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1969-09-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' ' ' • "t • • an - • • . . . Scho~ls Playing Lt (Jool8 • Dress Codes • SATURDAY,'SEpW.jiEJl" ll, 11969· . ' Belaxing VOl. .. NO. a' lttTIOHS. .. 'A0£1 • r Brother· Killed;· Two Hurt ... . ; . ' Corps ·Chief: Pendleton .. ~. ou~tian Slain; ' . Police Hold Son By RICHARD P. NAIL Of,... Dllltr '"'' St9ff' I The pr.oding divorce of a rgiddle-aged Anaheim. "couple lead to a patricide Fri- day u a 2'-year-old son gunned down hi.s • • Bl.oixl.mobile' s t ~ \ i . . 86'8, and Gone ' Bloo!I-. ~g lo give blood to-d!ol' II Ibo Red Cross Bloodmobll< at llots ~ Hospital will have to wait llllllf-.,)lme arnwid. ' . P,. 1'l'Orll saying the blood recep. -~-.Id arriYt al the bcilpltaJ's o:iltllw center today were tn~ error. 11..-lhere Frldat, -~'Unablt;lo give blood art~ed ICY Caaliol the Anahebn chapter 1bead· _...set the.Red Cross for lllformatlon Olli .. em arrtval of the .bloodmobile in the ljmo<' AI<a. ' ) faUler during a family fracas. Tb1.s was the story.today from Anaheim poli~ who identifled the slaying victim as Verle G. Smith. 58, of 1429 Crone St., Anahe.im. His son, Curtis L. Smith, 29, of 714 S. Lemon St., was In city jail today on sus- picion of murder. Official! said the sen· ior Smith had been shot once in the chest with a .38 caliber revolver. Police information was sketch,y but SR!. Del Wade said officers answered a famfly disturbance call shorUy before noon and found the sin.for Smith mortally wounded. A shot or shots had been reported to po- lice. Sgt Wade said a family quarrtl ap- parently crew out of a divorce proceding initiated against the senior SmltJ:i by his wife, Florence June. A deJXJty corooer said the gunshot vie· tim died at 2 p.m. in Oranee County Med· ical center' The· younger Smith, iniUaly booked on S!im>lclon of attemp~ murder, was rebo&lfd at Anaheim city jail on suspi· ci~of murder pending review or the case by dlstri~ attorney. . Wade uid the 100 apparently or. fered no resistance to amsting offlctrs. Playing .·It Cool Cop,st Schools Ease Dr~s Codes 9J Jt\RBARA KBEllllCB ., .... Plltt '""'It.rt ll!Jh ecbools along the Orange Coast thia Week appeared to have found' tbe ,.luUqn to dreas code problems -eliJn. lnate the dress code, or at least relax it. SChool administrators from Hunting· ton Beach · to. ~a Beach expressed tbenilelvea a '1de:Jighted" wilh the ap. pearance of 9f.ltdeilts wbo checked into cJuaea thla: weet' -in some cases com· plete filth long hair. c..ta Meaa llJ&b and Corooa de! Mar mp had ellmlnlled speclflc dresl rules ......,.., lum!Qg the whole i<Obiem -.. -.Ota and pmnts ·~ 0017 that atudtota be decently Clad - and wur shoes, for aafety ,.....,., "We"' gal quite a bit of loog bait on campua," aald Mesa mg!> Prtiicipal Fl'lllk 11.<pes, "a!Jo IOl1J" prdt7 lonf stdebuRll and a few musti<hea, blil reaf. ly 1liJI the percentlge w<'d expeeted. The majority of the klda loqlt surprising· ly 1'°""· 1We're aeetna 1 lot mbf!: of them this y~,_.,. With CIURS cbanilnf every 20 minutes under 1he ~ flaiblt tJChedul· Ing and we're very happy with what we see." Lopes said one ~~I had been aent home the first day ol achool when 1he arrtved wearing levis sp1It "a little far up the .side." ~he ~ U\e problem and was batk in exactly 21 minutes he aaJd. "Now that we're not> figbtib& wind· mills any· more, maybt we: can get down to t.be busioesl fl. educating kids a n d stop 'lrilttylng about thlnga !bat m a y not mate a real difference," Lopes con· eluded. At Corona del Mar llJih School, ... sistanl principal Bob Hugl>ea ecboed the view. All«'-·a IUl'VOJ, the ICbool d<ctded tjlat atud<lit dma waa a ltsponstblUty of the -and reduced rulea lo one: aboef most be worn. opening wetk, l8kl Hugbel, was "r~ taatlc. • With no dreaa rules lo bl! bro!<· en, no studtnll h.d to be aent home. "I' created 1 nice atmosphere," Hughel ex· platlled. "The kJds looked tremendous. We were overWhelmed. Now •e. can Just ($« DllE:M, Pap IJ • 'THE EARTH EXPLODES' Chopm1n en a..12 R1ld1 • Jersey Boy Kills Brot1ie1: .W itli Ax; Tivo Sisters Hurt JERSEY CITY, N.J. (UPI) - A teen- age boy hacked his youn&er brother to death with an u early today. Then, ac· cording to police. he atacked two other children in the family with the implement while hla parents looked on belpl"81y. Police called to tbl acene found Danlel Mitc~eU. 15, dead; anp two slsten, Donna, 7, and Diane, 14, severly injured .. Michael Mttche11, 17, was taken Into cus- tody apd charged with homicide. He will be arrilgned Monday m6rning . J)oth young girls were declared. in cti- lical condition at Jeri.ey M.edica1 Center. The Incident occurred • at the Mitchell resi.dence here about 12:30 a.m. "We ~·f i:now wlly 'be.-did it," p6lice sa1id. "He just went berserk. We arc sdll inv~gaUng." Flash' Flood Waslles! Strip . in Las Vegas LAS VEGAS (AP) -A, Hash flood Cl~,by -~ sl<JfJn& WaUsed !Mo-DaJt pan. of Ille LIS Vegas strip Frtdly nfgh~ submerging some wa lq roor to nve feet of watfr. Hardellt hit was the north parldni lot •~ Caesars Pal1tt, wbert several cm were wished away. and 30tnt ovfhumed. " • ... '' ' ,j. r·· :l')"i 1, 1 ~ -t 'IT'S BOUND TO HAPPEN' Ptndltton Troop ·Cutback Marines 'Dug In' . DMl.l'Pl&:.OT ',..._ .• ~vi.i J 'NO PllANS TO', ~bill" iii(~~ Com!".•ndant Pr"ltra F~I~ · ' ' ; .. , Civilian Use ,of El .TQro ·· . . '· , . . . . . Airport Said Unl~~ly :·. In the view of Its commander, chances are sllm'for use of El Toro Marine Corps Afr statlOn aa a joint mllltary-dvWan airport that 'Woul<I, lell!ell •jet traffic al • Leism·e World Woman Mugged A 'n-year~ld Leisure World ·Woman llU!fered a broken wrlat lala.trld•t night when ahe waa burled lo the p\lUn<I by • parR' lllaldllng-thug In Lquni Beach. Muriel I!Hec1e1, of 14711 A•e. 'Carine!; WU retui:nJng lo htt cat -t ll;301p.ni. after •uOndhir'the mulkral ''Ills Sound of Music" ln Llgi.ma'i Imbl ·Bnli , Police. Lt. lpbo 1.elko soJil !ht dd#I; 'houiewlle Ira w'eltlloimd d l'onlt A •enue when the, 'baridtt atm0 up lislitna lier .... otruqted !tr lier --' · AifJ'bllnitH~~~. Aid 1.ell<o, the blndtt fled thrwgl> the Laguna Beach Lumber Co. Mn. Briflld waa tekeo lo South Coast Comnluntty Hospllll ' where 1,he WU ID utlafoctory conditm th11 morninJ. I • . . ' .. f • " . : ' . I, • ' ~ •. • ..... -.1 ~ilctL-ratfuu "'1' •'ti .. • , . ~ ' • ' '" fl " oil ' . f ' • ·Al'.Jticipaied ' ' •• ' l • l ' 1 ~ P Reins ow Tugged. rfhree~a~. ~IAP)-Seo.- of IWrilllra pllnl to' -.... .. liliilie ~<lell ... ' fl[ 'llf I , .... u.m· ........... _ Jo ' ... _ ,., ... ~ ivm.!a. ' ~"t!'f openecrhls -• )eltq rl' c:andf4K:t ...i.11 to play dOwn· ~ e1emen1 of !n the Republleen race, Inf Baker of ,..,, ...... do-= u. u;e-n1ce l'rld.iy; siym • . bu suppott from both UberJ tad c:_onaervati'rel in the Senate. Baker ~ his &election 1berefore would avciid l • -Uon betll,... the Republicsn flchl ind1be Rep<>b!i<an le!L ' ScoU. amldered the most liberal of !he candklales, wrote his GOP colleague.: "AU too often you and I are the vic- tims ol labels which serve only to mis- lead. I seek this ~tJon not 8.1 the tpOkesman of any particular group of Ideology, but as one who fervtntly b&- U.... In the neceally of ea.cu .. and col>eolvo Reubllcan octlao in Ibo Senale." --be l•tt be had roved Ibis durlq elPt i.-.. u Reubllcan whil' ff• -llnilb, u lo .... yin UW paolllon al Ibo boclnnbii ti Ibo Clllftlll c.ncr-. 'llllre "9"iDed me ci-i;on marl! on tJ>o 11oeup·., )>Qlllble -.... , ~ Alloli " llol<rld<I. who hod a<f. Vlaed aome colleagues he intended to run, said he wouJd anncnmce his intentions Monday. , · Either Allot.t or Hruska had been ex. ~·to stand aside1 tea the votes of iho iJae .cooservallve ....t.n be df. ···~.. . ,, __ ' ' But ~ woiild give no hiot a1 to ~=' who died 1ut ~ bvcnd llnllD last January for the at whip, tit depaly mumv lelder. llnlota .... widely reprded u ~·· per-aooll choice to be his own eventual tue-....,,. ' Baker, 43, so~in-law or Dirksen, laid he would bring to party·Jeadership a new f.ace and a youthful lmqe. Scott is 68, Urusn 15 and ADoll 62. The Tennessee senator said he has enough volel~pledged or indicated lo win the job. ' . ~ * * Dirben Aware • Pumce of Living W ~~. O~e in 10. . CHICAGO (UPI) -Sen. EvmU Ill. Dirksen knew in advance that his chancu of surviving lung cancer 5W'gery wtte enJy one ·tn 10, the Olicago DaJlj News riportodFriday. But tbe Senate minority le.ader elected to tlk'e lbe chance because his ·doctors allO told him that he otherwise had only about 18 months ta live, ~ews said in a 1lor7 by Ill polili<al editor, Charla Ni· coclemus. "Nicodemus quoted intimates of Dirk- l'lffl as saying he took sleJ>.' before enter- ing . the .hospital to ~d against what might boppen il he clied e< il he became phy~cally or mentally incapacitated. He llgned cbeckJ and papers lo dispose ti. his contimdng campatgn upense fWld, the News said. and prepared a mlgna· ticr1 from the Senate to be submitted U he •u no loogtr able to carry on his duties u sena.t<r frotn IllinoiJ. Nlcodenus quoted Dirksen '• friends as l&}'ing the aenator recalled a previous. l!tnltor whole illness made him phys.ical- 11 and menlally unable to serve hia state. "He said the people of Illinois had been too good to him and tbe welfare of lhe 3\ate meant too much" for him to take ISUch a chance, a close' associate of Dirk- sen'a was quoted as saying. ,Nlcodemua said Dirkstn'a friends were mre the senator hoped he would "beat tbt odds" in the same way he came back from an eye afillcUon which farced his resignation from the House of Repreaen- tati•es in the late lMOs. -- •t's Cool .Outside Getting the most out of. what's left of summer is Menna Welpnl, 24, of Newport Beach, wbo uses -14.e sud DOF hu home to Ill best advantage. Tho opening of school has depopulated the bea ches and given Menna more room for her occasional dip. . ' .• Sniper's Dad Wants His Guns For 'Sentiment' AUSTIN,. TU. (UPI) -Charles \'lbll· man Jr. of LIM Wortll, Fla., WIDls m ..... hie .... -to till JI -and "'oood $1 ll1Gl'8 from a tower at the Uni· verslty of Texas at AusUn In 1968. Whitman said the guns and other item11 Utat belonged to his son Charles J. Whil- man bad "peculiar senUmenlal value." Whitman, a lIT student, was shot to death by police aft.er his shooting spree from the oburvation deck of the U1' tower. Italy Workers Strike for l'ay ROMJ> (AP) -Jlaly'a !00,000 con· atruction workers walked out today in the litrt.ci .!_wo 41-hour •trik,. for biiJ>er wililLl-ieolipd. ajpt'e II 11¢ Wed-neildai l&d 'fta~ lo. I ' On ftmlday; mo.re than a million metal and mechanical warter1 ltluck for 24 boon. The rtriU llQPRed l'lld•ction In """"· 10;000 plon!I; Including Ille Jiuae Fial au1o plant, Jlaly'1 bigelil private • f 'rotn Page 1 COMMANDANT VISIT • • • • in the Camp Pendleton brig. -Progress in the Vietnam War. -Racial dil!icullies withlD the Corps on the home front. -America's potentlaI role In the Mideast conflict, from the iatervenUon standpoint. -Defense cost cutbacks and their er- lect on the Corps. Rarely sidestepping a question -only 1( he didn't know the answer -and refer- ring some to Sgl. P.·faj. Dailey or BriC". Gen. Henry W. Hise. station commander, the Commandant replied quickly and con- cisely. ''I wasn't aware he had done so," Gen. Chapman answered when uked about Friday's announcement that Rep. L. fl.fendel R i v e r s ( D-S, Carolina) had ordered a House Anned Services Com- mittee probe or conditloru in the brig at a.mp PendJet.ori. "I have no comment pending t:o1n- pleUon of the investigation," be added. 'llloilfalloll magazllle cumnUy repom alleged butings and inhumane treahpent of pr!Jonen .in the San Diego County ~. where confl.nement quitters design- ed for 392 have up to 900 Marines. "There's overcrowding in many of our briJs due -Ahh -to the ·tncrease ln the srze of the Corps, Yes, mmm·hmmm," he said. Gen: Chapman said procres.s is good In the Vietnam \Var and that South Viet~ naf!lese forces are increasingly taking their share of the combat burden, ''It isn't dra~atie or quick, it's slow and steady, but 1r we keep on there isn 't any doubt we'll do what we' went over there to do , he added. The highest !ifarine of all sa id he stts no damaging effect on the U.S. war effort through very brief pauses in B-52 bom- bing raids, such as ordered thi s ~-eek by President Nixon. then resumed. "Tbat'1 a potent wcapor •. " ht said, "no doubt about it. ~risoners tell us they are d.esperately afraid of Lhem. They com' in &Jently at 35,000 feet." "Suddenly." he cQntlnued. "the earth explodes around the enemy on tte ground." The Commandant said a proble1n ui.c;L, at U.S. bases whet1 it comes to conflict between blacks and whites, but added ~at It is not typical or ibe COrpa in Beneral . "I would like to emphasize lbere havf' betn no change in Marine haircuts," he replied when asked about his recen~ directive concerning Afro tlairstyles for black Marlnes. Fr-P .. e 1 He described the r!!gulaUons, which in· elude a maximum lenf,th of three inches. "'nlree Inches high? 1 asked a reporter. 0 Note l said long -not high," Gen . DRESS CODES . worry about giving them an educaUon." 11tinas went amoothly at Newport Harbor High lno. Dress rulu there had betn relued before the end of acbool last year. "No problems what.aoever," reported asslslanl prlnclpal Vuhke Breeding. "No ooe was sent home; in fact I received no referrals at all on dress rules. It wu a rtal good week.'' Estancia High in Costa llttsa sUU has &Orne drea rules, but fewer than be· fore. Boys must be clean shaven, b u t there were no "send homes" for viola- tions in this atta. One girl was sent homt to cover a bare midrtrr, principal Floyd Harriman s al d. "They all look just fine," he concluded. Laguna Beach High School, operaling under slightly relaxed dress rules. re· fused first--day registration lo 52 boys who had neglected ta gel the required haircuts. "I\ took tW11 days to finish clearing up • • • All was well in the Huntington Beach area loo. Asaistant principal Larry Lucas 11t Marina Hlib reported "the smoathe5L opening the scbool's ever had ." Three boys Wl!!re sent boml!! to get halrcuta, he saJd, and ~ few-turned up with .rather exotic aidebi.lrns and mustaches which they removed without protest alter "showing tliem oU to their friends." Lucas attributed the "tremendous co- operaUon from students and parents'' lo the fact that lh6 dress rulea had been \'try well publicized and copies sent home in the mail before school opened so the students knew what \Vould hi: ex- pected. Girls were reported pleased by being allowed to wear culottes lo school. Chapman shot back. Somrooe aaked about recent reports of graft in the operation of rnifltarv enli$\ed men's c I u b s, Including kickbacks or money, till-tapping by service personnel and the like. Gen. Chapman referred that lo the :S;t. fttaj . Dailey. ''Not going on In the Marlne Corps.'' said the rangy native of Black ft1ounlain. Ark., " ••. the Army is the only one I know o! and that 's just what I read in the newspaper." The four-star general said he belie\·ri; de.tense spending cu tbacks involving troop-carrying assault ships and oth<'r naval vessels may ere.ate a problem for ;1 time at least. "'\\'e're going to end up \\•Hh niore [1;:111 lho n we can ferry." he said. One question "'11.s '"''here does he c11. vision the next confllct after lhe bloodv Vietnam combat ends. · '"\Vell . the "'orld 1s full of hot spot~. rverywhet'f' you look," he !<aid . DAi t' H tOl ~ ........ , ...... ---· .... • tbi! problem," said principal Robert Reeves. "But they all finally got t h e i r haireutl and wete registered. NO one was delayed more than two days." At Fountain Valley High, one girl 11nt.I tv.·o boys v:ere sent home for dress rote infracUon1 and approximateJy 35 boys we~ requested to get haireut.6 . All com- plied, as tild lbe few who brou ght th,ir new mustaches to school. "We had lo eXplain lo a few youni;- sters the difference between shorts fnot pernlitted) and culottes I pcrnlilted J. .. said .assistant principal Clirr Hepbum. -"The kids look gre at.·· he said , "really \'ery ni<'ely attired. If any problcnls arise, Hepburn added. 1vc call lh<' par- ents, "and they usually thank us." Asked if he sees any chance of American troop inter1 ention in the ~1id d!C' F.est turmoil, he had no direct con1- rnen1. "I can't speculate on that. !he only thing I can say is if it"s ncctled. v.·e're ready." r --C.t.IHUnA ~ COAh """'llflfffct O)M.,.., 1.-.N.W_, ---Jodo l.C:..., ........ _o..r. ___ n.. • .:....11 -Tie:!.= ... -.,.._...CWif ... I 111.,::ri In"'"' ...... --::..:· m. ...... -: ~ ...... 1Ma11.,. ..... With 1Hghtly shorter skirt lengths ac- cepted this year there were no violations by the girls, Reeves said. Some w e r e advised to be a llU!e more discreet , but none was refu.Sed registralion or sent home." "l 'think the students are as wen dress- ed, or bett.er dnmed than las\ yur," nid Ibo Laguna principal. At Mission Viejo m,ti, one student l'U refuted enrollment becaU&e of long hair, according to assistant principal Robert Ferguson. There were a few others In minor vi1>- lation of the dreu code, he said, but nothing serious enough lo disrupt l h c enrollment procedUTt. "We are working with lhe kkis through the boys' and girls' physical education classes," Ferguson said . "Mort than 90 per cent are oot in violaUon of the dress code and we hope1 UtrOtJih a positive approach, to persuade some of those on the borderlloe to cooperate 1 little more with what we, and most ot. the students reel Ls 1 v111 fair and ruaonable dress code." Al M-Viejo alrlo ar< not pennil· JOd lo ,,_ ctprll and VUJ specUlc rulOI 00 l>Oyl' hair l\Ylea bin e-v .. ty k>OS balr and lldeburnl. Ilona w I t b mu.t.cbe1. A tPOkeomM •l Turtln Hi&h, Jut year \he tttne of m1q "stnd booJtt1" ttpOI')• ed /l ""l'J llllOOlh" openlnt w..l< wHh ao major vlol1Uons ol • nmr• rtlaxe4 dress code. At Huntington Beach High, principal Woodrow Smith felt it was "a little ear- ly '' to evaluate response to the schoo l's revised and liberalized. dress code be- cause ol this year's midweek opening tlate. which apparently ene<iuraa:ed some students to delay enrollment until nc:l:t 1veek. "The kids who ha ve shown up look good," sa id Smith. "There have been no need ror mass sending borne. One or two boys turned up with shoulder-length hair . apparently UJ see what lhey could gel away with, and some of Uie skirts a r c pn!tty short, but generaUy they are com- plying." The Huntington Beach dress code. he explained, is deslaned mainly to elimi- nate "8CfQUJlglness" Ind to tncouraae aludenta to dras fairly neaUy, Relax- ation 11 offered by achedullng special drtu days. Smith llOld he expeds ISO lo 200 m°"' atudenta to an-Iva ntxt week. ''We flg\lre about to pa< ~· '!fll 'be a ntOe ~o" about geUlfll to ICbool lbt Tint week, 'With 11 midwetk starUnc." be uid, "ao tt may be: thll there's l9mt tone hair tUll on the beach that""'¥ft h1ven't aecn ·Y•L lt woold . .l,oUow Jbat the an<• who trickle lu late woultl be mo~ inclJo~ to ~ 1howtng some prote'st or the rules." Gen. Chapman recen tly returned rrom a tour of Vietnam last 1nonlh, attending the Apollo 11 State Dinner in Los Ange- les, and is on one or his periodic visits to Marine Corps posts at ho1ne. Koreans Voting On Park's Term SEOUL (UP I) -The South Korean Assembly votes today on a consUlulional amendment that would allow President Chuog Hee Park ta seek a third tenn in 1971. Park has announced that he will rrsign If the bill is d'feated either in the assem· bly or in a national referendum, which must be held withi n liO days after Us passage. To eass, the bill needs 114 votes or a two-thlrdl majority in the 171-seat lingle- house legiata{ure. Park's ruUna Dem~ craUc Republican party thinks• it has 118 votes lined up In favor of the bill. Senate OK~ Shirley WASHINGTON <uPl -The Sonat. Fri· day conf.irmed fCl'mer child lclrt$a! Shir- ley Temple. Black and Nae olhtts as dt:lc-1•te.s •n<f 1llcmat.es lit !he 24th sesalon . or the United Nations Genual Asseinbly. -· . . .. - Gaf.ded in DC 'Bombing .·Raids , . Back. to Normal ' SAIGON (AP) -Bombing raldl over South Vietnam are back lo nortnW today, but }Vashingt.on i9 direcUnr therit, mill· t.ary "spokesmen said. The .B52s resumed their altacks alter a. 3S-hour "tia.lt by Pre.sident Nl.xon to test the intentloo ol the communist Command following the three<lly c:e ... Ore /or the funeral of North Vieln.am President Ho Chi Minh. The warplanes droPiMKI 300 Ions of bombs on enemy posiUons 28 miles north- east of Salgon and another 150 tons along the central coast 285 mlles northeast of the capital. Spokesmen declined to speculate wheth· er the BS2s would cootlnue to maintain their average of about 50 aqrtlee--<>ne flight by one bomber-a day over South Vietnam. One spokesman said, "It looks like operations are back lo normal for the ti me being. I have no idea what ls going on in Washington. The B52.s are being controlled out of thefe .. We'll just continue on a day-to-day baa!s." "' The decision to resume the raias~camt at a time when communiques incncated that figbtinc appeared lo have tapued ol.f across South Vietnam. / U.S. headquarters repor1ed 16 enemy rocket and mortar atach overnight but said only rour of them cauaed casua.Wes or damqe. 'l1Us Was mare than a SO per cent decease over the previous two nights. The communiques reported only one ''-ignificant action. American helicopter Hughes to Buy Air West Througli Different Entity SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Air West, , Inc., said Friday that Hughes Tool Co. has advised that it will purchase Air \Vest assets through a different corporate entity. G. Robe rt Henry. Air West president, said the purchase contract provides such an option. Hughes Tool guarantees the performancr. or all tool com pany obliga· tlons for assuming all Air West debts, laxes, obligations, and liabitilies. Henry said the filing of a registratio11 ~talemcnt for Air \\'csl debentures 1voulrf be deluycd In orde r to incorporate this state1nent of 1nlenl by Hugl1··s Tool. Henry .sa id all other termi; 11nd con- ditions · or the coolr;ict for Hughes Tool purchase' nf Air \\'r...;::. Inc .• re:main in er· feet, including lhose relating to net wort.ti and purchase price. The price ol A1r \Vest sloe~ bounced up 412 points to JS in 30 minutes after ne1\'S of the Hughes annow1cement reached the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange trading floor. Air West closed at J0 1h on the New York Exchangf. A total of 13,708 shares traded on the Pacific Coast Exchange in the finaJ 30 minutes or trading. ~ ~ed •!Jhl ....,y &0ldlen )I mfi., nortfiweat'or Sili100: Since the cease.fire ended ThurlldlY, U.S. troops reported killing 144 Norih Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops in alt battles. north of Sa1goo and near the CUI· bodlan border. ,- The lnOlt seriOUJ ahetling hit Dien B1n. a di.strict town about 10 miles south Of Oa Nang. A barrage or ZZ mortar sbell.'J landed on a refugee camp, wounding If civilians. An American b!liMter crashed into a mountain Friday ni t near Qui Nbon. 27$ miles northeast o Saigon, killing all four U.S. crewme n three South Korea.11 intelligence officers and a Viet Cong de- fector. South Korean beadquarten said the helicopter crashed in bad weather after developinJ engine trouble. U.S. head- quarters listed the cause as unknown ape! said the crash "as being investigated. In WashiTigton, the White House dis· closed the President Nixon had ordered that the B52 raids be resumed because the level of enemy acti vity now has n- verted to pre.truce levels. The annOW'lCemenl of the bom~ baJt and its end came as Nixon .and his top diplomatic and mllltary adviaen met Fri-- day for a rull-scale review of the Vletolm war. Vietnam Peace Talks Resume After Ho Hiatus PARIS (uPI) -Allied del;pu.. .sources say they eipect toda7 's twke- delayed 33rd session of the VJ.etn&m peace talks to provide few clues 't.o wheth- er an1 policy changes will be.mtdt by North· Vietnam ls a result of Ho Chi P.finh1s death. The session. the Cirst to be held since Ho·~ death Sept. :l In Hanoi . was schedul- ed to flpcn at the fonner Hotel Y..1ajestic at 10 :30 A.lit Intervening events since the last peace talk.'! session 15 days ago have raised more questions about future allied and CommWlist bargaJ ning tactics than per- haps at any other time since the four· 11•ay negotlatlons got under way. One reason little progress was expect· cd at today'$ meeting was the abserice ol the dllefs of ~ North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations. They apparenUy have not yel returned to Paris frout'11o's iuneraL 1 • Allied negotiators were also sai dt.o be anxious to learn what effect, if any, the 36-hour halt in U.S. BS2 bombing 'rajd" over South Vietnam have on the com· munist negotiatJng position. When the suspension was Urst reveal· ed, CoITUTlllnist officials in Paris appear· cd to be embarra.ssed by the halt, -seam· ngly not expecting it and offering no im-: meWate comment. Catholi~s Blasted Paisley Pounds Anaheim Pulpit By TOM BARLEY 01 lh• 01llY "Ji.I Sl•H Th c Hcv . Ian Paisley blasted Berna· dette Oe \'ltn. the Roman Catholic Olurch, "the international Com mu n i s t con- $p1racy·· and the Pope in that order this "'eek in Oraoge County in a blistering de· nunciation of v.·hat he claimed was ii "Cat holic plot lo ta ke over northern Ireland." Pound ing lhe pulpit, the f i e r y Presbyterian preacher from Bellasl. Ireland denounced Miss Devlin 's accowit n! the Ulster riots as a ·•pack of lies by a \\'Oman who admits that her own Roman Catholic Church will eventually destroy her." Paisley delivered his im passlioned !trade in Aanhelm 's Central Baptist Church Wednesday in one of the final $peeches of his United States lour. He has delivered his nationwide lectures tn Lhe wake o( a sin1ilar tour by Miss ·Oevlln -a coast lo coast account by her nf Catholic sufferings in Ulster th at reputedly put a $1 million in the co[Jers of it.s organizers. An estimated 3,000 persons heanl the burly six.foot-tbret preacher denounce ln stentorian tones "Catholic attempt.! to take over Ulster." fl.fany of them had to be seated outside t h e auditorlum and heard Paisley's lecture over the lou(:I DAILT PILOT Sttft ..... 'I lOVE CATHOLICS' Protttlant P•l1ley speaker system. , "There is oo doubt." Paisley bellowed. a c.-Gange that would in no ~·ay affect thf! "where thal money will go. Remember outcome of Nan.hem Ireland 's elections that Miss Dtvlin at first sald It wlll 10 to -~hich alw.-ys result In a heavy Prote~- Protestar.ts Md Catholics alike and then tanl majO()ty. she dropped the Protestants. ~ley lauded the arsument of British "I can tell you oow. he thundered. Conairv1tive EnQch Powell that all "that the mooey will be uaed by, the IRA ciUlens or Eire (soothem 1'elandl be 1m. Uriah Ropublican Anny) lo buf I"'" and me<IJately reaanl«! as ali'O• IJy lhe bullell lhaf \rill be shlpPed from the lrilh ' . Btllllh govemm"'t. He CO!ldeomed .tarill Republic into Ulster to further the arr~emenls that "grtaUJ t1•'Vo r revoluUOn presctibed by Miss Devlin ." Souqiem Ireland'' af!d cal~_for .Britain Ulsta''" riots were oo surpr~ to I.hole to "8•nt that nation 11 a '1lorelp eovn- Protuta'ntl who have been wltdllng and try." , / 1 .. warning ol "Oatholl<: menac:e'I for many lie P<edllled 111<1· "It Mia Devlia 1•11 yeara. PWley said. He ~ the her wl>h 1(e .. m ,.. a united lrellnd'i"' Catholics• "constant ref\lsaJ to accept our terned after Ct{ba." • • Quttn and nag and our nattonal an-•~r don't hale. any tncUvtdual Cath91ib.J them. u 1, love them," P'tlsley qulcUy added It *. Pal1ley holly d"'led' thM' lbtt!! bad pint at bis speeoll. "I Just 1on1 to be<n lndlocrlminaUon •s&Uw!<~~" I• wtliome thtm ~the true reh11on ." Ulster on either rellfloul ~ ... J111111lul Pel~ey abb had ~I~ by now trJ<!R~ groundl. H• criticized ihe 8dUfO.IP't1'11-"'"'111•1!\ on tbe coni)l<ltnlJO ot ,!tba ment preuurt! for a "one mi>, OM' '1otc" rfeu,: .. }\oW Jtuplt\, rOQllsh aJ'l«t ignwant syste.m as 1•unnectssa.., aDd lbal~" and u i'tporters cnn be," - l I I . -EJO llTI 0-N . voi:. 62, NO. 220, 4 SECTIONS. 90 P .... GES SAlUllt!AY, SEPnMI~ 13. '"' :TE'i CENTS . . ••• . ,.. Coas·t ·~g·h .. School·s RelaKing Dress Codes By llARBARA KREriiICH ot lilt otil!r Plitt Staff Hi.P schools along the Orange Coast th1a .weet appeared lo have found the tolalloD t'o dress code problems -efun.. mate the dress code, or It least relax it. Sd:iool, admµUstrators irom HllnUng· ton B<ach lo 'Laguna Beach ezprwed lM!Dlelves u ••dellatited" with the ap-' ' " ' , ~ minutes wider the new llexlbla ..-1. inJ and.we're very hippy triQt"'iJfbitwe see.'' ~ .,. Lopea,sald one &lrl·had b!en -borne the flrsl day of lebool when ~ 'mtved weartng levia split ... uwe far up the side." She eorrected the problem and was back In exlCfly 11 'lllinutes be Aid. ''Now that we're riot fi&huDi wind· mills 1J1Y ..-, maybe we <111"ael dOwn lo the bl,11inef1 cl -·flnl ill<la I n d ~ wCt!'f)'lnc a"'1Jt thinas Ilia! m a y not mate a real difference,., nopes con- cluaed. At Corona clel Mar Jliib Schoc>l, as. aia!ut ]>tlnclpal Bob lfugha ecboed the ~'!· ~. SW'Vey, the ICbool decided lhi! -drw waa a -111ibl1!ty o/ the home and reduced rulea lo ont: shoes must be worn. • , Opening <reek, said HUJbu, was "!111> Wlic." With DO dreas rules to be !Jroi:. en, no students had to be sent home. "ll · created a ?ilce atmQll'Jlbere," Rqbes et· plained. ''Tho kids lilond -... We were overwhelmed. Now wa:--can juat • (See 0111!211, I'll' I) . . ' .Co.ast Raid Nets 4. Theft Charges Jai ·l 2 Club Owners BY RICHARD P. NAU. Of ... Dmlb' ,lilt Slaff 'i Invealicators swooped into Feliciano's ~in. Ne:wprt Beach in a joint raid early toi:tay ~ fOlD' men on burglary, theft ana re18ted charges and selz.ing two truck Joadi cl liquor. 'THE EARTH EXPLODES' ~hopmin on 11-52 Raids· 'IT'S BOUND TO HAPPEN' Pendleton Troop Cut~ck DAILY PILOT"'°"' W ~ VIJllfl 'NO' PLANS TOcSURF'HERE' Comm1ndant Prefers Florid• ·Pe.ndleton Cutbacks D;ue ~. inar~~e :Cam:JtUt~n~ ~G,iiefic~ W qrd _qt ·ez· Toto " By AR~ R. VINSEL sho~ Oranie Cou,nly visit. formed for . the Vietnam War, bu con- Of tht Dall(.,...sUiH Gep. LeQnanl F ... Cbapll!llll Jr., met sistep,l.ly referred deactivation questions Ru,mors tblt the fl'ifth Marine Dtvision newsbte.n at an ~·kin& preu . con-u, higher i utbOftUei. ill be •--~• led true ii •· on! · !ere~ at El Toro MCAS, a<Complinled ,. .. w I ~va are -i:t Ya b Sgt M j J ph W Dailey bigbe t-1 vtisb I could ktck it baclr. to Gen. matter .. °'-time ~ but just when ts .~he rinmii: ~r;;,an u; the Co;ps. s Dwyer," Q1:1lpped the craggy-faced, four· ~ question, the U.S. Manne BrigJ Gen. RoM T. Dwyer Jr., who just star general. Corps Commandant agreed Friday on a assum8d command of the unit specially •· "It'f bound to happen aome day," he · cootlriued, •'but there is just no decision." 1:f 1:f 1:f {{ {{ {{ Merehanls in Sllll Clemente and other Civilian Use of\.El Toro • ·A~port Said Unlikely In' the View ot'its commander, chances .,. 1Um•for use of El Toro Mlll'ine COrps >Jr. &ation as • joiilt mUital')'<ivillan abjori,.that would Jessen jet traffic at on.,. Counly Airport. 1M·Matine.s are firmly dug in and in· J:ersey Boy Kills Br.pther With A.x; . Tiro Si.Sters Hurt .· ' JEILSEY'CITY, N.J. (Un) -A !ten· ... boy hacked bis --... deltb 'with u{ ax. Mrl)' today. Tben, ac-cordilli lo llOlke. be atacked two ·~ ~ in ibe family with the lmpl.,..nt while blJ pareots looked.., helplessly,; tend lD stay, said Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hise, wbo sat in as station commander Friday at a press conference for the Marine Corps Commandant. "We have no plam to use El Toro jointly ~ we have all we can handle now," he said. Military i_el traffic -jf anything - is going to irKrease here as the Vietnam war slackenJ orf, Gen. Hise informed newsmen. "And we may have more as the war in Wespac ·scaJes down," he added. QuestiOned about the fact Rep. L. Mendel Riv~ (D-S. Carolina) recently mentioned.the county base ~s one which could 'poSBlblY be disposed of and moved elsewhere, Gen. Hise,was adamant. Rivers is cbairman:of the House Armed Services Conuniltee, wblch Is probing en- Ctoactunent of civilian developments around milllary bases. "'Ibc MlD:ine Corpe bas no intention of abandoningiit. We need this staUon," said Gen. Hise, to whom quesllons of such a local nature were relerrtd by the Com· mandant. ' south ·Oran&e Coast: eommuniUea, fear a severe e<:QOODdc blOw if the Camp Pendleton unit ii disbanded -and ap. pmntJy they face j11!t that. 'Ille field of questions fired at the 34· year Marine Corps officer ran the 4amut of such domestic and tntemaUonaJ ISSUes 19' -RePortS cf brutality against priooners (See COMMANDANT, Page Zl 2 Thugs Assault Lagunan in Home With Beer Bottle A young Laguna B<ach man suffered a probable broken neck this morning when he was awakened in his home by two hoodJums .. and beaten with' a ~ 'botUe. Rooald Lujan. 22, of 326 N. Coast Jllgb· way, was undergoing emergency treat- ment at South Coast Community Hospi· tal where he works as an orderly,. His condUion wu ·not. immediately ·known.- Pollce Lt. Jcim !!elko ·said· the attaek took place aboct 2:30 a.m, 1be •reuon. was'atill a questlon.mark.·Polloelqulc1'ly summoned an · ambUlance to rush the victim to the bospilal. · . 1.eJko nld Lujan may have suffered the bro"ken neck as , be, fell from7 the beating. The lieutenant said there we no sign of forced entry into the resid~: Potlce.caliid lo the""'°" found Daniel Mitcbell. 15, dead; aod two sisters, Donna, 7, andtDiane, It, severly injured: )flChael Mitchell, 17, was taken mto cus- tody and charged with homicide. He will be imlgned·Monday.rnotniog. . , Both ~g girls were declared 1n cri. tical condition at Jersey Medical Center. Churches f:leataed Out The jocldent occurred at the MllclJi:ll ~here about 12:XI a.m. ~ "We doii't •kllow why he did it," •pollct said. "'He· just ~nt-:beraerk..-We ~.SH . ... ting •• • -i.nves,..1 • · ._ ' .. . ' ·i . 111 Bll\)l:E'coo)\' , HONllLtlW (CPI),~ ~ ~ a..I -W<n! :1 ·•t ·tllir' j:liurd!·llf tbe Crosaniads y, Mm no li>tf. war poetry, no gultir mualc, no lawdlter. ·Jlloocl donors .. pec11., lo give blodd 1 .. cl;, al the ited Cnlss Bloodmobile at "-« ~orial.HO'iJlltal will h>ve !O wait .wJllf.-'lfin• mw>cl, ....... lepl>ill .. yiog the b!Oocl -p. ticli vehicle would ,arrlve at the h06pital's conference center today we~ in error. It part¥ tbe1' Friday, lmtead. Donon·unable to gfve blood are Dked to Cilofact the l.nohelm chaptel 'beftd. qoat1en cl theJlod Croa for lnformafion on the -arrival of th• bldc>dmobllt In 'the llaibor Am. . "'Ille pJice Jw I ~ town qualJty/,' 'a churclfmember &aid. .) !Mllltary police raided the churd1 al wn Fddaf and bnike up •• anUwar nctuat)' wblcl> b•d bff<I In ~•!Jon "\ dO)'S. l!'Jgbt AWOL -Ob were Clrlven Ql1 in paddy wagom. Four others woro arleslecl in limulta-raids at the uni· farian ClNrch ~ Quu~MMlln& 11 ..... '!lie military moved In IO make !be "' ~ "In, fl>! belt ln\er<SI of •the Untt.d st..._ .. aild the individuals concerned," a si>Okuman aald: '4Wom now Oo. an7 serviceman known ( " . • ' (' · Althoogh in,vest.igators and other offj... clals from four jurisdictions were being remarkably closed mouthed, ·a district attorney's investigator identified two of the men as owners of the popular night spot, Eugene Rondono and Charle! Dry- er. Investigator Edward Banks said the men had been arrested on s~iclon of 10 counts of grand theft and on also on suspicioo of conspiracy and burglary. Banks said two other men, employes of Felicl.ano's, 1817 WestcUff Drive, were picked up, one on JUSpicion of receiving atolen property, and the other on .SUIJrl- cion of consp!racy to commit butglsry. llanU Aid investlgaun en~ the night spot at 10 p.m. F.rlday~ Thq were stIU there at i a.m. today anawmnc the Ph<x\<· ''.lf'.J. I ~ lfO\'>'•" ~ ' • ' ".But ~ ' " ' Countian Killed; . " Son Arrested on Murder· Charge Tbe pend1ni divorce of a middle-aged Anaheim COIJPle lead to a patricide· Fri- day as a 29-year-old son gunned down hls father during a family fracas. This was the M')' today from Anaheim police who ldenUfied the slaying victim II Verle G. Smith, 58, of 1429 Crone St., Anaheim . Ills '°" Curtis 'L. Smith, 19, of 714 s. Lemon St., was in cltfcl~! today on !US-picion of murdei:. Off said the sen- ior Smith had been shot once in U1e chtst with a J8 caliber revolver. Pollce information was sketchy bul Sgt. Del Wade aaid officers answered a family disturbance call shortly before noon and found tho senior Smith mortally wounded. A oho! e< shots had been reported lo po- lice. Sgt. Wade said a family quarrel ap- parenUy grew out of a divorce procedlng inttiated l(alnl!t the senlor Smith ,by bis wife, Florence. JW"te. A deputy coroner said the gunshot vic- Uin died at 2 p.m. in Orange County Med· ical Center. The YOUJller Smith, WUaly booked on suspicion of attempted murder, was rebooked at Anaheim city jail on suspi· cion .of murder pending review of the case by the ,district attorney. Sgt. Wade &a1d the son apparently of. {ered no resistance . to arresUna: officers. Copter Crash Kills 8 SAIGON (UPI) -An American. Heli· copCer cruhed into a mountainside near S...th Vietnam'• central ccasl, illllog all .;4111 men aboard, milltar)' spokesmen &aid, today. Four of the victimtl were Americans. '\ .t" ' you'll have to get it from the district at- torney." lnvestiga~s from the sheriff's office:. Newport Beach· and Laguna Beach were in on the raid. Banks said the ln'flJts were made on the strength of warnbts obQi.ned earlier UL the continniag ·lnvesti· gaUon. . Nixon, Top Aides Weigli Vietnam Troop Pullouts WASHINGTON {AP) -President NJ".. on, weighing a-decision on future U.S. troop wtlbacka from · Vietnam and new moves-to end the war, was at hla Camp Davld retreat with some of bis closest advisers today. . Henry A. Kissinger, the Pre<ident'1 chief national' secunty affairs authority, was among those wbo accompanied NI%~ oo to the nearby mountain. ht~way. White House l!lources· said the chief execuUv.• would lie ~·$fer . Mt V~lflii:f~' .Y ,, ~ ~ .. Asian conf1iCt would be a.central item in hia speech to the U:fi. Gener,tiAisembly ~·~~·lo ~'1'Vt•1":.;,," ~ Nlzon :i;'lad ~c~ 011' his mind at Camp David.CJ!' was~ he would eo .over "Jegislatlve prlPl'itiee" wtlh,Bryce [i. Harlow,.assialallt'for,"""' gresslOnai re!aUOllS: Joi>n D. Ehrlich. man, presidential coumel, and usl!tant H. It Haldeman. Nbol1 meeta Tuaday with ReJlllbllcan leaders In c.naress. Nlxoo !ell Wamington Ftiday afler a major revtew ot &be Vietoam ,lituatloo '!)th ·lop U.S. clnCtals lnlm WBsbinf!ton. satgon and Paris. The President Plan. ned to retutn to the capU.al lhls alter· noon. The poosibillly of another round of U.S. force withdrawals, beyond the 25,000.man pullback announce(! last June, and ,of op. portunJ~es_ toward a peaceful' solution that ritlibl open up following the death or North Vietnamese President Ho Cht fl,ilnh, were dfsciliised at broad-scale, re· v1ew Friday. As the 3in-hour session for the ad· ministratfo.n's top strategists was ~nd ing, the White House dllctosed that Nixon had ordered a 36-h<illr bait In 85% bomb- ing over South Vietnam. While House Press Secrelary Roaald L. Ziegler portrayed the bombing pause as an tfrort to detenntne wt)ether Hanoi Intended lo. hold down ol!en!ives follow· ing Jts proclaimed 'n-hour ctase-flre hon- oring Ho. Nixon ordered the giant bomb- ers back tnto action after the enemy at· tacks returned-to the level of before the cease-fire, the spokesma1l.. said Nixon held a further conference, after the breakup of the general White House meeting, with the Partldpanta !rom the Pacific area. These inclUded Gs. Creigh. ton W.. Abrams, U .s. Commander in S...th Vietnam: Adm. Jobo S. McCain, the commander-in-clllef of U.S. Pacific £Ol'Ce8, and Ellsworth· Bunter, U.S. am· bassaclo< lo SCJU!b Vietnam. • AnolbeT. who' attended the ,lof>level gathering. Pblllp C. Habib, headed back lo Pa{ia whefe be is the eellic>r pro1,.. sional diplomat on ttle u:s. Oeg9tiaUng team. The Whitt.House announoe.meot of the brtef halt in BSZ taida Jell several qu.s· , Leisure World Uons unanswered, and artm1DlkuaQon spckesmen at the White House,, stit'e Df:.. partment and the Pentagon were con- UnWng .their silence about c1rcUmltaDces surrounding the presidential .action. Ziegler sought at one polrit to' annrei' a newsman's question as to wfay the B52s resumed bombing after· tbe ceaM!· fLre ended, tlien U bOOr5 later started tbe I II-day ,halt Ofdertd by ~ Erelldel\t .Ziegler's explanaUon wartbat Nixon· initiallJ. had planned to continue the Bsa : =~~~mill:;~':! livHy~ the ~ e1ided, ma!<· hlg;Jt) ssary-lo fly the BSZ mlS!fonl· - lot llio' U:bo!tt t>«fod. ht Jaid. - , Tb!le was no dlrlflcatlon of wh>t other u.s .. milltaly· ""'*IJOllS, ll any, ""' curtailed petJding ... -period. Philippine Plane Cra8h Kills 45, Three Americans MANILA (UPI) -A power failure that cut off signals from an automatic dJtec. . 1 tion lihder caused the Worth crash in Phlllpnlne avlaUon history, in wblch ~ wsans died, a Philippines Air Line (PAL) spokesman said today. Thfee. o/ lhe victims were Americans. Only a flight steward and a pa53en1er survived. They were thrown clear wbeo the BAC111 slammed Friday night into a fog-sbtooded hill in •uburban AnUpolo durlng an instrument approach to Ma- nila lnlernalional Airport on a flight front Cebu in the central Philippines. The last message from the pllof, captt Alberto Naval. to the control toWer was: • "ApPrOxlmately over Antlpolo at 3,000 reet and coming in on a straigl}l in ap- proach on runway 2-t." · However. the PAL spokesman said, the plane was actually at 700 feel He said a power fallure at the airport tut. o{f · signals from the automatic directiort Under, making lt virtually impossible for !be pilot lo 'kllow his comet a!Ulude. IJ'be plane, carrying 41 puaengers ~ a crew of five, crashed btfore lbe instru. rnent wu fUll.y operating again on emer• geney pawer. r I The Americans tilled were R. Gooley, 49_, and hlJ wife, Roberta, 48, of Ab'oa , Ohio, and George Y. Ewart, II, of Hcno-lulu. · Orange Ceut Wt1111llel". Coaial .]Ow clouds and fog con· 1 l(nue fO dominale the weekend 1 ""'1ier picture with temperalurea 1 mired in the low 70's along the Or111J1• Cotat. INSID& TODA 'l' Tlte ~ '81ut of • Tif 1 WRK ... r ckllV<rtd bv lh• DAILY PTtoT (U fJdl/<1) 1)?0• Pllwt th, flcto feU feol07l 1DIUC:h. 1<1r11,Sll11dav. Slo!Ws •I ~ -•hfM "" cynii ftd~~ Irle ln'TV'WrEK'IOdoV, • -• I • ' I I II 1 -- I DAIL y I'll.of - GORReins Now -Tugged ee Ways . • WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Romio I. tflwb " --p-....... -1-fer S...te ll<publlou teaden&lp a _..., coatat • llnllb, ~ .. Ille, ........ u .. ....,..Jn.tho llnl((Je te -~ M. '*'-· 11 ~ te inllte !di '"" ~-::= ~l•anll. tile ~ )Ader. alreaey has opened his with a letter ol eandld.cy to play dOwn · lbe · element bl in the Republican race. Sen. tlOl!lnl -"' Tenn,_ 4e--~-11 ln.tbe race Frida,y, sa,y!ng ~ .• bu SUpporj ,_ both llberila ~ --in tbe Seoote. Bal! .. ljld IM aeleclkln ttiemore W011ld 1¥0id • ~ betw00t1 tbe Republlou rilhl and lbe Re~bllcan left. iSCott. eobaiden!d the moo liberal ol the tandjdates, Mote his GOP coUeaguu: "All too often you and 1 are the vie· Urns of labels which serve only to mls- IOfd. I oeek W. position not as tbe spbk~ of ant particular group 4!1t ldeolCMY, but as one who fervently be-- lievel In the nectasily of effective and cohesive Reublican action in the Sen.ate." Scott sakl he felt he had roved thi! dW"ing ~t month! a.s Reubllcan whip. He def'eated Hruska, t3 to 20, to 'lfin that poo!Uon at the beginning ci the current Congreas. There rtmained one question mark on the lineup of possible candidate.. Sen. ~ Allbtt of Colorado', who had 'ad· \iised eome colleagues he ioter.ded to run. aaid be would announce hia lntenUons Mooda,y. Either Allott or Hruska had been ex- pected lo stand aside, lest the votes of the more cooservative senators be dj.. vided. · But, Allott wou)d give no hJnl u to his plw. Dirksen, who died last Sunday, favored Hrus~a last Jan~ for the job of whip, «' deputy minority leader. And Hruska was ~ regarded u Dirksen'• ptr• s«1a1 choice to be his own eventual zuc- cessor. Baker, 4.1, son-in-law ot Dirksen. said be would bring to party leadenhlp a new l!C< and • youtblal image. Scott b 1111, iliuato es and Allott 12. The Teoneaaee s<nator aald be bas enooah votes pledged or Indicated to win the job. • '-ti * * Dirksen Aware Chalice of living Was One in Id CIUCAGO (UPI) -Sen. Everett M. Ditkoen be1f In advance tha l hil chlnoes d surviving lung cancer surgery were bnlY, one in 10, the Chlcag<i DaJJy News :repOrted Friday. But the Senate minority leader elected lo take the chanct because his doctors olso told him thal be otberwiJe had only about 11 months to live, the news said Jn a story by its Political editor, Oiarlos Ni· CQdemus. Nicodemus quoted Inti.males of Dirk- M.D u saying he took steps before enter- l'!f . the holptta.I to ~ard agaimt what nit,rrt: happen U be died or ti he became -calJJr or mentally incapocltated. -fie algood checks and papers to dlsPo<e m his continuing campalgn expense fund, the News said, and prepared a res.lgna. tion from the Senate to be submlUed II be Wu no longer able to carry on his duUes as senator from Illinois. Nicodemw: quoted Dirksen's frlends as ~ the senator recalled a previous unator wOOse illneu made him physicaJ- ly and mentally unable to serve his state. "He sa1d the people of DUnois had been too good to him and the w-elfare of the 51.ate meant too much" for him to take rruch a chance, a close associate of Dirk· 11en'1 :was quoted as sayin&. Nicodemus said Dirksen's friends were eure the senator hoped he would ''beat tlte odds'' in the same way be came back from an eye aflliction which forced his re.tgnation from the House of Represen- tatives in the late l!MOs. DAILi ~ILDI I ............................. ------C1 l FNltftA. OUHOI OlilS1 ~l!SMIMCJ coi.t~N'f lt"-t N. Wtff ---J.c11 •• e.s • ., Wit...,,. -Gtl>tt .. #Mttt'I n .... x ... 11 .... Tito-• A. M-'ilN -·""' -......... Sn..! ,.,..., .... #11 .................. ....... ........ :t:Jt. ....... •-............ 11 ... ..... . It's Coql Outside Getting the most out of what's left Of summer is Menna Weigard, 24, ·of Newport Beach. who uses the surf near her home to its best advantage. The opening of school bas. de~ated the beaches and given Menna more ~ for her occasional dip. Sniper's Dad Wants His Guns For 'Sentime1it' AUSTIN, Tex. CUPJ) -Charles Whit· man Jr, of Lake Worth. Fla., wants six guns hi! son u8Cd to kill 15 persons and v,·ound 31 more from a tower at the Uni· versity of Texas at Austin in 1966. Whitman said lhe runs and other items that belonged to hll ton Olarlea J. Whit· man had "peculiar sentbnental value ." Whitman, a UT student, Wu shat to death by police alter bla aboottng "- from the observation deck of the UT tower. Italy Workers Strike for ~ay. ROME (AP) -ltaly'a 800,000 con- struct.ion worken walked out today in the first of IQ ..,_,,.., ltriketl'1or hiJl)ler wogu. Tbe oeOonil sttil<e 1' 'nht Wed- neslay ind Thursday. On 1"ursday, men than a million metal and mechanical wotkera.struck for 21 boon. The mtke ltopped production in !IOm.e 10,000 plants, lticluding the huge Fiat auto plant,. Jt.aly':t biggest priYate From P .. e l COMMANDANT VISIT • • • • in the Camp Pendleton brig. -Progress ln the Vietnam War. -Radal dlffi.cultles within the Corps on the home front. -America's Potential role in the MJdeast conflict, from the interventicn standpoint. -Defense cost cutbacks and their ef- fect on the Corps. Rarely sidestepping a quesUon -anly if he didn't know the answer -and refer- ring some to Sgt. Maj. Dailey or Brig. Gen. Henry \V. Hise •. station commander, the CMunandant replied quickly and COO· cisely_ "I wasn't aware he had done so,11 Gen. Chapman aD.!Wered when asked about Friday's announ<:m'lent that Rep. L. Mendel R I v er s (0.S. Carolina) had ordered a House Anned Services Com- mfttee ·Wobe or conditions In the brig at Camp Pendleton. ''I have ,~ •C1lmmenl pending com- plelloo,ol the iovestigationl" ho added. The Nation magazine a.irrently reports alle&ed beatings and inhumane treatmtnt of prlsonen in the Sen Diego County base, where confinement quarters design- ed for 39'2 have up to 900 Marines. "There's overcrowding Jn many o[ our brigs due -Ahh -to the increase In the sit.e ol the Corps, Yes, mmm-hmmm,'' he said. Gen. Chapman said p~ is good ln the Vietnam War and that South Viet- namese forces are increasingly taking their aha.re of th~ cmnbat burden. ''It isn't dramaUc or quick, it's slow and steady, but if-we keep·on there isn't any dOubt we'U do what we' went over there to do, he added. The highest Marine of all said he sees no damaging effect on the U.S. war effort t~rough_ very brief pauses in B--52 born· bing raids, such as ordered this ~·ee« by President Nixon, then resumed. "That'.s a Potent •capon," he said. "no doubt about Jt. Prisonen: tell us they are·· desperately afraid of lhern. They come in silenUy at 35.000 feet.'' "Suddenly," he conunued. "the earth explodes around the enemy oo tl".e grouod;'' ' The Commandant said a problem exists at U.S. bases when it comes to conflict between blacb and whites, but added that ft ls not tYPfcal of the Corp5 in general. ""I would llke ~ tmphasiu there have been no change in Marine haircuts " he replied when asked about his r~nt directive C1lnceming Afro hairstyles for black Marines. From Pare l Re described the regulations. w~i~ in· elude a maximum length bf three inches. ''Three inches bigh?',. asked a'rePo:rter. ''Note I said Joni 7 not lug~," 'Gen. DRESS CODES . worry about giving them an educatipn ." Thin~ went smoothly at Newport Harbor J.dgh too. Oras rules there had been relaxed before the end of school last year. "No prob le~ whatsoever," reporttd assistant prlnclpol Vashke Breeding. "No one was .stnt horn~; in fact I received no referrals al all on dresa rules. lt "•'as a real good week." Estancia High in Costa 1.feaa sUlt has some dress rules, bul fewer than be· rore, Boys must be clean shaven, but there were no "send homes" for viola- tions in this area. One girl was sent home lo C1lver a bare midriff, principal Floyd Harriman a a Id. ''They all look just fine ," he concluded. Laguna Beach High School, operating under slightly relaxed dre.as rules, re· Iused first-day ttglstraUon to 52 boys who had neglected to get the required haircut!:. ''It took two days to finish clearing up thi1 problem," aald principal Robert Reeve&. "But they all finally &ol t he i r haimrts and were ngl.at~ed. No one was delayed more than two days." With slightly shorter aklrt lengths •c· cepted this year there were no violationl by the girls, Reeves sakt Some VI e re advised 1o be a Uttle more dbcrtet. but none was refu,,ed registration or zent home." "I think the students are as well dreM- ed. or better dresaed than last year,'' said the Laguna principal. At Misaton Viejo lngh, one sludenl was refused enrollment because of long hair, according to assislanl prin<::ipal Robert Ferguaon. There were a few others in minor vM> latlon of the dress code, he said, but noUtlng !lel"ious 'nough to di.snipe. t h e •nrtllment procedUft . "We ere W!rllna with the kid! through the boys' and a~ls' phyllcal eduation cla.sa!I," Fe:rguaan sald. "More than 90 per cert are not In violallon of the d"" code and we ~. thhJulb a poolUve approach, to persuadt tome or those °" the borduliae to ~te a litUe more With what wt. and most or the student• feil is • ve.ry fatr •nd re1JOD1ble dress code." Al Mlatio,i Vl<Jo &trll are not permit- ted to weor ..-11 and very opeclftc rala Oil ,.,,.. Mir ll)'ltt ban ..w.1 ... ly 1o1iC balr and 111\lbuml, along w I t h --· 14 oJ>Ok8'h>an II Tulttn Hilb, l..i ,_ • • • All was well ln the .Huntington Beach area too. A&sistant ·principal" t.arry· Lucas 111t Marina High reported "the . smoothest opening the *hool's ever had." Three boys were sent home to get haJrcu~. 'he said. and 1l ft'tf turned uo with rather exotic sldel>W'n:s and muStaches ~hich they removed Without protest after "showing them ·0·11· to their f~s." Lucas attributed the "tremendous co- operaUon from studenb and parents" lo the fact that the dress rules had been very well publicized and coiilea sent home In the mail belore scho91 QPened so the students knew what would be e.x· pected. Girls were reported pleased by being allO\ved to wear culoUe.s to school. At Fountain Valley High, one girl and two boyz were sent home for d~ code intractk>ns and approximately 3S boy:1 wen! requested to get haircuts. All com· plied, as did the. few who brought t~ir new-mWltachea ·to school. "We llad t& erplain (o a few young· sterz the differeoce between shorts (not permilf.edJ and .culottes fpermltted),'' sald wislant principal Cliff Hepburn. '1The kids look great," he said, "really very.nicely attired. If any problems arise, Hepburn added, we call the par- ents, "and they usually thank us." At Huntlniton Beach High, principal \Voodraw Smith felt it was "a Uttle ear· ly" lo evaluate response to the school's revised and liberalized dress code br. cause of this year's midweek cpening date, which apparently e.ncouraged some students to delay enrollment until next week . "The ~ who have shown up look good,'' saJ4 Smilh. "1bere have been no need (or mw sending home. One or two boys turned up with shoulder·length hair, apparently to see what they could get away with, and some of the skirta 1 r e pr<tty lhort, but generally they are com· plylnf." The Huntinfton Beach dreu CQde, he es:ptatnfd, is desf&ned mainly to elimi- nate "acroungine53" and to encou"age students tc> drt$1 fairly neatly. Relar- ation Is offered by scheduling spetlal dress days. Chapman shot back. So:neone asked about reaint rep0t:ts;',of graft in the operation cf military enlisted men's c I u b s, Including klckbacb of money. till-tapping by service persorineJ and the like. · Gen. Chapman referred that to the Sgt. ~iaj. Dailey. '_'Not going on In the Marine Corps,'' said the rangy native of Black Mountain. Ark., " .• ~ the Anny j1 the only 011( t koow cf and lhat's·just what I read in the newspaper." The {our·slar general said he believes defense spending cutbacks involving lr"OO~arrying assault ships and other naval vessels may create a problem for a time· at least . "We're going to end up with more figl1t than we can ferry ." he said. One question was where does he en· ''i!ion the next C{)nnict alter the bloody Vietnam combat ends. ''Well. the world Is full of hol spots. everywhere you look," he said. Asked if he seet any chance nr American troop lntervention in the Mid- dle Ea.st turmoil, he had no direct com-- ment. "I can't :5pecu1ate on that, the only thing I can say is if it's needed. we're Rady." Gen •. CtJapman recently returned from a tour of Vietnam Ja!l month , attending the Apollo 11 State Dinner In Los Ange- les, and is on one of hia periodic visits to Marine Corps posts at home. Koreans Voting On Park's Term SEOUL (UPI ) -The South Korean Assembly vote,, today on a conslitution.al amendment that woukl allow President Chung Hee Park to seek a third term in 1971. Park has announced that he will resign 1r the bill is defeated either ln the assem- bly or in a naUonal referendum. Which must be held within 80 days after its posaage. To pass, the bill needs 114 votes or 1 two-thirds majority in the 17J·seat single- houso legislature. Park's ruling Dem~ cratlc Republican party thtnks It has I IS "oles lined up in favor of the bill. Senate OKs Sh ir ley the taene ol mau ~·ICDd ho~" rtpQtt· e4 a,:•190 ·~··~Inc week with • , nQ m.ajl3' •iol•Uons .or 1 more re.lued dms code. Smith 1ald ht expect& ISO to 200 mor~ students to utive next week. "We flpe oboot JO per cent will be I llUll -about gellinl: to acbool tho nra1 week. wtUi • m.ldwetk starting.'' he uld, ''IO It 'm.,y be that there's tomo long hllr atlll M lht· belCh tliat WC hlven't aeen yet. It would follow lhal lbe onu who trickle In !ale would be more !vcllne<l to be shaw in& IOIDe prote~ ol the rules." . WASHlNGroN'(UPI -~ Senalt Fri· day conllnned tcr111er C!blld actrus Slili' ltJi Temple Blick and nine CU>er• u dele- 1a1ta and alternaltl to the 14lh Jel!loa of lht United N1Uons General Ammbly. . Gtllded In DC -Bombing kai:ds Back to-NorlD al . . SAIGON (AP) -Bombing raklll over South Vietnam are back to normal today, bul Wuhingion la dincting them, mlli· tafy lpQkesmen said . 11>e 852..s resumed their aUacb after a JS.bow' halt by President Nixon to test the lnlenUon ol the Communial Command following the three--dlty cease fire for the fr.meral of North Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh. The warplanes dropped ~ lon.s of bombs on enemy posiUam za m.lles north- ea.5t of Saigon and another 150 tons along the central coast 285 miles northeast a/ the caplt.al. Spokesmen declined lo s))f.Culale wheth- er the 85Za~ would continue to maintain lheir averqe or about &O sorti~ne night by one bomber-a day over ~th Vlelnam. One spokesman said. "It Jookl ~ like opera.Uons are back to oormal for the time b<Jng. I have no ldeo :whit la IOl•g on In Washl.,ion. The \l&ia If' ~ing c<11tn>lled out of ~· We'll Jmt cont• on a d1y·to-day buli" Ttle decision to resume the raids me at a Ume when communlqUes lndiCated thot lighting appeared to hive Ulpered off acroas South VIetnam. U.S. headquarters report.ed II enemy rocket and mortar ataeb 'ovetniaht but slid only four of them caused CQUalties or damage. This waa more than a 50 per cent decease over the prevlou.s two nights. The communiques reported only one 111ignJflcant actJon. American helicopter Hughes to Buy Air West Througli Different Entity SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Air Wes!, Inc., said Friday that Hughes Tool Co. has advised that it will purchase Air \Vest assets through a different corporate entity. G. Robert Henry, Air West president. said the purchase contract provides such an option. Hughes Tool guarantees the performance of all tool company obliga- tio!ll lor assuming a11 Air West debt!', taxes. obligations, and liabillties. lienry said the riling of a registration slalenlent for Air West debentures would be delayed in order lo incorporate this statemenL of intent by Hughes Tool. Henry said all other tenns and con· dillons ot the conLract for Hughes Tool purchase 1of Air West, Int;., remain iD et: !ed1 Including those relating to net •worUi and purchase price. The price of Air West stock bounced up 41i, points to 15 in 30 minutes after news of the Hughes anno.uncement reaahed the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange trading floor. Air West closed at 101,:.t on ~e Ncl'1 York Exchange. A total of Jl,700 shares I raded on the Pacific Coast Exchange in the final 30 minutes of trading. gunal)lpo-.-ldlled ell~ '"""'Y ooldl,..·:11 mile! northwest of Salgofi. Since the cease-fire, cndecf rpunday. U.S. troops rePorted killing 114 NCl'th Vietnamese and Viet Oonl treopo in llx battles north Of Salp and near the cam~ bodian border. . The most sericus shelling hit Dien Ban. a dlJtrict town about 10 miles sooth of Da Nang. A barrage ol 22 mortar sbeU.' landed on a refugee cmp, wounding II civiliarui. An American helicopter crashed Jnto a mDunlain Friday night near Qui Nbon. 275 miles northeast ot Sai,oit, killing all four U.S. crewmen three ~lh. Korea~ intelligence oUicen and a Vitt Cong de- fector. South Korean headquarters said ~ helicopter crashed in bad weather after developin~ englne trouble. U.S. heida quarten lilted the cauae1as unknown· and sald the crash wu being lnvesUJ:ated. In Washington, the White House dia- cloaed the Praldeet Ni>on hid onlered thlt the B5Z raids be r'31lll1ed .becallle the level of enemy acUvity now baa ,... verted to pretruce levels. The innowlcement of the ·bombtng halt and its: end came as Nixon and bis top dlplomaUc and military advilen met P'ri· day for a fuD·scale review of the Vietnam war. fl -tr * Yietnam Peace , ... Talks Resume I After Ho Hiatus- PARIS (UPI), -Allied ~on sources :5ay they ~ today's ·twice-del"1<d 33rd session of the Vletna!n peace talks to provide few cluu fo wheth- er any policy changes wiU bt ~'de by North Vietnam as a result of HO "Chi ?11inh'3 death. ' The selBlon, the first. to be ·held sinc-e Ho's death Sept. 3 In Hanoi, ltis sthedul- ed lo "opeh af the· fOriner Hotel Ma~it al 10:30 A.?\1. Intervening events si nce the last peace talks sessioo 16 days ago ha ve raised more questions about future allied and Communist bargaining tactics than , per· haps at any other time since the four· \1•ay negotiations got under way. One reason litlle progress was expect· ed at today's meellng was the absence of the chiefs of the NOflh Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations. They apparently have not•yet returned to Paris from 'Ho'.s iuneraI, Allied negotiators were also sai d~ btl anxious to learn what effect, if any_. the 36--bour halt in U.S. BS2 bombing rajfb over South Vietnam have on the ·eom. munist negotiating posiUon . \Vhen the suspension was first re:veal· ed, Communist officials in Paris appeir~ ed to be emban"assed by the halt. seam- ngly not expecting it and offering no im· mediate comment. Catl1oli~s Blasted Paisley Pounds A1iaheim Pulpit By TOM BA RLEY 01 ffM DallY l'li.1 Slt tf The Rev. Jan Paisley blasted Berna- dette Devlin. the Roman Catholic Church, "the international-C o m m u n i s t con- spiracy" and the Pope in that order this week In Orange County in a blistering de- nunciation of what he claimed was 1 "Ca tholic plot lo take over northern Ireland ." Pounding the pulpit, the fiery Presbyterian preacher from Belfast. Ireland denounced ~1iss Devlin's accounl or the lll!ter riots u a "pack of lies by a "''oman who admits that her own Roman Catholic Church will eventually destroy her." Paisley delivered his impassioned tirade in Aanheim 's Central Baptist Church Wednesday in one or the final speeches of his United States tour. He has delivered his nationwide lecturu in the walie of a similar tour by Miss Devllh -a coast to C1last account by her of Catholic sufferings in Ulsler that reputedly put a $1 million in the coffeni or its organlrers. An estimated J.000 persons heard the burl y sill'.-foot-three preacher denounce in stentorian tones "Catholic altempU to take over Ulster." ~1any of them had to be seated outside the suditorlum and heard Paisley"s lecture over the loud speaker system. "There is no doubt," Paisley bellowed. "where that money will go. Remember tha t MW Devlin at ftttt said it will go to Protestanls and catholles alike and then sh.! dropped the Protestants. "I can tell you now, be tbundered, "lhat the money will be u>ed by the IRA (Irish Republican Amil') to bu1 runs ond bullet• thll wtlI be shipped from the Irish Republic lnlo \lister to further ~ 'l"evoluUon preacrlbed by Miu DtvUn." Ulster's rlob w.ere no aurpriBe to thol!Je Prolestar.tz wbc> have been w111tchlng and warning of "'dathollc riienace11 for many ye an. Paisley ' said. He eondtmntd I.ht CathoUcs' '-'constant rt.fusal to aocept our Queen and flag and our Nltlonal an- thttn." Palliey hotlY ,denied thal theillod been lndlacr~Uoo aplnat Cathe in Ulster an either re -or-- grounds. He criticlZed ~rltlsh· am. ment -presliure for·a "qne mll'I, on.tr~" •yate.m 11s •~uMecessary and foollt\' .. ind • 'I LOVE CATHOLICS• 11 Protestant Paisley a chuge· that would in no way affect t.M outcoll!a o{ :Northern Ireland's elections -which always result in a heavy Protes. tant majority. Pa.Isley J.auded ihe argument of British Con.!Uvatlve t.Ocll . Po~ell thal oil citizens of Eire (...rtliem Inland) be im- mediat.tly rqarded aa allen,g by the British ·go..r.ment He condemned ,larJ11 arrangeri'lent.s that "grf:aOy f a'v or Southern Ireland'• and called tori Britain lo rt&ard that rilUon aa a "lortign co\m- try." . ' . He predicted' tha• "U )Iiu DevJ\n get. her wiJh we wiH see • untied lrelarid llO>' ternaf alt<r Qi~" . "I don 't ha" an;indJviduaJ Colbolici, I io>•e them," Palally quietly .tded ot oht polot ci his apeech. "I ]Ult long 10 welcoino U..,, lo the true reUgton." -PaWe;-olaa.llocl.1114 ~ -~~6-1 -1119!'~ on· U,, J'Ol)lptlency of tho prD11 : ''liow ltupid,, foqlish ond l,norant our reporter. cen br.." ·~ ., ... Detf'f ..... '""' Urtlft Schw•rts ol \Vest Ge~ many made movies of the pictut'- qique market place in Cbioggia, ltlsy he visited on vacation. Then 'vh.m~ he bad the film developed, ht sent it to the police. As the mova ie Was screened, Schwarts pointed out the man who had swindled him in the sale of a "gold'' watch. Po- Uce recognized Mario Canciano. 26, o{ Naples, arrested him and got • confession . • • ~"'~ ~:I"..{' Emplot1t:s at tilt C1ticago post , offiCI! uamined Ui.t: cardboard l bo-z. It W0$ addre•atd '"fo Zoo.'' \ a1'd had i11structio11s on the out- side how to feed u pytli.on. _. There was no reh'rn addi:es.s. 1. TMtJ called the Anti.CMlelty• Socitty. 1'1uide toert three 'py· thom, the laTgekt 6~ fett Lon9, and a: poiwt10143 -pi& viper iJt. a glas.! ;ar. Society officials iaid the snaku . .would, indl?ed, go to the zeo. . ,._J Cattlnnen fT""' Gordon.~ Nebn13k!I gave this calf to Mrs. Jan Stophlet of Melbourne Beacll, Fla_.; after he1' "beef over beCf prices."' The cattle· nien 3aid they hoped /tfrs. Stopltlet 1oould learn liow muclt it cosis to raise a little cow in to a lot of rncat. • · ·John Franklin of Rapid City, S.D. was injured on the job recent· fy. An alligator bit him. Franklin is &n alligator wresUer at a tourist attraction. ·• ,... I • ' ~This Dog's Life Turns ·Owner's to Frustration . • By AllTBull 11:. VlNBEL . ~ -hllr ltlllt ..... Hwn;mkln<I mun -·•lib UJe Jleall or Ille field, UJe jowl fJf the aJr and Ute !fall ol Ute .... unW Ilona and llmbl beco,.. ~ umer tmna o! the 'Divine Plan. • · My owt1 li(e with the animal kingdom. bowevtl', Is Just a sb'iBY dog olory. Contacts ~ave included a transient parakeet who chitped ~classical tunet, a genuine talJdna '"dog anc1·even . Charlie the 'Lion, best man al a wedding in a. tavern which . featured a 400-~ eo-go dancer as maid of hooor. Together, the tales' would make a book. 1111!11!"• The latest chapter Js a neurotic blob of fur named -or designated ...... simply P II , one who would make lhe rest of the anthology sound llke , OeMb the Menace compared to Bon- nie and Clyde. He is a sheepdog of English Ind Allltralian ancestry, Britons deported the lefter due to their miachie- viooa tendenciea and they populated the Land Down Under, fOU may recall. P U leans toward thal aide or ij.1e £amily tree. Unless my car happen& to be parked nearby. _ My animaJ adversary in the late campaign for a lady's loyalties waa cordial at our initial meeting -which cost $9.50 in animal shelter fees -onl1 tbe. first remittance fDl an expensive friendship. • No ux;arrerated human would suspect the arriving bail tiond!man of ' designs ·on his be:it girl. but P J( smelled romantic rivalry and reacted like the CIA toward a rambunctiOIJ! banana republic. . First stQp on the tense trip from Orange was. the DAILY·~ILQT office, where he sauntered inside and po'red his cold, wet no.se into a conference room, interrupting weighty talks belwe4?o tQe. publisher and general nta1'1ger. He wasn't my dog, but they were my .superiors. Next evening, two members of a triangle gathered for dinner Were s.i pping the first course, when a clink of china from the next room announced the end of $3.25 worth of sirloin, not to mention supper for two humans. Someone said something indlrecUy ~ the Creator of All nii,riis -,dogs included -but we could still laugh. If there isn't an old Arab proverb about the pcrlls of cackling in J\.1oahe Dayanis face, there should be. ' I spent lhe Fourth of JuJy in the doghouse, as P II furtller developed his devic..is i;tralegy. · , Petted by no less a persoo1ge than former U.S. Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest. who was honored guest at the big Huntington Beach parade. the dirty dog turned away before l could shoot a photo. This caused some fireworks generated by our mutual date, who badly v.·ant.ed tile pi.d.ure for a souvenir. But more wu in store, as the shaggy beast celebrated Tndependencf; Day by 1ainJng his own freedom in spectacular style at the height of 1 pyrotechnic show in Costa Mesa. Invited to dine and watch the display with £riends .livtng near OCC, the third member of an increasingly lopsided triangle was banished to the back· yard, whUe our companion and I joined the other couple. "!·tow cute, he found his way out," said the hostess, as P lJ marched tri· umpbanUy into our midst at the height of the rocket's red glare and the bomb&- burslin,g·in·air. • • ~ What \Vasa't so cute was the sheepdog-size hol<' in the rear SCn!!en door. Th.is was the 'straw th&!. broke th.at mangy camel '• We.lcome Back. Today -pending construction of a fence around his mistreM' yard - P II is on an extended ·training exercise at her parents' Ventura Coonty spread v.•ith wide-open spaces and limJted chances to cause lroUble. • . ' He shall return, just like another noted strategjst once said. bqt to face U1e greater challenge of a five-loot barrier and higher animal pound fees an· nounced -incidentally -just after hi1 last imprJaonmenL ' Meanwhile, PD ha.a b1'uncond.itionaJ surrender. My 5UCCessol' has my condole~ Baby Sitter Cleared on · · .'N egl.ec~~ , · :, · B1 lllQIAllD P. NALL --~, ........ A JZ.yqr<11d. Lquoa Buch ~mt hu lietn .clu'ed"" chlld •&led but aald today -hlr·l[t<blemt.'!Je&lio. :ning wllh a May'.o...i hlivo'nol e~· CbargtJ li(ainsl lllrih Loulie Diliil&vey, 7ll0.N. CoUt mg11w~, Wti'e dl~I~ In munlclpal <Olll'I t'l'tlorlda)P fb17J"'..q. Rlcl!ard Hamlllon. . Mn. {lunJayey -that she -laces •ttampb by the Oranp QiQoly \\'elf are Department to d 11)1 y htr • ba!>ysittlng U.,.,,.. at thit"lnsllfallon of the district attorney's office. • ' She &aid she is partially' dependent cm tile income and lablled the altualkm "har~t". ' 'l1le case began May2 during Ute w'!(I· ding of Laguna Betch detectl)'e · °'"9 Brooks lo Mrs. carolyn Howe, then of 241 Monte Verde, Laguna Niguel. Ml"!i. Howe's JO.month-old Mn, Da'Vld ·\\'as reported missing from M.r s . Dunla\·ey's care. A police rtport 'a'sserted Mn. Ounlavey had been drinlt!n£. . She said today · that this was not ~. that a birthday Party had been given fa!" one o( lbe children and that several of the mothers were present. She a),so aaid ibe ad:ed for a sobriety test whitjl police declined to administer. The missing child was discovered by a neighbor woman asleep ln IOITle brush on an incline near the Dunlave.y home. D u r i n & the protracted cou'rt pro- ceedings, ~ fl.1ra. Dunlavey. the blltial charges were reduced from felony to misdemeanor charges. t.1rs. Dunlav~y saJd she had appeared in court six times lince ~tay. SM said defense witnesse.J, working women who had to m.iu work. bad been in court fivoe times, no~ notlfied that the'" matter wou.Ja be continued. Mrs. Dunlavey .was represent~ by the public defe!Xler Jn the criminal pro- ceedings dismissed latt. week. Judge Richard llamlJton s&d he dismissed the case because 1 deputy district altorney said he was not ready to proceed with the trial and did not Jsk. for a fqz1ber continuance. 1\.-trs. Dunlavey said she has retained a private attorney to negoU~te. with the district attorney's office ai;id the wellaie department on the refusal of Uceostna lo Can! for children. If negoUaOons are not successful, she said. the attorney will take the matt.er to Superior Court. Tract Wins Approval A tract map for 315 homes in ilie hilb above Crown Valley School in additiQn to those. already uqder construction ha! been approved by Oranae COW1ty plan- ning commissioners. A tentative plan ·for the tract was first approved more than a year aao but w1s r.evised to include 21 moce home1 and show an arterial roadway e.xtand.ing from Street or lhe Golden Lantern in Dana Point to a Ue-in with Adeltnto Drive. Newport Baby Gurgles For $25 an ~our OTf TV By EVELYN SHERWOOD At tht age of 14 months, Bradley Johnson gurgles happily at the prospect oI .his '25 an ~our job. J.. TV and colnmercial photogj-apher's model, Bradley, 1 'photogenic blue-eyed M~a Man Su~d ' Over Dog Atta~k , A Cost.a J\.tesa man has sued his neiZ.~ for $20.000 in a Superior Court w.lt which claims that their LabradO'i,dog 1ttacked his ll·yeat.()ld son. • Beree Hagopian, 991 Post ·Road. f.ilher t>f Peter Hagopion. na1nes Anthony kmt Karen 'Pee~. 963 Po!l Road , in his acdoTI. He c;llims they are. the ownert oQ an .animal v.·hieh bit the boy about Ole lfe; mOuth and neck last July 14. , The suil charges the Pecas ~1th nqli&ence and failure. to keep their dog under _,.I. .. blond. enjoys the bright lights and act.ion. according lo bis parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Johnson of Newport Beach. "ft is all play for him," said the father. a Newport police oUicer. The baby was "dise-0vered" by a famil. rrlend who is a commercia l photographer's agent. He suggested tht parents take Bradley for a try-out t• ?.lGfl.1 studios when he was six month old. Bradley was :selected from mo;• than 100 oilier babies. "He: is currently on TV for Carter,; baby clolhes" Mrs. Johnson said, "and ""ill be in Redhook magazine next month (or Johnson and Johnson products.'' Asked if the parents think Bradley might out-grow the demand, Mrs. Johnson said." We understand there V(ilJ be more opportunity when he is three 9nd four years old. Baby parts are dlfricult RJ1d phot.ographera usually prefer twin babie:i." ''Adverti!ien keep him busy," the proud father said," but it makes me nervous. I'm a1way1 afraid he'll cry or aomething, but he never does. He's a real 3howman." • ' DAit. Y PH.OT PMtl ..................... BRADLEY JOHNSON TRIES ON .DAD'S HELMET Photogonlc 1,C.Month,Old Ju1t,a Hom· at HHrt . ' ' ,. • I • ' : I .. "' .. • I MU.Y.PILOf~ ... 'THE IMAGE IS'THArOF MIDDLE CLASS CHAP~AINS'' ,· • In Loguno, the Y-Rev. Com.Ji..., Sook1 Chengo '' . '. ' ~ . Me~t t~ Pepp~ Laguna's , 'Hip · P~est' . . E I. . ll! c . . . 11 xp 81J1S ·~S: ··o~YlC\J~~ By JEAN COX , 1 Of flte °"Ir PIW 11•" • _, ~ -. 1 otrong word, Ute .........t .....to·p111y. "Ooe of the pointa. in 'llOll;'' .. tb"1 •'lJefinlng my life and title and llYje!s langu'ie Is nol a God," ho Jlataf. "I 'l''ith me are two dlUere'nt thlnp;" lht nev~'.u&e our Lord!'s lia:me .tn: '*tn. apple-cheeked new priest commented Ho.we"Jr,,for some people ,ortoccaaloo, I upon introducing himseU to his new and am.vuJgrr, bu~.1'usually don't use a nqt prosperoua eongregalion 1t St.' ·Mary's which ilfnot used >by them.'' • · ' Epi>cof>al Chun:h in 1,aguna Bead!. The Rev. OGmellsoii 11tueves lhat· .. Wttle more than a year ha! ~ or the apprthensio& Dfl UM! peit .at aliier- !lncc then, and "'ithln the course of, thil piembers of his coogrega~ as ~,.... time there 81'!! not a few metnberl oE bill nes.s 1Us .overtures ~ ~ ii baMid' mt flock· who would ' 1gree that Uvlng with • the.If thirlking, 1'II he loves them. he can.~ Lhe·Rev. Robert L. Cornelison doea nbt loVe thf.t'· always come. easy. 1 ' 1 • • • • • • • 1 l"tEVeryro.iy 1r11nta.me to lbe 'What;-thlj' He waa quite 1 awitCh from tht Rtv. Ui!M I should be~ y~t .I.ain,ll'yitJg1&o PrO'i' Joifh H'. Hauser, a tall, very MahdMiTie vide· an atrnosphere ,in w.bich ev'1)'oae man who waa first in the hearts Of'the cln be themselvei." ' · ' "older ladies" in"the congreaaUOh which The reverend did use "Hair" u ·u a;_ he seived from 1959-11. ample in °°"of bis sermoos. " 'Hair' ia a ~ Rev. Corneliaon Is a_ cherubic, very old classic story of the problema twlnkJy~yed lndJvidu.a:I who looks like lhe betwein~an and God," be uplained. clerical. garb wu deallfled with hlJD in He does, he. said, n::ake 1lD effort te mind. However, some of the more con-!el'VaUve elements of his church have reach youth and claims Wheh he cime·ia watdled appaUed while he bails twde bip-the parish be ' found a .. -tren11Ddo!la piu out of jail, receives visit.or& 19 hi11 of. vacuwn" of people not bcltrg_t.eactfed. . flco .lhrou,i/ an alw1y1 open window and •1oiJ or'·1wo~ am <i'nill·ii""'· and diseu&US "HaJr" during a sennon. ulll the church was not concerned abou~ Pn occasion he baa .1band~ the es,. themJ I tllst~neP. to .tbem ind 'helPfd alted pulpit in favor of 1 rnort1 ~tb· lher.1. They want to tell me about their fort.able posJUon on a cbaJr ,.hlle deliver. rellgiool btllefs and their penonal ex· inl' lhe Lord's goapel. periences. Often · tb!y lake an ."Enfern He hu be<n accused of trying too hafd theological approach to ,.llglon." · ' lo be hlp, of using rtrong language and of If the Rev. ComeUllOn iJ unortbamr, tt· catering to youth to the point of being la becau!e he believes all old Ryles of ap.o ovtrly pennisslve and ne:glecttuJ of the proac.b to youth are .no longe.r fundtlonal. older generation in h11 pariah. "The whole accent now .is.on feeling," he- 1'lt Rev. Cornellson considered these sakt . • . chargu Wlth good humor. He waa.sealed Youngsters. he commented, haw in b.ia hand!Omtly furnished offict where become mon!! responslve to religion. ..l a collage in reds and oranges of the used to pick up hltchik.ers five or si:C crucifWon hung in 1n orange and a:old years ago, ind they would !it over the fl'ame. On the other wall there was a edge of the fron\ seat. They Willied Co traditional wood figure of Chrlat'a sfay a! far away from me ail: ~hie. I crucinxlon. Both art objects seemed at made them feel guJUy. Now tKe first" ho m e. So did the reverend who ap. thing they want to rap about is re.ligiOn.'• parenUy is quite happy about hill role in ~pping about rellgkm i.s somethlna: tM the community. muuster love.s to do. He aal.d he does not think the con· "God loves you for what )'DU are right. trove.rsy he: haa stirred is any caw;e for now, not because of what you are toinl alarm. "When there is a chan~ of to be tomorrow. Everytime: I say this tt minister in a parish, there is an increase excites me," t.e explaJneQ his philoeOP/iY." of fear o! the unknown, and for some The Rev. Cornelison is just one In 'an people, there is so much fear they leave. army of mlnJrters who worry the mare The few that have left (since he lrrfved) conservaUve e..Jemeots of the c'burch · aa: ll'e rtandard. Many more have come and lh9 ll'J' to stretch its atructure to fn. aa.ld 'we're •1lad you are here.' " b,race a dtanlina. IOciety. He does however, cheerfully admit he .. For the ,p&a !o years., the imqe o( • has balled ooe nude 'IOllfl hair' out of jai(. minla1er •hu bemme tbal'o! mlddle-claa. However he erplainl the !t.ory quJte chaPlaJna .•. son or.male nirrsee wtlo eo logtcally. arow¥I tending t.o people. NCM ii the tlm9 "My famJly and r were enjoytnr the !er change.'" · view fl"Om our house which overlooldl the' Perhaps the·tn06f tellhig fact about hia beach ind we saw a young man who was type·of mininry 11 the st.!m' behind bis .,.atching the !1U11!el with his gi~lfriend. bccomlng a minister in the' fint. 2.lace._ The two got wet from the surf, 110 the The native Angclliio was datl?iQ a mat youna: man took (l[f !Us clothes and wu case worker while he wa11 in college; Thi drying off. The girl had a bathing suit on. two dtacuS,sed the problemS o(.•her elltnfs A peace <>lficer came and arrested him. and 'decided what they needed was ."9t "They pot him In handcuffs and came more social case workers H\ft. a nlpy up the stairs by my home. 1 saJd 'good g~ 4octor affl1 a really good mlhhite'r.1 • ev"1lng olficer' and handed Ute girl my Sho becamo a doctor and he hecame a carduds.akl,toher,'Uyouhaveanyd.l.f. minister. , • flculty, let met-.' They coolacted me Hedld no1 mairy lhedoctAr.1nllojtllhe later, and l balled him out.". . . cll08t. Sert eou 'd>ed..''J'Mt br.ie A1 to ·whetbe!' he 10meUmes•. u~, a hadflve l'liJ~.'. ~ . , ;L It's ·what's inside that counts! Inside Mariners Savings, you coun,t the most! And your money counts . : . then grows ••• and counts some more! Also, inside M~riners Savings, theabllities pf the'Staff count, In, fact, they count the • , ... .. • most, not onlyforyoll !Ind· your money, bllt in .the community and in the savings and.Joan Industry. ·. Mariners Savings offers federally insured.savings plans. Insurance protectlooi&the highest ahd , safesfin·the nation.So is1beinteres~that Mariners . Savings pays! A~d you earn it d~ In day out from dilte of deposit to date of withdra•I. Extdl servk:es.hic;Jllde free safe d~it boxes wbert)"OU maintain a balance Of.$5000; )Qi.customers .r~'t~=~~~~~S,ch~, . , be.qneofthecustomerswJ19c:OUnt$o'muchwith -·t.fa'rinets Savinis. ,r • ·: :· ' • • • '· • 1 ., . • ,. Pulpit_ ana Pew . ..,, . . • • r! • • ,,,. Entericln at IM811 The fOlk IJ"91IP the Rice Krys¢ea will ~in to- day at Ille SL ~·s 'J>rffbyteri4n CbU!d\ youth group luau si.ted for t p.m. at. Emerald 11.ty. -held at · t:*> a.m. at the !lowntown cblpel Cll!ly. 11le -llllh ywtll - will hm! .ill ~ meeliJll al I ~.m .. Sunday, 111< fin! -(Seo Pllt.PIT, P*P I) ~an, to Talli At L~a · Chureh • f \ ' the -" 1118, will IJ'lik 00 Ghant'• inc-In ... volopJnc a demociatic poUllca1 paltenl. ·Mesa .Church Hosts 150 ,. More t11an 150 Fi>unquar• minlsteri '"" !heir wl~ will b< gue$1S ol the Colla Ml!SI Four&quare Church, 1 1a4 Orange Ave., Monday far a southwest dist.rid mini!tm meeting. Cleromen from Arizona. Palm Springs and 1rtas in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange com. ties will gather at 10 a.m. for the meetlng rollovo'ed b y luncheon al 'I p.m. Speaking will be the Rev. Harold w. Jefferies, fiOulhwest dl5trict sui>erviaor who r e c e n t I y traveled to Russia. COAST CHURCH DIREG·TORY . . . l~Kl~G FOlrMEANING & RELEVANCE? 1'rr .. ....-~ ,.. ........ ,. F~ JA1'11ST CHURCH <A.1.c.1 · 'l'o!Wlow"liif. At l'olr Dr., Cost• Mo.. .f A.M.-Church' S.hool 10 A.M.-Worohlp "a u ts 1lllwlf1 Dep" llW. Stffr ... .,. ....... _, ... Cas I .... Ml-4611 HAltlOR TRINITY BAmST CHURCH 1111 .... St ......... c... .. _ . ....~--Sllidoy Schooi 1:45 a.m. Morning Worshlp 11:00 a.tn. llejlllit ~sli.Ull!on I p.111. Evenillg oervlco I p.m. W-da,y stua,, a. Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. ---------· --- l!lltST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH •H HAMILTON, COITA MIU SilMtY kkol • , , ••• , t~S Tr•l11l11t Unlol'I •• , ••• , • , 4:00 M ... W--·t. E¥•11iitt Wordlip •••••••• 1:00 .,.. _,, ••• • I l 100 WM. &.nint S.rvi~ •••• 7100 ..... '41·f111 N..., ..,_,. A ..... ONIY!llSITY BAmST CHURCH us'.:.nS.. 1.,~u::..,;o .. -~· ICMOOI. .......... .. .................... ....: Mllltftr• W'.lllt.ttlP ··•" ............................ ·n 6.M. E ... WOJIDll,_ .................. , p~ .. ft l!IJlvte:I WIONISDA'I" .. ., ............ 7•• P.M. .. AdM. ,...., a..,........,, RIST "':15' CHURCH, • ~~~~ ·~ IN!lll-f.f., ~IRST G1H.~ISTIAN. • ,..cH Gl:t?'. , ' 'Vld&rla • ilDtli ~ . Costa Mosa "-:..._...., CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 11.ANCHD OP THI MOTHR CHUICH THI flm CHUICM OP CHRIST, SCllllTllT IN IOITO·N, M.USACHUllnl "SUBSTANCE" Subject of Lesson -September 14th CMll --First Chul'Ctl of Chrlot, ScJonJlot tat ............. c.... ..... ...... Sc•••• f111 .... . a..G S..llllC 11 .... . ---·--·· Huntington Beoch-Flrst Church of Chrftt, Scltnllot 111 Oftft s-Nt' Schei -9:11 • 11 ;ft ~-11 A.M. s.nlce ............... Laguna leeCh -First .Chwch of Ch~Jat, $dentist IJl•Htp Dr; CINrcfl • Sllll4ky SUMJ-tsll • 11:11 .... ., ..... 2 ........... Ne w;:ort B..ch-First Church of Christ, Stl1nll1t a201 ,.. IJll• a .... • s..., w... t :11 a 11 :11 ............ JJllYleW. N<"toor t Beoch-S-nd Church of Chriot, S.lenllat ,, .. PWcHk Yltw Dr .. c..... ..... a.di • ....., ....... 11 AJA. ~~ f.. • ....... •••• JI!,~~ c:.,. tfw(..- i.U are cordially tnvll«! lo atten~ the church semen and enjoy the prlvilega,of the R...uilg Rooms QIN C.. .... w;IM AT Al.I. tll'flCD .... --.. -· Meml"f Wont.i, 1:30 ••11 :00 , StMay kt..M ••• •• • • • t :JO i I Ye,.ift Mllillflllf ••••••••• 6:00 "''Y'I' 5-nid ••••••••• 6:)0 f .. lliltf S.1'¥fC• , ••• • •., 7:00 .. _ "-1~~;;;;;;;::;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;~~(/I , __ I(.,., ._._ . . . . .. .. . . ., .. ... ... .... . ............ ..... ........ W9"111!> ........ 1•1• Ullo .,..., ........................ "" ....,., ........... s.rwi. ........................ , ..... 142-2421 Nursery Care Provided MM_m 14t-6141 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH eh11rd of t1o.•D•ily Word N!WPORT UNITY CHURCH M1in I Ad1ml Str11ts ii L_D.,..~ M•- Hurdlngton a.a.~ I M..,.;~ ~onhl, lltfl I Irvin•, N•wlktt l•lth t~i.r citt,_ iu1111r111 · •a• a 11:tfAM I I liW• ~ •••••••• •:41 AM 1145 ~.M. S111141y Scho.I Y .. tl. 6,..,_ , , • ,, , , 6:00 PM &.11! .. Wenhl, ••••• 7:00 PM I I0100A.M. Dt....tion1I S."'J" Ol'•ICI: XIO W. CMsl Hl6ftwty, N.i . l ............ _.i& ... ,.,,.. ~ c:.n ,.,..,,..... ,. ... __.... Oltlal: --DIM OtMl'lt Df .. DIAWofU..'fll-'4MUt CHURCtt DP' RILIOIDUS SCIENCE .................. . ........ QwU • """" OIJdl ..... ki.c. L., Mt•""' lUNo,t.Y SIJIVlCa ••• 11 1'M Mlfllr.ltf., •• AIWI llJl'kt. Jl.S .•• I'. .. ,,""' CflAPeL ON1!M °"'6t YMCA. UD1 Uillvtltlrv Or. I . a WHAT A SHAME •••• ... ,.. ........ . --........ -... CALVARY CHAPEL .................... ..., ................... tW ... .......................... ...,...~-: .... .... ......... Qe!Mlw ................ -.,..., ... "" .... .,, ............. 1"" -...... ~ ,.. .. - -... .... IM~__. Hl'nCI. ll:Jt s.u.M, M.,.,. • ... ....., .... _, .. ...., .. ,.. . .. "-e: 141-11'11 . .JJ"1J,o,. dri.6tian e1w.rc~ f Of NIWPOIT llACK-1" ... 1111 , ............ .., ....., ··-··· ...... UI L , ... If. C-. *" , . Wonblp -9:UA1M. ' ' "...,, c.. Pt••••• ;r~ l'hol!e: 67wtU , -i . ~ Dr. D. IV' ~"~·· , , r ~ , fAS'I' DRAW f " CHURCH OF CHRIST . 287 W. WILSON ST• COSTA MISA lrrwllN HAUOI _, PAI ..... SUNbAY MOkNIN6 lllLI STUDY , • , • , •••••••• , , • •:41 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP• COMM~ION •· 10:41 AM SUNDAY EVENING WOkSHI, , .••••• , ••• ••••••· 6100 P.M. Wl!DN~SDAY EVENIN• lllU STUDY •••••·••••••• 7#11 PM NUISQT CAii rioYIDD •-0.11-.... _ M....,_ •111sl .. • ........ Phone: 54N711 Illy or Nltfit ~ T1le Plan ol God '"" -ol Gllrill T1le ,_ ol tho Holy :!flril SUndrt Sdw:d ' AM Mfmlltl Wonltlp ' ml 14:30 AM EYellms 5etvb 7 PM ~·~ltvdy end f\'l)W 7 PM Nurwry ~I SULttca A lull Yoof. ........ Cm. ol Oranp ..i l3nl. 5f. CoatoMeM , •• H. E. jaltils; •ft.A,.., U ..... Qud.t RILIOIOUS SCIENCE 420 I 0th St., H•11H11ff•11 It a th l'hon• SJ .. 2120 Ad•lt l Yo11tfi s.m~ 11:00 A.M. llNIST PATI, MIMl11'11 .. CORONA DILMAl Seventh-Day Advelllist Churches c.w-'-" ..... 171 ........ ~ ........ .. J•kn SMw111•••• P11tet S.... ...,.. ..... ChNti Ph•n•1 1'41·6596 n'ttl C..W. ....., PWtwt ~ S..... • , . • t :JI AM A. E. k•w--. '•If., ....... W......, •• 11 :OO AM l'he11•r 4t2·2tJ6 ' ~ Sc-.. •••• tat ... ...,. ............ ,.,, ................... 11111 ... FIRST CHRtmAN CHUlCH "41 f--IT-A -ilol, fOUNfAIM f4IJ.lf UNJFllD se:avtcf • S.IMley Sekel •:10-WOkSHIP • 10:10 Wenfiip I Y .. '11 w,,. • 61)0 p4111. .........,,. ......... ......... ·--..... ,_...._,....,._ 6Vi~YONE'S FAVORITE ., •.t••' ........,, ,.n., .,,. *' .._ .... ~ •• .,,,.,., ._...,,.. tfl AIMfktl '• ~ Aa11 U.114en • .,. .... lrt 1 4•tt., •,...r,, .. 11a ...._ DAll.Y-PILOT. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH• Wolco.-Yov. Sr. .II.MU. Jiit W. LWo. ....,_ ..... ,, .. 411-lfolr- 1011t.AM-....,,h4alJI., M ... fNtw CWNC..•1MtAM .. ._..., ... Jtn. ,,._ P. A1kJ II; ...... n. ...... hlN e..., PhoM; 67U210 ' ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGILS Paclllc View Dr. al Marsuertte. CofOllA dot Mar SUndays: 8:00, 9:30 -Chlld Care at 9:30 Ho\y Dayo u announced Al •-w-......,,,.. ................ Dftls-.... 644 ... &I ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Ormp Ave.. CJL SundaYs ?:30 & 9:30 Church School -11'.SO 'IbundaJs: 6:30 Ii 10 a.m.; HolY Days • announced ... ,,. ........... , ...... _ .... Mlolll, EPl$COPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH .... It.It~"'----·"",.... .... not ..... ~ Ylll ""'· ..... c. c.y. ,. ..... Sundoy s.m- •,,.• ~ ..., "'"' 9 ti• A.M. '..i!Y ........ ca.tll ,..M........ SC.... rt••.M.~al '1: ................ ...., .,_ Qc:: ... 11 • ...., CWt """90 Flnt Aslemblv of God Church 146 E. 22nd St. Coate Me.a Si!N761 M. C. ~....., .............. ........._ Icy Niethel .. 11, Minb,tet ef Y•vtli DAN•IUSnC SRYICD 1..-., tln ,...,. -7:11 ,.M. S. ....... -11:00 A.M .... ltff P.flll • l ...... istWI .. •......, Cliarch Cheir -Sh•rU PeulMll, Diffftw YWten w.a... -N-.y A,,..._ lflft Llcet'lM!f P,...lchoel -Mn. John GoUQjck. Pirtctor ...... ........ SABBATH S£RVIClS RELIGIOUS5C1!00L bar~?.!:~?.~. temple mteting at SLJimls ~piocop&I Churcho32119Vla Lido, N1W9«t Beoch '°' 1t'lfOJTnSt1on: c.itf75on30 GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Mon-i•, Newport Be1ch I\\ ... w.t·lf ..... H..,hlJ """21 • 141-7116 """" ........ ,.... ... Ml?tw, M11tk.11 01r.mr tUMDAY Sll'1CIS tt4I A.Ji&. -hMlr 1dMI. H.-rr c.,. 11111 A.M.-"' ........ YhlM.,Qrbt Ml,_,,.,. .. ,, ....... -............ """ ..... w ...... ..... S.N11•11• ~., ,, ••• , ..,., M...,,.., S•+.11111 ti)O A.M HARBOit ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wll-, Coate Mose f. L HlllTWICI, -CAU .. NflT MM714 11-o1 Mark SUNDAY SlltVIC!S t:tlA.11.--- Cl-.fwAIAtoo 11:11 A.M. -"J '-tt.k I• ........ • C~" -Strt111•11 liy P11t•r 7ift P.M. -IM!tftffst H. L ......... wlllhtfll•I .... DllPll UN CltUSAll COSTA MtSA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ... ftlt• -........ -......., -cw c.. ORANGE COUNTY COMMlllTY CIRIRCll I 11•11-ff111mei11•ti•11•l I CosN Men W•1t1tt1'1 Cln -W• 1M It ........... c..,. ... svrio:,y SERVICE . ". . . II ~ ·-· ... --....... !"· -··· ................... . 91"· ...... ... • •• *. '!~~~!!:!!" ,,, ...... , ·~-... All J.whli f•"''"" .,.. '"""" .. lei ... ,. ~,., .. .,.,.,..1 -"' _,,.. --.., ... , ...... ... ..• .,......, ...... _ ............ . ... -1112 TM-,fe SheN• Ch•lr -O!Mt Sh•il•t 141·14Jt I Newpe<t Harbor Lutheran Church ZIOl Clllf Dr. LI &-4293 .... -.-..··--'lllelw.1....W'ww... ,, .......... 'Hlllf...., 9'a ft It:• IA ......, klMe4 ,,. ",,,,. ...... ............ 111••11.1• Nart011 care ovallable at all aervices WELCOME Lutheran Chu.di of the Master 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR I DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mrs. w• a .... , w.. ·-·~ Phone 644-2'64 t :l I A..M, '-lff W...W' lt:OO A.M, S..-, Cllml I $ch..I 11 tOO A.M.-llestfff Wenhi, . ...., .... , ... PlllNCI OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mes. YM• °""' l l•k•r StrHt, Ctlf• M111. Ctlif. AllOJllW C. AND•JlllOll?, Nmr ......, ldllll f:TJ IMnll,,, Wtl'llll' l 1M & ll:JI Prlnff ef Pffu lAltlfttllll Scll••I -Mi11 &th•r 0:1c.11, ''inclp•I Offlc• rt.on•: 149-0$21 Schtol Phen•: 5'4t.Ol42 IT. PAUL'S LUTtt1ilf'A.N Missouri Synod 429 Cypr"' Dr. 1.ir9uM '"ch I .... w. L ·Ml•..,.,... I W0n1\lp Servicft'-8;30 A: ft Ait SUndky School A: Bible C!ass -9:4.5 ill Pbone: Oiurch 494--7998 Parsonage; 494-8110 A Cordial Welcom• from TH~ UNITED METHoi>IST CHURCH lelHe l1lend COMMUNITY MITllODIST CttURCH 111 Al•'-171-01150 I : I I l11t.t1111I W•r1klp f :lO Tr1dttl•11tl Wenhi, I S1111day SthMI C•lt• M•1a FIRST UNITID MnHODlST CHURCH "tt. St & Hitt.or llvd. Ced• M11• NINfh MISA VRDI MITllODIST CHURCH Mes. Vetd1 I l1k•r St. M•·271t W•nhi, l: Cli-vttlt Schoel f :OO l I O:lO AM H•11ff111ten "•ch FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17 .. St ..... 116-JIJl ~lrM -9110 I 11 '·"" Nurwiry thn 2_, tr•cl• • 11 Ot.rd. SU...I -t :lO 1.m. H1111tl11tton .. ech-N•rtli COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 H•ll A ....... 142~41 Wonhlp • Ch11N:h Sch .. 1 t& IO:lOAM lrrl11-!•lt l l11ff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH IJJ-12Jl 1142 2 Culv1r Ro1d •t Uni¥9nity Ori.,.• Wonhip & CSi11rth Sdie•I f ilO A.M. L1911ne IHdi LAOUNA llEACH MnHoD1sr CHURCH ?1632 w,,1.., Dr ht s.: La911•• Wonhip 11 AM Church School 9:30 AM 4ft.)Dll N•w!)ert l•tch CHR15T CHURCH IY THE SIA 1400 W. lalbo1 II"'. 67).)105 W~nhip I: Churdl ScheJ 9 I ID:lO A.M . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas ' Christ Clilirch Presbyterian Hlll ~sp1llil ,...., .,._, Hw&!'I ... • IMcli ... Altoo o. -·--......, W ..... : fllf!AM a.di~: 1D:41 A.M. Offtca 11111 M ....... St ....... ••Mt41 Charcll Of '.Jhe Covenant ---c.w-.... A. 1e.m.. , .... , ~ W.nlllpi tilt• 11 -a.rd Sd!Hf: t :lO _ ......... St. ~!Mhw's . Presbyterian Church ........ __ . __ CMAILll Hldllf ll'DlllNU. PASTOI W--l~· .... 11.tclll11AM 1M-nc1 w. w...wt#A'aiAN · UNIVD$ALllT .QIUllCH ltlt vw.rc. St~ c.... ..... • ..... 1 "~' Attend the church · of your ihoice · on Sundey r- 1 ----- -- ---------------------------~----------."'"',.-,.,------ SAfunSat, Stpttmbft .U, 1969 1 DAllY PILOT /i • • Your 'Boro1c,,.,e Pulpit and :ee"v . (Coltllaoed ,_ Paie 41 day evening service for the f;iU wtU be held at 7 p.m. with an i n f o r m a I get-together. Refreshments will be served by the worship committee. • ...v1c. ;.:e~i.1ri11on' f91' the rttular Ep~J ch11.rch sdiool will be htld 10< clllldrtn lrom P~WS•-\hrOUah the sisVI grade !Ifs. -Virgo:-Jouriiey Due . ... . . Dr., Charles H. Dlerenfield, will preach a sermon tntitled "'t'be Bi& If!" at the a. 9:30 and 11 a.m. services at St. Andrew's Pre s byterian Churcll, 800 SL Andr"''• Road, Newport Buch. This Sunday marts the return lo fall and winter schedule for the church. The young people's Westminster begin! rehearsals S u n d a y evening al 6 p.m., followed by a supper at 7 o'clock. New hours of worship will begin this Sunday at Christ Chord by &he Sea, UaUed MeUtodist 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Early worship and church school will commence at 9:30 a.m. with morning wor:ship be,mtng at II a.qt "Attaining Maturity" wlll be the Rev. David DiProfio'S sermon subjed for the mom· ing. r Nursery care is provided. "Bah'u'llah, Lord of the N~ Age" wil; be the topic Monday evening, 8 o'clock at the Costa Mesa Baha'i eeaw-. 985 Victoria. Mrs. Judy Leib, teacher and last year's <fire<:. tor of the Orange County Baha'i School, will discuss the meaning or progres s ive revelation in man 's ever·ad- vancing civilization . Episcopal (:liurch women will hold a bnlli:b Wedn<sday al 1he home of 'the Jay ~ in (:ol'1)na dtl Mer • -· ' . . ~ ' " Pastor~ BenveauU of Glad Tfdhlga el Auembly el God Cburdl, '!lib and Monro- via Sll<et/I. ' N•WJIO'I Beach, will beglb ·a . •~es of seT"- mons on Jesus Christ this .... k. Sunday's 10:50 a.m. sermon will be "A Desdiptioo of John, of Christ on ftle Ille ot Pat- tno.$." Evening' service will l.'Ontinue this series With the topic, "Is Jestis Christ the Light of the World?" , , Classes Offef'ff St. James EptsCp\>81 Cbun:b, N e w p» r t Beach, will hold Bible classes taught by Ange-- Jyn Dantwna, director of women's activities at Narramore Christian Foundation, begiiuling Seiit. 29. The class will ·be held from JO to II: 30 a.m. Babysitting serv· ices will be provided. .on. ...... htla Vicar Ray Schiefelbein wlll deliver his first ser· mon a.s assistant pastor at C b r i s I Lu_lbel'81l Church, C:Osla M .. «i, Sunday, at 8 :~ and 11 a.m. services. He will speak on ~·The Qbjecl of Our Efford." Schie!· elbein was inducted in- to full·tizne service last Sunday. 'Attl!lltb €011111• RcpresenUng the par- ent church of lbe '!riter- !tl!li<!!,W Cl!urcb of lbe • Fo~quare Gospel._tbe Rev. Milton W. r.;Jli-. fhorpe ls now atteriding the United Slates Con-gress on Evangelism in Minneapolis. Milin. He is staff evangelist at Angelus Temple, Los Angeles. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 14 By SY.ONEY O~IAllR RECREATION TIP: Avoid todal ctmpllcaUoM. Do aome raearcb. readl•1. Be lllOdenk la all a<Uvlllff. 0 ... 1 ,... today lflnlllp atro1o11 ud ttlated atN1. If aloDe, cletectl.-e dortet .. -detfbo1 bllo .. ,-.. ,..-pit ..iautto. • ARIES <March 21·April 19): Avoid excess. Study f.act.I, be aware or Clet.aib. You may feel need for greater enlighten- ment'. Spiritual adviser c 'a n ~· l!lJ}dance. TAURUS (April 20-May 20)' Cycle Is such that you should .do plenty of listening, observ- ing. Obtain hint from Arte• message. Give attehtlon td mata. par1ller. Study legal documents. ,. • j ' a1endf· DeaUnp a!IO BhoWI! II): You can ld1°"'••dl with relaUv ... Do one thing at raloe prestige. Key Is to bovo a time. Pace yourself. FiniJh fac1a at hand. You tnlJ' M what you starl. ch811enged. Dilpf1y knowledge IJBllA (~L Zl-Oct. 221 : w II b o u I being aft<Ilall\. Accent Ob budget, po&essSons, Mtlllge clear by toniatlt. abillly to •wrai>o -what you PISCES (Feb. Jt.Match IOI: own. A newi~non could. coma Good lunar aspect today QNo- into ,..., ur.. 111<1> --clefts with chanc< to •lento for ldventurt. llandanl of living. You Pin il SCORPJO (Oct. D-Nov. ti): imaginaUon is put lo c:oow S1teu-tarf~ltlo.l!ve, structlve wie. Don'I ftgltt ortgtnaJUy. ll)Jhl-fcht 1 .. DeOWBI}' revblom, clwges. dependtnce of thoilgltl. adloo. IF 'IOOAY IS YOIJB Make new c:ontacts. A* ques-BIB'ftlDAY yo Q ari • tJoas -aniwm CID be ob-oalunl Wl}'ll, capoblo of talned. perttivlag hiddf:n memilnp. SAGl1TARIVS (Nov. 22-You can site most -up Dec. 21): Some secrets are with uncaMy accuraq. By revealed. Spread lnnuence and next month you will be on broad<ri hori%<1M. Limitations more solid ground. cannot protect you. You must T• rlftd -... ._,, Mn .,_ "" .,. explore and travel, if !l'IO'WY • '-'· .,.,.,.-,~dnli't O!Nrr"• ~. f~~~~oli CAPRICORN (Ile<. 22-Jan. ''°' •-y"' '· Y. '""· • 19): Aeeent on solld w~s of[;==========. The Rev. Doo.aJd Hayes Baird, recentlf ordained by \be San Francisco Pnabytery, has joined the staff of Com- ma.nJty Pre1bytertan Cbutdl, 41i Forest Ave.. Laguna Beach. The Rev. Baird will --------------------------------GEMINI (May SI.June 20), Income through .hobby is fulfilling desires. You can find ways, means. of making wlshas tum to realJUes. Ald lodlcated ' from friends. Don't let false pride stand in way of progress. GOSPEL CONCERJS ,. deal with the youth of the con- gregation. At the churcb 'c special 1se&iion meeting, the cOO- g r e g a t j o n unanimously re-- jected the black manifesto demands. They also voted to se nd the resol.utloo to the General A.ssembly, Synod, and P""bytery. are also available at the thurrh, 3262 Broad S t . , Newport. Beach. At both 9 and l0 :30 a.m. Sunday services, worshippers of Central Bible CbllfCb, 23rd Street and Orange Avenue, Cost.a Mesa will bear Pastor Henry E. Jones preach: "The t-2-3's Of the Resurrection.'' The evening service, 7 o'clock, will feature Pastor Jones speaking on "Philip's Method of Evangelism." Christian Service Brigade and Pioneer Girls resume regular meetings, Thursday, 7 p.m. B d is tin ct possibility. Con· C. aume and Norman t . 9:30 and 11 a.m. with the Rev. centrate on service and Whipple of Commun I l y Edward C. Erny preaching beautifylng surroundings. You Church. ''Are We Being Fair to Our fltaistralion for fall church Children?" Bibles will be can be' comfortable, happy at ,.. home today. school will also be held Sun· presenled to boys and girls da loam •··· th f rth d th. CANCER (June 21.July 221 : y, . . enl.Q mg e ou gra e 11 AQUARIUS (J a o . 20-Feb: Victor Andrews Named to Board v.·eek al the 11 0·ctock worship ltave fun with children. Stress Brothen of st. Patrick will service. recreation. Give full play to hold their annual Bene.fit Beef Church school is held at 9:30 creaUve resources. Le ave Dinner and FamUf Picnic, a.m. and youth arnu,.. will det.ails to others. Day should Se e•¥ ,... feature creative relaxation -v:'""-c ·~---· •• ta pt. 20 and 2J noon to 8 p.m. meel at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. and i·oy. ...v.n • nuu•11:ws , .:J<ln MUSIC Tickets to the diMer will be The Commissions on Social Ana. president of Andrews 1·\' "'1d oo the grounds. located at Concerns, Missions and LEO (July 23 Aug.·22)' Be Brothers of Cal~omla, a SPECTACULAR the Novitiate House, 7820 Ecumenical Affairs will meet av•are of restrictions. Follow fanning and land corporation, Bolsa Ave., Midway City. on Sunftay 7:30 p.m. at the rules and regulations . has been elected to lhe board IU.C~WOOD lltO!.. Admission to grounds ls free home of Dr. Kennet b Familiarize yourself w i l h ot directors oC tbe Independent STAT-=:1::,•am l''ilh games and rides as. well .. Johnsl.One. 'the Commission on basic issues. Knowledge gain· Colleges of Southern LMt .._. M..ict,,el as snack.ll avail~ble. Evangelism will hold a dinner ed today can ulUmately be California. AHltort• nlttting on Monday evening transfonned to signlficant Andrews is chairman of the s.,t. ,zo. Jtlt •••• 7:11 P.M. •·Substance" is .the topic ot and ~n Tue.SPl'IY. ,9;30 a.m., the gain. boards of Chapman College ,.... 1.._._._ uR: the lesson sermon slated for Prayer and Bible Study group VIRGO (Aug. 23.Sept. 22): and f1 South Coast Community 17,.1115 _ 1t••il• .._. ~ ' . 1 • ' I l l • • ' .. "Our Joy of_ Praise" is the title of the message which the congregation of Ftnt Cbrts- Uan t'hurcb of Costa Mesa, Victoria Street and Placentia Avenue, will hear during either of the 8:30 or 10:40 a.m. worshlp hours. Pastor James The annual pancake breakfast sponSored by the Women's Society of Christian service at First U a i t ~ d J\lethodlsi Chvcti Gf Hun· ti•gtcia Beacti will be held to- day unlil I I a.m. Location of the breakfast is the home of Mrs. Harry Sallado, 9 4 O Yorktown. .Huntlngton Beach. Proceeds s u.p po r t .the missi9nary work or t b e society. Registration is now open for the first year course in Religious Science conducted by the ~v. Ernest Pate of the H1mtiagtoa Bead Oattlt of ReUclous Scleoee. Entitled "This Thing Called wre," the classey will be.. held in the Women·s Club 'House, CO Tenth St., HlDbigtoo Beach, beginning Oct. l, 7:30 p.m. For furth er information call 714-536-2120. use in ttrvices this Sunday at,_.'.'.""'~'"~· ________ _:S'.':ho~rt'.'...!joum'.".'..':::e"!y'.:a~p~pe~a".'rs~to::..".be'..o'.'.:n'..._.:_""'P~'.'.ltal'.:'..~in'..:La::!gun'::'.'.:a:..'.'.Bea::'.ch.'.'.:._~==========' all Orange Coast Chriltianl· ~ Science churches. · ' E. Piercy, wiU be preaching. ))iring the vesper hour, 7 o'clock, the minister ••ill ad- dress worshippers on "Grow- ing Toward Christian Maturity," Other Sunday services in- clude Bible school, 9:30 a.m., Christian Youth FellO\vship for those in junior high. 5:30 p.m. and senlor high, 6 p.m. Resuming its. three-service schedule Prince el P e a c e Lutheran Church, 2987 Mtsa ·Verde Drive, Costa Mesa wiJI hold morning worship services al .3, 9:30 and JI a.m. Sundiy. School church will be held dur- ing the same hours, with adult Bible classes meeting at 8 and 9:30 a.m, only. P-reaclli.ng. UW Sunday wiJI be Norman Juggert, attorney- of-law. The Rev. Andrew C. Anderson is io Minneapolis., Minnesota, attending t h e Congress of Evangelism. Jug· gert is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. Tacoma, Washington, and the UCLA SChool of Law. "No Honey, Salt" will be the sermon topic of the Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie at the Presbyterian Cburcb or the Covenant, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Sunday. Worship services will he held aJ9:30 and II a.m. Church school through sixth grade will be held at 9:00 a.m. with junior high, high school. and college age fellowships held at 6:30 p.m. An adult communicants• class for those intere.sted in membership will begin this Sunday at 7 p.m. Communion will be celebrated at both the 8 and 9:30 a.m. servi ces at St. Mlchael't ud All A.mg:els' Churdl, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. The 11ermon will be given by the Rev. John Rogers Davis. on "The Values of 'true Living." Following the t ::«l a.m. Luthera11s Expanding Construction began th 1 s week on a $70,000 expansion program at Faith Lutheran Church, 8200 Ellis Ave., Hun· tington Beach. Tvt•o buildings are planned. one housing of- fices and a nursery, lbe other classroom facilities . A third classroom building will be built at a later dale. 'T'he new buildings. to be completed around Dec. 31. will be used for tile Sunday and after-acbool education pro- grams. Reviva 1 continues al Fint Asxmbly ef God Church. 146 22nd St.. Costa Mesa, with the return or Minister of Youth Ray Nicholson, speaking io the Sunday morning service 10:60 a.m. Tbe Rev: Nicholson underv.·ent OP.ell heart surgery this silmmer: Highlighting thr Cvening service 7 o'clock will be Mike Ellis, a Soulherq California College studen~ w,ho has just returned from a summer of missionary work :in Guiana, South America. Evangelist Winkie Pratney will be :speablg :tu es day !)l'°"'" Ji>iday, 7,30 p.m. and nut Sunday al 7-p.m. Morning worship at 11 o ' c I o cl; for Fint Baptist Cburell, 201 Magnolia, Costa Mesa, will include a sermon by the Rev. ·Harold Anderson. A guest .s~er will address the 7 p.m. Service. The Rev. F. C. Lasater will pruch on his work as a missionsry to Korea. The Rev. RObert W. Kley will conduct a communion service at 8 and preach at l I a.m. for SL Wilfred'& Ctiurcb, HunUngton Beach Sunday . The Rev. Kfey will meet the Young adults (high school graduates and college studenls) for lunch following the J 1 a.m. service at the home of Pastor James C. Caley. "Be There!".is tbe sermon Mesa Verde United lo be heard. Sunday fl Harbef ~letbodilt Chu.rel, J70t' Baker Chriiuaa 'Cblll'cll. -D&clplet St., c~ta M~. will hold Sun· of Chriat meeting at Harper day w:erS.hlp se['(\ces.at p. and School. 425 18tlo SI. Cosla 10,31fa.m. The Re•. Paul C. Mesa. Dr. D. W. McElroy wiU Blestmeyer will speak oa Or. Henry Gerhard. minister of the Cbureh of Rellaious Sde~ or Laruu Buch. 20062 Laguna Canyon -Road, returns to the: pulpit Sunday, to '!peak on the subject "It's Great"TO Be Alive!" Services are held at 9 and 11 a.m. New members will be welcomed -into t h e con-. eregation this week wi-lb a cof· ree hour. following b 0 t b services. speak at 9:45 a.m. , "When Lile Has Meaning." Junior church and lhe high school group begin their fall term, meeting during the 9 o'clock service. Baby care is also offered during the early service. Lutheran Cburta; of tbe "Our Church As 'Me and Master, 2900 Pacific Vlew 'lllee' _ or Is It "We and Drive, Corona de! Mar offers They'?" is the subject to be hours of worship at 9:,15 .afl!:I heard Sunday. IO a.m. at II a.m. SUJ'.ldays., , Corona de! Mar CommWllly Church School meets with Churdl, Congregational, 611 classes for all ages at 10 a.m. Heliolrilpe Ave., Corona del Thursday lectures are of· fered by the church in Clubhouse Tw-0 at Leisure World, 10 a.m. The public is invited. Dr. William R. Eller will l\tar. The sennon will be deliver the message "God·s preSeote:d by Do 'u g I as Ability To Provide" al both Chalmers, a leading layman in The Flnt United ~fetbodltt worship hours. .t the Uniled Church ol Christ. Churcb, 2721 Seventeenth St. • The adult fellowship will He will be assisted by Mrs. Huntington Beach wiU conduct hold a family potluck dinner atl Daniel G. Alddch1 Jr., Edgar v.-orship services Sunday, at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Alan Sawyer';::;:.======'=============:::;! will show slides and speak on his teaching in a Christiaii day 1 Bible Thoughts school in Japan1 SIJUAL IMMOULITY i1 cond•mned llv Crusade Sunday will be th• l ibl•. Ro.,,.1,24.11, H.b.11:4. God featured at the Prtsbyteriaa mid• ONE MAN for ONE WOMAN to b• 1•11u1I c•mp1nion1, for lif1, in m•r• C'tlurcb of Fountail Valley, riftq•. lnt1rco1.1n1, ouhid1 of wedlock, i1 9420 Talbert. and I visiting SI N. No fornic 1tor er 1tlufltr•r 1h1ll en- layman, Lloyd Johnson, of t1r H11,,1n! 11 Cor.6:91 Homo1111:u11ity Mariner's Church, Newport ;, '" 1bomin•bl1 1in, ll1,,ific111 11 :22. Rom .1:27·21, I Tim.1:10, Beach, will speak at tbe 11 G1rt.lt:•·l I, Judg11 19:22·211. a.m. service this SUnday. N1w1p1p1ri todey r•port immor•titv of th• body on 1v1ry h•nd Special prayer will be made: •Ml i• .,,,.,;,,. •111mbli11 l .. low1·· ins, l'ludit t1lh1rir19s, r•dr li mus ic crowd1, •le.I; 10 1¥1uch '0 th1t we 1r1 r1miltded 1f b . for the forthcoming Bi Y 11:6,22·21, ,,,d 6 1n.6:5. How lon9 c1n God tol1r1l1 111ch wid1° Graham Crusade meetings to 1pre•d i1¥1mor1Uty II he ••• , throughout th• .... 011d1 Po11ibly th1 ht held Sept. 26 through Oct. 1..4 of tfm1 it n11r; CERTAINLY Jud9m1nt of ''""" immor•I 5. on11 i1 ne•r, fo r "''ny of them cl l1 dilly 1JH:I 90 to !heir 1lern1I At the SUn~y schooJ hour, d11liny UNPRE,ARED. IG1l.6:7·11. . 9:45 a.m. Superintendent Our n•fion, er ANY 11etion. ;, doom1d lo d1c1y unl11• It c1n Gerald Partain will Speak al inttiU in ih pubic 111 intole11nc1 tor fl19renl violelio11 cf cit· the opening assembly period ce11cy. let 111 m••• • fight for COMMON DECENCY i11 •Y•ry on his recent vacalion trip. '"'n"• of lift, ;11 our ,,;,,,1. ecti .. ttie1, In ou• public b1haYlor, in c11r politiuf and. VOTING lif., :n 011r SHOPPING tou,., in Youpg People for Christ will th, p1 1c11 of AMUSEMENT"'' p1tro11iu: let 111 p11t p1111ur1 for mee\ il 6 p.m. Sunday. d1c1ncv wh1r1 lt "'ill Ct>UNT at -""Y opportunity. O.uri:.h ef Chri1t, 217 W. Wi11011 St_, COJI• M11e, Ca. 92617. N!wporl Vtlfty .Cbun:b wm 1~::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;::=;:::;:::=;=;j hold ill eighth arinual banquet !r Sunday, 7 p.m. at the Newporter Inn. Or. William 1 R. Parm will be the guest l' speaker. He is the co-author of "Prayer Can Change Your l.Jfe.., -, The Rev. Nonnan L. Brown 1>1·UJ preach "The Ei:perience ol Geltlng to Know God" al Su00ay sen1'ces, 19 a.m. for P I J m • • t l Coopegadonal Ctlardl of Newport H•rbor. Sunday school and child care FIND YOUR IDENTITY AND REAL MEANING IN UFE · SCIENCE OF MIND Register Now for First Year Accredited Course. Member-United Church of Rtlisilout Science, Los Angeles -Clanos Bogin Wedne1dey Evening, October I, 7:30 P.M. -AD Welcome -Not Limited to Any Age,. Creed, or Bock ground For lnfom11tlon, Write or Calh CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS $CIENCE of Newport leach "":'C:I TREES of the WORLD rve °''.......,._ ____ _.:_ -----Mllllnt Add ..... : 301 N. Ster lane Newport BN<h '2660 Telephone: (714) 548·6580 watch for our special iss .. newt begins tember 14 ,32 Pages -Sept. 1'3 DA ILY PILOT ' ' • i -~ I ~ '1 , l I f:omment Page ' . . :·AMERICA'S ·w1bENING FOOD . OAP ' r o ... M-fn·SF . ' What Old Town Could Be . ' . SO Horny, Corny, Porny? 87BERBCAEN MN¥RANCISOO-H<n!y-- -pam)' San Fran., ....... the Eola-Is 11111 -bly bellJp (live and let die), the c<l!>I "" geoerally civlliud enough to look the other way, and a man can raise a thlr3t and lower it ahnost im· medlatel.1. It's a drinking town, filled with &ood things to drink and bad thlnp to 1et drunk about -a reaaanab&e arrangement as long as the cash bolda out and the liver liolda "I'· 'llle,c!her an.moon, I walked lloqg J-Square, fllled with ~ feel- ings Gd maybe a martini. Bealllltal old-hrict bulldlnp, 1"'elJ old. --·ind-• crammed w!Oi·cfil. dll·~,....,..; I. dicln~ W1l1I ~ " them but I was llad they ....,.. tiler<, -· In tho e<mtyml of One J~ Plaoi, the ~ IUft was glJdq the -mellow 1'!knr . .'lbt Jmll Pub, Iii._ -to .. -and color, WU fllled wilh pretty """1da all in a --...,. SI and under 30, a nice place to live. TBBN I DROVE BACK TO the dirty Bide al tu.vn. trying to regain my equillbrlllm (martinis destroy your paspecUve). An old black lady wu sprawled "' the steps m the Old Mini, her feet wrapped in newspapers. Hen the F.olabllilunent Im~ doinl .. good. I hl!dn't. ... anybocly'a-feet-wrapped In ._J>en aince the Depression days. &Ile looked dead but wilen I bent over her, lhe blinked It me and smiJ.. ed' a·llttle. "Jus' waiUn' for the bua," &be ul<I kindly. I looked up at the Old Min~ wllkh ..... memben " the Ealabllabment want bt .ave u a cla!Sl.c uample of G....it 11evival, or something. I don'I 6iink the Greeb oould r.vlve K, or even. Our 1tallanate Mayor. It's a dmnp, l>Ut lei'• 1et "" the bandwap -· If It'• 1«n down we'll oal1 get -.g wone, rlibl! Righi. TllB OLD BLACK LADY and I equflt'Jlld aboard a bus. She had a gr.at careworn face. So did the ether -'" -the paUent old plodding peo- ple wbo t.U:e so much crap from the Eolabllabment but keep go l n r -· Defeated but nol beaten. The)' aren "t part ol the problem or part al the aolutlnn -tjley're jusl ~ '•s they have been through the · ageS. Bless their saintly patience, bl ... lblo crummy old tmm, and let'• drinl: to the crummy .oJ<I llltlbllshmtnt. Down !he drain. IUlliN CLEA VER claeed out hil ac- counl lut wk. In the Palo Alto lnncb ol • bli S.F. baal< -he'11Wltdlia; to -"' Mtorka -and Iba sJrl bebflid tlle counter wondered why. .... weR," explainea Robin, "you peo- ple ~ me-'for a Joan, and B. bf A. lave me one right away. ~des, ·I don't think ,-ou're an equal opporiun}1y employ.,.." "Why, we are too!" said lhe girl hotly. "It jwt eo happens that our col· ored girl is on vacation.'' LAUGHS ON A Munl bus at 8 in the morning? Yep. ·BeJtJ Ernst was riding ball-u!eep on this half-tmpty No. 15 when a voice came on loud and clear over the twc>way radio: "All dogs riding on S.F. municipal buses must pay a fare regardless of age!" Crack· ed and woke up everybody, including the driver. POOR MAGGI Livil!gJ!ton . o I Mllltrae. She ltrived Jn Brussels a Friday qo at'4:30 p.m., waa hit by a car at 7:30 ·p.m., was bundled aboard a plane the next day and was soon back home in bed, smiling bravely through her bruises. "ll iL's Sunday, this must be Millbrae!" VICKY LARSEN reached for a carton of cigarettes and then unreach- ed as she noticed the sign above the rack: "lf You Thlnk Meat 11 Ex· pensive, Cigarettes Are $4.85 Per Pound." WHEN WB last heard from Sterling Hayden, he was driving around Holland in a London taxi he'd bought. Now then: Mike Kaufman, a Pan Am ~ who lives tn Saratoga, just took dfilivery on a '59 London cab he bought In Englancl. Going througb the glove box this week, he found a scribbed note i'eadlng "Sterling Hayden -Uve up io your reputation!" 1 don't know what 11 means, Charlie, except ttiat steriin.g's old cab ls now tooling around Saratoga .•• (Hey, Sterling, you ali rilfll?) vie-•f W•r l1t tlle MW•le £ut • • ' .jib ., • .., ..... 1.111. .... , ...... 11111 ... ., lrtllla.' ' ' ·: As Housewives Frown, I The Midd~men ' . ,, 'Eat .Away at Prices MlllMI .. ,,_ W'"'A from an lndumy -financed otudy by Cornell University -a study which also discloseil that the average supennartet's annual sales have climbed for lJ con- · 11ecut1ve years and now stand "at lt,679,000. ,~ .._ <!! getl!ng 'foail f1om tho !aliner'lo the'fiOuaewifo·hu. soared t60 ~· In .t"'I d""'ld<I end now ''"'" • ' L____ VIEWED anoµter way , food chains bad .umes 1Wo-tbirdt of America~• ~ after·tax profits last year of 9.11 percent bJlL --'-• · -of their net worth, the C-Ornell stud,)' said. The Houae Agriculture COmmittee cites The Agriculture Department, however, ~ t.heae figures: places the figure for 58 large chains at T9[enty yean: ago, when-Arntricans IJ.5 percent of net worth, up sligbUy spent $4$ blllian a Y• for, f~. the Crom the previous year. farmer got about t20 bllHon lnd·the mid· The department also listed profits for °""",_,. ________ .., .... ,,.,, .......... .,. _____ .. tioo'a annull fOOCI bllJ ii·~. · lion, year, up 2.4 percent from 196-7. ·rt said 14 • 1 !he f..,.... lets •bo\lt l30 ~llllOll. lbe baking firml had profits ol 178.7 million, cllemen,M · blBktn. Today, ~en fe na· 149 food manufacturers at tlJ billion last The Price of BreatJ Source: U.S. Dtp4rtment of Agriculture lMJ Reta II Prfct Per Loaf ••••.• , ................ 13.5 1959 . ., .• "" 22.9· Retailer ............ , .•..• , •••••••••.••••• , ••. 2.2 :I.I 10.9 2.3 5.0 12.2 2.4 B•ktr • Whol1Hltr ....•.•••.•...•...•.....•.. ,.3 • Other .......................•............••..• 1.6 ~ Miller, Gr1ln handllnt and tr1n1portation Farmer •.•••...••••••...• , ..•.... ., .•...•••.•. 3.3 2.1 3.3 The Price of Beef Source: U.S. Deportm~t of Agriculture Retell price few pound of baaf ................ 61.4 ~ lW Farmer's share ......••....•....•••••.•••••.. 45.6 Wh,les11l1r'1 share ...•.••••••.•••• , •••.••••. 7.9 Retailer's. thar• ....•.••••.•••.. , ••••.••••••• , 14.t 1959 71.1 41.3 9,7 20.1 1969 95.I 62.4 10.4 21.0 A DIME DOLLAR? Based on 1913 Buck, It's Likel'y Compared to the 1913 dollar, today's dollar i! worth-only 27 cents, and if the present five percent rate or inflation con- Unues, in 25 ye81'1 It will be worth only ".a 1913 dime," accord in( to Jenklb Lloyd Jones, president ~ the Chamber o( COm· .merce of the United States. He blamed tbe infiatiooary trend on deficit spending by tbe federal govern- ment, wage-goucing by government- favored labor unims, and federal money 1SOUght by "Chamber of Cmunerce types -tor, alaa, we are human, too." Jones, who is also editor and publisher of the· Tulsa Tribune, spoke on,... "The Dime Dollars'' at the Kentucky State Fair's Chamber of C-Ommeree Day lunch- eon. HE POINTED OUT lhat, over the pasl 10 years, federal spending bas risen 112 per cent -from $9'l billion to $195 billion. Nondefen.se spending jwnped 1&3 percent in that time -from $37 billion to $S11 billion. The increases include: Federal payroU ·costsJ up 100 percent : community development and housing, up 180 percent; health and welfare spending. up 200 per- cent; education and manpower, up flOO percent. Interest on the debt has jumped from '9 billion to $17 blllion a year and the na· tional debt has increased $55 billion. Thia, he sakl, "amounted to chucking obe $1,000 bill out the wlridaw every sh seconds, day and night, for the past 10 year&." Of labor's blame he said: "The National Labor Board, which Is suppcised to be an ilJlpartial body, his behaved·mi:n and mere like the agency ol the unions •••• "THE TIGHT MONOPOLY o/ lbe building trades unions in many areaa bu kited the price of construction out ol Editor's Note: Jenkin LtOyd Jones. president of the Chamber of Com- merce of the United States, offered his rtmarks on '"J.'he Dime Dollar" during a. rece?it lunchton on Cha~btr of Commtrce Doti ai the Kentucky Sta~ Fair, Louiwtlle, Ky. sight. We are seeing ft.an-hour. plumbers and $JO-an-hour brick masons. We see the naUOnal economy wracked as the ports of the nation are periodically tied up by dockera and maritime union members.· Some of these strikes are designed not to improve wagu: and working coocUUon.s, bul to levy pena!Uea agaill!I "°" i.cbnologl., whlcl! would cheapen lbe coot ol shipping f0< ·~ COl!3Ulller. "A pistol to the bead is nol collectiv1 bargaining. 0 TllE UNION leadership is not acting Irrationally. It is bard for a business agent to counsel moderation if he knows that some member will arise a't the back of the h•ll and say, 'Elect me.,-I can get you more .' It ls natural that unlOn leadership would press for monopoly, for the right to discipline the membership by levy'lng heavy and capricious fines, for the· ellJ'nination of state right-to-work laws l{ld·the relmposltion of the privilege of the ~ boycott. "lt does no good Lo point fingers of scorn 1t this behavior because a kit of business• would behave just about the same way if there were no restralntl on cartels. ptice-fittng·and collusion. •lJ!Ut the fact remainl that u loog aa a rigaed market can be maintained iii labor due to IJ)eCial privilege granted for political advsntage II will be. possible, for certatn wages to far exceed productlvit~. This forces up prices and feeds infit· tion. .. 811 Ben Wide• ,,. , . • nr ..... , mlddJemen about MO billion. 13.7 percent of net worth; 12 dairy pro- 1 · · duel manufacturers $227.5 tnllllon, 11.4 Tlll!l RECENT upward trend tho kin 'I Labor Department repOrted Flj*that percent of net wct1h; and 34 m-eatpac g the cost of living advanced again · July flrm&, $105 mlllion, 8.2 percent ol net worlh. \ and 11 l~&·.UP at the fastest ?a 18 The increase ln food manufacturers' ye,vs -baa been so steep that lnJl()!Tle I areas hou$ewlves are•talking of bo)'cotts profits "was due mqstly to a strong rise : in an attempt to bring down the «>st of µt sales volume rather than an im· lfood. ·'provement in profit margins," depart· I "My food bill averaged ,1~ a month in lmen.t economists concluded. ~ 1964 and the aame ituff woµlj! cqst me Middlemen, a¥ed . Chri~sen, have aboul $275 monthly in 1119 Thal 1ilrts " / not passed alool thOll' C06ts m the fonn aaid Mrl. J'ao Stopblett; who ls leading 'a 91 price illcreasea as fast as they occur." 1~t '"°"""Olll in (:ocoo !leach, fla·J · llul fanners who look al !he middlemen 's SimllaJ' C<lnplaints are being -· · prolll levelJ bel\<Ve· they have been left ·'-~~ ' ' behind. ~ua...· , •. ' "We'te ·~ to be 111 a bodjll but ' ''DC) YOU know that 100 years qn, on the ~;never Jutl u long u it'a 'sup. Aug. 1, 1869, wheat wm aelling for $1.10 a pol!ied to." aaJd Mn. Judy Sidman a bus'hel? That's more than we're getting Natkk, Mass., mother of two. ' now," grumbled wheat fanner Harold , .. It's the prices of thlnp Ute J>t4ac1 Qd Tonn of Haven, Kan. titlli I.hit hurt, not the lumries because Tonn was referring to the cash price wt just don't buy that many l~~!·: lot wheat, wflich . dipped below $1 a • ~ . _1 bushel in Kan.WI during thii summer's '"':f: WIDENING f~·t;..-,, , er harvest. Actually, counting government gap is cleer In a companson~ol AJrirtetil· support payments and subsidies the ture Department stali.rtlca l'<llal f · K It '55 ha ed the .._. .. ... ,~ armer in ansas averages . a ppen to money a UU1o1 e.t><¥U bushel f0<' loaf " bread 20 yem ago 1'1llt Farmers I i k e Joe .,,,_.., ol Pr.Uy happens to It todiy. 0 -' In · 1949, the averlre price of 8 • _..._ Prairie, Kan., point out that the typical -... -American family spends Jess lhan 17 per· ~~~loal~;";Jt'!i,~ cent of il.s ~ke-bame pay .on ,ood. oom- In 1949, the retailer's slice (If..--Uii-')>ared with ,perceot ·in lJ60 Snd--22 per· b.r.ad l!ric, • wis .I.I cenb, ~· .ii. 'is "r" in tlHO. f nt ·n:.ere 's a widely held beHef 'among 1 ';:. ~9,s.the baker and wbole:.i~~ fanners thlt.coDmuners ·should De payini k!y mi~dlemen _ got 6.3 cenhJ,. Tpday more for their groceries. ~Y get tt,.2 cent!. .. • "I think they should," said John lo 1949, 1.7 cents of the fetail .price Wagner, a DRne County, Wii., dairy went for milling, grain handling. and farmer. "Compared wit.h other countries transportaucie-Today' the f)gure ia 2.f they're ll•lng cheap -they're making cents. i · 1 high enough lncomes to affurd paying Jn tM9. 'the· fanner received 3.3 «nls more for food ." tor his wbeat 1aod other klgrei:lients -Housewives, of course, don't agree.. 1uch u lard, aµp:r and~ milt -dlat "I use4 to buy steak frequenUy,'' said went into the loaf of lnad. Today be gets Mrs. Irene Berlin of Wilmette, JU., "but thfl same 3.S cents. . • . now I have to settle for ground beef - THE STAFF of the House Agricultun1 which isn'icbeap for a large family." Committee, in a~ tb1I year, pointed It's the recent upward surge in beef directly al the mld4lel!len in di!c1lsslnl prices that has brought talk <i hoosewile the reasons for rilln«;J)rlcea. • boycotts. "Proces90ra and mu:ketin1 agencies -ON LONG Island, housewives staged 1 the middlemen betweq fanners and OODo protest rally with chants like "Let the sumer& -experie+ blgher· costs, meat rot," and "Prices too high, we have bttn succenful iWllknn1 &reetly in-won't buy." crta.!ied charges to 1 farmera' products t before Ibey reach the consumer,''· the , And m Florida, Mrs. Grover MDl'gan report aakl. formed a boycott group, saying. "I've " ... AU the increase in. f~!filJ price _ decided to grab the bull by the boma and and more -goes to the nuppiernen. None fight the price of beef." accrues to fanners." Leo Kaufman, manager of a Miami A-fiddlemen bristle at the' contenti-00 pieatP.llCking firm, countered: "Nobody they're solely to blame for higher prices. ~ver hears a word when prices sink. Then "It's inflation -pure and ailnple," said let 'epl rise, and they scream." Clarence Adarny, president of the Na· Beil prices shot up this spring and tional Association of Fooct1Chall~. lummer, analysts said, because pro. Adamy and other IJ)Okemien fer duction hadn 't kept pace with America 's markete:rs tick off their own rtsrng cost awesome craving for beet -per capita -labor costs up more than lOG perctnt consumption has nearly doubled aince in 20 yeara, costs: ol COfltainei'I and . World War U lo 110 pounds a year. packaging materiaJ up «> percel'lt, CA1TLEMEN had been keeping the overhead costJ such as tent up 91 ·pet· Aize of their herds {n check, remembering cent. • put money·losing pertods of overproduc. HOUSEWIVES ,."-· dd aJ&o tion. But l')O'IY, spurred by higher prices, ' ... ,..T a ' \Ire 1 · they are moving cautiously lo enlarge demanding foods that require niote ~ moro processJn1 _ canned .cqocolato ¥,r herds. pudding, for example, or fJ'OleD .,&htee-As more and mart catUe reach market course dlnnera. ' ••. ~' flaall, the slaughter price of choJce A commlssloo set up by former Prest. ~ upected to drop. But industry of- de,nt Jobmoo to stUdy food marketing Oclals predict that I.he wholesale and coets, however• wu criUc:a1 'of "tbe tetail m~rkups Will be widened when live 1Ub1tant1aJ CGltl bulh \Into the pi:jce ol cattle prices <fro\'• The net ,..,ult for the {ood as a result of various forma.of aeUo housewife: Retail beef prlces wUJ stay fni~~-adv~~.11Jes~.~1f=:..tbe aame 11 now, or even climb t~~~~ "I don'l lhink anybody in tllla country "ate an important f<nn of~~~~ ~ expect to see 41 rtlUnd. steak apln, the food ·1nc1us1ey."· ~or eumpJe; the '1"1 ~ly nol I!"' tba111bout $1.39 for latmer gets u "1lll for the Jli~onfi •irl01J1, said,~rle Llgg<tt of the NaUmal in a 11-<ent box o( cereal Tho~ lndependeot Meat Padlen Association. "markeUog ml!lln" la ·~ ~ way' r I . ' 21 perctnt went for labor, ,., , :z: percent f.. •dvtrllalna .oo -mollon, ll _.t for prolila w .... u-n. lax, f 13 percent for containera and sUp. plies, ...... ·.illlliiill- ~ ~. : . · Saturday, September·13 ·19119 . I ' Tbe Comment Pan of Iba 12 percent for. •admfnlllrltlva_ ilad other COit!, ~~-'' • Daily Pilot '..W<s to; ln(onn and stlinula'te readers bf 10 JIOreftll lot bull~ oqulj>-menlt and, • & perctnt lot tranoportt • S. Kent CbriMenaen., an economist for the food chain a!SOC!iatloo, 'I..• id IUR'l"Ulrkol cMin lod~·.P<J:'J ba,ve dwJndlod llt'8dll), Ut centa ptr dollar ol salta 1964 ti) .99 of 1 cent lut yau. He cited thele figures prosenting, a vari ty of com-mentary on topics or Inter- est and significance frdm Informed observers a n d spokesmen. Robar! N. '4ta<1,' Publlohar .............. c .. $'"""' 5,,_ U; llfl9 DAILY llli.or l Mee · ·ntJ• .. ~long the Orange_ Cop;st ;Jr~~ UCT Offe 011 Career P"Ychologlcal and eco c aspecl.5 of "Career Plannl In Induslry" will be the sub t of a new UC Irvine Exte on course which wlU meet eight Wednesday even" beginning Sept. 24. Specific methods and m for ca~r planning will e presented by instruct' r Donald Hutchinson, mana r cf manpower and career pl · ning for McDonnell-Doug AslronauUcs Company. Registrants will have the o portunity, as individuals a in small groups, to explo and develop their ~ potenilal through use or ne guides and a pproaches Specific career problems IU u those faced by minoriU women. managers, engineeri, scientists and personnel specialists will be considered. as well as prnblems of personal finances, mu1Uple careers and retirement. Fee for the special clau. meeting from 7 to D:30 p.m. m · the UGI campus, is $35. Enrollment is open to the public. • BUSIN ESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE MATTRESSES • MATTRESSES BOli! • BOMDI • TMD QI lrftpJar SllafJtf • 0..t. M* Martnte 0.. tut NetJpOrt Bl•do Uborty 8-1303 UPHOLSTERY Mesa Upho1slery Uberty 8-4781 UH NIWPOlr ILYD. '· • e COMPUTER T!STING e ' 24 ""' hcenll .. INVEST in HAPPINESS ..... 547-6668 TAKE IN A 1110¥11> 'JIBIS WBtlK SiWiii"Kti @) 29' Blltuns Gj0 ;:'i .. ~ := 2' 23c llZIS & coin. All'f: 6 ""'1 por c:ri I Tllread Box "Bobbins" 'illllll" --.. lal llesipol lo loWf 17v1110n 1iz•7 .. !'..:~ Eyelet Plier 1rr "'Tr11a• -M~ SO ~'t • <ii' <Glor"""" ejl!elS a (lf au f1brlcs, c ~llstic:s. teatllws. ZiPP•.r Pall ,_,. s1.. . r =:ma•..-... :::"""··· •ttrli= 2lc SIH 23c ' PD ~U,LIES ''Clip-Pet'! •. If Wllll -lltillll 1 ' . lil'1tal clippor Ito •lllld "'""''"""""'. 9 98 """#2 llltk "' ... oi~lqo..:="1111¥.IOl.11AI o ,. Lounge Pillow Bed lorloplC111 ••• r ... -11o ,~ ..... ---= .. "";:'.,... -"" -1111r'1.49,1123"4~G "Slicker'' Brush -wile llisii., ii ut ~ ...i lll<l 11 g o,;~ """"' ""' ,.. I'll coot SlullJ, 111111'* "*41 Wrs, • ' Feeding Dish C::!o!lfl, r '"' ti mid; " -• m .. 69c ~--r -Gior. bsy f> ilip tlun. ' - "CoCkfJll" CDWRS 24tua f1r1~"£ .. ~frolil • l 59 sorfld cdlfl II siles 10 lfl 16. • '-11!1•1 2.79 llalf 1 49 ,__~ ........ It llllcl... • IAllllE t0JS 12" Cat Post l~'~ be,s tit .~~"1.09 C'°OSI frlll at! styles. ... 47c :~3-~9 .. ~ u11111 79c rfc=-•14 'fl·-----~ ll:.srl .98 l:~2.98 INPANTS' Crawlers Sw!penftt tyje .. 111 llK lox· er-~, np ciose 'C :: ::r ... ~ ootll>• -I liool -lol. &~ ii -ioln wltl -., """"' $<1 ... 1.98 ... "SI' J' " TODDLERS" 1m 1m Sttl Choose from 1dtr-'1• styles tDr bays I 1~1~. C01fM corfliDy p1 ... ,, pol\ll ollllf •Ml•I, contruli11 lnlt ••ort ---11111 "" litllo ........ 1~2.980£ """ 1.09 Electra ·Sol 's'M' ''Bold'' DITll•INT wlflll ........ ....... ... , ..... 66c HI In -t'' r1 II , ltlllaii. lllUlll "Tberagm M" llat Plt111~•l1 _... ···& 88 301-00""" ...... " lOO'Slt • IA111 ''Ln'' SIZE hautySOAP -fnll lllW 1111 "'* 8i89c "S......," u11111 PUA COUA• SllllM1'S -I# ltp Ill Cltl 1<11~ fllaa tll ... "" "' for I fdl tint-· .. · 1 39 11111 m -I titls. IJI Shi IL • HIUNA RUllNIRIN ''Skin Dew'' COMllNAnON Special 0,, lftd ti&tit your skin 11:11 lire ie 1 wo!ld cf llistit ... .................. ~ .............. . ... ~-" """"' -.. -"' --""''"'· hllo 1111 -It DI ""'· R1ltltr 1111 ft• 111~ 1N-TH&.a2tlf , ....... Llllll .. 111. .50 ltfJ 5'1111"' 3 00 ltf11' ••. hL • 11111 Ft1• 4 00 11111 •.. f IL • ·f11f111tl 2 50 011 •••• 4 ez. • \ "F11cet-llaeen" ""'· ·-·f(c -11-... -7 c ., ..... ..i••-&ill. M 11111 ""'1. IL rcecnam · MDIN or CAINATION • 55cf8j lceCrmClles ....... -""" "1111· ... ,, .. 4Qc - ' • • , ' • • fl!P;T- • B.-.at · Estate • Questions ... d Comment ' , By I R~oltor RondoD MoCardle W..,~t Into • rul •st•te ofjlco.,.,., other cify ... """""' ·""'1 Nnlint • "°"'"· but th• """' .. , 111 .. ,... ollll trW to coowlnco us 11!•1 -:"'°"kl buy "\ hluoo lnsk.od. )'to trlod to tfiaw •• how w• could •~tfio u'"°1 amount of money ooch . m.,;th In ~· ., ., woukt fn ~t, .ncr exPlafMd ebout ve,_. ~ns W down payments. We &t• youn9, ~ werk, aM liev• Men _m1rrltc1, •lmo1t two .,..,... W• ...,W 1ur• apprcicl1t1 som..-1 U.11 incl -....11on "''' ._ ...... , ,1 ........ buying • ......... . . . Ji Is •µrprisln• to learn that some young couples don't consider buyin~ a home in pr.eieren¢e'to rent .. ing becau•• they. don t know they can afford il Any Realtpr or other , real ••\al• broker .can J10i1it 'oiit to their! that homes are available for sale at rougbly the •.ame monthly payment·as'the aver· oge tamllypay' fat rent. The problem young people i;npot 'often fac~.is the need for a Jump sum down . poymelit. How much! In times of tight money when re- qnest.s for loan. financing. are grooter tban the amount of fllnds available. it might be JO percent or even more und'r conventional financing. In more normal times. It could be less. But that doesn't mean that y.ou -need to put that much money do\\'D, A second trust deed ii possible. , · Second trusldeeds are usually for three.to five years and ~an interest rate a little higbe1 than ~ a first mortgage. They can be a form of forced sav-• ings for the couple who eays them o!f in~\flbnlhl;x « payinenta. W1Jen the limited penod IS o~er. th!\!': have that additional amount, less !lie interest cost, invested in their home . ' ..J Not all financing arrangements on homes re-. quire that lar&e a down payment. Federal Housing Admi.nJstration (FHA) loans are made with a small dowf payment· to qualified buyers. During times 0£ . Ugh , money they are a good method for hous~s priced in the $18-25,000 range. but become more di!· .ficult as the price-rises. This is because lenders c~e discount points to make FHA loans. A point is orie percent. .,,. The FHA loan interest rate is set by the federal government and does not respond to the day-to-day demand& of Uie market. Lenders, therefore, charge "points" 111 a one-time charge to make up the dif- ference in their interest yield. But discount "points" can be paid only by the seller, not the buyer. On a lower range loan, Uie seUer may be more willing to ~y aeven or eight "points" to sell his house than if lbeloen i• in .lbil1igheq1111ge . , . - • ~, ia a!Jo a Ot!e percent charge ll!·the buy-er ·jllp'~clooli)(~ta. , · •• · •. , ,F!M 1J~·~1w¥.• .\he loans · , but insures l!>am. niad• -,l!iJpervlsed fin ~titulions, • Cllafl!11I Jlie•· · rriftt YJ Pi=rcent 'fOI' e'..hjfurance. . ;"M~· l"l'!'s a~wed ara.'7 t>e , nt on the fu?.t ,~1.1,000 ';;/ appraised. ya)ue,.9!1. ~etcent oq the · neit~,ooo oflJ>prli\led ,value. arid,80. lferj;~t on th~ Sofn1ng·balaqce ~p to *31),000. A.bU)'.~t"'Jth satls- lricome. then, bQY,ing ~.4qus~·~Jia~sed for 1 181'1d 1old' ttt thitt price, ·woilld pay; $950 down undtJ' ibe usual,i1fA. Section lltl3-B ,jir,Ogr"/.11. • 1'1ena<made under the Veterans A'dmirilstratl<>n • finapcing"Program. lor homes and f4rms l\J'e lo elig: i~le Y,~s With no down ·pe)'l!lel)l-'1'11t tA guar-ani~ repa}'D)ent of the loan up to• fl.500.' usually ~lb· !l~Jirily to m.ake a coneideriibly Jarge Jo.an ]los:Ji)Ut. The-WU' sita.atl01 on "points" a(>plies to VA~ .an FHA loeq_s..i lnterest.rates are the sarn_e as FllA,•1ot by the federal government. There is also a VA-FHA combination loan posai- ble for veterans who eligibllty has expired, who used it once, or did not qualily for full benefits, "' Thi• ts not intebded as a complete review of fiq\l')ctpg pbssl~lc Md the steps necessary to take under these programs. Jt is oiily inteiided to .show you lmd other young couples who may not have giv- eil tbougbt to owning a home. that the down pay- meni 'T,equire~nts are usually well within their reach. . ,You can gel more specific inlqrrnation from any 1\UJtor or other real estate broKe. loan officer al a bank or savings and loan association. !DITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. AlcCardle U an in· ve1tmtn& anatust, president of the Real Estqters. n. col· ltge Lc:cturtr, a. director of tht Calijoriiia l\ssociatio11 oJ Real Eatctc Teadl.ers, author of "Real Estate in Cali· Joro.14." Send uour queation.s and comments to RalldoU R. McCardlt, clo tlle D'AILY PILOT, Bex 1560, Costa MtaG, 92626. First Sales1nan Named > ~ Paz Sales Manager Gonioo D. Hlca, the fint J"•"'!rc-"""1!1!1'1'1"""1r.<T~z home 1 aa~ in Mlselon VJejo, bu beoa oamed to the ....,17 .,.,.tea ' post of project ·aala man,.er for La Pai Homes.· 't1 wu announced by swart ,Mchrland, gener•I aa)es manager for the com· pon; dtteloptng Ibo t ,IJOO. aere l'llW town in aouthtastem Onnie County. lit ~ls new pooltion, lficks· will 11>qr o v e ro 11 ad· m !nlllrlil,. ruponalbllltlel rorn-otw r••Homet. Md'..tand tndkaltd tbllt thia ~-astamer matioos, ~ flf Ille Ojlllon ,....,..., and Ille pniduct ~..-to the _., doplrtmenl lllckl U. will IUVit aa llalaon --tustom<ti and the eomp91U' ,,.....,.,,.. r"'POn<f· -VIEJO MANAGER Owclon D. Hicks b1e 1 ... ckllplna, bulldlna an<1 ckliverlnl IA P• Homes. Hieb l:ieaan h1I carttr In '"bere he hl6 brin evfr liinct. Mllltoe \llejl 11 a Alcsman · Hlcka: 4nd hts family live In fCJI' Deant Homes. When that .. J\11sslon Viejo ~-here be is an Ml&N*hood told oot, he active member of Ule Kiwanis trwltned to w Pu Homts Club . ,' ------. ' • • I ...... ..... ...... --~ .• • TIME SAVING KITCHEN · IN TURTLE ·ROCK HILLS LUXURY HOME Tur.tl.e. Rock Builds .. I -·~ ,. Cha,l'-e;iging I(i1che.ns .. . 'l' Kitchens' in today;! new lUJ:. an ouidoor barbecue tMrt with ury homes must be designed more accurste controls for to meet the .most exacting list better cooki.Dg and without of requirements Jn the history smoke. Thia is the new com· of the home building industry. bination barbecue and griddle The 'inoclem sophisticated built by Thennador. lt adds homemaker knoy,·s exactly apotber wide range of foods \vhat she want.a in a kitchen that can be prepared in the and she won't setUe ror less. kitchen. It is part o( the 42 This challepge to build a inch cooking surface or the better kitchen has been met range. directly b y f,fiddlebrook· 3. EltJ:tr:ie cooking units Anderson Co. in the advanced wbiclrare self cl.~·ing, 1'bese ki~s in their new are-. t'h e 1bemiador d~le $15,000,000 Turtle Rock Hllls oveb.s. 'Ibey reductl the hoqle- deVelopment overlooking UC, make.r's work 10ad. And t.bi:Y Irvine. make food preparation euicr, Results have been remarkable. The builders feel that these kilchens have been effective in increasing sales and in win- ning the approval of hqmW}.lkers. · AJ'°, they hav• caugnt the au~n. of judges . of major ' horile building competltl(Jns. Middlcbi00k·An4tl100 Co.,hes won four top award; for ex· cellence ln • deslgn and out· &landing quality in the piut year. Research by the fi~ ~ows that th~ 10 mon ·powerful elements in thelr kitchens which have inOuenced buyers are llicse: · I. A brighl and cheerful kitchen created by a luminous ceiling that provides an a,bun- dance of sofl light, lively ctilors In drapes, wide ·sliding glass ~·indow1, and modef"Jl colors in appliances and on all surfaces. 2. A • new compact~ indpor barbecue whl~ providu all the bene:nts and excitement of Construction Cornmittee Applauded \V ASHINGTON -Eugene A. Gulledge, president of the NaUonal Association ol Home Builders, today w e I c o m e d President Nixon's creaUon of Cabinet Committee on ConstrucUOl'l. faster,. and betttr. 4. Cabinets faced with gen- uine Fonnica which never needs repainting or recon- ditioning and which can be cleaned quJckJy wllh a moist cloU.. . 5. i\ hoJnemaker~1._"office" l\l the <lolm of .a bullf ill .desk w~tb drawen ·'or b 111 s , rePJrds. coupons and memos, and v.-ith ample space for the kitchen telepho"oe. This is a handy center ... for all the business si<le of homemaking. 6. Facilities fbr outaoor db>- lng near the kitcllen. including a ceramic tile serving counter on the patlo side, easily reach- ed tbrougb sliding glass win· dows1 and conve nient access tG pal.lo dining areas lhrough sliding gliw doors. 7. Ceramic tile counter tops with cabinet high ceramic tile back splishes. I. Pantries: which increase storage for th!!! kitchen in ad- dition to the abundant space In cabinets. 9. A stainless steel lined dishwasher willi rinse injector built by Thennador. 10. Annstrong sheet vinyl noor cwering for e a s y maintenance and tong Ille. New models In llie second unil of the development are open dally from 10:00 a.m. to dusk. They can be reached by turning off Santa A n B Freeway or San D J e g o Freeway al Culver Drive and proceeding aouth or by turning off Pacific Coast Higtiway at ,.facArthur Boulevard and proceeding north. •. • . , ~' "'11 •• I ' '.. : '~ ' ' -Preview Mesa Verda N~.:tlle l .. t ho g achievement cf Subur~ia~i1i;w. ,'and·.-aee , '!fw Suburbia has lowered the cost of luxury 1Mi\9, ' . ' ' Discover a new "Garden Heme Concept", ~" perfect blending of indoor-outdoor·patlcrlt.fng. I : Mesa Verde North includes ca!pefing, drlper· ies, landscaping, including a tree and sprinklers, complete fencing, shake or shingle rocifs 8f!.d· underground utilities ••• wilh VA and FHA 11 financ'lng available. Prices from $27,950. SAN DIEGO( FWY. - -· ' ' • ,, .. ' .J • I .. •• ·' "The President .bas recognlud the 1erlau.me53 of the aftuallon confronlinf tbe home and apartment> buildhlJ indllfltry," lht GreensborQ, N.b., llome bullckr .. Id. ••Till<, association 1tand.s ready to of· fer every ser;vlce to the Com• rruuee to find meaSures 'l'l'lifCh can relieve as quickly as possible the current housing eris!~. Alienation Clause Talk ,. Announced 'ADAMS AVE. I I ' .. "High Jnterest rates and shortages of mortgage credit for fuWre construction are the basic causes for the conUnued and prospective future drop in housing and apartment pro- duction. , .. '1111• lit~" inult be tadl<d quicl<ly, since llouslng short.ages are m o u n t I ll & , maUng in · t6emslves ad- dillonal lnlloUonary pr......, on cosll, laboi'; and materials. We cannot ..:tfOrd to him! """ hou1lng •horlai.. in-crea11e. . The Commlllee.' Uoa.r the cbalrman1hlp ol. Panl flfcCracken, chairman of the P.mldtnl'1 C o·t.1nc11 Of EconOmlc Advi.serl, will meet in \\14!hlnRton nett ''eek. It Includes the Se<:ret.aries of HOU!llng And Urban Devt~ menl, Commerce, Labor, and Tran.sportaUon, and t he Postmaster General. I The Orange Coast Ex- changors Friday will hear an address .on alienation clause! and their effect on lhe rtalty profession. ..Featured speaker will be Arthur Munch of the Los Angeles Land Tltle Company. Long active in lhe real estate and trust . deed fields ill ·Southern C8nfornla, Mlll!Ch formerlj owned and oeerated hia own mortgage c0ropaft)'. An upert on realty· fill ... ctng, hi serv<d on u.. s1a1r or • savfnp and loan tiloclaUon. He a.I.so bolds We tuchlog credentials and tea cii es courses ln real estate finance. real estate law and escrow principles In the adult div~lon or Los Ansel<I City Schools. '· ?tfunch's talk will cover the inside story of ' aUtnation clauses illd their meaning to all 1>3rt.ies to a reslty lransac· .. Hon. The spe<ch will be given at a luncheon meeting bcgin- rUng at noon at lbe: Costa f.1esa GoU and Counlry Club. Phont~4W1SS 14' • ' ' .. ,, ' > . . ,. ~ t.i • .. 1· /i r' ' ' " • I '• •\ . l ' '' ' :.:: ~· L " ., I, ,, I ' . ;9y SUBURBIA ., i: I I ' . I J l I -l 'I ------~-~-------------------------------------------------- --- • BOAT BUFFS ~1,..,~11 Loe~•"•' i• th• •"l'f _ f11U-tlM• lteetl"t edihi' ••til:i119 •11 '"' 11.-.,..,., ill ~·At• C•1itfv, Hl1 ~~h11f.,.. c•~•,. of '91ti11t 'aiiil' -U!htiflf . lll•wt I it • 4•1lr'l••hr,. U+..-~Art _, PILOt-, -•·c, "'!" • . <..'.' '· . t \ • , ;• • . . .. • ' -. .. ·:·~ ·-~·-__;·_~·~ ... ~:~ _' ..... --· ' Consider the world;-~/ l{!lrbor View Homes. There·s Shopping at' Fashion Isl~ncf. The Universiiy ofCalifor-' an inner world of: chiu:_m here. And an outer world of .. activity just down the road. D Insid e, you 'll find homes as individual as you are. Cozy firepl ace s. Private patios. . Luxurious master suites.<".Massiv_e~~l!:tned ceilings. All- electric kitchens. Archi'tb~tu~tl ·styling t hat ls _. both ,f • ' ; . . -. individual and compatibli:. D There's all the charm of a planned ncighborhoo~, t'oo. One where quiet, safe r _'i . .. t. ' streets lead to your own school, park and private fam- ily rec~eation club. 0 -'Fhat's the inside story of Harbor View Homes. Outside? Well, name your pleasure. D .~ .... • -~ ~ . •· ,, -· nia at'lrvine'·s cultural·and intellectual atmosphere. The fun of Newport Harbor flanked by miles of beautiful beaches. It's all j ust minutes away. D We'll bet that , Harbor Vi ew Homes are among the nicest homes.you'll see anywhere. For their inner c,haun. ;For .their _.outer~ pleasures .. And for the fact that you won't see homes of comparable quality at such modest pric'eS'in he New- port area. O Drive the Newport or San Diego Fr~eways . . ( . . ' to the MacArthur BIYd. turnoff.··Go south -to· Ford . . . Road and turn left. That's-where the winners are. 1 ,8GAL~: f! I •O 1 • . ..&, • • "°""' . - ~ ~ --~~.r#~~ONE:,(~li)·~' . , .. ' ,. . ' ' "' ' • .. ~ . -. ' ' • ., .. •· -. • . · c: J.9M DO?iALD L. BUN COMPAHY -.. ... \ • · . ' • ' .. ... ' • • ' , • I I ' i I • ---· --.----=-' • F •I.., -~ ........ --.. -· . -··-'~ . ......--. JI .b. Y mtT Sat..cn, s1,, ..... U. "" , M~rig~ge Bill ·Termed Essential ·f o·r I . Housing·. Goals I I • W~ll'l'ON-El!ll!!t A. In houllna •lfrtl II the 1'ck of Prounlro bill ore almllor lo ''!be Fedetol R • • • r • 1 , c:ontrol the ute of commen:!al U70, Gtilledp qullllo!!td only money lo oonalderi.ly below '11110o lo a hlgljfr fil\Jrt. ~ lf'llc!onl o1 the N• adeciuale mortiaa• !Undo at a noture to propotlla 14opltd by definitely abould bive llend-l>y p1per and other credit opera· whether h mllhl not be better what the Tteatury mlllt pay pooslbly 1$ billion, 1lnce Ill• ~ "-1•~1"' ol H0111< r<UOhablt rate. U}lld1 the NAllB'1 e1ecuUve committee authority to \llldtrlllte , a t!Olll which now aro not ltJb. to 111ue thla au I~ or It y lo borrow M. sivlop 1y1tem'1 M<da are Jlulldm, bu teslllled In "'"' slluaUon II correcltd aoon. the to help lncruae the volumt o1 volu""ry credit realralnt pf<>. j~ lo govenunental rtgula• pertnanenl lo avoid t h e Tile blll propooe1 to .. t tbe 11111*'. • blll lntendtd to au~ Gr9'QSboro, N.C., b om t mortaaie 1J1•rket funds and to eram ol the nature thal e1· km. neoes1lty of hlVla& to extend lnte~ i:ate on thltJeodlnl to ,Gulledae a 110 •uiiested the mortp1e mlll'kr:t, bttl~er tald. more aerioul con-auataln an adequale volume of J1ted during the Koreen War. "'nle banks ba.ve used lflcsc such auUtOrity every year, the Hottle Loan Batik lioara: at goin& beyond thll provision. it llMDUal to meet aeqµenct1 WPI follow. bomt bulldlna. 11But In loday'1 Inflationary gDps In the Jtffllf:nt sy1tem to He endorsed ~ provlllon a rate , cotnm•n&Urale wiijl The FED ha• consroaslonal DI bwlinl' f>ill. '1Wt!: believe that le1i1!1tlon "W' att now convinced that climate. voluntary control• obtain runda for lending to which would ma~e 11more '(that the Trt&Nry must pay 111~ty to purchate obli&a· 'lbl·D)eUure was Introduced of the type propoaed here is some type of credit wnttols would be only of 11nlited value bualnesaea at rates. !ar in ex· vlab1'" the current authority for tU: rhoney. Oullfdse term. ttona pf '1l• H~ LoJn ~ank by SU. William Proxmire (0-essential if &he nation J1 to must be under 1 a k e ~, • • unless they were accomt>anted cesa of Ul0te th1t the of the HOllJ.e Loan Bank Botrd ed. \hit ~µ,. key•• to making Bo&rd ~· the F!!der&J Na- WiL). Arnone lbl l¥"'mlon! it meet tbi housing ..,.1.1 •et by Gullld~e llld. "Whether th.,. by the power to Institute man-morlgaae markel can stand," to borrow up Ip II &lllJon fl'Olll the money avalli~le. -~ll(t!flgage ~....!aUnn. WOl.lld a~ for qne year the r--ea Ii.ti ytlr and our contro lhould ... _ mandatory datory controll such al those Gullt.dge 181d. the Tre88UI')' and. in t~1 lend ""'--bJ" flOU" -~It bor it not , exerCts..,. · thi1 Oulble "l\h"rll>' I'! re111!1le lndu1ey';, to play any mean. or wlM!ther they ;..,Id be of 1 exercised by the Federal ..., for the blll'• proylalons to uvlngs and lo_,, wocta· ,..:.,~i 'f,y tG; ~eOird .i milbotll7: Gulled(t ..;U.,ied loterest fl'919ft Ume and sav· ln«flll part In htlpln& to meet voluntary nature u proposed Rtterve .}.lnder Regulations X that authority of reauJ.atory Uorui 1n the •YBlem. approxbn~talJ cine percrntaa:• that )t II ttrrie that tht rm bt lnp de'poelle, creai. 1 voiu.. the sheller neoc1o o1 the '°"" In aacilono 7 •n<I I ol this bill and W abo durln& lb• Korean 11encl01 to ael maximum In· ·'!be Tftaaury baa been re-point lesa thli! wbtl the Jlank d!mted, Mt Jllll '1ulhorbed, :f :tit'~ e-·~ ty," GuUedse said. la 1 m.atte.r ctrtl.Jrtly subject War." terut rates that may be pald luct.ant to lend under tho cur-Bolrd now must ]JI)' Jllelf. He t6 purchase these obll11tions tht Ftdtral Home Bank Gulled1e·noted thlt many of to di1Cl11mon and rurtber ex· GuUtdae alao supported J>J1)-on·aavln~ arxl Urpe depositl riot authartzaUoo atnc1 the suuetted . the SUJ>commlttee to support the mort111e Board to'UJC cutrent authority _the_'-P"'_v1_s1_,.,. __ con_1a_1n«1_i_n_tba_.cp1o_r1_u_on_. _______ •_ill_o_n1_i_n_th_1_b_1U_w_hl_c_b_w_ou1_d __ be_coo_t_ued __ un_W_Sep_t._fl_, _ra_le_•_t_w_hlch __ tt_m_U11_1et14!--''-th-•_mlih-=-t-w_1"' __ t•_eap....:..1_nd_the_l_1_m_a_rk_e_1. _____ _ to bom>w up lo ll b!Uion from \he: TrtJl\lry far UJe In \be mortcaae marbl. T..tllyi!IJ bdj)rC 1 Senltt B a n k I n I Suticommlttte, Gulledp Wei !he p r I m e ,...... far the COllll!N"ll drop JOINS VIEJO J. P. Altnow J. Altnow Gets Post With Viejo John Patrick, A 1 t now , f~er mortgage officer with the Colwell Co.. mortgage bankers, has joined l h e Mission Viejo Company in the newly.created position of pn> . perlf lllUIOI"· In hil new Poaitlon, A!tmw la ,.._ible for COlllll1ai<lal ~andl~lft. dllllrial dtvtl ~ • CClnJllllY-O::r:'operty, tbi eomJlllllllty'I· RCUrity and landlclpe maintenance p,... .. -. Born In W11hlnston bul raJs. ed bl Southern C1lllornla. be qbtlhted a degree in nnanee lnJm the University of Soutbim Callfornll In Ila, lbtn Kmd In th~ Novy as a ~ olffctr for two ~ ..... Altncnr v1d hi! w i f e , eo.&lnct. • ttae!htr and pro. !..,Jona! poit.r, currently live In Newport Beacli. W. Patton South Bay Manager Wllll1m Patton hu been n1med mana1er of lhe South Bay Clul) t'ffldentJal-l't!Ct'ea- uonal apartment community fgr ain1Te young adlilta, ac· cording to R and B Develop- ment Company. Los Angeles builder-owner of the project. Pattoh's duties will conslat of the supervl!lon of mana1e- menl, leulni, maintenance and recreaUon&J protfams at tht $12 million 7Skrtlt club, slates Dennl.s G. Jay, vk:e- pre.<Jdont ol R and B. The new manager attended Temple University in his native Philadelphia, majorint in business admlnltLfatlon. Prior to his affiliating ~·Ith R and B, Patton managed the Cove in Tiburon. Callf. He was formerly usociated with Avey Const.ruction as manager of Park View West apartJnenl eomple1 In Northern Cillfomla, and "'as property manager for C. E. ~finnerly and Co. Medical Center Set for Anaheim Purchase of ten acres ad· Jactnt to MarUn L u t h e r HOlplUI, Anahtim. WU COO· surnmtted receotJy by the non-profit hospital for develop- ment ot 1 new ~ere, m mllllon mdlcal cenltr. Total prid WU '650,000.00. The hoapltal currenUy OC· cuplea abclUL 111 acm. The re- maining nlne nectJSiry to complete the 21 1m COl1ff>lex wUI be dcvcloJ;ed by f'oresl Lawn, ttlle:r or the aforemen- Uoned p...,el1lea. u medico! • • lUll*l IS. YOURS AT THE BEST HOME LOCATION IN SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY ' • ,1 Here is the Southland's most spectacular home buy. 3, 4, and 5-bedroom luxury homes on the largest lots In the Laguna Hills-7,200 sq. fl. In addition, The Missions offers some of the most remarkable features anywhere. · Like special Life Tile roofs. Stylish fireplaces with log lighters in all homes. Wall to wall carpeting . Vaulted ceilings. Step down living rooms. Wet bars. Dishwashers and disposals. Patio kitchens with O'Keefe & Merritt double oven ranges. Spanish, Ranch and Contemporary exteriors. Pius much more. In fact, everything you want in a new home. Starting at only VA-FHA-best conventional rate available. . . .. ' • . : •' I ~ I \ '· Pl1n 3 (As Shown)• 4 19edroome1~ 81ths 2235 s~. Ft. at $34,495 • (714) 1137.2543 Md dental aultea 1 n d W>oralorlll. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ' ' ·-. J. Phillips Takes Post ,. At Forest ·-~J6!;,i Phillips has been ap- • t>C?fut,ci project manager , at Lake, Forest, the l.7~acre ~ Brothers "community • ~~ 'Water and woods" in .. ~Ul.eastem Orange COunty, , jt,WU announced by Robert E. llaldesty, vice president. . ]1bUllps will be responsible . f·o r administration 0 f all ~ of Lake Forest's oper. ,uom. , ' .~ pative of ConnecUcut, a · 1lite al110 known for wood! i.nd water, PhllliJ>,9 boldl a ~· detree in engineering from the 1. 1.Jnlv.trsity of Connecticut, ;"with advanced studies in _marketing at City College of Ne•-York. ·Phillips has been project ~ger of the firm's Sierra Hilla development in the Newball area. Before johlln1 Oeane Brothers, Inc., be wai r · manager of cootnct sales fqr the northweet district of the " !lotjxilnl Division of GenenI '' Electric, and previouely had • ' bte11 • tn the company'• Loi · Angol<s district. P.hUlipa ls a former director 1 Of. the Young· Home Bullden COundl of the Buildln,- Indµllries Association o t Southern California. ' Al hobbies he lists aun and land, ches.:!: and bridse, -but principally work and family. He, bis wife Mary and tbrtt ' children are residents of Lake ror..t. i: trailering II<:~; ~ ~ \ri)0{1 Use • ... 1: •. For Land With the comparatively new . · spcirl of '1rallerlng" exploding .In reeent years, developers 1~ mlgbt well look at reereaUonaJ 1 vehicle parks as a profitable ~ .use,"Of their land. '"nle recreational vehicle , has crtatM a whole new breed Of · R'creaUonlsts, and has : ajlul'nd the growth of these · parlq/' said Henry W . ' HutiJlgs, president of Wallen : and Son, Newport Beach rnobne h om e recreational veblcle part dsign a n d ' ~ering firm . . ·ACcording to figures from thi. €alifornia Department of Motor· Vehicles. there were w:s travel tiailers and 119-'14 p I c k u p rtuclm (Including both box and lug- gage trallers) ttglstered in th& state during the first siJ months of 1969," Hastings eaid. "ln spite of camping fadllties supplied by public agencies. t!lere are simply not enOIJih sites for these vehicle1 and the demand continues to outstrip the supply. M a resull, prtvate induitry ii sJepplng in and building !leW faCilltiee." "Land for 1uch parka need not' be located in a remote cor- ner of thew I Ider n e 11,'' Hutings said. StaU..Ucs compiled by the cautomia Department. o f Parb and Recnation sbow ' 40.7 percent of all reCrealloft partlciP1Uon is within an hour'• drfve from home. Participation declines 11 the distance increases. Developcra can stl1I find suttable land near amu.ement centers, .,._ch'.., lakes, bun- ting and Dthhia spots, winttr •pooU areas and lamlly- oriented theme parks which woul4 make popular oveml&bl parts. "Our Onn is ~ng 1n ovemlgbl recreaUooai• vlill!'lt park close to San Dltgo -Miulon Bay. We expect the P'li;ll'. ""' be filled au the time · wtlli' owners ol lravel tralltn, .. ~'homes and truck UJi>i!e,. who wanl to enJor ~ !iiu'• !COilie and ...,..._ iloojJ)!I! spots." Basllnp Mid. ON THE TUBE • • JD' • ' 111 J4MIS L. IRODlll 'Ille olber Is eWl l<ying to MADRID (UPJ) •-'.l'bU• pl 1>1ck <11 111 lett alter a .... maQ IOll e o •tr' 11 I 1 · civil 11'" that eodecf Ill years '.betw... Iba 'flY Sj>aln Is, -.,Pq: the !'¢ 10 Y"" 11 b'Jln( Jo ~ 111 -l!!d baa ~ aolna llu'oulh a pain-lba~lht United Stai.• rut lhlll lo -laUutu ... II -lo do the but •lth llttl<: "lief for tis ume . econouiJc ptol)Iems. At' ftrsl ,..,;., the two na-ait both are experiencing uaoa· have notblna -at all Jn lhe mJcration of r u r a I common. realdeats 1 to the ciUes, ~ °"' ,. I 111,..-powtr Ihle to are Worried 1boul their BIUITIS wqe I ~.._war and still IDd both jovt:rnments art keep I lil1ld)> ltrtlm of COO-committed lo &fvln( housJn& mer podJ ~ -a no.I ' construcUon lop pri-Orlly 1t- t1111 -'.f1,J' m U'l ion ten!loainlbeyeonabead. pivate\Y COllllTUded' houJ!ng In • -· tile Jclmaon ld-11i1111 each )'elf, minlslrallan called for f · millJon lloualna unlll lo be bulH with government aid over tbe next 10 Yt:lfl as 1 boost to the IO mRlion thll would be built privately at the aame u.n.. . Last monl!\, the Spanish Housing m1nioler. Don J04e Marllnez.S.ochea Ar)ool, an- nwnced the govt:mment had approved pllnl in b v i I d 1,21&1000 i-1ng •nits by 18'11. Of tills lotal.aol)' 400,000 will IClualljl have to be lwlded and llQJH by privllo boutlng con- traclon. The pemmml will sublldlze another a!0,000 unila and government ~ unlla will build the r<mlllnlng l38.Gi19 1111111, ... uld. '1111 Sp&nlsb pllll loob Ill the m4in IJllbllloU Wiien you consider two oell ol llalisllcL Spaln'• popu11u.., ii n mllllon and ii· bu. a grou utl<mal product of aboul l2i bllllon. 1be U.S. population ii IOO mWloo with a GNP ol D!arq llOO billion. But MaltlnGSancel AtlOllJ noted the -.nment had u- clieded !!• ilnt'·houllng &oil of 1.3 mllllon units oet In lttl by anou.er 400,000 unJta:, so the LEADERSHIP HOMES INTRODUCES ... I I • Saturdq, S•otember 1', 1%'1 DAILY ;iLDT Jl • Don~in ·g . W ~~- I.Uk lbeld lho4lld be well withta Spain'• 'economic capabilities. But a drive. alone one oC Mlldrld't wido IJ'ee.a!>aded llleets poinll up one of the problems facin( Spaln -a problem U.S. housing plann<n should like -ol, , Spain, like the. United States, is goinc through aerloua ln- flalioll. In fact, Ila troubles 1ovemment devalued th t: peoela by 14 perc<nl lut year. The devaluation has broogbl on • S5 percent declin& jn in- -· WWI hnullor· 1111• -•Witlloal .,..,,. tl'IWr ltrlng -ol all, 1 .... will be leaa. llauain( unfit u. llill beinC "II mat• no olillwtoto 6uUl eveeywbeno )'<Ill loot in -lo me. ,__ oot Mldrld but U>e 1111111 1re DOI built for mt fa tht Int IOI' the pcior. 1be llllUr)'' J>l>ce." apartmmll which .,. replac----"-------- In( lbe older Miidrid reel estate .,. allo 1boul IO per· cent VICU~ ICC«ding to· U.S. embauy """""'1111. As one Al>drld cab driver ellJ>lalned: "'They gel the ....., from the government -my --and Ibey build tile aporlments -lei lbem ~--------' , ; . ' ';( Once upcn 1 time. a house was simply located in the middle of a lot . -But In IDdflV'• aowded world. that adds up to a lot of wasted &pace. So Leadership Homes ln1roducn TODAY.• - concept In mldentl1l 1rchitecture. First. we move the house w~lls • ~ out to the property line. Now side yards become usable living ·I , · space-en ectual extension of your home. Then we provide'!mlmruJll!~i@ii~ a new kind of outdoor privacy with the enclosed yard. In addition. each residence is readily available io ttillt we call the "paseo ." So a child cah w.alk to ~'T---.-i ' school or to the park without crossing. a •single 1----·· =-· -'--' street. TODAY puts more living into Southern ,!,. 1-L.;c:=1 California's outdoor life. From onl'l . $~4.4SS. i.::~::_,_,.;.T8~~-~~11.'1 Come see TODAY at @SANDPOINTE Driving .directions: Take Santa Ana Freeway to Newport Beach Freeway. South on Newport I=~ Beach Freeway to MacArthur Blvd. exit. and follow signs. Or tak!I San Diego Freeway to ;'' > . Brfstol Street exit end go north following signs. Sandpoint• Salas Office: (714) 646-9411 • ....__..,,...,~ -...,,:::i'----' • • .-. - • \ ' ' ' I • • NEW YORK STOCK ·~--------..-...... EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH; LOW €LOSE • I I -----·---------··-------------------- . -· AMERICAN · SI'OCK EXCHANGE • WEEK'S: AND • 'YEAR'S WGH, WW CLOSE ' . . ... ·-........... .~ ......... =. Over-the-Counter Listings For Friday, September 12, 1969 ' • " • l I I I • [' ' i ' ~ OAtL'I' .. l~OT 51.tt .. Mhl Lo•e So11aethi1Jg . . ' Disneyland Opens Slate For Winter Valeree How reflects aslonishment at Paul Sulli· van's pantsJess p!irJhl in lhis scene from "Pool's· Pafadise," which "ope9ed Friday night for five \Veekends at the Hun tington Beach Playhouse. Disneyland's v.•inter-season schedule goes into full , effect Monday when the park begins Open Erid W orkshop Offers 13 Courses closing Mo n day s and Tuesdays, Except for holidays and special occasions, basic hours will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday through Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. A complete schedule of 13 workshops aod seminars rang· ing from a study o( the comir strip to actor training bliivc bee.n announced by the Opr,n F:nd' Theater Workshop in Newpol't Beach .. Saturdays and Sundays. , or Fullerton. 1rvrkshop in· .Three immediate exceptions ] slructor. the course will be arise r r om enterlalnment 1 valuable to both comic buffs events, to take place on a trio I and rilm1nakcrs. "The comic of consecutive Saturday even-1 strip's influence on the film i~ ings this monlh, overwhelming," he s:iid, "and !hi:> is 11 long neglected area of Special sun1mer finale dale 1 study." Le ct u r cs and ni~es are set for Sept. 13, when discussions will be full v il-the park will remain open ·un· ., .. ; .............. , -~ . . ' . . . . . :. t y '1Mi s.... • : t .,....,. • . ~ ..... • . . . . .... , . . . .. . ..................... . ~L~ ....••.•.•..• ~ ............ . ! ..mnc BilL 'DI.AVERS : ! VIRGINIA McKENNA ! : T&CHNICOWR' CJllC ! ................................ ALSO floqwel Welcll Johll ltlthardso11 . * H!Y K'iDSI:. •• tit ••t 5"w1o4.., T:oo , ' . . . PLUS -Carte...-. • Ce~lel , Fm Gfolt IOn Ofld Merel ll99est Sat. Shaw Anywh•~•I Tonite 1t 5:30 11nd 10:25 MGM pr ... ntt T•rence Young·• Mayerling · f>ANAVISIOH9M'C> ~ -~HNICOL.OR• ind ti 1:00 On y t<'ds Mcit;nee Sat., 2 P.M . . liif11""1)H ~II.TON. l ll.Lf WALTll IRINNAH DOROTHY PlOVINI lo ' "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT" 4 'CA•J90NS ~11 '"" so~ SOUTHlllN CALIFOflNIA . EXCLUSIVE 6th SMASH :wEEICI ' ' ' ' A ON~·rYID MAJOI His oDDIALl HEIOIS THl CAUNDAfl ••• ! 2nd FEATURE e NOW-lNDS TUISDA1' e -IHOWTIM l 7:00- • I ~ ._\- ••rt o .. · w11t' " ,., .. ,.. •• y•• 1110y lff • full •lil•w et f:OD p.11. "GOOOBV[, COlUM8US' IS 80UND,TO 8E A GREAT ,SUCCESS!" ......... The fall classes, which wjll continue for eight weeks. are presented by the non·profit theater school associated with the Open End Theater, Several classes will meet twice a week with the built of the schedule made up or weekly meetings. Justrated with exampJ)s fron1 lil 1 a.m., and for Sept 20• coNnNUOUS DAILY pasl and present. ,;~w~hde~n~. ~lhh~e~c:l•:s~ing:h~o:u:' ~w:il:I ~beJ:=:=~~F~RO~M~2~P~.M~.~:==c,lf,~~;,~~~~=~~ Another seminar, IID nig L "Interact," will be conducted by John V. Flowers of Bellflower. Titled "A Seminar in Social Jssues." it will meet weekly to view a\vard winning documentary films on various1 subjects. then parUcipate in r o l e -p laying experimcn1 designed to gel participanl~ "emotionally in\'olvell" in the problems under discussion. 1 "The wide range of classes is very much in keeping with Open End's concept of a creative center de voted to servlng .fndh~idu8ls committed to personal growth a n d c re a,t iv e e.i.:pression," ac- coording te Walter K. Phelps, workshop diree::tor. "Many of lhe classes offered in the fall have no direcl con- nection to the theater.'' ht ad- ded. "We· simply see the tjleater ~s 11}.0re Ufan just a place to presef!l Plays." special seminars include "The €ornic Strip in American P op Culture·· and "lnteract"-a \~orkshop in social problems. TI1e comic strip seminar will intlude a complete historical and socio- logical survey of the comic book and newspaper strip in American . eullure with em· phasis on the.ir contributions and influence. According t.o. Mill.oo }\tolioe GWC Chorale l{ehear8al Set Interested singers a n d guests are invited to the first rehearsal of the Golden \Vest College Com1nunity Chorale at 7 p.m. Monday in Room 110 of the muSic building. A major work will be performed again this year in addition to singing music from classical to pop, folk song to Negro spiritual . ; -:~e::.:.:.:.: •• ~,.:,:.:,:. ~~ I WO"'T l.e:T GO! LAST ~ CAVS ~,,..~f ~ JfOI 1 ... CHtt1 Hlt'w9' c....... .. ,...,._.... 6fJ.626f AUO PLA'YIN• NIW II• WU'rllN I Subjects \Vilt include drugs. poverty, homosexuality. Ille right of pri vac.v, migrant laborj and lhe food shortage. among others. AlliO scheduled ror the fall is l a writers' \vorkshop conducted 1 by Wayne Pelke of Ne\vporll Beae:h. The sessions \Viii be : devoted to developing new works for possible production by the theater. Other classes In l he schedule include day an<I evening sessions in sensitivity Lraining, filmmakiog, s t i 11 pbelography and d a n c e . Workshops also are planned in yoga. drama games f o r I rbi ldr en, acting. im· provisalion, tl1eater encounter and film and TV acting. HELD OVER IOX OFFICI OPINS $:45 SHOW STARTS 6100 COOLED BY REFRIGERATION A PHiL FELDMAN PRQ[;UCTION Also 2nd BIG AnRACTION Approprialc classes 'v i I 1 mak:e ·use of Him and closed, circuit TV equipn1ent recenlly purchased by the theater. ~:;w;u:!11' .~ ~~>:s ····~~"'E JA~S'l!H Hli'ffDN Information may be obtained \'i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by calling the wor.kshoJ) at 67S. 1120. 'Troa' Cast e HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Michael Gough will co-star with Joan Crawford in the science-fiction t h r i I I e r , "Trog," ror Warner Bros. I ~ .., ' Winner Of S Acfdemy Aw1rd1 ' "IN THE HEAT ' ' OF THE NIGHT" ) I ~.d St.ft·~ $id11oy ,.itior .mliPl'f:i#sfrm : EJ .. lt Presley -Shr" Nerti! "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" plw Oa11 flawaa -Dick Marth1 "THE MALTESE llPPY" Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night cmwil ~i F"9D1orit Drnt• Ste,hHI ley4 -Dla•M W•rwlck "SLAVES" pin "ANY GUN CAN PLAY" lteca1111M11iffd fer Adi.Its ............. ~ .. ·········· Twe Gr.at WnterM Jatri11 Pllllll, le'fl' "DEATH RIDES A HORSE" Plut Geart• K•11Hd., -JCUMt Wlllt111or• "GUNS OF THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" ...................................... • . ··~- Joll11 Wef" -Gt.it C•111pbell "TRUE GRIT " 1lind.,.. l ftiel "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" fliteo1111110"4ff fer Adulr. ............. e~········ ..... El"tis l'Nsl.., -lkl'M Nartll - "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS' ,1 •• """' ht1d• -Cl•.cUo Cardhtai. "ONCE UPON A TIME ---.: IN THE WEST" hcem~ hr Ad1fts .............. ~ ............. . .$175 .. o::.·.:::::•;.. M Wiit OitllOY'I ' "NEVER 1' DULL MOMENT" '" .. , .. ,g.:J CAILOAD J•c-1.1111..!9!' ,.,. curt!'! "THE GREAT UCE" ' gUE ·~G IT Ab-Michoel J. Pollard hi "HANNIBAL BROOKS" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI "~, -· '·" fl'.dA..o..l.6.JA*"'!!- Starring PATTY DUKE BREATHTAKING REALISM I Tickeh 11t Co111putick.t outlets h1th1dit1t lullack's, ltalpll's llllf· II-", Wal:Jcll'1 or at Hie 101 Office , . , T Now 1llowh19 dolly fro111 7:00 ,.111.; S1111d!f¥ fro"-t :OO p.111. . ' ,:Jtdo NlWPO .. llAClt •• O! t•o ••I .. •<• I• l·~·I·~· u~. 1.1, .. o•. l·l)SQ • • • • • ""'rTY .!"."'I'S SN.QI.€ !'I.SA NA/Cf W Jl11'J IXJKE FARENTINO·JENS-LMCHESTER ·MARCHANJ~BAJ.SAM .,, ~..,~,.,.,., ,.,-.1 .... ,.., ....... ..,"'~..,c""''·-...,.,.,....,,l-.• }':..-• _ ......... _., •• "' }>l••c-.._....., ..... ,~ .. -... C-oyl)ol.-Iii(-=.~~ 2"d FEATURE AT NEWPORT * 2nd FEATURE AT ORANGE -'!lY ALAN GREGORY · EVA MARIE HE""111H ARKIN · PECK . SAINT Jll! w:= 'THE STAU<JNG MOON' wan UNTIL DARK TEC~OlOR • " ........... ISION Ml n-.... •>II ~ .'GI NOW AT BOTH THEATRES • • • . .lfrttwq It c~ .... : 5'7-6011 : . ····· ............. .. Plus Awdroy Hepbwr• i1 "WAIT UNTIL DARK" \ : ,..I ~ One Nite Only • Sat~ Sept. 20 BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE EDWIN HAWKINS SINGERS THE BACKPORCH MAJORITY • • • • ·~ •• •fACH 9LVO. AT llLL!I •• I • •n. co""~ "WV "•~" 01w.oo ....,..,. •4?-0100 • HVNTINOTON •IACl'I • • • • • • • • • • • I 14th Week· Last Weeks I ~ 15 -Plus- Jane Fonda In 'Barefoot in the Park ' IQTH ltATfD "G" _ ... ....,_ JOHN GltN KIM WAYNE · CAMPBEl.L · DARBY "Ito ! Tony Curli1 end Torrv Tl••"'•• i11 "THOSI DAIUNG-YOUNG- MIN IH THllfl fl..l'J)fe MACHINIS" • • • • EXTRA ADDEO ATTRACTION • • • : GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS ·!: • • • I o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HAUllTED MANS/ON ' NOW .OPEN ... to bumon- • • • • • • •• • ~ JO .. • • • •• .. ' • lo .. • .. JO • • .. • BEGINNING SEPT. IS, DISNEYLAND WILL BE CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS 'I> : THIS WEEK • OPEN MONDAY·FRIDAY, 9 AM·lO PM, SATURDAY. 9 AM ·l AM ; • • • • • •• ee •;..... •••••e•e• ; Disneyland ------~----,---.--,---,------------~----,.-,,----~-----------. ~ IA..,.• • • • Pioneers Never" . ' Bad Ii So G~d -. . . 4 ~ANN LANDERS: Moat of'UI h• l Go . :f:-or 1Duiru11ty E tt Ac4demy In_ B)'fitld -148H.:·-~ · . nu . ••ry time soine~ Wit~ _Jllll wllh a : Pr<>!>lem you tell 11\em to go, ••• 'a alirji!JI; ~!kit '!dvlce Satunlq, Septeftlbtr lJ, 1969 COSTA M~ Otfkl , -~-· · • --ttally sliU:• u~ a person. Th•Y pt to ~.t.bty .-are ~f=~ry u:!' ~"!:..:• L~ Prt!IY DtrYOC!J. to OVe,rYthiJi4 how eoiqe pOOplt 111'1 liq Without ti ttr · .. ....._ '"" ' , , ; .,UY •)'WI! 'M· .e~rb' set-jij;";j 1&Jlil1 : to' 11<1' -,.i .. 'do> 011': bef_ort --- S~EClA~PRl~ES ',FOR SUNDAY, SEPT. 14, 10 A.M. T0 ,7 P.M. WHl~·QUANitllES, LA$T . ' : • lht. couchn ·l<lt 80 • .,OjlUlar: ,......._ ·-..How about k~ Wa ... ••••1• Ill -'II'"" ,. '' tJ'llllnd In your columo, GrUi. ...,., . u -. : ey! Em•_,,, _,... ... : • '. '· -'-"-'nHrGOVIES pie -~ .... : DEAit G0\'118" ~ ~· "flOIMlltl' "1 llla ••U/' :· · -4rl1"t4I .a-. 11t -t1 nor-... !.!! ... ..., .... : : ' ~ llotltllty .... ~ 1•11 •Ue9-lt ~ -ti -: lr7tlJi It 11t7 .U9tf-Dey the nll" ~ I •lMok ... mltd llllllll8l•J" ~ bafll. -.-111 ~ ~ ,..1 lllelllr'". wll~·-~ ~' • . ·!i8:0 ::: =::: ~ ~w.flt.= laail caodlta. Aid .. , liq ' · Now tlilt I· *Jll~J/..., laol& • . back ml "". """""' ... ..-• rllhl and I w -"':- -=~-----DBAl'R· NOTICES . 1 remem!>er the lllJ\llllllll I . , Md .wllh Ill)' ,.,..ts en Ill)' •· BOtmBN 11111. blrthdl~ 1 &lll10Ul1COd -;. -..Mtn'~"°rdtll. ,,,,. s. '1: 11cr or11er that Jim an · I were IOiDI , ,,., c:.t•. Ma... oo. ., dNttt.. ._,; ·rte, ady. u. -"•·r •··•~ -· 11. ~ Irr ~ Wnllttru ••y ~ ~UR> I. 111,.,,. Mrl. It. o. Hlollaiw Mn. ..,.,. a colllmll · yOJ• had Written • Strlcklillcl, lliottl ., flotliltJ #tfl; t~ •llf"'"':fi"' ..................... I -· -w.tl'llr. Mt. ,,_ ~ " .,. J?l'd tore ·tt.·up. ! Jwner •M' Mrs. Cl'llirl1tofl 10111 --· "''A ~ ... ,.., •"' ~':, -.:W:=",:,.•~ ~it."":: ·Just to prOye my Partnta ~,.., ,.,..Wt., .. ,. c11urir11. i~i.,.. were wroft1·l wtnt ...... Wi"· !Mn! II Ml;ltat1 0tot91~, .... 11 tr· J'-f ., ~ ~=~. -~--""'-""!"""' .... ,) 1141 ~· or five ?urt. One day I --rUJ!ud he wu bor!ng me lo \ dealh and. I jua 'oauktil't !J)end , AIUIUCKLl!l .. •l!PB the ml of my Jlle.-wlt/I him Westcllll MortlJlljy The breakup -eullr 'lll&n j ~ • !11 E. 17111 st. ~-M... lh'!"ght ii ~-4).tiji ......... -... bad • 'f _ . ·'ltlt-'*nd )t • • turned· out Jim• JIU jull 1 841.TZ MOllTV4RIES U bored w!lh,mlf u I w .. c Ci>Ma· dfl Mar OR WIM , Willi bJm. ~ ; 1 Ciitla 111... HI· 1-UU , inlqme mJlo,....li~ 1'h•it I I • · e , dllcoYt/l!I {ij;;fi,iiow oe< , .. BCU. IROADWAY -boy lo !lll,i. I~ -"Jim'• MOllTUUY I P1opettr';~fot 'lo ·Joor ·t WU .Ill B!Wwil; Oliia'.Mtn ~-, l '~.-::I~ 1!iJ.~ .. _.. . u ..-. \' ' -~~ -... ~·-wllo Cllljft}io!jilij 'boCal!M I'd • • spurt'1lil~tlll\Oj;wlfllJ. ' ~IU>AY ll80TllQS It loolt,jlr #Joths :·ltl , . aoi11qtoo van.,< back Into &~ but now 1 •1_1~T -.. · ' I'm daunt ttvlftl fello'->s •lill '" !ltiifJ•lllvd dl1COvar1Jii'the 'l.or!d for Ille H .. tiaalG!t 111eac:1J flrst time. I could ldclr. myaeU MZ-'IT11 for havinl wuted Ill -• &lcCOllMICX LAGUNA BE4CH MOBnJAllY 1711 La ... • Cuy• Rori Ll(W!a Beatll ' 111-1111 • PACIFIC VIEi\' Ml!!MORlAL PARE C...tltry e MwloUJ -Pacln~ lliive Newport ~ Cllllorola Mt-ml • • wonderful years. The older I pl, the bettor you look, Ann. S!i!Y with rtl -AWAIE AT LAST DEAR AWAD' AcluU, you're. ~ ~ wit Is kMttlq ' bt_l!tr. ~to~·· DEAit ANNit.ANI>ERS : My husband took our l ti I Thunderbird ittt.o a strvict staUon and 11 ooat lllm $!20 for three hbut'& wotk. -~&-statkln manager-·ilkl j&,,.ftitded new ball jointa and ne'lt» iCUer arms before tbey could align the wheels. KICKY CASUAL STEP-INS .; Sunll•JI Onl11 Women'•• t@ens' supple SU@4 dine 1tep-lns with firm vul - Cl.ri1Uld aoleL Sna.ppy black or brown. 5-10. J88 Our Reg. 2.%8 200 kL1ENEX '11'SSUES ~ , DbrtR""~; '.Price • Sun. Onl11 !Os of 200 cl. .j l>lv. 8.5"x · . · 9.T' "Klffnex'' r.adaf tlMues 3 / 5 7 in handy space aavlnz box. · White. '. ' ll"l!IH Q~ntllt. -N-Miii t. O.!wt. PEEK FA&ULY COLONIAL FUNE!W. HOME ?ltl BolN Ave. ,. -Wellndaiter tn 3525 • • SllEFFEll MORnJARY The next day the flOiM wnt back 80 my husband toot the car tn again. Tbt mari said it ,-; needtd a new .~ock-All the , 45-PC. DINNERWARE SET other stuf! ,..,._ unnece.wy: ' Snnda11 Onl11 933 How can the pLlblic be pro- La .... lkac-481-1111 SU Clemente 4tz.olM tected against auqi gyps! • Mel.unin11 • dinneJ"\\•are set : s -ROCKFORD, ILL. cuj:I&; 8 saucrrs, 8 dinner • SM1111S' MOllnJAllY '2'l Main St. llunUagtoii Btacb D!:AR UL: ne but place Platts: 8 sl.lad plates a bov.·Js·' to take • tar for npalrt: 14 &e vec. bov,.I · 1 platter and more' tlle dealer who 1tlls $at ' · Reg. 13.84 - ON THE TUBE Dtlke. I'm. atacl tt report tlaal Ceaireu: Is In tbe prOeeJs M tavesdpU., &bf auto rtJ*it 1YJ11 and b6pefllly llltlr <ltyo ate awmbered. .. .!'t.Jil R STV..._ . 'IN '!_".·• - HUNTJNGTON'CIN1'11t ... ' lj(j1CH a IDlli.I~) """"'' "'""' .......... ,...., .... ~,.. ' SUNDAY SPECIAL! OFFil\11> l!LSEWHlllE AT ftl,00 j , L'OREAL PERM. . ' -.,. " .... "'7 ...... ""1!11'-............ "' ... "...... • fJiti.tUr rtftcM' ftf WI' ,..,., ~ tjliMltL , .Y ..... lltft tfll tltil M "" ..-11tr tf flit arl. • , .-' , ... "".,_. .,,.~,....., .•• ,l COMPL.TI ••• OF COUllSE ,,. .. ,,..00 s 1. s.oo Piion• 892.0159 POii APl'OINlMENT 9tMr ,.,,.,,, .... . ' .. -....... _.:":"':••rt<lll'll .._.....,.. ~ I .. ,_.. • ..,.....,. •' • ., ._ DEL RIO ··~PLAYTIME CURTOIN Reg. 4.97 3.66 'Tdtllti<illor. t\berglas 48xH. Hand washable. Wrin· Ide proof & abtink proof. 250 ct. Paper. N-pkins • ' 8unda11 Onl11 20~ Reg. 33e lluy 1 • y ~ r a I al thl.t low pricer , ' . NYLON S.HELL . TOP IN COLORS FOR'FALl Sunday Only 200 Reg. 2.78 • 2.96 The "wear with aII1 for fa11. \Vear with slacks or with skirts, it's equally al .ease. Sleeveless in all I· nylon , solids or stripes. 34-40. Charge It. ' ........... ..._ ...... _....,_....,,_~ IP'""""°'---... ~· v I . 72''x90" SOLID MARCj)UIS BLANKET 2~7./· ' Sunday Only . Reg. 4.17 Solid color. needlewov•n blanket.of 50%ipolyHter/ 50% rayon. Attractively styled with 5" nylon bind· Illa-. Choice of gold, lime, blue,. pink, flame and white. . INFANTS' WARM ' BLANID, SLEEPER S11nlla11 0..111 ' ' ' I ' . ' . l . ~ . . . ' 1 : 1 • • ~ • i . MEN'S ...... Ft'ANNEt SHIRTS 1.s·1. or 2·;3~00. ' Ju.t the thins tor thole ~ day1 lbll4 • • • ,Loil& sleeve 1ltnnol ""'" ln the ... _ oollar model ln tllls 1tuon's m01t coiortul plata.. Sliel ... S..M-L- XL. .... -,...bk. 24x48" FUMED PICTURES ~u11da11 Otilti • J!I:' Choice of 24x48'' ut repro-. ~ ductlontt in 2" maple or wsl- '~ nut finish ·frame. Shop K- :, mart and jusl Charge It! 5.44 Onr Reg. 8.88 . PRINCESS 7 ·PC. TEFLON Ir COATED COOKWARE SET ' 3 .97 • I Reg. 12.81 Su~rhard Teflon$ U coated 1eL 5 qt. Dutch oven. covtr : 1, 2, qt. covtred 11uee pana; 10" fry pan. Limit~ Qvanlffl<t:I -None Miii lo 9'11tn ®Ou Pon! r11. TM. 4.GliART':coRN POPPER ·, ·-. S,nA_..11 o ii111 · ' • • 1 • . : • , 4-'Qt. corn ~ 'wiU.!.itnooth 1'eatlnr ·al~ pal,·~ eov·· er; he&t retlltant plutic han· dle. Cord included. Char1e It. ' rr=-s· • ' I '• 3,,· .. ,,,., , · ' I 1 . r.; s "" ' ~ur R~l· f1M SAYE JN ,FEIJWl. i PAPER> SHOTSHEllt ' ' .. l Sund•11 Onlir ' .77 ;• ( ·-. 't II ' · ~.,-.e2 •I.it Av&U&blf' I) ln r.U. 1$, iJ& ••••• -.. Qil6'·-_ .. ..... , .. ·-11 ... -~ ihlall' ,..,. .llun!h>I-I. .. I ' ahol. Charft' Jt. . ' . " I ' r ·~ , 1 II I 1 I I I h .I I l I• I i 'Ji ! I I I I I • I ¥ • I. I I ' ' I I I. I' J I bAILTl'll.OT S."'""1, S.pttmbtt ll, 1969 35,000 to See Rams . Battle 49ers at ~~g ·:A • • ' Gabrie~ Brodie Match Ta"lents in .5 p~m. Tiff v---tb<~lnthe lilllil ---lor the Loa Anaoles -.... lbe Sao Fnncla<o ..... uu. _.,, AllOhOlm'1 lllt A. Botll clubl .,. ti-.c.., an .... t ellort lo,WJl>'ll 10< ..... --nex1 week. Kl\;kalf will "" ill i. A crowd of :15,GOO 11 ezpected. -. lellln( time has ended and coach George Allen of the Rams hopes to maintain the momentum buUt up with • perr. ot victories in the last two Ram aotf,,,a. "'We'll put it aJI tOf!ether for the 6J'lt time today . I think we're ready to roll," be said. DJc:k Nolan. head man for the winless ~ .. .ad: "We'll go an oul We11 use the flrst 22 and subalib.lte very litUe .. -the Rams." pooiljoo. -b11 been Umping ~ 'lllls meana the gamo ""111 be onolher Jn pnct1co and will be Apt out ol acllon duo! be\....., two ol lhe lop q111u1•rllad<I In _,aUon for the all-lmportlllll In the Coastal Division~ Boman Gabriel ~l'J.,e.,U. apener wllh Balllmtn. of lhe Rams and John Brodle al lh• 1"'o play ol rookie Larry Smllb h11 bn· Uers. , preped Allen tn all pre«ason games. Gabi'1er bas started evtey Ram gatne Smith ha.s been out.standing 1" hls ·runo to date while Brodie bu he4n plaaued nlng, re<elvipg and blocking and has with a sore shoulder. Cort.bone treat-earned a starting assignment despite menb helped and be js ready ro play. Allen's leaning towan:t veterans. Brodie will have the NFL's !eadlng Jack Snow and Wendell Tucker will pllSS receiver as hi.s ma.in target•in Clif~ open at the wide receher posl.Uon! and lon McNeil. He will also be. handing off to Billy Truu: returns at tight end after the secood best running back in the NFL missing last week'• &llllle with Buffalo. last season when Ken Willard takes the Another rookie, Bob Klein from USC, ball. caught siJ puses for 69 yards last week The Rams will start Wter Josephson replacing Ttua-a. _ in place ot Dici Bass at a running back The one big question mark on I.he Ram Stamp to 80001· Football Sports In Brief Bruins Battle Beave'rs; NY Bids Allie Goodb ye LOS ANGELES -It may seem a little early to dwell on the Rost Bowl football game New Year's Day. But the famed po.staeaso.n contest figures most pro- minenlly when Oregon State and UCLA tangle in a Pacifi.c-8 Conterence struggle tonight in Memorial Coliseum. Both teams are tU~ contenders, and if proven not to be. each will have much lo do wilb who does make it to Pasadena Jan. I. UCLA figures as a alight favorite lo tum back the Beavers from Corvallis. Bµt e&eh learn has problems and relatively untesled quarterbacks. • NEW YORK -Allie Sherman wa!! dismissed as head coach of the New York Giants Friday, nine days befort the start Seattle Tops Angels; Rain Halts 2nd Tilt SEATTLE (AP) -Whe.n it rains it poun for the CAlifornia Angels. Frid9 night the Angels were splashed by a fturry of stolen bases in the first game of a doubleheader with the Seattle Aage l Slate Al ._ M KM.-C: mt! ~.eoe. t.f MID'th: .. '""'-'-"· 14 .......... lffttll ~. u .......... , Cllk• hpt, ~ ...,.,... .t °"""'°' (II '"'m 1.SS P.111. i:l5 p '"· .f:S5 """'· Pilota and Jost a f..I decision lo eI-lWD- malo Ge<rge llrwld. lft the nllhtcap, the two clubs were tied J-1 in the bo\om of the te.nth IMing when the game wu called because of rain and a muddy infield. of ihe regular National Football League: season. He was replaced by Alu \Vebsler, of· fensive backfield coach. • LOS ANGELES -Alcorn A&M College ol Mississippi overpowered Grambling. 28-17. in a benefit football game played in Memorial Coliseum Friday night. More than 62,000 fans saw Alcorn quarterback ~1arvin Brooks throw three loochdown passe!. • PITISBURGH Pitchers Don Cardwell and Jerry Koosman each sing!· ed home the only runs of lhe night and the rampaging New York Mets swept a lwi-night doubleheader from I.he fading Pittsburgh Pirates Friday night. taking each game J.-0. The twin victory increased New York 's \\'inning streak to nine games and enabl· Pd the Mets to increase their National League East Division lead to 21iii gam~ nver second-place Chicago, a 5-1 winner over SL Louis. • SAN FRANCISCO -Juan Marich al Mu1 out Cincinnati on one hit Friday night and San Francisco scratched out 1t 1..0 victory that kept the Gianls one-half game from the National League West lead and dropped the Reds lo third place. • SOUTH LAKE TAHOE -Bob Seagren, Dick Railsback, John Carlos and Let Evans all flirted with world records Sri· rtay, but just miSsed in lhe Indian Sum· mer Games here. Se.agreo and Railsback both cleared 17· Bo/c in the pole vault, but each missed three tries at the record height of 18-0h . Carlos equaled the world mark in the 100 meters wilh 9.9 effort, but the lime: Tr'Oll't stand up because of a 7.1 mlle aiding wind . Evans ran the 440 in 44.t. two-tenths of a second off the pending record of 44.7. Kenya's Kipchoge: Keino won I.he 1 ,5(1() meters in 3:37.3, the: equiv:ilc.nt or a 3: 5'4 3 mile. College, Pro . Football Gains TV Spotlight Television football swings into high gear this weekend with the first college game of the weeli between the Air Force Academy and ille SMU Mustangs from the Cotton Bowl tonight (Channel 7, 6:30). An AFL doubleheader will spotlight the pro 9eason Sunday. 0 . J. Simpson re- bounds into lhe spot.light for Southland viewers as the Buifalo Bills host Joe Namath and the Super Bowl Champion New York Jets on NBC at 10:30 a.m. The second game originates in Oakland where the Raiders host the Houston Oilers The Rams' final pre-season outing with the San Francisco 49crs from Anaheim Stadium will be seen on delayed tape at 12:30 Sunday <Channel 2). Gil Stratton and Don Paul call the actioo. oqU>d II at alfemlv• tackle. !lob Bnnm Wll sidelined 1111 -with I -IJ>. Jury Ind II doublflll, Charlie Cowan llloWdntumto-~aaUght • """"'8llon lllllem early In \he Bullalo ou\Jns, • Jim Wilson Ulldenoent -111rgtry Monday and"•m ml• -•ral ween~ the Rime plcl!na up ¥Jtch JOO..... f~ \he Washlngtco ll0dskin1. A QvityQr • veteran from UCLA~ Johmon ,ivaa a starter with tht 'Skins ror two seasons befa<e Injury sidelined him in 11168. The R&mJ brought their roster down to ~ Frl<lay when lhey placed nmning back Mike Dennis., wide receiver W a I t Blick.Jedge and tack.le A. Z. Drones on waivers. Dodgers Win, 5-3, I\.eep Pace LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two-out sin· glee by Ted Sizemore, Bill Singer, Maury WlD1 and Manriy Mota gave th1J Los Angeles Dodgen two runs in the eighth iM.ing and a ~ victory over the stub- born San Diego Padres Friday night. The victory enabled the f~plaa Dodgm to remain 11> games behind DIHlfler Slate Al..-• •Pl ( .. ) s.¢. 13 Dod~ n '-' Olt9t ~· 14 ODOo.,. w S6tl DI• "l;U p.rt1. 12:.56 p.m.. 1:55 !.;·'"-~ l:U p.m. s..pt, 1J ODOo-n C~lnM!i Stpf, 16 ~ ¥1 ClnclnMll UJ Sept. 17 OodDer1 ¥1 At1111rt1 1:JS '·"' 7;SS ,__In, Sept. II ~I 'W1 All•n" pacesetting AUanta in the frantic Nation- al League Well. Sizemore. who singled home die· tying run in the risth, started the decilive eighth-inning rally with an. infield bit. Winning pitcher Singer, kept It going with a single and single, by Will,, and Mota drove in the runs. Singer won his 19th gamf! of the sea· liOf\ against nine loses, but needed help from Jim Brewer in the ninth. Brewer got lhe rinal out. The Dodgers got a run in the fourth on 11lngles by Willie Davis, Wts Parku and Willie Crawford and Lied it in the fifth when Will!I 1lngled, took second on an Infield Olit and came home on another single by Davis. Nate Colbert's 21st home run Of tht season put San Diego ahead 3-2 in the sixth but the Dodgers tled it again in their hall when Bill Sudakls lripled oil starter Al Santorirll and Sizemore singled of! reliever Gary Ross. '"" 0 11110 LO$ ,\HGIELES •b t II •I •It r 11111 Arcl1, bt ' o 1 o WlllS.1• Jill RP-. u A O T O Mata.11 $011 oea11,u 11100 WO.vl1, d l I t I Olrown. rt l o 1 o P1rk1r, 111 A o 1 e F1rr1r•. If I O O O c ... wford, rt ' 1 1 1 Colblrl. lb ' I ' I Sudakls, :lb • 1 t ft VICe!ly, a J I O 11 tt.eli.r,c 1 100 ~Orlin, cf A I I 1 St1-•.2b'l't Ct1111l11ro. c J • a 1 Sl119er, e • I 1 ft S!IM, pl! 0 0 0 I Br~.~ ~00 1 S.n10rl11~ p z 1 I a llon.o lllt McCool. 11 I 1 o • 5-l11lo, ph I 0 I 0 To!1I JJ J I 3 lO!ll JI 5 !J J S111 Ole90 Ile 001 000 -l l.O\ ....... ltt 000 111 02lt -.~ ~·5l11mor1, Y·KtJIT. DP·Sln Dle9Q. 1. t.O•·S..~ D•e{IO •, Los Ar>!le191 11. ti.Mor•~. la·Slld•kls. Hit· Co•!llrt 21. S1nlllrlnl L. ). U "~' McCool " S!,.er W, It·! ·-s ...... rewer T·2:.1S A·11.IJ •. +fltl!kll50 1.J I l 3 I 1 l.JJ??l l 1-311001 1 2·36ll J A 1·1 01101 PILOT PICKE ROO CONTEST TO ST ART The DAILY PILOT, in cooper at.ion with lhe \V. J. Volt Rubber Corp.'s SporUnJ Goods Division, today is readying a "pick-the-winner" cont.est which will run through the entire tG-week Orange Coast area football aeason. To be caHed the Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo contest, the game wlU st.art in the sports pages ne:rt week. Weekly prizes valued at more than $100 will be offered in the contest. Each week 's winner will receive $10 in cash and a Volt Collegiate football (suggesttd retail price, fl0.95) rx a choice of ooe of £our other Voit prodl.K.'ts, each worth $10 or more. Nine other winners each will receive his choice from among the list of merchandl5e prizes. Watch for details in ~londay's Sportl Section of the DAILY PILOT and get ready to be a Pickeroo prophet for profit •.. and fun. PLAYING AT BIG A TODAY -Ken Willard of San Francisco 49ers is the only man ever to gain more than 100 yards in a sing!~ game against George Allen-coached Rams. He gamed 128 yards m 20-~ regular season tie JasL season. Willard was second best rusher .111 NFL in 1968 and will open in fula1 pre-sea.son game today at Anaheun Stadium wiUt early kickoff at 5. Says Released Exec Must Junk Conservatism For Facilit y to Survive By HOWARn L. HANDY OI 1119 o.llY f'lllif Sftllf "The Co5la J\!esa GoU and Coontry Club layout has to be a tre:mendous !UC· ceu for someone. It is ide:ally k>cated. there are 36 holes for play and a half million dollar clubhouse facility providing spacf: for banquet.'!, pro shops and locker rooms. "1 feel very badly about 1eav1ng and very strongly that the neW operator.;, whoever lhey might be, will have to take a positive: approach and throw con- 8Cl'Vltism to the winds." 'Ibis statement came rrorn Bob Hoskins, assistant manager of the club prior lo his release from lhe operatton Monday. Tht 36-hole: layout on Z30 acres of state· owned land surrounding the Fairview Slate Hospital facility, Ms had it's share or trouble since the City of Cost11 r-.tesa leased the land from the !late for rCfl'ti· tion purposes in 1965. A 20-year lease waa signed with the state at $10 per acre per year with the unddstandJng \hat I golf """8e woold be bullt · ahd maintained. The city has leased operation and nliintenance Of the course to private indiylduals on two dif- fen:mt occasions in the past \\oilh little success. Latest failure was announced March 1 of this year when P.R.O. enterprises declared bankruptcy. This group wu headed by club pro Roonie Reif and in- cluded Frank Purcell and Norman OliYer as stockholders. Purcell subsequently bought out Rei.f's Interest and is currently operating the ~ until a new leasee is named. Bids 11re now being received al the Costa M~ City Hall with deadline set on Monday. In reviewing the situation, Hoskins iaid : '"There has been a vast im· provement in_ maintenance of the cours. the past two or three months (since the city took over these duties). "If the same type or interest and enthusiasm had been shown by all partie• coocerned In the put, the coune would be aruoutstaoding sticcess. "Wilh 18 hoJeg available for the lar&8 men·s and women 's clubs to play and another. If bolet which could be uUUied for indusUiaJ and commercial fians seeking tournament llta, it could be one al \he busiest Jayouta·ln Orange Cmnfy.• Instead~ weekday play ia: negllgtble and startini limes are available on weekenda -· a rarHy on cotnes throughoof Southern California. nte pme will be replayed tonight. Tommy 'ffarper stole his 68th, 69th and 'ro(h ~ mol!lt in the American Leagug Jn 53 yeira. and Brunet and Wayht Com- er ,bJt aolo homers fo r the Pilots In the -· Harper'• robbery tactics have given him die -· League"• higtiffi ll>lal ~~Cobb stole U bases in 1911. Cobb lft th fCUe 1'K'Ol'.'d ot 96 in ltlS. OCC , Whittier Lock ·Horns Tonight Tbe ·city is in the procw; of fertilizin&. aod4ing, aerating and otherwise bn- pc'O\Ping. the fairw&y1. Th\1 Is one of the big musts for the new operators ln U.. 'eyes of H06ldns JI the course Ls to gain stature and abundant play from Orani1 County and other Soulhland golfers. "~e ls no such thlng as an 'instant' golf couroe and Ji!ople must reallu thlo, ll Isn't Ute ·inst.Int coffee rx lea. It takef tune ror grass and trees to graw and Bi lO more )'tars, or less, this will be a heautUul layout. CAl.lfiOltN IA •tlllll • • • I 0 0 ' 0 I ' .. 1 I 0 ' 0 I • • • ' I I • I I ' .. O I I I 1 I I I I S•ATTLI .,II .. J I l • •• 2 • ' I I 1 • • • • 4 I I t 4 • , • . ' . . 4 t t I ' ... ' . . . I I I ~ .fl JI Tft•I ;q 4111 C:.lltOntiol 00t OOl 111 -I IMtnt "' ., l1i: -' W:••• icei, OINfdMI OP.c.tlfwftl1 1 LO..C:./lf• ..... 1L hlt!lll t, 81 0•1&"'-..... ~ I, (MrMf' It. It. •MtlOWI '· ~.,,.. J, t.: fl. M•y, Jt A •11 •a IO lt.MIJT L. •tt 1 f I t I I ~ ,,,,., ........... ,, ,.,,,,~ ' ,• 8.v JOEL SCHWARZ Of ... Dlltr PIW ..... Orange Coast College will stage: Jt.s an- nual preseason war with big brother WbiWa' College tooighl at I when the two achools tangle in lheir rlnal scrim· mage before kicking oU the 1961 football campaign. Although the 1Crimmage figures to be. an au.out baltl~ lt1 a homcc:omi.n; oC IOl'!a. 1"'o eotlni Orange Coast coaching alalf b compoeed of WhilUer grldu•lts and lhe Whittier i.run 111Ually b loaded with former OCC playe.rs. Thll year's aqwid ls no f:Xl!CptlGn. Heading \he WhiUler-OCC uls b m. pound tackle Greg Sherrill, a tW<Mlf'ay performer and all...SC:IAC selection. Other fomier Pirates now in WhiWer unlfonns are slarting end Steve Cole.flesh, Uiht e:nd Craig Allen and linebacker Mike Obof. Last ran when the two club8 laniled in " preseason test. Mlittlt.r oo&cored the Bucs, two touchdowns to one. Orallfe Coast COACh Dick Tucker would certainly settle for !he same mu.It tonight against a Poet squad which ll favored lo win It. elghtb conference lille Jn the last 10 :rean. After the Pirates' Orst acrimm'agt: lall week, Tucker uid he couldn't wait to pit his defeme against. V.'hltUer. but he •!moat droaded 1eDdin( his olfens< .gains! the Poeb. The offense rtmains Orange Coa.st's biggest quesUon mark with only one wtU before lhe Huon opener against Gokfen West . Tucker win go •·ith basicany the same lineup that started against Mira Costa last week in tonl&bt's xlimmage.. Tho only change wlll be at nanker ~·here 'Bruce Rogge starts after mlS!ing !119t week's test with a aprained ankle. Ed "'a.shko. who wois the st.artin~ nanker last '4'ttk, has been worlcing out at quarterback, one of the · Buo' wC?a.k pointJ Ill far. · E>-Mlltfna lliah silnal calier Miko· Tamlyasu v.111 draw the startina job again &his week, but Red Stephens, an Illinois tram:fer, also will gel a thornugh t .... 0"PENll l ! -ltet.1 c..i,.,, 11 1.l -Slllttl l".....OU,. LI! -MlnfM!H ~. C -Aolli P11mell, 1110 -TOlll frttllol\. lllT -fl:IY H\,lflf. lllE -C11"1 Ptda"°"' 01!1 -Mili;e T-!YI W. Tt -""' ltlc:HW. Fl -C°' _,.r, l"L -l!ll'YC'I lt01>11. Dll"IJflt l~ -ltlrt Wllltt LT -Gtofltt Fotltl, No~llT'll9fl -Cu.-1 Clem~ llT -JoM ffiullf'\', II! -Mlll;t f1IMltlJ011, LI -"ll!dl Sttrl1"9 Inf Mtlll IClll!I'. f)I -!lob t11rf'\', 9ob W'klt9fthl'fl, ~kt .SllUlilrt, Jtnl Htrn1P'ldet. "lligbt ""'!' tt b racing growing palna a.Dd It is unIO[tunale that more golferi ct. not \new K is available for immediate play," Hoskins concluded. What does at\ IASl&tant Coll cJuai ma'ntliet look forward lo when he Is auo- denly reUeved of his duties because 1 new'leisee is taking over? •·r have spent ane long hours durina recent m011lht hoping to get thiq:e straightened out. In l\lay alone 1 spenl morfl than 400 hours h're Al the mu~ "Rlcbt noW. however, I plan to rtln and pll)' 1 lot or golf." - -. ------------~-·--------. -------------------------------------------- LB Return to Orange Loop . . . Exp~ctecl for 1970-71 Play By l\OGER CAlll.Soll Of .... Ot/!f Pllt' lteff ' Theri la 1 <s1tOo4;i.oaalhlHty !he l.a&U¥ 8*" I\ 11 h Ar\1411 -1111. 13{ of• °"""' -w!U be bal.k 'In Ille or .... 1-e•I"'! wben'j ' '"°''I PILOO' j lllM>ll''lo' soaJOn' 'Ffbe,gtiit "e DAU..Y, day. I ~ 1 There ~ .. ~Ill) ·oUl~ requ09!·., •• ,. Cll1' ollki> !« such a mcrve . but it appear& IE·· x .. HB 'Ac·,e !hat tblnp 0 1re in tbe ·-\ for just such a move 1f 1 " negotlatlotls between t_,h e ~ ) ;; . · · • ' -~ " 0C"ln4e and Ctes;tview leagues : W. on't'Plav ·pro.;; ,'.:!~ ~pr • ..nt the J-smallest school.-tln ,ofanlte p 'I \. ..,.. •• 4. County. ; Fi.nr ~; .. ates aOJ!!iderin4 !he Siu of the' :'! f·~ · amall'bCacb tom'rnuntty -IL'.ii :·. t.;. trttetneJy doU~1 ,l..agUlla ; By JAY DAVID ·'Beach· High ~will ever' ~ Of .. • P"'9 ''*' 1 be anythirig ~ itian lhe Gr,ei 'Sot-dell hasn't reached ,r;, m• htlr,llli· that Blll i11Woll B•d~.'/t~!§:.:,';.":§tttt~1~ · ' Baseball star ls $11~ lhe s for •· the ume reason Ruu <did,.-I· !le •q ioiig~ et\Jor• thi iame. Standin,gs Snfder.1who ls enrolled at Orange Coast College and was f:icpected ~to play for the Pirats nut Winter. told The DAILY PIL()'J', "The way I feel riabt now I won't play this year and, if .t don't play this year, I won't RIJiY the-game again." , Howe.ver1 he left the d0or tlighUy ajar by saying "that's oot my final dec.i.a:loo ." Snyder was' a Wldly-M>t.11ht· after player when h e graduated from Hun tington Beacb two years ago and chose to play basketball at Stanford on a full scbolarahip. llowever, his Stanford career was almost im· mediately iiJtemrpted ,by a knee injury. Snyder bW1 his right knee the day ~fore Stanford's first f r e s h m a n basketball aam•. The injury kept· him out or action nearly the entire season and he Ofl.ty saw britf action in three late season games. The knee hampered him in those games and he had cartilege removed from the joint after the campaign. "The entire year was a big dJappOintment and I sUll feel pl-etty down about· it," Snyder says.-: "!ft a lot of lltUe things ad- dell together, but particularly rny J..'nee problem, that caused me to make this decision. Right now, rve just lost in- terest in basketball." Snyder admits his rlght knee ls sllll weak, but thlnks it \1·ould be all right with a little "rork. Orange Coast coach Herb Livsey admits he doesn't know ir Snyder's knee it1 ready for a full 'season, but he wu looking forward to having the classy 6- 2 guard on his team . "We'd have no problem fit- ting him in our lineup." Uv!lf.y said eatll.el" when he first learned Snyder would be at- tendin~ Orange Coast. OCIR Plots Road Racing Dr<lJ racing takes a holid<1y ~t Orange County tnterna-. tional Racewa y this weekend With an SCCA road • race $theduled over the 2.1-mlJe J'Oad course today and Sun- day. Drag competition returns ltith the NHRA workt cham· pionships on Saturday, Sept. 20 OClR officials revealed Thurs- <lay. The NHRA 1nceting will in- clude dra&sters, funny cars, a.ltered1,_aa. supers and super stock$. Qualifying gets uoder way at 9 a.m. with fin•lt from 7,.to 10:30 in the eveniftC, NATIONAL LEAGUE Weft Dlvf.JIOI W ~ PcL Atlanta 80 65 .552 San Fran. 79 M .549 Cincinnati 7' 64 .548 Los Angeles 77 85 .542 Houston 75 67 .528 San Diego 45 -99 .313 New York f1 57 .... GB Chicago as iO .st. Louia n fl PHllburib 71 if Phtlacklphla 57 as Montreal ~ 100 .~ 2~~ .l>$ 10 .135. JO .401 29 310 4211 ......... in.- Cl!kHO S. St. \.ol;il1 I. MorrtrMl 4. ~i'ISflllllif 0. NeW Yo.ti l·I. ,UTll!o,o,.,h 0.0. s.." l'r111d1a1 1, Clntll'IMTI o. Allllllll 1. Hol/ltl)ll J. l.05 Ant1tlt11 '· Sin oi'9o ). T...,.'I 0.""'1 Morlfrt•I !WlllllWl~l 2•1! 11 P!\11•· d<lhlt (Frvmin \11-12>, 11leht NtVI Yorlt ( ... Y .. !tl•I) ti 11"111'1- burfl! tW1lktr-Ml ., Cllklll" f'lnkl,.. 10.ll) ti $1. LOUIS (Brllu U·1'J, 11111111 A.!1•111• (P Ni.lrt "»-ll) •I Hou .. toll (Of1B9!' 10.ltl, nl•ht .. :::..,01(~(1~ ~~~Oi·:t~: It L• Clnc1Mt1F IMl~Y .. 1 11 ., Sin F•tnclKo !Perr·, l1·1H.; AMERICAN LEAGUE Wert Dfvtdeo Minnesota 87 Oakland 78 Californ ia 61 Kansas City 59 lV L Pct. GB 5<I .eoa 64 .549 80 .4.'IJ 84 .413 Chicago 56 85 .397 Seattle 5f.i 86 .39< East Division Baltimore 100 ~5 .690 Detroit 82 82 .569 Boston 77 Mi .~ Washington 75 70 .511~ New York 71 73 .493 Cleveland 57 88 .393 Prl ... y't G•mtt N~w Yort w. 8aitoll ~ loltlmore 1, Cltvtl11'd I, W111\lnt1on '· ~trol! 3. M!nnt•011 J. k&n•rt C It> o 01~1~'\ll 11, Cllicagc '· S1et111 1.1. Ctll!ornlt 1.1. ttmt (tiled tlltr fl.~ '""lntt, T.ny'tOt- 81> 25 23 30 30 1'. 28•.',: 43 Ct !llornit {MUf/11'>)' f.UJ •I $etl!I• (Fuet\!H 1·0), 11Tgftl Ktn5tl City CDrt90 f.11) 1! Mln,,.- 5011 1c111nct ~n O•lo:.f..-.cl (HUll!t• ~·11) ,, cnktg~ CEdlTIOl"ISon I-DI Cte">el1nd (Htr90fl $oil) 1t 81ttirt1C1•• tPl\Cetu1 13·61. nlQM Ollrolt CKl•....,r ~)J 11 Wt sft illt"lon fC1rlo1 S...) !10tt111 (11.amo 6-101 I! Nf\o Yori. tPet!rllln l~UI. Oiler Boosters Meet Thursday The HunUngton Beach Higl1 School football boosters' club will hold its weekJy meeting beginning Thursday al 7 p.m. in the faculty dining room on the Oilers' campus. AU interested paren ts ;:ire welcome. Highlight or the weekly affair is the showing of the prevloll,f week "s varsily game shown by the coaches. FurUier lnlormatlon can be obtainfd by calling Lenn v Barlbnore '13H7M) or Bill ll'll• (53Wttl). Race Results amali.st' lcboQI ti! the COW>\y. , Brea, the StelOOd · .smalleat,_ has an enrollment af 1,200. Here~• wbtl ~l\108 prin. c:ipal Bob .Reeve:s bu tt uy about tbe•aiftlaUon: • "ll'e'Ve .,._, approacb«I by represerit.aU"s from t h e Ora.nae Leasue and asked if we'd bt lnt*ested in· s:uclt a move. "We're In t.otal agreeinent that we would be most willing to become a part of the Orange i..-1n1m." Laguna's entry into the league would also give the Art1sta AA status In the CtF r•ttier 'than-the AAA category they now face in league and playoU competiUon. Brea principal Vidor ~· jng says this: "We're only in the initial stages ot the proposition and ati.U ln the process of talking to various people in the Crestview League. "We're very hopeful of get.. Ung the Crestview League to agree with us Lhat ln the long run H couldn't. do anylhlng but help all cgoooroecl, especially tbe lt..tlflt.t, II T-b e seven-team tu11!nw woold jiroba8Jy not tut IO.. more than a year or two with Unlverstty Park lllgil (?vltin seb9ol' Di.strict) and D4fll; Point High ( CapJa trano Diatrict) opening in the, very near future. The addition of those two would put botb leagues back on an even keel -and Laiuna Beach would be In the proper lealJUt and CIF classl!Jcatlon, somtthing few would deny. Final date for the ftllng of such a proposition 11 Sept. 27 -when the CIF Southern Sec- tion will draw up fjnal membership for Jeague.s d.ur· ing the 19'10-11 seaaon. A'series Of ehangN in ~r Orange·county eircuUs 'for the 1970-71 season has brought en this possibility. First -Loera ol. tbe. ll'vine League Will move to the Sunset and Loll Alamitos will leave Ule Orange loop to replace Loara in the lrvine. And,· Qrange league entry Los Aml£os will move into tbe Garden Grove League - thus drOPRiQ& tne ci&ht·ttam Oran,. ctrcult lO 1 .i>.ttam loop. Tha.1~11 the fiy In the olnt• mOJJI Jor the OrlJllle Le.aiue. Scheduling problems for • llx· ·-loop. ... tnfinit.. Tbe rest of Oran&• County IUllUts ate eight.team IJ'OllPI except for the Gardeo Grove outfit's aven-team mangernent. What It bolls down to is that the Orange 8chooll will be lelrch.ing franUeatly fer foot· ball opponent.I next year for the third and fourth games of the seaaon. However, U the Or1.nge loop ls ab!& to mun one team from the Crestview League 1,nd then ~nter an ar- nngement for lbe lwo JQgues to Interchange. practice a;amu. during tht thlrd week of I.be season -and in the cor· respotl(ling bye dates for the ".seventh'1 team of lbe circuit j!Ach week the problem would apparently be 90Jved. Tbe a a m e artalljement would, of courae, also be available in other sport& sueh as basketball, swimming, etc. Fruitful Shark Mission Typical catch !rom a "sharks poly,. fun trip now under way again from Davey'.s Looker sporlt\sbing in Newport Beach. This day the anglers brought back 39 shirks -out of over 100 hookups on the sportftsher Sport-including a thi'esher tlrat tipped the scales at 160 lbs. "'r'•·~•=••••~''"""''~~"""'""""'*.,"'..,''"•'"''"""'""" .... .,,. .......... , -~-~~~~------ Los Alamitos Entries Bullfightel's Vie Sunday ~~4"~"""'3'!..,•12 ................. ..,.., .. """ TIJUANA -Unpredictable Jaime Bra vo will head a trio of bullfighters who have been badly treated by the bulls this season in the final of the yea r at seeside Plaza Monumenta l. The corrida slarts at 4 p.m. Sunday _ .... , !"·· '"'· 1J, lt••-71•1 ~ ciur & '••!. l"ll'lt :0 .. 1 ':u ,...,._ CNn,1\llt t• hi & JH l;tctt Ouinflll '" "" 11.tq "till.ST ••Cl. l5G Y&•dl. 1 'IC~. Allow1ntn. Puro• '1400, 'un or N1r1c "'ccw~o (It lltn-•\ ·1111u.,l11 ·1nv Hop ID 81n~il ·,1~ml!cs 8tr ) (W•tb\l"' ~1v ftilf'1nl [Ct•llOtt ) ·1~mtn E19hf !Smhhl l ·c~ Jkk Ot CrotbY) \O(ln 8!11 (0rtYt•I lny Tri~ ~£(0"0 •A.Cl. ll) Vt rd•. 3 !di Im! UD In Grtdt " Mi""I I C1UI. Pur$t SI!~. t<.o11t1'1 .. IQlllll (Wrlt~ll l•l•mPIO NH••• (R ltnktl rlobler 'ttlCl<tl tl rln~l~v ) '1lltv 9\llfoon (Ct•lllOU I M lnnt" M11 (Oreiit'.,1 /l\Yunlt• Ill......, l~lr1uu) 81r Ot vld (ltl!ev) .:on Man IAc11lrf M •. M!n~ !H Cro~by) C..lt F1r1 !SmlltiJ TtlllU) .. Act • .im Y1rd1. t tldt. Allowtl'Kff. l"uru a& o.lne Pl»tr 111.HtVI ' Fllty ltOl't1 qt C1'9'WI 0 1111 0. Mlill (0 t•i«•t ..... tn• (Adtll"J Mr. t.1119 ri.a (lrl"kl.ftl f.lld!Y 11~ (hk (.ltDb1MOn) S.nOt"lus ~Smit!\) ye1r ,. ,. '~ •• '" , .. '" m 10 Yttr '"' 111 "' "' "' U7 •• "' ,. II/ '" '"' "' "' ,,, "' "' . lit '" lud Ev1 (JI ll1Pllt.I} llill LaOv Altoft 1 (Wltcurtl 11• ,Mt11r1 !Ctrdo11l 111 .. 1tlKt ltr Tlmt lt'f lorolc Moen !Smlrh! 111 ot1r The hit IOrtyed 111 l«rel Tonlo !Pt ttl 01 TOP Nol1t (liDhlm) 111 M•ck1v t>l•h tllot1ln10n) t• IW\ltNTH ltACt. \11111t lJ Sr. COl.lrtt -f70 v1rd1. J w1r aid• Ind up, A.~ low•rn:n. PY'lt UOOO. 111!1 1t11h11 · !Wlhonl "1!1Kt Lu (II B1nk1l O.WQ Mtgle (LIDl'ltm) GtbbY'~ IJoy (RoblnM11) r\9111 $(1UHtt !Smit!\) H.,.cll\O !Ad1!r) '" l:! "' •• ... flOHTN ltA.(l. <llJO Yttdl, I YN~ olct' IP'ld Ill . Tlte Joslf'• ...... Ul"M -· 5weellt 81• Mb1 (It II,._.) 11' r'~lnD 1)1r Ge! (SlrlllU! 117 Admlrtl fltd (Htrll 115 ott1I Ch~rter !H CrotbY1 !'<'Cl f'tltch Chk fltDbln1ont 1,. ..indtr Lte !Wtl_..l 10 .-0 Mlll (t.l<>llll"n) 1..- Qulntr A Go Go (8•l'*~rl 11• ll\1dow ,,.,.., !Sml!lll 12irl Tl'lf llos1 !Ptl!IO) 1i.i Bravo, Robert Ryan or Inglewood and Portugal"s Fer- nando dOI Santos have all got· teb Vie.Ir. Jumps in the ring. Brevo, making his first ap- pearance locally this year, was at his stormlest in 1968. visiting the hospital with a goriag once and going to jail twice in four appearances. Dos Santos, who last ap- peared here Aug. 24, is a gusty liUle fighter who receives almost as much punishment from hil homed opponent! " he band$ out. He received two 1<11NT1t .,.c,:-;;-r•l'd9· t . YNr ears ln fils Jut outing, but waii •lM •nd u~ In Gr.ilt A l"luL Pwlt i{ljllrtd and his suit was torn ..... l" to··-·-• lll"N Grtb~r 1s1r1uul t1 m~ • k."e: :~.1~wr~=~-1 111 ' CalUornlan Bobby Ryan has l-1'95tv H•wtc <H cr01ttvl u' also been tossed and trampled Mii",.. <*"•1t11 ''~ a few times l n ap-tiouttTH uc1. s.... .,.,,.,,:, YMI' "'" o.tti 11rtn111..,1 ~r' .... 11... "---H ,_ .,_ .. di •nd Ult. A.llOWltft<l!I. '"" .... ,.. ""'· $oiM CNtM ' (Ll-"'Nlll ltf r-:ances llCl'I:'. e ma._ IWI ,.,., SttPHI' {c.trtllltll I"# onlv f I h .-Pl,leblo IANl•l "' ... 1111W Qold IMtlttY'ID'flJ , ,, J appearance or e OUtttt" •If" ••r '""""' ,,., Jlf Art.ct: , .... , "' seas-.._ May 19. 11obbV DI Lli•• (H C'°*tl Of vu vu Mr. ,...,... (Mclt..,,.,..o 1uJ------~,.------------"------- ..,,.., (tile {Caf'11oltl lta ...... '"'*' , .... 1-1 lh Mol~ (Or-Iyer) 1lt • ~i...JM lM:I. v.-11 lr. tou!W-·111 .,.,.. •• .J , .. ,. ..... ,.,. .... a.""' •· llvrw UGOt. Cltlml"' .,ic. tt#O. lillltl!IY'• Litt ISmllhl Ut Kine Of TM ftrlllkltYJ llt ttvmr.JCllln {Htfll IU #ir, Letll tlllit Clt~l 1fi Mlle Wt~ fAdtlrl 11, It ... MCC:...-IC~) 1lt Ill' Wtr hrn Cit ....... ) • l1e til*l'ttUflt COl'IYWrl Jh MXTM au•. "' '"'*· .J ,.., -.i"" M Orlllt M 'Mll'llf.· 81~M.l'M ltA.CL »t Yfrfl. J ,...,. .......... -IH •--) olft, tlt'wl!IOIS. 'flll "'"'"' Oft. __ ... __ • __ -_._~_..;.;.__ _ _;;;; '"" -Nearly Everyone 1t11111 ff.,_. !Lt.html 1.1' IM J.tt Ollf Otclslon (Htf'll ..... ~Aft ""' CllltHr ·l•r (Wt~ .i.1111 "Tfl'l'lt-tll 10.. 'Listens' to landers Sports POLICE OFFICER City o1 Ntw..Ort &~ch 1.t )'OU al'e ot a:ood moral Character, ot superior inte:I· llge~. between th~ ages ot 21·31 with drtV!! and &mbl• t!on. the City of Newport Beach has an inter8Unc, well t>Qlnf jOb tor )'OU. The pos!Uon 1& that of Pollc9 Ottlcer and orovida a be.-alnnlnt aalll'y ., '71& per month wJlh periodic tn~ crtUet to '872.: Hf month. In addition the dt7 often pajd health A llfe. iniort.nce-. excellent r:-nslon P1an and otbu frlnte bmeftla. lnlm!lted aJJD)lcantt should report. to "the 01¥ Hall COundt chambers.· 3300 !jewport Blvd., Ne"POtl BM<)!,. Qalll. on Wed., S.pL IT, '""'!. 6 '30 p.m. llld be preparea to takt a written uamlnatlon ~AI. NOTICE , DAILY ,,Lor ·11 ...-1 ' UGAL Nar!CE .. // I f' I ' I , ' t ' f ' t ' • • r . • I. ! . ~· l • ' • ' I I , ,~ ; I I f ,1 . F. I . • • I I , ' I l ' ' r f ' I I • ·ub.Y PILOT S.""'7, S.,t ... brr.JJ, 196'! ~· ' '.-'.;$!'. ' .,.!. --"· t ...... ~·""'·· , ' '~ . .... USED '69 cilRYSLE'l NEWPORT custo• . •, ,. . '' dio -Keater -Power s1eerin g-PO'Ntr 'V:S en in e -Allio. trans .. -ll:a LOlDID ..... d 0 W/Sfl/ factory air. brtk.es-P{W1n aws-, I . . $ . . U·SED CARS AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS . '67 PONTIAC. '65 -CHEVROLET '65 CHRYSLER LE MANS 2 DOOR 'llllDTOP ' . ' ' v ... l'Wfa. ....,., wlelNl!c ~ __ ....,. 1---.ltft. oJa »t. •; NEW · POfl 2 DOOR HARDTOP . ' Ba ·.AIR 2 DOOR • ., ... ,. .... , ............... le ~tllon.,,.,....llf tld• w .. 11, ek. SW.'. .... ltrlUlllJ~· . '995' ' . . . . . •1f.95 •189 ·.5 .. . '67 FORD -MUSTANG '66 FORD T-BIRD '68 CHRYSLER '300' "4 DOOR HAROTOP · 2 DOOR HAIDTOP . 2 DOOR HARDTOP v..._ ......,.....: 1r_.,111on, ,-. i-1.,., _..,. ''-'" v.-. ""'-'ill tr.-nl'llloll, r..i;o, hMter. _, <!Mr- -. IK"" elr .-.cllli!l't""' ..,_ -.. loMurilv! ....,_ lnll, "¥!" II!'•-. flCIOf'\' .Or Ol\'ldttiolWl!e, •ltl;trk .....,. .. ~1095 . -·;iits .. • ' I I · '&4 FtRD · STATIOK·WAGON ""'°"" Of.MM. V.f, rl'fifrl.' h•ltr• ~11' lr1nllT) ... ..,_WXl''lfr. •695 '67 PLYMoUTH BELVEDER'E. II COUP£ V·I •"'°""")( tr.......,...,.., rdo. --· _ _.. •!.,r· lrlf , -tir.i.; .. , M<RrY '•tr DCll>llit.,..... llK:W:l!i- >•• ,1895 ' .HURRY 'WHIL\: I' ~::i.,: ; 1HEY r- LA.ST '65 OLDSMOBILE CUTWS H~RlAY COUPE .,._ '""-'k tr_.....nlon., r-.l"'-lll\lflll', -.ttffl'o ·1,.,,, buCWI Miii, IHluxl ilhit1 wHts.1 floes 131, ' ·1·09S· ' .. '66 Pl~Moutii ~RRA.Cl,IDA FASTBACK· v-11. •ao.o, ""11r, "°"" ll-"'I!, 111ton11tk ,,..,...,,,. ~·;i'i95 ' . . t:H!l.l'St.E#l PL ... QVTH ·1 I o • ' lltf PER#AL • l , . J t • ( . ' ' ' • I I ' ' . , ' I ' " ' .~ ~-~· \ ,, \' ~ .. ~' . ; ,_ ,-'' ' . 1'~ ~: '· ¥,:i \ f • I. 1. ~j ,; ' l " ,. • . . . . --:. • . I ' . ' . ·' .. ' ·I .... . . - PLUS ··tAX & UC. , . .. 1 :r~1· ·· 1 t ·, · r ..... -,,.;. •' \~ ... , ',,., •·.~ ... .r .. .,.". I_• 4 '·' ~. f' . ·'"'·"I <~ ,f -~ ., ( CAMP.I~~ COMrAU OUl PACKA&I P~ICll ' • ,...__ I W• r..t.re tM IUt•IJt M LOWnt PllCll, ,t, · I I AMiGOS Y VICINOS lp• i11 .. ito1 • ~u• v' n' • 11 • DUNTON FORD, p•r• ~u• h•9•• 1, 111tjor co111pr• de 1u .. idt. Te1111!'101 prttiosos btjo1 y t llc1ltnf• 1ervit• d11p1ut1.clt 111 "'"*''· . E1t"'"1' equi ;•r•' •1.~iH01 • .' '. .. ' ' ~ sU: ;E.Rvrt>cik.~AoK. Ho•n-., • • v. ,~ , ~;:~A ·~· ·.:, .. .., ,., I • ,. ,, • '< \; ··.· ··- r,:. • . 'r • ' ... ' ' . . .... , " . ·:r~ •• L '1 . . • • ., !.-• > . ) . ' .. ' •. J \ . \ • tti .. .. t: ... .. . i : ·. . · 1: ~,_ .. : • . . r: ' I ' I ' • I I, / / 1 I ! i • l ! • l • Hello again, boy! and girls, and welcome to another Sltur. day morning in Uncle Len 's Corner. WEU.., TUE first wet.It or school brought a decided drop in Uncle Len's mall Out art coolest. usually the most popuJar among Uncle Leo's fans, had only a handful 6l en-- tries, while lhe other coat.est! drew just two or three con- tribulors . Cut. the no velty will soon be. over and Uncle Len hopes that all his readus will be back wilh him next week. Summer's almost gone now. and autumn will be comjng in next weekend. so that's "'hat S.""'1, S.ptombot ll, 196? ' " '' '"''\ 1ato Boo\<t..>cir~· tn "\ ou.r ~ook), ' \ '\ '\.' Uncle Len's art contest will be r----------------------------- about. The besl drawing of the coming fall season will win the l\ennedy half dollar. I * PRlZE WINN.ER * f KNOW A CAT I know a cat, This week's contest winner i~ BobbY'Maesta s. 12, 3123 Dublin St., Costa Mesa She wipes her feet on a mat; She wears a hat Because she 's a ''cry funny Jr,. cal. -Vicki Orr. 6, fountain VaJley Any child un der 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (li Draw picture on piece of plain, wWte paper 5' inches wide and 4 inches dee p. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do nol copy or trace picture. It must _be you~ o_wn work . (3) Put your name, age and address on back of dra\v1ng: Mall 1t to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PIUYP, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kannedy baU dollar. C ·• SEPTE.\'IBER September's \ht world's col- ·• oring book, She's painting the garden , with skill ; l •w I think she musl ha\·e spilled --her paint 1-IONORABLE menlion win- ners in the art contest this \\eek are : Kathy Wagner , II. Irvine ; Robert Alan, Jl , Costa Mes<1 ; Vivian Allard, 9, MJdway City; C!thy Houston, 6; Balboa Island and Ron Kuhlmeyer, II, Costa Mesa. : ~ : For it's spreading all over ,~ the hiU. , · ' -Mary Gustafson, 10, 1 Huntington Beach . MY BIRTHDAY Ton1orrow's my birthday, I can hardly wait. I've invited my friends. I hope they're not late ; \Ve 'll play so1ne games .<\.nd eal some cake. \Vhen I blo"'' out my candles. A \Vish I'U make; I haven't much patience, I can't wait. I fear. Oh. hurry up, birt.hday. \Von 't you ever be here? .t. Kt11.11.t4Y ltaH ..... , -.. SttiH ·~ .. m.tl I, 1112' Tllt1t" Drfft, *"'"""""' &HCfl .... ffle MMll!t "''"' ill Ill• 1r.rv ..., -"' Hfllnt, M .. I ""r -'' 119r-t 19 UMlt lllllo ••• JUI. C.tllt Mota. Cf!ltw11.le • • ' ' ' • r------Caro/~ Corne,----- RIDDLES AND JOKES ! ' ' ' ' l I I ' * Sally : I'm a dairy maid in a candy fac- tory. • ,RIZE WINNER Sue: \Vha1. do you do? SaJly : I milk chocolates. ~ Gvtl.,_, It. 11W •vrllllt1"" ,,..,.,, H¥1tlllll"" lMclt Jeff: Do you kno'v \rhat's \Vorse than four morons building a house in the middle of the ocean? ' h1utl : No. \vhat? Jeff: Four others trying to pour lhe foundation. Dear Carol : \Vhy do farmers paint the inside o( the chickc.1 coop? ·poo.-·~• fO ,no u1wJl5 ty• 5U!>j3!d WOJj 1Utl4 l'tJ dttlt 01 :Jt MSU\f -Mflr-t Gintt'-H11t1tl"'tto11. lttt~ . ,. . . ! ;. I , .. ' ;, ·~ . •' . ~ I~~ I ; ' .. I ~ I :: '-M ... f!Mlrie lli t• A.1• AIMfy, •I• Or"f9 c ... h ll w Pil ...... 11,0, Coile ,...,., Celtf. ' j ""°' -• l~ v<>!wf'W ..,, or "'' Wtr'lf ..... R11.t11,i.-1t 10 Ce!""" 111111111,, toe IJ, 01 A1M~111e, No1111 c1ro11,.., ror ''" ove11-: How did ·we gel 11udl last communlcalloas rnm the ··-· I . Tranqulllily Base here. The •• Eagle has landed. That v.·as t . the most Inspiring message ~ :eter heard by mankind. And .·;OJe words were heard on. earth • ·merely a few moments afler ;'lhe1 were spoken on the lunar .,'In.ni ece. They travelfd by radio at the s~ of light. But a team or geniuses figured out the fine details o( the eom- municaUon system. And they ~ed the help ol hundreds ol men and women to make it 1''0rk. same o1 Aocty'• penpalJ rqrot that I.be lunar TV ptc- tu,.. nre DK lo color. 1be IPI~ ldMUA't have promi1ed cokJr Ille -time. A rmdJo canitr b e a m b....pt Ille tllCll'onk: •llMJ• ·i"' ...... and -from ,. lbi -to I.be W1h II I • -.,_i cf t•1llQll nllt• per ...,. Olld. IW tllto moJor hop ·"" be -tfnJc In the COnl· \ ·;-;;~Sj>Oc:il)ly del\ln· td ""' roodvln& lo· .-.-i up .., tbi • .,,_, ana II .,..,.11 atJIUOlll around U1e globe. The: Ea&le carried a two- \l'IY commuoicaUon system. It waS a bo1 of lntricate elec- troni c equipment and a 26-inch radio antenna was perched on its head. The bo1 measured about three feet square and weighed 100 pounds. The astronauts on U1e lunar sur- face had miorophonu lnalde their helmets and their YIOrd!I were picked up the Eagle's radio box. There lhey were translated into eleclronic Im· pu lses and lhese signals were fed into a radlo carrier bca1n. An amplifying inslnimenl in- creased this beam rrom half • watt to a strength of 20 watt!, which is enough power lo n.in about 40 small ham radio lranllllltt.on. The opecial fre- quency bWn carrying Ill• \'Oices in the form of elec· ltonie stpa1s wu relayed to lhe Eqle'1 anltnni. From lhtre It wu relayed across almost 240,000 m:Jlts of apect lo arri\lt on e1rth one and one 11\Jrd secoodt later. 'Mie same carrier b(:am carried both the sound~ and lunar i;ctntry. But lhe two sets ot signals were rouled to dl!ferent paru ol' lhe ,,,.,,., The sound~ \l'cre picked up Cro ssword P11zzle ACROSS l D1oop1d on 6 Erml111 ]1 Ltllrr 14 Kind of 1tsin ls ·--· H1utr 16 Lucky number, In old Romt 17 Consumr d 11 Certain Canadians 20 Builds 22. Art class _ subJtt:t 23 Convtrs1Uon 25 ···-·Mongoli a 28 P'ast ltnst of "art " 29 W. Ht111 i· sptltrt iroup: Abbr.' JG --· -tht dfvlll'': 2 words 32 To 1 stp•· ralt plact J~ N. A111rrlc1rt Wl!trtOJfSt: 2 words J' Did the driving AZ Grtsp .t3 End _..5 E•trtmr <lb Es plt d ~' Knock 50-··0f 11lrgl1ncr 54 Chutc.b group SS '1--boom, b1h!1' 5" Austrl111 nturologlst SS Cavtrn 60 Tatu 63 An11trtd 6 ~ 811st of burdtr1 •7 Rlv1ror Franct 68 In forc t 69 Sht llt r 70 Sllghtrst 11 lc.t C.Jtlm ti Ivor DOWN 21 Man or, 47 Ins trument the law: •8 Form rr namt 1 TlnY lnf0tm1 1 of Tok io 2 Trer of 23 L.11nd nr•I lo 50 G1rb1gr tropl c1I lhr short 51 Ascended · A,11rrlc1 2• Dispatch S2 Orvold or 3 At l11st as 2b On1 who txc1ss dlfflc.ult; grts by words 2.words wilh llttl t .Sl P1rl of 4 l'\ll forth 27 Was tn . 11 whr1I 5 Unit In rqurstli1n .SS P'arl ol 1 fhyslcs: JG Finch window sai.tt 'Wort of art Jl Trlcktry .57 Fltvorlng 7 US s1tt llltt 33 Hubtfl miillt rla 1 8 Htavenly tftlmphrry, for 59 Goll co urst body Mt : All.hr . ilftl '9 Ex is t 35 Stair: .C.bbr; il F!1111 lt 10 P'trlod of 36' Sctltilng 1n l1111 I time )7 Poui\d 1nd b2 Passing 11 Avoid doing• B1nson lhrau11h: 12 Crulst Ship 38 Gtts as Prtfht 13 Kind of rtCampe nst 6~ Stowr thrtid .\0 ltltn1i' nall'l't ch11atttr l' Short 41 Tout of·-6S Country flax ,\4 K. Grayson or Europe; flbtrs .andR.Gowlt l Abbr •. by 1 dish antenna 210 feet •f\lfV •tnd• • ww111 •Mk OIHI If Alltoi Mc .. 1•, -11, of IYlft· wide at Gold!lonc , California t>M. c.1111orfti1, ~ hh ~un1To11.. and relayed to the Goddard Wby doesa't the Kl 1el Space Center near Wuhington fulltr'! D.C. 'I'here lhe signals were Every dny. the ri vers empty i,ifted from the carrier be.am, tons of water into the ocean rel ayed to MJ~lon Control in ' and Ulis dumping goeii on all l1ouston and the remous words the ume. You would thlnk Uutt were sent on to New Yol'k to this water would fill up the be broadcast around the globe. S1!as to overflowing. Bul this The 1'V slanala WI~ pi~ked up does not seem to hflppen. And by a 2.0 foot radio di.sh an-there is a reason for it. While tenna In Australia, relayed to rivers are busy pauring rloods distant 5pace centers and of water Into the oceans the beam~ to a <.'01n1nunicalions sun Is busy evaporating V.:ater satelhle more Ulan %2,000 from the surface of the seas miles above the Pacific Oceun. The two operaUons go on .al The f~llhful sa tellite relayed about the sa1ne rate. 1-.:vrry the . s1goal5 to Jamesburg, _year. th~ sun evaporates about Cahfomla and U1en they 95,000 cubic mUes of moisture traveled by roaDal cable to which fall5 back on Lo the Houston. earth. one cubic mile of water All the rn Ir a cu 1 o us in· is enough to Dll a giant Link struments of our first com· one mile high and one mile munlcalion system w i t h wide on each aide. fl.lost of tht anotbtr world per r or med rain falls Into the sea because perfectly. So did the round· the ocean cover most of the about routes or the radio globe. Sooner or l11ter, the WiV8 that carried the. sound lnolatu re that falls on t.he land and sl.&ht diit.a. The words and joins the riYer'3 and nows Into piCl\ll'f!S on our TV stls were the $ell . While th.ls L,. hap- ptrfectl)[ synchronized. Whal'~ ptnlnt the Sun Is dl')'l'nl up more, the same dala was ocean w1ter to cl'!ale more n11llfd back (rom the earth to rain clouds. ll evll.poratu the the lonely axtronaut 1r. tile s•me amount oC mol1lu1'6 tll1l ,:pacter!lft orbiting '10 miles the !~II gets ba(k: from rains abo\'t the lunar $Urfiu:t . and rivers. PEANUTS . ·PERKINS , ... '", '" • "" "" ' "'' 4 .... t ti I JUDGE PARKl!R TUMBLEWEEDS ['()ESN'T AN'(BOD'( WANNA &ET MARRtEP?! MUTT AND JEFf r'M Ncrr THE STUPID ONE IN T~ES E r::;::::.. __ I PICTURES.' You ARE' GORDO M.'1H1S C.ALL.S RJ~ ,4 il)){.' a;./~ MIJST Bl! li45!110/oJ· ,A.!Ja ... MISS PEACH \'OU PO NoT Wl'l,.T "f'O COl'll#E TO SCHOOL ...,..VMOl!E ? ! ly John Miln ·--' J "'' .... "'" "" , "" ~ "" "" '"' ltlf "" "" .. . ... .... "'. "" "" \Ill "" . , ... ,. \Ill ... . .... By Harold Le Doux ""TflE USUAL? ... HEY, HAVe: COMP>W pocicY. .. WE DoNlf \(p../OW IF IT'a HOLD"TOGET~fll YOU Tl'/El>TH' STATION POWN TH' STl'l'l'T? .:!!.~~~r~~j ~-...,,_ AtlY F,ARTHf'R . HOORAY! SHE CHASED AWAY "~""'· SNAKE·EYE PJ¥ ALL HIS AXIL CIJSWM!:RS! I CAN RECLAIM MY JAii.!! iHREE CHEERS FOR HILDE6ARP HAMHOCl<ER! I COULP JUST KISS HER!! By Tom K. Ryan :-1.· .JU--- I SUPPOSE YOU~INK YoU'RE114E PERFECT ONE! I AM.' EVERYBODY 5AY5So' . ' .JUST T~IS MORNING Mll.S. 'FITZ CAU..ED ME A PERFECT IGNORAMUS ' By Al Smith L.eTS SEE Now •. IF I KNEW+lOW TO SPELL IT I COLll-D l=IND OLlT Wt\AT II MEANS! By Gus Arriola By Mell --------------------------------.... -----------------------------------~-~----.. ---- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gtner1I MA TT LA BORDE, Realtor 5 Bedrooms - 2 Baths Upper Bay . Two Story-$26,500 SLIGHTLY SPANISH, slate entry, brick L.R. floor , "Death Valley Rock Bark" fireplace1 Mexican !He in baths. CO~TA MESA'S BEST BIG -FAMI LY BUY. Nestled at the end o! a l"rivate a.il~e-sac. Large yard -worlcsbo'p & plenty parking space. NEAR Y.M.C.A. -Be charmed, see this. GARAGE & WORKSHOP Large double garage, toolsbed, 24'x25' work· shop stressed for second story.· Covered and enclosed patio-boat storage area from pav· ed alley. THREE BEDROOM, TWO BATH HOME with EXTRA SPACIOUS MASTER BEDROOM and private bath. Well kept prop- erty in NEWPORT HEIGHTS area. An ex· cellent buy at ONt.Y $32,500. $20,425 Spacious, Neat THREE BEDROOM, lath and plaster constructed home. Excellent condi· lion in and out. New carpets Living room and hall. COVERED PATIO, cement block wall. fruit trees and well landscaped. An excellent buy -ACT NOWI I • PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE A fantastic bayfront buy. Large 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with separate dfuing room. SS Ft. of bayfrorit with pier .&: slip. New.at the un.repeatable price o[ ...•..•......• $105,000. Call for app't. to see. . DOVER SHORES ESTATE Ultimate· in ~raciOus .family living & enter- taining in this ·5 bedroom home with large living room , ricblr paoeled 'family room with brick fireplace. View from all rooms. $144,500. Open Sat. & Sun. IS36 Galaxy Dr. LIDO ISLE One of the most beautiful homes oflercd, on corner Jot, on lovely Lido Isle, across from private beach, 3 Large bedrooms, large liv· ing room, 2 fireplaces, formal dining room. Beautifully decorated fo r executive taste. $115,000. Call for app't. FRONT ROW VIEW 1st Time offered -just 1 year old, this Ivan Wells atrium model is desi~ned for comfort· able living. 2,750 Sq. ft. of living area. 4 Bed· rooms, large family room with wet bar. It sparkles \VIth tastefully selected, expensive carpets, drapes & wallpa~rs. Elaborately landscaped. Spectacular view of Back Bay '& ~1ountains. Best buy in Dover Shores. Pric· ed right at $82,000. Call for app 'l. BAYFRONT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Barre ll R ealbj pre6enl6 OPEN HOUSES BAYCR E5 T-VACANT -Own~r says sell. -will lease/option. For the family who en· joys space & a pool . 4 bdrms, formal dining ?OQm & family. room. Drive in the circular d,rlve & see this lovely home. 11'7 S•nll•go (S•t/Sun 1-5) . MESA VERD E -Th is is a must! Custom built by owner 3 bdrm 2 bath, separate din- ing room or den, large paneled family room, living room has Adobler brick fireplace & beamed ceilings. Built-in kitchen with break- fast area. 2928 Jav• Road (Sat/Sun 1-5) OWNE R TRANSFERR ED-Best buy avail· able in Baycrest. Price has been reduced be .. lo\v cost on this graciou s Ivan Wells 3 bdrm home. Terrific for entertaining. Come by & see it. 1901 Glenwood (Sunday 1·5) BAYCREST LOT -Prime area. Priced to sell -$26 ,950. Build no w or later, but buy at today's prices. 1319 Antiqua Offic• Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 General 1000 General 1000 HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! 1000 Goner•l BAYSHORES Vf\CAm • Private belch ~• unll.y w{ 2 prlv. beach. .~ 1'VJtN. 3 bdnn. 3 bath, b!r bdrm. w/ tep. dre&L ma rib. opens is:. Ja:e. encl. patio. bar type kitchen w/ tae. din. arta, w/w cpl., drapes, $~7.~ -Owner wiU ,.,,,., COSTA ME SA R4, Eulslde location, nice 2 bi!rm. plda euest room & kitdll?n adJ, aarqe. room tor expansion· ONLY $22.500. NEWPOR T BEACH 1407 NOTTINGHAM Open S•t. & Sun. 1 -S O~OJCE WESTCUIT AREA • Immac. aduJt oecupled 3 bdrm. home, beautifUI con- dition, Z baths, Ice. !iv. rtn. &: din. area, cpt. I: drapes, elect, blt-ln's, heavy shake roof. lovely yard, ASKING $41,~. "C" THOMAS Realtor 12'1 \V. Coast Hwy S~S-j52'1 Newport Beach. Eve. 545-5643 Caesar's Palace! Truly-this outstanding modd pool heme gives you that READ THIS • • • • Are you In the mar- ket for a new home, a hom1 in a prime area very close 10 Huntington State Baacb; a home you can customize while it is being built, a home de- signed by outstanding archi-- tects and constructed by Frank H. Ayres & Son; a Company that has been in business since 1905? IF YOU ARE e e e e Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach· any day between IO A.M. & 7 P.M. and select your home in our newly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-133B feeling -it's that lush. Com· Generel 1000 General 1000 pletely cow.red .It enclosed I--------- polio 14' htgh. 4 bdrm•. tam· MESA YERO£ t--L-OW-E-ST_P_R_l_C_E_ Uy dining areas. Ofiered $51.~'.lO or $58.500 runilshed. MESA VERDE -$23,950 SpoUC'llS J BR & family. Ne;w l'il o st encbantirc exterior. 5'&·5110 cpts/drps & paint. Sprink-OK"Orative stoQr work. 2 f11t1rdnemt111i11trt) lcr~. Comer Jot. separa!e bo.lhS. Queen sized LUGE REALTY DAVIDSON R•alty bedrooms. buUt-in ra.na;e !! 151X1AdilllllltHlttltr,CM. 54&-54GO Eves. ~1008 oven. 540-17'10 3 BR 2 BA, fam ily rm. Pl'ol TARBELL 2955 Harbor :l%.% -$175 nio. Beautiful entry, expensive carpets, elegant drapes and exquisite decorating greets you as you walk in.THREE LARGE BEDROOMS, TWO PULLMAN BATHS. Bri~bt cheery kil- chen with built-ins, including dishwasher and service area with pantry. Family room \vith sliding glass doors to large patio surrounded \Vilh lush dichondra la\vns, ROCK WATER· FALL and cement block 'vall . Double gar- age, electric door opener and concrete drive. This home can be yours for only $34,950. Ex- cellent upper bay 1ocation. Large. formal 3 bedroom home \\1itb paneled den, dining room & your O\VTI wine cellar. Decorated in exquisite taste. Owner must sell NOW! Reduced $15,000. 0 ff ere d at $1l9,500-t Owner will consider $30,000 down. Open Sdt . & Sun. 301 Evening Star Lane. 2 decor. l~~ yr old-xlnt oond. LEASE WITH OPTION 2400 !---------1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[\Valk to bch. l Br. Ba, $32500 12382: Fl t Ln. RB 4 BEDRM j; POOL l • channel home. All xtru. · · ee · Elden No. 3.2. t~ price S21 500 . .., ........, .....,...., ,...,. · ._ __ • -Owner 466-4328 $18,900 $171> total per month. CHEAP IE -CLOSE IN GOLD COAST Over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury Jiving with a pan· oramic view. 4 Bedrooms, huge living room, breakfast area. Paneled family room with fireplace. Like new. Priced ........ $145,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 1320 Galaxy Dr. ONLY $18,950. Don't Jet the price loo! you. This t1vb bedroom • elegantly carpeted over wood floors has been remodeled recenUy and offers a BEAUTIFUL BUil T-JN KITCHEN WITH ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar, din- ette area and separate service porch. Live in comfort and shop only two blocks a\\•ay at E. 17th Street Shopping Center. R-2 LOT -ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suit• 120 642-8235 SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED Gene••I 1000 Gene ra l 1000 646-0555 ------ OPEN THIS WEEKEND * 1-s * 220 E. SeYeftfetnth St. FHA Approved • BR/df'n/ [E. 17t1' St. SltoppilHJ Ctr.) ram. & dining. Assume 5-%'f,; 2lll tllll -COSTA MESA loal9~~·"i:'...PER LN. you'll like our friendly service ' & »•m ..... • ........ m.soo 2910 PAPER LN. Evenings Ca ll 548.3265 or 646-1050 • l ======'"'"==-..========ILl<lo Isle Probate Sa.le. 2 Br.- 1st Tim• lOOO oversize lot. South p11!in. 148 VIA TR IESTE • CdM Duplex, double lot. To\V-SH.ORECLIFFS ering Sycan1on>i;. Tr1-ii1s. Ne'v, exclUliive listing at 320 Seaward Road 441 FERNLEAF • Lvine Terrace. :: &. din. or BIG DADDY College Park Area Near nrv• Custom built home on over an acres of scclud- rd living. "A ranch in Uh? heart or lb(' city." Call for appointment $75,000 Newport •• Victoria 646-8111 (anytime) J.~~~E!~~d!!~~I-' ri~.~~~~.~~i2"' ..,,, DAll.Y Pll.OT ~fANT ADS! Bkr. 962-MTI ~103 in kitchen. firtpla<.-e. Loads 4 BR llpeciaJ !n COST /\ ~~;;;~~~::;,=~~~~~:,;~=~OOO~~G===:=1 ===~l;;OGO;;;J of dE>cking . Trco lint-d 811-eet. MESA. Malet-low Jo'HA down Gener•I 1000General 1 tn•ra 54G-1720 payn1cnl & move into a spac. TARBELL 2955 Harbor ious 4 BR 2 bath honlC!. Cor- • _ fl('r location '"'ilh BOAT Ir. 1-IAVI-.: $:i000. Need hon1e in TRAILER STORAGE C:Ollege Park. Would con-I HERITAGE 540.:1151 sider a pool. 968-5663 Gener•I 1000 Gentr1I 1000 Newport Splendor With FHA 5 3/~ 0/o Spacious 3 bedroom, with Spanish tile in formal dining area. Open beams compli- ment the cozy fireplace. We have 23 ad· jectives to lle!cribe tbis rare find. lh.e fin· est three are "Bright, cheerful. cute," call us now and we will show you the remain· ing 20. And One To Grow On Add three 1nore units or a pool on this cul- de-sac lot or enjoy the elbow room and bon- tifuI fru it trees plus -a neat 2 bedroom home with hardwood floors. Den with fire- place, patio with buil t in BBQ. Eastside. Be quick ......................... $24,750 Sprin9 Time Fresh ~/~ HAS TO BE BEST TERMS On 3 Bdrm 3 Ba choice Irvine Terrace area quality home. Absent o'vner has reduced price to $54,950 -Will consider '4,000 Down, carrr 2nd Trust Deed, even accept other paJ'.'er. Va~ant -shown anytime. If this is your price bracket, check 1mmed1ately. 67s-3000 Eves. 67:>6772 JUST MARRIED OR RETIRED See this cozy Corona del Mar income u~it. Has h~rdwood floors, fireplace. room for expansion -and quick sale priced at $31,950. 675-3000 Eves. 675-4666 LABOR OF LOVE DUPLEX Every brush stroke of ne\V paint in~ide and out, new ~aipeting, new wall{>aper is evidence or owner s effort to make this Corona de! Mar income property most desirable. Consists of a 2 bedrm 2 bath apt. + 4 bedrm home. Vacant. Exclnt rental potenµal - 3 blocks from Ocean Blvd. Priced in low Fifties -A look will con· vince you. 675-3000 Eves. 644-0818 PERMANENT OCEAN VIEW S39,500 0 pen Sunday! Beautilul, cleap 3 bdrm home with g:old shag carpel.ll, massive doU· ble fi~place, delighlful land. 5C&ping: Ir prime cul-<le·sac location. Si).l % loan avaLl- atKe. Don't mis!! this one. 1692 Oahu Place. Open 1-5 Sunday. $34,9.j() corner of Evening Canyon Road OPEN SAT./SUN. 1-5 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths ~3~:'Bo~edNiEr•ogoNE i "'"""!~~~~~~~11 COSTA MESA Choice Mesa Verde location. Larie 3 bed- room plus family room with rich wood paneli ng and raised h e art h fireplace . Yu mmy c u s t o n1 deep pi I e carpetin g throughout. Customized and decorated in exquisite taste. If you are considering pur· chasing a ne'v home, see this first. Only. $31,950. On Fee land 4lx45 -just a long jump over the sand to the ocean. 2 bedrm, lot of individuality, beamed ceilings, way under market for this area, \Varrants your inspection. 675--3000 Eves. 673-1355 DIRTY . NO MORE -SAYS BUILDER ')l!~s~l\(r~~J\~.11 n· 546-5990 HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES Paneled living room with used brick fireplace On huge corner lot S56,SOO 675-4392 Anyti me Call Jack Scroggy Going To For.closure Res. 644-2'l50 Vacant 3 BR 2 bath. Electric HAR:iOR: built-in range "-. oven, srp. arate formal dining room. used brick fireplace. Takes S2000 to bail ii out. Pay- ment<;: less than rent. Drive by. 17396 Santa Mnril1 , Foun· lain Valley. flow about -4 large bedroom~ 2 bath!:, elec. built ins, dou- blt garage, large cul-de-sac lot, forc:ed 11ir healing, 6% interest on an assumable loan, pain! ii, rix ii, love ii. Ha rbor Hi9hlands Bi9 4 P erfect family home close to Mariners school and library. 4 large bedrooms, spa· cious Ia1nily room. and built-i n kitchen. Hardwood floors and lathe and plaster con· struction . iJ3,500 listed exclusively, call for appointment. ... at this price of $27,450. 3 Bedroom 3 Bath, Un!ve_rsity Park Townhouse. Quality Carpets & drapes, modern built-in kltch. 2 car garage. Vacant. Out of town owner sweating! Priced now at $27,450 but look and make offer -has to be sold . Eves. 54l'r7962 675-3000 LOOKING FOR 4 GOOD UNITS Early American Immediate occupancy. Cus. ~~~d:!rt': .\~~~ : ""'""'""'""'""'""'""""'"'1 1'11&1~1_mES mm0tr1 i"'' , box. 3 """"'· HI 5 Bedrm • 3 Baths "\ml'T'!!'im!lil" bt.ths. Newport Hf'ights. ''Pool'' -$26,950!! 1-•c"o"R;;;E;;-;w=1N"D=E"'R"S~ ORANG E COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BL VD. 546-8640 FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 Look no more -here they are! Four 2 Bdrm, l lh Ba each, Studio type, upstairs bed.rms, 4 carports. One vacant for O\\'ner. Never a vacancy problem. $58,500 -better take a look. Eves. 67~666 675-3000 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 WATERFALL & BBQ An ••• •II Multipl• Ll1 Jing1 °675·~0~ • Open Sal/Sun 1·5 600 Aldean Pl .. NB Finest location near every. Torodal experience JEAN SMITH thing. CU.lroU! wood pa...,J. ""''"""· ' In&", handsome fireplact'. at-VALOR $23,500 to be assumed with pay· ments less than rent! Larve covered patio. Jo'ull dining room. Sprinkleri;. lush laOO- ~aping. 540-lr.:!O TA RBE LL 2955 Harbor frn llwllM tnih1l111 et L-Sdo..t l11mettd I• A .... tst.... c ....,7 frH s.r .. rnonhlp Cl-.. BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc. Realtor tractive breakfast bar. For ~ms a large act ive tamily • run ELECTRONICS, INC. "4~ E. !Ith, Costa !\lci;a & entertaining. 5~1J.17'10 atOO Pullman St.. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Costa J\;Jesa -MG.9'l61 G•ner•I lOOOGen erail 1000General l OOOGen•ral THE REAL ESTA TERS COSTA MESA 2790 HA~BOR BLVD. 546-2313 MESA VERDI VACANT One ot our best ofreringa at pre9ent mar- ket conditions. 3 bedrooms. Nicely land· 11et1.ped -plu11 llu·gc family .roorry. R~ady lo n1ove in lomorrov.•. Nolh1nir hke it at this price $26.950. -Try THA or VA. S« It arl,)'Ume. HELl'I OWNEI TRANSflRlllD Thi." outstanding F.utakie t Bedroom. 2 bl.th home iri vacant OwMt-neoeds fut 111ctlon and wDI consider 10% down or rven a ll!ase opt.ion to qualified bu;yer. Offered at $40,l)QS. If A WAmFALL In a dreamy 9etUna thlt 1t1e.a Verde 4 Bedtoom. home hat everylhlna for ftmily ltvh1j. Warm "''ood panel~ family room, bu.llt·ln aterro. Private patio. Exceptional landscapiog, llJll'lnldcrs front and beck - OnJy $37,:500. NEWPORT BEACH 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. 646-7171 ASSUME 511,•1. V.A. LOAN No Qulllf-ylng. Interestlng home. Immt'di- atr potse!slon. F'ull paymenUJ e.hl'aper than ~n1. 5156.00 J)('r month pool ~ll~e yard. Cl0$r lo shopplni. J ix'droom, 2 bath, brick fireplace. $22.950. llG PRICE REDUCTION On thll custom built upper Bayview home. Owntt movt.nc north thil month llJld .hu ordtted a '2750 price reduction. Thrtt big bedroom&, 2% baU.., big !omUy room wllh n~J&ce. endoeed lAn&.I, loveb' landtcaped nrd. Oversized 1arage plu• many other feeluru. Now at $47,000 with only S6000 down to qUallned buyer. A HOME -DIRT CHEAr Bili? tiOxJ85 R-2 lot with dandy 2 hcdt·oom hom~. Uvln& room with· fl"-place & room ror '.l more units. Jui t $23.300, own<"t will carry 1st TD at 7 Ii§~' -No loan eo11t ! ' C•ll fM l11t.m-"Wt know the Harbor Are• and the H•rbor Area knows us'' Our 20th Year of Service 1000 General tOOOGene ral "LOOK f Olt THIS SIGN" WE NEEp LISTINGS We Hav• Buyers Wailing. \Vr v.•\Jt illllpect your pro"pc1'ly; 11ho"" you "'hat con1p11 rablc proverty hi\~ !'Old for 111nd heh> you secure the best possiblr prlct' for your home. - PROO F POSITIVE .Mk anyone of our client.a -We will be s:lad to aive you names from our fUet -70% ol our business comes frorll ,..,...,.,,, and former cllHta. For R••I Action In R::t Eatatt ~, THE REAL ESTATERS --------~----- 1000 Gtn1r1l 1000Gener•I 1000 Gener1I THE REAL ESTATERS CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERIT E 673-BSSO PRIYA TE IEACH PLUS 110' OCIAN VI EW :l bed~. converllble den, ramtly rt')()t'Jl and form11I dlnlnc roon1 \Vllh " Vle\V of OC"Can and jell.)'. All this PLUS a g'Ot'(CCOUS lan:e pool In " prole!Clt'd eourtyard , . , for the ramll,y that dl"- scrves the bes t $11,500. STET'S TO CORONA DACH Immediate occupancy 1s available on the unique vacant 4 bedroom 2 be.th home. Onty· atei-&WI.)' from lovely little CoJ'o ona Bee.ch In one ot tl~e nnest available Jqcattons brCDM -OUr ablentee owner .tya SELL -REDUCED TO $64,~ PENNSnVANIA DUTCH Channing 2 1tory farm hou.tt. with t:vtry· t.hina. Including peged hard"·ood rloors to modern built-In kltChen. Ptlv•cy on ft-c ltnd. South of th~ HJ-way, 3 ~room. l bath, + Jara~ fa.ntlb' rOOJn. • INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS l ·DILUXE UNITS 6·2 BAI & 2-3 BR all \\'Ith 2 baths, all the custom (catures of a nice home. LocRtl'll on Caraway Drive, Cost.a ?.-tesa. Ex<.~llent ror 11 .. ·e in nr tax re tur n proprrly, Pr!CNI $1 39,000. M·l WITH HOME l MFG. ILDG. Proputy Is complel<?ly µaved and h1ts cmient block wall on 3 sides. ll1la. build· Inga: are twd for boat buildlni; and art divided Into stalls. 1:20xl40 OW'l" all, Plus • 3 ~room home with fenced patio 6 pool. '6'7,500. U.STSIDI TIUPW New ~ farm ho1111e type, Grttt corner loce.t lon. 17,000 sq. ft. lot Just a !il~p [rom •hor· ping. Encl~ garages - $45,000 • oo.-•nct wUI hdp fin· ...... 1000 1 ( I ' I 1 " ) I I I l It I • ""····.. ...... • ... ·--.. 1 Sit...,, S.,-U. t!H I U l'Olt SAi.i HOUS I S FOR SALE H:.:;O:.:US=l.::;S:..."::.OR:.:.;:;SA;;:;L;.,;l;.._l"H:.:;OU=S.::;E.::;S .:..'0:.:R:...SA=L.::;l ;_;.;.HO;:;.U::.:S;.::l;:;.S.;.FO;:;.lt;;..;:.IA;.;;L;.,;lo-!.:H:::;OU:.:S::E:::S.:."::.O~R-.::.SAL=E~:-:H:-'OU=Sl":S.,.,._o_R. SALi ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1 .. i::0iiiM~ ... ~-~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii1i0~·~1 ........ , .. Chnor~ ... 1 ;G~M~.,.,~~·~·-~-~· ~~~'"';;1~°"i";•~r·~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1000~0i·~,.~r~·~·---. .. ~· ... ~,1~Golltr~;·;•~~~~·o~~~~~O.~oa~ri•'~~~;;;l;OI0-·1 Wll'I llUNNINO AllOUND Shoppllls fo r a Home? Do It The Euy Way eau. write or stop by Our 01lict ·-For Your Free Copy of tile September HOMES POR UVINQ 1• Magulne Pictures, Prices & All Palt.icttlars.on Borneo Now AvaUable In lhe N""partJlarbor Area. An Exclusive Service of IU!D CARl'IT REALTY 20'15 West s.lboa. N""1xn Beech> 675-6000 2M3 East Coast Hlahway, corona del Mar, 615-6060 General 1000 lhnerat • l=IMMED='.;;;P;;;;OSS.;;;;;;;. 5 BR & FAMILY This lilf'Re famlJ.y hom~ In North C.osta l'.tHa with all the bull! . 11\S includifll'. • .,.·11er conditioner. Nttds 11 little TLC. Vacant • pl'ictd "''IY under markrt. Hurry • Otis 11-on'l laat. 0 NL Y $29,TJO. OPEN SUNDAY l·S 3011 Johnson Ave., CM ' ' r-·- PERRON :-7 ..... ,. Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: BAYADERE DR. IRVINE TERRACE Spectacular view; beautifully furn. 4 bdrm. -4 bath home. Classic architecture. Swim· ming pool. Lease or lease/option. $189,500. Kathryn Raulston BRIGHTON RD. CAMEO SHORES Custom designed end-built ~ome fo r couple living. Lushly planted patio, extra large mstr. suite. guest qtrs .. paneled den w/ frplc . & \Vel bar. Dining rm. 3 car garage. Owner will finance ............... $75,000. Kathryn Raul ston QUIET DISTINCTIVE CHARM Large airy rm.s., opening to lush garde_ns. Huge fam. rm. w/wet bar, BBQ, r efng., gourmet kitchen. Form. din. rm .. hand rubbed wood & paneling thruout. Walt to fine beach .............. , . , ........ $117,500 Mrs. Harvey SLIP & PIER $79 ,500 Custom built 2 units, waterfront. Charming 3 bedroom. 2 baths, gourmet kitchen, large patio -plus 1 bedroom apt. & sundeclt. Make offer. Mary Lou Marion LOW PRICED WATERf110NT Private slip for large boat, nice· s a n d y beach; splendld 3 Br. 2 Ba. home with 23 ft. liv. rm., huge slate patio, 3 car garage. Owner will finance ................. $7~000. Walter Haase CAMEO SHORES OPEN SAT. 1-5; SUN. 2-6 4512 Roxbury. ( BR's & den 'v/wet bar. 5 baths. Patio & pool. Some view ... S&9,500. Carol Tatum OPEN SAT. 1·5 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 1038 SandcasUe. Popular split-level 4 BR. model. Fam. room w/wet bar. View of ocean & bills. Home in beautiful condition. I I I! 0 0 0 0 I 0 ! ! 0 0 0 ! 0 .. 0 ! 0 ! 0. 0 0 .$57,950. Cathryn Tennille OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 894 Sandcastle Dr. LJ.e. 3 Br. 21h Ba. Sep. fam. rm. Gourmet k1L 2 Fireplaces. Prof. decorated. Wshr/dryer. selJ.-clean ovens ; lge. patio, gas BBQ pit, formal din. Only I I 0 0 0 • 0: 0 •I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 .. 0 . I 0 ... $57,950. Chuck Place LUSK 0'1EN HOUSE SUN. Harbor View Hill~ 3 BR. 2 Ba., fam . rm., din . rm .. fireplace. Prof. landscaped. Must come by to see t.hls new home. 3430 Sea- breeze, Sun. l..S .................. $511500. J oe Clarkson OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 4620 CORTLAND DR. CAMEO HIGHLANDS First time offered in 7 yrs. • orig. owner • S BR. 2 Ba .. kit-fem. room. Room for pool or add. "SPARKLING", .......... $43,000. Al Fink OPEN SUN. 12-5 128 Harbor l•land Jld. Outstanding, spaci- ous 2 bed.room, convertible den , 2 fire· place•, 21> baths. HI Beams. Immaculate 2nd Story ce.n be added for view. .Mary Lou Marlon • COLDWIU., IANKER & co. 551 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NIWP'QllT l&'ACH (j I / J fl. / (j /J Ol'IN 'HOlis1 PANO!tAMIC VIEW Of .JrNrptaaa11c. ol..inda J~l• s.11s... 140 Harbor Island Rd. NEWPORT HARBOR Oocta )-d""'6J< lot with ) BeautilUI aball:e roof, single 1lory 3 Bedroom, °""' 5-lay 12 • s "''"'11&1 -.....""' 11ome. (off Bayside Dr. 4 balh waterlr®t home on Bayside Drive. 5' l-fndo lolio Dr~ 1'1 BROADWAY Fronts on excellent swlmmllli beach. Newly A Rote Plnd Oii Wo ront * * * * BeautilUI 4 Bedroom, 3 bath home. 40 Ft. mecorated. Priced '180,000. 2001 Bayside Spaclouo 5 Bedroom, 4Y, balb 2 •tory home, 3 BR 2 balh + hcf>by room pool. On 6/71h• of an acre. Do not miss tllla Drive. jUlt com)>lel4d. Waterfront view from Ma.. + ollloeor _..lien"°"' on Sunday. IV bedroom, 2nd bedroom, llv1ng rm, din-., --. + -Open 1-5 $91,000 By Appplntmont Only Ing w/Calhedral ceUln~f·-110 rm, break-..,.. ••. 100""'"" • ....... Wm. Winton R.altor Bill Grundy, 675-3210 f I k ~ kltch .,...£......., .M myter suite It A 1Adie1 ass· .noo q-en. Y carpeted. Fir&-delJaht kitchen. 0n. 80:(131' 229 Mlrfn•, 1111~ Island Linda Isle D•v•~ment Co. slace1»iii llvmg & family roWJl. l!j!a,_utitully R-21or with clrcular1 con· 675-3331 Open 111 9 ·Ivory Night,·' l-'!!!!!!!!!'!l!'!OID-!!!!Bo!!!iy~1!!1dt!!'!'Q!!or~.,'!Now!!~po!!r!!t!'!B!!oo!!c!!h!!!!!!~) ecorated & landscaped. Priced at '155,000. ""'" drlv<, '.I Lindo lalo Dovolopment Co. 139 SANTA JSAB.EL 000 G I 1000 IMO l•yalde Dr, N.I . Biii Grundy 675-3210 OPEN l"5 Gono n l 1000 G.norel 1000 Gtnorol l oner• 2CK.l Wettclill Dr. 646-7711 Open Ews. IN FOR CLOSER $44,900 4 bedrooms, family room. 3 bath, 21lo140 pool, onl)o 3 yrs old, and on a hu&:e cul de sac lot, room for boat & trailer, located in a prestige area. 6% VA loa.n U; assum- able. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 15366 Golden West HUNTINGTON BEACH lff.5311 I BLOCK SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FRWY CUSTOM 2 BDRM & GUEST HOUSE ExffiJent Ea.olt.side lOC9Uon. Completely red('(.'01'8led, hn.vy shake roof, redwood skftnc & many built-in h:a- tuns. Ideal home for the adult family & rue•t house for the In.Jaws. Va.cant & ready for lmmedla~ oocu. "'"""" OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S 2'4 E. 11th Street ' ,PERRON :.1t .... •••• .. , •• * 642-1771 Anyt;mo * $20,900 4 a.drm + 2 Baths Near Oranp Coll.It Plua. Large patlo. &.t r•te. No- thing comparable at the price In nice area! 54()..1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbo. BVSIE31' martmtpl.ace tn town. The DAil.Y Pn.QT C aulfted atedon. Save money. time • effort, Look now!?! C;ty Ronch- Ho rses! 1000 Assume 6 °lo Loan The big 6o/o loan pays evttytbing 11t $166.50 mo. 4 muter massive bed· rooms. Large, 25 ft. living room. Big country kit· cben wllh -dcluxe built-in!!. Huse, huge lot right in the city! Plenty of elbow room, and )'tltJ can have horses too! Don't delay! ....can today for exciting low price and terms. Dial --Toke Over 71/,% Fontost;c Buy Fanta!ltic $20,!DJ Joa.n. No ftts. One ol 35 beautiful town homes in exclusive Newport Beach area. To- tal price S23,250. 2 extra I~ bedrooms, 2 baths, flreplace. built-ins + dub house-and Mtpet pool. Only 10% dn. Hutr)'! Call &<>al03. Newport Beoch Deluxe Duplex Se.nd pebbles throw from the pounding surf. Two larp bedrooms. Large large bedrooms. Large kitchen with deluxe built- irul, su.ndecks, Gn!at lo- cation. Big rents. pays for itself. Only $,1.1,500. CaU now!~ FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Realtors at Harbor Cen~r 2299 Harbor Blvd, C.M. IOOOGtnorel ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 54"8640 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 VIEW HOME 3 bdrms. like.new cpt1/drps, bit-ins, large covered patio. On a 60xl.38' VIEW lot, Cose to elementary school. SZ7.100 • vets no down. FAMILY HOME 3 large bcl.rma. huae family room, FA heat, p]U5h cpt.!1/ drpa, % block elementary 1ehool. $26,000· vt"ta no down. FULLER REALTY 546-0814 $23,500 NODOWNG.I. All the comforts you dl?li re plus many mare. Rieh wood paneling. King sized bed· rooms. Luxury carpeting, ebanning shutters &: dnpet. Oas.Ing COAll, 540-17'20 TARB ELL 2955 Herbor BEAU'Tlf'UL -Big 3 Bdrm Jamily home. Ne \VI y decorated. Many extras. Nr everyt.hing. $28,500. Owner. 2372 Rutrrra. CM. 546-999.l 1000 $©\\.~~-L&~trs· Solv~ a Simplt Scrambled Word Pu.n:Ie: fo r a. Chuckle I I I" I I · I I r r I ITITUfO I i _ I I ' I' I I '-t ........-....:i..i...-....._,,, 1 11 PIM E , .. A lonely bobY. cNck looked I I I Ii I · o rovnd t~• incubator ond "-::~-=~-=-=·~:'.:·::::: JOW nothing but unhatched ,.. eggs. He shook hi1 heod and ITJV51N · j"';d, r I I I Ii · 1 1'J.oob Jilc• l1m vanna be e n Cllly child. Mother Just J · --o-." t·1~ 1·-1~iAr i r 1 -~~1:.m= :• rnwJ:~~.ES 11 r r 1· r r r 1· 1 •·¥.:~~ 10•1 I I I I A I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A-LINE 4 BIG BEDROOMS ----- $SA_VE$ . 3 lec!~ms $21,300 5140.00 mo. You'd better lff this one, all new olive &rttn high pOe carpetiflg accented by rich walnut panellna:, all on an oveni:&:ed lol,· beauUful tl'ff linrd lttfft, take over ~"<ht· Ina loan or get a new one . ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVO. 54"8640 OPEN EVES TILL 8:;M! N£WCOMERS I For the Eicttuttve mmnt to Nnvport Beach • these NEW Ivan Wdll' bomca or:f- ut maximum modem con- wnienecs, hlghot quality worlmwllhlp"l a Panoram· ic View of the Back Bay. Orie ot the la!Jet1I 4 bdrm 3 balh homes available in the d@sirahle Dover Shorts area. Latge family room• With ll wet bar. All electric kilcn. ens wUh view., With or wl°'"' out pool. ' Roy J. Ward Co. (Baycmt onieeJ 1•130 Galaxy 646-USO DUPLEXES FOR SALE 12 and 3 Bedroom) 606 Orchid, Corona de.1 Mar 67:1-2222 517 Poln•ettia. Corona del Mar !Sun 1-5) 675-3000 (Sat 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (2 Bodroom) -426 Emerson, Costa Mesa 645-0303 * .... ** Weterffewt • • * ,.., •"' w.,.,,._, (Sun 1·6\ • .... ----.~-~~~~~~~~~ ................................................................................................. ....,~ ................... ~.~~~~ -4¥i4¥04••r\--•*----------·-----.-----..,-.,.•-~-c--- HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSE~R SALE I HOUSl!S FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSIS FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SAl.;1'"':;oS::~;;"'F~R1ULi HOUSl:~~R 111 .. '"· · csonS•O••CIK IT TO ME1000 c;. .. ,.1 1000 c.n. "'°'" 1100 Newport BH•h fiQO I iiHiiuiin1ii1ll!l;;m'°"iiii~a.~·~<hiiiii1ii4GOiiiiiH~'"'~'~"'~·~'°"~a.~·~cni;;;il4~oo l r;o~ ... ::;'•;;1;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;'°";~°"~"";;;;'•;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;1000;;;;;°"~"';';•;1 ;;;;;;;;i';°"~DO~ HOME + l1>tome. 2 homn I' * OPEN HOUSES ~~! ::;:":~~iii 4 BDR, 3 BATH MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS ., ! • * ncwor home avail for Exquisite Waterfront IT'S I I. 1807 Buttonsh-'I •---~·-tom 1n · d New homes, ready to move In, 1h mile PA ... m v•ca.nt a: my k!!tpcfi SJ owner. $29,00G. By Ownu . .._,...,, '--tmor tt-b .u .. ~ ln Hawaii, my ne!ghbors Open S•t/Sun 1•5 548-1460 o"tion. Immediate ~ from each. First payment up to 60 Ws THE k>ok to lood 11 l look so Be 111tt to 11tt this deltghtM 2 Btdrooms, large llvhli ~~= =i: POLLY after move ln. WlllTB . ~rable, my grasi;: ha• elllltom bul!t 5 bdnn BAY· room, w/w c:pt5. ~t@d, T•ms VA/FHA. From $22.990. CUNAJl&Jf !Urned brown l I'm dirty. CREST homt. Ideal for At ch 'f'rcu, co SO I Ineed!o~rorn1yownPl'S young ~xecutlv,. with ero~·-la . l&r. patio, NEWPORT SHORES RAL SHORES -"'-LD Jmt want lo gl't rid of n1e. ina; tlmily, now~l"I. R.-.2 kX SS . .x l3J!, By Appolntment I'm only 5 yni. old & 1 havt" ~:·::_:,rma. 313 Ra.learn BEAMED ceillnp lbrou;h-(o n Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 3 bed"""?"· family "'"""· 2 1332 Santiago Dr 1 ""=="=:.::..----1 ~1. 3 &Ir. 2 s.. built.In 9 6 2 -1 3 5 3 THAT bo.lhl. ~1th elec built • ln • PRICED for quick Sale! kitchen. lmm~Hale posses. 1.. ------~-- --kitchen. You can buy me Open Sund1y 1·5 f bednn $27,900 cul de se.e. tion. Askin& $28.500, anyway You y,•e.nt Cholee ' ?clnn 3 bath cus-Gold aflaa'.·cpt. itqna trpk. BEJ.J..E PARTOi li•J5.1010 Co-n1 ct.I Mar 1250 Lido 1110 ·• 1351 COUNTS! $25 ODO tom bu 1 I I "'ESTQ.JFF Beaut. lnd11cp. C 0 v ere U ,., , home. t.owt,y pool It' h!JI!! patio S-46-1 960 . m BARGAINAT$24,9SO patio. A wohdorlU! place for "'"'"'°"Pl, CM Contemporary Design OPEN SAT. & SUN. MOsr BeJut!JUI l •tar> LIST 'th p 'Whi&.... ,. ah d u+ entl"rtainlng. LOVELY-Big 3 Mmt hOme. l BR, 1 BA. buUt-ins, 2 1 TO 5 home on Udo. By owner. WI au.. ~arn an an p JERRY FREUD Prime IOcatioo. Mooy "'' ....... Quick """""''°"· 4t3 ACACIA Principal> ooly. ' -· your p rt I d h d R I CHAS. ARNOLD ,, ... Pri""' ,, "'·""' "'r POLLY BLEEKER ..,.,010 ooRoN• DEL M•R • tath, w.e ""'"' • .... rope y n goo an s. e ax - ORANGE couNTY's i~~ ... ". ~~-= SALESPEOPLE ''PENNSYLVANIA ~~.,~·~:Lld~ .=: P.W.C. and the Multiple Usting Service LARGEST 3811 E . .:;';ii·· c.M. ~-DUTCH" ",,_..,. 'II d 15366Goldenw ... 1 ~==1!~-=~-==:::l '1,~R:::~~·:.·:'u~;."",;.~ RAPID~A~~,;,. o>m· Charmina7'10<Yl&.nnbo .... STARS' SHOWPLACE WI 0 the work for you. This means com· HUNTIN.,G,TS03N13BEACH HOME' & RENTAL >"HA loan. Qoly $>;,9"),""' paoy <~W inmvi•w'""· IV• witb '""""""· inolodina \(°'""' """'"'· Xint "''"' plete information on your property ··s ~ ~teyer .. 54M252 Rltr have many out-Of·to'.••n buy-~aged hardwood Doors tt1 lo patios for cntertnlnlr1&. l BLOCK SOUTH OF 2 BEDROOM Larg ert. inodern bullt-in kitchen. PrL. CUst...blt. 3 Bd., 1,.'0nv. play. giY8ft to 850 SGlespeople WhO meet buy SAN DIEGO FRWY <2& 500 1 1 30.,..,:... '""""BELLE PARTCH M~1011l ••acy o" f<e laod. Sooth ol '"°"'·Din. 4~ S..$JS5.M. • ••••••••• ~ • ~" OWNER. ;. ,.,....,, :::; •. "~ .. ;:;,.' .. ~-~.:::;,.: n:'v~; ~~" R'::9JOO ers in all areas. This assure you of great· L<>0mthe«•mlbdnnhanl-CONDOM. Catbodral "'iling JAY W. YEATS CO. * $47 500 * d b OPEN SUNDAY 1 5 ~·ood floor horn• • l•t 1 llv rm, 2 s., 3 &. ""· 371 Newport Blvd., NB ' BAYFRONT HOMES er eXpOSUre an more uyerS, • bdrm rental pay part oI your ta.ell. $22,SOO. 54G-ll43 673-8550 Priced from $98.500 expenses, Cill for appoin1.1 ,,=!X=IBR::;,,.=U~P~P~E~R=4..::B=R~. -1-am-See us for lhe Lido LI ST N 0 W n1cnl to sre Uiis DOWN-POOL. ~ 31.. horn,. to suir your needs 1890 RHODES FlXER UPPER • $38,950 Popu111.r story and a hall 11001' plan in up~r !\1esa Ve1'Clr. Needs paint, etc. Ha.~ 4 bdrms. 3 baths and LARGE fo1mal dining room. Prim! mnsiderably below market. 011·ner extremely anxious, your choice for a bargain! Asking $38,950. TO\\'N DANDY. rm $28,.AN. BLUFFS BEST BUY Yello\~tone. Rlt. 54S-6332 Walker Rlty. 675-5200 4 Bdrms., 3 baths. Huge 1iv. 3336 Via Lit~o. NB Open Sun. 1890 RHODES OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ••••••••• N•wport •• Victoria -11 (anytime) Mesi del Mar 1105 1111. Very llvable. to~nl'IOuSC 1 ----------style, 1>00lsldc. dose to CdM • 4 BDRJ\t 2 Ba, fam rm. Near schools. Perlect con- dition. BY OWNER . ~- Mesa Verde 1110 High. Vac11nt. \Va~t'r 1narket al S..19.000. Any rea- sonable offer will be cor1$id- '""'· EASTBLUFF REALTY f:C~Al~'~l!EO!!"~SH~O~RE~S~-~V~f~E\~Y' I QUIET rul-dl'-sac, 3 BR, 2 CaU UJJ for other Bluf!:s Newly decorated -4 bdrm 3 BA, CUBlom cpts & drps. l'Xclu:sive llst1ngs. bath ( l .separate for maid BY 0\VNER. 545-9616 2414 Viste. Del 01'0 l==========I NEWPORT BEACH or guC1tl fonnal dining roon1. Custoni built view-Newport Beach \200 64'-1133 644-2626 Eves. side terrace. Lovely land. Wh"E Tn llvr on a small Newport Beach scaping. S79,500 -Olv~r "'ill island~ For salt by o\vner • Executive Home nnallCt'. Irnmediate posses-due to divorce. Ch1t.nning Newport He1ght1 1210 siun. Pete Barrell ReaJty old hsc, on Newport Isl. 1!.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~~~a:%0~ t~J~:tw~.1~'='~~52~oo~=------rooms, 2 baths. hall t>een WELL LANDSCAPED • 4 Bdrms :?'A bath.~ TRADITIONi\L CHARf\1 -completely_ ,.. em ode I r d 3 Bdrm. Large living nn. "- • r oimal dining room BAYCREST modern kit. \vJbltns. Lots family m1. Sionc frplc. Wl\V • Separate breakfast room Adult occupied 4 brm 3 bath of ato~e. Used brick frplc carpets over HW Doors. Car- • F"amily room w/frplc. hon1t'. Huge formal dining &. d1nlni: room \\'a I I . Pt>ted patio. Sharp & ci('an. • Be I .. 1. room. \Veil designed . Bathrooms ne1v w/sun.ken A ,,~,,, ••lt'•og, s~'.000 e.mC'< cc1l1ng 1\·iniz 1·m C 1 "..t ,,_. ,_ "" on1pete ..,.vacy lor OU\· tub. Lrg.· sundeck \\•/view. OCEAN VIEW JEAN SMITH dOOJ' enlertaining. Excel. Ne"'·Jy painted outs id t . 21,j Bdrrns. 2 Baths. 3 gar-REAL TOR value -S65,9JO. Pete Barrett Aci:oss st. l.rom Bay on ages. Balcony patio. KilC'hen 646-3255 Really 642-5200 2 sides & 3 bl~. from ocean. hit-ins. AND a Catalina vic1v. OCEAN VIEW_ S>l2.500 buys this 4 Br hon1e. Bright & Che<"rrul Needs 400 E. 17th, Costa !\1esa 1008 '{ NB 67° "363 · f2S,000 · 1' arcus, ......., or !M>nu• y,ork. SJZ.OOJ. "THE BLUFFS" 49W42ll. a SITTING PREITT Pres Oge area in Newport. B / B 9!0:, ~ Kini; sized bedrooms. 2 SEE S ....... ba·•-Exq"'•<'t 1.11 _, . NOW . THI ! 1 1 • L T , On larg<' cor. lot . blk. from 5-l~~T!t'> ..... e sp 1 ·eve. 81; Octan Vic"· rron1 11ulc "" Upper Bay. Sph! level J TARBELL 2955 Harbor lkach house. Dining area in Near Np!. Post Of1·. 6:6-2414 bchms. l ba. 17x23 fam. rm. one end of large living room w/vie1v, 2 dbl. garages+ BAYFRONT APT. \~·/(ireplatt. Ste p savingl Br. bean1 ceilings. Jge. yd, work .shop "-l>oat or traHer Vista Del Lido Pier & slip built·ln kitcht'n ~1•0 nice patio. Near .oschools. S28,9j() yard. Corona de! l\!ar High. il bl E ·1 ...... bedrooms, fen~d patlo. All firn1 . !>tS-7101 ~" od . ava a e. nc o"""" garage. ..,,. ........, t ay 10 sec lhts ne.,.,. $')8 500 this for only ..,..,500 v.•/l:i!f'o t227 l'Omfol'lablc fan1ity home. ~ •• , do .... n. Dover Shore• ftoy J. Ward Co. Geor~eE~ilhamion B1y & Be1ch Rlty., Inc. '1Bayc1't'sl Qifi('(.•I . ~ TOR • 901 Dov~r Drh'P, Sullc 126 NB LUXURY , 1430 Galaxy , 6!&-1,;.;Q 673-43:)r] EVt's. Gn-156.i 64.>2001 Eves 6TJ-135:J CU~IOM HO:'ol E OPEN HOUSE SAT /SUN 300S FERNHEATH, CM (olf Baker, Vl. ol l·larbcll'I J BR & den .L lots of rx:· IA.VINE TERRACE 1--~~=~'-· -"'-"''ILocalf'd 1n new section Out1ta.ncl\1:1g CdM home in * BY OWNER * . Be.ycrcst, Do\>'t'r Shores. 4 priv. rcsld. area. 3 Lge. er. Oceanfront. llome, 3 B:R, util BR, 3 bath, living roo1n, Fe.n1. rn1.: hid. filt. POOi. rm, sewing nn. !Iv nn formal dining room & fami· CORBIN -MARTIN w/Lrplc &. ocean view. ly room. iluge patio y,•i th REALTORS 675-1662 Roof'!'lY kit w/bltns "-custo1n barbecue. 3 cnr ""°" E ~-> C avocado shag crptg thnJ. gar .. .-on large fee lot .,.,.,., ......... ~t hry., dM > ,-t d I II • ·~· ou . · n.in Y w pa o o.: $82,500. Subn1il Ternis or CABANNA. $63.500. 67J..6990 Trade. Call Ted Bolte or 1213) 698-3627. 540-2'il'Jl. Open House Sun. tra:s. BEST BUY IN HALE-Costa Mesa 1100 ('REST • only S23,s:xl. Sub- mit do"'ll. Fast ocC"Upanl')'. l 'IL CL' HOUSE Smiley P..ealtor &.IB-9566, Needs New Owner &1:z.2221. 515,750 ·Only to•;. On. On !rec hned :street. Room lo build; R-? lot. :: Br, J Ba. 1909 Fullerton Ave. BAY AVE. DUPLEX day 12 lo 6. 1907 Santiago. 2 J\.1odem units in bell area. Neal ?ifartin Realty Easily rented, adequa~ re-_...---- - -'"mliURR•; wHl'rE ForsafebyOWner RE1U.TOR Epaciou!I c•uslom :!·story (''(· Open Sat., Sun. 1-5 2015 Galatea Terrace TRVINE TERRACE l\fagnificent action view. 4 2001 Newport Blvd., N.B. ccu!ive home. Latlle formal BR. & pool honie. 849 GOVERNOR ST. 67:>-4630 642-2253 Eves dining room. Paneled den $ll5.000 :; Bd1·n1. l bath. Jus t repaint. OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN \\'ilh \VCI bar & fireplace LIDO REA Ty INC eel lru>ide & out. Lgc, fcnl~d S' · /[I I 3 L • ·ai'd $'lO ;)I)) 442 Riverside Drive, N .B. • 111 u1~ roon1 I\' rep ace. ~ .COL: C, BELL_ , ) eait: v iiR .. ROBIN SON Sell or trade prestige heir, 31,J baths. Garden cn- 1177 Via Lido 61:\-T..:CO Davi;; Realty 64:?_7000 custom home 4' BR. large try. Vic1v of bay & moun- rumpus room'. 4 level, fncd ,.!!i~$8'l....:.._500.:.!..J6..!El ___ COLLEGE PARK NO DOWN TO VETERANS. yud 2 frpl blt-iru; ~~ S--~"1-3 BR 2 bath ho""" ' cs. ' * C 1· f' g ,......... .... "'"' oversized gar oll alley, pool ap 1va 1n 3 bdnns. 1'4 baths, carpets, in quiet re3idential area. sized lot Call 548-29B6 or Different "Old \Vorld" con. drapes. fireplace, electric Lovely tree shadt'd patlo, 213: 964-0207. temporary. executive 1uxury blt-l'!_S & \Vasher &. dryer. nittl,y landscaped in traffic 1-----------I hon'I(', Unobstructed Bay & S..'C,250. fl't"f" 1;trect. Pri~ for im-1124 Santiago Ot· r.ttn VU-most rms. 5000 gq. Well1-McCardle, Rltrs. mediate sale at $23.loO. Open House S\ln. 1-5 rt. • BR, 4•/1 BA + maids 1810 Newport Blvd., C.l\t. CALL 54J.-.IW24 South Coast A sp.,,1clous home designed qtr:s, Ideal for entertaining. a13.7729 anytin1e Ren! Estate. for relaxed living. Sweeping Easy main. llnmed occup. LARGE: attractive fantlly COLLEGE PARK'S panoramic vi~·. $178.000. Assunie 6%'i~ loon. home close 1n EM\ Costa SHARPEST. Mesa J large BR·s, 2 Ba, ASSUME 5y4•/o. large living & dining R's $171 PAYS ALL BOYD REAL TY Box 1632 NB. ;,..tS.7249 3629 E. Coast Hwy .. CdM 675-5930 University Park 1237 modern kit. Shake roof. 3 BR. Z BA, fani rm, din rm, BACK BAY VIEW BONUS ROOM Large lndscp fenced Jot. 2 frplcs. fully eqpd kit, util 2200 Sq a. 01 cu~. blt. home in add!tio~ to !he l largr Patio's. Sound Va I u e nn. lmmac lndscp'g. View on Private Rd . Putting green bclnru:, thts l'hotce property $29,500. For appt. 548-8355. Pvt'S &: wlmcls, By owner. & pool fl71).CI oaers a !I UGE boous room Principals only. please. ~19?0 PR0PERT1ES WEST 118x30'~. Ideal for u~ as SEE THIS BEAUTY! 4 B. 1 ~~ dbl. a;ar. Sl75 l:se 67S-4lJO 675•1642 rec. roc:im or coul~ .easily be College Parks Sharpest \\'/option. $24,500. $1000 On. 1 ~~~~~!!!!'~!!!!'~!!!!''! 1nade 1n10 :! 11dd1tional bd· ASSUME 51,2.,, TC!rms. Fine stucco home 1 ·E~......nLu-B 1·n1s. Built·in kitchen. Fire· ' " 68' Fro n.:)lD rl" )' o"''Tl('r, pla"-, 'S.<I<•, All (I'-roo[, M().p S ALL w/bu~. use. n~ on , . . " '"' "" $171 AY \V. 19th St Edge of big n1il:t. ...... ase opllon, :>BR, 3 bath, Lesa !han l year uld &: in 3 Br. 2 Ba, {arn rm. sep din Ct 3 car garage, lamlly r n1, l Jr.1ti1AC condition. Realis- MUST SEE Unexcelled View of Harbor & Ocean :\ttracUve split l<'\'CI Horne located on R-3 lideaJ for 4 apl unitsl, 5100 sq. 11. lot. 1"5.000. 2501 Ocean Blvd., CdM By appointn1cnt only Bill Crumly 6TJ-3210 Linda Isle Development Co. 1080 Bayside Dr .. NB BIG BAY VIEW Broadmoor ~plil lc.vel homr. 3 car gar. Lge, cor. lot w / rrn. for pool. Take over 6~ % loan. $69,500. Open ~[OtJSe Sal/Sun 1-5, 1210 Star- board \Va.v. EXECUTIVE HOME New Broadmoor 4 Br. & ram. roon1; la:stefully decol'aled &. landscaped. For app'l. Call: Jack Cheshil'l' Ch<>.!1h1rc Real Esta!<' e 67.').2503 ANYTl!\1E e OPEN SAT/SUN. l·S 524 De Ani.a Brallt, .'\ Br. hon1c \\' pool. You own Lhc IRnd! OPEN SUN. 1-S 606 ORCHID Nr\v dupl.~x . :l BR. :: ha. 2 Br. 2 ha. Ready lo movr in! DON V. FRANKLIN REALTOR • 67:>Zll2 • e OPEN HOUSE e 717 POPPY AVE . Sat. & Sun, 12 :~5 Old World Q\arm. l BR. ~ Ba. Unique •~· pools.ize lot In Corona Del i\tar. lmn1ed· iate occupancy. SEMPLE REAL ESTATE 211:; E. Coast Hwy. 675.2101 Lusk View Home Open House Sat-Sun 1.1 * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. As~umable 5'·::% loan. By 01\'ller. $60.500. 673-m6 B•lboa l1land 135S OPEN HOUSE 4-7 212 Sapphire Ave. Room lo bu ild new house on front + existing 3 BR, 2 BA newly remodeled. Ownr 6T;>0204 Huntinaton Beach 1400 MERMAID'S MANSION Frankly, this beach home ~·all Ucs~ncd for t\lf' mcr- matd in your llfe to sit around lrisul'ly & nick her golden tali in the sea breeze. It has alJ the conveniences that lets her have extra hour'!I or free lime to splash aboul in the surf or sun or shop or rix you an extrR special tlinrll!r afler a hard da)'s work. Beautiful gL1ss kitchen filled "·ith all the lime saving 11.pplia0<.-es Jiko) dishwasher. doublp ovrn lonr sell cleaner!, range & di.!lpos&I. Romanti<' •·parent saver rel.real" adult apart· mcnt. .~ bdnns. 2 balhs. Draperies throughout. car- IX'ting in living, dining, hall, 1na11lcr bedroom 'vilh pri· vat!' hath. Completely fcnc· l'd. privatr gate, li'Ont lnmJ· seapi"K. !\fovr in today. SJ0,450. Only $00j guaranteed closing rost 10 all! IT:~\ 968-1997 _ ll90 Vaca1ion Lane. Munting1on Beach. Bkr. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 12·6 8845 Cardinal, FV Sparkling Jewal ..• 2 story mansion w/ ct')'Slal chandelier, fonnaJ din rm. lush nrw i;hag crplg. 5 BR -t-:I bath~. hd1\d nr:.. prof t<'d ccora1ecI inside l oul. Li ke New .. ,, ..... . "'eek Days 4-1 Elegant J Bedroom, :! bath. family room. This hon1e's bc>auliful land!ieaping & dee- ornting 001npliments I h c "ondcrful vle1v it has of Ra1.or llh81'fl lundi.cpi; 11·/ ca1allna and the mounlains. Npl'inklcrs front &-ba.:k. Only Owner. 6-14-1392 S3J,9;'JQ . excl fine avail. --o='P~E"N"s.;u~N-. -1.-s--1 1.~DERSl-llP 1001 White Sails Way REAL ESTATE Harbor View Hills S~2-44G6 j24 hrs) Outstanding view. 4 BR. + [ .......... ~ ..... ~~~!!!!!!!!!! dinirtr + fa1nily nn. i-BY THE SEA Pool. R"lim"lly "'"'"' 159.soo LOLO DOWN OON V. FRANKLIN AND u3u1ne CI loan $201 REAL TOR rnonth pays everything. J • 673-2222 • bdrmli, 2 baths with gardt'n -~O~P~E-~N •s=AT~ .. -S~~U~N~.-· I kitchen, eustoni d r a p e s, 1519 Bonnie Doon• Terr. beauU!ul c1u·pets, hal'dwoocl Elegant 2 bdrm., den, :z bath fioor1' &: shake roof. Adult l'IOmf", Comp. redel'OI'. All occupied only, Jlurry on this "''OCJ>I carpets. Beaut, drapes, rare find of a home. many shullers. A garden-MUTUAL REAL TY palio suprem<'. $~.500. 1---"84~2~-\~1~18,.;;•n~yti,:::'m<C:.. __ Ch~·n/Agt, 673-014.i $26,500 Open House Daily 1.5 Glen Mar By Owner 2501 Lighthouse Ln. 4 BR, 2 BA, bltns. diiihwasti. BROADMOOR HOMES e<·. frplo, "'w pai"1 iMid• & out. 600 sq. f!. patio, lot:s of Call Kayr Ncal rVt's. 64~-0323 Donald M. Bird & Assoc. 517-7041 nn, 2 rs,,lc&. co1npl kil, util r. 1 U Rulty frptcs, crpts, drp!, shuttl'rs. llc.111ly priced al $34.9.50. nn. lmmac lndscpg. By own. 5.~ "' 1;rh ~M ;..;s-S49l Nr :iichlA. shpg '-churches. BOB PETTIT. Reiltor READY ••. er eves I: 1vknds. 549-1920 · 2131 Ara.Ha St. S560 mo. m-OIOI To ~10VP In <..'fln1ent &. ralllC'd planler'!!, sprinkJers, gar .,.,.ot•kshop loaded w/ cabinets. Walk lo elen1cnlary, I mile to H.S. 2 mi lo J .C. Less than mile to all chain stores. FHA Apprai1al $27,400 962-1851 S BEDRM -1'1 MESA DR. . 1-644--077~=·~· =~==-""'BEGONIA MESA VERDE -$+1.9SO H><g• 4 BR. 2 ha. Spamsh BE THE FIRST HELP I CORONA DEL MAR ?4"'.,. ft of gracious !Jvi""' &tyltale boRme +I "builP" ld-bdrm. To gee thi& 3 Br. 2 be.th homt Ohwl ~ sere,· SamB 1""ho· Mu~W ",11 2 Bdtms .• $35.900 -""~.. · ··•· rcn • oom o mol"I! In Easlbhdfs Jm s '"'au . r. me. Ans J baths. ~ fl. famlly room. units. S·t9,500. ()pl!n l ·S:JO . mac comer 10 leave country. Imnied. 42 Ft. R·2 Lot Ah· condll1oned. Fornial din. Sa.t & ~un prop., huge yard beaut. Ind· posal·ss F"P S37,51)J • incl Cenr Robertson Rlrr. 67J.4399 ing room. AIJsolule.ly gorge-D . • R.tty. '42·7000 acpd, S39,500. som ai>pHnncf''{ VACANTI ous inside:&: ou\. 5W.1Tl0 avii · Delancy Real Estate ec Rod Hiil Realty ' TARBELL 2955 Harbor SPOTLESS! 281.8 E. Coast Hwy. b"73-JTIO l llOOS Culv~r Dr .. lrvhl(' Oceanside or llwy. 2 Bdrm .. • B' "-fam ..... 2 bath D E reenndllionecl. Best Joe. PURE AIR & C 0 0 L "' · . · '"'·· UPL X OP£N 9 A!\1 -8 Pti1 ~ NIGHTS. BR G 0 Id holnt". Cov. pat)o, ~unU<'ck. snl I I LARGE LOT. $.1!1.900 " • rn.1 it lr«-s: $2~,j()(l. Take r or cue, mmac. lu1T1, Grflf' RobeMson, Realtor Mr d a 11 ion ho 111 e near beach, 4 Br. den, 2 Be.. BaclC Bay 1240 67• ••99 over S~ ,~ lban: -\\'/COn1plete 1 BR JUesl l'OI· BALBOA BAY PROP . 2 frpl1, eat>h unit. 2nd uni! -- Ll1tl09 Of Tho WHk 4 BR 2 be.th, ki~hen fea· ture.!I: built-in oven, rangt: ~'llh tatlng bar. door to double garage, connecting family room, large llvlng room. c a r p ~ t s, drapes. S:!l.!!00 takP1 all. F"enced 4 lnnr!scaJ>«!(I. !age. \Vlnterized t,, chann-.,..,,.., i•~ ANYTl.>IE leak'<! 11t ca:; mo. Sl0,000 EXCELLENT Ba ck SQ 11 1 blks crom Sch. Ne\vly Ing. All-)'ear l"Ollcl. 120'1--~··c:,,~~-~~,;,:,::.;=--dn, ~~r &U-3490. localion on cul-<!Noac street. bit, CW!lom horne; J Br. 2 fl'untagc. S36.000. SJ.;25 Dou-TOP VALUE LOVELY 3 bedroo ho 3 BR, 2 BA. tam nn, hdwd Ba, unique-n!Odcrn deaign. 1--A~,~,M~U~S~T~S~E=E~,-,- ble Vle\v Dr, Jdyllwild, Cal .. 2 BR. on cul.-dl'-s&.C, nr al THE BWFFS.m Prl me Ort. bltna. he11;vy shake Lot~ of xtra1. For appt E. !\tiller. ITI41 659--2882 CathoHc Church. 7 yn old. . me roof. Need• pal n t Ing . 673-~. 2l8 Goldenrod OML Y $25,40!) Modern kltchen, 0 n I Y watt'rfronl view. Sunset fills Auume ;,~ ~ $21.100 loan&: S79,500, Owner. ON l..Y Slti8 Tntal pt"r mo. ""ACIOUS 3 BR home \l•lth home with ''"hl It _,A,, $165 ll -~ B ... um• tow 1•1 ..... ,, thl• ~-I I < I Sl?.560, Pa.yt.s $90 J)C!'r mo. Call.,. ~,3 • "''"" P'IYll A • ofoW•"""'' Y VIEW dupl6 . J...gtl. custom 2 "' " mass \'I! P l\Y room, orma Bill Cole. Rltr 645-0830 I MOii~:i"~f°"iio'ME="EX:!~'~·~·ne~'-~S4S-~l~II>!I~==== I lovl!ly 3 BR. 2 b.a w/m811)' ~-dining l'QOm, fully carpeted I P,t o o EL Ho M E _EX-Br. lloll$e + brand DCW 3 Br. tru. Trailer area al.lo. • lmmac. rond. Quiet fraf. 212 Vk1oris No. 1, C.M. Apl. Choice loc. $62,000. lfAFfD•• REAL~ • o.usrvE AREA. J Bdnn. Irvin• Terr•ce 1245 °"'n<'r 6'1S-6!JIW. '"" • • nc fl'tt s1reet. clo!5C lo L!ASE OR SELL romitl din nn, den; IW'--8i40 Waroor. r.v. 842M05 school. Prll"'d for immerl. 1901 Frdrt11\ Av. J B 11u. d I I ' e· 0 B TL B h * CAMEO SHORES * 6 S" 'LL UN-ITS-s.nle al $32.!\'lO. CALL RA \' Rl"nt $170 or Sl.000 On, 1nll r 0 u n "1 P 0 0 19 ne Y ne eac Ool'anfronl • BR & Den FYV\ GAULT S«>-1151 Herilalf J1 70 PITI. AvaU. now. 66Jd1016PAl""lo". ~~-• __ :c67.:,,,_..c;o1~ ~r;. 5 Ba, fam nn. TV rm. 115 P.11lford Rd, 61S-6996 One Smn.11 ON Payment Real Eatate C·l lot. l'OR Sale by ov,.-ner 3 Br. 2 33 ttel)ll to beach, 3 car cal"i, MONEY ?>lAK£RS II Lrn..r: n8ALTY &. 2 ~Uo6. 1..vrner lot. 2 rrplc'•, pat pin(,'(' for BUSIEST martretpl;aer tn INCOP.1E TAX AAVERS DAILY PILOT or~fE·A· :,.53 \V. l91h, O.T j4S.9.'9J Bayllihon!f!'. 646--0lDJ or kJds. $1!.03'.I, Riddle l ROM, lown The OAD...Y PILOT ONLY $38,500 LIN~. \"ou can use them 646--0619 nu.,. g'f).122:) ClMs\flf'd lll!Ctlon. Save R•11t L. Hodges. Rltr. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• YA APrllAISED $21,9SO Cute 3 BR. 2 bath homr. ;1s:i ~ land: :lock \\·all• No dOI\! VA te:rm11. Only $22,500 Hur- ry! 545-5440 RUSH ... IT'S PLUSH! 1-IUGf' 6 or 7 BR "t-fRll'· i:r. roon1 v.•lth :-s be.th. I eal fa.mily home. Top ("()n\·enlent lo<:Btion, near all l!Chool:s. lmmaculatf" condition. Top quality \\•all to v.1all, like ne\v Sparkling kitchen with carpets -1-custom drp!, blt·lns, pool size yard, iiprlnklcN;, lovely patio. Only SJ7,000. Excellent lerms. Call now. 546~0. WANT S IDRMS.l WANT PHFERJtlD AREA? You'vfl' waited long rnough. Vacant 2990 11Q. toot n1ansion. Baycre&t. Newport Beach. It reeks quality In every detail. :\ baths. All carpeted \1·1!h Grecian tubs. \Val/paper. I-luge m11sler ~l'Pl\1'8t(" bedroom 1~·ith o"·n bflth. Klni: si7A' k\1. bll . ins. Forn1fl.I s<'p. dining room. Plus p I\ r k lik~ ynrd sorinklrr and heat«:! T:1hlll11n pool. A n1usl i;rr Al $73,400. :>46-:>140 :AR . HOME·SEEKER \Vant 11 good value~ Thcri sec this fine ?ifesa Del ~!Ar ho1ne com- Jll'l~l'd of 4 good size bl'drooms. Has a quality or g1'Rclousness 1hat ill the ri;sence of pleasant living. I~ baths. i;tall i;ho\V<'I' bit -In kilchPn plus di~h1\·a.sher. Spa.cl· ous Uvln;:: room \\·Ith used b r l r k fireplatt. Frnccd yard "'Ith polio. Only i29.500. E-7, terms. 546-5440 HOUSE·KEEPING 1.~ fncllltated. The: heart of the houiie Is the kH- chen. Detilgned to t<'· duce drudgerr or cook· ing, Natural \11ood cabi· nets, blt-ln elec. oven I: range. Expel'l!live indoor· O\Jtdoor carpeting In kit- chen & ramlly room. A Republic atrium model. 4 BDRh1S with private bath In m11Slcr. Large llv. rm \\'lth t>xtra Wfl.11 s1mce 2 baths. Outstand- ing yard -patio. Asking $35,500. !\1ake offer. 546-5440 COUNTRY CLUI Atmosph~re \\'ilh your o'vn fun 37 foot Blue Haven heated pool wilh board & 111idc. Lots of decking. 3 good sizt BR's, charming liv room mirror pancllrd mantel. Quality high pile \\'/\v c11ts It cuJtom drapes, blt·ln kit. 2 baths, pius added paneled &: tiled rumpus $31 ,300. ..... room. Price Ailsumt' 5% 'f :J.;6-:>140 CORAi YOUR HAT Thi~ val'&nt 4 BDRJ\-1. homl' y,•ith a $27,300 as· 11umablc loan with 5% "~ lnterral won't last long. Only $233.00 monthly payment lnclud~ prin.- lnt'.-taxes·lnsurancc. E)(- tra ltirg<' lot. Many tt·eei;, sh.ru\Jl!I, sprinklers. Fine lt'K'ation. 0 n J y $32.900. Orange 545.;;440 WESTCLIFF LOCATION Cu~lon1 4 BDRh-1 homf". ;,1~ ISOi!l!'LD_ f::: dltlc ~fii: fr£"(' \\'ilh firrr \rs.II carp l\'rll IAndscapcd yard. Prk"t' S41 ,950. GOOD LIVING STARTS .•• ,1·t1h I\ good plan. Th.ill 4 BDHJ\.1., 2 bath hornt' ~~i:I S~il!ll'Dl :E to s 'ede- coni liv· Ing \ace, \\•all .s ' drai: I· ft. or tivln~ area. Price 527.950 Call nO\V 546-M•IO OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2159 DllAKE ti fesa del Mar. Ne 1v ILIUng. -4 bedroom. Im· maculate thruout. Qual- ity up graded w/w cyts- d rape5 -a utomatic ~·ater softner, 50 ·gal \vater heat<'r. sprinklers front & rear, B·B-Q. 22 fool patio, 2 bathi>. Open 12:30 to 5:30. Hurry! 546-.5440 POOi PLEASURI Sun1me1· fun in your own yard. Ideal p0010 heated, decking, double yard. Spotleu 3 BR/tam rm. homl'. Mesa del :r..tar. NPar schools, 2 baths, stall shO\\'eMJ, step saver kitchen bit-in oven and range, dlsbv.·asher, l7x· 21 living room, wtw' c&rpets &: drape!!. T-plan POllsibll', prlv. lnvutor \\'lll cnrrv 1st TD v Ask· Ing $32,95o. A mU1t sell -Call Now. 546-~0 STEl'S TO THE SUlF Qlo.•ncr llquidation, will itell this 2 BR beach home plus 1 bedrpom,, unit over the garage at -. redllced price. King irize kllchen \\'\th modern bll-in oven, range.>, ref r I 1 er at o '!', Canary yellow formica sink lops. f':l'a.tural wood <'abinets. Nice Ii vi n i room . 1% balb:s. C n n1 p le:lcly furnillbf'd. Asking S.10,000. Make yotrr offrr. 546-SMO OWNER DESPEllATll This -transferred and i.<one -vacant 5 BR, \\'rll conditioned home \\'ill dl'lighl some l'amily. Near all 11ehoohl &. sho~ ping. Different dHlgn- f-las 1900 feel or IJvlnr ~pal"t' -25 foot living R~I "·Ith dr iftwood llilone fireplace -1te~ ta.ver built-in kit. plut ll\V -2 bathll. Asking 533,750. P.ta ke offer. 546-5441) 3 BEDROOMS $2',HO Ve.cant. Move right 1 Grab yuur paint brush and save. I% baths. All cle<:ll'IC blt..in OV('n + range. Forced air heat Spacious, traffic fret: llvin:;:: room with fire• ple.('(', fenced rear yard. Wlll sell no down to vPtPrans or min. down Fl-IA. Sec this today, 546-5440 1111.NCHY IEAUTY Only 2 years young II this 3 BDRM + large family room Perfect e<indltlon. Former model home. 7 month old cu.s- tom drapes. quaJlty wall to "·all ca.rpct.s.. BeauU· !ul \~'8.U pa.pen. 2 baths. Garden bit-In kit. Large lot. Price $29,000. N· sumr large FHA loan. 546-5440 I CON·DOM,NIUMS I 2 IEOROOM 9UICK 2 STORY PARK LIDO POSSHSION FRANCISCA Jlard to !lnd. SPotleu This .'.I BDRM, 2~ bath home. Near the ocean. Lovely 3 BDRJ\1. TO\\'n· ho m c has functional 1% bath, s tall 5hower, hoU!rc. Spe.cioug rooms. !Joor plan with over Rear yard opcn."t up to 1900 11q. ft. of living all t>lectrlc bit-in o\'tn & 51)1.{'('. Absolute move·ln r•nge, dJshwa.sber. 24 fl. perk. 2 '~ baths. Brighi l'Ondltlon. Tastefully de-- living room v.ilh f!rr· kitchen with blt-ln oven coraled iv/custom car· place. lOO<:b \\'OOl w/w A range. Large living pt'IS il drape:&. Bit-Int room, fireplace, y.·all to of covered Uled room. carpets. Private front Choice location in the patio. Has view, no out-ivall carpet' &: drapes. Blurts. Selllni bt:low side maJntenal'IC't'. Pool Patio. Asking $27.450. co 1 t1 at $32.SOO. £..Z .l club hou5e. 546-5440 ~&.5440 terms. 546-54-40 ·······-·-········· STIP UP TO SUCCESS JOIN THE ACTION Earn More -Learn Mort -OpenilHJI For E x p e r I e n c e d oi Inexperienced People -Cosh Bonus -Haspltal/Ufe Plan Soles Training ~ourse-Natlon• wide Referral Service -Call Now -·········-········· PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN llea1t11 Co. 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 I I I ! I ,I " ' . • • .. • '• I'· '. • " . ' ' • :I JI • " • .. ' " • .. • •• ii :1 .. • 'I '· •• ,. I· " ,, .. .. I • ' t to1 Juat pennie11" daY. 01al \VbHe Llef'h&nb! .for Daily PUot \V&nl Ads tJ.tE QUICKER vuu CAL4 money, um. A @tfort. Look l---o::iS,;•1:.;·2025:;;:=-- PILOT 01t1111fiod 1!1. DAILY PTLln' WAm' ADS! IM•l 642-5671 TifE QUICKER YOU SELL nowl!! CJtARGE IT' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tl!!!im ......................... .-!lll!~1 [ ' I I I ' 1. '· / I • I ). -J S.twdo, s.,-u. 1969 i!~!~~~~~~SE~~~~il:N~•NfAl.S , "'• UH.~~S. ltlHTAl.S , • . 1 'ENTALS -Rf.NfALS , ~ lllNTALS ~Mir .... •~ 1• L'!'flll!l' _, l1'$ Ill•• Jllrloi~toi; HoUioo Uaf.olrnlWd ~ u • ...,,...,,... Apts. FurnbllM ~ Fu~ , Apts. Unlvrnli!IM ltlNTALS- Ao>lL llllfundoltM N•'!"porl Be1<h 5200 -le-bnl•ll i.J,halll :!005 Gononll 3000 C...... illl -'250 Newport S..ch 4200 Balboa 4300 Coot1 Mooe '100 Lift Wl lHIM YOUR Lqunafromc...tHWJ.to ' • ----~---1 MEANS. A 115.D 'dlOl1pp ·be.di. Almmt llS 8(ft CAllEDt Worua to ~ $UO. la-... ..,., ........ J BR e.cx.. $Z15 mo. no OCl'.4NFRCWT. ~. J BAYJ'RONT Yt:ut.r. 1 BR. ,.... $1-?S.. ...,. vw..e No n -.. ~ lhlt $2!,000 ........... by ..... -: -... N--..... .. .... ,., OJ<. 11>r ..... nr,.. •oil .... AI.So BR, Wmlry, ... ,,._ ............ Ad ..... di E. OM.Ell$ WI~ 2,Bf!,-11JA. C.,001 • .-, lane •t 1fl2ll Newlaml. The propel't1" overloob a ~Call lfT ... nM. 5M-Cll> turA Becbe"r ,SIS mo. Call paid. $225.. ec.ta Jim 2 cB&l:::;:boa=.::Bl:.:vd::·:_ ____ 1 -• • retrla. J.dliitt f'1¥.1'15 .,,._ ul!ltc $!>IXll) "l!y. aandy baadl, llul, rod<1 "' I pzs. 3 Br, J Ba. 11..,. ... m.w BR. Utll pole!, ao -1 .l 2 BR apCo; N> boOL S15. 'I ~-Aval!-Ailulla ...,., 1 .._~ «--" , -Withdraw~ Ol )'OUI' lif~ Jl()lnts la ~ea view aJ ,. •• ,... .. ach 220I bu. Avail OcL J. OilldNu 3 BR, 2 B4. 2 -.,. house. ~lfS pnf. $140, 60.mT per wk. to '125 pe;r-mo. Util 111.Jrc· ~ ... ~v-.. •-!"!' ..... ' ""~ ~...v •vtrvi ~ 1~::'; ~ the ocea11 A: L •I u n • 6 pets O.X. Bier ~ ~ prdener Ind. $350 • .500' l'rom bt"ach, 1mmac. J pi. S36-39U I: ~ ,.. .~ -~ = wtth bit in ldt l" f"'tllne: All fir f139,000 6 I .MO leue,, SI» mo. Mo. e5m Br, 'IV, $110 mo. Adulb WINTER 6 )'UPtJ rtntak. Mcr4 Ca..reoio. ~ l ~2 Ba duple' Crptg, , Ba. "1>1<. ..,j"" ~ ,;:\'t' ;,:r,:,. '-;:: C»onol<itlr ...... 2 BR. J Coote -1100 CUTE s Br., ,,,,._ .. .,,, """· °""' .., pelL 112 '"" S. "'1 Eut a.t1>oa Bl'ft!, 1--------drpa. Wino ··..la • flZ> mo. F~llttd &: l&ndsca,pect, tg. 111b1~. The land ult~y ~ ~.;._8~ = BUY OR.LEASE cpU., drpt, blMnl. $%iO Mo., ~:= aft g pm or Balboa. Brokt!r ~ ' leue. ~ _,,,. petlo, •nus• a I ahould bt """ for hlgb ~ ....,. _.:...!;' Bia S BR.,\ lOmUy,... -kw. 6TM90<. 1 BR. ,...i,, ulllltlel paid, fairway flla Apts 2 a.. 2 Ba du--· priYM:)I A ~-Enjo)' deOllb' t,p1i .. or oon-Altf/M4_..,. f'""T~!'f ~ dear O.CC. -BEACON BAY. ~ $UO month. W: w. BeJbaa $185 mo. Adulta, no pets. the rut of )VI.Ir life al Hun-domlniwruJ.. but tneunwhlle, '8ayAJdt 'tlq ri:-.. , ~ 1E. Goed .Apa Huntl"f'on S..ch 3400 bachelor apt w I Jc l t e be n Blvd. 61$-.1131 Near ~e C.o ltliport Ii: Ews 49f..a502 :rn ope~~ ;:r.u ·~~enjoy livb~ !n your Cou11i"7J " ' $250 Mlnth 3 BR. 1 BA, 2 rar garage. :: ii: i:~~ H tfngten BMdt 4400 ~ta ::.Ulrve. ~1%l Co~.•t Mir $250 .! pm"""1.B-"'° ....,,.,.,'.''O.:...:.. ':.';j LlNDAISLE TERM REALTY 'F...,,. ... Totally....._ l-LllOO.mo.m-= un IQ BY OWNER day SUn. Sept .1.th. Please 2 Year Jet.ae !or Belutitul t o.l. m6000 Nr ICboola Ii: abopnc, $260; WINTER Rebta.1 -wartirw" NEAR Beaeh, nnrty GrackM.ts Ad\lft Ltv•-,£. ~·~w;/!. _ :S 8tdroam a.family rooro + call owner for qp'L a ~ A •tudY, ~¥.Mi. 6 Bl4rOOm., J 11ab in a. ~ ind wa\el'. Rda. dril. DJt.X. 1 3 ur, 1 Ba, dtmtated &di a.pt. Util pd. TURN I: untum 2 0 .., D~ , _ t formal dtni.tw 1'00in 1; 2 d1rtctloba, 499-281! bomi'. 6tr lllp. PD.mo. et.Deut north Cll. tocatm-prr. i?JS mo. incl utiL No Stu1 Jl25 per mo. Allo oew _.., ...... .., : baths on nnt 110'11' Ir bQ a EXCEPTIONAL Coutllne 1 LINN 1.&e , BuUWm. DtlbwMhlr, tn. 3 Br, 2 Ba. Oen, flpl, w/w pet&. See ~ or aftl!r 1 2 BR. crpll. ctr,.. No pets ::::. ~ bpk.. pool S~ ~ finbh..1t-your:eell bonus room ,white water vll!ws from. ~velopn:l$1'tt dmed J*.tio $21'5 -.. .Dk crP'tl. ltTNIMd ~ pool, P1D 118 MlhSL, N.B. « childrell $l!&. m 0 · M•SA. WE A ' ON TEN ACRES -lt8xlll) + J>l"mbod '°" "" ... .., ...... " thla ... 1...... em G-6'1f>J21f O.K. ..... no ..... ""' .... be. OCE/INh'RONT rear 2 BR 53&-2Sl9 145 'ii. l &ih. c5J. .::.~. l & 2 BR. Fnm " Unfllt'n ! : be.th in .eoond rtoty. Wall.. din& tri-level custom. 3 BR 2 LIDO Sanda. 4909 Bruc9 546--~ REAL ESTJ.~n 5'0-'1652 g&.rage. l\larr~ cpl. Cl~ FF~REEji~U~IITTilflum.;m;;:t.1.:>2!BRiifij.,._;i: 11 ,A~T~T~R:-A~C~T~l~V~E~::'!oe~w!!,.ly Fireplace. / priv. patic;W I l r i to.wall caJpetl. •other 6-:e BA home, cantilever deckl ~nt. Aftil,to J'une 15. l _ A New 5 BR. 4 Ba, blt-W, to 1ehls It cburcbtl. $160 nr Beach. $130 up. ndeo:n&ed tpeCMU; 2 or 3 Pools. Tenn.ii. Contnfl 8kfal ~-extru.. Full P"~ $35.500 ill &: protected patio. A Bedr, 2 bl.th. wuber/dryer, AVAIL Sept 1 S Br, 2 ·15a. drpl. fenced )'d. W"ater pd. per mo ulil incl. Winter. ~m ~1282 fl3i..li3fi8 BR. t batb· ll*t Pm.I 1 ~Sea La.ne, OlM .$44411 ~ famous ~ aub-distinctive A unusual ~ ·tenoed yard. Pool anl.l Opts. drpe. bib, dftbr, $350. 968-GS 6'13--0057. ttertatlon room. a.Ddren fMacArttrur nr. Cout KWJ) _.. 1 divUk>n. Call or perty that must be a>en. Near beach. $250 mo. No pool. Pool ten'ice prov\ded. 3 BR. w/w crptillg, drps, OCEAN FROrn' 1 BR. 1 e LARGE Dduxe bes.ch apta. 1 OK. &M-7m5 or m 4 College ":. (ev" &OaiO}. Finl ti.ma of&mi, $55,000. peta. fl) 53>4575 Ot (l} &4lde loc. $280. mo. i.e. bltm. Oilldttn le pets kitcbeo &: liv nn. N~ A 2 BR. f\lm/untum. 2IJ HUGE oklar l Br., So. of .; :_1 GET SMART ! Call lot appt, 494-5!HO. Open '116-383«. = uT"'un' A 5 Ewa welcome. 846-4llt decorated, shag crpt. SUD 15th St, Apt 1', HB I ~A~"=·=~~~---Hwy~ NeW epta, A drpg. ------- Sa~ Joan emf. Low Interest. hou11e 5und1.Y. l·S. PEN'INSUtA POINT mo incl ulil. Bach on\y u;~-1.o 2 Br apt, new-f115 Mo., Jeue-. 6'B:_f9l'.H. Imma~late re-decoraled J For S.le 8y OwfMir CHEERFUL. 3 BR. 2 Ba. EASl"SlDE Co.ta Mesa. ne&r Fountain Valt.y 3410 m-E9!lO or (213) 698-3627 • Or•nsre County 4600 pa ted. w I w crpting, I "========I BR.1" ~th model. Carpets, 3 BR. w/beaut. oceen view w/aep, family rm .. fenced lbopphic. 1 BR du~ 3 ~R, 2 n • ,_,_ 1 •. 2 BR.-Ba ..... -Tor Apts. $1.50 mo.. incl util. Apply Balboa Island 5355 drapes. fireplace, landsca~ &. poolsil.ed yard Low low play ya.rd. SteJ111 to beach. lup prt:w.te kno!ct yatd, " ._ .. _., w~w ""' ".'""' SINGLE Younc adults. J.ux. Msf, 135 Albert Pl. C.M. « .----- ed, sprinklers. near schools, dawn I: onJ3 SJ3.soo 'Will Avail. Sept, 15th. $375 Mo. room fm" boats-ttf1'1Ptt11 . crpta, drpa, bitrw. pal:iO. IOI-TV-Pool-Maid Set'. U'.I. ury prde'l"t aptl, wlfull call 128-Ca aft 5:38 pm Ll'l"n..E nan.. IiJand °"I abopplre .I: medical center. al9o leue/opl:ion or" 1cue Hal Pinchin &: Aasoc 675-4.192 $150 ~ tnclnckd. S'B-7865 1.-. sza mo. SID-601'& per wk I up. THE recreation fadlltn a: com. 1 BR. pri patio, alJ elec. Grand Canal. DeLuxe 2 BR OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY $250 month. Call Karen, WINTER, 3 BR.. 1 BA or 6U-2111 -c: :i'!!~-45.S N. Nwpt plete piw.cy. South Bay Dpb, drpg. carport. No ) BA waterfront w/boal! c_, A~N 1&t6l Good-ownertagent. dUJ)lex, Jowm-, beach front, $130. 1 BR house. Garqe. Lp• leKh •#-· Oub Apta,.. m So . pets or e~n, responsible ~~r Ype~T~ ... ·!;,• wm Lane. M5-0465 or 499-3960 preter tarnlly 6210 Ocean-Newb' deccn.ted. Privacy 'TIL June h t to ~ 1 Bd. '1npla.ce, very nice, Bniokhun:t. Anaheim tn4l adults onl.y, $1l5. :WS-1322 - 536--1S85RF.XiAN REAL-r:J6..9m OCEAN VIEW HOME front,r NB. •SU.. 21 3: many tree&. Suitable 1-.i· aduhs 1 BR, pane.I liv nn ~Xttlle~t ~°:oulaed io:::i~ ,'112-<500:,:,======= 1 BDR. gar, cptl, drJ11, owntt 61'3--0311 1::;e,.;;:;=.---,..--;--'.;•-IXLNT Vet _Soan Ullll!\ption. 59&-1709 adult1. Pet OK. 779 Flower, w/frpk. sep di~ r m: a~aj.tiJ Jw! ~s. 673.-21.23 Garden Grov• 4610 Pttfe:r teacher or couple. Yftdower Most Sell Int rate will not increase. 3 ON the beach; 3 BR, mod, CM. Open Frt..sa.t-&m. crpl/dl'JK. $1.n incl util all 6 PM 242 Flower, C.M. Br, 2 Ba. w/w crpts, frplc. iminac, bll-lnl. crpts, drpl. 2 BR. eptl, drpB, dove, 673-4982 SINGLE Young Adults Lwl:· 2 Br, 1% Ba. Bllin&, cpta, :; 4 BR 3 beth tri-level with Cor lot; oompl privacy. gar. Sept.June $11> mo. Dll rdrig, Upstan.. Ideal fl:r 1 BR. partly turn; firepla<..-e, OCEANFRONT, very nice, ury garden apta: with c:oun-drpl. l't.bii. Gar. ue pool, 1 1 formal dinlng room. sepgr-An x I o u s • s ubmil F /P Seashore Dr. Open Sat A oldft' ~ .. anall pet. Qoee ocean view. $135. i 0 e , furnished 4 Bedroom, try club atmosphere: and nr schoob: (213} H7...m&7 :. alt' famlly room with lire-$44,500. sun (213) '197-4281 in. sta--5331 <r ~ utilitieL 4!M-13S6. $285 ! 1:1.h. 6U-l265 complete privacy. SOUTH 2 , BR w/ Prag@ paUo &: " . pl.ace, Only 5 months young, PLACE RE.o\LTY 494-9704 ' LINDA ISLE 5 BDRMS. 2 Baths BAY CLUB APTS 131.00 tenced in ya.rd ' l,.,,. approx. 2400 sq It Assume RIVIERA OF THE WEST Avail. tor le&R Sept. 15. s Enclmled patio ~plex• Uf1furn. 3975 OCEAN .FRONT, yrly. 1 & 2 CHAPMAN Aw., Garden * &0-iiJs * ' GI toan • Eve1_ 536-2123 South Laguna Ocean Front Br. 2 ba. + slip lor 50' Leue $275 Month 545--1864 BR apts. Adultll only, no Gt'O'Ve <n4) 63&-3030 The R•al Estet• Mart Apartment. 40' spectacular boat. 0 _ _. Rlty. 6'l>S930 3 BR •-· -~ ·-a, '--2 Rt, bltns, children ~ no peb:. $195 ea, utll pd. RefA. DELUXE lg, 1 Br. llUDdtt:k, DELUXE 2 BR atudio, ctllla. · •• 7 .. 31 • -·~ · BR, 2 ....,1 .. .......,.. ·~ ..... _.._.. Pf!tl, fenced yd. $165 mo. SSO Ava.II 913> &. 1on. fi7S..3l27 -view __ drpl, pool. No chi,1d ages 2 t --1¥?"8 Cl< ...... V>eW, 3 WATERFRONT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba u..· onJ;y $22$ Mo dep ~1573 uar, ocean ' ........ !"'... t1ui.i 10. can 64ft..dl96 :; IMMED. POSSESSION lwc BAs, beaut. decor, 2-car Den 2 frP1ca d&bwabr disp Act 968-cS: · t &. 2 BR-Bachelor' Apt&. Slti5 lease. UtD pd. B--1473 I o-;i;;-:':::-i::.:::0-=7--,- T ... A.. gar, 24 -hr sec. guard. -·"w/--~ .~ 35513 RENTALS Kit-TV-PQol..Mald SB'. $35. 2 BR. apts, drpg, &wimmlng Owmr ofie~ own • ......,i:ie con-499-lTIS 499-"1344 52397 ricl'" -1• ua;u 1•u, AVAIL Now 3 BR. new epb, Amt, Furnished per wk. &: up. THE MESA Laguna &each 4705 pool. garage, Adults, no • dom. 1 Br, compl kitchen, ' ' · f!Y or call (213) 693-6220 bit-in nnae. d.rpa, fenced ::C.:.: 415 N. Nwpt Blvd. 646J.l6&l I:;=;..;;;...;;.;;.,;..:.;;.____ pc.la. fi4l..80U • Huntington Buch 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON-THE-BEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom APh. Lwru.ry living to plei.se tbe moM diammlnatfn&. Now available at The Huntington ' Pac Hie ~ .. , washer, dryer, crpts I: drps, TWO.UNIT LOT nr. beach. BAY SHOR.ES. 4 Bdrm, J ha; yd, Leue $175. 536-4496 CM I 4000 TREMENDOUS View, & I "'~=~,,-~--- oversized 2 car garg, patio, $21,000. terms. Owner: (n4) Sept J 1 P ·vat E'~SJDE 2 n•r• ~ \VINTER or )'early lease. location on beach Bach apt, 2 BR, 2 ba. Cpts, drps. nt Ocean Aw., H.B. ' _,_ • -~o. 81'" F"" ~2254 , • une cue. n e ~· BR Duplex. Cl¥Jice Joe. 1 blk bch l '"""" . $135 month 1n<l •KJ481 ., .....,.,... •~•" .. ...., "" .,.. community with/beach.. $315 Newly demn.ted. Pa~ 2 BR. 1 Ba. view duplex, util · ...._,, Oitf Drive ne•r V I c tor e 540-3235 • _.,.. Hall. SurU• One, AUanta COZY. modem. 2 BR, mo. 6£1086 Ast pr. $140 mo. &t2-2S57. I.ad. $150 spac 2 Br, 1 Br, bltm. Hugo. $13S mo. Mgr. 494--1 ~~~~~-"'C,..:---l~~~~~~~~~I : , to SutfwoOd, Hwitington Beb. $20,500. 190 Canyon Aa-es 1 Br mr:n apt fer ..:;...,le compl tum. Patio. 675-6781 2T75 3 BR, 2 Ba. Pn1 patio. F U R N I S H E D OR UN· 59&-0185 DELUXE 2 BR u p p e r , ---. .:..:.:.:._______ G / wozi1: bench. FURNISHED ' t>riw. 713: 399--2501. duplex, fW"O or unfum. near Mesa V•rde 3110 gentleman $110 incl util. NEAR New 2 BR furn apt lifi 2 BR duplex, furn A unfurn. azaa:e w • MAfiY FEATURES beaeh. $175. 67S-4432 eves. 1---------' 1 l rooms with fantastic ocean blk fl'Oln bay. Yrty lease, nr Vic Hu K 0 , new Q-pta, drpg. $180. 642-4684 2b:m • .-1~&t._~ I'·, Mlle to beach, walk to new Laguna Niguel 1707 LRG 4 BR, 3 BA tri-leYel, view ·ror elderly ~ $250 mo. 642-00lD •sk for IJ/>f-. ,_, $135. Lee 2 BR upstn apl •"""' J •ff'-·•--• 2 -•· 2 BAYFRONT f< dock 3 Br, J ... a-I'd tam rm, trm1 din a.lotw. BJa. 09-1990 or .Oo::.::".:c..vi<r::::.::'::.-----cp .... l's. .._l"', ,ar. Crp ..f-bl bloek to 5 Points Stores. 11 r • 1 liWJUU.ls, ...,......, COMMANDING Ba de Leue/ tlon $500 _.--49711D56 ts, ..... .,.., tiM. Pool. $130 up. Owner ~-~ -·tenniJ court&. Beaut. Oeeor· • . n. op · rm, 2 frplcs, front &: rear ~-NEAR New, acn>l5a trom ,.:.:;.:,:=:=,:.---~--Mfl' apt E, 1846 Placentia ' ated <I BR Condo. Assume Co.sthn..C•tahna mo. 675-4331. Also unturn. patio w/ ps fireptt. $39) 1185-=~,-Br~.-.-ard~.,.--lrl;>--lex.-SQ. 2 BR. 2 BA. Winter 2 VIEW apta adjacent to 3 BR, 2 BA. Xlnt North Costa Manager ·7701 El.Ill Apt D ·:,, SIA.S FHA p;.550 21236 ViPW lot in Laguna &ac!-1, WATERFRONT, 4 BR. new-per mo incl prdnr. 642.-7364 W/W, drps, avail now. rental $2'l5. Inquire al 223 ma.i.o. beach A ahop'g. $ll5 A Meu location. $110 mo. loi.,,_.,.,ii...,ii';;;;;;,...,.;;;;;;.,..,.j : : ·Wswaest Or., H. B. 962-$6,950. Small but 1eve1. Jy eptd, pkg tor 4. $550 mo. Broker 534-6980 19th st. NB. 673-2706 Sl40. 259 Lower Oill Dr. S46-£l88 * : 5291. Sl.000 Down, bat. at $10 _675-=27~1~1~~~~~= ~N;;•;w;po;;;rt;;;;; ... ;;;•;h;;;;;;;;;32;00;;: 2 VF o 2-Sun. mom. * BEACHBLUFF 1 .C~==~====·lmonth. 494-1137 NEwl.Y l'inlahed J BR • 1145.. Br, gar. Children ac-BA R NT. spae. 3 Br, 1 BR furn apt. Near beach. AVAll.A.BLE Now. 2 8DJUi,I, New 2 l 3 Br, 2 Ba. l'.A., EXECUTIVE 1730 Oceanfront house. nicely B cepted. Avail 9--14. Bkr. pvt. patio. sml. boat slip, $150 per mo, Yrb lse. Laun-c:rpta, drps, bltins, earport. disbwlihrs. patios, pool. Dani Po, t /B 534--6980 winter l&e $190--$225 mo. d '•cl Gar •"• ""'"" No pets, adults,~ view, 1 & 2 stocy-, walk to •n furnished, $300 mo. ~2455 $l60 2 Br Nicely furn incl. util. LI 8-4395, 673-8229 ry..,.. · · """'wi» . s Points Shop'g, H.B. 2500tqfteustom4bdrm2*p1500 Bari.un• Clean,······-2210 Adults~::~~~~~i&. C.O~venient .loe. Child O.K: *NEW BAY FRONT* ~~~.2:;~e~;~~i~ 10~rPe~~.~~c~drei!: 347.3957 bat.M. loads 01 v:tra.s. Down. &~all. 3 Br, i Ba. Near Newport Htfs. Beaul decorated, $2"15 month Broker 645--0lll 2 BR, 2 BA $330. Yrly lse. :::"'., .. n•~ .. eves. Apt L. 6U-M99 I "."~"""~""!""~""""!''!1 town H.B. Jiarbor. $4,150 dn, $ll0 mo. --------~ & Adults 233 19th s 675-Q236 _·-;;,;;;;~;;:~;::;=== ,...;c...,,,;....-'------DELUXE ne'\\lty decorated j R. o. Slat" Re1lton l4D.l2 CopPer Lantern 2 BR. newly remod., cpts, Bay Beach $135. 1 Br, pXll, DI' shopping. · '· :: 2 BR. crpts. d r p 1. BR 1lifi baths studio with 536-880I 847--3519 _ applncs. washer, fDcd. yd. Realty, Inc. Avail now. Broke' 645--0lll 2 BR, 1% B.A, 1 blk from D•n• Point 4740 wa.sher/dryt'r. Refs req'd.. refrig It bit-ins. 2 block& to PAINT & SAVE Rivarside County 1800 =Fl'pl=::";S225=::66-==1 ... === 9Cll. Dover Dr., NB SuUe-126 Costa MeH 4100 beac~-~an67J_2455 '* S25 week&: Up. heated pool, 169 Mesa Dr. $llJ. 6C2-4868 beach. $140 Pf!r month 4 BR. -$17,950 A OOO Coro .... dM .... , 2250 -645-~2000~~[!!!!!!E>es-!!"'!! ........ !!!!!!!!!!!!'I ==:::..::.:.::=._ __ _::.:~l,3c-=B~R,:_;2::;,8~,::::_-::.=,,o..:.d.,---kit .. laundry, Util paid. Dana. 1 BR Dup_lex ~· Lal'ge apt, Tradewindl Realty 841-8Sll. Townhouse w/pool, ete. 11ume $11, ·-""" :: $30 00 wlc "' ..... .,.... Ma.riua Inn 34111 C!t Hi-well maintained; gardener, MODERN 2 8dnn. Opb:, NO QUALIFYING 6•/, Annu•I CAMEO SHORES. Luxury 2 TOWNHOU~; 3 Br. 21,i BL • • up trple, bit-ins & stepii to way, Da"8 Point, n4: laurxiry. 6i6-2118 drps. bltns. encioeed pr, Taite over 51,,4 FHA Joan G.I. LOAN B den Oc vi ftdult Frpl. Patio, pool. 2 Car e Day, week, month. beach. $235. mo. 642-0lTI. <196--1300 eating bar, pe.nelled wall in VACANT At $141 per mmtth TOTAL! r, . ean ew, '· pr.; all bltns., c P t s ·, e Studio I: Bach. Apts. SPACIOUS. crptd, 2 BR. 2 ...:::.=::::.______ N•wport S..Ch 5200 liv rm. No pets. $135 mo, T•rm R•ally n&-5000 Lovely shake roof home with S550 mo. 675-6698 dnlpcs. Lelle $2"15 Month • Incl Utfh • Phone aet'Y. BA. Nr. ocean 5000~~ No!~ .... A.•'4 I ALU> f I L-..1 2612 England St 96S--Dl9 •-~===''"'"~---I 3 la rge bed~001n:11 and 2 pull-OIINA COVE. 3 BR--Oen. 8Il~ or 642.-2497 e Maid Service. TV avail. tune Winter (Il-tl 62S-1492 ptl. n urn s,_ YEARLY RENTALS ttIOOERN 2 BRs. all extras. SHORECREST 3 Br., fam . "Rlhs \V··'k p _._, fantastic view. 1 or 2 "" WATERF"n•-~th 3 0 • • New Ca.re &: Bar . . . OCJO 4 BR. 2 Ba''--... ui . man .,.. -,.. to ar11.. 30 ""-""' "' 2376 Ne"POl't BJvd 548-9'155 $137.00 Bachelor apt. Util pd. General 5 u"" ........ .....,., SlJ,;)..$145. Some w/p:xil. rm, 2 Ba, blt-Wi, frple, Cn111et11 & 0raJX's. AU. lse. 675-3226 or Sf;i-3808 <lock, 3 Br, 1% Ba, crpta, ==~'-~~--"'--''I Crpts, drps, bltiJl.'I & pool. 3 BR. 2 Ba!hs ...•...• S300 Mgr 174n KeelsOn Ln HB very nice. AMume existing ELECTRIC KITCHEN & drps, adu.lts.. $500 mo. yrly. FURN Large be.ch apt, equiv 1525 Placentia, 3 BR. 2 Baths . ••••••• $265 E : 847 1594 • . 51,4 % rnA~7;.2.3;t;wn. DISH\\'ASHER! lovely eus-B•lboa 2300 67~ to 1 BR. Util pd. $135. Nr • WINTER RENTALS . VEN DOME '3-BR. 2 Baths ........ S265·1 c=""'='~=-,,....,==-=~=~ , Bkr/owner lorn fireplace and beain LEASE-OPTION l BR 2% nev.' furniture. 549-3866 BR. 2 Baths ••·•···· $250 ,OIEZ ORO APAR1i.u.u"'"' : . ASSUME 514 FHA loan. 3 ceiling family room! Grae-21;.!e~N':a:r dupbayl~es~!i ba. den I: Jam. Abo 4 Br 211s1";;';;-tba.;'.f;Jn;:-Ad.iii';;i;i;;lWIN~-IFRE~~'-"'"~O~l.::-~FO~·ss.~~Agt.~ IMMArut.ATE APl'S! 2 BR, l Bath .......... $200 82l4 Atlanta ' "yean .C BR. FIR. DIR. . ba k COi/ UlO ,JO.JV 2 BR.. 1 Ba, Fum •••..• $175 1 Bdrm, Pri pr. Pool, :, -·• .. .:_-ft.. ..,,..000 .,...,.,.,~ lOU!I c yard v.·ith • prlmg .space. $.2l1J or ba I: fam. lo $37S. A.gt. 1 BR apt, furn. Adults only, I Br d•o 2 Ba,,.,. d"PI""" ADULT I FAMil..Y 3 BR. 2 Ba. Furn •.•••• $250 washer/dryer. 5J6..3927. ' '-~----· • -... .... ER.ED PAnO and bJ.ock 673-6880 646-4414 no pets. Leue. 2381i,ii ' • ~ ;-SECTIONS AVAILABLE s a 1 t A 1 r Cir. H B. v.-ail fencfl)g. Westminlter Pt.a.c:e S3&-J3)7 near beach. Reb req d. Close to shopping, Perk BURR WHITE • DEL-LAKE MANOR • .,. n4J962...8271 WE SELL A HOME Lido Isl• 23S1 ~~:1'~5 3 ~r: or&tter5:30, 842--0:lls Adults. $UIS. 642-3082 *Spacious 3 Br's, J a. REALTOR Lge 1 Br, $120. Xtra ~ta. . * $1f,9S0-0wn•r * EVERY 31 MINUTES Gardener pd. Leue $550 BACHELOR APT newly DELUXE furn 2 BR al * 2 Bedroom.t 29cJ1 Newport Blvd., N.B. pool, patio, adu1ta:, no pets. 3 Bdnn. 1"-Ba. RIO, frplc, Walker & Lee NEWLY turnb1hed 4 BR, 4 mo. 644--0770 decorated incl crp~ &: drps, be&.l<pdli. ~~~lte.!'~ .. ~n & $165 * SWlrn Pool, PuVIJ'ffn 675-4630 642-2253 Eves. -~--'----~~'· w/w crpll, dbl &ar, tncd. B!l. avail Sept 15th. Winter ---------all ulil turn $110 64).8400 uli · ._. "'""""'-"'· * Frpl, Jndlv/lndry fac'ls $300 to $3&5 Waterlrool LIµ"· OCEAN View new deluxe. 2' 3322 Munite.r Or. 646-2309 or lo.Qger. (213) 789-9369 or DELUXE Condo. 2 BR. 2 days: 543--0797 eves. LARGE 1 BEDROOM 1845 An•helm Ave, urious l< elegant 2 BR; 2 Br, 2 Ba & 2 BR. l BA apts. 7682 Edingrr 12131 472-6692. Ba., pool. $250. 3 BR. 3 BA. .,..,.. Mo th • COSTA MESA ""·2824 RA, -1 pri bal-•·, -"-·· $175 mo. 536--6720 st!-445;, or ~1-10 $275. Broker 646---0732 FURNISHED Cottaa;e, $60 __,,., n • oceanview '"""" .,.,..... ---.., • .., .. 1620 FURN 4 BR. 3 BA. $400, 1----------1 2S2 Wal l I Costa e 673--8)88 * apts. Boat slips avail. 2 BDRf.1, 2 BA, pvt patio. Santa An• l===O=""="='="='=· == Newly dee. Avail now. 2 BR, convert den, 2 bath. mo. nu Pace, OELUX u d 1 SPAC bacb $135. C. M. wbternnean parking. heated pool, v.-'8Sber hook BY Owner-S\V Santa Ana. \Vntr rental or yrly frplo, refrig.. bit-ins, nr Mesa. 5-l&-1.214 ,.,_ i..i-~ .__,~.P e xi' l BR. paUo gar $135 C.f.t, Carlbe Ba.lboa Apt.s I -":;'~· ~=cc,:-=~~~- Immac. 3 BR. 2 BA. new DuplexH For Sale 1975 (714) 624-n09 ocean. $250. 49.;-4519 $135. 1 BR upslrll apt. Opts, ~~4~4];~ ;'.'~ Ac:e: 2 BR studio, 2 BA $160 310 Fernando St, N.B. NEW 1 & 2 BR Adult Llcrury carpel.i, drpc._ ~le. blk fnc. DELUXE dnnle.x, 2 Br e•ch WINTER rental, cozy 2 bdr NICE 4 Br near school l: drps &: blttns. Pool. ~··I ..:.:;:.:.;:.;:.::,::~.c_.::.:;;..-=. 2 BR delx. pool $180 CdM (714) 673-3003 apts. Nr bch & shop'&• 8'62 encl tio Fi hed gar nr ~..-~hop'g. lilt & Jut mo. rent apt E . 1846 Placentia 1'.fEN -Divorced -Sep-3 + fam rm, child ok $250 BEAUTIFU P8 · nis · uniL Close to ocean & bay. 2 ba. frp!c, patio. dbl ear. 0-1-• Jo·,, ... -.. • 4 BR. Ba k n ... 1J Rn •• ,.,,. L BAY VIEW ,•=Uan==la=·=-===· === schools ~c 540-1435 642-0914 Studio ap• utll. pd. '""" -u..,. \;n.iwu. c ......., """' '"""'· Spli I -·-' • cu · $40,COJ. Owner wW finanee.1 ~21~8;,,;V;;;•;.,;D~;jo~o'.:.. --=~-,.--i-=::========= • -·rapy too. ""1938 l-evu condo ill BluUs. $95 mo • '"' .,...,.. Wide selectiM apt<t., hou&es. T · model 3 1. 1705 110 points. Villa Park Realty LOOKlNG For a 2 BR, den, Newport HelgL.o.... J2lQ 642-40l4 OCEANFRONT, 3 BR, 2 Ba. --="""='-I ::.Bc;lcrc:_· ..:"=5-0lll-=:;_-rma · BR. 2\,ii Ba. l•~UnA Buch 570., 637-0634 or 6T>3435. 2 BA home on a winter i.er •n• -lrplc, dsbwu. cpts, drpg, I --"--------I This is it! 675-6940 2 BR, 11.~ BA. BJtins, cpl.'!, tum. 1'"'rp!e. Yearly lease. e RENT e patio, garage w/auto door OCEANFRONT. Util pd. no HERE'S A REAL SWINGING HOUSE A l.,:=::;:=oo==:'=:==: 13 BEDROOM, 2 bath, pool. ..i-re•-'~. Gar. Use pool, Deluxe. $350. 673-7053 opener. Avail early Oct. pets, bach. over 3S. $175. pfftm•nts Newport Heights. Avail Sept ...... _ u,. l Rooms Fumitur• .. ~?C 644 .... Will •-·-i~ alt 6 For S•I• 1980 Ba lboa Island 2355 15. $300 mo. (21J) 421_1634 nr &ehOols. 213-447-<0>7 MODERN l BR. close lo .-... ........,.. .... n.--=---""" . --------~----"'·--='-"I EAST Side 2 BR turn, clean, beach, fJl)lc. Adults. All bU· $25 & UP DELUXE 2 BR !'ltudlo apl. REAL ESTATE 24 UNITS -6 individual Winier, Baylront, 2 BR, UnlvM"sity P•rk 3237 adults only, na pets. 364. E. ln1. $115 yrly, 642-3490 1'-1'onth-To-Month Rentals near 1-loag Hospital &: Park <Mneral Built on 4 levels &: .appean tour-plexes on 1.4 Acres, 2 BA. crpla, frplc, $300 ----·-· 16tt Place. $165. Mo. OCEAN FRONT ], 2 & 3 \VIDE SEL.ECl'ION Lldo Bldg. Fully carpeted. ---------1 to be about 2800 SQ. IT. OF Costa Mesa. Excellent loc:a-I.ncJ util. 673-4475 3 BR.&. lge.. fam. rm. Avail . bdrms. \VINTER RENTAL. HFRC Furniturl!! Rentals bll-lns. Avail. Oct 1st R•ntals W•ntetl $990 LIVING AREA. Uicaled in lion-always rented. Priced WINTER: Owmiq; 4 &. 2 Oct. 15th. $325 Mo., lease.. e ~:s':~R.~ e 673-8088. SIT W. 19th, CM !'148-3481 AcluJll -no peU. 421)11----------1 • ,.,......._., La'""'"' ~""n ON at 7 -· or $265,000. Low ba •-.. 1·'and RI"• ~ Call· 833-1131 •145 2 B t fri Hu-~, \"oy NB NOTICE WIO...,,.,..E wT-W11".1S"'IT. OF down. ... f;te 'Barrett Realty . uuu!'le. "" -.;r. ,.JO . • 177 E. 2'.lrwt St. 642-36(5 L.RG lovely 3 br, 2 ba, bcl! • . r, gar, s OYe, re g, ,c;.,~=:::;::'""''~·;::;::·~~-REALTORS & RENTER! Parle Ave. 671-1.DI apl Winter Xnll area Child -Pf!1 O.K. Bkr. 3 BR, 2 BA. EastbluU area. ROAD FRONTAGE. 350 E. 17th St .. CM 642-4353 ;=;;=-======= East Bluff 3242 2: BR. HEATED POOL ' ' . 534.$80 (74S -Dr. N.B.) The housing office ol Un!Ytr- SPRAWLING 4 BDRM. & LUXURY Apt, 2 car gug. i..a'.'aunl' B•Kh 2705 ::.:;;;.;..::.;.=----=-"-Adults, no pets, $145, + utll. 1'~am1ly pref $2:25. &19---0844. -=.:..:.=-~--~-Br&Dd new, balconv view slty of California, Irvine is DEN Jl..OOR PLAN. SER· pool, right on water. $45,000. BAYVU UNSURPASSED 612-9520 OCEANFRONT 2 BR. 9 mo $105. 1 Br duplex. Fenced yd, from both master BR & llv l!!lq>anding ils llsting service VICED BY 2% BATHS, 49-1-'l!lSZ or 213: 447.....5644 NEW 2 BR, 2 BA. [)('n, pa-Lease or option. $400 mo. 2 2 BR, 2 BA. Nr shopping leue., UXl mo. 3 7 0 9 w/w. Gardener incl avail rm an:11., frplc, dlhwahr, tor off campus rental&. Real- SEPARATE DINING RJl.f.,,1_,,=..,..,.-----tio. Wall to Wall crpl, blt-in BR, 2 BA, 40' porch & pool center. No children or pets. Seashott Dr., 673-1247. ·"'=w::·;:Bkr::::..;:534-6980:.:..:=---!or& & private ownen ·are lighted by Tiffany chande-RENTALS . _... BBQ. $350. * 495-t.995 "-yard main!., Ownr 675-47SI 646-6222 beftlft 4_ H $140. 2 Br. new crpt.s, hltins, S3lO mo. No children or r:noouraged to Include tuit· lier. Formal div. rm. has Hous•s Furnish-l=·='='="""1==· ====='I EASTSIDE DeLwce 1 BR, Nawport gh. 4210 patio, pool. Broker 64s--Olll pets, ~1260 or 548-8-18'! able married "-single A~ W/W c•rpeting, MASSNE 2000 SumrMr Renta ft: 2910 NEW 2 BR. 2 Ba. crpts, d~nl! Ir faculty aecomn» STONE FIREPLACE. from Gener al Coron• del Mar 3250 W/W. $140. No petB. Unfum • Oean l or 2 BR * Costa Mesa 5100 drps. frple, d&hwhr, paUo. datioll$ in our file.L Write noor to celling. A re-a.I F R t 1 S • 2 BR Balboa apt adJ $125. 545-9187 Adults, no pets, 2L'>l E. 16th -=;;;;;;;;;;;.;,;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Acro&1 from Coco'a &: or phone for a listing form "MOD" KITCHEN f-IAS ALL rH •n 1 ~rvie~ beaches/pier JM150 wkly. FOR Lease -Camro Shores, 1 BR Iurn apt. SIOO/mo. incl. St. $135 mo. up . 646-1801 11 We11tclUt Plaza. $185 to $Zli. from: Housing Office, LI- BUILT TN RANGE & OV-Have te~an~ w~lu.n1. Givl'. 536-39U. 675-5810 6 mos or less. 2 8'lnn'1, con-util. Mature people prefer-counftllCTIOll 1665 Irvine.. 2 BR. 1 BA, b1-ary Admlni<itratlcn Bldg, EN, DISHWSHR., BREAK· WI ~ mform•lion on rour -12SO--w-k-.--L-u_x_"-,-,~,-"-,·I wrllble den, 2 balh's, ~-~ Rltr. Coron• del Mar •250 RllKU $170 up, $115 down. 1601 UC Irvine, Irvine, Calif. FASr BAR • EXTENSIVE re.n &: v.-e \\>ill rent 11 rcr', 1~ t • pool ~·-2 apaciool livin• nn, dining Bedford. 60--0239 9'2664 Phone: 1714) 833-681J, use of_,_....:.., lilt's. Th• R•el Estata M•rt waBR,"'2" .·~ '1~'t1 ...,.. , .:,;:" n:iom. ui.., __. mo . 1 BR furn $145 inc.I util. 2 BR IOUth ol hiway. c:rpb!., JUST (QMPLETDIG n.e. ~level teatllfts 17420 Be•ch Blvd., H.B. DA. u•~ ganlcner incl~.' 6'Jl.-8'm Heated pool, adu~ts, no pets. drps, lrplc, gall. No ehlld, BEAOI ROUSE \VIDO\V, 1'eerege '°"A: well SPAOOUS RECREATION (Next to Kinney Shoetl REHNTALSU I • h-..1 or coUect ll31347-2819 54~2627 or 968-l14D no pets. Yrty lse ~-mo. Harbor H•lghts Four ! y~ ~U:,. i~ = ~ :'!! 2~ ap~ pEN, WIT ll MASONftY OCEANSIDE. View, 2 BR &. OUMI . n urnis -FOR Lease, Cameo Shoru 6 N o. h 4200 A\'&ll now. Aft 7, 642--7898 11: 3 BR UNrrS winier $1BS mo. 646-6189 or sm1 house. Not over $U1 WALL.~. USED BRICK den, 2 BA. \Vasher/dryer. G9ner•I 3000 mos or Jeu, 2 Br, convt. ewport v.tc SOO FURN bach. Quiel See all with tirflplaoes, 645--0018; 107 Higbla.nd St, mo. M8-45.11 • YIREPLACE, SlidiJW glul dahwsbr. a\!ail Sept thnl ---------·I den, 2 Ba, spac, living nn, Ne:woort Belich to appre.e. Bus.ineu man. dlshwaahers A: 2 batbt. N.B. NEED 1 or 2 bedroom 'houle wall that opeDll to ttar Pl· June. S2:50 mo. I s~. o CE AN 1'' Ro NT sunset dlni11£ rm. gardener pd, COUNTRY CLUB u111 pd. No cook In&". Rental Ma.nartt • .:.:::=-_,,,,.,.,-,,,---,-- tk>. Thill fabulous hOme Is SHORTER RENTAL ma,y Beach. 3 BR. 3 BA, 3 sm mo. 673-8778 LIVING , ::•1>4859:;::::::-::_~~~---, Mrs. Oui&~ 1c:J~ ::ab~':' lA=j :r~~:!;y~~: sn our.tandlng \'&11.H" at be. arratwed 5 mo or mm", tireplace11. drn, h 11 -in.,, ---------LIL"XUJ')' prden apartm~nta 1 l BR .• epts " drps, pool, 3117·A Cinnamon Av•. $44,500 FULL PRI CE lse. '494--6833 Sun & t>lon. cp11, drp5, I yr I ease OCEF ANI VlEW ~~MES ofleri"" romplete priv•cy, adulls only, So. or Hwy. Cos ta Mesa !!..1"j!!S· ~o,. OOHil-~~r w"P.P~.· ~~,er 4 or week.eodl. SEE TOO •y•, . . N . I or caM trom ......., np ..., ""' ·Phone ""1034 ~ ,..... cu oo -l"-=-=--,.,--_,--.,---1 1• nwwnu1n. o singe or a.... uw , _ __, in •-51~13 ~ CONE TOMORROW~ Rent1l1 to Shi re 200.S pels. $315 mo. ~213) 592-17(3 Don V, rr.nldin. Reallor ""aut ,.,iuscap g "' un· N.B. YOUNG Atcorne.y desires Y1" MISSION REALT Y • ""' 3 Br & .,... .,... 613-2222 pattl rallleled rf!<:ft:!!.,lonalcl bfac~ B Ibo YEARLY. 2 BR. blt·ln atove, ly rtnta.I. t BR funl, N.8. Isa so. Coi.it llwy .• La,a-una SHARE 5 BR houlc, :i bl. 3 $l'"' ..,, x ..,, .C BR. 3 ba. home. Ygrly, es " a eoun .. 1 u a ·1::;1;;.:;;:;10..... _____ 4..:3.;...;00 HARBOR GREENS drapes. rua:, pr. zt 30lh or 00.f. 835-2200, l!';.'(t 251 Phone (714) 4944nJ eat rar w Im• I" re. playroom. Lit! yd f 0 r $275 mo. No c:hildftn or mosptl!.re. Now le.ulna bl St. N.B. Adults. no pets, da)'ll, or 6'75--0Sll eves I i-'-=;-,="'=="°'=,....-1 employed m • le . C:O.t. children It pets. 8 k r pt>ls. Wm. Willi.Ob Real Nl!l'WpOrt Bellch. CLEAN Baehclor AplJ.. BA.CIELOR untum t to m Couple• prd. $150 61~ Sat ~ ,: ~ xrr .. v tt 646-1058, S4g..m! We Mr. "5--0lll Estate.~ ~ 1:' =isbed :~ :.° ~~-$110. All!IO avaU 1 • 2 .t S See ownr.r 202 ~ SI. 1-°'W"ANTEO=="""ro=°'LEASE==~ ' Bu lao•·-•· ·•··-oe' -·· BaJotr, $180. 3 Br, ll\ BL. ftple, IF You wW pay S3Z mo. >W Modelll open noon to i pm BALBOA 6'n-8!MS Bdrm.. Heated pools. dilld YEARLY-Oct. ht 3 BR. 2 ba MA.nTR£ coupMi woWd lib 1 and .,;u;1 "~ are""' SH ARE My· e I e. g ant bltina. W/W. drpl. Children must lft U11s :S Bl", 2 Ba. So. n4: 642-1110 PENINSULA cant center, adj to &bopptns. 117 33rd st. li block ocnn. to le.,. • nke ht.me. About n~-• ~-~tam"· wa--. w/docl<. " ""' .... """"m" 8"r oC .... ,., bome. ........ 0 &KWOOD No pol• m .. m 13(1) ........... , .... -II m -"' ..... -.. -. u1& "Y M _ to = I'"' 5:U-6980 ..,~. ,..,.... "' Winter, 2 Br. hlrn. apt UW . 2100 Ptte"*>Jl Wq t..-"-' room:. REDUCED to $19,m an """ w yrs. ....., mo. or 1m"'""VH'• GARDEN pd. Adull.a. no pel$. $100 Mo . Costa Me.u ~ 2 BR. 2 BA. epta. drpg. Vllllb' p._. Mluml low Interest rell: 675-4331 EXECUTIVE home 5 Br. S Duple.JC, Iatre lowtr, 3 BR. 673-3182 Sul. only1 _.::::::::.:::=....::.:::::::;:_ blliM. Adults, no pets. $175 'MED="1CAL=,--..,s"100-,-'""'t--nttda-.-I loon. Vocont, -a"1tlme• \l'ORKING oa1 •oul<I Uk<"' BA, crpta, ....... •I« bltnt 2 BA."""· blt·lno. So. APARTMENTS YEARLY 3 '"""" by the MARTINl(j)UE Loe 543-31118. m-2110 prtv."' houslna nw 1leacb. I~ LOM.\-1 Rm Eotal< ..... """'° •'"'""' """ Ftne:od. $S50. MM74tl or llwy. $325, 61'1-159! l==~~-~~~-1 n... $150 n ·--· I" GARDEN Am. 2 BDRM -... -. -L-•u. ,, ....... d "' oaftialdnr ol O:luf.-U 1rv1 d :ms 2 Br Mt Gange SINGU: Y()Unc Adults Lux· ~· lO Jnu u u. 1•v ·~-y .... w 38i Mo. W)' in ne ttq' • m.. 1100. · · 2 BR. dbl ~ 11 yard ury prdtn •Pll with c:oon-Adull• only, no pr:ts. 313 ll lilt aunound-Rt.(& req'd, I n q u I re &un~ hwM In parUal 0 • 04--1008 wkend9. \Y/\V, c:hlld~n le pets OK for boet hi!u, etc: try club atn-.osphere and Fernando St, 673.{i8Q5 ~..: f=·= ~-Sat/&in. 10 am to 5 ~ ehMge tar rent. 6T3--37V3 1 PAHORAMIC oc;n view, 3 MALE 30 would like to 11\!m-"''clcomf'. Bkr ~ $2.00 mo. CT3-Sl2Ji romplete. prtv1cy, SOUTl l BAOrELOR Apts. UUI paid Bach, 1, 2 A 3 BR. Apu. 135'!1 45th St. rAMILY Nee.di! ho ate 81\1.&t.. topotlb'ltic-Hlll. 2 M apt. CDM UOO. SOCK IT TO 'EM! SPACIOUS New 4 Br. vie• BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at S1R .t $80 mo. El ~tar l'ofotr:I Pool, nr &hopplf"W. 2 BR untum ('1)1.tagcs. Pool. d~tcly 4 dilldrtn. AcMi I' .... ._11# ~ THE QUICKER. WU CALL. homr. Avail, Oct. I.st .J4!;0 16th, Newport Bcac:h. 310 E. Balboa BI v d.. ln1' Santa Ana, Apt. U3,, No chUdten or pets. 2400\!i ll. 16. 1.5 I: 12. &t&-4sti D WAHT .ADS! tntte. ~ Dime+llnr na; QIJJCKEJt YOU 8ELL. monlh. Altnt m-.2222 (714) 645--0550 ~6T.l-911l2_:._;=------___ •:....:64Gc::..:!1'4l=_;•:.... __ :.,_;,1';;th::...::;St:..., :...N;;;.B::.. . .;..";;.~...:::::...._ Ot.1 60«11 tor AF.StJLTS ·- I l ' ' • 2' '· k y 2 I 0 i. D ' • • ~ • •· > > • n ;. I· I. I. II d • • • • Id •• • II D ii • ,, ,. -• • .- ., ------·----. --~--------------------~---------------~-----....-,-~--~-- * ; I f * llEAL ESTATI AEAL ISTATE Oentr•I 0.Mral IUJINISS 1n4 "NANCIAL ANHOUNCIMIHTJ ollll NOTfCIS I-'=:;.;:;.. __ _ Ollie• R1ntel 6070 "'°""'· & Desort 6210 Bus. 0p,...1vnltlu UOO , loot L:~~~~l~:C.H ' '¥tm7 'M'c D Vt• Fl\ANCIUSE: Nofood~r. L\Oll:S w•llet. Vic Cenltt ON J'OREST AVENUE oec. St, CM or 3rd Ave... l.quna oe.k '''"'' av•ll•bl• In SILVER VALLEY MULTIPLY B<acl>. >'rl S/I. Valoabl• """"'' 0 "'" '"""'"" " RANCH HOUSE C• nlTAL '• ''' '· "'"'""'· ""2309 prime location In downtown l'\r ,•~t~t.-•-·-------~una Beach. Air cooch· &: N'tw Co. coinblnln1 be5t te11.-TOY aprtcot poodle, Joat vk: tiooed, CIU'ptlcd. beautiful fUr"eS Of Int Sood field U Seav1t.W &-; C8ta!lna, l.a1t entrances: }o~ronlat;I! 00 AC lEAGE never Clone litlort. B c h . G EN E RE O U S Foresl Ave .• rtar lcada lo r11111e1t llllk. lnveatn1er1t. REWARD. 4!M--0337 or Muncllat parklng lots. $50 CiTY OF lo-profit tttfo. \\lo provide 4!>1-900i When You · Wont it done right •.• Wh1ddy1 Wont? Whoddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS s,.cial Rite 5 Lines -5 tlmft -5 bucks lllULll -40 MUST INClV05 ,Cr n1o.ntb tor 1pace, D•tk the c:utomcrs via mallilvt 'A~D~U~L~T,__-,~,-m-at~e--w-h~;-t-, I and chairs avlilable for ~-100 LAKES TV 11d1, ~u. o~·n the bus. Pc>rslo.n cat. odd eyes, 8/2'J, Call ~ne of the experts listed below!! Dutin6• hours answerihl NE\VBERnY SPRlNOS IJld keep the pt0fil15. vie. Adami &: Be a ch, ~l~uu-.:~ld tor~:;~; MAKE YOUR OWN I.AKE ~:.v~~ \\~~rt~o~:rti~ RE\VAMD. 53&-62$9. SEttVlCE DIRICTORY SERVICI DtllCTOJllY lllleJ)hooe, 20 J\1lles Eallt ot Banltow e1n tut:lay. \Ve expect even OOl· BLACK La.bnulor Retriever. SERVICE OIRECTORY --. DAl.1.;'l fllhr ftttway. Elev. 2000 rt. N~lr ter. apptvx 8 mag old, lost ntar ~abyslttlng 6550 C1rpenterfn9 6590 HoUMCIMnlnt 6735 3l2 FOREST AY!:NUf,; Lake Loreen. Wondertu! land R.cQ. ilt-17,000 fsecw't'd) -l· Crdb Cooktr on Balboa Pen, LAGUNA a••o1 •-~ °"' + bill Sun 10 !Ul}, Rcw'd, Ans to CHILD CAJlE CAR,ENTRY \VOULD You bellew I will j.1· .. ~-..c.A forapricufll. aU'alla. nut tree uarv. ~· a ty ~I "J .... hua". 6""'~ alt 3·.31l f lllU . I I' lo 5 MINOR n•p•••• No Job cltan )'G\11' hmM Jor Blue 1-WMt ~ ~• lo tr1ot. ~Ml :~ '"''"' llr tr•• a.-vou111 •f*M '""'" ''"''-L -., •Mt et 11ve11111na. J.-NOTHH<IG FOR $All! -Tlll.l>DfS ONlYI ' '"'-1rowlt1g, fish rai1lna, hone )111.&1' tmJlloyeq undt.r our -....,.,JUU e su·, .!iiC ·• ~ AUWo -LOST B ~ -·-A• pl•""••t • T .. ·-au. ea••-1 In -· '"'Chl'"p"Stam=~ .. .,,'.,,"'=·""'=-=-1 PHONE 642-S671 MOPERN A Ir conditioned ranch, boating, elc; etc; dlrectk>n. stmpl.e open.Uon. : ro1\'TI su""e purse. J ~ '"• ....., " e • com-..,.., .,.... ·-· 1 , To Place Your Trader'• Ptradisa Ad attlle, lflh Strnt. Co•ta O.t in at •tart for lower R.'I: Q:lasse• (T'itauren). Red panlon for 1ny 4 year old I&'• 6 o I her cabinets. BAY I Beach Ctanin& Strv. '6!1 FORD F:!OO Supe1· Vari, Deluxe. many extras, Clilmp. er tqp'd, Jor older van , bus, or tran1portarion car. Take l'l~r pymls. 646·1158 Tax Shf'lter &: Apprec, 1n maJ. cenler. AAA 1 .. nant. lst TD S700M <a, 6~. Trade for TD, land, . , . '! Sub1nit offer. 533-3673 Bkr Lake Arm1v~ad \\aler- rront lot $50.COO val. Parilic P11.Hsades Ocean View lot, $:?7,50() val. Wan1 : lncon1e. Bkr. 548-7Til ZO' Century Runaboul, ideal bay crui1ina:. fishing, clc. $3.000 value; 11·1U1t truck or eqty. Jn ~al estate or what- ever. 548-9661. HAVE: UO' tu·!n diesel Jux. ury yacht $17~.000 clear. WANT: pJ"ime vacant land or incon\e proprrry. r.tr lr· "'in SlS-8460 Ag-en!. Trade 2400 sq ft business ~ntal; otfice or 1"1all shop for 2nd TD's, 211·213 62nd St, Npt Sch. owner. 12131 2-14-3 1nt. eve IZlll 246-0700 San CJeme11te. :l R·3 le:vel lols !IOxlDO clear Oose to ehop'a: & beach. 'Trade fo r N.B., C.l\f. comm"! mfg. or unils. 6-ll-3490 call pm. '67 V\V Bug 1500, beige 11•/ blk intl"rior. sunruor. clean. ad cond, all acess. TRADE for boat or '!'! * 613-3j2·1 • Ooclie CIVJlom built ilHni- Home, $5,500 value. Trade for eqully in ho1ni!, duplt'x or tri-pll.!::ir. Newport Beach area. 548-9661 WI.LL S\\'&P occasional use o! ski chalet at ~1oonridge Ski to1v near goH course for U'i;> of beach front place. (2131 78().~{'6 28' Jcf[ries fillhini: boa!. 3;,Q hp eng, good ril.dios, range. mech xlnl. Trade for ne1v, antique car or dune buggy. MS-2560 a.fl 6 pm, '59 Cadillac !'dV, ltOOd tit"f's, paint, $500 value. \\'ant pick- up, !ruck, camper or ~·ant lo n"nt 3 BR. CM house, 2 Cl..\" gata!tt. 646-5-186 La Habra llg15 Sha.n(;:ra-La 3 BR, 2 BA. Mtanical gar- den, pool. $25,000 eqty. Want 2 01• 3 condo apls, Npt Bch area. Bkr 646-0732 Ventura. l.Atri!e new hon1e, cll'a!'. \Vil! exchan1e for baylront. lv1dock, view or l.ncoine property in N .B. area., i..i·in Cru'Vrr lil5-2072 * * '!IS Camai'O :n R..S. PIS ~hesa. OVtt 700 aquare ttet. 40 Acres Ranch Lan(!, Im· lnveal., choke turit., hi(li· case. Harbor Hi ASS <:Rrd. daughter. f.1ea.ls lncludl'd, ~~. U no ll'llwtr IM.ve Ce.rpetJ. wlndowa. Doon. R/~I. Auto. Trad, for T.D. U40 per month. Parklrnr _ pl"O'\•ed \VrtH modern ~ BR e1t )'itld. R.cv.•ard. 673-6a42. 6'T.h'!2)9 Near Nqnoli11. lr: Edhig~r ~ 1t Ni-23i2. IL O. etc. Rra I: O>m.mc1 SM-1401 -..., 1 houtt I& 1J JNVi;"J:r t,ountaln Valley a.rra, $:!0.00 Ahdanon WINbOWs DIRTY? ram[)fr or consirler any. coltte . roo111 j ant Io r rlJlc t • ' Y rm, -1lOATE O'ItlERS ',, Leo1)8]'(!. ~J Siamese cal " \\"eek, C.aU IW7·'!lll. thifl.R':. ™ Knox Sl., C.i\t. K"rvice all utllltlu tn-beamkl@d_.__cdllni. breakrast Fl.RST grey Jblack spolS. ~w'd. Cl ,...__ QUAl.rIY Repairs -Allen.· JohM)r Dunn )'OW' local ~-2991 evr.s. cludtd. Phone Nr. ru1e rn1, t..,.fl:'n, modern bath & For a.ppt .. P.1n. Barton !13/ 54S-Ol97 ILD o....w-e; H1atu~ Buro. tlom ~ New const. by hour Rnlic.. Fl'M at 6G-2lC4 ~-'----'"'----~4'. I 6'C",..966U plumbing. Tank bollit en. &l2-8J20 {2.fi bn:.) M txecu-M=A~LE~~,n~-,~h~ .. ~." ~tt~.--.-~.,-,-n-,,,.-, pean \YOman wUI care lor or Contn.d. 64&-3441 Adajacent lo1s. \VestclW, • cl · 1000 -• al 1 ~ • ' h'I"-I I •--· I 671' MODE •N OFF CES osmg ..... a_ v. 11 or-tivc will return ......... cab. · Al'-Pl c I \U'Cn n n ce ,..,.nr. in CAR PENTRY...(:al)'--•-ronlng • NB. V&lue $30,000 each. "' I 1.ge tank under 45 Jbg pre1-1~l-d~-~-·-~~~-'a"1'·, c":ort R "•& N!'~~I C.f.f. J..e. fenced yd. Aft s, u-:~ Trade up or down: Jncom<!, rROf.f $65 P~R MONTH 1ure. \Vlth double gar. con-a ies Appertl Shop v • "' · rw · 5-1~ 646-2620 Cullom doors • fentti. Any IRONINGS In ffl1 home. Harbor area duplex. or ~s-Air-<.'Olld., IJ&l'kU:w. oentral 10. cretc septic tank. all &c., Like to O\\'n your own busi-REWARD-Boy's Sch w i n n ilte job. Call 646-2S76. $1.:ti per how'. 'd boat " "4" o::.c~ • .,_ --=-• I • I • BABYSITTING My home R-AIR p .. 1 ence, . '"""........, cations . ...,cret ...... aerv ce. 5 hp pump, 301 gal per min iwss · Iere 1 • rM..1 uppor· grn Stingray, vie Nwpl Hrbr C.l\f. 1'fon lhni l'' r I . ~.-· • artlllolls Small 54S-69TO * -,,._-16-.~C-:O_M_A_N~CH"----~E-lll_l_P-.1 So. Qallf. 11l Nat, Bk. Bldg. at 80' depth. Improvement&: tun!ty to owh )'Ollt O\l'n shop 111. Sch. 548"'6922 Licensed, cx(:ellen! care! Remodt'!I, tlc. Niie or dQ, 1---~l~R-O~N=IN=G~-- la!'i Buick Oi\tC. trailel', cov-230 E. 17th, Costa Mesa f'enced with l" by 6' x ~ft with a 1mall investment fort -C~A-L_l_CO~~Cn-t-,-.0-A_l_o_ha_P_o_tn-i• a-49--070& ~u! Call KEN Si0-4619 fte.uol'll.ble DT.'1'350 ers. Extras. FOR LATE 641·1485 redwood fenct'. 7 Miltll Eut fixlur.1 in the llurillngtou REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS fltODEL CAR. Of'FICES or school, $76,000. Beach area. All n1erch1tr1-Trlr Park, 133 E. lSth, C.!lt. \VILL do ba.byslttina: in my di I n J t N Rcw'<I. :">48-80J!i ho M xl tJ Fri I CABINETS. Any tile job J1nltorfal 6790 64~ ne<.-rption-Answering M" s on Lil 11nntcn . o n1e, 01 ay 11'1.1 < ay, ?a yn, exper. ~8-ti7l3 Have 13 unit..;, \\"ill ~x· change for Janel. tJ1.1st deeds, personal not or '! ! Nancy J. Moore, Broker. 642. 700) Secretarial Or will iubdivida 10 inveslmP.nf in n1erchandise, PET Rarcoon, red collnr I Jove children. Qi.JI &ft 6 \VALLS Vlnclows, d 3345 Newpo11 Blvd., N.8. acr•t •II lrnprov•ments P~ S:ter ll la ,~Id. "'c rrain '1·/bell, Lagunlta 8 re a· p.ni. 1!H-7s72 Cemtnt, Concrett 6600 carpc~. \Commercial~ 675-1601 $51,000 or 30 •cr•s un· you "" supe:rv~ you al no I 04=,....=="='======~ "M~O~TIJ,;.,,.E~n,__~w~.-,-.,-.-1-,y-m-,-te re1ldential. Daily, wetkl)' PRJVAT• Al 'omp•oved $2 1 000 e.'Cpensc. 1',or complete infor-for p1-e-1chool boy, Mesa df! • CONCR-"-k a I I and/or Mo. 897-'mO L , r -condltiorK!d, • · malion, write or phone l'. L. Personals 6405 · .c..~L '""' •o ., 0 8 I l\lar BJ-ea. 546--1692 DUTCH M I ~-· an1ple pal"kia&:; selected ... ,. own. a anc:e on Tierney, 2130 North Holly-typea. Pool dl'Cka & cuatom. ant ...u .... ctpl LOVELV hon1e on AHadeJtt; tena.nlA, $60475. 642-0lll, 1 tt trust d••d. WOOd Way, Burbank, Ctllf. \VIU. babysit for cbUd of CaH 548-1324 clni. fir wulnc. window Golf Course. 51,l~~ a51'1um· ,'~"",,:.c'~64i-'=~1~103C:,.-~~~-Phone (213) 84J..4S40, FREE'. teacher. X-tcacher, row wuhlni. Harry van Bf)'1lt11 Co RTE 73-S5Q.I CDIEt.fT "10RK. no job too S37 ~ l! cal L able loan. $59.950. Track-for D1':LUX'E office In Costa U SY TO RETIRED Pc r s on for Basic Bo at i n I Course _n_>_o_tho_•·-'------smiill, reasonable. Free -no &111 1 af:t beach ~a. Owner • Lee. l\fesa. 1500 i;q II. Air cond, BROKER. partner in prPsligt fran-offtrcd to the public by the BABYSJTI'ING. Next lo e1llm. JI. ~tufilck. 548-f!6U SPXRKLE Janitorial i. Win- 6-12-3025 or 8J8..5ID crpts, drps. 5j8-6761. WILL NEGOTIATEI chlse bUJlncss. UJOO returns Balboa Po\vcr Squadron for Newport Heights park, r.ton Block Ftnct& _ PnUos _ dow cli!&nlfll' SUV. Wlfto UDO ISLE 3 Bdnn & Den AVAJLABLE Oct 15 t . CALL 147-6640 up to $M0 nio. PIT, no sell-people interested in sailboats _t_h_ru_Sa_l_._S<_>-_27_54____ Planters. Add & tt:model, do\\-a, rtald .. comet. ~ PAU\f SPRINGS 4 Bedrm Carpeted & walnut panelln&'. AFTER 6. Ing. 54g...g9j6 a~ ~-ell as power boa!ii. BABYSn71NC MY home f'rce ~I. 64:1-9852 Eves. Cleanup. Free est. BQ.atl. LAGUNA BEACH 3 Bednn $6. mo. ~H1 Every 1olonday night for 13 ''i('. Bolse. Chica A: SWon. ESfATE Mal.lit TrM 5er'Y Will trade up-$16.000 equltyc -~0-ST-.-,-1,-,.-0-1-i;-,.-,-_-A-IC. ,,.,..., 11\t• ~ JI lnv .. tment Oppor. 6310 \\·eeks, beginllifli:' 7 p.m., 11.B. Any age. 812-43TI Contricton 6'20 Removal&: trimmlnp. he Submit . Owner. 673-70n J,;"";=;,,,==;,,=='I~:-:"'."---:..:..---r.ton., Sept._ l_~(brlrt;t note-BABYSJTI'ING. r.fY home, estimate, .Ja1l Ml....ocm. T.2' Cruiser Twin D. auto crpts. drps. S))j for 2. l~ I h -It E. 6230 SIU!:NT lntere~l. Ch a in book first nig}Jy at Newport GEN.ER.AL Conltllctor. All I ,========='I l ,;Ba::;:k;"'~·~-~~=====,L;::":-<'-:'l~n~p~OI;;:_• .;,;c...:::......:::.:.:1 motor notel Incl Sambo cof-Harbor Yacht Club, 7'10 \V. all day, good lunch, planned Lancl1ca,109 6110 pilot, range 1200 mi: recenl t 1 11 . Id N 1 Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. d~8. l\1esa. Verde. 549-414~ carpentry, concrete, add I: survey S.JOM. Will consider Commtrci1I 6085 VlE\V llome. Xnlt cond. 2 ee li Xlp. ' yr 0 -c No advance registration. En. BABYSimNG, l\1y home. r!!modtlin&. 25 yn ex. HIU.s • SLOPES •a r ~t deed or smaller boat. BR, t ba. Xnlt hill area. 20<;{, -tax shelter-$6400 !or pt'I'_ ience. 531·7'9M, 841-2382 ~ {n41 Tl9-l 40o m:i Terrace Dr, El Cttrlto; ~%-'1% avail. 831)-18!).1 roll at class. Any qt!Cstion. nr. 11\b St, 01. Fenced apecl<y. Net yun rain ,:_....c,:._:_~--''---'=~~-FULL Span stucoo 1\ct'9 clDSC! San Fran-Oakland. call 673-185.:i. -'~'•_•~-·-642-~'=1081=~~-~~ 1 (l'P!t Cl11nlno 66'JS wt.II be \\'Qnt! Get ~ Modem Newport Bch. In. Good u_ 6320 • --teotion now! Call C!600.1 come unit, gross $8'i60 yrly buildlrc. 3,250 Sq_ ft. ~in 1m, work ,1hop + 2 r~ m.nty to Loin HUNTINGTON BEACH * * r.tATlJRl:, Dependable, CAltP!:T &t Furn. cleanina: rcntlll. aose to bch. $.50.000 condition. ~hll, heatinr. 2 m ba.scmt>nt; dbl gar, pal10. "-pt. 8 _ ~,. JSth ,, tl"nl· lo\·ini: child carr. Call eves, for 1 .1-.. se-"'<:'$ ._ ,. ... 'lty * Lic'il Japanear landscape re11tl:oom11: 1211. celling. On 141 51 525-1958. want : 2 d TD L = V\: "' M6-3Q90 ...., '"' "'.,..,,.. contractor; complete tnd- eqty. !'"Ml le for C.":!~ 11Callrea hlack-toppt!d lot 6(brJ50 Ft.. Retlrcn1cnt home. n oa n ington Bea.ch Hilh ~hooJ. EXP. ,,--,.~ rh;ld -···. my work., .... ct;ll64"S~n& for llCPC It p.rdtna 830-3007 comm m:; or lint..... to paved allry. Parking 10 7 pm. For 1nro call 962-1839. ,_~ ......... .......... brta;hu-:11! ~ pn1. 6~2·3490. cai·s Seller may carry loan Prompt, qoiilicienlial service I honie. Npt llg-J,s, nlcc pl~ ot:AMOND 11 a carpets be!l - HAVEo """"" ol>rtrie d,-Y· Pt~ i<snt. . PROPERTY PROBLEM? 642-2171 14S-06ll * A one1. • ..... 6'2--&108. ''I""'' Diamond carp.t er, xJnL NEED: Equivalent John Macne.b Realty Co. Serving H11 ri>o r area :.m yrs. BABYSITTING lily hon1e, Cleanen. 645-131'1 1as dryer. ~I Oovtr Dr .. Suite 120, NB \\'hy not exchange? Sattl1r Mortgage Co. hot lunche11, companions, QUALITY carpet clea.nln~. P1porh1nrln9 '•lntlng tHO 2 reliable collog• students contr1eiin9 interior/exterior Call sfl 6 p.n1. 642-823.1 or S~8-835j 336 E. 17th St1"et YES IT'S YOUR fencr.d yard. 548--587-4 Christrnll! spP.cial, av 3 Br 968-691'.C Call for App"t 64>(£)(1 c A s II F' O Jl 2 ND FAULT DAY care, my home. Stale $U.95. Guarantted. &4&-9M7 1C"/. NET 0. D. COLE, RLTit. l\IORTGAGES. PRIV. PTY. f or recorded mess.a;:c tha! Lie. !lot lunches. FairYiew '6.:i Chevy Super Sport, 327, air, p/s, p/b, R/ll, lo n11. lmmac~ Trade for '67-'68 V\V Bui;. same cond. 968-3129 all 6 pm . 31.-l act-es citrus. Lindsay, Calif., $80.000 equity for boat, airplane or TD's or 1ubn1i1. Paul Slualt. O\vn- er/broker 491-3:223 PUERTO VALLARTA. J\.te.'<. ico: Commercial + aparl- merits, $85,000 • Trade for Wable So. Cal. Paul Stuart, Bkr 494-3223 811.yfront 9 Bdrn1, home. Want sn1aller or indust. prop. Local or OceansldO OK. Balboa Bay Prop. 613-7420 Anytime What do you have to trade T l.Jst It here -in Orange ())unty'1 llUJl:est read trad- ln& post -aM make a deal.. Phu B s NESS NO broken con1m. ~s.-0317 '1 ill chanae your lirr call A· Baker. 5'40-9443 Depr-.ciatlon & amortization U 1 end ORANGE CO. 547-6667 >"otlly I•"""· new 4 unil FINANCIAL Mortgogo•, T.D.'o 6345 BABYSITTING . My home. Carpet Liylng • hou11 painting. Repair 6A26 21 hour l't'COrding ~lngnolla &. \\'amrr, r .v. bids., a~at appreeia1ion po. B "-tu ltl 6300 ·---~'-~-----WM'TED: l...<Jving, k ind • Any ,... 842-&17!'1 FOR CARPETING Ftee osllm1lls, ltntt&I $115,000. 7%<Ji insur· us. "'tpor n !1 CONSTJ~UCTION l\fon ey OR CARPET LAYING Xint work. 49~93· cheerful man over 40 to be .anee loan, To!&I $110,oo:>. FAMOUS 1tvalla\;le f'or lr!O>~ pro-father to teenage glrl and Brick, M11011ry, etc. Owner 54&-0.133. BRAND NAME du::ing property. Foreign & young brother, plnl husband 6560 c. A_ Pac• "2·20711 NEID P41NTINO? CANDY ROUTES don1eslic. Motels, Nu~lng lo tl\eir mother, Send name, lndustrfat Rent1I 6090 H m•· Shopplnf ~n1r-l'\'ow available in Costa 1\lesa 0 .... ~. """' ''" addret.1 It description to P . RENT new ~f·l: U25 i;q. It, & many other towns, in this Of 1 i e e Bu I Id in g 1 ' 0. Box 31Jl2 i\1i.ssion Viejo, -~ area All locations a-°Onl Apartrnen~. etc. \\'rile or CaUtornia $1 15 mo. UiJU 11q. fl. $225 · · '"' 1 • Cftll TlUe Really k mo. 1355 Logan c , i\I . mercial or .factory. Vel'y 67'".>-5116 ' high eaii1ings, no selling in· Jn1ur11nce Compatl)'. 215 volved. To qualify yuu mulil Clark Bu 11 d In r, Birm- Lett 6 l 00 be reliable &. have I hr a ingham. Alabama 15203 ----------day fipaJ'e t..Unc (~s or Phone !2051 251~2!6. BE A UT I F u L Rl LOT f?VCS}, 10~. Ret. for J Yrs. PALt.f &: Card Readin11. Advice & help on mnny mallen:. fully lic'd. Open da i ly lOam-lOpm. 21J/697-9m. 210 \V. \Vhit- !i(lf' Blvd, La Habra. Next 10 LaHab1·a \Valk in theatre. LICENSEb LAGUNA BEACH ocean $12Q() to $3350 REQUffiED $'.l.~n.43 2nd lru!t deed be· vltw, hlgh on Moi°-nlngsidc Inquire about our ''free bonu! hind 1mal1 h:t on lot \vllh Dr. Nearly 1/3 ac. All util. route plan", Make you r Ju. Laguna'a fine1t ocean view. underground and peid for. 1urt 1iecure with us. a ~l1nn SIO per n1onU1 Incl. 9~'.t 3 Spiritual Readings. advire $10,800. $2,CkXl dr\, bal. 3 yn, ~ Bra_dstreet rat~ Nat1o~al yrs, 22% f?l~unl, on all niatten. 312 N. El 4%, pvt pty, 213: 335-4742. Co. For more 111format1on BROKER .f9.l..lll7 Camino Real, Sar. Clemente send name, addre~s &: phone lS°A DISCOUNT 492-9131i, 49&-9507 BUILD, Ren1odrl, rrpalr. Brick. block. COl10'ltc, CAJ'J>l"ntry, no job too small. Lie. Contr. 98U945 Builders 6570 i11etrh:1I 6640 Call ua! Re:llabl~ Strvice w/ tTEXffiCC:l:AN;ii'Cenied, Quality at ill beat, at tht mo11t reasonable pricta. boOOed, mnall joba, maint &t t'ree eatimatea. 54g.fOOJ repairs. 5-43-53)3 • SPF..CIAL • Floors 6665 INTERIOR & tit 111 r I 0 t . Single 3 BR stucco It trim Carpet Vlnyl Tiit $288. 4 BR or 2 1tory nat. * Room Additions All atylra ,._tid colon 30 yrs. exp. Chuck~ * Apar!ments & Units l 'ree eat. Lie. contr. sutiURBlN ~ * Custom liomes • KJtchen~ 50-120 548441! Expn1 GUU'1Lllt.eed Work * 2 Story Speciall1i. Fit££ =>=;:;::;;;;;~:.,.= Fut est. No job too laraf layout/rlc11ign 21'.l yn, exn. Gard1nlng 66•0 or too small. fM-3190 Pacific Co••t Builder• -~~~~~~~~·t 2-IJ;; E. Coast Hwy. ANTHONY'S PAI•'T!Nd Intl Ext~ Corona del J\lar 675-TI91 contracted twton. Ftllly I •. Sa.tlata.ction l\lll-f'M nt. l.ARGt R·2 lot, can build 4 no. to: ROUTE DEPT, p_ O. . ' . . 10 A ~1 • 10 P!'it * units. Centrally Jocatf'll in Box :-JS Pomona Calli 91769 J~t 1 D on wlute water view t--,-1-t,-,,-,-,-,.~ll-E_E_Lo_rt_w_•_ * R E M 0 DEL-AddiOonH:ab-644•4860 Jlni Wetkl 67).ll66 j inelll·Block fcncts..Concre te . \\'Ork. 642-~2 1'ht Deal, costs no more! eroR Better Painlina. itt- E,xptrltt\Oed M&lntenanee terior I •xttrlor, aeowic ~------------ Huntington Bench. $3000. CANOY S~PL~ lot 1n Laguna _Beach.,.,'6.000 Dlanetics &: Scientoloa 5JS...a567 ROliTE ("· $60 mo .. incl. 9 .ci. all Ever)· SuDday a.t S PJ\f Bud,et Land1eapin& ceUlnr•. 64M011 ii: MI-3MO AEAL ESTATI Gener•I REAL ESlAT! Gen1r1I Lm-1; block from beach. Afl'-ILIATE due 3 Y~. Broker 494-UlS ll7G.1 Edingl"r, rntn Valley 4~ St., Newport Beach. lNo &Ill°' Jnvol\'tdl Money Wantkl 6350 :i:lt-3220 5995 Ct.II 675--07Tl Excelltnt income lor frw ----------Attractive Expert RA LDTS, Costa Mesa. 170x houn; \\'CE!kly \\;irk (Days or UX:AL execullve, 11 years, YOUNG WOA1AN R1nt1ls W1nte~ 5990 RMm• for lltent '-'------NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in l!arper Sch. area by Sept. l. fteuonabJe, 645-1.155 e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534-69!2 \VANTED: Garage for cur storare. vie. Balboa Isl. 673-ws:; ~tnry·Frances BOAT Sllp or n1ooring lor 20' tallboal 673-968 5 ''l\1ary-Frances'' BAL Isl. yrly to $190 by resp. \\·on1an. ~~un1/unf. eves. 64~5521. LI 8-:a'.122 WORKING Lady needs room to rent, Npt Heights are.a. Under $50. a-18-3667 WAJ<ITED In Cdl\I; 11nfum 2 Ddnn hM:/1pt. ye a r I)', retired ll1teni. 67;H!Zi:i MOTHER, w I 2 dau.i;hters. Meds 2 BR hon1<? or 11.pl in Ne\\·port Stach. &12-7633 * RENTAL SERVU:X * F'ft.EE TO LANDLORDS Blue Beacon 66--0lll Rooms ftr Rent 5995 -;;.::;;.;._-'-'~ PRIVATE Room, kit priv's, nr 2hil, S.A. Employed only. Sl7 ~·k. 645-129-t 309. Zoned 35 uni~. Pbil evenings). Relilling &: col-need5 $7500. Secured b)' 2nd dan~r will teach you all SUiiivan. 54M7Sl. leclini n1oney lrom t"Oin TD on residence ($14 000 la test stcplt, Call Ardell ---operated diSpt>llM'TS in Costa equity. s""c,; ntA i.t To.) 213: 591..4538 l·Ul Pt-1 R,nchn 6150 l\1esa « aurrounding area. &. assignment of $!15«11----------ROO~t l''or rcnl in CoslA ;;;iiii;;;;ii!•aill&iiiiii0l \\'e est. route. {f-lancllts security. Repa.y S200 mo SlO t::NJOY teononiy vacallon Mesa. Nice & quiet home. Desert Resort Ranch namr brund candy & int. Your tcnn11. 847-:>444 Catalina Islar.od. Ji' r om SS \Vorking person. 642--ll!W k \ ,151-C t m!dWt"ek for t\\'o. Hermosa 232 aCftA clo~ in to Palm 'nae s J . as l l'C· Evr. I llotel. Phone Avalon 187. ROOM For ttnt. deluxe, private home, Cost::t ll1esa. male student $17. SI0-215'cl SEPARATE cntranre·privatc bath, TV, \v/w crplg. S7~ mo. * 642-2&40 SLEEPING Room for man, pvt home &. P.ntr. by month only. $35. l5f3 Orange. C.1\1. BEDRM, Pvt bath, kit priv's, lndry, prg. Rt'fined lady. Refs. $&i. 493-3188 FURN Room in he11ut Cd!'il honlC for ~ngl per,;on. $125. Rt.fa, no smokers. 673-4169 Spiing11. All fenced " cross Q\lim:I. For !X'f'$)M in-1-,-N~.-,,~--$~60~000~---, _T_D_ fenced with sle!el pipe posts trrvicw iri Costa MeAA An'a. "",,.1 t.: _ · ' lli ' ALCOHOLICS Anonymous ! d111l rod. AU 11tcel workini;: send M.n1e, adclres.<i & phonP. lO _,o 15 yrs. Secured by Phone 542-7211 01: wrltl lo corrai. &; chute. Forem11.n'1 number io l\lulti-State Inc. $OJ,OOO Conuu. bld. Bkr. P.O. Box 1223 Costa. Afesa. hou!!e, other bullding11 p\Ui 0057 E. Tn1perlal Hwy ., 644-4323 ' lodge for o\\·ner. All of the Do\\-ney. Calif. 00242 (2:1ll ANNOUNC&MiNfS lanct ia 11take-gradett &: plpe. ~--0.171. ind NOTICES I will not be rt'SJ'IOnsible for any dcb1s e.'(cept n1y 0\\111. r.on11.ld Valmcr Block. lined. ApJ>i'OX 200 acres in AAA CANDY SUPPLY pasture and aUalfa. Ranch ROUTE Feund (FrM Alls) 6400 Announcements 11 prestntly uaed for P.ure (NAl\fE BRAND CANDYl FOUND 2 n11lr dogs. While brt"d . beer heni ~rat•.on. ExclLirti work nflll111g & shaggy poodlf' mlx. yuung 6410 This 111 one of lhe hne1t •m· lle<::ti"" mon.,, lrom roin 11 bl k d...... •h't f 1 proved ranrhcs tn So CalU' co . .., . sma ac v .. \\ 1,. oo & m•LSt he seen 10 be ~ppl'ec: operated dispensers in your & chc~t. l\leredith Gardens, iattd. Price-S95D.OOO with ~rea. Must~ a.hie 10 devot, ~-c...~""'-·~~---~~ liberal term~ 10 !he r lghl • 10 8 i:t ~r Wl"rk 1~ m~ Black part Siamcsf' cat \\ith PERMANENT SPECIAL ~· For further infonno-~1nvolvt<fincome. 0 · collar Vic. Portaflna B.n!a. Motels. Trlr. Crts. 5997 :~ plea.e call Eme1t Eck. S995 to '3:980 required ~t~~a ~ach. 4 9 9- 3 s 1 4 E khoff .. A I (Based on part or fl.Ill Hm.:!l I~==~~-~-~~ 2 1Vkl starlifli Sept. 12 SU.JO • ·; 7..)0 Rogers ~iuty World So. Coast Plaza. 546-7'il90 SUN SIGN ATROLOGY classes. Regislcr now. Begtnner:s -Advanced. SG NIGITT UP • Kitehene\tt, TV. maid 5trv e Phone :servict and pool •Cafe. BAr 2376 Newport Bl. Ot 548-97'5 C SIOC., nc, }-,or pe™>Ml interview in LADIES diarnond ~'edding 1818 \V. Chapn1an A'"'. your are<: send name ad· rliu;: outside Alpha Beta 17th _ Orange, Calif. dren 6 p~ne no, to: ' St. Ct.I Owner pl.s call & a-11-2621, Evt•wknda 63M9'1'4 rRANS.\\'ESTERN Otsr. CO. kl!ntily 548-0327. 590 No. Alu.sa A~. OREY &. while female kit· I Want to IC?ast Hone ranch c--•1 ,,-.. Covina. ou I. 1".. Jeri, about 4-6 nt08 old. Vic Call the Sun Sign, 67f>.fi66l days or 6T;>-2140 alt. 6. ClfURCH choir singers need· ed. Opportunity for sololsUI. 644-1255. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT Grt:duate Hol'tlculturi!t PAINTING. Ext-lnt. U )'ft. COMPLETE exp. 1111. Uc. Frff ett. YA.RU MAINT. Accntt. ceWnp. 54l-M2S Sprinkler insl&lltd t. repair-PAUfl1NG. Paptttna 11 yn. ed. New la~•ltl!, cleanups. in Harbor area. Uc. " Monthly Service. bondm. Refs. furn. 842-2.1!1. 008-1!'28 Ou1rlty L1wn Service Pl~•t•rlnp. 1'1"1" ffl(l E111tbliah.lna new roule by • PATOt ~G. v.'ell known proft11lonal. All typ.'I. Frte eatUl'latt. ~alOn., rtla. 645-2754 Ca.JI 540-6825 NEW Lawn 1 re-seeding. =========! Comrlete lawn Cl.{'e, clean ltlumilng 6HO up by job or mti•th. Flft e1timates. Call M6-0032 PLUt.fBING REPAIR No job too small AL'S Gardenin& li Lawn e Mz..3211 e ftialnltnaboe. Commercial, ioduatr.la.I & reaidanUal. ·-· Japan•" Garcltner Expcr., compl )'It'd eervicel F'rte tit. 64&--0912, SA-2303 Exp'd Japa.ne.e Gudentt. Complele ylJ'd lf!l'Vict, fl'ft' estJmate. ~1332 TREE Scl"V'ict, stneral ra.rd cleanup. Rototill &t 1prinkler aerv. 6'lh5l4! CLEAN-UP SPECIAUST! Mowinz, edli"E· odd jobs. fteb:>nabl~. 543-695.l · ...... ~~model,. ~P!''. '?':' BUJLD, Rmnodcl, -Brick, block. con c rl ta, crpt111y, no jl'lb too .rn.u !Jc. °'""· MU9f! * IF you need ftmodt~~I palntinc or rep&in. uu Dick, su-rm S4wl21! "'lf Alter•tlons -642-SIU ~eat. accurate, 20 Yettl •Yt • o,...m..1" . A11a1- Speclal on htma. ·-· k with opl. '" buy. \Vrlte J.i--=.:.:::::.,,=::c,"""~-·I :ioo· from beach, lmn1ae WEEKLY ralf!S &a Lar t.lflllel'I, Ul8 w. llh St., ar ·D THIS Santlaro Or. NB &42-1563 . tum. room \\Ith bath, pvt. l\lotel, 2301 Newport mvd., Ii.-" C t L t entrance. no <'OOklng. Adulls Co!la 1ifesa L.A. (213) ~ o r DACHSHUND Vic. of Glen em1 ery o • ff74 H1u1tn1 ~S,9 TILE, Ceremlc WANT AD 6418. S N.Jl ;""'=;:;==::====;;;;;; l~m-;-;;•w~;:::;:=;==:=-:,.-I Xlnt tor retired people Mlr tract, betwn Adams & only, ll2 :Wlh I, , -· n-kh·-1. ·~ ~201'.1 0 E 0 6 G I H 5998 °'"" ..... nu oro.-N • 1oiL't lot No. JO. 2 673-2473 I.fl pm uea ome1 Acr~ 6200 ti "I --,.==-.=cc--r-,~ I I c ----------I ~ you wa11t a rrart or !lu WoMENS &JaW11. vi<·. I{· grave s tcs, '&D. in Ocean C 0 Lt E G E GIRL. ofl· PRt ruom In lic'd Guest L•illfl• Bo•ch tlmf" opportunity to make Mirt ~I~. C.M. ~2-6101 View area ol Pacific View c:uarus 1 iv In Q: on B~lboa 11 1 td 1y Good b · I ' J\.'lcn ori I Pk wo--" w:= 1,1.,·". R•" o·ni \Y/T'V & ome ore .er man. 7 ACft SW/PERMIT m()ncy u1a. us1ncs110 yo.u GREY rabBll. M&-5146 or -i 11 , ,.,, .,..,.,..., ..., food_. conaenial atmosphere, TO KEEP HORSES own. For example S'.!000 tn· 64&-l!888 Will take lc11s. \\'rite: PO phont!. Tthtals inc I u de d · avail now. ~ veatmr.nl can net s.:;o wkl)' """"""'~-~~~--~ Box 1541, ~ne Bch IT.:Nn3 ""'~===="==='I Adjacent subdJvlalon on• by 11~ndlf\i 4 hra inaJtlna "5UNO, Ra h b I t , ''le. PVT. roon1 f: b8lh + 1neal1 Misc. Rentals 5999 mile E. of 11*'• ulll aw.II. dellvtril'L Marlhe.f'I School 641>-6322 In ~chitntt Jor early morn. SJ,:1.000, % Cash, bal lil IMI LARGE Turtle. 8" Vic U4 BY OWNER. 6 PACIFIC VIEW ccmt'lcry I 0 I a 54....., i. eve htlp. 4 blocks from GARAGE FOt' rm!. Sin1le, deed. Call D. \\', \Vtl.'IOn S4lnt• Ana, N.8. 67:'>-1275 oet!an in Lquna. Rels. plasttted. Jong term 1st l MAKE OFFIRll (7141 Bl8-9i97 Legal NotiCft -'94~261. lut mo. $22. 6a&:1JC6, ~:..or :!*~4~ SM.AU. Restaurant. ~Y L"t [ 6401 NEWPORT home: Private STOR.Jl:GE GaJ'ai'l for rtnt. Beae~ or phone .....,.. ~11•--.,:_ beacb' -•,." ~!.~,·. R!:WARD for IOlt v.•blte & beth, phone tll:t, separate $20 ~1onth. Costa Mesa --v..... _, ui.u: rt:A.1-, tl!C ol wuher/d~r. 64i-&S4(I COUNTRY IN DIAJ\IOND '42-0724 black All.AIW'I puppy, name .. ,. BAR. Ap,rm: J IO'PO'll ac. "Panda'' Lott near Nev."(JOtt 6U-35IS. lualnua Rtntil £tU.n vlev.•, ltlllflllt: borte r.\tlcho ~AUTICIANS • Falrvk•. Dot w"' \uwler 81\CllELOR'S Room. $Sl. __ ::=r e.tate. SJ12 ,0t0•ttrma Bo )ft.' own~. Pl.rnt!d mtd~aUon. PleaH rthu·n . mu. incl ulil. no cooking. BALBOA fSLAND .. ~ase 2 Bkr..cOat~. S)l ~ 1111.rbor. 11.paef', Rt>n~loilc. 847-91&1 &4~19!!0. 1 \VIII not be rnpon11ible for any debb ar obligaUof'lll Jar r.tanha. Cramer. Richard L. Cn.mt'r IT'S WONOERf'UL the many bu)'• In appllanct• )'OU flnrl In the Oa.islfled Ada;. 01ecll Ava il no\\·. :'!tan on I Y 11tot'ft.. S07 t.111l'i11e A\'t In SA. !i.11~ kUQ. l..I C"S, Ot11J1Q'C, San ·ui-=N~G~l~la~\,...,~-.,.-,-k~h~lk 673-lJ<IS Arc11.de 6TJ..8'153. Or Set ~ DOWN, l1 p E R MO., Dleto SU.500 on gale; tJpr atriped ~f, while llie1n nowt i BDR~t·s So. of Hwy. I blk. your broker. m&. rou. PlltlCE, b\1)'a 10 SIO.IXO on W.. Call \YINS. tinder noll!, male, ~'lttfly"" OlAL dlrecl "'2~. Oiargt from btach. Sl83. Adults, no Smllll store Mftl ln So. C41Jf. t.. TON COiiect <2131 m~ut ~t vie Adamr/Brkhunil. )'OW' ad, then sit bock and pets. 612--1898 Cati.111\8 Jaland $75 ~to. Shewtel!, l25 W. 3rd St., BUSJE§i' matltetplaoe ln l!S or C.ttl, Polt Ofc. li$ten to the phone r\nal White ~htphAnlal Dtmff·ll111 Phofl• .Avalon 187 lo.A. (213) ~.l.1-.'il02 town. Tht OA.lL! PILOT OOl-::::;:n<:::;:l:._ _____ ..!..;"°";wo,! _____ _,..._. ' 642-5678 TRASH HAULIN. rel.!!On•ble • ~:mo YARD/pr deanup. bmovt tms. IV)', dltl. trattor batkt..., ~ 116W115 Cl.EAN OP A lite mo\.Uc Troo h"lc• T'rte • ahrub removal. G!Nt'S TR E f, SERY: Reuonable. $41-,11.)0 llWI' I ahnlbbet')' 19rnovM. CLEAN·Up llftd npt mbY· trlmmtd, ba."1ed • • • 1 ""'· Cell 0.'" :00.13lll * $4lS * • I ' I I I l I ' I . • ' I . I • 1 • \ Dlll'I' ~I~, """ LEGAL NOTICE ... I• ' ; ' •• •• ' • ~ ' • • ' ' • • -,,..~ •• , l Are You .Letting Cash . $1.ip· Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD I. St .. o 2. Gultor ·3, lolly Crl~ 4. Elo<trlc Sow 5. ~mtr1 6. Wnher 7. OutbNl'lf Motor I. St1rM Set t., Couch 10. Clortnot II. "ofrlfOrltor 12: Plckyp Tl')l;k · 13. Sowing Win• 14. Surlboortl - - 15. Maclrino T -.11 16. Dlshw1thtr 17. "'""' 11. C1bln Crvl11r 19. Golf Cort 20 .. l1romet1r 21. Stamp Cot11ction 22. Dlnotto Sot 23. -l'loy Pon 24. -ling Boll 25. Wotor Skit 26. l"rHHr 27. Suitc1H 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycl• 30. Typtwrlter 31. Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedi.a 33. Vac,..um Cle1n1r 34. Trooic1I F1sh 35. Hot Rod EQuipm't 36. Fil• Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs ' 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. BMl'room Set 41. Sllde Projeefor 42. Lawn Mower 43, Pool Table 44. Tires 45. Pleno 46. Fu'r Coit 47. Dr1pe1 4J. linens 49. Hor11 SO. Airpl1n1 51 . Organ S'J:. Exercycle 53. R•r• Books 54. Ski Boots 55. High Ch•ir 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1ln SL Kitten 59. Cl•stfc Auto ~o. CoffM Table 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Ski1 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Dl1mond Witch 67. Go-Kort 68. Ironer 69. C1mping Tr1iler 70. Antique furniture 71. Tape Recorder 72. SollbNI 73. Sports Ctr 74. M1ttres1, lox Sp91 75. lnbo1rd Speedbolt 76. Shotgun 77. Siddle 78. Dirt Game 79. Punching l1g 10. 81bv C1rrl191 81. Drums 82. Riflo 83. Dttk 14. SCUBA Geor Th1tt or any other extra thin9s around the house may be tumecl into cash with a DAIL Yi PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 WOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The · Action Today! • • -----------------------------------------------.,,--------·--------·· --- ;.. ' .. _,,.,. -~ ,.. ,. · 1or Your Conwnlence -AH Poslffop r(ffltreCI ' . ' . ' :: ~ I ·r 1 ·"1·111"~ L· . . -~-A1lE .. LISTED A'-tPFfABETr~itL.LY IN .. -~,.;~~:-:; · ·· CLASSIFICATION #1100 ' . , ',~. HELP. WANTED lMen. and V,(bmen> ' ' ~ ,~, I • •.-..• t .J I " JOBS 4 EMPLOY"ll NT JOB~ &. EMP~DYMENT Job Wanted, Man 7000 Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 JOBS & EMP t OYMENT JOas & EMPLoYM!NT J011S '&' ~lO~MtNT JOBS a IMPLOYMINT JOU & E""'Lo'i'li\E .. T JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOll$ &. !1'\PLOYMI NT JJ>~•· Wom. 7100Jobo ~··!om. 7109 A•tt. fli,if,.'wo"" 7100 J.o.tit--Mon.;Wflll· 7100 Jobo lflon,_VJO!Jh•l lOI! ~obo Mo.,, Wom. 7100 Jo~ 1'1!!0: W<!m, 1100 ' ' ' ' ' dENE'lt\~'L Cook It ' . ' ~ Engr, 1 yr exp, desireS parthe:n.hlp w/elec Wes, rep, or dislbr. $$ to invtst. Daily Pilot Box M-425 BUSBOY REtTAUR.tlNl', i.ART &'FULL TIME . "°"""""'·. ""'"' open. MERCHANDI l>IG • I • : ~ • . .DUS~,;-O~Y·s· , "· Din>. ....... NB ..... ,m J. c. Penney CompanyJ 11e,. MACHINISTS Job W•nted, Women 7020 MEDICAL Trainee for back otfj~. E~. eh:. Qr allied duties. Pull or part tin1e. Available lunch & dumer. Prefttr 18 yrs. or over. DISHWASHE R AM &.:. Pt.I. Over 18 yrs. • APPLY IN PERSON * Snack Shop No. 1 , 2305 E. Coa•t Hwy. Coron• del Mar, Cal. Some rnedical experience. , ----------543-6115 I . E..XPER Secty -BooKkeeper desiJ'es part timf! posilion in Npt Bek area. 675--0709 Job Wontad Men &"Women • 7030 COLLEG E STUDENTS AVAILABLE' fo1· all types ot \Vork. Part time, Call: BUSBOYS ' Now and thru the school year. JB or ov~r. Apply .af· tttrnoons 12-5 pn1 at FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT 3Sffi E. Pacific Coast Hw. Co1-ona dcl Mar BUS BOYS II a HOSTESS Fashion Island, Newport Beach , ,..',. Has · , , . WAIJISS[S . · i:tlJli, ~-,,'. . . Koy posit~ oponin9s HOSTESSES 1 ' Nl:.':1:. ;~'tf Mer~handlse Management Trainee • • v , .. </~ · t , , with rec~t graduation from college or 1~l- DISHWASHERS. ~••b'·0e1w< ... :U.•";' valent in colle~e and full thne work exper- FIVE.c.RQWN5.'· ience combinatton; a desi111 lo participate in rlE$T~URANt ''~ ~ a training program fo r manasement with a COOKS 3801•E . .ll<(llle "'*" l!J!>. ·rapidly expandmg national organization. l' ·~fie>~' BARTENDERS ,, · . :' This is. an organized on-the-job training pro-, Hostea .. Cht:~for gram. -Our policy of promotion from within S.rvk:• o.pt;·•n,: or ma~es this particularly attractive. APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN. E. LEE 151 East Coast Highway · Newport Beach ~ older. 'Must k•'ifood , Apply Jn person driver •nc:lttfl4;• val~ 10 AM to S PM Mondty thru Saturday Id Ca111 .. 11_.. s.. J. C. Penney's . Mr. Hlrirri'I" · . . " •. #24. Fashion Island, Newport Beach *CARVER JiONTIAC An eqµal opportunity•employ~ (Mutl 'bo oxporloncH) Hone Operqtor Grinder Operator Sr. · Drill Press Oper~tor r -Lathe · Opercstors CADILLAC CONTROLS Division of Ex-Coll, 4••P. 1866 Whittier Ave,. Costa Mea 646-2491 An equal opportunity ~mploy'1' ' . " Southern California College Student Employmitnt Service, KI ~1118 Days, 5 days/y,•eek. APP!Y in person: COCO'S 2915 Harbor Blvd;, CM J~~!!!!!!~!!!!~~~·!!!!·!!!~~· !!!~!i·~·!!!.:!"J Cl rk Joi...-.Mon. Wom. 7100 HOSTESS. lobs-Mon. Wom. 7100 JJ·•~.i...-.Mo::~·~"~· ~W~·:~t7~1~00~1~~~~~~~;;;;~~-~-qx:~~·~-~~-~-~S~,.'.!·~z:g~~\· ' '1--------''-COCKTAIL WA!TRESs -' Job· ..... '"6m. 7100 Jobo.:..Man.'.wom. 7100. FEMALE clerk, apply In DRILL press & othe r ?ilWil be 21. Apply In ,penon l'itechanic. wanted. ~ " ''\-<-,•J Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 COUPLE WANT to manage Apit!. 1 child -. experienced. (213) 46&-~ pel'80n Drive.In Liquor, 706 machine shop operations. after 3 P.M. at: ,~In KITCHEN STAFF Union 76 Statjon R-,.u-nt • TS Fashion Island p ·n °---jl ' h • •• •• ac1 c \A.Jillie i I w a Y, Must be neat. alert & Jack's Restaurant. 1 WA ED t!lOO Newport Blvu, C.M. & J t M • Newport Center, NB lluntington Bch. do,,.ndable. Exp ....... ,.d hut Be&ch Blv •• H,unt. eea~.. NT POLICE "'"c In .anner · 1 ==~-----~-· · .., Medical Back $450 ,_.,_ pU .... 1 BUS BOYS needed f o 1' COCKTAIL · G•·-1 fo• th• not r""'d. Small precise OFFICER llOl'I' ~·1. ap CM1Uns or I 5 • • ~·· Housekeeper Local gen'l practlooer. }\"lnl s-..11 ._ ..... tlm •·• • CHINESE live-in. Domeslh:. Permanent. Experienced. Far East Aa;cncy SU-8703 various shifts. Appy at Fabulous Fling. No food, 5 part!:, clean shop with iood ATTENTION THE -.....r--~ $718 •. to $872. .. . .,... • P8•"" e,· U<Y ~ pm, itl person to ~Ir. nill'S, 16 E. 19th St.. c.~1. work.in&: cond. & benefib. c0LLEGE GIRL ~~5.ti'O conditions, C.all Kay per month -~·e_'"1'r~~u~_.EN HELP ' Ange Io , TO \VER S Cooks D\60 Jnstru{l'lenl.5, 7101 S. rl JASON 8 _EST K ::'!! RESTAURANT. 1'Ll S · Halloday. Sani. Ana !loud,& toom. P "" gu"t NEWPORJER INN CITY OF • PIS UHll.R Job...-Men, Wom. 7100 Coast l-l1vy, Laguna Beach hoiJse +salary, Lii'ht hol.i!ie-Employmitnf Agt"nC)' • BUSBOYS F"Y (QOKS keepln:: and cooking, 'Own 2120 So. Main, Santa Aia NEWPORT BEACH A;"''·· ht pt~n abl. L1't1'es c As H'" R. Ex""''"""· " * DRIVERS * '" '"""1" """"' "'" ·1m . ..., "-· . N" hts Call 67" 91();) Ask 1107 J bo Rd " or "-oinen e"Xptr. 1n , d . 260f W • .........,t Hwy. 18 · .r-• No Ex-ience 22n. am rff · direct Mies .&: itl hand-~vera1 ~ .... ·Jy c~ate J>O!l· Newport Beach 1 an Li miteO for llll's. r~ranke. Top wages, permanent, hon-r-~ ~H~..,..-'-~,..,,.--,-----1 NewfK'rt Be1c~, Calif. ing crews Fa It ge,lling tiortll available \Vltb progres-=="'"""'-=-=~~""''I g enc-v CHRIS'ffl1AS 1'1oney llO\V. f's!, and iood working ·«wi· Necessary! URGENT! Live In or out procJuct. Wri~ c/o Dally 11ive ·.NtJce ?tparttoent. ex· RESTAURANT A.S&IST Q U Seti Luzier Cosmetics, a Co. ditiona in a~a:s leadini Must have ctean Ca.IUornla Mo~rless home. ~1atutt • Kitchen Sttw1rd Pilot Bo,,. 1\1357 . \" paneling In size ,and srope of MG~ witt:r COQk exp. f~ Quality Positions for nf Bristol fllcyers. 841-83.14 ttataurant. Apply 9 am to 5 drivtng record. A!>Pl,y woman•only. 2 boys 7 & 9. e 2 Fry Cooks ..,..,..,..,.., ..... ,_ ... I activity. Requirements in-ne.,.·tut.-T'ftltl).urant JI QualUied Applicants CHILD care. Harbor View .pm 1or interview at '(EL LOW CAB CO. 646-13~ ~m eve a. e Pantry Man See Bttl)I Bl'UC9-at dude 5'9", 150 pounds min\.. Co• ta r.t eaa. Xlnt op' 488 E. 17th St .. Suite 224 I hbo ho -~22 -• Dishwasher mUf?. 21-31 yrs of age, 20-portuni~ tar advancement: , ' 10 area. I need a neg r w MANNING'S 186 E. ~ St. l m I lx 30 uncorrected vision. H.S. ~30 wkd.a.ys. ' Costa hfesa 61....,14 \\Wld p1u\'ide ··emergency" Co5ta Mesa HOUs~• Ll--ln for 1COFFEESHOP , &>on&""r. ~..---•-6.-6. • diploma. Those qualifiedRO\rI'EMAM Accountlnt Supervi•or Cal'(> for children age 12 & ...... elderly ·coursi:e,. ''Jn at u re For iood men, top salary, ,..,.., ec shoW.d' report for the nexl c.750 13 whoAf! mother v.wk:I: in ~ 24031 El Toro no. ESTABLISHED Insurance • woman .-rerTed. 642-6661 security, nne health program A f c Glrl ,._ Exper. vtndllJlf route (:_ 1' 00 al 7 30 Leisure Wodd Lacuna Hilll r·~ C ta t rency or areer • written test, 6:30 p.m,, ..,,.,.p. repatrm&n' nl'!eded for tin Oejree Not necessary. Xlnt Pasadena. 64.j..-ZJ I : 837•1014 Leads a\•aU, N.B. office. HOUSEKEEPER. live in ritr ~"care Zinc 410 W. Coast Hwy.;'N. B. tembtr 17, 1969 at City Hall, campus Wndlng machine• caree1· opportunity for yng p.m. COOK --• f -"·' 3 ~r oppt. 6'15-6383 nlotherless home N.B. area. E.x~eutive Chet By appolnt. 646-393!1 Council Chamben, 3300 by food a er v l c e Ii\ man. Call Kay 546-5410 Child Care • . ., ..... e, or J~. Experienced ln ai~e needlf! 2 \V vlth J Ne1vport Blvd., Newport L. """ .-.. JASON BES T 'h''f>•lw'-k ~,, ... _ teenaa:ers. oman \ .. ~ .... ,,n 9-ll am or 2-4 pm MOTHERS N ti 1.lnive:r1hy. Call: --PLA'l.'ROO!'lf attendant o\•er .. -... · .,w. •u. and' overtOck. Good pi!!ce sm1 dJUd ok. Prefer under """'"' · HELPER, It Beach, California. o app · Betil.~119 AMJ:SPM . En1ployn1ent Aa-cnry :!I. Part Hn1e needed in1· COITAGE COFFEE SHOP work prices. steady work. t'i. 531.1.t.:· hskpi', l 3-yr ola child, cation nece.tisary prior lo 2120 So. l\tain, Santa Ana med. Call Ray Randall 562 \V. 19th, C.M. EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust O . I LAD IE S ~ • -4;) Unt'11· l\fon, Tues. \Ved, Fri, 8-3; test For furt~r Info. con-Sales ANS\VERING Service Opcr-962---3366 COOK -HOUSEKEEPER. St., \.Vestmlnster; 534-8738 H USEKEEP:t:R -: Live-n, cumbered, nicely 'built, in-Thurs S.S. Refs. 494-8413 ta.ct Personnel OUice ln4) * Fantast1"c' •. . ~===-.,.-,-,...-,..,.,:-::-:; ho n (Xlnl) f•• 2 heh area. profes110Ml cpl, tolllgent to •-<k '" & lat•r ,~ """3 ator. Experience Pf'!!!lerred,CLEA ::::NING lady \Van I e d or usema • "" EACl'ORY Trainee (sbilt ro-.,, "' MOTHERS helper, assist, __ •~-~·===---d I" NB Wn'to oan.. 16 yr daui'hter. bi3-4097 m•"~"'e new bar in Hemet 1· but \\-'ill train. 1', day/,vk. $2 hr. ALSO OC· a u ~-· ""'Y tation) and shippinl:' clerk .... .._ 11chool girl+ lite duties, Mon PRESSER P''lot Box P 904 eves. '"-•. Sal•~ now + ·-•o-· • 540-2052 • casional overnii;:llt babysit---'--~~=~·=~--1 days. Shift 'vork. FERRO ..,,. •J _, "' thru Thur 8-4, Fri 8-11 &m. Quality finisher for ne'v dry -C STOOi N HSKPR-Cook, companion for & commission I ate r, 1 · 1 ,. 1 ASSIST ANT Manager Full ' -"-',,· "El=T=°'-:~,.. 8Jt).559-;:;=· ;;1 =;-. U . A C0188Rl1P.F, l~~~1'!!:UsRdD.,i"'H.,unio~, elderly lady, · 1 \ v e -i n ' 713/592-1577 0....'n transp. $50 "'k. Balboa c ea.11111& 6 xip. o u n t a n time, convenient markl't. 1 -CLERK TYPIST SSZ3 mo. Requirements: U.S. ""•.....-... rm/board, sal_ a:ry. No , ..c.:.: •o"i"°E~S~,;,....,~.,,~,,-,-n~$~'5~>o Bay Club 548-2479 V~y l~ation. Pb one Vacalion &.:, Insurance Xlnt citizen!hlp,· Minimum 10th Bch. k ..i~ink. p un u w NURSES AIDES M&-49r.l_ov~•-•_· ~-.--'t 64" o-:.•"' for Adverti•ing ogen. i'rade1education, K:ood char· smo e .;, or ~ · erm. $100 1veek1y Catt an i · p: •-I I opporlun1 y, _..,,,,.,, FACTnRY TRAINEES 830-4195 Lingerie. 17>-ua1 o'p P 0 T t _ Experienced. La~ e:<tend-ro"''' one DAB\"SJTl'ER 3 mo boy cy. Sharp, alert, type · acter.: Apply by Sept. 23• .,. -~ • &"'J ed care ho~pila.I needs YOU! Employment " • ' SS-60 wpm accurate, '69. Written exa.n1 Sept. 30, Female. To $1.90 Hour HOUS.r.n.i:.EPER \\'anted: for employer. We train 5'16-3508 0 "· ,___ tl my home, Mon-8 hrs. Fri 3-•69_. Sl\inf Shilt couple, lfve lh or out. 1..,v t.iv= who care nee A11l1tanC!,t .-5. $5 ivkly. CaU 646-3798. a ble to soell, h a ndle \VEST.Mll$STER. SCliOOL \Vaterlront• i-i: ~-mo. Laundry Prcssen; apply. COASTAL AGl!NCY P h 0 n • and clerical Apex Employment ~ No experience necessary ROYALE ' A member of JlABYSITrER.. pt·thue. 2-'I DIST. 1813 Harbor Blvd. 673-1352 -H.B. 842-5J65 Pr-.1 school days, own duties. J4Ul Ccdarwood Ave., '"'·s•· 'lo•• o.034~ ii11iioiiu'<SEKE;::;l<''EPFP•ii'Rol1\,;1 ;-:-c-;;;-1 ==,;.~~~:'.:'...---= &l6-6t50 Slll'lling A Snelling, Inc, transp. 549--4369 Ci\f DUREL ADVERTISING \\'estminlltcr \..\t "' " ""' J'fQ'" "" • "' •, v~ . tn, LIFEGUARD, . wkdays 3-I --~==""'=~--12790 Harbor Bl, CM S40-6J55 42:; N. Newport Blvd. Pl lv. rm & bath .... c~dren. 5:30, Sr. lifesavin;r re<J'd. NURSE AJDES BABYSITIER -ma l u r c Newpol'l Beach 64Z-3910 DELIVERY -Men wanted Fry Cook Ftn. Vall. 8~2-7254 \VSI preferred. To apply, Day & Pl'lf &l°J!fts. w om a o with o ,.,. n T , tor earJ.y .morning auto HOUSEKPR. Llve in, out. 1 call 837-6050 ext. 205 Experience pre.(erred. transportation for 2 older CLERK·TYPIS route. HB, F'V area. Approx Expe:r, top pay, full time hild TV APPLY - R •-t r •lon'ral · , Bob's Coff~e ~}.,." c ' 0""'" l'GOtll" ' LI m· mo"-I••• homo newport . personnel "agency children four afternoons per equu-.:s 5 0 n g " 21,2 hrS per day. 847-8979 .,...,... $25-$35 \\'k. Miuion, Viejo ve-• """' · La:una Beach Nursb\g: Home .week. J\tesa Verde. $40-2928 tikills, good personality and ~c-. --'----'------1409 S. El Camino, San 0 838-0923 . Lile duties~ exchana-e for PH: <tSf-8015 f 6 30 P•1 appearance. PUblic relations .Delivery • . . Foro'-n Car Mechanics -""'-•-·-,o~~-~~· -I room & i,oatd. 6!15--0TlO ·81 : " "'o r k. Inquire Pl'rsonnel \VANTEO. Auto _carnen; for '!LI *•Housekeeper•• NURSES AIDES & LVN BABYSIT T ER. mature n-pt altornoo• Reg••te.. Route Good 'CO, benefits, incl paid .. .&... .. 1 k · L·OT & O&TAI L MAN Expe .. ien--~ 3 ...,.,, " ' vaCafion, group ins, uni. ;J UO-J'1 '"ee · ' ' L~. Profe11lonal Service \\'Oman \'</own I.rans. HOAG MEt.tORlAL loi' Costa. Meu &: beach -194-3647. Laguna· Qeach Over 21: &ood atea.dy po.!il· 1 549-Wlit nites ; \vk. Refs. l ch i Id. · HOSPITAL. NB •areas. Please ca.II 5'10-3006 forms furnished ~. Good · lion \\"JUI outstandln& co. NURSE RE"G"l'°D"""-1 for the employer 20 d nl comm, schedule. Ask for l!OUSEKEEP~. child care bellefjts. Group ins., etc. and ttt. applicant 642-24 ays 0 y. Clerk T yp ist $450 Dellvery ·r.tan . Joe !lfoore Ph. 540-1764. part time. Call Nancy Phone 646-9300 Ask for Qiuck SlJPERVISOR •· •549-3061 833 Do 0 N B BABYSITTER: 2 child~n. Beautiful olli1..'t'S, Xlnt New· PART or Full tune. !l'fust be FRYCOOK wanted, Exp'd, 615-0993 ~fachlnists Nursing E . 642·3870 ver r.,549~2743 lite house kecpin;. Approx 4 po•·t "··rh Co•tn··~)·. neat .. & clean. Laguna Beach " E N A'd - mo. Roon1-boarrl & Stna C•ll •-·~ .. "-'"'·S llO Furn. ~tuft!, 200 Forest Ave, ,. . 11 oo:.. ,, ,.n•• top ,vages. must ha,·e re . HOUSEKEEPER. x Per. e Punch Pre•• & nere""",',.,,.1 es, · xpenc .... ., -Real Estate Sales _, tl ,,. .. , ~ D-Bayside Inn, 353 Pacific English or German, Laguna • Muill slld• o· pr1. salary. Unv•eu nio 'e.r 01' JASON. BEST = .... -="=~~·-=-~--,. ~-H NB &--·• 4•• •110 Hunl1ngton Vall'"ey eve i:;Ludent welcome. ....,.,st '\'Y• · · •.rv,,.,.. area. ;n-u ' Tu $432 per week. Apply 54&-$31. Employinent Agency DENTAL ofiice Ne'~'PQM, FULL-Time maids, resort H. 0 USE K.P R/8'1hysttter. Tony Duci1i. Convalescent HO!f'lt&l Experienced &ale&per11e1n tor BABYSJ'ITER •• ·.-•·.30 or Zl20 &l. i\faln. Santa Ana prefer mature \l'oman ,.,.\th hotel, Laguna Beach. Jlve ln for 2 girls. Afl.6-all \VILCO TOOL&: DIE H c'"'BchNewman A~;,_· ""'l busy San Clerfiente olfice. .,.,...., CJelicaJ front desk e:<;p. Send resume 494-1196 day "''kend!i 545-44(1j. 3190 Pullman Lane un · O'I ,,.,.. Free telephone t1trvice, Jots 11:30-5:30, my home · & Wiaiificatlons 10 Box p. INSURANCE Agency a: i r 1 Costa r.1esa, 540-M32 OFFl'CE CLER_K ol floor time. listing oorn- 546-3161 ' 912; Dall,y Pilot. General "'Ith lull knomtdee of MACHINIST Rellllble trainee needed a1 mi!~iotlll paid pror.:;-1J.y. BABYSITTER for infant; SECRETARIES 0 ENT AL · Ch air.Side operation& ot .gt"neral in-TRAINEES permanent clerk ill Edllor· Ellen C. Mahon()' Realty ~~k~:se':::;~,w~~~e. ~~:nt.a!n~u~~ca7i~~! • :i~i!~!m, s~!~t;ep~: s,"u~~. olN"",,-~·No•t,\ifea··ng'n,· tltaJS•wtng. $2.35Sh. l~our ~:~~c~:~ ~~in~A1;~ 1624 N~nEia~!':: Real Shorthand, 1--t·pin .. and gen· · f o tl p ·1 l '"'"'" ' i~ h I r I all ll I l BAB)'Sl'ITEr.·. girl, 8:30· •.; b to: Box r.1-&1· a y 1 o ferr·,, but not no•· . t ~.,. ""u tiling expenence e p u . or c: co ect or app eral officr. -.. County Airpor · .....,....,...,., Apex Employment A"•'"" H 6 A'l TI<l ANI ,..,,, 5:30. ~fon 1l1ru F'rl, n1y DENTAL assistant, oral J\fust have car. ours ., j ...,..,,L..., boll'' '·• Lam•na. 491-565.1 ffi ~v oxp essary. M Id • JANITOR • 1873 Harbor Blvd. to l PM, ~Ionday through Rocopt/Typl tl to $400 " "'" surgery -o ce, x-• ..., · • Permanent O er1 flfalure man. No experience Costa ~fesa ' 5'J8..Z..12G Frid Banking KEYPUNCH ~7719 • Appr entice Machin· neecS&ary. "'e will train. NO ;!HONE CALLS. Will train swltChboard. Love. Exp<ri<ncod OPERA TOR • DISHWASHER • iii Fr" m.,.i., "nilorm• 1~1-MAID, Ml lllno. Dolly Pilot b' 0~'o\:~; ~lO ished, in&Jt'tux:e·.plan ava.i ·Apply i'n person. Contact 330 w. Bay SL JASON BEST PllOOF OPERATOR • TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK :.'2'! Ocean 1 'It . J...aiUna btacb 49-t-6a46 BARl\tAID FOR NICE SAR, s~·1ng shift. One year kl?)'· punch l'Xperience desirable . COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jambor" Ro1d Newport Beach • 642-4882 * ===~:::C;::;--:::;;;:;-;:: I Etiual opportunity e1nployer BARMAID wanted, n1ust be sharp. Nite shill, no exp Oerlcal nee. Apply in person Vlkkis PAYROLL CLERK Lounge, l7911h Ne'o\•porl Atlease2yrsexper.inpn> C M cessing payroll from calcu· .;8~1'"•:; .. .,:;;·;.::.· ;:-::=:;:o;.;;:;:;=-1 lating tlme cams. payroll 9 t K I N I Batmiid/dancer. adjustments, and i11suing f'uU or part·time. Co•ta. pa.yroU checks. AC'COIJnting Mesa machine, 11).key adder. typ- 646-7301 ing required. Must be able BOAT CARPENTERS to take full n!sponsibility. Experienced, Large cu1t0Jn Neat appearanct', and per· construction. Top waae&. IOf\3ble. + FULL TIME • EXPERIENCED THE RIGGE11 # 16 Fashion Island Newport Beach Apply in ~rson PRECISION CASTINGS 2044 PLACENTIA COSTA MESA Genei'al Production FEMALE No experience necessary Apply in person: THE HARTLEY CO. DfSH\VASHER I KITCHEN lJELPER (l'\1a.lel Steady job. Da,y Shift Top ware:s. 1987 Placentia Ave. Call Wayne 833-0112 2 + Coata ?.fesa RANa-tO SAN .JOAQUIN General Golf Course, 18021 CUiver M~ fol' ahippin~-receiving· Rd, NB-Irvine. nr. U<n. delivery. Industrial Office DISHWASHER ~ Full time. SUpply, 436().C Campus Dr., Apply ODIE's, 212 E. 17th ,:N_.B::.·-------St., Costa l\fesa. General Displey Salesman, exp.. College studen1 p/t work that On ly, to $900.00 Call ean be tailored to )'OUr clus. Anfl. Mrrcblflfs Pe.nonnel n, $2.ES Pt"r hr irua_r. to ·Agency. 20-13 \\'estcllll Dr.-, •tart. Car nee, PH: 54&.6339 N.B. &Gma FOU.Ert BRUSH co. \~'TLLl\RD BOAT \Vorks 1295 BAkcr St.. Ot Call Jim .Hyams. DOIYS Draper)' \Vorlawm General 61.2-2400, Eves, 546-tl319 PART & full tjme Ora~ EXPERlENCEO furniture BOOKKEEPER F/C Opera.ton. Experienc man It dl'lver, full tlme. Sharp gal needed inlmed. GULTON INDUSTRIES prt"femable or wUl train Military-obli1ationa f'iUed. Can fOU l4Jle full cbarge of 1&44 Whittier Ave. good sewing m a c b i n e .:Ca=ll.:64.:;:J..:..20!0::::;;_ ___ _ payable, rt c e I~--Co!ta Meaa, Calif. opmi.ton. GENERAL prepare )'OUl° own ••I"'•-• Equal oppor1unity emplayer Lquna. Beach 1nterion Part 'l'1me l AM to U AM type & wOrk ind«pendenlly Qerlcal 1020 s. Coast Hwy or a Mt ll) Noori, No Sellin&. lf 80-pltu:e call UI!._ ....... .11 FOUNTAIN' VALLEY i..aaun& &ach. Ca.lr morn-63Ml)S or.544-0160 - Sal&ty ope:n. .,,_,..., ..i... -·· 1 .,:~.;:,:~""""'~~--, SCHOOL DISTRICT inp •~ G E N ER ,A t..: Full ot part able. Stock plan avail. Apply Housekeeper at the c ta '!••• · os " c.;><t. Employm-t .A.,n-t1l: r.Ic[)OTIAlds af Huntington JAlllAJCA INN HOTEL cu ~" Beach. 16866 Beach Blvd. 2101 E. Cout Hwy ••• OPERATORS ••• 2120 So. r..1ain, Santa Ana 847·9100 Corona del t.lar Experlel19f!d In 1olnalt needle Rttept.lonlst T and overlocks. ~ plecit 2 POSITIONS avail: At· • JA'NI OR • hfAIDS. Ap no limit. work prices, steady wotk. tractive, p I ea a ant , ex- Permanent, full time. Part and 'full lime. EDDY MO~S ~4042 Locust perltmced RECEPTIONIST ISLANDER KEN NILES ~OTEL St:, Westminster; SU-8138• w/good typing skiUs plus a MOTOR HOMES 1021 Bayside Drive, NB G-·• . 'I PART-Time lanuQla. ••Y neat appearing 2135 Canyon Dr., Cosl.a MeStl Mald, over 30. Full or part. home, 3 day1. 2 ~ies & TYPIST-st'ENO, Speed & · Ume. $1.15 hr. 6 days/wk. Hght house\1--ork. M. r11 • accuracy required. For In· JANITOR =t Shotts P.fote l . Oark,54&-6323 ~ fornl&Uon & &ppoint:ment ~ PART Time female help call 646-7434 OR MAIDS wanted. General ottlct, typ.l'it..~~ .. -ura-n~t ----- JANITR Ess FULL-Time, re11e1rt hotel, Ing&: NCR posting. lnveat-* DJSfotWASHER Lquna Beach. 494-1196 ment Coiicept.t ,549--2286 * BUSIOY Pl t.lme aft 5 pm P.fo~Fri lo MAIDS &: PORTERS PART-Time AM/PM, $2 hr, netdeif al work in CM, Na .'or' Irvine Exciting apt. complu-needs car. Open small budaef ALLEY WEST area, Apply al 17'151-2C Sky. full & IMl't tlme help. Cood accts, no exp. S45-83CB.' 2100 ~anfront park Circle, Irvine. st0-1910 pay .. Call f'a31e at 64'J...8170 PHQTO..lab tech. Mutt bave Newport Beach 675-171<1 M•lnttnant:e Mechanic e:'Q), send resume PO box Restaurant Help • Journeymen to '60'-00 388 Hunttngton Beach. YOUNG mother or 1tudcnt to M' · h • call Ann, f1:1trchants Person. ,L A 5 'I' 1 C ·5 \''ork btwn U am·2 pm. I~,__ an1.~ net Agency, 2Q43 \Vestdill p · Mon-Fri, startina ~ $1.e.5 FOrt:ltn c t}lpem!nce: pre-Dr .. N.B. 64(>.2TJO WOMEN TRAINEES: lnJ~ hr + meals. Apply a n y fcn.W, .ti;iin1$' years exp. ~IAINTENANCE Uon molding on • w In it morning betr 10 am. Jade in • L t •· ,, thil~ 1-fust be dependable, the Bo.l. 3&1 ,; •• 11th St. Qt. 0 · "'« \Vanted: Maintenance man. and apply in penon: 8 to 4 Equal Oppottuttil,y EmpJyr Lub:e Man full time. Muat apply in Pl'ol. 850 w. 181h St.. C.M. "·-. ptt90n. Jamaka Inn Motel, " Restaul'Mt.s S.rvire. '"'~' expenonre 2lOl E. Cout Hwy., Corona SNACK SHOP. '#9 """""' <tel M · POLICE . , BARWl.CK D.t.TSUN 1--ar=·-----1!ESERV6 OFFICER 008 So. c.t Hway, !Ag Bcb MANAGER . I:, a a a I a I . nc.D1'1'C" or 515-0034 manqa positions avail. In . . food stotY. C.J\f. area. .. Tll1t£· FOR OrocttY exp. rice. COntact Mr. CUiwr. Southland Corp.. 547-2536 Require• 11 10 42 )'Q'tS of qe, · s'IJOd . health, Riah School diploma, US _c:Jttun. ship. aood vm1on. 5'9", min. -· . DISHWASHIR$' Part·time, ovet 18. Ewntr:ia:s. is the "'O'l"d for thia 11ational CQmp&ny's new Jlrcgl'am foi Southern Calllonrla! Wl ~~l~ffitrrfl~S • -MANAGERS , ' -SALESMEN -SALESWOld!'N -REPRESEtn'ATIVES -l'RAINEES : This ls a real around f!oar-• opporttmlty witb a &did aum: matlc electronic equipm~1 • firm that Otff'l'S ' I ' HIGH · lmm,ediate ' · ~mints 546·30~0 Sal" ·ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES fltcDonald's Family Rest.a.&-1 ranta have po1itions avail~ ~ able for y,•omtn. V.'ork 111 clean, pleuant 1\llTollnd· Jn.gs wllb uniforms. furnish· ed. 1ree meal& and llberal . hours, If you have childre~ who attend school and yaj ~ \\'Ould like to earn up , "& $100/per month durine your spare tirTil', apply 1t: MC DONALD'S 16&86 Se,ach Blvd., 1:f.B • Sales COSMETIC SALESWOMEN Experienced prtftrNdt · Excellent btnefits. P'ull time. Apply in peraon, Personnel ol!lct. ~ J. W. ROBINSON Fuhion 18land, N.B. Equal e-pportunlty emp101f!t SALES. SERVICE Statim\ u.lennllfl. Exp'd, age no barrier. Full tiJue, salary + comm. Mobil Station, 24362 El Toro Rd., LagUM HillL', SALES: KNO~EABLE Stereo component salts traloee1 , 21-30 ~-Call Mr. Vann .. ~ Sales•·, : Uff USUAL Opportunity The Insf"ue .. nt Ordtt ol FOl~sjert htve opened J ' ntw Q~Oce in OJa1IR Conn- i)'. J'.ttqUllf lnt~t man 15 ~ 5 . Coltl!je not. nee. e~r')'. S~e>y l d have~· perlenct in ~t4i1 P\lhlfc. DiJ'litlt;d 1ili time position Ehnlni Cotl1Tl'lf~•-immtd-""~· .&bo111d bo in """'' o~ mo wttkly. 1 ) '' Telephone between 10 am • • "' pm. Moo. U>\11 F)i. It>< •» p®itmetat. • • mrmr BOYSID ·14 ACCOUNT CLERK DR.EAM Job. Kttp your u..,..c,,., ll·TASTEE Carrlei Routes Opil'n $4W • $569. R.t."qulttmenls: Important job u wife &; FREEZE. 2!:1118 Brlftol, C.M. 9u1cK CASH MARINE MECHANIC Experienced. Large custom construction. Top wages. WlL1..ARD BOAT Works • 150 '1bo. . 3446 E. ~ HW)'. Wrltt!'n ttsl 6:30 p.m., \Vt\!., ... Co~ dd. Mo\t -"'"""'""''""•""""!!i!' f;•, Stpt'.. 17. 1969. CUy lttD Res!Aurant sAL&S tar General kno\\•ledge apOtude, mother ' ' 'earn ~ wkb'. Otnc:ral . t.e.:uns Be•c:h, So. 1AiunB flc:ld lcoowled~. fnath apll· pa.ycheck. ~~· 540-69tT SAU::SMAN·Mecbanlc. Ap. OAU .. Y Pit.OT tude. type 30 wpm. Fringel-'=iD;:;:_ra"s:..t";~~","_,:i:0-',::,--ply l'72S Superior. C.hf. 64%-432'1 benefits: U day!. paid v&ca· TOP C! .. , "RY te> tho ..... with .UMOO BOX IOYS 1.iolt per year, 12 da.y11 paid 1~ ~ . .._,,_ ~ 09neral Offie9 ~ M"'I •. •·~D. wk CJ .. v morn• sick ICAVe Ptr yetlr. 1'1ajor 1 C'f Typtnt 50+ &nd work t"CP· .... '-"' ... ..,. I I I'· 1.m .M9"T'OY "· ·". bo·~·nd. •• n Loralnt Ing!!. ova JI, ~ aPpell"'" n1~lca n.sure.ncc po l\.'.f• ~"" ..,.... "" F•• lnronnation: c&IJ MIM d..uiid· MCt)on. Save Men:ba.nl• Pel"IOrlntJ Aacn-lnCt" req1,flptd. App..,. IQ pet'• "' :1__ t _.. •·"lf ~ ~8 IOl'I. Richard's Udo Market. 1.e.c:hmeyu &t SQ.Qhil, c,Xt. m<tntY. woe A effort. ....,._ er, 20U WeslU' ..,,., ••· · d N a 2'25 between 2 •nd $PM. nowt!! -~="-"------..,. 3433 vi. 1.1 o. .p . . -. •. .l. ... • THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD . l293 Baker St., CM ME CHANIC Tm~ aatos. Good co. ben. 1:tlte:, Group Ins, sood comm. Harbor am. lart.~11: ~ import auw dtAlf!r, .Pb. tt6-03G.1 uk .tor Mlke. .. - CouncU O..mbe"' 3300 Ntw· • HOSTESS • CA$HIER n¢'LooK , port Wvd., NewlfO:t'l Beach. e BUSBOYS tF'ull time) 111 looidna kir atiarp ctrl• Wftl CalUomiL Apply In ptr'$0ft to: nted ptr'1'Plltnt pogltlmt. For addltionll Information •IOTEL LAGUNA, Mw;:lbt••rlenced ln-~ or come to Prraonnel Laguna.Bencb ta1Jtlon ,de••••• l 1. ornce C71t) 6T.Wi6.13. 11 po r •.,..'a r. P'or •P'· lS YOUR AD IN CLASSI· t.:YourAdlnoureiaultled1f pdlntment, ctU Ttw Lttoll, l'IED ! Som10ne wUJ • Someone wilt be )ook1rc tor 1544o-~ 33, rul\ion ·Jal&tld It '-1>!f It. Dl<t. u;_;Dl::;sl~tGSll=:::..----1-'NB~-------t:'• -·' I ,I I J , I -~ ; ~----· -----. ·----, --~~~ :::.:;::;;;;;:;;;;:::=:::::=:;::::;:~:::;;;:;:;;:::;:;::;::::=:::::::o:':'.::::::::::=====~===~~-=~~!:1'1~:1::1!:':!!91 ..... llOli •••• -~~ ...... -;... ... ..,;.;~~·--....... -... --............................ , ....... ,.. ''°' •;wi.l .... 11 •i orfitJ4:+• ...... , 11:;1 ., ••• ............,. __ , ..,..,., ·_4 .. (P' I I 1• I &414-p '~ 11'4'°••,t•.,_,.... ... y' ,1--·-.... ,..... 4 • _, !a\""1, ~ U, 1'19'1 ME CHANO!SI FOlt ·~ltCHAJIDISI '°It SALE AND TRADR SALE AND TltADE .MEltCHANDISlt FOlt MERCHANDISE FOR SALi! AND TRADE SALi AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR.: .SALE AND TRADE SALESLADY. exp'd, tu 11 time to work in Linctrle 11tore. Fasbklm tor LaFm· me, 23 l'aihion Jihmd, Newport Beach. &t<t...()170 ESCIRL, Ale: ZMO, ex· perienced in knittiug &: crochelifl& C&l1 The Knit. ,Wit.. So. (:out Plata, 545-2811 for inteJView. ~SLADY for Bakery, I, Aftemoona 2-9. . 3l.8 Atarine. Balboa JJ. ,,...... I SALESLADlES: cm-taln & dn1pe:ry &. gifts. Udotf's l Home Furnishings. s o • .Coast· P\aza, C.?.1. ' ' SALESlttAN: Serv Sta. Full ! . lime, swing shift. MUJt be · _neat in appearance. See: ? -Jim. 2590 Newport, C.M. SHIPPING AND RECl!IVINO CL ERK --\Ve have an lmmediale nttd for aq t)Q)tl'ltnced 5hippln1 Ind -1vina clerk. y OU mUJt have & V&Ud Call· fomia dri~rs lictnse and rf'· cent ddvln& worit history. We requlrt a minimum o1 one: year etcpetjtnc• and knowlttJ&• ol packing elet-- tmnlc equipment ill prefer- red, You will perfonn a v11.ri.- ety ot ahipphlr department duties. LOST LEASE • LAST i DAYS • SATURDAY · $1/NDAY ·MONDAY CONTRACTOR Hl!LO U$ UP ll $60,00G tftvento,:Y of ftne 'urn~tur• Must I• Sold NOW I SPANISH MEDITERRANl!AN AT COST e LOW COST Bring Your Truckt, Trailers or l lcycl1sl Bank Terms Stor1 Charge Mister Ch1r9 e 81nkAmeric1rd -All Acctptt d Oplft t-t dally, Sat, t-6, Su•. 10-5. 548-tHO APPR V D FURNITURE 2065 Charle St., Cost1 Mes• Behi nd "Harbor Car Wt th" Enter off Htmilton or Bernard St. A littl• h•rd to fin~. b11t worth the cfolt•rs Good staltini> rile. Excellent oomp1u\y belll!fits including l2 days vacation puring thi!t first year ot employment. Stock purchase program and a holiday vacation featurinJ time paid for tim• off Crom JOBS & EMPLOYMENT IF I Christmas day to the 1'.1onda,y urn ture followioa: New Years. Schools-Inst ruction 7600 --------- varian data machines EducaUonal Vacation 5th graders • • . Sr CiUz.en1 Chilcoat 10 lesson typing Sehl. TriaJ Lesson. 173 Del J\far, c.r.t 548-2859 LEAVING STATE. l\lediter· ranean 8' 11ofa & love sea.t, coUee table, 2 end conl- modes, hide-a-bed. lan1p.o;, Spanish king ~ize bed rm 11et. AlBo beautiful formal dining A v~ SUBSIDIARY HAPPY C/lild, pre • ~cbool: rm &et. All 2 mos. old. \Viii ~ Mtehtlflon Drive several openings avail. !or 3 sacrillce. Ca.It co 11 cc I (San DlelO F'wy, to J~mbor'E'e & 4 yr olds. ~ll:30. Jl.1.rl5. 213433-43•0 off ramp l blk S. to flarringtDn. 642-1426 Separating • Must Sell 1'.Uchtlwn Dr.l Liv. rm. sofa & Jnve seal • Irvine, Calli, !12664 riIONTESSORI training, ages • f Inquire in person An Equa.J, Opportunity 2~ to s. Give your child vd!lvet:1oo•tfo1e & end tables; · i Salesmen Wanted FUU. TIME : ' KINGS· FOR MEN Employer M&F ·best education. 646-aTOG. en so a ovc scat. King ; ' • 2300 Harbor mvtt. CM aiie Basset bdrm, set, •' , • SECRETARY SHOE SALESMAN'. MERCt-tANDISE FOR la.nips, pictures. King size Part time. Experienced. SALE AND TRADE Spanish BR. set. Forn1aJ ' i ~ yrs exper, corporate or Inquire ln perr.on. B!l.ssel din. 1·1n. set & china I Jepl background. Must be HEMPHiu:s Furniture aooo ='oc"cob'C1ne0o1C,. -0646-~7.:661:;_ __ _ executive calibre. 1831 Newport Blvd PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANQu,A TION OF 18 LUXURY APA~TMENTS Sp1nish & Medittrn nun Fvmltvrt ALL BRAND NEW · 9-pc. Mtdlterranean Bedroom Suite In Pee.tin IR•g. $349.001 ........................ NOW $168.00 Gorgeous Sp•nlsh C us tom Built Sof• with matc;hing Love Seat-Choice of beautiful f•bric1. IR•g. $419.951 ............ NOW $225.00 ~~~di~a~i'E~1 Ts:~ie~··~-~d--c~·;1~;··r·~·b·1~·~·~;~::~: Tall Oecor•tor Table Lamps !Reg. $<19.951 -------·-·------·------·-·--NOW $18.00 Spani1h Han9in9 Sw•9 :.amps I R•g. $49.951 ................ ~----·--.... NOW $19.SO A decorator dream house on display -2 rooms of gorgeous Spanish. furniture (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 C~edit T•rms Av•il. Credit Cleared lmmedi•tely mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.H.~b'.. 11 .. 1.1 Costa Mesa only fvtry Night 'Tll 9 -Wed., Sit. & Sun. 'TH 6 G1r1ge Sile 8022 Appll1neos 8100 , '• 'M' ISS EXEC AGENCY C ta FURNITURE & cabinets like OS A1esa OVER -STOCKED you have nevt"r seen at l ·, 00 W. C.oa.st HJgbway STOCK Girl; sales trainee. America's largest & ntost 1---------MAYTAG Auton1at1c \Va.sher, ~ Newport Beach 646-3939 Young, &harp, quick, full MUST SELLI unll$ua/ unfirushf.'d fw·niture BOUTIQUE Ganige Sall?. late model, xnlt con:d. $65. I Sec. $600.00 Fee Pd. lime. Interview l 0-6, • store. Cor Redhill & Santa lAL<J of unusual handniadt 8~1-8115 or ::i<IS-8672 Also FM APROPOS, 29 Fa sh i 0 n Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 nii ~-J!ems. Great !or Christmas. =o====="=== l .un wl ]·' nd N.B Ne\v 9 pc. corner arrang. 1 N -.,.._ Sal & Sun ll).4. 3101 A 1. Sharp Sl'wS, lh corporate ,,.a , . cho•'oo ot cl,., ,.,, $i::O, o e\v r •"'Y· Open J62 M 1 •. 1 \\' C ,1 n 1que s I '. clal •· •-·~ d" ''' '170 c .. 111 ey ay. . ... E'X'JJ. tnan uaCr.g,1 u.......... STOCKROOM Girl. Uni!onn n () w $159.50. Headbrds: .. ys [X'r yr. · '-._,; · 5'10-6337. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,, call Loraine, Merchants Per. rentals exp. helpful. \\'ill Kings, S15. Quetns $12.50. 8' SOFA, never used. quilted I• ~ sonnet Agency, 2043 West· train. H.rl. 842--S565 Full $l0.50, Twlns St9S. llora.I. scotch·guarded. $125. Cameo Highlan di CdM VII ANTIQUE ; clill Drive. 645-2710 •.• TELLER ... Trundle sets (duo riser) w / flfatching love scat $15. Sat/Sun only; Baby goodies, SHOW & SAL E ~ SECRETARY YOUNG aggrtssive com· inner spring matt. re11:. $106, 531-8032 be'ds, Ladies .nice size IO & Sept 11, 12, l~. 14 1 1 .'•o• ... ~.1-US ' 0 1-50 ""' bed 12 clo!hes, 10 gaJ aquar, hi· Thur Fri Sat 1·10 Sun 12-6 . ' ,~ mo. ~'4U.,ments: . . pan.y netds teller/new ac· n \V '"· • n .• ,...a.way 8 6x!J Pink/\vhite 1~•<> $2J. I .. ,,._ '"' 2 t ' / '"' ·n tt -Ii radio & tape deck comb, Long Beach Munlcinal Aud. a._._.ns1up, Y?1I s eno ex-counta girt, 1 • 2 yrs. exp. w . uu•. Bpn g ma · reg. Deep pink artilicial flo1~·rr ,. • 45 b hod 90 $59 50 $39 50 Full tb!s, teat her ball set. inisc. Long Beach Blvd & l ,J:!er, type wpm, 5 t pref'd, Ple8$&1lt, mi.all of. . ' now . . sz. 1rce $15. 6'8" \Vhlte sofa 512 Rockford Pl. 615-3254 Ocean Ave. ; , wpm: Apply by St-pt. 19, '69: (ice atmosphere In large, sleeper-sofa reg. $239.50, _no,v Slj, 644-1604 IRtihliiAc:E'°~'i;i;;i;;;;;;: 1,,..,....;,;,;;,.....,;;,,,..,.., • ~\Vrl.tten exam on Sept 26, '69, beautl1UJ surroundings. $169.50. New be<h: K 1 n g _:.-c,.....c..=---~~ RUri.IMAGE !'.ale: Oothing, 1 WESTMINSTER OCHOOL Co $99 50 Queens $89 50 J-'u!I 2 Early An1er. vinyl love Furniture, fl>Iany 0 th er C..'OLLECTOR'S SHOP · ntact !'.tr. Lapp · ' · ' · ' seats, 1 vinyl overstulled CLfu\RANCE SALE , '. ,DIST. DOWNEY SAVINGS & $~.50. Twins $.19.SO, fully Bar~ains! Sat., Sc11t. l3, 9 to 1 ; 1U21 Cedanvood Avtnue, LOAN ASSOCIATION guaran. King Sl' spreads rocker. $15 ea. Ne1~·1y reup. s. 2J3 Flo,ver, Costa Mesa. To make roon1 for nei.v stock :,,_W_•,,•hn,,..,.in7•_re_c.,,..-~~-&TI-49ll a Mi!Won Viejo $]3.95. ll. sz. $9.95. Christ· ~S-9m. 3:30-6:30 Altni.sa Club oI Nev.'porl HELEN !'.JANNING Antiques • <-.... 1 -~..;;c:c..:_;,=~.,.,c=-I mas lay.aways no\v, SIESTA SOF A, BR set, coffee &· ('mj tlarbor 2428 N'\l>t Blvd Crit 642--9251 ; • ~eotary·n.e\.-eptionl.at Train .. to $700 SLEEP SHOP. 1927 Harbor t b Is, matlre!IS/springs, ANTIQUE 56" roll top, : ttr. &irl for civil engineer's Must have college de1ree or Blvd .• CM 645-2760 daily 10.9 chain, patio furn. fl.Ilse. 127 lliOVI NG-r.1ust sell 11 P t bu s i n es 5 ty"" desk. office. near a.irport. J\.tay two ..-. oolleg• plM work Sal-S"n 106. fttl'n ishings. incl r e f r i g., ,... _, .. ••er --~ 1· J'" .. ..... 44th St, l'>'B. 675--0771 d -1 Completely reslorecl. 1-19.:i • ...... lllW ru ,-1mc. exp., milJtary complete, call 1..:==..:.:..::... ____ I ~=""=c"----=--~ ressers, misc items. n 8110 --- B.3 tr 1..eaJlt, A.100, B-100, 1-1-100. ~f.tt'O, M-l, L-100. J.14'0, S-1. l'r.m $19S. Tenm, ALLEI< THEATER, 32 P<d· ah, almoit n«WI B1'" Savin&' Now in our End of Summer Otara~ Stlt! ! HAMMOND In CORONA Dtl. MAR 285-1 E. Cout Hwy. 613-8930 THOMAS ORGANS Exclusive Color-glo program· med rylhmn. Many olher plu.s features. See the new Le.Wn!nte Welk n1odcl. Trt- mendous aavif1815 on select- ed demofll'ilrator models. Used Organs from $199. COAST MUSIC NEWPORT & HARBOR COSTA ~JESA * 642-2851 NO\V • 1't'.nt a Baldwin organ & learn to play. Adull begln~rs only. Private er class Je1sons available - 1'1!sults guaranteed. Believe it or not w $3.00 a \\'eek ren- tal. les~ns extl'a. \VARD'$ BALDWIN SI'UDIO 1819 Ne,vport, C.M. 642-MlM HAMMOND -Steinwa,y • Ya· maha • new & used pla.nori of all makes. Beil buys in So. Calif. ri.z:ht here. SCHMIDT MUSIC OJ., 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana WE HA VE PIANOS! You may purchase or rent and credit all monies paid towa rd purchase. HOUSE OF HARMONY 48 Fashion laland Ne1vport Beach * i44·039J ••YAMAHA PIANOS & ORGANS Sl?e the complete line at: COAST MUSIC NE\VPORT & HARBOR COST A t-.lESA * 642-ZSSl NOW-rent a Baldwin piano for your chllrl tot $2.00 we e k. Professional i.n- stn1cUon available -resullll guaranteed. \VARD'S BALD\VJN sruoto 1819 Newport, C.M, 642-84&4 \VANTED PIANO. & ORGANS •636-362lJ• 540-3750 Ann, J\tercttants Personnel 17 Pc. King Size GREEN brocade 11.,. ~ttr. & excl cond. Sat & Sun 2J21 8·t6-ll65 I • SEC TY, LEGAL Agency. 2043 \VestcllU Dt., Bedroom n1atching chair . Periecl Elden Apt C. Cr.t. &t!>-1008 SOLID oak Hoosier kitcben GOOD Upright Plano. gd. • Santa Ana. 1·2 yeani calil .N,.:·::":..· ;,645-::,,:.m;,::.0 _____ 1 condition. Sl10 49'1-5303 or t.IOVING to Euro p e. cabinet, $5Cl. tone, Sl75. 200 Paci!lc Coast la Re l ."!" • Lar(e 9 dJ'a\\ler dresser, mir. 4M-9J71 c 1 •548-56;)9+ ll 11 B ''" -: w. cen exper not nee. TRAINE~. Young . mkt1 in-rot, 2 bedside stands, king omp ete house ho I d ========= wy, .. ~, .. Ty(le 60. shtd 80. terested 111 learning trade. size headboard, frame, quilt· J\'OVING must seU! I-louse furn.lshlngs must Uc di£pos· h HAMMOND Mlll ORGAN 1 ;MISS EXEC AGENCY Must have good reference-a. ed mattres.c; sheets blank· full of turn & n1isc. 188 ed of. 21831 Kio\\'a St, ltB Sewing Mee Ines 8120 Excelle:nl condition s150, 410 W. Coast Highway' Good pay &: benefits. Steady cts. etc:. • • J\lontc Vista. Apl C, Costa 002-9711 SE\VJNG P..IACH!Nt: * 644-1604 * Newport Beach 6*-3939 enip.loyment 6.fi&--.rm.. (.'hoice or Spa:'.sh ?llesa. 54s-7927 Supt'r Sidf'1valk Sale! 1969 SINGER HA1\lf.10ND ChOrtl OrJan, SECRETARY. LEGAL Hix.son ?olet&I F'inlshing or Modern Slylf' i'.IOVING • Se 11 Ing all Mardan Thrift Shop CONSOLE \v/xtras, antiq white, like Exper1enced WAITRESS All For $249 household furniture, color 1877 Park Ave nr l!lth Zig Zag Cab. model. Sli,11hlly ~w $395. G7!>-5l16 67S-l677 CDM TV, etc. 1166 Charleston St., C.i>I. t.lon-\Ved, Sept 13, d ~t r · J b Dof> EXPERIENCED No down· Pmts. onlv S9 mn. CM . M!H247. 16, 17. !J:JO Ai'.T to l Pl'>'i use ·' Y LS.I \Vil · ca · s ••••••.••• 'IS'l'RESS. Dr a Pt r Y WELK'S WAR i;>vr.rything \vithout attach. work Inquire Laguna Be11.ch EffQUSE DESK, Governor \\'u1t!uiJr PATIO fllrn. 2 couches, col· Built in con1rols lo overca st, , .lnlerlon, ~ s. Coast Apply in Penon Jo'r. Prov. bedrn1 furn. fee tbl, 2 mahog arm chrs. n1ake but-holes. se\v on bu l's. ' ; ,Hwy. mornings. 494-6348 SURF & SIRLOIN 600 W. 4th St.. Santa Ana 494-9252; 697 Anita St, 1nple chest, day bed hf'm <lresses, make lancy 1 SERVICE srATION 5930 Pie. Cst. Hwy. Open Daily 9 • 9 cLa=gu::.omc::...B=.'::.h~--~-\l'/bolster comp, st e e I sllirhes, e!C", 5 yr, parls and Phillips Petroleum Co. Newport Beech Sat. 9. 6 Sun. U . G Governor \Vinthrop deik. chest. 1vht. 2 drs, misc. SE"rvice <guai-antee. $5.64 Now hlrlnc tor _W_Al'l'R_:.:::E::!SS=:k.:...'.C:'.:OC~l<T'.'.._A_lL-l;,ES'°P;i'A'"Nii,.0;;;,LC,1-iN~QOiU7A"L~l"'T"Y Xlnt cond. 697 Anita St., 831-1;i12 or ~7-9368 eres. rlwn. & 9 py111ts. of S5.64 Salary-ope:rated service 1ta-WAITRESS. M6a Lanes, Model Home Furnitur• Laguna Beach. 494-9252 AUTO air-cond S:?a. TV $1.J. "10· No interest chge., or: tkm. ~n .. -·-~. Sa ' ss~ ']OW'"''" $2.50. I<lt. •"Pl. • COMPLETE PRICE ~~ '"""' '"""'"" 1703 Superior Avt!, VUliS to 1c. E-Z Hnanc· FINE 18th Century " '"' " $56 40 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT Good ~.~•-g ··'·-· plu s "'-· "I · N u · d 3 mai>y misc iten1s. MOl1cl's · 111..,.."", __,, ......... ta 1• na. ~ 1ng, o iutg 01vn. com-reproduclin l\Iahoga.ny F bll t h ...,,_ ...... ,., conim;~·'-n, wi'" I •lotl1••, lG-1'2. 62'1 St. James or no o g.. ree. on1e WANT AD .. ~-........ ..,...., "' e WAITRESS • P ete rooms of dl?C{lrators Dining table 644-1619 .. ,_ d al c d. ill :~~~e~:rti;~o;a ~°:. Fas!. ap'd over 21 .style~ Spanish Jwniture. TEA ('art $15: mBple chest of _R_d._N_B~--"-'-·-"-"-·--~ 9 c;~j: I~ t~. ~11t ~~;CLt. ,----------1 Don Jose Reataurant Cons1stu1g <J:I the t~n1ous dnnvers \Vith mirror $35: STEREO. & radio equip, 213 . 531.9694 -formatinn contact manager, ~ustom quality Madrid Uv. 1 d k Slit s.13-4476. men's &: \\Omrn's r!oth1ng, Brookhunt & Adams, I-lun· 9093 E. Adams, HB 1ni room group, The orlgin. map e e~ caniping t'quip. householrl Singer. auto, zig zag, 6 mos tington Beach. WAITERS. \Va 1 tr es a ea , al EJ ~sidenle spaclous Quality kiri$: bed-quilted. Iurnlshlng & misc. Sa! only old. No attach needed to do SER. Sta.. Exp. Salary + 10% 2121 E. Coast ftwy. Cd M. n1aster king site bedroom C.on1plcte-unused $98, \Vl'.>T'll 673-!Xli2 208 Coral. Bnl Isle design, n1011ogn11. blind hem, comm, o/time pay aft 40 Busboy. Pref. exp"d, Appl y: suit& and the authentic La $rll. Aft 5 &: \vknds 8'\z.6536 ~·1.27 mo or $~2.00 cash, h Full/ Pe 990 E \VJNDOW GIRLS. Hrs lZ.2, Pu V.'liJllght iron. dine11e -J\IO VING! Everything Must 526-6816 ~~·Hwy,~. rm. · ages 25-40. Salary + meals. sets. Limited stock ~ $488. Office Furnltur• 8010 G~! F;;i~~\napi~~an~si '°"======== SERVICE Station afttndant, Apply in penon rrom 1-lamilton Sho,vn.iom. 5!NS ~.1~· a · P Musical Inst. 8125 9:30-11 8.m dally. MAC \Vestminster Ave, \\'estmins. AN AEROSPACE i -~--·--~----- t!Xp. nee. See r.1ike, 4678 DONALD'S, 635 w. 19th st.. ter. 8944434 CORP. RELEASES Cl·UN.ESE f\100 )li. tJ ! rad, F actory Cl ear a nce l Campus Dr, N.B. Costa f\.tesa. r.IOVING to }!av..aii. Like * 51S·60x34 Walnut desks. fu1n. sofas chairs lamps, Quilter Sound OJ. must dear SERVICE Station Graveyard WJ d I new: cui;tom quilted curved \Yi1h never marred lops, v.icker furn, mi."C-Sat/Sun ot1t al l its stock al cost. PA shirt, 1~7 or 8 AJ\1. Sun. ft OWC eaner beige sect. O\'al Drexel din refurbished ...... $74.5\1 1-4. 5012 River. NB llYStt'mS, Gullar-Ba."s amps f.ton, Tue:1 nltea. Appl y at Top pay. Full time. rm set, relr!g, 3 xtra long * 32-l door lelte.r filec ·-ARP-~ET~.-,h-,-8-. ~h-,-1,-N-E-W & Speciker Boxes. Standard ~--n St."-Ha~r • E ,-·• O J $'• ., Amp $"""" no\v $200. Guilar .... ,rev•" ....,.., l"W °' xper enccu n Y hvln bed sets w / e I e c • ··" .... •• •···· ·· • ""' " · S·i sq. yrt 3!!6 }la1nilto11, vvu San tlfego F'rwy, CM Apply at l'7751·2C * 4. \\·aJ11ut secretarlltl & &. Bil."~ e::ih 412 fQ11il1er bla.nket, sc1ving 111 e c h, 112_ C.M. Sa.turdo.y only. l'pki·s) SJ40 OO\v S~. 412 Sewi1t9 ·MKhlne ~~~rine screen, golf cart. hi-fl stereo * "l1:~~ 'd~-~~i~~··1ab1 :~: GARAGE SALE {Al tee Spkt-;s) $900 1ui\v S300. Ope rators ---------1 comp. Anliq \l'hite; llam· · ~. bl I ...,..,l L8At>en11, behind r·oun· .11·, (,\ltru· S1ok-. I •1100 "ow "'OMAN h d hon! • d rha1rs, \1·01·" to es, ster. "'' ... ·~ ~ " Exper:itneed on dressea & '" -ousewU~. use Your mon c organ "" en desks, credenias, tire fiJ. l"'•~'"~v-.i~l~•yo___.H~l.-""~-"-71=~ s~oo. PA i>y:.len1s 1nod 1000 sportswear. Top pay. 863 spare Ume ro ea.rn money. Ibis. Ant\q l\tandolln, cop--1 !Quiller spkrsl $2180 no1v Production Pl, NB 64&-0.3M: \Vin prizes, no a-limit, no ""r, brass, """Stal, bric· es, etc. G1\JlAGE Sae Sept. 13&14 .. ~ ,~ ~·• fi.Ici\L\t!AN·s ,,.,..,,. H 1· •-C •'I $700. mod 1000 (Allee Spkr~l time limit, Will train as brae, silver, tbl linen. No ...,.. ~ e iouvpe, ·"·l• · SE\VERS, experienced. Ap-0 __ .... Co 1 Ml _,. d'·•. 6~ 0176 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd. Furn & Jots of J\lisc. S2900 r0ow $1000. 19.16 Pia. ply 525 Forest Ave., Laguna DCoOU.., unse ors. ..........., ua ,_,,, 712.9.150 An11 heim ===~---~---.,.-ren!lo Ave .. Cb~ta M es a Beach. 491-llll SPANISH (Alongside S.A. Fv.y. GAnAGE Sll le, Camper for 615-2:HO J ---------1 School .. lnstruction 7600 MEDITERRANEAN 11.t Katella) ir~ Too Piclrup $40. Tire.c;. CU lLD f·'" SEWING machine operators. tablf's rlc. 270 Virginia, C;\1 ~ , Exp'd, top pay, ideal c:ond. As Shown ln model hotnes. USED-Good condition. Desk. s.124427 ArousUcal. steel sl!'in~. 1 1589 btonrovia, C.M. 645-0081 $AUCERMAN SCHOOL 3 'Rn1s ol furn. fdln rm, llv 2 chairs, couch, lanip~. I ~===-===,_,....,,.,. GOO D BLUES AX!'.: , SEWING &: repair 0 I Co. Fairgn::iundll, &r. 1.S rm, & bedrml priced eJ.se.. tables & othtr I I I? m s. GARAGE SALE Fri I Silt. S125 * 645-2246 \Vhere the P-ram v.·here at SS!B is yours today Ml·"~l or,,.,,,~ ~84 S\nk. toilets, clotJ1ing, nnsc. ,.,. uniforms. Part-time. •vo """ .-r;,u. 22 S ~1 •3--H · r LAT Clori11et-r.Jnr!ln ', f 0,., "'"""' """l. "·h. Fils the Oiild at only $39'). Easy Cl't'dil 160 E. ' nd t .. 1.1• 640-150 ~ "" ""' \Villard H. Sauterman. Terms. trM)-3750 rreres. Complete \\/case & ' 0 0 Office Equipment 8011 ===-=,-,,.=---,--,----,-st~u1tl SGO 515-1260 ' S H AMP fir I &. Ed. D. Sa nta Ana Furniture Gt\R.AGE SALE Sot & Suri. , ' . . ' manicurist. Call for appoint. 54()...1060 Enroll now 426 w. 4th st., Santa Ana 'i:'YPE\VRITF:R, Add. mach. fllnny itcml'! iucl. :-ora. TRUlllPET 'vilh case, nc\v ' .Allml~:::;:.'.:";-.· c,"""".;,__;;c,'.:'·-.-=-Eves 548-1758 • 541-0189 • calculator, Very reasonable. dresSt'r. chest. b Icy cl e . lacquer, $j(), ' I -=:==''"""'"'°""'''---I--,=....,:::_:::::_.=____ d -2 * ~IS-8011 • Shipping·lnventory REtlRED ?.futer a r l fo..!OVING • china • Noritake . ~1nt. Con · oJ.,.. 423 lY.1.12 \Vlllctt Lane. 1-1.B. Steady. 6'12·2666 teacher, bored with in· Nanarosa, complete for 12. RP:: Zito D EL Sale-Double 12 STRING elecl.r1c guitar & Shipping & Ree'vng $600 aclivity, wtll comldtt adult aJJ or part. Furniture, old at. Gartgt Sile 8022 ovrn, f'lectrlc, coppertonc an1p, $t2G or best oHe.r. X:Jnt opportwrlty. Good com· small groups for painting tic, Jate &arage. almost an-ANTIQUE Pump oi>gan tn range SlOO. 3 nau;;ahyrlc 546-8169 aft S PM pan,y. aJ'ld top bene.6ll. Call 11nd drawtng ~auts in }'Our tlquts in chaira, !ables, avocado tulUquc linlsh, cla\v chairs. & misc-. 61J..1701 ANTIQUE r.>layflo\\'l!'.r Man- G-• "'"fl0. home. Contact: TSCHUDI, de!ks, kidney vanlty. large <lolin, like n('\1'. AppraiSl!'d "''• ~~· ·-South ~-H' h and ball·foot st.ool, make ot· JASON BEST '""""' ........... t ig way, ("l\est, old bench, knick·knac frr; 1-land-thro"'n s!one\1'11.m Furniture Auction 8025 S200: make oUer. 6T~)-5176 'l:",... .. 1--mt A .. ney Laguna Beach shelf. niirrors. l&.mps and 1 1 1 $"' , ,..::;.:·;.-:.""'.~ M".in', Santk Ana JUNK. Also Tetn clothes. «"ram cs, rt r gerator 6J· 1----'-------'IM.I~ Whlt&eJ~l D1mHt-llne Until sold, all ch ea P ! miscellaneous fttrniture . oth. • Fur n iture • Pianos & Orgens 8 130 646--0644 er ltrms: c:-:ei>lltn~ modct·n A r e c I TV e PIA NOS 1~o;;:A1L~~:Y,,:P~ILOT~~IV~ANT~;;ADS;:;:;'~O~AlL~Y~P~nm~~W;:ANT;;;::,;:AD;:;;;Sl~l-'-"ir=:imiii\irOe-pencil draw 1 n g 5 i.,y PP 1a nces o or J 9 Furl'llture e Univcn;ity art professor. Off AOK AUCT10N,_ e PIANOS ,. Men. Wom. 7100Jobt-Mtn, Wom. 7100 Appllances e Color TV alley at !'Ide of 324 Santa T.'22 Garden Crove Blvd. 0 PIA NOS AOI< AUCTION Ana Ave. NB 645-21329 \\'e~1mln'lter nr. C.r.. Fr11;.r. F1111\ Ddy~ f'f our Sumn1f!t f • • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • .., Tues & '"'uri; 7 PM-Sat fi·~O "'"UFA~UllN~ t n, 2Z G. atden Grovf! Blvrl. GARAGE Sala-&t-Suu. Stpt .,. Sale. /".,1\e on fa bu Io u ~ ,.._... .,., "" • \\ f:o;;te!t> Mn~gnmt, Rrf"'J. New ("flANOS In I ding • PRODUCTION estmuister nr G.G, Frn-y. J:l. l~. 15. 303 . 20th, cornt'r ~-, , . c-u 1 + Tue.s If Thurs 1 PM-Sal t:SO Santa Ann, Chsta !llesa. • Chickering • \V11rlit1.er l TRAINEES t EaL!te rnnsinml R.epo Nf!w Prolessionnl hair Wyer. Appliances 8100 • ~tr1n1vn;v • J{na~ -~ · : Co~i.°=~ a:lr~fro~.~ c:o; ::~~~1~~~qu:~~l~~:R ·-O-P_E_R-.,-.._-,-.,-,-1-1-,-,,-,.-,-,1·1 I S Pr~~~~t~~ci'~O~~~ES f • TV-lg. Philco CODfl01e'1!bony slant board. antlqui? mirror, .i;as slO\'t-W/1.lldl'·OUI bum-SAVE UP TO ... $250. I • NO IXPlltllNCE NlCESSARV. 11 TO J5 Y~RS. + dYtd waJnul fl?O .. 1 blaek \val.De lron. Co 11 e C" t or er 1ray & bottom slo1'BJ:1! BUY NOW!! Pricet will no! Wl&H SCHOOL QlADUATE, IF-YOU HAV£-THE AP · i e o 11 t e n1 p 0 r a r y chair records. <ll~lms. glas5Ware romparlme.nl; while. ;75. be th!'lo IO\V ~ain! ! lrTUDf, WE Will T~AIN YOIJ. Pfll:MAf\IENT EM· w / w h 11 e n a UJA h yd e li'7.nd~ju""";.:"-o"=~-,-,-..., ;,.i:\.;;6'.!3 or ~-96:?5 COAST MUSIC "'•AoNrC~!!'"INT EXCilllNT OPPOJl.TUNJTY FOii: AD· cush!Ona SJO, Call: 317-98(19 GARAGE SALE;... A111lqued KEN,MOR-E a II t 0 ma I i c N~'PORT & l!ARBOR. -' • altt!r 5 PM. mlrTOn. ~.xtrcyt'le, baby \vtlihef'!' letr modril, ~n!t OJSTA t>IESA * 00.2851 INTERVIEWS MON. THR U FRI. t ANTIQUE CornPr hutch, n~ crib. 11lny ren. drt1prs, ~n $10. &li...Sll5 or Opc11 111-6 Fri 1&9 Sun 12-3 Sps W • 1nrbl coJiee t::ible. istereo 1Mk1', 5idewnlk b ike, PLAY 0£}"0RE YOU BUY estern t cabinet, couch & ("hr . fur11ltt1re. &Ullar, rlntht>~. c;ENEP.AL Ell'l'tnr !'.f()\.f'. l t·R.EE piano cla..,~s tt>nnln1 PLANNING TO REMODU! • t ' . \, " ' ~ " J#'l~ .,%, ,. : • . "';ti 1 "•' .. \ I :; ~ ' ' \ I ' I I " I .., • I ' I " ' ! r ' \ .. ,f • ,. I ~ RHd Cl111lll11llon1 6500-6900 In tho DAILY PllOT i. lamp!il. mite Items.. 847~ sk1i~. rrrords. lays. OTIIER ov-eM, in xlnt cond. 001\· -caU for ~n·alion.,, SOFA bed. 2 mat c h Ing BARGAIN!'~ 27U \\'avcc1Tal 5~0-6j11 Could f>.Iuslc Co111pa11y, 3}li chaln. netv uphol.littry. 28-1 Dr. Cdi\I 64-l..Q".A%. Sat & Sun \\'J\,..,Hf;R & dryer, a\'Ol•:irlo, N !'llaln. Sant.a. An•· 1 '-or Expert Kmx Pia~. CM. 1f>.~. st:.'5. Rctrla:-fmt;t '"'c ;u;;. _!i<_T_·""-'------Assistance ,AN !QUAl O,l'O~IU~lTY llllLOYU K " ............ _ ..... _ ..... _ ............ ...: \Vlute .t.Jerhanta? O!n.I 642-$78 !or RESULTS 1 _>_·""'-"-'-"-'-'-'-~_tO'.l:i_._. __ W_h11o_•l_•P_h_"'-'-'-' _D_un_,_,._._11,,._ '--------- 270 1 So. Harl.or, Soni• Ano YOURSELF (You're Not Dreaming) But You Con PINCH YOUR PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad A New Kind of Want Ad That Really Gives You Every Penny's Worth N&W! SPECIAL RATE! 3 _LINES 2 TIMES $2.00 Any Item For Sale $50 or Less! PILOT PENNY PINCHERS Will Wo rk Fo r Youl DIAL DIRl!CT 642-5618 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ' FOUi CONVENIENT OllFtqU TO ·SERVE You .,. ' • lllWl'OIT llACH ZIJ 1 -. e COSTA MISA -J:IO w.-11oJ e HUNTl ... TON HACH -JOt l'ffllt - e LAeUNA llACH .m -A- DAILY- ...,_., Hff·Y• C• Use 0. ,._. Dtme .A·U.. ..... ------·---.. -et ... 4 a.,..,_, 9"'c& e ... t I 1rcW .. •••Ill . ---... ""'""----' $U. . _u ___ ,,,_ SnClOUChPNewlttb&m-RECLlNEJt dalr SS NEW G.£. nno m, Two DOlJBl..Z Bed. a ..-V. NEWI>rt111d.rta.1IMZ'A MOVING, au 1kM. &ood WASHING machine $20 . TYPEWRnTJt. H•1mt11'Vllkit.b!:)iMda ,_,llllloLI boo abldo is Dou.blc aiw Wllllblet chair $5 Sofa $5 ,DlW F'leldaelt bedrprada. and mattrtu $15 ftth. .w tell tor$$.. MlNUe com. c:ondJIJotl Pl ~ Tablg and cbl1n it.90 m . l90d condi.Hoa 125. 1V =: btd frame, ...,tna. held and Kitchen ta.tie, 4 chain $10 hlue flowa', blaclr A ftoWUI Drlf'twood heed.board, b>t-bo canktv •t suo. Clilld'• Dinette chain is, SClltteCt 2S lncb. blatk ml white u *'* ....., ** toot board and nite atanda Wattt toftener $21 End $11 KJl.cbeit c.rt, whHe SS. bo&rd and rails SU. 6'J3..'785t booster 11eat SS.. Curtain\ WESTERN-Holly P' ?&nl' chair $S. Ehd tabltl #. k $10. ._ ff 4' X 8' :r. l' dtet> car top tables. J $5 tacfi. Blonct 1ta-Sat-Sun a.rt.er s p M • 25e-30c pair, Doll patterns 36" widfl S2S.. Lawn edla' Water lkb S$.. Kem dotbc9 -REFIUOE&\ltB W cu. curfft' Wlth tarp S 2 dent delk-$5. Trundle bed 54&-1'38 EXPENSIVE, Firm twm Im 1lk-IOc a bq, m c. ~ $2. 615-380l. e.u" SUlG. Merw ttr:.. EUX:TRIC auttar, uctUent $& 1-U ca ft. .... Jn Wfou&bt iron phone at.and $1 S25 Small bookcw llO 4 ft •pril\S and matlral SlS )UI Dr. Localed betwHn UNriii t.*S~ $1. s vlifulM pu1ta abe 32 "'-· ·~ condition $15. Ala amp b-~ ..... tfJ.6711 Sm.a.II bamboo table fl pool J.ddtr SUI Qrlld'a pio. G 0 LF S"fl.' ti AtttntJon...:nl eaci1. Metal tram. P. Pl.acerltia and Brookburst. encyclopedlt. SS. ca.., and ~ SOc-$5. Crib' am &\Illar $15. fU.10.n Wbtte lRONRn'Z !rlml' a Umbrella afyie doChes line nlc table S5 SwiJW .et '15. Mar~ 11>tt bells.'-'"" 673-:ir5:1 ottVkklria utobjects:!Oe-#.Aranap mattrea$Z.MmalhoM1$. SaHIWq,CdM "'* ftlwteelt,t.•lro• 18 • tt ,... u.n1 .,.,. """" Lawn cbalro, ~ 12 •""'-tor it '°' -•tlo. OD!, IJ. .._.,.. u 12. Mllk ...,. limp om 2 PLASnC """" '""""° ehalr IUI. w.-2 .,.1 tatle $3. Pair ltl!!pped end Redwood picnic table $15 4 rev. EXCELL E NT U 1 e d 01ESf pr ctn.wen. 5 SINGLE bed, -$15. lh&dtt: $6. Mena new lhlrtl llftn mlcr. Back fDl.da ture wtndow lamp tabll tam'ea $3 • .f dn.wu knee mttal patio tables ~ 2 oo. DOUBLE Mattreu $15. Box ~. 9 x 12, IO x 15· lO drawers $10.SO. C.E. ootdo D) Alvando Platt ~ medium $1.50 Baby bl.th Sic down fD mm: bed $25. nu.i.net with liarv' .tilt' hole desk $7. Pair size 9 aWona.1 chain S5 eadl JeJ>. ~ $~ Sinai• mattress x 12.. lDc sq. tt.. 284 Knm St., I~• carving: knife, almoet Bar atoola p , Car 11rat 12, 5&7843 Pcrtable tJp!WTloie men's indoor aOOe roller .ny UM bed $2i TensloJJ $10. IH&-8488. New fittplace C.M. everrlnp ~2991 new $6.95. Wubfnc machine 9' SOFA. $25; 2 eold pedestal Floor }¥tp $2. Imnlna: MATERNITY cl~. l1zie 141"'6110 after 5 PM Set. ak&tt& $5. Leather brief ICl'eena, 13, 50c Dar bouee acreen wtth KUWI& $11. mCTCLES Jn good cond.l.tlon $15. T.V. cooaolc, needs table&, $15 each: 1 swag boU'd $3. Accent pillows $L .. ~ .. y aib -~ - cue $L mt Albatross Dr. S'f,50 Id.pie bonkrase bed Maple coclctall tahl.e, like 3 speed $18. 26" ladies repair $15. Men's trave.I !Wt lamp. l lli; 1 Ill.IP table OU-white couch $15. Ttn5 !?• ~ Ladies dou.e., ~ - Costa Mesa. 5tO-m9 S25 3 tpeakrr ID-Fl $20 new SU. 23" Scott lpr!ader ~le sprred with narrow baa: $9..50. SUlt cue $Ll0. lamp. $15: 1 black tinplaoe S2. Houat1Van'S 50c•$$. me 10 2Sc-$fi Ail like new.1..: .... .::,,"":::.'------.PI Baby jump eeat $2 2 SI 2>". Sran PJWU' P'IOMr t1rH $18.. 3:1·• girl's p2. M~'• dothes n-.$1.0. Men's set. $5. 1i7J-4976 l6U-U'J or Sf.8-5977 Distles, baby dotbea ~L MAHOGANY Mq:uim f;($ DOUBLE roll.away bed. Ex· pl.aypena S5 each Deep fat $1S. ~an powv edlft $18. 541)...2841 extra latp coat U.50. Sp>rt vw aoodie 1ra)' $9. vw CU-~ $3. I04 W. 19th c.M. $'2D. Bl'Ul and ro.ts-$li:it cellent cond.ifun $ 2 O • fryer IS CUrtaina 50c--U 12" hi-fl speaker in J.arae COLEMAN L.P 181 picnic me.t, wom once $2.lill. Men's trailtt hitch $21.1. v W WHfl"E baby crib with mat-I Blue chlJlll stamp boc*a $Z &fl.-1619 I 646-2781 Antique piam ~enc h , cO\net $10. 6"-4656 stove $5. Rabbit hutch $4. sweater•. tize 0 $2.50.. chain1 $5. vw rim.a Cl) tre• $21. Baby IN:*le $3. or ll-15 ncb. s.by c:arrtap MAPLE Table. 1 lat iiJ CHILD'S .atud;y cklk .$8 ~ch rettniahed J;:l5, Antique oval WHIRLPOOL Wuber &nd Water aid $8.SO. l...a.rae red Men's windbreeker, .alze 42• $1. 2 Speak.en ' .$12. Mlmlta Vaporiztr .$2. Potta)>le ba~ net DtVtf' UMll $1 ()utdoor Maple chairs $5 each. TWit Man's Mrstuffed den chair table $25 3 ~o r tab I e d r 1 • r (l(lnbi.natSon. e:<· wligon $5. 2 oxid awtac:rses IJ..9.S. MM'• fleeoe lihed 16 MM camera $25. Sc\ib& ... t $4. Wooden blah c~ nrvolvtnc clothes dryer $l. 2 custnm ~ dott. a 1 1$.50 Eneydopedia set, U ~~-..a~ ....... ~ cdlent COlldition fA 1% HP $1.50. lill9 Tu.stin Ave. ?~t ~ ~lD ~· pressure 1auge $10. Back SlO. Murray bicyd~~~-Six ~~ cota2 wtMth•~~ Twin "'llttd print boob l9 Aluminum slidi.n& u....-.., ·-.... ....., air ~ "6-21£)5 ~• .... ~ • ....., -... pack SS. Wet suH complete decorator CW1alnl "' new ~ .... a......... baud and la:6p: .. window ftame, complete 2 x Toya 25c-$l. Womim'1 kl! prop · . ~ Vacuum duner $1. 75. camp $1D. Spear irun S8. ~ S6. 673-4288 bedlPftada cot aize SUO. Drtulng tatff budl 6 $9.50 Car top carrier fl.SO akates $4 2 rup. 9 x 12., ~ la~~~ C7 3 Piece brown aecOOnal $25.. cot.a $:l.50 each. Foldin& 2U ~NB BROWN -I& buman hair Slte 12 malt:mit,y dtuay cualom plM wlvret ~ $1.50 N th &by Tenda $15 amu.a, Jacobson reel P 0 we r chAirl. steel 11. Th each. look.-6'B-G288 ' p&d. metallic top with black $15 1 pajnttd nWat = ~ Sno cone machin! S1 noor C 0 MME R C r A L Fl.oar mowt:r $25. Hand mowu 11 Lamp table $3.75. Dlnit1g EDISON Voice writer $25. natural veh1et slacks rood condition · WASHER. automatic $25. it lamp$2Aquariumpumpci t.. deantt $1.0. Gold quilted Leather top end tables Pl table, blond $7.95. eorree Instant bot water kilcben P IC'I\JRE hmet· 25C-s5. $5.. Size 14 ~tttnity dregs, S5 och. Tapes• worb, +o E. 18th St. Costa ~ 25 gal Pemoo Aquarium ,queen bedspread $5. Elec-540-2623 lahle, blond $1.50. Floor booster, excellent Io r Diallel aM u~Mlla n ·SlO. a1aclm and tops $8. SiJe IO =-teCiQlder' SI ~ Mesa. S25 26 gal st.:iw tank reOec-trlc blanfta U-$2. New BABY Crib and cheat to Jamp $1 .50. m E. 2(ttb st.. buslneu att1ce 1.19. One 6511 Clothing womens 11lz.e 10 ~ boys r:ip-aut llim' wool ·' ll" PORTABLE TV. room to tor, new S&. Padded car aeat brown dynei hair tall $5. match sa. Bathinette $3. f'l!U, 54&-Dl x 16 tire and tube $2.50. Two $25. Mot W. Balboa crvettOl.t $3. Siie JO. Boy'a GOOD~·-~~ room $25 1951 Chevrolet $4. Baby clothe-a J.5C.5o· New brown human ba1r fall Baby item.I 5 o c -$1, tube 1u wall heater n .50. g M~I MOVIE camera JOOnt cbeekec1 wool gprt jaded and sprlnp $25. OU ~ radiator $10 y..g automatic Brownie fta.sh att.aclunent $10. 'IV stands Sl-$3. Celling Cock .... -poo. J months $3. MAPLE DWc $25. Recliner Ladies bowllrw ball Md bar lens sz. & MM Movie $2.50. Call 546-0053 Mea ir'Gb Vk1orian dDlilblil ~ tranmnmion $25.. ]!j()% E. ~ X-latge dog houJe $15. tra.vene rods $15.. Dtttric 6G-M34 $15. Double bed $15. Dinin&: $5. 15 pl, Dunne F.dward& <'&R'l.e:ra 3-Jerw $10. Project~ Verde $20.. Rollnd cU drop 1eei 18th St. C.O.ta M es a ' Electric kni1e sharpener $3 irons il-$2. Typewriters HJ-Yi record pl.a,yer VM roam chairs SS each. Divan b.Ydro lox block; brick and $Zi Movie fditor a n d STRAW . FI o we r a r-~ table 1'. OU: ~ 548-6529 3-I93l Cl>evy wire lheela S5 $244.SO. Barbecue a pit .$25. CNir to match $15. atucco 9ealer 525. Coal $3.&S ipllcer $5. Twin book WU enta 15 to $ l S chair $7. Dooble ud ..... SMALL trailer $25 Double each Seal installer, National motor $2.50. Barbecue tDola tab1:sre mod~e<:t~ S 3 Rttord holder ~ ~~ $5. gal. M&-1011 headboard• S3 each or SS = babp1ead:!I fWl, ~ beadboud $2a.. Do u bl e $2.50 Kenned¥ tool box $2.Stl SOc. Old dishes lOc-$2. 5:.s.n~ . Lampa $5 each. ~5 Daner WOOL Braided oval N& $10. pair Sewhll cabinet $L spao05, jewelry ~.:'J . Uled tires $2..~ Bench Pn!s:sure eookeor S1 Tether $25, Coffee t&ble ..,. · Y" Wuh basin $5 2 bl.th tubs Medicine cabinet with mil'-MATTRESSES And b o :r can ddfwr tied. Sat 's~"~l8 ~~ $25. vile $5 Eltttrie tach>meter ball $4. Badminton set $2. THERMAOOR Oven, good bed $10. Blond end tables and $8. Table iami-45c each. ror $2. 613-6M5 springs $17.SO and $2Lli0. '42-2862 . J ttp ~ IV•'"" came:ra Chevy radio. 12 volt $5. V•poriftT 15c. 12" spea.im' conditlon $25. B u 11 t -1 n cxrner table $15. Olel!t of Dretlaff, End tables S4 each. Lamps NORGE fWUher iz. Heathkit, venatlle ~ Plymouth nulio. 6 wit S5 SS. Hand vacuums u.;3. rarwe. aood condition $25.. draW'l'MI $21. Occamtial all b:e.a. ~~25c ~fENS set roll clubl with $2. Nliht stands $1. Lounae SS each. U70 Boa Villa Cll'. Stttring wheel puller $2.50 6 Bo~ ball with cue and We U'f! remod~ling. 5G-S.117 chair no. 646--42U Bia: s variet,y papu ~~ mg ard cart S25. CM6U-5666. ehaln Ill each. 135% c;u. G..E. ~-c l • aa i CJ.f. 546-5316 volt llpotlight $2. l X 12 ft !!hoes, size 9, no. 2 metal PLAY Pen $15.. 2 pads, 2 car BEAUTIFUL Handmade books 3125c. Artlliclal tnilt Ull Orange A~. _ St., NB. works $25. 962«1"«5'. • PHYSICIAN or The r •PY back;yard pool $25. ~ll school desks with eha.ir $5 seat.a $1 e•cb. 2 bab1 beds silky patchwork 1: ern-& platter n .25. Starts Sat-10 COLDSPOT refriaen,tor m SUNBEAM Mixlnute!' 16. SUNBEAM A a t a m at t c treatment table (Bat t I e Bayview A~. Santa Ana each. Survival boat seat $5. and m•ttres&es $1.) each. broldery coat or robe. Old AM, thru Monday. m E. Cottee table. anUQue ~n Pair bike saddle bulcets $.1. percolatOr, lib new~ST Creek) sz. Heat lamp, fl<Xr He.lghts, 546-&WG Childft'n'1 pm~ SOc-;1. Horsey !ilc. Box b ab Y collector'& item. Hi 11tyle Rochester, C.M. 548-4890 $25. Old trunk SID. Few Lithol Sl. 644-0191 Cen.mic canlmr aet model J2,S. Head traction 9CXD Plonetr Or. H.B. cJo••-o $5 . ........_ ____ ,.G......... ..... .. l" •• j•·•t ,~-knee stoneware pota Handmade ,.,_ 1.. 14 Ll.mp1 $2.51).4T,5Q, . '"'' r~wr ............ ....... ...-u .... """'" · OUTDOOR Oolhes.line, nrw •:o ...c ....,ncil dra-'--by WOMEN 'S ..... ttiea: u, Rt. new no <;:: ice HAND Crocheted table cloths GOING TD Clftcon,_ Carpet QI. Pulp &:rindu st. Maple $12. Ttm auto mat It Sl7. Raya.I p 0 rt ab 1 e ;;b'te ~rt Pf'Oi:;;;" SlG-$1--$3. Bathroom.. po I e aecaUon.l table $&. WftlUl't!C ~. 1l1ltt $5 SJ). 4 IUll rack $3.50. SS, TtlevlaioM 2 at $5 each. end and coffee b.bles i25 1lldlron. Shirt sleeves fit typewriter $22. 2 rTallH $25. 3)f, Santa Ana Ave. abelvea and ca.bi.net $3. !;:~~ ~· :::: Butane_ Wik and ~tor Perfect fur coat $Z. Anti-Owntutral cbaft p. Vut ar:L Ann chair $9. Rock2r n:iUtt. Take daWn enamel mlrron $1 and $2.. Women'• 644-..m!T .1 for 1nile:r $10 Trailer hitch que coDedible ~ and lot Stove with Ian and $10. Bunk bed set $25. Oak table and roll •way. Fine orictnaJ wool suit, slz:e 16 ~ ott alley, N» Pu.ah lawnrooweE a n II 15. 2805 LaSalle Ave. C.M. chin.a. wear 35c-$J.5.. CamivaJ ou1lets $&. 4 record ~ dining l•ble $25. 6 chain condition p). Antique oak $15. 64~611 or 646-054.1 MS-DECORATOR SCREEN catcher $10. Jleelt frJ'd' SU: 5'15-2.m gl.a.u $1.50 .. $1&. Family witb standard l.nadc.ut $2. $25. 3 piece bl•ck aect1ona1 thair 14. AnUque rrape DOUBLE bed, box aprl.np $8. ft.LU she white beedboal'd Patio tlide rocker Sf. 1 wftlrl ANTIQUE student desk $Xl album. N•V1ll cover $15. J beadboudl $2 n.cb. $25. Lavatory $2. Bar stooill silver $248. New bdlpulll DECORATIVE Door plaqllet and frames $23. Maple f and matchln& small cbellt, ::esu. andstor;r. ca~net:;, Ge:oqe W • 1 h i n gt on Fonnica kitcMn table $8, s..utirul cane fllmi~ 6 $1.50 each. 3(JCZj Gant, C.M. handmade to or name n I 50c-SL1 (Antique w a&: on drawer chest $25. ~1aplt cutt, S.U. T~~ !?-:'!" -~ _ -~-od ~·••-18 •-·"' a k 11 "" Clotk -~'---"-; .. -'"-or home. whtt • 1880) $25 each Oak __ _... .... LL-1 "· w-••ht $1. Ironl• ............... ~........ Porch ... ,... steps _. ucuotn" ' ,,,,_.....,. ~ oc ·""· ~ ....... piece set at $4 each. I or all. GUITAR Acoustical Butm w....,. ... u ....... ..., L-""-Vl"<I c:am;ne ..., ·--• B I b ~-••• ·--W f,1aple telephone table is, '5-50. Old 1lus lamp abadea Overstuffed. He•vy duty V<n'"-__._, CW-lO kioka Many colon $3. Collector top '""'"e bar, resin finish tron ~ephooe table /chair 122 Turquoise, a O • nuuir '25. ~. -• Electric: putt return, new $5. $1-110. Fine bru..a ttenu tow bar $5. 111 x 4 x g panel. like ,..,,.;..;;; j1.1mbo ~ record& of 193:1 and 40's l!>c. ~O ft.Tumbled ab• Ione combina.tioll 15. H'r2~ Wand 11lb. Space t. a.ta Yem' Niagara vibrator pillow .$1~ $1.~ll. Collector's 11ilwr in&: .$1.25 each. 1A, x f x 8 cue ftir abc:we a:uitar $25. Tape recorder leu mike .$5. Plecel 50c lb. Sliding glaY 1.809 Tustin Ave., CM: I' Mt!dltttruean •fa and SCHMJDT 12 Qad M Record pllL)'l!l' .SS Portable articles fl.25-U2. BlanRtl plywood $1.25 each. ~ x 4 x Ar-.f and FM c 0 n 101 e Handmade stole, bone $3. door25 .$2S. Oriental carpet TRUNDLE Md, maple bead-matchin& chair ~ tor both. with taft'JU1I -cue, ~ vaporative. cooler with con-.$1.Sj)..$3. CbristmM table 8 hanlnick $1 each. AB new. w/chanr;er $25. 'l78-2631i Antique bil'daeye druslng S · 849 Con&re.ss. C.M. board 125. three twin aize P.faple corner t.ablt $10. 5ll 1trucUon ma.mWI and verter $20 Sears cartop car· cover '15c. Primltlve kit· Second hand lumber, a lot table and 3 way mirror $16. M6-92l9 mattresses. SS udl, 9361 Fullerton, Newport Het&hlll •..OOOk. Never plQld $1&. rier. used once $10. 833-2357 chenware $1-.$5. Sale Satur-of it SJO. redwood. Dresser MAPLE Dinette table and s~'eB.ten lor women and BASSINE"ITE On wheel& 2119 REJi'RJGERATOR, .$25: twin ~1679 WALKER jump set 15 Play daJ 131 E. ~ St, ~ $6. Set or draWU9 $8. cha: ~ra:ve:-:! teenage boys g.~ with i..ippemi ••• ~ a I I =.~::-Laundry bed.a. $5 •nd $10. Full beda.1 2..:.:::.Bw:o;:::;__m_otmcycl---.-_..~1 ptn S5 Bath tub 50c Mesa. scs..&1.-w Davenport bed $3. Wrtttna ~ SS. Round minor 26 6'13-2000. 321 around $1.50 p_,.l"'n $7.50 ca.rt IL50 bridcue $3. $10 and $31, Vacuum SS. dltbqa. Blade !lbi'.,.i~ UptXllstered platlonn rock~ COMMUNIIT SUver llUVk:e detik with C drawers $6. 327 1 h SlO Two tirn white before 6 PM ~Air5Q_T. 111 .50 ~-lam.! child'• ~lr Ir table SS. Maple end tables., $3. EasJ wtth loddna: lidt. AD -· Sl5 Diaper beg 50c Curtain for 8 and tarnish pl'OOf chnt Walnut St., CM. ;e wall~ SS. 536-3086 SUGAR Plwn Doll furniture. .,... · · wo ·~ ...........,. ~"' dJild' chain $1 Canom chain $8. Day bed with ting lw'dwate; Tit :: :: ;~~bl!°': :-=t ~':"'~AUTOMATIC Wuher, A-1 &JFA.falrcond.comf.$15. :~1on-:Ui~~ :s~~~ .. ~~1~ ::: : =• :.· ;r .:_imPI~ !,~ = •U. l\d Quoome cannister 1et S2 ~ trunk $25. Curtain rod.a 50c. ~~ ~ ~ $1: -= 494-1446 Sal I: Sun. cliff tall, The 4 • p t e c e ft. Blrdcqe $1. 2'114 Elden ponentl sZ, towel tr&.YS S.'i., Balboa t11land and 12• Betuttbd Italian ment blocks 3Dc each Lile saver jackets and St., C.M. ct( W.U.ce Ave. CARPET 6 0 Yard• ~room lll!t is available in Ave., C:M. 548-5143 stand $3. !tUrl board ~ J UICER, Uaed once $2S. 1640 au.It. and coats $ l •S l Pocket boola lDc each -·-Lions l()c-25c. y .. ...im...... • bl"'l-n ID-low, U yard11 pink. blue ind yellow $10 BASSINETTE Like new with --_,.1, N~ Bl d Sp ~ CM ~ $1 and -r~J I $5 <.0U90• .... '-6'" ... .__ 1" tn.-'-'-... .,,_ •·--....,.., oAni g791 • -d Bari»t clothes ..,.;, ........ er ..... ...,., v • • """• • · ...... ~ -......... Headboard, do u b e 111... ·~ Shoes lDc. Men'• ,..,.... .u ............. ....,n: Gold H~ 11so a )'.rd. per set. ~... ~ roUtt lqs $3. 01 ste•mer 1 ... .._ · .,. --u · "'"_.. model -·bl ra.dlo f •-• ,, __ .. 15 table top S15 962-S79S. 9142 1i1G .Mi~n _ V\' ledan car cu""''• sue: "" ·-. OreMer$52twinbeds wilh clothin&, size 11-.fll, AM ra·~ lhortwaor Ml-JTn Crefla.H.8. trunk, me ... ...,_. • Maida cover. Ext:ellent coodition, 25c-50ceadl.T a r qaal s J framell $:ll each Games 2lk 2Sc-lL50. Women'• clothing, • ft R M LETS rtJRNlTUR.E for refinishlna ~51 _... ___ ............ 118 ~T02 bedlpriral and C&llDP7 (dau-, each Ve\wt cowred walnut J2..7l, 25c--ll. c e r amt e operates on battuy or AC SC A • COl'TJl!I' desk, S drawers. 2 CRIB $20. Matching chest 11.JRQUOJSE wing chair .-.. u ... , .... ...,... · bl• birdl $10. Taro . cha.ln 15 each ' radios $1 record.a. diahes, pots, pans: cord $4. 548-l6l9 book-caaes (matdltng units) $25. Desk su. Olalrs n, HAMILTON exercycle $20, BOY'S 71" JD ~ $25. lawn mower .$25.. ~ each Fan !iOc Dishes 25c utensila 5c--.$t. T.V. tn,ya,EN CL YCLOPEDIA21 ANSWER·S $M, maple head Ir .foot Jroner'8.f.lotorcyclehau~r 35 mm &lkle projector Boy's Hun, Z" $15. ~ pool oo.e. ILke ~ sz. ach 16 cup mftee p:>t SOc !lei 4, 50c. Men'• near new w lumns, Worid Famil¥ $10. boant and maple nl&'.ht $25. Dres.eer $25. CkltbeA, manual and screen $15, H~ Continental, C.M. 548-0'llt Portab&e boee ltUld and SeorWie cut Sl hll length boots, size 12. $1~ Lt. fix. IU-3163 Fallow _ Plague _ Outfit _ stand Sl5.. ~ he 8, Ul and U 2Sc-.$7.50. TI ama:n conmle reco BOY'S Stingray t;ype bike, hoM $5. 36? G •a•• a olive deen lined drapes $'11, lure, aleeplna: ·bag, ndio, RECORD PIQer, automatic Primer _ Invest _ Cymbal 0 Eco RAT o R • S borne CoUtt tables Sl. End tables pl~r $25, 5.36-T•SO exo!llent condition SZL50 Newport 1tMua. Ce1t 6 pair. 138 Monte Vista, Apt bicycles SOc-Sl.SO. Hea.vy portable $2J. &Q....3163 _BLEW a FUSE dlnin&-rnom table $20, aide Sl. Bar ·~ 918 Senate, 23'' SEAR T.V. $25. RCA.1 =-===""======::l;:iM::-.=::::';;":;'61l:;. ===:::i:I c, C.M. duty multi ball bitch $10. p •-~ 61 ~ A looely ...... chick Jook. board $20. chain ,18 each, Costa Mesa clock radio $1, SMll lard 1. Sheet.a $1-t1 Foldlng chain IW\,~~ .rivm a '-"""'" u; b'~ -= radiator $4, 8f7-70J1 SI'UDY detlt $15. 60-1312 4 far it. Stud spot light, new Impala for Alt". $1-.$15. ed around the lncW>&tor and llOfa $25, coffee: 1a "'" _., NEW SI~ act'ffD door I ~==-c-.,-,=-c:::;:-= BEDROOM J'UI", worn but .c Dia-pail SOc. 21272 st().1319 · .. w nothina but unhatched unusual Cbint'!le' rnioker $25. closer $8. Front and f'l!ar MAPLE bed $25. tofa. 125. ~ ~ i===-=-,--~~~d eggs. He shook bis bead a.nd Sal I: Sun. 536-231D, 8391 door JICrttnl $3 each. Z" :1 antique chair $15, pJcture useahle S3 Metal double bed Bayview, Sant a Ana WHITE Frtnch Provtnci&l aa\d: Caatll\an Drive. H.B. 28 .. gas heater S5. Stalnle11 tnunel $3, vald $3, T.V, $15. without ~ or matlresl!I Heights. 54!}-1445 crib and rnattftls, good "Looks like I'rr> aonne be GIRLS size 7 shoe roller sleel work table, 24'" x 30'' coffee: table SlO, bookcue $4. 241 E. 2bt St. C.M. DRAPES, Floor-ceiling, ap-condition Sl2.50, 2 0 l 8 an only child. Mother jUl!ll ska.tes never l\'Ol"ll $l0, girl.a S25. Sta.inles11 alee.I pie ease $5. child' a ni&ht it.and $1. SOFA $10 Kitchen chairs, 2 prox 95 x 2XI total. t.l.'O Anahmn. Ave.., C · M • BLEW a FUSE." siJe lO. neaten like new S20. 13 ft~ 8 ft reata1ll'Sllt 968-1994 for SS PainW., large and p&neb. wheat coknd $17..00 60-6625 SCHWINN Trainin&; blcycle 50c to rx, boys siu 4T suit counteni ~ and S15. 10 FOOTBALL shOe• sizl!! 12, framed '5 Twin boz springs each. White pleated dnpn, SWDIO c.ouch $10. 54S..1519 $15. Tricycle $5. \Vhile crib and car coat $1.25 each, nice counter 1tooil $5 each. wsed twice. like new I&. cost S3 Pela.on s~ller fl.SO need henuninr 66x40 $3. FULL Si.re rana:e $15 93) W and mattrus $15. Hi&h table lamp $1.S>, 846-0530 Rnlaurant bootm a n d IJ.5. ~ Fonnaia. MW, me 11 and Brand new cartaiM, site 114 !8th St c M • ' hair 11o:; 540-4298 pedestal tables $11!1 each. I ,:;~~._::;."::'.==--:::::;-; 13, 17. Rocki.a& chair pa.da x 36 'lSc pair, Beautiful '' ' • c ...,. . 8S5x14 GOODYEAR Cnlce dispenser with tank TR.AlLER extension cord, 4 $3.50 M6-056ll luze Mufean velvet pie-BOWI.JNG Bag, bowlinr ball HEAT Lamp .$15. Club chair \\'hitewalls $8. Eltcdlent 115. Set of shelvea, 4 x 4, $4. wire with pill.I and ouU@I lNFANT dress~ table, ~ tun, Serene Ol'IJllf! with and shoes. like new $10 $15. ~ $15. Records lOc. 613-2S94 Stainleu top kitchen table $11.50, 80' heavy dutJ ft· ctn.wen safety strap $12 M • x I c a n frame $25. 540--8638 Pillyer $3. Toya ~ books CRIB $13. Hieb chair $6. Car $3. Kttcbcn 1tep laddtt with ten&iOn cord $1.ll, 50' 2 wire car aeat $3 White booster Seuc.ape with hme $11!1. 2 8 LUE 8 IR 0 Uni form. ~ 1915 Holidll:1 Rd.. aeat $3. Used by one child seat SI. Window •wnlni fl, heavy dGty emnsk)n CU'd &eat $2 Bookcase 48'' wtde, 3 Scandla walnut~ table lncllKies akl.rt, blOUR, vest. N.B. only. 5§-1784 642-23.56 $!, tree.led W9.b!rproaf tarp shelvn SlO DIU'k cra:nge dWn S'f.50 each. Compleb! suspenden. size 6-1 $S. 2--8" Coaxial speaken, 1 cor-SOFA bed itS. Twin beds I: LADfES aothlng, a i z e $&. 3-650 X 15 ~~ upholstered chain ilS e-ach, crib $10. Crib mattraa 540-8638 ner enclosure $10 each. hesdboe.rds 110. Drople&f ll-1B~20 and 38, 7Sc to S2. trailer tire~-~t 01'.., 119 21$25. Hand mower S2 1 $3.50. 16 cabinet pulls n.rio. DR.APES. 36" Jong b)' ilO" Packard Bell tuner $JI. table & .f kitchen chain 115. Ladies rink roller lka\cft, $8, each, p...,..,....., cap ..., ft.L1J. 2 hvtn bed11preada, Men's aiu: 7lh bard tor:i Wide. Delp mater I a I . Oil-Rad pre-amp AP-15 Assorted upholstered c:ha1n size 7 $5. Oilld'1 \l."agOn S.l r.odrtail table 3l x 40 $1..50, striped n each. 546-'669f \\wk ahoes. rood cand.IUon Includes brus rod. brackttJ model SlO. 642-lThB SS. Hammock 6: metal New bumper jack SJ.SO T.V.1~~o=~"="=-=,-.,.::=-= COMBINATION high chair $7 · Slie l2 dresses, good fbr and brau rings $10. 5tQ..8638 VW Ge.nen.tor $10. Tail frame $15. TV in nke me.pie and end 1ables $ 2 ~ $ 4 • TRUMPET $25, Comet $25. and table ·~ .50 Triple mJr. school or work. 110me darl-• Z " _..__, 111o:; light.a:. small n nett. Front cabinet $S. 2 matchln& mod Cylinder parakeet c • I e , Trombone 125.. eaa and .., Iner styl<1 $1-lS. l\o1en's abe G.'!1-..!,.Bikf:, w,_ --.. .-.:: n--_._,,_ mou""-lece tor llJTl8 $15. ror vanity P., 2 student . ..,. ..........._. hood $1. Right front len<kr dftSltTI $15. ~ fully equipped 110. ~--.......... "'*' detlks $1 50 and S.f Lamp 44 suit jackets $1 mue chip s:;.. Rumin& RH $2. Ph'.llo MAN'S En&Ji.sh J..speed bike 50c each. 968-29'l1' TNmPet ""cellent fZI, CLM, stand S2 Foldlll& iron cot $2 atampg $2. 75 548-9597 POWER .Lawn edger $2i Ute bar, 4 lites $2. 35mrn PJ. Girl Scout and Btownle ENCYCLOPEDIAS 36 vol • mouthpiece and muidc b-r'f Larit desk chair $2 nm. NEW Electric hot plate $7.liO. Binks pamt SPra.f JUD tme Accura photo enlatJter unlforma. complete 53,50 .Funk &: Wqnall, clean. tor same P3. Altll Sax $2S. inC table S2 $50 cradle. near Surf rod, ~ fte1. moao SS. mo ~. '-19.. with timer pi, 4.111 x 4.00 -and $2.50 handbook (MW) cumplete and exccllent con-cue, mouthpiece an d new fJJ, 3 piece aectional $22.SO Salt, frelb oq(ll:r ROUND Walnut coUee table 8 new tin! &: v.·heel for 50c Some toys and pme1 dltion. Cblldren look 1~ KOQM!neck for aama $25. SS. 112 E. ~ St. $43.-2771 tackle $1.50 to $15. eampq; $15. Cm>me dinette, 4 Seus!Wani lint trailer $5. ~ 646-36111 houR 2k: each tor .el 1,,:SJ&.85':.:,.,""='~~--,;;-,,-;; PORTABLE t;yprwrite-~ $2 to $12.50. Trailer chain $21. Double bed, l>49-0714.. 1CH1 Pruidio Or., ~ mattrua seotless !Xhurnidlner, keep11. eood BR.AIDED oval ruz, 10 :r.15 SroitbConlna $22.50 Large 9Cr"een door $2.~ New a -complete with hea~ C.M. fumiture in dry locaUons. $25 Telepbane \able and seat plate 11.us tinted mim>r w.loa mirf'or $5. Stainleu .$25. 546-3647. mt W. St. SILVER Kini e I e ctr I c ~~. S e;!z' r!~C: Cost $68. Now $2). Code 15. &16-S143 $15. tonz traverse rod.I SJ ltffl ainka $5 each. Varlou.a Gt'rtNde. Santa Ana sweeper, A-1 a>Mitlon 118. needll windln&: spring $10. Jnstnictkln record-Beainnerwo ~"""M°'EN"'°'·s~okt,.,._parb,-,,,,--:..,=, •• each Unique hea.dboard, ~hold 1~ 15c to $5. MIXER And att¢unenta ~ta.a electric man<, ~1310 to 16 words per min fL size Jarae $12.. women'• pink velvet S.f Pa.tr table Mn S. Mmen 1 ~ $5 $15. Game table ~. Pobr worklrw condldon $15. 54(}...1793 camef colored winter coat, lamps $10 Copper tea kettle to $25. Snua: ~ NoC:: cldp aet st. Knife .et w1tb Non.lco electric razor, rood ADULT alwninwn walldnl TEAK CHAIR $3. ~-mh:! 5 fl). Babf walker U $2.50 SDftf'Wal't $2 Baslctts lQS Ne-wport , " · banger $4. Kltcben Items 10 condition $6. E I e c t r l c aid, like new $&. :rlS4 Faoo-t.n ~ teak ....U. delk Portable vacuum deantt SS. 15e each JeMley 5 o c Part" oublkle, don 1 d1aturb -25e. Aprons 50t:. Stal.ti tout£r, workable 1150. Ot· taln Way, W. CM fJO. Ted Pole Lamp $3. m.a AD itmll like new. ~4 Swea.ten $1.50 l11 E. Bq ~· $1..U. Bedspread: $1 Some toman $4.. Coffee table $4. Q u E E N 1 t z e •al nu t cabinet. needl Jtp $3. 1'01 LARGE lee chnt $10 Boy's st. No. c. 642.-8i'f6 v.w. riml M each. Paips llmnl Zc. COO' tuQ;)' Alp-Ferttlimr spreader Ln A.-1 tiookcue headboard 115. chest St. FM bmer $2S. 31 tncb blcyde $1i.5 o l FORD !MIS. tlNI, IQI mt& back boob 10c each. 2 pen· $l new. J.adid nrw condition $6. 646-5l8'l Queen size mattrea, box R.ecoT'd pl9¥ff $20. Spealo!ra Q\rlstmAs deeoration SS $20 .ad! ~1868 tauten t.l or .$5. Slklirw wallet SL Hanttna: spice MAPLE Double bed wltti box spring& and tn.me. $25.. SJO. Euel b!atltbOetd $1.. TJpewriter ss. Laf'le t • windowll $S uch.. Old rlllll, cabinet $t Je'ftlr7 &-a spring ui Book tbtlvn Sat/Sun !J6S..100l. i:.arae bul lettn board $15. 4 barbeelle $5. 25.t Rme Lane, TWIN beds, baiuHfu.I Roell tcabard A. Old ca 1 b SUwr bnoelet. JJW1ft $L $$-$35. Teak fir rn.ahopny FROSTED Miracle ...-lg $lS. shelf bookcase $1. Boni C.M. Gt&-2895 Maple ~ ucb. Plctuttt, ....... $J.5. 12V rad» $10. Plctln: fl'unrl 5 0 c -$ 4 • 1/8" up 1~ 4.. plywood 8kJnde wi&: $25. 5:n--192l and bcml ot booka, tuys. NAUGAHYDE llOfa $25 Pr Maple framed. S2 eacJt. Sid»ard ndla: SS. ~ ~ .SS. 6*-36Z2. 258 aanpa 5c-l. Varlout Nn. iel ftsular lOo-$2 • Glr1'1.doqn. llze 1 table Jamp1 l1S Fkior" lamp Oothea ba.mper $1. &'U-OM1 thrown --=··· '14-c.cil Pl .• C.M. mo IOlld lumber. 8114 w. BJCYQ.E, ~5 137""3C9 • and lad~ dothes, the 1 tu $10 GI.rt'• ~ bib $10 s:HOOL dothel, Pet J t t. KG. TD . IU tank Jl5.. UHF Converter with anlelml Ulh. C.M. pedal bnkn ' :xllent condition frun 5C8-Q51 1i&el, 5-11 25o-$2. Oilld'• ltS-D). -Saata Aol, pakl $J). wD1 .u f.ar $10. LADIES D r. I •• I not cu;B d*lr $%1. 831'"""149 --11... ltoftl. mmt ' ;;;,;::;,==:-::::;--:;;;;;;; ~~Coat Cl\! • u _ •-=..~ ~ ~'.,...-•cta1>1<11w,depth ~. .,, ...,. ''"" a. . » 541-464.l dnMN, aulll. coat.. ata 10 LUGGAGE. 1 •Pt e c • .. _.. ....., wn"ll .. ,._ ~ .. .-t d bloueelt ~pcla Zic-$2. 11 BOY'& ji• SCbwtin b\c';rcle EXERGENIE Ulce rtew/ COit to 11, $3 to $15. Panti. &tl-o4t ~ Glaoware diJilhel a D d flt d t h 111 • J llMl fold'"I chain '1'0 $11 1--SIL S $!0, Wiii ..U tr $2D. --1lJe J0-12, USED cut"' && ,...... $10. Tv tft,. l-• He w homemoa. $21. 615-!452, each. Wbell. eball' $25. 890 a,t!ld tlleyde:, .. la. $5 ,.._ S2 .., $4 Shoes. 5lii to 68, 1£mpr $2. Ptutk:: COl:lcb SS. mater I a 1 , h I a ti Ir t t a.1,:COl:,_,,,,,,.-;--;;::;;;;-n;: ~~ st. .._ ot WlboQ W.p S2. 'Jrdanlerlt S0c. 3.t.5 Tanpo-Aaian NI $25.. $1-$4. Gbi·a c Io t bes, Tw\tl bo:r IPl'l• S1 Dlnettir bedlpnad• $1-42. n 9 NEW deSk. 1 dn.Wft'W p&. 1;;;;-:iii'";::-:::=zcn.-;;;::.l,::;El:;"';;"";'°:_;lnm;=;.$2.T.;;5'0-~:184i:'':---7 1 Wtilnol waD unlto ST.SO to -Jac>eto. P • n t 1 • "" $lS. Small ...... IJ. MlliFl4 O! M. SOl&> _::MS-;;:,;l"2.;:;C>I:;::::;. ;_· ,...,..,=::;-;:;;:: KlNG .... -m Ror LADIES -21"' -$1T.SO, --. ..... -,. .. l~ -Mon. =o. MJ:!l'S -a --pad. Ix ll p Jtur ,.ct 11 x bicycle $15. 540-1105 ~ She Rt uted ~.:iO. TO)'S. ram ••• OIESf d drtr'Nen. ~te eox TEL&(Q)PE Pl-ni" $25 Gbt'• Scbw1nn b!Mi Ill 15. $4 ~ mowtt $15 'ii CH.ROME Dinette tatN., 4 I montM ;nc Red cl dolla, boob 50c4S. &M-031T l&~X30x32 hlah $10. ~ SkUl .... ...tth met.1 Cde Mcn"t ai.nalt apeotd btlll $1&. ~~ with =~ ch al rs , ye I) ow $11 • ma.chine, btlt b,e ~d, Am Tank $1.50. Me I • I mon floor a c r u b be r, $25. 615-4.176' 1U6 E • 302S l<Ul)lbrooke L • 11 e, a....,~, 9 ~ $2.S. £l«:tric" Wt!e:lmldl 5'M631 rnontt. p.. I Unpe.lnted t1iblnet, 10 x U x 30 $14. pol.ta.her w1tb attadlmmts B&lhol.. Balboa.. C.fwl. ~ .::: lldal SS. .. ,_ CLtAli ..... -.... lhtrttero T" • 32" .,,. 675-1162 $l0. SOWl&l ... ROADMASTER Bulclt. B FLAT a.rwc lABlanc ES, ~ JJ)'' 90" fet $IS. Klttbtn tab&e $1.S. 4 ~-RD'RJGERATOR. Run a LARGE f\ldl .coottr $4. 20" rum $25.. fD-4054 ;.125.;;-IG-;,:;,="="~=::-;;;::::; DRAP Sn:laR boohctitte x $2 th&In $3 .-cL &0-.os ELUO'IT A&1mq.r•ph f!W aood p). 548-2171. :m g·a·· doar U. 4--BU' Pb::>to DrNrnE Set. tabJe 4 chairs CAR A.UDDO ~ 4-bCl NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • ! YOU SELL CAN ' ·'' WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Foat S.rviu &: DIAL 642-5671 DIRECT • !I-..,.n $1.30 BLUE Orip ........ I -,_,_ en"1opeo 12$, Moot• v .... Aw .. CM. $5. SI" x ltl" Screen -12. I" leol, pd cooditton 125. lfltl -l!lb !I--= drlwer, S3 ..... ll4M811 llllll-SS. 5311-lS LAWN swi._ 125. Sl$-1162 -14&-~mt!!. !!._ _____ _'_!--~~_!125.~!-~~--''===============::!ll j \ l • '• J I ,I ,, I ·---~-------·- I DAILY PILOT SHllf!lAY. S.,lt-13, 1969 •ICRl'NDISI l'OR~-Ml!RCRANDISll jiOlt M!RCHANOISI l'Olt SALi AND TltADI SAll AND TltAOE SALE AND TltADI. ~I-a.°"'"' lllO Mio .. !lan-l600Ml...t~•-... KIMBALL O:in9olltnt piano. Xlat. Must tcll! -KURTZ upli&ht plano. can l4M387 trmn ~:au or 6:~ 1:30. Tolovlolen nos HI.fl & StoNO 1210 STEREO 1009 db:: console, com.pl wiU} tun steno, 4 spd Gunrd changer, 60 watt dual channel, 4 spla sound system. Pay oU baJ of JT'7.26 ca.sh or small pymnls. Credit dept. 53.S-7289 CONCORD 880 stereo recorder. $100. •&15-2881• .... C1m•ra1 & Equip. 1300 _ .. ______ _ CANON QL/19 35 mm Like M'W.._ 1 yr old ~ \Vrtte Dait.1 Pilot,Bo:it P-911 Sporting ·Goods 1500 SCUBA tanla twin 38's $50. 2 R"IUlators $15 e a c h • 642-859S. 242 Orange, NB. SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hoble Woody. 12' Quigg Tandem, both tor $58. 673--0632 30 pQUND Dumb Bells and Door chinning btlr, $15. * 673-064& • NEW 'l'2 Russell surlboanl Xlnt cond. $75. * &16-3506 * olJlao: sb:t', ... -· Unclro oood Sl<I. --·~ HONG KONG CUSTOM DEALER RIVIERA Lo\·e .-at. blur &. •nliqut' gold uphol . S70. ,,.._,.,, ~···~ ... ~- FJtEE TO :YOU TltANSPDltTATION TltANSl'ORTATIOH TltANSflOtn'ATION 'fltANSPDRTATION ' -1Mto a Yochto fOC!I Sal)loooto • • f:CllO Mollile ~ 9200 'l'NICb • 9500 9510 '66 WAGONEER $2097 Big 6 engine, power steering, f wheel drive. ready for mountain or desert. Lie. SVE 368. Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 1968 Bronco Station Wagon, 289 V-3 efli. f Wheel drive. 2'2,000 ml. $249'5, Phone KI !'r&:i11 or 6~2-9690, I 01vner Dlt 11$'1.IT Tffl All R DODGE "EXPLORER" ""-'""" 11119 ........ . tl"'11&,fll .......... . attci. ..... ..... ·~l 1rtra.,. •OOT. ti ''°'· ,. ''''· J """ •••4..C.' 11'1 All llHllYU CllllT, . • • ' • • 011 All D-,ky M_,. 21 .. C.._. ,,._ A.JI SI-1T t. M' WJ49 ·-----INClUOING----- IOLlAWAl CASA LOlltA CA.Ill AS IHIUTON MANOI In 'Al~IW PllSTIOI U.Y HAltlOl MOMITTI COINlLL cnn•nt •ASHION MANOI SAHAIA 1425 BAKER ST. COS1A MESA y, ......... ~ ..... " CALL J41.•471 TODAY TltANSPORTATIOH · (•"""" 9520 . !>un0 BugglOI 9525 SUPER MANX Pu111le 1neta1Ilak finish: Si*- ial Bill Thomu Cot'Yalr en- gine. St69.l JAMES LTD 158-t Nev,.port Blvd. 642~0 MEYERS Manx tor street or oU road uar. 1966 5.l hp Sus eng. Xlnt cond. SUOO, Call !>-7 pm, 54&-9867. * lA PM.* Buw l:Jullde1'!, ~ w. War- ner, SA 546-404;>, daya 9-i lmportod Autos - ALFA ROMEO '66 Alph• Romero $1197 Veloci Sprint. Rare mode.I. 5 speed. # 8&42. Best De•I• Art At DEAN LEWIS '61 HHloy $997 ''JOO:)" Rd!tr. Looks like a OE.'\\' one. RXK-098 Best De•ls Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 J.larbor. C.~f. 646-!IJCC AUSTIN Healey 1964, MKll 3000. Conv1,. Red wf \Vhite top. Good condition. $1600. 830-3<88 '69 AUSTIN America: 5,000 miles. Dark green/blk Int. Radial !Ires. Like ntw $1600 firm. 837-8767. CORTINA '67 Cortina Sport Coupe, 4 speed, Radio, heater. VTY528 $1299 O~I~~ e,~p· ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S VOlUME ENGLISH FORD DEAlER SAlES. SERVICE ·ss MODELS lmmediate deliftry LARGE SELECTION' Thoodoro ROBINS FORD l060HuborBM!. Cblta li.fega 642-0Jlt FERRARI FERltARI NewpoT1 Jmportt Ud. Or Wt County'• Cll"lly •uthor I~ dc&.!Pr. SALES·SERVIC!-PARTS 31'00 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Belich 61.2-!MOS SC0-1764 Aulhoriud Ftrnri Draler GTB'a, 330 SEDANS. V«y Jint cond. latl'! modelL ·~·· FIAT '67 Flat $1"7 ISO 2. door. Choice <ii 2. # 9ll!O • 8t1t Deal1 AN At DEAN LEWIS lQ96 tlarbor, C.Af, . ' .. ' . I I I • • • I ' . • • I • . ' t .. . ' • • ' ·' ,, ' . I ' • • ' . ' • ' I j ' ., .. • • TRAMSPOR.TATION TRANSPORTATJON TRANSPOR.TATION , TRANSPOllTATION . TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR.TATIO _ I f l111porttd Aut<>o • 9600 lm"°l'tecl Aulfo 9600 lmllOl'tecl Avtoo MOCI 1,....rt..i Avtoo 9600 lmf!!rttd Avtoo Mao Autos W1nltd 9700 U'°" C1rs ~ Uot<I C1rs -UNd C.n -.... ~UAR l MGI TRIUMPH I YOLK~GlN VOLKSWAGEN WE P"AY TOP IUICK CAMARO C HiVRO&iT '" • DOLLAR ' 11&MAMm7.Uin':li'iiiT"iiie:l1lifililirt1-=11;:>•ll-..::;:.:.:.;.:.:.::..:::.:.._jJ •''.1 .~2u"~enR x,.~E .. El±! '!. ~."..",·. ralwdd~ ~-~..'..?.· '67 TR~~.::!ltb,, ... ,rd~vo,, lni· vw SPECIALS ~~ ·...:~vw..!AN ~. -~ !.~ ~? ~~ ~ v'67 Buick Convtrfl~I· 3lO ..... Hpd, dbt lnl, ..... • .. Chnroltt ...... ....., -.... ., ui."C" ...., ...... .............. mac. u!Ulle GU ' ..,n f\lJlo. '•7 'VW I 12097 ,,_,.. IWf,U• _..,.. or -3 """ au "!U""I. ""'i""I ...-.e ·~ .S. ~I.Ito. Tn.na.. PO\irtr bl.rt. Qla.upacs. ti d1tc b Sport SN1n poulble aecaaory: auto Ve.ry iood oond. Mwit ..U. nine eood. Miat ••ll. u1 , .• i... ttr8TM514 TheodOfe Robins rord Steul1'i • Srt.ku. Rad.JO. Show tra incl ·,199;· V4, Automatic-. a.dto.-Ht1'-· trans. A?if/f'M, chrome wfr. Make otftr, G441S08 67$.2529 8 I>Ua~$plitlro:nt atat.1°"°" • ._ VW llOO s -··~ ba-'" 20llO Harbor Blvd. Heater, Whlte W&lll. <OSS>. ..~ · • • Pow s ~-~- ea. e.«:. Only %3,0IXI mlles1 i-=====:::;:==: .66 TRIUMPfi TR 4 ,e" # a335. i'iiso. -.-~ "'9.. C.M. • 642-omo $1199 _.n8l aJt 6 :;~ eon:im~~Wbite \ft.I LocallY own«! ~ •uvktd. OPR * -condition• 67 Bue, Hurry .... $11'7 Cf!-183$. .W. lor DON Will 8 EDDIE HOPPER z 28 c •ma to• m • 1 • • 1'1-J>,mio ~U.. ""1 N/~ Excoptlo"'11,y clean. Aho, 3 --------ReQtm&ble 5'&-4221 Lie. IJTX '191 • I UJ CHEVROLET Coody•u F..fOxlS. .. -. Wa..,..i>'. Lleen,. YWG jll.l = Jlll\I~ to choose ,., ~I Wajbn $15t1 '63 TR4, win! whls. DE .. A"'N°'"'L' AE,.wA'1s : :::.~c!fb~ Your Volkswa-" or--...... ltml Garden Grove Blvd. $3800. 675-3396 $2"9 . _f ~rtupn11 )l111 po 11 ~• 31110 W. Coast Hwy., N.8. 642.~ 5'10. l ™ Autborized MG Dealer ESTATE Sale-XKE '64. Coupe New Ta.ngttine lac- quer; /tm&rlca.n m a g s: Michelin X tires: Mw Koni shock!i. A real Beauty! 1take offer. 633-0908, 639-0421 all 6 pnl. '&1 JAGUAR 3.8 Auto., fllark II Sedan. \1ftre \Vhls. New G o o d ye a r Shelby.CObl'a tires. Xlnt ccnd. R&H. Dark green w/beige inter. $2,150. 5"6-99U JAG. '66 M,K·lO, 4.2L; 24,0CKI Mi. Radials. Auto., radio, air. $3,750. 968-4168. KARMANN GHIA '59 KARMANN Ghia, new trans, '60 rblt eng. new paint $500 call aft 5 n4:496-3439 '59 V\V Karmann Ghia, runs aood. needs paint $250. 543-7441 MERCEDES BENZ Or'lrHJ~ County''> l argP'!.t S(.>lection Ne w & Used Mf-rrcdes Bent Jim Slemons Imps. v .. ·arnc r & M<'ltn St. !i.int;iAn.:i 5464114 '67 MERCEDES Benz 250 SE Coupe CUGB083) Candy ap. ple r e d with parchment lea!Mr intericr air auto P.S. etc reduced In price to $6795.00 Jim Slemons Mercedei; Benz, 120 \V. VZY163, 81.f ena1ri41, 4 Gttt'. plastic ,top. $io&5. after !i PM. • & l>lY top d~. P:idJ: ~n Nltts &: SWI. 534-3100 ·~H~ 28432TK,!·k ~~ EDDll HOPPER Ionaa:e rack. COLOff'Ml!: m-3Cli4 ·evea. or not. Call Ralph 67 BU!CK Riviera. Top con-64&-299! ._... C?HIVROLIT BLUE. '6STRS.<."10m0e• 1'66Harbor,C.M. 6'6.9JO! VOLVO . C73-090D dltlon. fully .... ""1.""" ey.,,,_,, l~Om!en--. Best o •• , •. Ar• At AM/FM, while w/blc)o; int. '6'. VOLK s Squareback, IMPORTS WANTED cond. Xlnt buyJ Ca·IJ CHMO'"' Open NltH A sun •. 5J4.27eO I DEAN LEWIS l3m * >lf>.'1563 . Reduced "'1c< mU!t ..n Im· VOLVO O...p n.men 837-'!16 Leisure World. . ' .. ,.... '·. '67.t•prlco Wt gon e ,67 TRU.-IRS med tat e I y . Call, Stan TOP S BUY'ttt BUICK 1No. 225. . Ji a a ''8 Chevrolet , AutomaUc. Rt.cUo, , lltate-, 1966 Hilrbor, C."f, &4W303 Mai:s-ml~A!Molt bar 5f6..tll4 or can be teen at Btaf Dt1l1 Are At BILL MAXEY TOYOl'A ~! Custom Coupe Alr Cohditionlnc. l.ogpst I '65 Opr:I Sedan. good. eon-Aak moo. Owner 675-3226 llO w. Warntf', santa Ana. DEAN LEWIS . U881 Beacb Blvd. 642-:r~e1:i PM Automadc, Rad.lo, H¢a~r. Rack. u~;., ~ 101: ditlon, vecy elficient, R 1. '6.5 VW, 2 door. 4 speed. B. Beacb. Ph. ICT..a!li Power steerm,, Air Conell-EDDIE HOPPER ~ H, $!00. 64f>.0137 TOYOTA radio, boater, baeutllul ml BUICK '66 Riviera, faotory tloltlng, LI"'"" WAE ~. CHEVROLET' 11 '64 Opal Station Wa.gon, R ,. and &harp, RUM l«J. $1006. 198fJ Harbor, C.M. '45-93<0 Auto Lualnt . 9110 air, full power, excellent $2799 Hf opd, Oood """' Bii' 1' MAXEY Cati's Motw Oo. !Do., 00 '62 PllOD $1297 condition. See toap-1'te! EODI E HOPP ER !tell Garden G"""' 81'1<1. 54 .. 11158 LI.. litlrtm, C.M .. 6'2-003. Europe's finell sport ar. LEASE • RENT $2595. ""'459 CHEVROLET Open NI.., a; S1ln. 53<-270ll '69 vw P'a&tback 1600 Low OXJ 101 ORDER YOUR '63 Buick Riviera, air, IM· 10.ID Garden Grove Blvd. '61 C•prlce Wagon f PORSCHE ITlnlVIQIJIAf ~Ukinges, ~wlow""'blu•""~.'"Pv· Best Deals Are At 1970 TODAY · MACULATE, loaded. Open Nlres & S11n, »1·2'100 V-3, Radio, J.leater, .Powt,r · a;;1_ ... !QI -~ -DEAN LEWIS FOR EARLIEST 1!!'15. <9'-<"3 '66 "SS 396" $1597 5'"'ring, Foctocy Air Oo..tl. I '68 912 COUPE 11111 BEACH BLVD. pty. Home: ~ wo1·k: DELIVERY 65 BUICK, It blue convt ~ YeUow with blk b1>eketa. ta· tionlJw', W~tt W~tlreJ. Def'p burgundy exterior w/ Hunt. Beadt 147..a55S =-~·,,....,=·=-'-acl<_,,.Sco-,-t~t~~ 1966 Harbo CM 646-9303 All popular makes. Ford LeSabre-eireelleot buy. Nice. ,dlo, hea~r. power stee:rina, Serial N'o. 166358.1 • J blk. inter. Olrome wheelJ, 3 m.I N. cf Coast Hwy, en Bch TWO VW's. Neat !!6 Sedan. r, ' • ly equipped, 615-1#1, VS, front line car. # TPC'728 ~ ""' AM/F'-f, etc. 18,1)» local 1 -r;:;i;:;io;;;v::;;~;v~;I 60 Conv. fixer-upper. Both '65 Volvo &ed!UI, le mlg, gd. ~ut~ri~ leas!;: s~em . B11t Deals A re At EDDI & HOPr-IR ._ 1 ~~;~,':.',;4oimpeoe&l>I• (TIQIYIQJTIAJ = eng. Let" i'1k! meeh cond, 1d. tins. $100. ot urTh mpe "" ,., CADILLAC DEAN LEWIS l~llC~!,~~~~T~.• II Beat Dtolo -At ·= vw -··· -mlr 67 ,.,,.. alt''" R011NS' 0 F'o1D Open Nll<t & Suo. ~ ..... . ..... . s rt c 9610 '64 CADnLACC.onvert-. white 1966 Harbo c.. '67 ~·-. I c . I J1 rtu po11 31I11p lltlci 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. "2·9405 Sf0..1764 l\\1thorized MC Dealer '67 91 2 TARGA A gem! Every Jl()55ible ~X· Ira. Only 24,000 miles. Silver 1netalllc w/blk. inter, See & drive to believe. · J1 rtuport 311 11 por1 •, DEAN LEWIS l"etttltl)' OYerbauled $(50. po •rs 2Q6j] Harbar Rlvd. w/ted Interior. Abllllute1y r, .m, '*9303 -..vro et ama,. • 291 Flower, C.~. (ri&ht rear LaDAU ltal flnlu !!ports; Costa Mesa 642-0110 th" cleanest. CadWac ycu '68 I~!PALA Wgn. Alr, p/a., V-t 350 S.S., +speed, Radio. 1966 Htrbor C.M. 6f6.9303 b:>uie) 548-3155 big Chev VI, ·sw stick & ""'""''""L"'E~A~SE~'""'"""I can find ~~~ -• .few 16,000 mt. Xlnt cond. $200 A =: ~~TrtJ'a ~ • RMORE MOTORS TOYOTA '51 BUS. reblt '63 enc. Gd. OD. $2800 inveated, running, Y' Y' mUeaee,. ':t p ,, S t-e t:"r, &. take over paymenta. $90 mo. C(Jnd. $500. '64 VW Bus. xnlt nds completing. Son gone to 'GS Cadillac Coupe de Ville, Brakel,,~:Eledtrlo wlndo,11s & 642-4789 alt 5: 30. $1999 hllly equipped, $129 mo. seat. 'Tfl t Wheel·AMrFM '56 CHEV. Bel Air~ Or. EDDl&)40PPElt llOO '""· & body, 11386• roll .... $100tl. ~ '67 F rd IO pa t tio " CHEVRO(l!T I 675-:il.88. o/h' air SS~,! 50n w • radlc -new red line poly hdtop. Good ccnd. New ID .• .. o. rEI • ,.._ • .P3. -: tno1100• tires and new brakes. Call tires. $450 or best oiler lO::.ll Garden Grave vd. 'l nooo. '65 Red vw. l owner.A ;.;.:;";.;'°';;;...W_1n_1_oc1 ___ 9_7_00 ~mnlO, m, . 8J8.3552 only 1495 00 Dir 642--0570 Ope!! Nitei .t. Sun. · ~ ' e , a-est selection oI a 11 Completely renewed. 2316 SOUTH COAST . . ==~~----'66 Ch I C . I I mcd7s7 colors, from the Newport mvd. 548-915.5 WE PAY • · • · CAR LEASING '68 SEDAN de Ville, Landau c.11EVY '64 2 Dr. tn1pala. v. evro et •pr ce 1 ~!It Toyota dealer. '64 vw Van with 1500 eng. CASH· 300 w est Hwy NB 6-lS-1182 top, full pwr, AM/FM 8, p/!, air. $8?5. cau 4.Door H1rdtop • NICEST USED CARS Best offer. Call after f, . . stereo. $4.S95. 494-lfil2 ~""'"~~"=· ~~---T.K. Uc$~'1 TF'W 161. ! IN ORANGE COUNTY 641)..1698 UMCI ' C1n 9900 MUsr seU cheep! '64 .Cad .'62 CKE\/'. ll Waaon; 6 Cy!., 15300 Beach Blvd. ·so""'""vw:;;"""""'-,---,,-,,-rwm1ng=-I f« 1Jled can 6 trucks Just -------..;...-!Coupe, '66 Cont Both' load· suck shllt. $495 Or beat ot. EDDIE HOPPJ~ , \Vestminster Phone 1394.3322 cond. isrlJ. ' call us tor tree esttmat-e. TRANSPORTATION CARS ed, xlnt. 54(}..782.8 fer. Call: 546-7109 CHEVROLET 1 I '61 Toyo!• Coron• * 67>19.19 • GROIH CHEVROlfT llWPORJER MOTORS ''"v111e\:A, ''D"!LLA1·-= !Deo,oooupemil·,"',, '69 CHEVY King~ood. 9 o:.11N?,::'1:"s.?,',"'" ~ White with bl~ck bucket MUST Sell '66 vw camper, U&ll pass wgn, 4000 ml, fully seal~ auto radio VHL3CM ti . 1 2036 HARBOR BLVD. 8!ETOO, vinyl top. $4850. Pvt eqp'd, mu.~\ sell. 548-7232. '66 CHEVROLET Cajlrlcci 3~ W, Coast Hwy., N.8. • p,. • · 1 · · tu Y equip, c miles, xlnt Alie for Salta Manqer ply 54•2-0 'th ~ 542.9405 5'10.l'164 Sharp! iced tc se l at: cond. 642-l536 eve&. COSTA MESA r •••· '63 CHEV Impala SUper ne cwner car Wl ~ Authoiitrd MG Dealer KUSTOM MOTORS ,66 VW Snrf be. /blk. t :!1U: :: 54a.52M or 54a..&511 '67 CADILLAC Ccnv, wmte Spor-t. &1301 Vet. Hunt 4 on 24.(Q)miles, twallpcwer 1 '69 911 S. TARGA ~':!'.,'!:""*St., ColWElaD>EAL!"•, R/H, Pcr~he1~i:S, ~~t Kl &-3331 FINANCING AVAILABLE wired interior. Beautiful floor. Make 0 ff er! alt conditioning. Absolutely , I -~ --,.-''--"'"---•68 SPORTS sed•n. 13.700 cond. OWner must sell, 548-7406 the cleane1t-cne m town. E.'<qui5ile tana:erine fini•h w/ . . cone!. $1350. 548-2116 l&IE PAY CASH nu· air -'""'' T J\otake offer. 494-7878. Jim Slemons Mer cede I : blk. inter, Every po!sible ~~' ,.~:1=', Cnnser, ex-'57 vw. ena reb.lt, new "' ..... v~.., cp opf=-=~~-=--ICHEVY '6.1 Impala Wagcn, ..,_ 120 WW •--ta ' ... _ .....,... ._.. .... cond" Iii,:,,, A,:;, ""32. · '69 CADILLAC CdV. l P/b P/1, factory alr, low .o<:nz, · ar ner, ._... • aceessory. Only 950 miles! · ~ i:\.M-., , clukh. Gd. transp -dune ~ .. ...,.....w · A"" ••• ~,, •1 Showroom condition. ~ ,... z::r'• ' h\la:gy $350. 64&-5113-fOR YOUR CAR ========:I O\vner. 11,000 mUes. All miles. $195. ~O . .,._.. ...... ,. l THE QUICKER YOU CAU4 BARRAC pwr. Under Blue Book. 60 IMPALA 2 dr H.T. 'fi8 CAMARO 321-R.S. P/S. 1'!E QtJIORER YOU sELL '67 VW C.mper. New <ngino, CONNELL UDA 644-48(J!I. Air. P/S.P/B. 11'5. R/l!. Auto. :184 Klis>, St., OI J1rtuport 31111ports I ::=======::::1 '·5 new tires. Ready to go! · .66 Barracuda, 6 cyl auto. '69 Cad Sedan de Ville, 12,000 e &ls..2143 e 645-2991 eves. Will trade. VOLKSWAGEN · 1,·!2400_,,·..,54&.4~-:783-,,..,.,....,=-I CHEVROLET Cl""· good m"'h otmd. ml. Pvt ply, 968-<013 '65 Chevy Impala 2 Drr !Jood '62i oi.Chevy 1m,.ia! Pit:· ' '58 VW VAN $550 2828 Harbor Blvd. f.1ust sacrifice, $850, l'OI' Dally PUot Want Ads cond. Auto. V-8, $1DI. P/b. Radial Ute1. Xlnt YW BUGS 542..... '""'· Ootrta M... MS.120CI SJ>.0<5 Dial 6f2.5678 67Hf111 "'""· 1611<1 548.:'15' \Varner, Santa Ana ,~llJ 3100 W. Cout Hwy .. N.B. 642.S«fj 540-176t JIM Slemoni M e r c e de! Authorized ~1G Dealer Benz,121) \V. '\'nm<>r, Sonia Ana. 5-46-4114. 67 fllerccdcs '5.S PORSCHE 1000 Super. Benz Diesel Sa.Jr, ,,.c have Near per!ett, radial tires, 10 in stock from 1958 lhru chrm 1vhls. \Vorth $1600. 1967 all in above average \VU! take best offer ovel' condit\on. r.tust reduce in-$1200. Call aJter 5 pm ventory no rea'°nable otter ~83"z.-0.135="'·". ==-=,.-.= ~Wied. Save S$S PORSCHE 1961 -912 -NEW '62 MERCEDES Benz 220S TIRES CHROh-tE WHEELS have 5 to choose [ron1. 1-lust ~ COCOA fl.fATS -EX· sell tl!'is weekend. Prices CELLENT CONDmON - start <Stk No. DMfa) frotn $4,350. (Phone) 543-4070 AF· S795.00 inc air cond. Jim TER 4:00 P.M. Slemons Mercedes Benz. l2:l PORSCHE '66 -912. W. Warner, Santa Ana. AM/fM, chrome w h Is, 546-4114 Koni-shocks, rec. clutch. 1950 MERCEDES Be-nz liO Xlnt malnt. l't'COl"d. $3950. Cabrolel • rollecfors i tem '192-3111 ~~-~---~ now for sale. Jim Slemons '58 PORSCHE Speedster Bill Me~es BC'n:i, 120 \V. Thomas CORVAJR c1Jiine \Varner. Santa Ana &16-4114 installation. 5-10-8583 '58 MERCEDES. Xlnt '°"'· + '65 CONVERT * New paint, Inter, brakes. Xlnt cond. All xtnu, nu pnt, $700/ofr. 642-4688 top . .Must 11tll. 646-l.ZU l9fiO :&-fercedes: 190. Clean, '&$ Porsche c, green ext, tan new tires. $1";)() f I r m · int. $3500. 675--0944 c r 642-4452 eves. 644-2292 day& '68 250 SL. bolh tops, pis. ~.67~Po~nc~h-,~,~12~. ~A~,~,_~f'M-. 4· d!!IC brakes, AM/F~l. $5595. spd, low miles. $~295. ritr. 494-15:12 Jsley. 613-8282, 613-7829 '65 230 SL Ccnvert, 38,000 ml. '61 Super ~. ttblt eng, new Black. flf rad. $3630. paint. Must sell mso er VW 64.2-5551 or 644-4600. sunrf &-cash. 542-9878 MG 65 Porsche. cne owner. Like nc\\", Ma.ny Extras! $3300 645-1462 IS YOUR AD IN CLASSI- rn:b ! Som-wiD "' looking for il 'Dial 6e561B FRO!\t $399 Good Selection e~~-' """ ~9-3001 Ext 66 or 81 1970 HARBOR BLVD • cosrA MESA '68 vw Afr conditit'11'1er, 4 spd, dlr, loaded! Honey cream ext., plush black iht, Take small down or trade. Lew,· low pymnla. VHF890LB. Call Ken 494-9773 or 545-0634. '61 VW BUG 4·Speed, Heater. License VGY 738. $1699 EDDIE HOPPE.R CHEVROLET l(l;ll Garden Grove Blvd. Open Nites & Sun. 534-7700 '65 V\V. Good condition. 50,IXK> mi. R/H w/5/w, $900. .... 2587 '67 MG6 GT COUPE Gleaming ruby red w/blk. inter. Every conceivable ex. tra incld. radio, wire wheels, wood steer. wheel .• 18,000 ac- tual miles. Must be seen to be believed. 1967 VW sunrf, radio, aea.t recliner, new tl:reg, 31,000 ml. Kint $1300. 2117 Bayport RENAULT Wey, N.B. 548-Sl49. J1rtupol'l 31111por1 s 6f2-9400 SW-1 T6i JIOO \V. Coast Jhvy., N.B. Authorized ~1G Dealer MG Sales. Service, Parts Immediate Dellvecy, All Modoh J1rtuport 11111port s 3100 W, Ccatt Hwy., N.8. &12.9105 540.1764 Authm'izl'd ?lfG Dealer '61 MGB Rdslr R.H. Wire wheels, all extras. Vert sparp! Low mileage. '-fu!t SeU! 2{1272 Bayview Ave., S.A. ltgta. 549-1445 MGA hardtOp coupe,. new eng, tires, etc. XJnt cond. f.fUlit ~ll $495. 49fr.17!18 '54 MG n ·. XLN'T' cond, SL'iOO or offer. 642-3939 MGB '61 MGB CONVERTIBLE A fanturfc Cir, Only 6,000 m.lle11 AMl?M, wire wbedl. tonne&u, etc. Almoat brand "'!'· liurry en this one. J1rLllPOl I jl111ptll I~· '66 VW squareback, sun root. 1960 RENAULT in good ~ Xlnt cond, new radial ttrea.. diticm and very economical. Wkends only 83.1-2628. 2.l mi per gal • $125.00 Cd1 "·i;s~vw~SQ=u"'AR~EB'""•CK""--ST~A-. to see 642-6468 TION WAGON xlnt cond.. '6-1 RENAULT, good con-39,000 ml. $1395. 545-0548 dition. MAKE OFFER! * 673-0727 • 'li6 VW. Strong runninf. Drive to appreciate $1100. SIMCA * .......,., Days only SEPT 63 vw. lmmac , 1960 SIMCA. Basket job. Beat am/fm, '1.lnrf. Sl8Xl er of. oUer. .... rer. ~1580. ·•Call 546-9078* '68 VW Bua. white, 4 6. 8 DAILY pILDf bJME..A· ·track tape deck $1650. LINES. You can use them * 962--0661 * f'31 jµ!lt pennlet A tta,. Dial j ----,,oc61ocVW=--- 642.s&71 · Ex. cond. $1£fl0. 548-7828 • NewC1r1 9800NtwCu1 9eoli ROY CARVER PONTIAC ontiac's • • • • • • e wa e! . I ROY CARVER PONTIAC ~· 2925 HARB.OR....BLVD/COSTA MESA • Kl-64444 I • 1, , I ,, I I l I I j - . ~ --~---------·~ .... -----·--------'• •-.._..,,.-,,-z-,-•-~ • , . . . . . . . OAILY I'll.OT s.tturdol, S@lflftbtr 1', 1169 lihdPOifi"6N TRANI POllTATION TRAASPOllTATION TllANSPORTATION TllANSl'ORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 1.:.:======-.,;,;.;T-------lu;;l Can "°° Used ea,. r 9900 l.IMd Can 9900 UMd i;.,.....---9900 ..;:;c;;:;,---9900-9'00 _______ , TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -Uoed Cort 9900 U1td Con '900 FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK .... ,,_ aoe C:-. To C .. ou ,,_ .... ·Altl TWO IXAMl'US "66 IMPAlA '67 BUICK ....... _ ..... SflOIT COUN VI, 111tot.i•tlc, r•'i•, .... t.r. ,. ..... , .,.,,. 1111. A reel 11lce cer with ell ift• 1oodie1. Ah1olut1 moll.._ 91ck 9 111r111fff, 11• 'fll••· tlo111 11~9'. SLW •lt Vt, 1ut-•tlc, r•~lio, h1•l•r, fDOW et' lieer• h19. OIC ill •very w1_y •IHI IJITIOOfh e1 1le11! Ab1olut• ll'loney beck 9111r111f1e. No q11•1· lio111 •••ed. XXS 111. $1799 o,.. 1 D.,. nu 11 '·""· 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Bea.ch. Hwy. Jt S.. •1S.' DNf• Fwy, Phone S4S-a863 or 147·68S9 Open 7 Oey1 'Tll 10 P.M. • . DAILY PILOT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS .,, DOD.GE CHEVROLET CHR:\'SLER ' . . MUSTANC5 UNCOLN ' FORD ''7 Chevy II W-n CH . '61 Doclt• SOO '60 UNCOLll, aood oonct., 67 MldtAoc V• Automa•~ Radio Hee• '67 IYSLER · 62 CORVAl'R Monza H•nllop •MT PS. PW. PB, 73.000 i>tllu. cl "~ h~ ~ ~. • • OU-lie RO<llD -~ bu.tu 11'.f. Automatic; Radio, ""'· ~ orino GT ~lbk. ""hp, $Sill Hqrry! 1J &.ml l':xcep. ""· ·~~ ' "'· er. Lk:ense$~ 555. ... DOOR HARDTOP eocxl condition $425 ar belt er, Power stmi.n& Lie r/h. a/c. blk:ket eeata, ==;;i:;"'===== nidwhllelo, w"'a•~~'o''LR.b uLlce ~ eT!Ult 1 • ' otfer1 5".. at 4801 Bruce r•UOG 561.' ~ · mags. xJnt cond. $2850 or MERCURY ~ EDDIE HOPPER V-8, automatte, factory air, Crolcent N,B .• Gw'nft leay. .' $lftt make otr. 5434143 alter s 690. $1195. Phone~ CHEVROLET power .ietr!ni. power bra· t PhO 648-aMJ '64 FORD eou --------'09 MUSTANG 4,m ml, 1C6ll Garden Grow Blvd. kel, radio A heater. Imm• "S·: oe -• . EDDIE HOPPER ntry wagon. '6'1 Ji1erc Col. Pk. Wen. 10 0Jien Nltrt.A 8un. 534-7100 culate. <UDET~\ 'M C~bria? 'van. C'HEVROLET Pwr. •teer., R&H. Xlnt pasa. a(c, rack. P(s. P/B, loaded! Showroom .fresh. $229. 5· New Urea. Oean1 ltml Gmten Grove BMt. Cond. fXI&. owner .• $195. P(\V, pwr. seats. t'pd. cont. $2600 tirtn. 54W720 or '57 Chev. Sta. Wgn. $650. st&-T«l o~ Nites il sun. 9t·1100 613-J784.. auto door k>ck. AM/FM, ..:•:,4"="="'=.-.=====I Be1Alr,4Dr,Veryeoo<fcond. i6'F dP 1 mucb ~""'""'""AAo -R<bullt 283en&ine, new""' '68 fi'C)'L Panel Van :IO,OOO or air •no '"""· ~. ~ OLDSMOllLE new ttanL, poWer '''"'""· ATLAS CORYEI 1£ ml . 1'l'llft 'N•w ti,., 'l21>0, $495 . MUSTANG power ~s. auto trans. • Aff,!:r S pm £t1'1!0· 2 Door Loaded. V!, etc. Uc. '62 01.J>S F-85 9 pug station Must aee to appreciate. ft.ea. am.Y,SLER -f'LYMOUTR 'ff VETfE $53f7 'W Dodge 'w:a&m. .all power, 1RM949, Phone 6tU023 Dlr. ---·-----wqon w/'roof rack. n2 --al 1595. 2929 HAllBOR BLVD. ComMrt, ~ .. _,. ..... -$350. . • '61 Fa!= deluxe W&n. 67,000 '68 Mustang ,..,_ Av., Cd>!. can U'l'-n87 COSTA MESA 546-1&34 warranty. # 1514. * 6U-.33SC * , mi, rum aood. Make oUer. ---;~FfMIP.ALLAA~-, ,,.,goi::pe;;n~Da~lly~'ti~l ~lO~p~.m.~ Bfft,Peals-Are At -~· ~2031 GT, z+2, rst bck, air, ps. "6,j OLDS 442 Cutlas5. 1 '66 I p DEAN "LEWIS .FALCON ·' '30 FORD ROADSTER p\v1· atra & brks, dlr, int. ~~Sa.lo mis, best offer. ' Door. hardtop, v~. '""' CONTINENTAL Need•"""· & """"· ....... 81 Bk $2810 will ,,,.,. =c.:.:~=~~-,= shift, dlr., r&.h, owned by 1960 F&lam IW>che:ro, 2&l 1 $395. 842-.3938 ril $1 950. Take older traM. '67 TORONADO Deluxe. Full Utt.le 'ol.e klcal policeman. '63 Continental ~ Ha.rbor, C.M. &£9303 Chevy en& .,,1 3 gpd w/ 00 1953 FORD Tudor. Good .ec-vz~ call Phil 49.J..9n3 P"T, air, AM·l"'M, tit wbls. ffia had loving ctm'. Oean, Full power & factory air, 68 CORVE'ITE Stinl:ay, trans. \Vlde oval tires. 'Olld car. Atrto. New batret-y ,,"'-=54>-0634==· '°"'~--~ :12925:;o=· =-==='""==== lnskk-&: out. $1299 tun price. lull leather. Lie GJS-165, fully equipped, 22,000 miles. Perfect cond. Make offer. $125. 645-2416 66 "'IUSTANG V8-aulotnatic PLYMOUTu R.Fl-1582~. After ll AM, SPECIAL Best offer! Call 56-1465 or 968-4984 ,62,FALCON air ~nd!t. P. Steer.etc. n 494-m! or MS-0034. $899 642-8330 aft 8:3:>. '64 Jo~ALOON Wagon. 6 cyt, 6~~-Xnlt =.chero-3 spd, Beautiful dark,. m'eta.Uic CHRYSLER stick shift, x:n1t transporta~ $450. * 6l5-2096 green w/black vinyl top -1961 ROADRUNNER DODGE tiort. SJ!6. 673-5M3 Reduced for quick sale only Racing i:;recn. 4 speed, maas. --------========== 1'62 FORD Glxy. &-stk, $245. 1695. Jim Slemons Mercedes Rr..121JISC201900. _Priced lo '67 Chrysler '67 DODGE DART FORD 10 a.m.-2 a.m. SJ&..9010 very Benz, l:a'.I W. Warner, Santa sell al: Town & Country \Vhl~ with vinyl top, air con. --------'cleAn , Ana, 546-4114 ISQR191) KUSTOM MOTORS 9 Pauen&:er Statioll Wagon~ ditionlng, autG. trarui., pow-,67 FORD XL 2 door Hdtp 1962 FORD; Ne\y · brake1, '68 Mlfil~, 14,(0J nU, Auto 845 Baker St., Coiita Mesa Full Pcl'A'er-&: Air O>ndition-er steerln&, radio and heater. (UIU 392l Buckets Ur con-ne.w batttty. $.DI uk for ~ Blk vinyl top. Real WE DEAL! * 540-591~ ina. CTVDlllS) Must sell. S1895. 35.000 oria;-dil elect .,,;ndQws etc. 0 _ Debbie. 646-.fl3.50 °" 64&-022:!. deal\!_ ~1'501 ,\Vhlte elephants! Dune-a.tine $3199 inat miles, Call 637-4l!i6 -ceptionally clean and a guod i.o EDDIE H()PPER Oriaina..I mvner. buy at reduced prices of oo. ne:-Cars 9800New Can 9800 CHEVROLET 5.is:-3001 Ext.66or67 'fi6 DODGE PJU % T. long Jy $~.Jim Slem on s,I=::'.::===='.!'::::-::::'::-::-' ..... ::'::.;_..-----,=======:-: 105.ll Garden G!'ove Blvd. 1970 ffARBOR BLVD. bed, being ll'an!l. must sell, Mercedei Benz, 120 \V. Open Nltes & Sun. 53.J.2100 CO~A MESA take owr pay m c n ts. \Varner, Santa Ana. 546-4114 '6;j CHRYSl..ER Convertible ''~Sl"""CO"'N°'T'"'L~.~Fu~ll-p-WJ'-,-... -. ~96>-0683=======~ '61 Galax.le, 2 dr, all, gd. Very clean, lo miles. $1300. leather, low miles. Xnlt '60 DODGE PHOENIX cond. $295. '53 Plymouth 2 Owner: 962-3088 cond. S1450. (2131 GE 1"6.170 2 dr H.T. $75. so.n4.3 dr $150. 67"'>3346 9800New C1rs 9800 New Cars 9800 New C11r1 9800 New C11r1 9800 New Car s 9800 WE PUT IT IN DURING JO~NSON & .SON'S ·BIG 'CLEARANCE THAT'S RIGHT!! AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAYE BIG MONEY ON THE NEW CONTINENTAL, MERCURY AND COUGAR. OYER 78 NEW 1969 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. LOOK AT THE EXAMPUS BELOW. Don't Wait Too Long BRAND NEW 1969 COUGAR XR-7 "THE HOMST ONE ! ! -BRAND NEW" 1969 MERCURY CYCLONE SPOILER Whit• JS! 4V, VI, 1alecl it.if!, ... ha, ticla w1 ll1, power 111~ roof, bl1clr .. inyl roof, t po•b coruole, power 1l1•rin11, po...,11 bt1~''· tilt wha1!, AM -f M r1clio with l1pe1, intarwal wipan, lint 11l1n, clelui1 1e1f i nd balh, .,..;,, whe1I co~1r1. 110~! bu111p1or 9u1ra'1, STOCJC #4519 SER.# t FtJM5t0754 $AVE $713.00 LAST ONE EVER AVAILABLE AT SAVINGS LIKE THIS - lt~t MERCURY CYCLONE SPOILE" ! Br1nd Nawl BRAND NEW 1969 MONTEREY 4 DOOR HARDTOP Whit• .,..;1h d1rlr J,lu1 ..,,1,llic. ]51 Speci1I Hot C ID 4.V engi11•, Hof 325 to I ra•r •:<I •, two Ion• rciof I clac~. dyl1d 1te,I wh1al1, r1c:in') "'irro11, raer d 1cli: 1poi11r, vinyl 1laar wheal cower, 1alact 1hilt, F70 h1clion lir11. po••• 1ta1ril'I') I brek1,, r1dio, i nd 1poile1 1nodific1tion1, Cu.to"' " doo1 H11dtop with l'O JV, VI. bl1ck .. inyl roof, 1tl'-rt..._1hHt, 1ulomatic: tren,miuion, ... hila tide w;n ,, pow er b•1ke1, power 1l11rin13, .,..hi1per 1ir cond;+iontr, ••· dio, t i11!1ll 131111, compl1te h11d r11i1, ••· "'of• "'i"or. $AVE NOW ONLY s922.oo $3268.95 $AVE $702.00 • ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS • Johnston d: Son Do• The Reputation of Ofterlt19 tlte Finest Selection of Vsed Cars h• the Co1n1ty! 1967 COUGAR 1968 c;ou GAR Autemoihc !Tans, power llftffl"IO, po....,. brtkn. t1ttor"' 1tr, 1tlllllu !Op. XEV 116'. $2695 1969 MAR9UIS «loor n1r-G10p. hill.....-.''''°'~ 11r, L1nd1u top, 1u1omet1c 1r1n1. •ld.c1, !!Niu. 11c $4390 1'68 MERCURY COIOfl'f P1rlt l!llloo\ WegOfl lf PllM~l. l'OW'I!' l!Htl"I, POW9• brokn, si.rto !aPt, !1ctory '"• 1ulO!nllf( lrtn1, ••· lllo, lletttr, 11e. lTK )112 $3795 1967 MHC:UR'I' '°"""· Loe UOF J61. AIJl(lrlW11C tr1m'"11a1M, rllll&, llMll•" f\111 pow. t. llctory t lr, VOf' .... $2595 1'65 COMET 1968 MERCURY l"•rk LIM Convtrllblt. Aulom~Tlc l••~. rid'°, llHl,r, "°""' 1r 11M•if>D, PCtWet Dl'llln, llOWt r IQll. llCl!lr'f 11r, YBK J" $3195 1967 FORD '.door i'llrdtoO. -tlwr\ng, PtWlt br1kes, lldory l lt, l•nd•u "'p, I U"'rNllc TrlflS, "'"''" llHllr, •K. vuz 111 $2295 1967 THUNDERllRD ,ull ~r. l1ctar .. 11r, Lfncllll 100. IUIOIMll( tr•,,,. rlllllo&. l' .. 41'ef, etc, TTW Oii $2695 196' FORD C.1l••i• .soa. l doo• herlltop, pe-r •lt1rlr19, po.wr br1~-. ltctorr •!r, r!ICll&, ~""''· IU~Oln8HC lr•n .. l'lc. SVF C» $1895 1'61 CONTINENTAL l"Ktoty tlr, lttll'llr tnt.rlor, l tNleU '"" a\lto<'Mtk !rt"'• r9d'°' ,._ftf', fVll llOWW. M. WIES 111 $4995 nn VOLKSWAGEN l wg. ltllllo, hMllf, Wr1, Lie. XOA "5 $1895 1964 PONTIAC: • Dt HT Bonni• ~1tv1r a1w m111mc, tactory 1ir, 1tHrlnt. brtkn. tic. HTI. 161 $1195 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA ~ -lllrlltop. Lk, NCA Oil. AulorNl!lc ,,.,,.,.,;,sion. r10..,, hullr, _., 1leerlfta. $1395 1967 PONTIAC: GTO Aulomtllc lr•Mmlwlon, ttOk!, ""'''" PCI-1teennp, a•• conclllllw\lflr;I Lit. TRJ 5G $2395 1 '61 EL DORADO l'uil POWfr, IKIOty tlr, Ltnd111 top, er.rlll•Nlk. rldoo, ~ttt• er, lal~. !lit wMll, •letM, AM /FM, ate. Wl'U .W $5895 1'64 C:ONTININTAL Connrhlllf, f\llt -· IK1efy 1lr, "'""" lnt.rior, r1cho, J\Mtw, avl9matk Iri na, It!;. OML OU $1795 1 '67 CONTINENTAL J'ohnsonirson l!.D 00©@1!. 00 ©@OO'ii'll 00 ~ OO'ii' &!!. • ~ li.\00 IX\ m • ~~rm© l!JJ !mW • ©@l!JJ@li.\lm I 2626 HARBOR IOULIVARD, COSTA MESA I NEW CARS 540-5630 642-0981 .. 1 Mlle South of the USED CARS San Diego freeway 540·5635 25-MONTH WARRANTY ON ALL USED CARS '64 Ja9uar MKX '67 Chev. Impala S1td1n, Autotn1li~. power slaarin9, Fl• Spoth Coupe. VI , 1ulo. fr'"'·· POW•r dio, he1ter. !VHG Sill 1t1erin9, radio, heet11. THH SIS. $1095 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Lie. '65 Chevelle Con~erli bl,, A11lo. fr1t11 .. pow1r 1t1er· in9, r1dio, hailer. SZH 111 . $1095 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Uc. '67 Toyota Corona 4 Door. Auto. tr1n1., recl io, h11t,r. YYU 512 . $1295 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Lie. '64 Ford Wa9on F1i1let11 SCIO. Power 1!eerin9, 1ufe. 1'111lic. r1dici, h11lar. flOY ]]4 ) $595 TOTAL PRICE ·t-Tax & Lie. '66 Cadillac Con .. artibl e. Auto. fre n1., f1clorv 1ir conditioning, pow•r 1l•arin9, r•dio, h11t1r. PMM 061. $2595 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &. Uc. '68 Ford Wa90n Country Squir• 9 Pe11. F1ctory eir, 1uto., P.S., P..cli1c b r1ke1, RI H, p • .,..;11. tl ow1, lu;9. rick. lWWF 001) $2595 TOTAL PRl.CE + Tax Ii: Lie. '67 Chev. $1495 TOTAL PRICl + Tax I: U c. '69 Camaro ?-21. " ,,. • .:i, •,500 1t1Ue1. N1w ci r ""'1rr111ty. lo1dff .IYXI 4J0) $2995 TOTAL PRICI + Tax A: Lie. $1695 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Lie. '64 Cadillac Coupe cla Villa. Full power, f1efoty 1ir. CNYS lb41 $1495 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Lie . '67 Mustan9 F•1tb1clt 2+2. V.I, f1cto1y 1ir co11- ditio11in9, redio, h11tar. TIY 44t. $1595 TOTAL PRICE -r-Tax & Lie. '65 Pontiac Grand Prix He•dlop Coupe. \I.a, e ulo. tr1n1., fi e· fort eir co11dilionin9, power tf1ari~9, r1dio, he1ter. $1395 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Lie. '65 Plymouth l1rr1c:ud1 coupe. V-1, 1uto. lr1n1., r1clio, ha1t1r. NMP 111 . $995 TOTAL PRICI + Tax>. Uc. • '65 Corvair Monza Coup,, -4 1p1ecl tr1n1mi11ion, r1clio I he1f1r. ISVC<t!ll $695 TOTAL Pitier + Tax I: Uc. '64 El Camino Cu1to,,., Auto. tr•n• .. redia, h11t1r. N?bl05. $995 TOTAL PRICI + Tax It Uc. '65 Ford 61l•iri1 500 H.T. Coupe. v.1, e u+o· ll'llffc, r1dlo. SIN 17•. $895 TOTAL Pll:ICI + Tax I: Uc. ·' CONNELL 2828 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA 546-1203 ' S1lilrdq, s.,1.-13, 1969 DAILY l'llOT , TUNSPORTATION TRANSl'OR'rATION TUNsPORTATION TllANSl'ORTATION TllANSl'ORTATION TllAHSl'ORTATION TRANSPOllTATloN TRAHSl'OllTA~ TiOOllSPOitTAfRIH NewCan --c:.n --Can flOONewCoro 9IOO-Cap -NeWCort ,.. NowC.rt --Coro· flOO-C..n • .. ,------""~......,,.........;;.;;.;=.;;...,:;;;;.;.. _ __.;.:;:;:.,;;:;;..:=:-=-::~:=.:~::i.:.-.--==.=:--.;....:::::.......!=..::::!.!..._~~=--=~~~._..!~1 r • ' • I ' f 1· . !-,. ;. ' I " ' •• i ' ' • . ' • ' . • ' •. ;- · =·' r ) .(< " •• ;~ ,, ... .. . , r' ~· ·' ' '· . • •. • ., .. .. i· .. ... ; .. •• ·r .. ·~ '' •• •• ·~ •• . ·~ . .. . < ., .. ;;;:: .. • .t •• • •• •• .. 'f ,. ·• :! .. ·t . '. ·i . ' . • • ' I • ' ·1 • • •I ' . . ' ·I .. • · l " . i • ' { 1969 EXECUTIVE AND DEMONSTRATORS MAKE YOUR CHOICE TODAY Wffil,E OUR SELECTION IS GOOD I 1969'CONVERTIBLE DE VILLE Dlatuu ?.Iauve witli bl.di: tnp ud black *ther tria. Fiil! pewu , fac• IOI)' air cenditiotl i111o .iufo Alf· f~l. till ""hHI, ,..ct door lo.:l -. pu•·ct tn1nlr. J.,,_lr., t•·iliibt ~1111.11U. ro,11<! tirtt, and ... ...,a mo1c. Ui., 111ilu1e car. I XWC.136) , 1966 FLllTWOOD BR1•11ha111. Ca.ctde _,_ ,rrltlt. ' black r...nda1 top and black. brocade and leather lrllll. Foll powu fUlOQ' air condltioa.' ttuto Al-1.t'lil, 1il1.1de wb;J _.ll optionl. Loc:.l one o..,.ner. PllCl SALi 1967 EL DORADO fireml&t R~ond witL t.rc'"" ... ddflll 1"1 I u dd.11 lt'tther trim. Full ptl"er. ftcL t ir. till tdtKopt: whttL A.\1-f~I 1ad10. '-'"''f·•"tJntrol, rli.vr lt.c!.o, 11-bl &entinel & dimmn, 1e1r "'""'""' d•f"<'I, di•.: brakr1, l.1'\rKf.1 71 $4400 1969 IMPIRIAL l.c8arnft o,.oupe. r ulJ Jl"'1"H, i.u:IOfT air, "1er" Upl', crune c:<llltrul, t •••1 l"'MiLl1 uptitt. P1dded \op. IX.l,Pil'tJ. i..r>w 1>111~ 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DtV11J~ l't.anwm blue wit.b bh1• 1111.hw interior. tull pu"er equi p111•n• pl\11 f.U:lltl1' •iT c611• dilinninJ. f UJ Alji J 1968 EL DORADO Lbealn ul ,. hit L.:ii:c r<.uf 1 1>rl lUtulii1a clntli 111d lc~ll1~r i111t11t1r. tull power, laci...,. 1ir, Mu"° AM· t'~l. 1d1·•el1<.u11n. 11 heel. 1U <>plio111. flJ1'8466) 1969 MAKO SHARK Cor•.:11.e f 11tlo1.:k .. ub rW'lo•able p1nela. t'u.JJ po•ltl', fac10,-. air C1111ditinn1n1. A1'1·F"I Mt'r.O radie, tilt 1Lernn1 whee.I. Cor11eou1 Coba.h (irt111itot Willi ... le.IL. ins intuior. (XNZSi91. f,.w miln.. 1965 CADILLAC Coupe. U.ViJIL Sb"""llOll ~II .,..j11\ bl.eek jMdd.d top ind bl.aclr: l•t.bv in1aior. t'ull po..,. . .,, f1c1.otry 1lr cG11di1ioni11, Alol-f'M r1dio, Uh 11etrin1 wbMI, powec uuo.k epe11tt. (NCW i J PllCI SALi $5000 PllCl SALi $3600 PllCl SALi $5300 PllCl SALi $5500 Pl I Cl SALi $2300 PllCl Over 80 Quality Cadillacs to Select From • A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale SALE s5900 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC (ou,.. ff,. ViJI,.. Jl;°onn1ndy blue will!. biM:k Lind•• tnd blu .. 1,,a1h~r 1rim. rull power, facl«f air C:Ofl• rlitieoU.1. 1ilt-tel• "·heel. Afll.P'M rMio. tta. Local oil• ffWn~r. IVCZll7) 1967 CADILLAC '-...t•n rl-. vm., Tull p11wer, hc1..,., air colldltioiliaa. r1r1.t .. r1 '°"'· Wf'nlftT·bu radio. tilt·tl!Tt •Ii.ti!.. dOClf lr.ek-. t te. fVlffilS) 1968 CHRYSLIR WAGOii Q.p.1 • ._ Tnw11 I Coo.try. Fall ,.,,.-, ftctory 1ir C<l'lldilianins, AM-TM 1..:l)o,, lu1pp tack, uddie tinyl tri.,., till wh«l IVTP971) 1966 MIRCEDIS BENZ 2305 4-l>t« Sedan. Aoto. tru ... air OMMHU.. ilia. po•l!I" 1teeri•1 It br~k~ Saddle lat• lrt.. (SVC268l 1967 CADILLAC Convertible. C.rtc!.11 'll'hlte wit.b black \Op 111d hlac:k full le1tMr i11t•Jor. Fu.II power locludl111 ~u ..t_.iial • br1k .. • 'window• • 6 ••1 -i. AM-Fit ,.iµ.. f716807'2) • 1965 CADILLAC Sed1n cl'! ViU~. Tthoe bl ue will!. l:d1e dn •11x c:kitk ind leathtr trini. fall flOWtt, lactotT aiT oh.ll\tio«lla1, tilt .. ·heel, 1111111 npcioiu . (IWDJOt) 1966 CADILLAC Fl•t•Ol>d a l>orado. •'uU power, f.-:tory lir, full luthtt hiterior, •lnf'O Aril.fM. til l •llttl, _._,. coaui~able optioa. fTEH141) SAU $4700 ' Pila IAu' $3500 PllCI SAU $3500 PllCI IAU $3200 PllCI IALI $2200 PalCI ~ $2500 l'llCI Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor lrta 11n111111111ru1n1111111111,11111ntHU111111HmHnF111111T1111nm1R111m111111111m1mmmnnn1H1n11 NABER S . GAll:Dllf GIDYI lVD. I ~ . . • IWY. ;II ! = I 2600 Harbor Blvd., .. Costa Mesa ~Av! 540-9100 i SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM l\'Ion. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. . t' i""' ............ , ................... ... NAIE!'l$ CADILLAC Announces A New Snb1idiuy "NLC'' (N1bers leasing Corp.) LEASE DIRECT Order Your 1970 Cadillac Today for October Delivery Out.tanding Service fa cility at Or1n11;e County'• most modem dealmhio. I ! =t"'RA"N:;:s"fi"o'"R"'T'"A.Tl"'b""N,-,,T,..R~A"N"S'°P"0°RTTA°'T"1"0NM""7'Ti'iRA>IiNiCs'iifiOKRD'T"A"T"1o"N"-:-;r:;;R;:;:A;;;Nc.SPO;ruROiT'AATT1U'o"'N.-. -:Ty'iiRAAN'1siip"o'"R"T'"A"Tl/1o'"N.-"r.'":u=N;cSPO""'R"T"A:TTttlO'"N ... ,,T,.R"'A°'N .. SP°'O'°R"T"A:Tru1o"N;-'7TTRADAoN"'S'"P"'O'iiRTTA ... T .. l"ON"'"r'"R"'A;;;Nc.sl'Oii'iiiROiT'AAT;TIOfiillili'""" .1 Ulld cm, 9900 Used Con 9900 u .... Coro 9900 Ulld Coro ' HOO Ulld Cors 9900 U_, Coro '9oO Uaod Con 9900 ~ Coro ,' 1 9900 Ulld Co,. 9900 l PONTIAC PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMBLER RAMWR T·llRD ' T.:.IRD .' TORINO : • PONTIAC GTO CPGA l'ONTIAC ·~ T t v. t ft<U - • 743) Hunt 4 Speed Cn.a:ar ~n~~•: -...n:, o,;::: "' Gran. Prix, air, Wt tVhl, 'ff R~llL SST '63 MMBLER. 4 dr. '" T·llr4 'IT T.adu> Land.t.u 2 ctr. '&I TORINO :t Mar w .. _,_ w/wlA-ovals. 161 P.onti1c •le:reo, nu. brb. o'haul frt Thia far Ollb' w 630D mn.t. · $500 Autonutlc. Radio, HM.till', •• _.,.. ......_,_ ..._, __ ... 1 ,, Yellow/~ intc;b.. tow · Execut1v1 Coupe bnkcs, muiller 4 tiru. end. Good aind. $2095 Factorywatt\t.ntJ, alrcond.. 5*-2863 PowtT atteriJtC, Air~ '""''"' .. , .. ,.,. w,..._. v1ft>' :i mUeaae. $1~.oo full price. Automadc, 1w:no., l.ftalc~. ~to Hawaii. $400. ~1115 PS, PB. lalidau top. Mlnt '-U61 Rambler Amerk:ana.' thWnc. Vin:rl Top. stueo ~<~ ~M~ C::;. :w'!s"u,! ':, •• Jl.m Sltl'Mnl Mfr cf de I Power Stterinf, ~ :::ndi· A REAL BOY I ·~~~-M~I ... ' -... • condlOon. A9AU1M157243. eyt. $8$ Qdt .. Need motor Tape, lJct~ SQU ur. Radio tic. Only S2:i95J» Jbn tip cu~ trade u ~. • Benz, 120 w. Warner. Santa tionlnl. Lictnw \ O. l96; Pontie f ,,_K_.,25_ -Saw al: work. ~1410 " S!tmom Mft'tlt'dtl Btni, 120 Blu. Book $85. bellt..., "f Ana ,.._.114 $2799 o Bonoevllle < ore -1. . S.St otter qwr KUS TOM MOTORS · !DCDHIE!VllHOOLPEPTER w. Womer.. Santa A.., _ ~-~· -· • ~· EDOIE HOPPER dr. ll/H. l3'o Private pN, mo. !R-131L •ff--~ SL r --··Meoa T-BIRD ...... • .• # •••• ·-·-·--• TI..., FOR CHEVROLET "'5--0llO ll I !O v s<o:'wis * • WE-DEAL! I~ r.~ G ••-~• I-. M290Ar P!IU, $677l or-. 1n5 a tr : · 1960 Pontiac Sta Wp. PIS. Open NT;."~~ ~Do 'M r.l\JiD, auto, p, Stttr.. TORONADO (' .. ) I "'UICK CASH JllOU Canten Grove Blvd. 'It> 'l'elllpul Station .. ..,.., P/B. xlnt """"· Cal I ''1 RAMBLER "'''"''"""· '58 T·BIRD, ~· concl.. Braka. •tc CIOZ !!J) 8u> .,.. Open Nltea & Sun. 534-2100 Plb. P/r, factory air, SHBS. U.-1573, 19575 Spruce Cir. auto, R/Jf, New to,. bUckel $300. laie THUNDERalftD Town this wboleule Blue Dool Del~. alr, tip. Lu:laa ~ THROUGH A DON'T JUSf WlSIJ ... .,.,.. 1133-.m.1 or 83>-/;911 fV. ,..,~ -IM4-29Sl . 51'>2796 Landau, EV•ry "'""'lveable this weeiw.t Onl,y 1195.00. suli. -DAIL y PILOT thine to tutni.sh you,r home '61 PONTIAC t.tr.1a... '14 Tmrpnt LeMana con'fl. 1T'S 8-ci'I bol18e Ume. Bia-'62 T•8JRD, f\l1l,y automatic. fadoey txb'I, lncl 1tuep. Can be 1ten at 1*) w. 0 •M'n..t't adklD ,.,.,., WANT AD d • ;.,:,~.~~ ~'!• In to-Good c.-od. 12500 New red paln1, clMnt $9!!0 aett toelecUon ewrl See tM Good condldon. $3:!0 or Xlnt cond, 12195. $4Mill00. Wimer, S.nta Ana or Call l'bl' u M • tlb .utlD4 .., ............-.. -...... SA6-4Sl9 Afttt t 'PM w btlt ctr. 67S-3481 DAn.Y PILOT WAm' AD8J make oiler. 5t.So007' Whit. elephants! Duqe+Hne 86b 54Mlit tbe dock. ~ f0.5111 .. . • I, t .) ' ' • , I I ' 'I . I j' ,j I I I, RGEST' 'S!l:ECT ON OF CH~i{GERS TO CHOOSE l,llOMIN ,SOUTHEftN CALIF. · BRAND HEW :69 ~~ARG ERS CHOICI • · ' · . OF ·eoi.DU 1969 DART SWINGER . BRAND .. t:fEW 2~DQO!t HARDTOP Year End Clean Up Price full 'factory Equippod. Ll23A984441,~9. IMMEDIA 'rE DELIVERY s2188 . TOTAL . PRICE +TIX. L!C. 1969 DODGE CORONETS BRAND 'NEW 2·DOOR COUPES . . , full ltctot)' "lli;, .... 'WL2189U30l77, Wl2119E1344ll. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Yur Ead ·$2· -2 .. a ·a -·ro'fA[ .. Clean Up · . · PRICE Price · • , .. ""' 1969 DODGE CORONETS BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS fully foctory equlpptd, hllltf, 4tfrotlor, ti<. WL4SB9E123047: WL4ll9Ei 21966. Year End Clean Up Price IMMEl>IATE DELIVERY TOTAL PRICE + TIX & Lie. . · 1969. 'DODGE . POlARA BRAND: NEW 2~.DOOR HARDTOP V-8, fully factory equipped: DL23F9DH5,810. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , , . ~::nEU: .. s2· .•.. a· 8 Price · . ·I . TOTAL PRICE + Tiit lo Lk. Br.aol.: -~ji'.;gJi!~Doi18i t radesman Van 81 01 Model;,V-8 engine', hea'~ dOly suspen~ion, ~pecial lf'edesman accessories package, 461an1p a11emalor;70 amp w!t'battery, tinted glas~ iunior West Coast mirror, front 'seilt passenger side. Motor No. 198709451.4. Immediate Delivery. Year E~·-~aaa a TOTAL Cl.fl• Up I ~. , , PRICE Price · -+ T•• .. l li:.. LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW 1969 DODGES IN , SO. lJAllFORIHA ' . . . ............................................ • ~NTIRE STOCK: : NEW '& USED , , * ~P~CIAI, . * LOW PRICIS · ~.l~V't;~, l~T· .. OPEN 8 A.M. 10 111 ·P.M. . , . . 5 DAYS A WEEK FOR YOUR CON\llNIE~CE 0,11,R ~ERVlq, DEPARTMENt N0W'0PEN~8 ;A.lit ' TO·• 11 P.M. S·DAYS. A.wmc ••• , 't \. E YOU 'IUY ·a-----,--... . 'OED-·CAR AIY$nf· Sho-;;, ih~l~i<IJ.r 'my.'ggarilnt.ti cind ask ,;f h• • ~'.can makh ill If nf!t, <;Oft1e i.nto HARBOR DODGE' home bf the GOU>·STAR GUARANTEE. · ' ... !"''' '1 " -~ ' ' . . ' ' . " ; IJo' .Swii~;~·Owntr-Gtntnl M~Mtfir ' . ' .., ...... ~ '68 PLYMOUTH '68 DODGE "· •• .!:,'.!11:'.!w ., __ $1688 11'111. r1dio &. ,._.,.,., GOLi> STAlt,1\IFO 71JJ . . . TOTAL ,._ICE +'T•' .... L'lc. ~7'i~f~~:~ $1688 ~D ·1"fArt.. l\lllS nu. TOTAL PRIC!:E , , + Ti• a. L'tc. '66 C!1EVROLET . . '66 MUSTANG '67 CHEVROLET v~. ~:.:i.".~~'.~', ... $1" "2a· a 1r, blrdtd·IMISO wl"TiD"f'll:i: 1 TOTAL PRICE + r~ a. Lie. '67 PLYMOUTH · ' - v ..• ·:r:.7d~~~· $1088 :r;:. 1111=· Go1'1t sV1~ TOTAL PRICE +Tu a. Lli:.. , , '67 VOLKSWAGEN • -· ..... ""'~· "'c s9· 88 ltt _.ti. Whitt -u lirt~. (TYE 111). . TOTAL PRicE + Tu a. Lie. '67 DODGE Dart ·.~ ....... ~. ~""'°'"N s9a· 8 tq~lpped. No. LLZHl721"1JJU TOTAL PRICE + T.11t lo ,l ii:.. '66 MUSTANG '""2;~~='-... sass·' fully t Of'Y lltlUl"'i'f'£z l90l. ' TOT~L PRK:E . : + ,,_ .. a. lie. '66 PLYMOUTH _ Viii.Int 2 Door -, ' nl., wh'ttew•ll trr;., tullY $68 8 flC!Ol"f 4!Clllll'Oldo iSKB 7'31. · .TOlAL ·PRICE , , • , • +TIX &. ltc. + Ttx i._l lc. '64 VOLKSWAGEN ·-· '"". ~..... . $5@8 ' ~!'« °"). ' ' TOTAL PRICE · •· , , " + llt.& ....... Hird!DJI $1 88 ... "~'"· ... .... 1 , ~l(c,. it-1ne; _., · ~"· r o-..-~ ~i 111-rot"o si. ,.k"(t1~s ~: TOTAL PRICE '67 ·MUSTANG :.~;~~~\:.f ~:I:~ 088 lar, ,.,ult WIM tire.. • fTSA 25'1 TOTAL PRIC + Tax , l~ '66 BUICK Speciql . . ' :~1t1~-'7~~:l. h~l~tr, ~t:: s9as ~,, STAlt (llUL '40), TOTAL PRICE +Tu &. Lie. ' '65 PONTIAC Le Mins 2 Door Hil hftop k~c~J !l~r1X:-~dfo''t sass hnltr, budtllt 1011. CWWK .63). . TOTAL PRICE + Jax •.t.rc. '65 PL YMOUJH llrr~1ud1 Fist ·11ck Y·I < Avfi11Ntk, 1t1d1o1· Htet1r1 Pll:W.tr -lm.rlno, Wh 11 w11 ""· • ITH~Oolll) . TOTAL PRICE '66 RAMBLER a111ic no 2 Dr. H.T. Autom.tk, R1dlo. He1t1r, Power S!Mrl119, Vfr•YI Rid. (FlftW -TOT ~L PJICl' I . , SS88 + Tt• & lie:. $788 . + tex " L1c. '66'~.CHEYROLET . . ...... . ' ' Monu 'Cqnw.' $ 88 ··~'l:W:ti"lt" .. "'" 6 s .. tt. • 1f.1Lv ~l ,... , TOTAL PRICE + T• & l ie • .: • '64 PL VMOUTH t P111. Stetlon W19on $,.' BB Y ... AulOl'Nll!a P:QWIC' ~~r< 1nO. A.JR ca:R" I" • toW-t '"-·" TOTAy ·P~JCE >· "+ T811"6:ut.• .' lisc1ynt t"Door ' ¥<.-·-~11,,K• 'l9h' MulJIPld. ·-I TGI' flS1 . TOTAL P~ICE .. .----~~~~~--~J • ORANGE COUN , CAUFORNIA SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 ~PATTERN EXCLUSIVE Add DivmsiTY TO YouR WARdRObE wi1l-t "Tl-tE LAyEREd Look" HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tl-IE Fiscl-tER OuiNTs AT 6-CAN ll-tEY BE "JusT Kids"? EDUCATION SPECIAL .WliAT Sci-tools Sf.tould TEAcl-t YouR GliildREN · AbouT fAMily LiviNG 9 MILLION SINGLES . How TO LivE AloNE WiTl-touT FEARS ANd FRUSTRATiONS .. HAMBURGER AOO .. ONS · SpEci~l SNAcks FOR TEEN,AG~ GET, ToqffifERS· I ' I .. l I I I I t j f ! .. Ask Them YourseH n>a DOl'IA.LD a. IOBlfSl'Ol'I, Dindtir. YdeNU A,_,. II• ... ....-...... f/.JJ. " I c I-' ..._ ,... ....... int~ ,. I I -•••awW. tllrr ... •, -., -.W N "-,.....,, ... ,. ... ,.. ... ........,......, ... .-• tlf rt .. tl .... ta N ......,,,___,_ r. •zl ru, r-, r .... • Socia a 9dera • eadt1ed to all tbe ri&hta aacl pririle.-of a J1e6i diw w&- ena. 1"laeee illcWde burial iD a a1tioul cemetmy, and prae11tatioo of a burial a.c and pa.e mubr. Sbould be batt reoei~ • ~ diaability, the 'feleran would U.O be entitled to com. penPtion, lao.pi•alivtioa, and reim.buJ'9e.. meat of up to S2SO iD bari.al expeuea. Write to tlae Department of Ddeme.. Wa.ehiq1oo. D.C. 20301 for a duplic&te dilc:harp. POK BIL BAIM Cl1fOTT, ""'-•I "lh1wtt11 P•eal w C/Uhf' ..J .. B~i.tt1t P.nlll .UT~ I• y•ar •riJla1•, yoa ....U Nry _.,,.,..__,_ ... "",,.. ....... b ........ cW. ia daU f*tl1--lln. •· C. Siie~ renl., c.-...~ ""· e A. a cllild dMnpilt. I .keel .,.elf what ia it that I do that helps. I COD· duded that I CODYa'le widl childmi djf. fenmt!y than their pual .. m praiaiq. criticising, and es.preeein1 ancer. MJ boob attempt to traulate theee then· peutic principles iato proper dilld-rur- iD1 practices. roa •as. IUCB.UW lflIOlf r.,..,.. eeJW r., ... oalM ,.. ...,.. ..... .. Sc. r~. D.y1-R. • .. r--, r .... e I •• bona oa March 16 and DUDed Thelma Catherine llyaa.. My Irnh lather, Will Ryan. aa.id I was '°SL Patrick'• babe in the mom," and iuitted on calling me Pat and celebrati.nc my birthdaJ oa March 17. f'Oll tnu.m JUTS, S-Frucilc:it Ci.au .................... .... darlll la ,..r ..... ..U ureer1--Cr.1 A. r,......, s. .. .._ Ore. • ne _,. atiafying thrill .... the aiPt I hit my SI.2th home nm at Cane&. lllk'lk Park. tlllahtieltiaa a oew Nation.a.I l..eecue record. WUl I nmember DMMJt wu dae lam' wua awpowe. ftM GOY. C.&YlN L IUJlnOl'I o/UtM •-~,.. c.w..s,.u.e fwr • • pcpuf) -I ~11 .... ...,1--L. a ... , Sntfle, r-. • Darid IIewa, a wahlr, S.. F....atoo reahor, eoJcl tbe idea of using lbe Golden Spike to Leland Siu.ford of the t.eatral P.mic llailreed. It ... .a _.... -.. ~ 18 oaacea. ad WM ...... "'5Q. Alta beinc ued at hmont.of'J, Utah. d.e epike 1f88 retwwcl to Scuford. wt.o included it iD bi. art collection., wlLich be doaat.ed to Sunford U11iw:nity. FOR N.41¥CY DICDltSOlf, NBCNna •• ii .,... ,. ....... IAe ............ , .... a: .. ,,,... ... ....,,,_ "'· L, G..... s.y, .... • No. MJ lmsbud. our he ch:ildre:n, &Del I h m Wuhinatoo at '1ieny- wood," tbe girlhood ~ of Jacqaetine Kennedy Ona.is. FOil Da. BD•VND D.EIN, ~ .. ..,,,,... ......,ardri- • C911M • --~ ................ ,.... ,,,..""'1 I• ..., Sia,.. IAe ...,. ..... ,,..,, " .... ...,,..,, __,,.,..,.,,...., 8........., c.Jl/. • It may be a.-ociattJd with odler di. eua_ including rheumatoid ar1hritis, bat not directly cemed by them. ~ iD rare c:uee which mar ha.., hem camed by an a.Jlersy, .-came for baDooe .,_,. pbiaoicl is mabown. Cortilono or derm- tives of ~Jcla are the aao.t widely ued treatment for it. but milder topiea.I treabnellta are med &nt. ro• •oss A.Ui1f o/ Roa AUc11 llUlir.u, Sileu Spri.ll1J. Fie. ,, .. ...-............ .. ..... -a ....... .. .,., • ...,...,~e Biii., s..ar., r cM. • lt'a worth "'5 per cram. f'Olt Cl~ ltOC81tS a.. "-,.. eem,...,,,. ....... ~ ,. ..... ~,_,,,.._ c. L, "'" r..dc: Cfly, NJ. • Fortwaately, I~ DeTer bad a weight ~lea. la fact. my faworite food ia cOOc. oJate.diip ice crema. I am ~ acti¥e, .o between my daily ......... hequart tllmia ID&tdaea, and danciq. I don't haft to watch .., weigtlL ........... ,_,,.._. • 'h•f Y __ .................... _._ .__,_ .. F ' ,__,_'La ._. c t' ,...,_..,_. .... ...._ .. AiA. ,.,_ T~ w-a, ,.._...Mt • • o ..... ._ Y .... R.Y. tena.Ye-r' '%Id .............. .__._..._ WHAT~ WORLD! ~ According to the ~ ttv. Oub of MidlVan~ unlit. poorly nwtc.d ew.aan. tvads CCMe ... .... +.f 1 ....... ..,..1., ..... Gilco- hol Ttatlk oMdoh en trying to .._ lefotw •.. Pf0\118 .. situation, espedalty ... courts hcwe held munlc:ipalitfes bable for improper Of milling signs.. ....... 0¥9- ments ore: lb.dard sign ahQpes; color and ~ for better night ••• oncl after Yilib.1ity; Wgger signs ond hnptD¥ed maioleoonca. This picture shows how a New Yoric town c:lea....t up a dut· ter.d roa ..... giving Motol bb deorty ¥ilib&e lamawtiOM. 0.Jty MIR., n.. Mcra>dau It,,., Miorl act.aw dodon not to about OOAptllag pcr"'..aall' ......,. W l10f c:o-.+ I I I d U.S. cwre.q lcils ....y ..... Clltd fungi; ... haw boderiol ~ tDo. lut doctors ore stl1I worried, the sugg I Sia get rid of "fhe MCM.yJ pa~1MJ11I from pat~ or put ..-.. an ut..u..., lmap. Wflw fked our dodor ii always flanMcl. The A.IMl.tv. ,....... n. ,... ... of the --dtllcl ..... "liWong feeftng Of ...,.._ ond oppolallRl••I ond a CIOIWidb1 that WOfid will ,.._ be good to "'-. according to Dr. lrandt F. Sleele the Unlvwllty of Colorado IMl.lcal <Antw. n..y ..., the baby to fy fher .. ; llfhC ftC9d far ... oppond. When he ....,,, .., hh him to "'tcodt hh a le.on.• "'°"' parents ..... • •• d dt ttts: tvw. the pullWn ..-be either by remcmJI of the child or pay dtlatric INatnwtt for .... paNnt • sa.cht th••.._. fU 25 J'*Clft, Dr. William .. lean, d.w of ...... partment of r..dicUte at .... Uni¥enity of lowo, has been chofting the growth of hia left thutwbftoil, oc:mrding to "Media:lt Wotid Newt." In 1941 H took 118 days for a mar\ at the culide to rcadt the free edge of the matria. In 1966 it took 1 'S'/ days. ~ ..,... dally mumps, ohnost dopped nail growth. Conclusion: If 'fOAN nails en laltino longer to grow lately, yoJre gelling older. Ws Hear It for stMa &ery morning at 11, Mn. Ed SullM»n pub o lamb chop in the por• table broder. That, with ked tea ond canned peoches or peon, ii Ed's tw.akfast. That oho ii the end ol cooking for .... doy. According to "Atwc.ys on Sundoy," a ~ by W. dtoel David Harris. the Sulllvons ha¥e IMd in hotels for most of ~ 38 yeon of monioge. Sytwo toys. "1t's been nb not to wony about homelceepmg bemute we treasure our leisure time.ff Ed tayl poucfly, "1f it hadn't been for her, I'm IUN I wouldn't be where I am nqw.H ObwloWy, cooking isn't the only way to a mon's heart. Faml/y ~ n. ••• ,, " • .._ 8~1.i,1111 18alllll9 I. M¥90W r. rt •• ..,. ..... ,. .. ,, W.P .. ftlal FIDllU Ht•~ MllU:la& ... a.. I t ... f 1 f ....... _.,l, ..... ......._A._.,_..,..... ~LIPAm&SW'....,.it• t'f• ........ ...... t 11. om-: .... t !:::!:::_ ~ ... """ !... ii:!. :Eli;\ •• ~~~!~ ............................ ?'II! ·wa' "• ........ ,._ ._-.. ..._ .. O'tlcL -· - .... ....,,..,.. ... .... ~ .................... ~ ................... ...,,,_, It 1'1111ca.& • I s "Art~ .......... .......... O/lfea: ... I a .._, .._Y ... M.T.- @1Mt,Mla'f...,_Y,-. ......... _... \W ft ..... ti .. ,_ ILi 'l1llii • [I lllts .. ., lltklt tr ... 11tll Ill llillt ........ ,..., ....... Yw ....... ,... ..... -· ... "Slrwlcll r.. . r..., ........ J• , ,, ...... ,. .. ,.lm.2. --.. INJ:USX MINUTES ••• YOUR WINDOWS TAKI ON THAT OOORDINATED "DECORATOR LOOK" Imagine changing the whole look of your home in juat minutes with this amazina-decorating discovery. Now you can coordinate your window shades with your bed- spread •.. match your shades to the drapea ... giveall the rooms in your house that special look you see and ad- mire in all the latest Home Decorator Magazines. These simple, easy to make shades, transform your rooma so excitingly, you will be the envy of all your friends .. NOT AVAILABLE IN STOBBS Since these fabulous window shades are in such great demand, we can oft'er them to you for a limited time only at this price. Style-A-Shades come 86" wide and approximately 72" loq and are easily trimmed to fit any window. We ura-e you to order theee fabuloua win~ dow shades now. Custom laminated shades sell for $26 or more in store8, however, because of this special offer, we can bring these shades to you for only $7.95 on full money back i'Uar&ntee if shades you receive are not perfect. Hurry, order now. Thia offer may not be repeated thia eeaaon. ~ ".'.'"-OBDBR NOW-8UPPLIBS ARB LDll'l'BD ·--., 1Muter-Craf t I Product. for Better Uvin1 I 1116 BroMway I New York, NY 10010 Dept. AH·2 t Pleaee MDCI me the.fantutic Style-A..Sbacs. with fJU7 m-11 ltraetiou for onl.J •7.95 ea. plu .50f for Postace OA fllll IDOD87 Mek pannt.M lf 1badea 1oa ~" are not perfect. I QuantitJ ot 1tr1e-A..shadel • t1.91 •eh I -11 :A.A• ~ p09tap tor eaeb aUde -·I TOTAL ENCLOUD ..... -... Ja I N ................................... , ......................... ,, ...................... -............. , ... 1 . <,........_., I Atldl99 ..................•........................... '"•"'·····•-'·····~ ............ ·· ......... J . , I atJ" ... , ...... , .......... , .. , .. , .. ,, ... , ........ l&ate ......•. *••·•••• .. •··••• --•• ,, •• _,,, •.• ,. I L-~------------------~-- ........................................... _... .......... .._ ............. ______________ ....._._.. ________ -:-~~~~~-· . I • I I ' I I t l l l I I ' ~ I I I ~ I I I r I ' . I . . lt'a a oombioation of all tboJc little tricks every woman knows. Llke tilting your bead at exactly the right angle when you ask a special favor. Or knowing just when to wear that particular dress. Ifs knowing how to squeeze every minute out of e~ry day and living it to the tuDest. That's why Tampax 1ampnm can be mighty important They keep '°'1 free to be every bit a woman, every bit of the time. They free you to wear your most nattering clothes. And to be completely comfort- able aod confident no matter where you are or what you're doing. The reason's simple: Tampax tampons arc worn in- temaDy, ao nothing can show; oo one will know. Colm:nicnt Tampax tampons tit cuily into pocket or pu.ne. They're completely disposable. And they come in three abtorb- ency..Gzzs: Regular, Super and Junior. ~,., '"" ... -"" ., ..... 1 .... ----·-_ ... .,_._ . ...._ ~T_.,__ __ ,,_ T-tNCO-TWO•~- TIIE FISCHER QUINTS AT 6- Can They Be "Just Kids"? For most children, this is an age to join others at school and play-but nothing is so simple for these world-famed youngsters BJ MARILYN WEISHAAlt SEPTEMBER IS an important month for most families. The children start off to school and, in effect, a whole new year begins. Tb.la ia especially true for the An- drew Pilcher family of Aberdeen. S. D. They will 9eDd their world- famed quintuplet.a to ecbool for the flnt tim&-&loq with their UttJe sis- ter CynthiL The qulnta aleo are ee&..- bratin1 their sixth birthday today. And to make thinp more uciting at the Fiacher home, three of the P'iechen' other children {they now have 11 all tosether) will celebrate birtbda.ya this month. 1'lle '-Uy givee equal attention to each individual child, as it alwaya bu. But the world, of coune, will be mo.t curious about the quints and their ftrat extended adventUre away from their farm home. The quints were old enough to be- gin echool lut year by South Dakota law, but Jira. Kary Ann Fiecher r&-. portA9dly felt it beat if they could have one more year to mature. The older children-De.nlae, Julie, Danny, Charlotte, and Evelyn, rang- ing from 10 to 14-attend. Sacred Heart Catholic ecbool, and Aberdeen speculate. that the Fiachera would lib the quinta to do the a.me. The quint.-llaey ADD., Kary...__ Tu ~ rv.Zf •ppccr i" pttbl.U. Herc tM, nu '" AIHnUn'• GnNr P....U. BGbr .ut.r, Cttu!r. u frowl UflUr. B~ Q'IMt Ji••r u •• tA. utltcr of pl&oto. daJene. Mary Catherine, Kary 11.ar- pret. and James Andrew-will ~ ecbool with C1Utbia, 6. Daya before their birth. docton predicted Mn. Fiacber would deliver quintuplets. When they 1fere born in the wee hours of Sept. 14. 1968, an Abenleen newmnan annoUDced the multiple births to tbe world-and their Ant hospital .. names." A, B, C. D, and E. After their birth, of course. the family was beeieged with oewamen, hocbtera, and plain weD-wiaben. The Fillchen immediately retained lepJ counael to protect the children. On behalf of the quints, they aiped contncta for advertiains with a na- tional dairy-food company and with a publiahinK company which retains exclusive rights to their story. An- other firm publilbea quint-featured calendars. n.. l'llcllan have always been a reeerved couple. llary Ann is an ex- celJent bowler, and the pair met while bowling in an Aberdeen league in the 19608. At the quints' birth. Andy wu a S8-year--Old clerk and bad a take- bome pay of about $90; Kary Ami, then SO, helped feed the iive eldest children with her prdenin&'. Now the Fiachera live on an 800- acre ranch where Andy ra.iaee Here- ford cattle. Mary• Aon still gardens and bowls. They recently built ·a $100,000 air~nditioned home with 20 rooms, seven of them bathrooms. The babies have a nunery equipped with the latest in intercom sptema. The area ia landacaped for privacy, and Ushta envelop the surrounclinp from dult to dawn. At 6nt. the road around the Fi- echer home was choked with tn16c. bat uow only occasional tourma pass. Sips outside the city proclaim. •'Ab- erdeen. Home of the Fi9cher Quinta," but the.e are the only reminden that the community once held all the world's attention. On the occuion of the quinte' flrst birthday, the Abel'deen AtUri.c:G~ NtK11 publbhed a "quint edition." which wrapped up the first year of life for the ftve and tbeh' f.amily. Apin on Sept. 24, 1964, the Fiecher family made headlines in Aberdeen when dausbter Cynthia was born. Now Wt II ••Y.• are publicly noted with on\y a possible picture. No event is planned at the NqUeet of the fam- ily. The eia'ht children who celebrate birthdays in September uual)y ob- serve it quietly on Sept. l'- For the put few yean, the family baa made ooe public appearance each year, riding on a float in the GJ'P8)' Day parade-the hom~ cele- bration for Northern State College in Abetdeen, Peno118 continue to speculate on the family income. The children were i.uued Social Security card.a wben only a few months old. But little is really known about the Fiacbera' private alfain--acept that one f rie.nd observed that Mn. Fischer ia genenally an euJIOiDg mother and that the four firla are perfect ladiee. while their brother Jimmy ia .. all boy." Now, bowner, the Fiachers face another crueiaJ decision-bow to al- low the qulnta to li•e privat.elJ bat without isolation from the world. Per- haps in tbelr eixth year and at a regular achool. the quinta will have that priviJ,ep--tbe one moet children and parenta take for ...-ant.cl + ,. . mn IEJD. llP CAllY-UIE (YEIY HIQf POI ENCt) TAllETSFOI m1•11S1 am11£11 -....s heamltllded fOI DtUdolll, Clltwlllle fnlit flftan actlw ldllltl .., . ..-citlna. •..akolwa. 180 c:a,.lts 250TIMm 11&.$7.49 ..... $12.• ... Ya ... ... Ya ... $3.15 ... Tillew.ybat vlt.il•lolll ..... ~Its ........ i•r .... $ .5t ~=-... 'h .... .. Ya .... SUI $3.41 11 .... ,...,..,. c.... .. .... ...... ...... ..... ..., ... , .. ,a .. _,. (WITH YfTMI"' Of A...., •Pt1h•1at a~ .... •1•••• CAim-LE "' ... m.-c canaa :=...,~ YitmlilA.11 ......... .....,,lt...uM ............. 100 'ft: lOCh 2:bOOOUIP.ns .... , .2t l ..... $2...St ..... ...SUI 250 'ft: IOO's .... $ .91 50,000USP_... ICIO't_Sot .. .... U2 ... suz l • t t Bditon' Note: JI~ Artl•r Ne&'"'"' la viu pruidftt of Solw>ltutio JIG11ui,..,, lrte., tA. IM11m ,,..WilMt-of NCOtldo,.,....elool ~ i• CM U.S. Be Au bfft utifflr ~ k/or• Uclc:Ai1111 auocicstiou catld nrlaUd #f'OtCPI i• np- pore of tNlf1 aad MON~~ /or otir lt.io1' ulaooll. Beu Cl /<Jr'ffWJf' pteblio-«Aooi ,,..,,,_ catw1 ootatn.u eo b• ca.di•• &. wi.tar co.Mtarity rotctl -4 adMU aotivitia. "WHAT IS LOVET" .•. "What is a family?" ... "How many kinds of love are there T" No, lt'1 not a collep pblloeoph7 coune. lt,1 the w., a Callfomla biP-echool teacher.. Mn. Ida W. Cherry, chairman of the bom~ nomlct department of Albaa:J W.h SdaooL, beaina • family-livlq cou.ne for aenlon. She afao &ab them to in- clude an autoblosr&Ph7 •Ions with their annrera. Tbe .tuclenta' uunre.ra help the t.cher to deew. what the • coune al study will be for that year. It ta an unUIU&I te.chin« approech, but it bu a purpoe&-to relate achool counea to one of todaT'• peate.t problerna &lienation of our youth. The UDl"e9t aweepi.q our collep campuee al~ ia hariq repe.r- cu•lona in our hi.sh acboola. A sur- vq by the National A""°Ciation of Secondary Sehool Principala of it• membera showed more than ball bad uperieDced IOID8 prot.t adhiti•; at city and aubarl>an achoola it ran to S1 peftellt. Thia ii of gnat c:on- eern to aD,. but eapecially to parent.. for today DWl7 younpten are try- 1.q to decide whether they ahould join the protest. apimt traditional values and mores. How can we help our youq people to understand and respect tboee ele- menta? What common sround can we ftnd wtth them aa they move ahead to ..tabliab their own wwld? Part of the answer liea in our ICboola. Today parent. and achoolll have a mutual respomibility to pro- vide ed0cation relevant to life. New requirement counea must be intro. duced, particularly at the eenior hiah- echool level Where can we besin? With ma.r- riap-the otllr part of the Estab- lilbment which JOQth la not ~ teatiq. Mo.t of our 7ooq people upect to many and to raiH children. bopiq to Gnd peat atiafaction in beiAs the headl of tbeir own fam- IHea. Tina ii ....... --that bnq. the IWftticle pp. bl 1900 onJr • ~ ot Ameri- cam ('1fflr It) married. In 1MO tbe lpre jumped to '78 pel'Cellt, ud b1 lM'I Oaten U.S. Bureau of Caaua record). 8S peret\llt eicpecW to mar- ry. An inrredible iDcreMe. TM f• m.u. median aae for marrlap ta 20.6, and it la 23..1 far maie.. Kon ihaa J:aalf of all .ant •trried• .an ~. and more l1rta lll&r'l7 at 18 than at any othe;r qe (19 la DflJtt. then 17). ,.. ..., tbelll&ITiap aperienoe of tbia .,eneration ia dl«erent from that of their pe.renta. At auc:h an earlJ ~ )'Outh ia not ~ to be emotioullJ prepared for marrlaae. Coup]ee today probabJ:t do not live with paretata or eftD. in tbe a.me neisbborhooda or citiea. creatiq ad- ;u.tment problems and ~-d&- pendence on eKb other. Tbe7 are ftnandally more independent than 1ll09t al their parents were. 'ft1ltinr ud setttn. more material thiup early in marrial'e. And with aome famib' linb beiDr weakm-than iD the put and women lea dependent on men than eftl' before, families break up. Divorce. too, 19 euier. So the teen-age divorce rate bepe clim~ ill&' stadJ)y. There la an obvioue need for spe- cial ProtrJ'&IDS to prepare youth for maturity in their relationa to MCh other and to society. BaaicalJ7 our acboola are not guiding youq peo- ple toward auceeuful and aatisfyiq f amJ 1y life. Our ~b achoola aboold teach our youq to undentand themaelftl; how they will mature and become adulta; how to pt aloua with others; and how to prepare 1.or their poet.hiab- achool yean. Some states already have bepn. Orqon reqmea a family-Uviq coune; Illinois, a con.sumer-education coul"le. At Del Valle ID•b School, Walnut Creek, Oalif-. teachers E .. tyn N. Bachelor, chai.rm.an of the bom&-ee0nomica departinat, and Rob- ert I . Ehrlich. chairman of. the eocial ICience department, have teamed to- retber and are preeentiq' a coune called "SocioJosy in the FamilJ.• (ln- cldentally, team teachinl', when two or more t:eachen conduct a CCHll'1le to- rether, ia a relatiftb' new technique. and it ia proving to be a b.ishl7 ef- fective appromcb..) Thia coune explores tbe areu of family relatiomhipe. marriaae prep- aration. care and pidanee ot chil- dren. famil7 finance,. manapment of the home, c:onaomer economica, bou• illa'. and home fumlahiQSL There are no prerequisite., and it often 10 temeltel' eredita for the }'8U'. "'Socioloa in tbe hmil1"' started orta1nanY in 1962 in home manap- • ( c . J l i c ( t • t I c cl f c c c I c me:nt for eenior lhia onlJ. When it wu made available on a coeduca- tional hula the follatiriq year, at the request of senior boya, both the cotll'88'1 title and the fact that it waa ... en in the home-«oDOmica depart. ment pneented problema. It took three )'9U8 of canfu) plaMfDI' b&- fO.l'e the p.reaent cou.rae evolved. It ia now part of the carriculum and ia alao belnl' team-taal'bt at a hirh achool in the Acalane. Un.ion Bil'b School District. One parent 1ummed up "Sociology in the Family" by aayins: .. At lut ! A coune with enough depth to be reallJ meaniq:fu] to teen-apn." AJJr- otber com.men~ .. Jfy IOll appears to ha.e a more mature outlook on life!' Still another said. UWe feel thil i8 an important step jn a cood par- ent-daol'bter relation.ahtp." Y flan QO, the Dome provided JOUJlg people with this kind of training. But today these subjecta mut be taught in achool becauae t«lmoloti- cal and eocial cban.res leave many parent.a bewildered and tbu.a inca- pable to ruide tbefr ehiJdnm to meet theae new challenges. Today ty brings the whole world into our homes. Our yoatb no loqer rely on their parenta to tell them what'• ping on. But IChool can help them to 10rt out what's imJ)C>rl411t and bow to act on it. The H-bomb and spaee J>l'oC'faDl created a cri1ia that accelerated tech- nical and edeiice cooraee in our echoola. At the same time. more em- phui.a baa been placed OD academic studies to meet the m.ber collep.en- trance requirements. Bot the new social un.rmt, accom- panied by the increuing alienation of our youq, repreeenta just aa neat a criaia. We mutt l'e9J)QDd with pro- pama that teach hiP«hool ltu- denta bow to meet the demands of our fut-moving society. At Plattaburah (N. Y.) Senior Bia'b School, Bome-economica taeber Kn. Marie E . Breyette often a famll.r- liviq cou.rae that proriclee a forum in which the aenior airll and boya can openly a:preu their ideu. C1aaa diacUNion ia under the l'Uidance of a trained tlttleber. The coune follcnn a definite out- line with '"personality development" u the atarter. Points covered i.nclode bu1c need.a, va.luee. pall, problem&, and deciaion-makiq. NeJrt earn "aett:iq along with others,,. exploring the pqcboloa1cal ditf erenee in botb famib" and male/ female friend relationahipe. FamllJ auoclationa are deepl;J clehed into b7 explainina and m. casalq tbe whJB and hoW'I families come about; what perenta and teen.- apn expect of eaeh other; and camea of and .ame 80latiOD8 for con1Ueta. ' Pupo.es of datiq, IOiDs steadT. what airla and ho,.. apect of -.eh other, standard.a of behavior, and mate eelectlon are all pooped under the outline beadi.nl' of datlq in thJa ~llvins coune. How important ~OD la to a teeD-qer-allo U in- cluded iD the COGl'8L Under .. economiea," ltr.I la on budgeti.q money; life, aato and fin insurance; bow, when. and where to obtain a IO&D; and wiDa. The "bow- to-be-e.Jaw-ebidin.l'-eitben" part of the outline of famllJ U'riq &Dows a speaker from a local lrtiJ.4llfol'C6- ment apncr to come to the ICbool to answer questiCJDa eom:emm. tM law and ita enfOft"fllMDL Jin. Bre;rette'1 couree IDcludee d.ia- cu.uion of anottnr. drinki.na. and drup. The re&IODll tor 11117 or an ot theee indalcaeee i8 huhed and rehuhed. .... the ...n.bllity of drop in tbe Platbbur:lh area ta viewed and diaC'uued. .. Preparation for tbe followiq ~la lut (but not leut) in the famUJ-Uviq coune oottine. Under it, eoJJece lite ii the ftnt phue, with diacuuiom OD what to antidpate, dormitory ••· Uriq at home. and poaible rm.aona for failure. 1ln. B,.,.ette alao fee• that en- trance into mllltaly Mniee, ita ad- vantas-and diaadftlltqee. la im- portant enoap toclq to lnehlde un- der immediate future plana. If the een.ior air1a and boJa ha"H decided apimt f artherin• their edu- catioD. the COGrN anowa them to t.ca around the pro9 and CODll of *employ- ment"-wbere to look for a job. what JOG owe yoar eJllllilOJV, and what. in return. be owea you. . llarriqe u the Jut aubjeet in- cluded iD the family-Uriur coane. Included are Pl'Oll and com of teen- .... marri.qe; maturity for mar- riqe; ea edac:atfon; .,....,,1q of marriqe; quarrellna; abow.t the wife wort; and the tmporbmce of money for family happm-. From thJa aort of open and tree dlacuuJon. the Plattabursh Hip Sebool famib--Uvina coone pro.Sdea the nec•Hl'J atimulation for better communication between c:hilclren, par-- enta, and llOC.ietT. ID a recent poll (by Lou Barria Aaociatea.. I.ne. for Ltf• mqasine), biP-ecbool student.a. their parents, and teacben -.ere ubd: "What ahoaJd the m.-Jor role of the ~ ee.hool be in eeeondary ed~l" A majority of t.eaehen and studenta aald. •• •.• teachln1 the akllla necea- lla!T to·uve in a faat-ebanaina ~ ciet;J." Only on.third of the parenta qreed l The majority of parent.I nm.. pl;J did not reeopise their ehlldnn'a need to 1-111 bow to adapt to OQr "rta'ht now" world. Then la a ddnite pp between DWI)' taeben and parenta u to what and how bisb-ecbool student. abould be tauaht. It ta a pp that 1a .. creat u and u eeriou u tbe one aiatinl' between oar reneratione. For lnfiaoce, the Barrla Poll re- vealed that 62 percent of parenta maintained that cttedpUne la more important than ltucleat eelf-~iry. On17 rt pen:ent of the teeehln qned. Seventy-foa.r percent of~ en felt that mon outaide 8peUen and Jec:turen abould taDt in echoola aplMt " percent of pal'ftta. An- other question wu whether studmta abould be l.D'fohed la mon fteld work oatmde of 8Chool Tllllehen apeelq, 7'1 percent; parenta, 48 peremt.. Of coune. none of tblM ~ abouJd replace academle studla 'ftie1 abould Jut pl'OVide pneticaJ Infor- mation that ftel7 ~Deida, whether punuiq a cone.re education. maniqe, or a Job. Such COUl'MI to- day are the aeeption, •ot the rule. Stroq pl'Wu.re la Hided to put them Into ~-«hoot currleuluma and to mab them a requ.iremmt tor eeuiora. Concerned parenta, teedw-1, and Khoo) Mtminllhaton can make aodl edueation po11ible. Row can JOG aa a paret pt Ada cou.nea atarted t The core of thla type of education ia ~ tausbt in man.J b1sh echoola today. llollt of thMe 1ubJecta are Included in home economic.a but a.re too often Dal'l'01F and fil.deftnecl And it b maa.117 onl7 tor cirla, faillq to ..-.ch aa lto- denta. Home eeonomista a.re com- mitted to preparinc students for mod- ern family lite. But the IUbJect. auf- feriq &om lta old and m1atabn lmap of "cooJd.q and MWina," neecla conalderable help with tr.la fdeu for all studenta. Yoo can ue roar YOiee ln aupporl of u..e .Stal new COW"IMll and pro. pa.ma. Aak aroand 10UI' achoo1 and )'OCIJ' commuDJt;J. Y oa'll hd many SJ'OUP9 with ideu ldmf1ar to 7oara. You won't be aloml ...,. .. •• Ill•• for eome practical ltartiq polnta. 1) If U7 tamDJ-U'rins COU1M1 are DOW belq taqht ln 70Ur local hlah achoo). aupport them and encourqe your children to 8nrolL %) Mab an ally of the home-«o- nomica te.eber and &QJ other t.ch- en concerned with theee coune9, and alert 7our loea1 PTA to the lmpor-: tance of thia kind of educatlcm. I) Attend 7our 1oeaJ llebool-boud meetinp and join with otben In 1upport of the.e COUIMI and M)p to promote additional fu.nda for tMm. 4) Form a parentl' STOUP and _. by for theee COUJ'8e9 on a atate leftl.. Write to J'OUI' .tate deputmmt of education and to 7oar leala1aton. Om hil'b«hool eurrlcuJam mWlt be n-cnmlned In the liaht of todq'a 7ooth and their needa, whieh lnchuJe not only better academic and Id ... tlAe Jmowledp but the ability to cope with the n1ft aodal and t.ch- nolostcal chan..-of oa.r N't"O)ation- ary Ume. The cballenp ln our IChooll eaI1a tor MW ene1"S7 Clll the part of ftft7 partmt and educator ill Anmica. • F...u.w.-..s~1 ... 1H11 , ' ' The Dramatic First Hours of Thirty-Seven Presidents • (JZ'. the first time, an authoritative pictorial and ~~iptive account of all American Inaugurations. The full sweep of American history is depicted in 176 glowing pages, hundreds of pictures and illus- trations, most in full color. trom the ball gowns of the First Ladies to the contemporary events of the Inaugural of 1969. Articles by noted authors and historians give fascinating glimpses of early Inau- gurals. This handsome, hardbound edition is avail- able now in· limited quantity for onJy $10. ~ Q$,//U//tau/ ti/lou/ 8oa171t -~-·~ -.-.f ..... ._o.c. ...................... 11~ _.,..._., ............ ..., ... '10tar_oapr.......,.. ...... NAllE----------------- 81lllETOft~,--------------- cnY--.· -------STATE.._ ___ .DP_ .,c:Mc*.,...,onW ... ___ , ... , ••• to ... 1-........ ea.~ .. ......_ _Llvllig Alone- Its Dangers an Nine million Americans live by themselves; what or become ill-or if months pass without By J~ R WINCHESTER MORE THAN nine million Amer- icans live alone. All of them face special problems and dangers. 8aJa Jlra. Ann A.nQ.in o1 Armonk. N.Y., "My eoutant t ear ii that I'll Jet ill or have an accident when there la no oue around to help me." A 1968 U.S. Public Health Service sur- vey divides UV'641onera this way: ai.nale. 2,.198,000; married but not living with a mate, 911,000; widowed, 4,.841,000; di- vorced, 1,194.000. In the young or middle years, more men than women live alone. For all ages, how- ever, twioe u many women aa men live alone. American women alao now outlive men by about seven years on the averqe. and there are almost four times aa many widows aa widowers in the United Stat.ea. Independence, howevf!I', bu its perils. 'Ille ....... ..... ia falliq. Cona&- qu&eel an often mllltiplied when rietima remain undiacovered. Throuchout the coun- try. there are inereaaiDI aafquard.a for people llviq alone. In some cues it'• ju.It a eolicitou.s neighbor who ebecb if she d.oem't •her trlend mo'Viq around be- hind her windOWL Better orpnjsed plam involving viaita or daily telephone eaDa are run by volun- teer poupe 1rom hospital.I, cburcbea, and women'• clubs. In Norlb 1liami Beach. Fla., the police cleputment aperatee it.a own reaasu.rance network. Lfve.alonen are encourqed to call the police every morning when they wake up to let them know everythina-'s all right. "If they d~n't call us. we call them/' explaina the chief of police. "When there's no an.ewer, we aend a patrolman to take a look." The bomee and apartment.a of many live- aJonera are frequently ftlled with tire haz.. arda because of. old conatruction. poor maintuance. and aloppy housekeep~. To aid in quick location and .reacoe. the ftre departments in more than 1,000 U.S. com- munities now have special programs aimed at helping out thoee who live alone. Spe. cial attention ia given to the aged and dis- abled penons. Mor'9 thclll 200 New Jeney communi- ties, aa well as many in other states, place identi1ication aticken on bomea where there are loners or handicapped persona. Moet large cities, however, do not use marten. Says one police chief, "They're juat a notice to burglara and molelten." Health and nutrition are other prob- lem.8. It's very easy for thoae who live alone to fall into erratic, health..destro)ing eating patterns: too few calorie& one day, too llWl1' the next. "Such nutritional ups-and..downa can lead to breakdown of body tiaaoee," re- ports Dr. Pearl Swan.aon, professor of nu- trition at Iowa St.ate University. "There's irritability and anxiety and ultimat.ely a decline in general health.., Y ~ career girls are frequently too rushed for a good breakfast. At night, How to Liv. Alone More Safely Accidents to whktt the eldetfy and IMMlloners are particularly susceptible can be mlnimiuc:I. Her. ore tome 1Uggestions from the National Safety Council: Have the phone loClated where it con be reached from the ftoor. Install o fire-detection and womiflo syst9fn. Keep the house in good repair ond eliminate slippery surfaces. Ute nonslip waxes. Wipe up splls immediately. Light the way wften entering a room "" using stain-Allow eyes to becx.ne ouustomed befont mewing about. Have a bedside lamp or ftashlieht. Prepare a finMttcope route. Never go to bed with a gm or oil heater unit opetaling • Wrong medicines ore easi1y token by mistake, especially at night. With glue ot tape.. fasten a bit 1>f sandpaper on bottles whose ClOntenb are not to be toke internally. It'• a warning that can always be Nit even if not..,. The hanc:Ues of ldtchen pots should always be turned away fn>m the edge of the stoft to that 1heir con._... connot be spilled. Ute lightweight utentih which can be lifted eaUly. Orw appropriately to petfotm houtehokl tatb. This means clothes with no dangling talhes ex -.... nonflanwwtable fobria. Weor well-fitting shoes. not house allppen. U. only larp ash trays. Don't --. in bed. Atranoe fot .. 1omeone to molw daily ~ by phone "" in pefSOn, for your tafety. Accept cmlslance when it k Meded or offered. Do not let fahe pride .......... a Fa""111 w.-q, s.,,u.1wr 14, i111 s hai; a f1 th fb 011 th! ch kll th in wi Cl tri lh q: 80: tit it ar be th· th• COi be .,, seJ CO.I on liY 801 Tt lat tb1 A DO an de: fu Pe ale WI or pe: vi! DO KE &) cit ke Gr WC chi he: ta) OU' Solitude happens if they suddenly fall a friendly voice? they're too tired or too uninterested to ftx themeelvu something' oouriahing. Wid- ows, oMCI to coo~ for their families, ftnd that preparing solo meala o«en little challena'e. A man alone often doee not know ho• to cook and ahop. fer ...._ who cannot or will not ret their own proper meaJa, a prorram started in London 6S years aa-o ia now pining wide acceptance acroea the United State&. Called '')(eaJll..on-WbeeJa,,. it deliwn DO• tritional food on a daily buis to bomee of liv&-&Jonera. Civic groupe. eoc.iakervice acenciea. and lrOIDen·• clube uua1b' l'pOD- aor and atatr these food aervica. Some- tilnea a amall fee ia charred; more often it ii not. Certain diae&les make liviq alone bu- ardou.a. too. Even simple illneeea that can be treated at home become complicated if there's no one to tend to the patient or do the boueekeeping. Diabetics can ro into coma, then 1erioo.a shock. Some types of heart trouble or high-blood preuore ai.o &ft riaq. The world of the lonere ii no fun.. A aenae of beinc cut off from people ia a common complaint of thoee who have no one with whom to ab.are their e~ livinr. To a woman it can be the lack of someone to zip up the beck of her dress. The single man asb: "'Who ia to do IQY laund1"1T" Girla with no roommates worry tbemaelft!9 sick: •'Who can I ro oot with!" A lonely Omaha widower f.retl: "I have DO one to USU• with." lmotia n 111 pa a••••• are very eommon amona thoee livi.ns alone. Broodinr breeda depreeaion. SixtJ.fi.ve percent of an re- tirees Oftl' 66 yean of ap livins in St. Petenburr, F1a.. have been found to live alone. RecenU, they were uked: "When wu the lut time someone, either friend or ~lative, came to viait you?•' Some 12.8 percent .aid that they hadn't had. •inrle visitor for more than six montba. "Too many of thoee livinr alone are ir- nored by their loved ones." says the Rn. Kenneth B. Morphy o1 Boston. who beads a project called "Lif elin.e," whenby eeaior citizena join a telephone "chain letter' to keep in touch with one another. One Liteliner ls 61-year-old Ao~ Gran'rille, Jr.. a sbut-iD polio Yictim. "A woman calla me faithfully and aJwaya cheen me uP." be aaya. ·~wouldn't know her face. but a thouaand people coGkl be taJkinl' iD a room. and I c:ould pick her oat. God bl-tat WOllderflal 'fOice. .. ID W~ Coun~. N.Y .. the Di-. trict NW'li:Dr Auociation infonna chureb and women•• club poupm about thoee who are ftPtiq the dail7 baWe qalut lone- li.neu. V olunteen then caJJ OD a l'OCID- bound old man. oiler an arm to leen Oil for • ahoppiq triPt write • letter to the ... COJDPU7 for an arthritic widow. A recent pl• ubd for IOIDeODe to read poetry to a 93-~ woman woo. .,... are bad. ••-' 1Cf1atbb are ilndinr out that relief from loneUn•• bu a:aany poeitln health and aafety beneftta. In a Unhenity of Iowa reMal"Ch project, an alert, ener- ietic woman iD her early 70'a, who U'f'fJd ~ wu ma.tied She ltd a ftrl buJ life. worked. was active in church, old...ap PGUP9. aad coamuity dain. Ber nutri- tional meaJa were resuJar. But metaboliBm reports ahowecl her bod7 .,,.,.,.,,... to be M9erely atrained. She WU loaiq ..m.bt and couldn't sleep. Then her crandJon came to live with her. Within a few mouths. ahe wu complete17 healthy. &71 the test di- rector: ''Companionship and the abarinr of meals were responsible." For an who would be thourbtful and carlq for thoM liviq alone, here la reuonable act.iee from the aperta : Listen. Remember it ia the lonely penon ~ visited who needa to do the talldq. They don't have the opportunity Tel'J of.' ten. Even lovtnr children, when ~ come to call, often doo't give time to Uateninl'. Don't atifte or aco1d. LMwie .,._ ,. 011 lltt at home. Friend- ship ii the best rift. Keep all conftdencee. Don't talk to otben about what JOO .aee or hear. Yoo mun t>. cotwidel ed traatwoJ'tb7. Don't patronise. The apd bom&-bound ii a mature adult and nMda to be treated u a friend and equal · "'One warm, penona1 mtt can work wooden.'• .. ,. Dr. Irmasene Bollowa7, a U.S. Public Health Senice apert OD tbore who lift alone. "It reuaw. them tbeJ are 1tiU peTIOllL To feel f oqotten bvta. To k 1orsottn la ct.dlY ... • Fo_,. W.ulw, ~ 14, 1H• WILL YOU SMOKE MY IEW Kiii OF PIPE 30 Days at my Rislc? All I want is your name so I can write and tell you why I'm willing to send you my pipe for 30 daya smoking without a cent of risk OD your part. ar E. A. Carer My mw pipe ir DOt a mw mocW. Yoa midtt upect all thi8 to re- 1111>& a..,....,.._ DOt a..., pq.t. quire a compJicat.d mechanical not u impro~ an old atJ• pdpt. but wbm you -it, the pip9. It is the tra pipe ill U. mmt wwwpiwiac tbiDc will be that world to ... -..aniy ,...., ,.u.. r" .-. an um • • pipe tbat eiplc for p-.in1 unadulterated lookalibAQJoltbe&.-convm· pleuu.n to pipe amoken. ticma1 pq.. ni. c1ailm I could l"'n .,.. • pipe ....... for 30 make for um )lriDcipa. iD &ot.cco ,..,., aJwa.19 JoMin1 for the idNl ~ ... ~I.bet pipe-~ aD the ctilappointins DO pipe ..... woakl blliftetbmn. a-. -"--•---....:--ir "'='--" I ....... ad..,., lndias• ....... ~ ---_....., eotitary pipe that would miob alro IQ 'Wnokins i9 com....,' boar aftw boar «by after day ud I WUlt to ...S. JOll-C.., without: bittw...:.. bite. orrfttJp: Pipe to-U 80 -,.at., riliL With ~ doubt, I ._ At~ end .ottbat tm._ if yoa an ~~~ --L out __.. .. ~-I willilllll to .... tlpye9 c...,, Pip.. ~ to ~ -----....... ~~ llimpb ..... u to liita-aad i-. =~ ~ -=~ ::.= tuna it '? me-the trial ... CG9* IWlta. ..,tdely, aJmmt ~ acci-JOU ~. den~ I ctilconnd bow to bsr..-P-. -' mt your _.. &o- foar sr-t natural Ja-w to P... me dq. ni. OOUpGD or a pm&al cwcl eY.-ythiq I wut.d iD a pipe. It will do. rl1 WMl yoa ........ ...., dida't nquiN UlJ 'i.-.kiq m.•• tr.~ com~ trial ... J'V8 PrG:n the 8* P'df it sm.?bd cool am decide for )""'1ZllM4 .._.,_ • -it m>nbd mild.. It llDObd ricbt not ~ pipe .,..mns &-.. .. dOWB to the lut bit of tobacco risbt wbm tt.y ay the C...,, Ps,. without bite. It DeTer bu to be ii the sr-tm wnokjn1 ia"W'We "rmt.ecl." AND it MWI has.. .. evs patented. 8md yoar ..._ cl11nrlll Yet it ia uU.st:y impm-a.ad meflm1 add... to im toda;y. .0. for po or llludp to reach JOUI" Aa om pipm llnobr to uod.. I'll ...,._, t.ame rrq Dn-mtioa cm. panntee you the......-~ your ~the too a It fwMsl life,....._ Write: E. A. c.n,, DlfL •K. 1ta'D j II J Sc Aw., Ctl .... la. W40 LA. CMD. 1121 2 ; II* a.,. D.,a. .... '*-i & ... P's-mUl fac:Dahoat tM ~ ..................... An. ...... I will dedd. ii I waat to tr:r it Im ao JlQll d YOUR RISK. B1w>'· -.....~ .... ,...Ne .... aa. ....... ~--------------------------------~ I I l t r f ~ I I l I ~ I I t I I ~ . I I I i l, r~ , ~; f I ( '$ : .. I } .. ' ··- Amazing Home Decorator Off er: Exquisitely Modeled Kitchen Scale Athls Ultimate Tour in Decorator Magic In Avo[ado Green and Gold! A Fabulous De[oration For Your Home • Holds Flowers • Party Sna[ks •Fruit! YOURS FOR ONLY s2'!? PERHAPS you have seen decorator scales as lovely aa this in the exquisite ,'OOJDS displayed in the better bome magazines, and wondered bow mucli they cost. Now, due to volume purchasing we can offer this dramatic de- signer Kitchen Scale ... perfect for displaying your favorit.e flowers, fruit, snacka ... for only $2.49 J>08tpaid. Constructed of durable vinyl and binged with metal clamps, it hangs ap. proximately 16• high and 8" wide .. Color-keyed avocado green and golden tone, it is sure to be the focal point wherever you hang it. It is imposaible to convey the rich color and detail in the small black and whit.e photo shown here. Only when you see this magnificent peddler's scale hanging in your home can you appreciate the quaint antique charm and drama it brings. SURE TO DELIGHT, OR FULL REFUND GUARANTEED! The face of the dial is attractively designed with multi- colored fruits and flowers, and, due to the unique spring action. the pointer actually turns as pressure ia applied to the "scoop". We're so sure you'll be absolutely delighted with this exquisite designer scale, we're off erlng a full money-back guarant.ee. FREE DECORATION INCLUDED Order now and we'll also include a cluster of aimulat.ed leafy fruit in rich hues to complement your kitchen scale (1bow.n-in photo).-But-burey,~ coupon.today. Thie eft'er will not be repeated this season in Family Weekly. -------------------· I THE BOKESTBAD, DEPT. KS..9 I . I BemeRead BaiJdJq I I NQtaae. New Jeney 0770 I I Pleue rub me tbe Decorator K.itiehen Scale for onJ7 PM (poetp4WI) I and include daater of almulatecl lufJ fruit on fQU mo:u.1-back .,...... I antee it not deli.Pt.tel. "' I I I & ....... la •········································• (PIMlle Print) I I I --···-························· .. ··········································································-··-··-·· I . . ................................................................................................................ . I CllT ........................................................ BTATE ............................... .zip ............... I I D Mft MOllBI ......,.. .... Ordtr two complete k:U1chen IC&1-for I I onl1 $1.a& ppd. (You a.e $1.00). htra ecale malree a wondarfW rift. I ·------------------· 80ft. of O#n ·~··-'l'lllere·· ... lri .. Uke • .....,. •• ~ Neddllg experiesw4 yet. Net ........... , Net ...... -••eel Alld ..... bag .. laalf .. wet. . --s ..... ~ QUIPS AND QUOTES ToMriat: A penma who travela thou- aottda of milu j1111t ttJ get a ri&apdot of lti,naelf ata11.diftg along8ide hu owa car. -Lucille J. Good.,,ear Tudo.,,'11 motorilt11 ftot Dfll11 tab good core of their car1, tllq olao keep the pedeatriGm ifa good rvttfti"ll ro11ditW... -Th'"'11N LGJlaaee Magic Umbrella By JACK D. 11PPIT n A. cadet waa ruaaiq an oMt:acJe coone but fell on tbe lut hurdle and IQ on \be STOUDd. A Mllior claaamaD aaw him prone and ruahed up. UWbara the matter?" he uked. "Why didn't you flniab the COUl"M ?,. ''I'm aorry, air, but I've broken m.r les." "'WeD Ulen." ~ the em- cleDCJ-minded senior, "don't waste time jtut lyinr there. Do pueb- upe." -Dorotl&tl4. Knt AlnbllasAdt8ct I laave ab .... tr~ lane ..-. WJ.at 4o I bd whea .., la clOIM9? A elqle uh tray~ tnerl .... ? Ne., eh.. wt• daM la e<rft"f oee. __,,,...., .. ,.,,., When tbe younpt.er Md to 10 to the doctor, his mother commented t.Mt be would probabl.J be ai'fflD aome medicine. lnat.cl, however, be re- ceived a penicillin ahot. That enmi ... he told his daddy, '"They didn't gi•H me medicine. They pimud eome on me!" -Dorotlar B . Bnaett It "'4r be • bad tli'ltg to be naor- ri«i to ~&Hr job, ht it ia MMCl worse to be divorced from it. -D. 0 . Flpta Two old f rienda were exchanging reminiscences. "When I waa young:• aaid one. "I made up my mind to get rich." "But you never did:' obeerved the other. "No. I decided it wu easier to change rny mind." -R«a JliUn- t I . ' I J l ' ............................. ______ _ The best SI() you ever spent. The SK) that opened the door for }()Ur child to the rewards of music. All the best things in life arcn 't free. But the Wurlitzer Rent-A-Piano plan makes one of them a lot easier to come by. For as little aa SJO a month you can put ten little fingers on a brand new Wurlitzer piano ... and give your child the chance to enjoy all tire benefits that making music provides. 'The rich tone and responsive action of a Wurlitzer are ju1t the motivation your youngster needs to fall in love with music. And the rewards arc infinite. ln addition to the personal satisfaction that comes with play- ing, your child will develop crcativity, per- severaoc:e, sclf-<:<>nfidencc ... qualities oec:::cs- sary for success in any fidd. Just SJOa month at a participating Wurlitzer dealer is all it takes for your fint rental pay- ment And you can apply the rental to the purchase price of the piano. Children grow so fast ... shouldn't you mail the coupon or sec your Wurlitzer Piano Dealer now? Rent a new Wurlitzer piano •.. mall thla coupon or ... rour dealer. r------------------------------------, Wurlitzer FW-99 DeKalb. Illinois 60115 Plcue tend me 0 WurJitur Rent-A-Piano brochu~ 0 "How to Choote Your Piano'' booklet Im Na.mo of my oearest Wurtitur Piano Dealer NAMo----------------------------------------~ ADDRESS-----------------------------ayy ____________________ _ ATE--------~z~1p ____ __ TEL£PHON.__ __________________________________ ~ U_RLl ZE~ I · Wurlitzer means MuSic to millions• I pianos • orpm • electronic pianos • band instruments I L------------------------------------J ------ JUNIOR REASURE CHEST ...... Whatt Br AM Davidoto With rabbit's ears! Plus One To a four-Jetter word for what you do when you are in deep thought, add a first Jetter and get what you do when you entertain. (See Auu·tr Box I 18 it a duck Surprise! A kanproo appean! ...... o .. From a seven-letter word that means an e&- pecially bright shine, take away the first letter and get what you can a family of kittens. (Su Au1Cn-BozJ Look Allk" Which two of these watermelon slices are most nearly alike? 1 s Riddle Me This What word begins with 1 and enda with I and bu four letters between, and ia important to you at this time! (Su AMwar Box J l. 1 ,. {".· . . .. ·~-.... (See Anawer Boz ) .......... x ·1ooq~ :111qJ. aw a1PPtH ·Je~ -1n-.1~!l!> :aao enutw ·asnwv-asnw :aao trntd ·epNw Zl auq 1pva t pow Z ·.io N : Al(JIY JI00'"1 r I I I I I I ' .... -._.... • .....__ ..... I .,/I -·~ r----~-, I #?.::.. '\':';:tt..'t.'1 nm EltClo#tl ~a,~ 2 =:,:::..=.:.., I I ,..... rw11-.,. ....._! ai-.. '° .., o ~ &ptw. o °"""' a. I I ,,_! -~, , .... ';.:.."";·-•a--.. I l -·~M<=·2L : =-I 0 S.ttd C'.O.D. I ---11'1' ....... I I •UI ,,.., po#~ Mttl C.0.D. °'*fee CM ,,...,.,.,. -alJ Z'- ~ -----------------------' Genuine Golden Mexican Peso or Silver Kennedy Half-Dollar 17-JEWEL COIN WATCHES YOURCHOICE s3415 Foa AU. TD1£-your f&lnily n&me-the &nt names and blrthdatn of up to 10 family memben imprinted in soUd U-Karat Gold on hon! cover of brutht&kingly oquj1lte Blble. Thia dhtinguiahed Bible l1 furthtt enhan~ by spukllng rull1tic birthstone garu. Seldom 1'a1 tM beautiful subf«t mat- tu of the King Jamn Bible rettlved 1uch magnJJlcatt prewntation. Commanding In 11.R (a full 6•xa"), it 11 6nl1hed in r:lch, glow- ing pebbly-gra!Md Morocco that look• like, feels lib the D\Olt ttpJ of leathttt. Lovely nd-.tnd-gold 1tained glass window i. em- bossed on covtt. This resplendent decorative Bible will be an Immediate source of comfort, of 1tttngth, of inspiration for the entire family. • • • • NM.WW aMMlH ~ ......... -.. --.......... • G • G IMY .Qm .av "'*"' ._... Alm•tsttr ..., ............ You will be proud to exhibit It In a place of honor ln your home. Spedal •·PIP parch- ment-like ~ter to keep f&lllily ncorcb will always be a Joyou1 memento. Elesant nyon/ 1nk marker gives added gradoas touch.. In generations to come, thlA Bible wtJl be a ~end heirloom. Fully refumced for Bible atucly with 96 .,.ges of c:oncotdance, 96 .,.ga of BJble 1tudy twp., center colcamn guide. All words of Chri1t appear In red. 32 brill.Wtt fall-color illmtrations, plm unique color m.aJ>9 of the Holy Land bring the Bible to vivid, pul1atfna Ilk u never before. Only a limited number of the.e conversation-piece Bibla av.U.bl~ •t thl1 time. Offer may not be reputed I Won't you UM coupon below to order toclay. MY.,...c:omt ....... l·M1,11-a.., R'11,1r1,M.Y.11m • • • • • • • • • • • W..•HIB,CDL WTWY • • • • .-.-.-.-•• -.-. • l MYlllCWc:omt ...... L-Ml,11..._._.. P1111,1rt.M.Y.11m • C....._: nu.. ruh ay ,.,... J..U, Ktttloom 0 cMck or 0 _., orW I •: la.le et .,.W tabodmtocy price el oaJy tu.ft wtdt wlowd &w M-Kt. Coliil F..tly ,._ ta,rild. ud J ftl'lt --· a._... ta _, blrth4btw .... ~ (..W oaJy n .to udi fot 0 ~ l!qlwe, a oe... 00, • ""fY -"ltlou.l .._ .... 4&te). 0 ......., Olup, 0 ~ Pl.EAm! ll'RINT: . ,_.., I : AIM""''----------~ • • . .. I ~ I • u .. ..,.... ..... of ,.a'" ..ww-..1 --• City-----------• • l·. MrtWata. AM t°" for,..,.,. II'""'"'"•· see------ZJ.t----- • • • • • • • • llOm'Y UCll IP llOT DllJ9HTD • • • • • • • • • • • • • ------ • .... F ASBJON DP.BIGNDS are borrowing a clothes theory from the ski world: skiers wear light layers of clothing to keep warm. Which la practlcaL Then why not design layers or multiples of clothing to make fuhion ~too T The thn!e-patt.erna here-each of which givee you enough aew-at-home deeiana to last a year-illustrate that idea: an attractive ehirt.aleeve dreae that adda a sleevele.ss coat, aa shown on our cover (which in turn can be sewn into a jumper or made long-eleeved); a jum})er (which aJao can be wom aa a dresa)that goes over panta and blooae; a baaic A-line dreu that can become a jumper wom over a blouae or be a tunic top (just shorten dreu). worn over a ski.rt. For added vari- ety, a number of sleeve le.ngtha and necklines are included in each pattern. All fabrica shown are at Singer stores where fabrics are sold. That's the ~ultipJe» meuage for fall! To get your wardrobe hitting high notes, order the.ee patterns by simply filling out coupon below. • PATTERNS By ROSALYN ABREVAYA Ow .i.n.iu. cost (u. e""1#r), i• SiA(Jw' i b09ICUcl wool- liU acetciU aJld •wiota, o44' IUftla; it "'""' cftl bcuio dru1, r°""'1Ne~«I, itl eoonU- TM pritleen law ntwu. From bane rolkollarfd 1~t., H10 Cl ~Ud dna of n1rot1 -.tolUe ~; •· ,..,,..,. or ....... ; • V ...uk ~ iA Siwg.,-'1 alHoool Dorut1al-t~ hcaul "1itl& ~· oA«k 11Mt. Bl.out, 1/cWt art 1.,cJf"GU ,,UOU. TIN....,, ,..t. loM u .._ or;.....,._ 4,.... aftd bloat o.tr JllCl""'· Ftlbril>- bit.: tlw ~keW dru. iA • ;aequrd d~ 4-ip. ,,_,, ;,. • er.,.. ...... Blow• of enpe-bcaek out4t• "''°" Mtia. 14 F....,,W..,_,~1',11fl tlGted pla.id. Jvfflf*" it~ lnota MP f rord; bloue it WIGd4' 1~ dna1 top. Sbrl-aune d.,.... "' ~. flfffaU. ILWSTlATIOHS IY HEUH VUCICD'tlC ·---------------------------~ PAMllY Wll!IO.Y NINTll> PATTBIMS IR Mew Mh-' Sbn I , 10, 12, 14, 16 and M9w ~ 12~ l4~ 16~ 11~ ~ SPlCJAl t.AaGAtM OffB-s.-1 $2 ,_ crll ... ,.. pattems aftd ,_,... Pita ................. ._.,. omANr PASHIOM-Tatal V._ $2..ts Sa..t"" PAM.11.Y WIBl.Y PATTllHs. loa 122, OW a.Mo $9Dtion, Mew YOft_ N. Y. 10011 a-t D STATI S&a .-..1~. a&ou.., ,..,,. ............................. .65 -- f~ • .,,_, JU!ftpef •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• .65 -- 9"7-0..U. TWlic. 5lJr1. Mow. .................•..... .65 __ llMSTANT PASHM>H IOO« ...•.....................•... 1.00 D AM 25' few.--... a..t • c 8 a s-t a.Ii, diecl w __, ..-. STATl------------~J'----- .._ ..... r-alp. ftfA5l rttNY I I I I ..._,.Y_....._.__ ........ c .. , · .... I 0 W..td'a _, pradfcal .._. fMa :bed bu fof ,_t.ct At "Adlw»-I Ma1k ......_,. •tff-•W. I ._ 20. ~UM pa... 55' .-.o.. s...t I UM •atra ,_...., .--I 0 a.cl '-• ~ -V1 ._. _... -.._ ._ ,-,.... --c-. I ,..._ leot -' s-tne.• v ..... ._, .-.. lrd. w m..t ._.. I is.ts • ...,._.. ... ...,_. I ~--~------------------------J FIRST TIME OFFERED· Own Your Phone and Beautify Your Home with 'Hie VOioe Of Ble ooe Beautiful Bone Finish With Solid Brus Accessories. Sturdy Heavy Metal Construction. The Dial Center h Exquisite Ooisonne. An the gracious luxury of a French drawing room install and service this superb in1trument for you. can now be vours w1th this magn16cent telephone. No Monthly Prem.hm Claarp ..• SA VE DOIJ.AU Starttng with the exclusive Clotsonn6 ..• an authentic art mast8rptece, tile dettcate bone oolor, the heavv T!mre ii DU 111•11111¥ pmrnlum c:liacge tm 1118 me metal constru.ctlon, topped wtth gleaming brass, this of tlds pbonB, except tbe normal cost U med as an elegant addition to your home decorattng wm be an exteDsion phone. everlasting conversation piece, admired by an wbo Now, Mutercraft, tluou8h lb tremendous buvtng wm see and use tt. fadlttlet, ts able to bdnl ddl talepbomt to you at You can not fully apprectate the gractous elegance the lncredfhly low price of 129.95. Do not confme of 1hls fine Instrument until you llft the hand.set ~A-Phone with lnferlor Imports. from lts brass cradle. lbe urge for elegant conver. We urge you to older now while the supply lasts. satton wm ttum you as VoU speat into 1L If vou are not completal.V aatlsfted. you may ntum tt fm a lull refund. Deltgn-A-Phone It told to 900 on a tun money-back gwmmtee. Ap(aoved llf dMI Bell Tll1Plw 9'** 1b.e Design-A-Phone French Cradle Telephone has met all the rtgid standards of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Your local telephone company wW NOl'E: By rpeclal arra.npment w1lfl your local telephone company, the wtrtng. coned cold and electronk: compo- Dmlfl w1ll be suppUecl for a one-dme cb.al98 of only tt0.00 plus the usual ooe-ttme mnnec:tton daaJla. . I I • I T~ll modem '-Ofl\M ..,.. p69ces.. WheUw it'•~ or ptay, ~ han a tlclrt sdl~ule. But ycMi mfft It. Y041 pt anM1nd. In Ula awinc. Set a fNt pece, Ho time to aJow down •.• end ,ou don't "-to. NGt -~w of fundionll menstrual dlstnm. Howl With MIDOl. Bec:awe M1~• contMllS: •Arr ewvsm a11tl."'"modic that helps STOii' OIA•N ... • "'~ l..,..sienta that RWlVI'. HrAOACNt. LOW BM:McMc .•. CAol JUMP"f Nuvt:s .•• • Pim a mood bri,tlten., ttrllt tllb ~ throuth tti. trytns ~· period '"'Inc Qfm and CCMI~. Get arcM.1nd. ~day. With MIOOl.. "problem" perspiration solved "" "' tMa ... I ... ,.nfll't ltadJ An antipenpiraat that ..ily workal 8019'•• aadararm r= for may who bad .. paired of eflecthe help. llUeluam Antl·Peuphant bes» und.rw.rma ai.oluiiely dry for t.bcr•nde ol paw.d ---. with comelete 1eatlen .. to oanna1 ma· and dc.'4id• It will keep J'Oa drilr &baa ~ uti-wwtawm .-& .._.pat m aD .-mo& IP1lY caa! By aa~ body. Thia anu.u.al formal& flam a tnliiww &h.Y &S-~ laboratory ia _sa.ara_!ataed tod •tilfy or dealer will Nfwa purcbMe price. So pt the pomi.. tin protectioD o£ llltetiam AnU-Penplran&. licta.id or cram. P.00. 90-clay aiPlllY. at your favorite drug or toiletry counts. Doctor O.K's lhis Hemorrhoid Tral1118111 hr 11.J. Cauple~ Son Treatmeni 8brlnb Pllee, Relieves Pain In lloBt Oases wun-_ N. J. llr. and Kn. C. II. Jetfttn report: .. Our 900 n«aect from hemorrlloida. I ubd thedoe- tor about PrelJllration R and be ,. .. Q8 the O.I. Ou 901l is DOW ftne, thanks to Preparation R.., (Note: Don.on haft pl'OTed in most cues -Preparation H• ae- tual17 shrink.a inflamed hemor-rhoid.a. In cue after cue, the nlferer Ant notices prompt relief fro.m :1~i.!;1'1ling and itching. Then · is sently rechacecl. There'• no other formW. for the treatment ol hemonhoid1 lib dodor-teeted Pnpuation H. It at.a lubricatea to make bowel moTementa more comforl:able, aoothea irritated tiuoea and belpe prennt further infection. In ointment or auppository form.) PHOTO CaEDITS c.-i a.-. ""9. ,...210-.~w_........_ D. ~MIC. pr_. 9i r-tw-. fw DPI. FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK I Ideas for 1 MELANIE DE PR.OFT Food Edit.or • 8..y hedt-c. aool .-,_ ue laere apla, .. ,-'D.........., -...... lime for &1e-. IO drop la. 8erYe daem tide Taftadoa of dMiir .W ~ .......... .............. ,.... --. -.16. kW- .., ..... -lad. __,. ... CP'l'9I ....., .... -•••Wolime~wtda .. ,.. • .... praW.ee for make-y~ .... .....Mii Kraut and Beef Pam.a 2~ .... ..-.-..~ 2 .... ,' _baat .... 1 .. llieef ........... c....-1 ~ ........... ....... ~ .. Teal.~ Z te2~ hl4'11M .Jt 1 t II IJ 11 a A.callil ~._,,_....,_._._Ya.a • t " .. ., .. ..... 1 .... ,,, ..... ... ~ CQ c:Mtt,.. ..... ~ e-. JtaliH4t:Jle ee'll f ..... cnmlia 2 e8Jlll lifted rep)ar alJ.. ... 111 I I ..., ~ ....... ult ~tac', •• ~ % a.• aJa..n1c'•W....._... 1. Drain auetbaut thoroochly; set a.aide. Raene 2 table9p00Da liquid. Z. Prepare meat ftUiJls. Have meat mart.et lrind beef, pork. and veal tosethe.r. Put meat into larse bowl; mix with a blend of Alt, Accent, marjoram. and pepper. a. Beat oil in a larse skillet; add onion and cook until crisp tender. Tum into bowl and blend with meat mixture. 4. Put meat into bot atillet and. stirring occaalonally, cook unW meat ie no loD.1'9r pint. Remove from heat and stir in 11ea- soned bread crumbs; cool 5. Prepare pastry. Sift tosetber floor, salt. and pepper. Uaiq a pastry blender, cot abortenin« into flour until piecea are the size of small peas. I. Chop the kraut or mip into abort leqtha. Add to dour mixture.. Toes with a fork until mixed. Adelina sndually, driale kraut liquid onr all while con- tinums to toaa ml:rlu.re until moistened. Turn onto waxed paper, and preaa to.- tether to form a ball. 7. Divide douah into 12 equal plecea. On a well-floured surface. roll out each to a ~in. round. Put about % cap meat mh- ture (1Uptly off center) onto each put- ry roa.nd. Overlappina putry, Mal edsea (Oute, if desired). Prick top9 with fork. 8. Place on unsnued cookie 1beeta; bake in 376°F. oven 86 to 40 min. or until liaht17 browned. Sene bot or cold. u..-,..di .. 16 l'...U. w-., ~-14, lHI Zesty Kraut Putry Snaeka Prepare paatry for Kraut and Beet Paat- iea. Divide douah into 4 portiOD.1 for roll- inr. On a well-floured aurfaee roll eaeh fourlh a.a thin u poeeible and cut into squares. Transfer to ~ cookie 1heeta; brush tope liabtly with batter or •a.rpriae and sprinkle with any of the followinr: MM•e, caraway, or '8Plt1 aeecta; prUc or •ion Nit; PlllW-• or snted Che«Mer dtnu; lllltnt wlwced ..-. dill weed, ddU pww6er. •eaw, or carry pewder; or ftnely chopped dried beef. If desired, blepd. ~ one of the aeaaoning_e with the putry m1Uure be- fore addinr the kraut. Bab at 426°.F. 1S min. Abot&l -' dos. ~ Frikadeller Ber• u a ~ for tAoa. 4dit:i.ou DD.. id ~ pietvr-41"'11 n .. , .. eltoiu of o rO'Mt.,./td Dau /or l&U IWrtU.. .... Tiu U6tw mnt noeb •• ,,,.... writla t/uu Mf4dlHIU.. 1 Ya U... leaa .-k. crw-1 1 .......... --......,n..t. ..... 2 tableepeoml .... 1% a. .. allk 1 ~ t.eu,._ ult ~ teaq11a Wack~ 2 es1 w Mte. ~ Uf ktter 1. Force ground pork and onion throush the medium blade of a meat s:rinder three times into a large mixina-bowl Or have meat market (rind the pork three timea; mix in the minced onion. 2. Xix in ftour. Add milk, about • tabl&- spoona at a time, beating thorourhl7 af- ter each addition. 3.. II.ix in a blend of salt and pepper. 4. Beat ege whites to ltiJ!. not dry. peab and fold into meat mixture until blended. 5. Thorourbly heat butter, all at one time. in a larp skillet. Spoon meat mix- ture by tablespoon.a (keeJ>ina oval abape) into bot butter. Fry until browned on all aides. 11n dos. Fri~ Note: If u.ainr an electric blendu, pou half of t!Je milk into the container, add the quartered onion and about 14 of the meat. Blend. continuing to add milk and u much meat u container wiD hold. Empty into a Jarp mixina bowl Put re- mainder of milk and meat into contalner and blend until smooth. Empty into bowl Kix in ftour, and proceecl with lt.ep9 a, ~ and 5.. Tee~-Aga Snacking panoramic vi~ mazat1an, sinaloa. mexico : .. .. hospitality plus ••• -=-3105 wilshire boulevard /os angeles 5, c•lif. fr-/WI• hale/ "'10 tt & -Y• & _, ~ hi& TatJ!J pHllO de la reforma no. '5 mexico 1. d. f. NtlloftJ ..,.,,..... cowtdl Toct.y'I.,.,,.., -Md meCalo-on ......, ... llC<*stild .,, .... unique toftn 111 of .... c..... Celt. All -up to d9et ... ne l ISNIP9 yo4/re reedJng. And notupe1•wa. Thia F1onMtm 8roedmoor la prtced Ill $24.85, liUle motettWt ordinary lhoee. AdcMd ..._: ~ ~ wwbit lowera coct by the--"' or mfle. BtoedltMJOr. 21120. t>IKtl; 31156, ~ brown; 31158. Ina Moet ,..., Flonhelwf ltytee $19.85 llO $29.95/Moet tmpwtal ltyte. $38Jl5 THE Fl.Oll'SHC04 SHOE COMr AN'Y • ~IC.\GO eoeo6 • MAllPIS 0.-,.., -· -MDI AllO .,, .. ,.. • • • • .... • ................ . .... .. What can Pathway Products Corporation do for you? \ Pa .... tMJ am do for,_ n.t dleJ .. ft doBe for ID 11111111 lui6eds al oClwn. Mea la ... a11e7 jot. lme Mell _. owmn of ttmr own IM"'ae.-s; mm wlao already owned b w•• tMt were not Jll'05I«' he bate -. aon new potadiall of pod ... 1.11'*9; mm wllme eandllp were ••lted by "job fmcdoa'' a:iliap nf'rnly •ft lmlaed to bow die me•nk& of afla11iled inftf; ..i ltill odlen, blockal ID tbelr propas 'by "-..wood" at dlr top, llaft heeia 8'on laow to leap Oftl' sacb olJmclal llllo OWDd .... al tlleir owa pritafe bulaessa wltll tile consta•t llelp u• dlrecdoa of tile e:a:perlew.'ed COtpOlafe std. ww·ma Pathway Proftds Corporation tlo for yflllt Yos ..._ on die lllaK below wiD kiDc fall Mta°' by nmu mail. Would you like to in- vestigate a business in which you could be~ tain of success before resianioa your j>ttsalt job or risking your present paycheck 1 Would you like de- tails of a bosint'&' OD which you man mobey not aoly 00 your own dforts but also make a profit Oil the W<Wk or from five to 30 other people who you train, direct and supervise? WouJd you be able and willina to inwst Sl ,.9SO in a business of your own if your own i.nvatigatioo lhowed you could expect to make szcm <W more in profits nery montll1 Altbouah less than five yaln old, our cor- poration alrady bas lauochcd more than 400 men (« women) or man-and-wife teams in me d the most rapidly arowina IS'ivatdy owned hasjnrgps to anti~ in the last dtade It is such a business that we invite amtJi.. tious men to wcish and consider. Wrtb a spepnn1lar record of public tesponlC in the anm already opened. we are now ready to appoint Patbwa.y Products Sales C.oordinatm in a limited number ol additional mubtina mas in 49 or the ~ state&. To tbme who qualify. our s1aff will aiw complete oa-t.be-pound training They will lhow the new coordinator bow to find. hift, and train the people who will wort under bia direction. The mlf mcmhcn will train the Coordinator in ewry phase of his business. 1bey will work with him until his business is launched. Then they will be available for con- tinuing help in promoting npid growth and healthy expansion of his business. The products you will handle are those that are used in ew:ry household and every indus- try every day. They are the non-food prod- octs which are bought, used up, and bought again-almost weekly. And when a bousrr wife 1ee1 bow llut.e©-for S3 can give her the equivalent of almost $30 worth of prod- ucts she now buys at the supcnnar~ she becomes ao eqer and steady buyer. Her en- thusiasm makes her one of your stroo- new business builders through "word of mouth" advertising amooa bet' friends. In spite of the exciting suca:ss factors in the PatbW1')' ~it is not a plan for dmunen.. It is not for those who expect to mah SJ0,000 to S40.<XX> a year without df ort. No. We will not fraochile mm who will not implement their desires with the kind of eqer applica- tioo to their own businc:s1es that will lead to mtce:ea fOI' them and f « our compaoy. We do not chaqe a .. francbDe fee." We do not ask monthly royalty payment&. Our ccc- porate proft1I must cxme only after you, as a Sales c.oontinator, have profited more ridlly than the company. It ia f « that reuoo that our executive saemina committee is highly adectivc in picking ooly thOle mm wboee chamc:terisl.ia we~ to be associated with success in our field. y PATHWAY PRODUCTS CORPO~TION 60 Pompton Ave., Dept 11-11 Vnna, New ...._, 07044 Enc:utJvt affas _, N.tional T rainina Center, Vtnm. H.J. If you have had some sales experience it will count in your favor, but it is not essential to success. II you have had some expeticnc:c in business management or in directing other people, it will be helpful, but, ~ it is not necessary. The prime requirements are en- thusiasm, belief in younetf, and-()/ nwt m.- port_~the willingness to follow the simple. plan that bas brought~ and pc:nooaJ independeocc to so many otbcrs. To get complete information by mail, it is ooly necessary to mail the Request for lnf«- mation printed below. No charge. No oblip. tioo. Get the facts and~ decide if you wish to explore the possibilities more deeply with one of our corporation executives. No saJcs.. man will call oo you without your invitation. ~~ R E QU E ST FOR INFORMATION 1 httnny Productl Corporation, Dept. 9•·19, I I &O ....... Aw., v .... NJ. 070M I I Gmdemm: I am imeftsted in receivina men I infomatioo oo the Patbway "-n and ProductL I P\eue mail complete detaila wit.bout obliaat.ion. I I No alaman ii to caJJ oo mt. but afa radma. I I riJ let JOU know if I wilb to dimm the poem.. I tial In my area with a compuy eac:utm. If I I I do dcdde to apply ror appoi.ntmeot u SU. I Cootdioator. l c:&D lll&b an irm:mnent ot I Sl,.930. U I do apply I will want to bea>Olideftd I I ror (name of town)_______ I I ru.ne I I ------~-I I ~.___ ______ I I ClJy I L.:.:: ______ , _____ .I H beet see mos enjc Cb ing 1 falae 1ow t learn out c 1. the 11 2. ter h 3. the r 4. they 5. mcm- in th 6. the II 7. than .. H ERE'S A QUIZ about fun that's fun to take. Scientists have been studying various groups to see which people enjoy life the most-and which get the least enjoyment from it. Check each of thele statem.enta. indicat- ing whether you believe it to be true or falae, then refer to the answe.ra that fol- low for the lclentiftc ft.ndinp. Maybe you'll leam whether you're ~I' much fun out of Jife. 1. People who haw the most fun live the loqeet. 2. Some people can't have fun, no mat- ter bow hard they try. 3. People who are slightly neurotk have the most fun. 4. Moet people have the moet fun when they have the moet money. 5. Women have just u much fun u men-it'• just that they don't ftnd -pleuure in the aame tbinp. 6. People who get the least aleep have the lll08t fun. 7. Men have much more fun eatiq than women. a. The smartest people alwa79 have the moet fun. 9. The mo.re attractive you can make YoUr appearance, the more fun you're like- ly to have. 10. lloet of aa would have mon fun if we had more lei.sure and didn't have to work .o bard.. ANSWERS 1. True. Paychiatrist David Harold Fink aays pleasurable reluation 1eaena health~I' nervooa t.ensiooa. Fun ahould not. bowe--.er, be COJ.lfueed with dt.- aipation. The former proloa.p Ille by pro- motiq recreation of bod,y and spirit. The latter bu the 0J>P09ite efteet. 2. True. Payc:holosista qree that there are 1everal types of s:eoPle who are eeldom able to enjoy theruelvee-and then only with~ d.iJBculty. Tbeee lnclude the cbronicallT reeentful, the extremely 1elf- centered. and the ''kill-joys.'' 3. Falae. P1ychol0trical atudiea at the Kent.al Relearch In.atitute at Berkeley, Calif., ahow that the ability to l'et the moet fun out of life tend.I to l'O band-in-band with a well-balanced personality and good emotional adjustment. 4. Fa.lee. A University of Wiecouin study abowed that moet peop~ have the most fun when they have the l«ut money -4urinl' the yean of early adulthood, wbi~ a young couple stru«s1es to pin a firm bold on the eucceaa ladder. After they've reached middle age and have at- tained a measure of financial security, they don't have u much fun u they used to-- and devote lesa time to pleasure. 5. Fa~. Paychologica) studies at the University of Southern Califomia ahow tb1d women don't have u much capacity for enjoyment u men-and for theee re.a- eon.a : they tend to be more aelf~n.acioua, more sett-centered. and more easily upset by triftee than men. 6. False. Studies at the Univenity of Callfomia 1bow that the penon who ha- bitually deprives himaelf of sleep not only fails to ~OJ' life but ie much more aul>- ject to varioua f orma of depr-.aion. 7 . True. University of Cincinnati stud- ies have shown that the averap man ia lea ''pick1'' about what he eats and ha.a fewer food avereiou. a. Fai.e. Studies ahow no relationabip between a penon'a fun quotient and hia inteW.ence quotient. Fun relate. more to our teelinp than our inteJlia'ence. 9 . True. Studia conducted at two lead- ing univenitie1 found that men and wom- en who took paina to preeent a phyaically attractive appe.aranee enjoyed lite far more than. aay, the sloppy dreAer or poor- ly poomed penon. Thie wu particularly true of women. 1 O. Falae. Studies conducted by Uni- versity of CaJlfonia's Prof. Judson T . Landi• abow that people tend to rel the moet fun and enjoyment out of life when they are the bu1iMt._JORN £. GIBSON TRAHMllEDIC STOl'S llffAGE. l>OWMMIFTIMQ, M)UOH StflfTlfiQ, SLUGGISH ACTOl OUMAH1"£ED. AT SOM()( STATIONS NC> AUTO STOltES. BACKACHE Painful Joints Yo.A long IO eaM thoee pelna. even temporarily, until the cau.. 19 cleared up. Why not Join mlnlOM or other UM,. and tty DeWitt'• Piiia? Famous fOf' owr eo yu,., O.Wltt._ Piiis cont.In an analgeslc to reduce pein, Md a lfttld dMwtlc •o help eltmlnmte ,. .. lned llulds. lhua lluahlng oul bladder wutn which can cau• IUCh palna. DeWitt'• Piiie oflen euc- c:ieed whent othe1'9 t.IL If pain ~ta. alWays consult )'OUr doctor. but lrM, try DeWrtt's Pills GEi llNG UP lllGHTS ::Uu IWl1 Commotl Kidney or Bla.4der lnlta-llom mau many men and woown fttl ~-and MNO\UI trom frequent. burnlrut or Itch.Ina \ll'lnaUon l\lshl and day. Second.arlly, y01.1 may lc»e alttp and have Headadw. BackacM and fffl oldtt. tired.. drpremed. In 9uch CUN, CYSTEX uaua.lly brinp rela.,ln& comfoe1 by cv.rbt~ lntblt- lq &ttmt In acid urine and quickly euinx paln.~t C\'STEX atdrupa.u. - ·! I tit ... Frm fllily h*ly ........................ ..,.......,. Tiii ... _,._. .. ,........,_ Tiii .... ,., ..,, .. *"*" ... ....... ~ ... ,_, .. ,...., ........ ,... .... ......... ..., ......... wlla: s.'flat ~. '-"' ...,,, '41 ~ --· .. '"" ··'· loa:z2. Berbm s ... "'4U~ at1tid dtcMMW t0llc" •r• t"r°'°" ff"<l'M dil. ·-tArotcgll wi• doto1. Hollywood's Ho11se In the land of make-believe, you can rent from glass eyes. to a partly decomposed mummy miiE NEXT time someone l. breaks a bottle over Red Skelton's head, or John Wayne "stabs" an Indian at. tacker with a long-bladed knife, or Greg Morris picks a lock on "Mission: Impossi- ble," chances are the props used will come from one of the world's most extraordi- nary stores. buaineu dUrtrfct, bu been supplying major movie studioe and television production bonaea with aome of the most unusual paraphernalia ever con- ceived by Imaginative ecriptwriten. abowa ftlmed in Hollywood that don't have eomething from ua," says owner Herbert Zemanaky, eon of the store's founder. "I gueaa we have more than 100,000 items in inventory now, but don't ask for a rundown. We don't even have a cataloa'." ~ Jloweuo."" naploru, aiwu. n/la ~~ MGd. /or IJ,m, "TIUJ Alamo." For more than half a century the 1t.aid-eoun~ Ellis Mercantile Com- pany, in the heart of Hollywood'1 The Wella Farso strong boxes uaed in "GWllDlob," the World War II German bebneta and machine gurus in "Hopn'a Heroes," the cherub- decorated bathtub Burt Lancaster aplubed in during the ftlmin.g of ''Hallelujah Trair'-&11 came from the hopeleaaly cluttered and overftow- ln.g abelvea of what bu been called a "diaorpnised Smithsonian Inatitu- tion, West." "There are tew moviea and tv Nevertbeleaa, employees can in- atantly locate a aet of elk'a teeth, a deck of early Western faro cards, a half-decompoeed Egyptian mummy, a 17th~entury pair of leg irona, an Indian coo-atick with f eathera, sev- eral colon and atylea of glua eyes, a mounted chicken hawk. or a rusty old blunderbuas. Zemansky receives and ftlla ecorea e can help you enjoy a .. more comfor le retirement. • You'll have Social Security. Probably a pension, too. But chances are, these won't let you enjoy as full a retirement as you'd like. That's where we can help. With a New York Life policy.you can guarantee the extra retirement income you want. You can be sure of a monthly check for as long as you live. Quite a comforting thought. Just as important, the same plan gives your family basic financial protection if you die before you retire. Protection that means cash will be there, even if you're not. What does all this cost? A lot less than you might think. Because we're a mutual company, our dividends go to policyowners only. And dividends this year are the largest ever. Result: The cost of life insurance protection for millions of our policyowners is now at an all-time low. Call your N~ York Life Agent. No obligation. Ask about our retirement policies and bow they can cushion your happiest years. New York Ufe lnsUJ"&l)()C Company 51 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Ufe, Group aod Health Insurance. Annuities, Pension Plans. II Our l2Sth year 't l" 8 n t t a a n ·- a r a • of Wonders some unbelievable items- By L B. TAYLOR, Jr. &fl Jlut.nori'• 11~ CCIM U GMOllO tlU auortwNtlt. of biu.rre requMta: rubber b&ta for ''lknritehed": a ltu«ed tuna for 'The Jerry Lewia Show"; the apyclua Edward llulhare U8e8 in ''The Ghost and 11.n. Kuir!' Tbe ston1'e eman stair bu been f u14lllnc koolde requirement.a for yean. It prorided a aoJd tooth- pick for Edward Arnold in .. Dia- mond Jim Brady" : plutic 1ldee of beef for the aet of "Inna la Dooce"; old COl'lleta with rotary- t;ype valves for "Muaic If.an"; Bat llutel"IOll'e pld-b.and1ed cane: an 1890iab ailver brush and comb eel for 'Tu'"'1 Girl": and 40 pain ot binoculan for the race-track ICeDea in '')(y Fail' i..d7." R...ty Is a request not met, but eometimm It tabe 80llle do.Ina. Ze- mansky spent weeb. for lnatance, ri~ a spedaJ MVeD-barrel PD for Ricbani Widmark in "The Ai. mo.'' The ICrlpt of the "The Stalk- ~ Koon" called for Gregory Peck to Are a rare 1866 Henry ri8e. valued by coDecton at Mftl'al thousand doDan. None could be found, but ZftnanakJ bad an 1892 Wlnc1M!et.er doctored beyond e.en expert detection. Reaourceful employees were munped for a while when a call came in for a flab backbone. It wu for a comed.r ecene in which a eat enarw • pw.e w1aDe tm comic'• back ii turned. Tbe problem WU solved-by buyiq a ftah and strip. pin.a-out it.I baekbone. 1.emanak)-....... hi• monq by rentiq propL The onty thiqa he ael1a cmtomen are ""breakaway .. sJaMea, made of a eecretly 8PUD resin subatanee, at '8.&0 each. and breakaway twmtun. Rentala run from &O cent.a a week for an autlaentic 1880-era manhar1 badp to '126 a week for a giant, ltandlq polar bear. which fol'1Derl7 atarred in "The Addama Family." Once a star, lntrisued by the old-faabioned ctpr clipper rented for hla role in a recent movie, pocketed it. AD lnaurance COIDPU7 paid up. Tbe z.em1na1r7 famll7 sot into title pecoliar Bide of ahow bualnem by accident. Herbert'• f atber Ellla ran a junk ahop in the early 19008. One dq, well over &O Jean qo, a di.rector walked in and o«ered tbe elder hima•kJ $1.000 to .nnt the entire store for a weekend ftJmln1 MUion. Ellie Jocked the cub rea- iater and aaid, ''I'll aee you Mon- day." The family bu been eater- i.na to the -.y-out neecla of ftlm- land ever since. To w•I• their fantutlc va.- riety of merchandJ-, the Zeman- akya bou&'ht attb full of l'OOda. raided aalV869 yarda, and fn- quented auction bOU8M and pawn ehope aD emir Califontla.. Much of what theJ' booPt .. truh 1"0Uld toda,J briq fanq priCM aa an- tiquea. A few of the mo?e than 6,000 1UJ18 1.emaneQ' owm., for s- ample, woald fetch $&00 or more apiece. Sometimee the .tan of abowa browee in f.emanakT• emporium. Actrese Kala Powen came in for a special holster flttin&'. Robert Ryan picked hia own whipe for a W eet.ern movie, and Vincent Priee bad a deld day eelectlnr. torture inatrumenta in atoet, for one of b.ia honw-4Um role.. 11M• ... 7 sm hyeountamaa1 top stan amonc hla frtenct.. when be pea to the movies, be often ft.Dda hinwelf foraettiq the plot .. he loob for hla props. For the Steve KcQueen movie, "Bullitt," EUia llen:antOe sun- emitha worked foT two ween on a special 9 mm. Star revolver eo it would Am b1ub auU-attnQy. In the film. the l'Uft wu •hown on a:reen in a cloaMlp for about three aeconda. 1.emanak7 aJmo.t mired eeeiq It. TW'a ahow bn•lnert I + 11 fllC« YOUR OWll FAVON'1'W ~ WAii! PATTDlll ca.-..... --.... ............................. .., .......... .... 'IT a TO ""1llDMJCll ,.,.a ID the baul;J, die A II'' i1or at aqaW9o GoW. Wue iD 4 a · c:icina ... .,._,_ tlMlt WC .ab dlil pncdcalJy ~ofter. Yomflnl ~· Ooldelea:n>- plmd ~ place leuiq •belie'tllbtY priced bdow oar COllJ FnnttJ, it ii our bope that lib ~ ~ dilai -..... CUIUDerl, J'OU will hll in lc>-.e wilb Gold Jlatware md Ult build-ms • comp1o1e .. • coa0m·1iq 1ow c1tnic:t.fc>. Yoor beMltN .,.._,,.. ii tint ec:ulptared ID lifetime ....,,~ ........... Ihm beaYly a.a .............. 2J..c.nt Oold. n. ji:welfJ lailh ii fullJ ~Cot 5 )Un. It" hla beaa ~ 1JalDd ID aner W1lilll, 8"ltf need IX"'..... 1be oriliml brilliaat thine .. twDI with ..... damp cloth! eo...._r priaea. We're llDDbUn1 a romme on 1n11 ., ..r • llPU1ll • Tia ..ucA'ffll ti.I~' ()pee*"* .... ..,. ............. _,. tipeCia1 sale c6D.. Ya. .._, nan. tnie Undenlandlibly, ~ a limited mamba' at be- "repl UTiq" brochu.rel ciaomwcl fuD at Im· ~ place ldtinp haw been Id alide for nadna Pden sifca not a•ailab.le aQYWhore in mil epedll um.pie oli:r (pleue oab-one o5er lkJl'Ca ID ,..,.., ueat EMJ CNdll --. • low • per f.amib'f). To PQjd .,....,.., , ... SlO clowa.. ooopoe Wow ~I GOLDEN WARE ..... c.-. ... ...., AR......., .. ,.""' •,• :. •. ; ... . : ,_ . . : '·' •.: . ~ t -... -:.. ::..:.. •, .. fr 90LOEM WME, Dlipl. O• ....... -.. .............. Y.11110 ~ I ---~ ,.. -~ ....... n.K&. elldJo. ~~~_,,...,.,..._.. ...... Oald ,._ ....... e _.., SUS. Co.It a ""...., .-v.~ -· 4 • -. :. ~-......!,•t,.. -.. -~-~~h---. ' ------ - -,._.:"'1" r-t ............... , --\/, "'l. ~. ~ !i.-_--, -·'£~ ~ ' • • ._.,. ,_ ,....J MJ ~ar __, orW ............. __ .., . .,, .. .,...., ...... llftllllPCb' ., « 1 Ck* ... -· ....... "' ,_dlab J N--------------------------------I Mllwr'--------J ----------------------Z-.--------"' 11.r , ., .. m1 .,,,,,INbk.,.. '-· A&wu--.,.,~. I I I I l l .. . Fii.EE rift catalog hu 86 pages of Christmu aifta -many with a rellsiooa theme. AJao it.ems for d'rin1 to ch11ee, Advent mate- riala, boob, ton, etc. from "FuSQ" Boob" to tape recol'den. David C. Cook. P .0. Box 8", Ellin, m. 60120. EXECVTIVE Tie Hanger holds 86 ties tor an euy and quick eelec- tion. Removable aold-tmie clipe bans tiee wrin&tree. lJJf.a• walnut- 6.ni.lh hardwood banger bu b~ plated hook. Talca up miDimum of space. •1. Br-eck'e of Boeton, 547 Breck Bid&'., Bost.on, Jiu.. 02210. llAIB a.JP let.a you eut, trim or Wpe you.r own hair jut lib • profeaional. No apeda1 bladee neces11ry, any two edaed ruor blade can be u.eed u re- Pleeemfmt. Ea.,. to~ ~deal for entire family. S&ft8 tiJDe and money. '3-75 plu Ill poetqe. Bna Sahe Corp., Dept. FW, 1188 Broadwq, New York, N . Y. 10010. PROJBCTOR nlargn Hr illub'G- tiota or ~11 toit1 tM JI~ fectml Et14 to f"'1M, it projectt ita fd eolor-.,, to-' fut tlNU. Made of bloc~ flltutW, it ftNClft1'81 1~ .... AWIG.fttlg. A r«Jllr grtta t1Glt1el IB.l6 """· Wrm to BardGv, Dqt. FW, 17o-80 Jalm4"'4 A"~-. Ja11UJi«J, N . Y. 11.UI. COLLBCTORS C:OSMnlONeiwe d&- JMU pit lwr lcatl4tag. Ftlll-coloT tt"GMPClf'~ gtHa Mh'olint'I ~ of 1"009' nrface a4 eartl. Gold 1'dta'4fttre of IAJI ~ ia tow.._ dOtOa f'Oritiota °" "'°"" nrfou...i.ff. ltu:iU ctUe gi11u 8-D ,,ed. 114.#6. Gr'14t B mt.age Coa~, Dqt. FW, B<n 1189, Wal&itagtn, D. C. I Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE PL.l Y the llar-·r;;::7Jll""l9!1~!:'1"""'~ moniea in 5 miD- u tee or your money back r Baa bl'U8 plates and brome reeds ; Diclde-plated CO\"elll. With fDltructiona, over 200 aonp, 60 extra U part harmonilina. $8.98. Ed Sale, Studio FW9, Avon by the Sea, N. J. 07'117. LONGING for strong nails? Ju.t put a drop of "Preeiou Dew'' under the tip of each nail a days in a row, and you may well have naila Uke a ti,rreu. Watch out men! N ans will be IO stroq you can even pull tacts in juat 8 dan. '8. Fleetr wood, Dept. XXU, 427 West Ran- dolph, Chicago, lll. 60606 . RAIWIGLMVES doeen't have to be a drag I Uee dispoeable plutic leaf hap! Rake 'em in. twist bag· cloeed and toM away. Each holds 2 bushela. With frame, Ui bap, .1.89 ; 60 tor '8.95; 200, $15.95. Je1f Arnold, Box 172-91, BoseUe, N. J . 0'1086. llEMEN'l'O of World War II -wartime ''ailve~ nick- el eet. 11 cir- culated dates, '5.98; 10 aeta, '57.60; 25. ,187.60. Uncirculated, 1 aet. $37.60; 10 eeta. '370. Free cataJos. Add ~ poetase. Katt Numiaa, Dept. F91•, 2928 - 41at Ave., Lonr leland City, N. Y. 11101. • A Ul8Ell ud lib it! Takf off unwanted pouada with the belp of impl"OVed Obesity Bell Tablete. It encourages leaa eatinar. 2-weelr sup- ply, '2; 6. "'; 12. $6. _ mmnp -Smith. Dept. FW9, Orangeburg, N. Y. 10962. A YOUNG IDEA l Youth~ have to be wasted OD the young I You 1DQ' look and feel younaer by :"t,, ,--·--J using a nirht cream called Cucum- bre Frost. It contaim no hormones or estrogens, only safe, natu.ral in· gredienta. This may be just wti&t you've been akin-seeking I $6 ppd. Ana Maher, Dept. E-K, 19 West '4th St., New York, N. Y. 100S6. ENJOY humorous songs, plaintive ref rains, happy spirituals and po- etic verses from ~ in the 100-pep book of •llliiiiiiiiii-• "Old Time Soop A Poems." Brinp deliPt and in- spiration to the whole family •• 1.60. Tower Presa, Dept. FW, P .0 . Box 412, Danven, Mus. 01928. 1.0DIAC wall plaque refteeta an 12 ot tbe sism of tbe IDOdiac on the spobe of thia antique black ud sold hammered metal plaque tbat fa centered with the IUJL 23• dimD.eter. A be sift. '2.98 pJu.a '16' PQBtaae. llardet car- ter, Dept. FW, Plymouth )(eetiq, Pa. 19'62. Ip ~f f:c:; i!i.J I 1~fli1i;1i. I '' w!•il!1if . r· !?· -~ . ··-......... ~\ 'f.•, • I!•rr J Ulilt ~. • l!i'ii ii 1,.,111 ... ~ ·1 ,:~11• ~I j !~·· ,1 i I J ,~JI ! " ~;1uh 1 r I ~ " f Jtmhi; ~ ~ 9 I r 1 1:~;~~ ~J;l 11 i1;!'f ~f.~P.1''11~~? I~ t'J.i~!~1IJ S · f ~fJa1 l-t~E :~l~~iiJ-c ,·.11 l "lrilHI ltJ¥, fJb11i{~ : (rl! Kl S i -"~-a I 1 ,-, 11111 • I r ..... :c • l I l I f r(a ~!. ~ pu~5~I~ ~ I U;J;,,,,; IJ l1r _ 1 ~ :! l i I~'~ ! $ wa ---........ .. ' II "' •llRll 11 •es ;, 0 . I !i 'i § a· I ~ ! :r. o...=--; .,, .: I • I ____________ ............... _______________ -------·------- • ·11111 l ETACH AND MAil THIS CARD FOR THE BOOK BUY OF A LIFETIME/ I ~;;;;;;;o;------------------~ DEPT. 9S.FWX. &ARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 Circle numbers of tht NO STAMP NE:EDEO Pl-ae«pt my apphcatioo for membership and !W'nd me 6 books you choost ~ my n..w ~r bonus the 6 books circled at nght 8111 ... KE ANY m1> only !¥.It plu11h1pp1n11 and handling. If not delight~ 15 17 21 23 25 ... I may return the introductory package within 10 days aod my members'up wtll be can~led. 39 42 62 74 75 of 69 FULL-LENGTH HARD-COVER BOOKS ALL FOR 99~ wllen yo11 join Oo11bled1y's Buaaln Book Club and 11ree to ~kt only 1 booll 1 month for only 1 yur, out of 1 wftlt selection -1t low Club prices. Send me free e11ch month the Club Bulletin d~nbing 88 94 95 lOl 102 the coming selechoM •nd alternate book bargain-' Wh'n ever I don"t want a oom1ng selection. I may notify you on 108 124 151 154 155 the convenient fonn alway• provided I nttd buv only one book u month out of at feast 20 offered each month. and 158 167 178 186 196 mav resign anv tune after one year. I pay only $1 69 for each ll<!ledion or ali~rn11te fplus 11hipping and h1mdling1. unles.1 202 210 225 226 227 1 prefer to receive ftn ~xtr11 v1tlue book at e higher price 230 235 247 248 253 Mr Mn. Mtu <Plrue prlnll Addrtu City 4 State Credit rolorHu . • • . • . . . • t Your phont nu-mbtr b1nk or dtOtrlmtnl 'tore <harae 1tt0unt) It under 11, 01rtnt mu'l 1l1n htrt Canadian ~nqulrlu ''""' lo addreu obot•t Tor vour COft~tnftftC., booh wfll ~ •IUJ>P•d /rom our Canadian o/11ct. MtmMrs occ~pttd In <oftlfnr,.fal U.S A. and Canada onl11 eoos 260 262 284 291 299 308 317 322 324 326 329 331 333 336 341 343 345 346 351 364 372 37 5 378 380 385 393 412 420 422 424 436 551 665 978 ------··· -_,.J •· DAILY PILOT COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY SADDLEBACK WEEK OF SEPT. 13 • SEPT. 19 THIS Fall: COLOR IT <CIPJ!E@JTIVE! A NORTH CAROLINA 11ew1papar cem• 11p witfl 1ome 1r101t l11ttrHt· 1119 f19urH. A motor vehicle 1-u· reeu 1urvey hH raveeled that, 111 lt40, eech cer on the roed con· tal11ad en aver•t• of 1.2 pauo111. 111 1960, occup111cy hed declined to 2.1 par1on1 per car. ly 1960, the avar•t• w11 dow11 to I .4 per· 1on1. If we project the 1t1tl1tlc1 to JtlO, every third cer drlvlnt by will be empty, EVER S.NCE WE reca:ved our flr1t 1hlpme11t of Ford'• feb11lou1 Mevericlr, we have hed M111y queltion1 from cu1tom· •" who love bit Cit co•fort but little cer econolfty. Her• ere • few of Hie typicel quHtion1 alon9 with •llr euwert ••• wtly did t=ord build Mia Mever.ck7 A. Meverlclr, Ford's Hwe1t ltetter td... pl1191 Hie I.It t•P l>etwH• cotnpact1 end im· port.. • .with • whHlbeH ei9ht inche1 ahorter "-•• • '6t Felcoft, el9"t-aftd-e-half Inch.a loft9er l hen • •W 160.l, eftd 21 l11che1 1horter tflH "-• 1ver19• f11tl 1iaa cer. Now Alfterice111 wh• went 1mell cer economy don't have to Hncl U.S. dolten ov•rteH: It'• the end of fore.9 nl11trl9ue. Another quH· tlon we t• t here •t W.t.on t-ord Sel•t 11: w'hy did yo11 meh It thia 1lae? An1war: With every 9ener•· tlon 9rowin9 teller, American• 11•.d more room. Maverick to the reacuel It t ive1 you more lat room. • • more 1houldar room ••• tnore lutt•t• room. bempla: Maverick'• front pHH119ar com· ptrtm•nt provtdH 11ine lnchH "'ore 1ho11lder roo"' than the JHd· i119 economy import. If you've 9ot the bu9, Mavar1clr'1 9ot the cure. Maverick pinchH pennle1, not peo· pie. It'• not the lriftd of cer you bllV simply beceu1e you can't af· ford more. It doH • lot of drivin9 job1 better then eny other cer - eftd with e certein 1lyle all It. own. Drop in and try Maverick. W.lton Ford SelH hare in Hunt· l119to11 IHch h.. • whole correl full, tu1t weitin' for your bra11d. DICK WILSON'S ---- WILSON FORD SALES I FO R [) 18255 IEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON IEACH L__ --- IEEE uusssa•ssa12 .. a11111111111111111111111111111111111111~11121 BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG mu llAND NEW 1,69 CORTINA BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA ~88 1 '1888 ,,_.....,..., ... ~--1Hf n .. 111.~ 1:1 .., ...,. ..... ..,,. BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 $2488 BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO PICIUP $2288 EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIA[ $3988 Br1nd New '69 F250 Styleslde & El Doraido 101h Mohawk Camp• JUST 2 •1LES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. _ I 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 8424611 HUNTINGTON BEACH . IALD D1Pr. ' ...... ,. , ... 1 .... lllYICI OPIN "'"· ............... te ,, .•• Me:i.. t •·•· .. t P·•· 592-5511 T TIM Sunda the to Tu eye sc and c ma tic ings . music Dw (inclu1 edics. varlet are ei week viewif Th• a no th ing fc that ~ NB over out tc week ning two ; same vembe follov Ross well's An tainm Anne Perry Curti! Bob Reyn• Rowa Dn mark the CA starriJ Davie presei inal J dram adapt Sir R Mich Willia Philli Silvei Holla Basel the t preae. a dr' by E lnJ inclui Man• THIS FALL:COLOR IT ~~~~~ro[ .. ~ tLe-~ The Im of dae new ~ mows premicra Sunday night. and the race wm be on again for the top spots in the Nielten numbers. There are no new westerns and no new private eye series this season, due primarily to the hue and cry against violence. There are a few dra· matic shows, but most of the new season's offer· ings are comprised of situation comedies and musical variety shows. Durfnc tM prime time boon there's a total (including returning shows) of 26 situation com- edies. Following close behind is the musiqtl variety format with a total of 16 shows. There are eight movies scheduled in prime time each week that will eat up about 16 boun of evening viewing. The new shows will not only be bucking ooe another for Nielsen points. but will also be fight· ing for their time slot with the myriad of specials that have been scheduled. NBC has already announced that they've aet over 100 speciala for the new aea.son. That worts out to something like three or four specials each week for the 26-weck seaaon. They're even plan- ning "Multi-Special" nigbt.....-the presentation of two and ~ specials all back-to-back on the same evening. One of theae (scheduled tor No- vember 12) bas "Hey, Hey, Hey-It's Pat Albert," followed by "TCB on Broadway,., starring Diana Ross and the Supremes.. and then "Nonnan Rock· well'a America." Amoac Cite mn already Mt for NBC enter- tainment special.a are Herb Alpert, Jolie Andrews. Anne Bancroft, Jack Benny, Johnny Canon, Perry Como, Bill COiby, Bing Crotby, Tony Curtis, Peggy Aeming, Ernie Ford, Mitzi Gaynor, Bob Hope, Arte Jobnaon. Jack Paar, Debbie Reynolds, Diana Roll aod the Supremea, and Rowan and Martin. . DnaWk 1fe=Wa fow NBC include the Hall.. mark Hall of Fame teria with five, includina the contemporary mystery "The Filo on Devlin." starring Judith Andenoo, PJiubetb Aabley and David McCallum. Prudential'• On Staae will present five dramas, includina David Shaw's oria- ioal play .. Mirror, Mirror on ~ Wall." Other dramas include: .. David Coppedield." a twc>bour adaptation of Cb¥1ea Dicbm' cJa.aic starrina Sir Ralph llidwdaon, Sir Lauren~ Olivier, Sir Michael Redgrave, Dame P.dith Eva.o1t Emlyn Williama, Wendy Hiller, Ron Moody and Robin Phillips in tbe title role; "Ham Brinker OD tbe Silver St.at.ea," a two-hour muaical filmed in Holland and atanina Bleaoor Parter, llidwd Baaebart. Cyril Ritclwd, and Robin Alkwith ill the title role. The NBC Children'• 'lbean will pretent Fran Allilon atarrina u "M.iM Pk:tcnll," a drama hued on a aoriea of cbildrea.'1 boob by Ellen McGreaor. Information.al and cultural apecia1I OD NBC illclude: .. Lowd! Tbomu' Bq>editioa-Stonc Aae Man"; ten Bape.riment in TelevilioA tpecl•1a; Project 20 specials such u "The West of Charlea RuueU" and .. The Great Shining Mountains." There'll be four 0 -E Monogram Spccia!J; •'Sa- hara," produced by NBC News' Lou Hazaru, and three produced by a documentary team headed by Irwin Rosteo-"The Wolf Man," telling of the men who fight co save the wolf from extinction; "The Man Hunten." a 1tudy of the development of man lince the Neanderthal; and .. Once Before I Die." a ftlmed atudy of a periloua mountain climbina expedition. News Spe- cialt include '"The Prairie," "1bo Whale Hunten of Fayal," ''The Transpolar People, .. and "The New Communicators," a report about the YOUJll ftlmmaken who expreu themaelva with camera and screen. Tbue'll alto be a Special 00 uenaae mental health that surveya the care available to mentally ll1 youna people. CWldrea'• .,, .. llld9de tho NBC American Rainbow eeria, tbe ftnt specials to preempt Saturday motning eeriea. The aeven prosrama in the aeries (to be colorcut monthly ltartina l)e.. ccmber 27) range from a "I..incoln Center Chil· dren's Festival" (bolted by L«ne Oteeoe) to a story of a man and bil 10D on "Wtlderoea R.oad." ·o~ specials for younpten include "Goldi· locka, '' combining both live action and animation and featurin1 Bing Croaby, bia wife Kathryn and two of their children; "Uncle Sam Mqoo," and "Babar Comes to America.., Tbe:re's a19o the UIUal lilt of beauty peaeanta. The Tony Award&, and the Ice Cap.des as well as the Bowl Games, holiday parades and Sport. spedal1 on NBC. CBS Ml ICW.W cowfl, variety apedala and contemporary dramu. There'll be a third ae&IOD for t.be ~ Play~ leriea; Onoa Welloa will return in a production of hia own . devia1na; a new quartet of National OeoaraPbJc Specials is beina radied. aod vatiety abow Spo- ciall will Ital' such beadllnen u Don Adami, Danny Tbomu. Fnnk Sinatra. Alm-Mltamt. Andy Oriftl1h and Prank Sinatra Jr. a.tee 8' Mh't Cl_.._, the lovable MPea· null" characten, will be back for another teuoa. u will Dr. Seuu in all animation of tM fmooue chlldroo'1 book .. Horton Hean a Who." A 1pedal ia conjunc:tioft with the New Y ort City American Muaewn of Natural lliltory, ueibl re10urcea of that world famous imdtutioo in ita 100th anniverury yw, will aurwy the evolution of menkind. and the CBS calendar alto abowt a lilt of beauty papn11 u well u holiday l*- ndel ad Bowl pma. ' .. A Sfecial Bunch of Frlendl," ~ of John Bartlmd. Jmnifer Wama. PM Paullela, Muon villllama. The Pint Edidan IDd Bob EiolteiD, will appear in • ooo-bour Sped.al Oil ABC thia aeuon. Pearl Bailey, Robert Oou&d, The Youna Americana and &pbert Hum,,_.. dinct have ILlo been liped to atar la tbDir own A*iala THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, S£PTEMBER 13, 1969 SATURDAY ·~ ._. .. ..._. .. 1s becotlunJ• tldMtllJ, ... e ........,, ,..,.. cC> <&a> ht9J 11iiil .......,. (C) (60) Aa how Idle-. to bri"• IOfM ucitneat FOncu, Gw Dftl:s, Bruce twlw ol ,;;;;:. ~ 1nd the bdlo his life. <io and Jack Weston fual ~ °' lutuftlft. (R) • e (i) ... ~ ...... 1 ... (C) (30) 1 ....... If .. W.W (C) (30) le: life Ill a ...,. ..... (drama) &wt T... (C) (30) s-.t Tf'lll {60) '62~ Pldl. lbry Ba61m ._..... ....... (60) lllt JMrU (C) (60) "A Con-Mary M"""7. Paul Ax. Bnd la • lllaice (90) ~ . .. .. " I IC • I' l:tl 81'e Ill -(Q (fiO) C:lte , ......... (30) meat ID deftftd I ,;; ...;;a; -~ (C) (2 hr) VllSltto. W'rtti E.111 w""":· <R> ~ A --... 1-. --'--1--, ..... -<30) am Bondi. lfiMrta. Tiit bt hlrll (30) I ,..,. chirp CHiii jM'Oblema for ;;.'l"_, ...... (C) (60) a.,~~-MlldeJ 7:Jl1•fE:r-..::-: ~= =.i·~ <=>lldrtfl In I ftlD .. ·iJI:-of tn::i.~ 1~7 (: I Giie .... ..,_. (JO) ~ ..._. ~a l.h" •Id 0.. (C) (30) Tln Tln silent film in whidl the doc ._J&CC> S... Riddle llolb.. comadJ) '47~ Holle, Willilm t:.tOI~ ...... ,...._ (C) (30) avu the herolM. f1)4lts the vtnaln PllW_ ..... ........ Beodix.. W (C) (60) 1ftCI Mfritnda the lltde boJ. (fiO) Holtm a... lldblr ,_..... $ lllMa: ~ .,.._ Sii I speab. Eatlft.llMllftl E!) ""'9rt '9 T,_.. (C) (30) ::S*':.:S :a~~=~ WIJM, ~-::=. ' -John b provided '1t.. Diie Enns. Rldlard 11:00 I fJ EB..._ (C) Co1eric11t Ptf\inaon ind. His Holly· _. W.W .. ,.._ (C) (30) "Miss Roberts Ind World Action Sine-• ~ (C) ~ V....-wood OrdMst:rL TOftipra pats ift. l:tri.... ,.... Ja.iln, ' b .... _ .. _ ers. (musical) '44-0on Am«he. dude T 8....u, 1-lllfiM SU .,.. ...,_ IU!'SW-1 De WetW .. LMlll 11:15.,. f.W.. 52 ~ .,.._ -.-OflJ -.... • beauty, and former Miss A.ustrtl, (C) (60) lowefl Thoma ~ (ldwtftbn) •60 _ Rc;t •nn. Thi cu....,., ~ Wllfilms taMI r.ost Biil Bumld on 1 tour of Joume1a to the Azofas and to a,.. Mltthwn. Ridlard Harm i ~~ -(60) her ftltift Ind. (R) zil 1Y .;;;;:•~ (30) II) t.. Ca B I ~ IJ. U ~ (C) (30) 0 llntr. .,,, .. , ...... (myt-U .._..._C..lliwww (C) (JO) l:GOEVIW s..t (C) (30) 111n1 o,.ra (60) ttty) ·~Jcardo Montalban. ~ .._ ......... -<60> .,_~ s-.. ...... • m .......... (90) "Across the 11:10 m ni. ~ <C> ;:;;e._ __. '"'' ... ,"'~ ( IITTV News aftthor. R " (R) 8(!!J(J)01*M ,..... (C) man Geofp Putnam JrrteMtwl t:»IJa(f)r.mc..t ....... (C) 11:451£..~~ ~ (Id· (3 ht) 1M Air Fcwa IMlts SMU Inell Prime Mlnbtef Mrs. Golda (30) JiCIShtldocl 1uesb In • Pl venture) ·~ips Rafferty It Dana. Tau. ... Ind Mlalster ol Def .. Geft. ninetia --of "StTolll"I . IDL ........ Secnt ...... (30) er.I MaJttie Daya Putnlna .a., ThfOUlh die Pitt." as HooteMh 1Z:OO 0 Melle: "118c:1JMt"' (mystery) ,..,... a. 11itw (30) (R) ¥bits tt1e Inell-Arab war front; la-mall8s 111 aU-out tffort to raJa ·'54-01ne Ctlrk. Belinda lee. DI llt -_, D1r1111J (C) (30) raell 111 the mDitary ttMca; and funds to< 1 new churdl orpn. (R) l.Z:l5 0 8' T ...... Slllew (C) 7:00 9 CIJ(I) Cll ~ ... -conducts I study on llvtnr condl· I cm Cil m LwrlMe ... (C) , ~ ..._ '"'' tions in the Middlt Elst. • lllm (C) (30) LAny Burrell. 1Z:lO fJ Melle: "'Cade t! tile Liwill ~DIC = (C) (30) Bob ID._.. .... (C) (30) "Call-1iaJ W• (C) (30) DeM" (hom>r) '64 -Ctuistopher ;fncht. toma.-The Golden St.at.." (R) ll:GO 8 9 (I) .....,. (C) (60) Min· L•. Donald Suttltrl1nd. 0 DM* Y..., DJJS (C) (30) ''Tht fl) Sa .... ni..tr. (60) nix almost Iola his •retlry when m 11• Ill c.tsa GOid Mine on Main Strtet." John f.m C-UtM Pr.-. (C) (60) he tells her tt11t ht ~ her 1:00 fl llowlt: "Tiit Salletn"' Astin stars as 1 ft&mbo,ant IM'OI· (R) new boyfriend ls ttle ktJ """ in a I .._. (C) pector Who blmbootles Ult .... E ._ .. E*.-(2 Iv) dtUI theft Robert Hoob 1UtStJ.. (R) ~ Slllew: "01nprous f>n>. Muk:o Tenitofy witt1 hb "IOid l:JO tJ ft (I) MJ l1nt S-(C) (30) D M.lit: "l.a W.....,.. (drama) fmion," "Mart of Cain" and "FBI mint" on Main Strtet. (Rl The~ oonC*Md tbrt StlWt '47-RaJ Mlft1nd. Jane Wyman. 99." I 1 saturday ni t watch our 10:30 news and go to bed y •• bill bonds/eyewitness news/ • • Q) nn GI ''" '1) 'n>- FBI THINKI HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU TALKED TO SOMEONE WHO LISTENED? NOW'S YOUR CHANCEi COMPATIBILITY CHARACTER ANALYSIS 0 LU (J) a: w z :::> > ~o (J) (J) ~ z w c{ z > c{ ANSWER QUESTIONS HONESTLY ANO SPONTANEOUSLY 1. People are frequently cr1t1cal of me, and I tend to be easily hurt. • --11--1 ______ _ 2. People generally consider me a happy and contented person. • 3. Things often seem not to go well for me and I get depressed. -•-+--+--+--+--+-- 4. I am fairly easygoing and don't easily blow up at people. • 5. I accept people for what they are ~nd think most people are pretty good. • 6. I tend to be shy at large part 1es with many strange people. -•-+--+--+--+--+-- 7. I en1oy social organizations, clubs, and group activities. • 8. I prefer an evening at home with tv or a good book to a pany -•-+--+--+--+--+--+- 9. I hke my friends to be enthusiastic and extroverted. • 10. My home is frequently a place where my friends gather informally. • 11. Youth has gone too far and should have more respect for authority. • 12. Basically, a woman's place is still m the home. • 13. The proper place for sex education and discussion of values is 1n the home, not in the school. • 14. Married businessmen should not take their secretaries to lunch. • 15. Old fashioned respect for law and order is what this country needs. • 16. I am generally considered a warm and affect ionate person. • • • 17. It 1sall right for two people m love to let thetr consciences dictate how far they will go sexually. --11--1--1--1--18. I would want a mate who is warm, affectionate and responsive. 19. Married couples should treat sex seriously and never playfully or erotically. -•-+--+--+--+--+--. 20. The ability to be affectionate toward a loved one is an important part of marital success. • 21. I would like a mate who auends church regularly. • 22. I believe that God answers prayers. • 23. Children should be a llowed to choose their own reltgious and moral beliefs -•-+--+--+--+--+-- 24. Regular church attendance enhances stable and wholesome family life. • 25. I believe m the concepts of Good and Evil. • This test will depict interest and values 1n areas of oompat1b1hty between persons and should not be construed as being able to afford PSycholog1cal diagnosis. NAME ADDRESS CI T Y ZIP __ _ AGE SEX_HOME PHONE WORK PHONE OCCUPATION. _______ _ --------------------~--------------CALIFORNIA TESTING INSTITUTE • 1800 N. BROADWAY •SANTA ANA. CALIF. 92706 • 547-6667 ..... SUNDAY ~14 '/ ! ) I' ... •'i All atatlona reserve th• rlaht to chanp prosram- mlnc without advance no- tice. READY MADE CAMPER AWNINGS • tulUl lWNIHGS • CAHY AS CUit AJNS • SUN SHADIS. WI SIUI) ~!!b • TDm-GaOUMD ·covus SOTA AllA TEil ~ Awm co. PACTOIY SHOW lOOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. 879-6732 ,_ X IJ -ta9off Jn X 14 -pa.ff •1 X 14 -NO.ff UI " II -tM.tt JH X 8' -NloH SK.TAJ( SI.el -.... 0000 VSAlll ,.OL. V.LA8 T ..... 0111 ~ TMS lllOAO ~Oft Cl"aATa• n.ACTION a G IV• YOU ll'CM• Tt"C W""" THAN YOU D .. IJAMKO POeela'-C• TIRES FOR ' ·----• MOST FOR IEGN I .C:::,"~ ~:-:.-: &DOMESTIC CARS. L~~ .,_ ........ THE DAILY PILOT. TV WE£.K. SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 g ... d, ft • es lie Ill) ft tfl h• If. eel ril ~. '" • • .t "' • tll ,. ,. MS lr. ta st II .. .. I vrNINC 6.-00 t) Qt Ci) T1tt 21st c.twy {C) (30) D FOOTBALL SPECIAL * PACIFIC 8 PREVIEW with ROSS PORTER D hdflc I PnwW (C) (60) KHBC's spomcasttr Ross Porter visits all the cemps of the Padflc Eleht Universities and looks It their 1969 footb1ll t•rns. 0 ..... ,.,... (C) (60) Holt Didi Sinclair and the Polka Perad111 smile throu1h 1 series of happl· nm tunes. l=&~i. ..... ~ ( ) The rtalnment Committee hosts a sptcfal prosnm of modem music. featur1na Paul Revere and The Raldert. Gary Lewi• and The Playboys. Merrii.t Tush, Mark Lind· say and The EmlfJ C11y Deneen. (R) 9 Ci) Melt ttlt '1'.a (C) (30} m r.ni .. ..., Ar1tata <30> pt. enist .lotta Jones of CIMand de· votu her PfQIJ'lm to ''Camaval, ~ 9," by Robert Schumann. F•tst (30) Mn r.... UNCU (C) (60) &:30 m Ralplt Stlrf (C) (30) $qelnlll Tlttltn (60) Cl) A Centry .....,...., (C) (30) Eli) T1tt Freid CW (30) Julia Child prepares veptables the French way. 9 (j) $lippy (C) (30) m aJfentdt I (C) (30) 7:00 8 Cit Ci) l..ulit (C) (30) In. a despertte tffort to save Lassie, stranded aboard a Jinkins vessel, U.S. Forest Ranser Bob Ericson (Jade De Mave) enlists the aid of the Coast Guard, In the eoncludin1 episode of a two·part ltOfY. (R) D ~Cl) 8' NlW SEASON WIW KM&dHt (C) (30) M1r1ln Perkins. director of the st. Louis loololjcal Gardens, Is host. In the fll'lt I'll" of "Oper1tJon Racue.'' Pertlns and natur1llst:a Jim Fowler and Stan Brode journey to Vencuel• to help rescue 1nlmals that were str1nded by floods wtltn the Guri Dam wu built on the C1ronl River. §bnWe i_60) IHl (J) m un4 ., tt1t 111uta (60) "The Cha•." Steve and Marti alfff to help Inspector Ko· bick locate r1¥0lutlonar1es In IX· chanae for the freedom of captive Earthlinp. (R) fJ WNfl llJ UM? (C) (30) m Mowt« "JollnllJ lellndt" (drl· ma) '48 -Jane wYman, Ch1r1es Bickford. Lew ltJrn. ID ""'*' 19 Tr...e (C) (30) "Historic Holiday." Host Hal Saw· yer visit.I 1 dl1rmln1 comer of Can· trel France. (R) fl!) S,.C.&ttlt1 (60) "Abortion-la There An Answer?'' Host Keith Ber· wldl welcomes Rw. Huah Anwyl, Dr. Leon Belous, Dr. Addlt Klotz end Dr. John Mclluthlln. (R) 61> c:-klle J CMdtMa (30) 7:10119(1) i IHcWI Atdlle -1 D Bonanza-All of the to sn1 • patient' .. tlf• bJ perform· D The '70 FORDS present * Cartwrights start Ina 1 kldMJ tnRIPClnt OCllmloft. * the FALL PREMIERE the new season ~ im~· ::::~ Da:_ f.d J::: of THE FBI with sharin1 actln1 honors ind D1vid Hartman 11 Dr. Paul Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. 11 9 I I "EW SOSGR ... Hunter in the medlcll uimenta. ~€1~~ ~:~:..~~ y;:;~~::: nerable to bleckmall to expoe.e 1 spy Vint•&• of an outmoded, lfttte. Lllllf a.,.t (C) (30) chief. Guests 111 Diane Baker. Lin· known law. Jill Townaend and Lau· ....._ ,.._ den ChDa, Eduard Fnnz and M• ~ Nlitmlth ruest · NET,......, (60) "The HlatofJ Ussa Murphy. D@ Cl)GJ 111.W SOSO.. MC frtvofltJ." A uUttc ind ~ m Wa...... (C) (30) "Primitive .... ___, (C) (2 hr) "Th• End· trip, via lftlmation end dfltnltlc Ntw Gulnu." -Mqutneel. throulh Ute MdDfJ fl tJi) s...a ff Sla•r (C) (2 tlr) less Summer." Bruce Brown'• IUlf. m111'1 folly end ntwlrdnal, '* ''The Concord Suntmtr Fativel." lnr clmk follows two J'OUl'I turf· utf·clectlt lfl4 Y111ltJ. (R) Inc ICnlbtb around tht WIM1d In Ina r..n (60) From Conc«d, Callfomil, • Jm •rdl of the perfect nve. Robert 1,.,,_ .......... T-_ (30} futival mt.um tti. Sbn Kenton f -_ .. -·-, .. , Ofchestra. Cal T}ader Quintet. The Ausual and MIM HynlOll are II· 11etY lttffll (C) (90) Georp Duke Trio and otllefs. tured In this plctu,. that was st-llllllJll ....... (C) (30) fl)c.n-t MllkaM (60) ~~~ t:°:'::'U:n• DIDG> ..... CC> l:30 DU Ci) m Plmtfl£ Tiit • '" ~ tf T_.,...~ ~ slilw (C) (30) "The fatal Moscow Alm Festfvat. .._ F ..-., ,.__ Phone Call." Ctlft Klnctid 1nswtr1 .. .._ _..., SP£.CW.• (C) (60) time Pulltar Pru. winner ' rinlins phone "' an outdoor Futur1ftr Canadian John Barbour. Ltwta rutlb for • ,..,.... of booth and becomes lrwolved In a tctof~'9n. wfttl IPOUlcMI °" "Amtttc.tn i"rttJ Alntd." prar• mech1nlc'1 marttal problema. sinter Kitty lester, adr1u Mn· ijU "-(C) Cast BIH Coeby u co1Cf1 Chet Klit-dlth Mtc. Rte, ZtnJ RI~ TIJIOr and ll:lS .,._-llle It tlll celd; Lee WNwr as Brian Kincaid; ooml ~= ~ayl:J. (C) (30) · ~mllllctO '53 -0. DI..,, ~~~n ~~n:p~pn Ja~· .. ~ .............. (60) ll:JD Olla~ tM IMflllJ (C) Kincaid; Fred Plnkanl 11 Chat's ft· · .._..,.. Hda {30) Tiit r.,... (C) ther, Mr. Kincaid; Joyce Bullfant 11 t:901,.._ (C) (30) Ted Meyen. Ci) a-r.:: Mrs. Marshal Petel'IOfl; Sid Mc:CoJ MJ Mtk, lie Car (C) (80) 11::45 a.-. "1'wfllcht WOl'lt- as Mr. l.tl\lford and Robert Ruck· C.••11tletee r ~ •" well II coach Tom Bennett 10:00 • D (j) m PllDl1EI£ Tiit .... U.ito ! B ()) ... (C) llJ Tltt Sptftl s.t (C) (30) Oitt (C) (60) "To Sftt I Ufe." A lZ:l5 iiili: (C) ... ........,. fl) W.W ,...,,.. (30) ltubllom .. Mftl pr1dltloM(1 In-mulle11) '57 -Fnd Alt.tire, CWll t:OO 11 IB (j) NR. ........ ,... ...... Oft doilll thlftll the "old lftsse. w (t) (3 ttr) Baltimore Colts VL wt' )tofNnllta th• wlltl of Dr. U:JO, _.... '""' (C) Dall11 ea.boys fl"Ofll Dallas. Crwlr. Dr. Stuart and Dr. Hunt• l:JD -(C) ,...1 CREaT/VE THIS Fall: COLOR IT Monte Markham and Pat Harrington star in Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Below left are Bill Bixby, James Komack, young Brandon Cruz and Miyoshi Umeki, the stars of The Courtship of Eddie's Father. On the right are Zooey Hall, Jill Jaress, Peter Ratray, Dennis Olivieri, Tiffany Bolling and David Moses, stars of the ad· venture-drama The New Peo le. Among the repertory company for The Music Scene are Lily Tomlin, Christopher . ·Ross, David Steinberg, Larry anl<Tn a nd -Paul Reid Roman (far left). -- -Near left, the trio of stars rromThe Sur· viYors are Lana Turner, Kevin-McCarthy --and George Hamilton. nnis ad- The 1 >pher 1 and : Sur-' :arthy SHOWN HERE ARE THE STARS OF THE NEW SEASON'S OF- FERl NGS FROM ABC. FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE ON EACH SHOW, DATES AND VIEWING TIME, PLEASE TURN THE PAGE. REBTIVE: NEW SEBSON IPJ!PJ(())f/LE Hope ~an~nd Edward Mulhare (right) carry ~n their 'hauntin ' roman~in !_he Ghost and Mrs. Muir_._ ---The Brady Bunch {far right) stars Robert Reed, _ Florence Henderson and (clock_wi~ Ba.!!}'._ William_s __ , _ Maureen McCormick, Susan Olsen, Michael Look- inland, Eve Plumb and Christoph~r Knigh~. ___ _ ---------- Denise Nicholas, Karen Valen- tine, Michael Constantine and Lloyd Haynes are all set to oc- cupy Room 222. _ One sejment of love Amerf~n Style wJll feature Siq_J;aesar and Maureen Arthur (near dgh!). Far right, Robert Young stars as Marcus Welby, M.O., an~ James B~olin ~o-stars. NEWSEBSON PROFILE THE MUSIC SCENE MonUy, Sept. 22. 7:30 PM This 45-mlnute series wm take viewers on a weekly spin thmuah the wor1d of hit records. Employf na the exclusive services of BUlboerd Mapzlne In announcing the artists whose records are topplfll the chart.. there'll be fntsh perfonnances of the tunes In every major cateeory such as long-playlna records, easy listening. rhythm-and-blues, country· western, and even comedy albums. The swinglna trip through the wor1d of music will be conducted by six members of en Improvisational aroup being assembled to provide Cfeative comedy sketches and tran- sitions between the musical seament:s. THE NEW PEOPLE Monday, Sept. 22. 8:15 ,.. Another of the 45-minute programs, this one has a contemponary style and appeal. It Is Mt on en Isolated tsland (once • proposed atomic test site) In the South Pacific whent a planeloed of young Americans (who ~ on • cultural tour to Southeast Asia) ant stranded when their aircraft crashes. How the young people survive In • society of thefr own miking Is the focus of the series. Tiffany Bolling, Zooey Hall, Jiii Jaress, David Moses. Dennis Olivieri and Peter Rattay star. Richard KUey guest stars In the premiere episode. THE SURVIVORS Monday, Sept. 29, 9 PM A Peyton Piece It ain't, but The Survivors mfCht Just serve as a "security blanket" for thole who mourned the demise of the prime- time soaper. The hour-long series Is based on Iden from Harold Robbins. and concerns the Jet set 5Upef'·rich who seek sensation and whose words and actions make the head· lines. Each week's pf'08nim will represent one chapter of an overall story, much like a book. However, unlike a serial type drama, each chapter of the Survivors will be a complet. story while servlns to further d• velop the continulna characteB. Heading the cast are Lan• Turner, Geor;e Hamilton, Kevin McKarthy and Ralph Bellamy. Atso starring are Mich,el Vincent and Robert Lipton. LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE Monday. Sept. 29, 10 PM The funniest things happen to people In love -..pecJalty on this program. The Innovative fonnat presents three or four stories of vary- tna lenath. Interspersed with blackout sketch· n. on uch Pf'08ram. Each story will have a different cast of auest stars, and bladouts will be performed by a repertory company of talented young players. Stories concern the unmerrled, Just-married, teenagers and pensioners. tycoons and truck drivers. jet Mtten and file clerks. They're stories of lov9-wlM and foollsh, tender and rMd, Wllnn and cool. bittersweet and farcical. Amont the suest stars In the first fwt sea· ments are Bob Cummlnp, Jene Wyatt. Flip Wiison, Ann Sot.hem. Bob Crane, Pat Crowtey, .Qa~ Lockwood, Stefllnle Powers, Ph)'llls Dll· ler, C.rolyn Jones and Larry Storch. hi• 10 MARCUS WELBY, MD Tunday, s.,.t. ZS. 10 PM Robert Youn& a favorite of TV watchers ewrywhere. returM... to teJevlslon on a regular bests In this series about an experienced general prectltloner In an age of specialized medldne. James Brolln co-stars as Dr. Steven Kiiey, Welby's youna associate. There Is respect and likJna between the two, but thent Is also conflict-due In part to the generation pp and their differing views of life styles and morality. They differ also in their attitudes toward the status of general practitioners, with~ley Inclined to put them In the same ceteg with high button shoes. Anne Baxter will an occasionally re- currins role as widowed Myr. Sherwood, Dr. Welby's love Interest, and Elena Verdugo is feetured as Or. Welby's omc. nurse. THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER Wednesday, Sept. 17, 8 PM This half-hour situation comedy is as warm as It is funny. 1rs the story of a widowed father and his 6-year-old son and the happl· ness each wants to obtain for the other. The compllcatlons arise from young Eddie's frequent attempts to find a wife for his dad. Bill Bixby stars as Tom Corbett, Eddie's fa· ther and a magazine editor. Brandon Cruz plays Eddie, and Miyoshi Umekl portrays their housekeeper, Mrs. LMnaston. Kristine Holland co-stars as Tom's secretary at the magazine, and the show's producer, James Komack, co-stars as masazlne photosrapher Norman Tinker. The series Is adapted from the MGM movie of the same name based on the book by Mark Toby. ROOM 222 Wednesday, Sept. 17, 8:30 PM Perhaps the most contemporary of the new season's offering•. Room 222 combines comedy and drama as It focuses on the problems of an Integrated high school. The stars more than the stories deserve most of the attention. however, as the foursome Is as perfect • blend es the Ironside and Gun· smoke quartets. Uoyd Haynes portrays Pete Dixon, an American history teacher who real· ly cares about his students. Denise Nicholas is Liz Mcintyre the school counsek>r and Haynes' love Interest, Michael Constantine stars as the harried principal, Seymour Kauf· man, whose droll sense of humor abets many a sensitive situation, and youfli Karen Vale- tlne portrays Allee Johnson, an exhuberant student teacher. Stories will conoem the problems and conflicts of the Individual stu· dents. A youngster named Howard Rice will beer watchlns too. He portrays Richie. a recurring character who Is one of Haynes' 35 homeroom students. THE GHOST AND MRS. MUIR Thursday, Sept. 11. 7:30 PM With Its move to a new networtc. the series will feature more maslc. fantasy and comedy, with the continued underwrrent of romance. On the surface, however, the climate between Captain Gregg and Caroline Muir' remains on the stormy side. This season sister Candy will atso be able to see the captain. The cast Includes Edward Mulhare, Hope Lange, Reta Shaw, Charles Nelson Reilly, Kellie Flanasan and Harten Carraher. THE BRADY BUNCH Friday, Sept. 26. 8 PM When Mike Brady, a widower with three boys. marries Carol, a widow with th.-.. girts, the result Is chaos. The constant battles en- gaged in by the children provide the laughs, but not necessarily tor the Brady parehtsl Robert Reed and Florence Henderson star n Mr. and Mrs. Brady. The children are portreyed by Maureen McCormick. Eve Plumb, Susan Olsen, Bany Williams, Christopher Knight and Mike Lookinland. Ann B. Davis. known as "Schultzy" on the old Bob Cum· mlnas Show, portrays the sarcastic house- keeper who directs traffic for the family. MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN Friday, Sept. 26. 8:30 PM Mr. Deeds, • small-town newspaper editor and publisher comes to the big city to "take on" the establishment. Monte Markham stars as Deeds, the heir to • multl·mlllion- dollar corporation founded by his late un- scrupulous uncle, Alonzo P. Deeds. Youns Deeds decides to come to New Yortt and right some of the wrongs the old man per· petrated on others. Pat Harrington co-stars as the high-powered public relations guy who was close to the uncle. Deeds takes an Instant dislike to the board of directors. but likes Harrington and decides to have him act as his personal assistant. JIMMY DURANTE PRESENTS THE LENNON SISTERS Friday, Sept. 26. 10 PM The veteran showman and the four young ladies who have virtually grown up on tele- vision present • Wffkly variety show of music and comedy. Name aunt stars sched- uled to date Include Jack Benny, Phyllis Oil· ler, Glen Campbell, Joey Bishop. Mike Doug· las, Buddy Ebsen, Bobby Goldsboro, Noel Harrison, Bob Hope, Arte Johnson, Fess Parlier, Jimmie Rodaers and Danny Thomu. - •nd ntlne (auf. n1ny Vale· ,,..nt the stu- • will le, a ynes• JIR lerles nedy, a nee. :ween ns on ::andy The .ange, Kellie boys. s, the s en- wghs, rehtsl 1 star n are 'tt.lmb, :opher Davis, Cum- iouse- llty. NN editor "take rith1m illllon- te un- Young it and n per- o-stars s IUY takes ectors, • have ITS youns '" tel• lOW of 1Ched- 111s Oil· t Ooue· >, Noel i. Fess 't1ome1. .....u I MONDAY IE'l'Dl8Dt 15 For momlnc end afternoon Ratlnp. please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, .. the day's movies. AJI sta- tions reserve the right to chance proeramming wfth. out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES t:t0 n -n. ..... ' ' a 1• <"'*1> 'JI-MldaMI Redtmt. II locllwood. DCC>...._ IM Im...,.. (n>- NDCI) '53 -Du Ddty, ........ " ......... _.. ( .... ture) '53--Burt lancast9r, Vlrlf• MIJO. t:JO .............. (cnyltlfy) '47 ~ Pwtmln, Greb 6yDI. ~ n ""' ... ,... <1CtNaturt> ·s1 w.,.. Morris. Adrian Booth. HOB(C) ............. (clraMI) ;~-Joie Fenw, Oae.tt9 Mlrtl\and. ~ a-n. ...... ..,,, ...... (clranaa) '!i---hul Mllfti, Dmd w.,_. THE DAILY PILOT, lV WUJ(,, SU"TEMBEJt 13, 1969 lcJll ale II IL tlke ('C) (60) GIT .... W Cnll ... W (C) (30) I bunt for I rnedafllon ..... from ...., ...... ~ (30) Jutt-irrs. Joeepll Up111 of Qwlna la ... the Vetlean. Paul Denllld. united wit!\ bet IOQ. Thomn. fn1m D ~ C1l 911111 °'*11111 tc> I,..., ... (30) Fort Kobbe. Pl!WM Canal loat, {60) """1ir of faith. .. Ul1 tad *"Al .... ti .... I I' l (30) "'-' lhe ls permitted to beliwe a murder llllC*t ~ hM ~ ...... •vM ~!U £ (30) ,_ contestants attired a drais downs c.pturtd and turned 0wtr to Ult ·-c.da (C) wv1 ~ UftlWll't that her lllft sheriff Is lnnoetat (R) Cll • -(C) (30) Is one d tNtn. f.B ..._ o,.. (60) lilclil9 ,. CC> <60) • ""' -<&a> m m ...,... <60) "Sttu • Bn1a1. ,.. t.:S c::::c -(C) (30) U:-L~ = :>. ~~ er. Inside the Necro Mlddlt a-. .. lsh dlltptlon to I llCrlt lntema· Two black producsa PRl98I a Mdt IJ n.t's .., Llle1 (C) (30) WA!ty tlooal c:onfwence apet1ence .,,... ranitni study d the m~w Brunw lab. monitions fl deeth and ratu. to Neiro's conflkt between his bard· m Te Tll .. Ttdl (C) (30) 9atTJ eemed status and his IY'ftptthy llODr. llaltl. 8'11 Qalllft, IOtty attend. (R) wiU1 the bladl movement. C.r1i*. Or.. Bee11 ud Ptm fB T...._, Cer'lllr (30) 9 (I) Tiie ,.Ills•• (C) (30) ea...::.i:-(30) ! rca;,• .~ :::an~ t-.30fJF1•ltJ MW (C) (30) To prove C· ... ,.. ...... J&ado. .. Aiaft Watb lhows the ._ he's I dlredewil ID he C8ft join 1 ......, lllwla tc> (90) d the body •nd the 9IOtd In · c:luub fl older bop. Jody la aiveft ud Julilt." '* UllJ. ud fandna 1D iltustnite Zea con-a touJh Initiation test-M has to oov ind Sandnt Die star. c:epts as •Pt>lied to uz. .ts." dlp Mr. frendr's .t\bUB. (R) I Mani (30) Ea.. ti .... (30) 0""" (C) (30) ltd Meyers. (f) f..., All* (C) (30) In Pwtral( tf I ... (C) (60) '-0. ~ W.W (C) (30) --~ &IEW SUSDll .... & Illar· ~Niven." Ralph Nelton lnt.efviewl tWa (C) (60) The Piii .....__ .. Q) "-..._ (C) (30) n Rowan. Didi Martin, the stir. uu-• •P991nftf are Pe-7:30~_...,CI) I Illa -(l:l'A Judy Came, Arte Johftlllft, Ruth ter Ustinov, MicUy Rooney aftd ~ , ... , vv1 Jlne Wyman. (R) Mark fl Caln." Nehemiah Buzzi, Goldie Hawn, Htn11 Gibton, ,,_.. (I) MdtaW. •-(30) Penoff pllJS 1 ~ Tnst Gmes, Gary Owens. ParM-1B1 ~ wflo is r-i.t to hlWe *' la Rodiws. Alan Sues, Jo Anne fl) El , .. $pldll (C) (90) comaaandant of 1 CMI War prime WCM1eJ, ._, l.Jord and 8yYOn lO:GO c..,.,_ <R> 6ifHam. Dtbbie Reynolds b the new B UNITED AIR LINES !,;.~:::~31. ~ == ~> Daria Hood * FOOTBlZ_~~h YEAR history llomewolt Oft tbt CMI m 0-.. tw a D1J (C) (30) Die' 119 (I) lff!CW: I Pr-. f ...... : is borin&. Monroe r.eMCtl CUrtis hosts. Iii c.. Alttrlca (C) (60) ces dM'f of Grant and Lee at=:": fl) $q11W11111 n.tre (60) Sports honon the 50th anolvenary :t:~fm~m:~~ bn't lont fll) W..W ,.,._ (C) (60) A sum· of pro football with 1 look behind aft• Lydia recn. the *1r/ In mary of ,tobal press reactions to the scenes to pro foott>all's vwy H08 Tilll Ill ..._ (C) (60} Jerry du:s that her teedMr, 1 belutiful local, nltionll. ind lntemltionll be&innln1 In 1919. Burt l.lncaster O.""-'f. blonde, is rinalftl Monroe's events. narrates the filmed lbMles of Pi~ m ............ ., ...... ....,..., (C) (30) doofbell. Cast: William Windom as E Hit ,_. (C) (90) Georae H1l1s, Vince Lombardi, Jim ... U. ..., (t) (90) Monroe; Join Haedllds as his wtf a:. fJ Cit (f) Hin'• lay (C) (30) Brown, Gale ~ Oetcon Jona, las ~S:S:-:le Cal· Ellen; Lisa Genfben u l.Jdla. Mary Lucy idlWa 1 llllht lnJWl"-ftlOSHy Don Meredith •nd others. a O"Cld 111111: (C) ......_ Growr, Lilian Alld, Ropl tD b« dlpttJ when lhe t.lls while fJU ! ~~ ~~---(£11\ ..._., Part ~nC.)rsJ and Marvin Kaptu IUlll. wottina In Mr. ,._., home. UL1 \JU~.,_ -u , .. , .,.,, urn BtcaU. Peet. II .... lie Stn (C) (30) MID Mary Jlne l*1Uldes her to claim fJ DIUaJ (C) (60) The ~tlon hllh fashion dalper •nd a .... StoU, welcoma lllltb 8ftW'ly dtmaps, with the f*p of a clib Ind Rip T1ylor auest. YOft spoc1J Wfftlt IMl1'J, then flnd Glriand, Ridltnl Lons Ind Rip lnyw. Jaci Cartlr iuesta. (R) fl) Rlwllille hluldap (60) they ti.. noa.1111 la c:ommoA. Taylor. 8 ...... la Adl9 (C) (30) Tom-fD firiq u. (C) (60) .. ~ 11 • tc> (60) D 1 IHCWITlle Wt4~la1 ~ flf'/ Prutltro w1yza tbe SlturdtJ and Manwa." Brilld Bnlllh1 aftd ,.,... -,._. (C) (30) Doroaly (~ .MBC Clllllf'U C01m• Pmt betweft the UCU Bnalns and John Sparrow dilcua clvlfttJ, defy.. loae stars. time-consumln& •nd elaborate ~ tile Of9(0n Stat. 8tlwf'a. ln1 Into the question of whether or I ..... (C) (30) aratlona that • J;.."' mupte ..... e.s (]) m 11111 ... .. .. not to Clll • ltmnt "mtsW." ~-;.:,~ ~~ durt blfore ma The Pl'Oll'llll {C) T30) 111,_ Stand To-lo:JO IE"-(C) (30) Bill Jollns. bna ot Tom S.W,W." wt.n. _,. ~ su:=m ~,::,:; =· ::.:-~ ":, h~ 11:00 IJ D fJ II) 8'G ..._ (C) Int tor buried trlelare, Tom and ID tbe tltttfftl of tift cans tied who Pawl ........ he Is. (R) IJ Alfred Hltdlacll Huell find lnjuft Joi. wllo Is Wlated the ptnar Cir. m DftW FNll (C) (90) fJ MWll: (C) "Tea Mlliaa ....., tot manler. a -$ 111111: ~ ... m .... , .. ur. (C) (60) &nli' (drtma) '66--0ana AndlWI, E __... ....._ y_,. (30) 1iii1 ..,..-(c:iomedJ} '62--Marceflo tM R 11"'*'1 lf'D (C) (30) Artdf Brld Harris. ·-(C) (60) Jaci HldllJ. llaslroltnN. Otnlela Rocca. Griffith Juab u Sheriff Artdf TIJ· GI l.116M'1 C11111J (C) Sllal'CIO ----------------------! 1or In this epbode that finds Sim Cbh, Fertln Htm;y, •nd O.nls Cole ·---------------------· Jona-unpoput1r in Mayberry be-auest. Etrt Warren and GWtft Onta /fluter Farri~ cause he will not allow Miu are fe1tur.cl In Wonl Portraits. ,...2 Si--1933 -the bt1 local balball pme Q)Mewle: ... tt .. -(drama) -..;~ puftbb!Mnt for ~ (R} '52-Mn R~ WIU.ni 8bhop. SAYE! Blft' DIRECT! M.JACQUes DBl•ND.S AND MANU•ACTUIDS O• WOILD'S lllNIST FUii l4 PASMIOH lSLAND N•WPOAT aucH cn4• .....,..., (J)., .. IWDll Cill (]) a Ci) e (I) ..... tc> llew1i (C) 1'1•1ilfl l'w· ll:JO 1J t8 (I) .... Clfflll (C) COflMCly) ·~ McQ1n, DU CI> ID Tealllit ... (C) =Sh=~~ ........... , .... .... llDfJ of • connMftc llltor In Japan (comtdJ) 36--Mae West. Randolpla who .... and hides • amftl Scott. B~ .. llzhlc that Its db-Dlm(l)G,..,....., (C) appeu1ra will briq bad hd b> a U:JO ID a.. KW aman vll1Q9. m Adlea n.h: "Dull AllH." • DROP EVERYTHING! l;tct R...,.... .,.. ... • 1• *TIME FOR THE BARONI ,.__. (myatlfY> '58 -RlcMrd 8 n. .._ (C) (60) "fltWtll £.Ian, Waltllr Matthau. to Y...., ... n.. .... " .... 1r. a a .. <t> Ana ~ .....SS The Baron °" II C••••lt# ........ (Q I, 1969 I Bf'OUt.. <lass." • wide ~t-dass I hard· rmpattiy (30} 0 prO¥e join I ~ livea hu to (R) /t(l. O) "D•· tlfViews ire P• ., •nd ) ES YEAR FtelNlll: iO) ces mlwrury I behind ll's YelJ .1ncasblr • of antl Jim n Jones. (C) (60) to<Utlon .Rldlclls iphJ •nd ltJ, def\<. *her or •·" 11111. •(C) ....... Andrws. Sh.troa llftb Cole -OIVb .. tta. (drama) ' 8'*"-• (C) ~ .. (C) ...... Ranclolpll , (C) A· T • T ·E·N· T -1..0.N . IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VJSJT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE •-SPITFIRE AUSnN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alw•y• •l•rge aelectlon of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547.0764 THINK ·~ S.. and Drive them During our Model Ca..r•n<» Sale • on NOWl HERB FRIEDWlllR 13750 S.•ch Blvd., Wm1tr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [][Ql[Y][Q][]~ DWI LEWIS lflfORTS 1966 Hanor, C.M. 645-9303 HEAD9UARTERS ...................... ........... _., .... ..... ~-l:_ ...... Mwry. OPELS GALORE! " .......... ,., .... . ..... 0..-.................. ... TERRY BUICK 409 W•lnvt, H.B. 536-6588 I and Z IMPORTS s ........ . ....,,_ ' ..... w., MCTOIY AU'f'HOIJZID DIAL.a COMPLETE FOREIGN CM SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 53M292 Your Authorized VW- Portche DM .. r fn the H•rborArM = ."--of tt.. Love .... ~ Specials 441 L C.-Nwy. ............ N.L 67~ 14t-Jt)1 ed. H •· 14•11 SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports 11 Your kind of plac.. Y041r Authorized • Allllfa America , Larve stock of uMcl Ponchet J911, MG'1, Austin Hea .. y1, etc. flrllllJOl l 3Hnporl s 100 W. Coe1t Hwy., N.8 642-MOS, 540-1764 In 1111 llDr Ara Ille Ecoay line ,.. tlle = DA I TME DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SO"'J'EMBEJt 13, Hiff CREATED ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN WHO ARE ACTIVELY · INVOLVED IN CAREERS, OR ARE CIVIC AND SOCIALLY ORIENTED ... WHOSE WARDROBES MUST PERFORM MANY FUNCTIONS ... SEPTEMBER 18, happy hour 6:00 p.m. showtime 6:45 p.m. SEPTEMBER 19, happy hour 9:00 a .m. I I I 1 t ' ' ( ( t: 10: UVP 547-7211 bring your date • • • 12: theN are fashions for him too Z: l: 7: 7: l ... • i i i I i i i i i ; i l" f ... ::1-"Tt ! rl~ '-I .. ,[ f1.1 ,~ l ' a r~~i 11 .,~i='e.. I i .. ~!i ~' I: ~~ i "'i di~lll!r~ l)i!ir..;r '~l i~1 .. 11~lu 1, .. n, !~~ .. sf 1 t ii .-i ~!II! ~ ..... i L~s d ! ~~·r ;ii!~ jn=!§j:;r ;;;j ~1 j 1i; fi!i 1 ~~i1~1i j.:'. J' r~ ff• fl 1 ~1 ·;:.id,· 1 19Jlf Js i i_!i _ _.___ I~ l!I J5s ~f Jif~ ~! fl fl ff( J{ ~~~5J~ I ;~ I l r1~1:11tfJ{fg3l 91 f~~f ~'i'Jt:fl!f1Jl!~91 JfI~1111'ii. ~. ''l'J'~!~fft&. !. il~f:!'rliili.•;q fffl!tf'"fli r= a[~11f 1: !1~1;f· ! I~~ 1ifsfl(!!·~ fJ~:·J;ri(J!1rrsJ1.-,l~~l~~isif .. -1~· .11··,11f1 & &jf I ~~I ! r ~ IP~ ~i r a a13 ! li··~1~ . [ f! r= • l ~ J rJI •i ~ •11t •~ 11 ilri'~~I I (~ ti t ~ ~(i § j . ~I ~11ls,i i4l1Jr 1: ~ .. ~1 ii •rs~ cf. -; .. i ; ;11 111 1:1r1:111~t~'~l~J•ll8JJlia!19'~ ti ! t; i.l!s ~l!~!lf[~( r .. !~ ts'~!f !It -';J 1 'fl~fii1 8(Ji'"j:•j1J:r:1 ii~ Ilf!jla ~:,11~1lw1:; !~;iJtlf1tJi(1 JJI 1:11,ii~ i i i i i •in••1· .. ~r·n•"ift!!!!f J ·aim .. ,, ll ;Uf gJ~r::r.' J1!:Jif 1~~: 1:Jiil ~~ 1! 1 1~1 r ;~;,~ i: ~~·. ~!~:~:~r•!1I ~ i 1 J t I ,lJB r I, ~11! !s rlr! 1r!i§§ ~ I B ~ ~ a ,,a B 1, f [ J ~ ai i ""''JI Ii .. r CREaT/VE THIS Fall: COLOR IT ----------Michael Parks (left) heads for far horizons as the star of Then Came Bronson. c ... F c ... -------_____ __.___ The Debbie Re~nold~ Show is the title of Debbie's own half ·hour situation comedy ---- series. Center left i!_Andy Williams of The And Williams Show. Eleanor Parker and Peter Haskell (lower left) are just two of the principal stars of Bracken's World. ____ "____ - At right are William Windom, Joan Hotchkis and Lisa ~erritsen of My World and Welcome to It. SHOWN HERE ARE THE STARS OF THE NEW SEASON'S OF- FERINGS FROM NBC. FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE ON EACH SHOW, DATES AND VIEWING TIME, PLEASE TURN THE PAGE. • REaT/VE: NEW SEaSON tp)£9J©)f/LE bove, left to right: David Hartman, John Saxon and E. G. Marshall tar in the doctors segment of The Bold Ones. Leslie Nielsen and ari Rhodes (far-right) star fn th-e law enforcement segment; and oe Campanella, Burl Ives and James Farentino make up the lawyers egmento f-The iioldOnes.- Bill Cosby, lower right, stars as a high school teach-er on his own comedy s eries,,.. The Bill Cosby Show. .. 1ri;1111 · :, . :11; • I• ,,,1,,,1r1 rU1J! •I fJ:I :r•I .. • ~ il'i'I •I :;Ji :11:1 . 1 ~ arlti Iii J:t•,t . .·· ,';I 11;;1•1 ;r•' it ~::IJf i~ lflJi ~fir; ! I, r ~~•·• ··-· . ~-IJ1nd!. ,( . I . 1lllrlL. nflrhili. Iha liJ'lf'' i ''llllltf'rrff'jtl' jl''l'f 'f l!'fJilil !!li1iHJ1 hf !!!!r!,:~!,iUh1 11!h !:;,a:f~H·r 11 '1 I I I-O" " .. -., .. -1 'I I' & r -f' 1111 ~ I 1 .. • -1 • " r .. ,. r I Jr 'I' I el ltlU 1r,ul ,.,1tl11af: 1J:ra1 .. 1n !i:I -- llll9Ct I t:lw .,.. .. dul .... ~ 1lllJ a as I .., ~ --..,. .... ' ... ..., Cll'le ~ lift tlat- CllP .., .. ... .... -.. ... ... 91:11 ... .... ... • t tar - I ~~--------------------............... .... VOLKSWAGEN Service It Repair General Repairs, Automatic transmissions. too! .....,. Sdl...-..m C9"11W Mui• Mtdlrltl< 1073 Harbor Blvcl. Ca.ta M ... , 642-6.17S WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS Rebuild -Remodel Kitchens, Baths Etc. FreE-estimates 646~5219 or 645-1716 Ne«\ a Carpenter? Paneling, shelving, room addi- tions, cabinets. Call Phll 142-2647 968-5220 LISTED BELOW! NEW LAWNS Re-seeding, complete lawn care. Clean up by job or month. Free estimates. For... Information call 146-0H2 -· ltS-1"5 Plumblnli( Repair Drain CleanJng -Free i:stimates - SPEEDY PLUMll .. O 24 Hrs. & Weekend Work 546-2317 or 540-7217 Plumbln1 Repair ~ hour aenrlce Water· Heaters & Disoosals 10% Cash Discount B of A 8t Master Charge Call LNkl -642..QMI AUTO TIRES CEMENT WORK GARDEN COUNSELOR ' SCHOOL s HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRIS New&: Custom Retreads Exceptional values! 141 9 E••f 16th St. Cotta Meu Call Barry, 646-4540 CARPET a, FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 D.ly Service and Quallty Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642""520 ~ DIAMOND \~/ Carpet Cleanlng ''Champion" Method! • Soll retardent • S hampoes deep • Expert and guaranteed Free estimate 645-1317 Windows Ulrty? JOHNNY DUNN Your local sel'Vlce. 15 years ex- perience. Free estimates C.11 642-23~ CARPET CLEANING Good Service-Special Shampoo Guaranteed -Low Prices 646-5774 HouMclHnlng & O.neral Maintenance Good references -Reasonable! Call 646-6084 Patios -Walks -Driveways License. -Reac:onabk Rates -Fr~ Estimat~s - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642~210 or 61M675 ev" . wa SIT •STIER INC s-.11111ry ot Gerber Prod. Co. ,.,...,. ..... , Supervblo:i for cllflirf't!I. etcMl'iy & conv11MC1nt AN'VTlM•·AHYWHaltll Sitting P,-.tty Agency 6424274 !11.Wl!lll ne opportun 1es av a e now for: Housekeepers, Cooks, Mother's Aides, Chauffeurs, Butlers. George Allen Rvl•nd Atency &ntaronr Plys "'" 106-8 E. 16th. SA 547-0395 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRICIAN N~ Job Too Sm•ll Prompt Service Reasonable rates ! Call 54S..i614 EXTERMINATING Termites, Rats, Roaches, Fleas & Ants Exterminated {license No. 36261 JOHNSTON, 549-0116 $4.98 HOUSE call on aJl color makes or drop it off before 10 AM & riick it up at 5 PM. Harbor Televl1lon Service 1 UO Whittler (corner 19th) Co.ta Mn. 536-3377 Quality Exoerienced~Capable Call 642-1407 anytime Vets Bonded WallpaNl"lng & Painting -10 Years in AreP. Licensed and Jnsured Reasonable Rates Interior -Exterior Call 642-0417 anytime Need Painting? Call ual Reliable service with quality at its best, at the most reasonable prices! Free Pi1tlmates 541 6002 Painting, Paperh.•nglng Top Referencffl Costs less. lasts longel', ioolc-better! Call 540-0384. 549-HOI CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & R91»alr Eurooea.n Craftsmanship 1003 Financing -Continuous Do-Il-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 Newport II., Cotta M ... 642-1454 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Grad" 1-1 Where th~ Proizram fits the child! 540-4060 or 54a-17SI evt1. NurMry School lnfanh to 5 yurs Xlnt care It instruction Very reasonable rates! Call 961-6356 FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Also Airc-raft" Rentals Insured-Certified instructors. Call 549·0126 PRACTICAL NURSING On-the-job hospital training Free placement Nurae• Tralnlna ln•fltut. of Orange County 4016 W. CommonwNlth Fullerton 525-7521 Slta'g Mont .. aorl School (Fonnerlv Clavlc: Montessori) A1tes 2~ to 6. Give your chlld the finest education! 1525 N. Santa Af\a Ave. Cotta M .. a 6464706 CRAFT CLASSES Valley alke & Holtlty 17071 M•9nell1 (Rt WArner) C1ll 1424777, 545-0l77 More loys & Girts Needed For New TY eo.n.rcw. ~ ............ ...., ..... t 111:..._ '-MA TT f ll 10n., tn.UIUlY, HOSU:SS CUfCMn.. '"'CT1Ml. rn:.. .......................... .. , ............. i_ .. ,... -~ .......... ., ) ... ''· ........... . ..... .. .. c ffftlt# .... t.•. ,_ ... -c-. .-. ~~ ... ..... CALL NOW (714) 541-6151 TMa I PltOOUCl tGNS 1111 ..... Y'-.... HOU.1"#00D.. ~ .... THE OAJLY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 'Archie and His New Pals' 1be to~nted Saturday ~rolna te.levision show. The Arcbies, will reach a oew audience wbeD u an.imated special. "Archie and His New Pals, .. airs on ~. Sunday at 7:30 PM. Besides the old favorites Verook:a, Betty, Jugbead. lleggie, Miss Grundy and Bia Moose. Archie will have the assist.anoe of a newcomer to Rl'letda)c. Sabrina the charming teen-age witch. 642-4321 '"A eo.r.a-t. Pciwtiftg Sr.ic." "-&1-.. .. P I LC~ 0:-1'1NT ING n11 w. •••u_ ..... _ Nsaput .... I I I I • WEDNESDAY 8EPIDl8ER 17 For mominc and afternoon listinp, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, few yow convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the richt to change proeramminc with- out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES ; : . . . . . I, 1969 II noon DAY· !low, are lta· It to with- -- (drama) Howard. (edweo- >. Plllllp WlltUR) CodnA, 6-Sall) (hla) .., Jr. ..... lllontiel. (hna) Hunt.. • l) Jeny (30) Zlj, hf) lllnelota ....... till Brian, ~ IO) ....., I 8ectr .... ..., l'9 etllls •• ;81) ,, ..... (JU) (30) =-{30) ........ ..... ., to l odlllf \ ~~------------------...................... _ IMllllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE MICROPHOIEI WHICH OF THESE C FISClllTlll CAREERS ' llTERESTS YOU1 0 DISC JICllT o~ 0 SPOITICAllD O C...CIAL..._a FIU VOICI ANALYSIS TIUS YOU IF YOU HAVI "HIDOIN TALIN'l'"I TU.lit AT MOMl Ol 1• GUa llA&ITIF'Ul NEW STUDIO ICHOOl1 Y• c.. rWJ bfoNcnt ....... " ....... ,.. ...,.. .... ., •• .., ... '"'*""' i.a ~oc.uu 11G1tT ttol '" LOS A*fl H •Mier tM lllMftt._ of .. DlrKtlllC , .. ., " ll ..... ~ ... Wi.TY *""' ..,.., • ._, 11M • IMMO>IATI DOWll llt ._. -_. __ ._ ..... ~ ..... PIYhll ._ 111M ... NATIOMflDI 11'\ACEMtlff ADllTMCI at 1t ...,_ ct1tr Tllltlel ....... .-..... S... tit CMID ACMOIY'I ......._ _,,_.,..._t9nfwFIU""' ltt, recM, lld woke_.,... ........ •All eccredltlld ........, .. UM N .. ~ KorM..,. Ceuftoll end .... •HllMnal i"1eoct8tlaft ol ,........ end Tedlnk:al Sdtoola ·~""'* fwy....,_~ • M.,,._ ol eeutorma A9eooldoft for ,,,,_. fdtec..,• ·~ ...................... tM ~ *wed 8tUdlflt ... .. ~ ,--------------~-----· WtER ACADEMY i: ,.. ..... • 111111 I ' : a..A11111M.c ....... _ ' ...... (111) ... .... ............... "':: .................. ........ , .. "- I -._tu: & ltd lft ,o~ a.._.~ I o.AAASn ---------------------... 21 ' • ! ; r.= J!Ui9rJ;;~~~i ;·;1!1 ;w : !I ~i H 1•1Ji ~ti~ 111 t~i~f i!f · 1 I ' I ,lj,gti J •h I .... IU1 I ,, " i~ f_ ~ ,f f (, nU. -:c I *•i ------------·---...• !iijt:!~i '''I rlll,-Jlii f'l:jtl~li~J.!lfifj !:t.ifillf ljlll1jJ'iijfJI I il(J!iJ·i~ljl!til·;i~llf ~-~i J!JJ,ill ;~ 11(!'! ;r f1 11 ii ;JI. f fJ(f i .Ii' j 1(f •lf1 11,1I !:!•·rfli · ~~ ;I · i r I ifl rflf ltrlfl•i I I ; =11sl1'·''11H1'1'~1'!~Cl!91r 1r1rr,~iJ'r-1"l-,,,1:!;•,'1':1p'1I a@ • ' ' f 1 ·1J . ~ it! I' , • · Jel ' I 1 r . f ~ • a1 I I w ri1 I w • .r 1· I JI l J • -~r----~ • a ·~!l~J:fl~l!!!1'. ~a a I~ r si ifJliJ;i'r ., i r, flalJM'f '1ll1'1•i i Jli ~ .j I f 11 ' 111 ) l' al J ¥I J ti ~. ¥~1¥' I ~ « ---------'V i i I i 1 i ~ 1.rt~ · --, ~ -,,, r;r 1-I i· i ~~, 1·1 !Ii>, ,~!il:;1 al .. !if u :'1 if &!i!ii ·r ~ ur d i ,· lrl~~·,J!h l"1:islf Jr, ij[f, ' ··. ~,1'1iif§. ;, t 11( ~ 1 1 f rr•ll ~ . ff 11 r Ja i!1 't" j••f I .~ .;f · i;i I 1 ~ l~n It f J\1 ! t lis ~ Bi B ~~ J~f I'. · ·· ·4~~ f l11~a l f ! I, 1969 ... ('C) • RloT' ... but .. wltll bmian Dane • (JO) I (lO) (C) I) '50 . b .. . oa Word (.,S. (Q :... ... Q 0.. , .. ~~------------------..................... . CURTIS 1 c m MATHES BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER NOW •••• FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE! This beautiful Sp•nish Mediterr•ne•n Console is built by ArTMtrk•n1 of Am- erican parts. The price is so far below competition it m•Y be hard to beli•ve. This is not a come-on! These seb are in stock & reedy for lm~i1te de- livery . GENUINE OAK • Automatic O.,.usalng • Full sin console • Instant autom•tlc, no annoying warnM1p d•lay e Lighted Dial • I yrs. adtustment warranty on pfc· ture tube $12 additional • Also available In Danish Modern. HART TV sm 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) Pap 21 'r CRE,BTIVE THIS Fall: COLOR IT~ In To Rome W'rth Love (at left). John Forsythe stars with three "daughters" (Joyce Menges, Su- san Neher and Melanie Fullerton). Jim Nabors (on the right) displays his full range of singing and danc- ing on The Jim Nabors Hour. Julie Sommars and Dan Dailey (far right) portray The Governor and J . J. SHOWN HERE ARE THE STARS OF THE NEW SEASON'S OF- FERINGS FROM CBS. FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE ON EACH SHOW, DATES AND VIEWING TIME, PLEASE TURN THE PAGE. 11EREBTIVE: NEW _SEBSON £9JIR?©IFILE ft), ree Su- n). ley IOf - At far left is Leslie Uggams, star an hostess of her own weekly musical·variety program. Space.age medicine and technology are the concern of Chad Everett and James Daly who star in Medical Center (on the right). """"'--~--- Miss Dionne Warwick (to the left) displays her talent in a one-time Special, airing at 7:30 PM . ~-------- (At right) Don Adams and Barbara Feldon (Agents Smart and 99) with Ed P1att (chief of CONTROL) move to CBS to continue their zany adventures on Get Smart-with a set of twins, yeti NEWSEBSON PROFILE TO ROME, WITH LOVE Sunday, Sept. • 7:30 .... John Forsythe graduates from "Bachelor Father" with one niece to widower with three daughters In this half-hour series Mt aplnst the historic background of the Eter- nal City. Forsythe Is a college professor who moves hls American famlty of three 8'rts.. qes 6, 10 and 16, to Rome whena he has accepted a teaching position. Joyce Menges, Susan Neher and Melanie Fullerton por· trwy the girls. In addition to the reaulars, the series features a boarding houM full of bustling Italian natives with whom the pro- fessor and his famlty become Involved. THE LESLIE UGGAMS SHOW Sunday, Sept. 28, 9 PM In show business since the ase of six. on the "Beulah" show, Leslie Uggams went on to score as a reaular on the Sina Along With Mitch series, had her own special, "Hallelujah, Leslie," last season, and now she )olns the ranks of variety show stan. Thent'll be a maximum of melody, but the accent will be on light. topical humor, with weekly f..tures of "departments." Dick V•n Dyke, Raymond Burr and Jim Nabors hsve 1fN8dy been signed to guest with Miss ua1ms. THE GOVERNOR AND J.J. n.ctay, ~ 23, 9-.30 PM Din Diiiey stars In this H&hthearted sqa as 1 widowed Chief Executtva of an unnamed mw. whoM kMly, fot1hl1aht •ustrt-ls more lnter.tlld In her Jeens.-dld work It the ioc.1 z:oo than In belns her father's wlns-aowned F1m Lady at offldal func- tions. Julie Sommara portrays J.J., and other lfthabtt..nts of the governor's mansion are James Callahan, Neva Plitterson, Nor1 Marlowe and Carroll O'Connor. THE DIONNE WARWICK SPECIAL Wedn• .. Y· Sept. 17, 7:30 PM Dionne WaJWick st.rs In her own teteYtslon 9"Cfel. an hour of mualc In th• dlstlnctlw ttrfe of tflil popular eonpt.ress. Wednetday ,... 211 at 7:30 PM on CBS. As her special guest per- formers Miss Warwick wlll welcome Glen CamP,bell and one of the men who "dlscov· ered • her unique talent. composer Burt Bach· arach. It was Bacharach who spotted the youns artist In the backiround chorus at a recordlns session and launched her eminently successful career by chooslna her to record e number of the hit songs written by him and partner Hal Da'lld. Bacherach will conduct the orchestrl on the special program. The Creedence Clearw1ter RevlVlll singing group will also be guests on the musical hour. MEDICAL CENTER WednMday, Sept. 24. 9 PM James Daty stars as br. Paul G. Lochner, medical chief of staff and Chad Everett portrays Or. Joseph M. Gannon, associate professor of surgery In this hour·long d,.ma about th• lit.and-death Involvement of doc- tors In a great teachlna hospital on a la111• university e1mpus. At 30, Gannon still Is at an aae et which he empathlles with the ~1"18 and they, In tum, with him. Althou8h he Is a member of one of the most rtald establishments In the WC>f16-staff member of a alant medical center--h• often finds himself drawn to those young people seek- ing understanding who have deveJoped a rapport with him. Lochner, on the other hand, as the older of the two, represents a blendlne of the best qualities of a gifted physician, an egresslve executive and a successful politician. He constantty must deal with the problem of malntalnina.hlgh stand- ards of medlcfne In Its pr.ctice, research and teachlng--whlle combating sacrfflce end com· promlM arilina from administrative and fiscal pressures. THE JIM NABORS SHOW lbunday, Sept. 25. 8 PM No more bumbl.lng p•pump jockey, no mOl'9 .. areen Marine.'' just a whole lot cf music and comedy from 1 mufti-talented fellow with a lopsided artn. Jim Nabors finally has an opportunity to show hls wide ,..,.. of vocal tlltnt-from oper1 to pop ---~· ' to western. And for those who want more, there'll also be numerous comedy spots and lavish production numbers In which Jim wlll have an opportunity to show his d1nclng prowess. The comedy portions will feature Fr1nk Sutton as Jim's brother-in·law, en up-tight, frustrated egotist who will remind vi~ more th6n 1 little of the old Sgt. Carter, but look for Frank to partake of a little of th1t footwork In the production numbers too. Pretty, blonde Keren Morrow Is featured as Jim's sister and Frank's wife--the reluctant buffer zone between her brother and her husband. Ronnie Schell (also a holdover from Gomer Pyle) will be featured with Sutton and Miss Mom>w In the comedy sketches. Jim's guest for the premiere show Is Andy Griffith. GET SMART Friday, Sept. 26, 7:30 PM Don Adams and Barbara Feldon, as Agent'S 86 and 99, move to e new day, a new time and a new network. Without changing the humorous brand of crime fightlna Ind un- dercover agentry that have become their tndemark, the Smart spies sllp hilariously Jn 1nd out of danger and face a v.riety of taneled lntriiUft. And this year, the couple face the added security risk of their new faimlly--a set of twfnsl Ed Platt continues as the Chief of CONmOL I ' 10 1Z 7:t FRIDAY IEl'TEMaot 19 For morninc ind aftwnoon listinp, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for YQW' conwnlence, are the day's movies. All ab· tions reserve the rilht to chance prOIJ"amminc with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ <C) "ni. Wlap ti Cllanc.'" (Id· W'lftturt) '61-Jlm Brown, Frenca Rafferty. B (C) ...... n... L*' (d1111na) ;~Jam11 Muon, Barbara R~. ,..30 tD .. ._. To ....... (drama) '50 -Joan fontllfte. Robert Ryan. lo:OD u......, ~. Utlle Seatt" lcomtdy) '44-Jlmmy lJdoA, ctl11'1ea Smittl. u.a..,.. ..... ., ..., OW" <mys. terr> '32 -C.rott Lombard, Ctaltl Glbtt. 2:CIO m ..... .... """ (myllery) ·59 -stew Brtdit, Lyn Thomas. J:m B (C) ••April Lwl" (rnutical) '57 =l'1t Boone, Shirley Jones. 4:30 a~ et LlaW' (drlma) ·~tzabeth T1ytor, Frenk Mor· P"- I VFNINC ~. Tiii .. ... (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. I SD H..U.,......_, (C) (30) ..... u. .. (C) (90) Soupy Sala. Gr.dy Tete. Steve Mar- tin and Max Acril'WM IUesl 8 Sii O'C'ect MM: .......... illr' (mystery) '51 -Welt.r Pkf. i n, Ann Hardlni. I Sn (C) (60) ,.,... "'--(C) (30) Dorothy lone It.art. l lltaao(C) (30) m-. DMclaa <C> <90> n.t'1 Ntwt (30) "Hllt0ty ol st Bemerd Does." A look 1t the tnln1n1 of these unusuef dop ind the community ln the Alpfne where the docs are • nec:eaity • .., .,..,. .. ,.,... (30) GB ..... (C) (60) Jact Hickey. 5:301 IOllC ........ (C) (60) .... ,.,..... (C) (30) Je1n- 1ul Desmond stars. I,..., 01111 (30) ........ ,,....... (30) (i} ......,. .... ..., (C) (30) iMl lelt (C) (30) ''The Rl&ht me." H1ny Golden dltcums h IUtoblo(raphy-the ltOfY of I MW$o boy, hotel derk. convict and editor. Robert Cromie hosts. (R) a~!. ..... <C> c3o> -fl) J4 (C) (60) 7!00 8 CIS e-iac ..... (C) (30) W11ttr Cronkite. D WW• MJ UMJ (C) (30) Wll Bruner hosts. m Te T• Ill Trwll (C) (30) Glny Moore ho.ts. I Mdlllt's Navy (30) C..MdftJ/s..cl~ Cl) c..... ••cue (C> (90) " tA the OutJIWI,'' at•"' MICdauld C.,.,. lnb'Ud1C111 Thi H•lhkll .. 800111-llkl" ••• Thi 111-181100 Trall Ind snow Bike '·-~ ,, ... t\. •"91" i• treitef•rr.4 lty dl•ht •• tllle II • I . SO twhl•u ft.eteff ... typ• ffre. n.. ,....It la llip 1tetHlity e"4 M111er\e~t. "HffH •"'-f el111e1t •"Y ••rf•c• cet1• 41ff9'1. ·~ ... Heatllklt Metal Detectot °'The Beach Combers delight" "A Mmt for Prospectors" Reclc.._......._ ~ . ....-. ....... tc... .......... ................ 1239 95 THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION ... @J .... I FREE Send for Our Huge c .. alog It's"°" to T-,_ tt. AM19t. I HEATHKIT® ELECTRONIC C£N1D r. ,..H .. HHftililt llutte .. lc c ..... , ••Ii• Herlt•r tlvd. to •·II A••. ee1t •" rell • few •'-•rt ltl•ck1 t• JJO hat lell 0t telie S.'lt• A,,.. "'-•way t• Ha,.... llwll,. HMbOf 8'•4. t• lall, • -few ....._. Mech e"4 ,_..,. here SALIS & ,Am HEATHKIT n._t420 :UO IAST IAU.. ANAHllM THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 13, 19'9 NEW SEASON Sports for Your Generation A decade of fresh, live action hits the calendars as the 1969· 70 Sports Season approaches. In contrast to the popular emphasis on age differences, the "geoeratioo gap'' does not apply here. Whether you prefer to .. tune in" the New York Jets and "tum off'! the outside world for a shouting, popcom-ch;:tng gridiron session; or you arc as eagerly enthused with the · ed glories of golf. Wilt Chamberlain on the courts. or the indoor battlefleld of professional boxing; if a dancing stream of rainbow trout finds you packing tents and gear; or if the ring of falling ten pins "turns you on .. -you are the right generation for enjoying TV Sports this upcominf season. A vanety of sports series and specials will be televised-with wider covera~, greater skill and more unique, creative cechniques than any past season. The following paragraphs provide a skeletal schedule of upcoming spons. ABC-TV Network will feacure: The 37 National CoUeg_iate Athletic Association football games; football specials such as the Liberty Bowl (Dec. J 3) and Sugar Bowl (Jan. J ) games. the North-South Shrine AU-Star Game (Dec. 25), the East-West Shrine AU-Star Game (Dec. 27) and the Hula Bowl (Jan. JO); NBA Basketball (Sundays) with newly-added Lew Alcindor on the Milwaukee Bucks; ABC Golf Galaxy Tourneys including the U.S. Open, British Open and PGA Championship; the Professional Bowlers Tour; The American Sportsman. weekly hunting-fishing series; ABC's Wide World of Sports:--a Saturday show that has vi.sited more than 30 countries on six continents and covered in excess of J 00 different sports. Following five pre-season NFL games, CBS Television begins coverage of National Football League games (Sept. 21-Dcc. 21); post-season classics-Che conference championships in che West (Dec. 27) and East (Dec. 28), Playoff Bowl (Ian. 3), League championship (Jan. 4) and Pro Bowl (Jan. 18); the NFL-AFL World Championship Super Bowl game (Sunday. Jan. 11) at New Orleans; and two college post-season football contests. the Sun Bowl (Dec. 20) and Cotton Bowl (Jan. 1) clashes. January's Saturday afternoons bring the CBS Golf Classic from Ohio; and April 11 & 12 are the dates for the Masters Golf Tournament. Other major sporting events incJude the Triple Crown of horse racing in May and June, and the National Invitation Basketball Tournament in March. NBC Sports presents Baseball's World Series. the All-Star Game, AFL Foocball and NCAA Basketball. For the first time in baseball history, the World Series begins on a Saturday (Oct. 11). providing easjer viewing opportunjty. The previous Saturday (Oct. 4) pro- vides coverage of the start of the best-of-five divisional baseball playoffs. There's an AFL double-header on Thanksgiving Day, divi· sional playoff games (Dec. 20 & 21 ), APL Championship (Jan. 4) and the APL All.Star contest (Jan. 18). Post-oollege football season schedule includes the-Rose Bowl Orange Bowl, Gator Bowl and Senior Bowl games, plus the aU-star college game. Concluding rounds of the NCAA Basketball Championships will be televised next March. lo golf. NBC will televise the Bob Hope Desert Oassic (in February), and Shell's Wonderful World of Golf series (Jan. 17 through Feb. 28). Additional sports of specific interest to Soutblaoders will be highlighted oo various local channels. KTI..A, Channel S, has scheduled UCLA Bruins football games (continuing through Nov. 23); UCLA basketball (Dec. 1-Mar. 6); Los Angeles Kfogs Hockey (Oct. 11-Apr. 3); LA. Lakers Basketball (OcL 3-Mar. 4), Notre Dame Football (Sept 21-Nov. 23); and Pacific "8" Basketball (Jan. 3-Mar. 7). On K'nV, Channel 11 , ten USC games (one..<fay delay tapes) are featured, with five live Saturday night contests of collegiate squads in the new Pacific Coast Athletic Association, plus the Big 10 Roce Bowl bid clash, the Pasadena Bowl, CIF 4A Championship aod the Peach Bowl Oas.sic. Whatever geoeration is yours, some of these events would en- courage any sports fan to dust bis television, plan to control the cbanod switch on future weekends ... or, at least, scart shopping for that longed.for color set I 1 ~ ' c f W1 a~ th1 ac1 col m w Like a box seat for the Series? Here it is! A go-where-you-go color ROrtable from Sylvania. When you can't be in the stands you need a Sylvania TV. Sylvania brings all the thrill s and excitement of World I Series action right into your own home. In living color too. Year after year . If you can't be in the stands, order a Sylvania. Why not do it today? From $259.95 BREATHTAKING COLOR TV VIEWING is yours with this persona] size 102 sq. in. screen portabJe. 3-stage I.F. amplifier ensures sharper pictures ... more pleasing sound. Has Sylvania's coJor bright 85~ picture tube. Built-in VHF and UHF antennas. AH in an attractive, charcoal cabinet of light weight, high impact plastic. MODEL CB31CH. Only $259.95 T.Y. HCIPJION IS SIMULATED ON MODELS SHOWN COLOR TV PERFORMANCE AT ITS BEST. The grass is always greener on SyJvania CoJor T V I Sylvania's color bright 85* picture t ube ensures excellent coJor fidelity. Pic- ture and sound are on in less than 5 seconds with Sylvania's Instant Color™. Thrill to room filli ng sound from 7" oval .speaker. All of today's finest features are incJuded in this deluxe Spanish Provincial console. MODEL CF625P. 295 sq. inches. Only $569.95 DA.VI 5· B ROW .N 22 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE IN THE HARBOR AREA OPEN NIGHTS Till 9 PM SATURDAYS TIU 6 PM 411 EAST 17TH STREET. COSTA MESA 646-1684 SECARD GIANT SWIMMING POOL • • 18 n. POOL x48" SALE Y> HP FlllD-SUtlAa SKI MAtNTINANCI kJT IOTIOM DIAIN AND CHEMICAL DIVINSll 20 FT. POOL ONLY 189.00 lllEI IEIUGllEllT CllBI All sam IUrD--SUllS-aUllOU r•cn• SITS EASY TERMS 5 locations To Serve You. 9 Years' Experience 323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPEN 10:30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS THE DAILY PILOT. T\I WEEK. SEPTEMBER 13, 1'69 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20 All stations reserve the richt to change program- ming without advance no- tice. MORNING = ~l[-&-(~I (ji) &) C..., (C) Mr. (C) ftiil Ille Cd (C) 7:25 "" Us t1lis Day (C) 7:30 S--.r S.IHSlef (C) @ rn m s.oa, u. ..., <t> Cartoon adventures of America' favorite bear. I Malina tlle Most of Maturity ..,. Ille Cloe (C) l.1IO a ()) 1111 ......... (C) Cir· loons featurln1 the f1mfli1r ~ ~ f1mi_11. u 9oom "'" c. ... • Cnr•p (C) Terry, Princess and Bip land In a aiant'a castle and in a talkin1 forest as they are pursued by The Gru~ o @ m w eattaneep tats <C> Cartoon Show hosted by frte felines. I Abbott ' Costello c.rt.oas (C) Tales of Wells Farro Culltby (C) 8:lO 6 9 ()) lttp '"""'bad ... .. ""'(C} D ~@ mPiak ,_... (C) jet ride, a pickpocket, and • pai of maalc roller skates flpre In the adventuru of the Pink Panther and The Inspector. U Ca•pus Pntfilt B Mevie: '"Tarpt l.ero" (ldvtn· ture) '55-Rlchard Conte. Peule Castle. Chudl Connors. mCisce KW m lldtt Robin ...... (C) t:OO D ~ 00 m H. R. hflltld (C) iifheMechanleal Boy." Jimmy plans to steal Miss Wltchlepoo's ship IO that he and Freddy Flute can make their escape from lfvinc Island. When Miss W-rtchlepoo inttfCIC)ts Jimmy and does not find Freddy flute. she decides t.o tum ttie youngster into a mechanical boy who will do her blddlnc and re- trieve Freddy from Puhtstufs cavt. e Movie: "Ceae,. Scanc1ar <mp. lefy) 'JS-Kent Taytor, Wendy Bar- rie. O @(])Q)ttot ne. (t) Car- toons featuring a younc adult car club composed of safe drivets. m MO¥it: "lladl Dra191 af Mo- u..,.. (drama) '6&-Rod Camenm, Constance Worth. 0) Rwff 'a' hddJ (C) €!) Callciotl• J Maka def ..... ,. t-.JO e a CiJ o.mrc11y • .. .., 111 ~ FIJinr lbclJines (C} The Vul- ture Squadron. led by Dullnfty end M utttey 1ttactt the feaf1esl. brave, patriotic Yankee Doodle Plpon u he carries mem1es for the "IOOd 1uys." o ~ oo m 1a111111 Sfllts <C> O @Cil&>HMdJ a.,. (C) Car· loon series based on the best·lefl-( li!f children's mysteries. m Alulfnf 11ne I lO:GO- "' In If CA m I II • ' , Sc Cl (1 G f 10'.JO' • G " I ti n • • • (1 c I 10:40f ( .. 11:001 • ' • 11:30. t p w ti) c.da J 8'lltlrra Creedence Clearwater Revfvll pest. 2:00 fl Sllps te Lmta1 (C) Q.1 (I) Mtria Co llund 10:00 II a (j) n. ..... •• They sin& "Commotion" and "Gl'llft a ,..., DMble Flltllrc "Mr. m Mell•• ... tlll Cllwl ,_.., ct) From tit1e cards to tln-Rher." Wona In Chlnatqwn" and "Th• Sea (C) "Mlramlchl Salmon." rrt piano. from the heroine's Mm-0 llowie: (C) "Fett Woftll" = Shall Not Have ll\em." 4:300 o.tdoen Wltlt Ubat1J .. ...., lnJfY Inescapable situations to the em) '51 -ftandolph Scott. 9 (I) M.....,IHDd . D II .._.. (C) audience's boos and hisses, this Bryan, Ptlyllls Thaxter. m 111111.r ........ (C) m .......... cartoon ..ta satirizes the old &J Mw6a: "Y.. ~ (wat· ·-M....._, movie serf al. ern) '57 -Rod Cameron, Robert 2:JO 119 CIJ CHwrutiaa la llaa tHl (])Car •lid Tract (C) D @ CDED Sb .... (C) Thi Hutton. (C} A continuation of th• Som m lrenco I ted ....... J ... & n..1.... Wll Semester series "Black Herltl :,.~· ..... , "' unr .. ,u.. • A History of Nn>-Amertc:ana. .. Tb m ~ n.tr• <C> D Mowia: <C) "11tndtr o.. Ille ls the first In • series of six half· 5:00 IJ All-MaricM Celllp a.. (C) ,.....,,. (we.stem) '53 -Rlndolph hour broadcasts exploffna the 111· Dennis J.unes hosts. Thi pal Scott. Lex Barker Ptlyllls KJB. 12.1!011 IH ()) Tiit ....._ (C) Star· nlflcant todll Issues of contempo-Jud1es for the semlffnala are S.111 m llewfe: .... ..., WltlrfMt" rina Mici,Y Dofenz. Davy Jona, MIU rary American llfe. Thi ,,.,.,.m Ann Howu, Marty Allan and stu (mystery) '52-Joan Bentley, Peter Nesmith and Plttr Tort. consists of spontaneous dlscussfons Gilliam. Gl'IWtbom. II Mowlr. '1All't Fece It" (com-amona a cross.section of leadert D It's Aadttllc CC) Bishop Mont· ti) La Vlctiut ii) '43-8ob Hope. Betty Hutton. In the bl.ell mmmunlt1-focusln1 rometY School fA>m Tomnce, JunJ. 10-.JD R t8 Cl) Scubl' ~ .... Are ~ lllpeft (C) on tht problems, opportunities and pero Sem School from G1rdena and fH? (C)lht "hero" of this cartoon • T..tre Fa..., new directions In such Yitai areas Nortbvlew School of Co'tfna com· aries Is a !Irie, lovablt but timid 1%:301 ft (I)~.,~. (C) IS bi1ber education IDd polltlca. pete. Great Dane, the al•nt·med matcOt ~~(C)-(C) D little Cry U Scae 70 (C) of fouUb' school studtntL -· .._. Q3 @ F-.. (C) o@(])a>AIC'• .... ..,..., 0 @ Im Jallbo (C) "Slmba, 12:40 m Dac1aw1 •-·• (C) 3:00 IJ Movie: "So•tbodJ Up n.. Sports (C) Jim Mect(ay. the iJOn Cub." A lion cub 12.-55 m.,..,.,. ..... n (C) Yin Scul-I.Jira Ml" (drama) '56-hul N.... m Daktlff (C) mua flee tbt bu.ants of the lunate ly and Jeny Douett can the battle man, Sal Mineo, Pier Anptl. I latl9u CC) alone when Its ~ Is captured, between the Los Mieles htw c M1Bhall Thompson hosts. and the San Francisco Giant&. &J Sa-... (C) .. UMMe: .,.,_., Sall lallW' l:GO@IH(I),.._.. (C) ~(l)Y .. of Aerialltn (C) : ~_::==-~"Motion (mystlfTI '40 -Henry WIJc:mon, fi1) (])El) NCAA r-o.tblll (C) ti) n..,o de Panloa and Emotion: Baroque Sculpbn." Carole Landis. an vs. Callfomla In 1 pme tele. m lit Pic:Dr9 (C) Russell Connor enters tbt drlmatic, fJ@(])&)ClllJMr (C) cast live from Berkeley. 3:30! Jet Alli vital W!Jr1d of aculptori who pve 1Ct40 m ..... "Tracl tlll .... Din" a .... : ..,.. Jadia Robl1111 htlJ °'*' shape fo tht spiritual ferment of (rnpttry) • '57--«ent Teylor, Rtnee ._,.. (drama) 'SG-Jackle Rollin-(A) fut1re (C) "Holland r~ 16th-century Europe. Houston son, Lou I• Beavers, Minor Wabon. ~ :;-J II) f~ 11:0011 a (I) Ardde .. <C> I ::'An. s.:t. '~ .... <C> m· SHvar wa.p (C) s:JO 111,11 ., <C> <R> o 9 ~ m....., LNpa a.. 1:lOIJ t.it Cll Jear Qllat <C> 1:AS m Dadprs Sc9rlbNn1 (C) : ~ ":,.. <C> fJ @ (]) &> faatallc y.,.,_ (C) Illy) '47 -Ray Miiiand, Teresa M11 Fro• UNCLE <C) Mr. Ind Mrs. Nwt11 bell (C) eems to be ennounced. lhvle: ''l•Plffld L..,.-(~ 4:CIO I WICM Trela CC) Clllfpn't lslalld (C) 11:30 0 <HJ CJ)&> ~ Wrt&ht MdWl's .._, : News 111 ~ (C) (R) ~ (C) Didt Clark hosts. Thi &J Wrtltllq (C) Cl} Weal Ill Pre Feotbll (C) Aartcol'tae USA (C) 1• INCH WllGHS ONLY 24 LU. PORTA COLOR9 60 MOlll WMJ16HWD $218.00 20" COLOR TV With Automattc Fine Tunlne Control MOHi. MJMIWl> $398.00 l4 INCH PORTA C-OLOll8 102 MODll. WMU•W. OM CDl 6 STAND $268.00 11 INCH GET INST A-COLOrl NIW PORTA COLORe 1IO· MODIL WMJMCWD ' ON CD11 ITAND $348.00 DINCH COLOR TV MOHL ....... $428.00· ...................... ,,,. .......... - 1115 N'ewpon llwl., co.ta Mela PHONI 541-7711 • U Wlltt lolllf Ir.le I ..... ~-& "'~""· Regul•r Price $174.50 Save $74.51! • ~~i::·~.:!,•nc:e< s9999 Walnut e.ictosura. e I• O.rrlll'll. A.IMfNllc T-trtcc ,... ,,._ cam .... .... • .. IMNll ·~·· HARMON·KARDON 90·walt SHERWOOD-AR 200 Watt Stereo Due I '212 •utonwtlc tvmtablt wllt\ Stlure dl4imond ttykls. Reg. Price $675.50 Save $176.23! • Alt ~x Speake< IMlurlng Alt'• •4992 7 ··-•"""lie ·~pension ci.. ...... PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS s49so