HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. Classie ' ··:. . . •" ,· . •Jost Pure ' " . . ' . . ' ' ..... • '· .f ' . . ' , If 'i' . ' ' ,.. I ~, ........ " ~ ,... . . . ' ' . I S I J :ex: ' $- 3. 5.·-·o· Jlo· · n ;lis·::;j ,o. :· .·:· . ··· .. a ·· ·u \71.l ···t · . ... '"""/ ' ' !:'J.•r_,. ~ • • I ·1 . , . ;. ~ ~ . Nixan Puts Out.·N'e .W Appeq:l to J!anoi • Bf •MEJllllMAN 8Ml'l'H. U.S. lr""P ~ ·lo .a ..., celllng ol WAsmNGToN '(UPI(' -!'r<ildent ' 1<11 than llllf a ·mJWon (.the total N!Dn ami&mced today :Iii,~-~ Gill ' ·m!ier •,... l!Jettwaa'&118,ooo u or last will be witlldrawn fr9m vl~·by Dec. wm) '•11 a ii~,··: . . 15. "Tbe lline •baa coine to ml thil·war/' "The time !6r)nealiingru1 negotiauOns he said.in • new app¢ ·to· Hanoi for · h~ miyed," be-"'14 .referring to. the meanlbgftJJ. peace talks. (Relatetl~&klrles lona.staJled Pad!: taIU. .. I realize that it Paies 3-4). ' , • Is duflcuJt to «mimunl.cale • .,..,. the The new pullout, on tQp of ii;.ooo aa-gulf of five yean: ol. war. But the time JlOUJlC8d t!l.ree months a&o and completed h.as come to end this war." In August, will bJ'lng the t o·t a 1 Nixon ·recounted -various moves he .said wlthdrawala of American tr90PB to 60,000 his administration bad taken to end the by Dec. i5. . ' "!Br aM said llie '. Unliod Stales was Nlson, in a written statement rel=ed prepared to dlacuss and negollate with tiy the While.House, 1aid the reduction of tbe-COmmuniatl on tt\eir demands u -well • • as !hoe ol lbe.a!J!es. . . "The only Hem which ls not negotiable is the right Of· the ptople of South Viet.. . n\lm to dttermlne their own future, fret ol·oiitala< ~ .. J>e.,~ Nilon $1mlnlatration Oftid"at1·'w ;1l}o.. dlcated as recently as a few ·day1 ago that the President bad not abruxlontid hla: es-pressed hope of wi~wtng .1001<0'.I « mort men by the end of this year.· However, with the new withdrawal not to be completed unW 10 days before Chr~b!I••· it appeared highly unlikely tbe 100,000 llg(ire woold be reached in the (See TROOPS, Pip' I) Filth~ " ' I -... __ . --.-• I .. , > TUESDAY ·AmRNOON, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 • ... ' . • • .. 1 I ' I I I I I I I ,..., IC I' r J4 1"" • -• r ·s. Graham Says· Marriage Greatest. Crusad· • ~· ....... .. v. ml1 mt lmow fl bat tile ..... ma.- Jorlll' "'"" ,_ ~ lodoJ .... ...... ___ ., ...... ~ and mucb """' lwnod lllan 1117 JmenlJoo befcn -· Mn.~'onrepabllc-..wu ft7lil to the l•unddn• Seo!. • " Dr. Graham's two-weol< SOothlaod c:rusadt. Sbe Cllllllrmed Moadal thal lbt nlly at Ambe!m· Stidium carrlts 1 p 1 ch I clplllaoco for 1llr -and bis Q1lllde laan. N. Viets Storm Village I Sec.and Major Attack in Region Near Da Nang Nixon to Prod Congress On Legislation wdoft (AP) -Two --· .v---. .-..1n111e ---1-aliollla 11q. ldlled ,. ~ -Ills ol1-J .... _.,id 17' -. -~ IPCAntn nparted todl)'. Sharp llaldlna WU ttpo<led ill various porti ol liOuUI -Vldnlm 11 Gii and of· •flc:en "*'''"lid -unitl would be Ill· ·eluded 1n new u.s. 1roop wilhdrawall. • Alllod -tillod IJJ .,. CclOll ... Rd VWn'"*' -a *-1 .._ fr'a lie II ... Do11a lo lh1 --lllllla'1 11'1''•"'" .odd. . --... .... a..- -U.... IGadl VW•t I 71 died. ml. ----~ -U.S. ·~ aid •nether ' Americao •• ldlled and 51 olben _ ... _ .... __ bet1•l&&I' 1FJ .. tLlll-..... . ftl ... Wis-Pt ..... tit .mo. ...... 1.1111, lo .. --port •i4ia. !'!11!117 IS --.. ol ~ ... ~..=.= ..... . ........... .,.._ .. .._ T" -... llno Ill ... -.,~I G . . -' ~~ . ldllod. All " lbt --..... d----..... not-11 WM Ille -alajor North Viet· -allod: ID Ille' ...... la Ille put -da)>L Lui Sllwdlo1 aboot 200 Norlh ~ lroopa alt.o<t.d a pla- -ol U.S. Marinea and South Vie> namcse militiamen in a village U miles norlbwell ol Quang Nga!. '1'hla triggered an elgllt.bour fllllt In wblcb two Amerlcac -and cllht Vletnamele clvillanl _. ll!lled, lhr<t llarina were wouoded and • lloulel dwbG)ed.. Vice Prillcleol NIU)lea Cao 1tJ< rold newsmen llandq that 40.IOI mon Am<l1cano wwld be palled out of vig. nam by tile end GI Nov-. Tllal would ttduce U.S. !""'P ......,U. to jlT,IOO. . A few -later the Diie --firmed u.t a wttbdrawal announctment would be made loday by Prelldent Nison but Withh<ld the number. And the U.S. Armed F.-NttwarlE <•••.... all ·•-toJVs.....,.._lto_ brnor•• A ~ I« a. u.a. ' Command Aid ~ ·~ ---"lfllCIJla ... and the ml~ ~ ... -t """11--firmed Rlrtet." • --.. olllclol Ald II)'• ....... ..,. IUclrod oul ......... I : " · B~h Permanently Bars Sauna, Ma,ssage Parlor ly JACIC llUlliAClt .... ...,,... ..... 'l1lo Ila-ltconN ol I 11111111 and ........ porlor wbldl ...... lbt -" lbe .....i o1 Ihm maasewes on dlorsea II pn»tlluticll lul April w 1 1 permuonlly revoked Mooday night by lbe ll1llllalfoo Bach City Council. Allor I colorful --IJllo-od wtih remub by the -blllhmenl'1 ,_, and <OWldlmen, the llcer11e of the ·-·· 8ullo Solon, 17111 Beach Blfll., WU mobd by I split I to I vote. Cound1men followed the Orsl decilton wtth lllOther nvokllli Ille pumill of the three maueu1e1. Attorne)' Jama W. Rud, Jr. of Colla Meu, Hpcueutlnl the E:iecut.ive Suite Salon'1 owner Emma M. Van Buron, arsued unsucct11fully that abe. knew ootlWil ol Ille acllvtltu ol her empiDYtl. H1 illo put heavy lllml on lbt lad that the three employes pleaded pllly lo o _, c:bar1• of dbturbing the puce wblcb be termed "a catch-all law lib IPilllDI pJOllne ln a se.rvlct ltaUon." -Rud abo cbart:ed "over zealous actlon by poUce" wbicb be charged wu liter relulod by the Oriol• Count/ Dlilrlct Alloml1'• <>lflco when they rt!Uled to p...,..te Gii lbt prootltuUon cliatae1. Pollce Chll! Earle Robllallle cowitettd with lbt fad th't I judge (Munldpal Judp Kenntth Smith) bod lsoued war· rant• for the three m1muae1 on pro- 1Utuuon cblr1es. He added the "owner hid to knOw (that the women were en- glllnl In W.1aJ •ell). The f'll odmltled lotir to llx acta dallJ each. M.,,. Jock Green allo loot nceptlon to attorney Rud'a remark thlt the owner [1~111 1-110 1 r,•,·".':'t" ''..!1•= --CAllFOW ... .... ......... COMM'I .. ...., N. 'Weff ---Jtc·L~ .................... ......., "'""' ..... .... ~="' - could not control the ads of her employes. Rtad countered with a comptrilon ol a liquor •lore clerk wbo .. n. lo mlncn when the owner la absent. Council Al Coen then got Into the act with a query to City Altomey Don Bonfa. "Sued on the evidence, does the' city council have the rlgb:t to revoke or aus- pend the licenle?" Bon!i ttplled thet the councllmen hod the "'111 lo mw Ille llceme JI they detennlntd !hot the cit/'• Uoenae ordinance bad been violated. "The councllmm abould Judi• the cr.dlblllty ol Ille evidence," the city ot- tomey aald. "U they believe the police report ii credible they can accept It u a legal documenl" Coen then moved that the bw:lntu lice111e of the uuna eatabliahment be au.pended for ~ day1. · Councllmao George McCracken qutcltly moved to amend the moUon to revoke the liceme permanenUy. It pU91d 64 with Coen and Coancilmln Dr. Htivy Kaul· man diutntlna:. Tbt aubsequent motion to deny the ma.steu5el Ucellael wu approved by a I to l vote, wltb Coen diuenU..O,. Edward O. Earl Rites Scheduled A construction execut.lve who apent Id• IUI1Unttl on Lldo Iale for JI ye1n died Sunday in Tuclon, Arli., of cancer, &C· cordln1 to word tteelved Mondoy Ill the Harbor Aru. Roary for Edwonl 0. Earl, 71, of 301 Vlo Lido Soud and Tu-, will bi recited Wedneaday 11Ip.m.111 Ar!Jona Mortuary East, Tuclon. 8'qultm MUI will be 'll\W'ldoy 'ol II a.m., 1t st. Cyril'• Olurch there, with J.n. termenl lo follow •I Holy C?oll MoUlolemn In Inglewood. He le1vu bl• wife Ruth, a slater Mn . Shirley Cirndulf, ol Corono del Mor, a daughter, Mrs. Paul Aboud of Carmichael, Calif., and two grandchUdren. The family mggesta memorial C0J1oo trlbutlonl to the Cancer Fund, or St. Mary's Hospllal bulldln1 fund. Mr. Earl was owner 0( E. 0. Earl Enterprises Inc., and had been ln the conatructJon bUlllneu for w years. Another Convict Geta Sirhan Cell SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Tho 1peclal ~ llU!te buUt for U111iin Slm.n B. Slrl1all will be Uled inlteed u 1 low oUlDI fCJt 1 convict acttn& at b1a own at. tomey. S\lperlor Court Judp Wllll1111 M. Galloaher MoadaJ sranted )lmllilsloo for Follom pr!IOll <'Ollvlcl EdWorCI E. Voupn, Ji, lo move Into the $1,700 llllle constnxttd at the VacavUle medlcal l•clli~ for tho tiller ol sen. lll>bett p;.,,. nedy. Sirhan wu moved Jnstud to d11tb TOW at Sin Queritln after h1 rtctlvtd the death penally 1111 April l. -· expecting .. --fl.a. Praident Nllon." Among the tr"lt~ 1o"eo -tbe 3rd Marine now ltldmld ; along the demllilorllod -· ad .-" •· the lit Infantry Dlvlllon. lbt ftnl Army dlviaton to anive ID Vietnam. WASHINGTON (AP) -""°""'1i NIJ. cc II iettlni r~dy lo pf(ld --1 leaden In hopea of spetding actloll an bl.! lagging legislative program. The 3rd Marine Dlvllion now guanll the western two>lbfnb ol the fmitler below the d<nillltarlud -. wltli tile llouUI -Ill Inf..,, 01.-=Ille not. The ....... -quiet for lbt put ;-, llal U.S. -from the 3rd -'I lrd Roglmml dullecl on Mondi)' -Norlh -It-"'• mi1el ....... Ille DMZ. Four Marines wtre tilled, • wtlUD-ded and there wu no eJttmate al enemy -.. The U.S. Ill lolantry Dlvill111 ii lla- tJooed north of Saigon_ In the put yur it baa !HD little mljor battlf:fie1d ldian and 1111 been conoeatrallDI-.... ~ Uon, wblle lbt U.S. 21th lnfentry Dlvt.lon ad the In Air Cavalry Divillou have borne the bnmt of !be beavy "sbtl1~ the --aloal the Cam ' l>order norUi of Saigon. · The lit Divl&ICll already bao turned over part Of Ill area of operaUons to the South Vletnameae 5tb Infantry Divialon. From P .. e l TROOPS ••• tlnal lwo weeks cf. the year. 'Ille 111tborhed Vletrwn troop ceiHnl II the: start 0( tb.iJ admini!tratlon wu 541,'°°. "I have decided to rec:IUce the autborb- ed troop celllng In Vletrwn to 411,ooif by Dec. 15," the Pruldent ll&ld In • llate- m<nt. He nplalned that under tbll ...,. celllng, "a mlnlmum of ll0,000 troopl will have been withdrawn from Vietnam by Dec. 15." The new fipe of 35,000 men to be puD· ed out -as well 11 U>e date for com· l)lttJon of the withdrawal -were dif. fertnl fnlm tb4 number and date men- tioned Monday lo Salrcc by South Vltl- ftllSl 't vice president, N1117en Ceo Ky. Ky uld 40,toe ....., Amerleanl would bl pulled out b£111o ml GI Nov"°'btr. 'I'll• Wblte ll40la Aid the total roduo- Uon In authorllfl lroop ofnnstb by Dec. JI would nallj IDlOUlll lo 11,IOO, but within the autlli>rlsecl cellln& all mllil att 1hown al 100 percent atrtncth. In ocluallly, moot mlltl m 1llghUy below lull llrenfth "' thot actual 1trenglh nonnally II leas Jban the authorized Cellini by one or two percent. Thi.I meant that while the llgurt waa dlfffi!flt, the new reductlon of 11.000 u announced by the PrOlklent _....,.... mue or no CO!l!llct with the IO,IOO fll"'o mmUoned by KJ<. Ky appuenlly WU tolklnl 111 t1rm1 of mllu 11 100 percent atnngth. Nlxon took the occukm to urie Hanoi opln to undertake ne..U1U0111 truly te1dlng to cttotlon of boltlllUt1. R.eferrlnl to the OYtrall cutback ot !0,000 U.S. lniopl by Dec. II the Pnll· dent said In a written 1tatement, "the time for mean1""11 11e1oU1tlon1 bu therefore. arrived.' "Let blstory record that 1t thil crlUcol momt11t, both aides turned thtlr facet towltd ptace rather than toward confltct and war." BOOK .•. full the!," Hld the illduotrlaJ medical aupply company owner • wllliamaon C011tend& 11 mllUon ii on adequate ngura for the personal dam11e he feela would be done to hl1 dauahltr Janeue. 15, tf required to read Huile1'1 vl!llon of a future aoclety. Dlltrlct Superintendent WllU•m Zou and Tu.Un Hlgb Scllool Principal Don CUii• ll&ld H111ley'1 wort •f the ilto IllOI l1 111 tlecUn study choice In 1 Flc:tlon of the Future unit In EngUoh. Thty said an alternate can be choltn U Huxley'• ill ClbjecUonable. Willlan'.aon compla1oed, however, thal h1a daqbt.er wu atven Uil work u re- quired readlni -1 boot llbe did DOI wont lo peMIM -and Wll lold Ille mull JI Ille wanted to pua the elm. He uld the ahock caused hb wife to be placed under ledallOo. 11Jtt Uieme ii a world of no rtltrictklns. No ooo pta morrled, Ihm are r... an putleo and vivid descrlptioDI of the ou act." wu111 ..... complalned. 11ln tb1I book. babltl art developed wtthollt -le and the .. .,. 'mother' hu become I dirty, ftlth,y WOfd." ht ad- ded. The concopt of test-lube hoblu crtolod through genetic engineel'lng by 1Clenll11i to improve the human race bu been tn the ne'ft'I recently, wblle oae hdlectlon o« ''mother," ls Indeed ln dldavor fD con- tc.mpaary society. llAILY PILOT $taft P!Mtt Nixon began a review of the status oC his program ln Congr~u Tuesday wiU1 H-and Senate ltepublican !Uden In pr!paration for drawtng up a Utt of. items he wanta to see l)used this: year. House GOP leader Gtrald IL Ford of Michigan, talking to newsmen after the Whitt House session, Aid it will ·take another meeting Friday to complete tbe review and the Wt. Despite the fact II has been In -on nearly nlne months, Congreu bu com. pleted action on only a tiny fradion of the billa Nixon has asked it to pus. Most ol hll propoaals are lllll Ill commitleea. Af 1ea.st at this stage, Nlton b ap- parently going t.o take a soft tooe wMh the Democratic leaders who have control of hiJ progmn. Meed H the Pruldont WU 1lllsfled with what Coogrw has done so far, Ford said: • "I think he's satisfied with the quality of the things tbat have been done. But, obvioudy, looking at the number of messages he bas sent up and the lack of action on them, there ia a leellng tbe pact should be speeded. up." Fonl Clec:llned lo cUoCuss 1117 speclftc legillllUO!l that Nixon ii especially ln- tere!led In until oltor Frlclly'1 meeU.,. But in rseponse to a question he iod.ic1tld draft refonn is going to be llllb on the pri«lly llat. Frona Pqe .J TEACHERS ••• to tht Los Angelel tiacben' demands "ls to do the same thing ourselves." FROM FLYING JETS TO FLYING SURFBOARDS 'l1le mee.llng had been billed1 as. one In which the group.. Wllfidrawal o I Enthusiasm (WOE) commllloe •WOOld Teport on teacher complaints of ba•lng to ptr!onn dlltles for which Uiey OJ< not paid. Lindi Ban"'n Wiii Ba Quffn GI U.S. Surfboard Champlon1hlp1 ' Surf Meet Ready '11ie committee met on the lasues through the summer. Monday't meellq, it ls assumed, involved the group '1 reporting of the vacaUm findings. Stewardess Chosen Queen of Event Tbe extra duties at· issue, reporil said, include chaperoning at dancea and sport.9 events and 1eein5 that stOOents board the school bus or are picked up by their parents. Linda Benson, U, an airline stewardess from HennO!a Beach, will reign u quem over 270 contestant.I participating in the 11th Annual United State1 Surfboard Championship& Ill HllDl!naton Beach this weekend. The blonde wW not only act in official capacity but arrived in Huntington Beaclt today to have a look at the eight-foot wavu, which she hopei1 will push her io a repeat victory In the women'a dlvlslon. Vince Moorhouse, dirtctor of the Dept. of Harben and Beaches, predicted today that If current surf conditldns prevail through the weekend, "we wlll have Ule conteat to end all contests." Competing with Miu Benson for trophies ln elaiit divl&lons are swiers of championship caliber from Australia, Hawaii, Florida, Virginia, Texas, North YOUR Carolina II well u Califomla. An estimated 100,000 to 150,000 fans are expected for lhe event which will begin al 6:30 a.m. Saturday with ellmlnaUon heal.I on both sides of the munlclpa.J pier. On SUnday aemi-finall and final eliminations will culmlnate about ! p.m. with awards ctremonits on the beach eut of the pier. FtsUvltJea begin Friday nlghl with the traditJonal luau, enhanced tbi.s year by the unveWng of a bronze bust of the late Duke Kahanamoku, generally acknowledged u the father of modern surfing. r The bust of lhe man who pnaJdtd over five runnings of the championships In HuntJngton Beach before h1a death at 77 in January 1961, will be m9'1Dted at the head of the pier, overlooking future con· tests at the beach city. Your Omega Sa.Lei & Sentict Aptncy DAILY PILOT front·page an-- nouncements al tbt Monday WOE meeting drew some commenta from tbt renresentaUves' pruldent. Bechtold told bla followera, •;we have made It oil the front page again, and whether we like it or not, we are in the public arena .and we must take our ac· tlons very carefully. "Jt ls often the ca1e that press ac- counts of our meetlngs i n c 1 u d e statements made by individual member• which are made to sound a1 if the enUre membenhip agreed," ht said. Because of those accounts, ht taJd, It would not be right for reporters to alt In "while statement.s are made during the heat of brisk discussion." 0 OMEGA -----~·· WATCH\\: --•C-•OIW FREE n. ..,., ••"'• 0111•1• S111M1111tt1t w1tcli .... •• ,,., ..... 111.cfiHI witl.. ••f 111y ll'l•tflflc1fl111 lly NASA t• 1k ••r• r.., ·~, 111111 •~ the "'''"· Tl.ii '"•t11iti•"-tn1ly • ••· " 1 r" f • r t•cttl111c1, llllkH •t ,, • .,4 k •• ,.~, 1irth1rl114 Omtt• J1w1I.,. Co-h1 -••• tr.k h1ll4t•111•, I ktt."° 4 41.,J, Om•t• S11H411'1tt• ttr chr•11.,r111Ji. Tli1 •"'' w•l•h w•n lly tfri1 111•11 •• tt.. iatta. Prl•• ttfL wwr.T .. w.it •MJVl!ttl I PIAlU $2.00 F~OM s4aa 11-m••• ,,_ llNM $3.00 --llAMONDI $6.00 1911.ACID, ,._ =:=,·-... IAYINe toNI -llP«• Hlllltlntton C:911ter leach Cit 1c11...- WMIU YOU WAJT HUN1JNGTON IEAC:H • 892°5501 TllMI AYAH.AIU and back Harbor S::t"' Centet' noo r llYd. COSTA MISA 545-9485 ------· --- I I • • City Yanks. Litense of • Sau:na Bath By JACK 9ROllACK ot "" DtllY ~-"9fl , The business llcenle of a· IAW)I ;aM maulige par1or w~ was the soene of lbe am.t of three m........, oo chariie• of proolltutloo lut April 'W a I _.,..,uy ·revoked MOl!day lllght by lbeHunllngtoo ~ ea,. Council. After a colorful -debate ~<> ed.~ remarks by-.IM establiabment's • attorney and c:ooncllmen; tbe license 'of 1be EXeoutlve Suite Salon, 17434 Belch Blvd., was .revoked by a 5J1lit 5 to 2 vote. Councilmen followed tbe fir!! deWlon witll another revoking tbe permita of tbe three masseuses. Attorn~y James W. Read, Jr. of Costa Mesa, representing the Ei:e('Utive Suite Salon). owner Emma M. Van Buron. 2rgued unsucces&fully that she knew nothing of the acUvitieJ of her i>mployes. He also put heavy stress on the. fact that U.. three employes pleaded guilty'to · · a-lesser charge of disturbing tbe peace which be tenned "a catch-all law like ti pilling gasoline in a service station." Read also charged "over zealous acUon by police" which he .charged was.later refuted by U.. Oran&• ~-District AttorneJ'~ o!llee wtien ·they rdlfled to prooeaile.., tbe pmtitutioo charces. .. tu~ •• , ... ) 1)'ed :~i;,..~~~; 11~ · He .added· the ., - had "to -!hat tM ............... ~~ill~ =-.. ~f<Lslilmltted M~yt:r Jack Green also ·toot w:tpUon. to attorney Read'• remark that the owner coold not cont.of the acts ol her emplOyea. Rud countued witll a comparlaoo of a liql"'r .tore clerk who ..ua •to mJnon when the owner ls absenl CooJicil Al Coen then got Into Ille act witll a IJU"'Y to City Attomey Don Bohfa. "Base1Fon the evidence, does the cjty council -have the ,right to Tevote or. ,U.. pend'the licenae?" , Bonfa replied that Ille councilmen llld the right to revoke the license il tbey determined that the city'a liceme orilinance bad been violated. ''Tile coundlmen should judge the eredlbility of the evlilence,,. the dtJ at- torney said. "It they believe the police (See SAUNA, Pa1e J) Beach to Use Present Laws ~gainst Hippies Jhmtington Beach city councilmen wrestt~. with the ~g problem of • overcrowded Dipple pads in the com- munlty Monday nliht and finally .., .. duded thet Ibey can best contivl them •ith elistlng law~ ln answer to a query four weeks ago by Councilman Ted Bartletl, City Attomey Don Donia reported that laWI speclflcally barring a 1"10 group of people fn>m liV• Int In ooe "°"'" or apartment "would be dlfllcult to write and enforce." Police Cllief Earle Robitaille, wbo had pr,.;ousiy lnld councllmen that most, of bls department'• dope P">bloms lllemmed from padJ -.. ap Ill 2$ penom, ..... gestect thal N~ B<ldl had made iin>iirw· In tbe·fleld with an!Gmment ol italbatement'lnn. ' "W•-·IFlduallY '1i!lllnl rid'of tllem lhl'OllCb . our "°"""' ta...," added lluiWhll lllr..iet Jack Cltvtland. "U xou give.Ju: a l1U1a mare time we fftB.Y IOlve the jrobtem before tt becomes worse." IL wu .~lalned that 111ato housinr codea ~ mqfe lhlJ\ five unre.Jatta per90ll1:from Uving in one dwelling. "But we would have to get a search wattant and 1ctue.Uy prove that the peo- ple 'ftrt living there permanently to en.. for::e auch Jaws," Qeve1and explained. He said the hlpplr.s tend to use old ~~re round In violaUon or building Councilman George McCracken warned the! tilt ]ll'Oblom 11 woneninf, "SOm• of these placa house 2$ or more Jl'l'IO!W and we mU81 meet 'Ille challeop bdore it becomes wcr-." Boafll ~lalned ''lhat DOllce 1n mpond· 1111 Jo '.COmPl&lnll of nolst, ''toold count the 1iedl or ma-and •nd a report to my-otfiOI and We un decide if Sea:al action will be effecdve." -f .. • . • • ' . . - ,. ' -HITS' PoWI'~ .ORAllERS Vice "Mayor ,.,...-.;. BALANl<EO-'lllVJ!LOl!MENT 1 ' ··Jlelnlac S,valtlacl " .~.1 •. ;; .• . . ~·~ . " .. 1 "'".t. !t.1 .• ,l. . T I ~-~·I ~\·~, • .. ~! t S. " .... ·;'. ' I ~ •· ' • . ' .. ' . - ~. .,. ' , , r, ,r. ,_ . , I ,, I ' ' I .~ro'esqA"I',, SEl'TEMiER l'1 lt6f. • j f '·. , '<,•• t[ k I, ij • •••! • I. ·j l < .-1, 1 ,' I 1; I I ~ ~ ... t· ·,:Jf' I ..,),,f\ .. .J.._ j : ' '. ' ' • .l I. , • \'. -..e.· urn \ . • ' ALLEGIS ~!~QNDUCT Don Fra.nk . . . . ~ AllS'tiilfF.1'1CT <KARGE · · C~hlate PMll ~lio ' l ~. ' , .• ' 'NDT DEAD , YiT• : · Councllman--Cour'rogoa ' • t . ·. .. ' • .. ' ·'' , TEN C!NTS . r-1 ''1"' • ... ;t ~ • J ! • r l . .. · . ~ . ) ' . I ft • : ome ' ' I ~ ' . Nixon Gives . ' New AppeaI To N. Viets ly MEKlllMAN '.SHl'rB WASHINGTON (UPI) -f"¥!ent Ntson anrtoW>Ced today 31,000-mon Gia will be withdrawn lrOm Vln\iuim bY. ~ ·15.L"'naetime bu·emne tO end U..wlr,'" he llld ·In· a -appeal 1" Hanoi !?' melnlngful peace talb. CR<Wed' - P.llOI H). . ' ~ ~. ,oe I"!> I~ ,J:l,111111 .,_ ,.. lhriO moollil·qo and compJetol! ln • .ADpat, . will ...... the 1 o,1.~I wlth,ll'iwAl.s.ol Anilt~troopo·lo"•.ooo by~l5. .• • NW>n, ln a wnt!<n rtaia-1 ni.- by the Wbite 11ou&e: &aid tbeTeducUoo ol u.S. troop llrength to •·..,. celllnl d. Jess tllan l>alf a mllllon· (tbe l·o r a I number npw there wu D,000 as of 1ut week) "is 1 significant step!' · ''The Ume for meaningful negotlallona baa arrived," he said referring to thl l"lg·rtalled Parll tel~. "I realiu Iha\ it ta iilmcull to communtcifi aaila 1\11 gulf of five yetn ol war. But the time bu topu! to eod thia war:" Nixon rtcoUnted varloua moves be said h!J•admitllstratlon had tenn lo' end tho '1!11 ~ aid 'lhe Ulilted...=r was ~ to dilculo and -the.ColnnlimJm ..-tlieir demand> u well u \)illo d.. the a!llai -. . .. . . ".'IM;°'11Y .. W!l •~~lo • 'h"'-'rlglil fl• ... JieoPlo ii ioUllt· VI&-=-----··free ......... u, "~·· :~ :m. . • . ·-. fey..dQI lhll · · ~ no1 ab:1ildoMll 'it ·~ ~-o1 wil!idfawillS J.Oe,oao.,. .lllll":!ileo bftbe end-Of thlJ yw. · ur,r:· "'1!I the -wtll!Clrawal nol to · eom\>1:..U "-"! 10, ~YI before r..;;;;;..;u: tt"',.-~ · bllihi1 anllkely ~l'~;o'~ wOOld be reiche! ln tbe firill ,hfo -of tho year. '"*~ Vietnam triiop celllng at th> Nil ol lhiJ admilllstraUon WaJ 549~/' · "! baVe d"'1ded to reduce .the aulharJs. ed 1rooP cellllJ& In Vl<tpam to lU,000 bf Dec. 15," the ~dent·ulfl In a ·rta~ mc11t: He aplalned ~t !""ier lbla' - ceutng. ~. mtntmam of I0,000 troepl will !\&.•.• ~ withdrawn from Vl_etnam try Dec. 15.!' Tbe newillure of J.1,Gol men to be pWJ. ed oot -11 well as the. date fbr CCRll" pleUon ·of the wl.UJdrawaL-_; wqe dlf .. ferent from the 'number and date. meft. tioned Mon<lay In Sallon by Sooth Vlel-nam's·vlCO'Jftaldell~ Nguyen Cao llY· Ky .uid -~ MOI" AJ1!~C4111! woald (See ~. Pap J) : • . . . .. GET FASCINATIN(;., LOOK ·AT REe:.4LL. ~ ..... • • M T 21,1M Mrs. Graham Says MRrti"ge G.featest Crusad . ~ I T I j ••"*"" ............ A ....... who dhalas lier lift 16 ID- turtn& the _. of her maniaat and Ibo pilll .. Into aocitty ol • God·ftarlng and Mm !amiJY II playlJI& hlr part In Ibo -'"" ""'5lde ~ au. Mrs. Billy GrabJm told a '"11-out aowd Mooday at Ille Anahebn Coovt0Uon Center. "B>• llM> to your t""agm and JOU will 1*lm a Jot, 0 the aUraetlve cr•Ylna wit• of Ibo flmfd nmatlllt toMI u ;?I 111' ... ..... M 1"' / -.,i, • .... """1•• tlMC Dr. Q ! Ill ...... ~ pli'tlclllllJ .... It _.t IO ""'-·-:.;::........ -11-=1· ·--n..111 ,.., .. _ ...... _ ·-: . . ,.,... ·- . tJJdr:f"'mo ... -All 'Im, 1114 ••••ollbo -. ltarned tbn IDY 1.....Uonliefon llOCluded family tilt allt malnlatn. In tbom." ·llJdr North Carolina home. Mra. Graham'• rm pubUc. addrtU w11 "Th!J: wu my own klia1" she uld. "I byrd 1o 111' launcbln1 Se9l II of Dr. leH that tt wu l!me I tailed to 111)' fellow Graham's two-wetk SOuthland en.side. women on a theme that la very dear to Sbe c:oallnned Momlay that tM rally at my bear! -Ibo adltev"""'* al a happy ~ Stadium carries s p e c I a I ltWT!q• and the -and maln- s!inl!lcance Irr lier h111band and hll """"'° of family hlrlnaoi'·" ~ team. '!bat bannOQ1 ll'fatl1 dtpaoilf, Mr~ N. Viets Storm · Village Second Major Attack in Regi.on Near Da NaJJ.g SAIGON (AP) -Two bundrtd North YIHo•INM ln>Ops ral~ a yj1laa Ill the -coutal towlallda IOlltJi ol Ila N&ng, killed H persons, wounded 6lx athen and dcslnlY<d 170 boulet, South Vlelllame~ilesmen repcljl6d toc117. Sharp fish I wu reported In various parts d Vietnam 11 Gii and of· ficera spetUlate~fWhlch unit.I would be in· eluded in new U.S. ttf)()p wllhdraw1b:. Allied farces tilled 2U Viet COn.c and North Vletnameee tn a dor.en cluhes from the Mek"'I Dolio to t b e demWWlled zone, mllltaey spokumen Aki. Allied cunaltier we:re five. Americans and three South Vlelllamele kllled, and 49 Amalcalls and two SOutb Vletnuneae wounded. U.S. Headquarter• said a n o t b e r American wu tUltd and 51 others wound"' 1n 11 rocU! and mortar attacks between I a.m. Mood11and1 e.m. today. '!be North Vletnlmese attacked the vtllaJe ol !Cal !Jnh, in the northorn part ol the .,,..1ry U miles ooutbwOlf of N1al, obartly belcra mldnllht with roc1<e1o, -~ _a .. lire. Tbe village Of 2118 persona wu dtlended by mlllllamtll, and three of them wore klUed. AU of the other Vtctlms were cMlianl. Enemy 1 ..... w.re 110Hnown. It WU Ibo '""'1d major North Viel· narnese attack in the regjca in the past three dl)'I. Lisi Sa~ay about 200 North vi.tnamae troops attacked a pla· 100n ol U.S. Marina and SOulh Vlet- namcae mWUam~ 1n a villaa:e 13 miles nortbwut ol Quan1 Ngal. Tbls tr1uer•d an eight-hour lli)lt Ill wblcb two Ameri<ar. Marines and eight Vietnamese civillans Wert kUled, three Marines were wounded and 28G houael deatroyed. Vice Pruidenl NIU)'en Cao Ky told newsmen Mooct.;J that 40,SOO more Amerlcw would be pulled out ol V~t­ namby the end of Navember. l'bat would rtduce U.S. troop iti'ehltb to 4"1;SOG. A few houn Jatar the Wl\lte Hou,,e co"· finned tblt a Wlthdrawal~·aanouncement would be made today by Praaldent Nixon but withheld the oumbtr. And the U.S. Armed Forces Network .._..r all ...rerencoa to Ky'• rematks from llo newa b'1l0d<lsta. A opobman !or the U.S. Command aald Kt• statement wu con- sidered 0 speculaUve" and the military radle>-televia:ion netwO'l'lc "onlY iaea: con· firmed stbriea." Another American official &ald Ky's remarks were blacked out "be<:aure we Smpect in Candlelight Killing Gains Freedom ) The man ence char&ed u "The Clndlellgbt Killer," Robert W. Libert,., toda.y ls u free u his name bnpllea:. Judie Robert Gardn~of· !ffl'l'Pln lleacb Monday declared u aane the man wbo police bad claimed d!Jpo!ed' ol hiJ! paramour 'three yean qo in a we.ltd, rih•allatlc slaying In Weatmlnster. Judie Gardner'• rullna: mr.ans that Ubcriy, 11. can never be tried for the murder ol Mrs. Marcella Landis, the •~ tractive bnmeUe with wbom-uoUI June 4, 116& -be lhared an apartment at l3S2 We.!lmlllller Ave., Weatmhuter. Liberty 1ot tile label ''C<l!dlelljhi 1'.lller ... rrom off1cus who wen Cllled to the aportment that nllbl· to lnvtollg•t• the reported olll'lnl Of Mn. Laodla. They -they found Liberty 1flummlnJ hll guitar and softly singing while the body ol Mrs. Landll lay draped From Page l SAUNA ... report iJ! credll>le Ibey can accept It u a ltgal doarment. '' Coen then moved that the bullness license of tbe sauna eotablllbm<nt be IUlp<nded !or :io daya. Conncllman Georae MCICracken quickly moved to amend the motion to revoke the llceme pennanenUy. It pas..ed 5-2 with Coen aod Councilman Dr. Henry Kaul· man dlualtlng. Tbe sublequent moUon to deny the mauewsea Ucemes wn approved by a i to I vote, with Coen 91-nt1ng. ' DAILY PllOT ltoi•rf N. YI••' "~ Miii ,YblllMr J1ck It. CYrl:r YIU ,tt$letn1 llld GtN!' !MN"' Tho111•• i:., .. a Edltw llio1111t A. M11111Ml'l1 M6N11"' Elliklr ... , .... , w .•• ,,, Au.otleM f.lllW H11tr.,t.I .._, Office Jot Ith StrHI M1ffi"t .A44r1tn P.O. 111 1tO, f2'41 ..... °""" *""""' "'""' 1111 Wt\1 a.Mo .... 111\tttf Col&o #lne: "'Wcil ..,. '''"' .....,.. a..c.ai m ,..,... •- acrou a llviqg room sofa. Adding to the Hltcbeock·llU atmogphere. ln the apart.. ment, they 11ald, wa1 the fact that Liberty bad.pta,,,.r bumlng candlea all arouod tho. ......... "1./1 , ,· .... .........,,. . . ' Both Liberty and l\lra. Laodla bad 1001 reconlJ ol mental llln"' and both had been cliqnosed and treated In the mental w.erd of Oran1e County Medical Ct!lter. Hooplta! reccrda Indicate that both mad• several UlllUCcessful 1ulclde iltempt& Superior Court <udge Byron K. McMiilan lmmedlalely sent Liberty to Ataacaclero State Hospital alter ruling that the Wutminster man was l(!Wle and unable to auillt in hill own delenH. It was Utldmtood at that Ume lhat Ubtrty would eventually be n:turntd to Superrot Court for the revival of chari:es suspended be<:ause of his mental con· dition. Liberty I a t e r was tro_{lsferred to Metropolitan State Ho1pltal at Norwalk and the cin:umstancta of hla leaving that facility three months ago sparked a furor in Superior Cou.rt. Deputy Oiatrlct Attorney Al Wells ac· cused the holpltal of taking "astonishing risks" and pointed to the circwnlltances under which Uberty had been com· milted. H06pltal o!llclall replied that J.iberty had already been ruled to be ,... and that he had, In !act. been confined to an open ward at the faclllty. Wells lnsi!tll today that Uberty escaped from the laclllty and that hospital omclala stamped "dllicllaraad" on bis paper! to cover their error. In any event, Liberty cannot now be. returned to Superior Court to face murder c:har1u Issued In connect.ion with the klllln& of Mrs. Landis. UPITt....- fto9kfe Recr1dter U.S. Alr P'orce-SlaU Sgt. Tom Bowman ol HunUnflon Beach has Just been selected the USAF"s "Rookie Recruiter ol the Year." Competition was for recruiters in Southern Cali· fornia and Arizona. ' were espectht1 an ~nt from PreoMeol NIJOn." Among the troops ~ to go are Ibo Jn! Marine DivillOll, now alatloned along the demilllarl.i ..,,., •lid unlta of tbe 1.t !nletry Divlllon, tile llr'I Anny dlvl1ion to arrive In Vle!oaib. Tbe 3rd Marine Di..i.lon ,now 11"':'1• the western twi>-lhfrdl .of the fronUer below the demllltarlzed -· with the Soulb Vietnamese Jal lolao"7 Division cove:tna tbe ~ no .,.... has been relaUvely qui<! !or Ibo pUI year, but U.S. ICariM& !rem Ibo lrd Dlvllloo'1 3ro Re&lment cl.uhod OD M-1 with Nortb Vietnamese troops two mUea bekiw the. DMZ. Four Marlnea wete killed, X woun• ded and there WU DO estimate tJf entmy losses. The U.S. lot IQfantrY l>!vlllon Is sla· Uooed north of S.ilgon. Ill Ibo past year It b,,. -lilUe mojor 1\attla!leld action and bu been .,.....trallqr on pai;lflca- Uo", whUe the U.S. 25th 11\fantry Dlmlon and the lot Air C.valrJ· t>!vtshm have borne the brunt o1 tbe bef"l' Plh":t In the provlncea alorig the Cam an border north of sai,on. Tbe lot Dlv11lon already haa turned over part of It.a area of operatlon11 to the South Vietnamese. Stb Infantry Division. From Page l TROOPS ... be pulled out by the end of NO't'ember. The White House said the toW reduc. Uon ln authoriud troop strength by Dec. 15 would 'really amount to 66,IOO, but within the authorized ceillna all units are shown at 100 percent strenlth. Jn actuality, most unita are slightly b"9w full strength so tbat actual l!riilltli •ormally I! 1.., than the · autbOiiied Celllnl by ~ or two percent. Tbla meant that whlle the figure was dlfftrent, the new reduction. of 31,000 as announced by the Preaidenl·repr ... nted little or no .conlllcl with the 4'1,IOO lflur• meatlontd by Ky. Ky apparen!IJ was talk!i\I In tuma ol uolta al 100 PolW't atreogtb. Nixon took tbe occulon to urp Hanoi again to undertake nqotlatltol tnliy lead.in& to ctllltk>n or boltWUt1. Relarrlns-to the overill cutback ol 60 01X1 U.S. lro<lpe by~Dec. IS the Pres\. de~t aaid Jl'I a written ~~t.. "the time for meaningful negotlations has therefore arrived." ''Let hlstory record that at this critical moment.. both sides turned their faces toward peace rather than toward conflict and war." Fro"' Pqe 1 FORUM ... power grab by a lf'OUP of rldkll dlasl· denta who want to coritrol UJe. city." Dr. Roy Richards, an opponent or Counclbnan Joe Courrq111 as t e d re11ldenta: to choose a new council on the billis of what can be "accompliahed in the future." Gullo, opposin& Fregtau. claimed the tncwnbenll were tryln& to "cover the Issues with a charae of peraonaUUes," then made his dbclosure on the conflict of interest opinion. Paul Savarino, also opposed t o Fre1eau. rtaffinned his support of "the single family home owner and hls needs." Councilman Joe Coumaes, warned the audience that "Old Joe. Lsn't dead yet. and I'm golng to fljht lh0te who set themselves up u judj:e, Jury and exe- cutioner." Robert SaSIOne. runnln& for the mayor's te»t. again attacked his op- ponenl's alleged confUd of intere&t and called "for legislation to setUe the pro- blem." Frank. gpeaJdna: last, simply labeled nearly ah points made by the incumbent& as .. ,alst." The evllllDC ended, after a question and anawer pertod, with James Dlck, chalnnlll ql'~!.J>lannin&' commisslon and a supporter -or tht incumbents, at- tempting to opeak to the audlenc .. Ho n1 shouted down by the candldai.. who claimed ha bad no rflht to opuk. Then the au-filtered out, nearly ali dilculslns ibt •venlni'• evtato. County Rock Band• Audition at Valley Some of Or1n1e County's top )'OUl\I rock banda are audlUGnlnc today. Wednuday and 1'tMlnda.J at P'ount.lo Volley lll&b Scbool !or a chance to play al various ocbool aoct hops tbla ytar. All audltlona start at l :l~ p.m. And rock lfOUPo that would Ilk• • chance to 'play muat call Miia Cbrll Weodell, Depu- ty or Band1, at ~ or 982~1, &ta· tlon 112, Immediately. ' Gflllaa • 111 t111oii1 11111 a ......,... =:...,. ~-.~ atqlo _.. !'t'•P the old ad"'6 , that matrl1p W&I I 1150-&0 proposition. II • ~""9bln y'ol.lmiiry~ff abeMtcl.,•.'.iurry a ~to wham ,.u !"'"' Jiii~ .~Ulting. Your bUslnelS la lo m•ie your h4l•band happy arid leave the rest lo God - remtmber, only God can make him good." A happy union obould be used u 111 U· ampli to Iii children, M~ Grahal!l ur&• ' ... ~ lllati .. ,.._ ... llltlUplo llt ~ .. ~ ··~ • ,the di~ and ll'eq--· .. d~.alendtt. epa 11))nlster'a; wife Keep your ~ons simple, lbe p wore a yellow il t ~it and an lnf{J'mal said. 1'Encour111 1our children whfn , swept·back haJr· l\Jlt. H•r soft clear their acts ore pra.lse worthy, don't expect voice which carried ~r,e ~n ·~»it ot loo much loo .,.. and turn them loose her North Carolina backpound waW car . when they have -aotlen tbemselvu in ried vlll k>udapeakrs .to •. ~ a<JDe ~.~ balance," sbe said., luncllless listeners outside the dining ~rl. Graham admitted that she was room. , "grtaUy worried" by tbe preponderance Mr.f. Grahara ••·:= t.o Qrlllge , of ldelf!lts In tod•l"• younger ,...,.1100. Coonl7 by Mrs.1 ~al~-~ lloi>oi-Ce "Y "Many are being a:Wled." 'lbe aaJd. cba.itmao o un; ...uuvtnw:oa nter "and ~minds If' going to be allecl<d luncheoo. !MILY Pl~Cll SllM PllOl9 • Allen Recall Draws Censilre ' . Of County GOP • The 0r'ange County Republican Central Committee today bitterly condemned a recall movement ga.inst Supervisor Allon E. Allen, hinting it may be a Democratic plot. A resolution st.aUog the GOP organiza- tion's ' position on the undercover move. ment again.st the Filt.h 0 i s tr i c t supervisor was passed unanimously Mon· day night. "It is hard enough to attract honorable men to seek public office without adding to the probleffit by subjecting Lhem to 5currilout aU.aci: based on half-truths and innuendoes," the paper says. "The Republican Party in Orange Couty has steadfastly stood for clean poliUcal campaigns .•• We deplore the emer3ence o-f these tactics in Orange County," the document concludes. David James, chairman of the county GOP group, appointed a 11pecial com- mittee to probe whether the Allen recall movement may be the fin:t 11tep by Democrats to Inject partisan11hip in the supe"'lsorial races. _The resolution passed by the Central Committee was introduced by Mrs. William Benl! and seconded by Alex Bowie. 'Jbe document says the group notes with in~t -and disgust -the cam- paign marshalled agah~t Allen by persons who are unwilling to be publicly id en Wied. Cou11cil Adopts Plan to Boost ...., .{ . FllOM FLYING JETS TO FLYING SURFBOAROS Linda Bonaon Will lie Ouetn of U.S. Surfboard Champlonohlp1 Emplriyes~ay Fatter paychecks will be delivered this month to 'city employea ol Huntfniton Beach, thank• to a new ulalj achedul• adopted Monday ntlbt by the city council Surf Meet Ready A comprehenatve pay boost of about five to seven percent at all level$ wu ac· cepted, retroactive to Sepl I. ' Steivardess Chosen Queen of Event Cily Admlniatrator Doyle l\1111 er reported the new pay rates wera Worked out from evaluaUoM of 12 cfties in Southern C&llfomia nearest in siz.e to Huntington Beach. · Linda Benson. "· an airline 1t.ewardess from Hennosa Beach, will relcn as queen over 270 et1ntesiant.5 participating in the 11th Annual United States Surfboard Championahlp11 In Huntington Beach this weekend. The blonde will not only act In official capacity but arrived in Huntington Beach today to have a look at the eight-loot waves. whlch she hope11 will push her to a repeat victory in the women's diVision. Vince Moorhouse, director of the Dept. of Harbor11 and Beaches, predjcted today that if current surf conditions prevail through the weekend , "we will have the contest to end all contests." Competing with MISll Benson for trophies In eight dlvlalon1 are aurfen of championship caliber from Australia, Hawail, Florida. Virginia, Te.r:u, North YOUR WATCH~ • " ..... • OIW •MjllltM Carolina aa well as Ca1lfornia. An estimated 100,000 Uf150,000 fans are expected for the event which will begin at 6:31) a.m. Saturday with elimination heats on both sides of the municipal pier. On Sunday seml-finah and final eliminations will culminate about 3 p.111. wllh awarda ceremonies on the beach eost of the pier. Festlvltle.ii begln Friday night v.·ith the traditional luau, enhanced thl11 year by the unveiling of a bronie bust of the late Duke Kahanamoku, generally acknowledj:ed u the father of modem aurftna. The bust of the man who pre.sided ov~r five runnings af the championships in HunUngt.on B~ach befofe his death at 77 in January 1968, wW be mounted at the head of the pier, overlooking future con- te.st11 It the beach city. Your OmeQtJ Sole.1 &: Serv1c1 Agenc~ Highest salary on the schedule is ~filler's, at $2,142-$2,662 per month. Lowest salary is about $4oo.$500 · per month for fullUme personnel. f\.11ller s11id lhe new pay rates were viewed by the city employes' usocia· Hons before taken before the council, a.s required now by state law. "We've always worked with the employes on salary rates in the past." explained the city administrator, ';but now state law requires a formal review of the schedule." Representatives of the City Employees' AsS'OCiaUon, ~ Police Officers' Associa· tion, the Firemen's Benevolent Aasocia· tion and the City Yard Association signed documents supporting the new salary' structure. 0 OMEGA FREE $2.00 $3.00 Tllo ••r>t ,,..,. 0,..190 Spn411111!1r •1!,h wo c•rry •11 11lect14 wi~ out t "Y 111odif'icotion ~f NASA lo .._ •t>tn by our PROM s4aa ........ $6 00 llPU.CrD,.... • "'011 •11 tho "'""· Tlii1 ro1ee11ltit'lo truly o ,.. w 1 , II fo r 011coll11110, 1111lro1 111 ll"Ovd ft ~o .,.~, t1!hori11d Orrioto l••olor. co ... o i11 -••o ft.!1 ~1 nch-1, 2 lo~tton, 4 '1ol, 0111oto S1110'"'••· to• chr1,...ttpll. T't!o o~I., ••fd -111 ~., fflt 1111~ .. P.1 •oo-. Prlt• SlfL iN1J:vu•• DONt Huntlnttan Ce!lfw leach llt Eclln9er HUNTINGTON IEACH • 892°5501 l ' TllMI AlAILAIU and bade Harbor Shapplftt Cett"'- 2300 Harbor llvd. ; .... COSTA MESA 545°9485 ' ' Ir .. w bi •• ~ A gi b tc ,, "' rl p: 41 Ill n 0 n t u o' a L ~ " cl •I c tr n v j1 " u N u .. ~ " p V• n " ti a h p 11 ,, I< • ~ w tr n Sj ., s s • H p c N H D ' n u ' eca ' r I ' " .eca '' . • - Orange County Political. Drama Has Cast But Wlw Wrote the Anti-Allen Script? ' . ' ' A!~E. Allen"• shirts are lllrched and frepcl>Culfed. His u, is carefully fa.lhio .. ed. 1n a triangular Windsor knot. Hi! whole appearance behind the heavy blick, born-rimmed glasses ls as tidy and neat -and COMen"ative -u hi! totally ba1d bead and bis trim gray mustache. the appearance sums .up Alton E. AHen: tidy. conservative and a bit on the gr'ay side. At 72,. Allen ls no twilight ngure: true, he leans to hear when the conversation is t~ soft and aometimes his speech and &)Ill.tu are less than precise. But In his pos!Uon of representing Orange County's rich Filth SupervlsoriaJ Di!trlct he ap- pQea the pOise that comes to a man with 40 years of banking in his b>ckground. MURKY RECALL "Someone -or some group -with niooey lo spend wants Alton E. Allen Ollt of office. Someone who won't put a nlme to a press release. an identity on a petition or a face belore a camera ill lq\ee-deep to a recall movement against the Laguna Beach supervisor. He (or they) Is now in the second week ()[ a campaign that would do credit to the a1moll forgotten "New Wave" author Luigi P'mendoli -the llallan J'IO\'elist woo decided that "whodunits" would be enbancelll if he only identified one character apd Jet the bewiJdered reader aket'Cb in 1he resl An~y Daniel Taran.Uno of San Clemellto, a ..U~tyled sculptOl'<leslgner, tocjk OQ, that role in thi.s particular ~st.,-when he gave his name to a vague· lilt of charges ~gainst Allen that just u mysteriously appeared in press roOms and newspaper offices throu&hout the CIOWlty. ' ' NC)l'!ll SURPRISE TeranUno aald less than Ill-hour law thJt be was .as surprised as anyone else at. the Urning and nature of the an- nouncement. But he recovered his comPoStire long enough to tell a DAILY Pn.or N!porter that he was certainly ln- vol'(ecl in the rqovement, endorsed the maw clµu"ge, •Dd was a member of "the conimltlee .. " It Wasn't a committee of one, Taran- tino messed. But he refused to ideriUfy other members of !be fledgling group and hi shnllarly declined to at.ate who was providin1 the know.how and the capital for ~.campaign that could easily cosL sameont '50,<Kll. :tBrantino felt then as be apparently feels · today that the "tremendous eO:lnomlc pressures that could be applied bt the Irvine C-ompany among others, wDuld be detrimental to our candidate." 'lbat cau:Udate, if and when be~ tO: stlte his candidacy and, of course, bis nm1e, will bid to represent the rich. s""8-•lini Fiflh District of Orange Coun· t~ ~ the cotmty board of supervisors. SPRAWIJNG DISTRICT Allfin·a Fifth District stretches from Sin Clemente to Highway 39 in Hunting· too Beach along the Orange coastline. Hts jurlsdictlon, dipping inland at many pOlntl, takes in the cities of San ctemente, Laguua Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach,. part of fast growing HttntiDgton Beacb and much o f nmohn>omlng f,llssion Viejo. ·Alltn has 5et"fed this h e 1 v 11 y Republican Wri'°O' for seven years. His record In the. first (our yean of oUI~ nilgbt be m'"'1fed by the Filth District wten.' assessment of him In the 1966 election when AUen drew 32,666 votes or &f ~.of the total votes cast - 4f.l wu, Jn. fact, the biggest numerical ' tr In Flflh Distrid history. It i! on nciirdboots. ~ haS not been wit.bout Its con· y8f&ltl aod two headline basslea in the s of 1uob furores have betn Sall Creek and wbat county !Uperviaors' cs claim Ji the illegal abandonment the thjxwghfare and ;1rport noloc whkh welded some Harbor Area rs into a vociferous organiza· FOE OUT were bitter. arguing factions that weU have provided -and stlll o{ coune -opponents for Allen In contest. Tbty mtni have aeemed 1 ....U lor tl><>o<\ mulling nclll. ~mo!)' of Newport Beacb dl .. p. thtril when he turned down an of· to oppoee ADen in nut year's' elec· , And Ile -1JY ll1llde publk 8' offer fnulnled Democrat Paul carpenter er tbl antf.noile spotmnan'1 name dropped by a. rec:all worker. ·• The "Save Salt Cree.t Road" campalin )11 Ila chain~ in Laguna Beach 1t- hney WUUem Wilcoxen. But WUcoxen ;1so decried. !be ncall movem<nL He •qu.kltty denJed Tar1nUno'1 claim )bat Ill might 'be looklni for Allen'• opot ' en tbe tmrd, while making lt clear that t.ft!tii'>! be a dlllerent story in 1 regular •lecUon. iirr BIG COMPANIES · < ~U orJlllllUI do not Umlt tlldr ilNrau ogainll Allen to thole two ......,, tbey 1C011t him of favorin, ouch Jnlensll u tbe !nine Ccimpall)' and the Lquna Nlllld Corporation "aboft tile lhlelSI ol tbe lupoyen" ud ol actln& iltalnlt -...,,. lntmlb In tbe .... -\ Upptt Ba!' land mop. ToraoUno put ht• ...,. to a Iona lilt ol charcu when lht rccal1 movemt11t flnt WHO'S AFTER HIM? Supervisor Alton E; Allen put IL! head above water. But he adamantly refused lo idenUfy the aulbors of the Indictment, an apparent admission lllat he was their agenL Mrs. TaranUno was more helpful. She took Ume out from her apparently prosperous and certainly popular ladies' materials business in Hlllgre.n Square, Costa Mesa, to identify at least two of the powers behind the Tarantino throne. She scotched repoJU circulating at that time that her hu.sband was having second thoughts about his oudden place in tile spotlight on the county p>llilcal gtage as "jull rumors." NAMES NAMES And the Cost.a Mesa businesswoman went on to reveal that "~aul'' and "Dick" were vecy pleased with the pro- gress of lhe recall movement to which her husband bad given his name. "Paul'' she identified as Pa u. I Carpenter, the man who tried lo fiush Dan Emory into the recall fold . Carpenter b: a man who fol.Uld Uttle public favor in bids for Congress and state Assembly. "Dick," she said, was Richard J. O'Neill, one of two owners of Rancho Mission Viejo and the owner of extensive acreage in the San Juan Capistrano area. It didn't take O'Neill long to read Teena Taranlino's statement and he proropOy l!sued one of his own: that he was not partlcipatlag tn the recall move· ment, physically or financially. "The m1111agement of Rancho Mission Viejo and lbe Mission Viejo Co. maintain continuous contact with the county board (of supervisors) and the various county departments," he said, "and I fttl the board is comprlsed of a group of since.re and' dedicated public servants.'' STRONG DENIAL O'Neill's statement Is typical of many who have been Involved In Tarantino·s early name dropping ; vigorous denials and angry denunciations of what have been condemned as doubtful tacUcs by a group not prepared to reveal the source ol its impetus. No such denial, of course. has come from Carpenter. His only adverse reac- tion bas been to suggesUons that he is foo~ the bill for the costly recall cam- paign; an upect of the movement that is not, he says, part of his role and which is under the direction of a person who can not be identified "at this time.'' Carpenter's Involvement as a long-time Democrat in a staunchly GOP district baffles many area voters. He is not a resident of the district, never has been and hu singularly failed lo draw support 1n any election in which Fifth Disbict voten have participated. His caUing card would be hard to fiod in the de!k drawers of pollllcal powers in the area and his ln·and-out fonn in previous Democratic campaigns has not e7'actly made hlm big in his party's Inner councils. MUM'S THE WORD He repealed this week Tarantino 's original contention that identification of the candidate behind the campaign "would immediately make him the Vic· Um of tremtndous economic pressures.'' That candidate, Cerpenw said, will make his name known to Fifth Dillrict voter1 when "Che Ume ls rf&ht." U that candidate Is waiting for favorable p.ibllc re.ction lo the recall drive that tlmt would appear to be now -on the strength or Carpenter's ar&aly1is of early reactk>ft lo the campaign. He claims that 1,000 signatures ire in !he bag. And Ill ls conllctent that his null worker will bring In l ,7U more names to force the recall election for which someone b prepared to p~y ll0.000. Carpenter made that claim shortly after one of h!A conferences with Taran- tino In the lllW"'• San Clfmenle home. Such d)nf1bs would tpPYr to be tre- quent stnce the voluble carpenter wu a guest tn the home oa two occutons·wMn DAILY PIWI' ,_.... "°""1t to lotor- >lew the vacdlaUng Tarantino. Torantloo declln<d to 'blve his photo. arOllb !lMn. ANOTllER Dl!NL\L Dtmocral Carpentor baa PfOlllpled rl l9!rld voten to look at other Democrats "'ho might be templed to get the board spot via a ..wi . .--amoog them management contpol Oecutlve Joseph Rosener of Newport Beach. Look aomewhere else, says Rosener. He readlly admJlted his lnt.erest In the Allen job oot denied any connection with the rtcaU movemenl Ute many others subsequently contacted, be 11ys he hu never beard of Tarantino. They were all told that Tarantino was S9, gray-haired, former operator or a II· quor store in Hillgren Square in Costa Mesa and ... well, interested In pollUcs -as ol two wee.ks ago. "Never heard o( him," Is the reaction. Not a very good campaign slogan. But launch your boat in the GOP pool and eome very loud spalshes can be ob- tained -none louder than the one g...,.ated by Ron C..pen. PftS)dent of Ktystooe Savings and L o a n Aslocla- Uon. MONEY CLAllllS _ Cupen Is a Lido Isle rericleol,llnarrled with fJve children, a plush Via Florence home and 1 bumJng deslre to re~aent !be Filth Dtstrld on the county board. The same Dan Emory wbo rebu.fted Carpenter claims that Caspers' money Is behind the movement Cupera clstm1 tt isn't and that he doesn't know who is signing the checks. C.spen flnt told the DAILY PILOT he would not be a candidate in a recall election -only in . a regular election. Later, be said ttiat 0 come an election I am a candidate." But Mr. Caspers, a RepubUcan who hu leaned toward the Democratic aide on varied 1)0).iUcal occ:asions, becomea very much t6e wallflower when hla pouible m.. volvemenl in the RCall movement i.s discussed. "I can't tell you anything about that," he says. "I'm certainly not inYolved a.nd t don't krJOW anyone who is. It's costing someone a lot of money and, frankly, I don't have that kind of money." EXPENSIVE EFFORT Someone bas. And he (or they) Is dip. pine deep into the purse or pocket in the apparent conviction lhat a recall move- ment without a ~ ii going to pull an eager public into bis (or their) corner. A n.ajor portion of thooe lundl b being expended on Opinion Research, the Long Beach-based o r g a n i i a t J o n which specialir.es in advbing its c 11 e n t s - many of them school districts worried about bonds and cJl.ies worried about elecUons -just what John Q. Public ll thlnkine. The finn earlier this year did an opinion survey for "Newport Tomor· row." 'lbe poaiblllty of cmoecUon wUh the recaJI · movement brought exprea.- 5.ions of concern in Newport Beach. Opinion Research denied stnxigly It has used any data from the Newport survey in the recall and insisted Its only role wa!l that ol collectlng the 9, 748 1lg- naturcs needed to force a recall election. REPEATED DENIAL Those denials were repeated 1s recently as ThursdDy night by Opinion Research board cbainnan D o n a I d Muchmore and Donald McGrew, vice presidonl or lhe research grwp. Both repeated 1t a League ol Cities meeting what McGrew told a DAIL V PILOT ttporter when the recall move- ment first gal under way -that the recall planners contacted Joanne Case, "one of our ezecuttve stall'' Uld thst l\1rs. Case was working alone on the r sampling project. Alooe and aloof. For Mr1. Cast refUJU to dJJcuss her apparent involvement wttb the movement despite frequent atlemptJ to C01Jtact ber. Sbe Ls very much an esecu.Uvt. She Ls, in fact , the president o( Opinion Research and 1 seruor researcher and no stranger to political campaigns in Ora111e County. WORKED WTI1I HUSBAND She has worktd shoulder to shoulder with her h111band, Stewart Case, an ~nsucce.ssful campajaner for poUUcaJ of. Jice In Orange County. Cate, currently ""''" .... , ---....~ '>;.~ --~ ... ,., .. , ·~,-' ... -:'1"'1.: '• .• ·· .•. <•· . . FIRST ATTACK-RtcaJI atart- ed with clrcul1tion ol. proles-1lonally produced "newcpa;per•• being mailed from Coll8 Mesa Post Offke at,poctq:o COii of 3.8 cenis each. Dtstrfct baa 113,000 registered voters. communlcatlool dlroctor .. Santa Ana Collqe, ll proaldeot <I M. R. Auoclates of G~ Gl"Of<, a publtc rdaUON firm. An elected member of the Orange Col/Jlty Repoblicsn Central Ccimmlttee, Case ls a Iona-time poliUcal worker who once served aa deputy Jo fonner Ora.age County Slit. Seo. ~ A. Murdy CR· Newport Beach). c... ha! inahted r<peatedly that Ile ls not connected >l'ith the drive to unseat Alton Allen. Statementa by others to the contrary have-led reporters to contact him more than once. The ~ghHlpped Mf!. Case b very high on the list of Mrs. Joan Lancaster of San- ta Ana Helghb, a fonner writer who claims that Mn. Case is, in fact, chalrmao of the r<eall commJU... SHE WAS INVITED Mn. Laocaster told !be DAILY PILOT that she had accepted au invilltioo to sen'e on the recall committee with Mn. Case, Dr. James L. McGaugh ot the University of California at lrvine: and Anthony TaranUno. More committee members would be named. said Mrs. Lancaster, "very, very soon now." U &he knew who they might bt she wasn't prepered to aay nor would !he identify the forces behind tbe move-- ment. Like Tarantino and Carpenter, she In- sisted that such ldenUficaUon would l.urt the recall effort at a crlUcal stage « the a:ame. - The reporter who talked to Dr. McGaugh Thursday thought he was listening to a well-worn recording. "No, I have absolutely no coonect.lon with thl! recsll campaign," the UC! pro- fessor said. "'lbat isn't to 11y tb1t t have no Int.rest in it but to merely confirm that I am not 1ervtng on such a cmn- mlttee. AGREES WTI1I ATrACK "I !ind plenty to ·criUciu Allen about and I agree with much of what is con- tained in the flyer," McGa111h said. "But I'm pretty busy as finance chairman of li't Upper Bay couerv1tlon movement and I haven't been approached by anyone about Allen's pouibkl recall." Th.al "flyer" ls the South Coast Horneowner's Beacon, a tabloid publlca· lion that bas betn widely di!trtbuted throoghout the Filth Distrld. It blames Allen for the county's "live away" of Salt Creek Road to the Lapna Niguel CorporaUon, the poalblllty that "airport noise" could be "Alton Allen's nen mammoth &lveawt)' ," o th e r oupervlsorial "ourrenden of public road> to private lntettlb" under the headJna of "Alle!!:'I Alleys" and the approval of "sloppy nibbilh colleclors" by the Fifth District supervisor. Allen is alao accused ol cuWng the county sherllrs budget in an lndlctment that contains thb char8f: "Alton Allen's vote ... pieces him 011 the side of gitU: and giveaways -not on the side of Orange County's youth." AJDlo: ATrACKED Many readers of the professionally pro- duced pampblet -both pro-and anti· Allen -consider it remarkable in that mtdl oC its content attack& John KWefer, Allen's chief aide, u much as his boss. It includes plctwu: of Killefe:r'1 plush Corona del Mar home with the Inference u.at the aupervl.sor's as&lstanl fares much better on his f13,IOO county ulary than would ...., to be posolble. KWeftr's laconic answer ii that the oceanfmJI home WU paid lor In Aprl~ 1968, two years before he became Allen's aide . And he doesn't trouble to hide the fact that he II independently wealthy and by no means dependent on hil county pay check. Killefer has said he will campaign for the FllUI D11ltk:t teat If Allen reUres in 1970 and he has hlred public relations ex. ecutive Frank M1chelena of Newport Buch. l\Jllefer Ls also the target or at- .. cks by Chip Cleary. FORKER RECALLl!R Cleary b the Santa Ana public relations man who maater-mlnded the abortive recall campa!p a1atnst Allen two years •go. 1.'be ambWous Cleary never 1ot that recau· drive off the sfound. He never, Jn fact, pn>ehiced a cudldale In an astonlohln& csmpatin that wu launched Immediately after Anen had been , .. elected to olflce -afw racklnr up the blggut •lectoral margin In Fllth Dist- rict htsf"1, Clearj was, lliddly, Allen'• campafp man3ger tn 196: when the former banktr maoe hi! r~st llllCCW!ul bid ~fflco. Allen later appoloted blm to the Orance Cowtty , Harbor Comm!Rlo!t, ti post rellaned. by the •lli'Y Clury wl!en the rift bttwttn him 1od Allen became ap- pare·1t. 'lllere Is, both mtD adml~ no love loot bet..... them lndoy, Cl••11 bu not allowed his cllr<dlon of heltm Joao 1n1ne Smfth'1 affaln to lnlarl•e with his caostaot obstriatm ol all that Allen cloa In or OUI of the Fifth Dislrict. Cleary hhmeU A)'t t4a1. , ABOflTMI EFFORT -of that llf'I dabaclt -led many, in and out of the movement. to coodude that Cleary Is oaco qain !be ' THI CAST ALTON ALLEN -NMrl"ll tho .... of hl1 IKft form loitht yoortl H l'lflh District ...,,........,,.. ... tho _...ty .... ,., of ...,.,., ..... 1he '"- Boeclt mlfl -•kad In bonlcl"ll for 40 .,..,. loolor9 awltchl"ll to polttk:1. Obied of un-ce•1flll rMall movement -'ad'ln 19'7 by Chip CINry. PAUL CAliPINTER -Un-asful c.ondldata fer 35th c..,.r... .... 1 District aoat ""* occuplad loy James I. Utt and for tho fflh A•Mmbly Dlatrk:t cur....tly rapr-tad loy Kometh Cory. Won fame •• the ''Wa .. 1,. C•nclklatt#' •nd h•• bHn ct.scrfMct by Democratic coll••turt•' •1 ''• permanently active polltlclan and t ' ,Orpotual candl<fata.'' .......... ANTHONY TARANTiNO -S.H·ttylad aculpi.,.. de1l1ner whoa1 wfft, operatn • 1ucce11ful latll•' materials atoN In C01ta Me••· A name that dteW only blink states In tho, polltlc.ol ""'n• et t"9 tlma of the recall announcement. Former Cotta MeNn, now llvlnt at San Clem-.te address ll1ted •• hucf4u.rt~ era of Alton AU_,. recall movement. Clo•• frlencl of Paul Carpenter. JOHN KILLEFER -Chlef·eida to SuporvlMr Allen, he !rltand1 to 1Hk the Fifth Dl1trlct Job If Allen retires. Hat engageci public r.latlon1 execu- tive Frank Michelena to conduct his cam,.lgn In 1970. Kllltftr and hla sumptuous Coron• del Mar home have -been the titgeh of attacks In recall liter· atur.. ROBERT BATTIN -Recenlly electad Flr1t DI,. trlct supervisor and a Santa Ant attorney. Got Into recall picture with a sto1temant that more Dtmocrat1 should be tlKtld to non-partisan offlce1. Defends that 1t1t1ment today. • CHIP CLEARY -Joan Irvine Smith's publfc rel1tktn1 min '•nd th• figure behind th• 111..f•tecl drive to un1ut Allen In 1967. Onetime •tront· auPo porhir of Allen. Cl•lm1 not to be Involved In this r• c111 •nd to be un•w•r• of the Identity of Its 1pontor. CfHry'a 1ntlpo1thy 191ln1t Allen,. 1om1 suggest, ls. proNbly pert of his long-1to1ndln9 h1ro111m1nt of Irvine Compo1ny m•netem•nt. Cleary l1 friend, con- fld1nt1 of Aa1es1or Andrew J, Hlnsh•w, o1nother Irvine Compo1ny foe. CllAltY DAN EMORY -·Head of the Harbor Araa entl- •lrport nolu group •nd • man who cl1lm1 that he w11 1ppruchecl by P1ul Carpenter and 11kecl to run for Allen'• (ob. Rejedecl tf\1 offer •nd d1nle1 any other llnk with the recall crowd. WILLIAM WILCOXEN -Laguna Boaclt eltor· ney and 1 by figure '" the ''S.v1 S.lt Creek RNCI'' c1mpo1l9n. He could be • candidate, he 1i1ys, but not under the recall banner. Bla1t1 1upervit0r1 for ''un. lo1wful abandonment of Salt Creek Road" to Laguna Nlguel Corp. JOSEPH ROSENER -Newport 8ei1ch mal\•I•· mint control expert and a men tipped by many D1mocrats at • 1upervlsorlal candldo1t1. Oenl11 •ny Involvement with r1c1ll movemll'\f desolt• n1mlng ~y Tarantino. Hlghly ro19arded by Harbor Area D1mos. Wife on Oro1n91 County Grand Jury. RON CASPERS -Deflnlt1ly 1 co1ndklo1te, recall or otherwise, but no connection with recell mov• ment, he stetes. Costly Lido Isle home, merrltd, five chllcfren and good post with K1y1tone Savln91 and Lo.n. Regenltd In polltlcet clrcl11 11 v•ry 1mbftfou1 man. STEWART CASt' -A pollllcal campaigner who cl1fm1 to know nothing of the rec•ll movement and couldn't care S.sa about the Allen post. Cl1lm1 his only connacti<MI with recall l"Jbllclty 11 Jhrough hla wife, Jo.nn• C1N. JOANNE CASE -Executive In Opinion R• 1Nrch of Ci1llfornl1 for the ''Alton Allen Recall" account. Haa contacted Fifth District re1idant1 and 11ked them to work for th• campelgn. Refuaff to comment on her involvement Jn th• mov•ment, DR. JAMES McGAUGH -UC! profauor who knows •bout tht f'ffall effort but denl11 Hing • part of It. He Is finenca chairman of the N•wport 9roup dHlcatacf to pr111rvetlon of th1 Upper Bay. driving force behind the plan to unseat his old enemy, Allen. He is adamant In his belief that Allen shou.ld not again seek office. But Cleary vigorously denlet any con· nect.loo with or any knowledge of the movemeut "otber than what 1 read In your -newspaper.1• Cleary professes himself to bo astoolsbed at the linking of "so many Democrat.I" to the drive to un- seat AUen ln a controversy that had seemed to him, to be an excllllleely Re- publlc11.11 ap1l • Cleary is known today to be closely allied to County Assessor Andrew J. Hlrahaw and to particularly welcome that pithy offlcl1l's frequent duels with the Board ol SUperviaors and the Irvine Company. Both men figure high oo the board of directors of an organization that alma. lCCllrdin( to Cleary, llinsbaw aod !Is publicity to '1offer Instruction Ind mate the public awart of property tu law1 a.nd recent inDovatlonl in that.field." ANOTHER DENIAL Clea11 bu npealedly Insisted thal ho is not beblnd· tbe curreDt movtzriut. Apln, u in the cue of Stewart CUe, maey commtnll to the CCllllrvy bave -~back to CleaJl. Tbooe who Urtd ol beatlni Republican oosbes wem back to the Democrat aatberina: lfOUl1dt to1 unearth 90rMOne who mi,ht be linked with Clrpentor in the csmpalan. Miii)' read Carpenter's arguments and cast their mlnds back to July I and a aJ)ftd> mada· before the Oranf= Dtmocr1Uc FOUDClaUon by Robert BIWn, Flrst Dbtrk:t reprean- "U ve 00 U. county board. They _..., not wl!at lit Uld but W'hlt the 11hdtraUoo News" quoted ln Jta: -of the ....UO,; "He wlfl dllcUa the Upper Newport Bay "'°" _...., 8Dd tbe necesoitr ol eltdlnl llemocnll to l10l>partlaan p o 1 t 1 In °""'" Ccuntr." BltUn uys that Ille quot>Uon Is ol bis words 1nd b: acaaate. And he believes today that bis views al that tlmt sWJ aPo- ply "to au county or dty offices whatever or wherever they might be.'' NO RECAU.ER Did he bava.AUen'a office in mind? ''I said an dty and county offices." Battin claims, however, to have no knowltdge of the recall movement other than ''what I'm told and r ea d In u. newspapers," He bas oot dlscqued roca1J matters with Paul Carpenter -"In fact. I haven't c1Lscmsed anythlng witb Paul Carpenter for at least the last six months." Battin has attended pol!Ucal meetings at the Westmlnl!ter offices of Keystone Savings and Loan. It's feasible -be hasn't been asked -that he might have met Keystone u.ecuUve Ron Caspus on one of those occulOM. Ca!penlu might have be<n thert, too. There may, ln fad, have been more thao ooe poltucal rally wblch included Battin, C.rpentor and C.spen In !ta audlenc .. C.rpenter ls coocemed only with whot he imists Is favorable public rtactlon thm far to the recall campalp.. He doesn't think that the iroup•1 flllura lo nama Ill candidate has aHenatod very many ol the mldenll ""°" ta<led tlllll far. Bu1 on off-lhHU!I wnpllnf of homeownen in five lllcton al the Filth Distrid lndlalted that this -for a.crecy could well hinder the •Iloiis of the reclll oraantiers. One born-oomn1'1lled: "I .,.... with SCIDt, not all mind you, of the trJUll!Onla aaatnst All•n. But I doll't lib being told how to vote or wt..t \o dct by face!.., people. It just doem1 oe<m ri&'ht. .. Carpont« aod. his UIOdata """ to reval ID the air of -t'Y lmpan.d i. Ibelr -pa1gn b)' their mUlll to ..... their &lididai.. 'Ibey P!'fer to piaJ tb6t ••ltln& fame to a Jli>iDI lllat cu1 be ucertlined and won't be rneaJlcL Wilen they do, It could ba too \ala. \l\ctor Hup uld; "-1117 mast that I m11 b<Utr bm1: thee 1"lllool • for thou shalt never lo1ow my \mt "1th It." e • l.t llAll y P11.0'r H York Stock List Comple~New LEGAL NOl'IOE OVER THE COUNTER As· Prices Go Up, • .. • . • ' • ( • I l I I • Tues(lay's-Closing . .,.. ... -- I Prices-Complete ··New· York: GI Pullout News Bolsters Market NEW YORK (UPI) -President Ni1on's an· nouncemont cf further troop cutbackli in Vietnam bostered stocks today tn fairlY active trading. Tho UPI marketwlde Indicator was up 0.18 per- cent on 1,549 issues crossing ~e tape. There were 710 advances and 580 declines. Tbe Dow Jones overage of SO blue chip lndU>- lrlals showed a Jain of 0.66 at 831.1 at that time. Volwne of 10,500,000 shares near the final bell w"' about In line with Monday's. AcUve issues in~luded American Telephone and Revco D. S., large1 the result of big block lransac- tionli . AT&T trade three blocks amounting to 232,· l500 shares at 50\\, and Revco a block of 177,000 shares at 19 1/4. AT&!f closed al 50 3/4, oU 1/2. Also heavily traded 'vere Kinney National Serv· ice, Benguet, UAL Inc., and Atlantic Richfield. There were several point-plus movers in the oils group, mostly on the down side. Texaco closed down 1 1/4 to 32 112 and Jersey Standard was up 1/2 to 72 vs: Point.sized movers in the electronics were in both directions with IBM closing up 2 3/4 to 346 3/4. Steels, motors and chemicals, meantime, gen· erally traded in fractions. So did rails, aircraft, and most airlines. Prices were mixed on the American Stock Ex· change in moderately active trading. OAtl Y "11.~ ll, Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List finq/ Stocks In All Home Edition1 . I • • _JI DAILY I'll.OT For the Marriage Licenses -·" SHAVE•-PET•OCCHI, Pwl f , 1f, ci ,.., Or-....... .,,,., JaftlU! 1.... 1(1, 111 Ill E. lftll S/_, bDtll of Cos!• -· WOt.,-4.0\lf, E"'"'I T , 17. ol U41 """'*' wn 11'!d Ma,...rfl It , 10. al IJnl Cllurdl I'll<., 1»411 ol i.MI ,_ COULTolS-OE lEOH, Gery L, 2'-ol 116.5' s.tri c...a.. ,..,._,, C•lll . ...., Mlrlt E .. 2t. ol "61 HorMr, Watmlrlst.r. HEISL61t.fl'Hlllll'L Rot.rt J,, fl, ol 1101 S.--Aw.. Hu1>flrt11IOl'I 1 .. do -' Petrlda D., II. ol 1-.SJ ~ $1 .. Wf!ltmlr'lller. CLAllC-01.~H. lobff'I G .. .tJ, Ill lJJ(lf, Wllllwns st .. Tu,.llf> 1nd ltla. 3" ol 24n TWS. SI.. El Toro. GILLETTE·WOLCHEIC. SttoMn •·• 7&. fll HJ C.Otklfl 5f., H~ IMdl and DIM T., tt. ol U Pon6uOM Dl'I....,, wm1am1v11111. N.Y. PFAFF-OllPEHTElt, Dud\n' A., C. Ill :151 HOM1ll1I R09CI and franc:n /lo., )6. llfl 111' Forl Ch1rl11$ PlecL boll! ef N-1 BeKl'l. TETER-tUELL. LIWl!ll D., 31,. of 7t0! Oralle st .. (Olll Mew and Je1...tt1 A.. J7, Ill 212 ltlh II.. H-• ...... MclVEll·WAlOOJIF, Jatt>ei II., :12. ol 420lo'> H..0.IUI Aw .• c-· ~ Mat Mii Mary G .. Mo or 1"'27 Del AmG. ""''' ...... wrn+Wnl4EV, Mldlt•t M.. ZJ, "' 1rM1 JeMt C .. lL of :rfff llecl'MIOll """'"' Gott. Mew. HANSEN.-ll.ASS. II•~"'°"" M .. "· ol 1»05 v ........ GafilfoM, Calif. Ind ,._.. l .. 21. o1 ll071 Humlloklt om., .............. Beldl. WAICEHANH>Etl.. Jafln D .. ~ !If 11'11 Lot P•l'dOs $1.-~l•ln V•l..., •1>11 ~ H .• 1.5. af IM 0H¥e "·· L-...,_, C1llt. AUO\llT 1' IOMEIOMEH.ODZA. C...r E., 14. !If UM Woll lfnitn!IM Pi.a, Cell• JM99 ..,., Mita. W. af 21• S. ,utlln. S-.1• AM, MIEYl:ll-M.olroOOAV, Johfl W .. a. el 1'16 W.llece ...... ll'ICI 1.-btl A.. "" ., J1~ ...,,llloft. bGlll el Cc.II ~. DEATH NOTICES AU.EN Hrrvt'I' W. A!IWI. 112 W. c.,.s1 Hl1,. w..,, ~"' -..Ch. O.tt of -th. s.t. u. '"'Mf'll _.,1c.._ w..i....-1v, 1J AM, 11111 MariWfY 0.."1. 11•1 Supotrlot, COii. """"· FINK EdN II. P:ltllr ...... 71, ol lWI N""' llOft ·~ .. ,,., c ••• Mn.I. °"'' ... ~ :i..t. U. Pr .... 1l1t ... , ..... Ide _.... tc., W~, 1 PM, tla'1Klr llnl -111 P1rll. Vhl't•llafl. 6 PM Tuu- dlY. 1111 12 ,._ W~Y-Dlr«titd W a.ii llroffW1r Mortlllt'Y, 110 lrwd- w17, COiie MIM. FITZGERALD 01r1 ttuth Flrtw•ld. 11171 ~ Clr'dt. Founllll'I \11lln'. O.tt af .S..11'1. 5-rf, IJ. SIM'll""tid W """""""' WINIM\ J. Flr_.ld: -Jahn D, F"-11d1 HUlfrtw. """'41N .._lh llrnfMr, IE!-"*' Dllei als'-Idol All-and Cllni FIU~I !Ml ... tl!Cldlll'rlft IM'd ~ 1trMf .... MlddlfldrM. llOHf'Y, W........,, •:~ PM. Di~IY lll"OI""" °""'91. 11...ulltft .V..u, ThurwMY, IG AM. u '"""'" .. JuoM C.mollc Olun:!'I. Dl•«ted !IV DlklilY 8rllttlll'• Mlr'lu•f'Y• M2-tm. ARBUCKLE 6 SON Westclllf Mortuary m E. 17~ St., COila MtN -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Coro.a del Mar OR Hfst CGeta Mta.1 Ml f-1.W • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa MHI uwm • DILDAY BROTHERS BallapVolloy Manury 171118ndoBlvd. U..tlagloo -· semi • llcCOBMICK LAGUNA BE.&m MORTUAl\Y 1111 Lopu Cnyoo -1-•lleldl OUUl • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAllJt C• .. 1 e Mortury Cllapd Jiii hcUle View Drtve: Newport -· Cllllornil -• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNE11AL HOME '2111.BtbaAve. ,...,.letter ID-m5 • lllDm-"#"Ell"' MOft'ttJARY 1--Uf.IW S.. O.z..i. ... IM • BMm11' -TllAllY ., _Ii\. • 1.,. kM:ll - 'I Record ,Ml-MOWtlL,. MlidlMI'' ... "' .._., :tm P«lflc A.,.., C..t• ~ IOll Twrt '-n. fl 011 ~ • .. _ lHOMl"M»f.ttMMIDT, "'""' (:,. 21. 'Ill !ml ,......., ~ 0-•!I'll ... ~ ..... "' • 1429 ...._ ..... WHIMIMllr, CAllPENTElt•VtNCliNT, It-Id L,, N. " um A*ilf!I 11.., °'...,. """ 81rtloi\f1 A,, It. el ttt:J Ptlk ... Aft .. "-'·"' v ....... \llNCJNT,YOUlfC';, C ....... L., -44 """ "-fitll 0 .. Mo ._ el Ultl ••llllfoft St., WetfMIMftl'. lll:DDEl.Cll\IMMETT, 0-W,. It, "' JlJJ lastofl •• , c..,. ~ .;. o.tlr• A.. 11. ii llMI ... ..., .. TUlll!\. \lllLAlll ... L.COVEll.. lMrY I .. fl, fll Ult L Mill .. s...ta ANo .....i $1Mr• M... it,. Ill W HlltlUtot' 6t .. C... -. MAttSHAU..WHITf, J-It,. 4S. .. '°'' ""*' circ-.. ~,. hM1I Hit Dort$ J'f », o1 JU Wlro&tan tloH, -CASSILLA~HESS. _,..,... A.. H. • •u 0.-... 1 Aw.. -C-II., 1:1', el lM.S AMIWilrl SI .. Mlfl Ill oo.t. ..... J£AHNETTE.Jl:Fltl(WOOD, Deth A., 11 ."" 1111 "'~ wn. Cott• Mtw ~ S.US... K~ 21. al MC E-lllff" Ort..-. Miu• \llelo. WYAn~rr, ~ L. -"· ., .... O'M•1W<11 Clr.:11, Arlttlo, CllH • ..., °"""~ v .. •1. "' ,,,,. °*• c ..... HUfltl .. 1111'1 IQ(ft, WOOD-FIELD, SI~ D., "· .r 110Pt ' ByTDOMAB~ ............... LOS Al(G!l.ESC -,.,.. fretWl)'I 1f terVe U:it IOUtbem part ol on,,.. Coonl1 -the Lafunl Fleew13 llDd Plldflc Cout rr.ow., -.... Ill!! todly to both be 10 ,..., .-wa,y. A tpokwnan for Oto Stole DtvWoo o1 liflh"'l3f threw cold watertcm ~ thai, ooe °" Oto other mlibt be bull! IOCIQU1 five or aix yean from ..... . "Both of. ~ freeways are in lbe aame ball part," MU1oo 'Johnny Potseed'- ' Given 3 Mon ths Eue"' L • • A...,._ _. ~.,. SANTA ANA - A Santa Ana &o three months in county jail. L., K. of Ill! L--. AMllliln.. HUD!ION-ll05lEY, Alfor4 D .. JO, _,.. ffi&J\ Who pleaded p1Jty fO superior Court Judge Robert k'IW l ., It, ball! OI 2Glf ~ ln C•I• Mnl. growing marijuana • Costa Gardner ordered that penalty TU..V.OUOAIC!S-H0"1t1NS. Cl'lt'ls. JI, ti1 11tn ,,.,.. ... ,.,.a, Gar.,... G-Mesa field has been sentenced and lhree yean probation Iqr ~;'.'.' ~0~';,!~.'· of 1c:11 """'"'" Emilio • Sp.muel Flo~ 24. LAM1..co11.coRAN, s~ L. .. "' et after Flores -dubbed "a 1121 woaltlutft °"""' ...,. Dl•M e.. Co OKs ll. of ., Kno~vni.. both ol Hv"' unty present 'day J 0 h D n y "Ap. 11 .... !0fl llNdl. MATTSON-HE1$Elt, Edwa~ J,. ~. "' plexed" by Costa Mesa police ~v_: l~: ::,,~ttir.:::. ~ := Road Costs officers -oUerec1 hi! guilty G~AMos. 11onaw ..._, :n. ., ttn pte.a in Harbor munlci'pa1 Vhl• Dortdcl, ~ .._,. and court. $hefyy ..... rt, af 11• Wlodc-1, La SANTA ANA -Payment or Je'tlE'i.W"AttTOH. o.iltf w~ tt. ..., Florts was acrested lut 'f.eachers' View Aired ,....,1wn H~ :o. bOlll of 12* $4,000 to the city of Fountain June 21 near the o ... n field at ~t 11 .. wntm1n11w. V "-to Id the. -. ..... l. ,....... ANAHEIM - A teacher's 1c:o11A1o1oa-sP11te1., Mll'll ...._ ,._ .t aui::y w en •}'}"~ Luddingtoo Street and vtew.plaalari-te .. ..l.; .... con. n.Y Founi.Joo wn Witrt 19"1 o.i. lo ••-W A '-''•e ~ _,...,. M.. lf, fll m ,. .... DrJW. bo!ll ., we amer venue .... "'6 PauJarino Aveme where he d.itionlt""' fringe benditl ud . , R•~ .Boosted . fMe : J-••11 t ·~ • • • Counfy .'Wat ~r Tax Hiked LOS ANGELES -A2.. ' by 1m. tax increase for virtual 'lhls. Ii Uie ltCOOd )'ear a Soutbem caillomla .. ....... tllat·lbe diatdcr• lax :!te including those on the Orange· wN I~ A two cent Cout hu been aJll!i>un<ed '11\' hit• last tlsc>l . .,.., .... the the Metropoijtan , W a I u lint tn_.e In U :run. District for it,s new fiscal r.ear -· Prese:nl .fttimates are that 1969-70. ' the rate m8)' hive to be raised The MWD board of directors • few more cegts.~ over the has voted to u_p the tax rate nut few years befOfe leveling rrom 15 cents per 1100 . o1 orr and lhon beglnnlnc lo assessed valuation lo 17 cents derllne. · to meet mounting-costs to ~ 1be dlalrid'1 pa'yment for taio Northern califomia water Its share ol lbe costs nl the $2.7 bill.ion State Water Pro- ject will llllotirlt to $35 million OfJJ r.scat 'year or $10 million hi!Jhef'\haD WU.paid in 1968· P . . 1be dis\rict now supplies ooe billlOfl gallons of Colorado River water a day h> more than 10 million persons In Los Angeles, .<>rqe, Riverside. San BemaJ:dinot San Diego and Ventura counties. County sotdier Flood lnsurQ.n~e Dies in Viet County Dampens on Idea 11i::'~. o-N L . ." n. ..,,, across the Santa Ana RJva-raised his crop of the· illicit curriculum will be )Jl"eSentid (:a,~~. tt. llllfll "' ™ JeiN$ .st.. has hem authorized by Orange weed. Flores iave police a run by John Lepp at the Wed· •uouu • Cwnty 1Upem.ors. ne!day meeting of the Orange GARDEN GROVE -An SANTA ANA -Tbe U.S. sures what wu built before. -sPeNCe-1uu1111eN. Mkllll a .. n County crew• will bnprove for their money by 1eadinc County School Boards Associa· Army trooper from Garden "I don't believe Orange ~:~: .... ~ ~,. the bridge to rour lanes while them in an auto chase which tion in Anaheim. Grove has been, identified as rovermnent !IOW offer• Dood County lither poliUcally or M<CllAOCEN-sT. cur•. '''" J-4 city of Fountain Va 11 e y ended in a one way street .and '_.,, ii president of the one of 44 servicemen tilled to tosu.rance but °'"°'e County ~~-1ca11y •--·dy to ~-'°' ol »1' W1rrt11 l-11111 ~911 .-t'I" ..HI"'-'-"I 1..-~u .. ...... ""'t' "-· n. " * w. 1fltl 5t., both of worte:n wUI widen the ap-thtn iD a wild chMe on foot soutbem sect.ion of th e Vietnam combat. includliw att "'""w .... aren very .._ on growing," s3id Carl Nelson Clo"ll Me$.I. ..._ ~"' •t..-.11' ,_... the canr I T h ··-~-f earu--· lak1ng out • policy I . ···-·-. f c:0Lv1N-CURT1ss. Grttorv A .• ,,, .,, proac1i= on .,...,... 1.1M' i-oun...., wblcb ·ended u desperate om a eac en '"""""".... rom UJ,ua. • p amung ww&;Ml,IU enlJ.MU or mt 0r._. Grow A.,..~ "'-_. Valley and Santa Ana sides. Flores tried to nut& a fence. tion. The Orange County victim The trouble with the Policy the couoty Flood Co.olrol r!";: ~'· of "" Dr•-........ -The county fuod1 will be in Officers saJd they counted 50 An informal workshop at 6 was identified aS P!c. Don C. ls that ft requim an area be Di.1trict. LIVIDtNt-RAMeo. JHfl P .. ,,, "" ....,ymenl for approach work 10.lnch marl1'uana p I ants p.m. will precede the 6:45 din--Brown. son of · Mr. and Mrs. zoned for flood and no new And. that. one suspects, ll2ll SIJ*~ Detroll. Midi. 111111 ,..-• U · ' Ju<1r A.. 21. « su .s,..,,._ C•t• done on portions that e m growing at the site. A water.. ner meeting in the -Skyroom of Joseph F. Frueh, of 12532 building be undertaken ID the closes out the possibility of M~-Y-PANNo, 11_111 M .. 7s. °',_c_oon __ •Y_terr_itory_· __ • ______ ing __ ju_g~w_aa_founc1 __ ne_a_rb_y_. ___ lh_•_G_r_and __ H_o_t•_l. ______ Le_ro_y_s_t_. _________ •_rea_._The __ i_av_e_rnm __ ••_t_then __ 1n-__ coun __ ty_n_o00 __ 1n_s_u_r_•n_ce_. __ Mn V•"'nc:ia Ori .... •r.d M!lrOfl A., JI, Df lll'I Poldtn Cltde, bvrh of H~l!Mliln&'H~ 'r---------------------------------------------------------------------.... .STAFFORD-SMITH, Rlcll1rd L. fl, of I tm D\llt Drl'l1', WHltn~ft• Ind Mlrcl1 J., 3-1. of 1:11622 Cork $1. Gwaen G<OY!' . IL.AKE -SA.RAltA, ll!Ol'I D., J'.I, Mid MJct.n II., JI, both " UUI ltler..,, fl T-• C:.OlllKIN.4iALl. L1rry D., )I, lflll Ml/1111 G .• U. llolll of ltit Mir_., l--llNd'I. 91550NNETTE-HOLCDMlll. Vktor L , u. ·o1 ron Mllrl '1~ w.sf!ftlN .... ..,.. Slllrllfl II.. 1L af l•I #lllWe9. MWwff Clf'f. ll!JfHARDT-.fMHLMAff, DnW' P., JI, d &Gt Pier~ DrM, 11...-f'trt: ltld l""" R. 21. of lt\t .Sia,..,,, w..,, C4rGN de! Mir. 9ALE.t.-WATltlN.S. J-M .. 31, ...... !:'~~ taA'.J"J'~'llt'• CAllli\l~TTEltWMITE. .J-M.. ?C. "\II e.1111 .a.~~-­ Dllbrlfl t. 11. .. 121 ----D•M. $WIT1 AM, ' \IELLUTIN!--KAZAM, W.llllM J .. ll. d 1mit S.1111 Aft!Mi, FOllllttlll \1111iw .... G)orll t.. w. of nn •londle. GI'*'! G.-.. AUGUST ,, f'ETER$DM-J£NIC,INS. T.,,.., J,, "- ol JllS Siii II, '"" Pl~ L, 21, af 2GI• Huntlnlllofl Ah .. ~ af Hun- tf"8ftliil 9tadl. ' ' Dl..D-VAN ZIDltOW,'Wllllto ti .. 4l. 1'1111 lr-.·G. bolll of l:wll &lirlllfdllt SI .. WnlmlMMf, . U.Yt-JACQIJfS. .l.90M1' A .. '11, el ms Mlnw 11111 S4IMti G., it. "' ma R11tllh A-..., llolll fll C•l• Meu. HAY1!5-MOOllE. Mk:l'lltl II.. 2'!, ol :m F iOlrl1' 11od MtV• M. 1t. OI '6$ Vldor'LI. bofll OI com ""-· HUlCHISOH-8ElCHOVEIC, Rkmrd G .• 1r, 01 72'1 ~ HllflllfllDt Seidl 9fld a..-.r1 A,, Ir, ol I~ 01111 Clrtl" WntmiMIV. MYTINGE-GAlZANIGA. LloMI R., i,. IM'd P1ull L. It, 111>111 d W\o'J 51. AllM'I Drlott. L-lllkll. HALlEN8ERG-Gl.A$GOW, Ltt It., ;n, ot G A~ A ..... C-de! M¥ end E~ A.. 3', d 20111 IC.tint Drlott. s.rit1 AM ~. ke~e11-..1tAOv. Wnlltr J .. 1'. '"" 5.ltl.lfl I(.. n, bolll of Ull\'11 E. ....... ~ !l..cPI. MOORE-SAUNDERS. DMIM H .. 2'," llVI PhwP!unf, Hunll11910n 8ekh .... C.rw F., 11,. of 1152 1,,..,111, G1!"0en G,_, CRAlc;........LYQMS. °""-"'' W., 23. tit '14" Ulh St.-WM1 Rttieca It. n. of l DCll IC.tt'-LI.... lldll el Hult- tin.IOfl Ill-ell. GLAGOVICK-SUTI4EIUJN, l'red V .. :io, af 1am s.> An1ielco. Wntm!Mftr Ind 5UUll J-4 '9, of 21• "'911'\ecll, Anlf'lllm, , IRE\fl£11-lllnENM()U5E, Doflald l .. ll, Md Al'l'll~ M .. 3"' liGfh af nJ Slltll"'"'"', Coit. Mesi. LIGHTNER-Mll..LER.. llOll S .. 20, el "61 $!Iver Sfrlnd 9nd C1re4 L., 21, ol ICIOU Cyf'll!ll1 Or'°"', both OI HI!"" 1111911111 8-.dl . NIELSON-Mc:CLURI!, G"*-T .. 26. DI 1'11 Rlltll 1..-. ~ lleKh '"" A-11 11. n. of n• °'~" A,,.,, Alltfll1. GI. · RotllN50N-DIC1tE\I, Brw« M., It, II ll106 E. ·Pllll.IM'!la, .W!llltW" ond 1t11tlllen J(., 6f,. d 2.15 Vil kfl Andtfttl, Woll ClemfTIM. Hll..LE~l4\JGMES. A""'•C., 'M. Mil Nlll't' C .. 11, biGttl ol Jl1 01.,,....i, ll•lbol ........ LUB9DC1C-URPHY, ~ L.. 11. " 111\o'J AIM!ttnl, ...... t.llnd -c-.t)lll 1£ .. It. el l1'f S..i.-Dtlvt. "---' 9f9dl. f l..000-4..EE, ltotwf J .. 'll. af .. E. 11n11 it~ wntmntel' ....i C1tOI A .. 11. " 11452 G1tdM G,_, Gmnlt!I ~-. ....~ Ch'dt •r J(lr\. ».. ol 0.....,, G..-1 ,_.,,let! C.rol Lnllt ~ 11, • Cotl• Mft<I. wriw.... °'°""''-...,..,,.., ,., ittod = P:.irf~ a. ""' ., Huntlrlllflfl Mioi.-1 f' O'N1ll, U. af Wntm!t!t!~• lflll \.IM,_::M. Mtuf, n, af ""1.Jiic"'" l•11~ w. == n.,r,""r= ":1 w.,..,.,1~. -·· WUH1tn H9!VY Diiiow, :·.,...,~"!TX M. Mll;nltf", ~1, bo VtOW. .... I llobltl't L Sf!llW>. u," t LMU"4 ll«fl. ltld LlnOI 1.N Crim 1L el !i._,.lt; -· W~=! ~ TJ::11!1 ~Y'lfld .~t: CllOl'l..-lo • J~~1i~t:=';.C Al~lltll C«Mt, lL el Gfflhoi ....... ....,.,, Anti .... ~ 11 Wnl!'lllMI« • c:M ~ao11. ss. ~ Mlfl~ I(,_, ........ " ~ 9Hd'I: Holllll: \li::~i111 ~!<Pr. Ill, JI, -' W•lrrl'I ii;f;, 111'!11 Pf.,IU Joy ""'8W • "·"' ~~, lloll"t't ft, Ml""-''· ... "'"''"" J•rtln .. -"· ..... ., ttwwt'"""" .!::r'adlc;:..,. Htr*"' n. If Wn'""""'"'1 , ... ..,...,. 1trr ~ It, • E:;::::'"'Glli9M. 24 el Ml#ldWltlMI 89dli. .... MM? Kall'llr1N ...... 11.of~ P111I f\I..,.._, $4. el ~ldtl~ BM\11, Md ,.,,,., Mlt""9f 51, ot c.or-. All-C. '*"""• 41, Miii MlrlMfl IEhl ·-~-COi.ti NH,, Piii~ 0.-[t, ti, •I ,_,., .:::.. =N 0. ,. .. ~ {/I ' 1. "' 1t .... llNdl. ,...,,_. llff'IM ...,_, • • .- ;. lf,you aren't satisfied with your pers~nal numbers booklet, try one of ou1S. Due to the increasing number of people '. who write names, addresses, and phone 1 nwnbers on the inside of matchbook covers " or scraps of paper, Pacific Telephone wishes ' to announce the convenient PemOnal Nwn·· • hers Booklet. One simple call to your local Telephone Busint!t!B Office can put one (or more) of thesehandyitemsinyourpoeeession. You'll find that eaCh booklet contains plenty of space for names, addresses_ and phone nwnberR. • ~<l or course, a matchbook is still the ~ ~ place to keep @' .. ,, ' yourmatches. Peciflc T~ •• • 111 . ' We're here to help. • ., .. , " ~-,;t .. . ... , .... -.. F•r·\.~~~.':r.~ '--------J:L "c. C1n" .. flf H\Mt!Mlofl hlcfl. tnd J-L L'*I"' JI, of ~ ... , .. l ~f •. t I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'"-....!n ·c.•r.::u"l1: t.. ..... •t= J: ~---1,_ ··~'"--· ' , . ' voi.:. 1.2, NG., 222, 2 SECTIONS, 2(, PA6~· I , .. , ' Ci ty.Yap ks License :of Sauna Bath By JACK BROllACK Of .. DlllJ I"*' tt.lft I '!11< !io¢ne .... ~ of ' ....... ,aild m1~e· P!lrlor wfrlch ,-the '\'..., _of the -st fJI ~ m-s M t&rn· al prosUlutkln • last'· April w a 1 pernlanently revoked lll!od>Y nlgbt by the Hunlln8too Beach Cil1 Council. • After a -.olorful -debate splo- ed with remuk& by the. establbhmenl's attorney and coundlme_n, tilt. license of the Eucutlve Suite Salon, 17434 !!each Bl~d., was revoked by a split~ to 2 v«e. Councilmen followed the first declston with another nvoking the pmnits of the three masseuses. Attorney James W. Read, Jr. of Cost.a Mesa. representing the E;1ecuUve Suite Salon's · owner Emma M. Van Bmoo. argued unsuccesdully that she knew nothing of the activitiea of her f!Qlployes. He also pul heavy stress on the fact that the three employes pleaded guilty to a lesSer charge 'of disturbing the peace which he termed "a catcb-all law like spi Uing gasoline in a service station.~• Read also c)larged "over rslous action by police" which he charged was later refuted by the 0range'C"""'1 Di!trkl Attorney's ornce when they refused 1o proseaite on atution charges., . ..a~ ~ Judge KeaJielh Smilh> bad fiiUeci,m ; n;l)lt fot, h~t= 11 ~ ~ ' •litulloe dlari'i. .. .Ille ...., had \o koow (that .the women were en- gaging In lll!gaJ act!). The ft~ admitted foor to m act! dalJ)' each. ' Mayor Jack G...a also toot euoptlon to attorney Read'• rana.rk that the owner c:ou.ld not co!I&rol the actl of her employes. Read countered with a comparison of. a liquor store dert who sell& to mlnor1 'ol'hen the owner is absenl Council Al eo.n then sot tni. the act with a quef}' to Ci!>' Attorney Don Boofa. "Based on the evidence, does the city council have the right to revoke or sus-- pend tbe license?" &nfa replied !hat the councilmen had the right to revoke the license if they determined that the city's Ucen.w ordinance had been violated. "Tbe councilmen ohoold judge the credibility of the evidence," the city at,. tomey said. "If. they believe the police (See SAUNA, Pqe Z) Beach tC!._ Use ~- Present Laws Against Hippies Huntington Beach city councilmen wrestled with !he annoying problem of o\·er crowded hippie pads in lhe com· munity Monday night and finally con· eluded lhat they can best control them .-itb Wallng 1.-... In answer to a qutry four weeks ago by Councilmall Ted Barilett, City Attorney Don Bonfa reported Utat laws specifically barring a large group of people from ll•· ing in one home Cir a~t "would be difficult to write-and•ed'orct!." Police Chld "E,arle Robilaille, who had previously to\d coundlmen that most of his ~enl'a dOpiproblema stemmed from Polls bcillbor ap lo 2$ tenons. 1111· gested ' -Nnpart:Bwb had made ,......, ... U. llal1hriili ~ ol 111·.....-...... . ' ")ft IN.If~ plila( rid ol'tll<tn throdlh -beulltii la'!I," added Bwldlog ~ Jaclt <JenlaDd. "U yoo eive 1 ifWe mon. time 11r1 may ~lve the pl'Obll!n ~ti -wont." .. It .... fSPlalaad Iha! -llooAinl codea ~,,_ OllD five unrdiied 1 I"'""' from Uvlnil In ooe dw<Ulng. "But we WOUid have t,o gel a search warrant and actuaDy prove that the peo- p~ we.re llviag tbert-permanently to en-for~ such tawa, .. Cle9e.1and uplained. He sald the hlpPles tend to use old they were fc:mxl ia 1'iolltioa ol buildlnl codes Councllrnao Geqe ll«:l'ack<n 'f!'rned that the problem·ll _.... ''Samo o1 these placto -1$ or l!1""e -and we """')l1<tf Ii ~'Wore Jt becomu ...._ ... , ; .;; Ballf• erpllined fllat polke In ~ '"' lo ~b ol ...... "could CGUlll tilt bedl « ....tlttues anil om! a.._i to my ollico al!d ,.. can declCle H ltpJ action wm' be d.fedlvt." .. ·--&. . . ' .. ; .. • ,':'i ' I H\'B POWU OW.IRS ~ Maiyw ~ ...... "~ BALANCED DEWU>l!MENT > . llen1l1• $vi11at1d '. WISDOM OF 'PROVER~ Ron ........... • .. ' I t :ouNTI-, CALFORNI~ ~I ,. • --": .. " _. ...... ·-J ...... ..:~ ~ ..... ·. ~. ' ' ' -I• -. I" LEGISl.ATION NllDED '/ Roboff·Sii-, • • ') '. f IJ 'I ~ I ' .. • __ , . ) :, AL tlOES MISCONDUcT Don Frank ~ " · • · i 118, t6Niri.1cT c~,.,icl~ 1' 'tonilfd•tf Paul,0;,1~. , •· .. . 'I • .. ' CIVIC INVO~ VEMENT JoluiOln... ' ' ' .. ~ 'NOT DEA,D YET' Councilman CO.,,. 'FMllL y CANDJDATI!' 1 "'·Paul hv•rlM• ~I CHOSE NEW .COUllCIL ' Dr~ Roy Rlchaida Violet s ' • . Tli4lay1f' ~-at · N. Y." St.Mb •· . r : T;EN CENTS ·ome ' ' ' Nix on .Gives New App eal ' To N. Viets " By MERlllMAN SMmI WASl!INGTON (UPI) -PreS!d.nt Niloo ...........t 1e<fv 3$,000 more Gii wW be witbdrawn llOln Vldnam b7 Dee. 15. ,..,,..tlme bas etrhe to end thla wrtt,"' Ile said' In a new app<al to S...i 10( meinlnsfnf peace talU. (Related ....,.,; p~ i.I). . n;.. -. pullout. 00 top ol 1$,oiD "" -·lhtte montha qo and -pllled In o\llgust. wUJ bring . lhe t o ta I ..,Jtbt1rawail of American troopa to •.GOO b11 Dec. JJ. ' ' . N-ht-a writWi -relwed by u.e White u.u... •afd lhe redlldlon of u:s.' 'troop strength· to a new ~ of less than half a mDllon · (i!lo t o t al num~ now there was 502,000 u of Wt wed) '"is a slgnifiduit st.eP.'' · "The time for meaningful negotiations tias arrived," he said relerring to the lq·stalled Part. Lalka. "I reaU.. lhifll ts 14lffi~ to ,CJ>mmunicale atl'Oll tht tuJ[ ofnve yean of war. But the time bu cOrne to end this war." N1mft recounted various .!1¥.'vea he saisf b,b'awninl1traU09 11"1 ~ to tnd· the 'Wat and IBid the United Slataa waa . ~ed "' di"""8 ,and negbtlate With the Communists on Uitir demand.I as well ~~oltheaWeo. . '. '."Tho~~ ~ w\ui:h b' .Ot ntgoti.~ 1 -'t..~1~·3="...: ::\ fiee ~ ol Olibdde. ~-~ . ..,~ ~Ill• ...... i, ""~ ~ ·aa~••l'I'~. o • the ~i had' Dot~bniidoned aj; t!liold hope Of lrillidrawlnt 100,000 at """' .... bY lhe end ol thil yeir. ' l • ·J!inrever, wtlh lhe • .,. wtlhdrawal not Jo , be completed UlltlJ '10 da.YI before Clli'lltlDaa, It :.ppeared highly unlikely lhe 100,llOO fla1ire would be reached In lhe final twO ween ol the year. Tbe.autborlted Vletqam troop cellipg at " the. ltart of . th1! adminhltraUon was l@,IOll. "I have docjded to~~- ed lroop collltti In Vletnal;n ~ by Dec. 15,h the President aai a Ital& men!. He exp{alned !hat under thil new cQUlng. "a mlnhnam of 80,000 tro0ps wilt have ~ wit!W;kawn from Vietnam by Dec. 15." ll'be new !lglnof 35,llOO men In be pull· ed out -u well a.s the date for .CXJl'Doo pletion of U,e .withdrawal -were dlf. ferent from the number and date rn.m- Uored Monda,y In Saigon by Soulh Vlei· nam's vice president, Nguyen Cao Ky. Ky. uid 40,500 mofe Americans would' (See TBOOPS, Pap !) GET FASCINA TI NG LOOK AT RECALL Filing for aeata In the 19'11) Orang• County Board of Su~' election begins nve months ftom now. Yet a ~ campaign · agaliist ooo of the In- cambenta aJtu4y ii ...,.. way. Tha ciropalin -estimabd 16 liave cost at toast •te,aoo alreedJ -., far baa only two ~!edged l~m. -and no can· c!ld11'. Fer a luctitatlng look Into the njy1terlooa eampalp, lead DAILY PILOT ,.J)Ofttt Tom· Barley's story on pigo ' today. • I • INSIDE TOD-' Y II ptOlloblw toll! b.r 10 • wtan al 'l«Dt ••ffl 1ht /'l>d/fc Cdltll ff'ftllOGf 01'd tht 1 l.agN'M 1rtflo lilo1f °'"""° raalilit1. s .. Pao< 1,. I -------'--" • 2<1., .. .:D;.;:?';:.. Y;,..!'IL~D;,,;.T _ _._;;H __ ....,.,.;.T~t !.;;fl;;;'!°.,(,Slt,J;,;~;;,_;;;:!,i"';;;;;~,.;,U.;;:,;1;;.M;,;. • ' .• Mrs~ 6-rahfim Says ,Marl'i~e 61'ea est Crus~de 0 ' ' 1J 1l!M ...,. .............. ~--II Ille Pl•: 11111 lllo ..i.....,. ya:l'•r tl:4t l)r. °"'*"·-.Id. ~ llll >!111\11 , ll!ll I ~ ..... tltll l:J ..... lll!llllflo lit' ~ ..... -~ \l'• lt lhe ........... ciu1.,_.... O!Uull.~--·-~" ·~·--~ ......... And ·•-•rn,--. _... -. . . " " """""wbO de...i.s bot Ille to In· "Y., _9111_k11111 tho,.._ JWt ti m1 'II '111111 •-nU1 ID ..._, ..... lllr _.._ "parl!Clllar!J "K..., )'<>Ur liillnictl~ llmple," lllo Tf>e slender,, -mlnbter'• wile Jjrl!Jel"",_l*fli~lfl*"'" _. • wore a yellow J11Jtliojt and an Informal • allllof tbe mccea ol btt Jtl8frlqe and _,,_ -lllW illld,,... Mrli lz4!'ril._lllrlotloplOllltho ~'"'I!\!!" lo ICl'lp Ill<! old adop said. "Encoor.,. -yoor children wll!o swept-back hllr"atylt. lier liOlt clear ~ tbl pusqe tnto IOcltlJ ol a God·fearlng more 1eal'Dtilb;; any genuaUon before secluded famlly life she m•lntaJns ln that marrlqe wu a 11&0-SG proposition." their acts are praise worthJ:, don 't e~ yotee_ \fhlcb can;~ more than a }lint of and hlPl'Y family Is playln1 her part in them... . tltelr North Carolina bOme. "Wh .. Y00,1111\"1,""" Hjd, '''man-y a too much loo -and 1um them IOOte· btt Nortb carollna bae~ ..... car- tbt crutest crusade or all, Mrs. Biiiy Mrs. Graham's rare publlC·tddms '('II "Th.ii WIS my own ldta," ahe said. "J nian to wtlom you won'.t mlnd adJusttng. when they ha'le aou.tn tbemaelvea in rled via lo®iputers to aome 3,000 Gl'lhlm told a "ltll.out crOWd Monday at keyed to the l1unchin1 Stt>t. 26 of Dr. felt that lt wu time J talked to my fellow Your business ts to n\ai:e your huaband balance," ahe said. luncblus Usteuera outaid' the dining Graham's two-week Southland crusade. women on a lbeme that 1& vuy dear to happy and leave the rest to God -atra. ,Graham admJtted U\At ahe was room. the Anaheim Convention Center. She tonflfmed ftfonday that lhf' rally at my htart -Uie ach!evemen& of a ~ppy rtmember, only Cod can make him "gruUy worried" b~ tbi prtpondttance: Mri. Crahara W..,-wal~ed: to Ortnge "8'~ JJaten to ywr teenqers and you • Ar..ihelin Stadium eanies 1 p 'c I a I maniqe and the ~ and inaln· good." , of Jdea!lato In today'• JOWl&lro g._atica. CO..nti by ,Mrs. ltoolld lleqill.iliooorary w!D ,.,,,, a lot." the a!Vactive JIT•y\nc •~e for her hUJband and bis ttnonce ol lamll)' banl\OQ!' A happy union ahould be uoectas a a:-"Many are belhl ' mlaltd," lbt uid, diatrniu of the CCovenllcll Center wit• ol Ille Wne4 •Vlll&tlill iolci an CMade team. Tbat Urmoo¥ ~ dtPIW, Mrs. amp1e't0,lll ~· l.irs: Gt"'""'; "'1· "and !IF jlllnda ~ ,.lnC '!be olfec!U ~ N. Viets Storm Village Second Major Attack in Regi.on Near Da Nang SAIGON (Al'l -Two bWldred North V-troopo raided a viUap ln .lhc -leus coaJlll lowlands -Of Da .Nanj, kUltd 14 peraons, wounded six otherl and destroyed 170 hou!e1, South Vietnamese 1pokesrnen repor~ today. Sharp filblinC wu reported In various parts d South Vietnal'I\ 1s Gls and of- licera SJ*CU)a.ttd which unlta would be in- cluded in new U.S. troop withdrawals. Allled foreea killed llJ Viet Coo.I aod North Vlttzwneae 1n a doien cluhe1 mo tbe Mel;ong Dolta to th e demllillrloed -mililary ........... NJd, Allied cuualtlu wm Ove Arnertcans and ---.. ... iilled, and 49 ~ and two Sou1b Vlelnimm wounded. U.ll. Headquarttra saJd an o I be r A-. WU iilled and 13 others wounded In 21 rocl<et and m«tar attaclcs between I a.m. Mnlay IDd I a.m. today. The North V!einameae altockad the vlllqe of Ila! Unb, in the northern part ol tbe counlry 12 miles aoolbftl! of Nial. lhortly before 1Dldnilht wlth-rocktta, mortars, ertnadf:$ On. ' 11lt village of Jl8 pertona was delt.nded by milillamon, and three ol tbem were killed. All of the other victims were civillans. Enemy lo$5eJ were oot known. It WU U>e llC011d m-.jor North Viet· namflte attack lp the region in Qie past tllree 41Y•· Last Saturday about 200 North Vietnamese troops attacked a pla· -of u,s. Marines and Soulh Viel· n.amUIB tnlllllamtn in t vUll&fl 13 miles nortlmtl of Quan1 N1ai. This trlgered an ellhl·hour IJchl In whlcb two Am!ricat Marines and eight Vietnamese civilians wue killed, three Marines were woonded and ieo bouaea d .. ~. Vl<e Pmldent Nguyen Cao Ky told newauen Monday that 40,500 more Anlel1 .... would be pulled out ol Viet· llAl!l by lhc end of NOVOJ11ber. 'fba\ wot\Jd reduce U.S. 1roop strength to 467.500. A few hours later the White House con- firmed that a wlthdrawtt announcement would be made today by Preakletit Nli:on but withheld Ill<! number. And tbe U.ll. Amled Forcea Networ~ cen..red all refesimca to Ky'• re.marks rrem tts news broadclsts. ~ 1pokmnan lor Ill<! U.S. Command uJ4 Ky's, ltltement wu con- sidered "speculaUve" and the mllitary radio-tetevisJon network "only uses con- firmed storfQ." Another American Official &a.Id Ky 's remuks wert blacked out "because we Suspect in Candlelight Killing Gains Freedom The man oact char1ed u ''The Candlelllltl Killer." Robert w' Liberty. today II u free u bis name Implies. Judie Roberl Gardner of Newpo:I Beadl Monday decland a!• f.I!'·""" wbO pollea hid claimtd dllii>te&•ot hll paramour three yun: qo in a welrd, rib.111Jstic slaying in Wesbnfnlter. Judie Gmlo<r'1 rulin& pieans thst Liberty, If, cao never be tried for the morder ol Mra. 1>jarcella Landis, the at· tractive brunttte wilh wbom-unUl June f, llM -he sbar«I an apartment at 1382 W~Ave.,Wemnwter. Liberty I'll tbe label "Candlelllbl Killer," from olficen who were called to Ill<! apartment that nJ&ht to invulllate the reportal a1J1ini ol Mn. Landis. 'l'bey werted lhey found Liberty 1b'ummlng bis 111J1lar and aolUy •lnslng wblle the body of Mn. Landis 1'y draped From Page 1 SAUNA ... report la crtdible they can accept it as a le1al documenl" Coen then moved that the business llcwe of the """' mabllshmen1 be suspended for 30 days. Councilman George McCracken quickly moved to amend the motion to revoke ,the Uceme pennanenUy. It passed &--1 with Coen and Councilman Dr. Henry Kauf. man dluenting. The oW>leqU<Dl motloo to deny Ille m•wriaes lioemea: was approved. by a 6 to 1 -. wilb Coen dlaaentlng. DAILY PILOT Cu.NOi C.CWT 1'Utl1$NINIJ COM,AN'I R•Mrt N. W"~ p~Mdil"WI .... Jee~ R. C.rl'J Viet "akMnl W Ckller MfMtM The11111 K•••il ...... n.1-• A. M11pli111• ~1-"IW J.ll11rl w ••••• , -·-H1 ....... hlltllOfllc9 Jot Ith Stttet M1ilint A44r1 .. 1 P.O. 111 7'0, t1641 ...... -.........,. llM<tl: ,~, ~ ........... CM!• ¥tw: »I Wed ..., i"-1 °"""' ltlcM m ,..... """""" acrou a livin& room sofa. Addin& to the Hitchcock·li.U atmosphere iD the apart· ment, they Wd, was the fact that Liberty had plaood buminl candid all around the tt..!Jbtrtj and r.in. Landll liid io!ll redotds~ of mental illness and both had been dll(nOSed and Jreated Jn the mental ward ol Oranae Cowity Medical C.enter. Hospital records Jndle1le &llit both made several unsuccesaruJ suicide attempts. Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan lmmedialely sent Liberty to Alucadero Stale l!oopltal aftar rullnl that the Wutmlnster man was inune and unable to mist in h1i awn defense. lt wu undentood at that time that Ubttty would eventually be returned to Superior Court for the revival of charges suspended because of his mental con- dition. Liberty 11 t er was transftrred to r.tetropolltan Stale Hospital at Norwalk and the circumstances of his leaving that facility lhrte montha ago spUked a furor In Superior CourL Deputy District Attorney Al Wells ac- cused the hospital of taking "astonishing risks" and pointed to the circwnstances under which Liberty had been com- mitted . Hospital olflcials replied that Liberty had already been ruled to be sane aod that he had, in fact, been confined to an open ward at I.he facility. \\'ells insl!U today that Liberty escaped from the facility and that hospital cfflcials &lamped "dlschar&eci'' on his papen to cover their error. Jn any event. Liberty cannot now be returned to Superior Court to face murder chargu la!ued In con:oection with the killing ol Mrs. Landis. UPI Te ..... Reolde Recr11lter U.S. Air Forco SllU S1L Tom BowmAn of Huntington Be1cb has Just been selected the USAF"s "Roolde Recruit.u of tho Year." CompJt(tlon was for recrultm In Soulhern Cali· fornla and Arizona. , were expectlna an ~t from ~Nl>oo." "-• the troopa expacte<I to 10 are tht !rd Marlpe Dlvil!en, new llalloned a1en1 tbe demlUkrlse4 '°"" ancl llJllta of the lat 11\f.,,ltJ Dtvjal'!fl, lhe 11n1 Army divlalon le arrive In Vlelnaftl. Tbe 3rd Marine . Division n0w cuards the wttlaro twe>-thit1$a of the frontier below Ill<! demllltar1ze4 """'· with the South VJetnamese lit Infantry Dlvtston covdnJ <he rest. Tba area hu been relaUvely quiet for the put Yt'1', but U.S. MulDea from th< lfd Dtvlalcm'1 lrd ResJrnent cW!lecl oo ·Mooday with North Vleblam.,. troopa two mUn below the D/o!Z. Foor Matlnu w"' kllled, 31 woun- ded and there wu no eatlmate of enemy Ioaaea. , The U.S. lot Infantry Dlvlalon I• .... lloned north ol Salpn. In lhc pUI )'Ur it ru.. -Utlle JMjor btttlefiel4 action and 1111 betn concentratin1 oo Pl<lflea· lion, while Ille U.S, :lllll ll'fanlry b\Ylalon and lhc tat Air CavaJir Dtvjatoo have bor1le tbe bnutt o1 lhc heavy n11111n1 in Ill<! provinces alonr tbe Cambodian border north of l&igctl. The 1st Division already bu turned over part ot 111 arta of operations to the South Vietnamese Sth lnf:;intry Division. From Pqe l TROOPS •.. he puJled oot by the end ol November. The White House llid the totaJ reduc- tion in autborb:ecl troop ltranlth by Dec. 15 would really amount to 8$,liOO, but within the authorized ceiling all unltl are shown at 100 percent 1trenath. la actuallt;y, molt unita are sllahtly below full 1trtt1&th so that adual '~ ---aormally is lua than the authoriz!l,celllng by one or two percenl. 7bls meant that while tbe flsure was dU!erent, the new red1.1dlon of 35,000 as anno~ by the Pr"'ident repreW1ttd Ultle « no conflict with tht 4'1,500 fifw'• mentionfld by Ky. Ky apparently was talkln1 In terms of unlil al 100 percent rlren1~ - Nlion look Ill<! occulon to ur1e Htn0l •&al• 16 un4trtaP ..,.Uatlool truly leadinl to ctoeatlon ol bolllllllel. Raferdnf to the overall cutback of ll0,000 tr.s. troopa by Dt<. 15 the Pr.,i· dent said in a writtesi at.attme.nt. "the time for mean.input nteotiatJons has therefore arrived.' ··Let tµstory record that at this critical moment, both sides turned thtlr faces toward puce rather than toward confllct and war." Frot1t P .. e 1 FORUM ••• power JITlb by a poup ol radical dlssJ. dents who want to control the city." Dr. Roy Richard!, an opponent of Councilman Joe COum:1es, a a k e d ruldenta to choosg a new council on the baala cf what can be "accomplished in the future." Gubo, oppoalnl F're(etu, claimed the incumbent& were trying to "cover the tsaues with a cbar1e of pef*>Dllitles," then made his diJclosure OD the confljd cf lntenst opinion. Paul Savarloo, also opposed t o FNJge1u. ruffinned bis support of "the single family heme owner and bl! needs.'' Councilman Joe Courrtaea, warned the audience thal "Old Joe lsn't dead yet, and I'm golng to fi&ht thoae who set themu:lve1 up as judi;e, JW'Y and exe- cuUoner." Robert Sassone, runnlnc for lhe mayor's seat. alatn attacked his op- ponent's allq:ed conflict of lntue!t and called "for legislation to setUe the pro- blem." Frank, speak.in& last, 1imply labeled nearly all points made by the lnc:wnbe:nts as "false.'' The eventna ended, afitr a quesUoa and answer period, with Jama Dick, cha.lrman of the Plannina: commission and n supporter of the incumbtnLI, at- tempting to speak to the 1udleoce. He was shouted down by the caodidates who dalmed be hid no rilbt to .,,.U. Then lhc audience mterect out, nearly 111 di&cuhin& the evtftlD&'• event.a. County Rock Ban<ls Audition at Valley Some •I Or11111 County'a top yoon1 rock bandJ ara audlUonJn.11 today, Wedne.tday and Thunllay at Foontaln Valley l!l1h 6chool lot a cbance lo play at varl4us ICbool llOCk hopt tb1s year . All auditions lt&rt at 1:95 p.m. And rock 1roupa that would like 1 chance to play must calf MIOI Chris Weod•ll, Depu· ty of Bands, at 962-8066 or 962.a301, at&· lion 2.12, immediately. 11 DAILY PILOT Ir." ... " Allen Recall Draws Censure Of County GOP • The Oranse County R~pubUcan Central Commlitee today bitterly condtmned a recall movement galnst Supervisor Alton E . Allen, hi_ntjng it may be a Democratic plol A re&0lutjon stalln.i the GOP organiu· tion'11 position on the undercover move- ment against the Fifth D l s t r i ct supervisor was puled unanimously ?ifon- day night. "It b bard enou&b to attract honorable men to seek public olflce without adding to lbe problfm by subjecting them to ocurrlloot at6ock bued on half.tzutll! and innuendoes." the paper says. "Tht Republican Party in Orange Couty ilia &teadfutly rlood for clean poUUcal c.ampaigna ••. We deplore the emergence of these tactics in Oran&e County,'' the document concludes. David James, chairman of the county GOP aroup, appointed a ipecial com- mittee to probe whether the Alim recall movement may be the first step by Democrats to lnjtct l>lrtlaansbip in the supervisorial races. Tht rtaolUUon pused by the Central Committee wu Introduced by Mrs. William Bent. and seconded by Al"' Bowie. 1be document says the group note.a with Interest -and disgust -the carn- pat,n marshalled agalnsl Allen by pmons who :ue wrwllllng to be publicly Identified. Council Adop,ts Plan t0<' Boosl ~ .. ,. ,'--" . . FROM fLYING JETS TO FL YING SURfBOARDS Lindt Ban-Wiii Ba o-n of U.S. SurfllNrd Chtmplonllllpa Employe8'· Pay Fatter payc~ks Will be dellvered this 1' month to city employes of Huntington Beach, thanks to a new ulary schedule adopted Mooday nlgbt by the clly counclL I •Surf Meet Beady A comprehensive pay booat of about fiVe to seven percent 1t all level& we ac-I cepted. retroactive to Sept. 1. Stewardess Chosen Queen of Event City Adminlslzator Doyle M i 11 e r reported the new pay rates were worked oot from evaJuatk:m of U dUes in Southern California nearest in size lo lluntlnlt<>n Beach. Linda Benion. 25, an airline slllwardess from Hermosa Beach, will relgn aa queen over 270 contatanl3 participating in the 11th Annual United States Surfboard Championshlpa ln Hunlinllon Beach this ~'eekend. The blbnde will nol only act In cfficial capacity but arrived In Hunttn&ton Beach today to have a look at the ei&ht-foot waves, which she hopes will push lier to a repeat victory ln the women'11 <Uvision. Vince Moorhouae, director of the Dept. of Harbors and Beachel, predlcted today that lf current surf conditions prevail through the weekend, "we \\:ill have Ute contest to end all contests." Competing with Miss Bensen for t.rophtea in eight dlvlalorui are SW'fen of cham~lonship caJlber from Australia, Hawaii, Flarldl, Virginia, Tesa.s, North YOUR WATCH~ o CIMna4 • OIW •Adj- ..... , -·- Carolina u well as California. An estimated 100,008 to 150,000 £ans are expected for the event which will begin at 6:30 a.m. Saturday wiLh eliminatlon heal$ on both aides of the municipal pier. On Sunda;y semi-finals and final eliminations will culminate about 3 p.n1. with awards ceremoniea on the beach east of the pier. Festivities begin Friday nllht with the traditional luau, enhanced thla: year by the unveiling of a brome blllt of the late Duke Kabanamoku, generally acknowledged as the father of modern llUJ'fing. The bust of the man who preslded ov'!l' five runnings Of the cbamploru:hipa in HunUngt.oo Beach before his death at 77 In January 1968, will be mounted 1t tne head or the pier, ovulookin& future con-tests at lhc beach dly. Your Omtga: Salea &: Serviet A gene~ Hight.st salary on the schedule ls Miller's, at $2,lil-$2,662 per month. Lowest. 11\ary is about $4004500 per month for fullUme personnel. Miller aaid the new pay ratts were \'lewed by the cily employes' a.saocia- tiona befcre taken before the council, as required now by state law. "We've always worked with the empJoyes on aaJary rates in the pa st,'' er-plained the city administrator. "but now state law requires a formal rev:iew cf the schedule." Representatives ol lhe City Employees' ASIOCiaUon. the Police Officers' .AlllOCia· tion, the Firemen's Benevolent Associa .. lion and the City Yard AssociaUon signed documents supporting the new saJary structure. 0 OMEGA -----!!tit•' FREE $2.00 $3.00 ni. ...,y •• ,,,. 01n ... SpeM1ne1!1r w•lch "'' ttrly Wll 11IKf1d wiHi• 111f Illy ll'l-4ifi11fio11 • ., NASA te k w•r11 ity •1tr 1t1e11 •11 th• ...... Tllia f'fl-.. llltl•11, '"''' • , •• w•r• ftr • .._,11_..,,, 1111.11 VI pt•1td t. ... yevr 111fhtrb14 °'91•e• ltw~. CeMe I• -... ttik ··"·"'·· J •lltkt. 4 d1tl, 0.1t1 Sptff•••· FROM s4aa DIAMONCll llPLACIO. tr .. $6.00 .., elr.ro111ttr•ph.. Tlie 111ily wetJ ..,.,.. '°'Hie "'" •• fht "'''"" '" .. ,,,, Huntl119ton Cellter IHCh 9' ldlnpr HUNTINGTON IEACH • 892°5501 and back Harbor Sllopp("'J Center 2300 Haflior llvd. COSTA MESA 545°9485 ' f I I I I I I : - .L~g~~= .·neaflt . ,EDIT,10.N VOL l.2, No: 212, 2 ;~E~IONS, 26 P,AGES •• .. .. . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CA!.IFORNIA 1 ' ' $1.2 MilQori ·Ar.ch Beach Project llJ 1UoCIWID P. NAU. or !Jill. Dlllr.P.W.....,, Bids on the maJSlve ArrJ\. Beach Helghll ...essmt!nt diJtrlct Will come before Laguna Be.ch co an e 11 men Wednesday night. Costs currenlly are estimated at 11~17,'IOO lo bring lmprovemeall .lo Ille steep hillside aru in the southerly sector of t.guna. - Joseph Sweany, city p.1blle worU director, said aboul 365 lot.s will rective full benefit of sewage, streets, water, etorm draim, uoderground electrical Una and tmde:rll'OQDd telephone lines. Down the Mission Trail Allen to Speak At CofC Meet 'IbeN WiD allt tie,lltritt ln1pcvva11dlb. -• llll -1illl run Jboot 11,71111 .. ibe -at ~1-· "l"l esUmales"'inil 1>ood dbcount rit<s fi>r a . 2' by 111'1 loot Jtol, It ls mimat«I. Sweany said' about 125 olher loll will J;<IOOVO ltloer ~ 'llley. btnefil fri>m ....... -only. . Councilmen Wednesday will t>o ln- teresled in whether 'bkla: are within reuooable range of the ..,.;neertng cost estimates. Tbt co5ts are u uaessment against the land Ownen e•cept for S117,'100 to be oupplled by the OOW1ly for stnet worl. New Youth Merchants Unit Meets 1ldl lea,.. 11,0IO,llOO to bo oprwrd among pOji<ity .......... !lie bials \t preseiit estim•tu. . lflgl> c:ooaUuctlca costa would lncreua Individual aWMJnenta If the council d<!clded to,go foc;ward with Ille project. ll would .i.o 1_... · contingency lees .anchored ~o construction ~. It could do'. \ncreese Uie boind ' discowll rate wi>lch -said lw been running between 12 ancj 15 percent tl a bond. discount rate 15 to pe:rtent, Sweany f!IJflained in Ulum-atiob, for each 1100 'obligation 1n boodJ the property s •• .o ....... -«ilY "°would aclwllly bo tUmtabed. The other 110 would be In· lereat oq the .-y. If coundimeu 6bould decide lo abandon the p~ecl.· the clly would be mpaoalble for cost of engineering and contlnpncy work accomplished to this point. It wi.s estimated last year this might nm to $80,000. Tho propo1ed land development lirsl 1l11'faced March iJ, llH 8.t a codocll meeting tn the form of a property owMrs peUUon for an usesmwit district. 1be properly ... annencf lo Lquna Belch June Ji, 1965. , Despite oppo1itjon from -cltlJeo groupe, cooncUinen In a 4 1n 1 -IJlllt decided &Opt •• Hiii io go-~ tbe pro)ect.-~l!oy Holm Gppoted it for several reasons loclud1nJ ._. rendous" road acca.s problem.a whlcb be tabled "poor planning of the hlgbelt order.•• .. The Laguna Beach Chic Loque, Ctt-.' Town Planning Aaaoci.tlon and Arch Bear:fl Helibli Association ol Property Owners all asked Ille cooncll lo delu action and let the are& bo con-' . ' ' eturn TEN CENT'S . -In the -al plan tltady -under way • . Vice Mayor Jooepl: O'Sulllnn said at the:...et In& lall flept<mber tllaf bo felt It. WU the <1».t/ Of ~t 1!J help properly owners develoi> their properly. Councilmen hearing bid> Wedneoday will probably reler Ille matter to Sweany for a reoommendalion at the Sept. l4 .-mg. ,,,.,.. are• 17 bid lteml lo be evaluated. U lhe project JOeS ahead, Sweany said he expected the entire ""'' would bo largely developed within JO yoar .. · \ N• G .• txon · · 1ves New Appeal To N. Viets By M£IU\IMAN SMITH WASlllNGTON (UPO -Praldeot NiJon announced lodoY 35,000 more Gii wlll'be withdrawn from Vietnam by Dec. ts. ''The. time bas come. to end ttlil war, .. he uld In a new . •Pf<'! lo Ila"?' f~ meanlnlfu! pea<e talks. (llelated llorlel ..... ,..). ' .. . . 'l'llo··lew ..-; ...... "' :15,9111 ... . ·noune,.i -·monlhl qo anc1·comp1eted I~ ==·if ~in:;.:~ 111~ ts. ' • MISSION VJEJO-The lalell ln tennis court log• will bo featured during the recreation ~' tennis fMhion lhow 'lbunday, Seplmbor 11. Refreshmenlo will bo oerved durli!I the •lyle parade whldl beglM at 7:30 p.m. The -will bo ...... by Summer Girl and will bo modeled by M18'1on Viejo tennlo -boaded by Mn. -Goodell. All residentl are invited to this free event. • Dimes Bneflt Set LAGUNA HILLS -Mrs.. Betty Dillon of Laguna Hills Is a<:CeplJq rummage IOI' the I March or Dimes benefit rummage sale scheduled, for October- Anyone wl!blng lo donato books, furniture, clothlng, utenslla or white elephants fn good condition may contact her at 536-8013. Oraqe Weader. The '"'1 Ula l'Ollllla wllh at, but tlrtft.'c .a ~ spell fore- eut for "wednoodl1 &ltemoon with tempentutn atlll ldcldni around the low ......Uea. INSIDE TODilV It probably 1DiU b< JO !i<•n at lta1t MntU tile Pacific Coo1t Fre:e:UXJy and the: LaQtma Fret• way become: rcalttie1. See Paoe JJ. -· GET FASCINA,tlNG . ' LOOK AT RECALL Filing · for Hall In Ille ll70 Orange County Board of Supel'Vison' - begins rtve months from now. Yet a recall c.mpalgn against °"' cl the. IJ>. cunm,.ita already Is undet' way. Tlie campaign -~ to havt coat at least 110,11111 already -"' fer w-onl)' two ·acmowJedced leaden -•nd no .... dldate. For' a fllSC!nallng look IDto the mysterious campaljpi, ,r<ad DAILY PILOT ~ Tom Barley'1 11ory an -'lodlf. • 'J • • .., • ' ' ' ; ·M~-:·~~~.trl~ ~~rie•~','"I Applause . ..,~~ AP.oUo-ll·moon utronau!s, 'dreHed In ccasttvaUve SJ>e•UrMcCormaek. st'anding (lett1 to r\ghll •ar• builneH Slil1', won rousing opplawe from a joint Micljael Collin!', Nell AnD.trmg and Edwfu <'ildrin. ~on of .Congress toclay_as ll1ey appeared..on ~·· 1Seest6ey,Page4), .. · ,., poclium Jl!•I, ~.f!ont qf. \')<•: ;f'.(eside"! :A"'6w: 1!'14 • · • , ,_ I I . i J . . . Gunman ·Rohs · Service Stati9n A. tunman ·With. an untrimmed mustache held up a service station in Laguna Beach Mooday night and escapOd OD foot with. flO. Pollco Sergeant' Frank Kllloo said the bandit ~ a .32 caliber blue lleel autdmatJc al Attendant James Gordon, 200% !Ddden Valley. Tile robbo!'1 al Ray Carey Standard Servlct, IOI I. Ooaat Highway, occurred about 11:20 p.m. After eking for cigarette cba,..; bi~ Ion illd, the ..rdbber aald, "You fot any money Of1 yoo! Sit down. Dop't (e up for five. minutes..'' .~ • NEW YORlt (AP) -Tho llock market drifttd ta • fllrlY Mn'OW ranse today and ci<leed ..., lo where It allrled ou! from. (See qilotallool, Pqu lt.UJ. ' r . . • Tustin D(ld ClaimS Book I . . 'Just Pornographic Filth' A Tu!tln father who brands a wort ot .literature uaed 1n the Tustin Unloo mgh School !Jlgtrlct curriculwn ., lfterally a .SI million dose of immorality has lhrutened lo sue il the tell Is not drop- ped. T'ile controversy over Ald~s Huxley's "Brave New World" wUI be taken up with Ille district Board of' Truslee.s by the angry parent.nht· Monday. Blllineuman '8e.mie: Williamson, of 1291$ Newport Ave., TnsUii, ·plans to argue hJs •case before tht board througb proper channels bofor• filing a threaten- ed fl million lawsull "I'm told I can ask for're.conalderation or instructional materia.111 and I will do jult Iha~.. said the Industrial medical • l . ~. In • 'll1iliea otatemenl relwed by theWlilte Hot11e, s.ald the reducUpn of u.a.,~ atreogth 1o a new ceJ11ng c1, 1esa lllan half a mlJlial (!he Io ta I mnnbfr now there wu 508,000 u of Jut wed) "ta a liiolflcan\ mp." "!he -for meaningful negotl- lw arrived,'' bo aald rt/erring to t"8 Jonl,mnert Pails ta!U. "I m!JSe' lhal ~ 11 dittlc:Wt In commtmlcate acroa tho gull 'ol'flve ·yean 'd Wll'. llUt 11M time hal cool-lo .ml thll war." · . N&oft re.coun(ed nii<U movel be said. hi• .~ bad tann lo ml tho war ' ahd said · the Uolf<d Stalnl wu ~·to --and negqtlale with the Communists oo their demandl u well 15 tJma ol lhO illles . "ThO Ollly Item. wbtd> ta not negotiable (See TIIOOP8, P"I' II * * * Troop Cutbacks May Strike ffard. At Pendl.eton New troop withdrawals from Sooth Vietnam -due to bo announced today - could involve one-third of the Camp Pendlelon-bned Fifth Marine Dlvlsloo. as a Orst 11<p In Ill lnlal cteacllvatloo. Marine Corpf • Commandant G e n • LeOOard F. Cbapnu enollrmed Jut Fri· day· In a vlalt lo' El Toto MCAS that Ille famed Flllh.wlll bo disbanded, but just when ii another matter. Currently, the unit'• lllh Regiment, " about 7 ,000 min, II OD <l».ly aiound Da Nana. South Vietnam, while the other two nglmeDll ere at Camp P.endleton. fksatnearne.n tn San C 1 e m e n t • , Ociomlde and titbor ....W cilies are deeply coooeniecl ,over what Impact wtthdr>wal d tho Fifth Dlvisao will haff .. --Tiie P~ has boon 1tudy!Dg dismalltllnc Ille I Fiftll Division .. • me1boc1 ol<ulllilf Ill own pert cl'a SS blWoo u ..... Jpllldlog r e d u c t I q n oni-t ~Def'1"° ~ _Mel~ •Lal:td; . ; . ., J..••' I ~..._,,I·• 'lll''"·----&al4 loday.tboJAlid. ·..,., ;"ii'ti; lllb 'Rqlment would be )mon& the wllh<h1rall lo bo announced 'by the Wblle ·-· Deactivation of the ·l'1fUI Dlvlslon, ,,... ... Will -cerlaloly lnvolvo'. jUJor llarloe -· clll la Ille vw.. t:u:•« .inc. It mppliel Ille C«pl' Tllaa, = ""'1d bo. ~ • Tilt F,11111 DI-WU ~ Ill lllf to bell up -on tho Will OOUI, .. Ille mt ~ -Pl"*9d to join llle'ballla ~Ill \'Jo<. ...... Tilt Mtny al!! I pncWenl !or .._ qllted lllrtae ~ "°" llntlon .,. pulliiut -It oillnlDalOll ""t; .... lllnlll ln!Jlnlr7 D.1.vil!on last .... th • .. • \ 2 OAl\.Y ,II.OT t ~' ee~lt .. Mrs. Graham Says · Marriage Greatest €:fusade lit ~ .... _,._ A ....,.. "'1o devoln ber l~e to In· llltlng th< ..-u of her marriage and Ibo ,._e loto 80Clely of a Gocf.f!arioa and baPW family la playing ber part In the pwtat <Made ol all, Mn. Bllcy Graham told a 1tll-0Ul crowd f.londay at the Anallelm eoo...uoo eenttr. "!tit ~ to your teenqtta ind JOU wm 1ea111 a lot." tho alt7ocltfe sraJlluc wll• ol Ille lamed evaqelia\ 1cld an Coafliet Cited Hinshaw · to Sue County Board By TO~f FOl\TIJNE ot tM O.llr P'lltt ,..,, Orange County Assessor Andrew J. llloahaw tl>ls morning told the Board ol Svpervison be wW go to coon in an el· ' tori to f...,. them to allow 111111 lo bire a private altorne)' at~ -llblahtw aald R la c:lMr hla olllce ca• .. Jmcer be ""-by OountJ CGcmael Adrian l(uyp<r becauoe ol what he alleiecl Is con!llct of lntaut ar1slng !run the Upper Newport S.,. l>nd u- c!Jan&e dlapuU. Hlmhaw RJrprlaed coonty ~ will> hla appearance and told them Ile .... gl9lng lllem ... lul chance to chanae their minds about denylng him privato""""'1. Wbtn tbe board would not change its stonce. lllml1aw aald hi ,... going to Superior Court. County &Upel ~s took the position that even if lh. were a conniet of in- terest in Kuyper's handling of the tide- lands land achange with the lniDe Com- pa!Q'. thll would not be reason for the .useaor•a of!lce to employ private coume1 for other legal matten. Supervloor David Baker aakl the assessor does not hold an indlvtdual of. .floe but-ta part of a countywide system and to chan&e from this established system would be in direct confllct with lhe lnleot of lhe ---Added SuperY!sor WWam lllratdn, "I have -done a litUe reaearch on thll and the oaly precedent for hirinJ private CWJl!lel la to handle lnd.lvidU1t Items, not on a oonUnuing ~11. I'm afrakl there would be quite a problem if evtrJ county department head every time he hid a dlspu1e with counlJ ........i J101 hia .,.. prj.vate counsel." Supervisor &bert Battin sald, "1 feel the bol1d .. -of taqht In lhe mlddl•. Ocir dccy la to teep °"'" a-s various departmllll hlacb. 'lbe two of lhem ob- mully" .,. IJl8l'Y •ncl Irritated with each other. JI -me of two little hoy• ha\'inl a lichL" BaRln went oo to llY that he ~b botll lllnabaw and Kuyper m hol hoaded and .. ch partially In lhe ....... "Let them have !heir fight," he IUQ<11ed, "and Jtt a neutral, third party Judie de-cide "'1o 11 rltht." Planners Bending. R~es To Aid Victims of Flood . . . ' -.. .... . PlaJmlnr c:ommlali .... qreed M..,_ day to beod Ille rulM a UWe lo" '"'"'1t two victims ol the February ftood to retmld their home -elevated th.LI time on a centraJ plllar. Ray U111er and John FOllWI, whoae home at WT Canyon Acttl Drive wa1 demolilbed Jn flood. were granted permlsston lo project their propooed .... relldence Into lhe requlrocl tldeyard and malntahl lndlrect accesa to the 1110. Bolb men, lucky to eocape wilh their llvet. spent a'milerablt n!&ht OD a chilly, ....,.-lubed hillllde when lhe howe 11>lit. Ccmmlsalonert also 'll'livecl the .... quimnent to build a prqe or carport and, io wrap up the packqe, recogniled the -ormlng parcel u a legal hoildlng lite. Ad.ion wu taken after City Planner Al Autty aplained that the house washed from the steep hillllde last February was built many years ae:o in a altualion not conforminr to prtaent zoning laws. For &lme to years, acceu had been attained by a driveway leadin& from the end of Canyon Ai:rea Drive, Autry aaid. Commissioners agreed that a paved parklng area with turnaround at the top ol tbe driveway would terVe .in lieu of a garage or carport. sl.nce It la lblelded (rom view m the hillside. A petition Ila.ting they would have no objection to the variance was signed by neighbors Richard Massen, 581, 605-«l7 Canyon Acru Drive; Emily E. st'rlcker, 655 Canyon Acru Drive and Claude UflUV DllOI ~ CQUI "'*--CDMNn ....... tt. w ... ---J.$1i: .. c.,&., ..,.. .......... °"""" ....... -·----...::.~ Udih, 581 (:woii Acru Drfve. ·tJqv "mlil"·tontan. wM' ,..,. am1'!i flood vlitimi 111!Jled by .• benlfll .vi allClloll following lhe Fehruaty de!CJit, plln to build a new, oc:tqonal bouae on the., ... COndltlona lmpoeed by oommlallonen lncll/ded: evidence ol a -I we-ment for .the accua drive; poring ol the driveway and lumarwnd; and evaluation o1 tbe plans by Oranse County Flood c.n. ""'· alnce the land la olluated In a natural watm:ourse. From P-.e l AVANT GARDE Haley of Visions. According to Ron Kaufman, mana1er of the group, about 50 applications for membership ha\•e been received, in- cluding, in addiUon to the proprietors of psychedelic shops, two physlciana;, and operal«a of electrcrdcs, f u r n I t u r e manufacturing, jewelry making and prln- ting busines.ses, along with book store owners and four art gallery operators. Artists who hold cily business licenaea abo art el1&Jble for membership, Kauf· man said. He stressed the fact that the new croup want& to wark with, not agalnsl. the ex- istina merchant& organizaUons and is in· terested chiefly in awakeninJ the com- munity to the eeonomic benefitl of the )'CJUn&er monetary market . Said one young enlrtpreneur, 1'Sldewa.lk aitters only represent a minority of lhe yowig people. ,,,. tom· munity should realize th1t there ire a lot of IC>Cllled avant 1arde youth with plen- ty of money to spend. The emphuis alw1ya: has been placed on attractina more.or-less mtlor citizens to Lal\lJla. 'lllt fact ta that thtst daya the.re may be more money eoming ln frarn YotJnier vlJitora, lf thtlr netds m catered lo." Sa.ld anolhtt, "We want the public to zee that we're not runrtlni dens d in- iquity." • ................ Dr. Gnlim, """""._ ....... """ • _. ........... _.nib'. ......... lllil 1jr&tf "*"' .... out ol Ult ~llldecr fl!lllly life she malntaill$ In their North Carolina home. "TbU wu my own ldta,11 •be ._w. ''l felt Ulat It was Umt I talked to my fellow women on a theme that is very dear lo my htart -the acblevement of a happy man1ap and the creation and mah> -ol f'1n1Jy hatmo117." 'l1lal ham!ony gT<ill}' dependJ. Mn. U,.T ..... Denies Co"(llct Judge Clement F. Heynsworlb Jr., Preaident Nixon'• nominee to the supreme Court, bas denied chaige& o! coallict o! In- terest at a Benito committee hearlnj. See story, Page 4. Burglary Wave Hits Lagunans; $400 Ring Stolen A $400 weddin1 rini lead the list of IOUtS ln a rash of burglaries reported to Laguna Beach police Monday. Eleanor StutUe of tN1 Anita St. told poUce the hand-crafted ring had been taken frofn a druser drawer. Police 18.ld tftlry probably was through an unlocktd door. Roland Mattoon of 2607 SOiano Way, reported lhe theft of 12 books of Blue Chip stampa and a hollle of coio1M- Mote valuable items wtre not taken. There wa1 no sign ci fotted entry. Terry C. Legrove or Anaheim reported the thtft of a $65 AM/FM radio from a building under construcUon at 2147 Laguna Canyon Road. ClotlliJl& and credit cards were tatt11 from a car la the 200 block Of Laguna AvtnlJt. aft.er il WU unlocked by a bura· lar. reported M a r i 0 Ftroandu of Orang\!. A hopliftu made oU with $40 from the cash drawtr al Rita's Tennla Affair, 1420 s. Coall Hlgbway while a clerk wu busy elHWht.re. aIU.N P. Nil ..__ "'' -._ __ 212 ...... A.._ ....... -f.O, ... 116.tHIZ --=;,. .... .., ..... ....... ,..,., ........ ..... ....... _ ....... County GOP Committee Condemns Allen Recall • . . .......... u ................... .. ..... -_ .......... ._ ... .............. !II''... ...... = 9.......... ColMt .__,,_...v ... ..... o...i Cllllt ·-,,.,~ ......, .... _ .. , ..... ............... ..., ...... .., ~a.It---. TP, rm•,.,...... a 0nrhr ..... ...-. ., ......... ~~ '!'!!!!!'f' .:.-- -~· .. , '·=----_.. . ..,.._, -L..-i._-i:.=,:' =-= ...,..,..--=F'"'·~---....,. ---- The Orange CoClnty l\epuhllcao Cantral CommJU.. today bffl<rly condemoed a recall movement gairlll Supervtaor Alton E. Ailtn, hinlfn& H may be a DemocraUc ploL A molll1ktl llalinl lhe GOP organlu· Uoo'a pocltloo oo tbt unden:oov mov .. menl aplnlt lhe r~ D 1 atr I cl 111pel"lilcr WU puaed unanlJnocaly Moo- dOJ night. '11 II hard enoup lo allrlcl hooorll>le ...,, to -pub!Jc ofllca without lddlnc to tho problem by aubjec!lnf them lo ICllJTlloiu attacl bued .. half-trulhl and ln.'IUendoes," the paper ..,. .. "The Rtpubllcan Pany In Oranae Couly has steadlutly tt.ood for clt1n l poUUcal cam-.• , Wt doplore th• emerJtl'lC'e Of thtMi tacticl tn Oranae Count}','' the docwnent concludu. Davkl J.-, cbllmwl of th< county GOP aroup. appointed a ~ com- mlll., to p!Obe wllether the Allen rocaU _,.,... -be the lint ll<p hy Domucn .. to lnjoct partlaanlhlp In the auptnilcliaJ racts. Tbt ....Wt!oo pallt<I by lhe Cenlral commttttt was lntroductd by Mra. WWlem Benta and _,., ... by Alu Bowle. Tbe document uya U. IJ'OUP notes will! lnw.at -and dlqull -the ram- pelgn marshalled against Allen by per$0111 who are Ulll!)lli!ll to be puhllcq ldonUllecf, ' • .., .. l. ~ ,_ .• tllt ••• tW a "-·nllllr tlllo tf ~ • .,.... "1 !:!f ~a._,,.,., lo the ------·-~ ~ .... frinonl-dangor. ' •.• :-.· """' __. 1IW ...._., '""11cullrlr • "~p your .......... ...._ limple .. ..,. The •lender, !'f'!\C mlnlllCl'.J w~e ·r.--.-• .. y--... -' ~ 1 wore a yellow &ltk tuit a.nd an lnf«mal .... _.,. lo oc:rap the okl ed"' •aid. Encow',.. :rour chlidttn wbtli . swept-bark hair' l\)'lt> Her-soft clear 11>4~ '!"!ria&'•"ff a ·~ propoall/<"·" their acla are praise ""11l\Y• doo't aapect voice which..:arrlod more Iha~ a •h!J!I or "Vl!Nri you)fta!ly:" tllla.ild, "mama too much too ...., and ,,.,, them -her North Clrollna .ha<kll'O\lbd "'"car- m1111 le whom you -·1 ml!>d adJullfu1. ......... they have gotten themaelvu In tied Tia loudspeaker< to aome 1,000 Your bullnea ii to m1~ your hu!band balarq," she said. . lunchless luteners outside the ,dinln1 happy ~ ltav~ the rest to God -~ra. Graham admllted · ~ abe '"'" ,oom. · ~. only G«1 e&DI mate b1Ql "creatly wotTied" b)I the pre~IDCt Mr1. Graham wu .e_lcomed to Orana• eoo<L" •' ol ldeallata lo tod•Y'a ,..,_ ..... atlon. Coiml1 by Mrs. ru.iald Rtagao, '-'*'ary A llNl!>Y Ulllon should be °'"" aa an et. "Muy are hllnc mlalei," Iha Aid, cbalrmao ol the 'Convention Ctntor ...,... lO Ill clllldreD, 1111. GAl>am cq. "and lhtlr mlada·an ,.mg to be affeded lunch-' Apartment Pl-ans Denied Laguna. Owner Fails in New Permit Plea .\ -be apa-1 builder who IOCD>d ..-11 c.iqbl · --two city ordlnanc;ea, lllrucl< ou! l(atn at Ille· Plan· · nl"' Coinmiulon Monday nil!>I. Pla:men retuaed to ap,prove rtViaed plans submitted by E. L. Schroeder for propoeed apartmenta at 259 Lower Cliff Drive. In 1967, Schroeder was granted a variance permltting him to coMtrUct 20 apartmtntl aa the~. Whkh, under then elbtinc l:Oning, would have been Umll<d lo IS 1111111. a.tore the project aot of! the JnlCllld, the city's JOnlnc «dlntnce 209 was a- tenslvely revised. Schroeder dfsc:overm be now would be permltl<d only 1i.13 cmlll. His plans were at oddl with the new ordinance in the ., ... ol denail;y, blJlldirlg height and aldeyard arrangement. Evin aa he appealed lo the CllJ Cocmcil. for rellel, pl....,. ...,.111 the ""'°"' of alucl,)1cil _... for modlflrallon ol Cho From Pllfle l TROOPS ••• 11 lhe rlghl of Ille people ol South Vie~ nam to detmnine their own future, free of OUllSdl mtafertnce," be aaJd. Nino Alfrnlntantloo offidall had in- dlca!ed • receaUy u a few daya ago that the Pmldent had not ahMdoned his apruaed hope of withdrawing 100,000 or mou IDlll by the end ol this year. However, With the ..,. wtthclrawll nol to ht cqmpleted wiW JO d'l'I before , Chri&tmu, If •PPtUed hlJhlY unlikely the IOo,000 flsur• would ht rucl>ecl in th< final lwo -iii 'of l1IO year. Tbe authorlzell Viet.am troop ctllin& at the start of thls admlnlstraUon was 119,liOO. "l haYe dedcled to reduce U'8 authoriz- ed lrcOp cellln& In Vlelnam lo 414,000 by Dec. JI," the l'relldent aald In a state- ment. Ht eaplalned lhlt under tl>ls new eeWns .... mlnlmum ol eo.ooo troops will have bel7l wttbdrawn from Vletntm by Dec. 11." The new fllUH of 35,000 men to be pull- ed out -as well u the date for com- pleUon of the withdrawal -wera diJ. ferent ftom the number and di.tt men- Uored Monday In 6algoa by South Viet· nam'a vice pruident, NIU)'en Cao Ky. Christian Fraternity Holds Kickoff Meet strict new ordin.anct. 'Ibey ,....._ ll>al the COClllCil adopt an Interim ordinance, provldlns JOIJ\e rtlle:f. unUl the en~ mttter of rnodlfyln& the new imlnc nileo could be formalized Scllroeder wu !Kl•laed hy the council to gtt bit plan1 more Jn line with lhe rellef ordinance snd lake them back to the planners . Monday niabt he uked for 11 unita in- slead d U or 13. "Tha111 It.ill a 50 perctnt lncrease," aaid Commls&ioner Chari" Jo-.. Schroeder pointed out that Ire .... com- P1Yln& with new requiremen,. on height and cddeyarda (lhouib he would like to modify them too) and had three more parking spaces than he needed. "Wbat ls your ju.stitk:atlon for aaking for six more. unit&?" asked Dr. Robert French. "I have to offlet the buUdinc coat with density," said Schroedtt. '"lbjJ is not a family-type area. It's ck>se to downtown and lhert'1 no point in building two-and Chne-bedroom family apartmenil. I want to build smaller unit!: for adult Uvtn,g, and more. oC them." Jf not permitted more density, be would have to reduce coat by cheapening thtl building llld eUnPnaUng lhe swlmmini pool, he added. Planners decided there was no real hardship warranUng a pennlt for 18 Wlit.s. •·1 would concede a certain over~ensl­ ty ,'' slid commils\oner Howard Holden , "but not II. J feel this could open the door to all sorts of problems." Chairman Fred Brtgga lhoogllt It would b£ hard to justify allowing 18 -even tbough be could have had 20 under I.he old variance.'' Johnson did not feel that "true hardstrlp" had been established by the applicant. The planne:r:s voted to recommend denial of thi varlanoe applleaUon, when it comes before the council Wednesday n1gbt. Board Delays Deciswn On Variance at Motel lm~int a city-owned roadway with regarding pedestrian and vehicular traf- pavinf, wbtn ordered to do JO u a can-fie control. djtlonof a variance, doe1 not give a ~ Architect Richard Dodd. represenUng p«ty owner a "vested interest'' 1n the the applicant said tht conditimu ~ be . atreel, Laguna Beach planning com· ac"Plable. mWioner1 pointed out ~tonday nipt. Don Seal, speaking for the Sand!, found : 'Ille PaUon·· ar-• during healed the whole proposal -'-bl<. , dfacuulon of a •arlance applk:atlon by +... "Since both pm:!iei wUI uul1ze public • Rlcbard D. ~ W!lo .,.u .to odd h • 'ploPOity JOr;acceil,.1t beboc>V., ""1' to units to lhe al111n1 eight apartments ,1 ~up with a solullon," sald·'lllrilchak. La ·~-• 1 •• 1 s Coall ui-t-It' not UP. to the clty engmeer to fli\Jl'• guna .:u.HUI, vu • • ...... "ay. It out." After len~y dtba1'. the matter was Seal suggested that the applicant and deferred to a Sept. D study seulon. opponent meet with the city engineer and OpposiDc the variance are owner& of a .represen~tive bt' the Pl~ Com· La1Un• Sands a 32-unit· cooperative mission to iron out thre ·problem. • Chairman Fred Briggs agrud. "Wt alt aputmeat development at tr.as S. Cout feel thert is sometltipg awry here. Highway, who malnltin an lmpoulble There's a definite, dangerous problem on traffic aituailon would be created by the the traffic ·situation and jt ahould be Shoals e:r:panak>n. . dllCU.56ed before we vote.'" Both propertles abut Vltln& Road, a narrow emns.ton of Blut:blrd Canyon Road oo the ocean aide of South Coasl Hl&hway, which wu paved, at the ex- pense of the Sands, when Ill variance \\'a! granted several yean: ago. "Thi.a does not 1ive you a vested right in the roadway." commented commW:ioner J""Pb Tomehak. Surfing Good On South Coast I I, ' I I ! A kickoff meetin1 "ill be held toni(ht at a o'clock in the Mi&Slon Viejo .High School mulU·purpoMI room to launch the new ConfrattrnJty of ChrisUan Doctrine (CCD) high school proaram for St. Nic:holl1 CathoUc Cburth. The city attorney had confirmed Ulis fact, City Planner A1 Autry told the com- mlliSion. He explained that action on the Burt application haid been dtferred to stve ~ city's encineering rtalf an opportunity to evaluate plans and conalder altunate solutions lo the cratflc problem pr.,.nted by the applicant and hy lhe Sands. Warmlng waten: and south imlls prbo duced good surfing condilloru along the south Orange Coast today with "''aves ruMi11g to five feet. ( Laguna Beach llfeguarda &aid the IUl'f / was running from four to five feet with I "·ater temperature.s a wanner 15 degrees. J San Clemente gtJards aald tbe IUl'f, two The procram will Include. 1lidt1, films, group dlecu11;on and mulfc, followed by rofruhmeol!. High school lltudenU. C&Chollc or oon-<:alhlolc, are lnvRed to attend. The Sands aJternate, said Autry, was not acceptable lo the engineering depart- ment, W"hlch bad recommended approval d. the variance, but with 14 conditions to !our feet, aeemed to ho building. Water f temperature was around fi7 degree.a. The ~ IW'f al the Salt Creek area Monday ran as big as eight feet, CIT'le Laguna Beach guard said. YOUR --WATCH~ ---!!19•• ..... -FR~E •Clea_.• OIW .... , .... •M ...... PIAIU ~00 FROM s4aa IW11:UN• ,,_ llMM $3.00 --llAMOMll $6.00 ...... __ a.r ........ IMUYUlfe IOKI -~ WMILt YOU W&fT H•tlnvtu~ ClllNr ···" at 1111...., HUNTINGTON HACH m.sso1 I Your O~ Saln • Snvice Agt?lCU 0 OMEGA Thi "'"' ''"'' o..,,,, Sia-N"'''"'' •1tc• "'• •• ,,., •• , ··'"''-' ..... h. 11t '"" 111Mlfl1111ti•11 lly HASA t. h -11 ~ o~, ............. Ttr.it ,. ... 11lti•"' trvl., • , .. • I r ia1 f • r •lrCtllt 11c1, ··"" .... , • .,, .. k .,.... 1ufti9fi1t4 o... .. , J-11.,, C.1:11 I• -11• ..It lrl1a4a1 .. 1, 2 Ntte11, 4 41~. o.i ... Sp.M.,., ... .., ..,...,,.111ri-n •• ,.1y .... kl_....., ....... "' ..... "''' fltL TllMI A.'fAJLAILI and back H.tior Slloppf!MJ Center .1300 Harbor llvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 I I t 1 I ,, I I I I l 1 I , -' JIAH COlC, ~'4'( ~. -. 'f-)1!!-' -L ~u -· • j- P.~ rf¥. -·~--:G e·a red -. . " ' .. -' i-~ T ~ . -• .. .: ~ -· To Las Vegas Mission Viejo Wom;n's Chih W..lll gear friVolities .next Saturday evening to a Las Veges Night theme, complete with a floor show and plenty of entertainment. . The evenl~ will begin at a p.m. in Mission Viejo Swim and Racquet Club which will be di'Oased up to offer plenty of Las Vegas glitter. · Alan 1r1cMillen will be master of ceremonies for the eveot which will offer a floor show at 10 p.m. followed by entertainment by the Variations, a group of. five ,college IPJdents who play professionally. Hot and cold hort d'oeUvris ·will be serVed throughout the eve. ning, and refreshments will be· available. All guests will receive a door favw, and during tbe evening prizes will be awarded. Mrs. Leonard A. Evans, ways and m~ns chainnan, is in charge of the event with Mrs. Dick Caneday ·actin& as her co-chairman . • . others assisting include the Mmes. John Mittrick and: Donald Owens, tickets ; Gary McCaw, Robert Brumfiled and Fred lmmedia· tor, food; Robert Bunce and ~im Merriman, workers ; Tom Strunk and Howard Laughon, decorations; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hicks, door prizes and favors; and Harvey Steam, entertainment. • . ' Richard Johnson js d\)ing ' the lllhting fi>r the show, while his wife is in charge of costunles. Mrs. FI1llU: Elsener is clean-up and •etting-up chairman. Tickets are $4 per pers,on and further 1nlormation and reserva- tions may be obtajned ~bY callini Mrs, Mittrick, 837-5309, or Mrs. Ow· ens, 837..a'750. WHO'S .THE SHOWGIRL? _,,,,Could lhi• namboyant blonde showgirl be wife anir moth,er Mfs. Joseph Saliba! 'Ibose who wish to know for sure are invited to attend the Las Vegas Night par1y. sponsored by Mission Viejo Woman's Club next Saturday evening ·jn Mis,;ion Viejo Swim and Racquet Club.· Tickets are $4 per person. -'. 'East or West, Food Is Best,' Say Laguna Ebe/ls The Laguna Line Closing Night . T casted At Champa·gne Party By JEAN cox . Of l'k Dll!f' 'lttr SI.rt ' ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY who had anytbing to do with Lyric Opera Association of Orange County's production of "Si>und ' of Music" sot together for a champagne party followlng the final performance· in lrvme Bowl last Saturday evening. Opera Leai"ue sponsored the celebration where champagne and hors d'oeuvres were c1rcu1ated among cast members, backstage workers, ticket sellers and other workers behind the scenes . .. El ADOBE restaurant was crowded wi th 400 guests recently when Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hankey of San Juan Capi;:;trano celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The flankeys were married Aug. 25 1919 in the home of her father, Jesse Annitage of Sunset Beach. Two of ihe original wedding guests, Mrs. Frank Cowgill of Yucca Valley and Mrs. Elsie Spect of Kirkland, Wash. were pl')!Sent at the party. Hosting the .,,recepUon were their children and grandchildren and their spouses.' They included the Messrs and Mmes. P . B. Rogers of San Diego, l'hil Widolf of Laguna Beach, John Hankey of Pauma V"1ley1 R. A. li<lss of Buena Park, Bruce K. Weed of' Buena Park and Randy Williams of San Juan Capi&trano. MRS. SAM GARST recent!{ hosted a luncheon in her Irvine Cove borne in honor of Mrs. Duk& Wes and Mrs. Bert CaJviri of Laguna Beach. Guests included the Mmes. James Deering from Los Angeles; Page Golson of Laguna Niguel; LaVerne Fletcher of Laguna Beach; Fred Hil· pert of Lei.sure World, and James Titus, Mrs. Garst's sister·in-law of Bal• boa and Lo6 Angeles. · , · The Garsfs helped Mrs. Titus celebrate her bir1hday last Sunday duro Ing a party In the Balboa Bay Club. THE JOI of playing chaperone to 27 teenage gjrls was tackled re- cenUy by Mrs. Jack Evans and Mrs. William T. Phillips. They escorted members of Laguna Beach Bethel, Job's Daughters to the Greek Theater for a performance by Jose Feliciano. Bethel members were guest! of Miss Patricia PhiUips, honored queen. and council members. The sbow wa.s e reward for the many hours coeds spent working in a booth on Festival of Arts grounds this summer. Laguna Beacli Ebell Club members and escoru will enjoy a l?ro. gressive Dinner party next Sa!nrday nigbt. The Richard Raclch home will be the·seWng for cocktails froin 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and then dinner will be 1erved In the Jay Slooes hyme. Mr. and Mr" Winllelcl Sblru Ifi will operi their home for desser1 and dancing. Figuring out wbldl way to&!> are (left to right) the Millea. Dooafd Knapp, Sbiras an4 AnU10ny Orlandella. SEVERAL MEMBERS of El (:an)ino Real Junior Woman's Club eDo !'oyed a camping excursion recently with their husbands and children. Fes- iv!Ues lnclude<f volleyball, singing around the campfire and outdoor cook• Ing. Col 'umnist · Advocates Teaching • Sex ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: !Ibero do l"'I rtlnd on sex education lo the )lllbllc odiools1 -e ol 1111 friends ~ft &Ms " kills Ideas and leads them bito doinf Uinp they have no ~ dolnl. My a!Jt.Nn·law In Mlc:hlgu ii horrified at wllat her children were taught 1ut year tn sixth grade. She de.9Crlb@d th6 lilaraluno (complete wllb ~<l!Jra) u "di•gustin& and filthy ... Yest.rday I rtedved I lll&Jling !torn D!llac lhat lmocl<ed me oll 1111 cllalr. It llljd this whole c:ampalp !or ,.. em.cs. t~ Is be1o( pu.t>ed by I Ccllnmuoill- loi(cked Ol'lllllsotioa called SIECUS - <%11!1orma1Jqo >Oct Eclll!O'!IQo Cquodl ol ll>e United Slales). Accordi111 lo this article, Sll!lCUS wa1 lounclod by llaJY Cal-. .• _, .. ANN LANDERS ~ \ • fn>m the Eat ......... •n>Ulld l!Ylnc dirty lec:tum at prep IOhoOlt. Tbe alllcla ended Up aaylnc tho ..........i ii I plol to weaken our ~ao tho Commleo can """'" In Niii' .... Wbat ii SIB:CUS! Wbo II _ ~!-Do.,... bellete dli-lhoiild' be Ihm ... edllCltkal lo the pobllc ldloola! u ... al what 1pf I---hldlliied. My hutband anct I have lattb In JOU1' Judgment. WID }'1111 IUlde us! -SUN· TlllES:RJ:ADERS. - OEAll l\EADERS: Mary ~ II a Qllbr, a VlllU sradU1e, a ,..,.,. .... ..,,....., .. , ...... ,... .... 4•er, Ednnl Stdclant, 1111 -. ..,,. " Dr. ,.,.... Cal4etwo lonnttlf wM .. W.nt.B-Oqaelntloo, Ao ... -........ """ !we -.. r:::••· Dr. c.JderMl WI • N• -el PIMfti P-a<! loaaded Sl!:WS 111 1111. SIECIJI II a ...,..at looltll qeaey made •p of rellgfou, ,....csl. <chi,. doul I ad oilier pralealoul leaden. A m o • I or~ lllffiPortlal Mll eh<aU'" lo the ......... ,. t~e Ametie.. Oollege of Obstetridlns and Gyoecoloslsll, the Amer1<iu 'p • b 11 e Uetith Aisoc1alloo, Ille A~ail Medl· et1 AllOC!atlon and 1'e Niii-Plftft~ 1'eackers Amdalfoo. Tlie l\eY. J'a-T. MeHllCll, director of t • e FamDy W. DIVW,. of lllo U.S. Cotllollc Coolm ... dmrtbed moot of the Cll!Ues If S1ECUS ¥ mem6tn of ncUcal qaalutlou -...........,1n, aaclcr b I 1 b -· untM ••.. Olr cMldra •f11 1ettt11 "1tx tthca- tkln'' evm d•y of tbtlr llvet wMtbtr we llke II or not. 1nd mid: tf U1e tducation la the w r • • I ktod. 1\ey •re beial Education Early 1111malalod and Ulllaled by TV, ad· vtrUllla. r a 41 e, reconl1, m1&adnta. 1'Dlbolrd1 aod movies. SO It prne1ted u gtamoroq, fWn -&be "fn tblla." Ql11dren 111•11 be teag1tt eirty (f I ft ll 1rade t1 no& f.ot a o o a) CM& Id 11 not someW.11 people dt f • r tlcb -t.ltt.t everJ te'I •ct carries wtU. It a eolemn mpondbUlly, llOI oo)1 In Ille -1'1th wbom he 11 ••Ying 1enal rel.UO., bit it GM'1 ftmllJ ud tee'I tommlak1• 1\e ldul place-for 11s edacadol ll 1t llome. UrsJGJ1,Qa1ielJ • valt liUl)orilJ tf par.nil .,. Ol-<qalpt>ed In dt the J • b beaa11 tlaey are alafO(llM!d nd nabte " d I 1 c I I. SU comt.nahl.Y ...... Jtctlvely wttll ibelr e~ r1t.1ve lfff'I tr.e SIEC\18 materill a,ed wt.lie 1 J e e 1 that -· of It 11 • aade "" .... , ..... put deal of It HI merit. At wltll a 11 oew-pf'OJ!'.,., mlttaket will be •Ide. bd J fJnnJy believe GUr cMlthu Mei lldl _. .... 'Ibey .... l>oond .. ·--It by ltanlng to oecept their -ty u ••• r .. 11, bealllty, poolU•e, Qlildnl ,force la tklr lives • When romanUc 1tances tum to warm embraces is ll love or dwmiatry? Sent rOI· the bookJel "Love or &el' and How to Tell the Dittmmct." by AM Landen. Enclose I lenr, stamped, .. u4ddmied envtlope and l5 cents In coin with '1"'1' rtque'st. , Ann Landoni 1'111 be &lad lo halp ,.. wllh your probl•m1. S.nd them In her in earo of lhe DAILY PILOT, eocloolol i .. u-addmsed. atamped eowJope. • , I ' • I Horcncope Gemini: Don't ·Force WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 By SYDNEY OMAJIR ARIF.S (March 21·Aprli II): Be sure of what YoU write, publlsb. Many uhlbll lenden· cy ·to miaquote. Make y o u r meanings crystal clear. Corn- ~on.s with one at a dlstance cootinue to b e empbaslud. TAURUS (April le-May 20): Oil d e e p for Information. Refuse to be satisfied with 1Uper6cia1 JndlcaUons. Stresa netd for give-aod-t.ab:: eet money's worth. Day &hows definite financial gain. GEMINI {May 21.June 20): Accent on marriage, public relations, your ability to listen. Don't force issues. Make con- cess.ions. Finlsh rather than begin. Give love and you will also receive it. CANCE& (June 21.July 22): Issues UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Some: contwfon e1ts&s. But you ulUmately produce facts to prove mijor point. Be COD* fident. Don't permit well· wiahus to alter your life style. Slick to prlnclpJ... SCOlll'IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): SpotlJ&ht on wbat you own and how you can increase earn- in11. Relatk>m with opposite 1e1 a1ao empbuiud. Personal magneUJm. ratinc ia higb. You are. due to aucceed. SAGnTARll18 (Nov. :z1. Dec. ti): Cycle hip. Take in- iUaUve. Eserciae in- dependence of lhoufh~ action. Accent ort'1nality. New con- tact. apt tO prove beneficial. You receive favorable notice. CAPRICX>RN {Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Belt to remain behind the scenes. You can· successfully deal in illusion. Le.ave details to others. Concentrate on transforming inlaginalion to something useful. Jo.leans be: tnie to yourself. T!ilN~ING 'COOL' -That ls what Ebell Club members of Newport Beach are domg as they plan for a Cotton Card Party Sept. 18 in the clubhouse. Searching the closet for cool , cotton cuuals are Mrs. Vernace Morgan and Dr. Emma Munsen (left to right ). News Talk A Summer Pause Opens Fall Club Takes Refresher HONOR THE OBJECT -Rea(y to greet members al El C8mlno Real Wo- man's Club's FounderllDa1 Tei are (left to right) the Mmes. Ern .. t Riedel ways and means cbalrmaD: John Renfro and ltobert Warner, past presidents' and Seymour E. Nutt, president. ' New Work methods ac# compllsh b a s i· c goal. Your health abould not be ignored. Dopende ... put 00 p......ur<: pets and people make ~ their Deem. Do one thlnc at a time. • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 11): Accent on friend s , desires. fulfillment of wishes. Study Caprictn message. You are especially attractiv~ to op- posite aex. You rettive mean- ingful compliment. E n j o y younelf. For Group George Todt will tell Laguna Beach Business and ProCess.ional Women's Club membtrs What's New in News at their first fall program and dinner meeting next Thursday night in lhe Oulri11er restaurant. A refreahing pause in the 1t1mmer routine is bting plan- ned by ,nembers of Ebell Club of Newport Beach. Their Cotton Card Party Is a trut offered at noon 'Thurs· day, Sep!. 18, in the Ebell Clubhouse. Balboa. Tickets are $2, with the proceeds to benefit the group's music and nursing scholarship program. Mrs. Vernace Morgan, ways and means chairman, is being assisted by the 1'-tmes. Ray Nielsen, co-chairman: Adrian Joyner, tickets : H. D . McGregor, menu : l" er o I Ballenger. telephone; \Vatter Gustin, raffle ; C. R. Forbe.5, S. E. Briggs, Henry Vaughn, Erwin Loth and L. B . Thatcher. LEO (July ~Auf. %11: PISCES (Feb. 19-~tarch 20): For Moture Women Leaders Toasted Good lunar aspect lod•y coin- cides with sueceas in creaUve ellorta. Bruk throufb 1'd tape. Accent change, travel and variety. Trust bunch. YDUT ESP clicks. You gain lnllght inl<l basic goals. Your horizons widen. You can pereeive future in· dieaUonL Accept accolade in gracloul.. manner. Cooperate with OM in authority. Job Clinic Offered VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep!. %1): NB Friends Exploring Area History A fru seven-wtti. job clinic designed for mature -womtn who are either cntenna for the first time or returning to tbe labor market will be offered at !he Santa Ana YWCA htgin· nlng nut Friday. The st1ries, c.;sponsored by the Santa Ana-South County YWCA, California S t a l e Employment Service a n d Univtnity of California - Africu1tur11 E 1 t e n s J o n Service, will tale p I a c e Plans Told For Gala Evening A 1111 evening at tht thelter, an afterglow buffet dinner and dancing all are planned for members and iµests o£ the Cosla Mesa PlaytJoose PalrOll! Association llOll Friday. The play will be the Costa Mesa avtc Playhouu's open· ioC nllbl production of "Good· bye Charlie," a comedy by George Axelrod. The patrons will be joined by cut members for the a.fter&low buffet in th e Newport Beach EIQ Club. Newly elected office.rs of the Patrom: Aslociation are the Mmes. W. D. Van Atta, presi- dtnl; Charles Stanley and Anthony Toto, vice presidents: Bruce GarLicb, Jteeretary, and Jack ReiDert. treasurer. The pll,)' will continue weekends through Oct. I . Relervations may be made by callillg the Costa M e s a Recru1ioo Department, 834.- 5311.l. Retired Reconvene A. Austin Amerine. special consultant for A m e r i c a n AISOciation of R e t i r e d Penons, will addru.s the first faJI meeting of Newport Beach Chapter 121 of AARP nexl Tlalnday. 11\e ptherlng will take plM::e at 12:30 p.m. in the Hartior Senior Citizens Recreation Cent.u, Newport Bead!, and Amerine will dilcul! lnsuraoce ror persons 15 ·or Older, Alao oo the proa:rarn will be Mrs.. 11\re:sa Renner or c.r... del Mllr, who wfll -hor book. "A Sip ol Old HUQPfJ' and World War L" wflldl WU written In col· -wtlh Mrs. Wlnl!ttd IC. 1i'loo. . AD penom 55 « older are llWitolLlo -· ,,_ Al· -.. ollooid brin( aack lundla. NB Auxiliary TIMI Lldleo' AllSllllry ol """'"" -l'lre llep1rt-~ tbl third w at * p.m. m -locollom. IJllQl'lllllloo nutdhl --m.r be .. labd l!J callq llti. T. C. l>Allq ....... , Fridays from t :30 to 11 :30 1.m. Weekly topics will include So You Want to Go lo Work, EvaluaUng Yourself, How lo Find Job Oppartunities, Your Job Application and Meet the Employer. Personnel managers and aulhorities associated with the employment field will present a realistic picture of the cur· rent labor market and Suggest techniques the mature woman sbould use to approach it. Individual counseling will be available, as will child care, and those interested are in· vited to call the Santa Ana YWCA, ~n. Registration ls open only lo women ddinittly interuted in seeking employment, and wlU be limited to 100. El Camino Jt.al Women's Club members will take lime out to honor lhdr leaders dur- ing a Founders Day Tea in Dana Polirt Community House at t p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18. Be aware ol property values. SUck to the solid. Heed voice Of aperience. Don't' w111der into un(amiliar terri~ .. Con- trol leJ'Jdency to be ristle.ss to point of carelessness. U' TODAY IS YOUJl BIRTHDAY, you can succeed In buslneas and you have: great creaUve drive. That change affecting borne. domestic con· dlUon will prove favorable. Members of the decorating committee include Or. Emma Mrs. Seymour E. NuU, who is beglnnlfli ·her ye.ar All club president, will be honored along with Mrs. J am es McCalla. president of Callfomia FederaUon of Women's ..'.:lubs, 0 range Area Students Become American Ambassadors Todt, who is appearing as a member of Coast Federal Free Enterprise S p e a k e r s Bureau, is expected to 1lant his talk toward c u r r e n t legislation. Mrs. Lloyd ltfilne:, legislation c b a i r m a n , ar· ranged for the program. An authority on area history :r.turuen, chairman . f\frs. Neil will offer colorful commentary v. Will iams, ,.,11'5. Ralph on the past when the: Friends \\Tilson, 1'-frs. Charles R. Croul, of lhe Newport Beach Library Mrs. A v. l\iortman and hlrs. gather in the Newport Harbor Phillip Pike. Yacht Club next Thursday at Pr1rs. L. H. 1'1c8ride, presl· District. Also taking bows will be other district officers, past presidents and life and charter members. Following a brief business meeting, 1 musical program is planned. Executive b o a r d members will serve a s Five Newport-Costa t.tesa hifh achoo! llludenla had !he vacation of a lifetime this past summer and might have a hard time settling down to hostesses, and decoraUons are study in their respective hi&h being planned b)i the Mme~. sctiools. John Renfro. W. A. Woodman ;r -""9 five, pJUJ'l'ODe atudent 1nd Ray Miller. tfram Santa Ana's Foothill A former ne1,1.•s paper col· umnist and televisi on com- mentator, he frequently editori'alized on the me:nace: of 10:30 a.m. dent will welcome membtrs Miss Ellen Lee, who h a s and guests to the "cool" parv specialized in the memories and lmprt"UiOO!l of Madame1:;1;;'·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Helena Modjeska will tie: in 11 During the:ir stay the communism, according to early Newport history with the stuaents toured the U . S . 1'fcFadden brothers who ar· Cm~. met American Jo.trs. HeJen Pratt.. publicity rived iD 1175. _o\mbassador John Lo d & e , chairman. Madime Modjeska arrived vltited tbe largeat opera bowie He bas received awards in 1171 with the Polish Colony in the world, toured mmeum.s, from Veterans of Foreign to settle in Anaheim and 11 winerie.s, estanct•s, \be Wars, Sons of the American years la~ she built her home Huenoa Aires nnrpaper "La . ln the canyqi, "'-"and putlclpotoctln,._ .Retolulioa and Ille ll'n!edom H-will ht !he Mmes. lelevlllon sbow. 'Jl'~lloo. He also writes a ltorace lleojamln, R. A. Pang, PIANOS MA.IOI IUNDS ...... ow IKqiWlllt ,_ TERMS WALL·IC H$ Oi Is Topic of Artists Hilb School, participal<d in CADIE of California, Inc., an Argenilne student eichan&e program, and spent 34 daya in Argentina u guests of in- They will present bl~ column wblcb has b e e n Alan Andrns, Henry Scbooe al their lrlp for 1 pnblic pubthbed more than !00 Umes and Lelaod Beckett. lles<rva· 1•oeral meetin( o1 CAD1E In !he U.S. ~ tiOll! m111 ht l!1lde •I the MUSIC CITY • SOUTH COAST PLAZA lrhtel .. S.. D .... fwr. COSTA MllA 141..Jlll nest Thurlday in Eltancla Record. Jibrary, 67.S-l&fK>. Hi&h School'1 Forum at 7:JOI-'-~~-------=~::...:::::::::._ ___ ...:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1'-frs. Helen Hafner will lec- ture and demonstrate on oil pain:.ing technique w b e n Niguel Art Association has lt.s first meeting d the fall sea.son in Crilwn Valley Elementary School next Thursday evening at I. All members and guests are "''eicome lo attend the meeting YMCA Event 'Smoke' and list.en to the art direcl<lr , dividual families. of Orange County Falr and The travelers, C her y 1 teacher £or the Santa Ana and Smallwood and Sue Wolf ol. Orange YMCA's. &stancia High School. Cheryl Newly elected officers In-Peterson and Tyn Hamen of elude P a u I Ditr.enberger, Newport Harboc HiJh School p~sident; Mrs. D a v i d and Rip Pratt of Corou del Graham, vict president; Mrs. Mar High School. were joined J. R. Watson, secretary. and by Doug Moon of FHS and 1'1rs. O. J. Gama ch e, PAW Karen Shelor, their treasurer. chaperone. p.m. .. Anyone lntereated In the n:· chana:e program, whicb la a nonprofit IJ'OUP with five chapter& in the United States, may call Woody Lane, 541- Slll2. Membership Is open to families who will host an Argentine student for a month or pay yearly dues. Signals Big Pow Wow Harbor Area Y Indian 1'-laldens and Taus (mothers) will begin traveling IOI.Ith to ~ Camp Woodcbuck F r l d a y evening, Sept. It, for t.he.ir an- nual Harvest Moon campout. More Lhan 200 campers will spend the weekend in the camp near Octanside and return home: Sunday. A special award wilt be given lo the tribe with the most authentic Indian village, and the campers will compete in lndlan Olympic and skiU games, swim and hike. Highlighting the campout will be the graduation of the appro1imalely 15 1irls who have completed third grade, the age limit for Indian maidens. Mrs. Robert Helsper and Mrs. Gene Barlow are planninl the: ceremony. Mrs. Roger George I s general chairman of the camp and' assisting her ls Mrs. Noel Pefti.. Campout committi!es are Walla Walla Tribe., n!giJU'a- Uon; Sbosb<lne Trlht, Oa1 raisin(; llfactloot Tnht, ln- diah Olympics: Sioux Tribe. graduation and worship; Pima Tnbe, torch prooeuloo; Nu PHCll Tribe, campsite ln- apectioo and awards: Pueblo, Nootita and Mabb Tribel. camplire; Hopi Tribt, still games, and Hopi and Nu P<rce Tribes, cleanup and checkout Indian Matdtnl is 1 n or1anilltkln ~ by Uie YMCA for lb' In fTlldel one Ulroqh thnie. M o t b e r s potildp11t In eadl activity to fuUull Ille Ille purpooe ol "f ........ ,the componioNhip al_ ..... dauPltr·" A aic;tuitinent dlY fer ..., members II plcned lo r Wedn<sday, Sept. :II, from CAMPOUT TIME -Indian Maidens and Taus (mothers) will don their tribal garb end head for Camp Woodchuck near Oceanside ne.xt weekend for their annual Harvest Moon campout. Ready to take up tribal life are Maidens (left to right) Denise Pere? aod Susan George and Taus, Mrs. Noel Perez (left) and Mrs. Roger George. l ;XI to 4;30 and 7 to I p.m. at Ole Y in Newp>rt Be.ac:h. . Princess, P.1rs. D • v I d Erickson, will be present to acquaint ruut• with the In- dian "\alden program, and crafts from tach tribe will bl on di&play. Executive board members, tribe princesses • and ll'leir d1ughtero also will ht presenl to answer questions. More than IOO mothera and d1ugh1tra -beionf lo In· dlan Maidens in the II tribes. Ed tribe meeta hriee a month ind activities also are planned for th& whole n1tion. You'll wonder where the tallow went! ... Unwanted fatty tissue simply seems to melt rNltl'f effort- lessly ·end pleosontly, leaving you looking ond ftefin; rodiont, glol'nOl"OUs, desiroble and k>wly. IW:Jny women lose .....,.1 pounds cnd inch<s 1M """ first treatment. But remember, W'eight k>ss olont solves only one figurt problem and often cousts others ... Let Shape Shoppes properly contoi.ir, trim, mold. slim. reduct and build as needed to fo~hion tht ptrlec1 .thapt for your frome ond bone structure •.. lt's what we do best. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your frM s~p• ooolysis todoy ond see for yourself! summER EHPAns1on SALE 20 TREATMENTS •20 lJMJTEDOffER Total number of treatmCnts neassery to correct your individual figure faults ar• determined by COMPUTER CARQ •I the time of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS. whe're a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is deslened exclusively for you ... There's no n1ystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! [ NOW SHAPING ] -COSTA MESA & • ANAHEIM, TOOi I - l • ~-· '·"" DAillT, t A.M;·S P.M. SAT., CHltD CAii t4 T -·-mt• MllA <AU TODAY WffTlA. 635-0271 642-7032 JOI 477-112~ M>...,~ ,.,...,.,. .. •fOIMATION 3111-...... f IAIRA -.U MllSIU lllW MOHllllDSI lllltlAll• ~ 393-0064 361-1714 349-4788 842-0877 E 11tMllrh tt:,\V......... ttn11t1.i.1W. llUW.VW.~ t I '( Saddle ek • iDITION VOL'.. ~2. NO •. 222, 2 S_ECTIONS, 26 ~AGEs TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER I'. '19(,9· •' .·T•day'•F.t.al N.Y; Steeb . TEN CENTS $1.2 Million ·Arch ! B.each ProjeCt Bids Due By RICRAllD P. NALL ... ..,.,, ......... BidJ on the IIUISslve Arch Buch Heights assessment dislrict will cO.me before Laguna Beach Co u n c I) mt n Wednesday night. Costs currenUy are estimated. at tt,217,700 to bring iJttt>rovemenb to the :sleep hilWde area in the southerly aector ol Laguna. Joseph S'l{eany. city pubUc works director, said about 36S lots wltl receive lull benefit of sewqe, streets. water, 5torm drains. underground electrical llne1 and underground telephone lines. ., Down the • Mission Trail Allen to Speak At CofC Meet SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Orange County Supervisor Alton Allen will be guest speaker at the meeting of the. Sad~ dleback . Valley Chamber oI Cammerce Tuesday, Sept. 11. "'10 ,. r .f I 'Ille JIOOll meeting will Mtace in 111t Mission Viejo tDn. • e SU>im Clas1u Sl«teol LAKE FORESl -Swimming leSIOlll will be offered for childrtn aod adults starting Monday, Sept. n The five week sessions .. of 15 classes "'ill take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a cOst of $4 per KSSion. From 10 :30 to 11:10 a.m. beginnina ~imming will be offered for Ulree and four year olds as "·ell as an advanced beginnen class for the same age group·. From 11 :15 to noon Will be beginning '/s'virllmin~ for three and four year olds and an adult 5Wlm class a1.so. Children classes will be limited to five per claY with six in an aduh 1fOUP. e Te1t1tls Tog• Shou!lt MISSION VIEJO -The latest in tennis I couri togs will be featured during the recrealion center· s tennis fashion show Thursday, September 18. Refreshments will be served d11ring the ~tyle parade which begins al 7:30 p.m. 1 The clothes will be shown by Summer Girl and will be modeled by Mission Viejo tennis enthusiasts headed by Mn. Reba Goodell. All residents are invited to this fne event. e Dimes BeaetU Set LAGUNA ~ -Mr>. Belly Dillon of Laguna runs ls ac:ceptmg rummage for the Mardi ol Dimes bendll nnnmqe sale 5Cheduled for October. Anyone wlablng to doom books, furniture, clothing, utensils or whJte elephants in gocd conditioo may contact her at 538-«IIJ. Orange Wetidter The groy oli., nmalii-wllh as, but there'• a 111Dl17 aptll fore/ cut for Wedne.1411 afternoon w1th tempera.!-lllll. _, ll'OUDd tbe Jotr lt\'f.Dlia. INSIDE TODAY 11 probably ..UI !lo 10 ll<O" ne lea.st tt.nUl Che Paci/Jc Coo.rt Frteteay otid the 1.agMM Fri~ t11Cf1 btcome .,.eaUtits, Sec Page 1%. • Tber• will also' be -lm,.....,...,U. OO<l·to lot owners will run iboul ll,lOI .. the"bails ol ~ ..... ~...i e!Umaites and bood discount ratea for a 25 by 100 fool lot, li ii esllmated, Sweany ,.Id about ~ otl!<t lots will reteiv• -........e.ta. Tbey -frM\ sewer-1ioea only. C.ounci1men Wednesday will be in- ltrtSled in whether bids are within .....,.;able ,..,,.. Cl °'! mglneeing cost estimates. The cost.I &re ID -agOlnsl the land ow11era "«pl !or $1J7 ,'IQIMo be SU~ by the COWJl1 (or -t wort. New Youth Mierchants Unit Meets GET FASCINATING LOOK AT RECALL Filing for Kals In the !flt Orai!lt Coomty Boon! ol Supervban'. tloctioO begins '-e moolhs from -· Yel a recall campaign qainat Cl>I fl the S. cumbeftta atre.dy ;, under '"'!II:· 'Ille campa.tp -estimated &o have c.'OSl at least ~ll),!IOO already'-10 far'lla "'1y lwo a<tJ!Owled&ed leadm -aad no...,_ dldate. For a. fucillltlng loot !llto the m)'llorlom campalp, read DAILY Pll.ar ..porter Tom Barley'& ltol7·• pqe I loday •• Tb!> Ie.ava ll,090,000 to be spr1!lld amoq propei:tJ .....,.. ~ tbe;~I& Oi' pttHDI • .um. .... lllth oonstructlon cosll would Increase individual assesnnen'ta if the muncll d~ed 1!>-'°'forwanl with the project. 11 wou1d allo Increase 'b>ntingency fees anchored to. conslnlcllon <oSta. It could al.0 lncreue · Ille 60nil 'cibOoonl rate wbicll Sw•aey iald • bu been runninl between 12 and 11-L It a bond ~t rate is_ 10 percent, SWWlj' _oxplalned In illW!lratlon, for each 1100 obll&BtiOD In bonds the propert,y o..,,.,.· ........ eoJy "°-.Id~ ·-. be fllmlobod Tbe other $11 W1lllld bi In· tere<t oii Ille-· u cout1cUM lhould decide to abandon ,• ' the proj~ 1J1i> cl\)' would be responsible for cool !lf.eogloeerina and collllngeoey wort -pllahed to thil polnL It ,... esttmal<Cl.Jul yur this mlg,bt nm to ;ao,ocio. . Thi propoll!d land development first surfadd Mm"Ch 11, 1981 at a council lllt!Ollna In the:bm of a property owners pelltlon for ID asaemnenl district. The property was annexed to Laguna Blach Jun< II. tllll. Despite opposition from three cltlsen groups, councilmen in a 4 to l vote split decided S<pt. 4, 1118 to go ahead wllb Ibo · project. Qiojncllman f!oy ~!gl o_.i It for severll reaaons including ••hof. rendom" road access problems whlCb he ilbled "poor P.lanning ol Ille hlgl!t!!_ order" · _'Ille Lquna Beach . Civic Leque, Cllhem' Town Planning "-iatloo aad Arch Beach Heighl.s &soclatton or' P.l'tlperty 0wne.f1 all asked the council to defer action ancf lel Ute are" be con-, . . lidered 111 tho -81 plan lludy now under way • Vice Mayor JoseP,. O'Sullivan Aid at the meet Ing last September lba1 he felt II . wu the duty ol l(DYeilmlenl to help property owners develop their proj,erty, Cooncllmen h<arlng bids Wedlleaday will probably refer the matter to SWWl)' for a recommtndaUon at the Sept. U moetlng. There ""' ,,, bid ileml to ba evaluated. U Ibo prt>jed goes ahead , Sweany said he e:tj>ecte.d the entire area would be largely developed wllbln 10 yearL ome Nixon Gives New Appeal To N. Viets By MERRIMAN SMITH WASllJNGTON (UPI) -Prealdenl Nlftll IDDOWlCed today :i:;,ooo more Ga will be withdrawu lrom Vietnam by Doe. J,5.. "1'be Ume bas come to end this war,• be II.id in a nrw appeal to Hanoi for meaningful peace talo. (Relaltd atorles Pa&eaM). Tbe 'l"' pullOUf. ... top ol 25,!Xil ... ' llOUliood tlrirmootha aao and completed lll ·Aiinst. wlD brln8 the t ci (al ........... ~ -·· ~ill .. ,llOO ~·DI!, 15. . ..,., ',. •. ~ UPIT_.... noott: IJ~oe. W,in Congre sslonal Appia.use .. · ·. Apbllo~h moon ~trouaufs, dressed In con~atlve ' ~:Mceormaek, Sfan!li!>g {left' Ii> rigbl) ·are bu>lnH1 ·IAiill,·WOn ·rwslng·:aliPlause frqm a jolnl Mi~aet C9Qlll•, Nel!~lnlng and EdlVin Aldrin. ... 1100 'Of Congreu tod!IJ" as iliey appeajwd • .., lbe (See·atocy\,Page 4J, ,. · · .. J>2!Uum_ jqst Jn.Jront of yice Pr,esident l'lgnew· a.cl _ . . . . Gunman Rohs Service Station A pmman with a,n untrimmed mustache held up 1 service staUon in Lquna Beach·Mooday night and eocaped ... foot with flO. Police Serieont Fran!< Kll1on lllld 'the bandlt pcilnl«t a .JI calibe• blue steel autQmlUc at attendant Jamea Gardon, :Mm lllddee Valley. Tbe _,. ol Roy Carey - llerrict, ... S. CllMI BJPway, ™'"" •boo\! 11 :• (i.n). • • '.Alllr "'*lnl ior-dpreUe cbaifl. DiJ. 1oo llld. Ibo robber mi, •y,.. P '""1 money ... 7'1!!! Sit cloiriil:Doa't ad "" "" ftve mDrta." • -' (• ' , , • • ) . Tustin . Dad Claims : Book 'Just Pornographic Filth' 1upply company owner. WUilamlOo contendl $1 mllllon 'ta an adequale figure lor'the pemmal damage he reels would be 'done to his daqg!iter Janette, 15, u reqt;ftd.to reld 'Huxley!s vision of. futare·IOcliely ! Diltrtct Superln-WUlllin Zocl and Tuolln Hl"1 School • Prlndo6I Om Castle aald liulley'• work fll lhi 1a1e 1-u ao el<ctlve IWdJ cl>olce la; a Tli:tion fll .lbi Future unil.ln Eqgliob,. L J '> ' Tbej> afd an aJ!<ma)e'1aD"" .-ll Htixlcy.ia·li obJect.i9Mble.." · 1 • WiUWr.aon ~plained, ~v"'1 tbat hi& daughkr was giveo the .wort u re- qnirtd reading -I book lbe did ,not wapl to .--aod was told Ibo in? If Ibo wanltd le pus the clasa. He' said the -c:auaed bli wife to be p1l<Od under Iodation. · 11U. tUme is a world of no mrtrictionl. ~la a writl<n ltalmnml reltai<d by"lbo Wbiie House, lald the -ol ·UA,~ str..,ui lo a -cell!1lg of losl -·ball a mlllloo (tbe tol"'I number DOW there WIS 50e.~ .. of lut weet) .. la a significant step." ''The lime ror meaningf01 negotiatioftl has mind," be Aid refm1ng to the long41alled Par!S talks. "f rWiu '1ba1 ~ 11 difficult to communicate across Uie gulf--of five yean of war. But the time bas come to end this war." Nixon ~ variOUI moves be said his adniinlstratton had taken to end the war and aald the United States. was prepared to dia<Uss and negotiate with the Communlsta on the.Ir demands u well ai tiiosa of tlie allies . "The only Item whlcb ls not negolllble (See TROOPS, Page I) * * * Troop Cutbacks May Strike Hard . At Pendleton Nff" troop withdrawals from Sooth Vietnam -due to be announced tociaT-coWd inWlve me-third of the Camp Peodleton-bued" Flf1b Marine Dlvilloo, as a first step iD Ua tGtal deactivation. Marine COrpa (Jarunandant G e n • Leooanl P. C)lapman cooflnned last Fri· 1day In a vlalt to .El Toro MCAS that l!Je famed Fwh will be dlabanded, bill juat when ia another mitter. Curmllly, tbe unit'• 26th Regimenl, lo! about 1,000 ,.,.., Is on duty arOlllld Da Nang.· South Vietnam, whlle the other two ~ are at Camp Pendleton. Law111·an!ls . Triple No one idl married, there 1re free RJ: partl .. Md vivid d<lcrtpllorll fll .lhe ... di°" WUllamson complilbed. tr "In thil book, bablos are developed without people. and the name 'mod*' bu -a dirty, flWl1 word," ba ad- aiaineslmen in San C I e. m e n t e • 00epn1icte and other coutal cttles are deeply concemed oveT what Impact w1111drawal ol the FUth Dlvbon will have on Ule.lr economies. 'Ille Poolap baa been sludylng dlsmanU1n1 the 1 Fifth Dlvlsfon u a method ol Cl1tln( Ill .,..·part ~a 13 bllllon defeme Jl)elldtnC reduct i? ft onlmd br Defae 6emtary MeJioin -Office~ f.psu Child, Then Wife, Now Arrest.ed . . ... deil. . Tba OCllCl(ll ol -bablio -led tliniugh pnetlc eogineerlna by -to Improve U. hwtum r-Ila -In Ibo -.-ully. ----ol 0 moUltt... ~ lndeed . bJ d1t(.ayar .bl CClt temPolQ Middy. 1 • Laird. . Mllilaly spokelmeD said today they did not -If the 11th Regiment would be .._ the wllblftwail to be announc!ed by the White -~-ol the Filth Division, ~ ... .,m ain>oal CUlalnlY ~ .. a ~ manr,:er eut In the Viet· 1 :=Jor,•1inco I aupplie& the .~· __ _ . ,,.:Ceollldbea-• 'llw f~ Di~· WU ',..dtvaled' In 1• 10 1bail up. maipower 111 lht w,.i Oooll, • a Ibo Finl Marino Divlaloa pApored.to ,.i<U tho balila ln>Opl ID Vlol- .lllln.' 'Ille ltlurf aol a """"""1 for the - lemplar.d -Coriit-.... ool1iul -k tlimlnaled lta awn Jllnlll lntutt7 Dlvllkm !alt moaU. f •• • . ' Mrs. Grahain Says Marriage Greatest Crusade . - .,,.~.m ........... A _ .. 'II><> devoltl her llfo to in- ; ~ b "'°"" ol her mllfli•P and .• t1ie ,._ 1111o ooclety ol a Qod·feariog llld boppy family ts playing her part Ill Ille 11U1e11 cniaade ol all. Mn. 'Billy '· Grahlm told a ~ll«Jt crowd Monday ai UM Anaheim COnvtnllen C.otlr • .. 8'1t Ua:~ to your ttetiaatra and you will 1eam a lot," the attractive lfAYin& wile ol UM lamed evaoaellsl tolll U Confliet Cited Hinshaw to Sue County Board By TOM FOllTIJNE Of "" 0.11) ,. .... $1tft Ota.nae County Asae580r Andrew J. l!inlllaw this morning told lhe Board of Supervisors he will JO to court In an ef· fort to '"""' lbein to allow him to hir• • prtvalll attomcy at C01111ty ..,.,.... JlinlMw aid tt la: clear b1I office can , no Jqer be repr-\ed by C«mty Cclunae1 Adrian Kuyper because of what he alle&ed is eonflicl of intert.Sl arising from tbe Upper Newport Bay land e1- change dispute. llinsbaw IW'priled county supervi!ors wltb hi.a appearance and told them he wu g!villl lhem ..,. las\ cban<t to dlange lheir minds abOut denying him private counsel. When the board would not c.han1e its 11tance, Hlnohaw said be wu aoil>i to 5uplrior Court. County supe1 :-s toot Q)t position that even If th. were a conflict of in- tt.tut in Kuyper'• handling of the Ude- landl lllld Ol<han&o with tho Irvine Com· .. pw. thl1 would not be reason for the asieaar'a office to employ private eounM.l for other legal mattera. Superviaor David B&trer aatd the asKssbr does oot bo\d an Individual of. flee but Ls part of a countywide sy5lem and to change from thi:s established l)'llilcim. would be ln d1reci. conruct with tilt llltent of lbe alate .-11u1J'11· Added Supervisor WIWam !Ursteln, '1 have done • UtUe research on thll and the only precedent for hiring private counsel ls to handle individual Items, not on a continuing basis. I'm afraid there would be quite a problem If every county department h!ad every lime he had a dispute with .coonly counsel got his own privale coonsel." Supervisor Robert Battin said, "f feel the board Is &Ori of caUlht In tilt middle. Oar duty 1' to keep order amonc varlOU! department beada. The two of them ob- vioualy are IJlf1l' and lrritalod with each other. It rtmlnds me Of two little boys having a fipt .. Battin went on lo uy that be thinks' both Hlntba" llld Kuyper are hot beaded llld each partlally In tho wron1. "Let lbein have their figllt," he llliges\ed, "and let a neutral, third parzy jud(e d .. clde wbo ia right.'' Planners Bending Rules To Aid Victims of Flood Plannlnl CXlll1IDlsalmon al"f!!d M..,. day to -Iha ru1 .. a tide ~ two vidJml ol the P'eb~ 'l!;.oo to rehu1Jd tbetr home -elev1ted thia time on a central pillar. RIY Unger and John Fontan, who:se home at 597 Cauyon Acres Drive wu demolished Jn flood, were granted permlsalon to project their proposed new noldeoce ln1o tho required 1ldeyard and maintain lndir<ct _,.to tho dta. Boeh men, lucky to dcape with thtlr Uvu. rpe!lt a mlaetable night on a cb.lll,y, -...whod bllWde wbeo the houae lit IP Commisa.ioMn allO walvtd the r"' quimnent to build a pr11e or carport 11¥1. to wrap up the package, recognlad Ibo non-conlonnlng parctl u a legal buildln& Ille. Actlon wu tattn aft.er City Planner Al Autey uplained that the house washed frtm the lteep hillside tut February was buih many years 110 in a altuatlon n-Ot confonning to present zon.ing laws. For l!Ome to years, access had betl'I attained by a driveway leMH.ng from the end of Canyon Actu Drive, Aulry said. Commiss.loner1 agreed that a paved parking arta with turnaround at the top ot tbe drtvtway would aerve in lieu of a gance or carport, since it ls ahlelded from \iew on the hlllakle. A pellt.ion 1t1.Un1 the.y would have no ob}eclioo' to the variance was signed by nellhbora Richard Ma,..., '86, tlOM07 Clnyon: Acrea Drive; Emlty E. stricker, 555 Canyon Acres Drive and Claude ~ CCMf ......... COIUtUI ......... w..i ---..... LC...., ............ ...__......, .......... ·--....:.. "::t'- Udi)<e, 566 Caayon A<nl Drive. ~ aod Fontan, wbo. Mn._, fl®d )Ylctlml aulsGod by a benellf" ·ar1 auclloo lollowln& 1be February deluge, plan to build a new, octagonal houae on the aitt. Condition!: imposed by mnmfsaloner1 included: evidence of a permanent ea... ment for the accesa drive; pavtnr ol the drlvtwa.y and turnaround; and evaluaUon ol the plans by Or&111e County Flood COn· tnl1, aince the land la alluated in a natural watercourse. /From Pflfle l AVANT GARDE Haley of Visiorui. According to Ron Kaufman, manager of the group, about 50 appllcaUons lor membership have been received, in- cluding, in addition lo the proprietors of psychedelic shops, two phystclang, and operators of electronics, f u r n i tu r e manufacturing, jev.·elry making and prln· ting businesses. along with book store owners and four art gallery operators. Artists who hold ciLy business licenses also are eligible fOf' membership, Kaut. man said. He streMed ~ ract that the new group want& to work with, not •aalnat, the ex- isting merchants organuauons and Is ln· terested chiefly in awakenina the com- munity to the economic beneflta of the youn1er monetary market. Said one youn1 entrepreneur. "Sidewalk aitte.rs only represent a mJnority of the yoon1 people. 1be com· munity should realize that there are a Jot of ao-called avant prde youth wtth plen- ty of mOl)ey to spend. The emphui! always ha1 bten placed on attractlnl more-«•less senior clUzena to Laguna. 1be fad is that thtM: daya there may be mort money comtna: m from youn1u vls1tcr1, if their oeeda art catered to." Said another, hWe want tht public to see that we're not runnln& dens c4 in· lquity." Denle1 Conntrt Judge Clement F. Heynsworth Jr., l>tesldeni Ni.J:on'a nominee to the Supremo Court, has denied charges of coafllct of In- tel-est ·at a Senate committee hearing. See. story, Page 4. Bm·glary Wave Hits Lagunans; $400 Ring Stolen A $400 weddin& rinl Jud the list of l05St1 ln a rash of bur&laries reported to Laguna Beach police Monday. Eleanor Stuttle of 697 Anita Sl told poUce the hand-crafted rlna had been taken rrom a dre11ser drawer. Pollet o ld entry probably was through an unlocked door. Roland ~tattson of 2$07 Solano Way, reported the theft of II booka of Blue Chip stamps and a botUe of cologne. More valuable item1 were not taken. There wa5 no sign of forced entry. Terry C. Legrove of Anaheim reported the theft of a $65 AM/FM radio from a building under conttruc:Uoo at 2147 Llguna Canyon Road. Clothing and Cftdft carda wtre Liken from a car in lhe 200 block of Laiuna Avenu~ aft.er It wu unlocked by a bura· Jar, reported Marlo Ftrnandu ol orange . A hoplifter made off with $40 from the cuh drawer al.Rita'• Tenn.It Affair, 1420 S. Coaot !Ugbway wblle a clerk was busy el&twbere. ll.Nr4 '· N•I ----... ----tZl r.r...,..,.. ...... _ • .o. ...... tt ... --ie... ... I -WW .... """' ......... I lftl *""' ......... ...... _, ...,., .. ..... County GOP Committee Condemns Allen Recall . . =;iO!........... --:ii--~·-............. .. .... _... .............. -1'.:..'ar'•=--• .,. ... ~ .. C:. ::t...-=--~­=·=:"'...£.:•" ... -.~ ::::::, :::. = ----................. .... • tti'wfts.._ 3 ...... ....................... .......... -a:,tWS.:S::i.£.'lf:O:: 'lbe Oranp County Rtpublican Central Commilteo tod1y blttarly condemned a recall movement galnst Supervbor Alton E. Alle:n, hinUoJ; It m~ be a DemocraUc plot. A raolullon SIAUlll tho GOP orpnlU· lien'• politlon on Ibo unclucom ,,,.... mut qainst Iha Flllh D II tr I ct ~~WM~uad~ulmOU>l)'M~ day oJ&hL '11 ls bard eooup to attract honorable me11 to oeak public ofllce wllhout addl!I& to Ibo problem by aubJ«Unf lhem to ocurrllous attack band on half.truth• and tnnutndoH," the P1ptr HYI. "The Rtpubllcan Patly In Or1n1e Couty hla ateadtutly 1too:f tor clean poUUcal camoatrns ••• Wa deplore !ht emeraenc:. ol' thete ttctica ln orance County," tbe document eonc1udt .. David J..,.., chairmao ol the county ·GOP IJOUp, appollltad a -lal com- mittee to probe "hdher Ibo Allen ....._u movement -b< <be lint atap by Dtm<.crala to lnit<I partiUD&blp Ill tho 111Jl)UV1aor1al ....... the moluUon ~-bl' tho Central Committee was lnl.rOduetd by Mn. WIUl1m Bents llld -.lded bJ AIU Bowle. Tbt document "Y' tho l'OUP -· wllh tntemt -and dla1111t -tho cam· palcn m1rah11led 11alnst AUen by persons wbo art unwlllln& to be pubUc.11 ldcnU!led. Apartment . Plans Denied Laguna Owner Fam in New Permit Plea A would·be apartment buUdtr who found himoett caqjlt between two dty ordln1nct111, at.ruck out aeatn at the Plan· nln& Commloaloa Monday nlcht. Pia.Merli refused to approve revised pl1n1 1ubmltted by E. L". Schroeder for proposed aparlmentll at 259 Lower Cliff Drive. ln 1167, Schtotdl't was granted a variance perm!Uing him to construct :ri apartments on the property, whlch, under thtn exlating Ollling, ...Wd bav< been limited lo II units. ll<fort the project got oil the grolllld, tbt clty'a zoning ordinanct 200 wu u- lens1vely revised. Schroeder discovered he now would be permitted only 12-13 un.ILI. His plans were at odd& with Ule new ordinance in the areas of density, build.Jng he.igbt and sideyard arrangement. Evea u he appealed to the City Council for Tellef, plannera wert ln the procesa of 1tud,yl111..-ll for modlOcatloo of th6 , iflrotl& P .. e l TROOPS ••• Is tho rl&ht of tho people o! South Viel· nun to detmnlne their own ftiture, free of outside interference," he II.id. Nixon admlnlatraUOl'I afficlals had in- dlca~ 11 recentJy u a few daya ago that the Pre.aldent bad not abP.n®ned hi:s upreued hope of withdrawing 100,000 or mOl'f men by the end of this year. Howevu, wHb the new withdrawal not to be completed unUI U days before Chrlatmu, It appeared hlcl>ly willkoly tho 100,000 flaun would be ..ached Ill tho f~ two weeU of tbt ,,-ear .. 'Iba 1olhor1"'4 Vietnam troop cellllll at the , at.art of thla admlnittraUon wu 149/j!OO. • have decided to reduce the authoriz· ed troop celling In Vietnam to 414,000 by Dee. 15," the Pre.skient uid In a state- ment. He eJJ>lalned that undtr tlds ntw ce!Ung, "a minimum of eo,ooo U'OOptl will have been withdrawn lrom Vietnam by Dec. 15." The new figure of 35,000 men to bt pull· ed oul -a:s well aa the date for com· plellon of the withdrawal -were dU· f•renl from the number and date men- tloroed Monday in Saigon by South Viet· nam'a vict pruidt:Dt, NSUYen Clo Ky. Christian Fraternity Holds Kickoff Meet A kickoff meeUn& will be held tonight at 8 o'clock ln the Mission Viejo Hilb School multl·purpote room lo launch the new Confraternity of Chtiatian DoclTine (CCD) high achool program for St. Nicholas Catholic Church. The proeram will Include slide&, films, group dlscuaaloll and muaic, followed by refreshments. High 1choo1 students, Clitholk or non-Cathlolc, are invited to attend. YOUR WATCH' ttrict new ordinance. They recommendlid that tho ""4Jncil adopt an interim «dlnanct, provktina some relief, unW the enUre matter of modllYllll tho ,new zonU.1 rulta could bo formallltd Scbroedu was advlled by the council to aet !Us plans more Jn line wlth I.he reUef ordinance and take lhtm back to th• plannen. Mondl)' night he asked for 18 units in· 1te.ad of 1J or 13. "11iat'1 ltlll a 50 percent lncrea!e," said Ctnnmlseloner Chlrles Jobneon. Schroeder pOint.ed flUl that bt wu cam- plying will! new requtrementa on height and aideyards (though he w&uJd like to modify them too) and had three more parking spaces than he needed. "What is yOUJ' justIDCalk>n for asking for. six more unH.!?" asked Dr. Robert French. "I have to offset the buildin1 c»Sl with density," uid Schroeder. ''Thla 11 not a family-type aru. Jra close to downtown and there's no point in bulldini two-and three-bedroom family a~. l want to build smaller uni'i for adult lhiin,a, and mort "w them." ' JI not permitted more density, lie would have to reduce cost by cheapening tht buildln& al'ld ellmlnating the. 1wimmina: pool, b• added. PIMners dtcidfld there wu M real hard!bip warranting a permit for 11 units. "I would concede a cer\a.in over-den1J. ty," 5a.id commiu:ioner Howard Holden, "but not 18-. I feel thls could open the door to all aorta of probleim." Cbainilan P'rO<I Briggs thought It would bE hard to justify allowing 11 -even though he could have had 20 under the old variance.'' Johnson did not feel that ''lrue haroshlp" had been established by the applic~nt. The planntrs voted to recommend denial of the variance applicaUon, when it cornea before the council Wednesday rughL Board Delays Decision On Variance at Motel lmprovina: a city-owned r.dway with paving, when ordered to do so u a con- d!Uonof a variance, doea not stve 1 p~ petty (IWI]er a "vested interest." 1n the street, Llauna Beach pluniog com- mis.sloners p0lnt.ed out Moaday ru,tit. The question .,... durinl be1tad diseusalon ol a variance 1ppllcallon by Bkhud Q. Burl; -,..b to add 31 unlta to the aialln& elpt apartments at Laguna Shoal!, 1801 S. eo.tt JUahwt,y. After lengthy debate, the matter was deferred lo I Sepl 2Z ltudy seMlon. Opposing the variance are owners of Laguna Sands, a 32-unit cooperative apartment development 1t 1585 S. Coa1t Highway, who maintain an impossible traffic situation would be created by the Shoals o:panak>n. Both properties 1but Vlldn& !toad, a narrow ertension of Bluebird Cuyon Rold oti"'1'1e _..ecun akle of SOJth Coast Highweh4hkh wu paved, at th• t1.- pense ol the Sands, when Ill variance waa panted &evtral yean 110. "This does not give you a vested rtalit in the roadway." cvmment.ed comminioner Joseph Tomehak. The city attorney bad confirmed lhia fact. City Pl1Mer Al Autry tc>ld the com· miMion. He explained th1t action on the Burt appllcat.ion had been delerrf'd to alve the city's enginttrlna ll.&ff an opportunity to evaluate plans and consider alternate solutions lo the traffic problem pruented by the applicant and by the Sands. The Sands alternate, said Autry, was not accept.able to 1be enginterina depart- ment, which bad rt<:Ommended approval of the variance, but with 14 conditions --....,_,...., ..... FREE Your OmcgG SoUa & s1mc1 Ag..cv 0 OMEGA reaarding pedestrian and veh¥:ular' tra.l· fie control. Architect Richard Dodd, reprutntlnc the applicant Wd the conditions would be acceptable. Don Sul, apeaki111 for the Sands, found tho whole propooaJ unacceptable. "Since bot\!. parties will u1llJze public pr., b for ~1 it behoova them to come up with a BGluUOI), .. aaia Totnchak. "Jl'a not up to the city engineer to-ftiur• it out. n Sea.I 3uggeated that the applicant and opponent meet with the city enatneer and a repre,,entatlve ol the Plannlnf' Com4 miuion to iron ()Ut the problem. Chairman Fred Briggs agreed. "We all f~I there is something awry here. There'• a definite, dangttou:s problem on the traffic :situation and it should be discu&sed before we vote." Surfing Good On. South Coast Warming waters and 50Ulh swells pr!). duced aood surfing conditions ~Ilona: the south Orange Coast today with waves nmnina to five feel. Laguna Bre.ach lifeguards said the surl ms running from four to five feel with water temperatures a warmer 65 degrees. San Clemente cuards said the aurf. two to four feet, eeemed to be buildinc. Water temptrature wa1 around 87 degrees. The aurf at tht Salt Creek area Monday ran 11 bla: as e.i&hl feet, one Laguna Beach guard aaid. . • a. ..... Ollltf •M ...... FROM s411 PIAlLS IWTIUM• fr• $2.00 n.. ftf'y ··-o.i.,. S,..41t1ttt.r ••+clri w• •••rr ••• ••'••tt41 .;+ir.. e,t a11y 111fflfl1•tl•11 •Y HAUt.'--~•11r ••• •• *ht """"' Thl1 r11 .. 11ltl", tr1'1Y a ••• •ar4 f•r 1111!1111c1, "'.~.. •• ,,...... t• .. ,..,, avft!Miw4 O.•t• ltw•'•'· c ..... 111 -ltt tt..11 1ri • ...i..... 2 ••tt111, 4 il•I. 0.....• S--4""• .. ... ....,...,.,.... n. 9flly ...... _,. " ........ ......... '14•• t1tl. llltH --lfAMOMM 19'\ACU. ... $3.00 $6.00 _._. __ WtffLI JOU Wlrf Hlllltlfltfo1 C:llltW leach at W1 .. HUNTIN~TON HACH • 892·5501 ntMl AIAIUial.I and back Harbor Shopitl11q Center 2300 ~r llvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 I I I I • VOL ' 6~. NO. 211. 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ,. ' .. .. '' .. By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. Dlflr f'fll'·Sltff> , Char&inl tbat press accounts of their grievance mee.Ung would. not be written falr!Yi r~~tiv~ of teache~ from N1wport-Meaa schools Monday told the only newspaperman present to le~ve. Then the 50 or so teacher re~ tatJve.s meeting at Costa Mesa High School's cafeteria confured in private ·to bear gripes against ertra-duty 'forking coodiUons in the school district. ''We migbl have some wriUen 1la\e- ment for yoa later, or som1lhln1 like that," president Gordon Bechtold said from the podjwn as the DAILY PILOT reporter left. , H" called for a vole on Ule press ban. ' I t I· I . I .;. - • . ' ' . ' ,,.. •!" I I .. , .. , .. The membenhip qreed dninlmous)y." Belote observen left. h.o w;,.e v e r, Bechtold and 1everal other teatbel'l lhed some light on aevtral issues. Tte representa.Uvel 1aw tµWlimoUI aupport lo . the Allocilled ·· CluSroom Teachers ol .Los AngelOI an4 , their one .day w&aqut from clas"' Tburjday. (Tbt too Anplea teachen' meoUng .wu fully covered by the press and TV-.) CGii!11a deJ Mar !llsh Scbool 'teacl>"" Ang!IO VUUI told lbe Newport.M"' group that the best way to lend "'l'port to the Los AngeJes teachers' demands "is to do the same thing our1elves." . Tbe meeting bad been bWed u one ih which the group'1 Withdrawal of Vp, lip, ct.Ni Afuar1 •Ona of Wl>!ld's largest cranes, with a 220-foot beam. W.· 111ellinr •lifted and~'planted" two ~ton olive trees al Ne~rter 11!11 Ill Newport .Beech fo r w new farclen between Nowporter•1,L1«o-JA1mgo end main ni&tauranl . • • ·l,. '. . .. • .. ·.ft .. . . ., ...... ~ ... . : " . .. ' . . . . . . - •• . .. . . .. . ' . . • . ; Kl'Df NGvi'SEEKING 'YE#.R·AitOUND. EMl'LoYMINT .. . , ~hil!'f' ;to 'r!lf\t~. l<"',~·;Le Fon'. D171dl.Jt~lll,"St~n L~~k~ . .,. .. ;'t.! ;. J.ioJ..~ .• · .. ·"'"' ' t • T•y'• ·l"IMI 1'. Y. Steeka TEN CENTS om.e Nixon Gives New Appeal To N. Viets . liy ~lllMAN 8MlTR WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pr..;dent Nixon anoounced lod"I' 15,000 mqr< Gii will be withdrawn from Vietnam by pee. 15. "The Ume baa come to end thfJ WU'. tt he said in a ntw appeal to Hanoi for meaningful peaei!' talti:. (Rel.ttaCt atori~ Pag" H). . The new puUOUI, oo lop .of 25,llOI ... nounc:ed three month& ago and completed In Auguat. will bring the Io t a·l withdrawal& of American troopl to 80,CQJ by Dee. 15. Nixon, in a wntten statement released by the White House, said the reduction of U.S. troop atrength to • ~ celling o! Jess than half a milllon (the t ota,1 number now there was SOR, as of last wetk) "ia a algnificant step." ''The Ume for meaningful oe,gotW;lons bU arrived.'' be said referring to the Jong-ftalled. Paris talks. 111 reall1.e tbat•it ts difficult to communJcate across the gul( of five years of war. But the time baa come to d Ull.s war." Nlxm ~ varlOus moves tie aa1d hi! admlnlsltatlon bad taken lo end. tbe war and aald the United States was prepared to diacwla and negotiate w!,th the Communllli ciri their' demands .. "'11 "U... of ·tt·~ .•• ' -1iitlon171tiiJ, wlllch 11 J>OI negotiable . "~~,...I) ' '' -"J * *. Troop Cutbacks May Strike Hard At Pendleton ~ N"'-liwp withdrawals .!tum l!oath vldiwu-c111e 1o be aimDUnced today -co<iid Involve one-third of the Camp Pendleton·ballod Fifth Marine Dlvilion. u ,; flnt llep In Ill total deactivation. Marino · Col'(>I Cornmandont G e n • LeOllant F. Chapman confirmed last Fri· day In a vlalt lo ·El Toro MCAS tbat the famed Ftilb will be disbanded, but just wtteft i1 arwther matter. QJrren1ly, Ille unit's 21th Regiment, o!' a"'"1t 7,000! men, ts on duty aroand Do. Nq, south Vietnam, while the other two '"CPDll ~at Camp Pendltloll. 19inessmtn in San Clemente, OceJDslde and other collstal cities are dieply conc:eiited over what Impact witbdrawal of the Fifth Dtviloa will have on thetf eConomles, The Pmlagon has been 1tndy!ng d!JQ)inllfu1 the Filth Dlvtslon ,. a melhod ol cuttln1 Its DWll part of a $3 blll10o ~te spending r e d u c t l o n orrlmd liy D<lense Seaetary Melvin Lalr<l: Nilttart spokesmen said today Ibey dld no\'~ li the llltb Regiment would be among the wlt.bdrawala to be an~ by Ille Whll6 lloule. • Deadlvailoll of lht Flitb Division. hOweVer, wJU almolt eertalnly involv~ a major Marine manpow~ cut tn the Viet. nam War, 1ince it suppJles the Corps' rolaUon pqol. Thus, Ibero could be a connedion. t ; "'I, i ' .,,o 1 . ~· ' ' ~ .. !e,Y ~OT... . .• '• T~,,. "'Utt. Mrs. Graham Says -Mi\r~iage ~r.eatest Crusade • ' -I A womlD who deYOlet htr Ille to In· :.· ourmi "" -of her mml•p and " tho pasaqe tnto IOClely GI 1 God·lurlnl and um flmil1 ii pl•Jlnc he" port In .,. 1111 &TtllMI Cl'UAdt of all, Mrt. Billy -;c Gralwil told • -eU~ut .....,d MoMly et lho Anlb!lnl ConV<nliOn ~ter. "B•rt Uaten to your ttenqtr• Md you. will ltarn a lol." lho attre<tlve mini " wlfl " 1111 lamed •...,,.u.t laid .. ,. N. Viets Storm Village i. Second Major Attack in Region Near Da Nang SAIGON (AP) -Two hundred North -Vldllamate iroopa raldid a vtllap In the pop.lous coastal lowlan<ll &OUth of Da Nang, killed 24 pmons, wounded six otherJ ~ deltroyed 170 hou.... South Vietname&e spokeimen reported tod1y. Shatp fighting wu reported In various parts ti South Vietnam 11 Gll and of. flctr1 speculated which unlll would be ln- tutect in new U.S. troop withdrawals. • ' AJl1ed forcu tilled 212 Vlei Cool •nd ·' North VletnameM In a dou:n closbt.< . from tho Mekoq I>tlla to th e demllJlariJed zooe, mllillry ll)IOkemtn Aid. Allied cuua1Uu were five Amerk:ana ~-and three South Vlttnam ... ktllod, and u ' . Americanl and two South VI•- : wounded. U.S. Headquarters Sal(! • D·O the r .. Amerkan WU killed and u •thou ........., 111 :II rocket and mor1ar au.cu between I a.m. Monday and I a.m. today. ' The North Vletnameae attacked the villap of Mal Linh, In the northem part of lho obunirY lJ miles &OUthwest of -Nial. lhortly before mldnllht r.lood&y with rockets, mortan. .,...a .. and no. Dre. 'Jbe vllllgl of 218 perlODI WU dtftnded by mlliUamen, and tbr., of them were killed. All of the other vlctl!lll ,..,. civilians. Enemy losat:a were not knOWn. It YU the ...-...! ml)or North Viet· n..,... altack In the "'il°" In tha put three day~ Lui S.turday about too North VletnlJlleM troops attacked I iila~ toon of U.S. Martnea and South Vie~ nami..-se mlUUamen Jn a vtlla&e 11 miles nortbwu.\ of Quang N1aJ. '111la trlutred an dlht-hour light In which two Americar. Martnu and el1ht Vlttnamete civill1n1 were killed, three Merioea WUI wounded •nd :MO hou"8 d .. troyed. Vice Pre1ldont NIUJl•n Coo 117 told newlll!Ofl Monday that 40,IOO • "'°"' Am<ri.,... would be pulled Gilt of Vie~ ...., by the end of November. Tbal .....iii reduee U .s. lrOop stnngth to 417.IOO. A few lloun liter lbe Wblte House con. firmed that a withdrawal annowicement would be medo today by Pruldont Nt.on but wttbheld lbe number. And lbe U.S. Armed Forcea Network cemored all refereocff to Ky's remark.I from Jta news broade1stl. A spokesman for the U.S. Conun.nd Aid Ky's statement w1s eon. lldered "speculaUve" and the military radio4<levilion network "on\Y .... con- ftrmed atones." Another American offldal ulcl Ky'1 remarU wrn blacked out .. bec:IUR wt .. Officer's Arrest Adds To Personal Anguish e,. ARTllUll 11. VIN!EL H• had been htld In lltu Ol 125,000 bail, °' IM """ ,..... .. .., but this waa reduced at the time of NJ rar the past five yura, Analleim ~f Mondly. poUceman Jolin c. w~ !IPJ>ad ~ • ~··. d•f'llll!' ~ t~ that memory Imprisoned In Ni'!'lnhl <I< a • O!fbi 'liindJOr Jo>t hil ~ son dro'lmtd blby and en •lll'li'bed wUo wbo fivt yem ill", when the tot dl'OWned In a killed beraell Gilt of pereonal blame. backyard waditJI pool at ll!e ~le'1 Olfk:er WlndJ« hlmleil WU releued home. lltm 1 jail Mond1y. DbtrausJit by the tragedy, I b • Suspended from UJi f~ ~ char1ed policeman'• wife Fay, 2S, drove to Irvine fGrmaU1 with fNrllary, be pOotod •.:ieo Park In the rugtd mountalna above«•· ball followlns malpment Iii 'North '1ra1 Orqe County, the d11 afterward. O!jnl< County Judldal Dlstrlcl Court. 1'bere, aho brooded foe a Ume. then 11" vtteran ol!lClr, delc:rlhod by hls llllot htnell to dull!. pattDer1 u a &ood lawman, wu ordered to lace P"llmlnlr1 bwlna no tater ll!an .. ~~°!.~=~Pi•,.: Huntington Plant ed. -Amend. 1$, w. of -· D Criti" . .... lhot In lbe left ohoulder Hr!)' Satur· raws ClSID day by Offtcer !Ian Groa~ 11 be Oad lho ,_. of a bruk·ln at Ill Anaheim Of s Ad . 1>11a111eas equipment nnn. mog VISel' AmtDd Is recovering in the Orange County Medical center Jail ward, where be la deacribed in &1tld1ctory COlld.IUon todQ' and facu cow1 bw1n1 u aooo as b• ii •bit. P1trolman John .iohnson said he. and Groat ...,. dllpalclled to the darkened buJld1nc early SI~ morniJli and IOll!ld two men inllde. -Old and ... WU llhot when be i&· nored ...ien to hal~ wblle the llWmed lawmen dllcovm4 the other bur1lary IUlpect wu their fellow officer. Vmdlor WU I motorcycle traffie of. Heer and bid been with tho department for nine yean, before bis 1uspenaion pen- din& cltaposlUoo of the felony chtr1e. OUMM COUI ~"°"I" COtlP#AM'f 1.-. N. Wff4 -... -J.-.k L Ontey ,,.. ............. o..t111 ..... .., n...., r:-a ·-n..-. A. M1t111M• --. ,,.,_ '· c.111. --"" ----n11 w_. a.-..'"'"'" .,..._P.0. ... 1111,tl .. I ---~"\...~-=· ..... --= ' Ont ol the nation's top chtmists is vlgoroUJly opposed to expansion of the Southern California Edison Company ste.am plant just outside Ne.wport Beach's city Umltl. Dr. A. J . Haagtn-Smit, a member of Presidtnt NtlOl'l'1 ad9iaory council on polluuoo. uye lbe moot fusible method of -.:Ing amog In the Southland t. to abollab conventional power plants and create nuclear ones. He says pltMed mulll-mlllion doU.r upanaloo of the Edison plant In Huntington Beach and otluin In the Loo Angtlu basin will In· tenlify 1lr polluUon. Dr. Haagen-Smtt, a chemllt at th• Calilomla IMUtute of Technolol)', says convtr1Uonal power pl~ll which bum foasil fuel to produce electricity art with automoblles the major cause o( amoe. Dotna: aw1y with automoblles -or e-.·tn convertla, molt or thtm to t!\11nes not po"'~red by lntero1l combllltion -is a far•fttclltd JOluUoo 1t this Ume, b1 said In an Interview. So that ltl'fh power plant• u the btr;t deba.rka.Uon Point in the bltUe 111.11111 .mo&. he .. 1a. Al 1 first 1lep, he 11\d, authortUes obould deny butldll\I ptrmita for th,.. convenUon1I power planta planned for COfllOltlldlon In the 1eneral Los Angel" area -the Southern CalKornla lldllon Co. fec:Jlltlea In Huntll\lton Beach and Venture 11\d tho Piil'• Del Jtay Jn. atallaUoo ptopoMd bT the Loo Anaeles Department of W1ter I.Del Power. TIMo chen>lll llid CV0'1 hour a plant bum• fuel to produc. electrici~ I\ In· MQea the nitric olidt c«ittnt of the 1t.. m"'1lbm. Nitric oxtdt. bt Hid, 11 what clvta omos 11a attnc. There Wire 11 lmOI altrtl in Its$ when some 12 million kllowatt hou11 of elec- ltlcfty '"" prodUoed in the Loo Angel., area. lie .. 1d. "Slnco then. the lilW'I w noon mm !bu thrM!old. It Is -4e billion lcllowatt hwn now. and It Illa been ttUmated bT the Air PolluUon Cootrol !Jlltrlct thal the efectriC ODO'l)' ttq11lred In the buln br JlllO wW be 80 blJllao iillowalt houn,' lie .. Id. .... -of doubUna th• ...... 111 of dtdliclty to be produced In Ille basin by IMO, pn>ducU<o bu to ho ellmlnl!H allOl>tber or prodllced bT nuclur powtr," ht Aid. wtre upect1n& att announcement from Pre*1dtnt Nbon." Amons tho tloopa npectod to II" art the lnl Mattne DlvWon, now stationed alOll( tho damlitlorlzed "'"'· Ind unlla Of tiuJ lat lnlllllrJ llivtllon. the llnl Army division to uTht in Vietnam. Tbe lnl ·Mattne Dlvtalon now 111&rds the west.em twC>lblrda ol the frontier below tho dlmlUlarbed ,..., wtth the South Vk-lit W111try Divtllon covcinc &be mt. Tho area bu betn r<ta!Mll)' quiet for tho put year, but U.S. --from ll!O. llrJI Dlvlllon'• Inf Relfmenl ,_ Oil Monday wtth North VlolnamtlO lroopa two mUU below the DMZ. Four Marlnoa...,. kllled, M _,., ded and t11cro "" no uttmato o1 OlltmY lolael. Tbe U.S. lat lnlll!lr>' Dtvtelon II lta- Uooed north of Salp IA the past year It h'"' ...., llttla mojtr balllelleld action and bu -conoenlratlof on pacllk:a· tlon, whlla the U.8.1$th lllflllir1 Dhillon and tho lat Air cavalry DM•lon 111 .. borne Ibo bnlnt of the be•vy OcJ>llng In the ~ aJons tho Cambodlao border north ol SIJ&on. Tbe I.II Dltlslon already bu turned over part of ita area ol oper1Uora to the South Vletnameoe Ith lnllllirY Div1alon. l'rom P .. e l TROOPS ... Ii tho rlll>I Of the people ol South Viet· Mm to dttmnlne the1r own future, frte ol outakle lllltrlerence,11 he sakl. Nilon Mmtnlatr1tion officials had in- dicated u rtctntly u a ftw dlys ago th1t the Prttld!nt had not 1bMdoned his trprbsed hope of withdrawing 100,l'XlO or more men by &ht met of thll )'tar. Howevtr, with tbe new withdrawal not: to be completed unUI 10 dlya btfore ~ It appearid hlahly unlikely tl\i JllO,~ llgure would be riachlld in the final two Wffkt <if the ytar. The aulhOriud Vietnam croop ctil1nc at the atart Of thlJ ldmJnlat·aUoo WU 119,lllO. ••1 bavt decided to reduce the authoriz.. ed troop cdlbla In Vletnlm to 431,000 by Dec. lS,'1 the ~t Wd in a state. mtnt. H.1 explained thlt under Ulia new ceiling, "a minimum of to ,000 troops wlll bavt. btea. withdrawn from Vietnam by Dec. 15." The ..., figure ol 15,000 in•n to bo pull· ed out -11 wtll &1 tbl du. for com· plttion of the withdrawal -were di!· fennt from the numbtr and d1tt mtn- UOl'ed Monday In Saigon by South Viet· n1m't vice fl"e!ldtnt, N1111en Cao Ky. Ky said 40,MIO more AmertcanJ would be pulled out by the end of November. Tht White HbUlt. slid the total rtduc· tion in authorized troop strength by Dtc. 15 wtuld rt1lly amount to 65,500; bul within the 1uthor1ud ctllinl all unit.I arc shown at 100 percent atrtnith. Edward O. Earl Rites Scheduled A e<Ntruam aecuUve 11<ho spent his llWl1l1lOn on Lido JaJe for 11 yean died Sund11 In 'NclOll, Ariz., of elo«r, IC• cotdln& to •ord received Mood•Y In the Harbor Aru. Romy 10< Edward O. Earl, 74. of 301 VI• Lido Sood and 'Nelon, will be recited WednWJay it I p.m. in Arizona Mortuary East, Tucson Requiem Mua will be Thur.toy •t 11 a.m .. at St. Cyril's Church U\tre. with in· termtnt to follow at Holy Crw Mausoltllft'I in Inglewood. He lt1vt1 hl1 wilt Ruth. a aister Mrs. Shirley Clrnduff, ol Cbrona dtl Mar, a dtuJhttr, Mr1. P1ul Aboud of Carmichael, Calif., and two srandchlldren. Tbe family •uuuta inanortal con· lrl-to· the C.,_ Fund. er St. Mary's H~tal balldlnc fund. Mr. larl WU ....... of E. 0. Etrl EllterprllU' Inc., and had been In Ibo c:oaalr\letlon butiDell fOt IO 7aart. Newport Raked By 'Heavy Surf Y tllow cttrilon flq1 flapped lrOm llfe1111rd towva 1 ICn& N • w p o r t ' s ''lrlllall)' clew1td beac:bf.I ll!ta morning u llYt to eilht«oot llW'f pounded the -fO< die third "':.C' -· Lifeguard• aald the b breakers, ti UIUll, tlammed lbe h II the WedJe In Bllboa and II tho S.nta An1 !Uver JtltJ et the other ml of the penlnNle. De1pH1 the llqe of bll turf, no rt1euu were Joaed. "There'• ftObody out then, utq>t tw a few mm;• aatd a Hf•euard· ' ' . ~ .,_ . DAIL V "~Of ,,... PNt9 tnM ..... l HINSHAW .•• COll!bel for olll<r terll ml!Wn. SupervilOJ' DtvQ Baktr Aid the a......, doel not llold an lndl"14Ual 61° flee but ta part of a countywld• syatem •nd to cilang'e from ll!ta -blilbed ljttem would ·bi 1n· dtrect con~t with the ln"11t of lhe lt.ol<I consUlution. Added Supirviw Wllllam !Uni'ein, "l ha\'t done a little research on thL! and the only precedalt for hiririg private cOunset Is to handle indl\Pldual Jtems, not on a' conUnum, basil. I'm afraid there would be quJte a problem If every county department hUd every time he had a dL!pute with county counsel got bis own private counRI. '' SupervUor Robert Battin said, "I fetl lhe board t. oort ol caug)>t In the middl•. Our duty Js to teep order among various department hudl:. The two of them ~ viously an angry and irrJtated with each other. Jt remlnda me of two little boys lllvtng a flglll" Battin wmt on to uy that he thinks both lllnallaw and Kuypor "" bot boded and each parllolly In the Wl'ODI· "Lei them have their fight," ht suggested, "and let a n<ulnl. third party Judie 4e- clde who Is Tight." Supervisor WUliam Hirstein a a I d wlstfully, "I was hoping this could all bl resolved and we couJd all wwk toaiethtr u one big hippy family." He lh<n voted with the others lo reaffinn the board't stand against allowing Hinshaw to hire private counsel. The county 11snsor'sald be bU a num • ber of court actions involvtna: Uie county assessor's office pending and he needs legal representation rtght away. !tut be said Kuyper bu breached 1ny CQDfldtnc1 he could ever have m ttlm. lllnsbaw chtrged Kuyper 1pporenUy has put forward Irvine Company in· terests in oppo.!iUon to county interests. He said at a September 3 Grind Jury ap. pearance Kuyper admitted .be had dilcuased Upper Bay ,_.. With Ult lrvint: Compmy, "~ )enon.s --... .......... to be ~O!>ll'Hil to.Uie -···" ,It .W*I! lij-OQI. f\Y~~ cJoeed FROM FLYING JETS TO FL VI~ SURFBOARDS . meeUnr hi Which tht Gr~1"ilry qu.,. tloned .both llinlbaw and ~uy~r In a direct confrontation. The: Grand Jury as yel bis Joued no lt.otement baotd oo that session. Lindo 8an1011 Wiii 81 Ouffn of U.$, $urlboard Chomplonlhlps Surf Meet Beady At one point this momJnc. Kuyper qutsµoned llJn&ha.)l" ''would you .explain to lb< boanl why thert t. 1 CODflld of in· terelt In tbete pending court Ca!<S you cite'" Stewardess Chosen Queen of Event Hinshaw replled. ''I ~e not yet employed prlvete c:mmaal lblV1!e me on th111 mauera." Linda Benson, 25, an alrliM stewardess from fferm011 Beach, wUl reign as queen over 270 contatanta part1ctpaUng in the 11th Annual United States Surfboard Chlmpionahipa in Huntington Beach this weekend. The bloru!t will not only act in <ifficial capacity but arrived in HunUnrton Beach today to have a look at the eJght-foot "'aves. which she hoper; will push her lo a repeat victory tn the women's division. Vinet Moorhouse, director of the Dept. of Harbors and Beaches, predicted today thal If current surf conditions prevail through the wee);end. '·'n will bave the contest to end all contests." Competing with Miss Benson for trophiu ln ~t divislom are aurfet1 of cbamptolllhlp caliber from Auatralia, Hawail. Florid•, Vircinll, Texu, North YOUR • • Carolina 1aJ,ei1 "California. An estimated 100,000 to Ui0,000 fans are expecttd for the tvent wblc:h will begin 1t 8:30 a.m. Saturd1y with ellminaUon heat! on bolh side! or Uie munJclpal pier. On Sunday atmi·finals ind final eliminaUona will culmln1te about 3 p.m. with awartla ceremonies on the beach tut of the pier. Festivities begin Friday niaht with the tr1ditional luau, enhanced this year by the unvelllng of 1 branu bw:t of the late Duke Kah1namoku, generally ac:knowled&ed aii: the falher of modern surfing. Tbt bust of the min who pra.lded OVll)r five runnings Of the chlmpiooshlJ)I in HunUngton Beach btfort his du.th 1t 77 in January 1 Ma, will be mounted at the head of the pier, overlooklni Mure con-testa II tho beach dty. Your Qmfga .$GI.ts • Se1'1'ict Ag~ncy Kuyper aaJd biJ; point •11 that thtse court cuea do not involve the IrviM Company. Hin.shlw sidestepped with the f'tllly that all tho private attorney1 be bu talk· ed to uy it wu totally inlpproprlate for K~per to write "tbat Jett.tr." The letter to the Board of Supervisors called intct questJon Htnshaw's Potltion in assess.Ing private and public llpper Bly parctlt as o.ne lump parctl. Aide Seeks Senate NEW YORK (AP) -'.lbodore Sorenstn, fonner presldenUal adviser and Kennedy family friend, Intends to an- nounce 10D1etlmt ln January bla an- dldacy for tho U.S. Stn.lte from N"' Ycrt, the New Yi>rl< Poot reporlld 'toclay. 0 OMEGA -----_!!Ill•. l'tt• •e.ry ••"'• O'"•t• S,eH111•ll•r w•t.tlri •• ,,,., ....... 1 •• w ..;tti. •wt • .,. lll..tifi11•tl•• .. ., NASA t. k _. r..,. ,..,. .......... "'"'· Tillt ,..,...1t1u., ~1, • , .. ... , .... , -11 ..... . ....... '" ,. ........ ... WATCH~ FRIE --• Cl•• ... cxw .... , ... •Mi-M .=:.~ ... $2.00 FROM s4aa sal"t!. $3t00 IMAMONtl $6.00 11:9'\ACID, ,._ ai=u,111t11-...... ~ ........ •laden ~1'1Wl Huntington Canter hech at ldln9er '¥HILi TOI WAn HUNTINGTON IEACH m.sso1 4 ,..., ........... °"'"' ,,.,,.,, ~· .,, -'" thb """'·--J "wtt• .. • .i1.1, o...,. s,"' .. ~~ .., •llr•Mfl'•,L"' .1y .......... wtt..111••• 6t ..._MMllfl. TD•• •••ru.au and bade Harbor ShopplllCJ Celltll' 1300 Hcnor llvll. COSTA MESA 545-9485 ' ' • • '. • • • ntes., Sc1lleriDJ1 to ~ariou. comp&U polnt.'to attend lbt collqu Of !belt dlQl.;e are 119 .Nltipnal Charity League debutantes wJii> 11•~ pac};ecl tlWl'f aOltalillc ~morlea .of a series ol summer pai1\es ~veu In their'!-" ~. · Over 'l'!Wiksgivinl vpcllion they will be reWtited for more llOcialWng, and lilgl!ligbUng the weelcend will be their presenta- llQn to IOCie\)' Nov. 2ll ln'the Newporter Inn. Tiie Debutante Ball i. ·woo sored )>y the Newport Chapter ·of NCL, and all debutantes are Tiell,tockers of the motheNlaugbler organization • Lending. a oolleglate nole lo a IU11cheon given by Mrs. Jol!n Leon LaUll in the Newport aarbor Yacht Club were place cardll "'veall11g which campus ea,ch presentee woul,d be attending. Miss S~ ~. dau~f Mtt. John Max Rau 'lnd Robert la)ie Ba,_ bu• the Univeralty ol Soulbem California;. MIU Janis i1ideicaklwell, daughter Of Mr. and Mn. Jack Linden· Caldwell, will .tuily at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, and Miu S!eJ>banie CUUer, daughter of Mr .. and Mrs. Malcobn Cutler;haselll'<llledat·UCLA. • .. Other debutantes, their parents and' colleges are Miss Diana Frizzelle, Dr. and Mrll Nolan Frmelle, Southern Methodist Uni- versity, Dallas: Miss .Kristine Laun, Mr. and Mrs. Laun. Un~ versity of Callfomia, Santa.Barbara; Miss Robynn Alberta New· toll, Mr. '"!! Mn. Gedrge• Edward Newton, Monterey Peninaula Juhior College, and MlSs Car:.t. Jean Rosenast, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley Roseiiast, llrizoua State University, Tempe. Completl~g the list are Ml" Ronda Dianne Vogel, Mr. and Mn. Hans William Vogel, UCLA and Miss Barbara Louise Wool- t1eY. Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Blakeney Woolsey, University of Red- londs, Johnston College., Other guests att,llding tbe htncbeon J!iven by Mrs. Laun were Cbild!en's Home SocletY. clebjltantes, tlie. Misses Linda Leslee Littlejohn, Pfl!lela Jean Mesorye, Dlln• Plumb and Laurie Ellen Fraser. Other gue&ls were Miss Gaif Hippe and Miss Lisa GUJ- tafson, Mrs. Laun's nleck. ·1 . Late summ~r parties aloo were given by Mrs. Vogel inlhonor of her daughter, and the CUUen 'hosted a dinner for debutantes and their parents in the Balboa Yacht Club. ,I ·1 ' UP AND AWAY -A typical scene at airports and depots is Har- bor Area young women departing for 'colleges Of their choice. Na· tional Charity lieague debut.antes are no exception, and here Miss ---Kristine Laun bids farewell to fellow debutanles, Miss Carol Jean ~men Dru.g· Scene-· 'Combated' .-, Doing something about the drug scene are-members of the ~ewport Harbor Service League and the Ment.8:! Health Association of Onnge County. Mrs. ~1ichael B. Jager, president ol the league, and Edward B. Bell, a·sSociation president. announced the formation of a joint effort to expand the associ&ijon's dru.J abuse prevention program in· the int~rm~le and elementary school levels. · -. The pilot program will be geared to train- ing volunteers for student& in the fifth, sixth. seventh and eighth grades, as well .. •' the teachers and parents.. _ ; ~ ... ~ · ,. ,,..,. ln addition,.tbe voluriteers will be trained in parent\ effectiveness in order that they may assist ·area parent groups in the discus. sion of the emotional needs of the youngsters in today's society. The league, in addition to supplying vol- unteers for th.is project, will underwrite the major portion of the salary of the new assist- ant to the executive director, Mrs. Kathleen Lamberts. Her major resonsibility wiJJ be to provide staff coordination on this project. The proparn will be governed by a com· mittee of ei:ght individuals, four from each organization. Robert A. Green, executive di· rector of the association, will serve as com· mittee chairman and t.trs. Horace Benjamin is the league's chairman. The. e6mmtttee will conduct a sufvey of all drug services in the county and it is an- ticipated that 'ail effective dru.g abu.Je-Coor- dinating council-can be developed wbeu the resuJil ,of the _Su.?VM' a~e completed. ' Rosehas.t and Mjs, Barbara Louise Woolsey. ' NO DUs:n' WELCOME -MINl'ConAmor'Auxillary o! Children's Home 5iJciety is welcoming new associate members to a tea at to a.m. Thursday, Sept .25, in the ·University Methodist Churcll. . -. ' Cleanin& off the welcome mat are (Id! lo rij:hl) ~.Mmes. ~il-. liam Marvin , Michael Hazzard and stewart Morgan.' The auxQlaey serves tbe Irvine area. Auxiliarr Sips Tea Mano C<>n Amor (A Lovlf!I Hand) AUJillaty of Chfldttj1'1 Home Society la starting itl second year wilb a tea to welcome new aaaoclate mema hen. The University P.fethodilt Church at University Driva and Culver Road wm be the setting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 25. The aUJ:iliary aerves the Irvine areas of Univers.ity Park, TurUe Rock and UCL Women residing in these areas who are lntertlted in be- coming assodata may tele- phone Mn. William Marvin al 13:to347 for further tnforma· tiorl. Alsoclate memben ·are lhooe lnie....ted In the story of adoplloo. Mll\Y ol them are 1dopliv• ~ or grlndp&r• enl.!. These women Ietl I.bey have oot the lime to devote as an active member but, never· the.less, wish to contributa. their financial and moral lllP'. port to the worthy organiza- tion. New ofricru ~ the Mmes. St.wart Mor1an, presldert; Peter Berwick, lirlll Yice pres- ident; Marvin, aecood vice president; Frank Carr, secre- tary; Freeman Rose, Itta. urer; Dean Mallicoat. clime chairman; Gary Schmid, pub- ll<ity chalnnan; John Cal1IP' · ben, aoclal chainnln: J11 Martin, publlc lnterpmalion chitnnan, aiJd !:noi P1yn<, plrllamentari>n. Cel .umnist Advocates · Teaching Sex Educatio.n Early -DEAR ANN LANDERS: Wiim do )'OU ltond oo sez edllc:aUon In the Public sdlools? Some of my frleodl •1 It ·ems kid& ki<as Ind Je..i. thnn l!ljo delllJ thinp they hive no bullnell doing. My •lllcr-ln·bw in Micblpa 11 bon1lied ol wbal her chlldrm wett la.pt !Ill fU1 In sUth lfBde. She -.n.ed the literature (complete 'Vlth pictures) as ''dil'gullJng and flllhy.'' ~·esterdly t received • marnna rrom D~llat that lmocktd me olf 1111 -· ll said &hi\ whole campaign for 8U tduca· lion b btitli pushed by • Communbt- backed -nlmllon called SIECUS - <Se~ lnfonnatlon and Educatkm c.oundl of•tbt t1nlted Stairs). ~to lbb .~. SIEllllS-.... founded ,,, Mary ea-. ........ . from the East who ~ around llfvlng clirty -....... pr<p icboo11. The article ended up saylna lb(. movement la a plot to wt11ken our couotry 10 the Commta an ,eome In and tHe onr. Whit ts SlECUS? Who ls MorJ O&lclroOc? Qo )'OU belie•• children """'ld bl ~. ... educaUon In the publfc a:hoois.t li ,., 11 what qe! I 1111 C!'lllf""Ji and friohtened. ~f buol>aoct aoct J, ha fifth. 1n )'oilr JudpnenL 'Will .,... 1Ulde UIT ·-SUN· ' 'l'lllES 118ADERS DEAR READERS: Mill cal-It a QuUer, 11 VN11r pamte, a ..,.._ ciao, tbe U.gloler ol .... ,_ .............. --.-' .. wUe ol Dr. PnU Caldt,_ ftrmttf1 wit\ tbe 11'0<!4 Bealtli ~ululloo. De ... -... glltm u4 .,.. -.. pnd11 L Or. c.I*"" 1'U die N• tJoal Dlndk tf ra.aiH hrftdNI•• --~ lo )114. 81ECUI II a -prolll .. M 01"1C1 ( I ......... ol K wmer!L A•-••Y -_,_, ablabs wtD ....... '"II 1 ·nnn11 i..u... m ell!--!Ilk : ,...,.... ,.., ... -It pnlll ,,_ II "1 ......... l<cqol lllclr Mnalffy 11 • • • r • • I , lleal"'7, ped&l•a, •pliftlaS 1 f1ree la $elr &Ives. Wbeo romanUc glances tum to nnn emhroca lo II love or chfmlslry? Send lea lllt booklet "Lov•·« SU and How lo Tell lbt Dllf....,,..," by Ann J.oodero. Enckool· • loll(, •mped.-aell«ldmoed envolopo Ind 1$ cents 111 colD with your (tqllOI~ Ann Landon wilt "" 111<1 to belp ,.. wtlh your p:obMml. -lbloJI lo be< la core d the DAILY PJLOI', wlaol• a ..U-a4drouad, ....... '" ..... •, 1 • I I WLY PILOT • Horoscope Gemini: Don't tssues HONOR THE OBJECT -Ready to greet members at El Camino Real Wo- man's Club's F~under~ Day 'f'ea are (left to right) the Mmes. Ernest Riedel, ways and means charnnan: J'ohn Renfro ind Robert Warner past presidents and Seymour E. Nutt, president. ' ' For Mature Women Job Clinic Offered Leaders Toasted El Camino Real Women's Fridays from l :30 to ll ::IO Club members will take time oui to honor their leaders dur· inc a Founders Day Tea in Dana Point Community House at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18. a.m. Force WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 . By SYDNEY OMAllR r • !\RIES (March 21·April 19): Be sure of what you write, \ publish. Many exhibit tenden- c.j to mlaquote. Make. y o u r meanings crystal clear. COm- municaUons with one at a dlstance continue to b e empbasiud. TAURUS (April 20-M1y 20): Dig d e e p (or lnfonnallon. Refuse to be satisfied with superficial Jndlcalloos. Stress ne:ed for &fve-and-take; get ·. money's worth. Day 1hov.·1 definite nnanclal giln. GEMINI (May: 21..June 20 ): Accent on marriage, public rtlations, your ability to listen. Don't force issues. Make con· ce¥ions. Finish rather than begjn. Give Jove and you will also receive It. CANCER (June 2t-July 22): New work methods ac· complish basic goal. Your health should not be ignored. Dependents put (In pressure; pets and people make known their needs. Oo cne thing at a time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Good lunar upect today coin· cides with success in creative dforts. Break through red tape. ~ent change, travel and variety. Trust hunch. Your ESP clicks. vmGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221: Be aware of property values. $tick to the S<llld. Heed voice ~ e~rience. Don't wapde,;.. intO uitfamillar territory, COil· trol tendency to be 'r-tstl.-. to point of carelessness. . UBRA (Sept. ii-Oct. 22): Some confusion e11st8. But you ultimately produce facill to pN:lve m1Jor polnt. Be con· fldent. Don't perm!~ well- wlshera to alter your Ufe style. Stlc~ lo prlJ!clples. ~JO (Ool. U.Nov. 2t): S_poUlgbt on whit you own and h01f you can inc.reue earn.. inp. RelaUons with oppaelte MS allo emph$.ai:ied. Personal mqnet!sm rating Is high. You are due to suecffd. SAGnTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. Ill: Cycle hl1h. Tli<e ln- itiiltlve. E X e r c i 1 e in- dependence of tho•lfl~ •cti"'· Acctot originality. Ne11 _ con- tacll lpt to prove benlfldal: YOu receive favorable nolict. CAPRICORN (Dec, 22·Jan, 19): Best to remain behind the scenes. You can suece.ssfully deal Jn Illus.ion. Leave details to others. Concentrate on transforming lmaa:ln"allon to somethine useful. Means be true to yourself. AQUAl\IUS (Jan. ZG-Feb. JI); Accent on friends, desires, fulfillment of wishes. Study Capricort mMs1ge. You are especially attractive to (lp- poslte se1.. You receive mtan· ingrul compliment. E n j o y yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You ealn insight into basic goals. Your horizons widen. You can perctive future iJt.. dlcttions. Accept accolade in gracious manner. Cooperate with one In authority. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY, you can succeed in business and you have gnat creative drlvt. That change affecting home, domeitlc COO· dition will prove f1vor1ble. THINKING 'COOL' -That ls what Ebell ·Club members of Newport Beach are dolilg as tb-,y jilan for a Cotton Card Party Sept. 18 in the dubhouse. -Searching the closet for cool, cot·ton casuals are Mrs. Vernace Morgan and Dr. Emma Munsen (left to right). , News Talk A Summer Pause Opens Fall Club Takes Re/re~her For ·Group ' ' A rtfreah.ln& pa~ in the Clubhouse, Balbpa. Tickcl~ summer routine b being plan-are '2, wiQt the prbeds to n~ by member• of EbeU Club benefit the group'• tnuaic and Geor&e Todt will tell Lacuna , of Nlwport Beach. nursing scbolanhip program. Their Cotton Card Party ls a Mr:i. Vernace Morgan, ways Buch B u s l n e • ' and tnat offered at noon ThW'S· and means chairman, -is being Profmional Women'• Club day, Sept. 11, iD the EbelJ assisted by the Mznes. Ray members What's New in News Nielsen, co-chalnnan; Adrian at their first fall program and Joyner, UckeU ; H. D. d" NB Fr1"ends McGregor, menu; Fer 0 I inner meeting next Thursday Ballenger, telephone; Walt!!r night in the Outri•ger G Un affl c R F bes •El. us.re; .. or, restaurant. Xp OrJng S. E. Briggs, Henry Vaughn, Todt, who is appearint as a Erwin Loth and L. B . member o( Cout Federal Area History That<her. Ptfembers of the decorating Free Enterprise SP ea k e r 1 committee include Dr. Emma Bureau, is expected to 3Jant An authority 00 area history Munsen, chairman. Mrs. Neil his talk toward c u r re n t will offer colorful commentary V. Williams, l\lrs. Ralph on the past when the Friends u A free seven·weck job clinic designed (or mature ":omen who are either entering for the first time or returning to the laMr market will be offered at the Sanl.B Ana YWCA begin· ning ne1t Friday. The series, co-sponsored by the Santa Ana-South County YWCA, CaWornl1 S t a t e Employment Service a n d university of California • Agricultural Ex l c n s ion 5ervict, ~·ill take p I a c e Weekly topics will include So You Want to Co to Work. Evaluating Yourselr, How tu Find Job Opportunities, Your Job Application and Meet the Employer. Per,sonnel managers and authorities a.saociated with the employment field will present a realistic picture of the cur· rent labor market and suggest techniques tbe mabp'e woman 1bould use to approach It. Mrs. Seymour E. Nutt, wbo Is beginnitlg her year as club president, "'ill be honored along with ~!rs. J a mes McCalla , pr cs l den t of GaUIQtnia Federation of Women's Clubs, Or an I e Oistricl. Area Students Become legislation. Mrs. Lloyd' Milne, or the 'Newport Beach Library W son, Mrs. Charles R. Croul, legislalion ch airman, ar-1•lher In the Newport lJarbor ~hr~.I A. ~k· Wortman and Mrs. Y.acbt Club nert Thuraday at· 1 ip Pi e. ranged for the program. 10 30 Mrs. L. H. McBride, presl- American Ambassadors A former newspaper col-: a.mi dent will welcome members Miss Ellen Lee, who hall d ts t •"& " I" umnisl and television com· specialized in the memories an aues o ...,,.. .coo par- m en ta lo r , he frequentl y and impresslons of Madame1c;;;tiiy.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o edilorlal!zed on the menace o! Helena l\>lodjeska will lie in 11 Plans Told For Gala Individual C<lllUltlina: will be available, as will child care, and those interested are in- vited to cal~ the Santa Atia YWCA, 542·3577. I._ Reriatration Is open only to women definitely interested in seetlni employment, and wiU be llmlted to 100. Also taking bows will be other diJtrict officers, past presidents and lift!! and charter Five Newport.Costa M!!sa members. high school students had the Following a brief business vacation of a lifetime this past meeting, a musical program U summer and might have a planned. Executive b o a r d members \\'ill serve a s hard time settling down lo hoateues, and decoraUons arc study in their respective high beinc plaMtd by the Mm~. schools. John Renfro, W. >..Woodman A~ five, plus Oht student and RIQ' Miller. ·~'!1'01 Santa Ana'i ·Foothill During their stay the communism, according to early Newport history with the • P I A N Q S students toured the U • S . McFadden brothers who ar-I.:mbassy, met A mer i ca n Mrs. Helen Pratt, publicity rived In 1175. MAJCia .'i.mbassador John Lodge , chairman. ?t1adame Modjeska arrived llAHDS visited the largest opera house He has received awards In 1176 with the Polish Colony v11M ow U -~ in the world, toured museums, from Veterans of Fort.ign to set e in An~eim and 12 '"'' wineries, estancias, the Wars, Saru of the American years later she built her home TERMS Buenos Aires newspapu "La in the canyon. ~"' and partlclpaled in a Reyplutioo aod the Freedom Homsses will be the Mmes. W A l l I C H S televili6ft show. t J"oundaUon. He also wrltes a Horace Benjamin/ R. A. Pang, MUSIC CITY . Evening illgh School, p&rtlcipated in CA:DIE of CaUlomia, Inc., an They will present .,, .. hlight.s coldmn which has been Alan Andrews, H......., Schone .... -·""·'~ th 300 Um ••• , SOUTH· COAST PLAZA of their trip for a public ~KU more an ts and Leland Beckett. Reserva- A 1ala evening at the theater, an alter1low buffet dloJltr and dmclnc a11 .,, planned for mtrnbers and auats of the Colt.a Mesa Plqboute Patrons Association Oils Topic of Artists rr!;:'~.!'::~t~~:'~ Arlentina as guests of in- Mrs. Helen Hainer will lee· and listen to the art director .. divldual families. generat meeting of CA.DIE in the U.S. Concressiooal lions rnaY be made a1 the '""•1 •1 S.1t Diet• ""'· R d • • J'br • COSTA MIS.A 540·ll6S next Thursday in Estancia . ...:.::"'°=r::· _______ _::•::.:a:'.:ry'.: • ..:'.'::.:'~:::1_::4ml:·:._ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~ Rich School's Forum at 7:3(11" p.m. -Friday. The play will be the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse's optn· inC fli&bl production of "Good- bye Charlie," a comedy by Gecqe AJ:elrod. Tbe patrons will be jnincd by cast members for the afttt&low buffet in t h e Newport Beach Elks Club. ture and demonatrate on oil of Orange County Falt and 'fhe travelers. Chery 1 pain:.lni technique w h e n teacher tor the Santa Ana and Smallwood and Sue Woll of Oranae YMCA's. · 1'Atancia H1gh School, Cheryl Niguel Art Association bu its Newly elected offlctrs In· Pelerson and Tyra Han1tn of first meetb\1 of the fall aeuon elude Pa u I DIUenberger, Newport Harbor High School in Crown Valley Elementary president; Mrs. O avid and Rip Pritt of Corona del School next Thursday evening Graham, vice prealdent; Mn:. Mar High School, were joined at I. J. R. Wat.son. secretary, and by Doug Moon of FHS and All members and gue:ils are Pt1rs. O. J. Gamache, t-.lil!"' Karen Shelor, the ir welcome to attend the meetin1 treasurer. chaperone. YMCA Event Anyone interested In the e1- chan1e program, which is a nonprofit group wilh five chapters in the United Statea, rn1y call Woody Lane, $46. 59112. Membership is open to familles wno will boat an Argentine 1tudent for a month or pay yearly dues. Newly elected oUicers of the Pat.nm Asloclation are the Mmes. W. 0. Van Atla, prt1i· dtnt; Charles Stan1ey and Anthoay Toto, vice pruldtnl!: Bruce Garlfch, secretary, and Jack Reinert. treasur!!r. 'Smoke' Signals Big Pow Wow ne play will contlnu!! -tbrouih Oct. •. Relervationa m•Y. be 1111de by callJq: tbe Costa M e s a Rtcrution Department, U4- J!03. Retired Reconvene Harbor Area Y Indian. Maiden!l and TaU!l (motbm) will begin travellna aouth to CAmp Woodchuck: F r l d a y evening, Sept. lf, for their an- nual Harvest Moon cam.pout. Moire than 200 campers wlll spend the weekend in the camp near Octanaldc and rtlurn home Sunday. A speci.a.I award will be &Jven to the tribe with the mllst autbenUc Indian village, and the camper1 will compete in Indian Olympic and skill A. Au1tln Amerine, special aames, swim and hlke. COl'llUltant for A m e r i c a n HI hi' htin the A&lociaUon of R e t I r e d cnng 1 campout will be the lf'aduatlon of the Persons, will addrw the nrst approiimately 85 girls who fall metUnt of Newport Beach have completed third grade, Oiapter 111 of AARP ne1t the age limit for Indian Thurlday · maideM. Mr1. Robert Helsper The aathering will take and Mrs. Gene Barlow are place at 11:30 p.m. In the planning the ceremony. Harbor Senior C i t I :i e n s Mrs. Roger Georgl! l s Recreation Center, Newport general chairman of the camp Beach, and Amerine wil~ .tnd assisting her IS Mrs. Noel disalSI lnsuranoe for persons ·Peru, 5S or older. '" Campout commlt\eel are Also on the pro1,ram wlll be Mn. Threu Renner or <A:ronl del Mar, •·ho will review her boot, "A &111 of Old ffw:ipry aod World War J," wbldl w11 wriUtn l!t col· Jaboartlon •1th Mfl. Winifred E. wi... All per!Ofll J& er older are lnylted to •ll•od. ,,_ ... ttnc!Jng ahoold brtnc H<k luncbu. NB Auxilio ry Walla Walla Tribe, retlN• tion ; SbolhOfle Tribe, flag ralsing; Blackfoot Tribe, In- dian Olympics; 'SIOUI Tribe, graduation atld wonb!p; Pima Trtbc, tortb procession: Net Ptrce ~ Tribe, campaltt in· spectk>n and awards; Pueblo, Noc>tkl Ind Malclh Trlbtt. campfirt; Hopi Tribe, aldll eamu, and · Hopi and Nei Perce Tribes, clean.up and checkout.. lnd11n titaidcn1 ls 1 n or1aniiaUon s)JOnlOttd by the: YMCA for llt~ in 11"ade1 one The Lldif&' Au.illary of thn>u1h tbr... M o t h e rs Nn'JIOll 8eacll Fin Depart• pcrtlc!patt in each octlvtty lo ment 1athen tbe t h I rd fulfull the the purpooe of W-)'I 1t I p.m. lo •f011erlo1 the componlonshlp ._ locatlom. lnlOn111U11 cil'lnolller llild clatlll>tar." ftPl'<lln( loelUon m11 btt ob-' ~ ""111~ d1y for ne" l&fned by callln& Mrs. T1 0. member• \! planned for Dalley. MUeu. Weiln6Sday. Sept. 24, from " CAMPOUT TIME -Indian ?\11idens and Taus (mothet1) "'111 don their tribal garb and head for Ca mp WoOdchuck near Oceanside next weekend for their annual Harvest 1'1oon Cam pout. Ready to take up tr\bal IUe are J\taidens (left to rlgtrt) Denise Perez and Susan George and Taus, f\1rs. Noel PC!rct (left) and J\lrs. Roger George. 3:30 to 4:30 and 7 to 8 p.m. 11l tht Y in Newport Beach. Princess, Mrs. O a v t d trlcbon, will be preatnt to acquaint guuts "'ith tht ln- dlan Maiden program, and crafts from each tribe wUI be on diJplay . Executive board members, tribe prlncesstll tnd thtir d11ughters also wilt be present to an~wcr qucstlonl!. Ji.fort thin 300 mothers and daughters now bclonc to In· dlan Mtldens In the 22 tribta. Each tribe meets twice a month and activities al~o are planned for the '!\'hole nation. You'll wonder where the tallow went! ... Unwonted fatty tissue simply seems to melt f!WOY effort· le5sly · ond pleasantly, leaving you looking af\d feelin11 rodiont, glamorous, desirable and lovely. Many women lose several Pounds and in;:hes tht wrv first treolment. But remember, weight loss olon• 1olvu only one figure problem and .often couses otheri ... l.et Sh<ipe Shoppes properly contour, triru, mold. slim, reduct ond build os needed to fashion the perfect sl'iopt for your frame ond bone strocture ... lt's whot ~do best. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your frtt sho;it ono!ysis todoy ond see for yourself! summER EHPARSIOn SALE 20 TREATMENTS '20 LIMITED OFFER Total.number of treatments necessary to correct your il'\dividuill fi1ure faults are determined by COMPUTER t;:ARi> at the lime of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, w.here a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" i5 dCsie.ned e•clusively for you ••• Thert's no n1ysrery, you'll know the exact cost of yournew shapel [ NQW SH~PING ] ·COSTA MESA & ANAHEIM; TOOi • t A.M.-1 '·M. DAILY, t A.M.·S P.M. SAT., CMILO CAii •.J AUMllM ("H -CAtl TODAY llflT LA. 6!~.!~!! ~~!,? 1.,0::now ~~.?:!!!2 SAllTA MOW MISSION NtUS MOITllllOGI IUllANK 393-0064 361-1714 349--4788 842-0877 , ,, Wrl"""9 10,,,-......... ••?3 ~n tlvf, 1715 W. Vri.IQo A"' - • . J I t I .-.... "(-- • - • • ,· .. voL 62.·No: 222, 2 SEC'TIONS. 26',A&es·: 1 :·-·; , • t .. ' . ~ \ .... ., • : .. ' ' .. ... I . { ... •' -· .. • ,, l •,. ... . . ' ' .,.. . I 'o t\.. t ~ • 1 , ' -• I · s·.. --·10~"'. ":·· . ' --~ ' " ' f\• t :• I 1 ,i ,; . I o ' f ' ' ' .. • .. ' • • -~·11:·. ' ·I' •• Re,....ier ,f;j~d .'.. . ' . . • H·arhor Teachers In Secret Meet·. On Grievanees . • ·By JOHN VALTERZA Of tM o.llY Pllft lfeff Charging that pfess accOunts ol their grie~ance meeting would not be :written fairly, represent.atlves of teachm. from Newport-Mesa ochoob M\)DdaY told the only newspaperman present f.I> leaft. Then the 50 or so teacher repream· Lalives meeting at CQsta Mesa High School's cafeteria conferred in private_ to hear gripes against ~-duty working conditions in tbe school diltrict. "We might have some writ.ten it.ate- Assessor To Sue Board For Attorney ' ~ : . , .. ..,.,.. . . '' °'"" Dllrrt•..,., , , .r ~Obllf ........ ~J. Hiniha• lllil·morliini t0ld1be BOonl• Supervisors be will 10 to court tn an .r- fort to force them to allo'tr him to blre a private attorney: at county expe!l5e. ' HinshaW said It is cleai' hil offioe can no longer be represented by Counly Counsel Adrian Kuyper becatW of what he alleged ii conOict of tnlcrt.st arisint from the Upper Newport 'Bly land e1- change dispute. Hinshaw surprised county supervi!orl with his appearance and told lhem he \\·as giving them one last chance to change their minds about denying him private cowueJ. \\'hen the board would not cba.i,ae ill 51.ance, Hinshaw seid be Wu gWlg to Superior Court. County supervisors took the position that even if there were a conflid of in. terest in Kuyper's handlins of the tide- land91and exchange wfih the Irvine Com- pany, this would not be rusoo -for the assessor's office to employ private coonse.I for other legal matters. Supervisor David Baker aald the assessor does not hold en tndtvidUll el· flee but is part of a countywide system and to · change from thlJ eatab&Md &yatem would be tn direct conflict wWt the intent of tbe-&tale cMRitutkln. Added Supetvlaor William lliratein, "! hive done a little research OD thll and the only ptecedent for· hiring private counsel i8 to han4le individual items, not on a continui'ng basis. I'm afrlid there . would be quite a problem if every county department bead every Ume be had 1 dispute with eount)' COWtJtl pt hi• own private counsel.'' - Supervisor Robert. Ba(Hn said, "1 feel the board is IOl't ol caught In the mkkile·. CS.. HINSllA If, l'lge I) ' .o .. ..,e Wea&Mr . The ,,., at!ea nmOla With .... but lhert'o a "'""7 opeJI for. cut tor. Wed'1">1i7~an,mooo. with. tempen.tma otlll licldl)I, around 'Ute Joy llOJjntlQ. INSIDE TODA\' It probabfu roUl be 10 11ear1 at least vt1Ul the Padfic Cooit freeway and the Lag&ttta Frte-- 11.1'1Y become rtaUtW. S~t Page \12. I merit for yoo late(, er aometbJn1 • tlkt that.''. pruldeot Gonion 8'cblold uld from: the podium ... uie DAl),Y PILOT reporter lefl1 H~ called for a vote.on the_prm ban.. TllO membenblp •gretd unaftlmoual1, Before observers · Jett, h o.w • v e r , Bechtold and several other teacben abed some ligbt on -.eva"l1 iaUea. ' The ·represeniaftves lave unanhnoua 11UpPort to. lhe ANoetated Clasaroom Te•cl!eri of 'Loo Angeles .anc! their one clay wa!kout~.cialib Tbunday. (The Los Angele1r~· meetin& 'WU-fully cov<nd by the~ and· TV.) · corona del J.lir' rugli School teacher Angelo Vuw .. told the-Newport-Mesa group tjlat the •be!l way·lo lend· support to·~Ll>e ~!es~, demands "Is to do tie .fun< thbit ouriefy,.," Moon Heroes .. Win (:~"1Jres1.lonal Applilue Apollo 11 moon astronauts, dressed !lb conserwlltoe SJ!eaker McCormack.",standlng (left to rlgl)t) ,a~e· bitsiness sOft.s. "Won ·rousihg applause frorp. a joint Michael COllms., Neil.Armstrong and· Edwbi. AJ4rjn. · session of Congress·t0ctay as ttiey appeare,d on the (~e stocy-1 P.age 4). 1 ._1 The meettncJiad ·been' billed •• one In which the O:oap'a Withdrawal o I Eiilhusias!n •(WOE). ~ would ~um just in-front of Vice President,Agn~w ,na _i_ 1lll 'l:iiol!!lli!il.OI ~ "-' · it!!f' ·-~~~,': u It i.-~·~~ tho ...... ~ •• "'"°""" of1Ne ~tliift'fbtlngs. rncl~•-==11€·a1!i;:t:'.~ School ·Dro~u~ evm..~ aee1ng;thft ts board the A' 1&.year-old higJvscbool dropout and ml ~,or ·are ,Pjo!Jd 'JI! by thilr tW.,oJder companions, .,,..f-Hun. -ts. , -tingloo-Beech, ...,e jailed by Cosla M,.. !lAILY ' PILOT fr• l"t · P.• Ii .,,. police MOOCW'·•~r·a stolen crldll-cJ!fd """"""'ails of .. Ille Mo!)d!y . WdE opree In the !!arbor Ar... . meetlng drew'. 191"" colP.Jueiits from · the The Une teenqers were admitted io 1'pr...OlaOves' PrelJd!i!l ' · · Otange !ounty, Juy<nil! Hall, pending .... , county GOP llits Recall Mov.emeni Against Allen -. The Orqe CounlY· ROpobltcan central Commltla today .bitterly """"'"ned • r~l movement gaipst Sapervieor Alton E. Allen, hinUn1 it may_ be a Democratic plot. . A resolution stating Ille GOP organiia· tlon'a poeition on the Jindercover move· ment, against the Fifth Dlatrlct ~ wli pissed,uoanlmoualy Mon- day' nlihl-' ·•u ts.hard enough ·to auract ~I< ........ ...t.poMlc .-Wi--.lclin& ~~!~~ktt.:::.;: ln"111endbes;" the paper·ays. ~ • "The RepuhHcan Party In Orange Cooty-has stea<llailly-otood • for cleall polllical -campalgno , •• l\'t deplore the emetJenoe of tbeSe tacllCI Jn C>rana:e Coonty,• the document· conclullu. Davad James, chairman of the counQ' GOP group; lQJPOinted • special ...,_ mlti.e to probe whether the Allen r.caJJ movement may be the first ttep \ by Democrat& to lnjel:I partlaallll>lp Jo the '"1>erWorl01 ?acH. , ~ .... lution poued by the Cent.al CoaufllttiO wa Introduced br Mn. WIDlllD 'B<nls and -.<led by Alll l!oWle: . • formal litar!bp, but two of lllem•.denied . involVement iii the forgery. Officer Phil Donohue: was dilpatched to the White Front discount department Skft, 3088 Bristol Sl, after 1 gµsplcious clerx checked a bank credit card a1ab)ol the stolen li11L ' The three youngsters attempting lo make a 5ase of atereo Music tapes apiJareot ·,..med a bH 1011111 aQd aot I"! exr~ ' In credit buying. · PoJlce said ont IS-year-old boy also had In hfr pogsesgion tlU'fe other credit cardl re.parted .st.olen Sunday by Robert W. sawyer, of Redondo Beach. ~awytr told 1nves:tig8.tcn at-the Ume that be end a frl!!lld wen using Ille ,U,Ul)a bath in an apartment comphm at 2'l!JO Pe.tenon. Wiy, when 90IDtOM stole hi5 clothln. and credentiab. oete<tlvn Aid today that .J!!D"h.,.., ...,.-made at• .. ~-e_.~on;a mw· ....,. !lloP·•""'lwo ...,_ ~-·L otores! in Cosla-M; Md·NeirJIOrl·BeaCh'. ' They dill' not ,b .... Ibo., total en t. charged ,to S&WJ'tr'i varioUa. .IC;CCMJnts. Staek.M•r~ . . . ' . T»:• · ipa;i stepa toww ~ com- pre~ve redevelopment of tn e downtown area were taken Monday night u the po.p.~a Cilfte®~, !'14el'ed lhe protJr&J'll11Qeadl at full speed.'. .._ . Interviews With consu!UnJ flnn1 anx• lous.,w haVe a hand .in. idiin~i the fubD"e heart of Wwn • set, wbUe a method of tigbttr controts on all interim dete~ment •w311 ordered. '· Counellm"' quickly and uull!imou!ly aded on the 'tWo &e.parate repotts by PlaMing Director Wl!Ham Dam, who has contacted nine oorlflltanta. fivt of which are interested. Spokesm~ fOr the five companies will meet In special, joint c:owicll.planning cqnmisslon interview RSslon1 Ocl 7 and 14, to tell what they emtskm for the ctnl.tr ol Costa Mesa. "Hopefully, we'll find the right one right' away · .and get M with it, post. haste,"' declared Councllman .wmard T. Jordan. \Jnder terms of Dunn' w recom· mendation on .t!Iection of a downtawn ndesigner, a contract of about $50,000 - depending on the b!~ &Chedules -.~ould be ~anted by coancllmf'l'I as 5000 -as post!lb1e • • T • .> --Prepa;..tloif of'tht'!Me,.l~•nl· cdn· cept -Which .will iltstli coSI up to 12 million -;II ~®.'to ,lakl!olbou~'one ye~ .titil .i>~ .alii! l1md ~~Ill~· win · 'bl!' 111\der tllt ·c;-a'11lo.rnla Redevelopment Act· ol 1147, lejisfaUon . whlc~ h''· . strongly ·~~ .ill . the tranafonnatlon of' oth~ ~.aging city c ....... thr~ the •late. Dunn tokl cOimcllmen Monday. nllhl that be eapecta ~ p.opo&a1& . ., The ddcuJ1lelft Rya .'Ille 'a!ouo nolel wiut interftt -arid ~ ~ the cam· paign mlnballd agalni! . Allea by = ......... lli1Wil!i!l'lil. be pub!kly . ; ' -. . ' ' ·OffU;er f,oses ChW,l, 'f."li~1f; Wif~, Now Arrested 0 -·, • •• I ., <t 1 l GET' FA.SciN.4TlNG . . . wok .4 r . imc'.4iL --..- .Piiing' for oeats In the '1tlO OnnJ• Count, Board ol Supervldoro' eleetton beglna e months fN>m -· Yet a ,...a[] campaign q.imt one_ of the ln- cumbents .,.alrtady ii un4ir -wiy. The campaign. T-esu.n.d lo have cost at tea!! ~ ~ -IO fir l>u only two •~Pd lt.-S -and no can-d~te.-ror a ~ loot Into the mystettinm cam~ nod DAILY PILOT ..,..ner Tom· Bariay'o ttory on Plll'I t tod>I)'. - ) .. ' . ... By A~ 'Ill VINSEL • · ~ .. .,...,......... ' For the put Jive yWs, AnahlJm policeman ohn c. Wlndaor bu had thel met!>Ory Jmprioooed in hiJ mind ol • drowne4 baby ml an angubbed wile Who kllled heroell Olll of p<ncmil blame. Officer Wlnds6r blmlelf wu releued ln>m a jail Monday. • , SuspeD6ed from Ille ~ Ind cbaried fonnalli with burglacy, he potted 16.JSO b&il fObrtring ~ 1tr1ipmtnt In Narth. Orange O>unty Jodlcla!.D_btricl Court. The veteran of!ktr, dacrllled br l!ls partnm at I aood lawman. WU ordered' to face pr<llmlnary bell'lll DI !aitr Ulan Stpl. 1S' for hb alt.pd role Jo I "I\"" whlcl> 1<11 111 alleged -ljoa ,. • ...,,. ed. ' T - l ., - ' .,•.I I' I f • • ' t ) I. • ' . ;.,1' ... , , - N. .fl-• -IXon tilVes . ' ' •·. : New ·A ·~·· . . . .. P. . .. . . f-6. N~ ·viijt~. . ... ,_ . I I I I . . ' l OAILV ,~!LOT , c ' ~~ .,.. S6;"1"9 • " - Mrs. Grahani Says Marriage Greatest Cr.nsade ' • .....1'-.. A wOniin who d<lvocot her IUe to ln- aurinl tht -A ol Iler marriap on4 ..... 114 \t,111 ·-•. lllt ~ •111 ... ~ ~·.11 ... 11111 Dr· "*"' ....... 1111 .tlllll4t Ille! • Id. .... -., .... ~ ... JllllUplo "' ~ Wtrt..,. ~ .. to fie ~ 1P!i11111, 4"Mlll· ~ .... 14-1i.. .. !u..irllllllol' Into~~ -.. ~-1-. d-.' ' "Y'°' 1!1'3' l!Oll'. ii lilll lllt .. -__. _. _ _.... ....,, 1 ........., _,,_ la ~.· _ _.. ~ .... leoce, "part!-•'-'" ur,. -·· ,_.-~•-· -'-pl .. " _,_ 'l)le s1tftder. ,.....,. nilal!lef'1 wile Jarll1ol'91'1WN ......... Ml1tl't-,_."' ,._"'"' ......... '"'" -••~ ""' -,_., ~ p Y-""••••-~ "'" ""• wort I yellow~ 11111 ond Ill wormal ; lltt pillast iJlto loeltty of a Go•Momnc and illp~y family 11 jllaylni htr part In lltt ""ttJt eruaade et ill. Mra. BUIY Graham told a ~ell.out crowd Monday at lbt Mahelm Coi1venUon center. -~. ~II!* ~ -AnllMlm. w ·.,...11er lo ..., • el IM llillllt -111•• tt r.rap Ute •Id a~ said. "l!lnCOOlrqe your chlldr<I\ ..,... swept·l!.tck • hllii •yle. !ler l!O{I clear mort luraed tl.>n ant Po<rou .. belm 1itladed fanilly UI• ~ 11\alritallla la !Mt m.trrl•&• wu a "iQ.IO propositloo. • their acts ote pralae wotthy, don'l opect' ,ole. wl\lcj\ carried mO(t \ban.a hint •l them." tile~ Nllrth Cmlilla llOme. "W!Mn yO\I mtr\')I,'' ""' SU<!, "illon'Y a too mucll too 9001J and turn. thtln 1.,.. btr '.llonb Cal•lipo boc~n..~N car-ftirt. GrJham't r.,.. public tddrt&I was "Tl'\lf was my own ')d~," aht said. "I milt to wriom you won1t~ mind adjwllf\&. Wilen tbey hav1 aottetl themlelVU ln rled via loudtpeakers to iol'nl S,000 \eyed lo U.. l•tinclllna ll!pl 1$ ol Ot. !ti\ that 11 wu Umt I loll<td to jny !IUow v.,.. liu!lne# tt to mtkt YOl!r bu!Wi<i bala111.'t," •h• .. 1a. IWi!:hl.,, ilsteners ouUlde llto' dlnii>& G1ahain'1 t~Wtek Souf.Nand cirunde. 'ffamen on a tbernt thlt ii \'try dear to ll~Y and leav~ the rest to God -1111'f. Graham admitted' that she-was roOm. 5ho conllnt>od Mond1y tltit th< rilly 1t l!IY hdrt -Ute aclllevtm«tl al o hippy rtmll!lber, only Cod can m1kt · h1fll "l"'•t1Y worried" by~ prtpon.ior"'" MrJ. Graham wu welcomed lo Orange ·• "i'tt Ustto to your tetnager1 and yoq will learn a lot." the attractive gr~yln& wl(a el !lit lamed IV"'lolttl lold II Ar.llttlm Stadium carriH •pee II I mtrrl'lO Jlld ' tht moUoc\ W main-~" ol idetlllti In tod111'• iOOnll"&trlirotl,.. i!Gunty by Mra. Honold !!Ufan, !!oll«"l' oiplflc.W:e lot her buabllld and Illa t.nancl el ltmlly ~." A hUPY • 11tou1d bo used as u .,.. "Maroo .,. belil( m!lltd.'' Ille Nl4. cltairm.tn o1 tht Convliltlort C<ntor CMINdt ttlro. · 'll!at 1'lm>Oll1 -tl)r 4'ptadt. MrL .-io.lli d11ldm, Mrs: \lrallam 11rc-"and llleJr uUodf areaoint lo be~-Juneheoo. • • ' • . -Finnigan Jigging W •. In.S Mike . Krisman, . Costa Mesa Night Spot Retains Dancing Permit Harbor Area 41nce fans t0d1y have COsta Mest City COun.eU approvil lo k .. p pourlJll llleJr Fld Into the pot •t Flri: nipll'• ltalnboW. • Sylveater Grovt, owner of t h e )>6ycbede1ic n!1ht spot et 1714 Placentia Ave., received 1nOlher 91kiay extension ct hil dance permit, plus 1 WIJT!ir!& to toot dowa llte hard rock mualc las!d<I. AttM!ty P1ul McClary ol 11ewpor> Beach •poke lor the mop-topped rock ahop owner Monday nlght, at the elooe ol an hUtlal 9G-<l1y dance permit tJtwloo. c..ta Meoa pollce told counclbn .. at the June te hwin& they were a bit p<riurbed 11y· Pl"blemo ol 001,., In- -ol the law from lnloidcaUoa to WU.'.dW'lai tbt 1111!111111' montho, '1P 111o hid t.Yped tilt q,ior. 1att1t rtpor1. '!be IJl<Ullt .... "" tilt ~ -tint .me. Giove'• ati.mty hod another ap- polntmoat later-and Chief Nfllt hid aot fet mived. . "Al I rectll. for the !~at two or lltroo wetka lftot Ute lalf council meettna. It was rather quiet:" said ·Mr1. Nelaon. "Thoro blva ~ :a lacld<oll, R•to In· VOlvlllf drup." MCCiary ~lod °"t lo U,. council, ~'""· 1hat a pollco cill lllllMU la aot n-..U,. lltt rault or a tavm1 owntr Ind Ciitl Neth wl>o arrived ollortly, qreed Wlllt bJm on -· ol tilt countt. Aldrich Slate Harbor ·Talks J.1iie Kri11mtn, loni-~alted S D S member recently hi~ed a11-a UC! ad· n1inistrator, ·ind Chan~llor J) a n I e I Aldrich . the man who hired bln1: win talk. aboul it at two upco1ning Newport Beach meetings. -.,._, Krisman will be guest speaker· at the Newport Harbor E1ch.an1e Clu~ luncheon Thursday. The gathering will bt-at tht Stuft Shirt. acco~g to Exchan&e Club officisl Jerry Wo6ters. Wooters said fJCrisman might ha ve to field some tOOgh questions from con· i;ervaUve rne.rnben of tht club. ' dnla mMta at Flnnip1>'~ '!be cnmtr prom1'od lo do ill he eould. Rutb Nel!llOn, secretary t.o COlta Mesa Police Chit! Rogt< Notlt, ..., asked Mon· Mrf. Ntltoa WN uktd at ... point to theortUcally cotnp&r.• Ult r • c e n t caietoad -•ltd by FIMIJll>'• lllJa. bow wl1b a couple ol 111-peUion, pluo tile naturo of the lnddtnta. Dr. Aldrich, mear.whlle has 1ctepted an invitation to be guest speaker at a 'break[ast meeting of tbe Newport Harbor Ch;imber of Commerce on Oct. 1 •l the Balboa Bay Club. dly •-•etivttY """"'1 !"lnnllan'• ctly .\tlonley Ro)' June ol>l<rvod tblt Don Hout Resigns Seat On Mesa Planning Board Frem P .. e l N"'l,y ~tod Newport.Mesa Unified 6cbool Dlalrlcl execuUve !loo Hout formilll' rulgned u a member ol the Colla Mesa PlannlnC COmmiaslco Mon- day Dial>~ ~ eomt city olllciala. '!be ,,... dlrtctot ol curriculum for tho Harbor Area oebool system Aid In a let· ter lo Mayor Alvin ~ !'ink~ that h~ ,,.... Job limp!; won't ilJow him to d<VO!e tdoquale Umt u a commttsloner. Tbt letltt WU road by Vice Mayor llobtrt M. WilllOll, fllllni In !or Mayor pfukley, who wu f~ gr.ettinl new IDd roturDinl llud .. tJ In • P!"FJ'l1'.,tl • ae1rby SoUlltern c11uorna'to'uigt. • Wllaon !mmedlitely l!UjPattd any citiun inttteJted in taking OYe? Hoot's term in office submJl a wrllten ruume of what be envlaions 11 ~ Mesa'• goals end ll"'llJ &uld•llnu !or the coming year. Repliet abould be milled lo Ute ""'11Clt ln care of Ctty ·Clerk "'Charlie" Priest, Costa Mua Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive. .. That came as a real shock." obstrved Plaanilti Dlrtclor W)lllam Dllnn, "Wo .,. roilly aolng lo hat. lo "' him ..... l!<JU~ lonner prlnclpol ol Monte Vista School, Nkl be wlU rtmaJn on t.be plan. Din& conuni6a.lon unLi.l a rruecusor is cboRa for hiJ term, wbJch hu three years to nm. "l am most hippy to hive bttn iden- tified with Costa Mell. over the pa!l few yean," Hout u.id in his formal letter or reslgnaUon. He wu appointed l.Q complete former CommWiooer Sam Duran 'a term in NO'lember, '-ti65, and re1ppoinltd in April. 196&, when that office apked. Vice Mayor Wl1aon said Hout'• rtsiina· tion cornea ln tf1t midst of a committee atudy ordered earlier this year on the ba1lc quaWicaUons required for IUCb an Ol!Ice llolder. Wilioa praised Hout '• abiliilu ind brnefita to Ute pllnning comrnissk:ln, 1d· din& that web cbaractu is what in· •vltably lead• lo pro1 ... 1 ... 1 promotions wbich leave lltUe Ume for othtr work. -> f.llW6le c;OiUi !'Ult !IHI" COW''"" ...... ,. N • ..,.., ... -.. -J,u •· C.rlrr "'-~ .... '*"'-' ....... • n-•• x-w ·-n... •• A. MlfPlllil11t --c-.--llt w, .. ..., .. ..... U.llflt .W..1t1 P.O ..... 1160, tt•ll --........... :1'tl ...... _ ....... w.. ...,_, m ,..,.. • .....,. .,. ...... e...: ...... TROOPS~ •. have been withdrawn ttom. VlttnAm: by Dec. 1$." Tiie ntw li(urt ol 35,000 mtn lb bt p<ill· ed out -u wtll u the date for corn- plalloa el the wltltdrawil -were 411· fertnt from the number Ind date mtn· tiol'td M...U, Ill ~ by South Vltt· natn's \1et: prtsident, Nmtn Cao Ky. Ky uid 40,SOO more Americana would be ,PUIJtd out by tht end ol November. t 1be "White House said the tbtal reduc-, tlon la' •UIMriU4 troop lttength by Dk 15 wwld really amourit to M,500, ~t \\'It.bin the authorl.Ud cillin& all unlta art 1h<iwn at 100 percent •tnncth. RESIGNS FOR PROMOTION Pl1nner Don O. Hout Turkish Airliner Witb 57 Hijacked 15T ANBUL. Turkey ( API -A Turl<ish airliner with $7 passena1rs aboard was hijacked to Bu11arta today, airline of· flcia\s said. The Turkish airlines Viscount ltft Istanbul thiJ momin1 on 1 recuJ•r run to Ankara. Airline offici als said the plane landed 1bout two hours later in sona. Jn tctuallty, most unilJ are 11i1htly belOw full strength so that ictual 1trtnjth nortnally is ltss than the · aulborlltd etlltnc by ..,. or hro percent. Foo&h Place For Fools Names FOOl1' names aM foots• !acu are atten teen in pubUc placa, 10f:S the old line and 6:ista Mesa City Jail ii more oft~ the rule than the u:cep~. Autograpbil'l1 the w1U1, hcwevtr, is dtfinitely unwi~. Police S(t. Charles Boiia ran the Of· fendin1 name and date thrau&h records Monday and carnt up with a suspect liable !or pro&ecuUon on a charge of dtitr6ylnf Jail property SaturdllJ', while a municlpa aueat. Deputy City Attorney James Moore, however, recommended a1ainlt pro. 1tculln1 llte 20-ytlMid ''"pect from Mesa Verde, hec1uae hiJ mJUtuy d\lty tlltwhere mil4 complieote lhlnp. 'Sex Classes May Cause Ill Will, Frizzelle Claims By JEROME F. COLLIN5 Of !!It Otllr Plitt lt1~ Set educaUoo classta In 10Cil schools might not be wortb the "UI will" they cou ld enaend~r among parents oppoatd t.o them, tl'le chairman of 1 Ntwport Htrbor Chamber ol Commerce atudy frOup Hid MoadllJ'. Dr. No11n Frluelle, in a commillte report t.o chamber dir~tors, Indicated 5trong mi1givtng1 O\'et the pr01pect of such WtrucUoo. Hls committee has: spent elr months discuuing both 11\dM of the controvereial is.We with Oranae County ecbool leadtra. Ht Nid amona thing; round out ,. ror by the commiUte ia that lhert ts bO 1t1ti.ltical eYldence ladic1ttn1 1 decUnt In venereal dlse11e: and llltgltimate blrth rates In thoat dlltricll where au tduca- Uon II taualtt. MOit expert• aaree, he said, that thtH problem• are the result Of "an apptrent lack of Information qpon whlcll the YW11f ba11 llttlr Jud11T1•nts." He Nld hi• ~Ille bis bltn Ulllblt to uncover i.l'IY "fitnonitrable result&" of '" tducaUon la other dlatrlcta. "So I wonder, It It worllt It!" Corona d1I Mar Hi1h SCbool Pfincipa1 Leon Meeks, fotn'ler cbarti.bet prisid~nt, noted that lltt Anlhelm Uni,. l!JCh School Ollllrlcl has be<a ono ol tbt na- tloa' 1 pl.-a la llt• lltld. A11"111m c1ncttled the elwea 1 .. t Week. Metkl alhd tliatllc: "Tht.y1ve bad II& educatJOn c)Ultf fut five l<I JIJ yun In AnW!ln, and thore It nO dtla "'*udln& tll• rtlUlte!" "Of>loiOn," r,Plitd Frmell!, "but no data." The commllta< ebl!mlan, wllo It 111 op- tocntttltl and a """'1nent 111 c 1 I llepubUcan leadlt, poUlted "'t thll-• "htalth lducaUOn" OM'IU art t1upt. there I• otttlltlcil WldlOC• lndlCltlOI a reduction In 111' lacldtnct or VD. "Yet the people who wpport 111 educ•· Yon don't see it u • aoluUon to the pr&-. blam~" ht said. "But llttrt la l!Otbln( --.tnc family ond ... tdlJCIU.. ........... lit ll!d, ..... cuuna th•t "Pfl!>apo ..,. coo1d be lolltht .. hilt l••vln& tile Other out." P'rilzallt tmphollted that Illa -·· Uoaa collllftuted a_.. "'flOlt only. Firm ncommendtUOGI to IM Clll&Mber directors will be made b7 the commlltet within th• nut low watia, ht fndlcatad. \ "U tuc-h eountt don't to1vt them, then what It the ,JuatllleaUon !or tho upenJt ond JU.wJU Ibey cruta amonc ptrtnta who don't want their cblldren to be.oo.ln- 1ttucted?" Tht chamlltr'• olllclal Jtand on tho cootroveny wilt ·tlltn prdlllllab!y he communle1ted w local acbool euthorttlea. ' • Chamber manaaer Jack Barnett said tht chanct.llor is prepared to discuss the Krisman apPointmtnt. Krisman, 'IT. was hired July 1 as coordinator of academic advillna at an aMUll salary of $8,350. Barnett emphasized Uut Ult Oct. l breakfast session L~ open to chamber members only. "We don't want an)' kook~ showing up. a.skirt& question• that arc \VIY out of. line," ht txpJa.ined, KIDS NOW SEEKING YEAR·AROUND liMPLOYMINT Werkor• (loft to rlghtl Koren Lt Fon, D1vld Rolfe. St1n Leckey Costa Mesa Y outl1 . Found Innocent Harbor Youth Job Service In Station Heist Now Year-round Setup A Co6ta MW youth muted and quu- tic:.ied about an SflO service . station 5tlekuP e&.rly MDOday has bltil ieleased withbul cW,:;llut llli 'i<laii·mote and ,.,_,;~µ._~Ii> cu:llocfy: A voluntetr ellott lo find summer jobs for Hubor Area teena1ers expanded to a year-rOund operation tod1y. Jean RUa, director of the job hunt sponsorid by the Harbor A r e a COordln•tiJ'I& Councll, said the year-round employment service for youth will be ac- tive each day from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Harbor Aru.Boyt' Chtb in Coa:ta Mrsa. 'l1lt &rand !obi ol 480 t.ona1< job placementa thi5 llUDJ'Der caused the ex· pansion of the program, she uid. '!be aervice filled jobs for camp ewn.selon:, li&n painters, seamstresses. ~ fU]lor !!•cha•, saleimtn anll main- tenance per.oimel. Office space is donated by Ult club, S94 Center Sl, Colla Mua. Other expen.sta are paid for throu&h contributlana. Young pmona ln>ereJted In ""'kinl part·time durlnt the schOOI year rnay & lain regh;tretion card& throtq:h their counselors at schooJ . Job opportunity Jnfmnatlort Is a!Jo !Vlilable throuJh. tht att\1CI It 67~1339 . Employera with jobs avail1blt can call thrOUjh another number, Ma--047•. . -tiano !Ii JltrU]l!jl, ·21. ol lit' Albert Pl~. wtS 1t ·the rtsldence where Richard H. CurUn, 20, ol the aame ad· dre>a, and Raymond o. Smltli, 20, of 113 Ogle St.. Co1t1 Mesa were c1ught. Pollct1 Cap~. Bob Green, head of the. detective. bureau, aaid today that Ren1\ey wu released, but invutlgatora wert ask· inc for complainta ch•talni Curtln and smttll. • A citizens' tip about 1 car matching ont dtleribed a& the getaway car used by two men wbo robbed the Lerner Oil Co .• 2360 Newport Blvd., at cunpoinl led of. ficet"a to the Albert Place addre&s. . f'rom Page 1 Att.endl.nt Daniel Lanquist took :i desc:rlption of the vehicle incl it wa! ovtthe.ard by someone else. leadinr tn tbe arrest of two auspects on suspicion of 1.rmed robbery. HINSHAW ... Our duty is to keep order among \•arious department buds. Tbt two of them ob· vJowly are •ntrY and irritated with each othtr. It remlMs me of two little boys havtna a fi&ht." Battin wtnt on to aay that he thinks ht.Ith H1nshaw and Kuyper are hot headed and Hell portlaUy In the wrona. "Let them hive their fl&ht," he suggested, "and let a nwtral, ~ party judge d .. clde wl'lo It J1gbt.'• Supervisor Willllm Hlr.tteiD s a id YOUR "'istfully, "I waa hoping this could 111 be resolved and "'·e could ill w.:1rk together as one bis bappy family." He then voted with the ot.httl to reaffirm the bOerd's stand a1ainst 11lowin1 Hinshaw to hire private counsel. The county 15'essor aald he has a num- ber of court acUona involvina the county asseuor's office Ptndin1 and he nHds legal representation ri&ht away. ~t he said Kuyper h11 bre1ched any t'OD!ldence he could ever have in him. . Your Omt01t Sale' &i Slfflict AO'"'V Post Due Burch WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on will nonUnate Dean Burch, a forme r Republican national chairman, to auceeed Chiarman Rosel H. Hyde of the Federal Communications Commission, a While Hruse eource said today. Burch, a Tucson. Ariz., attomty. helped direct the JM4 campaign of .Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona tor the R t p u b I i c., n prt&ident.i1J nomination. 0 OMEGA n, ".,., ,.,,, O""•t• s, .......... , ... tt~ ... . ••nv ....... 1 ... t.4 witfri------11)!19. t WATCH\'\! llllp.C.._. • Cl•llllCI • OIW FREE ••• •ll'f' '""lfi••+i•ll • ., NA.SA to k -•• '-' •~, l'ltlt •• th• "'""· l hi1 nittt11l+l•s, truly • rl· .,,, f•r ..,..11111••· ......... ,.,.... ..... ,..,, ••*''""' Ofiitt• Je-ltt. e-. Ml -·, •• thl1 l1M1 ... 1, 2 •wtt.11, 4 '111, °"'"' -,,.,,lif•·· t. l~Aefrt~ 'fk •Aly ww .. , .... •Ml-...... $2.00 fROM s4aa lWllUN• ,,_ llN•S $3.00 11110.- OIAMONDI $6.00 UPI.ACID,,,._ ~·-IN•U.Y1N• told _ •ll«m a!Cfltr: WMILI YOU WAfT H1111tl119tt11 Center. .... at 111111911' HUNTINGTON IEACH ·• m-5&01 t < ... tt) ""'"' .,., "'" """ •• ffi1 .,...... Ptln 11 tL 1'll01 AtAIU.11.1 and bac:k Harbor Shopplnt Center 2300 !Wbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9415 • I • I I -------------------------------,,-,...,-., HE'S BEAT THIS TICKET -Plenty of Hatbor Area folks have had the sad experience oi meeting a traffic officer at the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway at Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, but this is one ticket that isn 't for real. Actor Kelly UAU,Y f'IL:OT St9" ""-" Throdsen (the policeman) is talking it over with Robert Morse (the serviceman) in a seene from "Boatniks" a new Disney feature being filmed in New port. Poli~e Wat~l1 Robbery • OAILV PILOT ;J Israeli·s· Bomb Jordan t I I ' .. Pla004 Strafe Arab ,Guerr;illa Bases . . . • B1 U-1'.-II- • 'l'he .ltl'MU Air Jl'Otte ftepl lnto,actJoo today after a • .O. day respite llld bombed. and 11ta!ed 4nb guorrilla -lo ltto -.. 11ay, • mllllary spdttlDWI r-1A'd In 'N AviV:.hapokesman also rePOrted .... -lo the ocoupled Giil Slrlp; . The,;apokaman aald Ibo. planea ltlt ooe base at TtJ.Hugeiga, about. three mll• east ol lhe Jordae River In ~ ft<lltheni Jor<1an. Way, and another al Wadi El ,\rib, about •ix miles east of the Jordan JUver oppo•ll• the klbbuti of Gaber and Never Ur. He aald th& action luted·» mlnut,. am an 1ar~ plan.. retomect aa1e1y to theit baau. With the exception of Mon- day, Jaraell plan" had It<en In action f:Vel"f day afnce lut Tuesdaf11 ground, sea and air attack agalnal Egypt. · Jn the G-Slrlp, Arab temtrlsll hurJ. ed I · tiand grenade inftl the central market place, tilling an lsiaeU woman and wouodlng her aon and 16 Arabs. pou;. tmmediately threw up road blocks and ~ later ... number•• of sUlpOCls bad been rounded up. Gua City ahopa closed and traflle !lackened after the exp1o&on and duricg the search for smpect.s. Officials did not immediately disclo... lhe names of the blast- .) LClrge, Not Too Lflrge Nixon's Withdrawal Plan Compromise to Realities 81 STBWAllT HENSLEY planning, obvt...iy call!<d Nixon It> lower W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Pmldent hla light .. Nixoo'a dedsion It> wt1hdraw 3$,000 mono ·'ll>e President's .principal probl"!n, u.s. trooPB ri.m Vietnam by mid-Dec<m-Wbite House officials acknowledged; i. ber 'represent.a a comprombe between that Hanoi apparently believes that be what be had hoped to be able to do and ha3 set oo point at which be wm end 1.U what the realities of the situation permit· withdrawals even if the Communlit.s M d • • d ted him to do. refuse to reciprocate. ,, Ur er•SUICI e Wbite House o1oci.1s aa!d the figure ot Nixon is proceeding moro cauU°"'ly 35,000 waa fiftd becau..e It was large than he otherwise might becawie of the End T • } ? enough to provide evidence of the need lo convince Hanoi and the Viet Cong s r1ang e. President'• good faith It> hla de .. ocalaUon that the withdrawal program Is oat program, but not so large that it would automatic, with a timetable t b!a t LOS ANGELES (AP) -A w<a!thy undermine the millitary stance of the u!Umately would lea'° the South Vi.I· bachelor and a pretty brunette were Allies or damage morale in Saigon. namese with PO American support found shot to death In what police believe The PresJdent.. aftei announcing June I whether or not they were capable 'Gf D:~riey Fil1rii"1ig Neiv M_ovie Around Harbor was a muroer-suicide prompted by th• aninltialreductionol25,0001tlbecarrted de!endlt>gtbemaelves. • ""3 man's decision to wed another woman. out during the summer, had hoped that Tbett appeared to be two ~ Edwani L. Morrison, a 35--year-old by the end of August he could announce reasons for the pr e aide n ti a I' an. DAIL.Y f'lL.OT Stiff ""-M SO WHAT IF I SIT? -There he is, Phil Silvers In person, ploppe<) down right in the middle of a service station parking Jot .at Jamboz:ee Road and Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Phil, along with "policeman" Kelly Throdsen, were on location Monday for filming Disney product.ion "Boatni.ks." 3 Surviving Quadruplets Taken Home by Parents The three surviving Curtin quadruplets were taken home Monday from the Anaheim hospital where they were born II daya ago. Shawn, Christopher and Lance all cried noisily. Mdence cl their good health. Each now weighs more Ulan five pounds. 'Ibe three infants were dressed in matching blue ueques and wore bosptal ~ation bracelets to prevent mil •Pl· Older brother Robert, 8, was nctlsed from school to be with mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtin, or 10032 Bonser St., Garden Grove, for the big moment. A1&o at the hosp ital to accept the babies was the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Golda WUson, of Garden Grove. 't'he paternal grandparentll are.due to arrive from Indiana Friday. The sm.a.Uest qqad_, Chart~ weighed only two pounds, ten ounces at birth aod died Sept. 4 ol 1 respiratory ail{nent. Jtli11ing Off Newport Beach By JOHN VALTERZA buUding o:>ntractor who owned flve plam for wtthdrawsl ol at least $01000 nooncemeat at this lime: · °' t11t °'1" •1"' 111~ apartment buildings, was f o u n d Mon-during the a u tu m n plua more in -The necessity lo demonstrate to bOth 1·hree men in expensive auils robbed a day night aprawled on the carpet beskie December. domestic and foreign critics that he is gas station ice cream dispenser Mooday hi3 desk in his private office, officers However, thert wu a complete proceeding in good faith with bia effort,_to afternoon and all the while. uniformed said. He was shot onct ln the back and absence of any response from the North end the Vietnam conflict. , once in the bead. Vieinamese and the Viet Cong It> the Jn. -'ll>e advlaabWty 'of offering llJO- Newport Beach police ·kept spectcitors Miu Donna Peck, 3%, was found dead iUal withdrawal, in the fonn of 90me ce&90rl to the late Ho Chi Minh, Netth and traffic away from the ·three men as on the floor nearby with a aingle a hot in wlllingneaa to compromiae at the Paris Vietnamese president. 80fl)e new tft.. the job was being pulled. the chest. A .38-callbtr revolver wu tallta:. '1'1:Ua, combined_ with U.S. ttn· ducement to modify Hanoi'• tough poei· Meanwhile, Phil Silvers, M i c k e y 1 _rou_nd_. ___________ ce_rta1n_c_ty_•_ver_the_Comm __ unl'1& __ '_miit_1ary ___ tim_U_the_..;.y_h_ave_an..cy_tnc_ll_nation_to_do_ao._ Shaugnessey and Norman Fell practiced at the machine unW the director of the Walt Disney movie "Boatnlk!" decided to shout, .. roll 'em". The affair was the first full day of film- ing for the Walt Disney Productions' crew on the feature le.ngtb film detaJling the problems of a young, over en- thusiastic, budding yac:htsmlft on Newport Bay, played by Robert Mor.11e. Monday's scenet were shot at the service station at JamOOree Road and Pacific Coast Highway. Today, filming crews were working at Tustin Avenue and Cllff Drive. Most of the filming will be done on boat docks at.retching from the harbor dep~ ment up to Ken Niles' Villa Marina on Bayside Drive. Detalls for the film have even come up in meetings or two goVem- ment bodies in Newport Beach, the city council and the joint harbor committee. City coonc!lmen granted the film crews permission to build temporary dock! at the Balboa Y;icht Club. Another requeat from a government agency failed, however. The harbor t'\'.lmmittee said no to plans to land a seaplane in Newport Bay. Monday's shooting drew large crowds. One woman, dressed in perfec\ Ne\\1?Qrt Beach casual style, strolled up to a photographer and asked the name or the gentleman in a chair marked "Cast Only". "He's Robert Morse," the photographer replied quietly. She sidled confidently over to a. com- panion after that and said in matter of fact fashion : "That's Robert Morse," A rotund Disney film employe walked over next, wearing a bright red shirt. thick black sandals and khaki trousers. He talked incessantly to a walkie talkle~ During a pause he said, "I don'i know how I run around ao much as fat aa I am." In all, Disney spokesmen said, the run- ning around will take about two months: in the Harbor Area before the family style comedy ls concluded. Release date for the film ha& not been disclosed. · I • • DCI to n 7 am to 9 pm. Both ways. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3-4- 5-8-7-8-9 pm. More on weekends. 8:115amto1C>:10 pm. Both ways. 8.15-&.30-9:30-10'.30-11:30 am-12:30-1:30-2:30-3e30- 4:30-5:30-8.15-6:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on weekends. ; Why woriy abolll a raaervatlon when PSA has over 160 tllghll a day?. Such an ea~to­ remember achedule you can cany It around In your head. Why remember lowest 181119? Or all Jets? Or great aervtce to Oakland, San Joae, and Sacramento? Or that kid• under 12 fly PSA (With their Plfllllll) for half fare'l Stiff want.a mer· vatlon? Just remember to call your tiavel agent or whataltaname alrllnea. PM ... ,.. ... • George, th• seal which had become unoffldal m ... rot ol. Newport'• lruned dory lJeet, swam oil f<> sea tor lJUle~ climes tllis summer -apparenUy a hit thal<en by the husUe and busUe of beach throngs. Now tllet = water• have returned, children around the lleet are hoping George will reap- pear on tbe beach scene. I • I • • :1 • • " ~., .. ,.., ........ I l """' A. o ....... old. p<111mu1et = and later ambassador t4 tmder former Pl'lliMnl yndon B. John1<1n, bJ!s betn iamed dean of the Lyndon B. JOllD' • t.i School of Public Affairl In A...-' tin. '!'be ldiool is part "! tlie U-,. 1*al')' complex named for the ex- presidenl It is scheduled to OI>"' in the fall of 1970. • • ... -·Jludy Jaalcuk of Chicago insisi- ed there wa.S a deer in his base- ment. Paul 5-k thought It was a joke But wben Paul gave In t4 Jludy'a pleading and peeked Into the "ba.Wnent of JasiCtek'• h~e be uw a .full.grown buck that evl• denUy had leaped through • "°"" door. Tito.two~ C8?11ed the doer up Into Jasltzek'• yanl, but the animal .died, apparenUy from the cull It had nceived. The l(elweaker Cometh \ • When no <me aJ>P'l81't'! to'relieva llritiJh Rallwaya Signalman Nol' man Powis at the end of Ill• ablft. ¥owls locked h!J slgnall on red 'stop aiid at BenUey, England wen! blime halting a London express tr'oin 'until a signalman could be llUIDDlO!led from a town two miles 'away. , • A dog mini-ng kittem7 TJIGC'1 woe thf half of it. The dog'1 ...,.. U Charley. Mn. Dan Edwanls of Clooil, Calif., said she ...., told Ch4rleV .,.. o ht when they bought lier. Atwr tDC<l11inq her OID!I puJll, C"4rlef took ootr the familt1 kittens. ~Thew do1l't growl or bark,., say.s Mn. l'dtoardl, .. but fMV art" itarting to taaQ &htir toill o Uttle." • AfUr J1QV(n11 for an antloon- doliim adverti.rlng compoign for a 11ear. tM town of Wolverhom~ ton, l!:ngtond reparted vandal- ism 1D0tSe tlLan ever. Of /iCi4lJ r<J>OM<d a record $60,000 IDOf'fll of damage done by vandals lince the ad campaign ended in March. • Tourist K1nnath Bromfield, 2'!, told his wife he had to sbavs ou his beard to pass antlhipple Bui· garian customs men. Wiien 1be asked why he brought the beard home in a plastic bag, Bromfield said be figured he might need it in case British customs wanted to match h!J face with the photo In bis passport. 'l1le OnonnOUI bow of the SS Manhattan glides over the ,Ardlc· Icepack oo Its Ice-breaking passage to Aluka. The weight of the ship pushed the ice down, permitting the giant tanker to pus llln>ugb. The ship is the fint coounerdal vessel tO complete the Northwest Passage. · Nixon's C.ourt Choice Denies C.onflicts Exist WASBINGTON (UPI) -Judge Cle- ment If. Haymworth Jr. denied conflict al Interest an.,-. todOY at lbe open- b!I ol Senate b<otJnp oo bl1 nomlnaUon to be ID woclate justice of the Supreme Court. One 1<Dator charted that "special Jn- temrta" ftrll trying to kill the 51-year- old South carolin1an1& nomination by President Nixon. Haynsworth told the Senate Judicl~ ~that bil rulioa in a 1968cue involti!ll an unfair Jabcir practice cbll'le aP!ui a leJllle llrin bad no connection wJtb hll tot«rest tn a vending macb!ne fJnn that bad opentJona In planta owned b the firm'• parmt concem. He acknowleqed that the vending company got 0 alightly more than .$10t,lllO" in ......... dllrinl 11111 lrom the llnD wllk:ll beuellled fnxn a rullnl bJ !be 4111 'II.I. Clmdl Court ol A~ of -lie ta .... d>lef Judie. But Jlaj1lnrorth l&ld tlie lellilt men wbo ne~ the vendJDI cootncll did not tvMI iilow lbe Judla WU -tod wJfli the vlllillng llilD. Cong De!'lounce Nixon's Troop , Withdrawal Move PARIS (UPI) -Tbt Viel Cong today ronnally denounced Preatdent Nizon'a decision to withdraw SS,000 meq from Vietnam a.!I a "maneuver aimed at ~ peasing American and world pub11c opl- ruon. '1 Hanoi aatd tt aUU wanted all American troops out or Vietnam. Jn a more pos!Uve development the North Vietnamese dele&aUon anoounced it had agreed to receive four Texas women whose husband-pilots were shot down over North Vi~tnam but whose fates are not known. ,ffowever this was oDly a sidelight to the· peace talks. The "prorialonal revolution ary g~emment" of the Viet Cong issued a fonrilJ $tement denouncing the Nixon &tatement while source.!! · close to the Hanoi delegation said "We demand an immediate and complete withdrawal ol an American troops. 1' The Communists haft dlmaodtd this from the beginning. The faur American wives who came here from Dallas, Tex., are trying to fmd out if their husband.!! are alive or dead. An officlaJ at the U.S. delegation ex. preeeed sratification when told the Hanoi deleaa~ had promised to rtcelve the wives and offertd American help if necesnry. A Hi.not apokmnan told UPI, "1be four ladles c:alled on our headquarten 'arly today. But they did not have an ap. polntment beforehand and therefore could oot have been received. But of course, they will be received at the delegation." The spokesman llld ht did not know when the meeUni would be arranged at whether the four American women would be received In person by Col. Ha Van Lau, the urbane deputy Hanol peace negotiator standing in for delegaUon chtef Xuan Thuy. American lroop withdrawal ha1 been one of the key Communist demands in the talks so tar. DiplamaUc sourcea said the lack of an immediate miponse from North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegates bert could be traced to several factora. Flnt, the dtlepllon leaden baV9 not returned to Pll'il yet from Hanoi where they aUeoded the hmeral ol Ho Chi Mlnb. Too, the Communista have a practice of commenUng on nothin& but spedtic statements. New ·Bomb Blast AWed detecates awaited the re1cUon they said might a•t the stalemated tallu, now !n their elgbth month, moviq. Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xuan Thuy, told newomeo Sept. I that U the Unltad States were to make "a substanUal red.ucUon in troops ••• well lhe;n we would take this into consideraUon." Tert Sways Las Vegas Buildings PAllllTE MESA, Nev. (UPI) -A new hydrogen we1pon, believed to be one of tte most powerful anUmiulle. warhead• ever tmed, wu touched off underground today, &waying blgb-rise g am b Ii n g resorts in Las Vegas and jiggling seismographs coast lo coast. 1ile underground l.bennonuclear ex· plosion, de.scribed by mllit.vy expert! as "a future WN.PGD very importan\ to American aecurltJ:t" ~ed • cavern -700 .leet in cuameter and displaced 10 mllDon Iona al rock. A nd lrame -k containing trla· prlng devlc11 Jumped IO feet Into the air at shot time u the 100-foot Instrument package; wu de;tonated 3,800 feet beneath thl earth'• 11.Dface. The "hlrcaln buemetie detonatl~," budflettd at only $3 mllUon, w11 'fiewed by repor1on oo lelevislon moolton 11,• fool from ground zi;ro. A rolling 1,500-fl. high hill acted as a shield between the viewing point and the detonation 11ite but the &bock came as an abrupt jolt at that distance. When the device was triggered at 7:30 a.m., there was a jolt at the viewing site like an artillery shell burst, the ground heaved and a viewing monitor was knock· ed oft target. A cloud of 1moke or dust covered lfOWld a.ro Mon on the readjusted mlllltor and three rolling quakellke movements wn relt. At the UPI office in Las Vegas 100 miles distant, window shade.!! flapped and water sl~hed in a tumbler. Atomic Energy Commission helicopter~ boymd over ground zero during the test and reported no radioactivity was releas· ed above lhe test site. The mnark was Jnterpreled by diplomats: as meaning Hanoi wu backlna: off from Its earlier demand for total and uncondiUonaJ withdrawal as a condlUon for ptaee. 2 Boys Fleeing Swrm Killed By Lightning BLACKWELL, Okla. (UPI) -Ricky r.1urray, 12, and Martin Stafford, 15, showed up for football pracUce but a raln.storm chased them away. They ran from the IOllY field IDd took sheller ln a deserted parking lot t() waJt for the atorm. lo pass. Frost Warnings Go Up-Minu~ later, tbey Jay on the wet con- crete. Llghtnlni bad stzuck. ' *'One minute they were llandln1 there and the next mtaute they were layln& on tbf; groonc., 11 said Fire Chief PhU Carrol. quoting a witness. • ( Rain Falls Ov_er Most of the Nati.on Except West Ricky and Martin, both members of the junior high l!ICbool football team, were dead oo arrlfal at a Blackwell bolpltal. "It wae too late when we iot tblre," said a member or an ambullnot crew that anawend the cail Mondq afim-i at Blackwell IDgb Scboool I Allto11I• •• -.... ,~Iii 11-ra. ..... ..... ,_ ... m, Chic•• Clt•tl111111l1 -~ Oet Molllt' F•lrtNl\kl Forl Wcrtn H..illl'• -·· K."*"1 City Lt• v .... .... _ ..... M'"'-MM!lt ... ..,_ ...,.. .. i.n. =•'=-CllY .,,_ ,.~ ..,.., ·-· ~-... ....... ll:wld CllY ll:HllllJfl' ... --· S.lt LK• ~ lfl" Ol@to ·::n:'•'- .... M --· W1.itll'IP!tl Hllll L .. J'~ .. ~ .. " .. " u ~ n ~ n " n " n " " " TI ~ n ~ .. " .. u " " .. » ~ M " " " .. " .. u H u .. .. .. " .. .. .. 0 .. -" " .. " " " • .. " .. " .. .. " .. • " " .. .. " " .. .. .. " .. ~ " " .. " ... "We tried to get them bmlhlns qaln but I aueos they IOI bit p..tty bard." Holland's Queen Ignores Threat THE HAGUE (UPI) -An anonymoua telephone caller tbrtat.eoed to 111•alnate "' Queen Juliana of Holland tbd111 but tbt Duld> monarch dellvend her 111111111 opening 1peecb In Parliament wlthonl lno cldllll. Pollcl amlted m ~ Ellra pollce...,. ,,,_lo~ tha 1"' queen u ahe traveled to and from the porllament bulldln1 and blocked all trll- fic along the route following a call which threatened the queeo11 ltre unleu a t.etn- aged Arab 1Wth WU frotd ~ prllon. ,,,, q...., delivered her lpe<eh and n.tumed to the Booch Palace for kmcb without lncidenL Pollce .!laid they had ar· rmed six IUl)>eCts in conned.km with the assassinaUon threat. Mar• "" JNO'•f Congress Honors Appollo 11 Crew WAlllJNGTON ·(AP) -C<>alrW'eaJI. ed • jolol -lo ajplla4 1111 11.1. -!lam iodq u the Nixon ad- • -movtd ollud wllll ""'~ -11 lo pal "" An!llrlcall .. Mart, pooolblJ 'llllhln !WO de<ldee. -Apollo II '> Utrcmaall Noll A , AnmtrG11, Edwin & Aldrin Jr. IDd -Col!JnO ....... ln>fled lo -the Jawmu ... II N-EDT. Tlle.bela!od .....-i-- 17 ~ -~ llld Aldrin "' . loot Cl! the IDOClll. Prialdonl -paid tribule to Ibo -'lllth • -din-nor more tbon 1 mOolh qo In Loo Aoples, IDd tbort"""' bu11 pared• for thenilnNowYorklDllCldco&o, . Coogrur, Clll vacallon from Aq. 11 .... UJ Sept. I, had Dlanned a lolnl -for the -Jui -k but pollJlO!>ed II ........ " the dttth "' sen. Everetl 11. Dlr"8on. /\I Conireil WU pnparlnc f<r todJ1'1 big oc<aslon, the White u ..... 8Illl<lllllced Nlxon was utending the U.S. tpaee goal well pul the mooo. He a<eepted a -ial tuk farce report calling for a landlng on Mm but advlalng against an apem:lve cruh program. The report turned down suautklna that manned BP""' Oigbll be phased out. While H..,.. Pr.., Secretary Ronald L • Zlel)er, aaked whether the awoptuce ol the "port meant the President w~ com- mitting himself to • man on Mars, sald: "Yes, I think so.'' Vice President Spiro T. Agnew headed the Wk force which suggested three op- tior11, all including a manned landing on Man IDd two of them setlJnl the lillOs as tbe pouible time for achlevlna tt. No detalll wll'I dllc1osed but the report 11 to be made public oventaaHy. A...., touched oU a n.,,,. o1 con- 110 .. ro1 In July at the launcblnl of the Apollo II mlulon when be IOllated that Man abollld be the -11.S • ._ IOll, wt1h a landing b)' the end of th1" -· 'lllla liroulht • hoallle ..._ llVm soma teoatcn and repraeotatlm who damlDil llCIJlni down of the 11.S. Apce effort IDd -cl the fuDdl to IOIVt pr<>. bltml .. earth lnolead. D1lclolure ol the new admlnlatraUon goal coupkd: with today's appearance of the 11.S. B]laCO beroeo could signal the beglnnln1 ol the battle over the fume of PEKING'S BARK WORSE THAN BITE HONG KONG (UPI) -Communllt Olin& -today ol the thrut ol nuclear war ~ l&ld "!be peopk of the world" lhould btCin preperiq for llUCb a poulblllty. The warnJna WU ool quite U llntaler 11 It mlpt l<KIDd, bowevv, consJdtrinc the -It WU -"' • llogl!ll •Po proved by the Red ~ leaderablp fer uae in celebraUq the IOth ann1.......,,. d the foundlnl ol the Peklns nrtme 411 Oct. 1. House Takes Up Electoral Vote Reforms WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe HOO!C prepared to begin voting today on pro- posed revbklnl of. the 180-year~ld Elec· toral College, starting with a plan re- jected by the fouodin& father•. Aller a brief llmt out to -lbe Apollo 11 utrt>naut.r1 the lawmll:en were ready to take up the llnt _..,.. d lbe dln!et popular vote plan !be - Judiciary CommlU8 ncommendtd for pre11dentlal elecUom. The challenge wu tn the form~ a mo- tion b)' Repa. David w. Dennll (JI.Ind.), and John Dowdy (0.Ta.), to-a dillrlct eleetlon plao. Tbe diitrld plml. defended by ill ijlOiiiOfl Monday u ••a return to the bulc electoral unit In Congrw and In pr"ldential el-," would ntaln a modified E J e c t o r • I College. It would make the allocallon ol elec- toral vot.o autom1Uc, 'lllth the popilar vote winner of each "electoral dlltrlct." In a 11ale recelvfnc one electanl wte. The slatawldt popiJae vote -nuld aet two bonut electoral voi... 8Jalea llOUld be empowered to divide themlelv• lnta a ·number o1--al -equal to lll:tntal ol ...... lallv• and lenlton. A 111m1Jar plan WU rejected in the 1187 ConalltaUonal <Joovention, u wil dln!et ·~-.and tlle -Colltge WU adopted u I compromllt. Lucien ol both parties wore t:Olllldent !be dlllrk:t plan would •lain WI, IDd the H..,.. would 10 on to Piii the direct electkll plao later th1I week b)' the lwo- thlrds approval needed f<r a popc.1 ....Ututiooal amendmenl .,,_ Be Went It Alone William Verily ol Foti Lauderdale, Fla., otand1 on the dock at San S..lvador in U1e Bahamaa where he landed hi• JO.loot replica bl a sixth century sailboat after a 115-day cro1sing o! the AUanUc from Ireland in an attempt to prove that Irish monks could have beaten Columbus to the New World by centuries . I --------- ' Bomber Fund Cut , Opposed WASHING'l'OH (AP) Smale m•u .... of the ., Wllloa lllllllarJ dot.... pro-_· .......,t blll .... ooolldent . tod111 ol l1in1llllJ back .. at- tempt lo llub llmds lot .. od- vaoced mlDDld bomber. The omondmenr, Sj)Qmlid.J by a.o. George S. )(cGovem (Da.D.), Wll 1Cbodule4 lor ID """"""" ,._ It would cut bact dnelop- meol fUodl In Ibo bill !rem Ibo .. mllllao 1Me4 by tbe N1JOa adm.lnllf.ratiaa to '*' mllUoD.. By Phd lnt9tlciiiift Ireland on Agenda V.N. Assembly Opens Session UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -The U.N. 0.neral. ""'embb' opens Ill 1 4 t b session ioday, facing • long list of formidable problems in- cluding the Middle East, disarmament and the aiii.s in Northern Ireland. The. consenaua is that the resulta of tbe three-month public debate wm not be lpec- tacular, but that lhe aelllion will provide an opportunity for important private talk&. • u a ..,1un or auppon rqr Ibo wmld or1utiaUon • ComultaUona were e~ today or Wednesd"f ~lfteD U.S. and Soviet dlplomau lo prepare for meet1np between SOVlet FQfefgn M l 1 I I t e r Andrtl .A; Gromj~ a n d Secretary or Sii .. William P. 11og.,.. The lwo lordgn mlnlstera will dlacuaa tho MJtl. die !ut, disarmament IDd otbtt lasues. DAll.Vl'llm Sen. Jolla 8lelmls (!Hlla.)1 'cmfrmu of the Arm ea Sjnkeo Commlttte 1111d l)octo: t~~~~~!s!:;;:~~:;~~~~-lf>~ _,,. 10< the bill, ar,..a !(.Dilday. tllat it wu euenUll "Tab it -COi the etllmal&--J: toOk a crash ·-·-· lo .. ahead -tllo plone.. -- The opening ... 11oo tbls afternoon WU reserved for tho formalities of eJectlna Anale Brooks, fl·yur~kl Liberian lawyer-diplomat, president of the 126-oatioo assembly. Shi was unopposed. U.S. Urg.es Reds Show Blast Facts Rucktu Over Rate• • llPIT ...... the ••Uon could' malnWn • _______ 1o._,,,._b_~_.o... .... _·_·_·_" -----=-mb In Ill de(- Young militants Invade Ute meeting n>om of Ute Calllornia Stata Public Utill- Ues Commission in San Francl1co. driving board members trom·the room. 'Ibey were protesting high priceo In 1eneral and proposed hllher rates for gu and electric utilrtie11 in particular. Tbe bomber ii pllmld by 1be Air Fotte lo replace Bal's which a1ready are 1gl.n,g but it cannot be rtady before 1977 er 1978 even if there ts no slowdown in development Slellnls concedtd 1be total development, production and 10-year o~ation cost of 240 of the aireraft would be at least nu billion and probably much more. But he described It u an essential hedge agalnlt. an unexpected rate of maHunc-- t i o n in intereontinental missiles and against a po:uible breakthrough in development of effective mWlle defeote systems by potential enem1es. McGovern said be feared the COit would be 125 billion, d<Juble 1he figure offend by the Pentagon. "It seems .ui.omatic that when a program of Utia sise ill placed before us we abould cooduct 1tudles before we speed it up," he declared. McGovern a.id tbm'e is no .dan(er the RuMians will overtake tbe U.S. in tb1s !ieki. Searchers Re-enter Old Mine MANNINGTON, W. Va. (UPI) -Vol""'-11 l'MlllU Ibo Mllllllnaton No. t mm. lo- dsy lo deal wi!h waia.bllh water and a rock fall that temporaru, hu I I a J ie d a sean:b for 1he 71 bodies locted in tbe labyrlnlh !or nine months. • Two te1D11 went in Monday evening to set up com· munJcationa alter the lnlUaJ pair of recovery crews, total-.in& It men, probed the mine for four hours. 'Ibat WU the first attempt to find traces of the mlsain1 worttrs aince last Nov. 24, four dlys alter uplosloftl and fir~ seared ill 100 milu of tunotla. The mine later wu sealed when the flres burned out of control and It rtmalned closed until the seals were broken lasl week. William Park, d Is tr i ct manager for the U.S. Bureau of Mines, said the dlscoveey ()( water was "presenting mare very serious jnlblema." He said tt woul have to be removed belort the searth could rt1ume. British Taking Down Barricades in Belfast The major policy speeches begin Thursday when Prest· dent Nixon files to New York to address the assembly. Secre~-Genera1 U Thant hailed hi! declslon to appear GENEVA (AP) -The United s .. i.. challenaed the Soviet, Union today to compare notes with American aelsmoloiJata oo how to detect Cairo Hears :J..~8fll'OUlld nuclear .. _ \Vhite n ·ouse Neutral Won't l1iterve11e in GOP Po~t Fight BELFAST, Northern Ireland (APJ-The Oriti.sh army today began dimwiilmg Ro m a .n Catholic bln'kades in the riot· lorn Falla !load d!MCI of Beu..t. In 90me ln.!tance!. the mny said, the local populaticti was belpiq b'OOps ~ down Ilic barricades, but a crowd of women and childrtn sat in front of their barricade in Gil- fonl Sired aincJq civil ri&b\1 Dissension Hits South Governors WILLIAMSBURG, y,_ (UPI) -With Vice Preaident Spiro T. Asnew !Cheduled to arrive for a major address, the Southern Governor• Conference today wu in an upheaval of diuenskm and confus:ion over NiJ:on ad· ministration ''federalWn." 'lbe vice pralden\'1 ad- vance man, NU. A. Boe. told the 17...tate conference tblt 11ai.. " tlliJ lllld othOI' re1ion1 mu1t fulfill responslhilltia on lhelr part or the Republlcana' "New Federall!m" wW fall. Apew wu to addreu the conference lonlghl. "The states an iotnc lo have to be mponsll>le and, in cooperaUon with local level.I of 19vemment, adminl!ter lhese (federal progrlRUI) in con- formity with lbe n~ of each area," Bot Aid. This reprutDted a tllght lhift of empbuil in the federal-state rtlaliona " the Johnlon admini&tralion, which strtJM!d COl'l!ormlty witb n• Uonal goals u set out by the D e mocratic administration plann<ra. But the 16 chief executives attending the 17-state con- ference showed deep coocem over the Nixon ad- mlnlstratloo's 1 t r I n g e n t d•grtptlon 11tandards for the Sauibem schools and his proposed cutback in new federal "°"'trudioo 1-. songs aod refusing lo let the U.S. delegate James F. anny take down the obstruc-Leonard made the chal1enp In uo~ Gunshots ... -. lo 1he 2$-na"-WASHINGTON (AP) -Th tt ........ \Wu .Republican 1tn1tor1 will terference." Wd Baker. e army said had moved dllarnwnent talkl on "Proo Pre&klent Nixon ls stay••• out three batta.ll ot aoldi RuU .... cboole tbelr new leader al a They didn't qree on much . Jo ,._ dl~~lc:I lo ,. eidrs CAffiO. DJ. (AP)-Gunfire ject son", the Se~ 11 of the Senate Republican __ , blcb could , __ in un:: ,,.. ·prov e led . tb' lall •-""'er-~ blut In"-·'o, '·admblp ........... ;.,., __ .. '-'LIPltrence w come tJ.>1::. I prottctl ,, far the erup 1n IS rac y wrn ~ .......... o...v .u n:: ~ .. ,........ anu a Camatbo" lvle ~•-bJ•· ~ Southern lllloois commttnity dtaigned to rtieue ground fU spokemtan nports the 1d-u IOOD u Tbunday. Al the EM::h man claimed 1111afac- L! Gene ~Sir~1n~ . ..,.,__,_..... tOday leM than 12 hours after and facilitate w or Id w l de mlnistralion is under neutrali-ume .seulon, Republicans are lion 8.t the progre&1 al bP com.mander. _, t11e'"7.:;. ~Bri~~ the city's mayor and police cooperation in the ~ismic ty orders. to aasl&n Dirkaen's seat oo vote-gathering efforts. ~ in N~ Jr~ cbltf resigned in the wake of detection of such elJllosions. All lhrte candidates to 1uc-two lnllumtlll committees: HtuUa said be bu a morw said the di!mantling opera.Uon growillg tensions. Police said Underlying the need for bet-ceed the late Everett M. Flnaoce. wblcb is now al wort COOli.Jterit rtJC«d than ScoCi cil began aner talks with provin-there were 00 injuries. ter international cooperation Dirksen as Senate mloorlty on tu rtfcrm ltg:Lslation, and vottnc with his Republlcln ~ dal government offlclals and Police said they did not in this field Ls the dlfftt~ of leader agree that the Wblte Judldary. lequu. Eiperience wu bis ln accordance with procedum return fire wbicb came from oplnlon among selamologista House ls maintaining 1 hands· Scott, Hruaka and Bater major c&z1llllp •Pmeai worked out durin.i taikJ Wt I.be neighborhood around in the United States' and off J>OSltkln. a 1re1 d that the • qalnlt Bater, who ii nddWq. week with Bellast's civil Pyramid Courts, a Negro elsewhere, particularly In the Herbert G. Klein, dlrector of mln11tra~ or anyone el&e through bl.a Ont Senate term. ri&hts leaders. housing development. Soviet Union, Sweden and communications for the ad-who tried to Intervene in tbe Scott, mw the act 1 a I The agreement provided for Slate police reported a burst India, on the degrte of ac-mJnistraUon, said Its of-leadership struggle would be · Jtepu~ leader, Jet' It be British officers to reach ae~ Of macbin&-gun fire (irat broke CW'acy with which an un-ficlaldom has instructions not courting trouble. koowri that be keeps in toach arate agreements with the ru-the urly momlng silence, derground blast can be to take sides. "Thla ii internal Senate with the While Houte for idents or each barricaded followed in auccesaion by dilitingulabed from a natural "We can get along fine with Republican bu&lneu," aid IUkilllCI befort IPtakinil on neighborhood on the protection miall..anna fl.rt and up to 16 earth lrtmor by evaluation ol any ol the candidates," Klein Scott. policy mattm. the residents feel they need rounds of tracv bullets fired data recorded Ln the w«Jd'a sa.id Monday. "The President ii an U:· Baker uJd be wu mallnc following rmioval of the bar· Wthe air. seismic 1tations. The men in the running: senator ••• " Hruska aald. "He bia appeal for tllppcri la~ rlcades. · slate police palroled the The United States imiltl S e n . H u I h S cot t of know1 how the Senate rum, verutlon with 1111 eatklpeii Belfut'a Catholic minority neighborhood oC the housing that small underground ex-Perwylvania, Sen. Roman L. and he tnows that the Senate adding that Jt would be~ threw up makeshift ba.rri-project but did not ent er. The plosioos in aolt ground cannot Hruska o( Nebraska and Sen. ii pretty jealous." miltake to tr}' td earnpll&n cadea during last month's gunfire stopped 20 minutes be identified from diUnt Howard lL Baker Jr. of Ten-"'Thtn:'s a bullt·la hard amona: poUUcaUJ 1111• Cltholle-Protestant warfare, after it began. seismic ataUona. MtHet rtalstanoe to ..... outside ift.. Senate elden. and the Protestan~ replied~--"-c:.::.>c:;;;_~-----'-"'""'-""-"""''-----...:.::.::.:::·;__~~-,-~~~...:.::::.::.:::::,::::...=-"--''::.::::c,:::...::::==c...:::=:::.... ___ ..,... f ~~ _fiQ.Wport ~~l~.I!~ Savings UO barrlcadu. P.A.Pmlrl'lw.0.-of .. Bo.d •...,_.Bien i•t.Pt 'JM •• U.... OW.:.: 3388 Viii Udo. •kapo;t e.dii, ~ l'aJ • PhoM ~XI • ~c1e1 .,..Offk..9: n,..... ,,_..550~c.w-o.... • em.-....... ~ mas • flt-.71-.,,.. Klans Blast UKAPolicy CONCORD, N.C. (UPI) - North Carolin• Ku K I u :1: Klansmen lied their member· abip cards to 11 JS.foot cro&S and burned them Monday night to protest the "diclatCLr-· !al policies" of the United Klana of America (UKA). Leaders of the dissident kJansmen aald the burning of abrut ~ UKA rnemberahlp cant. aymbollied a break with the n a t i o n a I organiza- tion which has headquarters in Tuscaloosa, Ala . "This is the onl y way T know of, without gelling out ol the Klan, to flght the take- over from Alabama," said TOlll Mm-ls, vlce-prealderlt or kJaliff. or the North Carolina klansmen represented at the r.U,. ----------------------------------.. Are you one of the regular people? Pl.AH #I Regular Acoount This plan ia f« regutar people wtth regu1 .. salaries who haw decided to save regub.r amounts anywhere from $5 ·-k up. but who wontthetrmoney-1dng Which type are you? ' Al'I you one of the othll'.people people? Pl.AH #Z Are you one of the retiring people? ' PLAN #I M-,._,_ Thie la"" people who - • hollp """'of money but who knowlliat Jf thoy don't put It -"""""""" out of olght, thoy w!D ~ ll Are you one of tbl patient people? PLAN #4 c-----"' ·-Thlo plan la fwpollerll ...... who already 1111"9 a..., of money to-and ---to wait e whllo fw a good ! I l • • 1 i I " Given Reprimand for them. They oloo WWtt It lo be eome place they can get their hande on It Ufe Income Plln Thlole for people who h«ve a"'"' ol moneythoy -d llke"' put 881de and receive the tnterest every month but not toudl the pt1ndpaL Ptlll!epa you Intend"' lelM! your money to your holro. In tlllo pion "1e original lrMletm«rt le retalf*!lw•I-• andyou hww. rogiW Income wwy month. If yotll' futunl piano .. for -ohlldren'• futln, Porhepe thoy .. looldng IO!Wllnl to ..u,...-"'d know ft-d be~ID h1V80-ln- comlngln.vtKY-- o given pertod. Not anlywtft they get bock a)at ,_.. !llen they put In, but !!we '!fll be • nettegg to rwwwd themMlv .. ""' not "'"'"'on their_..,,. n. minimum depoe1t la '1.000 (mo,. If you wish, of.,.,...), In .,.,i,.,ge'°'whlch Y"" recel'iee_U_whlch guerantaoo o SJOfo gtowth 'I left l8'lfO<ICl10d""' 5 _.. Evans Skipper Found Guilty SUB!C BAY, Pblllpplnes (UPI) -Cmdr. Albert S. McLemore. -r ol tbe U.S. cfesl:oyer Frank E. Ev..., lo- da1 wu COllVlcted ol nesJllen-ce in tbe coWJion of bl.I lhtp w!tb ID Au.straJJan llrcrall carrier. He ~vecl an cl.- llclal reprimand. McLemore, 40, ol Vallejo, Calli. eou1d have been aen- tenoed to two yeen at hard labor lllld dlomlssetl lrom lhe Navy. He wu aleeplng In his cabin when the carrier Melhoume allcsd lhe Ev.., In two June 3, kllling 1t Amer-icans. Tbe m!ll1111 Judi•, Capt_ JlDMI E. X.,.. It, ol ltlmM City. Mo., deliberated 35 rnlnuin belora b!1J111ni in tbe guilty venlfcl. "Ccmvoander AJi.t S • Mcl.emon, tt ii "'1 dulJ II mlllWJ Judie lo find _,,,. pJIJy " all cbart11,.. ltl7• Mid In lhe quenat hut --lloLemore lilO bad boa chlllsd w1111 t1m11 .. u.n al du\Y. Tbe Navy bad tried lo ..... M""""'-...uaenuy failed lo •lerl the O/[Joer ... lhe bridge " 1nUdpated clOM- quaners m&nellv•ra and that he !ailed lo apodflcaJl1 O<d« the Nn'le. officer to IWlkM --llULID NEOLIOINT CnNlr. Albert McLtmore him when the m1neuvm began_ Tbe guilty -.... n11t1tblng ol a surprise. Sb ol MclAmott's forme:r o1ncera on the Evant gave what ap. peaml to lie: t11tlmon1 favorable lo u.,Jr lonntr •kip- per, hYinl he b•d Jell wake- up orders. The collision occurred in the Soolb China Sea d u r I n g Southeast Alla Treaty OrganW.tloo (SEATO) war 1ames. Chief defense counsel Crndr. Robinson Lappin, 40, o f Wllbinglon, D.C. contended the pro1«11Uon had produced "oo evidence, not a sclnUJla" to prove Mcl.emore wu oegUgent. McLemore was the Wrd Evans officer to be 11!prlmanded. Lt. (j.g.J Ronald c. Ramsey, 14, ol Long Beach, CllU. pleaded guilty Thursday Jo cbarau al negligence and duelld.lop of duty. Ht WU nprtmanded lllld onfo!ed lo forfeit J,000 promotion•·~ numbers. The JW'llor officer on the bn<fae ol Ibo Evans, Lt. (J.(.) James. A. Hopson. 20, of Klnlu Ctty, Kan. w a. reprimanded Sept. f at a non judicial hearing. Capt. John P. Sle.vtnlOft, 47, cl Sydney, Aus!rllla, atJpper ol the M!.lbaume, w a 1 "honor.tiy acquitted" by an ~..ira111n mlllUcy court A111. 2S of chaf1t:I that l he Mtlboumo !ailed lo do all i! ..,..14 to avoid 1he colllJlon. If they need ft In o huny. If thoycanloove ltolone fora )"Nrormore, h:wlll give them tho Big Amual S.13 yield. MGULM MONnl.Y IMSIMEN1' "" ....... I Mc& 152. 304 llOI t Vr. 3l8 81111 t.133 2 Yrs. 632: 1,25C ~.529 3 Yrw.. 072 1,048 3.112 4'/rs. t,331 2M2 &1!24 SYrs. 1,707 3.415 8,830 tov,., 3.SIOO 1.eo1 1s,1102 1$Yra. t ,715 13.432 26.884 20Yl'L 10,329 20,112 •1.325 -tllle..mgo prog..m 1119)' Mii you. ....... 14.IOO 3),000 ...... 50,000 . ......... -tclOO .... .... &lOD .... ...... 104.00 .... ...... ......... - blowing ft el II once. Are you one otlhe ~ ~~~- " ""' )'OU- YCIJ "l'CU WU. MCB\11. BT-- -iiw wn1t a,... .. ,... ,,... ' t.000 • t.110. 1.2>1 • 1.31111 • a.ooo ............. .,., $10.000 $11,705 '12.331 *11.001 ......... , ................... •-:::::-~ """"' ~ °'ii:.I. ' 17% 23% 30% . I I '· I - • • Liberalizing the Law Dllep'ae to tho CllDfonlla Sim Bar As"""""-cill•-la San Fr•ncl-lut week loot lillenl -...a.rai '*'-~·1 llnrJen lulve lradj- all1-...,i.t lo ...w beco-= hWelnd In de!lelol 111- ""'""' linpolUDt lawa on i-. n wu a ~-tlieltildre.'w)lea Ille~ Bar do!~~ ta mor of .iiollalda( Ille death pe.aily. -Mvocaled fllrlber u...,...._ o1111e law• oo ti. Nie add ... ol marljuaa. The bar'• board •cl. il"•eJllOrl must .1111, ~. -they will beCome r.conimeaclatlou .. Ille Lot- lllatare: ___._...._. -·111a -, .Needless lo say, ·~-:i .... ~ , --'·•-'bar usociatton caru ·-~•...-•..!"a-.....­lure beaVily sprinkled with lawyers. _ On capital punishment, the a..-ts went thaa:. . -"We are too-civilized 4D tolerate Ibo~ penallf any longer '' -"Th~ state'• right lo take life.Jn.defense of.societv is no less legal or moral than Ille npt of the lnclividuil to take life in bis own defense." -. ~"This asbilne kllliiJg II revenge. ~ lb'ble 1aya, "lbou shalt not kill.' II ailO ..Y.. 'Thou shalt not ....,. mlt adultery.' Who ta the put 4011 yo8rs bas beea pun- ished. in this state for aduJtery!" . A poll· bas shown that Ill percent of caJlfornians fawr f<laining the death penalty, onli 25 percent ""' CJ!>P06ed. But a·nationwide IAi:icJ ag~ ca(lllal puniab-ment has been discernible .fl>r ~~. and is re- flected 1n the even more cruel ••'in limbO"'' statiis Of many prisonen on death row· as _courts delay the final execution. , __ ,On the marijuano penalty issue, the lawyen ..,.ged down somewhat in a numbers game involving how much marijuana in possession on a fint offense would mean what offense and what pnnlsbmenl The main thrwl, however, was to brtng marijuana more reiillitically into society's attitude by viewtng It as a mlldemeanor. Local pmalllq ·ud .Uonal are out ol all P"'PI"' Claa II Ibo ~ ol lbt olfenle, 10 much ao that con- -iro ...--lo·obtaln In~ ...... fto lllate bar·~ abarea lhil viow;wltliout coo- ~ U...aae ol a,~. b<>Wever alleJecllY mlld.or -Ullil fonnllic. , • .-· ·' On~ More Step "l'bt'Shell CWmlliJtllam Act, which waa IDW>d~ to pl'Dlct 1he Oruce · OOut ,from oil ~~m the Santa Ana River ..-ul l<IU'lh \o the M border bu -lbored up. Blqljoraloly 4rlllin2 .permits may nou=rer be is-anecl by Illa Slate LMila Commllsloo ·...i 60 clays' prior -« a ~ bearln.r, thUI' llW!g alfected qMa time to prei>are a llahl '11ie law nquiring·notlce was~uthorlzecl.b7.A¥-blyman, Robert Badbl.un (R· Nfl\\'llOrt 8-11), . , ~.!t'1 ..,. 'miil'e iteP In. the e1fort lo p....,nt 8J!Other Santa Barbara Cbaanel catastrophe along the Orange Coast. ' • MO@llwlIDe, . the Coutal Area Protective League, headquartond ta Corooa. del Mar is c:Onlin!Jing, iU el· forts,at )lie ladenil !"'el to.win legislation slmtlar·lo the jlate .act lo prolect our shores from beyond the thre&mlle .Jlmil CAPL bai;a budget JOal of $20,000 lo continue its baWe at. legialative beanngs, other government· mee~ lngs dealing with oil matter., leA:10~cil and lobby- lsta. Contributiona can be sent lo J. Lorenz or Mrs. Duncan Stewari at c.aat Area Protective League, P . O. Box 313, Corona de! Mar, Calll 9262.1. Preservation of. the oil-free sanctuary south of the Santa .Ana River-mouth Is vital lo !,roted property va'lue1 as well u for aesthetic consi erations. Anonymous Recall · Group ls a ·Threat Dear Gloomy Gus: Advised He Doesn't Have to Go to <i°"gres~ ' . . Mi1ce Kr1mw1 far 5th Diltrict 5upe<vilor! -X.X.X. .,...-. ...... -........ =~ ..... "' .... ,, . ...., ___ .......... ~'1- name tn UUa: matter, I will be: forced to -lepl action. Jlf_I_, •f 'Atheist' Tothe.F.ditor: The abusive word 11alheist" keeps a-up- ping up among-"' who doc1 know the mnn'nc d ~ •Cl'd. lib . the word "CGmmunbl," I Is uoed lo detcribe peo- ple of differait faiths or poWical views. Lei us analyJe the word and ,.. jun what it means: A'l'llEl8T -"1" means. q:a!Mt or opo poeed to, "theist" means Obe wno prac- tloes any orthodoI rtilgion (and the"' aro JG of ~em. oot for every dQ iD the year, lake ,_ pick) that claims lo hove God cm its'side. Renlember "God mil uns'" tn Wortd War I tn which the "uns'' ~ dtfe.ated! It ii the aamt old jau -the "Goer' ID thla ..,. being but the symbol of 1 greater name -nameless to etmd- ly. yet equal Oil all -- TBB So.cAu.m athel.rt wilh any common Mme at all tnowa that theft is a outer mind than. his, of which be ia • llvlog part. H be do<m' know thla be is not even an atbeisl He is nothing. Many dwn:hes err ID preacblog that theirs is the only true dmr<b. I Wed ooe of the9e what will happen lo tbe mUlions ol ~ Oil Judpnenl day. He answered me without batUnc an eye: "'Ibey w1D all go lo bell." Smart boy. He bad It ti! filu...t 0111, didn't be! A bllllon people tool jull becauoe be sald .,1 THE ABCIM'IHEIST Made I in e O'llalr, bellw • -and &ftllng benelf pmiahed by ··~" • .,. -lo be OlllJ IDta..ted ID M<plnc the c:buri:h and slale lieparated. Yet ''Godlea Ruaala" Is alnya wtlh ua. 8ure they are godlml Didn't Ibey boot out the -' u.it produced Rasputin! Alld do Ibey waet blm bocl< aplo? S. G. UNDINE 'Work,~ ''Labor' and 'Toil' 11! ,.. At IM'pt n ... mistake In andentandlog lo ... tbl ...... "'wmt." "llbor," and "&oll" .. .,..eioim1; far "wort" ia what a man -lo do .... 11 be Im' boina paid fer a: -JebGr" II whit he bu to do bect11• lit ... , do aoythiq beller; and "loll" lo --bo-l>Jabealtara _, .• , • • • n llfPal' -_, ~ • ---~--­... r s~ 1 • ended Ml '"' ,, ... ..,_two_ ......... ooUtiec fall Lbtlr OWll .. ........ . • • • ----the--= "" , .. -ti 'I ~ Ill .. ._ ... Clyde..,_ jiiii~~ tlllt Ill telll IDr ±Im 111 a-,. ...... -ily"' -,, .... , ,..!l': . . . \'· . ,. . , : . ~ . ' .. . 'l'bo --wllo, befGre Ille -tloo, alllnn Wll:J,U>al the lblp alstl kr the -cl the -gen, tum arvund and "1 lllelr cleala procllim lhat the Pl-C"' alst kr the -"' lbe lblp (ol llale). • • • 1V11ot tllo NAro nodom .,.. i..In& -.... ... .... I I bJ CaNlul De -: "R ls-lo 11;11 _,, _ _ .. ,. a!o<cwtlll _.,_. • • • <Jnrlk: .,.rauen" .,.. ftllt ab1b1tJnc .... ltlidla: thlJ -. --than .... ,.,. l " .... .,,...... (Al Sir -lllllr, the p-nl pbJaJc:laa. --.... ..., -to Ills medlcal lltd ,, "l bwl> lhol 1-aot-·1 Nixon May Act. to Ref or~ Draft: WASHJNGTON -Ptesideot Nlzoo hat been """"'1 by the txperts that be can alter mWtary draft procedures, pn!'tty much to bis own ~. by u:-, ecutive order and witbcM coagressiooal octlon., . Thal Is the suhstence o/ a joint study pr<p&Rd for the Wblle llou3e by the Def..,. llepar1menl and Ibo Selective Service System. It is this coordinated study whiCb bu given rise to all the re- cdll p"'1icllons lhal the President will act lo refonn the much criticiml draft. Same adYoc:ttel d 'drift reform are eaatlmll!g, bo ...... tllot Ille plan &r pmidentW adlcot lo the mnpla lltld Is adll unootaln. ,,., wlD belieoe It when they actually 1tt the presidential order and resuJthw directlvea to local draft -..,.... tho Diiion. UBLY IN THE .....,"", tbe President asked Qqreu to tnact draft refonns. - He envWontd a system uoder which IS- year-olds, and older studenls deferred after fOur years of college, would face a nu"• wlnerablllty to milital')' service, with aelection dfl.ermlned by a random -lolWy, -than the cumul in- -"' -<liclblea first. Only the .. -lolt"Y l)'ll<m really ..,.m.ct -bJ the HOWie and Senate. Pruldenl Nls .... like Pmident JobMOD before llim, bu bad the power to shlft from inducting ;the oldest eligibles 8Jld focm on the 11-year-olds. Tbe military brua have long r-m IUcb ~l Now the Joint' lllUdy lndlca\jj lhal the Pra1dellt COllld "1Uple • sblfi lo the ts. ,..,-.<>Id group with ·~-in the 1r<quency and me o1 draft caJ11 .. ., 1o after leaders in the HOUlfJ and 5enlte made It clear that congressional"'action wu oulol the question this year. Some of those coogresslobal upertg have long • arguld that most ol the pNPOOed reforms cooltl be effected bJ the llblte -: They have been telllnc the Whitt House that drall iegislatioo, put loeflft ~ now, eou.ld well emfrge ill i. form fat different from the plan ~ by the President They have been saying that, especially in tbe, S e n 1 l e • amendrnenta cwld very well ·be added whl.dt would be unacceptable to· ,die Administlation. General° Eniin N, Gruilold hos ttjeded the "'gge'stion of Rep. l".,f:dward Bebert. D-La., lhat Jostke William 0.-llollJlu bo reqmr.;t'to abstain r""" 'partidpaU,. iD .a key draft case whidl is to bi!: ·heard by the Supmne Court. Hebert. second-ranking meober of the HOU3e Anned Services Commitiee, wrote Griswold declaring that Douglas had loo& demonstrated .. open and viftdjctfve trial and prejudice" against the draft law. He -asted that the n .y..,..id ltulko 11e c1J>. qualified in I Boston case Which Beeks to invali&U the law's provisions ea COD- scieotioos objecion. •4f ..._,. ••• mM.o produce a haphaz.ard, lottery-like process for selecting among the youn.ga ,eligible,!!. • The effect would be quite similar. to tbe plan recommended to Congress. FOR THE INDIVIDUAL young man, the plan would mean that aft.er a year of draft vulnerability -at about 19 years old or after four years or college. --he could be SUtt, barring an all-out emeraeqcy, that he wou1d not have to serve. That sort of as.!Urance mlght help to quiet tbe unrest oo college campuses in the D\ooths ahead. The plan Jor presidential action evolved "In the fin! placo, tt ii doublNI that TBEllE ~£,however, periJa and pil-there is any legal aulhority for seekinc falls too ftir the plan for imependetlt. ac-web disqualifications." said Griswold. lion by llJ' President. · · dedarlog that he d°" ni>t believe that ~ ..,. lhlng • .lhere art _. ledmical Douglas coold fairly be c:twpd wtlh bias problems in,lbe plan u ·outlined0n the and·prejudlce. joint llludy. As -calla dbnmlahod ~ • -WW)d be lesa effedtfe 'as a f'IDkmr BESIDES, SA.ID Griswold in a letter to oele<;llon system.......,'dr>ft elldi~. ' ·n.tiert,· ''practlatl considerations" point Then there is the criatl.., ol the:J>Oli.' . agalmt any government request that a tioo o/ the unpttdletable cntl boa, Gen. . jil!tice be "' disqualiJJed. Tiie g9vern- Lewts B_ H~-The•veoerabJe Selec-riieot i! a' party to many Supmrie: 'Court Uve service 'director baa been supporti:ng ~ cuis, the solidtor general, S;aid, md. all the morm proposals ol Presidents mombei. ol the ci>urt would ,_. .., Johnson and Nisoo, but bl.s" -usia.m sudl a move, whidl would "impair the for them Is much In doubl "'lationship the solicit« general bao built Finally some White l-lou9e aides ~ up with tbe court aver rn~ years. .. " said lo fetl that the President should ~ "I see no basis upoo which I could pro- tent himself for the pr&sent·with'tbe issue pe'rly seek the disQualific:a.tioo of a ol draft re!Qrm, r>tfier than effecting particular justli:e ln . i pal:t;cu/ar .- reforms on his own, especlally s1nc;e a~ tiec.u:se his prlor.acQons ,and uprt111on lion by Carigres.t will ~ be re-of views may indk:ate Qlat be is likely not quired to eZtend and mOdlfJ the 'Selecttte to'mpt the ~._.,,i:, J>01lioo ID the Service law. case," GriswOld aaid. 1 • GRISWOLD II<" DOUGLAS -Soliclt.r llJ -... & Ah and Job A. Galdlmllla Pros, Cons of Private Foundations WASHINGTON -In 1968, 2,000 new priv·aie foondatKms came into being a! Lu:..fri.e h.vens far turplu.s v.·eall.b dedicated tO dwitabk and educational PllP<*& nil ~ the tot.I of pri- Yale foundltlcm: then · to 22,000. At the jN'8enl rate ol. growth I0,000 or 50,000 ~ foondatlom wiil operate within a decade for tielter-or worse. Obvlo.naly, the noo-prolifer- atiOn · cl private foundatiool ls in order Diii onl7 becaUlt Ibey deny the Treuuri ...., -ol millions in revenue but becawse their function hll been bnNPI aerloooly into question. There lmi much in the new tas legisla- tion belnl-ld bJ theStnale which wlD go 'I tho bear! o/ the problem. Howe.er mucbipeople with varying view· poinls' ndpt dlsagrtt with wbat some ol l II e tq foundltlcm 1 r e doh!&, it is .---•• Gee,.,e --.., Dear 0-ge: I have tb1a problem. I lib tbia: IU1 but I dcm'\ want to let blm mo. 1 like him because if be knowl I tiu him tt might IC""' him o/I and I don't nnt to do that beclll8t I Uke him. or course, I !'el.lly think be b"tes me but be'1 not )et.tine me tnow he likes me l\'<"USO be doesn't want to ...,. ... o/I. AltJ IAlgtSliobl? (Fneidea- tall:, I lll:o yoar column. l AT 'lllTS' END- Fi. at -· End: r..,.i 11.. Y111 )Dlt acuod me oil. , (Wrtle lo O<orp. Illa_.. wlD .. --Ulan .,_ prolilrm -.. • -apmt clan mUa !Illa -1) - generally corleeded that on the wbole they serve • useful social purpose. The Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller and some other foundations do good works, they en- coui:age Ute uploralion o( new ideas, and aomet1mea the.y get into pollUcal fiekls where they have no business being_ FOUNDAnONS OF this du and scope will probably have to take on an even more aeneraI public character and be more sensIUve to what Is prudent and u - pedienl u they .,.. lo •void the growth of public criticism. Philanthropy, charity, research ln tbe fields of health -mch things are sympathetically .-mood bJ the public at large. Project& upkning social causes and consequeoces and tbose related direct11 to poliUca.1 action are not eo weU undeniood. MlnJ smaller foundationl do ain- structive •orb also but there art a good many zany ones devoted to the penona1 Ideas o/ their founders. 'J'he real problem lies with thole f~ daUons which serve the interest d their founder• as much as or more thlD ibe poblle lnier..t. TREIB ARE SOME o/ the main pr.t>. lems: BuslotSS transacUons between the -. ud Ille private fOllDdatlon lhef -Deep lnvolftmtnl ol aome foundations ID tl>t active conduct o/ busintSI eo- "1p<llts. • Main&enlnce 9f Jl'iv1te rontrol o v e r ltcd dooated to loundatlons. u.-ddaya In the -ol pri .. dpal and -lo charitable and "'"' ralloollpu-. In an --tho result ii the same. The. donors and benefacton are able to use their foundations to suit their own fmancial convenience. Beyond this. there are thoee who .., that foundatiom represent dangerous concentrations of u n c o n t r o 11 e d ecooomJc and social power, .aod this must be held in check by impo.sin& .a time limit on the life of private foundations and creating a federal regulatory agency. FEDERAL REGULATION In the usual sense, except throogb lhe tu Jaws, would lend lo defeat the concepi that ~ private wealth jrOducM by t b e capitalistic system can be med>kr the public good without govenuneat dlreo- Uon. No philosophic co...n.u~e woalol welcome: that, however mucll be might dilagr .. wtlh 'Ifie WO'f llc:G«qe ....,. Is running the Ford F-' Nothing much can be·-lo-wbo -that foundations hove been Cftaied bJ the -.... _,,,_ lo fnill .. the American poople -revolutlooar7 Ideas o/ social and po:nleal chanCt-· All that <An bO said to U-<jrillcl Is that the U.S. Treasury, wllicb Is....,-to collect as many tas doOan a poalble, bu C!OnCfuded in an n!i..-tive lllllltYef ... that !Gundallam ID_. are doln( ao Immense amoutil ol F'!d-,,.,, CD ad- vance ·in ams &vte1mnait ~..bet out ol and can illittste lhoupt and action. t!lPtrimtnl• witb .... -V<nlurel, dWenl !run JftYa1lb>c a-and in mailf..,.. act man quldlJ and Dmlil1 than~ . GOVERNMENT DMWll heavily on the Quotes CW Rabbb'. SS . -"I'm agalmt violtnce ol 1Z11 kind. Nan, --Wi th the materW!slic, hun't teamed lo u· pma hlmlelf. lo -• fouodat.iona for studiei ·and experiments the govrnunent has not or cannot make. Some per90nnd shifts bact and forth bet'tt'ten government and tbt foundatlonl but haw that burls .. the people ia rather bard to faUiom unless one is of a mind to lbint that John Footer Dulles, Dean JIUtil:, McG<l>rge Bundy and niany others are incompetent mountebanks or radical -Abale9 do emt. Many m the big foun- dations have recognized them. The new tu propoAll do not do nmcb lo belp. 'l1iey will be .. dilfiCull lo -.. the ineffective c:hinges made in !ISO. But the geoeral direction"' these proposals Is rlllt to the ateat thit il caus.e1 foun- datloal lo spend their n-r for dtarltable and edooational -~undue clelay and prmn!s Ille ""' "' ttunilatioos &r the financlal ..,,. v-. o1 the dqo>on.and for the.,.....wt "' partban J>Olltlc:al -The -bu .... yet beel lowd. ' • , • I I ' • I . • ' J J 1 • . ' I ' ·-· USDA OIOICE OI FAD "TltlDflFIJl.• • llON!1m 1°"5T SHOULDER CLOD fAIMfl JOHN • EASTERN QUALITY SMOKED PICNICS . uspA alolCE ot f~ "TENOEIFUL" • lEAN AND NU.TY BEEF . SHORT RIBS OYIN - USDA CHQ\CE ot JAi> "TENOERFUl" • CENTER CUT 7~BONE ROAST . . ~SDA C~OICE' ot PAD "TENOERFUl" STEAKS • TAILS REMOVED ·1~80NE or CLUB • . . • 'DAJLyl'll/jf z 1 T...,.,, Sip! ... 111 !M . ' t c ... • ' I I f .. r • .. ' .. ·~·"''"· • I '· ~ ' • • · .. )1s.ao.aa-' -. ._ ' '..·~-·. . . ' -~'.• ... e,~~ •. _.:.,· ~~ , . 'PllCES EFfECTIVE ~DNESOAY THtU ·TUfSOAY, Sfl'TEMIEI 17·23 IO STaMPs • 10 GAMES •IO 81MMlclS • JUST LOW EVEIYDAY :DISCOllT PRICES PLIS 4-STAI SPECIALS FEATURING FADSlOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT MEAT PlllCESI 11 TO 20 CHOPS • KONOMY PACK SLICED 7CJ' Pork Loin · 111• LUTEIN QUALITY • PIO/IC smE PORK ROAST 47' ~- HOIMEL SIZZLER • 12.0UNCE fACKAGt • LINK :·~~ 5·9c SAUSAGE · · · . . ' . ,. ~ • · c~tiin~ ·.4·5·l··;, HAMS 5 cAN IACJI • 89~ ·49c~ 39c .. 5~~ . l ' . • · LUNCH ' BOX SPECIAL •• • ~ Pll'IT CARTON • ·•MO ORl.llNG I''• ' . . ?!.5.+~~~~0l TIN 25.c SWE£1' MIU. 04t tum:IMTU:: ' . TOPPINGS ' I• j ft.ottST QUAUTY ~,Af MIYOAY lGW DCsa:JUM' llKa • I ..... l1llli1 IUlllCUT · -ria~ ~-IUNCllf.I · • • 1 -- • CIAIU ... or Highway Projects At Stake LA Facing School Strike __ - Teacher1 Plan Thur8day ProteJt.March . o~ Wages . LOI ANGELES (Al') -11> Monday night meeUng. ' tht I ;,..-........ b/-~ !J'.t av 1 l lab 11 , the ~·· 1'11,IOO eltmoulary The Los Aogelea Boml ti ~ 1111111111• •1 111111 .-'trl1I lie CClllhlnld, SACl\AMEN'IO (AP) -!l'11t ,Ute's hlpway proctllll - tcheduled to award ·-•t l>Ullon In C011lracll In tll< nut rear -headed the list Loday of possible construction CU\. backs Jl<Ol'O'ed to G 6 • • antl hltl> tcbool pupllt. ...... Education made a final olfli Wiiie ~~ ~~· 1111"9 -. ' and -It lhalr ·lall term loda,y, abQul IO of • 5 perc<nl lncrelM lul J,l;. ol ~-ly •lll!lll'J -Jlfloolpalo can · ,.,_Ii lhalr teaCI1m Mt 'llluracla1, 111e c1a1e scioo! o1. a': to ,, lllCI. • tea& ~Wltll~loraw.-iicbla maintain was t~e. c:J:u... 111 ,1,.1 and protest lllll'Ch '111·....1.. deadiloe under atale bw r.. 11wia;. "'"""' 1114 , ""'~ nv~ the 1atarles. ·-"-f · over wap liem.IM&. 'Jblt 'would boost wages ICbooll wlQ open u usual AllO In • ~ -bul at Inn tht current !1,0004!3,llllO 'lbunday and each principal -· lwv. date .-wu lhe lllllttally to l1,3l0-l13,650. lllU dlllnolne the d!tmber ti. ""'"II'-ti MJ.llad-' -o!ftciall say ii would abstnt to&okra, lhtti ..., OOI llNI llfato Prtbltm1 Can le Solved Thrv E•ch1ngl119 Reaa:an. • SI SlAVIN 1'te recommendltioa Camt from a special wk !- ordered by Reagan to tell boW California can follow Presi- denl Nls:oo's request to reduce new construdion spending to fight inflation. Ni.J:on asked for a 75 ptretnt cut in new coo-· tracta. .. ...__,.. ... , I •-coat Iha city an extra Ill calla lor ouballlul•. -.!Ill •1 Iha ,_ group, Ille Dillllon per year He Nld= pooJ ol -.11on ol 0 I an r o o m ACT It oeetlng boosll or 11 suboU~ bu tbotll 'Illa lllOCllt!ao, to a perceat and AF!' wanl& l,SOO 111111 -"17 ...,.... I membtnhlp ol U,. teacbera. to be granted a tlab and J,tiO, Wiiii iocoo41iY W.lfOI lltMllltel-cotllllllOI ., "' 'rs or ........ -a day-lonl Ital 11,IX&per·year hike. quallllcaU'"11. naay. Tbe two ora:amatioftt hid Should l n.• u ff I c I• at • .4Cf'1 ~FWl\tati'+'e plll)ftllll• inlUally to rally at A'r•NJ, G(IMllUnf of 1'15 J>adlU ltldlurn and walk ....., wu llllormtd M... -m11oo to the 1e:11oo1 Bible Thoughll Reaftn received the !-Ilk force report at bla Cabinet meeting Monday, but aides said he had made no decision 00 how many projects to eliminate -or whether to climlnale any at all. •. lllht tbat 11111! Ill peroeOlt d ll Ulo t beadquartera In --· ,.. -.., -_, ., .... ballotl ~ .. -~~!_!f downtoWn Loi Angela. Later, ... _ftlth c•m•tll !.y h••rh19 •ii4. "etl"t , ' UP'IT• ...... FlllEMAN SIFTS THllOUGH SCNOOL llUllLE AFTlll.1'1111 Los Angel .. KHps Seh .. I Clotoid to ll1palr $50,oOo. Damag .. fer ltrib •UlPWllllUOllt after faUlnc to rec t l v t bv th• wtiil ef 6o4", ... IJ\lf, J11. Wlh qalnlt. permi&sioa ' to use the 20:30-l 1. &od'1 plt11 11 fer ltl•• lt 9et INtmhtJ dlfuted • stadium's parktng lot they f•ilh IMlief i11 Chri1tl fre111 ttl. IJILI. !"'OlJon for ID lllimldtaie i!ld revlsed the march to•~ two-M111 11'1111t te•ch oth.r 111e11 the 'AITH Ulde~ ltrtke, adopUnf m-· block demonstration beginning from the lllLE. "l•t •• 'h1'+'1 tflflJire••· ~done which uld: • at lbe Music Center and win-11r• iri EARTHEN '+'e11•l1··•", 2 Cor 4:7, R.1m. IO:ll·ll, Mlfrrl ire Hero of Plane Crash Receives New Heart LA Closes Junior High After Fire Tb t Rep re 1e11talive ding up _ as before _at the e1rth1n ., .... 1,, .,,,,,1, of .:11y, 6111. 2:7. • ' • AnetnJ>!Y·•uthorbet the board diltriet headquarten. DO YOU WANT A W.llllAT FAITH7 Th111. 1hidy th. lllLI ... , "He wants to analyse a few things," said Gor4on Luce. 1eCret.ary of buslnta ~ Jransportalloo and head or lhe. task force. of dlrtctars lo call I '#ark Officiala of AFT said pickets will 11ot wh;1p•r into yo11r ''' the f•ch of th• l ibl•i YOU 1111111 ltoppla:e 1n th!a IObool year at Wt1J be 00 duty at acbools both 1t11dv to 1,,,,. them, 2 ... Tim. 2:15, 2 Ti111. 1:11-17, Ht~. 11 :6, 1ucft time u condlUont pro-Thlaaday and Friday. Wh1r1 the 11111. it NOT, th•r• f1itli i11 Chri1t •••• Rt! lll!H. mlse 1 ~ ruul1 and Durini Monday's poll, Jack If w• w111t •11• d1Utlr•11 to h,.,, filth, WE m111t. TIACi1 ....... all other means have been ti· Crowther districl superin-God'1 word, 2 Tlm. I :5, Pr. 22:6. Olh1rwit1, th1y wltl 9t1w 11p • hausted" l dent '1 ded · dJo ! GODLESS 9'"''tfion1 H1¥• w• f1il1d th1m in ti.it r11p•ct7 11 Luce &aid "there will be more opportunity" to cut the highway program than any other. ''There will be deferrals Jn highway projects," be said. STANFORD (UPI) -The hero ol the crash-landing of an airliner in Ult Pacilic Ocun in 1965 is 1etting a new chance to live -with the borrowed heart of a J2..year-0ld Negro WI '" · llllO ·'-·-en , p ea v11 ra or , 1 , 11 , . • 11 ""25, tea~a, the Los the teachtn: lo itnOf'I tbe .... wlttf• wro11g with 011r 111tio11 to •Y ' •11• 11 In• 111 "" LOS ANGELES (UPI) The board or education bu approved e dlltrlcl requett to U.p Carver Junior High School closed an additional day to repair damaa:e from an $80,000 fire set b)' ..vaonlats Monday. Aq:eles School J?i.strict is~ walkout. Hi llld lt coulcl'bavi whot• •H i.. ttie Lord···"', Pi. 33 :12,P•. 14:l4. How clo•• lllLE HCOnd largut lll the nation no beneflclal effect an'd STUOY It y•.1fi.ltP11 &el'llp•'• wltt. TV WATCHING1 alter New ~ork City. . nwould create lrrtperablt COMI. tl11cly tli• •11LE with 111! 111,.1:111. Cle11M f01 •cl11tn 'Ibunday1 schedule• damage to Ute ctV't tltmm>-'"' •lill4r•11. Ch11r•li of cti,ilt, 217 Wi111111 s1, IW1dl, C11t• Luce said almost $1 billion in road building projects are expecte:! to be put out to bid in the nut year. walkout, a forea:one ~ taryi and h!_.. 1 C b.Q O) M .... Cellf. t3627. S111"11y1, t :4S, 10145 A.M., 6i00 ,.M .. 8.!I far as the top lead~ al. .cbdilrtL11 ... WH11tMl•v•, 7110 P.M. Phon• or wr•h 111 If y111 h1.,. llllE Org..-i -alHldr bu moved lo ttJ to llff totd micide. JUnnan J,.11u, 61, retind Pu Amce11a AJtwoya pilot from s..w.; ncllvtd Ille heltl ol •C.-dlrt ·Jr. SUudoJ Jn lllnlotd lllllvtnity 111~ C.W'• lllh beart ACT waa eooctrned, allo WU ~~OiVl!lhlr~~~oonceded~~~bt~flll~~·="='H=-~· ="=·'='"=·='="=·'='="=· '="=·='"='=· ="='·="='='·======· appnvedbythe ~~ ~ · Stlll 1Kt dtU' WU 'betber Ar:r memhm -loin thole ol. a rival, · ·llMller organlsalkJn in maktof I( .a t.....ity pn>t..t. The latter, lhe ~OOll<Dember AFL-CIO American Federation o f Teachers, had promised to johl the 'lllunday wallwul iOd -·d It through FrldaJ, building and -pub)lc works planl. • ' Tbomao L. P11U, ...,,...,, tre8'urer ol tllo can-a Labor Fldarat>ie;" Al"l.(IO, wam«I NlzoO!I lldaral cut- back wlD hll Calllomla IW'd. "To comjlound that by ~ dltional .Whet ln stale con- atrudloo could mean financial disaster for thousands of California worters," he said. Pendleton Brig Riots Checked tfamjiluL . ' alarll ., .. 111 outdoor algo ...,PIDY employ• wbo ahot himself in hiJ Oakland apart· ment early Saturday. His kidneys were also &ed in two other """'plants. olirs N•w il'i-'t'T" Stanford offidale believed It Herman I . Ji1lyn WU ooJy the second time I -------'-- Negro's heart waa tran.splated into a white man. A IUfgi<I) team i-i.d by Or. Norman Shumway perf«med the hurt opera· tioo. Joelyn ind tidoey reci- 3 Sentenced In Slayings The lire, •hid! rtVettly damaged offlee1 and classrooom in two bulld1qa, was the fourth blue ln rectnt months st tile troub5ed ~ Teachen and lt.alf reported to the school today at the normal Ume but ltuden1I were granted a one-day vacation . Four e m p Ly five-gallon guollnfi drumt were found at the IObe. Tbe ftte WU Ht in five separ1rte loc1tion1, damagln( tll< malJI o!llce, the attendance office, the health office. the guidance office and two classrooms. Youth Charged In Kidnaping CAMP PENDLETON (AP) pienll, Robert Green, 22, ol LOS ANOEL!:S (AP) _ BEVERLY HlLI.'l {UPI) - -An Qivatl&atlon continued San Jose, and James Santos, Two brothers and 1 third man A merchant seaman charged Tuesday into 1 terles or riots 49, " Mountain View, were have been ~.JO We in with kidnlpin& the 19-year-old at the Camp Pendleton brig reported ID "utllfldory coq. prtaon for thetl' put ta, 1 dou-son ct a mllllonaitt: aerospace that had to be quelled with ditlon." ble,alaying polk!e said reguJted executive pleaded lMOCeDt tear gas, Marine Corps of· Joslyn wu the. pilot of a Pan from a feud between two black Monday. ficlals said. AmmiclD Ollbt that crash-militant groups. John J. Santen, 231 San The disturbanca Swldl)' laftifid 1D iht PNWc tn George Stiner, 23, his Lortnzo, did not 1peat. aloud Ropr Wolverton, snildent. elect of ACT, uid tlM 'matter of a two-day prottat •II mort or . leaa loft up to the D penont who tit as the bOard or dlrecton. But Ro1er Ransom, current ACT prmdent, aaid with some fimmel• earller "our onJy plAnl call for •one·day walkout u a show o r stra\lth... nm view received Rtbltantlal aapport at the SFSC Stam New Term Quietly night broke ool fOIIowtnc MJJ'Cb, !~ off Ibo Ore1on brother, Larry, 22, and Donald during his an-algnmonl in priloner count .It the bri& cout wltll 11.,.,.. aft.Ir an Hawk.Ina, 20, were sentenced municipal cdUrt but Na fact SAN FRANCISCO (APl ... when pr-· ~ a ...ino 1tJ1 Ill Ill lf,lllO fNI on Monday by Superior Court wu dlatortod and he arJmacod Rel)ltralloll bu be)IUl> quietly duly hut .·tlO!C"plld bf lift a 11111>1 II l!l!noJ•llU Jlldae Jllalcolm 111. Lucas. ., il !orclnf bacl: Jears. al San FrlllClsco S l • l • tuanls. ADVUt JOO lllUMil CoDe1e, and President S. I. were lmllvtd. ' Ha:yabwa maintains th I t .~:i ~llt~ :. Allot~· Look Dlspu te ~~:tie~::."'~~~ Yi::"• :i; llandaro riot ;;;;,.r -rollowiq. tear gas bad to bt: uHd" "1 At 1 new• oonferace Mono ..... brig gul!W to dllpmo 2 Wr1· ters Get Delay di)< .. Iha '~at day .. tll< prisoners", a ld'arlnl ,qil1talloo, Hay I k I 11 I apokesman said Monday. prtdletad 1 ptace!ul -1= Two other incidents ~· · nut Monday when · 1111 curred latar ln otbe.r areas of etUdletl m eape.cted to be the bria:. Both wtte put down a~·rlo'" •'"~ 1 atttftdlnl fall classes. in a few mlnutes, t be SAN FRANClSCO (UPI ) -the trial procttd lplldily." Henry ·-~. .,.. a.-HowtVtr, i. said that ipokesman said. The young authon of a Look Earlier Monday, two news tomtJ tor tht ptnW'I 11Ptrhapt u,. moat seroius Maj. Gen. Dor111 Robertsoo, magaz.lne articJe linking San aides to Gov. Rontld Reagan aidu, chuatd &!tat AbcM Wll ~tm llClag this college commander of the 50,000-man Francllco Mayor Jo 1 e p h said they rectived advance '"""""• to ti..t ... ~ PW' 111\t Jtlt ll IOll'editation." base, said lnvelligators do nol Alioto and the Mafia won 't copies of the article. Paul .. ,, .. ,. ....... .. ed that Jut }'et know what caused the have to give their depositions Beck and Edward Gray spent into Mmtl!\lftl lft .tdth M 11l•IWI Dal riots or whether they were until next week.. almost three hours in a law Of· wam't bl'IOl\ltd te let up I Yt11' UMi W•ttm Associll\: planned. Alioto has sued t h e fice giving depositions to smoke screen of counter (I( CoUeres and Urdvenl nw'tl'tlft'lllMff tDOk p!act ·ma1ulnt and It. publ11hero Alioto'• oblal.OOWllll, Muw1U pu~llclty nnnt4 h I 1 coll•'• ac- whlla throe <OOIP'lulonal Jn-!or 111.1 million 111d writ.rs Blocher. "I woUid "f.~t~ coplh mdl\IUOll far ooly :r YWI ''!..'ti:' ..... al lhl ball lll<batd Ctrlton and Laoot A 11 0 I 0 ' a p 0 111 b le lhrooghOOI Cadiitn'bu ... In inir.: or tllt \llUal ... ch a II e 1 a ti o ~Ii: :::O o':..T,11 ~= C: =:ii: 1.,i:;,1:' W:;d :U,... oi.p on°' ='1 d:" [.' ~ lllll :W :,~tl:': :~u1':1/:0 :,:;.,i.::1:_ tlrll d\I< IQ mu. lllllr dtpotl· 111-.111t111.uina the l!Or)I. ,...,,,.. • rectlwcl a eon," nwllr'• -am in IOClal ~rilon held a .. ,.. ...,. UOlll J(oodlf. Onj Nl4 a* ol the arti· Brodlrlcl: 11ld. work. '"""" Saturdu and -Loolt ll"Ytr C1wlll Klllldy cit Wit ~ to ~·1 "I mow ol one 1111 ma Ualff• t111 college's appe~ the charl"· Lifer he abowld uUd !or a !May ·-in o!llct by a Lciok newa vendor newspaper that .-t•ld an ol the -b upheld, lhe ""'"""' IOlbe o1 lhe com-order to ~ lhroulh what be and IO or II "'P)ea...,. made advance copy ol~ the d IP lo ma 1 o1 aboot 6S pouoda •bere pli-.a .,. called 111 'tnorrnoua back Ioa !or llalf d ll Ir I but Ion. ...,. daJ Ille dl4. .,adult.. ol the program will kepi. ol documetMr)' dotall." ltodl!kk IJld Qray aald m• the ClOPY .U Looi!.• bl "W«thf..,• lit added. '!be ··"-...... tll< ' u.1. lllat. Jlldp Ollfl! Inf Ille ~ WU a ,,.u .. ,;o;;;;l;ii;;;;;;;;:ii;!;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;H;;;;ii*il :~~~,r.400 -~.& .. .:~~ ~i:::.~ YOUR PROILEM.· -several o1111e had aald ho•• ~· "to balanct to Jlllbll• ftiuna. brp holal Ill tllllt ~ ll1t rlCht ol defendant to , lloobar told ....._ he Yeu wont to ,.11 ·-Hom a)JlilrontlJ M lttlll ltltt Ille bell Jo 11 I b I~. !alt, tllo, 4'P!lldon IUbatan-thlf you no longer -.I '"9 incl-, -·at ' -ntaUOI) . !l.la!nti lb t Ulll<I ~'1 charp o I -•no alto con .. fw lhe bun1ro Mil tttlnli, @I ol the llWllUll lo baJI "ftWlct" "! 11111111•1 part. -~·· ferid NOT OVElt SIG -ai-to1 llllW1o!I, .. .... •. ,,...,... ·to •. .,,.,., ' ? ? ? ? ? ;i:; a J:l'~11• YOUR ANSWER: - ? ~ ~n ••4 I See by Todays Yov call THFDAILY PILOT, ••• for guanb...,..OYl,...,.bytear ClffllflM Mnrtltl"" and ,1 ... a gaa '"1.~ to Ille bMg or Want Ads -~--~ PILOT trellltl, 1 'bue official aald. urs JE lllBCDLY u,.. ___ _ -----· 10-----· 10 a.ti .. .., eMed a fr1 Rt WdcuM ... lleJp u.m to bfcome acquainted bl tMlr ..... IUl'T'OUJldinp. SI. (Nd Visitor 4'+0l7' . ,...,... Hlrhr Visitor { ·-Jn tilt -•t bu1Jdi111; bulhn• for ~ fllmll )"O\I can &eoe. Grt:a.l ,,,_,..,.,, PINNY PINCHJR CLAISIPllD AD :~N~~-2~~:~-2~0~~RS i AND YOUR CRIDIT II 0000 I ·DIAL NOW DIRICTI 642-5671 na.1s .UA .. ANTllCll AD..IUITNllNT • ....... .... • .... ,."' ~~·· tlllltlflttl •..-a.,....,....,, le u..-.. PMI' o;lflllll MA • .....,. ... .......,Otlo •'"'--... •·-.......... • ... llllll•llilft -.. ·--·-.. --·-·-·--......... 1 ...... -·~Coll -· .. --..... ~ ... ........ ...... =~= ,,';.:-::.:: ....... 1 ....,.. °""'" ... -...--. .......... -..... •llllilllll ------·---.. _ ................... 111 ... _ .. _.,.._ .... ...... ____ ..... ___ .. _ ... a ro1d·11r1bbln11, 11••·••vln11 package. General BELTID JUMBO 700 • '#kM, IM 7-rlb 1RM • Twffl lfOIY"tw ffN,... • Twlft.plJ 111>1rv1-•n • Phw, low profil9 JATO SUPER-100 GOl-f BALLS • Ou11lon cover lor •ono. cut·frff llta • En1rglnd "l'I" c.nler tfviu tt'HI dieltnc. • unr1-high·ltn1lon winding D.., ...... FULL PLIES Of llYOEN"CORD ~SPORT AND MAGWHEELS • Popular defl)-dlsh · desi1n, bfilht nickel, Mlrnr-polish chrom1 fin ish. lop.qual ity 1IJ·Slffl wheel, AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERYlr.E GENERAL TIRE SERVICE COAST GENERAL TIRE ,........ ..= ...... . c........ " .... . 1tU L4rll ._ ... ..... ,.............. 141·1111 141·1lli ._ ____ llllllU •lltO lf<DUITllll' HllHWAV WtlV 0011111"11 -----' I • • I I I J I I I I I I I ' eca ,. Orange (;ounty Political Drama Has Cast .. ' .. •. • ·' • But Who Wrote the Anti-Allen Script? By 'roM IWILEY .... ..,.,,. .... Altaa E. Allcm'1 ahlrtl an ltlrc:bed and !renclH:ulled. 1111 tie II eanlUllY Wlllon- td ID a ~ Windler bot. 1111 wbolo appearance belllod pie heavy black, bom-r!mmod &'-lliN lldy and n41t-uc1 _.-auve -.. 1111 totally bald beid'and bll trim -muatache. 1I'be ~anct SUm1 up Alton E. Allen: tidy, ·comervaUve and a bit on lbe payllde. ;At II, Allen II no twW&ht Dgure; true, he leanl to hear when tbe c:Onvenat.lon ii ttio oolt and 10111eUme1 bll apeecb and .,,.tu .,.. ieu than precise: But In bla pOIW.O ol nopruenling Orange Coonly'a rtcb Ftflb Supervlsorlal Dlltrlct be ap- pllt1 tbe pol.se that cornea to a man with 40 )'Mn of blllkinc ID blJ bacqround. MUllllY RECAU. Someone -or some grwp -with ....., lo spend want. Allon E. Allen oµt ot of.Dee. Someone wbo won't put a name to a prm rtita1e, an ider!Uty oa .• petltlCll or a face before 1 camera i.s knee-deep in a recall movement against the Loguna Beacb supervbor. He (or !hey) b llOW ID the 9'COlld ""'k o1 ~ ..,_pallPJ that would do endlt to tile a1Jno1t forgotten "New Wave" author Wgl Fomadoli -the Italian noveu.t who decided that "whodllnltl" would be •oh-If ht only klent111'd one chander and let the bewildered reader •kl!lcb In the rest. Antl!onJ Daol.el Toranttno. of San ae-te, a ..U«yled oculptar-deal/lllef, toot on that role In thla puUcular myllery whll1 ht geve bb name lo a ·-1111 ol cbargea ~ Allen tllat juol u lll)'lleriOU!ly apoeared In pras rooma and newspaper ofncts throughout ~-Y· NOTES SUllPRllE 1canUno 1ald less than an hour lattr thlt he was M IUl'Prlled u anyooe tlae at the ttm1q and nature of the an-nOOncemenl. But be recovmd bla -poomre kJoi enoulh lo leD a DAILY piL<Jr r<porter tllat 6e waa certainly In- volved in lhe movement, eodoned the n\an7 charges and WU I membu of "the committee.'' It wam't • committee of one, Taran- tino otrea&ed. But be rtlused lo ldenilly other memben ol the fledilln( "'"'P and be llmllarly decllned lo ttate wbo wu ptofldlng the know-how ond the capital for a c:dipalt!D· lhal ...id ...Uy coA lomeDOI '50,000. 'l'arantino felt then 111 he apparently fl(ell today lbat the "tnomendouJ eoonam.lc prtS11ures that coukt bl applltd bf the lrvtne Company among other!, would be detllmental le our eandldale.'' ',1bal car.dldale, il and "ben be chooees to state hls candidacy and, ol COOJ'le, his n>me will bid lo repment tile ricb, ;jriiu,;g Fillb District ol Oran1e Coun- tj on the OOU!lly board ol supervll<ln. lltMWLING Dl8TRlcr ·Allla'1 Flllb Dtst?lct .U.ltbee lrom SQ Clemente lo ID&lnray a ID Hurting- l<!O -along the Or1111< coutllne. Illa jurlldJclloll, dipping IDland at many potn1', 1aka1 ID lbe cttlea ol San Clemente, Lapna. Bt.tch, Colla Men, Newport Beach, part ol fut growing ~ Beach and mucb o I lllUlbroomlDI MJuion Viejo. .:Allen bu atrVed thll h e • v t 1 y lleplibllc:on territory for aeven yeara. His ~ In lbe llnt !nor yoan of office lftight be meaiured by the ruth Dlllrlct ~' aueament or him In the 1166 election when Allen drtw 821181 votes or q perl:ent ol the tolal YIMI cut -.,,,., . ,;Jt -· In fact, tbe blput numerical ,..jor!IJ ID F~lb Dlatrlct h1'torJ. 1111 on 11!1 iocotd bllOU. -Hll nip baa not been wltlloUt 11' CUI· _..11111 two beadiJftl l>ullel In the &,.o1 iach -ha .. -Sall Q>eek lload ..i what couol)' llUP'"ilol'I' iilllca claim II the lllqal -t IC 1be tllon>qhlar< and airport oolro iVlll wblcb welded 111me Hatbor Area ...........,. lnlo a 'fOCll .... or1aolla· tro,OUT :l-ThlJ wtl"I bitter, artwnr facUona that 4'1d ·wall hava provided -and BUii 1llu1d of coune -oPPOfttDtt fot Allf!D 1n ·-. trro -Tbey mult ba" "emed tl<elJ 1llN fer tboff mulllnC ncalL ~ E_, ol Newport Beacb dlhp. l\olnted tbem-wben be turned down an of. J ... lo oppoot Allen ID -yaar'1 tlec-And be anlflly made public 111 offer truotrated n.mocrat Paul C.-ttr tho antl-nebe spo11-·· ..... .... drlJlilled by -recall -•r. J The "Sb• Salt Cnek Rold" ampalp !..; 11' dlamplon In La-Beacb at· ~ WUll1JD Wllcoseo. But "1lcolell .,1ro decried lbe fteail mo•cn- • Ke quickly denied ToranUl10'• claim )hat bl mtpt be looking for Allen'• l1IOt $11-lbe board, while maldnc tt clw duot ,tt mllht be • dlffmnl llory In • rqular 'ltlectloo. mr BIG COMPANil:ll !R.cau ...,..1..,. do not Hmlt lhtlr i:ftarlea qo1n11 Allen lo tboee two ._,Ibey accuae him ol ~ oucb 1: .. lbe ltvlno Com-... the Hip Corporation "abm the :lnlmtll ol lbe tupQtl'I" and ol adlnl ftaiftll tboaa same IDlerettl In lbe eon- 1rovenlal l11'S*' Bay land nip. Tlll'antlno put hll namt to a long list nf chatst• when the: recall movement first WHO'S AFTER HIM! Supervisor Alton E. Allen put Its head above water. But he adamanUy refuaed to ldenWy the author& « the iodictment, an appmat admlaslm that be WU tbe.lr lltnt. Mrt. Tarantlno wu more helpful She tool Ume out from her 1;pp1rently proeperoug and certainly popular ladles' malerlalS bus1otas In Hillgren Squano, Colla Mesa, to ldenuty at least two of the powers beblnd the Taranline thron<. She acotched npcrla cltculallng at that tilM that ber bosband WU having llCOnd tbouel>ll about blJ IUdden pLtoe In the spotUght oo the county political 1tage as "just rumors." NAMES NAME'll And the Colla Me3a bw:lneJS~orrum · went on to revu.1 lhat "Paul" and "[)lei." were very pleased wilb the pro- gress of the recall movement to whlch her husband had given his name. "Paul'• lhe idtntUied u P a u I Carpenttr, tbe man who tried to flulh Dan Emory into the recall fold. CarpttJter la a man who found UtUe public ravor in blds for Congreu and .... Assembly, "Dick," ebe said, WU R.khard J. O'Nelll. one of two owners of Raocbo Mi&sion Viejo and the owner of exteN1lve. acreage in the San Juan Clpi1lraoo area. II didn't take O'Neill loog le read Teena Tarantino'• statement and he prompUy i!sUed 001 ol hil own : that be wu not participating In the recall move· lll<ll~ phyai¢Jy or Bnancially. "Tbe management or Rancho Mission Viejo and the Mllalon Viejo Co. maintain C()Dlinuoul contact wllh the county board (of supervison) and the various county departmentll," be llid, "and I fnl the board is compriled of a group of sincere and dedicated public aervanls." llTllONG Dl!NIAL O'Neill'• ltattment ls typical o{ many who have been involved in TaranU00'1 early name droppinl; vigorous denials and angry denunclationl ol what have been condemned u doubUul tactlca by a group not prepared to reveal the source ol ill lmpetul. No such denial, of coune, has come from CarpeJ!ler. Hb only adver1e reac- Uon has beei\ to augesU<p that he ia footing the bill for the c01tlY recaU cam- palgn; an upect of the movemenl that 11 not, he says. part ol his role and which is under the direction of a person who can not be identified "at this time." Carpenter's Involvement as a long·thne Democrat in a 1taunr.bJy GOP dbit.rlct baffles many area voters. He is oot a ruldent of the di1lrict1 ntver has betn and bu 1lnaularly faileG to draw support ln any election in which Flllb District Ylllen have participated. Hll eall1na card would be hard to find In the desk dnwen ol poUUcal powen In the area and hll in-and-out form in inviowl Democnlle campalgna baa not euctly mad> blm big In bla pllflr'• inner Councila. MUM'S THE WORD He rt:peated UU. w!tk TaranUno'1 ori&inal conttnUon that idenUfic1tlon of the candld1te behind the campaign "woukl immedlately make hJm the vic- tim ol llemendolll ec:onomlc preuurea.'' Tbat eandldat>, C.rpenllr said, will mal<e blJ name !mown lo Flllb D1'trlct vot£n when "the tlme ia right." U tbat candidate is waiting for favorable public reaction to the rec11l drive that Ume WOQ]d appear to bl now -on the ltmltui ol Carpenter'• 1naly1ll ol eorly rucl!Cll lo the cam(l"lgn. He clalml llud 11000 slgnituru •re in the big. And ht ii coolldenl lbat hl1 ncall worl<er will brine In 1,141 mono n.amt1 to forci the r«all tlectlon for whlcb ......,,. II prepand lo pey -~ mode tllat clall1! ahortly eller one ol hla '°""'..,_ wllb Taran-, uno 1n the 11u.r1 11an ci.n .... borne. Socli -· W"1ld ._.. le be fra, ~ alnce the 'IOlobla Cl1ptlltor waa a rueot ID lbe home.., two......, ..... whell !>AU.Y PILOO' npol\trl aoqlll to iDtet' ¥lew the Yl<'Cllalinf Tarantino. Tarantino doclloed lo ~na hll ~ ... ~ taktn. ANOTHEll DlOOAL Democrat C1rpf1\ltt h11 prompted dJmicl voter1 to loot lit ether Democrat.I who might be temp~ed lo gel the bnnrd opol via a rtcall electlan -amon1 tbem manqemeat mitrol execuliva J°"Ph -. ol Newport Beach. Look IOIDp~e else, 1111 Rosentr. "" readUJ admitted bb -In tllt Allan Job bat danied any coonecllon wllb the recall movemenL Uke many otbttl. aublequenU1 cahtacted,.be 11t11 be bu ne\•er beard ol Tarantino. Tiley ...... all !old lhal Taranline WU !II, sr11·balrod, former _.111r ol a li- quor aloNO ID IDUgen Squore ID Colla Mesa and. ..• well, lnteruted ln pollUca - u ol two week.a ago. .. Never heard of him," is the react.ion. Not • vtfty good campll!IPJ atoaan. But launch ,.... boar In the GOP pool and eome very Joud spalsbes can be ob- tained ·-none louder than Utt one generated by Ron (lupm, (ireoldent of Keyl'l<lle Savings and L o a n A.ssocl.a- U<ll. MONEY CLAIMS Copen II a Udo Isle residenl, married with Uve children, a plush Vla Flortnce home and a burning delltre le rtprtsent lbe Fifth Dlstrlct on tile county boml. 1be aame Dan Emory wbo rebuffed Carpenter cla1ma that C&Jpen' money 11 behind the movement. Cupen claims it Jan •t and lhal be doeen 't know who II ~IPJlni the cbe<kl. Cupen Ont !old lbe DAILY Pllm he ~ not be a caodldate In a recall tlecUoo -only ID a ,.gu1ar election. Liter, be said that "come an electlon I am a candidate." But Mr. Cupen, a RepubUcan who hu leaned toward the Democrellc skJe on varied Political occulons, becomes Vf!r1 much tDe wallflower when h1s poulblt In- volvement 1n the recall movement ii di&cuJ&ed. •~1 can't t.eU you anything about that," he uy1. "I'm eerta1nly not involved and t don't know anyone wbo la. lt'• costing someone a lot Of money and, frankly, I doo't bave that kif)(! of money." lll'ENSIVE EFFORT Someone hu. And he (or ihey) ii dip- ping deep lnlo tile pune or pocket In the .apparent convklion that a rec1U move- ment without a candidate ii goln1 le pull an eager public lnlo blJ (or their) corotr. A n.1jor porlioo ol 1bose funds Is being exptnded on Opinion Researcb, tile Loni Btacb-bued or11nl11tion wh1cb 1pec:Lalllea: fn advtaln& lta c I le n t a - many of lbem ICbool dlltrlc:ta worried about bonda and cltiet worried about elecU0111 -jull what John Q. Public II thlnkln1. The flnn earHer UU1 year did an opinion IUrVtY tor "Newport Tomor- row." The pollibillty of. connect.ion with the recall JDOYemtnt brouatit expro- sions of c:oncern in Newport Beach. OpinJoo Returch denied •tronily It has used any data from the Newport survey in the recall and inl1sted it.l«mly role wa.J that ol COUect1ng the t ,741 all· natures needed to force a recall election. REPEATED DENIAL Those deolals were repeated as nocenUy u Tbur!diy nli!l>t by Opinion Research board chairman D o n a I d Muchmore and Donald McGrew, vice president of the re.search lf'OUP· Both repeated at a League of Cltlt1 meeUng what McGrew told a DAILY P lLOT reporter when the recall move- ment flrlt got under W1f -that the recall plannen contacted Joanne Case, "one of our execuUve &tall" and that Mrs. Caae wu workiq: alone on the wnpUng project. Alooe and aloof, Fer Mr1. CUt ref1.11ta lo dlscusa ber apparent lnvolvem~t with the movement detplte frequent attempts lo cuntact Iler. Sbe 11 very much an eucuUve. Sht 11, In fact, lbe pnoaldeol ol Opinion Reaearch and a aenlor raearcbtr ed. bO' ilrultar le poUUcal campelgoa ID Orange Coon!J. WORKED Wfl'll llUSIUND She hu wotted lhoulder lo ahoulder with her hutbandi Stewart Cue, •D UD.•ICctstlul campallPJer for poWlcal ol- ""' In Orange County. Cue, curreolly '1.i.. .. • • ~ ... ,,,,. ~ ·""°-... -'"1--·,:·.;"l,; .: .... ~ • •)1• >I J• • , •• .. --_i_. ..... _a.. ... _ 11..-..; PllUT AnACIC-Reclll atert. ed wilb elrdilalion at pn>fto· 1lonallJ p~uced "newspaper" being mallad ftoftl Coata Mtll Post Office at postege c0$l ol 3.8 cenl.s each. D11trlct has 113,000 reg l1tered voters. cunmonlGalloOI dlrldor at Santa Ana Collon, It pnsldont o1 M. It -.. ol Gardon Gl'm, a public nlallonj firm. An elected. member of tbe Oraqe County R<tpubllcall Cantnl C<mmltlee, Cale 11· 1 ioo,-11me pollUcal wOrl.er who OOC. 11mcl u deputy lo former Orange Couoty Stall Sen. John A. Murdy (R- Newporl Beacb). Caae hu Insisted ..peatedly lhll be It nol c:onoecled with the drive to unsut Alton Allen. Stallmenta by othen lo lbe contrary have Jed reporterl to contact him man than once. The Uglrt-llPPod Mrs. Cue ii very high' Oft the list Qf Mr1. Joan Lancuter ol San- ta Ana Hel&hts, a former writ.er who clah:n1 tbet Mn. Case b, 1n fact, chairman of the recaU committee. 8m: WAI INVITED Mn. Lancuter told the DAILY Pllm that Ille had accopled an lnvttaUoo lo serve oa the recall committee with Mrs. ea ... Dr. Jarnea L. McG1ugb of the Untverslty of Call!omia et Imue and Anlbooy Taranllno. More commltttt membtn would be named, 1aid Mn. Lancuter, "very, very IOOll. now." H lhe knew who they mtcht be lhe wam't prepared to say nor would !he ldenuty the forctl behlod the move-ment. Like Tarontloo and Carpentu, aba In- slated that rucb JdenUficaUoo would l.urt the recall effort at a crlUcal 1t1p of the game. The r.porter who talked lo Dr. McGaugh Tbunday lbought bl WIS listen\ni: to a well-wom recordlnl. "No, I have absolutely no connection wttb tbla.recall campaign," the UCI prt> !esaor said. "That lln't &o AJ that I have no interest In Jt but to mettJy confirm that I am not .uvln& on such a com- mittee. AGREES WlTll ATUCK "I find pltnty to crltlciu Allen about and I agree with much of what is con- tained in Ult flyer," McG1uab said. "But I'm pretty busy u f1naoce cbainnan of the Upper Bey conservalJOll movement and I haven't been approached by anyone about Allen'• poa:lbit recall" That "flyu" ll the. South Coast Homeowner's Beacon, a tabloid pubtlca· tloo that baa been widely dlalrtbuled throughout the Ffflb Dlatrlct. It bllmes Allin for the county'• "&lve away" of Salt Creek Rad to the Laguna Niguel COrporaUon, the polllbllity that "airport nolte" could be "Alton Allen'• nut mammoth aiveaway.'' other aupervltorlal "SWTenden ol publk: roads to private lnte~•ta" under the headln1 of "Allen'• Alleys" and the approval of ''sloppy rubblah col1ector1" by the Flfth Dlatrict IUpenisor. Allen ia a.lao accused of cuWn1 the county lherUf'1 budget In an lnd.)ctment that containa lbil charge: "Alton Allm's voll ... pla~ him on the aide of gllta and giveaway• -not on Che 1ld1 of Orange County'• youth." AID~ ATrACKED Many readm of the profmlonally prt> duced pemphkt -bDlh pro-and anti. Allen -oomk!:er It remarkable Jn that mucb ol Iii content attack& John Klllefer, ADen'• dllef aJde, u much u hta bou. It lncludea ptcture1 of Killefft''s pluah Corona del Mar home with the inference ti.at the aupervbor'a wbtant fares much better on bll Sil,500 county 1alary lban would Him lo be poaalble. KUlefer'1 laconk: anner I.I thtt the oce1111front home W13 paid for In Aprt~ 1966, two years before he became Allen's aide. And he doem't trO\lble to hide the !act lbtt ht II lndepeodtntly wealtby and by no mel.lll dependent on his county pay check. K.llltftt hu 1aid he will campalp for the ,,tlh Dlstrk:t aeat U Allen rtUres in trro and ba hu tur.d public r<lallano II· tclltJYe Frank Michelena ol Newoort Be1cb. ltlllefer ii alto the tarpt ri a~ taou by a.1p cie.,,. l'OllMElt llECAUZR Clwy lo the Santa Ana public relations man who muter-minded tht abortJve recall a1mpalsn •Sllnlt Allen two yean . .,,. The amblUOUI Clell'J' never got that noctll drive off the lfOUDd. Ht nover, In fact, broduced a candidate In an ..tontshln1. ciunpalp tllat w .. launched Immediately aller Allen had been ,.._ elected to ofUce -after racktllg up the btQell electoral DW1ln In Ftflb D1fl. rlct hitt«y. Cl>ary waa, eddly, Allt!I'• campallPJ manAJ« DI IMS wbld the former banku male 1il1 ftl'lt _...,.. bid for ofllco. Allan latar:i".5 blm lo lbe Oran1e """""....... • poll aDC17 Clelt1 When· lbe rift llbD and Alleo become •Po pan.ii. 1IMn II, bolb men adml~ ........ , loll --lbem today. Cleary baa not allowed bll dlrec:UCMI of bllrou Joan lntnt Smllb'1 al/airs lo b-• wtlll ~ C<llllant -..Vatkll <!_ aD lhat Allm dof• In or out ol lbl r1fth Dlalrltt. Cleary blmaell 1111 Iha AllOfmlll DTOllT Memorlcs o! that 111'1 debacle bave led m1ny, In ind out of the movemont, to ""'1Ude lbat C111ry II 00<0 llaln tile .• AL TON ALLll/4 -NMrl .. tht .... rl hla 1111f14 -(1~) .. ,11th Dhlrlat ........ -.-. ... tht ....... " _..,, .... """ i......,. ... .,, I'll•~ --In ....... , .. """ • .,.. .. """'9 1wltChlne t. ,.i111a. O.locl rl --""" '""" mev.monf ......,, .... In. 19'7 ~ Chip CINry. "AUL CAlt .. INTlll -Un..-.,11ivl undldata for' ISlh c ..... 11fonol Dl11!1lcl oaat 110W -lill liy Jo"'"' I. Utt Olld for h 6"h -Illy Dllfrlct cu'""'IY ..,,..,_ liy IC~"C~. W111 fome 11 tht "Wolkl• C.,.i<late" ... hoo Mon 4"crtW by OemKratlc .ttHtue1 ... ''a. pemtanently active pallllclan and •,por,..,..l e.,..rklolt." .... .... ANTHONY J AllANTINO :... S.ff..ot;l..i ocvlplt"' lllHlgMr whoM 11tlfe .,.ratfl • 1uc:ce11fuf Nclln' materl•I• 1twi in Co'lt• M11e. A name tta.t drew only bltnk """ In thii pothl.01 .,_ at tht time of the rMelt •""*'"c.m.n.t. 'enMr Cotta Metan, MW llvlnt at Son Cl-tdd,..1 ll1ttd H hatdquart- '" of Alltn Allan roc1ll movamant. Clooa Irland of Paul Carpenter. JOHN ICILLIPl!!t -Chltf aida te Suparvl- Allan, ha lntenda )• -k tho Fifth Dllfrlcl lalo II Allan ret1 .. 1. H11 """""' put.lie Nlatlona uacu-tfv• Fronk Mlchtltna It anduct hit etmpalf'I In 1'70. l(llltftr and hl1 oumptuout C•-• ul Mor hom. have been the ,,,..,,of •tt1ck1 In recall llt1r- atur1 • ROllRT llAnIN.,.. R~antly 11edad Flnt Dl1o trlct supervltor 1ftcl a Santa Ana attorney. Got "1'9 recall plctvr1 with 1 afat1ment thet more Dlmoerat1 1houltl be alactecl t• "'""1Mrtls11n effice1. Defends that statement today. CHIP CLIARY -Joan Irvine Smith'• Nile .. iotlena man ind tho fl9uro Hhlrld tho Ill.feted drl'le .. un•eat Allen In 1M7. Onetime •fNnl· sup- porter of Allen. Cltlm1 not .. llt ln .. 1v..i In tftl• ,... call end .. llt '"11Waro of tht kltntlty of ltt •-· ~1 1 ontlpotlty 19aln1t Allan, aamo ~·· 11 I part of hl1 lont-•ttndlnt har1111Mi1t of rvine iem,.ny mana .. ment. Cleary Is frleiMI, c~ Rdante of At1ea10r Andrew J. Hinshaw, •nother lrvlna Compony '"· Cl.IAaY DAN l!MORY -Ha ... of tha Harlltr Area tnt)· airport nol•• tr.utt and a man whe cl1lnt1 that he was approachMI by Peul Carptntlr aftCI a1kM to run for Allan'• job. RtJact"' Iha tffor and Hnlt1 •"Y othor link with tho recall crewd. WILLIAM WILCOXEN -l-lltacll '"°'" ney and• key flfure In the ''Seve Salt CrMk RoH'' c•mP1l1n. He could M • uncfltla .. , he 1ay1, but not under tht recall baftMr. lta1t1 IUIMrYIH,. fer ''u. lawful altandonment of Silt Creek RMtl'' ti L19una Niguel Corp. JOSEPH ROSl!NIR -Nowport lltadt mana..- ment control expert anti • man tlppM by many Democrats at a 1upervlHrfel candldete. Denies any lnvolvament with recall meV.mtnt cl"plte Mmlnt by T arantlne. Hlfhly r .. arded ity Harber ArM Damot. Wlf1 on Or-Caunty Grand Jury, RON CASPl!ltS -Daflnltoly a candi4all, recall er otherwise, but no ceMKtion with reull mw. ment, ha 1tat11. C..tly Lkte Isle heme, marrlM. five chlldron and ..... polf with ICoy1._ Savl"I• _, loen. Reganftel In pelltlcal circlet a1 very ambltlova men. STIWART CASI - A polltlcal campal9ntr who clalm1 to knew1tothlrit1 ef the rHafl "'°""'ent enll couldn't earo IM• oliout tho Allan po1t. Clolm1 hla only connoctlan wllh racall publicity 11 111.....,h hi• wife, JHnne CaN. JOANNI CASI -l1acvtlva In Opinion II• tHrdt ef Call,.,,.I• fer the "Alton A.Hen Jlecall'' eccount. He1 ffftt•cted Ptfth Dl1trlct N1klents •ftlll 11kad lham to -rt. for tho campolf'I. Rafuffo 19 comment on her Jnwfvement In tn. movement. DR. JAMIS McOAUOH -UCI prolo1aer who know1 about tho rtelll •rt lout. donlt1 Ml"I t port of It. Ho la flnonc• dtalrman rf. tho N-rt ,.....,. dadlcatad to prosarvatlon of tht Uppor lloy. drlvint force behind the plan to uueat his old enemy, Allen. He Is adamant 1n bb belle! that Allen llhould not again - office. But Cleary vigorously denlu any con- nection wllb or any knowledge ol the movement 41other than what l read In your -new1paper.'1 Cleary profeuea himaell lo be aatonbbed at tho llnklnc of "ao many Dremocrata" to the drtva to un. seat Alltn In a controversy th1t had .......i lo him, 1o be an eschllletly R• publk:an 1pa~ Cleary ii known today le be closely auied to County ....,.,,.. Andrew J. lllnabaw and lo particularly welcome th1t pithy olnctal'• lroquant dutll wllb the Board o1 SUpervllon llld the lnlnt Company. Both mtm 1lguro hlsh on tho board ol dlrocton ol .. organisatloa that alm1, accordlng lo Ot.ary, Hinshaw and ttl pubUclty In "ofter lnltructloo and make the public awart ol property tu llwa and ...... --In that field." ANod!EJt DENIAL Cl1ary baa npultdly lnllttad that ht II nol· behJnd lbe curnnt monment. Alain, aa ID the cue of ltnlrl Cue, many commenta to the eantrary have MDI ~ btcl: IO Cleary • Thole who tlrod ol blaU,,. R<tpublk:an l>u"'8a -t -lo tho -" tatMrinc lf'UUDdl to unttftll IOUMlll'll ,.,,. mlfbt be llnbd wllb Clrpentar In lbe campalan. Many ttad Carpent<r'a ~ '!I"' Clll -mlndo bed< lo JUly•I and a 8peacb made bafon lbe Oranp C<cNy I>emo<ntlc FoandaUoo . by SoperrW Robert BatllD, Finl Dlllrtcl ··-talln ., tl>t C<llnly board. Thi)' romembond not what he Aid but wbal lbe "Fede,_ Newa" guotad In Ill ..-n1 ol the mettinl: "Ht will dltcull the U-Newport BaJ -troversy and t1ll oacaally o1 eledlnf Dom-II lo -pertlaan 'o I t I In Orange County." BatUn say1 that the. quotaUon la of hla ""ords and ii 1ccur1te. And he btll1vt1 today that b1t vlew1 at that tfme.ltlll ap. ply "lo an county or dt)' om.ca whatever or wherever they mJ&bt be. •1 NO RECALLER Did he have Allen'• office In mlndf "I 111d all dly and oounly -• BatUn claims, however, to have no knew!edg• ol the recall mO¥-olber than "wbal I'm told and r •• d In the new!lpllpen." He bu no& dllcuued Nall mettero wllb Paa! Carpenlar -"la llct, I haven't dbcussed lll1lhlDI wllb Paul Clrpenter · for at -1ult tlit Wt m montlll." Battin baa au.ended poUtieal meellop at the Weltmlnster olllcol ol ~ Savlnp and Loan. ll'a 1..--be baan't be<o asked -tllal bl lllilM btve met ICeyalone .. -.. Ron CUpen .. -"'tboee --Cupeatar mlaht bafl -U-, too. TbeNO may, ID fact, IUl9t -mon thao one polltlcal'nlly 'Ollldt bicl-Balt1n, Carpenter llld'CUpen Id Ill llldllnce. C.rpenler It COi-only with wbet he lnlltta II lav.,.bla public nodlon thus tar to Ute ncall camPllln. He -·t . think tlla"t Iba -·1 fallutt lo nam. Ill candldala haa "1lenated vttry 1111111 ol the ml-...,. tacted lhlll far. Bui an olf·tbt-cull 1111\pilnt o f -*' ID flv1 -ol Iba. 1lfUI Dlatrlct lndlemd lhal tbll ~ lo< IOCrtq could well ltlDdor lbe alJoila ol the recall ......... One......,...__, "I - with -· not all -,.., " Illa argumenta_ aplnll Alleo. Bal I .... , 11119 belol t4ld .... lo -.. wbat la ... .,,. factftal _.., It JuJt _, - rflhl" Ctrpeuter and Illa --la mt! In the air ol "'1*11 bnpartod " lbtlr campalp bJ their ftllloaf lo -their Ollldldata. Tbey pnftr to...., lllelt WlltlnC gamt lo & palnl tblt •'t .. aacertalntdandw•~bemtalod. Whoo they do, II aluld be too lalo. Vkllor HlllO Did; •RentG¥a lllr -" th•t I may bellor lllOW -~. for thou ahalt never !mow 11\1 m. w1t11 tt." •.·: ., ' Jf IWl.V PllOf s • • Tuudl.:t, Scpttmbtr 16, 196'1 OVER THE CQUNTER York Stock List . YOtlr Money'• Worth • J As Pnces Go Up, .. --- .. Monday's Closing • -. . .. M.) -LN a,.qi,. " . . .. Prices-COmplefe New ·York St"Ock Eichange List NEW YORK -(UPI) -New• ;;.at lhe United Slalu wu about lo 11MOW1Ce a new lroop with- drawal from Vietnam aent the otock market hlliJer Mottday In moderately acUve lradln(. ' Shortly before the close, Ille UPI marketwide Indicator showed a gain of 0.59 pereent on 1,544 i11ue1 crossing the tape. There were 818 advances and •73 decllnu. 'nle DOw Jooes average of SO blue chip Indus-j•rr ...... trials~ wis ·up 6.86. at 831.11 near the close. :it::i'' ' Volume amounted to around 10,000,000 shares, 1:~•« .,;4~ abcillt In line with Friday's pece. ,. ..... The stock average gained l.&·to. 290.7, with in~ : ... ~n~r. dustrlals up 3.6, rails up 1.2, and utiUtJes off .2. .,,,..": 1~i, Of 1,566 i'5uea traded, 815 advanced and 499 :::![t-!'Ii declined:. There were 28 new hi&bs for the year and :ir ,[i 'l:'f.·:tt fl new lows. rl: •~r~ T11ra 11111 II Anacysta said the market dr ew much of its t::atlB'' .~f s\reogth from remarks by Vice. Presld~nt Ky in l::c,n:t,::r SaJgon that 401000 U.S. troops would be withdrawn 1r:l~ ..:,0, from South Vietnam by the end of November. Ky tlCtrn ilfl.MI also said it waa expected that between 150,000 and ~=~·1''°1.M 200,000 men would b• pulled out by the end of 1970. +r·· 'a': :: Th , eclfl 'thdr T mtln 1.to1 e White Houle ls to announce sp c wi awal r '""t\1' ·"' figures tomorrow. ~l~1~ '.I S'-· 20 . . th N "'"" '·" u.teen of the most-active issues on e ew rf~~Ei 1 ~ York Stock F;xchangt \Vere higher, 2 were lower,.J ~~~1~0 ~J: and 2 were unchanged. 1mw.1.1r ,t1 ""W1 ·"' ClOling Big Board prices included : l''n"'"r .50tl rt~~ ·'° Natomas, up ~'h at 110%; Chrysler, up 1112 at tf!O;!''~ .:l' 4014 ; Foremost McKesson , off ~ at 26'h; Occi· ~!!~~{11.ri dental Petroleum, up -'A at 26'h ; and Capital Cities i~.~rQ.'ru. Broadcasting, off ;.a at 28 5/8. r11w 111< 1 r-.w ~4.50 DATLY l'JLOT ' American Stock Exchange List • II llAll.Y Pft.OT For the Recor.d Marriage Licenses -·" $14A't'Ell ... ETflOCCHI, Paul E., 2', flt 23*3 or""" ........ •lld J1"1~1 L.. ~o. ~~ E. ll'tti St .. boll'I of C'"ll WOL14..0VI!, Erftut T., n. of 1"3 MWlo!I Wl'I 1nd M.lrt11,_. JI,, 10, fJf 11'311 Olurtti Plltt, bottl of S..I .-. . COUL TA$-OE LEON, G11'f L, !(, of 66.M $.., C1r1ot. P1r1...,.,!ll• C.111. and Molr'la E., 20, of .... HO!llM, WUJmbut.... HE15LElt_,,HILLIPS. flot.rf J., 11, of )'Cl $pMI' Avr~ Himl!"9lol! llMdl 11111 1'1trldl D,. II, of 1<6151 HOiie SI., Wntmlrllt.r. CL.AlllC-GL YNN. lloberf G .. "· (If 15$06 WIUle..,. SI .. T11ttlft Ind Z.la. 3'o of tdn ~ st,. El Toro. GILLETTE·WOlCHEt(, 5Nl>fle!I 9 .. 21. "' "' CQlbl 11., ~ llM(.'11 ..... o.... T,. n. of '' f"onderasl orrv-. Wll'll-Ylfls, N."I'. PFAFP'-tAllPENTER.. Dlldlw A,. 4 flt UI Hal.Pit.I ltffll .rid Fr.,,ca "-• ._ of 111• Fort C"9ri.s f'lllca. boll'I !II H"""'°" hid!. TETE•·•llELL. 1.oWtll D,, 31. fl '901 DrMt $1., Cost• Mew end Je11'dl1 A.. 21. of 111 _,h st., N-1 ••tc1t. McfYEll.WAlDOllF, Jamft tl,, 12. of mv. N1rc:I•-""''·· c .... 11r11 ittl ~r _,., ~ G,. 16,, al 1"4622 Dd Amo. s.nt. ...... iMIT>f.WITHEY, M!dle1I M., 27, of 11111 .,,,,.. c .. , .. of 2HO lle!lwood Ave •• eo.t1 Mew. MANSEN;91lAS$, JIFtfl'l(Wf M., ~. of !:MOS Ytiil Nm. G1tdw.a. C1!1f, ""' .._._. L. 20. o'I .o107t t'umllakfl Dl1WI, MU!1'11'1110ft Be1dl. WAKEfUM.DEIL. Jol'ln O,. 15. !If 1791) Llllt l'r.dol st .. ~n111n v11i.v ind Ml'flnt H •• 1$, of 1240 011\111 St .. LM*1 G,..,..., c:.tlf, •u•on tr ltOM~Ro-MENDOZA, C1eslt E .• 2•, fl/ 1"' '911 lemlnflnn Piece, Cesi. ,.... ..... """" u. d 11«1 s. f'1rto11r --· M£V11t.MAGl>AY. Jo1<11 W., 2L lllf 1n6 Wlll'tlf Aw • ..,.. IMbtl 11., .. et '14. tNrftllllln. '°"' ef•eost. /llft&. . ·, DEATH NO'J'ICES ARBUCKLE l SON Weot<IUIM........,. 111 E. 17 .. SI., Colla M,.. -• BALTZ MORTUAJllES CGnoa dd M.u OR J.'451 Colla M,.. 1111 WW • B1!:1J. BROADWAY MORTUABY UI lloldwlJ, CoAa Meu UWGI , • DILDAY BJIOTllEllS llatlqta v.u., M-., 17'11 Bncll Blvd. BuUnp.- le'ml • lkCOllMWK L&GUNA BE.U:ll MOR1'1ABY l'lll~JIOod -• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PABJt Ceme&a; • MlljatrJ ~· •PldlleVlewllmo "'""" ~ callllhlll -• PEEll FAMILY COLONIAL Fl1NEllAL -'1111..,_A,.. ,,..,... .... -• "ldD'""'"f'"E•a. MOBTVAllY 1-1..-fff-1131 1110•• 41Mt• •· llllmll' MORTUARY --Ill. a ----.... I f'AG~·U.. MidlMI It,, 'tt,, "' -"---1 .... c.t• ,... -Temr-&;;. It. .t 11111 Mlrllntr, • By THOMAS 1"01\Tl!NE -~ .......... Start, ln!ormallon olllcor for Slali" nld I~ ytm; while city COW!cllmen·H WM Illa bJt ~'°""""""' lllPwtr1 Jlflnrll1 • Pld!lc: eooil• Frttwa,y 10 the District 7 Los Angeles ol· the best estimate now, Is not pdon' U the ~ -· ~ I.Ir ' ytlil d"l. .. -. TttoMPION.sCHMlOT, f'llll C.. 11, Ill' 13111 """"' G..-ar-... ltlMtl;I A.. a of 14tt IWIM I!,. LOS ANGELF.S 1 -Two freewaya '° lffV• the IOUtbem part "' Oraap County -the Lquna Freewa,y ond Pa<lflc Coast FMwly -...,. nld toda,y to both bo 10 }'<8" aw~ ... fi• aald "meuing they-10 . •• .•beolule i!p•• ol ~. loclll changed' ,lb& Pacl!!C: Coesl lllb year """"'· tho, coot Jar , N a,,....lii <jOWlty lloord of 1.:U., a~ay! . r,:_:ni:.o;;~ 11''~ ~; F~~ m#° be J>lilU In the 'tbll 1knllo . ~ f,_ .SllpervllOn JqlOU., al Wblcb "Mo.to our money today Is there will tit.oome cbahge. ln nen livo ,to 10 yeen Tither MacArth111 lloWevaii h the ~ wu pment.d, Ued up Jn Intrastate proj· eels the lniervening years." he than the -Ill to "!$. Cprooa .de! Mar to the san SUpervlaar Altao Allen bfOUlht -Foothlll, I05. San D ego, "'1d. Tbe lttewO)I thtbu&b lho jllego Fre<my to be flllll up Wba1oo's tOronnatlon lhlt Santa Mon!!"' rUid CenlllrY ~ -Stark did not cotlllrm in· ~then\ part <I cthe' county m111too. , . . lho P1c11lc Coa.t Freeway, "'·~"~· CAll:l'EJO"lll•VINCl!lNT, "-W L.. 2'. ot U• Mrltll $1.. O''"" tflf 91tWr• A., 1t, fll tin .. eHClfl A,,.._, ~ .. v .. ...,, VINC£HT·Y0UNG, t.lvln l .• 44 ""' NII,_ o,. ..,. ..,._ ot 1nt1 •r'9MIMI ~I .. Wtt""l!llffr, ltOOET<AUMMl.TT. OM• W .. lt, tf 31U 8°""' W~, CCllil1 M.w •nd Dtlft ~ u. " l!MI ttld ~"'· A spoltosmu !or <he State Dlvtsloo , ol Blgbwaya threw cold water on reportl that one or the olhtr mlgbt be built sooner, five or ab: yean from now. th•I haye to be compl<tea by fonnaUoo Lasun-Jleacll City Clita ftOm Co!Ooa del M.u Tbe . all".mlle ,_•caaa inJght be ......i lbeod. ~~dlineto... meet a federal Manager James Wbealon "'1d ac...,. the Irvine Ranch, Jn. Froef•l.y° along ~ ~ "I thlot lhll'a prellf op. -he had tJtal Division o1 land of !-a-. .act'ols t6e 1cn lload II -tell io coOt tllalstlc;" ·lald' County !load T .... Be aald 9Z perwn ol the Highway pl~era w""...,. r.toullon llallcb, tbrou1h flO inJll!oa-.. , " , Commforllonor."1 Koch. · stale money put Into .these :rillering mersing prlorlli .. ·Lagw\a Niguel and Inland ol Tbe "'!!!'~ ~ tliit -otber.lreewa,y cam.s freeways eventually wDI be 'between Ille Laguna """way Dana l>oiot to a ti .. ln wllh t6e ~ ...,.,,11 to 60 llkely a 11110 prlte tag -1100 YIL.l.AIUM.<OYl!lLl. l..llrrr ••• ti. fll 1s1r !t Mlplt, s.n11 ..,,.. 1nd '9ndr1 M... -. ·of• M1 Namllton $1., Cllml ~­"Both of these lretways are In tbe same ball park,'' Milton reimbursed from led ere I ond Pacific Coast Freeway. Sin Diego Freeway. <JOiy m,,yeaq -and the mll!Xlji'l' "'o I• d Superyllot geoline lu fuucls. Whealoo oot long ago told Aft Orange County ·Chamber soulbera ooun11; ~ cl Jbe w~ ~ · MAll:$HAlL•WMITl!l. Jll'rllt II •• d, of IOiJ $1.1-t Clr(ll, H11nllrwt"" •~ 1116 Dork J .. U, fl '1S Wln1Joon A.Old. ""'""~ CAUILLAMfEU. JOUPll A,, 25, fll 3011 Gr1nt Ave, 1rlll Cl"'*' II .. n. or .!tu Alll"-111'1 1~ llOlll of Cciste ~-· , Jl!Nr!Nr.TTE·kllll(W()OO, Oorlt A., '1, lllf tM Pel.,._ W1v, Cctth Mew '"" ~ 1<.., io.. at 'M4lt £Winer Drive, ~Klon Viti.. 'WYAn.uTT. GWll9 .L .• "'· of t1"f O'Mt ...... f Clrelll, Arletll. CllH. 1f0f Orm.II v.. ¢ <if '151 Qlerl,. c,.._ Hun!lllSll'Otl •••dt. 'Johnny Potseed' Given 3 Months WOOO.l".IELO. S~ D .• lJ, Ill 110'1 ~~ /;~~1 1_~ 11';::.,.:,W'11 SANTA ANA-A Santa Ana to three months ln couiity 'Jail. HUOSOff·eosuev, Atfor"d o .. 20. ...,.. man who pleaded. ....iitv to Su .... rior Court Judge ROtieri • I.tty L,. lt, bofll ot 2Cllt Monr'O'/'lt, auu " I"'" Cott• MeM. growing marijuana In a Costa Gardner ordered tbat . penalty, TSAMOUDAKIS-lfOPICINS. Cl>rt1, 1J, ot 11sn s1111rt PJl(e, G•rdt<1 o-Mesa field bu been sentenced and three years pr~tion for ;~ ~~':'.!i.::'· ot 1An1 Sp<'""'" Emilio Samuel Flores, 24,; lAMe-co11:co11:AN, s'-l!ell t. .• "· °' after Flom -dubbedi 1•a 1~l:.:.~~:_ ·~0~(19H!: f.ounty OKs pruent day Johnny Ap- MATTSON·HE1sie1t, Edwlrd J .• tt. ., pleseed" by Costa· Mesa police 10'l E. &fill AVI~ B•lbol •IMI Pl'!'tls ff ••-il J~ 21, el !Silt •lrcnwooct $f., Gli'lffn Road £' -sts officers -0 ered llllil gu· ty o=AMos. •on•ld A .. tt. e1 221, \..AJ plea in Harbor municipal ~·,.. ~~ :~~. •[! coort. Teachers' View Aired "~ SANTA ANA -Payment ol I JE;l"E'Al-f'ARTON, o.n1e1 w .. 2t. 1,,q FloreJ was arrested ast Mtor11t-" , H.. 20. bolll of ,,,.. U,000 to the city of Fourrtain J 21 near the o~n field •• • Gtt1111n-11 .. Wet:tm1ns1t1". "' , une .-~ ., ANAHEIM - A teacher's KORAHOO.S,1KeR. M•rt. .-. .. 11. ,., Valley to widen the apProach ~dd.ington Street and view of salaries, teaching con-nM .fOIJnlll" w., Wat •!'Id (;lltf'.. j.._ th w A brldg M., "· o1 512. f'•rk or1w. bofll o1 "' e arner venue e PauJarinp Avenue where he dilions, · fringe beneflls and 11~:,!0.~, Doneld L.. n. .,.., across tbe Santa Ana River raised his crop of the iUicit currl~lum will be presented P11r1c11 L. 22. bDlll of ™ J""'" sr.. ~--been au'""r'-~ by Orange by John Lepp at the Wed· Countr ·water LOS ANGELES .:.. ,\ genny tu increase for vJrtuaJ,ly all Souijlem California residents includil!I those on the Orange Coast has been annwncea by the Metro1>0lifan 'W a t e r District for its riew fi,&cal year 1969-70. The MWD hoard o! d- has voted to up the tu: Tate from 16 cents per $100 of assessed valuation to 17 cents to meet mounting cost& to ob- tain Northern Cautornia water ' by 1971. Tbi111 is th& lll!ICGDd year in a row•t.bat the:district'1 tu nl!F wu ~ A two. O!'lil hike last l1scaJ . year waa: the . !tm ~In 23 yeas. Present esttmates, are that. t1ie rate may have to: bt raised a few more eeota over the nett few yean before.levellnn off and . then begimlintf .10 decline. The dis~• pa)'nlent for . Hiked • ' . > :~~~s~. c;;!-'1e:' r1:: ject. w!IV..,..mt to $35 mUllon this (\scaJ\re'ar or SIO million higher than'ov .. paid in 1968- 89. \ 'l11e' district • lJOW supplies one hillioo' (ilJJOnll cl Colorado River ~ter a. day to more than Ill mllllon person. Ill I.of Angeles. Ali'ange. Rivenlde; san llernanllno, Saa Diego and Ventura counliea. County Soldier Flood lnsuran~e Dies in Viet County Dampens on Idea Cflll"• MIM. ,_, ~ ~ weed. Flores gave poUce a run .t.uou1T • County supervbors nes\:lay meeting·of1the Orange GARDEN GROVE -An SANTA ANA -'J'be U.S. surea what was built before . ".~~ce-, •...eAu.11u:~ M.,t<;t•t ... • .. ,,,,.",· County crews will improve for their money by leading County School Boards Associa· Army trooper from Garden government no;., oC!ers n-.--' .. 1 don't believe n.... .... ., "" vi .. n " "'' '" "' th b Id t f •----hil them in an auto chase which tion ;. A-·•eun· . . b bee "fie ~ ••--v .. ..,. Em.rtld L•,,., H111111,..1111 1nct1. e r ge o our ...,..,,. w e ... 'l<lll Grove as n ldenb d as insU:ranci but b Cllubty Coupty . eJux:r poUUcally or McCAAO:EN-St. cv.i111:. criig J.. city Of Fountain.' Val J e y ended in a one way atreet and Lepp' is ""'esldent of. the ooe of 44 servicemen killed in e ~ange econo-1-11 .. ii ready to n"" 20. "" ,.,,., w•rffll LIM '•!'Id Oeborafl t'" officials aren't · very keen on .._........, .. """JO" "·· 11, o1 1111 w. ll!tl st .. both If worken wjJI widen the a~ then ·1n a wild chaae on foot 30\lthern section of t h e Vietnam combat. including six growlnlt~" said Carl Nelsm c~~~t•RTtss. Grf1Klrv ..... n, ,,,, proache! on both the Fountain which ended as the desperate California Teachers Associa· from California. taking out a policy. planning division engineer for ~ o,.,,., Grove 11v1 .. or•-...., Valley aod Santa Ana sidea. Flores tried to vault a fence. tion. The Orange County vieUm The troublt with tbJ ·Polley the cocmty Flood Control ~f'Y S .. 71, ol 1:166 Or1..,e Awf.. • In ( Do D"fs.bi ' coat• MHI. The county funds will be m Officers said they counted 50 An formal workshop al 6 wa!i identified as P c. n c. Is that It requires an area be ct. Lt v ioiNl-RAM&o. Jt•11 P., 21,"" ..... yment for approach wort 10.inc.h marii·uana plants p.m.willprecedethe6:45din· Brown. son of Mr. and Mrs. zoned for flood atld no new 'And that. one SU<nV>rt!, 13231 $1/ldus, ~troll, Midi. 11'11;1 f'M wr~~ JllCIY A .. 21, of 537 sru"'-. coshl done on port.ions that lie in growing at the site. A waler· ner meeting in the Skyroom of. Joseph F. Frueh, or 12532 building be undertaken ln the closes out the possibility of MA~·v-f'ANHo, Ron•lf ,.,,_, 2s. tt1_coun __ 'Y.;_krT __ ltory_.;._· ------ing-'-j;..u.:g_w_•_•_lound __ n_e_arb_Y_· ___ th_e_G_rand __ H_o_t.i_. ______ Le_ro_y_s_1. ________ •_re_a_._Th_•_SoV_•_rnm __ en_t_th_en_u. __ cou_n_ty_OGOd __ 1nsu __ rance __ . __ un V11Mcl1 OrlYr •rid Sh•""' A .. II, of DJ! Polll•" Clrcr.. bolh of H~lfnwton leach. !,--~------------------------------------------------------------------~ STAFFORD-SMITH, •khlre L, '1. o'I tm Otllr.t Orlw, WetlmlM!tr •rid M1rc!t J,, 3.1, d 1:Mt2 Cort SI,. G•rdeol Gr-. IU.ICE-SARAllA, Leon D.. :n, •l'ld Mld:;ft' 1 .-Jl. bolfl (If t•141 lllllrwrl. El Toro. COLL1$0N--MALL, lerf'I' O .• iA, ""' M1rth1 G .. :l5, bolll ol last Mlr1mar, Ll!ll~,.. Bt•OO. lt»ONNIETTE-HOLCOMll, Vldw l ,, 2•, of }1112 Mtln ~I.. We•""'lllSMr tnll ~ ... 11. ot 1•1 Monl\ll, Mld'wrr CIW • LEMHAROT-MAHL.MAH, t11vlf P .. 21, of Im Plwce Drive, B~• "•'"'- Ind l""' ll., 20. o'I 1210 St.l'bo9td Wrr. eor-dtl hr. llALE$-WATKINS, J1met M., SI. lfl...t ll!lflh L .. fl, bo1t1 of 1~1'1 ,,lil W1f, Westm!Mler. U.•EV-SATTEll:WHITE, Jfl-M" No ef 150 E. !hi $1 .• COiii Mftt •rlll Dellflll s.. 17. el 11S S""'9rlcllt Or""-krll• Ant. VElLUTIMt-KAZAN. Wlmern J .. "It. fll lJ'Nt· krlt• A"ti., Fciunftl" Ytl,.., tnd GW!• l.r 14 el t3n 91.illdlll, e.t'dM .~ A AU.VU"' PETl"SOJll-JEMKIMI. TetrY J .. tt. er • --&t . ...i p._1. L , 21, er 20f Mllftllntitolt AW.. bo1ll Ill Hurt- OL~mkct#, Wllllt R •• 4'. -:I 1-. a. Dotll Ii' 1'41 5Pl'IM4tle SI .. Wnl'm!Mltf. CAYE-JACQUES. Leo111"' A., '/1, el nu Minor •nd Su1111 o .. ,., ., ttOJ ltlltltl'I Ave •• bDlll d C.0.11 rM ... HAYEs--MOORE. MldiMI ft •• :it, of m Flower Ind Mtlll'l6t M .... "' -"$ VldDrl1, bllf!I di Cestt Mone. HUTCH1$0N-8ELCH0VEIC, ll:ldllln! G .. 1'. of·7M1 Conlan, H11ntlnwlon BffCll Ind ltrbll'I A., lt, Of 16* D•M Circle. Wntmlnster. MYTINGE-GAUANIGA. llonel II! .• 24, 111C1 P,ull t.. .. 11, tloth ef 255'h $1, AMI'& Ol"llll, l..l!llUM 8Ndl. HALLEN9Ell:G-GLASGOW, lM II:., . 32, of Qt A~ Ave •• Coronl 0.1 Mir lnCI IE,.. A., )f, of 20112 Kllnfl Ortvt, Slnt1 Alli Hel•lltt. KESHLD:-BRAOY, Wtdn J .. M, •!'Id ;$!Mn K .. tt, bolll of 1603¥. E. &llbolt. N~ 9Ncll. MOOll:E-$AUNOERS. Dtnnl1 H., 20, ot lJCQl Pl"""'r.l, Hunllntton •~ incl c.r-tJo f., , .. of 11$2 lmPt1rl1I, Ge..,. Graw. tllAIG-l.YON&. Oouvl1i1 W .• 1S. crt "24" 15111 SI. Incl fttbecc.11 ... n. ol lT.IOO keelsbn line, llOlll ot .. ...,. 11"'9"'" BMd\. GLAGOVICH--4UTHERLIN, fr~ V., 70, of lOln $In A/llltlo. Wnlmlns,..r 1nc1 s11 .. n J •• 20. o1 2121 All'"ed1, A"tllelln. lftEWER-ft!TTENHOUSE, Dot\lhl L .• 3.l. tnd Atn1nd1 M,. 34 bo!ll of 1'7 Stllllm1r, Coilt Mua. llGHTNEll:-MILLElt, A;Dd S .. 20, ol "'2 $11wr Slrtncl Ind C.ral L , :n, « 1CIOoQ (Ft1fll!1 Drive, ball! of H<I"' llntlOn 9HCll • H1EL$0~cCLUltt:, Gorclafl T •• 16, of 1615 Rv!fl llM. NfWPOl1 &eldl Ind AVll II:., 13. flf 1190 Ogltll\O'" Art.. Afl1nt1, G1. RO&lNSON-OICIC(V, l!ruq H,, ff. of 13l'Ol E, PhU1dtlflhl1, >Niimi« •nd KlllllHn JL M. of '211 Vl1 Sin 11r111 ...... 1, 5111 c1emeimi., MILLES-H\JGHES. Ale" C., U. 1nd M...ao C .. 21, llotll ot m Ollmor4 lalbot bl•l'ld. LUllOCK-MU•PHY, 0-.. t.,. 7J. al t1•'h hnf'IPIYlf, 81ibDI l1!imd Ind QMWI~ E ~ lt, Cit OM St1shor1. Ori..-. N~ euc11. fLOOD-t..EE. Roti.11 J., 2J. of toM I!. ttM ll .. Wttstmlflll•r ind C•raL A~ n. 111 llA.n Glrdln G,,,....~ G1rden c;rov.. Av.. n CIVdt "J" t(lrll, JI', of G•l'l'-n Gf'l¥t. "'""'"ltd CltOI Letlle klrk. 31, 91 Ce.11 lo\tJI, W!lll811'1 l>oulllf He,..,rlJ. l'. 11111 kHH1n F1lrta. G, 901h 9f N11nllll!lkill MiJ..~·tl. O•Nt!I. 1'-ol We1tmln11w, .. "'1:!"'· Muer. lt, of An.tt• m. L•rr"Y W. ,_ 22, rrm.,.r19d IN• RM oti-. tl, llOlll It Wntmlm!et. -·· Wllllwn NtntT DlllOW. 41, 1rlll Sfll"" M. MNnltr, 31, boll! ol fOllJlt•ln V1llf'1<. lwt, ! 1totltrt I. Sml!ll. 2:11 9f L""1'11 lltldl, 91'1111 Ufldl ~ Cilml. 11, f1I Gltndllt. -·· wnn .... ti, T'*Jft, ii. " Munll""* "'°'I 1M .JllClllll L,nn a111twtn. M. of0n•ll ,_. • Jf!n' •· Ce...dl. u; Ot "'-••w.. ·~ =r--k. CU-. 11, Of H\ll'lflnttOrt Al•" k9!t11 GI"*'• 1.. lllf O.~ ~· iftd l!•rlwl A1W1 HGUl.1-~ ,.:=u--::,:r al. _, ,....,._ ~-)II bofll of l-9111<1'1. t41iblt V•i.;;'itttif Mlfbrl"1', Ill, ti, of WfttmlMfff. lfld HtrlCF Jer lllfdtr, 1 ... ., (i#dlfl ""'"· ,_, 'L Mtfll=t fi_. tM Kl•"" 'lfllct ,,.... 1t, "°'" ot M11fl IMlon Lo~ -D. "W-M•"'• 11'\id AW.. K..' Ollrblre, lt. DI' !~*""-1(. ot Mufltlfltliln "'°"' .... Mlr'J' KltMrllM l llhiH'. JI, of A/lllltlll'I. ""'' ... """""'. J.I,. of M1.lnflltllon ........ Min' ~ fi'lc:kr.I~ ·~· fll ~::'rf. 41,{itl M!l'lllm Ettllt ...... n. ..... Oii 11 """'· 1>111 • Dcoll ~II"!, ll. • t i·~lf1-(If .r.:..r=~N 0. """'" A!h_,., •L!l •-effCfl. end F..,,_. ..,.,.., L•""' If you _aren't satisfied with your personal numbers booklet, try one of ouiS. -' Due to the increasing number of people who write names, addresses, and phone numbers on the inside of matchbook covers or scrape of paper, Pacific Telepbonewielie& toallllouncetheconvenientPetsona!Num- bezs Booklet. One simple call to your local Telephone Business Office can put one (or more) of these handy items in your possession. You'll find that each booklet contiiins plenty of space for Dames, addresses and phone numbers. ·' Of course, a matchbook is still the bests: place to keep @•I"! yourmatches. PaciftcTelephone '"'-' ~; M ..J~ ... We're here to help. .ff,elCetl•~ FrNll'll t :l l"-'I'." 1 of 'l·fllt .I.Ill> lf'lll ~=-· -,, tit, '·Of '--""'l'-------- Jd c. J='' I!" e-.t"'~1.":. ·~ ,r...;·..,. ·-· '" .. ·= ?:Ji.'.'-~ .... '".... • ··-----------~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~---~~-~ J. l I I 1 t I I I l • ' .. ' • . ·e .AR(Y .. SliARlClE -Catching lhe spirit of Cbrist- !ll3i~ are.members•of ,Las -Brizas del ~ar, ·Fountain · ~"!l•Y· auxiliary•6f. the' Children's 'H<ime Society'of . · Calilornia. In the;mood tX> promote 'Chrlsbnas .cal'd , ' New Association Volunteers Aid Family's Needs Open to anyone 1.rested in fosterin~ the de- vehil'ment of heallhy individuals and family living within the commumty is the new Family Service A.m>ciation of Huntington Beach. Recent volunteers for the OJl'anization got ac· quainted today during a meeting m the home of Mrs. William J, Gieger. Speaking during the coffee was Mrs. John G. Wilcox, charter and board member of the Santa Ana auxiliary. Object of the volunteer organization is to make known the facilities available at lhe four FSA agencies in this area Main offices are located in Tustin·with branches in Fullerton, Garden Grove and Huntington Beach. The new Huntington Beach office Ui located in the Town and Country Shopping Center, 18582 Beach Blvd .• Suite 222. •. Auxiliary meetings will tile place lhe lhird Tuesday of. each month and will be planned to in- clude educational materiaj pertinent to healthy fam-ill livlng. It.plans to serve tlj~ needs and challenges o this fast·growing communitt'. , A IM»lprofit organiza~'lt" is-funded by United Fund and Community <;llesi -offers the services of counselors who are trained as.; .social workers to any family under stress. ~.. ... It is a national 'ori"l!ization with more·than 300 similar counseling ,.ageriCies in meri1bership. Fees are charge<!· accotdlng to famlly lncoine. and num- ber of children, but no·one is,.tutbed away beCause of lack of~--· Anyone liviJlg and worklng in Orange ..0.Unty may apply, for services, and anyone interested in volunteermg b_elp. to tlie-auxlliary .may call !he Hunt· ington lle®I! Office, 96fli>938. · The next meitilt,g ""Of the organization will take place in the· Huntlbg!Orf_ Beach home of Mrs. Geiger on Tuesdliy1'.oet: 21, al~O a.m. · sales, which benefit the adoptive agency. are (left to-right) tbe.-Mmes. Joseph MaiQlO, chairman ; Ron Garland, James Lliurin·and Clyde Story.. ' · · · ' Guest ~llker will·b.-W~liam H. Votaw, a past president Okthe,FSA~' Orange County ; past _presi- dent of t!ie,'!!illvlWtidn..Armrboard: a former vice chairtnan .of.,tlie.,~ge County' Jttventle Justice Commissl'11!; am!' a!member of lhe Cali,fornia Parole and Com!!:lional:A.ll&:iation. ·IWftARMONY -·soundin'g a h•m chord.are the "sfsters" of the "Rollo west fiUnily, inclljding (left,'-rlglil) Linda and Paula West, Ingrid Wesemann, >IFS student from Germany, and Carla West. , • " ' ' JODEAN HASTINGS, 64~1 ,....,..,, ... ,.,,.. 1 .. '"' • '•" ,, Holiday Gifts Lure Shoppe .rs It's contagious! ,/ The spirit of Christmas is arriving early in Fountain Valley, and car· tiers of the holiday glow are members of Las Brizas deJ Mar Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society. ..-· They are as busy as Santa's eJves making.~reparations for a pre. holiday bazaar and Christm~~ card sale.'which Yt'..W ~dd. tqe jingle of addi• tional coins to the coffers of the state's oldest Adoption agency. Christmas cards· now are available· for viewing; ana .members ·are entertaining friends and neighbors during a, sel'ies ·of coffees which will continue thr:oughoµt lhE; community until Nov .. 15. .. ' . · · C.ards are being sol d at regular list price to enable the organiZaUon to contribute a profit of 40 percenl directly to the society, so area resld~ts who purchase their cards through the society are giving a personal Christ- mas gift to children in need of adoptive homes. ' Community residents who wish to .attend a_ coffee and catd sale are invited to call Mrs. Joseph Maiolo, chairman, 962-826~. for additional in- forn1atioo. Mrs. James Laurin is formulating plans and directing work sessions for the Christmas bazaar, ahd many of the handcrafted items will be of~ fered during the .group's bridge luncheon which will take place Saturday. Nov. 8, in Golden West College. Ticket! for the affair will be $1, and there . is a limit of 120 people. Additional information may be obtained by con-~· tacting ·any member of the auxiliary. The Organization serves as a support group to tbe Childten's Home Society, the largest. adoptive agency in the state. With offices in 22 cities. CRS ser_\.!es Jl!ltUI,al parents, their children and couples wishing to ~opt. 'The sbc,iety this year.ai?ticipates that it will place more than 2,000 children of-all rac~s and religions. in pennanent homes. .•• ~J. -,.,~,. The-new foreign ex9haitge stUdent &ings, plays ·~tar, mano a,Ml flute. Sbe will be attending Huntington· 'Beach! lllgb ·SCflool' this' year. , , ' . " . . ; ~ New N<;>Je Vibrating : '!be sowJd ol mUJlc will echo throui!hoot the Rollo W.,t home in Huntington ·Beach u the muolcal ~.w.-.S Ingrid _w...m;,m from Husum, Germany. Mias Weeemann, um-year's American F'Jeld S e r Y J 'C a tclJolarshJp student who ii at- tendJnt HunUngton Be a c b High School, also is. an ac. cootplbbed musician. S h e slop, plays gul)ar, piano .00 the Dule. '!be 17-year-old claui!hter of Mr. and Mn. He!nrtch Wesemann wu selected aa a foreign ezehange student on the basis ol. ber quaHUes of leadership, character a n d adaptabWty. She .!las taken Engtwl courses for the put seven years and la: fiuent in lhe language, Her home. Huswn, has a population of 2500 people and is located near Denmark br, the North Sea. Her parents own a-n d \ operate a store w h i c h specializes in selling a1_1d repairing w a t c h e 1 and eyeglasses. She baa a brothtr~. Wolfgang, 19, who attenda the University of Hamburg, and a alster, Maren, 8, who attends elementary school. She at• tended a girls' h i g h school before Jeavlns tor Huntington Beach. She will be sharing htt adventures wlth ~fout American host sla:ten, LiOda 17; Deena, 15~ Carla, 13, 1ud Paula, 11 .. Her host fathtr dlrecb a barbenhop quartet and Mn. West, district ad- visor for the Girl Scout coon. di of Orange Cowity,, plaJ"l-piano ror a Y.OUth dlofr. Linda West plays the chul"l'li organ and Paula Wis amonc the flnallm 'ln .. Ex~ Club' talen~amtest thla !'eOi. . . C'olumnist Advocates Teaching ' I 4 , l Sex Education· .. Early DEAR ANN VANDERS: Where do yoo mldt ap et' religloat, medteal, td11e• rtaod on aeJ .~ ,lo tbJ public tJonal and el.lltt prl!ft111ooi1.~1eadm. lftll deal al K HI merii, M wlll a • 1 •eW progrllft, mlttalts wdl bt llMt, bid l • 'schools? Some ol my. triePi1s '181 it, glves A m 8 a g organlud~ iapporllnc w ticla itle11 end" leads tliem Into doing educalloll In die IChols ate t' e thlnp they h~ve ~ ~ dollllJ, My alslor·ln-law in IillChJpe'U"1>0nifted al • Amerlean College ol Obtlolrld1n1 •nd what her clilldreft "ere taupt-.Jilt.y~ar Gynecologists, the American P • 1111 e 1 lxth c1e She deacrllied 'lhO . , . . H!81lh ,.u,....uoo, 111e.AmtdC..-111ec11. tttmaJ1ted and .UWated by TV. act. "riala1, r 1 d I o, neord1, -mae:lllnu, billboards and movie1. Su ii prestlded 81 gllJftOftGI, f\ln -tU I~ Wn1." Cblldttn malt be taugflt eafr, Cf I ( '11t grade h not too 1 o o •• tll1t Ml ii ~,i_• t something people do f • r klcb -m1t e'ery .1e1 1d carries wltll tt 1 tolemn mPon>lbnlb-, not .. il to Ill• ptl'IDll wtlh whom ht I• havlag ·1eiual rdlitton111 bat tq ene't famtly·ud'one11 commqlllty.' I flnilJy llellm -dlfl4bu -11111 .......... 11ley ... -.. J'hll!" ,_ l<by kanhog lo a<l'Opi _.......,.,. I I ltflt.tl, fttaJ_~t felltlvf:, Qllf'tiM I' fort1e ill Chelr Uva. ~ -? n 1 gra · ' 1nim the East wbo•goea arouod'"giving DEAR Rl!ADERS: Mory1;aldervnt"l1 •. eel A•'"""llhm u•·uie Niilf~l'aro~ 1'1,1~~--raturelln ~"'mele "'.,·111 plol~~-u ' dl~•;lectu-s at~ ~~·-~---·~1~·· llu le ...... 1 · .,.... U l':. . .. -. T ·~ ..., r.: thy: ,. •y ''" r·~r ~lMml ... ,,.:....,. ~ a Quaker, a Va1aar gra a , I , .... ,.1 • 'fettdler11 A.~~fa OL~·. Rri-. ,Jl~tl • ' JUI I " · . . . ended up llylng the nlOV"ll"'t ll a plot du the daugbler , o1 Uie faoq .. 1 Mcllugb1 director \ e Fta>llJ IJle Yesterday ~ a mel~ fn>m lo weaken our Country;i8 tlloj ~... { · . "Ohlli!Oa of lhe U.S. :~ollc cOolena<e D:lllat that ~J: .. me oH ~~•ir-1 It an• &me In and tab ater. What 1J4 1 ~ Cjr1a~r,FEdwkarCdelSdelelcben,fand 111 1 9 describtd moat ol the crllJcs ef SlECUS sald,tbfs whole paign for ~ educa· SJECUS7· wi., ii ~ c.JclriJoe?' Do-you "ue • ..,., nn rone ormer 1 ~· membtn of radical organlzatfor11 - tlon . IJ belnJ pushed by a Cinnmwllff. believe cblldttn llllooJld be given ,,., wllh the World Heallh Orguhatlon. She MH'IJl~r&dlng tmder •I 1-"'"Jldlnl backed organlutlon-cafled StECU'S -edUcaUon in the pub Uc tcboph? U so. at hu drree daua:bters and two t«aage namu., ~ InlQfl'naUon •n4J'4!1ta~C!l CouQtjl :"Miat 1p1.1.am conrusod "and fri&htened. gr11nd1oua. 1)r. Calderone was the Na· Our children are getuna ••11e1 educ•· ol the United States). My husband and l have fa.Ith In Your ttonal ,Dlredor of Planned Partalllood tlon'' every day of their llvea whether we A<l<Onlh!g to lhll arilcle, SJ!CIJS WllJ judgment. Will you guide us! -SUN· ud founded SIECUS In 11164. like It or oo~ ond macb ol lhe educaUon founded by .Maq,Calden>ae, a._womm TIJllESBEADEBS SIECUS 11 a nonp..Ot beallh agency 11 lhe wroai kind, 11loy "!' bdo1 ' 'Tbe Ideal" pl.C. rW , .. educau'oo la ~I home. Unfortunately tbe vut nilJotlb' ol parenll ar• JU..qalppeil to do lhe l • b btcauae they art unlnformed and ulMt t& d I 1 e a • 1 tel mmftrilbly aad ..._ jectJ\'ely wtl.lti thelr chJldrt:n. t 'bve teen lh• SIECUS malerlol ud wtille I re e 1 &bat some of Jt b a ahade lot sra~e, • ... ' . When romantic llances tum to warm erotrcacea ii it love or chtmlstrJ,? SeDll £or! lbt booklet •'Lave or Sn and'How te . Tell lht.Dlfferenco," bf Ann· Landm. Enclose alooll, allml>ld, aell- ·enY<lope •nd :Iii cenu In .... w1t11,,..... request. "' Ann, LIJlden will be aJad to .help 1j>l! with your problems. Send them lb "8r )II cm ol lht DAILY PILGT, ~·a ae11 .. ddrelled, •limped envelope. • I I I HONOR THE OIJICT -Ready to greet memben at El Camino Real Wo- man's Club's Founder~ Day Tea are (left to right) the Mmes . Ernest Riedel, ::rs and mean1 cbamnan : John Renfro and Robert Warner past presidents Seymour E. Nutt, president. ' ' For Moture Women Job Clin ic Offered A free seven-week job clinic dUlgned for mature women who are either entering for the first t1me or returning to the labor market wW be offered at the Santa Ana YWCA begin- ning nert Friday. 'lbe series, CHpOMOred by the Santa Ana-South County YWCA, California S t a l e Eraployment_ Service a n d Ulllvll'lity of Call!orn!a . Agricultural E x t en s i o n Service, will take p I a c e Plans Told For Gala Fridays from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Weekly topics will include So You Wanl to Go to Work, EvaluaUnr YouraeU, How to Find Joh OpportwtlUes, Your Job Applicallon and Meet lhe Employer. Personnel managers and authorities as.!IOCiated wiUt the employment field will present a realistic picture of the cur- rent labor market and suggest technique.s tbe mature woman abould Ult to approach it. lndivldllal counsellnc will be avallable, as will child care, and thole lnten1ted are in- vUed to call tbe Sarita Ana YWCA, !Ml-3577. Rtaillr&Uon ii open only to women dtflnltely interested in tetklna: employment, and will be Umlted to 100. Leade rs Toasted El Camino Reat Women's Club members will take time out to honor their leaders dur- ing a Founders Day Tea in Dana Point Community House at 1 p.m. Thuraday, Sept. 18. Mrs. Seymour E. Nutt, who is beginning her year as club president, will be honored along with Mrs. J am e s MeCalla , president of Calliornia Federation of Women's Clubs, Or an g c District. Also taking bows will be other district officers, pa~t presidents and lile and charter members. Following a brief busine!l.!I mtetlng, a musical program is planned. Eiecutive b o a r d members will serve a s bo1leues, and decorations are being planned by lbe Mme,(. John Renfro, W. A. Woodman and Ray Miller. Evening A pJa evening at Lhe tbutu, an afterglow buffet Oils Top ic of Artists dinner llld dandn& all '" planned for manbtrs and iuata of the Costa Mm "'laylxme Patrona AuociltiOn oelt P'lidly. '!be play will be Ille Costa M ... Ctric Playh<>Uoe'1 open- ing night production ol "Good· b)'e Chari.le," a comedy by Georp Anlrod. The patrons will be joined by cot members for the alt<rgJow Wllet in t h e NewpOrt Beac:b Elks Club. Mrs. Helen Hafner will lee· turt and demontltate on oil painUng technique w b e n Niguel Art Auocl•tion ha& ii. first metUng of the fall aeuon in Crown Valley Elementary School nell Thursday evening at I. All membtr11 and 1Ue1t.s are welcome to attend the meeting YMCA Event and lilt.en to the art director of Orange County Fair and teacher for the Sanla Ana and Orange YMCA 'e;, Newly elected offi~rs In· elude P a u I Ditunberger. pre1ident ; Mrs. O a v i d Graham, vice president; Mrs. J. R. Wataon, secretary, and Mrs. O. J. Gamache, treasurer. Horoscope Gem.ini : Don 't Force Issues WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 17 I By SYDNEY OMARR UBl\A (Sept. ZS-Oc:l 21)' Some confUllon ell.N. But you ultimately P'Od!I<• !acts to prove major· polnt. ·Be co~ Oden!. Dotl'I pernilt well. A.RIES lMarch 21-April 11): wbhers to alter your JUe style. Be sure of what you write, Slick: to principles. publish. Many exhibit tenden· SCORPIO (Ocl ts-Nov .. 21): cy to misquote . Make y 0 u r Spotllght on whit you own and meanings crystal clear. Com-how yeu can lnclreaae ell'tlw munications with ooe at a Digs. Re1alfons witb oppoalte distance continue to b e lex al&o emphasized, Penonal emphasized. mqneusm raling II hlah. You are due to IUCCffd.. TAURUS (April 20-1\by 20): SAGmARIUS (N09. 21- Dlg d e e p !or lnfonnation. . Dec. It), Cycle hlih. Take m. Refuse to be satisfied wllb iUatlve. Ex er c j 1 e fn. superficial lndlcatloo.9. strus dtpendeoce of thouJbt, action. need for give-and-take; get Accent originality. New con-- money's worth . Day 1bows lActl apt to prove beneficial definite financial gain. Yoo receive favorable noUce. GEMINI (May 21.June 211): CAPl\ICORN (Dec. IS.Jon. Accent on marriage, RUbllc 11): Best to rtmaln behind the relations, your ability lo lllten. scenes. You can successfully Don't force issues. A.take con-deal in illusion. Lea~ detailS cessions. Finish rather lhao . to others. Concentrate on begip .. Give love and you will tranaformlng lmalination to also receive it. someUUng useful. Mew be CANCER (June 21.July 22): true to yourself. New work m e t h o d s ~ AQUWUS (Jan. 20-leb. complish b as i c goal. Your 18): Accent on fr I ends, health should not be ignored. desires, fulfillment of wiabes. Dependents put on pressure: Study Clprteorn messace. You pet.s and people make known are epeclally attractive to op. their needs. Do one thing at a polite ae:a:. You rective mean-. Lime. ingful complimenl Enj oy LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): youraeU. Good lunar aspect today coiJl.. PISCU (Feb. 19-March 20): cides with success in creative You gain in11igbt into basic efforls. Break thrOuib red goals. Your hori!ons widen. tape. Accenl change, travel You can pucelve future in- and variety . Trust hunch. dications. Accept accolade in Your ESP clicks. gracious manner. Cooperate VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 21): with one In authority, Be aware of property values. IF TODAY IS YO V It Stick lo lhe solid. Heed voice BIR111.DAY, you can succeed of experience. Don't wandar in business and you have grtat into unfamiliar territory. Con· creative drive. That change trol tendenC"y to be reatleas to affecting home, domuUc coo- point of carelessness. ditJoo will prove favorable. Area Students Become American Ambassadors ' THINKING 'COOL' :-TI!at ls what Ebel! Club mambers of Newport Beach are doing as they plen !or a Cotton Card Party Sept. 18 in the clubhouse. Searching the cloaet for cooJ, cotton cuul1 are Mrs. Vernace Morgan and Dr. Emma Munsen (left to right). 1 News Talk A Su mmer Pause Opens Fall Club Takes Refresher For Group A refreahing pause in the Clubhouse, Balboa. 'fickel~ Jummer rou~ is bein1 plan: are $2. wilh lhe proc""eeds to ntd by member~ of Ebell Club benefit the group's music and George Todt will tell Laguna ol Ntwport Beach. nursing scholarship program. Beach Bu 5 in es s and Thelr Cotton Card Party Is a Mrs. Vernact Morgari, ways treat ottered, at noon Thurs-and meam chainnan, is being Prolesaional Women's Club day, Sept. 11, in the Ebell assllted by the Mmes. Ray members What's New in News Nielsen, co.chairman ; Adrian at thelr first fall program and Joyner, tickets; H. O. dinner meeting next Thursday NB f riends McGregor, menu ; Fero I BalJenger, telephone; Walter nicht in lhe 0 u tr I IC er E I . Gustin, raffle; C. R. Forbes, restauront. Xp Ofl ng S. E. ~rigs, Henry Vaughn, Todt, who i.s appeartna as a Erwin Loth and L, B . member or Cout Federal Area H'1story Thatcher. Members of the dec"aling Free Enterprise Speakers An th couuqltt.et include Dr. Emma Bureau, is upected to slant au ority on •re.t history Mumen, chairman, Mrs. Neil his talk: toward cu r rent will offer colorful commentary V. Wllllams, Mrs. Ralph on the past when the Friends legillation. Mrs. Lloyd Milne, of the Newport Beach Library Wilson, Mr1. Charles R. Croul, leglsl " h · gath-in the Ne·-~ Harbor Mrs. A. V. Wortman and Mrs. auon c a 1 r m a n , ar-y ... ...,..... Phillip Pike. ranged for the program. acbt Club next Thursday at Mrs. L. ¥. l\1cBride, presl- A fonner newspaper col-lO :SO a.m. denl will welcome members umnist and Lele"'c'on com-Miss Ellen Lee, who ha' and guests to the "cool" n,. .... ,_. specialized in the memories ,,_- m en tat or, he f~uently and lmpre8l!llons of Madamer;;;tiiyii. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;, editorialized on li1e menace or tlelena t.iodjeska will tie in \I Five Newport-O>sta Mesa high school students bad the vacation of a lifetime thJs put summer and might have a hard time settling down lo study in the.ir respective high schools. During their stay t be communism, according to early Newport history with the student.s toured the ~ • S . Mn. Helen Pr t• blicll McFadden brotheri who ar· PIANOS The live, plus one student from Santa Ana's Foothill Hllh School, participated in CAl>IE of Catilornia, Inc., an Ar~tpie student exchanae p~arn. and spent 34. days in Argentina as guests of in- divlduil families. 'l'he travelers, C h e r y I ~mallwood and Sue Woll of l';stancia High School, Cheryl Peterson and Tyra HanSen of Newport Harbor High School and Rip Pratt of Corona del Mar High School, were joined by Doug Moon of FHS and Mi~ Karen Shelor, their chai:rrooe.. Lmbauy, met Amer 1 can . a "' pu Y rived in 1875. MAJO• I RANDS .~mbassador John Lo d I e •• ch1trman. ~fadame ?o.1odjeska arrived visited the largest opera houle He bas ttceiv~ awards In 1876 with the Polish Colony v111t °"" in the world, to~ museums, from Veterans of Fortign to settle in Anaheim and 12 s~r:n· wineritll, . eatanclas, the. Wars Sorui of the American years later she built her home TERMS Buenos Aire& newspaper "La R j ti d th in the canyon. Prenaa" and participat.ed in a evo u on an e Freedom Hostesses will be the Mmes. W A L L I C · H S television show. Foundation. He abo writes a Horace Benjamin, R. A. Pang, MUSIC CITY They will preient highlights column which has been Alan Andrews, Henry Schone SOUTH COAST PLAZA of their trip for a public published more than 300 times and Leland Becketl Reserva-aeneral meeting of CADlE in the U.S. CongresaiODal lions may be made at the lrlttol ., S•• Df"41• ,.,.,,. nett Thursday in Emncta,_Reco __ r_d. _______ __:h='b::r•::'Y::·c.:•:::73-:::1::"'°:::.· ____ :!!!'~c"'o"'ST"'A"'M"'U~•..,•..,••..,·•..,•..,u..,,~~ Hi&h School's Forum at 7:301 p.m. Anyone interested lo the eJ· chanae program, which ia a nonprofit gr1>1.1p wtth five chaplus in the UnJted Slates, may call Woody Lane, M&- Si02. Membership ill open to famUle1 who will host an Argentine student for a month or pay yearly dues. [ NOW SHAPING ] COSTA MESA & ANAHEIM, TOO i Newly elected officers of the Patrobs A.uocll.tlon are the Mmes. W. D. Van Atta, presi- dent; Olarlea S!allley ond Allthmy Toto, vice prealdeni.: Bruce GvUcb. eecretary, and J1ck Reiner!, trwurer. 'Smoke' Signals Big Pow Wow You'll wonder where the tallow went~ ... The play will continue .... -. through Oct. •. Relervatlonl may be made by calUnJ the Costa M e s a Recreation Department, Qi. illlJ. Re tired Reconven e A Auatln Amerine, special comultant fer A m e r i c a n AS90Clltlon or R e t I r e d Pt'l'IOftl, will address the flr!t lall -U.g of Newport Beach Olapter 121 of MRP nezt 'llwradOl'. The 1athttina: wm lake ploeo II U:IO p.m. ln the kartlor Sefti6r C I t I i e n s RecrtaUon Center. Newport Beach, and Amerine will d1scuu insurance' for persons 15 or older. Allo oo tile prop-om wlll be Mn. Thrdl -ol Corona del Mar, who will n't'iew her boot, "A Saga of ' Old Bimpry llld World Wor I," ~ WU Wrilttn in co\, lal>olrtloDwlthMn.W~ I!:. 1llle. AD pt1'IQM 55 Or older are hrflfod to --T1-·~ tendii!f 9hould bring ·11c1<. -- NB Auxlliary '"" I.Idles' Auxllill)' of Nowport IHdl l'lrt ilfplrl· "':..J::'' the t bl rd w · 1ta.p,m.1n ,.,.. IOclllonl. 'fnlormttlbn .....,,.,. locatlm m17 he qt>. t.m.ci ~I ;1.lnll Mn. T C. DalleJ, . Harbor Area Y Indian .... Maidens and Taus (mothers) will beain traveling south to Camp . Woodchuck F r i d a y evening, Sept. II, for th<lr an· nual Harveat Moon campout. Mort thin JOO oampers will apend the weekend in the camp near Oceanside and return home Sunday. A sped.al award will be 11ven to the tribe wtth the molt authentic Indian villate. and the cunpera wlll compete in ln4lln Olympic ond skill (llntl, llrim ond hllte. Hlihll&lltlng the Clmpoul will bl the graduation ol the approalmately II glrll who have completed third grade, the aae limit for Indian. malden1. Mn. Robert Helrper and Mts. Gtne Barlow are planning the ceremQny. Mrs. Roger George I s aeoeral chainnao of the camp and assisting her is Mrs. Noel Peru. Campout committees are Walla Walla Tribe. rt1istra- tion ; ShOlbooe ~ibe, flac raising: Blacktoot 1'rlbe, Jn. dian Olympics; Sioux Tribe, craduaUon and, worship; Pima Tribe, torch proctSlion; Ne1 Pere. Tribe, Cllllpalle In- spection and awards ; Pueblo, Nootk1 and Mabh Tribea. campfire : Hopi Tribe, skill 1ame1, and HopJ and Net - I'm< Trlbel, cleanup llld checkout Indian Maldens is a n ortanlution 1pon&0red· by the YMCA for g.lrla in arade1 one throqh lhrte. Mothers particlpatt in each IC'Uvlty to fulfull ~ Ille JlUrpoM or ''/Qft.tlng the compenlonlhtp cifmoJhti llld d1ughter." A ricndtmtnl dJy for new membtn 11 planned f o r Wedneaday, Stpt. 14, from . CAMPOUT TIME -Indian Maidens and Tau• (mothers) wUl don their trlhal garb and bead for C~p WoOdcbuck near Oceanside next weekend for their annual llarvest Moon Campout. Jleedy lo talle up lrlhal Ille are Maidens (left to right) Denise Perez and Susan George and Taus, Mr1. Noel Perez (ltft) and Mrs. Roger George. . 3:30 to 4:30 ·~d 7 to a p.m. at the Y In Newport Beach.. Prlnct911 Mrs. 0 II v I d _Er1ckaon, will be prtsenl to acquaint gums \\'llh the In- dian Malden program, nnd crafts from etch tribe will be on di.splay. Executive board membf!rs, lrtbe princesses and lhelr daughters also wlll be present to 1nswer questions. fl.lore than 300 mothare and daughters now belont to ln- dl1n Maidens In the 22 trlbea. Eac:h tribe metl! twice a month and actlvlUes alMi are planned for the whole nation. Unwonted fatty tissue simply seems to melt tJWO'f etfort- ltssly ·and pleasantly, ~ving you looktng ond feeling radiant. glamorous, desirable ond lovtly. Mony women lose severol pounds ond inches tha vtrv first treatment. But remember. weight loss ofon1 solvts only one figure·problem end often couses others •. let Shope Shoppes property contoVr, trim, mold, slim, reduce ond build as needed to fashion the perl!ct shape for your fromt ond bone Sfructure ... lt's what we do best. Shope Shoppes is different. Come in for your frtt sliarit analysis today and eee for yourself! summER EHPARSIOn SALE 20 lREATMENTS '20 LIMITED OFFER Total number of treatments necessary to correct your individual figµre faults art determint d by COMPUTER CARD at the time of your Fll~E SHAPE Al'IALYSIS, whe re a personal "SHAPING PROGRA M" is de'signed exclusively tor you ••• There's no n1ystery. you'll know the exact cost ot your new shape! 'FIGVllB-flJIAPIBG filftl0.1'8 - t A.M.·t ~.ti: DAllf, t A.M.·S P.M. SAT., <MllD <All t .i H AWlllll an.t -CAil TODAY WnT LA. 635•0271 642-7032 POI 477-112~ fOlllidllA.,., 1•1.......,it;I. .. FDUAl.TIO" 311l5'pu!,,.. SlllTA -KA MIUtOll llttU llOITtlltDGl IUllHl 393-0064 361 -1714 349-4788 842-08 77 111_.,.. 10~........ lt13 .... 11¥d. lnlW~Allllt . • "' l :I l:: I:( ~l - I I l ' TUlSOAY ' r. -rrui-. 11 ',.,. ~ ....... Ii& -(C) (IO) l!UllJ _..,..., (CJ (iOJ ..... a....1 (C) <VM llr) ClhloiN,Anttls n. Chialao Whitt SU It Chlcl10. D"' ....... """' (C) ... JPlllJ W••1' Pu1 II (IOflllnct) '57-GrtlOIY Pkk. l1ut11 laclP CJI In (C)(60) m ,.,... ,,_ (t) t!a) m•-(C) 130> li1l m •u.. -m (>o\ fS WMt't New! (30) "The lttt«." Pfll Jtls froril Swtdtfl 1ftd l1t11111' le1m othtf countrlta. flt Tl .. ,. .. Perdl• (SO'i m llltw1 (C) (60) 1lck HicU!, l ;lO D kUC ,._.,.. tc> t60> mstrH .. P~ (C) (30) m""' -''" Q) Olficl .t .._ l'tllWut C30) @00 Hu1a.,.lril~ (C> (30) fl) .. ~.. .._ ... (C) (30) QICIJ ll!-(C) (!O) • Ketlcitft 34 (C) (60) J;OD I) tu &.111 .... (C) (lO) o w1111r1 "' Utt? tCJ (30) CDT• Ttl Ill lnlll (C) (30) m Mdtll•'• ,..., tJOJ fl) C:.....,ifl,~ """ @Ill ...... (<) (JO) fD Alllrt! (30) Qt Cl) T\t ""' tm ICl <Jm @!';) llltlld1 ift ~ Sun (C) (301 aJ IM• HtlM (t) (30) 1:30 8 IS ([I ~llCW IC) (60} .lohnn.I Linter finds hlmM!t in ltl1 ll'IC(ln· lf!IOUS role ol I 1r•6e·xhool IUCll· 1:0011@ r'1 m •Elf ...,.. •oc r...., 'lloili: (Cl "nit .. ,,.. ~ .... (lllNttlit<a111MdY) '61-Doris Dir. P1ttr Grt~tt. OtYW Hlrfmln. Audrey Christit, P1ijj Fix. Andy D. 'tint. AfttJ tltlldln1 lrlal fw t!le dtUll ol htt husb1nd, I JOUlll 'Vom111 dtddts to btcome 1 tal!Ch· 1r lo wppot1 herself 11111 lltt eillrt-J•t-old IOft (Teddy QWrn). .. ,...... !J (t) (60) "Jarry Vtlt." Sin1ers Jerry Ytlt ·11nd J<Minlti Sommers 1r1 jolptd b' Ille stoM Co1mttJ croup 111 1n ot·l!•1• Ptl'lotflllnct ft tilt O.Mlt Inn ill L11 Y•1u. ED Ho111 o,wa 160> ftl Rn hltinl (60) "Efl<:Oft P1r1s." Charita Boyt!" ftl"lltt I film 1bolJI the P1ri1 of yuter1lly ind tod1y, t:lO f) QJi (() hril hf (Cl (301 WOl- ried th•I her 111ns e111'1 htndle ind •U rcn,1te the}' lliY• Ufld•r· taken, Doris Martin ab out to m1kl '-ilivtriu h1f111f-by bicycle. (R} 0 Dec1111M1try (C) (30) ''llll lltt· teud Chlld.'' Reportlr fud Andtr- aon looks at tilt tr1tu; and arowlnr ll'Obl•m ol ctiild bulini. U JI-(C) (30) Ted Mt'tlla. OJ c:nem:l tu Fallill P1•ilr• (t) (6ii)ili1 llurrlJd end Dttt RHvu host th1 1111 ,,_emi6fe, fta· 1u1in1 P•m fltmin1, Rich1rcl Dwy· e1, c;omtd1'1 Mr. Frid. Cyt!thil ind Ron 111uf111111'1. 1nd Jill Sllipst1d. T1flld at tht for111t1 111 tn1ltw00d. ~(ti m "''° (C) (30) "Candy Man." l'•rt It. In th• C011cl11din1 •Pi:!Ddt, Ott . ..loll11 Couo is irwiltd by CuMIJ Ubon, dirtttor of • rt· habilit.ation untll" !Of numlics ti!. diets, to Jllitllesl an "tnmuntu"-1 lfOllp tllWIPJ K!lion. (R) tr whtn tht lltW 3Choo!m~rm (_1uul 10:001J a (f) NEW S£A90fll 6t M111- Jull1 SGmmen) ,r .. ~ wtlh him lo .w (C) (6tl) A llttlt bit of old tend• st1rn hirnl."ith hw :iom• Brotd••r lives \oday in th• nlfhl wh.tl r•luctln! pup1t:s,. (II) spctl Gf Moscow. Thi empl\l:sl3 is 0 @00 @E NEW SEA SOR I on ol~ ll«1idw1~. wit!!_ 1nl1rt1in· Drunt et1•nnil (C) (30) .. Junme ment 111 the R11si11 ca~tal includ· .i the Piano.'' Jeannil pl1ylull1l inc •~ch unliktlJ lt1tu1ts 11 • uws hlf mqic to turfl Tony inl4 Dalel1 11d b'and •ncl 1n opttttbi a piano virtuo.o 1rnJ thttt, b«:I~ perfom1td in •hlt1 ti1 and taits nd NASA h1fh command insists, 111 choreofrtphed in tht tr1d1tioll ol 1s tared to 10 nn • oonttrt loui Busby Berkeley. Huftle:i lludd ccn- Gutsts ''' Vinion Htyw<llth ,, ducts • te11r ol th• not·»-hol S?Ob Gtnertl Schtffer. Owtn Cunninc·j el Ruai1n niaht lift on "MO$COJ11 ham as ' mu!IC r.ondtldoi, •nd, AMer D1rt." a lttturtd sttmtnt of Gto11e Spell ts [ddit. the prO(rt m. o @oo m••s.sMtQ 1&0i1 omtc ... (t)t601 '"Keep th• f.ith, BilbJ." lhe l11t el a ml1ittnl priest who b 'us 0 (i! (ti m Didi CMtt (C) 160) Jlt!lldtd far his p1rt i11 a rMotm truud1 is threatenad b7 a. min othe ii 1lr11d ht will bruk his ••! of cellles!ion. Slmmr D1v1i .11 1uests. (R) fJ MlllM1 S lforit: CC) °"""cl Aaest ttlt Ewrtladn n (dr1m1) ·~ -8u11 IYU, Chrisloplltr Plumms1 CD Tr~ tr CW..uu. tCl \30) CD''"' lf•ll (60) I G ttdll1a11 c.. <30> I ff! TN 'itJ Wrtdiert CC) (60) 0 DINI! ct> (IO) P't!t litrbllttl r uW . fB....W. ........ (60) fE use •• Ftllir• l60l HM lohn Cl'~11 p1tltflls 1 JlllllJ trio of M1d11i111 Selllltr, vic!rn: Peter lltjto, c&llo; and Cinda Gotlld R~ 111111. p!aM. Th~y ptr!Mm WGl"U by 88ellwt111 and Scll®.rt. fD Mn Allt ft II MHl1t fQ (30) Ill Ctlucti. ti bl!I (30) IO:JO ID MM (C) (30) lliH }Ofi111. 1:00 0 9 (I) ml Hf.MIEftE lN Dtb- bit ••JMlds .. (C) (30) '"Th1t'1 Debbie." Hout.tflift Otbb1t lhomp. 11:00 8 0 0 Ill tn 0) N-fC1 IOft trlts lo obtain a bi( new: w,,op b, di~(ll!:llnl heialf as I 0 Alfhd Mitclat• 111!1 C!ldd)'. CJst: Otbbit Roytt0ld! 15 OebbHt Thompslfl, Don Chtst1i11 ~! Jim Thamp!On. P•h1d• Smllb 1: Chirlctte l1ndm, uld lOC11 Bo'll~y IS Bob l •rnJeu, Wllh Botibr Rih• •$ Bnice L1nd1n. m Q•11 * a °" (() 130I m S.aHruah fllitf'• (60) f.11 P'rlflllff! {l;) {Z ~q l :IS 0 Anf'lti WTap·~P <Cl f:JO 8 ~ ([) Tht Le.!'N Shw (t) (60) Ubtratt's celebr.ted '"Mom" 0 M09it: "CJpne • lw,.K"' (classiG-dflll'!fl) •so -Jost fllfl"w, M1l1 Potftn. m Lllddln't c..llwy CC) C.l1brlt, ruuts ai. Kurt KiJZn", Gtni Gr1n1er. Je11t H•c•ett, Stoey M1tth1U. ID N.wit; "1'M lffy Sip ltl" {c11m9dyJ 'SZ-.lotn Cauttitld, Oavld Niftn. (llJ rn aa ooa CIJ •-•a }Gins 111tsh Ch1d [v~11tt, Die) . !ih1w11, Sll1rri Wallll 11111 D1vid111:30f)Qr:00Mtrr lritllt ICJ G1rr1tk.. Cl Ql OO &mTe.ipt 5'ltf IC) 0 @I ('1 m JIEW SEASON J11ht IC) (30) '"Al1i1 of lJ110 Sitters." U N"lt: -'1itlcl111 bninp• tdrt· lvl11 his two protilems-tryin1 hi ma) ·~7 -RtJ Mlll1od, Maritne hire 1 b1byS1ttu !er ccue~ and Dittrich. CGPlhl wtth 01. Chtt!ey's vttttion 1e11lacemtnt, the doclor's 9l·y .. , 11111 uncl• {1lso pl•Jfll bJ Ltvyd D lnJ (}) m JM, llati., CCI Naltn). 12:!0 lD Clilrllw 0 G1stl1 M1tlt111it'1 ltfttf Mill MUNI (CJ {30) Guests 111 R1thlrd m ActlH lllNbt: ''Blonde ltl\.,. DMtOll tnd Bobby Rus:stll. 0 {1!) (J) Q) 1 l tlCLlll Thi Ftlk COipt1 MM fntlvtl(() (60) An -.nohon·tll1r1ect procum of tt1n· 1emportry 1ospt1 llll.lllt. lu1urinJ M•h1ll1 J1Cklon, lht Slaplt Si"I· •111. 1~• Rev. Jt!M Jatk&on. tnd C11r1 Wtlku and Tiit Gospel Rt· WE0N l50hl DAYTIME MOVIU 1:001J MM: '"TM Tw1°1ktOW Spy" (dr1m1) ·~9 -Jtek H1w•lns, Gil "'"' QfJll .. (C) D C..11•1111t l•nta11 hit• (C) Cl (C) ~e.t11iYll ""1" (lllVtntur.) '54-Annt 8aJtlr, Stnt Cochun. C:.eott• l'll dlf, t :lO m "C¥111¥.r" (dr11n1) '4~s.Jly Gr11, Mk:h11I WitdinJ, i:oo m ..,. .... , Mn•"""" (411.mi> '54--l>Gfl Defore, lon Ch1n1y Jr. t:O\J O ...U.UIN ,,...,It (dr1m1) 'J9-t>Mtth1 L1mout, Jotin Ho'l!'l1d. 3:00 0 (C) "tifl Al•l11d ,.,,.._. (spectatul11) '&0-S.1ltt Montltl. 0 (C) "l llCCllllll't Iii!" (tc!Ytn· t~1•1 •!i:>-Y'I011111 Ot Carso. Phillfi 4-!JO II "T'9 f11111 ••• (d11rn1) fritno. '57-Jtmn lflCMhur, 11.irtrHunl•. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service PILOT PRINl INC 642-4321 2111 W•tl B1lbo1 lllvd. Nowport BNch PERKINS JUDGE PARKER FOl ONE TMll46 TMl'S Alio«WE't' WANTS A U!tT Of ALL 11.EMIERS ~THC CLU B! PAUL, 'K>tl'VE 60f TO GET" A&&EY 1t1 PROP l-llM .. MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS Mun AND JEFF D b DOOt>L.EBUG ~ ~e's CRAWL.ING IN UNDER TME DOOR! GORDO MISS PEACH • }'l\A fl.C.I A .N\l>S c lol'S fl'E'E 'Pf ILSo~ llLIT't Al)lllL 'iSJf I, ' .. ~ ·-.,~ I I JIAS SkE llEEN PtJmN(; 01E OVE/f Oii ME Al.L Al~ f'- ,wdQ?Y AS DtlMB AS SHE IS C4'40 BE $tORKIAIV FOii TNE ¥EDS./ ly Charles ttt. · SeliulZ /'M ~OT 6EmNG AA( PASS PROTECTION ! ly John Miies , By Harold Le Doux PAltl1N6. VOii WOltRV TO,O Mil~! WM.a.T'S ME C":IOJ Ne; lO FU,j P ? p()tj'T l:EEP THE MEET ME 00"151 PE IN. LAWVfR WAITING~ AW HOUR:! I WANT TO l 1M CU!if:IOUS. 8EC,AUSE OF ,A BUSINESS VCNTUl<E' JIM I~. YES .. W&LL, LET'S , SH ... Youl> LUCK ' 15 <iOl>'N,A BE·" !l ~---. HMM·" &E Al ONE Wl"rH YOU, MY SWEETHE,t,RT! By Ferd Johnson WANNA P!.,AY SOME <liN RUMMY? By Tom K. Ryan AMAN! 'IOU'RE C/\ACKING·UP, CAPTAIN! FOR SHAME! WE FRONTIER OfFICERS MUST HAVE COMPOSllllf,COOIJIESS! f<)OM-l>OOM ! i100M-l100M! ... AND NERVES OF llOOM-BOOM! i.ooMl .. 1 l!ooAll!V ..t1f<\·~00M! ~""BOOM! 9uv JlOOM&u.,1 ~ I , .... ~ ...... ~""' By Al Smith ..... ~--. ., .............. . By Gus Arriola 'ou c.ALL MtCF, F~5 AN' "°""ER SNAKE S GIFTS! By .~•II -AND SO, lRA, YOU ARE A OUU., Tli'ESOME, HUMDl<UM, TEDIOUS DREARV, DRAB~ MONOTONOUS, BOl<>NG l"El<SOI'" H~I .. VER'{ INT'C!'ESTING . . ··-··-... I, ... r.•.:.. MORTON'S l.JNCLE NORTON -Lloy4 Nolan, of the •'J"'1.ia'' series, plays a dual role for lhe show's second season premiere, as Dr. Morton Chegley ~d Dr. Chegley's 92-year·old Uncle Norton, tonight at 8:~ p.m. on Channel 4. The episode's tiUe : "A Tale ol Two Sitters." TELEVISION VIEWS Thurber With A Laugh Track By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOU (UPI) -"My World and Wel- come To It," NBC-TV's situation comedy based loosely on the works of the late \vriter-cartoonist James Thurber, bowed in Monday night as a week- ly entry. No one in his right mind actually expected the half-hour show to co1ne anywhere near the genius of the late humorist. And it is frankly a commercial venture of a most difficult sort -trying to capture the ~enUe fantasy of Thurber in a raucus mass medium known least of all for gentleness. "IMAGINATION is 'vhat makes life tolerable/' said a character in the Monday night debut. a per- fect statemenl in aiming at the essence of Thurber. Yet imagination is so much easier to project when faced with words rather than blatant film. The subtlety of the imagination has more free rein with words; you par ticipate with the author; you create your own images to your satisfaction. Not so with film. At any rate, imagine Thurber 'vith a laugh track. No .laugh tracK \Vas used in Sunday night's charming debut of the Bill Cosby show on the same network. And curiously, throughout the premiere of "My World and Welcome lo It," I kept thinking about how natural Cosby \YOuJd be to work wiUi the material of Thurber. There is a natural lineage there. as indicated in the Cosby debut. , WELL, BEING frank, if you are going lo turn Thurber's stuff into something approaching a .solid· Jy commercial video situation comedy, I guess Mon. day's opener was about as reasonably okay as you can get in the standard variety. The leading man, William Windom, plays a \vriter-<:artoonist with an imagination that has flight! of fanta!iy -which leads to a combination ot aniJDa .. lion and live technique in the series. He is also a husband and fat her, \Yhich Jeads to a wife and daughter beini? in the series. He also has dogs. THE NICE thing is that, in contrast to most fathers in video series, he is oot exactly thrilled about children or \vomen (translation: wives) -or, for that matter, dogs. He can't be 411 bad. On the other hand, he is basically gentle with all human beings, including bis family. · It should be added that he also likes to drink an~ in the debut he fantasized his daughter's teach: er into a sexy blonde he chased around his living room after she asked him (he imagined): "HO\V about Pouring me a little snort?" I REALLY like the idea of the father being the \vay he is, and I hope the series can pull off what it is trying. T.he Obstacle is film itseU. It will never substi•tute for words in the subtlest realms of tbe imagination. ! ' ' I ' I " • ~ De111ais tlie Jfle11ace e JOB PRINTING ·• PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quelity Printing ind Oep•ndebl• Stnoic• for more then I quarter of • century. PILOT PRINTING lll 1 Wl1t IAUOA ILYa.. NIWPOIT MACH -64M)1' • I I I I I . ............ .. ·--... \ JI DAILY Pl~OT Tutsday, Stjtf'lt'lbtf 16, 19&') ' ' • -· Superswat · l(Os New (.19) Master ••• ' . • ~··· " IT. LOUIS (AP) ·-Steve Cltllon, ftyorfah, chilled, IOl't-llltked I D d dtUmilned, hurled j,_ bll name Jnto -...U'1 ~ bool< Mood17 nlibt, 1"11 :n.n s-· put •• ..tubk noxt to tl cartton, tht SI. Wt ~k lefty, ltrUCk ou\ II men to .iu. ..... tbe ma)or 1._ ,_.. lleld by 110b FoOO, 1111111 kou!u and Don 1\'illon;· . Swobodl, tht Now V6rk Mtll' wcll'et Kina ltOlll hit • jllir or -run bomtr1 lo pow~ bb matu to 1 W Ylcla'y over llli! CIMlnal! Mondlf' nlibt and a II> game 1etd ·in the N1Uonal:l,e1p8'1 Eut Dlv111on. "Tile 1muin& Mel•," OV11GO ~ Dodgers Bid 'For 2 Wins ~: .. Over Reds . : -:; ... ·. . ·- . " I .. <- • ... ' ' " . -, .i ... ... ,. Two games are belt.er lha.n one iC you are to pick up ground in the torrid Na· tionat League West flag chase -pro- vided you wln them both. Bill Singer aod Joe ft1oe1Jer of the Dodgen, fact a totlgh assignment tonight 21.s they contest the Cincilinati Reds in a twi-ni&bt doubleheader al D o d i e r Stadium beginning. at I with Gary Nolan ~ Gerald Arrigo going for the Reda. Claude Osteen lost a bid !or hb: %:0th \•lctory Monday night in the rtrst of a three-game set, 4-1. The loss pWibed the Dodgers into fourth place In the National Lea11Je . \\·est. l~~ games behind the :\tlanta Braves, who lo!t lo San Fran- cisco, 4·1. Cinclnnatl ls no1v In lhlrd pla~. one came behind the Braves. <>m:en WIB squared off against some ot the league's beat hitters. The Reds' team average is .%75 and the first five men in Ute Une-ul> named by Manager Dave Bristol we re bitting .300 or better. Cincinnati's Tony Cloninger won his lOtft gaaie of the season and lOOlh of hls career. 11He go~ the bi& outs when he hatl to is the best ~·ay to describe }1 i s perfor1nance," said Bristol. Cloninger surrendered his lone run when he was tagged for a home run in tM !lxth inning by WUlle Crawford, his llth. ''But he really showed me something after that.," praised Bristol. "He gave up t~e borne run and then st ruck out the next three batte.r1. That was some pl~hlllg." 1be Doc11ers had Ckmingu in troublt • lllt<n ini:hldh\1 !Oldinf the -lq lhe loorth lmllng. B•t they !ailed lo land the payoff blow. ... .... ~·· ··-· . . Cklninger required help from Wayne Granier, \Vho made his 1(11.b 1ppearance of the year and his sixtb in •row. ClfllCINN.att \.01 AfllllLIS •t>r-nl 1t tb,.I ll.113t,r' •0 06Wiill,U ~021 Toi.11, ti l I I 0 Slnm.r•, 111 • 0 I I "-Jol!Notl, If ' I 1 I W.O.~IS. d J 0 0 I Stftrllt'T, It 0 0 I a G1111'~!IOl1, " ' 0 1 0 P•U. :Jb A • i 2 P•r~er, lD l • 0 0 lii\dri, t • t 0 O Cr1wfon, r1' l I I I l~mp, lb j t 2 I ldtt¥1't, 3D I I 1 I l.y11. 11r , O 1 O O Gr1Nrkwl1t, 311 O I O O HlllTl5, ~ I 0 I 0 Hille!'. C 4 0 1 I w-..r••do "'J 1 11 c.~, •••• Cf.onlrlilir, o 1 I I II l1111t>. p I t 0 t Crlnffr, p 1 0 G 0 M~la, pl! I t 0 I TOll!J J;! • 10 • To!•I' 1' 1 .I 1 Clncl11n•f1 ~J OOll 901 -I \.e:t. Antila OCll IOI tlll -1 Oil' -Lit An11lt> 4. LOI -C!n~IMe!I S, 1..o• ""'lllS 12. 28 -A. JOllMOl'I, Hit -Cr1wforl (11), $-CtcllllnPf. ll"IOll!lt l t!O (!CWllftller (W,10.l') 1·lll 4 I I I 1 .. F 1·11) 1 • • • • C.O ttn 11..,lf.UJ ~, ., n • • 1 • i.. '1l • ' • 0 • ltn ~ Gr....,., HtP -IT/ C. O~lffn CToltn), Tlmt -Z;35. Alf~t -lfMI. 11Supern1t cot me. l got him twice and he aot me twice. BUI. r think the M~ art sreat for ltueb&ll bee&uae it ihoWa the IVY OD the bollom can -· lip." Carlton dldn 1t show up unUI abatJ~ an · hQUI before tht g•me wu to atart. The oponl111· ,.., d<layed by rain about 20 mlnutee aner the first l\a1(-1Ming, "l had .a fever before J came .. My baci ached. I hid chills and 1 was 11a111tated,:• ~Ill<!. '"t 1ot a: rubdown •nd put some bot •tuH nn my b~ck ~rid tQok !WIJ1<> pi!IJ I• .kJU lht pain, Then .,b<n I •enl oul there ' I tell real &ood abd W81 rlally cultlng 1001.. In Ille mlddle lhree lilnln£l, I bte1me really niuae1ttd'Dec'"ailli=-rt ;w"'"~t~e-sevenfliliiaftiO,iltlle"iljhlh Fir r-••eut l~ Wr'111ore . lm~rtant tG-1*'formanc:e but ret.r-muctl,!bat ht over extendin& myaelf.IO much, Tbtn the total of 16 le1rn hOw lo pitch," lltd the lanky 14· couldn't put., astet11 nut.to the r· last two Jnillnga 1101 my second wind... There aiso was 1ominle Agte's single )'i!:&Hld nltlYe of JdJarnlMcG' Flar i 1~_.:.. ~k':~J ~lla ~=~"~!!~w!! and Swt1boda'1 &ecoPd homer saodwiehtd "G~ntrr, and Tug raw \W1.1u1111I 1 b ' . · Carlton, who hu atruck out J6 men in 111 the elgbtb that wiped ouf two C&rdiO~ pJ,tcher) l~how \o pJl.cll. Tttty plJth· a lo a ~ecard fot 1trlkoou1J Y a losmg one game Jn the majors and the mtnoni fifth innio.& ru.ns ed a floe 1Amt." ' pitcher .. and'lost both times, ·struck out tbree men "'! didn:t ~w imUI I sa w 9ll the._ IA. µft nlriU\ innln&. Carl~ Struck ~t 0~.'.''t Ll!CY.'f Men a pltcber throw bet· Jn the tir1t Inning, three in the second, message board that I'd Lied my record. 1 · tbe 11de· agiiri, thl1 time w.ith nobody on It~: , . Sw~a !altL ~" dldn'.t 1h1n1:-I .had struck out lhat many. t>,.s,e. e. J,n between. Ainb! Otts ~p,mt the 1 ~ gotn# to 10 hume,, p.1~Jl and one In the thltd, and ll\ree in the fourth. TKcn 1 dic!i'dett to 10 Jof It ,, Carlton said. rtcotd·breakfna • litb ttrlkeout wbeft he forget -.l>Jl:u.t· lt because I can t 'believe it. nut Donn Clendehon w d I k t d and ,, 1 wanted lt 110 bid: Thtfe's no' reason copldn't' cheek ~Is swiJ1C. • ~ "Tbet record L9 1101ng to st1rld a long Swoboda hit ~13 eighth bOlfler of the year to 10 out thtre 11 you 're just goiiig to Ue ·•r waa nervous," CarltOb. tal(t. 1'l JI.lit urn;.:: in tht f@ljrtti. It wiped Out the run tHe Uie record. Then, when I dld Jt I knew J reacbe'd bl~ and flrtd. You can1t'flnuao J?s ls .a Yt,~ lor me to dO thln~s ro,r Catiis &of in the thlrd off starter Gary bid (rone t0melhihg lh•l 'WU g~t, oUt there. I would tal.her 'have had t~ the ~rst uroe,, Swo~a jdded. I. h.rt Gentry.' ''I was rtally .happy. J was a lot ot tUY get a hit than fOUl out or irrind oUt my f!rat ,~ind slam this year ana this !ii. Jn .the IUlh, Carlton 'aot two OW'f: tblnp, mofe things lha n I have worda Jliat..ao 1 c:ould 1tt use sttlk~t.' , .. the hrst ,, e I ever hit two home runs in strlk'®U, thet1 orie in tM sl1tbj 'iNll 1n fOr. SWobOd• alid he was'awtd by Carlton i one game. Paralyzed Man ' Aborts Attempt To Swim Channel DOVER, England (AP) -Partly paralyzed American lfarry Hinken aban· doned bis thlrti atlempt to 11Wlm the English Channel early loday after fierce winds and waves almost dashed him and hls escort boat onto the rocks or the French Coast. "It was terrifying -the whole thing almost ended in tragedy," said Al Costello of the Anny Times Publishing Company, which sponsored the attempt. "I lmeeled down and kissed the land when we aot into Dol'cr," he told The Auoclated Press. Hinken, a 44-year old former Marine paratrooper who is paralyied from th~ \.\-'ais~ down, left Cap Gris Ne.r: Beach al lb :!% p.m. The swim was abortCd at 11 p.1n. by Captain Len Hutchl90n of the escort laun· ch, Costello said, Costello said conditions and the weather forecast were good \Vhen the ream le(l C.Jver to cro.ss to France Mon- day. Twenty minutes off the French Coast the seas began lo deteriorate. Hinken, an Arlington , Vt., lnsuram:e 11gent. devertb~less took to the wat.er .ind thrust tO\Vard England. 12 miles a:v.'a}'. Ing do1'/n atop lllnken. He escaped with bruises. "The dinghy tow ing ~e11'6 crutches and leg braces was Narnpca, but we managed to rescue the equipment. ''It got so bad that Captain .Hutchison -who has escorted 68 succts.!tul channel crossings -called it all off." Costello said Hinkm will return to the United States Wetlaesdiiy. He · $!ld the paraplegic had nol miide up his mind whelher to try agiiln. A11 gels Play 2; Vo ss' Triple Sinl\.s Chisox CHICAGO (AP) -1"he Calirornla Angels are starting to acl like they own U11td place In the Amerioan League's '''estern Dlvlsion, and Uierc·s an old saying that possession is nine-tcnU1s of the la1v. MEET MR. STRIKEOUT -Southpaw Steve Carlton of the St. Louis CardµJals, set a major league record by sfrlking out 19 N~w York M~t batters Mond ay night but 105t the decision to Ron Swoboda, 4-3. Swobod.a hjl a pair of two-run homert ofl CarJlOn lo keep t~e Mets 4'7'.i-games in front or the sagging Chicago CUbs. Carlton's· brilliant performance sur· passed the modern m11ik o[ 18 strikeouts m a nine inning game previously shared by Sandy Koulax, .BoP Feller and Don WUt1on. "The tides and curtents cart'led the boat and Wnken away and almost grounded us all. \Ve were poum.led and pummeled by a gale force v.•lth \vavts eiaht to IO feet hlgh," said Cos_tello. "We \Vere 50 lo 100 yards from being dashed on the rocks. The wavee were so strong they llfted the boat clean out of the water and at one point sent it tumbl· The Angels, who may be miles -like 14\1 games --behind second place Oakland, nevertheless thrust 4th ga mes ahead of fourth place Kaitsus City in the 'rest division \Vilh a 4--0 blanking of the Chicago \Vhlte Sox Monday night. And the Angels dld it on just Chree hit~ -the big blow a 8eventh inning' triple by l\e11,·port Beach's BUI Voss which knocked in three runs. It spoiled the majdc league debut of pitcher Fred Rath of the \\1hite Sox . R AMS PL ACE FIVE ON WA I VE R LIST LOS ANGELES I AP) -The Lo' Angeles Rams' roster wa~ al the 40-men llifllt today after the NaLionri.I Football t.eague club cul three veterans ~nd two newer players. Released on waivers A1onday 1vere wide recel\'U Jim "Red " Phllllps, center Frank Aiarchlews\ti, cornerback Jlm Net· Iles, tlvo-year defensive end Rick Cash and rookie place kicker David Ray. Phillips, trying a comeback after a year as an assistant coach at Atlanta, s~nt seven years wilh the Rams before being traded to f\1innesota for Jack Snow In !98S. ll' . Jim McGlothlin and Ken Tahlln com- bined for the victory. ln a IWi·(llgHt doublche3de~ today, Cnlifornia 's Rudy May, 8-12, and Clyde Wright, 1·7, facet.I Joe Jlorlcn, Jl·IS, and Brad Johnson, o-£1. Voss' trlple came after tilt Angels fill· c<I the bases on a double by Jim Fregosi, a \\'alk to Jay Johnstone and !licit Rcicl1ardt's sacrlfi~ bunt. Voss lalcr scored on a passed ball. C.t..lll'ORHl.-l CHIC.t..00 ·~·~r11. ·~•htt• Alom.ir, 7b l o O o W,Wllll~<n\, ti 4 I) I) 11 s~~ncer. lb • o o o A!M•lclo. u ~ o 2 o l'rt(;IM!, 1~ • 1 2 O McCr~w. cf i o o I) Jlll'ln•to"e, cf ) 1 o a M~no", lb • o o 0 R1l<.1>arar, 11 1 1 o o t-101>1<.ln•, lb l o 1 t \IO!io,rl illlC~rllllen,lf IOlt A.11.0drl~\IH, Jb I 0 0 0 Mimi, c 7 0 0 II ...,cu~.( ~OODKnoo~.iD lOOO MtG10tn1in, o 1 o a o Wero, Ill! 1 o o 1 lle'Qll(.~ 0000Han;l!!l,2b 00 0 0 Ram s May Bring Buffalo " Cowin. Pl! I 0 0 0 lh111, p J 0 O II K.TiT~m. p 0 0 0 0 L:Pr. 0 ~ 0 a • ~l!'tn<:t,ph IOOft 011 .. ,-1, ~ 0 0 0 ~ To:31l 2J ' l l ToiU$ 2J 0 S 9 C!l:Jornl1 QOO OOt jOO -• C1>k,9t °"'° 000 OI» -O Or l{an sas City to Big A .. Tt Is tbne fo~ the Rams lo respond to :::_ Orange Counta.in.s 1n 1 slmJlar manner lo the couilty•a aupport of U>e Rim!. ...... That Is, far two meantn1tess exhibition games, ll1ti2 aflciooados have attended ,. , 1tam pre-aeuon r"°tball Ufls at AnWim Stadium. ' ... -t I I It "'ould seem safe to assume that a large percentage of those fans 'vere from Ori.nge County since surveys reveal com· .......... ,. ~ ...... -~ . ...,,,,,,., WHITE WASH ................ • ••• piraUvely 1 ... big city follta !>Other tn conie from LA for anything ~r lflan a clay 11 lbe beach ar al Dlllleyland. \ • Tbe rub with Lbe Ram!" ii that il1cy ..._ have poshed off two o( the juokiut teams in pro football on our courity. Last 'yt1r they brou,lht In New Orleans' sopho1nore ""'elllb. ' And now they brought .lht wlnle1s St1n Francltco 49ers. BeUcr 11\ey !ihould bayt lb inlrasquad game lban tu:mlth our clU:anry with that low caliber ot l>l'D .football. And apparenUy the Rams will tlo jlJ.'lt lhal 'l'hl!:y aay they want another .:1une 111 AMl!Wn for Ibo JllO ....... Tl!f lltl DI poaible I"'" bat no~ d~lndled to l~o -Ka"'*' City and llllftllo. 1'he laCttr hat • •uy named Si.mp!Kl:n "'"' -to be well known In Soulhoro t California. And Kansas City boasts 11 batk named Mike Oarrctl, all!O a rcaoonably familiar name lo Southland grid follo1vers. By Ule 'vay, lht Rains still baven't top- !led their all-time sea.eon ticket high or :19,500 set 11 years ago. 'f'hey'va tiOIJ 35,000 lhis year. Tougla Surf..,., Ion Tlriac. one of the R.om&nl1n tennis playeri :Wbo'll dalleqe Ame'rlcaa i1 lb.is wee•·· Dl\111 Clip finals, -4.mlts the fast ii.urflCC It ~' Utvt~nd Stad.lura "'ill bt • n;tajor Uliillc1p lO Illa team. Tiie EIU'tpeam 1rt: used ll tlt1"tr clay coutu.· . Pr• Unnlt leader George M•oC~U s-.y1 If i_t wel"t dp to llilm Utt surface wliuljl ht like an lc:e sk•da.1 rtnk ii7iJuie Ataetk:q1 meet Evrope1u11. * * * Ull lc rt~ U lu Sti·l l.:f! "q1~:.ba~ku !~1 efoo~~;r~1~~e:Lht~ ~1~ Heisman Trophy \vinne.r John H1111•te !Notre Dame) threw a S7-yard scoring pass to give St. f.1ary 's College a 7-0 lea<l over santa Clara in their weekend ~lash. However, Santa Clara overcame the t1lrlke and won 43·7. . The game rated llllle more th:u1 obituary type ootlcc in n1oot ncw11paµc rs -quite a comedown from the J9tos \Vhert boU1 were national powerhouses. In fact , Santa Clara "'as the Orange Bow·I v1ct11r over Kentucky t21·13) in 19:>0. Tlarowi1ig While Airborne Denis Menke or the Houirton Astrbs, goes hlgb In the ~ir as he throws lo lint bps• to complete double play. Menke ls qver ihe hedd o! lhe sliding Nale Colbert of the San Ditgo Padres. Joe Morgan, tl1e 1\!l tro secohd baeen1an \\'hO gol the ftrrroundel' and thr~w to Atenke lo s-tatt the t\Yiti·kil ng, is in the background. The Padres won, 5-3. Penh~1ll No. 2 QB for C-al BERKl!:LEY -University of Californh1 football Coach Ray \Villscy moved third r1tring quarterback Slcve Curtis or Ulen· dale to wingback in a !>urprisc move In Pilondey's practice. The shifl leaves the Bears w1Lh JUd twn pahers. last year's starter Rand)' Hu1nphries anti Di.II'(' 1-'cnhaU 0 r \\'estm1nstcr. SAN rHAi\'CISCO -A t:ourl htis tcni. roratily blocked flu:k Barry·~ rctt1rn to the San Jo'ranciaco Warriors, the 1ean1 1\e went to court two ~·cars agu lo break 11vay from , He is now under a court order prevcn- ling hitn troin µla ying ror any basketball team except the \\'ashington Capitols un· HI 1 hearing Sr:?pt. 23 oo a prcliminal'}' lo· juntllon. NE\\! VORK-lt '\·on·1 be known unul l11ter 1n Ille \\Cck whclhcr quarterback ,Joe Nlnna lh 1vlll be in the i'irv.• York Jets ' backlicld when lhcy pluy the Denver Bronc os In an American Football League game Sunday in Den\•et. ' "I imaainc I'll play,·• Namalh said i\tonday, "but this is lhe "'orst 1ny knees ba,•e fell durlng lbe su»0na I've been with the Jets." Sh:A'ITLE -i\I Bianchi, who-reaJ1ncd I WO rtlOnlhs aao 31 roach of Utt Seattle SuperS.nics of lhe NaUonal Basketball AS!ociaUon, may be named this wctk to pilot the new '\1aehington Capitola of the ri r;il American Bu~otl>aO Aill0ci1 Uon, ( o,> -C~lilorr1l1 l, Clllc•r>e 1. lO• -Clll!~rnl• '· CMCODO '· 18 -Frt;Qal. J. -FretOfl, \IOo,1. ~ -R'rc~1rd1. If' H Ill !!ill" I& $0 ,...cGlo!~lln lW,1-l:l) 6 l o o I i II.Tatum l , ft O 1 1 la!~ IL,Q.I) 0.1,J l • • ~ .) L-0ier l·t/l o o a o o O<!n~~I 1 0 0 t ft II Pi -"'o~m1 Tll!lt -1 :S!. 4.11tnc11nc1 -J, 111. lteittie llack To Boss Celts BOSTON (AP) -To1nmy Hein soh n, who promised tu ans"'er any call for help 111hen he retired as a Boston Celtics' star four years ago, is keeping his word - co111ing back as coach of the Nalional Basketbo)I AllOCl~\l<ln champl~. Hcinsotin, now a S&-ycar-old ~. and rat in ~pbtl. wealthy in1urat1Ct man, agreed Monday lo a enc-year cmllract to succ~ player-coach 8111 Russell, who at1nounced his reUren\ent In July: "We'll see if Heinie-likes lt1" said General htanager Red Auerbatfi \11 an· 11abncina appointment of lhe former Holy CrC111 All-Amerleah , ''ff he does a good job. he'll probably bt here • long; loo1t tlme. ·· The •7 Heinsohn, who helped thr Celtlcs to eight NBA Utles while accrlng ll,IH Points in nine years of reaular aeason play. ~hocked many obscrver8 \\•hen he quit iit the age of 31 i" 1965 to 1ecept a lucr•llv~ intl\_lrance ws"!iiori. llowever. 'he cited loyal ly &nit :cit tht door opc11 for a ratun1, •s 11 player, 0M they need me and If arrat1gemenb can be worked out.'' l'ortunttlely. the Celtics dldJ ,'l need 1µm back 1s 11 plnycr, AucriJach 1• on Lhc NHA <!hnrbplonshlp agoin as l'OOcl1 In I~. Ulen turood !he bc11ch rcl~os o\·er to ftl!~Sell, \'ihO \erl 3oilOll ltJ two lll'Jl't tll lcs in Uu'<!c ~·cura oa playcr-t01ch. . . , -I Tuesday, September 16, 1969 DAl~PllOT I Me sans on Way Up ., . S.. 96-18 L ~ 1nce.. _ _ __ _ . _ _c_oss By ROGER CARLSON Of "" Dally ...... st.ff Jt was about thla: Ume of Ule football season, only the year waa 1963. Scheduled for acrimmage compeUUon were Costa Mesa and Long Beach Wilson High. The former wu a doormat. ~ latter was a powerhouse. Result? Lona: Beach Wilson won, 96- 11. Costa Mesa lost its entire starting backfield and a lineman due to serious In· juries. Mustang football was at its low ebb. But QOW the vi~ has ch•nged -·p~rbaps dramaHcajlY if 8'\t1!fday's ti- ll scrlmm'l!ge win over Tu&\fn behind," commtrietr an "O(.:" liclal at tbe: Saturday scrim- mage. Coach Max Miller's chirps "racked up l<Vtn 1oucbdow111f against a big Tustin outfit after giving up two quick ICOl'es OD surprise passes. IO all, tmofftdaJ stats ahow· ed Mesa piling up 62.1 yards to Tustin's nve. The latter was credited with 11 yards pmlng and a los& of 66 yards rushing. Again, the stats w e r e: strtcUy unoflldal and Tustin faithful might dispute lhe 623-5 margin. 'llhll'• rftpooslble for the tranalllont "Out viuious aeta seemed to coolliM TlllUn Gil JI had a hard ttme acljlllllng def!llliv .. ly. "Bui ~'l'f ltlJl:a looj. WIJ. trom wtMte •,.nied to be. "Motller ....... 1'1heded- icaUon the kids have," say• Miller, "OUr flrrl goal b lo gel • winning sea90n here, but we want I.be league title n o w , too ,{You don't get ID)'thing for aecond, third or fourth/' sa:ys Miller. . is any cMteria. r But even allo\flng 100 or 150 yard! for error it's 'Still a pret- ty impressive workout by, the Mesa crew -especially when ·one ponders the past of Costa Mesa football teams. Miller has been workln( primarily ·with hi! offensiv• and def en 1 iv e roverbacb along with ov.erseeing '&be eo-- tire .operation. MUSTANG STARTER -One of the key reasons for Coot.a Mesa Hi.di School's ajtparent improvement in football is Mark Turner, a .. ~s. 250-pound senior tackle. Turner was a standout in Mesa's DAILT "!LOT Sl•ff f'lltltl impre5sive showing against Tustin in Saturday's scrimmage. He didn't go out for football as a-junior. X-Country NoNormalcyforOCC GWC Outlook ' Sparkling Wild Games Mark Brief, Intense Rivalry By JOEL SCHWARZ Lhrl\ls. Here's a capsule look 1\-..... , • Coast and Golden °' "" DlllY" '"'"' ,,.,, at the three previous games : v•""" Th dlctabl it 1968 -. Oruge Coast lt, West collegea both figure to e unpre e, seems, Golden West tJ. Favored •-e -n. but improved is the only predictable thing O¥v e·--Orange Coast only led 14-7 erou country teams this fall about the Orange Coast -midway through the third The •;·tan-nmnlng oea••n Golden West football rivalry -'° -period v;hen Golden West's for Jim McDwain's Pirates whlcb will have its fourth SI.eve Cashdollar raced JO -· qw· ·"y .... w· eek ~lb a revival Satunl:ay night in ... ,,...-\;A.I WQ "1 yards for a touchdown to pair of meets. Orange Coast OCC's Le Bard-stadium. make it 14·13. victory for Orange Coast while Golden West rooters were saying wait tll next year. 1967 -Orang' Coast lD, Golden West 7. This one went down to the final seconds, a good many of which disap- peared as time was running out had eliminated one minute. 1968 -Golden \Vest 34, Orange Coaat %0. Delense dominated the first t w o games, but the third one was a wild, wide-Open affair. G()Jden West racked up 422 yards in tot.al offense, 301 through a polent aerial attack. "That was the first time rve ever seen a Costa Me#a learn bounce.back after it was ' How They Stand· NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division New York Chicago St. Louis Pittsburgh Philadelphia Montreal W L Pct.GB 89 58 .605 - 85 63 .574 4-lA 79 68 .531 10 77 69 .527 11 ¥i >9 87 .404 291\ 48 100 .324 41 lf.r Weit Dlvt1ion AUanta 82 66 .554 - S. Francisco 81 66 .551 Vi Cincinnati 79 6S .M9 1 Los Angeles 19 66 .545 Jl,i flouston 75 10 .517 51"' San Dieg() 46 101 .313 3s'l/r Mtn••~'• lt•ulh. New Yo.k ._ SI. Loult J Mor\trffl L ChlCl!le 2 Phlkl'*l1>hl• ,.... Pllbbllrell 1·3 S•" Fr•ncl1c1 l, At\1nr1 1 (!11tlnn111 A, LM '°""'ft I Sin Olt,.;> S, Houl!Qt\ l T .... ., •• o_ Ch1til9G (Hindi 11·13) 11 Montreal (P.ebtrl-S.131 Pltt1burgh tMtml 10-3) •I Ph!t.de!· phla (Frvm1n 10-IJ) He'<' Yon. (l(OOlrnlln 1"9) It• St. Loui• (T1v1or 1·J), 11!11111 Art1n!1 \Rft<I ,.,,, " 5111 F11nci1- (9 (Mlrld\11 1 .. 101. 1'!11111 Hooi""' (Grlllln 10-11 11 &4111 Oleto (511~ 1·11J. r>lvM (l11el1111"1 CNo!•n 7.5 1nd ,t.rrlto 2·11 ti LCW. Alltoles (SlnQorr lt·t Ind Moll!I· Irr 1.tll, 1, t,.,;.nltM WtdnflUV'• 011Mt New York •I Mcr>trul, nlttll Phllldt!fltlllo 11 Chktto Pl!l1bl.>rgh It SI, ~It, 11'9ht Clncl"""tt 11 $Ml O"'to' nlttit A.t1.tn t1 at LOI ,t.111191et, nl91t Hooalllll 1t Sim Fr•l'ICIKO AMERICAN LEAGtJE Ell& Division BalUrnore Detroit BMton Washington New York Cleveland W L Pct. GB 10% 46 .689 - 84 63 .571 17~ 13 68 .534 23 77 71 .520 25 12 75 .490 291~ 58 90 .392 44 West Dlvitlan 1.!innesota 88 58 .&ol - Oakland 19 67 .541 9 caUfornia 64 St .441 23'2 Kansais City 61 85 A.la 27 Chicago 58 87 .408 29'~ SeatUe 58 88 .397 30 Mt11Ur'1 llftutt1 Min~ 6, Oe•llncl l ie.tt11 i. "''""' <rrv t Cel11ofnl• A. Clllce1111 f CIWel1nct ~. l!lolton I O.trOll 2. N8W York 0 Wt"'lnvton 3. Bllllmere r TM1,•1 Gt1mH Seattle IMnottt t-11 It 11..,.. City 1eun1cw HHGl, "''"' Otkl•l'!d !Nash .. 7) ti Mkllle$0hi (Ptr,., lMI C1!1fOl'11!i IM1t .. \J alld Wt'ltM 1·71 1t Ciika,.;> (Joh...a11 1M 111C1 Horlln 11·15), 7, rwi.n!tlll Delroll IHllle• 4-l) II New Ylllrt 10own1~, ...... ,. 1110hl Clt!~elel'!d /WIHl•mt }12) 11 IOllon (LOllbort 7·10), nltlllt .. lllmort (McNtlfV 1WI •I W'3b· llllnon tH111Mn '-5l, 1119111 w ............ 0•"""• 01klllld 11 Kl .... 1 CllY, nlDlll C1Utornll •I MfnMS011, 1119h1 5"ttt. 11 Chk:I"'' 2. twl-fliglll Clt~tl•nd •I Dl1rolt" nlllht W1shf11tton V M.w r ll!"k. nlgl(I aattlrnort 11 Ioli.ti. 1119111 Doug Brown ts the affensive line coach, John·Sw~ ia the defensive line coach and Don Bums is in. charge of the . defensive backs. The 1969 season ·Jw not begun yet, of clourse, and the Mesans' first real test of the year with Orange lllgh is schedul~ for Friday niQlt at El Modena Hilh Sclioo!. · However, the 'Mu1t1a1a seem to be. early teUOD chol~ as the Orapge Coe.st area's best bet to give Loan a run for its money for the" Irvine League champiooshlp. Bm·nedMan Still Critical LOS ANG= -llaco driver Jim Crawf<rd ie in' critical condilion today at LA • County· edical Center. following a crash at San Gabrlel Valley way. A hospjtal S{lOk said the 22--year-old st10 driver Le!: Ctawford burned over 31 percent body with second and third· degree bums on hi3 cttest, arms and. neck. The accident occurred Sa turday when young Crawford, travellng about US miles an hour, llowed hia In- dianapoli.J..ttPe car as be 4Po proacbed a tum on the one- hall mile hinted ovtl !rack. begios the ......, Frlday with Orange C...t leads it.'l a league match at Fu1lerton. yoongtr dJstrtct rival. two The RusUers elected to try Saturday the Pirates return to gamea: to.one. but the aeries for the two-point conversion .c:tjon at the Long Beach results easily could have been with Cashdollar 1 we e p i n g The two clubs were tied, 7-7. when Orange Coast'11 Wayne Tinlin drove to the Rustler three with 1:41 showing on the clock. Orange Coa&, playing-~-----------------------------~ reversed. around right end. Many of the ~ti~ at Golden West. In the three previous years fans in the stadium thought the two schools met in con-Cashdollar made it into the meanwhile, will bring his 1 Th' ... n..1 ...... e, but the official on .... aJ t tl erence 1amea. is aeason, "''"' _,, aq,..... <ml a • ower pace b th i the play rule..1 his knee had th n .. ~• ' host Cyp owever, ey are n separate "' U e nwawera ress nf ·-• I the fi touched ibe ~•od 1·ust before and E t Los ..... I Oct 3 co mnces auu or. rst e· ·-· 88 ~'tie es · • time they meet in aD .......... 1 .. .,. 'be ctosSed the goal line. Orange Coast has but two ~• I d othi lettermen back in tbe fold, but game. Films later revea e n ng they're good ones _ Dan The-short, but t n tense concluSive ·and thena~a1'1: the Mooney and Fred Skirde. _r1_,._;lry'-has--b-•_e_n_1_on_;g:_on _ _:gc..am< __ w_•_nl_in_to ___ oo __ as_• Fruhman Ralph Dean from Cmta Mesa High, however, may turn out to be OCC's top runner. He led the Plrates last weei in lime trials. other newcomen include Harry Noonan and Chip West from ~ Mesa; Rick Pierce and Tlin Owens f r om Newport; Joe Bodnar of Estancia; Grant Stiles of Villa Park; and Les Ebcom, who part.icipated on the Bua ' track team last spring. One big loss, however, was Kevin Williams from Fountain Valley. He sutrered a shat· tered big toe when a tori lilt ran over bis foot at work and will be out of action for several weeks. Mcl1wain thinks the Pirates have the potential to improve. on their fifth place conference fini.VI last year. At Golden West. Noon also he but two lettermen on hand -Doog Scbmenk and Craiil Smith. Scbmenk f;gures w be the Ru.stlers' No. 1 man tb1I ....... Freshmen Terry McKeown from Mater Del .and Vlc . Martlnu • Ir om Huntlngton BeScb and transfer Cbrls Gal· fney from Cypress Collqe also bave impressed Noon. Other newcomers include sieve Seyler t Bob Oiiam- beriain, Mike McCormick and Marcel PoetoehDI from Westminster; Davt Nelson lmn Marina; and Melvin Xen:es Hobbs m from HOJB. loo, Tex. Alio running c:roa coontry mre memben of the Rmflers . IJlrinl .. 1., twns -Phil Age, Mike McMahon. Doq llarrll, Dennis Mau, Jim Wallace and Jim Long, along with wel&btman L a n c • Petenon. "We'll be much better than Int year," Noon say1. "W• are behhld In our tralniJ>«, but tt'• deliberate. We've alwa}'I been too tar along at this Ume In prtvkur yean.• More Sports Page 18 QB Candidate Former Mater Del High School 1tar Jack Wigmore is battling for a traveling berth aa a quarterback on the Washington Slate Univertlty foo\ball team. Washington State opeM lie •••-with two road gam .. against Big 10 teams, Illinois and Iowa. The Illinois game Is saturday. " Orange Coast huddled, but when the Pirates returned to the line of scrimmage, the scoreboard showed just 16 seconds to go. Pirate coach Dick Tucker rushed on the field to com- plain about the missing time, but to nO avail. Now only eight seconds were left in the game, time for ·one last play. The Pirates elected to go for a field goal and Paul Lemoine booted the b a I 1 through the uprights from the 10 to give Orange Coast the victory. After the game, officials tried to find out what hap- pened to the missing time and concluded that the timekeeper pushed a Wl'ODI button and without &tarting quarterback Lemoine, still churned out 432 yards. 287 of them on the ground. But it was passing that decided the contest. Wilb Golden West leading 20-7, RusUer quarterback B i 11 Inglebart connected w i t h flanker Randy Vataha on a 68- yard bomb on the last play ol the first llatf. Then on the first play of the second half, Intlehnrt and Vataha did it again, this tme on a 75"-yard pass play. Orange Coast came back with two more touchdowns of its own, but a 27-point deficit as too much to make up and the Rustlers bad their first victory In the series. GoJaen West coach Ray Shackleford later called it the biggest in of bis career. Pennant Check M\l:ltl(,t.N ltAGUI Wffl Oil"ll .. R w111 u11 rc1. •• T• r11., Mill-It a SI .60J -,, O.kl.nd 7' 47 .S.I I 1' M11111t101• -•I horr11 f, ClllCllMI 3, Slaltll 3, 0•kl4ond 1, Ctlllomll 21 IWIY 1, S•ltllf I, IC•f!MI City l . Otkltnd--11 homl 7, C11!toml1 t , Chl(IM 'I •w•v '· Ctllf<io-f!ll 3, s .. 1ttl1 l. KIMll CllJ" 2, Ml11nesot1 I, N-"fort; 9' 51 ,605 -15 Cllla!IO JS '3 SI• Ji,; U $!. Lovl1 7t 61 .$37 10 JS Plttlburtll n 6' .m 11"" If Ntw Yort-t hom1 7. 1'1t11bul'1lll s. SI, LOUii 11 IWIY I, Phll•!phl1 l, St, LCllllt J, Morm'HI 1, Chlcego 2. Cllla-1 homl 10, St, Leul1 I, Phllldtlohl.t 2. Mofltr"I 2, l<f•w Yorll; 21 IWI' I. l'IJ!fburth 1, MonlrMJ I, Handhallers Split Tests Orange Coast YMCA split lrilh San Franctaco in opening action of the Southern California Handball Associa- tion. seven teams comprise the league that plays matches every Tuesday e v e n I D g through December on a double round-robin bal!L Also includtd' in tJie league art the following : Pacific CoaJl Club of Long Bead!, MUo'o of Newport Beacb, Hollywood YMCA, JUveralde YMCA and the Loo Angeles Aibletlc Club. Result&: St. lwl11-1I llomt f , J>11il.clth1lll1 $, Pllt111Y•O~ 1. NIW Yori< 11 •w•r '· (lllc•!IO J, MOntr11I 3, Ntw York 2. PUttllYrei'>-<lt "-I, Plllltdt1"'1!1 ), ClllClllfl J, M""!rul 2; IW•Y 8, Ntw Ycrk J, PhlltOtlolllt I, SI. loul• 2, W11t Dlvl1I011 Allaf!!I 12 66 -'5' -11 S. Fr1f!Cl11» II 66 -'SI \'.I 1~ (l11ClnMll 7t f$ .5~7 1 11 LOS An1111 .. It 66 ,!>IS l l't 17 Houlton 75 70 -'11 J\'o 11 ,t.ll•nl1_.r homt 5, $.I" Dl"o ). <lncln111tl 11 1w1Y t , HouilOfl J. Sin Diego J, Lot ,t.ng1l11 2. S•n Fr1n- cl1<0 1. Sen Fr1nchca-.11t homt f, i.o. .I.fl• 111111 l, Stn Dllt'O 3, All1n11 !, Howt- ton 21 IWIY '· LOS ,t..neeln ,. Stf! Oleta 3. c1nclnn111-4t ~ t, Houlton s, LOI ,t."99111 ~I IWIY f, HOUllOf! 3, Lot Mgtln 2, Al11nt1 2, $.If! OIHo 2. LOS Angetn-.1 llomt IQ, S.n "''"' clKO l, Hout!Ol'I ), Clncl1'Mll 2, Al· 11ni. 21 1w•r 7, CllKlllfllll A. Stf! Fflll(IKO J. Hou1I011-1t 11om1 ,, cr11etnn111 1. Lot AllOtln 3, Stn F,..!ltitcO t, a.n Ditto I. POLICE OFFICER City of Newport Beech It you are ot good moral character, of 11uperior lnteJ• llgence, betwetin the agea or 21-31 wttb drive and ambi~ Uon, the City ot Newport Beach has e.n Jnt.ere1Un.&, well paylnl job for )IOU. The polidon LI that of Police Officer and proVldes a be- ginning aalacy ot $718. per month with peiiodlc in- cttaielt to $872. per month. In addition the clty ()ffen pald health A Ufe insuranct-, excl!llent pension plan and other frin&e benefita. tm H•n-1\~~•:.,, io-1 Lwv lntemted a pplicants ahnuld 111111 Ml, 21·16, ,1.11. report to the City Hall Lui. Ml"""• 1181 fff. Gordon Sh•w CowlCll chambers, 3300 iOCJ, 1l•'1, J1~1Ji[•s Newriort Blvd., NeWJ)Ort C~udt Md ... ~~ IJ'MI Noll f~t Beach, caJlf. Oil \Ved., Set;E· fOCI ~' JOM FlnMMn lllCI .IN'f Ho(-17 196° 6·30 pm And ~ ($8), :tl·U• it.11, t1·1•. • "' ' ' • JJ'" H1,.n •llCI Al er-{$11 flt!, i>repared to takt I written JACK DANIEJ.:S TENNESSEE WHISKEY is made! just like it was over a cen.tury ago. Our retirees qere hdp see to that. . These men learned their jobs fiom Lem Matlow (w~ learned it himself from Mr. Jack Danid). And tho/'vc !r passed on their knowledge to the younger genaations who make our whiskey today. You see, our retirees can tell you more about whiskey-making than any. six men we know. And we can promise you chis: There's not one of them who abides any meddling wich che rare sippin' taste of Jack Daniel's. CHARCOAL MELLO~. . IJ .. .. DROP ·o t BY DROP lEHMtSSEE WHISMtY • 90 PROOF UY CHOICE e Ull.JtU,Ot*DllMlfJ,Llll..._,""°'._l OISTllLED AKO JOTllEO BY JAC~ DANIEL DI STILLERY • LYNCHIU.IQ·(POP, h4),cUNI. Tom k'llftr 111111 Jttrr 5lot11 (OCJ, 21· Htlmlnatloo '" 21·11. . ,., _________ ,., _______________________________ _ t. ) I· I ' ,, '' I DAILY- Pilot . Pigskin PICKEROO ,, . ~ :C•Sp1111•Nil '· . 1 .. ... DAILY PILOT ... ~: . IE A PiOPHET FOi PROFIT In Call For Eacli WHk'1 WlnMr Volt Footballl (or oth•r Spmt1 .... ptMnt) ftCh -~ .JJ • plg1kln propliot. Ploy the DAil Y. PllOT Plchtoo 91m1 for w11kly. Jtful. Winn•r ••ch w••lt ,.c1iv11 'JIO c:tth and • V'olt Co1legi1t1 footbell I su9911tecl nt•il pric:-. $10.95} or pria1 ricked from ll1t of othtr Volt quaUty tportlng gOods no prl11 under flO r• jell value). Watch for thi1 pl•r,•r•s form ••ch w111t (Tuesdays ·ond WHnffdoy1l n th DAILY PILOT Sports S•c· 'tion. Cfrclt th• teams you think will win in tht list of 20 9am11 and 11ncl in the player'• form or r111on .. •bit f1c1lmil1. Thtn w1tc:h the DAILY PILOT sports P.49'' fer 11ch w11k01 ll1t of 10 wlnn1r1; RtJLEs !•··················· •· urar BLANK • ~ Clnle ._,.. tliWI: win wf• thil ....r. .... • , .... -.......... Jhtwcf, • . • l•IM YI. Baftlmore • • • •• PlttlbllfCJli YI. UCLA • 'II • • H-ton YI. Florido • •• USC YI. Nebnnka • '• • ... Geortla T1eh YI. SMU • ••• • :.: Texas YI. CaHfonila • • • ;I' . CastW Mesa ys. Qran91 • ': S1~1clr Hfth YI. Mhllon Yltfo • • ·La H•bra n. Hlllltfngto111Mch • • l!I a..u-dY1.W8ltlllllllt8f • :.. ,., ...... Y.a., YI. IOMho Alamitos • • " Malfna YI. La PHnte • :a • • Katela YI. ...... lftCh • ;• ;ia Tatln YI. lltancla I .. • • Sala Allll YI. Mater D8I • •• • ~ c-111 cMI Mv YI. Newport Harltor • • Wchbt!clr ... Soutliwesnni • • • • San ci. ... nn YI. Neff • • • " ldlloft YI. La Quinta • • • • • Goldft Wet YI. Orange Coast • ·~l IRIAKll -My 1•n1 .,. tfie t.t•I """'"'•r •f ,.111tt • •:tffff4 It tU 20 ''""" llttH ........ 11 ••••••••••••• ,, • : 0 llAMI : • ADP!!!! • • • ·~errt ZIP • =:-· ... : ''.:JCHOICIOl'PllZI , ____ ,., .. , • •>0-o-111t o_,,_ • i'b• I.... OT......... s M ML LIL • '···················· Los Alamitos Results MMtt,, s.t. 1J,. Ifft c ........... .•• , UC•. -l'WllL Mlldtft 1 ~, ...., c"""""· .._ *1700. 11M Mtio11o (L""'9rfl) t• J.tlll IJO ltfdl ..... tMMr1 I.Cl t.tt ......, Wttdl CM.,., 1.0I .,..........,.,," ,.,.. 1 7 f ..W Tl Go. Olk*. .. klilL "--.... ~ l"ltr'Ma, ' ' 'nttl:tt 1tM'& ~ ,..,., Mt.ldille • ..._. ........ "'"· ....,.. ""'· sr a.-fMl*I Lit LJt •• GHI .. fH ~) 11.a ,, .. IW'l ti,.., .. ,..,, .. w _ .... .... ,...., 11 ltfl'o -. lllOUlt1'1it UCI. *'I .,,,., f WW _... MC .. Im Gt* A l"fw. ,_,... :::.... --(Hff1J ... ,, .. ,JO .,.,.......,... ~111 ... ..., ,.. ...... """' (ClmW1 ... ~ ~· ~ Ciillttc. Miit =-: -·-· -'"'" llAC.L a nnJL J .., ..... , .. ,,.,.,..~GM. ..,,..,.._,. (AdlllfJ It• ... MD lrllfl IN ILIJMml 1'PecM '"'"""' (SIT!lllll T"'Jf-11 1111 ... lld'lltfMit. S.40 2.411 2,10 SUIMTM MCI .... YI,.., a 'fMr ~-""Ill Of".O. AA l"k!S.. ,.,,,rM C'-M,._ RWll 1'441!"11 t• J.18 S.00 Laci)' ,......,.. C«tc tRllJl!ltOl'!J JJO a.«1 l• Ellmlnttor let .... ) t.to T~ 1111 Ut'9tdltf--f Ill' A Go G6. OUl,..l.J.A -1 .• _. JIN & .. """""'"" .... ''"' ..... I ·Rustlers Favored By Three Fleck Sets MV Classic Don Crowell of Mua Verde and Peanuts IAwny. coach of Ibo Molllnal Ezpos, will return to defend their ti.tie in the secood aruwal Million Vie- jo lnvJtailooal goU classic if the Jitter geta home from the Canadian city in time, IC• cordln1 to Jack Flecll:, tourna· ment director. Tbe tournament wUJ be 61aftd Oct. 4 and $. Lowrey has the problem of returning to t h e Southland lollowtng COllClullon ol lhe final Nal!Ollll Leque r.auJar ......, game on Oct. 2 in lime to-pete. The event b a !IOohole, best ball aHair for 1cratch omoteun. 1'JllCr)' fee b l10 !or a two-man team aod Includes goU. electric can.. prize awatda dinner • n d en- ter1alnment. Tiie Crowe~y duo WOii In 0 IUdden death ~layoff wt year from Gary 8anders •nd Dave Penlo of Los Coyote• . Los Alamitos Entries ,., ,.......,, .....-U... lttt-nni o., '"" • ••it. ''"' .... ,., .... .M. °"' ..... , ... ""' .... OtllMDll ........ .. l'IQT llACa. CIO .,ardti. , .,Mr old• 11111 u. 11'1 Grade I ''"'° h,.. lllllO. Tlta D91'o!W ill 91'*1) no Miele .... llfl'lttf'I) 111 Cvrt11ft ltl!MI' lttart) lit tllcktor IWrltlltl ui JICt A. Mllfflll (Wltllft) 111 NIOJ °" IMr u.1t111 ...... 1 UJ lvl"IUlldY ltott IMcltevnold•l 111 SlucY l'IY (ClrWt.111 111 lftwl ltrewl IONWrl 121 *"' 01..... (lrlnkl") t:!O llCO'IO RA.ti. -YIHt. l .,..r ora. IM 1$ In GrMt A M111111. l'urw "'"' Travel Gulde · La Puente -North of 605 to Pomona Freeway, east on Pomona Freeway to Hacienda. North on Hacienda. School I~ cated on corner <lf Hacienda and Nelson A•enue. LeBanl Stadtma -Located on Orange Coast College ram- pwi, 2701 Fairview, Costa Mesa. OCC located on Fairview, south of Adams St.;east of Harbor Blvd. Long Beach WDJon -field localed 4400 E. Tenth Sl, Long Beach. North on San DJego Freeway, take 7th St. turnoff (near 005 interchange) and proceed west on 7th to Xlmeno. School located between ninth and 10th on Ximeno. Mlulori Viejo IOgh -26025 Chrisanta Drive, MJ1slon Viejo. South on San Diego Freeway to La Pu tu.moll. Left on La Paz, rlght at first stop slan. Neff Rlgh -North on Santa Ana Freeway, paB5 Beach Blvd., take Knott St. turnoff and proceed north to school. Neff located at c:Grner of Knott and Alondra. Pla1 X Hlglt -78S1 E. Gardendale St., Downey. North on San Diego Freeway to 805. North on 605 to imperial. West on Imperial tor 2.8 miles. Left on Paramount to Gardendale and tum right. Santa Aa1 StJdhrm -located on 8th St. to Santa Ana be- tween Brl!tol and Main St. North on Bmtol, right on 8th. San Clemente mp -700 A venida Pico, San <;:lemente. South on San Diego Freeway, take Avenida Pico turnoff. Left al stop lllgn. TuUa mp -1171 Laguna Road, TuaUn. North on Sant.a Ana Freeway, take Green Valley-Laguna Road turnOff, north on Green VaUey, tert on Laguna Road. Vefftu1 Stadium, J.Ang Beach. -North on San Diego ".eeway to Lakewood Blvd. North on Lakewood to Conant. Ri~ht on Conant. Wedmla1ter )lfgh -1'325 Goldenwest Ave., Weltmlmter From Harbor Blvd., weat on Warner, nortb on Goldenwest· cross over San Diego freeway , achool on left. From San Dleg~ Frteway. late Goldenwest turnoff. Plaques Ready The Edl.sMJ High School Boostera' Club has apedal engraved plaques available to jntereiited parties for dona- tions of $10 and up • Further tofonnaUoa can be obtained by railing Joe Hino- josa (968-4651) or George Kiir '~ _...10 Yll'dt. I ,..., Olft '"" u.. Cl•'°"" '"II· Pura '2300. CJ1IMllll prl~• $1600, The H.,1fl. \.tlll1 Obl1 IH1rtl P•rk«'1 lmMI (Aclllr) Short T1t• IR hnkt) SNnliJ\ l..ac:ktl (liobl-) Kl11t Of lan (9rk*JIT) "'" 1111 !L.lallliml Gillan! V•lor (H Cl'Oilrr) Golden J>uoblo ll'1111J \.lnl11 Obll (Hartl iu per (9624476). "''-;;;;;;r::;:;:;:;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;; 1111 ·~ "' "' '" "' llOtfTH llACI. U0 Y1rch. J Yt1r oldt llld 11111 I" Gr-M. Plut. PvrM 12500. Thi E1t1CUllV'I S«riil1rln of Ort,,.. Colmlr. Oonl• 81 Oood V111dY El'"" IC1rdo11J Tructctln M111 ISmlll'll '" "' m HB Driver Midget Star TM"l"I' Yoo Do& IP111el 8•rred Tap !Ca'llo>:tl Mr. s-t 1!11111 (Adair) Miu T• "KC! Go Al Go (PHii 1U Bonlfldt !lolo fAd•lr) 111 Yolldw Go (\.l1>1'111t1l "' "' "' "' '" '" m WOl'octl'I ltodift (Hlfl) J1;101d Mlrl• IL.lolllml Dober Mol'olfl lltr•i..ll Olndr V110r flHtuK'lnt) Mt Dlr'lt CAllCMllc1 l GlorY II 2 (WlbMl 111 Gott1 l1r Too (Jt lll'lllU "' Ml ,.r, ltt CrotbYJ lU Mr. Oki Tore (Wtllllll 111 Jot lherrY fRilblntonl ... '" ·~ "' •ov11nt ltACI. VIMtk Ir. cw"" -t1'0 rlf'IK, ' .,..., 9ldl •llf VP. CJ1lmJ119, Pvtlf PIXIO. Cltlttll"' artt. .... Tnilv Arni.e (ClnlU.I) B•rre'1 llu:u11 lll:oblnSllll Flrrt \.\ttll (lrllllllrfl HlllTY '""" (!W1) e1 Ol"lfll!! l*•~I 111111111 {\....,.,.,.) llllV OallOlrt ''"'""' PKllk 116rm ION'ter) "' m "' '" '" '" m "' l"llllTtt llACI, G .,1rdt. ' l'Hr oiott. Cl1ll'rll11t1. PurM s:noo. ci.trnlM tl!'!Ot au.. • Ml"" LI• !Roblnwi) '1~ ~ W. l~ll«lfWI 1711 "'""" ......,. '" CMtfrlo) 111 Mr. M .... l"•ttlo) 111 Ml~ O!_... f\.llllNM'ftl 111 -"' Cll s.-m • .-•••• mllll. Mt. Odle llt tanlal ,,., 1urtl11 Diie CCtntou) '" INll..-i 11te11tt (,._, no Ti. c.nt (W.,_l 1t0 ~ OlmOle (MllrJ IU IUCTlll llA.Ca, ao ,,,._ i rMr •lllt llnd 1119 In Gr ... M Mlnvt. ''"" """ Ml• \.tt1i. ~ f~l I'm lll'lt f\.llNH'nl GoMI IHtrtl , _ _,,, !""'' o.dl. ,...,. AHlr) ()ltl,,. ._..ill: l"*•I COfllllt ..... Ill ""'"'ttll ftoetltt Midi (Alllldaail 9'cM Terrlll {~I Didi" °""' T'- l&VINTM UC&. V1"'lt Sr, CCNrM ... _, -----= ........... .,..., I, ..... ... .... ,; ................. , ·. .... ....._. ......... d so .... .. ._. ........ ;' ,, ... --,~ ..... ---la .. www -. ~F..-''O • _,, ..... .,_cm..._; a k tr ...,.., .. -..,..-. 3 UY NfE.A J•OM& FIOM 3 90UnelM CAU'ltW A9 :MIL • .. -" -·=- . - Old Tim.ers Return· ' Open. End Seu FUm Feat Charlle Cb I p 11 n , tl>e Keyslolle KDp5, Louftl and Hardy, Buster Kealon and lbe Mm Brothen wW be fea tured tn • four-wttk Mr1eJ Gl duslc come<tY lilml open. ing Friday at the Open Eod ' Theater F ilm Society, 2115 Vllill w11, Newport Beach. Showings are a ched u 1 e d Fridays and SatW'day1 at a p.m. with a 1pecial late show Satutdays at Jl p.m. In acJ.. diUon Lo lht main feature, a twelve-chapter aerial Utled "Radar Men on the Moon" will be shown. Typical of the •pot boilers' that served as the malnstay of Saturday matlnets during the forties and early fifties, the serial will be shown in three. chapter secmenu during tlie run oI the series. A special film dubbed the ''bonus camp flick" will be pmenled al lhe late lhow ,.. Salunlay1 llq wllb lht feature and tarialt. 'Ille ICbtduJe lollow1: Sept: a.. -Cltarlle Chlplln. ¥Ule lir...ier lllld. lbe Keystone Kops In "Tlllle'1 Punctured Romance." S.pt. :IUI· -BUJler KOllOll in "Steamboat Bill Jr." Oct: M -The Mm Brothen in "Duct Soup." Oct. IG-11 -Laurel , and Hard,y in "Way Out Welt.'' 1be bonus "camp fiJcU" in- clude ''Charlie Chan'a Murder CnUle," "The FaJcon Strikes Back,''. "A ClOle Cal I for Boston Blackie" wilh Chester Morrts, and the Dtad End Kids In "Mr. M11111 Slips OUt". Tickets for the fUms are *2.50 for single admlBslont a.nd · SB for the series. Reservations may be' made by calllni the th eater at m-11zo. SCR Slates lntertiews This Sunday AMUal lnterviewa for · pOll~ lions with South_ C o a 1 t lllpertory, Oranse c ""1ty's only te.!lde.nt re1!0111l repertory theater, will be held Sunday at SCR's Third Step 'l'beatu in Coata Meaa, from 2 to s p.m. OPEN END STAR Ch1rli1 Chaplin History of Theater Offered by Irvine "Our new season "promises to be our moat actlYe ye t and srowtb requiremenls demand tnat we e:rpand the company in all areas,'' said David £mmes, execuUve director. SCR has openings for person· nel in all aspects ol theater, including actln1, d1redin1. design, costuming, lochnlcaJ and business. ~ Like l\'lother HO!.LYWOOD (UPI) Elaine Ma y 's 19-year--0ld daughter, Jeannie Berlin , is clbnbing the Hollywood ladder 1tlth a role opposite Elliott Gould and Candice Bergen in "Getting Straight" for Colwn - bia. Pictures. Also 2nd BIG ATTRACTION The hislory of the modern American thealer reflects the traumas and triumphs of our society, says Lyle Dye Jr., UC Irvine Extension coordinator of a new dran1a course to be offered thi s fall in Buena Park. "The social protest et· pressed in theate r today ha.!1 much ln c:ommon with that of the federal theater or the deprtssion y.•bose ' I i v i n g newspaper' wa1 much like the social docwnentatloo of the contemporary 'In W h i t e HELD OVER **** EXCLUSIVS **** ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT UNCUTl- INTACT! STAlTS Wod. SEn. 17 EXACTLY AS ORIGINALLY SHOWN l.lE!l{){)JJJNIN·MA'M ... .,,. AC>J!.Q ~n lrol.C1m . DAVID LEAN'S FILM a' OORIS "'5TERN.tl<S DOCTOR ZHl\A.GO OOt-E (}MJN . !LIE OiRISlE ·nlro..RIBW N.F.C ()Jl1SS. ~ ~. fl).jffi 00\m ().W{~115~frosmR ·MA llBtGWA -·~-.. _ ...... ROBERTBOLT·OAVIDLEAN ._,.......,.,_ [ LIMITED ENGAGEMENT I SPK• .. A-415Mf i~n• Toc:k•t1 l'll-.. 11o~ollie9 cw t>y "4.,.1 T oi:••1t .. IO ....... l"'*t •• <C'OM,.UTICKl T clff\Nn 4111t ""'"'"" •ncih ••II l.lbeff'!' lk.-•1 ._J'IC._ eoxo~'ICf O~l!N DAIL TAT NOON America' Dye said. The eoune, "The ?tfodem American Theater". which beg i ns Stpl. n will demonstrate, the power and In- fluence of the American theater in the last 120 years, Dye said. For e:rample, he notes the impact of the play by Sinclair Lewi•, "lt Can't Happen Here,•• which opened simultaneoualy in 30 clUes acros.5 the country with its slroog anU-Fuct!t. statement juat prior to our entry into World War II. The evidence of auch vitality. today, however, he believes may be found onty In "off'' oCf-broadway productions by young people whose meS$l&e is perSODtJ involvement with people and thlnis. Special emphasis or the course, he says, will be on playwrights Eugene O'Neill and Edward Albee, with popular plays from the 11120's to the preaent read and discussed. Some attention will be paid to the trend toward nudity in the theater. The eour&e will meet 11 Mllnday eveftlngs from 7 to 1:30 p.m. at Buena Park Hl&h Scbool. The fee for credit or rKll-credit ia $45. Three units credit may be earned . lnfonnation may be aecured from the UC Irvine E:rtenalon office, Room 1325, Crawford H~ll on the UC! campu.!l. While interviews for all ln- tersted personnel wlll be con. ducted on Sept 21, addlUonal performan<:!: audlUons for -ac- tor candidates wtll be held Sunday I Sept. 21. Those intere1ted in joining Sooth Coast Repertory ln any capacl.ty shoo.Id call the Tblrd Step 'l'tieater at 148-1363 for an interview appointment. Films Not Sex Class VICl'ORIA, B.C. (UPI) Actor Eddie Albert. who bas made 1u education Olma, is a strong advocate of au educa-. tion but lm't sure It oogbt to come from popular movlei. 'Ibe screen and televl.sipn star said in an. interview here: "There are always certain parentt who think auppreaslng information i.s con1truc11ve, but alt It does It take educa- tion out of constructJve chan. nels, away from the teachers and into the streets « behind barns!' Albert say1 the c u r r e n t swinl to areater 1 e 1 u al freedom "is the obriow: ruc- Uon to suppreulon of in- formation. We're now paying the bill for our suppression or discussion and dlaloaue." Crossword Puzzle FOR REL EASE TUESDA'f, SEPTEMBER 111, l•• A.CltOSS l l1rbl1S S Soft body tissue 9 Faslentr 14 Popular public figure 15 Grttl'. letter 111 OAS llll!ftlblt 17 F11mll1K1! I ile11s: 2 wcrds 19 las/! 20 .. ,., • .,,. I -" 1 21 Broke llP 23 lt!lldown 25 iClnd of car 1211 Peml• clous • 28 HOlll!• 1 ste1der '32 OVerloot •37 LoCal , offlc l1I JI Asian 111llon: Abbr. 39 Grassy Wtl 41 lltlded • ttt. blton 1 42 HI!~ 4S Ctr bi;., autos: • 2 WOfdS 41 Cloets SO Seal• off Jl Burst forth soddt11IJ ~4 G1r11ttits sa Cllnter· fit IC 1. 62 ltl!SlOl'I! Yest1nf11's l'\lule SolvH: to txlsltnee li3 Ptoductlvl! of profit M Unpl11s1nt night soun4: 2 words W. Surgl!Ofl's nlctn1111f! 117 Thing In shape or 1 hllfltOfll Iii Moved at oreat spwd ti• llarktd lty te111 rtldy •It 711 Hit wlttl 1 hard /ab n Dlt lgl'l!I!· ... , DO'!N 12 Othtl'Wlse 13 Gardener 's conctrl 11 l1n11 nlckn""t 2? 81tery _,.,., l Floor 24 011 laytr dHrlcts l Gentle as 27 Rules • -·: and rtou la- Z words lions l Forffll!d bf Z9 Anatolllc•I intwl1cln g tissut s tr1nd1 l ll Through 4 Gtacthllly 1n tl•e s llght n Clnch1n•ti 5 "For WW." tt111 ii Put cargo 32 A•oinh1· aboaN pois 1111it 1 Ofttfl 1 33 lsllnd storaot off place Scotland 3 S lngtr 14 Der••· 9 Road tolo9lst's •acftlnt forte l O ~ .,,_ '5 CrlUclzt r_ed '-<:j; JI! Qaantlly 11 Outl!f ol flu id COVtfinf 40 [lltntltd .. ,/161119 43 l'lttsbur9h tlhlttt 44 Sincere 46 Stc11t1011 ol tM eye 47 Cu1to•r1 49 E1t , 5Z Rl!cl!fns and reccrcls •OlH 5l Fish SS St ovtrly lnquls lllve s• -flr111 5 7 11111 '°"' wlnts •r• 51 Adds sound 11fect1 .5'Mlnutt .... .,, . ii 0 Authoreu ·· D•l•ar iil Stlad lntrldl1111t ..i i15 YOU111 'Ill Junior L••tutr: lnfor- .. 1 • • ..... • • • . ' .. TUlffor, S.p11mbor 16, 1M 'Tin Mu' Betal'll• Son Direct$ Jack Haley By VERNON llC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Jack &ley, the ·-tin man in 1'1tle Wllard of Oi," 50UTHRN CALIPOIMll. IXCLUllVI 6th SMAlH Wll)!I Hll OODU.LL HllOU DffY 1HI NAZIS AN9 CHAN•I THI CALINDAl OF HllTOIY • • • I 2nd PEATURE BREATHTAKING REALllMI n.htl .. c ........... ....... *"""" ........... ~·· _.. ._ W .. RI .. • w-' *'-hi OfflM ••• ....... , .. ,..,, ""' , ... P""4 ....... .,_ J!ft ,_ I , JtDS l•t c.-Hltllw .. Ctf'ff9 4-1 M.,.._,L 67l0,J:6f AUO PU.YIN~ MIW II• WbtllN I Wlnn•r Of S At•demy Aw1rd1 "IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT" kod St•it•• Si41"y Po iti•r """ . . ru<.E~lm.~-~ ... ~I "'-"~ ........... ., .. ~°""1111 1tlNIC.5" .... tr.......... . \J.C...<:-. ... ,...,..,,,....., ..... ,.... __ c.-.,a.-. •@'-. ...... ' 21141 FEATUl[ AT NlWPO•T * 2114 FiATUAl AT OttANSE GREGOllY•EVAMAAIE · PECK 8AIN1' llWXllO MOON' MllV l'llOT 11, Jlek Lemn!On -~DelleuYe • ia ' . , .. , ' •• ; ·~ ~ ' :.~: t, -~ ' "The April Fools" Hehuawift. Sbe bua hUlbend. W"rthm much in mnmon Ibey jolt bave IO !all ill love. .. ' ... NOW EXCLUS"IVIL YI / • ·-.. • ~ --~ • '· ; . • • • •. • ' • 'r • ~ ' • • .. • • • "''1r'L, l Storr1"9 PATTY DUKE ''" . ...., ..., .. ,. .. "WAIT UNTIL DARK" ' • :i • . ~ -Plus--·? Jane Fendt In 'Barefoot ·in Ule Pa~ Al1o i T•11y c.+lt .H r,,,., Th•1t1•• 111 '"THOSI DA•1111e TOUMe MIN IN TNlll . PLYIN• MA.CHIMU" " ) ' u-:-. ~"!":'~--:-:------··----------------""" --... ·--------.. •••••• ,, ... 1_ •••• ...... -.. ...._~.. . . .. • I ' i I • HdUSll l'OI SALi ljOUSES POii SALE HOUSI S l'OllSALI llOUSI S FOR SALi HOUSES.FOil 541.E HOUSIS POR SAi.a · HOUSI S l'OR SALE HOUSllFOit SALi • HOUSIS POil SAi.a , ......,..;.; v.., i~io ._,,.. 1000 4onorol lOOI Owrol lOOI -•I lOIO ~Go~!'Of'~ll~R-~l~OO~~l~D;"'~'~"'~st-~'"'; .... ;:·~~~;1 .H~~~~~-~·~•~ch~~l4~GllH~un~t~W...~l~"'~'~l~o~1~ch~l4CIO~ GARAGE & FOREST E. Harbor Highlands~ ljJW" Gt ._ WHY 'PAY Rim 1 Yr. oljl !lpurlah' •tole. Id- ' CIRANIJI COUNTY'S LARGEST HH HA.-ILYD. 141 •••• WOR~SHOP 0 L s 0 N Ilg 4 ' ' ,. I.'• •J ..... ...... , -..... --home clooe s-....... ,.....,. ... llbed. 24'z25' workshop me. ta Martntn school and ~ New C•rpett, ecutive borne i.rre formal ,.. ... .......,....,.°"""' In<.-.....,,, ',.,.. bodtooma. lnmlledtomove~ dbWt ~;Pandtd ... ..... _patio-boo! .I --room,_~ S bdrm.+ den,"·'~ with wtt tior. ""!Uc< ·-.,... i..,...,.,,.. al-D01ux• Duple. bullWn ldtcben, Hud..... -..-Sitting ,.... "'""place:' i ~.THREE BEDROOM. Sand pebbles lb'ow fnlrn the tloon: .ntt lathe UICI ~r er", It ii vacant 6 u,e bdr, 3~, baqu. Garden !~~ TWO BA.TH HOME with ===": .. ...1 -... _ COb&l:rt\C&n. $33.~ U&ted ownert are leavin& .for try. View of bay 1; ~ EXTRA SPACIOUS MAST· ~. -;';::_:,'""""~ ad.Ulivel)t, call for a,pp>iot-Euf.ope, Beautiful upper t.aiN: -.500 M&.2151 ER BEDROOM .net prt;alf ~ .._...... ~· .ment. Mesa Verde locatloa.. · <f'W.....:..._ • _ FAST MOVE ' tfil New homes, ready to move In, ~ mil• from beoab.· First ~yment up lo 60 <!Jys after move in. ' · Toiiql_ VA/FHA. Frim•S22,990. CORAL SHORES "'mofll~ J'IL\~, potlo, B8Q, ~ ' .. .......... .pool. !lllO CORlllUAARTIN BEAL~ 115'llO 3036 t:. au a..,.., QDI . S..llMch 1iii OCEAN View. I Bii. I BA, -""' ... ..... 1105 be.th.Wel!Mptl*-111 =--~·= ~ 'Ask!n&$S2,1'0. ~,??!?t"'.X (on Garfield between Beach. & Mapolla 962-135~ : l)Plll llVIS TILL l:JI NEWPORT HEIGlrl'S -. ..., ... payo tor 1""11 Only Un,.....ty P•rl< )237 :;,:.°"~ ""' at ONLY !ll.!00· Call llOW! 6'5.0301. BONUS ROOM "c"....._==ftt==Mo=r =1=2""so ------------ lluntlnstan lloach 1400 8>laa An.. 531...mt in addition to the 3 lar'I\' - ';;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiilil bdnns. lhlo ohoko proeor:I> 2 BR., d<n. 2 be.lhL S..UL •·su-• $11,000 I' otters a HUGE bonus' room deecirated. All wool carpets. IV ''' :Toke Ove; 71fi% Fantastic ·euy Sonia 'An4i I 162o I BY °"""""" -Am. lmmac. 3 Bii. I BA. MW BUILDERS REPO (18x30'). Ideal for .... .. many """"""· El .. aot .... 6% Annuol Owner'• 1oq on hi.-2 •tocy rec. iwm or muJd easily be le rHttuI Jarden P!lik>. G.I. LOAN 'Thla W ~ a doll boule FalO!tic: $21.IOO Jou. No ... ---:.tno. ...... . eDd. patio. J1abibed • nr .wttb 2 1ood alzed bed· feta. One ot ·35 'beautitul botl\e can be your gain. made into 2 additional bcJ. '48.500. Own/agt m.-0145 At $1.41 per month TOTAL! -~ 540-143!5 1 J'OObll a cozy llvin&: room .,.,_ bGmel Iii eic.Clw:lve 1.ltb noor to '"'11ni 28LIJll .... """"'" &ooh aroa. Tola! Completely rep&inled inside nns. Built·ln kitchen, Fire-LGE. hilltop )pt ·Penn. view Lovely shake roof ho(ne with i===========+~I • out. All new house r,a-~. 2 Batht, All tile root of ocean&: hllb. Privacy. S large bedrooms and 2 pnll- turu jpclOOJ.ng bonus 100m. Leu thaft.l year old & in Real.fut m:mo man batbl. Walk to Park! LeguM ·IHc;h 1~05 S1500 down. $237/mo PAYS IMMAC condition. Real.ii----=>-=::..:::==---1 Carpeti: I: Drapes. AlLl-...z.--,,--'-----1 1irtck -.... ... .,,..,,,... Call 646-11IOO ..... $%3.250. J extn ..... t1e bouae bU betlb com-1 ........................ 1 bedrooms, 2 bl.thl, fittplaO!, "Far A Wile Buy'' ALL Va.cant, llff anytime. tically priced at $34.950. * CAMEO SHORES * ELECTRIC KITCHEN I: OCEAN VJEJr HOKE HER ITAG B Oceanfnmt 4 BR I. Don XLNT Ve" Jou ..... pdoo. E 540-1151 . OB PETTIT, R•~•lfor 115 Milford Rd. 575-6996 DISHWASHER! Lovely Cll9-Int. n.t. Wul'aot tnertut. 3 lllotolr ....... ,.. lnatdo bullt-lno 'f---and and o•~ " 11u a11 .... COLLEGE PARK .... r pool, """ 10% •·· Colesworthy & Co. ._ HWT)'! Call 6603m. carpetinl: tbrougbout .. 642-7Tl7 833--0101 tom fireplace 9JX1 be1Ul1 Br. i Ba, w/w -..:..1 .. It sits on .. R-2 lo~ full WIJH POOL . -" SlB,000. 10" ... will make it )'ours. 645-0303 Btoutlful Loon $20,900 DECORATOR'S Lido .. ,. USl oeiling""""" """"v Grae-Cor .Jot; .... ;;~,.;:;;;: Sh•g C•rpMed Home 4 Beclrm + 2 Sethi DELIGHT ioui back yard wit!i. COV· Anxlo u1·1ubm.lt. l'IP Costa Mesa Dirty How about 4 larif: bed· rooms. 2 baths. elee bit· Int, ·double garage. larre cul..._.e lot. forced air bl!atin&;, 6~ tnteral on u auumable loan, paint u. fix it. love it. $SAVE$ BedraomS . $21,300 : $148.0ll Ma. You'd better see this one. a.JI new olive creen hlli• pile carpeting ... ci.nted by ricb walnut ptnelin&, all on an over-- Blzed Jot. bee.utttul trtt lf.l\ed 1treet, take over niatint loan or set • _ .... 3 Year Old Mansion 'nlil home bu 7lOO 911- . _ft. of pra:tip li~ with ' -2 bedrooml downltaltl and 2 bedrooml ui:atairl. beautlful entry wa,y with bu&e J.lvin& roam and a ft!t\ f:amib' room. not too mention tbl bellted ed l!lt....i pool and -· side yard able to house lll1 boat or camper, the owner ii desperate and mlllt sell bldni $44.900. MAKE OFFER. These Are caned Quickies * DUPLEX 2 DORMS. E.+..-432,450 V A·FHA * 3 BDRMS.. 2 BATH our OF SEASON SPECIAL. at Harbor Center 2299 Harbor Blvd., CM. with only S2,2SO Down AS-Near 0ranct Cout Plaza. Mod~ Spanish 3 BR .. 2 NEW LIStlNGJ ~~1:o and block $44.500.. StJ?.1E FHA loan at onb' Lar&e patio. Boat rate, No-bath Chl.ncellor heme; taste.. Real l!barp .2«)'. borne a~ WE SELL A HOME PLACE :REALTY f9l..l'704I Red"""' ll500"" na!d ..... ,, _ _, _____ _ ' bdrms. hardwood floons.1• Home needa paint &: care. $159 per month TOTAL! Ex. thin& comparable at the fully done wt a young, mod-prox. aKlO sq. 1t. 3 Br. 3 EVERY 31 MINUTES HANDYMAN'S cdlent neiabbOJ'hood wttb Price in nice atta! 540-1720 ern flair. Jutt reduced to baths. By app't. only. Special! f Income wllt. m New price $26,900 SPANISH HACIENDA -ring....,""'"'...,._ TARBELL 2955 H•rbor $34,960. Term~ $56.ooo Fmn Walker & Lee ,... to -P•tJoo.""""' q trees! 3 ram~ size bed-LEASE wrnt OPI'ION 2400 H1I Pinchfn & Assoc. LIDO REAL TY INC. w/ocea.n Yiew. Nda. Pf.int. P'ucln&ttng 2-ctory home lo-rooms &: 2 baths. Aw a Y !aden No 32 Full · 3900 E. C.out Hwy. 6154192 Vic woehler 1li82 Edlna:er ete. ShoUld srna $9.tm -p. cated. on 11/3 acres; spac-lroOl the smog but dofe ' • pnce ....... V'· Lido --Pr ~""" ,..___.,_._ .............._ Newport ioos living room. lark for-1D freeways. sbopplni' a: $18,950 tl'lO total per month. JUST LIS TEDI .... , • -•H~•~ '842-4455 or 540-5140 · .................... ~ u-..w.. mat d1ninc room, both with, 8Chools. Truly your Orange Bkr. 96M4'l1 546-8103 BeauU!ul 2 Br,&: den, aver• MDSr :.Beautiful 1 story l ---..:°"':!::::":..:""'=&=---IM-'::JSS=::IO::N-:':;:REAL:-:;-;:T'l:=-;;!tffl1~-~I ot =. ~ ~ ~ = t.::,"' the ~?nlr 'b~c ~~ ~ ~·..l'· J;/'.i~ .:_ =;;. ~;: sB~~: QUICK OCCUPANCY COMMANDl~,..G Victorlt •tables in excellent conffi.. WE SELL A HOME family room &. dlnlng room '34.lOO ' bath, large living &. play NEW 4 BR. 2 BA Spani&h Cott tllne-C.ttllM MMlll Uoo; corral t: puture.: J:acb EVERY 31 MINUTES Exeellent condition. ~ e Red HUI Realty room. Maid's rm I: bath. lt)'le borne on larre. iot. ~9601ot ~-"~I "'9eh1 member ot the family can w lk & L mediate ocCupancy. Pete 18008 CulVtt Dr., Irvine $149,500. 938 Via Lido Saud. Close tonerythln1, yet eom.. ~. . OlllUl .,.., eye · (..,yllme) .... Iris """ "°"'· Tbb de-a er · ee Bamltt Real\y 642-5200 OPEN 9 AM~ PM 83>-0820 1 ;;j673-<650 ... iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I plolo privacy !>.hind atu<co 1~000 Down, bal. at '7<J 1 '!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!I Ll&htful 4300 ac;i. ft. Spanish J • walls. Price inclds many cus. month. 81137 ·v I' tane owrioob a lft.utltul 2700~.~~atAdams 1--------11-80-l·B•ck S.y BAYFRONT HOMES tom extras; wtt bar, book· COZY, modern. J i R, $141 Tottl Per Month nimminc pool. Authentic .,...,...._... Cot:t• Mu• 1240 Priced from $98,500 cue, derorator wall papu. $20.500. 190 Cl:nyon k:res lnclu.fet 14exK:an tile ~ A ...... Open;iiii;;';iitll ... O;i;PMii;;;;;;;., ROOM FOR EXCELLENT Baek Bay See us for the lJdo Good terms on <»nvendonal Driv~ 213: 39&-25m. P rincln.al, 51/4% iir1ll WOrk. mate tbil • 6 UN location on cul-d~e street. home-to suit your needll loan. 134.750. PANORAMIC Ocean view, 3 lb"""' ""'~ ... _,...,. unlqUe offering wilh. N.... IMMm. POSS. ITS 3 BR. 2 J3A. lam rm, bdwd Wolkor Rlty. 67>5200 J•rzy O'Bo"" ""'F.V. . BR 2 BA, top ol M)'ltlc: HID, on this ASSUMABLE V.A. part Beach addreu. Aakinf , $22,950 nra., blW, heavy shake 3336 Via Lido, NB Open SUn. _....::9i3-325:..=:;1;_,o:o;',;5-lll-085;:::;::::'--$46,'150. 491-1149 lou. NO '-of -~ $149,;QO. 5 BR & FAMILY awn., ~ -lo d•l""• roof. N..._. Pal "tl ••. $16,500 RENTALS. est and EVERYONE qua1. • h b ot •mall house on 60'x3JD Assumt 51.4 % $21,100 loan A: * 4 BR. 2 3 BA. A.'5lunable $1650 down • paymf!ftt: Jess HOUMI Furnl.W" ifies. Immaculate Nor t b 10 n macna lot in lap W.aide Jooation. $165 PAY' all. $26,500. By 5%% loan. By GWnl!r, than rent. 3 BR 2 bath. el.ec. -'--'.;..;..;,;...;_:.;.;.;.;.;=0-.-1 Ch9ta. Mesa ho~. Owner (ll4) 642,1235 This large farniJ.y borne ln 11.,;...,,.,.=o=·=S4i'-o='=~====~ I $60,500. 613-Tn6 trice built-in nna:e I: own, Generil 2000 wW help you with the down 901 Dover Driw, SUite 120 North. Cost.a M~ with all 11 · ---'------! FA heat. double caraa:e, __ .:.;. ___ ....;;;,;;;;;; payment. NeWpOrt :Beach the built • ins inclUding a Eattbluff 1242 Bilbo• lslincl 1355 fenced & landscaped. FrH R1ntel S.rvlff WE SELL A HOME ''!"~~~!'!!!~~!!!!!~I water condlticontt. Needs • • Have te:Mnti waitinz. GlYe EVERY 31 M INUTES 1$11 t50 Ne•r The Beech little '!LC. Vacant A pric!d 646-2313 • 646•n71 RARELY Available. Lusk OPEN HOUSE 4-7 lfm~ us the lnfonnatian on ycur W lk & L 1 · way under market Hurry· NO DOWN TO V!:IERANS. Eutbluft 5 BR, 3 BA larp :zu Sapphire Ave, Room to ~ Nntal &. we will rent It ~. a er ee ~~·.~-~~.. this150W<m't lul 0 NL Y 5 .... ..t.i_.. 3 BR 2 bath ho-family rm, 2 frplcs. l car build new Mule on front + -=~-~===~ The Re•I Et t•te Mtrt ·--.. ~¥-..... .,., w: -..-$29 .,.... .... '6 ,.... gar, brick patio, cul-de-sac 17420 •-ach Bl··' 1111 2190 Barbor Blvd at Adami am custom dn.pel! $() ' • In qujet residential area. atrttt. Will lease; prdener iexlBUng 3 BR, 2 BA oewly Sl/4 Ofo-INTEREST -., •. , . . 535-Mri. CLOSE to tchool I lhoppinsT Lovely tree shaded patio, paid or COlllider tnde A-1 ·remodeled. OWnr 675-0204 Only $153 month MT-8531 Open 'til 9 PM Oubtandine FAMILY ROOM nicely landacaped in tra1fie beach ineoml!' property. Payments. Huge tree-shaded R 1_ S j Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;J for tM kida! Secluded Mat-tree strttt Priaed for im· 644-0770 for appointmnet Hunt1n§ton le•ch 1400 k>t and beauUlul 3 BR, 1 ent1,. to hire 2005 Horse Randi or er Bedroomtl Model'l1 u-to-mediate sale at $23.750. with owntt. -. bath home. Ex:tra lar&e eov-SHARE 5 BR house 3 bl. 3 mom::M' al electric MEDAI... CALL St>-8424 &>uth Coull-:======== ered paQo! ~'11.'0od ~n, car pr w / m ~tu.re , DOCJ Kellllel !JON ldtcbea wllh apaclout 642'1771 Anytime Real Ealale. -Irvin• Torno• 1245 MERMAID'S X1nt -"°"' Call'"' inf..,. omployed ma I e. CM. 3 BR. >II Ba. VA-FHA....,., d"""' UH and .... .-Quicl< p 00,.u;.n MA. NSION maliol> on lo lo dowo. 04&-•~• 549----• u. bu! NO DOWN VETS "' 2 Bedn>oms, 1.,.. living AVAILABLE NOWI MUTUAL REAL TY -----· llS,000. Sl,100 ., ANY QUAUFIED IA YFRONT room, w/w <PU. Wula!od. T•mnc 3 Bdrm., 2% ba. In Frank\y, th~ t>.acl< homo 142,1411 "Ba=m"'·=-=--~~-1 BUYER at lea than rent· HOMr-Attach. ...... .,..,__ patio, priv. Residential :An!a in de•;..-d (o the mer--1-==,.:,;=.,;;::===,_ CAREER Woman to ihare .. 5 •-··~~ w., . ~·-• r BEST DOWNTOWN -.·lb_ ~ H.,....._,_ paymen · With Pier a SU nOwera. R-2 lot &; x 131!, Corona del Mar. 8ep, dtn: mild m your life to 1it • '11"........ .....,...., Lachenmyer WE SELL A HOME 1 p. $19.500. Terms. 37l Ra.lam le tam. rms., with unusual around lelsurl.Y &: flick her Hunt1ngfon Be.ch . Beach. Call 89T-'154t. ~ . EVERY 31 MINUTES :f w~~ ~ch!~: PL 642-7649 are as for "ntertaining. golden tail tn ttre sea breeze. ~ 3/~-~~eoua rearal c~ u._. Rt'.1ltor L!llJ Nowpart Blvd., CM CALL '46--ml Walker & Lee 3 -... 3% a.~· ========I 154,950 1t,,.. a11 ... """'""n"' ,_,., ~~'~ '"'"' --·• .._. . ..._ R C GREER, Realty that lets her have extra 1"y, Home bu added tarn luxurious ma.st.er suite Newport h1ch 1200 3356 ·vu;. Udo 673-SJOO houn: of fr'el! ti~ to .splash rm, prap hu beaut work-N l c e 17 ~film 10 x 40 Eves. &f.l.1665 645-Zl90 27tlO Harbor Wvd. at Ada.ms ......... Open 'tll 9 PM CH10r'1 Palocol RENTALS Truly-this outmnding model I lAr'Kt' 2 + all·PIJl"'POM! pool borne gtTts )'Oii that room overicddng: SA. QI.. ll!'ellnc • it'1 that lw.h. Com· try Oub. 1..eue $185 w/ plete)y covered • enclosed option o $2l,500. '10xl20' patio 14' hich. .C bdrms. fam-lot. ily dining a.rug, OUue::I I 2 bdrm. T~ oom- Sil,O'XI or $58.500 fumished. p!etely tumi&bed $115/mo. on second Door with * BY OWNER * about tn the iurt or sun or !!hop. $24,995. Rex L. H~ w/c:ab&na mobile ~· sweeping bay view. C '-I M 1250 -~ or fix •ou an ..... -olf.. •• 847-2525 Adult. ody pe.rlr, pool 1t rec Bookllned d Oceanfront Home,.3 BR. util Of'Oftl -Ir auuv ., ~ ... ,. '"""' "n special dinner alter a hard MANY FEATURES prt~. suo mo. or r;JirPi~': =~ livvi:: PRIVATE BEACH days work. Beautlful glass Mlle to~ walk to neW ml&:ht 8el1. Owner: 615-0UJi Roomy kit. w/bltns & Just a tew 1tep1 .•wat. :S kitchen filled with all th!!' Jr &. Hi schools, 2 pools 21 =-"="~2-6487,_---~~--I avocado shac crptg thru-~ convertible den, time saving appliances lik:o? tennll crurt:L Beaut. ~-J Bit furn or unfum bowie. out Front yd w/pe.tio a: f.amily roam and fm'n'l_al din-dishwasher, double oven •led 4 BR Condo. Aasumt Adultl: onl,y. $135 per mo. CABANNA $63 500. 6'13-6990 inc room with a view ol <one telf cleanerJ .• ~ &: s:l"' FHA. $26,550. 21296 1,,-=rou==· ======I 213 ~ ocean and jetty. AU thll disposal. Roma.ntie parent Wavecrest Or lL a 962.-°' < ) ' PLUS a KO~Ull larp p;iol saver retreat" adult apart-S29L ·• Newport le1dt 2200 I/I to a prote<:t<d .:ourtyanl .•• m'"t. 3 bdnna, 2 be.Iha. ,;::;;;,==:--=--..,,,-,,-l~;;;;:'--;;::::;:-::;:-i:=-1 Wettcliffl $1/• % LHn1 for the family that deserves Draperies throughout. ear-SHORECgESI' 3 Br., !am. IJDO Sands. 4909 ~ SPollnl three bedroom.. two tbe bl!at. tn,500. pcting in living, dining, ball, nn, 2/'Ba, bit-Ina, frple, Cre80!nt. Avail to J'um 15. S bath ... bbme. Small dining '7J.&550 master bedroom with prt. very nice. Assume Wstina Bedr, 2 bath. wuh!r/d:rJ'tr, vate bath. Completely fetio-51'. % FHA. low down. fl!' need yard. Pool aftD. toom. covered patio, luge _.s kr •-corner lot! Price only t41,500, ed, private gate, ll'(Jl]t lauu-B lowrwt!r 21~2378 Near J1111:ach. $250 mG.. No 5(6-SllO I 2 bdrm. An!hgoy pool, llllJcinml..... Leue noo witli' option at lm:m;:=:=s:=:=:=:= OUEGE REALTY llZI,,,.. -•-.ell I • bdrm, lam A din rm. Hoii.. & Commerciel -$20.900 <LU lOOI ••.• 2 ltcry lee.i;e $325 with Uve in the 3 BR .st.Ip • optilm at $38,950. Sbup borne and have 8f' z Bly A: ll•ch Rlty., Inc. seaping. Move in tod&)'., 1.:========= I pets. (1) 535-4S75 or (l) llow<Drt SU!tol26NB $311,<SO. 0oly$59Sguuanlffd H I -· ' 901 •o. 'I-'===::====="" closing cost to aJ.l! (n4) unt ngton WINTER. 3 BR, 1 ii * 4 BI>llM.S., 2 BATH A GOOD NEWS . Fill + OCEAN VIEW Travets tut, ao hun')' • .U. 233' commercial lot to me for business. 2 .eparate gar. ages. Ideal for storage or ? ! 645-2000 ""°'· 646-6001 Lusk View Home "3-W!.WOVanUooLano, H•rliour 1405 duplox, .... ,, boadi ll)mt. -$39,500 sume S2'7 ,ax>, 5~ % loan. BAY AVE. DUPLEX Open Howie Sat.Sun 1-T Huntington Bea.eh. Bkr. w A TERFRONT Migbbon preftt family, 6210 Oc::iWi- 2 Modern1urdta in best area. Week Days 4-T $26,500 aeross the l!treet! Still just front, NB. $225. 21J.: * 5 BDRMS., 2 BATH Along with coJOl681 BOR'a, BIG tm _ '28,500 3 Jg,. bath&, fomlal dlni~ $39,500 EuiJy "1.1!11\ed. adl!qllate re-Elepnt 3 Bedroom, 2 OOth, "A" 960 596-1109 tum. Terms· $59.000. family room. Thii home'• Glen Mer By Owner rN_:__, ~ new '4 Bdmt., :;-:-===-:-=-~-I rm, and ~ den w/ <Name )'OW' terms)' *VACANT MESA """-Enttttaln ....... 18x U-~--· H I .. V£RDz a BDRMS -co lftted, m1erm poo1, For ~. orses Newport BURR ' WH""' t>.a~tilul land""api,,. A deo-4 BR. 2 J3A, bltm, dlahwuh-Ion~ din. nn., 2\l be.lhL BAYSHORES -<Bdrm. S,be.. 115 on.ting compliments t b e er. trplc. new paint inside A Rumored $5,COl prlce In-Stpt. -June leaw. Pri~te REAJ,.1UR wonderflll view it ha.I ot crease! -042 Mom lng ~. community with/beach. $315 J26,950 appointment to 9tt, can Dan Clwrning view custom borne Lee. zoned tor bones. 3 bdrm. 2%. ., -N -~Blvd NB out, fiOO lq, ft. pe.Uo, lots ·of Huntington Harbo·-. mo. •~1~ •- 6;ftli e .. v-~ ·• · • C&.talina and the mountains. Cl!'ment &. n.lsed plantera. ~A" ,,_ .... .,._ uau ,.. .. *'ro!LEGE PARK 3 HERITAGE 540-1151 be.lhl, 2 ""1>la"" In t>.ou- 'JIDRMS. -"6.250 I .......................... , .... --°""" am!. Vlctori• 64"8111 lonytlmel 615-4630 642-2253 Eves. Owner. 644-1392 sprinklers, pr workshop Bmker. ~ NEWPORT Channel;_ J Br. 4 BR, 2% BA. Larae living H•rbor View Hills loaded w/ cabinets. Walk to BUSIEST mal'ketplaoe !JI wshr/dryer, dbp., Pr. ta. room. Fireplace. Kitchen-Expansive view ol grftn-elementary, 1 mile to H.S. t.own. n. DAILY PILOI' fncd . yd. Side tie a'f&D. dining room. Fa.mlly or den. belt, nr a.aoc. pools LoYeJy 2 m1 to J.C. Lela than mile au.ttled l8Ction. Sa Wlntl!r. 3501 Fin:ll!'y &U.-UJC Ot9l:Dm bu.lit home, lqe en.. JEAN SMITH Beautiful patio, d o u bl ,e 4 Br., bun. Ii: din. ~ .. Wet ;H~ c:-.:::1~:i $27,40I money, time A eUarl U.:, 2 BR F1lm bame, i " * 5 BDRMS. 2 BAl'R +· llVINE AVL .... $41.500, -..... POO~.~Wowl * SHARP 3 BDRMS, 2 BA11t CONDO -$2(1,900-Whewl * 2 BDRMS. BEAOI CCflTAGE -_pj,9MI * S BDRMS. NEWPORT HEIGHI'S V1KW -W,950 * 5 BDRMS 2 STORY -$37,850 •tMMACULATE MESA V!!RllE PACESEl1'ER -sz.ooo * 3 BDRMS., 2 BATH, BUILT-IN -$23.950 ' WI RAVE 82 MORE -Ill'!' WE RAN OUT OF 1'00M • • • OOME IN AMO llllOUS& A Brr. -r} f" I ..-;,. J.'I - OllAHGI COUNTY'S ' LARGEST UH HAD01 &YD. 1411141 OPIN nll· 111.L l :JO dolled court)'ard Jar maxi-R--a-.-garage. Owner. For •!Pt bar Like new cpta &. dra,.. r\f'J"962•1 • .,., nowlll Bayaboretleue) .,A.,·.,~ mo, ~ mum privacy. Ml.01 extraa WUllVI" btwn 8-10 AM or &.10 rM. es $ss,soo . Make ~«et! ..,. ~ In lhlo b.outllul.3 Bdr home. ....-SUP ' PIER .......... DoLoncy RHI Esl•to ~~':!M.c.n11e, RllTs. HI E.11'11 st., Coot& M,.. $79~ . BEACH BARGAIN! 2828 E. Coast"""'· 6'13-3T10i..::Go..::no=r..::•lc_ ___ 2:;000~..;.Go::;no::::.:ro::.l ___ ...;2<::1Jo::DO::;Go=:noro::.:;::1 ___ ~2:::0-::::,DO 1810 ~ -"~ MESA ~BDE 0...,. bull~ I -........ O>onnllW l Br. 2 ha. homo. EXECUTIVE llOME ........ _. ., -..ia. ,,_ --..... ___ 1 __ 5,n_.-... Cl.rp., drapes, bltns. Steps A 6~., L 548.TI29 IQ1time 5 BEDROOM ""'""" ....... ......., IX\Uuu~.. to ocean1 $23,900 ssume 74 ,. oan j !!!!!!!""'!'!'!'!'!'~!"!l'""""I Ai.ol-..,.0.., ... ., ~~...:: ~ CAYWOoO REAL TY N•w Broad"""' 4 Br-A WOWI! --It'• t>.• apt. A -Malle o&r. -W. Clout H..,., N.B. F"". rm. Tutolully "'='- 5 llEOROOMSI "' thall "'''" I Ba .... lux· Mary J.oo ......., e 541-1290 e aled " '""'"'•""'· ""'" !30 000 orioua &<lid -..,..... DU Call, '•""'"""" , ----T·~ ~ ..._ -.,_, Blodi wall ........ PLEX °"""".R•al Ealato ~250! -H ~ '"""' -,,...1ca1 land-Sele,or .,..,, •mm.~ -· VACANTI ma1 dlblna ...... ~ _... $18.960 -Doh'! ..... l>oedi,. 8,, den, 'Ba, ...... -· -......... tbla C.W.111. .... I c:.. J ......... ,. uni~ ·:Ind µnil o ... -of Hwy. 2 Bdml., FHA .t:i.::.1 RMlty -SA Now port Contw Dr. :-"'~ fil5.:· $10,000 ~~":'::~ -Newport IHch, C•llf. C.no Robttt.oioa. Rea11ot SEE THIS llEAUTYI 13M711 '4<-2430 Nawport llolthh 1210 6n.4m s@~lA-~.i-ti's· So Jue •Simple Sermnhlcd Word Paule for•~ Collete Porl<o Shorpoot IA YFRONT APT. OCEAN VIEW DECORATOR FRESH S171M!U,.MPEAYSl'as A%LL l"slBeLedi;;hm;;• ]t laL1iiL;; 2% Bdnna. 2 Batbe., 3 Garar-Com!.> 2 Br. w/ox"' "''· liv. ,.....,. na Vlsta Dt1 l.Jdo. Pier Ir: slip es. Balcon1 paUo. Kltcb. rm ., lldwd. firs., walk to s Br, I Ba.""' -"P din "Pool" • $26,95011 avail.obi•. -....... bl .... AND. Calallna view. •vet)'tblnc. 11-2 Lot. rm. 2 frplca. eompl kit. utD FU t location $28.500 JlrtPt t: dftrf'ul. Needs SM,500 rm.hmnactnd«pc.Byown. '" near every. George Wllll lmtOft IOtne work, $32,ll». OtL1ncy R11I E1t1tt "._ .t -549Jn) thlnr. Luatniua wood pand-REALTOR Grohom Rlty, 64'-2414 ""'E. • O>ut Hwy. 613-3!10 --.:,.=-.,.~"°"=-1 bis. handsome fireplace, at· ~~ Ew 673-L'i&I 5~ % LOAN tndlve brftldut bar. Tor _ •• _..._.-:C===~"=°''-'---1 Near Newport Pon OUice 1% btkl trom Bc.h. Newly No .......,. o1 lb""'" '""· • 1arat ..... ram11r • .., EXECU11VES b14 .... ..., ,,..,,., 3 ar, 2 Vacont • Bit "'ram rm. 1!1 • """""""'· ~1m "'°"""' "' Nowport S.acl<. Diver 511o,... 1227 Ba. .. -.-.. ....,,,. batl'lll. 30icl9' ltY rm. trplc, TARIELL 2tS5 H•rbor New Ivan Wf:ll'• qualilY CA lots ot xtru. J'or 1ppt hi! to 1<1llc 1o1. ()ob 132,IOO * PTIVATING 613-SOOI. :m GoldeN'O<l H • , BALBOA PENINSULA view homf:• In Dover ~ Oilfermt "Old Worfd" eon-$79,500, °""'" WTY' FUnetionat. t t planned e1. Large 4 bdrm 3 bath fam-P. W .C. 546 5440 tamJI~ ~~ e«-11 .. ~ Uy roomt. See rl'>Odtll opton rempof'll.l')', executive lUXW'Y FIXER-UPPER ASSUM~ v ""-d-n.. 1_ ~-•-·· Drt home. UnohlfJ\leled Bay Ir: nu .,_,__ "i..-.. • cated nr. ocan I: baJ, Pf,ri: -..v al ._. ~ ve. Mtn VU-most rms. 5Cnl ~· 1.1; owner. Oil'""" .u .. ...,. 5 .... ~ LOAN l -ia cu. 4 BR.. i&>. 646-l!iSO fl 4 SR, <II BA + maldo $2!1,900. low _,,_ fl15..3530, s.;,cn.tl'• ftmlt • BR, r. •. 500. J BR 2 BA, b.mlb' rm. Prof 'ltn. Ideal tor entf:rtatnlng. eves A Wttbndl. rn-5141 meJ dbllnr room +pool. 1141 Plua btl Sur decor. l~ yr ol~xlnt COid. FM1 m&in. Jlnmed occup. daYI IKOL,lC I . ., ........................ DAVIDSON RHlly Rod Corptl RHlty $32,SOO. 12382 Fleet Ln. HB. 1178,000 .• .,.m, 611!!. 1oon.1'B~u"°s°'1i~sr=--........,...-,...,..,--.. ~-------L' -&v.s. 54MHl ""5 W. Balboo, NB m-6000 Owne• 646-C29 Box 11132 NB. $48-'nl> ""'"-TIM DAILY Pllm SCUM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 . .. ' ' ' • • . • ' ' " ' ' l · 1 >. I ' I ' l I I ·j 'l I • ' 'I J -' i i • .. • " . ' ' ' ~I .. • -' .. ,, • '' I I I ' --' . ' ' , -. ' . ... ~· . ' ·~ • ] '' . ~ • ~ • " J • c • 9 1 < -l i • • • • • -' I I , I ' ., ...-.. ' ··-·--... .• " ... • • ·~ . . AU ·-::::::::::;:-=::=:::::::::::::-::=====:-:=:::=::;::==::----··---.. . ... ...... -·~----·-·--·---~.. -·-~ .. ·-·~-........ -.. . ·-;-:--,c:: .. , •• RINTAU UNTALI .ltlNTALS -RINTAU .• l!INTALI ......... ,...,.... .. ----- • ~L UTATI 0...11 H1t' s U,.,.,,,.,... Aph. ,_,...,.,. A--. ,..,., .. ,. ...... 2200 Newport...... j.._, IQJdl ' .mo ..... 43llO !!15 .,... Iii!'!:....... ~ ~ TnlOlft' • do4'. er. 3 PAlllt UDO-... er, "' No~· ' I Yll.LY llo, 1 BR """..... ~ • BR. • aa; ..... ~B ~hlo pn, 118' -Lout/~ ""°· ~ltplc; ... ..,...-, i... , v °"u• · -. .... i; --• .C011S1-mm -llrP!e. di!\-. ,...... .... M .. ~ ... ,,.. ,.,.. 81M331. -ijtdurn. w/.,.,.. -~ , ,., L~ · baadl. --...._ 1rom Cool'• a ..-·Coll..,;,,.. · • • BR. -<loo, • bath. w-:r ~-~ ' ' ' nlri' -nm£ --.Plua. 11J1., s:m. BltACH i block ,.,., -. ' !!!:irrt Htfs. 221D !r,i.. -.. -ir olfmtoJ ......... jmaq,, lolllM •'"'""41 '4315 ;IWI , 'wtr.KI-11115 -~ BR, 1 BA. ,_ -· i.li.'°Otll. P" •,'1111. ~--C ... """!" sz;o, ~ • --.._.... •, ... mo wnm:a ... ta1 I Little $11'J ... ~':'!.. .... -$15. ~ -. "!...:.-filed ~~ LS&optlon 3 BR, :lli 1>1, ~ l"l"~•oi-t W;/1-w :I<' L1I. 15'•1rom bd'at Ho-.Hilohtl F--. -LIKJ:ABtl! .......... ~~ , ' ~ ,_ dtn. tarn, + 4 BR. I Ba. tues Jft a .-dub at. doQk. cu• $11) J ta-s BJt.lJNm s Bdmr,·na arpett. ~ b' -..a.-.. man. ~ l'rple. IWS'l.. lam 1n>m $300 ffMUC -· N°"' la .. adlbo ' BR, ~ alJ _ ..... _ fl>lc, 111>1111, bch l 1>1IL • ....,......, ... , .. ' ' N-~ · · liar, pr, bo m.5IH dllb-• 2 llallla. -~ •·-... ~· st Cl·.;_.·,~_,.-..... 1100--. . .=:;:....:-:.=--":": •• _ f'llRN -........ ""' •• f-~"-------------'=-~wport Ho! ..... 2210 ,...,._,. -Hun111111•···"""' 4400 1J:."'a'L'::.:...; !;&.JU,'.'~~ -homo tot .... --iliJ CICEliN ild<, l\; bib. .. mJAIUIJNG 2 Bdrm 1 Ba, lfo&U,r~<f Ill" NEAR 1l••eh, ·-3117-A t,I ....... Avt. 2 BR, -H-Atto. _P.m. .. ..-. ~ WllMdya ~ Who<Wyo Ootl .:...,._,~.a furn. home. 3 Pn&e,-.....,...., oa.:.U. , -.lladupLUtllpd. Coita-Crpbo', 4rpo, MU..• mc1 ::'..-' t . Sl'ICIAI. C:l.ASSIFICATIOl('1'91l ',/Jtt •.• ba. .1co. -. rm. ...... C>Olco locetloo. _..., D .slori $1lS ... ma.""" -""-5*10SC pr, $185, "·· Ooll,lor appl .......... !fr. cm. sm ·NATURAL 90RN SWAP. P .••• .l!eue it1I JllOe 15; $115 moi -GlllDEN 2•BR; crpts. lb,io. No pets !!!l!!~~!!!'l~~!!!!!!"'I 5fO.<I093. 4211 -w.,, '8 NIGH'\' UP • •--'ol Rote ,... lloY4 l!Ml\l' • · 615-1830 -,...,. -children $115. mo. HARBOR l'Dl'rlll' N a. e Kl~ ' --·" s ..,.... · ro .... ··--.• -·' Doll•~ 11·~ -·2 .tPA111•INIS ~19 arw;iw """"°"'· ••· ~ -Lines-' 5 t1 ..... -s 11ucb n.i" ~ ~ ~-' "" •-YEARLY-Oct."llt S BR 2,bl e Phone 9"'fb and pool JIULfl -AD MUIT INC.@e jlouae~ Wd: ~ J ,IA YVU UNSURPASSED SINGLE Yoww AtttlJts Lux~ J1!EE UW turn. t .. J BR apt. BAOIELOk unfurn tr 0 m UT J!nl st. li bb!1t oeea.n. e Cate • Bar t:=. ':.... "":.:... ~ ~ C. :-' ..,.':.:: ~ $'-. tDO. lR. , . \Ir)' prden UtlJilhl~· M' Beach. $130 Up. SUO. Also avail 1 • 2 le 3 673...cTl'1 2376 Newport Bl Q,f .....mHIN• f'Oit'_ML• -'TJIADQ OMLVI .,..._ -... ~ or op6on, llOO mo. • try club • .........,;, Uc! = 536-'12a !il&-J.361 ll<lnn, lkated pools. child 5'8oll55 ' PHOHE 642-5671 · ' A COVE. S -. BR, 2 BA. '°' llO"dl • pool ..mpleto ~ soonr cue centu, odJ to abopptn&. Back Boy 5240 WEf;IO..Y ntea s.. Lar11 To Pl-Your Tr-1 Porodlla M 'fantaltk: view,• 1 ot S yr ! ~t., 0wnr flS.475]. BAY CLUB~ Jrvine at iJJifu: Deluxe bMcb apta, 1 No pets. :;:::-,.;:;-T ~ -· Mottl,, 2301 Newport Blvd., •·-,.. __ ..... ~-J • • •-·~ l-~-=61$.m&==: .. ::m..-:s=;;~1;~~~:r;=o:~~l 16tb. Newport 8"lqt. .. J BB. furn/~ 219 2700 Petenori Way ~ .. ' Uorl. 2 ea.ta Mtaa """" '-IC! .. ~.... .nN ~ 12' Oulae!' Twin D, aum 2 E.\STBLUFF Ui* Innes (n4) $6-0550 -, 15th St, Apt t, HB 0.ta Men. 5f6.0S70 larp BR'a. 2 BA. beamed !or. !IO!d.00 d'ar. Q0R to pilot. n.,rwe .l2lli ml; recent 5 BR. at $550· tBR at w. * -ceiling. ti.reptw,,·1'td pool. G H • shop's 4 ll!ach, Trade tor fUZ'WY S«JM. wm eonalder 2300 ieue '• WINTER. octCUfNa~ 2-BR, · 1 ATTRACTIVE newJ,y Refs AduJ•· 00 _.. II""' unt omtl 5'91 N.B., C.M. comm'l m'-."' mut d~ all ~L • I I ! J ' .1 . ' • • • j [~;::;::=;:-;;;-:;:;;:-;t.11=·=·=·"""=:":,' ;:...._====I -.,..th, -. --Or!-r-·n"' ·-~--~ ~ 2 s • -~-· •• , ~ ~or sm er -.--& 'v111 •..--'' '""""' 'BR.~ 2 'ba_th, -........ !~Jor l mo. Beaut view. A\lall Oct. PR! -tn llc'd r .. -1• uhlts. 642.3490 iraD pm. Owni (n4l 129-~ t-sI'T s BR. s BA. crptd.tNr ocean 2 BR. $180 month.' ,,....., HMS' a .... ..._ '-"-, :t;il.y.. Family eo17. $225.. Coron• clel Mir 3250 O>eta Mll!U.• ll!~ 2 BR. SINGLE YOll.IC adults, ?wt· recreation rOom. ChDdr6J 'th. LI Home tor elderiy man w ·rr VW Bua: 1500, beige w/ llfodem Nft'llOrt Belt.. tn. { • • ~n•) ..,._ ro · fl.40 util pakl. m pets. ury prQep *Ota. w/full OK. 6t6-1tBS or 2214 r ... n-. woman. GooCI food, ~ bllr lntttior, sunrool, de.alt, mme unit, croa,,,., _ • l;~;,::::'::::::::::===:rf R Leue -Cameo Shara. "A"_.., fter'U.tion f&dlitloH I: com-.......... .,., --1•1 ~ ·-" ad~ a1J -•nE ,.y ' • ~· · · Ave. East Bluff 5242 .~..... a ... ~..-, ••-.u .....,,.., acea. •nn.u ft'ntal. Ooae to bcb. •ooo · ·• mo1 or le11. 2 Bdrm'1. ~ --i..te prtva.,,.• Soutb a... now or-""""" •--"'-t 11 ~· Jor •• ltl rift 2150 NW):'lt Ialand-Baytront t-~ · ~ ...,,-.,... ot eqty, ~'wie. CJI, Aftl ~1 ~ ..... J"" _ .. :=, 1e~ .!i_ t;~ Utstm: ~ <1tc. tttnpl ~~u!tm: ~m {;~i ORLEANS. APTS. . 5999 * fT3.3524 * comm1 mtg or unu •. CalJ ....., ..,... room. $.'75 per mo . furn, 2 BR·den. Dabr/dlapl. Tn-4500 3 Br. 2~ ba apt. for leue Misc. R9ntah: Dod&'e C\aU>m buUt Mi1IJ. f,pm""', ;;,~:;.;:,:.:;·_,,...,,.,.._.,.....f Ocean Blvd. on Pappy. tvdeMr Included. m..rrnl Adult&. no pets., UW. pd. $250 Incl. apac. m.utr. suite, din Home, $5.500 .value, Trade HA_VE: Star'• tiitlCldc' dl)r.. -Vacinl DIYkliild M1tr Br """" 7S98 3 BR avall. Adultl only, nn. A: dbl. p,rqe, auto. SINGLE CAR GARAGE. Cof.. for eqajt.· in home, ,._,n: el' xlnt. NEED r.,m!Utl ~ ' ·• or mllect 213/347-2819 mo. -gi.r O•rden Groft ' A610 door opener avail, Pool &:: e111. del Mar, $15 month .., .... .,. ' : ... oonv. den + Jae. fl.ml!,)' rm. ....,__..... _. • .r UJW WEEKLY * ....., _,.. .&. or trl..pJex. Newport Beacb au dJ:ver, « addt'L BR. i car pr. FOR Leue, Cameo Sborefl 6 --~ SINGLE Youil&: Adulta Lux-17U Tultin, C.0.Sta Mesa ree. area. Nr. Cathalie u1o,...,,.,.L "'I atta.. 548-91161 QUI aft 1 p.m. ......._ -""-'-. '350 mo. mos or less, 2 Br, COJWt. RATES Rooms I: Apts with Mar. ¥ra, Cl,rson. 642-4641 Church & school a-C.oroDt. 968..fi"902 BiB ... ~.....,. ~ eve den. 2 Ba. apac. liville rm. TV and maid te:Mce. my pnkn apta with eoun-d~ Mar fli&:h. Income Prof\lrty. 6000 WILL swap occaskln,a.t me IF========:;::::-: dlninc rm, cardener P1 Mlllintt M.otd Jl26 w. try dub atmalphere: and ---------1 •ONLY $255.e of aid chalet •t Mooru1c:f&e Cout u1 .... ,.... complete privacy. SOtTI'H e ._pi-•J• ,._ IO"" Sid tnw near roll cOur.e tor ~ldo Ille 2351 13!5 mo. m.mg ·-.. ~-BAY CLUB APTS 13100 fairww Villa Apts 1!65 Am;p Way, N.B. -• ~.~, ~ .... .,,,, beach front plaoo. l;;~~~;;-;;:4!~ •OCEAN VIEW HOMES 1 I: 2 'BRr-Bachelor Apt&. QIAPMAN A.\le "Gtrdetl •n111 I TOWNHOUSES new 2, 3 A: 4 down. Terrific flnan. (DJ) 781).94(8 :Y Fumllb!d 4 aR. 4 For leuo from S350 up Kit-TV-Pool-Ma.kt Ser. $35. Grove (n4l 636-JOOo N 0 'eo .. R. $285., 752 Amlgol Way. TDcJnr-takeat 6u":", ~~ 2,5~ ~,.~.~,~.u~",-,'=,,.~ .. ~-~.~ ... ~.350~ s..· avail Sept l!ith. Wln~er Don v. Franklin, Realtor ·per wk. A: up. THE MF.SA ear range "lrpart: a 67".>-4130 or fJ75..6033 797" ""'''"'c ... .,,. ·~· ...,,. -.. cir )Oll£U'. (213) m.9369 er 6'13-222i 4~ N. Nwpt BIW. ~9681 ~ELUXE lz, 1 Br, 5llndeck, UC. Adults only. 2012211---------finance, balance at T%. $500 .Jul ellg, good rad'°'-ranp, :UUl '.t'/'2.-6i:!D uar, ocean view, carport. Santa Ana Ave. 5«1-2796 to $900 mo income, '3-2 B1t mech xlnt. Trade tor oew, . 2 BR. dbl IC&rQe, lz yard, NEA.lt New 2 BR furn apt. ~ $165 lease. Ut1l pd. 499-1473 Coron• clel Mir 5250 A: ~ BR t bath apt. with antlque car or dune bu&&Y· '65 °""" SUpe, s,,..,, 327, ab" pis, p/b, RJH, lo !Ul, lmmacl Trade for 11·"61 VW Bug, tame eond, 9fi8.3l29 aft 5 pm.. 31.4 acres dtrua, LlixlNy, cam.. $80,000 equUy "' boe.t, airp1ane .or TD'• or submit. Paul Stuart, Own. ' j l : : : I Island -3 BR. 2 Ba OK foi!' boat, trailer, etc. blk from bay. Yrly ieue.1~;;~~~=~;;~ l~~~~'.:'i~~~~~~iiiiiiiii~~~~~ fireplace' I: air c 0 D d. , .... ;;;..;"'°:=;,;;,att::..;•,;:P,;:m::.' -,..,,--boufe. Sept.June only. $225 $250 mo. 673-Xl25 $250 mq, 6C-«ll4 uk for L--o •-ech 4705 UNFVRN 4e 2 Br apt, new-Build'-__ ., ft. --" " · * sn-.3823 Don Crevier 1::.~:::.:-::.:;:·.,.-==--::.:;:.:.1 ly painted, w / w crpting, _ .. '5 -·~· .......... ..~ '59 Cadillae-&l.V, aood tirea, er/broker 494-3223 • • Po· · SPACIOUS New 4 Br. view ~-==~----~ $150 mo Incl ti! A ly •w below ftP)acemtnt value. 5 p&iDl, $500 valut. Want pick. "'r''f'ORN • 'Bli; 3 BA, $400. home. Avail. Oct. lat $450 NEAR New, acrou imm 2 VIEW Apta.:2 BA; adJ, to · u · PP ~ praget that ~.on ~ey. up, truck, camper or want · Newly dee. Avail now. month. Agent ~2222 ~. 2 BR. 2 BA. Win~ ma.ih beac_h I:. ahopjltna:. Mgr, 135 Albert Pl, C.M. or tl,.: .,.,_. Larae ~m· lot. Smiley to rent 3 BR, CM house, 2 · • Wntr renW or )'rl¥ 0 lex. larg low 3 BR, mitaL $225. J~' at 223 $1151: SJ40 Incl. util. call 1126-496& aft S:OO pin IUtr. W-2221. 646-9666 car range. 646-5486 .. ln4) 624-TIOO ;PBA, Jrpl~. blt-~. So. 19th St. NB. 673-2706 213: 34S-lfMO NEW 2 BR Apt, East aide. ON TEN AatES 1-========== ~La::..::lla;::c:bra::;:,l!rta,;.:.c..:.Sba"'-,-.. -.a-.La- rentai.. cozy 2 bdr at Hwy, $295. 615-3595 * &\YFRONT, apac. 2 Br, 2 BR duplu. furn le unfum. Cp~ drps, blt·lnl. dahwahr, 1 &: 2 BR. Furn Ir Untum Business Rental 6060 3 BR, 2 BA, bo~ pr- PUERTO YAU.ART.A, Me:t. ' : lco: Commercial + apart. menta. sas.ooo -Trade for aala.bJe So. Cal Paul Stuart, Bkr.494-3223 • ha. frplc, patio. dbl pr. 3 BR, 2 BA: 2 s-house pvt. patio. amt.. boa.t t.llp. nr Vie Hugo, new end d pr, pvt Pa I l 0 · Fireplaces I prlv. pa.t:loe I -'"'-=""'-="--.....;= d~ pool. $25,000eqty. Want 21.I Vb. Dijon ' ....._J • willttt lse Sl9B-$225 mo. cptt/drpl. frpl, I" a r • 642-625? Pools. Tennis · Contnt'1 Bkttt. BALBOA t.SLAND--Leue 2 2 or 3 condo apts, Npt Sch t,:::====·====I ~l~ener Incl. $300. Incl. util. I.J MJ95. Eve, 497/1m6 REDECORATEQ 2 BR, 900 Sea Lane, Cdllf 644-2611 stores. 301 ~ Ave In area. Bkr .646-9732 &yfront 9 Bdrm. hornt!. Want amallt'r or tndt1lt. prop. Loca! GI' ~amide OK. Balbao Bay Plop, '7l-742D M)rtirne 1 • • • l1lbo.I Island 2355 *NEW BAY FRONT* $135 I: $175. Ocea.nf:mt studkl bit-ins, crpts I: drpA., no <MacArthur ttt, C»a.t Hwy) Arcade 673-B'153. Or tee ~v~ •• ~,'-..,-.-. "°wi-'-9-.-..,-w-bo~.,.-. ·····~ 2 BR, 2 BA. $330 yrty lee apt'a. All util 1: telecle&t pets. 568 W. Wil&oo St. "-;:::..:bro=k:::er:;.. ___ _ wDrr!:R; <llllminl 4 Br. 2 HuntJnpon Beach 3400 Adults 23l l9th St S'lS-02.s6 tnct. Lse only. f!M..2775 545-0160 2 BR So. oJ hl"1, crpt., sman llfin clear. wm exchanee for ba house llland Rlty 4911 • • 1 DOR, gar cptt dr1)I drpa, 1ar. No cbild, no pets. C&tallna hland $15 Mo. baytroot. w/dock, ~ or ·D.:rk Aw. ~1200 • 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car garqe. SPACIOUS, crptd, 2 BR., 2 LUX 2 Br, 2 Ba. oceanfrt. In Prefer teach~ or' -.... 1e'. Yrly lse $185 mo. Avail now. Pbol)9 Avalon 187 income property B. ,t , • Fenced yd. Tot.ally redec. BA. Nr, ocean 5000~ Nep-Lag. Royale. $350. 871-1100 ........ .,. Aft s. 64Z-1898 •~a.. Lorin Carver 675-2072 ' -R 1 ,_ 2910 Nr 8Chooh: k ahopng, $I«i tune. Winter. (n•• 629-1492 or 87o-M53 eve•. 1;"'~"'..'.ow~e".:'·..:C::.M~. -~~'lliiii:'N;;<:n;tr,;;;;;;:'T.;;; Trade 2-400 eci ft buaineas LOVELY home on Altadent • 1 Golf Cour9e. SIJSIJli UNm> • ' able loan. $59,$0. Trade fur '1' beach area. Owner .. Lee. ~ or IJ8.5Tl2 j umrMr en a.. per mo incl watu. RW:! • WINTER RENTALS • 2 BR w/ garqe, patio It 1 BR. New crpt I: drps. lnd Offle11 Rental 6070 rental; ottl~ or retail abop BR Bal~ pt -"1 846--3575 1e1K'ed io yard stove A: retr11. $155 mo. Guu• IE•CH for 2nd TD'•. 2ll·213 62nd • ~ a ~ WINIFRED t. FOSS. ..... Dono Point 4740 * ... 1235· * • .....,.. LA ~ ~ · •he~i>ler .$'lS#iO wkl;y. 3 Br, 2 Ba, den. frpl. w/w e 64Z--3850 • .n...-Air Conditioned st, Npt Sch, owner. (213) ~ 675-MlO crpUI, scnened porch, pool, DELUXE f\1m 2 BR at $25 Week &: Up, beabed pool, DELUXE 2 BR studlo, apts, Huntington B•ach' 5400 ON FOREST AVENUE 244-3101, eve (213) 246-0700 wk. Lux u 1' i 0 u 1 refs, no peta. $250 mo. lie. beach. Winttt. $155 A: $16S kit., laundry. Ulll pa1d, Dana drpa, pool. No child qe1 2 ·-=='-"-·---"'"""' Desk apace available in 5 acre1 mature avocado,. . .Rte:rtront apt, pool. Furn 2 MG-7652 uW pd: C.all 6G-8759. Marina. Inn 34lll Cst HI· thru 10. Call 646-0496 FURN l SHED OR UN· nnrest otnce bulldl.nc at FaMbrook. Price ~.IJXI. -BR. 2 BA. (Tif) 613-:IXJ3 A New 5 BR. 4 Ba. blt.lm, LARGE l BEDROOM w.,y, Dana Po!..ot, nf: 2 BR, crpts. drps, 1Winuning FURNISHED prlrne location ln downtown Equity $26,000. Exchange NTALS . ~. f~ yd, water pd, $lf.(I Month, ocnnvie:w 49&-1300 pool ~ Adultl m 2 Bedroom CU'pl!!ts, drapea. Laguna: Beach. Air condi-fM houae, units, or '!?T ·~.Hovses Unfurnished $350. 968-filnl e 673-DS * RENTALS pets'. 642-a>42. ' :;~tina{o ~ :u~i=. :~~;!nt!;:u~ ~~ !: = = Hone ranch Rlven:ide 5¥.. &cn!I, lovely home, barn, paat\U1!. $30,tJX) e q u I t y. Want ineome, Jotl, bollle. ........ WANT used Mercedes 250 to hlly ot TRADE FOR '67 VW Square back. m'"12 EvenUia:1 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, bit-int, Mar MEN -Divorced .. Sep-AptL Unfurnished 2 BR. 2 ba. Cpts, drps. Sl30 up. Owner 60--28.15. Forest Ave., rear ~lead• to .& G,norel 3000 bch, ..,.... newl,y ..,,.,, anted • Join the· =wd. $135 month "'"""" T1tll Ellll Apt D MW<clpaJ .....,,,. into •. sso " *' * * * * , 3 Br, iin· Ba,. trplc. S2(MI per month. 538-8129 Therapy too. 646-1938 O.nw1I SOOD ,.,...-:;•;-:;"'°"""':mo:::•;;::c:::::-l.::.842-8303.::::::=~--~--I per month fer .space, Dnk '!"'!!!!J!~~!!IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!J!!!!~~!!!!!!-"-,_ ~·~-"'" •-2 BR·-.. apt and·<haln avallable ~ "· "'RE•L EST•TE •E•L EST•TE .bl-W/W, --~~· Mlulan VloJo 37DI OCEAN FRONT 1' 2 & 3 •c;;;..,~d,,,.. bl;;;, Pool. 2 BORMS. • 2 BAJR B...tneu """" ...-~"'--rel " ~ ~-·rel ~ ~pets welcome. Bkr ~ WJNTER RENTAL VENDOME Mgr apt E, 1846 Placentia terrice av.uable I.or $10. ""''... -~--------1 3 BR J: tam rm . .Ait/cond,1.;:::::======::: ATED POO All utili·"---"' ..... -pt I trl 1 • nt I ~ Mou & ~ 3 fUlJ td drpd ........ti· AVAJLABLEN;w, 2 BDRM, !150/ Mo. HE C ~ ~ ~--n~UI O ~O=O.,._;~= nt, -rt '210 ~:,;. '::;;., ..J. "'fn~a> ~ .,.._ N-rt Hflli, 4210 IMMACULATE AM'S! ""'"' ...... hit1n1, carport. ln<d, cpt/drp" Klds OK te-. -·~---2 ~ &A~ £"1...,. _... ' ~-•~to alJ __ ._,_ ADULT • FAMILY No pets, adult&, 5t8-6769 Delaware studio Apta, DAILY PILOT FOR lAtR, 1300 -2600 tq It 1 1f; • "4 a .. a r~ -· '1"1U""UIW' ..... ~water. """""' ~ SEcrIONS AVAILABLE 26:16 Delaware, H.a 222 FORE.!T AVENUE ind\11. space. lOc lllq ft, new E.,::::;.;o.:;er~';~=-.;;,;r"=: __ c::-J 6 parks. Quiet atrert,Avall * Clean 1 CIC' 2 BR * C'··· ~ -~-•-Pork l·BR., w/w cpta. it.we, pr. "6"2221 .~-e .,.181! LAGUNA BEACH bld& 1240 1-·-~ c.M ~-• •....:., ...... ._.,, ........... , .._ --.,.,..., ,.. A.dult:&. no pelt, 2Gl E. 16th .v..·•• .. ...,.,_ .. , .,'lft ~ • ..,....... .,._ 6•u "'~ • _..., "'" • Vl/W ~ I: pets -=u ~ ---°""''""'°"" • *Spacious s &· .. 2 Ba Adlb., no petJ ......... Mo.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i;; I --"""681 . "'1!1~me. Bkr 5M"""980 831-1741 · St. .$115 mo, up; &ii-180l * 2 BedroGnu &U-&$'19 After 5 PM. * BEAC"BLUFF * ~M~OD=ERN="'A".i-1,.=condl---~ RENT new ' M-I: 1125 RI· ft, ~ 1 Br bse, pr, Jge :Jene-RENTALS Corona d•I 'Mtr 4250 * swtm Pool. Put/rreen New 2 & 3 Br, 2 Ba, F .A., 1ulte, 17th stmt, Costa $115 mo. 2250 aq. tt. .s= . ed . yd. Pet O.K. Bkr Apts. FurnithH * P'r1tl. lndivllndry fac'll N.wport l•ach 5200 dlsbwshn. pe.tioa, pool, Mesa. Over 700 iquare feet. mO. 1356 Lopp, C • M • .5U-8980 2 BR So. of hfny, crpta, llCS AMIMJm Ave. view', 1 &: 2 story, walk to $240 per IttODth. Park:iJli -675-Sm .. 3 Br, 2 Ba.~ ex-Gener.t 4000 drpl, gar. No child, m pets. COSTA MESA 60-2!24 YE-ARLY RENTALS s Points Sbop'a, H.B. mUee room Janitor ======== •~ Avail Oct 1. Children ....,, 1 Br, -...aen ..,,._ .. 1n. Y.riy lae. $115 , mo. Avail. 4 mt. 2 Baths •••••••• .$350 847-3957 aervb all t1Ullttff ~L cott;;;;: ___ ~--'::;1;,::;00 ~~OJ<. Bia ••• --·-· -~ -All 5 --• RENT • 3 BR. 2 Batha ........ SJOOll!!!!"""""'"'"'"""'"'"""'"' eluded. Pbono ..... 1ltle -• .--~ W./W, drpa. avail now. · ' 1 Rooms F.urniture 3 BR. 2 Baths ••••••.• S265 DELUXE newly decorated 1 642-9660 VACANT • Broker 534-6980 1 BR. View. Near beach. '150 • 2 BR. 2 Batha •••••••• $265 BR 1% batha 1tudJo with ""'M~o"°o='=E~R~N;....,,O~F~F~l~C=E~S-• Clio!•-3100 $145. 2 Br ~"'-· winier, SlOJ yea•ly. ·$ZS & UP 3 BR. 2 Datha ........ $'50 -~-• hll·'-· 2 bl-to • pr. '-IWUl'CU ac-Owner/ait.. S'l5..tn7 •~'6 Ull>o FROM $65·PER MONTH c• e .. N R 2 LOT • :·BR, ~·· •-..-, ........ Avail ._,.. ~. • · Mantl>T .. Month !te•tala 2 BR. l Balh .......... S>IXI bead<. $140 ptt mOlllh "--nd w--• •· -• -.. -. .... .-. J BR. 1 Ba 1'irn $1'15 "'4"'<o" ., par_,., cenii'lU...,. 5 BLOCKS TO BEACll )t!iig,. Upotatn. Ideal ~ 5SH90J I lboo 4300 WIDE SELECl'ION 3 BR 2 ea: ""'° ...... S'50 Tnde-. ltealt;y M?~ll. eadona. S.C..tarlal """""" R. D. SLATES Rulton ~r ·,cp~. ainall eet. Cloee $160. 2 Br. Ni~ly turn. I HFRC FUrnlture Rentals •. URR WH···1·n·· MODERN 2 BR.a, all eXtru So. Calll lst Nat. Bk. BldJ", 147 tn. Ml--5331'«~ Convenient loc. Child O.K. CLEAN s.pietor Apts. 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 $13S4145. Some w/pool: 'Z5Q E. 11th, C.OSU. Mesa 536-88Ql---3519 3•BR·bome, nice aru, falD. Bmbr 64.S--OW All util 1Dc1 $85 up SPAC bach $ll5. C. M. REALTOR Mgr: 17421 KttL!on Ln, HB. 64i.141S LARGE R-2 lot, can build 4. SILVER VALL!Y RANCH HOUSE & ACREAC91 CITY OF 100 I.AKES NEWBERRY SPRINGS MAKE YOOR OWN LAKE aJ Miles F.aat at .Buttow ea -....,., Elev. """' ft. Neu Lake Lotte11. Wmxterm! lUld for a~ll, alfalta, nut tree I I l • l • . . • . . . " " ~ e • ,, • . • .i(, on!.Y. $225. Mo. . $135. 1 Br, pool, Dr lbopplnz. 315 E. ~ Blvd. l BR. ptitio,Pr $135 C.M. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Efta: 847-1584 ---o=m===CE"sc:----unlta. Centn.Uy located ln .AIL 968-4362 Avail mw. Broker M5-01l1 BALBOA '$73-89C5 2 BR •tuclio. ~BA $160 67S-4630 &Q.2253 Eves. CHEZ ORO APAR'i"MENTS Jtecep~Annrerinc Huntington Beach. $Im). li.'iiii:T~-=j;it;;;ij~;;c;;;;:l;,~,;;;~~~~~;:;,11~WINTER~i';3["';*;-jjBAA=ffiffi'iij.= tBR debt, pool S180 CdM ir1m to •= m i~-· , ·--· A"·-ta .<·-tarlal .53&-=..95!1::::;~==~~-l: .BR. 2 BA. Moirtke:Uo Con-xrn.ui.~' 3 +tam rm. child ok S250 -~ "'-""w-...... .__,.. .,..... ...., ._,..., - -dQ. Kida OK $200 )ease. Chta M... 4100 Single apt. Utilidet paid.'$UO 41BR, Back Bay Hie $400. uriow A: elegant 2 BR. 21 Bdrm, Pri pr. Pool, 334S Newport Blvd., N.B. C-2 LOl'S. 3Y X 90' '13-4.271 if no ant. 962--0Sal month 926 E.' B'alb·o, Wide selection apt.a. boulea. RA, pool, prl balcony, view waaber/dryer. 5J6..3911. ____ 61&-_l_llOI____ SUNS!n' BEACH !VAIL Now 3 BR,"'" cpta. $30.00 wk. Dp m.m'9 Local Bia. 64>-0lll ~ _"!1::-.•vall, 2.~~!.'!°"poo', ~~~ pebooktto, DELIJX!'-•fll~ '!°~Costa -ft-•• --~5.i.:.:~:...::""1a"'M~-1~-- -· fish -· bone nncb. boattna, etc; etc; I 40 Acret Ranch ~Land, f:m.. .. 1 proved WITil modem 2 BK ranch house, )le lfv rm, beamed ceil.ln1,' brealcfut I • hlt-in nnge, drs-, .ftnced: •:Day, week, morrtb. YEARLY 3 rooms. bt_ tbe ~..,,. --<... ..--. ---... ., ww-=c Mesa. -'.iJW let It. Al6' cond, ""'""' w•~ ......., e8L '""' .;ii 1S. 5.36-4C9S e Studio Ir Bach. Apts. Bay $19) fDo met utll. $1-W: 2 Br, pr, tkrve, n:u15. Car:lbe &!boa Apfl up. 96)..8994_ ~ts, drpll. MM7G1. 009. Zoned 35 uni1L Phil ,:;~$lttove rdria 1z e ·IDdUtllaAPbonaMl't. Aduits only, no pet:I. 319 ~-pet O.K. Bia. 3lO~~~~N.B. QCEAN,::,O""'~v~1ew-new--del.,.,.""'.........,2 AVAILABLE Oct lat, Sulllvan,5C8-6161. ~ yd, chllcken A Peb e Maid Senrb. TV •rill. F~o St, ~~ c:;;.M • .:;1~.:;Br:.....,d,.-pl~•-x~ ... ~.-.-~-.~~.·I ll Br, 2 Ba & 2 BR. 1 BA aptl. Carpeted I: walnut pe.nelln&. R-anct:= 6150 et. $17U mo. 9684960 e NNew Cafe ~ $135. CLEAN. YJf,y apts. 1 il -.:w.1 ... '""""' ~u BEAUTIFUL A Y VIEW $l65 mo 5J6..6m t4$. mo. 67f>..644.4° '.';0 ... -...... iiii:iillliiOiiii .E 2 BR Duplu. 23'.16 ewport otvu. 50-mr5 1 BR. UUI. pd. Czpts l w/w. Gardener iDd avail SpUt-level rondo tn mutts. 'co c:.:sr::_:A:::.;M:.:,..::..:.;::;o:.,,!!loff __ . -AJ~C. 111 Desert 'R•sort R•nch ............ P&tto. SHARP 2 BR <1rpe. No kids. Na peta. now. Bia,...._ ™1rpi"" :,.• BR;.,21>~ REAL ESTATE ..,,.,, ""'· S3l5 tor 1 1'05 232 •=• """' 1a ., Palm -... ·.,40 mo. 60--ZT. 2264 Maple by Wilson. 547-11$ SJ.40. 2 Br. new crptt, bl.tins, c, • cp ... .-. General Baker 54&-48SO __ .. --Modem furniture. Pool BAQIELOR Apts. UW p&id patio, pool. Broker ~ patio, garage w/aato doorJ _.:;..:;,::;.;,::;. _____ 1 . ..=:::.;·::..:.;~::;;..---Sprlnas. All le~~ A croa Mina Verdi 3110 No pets. $156 month. $781:: $80 mo. El Mar Motel opener. Avail .early Oct Rent1lt W1nted 59'0 ~~:. ~~~li:o= . Ml"f. LQnettn • &t&-6974 no E. Balboa BI v d • , Cotta Meu 5100 $4.25. 6#-446t NEED 1 2 bednom boo.R com.la &: chute, Foreman's tRG 4 B'R, 3 BA tri-level, + VILLA POMONA m..9702 3 BR, 2 BA F.utbhdf ~a. or ho111e, otber bulldl.np plua pinel'd lam nn. !rm1 dlo N•w 1 • 2 BR tum a{llll. WINTER • yearly ........ MARnNIQUE ::m ~ ""~ N,!! '.'." =~· ~~~ ..... "" owne .. All ol the . ""' ' lrptcs. "'"" • ,..,, Clo...t ,.,....., ..... ia.... "" .,... Balboa m·~ GARDEN Am. c.n atter ' "' --,.... " ataJ<...,..ieit • pipe. """tlo w/ pa t1re..iL $360 ,._,...., ad"'bo -·•·,no -ta ............. _.__ __ .... friom both muttt BR A llv u~ A 200 ~ l(J" Incl prdm'r6u,..736f, ,..,,,. .~.. "' uroy .... .pm,u.1• .... EXVM:r "'-nn area. frplc, dsbwlhr,1..::c54&-::..:lll31:::,=~~==-._:~ ~,;x ..Ualfa.~ per mo . l'l60 Pomona, C.M. -'VAIL c:o-.t, "e. _ _.._ 2 Excellent, park.tllre sarrowd-1t<nn mo. No children or WANTED TO LEASE ..-FURN, .. _ bach n.. ..... ,. ...,,, ~" 1np tar adttlll only, ..,..., 11 preaently used for pure tlewport looch 3200 to 1 11&:•.:;., pcl. ~ "":. :! :J.'C;;:.' ~ Badr, 1, t •a BR. Apts. ,"";R, ~':,"" :,-.,,.., ~~.'::':l'i..::.1"....:: = ,.-:;. :r:. :,':: , =th furniture. 5 4 9 -i 11' For DdJ' PAoc ·Want Adi im ~tanr ~in. bl tint. Adulta, no pet&. $175 $300. ~renctt. Box M 173 proved ranches in So. Calif. -'·. 1/1 Dtal81U6'11lor.RESVLTS e.-650 e t.e-613-2310 DalJyPiloL , lmustbe-tobaa,....,. ' • TOWNHOUSE LEASE UOO. StTxtio Apt w . EMPLOYED man needt apt la.ted.. Prioe $950,000 with Wu only. I tnt. 2!Ai Ba. kit. Prefer mkldle qe man In exch. tor Wfflr-end/ew-llbtn.1 tenn1 to the riaht ~deonrated.$2'11'1nobtl< .. ......,., Sp.11--.. ST' .Ill "II> G ..,,.,E._"1<¥. nlnr """*·P.O. -112 """"·For lurtbet ._.... rm, kitchen, modem Nth I: plumbing. Tanlc bGUie m-cl-1000 pl plv. -age tank under "5 Ibt ~ sure. With doub1e pr. Coo. crtla teptlc t&JIJr, all elec., 5 bp Pump, 311 pl pa min at 80' depth. Improvements: Fenced with 1" by 5' x 3eO ft ftdwood tmce. 7 Mllet Eut " -$16,000. Or will subdivide '10 •eras •II improv•m...ts ,55,000 or JO ecres Ul'I• improved '21,000. 40 % Down. lel1rice on I st trust deed, COURTISY TO lltOKlli. WILL tijEOOTIATll CALL 147-6640 Al'TEll 6. .: !ICIY & lleacll 'l'l'slJer vura..,. ~ ~ .&'-'1' Balboa bland • ~ tton. -call Enlnt Eck- · .. --Ile.try Inc. $U5.1 BR u.-tn apt.~ ..._ . -&.lla:.t.A>f---..--c,_=,-'-t FAMILY Needt b:ou1g 1 hoftE khoff & •· 1 •• !Wb• ... " 1 ii;npow.i>r.'NBSUtlelX -• hlttno. Pool. Mar. ~ !~"":'!:'::!:.:: ~ .. ,,.~ dnpontelyCdilldren.Aps • -soc., nc.1---------1 """"""' 'Eves.$1M966•ptE.U411Plaoentta """ 11.1'>15ll2.64Msa. NOW'S THE maw.O<apmanA,., IUSIN"SS-~ To~a -, 109far~W-8liy~ 1.~ Orarw-CallL "" !!!!!!!!!!:o'!"''!!!!!!!-l2 BR, 111 BA. Bltlaa. cpbo, l~li:!iJ ...... _...,,_.,_ ':r•-IQ NEED 2 BdnD. apt In I "1·"'21. E,.•;.knds -· _l'INANCIAL SULA POINT 4rpo, -·GU'. Uaepaol, of,..,.Zoodlaobh1h.... -· ,,._Scb. .... .,Sept.l-• iC!n\f:RF~ ' BR, ' )!la. "' ........ 21MC'I~ Rauo ....... 66-Wli r! FOR .... ~.., -,..,.yard'4r.i.."";'=~~~==-:-: it::...·~~ !ft..··:~., ~~~'::a: .TIM.. -"''?'!" 6200 MA CANDY SUPPLY ·~1 lS15 Mo. 16tJ! Place. $165. Mo. 5v_... 31~ :fl.t.. •• -' Broker &Ha · · L ..... • Buch (NAME =I CANDY)' • • • . • • ' • "-· 6'IS-4S92 • N ..... Palms. ;~ "=... .,..... r.--o•iacK c'ASH 7 ACRIS.W/PEllMIT ~c1unr ~ _,._ • OUSE: I er. 214 Ba 1 A I BR. P&al ,,,_ >I .,,. WJ<.NTED: ~..., r.. "" U ~ ~ ·--• P&tto, poc1. • cw 1rr E. 22DI BL -,u:=r :-~L-:= ;!;.,.= hi. .J:,!'~=~s.. ::= .=,-:..~ ::': . an bl~Mc ~t•. • 1BRfurnapL1100/mo. ind. Httf ~~ nt,... BOAT sup or--"*' 26' mila !:. ol tiwr. utD aftll area. Moat-ti.abit ttdnot.t & • ~ ..... ~ vU1. Mann people: pretrr. 111t 4~ 11cu. ,, aallboat C1'S-1115 THROUGH A '35.~'6Calh.'bllllttrult 2tolb(Spetwetktio.mUa 1 Oct l. *1/opt. :.» ftd..50-3M 'IUtr. , 11:r=o ~£-~r-· "~Fl'ancea'" deed. \'try awd lnrrJmt. No ..U. C BR. I\; BA. -· 1 BR ,_ St§ Incl atlL "" ..,_ ~A BAL hi. Y1l1 to $190., ...... • MAKI Ofll'lltll Ire IJWol""'. ! --Heated~ adw" -,...., ..,r, ta ,,_ DAILY 'PILOT Wrlla.., .,..,..., ~ R.. l99li to 13.tOJ toQlllrad • I bltlna. Ctl'ol».. dtl ¥1t . ...-, -. JIO ll:T• .#fT• . 7' M woman. FUm/unl. IYU. lCfttl. .8ox llf. Lq\ml, f'Bued Gii part« f\111 tlml) fi . HHII'1ttL L '300 llo. 545&Ul,c1t !l8-Xl1 .. ltl9-l?ll """'° '°~ .,_ l<&-6S%L U .._ ft.-~ --F -·• la-~ .. il5Vu:Y 2·~ l" ~pool. il~ ~r." :l,l "*,~ * RENTAL S£RVJCE1 * ""'-<or or pe._ -n-·•th • 0 '. Adults, no $l90 Un? lllL· m ,.,_, ""-.. .,.._, ""M FREE TO LANDLOIUlS 13 DQWN, S8 p !: It MO., ~ ~~ ':;!"" 11.c..JVn.VI'~ w• • S..Ana.645.333 :II'.,,.,..,• 5'p.lilw 14~ nt.-•AO:ttt-14 WANT AD J795.nJLLPJUCE,b\Qi$1G a .,...,.,no., s 8', 1'6. S.. crptt. · 2SQ:s •"> SSFw «19!'!cW ·u.c1"'7 ™""" Bu.coo --w . ac:M In ~ Callt L. l'RANS.WES'TDUt DISI', CO. - adWta. $5Clll ---. lllODEllM J'llllN. S BR, ,........., MT-' """ -· 1· 1" W ~ St 581) No. .._A ... ,, #•Y :zt,... 51~ 11fa4 ,_ .;311..,-W ~I\, • ~ •• Qwtna, c.Hf. 11.'m ' ~ llelteid pool,. adults. no p1ta. "l• :11ow .. T• .. " R fof a~-t c"s L.A. <211) Q)-llta 1 ~J"':"FF• 5 lldml. I Ste+ 11111, -i~Ua:!=~ ~== (J"':~,:.-..... --·~=-,,.•= 642•5678 *LIQ, LIC'S. ~ SU ........ tam rm. S cu pr. GORGEXXJS NeW l • 2 Bf, ~ 2 BDRM'S So. otHwY.1 hUt. IT'S A P.EVELATION the 1>ltlD SU.!llO Oft -~ '°'""""' pc1. Louo ll!t1 Ac!Mty rm. poc1. .. .,., m.n """"· llJI. Ml!lbi. ,., .,.., ......,.. ,... ltnd tn smooo oa aaJo. Cell WM • alo. llHnO r.."""'...;.;..:.---...:.;...;;c.M. __ ..:.-=~·------------------------....:...""-'L----..;..;,-----------1 o;:';:":::ltlod:::.;;.:.:Ada:::;·:...c:::-=..c .... ::::..".....;TO..:.";;...;;"l14<1=;;..;:;uµ'""") 2?-Gll'"'-=-·~· • • . . I I I .. • I .... .. . . . 11iiiiif~r-~-,-!lf!~'~T~•~""'::ii'"';;t-'-' .... -:-l-'pl~l69~' ,,..., ......................... ""'."~::"",..,..-WI OUNCIMINTS JOBI & IMPLOYMINT DAILY PILOT 1 1 . l'INAHCIAL FlltANclAL ,,nd NQTJCIJ • '"" Mon, Wom. 7100 : .,;.. !II'"~• ..... 0,.1" !~1t1u '* ,.,_.,, 6405 8.:!,~ ':!"" .=;: . CLAlll•llD INDIX · ~""~-· -.. P-·tr!':! *Alone'? When You N...,.n--,;..,'°'..,."!"-... ',._ • i 1 ~ =-: .. ,. ... ,_. JltUr:tlt • B.ABYSlT'l'l'!R -s mo ho>'. DI .o • n1.i...,.CJ' 84J..5tta • , MU\..l)PL Y .... • !!">: PJT • ._ ..n. Want if done ""' ....... M.,.. hrs. l'ri s.l"---,....--.,.""·---------1 ' ,.. 'PIT•• .... -' YH IT'S YOUR ll 15 """· can 646-mll. . •• ! """' ~ , FAULT rit'thf •• • iABYsrrrER. 1:»5::.3 0it MOUSES FOR SALE ·' I::.~::.":l"1AL ........... ... ' ""'O..e1~1m1t-. ...... ,*,_ ••10 --.. ~~ m-~ that :I 11 ....... --.. h•-• ••••IAL ........................ o,.111ice11.llfTA__"".-·.i..:.:.o.:.:.··· ··::i" 1 •·-of fallt l:toli ftlld U , .. ,,, ..... =tr==J -..,,,.. """" 've\t ·-·-·-... ' CO$TA ti\SIA ................ UM lWDUfTalAl. P-.i!T'J .,., - I :1 ·-I wm ~ )'<IUf lite cal.I c II f M6-!18'7 • .,,, Dlt. M.la .............. 1t11 COMM•llCI~ ......... .. 1 ~ 111-'W .. ~. ~ ~ 011 • •" oRANot co .. 54T-8GG1 a one o M~ v••o• ···-········ .. 111• IMOUlT•w. a1wr.u. ........ ml ,1 ._,. lnp.t antic. lb~ mok:1f bott1 ild ""''-bo cof· ,._. --~•-h BABYSITI'ER. S AM·2PM, 8 COu.tOI 1AAIC .............. 1111 ..OTII , ........................ ,,. ' -•~ W --.....i..&.. _, .,. ,..,.,,,,. .. ,.,. f e evperts -•• L!•-'-.&.-Good MIWf'OAl ·~ ,.,, ... ,., ... • IAJlfCMB ........... -.... .. ' .:f'(I toiftftt ~ e ...---fH ahop. 1'6 fr o~ Net .,,, . mo ...... ... ·-· ·••.-o•l MIMNTI .......... 1111 CIT'IUt ••0¥11 ...... .-...... fil! ;-_·,. •-cumcnen m mustv. ~% -eu aheft~-t>t WANTED! I d be wqa.retreqd6tJ..OO u....,..., cov11 ........... ;,111 ..c:•rM• .. ., ................. . -1'sle low/I WtrWPOAT tMO•n ........... ,. I.AW.I IUlllOlt• ............ .. tf.':" TV •di. )'OU: OWD 'tbe ... 2"-"''a-v.!t .... 11» 'Owrnlalt+ L:adlt• ... . 8 AB y SI TT ER : G lr I 1.AYCl.llT ,, ................... •uo•T Pll.Of'lltTY .......... - --· k Ibo -ta. ,.,,. " " • '\f\A -• U"--' '-'--• .....,. ... ., U't'JMOIU ................ ,1115 ~·· CO. ll'ltOPCltT'Y •• -,Git -"' l •ant 10 l'QftleQ Wtio tt11 l... o:....-l':'M awn '"'""' ...... ••w DO'lllt SMOltD ............... mt OUT o" ITATS ... OP ......... . '' $5 tn~ }n comptdtor"I Ml 19...... 6'2Q _,....._ oj Jnore OW?WtlJht ~ i,D Lqun;L 49f.'16.53 'lr:IST(l.l,JI . \ .............. 1lal MOUNTAIN lo DllllT ........ tlll .... -· 1--· -'-. ftOI', ' 1o""':.::'.: "'" •· -·· --lllht ~!_RVICE DIRECTORY SERVICi DIRECTORY SERVICI DIUCTOltY ,..., •• '""~•• ........ nu •usotv••ON '-''" ··"'···· ·"'' -~ ., .... --,,_. w -·...-_.,_ _.._ __ .,......,.... __ ....,.,..,1 ----------~ BAKERY. Mu for nlte work, lillU'llltllfY .................. mt ....... UTATI: ••• ,,~ ....... ,. ...... w. -"'"'It<• 2n-.. TD Loan .... -ol loecialUcd B1'-lttl-65•0 G1nten1no' 6680 LOfld I 6110 M ........... umt IMll<· ":!!" ..................... ,,. •L ....................... ::: ter. 11 red\acl.oa. AU !nqulriu Olan-.. ,.. ••• 'f "'!"' ert, Pemanerlt only, Apply W£·~r .. ·d:::::::::::::::::5 iUsiNESS tnd"' .... .. ·" ~ ~~·~ ~~W... ) U: ~tr.t11 con!lden~11 flt1enU~~~ Sor Mn. Thom. CHILD CAlt.E ANTHONY'S HILLS . I: SLOPJ3 our Trotter'•, 234 Totett Av., ~o:A ':li.. 2a ·:::::::::::11: FINANCIAL •" -...... --.. a v (l(lft -u &\'l-.-.. 1 little clrl. age 2'ii to 5 1pedalty. Next )'eaft nJn IA&1m& Bcb. IAUOA PIWIMIULl ......... ~. •11•1NIP •""°9tl'UIUTIU .. - ,j )"O'a employeet midtr OUI' wrnTED o -•-k I d wfil """ WGrae' Get pro-. .._,. llACON tAY ............. _, "iue IUlllllQS WJ.•TID , ......... 6111!1 • ~ . ... --H-Ser\Plns Harbor ania 20 Yt'I. -~ I _......... ll • ye:an, Aa plqmate .. com. "'I' • BAKERY. ~re~ man IAT IJLA.lllOS ................. .. IM'lllTMQT o-tiii•-... "1.1 -. Sim ....,._ $o~·-Mo ....... (•. cMerful m&n OVft' 40 to be panlon (Dr my f year old 644-4160 tectkm !IOW! call 495--0Bll to do cleanup wori: in bU-LIOCI tit.A ..................... tJ IM'ISSTMWN'I' WA'lnao ...... 6111 Get in at tt:ltt lot )OM!' ,,_ • •• -'"" __ .. JAi.io.i, ISLAJfD . ... . ......... MONIY TO LOAJI au . . 336 E, l'lt.b Street falbrr (I) teenaae .... ...... d•U&hter. Meah: included, The Oest, ClOsts DO rnore! * Uc'd Japaneae ~ ery, da.y!. APJlly Trotter's, NUlllTUflTON ·~~~~u ........ ;: PlltONIAL L.OAMt ·:::::::::::: .. iftwst., cboice tanL, bl&h-·~brother, plus hUlbend Near Ma,inolia " Edtnatr. Experi! need M tnte eont.taetw; complete ind-2M Forest Avie, La.run• Bcb. =::t~,~0:.t'uy ..... \411 JliWILltY t.OAN• ., ............. = , dt yield. to tbllr mother. Send name, Fount&in Valley area, $:.I0.00 B~t Wld~ scPi A prden,: 830-30.n BanJd.ni IUL llACM ....... :::::::;:::: ~'t"~t~t1'f:U1 '.''.'.'.'.:::.,.. !NV!:Sl'IGATE O'mERS Morf!lrl-· T.D.*1 ~ ad4tcu l dtscrtpdori to P. a week. Call 84'1-7187. Graduate Horticulturist Experienced ~~i:r. .. •=:1··:::.:'.::::·.::~,m =~::.Tl':"_.·::::= . FIRST CONsntlJCTlON Money 0. Box 3012 MiAkm VlfJO, CHIU> Catt. My borne. Will COMPLETE '•perhtingllll '.!::=~.::·:::::::::::::::::ft: ANNOUNCEMENTS = .. Mra. 8-rton 7131 avallablt llr b!conM pro. Caluomia. take Uttant or up to 3 years, Palntlnt 6150 PROOF >ll•Mot COVlfl"t ............. 1• ancf NOTICES :¥, . (.M hrs.) Ari eucu-ducln& propnV. l'onl,gq • PALM .i card Reading. Have fenced. yard and 14 YA.RU MA.INT. _ bl OPERATOR ~ S~ ~r.::'..:·::.::·::.'.:'.',,;:: NUNO,,,,_,,., ........... ... tm wm ntum Yft'll' eaD. domM:Uc. Motels. Nur.stnc Advice It help on many old child. Location between Sprillkler im:l&lled It repair. 2 rel1a • cofte9• e 1tAMTON .................. 1•11 i.o~' .......................... , 0 -Sbo ~ ~~ tt ""'"" "·'d n-n ,,._,_... l S fl ed New la-clea.o•"'S. wlffMINST•a ............... ,1m ll'llllONAl.S ..................... -,, F auous nuwet.. pP-· ._._,en, ma. n'L ......... w.:. vr .r•u-v•l!W un ower . _. students: contracting TELLER MIOW.\TCITY ............... ,,1'16 UNOUttCIMIMn ............ "11 ~ Office BulldJaca, daily 10am ... topm . ~ Mont.bly Se~. ~JttAAMA .................... 1m 11lTH1 .............. -.... .. ltlAND NAME _ ___,_ ........... ....--210 w Wbit 968-19'18 • ...... • I xt . U.liTA AHA MOTL ..... 1611 l'UMDA.LI .................. Ifft A_.-...,.u..,, etc. '"''"'" or ....,l;t;I',...,,., .. , · · am..o Care· mature E~ 1n1.r1or • er1or UNITED CALIFORNIA out1ei ........... ::::::.: ... 1m PAID oa1TUA1tT ... U ......... ::I: CANDY R.OU'I'!'.S call ntte . 'Realty • tier Blvd, IA Hahn. Nut pe&ii WO~ will cart tor ' Qutllty Uwn S.rvlc• h I • BANK TUITIN ..................... , ... ll'UN•llAL OlltlCTO ······'..411 i • NCM' available In <beta Meaa 1rm1rance , OOP:UIUY, 215 tG Wll.bra w.nc 1n theattt. -"" .. -n tn .,.,.,., home in E tabr hln b ouse p1 nt1n9. 11101tTH TUITIM ............... 1:: 111.0•11:s TMi.Ni<I .......... • "1' .. lftlJI)' omrr town1 ln thil B 1141 BJno. <.'fWu,IT ""' s IS g new route )' r:.. ,. I :~~\'too c.t.mM ·:::::::::~"' f:lt:~liltA.M ... ::::::::::::1411 ·-AD loeatlol\I.,. com-Clli'k 11 ac, LICENSED C.M, ta. fenced ;vd. Aft 5, well lwown proleulonal. rTW8 es 1ma •11 222 Ocean /?e. u•u•A HILU ................ 1711 caniav 1.on ............. Ml• . ' --. ~ Alabama ~ Spiritual Rudtngg. advice ~2620 Reason .. refs. 64>27M XI L 936 bra WUN.A tUCH , , , .,17U c1111n11tY Clt'l'Pn ......... iMu merda1 or factory. Very Phone (m!i) 25l..Q$S. on all -·tt·-.... N, El nt wor1.. 494-6 Laguna ch LA.UN.& NIOU•L ·::.:.:::.::. 1lW CIMlrTlltY c•Y"S _ ....... _ ... bllh.eamil::\p, no lltlling ii>-......... .u.t WILL ba.byalt for child of NEW Law n s f'e-ofiffdlllg, ~ M.ISllOM VlllJO ............ 1,. C1tL!AATOa11s .......••.••.. vofved. To qutJUy you must 20% Rtt. fer 2 Yn. ·Cimino Real. Sar. Oemente teacher. X-teacher, row C.Omplete laWb ca.rt, clean NEID PAINTING? BAR Lady 25 • 45 unen-1:~ f~::~~;~lT1tAMo·::::::;J: ::f.t::lft '"us .. ::::::::::::3: be relial!Mo Ir have l ht • $3~n.43 2nd truat deed b&-49Ul.96, ~ morber. 67J..8M4 l1P by job or mollth. tree Call 111! Reliable Service w/ cumbered nicely built. ~ t,A,ISTllANO •IA.CH ......... t1U AYIATIOtl •••vtc:I ............. ,, ~-(A·-b1nd amall lat on lot wUh 10 AM -10 PM estimates. Call 846-0932 Quality at its belt, at the • OJ.NA """ .,,_ ............ ,.,711 TIAVIL -..... -.............. . cSa;y 8PIJ'9 ...... e ...., .. or .., __ ~"-'-·· BABYSITI'ING, Next t 0 Wli.Q:ent to work in & later tAlt ... IAD ..................... 1141 lollt TAANSPORTATtofC ....... = nu). LArtma't MPQt .....:au v-. Attrtctlve Expert N-" R•lghls ~•k. 'Ion AL'S G•....r.a. .. 1 .... • i..wn moit reasonable prtces. ....... -new bar in Hemet OC&ANllD• ................... 1,st AUTO TltANl"<'ITATIOW .... . ~--•~nutRED ... --·th 1-.1 99' 3 ... ~..--..-.. ---.... -· ·-·-...... ~. ~""" ··--... SAN 011•0 ................ 1rn LltAL NOTICll ........ ..... .. .. ......... to -~ -.. ..... _._.__, .._ YOUNG WOMAN 7754 Malntenance. Commerow, --~~ :w.m . .,.__ area. Salary now + salar)' IUYlll IDI c'ovNT'r ......... ltot OIRMAlrt a TUTOllM• ... '"' ..... ~ [nquireallioutour"frttbonus )'n.229'l>Ulcount. danetrwilltf'ach)'Ol.lall thruSal645-industrlaJ &-reaidential, t SPECIAL e & commlsaion Jatt.r MCllSISTO•IMOVID ,,.,,.1,. SERVICE DIRECTORY .J ..... :u .. 1._ *'· BR~~ 4H-11l1T DAY ·---· bome State • COMOOMIMIUM . . ........ lttt -' ,,. ... route_.:. ">-e your..... ~ latelt steps. Call Ardell ......,.,., .. v · *&f6..3629* INTEIUOR l exteri or. JU/592-1577 ou1111.1:x1s POI U.Lr ....... 1t1s Ac ..... 11 T · ....... .. ture .-cure: W'itll UI, a Dunn lST TD OD white water view 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM Uc. Hot lunchfs. Fairview Sloale 3 BR •tucco & trim Al"AITMINTI '501 SALi .... 1tll :::r-~~T.· =~=:~t ·;n = A Bradltrfft rated National lot 1n t.quna Beath. S&.000 ""'JOY ---.v vacation 1 Baker. 540-9443 Japanese G•rdtner $288. 4 BR or 2 •tory $388 BARMAID w11.11ted, mu.st be RENTALS .UPMALT. oii. ............... ::61» Co, ror more in!omaation at -mo.-•-·• "at., Ill due -~ ... ~·v EXP'D _ .. ,,.. .. .. _ ,_ rn .. Elcper., oompl yal'd service! 30 Ch"-" .. Ac: """""· sharp. Nile t!hift, no exp Ho·~-Furnlshod All't'O 11111A11tt ....... ,,.,. .. :.21' -wa. ,,.,., C.talln& hlar.d. !' r om $8 uwu ........... "' ·-Fr t &t5-09l2 96$.2303 yn;. exp. ""'"' ~ A ply · rson Vikkls .. _ AUTO, ,... a.a. T-. -ll!ddtllmt addre11j:phone J-.. -10%Dleoount H ·--1 .. home $15 mo-Mon ee ea. • nee. p mpe l)llNlllAL ... ,,.,, ......... IAIVllTTINO .......... Uff ROiJTEDEPT o J-·· 1210 mldwel!k for two. ermosa -·"Y ' Exp'd J G SUBURBAN Palntin«ft>ec [.(lunge, 1191~i Newport 1tlNTAU TO SMAii ......... JOll 10.AT MAl~TINANCI ........ ..w IA to: • P . . 8rolrn' .,.,. Hotel. Pborle Avakm l.8'l. thru Fri. 64&.5537. apanese udener. Expert GuAr&nteed Work Blvd Costa Mea COITA MIU ............... .2Ut 111(:1(, MAfONIT, tJC. ....... .... Boa 51 Pomona. Calif 91169 BLUE -...... -2nd TD Complete ,YU1111et'Vict, ·• Mii.A OIL MAit .............. 1111 1u11M111 saavteu ........ .wt ' ~ wur · ALOOHOUCS ~\15 BABYSlTI'ING, My home. tne estin,ate. 5'M)..l332 FrPe est, No job too 1argt' BIKINI Bannaid/dallQ!r MUA v11to11111 1111LDaas ................ M1t ~% d1ac. Seuoned 3 )Tl, writ "' Magnolia. & Warner F v or loo 11mall 494-3190 . COLLIOI PAii( .............. 111$ ur111NO . ..,, ~!.~LY Joe pt -mplex. s•L ~ .-1... Pbane 5'2-121'1 or • 84~ l!A..., . . . TREE Servi .. ~ ard . F'u.ll Ol' part-time. Costa M•WPOIT ••ACM ............ Jt• (AllM£TMl.l(IM• ............. mt n.v ... 4.,.. ...... 7ll75' ........ P.O. Box 1223 o:.ta Meta. A:n,Y age. ...,,..,,, ce, y PAl?\"'I'ING lnt' bt Lowest M MEWl"OltT MGTS ............... ml CAllPIMTl!ltllle .............. '5H 3 -due $H.-d6S cleanup. Rototill I: aprinkler esa MfWPOltT SMOllS .......... ml CEMENT, c.crm .............. . Al'FIWTE ,.. • BABYSTITING my home serv, 64&-.5848 contracted prloet, Fully ina, 646-7301 IAYSIMUIU ................ ms ClllLD 'Cl.Ill, Utt..c ........ uu CNo SeIUnr Involved) 6150 Announcemenfl 6410 near Paularino School. Any Satisfactio:n l'W· Free est. BOAT CARPENTERS ~~~:L~~aEs .. :::::::::::::: ~:~=*c~:X,., .... ::::::::::::C Ezcellent income for few Money Wanted a.re:. call 545-22'.ll CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST! JUu Weeki; 6'13--1166 . utrt1vt:1ts1TT 111.1.1t• ........... nn CJ.1t•n u.v1trt• a •1PA1a U» '--.. -t.1 .. --'· 1r...-PERMANENT Mowin& edging odd jobs. Expenenced Large cwl.om 11tVIMI ....................... mt OltAl"llU!S ............... , ··"" -. .. ~ .... -Jl~•or WANT!:o: '60,000 1st TD, SPECIAL BABYSITTING, My home, ' ' INT.&: Exter·House & Apts. constructtozi Top wages. e:AST ILUFF .................. 124t oaMOL1T10M ............... uu :.~ ewniQp). Renlllna: .. col· 1"""• 15 ......_ Secured "" lif ... Verde area. Reasonable. 54s.-6955 At . can afford c !LLARD.BOAT w ··-1av1ME T•••ACI! ........... 214' OllJ."INQ Sl'tYICI .......... MU ---..i-.....__ . .1.U 7 C J""" .,, 2 b tartinc Sept ll pnces you • w Otq coaONA OEL MAit ........... UM 11.ECTllCAl .................. ..... ~ .... mt>M)I .uvin coin $95,000 Comm. b1d. Bkr. w 1 • 540-1132 * Expert J•p•neq & F Pa.\ntel'l!i. 675'-3955 12115 Baker St., CM 1.1.LIOA ...................... DM •0111PMUT &DTAU ·······"" Gptratlld diepc!f'llt!ft ln Costa $12.50 -'. :7.50 f'JNES't \VORK 646-0384 LIDO llLI .. , ,. .............. tm PIMCIMe ...................... *II M ... •~ --·~-...,., 6"-4323 o-n Bel.uty World BABY SITTING. my home, I========== eFOR Better Painting, in-BOOKKEEPER F/C IAT ISLANOI ................ ns. PLOOl!s ......................... .... '"' ............... '6 ANNOUNCEMENTS· ...... near school.I prefer l-Yr. old rlor ri ti ed immed IALIOJ. 1suNo .............. :ws ~•MAC• •••A11l1, 1ic. -... wt ~~ at . .._~te. -~","CU:: and NOTICl!S SoSU.NCoS!uGtNPW.ATR. O,.._LOG1900Y boy, d~1. 646-0788 H1ullng 6730 :ulll&'a.t ~~r&, :..c:~c ~yo~al taki:~ charge of::!~ l~~'~.,.::::::::::;;:::::= "•"~uPi=~=•tN• ws '"°°"' ..... uu CIUJU ' l b t I.I.CIC IAY . . ........ 1141 OAIOl!tO/riO ......... UM snadcf) SI.575. Cuh re. claae1. Regllit"r now. YARD/gai; cleanup. Remove PAINTING, Paperin& 16 yrs. payabll', r {' c e v a e MUMTIMOTON 1.-ACM ......... t40I ........ L ••aYICEI ......... "'1 -"~ ~ penonal in-fMlnd (Frw ~ 6400 Ua..ln ...... -Ad·--~. Irick, Masonry, etc. .......... . dirt tra t tn Harbo Lie I:; prepare your own reports POUMTAIN VALL.IV .......... 1411 tllADttlC, OIKIM• ............ ... ............. ~.... ~u .. "' ... , .... -no 6560 """''· ivy, • c ar r area. . nd n.'. SI.ALIE.I.CM '' .............. 20• •W• ................... MN ttrview in Coatl. Meaa. &ft&, FOUND 2 mole .... White can Uie sun sin. 6'f5-.e86l hackhoe, grade 96Z-$"/45 bonded. Reta. turn. &U-23.56. type It work indepe en...,-LOMG IUCM ......... ,, ... UM ••11111 TMUMI ................ ,.. ..u......... "' il so plee.se call Ulr OAANGll! COUNTY ............. Mtl •UN SHOP .............. ., .• 1\f lttld nazne, addreu. V'"''"' ·"'·-· .......lie -.............. day's Of 67>2140 aft. 6. BUILD, "-mod-'. rep11 lr. CLEAN UP & lite moving PAINTrn'G Bay area 15 yn. -. "-"""" SANTA AMA ................. Ml• NIAL TN CLU•S .............. ,,,. number tD Multi..st:ate lnc. ..-.i.J' _... 'w-oe ''°"' "--' · ·· Salary open. 67......,.,,.,.,, Wl!lTMIMlT.-................. Ml! MAULINI ............ .,.,.Int small black do& white foot PUT ON A Brick, block, concre~. Tree&: shrub removal. exper, ln1med1t1.te servm:c. MIDWAY CITY ···-............ 1'16 Ho111ECL.UN1ff• .... , ........ 1m 905T E. lmptrial Hwy., & chest. 1'1eredilh Gardens. HAPPY FACE c•-ntry, "" JO' b too man. ReUQnable. 549-135~ Call Bob 1t 646-6446 BOYS 10. 14 SANTA Al(A Hl!IONTS ........ till INT•11oa llltOIATIN• ..... ml n....-, cant 9Q2C (213) ~.,..... +6 -n.... COASTAL · ··· ........ ,. .. ,,.9?11 IMCOMlt TA)C . , .. , ...... '141 .......... ,,.,:[. 968-2990 r -·'-Je&son & skin Lie. Contr. 962-6945 ~ Up """ ll•ht mov R I 6810 Carrier Rou ..... Vl"'O LAGVMA SU.CM .............. .,. lltON, °""""""!.Ill(. ......... ,.. IU..Q8TL . r"ee """"eUp ' -• PlasterfnQ, ejN r for LAGUNA MIGUEL ............. tm llONINO ....... : .............. 71& L·"·s A--I 5.._ FOUND 1 male black Lab, ca.re an&l)'llil, 839-7373 6570 ing. Cali Dave: , ~,.., .... "'-·ch So 1 .... una MISJION vivo .............. 2191 IMSULATIN• .................. ,, .. _.. .-.--•• .. ..,.. also 1 eel ·ze aha.m Buildirs * R93-4295 * • PATCH PLASI'ERING. M0.6,..,..-=-. . .-. IAM CL•MENTI! .......... m• 1NJU1tANc11 ................... me Like -OWft """"' own b'llsi-m Sl an.mot choir slngen need-. DAILY PILOI' SAM ,uAM CAl"lnAAHO ...... ml INVESTIOATINI, ~ ,.,.,.. •• •·-f---•e -..im" - 1-Vic _.. 0ppo~··"· lor --•·<a•-All typ ~s. Free estimate. .,_..,A...... CAl"ISTllANO s•ACll ... -.... 11>1 JAl'Utoa1.t.L ., . . ..... .,.,,. ness! Hett's a real oppor-W~-,.. !'~-· Be~ch -.. l·n•w~,, .ww..-\D, *Room Additions Housecleanlnf 6735 'C~al~l~,.,..,,~~5:.._ _____ 1----;:~-y--;u;yc--IDAMA POINT ........... t7u .11w1.,1tY•••A11t.a1e. ..... MM tunil;)' hop . e"t""' • M~ *Apartments It Units -llVllllD• COUlfTY ........... lAMDSCJ.Pllll9 ................ .n• ,.... to O'Ntl your own s 1 646-2649, alt 5 67>3027 J'o'""Bis":&i-;""M"Po;L"O"Y""M"l"N"°T' I • ~··tom Hom••• Kltchf!ns s c EA N t NG & BOX BOYS v.1.c.1.T10• '11!••,'.~~1 ......... ,,.,," :~cKsM1,1• ,;;.·---.. ···-·--.. -·"" with a sm.U investment or .. ........ H 0 u E L d IUMMl.I .... ..... ......... -IONlt • I ... tr ......... .. fixtures in the Hun~on BROWN envelope (J .C. Pen. * 2 Story Specialists FREE Ge~n.J 1'-tainlenance. Call Plumbing 689C f.1us t be av1U. wk. a:t mom-coMOOMIJllUM ................ ml MOYIM• & 1To1tAo• ......... .... ft---• ...... AD in-.. -~ -l containlnc letters af. Job W1nt1d, layout/dcs'"'n 20 .vn. f!Xp. I I • ----"------·( ing1 over 16, good ippear-oRuE'N"T"A"L'sU•tt. ............ ml ;:::;:::: ::~-...... = Olll'M:ll cl~ -J .. anyt me, good re s, rea.s. · ,__. Aoply in ""r , , 111 .............. . d1se ia on COJWirunent. No dreS&ed to Mn. Cooley. Womtn 7020 Paclflc Co11t Builders 646-8084 PLUMBfNG REPAIR :;e =~Lido Marl;~ Housn Unf1i1r"l•hed ,:~~~.:..;.w;····::::::··:::;::~-~~--1 inYl!stme.nt in merciWxlise, found on Bushard near Ban-24la E. Coast Hwy. CARPETS, Windows. Drs, No job too am&ll 34J.i Via Lido NB OIMllAL ..................... :~:::::o. ••!di. .... Ir··= pay after it I.a aold. we tnin nin&. H.B. 962-5046. EXPER Sedy -Bookkeeper Corona det Mar 6T:r7191 e•· .•• , _ Comc'l. X!nt \=:=~·~~:;;;;;~·~== \ii'fs~~=~· .c..·_·'---\colTA MISA ................. 11• ,.., •*OOMJMa···-· ........... .,. _,__ t -'lh desires .... ..a time poaltion in .... roe v• BUSBOY MllA D•t. MAit .............. lits ....... lllVICI .,,. JOU • t\lr ......... you • no FOUND: Blade puppy ... ........ REM 0 DEL-Addlt:lons-Cab-work Reu! Ref.a. 54Mlll. MIU. VlltD• _ .............. 1111 Pon. •w•111t1Ne ......... ···flt apmlf. f'oroomplm infvr. Y.'hllt: cMtt I white fl"Orit Np! Bch area. 673-0709 inl'tt-Block fences.concrete R!Jmodel, Re"'lr* 6940 Available Junch &: dinDu. ~~'w"" ... l.\'1A1.,,~.; .. :::::.:·:: .. :~ •UMI" sr1v1c• .... :::::::::;;,,,. ml&n.' write ot phone F, L. paw, wt8l'in&' flea collar; Job Wanted work. 642-9852 Housecl•anln• 6735 1 Re 1r Pl"f:fe r 18 yn. or over. MIWll'OaT "'"'1. ............ m• =~~"\.-in."ik:""·"· .. ·::= 1\enwy, 2130 North Holly-vlc. Faltvtew Aw., O:>ata • :.:o::;;:;;;:;;:;;;"---";_;.; Btrn.D, Remode. pat DISHWASHER ,•,•v• ... , •• ,',,1"0•0 .......... !!!! RlMOD!!LIMG a 11.l!it'Aiit ....... .. w B ............ Cllil ··-& w 7030 .. Brick block, co:ncre • . ........................ ••MODILINIJ IUTCNINS ""' Wood ~q. _._...., · M~sa. call: 541)..9198. m.ft omen Ct.,..ntering 6590 WOULD You believe I will ' job too sll ' AM & PM. Over l! yrs, DOVll INOIU ............... mJ SClllOU s"A ... u ...... ::::im Phone (2ll) ~ clean yout' home tor Blue crpntry, no gm WISTCLI'' .............. lt!WIMI .,.. . FOUND: Female Weimaran. COLLEGE STUDENTS CARPENTRY Lie. Conlr. 962-69G * APPLY IN PERSON VM1v11.s1tv PAlttt ···········;:: 11w-i111• MAC:ii1Ji1' iii.Nib ittJ ATTgNTION BEATJTY er allo black A brown wlr)' Chip Stamps! 897-7350 * "VIMI .. . ......... _.. 11,Tlc TAN.CS........_ llL ,..1 OPERATORS Own ywr haktd tmall doc. vie. ol AVAILABLE MINOR REPAIRS. No Job l'BA""Y~&;'-;Bei:=ac~hC;;Cl~e=oo71n<;::<S'1'v;:::c, I* I!' you need remodeling, ~':,~::,. 1::~.1.~• ·:::::::::::=: ;:~L=~:9eoiriaoL ';:;::::::::: own ahop, cne you could be B-'--& Fairview. om.a tor all tYPe• o1 v.'Ork. Too Small. Cabinet in ear-wind Dco painting or repa.iri. Call Snack Shop No 1 IALeo.1. .................... ,. T1L1, c ic "14 l and aMtr Part time. call: • .,. It other cabtnets. C&rpe:l!, ows, n , Dick, 6Q.-179T • IAY 1•ut1os ................. m11 Tll1,L1:'.:."'a·MWtii·:::::,,,, proud "-ltl.tkm, Mesa, $4&187J. Untm! Southern .c:.o: '"15, " oo ... -..... r leave etc. Res &: Commc'l 6*14al 2305 E. Coast Hwy. ~l~~!"~su.trtii".'.'.":.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .. : Tiii 11.av1c1 .............. .... room for one mare, in &ck ... .., §lamese cat with I ..........,. " ......... WINDOWS DlRTYt 6-C d I M Cil MIWPOltT w11T .............. un T1Lsv1110N, ••n. ttc. ... 1t11 , .. downtown Cotta Mesa. Best _,, .. _ _.v,·· --•--·-a. Catlfemla Col 91• mrg at &46-2372. H. o. Sntll!f y.v oron• • er, • NUMltNoToN •••cM ....... Mtt UPMOUTltY ................. "" quipn:ient. cofJ bar dye ,,_...-.... l:"W-..u>lJ& .. "' Student Employment Sarvice. Anderson Johnny Dunn YoW' local HUNTINGTON MAllOllA ••... MM WILDING .. . ....... ... ee • Laguria Be.a '19-3 s 14 5-l11R ' service. Free est 64W364 • Ores&makin& • Alteralionsl--=a°'"u"s"""'a=o"Y"s=--ll'OUMTAIM VALi.iT .......... 1411 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT room. aoo4 puidnc, lovely _..__ 5 PM Kl QUALITY Re--'--Altera· s cl.al h S&AL au.CM ................ MM JOI WAMTlD Moll\ ,... "mod" dtaor and moo ·-:;;.~:;.::,;;;"",,....,,.""':-= ANT ......... Pl! on ems. IJAltOIN GltOVI .............. ,.,, IOI WANlfD: w-·:::::::: ... = nd COUPLE W to manage Uona: -New conat b)' hour Ironing 6755 * 646-6-MG * Days, 5 dass/week. LONo 1ucM ............. _,... JOI WANTED new, tor cml,J $4,COl. Let PSYCBOJ..OGY booka a Apb 1 child ~~ Co ... t r .. ., ....... O"ANOI COUNTY ............. ,.... MIN • WOMiN JUI . Mttedltb Gird • -_.,_,.,,..,,., ar n c. ~ Alt1rotlons -642-5145 Apply in pel'liOll: SANTA AMA .................... 1111 DOMISTIC MlU ................ Jm your hair down, and call Mtel In em (2U) 465-2255 c AR PENTRY..cabinets IRONINGS . ho e WllTM1NST!lt ................ Mll ... INCllS Mii .............. 7111 .,. vu. at The: Real Eataten aru HB Owner p1s call m my m · Neat, aCCUitlte, 20 years exp. COCO'S MIDWAY CITY .. ,_ ............. 111' HILP wAHtio. MM"··-·····n11 MS-nn and start making ga...c;f4 -OUNESE Uve--ln. DomellHc. Custom doors • fenet!L Any $1.25 per hour. SANTA ANA llllOHTS ............ AOINCllll. w.. .. :::::::: ... .,,.. Ptrmaneat. Dperlenced. Ille job. Call 646-25'16. 548-69'10 * COAnAL . .. .............. me MILP WANTSD. --...... Miii tDOftlY1 LADIES diamond wed!lrca: C 1 6_4 ,. F hlo Isl nd uo11NA 1u.c• .............. Jnt JOll-Mtfl a ._ "" Far Eaat ~ &&2-8103 REP4n> Partitions Small IRONING TILE, eram c ·Yt a.s n a L.t.OUNA •1ov11. ............. Vl'I ••••cits. MMi a. w.iiM.i·····,.,. DISmIBUTORSmP Wim-ritlc outlide Alpha Beta l'lth """' Newport Center, NB MISSION 'lllJO ..... ,_,,,,.,ml SC:NOOLS a IMITJIU(TIOll ::::,. our IN v E g TM ENT: St. CM C>wntt plll call & JoL-u ••• Wom. 7100 Remodel. etc. Nile or di.)', Re8$onable 397.7350 * Veme, The Tile Man .* BUS BOYS needed t 0 r i:="~L~~NTI ... :::::::::::= Joa Pltlll"AUTION ........... ,... Oelwce candy & drug identify MS--0327. ~ Reul call KEN 54.0--4679 CUllwurk Instail&:-repall'S. . A l at 5CAl"ISTIAHO Ill.CM ......... mt THIATlllCAL ............. 1* ·' .. -i•'lties to taverns, ,....,,.,...... •-......... _ fe--'-lrlt·l-A-c-cou--n-tl-~-S-u---rv-l-1-or-REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS J I I I 6790 No job t~ amall Plaster varJowi shifts. PPY llAMA POufl'M .................. v..,.41 MERCHANDISE FOlt _...... ~ .... wwu: .,...,.. ... ..... an tor a · pm, In person to Mt. coMDOM1•111 · ........... SALE AND TRADI . .•. tt•tatontl. atom. etc . ten. about 4-8 mo. old. Vic $750 CABINETS. Aey size job patch. Leaking • h 0 we r A I T 0 w ER s ouP&.rx.-s VN,UllM. •.•.•.... 1'11 .... _J ... _._. rmectlo XI .... ~. WALLS Windo 0 . 84719511846-0n nge o. IUMMllt AINTALS ........... l'llllNITUal ............... .... ...-~. _.. ..... , co n Santiqo Dr. NB &42-1563. ))egttt" Not neceasary, • nt 25 yrs. expe:r. ~,_,,,, , ws, oon, ttpaa. -RESTAURANT, 1515 s . RENTAL!> OPf1c1 f'UllM1TU1t1 ........ •11 ... .. . eun1qr hl&h dally cub career opportunity for )'?Ii carpet•. CommerciaJ " Be ch OPll'ICI SQUll"MIMT ......... "11 cnmmlaklm A: monthly mm Kitte~ ne~ i!~. man. CAil Kay 546-MlO Cement, Concrete 6600 l't'sidential. Daily, weekly 6910 Coatit H"'">'· Laguna a o1!~!" Furnl1hed .... U~i' ::~i:,:"':.'T ·:::::::::::: -~~ •verytblng C'OIU'le,oru ..... lo.,.,.....""""11: JASON BEST --/or Mo. 897-.7"""' Tl'ff Service L .................... SA1t 1our,MIMT ,. .••..•••.. •u ~n-~ il ·---•-•-_.. ., • ., .,..,,., """" ~ COITA MllA .................. 4111 MOUSflfOlD IOOOS M2I tumltbe4 free, but muat be ... ...__.. .. ""'· o;ru-........ •CONCRETE work a I l * MESA v.-10• .....•.......... 4111 GAU.ti SA&.I ··········Mn •·" -p•n ·~ -• /l-Employment Agency .......,,. Poot d-~ , cu.stom. OUTOt Ma.Int Sen-, crpt GENE'S T RE E SERV: * MIWl"O"T lfACH ............ 4211 PU"MITUltE AucTtoJi"""' .. '111J bondablt. Part ot iwa • ~~. •·---v.· ~.. 2120 So u.1 .. Santa Ana .... """ .......... -. clng, fir y,·axi ..... window tr-•/ shrubbe"' removed. MEWPOaT Mf:IOMT1 .......... •111 t.ll'll'LIAMCIS '"'"'"•111 "" ~..v'\ -.. N ·-~ vie Tal .... rt Euctld . ........... Call ...... ~-· ..... = .... J c p Co MfWPOIT SHOAIS ........... cm ................ . wrtte ~. 4":ll-UI ' .,...., U'C -ANSWERING Servlee ()per-'"°'"-W6'1 wuhlng. Han;r van Beynen trimmed, hauled aw a Y · · enney · WliltCL1F' .......... ,cat :~11~~'kcMtNii ., ........... :;: lf!h St .. Phil&., Pa. 191l2 Fountain Valley. 968-534.9. { rred CEMEMT WORK, no job too 537-1508 ii no ant call an 3. 549-1359 Fashkin Island UMIYl•SITT PARIC ........... w 7 MUllCAl INITlltrMiMT"::::::11u ... ,. READ THIS O•""IE • ~.~ ~ .. wall•t a tor. EX"perience pre e ' "ma!' ,. ... nable. F' e e N-rt Beach 1.1.cic IA Y ..... • .............. 4111 l"IANOI a o••AMS ............ •1• -·~~ ,__ but ··~1-tn " ., .......-SP••v·~ J ·-r1a1 •Win ~ .. ,~ e.1.n 1w"' ............... 042 ... 0 ,0 '"' WbJte Front. Pleue call WI.I .... • k 548--8615 ~ am.... -• ,__________ COl\ON.t. DIL ,,,.. .......... ,.4UI ...,. -'Ofl "'0 '0·""·0•"0••· in • ~2052 • ~stim. H. Stutlic . dow clea.nin& Serv. ~ Upholttery _____ 6_990_1 NEEDS t.1.L10A ...................... ~.~~~·ri11io·:::::::::::::::"= 5'&-0002 Auemblen: Block Fences -Patios -do\\'5, resld .. comcl. COl'IBt SAY llLAMDI ...... , .......... .,,. TAP• a1co1tt1••• ......... = 2 MO. Bllt I-wht Pt1PP)'. Planten. Add I-remOOei. O eanup. Free est 968-1391. ttYKOSKl'S Cugt, Uphill. ~~~~L~SuND··:·:::::;:::: .. ::l c,•0M00•,",',,',',',,u,11"MIHT ...... _ .._ .C:~f> .... .,., ... Id ., ... "'"''" E FULL TIME HUNTINGTON ILi.CM ........... a. ........... .. If )'OU want a part or run Cocker. 1' ....,.....,_ w en-Free eilL ~ veL ESTATE Mal.ot Tree 8erv European Craftsmanship FOUMllilM VALL•Y .......... «It :i::l~':!.~~~~;:u·:::::::::: time opportunity to mW1,;tllY~=:::-==:--::i:c-;" ..,.. Removal&: trimml.np, b"H 100% fin! 642-14M • CASHIER llAL •u.cN ................ -4491 Mtset:LL.AMtous ............. .... vie K CLlkl c.... 6610 N Bl c '1 1.0N• Ill.CM ................... M•"" WAlllTIO • .,, ..... -----t .. ........, in. u. ....... --... C.M • .,_ohm wr our money room IJAAOIN ••ov1 .::::::::::::: ... 11 MACMIMSltY, Ilk ............ me mohlf' in a bu.ilinel1 of your WOMENS ataue't. • !I n estimate. can 541--0088. 1831 ewport ., .1• · .,_ ~Ill.NO• ccuKTY ~ ..... .. .............. . .. ..., --...-.......... .. ..... ..-.•• v V'U-'"11~ CIULD l ho-· .. ~M•NIT•• "'' LUM••• ....................... lf.H -J ~ t.1.. C&re ll m)' "«-• '--·· 1.. TW -'utorft'Q .. moYef You'll ........... .,.,. ITOIAGI ...................... mt vestmt'lrt can , .. ,. _, Way GREY rabbU. 54&o5146 er le·-• yanl; In N"""""'rt IT'S Beaeb .....,... ttm.. B.g· rUtU•1•u• Rectnt. .ucceutul experi~ 111110 AY CITY ................... ,, 1u11.01N• M.ATIRIALS ....... 11 .. by spend.inc 4 hrs maldne ..... ·-,.._..,.,. -·· .. -(!;est ttlectlon ever! SN the find an ama.tina mmtber oJ ~ IAMTA AM• ..................... -IWAPI ... .. ....... . ·-"v·"·· 1:-::;:::======" ....... U..ach area, &U-75(17 DAILY PILOT a·-"~ ho ln tod • O&slitled preferred. Comt'l"U\Jve wag. SANTA AMA "110"" .............. PETS nd LIVESTOCK ucu w-----~ mes 8J' s es and outstanding benefits TUSTIN ........................... I 6401 Controctort 6610 &eetloD NOW! Ads Oleck them now, 'ncl""'"""' ...... t .. i. .. ..i.... COAST.I.I. .................... ,41'1 l"ITI AINIJl.\A. .............. .. Loot Call D. W. Wilton (D4) 838-9691' L\DIES walJet. Vie Center MAHAGl!R St. CN .. 3rd A .... Loruna R.m11 a: wbole&ale outlet. 0r. Buch, Fri 8/1.. Valuable a,.. OJ aru. Man aelt'Cted p a p • r L Reward. 8-2369 mut have the abWty to alt. I. ASSEMBLERS Electn>mecbanlcal assembly, Including told...... Experi- enced, OJ will traln. ' I ... prulJ ,,.._.....,. UOIJNA IUCM •..•.. ., •. , ••. 4191 CATI .... , , , . , , ....... , ........ ,mt ;;;:;;;c..;;;;;;.;;;,;; _____ lr========='""=========il LA•UMA MIOUIL .......... ,..4,., DOOi ., ............. ,, .......... mu GENERAL Contractor. All APPLY IN PERSON MISSION V!LIO ........... , 4111 N01t1t:S ............. .,, ....... .. IAM CLEM.-NTI .............. 4711 LIVl.STGCI( ................... ... carptntry, concttte, edd & If you'v• faund what 10 A.M. to 5:00 P.t.r. ~:~,\.'l1~~ ·::::::::::::::·:::: CALIFORNIA LIVING ~mcdellna;. 25 )T9 e'X· yo11'r• looli:in9 for Monde,y thru ~ CONDOMINIUM ................... MlllSlllll ................ .,,. pertence. s:n-7984, 847-2382 RENTALS i:}'r:1~~ .. ~~.:::::::::::=: manaae a rttaD store as ,:B;;URMESE~i;;;o-:col.~.,.......,;::::::;:,..,::..-.. ,l.,_ well u a workshop. wtiite fte& co11at, O)'sW ''·' ,,.,.,.... """'""'· Factory oo.. 1/12. tt.w'd. 21.1- dlntct merchandise. ns.ooo 318.47&4 coll. Call P•rsonn•l Dept. 17141 494-9401 Carpet CIHnlftl 6625 CARPET &. Furn. clean.Ing; for l dQ mv1ce Ac quality v.utk, call Sterli~ tor btightneul ~ in today's PILOT Cl•sslfied Ads. J C PENNEY CO A12oh. Unfurnlshed t.WftltMOI ...................... .. . . . ........ ... "'"'°"' . . . . :...; ....... .. MAKE AN OFFER costA Miu··.:::::::::::::::: .• ,. TRANSPORTA110N " , •• inwst. req'd, tulb" ltCUJ'ed. LTO~Y,.;a-prl..,....,....,.-....,.....,,;;.,-. °"1os'°1:-=v1, '· $2SG per wk. lo l'tl.rt + Seaview A Catalina, Leg tihlft af prdlts.. Should re. Be h , G Z: NE REO US _... $25.000 Pl!1' 1Nt, Toe REWARD. ~7 or ,dlloll, 'llt39m. - TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. 1$.000 IT YOU ACT NOWI J ,.,.;; n-=.=:~---::ued<T"-::pu::.,.,,,-°'"*" MY• reduct prlet ~I . _.,.... • ' L Be ch lrqim $15.000 to only $10,000 ~ llUli!t (Mauren). Red •gun• • " ud ~ 15.fltlO -._ for cut. Hu1>or HI ~ ~ Equal QOportunl~ ..,p1oye, il!dl1ilto M-lood..... Rewom!. 17MOG. ••~ DIAMOND la a carpets best triendl Diamond Carpel Oen.Ren. &U-lll'l Corpot Loyrng & Ropolr 61126 FOR CARPET.ING OR CARPET LAYING C. A. Page 642-2070 oat ~ on b QI 1 ~I wb old puppy. Blk ASSISTANT Manaecr Full .....,.,. 'lllvd.. Good Jeue, w/brotrm markl.np. Male. time, co:nYM11anl marlceL ~ lqulppld and •-ell Bit. at feet. Vk! 42hd Ir" Vacation le ~ Xlnt --"--Yt~'"~ e. a _,.,talb:t Balboe., N& 8/12. m-3193 opportunity. 64W520 Elec:trlcal 6640 ~tbt111au prtoe d-; few imn Croall!:f'd mal e ATJ'IL women In tn.in as J:tECI'RldAN;--uten&ed: torUJiu, C'1I Van at 1'Tbe ma.me. cat vie o.De&t: maktiip U1htt. l'ull or Pl· bonded, mnaII Jobi, maint I. .__ Jltf!tJ Eltatfn" '46--nn Put. ean &l5-0l52. ti.me, up to l.'i br. a39-T:r1l. repairs. 548-5203 ·-BOAT BuUoet. exp. I n BABYSJ1TER Dt'eded far s I ==-======== ·-n"'-. X1nt .....,, ,.,. nME FOii ,, o1d boy ""'" , un m " 1.F'-'1""--"'-----666-S •:; Wf7 Dall lm'tlt. Build s mldnJOL Tun tllN Sa.ts. •• ..-..... .. •mall Cj>UIC:K C:A H Ar ... -Marintt'• •• h. 0 I • • '"'"""l Wdle Rm p QI THllOUGH A Cornwall Ln. Call .. 2-3567 ~=UTICIANS DAILY PILOT ~:!y~ ;:,...w;.,:. lie ,....,. ..... -...... WANT AD WU!""' ..... lk• """"'•orl<. .,.ct.~. MT~N -~--~----~-°""--'-"'-~-•_._.,,._1_2lll_~ C1rpot Vlnyl Tllo All •t)tl• 111."'Cl eoltn !!':! .... Lie. ....... M).'DU 5'M41t Gtve that ptrty with th• it•m or items for 11le • phon• call. Chencas •r• it'• juJt what you'v• b1en wetchin9 tha W•nt Adi for. All th1t'1 left is to mtkt an off•r. How can you 10117 Thi• is ju1t •nother of tha gre•t thin91 about th• PILOT Cl•11ifie~ 11ctlon ••• it lt•d1 you to th1 b•NJ•in1. 24 Fashion Island An equal oppo11unity em~r MtsA ve10• ................. 111• IOATS .. YACN'TI .... Ml.,,,OltT II.ACM .............. 1.AILIOAn . .:::::::::::::Hl MIWl"ORT Ml.IOMTS •• ,..,., . .1111 PDWlll CllUlllRI .... ., •• ,9111 NIWl'ORT SHOAU ........... me Sl"llO-SIU t04T ·: ........ :,,.,. Wl:STCLll"I" .............. IDI laAf TllAlllAI •••••••••"*I * * UMl'llltSITY PAii.Ji! ........... Im IOAT MAllfTIN.t.M(i ....... : .. 11.!!!!! ... ll!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•llACKtA'( ··•· ................ Dte IOAT LAll•CMIH ........... flM II IAn •1.v,.111 ..................... , •• •OUIP, ........ . COAONJ. Dll MAR ........... ntt IOAT ILIP, MOOAtN• •. ,,,,.,,.. CHILD catt, Harbor Vie...-llAlSOJl • .................. uee IOAT saavrcn ............. ,,., --· I need a ne·oghbor ~·ho IAT 11'-'lfDt ..................... '°"'•••TAU ............... • ... -. LIDO ISLlt .......... ., .•.• .Qfl 90AT CMAITta .. ,,,. t1Jt \l.11Uld provldt-"e.ml'rRl'ncy'' ~t~\~:.~ ... \..:cM ·:::::::::: F1SM1N• ,, .. Tl :::: ...... ::::: .... care tor childrtn age 12 & POUNTAIM YALL•T •• Mii tOAT MOY N• ................ ... •••••· " IOAY no.v.•• ...... , ....... .... 13 wboee rnotlrr workll In llAL llJACN .................. IUt •oan WAMTID ............ ., .... PaAd•na. gu.zwo ..rt 7:30 ~::.s.~~m·:::::::::::::: ~l~~'r""'"'"············;: 1> m IAIOllt 01tova .............. Ml• MOll\..I MOMll ............. ftM • ' WllTMIN!lla ............ , .. NII MOTOll HOMO :::::::::::::::ftll TIME FOR QUICK C:ASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD MIDWAY fTT, .................. JlU llCVCLU , ............... nd SANTA ANJ. ..................... RLICTll( CAlll fUI IAl'llTt. AllU. Ml .. Mn ......... IUI MIJO llkQ , .... .'.'.'.':.'.'.".'.'::··ftH NITIN .. , ···••· ............ .MM MOTOllCT(1.D .,.. C0A1TAL , .................. 11M MOtOISC:OOTIAi ······•··••" ,_ U•U ... llACll ...... .,,,. • .,11• AUTO Slll.VIC:lft & ••:in"•·· ... ""OUltA. MIOUSL ..........• ,"91 avro TOOLS & IOVlll' .... "1 :~ ~:m~uo···•··:m: rtAll.111, TllAV•L .. :.:::::::ow. DAiii. NINt " •... ::::::..,. Tl.lllflt .. Ullllfy ............ . •cAL EST•'"' """., .................... . "+ ""'-.., rtUCltl ..................... . Otntral ' ~~?a1f'11ifrau""""."":I 11UPl.l lC, .tc. .................... DUN• IU•llll Jtli '°"OOMIWIUM ................. IM,OflTID A\ITOI ....... -•,.,,Nef ltltfllTALI WAlfTI• .......... ,,,,. ll"OIT CARI ... ,, ....... "If 11.00Mt POil 1ttlff ................ alfTIOV•I, Cl,AlllCI •••• ,. ... 9111 IOOM .. •AA•D .•.. '''' . "" RACI a.as, ltOOI .....•.•••• "" MOTlll. lRAflllt CO\lltTI tftJ aVTD l\lltlfn ............... .... 0-VffrHCIMllS .... t.UTOS WAN'TID .............. '11t Mii(;, RllfTALI .... •n CJ.II ........... , •• , .. .... IMtOMI ... OflltfrT'r___, ............ ~llte ~•Alt"• ,,. ............. "If •u•1NEIJ l"llOll'l lt1T ..._ .. IJflD CAa1 ............... ,,. .. .. • • ' ' • . .. .. . .. " . .. . .. .. .... ... ... .. .. . .. ... ... ,., .. ". .· " .. .. ... " .. " ... .. .. , .. .. .. . .. . ... "• ... "" " . ... ... , . ,., ··~ ... .. .. ·~ ... . .. ... ,. ' -... . -. ·~· .... t '.._., '"''" ... . .. , . " .. . .. . ' .-... -·------------~----·-·----~------- .. .. .. .. • .. < I • • • ' ' • Foi' Your Ctfnvenltnc:e -'All ~01ltkffl1 Offertcl ARI LIS'tED . ALPHABETICALLY IN · CLASSINCATION •1100 .. .... . , .. ... •" ... ... .. .. ~_ .. ". .. JOU & EMPLOY MINT JOIS ,. IMPLOYMENT Jobs-Mon, Wom. 71!JOJ6h .Mon. WO... 7100 * General J, C. PENNEY COl\lPANY l'Uldon Island -Newport btt.ch 'HA& cl~ININal rOl WA ITRI SS Ii S .. I US I 0 VS 'Vith 30me Yi>erienL't': and \V IWng to learn. Top \\'drklnit l'Ond!Uons and envtoonm11nt. COmpCtitJ~e 'var;es plui; n11!al& nnd tips, and outlftandina' bcne· fll.I includlnr hc:af:d,taJ.17.aUon and profit 1dllli'lhi. ApJW¥ in person 10 AM to 9 PM 1'-'Jundfty Ull'U SaturdltJr PENN!Y'S FASHiON !$LANO "EQutl Opportunity-Emflloyer * All w,tudei'lt positiont -&l't tilled * ---·---------~ ~· ._.. Jolia-Men, Wom. 7ioq Jobs-Mon, Worn. 711111 ... ... " Child cm PL.A YnOOl\'1 attendant over n. Put ttme needed Un.· med. can Ra,,v Randall 962-S36l1 CHR1STMAS Monl!y 1\llw. &!II Lllller Cosn1etita, a Co. tif Srb!tol Me~r11. MT-&114 CLEANING lady wa nt ed ~-da,y/1vk, $2 hr. At.SO OC· ca!icrnal ovet'11l:ht baby1il· ter. El Tot'O, !30-5&!11 DENTAL ofllce Nawport, prefe1· mature \\'Oman with front detk UJI. Send resume l qUall!ieations to Box p. 91.2, Dally PUot. DENT.AL Cl!'ti r-St de Assllltant. Send )'OUl' 1n>tk resume and qua.11.Ucationa lo: Box Pi!.&« Dalzy Pilot e DISHWASHER e JOU&_ IMl'LOTMl_NT Jellt---Mtn. W~lfl. 711!0 Premier AOIHCY PIR.ONNEL .. •• litt ''" • .,..,. c.-a1 ... ..... ,,, 1 tM W 1 ;ti StrMr ._ .... 14f·t1JI ~ JOIS & fM~L6YMl,.t JOtt & IM~LOTMIHT J!!IS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & ~11\~L~y~IHi JOit i liM,LOY~!f! Joii • ~~~ Jo... Mon. W1111-7l00J•lrl, ."-• .'ftOlll. 7100 ,Jo..........,.n. Wom. 1100 Jo•o Min. Y(wn. 7100 ltbe ~ "'""'· 7100 JP ....._ W~ 1100 ' 5 ii 1 ;-") ~ i; 7 • 5 ; .. .;...;;: ;.;.m I LADTh;S lS to 70 $26 i Nursitlc s.Ju IERVJCE 8tatilMI atteode.ftt. 111stiuRAllT. PART a. ~uLL 11M1 . ""' .... lil> ~~t ... ~ •·un'' ~".r'°• 7.:: * Fantaati'tl ··~· .m. ~,~, .ra Bus.Dys Llna:erie. i'Aa).1-1 op fl or t. U Cilmpuit br, nJL employ!". W• n'lln ~ Con~= r.::rtal ~ lht WM! for lll1J national !EllVICE SOtUOO Oto- WAITREfffb i.aun<b» l'rt....., 11311 ~•WllW> Ay~. , ~~:~~·· ~..':'.!.~ .• • lor •lhllt, •JD.T or • >!f. SW!. OOC.0 No~~ llt(_~S!Wy llunl ~h. ~l -~"'n' -.uu.u.1U11 Wo ~ Tuea MW. Ant.Y al ll.8. -Nu1>l"& nocd o...inm Slallo/I. I..,_ ~ HOSTESSES l.h~ln, ""'lhtrl"3 '"""· N-s Aid.._ Expo1·1,,.. -~:gi~ns Sall DlcJO Fr;wy, CM Lil• ...... ,.,, .. ,,. .. ,.,. ...... MU')'. :SALF.SI.&, • ,.~~iili"" ' 01SHwAsHERS LOlllrni1~M;:N c::::.~~ ~::"" =~~=T1VES ~ .. "-·:!'':.. .... l Ovtr 21, aood ttl!ad.Y potl· ~ Newman Ave. . -TRAINtES 1Porttweat-:' Top pa¥. ie3 CQQlS tlon with outat&ndlna: t:o. lhmt. Bell. ~J 1'h1I is a rtal J1'0tlnd ftool Prtductlonn!,t• 1' ~ bftMtitB, Group ins,, etc. NUJiS& Jti0'D oppol'tunlty wiU1 a aoJld auto. mVERS. experit~. Xp. FEMALE BARTt"DERS P""'1'!*~lA>»•iretrnck SUPERVtson * 51&-l!JSI mallc eleclnntlc equigruenl ply52S,.,,..... Ave. U:una '" Machi(Uats :-:-• OPERl'l'oitl ••• l1nn lhll o11.,. •8"<ll, ...,-4.111 Still '" • Punch l're11 & Elfperlan"" In .l"lle needle HIGH St\Wliti macJ\tM ~., Seely to $fOO Al'l'LY IN PERSON e Mul1iol141• o,rs. and ovolioclls. Oood pie<.• llftme4tat1 Cirp'4. top pij', ~ "°"'·, No tnelJ! ~U pU!lheri PlUl!h fi $432 P"r wttk. Apply work prlcts, ate&dy work. ... ~ U. ~' C~ . • w .... W1<11n,,_ "°'' he• -llEUllN. a. LIE rony oueh1. Eoov Moss 140C i... ... 1 rnh1fc iEWJlio k . ;;;ti' ·.,. growing Ol'11UliJatlon wants WIUU TOOL 4: 01.E St., \VtatmlNtcr. ~-. 54 •• JQ 0 ~ hrt~. sharp cape.hie 1ecn-tary with 1$J lt1t Coast Hlf:hW•Y JlOO Pullman Lane Plell.Wlt, pm ttmt \\Wk. nt . ~ ~ ...... top set't'ttarlaJ ~. New,.rt a.jch Costa tliesa. f>.l().$.\32 .scUi.na No experience s.\1.ES SKAMPOO'ii•T tr; ~ /C Bkkpr $lll ......._,. a-ow n . . TltE LOOK man!euriat• Coll !l>t .,....._ Lovl!ly compa.hy for :ilia.Ii> Se• EMllJI Bt'lil«* al hot.In. 1't>lephone a 11 d 11 loolrtnc foi· sharp J!tla 1',ho Altrt'do'• rfi'.i-$)'i0, · bookkeeper \Vho c&n \\'Ork "'""' #Mn, w...,. 7100 Jobt--Mln. WOm. 7100 m lx persol'lal tntervl•wln& for ""'-'fl ptnnallent position. i " ,;• . -' -tlu:.Ough TrtaJ bal&nct, AIR ··-• tw~nly·yearoold 11 u rv e )I Mu.It be txptr~ncod in lliClJ Shf,, ""llW~ &: A.IP. Tbey are buildln&'. G*"erel Preductlen 144 '1C ~l:learchcomp&n)'. fl,OOper tash lO n dresses & Sl!!ad)'. &e-•. rlf!\Y plant, Ideal workl.na: con. F&lALE * * Ho\JSC!k@ept'r • * ~ency tor c~ liu.U hour, plUI e"t'~l\Sfl. EquW s,, 0 rt.wear. Fw· ·~ Shl,.plnt a ftec?v ...... dlt¥J1is. Nu experience rtecesai')" .,~7~Y!~~k&tu:h tl.O W. Coaat H\V)'., N. a . opportunity e:mploytr. Write polntmenl. cll.ll The Look, Xlnt opporhmity. Oo6d c:trn· ···' Oerica1 * FULL TIME • EXliERllNCED ,,, R1lmbur1td Apply inruvn· .._..,.. Sy &ppolnL M&-a93ll Box M'-MS The Dally JiUot 644.-Z.100 l1 F&l:lhJon Islahtl, ....... v, and IOP benelltl. Call S /• THE HAR LEY 'co. NB .. -·· tcty Pkkpr ti $500 IIbUSEKEEPEJt. Exp er. !!!~~:!!"l!IJ!l'1""~!!!1.,..P1 PAR1' time fen18.le hclp • George ~n, 1 , .. ... -... .. •' .. ... ·-·· .. '. .. .... , SECRETARIES Sho11hand. typ1n1 and gen .. ll:'ra! oHice. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR ~1\·1n: llhift. One )C'tlr hey. pw1ch e."<p~.rience dr11i<-;1Ulc. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 J•mborll Rttd Newport leach THE RIGGER # 1& Fa.l!hion l:dand Newport Sench Like to Y!ol'k ·wilh c1~11tive 1987 Placentia .Avt. Enililh Ol' Cel'man, ~ l\fAiD, tuU tin1e. \\'lifltl!'d, GcMral office, lyp. SALE$: JASON lllT... j people? Type :>o. lite bkklla. Costa Me.aa &.reL 49+4110 Apply tn pc!l'80n. ConlAct lna I: NCn flOltlng. Invest-kNo\YLEDGt-.:ABLE St"tw EmployrnMt ~ Thty'U keep you busy bl.It HOU1el~pu at th!! ment Coric'l!pta 0@-2286 component lltl.les tralnoe. 2~ fip. fdF, 61.nta tllQ da)' will go fut. General H 0 USE KP Rt8aby1lttc.r. JAl'ltA.iCA INN HOTEL 21~ Call Fee by Appll~ent O:>Uege 1tudent pit \Vork that live in tor 2 glJ"ls. Aft 6 -all 2lfn E. t'ohst Hi~ PAR'f·Tlme AM/PM, $2 hr. &tr,..f&il'rt, Mr. Vann tHi .. ltl_MG AHD I Rec,t te $600 :' ~.:~-C: ~'°::~ day wkendB V45-MM. Caroha del !itai ;:U. C::~r~m~~ blJdaot SALES~ lli:ht Office work In RltllV_!.'!!_ CL--K 1 ~pply in per$0n 1:i~~u :~ P::,~u~nd0 ~:i 1ta.11. Car neC", P~I: ~ l~~~:,:~:1!:1~ 15~ l\l~S.a:rfullm :.t. PRESUfi: Mk BEST oNt fall'lton:tble Lido je'A't!lf1 '''&have in immfdiate _r,hd1 -o-rs-H\"'v-ASHE"'"';_n-'-1"'K1=r-o-1-E-N.1 aJra.id to meet It talk to in. FUl...IXR BR USU co. machine!!. Joca1 hi sh :tehool. KEN NI.LES MOTEL HOUR CLEANEJ\S neOO. atore_ Re tall Je•·elry slot'C for an t."t'perlencN ahl~ i HELPER (~laleJ Slcad)I ten1tlng cUenta "-can type ~neral (1) 521-135.J 01· aft 6 tlJ i~'=°'='c;Bey::::,:d:;:t1':..:;Dr;.;1,;,'°;::·..:N:.:B:_ ono lady for Pttl!Hr pogi· eKPeriaooc "· e c. e 1 1 a r Y -a.nil receiYl..ni cJlotk. job. Day Shilt. Top '\'&lea. 60, come on in. EXPERIENCED rurnltuf1'1 639-1503. !Ion. Ideal, full ttme. ,El· Permlhent pOstuon. C&ll tor c.au \''•Ynt w.m.u 2 + G&ril Offici to $400 man k driver, full time. ..:.:.:...;=------MAIDS pcrleKc.e not Me. 29-1~ E. appolntme.nl &73-93M You mu•l have a V&lltl Oll- RANCkO SAN JOAnUIN GOod ai.'Clll'ilte l)'pi.st oetded. Military obll;:aUona flU!CI. tN!URAN'CE AJenty Cir I FUU....Timc, resort hotel, C.oolt Hwy, CdAf. SoJea fornla drlversl!A!ena6 aM re- "-" r-·--, ··~· Cul~ ..... .\Vill answer phones, be a ca.n 14,2...2JSO 'vith tu1l knoivtf!dat of I...quna &a.ch . .t94-ll!l6 ,::c •-,-IARN NOW cent drlvlria Wark l\infr)' . ......... .....,......,. """"" ...... .,.;,;;;_'-'-='-----operatloiu ol ,ene1·al ill-Jl.1AJDS le POR1'Ell.S rwnss_..a \Vt rt(l\llte A n\1tdMUQt eri Rd, NB-Irvine, nr, UCI. non :!llnoker, .. lot of public .. 1 N 1.1 . ~ l" 1 1~p1-mont LEARN NOW r~.:. ~ ~-.. 1 DISl!\VA~'E" Part .,_, contact, .:1hoLihand not nee-wraniee Ou ce. ot 1 c in-CM.C 1-111r apt comp tx: nteds ,._'" l"t .. .-CALL NOW one )ltar 1m~dtnce ~I on n-wn CSBalj'. J/j_ nawport . IUl'(lnC'e. Near 0 r a n i c full le J')Rrl time help. Good •• 1 '•""• t knaw}ed,p ol pt.cldn~ tlec-1 evl!S, Apply Villa Roma 01 I , I' $'IS , COunty Airport. ;~54 fte.Y. Call FA)'!!' et 642--Sl'ftl COAli'AL AGENCY Luzier tnc, a •liter Co. 0 trohlc e<1Ul!_m'ttnt b preter-0-,~""••t '" N. Newporl r r aay • pers·onne( ----.__ Lady Clairol 1112..$721 __ _. IDvd··. -NB .. ~~m One 1Ui office, inte~sun: & ~ MARIN• MICHANIC f\ merrh1•::r of ..... .,.., .,.:__ --red. YolJ wm petfonn a Yan-_... varlety job, shorthand not lnst&ller Snellin:r It. Sne.tllna. lnl'. -• -.a--i1 monty \Vllh ely 01 ahJpplna dtJ'li1mtnl SHW Fu1 agency Ex-peri@need, t..rae CllG{ohl '""" Ha-r BJ, ~ un.60&; 1IO lilvntmonl. Sat' ah d"llos. DI ASHER -I time. n~f!SSlll'y, lite typin;, hav.:i P• cori.alr\.lction. Top \\'a;:e11. ,,,"II ruu '"''" "'!" Oo netda full · " Appl)I ODIE's, ru .E. 17th Jeclgtble h.andwritln:. · SEARS WIU..AJ'.0 BOAT \Vorks -POLICE -veni:; 1 N ~t " St., Costa J\1esa. Mtdlcal l•ek Ofc $400 Profestlentl StrYlt• t29!i Bakt!r St., CM DISltAT,CH (Ll!l\k part-t 'h<.! p, 0 1"~•'Y: ~.!~lni .. .,.'*.1~ Exct!llent B k lfl i fW th1 em,1-tr "'II train. For lntcrview-ca.ll .. vu• _.,.. ..., lnclucSln:: Display Sal41m1.n, eap... ac o t'C ah is ttcsp(!ratc--, COSTA MISA MiCHAHIC -t.talc or Female 545-GlOO L2 •-•1 va-.. ~n ~ .. ..;,... tht O"I t $-00 c II ly neoded it iUie ha.:! kno1vl· ,and the ~,,tltant l.)10 to uro per mo ""'" .... uu u-y .. -Et1Ul\I oppo11uaily emp!oyo1· y, • ~. e •11• ;.._ r..1 T Irt\f)(l1i: autos. Good t.'O. bl!n-·' "" · ' SALESLADY 'd I 11 tint year oJ employment.I ;\nn, f.lerc!Wltl! Personnel elia:e or back o[Ilce11 p1'1.1C6--• .,.ver r., "' • ANHOUNC!.S etlLi. Gt'l)Up ins. a:ood comn1. lligh SchOol irad, 1 yeo.r cler-' ~"P ' u St k Utthase ..-... indi CLIRK TY•IST AgMc.v, 204.1 \Vestcillf Dr., du re. will train In X·ray. 642 .. 3110 ,.,_ 74l "'Joo.* .., ie&l e•P Typing-40 \\'Ph\. lint<! to \vork in Un;ule oc P t'·-·-~ ,.. NB 645-:m'O I'll• Clerk $817.11 OF>E.Nlnv;, FO~ J.t1.1•bor area ~teat ll'O~'ifli: r.ot.attn;:' shUta. Xlnt frlnc;:t •ttinl. ruhione lor Llf'tm· a hat1di1 vacatkin_ feattmnil far ACl~•rfltllig 1gen-1 __ ._.-'--'-'-'------'"'ork will be mostly files, but Gerlt!t'al import auto dcalei.'. Ph. benefit.a, Reikl~nce not re-me. 2l Faahion lal300, ume paid tor rlme off f1'mn cy. ~harp, 1l1rt, type Drapery \Vorlaoom should be a fairly 1ood t)'p-Man tt clean l: mainll.in l:! lxptri1nce4I 11-13-9303 uk for Mike.. qult'W, Apply \Vestminale1· Ne1vport Beach. M~TO Chril~u 48.)' to tbt M<l~ 55--60 wpm tccUr•tt, PART &. full time Drapery ist. will train to relieve at tt. ChrlsCratt abolit 1 dlY • Tru-k Tire Mechanic wanted. City Hall, s:m Wo11minater SALESLlii1is: curtain I: foUowUll New Yun. 4ble to 19911, handle Opcr.i.lors. Exp er i enc 11\vitch.boa.rd. v.ttk. Boat b l0tatl!d near " Union 76 Statioll Ave., before October 10, 1969 drapery i:-;lits. UdOffr p hon I .tncf clerical Pl'de.rrablc or "·ill tt'tlin Order Clei'k $Hl.U Balboa lJland. Tho i 5 lrtsfaH•~ l!IOO Newport Bl vd. c.r..t. • 5 P:"'· Pb : (7141 8$-tSU J.lornt f'urnlshinp, !lo. var1'1n data d I T k k seldom lllfd, wan! it kept ~I I 8 k .,-ut et. ,,......... sewing mac b In~ a I! "·or orders over phone cl MM Cl eC $4SO r1tt. ,), Cout Plw, C.M. ,-1 ean and in running order. DUREL ADVERTISL'IG opei'&tt11.-s. or rep&il' se~ etc. Must \Vrite !>a.Uy PUot BoX M-340 Ex<.~Uent Ea.rn.in:s Local aen'I practloner. Xlnt PlfcrrcJ..ll6 i!ch. ~ft . .l!t ha.vt r11• 1.:.11 W•li.£-~ ""It .. I' Al.il 42j: N. Ne\\'POrt [Uvd. Lqiina Beach Interiors ha,ve ple11sant phone vq¥:e. '%ti · · · Plus \vorking conditio1111, Call Kay C:<t:p, :it!txl Msumt PO box--111 YOTW9 111 0 It•• Ne1vpo1·t Beach 642-39.10 lfm S. Coast Jtwr Girl Fri41y to ~ff OerierelUffiCt $4oo.ll •Profit aharlni: 516-S410 388 Hunt!n1ton Beach, f'UU. TIME , ';Jft.\i'l ,srrt:tcr~·y Clirk Typist $UO ~ Beach. C&U moth-Con you. learn fast! Lile Typing 50+ and \\'Ot"k exp. e HoepltaJIUlion JASON II.ST -I rllifi .-:-lnqul~ In tltMIPl_l " ~. .,....., Beautiful offlttt_ X&nt NCI-\· t,,P 4.94-GMS typin::. 8 people, "'ill be do-background, call I;oraine • Ortillp ur, Im. Emnlorinent A;e.ncy Rea uliw ~fas KINGS fOllt MIN r~ m~ilon J ' ~--' PQt1.. Be11ocJi Com~ny. lnJ a llttJe of evcrylhlna. t:. MerchanL5 Pel'llOMOI Aacn· e hld vaciltk:n 21XI So. 1tfain. Santa Ana · 2300 Harbor BIVd, Of (San D ego .... {-~ ;m~ Call K&y a.iG-5-110 O~\I Job -t\fep your "-111 trnin you in bookkee~ \'Y, :!c43 \Vettd.lff Dr., N.B. • i paid hollday1 n1u . Ex-pe1ienced salesperson lur SALESMIN. b e'c 0 r a I 0 !' of!= D j JASON BEST inlportant job u \Vilt & in:-. &15-mo • En1ployee discount "' " busy Sao ciCmeni,e oUlct. F/tim! !\lust be e:.:p'd. Inc ~ ·~ Employment J\iCl1<'y mother A earn a wkly MAL£ GIRLS, u.rn $40. S80 a day • Opportunily &. a rulurc IOI' Fl'i!t Ulephollll lltrVft'(t, lot11 GUAl'alltee against comm. ~rvr.qu!J QP9:>ttunlt1 2120 So. tllain, Sanla Anit payeheck. 544-3854. 5t04881 , belng a mas11e~1. WW train. Apply In Pdr&0nntl ONJce n1iln "'ho ArC "'illirii lD \vork of fioot t t tn t, llstini;:: com-1982'J: Stach Blv<I, Jlt. Employer MAF CJ.ei11: Dress dfltratOrs ~1313 ?lfonday thru S.tu.rday I ~•';;·s ~~' day. Tl1?,t'1 ~~~ mlsslo1111 paid l'lrot.:;ity, ~ Slit: ~,-_., Fff Peicl GE NE a AL.· Fu1f or part IO AM lo 4 Pi\! Ony reqw1 .. n1e111. n'e IV>,U Elltll C, !1ahonty-Really ' k H FE~tALE clri·k. apply tn TOP SALARY to thOSI! with Drift•m•n •£AA u;Jn you. Open Ju: 162,a No. El Camino Reill 1 SICRITAltY Printlhf Opir•t~r r><>rson Dl'ive-ln Liq•-r, 700 lots of exper_ 646-27&6 ;pwvv 11me--O\'tr 1 !-TASTE E SEARS Shlppln ..... .f "I'll txpcr <~rportle or B r~ ~· -• ,~ '"' Jr mechanical. Inc1'f'a.:1r your E ~ .;>tln Clemente " ' H .. area, ~ • -Pacific Coa.st J{ 1 r h iv a y, 16:.'9 l\fonrovla, C.l\1. 1''REE2 , 2006 Brislbl. C.M. e n--el•I•-all ll 1 legal bac'--round MUit bt! .._ ...... -I 1 · inl'oml!, develop ne"'· skill~. """ '• 01· c co kt or appl ~. · arr "" c .......... c °'" v Huntington Bch. ORI.LL pteA!I le other g-;n ,-~n•'tion •vllh .... ;,, C1nen.I 6 Alsembly 1n-11 -.._.,1._,, t:>:<'cutn•e callbJJ. A.BtLl'l'ItS CORI WINDERS machine sh:tp operations. s;;;ble ·~;;;:rsificd com~;}; SAl.ES~tAN-1\lffi\anic. A~ Roebuok l Co. • & PlirtJi dept. "Aecept;fy'I;~ ·:. $400 MISS IXIC AOINCY tJNtJMITto AQENCT Toi'Odal l!xperlenct: ~fUllt hr neat, alert &: oUeiing friendly small com· ply 1125 SUperior, C.ftf. Company 1'!locatlna ln 11'\'inc \Vilt t in 11 1 ..__ .... Lo 410 \V. Cof.ll Hla'bway 431 E, 11th SL, SUlte J24 prefem:.I. d!!pcndablt. Eirp. pref'd but pany atmo!phert 1rlth large bJ:R.L \Vantt!d fOr pil1-tfmt' SO).lfH, COASt PLAZA llldUIU'ial compl~. Oct l•t. I m •r...,e ';11· ve. Nc1voort Stach ·~S9 C'ostd: Mt!& &d-1410 VALOR not req·a. Small precise co1np11.ny stability. Ir 3•ou \r«11'k. Gen'! alllt.-e inti lit!! JSJJ S, lltlSTOL I...oW intervJe~. f'or np-Y 0 ~"Dia~ 54lJ.,;¥. o S•t. iibO.OO l'tl llltl:-St · 0.. .... . parts, clciui shop i•lith iood ha\·e 1 years college, »0me typin:, invllcllboa.rd ire mail. COSTA MIS" polntn1~ht call (21316'7&-,mi JASON II • Aln '•e Challt 1• tton I" per. "lECTRONICS INC working cond. l-l*ncliui. · -8 • ~ c ........ £_ "" "·IOOE' •· 1v•-Eo -~• or c: , • Disc Instruments. 1701 S. experience and are good in :30-.. :....,. d111~ un.vmc full " ....,, n.i• • • Em.ployme. nt AJtncy .. harp skills, with corporal>! ilon ~ 1 k~artt..:.. ~ JlOO Pullman St., math call UI, Company pa)ls hnte. Apply An Eq\lal Opportunily \Vomen--MeJl.oOtllllt't!n ot all 1120 So. ~fain, Santa An.. Ce~~· I 1lnanclal backtrolllld. die ,-,.,-no •u"n •-"s •-pt co.,la Mesa -M0.9'l6T Halladay. Sa.nta Ana OUl' rec. Jfai'l'Y & David Employer ngt!I lo <lo T.V. Con1· ~ J "" ..oralne, Mtrchanll Pf11·-"' u ,.,i . ~ L!ooks * DltililS * F~ l:iy Appllcirit '.!l:J ru,,t-rside Ave, NB rpercials. Tral'C "how lb, fl.EAL ES1'ATE SALES sonnti A.relic.!)', 20'3 \Ve•t· head•. Some _ptt'llO~ .~ii' FRY COOKS TOp waaa•, ~·mJnent, hon- es!, and cood 1votking con- ditioi's In area'~ .Jcaclin;;; rtsl11.u1'Ml, Apply 9" am 10 ;, pm for inter ... iew At MA!iNIN0'$ COl'i'Et SitOI' 2·1031 El Toro Rd. t.eaure \Vorld Lquna llills 831·1014 M1terl1I H•ndl•r• S52t 'l~ ........,.,---~ -Grantl Openlilg-.ii, i\taaulnc Proin'salvc, ~ No .... ·port clltt Dii\i~ ~mo desired. Sho,.u..r.t ib, typo No liptrlenc• y., will w"* " ho"" pc•· H' o· "T!SS *''AN-ITo""• ...... layout,. Fa.hi 0" and BclCh C..·p. ottering im· ... ':ia ( • li(I, Salary o .. n. Celnfltlll' N -•• <I ., G•--·' Photo"•-pl•• ol all Tiltd. lnco1nc .......... hil-'l' ret&ry Ctt> lo lst rclocatirt;t In Irvtne Inlf• •-•SIGryl week but thlg Crienwy non-.,.,,..., oo .. .,.. ' -·~ A\11' :?\ti Wl' clvll e .. ..i_., ~ .,. • icrospace lil·rn oUt.n: trc-l"ULL TL'1E Pc1·m1rnt. full tin}'. klnd~. Thel"!:i is no fee ii.. aclvcrllll~. bonus plan up · ~ .,......,.,. trial eomplex, Oct lit. l\tust have dean ~ornia I ~N~~ D -~iv-• and •·c •--I • to 10% conirn. JkaKlcnu.1 ' olfiee, near airl?Url. May lnll'rviCwl, For JPpoln qu ent ra.i.1u and a solid .fu. " ~ .. ''" " 4'"\0 ,., L'OJJtiklCl' part tlint .,...,,. -driv~ r¢cord. A!> tun! roi· stable men \\'ith lo. t\1::;:hl!I & \\"Cekends MOT It MES tchool. We an ln tht l\fn. Arnold 61>4130 .:.on~ • call fZlll :U'""~ w.sb YELJG0:.1~~~-GO. cllf \\lt)tnh:;;~-e!!_ Must bt over 21 21.1$ Can.Y.on Dr .. Ctiiii.. til!!lll ::~l:Jgp:~ 11;.,1~~~~~~~ r.e1*wo11s-HwtSHltt sec1lfAit ·, ~. 0~:-'-'rau: Coi1a ~ta AV1• Mett\.inicl Apply hellvten }): &: ~ JA·N-1to~' 1"' Ext-ellent paf. p h 0 n c * aus OY Vtru.tllc p@'tson !O Wist ttvie. 1J1terv1tw 1 0 ••• FSTABLISHEt> Insurance $2.75 hour up FIVE CROWn.S 635--~ Anahelm Medtd at manager & district mana;er APJ\OPOS, 19 J' I• h 1 • n Lelids avaU. N.B. omco. Tl~ of the upa .r: downi;! It f\&ltAUJl,A T TI. t-.'EWSPXPEJt dealers rol' A.Ll..EY \VES'r ta sales, kandlint conespon. llland, N.t. ~r oppt. 61~ you ca.n m,11.lntain forldifts ~Ill E. Pacillc Coast lhvy. 'ANI .. 1~s llel.'lkl J:u.nUner_ gn J~n<! ~to.! Oet411front lien~ &: genera.I eecn!tarlal STOCKliOOM Girl. uiWl'n Ei:pcrlenced in ama:~ neeQSe &-a U;ht ll'&ctor h,.re·1 your Coruna dt!l Mar I, -n-1tJ' -il1Vory'l110'"r'1fp ,,...CZ1unl)' NC*po1'l Beacit IT!i-JTJ4 duties; ~hc:1·lhaml IO, type rtntai.:~e~P. -~WW and overlock. Good piece l'hanee for rro1vlng Income koSfESS area. Bond dcposlls re-fiiw.urant Jttlp !lo. Salary conimctleunte w/ train. ltd. 142-QS work ....1ct• sl-"" \\'Ol'k. plus opportunity to learn Mature I:. attr. SQme oftice P/Ume: alt 5 pm, l\1on-Fli 10 qulm!. Ell r n i n ·a • ap. YOUNG n101htr 01· sLutleut to e.'>p ~ abUJty, Company 1't· r,; Ac ii E R's ~.JL,; lM' ... ~ \vork in CM, NB or lrvint 1 .. tenn .1 1-11 In Irvin l_j • ..1.1 t,; ,..,. .. .,.QtQ.c, COOK, male. for rellet 3 :; · s:1if1s/1rec k. $2.25 hr. EDD"l h!OSS l4()U l.bcust hi;hly paid facto1·y machine \Vtll'k. Ap~y ln J)C:l'IOll proximate.., ....,.,. n1q1lU11y. \1'ork titwn Jl ain-2 pnt. ~a I'll e uu.ui ....... lnlllfeatlna l: ine n•I )' St., \Vemninster; SM-1731 m:Untenaneo l11 a nlm<le--beh\"et'n 11.:: 9 p.m. a.rea, Apply at rrni-2C jkl'• Write box PR at 11310 Altura Mon-Frt, 1iltlrlina: pay $1.6.l ooinp!Cl', Oct. lit. Local In-work'C cond. ltt - tt>nse rinn, f~Ulnt rali;ca. BLUE DOLPHl.N rru·k Circle. t;vlnc. 540-910 Blvd, B1'ena. P1.1•k. hr + ineals. Appty any letvll!WI, For appoint.mint • · . ~ ~:e~~ ;:n~~J~~~ Shipplnt Clirk $502.61 REST~URANt JJnftorlal NURilS AID!S nlOl'nln& bf:fr jo ain. Jack tn clLlt <2'l3J 61f.226l. Tecbnidan .,,. CO'l''fACE COFFEE SHOP : .. '.· 562 ur. 19th. C.i'il ,·aCaKon, &J'OUP ins. 'llnl-Li~ typlna, bill& of Jadlna. ~Via Lido, N'pt Beach C~~"fiJ~ ~~·A~ Experle~ed. Lerae extend. the Bo.ii. #ti E. 11th St. 01. $1cii'. L&OAL .::· ~~n:!~.t.i~i;rt2 !olnts furnl5bl!d frtc, Good get material& rudy fo1• sh.Ip. I1ouaekeepCr fATE. ~11 M earn hosJ:ltal need& \'OU! Epial Qpportunity Emplyr !!ania Ana. l -2 )'UR catil ad It NB \V 'te Dail comn1. ~We. Al>k tOr me$ nt. Bot&td l 1wm, private 1uetit I flijiimi*iii•--·li OnlY UlOIO 1\'ho W'C n~ R~uran11 law, ltectnt qpt'f not nee. ,. .... Pi~I silo. x •• : ""'. n Y Jbf Moore Ph. d.W-1764. ervlclmi" $4ia.JS ho u s e + salary, Ur~t 1' apply 1 NACK SHOP #9 'fyis 60 shtd jO .... 1----,..-.r.,.W>r.:..~---'% Will work'" all ll'P<" ol ·~ houtt ... pln: and l'OOklna. Journeytnan '1toYALE' • M ,SI EXEC i.oilNCY ·~·• :t_t~, E~~ !~ l!ftle C~M.tal Man $6ts.as c;; car de•. m-oeoo eXt Mechanic 54G-6·1j0 , -ictd" r-:e~!!1~ftec;:it 1111~~ THE lti.Yffl'O BUTLJ::R tlob'i COUlc Shop O~ ye~ experience wo1'k· 1''0t'tl,rn car vc))frlenet pit. NURSE AIDES CllSJ'IWASHIR~ SEAMSJ'R,.ESS, Dr'° pie r y 610-08T7 Jib !, El damsno. San a In!_? \Vllh ~hee1 ml"l_al, H~lttetlf?r t!rrtd, min " yelll'J C.'l.J>, Day &:: PM shifts:. Pllrt·tlmc, ovor IS. we~. lnqultt I·-·-" Beach ·· Order Taker ~.123,J) URGENT! Uve In or out •• L t & APPLY E\lenlnas ._..., ... .• ~ HEAD CUSTODIAN U -t!OD'V.....,_. \Vanted, -..•d, .. Mo"~·--1·.,0,. >ta"·-0 ll . Jnterion, 103> S,. C.OUt M-"; TV, •'l'!111t ~-~ W 11~ .. _ .... A, ...i....1 ""'1"-vun "'"• Th'•. Job ca•,.~ l•lo b"•,•r, u...,.---.... " ' • ..,,,. "·ach ""'"''""' 01YV< I --~ 1 '"'h """ ....... ~ .... uatlon. and top waaes. must hu-e r&ts. qu':i1ty t'O~~i'~"';. ~e~."Xlnt \\'Oman ohty. J boY• 1 ._ 9. Lube Man ...... -PH: 4~~· .... :1·'6 10. Coa.t ''"'>'· J. W)', ~· G4j8!: ~rt•IJ)I c'*k t\ft tfliiiri· ::--· ~<can CU:i!xi~~ ~~ 8a.ylide Inn. 333 Padlic opJ>brtunlty to l~arn a ll"ade. &l&--1363 6'2-lm eve•. Sc.'°\·ice •ldUOn c~·icincc NllRS£5 AIDES l L..VN-bntml 4tl Mar SE.r..VfCE n'ATION enct. tJte and knoWltd;e 61 ..... pl'elt!tably i~cllJdtna one CoeatHwy, N.B. 673--0934. Prteluctlln te $511 ~3922 utM..1!1Df'Y· i'.xppricnetd. R.eitlllrant , Philllp1 ~etroleiw Co. t"t eqU~nt. Mtteta, ,... in• au fer v 110 ,., FULL-Tun• maids. ......., X-Milltorr HOUSEKEt:PElt • <:ook. llAllWICK OATSUN ~3001 Aritlint Marflltr Now hlril\\l t<ir .......,, Ato<mblt ~ • • , c-.paclty. Salary be i i n s hole!. Laguna Beach. A klader In IL! field, t!tis con1-General lilc d u t i e s . 988 So. C.I Hwa~. ~ lkb THI:: Q~CKER. -Y<JU CALL. ~&t)'~!"Mttd tctvk:e •la· and ~ ' • • $514.00. Apply l\f0"'1~ .. t.hru • .. ,...,,.;'14-iiill111iiijij,· •'""• pany promotei f'r'oin wttllin, Ceoorous ta.lat)'. 1 2. 6 .fiK.9171 or ~4 _,..., . "'O . now l&klna 1ppllcaUot1s for ion. perlcnce desired. , ·-,, b'· ~"'"""'Nil ,,...Q ta<mx USELL NI k part llmo, Oay • Good11An1"<..W,,pl u, C1lll'tr"=:;I"""'. ,_ Frlday from S a.m. 10 ol;)l IrWsttnc that f'llture rnana.c-pretel'a Y · "''' · · : ;:::::O::::r,? · II:"' ' ;tt'lll'O\Ji rntnl.1ul' Ith 1 :::•r· :~: ,,,;.. •• lrot ll'ewPOH Blvd .. Ge"'"'' •rs team produru 1h.,,..h 6#-lllll Jolio Mtn. """-~-71 00 ~~--~~. Yi'fn. 71 0. 4'''K iTC~IN HfL~ i=l!•nt :~~~. 1 1'1 Mil •;..., C!Ullified Penionnal. Costa • Parf-tirti• L.jlt Ti: trainee ltvel u~rnbly work. HOU~. Utt In, 00 . Yl'!'O. • • "llHWAJHll!t acJ t r t in-LON :::. """· 1!4;-06(10. CIOlflna .. ,,. d ~_........ II YoU have me<h&nlcaJ ••"· 10 6&,..., 1'rOI. ,.,.p1c & IS •"l"+ii•• • .i •• ; • .,; • .., .... • iUsiiOYS 1o.i.':"~';,.....,, ~... TE 10 , ~ .-Seplcmher 19. 1969. nJeNd1, ~h""""" . tudt A ICill'I~ mttchltnlc&l eJC· '-'T da"""l.lf. !-lo!t wlmdl M•NUF·-UOINa t ,f.. B •h • "-8 far,...-, llUt net ~ perfenoe. can ut f I:~ '1.t. aiJ..4091 " "'"'' .. Apwq In per.on roo unt "' -ma, unr •:: D'1LlVEIUES: Yr:.\ man itaory. El.Ctrwllca lo $600 "'· ' PROOUGTION + 2G11 w. COtlJl llwy. linl"'• Be.di. : .. ~-· ·.,.qi;,!;.!;;:;: : ~'"""""' Mold•to '1-MH1t•rr nollS!Ci;EEPER. •iv< 1n TRAINf. ES • N•wPort 11 .. c11 slmvtcil si.11on 11h n. · ' -ti~ .. Mathl'-Comnultl'I •""'··-J as test mo~ets ho,rnc: N.B. NU. RESTAtm:JJfr ASSIST . 1en11 • r.Urtd 'W/ iteme eXP. ... For appmt. phone~ -.., -"' ~ ..... .J~-._. • J tttr.pni. Woman wilh I W d t .... ~ CHEVRON 104 So. ........ n .JVEit M wanted I • arow.,,. rt.Id. Sl.lpplicr of tm1 chlld ok. Pre1er wmr MGR. I l fr)1 ~exp. U' p: . , · -·~ o...,. Y -flh t"Omput~r l"Otnpo11trtltt, can't .u'. i31-14: • new fUWood rutaurl.nt in C:OUt JJwy,, lA;u.na Belch. :.~:: ror,-,,..~.!,,.,,~~rw.Ap,!!!~ ftRICISION lo<e. If )'OU ha-vc 1ame •Jt· I NO IXP&RllNC:f NICll'AllY. 11 TO 1& YEARS. Costa MeM.. Xlnt op. Et:ldal "OJl~em!Ohtr --.--uu, ·• --r-"' r otrltntc fC!tlna: alertl'Onlc J!OUSEJ{EEPJCR, 3 Hl•H SCHOOL SkADU Tt. IF YOU HAVE THI A,. portunily tor ad\llJlttltlOnt. SEnVlt'E SI'ATJON ~ ~ ~ .-., 2~i llhl per ell)'. 14'1-891$ A N ci1111ponen1a, call us. 1'hey ftChooltat'n, Jtt'I'" ap(, Costa tlTUOt, WE 'fl'ILL TRAIN YOU. 'E•~ANtl'iT IM. ~ wkdm. ~.:c I> e *' 1 enc t d mt. 11 , -.::ovNC,' ~;.-• ~ :·:-: Oclivery rnsn -'f'Urhilure. c S"'I a• 1-hd J~\o~ ,.fC!hs. Mesa. rr&-Otio or G4~119'1. PLOYMlNt U:ClLLENT o~rORtUNIT FOR AD· Ren:pt\onlat Peri1111Mnt. Gooil "twtd'.lf .. ~. I~ t.e.U../Mw • -F/tlmc. otU. start iil1· I ., Acli!'•hif TrMO to itso HouSEKi:EP!:n. uVt·. in. VANCE.MINT. • 2 POSJTIONS tvail: Al· t0ndltlo111. DLlY•· U!)lon OU. ~II ilrt. t . , ,,.. "'' :·:-. mod. 12 hr. lll2:1 Beach, HB !0'4 .PLA~INTIA + ct"'P•~Y ctr Prlv. rm A .. .,,. > -1NTfRVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. i rraco,., p le"• n·t. ''" ::t3 llU• 81 .. C..IA M.,.. ,,.rd. ~. !'1*/' ,, . ..... ol!iiii'lL -·· 0 r a I cdST" MllSA Compact 16<.;,i '"""~· .. Fin. Vail. 141-i>;I I SPS "'"""""" t\EcEJ'rJONIST ' t1l:o ·~ .. ..._, ::.:, llW"if'1' otilcc, X..:tW exp. .......... !!!"••!!!!!!• lntel"HTtnc Job ... 1th conrt.tnt "®™ ilvHn tor Western_ -i "''J!OOtl tnlltl 1il(Ul1 ph13 " Sfn. Sta. ~"P· SalAey +lb~ tiN.uUNI ~ ~r :~~-~~tns OENERAL:-Wanlt!d, Sllmf!I· variety ~ tour. U Jo'OU hav.t ~Jdtt11 couinv. m 11 u r • 'l'T"PJST-Sl'ENO. ~ A wmm. 01urnti f)A.)' 40 ........ ~~ Mr. U.. ..... tOO!M"~£mJ:;,.,ST=-;ft;;'lGll="'10r""'"""""'=" OM to t&tt for lnvllld C!'lptf~ •itlMr W\>,.,_ -.onian J'~tl~ ......,__ -.t.OCU1'aq-ftq~ fu.'a.....l."'WJJ:~. E. UuwN:.1 SA Yl!fc.l-A n1e.n'1 compen11Uon or bod-n K • ~-• folinlll6n t. a"-lribl\Qlfl Cal """'· . n-:: :· lhl"I lO fuml1fl )-our homo ~OllWI flt )'9lir home or Uy-tnJucy, ow.. dltW!ft fC.Ol"li, er~ 2701 So. Harbor, Sbht• An• • l't-·~ _, · ' • ltntl srt&t bu1& tn .,_ ,_.._ Call e.,q ar wk ...,_ ~ ad, llltn 111 ..... 1°" t AN EQUAL OPPO!fUNITY fMPlOYU t ...U 6*-?ll< J'or DaJly PllOt l\'llll ... !:Mill ~ Mll&ill! V1tJ1 d•>'• O_.fl&d Ad& I' !ilMni U.len IO the t>hor)t. dlwt 1, ...... e ...... ••••• .......... r:-ui.y r'F wffer;\i';"I Dt&I 61:-!r.I : , ¥~'.Jo!$~ . .•" £1t11NIUIMI ct , ---· --~~ ' I. • ~ L'. 1- 1 ' • • ~iiiii:iftn~~Mli~fAil~:_r:-i~:ji~CHANDISI POii MfltCHAHDISI l'Oll MlllCHANDISI l'Olt * TllAHSl'OllTATIDN T!tANS~DltTATION TRANSPORTATION SALE AND TRADI SALi AHD Ta.ADI ' SAtl AND Tur.-FREE JO YOU -· Yochlt fO&I $pood Ski -90iQ Trucks 9500 G•r-l•le I022 l'f-& !>'r!"' 11• ....,,._ NOO l .1DORAB1Z hall"1 ktt-==========~1 CHINESE MOD .... ti / "4. u .... "·--°""" ipADDj(l .._ ....... ::,r~~\ ~ SCRAM-LETS ~~ ="' .. -:; .,, c~ey. J/4 ii furtL IOCU chain lunPI. w.£ lb stru fm' pick:-iip tnlCk a ... 4 10 0 d h 0 me•. nr.•:ett, tuttst boat eervb Pick Up ~u~s:i~ Savaan =tn~~ •U10JSG.1ms ANSWER'S ~ aio.~ i:w "'<mma: ~l~~~).1c ~ SPA·NISH USEP ~ _.ie: a;t(t'• e.s I: 1.4!'alla, A-100, 8-.ltl>, and f1'ermoatat. Z.O» BTU YOUNG exoUe rat1, black A l\fUtter -Htib1t -C'1o&k -too imall). \\'e a1.i.'o sdl ntp bumper, i..·tu1tom call, doth0..Wt10ll~lnbadl H.1-M'·lOO. ~ l...JD>. like ~$14. or tnM b: Whl~WJblte. Oppi:14f-'n)O..)!UO( fibel'llaas s~s.. Open T chrome 14•he•, 14.000oric· yard. Tua It Wed.' US 2lJt J.100, S.L From Wt.}. Te:mi. ~ W<Jk. Scott ' • ~ 1Uilt t>Drset Pl. · Nudbt ~ rom&ll(r: She dyl/Y.'k. lnal owner mUet, Excellent SL Apt 2. C.M. All.Eff 11-IEATtf\, 32 J!lld• 1-wn aprftder, lib hn' SS. t/18 broke oU with her boy friend \VIND AN' SEA coodlUon. Ue. 230038 ahar hi-lo olo, ....... new! '. -GER/Shop, mole, black .... ,,.. thef WO<'O .. ,1.., 1131 ,SUpol'ior S2499 CARPE:f, ' NEW * AUCTION * .... wt"" -. ...,,. TllO M1Ja1 ot ••<h otbot. C..la ...... "2-111J1 $4 ... yd. !196 llamll,..,, .. ..,. ~ -ho ~ c.l\I. Saturda¥ only. Bis S&.vln;JNow in out End U1V11'4'1111Cllorbl.cf art&.. .... 1-""' 91m1•6• '&6 1Alhtt. 28' sedan, u.~riit. Equip 903• ond MEDITERRANEAN SMw Reom -f loor S•mpl•• .. F1ctory Closeouts "of &anuner Clearance Sile!! ;jve WlndY a try -lap11tf'ali;e .. twln 115 VI .1:rer mti • ~ c 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. Furniture Auction I025 . HAMMOND Auctlorla rrtd&y 7:30 p.m. FREE: 4 KltteNI, 5 wlul old. marine, ~ 1.nt, 75 wt ONE factory tt-bUllt (hl!ffr ~ ~ tn·OO:RONA DEL MAR w d I • Pl.IN blk tt~. ; lltripped radio, .. beaµl. t&mib" boat run) Gen'I Mtn &-n mode'! 0 e ' pc. •uthentlc Spa nish Bdrm. set, • 96 In. 'quilted s0f1 with 56 In. m1tchint1 love M•t or chllr e 5 pc:. sr.:nlsh Dinette, o..k tilth top e 3 hMvy M9d t•rr1ne1n m 1tchlng tablel,. top dur•ble enough fo r Fl•mtnco D•nc .. Wiii M11 Mpa r1telyl • Furniture • 28.M, E, Cout IJwy_ 613-#10 in y I Auctaon Bem f&m&lea, 1 nWe atrtpped. $91.00. &-z: bahlc-tmna wlUl 64 llNG i?f!)' Marine dleR1 ' o,S Appllon<H • e.1 ... TV THOMAS Behind ,..,.,~ Bl>lr. >lat'l ~.,,_2081 9/16 lo dowe ..,...,. .. No tnM!e. '"""'· O>q1plete W/twln-o~ ,,,. AOK AUCflON 207$% NeWpOrl:, CM --3 PUPPJES Beard'• Alrcrl1t • l<fartne, dllc reducdon 1ear 2:1 ' 7722 G&l'drn Grove Blvd. ORGAN$ GUITAR, Full &be folk iz ~\Ill to ~ ~~ ~~ewport Blvd., N.8, rat.lo. For further details. ' "'estmlnstu nr. G.G. Frwy. Exclu.sive ~ prostaJn-to 10 boob Blue 0!.lpa. can aftet,4~30 646-7622 9118 lll' ~•-•-N call P. SUttori 12131 6:$-0301 a-1!).J(Ql Ext. "6"' 61 Tues&. Thun 7 PM-Sat 6:30 med rythm.n. ?afany other Boy's bike S" 3 spftd ~7m 9ru .,.. ...... avor, ...-. art. WttkciAyg. or (71•> 5*--0138 l'.stateconqmnt,kpo. New plu.. !eatUIT.s~ See the nl!W EniUsbo eood mnditiot{Pl Chunplion. FWJ race, 12 weeftnda. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. SHOP FIRST ! THEN SEE OUR UN!ELIEVABLE BUYSI Bank Terms Store Charge Master Charge Lawrence Wtllc model 'J're.. Cosco brat and mauap 2 H&lt Manx kittell! need volt, 8 aaill, mw bat. '-boat • COSI'A MESA Appll•rtee1 1100 mmdowJ; 1111.ving1 on sdect-pr.d, new fl'· ~ torm, 10\-e le sood home <w~ bath. Many othfr xtru. See lolt Sflp Moorint 9036 :.;?:.C.""-:::---~.:.: I ed demonstrator models. sta.rxl, adjU1t 10 to 1(. "11:. tam.Uy wu deserted) , at CYC atp ~ or call days ----'65 DATSUN KENMORE auto tn at i c: Uaed 0rpns from $19&. 646-0644 .,, 54-U46 9!16 21·3_391-7111 . nil e SLIP WANTED w&Wr, late model, xnlt COAST MUSIC FREE ..., .... ~ ·roy Collie 2tW2M2lll , lot 3'' '"'""'· Will "' 6 I cond. J-10. Ml-1115 a r FOil SAi.! me. in advance no bridges PU w camper, oew C!/li, °' BankAmericard All Accepted lollo Mon. Wom. 7100 Tr•fn.e to $700 it'u.st ha\'e collep deg:l'f'C or two yn. colleje plus wwk .r:q>., milltaey et1mpll'lt!, call Ann. Merchanl~ Per90Mel ,\&ency, 20l1 \VeslclUf Dr., N.B. GfS.mo TRAINEE: MR BFSI' ONE HOUR CL.EANERS nttdli one lalb' for ptellll!t posi- .don. lde&l. full ti.me. Ex- pnifl!CC not nee. ~ E. Cou1 Hwy .• 09;1. EE YOUlli: man in- terested in leamln&: 1rade. lifust haw aooc:t relerencea . ·Good PlY I benefits. Steady employment. 646-ml. Hlx8on Metal F\nlshlnc WAITRESS EXPERIENCED Apply In Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 P•c. Cst. Hwy. Newport -•WAITRESS • Fut. exp'd over 21 Don JOR Restaurant 9093 E. Adams, HB * WAITRESSES kppl)' at THE FLYINri BlfT- LER. Experie~. 61l-09TI Furniture -OVER -STOCKED MUST SELL! ~-NEWPORT I.: HARBOR a.nd Cocka,ao mixed. 1 wks '6T GLASS1'AR C 1 fat Ion. 96itzs1 ' ' side mirrors, 4 spd, dlr. xlnt. ~·~ BeautilUl ortcinal ail paint-ol~. AdoratNe, to p>d hon\e Inbocid-Outbuerd.. :uo Mere. Small dn or ta~ trade. Lo WASHER I: dryu, avocado, OOSTA ~ * 60-2851 l.nr. mounlaln scene in be11u-341).9678 Crui1Cr with pcwer jet I: ~ SI.Ip in e..xctwige. for pymnt&. NOZ63kLB. call Rob $12S. Retr11-1ro1t me $115. Play Before YOU Buy tiful bl.uei &: ~-Dade NEED pOd home tor lovable power trim. F\lJ..I cov~r put:ial UBe of power boat or 4M-9773 or 5'1>0634. l'rttzer ~. S4D-t09:i :;it: a!::_bi~c.':r l:lack a"4 wh.ite kitten 8 Ready lo enjoy. A Ii ~ ~~P or~ for 1611/i FORD CUSTOM TAPP.AN Gas ~. whlle We have beat selection and M7-7l87. · wts, Mother SWneese. mainle'1al1Ce record& 1 club wagon, auto, r I.: h, red. 40" · ?otuat It'· i%i. Call best teachers jn Orana:e 10 Spd bo French M7-70C9. OY'I'ler. Kl &-4f.W WBJ019, priced to sell at: 642-<18$. ' County, llk new ~ Refrla: ~~: POODLE, Female, 9 mos. ~ 24 FT. C'.ozftctt Craft cabin Mobile Homes 9200 KUSTOM MOTORS. MAYTAG Automatic washer, From $10 monthly ~led couch $75. picnic tbl Miniature. ~SS ta n d /l rd • Cruiie 111& HP c:rulse at 20 ----845 Baker St, Coo ta Mesa late model, xnlt cond. ~. Gould Music Comp1ny with 4 beDCtits $12.SO. Girts, MS4J783 9/J.G RPt.r. Tip top cond. Fully BAY HARBOR ~5915 * \VE DEAL~ 847-8115 or 546-8672 2043 N. Main, SA 547..oost blke.$5. S45-i3ll LOVEABLE tiittem, 7 "-'ks. equipped. rn \Yater now. Mobile Home Sales Auth Jnlc:rnaUonal Dir NOW. rent a Balchvin orpn old VU'iowl colors, n«d l\fust ~II. QUI a.f'tre 8 p.m. Casa Loma Roll • Away · 1965 SCOUT 4x4 Antiques 1110 i: learn to play. Adult Grand Opening SALE I lood homa. su,..7096 9116 616:-1987 -Sheraton lllanor -Jlomette . r~ equipped HPGr::iG prie-:..:o::.:.ic:.::.. ___ .;;.cc:; ~--.... Prl ~moo tanks· fiah • &co.?SI 22' CABIN Cruiser at slip, Kit· Prestige · Sahara. cd to PU at·' 'frock U>ad of Antiques! ""'&.&'u""l'll o • ...,. vale or 'TIS TROPICAL FJSJJ OLD Boat for lumber or ALL SIZES 8 . class leS&ONJ available -repair, plus car parts. 936 near ne:11o·, 100 hp 1\Iercury KUSTOM MOTORS 4-DAY SALE, 11 to 7: ttaulb 1UU1L11teed. Believe !lCEO Edin:er {@ MapoUa) Sun9e CM outbtd. Custom trl.r, must _NO\V ON DISPLAY 8·U Baker Sl., Co~ta Mesa Nl'w ~ pc. corner &lT&fC. Jl Round " square oak it or not_ $3.00 a. week ft.D. Fntn Valley • 842..f.530 t. 9/16 Bell $22;iQ or best oiler 142:'> Baker St., Costa ~fesa J40.5.9W * Authorized choice of clra. reg. $2:0, tabll's, $20 t up, lla.ll b'ee!I, tal, lUS01111 extra. KIRBY vacuum c:IHnCJ" with ADORABLE Arliora. kitten, 549--3283 · !is bJoc:k East of Harbor Blvd. lnternahorW Oealrr n D w $159.50. Headbn:l.s: Burcl top trunks. Chm& ... __ ... -"-~ lOnt _.. HMl-·e ma.t.:~s. 1D y,'kz -eo.~ta~M~-~=:;"';'~l,:"""'~:;'~··1 .. .,'0ii:o..-r.;;:-c;;;;;;;;;; '"-m Q m50 \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ., ... 1:11 _. ..... , OOuu old"'""';.,.,.,,':"~ -'67 FORD •; Ton. Custom .ru.n;5, ....... uee115 ....... , RoU top desk, Victorian & i:\JatalltHd Pay oU baJ f ._..... vou-JUV• 9116 GREENLEAF PARK f"ull $10.50. Twins $4.95. llOfaa, Cedar chests, TiUa.ny 1819 Newport. C.M. 642-8484 ;33.u or tall:~ over ~ . K S.ilN•ts 9010 ln cl cl t'001 Costa cab. Ex Ir as! 37,000 Trundle aels (duo rise.r) w/ shades. ANT I Q U E 'llF· HAMMOND. Steinway .. Y&· pymn . lO \\'EE ol.d male pU.PPY ear, l'an, · mile~. $Jag;). 893-3185 inner spring matt re;:. $106, FAN\' Hou s E 122 s . ma.ha .. new Ii: used plaoos Ctedit dept 535-72S9 ~cocker ' cock-a·~ CAPTAIN JOhn ssy1 &ell his =-::.~1! 1 ~~ :ii~l--"'°·53~G,c~1~c~. ,.,.-,pd-,-. -- oow $79.50. Roll--a-way beds Oranre, s. A. 541-3751 or all makes. Best Dlo's in CARPET lnsta.ller has one 50' Sc:hoonu a Vlntqe !hip · ~lake bed $27j w I inn. spring matt. reg. ANTIQUE fl&" roll t So. canr. rllbl here. roll, avocado n)'lon carpet, LARGE Grey and white \Vf lob. of potential See on :oc:;t;:_1al Park. Open 9 ru'd 962-ti846 · .$.)9.:.0, now $39.50. Full sz.. I """"" op, SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., double jute·backed. \Vill 11itll lonz--haired-cat 6 yean old. moorin&; oH &!boa Caribe o A,.;__ •JOB!LE sleeper-sofa ?'t'i". $239.50, now bus n e 11 "'r" desk. lJCF1' N Ma1ft. all or Part. S 3 / 1 a rd N tered 61>4:)389 9!16 Is To board boat tact l.A-L"' " '6.) f()RD--0.0.-All Extras. $l69.50. New beds: King Completely restored. $49,1. ·Sant& Ana ~7245 · ~ • ~ie Minney at s.~191 , HOME. ~S Clean Xlnl Condition. $99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full• ·:.:"":...::ll=65'--------=,,..,;:;:;:;.=;:,,,=-·I SURPLUS F·-+ .. -· dreu PART cocktt, terrier. 2 All oUers over $15.000 con-lT:.iO \Vbittitr Ave-, _ 5-i9-&tl2 alters&: wkndi. ... .50 ~~--~·so full -WE HAVE PIANOS! -. ..... ; male. & wks. old. nice pop-1 .... ~. Costa ~less TI4: 6't!·l350 .62 '"-v •,,·too pick~p. ~ • •wu<& -· • Y ---------You may purclia.se or ~nt fabrtcs k rem.nanta. Sokl to plet. 962--2158 "' ''"" "-'"' i;:uaf!Il-Kina: ,sz spreads Sewing M.lchines 1120 a.nd credit all monies paid the public 8-4 Monday thru =TH'°E.SE"=~.,.-~th-e-.,-..,~,~'1~tt~•M-FLYING SCOT. 1-· a 1te11 t, CASH FOR YOUR . ,_.$750 SU.Si, fl. sz. S9.95. Chrtst·I :c:.;.::;;,:.;.;;;:.::;;.;:.:;.....:= toward pW"Chase. Sat. 1820 1.lonrovta. C.M. ever, pranteed. 49f-8758 Nfest, strongest l: blgie.:;t MOBILE HOME 6T:i--l:.a.> or 675-»lt mas 1ay_.waya now. SIESTA SE\VING MACHINE HOUSE OF HARMONY GUIW F-30 9115. 19' fiberglass sloop built ~LEEP SHOP, 1927 ){arbor '1t6t SINGER 0 Fashion Island Acoustical, steel thin& Complete \VI u'llilcr &: Private party wants 8 x 40 or C 9520 Blvd., CM 645-1160 dally 10-9 CONSOLE Newport Beach * 644-039! GOOD BLUES A.XE NEED god home for )'Olllli sails. Appraised v a I u e lar(::er to be moved to moun. ~-"------ Sat-Sun lG-6. Zit: Zq: Cab. model. Sli:'htly $125 * 66-2:246 lon1 haired white and areY $2,475, Sac for $1500. tn•1 taln lot. Send descripti~n .. 69 V\V Sundial camper, used, Styli~i \val. cab. Doe& • •YAMAHA cat. ?afalc Siamese. 53&2091 673-1463 or G6--068D wkdays price ·& location to: \Vr1tc \l'aler Ice bo.-.: lable bed 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Jududes: Quilted sofa and chair -2 end tables I: cof- fee tahl.c-2 Wnpa-dres&. er -rninw -headboard - qulUed box sprin& " matt- l'C!al -5 pe_ dining room; lablr & 4 hi-back chain. O)MPARE AT $749..9,; eve-""'"• without attach. OS • ORG DOUBLE r.taltrf'!!S I:. box NICE '-~--• Box P 424 flatly Pilot • • , . •J' ...... ' PIAN • ANS aprlrlgs y,•/Jc:p, Marly new . .........,...,.16 ireY · white VIKING 20' s Io op, im-• stol'age. Ow~ only 4 mg,. Built in controb to overcast, See the complete" line at: $25 .642-7841 kitten, 5 mos., male, to a maculate, !Slip inc I u de d . 1968 12.U'.i Nashua. 2 ?o1ust sell. t.fo\·U1i to Afnca.1 make but-holes, sew on but's, COAST MUSIC nice home. SU-1322 9/15 $1650 01' rn.de for equiv Btdruom. Awn in g & $3500. 64-1-2962 I hem dresses, make fancy COLLECJ'OR'S Item! Hill's al ?. creed kirti liff stitches, etc:, 5 yr. parts and NEWPORT i: HARBOR ?.fanual, publishN 1 8 91 , FREE .red le whilt: Oleander v ue t cs or sm;tllcr s n;-. Scac e Park. '61 CORV AIR Grc:c:nbria:r. srrviee r:uuantee. $5.64 ICO=ST=A=!dESA===*==642-=28;='' j .;lll~ak~e~()ff~er~!~.~53&-<~~m:=...,""'"' =~; y;M di&. 2113 i;~ boat and cash. 64~2629 64&-2556 comptJy recond. iv/custom dwn. I:; t pymlll, ol" $5.64 .... · · 11' O'DAY Dayaaller ** SPACE \\'anted lor top. Converted lo camper, mo. No interest c:t\:l'., or: TelnJal.,. l205 FOOTBAIL SHOES. NE\V, AOORABLE male tize:r kit· Demo Slr..O ~ Uied $1350 10x58' mobile home in lami· ""ill slp 5. $8:l0. 5'1!KJ727. COMPLETE PRICE SIZE i;Mir-7l29* ten. 6 mo. old. Shots. 1-1' O'Day usff •••• s;;oo ly park. 642---0874. 10' CAB OVER, l'xce.Uent $56.40 11~c;;1~ °fa ~lack ~ &G--0137 9/1! Fun 1.one Boat C.O, Balboa '61 10' x 46' ROD &: REEL condition: '65 Chevrolet % For no obl.l;:., frtt home 1'"ree se~. No de.:;t 1i!!:i~ b~ Hil'luzn:~ Need lood homes for 4 lo~ ~Sc: o.;:;;,1 =~rate221y ~ .. arUy furn. To ~A-" °2?"'-ton. 646-73$ ' Mmo., call Credit lll:r. till A·Ac:tJve TV Rental Co. 646-7590 able tortoise shell kltteN, a or . ......-:;520 '66 Dodge: Van A-100, V-8, " 9 P.M. If loll. call Colle<:l. (l) S22-ll53 condition. 4 mt111. old. 821-2:i01 ~ ALB AT R 0 SS· auto tl'afL'>, with c:rptg. WAJTERS. Waltre1 1e1, $399 2121 E. Cout Hwy. Cd M. N11 tlown-Pmts nnly Sl6 mn, 113 -"1-9't4 G. E. black .,. white, good Misc. W•ntff 1610 SHEP ll ER DI Schnauzer 27~~G Au."t.. Beaut. end. Motorcycles 9300 $1995. • 8'17-8118 """""· Pref ....... Apply WDJ('S WARDIOUSE WINDOW GinLS. Hr& 12-2, Sin&tJ', auto, rla: z.a&, 6 moa ........ -.. ,·~ ....... U < -•"--~::;..::.:;;:;:.:;:: __ ..;:.;:..;.;; mix, male, 10 mos. 50 lbs. M ... ~ 0 PICKUP CAfoWER Shelli .. ,,.,.,....., ~J ·~"' """-'· Y-··eo Kids ~-n 9116 oor av..... ...... K. · h ares 2S-f0. Salary + ml'als. 9)) 'W. 4th St .. Sanla An.a old. No sttach needed to do 675-3631 l...N'I .,,.....,, ca~hi. sliPtt fn'1g I desiin, monoirm. bllnd hem. ,.:,,'-'-,:,:.,~~-~--WE PAY MORE TO Good home:, fl'male ~ x4M ?tlr. Postma, daniagt>. Cheap! 839-1800 APJ)ly in per.10n I r o m Open Daily ~9 ~:.,., ,..., 00 _a.... 14" COLOR Zenith TV, i;Wl ~ .., ..... , roo or ~· .....aoi, CASH Siamese kitten. 5 mos. old. 1961 CORVAIR, radio, ice 9:»-11 am daily. lllAC-Set. 9-0 Sun 11·6 -:""==""='===·====I ~~~ ~cy, Xlnt con-393.-95?0 9/18 WEST \Vi&'ht Potter. Gel. box. \rater, nc1v tires, I.ape OONALD'S, 635 ,V, 1'l.h 1t, Costa Meaa. Windowcleaner Top pay. Full lime. Experienced Only Af71ll,y al l7751 ·2C Sk;ypar:k, Irvine MG-1910 WO~lAN-housewlfr, use )'OW' ap&re time to earn money. \Vln prizea, no age llmlt, no ttme limit. \\IW train as Beauty Coumelon.. 847-0&16 Schootl-lnstruction 7600 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Co. FalriJvuods. rr. 1-a \Vhere the Proa:ram Fits the Child Will&rd If. Saucerman. >N10VING -china 1• Nontake. •tOTHER -bbit and babi cond, 2 bunk, sis &: rii. dttk. $800. &i:;...m7 an&l'068. <-":lmp ete for 12, Mu1lc1f Inst. 1125 ZENITII TV portable, 14", " ... es. Se&iUll mtr &: trlr. $1200. all or part. Furniture, old at-:;.:;:.::;:::...::.:;:;;. __ .:__ including stand. Xl.nt cond. w/c:qe 54&-&:rlO. o~ or all &"'7-1668 9525 tic, late &ara&:e, almost an-F to Cl I toa:l'ther. !>une Buggies IC ry ••r•nce 1.fr. Thomas (n4) 521~ For furnitutt. applian<:e1, --"'""-'---~~~-I LIDO 14 no. 411. incl trlr, "d. ljqucs in chairs, tables, Q ill r Sound Co st cl PETS •M LIVESTOCk 0 NX desks, kidney vanity, ia-u ~.. ·mu e1.1 c:o&ored TV, pl&noe, or;a.ns cond. $500. 644-0603, SUPER MA ..... 6.. out IW illl slock at c:ost. PA HJ.fl & Sttreo 1210 mil antiques. 67l--1392 eve/wkns , Purple n1etalJlak finish. Spee- ches!, old bench, knick-knac: gysterm, Guitar-Bass amps STEREO .,.,,... .zr .............. •-. Day or nidit Pth, General llOO NE\V Naples Se.bot 8, fb .... •-67 GILARRA. Xlnt cond. ~ ial Bill Thoma.5 Corvair ~,,. shelf, min'on. lamps and &: Speaker Boxes. Standard ..._, """" '-"'""'~ ~ · •""• CC. Fa.-.L Road (Ir du-!. ginr JUNH'.. Al&O Teert clothes. Amp $6Ql now S..?00. Guilar compl ,,·ith full atereo, 4 &pd =--=-=--:=:-::::-:;-;;;;-;;;o ~~S~ complete. Easy lo car top . l\lust ~I. S2;C or best oiler. · $l69J UnW liOld, all cheap! & Bass cab 412 (Quilter Gana.rd c~r. 60 watt $ WE BUY $ •53l-m6* ./ Call 879'-1147 5;6--0161 aft ~:30. JAMES LTD 64&-Q6.14 Spkrsl $540 now $20(). 412 dual cha.Mel, 4 11pkr sound 17' 'VDl'TURE -Wb, trl~, 1966 HONDA trail 00, ;17a. 1384 Ne~·port Blvd. 647-0040 Jo'"URNITURE returned from Wtec Splm) $900 now $300. system. Pay oU ba1 of S77.26 E outbrd, many extras. $1995. l""A y w •-ii --1~==~.,.--,-,-=,.,.,c display studios, model hom· 415 (Al~ Spkl'!IJ SUDO now c:uh or small P>'Jllllt&. $ FURNIT\JR $ Dop 1825 4~798 _.. an ia u<> ~· ?.IEYERS Maro: for street or d t Ila · "~. PA ,,,.,-. mod 1000 Credit dept 535-72S9 APPLIANCES l;::;:;;n;;r;;--;;;;;;;;-rn,-;;;-.;;;nl~ll~OO:;o·===~_,;''.;18-~""9~ off road use. 1966 53 hp Bus rir, ecora ors cance Uon. ~ ""' 1-======'==== HURRY! These \\-on't last SABOTS F'rom Slm_to $400, suzut.·• lal C.C. trail bike lo en.•. ::\"lnt rood. ruCXI. ~ Spanish t: Mediltmuiean t-IC (Quilter spkr1) $2180 now Celor TV-1i 1n11-St1r111 I • 5 -•-Id s;"-~--·"-nd. 'I' •••o ~ • $700. mod l(QI (Alie.: Spkrs) Sportln9 Goods 1500 1 '*•., Hffta hJI 0111· v.·~ 0 ....,,....,, .u .. t co ;i. .,.....,,.. 0 r miles, $200. 611 Kings Pl., f>.1 pm, 548-9861. RD FURNITURE S21io:> now $1000. 1!136 Pia-CASH IN II MINVTD Huskle.5. ~ yours no .v! 642-lOO Ne\\·pot1 Heights. V\V Dunc Bll&IOI, c~~i5 1144 Newport Blvd., CM SURFBOARDS 9'2" Hobie e <•t •531 e Gentle, alfa:uonale, iood PENGUIN aa..ilboat 11 •,;' 64 "-ATE ~ short·n-", -1" flake •t•y-Cl'ntia Ave., Costa ?if e s a .,.., "'"" \\1th dilldttn. Only $75 /-" • U T ~ • .......,." .. '"" ..... cu " " every night 'til 9 si;;.2540 \Voody, 12' Qulu Tandem, W£ PAY CASH w ~ tr.a l'r. op con-~195 or Belli Offer~ <'rs towed nose sect. $250. \VOO., Sat. " Sun, 'ti] S I ---'==~~---I both for $58. 673-0i32 becau:se ot no papers on dltion $-1%;. 837-8598 • e m «TJ e ~gj....4219 or 531-3640 I --~~-~~---1 GUILD F-JD these little be au t i e s . ....,.,_, • Furniture e Acoustical, stttl s.......... NE\V 7'2 Russell surfboard. ~ KITE No. 676. '69 Heathkit .!!OOnie--bike 5 * LA PAZ * •-r e C I .. M,. Xlnt nd sn -Aqua Blue. ~1nt cond. "t"" ••nee• O or TV GOOD BLUES A.'XE co* ~ * WE PAY CASH! CHlllUAHUA puppies, honey 6'i'S.-3B4S hp, 2-spd, ne.r new. Buggy Bu1Jtlers, 3€.!3 W. War. :>4MOOO Enroll now AOK AUCTION $125 * 645-2246 ==========I blonde. Beautiful lo\·able * • $200. 968-1.>87 ner, SA 546-400, days S.7 Eves 5.t8-17S8 mJ Garden Grm.·e Blvd. 8 . FL AT Clarinet-r.lartin pets. Also Stud Service. CAL :!4. 3rd in NATIONALS, 1~ Triumph 6JO CC Trophy - Ed. D. kc:;;:::;;:::::;;-u:;::;;=--c:;:I Wcatminater nr G.G. Frwy. Freres. Complete w/cue It. 'M~l,•co~l·l•~n~ooliiiusi!!~~l,600~!1 • NOT Checks ~. ll69 Dorset Lane, 2 years. Full :ret cl li8.lls. s-cial. Xlnl shape. $695. Imported Au tos uc:atlonal Vacation Sth Tues & Thurs 1 PM-..C\a.t C:30 GOOD U $3700 * 84&-2"1 "'" •land $60 • .....,,._ For ' SED C.M. 1no;;' r;<.;:-;;c,,.-;;;;;:;;-;:::l~'4&--0~~l~l -~~=~I zradml · · · Sr Citlz.ens l.~Ei;~-1a~t~e~c~""'~•nm~l~R~•~oo!:_·~N~~~ luim\JNG.tle(:;;;;;g;;tt.;z; EA1' LUN~ at HANK'S L'!DO 14 ... """' ALPINE · Olilcoa.t 10 le1110n typing 12 STRING '!lectric guitar k ......,. Furn!~. Steiw, TV or 3 ~lJNATIJJ'..E Black Poodles "0· "'""• every rac· Hond• 90 Trail. $100 · 9600 Sehl. TriaJ Leuon. 173 Del COLDSPCYr R.efri: l~J )TS amp. $Jj0 or best oiler. Ooeantront, corner 23nl If floutebnld ltr1n1 of a'"' kind. need a childs love, fired of In: extra, new sa!ls, trlr Dirt. Call 646-92.47 old, comp auto $100., Coll')t' S4S-8l6S aft 5 Pi\l \V. Ocean Front in Newport ··~ :1io1200~_:Sa~bo~1_:1~11~':..."'."~._~U~6.i~--l--=::::-==-==--167 SUNBEAi\1 Alpine Ex. ~;_MM_._c_-'_1~· 548-~-""'------I TV-~. Philco coru.:ole-ebony ---------Beach, Special each dll.)', • 547..5722: • ~~~her. Afl'.C, shot!, $7:i. -· · cond. New tll'C'S. i\lust Se!!! 'MONTESSORJ lr1llnin£, a~a dyed \\'8.lnut $170., 1 black FR.ENO{ lforn, double Alex· Monday th r !.I Thursd19', • WANTED • 5 -$1195. 673-Z.lM < G -~ wlth Ilk ~ --=HUAHUA PUPP\', P C I 9020~ut.o er vices '-;========'I .-2'.; to ~ ... Ive your child contemporary chair .., .... er, case, enew. r1entyofparkingnow!I! ..-ni ow•r ruurs 9400" ~I education. 64&-l706. w I whi te n a uga h yd e Best mutual deal! 646-4310 FURNITURE male, 17 \\'eek!, no papers, _______ ....c..; & Parts AUSTIN HEALEY •••hio•• -Call 841 ~~ OLOS TRO•!BONE I ..... J-"140 HP ,.,--am TOP ~·m• IN 30 •11n,t-S:S. 317 \V, a~ .. , 0.t S6 ft. Ou-~ Craft Expttss • · ·1---------c..., • .., .,.,,.,, : -..aw " or .;.ue. ,_,,. ~·--.. 1.Ao3n " .... &t;;..29.'.l4 ~ Cru~r .61. i\I a n Y e>o:· 1997 V\V 1500 c11:;;:1ne, approx , . MERCrlANDISE FOR alter 5 Pi\!. $75. * 644--0154 Corvair enamc. ~w a'haul Quality furniture, color TV'•,.,,===-=------tra:s-radlo/01'~. etc & 4,000 miles., almost' n:11', ~E 67 Au;;t1n mini Sta· ALE AND TRADE e=El=G"E.-nac,-"-'a"h-y"de-~hi~d..,--$950. or complete bus s;,a), stereos. appliance• tools, \\IHIPPET Pups, c h amp deluxe interior S 14 0 0 0 c:ompll'tc. '' E DEAL. ~ tion \\'a.,<>on l\\·oodyl. $1500. Fumiture IOOQ bed, double site $61.~. Anti-Pl1n01 & Org1n1 1130 36 hp VW engbJe, needs otfice equip. lilttd, AKC ~· Top racing 00-30j.4 • ' · at l\"USI'Oi\t i\fOTORS. 8-tj l~. 67~96'3.5 "?t1ary-Fran-_---------que avocado 3 drawer chest,"' ."='paln='=c-'f7l~•,:5'8-"""9:;;.;:'~·== 531·1212 stock. l\fartincresl Kennels ...:.::,.=:.:;., ______ I Bakl'r Ave:., Costa i\fc:sa. c-es'" ~1 e PIANOS :: ==-:-,..,---.,.-=~I 54" -23' FOR.,fULA. 200-hp """""'li l"'c-7.-=~c--=""'=:-. ESPA NO'l IN QUALITY ex .. -..-.. ent condltion S 4 o, e PIANOS RE FR l G l.: RA TOR $S5 NEED bricks one to 1000, 1""~===,...,=~-~ Johnson OD. Llkt-new. .,...,.._ '63 !\!ARK Jr -3(Q) WI re Model Home Fur niture ~54>--061~='=------e PIANOS W~~ ~ reuonabzy prioed. 644-4637 NORWEGIAN Elk Hound~ $40'.KI. 644-0003, or \\·heels. 6 cyl. T~na needs Sa.vinp to SS%. Very easy 4 UPHOLS n au~ a hy de Final Da>s of our !t'ummer P o:•• :..o:.. mos., 1hot& &. papen;. 673-8392 eve1/wknd:s MOTOR HOMES 9215 ,_="'=°'k=S=l=OOO=. ="'"'====ol .,. ~-3 1 1 chain Chi.ll'!se teak -11-table,""~ $4 . ...,._,.._ '-'·chino~, etc. 1700 61~7669 aft 5:30 =""~"",c..,""',c;..-"--1~~~;;;;;;;~;;" · man ..... ,. comp' e rooma · -.. ., .... Sale. Sa\·e on fa bu Io u 1 m. · 1 CRUIZON 16' Cabin crulSft• or decorators styled SpMWl tbJ, han~ lamps, Danish GR.ANDS tncludln: ~ Pl. oval diamond t: band 11 JI 11 FUl.L KLUGE DACHSIIDND puppies. Black wood/fbgls, motor " trlr. DATSUN ,fumillft. Cons\lltino ol lh<' leak din tbl y,·/6 din. • Ch•·-•-.. i~ • \V""•"-cr Y.'ilh ama.ll diamond. $690. I: tan· Red AKC -'"~. "'" '"" .... °'"'"..,; ..,-, u. "-a at •-"th St. N.8. Automatic -~e1v Ideal roll-' · ·-·· ..,.... ...........-woo famcus custom qUllllty ?.la-613-859l~• =~=-----• St•in•·•• • Kna'->X"C >.iJ,J Tt Chan1p ,lrod "" ~ ~ -~ 61"' ,._ ers. Neo.v htOl';:an expansion · ............,_,, drid llvlnc room ~roup. The i\l.Al-fOGANY dresser. 6 PLUS MANY •tOR'"· ~ 8 0 X E R A KC ~~--• El n-a•.. L roller truc:k.,. 2:;) cases ot Pu P •, -• Spood Ski Boats 9030 ~ -· -----,..,.._u.... rn:aa.re11te apao-drawer, $50. Black &: "1hite SPINETS & CONSOLES ENCYCLOPEDIA recent <ood h.andset h..,.. _atone. 2 Reuonable. Sho1\• or pet. ioua muter kin; 11~ bed-_ ... _~)e RCA TV, ~ -"ltlo n< "·-b t '~ room auite and the: authcntk: ~. ._, SAVE UP TO ... $250. '-" n _,_ ~ e s chast'S & ntlsc: furniture I: Cl) 77&-3891. 17% OUTBOARD--c ab f n ~La Pu "'""'"'hl lron dine"-, -=--=~--.,.-~~-I BUY NOW!! Prices "ill not l'hUdl'f:n·1 encyclopedia lettrrpRI! ink. f100 for all. BEAGLES _ AKC rem .. 1ttec1. cruiser. aleepo 2. ,,....., "P ata. ~t;d •tock • 148& i · Quality kin;: beckluilted. be thl!!; low apln! ! ~ f'./ SJ6.Mll. 9 VI-eeks. Tri-color. .... to the Vt"ater line, w/tralll"r, ,Hamilton Showroom, 5948 Conlplele--unused $98. \YOT1h COAST MUSIC * * * * Call 536-609 b>lh licensed. NO !llOTOR. ~\Yestmlnater Aw, \Vestmlns. SZQ. Mt 5 & wknds &C-6S36 NEV.'FOR'T' It HARBOR r~AAIILY ?.fembership In FREE TO YOU ADORABLE mixed poodle s~ 494-2189 aft.er 6 Pt.I t tl:r. ~ QUEEN Size ~. pertect cosr A MESA * SU.2&il Irv~ O>ut Country Club· 1----------I ,_ I •-.1..1 ""' 18' Fi"""-1.!1 bo&t i: on shore for u.le. Pvt pty. 673-,UI BRO puppu:::.s, \\'l!Cr>a ""' .,.,. ""'• 11 SPANISH condition $30 Drcuer S20 Opc-n 10-6 Frt 10-S Sun 12..1 \\'N couch. i;ood cond. 49l-1970. rnoorin:;;: 110 hp Volvo, 1tern . MEDITERB*NE...... 531-2847 r.rum-SELL LEAVING sr. You haul •WI.)'. 196$-B ===~~-~___,, drive • .,. radio, ball tankll, ~ ~ SQF ~• 2 NOW-rent a Baldv.'in piano Corn .. 1_.., house f\Jmi .. •-, p&l"$)NI St. Costa Mca COCKER/Poodle puppies $5 '°"M _ _. Gd -"I boa 11. .. ~ lft __ _._, .... _.... A """"'' ma le hi n i for )'tJUr chlld for ""'Oii in"' ,_... ••-• 6 ,.,.,_ ...... etc: •• ~ .. ,t COnu. . -I. .il;Q' ~--•'. ,._...,. llUIU -dC!C!p hffze, loob, 10" table Uli Ni WU. 0 .~ --8'1boa :1 n.m1 ot tum, tdln rin, li1' chain, new upholstery, 2&l week. Proteaslonal In-FREE to i;:ood home 3 frisky •549-041.S* n "'"'"' moo ... ,. -ntiy A bedrml priced elso. Knox Place, 01. 11tructton av&ilabli -l'l'»Ulta aw, 93' W. 18th St. OJ klttem:, ~ Siame~. 6 voks. -----==--Js), No. Bay il'-"~ 'wb!iWat •ts)Qntoday IUD&A·BED, Cokmial, f'OSIC. fi:'\laranlt'ed . BRAND New W"ton dilfit&J old. 962.-ru& 9/18 4 ~S~l'!~_Th:*g"joo 18' O..·ens w/85 m. P.Jerc ac _., $399. Euy Qoedlt A-1 cond. AJ't s pm \VARD'S BALDWIN m.ID10 \'Olt meter, Im> mv. $225. 2 \Vhttl utility trailer. 2IXJ61 • S3l..J6,;j5 • e~.. Ip "'hi trtr, 11kll~ .-Tuma. ~74S7. 181.9 Newport. C.M. &e-.MM &M-1564 C)'Pf'!ia, Sa.nta Ana Heiehts. ----=~;,c:::c.,,:,,,~-equip. Good roncL 11:a; 5-t• Ane fumfture .:::;;..;.;;:.;;______ WANTED GOOD Bellone • Zenith 546-0989 9/11 DOG TR.AINJNG 548--2631 -.fa W: 4Ut St.., 8anta Ana Office Fumiture I010 PIANO A; ORGANS heuinc ddea in perlect .fl.TITEN'S, Al £: F, ~1 Prlv le!ISOt\!1 only: rcas rates '1;'.:,,;,,;:, ::;GLASf'~=Alt.=-=1";~11'°'pd • Mf-078 • •636-363J* condition. $50 each. 64)...3228 Jona: 4: ahon hall' 9/U 21.S: 423-!SC6 213: 423-1830 Evtnrude mOtor. Good c:on-!:=::mlltl!:==-:-:~.,°'bln::;::'-.,-~-;w..= I U2~ ::..lion..: GOOD Uprictlt Plano.~· SUll.f'BOARD 9' 4 ... Ad-KITI'ENS nttd , home3 I:. Hors•• 1uo1..:dl:.:tion=' =*"'=·,:."'--":.:...:515!=~-rou hll't MWr IMICD al tablt9 I:. Gthtr It t ms, tone, Sl'ra. 200 Pacinc Co&sl juatahle fin. Xlnt cond. $50 love, hsbrlm. ~,9 1/11 ----------196'1 li' Gla.stron.. 50 h.p. America'• 1at;elt ' mm:I &17-z:a'I' or t\'es 5::S-!2M H'ft·y, H.B. s:;&.o011 li'l'~, t1: \~ OLD Flt.LY l>tel"t'W')'. >.1nt com. $le!. unmaaJ unftnilhtd J\lrnilUN ===~=~--= 2 Kltttn': 1 ~Y. 1 bin.ck ~. p .... i.. trained. Call 613-22:::8 .,_.._111 .,__ HA?t~tOND r.rut ORGAi'I UPRIClrr Re.A Frttier $'iii. male. !16:2-MSJ 9/18 ..-::.,~ -lf/Qe.~ =:-1., lSoUI Off1<4t Equif1!!!9nt 8011 Excdlent condition $750. Bc!dnlom 11et, $50. Ca.ti fbr _...._ 15' lloriMn Sid boat BO HP .-"'I• •-o. m • · * 644-l&Ot .,, appt. 8$.1281 FREE ldtter& Bl&ck and S}.tAl.L 9letland, ch 11 d Mere. New rr.Jler. SI.DI. --• ..,1 ·-• ...._ ;a J.~1 AUTO. copy mat h. No. whl'-"'" """ -I'"' •. !"'I .......... ' t ..... .....,..._ broke:. daplo ~, SQ. liQ.9917 &ft. PAI 4IJIJK!",Yf.5M-6f'i0. 209. IB~f S11l~clran1c KalBALLConsollctta pUUIO. P,fDfBERSJllP For a \VllJTE ~,..bblt .,.:-.;;. , SC>rA, IJh'll' ~ quUted l,ype.writer, like: n cw. Xlnt. l\fuat atU! ltealth SJ)9. for 118.lt'. uvo:; _._ !laral • ...,,_..,, Slll. 61!>0000 """"' Call S<~SIM ......,.. TRANSPORTATION •-.__ -• -nnvAI £1....+.ic .,.,,_., '"'11tr !!MN..-.. P'"'-e-115 C&.U TILE "-'all mur"• JI," fl. .1' 2 'Vuhtre mac:hlnel, 1 "''ot'k• _...,..,..,.,.,._.....-.-••• ~-.... • ~~l•• --'.un.:\,,. t "'' --"' tt • --" -cord. eau 54&-\9 91·1& .... ._.a YM.h!s 9000 "'31--«m 111: clan aha~. SS&-Jm ~e.kdaya ~. Costa 6~ fl tsallboata). sso-: Call ·• fluV Amtf, vlltyl lave •lier 5. 8'12-23.1.S ~'.-'.::"':,;,· ~=-~~--6'73--f038. •BLACK female. '' Sl&meae %$' Starcraf'L All extrU for .. i,. J vllQll ~"1'1!utlftl TYPr:wRrml. Add. Q"AtC:h, PLAYEn Pl.ANO.. $176 or BABY itcm1. furn. miac~ kltttns. 5'~I !I/IS. albeeort fl&hln,;. AJao put "l'Odter. $75-. Jli'*""" re.up. alcof&tor, V~ry rTU)l'l&bte. bellf atter: lS25 & Sbelloo. hou!hold roods. 3G)f Cr.a..-it. RED c:a.t, ma1a. I tmnthl. lk1 bolt. S.ST--66G/bUI. or sca,.am, l :JG..4:20 ~1111. Cond. '9:'.'-2413 ~··--•c.·,_....,."'-:.:j..C'------Of M&-2833. S*-03 ~ITS/home ' lo1t M11rtt.Mnc• 9033 --Fl BERGLASS ltl!l'AIRS Boat!!, dune ~k!a &: -.:.m,,. ..... Smida· ao.t Rcpairt • w.sm • HtA~H ~Ill DODGE HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES IR l lSIUI Ill IU In DODGE "£XPLDREI" 11" ... .,._ •M'll d ftWI• 11tt1i.c. "" "" .. 111 ....... Mldlel. ...... tfOI. •t..~ 1•11a.,. '•01. n 1011. :1 '"'· ' 't'r.ln rf!l'Al$ 111 u .,,,,, •• c1111an. ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Bca"h Blvd. lluntln:zton Beach 812-7781 or ~D-0442 '67 DATSUN i DR $c:d, 4 sr>d, dlr, ~ar !ICY.'. I la~ had rxceptional c:are. \YUi sac:rlflct', sml'lll dn. line pM Pr1Y. VGGtm- LB. call Phil, 494-9m or 5<"'"'4. ENGUSH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORO DEALER SAL ES · SERVICE '69 ?.tODEL.S lmmt'dlate delivl!ry t.Anel~ SELECrlON Theodore ROBINS FORD :000 ltarllor Blvd. ,. Costa MCM 612-00JC DAILY DIM E.A. LINES. ''ou 1:an tu~ thtm !o1 Just lltn111r~ • rht,y. OllJ PfLOT Cll\1!IJ1rrl arl .. T !! N• • • I 6' I •• c d •• I c l • 5 •• ' ' ., I I u ., 6 ., " f ) ; ; 1 . T_,, $tpttm1Mr 16, lM DAltY l'llOT t$ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TWSl'ClllTATION T~NlilOlflT~ t'. '"!" .... """° • 1Te"oe ._ "°'A-w-mo UoN ear. "°' "'!!! S!" .~ IL~~ '"° u.t c:.n "" u...r c1n "" UoM c... "°'" .. FlllWI l '{OYOTA. "1 ••r · · . iUicK CHmOLIT CON11Nl'4JAI. • MUIT!f• PONTIAC: l PlllWI• . ft-11-C4SH 'IT BUICK ruvi-. Top -'51 Chev, Ste, w.,. 'II cONrL. NI pwr, alr, '81 •MD'"'lftl .. 'IT Gm PN, &Jr, tlll whl. ; """"' ....... Lid. °" IWllllll' llllW dllloo, "'11.Y powuod. air. 11t1A11.10r. V117 .... ....,, 'IOo-. low mU... Xnlt 11 -nu bra, o'baul Ill • ~ ~.' • • ~ ..-TOYOTA ,,. -..,. • lrucb ~ """'-Xlnt 1>uy1 Ca 11 llobWlt m .,. .... --'°""· neo. tm1 CE J.Sm CT, >+~ It! bell, air, .,. ::t .. ~ ......i, 12 0 ! s , --oall,. ... -wllmat& 11'1~ IAllun Wooid. -.............. ·-pwr ..... brb, dlt, IDL ,......-' ~~:~ l!.llMU (Hruaill~ BUICK '&I RI.....,""""' --auto.,..,_ COllYAlll ""ri~Blc"'10l!IJI·-•tt Tompet Ld4am ooqyt, Ni .. , e Larae" oelecUon ol il 11 UllVIR '11111111 alr, IUll '10""• exco!Jent l<Qll"' to -o.. R.. iii , T>I« oldtr -Now nld. Pa!Dt. ctoan. lllO 6''J..Nrll~ ~O.l?!f modela, colon, from UM coocUdon. Sic to &ppreciat.e! IOn&bb" 'Prioed•at $195. '&I ~ Vu. VZl'U'B c.ti J1M1 .....mi or b111: C. m.4C i Au,,..rbod J'mvt Dtll>r """' .,..,..,. deU.r. A* for -u._ l>4!0, -Oii! llT>M New lira doui .. HMISI. · 'ti' JioimAc ~ . ~:1.cU:Wai~ =:;:.~ BUICK No. ,,.. H.. .,, ffi'l'ALA lfl!D. Nt-•IU llU!ll'AllG eu+s ..... _ Good cood. But-· ft4T 10300 Bead! lllYd. !!I'...._. ... ,,.,..~AIN! ' ~. -· v.i, ltlck 1)01)•1 la! >It E>rbw.~ --Att.r I PM Wtt..,_r Phone ll94-332'l -.. llhlll, dlt., r611, owned by • X hood, --· W'°'IJo a & u•1 •lo. ·sg Flat Spldt\' ~. 9810 oo-_.. atler 6 PM little 'ole b:al. JOl.lttman. '6) DOPCI. DART ~ llll1 zDore) a.EAH' ~· '°""' c.JI 04-911" VOUCSW A.GEN Auto LH•tr.v 'fil BUICK Special V-8. Hu ""' loytq "'"· C!ftn, Whit.,.,,.~'°" air con. -,., Rllll SIT 4~)'Jlti-f. ~ R/H, 3-spd. Drive away fur Inside Ii: out. SU. tun pdct. didonlrw. atlto. t(IJlll,, pow. f7 )(..,,_ Tblit CU' onb' bu CiOil' mlltt. ,68 vw LEASE ·~ENT $200 or make oner. 64i-7n74 RFH582LB. After 11 AM, er 1~ ndio&lld bea!u, J!l:eiep. deu. ~ lhHt.i l'acll:IQ Wlll'lllb' a.ho eotid JAGUAR ORDER , OUR CA"ILLAC <9'·97T.! or -· >r1111 Mii. $1191. 15,000 q. n41o, bMllr, bµ tt tt•, PS, 1111, landu •top l'l&i 1970 TODAY , 11 '6' CHEVl\OLET C.P!'i"'· Ina! mtlet, 0.U QMUil • wlllla wallJ DUI! Lit• TRH ...,.Utlon. AWt?Misma, '64 JAGUAR S.I Auto., Mark Air conditioner, 4 apd, dlr, . FOR EARLi IST One owner car w:lth olll)' Oriltna1 ~nt.r. f90, Sll915. Pholle IO«m save at: n Sedan. Win wllla. New loloded! "'"'' """"' ex t.. OELIVERY E•tat• '"" 24.000 mu.,, bu all-r + paLCON ·es M-. l<IM COOd. VI KU5TOM MOTORS Good J ear Shalby.cobn. pluab black blL Take small AU popular makes. Ford '61 Cad CdV. Pwr, air, etc. air condlUonlna::, AbeolullJ,r " a11.to. $1400; 1f lid boat. , .. a..r St., 0.ta Mt• tittt. Xlnt cond. RAH. Duk down or trade. Low, low authorized leasing system. P.lechanlcal·in averi cond. the cle&nett one ln toWn, mere O/B., sim Ila)' botb ~ * WE DEAL! grttn w/belp Inter. $2.150. pymnts. VHFBOOLB. C&ll Get Out CtJmpttiOvt Rl~a Front P<lM aeat COllvtf'ted to Jim Slemotia Mer cede I '61 l'A!L'ON ltadon. WllOD tor tnx>. MM114 · .. ::J •---.. •--a-.....a-•• I 546-990. Ken 494..97'!3 or 54$-0&M, Theodore accomodate lnvalkl. SUbnti! Be ""' w w Sat> tfc11: Ottt. "1' D11 ~ __ ...,._.,.. WRI1TEN mo CU, l.W • aroel'I -rta • • .. . '65 MlJm'ANG, R/H; PS. C)'l •• eld\. Neid motor '64 'JAGUAR XK!l, 23,000 '65 VW, 2 door, 4 '"""· ROBINS FORD """' 5'4M114 ' .-, PB, /o£. nu pn~ cnt\ Whla, ..n. l»-ll'ID ml:1only. Qm wbll, mech'I radio. beater, buu.Hlul red 2CaJ Harbor JU\fd. r:~tn~'~HJ:t. Ck1JVY '64 J Or. Impala. v. 1: wb . trlr tra. xlnl. 6Cll3!!0/116-1'111 ~.:":;;;'~ 'i!_,Sli:; c.... M,.. &<>0010 P.O. -ll!S I, p/•, air. im. C.U FOllD MJ.<W0/116-mD T•llllD MERCEDES IENZ Harbor, c .M .• 64Mll3. LEASE ...,,. .... eai !1Zlt1J """"'· l'i·esriiMUlisrruANN<GfVv..,i;""i><;ltld.i;id;'·l---!:'!~~-- 1---------1'62 vw, 1op oond, overhauled .68 ea':illac Coupe ~ Vllll, '67 ELDORADO ''!~vyA:~v~~· s'= ·~wr FO~-CowrtryRlH ......,.Xlnt ~~~~ '65 ''T llRD•• ~ ~tor. new brakes. PJd tully equip~. sm mo. Ownl'd by Hille 'ole scx.ol 61>6578 · "'"''·• • Loaded with tuU. power ln- 0• 1"'1 "'.:Oun' y ~ l -.. q, ,, St>lfc11-:-n ~~ ·' ~ U, c··l 1,\-_ .. , ... 1 .. s e~11; tires, $695. m-4850 after 6 '67 Ford+ 10 ~.18 ttadon ft'.. ...eher from lq'una Beach. '63 CliEVY Impala '64-:«ll Cond. Ori&. o11TICr. ,$193. ~~ ~u:M~ ~:=; !ulcl~-~1~. :!~·. ~;:',!; pm. OJl rib. alt, Pl. •·SO mo Hu had Jovtna care. Still I ak "--613-3784. HM. T .... -· ·--........ un: ~""-'60 VW, runs &OOCI. mtr '65' il Clmlno, lk-, if'Oo, W'ldtr !&ct wvr, Will !inc Vet t'ngine. 1'.t e Ol.lC.I! 1960 f"ORD Caluit 2 dr .......... O.P. ~TMl.ke $1495 t rceenUy overhauled $450. SOUTH (OAIT prvt prty ft/ lmlll ,down or 543-7406 Ask for Ron R/H. PIS. P/B. $100 or 291 F1o"'"er, C.M, (right rear '\ CAlt LIAllNO tradt, Dir, C..U Phil 494-91T.! '68 CAMARO 327 R.S. PIS. Best offer. tlC-4145 aft 6 house) 5e-3l55 300 W. Cst H..,, NII 16nl2 or $ti.Oi.lf, ' R./H. Auto. 284 Knox: St., CM 19&1 Galaxie R I H, P IS, 1965 VW ~ S aquare back. • --'68 Sl!lDAN dt Vw., f.andau 645-2991 eves. Will trade. eJr....cond. ExceUent. ~. '13 OLD Holl4ay. Nly tllSO. Used Cars tfDO lop, Ml P'W', AMtnl WANTED: 56 CHEV. Att 1 &: wknds 96MOO'l equlp, poy,.ff eveTythlna:. to '58 MERCEDES. Xlnt Cini. 491·1835. Ask for DON atei'lo. M5E6. ~lW l dr. V-8, 3 apd. '60 FORD 2 Dr. Xlnt work milts. orlr owner. xlnt Jim Sl emons Imp,. -~v.11,.,, & r.~_ ... , "' Sari ta A11-i s:6 .l11-l OLDSMOBILE New paint, inter, brUM. '61 VW Cam ~bit TRANSPORTATION CARS P.tU6'I' .e.ll chlapl •ii Cid • ftf.4521 e cu. $165 -Finn. cond, $800, M9-370T aft 4. 1100/ofr, 6U-'688 & """'· ;. C.U ~ JIWPORJER MOTORS Cou,., •o; Cont Both load· lM!) CllEVY J Dr., 8 cyt, . 96MW '61 COMET wa,on. 1115. '-,J 1!JOO MerCedea 190. Oea11, after 5 PM. · . ed, xlnt. 540-71129 1Hck lhl.ft. 4!,,'30 mL pso. 1162 1'"0RD; New brakes, Runa good. ldeal 2nd car. ,,., new tires. $150 r Ir rn. '68 1: '67 vw enainn, lo ml 2036 HARBOR BLVD. '69 Cad Sedan de VWe, 12,000 Aft I pm, ~Ult ·· new bl.tteey. $100 Ilk for 548-2302 &12-4452 evu. 15 0 0' 13 0 0 . l 20 0 . ('QSTA ?.tESA n1i. Pvt pcy, 968-«113 O.bb!t. ~or M&--0223. '''"'68'""'CUTLASS=""'~su=.,..,.,..~--..,350"'· '68 250 SL, both tops, p/a, 642--0350/646-'mO S48-5294 or S48-1511 CHRYSUI eng. ps & pb, air, vinyl top, disc brakr:s. AM/FM. $M95. 195.i V\V. New pa j n t. f'JNANONG AVAILABLE CAMARO Mocu•y $2600. or best. 837-J891 '62 T BIRD all automatic. 494--1532 headers, 1-eblt engine, mags, 2 t.Iustangs $2650 ea. • 'SJ c·HRYSL£R ti\ 'a 1'45 CU'Il..ASS Sprt Cpe. Very iood 2od car. Make of- 5'1~3031 Ext, 66 or &'1 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ('OST A 1.IESA stereo. Sl50. 6Th-1084 3 Ford Galaxie!l $2100 ea. Z 2 8 Cam a r o, mags, 'ft Mee O:tl. Pk. Wp. lO Full pwr, k> mi, gd tires. fer. MS-0919 before 5. MG 1961 VW Sl.Dl. New brakes, YOUR Ci-IOICE 1969 =)'~~..fJOxl.5, G":l.Uges, Pl.SI, &/e, rat*, P/I. P!B. 1 elt oond. $1325. 644--0177 -,,,59...,,T'°·B'°'IRD=,"'.ad:::O, -::«>nd=.-. - 1---------1 ute blue. R/H. Call e 534-52:IO e · 2-DOOR HARDTOP P/W, pwr. sea.ta. IP!-cont, 6S OLDS 441 C\ltlau. 1 $300. MC an)1ime/54G-268.l '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 '68 C&maro 321. R.S. PIS V-8, automatic, lactory a.ir, auto door Jock. AMIN. owner, lo m.11. best otter. 545-2796 Sales, Service, P&ru 69 VW. Diamond blue. New mi., air, pwr., vinyl top. Top R.H. Auto. 2M KJ'lO'Jt St. 0.1 power aleering, power bra-much more. S26SO. ISO-MU 16-18. ========= lmme<Bate Delivery, condition. 4!W..J232. 6'5-2991 eve1, tradt. kea. radio & heater. Imma. -'f~i:";;~~'iiffir 1=====::::== TORINO All Model& <.'Ondilion. Must Sell! Sl.800. !-------------~----culate. (UDE 1431 I year mileaae FREE 835-3419 (2295 'IT Mm:ury Co mm u l er PLYMOUTH ""'."'--------J1 r\llpLlrt Jl111 pL1l I'.· 61 v.w. $<Th BUICK CHEVROLET f w ..... Pl" P/b, R/H. l -------'88 TORINO Must Sell! Excellent con·1------------------owner. A·l conii PLJO. 1968 ROADRUNNER dition. 6TS-3507 '6J Buick Riviera, alr, l~f. '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. Pis, ATLAS _64_2--0828 ________ 1 Racing green. t -.peed, mq.s, GT, Futbe.ck, 33(1 hp, t spd, 64 VW. BLUE. r-.tACULATE, loaded. P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt R.1\121H8G201900. Priced ta dlr. loaded! Would like for-3 00 W "-·· H NB DON'T rusr WISH lor aome-1 · .......... t "Y • · • Low mileage. ?.tany ex!ras! $U75. 4.94-4053 cond. S650 S.:IS-2654 OIRYSLER _ PLYl\10UTH thlnr 10 tuntlsh )'OUl' home .en at: elgn car in trade 11 pouible. 642-9405 540-1164 $000. Mike at 8.13--0.117 "68 Riviera all cxtru Likt: -. .,~-~Mallbu.~~~ .. -,-.. -.. -.-.,.-.,-1. 2929 HARBOR BLVD. . .. find rreat buys lD tc> KUSTOM MOTO!llS Biile Book S2595 • btlt offer Authorized MG Dealer '67 vw, Air-<:ond, reblL eng., new $392.s. ' cord. Very low mlleap, new COSTA MESA 546-l!il4. day's Oasmied Ads. S45 Baker SL, Coat.a Mesa over iuoo. ·Wu...snt.B. can !'t1GA hardtop coupe, newli"'~w~ba~tt~·~·tart~~"~· ~K'~"'~"':::::'':'ll~~·~~642~'=~=m'==~*~;;z""~ip~ment.~?."":::""===~:,:°""~~D~a~il~y='l=il=3=0=P=·m=o.~ -========..l.oWE="'D"'EAL=!==*=,,."°'=59IS=-...Pbl=I=, ='9'-=9m=or=545--0634===· = eog, tires, etc. Xlnt cond. & tires $1500. 962--4133 !'ttust sell S495. 4.s:>-47911 New Can 9800 N•w Cara tlOONtw Carl 9800New Cars 9IOO New Cars 9to0Ntw Cars 9800 '51 VW Convertible 1250 * 968-fil63 * MGB ·s MGB, hard I: IOft. top. 1959 V\V, Good , aindition. tire dio wire heela $475 or best offer, oew s, ra • w · •615-5791 • Very good cond. Must 1ell .. 1 --------~ Make oiler. C94-9308 1960 VW Bug, Xlnt cond l=========I through out. C.all after S PORSCHE p.m. ~1397 ... vw. -"""''"''" '58 PORSCHE 1600 Sup!!r. Drive to 1,ppn!ciate $1100. Near perfect. radial tlre1, * 6G.ro40 Days only chrm wtll!. Worth $1600. '68 VW Bur white t 4 8 Will take beat offer over track tape d'eck ;t.GSo. $1200. Call after 5 pm * 962-G&Q * 8J2.-0335. ' g:rffJ\. PO~ 1967 -912 -NEW dttkln. $ui Or otter. TIRES CHRO?ttE WHEELS 49f...4619 .. a:>cOA MATS • EX·l=~~--..,~--..,~~­CELLENT CONDmON -'60 VW, red, good rUnniDg $4,350. (Phone) SU-4070 AF· ant. $550. TER 4:00 P.M. * 675-1939 * * '65 CONVERT * wrr Sell '" vw . Camper, Xlnt coDd All xtraa: nu pnt, fully eqlllp, kl miles, xlnl top, Musi sell, 6'6-llu cond, 60.1536 eves. '67 Porsche 911 AM-f'M, 4 'llGVW Snrt. bejge_w/blk int. pd 1 ,,_ .,_ Mr ML Ptnclle nms, XJnt • • crw m...... -· . cond. $1350 548-m& bley, 67l-82!2. ~7829 · '11 Super 90, reblt eac. JW:w 'SI VW VAN $550 pglnt. ?.1u.st Mill $1150 or VW ~ f!Ws. sunrt & cash. 50-9878 '65 VW VAN 1500 Engine. 65 Porsche, Otlf! Owntr, , 548-977& after 6 PM ~·new, Many~;.. VOLVO ·~ PORSCHE 1600 Coupe, -------- xlnt cond. S<ID-9291 at VOLVO 013-lliO CVH l wkendo. •a; f'ORSCHE 5 spd. Black Best Deal1 Are At ~~.;'.""' -· 168-UlO alt. DEAN LEWIS REN AULT ltli6 Harbor, C.M. 646-Q103 ---"---'"5 VOLVO Sedan. LDw 1960 RENAULT In good t'Oft-mileage. Xlnt m9Chanlcal dltion and very ecouomieal. cood. Good ttrea. fro(I, z; mi per gal -$125.00 can 61:>-7194 aft 4: l). to see 6'\2.-6468 '85 Vol:vo aedan, lo mJc, 1(1. 112 RE N A U LT , good mech cond, sd· tires. $TOO. transportation car. 67>279' aft 4:30 * 891--0S&a* -~....c.~~~-r s~po"'""~~c-·~~-~- TRIUMPH L&DAU Ital fbrslu sports; "'-------·I blc awv "'· llw '"'' • '66 TRIUMPH TR 4. 00. $28)) Invested, running, * good eondilion * ndA completl~. Son aone to ~aaonable 543-U24 college. SlOOQ. M&-3231: '63 TR.f, wire wbls, Autos Wantetf , plaslic top. $1095. 89J..3a54 eves. TOYOTA WE PAY Wit FOR YOUR W E61 Toyot• Coron• CONNILL le with black buck" ~. auto, ndlo. VHl.304. CHIVllOLET rp! Priced lo sell al: na Hltbar mvd. i KUSTOM MOTORS an M'"' .,._1200 W Baffl St., Costa ?.lf!!la ,~..,,.,..R-, , ~ Iii * WE DEAL! .wu-u •-> \\,,,.,.__. Ill. MAXEY ~' = ; • B!LJJ IUXtt TOYOTA Tt21llOITJ6) U8ll _.., m.d. ifE!\gra(vo. II. "; PAY~;;,_.,., Hunt, Bt11dl 147-1555 DOLLAR' SmlN otOoUl-onllch ~ """"'deOD -can. . ...,. .. ~ ... .,_. ROI' ITIQIYg>IT@ ~ ~":,~""' Bell DNl1 Ar• Al C.M. ""°°1D DEAN LEWIS Wiii Buy 11t18 Harbor c.11. f..a303 Tout Volkswagen Ol' Poncbe ...... top dollarw, Pall! tor llUS1EST matlcaq,laot !It ,. DOI, Call Ralph -Tho DAILY PILO'r 61J.<l9(XI OW'n.d MCl&G. Saye .. .,.. I tnon11, dmt 6. effort LooJi THE QUTCKDt YOO CAI.A -II rnli: QUICKElt YOU EEµ ----. ROY CARVER PONTIAC ontiac's ' • • • • • • e wa it's [(] aCJl HA~-~~':~l, f oqtlTJ~q IYI_~ • Kl-64444 • 'H MUSTAN• SIZts 1 0•9r . H•r4t._ VI~ rile Ir 11ti~, rHi._ ti..t.r, whit. w•11 fir.•, filth p•rfor111· •11<41 '••k•t•· ll'l'N JJ2 •61 CADILLAC $Z4'5 D• VIiia 1H•1t-Fvll pow•r \ 1 ... rVt11111 '•"'"" .1, •• .,. : tlltf•11htf. Sfl•r,,. ATI 121 .''1 POllll $7H wALAX11 100 FASTIACK. i "Jt0" VI~ t111t•M•tk l'•rrt• 111i11i•n, ro4io. hootor, .( pow•r 1toorillf, oir 001141· ~ tlo~int,. whit• w•J/1. Uc. ~ II• ,-,. • .. • . t ~;;:=====,-"Iii "'5 M0STANG'$ik · H•nll•p, 't'I, ,.._!',. 11'1;•r-; 1119-111 u I• •ptocltl. Alit111 t•M. ATl716 " ''6 MERCURY $1695 CYClONE &.T. 2 4r. H.T. V.I, •11f•., f•c, olt, pOWM ,,..,., P•.,.•t l>roli11, l>uck· ' of 1o•h. TSA 12J. ~ '63 FAIRLANE $195 500 VI, powor 1to••iftt, ••· , di•, h1•l•r, 2 tl•o• H•nl· • top. Sh•rp. l ie. KIE 260. ~ '67 GAL. 500 $1,,S 2 '' H.T., VI, •ufo, f•c oir, , ,$, ,., llH, 'W•t-W, •inyl ~ roof, tint 91•11. UJ(H716 'H FALCON S7ts ; 2 ''· v.1, 1lick, rotli•, h•••· or. Ro•I 1horp. N60 l6t, ' '66 CHEV. S1495 IMPALA 2 Pr HT. VI, ovh., J•w•r ''"''• t•4I•, ht•kr. t SQL GJJ. 'H MUSTAN• S12'1 Co11.,,.+. VI, 4 1peo4, rt· dio. h•of1r, ""hito w•ll tir11, Hi9h rorfor"'111c• R.n, P•clt-. Uc. rlX •II ''5 CHEV SllH '"''*'•· 2-'••r H.T. V-1, PS, Pl, r•dio. h••tor, wha• woll1,· lint tie••· PD(tol '67 MUSTANG S16fs H.T. V-1. 011to., pwr. 1teor. r14io, he•tet, Yinyl roof. TUR 070. '6' TORINO $31'S 6T. lll VI, 011!0, feet olr, PS, l"wr 4i1c l rlr1, R & H. ' w•W tiro1, low "'i. XHVlll ~ 'H MUSTANIO snts ' CONVERTllLE VI, 01110111•· Ile tfo1KMi1tiOfl, p o w • t 1f••ri119, ro41•, "9efM, Mlf whool1, lltf•rf•r ti• co r ~ 9ro11p, Lif. NOY t If. • '61 FORD '209S 11.ANCH WA ... V-1, •ufo., ftc. •Ir, pwr. 1toor., rwr. ltf•k••· l111ettt• r••L T'+'D 102 • '61 MUSTANO $2195 CONVIRTllLE.. v.1, ., .... pwr. it.er., ro41•. h•tler, ~•ntole. lnieliet ••th, pwr. l•P· VRR 153. '67 COUGAR $:12'5 Hird top. V•, r1dlo, h11t· 1r, power 1t.1rin9, powor 4111 r.,..... ftt .. ,., .;, ••ll4ltionln9, wh ito wolt tiro1, .,;11yl top, tilt wheol. l ie. USO J7J '65 Sport Fwy $HI 2 door hordtop, v•. outo· 111otle tr1n1111l••lon, pow•r tt.•rlllf, pow•r ltrake1, r•· 410, "••**'· 1ito1H.••• •o•h. I co111ole ,A6 90 I. '67 CHEV. SUH 111 Air Stofi•~ wo9011. VI, outomotic, r•4io, lieoter, p•••r 1toerin9, foctory oir ~;~~;;ifi.~~~°:1o::S 100. 2-4r H.T. VI, 0111•, PS, r•41o, h•ot.r, whlto· w•ll tlr••· UPSlll •is PORD $HI ~Al. 100 CONVllTllLf; v.1, 11t1to .. rs, r•41•, h••t· •'· UYR 292. '65 FORD $1495 LTD J tit. H.T. v.1, 0111to,. foe. oir, PS I Pl, ro .. lo I hoot•r. ATA lJS. 'H PORD $ttl &Al. 100. 4 dt 1Mo1t. VI, 'l111to, rs. lt&H, ..,,hltewall llret. SYllOJ '66 FORD $1595 &AL 100 J tlr. H.T. Val, t11t.., foct, 1ir, I'S, RAH. uou 560 '66 IUICK S1Ztl LE SAllll J .l••r H.rtlt•p. YI, •ul•Moti• troft1111i•tiot1, , •• .,. •t.•rlltf, p • w • ' ritrak••· r1tli•, h ••to P, •lilt• •111 flro•, RUL JO), '69 FORD $3195 GAL· 100 Fo1tritoc•. v.1, euto, f1et. t ir, I'S, Pt. ,,; dlo, hoo ..... ICTH IJI. 'U •ALAXll SHI 100 4 Do.f SMon. VI, •11t.w.atlt tr•n1, to41e, fottr.ry tfr colHlitl•nl~! whlto w•ll N,.t. Uc. SHlt '" '67 POiO S14t5 C..t. loo 2 4r. Y-1, o.t•-. PS. AIH. TJ"' t•l. •66 POllD S179S C.1111h'y 51_,1,. I I p ..... V-11 111t. .. PS, l"I. Rlli. lt'tt•t• r•1lt. UTI '''· DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 I l I I I I '" • ... Do\11.Y PILOT T.....,, Stpltmllo( 16, 1969 • ,. . - • • -. 1 -• l • . ' •' f I ' ~ ,,I TO HEl:P .. MAKE •·t1fl 'BEARABLE FOR STUDENTS <AND TEACHERS>. DURING THESE TltYING BACK· TO-SCHOOL DAYS, WE ARE HAVING A •••• LOVELY CAMPUS f.ASHION 50 %' Acrylic, 50 %' 'olyester. Completely mechine wa.15h1ble. Sins S-M·L $45.00 * HALLIDAY'S * ' . l • Veta's INTIMATE AP.PAftEL W.JlcHff PJaa • • 179 l ....._ _ .... _ I • . -- THE SNEAKY SHOE Fint name afoot. afloat comes ashore. 1,..,.,. Top lhltr. Cup race or rat race. The meaky Moe that out-comforts be.re tm ~ aole that out lrlPll floor or deck. The sailor'• 1twknt& favorite. Batt toot flexibility. Moculn comforL $24.00 ms 'l'IWllTJOKAL CLOTHING 11• I IJtVINl Avt. -'WfSTCLIFF Pl.Al.A 'Hf.W10ftf I EACH -PH. 645.01'2 • .. .. WESTCLI FF PLAZA 17th & IRVINE Deer Mom: NEWPORTER INN NEWPORT BEACH SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Jmt thought vau would like to know vou can havi a new body perm. for 011l11 J20 .. And JIOUT litUt olrl can have one ollo for onl11 $5. H~ to &et uou aoon. • PHON! NOW 5410460 P.S. Good on!r S•pt•mber 18 thro11gh tht 18th. • ' .. 'qne -stop' shopping' - at its finest! . \ OPEN THURSl1AY & MONDAY EVENINGS ' • ~ . .,,,. . . " ' WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY,· . ' FRIDAY & SA TU RDA Y. NEAT BUYS FOR THE BACK· TO· THE· BOOKS SET AT THESE FINE SHOPS. I • I • • ... • Chances are, their teacher wlll wear' outi before.their.Hush Puppies.• .Bowser U, Rufus.II 1052 IRYINE ••• NEWPOaT HACH . • ' ~ #JO fASHION ISLAND ,\ • . ' . . ,, !• .. ,. _, .. • .. -. I ' I, ' I I I ' I ' ' • ' t/ '$ ' r ' • • . :·, ' ~· . i ' \fi . • -. •• . . . ' •· ,, • • : j; ". ' i -' ' ; ' • ; 1 • ·.·· I