'--------1 Jo,._.., coo......... 18. F'iberr\a boa ._
Quahl)' king bed-quill«!. -494-<HSl ------~~~ TOP CASH lN 30 Mlnute11 3 BeauUf\JI. kittens. m.aJe I: paint " Lovin ca.re! $150. . t on ahoft FREE DRINK Complete-unused S98, worth !I' Grand Piano, m1gtna1 GOOD Beltone &: Zenith female 962-3451 9/11 642-3115 nlOOnng 110 hp Volw, alml
SE\VJ1'G ~V.OnNE USe ln perfect Quality tumltW'I!, color TV's CUTE kltt need love. 6 drivt, s/s radio, ball tanks.
l'ISH :ttiCHIPS $250. Aft 5 &: wknds M2-G53fJ 1969 SI NGER flni.sh, lvury.N~lelta."50. beariqz: 3 ate~ appliances tools, · ens R UGGED Sea-1oinG etc.Xlnl cond. Gd. lki boat
SOrA bed. 2 matching CONSOL E 646--9191 condition. $50 each. 64)..3Zl8 ottlce ~lp. wits. 54S-6n9 Rill tlba'glasled 14'6'' Dor 1 oa shore ~ Balboa
RIX 2IS5 l latbor, cba.ln, new upbo!J;tecy. 284 Zig 7.a:: Cab. modcl, Slightly STUD I 0 PI an o, tu 11 21" RCA cob' TV ~ ntw SJ1·1111 5 Wk ok1 cute kittens to pod W/1956 3.'ihp Evinrude il Isl, No. Bay 714-61'&-l899
•.• &. 1~ CM Knox Place, CM. :19Cd. l'l)•lilh waJ. cab. Doe• keyboard.. Xnlt con:t. praaure coobr ~ 2 ml l--:WE=-ip"'A"'Y~rii'o.1sn=1.;--hootes. 6'4-Gl5 9/12 tral~. 1st S175 l&ket. l·f6" Gl.ASPAR. 7 5 Jt p
1'rt-frept Ol:'lbr. tvl'rytllllla' wttho!Jt altadi, 230ni Fbida. HB. ~ SS. 3C-61ll , llf' 2 CVtt' flntty llitt~ 1--wbt. 64S-&171 Evb!nJde motor Good con-bJ?iiti _. by VIRTIJE. Office Equipment 8011 Built ln controh to owrcasl, WANTED 2 Whttl SMn u.llt:r, kteal 1-grty. 847.(1(191 9113 2l' Cabin cruiM:r, fUlJ. rails, dltioo $625. rn-5t5fl
_.. make-hut·holn. tt" on but's. PIANO· A OR.GANS tor tra.11 bib $50. • NOT Chedcs JOO bp Mtre outbcJRrd * '" -* EXEC. Duk. ~ped hem dreui:1, maft fancy *6J6...16J>* MUW KITTENS. Blick, unuaual. Must ICll. be11 or fer: 1967 16' Glastron, 50 h.p, i'iilf .... ii t ... --;.,.,, ~ ~ l<OO .. t otilOh•• "'·. "· ...... •nd KIMBALL Conoollette piano. N-SU~M--__;;:-:...;_;_~$00~.~llot,..,.·' For GOOD, USED llf>-3S39 9/ll C..Jom traile!' • bllcb. M"""Y. Xlnt a>nd. $1495.
........ aeMcr guaranttt. SS.6C ..,,_l ••oat ""' -int ~ s:n Air l'arrllture. str:reo, TV or MESffU.by bed. Rich chair. 549-3283 Call m-.2259
mm. A 9 pymtl. of ;5.64 .IWJ • LJ.• ~ t"" Houlehold Jt~ma of 1.ny kind. 66-l!IM 9/13 21• FtB~""' ·-cab ., n 15' Jtorbon Ski boet 80 HP -M !1 9 -Gar.,. s.i. 8022 N hg -Coolee S:l5. MUlll ~
U'l'fa .... -.pl!Olllfttld __ ..__.;.. __ ..;.;.;.;; 7oMPtErre c PRiCE KU_R_TZ_u-.. =1a1.:::,,=-p;-.,,..--can-'POWER;;;.;:;::,.=M::....,.c:...._$15,=-1---, 1 _~~·=54=7'"'-5"'722"""~·""'"'=-RED c.t. male, 8 months. Cn.U90r, g~ '· b'lting Mere. New trailer. $12SO. ~ ..._. & JaSe. GARAGE S.lt: Mo• I n R' • ~from 3-5:JO or 6:30-ndc $5. PHOTO STUD ENT ~'123.3 trlr. New 9& hp Mere. P100 64)..99l? aft 4 PP.1
ML m.alf . • Bathlnetta 8-IJ..Que tBble. For "° o:::~ frtt home J:JJ. SC-6131 JUNK CAMERAS for 0 what tt t 1-"'-be=''c:',-,',_'•c,'-;,'.,,79-3-=7'=5'=-PLAftl"NlNG to move? 1'ov'D "'?~_,, • .;. am 'fnl'n't valet. misc. 675-0-S96 proj«'f .,te. 60·~ N matter a, Yl1'I "DEAR OLD GIRL" find an .. .t-n be of u.&----,.-t!el'tll)., r•U Crroll Mgr, till UPRIGHT Phtac>, id· tone, RIV1ERA Low -t. blm • ' can seu tt wstb a D~Y am ...... 15 um r
...., .. nm Q\JICBtlt"YOU CAU.. t P.M, ti toll. Cati Collett. S115. _, Pacttlo Coul HW)', ;a~nt~l<tue§!...'."°':::::·~·=pbal=~· _:_f!O,::: 1 :"~~~""i!i.c"'~~ ... ;f..!:lo~l~OO)~, I Pu.or \VANT ADI! '42-5671 SO' Monterey. Xlnt oond. homtl• ln today'• Cautt*I ·-e ntE QtnCKER YOU ,,;u, __ 2:.;l.:.l_·.:.Sl:.;l..;.ff.:.9;..;4 __ H.B._, _SfS.3212 '1 priced. 8'H687 _ __;13.=%JO:.;'..:JIU.=..:IB26=--1..;A:;:<h::.·..:O....::::;.:.k.:::<ho:.m~;,;:""'::::.· __ I
~ .. , .. ,_
' I
• I
I •
I ..
_ TIMldoy, S.,lf.11, 19111 DAl~V PILOT :1~
~!ad 5!d -toH ~le H-9200 Ca~rw tstO lm...,W ~ Mii h•!orl,.i Autw ,. ""....,_ Auttl HllO U-.. Con -URjl co,. ' 9'00 u...i Cort ,,.. ·
1111 otmIOARD • • h 1n CASH FOR YOUR I' Ab;"-,,.,;, .... c..d M"'-11"..-.. ' VOLVO CADll 1 AC DODGI OLOSMOIU ................ 1 &luted "" oolilltloo, Back window, ,._ -~~ ..
tothewaterU..,"=" MOllLI! HOMI· -tide wi-. ,1-,,-,-MG-l_.O_T_C_OU_N_ l'Ol\ak,,..tndotorVu, 'll p, ... illl!L ...... • ~DQJ,411 OIV. 1 ''7 DODO I DART 150I.DSDynomJc&'n4
boll> =.:. ~ PM R. -lo --I• 40 or lrool -wlt.b window. !211, Gi..mJ.c r11by nd w/1111<. nt ..... DI& llrtlltb ....... -Pb,IIla. 01t>, PIB. -" U,1119 mil& All IVl!I .. wlt.b vln>l lot. alr.,... lilnlW P/I. hct. Air
I"'-·laipr lo bo -*'maw> Ooll 5'8->nS --Into•. --a. --"""""' M1c11.: .-!Inn. ~1111 ,_, , ~ 81111 -. ~.auto. ,,.,,._, pow. •Auto. 1lanL OM .. IS' 0.-w/'5 ltp v..n, tAbo lo!. Sentl..-ljon, J'lO<UP CAMPER Sbalia trslndd.ndlo, ---.---1oW m1l4-• "°""" -~_,_,Id. Mt.. . er11 .. n,.. radloant1heatef. 001. New w/w Iino.~ •nr~ i&eeo::f" .=: ~ e P 'et~~ Wttte cal>bl, lllob! liclabt --~ wbeel U.00000-Xblt ....i. m.1114, ·..,;.-:;,.,. p.. r.;;-$1UI. 'k lii:ii4ii •'vw., r.a;;aaa "'"'' IOll. SU!f, :is.11111 or!&· 9tlI. 64M03I! 1i1111• ~1131 , . 41_.. Olaapl -1"'11111let. M•t be -to 'fl TM\ with-· In> ~aft t" " ..... 1"11 poT, AMll'M IJ!ll mll ... Call 131-GS • '15 Oi1lil <a '~ 1.;;;:;o~====o-llIEAUT. 6' IO '1l !)qMD<lo 1'U mRVAIR. ndlo. ... ~ --· ...,, lntlda loot, mt...,. ~'"'" fm: ~ Cb1llnaI ....,.,, °"""• lo m11. WI Oller.
1o11MaJnten1nco 9031 =~""";,\"~~ """'_.,., .,.,. tJm, 1ape OllW ·cond. "'"" -·~"· Anllf!UO!i ctoiild Mtl iijtisr iiil diOilj)i •14 c.. '15 l>ODCZ PfU Ii T. Jq &1S-1a 'i
· . -' • • dock. $!00. <e-!m ~ • ' · Ql<Qlf ... Om!. Both load-bed. belqi ....,.,..., •II. 15 Olda "15" 4 dr
P'R.EEI Boat repair ert. pm .A .sun. &36.2110 .._ TRIUU.Plf TR t ~-!ORD Cpt. OimJletel>'· _. ~ MO-'Ja& take ove:r pa y-m e;-a t 1. HardtOp, ruu ..,.,..... Air.
r...uor ,.,.. boat lo tho J)un, Buggl• 952! * &ootl cdndluoa <! ......... ~ 8llldt. $IGll) '"' -l42-l.\15 I
.,....., fut.It boll MtVJao Mini 8ikl1 9275 vW d chullt Rouwbl• !llHDI mob-· ~IS .au.&RO ·eo Dodp w_,,"" -" .81 TORON·~ ~ "111 'i In the area. Let UI roaJca W\e ~' ~ , •1 ~ pod tlaw, $350 n...-v •
your boat like new (tlO job 8ol'1lfU& 5 hp, jaclmhalt, 11\ortened, dean .t painted, 6u.N1l5 NJ..11" "f.3 TJt.~1 wbW ""1lf, ..... w....._ ~ '700 I * U'L..1:~ * pwr, I.fr, AM°"•Af.. l wbla. {
too .,..ul We abo "" .-, fendm, iI00. R..i m<lal &kt. M.,..,. alOO W. Oout Hw> .. N.11. , .. ulle top; Mii. fl 9!'1!'•0 SS J50 _.. ._,....., I :IZl::Z:·:::Jl68.:::1:129::;::::= fil'"''"" ;,ppJJe,, Open 7 * $40-1483 * Towel ..., -$400. Au.....,.. MG 0.,itr -.-.,.. WJI PAY • . • , Air, law -thlt 'iii 11111ii0i PHOENIX 1,
.,.,wk. 4~ "" Sll-3640. MG CASH -I !I 1\'anU~. 2 tlr 11.T, $15. ~11<3 O WIND AN' SEA Motorc:yclH fJOO MEYERS Manx for, ... ,.,. S&J.., ~. hrtt 'fOYOTA .:t. °';J ":T. :! . PL YM UTlf
1137 ""!""" . ott ,..d uae. 196tl !IS hp BUI llnmedlata Dallwry, . " . -~::.... ,. , l:AL'"ON 1~ RA•ARUNNl!R . ~ta. Mum. &G-760'7 ena. Xlnt cond, $UCO. Call AU llode1il ' -rI;;rn;1·~""""ri-i;;;;;-;;;;;;;;:1--..!'.::::. .. ::;:.:.;~-,_ """
FIBERGLASS 1>7 pm. 5'8-9067. BITJ.. MAXEY :i '::' :-...: .=.:-~MAfilt '8T ~ comb. l9IO -... Rancbm>. 283 ~ •~mt.,..j:
REPA,IRS EX1'Rt\ Cl.Bani GoJd Flaft GROJll QIEYROIET !SO q, '-tpd, tnt, trac. Chevy q w/ 3 qid w/ OD all at:
Boal& duno bnr1;,• I <amp. Manx, loaded. No ,..,, 01• IT lnlYlnlT~ , , ~ ~:i. "·1 ~11;,'· ...... Wide oval tu.I. kUSTOM MOTOllS
trs. ~ ._.ftfuled. MU&t &ill • i;;;.I gg '" 0.7M alt I ' ~e<t CXll1d. MUr otrer. MS ~t St,. ~ta Mes · i
Smith Boat RepaJn ~ 3100 W. OJUt Hwy., N.B. 11111 BEACH 8~ • ~ II* M'fA-·1-968-491M WE DEAL! *
• 117-5453 * * ~ PAZ * GJ2.>lfli 540-!76' Hunl. Beech 147-ISSS ~~ CHEVROLET . ., PLYMOUTH. 2 dr bnltop,
Bugy Builders, 3623 W. war. Authorized MG Dealer 3 aU N, of Otut Hwy, OllBdl Jd e.,s PORD auto. p/1, mech. IOUn4. .
Morino Equip. 0 -;;::,;:==;;::::;=.=;:;: I°''· SA 546-41l45 .• .,.. ~· MGA •·-[ '65 IMP•• • HT ll7'i. ~ . '66 Bu.ltaco MatJdor dirt CU a.uutop coupe, new T~TIAI WE PAY WH ~-~ ONJ': factory re-built (never bike rd. cond. ..,~· take STOM a1us body. Rebuilt eng, tires, etc. Xlnt eol'i!J. . ~ ft'-Full pwr, a1f. new dlr er:w.. '62 FORD WAGON PLYMOUTH Roadrwmn' •· l
nJPl Gefi Mln g.71 mod•! o , .. Full-, -l)200. :Ul\I 15th St., M"'t ..u 11'5. 4'\H7ll8 •· I I • •• owned .,,. ,little 'oleo man COUNTRY SEDAN 8400 mi Period cimxl. l21IO '
.. HNG -""""' "'"" ,., """""-pnce N•WpOl't 87>-7095 -· • Ale "" -vou· R r ID from l.e~ World. WW or .... otter• -I
eniJ,ne. Complete •/twin-$325. 646-3488 DEAN LEWIS l'fll "'¥ Wee fortf&n CAr in trt.de. Auto. dlr, V.8, ~r rlffll. ' {
""" l,'tdactlo• "'" 2,1 "9 11<ailliii1 goonJo..bil<e s Im--••-~-9600 MGI '"ONNELL >Ont cpnd lnlld• • out. Ina. Real a .... 1 FNY m PO.-a.-l ) tatlo. J'or further details, hp, ~pd, ne&l' llf!W. ,_.. ·-""'._ 1966 Harbor, C.?d. 6t6-931J3 '-' RP'HS81LB. CaJ1 Mf. Phfl lB $399. WW te.ke older ftllAt.f.. ~
call P. Sutton (213) ~l llIX!. 963-LIB7 ALPHA GULIETIA • 5 7. '68 MOB ELMORE MOTORS CHEVROLET after 11 AM, '96.ll!T3 or "'=·Call Bill 49WT3 !
weekda)r&. er (111) 5t6-M38 Honda 65 Com.pl reblt 4 recond. CONVERTIBLE -Hatbor Blvd. SU.0S:U.. or · '89 F~l\D. -400 4lx. air,' ~
weekendl. Good condition ius Evecything new. $695 or A fantastic car, Only 6,000 er.ta Mesa 546-1'00 '51 Chiv. it•·:J"· 11169 FORD L'tD. Fully fact warr. Prlv' JIUV . .,
SAl[s::s;pt, Specl1ls 962-0933 best oiler. 2312 Nev.·port, mika! AM/FM, wtre whotla, TOYOTA Btl >Jr,' Dr, VllQ' cond. powered A all extnui. Lesa Auume bal $3115. !
10% CASH DIKOunt '65 Yamaha 250cc N.B. ~13!13 tonneau, etc. AlmMt brand WIJI BUJ Rebuilt m enstne, .._Urea, thah 1 mo old, ~ 1000 ml. ~ •
LauOOry, repaln , s1.U11. $300 new· J{urry on this one. e Luat•t llf.lecUon ot a 11 new trarw., powtr 1tffrll:lr, ~no~ to co~~· A REAL Bf.IV I \
HANNA SAILMAKERS 545-!Ull ALPINE modolo colon, ..,. tho Your VO!bw.,.. or -poW<r bralte' ••lo trsnt. s.11 Ior coot For ,,,,.; 196a 1'>ntllc Botmevlll• '
861W.18th St., C.M. '69 Kawasaki, 250 cc, F-4. tarwm'Toyota dtalu. I: P1Y ~ .. ~b l'a1d tar =:P~~.: flea. call 64M373·. more ~~aft~ :-te Pfl·
Tl.4: stS-3464 New 30J miles. 67 SUNBEA?t.-1 Alpine Ex. NICEST USED CARS ar not. ....i •-..... '6 I' ' .
'69 US HP Johnlon. 9 hrs * Call 613--3400 * cond. New tires. MllSt See! IN ORANGE COUNT'l 673-0900 can l4?-.TIJ1 ' ard l'•trl•ne '&t Tempell LeMan. oon
comp. wtth controls, panel •66 BSA Hornet 650ce. xlnt iI495. 673-2284 15.lJO Beach Blvd. IMPOR'l'lj WANTD> 1955 CHEV 6 eyl, 1Uck lhllt. $495 New red' pl.illt. ·dean.·
A: 2 yr. warr. ~2766 ihape $650. su...2369 After 3100 W, Cout Hwy., N.B. WemniM'ler Phone $3322 ~ OJuntlel 4 Dr .. only 70,000 ml R/H, 3 2 Door Loaded. VI, etc. Lle. ot beat olr. 6'B-3Ul ~
S ,..:.,.,,, • AUSTIN HEALEY 6'2-!Mffi 54!>1161 '68 Toyoto Co•on• TOP I BUYER "' new tires. 0.llbuodlns lltM949 Phono 60"""3 Dir. '68 POHTIAC ~
Bo.It Slip Mooring 9036 ~ZUKI l2I C.C. trail bike lo Authorized MG Dealer \Vhlte with black bu clm BILL MAXEY TOYOTA eond. ,J175. ~00 aft 6 '61 Tortno GT Fut.bk. 300 hp, 54s.4S29 Atta 11 PM
AUSI'IN Healey l9M MKU 63 MGB ,_ _ _, a~ats, aukl, ndlo. y.n '"""'· Ui8lll Buch mvd. pm. r/h, ale, bucket teat&. 000< Tio-up pri•"I-$&) miles. S2XI ru Kingl P1 . . _.... . ' .,..." Ir .alt top, ~~ R. Buda. Pb. .... -'56 ~-·. o •• Air 2 Dr. .......... xlnt c:ond. _,. or 1--------...... ".. Newport H~'"'ls. ., 300J. C.Onvt. Red W/ wulle new tires. radio, wire wbeds. Sbl.rpl Priced to ltll at: .,,,__, l....Q..C;Y ac& --.-. _...... min. Sail boat P" 1' -,,;;'-;=.,.--:,,,..,.,.....,..-,;;;-lop. Good condltion. $1600. Veey good cond Mu>t sell kUSTOM MOTORS WE PAY TOP hdlop. Good cond. New -ofr. 54&-2141alta'5 RAMl&:ER
Waler/elec Inc 1 • ll3 '69 Kawasaki Mach Ill m.-3488 Make oiler .f94-9sce 345 Baktr st. Costa Mesa DOLLAR tires. $60 or best ofter 'Si FORD Galaxlc, 4 dr,
F.dgcwater, Balboa. (7IJ> 500. Like new! i850 . 540-5915 • · WE DEAL! fer rood. dean med: can. 6Q..0570 hrdtop, a berpJn at $650. '69 RiBEL siT
8'll--• 548-W • DATSUN . ., Toyot& Land crw..r, ,.. an malmL s.. c..q. a., '81 IMPALA Wan-Air, pl• Pbono.,.... 545-3310 -cu ool> hea 111!11 mlla •
1966 Triumph 650 CC Trophy OPEL trul Like new! Theodore Robln1 F'ord 18,0l) m.I. Xlnt cond. $1'.ll I: '66 Ferd h]con, navy blue, l'aciDry wanuty, air oond., 8oc~:~~~! 9039 Special. Xlnt 5ha.pe. ~ ORANGE COUNTY'S * 673-9072 * 2060 Harta Blvd. take over Pl.)'rhenta, $911 mo. coovt, b)Jrtnt V-8. 4 spd, gd. PS. PB, landau tap. M\nt
--------~t!Hlll NO. t ·ss Opel Sedan, good con-C.N. 642-«D.O 642-4789 a.rt 5:!!0. c:ond. $595. 49f.&i59 coodition. A9Al.97MlmC.
CAL 2~ $25 day . $150 wk
CAL 36 $95 da,y -$570 wk
For Charter. * 846-29S1
'&.;Honda, model 1965. Good DATSUN DEALER. dlUon, very efficient. R &: WANTED: Volkawaa:en '69 El Ca.mlno, 6600 mile:.. ':!>FORD ROADSTER Sa.CUSTOM MOTORS
condlllon.:::,,.. DOT DATSUN .:·:·=wason.R• VOLKSWAGEN :::.\~:~~-~,'l_1111>· ~':,'~~~ N .... ~.•Trant. Mt'Ba1cors1 .. eo.i.M-"'~ O..cb Blvd. H 1 •pd. Good ""'' YW BUGS 1395. 812-39.13 •5915 * WE Dl!lALI'
Hunttnaton Beach ~1058 '6C IMPALA, 4 dr, new tlre•,1--------Z..1961 Rambler AmerlCIDll, Mobile Hnmff 9200 Auto S1n11ce1 w.rm or 540-fll4.2 Auto LHtlng 9110 belt•ry, m"1llor, 17 5 o. LIN'"OL cyl. 195 ....._ Neod motor
GREENLEAF PARK & P•rt• 9400 '67 DATSUN PORS'"HE FR$3°'99' 642-4931 .. N ....... 830-1470 ID clear, clean, coal Costa 1961 vw 1500 ena:ille, approx ..., LEASE .. RENT CHEVY '63 Impala Wqan, .67 LINCOLN CorM!rttble ~.63~RAMBLER===-.,-...--="'e,'t:'
Mesa. Nil" 9'.Z IPl.ce adult l .CXX> miles. almost MW, C DR Sed 4 gpd dlr ORDER YOUR Plb P/s, ~factory alr, low Low mllea. Xint cond. $32'.X). auto, ftlH. New top, budatt
park. Model.1 & Sa.Jes ottlce complete. 1,1:E DEAL! Set H ' had • • tln.!~ '61912 COUPE 1970 TODAY mile!. $795. 673-6MO 6tM1D7 arur 5 seats. $265. 6"-295.L
locatf'd at Park. Open 9 AM at: Kustom Moton, MS = W~ acrl~:.p ~all Deep .bu~~W'I°!_~! FOR EAR,LIEST 9l IMPALA 2 dt H.T. '60 UNCOLN iood coad. , --------
lo 6 PM. 54l>-S915 · blk '""' u•~• .,,_ DELIVIRY Air. PIS-P/B. 1115. ' "· ACCENI' MOBll..E ======== dn, line prvt prty. VGGS79-AJiilFM, ·"tc. 18.000 mi All popular makes. Fotd •MS-nu • PS. PW. ';1· '73,000 mflH. T·llRD
l·IOME SALES Trailer, Tr1vel 9425 ~· call Phil, '94-9'r73 or miles, Abso.lute]y impeccable &U~ leuinc ostem. iii a)e.yy 6 $500, Hurry . U 8-4729 ---'~="---t
1750 Whittier Ave. ~. tn every detail. Gtt OQr O::inpet:llive Ra.ta medlanlcal' cond.l'Y!n. ~ '6T LANDAU. Low mile
Cnsla Mna 714, 6'2-USO • ., 17' Nonb-Coach. 6 RARE '67 Austin rnlnl •II-ThoodoN ,._1610 MERCURY luJ'1 equip""-Tako car
WOULD YOU LIKE TO monometic: · "'lri& • """ lion .....,. ""'°""1' $llil0. ROllNS FORD ~~------------lqUllJ. Call' 96>-4<111
LI VE IN THE ~ water. snso. 548-161' :io.6, 673-9685 "Mar,y·f'ran. '63 Qwvy Nova 1ta wq, 6 '61' Mere Col. Pk. Wp. 10. l-""""'T~Blnl~.-'=-"'---...,..,-1-=t
DRIFTWOOD cea" no Harbor JllVi!. cyl; Atr ~. nu. tires. pu1, ale, rack. P/S. P!B. brk:I. Engine top cond! M
BEACH CLUB, H.8.1 Trucks 9500 ======== 5t9-3CU1 Ext. 66 or 61 ea.ta Mel&-6f.2.mlO aean. $000. G73-&l54 P/W, pwr. eeats, apd. cont, &eel $695. 54.5-6325
CALL BEITT 5l6-B50G --------1 ,;;E;;N;;;;G;;U;;S;;H;;;;;;;FO;;;;;R~D~, aioo w. 0out H-.. N.B. mo HARBOR BLVD. .~ LEASE .~ '6! CHEV k>I. ""'°· RAH. au1o --AMJFM. ·52 N!IRD, fllll¥ automatic. 167 Doclfe Van ~1 COSTA MESA ~ _. CLEAN! $'100. mucJI more. Pi50. 830-64U Good condition. nt:l'll ADULT couple or widow fDr V-8, aulo, exctlhnt condi· SU-9'05 ~11&1 '611 c.dlllac ())upe dtt VUle, •835-1~• -
:::,neln '::~ :::.· •• ~ tiK'LsTOM MOTORS i~~~ ~:~rJ A".':;': ;:Rr;: '68 vw ·~=-:9.:'..;.,_ I .. ;;;;.,,..,~=.,=Alt!o,"Im=pa="··v"~;";Dr<:"'.. ~=·l---M-U_S_T_A_N_G_'_ '": ::.:;;;,,~ ......
pool, W:ry clean. 6t2-.5134 or US Baker SL. Costa Mesa. FORD DEALER A retrt! Evt!ry posaib1e a. Mr conditioner ' Jpd ·dlr on. r/h, atr, ps. $88.115. ;..,_im: ' , '300, &mS !
540-0065 S40o59l5 SALES. SERVICE tra. Only :u.ooo ..u .. su..r loaded! -· .,..;.,.· exl: :iu~ =T air, $7\)0, O!EVY '$; Mallb<a, P/~. '68 Mustang
69 .13 '!'. 25 w I &kirting, A~~~~matiooal '69 MODELS ~~!~ ::i:-e.lnter. See & pluab black int, Take amall CAR LEASING auto tn..r., to mJt. $1750. TORONADO
shed &: porch. 1 hlk lo ahoP-· 1 ~,61=1<~f~O°"R"o""'c~U~S=TO"'M"" I ~~l~~8'°N down or trade. Low, low 300 W est Hwy NB 645-2182 Pvt pty. 648-0031 . GT, 2+2. tat bclc, alr, ps, TOROu•oo ~ ping. l&IO Newport, No. 55, 'I~ pymnta. VHF890L8 can · • , pwr alrg &: btkJ dlr Int ._. J
C.M. club wagon. auto. r & h, red, Theodore Ken Ot-9m or se.Os34. '69 R.Jvtera, tab owr leue ~/H~-IAR0284 lf: R.S. P~ group m Bk $2.810 will aac-Del1JXe, air, f/p, LanclaU top, DELuv~ Dbl wid >1 bU WBJm9. priced to sell ''' ROBINS FORD '6 lnmt J>VI. ply. Full pwr, · "'°· """St.. r11 ~950· T·• old ,_,, $247'i. 54!>5083 ~ e
c RS 2 YW BUS a/" bnmac. '".,.,.22 ·...., $45-2991 eves. WW tcade. v-·.:....~ .~an•PhJlerMI~~ ~=======!~ Home. New adult park, CM. kUSTOM MOTO 2060 Harbm' mvd. ... ...... , r"· c.~uo WT'Jlhl -
Eves/i\·knds. 646-4660 845 Baker St., Costa Pt1esa. Costa Mesa &iumo RbU qlne, reblt lnllll, dlr, mo. 963--08C9 or 615-1142 '68 MAlJ.BU 2 door coupe or 545-0634.
541).5915 * WE DEAL! · camper tpeclal, IUl'e mat· $2050. Must u.crltlcel I;;, --===-.=-o~ '6l IO' x 46' ROD & REEL Auth International Dlr '1.~ .. ~'.!!_~~-~~~~!I llOO W. 0..t Hwy., N.B. tress & extra equipment. UMCI Cart '900 "2-li22 968-3277 alt 5 pm 69 MUS?ANG C,!m tnl,
partly iurn. To be mov· 1 ~=~=-====-6{2.9405 Sf0.1764 $893, Full price, \YUi fine .... a.; . ' · loaded! Showroom fresh. 1963 2 Dr. Auto trana, radkl,
ed. 616-aSlO '65 DAJSU N FERRARI A"thoriud MG Dealer prvt prty. NPUl<MIB. Call TRANSPORTATION ~ •• Chevy Mllibu, air, ail $l6llO Jinn. 516-8720 or air, $400.
llWPORTE Mo ORS poftr, Ex~nt co ll d • 6ff..2168 eves. * 646-8197 * MOBILE horn• w I abtna. FERRARI '69 911 S. TARGA Phi!, 494-9T13 or Sl5-0634. R T ~-~·;61~2-;1:1826~....,...-.,..--,,.l::"=':'~===::=:-::=:;=;:-:::;;::::;=::::;:;:ft
bay view on Udo Pen. PU w/ camper, new eng, f> Newport Im ti Ud Or-Exquisite tangerine tinl.sh w/ '65 VW, 2 door, • apeed; CHEVY '64 2 Dr. Impala. y.l;U~t~od~C~•;'";;;;;;;:.;9900;;~U~~tod;Co~,.;;;;;;;;;;9900~ ~ Adulbl only. $6500. 67J..-0196 side minors,' spd, dlr, xlnt. por · hlk. inter, EW:ry pos.aible radio, heater, beautib.11 ml 2038 HARBOR m.vo.
Small dn or ~ trade. Lo =e d~ty'a mllY author-acce90f)', Only 950 miles! and sharp, RUM 1'0,. $109!$. COS1'A MESA 8• p/1., air. irn. C'1I
MOTOR HOMES 9215 pYJ?lnt.s. NOZ63kLB, call Rob SAI.Es.S'ERVICE·PARTS Showroom condition. Carl's Motor Co. lhe., 00 541-5294 or 54M511 ;.67).0422;;-;;;=·,-,,==-....=:-
494-9773 or-546-0634. 3100 W. C.oaat JI\\')', Harbor, O.M., 6(2.0fl.3. FINANONG AVAILABLE 'Q CHEV. ll Wqon; 6 Cyi.,
. ' . 11 -.-, nm au lllW
Wt .............. .................... ---AU. a11a. tt '""· 11 ""'· • 'Ml'· ' '(Un r111AN0-1•a A• APl'IOYll CllOIT.
0 4 •tick shift. $495 Or bMI: of:. 1965 SC UT 4x Ne\.\'J)Ol"l Beach TWO VW'1. Neat 515 Sedan. 2 MU1.lanp; $2650 ea.Ch fer. c.all: 546-TUl9
Fully equipped, HPGT;,6 pric. 642·940.'? .540-l764 60 Conv. fixer-u~. Both 3 Chevy Impalas $2700 ea
ed lo sell at: Authon.z.ed Fernn Dea1er w/reblt eng. Let'• talk! 3 Ford Galaxies $2700 ea '62 ~ Il Conv. RIH.
kUSTOM MOTORS Ii 642-ll099 YOUR OIOJCE-l9611 A•lo. Ol'lilnal paint. """'
815 Baker st .. Costa ""' JAGUAR 3100 W. <lout ..,.., N.B. ... VW 1 • 534-S290 • condltlo~ $!50, 50.1111
M(),.5915 * Authorized --------1642-94<15 540-1764 aunroot', excel ent '69 OfEVY KlnpMXKI 9
Jnttrnatlooal Dealer '67 JAGUAR XKE 2+2 Autborlted MG Dealer eond. Leaving for ltawaU. '64 Okla •ta wq E"3S. v..a. pall wgn, 40CIO ml, M1y
An extra clean Jag. Every ·53 PORSCHE 1800 Supet. ::i~g';~4 W7S. 4.94-'1865 or R/lt. ~/1, p/b. nu tires. eqp'd, mll1.t sell. 548-7232. '60 Dodge P .U. 200 hp, nu
cng, baH, top. Gd tires.
$650/offer. 673-0911 ask k1r
MONnlL Y * '39-llOO
1955 GP.IC V..a, • speed
h,ydrnmatic, clean. '4!15.
call aft 5 pm. 548-4941
possible acceS90ry; auto Near perfect. radial Urea, f150. 9 O\lbd cmpr $415. trans. .Mf/FM, ch!'ome wir· chrm whll. \Vorth $1ti00. 'EiO VW, runs good, mtr 548-4.995 au 5 pm., 646-3160 '62 ' Dr. Chevy Impala. P/'!1,
es, ctc. Only 23,000 miles! \Viii take beat offer over recently overhauled w;o. '68 SPORTS stdan, 13,100 P/b. Radlal tires. Xlnl
Locally owned • serviced. $UX). Call alter i pm 291 flower, C.M. (rii!U rear ml, t.lr, pwr., Wl)1 top. Top cond. $6&1 548-2654
Exreptionall¥ clean. Also, 3 8J2..033,S. hoult) 548--3155 cand!Uon. '94-3232.. '63 afEV. 2 ctr .. bardtop
other Jquan to cbooae PORSCHE 1961 • 912 -NEW MUST Sell '66 VW CUnper, . Impala, powtr, clean. from. TIRES CHROME WllEELS folly equip, lo -.. """ IUICK l41-21°' or M7-4!J'
311n p o11 ~,
• CQIX)A MATS • EX-amt. ga..1511 evn..
CELLtN1 <;ONDITTON -'66 VW Snrf, bef&e w/blk lnt. ButCK '66 R1vien. factory
$4,3501 {Pboee) 543-4070 At-R/H. Porsche riml, Xlnt air, full power, excelleDt
TER 4.:0(f P.M. cond. $1350. ~2'115 condlUOn. See to appreciate! + '65 CONVERT * "61 VW Van with 1500 eng. f¥. <9'-4IS8
3100 w. Couc Hwy., N.B. xfiit cond. All ma.. nu pot,, Best offer. c....u af~ 4, 'fi6 BWclt RMfra. fu1J¥
'64. FORD % T Ptu w/cam-6-t2-9405 540-1164 top. Must aell. 646-l.tU 64.S-16911 eqp'd, pert eond, mUlt Me
per. Many extras. Xlot Authorized MG Dealer .65 Porsche C. green at. tan •to vw. red, good runnin& to aPJftC. $3100. 5'&-0393
"67 FORD ~~ Ton. Cumm.
cab. Extras! 37,000
milf't. U595, $3185
cond. 5t5-3MO aft S: :rl ESTA TE Sale-XKE ' 6 4 int. $3500. 61S-09U. o r oond. $55(1. "al~""=5------
''2 Cbev 'iii ton pick-up. Coupe New Tana:erine lac-614-2292 d.&11 * 675-1939 * '69 R.lvkn. take over JeUt
$150 quer; American m • & •: '$ 1500. new Int, CUilom * '58 VW VAN * frOm pvt. Pb'· Full pwr,
675-1355 or m.30H Mlchelln X lirH: nnr Koni nalnt, gd mech. cond nd. Goocl cond. ~ or beat of-a I c, bnmac. $U'l.J2 mo. lbockJ. A real Beauty! .-· ' · 962449 or 615-210
C1rnpen 9520 Make offer. 6 3 3-0 9 O 8 , tires. $1200 caah. 54G-65l9 1,,:,'"""'675"5~'-'1-'-4 ~~-__,
V-8, automatic, iactocy alr,
"""" -.... ,...., fin. Ra, radSo A. beater, Jmma.
.W.le. (UDE nil
ATLAS '6f DODGE 'ii ton truck 639M21 aft 6 pm. 'i!t;:..e~~~s~A~ ~ ·~.:.I~~.~ :
"''""'' compartm';""-a.ply KARMANN GHIA RENAULT p.m. 962-7296 ~~ ~~~;,,ld~all OIRJi,~f:"ii'."~'."'"
til"ll1. on rear. 10 catxwt;r lll60 "-'AUL~ In ...._. ........ 1965 VW 1500 S 8IJU8l"C back. BUICK No. = H 11 O'lST4 MESA &tl-1!"4 camper \v/mono-matic • . ~" ·~ •"""' ........ ,...,.""' ~ n..... D&U Nn 1 · toilet &. boo! to cab Xlnt 59 KARf\.lANN' Ghia, new dllton and Vf!/'y economical •uw· evayth.lngl ..... ..,.n Y '"'' 0 p.m,
cond ims 61$--0625 • trans, '60 rbU enr. new 25 1ni per gal • $125.00 Call 491-1835. Ask fm DON BARGAIN! '63 CHRYSLE;ii ConwrUNe
. • pAlnt i500 call art 5 to 1tt 64~ '61 VW Camper, Reblt. Im&'· 64J..2252 afU!r 6 PM Vef)"1cltan. lo mlleL f].300,
'69 VW Sundial camper, 714:496--34.19 & traJa. $850. Call 644-0552 , Owner: ll6).3.'.IS8
waler, ke tm, table, bed, ·~tlo~E~TO~! con-after 5 PM. 63 Buick Rlvten., air, Bf· ========I '""'"'·Owned only 1 "'°" MERCEDES ll!NZ * 67J.<l727 * . MACULATE, loaded. CON11NENT'&L THE SUN NEVlll Sl!:'I'S CIL Must sell. Moving to Africa. $13Xl, '65 Red VW. 1 OWTJU. $U75. ~ Ill
DAILY PILOT WANT ADSI $3500. 844-296.2 Compl.i:y reneW'lld. 2111 lJll RIVIERA. To.n .. -ip 1-========.!.:======="I Newport Blvd 5Q.4r'55 •-v _,. ... · '64 CONT'L. "'111 P'flT, atr, 1" SIMCA · -Lib new. Top con4l loather, law mJla. Xnll
Clearance Sale
01 Al-.... ........ ca..,,_ All ... 11' .. ,, • .,.
IOUA WAT llT Mtmrw
142$ BAKER ST• COSTA MESA v ..... ..,., ........... ....,
C.AlL 140-t410 TODAY
lt60 SIMCA. ""1dlet job. Best .u.r.
SUBARU a.at 0.011 Are At
1960 -.. 1'0. C1tan, SUBARUS DEA" LEWIS ~ ~. $'1'l f Jr m . fMMEOIATE DEl.JVERY lift Hubot C.M. l46-t30I
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