HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI . ' ...... . • -111£2.-:-.>....,._ __ r"--··---....... _ Husband .S.ays Rody Mi~~.i~g; Westn1inster Ce1netery D _enies Cl ' ..•. -·' BIBI " • eac an a1 e , er ee ' Squad Car s Nearly Hit Peace Pressures Asked ' , ·B:v· Suspet!t ~t~ ... ""' ;; Nixon Vrges.~lf~N~ W ~r_!e · for~~ar'.En~ - -. . ~ ' A Huntington Beach macblnlst· wht> alleg""1 told police he wu only g!vlna them the job ~Y are paid to do was jalled early today after .a 70-~our chase, spanning nearly 10 mbiulel. Several patrol cars were pearly hit by the fleeing suspect, said police, who chased him from a Costa Mesa.1nlerstc· lion, nmning several stop signs at blgb By MEIUUMAN SMITll UNITED NATIONS (llPI) -Prtsldenl Niltl!>, In his .fJnl appw'IDCI Wort !he Gtoeral ........,b]J, urged lhe !JI Unlt>d Nalion• member• today to put ~ on .Huiot·fot an agreed end· to the war in Vietnam. Police . arruted 12 p e r 1 o n 1 demomtrating outside the United NatiOOI while NiXon addresaed the General Assembly. Police 5llld seven of the 12 were males and five were female1 , The demoostraUn were arrMted for obstruc- ting trafllc, rallllng, &!Test,. barusmenl and diaorderly cooduct. The Pm~t ·ad~ a ~ked ...... bly llalJ ... It nilnule!. '.l'he delei--· -~ an U.N. memb<ti ucepl CUba -liJleoed wlthqut loterrufiioa. ' Tiiey gave N!Jon a -.i ·,~ ovation" -wl1h ·sovtel Foreign MlnJJter Andrei Gromyko leadhig lbO Con\munlst applause -when be WU ·lntroduced:},y Aloembly Pmld"'I AncJe' •Brooks ol Liberia and tlCOfttd to the speskera' stand by ·u.N. protocol officer• Sinan Korie Of Turkey. They applauded again !or 30 oecoods when NlJ:on coocluded with a gentle nod ol his head alter appeollng !or the ' ~cHael >..·Shaw. 28, or 19961 Carmaoia La~, was booked into Costa Mesa City Jail alter he finally stopped lo the 19000 blOck ot Lexington Lane aod was sur- rounded by police, Costa Mesa Police Officer .John Stone- back said be first observed Shaw, alleg- edly running a stop sign while driving south on Harbor Boulevard at Baker Street and pulled in behind him. SuddenJy, however, Shaw allegedly accelerated, whipped right nff Harbor Boulevard ooto Adams Avenue and was timed at 70 miles-per-hour by the Ume Stoneback tried to stop him. Husband Says Celilerery 'Mislaid' Body of Wife The pursuing officer said he switched on his red lights and siren on Adams Avenue at the Santa Ana Rlver bridge, ant! Shaw turned off onto carmania Lane where he lives, but i:ept going. Stonebeek had -.t a repart of the Code Three P"!'llllll and ....ral other unlls Joined in, al · Shaw allegodly ran atop slgns in his escape attempt. InvesUgatora 58.ld the purautt lasted a full seven minute. after Stooeback made his lnftial att.mpl lo stop Shaw, who was quoted by officers as oulnlt he thought It woolcl be fun .to eludepoilce. An aillng construction worker whose wife died of cancer eight years aao charged Wedne!day lo a ~.ooo da,..ge cWm Iha! her. body baa been loot or rnia&attnly ere.mated at Weatmlnster Memorial Park. Ronald T. McGinnis, 15, ol Wilmington, peUtioaed Orange County Superior Court Judge &berl L. Corfman to onler his wife Pearl emumed in order to .. we the haunting question. The case is sol for a Sept. 29 hearing, but oecutlves of the cemetery at 14803 Leary on Trial P"leads Innocent in LasuJian's Death The psychedelic candidate for the · C.lilomla. governorship must atand trial D«. t for his alleaed role lo the drownlli&, of a Laguna Beach girl swimmlng under Ule influeooe ot LID 1t a desert com· mune. Ccma .Mesa aUomey Geor1e Chula fntered a nol llUUIY plea for Dr. Timothy Wry, 411 tn Riverside County J.funicipal Court Wed ..... ay. Cllula said he plans to light the con- trtbultni to the dellnquency ol a minor ch&r1e lodged agalnot Leary alter Cbarlone R. Allilelda, 17, dro'llned last July at the ranch noar ldyllwlld, Dr. Leary wu not pment at the hippie ~aven when Miss Almeida -only a •lliht ocqualntanc< according to testimony - drowned while IWimming nude In a.deep creek pond. His attorney said he will attempt to OY'ertum an earlier court ruling thal re- jected dcf~nae charges the cmnplalnt ···as lnailequala because it dld not spell out • i how Leary cootrlbuted to her delin- quency. Dr. Leary -I i»-r rueardler Into elleda or IBD -uld he dld not Riv• Miss. Almeida lhe halluclnogHtc drug that apparently played a rol• In her traOc death. 'l\e Plfcllololll' prplesaor !ired !tom Ha..,anf Unlw.lly In 1961 !or his ex. per!ments with LSD baa ano111er trtal pending next month in South Orange Comity Judicial DiBlrld coon. He and his wife RooenWy, 29, and John B. Leary, It, were armled Wt December lo 1.ogllllA -... """ ch11J10S after police found allepd ...,. traband Items In their CAI'. Leary bal -....a lit will cainpaip for the Colllomla ..,•)l\lllblp next 1"r on a platlorm ol lunf.ln, tilnMO and drop.oOI, pltchiDa a loepee on the capitol lawn ll elected. He has been idenUlled a1 the owner el the mnote cte .. rt ranch wbeN the LallUn• Beach girl drowned, bUI d<nJn holdinil UUe to the property •• i B~ch Blvd., today !eemed to be unrur. fled. "The ooJy PoSltion we can take Is that Mn. McGinnis' remalos are in a certain crypt," aald sales rtprueotative Milton Bennett. "They are there. That'• all tl)ere·ls to say," he continued. McGlnnia, however, does not agree - and does not even believe bia wife can be • exhumed -pointing to condili0111 or "chaos" that existed before and after her lntel'lll<l>L He areues that be paid In full for a 1inl)e crypt oo Aug. 11 lift, bill agreed to temporary Interment ol Mrs. McGin- nis In a. double ~ at Peace MaUIGleum, pendinc completlon of her °"II Dnal mtlnl place. He be.llnes the remains were tn.. dneialed or mlopl1ced. Judge Robert L. COrlman will be 1 1 k • d lo Mier Weab:nlnsttr M'e:mortil Park to produce the body of Pea rl'C. MtGhmia or explain why It bas failed to aaUsly the widower that It ts located somewhere ln the mausoleum. M<Glnni1 claims that cometary ol- fidall have penlstently reluae<f to allow him to eumlne the contents ol Crypt E-a In the lll!IW!Oieum, lhe site -MlCOl'.dln( to those olDclalt -of bis wife'a remain.a. Trial o1 a laW!Uit filed by McGhmla apinat Watmlolter Memorial Pat!< oo Jan. ti, 1117 la adloduled !or Oct. • in &lperlor Court. 'lbe Wllmtif8toa man wlllll ~JIOO lo damagea lrom lhe -. -Atlo""'I' Dudley ·Grey e • p I a In e d WeiMerUy 1that McGbmia1 UI ht.allll met r..r hos;italllatlona have dela)led bear- 1111 ol lhe action. • lit ttgmll lhe demaiid for eal!umat!On u a Yitai prMijl """ (hat ... 1c1 -celvab]J lead lo an aut ol court .. ~ u menl ol lht.M<Gin'1!1 datm. • \' aclitevemenl·oj!bat lrue peace which tbe people' ol efff"I land carry In their hWll ... celebrltaln lhetr bopea.~·' ' The President told ' the iusetn.blr the Unlled Blaia lntalds to "a!llire both lhe adventqre1 and tieneflta of' sjJacet' QI would put lotward proposals to this .end. He failed, however; to outline 0'8 prd- poaais. Departing from his prepared tex~ Nis- on peered across the blue-and-gold aasembly hall and told the,delegates 'he had travt.led in mom of their countriea in the put 23 yeara. . "I have met most of the leader& and (See NIXON, Page %) Nine Nabbed In ~ig Mesa Drug Raid . By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ttMI DllPl' Plllt SI"" Tipped off earlier in the day, ltate narcollca agents raided a COsta Mesa ahantytown.aection Wednesday, anuttng ' nine per10ns and confi.scatlng heroin, LSD, hashlllh, mlrljuaria and ~assorted dru& pllil. lnveiu,1tor1 for the State Bureau of NJl't'(lf.ies Enfcrcemept in Santa Ana said the haul included 2ll separate packeis ol heroin -!JOme o( them marked '5 - a!Ur the 4 :JIG p.m. raid. The five aduJLs muted at 286 Vittoria Sl, Apl l, were booked oo three separate charges, posaesalon Of heroin, dangeroua drugs, and marijuana rar sale, They were ldenWled u : -lAurence W. Lieu, 20, · of 286,. Vic- toria St., Coata Mesa. -.lenay E. Laeu, Ill, ol 2111 Victoria St., Co3la Mesa. -Chule1 W. Maiten, 20, of 140 Fernleaf Ave., Corona'del 1,lar. . ·-RHen-B.·SJen, J11 of11mt·cam- brld1• Lane, HuntingtOO Beacll. --Gery Armijo, 18, ol ~ Clubht>uae Circle, Costa Mesa. Four boy1 aged IS aod 17 were alao ar- reated at the tctne arid admitted 1 to Or•nce C!J!ni1 Juvenile Hall !<I' belnf lo daopr cl leading a dlalolute Ille. One or them, from• CMta Mflll1' hid a ..... u..i 1r~ '!!JI!) 45 llt<dletniu'b.lrom lnjtctlnlf drup, acc:onllng to the atate _.ta and Colla M,.. po 11 ce plrtldpallnf In the raid. Detective Nbnn Katoh aald he. aod Ibo team di IORl' atate narcollcl 1fenll almp-11 walked up and knocked oo t.lle "-ol the rilldenco and • •1111*1 ldenltlled u Armijo opened the door. lnv..Ugllan lald that Loco, ~nl o( tht• bome, WU lound to i,. llabfe to police .. arch and IO!zun wllhOU! cOurl onfm, apparenuy due lo prior oa ...... When the door wu opened, the IUlpecl ldentUled IS M ISlero allegedly dropped a (See DRUG llAID, ·Pa1e I) • I . TH\.IRSDA Y AFnR!'IOON.-SEPTEMBER-~8; :196f· VOL. '2.•NO. ... I s•CTtotts. 44 , •••• ' . ldol of. Surlers: ' ' " ' ' . ' ' Duke Rettirns for · Surfer." . ' ' \ . ' · 1 j • Tournt:y Via Bro~ ~Bu~ Duke Kaha:n.amok\I, lhe Polynt58ln giant who brooght surfing to Huntington Beach 1wW .be remembered In the U.S. surllNMI chamoiolllbipo this weekebd., ' "" biona.-lilr<neW :~ the •mah• -11-lo<bi !lie !alhei tl•n'>od<hi :suifJ in( wlli be mounted on. lai'ge lav'IJ. rocb at ~!llead·of~thtirhunk:tpal"plit~or.e tha~ contest. I ' ' , ' • I Tlierc, tl\e. re.ven:d Hawallin, who' p~ided \Over five United St ate: s S<d'ft>9anf CJljalllPionsbipo until'his c(ealb In llllif al tbe age of 77,,will loo!\ out IO thC oea be IOved. '11le Duke~ ·whose complete name ts Paoa K.ahlnu Maioe Hu 11 k o h o a Kahanamoku, was an Qlympic 'wlrnmor, •1!1191:,. b<tSiqe"l"'!n alHi ~lfld~ ptir or his naUvri'llata of J!awill. f lte woo a gblit medal' for the 100-meter free.atyle' event In the 1912 Olympic Gamea in Sweden and scored a~~t victory lo the ttlo, 11124 and !tit ..,_ . Surfinll waa ' lritrorhicod to the Pacllle' • COiil fn li07 by George '""1h"o(llltwall fnd curie lo llllJIUng\on Beoch Wl\ell U.., Duke 8od a friend, both ol whom we.re-m~ktng-movies In Hollywood, ~ lbeir lollg' Md' heavy rrurfhoonfl< """°) them. .. I , 1 In R= Beoch Ibey me\ Dtlbert "Bud" now Ci'ty ~ ad lben lilellUard ,;..i ~-chlef/Wbo coriecl the llnt --M'll>o<ld lo dranp, Couilly lo !Ille. ' ' ' • l>asses Tax lo U1er • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -'lbe General Telephone Co. bu paued'on ltt 10 !Jtr· cent federal surtax to C\J#t.bfnert Jn the fortn of a !16 pereenl Increase on blD~ H WU disclosed today, • i • ' [ ' f ' J I Duke KabanamoJcu WU the d~ of a native ,chief and w,. the *"1 ol ~ brothers, all "ol ..-.,.. ~ ..;.unm..;..,11,e'dil llll~•'lfl!llot. liveij ""1-·th& --·"!""·Md"""' 183l r:.tlrrou&A .. ,\lllQ, he ,\ti,\ ,lb!ri{" H~i.1111( ..!. .... i. ' 1., 1.· I !The ~·s buftllll be unveiled al I p.m. Friday night dilrinl''ll\e - openjng,-,luap ,Bl.tjie-~ Beach -Inn. , ,1 1 : • ".~ ' ' ·---= s n ·ass c •- WietsDefen • Saigon U.S. Tunu OiJer Canbat Dutia to South ........ _.....,._. .-. ......... _ ..... ___ ....,.IE .. _ ---.... ,,_ .. ., '1: ...... _ .... _..,_ tit',.~ -_ .. _ CS ' -.w=...- # !•,:--;.-..... :.: *'* * .. .. .... 11&,_ ... __ .. .. .. ....,., ·--......... -"'"' ___ .. ___ ... __ .,._. .. ,,, __ _ ------us,-..., ........ a a ea •• , ___ ..... QI_ G t .... ._. --·...---..... ., --.... --.. ... :fl -!: ~ •' Troops Cheer Pi1Douts, BuJ Not AD Going Home IRl"UJ'J-llq'•• SF llclm , s' a-r.w .... ftm!9 --...-----........ u .. <'tz ..... ..,.., __ .. ,... ___ Ilia -'-----""""' ..-===~-=--""'.:.:...-: ........ -.,.. __ ...... , elllZ' ·aw•-a .. -... k;' n ; ..... 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J'lll-W&r M i ----a .... --•1'41JL&IJ'Ul'lflr• •._ .• -•'-.2' -~... •? .,.__. -·· a " s ...., .. __ 4_ll£'2 .... ..... ~~,---..---· -. ,,., .... _ .. ,.......n. -I .... _.,-..... -..... p ...,, ' a.--------_ -.., C Iii .-•.-',_._wow .. I' -·-------.... Mi a r"' .. -.,_ 4 i:'i, ... -. ~.. C' 3 SP 4~ia-W , ,•;-:-' ._...._. a '' a; •IAwJllr. . , .. _,..= llplilJ'- ....._..,._, 7 • 7 Iii ~ ' a 1w .......... fla• ~-.. -..-------.. ·---1111 .. ', llr.. ... llr&._771s -~ _ _._ ........... --': a~'. I ...... _,Pft*9 Oieblll•rt' rw• Btw ... ; %• •6rW6:' -.. .. .. I -, ..... ,....., ... , ' ..... Iii? ___ .. De".-..c• 7 'i..a ....,ni. -llizlL'ol _. .-... um ""' ..,... .. -... ., ...... . n , I ; 'S d '? , ... , YH' limeW..._ --.. --·---- Son, 21, Jailed In Hammer-knife Death of Parenu ,_, Cl!Pll--_.,. ~ ........ .., ____ _ a _. • ._._._...._ ~~----· I+ ~ I * -*" W ' 7 ; lllflltL ..... ,,., ............. 11.1 ..... ?Crtllramm.,..,.. ._, ..... -.~ .. ---• *P'* llA • a t'eir , ,, ,, rnw ~ • 1 41 ~-... ~-idj .... y , 'sy. ,.,.-at _.. tl¥&W .. ~ __.. tilfiar. !'-.-:.. • a ... .__ .....:.--------·-.. ..... .,_ PWip I. 1111-pir, ZI. -" .. .-. .. Jid:ie' • .., c • .. Ai • ., _. c ·---Tl:Ol:J, m ---~--_ .. _....,.._,, .... ..,. .. .._.,.., ..... .... llOt' ........ Jl;m..W F F; ··-....... --&· .... aool6o_....,_JUL II&' ........... __ •18--USI , __ ... ~.,....... .... .. ----. ,.._ im I a Ille • ___ ............ _. __ -.. _.._...., .. -a.---·-cum -•v·a .. · --'llRt,ft ti .. -. a ... .. 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I $?., ,..._,. tt fAld a +M= r-a.tucaw " I '9 tlllt L • ....... ~... m n 41 16 Is.-~ --Li ,.,.,,.._ .. .,_.,_..,._M6o C<md'-Jllil~l.Bll--._,~-Ii z ff• ', .. ....,. iddll: ._ Pl I .... _. wllll dil lrrilt C i C e •4M• tf.. .., ilol::ll--illt ~----vr.:~=:::..•t'Gnad ""1 ti!':'~ .. .:-=::' ... -: ' • ' --TIP ICM llllOllGlf 11IE Tl.LGIS 1'0G£1H£lt n.,n..-•WoEo•Y'-· ·a ,D Lowe Finds Tiny She's 17; He's '16 at Heart' tmli&;IU. ~,..., ... ... llnCI: ........... , • W'' ';~•~· I ....... ____ _ _.. .a a ,.,._.. •' 7 ·a .,,,_ I ...._ --...-----... ........... ~ .... VdJ 5 5 • 4 2 ,, a 't • mm .. .-... I , 'D:!J ,..., - -...... l:i& -------· Ml ...... -- --...,., -l:r .. --...... ........... __ Ina. •• -, &c lllillCit" lwQ ' Slit: 'Tio " _. .. "' ..... - •-.,. a&.!lio+' --l"alr, .. -l:o ;, az •c -=:-•::, ... " .; a ~ DqueW ilift . Fl '. ,. 1tS ·,,~ ..... "':-lir: :mz " ____ ,.. __ "' _____ ,_. __ -----llm. .... S I ••• ....,. • Cit b '' ........ , •••• ~ &11. • _, m 1 a 4 ~ .. dated .. -l!:o-..... ..... ..., _____ __ Si:o ___ ... __ llrdle ...-...·--·---I "'" --.... ml bim • the F' I,,. lllrr- -se .-a 'Wll!!llli:~ iaAt\m:ie a:, ---.. -'IPJ>&'Dc 8lf!t -Wiii!C -•'JT just -.---- ,.. ---i.. --BudirJger ._. .. ___ _ .. ___ , b6ew .. 1u:1i CCDnll.. ~ Km. a.a r•. wt. 1m hm afla' e Jmx• uilJ Viltl _erwipM in .lime -1-19 -io _., ~=:n:L~=-; ii D milt 1dJt Ui' e1S .ct R!f9Drs 20 Vie for OR COP Title .... • lor &. lille .,._~aaa-•• 0.-.~"'-<»J ... ~Ille ........ ._. ... ••Ocl.Datlht Gi:tlll w-.. m a.-.., •es .......... '"• D I ooi1ioc ll:o -. of a:. -..i, -::::-: it Gee ..... CllllRFi ~ • t' ' iew ... ta=c' I Gmp ~' ... -!J c .. rdm:m¥cl.•&.milfll.Oe .... -ii """"" -~ °""' ...... AkwlJ' 4 "tJ.et • ...-i • fie 11 ... qmst llr a qma an Cle l:rrille C..; Jcia Ila... BmltJ' d ku:pat 8mdl: Clnt Jllmfl" " ,. a, .• fll. QieU .. -J!lda c.va ... _,. ,.... -.. ~ --Rei;; -C qaea JWm Baberb, a f:nmr" Mjq. ~ will WI ' -l:2'wJI ... ~ • ta Oct. 1J ewD.. ~---.. -·-- 7 ..... _ril_llle ---Pfts dllb • t me•llers •&••5iP fr CIR ,.. ••• iDdadt • '""' --c:.t _,.,. .. Gooqt 0mne. 1!I! s.da. Am B i * • 1m ~. lllll..Y PU.DI'; Be t t J JLemialJia. Aru) i+ Beiltiem-Ham ~,._C.-Bw -.-... Six Berets To Face' Armywurt WGOH (IJPIJ -1'1 U.I. MllJ lodoy _ .. _ _... ..... a. ,._ O.l. lpodol 'I-_ ,...op io a. .... " • t I ., -"""' ---a..-a·--""' ..rr -.. -.. :aod .,pie Iii 1!1111-lo Ille M ' a -- De lormal cM"'""" w** a a:wpieX)' lo CMlllllM. _...., w the ~-ll:e_ .... _ ---..... _....., ..... .. ... -pmally,,,,. _, _ - ....,.. by 11ai C.... G. L lbidly Jr., <• -<II ll:e U.S. Arrt11 "'""" In y---facioc-':mrtial•., Cd. -~ a. "' y_,..i Ha .... ru..,. w .. P.mt ..-- "* aw at a IGdaDJ p•U • New "'cl•"' famil1. Be,,..•••"" •1f" 0( Ille ci.... -Id --., l:is pcl!I ~ tbe m.)'lteril:ldl came came to Jill< ""° .-1:1 .... ,,,. -fiv• -_, .-tialod _,,, -Maj. Drrid &. Crew' :a, Cedar Ropids. Jon_ -Maj. 'Jbomu c. a.rt"k"d-Jr., a , ,_s.c. -CaiL Le1ml ,_ Br:mil<7. 11, Dwan, ltia. -Ca!L Robert F. II--. 21, -fidd. !U. ~ Budce &. William. fl • .&-. GL n.. Army WI cl:arps apimt !he oC.b!f' hro Green 8mtl :iutobel Wll'e being "'ht.Id in abey3Dee" f'tl""'C tbe trial They .... Sgt. AMn I. -41, of 1'aples. Fla., and cwo -fll. Bayle, 111, "'New Yen CitJ, ID Wal:ingtoo. Army S<o-15laoky R. -said he had l:e<n tllpl lo -dismissal of the dsargf:s but .. after cardul dellberatioO l have •••• l•wled am it Would be unwise and unjustified for me to interfere in this case." The call for Reser t.o assumie dirtd jm ildidioo over the Grttn Beret cw came from t.ighl U.S. congressmen wbD Ufiessed doubt al the ability 4. the Cllm- l!WJdrrs in the field to amdac:t • fair and impartial pniow.fing ,,,.... P._e I DRUG RAID. • • ......... IJtioCO -. ... type """ m:oly -.. """ iojoctioa, Plitt slid • .-did~ ... ~ eil ., C:le aft!crd beroio. a bcGle ca.- -..i, • iqMa:-pills. 1m1r: tatma:Ots. a Rllilll aEDIXD fll. ---LSDtablels. IJM<i&Mhi I gjd fhe mrain iartltecl ..-as a• •4 • Awd iB 17 sooDed bimDes. small foaied JllP'I' eorUimn, as well u ill b'!lt rabbrr tellggns, er »alled -tap_ Omq:bint• dm-gioc tl:e fin - ..... -"'112'1 lodoy ln:m tl:e ~ eo.-y DislricS -· -Ilia ~ boys -r.c. ,_. -.,......,..,~ la:8'. °"' had boa In ar.,.. Crunty only ... -aft!< tn..iir:g .... ~ LaDsrille. Ky_ and ....Jd pmiblJo l:o I due md thn-tD bis funiJy. :J/oo,. s_ampfe Clearance On :1Jining Rootnj ..A~ nuuk '" 20 to 400/o OFF on tnanlj f/oo,. 4an1p/a ( H.J.GARRFJT fURNITTJRE. l'ZtORSSIONAl INTQIOl DESl6NW • 111 S HARIOk ll VO. COSTA MESA, CAltf. H~021S _._ .... ....,..-.... ---..., -.... -., _,_I --...... -....,--I dlJi'ii••ioe _. --be t t """"' .. tF I 7 f ~ ttnlfll .. .. .. • -49# 9 1 • of Ille lnill ...... .-\ __ _..,.,....... lo U:e..... --------------------------------' • I I ' I ( ' t • I, ' ' ~ 1 ' ' I I I • I lu • • ---,. ' • Bu;nting~n U.ae E.D I :tlP.N " . . '* . .a.·; ' ,. 1 :.,~ ..... VO~ 6f, NO, 224, 3, SECTIONS, # P"Aq~ .. •r .. ', '. • Beach S.lafiled · by . Fhror · Over · Edi'son l'fant • ~ • ' • • I . By JACK BROBACK or .. a.ttr •1i.1 11att n. wordy: smog-spiced d e b a l e developing over the $179 million ex- ~ ottbe Southern Cali(ornia F.<lison. Company's Hupting!Dn Bead> plant, !<>- day has caught city olficialJ off balan<:<. Mayor Jack" Green said the city has ta.ten oo posilicn in the controversy but wllhawait .ftirther·itifonnatioo in a'public bearing.:to be held in the <llty's Council cbimben· Oc~ 16, ' . Asiemblymon John V. Brlgp (!\. Ful!F,tor\)!4>airman of the. state's ,Jo~nt Legislative CommJttee on A to m 1 c Development, said Wednesday that the quasi-of'fi!::ial body which starf:ed all the fu" <IJ>es.not·ba" the legal righ\to block expansion of the Hunfington Bead> plaot. Tuesday, Albert Pearson, a Beverly HillB attorney and a member of the State Envlroomental Quality, ·Study Councjl, claimed the group cou1d-stop expansion of th!} coas:tal.EdJ&Qn plant. ' .. -THIS WEEKEND, HUNTINGTON REMEMBERS 'THE DUKE' Th.e Lato Hawaiian Surfing Giant With Winner Ml~ Doyle in '65 • Duke Returns for SUrfer : Meet Via Bronze Statue Duke· Kahanamoku, the Polynesain gianl who brought surfing lo Huntington Beach, will be remembered in lhe U.S. Surfboard championships this weekend. A brotl'Ze likeness of the man con- lidertd to be the lather of modern surf- ing will be mounted on large laval rock! at the head of the municipal pier before Ibo CODWt. 'I'benl. the revered Hawaiian, who presided oyer five United S t a t e s Surfboard Championships until his death in 1968 •t 'UJe. age of Tl, will look out to lhLiea.be. loved. The Duke, whose complete name Is Paoa Kahinu Makoe H u I i k o h o a Kahanamoku, was an Olympic swim mer, 1ailor, businessman and official greeter of his native state of Hawaii. He won a gold medal (or the !~meter (ree-style event in the 191% .Olympic Games in Sweden and ~ ...a repeat victory in the 1920, 19'l4 and 1928· garnet. Surfing. was Introduced to the ,Pacific coast in 1907 by George FreeUI, of Hawaii and came lo H~ Beach whin the Duke and a liiend, both d,<Wbom were making movies in Hollywood, brought their •Joog aqd hea~ s~ with them. In Huntington Beach they met Delbert "Bud" Higgins, now city histoJian and then lifeguard and fire chief, who carved the first homegrown surfboard in Orange County in 1926. Mn.Y PILOT .... ,..... YOUNG HUNTINGTON HERO HONORED FOA RESCUE Kevin Rtllrig, 15, Given Cit•llon By Fire Chief Rey Pie.rel • • • ' . t ... Pearson's statement abocked power coml"'Pl\ ofOelals f1bo ajl ~y knew of no such ' powen gr an~ the councU by law. , , 1. , / Huntington Beach · oftidaii are torn belw<:On, IWo ~ In ~ cooiro"'8y, The $119 million tlp8lllioo!C!f the plan! DO Paclllc Coast l!lil)way, IOU1heut of Newland Street, would brltig an estimated $700,000 more lo the city in tax~. On . the -hand, • mWtanl group ol cilizerul· have claimed·for y~ that ~ J;;dlson plant la a IDlOI lllOdttcel'., despite disclalmers by tbt eomPID)' and county air polluUOo ofllclala. Brlgp said . he had obtained an in-, lort!W legi.!lallve <oWlClJ op~ on the eXJNlllSlon blocking OUltUr w-.y. "1 was told !a deputy cou'nsel in Sac:r2mtuto tha environmental group is "" ailvlsory recoounebdlnJ bqcly ooJy and has no restraining or injuoCll\le power," the assemblyman said. When Ed!IOn Company ollldoll. - nounced .._Ion. ol the plant Aug. I, William · II, Goold, senior -pr<sldent sald the plant woWd buni pa al all times it is available. When not •vlilable "low· suipltur oil" fnJm lOOooealo 'will be bun\. ed, be said, to coolrol · the-oulpltt of air pollutants, Gould sajd the capacity of t1tJ plant would be Jncmsed by llCI, pment, over the nm five years and will becomt . ' Mayor to Call It nits . ( Valley Leader to Go No Matter How Recall Goe~ "l want nothing more to do with public offi ce. I'd like to lead my own life and raise my family." This was the (.'OOUDent from besieged Fountain Valley Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger .u he casually announced. to the press Wednesday that if he wins the S.pt, 13 recall election, he will resign bis po6i wlthkt 30 days. "The whale thing bas created a Westminster • Park Denies Ba,4y M~s~"'g A. ailint' -..-. . .......... - flil 'diid-' ~ • •• .... ~ _ ...... )'el!'.9 .B• charied Wedneo!fq ~ • $llO,Gtl0 d4moge ~~': .. "£~~ Men141rial Pad. ' .., . , &nald T. MaGlnnil, 1$, of WIJmlnelon, pelilioaed °'""81 CounlJ' Superior C"'1rt Jltllge Robe!! L. Corfmu lo onler his wile Pearl ahumed tn order to ..W. the haunting queslloo. The case la ael !or a S.pl. 21 hearing, but ei:eart.lvts of the cemetery at 1.aoi Beach Blvd., toc111 '""°'ed to be unruf· fled. • ''The only position we can tab .is that Mrs. McGlrmb' remains are in a certain crxpt." said Illes npreaentative MIJtoo BennetL . "They are there. That's.all fliere.11 lo say,~• he contimled. McGlnDll, bow .. er, doeJ DOI agree - and does not even believe bit wife C1J1 be e&bumed -polnUo& lo <llOlllllom or .. cbaol" that ezisted befcn.and after her interment He.. argues that he paid· In fullt for-a 8lnglt ecypt on Aug, II 198t, but agr<td to tanporary lnlumeni ol Mn. McGin- nis in a double crypt at Peace (See BODY, Pqe l) Beach Officer Hurt on Duty A .Huntlnifon Beach police olllcer was Injured In an auto accident W-y night wblle ope\!dlJlg lo a call with his siren IOUlldlng and red llgbt Oasbing, Officer Raymond C. Hattabaulf)I, 29, was •ated and rtleased with minor in- juries at Huntbtglon lntel""1llllltunlty Hoopilal after his patrol unit collided about 1:15 p.m. at Golden Weit Sl\ftl and Edlnaor A9"iiue with • car driv<n by Willi.Im C. Rich, 41, cl m1 Whitney llihe, Iluatln&loll Beoch. He WU DOI In- jured, personal misery more than It's worth," be explalned. But be emphasized that ht: wants to win the recall election because he dpe:m't want to see "any of the recall candidates in office." "I think it would be bad for the city," he asserted, "l'd much rather see a man appointed to my seat or elected in a special, but not (ecall, election." Aaked if he were to resign, would he help se1ect his replacement, ~ answer was au e1npbat.ic ''no!' · ''There are two factions in tills ,.retail bunch," said the npyor, •"one' ts 1. dedicated group of individuals trying lo take over. Tht other is a group of YOUDI men who don't rtallze .what tbfl1 are doing." He also accused money generated fl"am interests in the induatrlal land, u being behind the recall ..O.emeni. Man-Drops Suit Against • "'Illere'• • lot of money lo be -ii changes are made • In that • indiiltrtel area," be said, ".aril;I ~ can;Me aJ! tM candidates urgbig adlon ar clwtp Cll ii,, I would like lo see tt held for"indltllty. "II I am re..lected, • be cpociuded. "and "'ign, I'll ..natniy warn the piano nlng comtnlulon lo watd! out for llran8" pro-1> IUch .. trailel' J)ll'ka ....... up on that land." Nixon Urges .' V .N ~ Pr.~Jir:e Fountain Valley Mayor . , -. .. -.. , .:. "'-·~ .. ~,. . ., For. P~<H!e . • .. it Sa'nb{Ma hlli-f··-~1*._"' ~ . . . . ... •1 ~. \ . ·"". ' ·'!.i'111~~:;)1~~-va:.~~ .... " _. ., _,.w~·1 .. 11'1.!.~---~ ' c)rolipecl_.., -·""=· ·-· Cllll'llll &\.'l'IB M'!) Pl'elldel! ce, """"~' '°' .,,.,,. tiftdley .,. ....._ -• · Realty, Sani. Ana,.wroje,.5chw~l_fll'r 8114 llartin lliat . Nbat.Jti,~~ ~'.'!~ :tt:i: Uoo ha!i4llc>W11 no lmpll>j>tlety Oil .....,. jifll'I. ' · ' • • ' · (ltOortl __.,..,. ,.._.. ·"'!' . Undley had charged·JuJ,r-30 that both.JDen. whlla acting as !fa ... membm'* to.flO!l·"Jl''"'we"""' teal e!late 'arenla In the Larwm Tract had in effect "taken the job on IWJol tor u •srted end lo the war la away from him.•• Vietnam. . Price's letter tendered apologies •for any embarrassment or PeUce &n'.tlted 12 .P:e-r1on.1 locollvenieoce cawied by filing of the.111\I. , . , -tlq oatelde the UDHedN.tfonl The mayor sald Wednesday that there WOI no "out of court" while N--the G<neral setuement of the sull It was simply dropped." · Aa.lemhly. Pollet aa.MI seven of the U were maltt Beach Machinist Jailed . After Wild · Mesa Chase • I ' ' ' A Huntington Beach macillnist who allqeclly !old police be ..... only. (ivlng tl)em the job they are pald to do waa jailed early loday after • 7tknlle-per-liour chase, spanning nearly 10 tn1nuta. Several potrol can were nearly· hit by the lleeJng IUsped, said ' police,· who chalecl lllm from • Costa M,.. lnlmec-Uon, nmnlnc 1<11eraf otop signs at high apeed, Michael A. Shaw, 28, of 19981 Carmanla Lane, WU booked Into Costa M ... City Jail alter be linally slopp!d In the lllOOO block cl. tninp>n Laile ' and WU JUr• rounded by police. Costa Mesa Police Officer John Stooe- baek said be lint observed Shaw, aIJeg. eclly nmnl!ul • glop sign wltlfe driving llOUth '° Harbor lloulevard ot Bakti' strtet and pulled In behind him. · Suddenly, howevi<, Shaw allegedly aa:elerated, whipped right oil llarbOr Boulevard -Ailonls Avenue and ·wu timid at 19 mUeo-per-bour by Ifie time Stoneback tried to ..... him, . The punulng olJlcer said be -on hll red upta and siren on Adami Avenue tit the santo Au mv.r bridge, • J. ; . .. .-and Sbaw lttrnid. oll onlo1~.Lane where 'be lives bdi keot'1r · · ·SloOtbac~ ·lild ~~ or the Code ntr..,pumtlt,and oeviral other unit& joined in, u ·Shaw all'letllJ r.O otop ~gos In his ""'"' atllinpt. lnvesligalon said the Punuii luted • lull aeven minutes after Stoilebock made his inltiol ottempt lo otop lllri', 'oil\e. iru quot..! by offleers as ••Yin.tr~ tboiltgbt It wauJd be fun to elude· pollce. Afro-trio Roh Kentucky .Colo~el 'lb1'<! meO: all In their early %0& and wurtng ·Afro halnfyles, held up • Westminster fried chicken restaurant Wedntsday nlaht and escaped with· llU 1n ca.11. • ,,,... · William Allen, an employe al the Ken- tucky Colonel, 7051 w·e.1t'liiiiliter BoolevjUd, told pollco the thtee N- entered the alore ~t 1:11 p.m. and aabd lilm lo empty tile.WI 'ot: gunpolnl. and five wei:e fem a le:•. The demonstraton Were arTeated for~ ting trafllc, realsllng arNll, ·bar•- and dllOrderiy - 'I1te President adcimaed • paoted uaanbly ball lot 19 ~ The delegates -repiueuUnc an u.N, ,...,..,.,.. acept Cuba-ljat<ned- lnteiTuptlon, • • ' . . .... ,, :) . ' They pve N~a ·~ecood stendlnl ovatiOO :.... Wlth SOfl!t FOrilgri'M!ftJster~ ¥<fret! . G"'!IJYilheno lelie!'f)lljl' ~co:m~ app aase -w was "T, A.uembly i'ttatdent Angle s..ou ol Llberio and escorted lo the ._..... stand by U.N, fll"IOcol llffker Slnaa Korie of ~~ey. • .. . . , . '. .. They applallded qaln for 30 .....,, when .NlxOQ .C!llJClllded with a ~·noel ol his head after appealbJc . ·for tlio llchlevemeot ol tbal true peace wblcb the people of every-land <(llrrl' In tbelrJlartl and celebrate In tbelr·bopel." . The Presidellt !old. the· wembly. the Unlted,Stala,lnlmls lo"~ Jl!ijli• 0... adventures and beoefitl of space" .ancl w.ould put forward proposala lo tbil ead., He fallecl, however, lo outline the pro. posals. , . . ·. ' , ' \ . Ce•• Bea~h Teen Hero Lauded Fire . Chief Commends Kevin Rohrig for B~ R~cue ~ By TElll\Y COVILLE Of ... °""" ""' ..... l -. WU lanponrily' bllncled lnm the U• I • • ii t ' ·-----------------------------------------.~----- . WHAT THEY'LL BE WATCHING -Style, Corm, selection of waves and execution will all be watched by the keenest eyes in the business Saturday and Sunday by judges who will be scoring scenes like DAILY PU,OT Alff ...... this ln Huntingloo Beach's United Slates Surfing Championships. 1ilore than 270 surfers are entered. Competition starts at 6:30 a.m. bath days. 0 to 20 Seale Surf Champ Judges Ready By RUDI NIEDZIEIUI ., .. °""" ..... It.tr Ten pain ol tile keenest eyes ID surfing will keep tahl on tbt intricate maneuvers perfonn<d by contestanta In tile lllb AJ>. nual U.S. Surfboard Championships, &eheduled this Saturday and Sunday in Hunllngtoo Beach. ll'1 not euy &o pick champims .ln Dint di!femil eventa, espedally when dealing with ~ to lOI of tile an..t surfen In the nation. But tile jadgea who wm keep xore on all of lhom ire all exp<r13 and lbey know tt.eir job •·eU. They ·art L.. E. "Hoppy" Swarts, Manhatian Beach ; ~arge AfcClelland, Laguna Beach; lion Rocky, Inglewood ; !loo Hodges, Soulb Laguna ; Bill Swarts, Los Angeles; Kemp Aaberg, Los Angeles; Jan Husk, Ewa Beach, Hawali; John McCranela, Lake Worth, Florida : Paul Beustanstam, WhiWer, and Marty Sugarman, Santa Mooica. Compettton will be rated on a scale from 0 to 20 points, depending on the quality of performance shown in the following skills: Makiq" ~ wave -The 1bllity of the surfer to maintain full cootrol, stay in ad· vance of the breaking wblte water, and to terminate his ride at the appropriate lime. . P.olit.ioo.ing 11 the aul -Judges will look for trim of the board closest to the breaking white water, and speeial maneuvers performed in this dlf.ficult position, &UCb as nose-walking, turning, and lrl<:k rldlng. Riding: lbe fall length of tht brtakl111 curl -The ability of the contestant to con tinue in the advance of the breaking whitewater until the wave either mmbes out or sect.ions out. All Buil,ding in Proposed Parking Area Banned Tllrtl1 ana cutbacks -T h e s e maneuvers to change direction will be judged on tile suitability for the type ol wave and'for style and grace. N--. -Suitability, style and grace will also be the prime considera~ tklll of the judges io this maneuver which bmllvea actvanem, to tbe front end of the board in run control while in modon. Stylillt maneuvers -These consist of such special surfing ~ures u riding in&lde lbe tube (under lbe curl oI a breaking wave), head dips and ipinners while holding position. All buildlng hu been banned fO< llO daYI ID tile downtown area al Huntington Beach earmarked 10< poulble de,eJop. ment as an 1,800-epace parking mmpla. llldicating aerious intenUons regarding the Urban Land Institute Citium: Steu· Ing Camnlttee'1 (CSC) plan to almolt double tile doomlown parking area, tile City Couocil has adopted a resolution dic· tating lbe building ban. The area affected ls the equivaltot of aeveo city blocks between 6th and Lake streeta ooe block inland from Pacilic Cout Highway to Walnut Avenue, plus fivt aaea owned by the ffwJti.ogton Bead! Co. eut of Late mending Inland to Atlmrta Avenue . ' 1lle clowntawo apan>e hu been pro- Wife's Jealousy Wins Rod Taylor Divorce LOS ANGELES fUPI) -Actor Rod Taylor'• t.eeUmooy ·lbat hb wtfe became jeal«m whenever ht' kissed othtr women on te1evUion won him a divorce Welfnes.. daJ: from actrtss Mary Kliem. 'She would g<t jMIOUI U I turned on the TV and she saw me kiuing the ~ star,'' uid Taylor, 39. DAllY PILOT OUHH cc.uT l'U9t.GKINCj. (QMPAHl' l•ffrt N. "NHI ........................ J•<• I . C.rlrr \IQ ,.,.IM!t _, o..<J MmfMr fli•ll'al IC•••ll E•ltw Tlo.oot1•• A. Mur phiR• ""'-'"' l:••tw ,t.lb..t W. t .1,, Al~tldllof' HnH .... IMckOffl<• lOt Slh St1t1! M•it!>f Add,.., .. r.o. h1 790, •2"41 I -.,.,,... ......... lilklll vt1 N ... _ ...,...,.," '°"'' .... : J»"Wftl •• , ,,,.., Lawtlt lfK.111 m ,..,. •n- DAI\.' l''l.Ot. •1111 -"~ .. ....... f'ftlJ. • ~ ... '""" ...... .., .. ..,.,11, .,.;11M1 .. ....... ~ ,_.... v.w.,. c.i. .M.M. ... '*' ....... utYM l..cll. .......... ... ,...... ....... er.,.. c.tllolol .,....... .,.. ""'-" ...ww.. ..-.. .. , .i n 11 _. ,...,., ..... ~..._-... ....... ""' ....... c.a. MtM. 1 ........ 11141 M2o4lJI ........ , ••• C.1114 .. 1121 Q a 'l'IM M•IW., MJ-1611 c:.nw ~ 0r-<M11 ~"""" C-... ,... lllt \t L •lwMttl ...... ............. "" • ...,,~ tltH'lft -t ............. WI .... -1111 II"~ ·-·-·· lect,.. dlM .-..·-.. ""''4 11 Nt--9 to;P .,. (.tttf Mt_,, c.tit.r,:1 S~t:K• •'"'° "9 CMrW IUt ~INYt ll't' 111911 U II ~I "'"'*" •11111-a:• _,.1 •. poeed by lbe CSC to IUppiement lbe 2 ,300- space oceanfront parking complex ~now nearly completed betweeo the pier and Beach Boulevard. Thie cauncil resolution suspenc:b: all bulld.ing, plumbing, electrical, sign and other permits in the designated ana for !be _, period. A!leraUCM or remodeling of exirtlng · structures wiU be pe.rmltted if "the owoer of such buildings and the tenant agree io writing that they understand that tile properly may be 111bject to eminent domain proceed l og s (con- demnation) within lbe 60-day period." It is to be further agreed that lhe value of any such alteratloo or remodel.lo& and lhe increaae in value or the structure will not be considered In any future appraisal ol lbe poperty far acqulsltlon by tile cily or parking authority. The downtown development plan will be ooUined to tile city council Oct 13 by the CSC. Favorable action by the councilmen could lead to fut~ acquisition. Results from all Of the events will be red into a computer and made available through the DAILY PILOT "Playback Shack" wit hin 10 minutes after their completion. Tbe Playback Shack will be located on the pier adjacent to scoring headquarters throughout the two-day meel In addition to the r_esults and ~t line- ups for future heats m each dJvisian the "Playback Shack" will have on file cWnu- laUve statistics on all events. aod can recap, on request, any given heat of the contest. Background information on lhe top surfers can be obtained by asking the atendanl! at the DAILY Pn.nr Playback Shack. Several limes during the two-day meet. Tom 1'1cCann. DAILY PILOT public service manager, will make direct report.I from the DAlLY PlLOT booth on radio staUons KEZY (tt90), KWJZ (14!0), KFWB (980) and FM station KOCM 1103.1). Valley Schools Appoint CdM Man as Assistant Robert A. Sanchi!, 33, or Corona del Mar. hu been appololed assist.ant superinttndent ol educaUonaJ services ror tile Fountain Valley School District. He replaces Dr. Dale R. Coogan who left this summer lo become superino tend!'!nl of the San Jacinto Unified School Dlstri<L Sanchis, wbo wu formerly an ad- minlsltafor in the educaUonal services division. was aeleded for lbe new job fn>m a field of JO appif<anla. Olber]lOOIUons he .hu held In the Foon- lain Valley SChool Oiatrld were assistant princlplf at·N<Wland School and principal of An!valoo Sdlool. He began hll tearchlnc carter in '1981 in tile Arcldla Unlfled School Dlltrlci. ··-1s ii lf'dtate of Occidental Collqe1and received a master's degree '-Cal Slalt Loi Angela In 1963. He ts curt<nlly completlng blJ Ed. D. degr,. al use. Tbe Kamehamtba School ln Honoluh1, Hawa!J, brualht Sllld>ll to lbe illanda In 1117 to cle9eJop the Foontaln Volley Leamtac Center plln for lbetr ochool ---De alao oerved u consultant for lbe Narwalll·La Mirada, Soquel, Sonia CM!1. l'ullertcG and Simi Valley I ch o o l dlstrlcta. In bis new P'*illon, Slnchl1 ii rel]IONl· bit for tile CUrrlculwn Materlail Qmter, developing COW'seJ ot study, hr.a.Ith WINS SCHOOL POST Robert A. $.anchls 1en1ce.I, thfJ mu.sic program, speech tberoplots, &election of bookt and t1ud7 aids and the aummer IChoOI pro11am. Viets Def endi~g Saigon j . U.S. Tums~Over Combat Duties to South Ma-... pendlDc ClllllPletlon ~ her own ftml ...u., plac<. Be belle.., lbe r<maim were )n. clnented er m f 1 pl a c e d. Judge ~ will be a1ked to order Westmb!M Memorial Put to - tile holly ol Pearl C. McGIDolt ar ap1aio wby U bu Wied to oatllfy tile -.,. that Jt ls located somewhere in the mauaoleum. McGIDolt clalmo that eemetery of. ftdalt have penlstenUy refused kl allow him to •umlne tile COlllenla of Crypt u in the mauaoleum, the ait.e -according )o those otfldala -oC his wife's remains Trial of a lawlUll filed by McGtnn;.; agalnat Westminster Memorial Put on Jan. 11, 1967 Is achMnlecl &r Oct. 2) in Superior Court. 'Ille Wllmfngtoo man Wanta IS(J0,000 In damages from tile defendants. AUorney Dudley Gray e x p J a I n e d Wednesday that McGinnis' ill beallb and foor boopitalhatloas have delayed bear- In( ol tile adlnn. He regards the demand for exhumation u a vital pre-trial atep that cwld coo- eetvahly lead to an out cl court set- tlement of tile McGlnoil claim. Court records indicate that McGinnis has made frequent requests to Welfmtosttt Memorial Part: authorities to pn>duco tile body of his wife. Be •<> """" cemetery apokesmen of being vague and evasive and of refusing to satisfactorily answu his questioo: Was the body of Peart McGinnis cremated in em1r? f'rom P"fle l EDISON ... ~erid immedl.ate. acUon lo sllte agt.ndes J.n cases of environmental problems the council has discovered," the supervisor 1:1plained. "But thi3: does not mean that the state agency must acttpt the recom- mendation for Immediate action." Edison olf.id..als have pre vi o u 1 l y cballenged a statement by Dr. A. J. llaagei>&nlt, Caltech Mllborlty '"' smog, that ponr plants sbclild be eliminated entirely !nm tile Los Angeles ba3ln, Gould said Edison bas made lllbslanltal progress over the yean in reducing smog generating emisloos fnm Ha plants. He contrasted the progreu with the slow progress in smog elimination by the automobile industry. Gould said in contrast to the automobile which ts credlted with pro- ducing 65 percent of the alr poll\11ant parUcler steam generating plants throw nitrogen oxlde into lhe air from stacks several hundred feet blgb at about 60- mlle-m.bour velocity. "This tremendous velocity forces ex- haust sUll higher Into tile almosphere where prevalllog wind currents disperse il and only mio.iscule quantities ever reach the ground level,'' Gould said. A1rboroe DI-'• :lnl Bripde, "°" , guanllng Saiaon. ,.loiµd be pulled out to Prmdeot N'aoo'a withdrawal plan meant tile removal ol tile "'11,y U.S. untt lllll ID- vofved fa tile deleme ol tile capital. It would 1 .. ve U.. job to lbe Soulb Vtet. nunev, who loll 529 n.to killed la.il week. 'Ille period tnclucted three dayo In wbldl they loagllt .., while U.S. troops tacit'1 W<re booorlng I Communlal- declared ltuce lo honor ol Bo a.t Minh. Government spokesmen said the 529 dtatbl were the blghest ainoe 642 Saigon ooldien died ID tile ft<k eodln1 Aug. 11, 19151. American bael Wt wttk were put at 1'3 killed aud 1,Kl wounded -an in- ' . crease of six dead ad 16 wounded ovelf the previ<Xll week. nie government losseJ refltcted thelt Increasing combat role as Amerlc.n troopl are being pulled out, and served as an lml1ca1or of their ability against the Viet Cong ~ North Vietnamese. A total or 2,361 Communists died In fighting )Jal week, spokeamt.n A.id. · The t,IOO-inan ill'd brlgad• ol lbe l2nd Airborne Division jolnl the remainlng 18,000 leathernecks of the 3rd Marino Di vision aDd portions of Lbe Lst Marine Air Wing as units designated for withdrawal under Prealdeat Nixon's 35,000-man second cutback. Census of City Started About 100 census-takers are now poon.. ding Huntington B<acb sldewalb lo gather information about the city's residents. Tbe count, which ls expected to be completed within three weeks, will serve to bring addltimll revenue to the clty -fnm state sources U a algnlficant io- creue in populatloo la Proftn. lntenlewen are uklng lbe name, birtbdate, race, sei, ace and relation.ship to the bead d. hou.vboJd for evr.ry reeJ.. deol In town. All of the lnfonnaUon will be kept con- fidenUa!, according to city officials. Residents who plan lo be away durlog the time of the census have been asked by Mayor Jack Green to place the in- fonnation in a sealed envelope and leave it with their neighbors or apartment unit maoagm. Tbe census-takers are ideoUfied by an official red, white and blue name tag. Th066 wishing further ideotification may phone the city's ctllSU5 bureau at 5J&.H35. tl.t.11.Y t'ILOT St.If~ IN HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTER AND THE COUNTED Charlene Jackson Gets The Facts From George Oliv it :Jfoor Sample On :J)ining Clearance RoomJ .A6 muek aJ 20 to 400/o OFF · H.J.GARRFfT fURNmJRE' ,ROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Monday, Tllursday, & Friday Evening• .. 2215 HARBOR ILVO. COSTA MESA , CALIF. 646l027S Los Alamitos Entries ,. •n· '" '" "' "' "' "' "' "' •ovttllf IAC•. uo Ytl'ds. I .,.,,, ellf• ....i 1111. Clt lrnlfl9. PWM S100A. Cltolwilfll. ,..-Q Slftl, .._... 9..i fAcllolrl D'Arao ICno (Hirt) °" °"* ,,. •• , TM \'..wt rCwdsrtl ldlt ~ (It .... ,, L11f G'lotld fl.1.tlltlfl) GIH l.H 15.lftlllll Devblol "-•IY lAl'Odttt) PlnH llACI. Ull Ylnb. 2 eldt. .1.11at1111nca. Pur,. ltlOO. t.r1d l,. Jr. '" '" ... "' "' '" •• '" .... '"' •l•NTM llACL n> Y•tdt. J ,,_ llMI 111111 IN Ill Gt" .. M ,.M, ~ .. Wiii. TM l-INdl CNi!Nw fllf ,_, ,_. "'-JOI' fAJIOllKal A1111le Dll (HlrO p-... {It a.nb) qi.. ot Th ... 11.r~"""I l.afV 8-\lftt fMdll.V~) Too El!mlMIOI' (C.~I Hvdtll•'• Ctlh:" IStrilllll Jetrt1tor (~) i tllor• ai. ... (ltl1•'fl PM "•I'• D9lldy (S!r11111J "' "' '" "' "' "' '" "' "' "' MllfTM •ACI. UI nnh. J YN' Clkl1 1/ld ~ Ill Gttdt A !>Ion, ,._ ..... Viii."' ,,.IMftl /Ctl'donll M.,. 811' ,,_ (Adllr) WRllrw tt .. um fMc:llel'f!Offl) ~tin' HlrlC IUPl'lam) StMY Cllk lDNwrl Didi: hit IH Crel&wl M"'••Y fl',llllt Ill 81nb) IW. In ... , IS'-"! Mt.s ,,_ l'r1rll IHtrll Luap NOltlod <APOdlG•! "' '" "' '" '" '" "' "' "' "' Race Res·ults • ....-.,. '-'· 17, 1Hf ci.r,& "'" •llttf U.et, AIJO y1rtb. Mlldetl 2 vwr e141t._ Ci.tlrn""· l'\lrM tlM. O..o """' (H1rO "JI 7.W U1 a.~ •er (JUl9'1'l l.«I ),., f.Vflltn Oew!I fH ~Y) J.2D T~7M k•lk11A lold INo<'I tlCOl'IO uc• ... Y ..... l ., .. ~ 1nd U• Ill Gt .... I Pklt, 1"\ll'H .... Mr. S.""' l1r IA.dt!rl ~ T-(tankul II.-11.WIM'I' rtt Cl'O!bttl Tl"'e-• 9/JO lA 2.IO 2.• , .. '·'° ... krttcftlif -MOOMhfN .. ,, Gllll .Trout Plants The following S o u t b e r n Calilamia waters, 1i!1l!d by_ caunty, are achedu1~ ror stocking this week w it b caichable-size rainbow troul I.OS. ANGEt1!5 -91t lloct Crwt. 9-111 Ct!IVOll Ctlt!'t<, Crv111! lHt. J1cbOll Lakt. S.fl G1br1tl lllvtr E•tt Inell Weal Forka. IUVEllllDE -fulmof L1k1, ~emet '"'· 5.1.H 9fllNAllOINO -Arl'9Wlll..:i Lib, Ill 9-lA~e, Or"°' Vtllin' I.He. G,..,,., LIU. Llfffl Cnlt ~ dfl 11'1111 Mer1ll Foob. Tho Ori1nge Coast's Mod Complete PRINTING SERVICE • kutw;h, .,.... M1 On. !W's W~ ,.1*11 .... NIGHTLY OOU•Llf-4.C,_. W• I ,.,.,, """ .......... .,. ... CONSOU.TIOff Ml•HTt.Y OOUILI ....w;,._. ..... & tM....rtlM W o ..,. M:n kll. '9lf" t\JA. NEW SKI GOODIES • A complete new line of Head Skil including the,_ Killy Glm Sid • Drop in ind lft the new over the boot ski pents-no more pull or cfiKOmfort. • Larige Boots wilh 1 new 5 minute flow liner fit. • N-Rossignol-Fiocller -lflrt-KniesSI Ind A & T Skis fuit 1rrMcL "'!~!. -™'"'· ---Oct.11 • DU(( SPECIAi. SHOTGUN SHElLS .... $US Box llMft 2 lO ('U$lGJlllfl ·~C.111- Hip 8oott-tfunting C.0.ta-44unting Ptnts- Hlnd W1miero-flet1rlc HootS..-4JndtrwMt- Dudc Hits. • ~··---....... ·- • •• .. " •• •• • .. • i • • • • ' • ' • • • • • • ' • • • ! I .. ' .. ' DOCTORS, ~CY TOPICS . lrt>l•e·<:o. ' Ricbat\I M. Geller, for- merly witb ·United Call· fornia ]lant,'.lulsJoined The IJYiile COm)!llDY, ~· dlreclOr ol financial plal\ning. His r~spodci-· . bllitits will include r~ ominencling ,plao$ and 'Propa.mS to meet The lrvUJe COl1lJ>'!DY• Jong term flnane(al neea,., in addition to rep,....nting the ccm(iony wlt6 fiilan. cial iustitutlons. · : ' , lrf TIDY -o&AJr(T, A.Ph Telecredit : Many ah1int!s prohibit pilots · =. ~ '~:·~ Expanding • , the dftttl ot alcohol can INt thatloog. LOS ANGELES -(BW) - Ten times rnottdl 'Sll'lokers Telecredit, loo., ha s an- thap lionsmoken e of lung nounced expan.slQR ·of its ....,.... Welcome Oieck program by The person who emokett a lncl. u.lt...a sobsCrlberl,lo ila Ur pack of clprettes a &y .......... "& 1-pends over ,$150 per ye&r. sure-a-check plan. • .Amtrk:llns spend more than 'l'1lil permits the more than • S9 bllUon on tobecCo prod-t w 0 mlllidn Welcc:me Oleck ' ucbl mch )'SJ'· cardholders to use their check-~ Glaucoma ts not "catching". cubing credentials in some ~ · ffoweoler. it is likll!Jy to run 6,500 Ca.li.fum.~ b u & j ti e s s • tn fam1Ua Relatives of ~r-establishments. ; t10n1 with alaucoma sulftr , from it fl"' or six times Welcome cbeek cards no~ ! more often than those with will be honored as check-~ 'no cJauc:oma in the family. cashing identification at such . ~ tJnt known wrlt~n , medic&I ret:ord, the 4000 places as hotels, liquor stores, year old Eben Papyni&. con-restaurants, service stations, ·tainl a preecription for bald-automotive facilities; beauty """ Tako e(JUa). parU ot salons and boutiquea. • C.Omp'uter Firm Heads For Newport . Dalacap. lntemaUonp.1, lnc., a Salt Lake , City, Utab·b~ computer Wm, has.announce.. the opening ol four computer systems cellt.el'3 ln ,Salf Lake City. Cblcago, and Newport ' Beach and Pasadena, , The· announcement w a s made by Paul D. Gambles, president of Datacap Intema- U<iDal, Inc .• and.its aMOC.iated companies. These new COD\PUter service ........ .... equipped 1o do various computer proCesaing for companies whicb do r.ot own their own computers. 'l1W! service centers can prdride business with ~arch or business solutti>m to a' wide range Qf problems. Through the company's advitnced ,oom· pu~ and systeOLS..' fl}O!:L small firms can obtain com- puter speed and aCcuracy al reasonable cost. . the fat of a lion. a hiwe>-• potomus, a crocodile ,a Previously, Welcome Check The new offices aJso house • • a:oa1e, a serpent, and an~ cards were ·solely acceptecl by sales operations for Datacap ~ and apply liberally to the approximately 57fl Southern Computer Sytem.s, Inc., a • b91d pate! Californil supermarkets. subsidiary of Datacap lnterna. '1 For mode'n mervice wtth In p a • t I c ,. p a t I n g su liOJlal, toe., which .markets a , old-tubtoMd couri.e.y, briJ'lg • • s YoUf ProscrJptions to pennarket.s, Welcome Check compact, desk-top computer • J:mis entitle the bearer to for at'COllDtlng and research • '"1:1 L~':,.:A.':,ACY cash checks even ii the In--applications. N..,.., IMct. "42 .. lSIO dlvidual has never shopped in Pau1 D: Gambles and · his ;,"===A="='="="'=..,='==='~lhe::.:.=•stablis==·=hm=•=•t:.bel::.:.ore.::.= __ 1 aS90Ciates founded Oatac.ap " lntemalinnal J9 fill lhe gap In ·------In It'• 19th Y ~u -----jl\~lhe~sm~all~com~pulet~:gfie~l~d.~ : Investment Course l ' • • • • • ; • ' • ORANGE .COAST C'OLLEGE NO Admi111on Ch•rge /I.fl l11lnnil111:li•11 fo tht L .. ic fu11lltmtnl1lt of l0Yt1fi11f in Cor· tMNI• lftcli.1, ltntl1,•M11ti.ltl fu1111h , 'Govtmmt11f lo11d1, luildi11'1 l Lot11 A11ocittio11s. l11ttlld1tl to 9iv1 Pr1efie1I bowltdtt of l11vost111t11b tlltl 1loek ••ch1~1 op1r1t;om • . , WM, L O'BRYON. Jn•lruclor ....... s.,te--24" Fet 1 ..... -W:' d_,. 7:Jt t. t:ll fl""" MMMn Sclloel 11H Mllft111n Drhi: ·--.......... 1.echl,. ·We're hold.Ing a seminar on Capital Ce.ins, MntuaJ. Funds a.ml l!l70. You can have your chOlce of dates-September 2l or 30. Speaker: Allan E. Fltzp&trlclc. MBA AccountExOcullve nme: 7:45-9:30PM Place: Treasure Chest Restaurant .\lgc)nqoln Avenue Huntington Beach We will dJSCUJS: • S,.:Utm anlltbll SIOCk Marte&. • a.wlld and IJlk Ratlor How11 Wefti.. •Sahl Cole Cmllldenttona: seocm IM'Jllata.aJ ron4•. • 5 ··~n1 to Mak.• In aw.ivtl• •MimLFo<. •II How tbe n.te lo !11y7 Sboakt yoa Wall ? • c:ltld UN tor Detmnlntna AdiMNow • . ' ~·1,np;~Mge. of courw, but space 11 llmitoct .Plq..'to attend, UllJ provOOativa lectute., .. , ' ~ -~: PbODeMtll Pat at 21~:57·1979 for90urreserva1lon or teq.t l.n fbe coupon below lnCllCaHna the date most oonvenimlt for you. / ----------· P'IMll~ror D 5ept-%3 0 ~temirr "° ' IM111<·--,------------~ Addmt·-----------~ ~w·-~~~~~~~~~~--JIMima,·. ______ llul.Phollo. __ _ mkattan ~: i1 MDrttbanjtutllrOUn I if & P. fhl.ttoft A COmpeny Inc. ~ 119 Ea1t llrolldw1v I t.oq lleach, Cltlutoml• 90llOZ 21:MS7·2919 L __________ J ''Thi •R.ttl hltltr of tht Month'' titlt tG•• to Mori Schiff for tht l'l'IOtl homt1 litltd for ,,: •. • ·· · Gmiplete-New ~ork Sioc~ Ust I •· -..... ... ~ ... Zi;"J.Jt"l:~~~·"' = ....... *'::. , ............. c .... -. l ' ·' • t , .PQces · · -~mp1ete New , .. ~ lK ' t:~ ,_. " ' lHr Sltt L..,.$, lff!: !• t::· . ~ fiAM Lt~ V li"" 'it}~ ~~ Ll~Jt ~'1~A}m '" {1':.Z~"ili~ l lr& ., ' ~lt111TV :;.~ !4 ! L::..f' C,.., L!t!on 1.191 llt!Otl .-k ,, ~\= W"1113 l.1¥1 ~ •OU ::' 11 _. :1 '' ::lb."1.of: ~V.J.I " ' Grt~ :.,,,~ i w~ .... c=-:., t• ~~!!\ ~ ~~ Jh; t\~'1.1 MKNtP' .M ~;;,~ efJ:c1.il° "'-" lllf 1' :::m-~ ~.~ :'I M~-{. ..,,_ ~'IX ~ Marl:n· t::.):l'"' ::;~i Sf:,,: 1-r "':::?' ;. =gstr lM a::.~·~ .. &.,,.,~ ~· ~ ... 1~~~ "' ~ ' McKw 1..1:1 MCl..;r .... Mr,: t.• Mc I JO i)' Mt""'-I i~£-' ' iii =~ ft¥" I ' 'York' ~ ' I ' ' n..llW/Sfpt•ta 11,\lttt H I 4 Stock Exc~e List '! ' ' !Ii ±;~ ::. ~ ~tt ::. ii _,. .. ·r· ::.·11 ~n ..... -· 'iii! ::.·i. i I 'If 'Fioimee ..... Brlefe . ~ I Nlir YOIK ·(1JP!l .,.-sule ..., , Ollllt .ruoti·ee 1-Wt ......... ;.;·ll r'M .. -<I -. $tU -1-1 I' I ~ JUib ;:; :.0": ~.ft~= ~ 5 ' 1lf' N,.. ,YGll\ CO'!\J· ~ :.;· .... " E· ::-.;1 ,_:,?:.. 4 .. :ti ........ :..=..t , ~. s-== ~ s , 11 r~ ..,,,.,•: ·-· .• a:. t' ~ ~ 1 et~ 1be mnplS\1 mrnatlt 1if! 1!~ 1! = ~ 1i ID the baocll of a m::tta. .. .,,.,...,..,.,-::--;-:...,--~-:--:-::-------,.--~--,-----:----,-;-:--------~--...,.-----.---~~-----.... ------------~,..---...... ..,,..... .-_.~ .. ....,.. .. . . • ' I . ' Morning anrclioa.,. Jed by a Chorua member. . , • Under a cloqdy •kJ, mtmbtrl ol 0111 group pracllco with director Jeffrey ~•IL . . • Allon Iha Ultle Outlll Rtncll, dl19CIOt Hukill worlcs w!Ut IOIM membera on -lll'lll9fllllllll. . . . -- . Prlclloe on -twhlhlg ftl1a 1 portion of Ille def. Al dlfHncr, tM II ... of~ llld the Unll9d 111 ... ,,. lowlMJnp--. .... • ·~ 1t , .. " .:.\, -:1' .. • r ·1 .. • • -~ ... I ' ,. ( :, . ,. "• I ' , ' ,,,_ ' ··T . ~ I ' • . · •• " • . . . ,. lo • ' "•. :Be4eh • I ' "" ' ,._ I ~ r J ; J ' ' ' ~'&,»HCll' llROBACI\ L.. •'. .. ... Mt."""'"-" .The 1FOl"liy, unog-spieed d e ii a t e de'ftloping over \he '179 million ex-~fOf.llle Soutbern Caillorµla Edison CcjmPl"!1'1, ~ Beacb plan~ to- U,.ba.caupt:dli, olficlals all balance. Mayor Jack ' Green 'said the \cfty has taken no posit.ion in the controversy but wUJ, .,.alt~ Wnnnalion.in a public --.C• lo be beld )n the City's Cpuncil ~ Ocl-1•. '. ' . -. . · ~ynlan °Jol!n \'. Biii&s (R- Fullerton). chairman .of the state'• Joint LcglSlaUve Committee on · At om· 1 c Development. said Wednesday that the quasi~fficial body whkh started all the fuss '\<>"' not hav• th• 1!'&11 r~lo b'°\'k expansion of tJje Him~ ~ plant. Tuesday, Albert Pearson, a lk!vtFly HiDs attorney and a member of the.State Envltonm""1al , Q\lallly, Study , Council, clafll!"\ the gto~p .c<&ll~ s(,P · <Zj\anslO. ~f ~ CQll~tary:a~ ;p~t: . · . -.. ' . ' • ' I THIS WEEKEND, HUNTINGTON REMEMBER$ 'THE. DUKE' TM Loto Howolt.n Surfi"9·Glont With Wlmot«Ml.iw'DOyle'in"'5 !.. • ; \ Puke Returns for. S~f~n·: i • ·-·-" ,,, •· V· .·~ I • "-.. 1 --~ ~ " :t • Meet Via Bronz Statue ,. Dote •. :itabanamoko. the • Polynesain llfani .~ aurflng lo Huntington fluch,.1'l!l 'tie -·iJo. tbe U:S. Sur!l>olnlodlampionsblps thls'Weekend. Arr tnme-Ukeoesa of the man con-AIOred l~'be the ·llther of modem surf-ic:wUJ; be' mounted on large laval rocks ot~)leiod <>! tile. municipal pier befo,. ~ . ~· &Be, •revered Hawaiia11t who ~ ·GMr .five United States ~·~~ un\il his d .. th t.i i..u11eiai:O•of 77,."will lciek out-to tbc 1lea be;JOWd. f ' • ·1hl-~lJate, wbo&e complete name ii :i:.~ Makoe Rul'ikohoa · ' , was an Olympic swimmer, , businessman and official greeter • of his nalin·llfate of· ~ail, ll< -• gl1id moda]·for,llle'l- fr....tyle .nm. in tile · Jtil ~ Games ·m.-swe.n and 'acored a'-repea& victory in ii.. .lllO, 1924 and !ill -· SUrllng wlft lntrodocecf.lo lbe Podllc Coast in 191!1 t1y:Geor1• Jl'r<eth ol Hanjl and.wne-.looBuii\fuitOo lltoch 11ben tho Me and' a.•frlelll.. both ct whom Wtn makiDg mbviet In ~Hollywood, brought . ~:.Joor and heavy .sur~ ~with . In •lluntiriglor>'Beac!t·they m<t Delbert "Bud!' Higins.. -dlJ histqrian &¢ then llleguanl and fire clllef, who carved ·the lint homegrown surfboard In Oraufe County· in~.1926. ... ., .............. ' -' YOUNG HUNTINGTON HERO-Hli>NORED FOJt• ll1$CIJI • , ~ KjjVln Rilhrl9, IS, GI-Cltotlon ;By Fir• "chief' Ray Pict ... • THURSDAY, ~ER Ii, ~1969 When F.Clton Company officials u- nounced ell)l8llllon Qf the plant AU(. 1, WUUam ·II. Gould, senior vice president said the plaot would burn gu·at all time< it ii available. When not available '"k>w- •utphur oil" from lndonesla will be· burn- ed, bo laid, lo· control the output of air pollutants. Goold laid the copaclty of lbe plant would be lnc:rtased by 150 percent over the nut five yein and wilt become I TEN aNTS Edlloo'• lar,m eloctrlcal r......unc locillty. • The 17-m<mber-Envlromneptai Slud:f Councll waa created by , die 199 legislature to explore all lormo et .,. vironmenlal poilulior; and mab ,_. mendallonl to the lawmak.en, Second District Supervller David 4 Baker. chairman' ol the CClloCll, todly u. pmaed tUrprbe at Pearaoa.'1 ataienJeat. "Tbe law aays the couqcil mQ recom· CS.. EDl80N, P11e I) Mayor to · Call It uits Valley Leader to Go No Matter How Recall Goes . "I want ~more to do with. public of!~." I'd like to lead m1 own life and r.aise my _family-" This ,waa the «.'OIDmeDl fnm belfeaed Founlain Valley Mafor Robert Schwerdtfeger as' be cuuli.lly ~ to ~e .press Wednesdljly . that if ~ wins the Sept. 13 rl!Call eleclloo. be wW "'1111 hll pool within 30 dajl. '"'lbe -whole tbiq ha& created a Beach Officer Hurt on Duty A Huntington BeadJ polite ollker WU lnjind in •ID llllo occula1t°W ..... y ntgbt while a]iee<lq IO a cail wllb hll air.n l!Ollndlug llDd "d tight Oaahlng. Of&tt Raymond c. Hattabaugh. It, .... truted and releued wUb minor il> juries at Huutington lnt""""1DJU111 · Hospital alter hll patrol . ontt colllded about ·1:15 p.m. at Golden Wl!ll Streel lhd.Edlnier A....,. w!Ut a car drlvm ii)' llfllh.im c. Rieb, 41, ol 7711 Wbltney • pdn, Hlllllin&lon Beach. 'H• wu not il> )ut.d. penionaJ misery more than h's worth,'· he explained. . 'But bf: en1pbuiied that be wants to win the recall election because he doe!n 't want W see "any or the recaU candidates In office." 1 "I thJnk U would be bad for the cily, ·• he asserted, "I'd much rather set a man »pPointed 1o my .seat or elected in a special, but not reeall, election." Asked. tt be-wez. to re!lin, would he help i;elect his replacement , the answer was an empba.Uc "no." "There are two factions in thll recall bunch," said the mayor, 1'one 11 a dedicated group ol Individuals trying lo take over. The other la a group of young men who don't r~ 1'bat they are doing." • He alao acrused maoey 1enerated from inte.rtsU in the l:nctultrlaJ 1lod, u being behind the recall movement. '"Ibere'a a lot of money to be made If changts' are made lo that 1ndaartaJ 1rea," be said, "a!ld you can lie· all tbt candidates urging action or chan&e an iL I would like to see it held for fndultrJ, "U I am ~." be eonoladed. 0 a.od re:iign, I'll certalnly, wun the plan- ~-lo watdJ out for_ proposals ruoh aa trailer paru -.. Up OD that land." ' . ·Man Drops Smt Ag~i1:1~s~ Nixon ·Urges · . . ' . . . ' . . ' . Fountain Valley Mayor U.N. Pr~sure . ' . For Peac_e . A Santa-.Ana reill est:ate man's·lawsult omcharg_e~ af "''brtatjl 1 . ~ co;JF•cl" against· Foun\a!n .Viney-:tll!~ · · !iel!W~~ege", , By ttlERRDIAN IMlDl : , . . ajJ\1 . ~~r 11 ~.· 0 <if~~<·~ .IJNJTmNAT!O~(IJPl)-~ ; " . ~~ ' " • ' Ilia! > f N'-in hlo flrll oppearanco befondllo "Uon li8cl no linpro(iriety,~ \heir P!\rt. • _ General ~ly, 11<1ed tbe Ill,~ ..: Linillty bicl cfiargo•f ~ Jtl that' blitlt men; while llClln u N~ mombin todo1 lo J!"I _. ....i estate ·:£:." in the Larwm Tract bad In effect "taken lhe job oil Hanoi !tr U.ICtOed eud to the war ln ••• ,.from II • .. ' Vlttnam. • Price's ·letltt tendered apolog\e1 for u1 enbarT8S$11lenj.·or Police • l,,..ted · lJ pet1on1 in<Onvtnlencecauecl bv llling ol the suit. · · · , d~~tlug DUtai<!~ tile United !!¥!om The maye"r·aald W<dnesday thllt there•""' 'no "oof of.court" w1Jlle N~ ~ tho 0.-ol setirement 'of !he siilt. rt was simply dropped.'' ' . ' ' AslJ<mlily. - fJolice Aki seven of the 12 were 1J11le9 ind five were female•. 'l'6 demooatr.ion me mllftd !or olJetruc. u... -· rtslltlnc•mnot, -anti dborderly Cmiduct:;' t • 1119 Preotdent ·~ a ' pocked 8each Machinist Jailed , I I 01 : > • • O I ' I 1 • I '! , . , j , i I 1H· t ., uaembly ball ' for It n\fnutes. 'l'ba deiU>tes -repr-tlug oD U.H. mem-exc:<ptCUba-ll!tai<il wiUtout 'tmu""-' m ~·~ ·.,.,.. . , 'Chey_gave_N~ 1a.'2Q...seccind.11~· ovation -with Soviet Farelgn M.ln1iter an•l'Shaw turned off onto Canilaola,Lari< . Andrei Gromyko Jeadlng the ~ where .he lives, but k<pt ~ · . applause -when he wu lntroduceit'by .A.:&e-r ,Wild Mesa' ·chase I I ' ' A: Himtinltbn BeacfJ ·wcblnbt who ' ' ·allqedJrtold-po!Jce ·ho·wu ·onl)"'givinJ than tho job tboy ar• paid to do . wu Jailed -11 today after.~ c:l\ue, lpUllJing nearly 10 mlnuta. Several patrol can were nearly hlt by the fleeing llUJp<ct. said pull... who chuecL'hbD .from 1 Costa.Mesa lntersee- tlcm, running several atop algm at high opeed. Micha•! A. Shaw, 21, Qf li!llt Carman1a Lane, was booked into Costa Mt11 City Jail after bo flnaliy slopped iq ·the UIOOO block ol 1.¢11-, Lane and WU IUl'- niunded by polfce. Co.ta Mesa Police Officer John Stone- bacl; .aid he first obterved Show, alleg-. edly runuln& a s\00 !lin" wblfe drlvjug aouth on Harbx' · lloOJivud at Bdet Slreet and palled hr b<hlnd him • Sudd<nly, however, Shaw ail<g..Uy accelerated, .-hipped rjpt oil Hatbor &UIMard --·Avenue and WU ~ alt'll mu..-...-l!r. the llme -triod° 1<> tlop ldzu. Tho purllling olflcer .said be,IWllcf1'ld oo hlo reel lijhll and alnn .., Adama Av.,.. 11 lhe Santa Ana RiTir lltlda<, Stoneback bad broa.iwt 'a r<J>!lf! of Assembly Prelldent Angie Brooka <t. tho Code Three punult ·and .....-11 Other Llbtria llJd escorted to the lljlOallm' units /oined In, u Shaw ailepdii 1'111 !land ii)' U.N. protocol olflcer Slnan atop llgJ)I in his escape attempt. ' Korle of Turkey. . Investigators said the purl(Jjt •Juted a ud · ' full seven m.i.nuta: after Stoneback made They .•ppla ed again. for 30 seconds bis b)i"!lJAttempt t9 stop Shaw, who wu when Nixon COf!Cluded w~th a gentle :DOd quoted by Qflicen ., oaylug he tbou&hl <i his head li!lu appealing !or tlJo It woold be fun to elude· pollce. actyevement of that true peaet whiCb' tha peopre of ... .., land. carry 1n thdr 1JUrtt Af ro·tri0 Rob Kentucky W.lonel Thrte men, all in the.Ir early 20s ~ wearing Afro hairstyles, held up a Westminster lried chicken restaurant Wednesday night and -1'¢ \Viii' 1112 in'cilsb. ' .' : · · ~llllam :Alten, an employe at the Ktin- tucky Colonel, 7001 We1\mi.n1t·e..r &ulevar~. told police the th!'O Negroes <ntared the .tole at l :lt p.m: and Wed him ' lo empty the tfll at 1UJ1polnl and celebrate In tbelr hopes." The Preatdent told the a.uemh!Y the United states intend• to "Mare botb.1&M adventures and benefits of space"~ apd would put forward proposals lo this end. He 'failed, bow ever, to ouWne the pro- posals. Stacie llJarkets Beaeh Teen Hero Lauded Oraage ' • Fire Chief Commends Kevin Rohrig f'!r Blaze Rescue ... By TERRY_ COVIUE Of ... Dlllr , ..... Oo Aq. 7 Kevin Rohrlc. 11. w&1 put. terlng llniund his yard at 1111 Detaw ... St., ll1mllnglon Beocb, thoulhta of -..U far fr<m his mind. Wedneoday be WU -ug In the HU> linlloo Beach main fin illl'tlon befqi coogratutated and .....,.oded, with • letter fr<m Fire Chld 1111 P!can! In blo hood, for ., oct ol bit-no1 qpecled !ram • 90pbomore In hlP ocbool. • :-~~~·Kovtn~ I.up o\ tllo -ol a niUll)j,,:,.,.. but -110thi111 but • fadllli ..... clod<! el oteam.' Moments taler ilo ..,. • a lJa,nll7 ""'IJJiublo ·fl&\h .......-19'!aril -i.tm. Thi mah called out lot belp. Xe.to ....i to him and wu .nocked to ,.. a • r ' . • l .. .._ .. ~ ....... . -.. • • • • ._ • • • 1L ~ ·--·---- • WHAT THEY'LL BE WATCHING -Style,. form , selectloo ol waves and uecutloo will all be watched by the keenest eyes in tho business Saturday and SUnday by judges who will be scoring scenes like DAll.Y PILOT SMff ..,.... this hi Huntingl<ln Beach's United States Surfing Championships. More than 270 surfers are entered. Competition starts al 6:30 a.m. bath days. 0 t.o 20 Scale Surf Champ Judges Ready By RUDI NlllDZIEinJ Gf .. Dlllr ...... lltfl Ten pain ol lhe keenest eyes In aurr.., will teop libs Oil Ille lntrlcaln ........... performed by ooolestaola In Ille 11th Ao.. nual U.S. Surfboard Cbampiooships, &Cheduled tbis Saturday and Sllllday in HuntiJliloo Beach. It'• not wy lo pick champions In -different events, especially when dullng with close to * of the finest surfers in the naUon. But tbe judie1 who will keep ICOZ'e on Ill ol lhem are Ill .. per1a and they know tt.eir job well They are· L E. "Hoppy" Swarta, Mll!batlan Beach; Marge McClelland, Lquna Beach; Ron Rocky, lnflewood; Don Hodg .. , South Laiuna; Bll Swarts, Los AogeJes; Kemp Aaberg, Lo s Angele1; Jan Huaic, Ewa Beach,.H,awaii; John McCranels, Lake Worth, Florida; Paul Heuslallstam, WhitUer, and Marty Sugarman, SW. Monica. Compettton will be rated on a 1e1.le from o to ZO point.s, depending on the quality of performance sh<IJm in the following skills : PitUins tbe wave -The ability of the aurfer lo maintain full control, llay In ad- vance of the breaking whlte water, and lo t.enninale h1s ride at the appropriate time.. PosllionlnJ in the curl -Judgell will look for trim of the board closest to· the breaking whlte water, and special maneuvers performed in this difficult po&tion, such as noee-walting, tuming, and trick riding. Rldhlg the full length of the brukln& curt -The ability of the contestant to conUJiue in tbe advance of the breaking whltewater unUl the wave either mu.sbeJ out or sectloos out. All Building in Proposed Parking Area Banned Turns ud tirtbaclts -Th e s e maneuvers lo change direct.ion will be judged on the suitability for the type or wave and for style and grace. NOl&owalking -SuJtabillty, style and grace will also be the prime considera- tic:m of the judges in this. maneuver whJch lnv;Jves advancing to the front end of th9'board In full control while in motion. -Stylldl maneuven -These cOhsLrt of such special surfing procedureJ as riding inside the tube (ander the curl or a breaking wave), head dips and spinners while holding position. All building has been banned !or M dl,JI lo lhe downtown area ol Hunlington Beach WmJrlted for jloulblo develop. ment u an l,D-space parking compla. Indicating oerlOUJ lolentlona "'Bardin& the Urban Land lnlUtute Citizens Steer- log Commllteo'1 (C!Cl plan lo almOll double Ille downtown parking ..... the City Council bas adopted a rf.IOhrtion dic- tatlog Ille building ban. The area affected b the equivalent of seven city blocU between 6lh and Lake streets one block inland from Pacific Coast mghway to Walnut Avenue., plus five acres owned by the Huntington Beach Co. eut of Lake estending Infand to Athmta A venue.. 'Ille downtown ezpanae hu been pro- Wife'8 JealoU8 y Wiru Rod Taylor Divorce LOS ANGELES (UPII -Actor Rod Tayl<M''• teallmooy that his wife became jealous whenever he kllsed other women on television won him a divorce Wednes· day from actress Mary Hllem. "She would get jealOWI if I turned on the TV and llhe saw me kissing the co- star," uid Taylar, 39. DAILY PILOT l•Mrf N. 'WM' •lftllllN .... ,.. .... J•t.li •· C11rl:r Vlc4I ........... -co.-"""*' fh•"''' ic ... n l.4il0r TI!1"''' A. M111"phi111 1N11t•lnf ldllvr Alheol W. l1t•1 Auoi:J.11a l<lllw Hntl....,_ ..... omc. JOt 5tk Str1•I Jr,11tli111 AdclrttN f.0. 11• 7'0, 92MI OtMf OHien fill ...... llMnli 21tl ,,.,., l11bo1 ~ Cos•1 Mnl:llO .,..., ••• S!rfff t...-iri. a..u: m F-1 ""llllt • pooed by ibe C!C lo 1UJ1Plement the 2,500- spece oceanfront parking comple:r now nearly completed between the pier and ~ch Boulevard. The cooncil resolutlon suspends oil building, plumbing, eled.rlcal, sign and other pennita In the dealgnaled area for the &lklay period. Alterations or remodeling of existing structures will be permitted if "the. owner of such buildings and the tenanl agree in writing that they understand that Ille property moy be subject to eminent domain proceed Ing 1 (con- demnation) within the &G-day period." It is to be further agreed tbat the value of any such alteraUon or remodellng and lht increase in value of the structure will not be considered in any future appralsal <ll the property !or ac:quisllloo by the city ... parking authority. The downtown development plan will be ouUined to the city councll Oct, 13 by the CSC. Favm'Bble action by the couDCilmen could lead lo future acqulalUon. Resulta from all of the events will be fed lnto a computer and made available through the DAJLY PILOT "Playback Shack" within 10 minutes after their <:ilmpleUon. The Playback Shack will be located on the pier adjacent to scoring headquarters throughout the two-day meet'. In addition to the results and post line- ups for luWrt heals in each division, the ''Playback Shack" will have on file cumu- lative 1tatisUcs on all events, and c.an reeap, oo request, any given heat of the Cilntest. Background information on the top surfers can be obtained by asking the atendanla at the DAILY PILOT Playback Shack. Several times during the two-day meet, Tom McCann, DAILY PILOT public service manager, will make direct reportl from the DAU. Y PILOT booth on radlo stations KEZY (1190), KWIZ (1480), KFWB (980) and FM station KOCM (103.1). Valley Schools Appoint CdM Man as Assistant Robert A. Sanchi!, 33, of Corona del Mar, hu been appointed uliltant superlntwdent of educaUonal services for the Fountain Valley School DlstrlcL He replaces Dr. Dale R. Coogan wtw> It.rt this summer to become superin- tendent of the San Jacioto Unified School Di!trict. Sanchls, who wu formerly 1n ad- ministrator in the educaUonal services division. was selected for the new job from a Oekl or 30 applk~. Other pG6itlons he has be.Id In Ule Foun- tain Valley Scbool Dlslrlct were assistant principal at Netiland School and principal of Arevaloo School . . He began his teachin1 career In 1961 ln the Arcadia UnWed School DlstrlcL . Sanchla II • l!'aduate « Oocldental College and received a master'• degree from cat State Los Angeles in 1963. He la cumnUy completing bll Ed. D. de&ree at use. The Kamehameha School In Honolulu, H1wail, brought Sanchls to the l!landl In 1117 lo develop the FOlllllA!n Valley Leaming Center plan !or their 1ebool operotlon. Ho Ibo eerved " conaultant !or the N...,..alk.&.a Mlrlda, Soqutl, Santa Qu, Fullet1on and Simi V1U., achool dlltricts. In hl1 new poll!Uon, San<111J Is "''J>011•l· ble fDr the Curriculum Materials Oenter, developing couraca of •tudy, health ( . WINS SCHOOL POST Robert A. S.nchl1 eerviets, lhe m11'1ic program, ~h thera.plst.s, selection of booka .and 1tudJ aids and the llUll!Dll!I' 1ebool program. • ' t·s Def ending Saigon] • I J 3 U:S. Tums Uver ·Combat ' Duties to South . . ·: l.UllClll (llPI) U.S. head~' ' Airborne Dlvlalon'1 ~ Brigade, now llkl .....,-ft -tumlq over uio ' IU81'dlng Saigon, would i. pulled out lo . ~-<11 -Saigon lo , Ille South Vie~ Pmident Nlson'a wilhdrawll plao .,.. namae. Tile Salgoii aoldlen 1u1' week the removal of Ille only U.S. unit 11111 In- took tbf!tr heaviest losses Jn a year in volved In tliedefen:ie ot tite capital virtually fOing It a1 ... for three days on It would leave the JOI> lo Ille South v~~ the batt!efield. Mmese., who lost 529 n.en killed tut The atlllOWICOIDent that tho IZM "r.'k· The.period lnclud"' three day• lo wmcll Ibey !ought on wbllo· U.S. troops Fro...-Page 1 BQDY •.. • Mauaoleum, pendln( compleUon ol her own final reat1ng place. taclUy were 1-ring a Comm.m.t.- declared truce lo l>onor or Ho Otl Mlob. Government spokesmen sald the m deaths were the highest since 642 Saigon soldlen died In the week ending Alli-U, 1963. American louea last weti were put •I llil tlllod and 1,343 wollllded -an In- . ereue of six dead IQd 15 W'OWlded ovec~ the prevloua week. • . 'nl' gov<mm~1 1.,... re!lected Wit~ ~ combat role as Amerlcaq: troopo !'(< belog pulled out, and 10rved aF .. lndlcalor of tbetr ablllty apinlt lht; Viet Cong and North Vietnamese. A toi.£ o1 2.361 CotlU!l!lllisU died in llgbtlng l°'t week, llP"ktfm<n llld. . The 4,soo.man ard brigade pf the BJn<I, Airborne Dlvilm joins tlie rernalnlni ii,000 leathernecks of the !rd Marino Divlalon and portiona of. the 1st Mari~ Air Wing aa unlll deaignaled fut withdrawal under. Pre.sldent Ni:ron'.S 3$,QO(l.maJJ second culbact. • He bellevea the remains were tn. cinerated or m j 1 p I ace d. Judc;e Corfman will bt I I k e 4 lo order WestmlnsterMemcrlalPMkloproduoo the bodY ol Pearl c. McGlnuJJ or explabj why It baa failed lo satlaly the wtoower that Jt is located somewhere In the mausoleum. Census of City Started McGlnni1 claimJ that cemetery of. fiela ls have. peni.stenlly refused to allow him to e1'amlne the contents of Crypt E-6 1n the mausoleum, the site -according to those oWciala -of his wife'• remains. Trilli ol a la"llU!t llled by McGlnnia agalnlt Westm1ns1er Memorial Park on Jan. 16, lt67 11 acbeduled for Oct. 20 in Supertor Court. 'The Wilmingtoo man wants $500,000 In damages from tbe defendant.s. Attornty Dudley Gray exp 1 at n ~ d Wedneaday that McGlnnll' W bea11b and lour boapltallzatlom have delaJ<d bear· log <ll the action. He regards the demand for exhumati«i as a vital pre-trial step that could con- eelvably lead to an out ol court set- tlement of the McGlnnls claim. Court reconla todlcale that McGinnis hu made frequent request. t 0 Westminster Memorial Park authorities lo produce the bodY ol his wtre. He ac- C\1Je3 cemetery 11potem:nen of being vague and evaalve and of rtfusing to satl!factori.ly answer his question: Waa the body of Pearl McGinnis cremated in error! From Page 1 EDISON ... !1Jend immediate actJon to state agencies in cases of environmental problems the councll has discovered," the auperviaor e1plained. "But this does not mean that the state agency must accept the recom.- mendaUon fer immediate action." EdiaQn oUiclals have pre vi o u 1 I y challenged a statement by Dr. A. J. Haagen-Sml~ Callech authority on llDOI!, that power pWita should be ellmlnatod entirely from the Loi Ancelel btsln. Gould said Edboo bu made aubltabtial progress over the years in ~uciq IJDOg £eneratlng emlsllooa from Ila planta. He contrasted the progress with the slow progress Jn smog el!mlnatkm by the automobile industry. Gould said ln contrai l to the. automobile wblch la credited with pro- ducing 65 percent of the air pollutant particles steam generatlng plants throw nitrogen ollde into the air from stacks several hundred leet blgb al about !0- mll...,..bour velocity, About 100 censu.tabn are; now poun- ding Huntlngtoo Beach sidewalks lo gather information about the city's resident11. The count, W"hl.ch is e:rpected to be e<111pleted within three wee.kl, wlll aerve to brln( add!Uooal .. venue lo the city lrom stalo -'JOI If ' ""'1flcpt In.. creuo lo population la preven. llllBvlewon are aak1n{ Ille name, blrthdate, race, ""• age and """dolllhip Io the held of l>;!ulehold for every res!· df;lll In town. All ol lhe lnformati<>11 wm be kept coni !ident!al, according lo clly offlcUia. • Resldeol! who plan lo be away durlni! the Ume of the censw1 bave been askt<l by Mayor Jact Green to place the in~ formalion in a sealed envelope and leavjt i( with tbetr neighbors or apar\!nent un!I managers. : Ttle census-taken: are ldeatifled by ari oUicial red, white and blue name tag. ~ ni... wlablng funher Identification may phone the city's census bureau at ~113$. "Th.la tremendous velocity forces ex- haust sWJ higher Into the atmolpbere where prevailing wind currenil disperse it and only minilcule quantities ever ruch the ground level," Gould 18.Ld. DAILY PILOT lflff ..... -IN HUNTINGTON BEACH, COUNTER AND THE COUNTED : Ch•rl1ne Jack1on Gets The F1ct1 From George Ollvit ~foor Sample On ;J)ining ..A6 mue~ a.i 20 to 400/o OFF ' Clearance Room6 • H.J.GARREIT fURNmJRE' PROFfSSIONAl INTERIOR DESIGNERS Optn Monday, Thur1day, & frld1y Evtn11191 . ' 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 .' ' ' ' ' I ' t l I ' 1 I I ( ' I c J • 1 ' ( ( t ( ! :1 I t I I I I • d • ! J ( I d 1 I 11 ( • 1 ~ ~ b • b A c s ~ 4 • • • • • .. • · a .· B.eaeh. 1 :N.v. St••• • . ·* . *' .... '* .vor. 62, NO. 224, l SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ... • * ORANGE ·cou ' . ' .. . • • TEN CEN:T5 I .. Church,". Residents nispute Pyne By· mCHARD P. NAIL Of 1IM Dlltr Plt.t Sl•tf Loguna Beach c:ooncilmen bucked pro. Poled church use of historic Pyne Cqt.le back to the p-.ig oommisoloo W.W...- day Jli&bt after a verbal tug+war between cbUl'cll officials and opposed lu'ea r<Sldents. In the face oI close-knit oPIJOl!litioa by lll'il!lbolhood • reaidents, the Calvary Evweucai Free Church bad withdrawn •·portion of its·condltionaJ wie pehnJt •I" • ' , pllca)lon -proposOd creation of a privllle elementary school. Church officials still> hope to have busin,ss~ol'ftces, ,l)l'e-school for toddlen, •nl~ apar.tm4!nt use and a chureh aanctuaty. The ballroom 00 the thlrd-floor or the 64--r'Oom mansion, rro Hillcrest Drive, would serve as · a temporary sanctuary wiµt a,perm~nent sanctuary to be added to .the grounds B:t some future time. OJJP.ooeata of the use spoke out in peracn and by le ietters · pieiented to counclJmen. Reasons against the use inchlded "vagueness of church'plans," traml.T con- gestion and hazard. n$e: incrtased qen.slty, establishment of precedent, removal of the property. from the tax rolls and causing a de)ay 1n proposed con- struction of nearby homes. Architect Sl.onn ~1 chairman of the c,hurch building COlllll)lttee, said the ChriSUan Science Church set a precedent for the area. He 11.ld two churchet wtre recently au1bortud In 1\.1 (!Ingle family rulden- tlal) &Onet and said neither the Lutheran nor Unllar!On QllD'Chea ...,. as well loca1'd u th• propooed CalVary alte. Cate Uld tbe ·chllrdl plant to lurnbh more parking than • reqlilred b J ordinance. A letter from tbe chun:b by Pastor J . Michael Monill,,..ry cOmmti!lad oo . the tact that !be propertt, once eyed u a I pc>Ylble Whli< House weJt i... Preoldent Nixon, ts qain up for sale. "There la no piece of propertr In the cl· ty that isn't up for ule, espectall,y if the dealred buyer comes along," Montgomery wrote. He sald, however, that perinillJon to use the property Is .WI very lmporlanl to the church. · Earl N. Leven, 291 Dolll!ll!i Way, Aid.. 95 percenl ol the realdenll of the area OP' pose having the dl.urch in that area. Mayor Glenn Vedder said 'nl.urston Scbool ls•ln an JI.I ,..., 1bt 111,ti - la bordered by 1\.1 and M 10G1as. _, named churchel lil JI.I and M -. The owner of a nearby JOopeilJ, Jl111' ray Krelpr, l&ld lbt'J0-111 -., up building In tile ..... He l&ld -~ ... oeponled ......., _ nearby bomes but aDI -Pyoc!-Cllllle directly """" six IOts. Kreiger &aid !be jlrnpoMll. - -not ..men)y • acbool « merely • i!mcb or (See PYNE, 1'11t I ) ' • IXOll s • • us ano11 . Down the Mission Trail Water · District In Viejo OK'd MISSION VIEJO -Reorgaoilation o( water district boundaries in the Mission Viejo area was approved Wedneada, by Orange Coqnty supel'Yis«s. Prwiously atraltbt.-llne water distrid boundaries were redraw11 to conespcmd with to-pl>y and housing tract bonndaries. Nlntly.clI acres IVU deannned lrom Ille Mwltoo-lfllUel Water Dtstrlol and ...,..ed lo the Santa MarprHa Wa~ District. Twenty-one acres of Orimge COOilty Water Works District No. 4 -part of the Mwltop.Nipel Dtstrlcl. e Card Night Slatf!d LAKE FOREST -Adull card nlght at tlie Beach and Tennis Club will be Fri· day. ~ed In . " d Anyone lntere::i~ Jom1ng a car group may bring a deck of cards to the adlllt-lounge at 8 p.m. on the third Friday «_every month. :e: Socif!tV D-Sl!t SAN· JUAN CAPISTRANO -The San Juan Captstraoo Historical · Sociely will stage if.! annual dimer dance Saturday, irf the El AdObe restauranL ·The event will begin with a social hour at 7:30 p.m. with dinner at 8:3' and dan· cing throughout the evening. Tbe evening's theme will b e California's 200t.h anniversary and honored guests will be members of early CaW'orn.la families. For ticket information contact Mrs. llooald Drummond, 496-li8511. :• Vif!jo Offf!rs Ballf!t MISSION VIEJO -Residents In- terested in enrolllng their children in ballet classes are Invited to come to the RecreaUon Center on Monday at 7:30 p.m. The ballet program will begin Sep. tember 27 and wUI be taught by Mrs. Bonnie Otta wbo ru,. laugh! both French and Ru!!ian ballet. Sbe bas be<n Ibo load dancer with the Santa Monlca Ballet Co. and has studied 15 years. :• Uomf!O-et'S to Mttit CAPISTRANO HIGHLANDS '- Relktents of Capistrano Highlands and tho Ml>slcm .... 1nvt1'd to the Capistrano HJilllandl Homeownen meeUng Monday. A nan:olics officer fro\D the lherlfl's deportment will be the program speaker. The Saddlebact area'• new . bot line system al.so will be dlscusted. '111e .meetlng will lake. place at I p.rn. In Royal Savtngs and Lout In Toro Cml<r. e Turtlf! Tr.et OK'il lRVINE -Orange Counly supervilors Tuesday approved a tract map for a 91· bome Turtle Rock develcprnent two miles JOUl.h or campua Drive and west of Tur· tle Rock Drive1 The county requires $262,400 be spent by the developer oo street, sewer, water and street lighllDg improvements. Streets tn the tract are to bt named Sierra Amigo Road, Sierra Verde Road, Sierra eancm Road, Sima Meu Rold, SierT• S... Road, Slemi Santo Road, Sl<rra ~ Road, Siena Chula Road and Sierra Jlojo Road. ·• Prhtclpel Lf!allin9 · MISSION.VIEJO-L. Jay lngall, prin- 'Clpol of Mlssion Viejo High School will leave hia post at the !Chool for a posiUon (SM MIBSION, Pqt II ~--- ' ' • , DAILY·PILOTltllft'P...,. ~" Aven~e's One Wag · City-worl< «ewo Wednesday installed signs· !Jl1lking Ocean Avenue a one.way street gning ihland in the. blcx:k between Beacll street arid. Forest Avenue. City Council action eliminated Beach intersection hazard and hopefully will eliminate Ocean Avenue residential com· pl;lints•aboot bus traffic. County Postpones Heariitg On Niguel Park Change ' Lquna·Nlcuel ·atlomey Alex Bowle.and hi\ bit Crlek Beach court foe, at~ey Willi~~ "flllcoxen, acted in concert W~t and Orange County supervilorl agreed lo their request to bald·'off for five weeta a publk: hearing OD tranifu of a parks service area. · LUuna Nliuel Corporation backed by Its bo.neowoen auoclatlon, 13 oeeklng to tr-« tbe Nlgn<I Shores development to Qoanty service Area No. 3 from the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreatlqa Dbtrlcl. Wlk:oxen Is altomey for the .Capistrano Bay District. SerV"ice Ana .No, 3, wbit'.'h takes in virtually th.e rest of Laguna Niguel, pro- vides fire protection, parks and parkway laciUties and maintenance and street cleaning. On its 59 cent.! per $100 of a89eSIOO valuation' tax rate it pays the salaries o( eta:ht firemen who Cotmty Fire Warden E. F. Osterman aays would be the flrtt to res~ to a fire in the Niguel Shores area, coastal prQPerty purchased by the Laguna Niguel Corporation from the eslate of Ednall Capron. 12 Arrested Outside DUringTalk By M)llllllMAN SMITB UNmm NATIONS :cUPti -President NIJon, m bis· first appearince before the General Asseinbly, 'urged the 126 . United Nations members today to put ·prusure On Hanoi for an agreed end \o the war in Vietnam. Police arrested U , p e r 11 o n11 demOlllllatlng outside tbe Untied Nalionl while Nixon. addressed tbe General &ou~kly ' ' ' ·~·':"" ... ~·· .'•'"' Piau<l•.a;i i<ven of the IJ were males and fiv~ "f"'· I, e;n o-l.U:-'nle d<inorimal<it~ted /or obMic-Un1 traUlc, ants!, har- and dlli>rderly · The Presld'I'( addressed a packed assembly hall for. 2! mlnutu. The delegatei --re)i'Utnllnl all U.N. members except Cuba -1.i6tened without interruption. They gave Nixon a 2'Mecond standing ovation -with Soviet Foreign Minister ADdre1 Gromyko leading.the Com:munbt applause -when he waa~in1toducecl by Assembly President Angle Brooks of Ubefia and eacorted to .lhe 1jleakm' slanl! by U.N. protocol officer Sinsn Korie of Turkey. They applauded again for 30 seconds (See NIXON, Page %) Council Okays Uniforms Drive Laguna Beach. councilmen Wednesday night JPProved charitable 10llcltatlon drive to raiat fuoda far 1n1ppy new unUonns to ad<n the 2>-g~I high scbool drill team. I The solicitation will run rrom Sept IS to Dec. 5 •. Students Linda Burrell and Toni Dierckll, modeling tile: uniforms, will be professionally photographed In colQf •• wguna Beach bw!lnesses. Ownen of the flmu wlll be asked lo purchase prinll or enlargements to sup- ply funds fOI' lhc drive. Jt netted $121 aft.er ex~aes last year from ctndy sales and car washing. UnHorm1 are $55 with ICCHIOriel such e.s l?oOtJ and gloves extra. niere are a!Jo costs for porn pons and swords used a11 drlll props. Stoelc Marlcf!U NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market ck>&ed in the wlnnlng column today, after tumbling Into lower tenltory Wednesday. CS.e quolaUoos. P•ll'I 3'hll). 1'eary Trial Date ·Set LSD Leader Cliarged in Laguna Girl's Death Th.e pt,Vthedelic candidate for the California ge>ttrnonbJP must stand trial Dec. I for his alleg<d rol< In the drowning of a Laguna Beach atrl swimming under the lnfluenee of LSb at a desert com· rnunc. . Co5tll ..Mesa attorney George Chula. ontettd a not g11Uly plea for Dr. TlmoUly. Leary, .,, In 'l!lvmlde Coanly Mllllldpal Court W-adly. Chula lllld be plans to filhi the con· tributlni to tltt delinquency of a minor lodged against wry ali.r ll. Alm<lda, 17, drowned 1 .. 1 J ranch near idyllwlld. Wll not prue.nt at the hippie h•ven imea Miu Almeida -only a slleht ' acquaintance according to tesUmony - drowned while swimming nude in a deep crttk pond. His attorney said he will attempt lo overturn an earlier court ruling' lbat rt- jecled defense charges the complalnl ..... tnadequato because ii did 'not 'l'fll oil how Leary ~ed to' ~ deJij,. quency. '' Dr. Leary -a p~ ratarchm Into eRecta of I.SD -i,1dll11 diil:'linl glve Mj., Almeida the balludnogtnlc drug thl• appal'<llUy pf'!Y~ ,a roje In, h<r tragic dealh. 1 ,.~ The psycholna pn>l1Uor l1red from Harvard University In 10!3 for hi> "' pcrlmenll wllh LSI!.·!>&& anoll>er trltl ~ • pending nex• month In Sooth Oranp COurity Judicial Dtstrlct Court. ·He and ·bis wife ROlemal'J, 33, and :Jnhn B. Leary, 11,1 were &(?eSted 1111 · ,.,..... ' ' I 1 D<cember In •L@lllna 8'11Clh ,on d,... , i cllarta afl<r. pOllce· '°""" all•ftd ...,. 1 lral1J1ncMtoma la their car. , ' i....., boa·onnou11cocM1e:w1d <O(llpalp !or tho c.tuorma~ ~ "" on a platlorm of tu...in, lllt!Mlll and dlOl>QUI, 11ltcblng I teepee on .!ht .. pllol lawn U elected, He hu J>ee• ldenllOed as lb<. owner of lljo r<J1l«e deaerl 'anch Whm tltt ~ kodt ,lirl"!ro~ llul cjulea· hofl!inl liili 'to ihe proporljl, ;' ' • ' t • 'W.K.Y.pft,O"f"Mlfl ..... NO.lb LUgtirui"s Home · · . ' • , l· r !i 1 . • Mar¢e lell<>ux and Manfred Heine tm~elc!d some di&tance before 116' conung classmates at Laguna Beacb.Hlgli Scboo1.Both if•·Am•rlCBll Field Se.rvice excbange 'studenu,for the 111$-70 scbo91 y.,.,, Marlie is from the Republic of. South Africa, Ma)\fred from Germany, , Arch Beoch Height,s BU:ls Go Far Over Estimates ' . The.low bid for construcUon work on Laguna"a ,\rch Beach Heighll!I aoared 27 pen:enr beyond • englnoerlng estbnal<s Wed/'eiclay .n~-' . Tliere \'<re two bj~ .. Grlnlth Company . of c.,,,ta Mesa tlut'tbe jbb al 1613,042. The IOw bkt from -~o Inc. of, Sbmton wa11 $655,987. 'n!e engineering estimate for lbe work was $Sl6,350 ·or fl39,S37 leu than the low bid. City officials bad estimated earlier the cost lo about 365 Jots receiving full benefit of ~wage, streets, water, storm drains., underground electrical lines, underground l<lepiiOne lines and street improvements would be about $2,'100 (or a 2>-by·!OO foot lot. Aboul 125 othe( lots benefit only from aewage and would be .......,ed lar,Jeos, The lncr.-d coots would be reflected In lncruse1!' coofto land ownera lithe ci- ty goes ahead wJtb the uaessme.nt district J!!:OJecl •• U tbe <Hy ai>elvu the project, tt .would . ' FOOTBALL FEAST FRIDAY NIGHT. be re!pORSible for an tunds expended Up to U1iB Ume.-It-waa--tlt1mated lut year this mlgh• be aa much u ll0,000. . Hcrwever, the city would have-the engineering -k and mfllll proceed al llO!tle, Mure ,date H ~ Cjllla ever dropped. Cooncllmen 'Wei!nioday nlghl referred the bids to 'Joseph _,,,,. -<t( public works, !or analyila• al)d a ,_. (See ARCH BE.I.Cl!, l'llp I) r '. ·Viets Def ending Saigo~ . . .. ' Ul'ITt ....... PRESIDENT, MRS. NIXON GREET SECRETARY GENERAL U THANT AT UNITED NATIONS Chief Exocul1V9 Urlff World Body to 'Put Hut on Hanoi' for Negotiations Laguna Planner Holden Resigns Over Job Duties Loiun1 Beach Planning Commissioner 11ow.,d HoJ4en submitted his resignAUon to the City Council Wednesday night. In a letter to MayCX' Glenn Vedder, Holden said the resignation was made necessary by additional job · "8pO!llibW!lea Uiat will enta\l much lir travel. He ls the representative of 1 firm publl.shlni law booU. Holden, ol 3181 Alta Laguna Blvd., WU appointed to lbe Plannini Cammlallon by fonner Mayor Willlam D. Martin in January, 1918 and bad servtd less than half of hl.s four-year term. Mayor Vedder said today he has dlscussed possJble replaceinents for Holden with fellow councilmen, planning pointee from one of ·Lasuna'• hllltop developments, Vedder replied, ·~t'a bard to say. l thlnk all Laguna 1reu are JftllY well repmenled In city goven> mmt. •• _ A factor in Holden's appoililm<')t hia. residence In Ille Top of area mfhi1 acilvity u a 1pok,_._, hllltoj> homeownttL Otber members of lhe Planning Qim. miuion·.,. an:hlleda Fred Brlags aod Charles Johnson, denllst Dr. Robert Freoch and college professor Dr. Joeeph Tomehak. commlsaloner! and members of the city y I. B • staff. "I am sure we will be able to find 0Utn USlneSS someone within the next few w-k•," .. , • , :~~:,~!iii:.~· be sdded, had~--. f:ro'-,l,p. 'Changes PJannlni COIDDliBslnnen an appointed · •. ·;. -. by t!Je mayor and coofJnned by lbe city I , iw;r • A , . Conrll 'nlae ii no lime limll for m>k· ts 11 ame gain ... the •ppoln-and lbe -ftllllar Rllioa of the mmmlsdm ia not ICbedul- ed 1111111 OoL I. . All:ed If be would seek llllOlber ap. Citizens Group To Meet Tonight Members ci Laguna's Cltizena Advisory eommw.. will allanpl in flnallu their planning goal statements at a general me.mberBhJp meeting tonight at 7:30 in the board room or the school district offjces. Three sub<ommiltees, socisl and cultural, physical, and ecooomic, will present their tentative goal statements M1hlch, after discussion, will be turned over the planning firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall, now engaged in revision or Laguna's general plan. The 25-member Citizens Advisory Com- mitue wu appointed by the City Council more than a year ago to assist and advi&e the general planners whose 18-monlh planning suryey '1.s scheduled for com. pletion by the end or this year. An atLitude survey conducted throughout Laguna Beach ba.s served as a guldeline for drawing up lhe com· mitlee's stalement on goals desired by the community. DAlll P1lOI . ~ COAlf PUil tlHIHCli c::auwcY l•Mtf H. W-4 "'l*"--J~ I. CM-t 'Ac.t,,....._._..M....._ ,.._.,,, .... In teepq wllb lbelr declared pulJlO!le ''to promote communtq harmony,; meniben ot:Lquna'a ne1' )Wtb-«ien~ buslnw group vpltd Tuesday night lo change their name -again. No longer The Establbhmenl of Laguna Beach, Ibey rm! will identlly themaelves u Ille Lqima 8nslness -T!Je countetpart to Ille ·Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business A&SociaUon, !tarted out as the Bureac of Commem!. This title wu coMidered too !tufty by tfl:e young business people, headed by operators oI the Arl C:Olooy's so-called psychedelic shops. Second<holce name, The Establishment, wa.s called "flippant" by some chamber members. So it's now lhe I.BA. At Tuesday'! meeting Jn the Cottage Restaurant, attended by 30 memben of the new organization, plans were finaliz- ed for an open house program from 7 to 10 p.m. Monday, Sepl 29, to introduce fellow merchanl-' and other interested citlten.S to the businesses and services offered by LBA members. From Page ' 1 MISSION ... as assistant superlntend~t of in· Etructional services al the Tustin Union lfigh School District. A new principal will be selected to replace Ingall at the district school hoard'• Sept. 22 meeting. Ingall had ,.,.,,. ed at the high school f« three yeara. He replacts John Duncan, who raigned the poet for a position as superintendent of another scbooJ district. From Page 1 NIXON ••• when NIJon concluded with 1 genUe nod of his head after appealing for the achievement of lhat true peace which the people of every land carry in their beaN and celebrale in thelr hopes." The President told the assembly the Uniled States intends to "share both the adven1ures and benefits ol space" and wooJd put forward proponll to Ulla end. He failed, however, to outline the pro- posals. DeparUng Crom his prepared text, Nix· peered acroaa the blue-and-jold usembly hall anJ told I.he delea;ates be had traveled In most of their countriea in the past 23 years. "l have met most of the leaden and seen thousand!: of people," he said. "Then! are differences between the na- tiona, diUerencea between the leader! and differences between the people. But the people of the world-whereY.er they - are -want peace." He ~aid world leaders had "a reaponalb!Uty _to build fer peace." The President wa,, escorted from the podium by Miu Brooks for private coo- versaUon in an office behind the speakm' stand. with Secretary General U 'Ibant and her. ?ttrs. Nil.on and other members cl the presidenUal party were served coffee in a nearby lounge. From Page 1 ARCH BEACH • • back lo the council at an adjourned meeUng next Wednesday, Sweany said the bid!, which incude 97 bid items, will be revie"Red today. "When we get this together,'' he said, "We will probably call the successful low hldder and get the story behind the prices." The city would doubtless also have to see if ~he bonding company would in- crease its comm.itlment of $1 090 000 and if lhe cost of the bonds wooid1 mc;.ease if the commitment increastt. The bond commitment of $1 ,090,000 was based on estimated constructlon costs plus additiCll81 cost.. for undergroundin& uUHties, plus acquisition of property for street Widening, legal work, eOBlneering and cost! for processing bonds. Sweany I! in lhe ))051Uon -in his words -of having ''to justify to the council lhal a 2? · percent increase 1 construction) I! not out of line for some rea:son or another or of recommendtnc that they (councilmen) reject the bids." Of the assessment district, Mayor Glenn Vedder said today, "It's bad such a d.1fUcult Ume so far that this adds me more !\raw, and 1 pretty heavy straw. to the whole burden.•• Said Vedder. "I will lake a kJOk 1t those bid llstl and talk with the staff. Thi~ Is a Feal rough one. I hope lt doesn't drag on." .... 1\el'I•• A. M•,,lif•• ~lf'IE,,,_ l icli1N P. N1tl ·--.,, -County Asked to Provide Own Lawyer for Hinshaw county supervisors were urged today to provklt coority Aaswor Andrew J. fllnabaw wlth 11 private attorney In Con- necUon wttb the Upper Bay land e1· changt lftlpUnn. 1'hat recommendatJon came rrom the Orange County Grind Jury in a brier statement reOec:Ung the panel's apparent faJlure to effect 1 coocillaUon between -and Coun)1 Coun!el Adrian '1,1:;..., &J>PMnd tosetber before lbe Grand Jart wt Sep!. 2. It ii known llilt nelthor official wu pr<pU<d to mike •II)' -Olli In llil stance toward Ille Upper Bay l•nd IWAp diljlUle. U superviso,.. ICC<!pl the G<and Jury report -and a eource t:IOlt to the board loday said It was "more ll11n likely .. -11 will eliminate Hinabaw'a threat to 10 to court and force supuvlaora to srant blm a private attorney. Hlmbaw made Uial lhttal belcn Ille boerd this week during f u r l h 11 r argument! in a confrontation that has ob- vtousty 1rrftated cOJ.nty supervtaora. Hlnshaw repeated accusaUons lhat Ku.rper had dl!CU....r Uppu Bay a1seasments with "private perlOfl& whox interests 1ra known to be diametrically cppoeed to the useeor'1." Hinshaw spot:lll<ally -Kuypor ol coonl<:l ol lnlerut and .,..... lbll Ille CGUnty lawyer bal freqnenU, coofemd wllb the Irvine Company on msllm al· fect11111 Ibo c:ontr.verslsl laod swap. Kuyper denies the charge and argue.a that any dlscussion1 wtth the Irvine Com· pany have only been in the sense ot clarification and 1hould not be lnterpeted ea hi! condoning of the Irvine •raument In the dtsputti. 'U.S. 'furns Over ~ombt;it Duties to South ~ (1JPI) _. U.S. headquarters Ull lldlr M -lumlng over lhe def-·~ ~ .... ,lhe SoWh vi.1: nameae. Ttle Saia:on 10ldlm lut wee.k took their heaviest bits In a year In vtrtuall.)' f'>lng It alone for lhrff days on lhe """""eld. . The -~ )bat lhe -Alrb(>rno DtVll!on's 3n! Brlpde, now A1Wlllnl Salp, would be pilled out·ln PrUldtDt Nboo's w:ilbdrawal plan meant lbe removal or the only U.S. unit still in· volved Jn the defeMe of the capita]. lt would leave the Job to the South Viet- namese, wbo loat 5211 n.en killed la.it week. The perlocl included tlJr<e di!'• in wblch they fought on while U.S. troops laclUy wm bonotlni a CommnnJat. declmld lruce In honor nf Ho Chi Minh. Gov<:rlllDtlll spokesmen aald the !129 dealhl w.,. lbe bll)1ell alnce 642 Saigon soldiers died In lbe ...et ending Aug. 24, I 961. American losaes last week wm put at 14.S ldDed and 1,343 wounded -an in- crease of aix dead and 16 wounded over the previOUI week. The governmenl losses reflected their lncrtaaing combat role u American troopi are being ptlled out, and served as an Indicator of lbelr ability against Ille Viet Coog and North Vietnamese. A total of 2,3'11 Communllt.s ~ied In fighting l8't week, spokesmen aaid. The l,SOO-man 3n! b<igade of lhe -Alrt>orne DM1lon jolnl the remalnlllg 11,000 leatberoeckl of the 3rd Ptfarine Dlvblon and portions of the 1st Marine Air Wing as unit!! designated for withdrawal under President Nixon's 35,000.man second cutback. Removal of the 3rd Division Marines from aklq Scolh Vleln1m'1 norlhern Uer leaves tbat voJaWe demllttarlzed zone area .-wbolly In lbe lwldl of Soulb Vletnameae troopl, too. The lllllOUllCODlel today Aid lbe alrbnrne brlpde wu IOing home wbile some of the Marlon would be aenl lo tilled, headquarters Aki. ,Japan or Okinawa and others to the Another 47 ifllt.berneeb were wound«i United Stales. Mort unlit to be pulled oul ; In. lhe lwo bltlla tine to four milu will be announced later. · ·IOUUtb· of the DMZ atnce Februll'f when Some of Ibo -were Jocbd In North Vie....,,_ army altaob on two Uiei< beavteol D~ combat In,.... leatherneck artillery ham killed 31 G!J montha Wedne5day. It COit tben) n men and wounded 9'I othen. Troops Cheer Pullouts, . But Not All Going Home SAIGON (AP) -They scrambled from bunters wbooplng, •<Jt'a us ••• It's UJ1" They bugged each other. They daoced and skipped like children on the tut day of school. A private fil'!t class kissed his sergeant. They doused each other with bee<. Moments earller on Thursday, the paratnopers bad clustered lll'OUlld a radio, fingers crossed, hoping their unit. Ille IZnd Airborne Dlvt.sillo's 3rd Brigade, would be included In Ille 35,000.man withdrawal ordered by President Nllon. The newscuter on the armed forctS radio started by saying the Marines up oorth would be going. The paratroopus groaned. j•Jn addlUon," he said after a pause, .. all of the Cnd ••. " The ftll WU drowned by the sudden din ol wlJcl cbeerln(, binging, wblstlln1 aod almnpin&. · 'Ibe acene was a hi&b'nY bridge over the Hoc Mon canal. dPt miles north of Sal.... being l1llrded by 50 troopers of the 3rd Brigade. They bad been ln Vietnam. from a few weW to nearly a year, and ~ joy spread down the road in both dlrect.iow:. The Gls hoisted Vietnamese children on their shoulders. Some joined ' an lm· promptu parade. Some scrambled over a vegetable truck acreamin& at the driver : "Goodbye, we're going home!" Their celebraUon .stopped traffic for 20 mimlles an Highway 1. Bewildertd Viet· namese peasants, who had no ldea what was going on, joined in the dancing and cheering. The radio lay in the sand. No one heard the second part of the news -that onJ:r.: those 3rd Brigade troopers who had com..: pleted the major porUoo of U.monlli tours would be withdrawn from the war: zone. The others would be rewiigned io'. units elsewbere In Soulb Vlelluuu. : Laguna Golf Club ·sues For Flood Loss Damages Then tbe voice reportf.d the weeklf ca.,Wty statllUcs -IO Amtrlcans kill-' ed in actloo Jut week -but the ecstatic. paratroopers didn't near I.hat either. . Trooptra at brigade headquarter& at. Camp Red Ball ·Dearby H!ltned to !he" whole broadcast, l1ld many were disap-pointed. - "If lhey pull the brigade out, everybody should go with jt, and I thfn.k everyone. leeb llill," said Spec. 4 David R. Holm~r&:, 21, Ridgefield, Waah. Hj: has been in Vietnam a mooth and a half. Damages totalling ll00.000 were demlllded Tuerda_y by South Laguna golf course operator Ben Brown in a Superior Coor! suil chargina nearby property George H. Crain Last Rites Held Prjvate funeral ae.rvicel wm held last week for Geor1e Henry Crain, former Laguna Beach retldent who died llepL 10 Jn a Harbor Area coovalmcent home at the age of 89. Farmerly of Portland, <>re..1 where be WU lllAll&pr of McCord Canpany Publlabera and active In the RoWy Club, he retired to Lacuna Beach In 1M4 wllb hi! wile, Jlliby Kellou, who proceded hiril In dealb in 1111. They made lbelr home at 402 Alter St. for many years. Mt. Crain is .survived by his son, George Kellogg Crain of. Oregon City, Or<., and by three granddllldren and one great grandchild. Interment WU in the Portland Mauso- leum. ownen and contracton with ne&lla;enc• llilt led to flooding of his ts.acre pro- perty. Named by Brown, 31108 s . Coast lfi&bway, are land owner1 North American Rockwell CorpmaUon, Moulton Niguel Waler Dlstricl, Soulb Lasuna Slllltallon Dlatricl and lhe Narland Corporallon. , Brown c1aima that all were varioulJ,y Involved In property imprvVemaill Iba! led to ext<nalve flooding of hia Laguna Beach Country Club and Country Club Village. Brown atatea In his action that "&ood englneerlng~cUcea" were bot ob-served tbrou t operations aimed at diverting Creek waters from the North American Rockwell property, lwn miles north of the golf course. He clahm that lbe blocking and divertl.nc of the old cbamel led last January Zf to lbe flooding of Ille golf <"Our&e to a depth varying between ooe and four feet. And he particularly blames the sa.nita· lion district for a further dlsastroua floodine on February 24 in which bridges <ind motel units throughout the property were wiped out. From Pqe 1 PYNE ... merely multiple residential use but a hodge podge amalgum of •U lhree." He said, "The council, if it buya: this (approves the appeal) i.s buying an. enormous po tluck of future. . catastrophes.·• Another man cbarged that the church plans are vague and Jacking ltalistlcs. Case amwered, "The Lord knows OUl' growth but we don'l : I'm sorry if I'm varue.." Councilmen Roy Holm, Richard Goldberg and Cwlton Boyd appeared in have reservations, for different rtason.s, about the use. Mayor Vedder and Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan seemed inclined toward it. O'Sullivan said nobody wants churclle9, mortuary or schools in hi8 nelghbcrbood. "I can't think of another location as i:t1l1lable.'' he declared flatly. City Manager James D. Wheaton, 1 member of the congregation, had little to say dlD'lng discussion. <Jfoor Sample On ::Dining Clearance feoom:1 ..A6 mue~ a.i 20 to 400/o OFF · 011 nian'I /foor ~ample~ H.J.GARRqf fURNITTJRE. PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mond1y, Thursd1y, & Frid1y Ev1nln1J1 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 6~6~275 ' • DAILY PILOT 3 ·'Property c·-· ax Out of Line~ I "Reagan_ Ccjlls fot ~hilt ' io :s~ Income . Levia a, 'l'Qlol ll.41IUIY . . ............. , Aro~ ilate tU nvtlilln llm· . ed al llftlnJ .-II qi tllo -!nm. homeo"""'\-and' lbllth)I ~lto -and 1,_., lalel wu Wol>*d In Anahtlm Wednesda): n I g ht by Gov. llOoald Reag~. - .Co!idemnil>i "any ~ty tu u a bad ,.., a tax Ulat 1;·-"ry mlicb out of line," Gov. "ReJ&an urged members .of the ca~ FederaUon o( llepubllCAI) Women to back hlJ -1 lhat reslden- Ual ~ ... .be Ila.shed by 50 percent. That tax :1 .... · ~ Aid, would °be re~ by an extra one cent on the sales tax. and ball ol ooe percent oo gross personal iDcmne. Insuring Ulat property 1a ... will not·J>e ~ wllhoul "aolid evldeact ol ·pobllc ~wt." lie II llCking leslllltloa<lbat ,wlll,clll for a 50 percent~ publlc vote of approval on ,any proposed tu: r,vlsion apcthe pr:o- mlsed hls cheering audience that tila e'n- llte tal reform prograni wlU. bilncluded• ,., ""' Uh of ballot propo1il!om ... Jwte• and November of 1970. • \· • Hll,admlnlstratlon d• .alao urgl!tt>tbat any .propol!ed tax relonns can Olllf win, legi!JaUve approval with a .two ;thirds margin ol endor5e1;nent. , . ' Reagan made it clear that be would' an1vmiu.. Ud collqes ii lbarldld o1,. 1..:-.. ~. . Al)d be ro,lected • "U.S and poUlical' ,,_veriltl" what~ called "oppocitioli] flfimpi.to Jud the publlc lo belle•\ that we l\A•e.lrled In cul down our &?ADii. to publk~ "Our flr•l·•ln ~office," aajd a..'aan.r "was to pr9~ 11«1 l!llllion ID ,,... lundl alooe for ,el!IJltlJ\llY· and -.idatY acbools o.ver aoa abOve our tMfi'&et l alkll4>"°"'· · , PUBLICITY WORKSHOP AUDIENCE OF 200 GATHERS IN ESTANCIA HIGHIS FORUM Dr. Thomas Bliktly, OCC Evenl"9 Collete Director, Opens Program I ; ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reagan stressed that hlJ prop:am would not affect laxes levieia on busiqeu andcommerclal propertlea. But revenues generat~ by the, newr tax structure \"O\lld, he Said, be '1lfllcient to .. nible the state to iilC're8se gre'nts to 'the public school system by $.1 billion. have liked to iinclude a tuition fee for1co1-· Jege students in his tat rtform measure wlth the cOmment: '"what "e defit are taxes tas'.ly admlni!tered, fairtY appJJed and obv\oosly justuiable -' MUon in our "And .then "" added .a furtbet '1211 mlllloo·when cban•" ID !ederaJ: pollclesl releued more• ftiodl. that ~we. 'COOkfl earmark tot sebool ue/'·Reaaan.Ald. "r dm'I oee bow lhoae l!CIJonrcoold ..,,. vioce anyone that· we -were clampktc· down on publ.IJ:,educatkm.". * * * * ft .. * TELLS HOW TO DO IT Editor Thomas KHvil OFFICIAL WELCOMER Publisher ~obor:t Wud Over 200 Press Chairmen At Publicity Workshop MOre then 200 press chairmen and other Orange Coast area resident.a ln-, terested· in "getting something into the new~paper" attended the DAILY PILOT- Orange Coast·College Publicity Workshop Wednesday night. The program, scheduled to run two hours, went into overtime to handle ques- tion:; directed at DAILY P I L 0 T representatives parUcipaUng in the semll@J'. The program was staged in the Forum al Estancia High School, Costa Mesa, and was presented as part of the Orange Coast Evening College Lecture Series. Dr. Thomas Blakely, director of the evening college, opened the program, Robert . N. Weed, DAILY PI L 0 T puftlisber, offered welcoming remarks. Thomas Keevil, DAILY .PILOT editor, Thomas McCann, the newlpaper's public service man&ger, and Don Jacobs, OCC diri!ctor of publicity, all presented por- tions of the program. Other DAILY PILOT stafrers who at- tended the program and were available to field questions included Bea Anderson, women's editor; Jodean Hastings, Hwr lington Beach women's editor; Jean Cox, Laguna Beach women's ~ editor; and Glenn Whlte, sparts editor. U.S. Orders Green Berets To Stand .Court Martial SAIGON (UP!) -The U.S. Army today ordered the court martial of six of the eight U.S. Special Forces men caught up In the death of. a shadowy Souih Viet- namese character thought lo have been "put away" when he was discovered spying ror bolh sides in the Vietnam war. The formal charges were murder and conspiracy to commit murder, but tbe p.,.. :agon said the cases .wt11. be treated as "non capital," apparenUy f!.lling out the death penalty. The C;OUrt mirtiaf Wis ordered by Maj . Geo. G. L. Mabr1 .Jr., commander of the U.S. Army forces in Vietnam. Among those facing court martia1 was Col Robert Rheault, 43, of Vj.neyard Haven, Mass., a West Point graduate and member of a 'socially prominent New E~ family. He was commandec:,( of the Green Berets but was relieved of his poet when the mysterious Caae came to light two months ago. The other five ordered court martialed were : -Maj. David E. Crew. 33, Cedar Rapid3, Iowa. -Maj. Thomas C. Middleton Jr., 29, Jefferson, S.C. ~apt. Leland J. Brumley, 26, Duncan, Okla. -Capt..,Robert F. Marasco, 29, Bloom- field;-.N.J. ~pt. J!utlge E. WUliarns, 27, Athens, Ga. • ·The Army aaid cha'rges against the other two Green Berets involved were being ube)d'. in abe;yanct" penWng the t~."~y .,,re Sgt. Alvin L. Smith, 41, o[ N1pki, F,la,, .and CWO Edward M. Boy~,·:18. ol New York City. ~ WadtJngton. Army Secretary Stanley R. Resor said he had been urged to order dl4miHll .of the charges but "after ~deliberaUon t have concluded that it w'Oull be JUtwise and unjustified for me fo ioterfere.ln this we." '. . ' . Love Finds; ·(Tiny • > Slie's 17; µe:, 'i6 at .Heart'' TRENTON, N.J. (UP!)-noy Tim, who. tiptOes through the tUlips on television, announced Wednesday he wiU marry a te&age tan he met Whlle Ssnina auto- gr.-phs in a Philadelphia department store. 'ftJe singer, in his mid-40I; s:a.td. Ms brtd<-to-hc is tall, 17-year-<>ld Vlcl;y Budinger of HaddonfjeJd, .t rectnt hi&h sclloot graduate. . 'rtny Tim, 'Who relused to divulge his exa'Ct age. said he does not tbink the dHf«toce in their age£ matters. rlie slnger. noled for his shoulder- lengtb hair and a voice which ranges from lhf:ieldng falsetto to baritone, sald: "I'm 16 years old at heart." He made lbe announcement at lhe New Jersey State Fair, at which he is •Dt>Wing. ·He. said he met Ati.s! Budlnger while 1ignjna autograph.I at Wanamatcr11 . . Deperllllent sim, in ,phiJadelprua lasl spring. 1 ''I reached out 1111 hand for a ol.ece of paper, and lnstud she pul her .hand Jn mine. One touch'-uct·r knew it 'lfU true Jove," he said. Mis. Alli1Cll00illif<i', mother or the bride·to-be, aald in a telephQne interview Lhat she and her husband are "elated" over the match. "We're very fond o( hlm." ,ahe u.id. She said no date had ... been set for. lbe wedding. TWe molher Aid 1he '"' with her clallcJi!tt wbelt lhe mel him al tile Pblladtlfillla mn. "We -a weet tol'lher In AOlnt!c City with blm wbei he WU &ppwillg there this aummer and we're _ ju.st elated," ahe said. The •'-Mid be and Miao Bl!ltinier expect to have m1111 chlldmi bccaua ht "dootn'I believe ID birth <Otlltol." SCOTT CLAIMS DIRKSEN JOB WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania clalma he's got the votes to become Senate RepubUcan lead- er and his campaign forces now are spec- ulating on wbo mighti>ecome h.ls deputy . Two rival candidates for GOP leader· ship -to be declded next W~day - denied Scott's claim"f majority backing. Apparently undeterred by legislaUve rejection. ot. slinllar _,tu reforms in I.he 1968-69 SC3Slon, R<agail ]X>IDted out that the new measure, if approved, would enable tbe slate {01 make tbeSe annual grants:to· ScboOl Sy~: · , -$500 for each fiist gr'ade student. -$600 for each student ages 7 through 9. -$700 for each s l u d e n t ages 10 through 12. Gov. Reagan .Upstaged Dennis Carpenter of Newport Bi!:ach must )\ave had 09v. ~an .wondering '."'ednesciay night if he sbotild add another name to the list of possible Republican rivals to his office. Yoo guessed ll Carpen~ b1!n1e4 lhrOugb ·Ibo eipedant tm.ni ,to take· hi• place at lhe bead table""" pt'a !>elated introduction from the chairman wblle izn.. paf"'t guardsmen swiveled the naaa In their bot banda. "He cat lolk about freriay lrooble all night," grinned a Newport Bea~ delegate. "but they'll never believe)tlm. llennls wm always be able lo 'Jl lhal he made his mar~ tn Sacramento .. 1 But there was geoeral .agreement the Pennsylvanian, now acting Republican leader, is ahead. It will take a clear ma- jarity of the f3 GOP senators lo name a successor to the late.Everett M. Dirksen. -f12S for each junior college student. Reagan aJso assured the 3,000 GOP women -his speech was the highlight of their two-day convention -that his ·Bd· ministration will seek f_urther means of It's doubtful thlt Carpenter really in- tended to utista8e the guvemor at the Rept.~llcar. women's cooventlon but if he dld it worked perfectly. Governor and Mrs. Reagan bad followed a long line ol celebrities to the bead lable.-.the colors were about to he presented; there was an expectant hush in the ball, and then -In a liWe bladt book Ott tbe '°"'"""'• desk, perhaps ••• ? --- I Three of 36great newSuicks. , Three of !11&jjnest Buicksever. Built v.ith all the care and craftsmanship ~ble. Built with product integrity. Right down to the fine details. Asa few of these fine details will prove. Every 1970 Buick has a newcoolin~ system that should never ever overheat• Every 1970 Buick eQUipped v,ith a VB enwne has an exclu~ve carburetor time modulated choke control. It will make for easy starts in any weathel. •Every 1970 Buickjs equipped with fiberRlass belted tires as standard equipment.• Every 1970 LeSabre, Wildcat Estate Wa'ifJn, Efectra 225 and Riviera has an exclu~ve suspension system called AccuDrive. Never has handling been easier.· All the 1970 Bu1cks have the look that makes people look twice. . . , No~'Ollder Buick owners llill keep on buying Buicks. Buicks are automobiles you can believe in. ' I I . I --.,..--: _. e ,,eve · 1 n. ' Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?-·-~ -·- " I I ;I 1: l' . . . , . . ' ---------=-----:-------------:--:-:"':""":'------;-----,----;.-.-.·-· - DAll.Y P!lOT ~ "' .. o.ltll ,.., lllfD 5even of 10 Americans think lo-~ crime bas increased over ~e past five years and more 1:han 4 m 10 believe there is more cnme now than a year ago, Sindlinger &: Co., Inc. of Philadelphia bas reported. But almost two-thirds ol the per· sons interviewed said they were not worried about walking alone on neighborhood streets at night, and 7 of 10 could not recall vetomg plans to go out at nigh'f. within the past year b~ause t~ey might b& come a victim of cnme. · • Dressed in the style of the Victor- ian era Princess Margaret posed de· muret11' for her favorite photograph- er-her husband, Lard Snowdtn- on tht grounds of Ken.ring ton Paloc• recently. • Edward Poli, a 28-r,ear-old for· ger just couldn't wait. He broke out' of the Colorado State Peniten- tiary in Canon City just 12 days before his sentence was up , and was recaptured. Now he , has. l? serve out five months of his ong1- nal term plus a two-year sentence for attempting to escape. • FredHlck Ruelle, 19-year-old son Hanoi Calls Withdrawal 'Deception' PARIS (AP}-North Vletoam today denounc<d Pnslclent Nixon's planno4 withdrawal of an addltlonal *l,OllD Am<Jo- lcan troopo from South VI_,,, u a - hit vain altempt to 4ecdve U.S. pil>& opinion. '!be only wrJ to peaco II a "rapid, !Dial and W>COtldlllonal" wtu.trawal of all American !area, It Ilk!. Col Ha Van Laa, acilng chief of Hanoi's delegaUon at 1he Vietnam peace taika here, wd the aacl nwnber to be wl.lhdrawn w11 impossible to determine because ol. the Pentagon'& owa ••contra· dlctory figures" of U.S. t r o o pa In Vietnam. In any ca1e, Lau told the Sftb weekly se.ulon of th• deaclloclted talD, the ...,, withdrawal la utriOing'' compared with the balf-m 1111 o D ~trlcam IUll in .VieWJD. Nixon's declaloo, be added, "II In fact aimed at prolonilni the U.S. mllitary occupation and prolortgtng tbe war." "By witlidrawing tbll ..,, driblet of troops, the Nboa 9dmlnlltnilon can in no way deoeive American publlc opinion. On the contr~ry, It will meet with the ever-ttroncer tndlll\ltlon ol the American people, lncludlng lllODY In U.S. poUUeal clrcles, and H Will l\Jrther atrengthen the American people'• muwe for end.Ing the war of aggreSJ.lon ln Vlitnam and for the prompt and tOtal repatrJaUon of the U.S. troops." Lau again blamed Nli:on for the Paris deadlock and accused the President of continuously intensifying the war. Recallltig Nll:OD'• tle::Uon promise to end the war, Lau declared: 11£ight months have elapsed •Ince Mr. N'aon offlcially stepped Into the White House. People In lliO United States and eJae. where· wmder what he ha!: &me to bring an end to the U.S. war of aareulon in Vietnam, a war which bas coil-the United States $1.25 blJUon and t.he lives of hun- dreds of tbouunds of youni Americana and baa by far IUl'p8.SSed the Korean War in tmm of time, money aid casualtie.s'." · According to U.S. flgaru, 38,!93 Amer· lcans have been killed in Vietnam since Jan. 1, 1961. "President Nixon bas acted contrary to his promises of peace to the American people.." Lau added. "Far from ending the war and rapidly brinling home U.S. troops, be has so far contlnued to lnlem· Uy the war, causing every week uWeas deathl and lllJurtes 1o 1...,..00, o1 )'OUllll Americana ID Vletnam.'" * • FIGHTING S!NATOR Len B. Jord1n, 70 Senator, 70, Wins Match With Attacker W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Len B. Jordan. a 71).year-old Idaho Republican, was in bb apartment house elevator en route to a Senate prayer breakfast when a young man &lipped into the car and punched the fourth floor button. "Here's where we get !>H," said the youna-man, one hand in his pocket. Jordan didn't wait to find out i£ it was a gun. "l just hauled aU and popped him one.·~ be told colleagues Wednesday when he arrived late, but bruised, at the breakfast. 0 1 figured I was slipping when he got up a1aln. "I don't mind I06ing my wallet or my watch, but I didn't want to let this guy in back cf me because I didn't know what he was going to do," said the one-time rancher. 1be attacker slugged Jordan with a blackjack and the two men rolled out cf the tlevator Into the hallway In front of the apartment of Sen. Joseph D. Tydings (D-Md.), who came out to see what the commotion was. Tyding!, 41, came to.the rescue but the a~ant slipped away and ran. Jordan wound up wlth "a knot the size ol a g006e egg on my btad." "It's ridiculous that you have to live dangerously like this,'' he said. "This could happen to anyooe In the city. Yau always wonder whether It's going to be robbery or wbetbu the m o t 1 v e b aomething elae. 0 Of Hancock, Mich. Fire Chlof Em- •ry Ruell•, has been airested on suspicion of setting fires. Fft~en became suspicious when young Ruelle asked for information about a fire before it had been reported. • Troops Depleting Washington state Unlversitf at Pullman announced some o its students wi1l be housed at the Uni- versity of Idaho this fall because of a shortage of rooms. The two uni· versities, altbou~h in separate states, are only nine miles apart. Armed Strength Down by 100,000 • "We hope to drive the price of marijuana. so high 't will be unaoolloble to our school and college students," said Richard G. Klrindi<n&t depu!JI attorney general, whilt outlining o pro- ject to cut off the flow of drugs from Mexico. • Singer Ricky Nelson, rl, ts rest· Ing at home 1n Los Angeles after his doctor ordered him to cancel appearances for a month becau!e of a throat ailment. Nelson re-. turned from Boston with what his manager, Joe Sutton, described as "a throat condition that can be cured with rest.'' WASmNGTON (UPI) -Nizan ad· mlniatratlan pl1111 to reduce and relarm the draft are comlna: at a t1me when total armed forcu -.igth ii 1lready neorly 100,000 men below what It was a year ago. The peat strength of the Vietnam war period was reached June 30, 1981, whtn the United Slat.ea had 3,548,000 men under arms. The total aant to 3,409,000 by the atart of U169, and even wltb heavy draft calls this year, IL bas only been brought back to 3,461,000. '!be Senate used thet figure -!,4'1,000 --Wednesday to vote for a celllng on the worldwide U.S. troop level The measure, which passed 71-10, 'JlOCifles the current figure would be the maximum allowed until next July, and would automal.:lcally be reduced each time more troops are w1tbdrawn from Vfetnam. The celling would not apply in a natlotlal emergency. De(...,. Secretary Melvin R. Laird planl a Pentaton newa conference Friday to announce an easing of the present Rain Holds Grip 30,ooo+month Induction rate and to urge draft reronn legialaUon. Laird told repcrtera Wedneaday the t~ withdrawal al at least 60,000 U.S. from Vietnam this year "will have a very aignl.ficant effect upon the pro- grammed draft calls far the mont.b.s im- mediately ahead." The delenae secretary then refqsed to anawer addJtkml questions until the aeledive servlce !)'Item has bten notified of "changes in the draft calla." 111.at notlfiCltion Is •cheduled for Frida1. Laird said Wednetday the withdrawal from Vietnam at S5,000 or more men in the nm three months will mal<e pooajblo a reduction of 20,000 in authorized •trength, chle!Jy !l'<Jm th• Arn\y. Twenty thotil&lld ls abo the number of men who wW be btougbt home and demobilized. Anolbet 11,500 m • n withdrawn from Vietnam will b e ~ployed in the western PacUJc, and the balance will remain In service after returning home. on U.S. WiU.amette Valley, Oregon Capital Get Inch of Rain California Skiff _. rMlll'I' ftlr II• ~ C.lltwft'-tdo9Y Whlle t.m,..,.1111re1 c"""'" • notcl'I ., two In flllf lnlel'ld' ·-'""' ttw Clll91tl Hdlonl "" "'tlht '"' '"°"'11'19 low douft •11111 ~ .... MM!• ~ vlcln1t1 ••• f1lr Witt! ""' -ilt!W. tl'I' 1111 ""'"'lnt 1tW .... dDl.Nlll-tnd local '°'· It W11 allltlllJ ...,,....,. wltll 1 llltfl ., n. ""..., ...,_"""' w ... ,..n ,....,... W.-tf H . I.aw tlflWlf 4 UtM -.... ,_,., "' #II Loi ~·Mii\, SOU'THIJtH C.-Lll<OllHI-' -Lew clouds ~ Jot CM1t11 ·~ 11rt11t ...... '"°"'Int l'IOllrt of""""1.. llllml" Tilllf'ldff • ''kllt'. Slltlh• Wll'ftlff" .. ,... llllellll l«tteM. LOI ANGILIS Altl!A-t..w ckMlll 11'111 fot llifhl eNI Qtly IM"llN ,_, wl1lt "'"' ""911'M lirl ,,,,,.. ~ Thwo-lclef Md l'rw.'t, llltllt!Y --.,...... ...... L...fw6 "*" 6t. H1911 TIM'tdl'I' n. COASTAi. AAO llrl'flll:MIOIATI YALl.f'f'~MI •""" low < ...... l•t. fl4llil'lt ..., _.., ~ ....,, ...,,.,.. .. , .. ll8'Y llflllllll!lit 'TllurMt'I' ~ 'tu.,., """ l'rlM,, 51..,.,t!Y ,..,..,... " ... ~ """" """' 11 -c.ett .. MIMlf " ,,,. ..... MOUNTAIN All:RA.1 -· 9WWIW' .... tlllllfff -111111' """'rHrt -ll'r'IW<. tNTe••Dl AHQ l)E)(ll:r 11.IGIOMS -5UM'f' .,,. lll'lflll'V w-"""9ft;'I' •Nl'r!Mt'.l-... llDUOW-Mld ~ v.11w .,,,.,..._ n t. u .....,. v.ilel Miii " lo JJ io.-,.. • ._ ~..,...,.,.._,IS l'OtS.,....,.­H I..,.._ ff 19 Ill ....... vltlltn. SANTA tAlll•IU. All:!:A -Hltl'rf 9fld l'Ml'Jlfflll ... diMll _, leul ,.. _..,. Mnh' _...,... ~ Tt-u!Wll'I' .,., F,..,, Llflle """"""Nr. o;M .... . ....... fl • ta. ""',. ~ .. . ,. PRIYl111 Of UH wtATltlll IUltlMllO!tlWT 111 J:ff~.M. IST t •11 •n sc:am1~~1.:~:~::.r.~· .n--.,..,1. <'eat Ill £Mtr ,,.,.,Ill .... <1111111 MelllJlll'te "'IWIY ... 11 •A WI,... -i.rlY 10 to 11 tllttl. """ "'"" lit. v.......... ,_.""" '. ft ••• ""-" D iii 11. 11111111 ......... ,._,.. 1111111 Wff • lilt 71, Wltw ltnlM• ""--.. ..,_ Sun, Moon. 'l'Ue• TllUltSOAY ''"' flt•h .............. l't•f' •·""' s.t f lnt ..... • • • .. •• t :• ,._ '·' 'lllM.1' ''"' lllffl .............. 7r• •·"'· J.4 l'W.t lllw ............. l tll6 1,lfl, J.4 _..,,. lllt'll ............. l1J4 •·'"· J.l ._..., low ............. IJ:N 1.111. f ,I .. ll:ltee •1• •.m. .... •:• •·"'· ~ 1111-1:5' •.111o kb U:tr •"'- PW .. "'" ..... o. w.-$Wf, It S.t. U ('11. ' Od. 11 r~c ...... " . ._ ..... ·-" u .. Afltnf1 " " ......... .. .. -.. .. ... ..... .. .. -.. .. .ri ,,,_ ... le n .. ... CH<.-.. .. CioU'Mll " a -" .. ... _ .. ., ..... .. -.. Ptl""'*' .. .. , .. _ • " ...... " .. -• n ltfMM City " .. U1 ....... • .. LOS A1'1111M " .. Mlllfll .. " ... M1-l'Ollt " .. ..... °"""' " ~ HfW York " .. ... Nor1fl ,.,,,.. " " " ....... .. " Oii,.,_ '"" a " ...... ~ " .. .i ... hl'"lfttll .. " -.. .. "'""",.,,. " " ... .. ortllllld n -·" ll .... (tty .. " ., 111:111 81uft .. .. ·-.. n IK,._11 u .. S.11 L1~1 Clf'f' .. " $•11 Olfto n " '" trrfl'l<IKO .. " ...... " " ..... M " " T"'*""'ll , .. n Wt1ll1"'1t1r1 " .. ... ' Midea·st. P·eace ' Sought ; U.S., SovU,.ts . Renew Bid to Find ·Solution II)' llllW ...... ~ ~ed U.S. and So\olet o1!orta 1t l!n- dlng a f>esla for peace ID 11111 Middle Eul ovenhadowed fiKlotlnc on, Arab.laraell lranta today -at tea.I tenlpararlly. Biiateral u.s:.sovtet, ln.ettnp oa the oubj<cl were nsuming ID New Yark Ollly a fri blocb from the United Natlooa. wlim President 's!llOll wu elj)ecled to ' devote ptucb of h1a morning speech to the conflicl. The llQllferenctJ tbll week betw- U.S. Asst. Secntary ol State Joeeph J, Sisco and Sovlel Ambassador Anatoly F. Dobrynln were aimed at laying the groundwork for a resumption of Big Four talks on the MJddle EasL Top diplomats from the Bia: Four na- tions -the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France -aloog with the foreign mlnJsters of Israel aM tbe Arab natioll!, have arrived In New York for the 24.th annual U.N. General Assembly se&!iOn. Nllon was meeting with U.N. Secretary General U Thant and foreign m1niaters of Britain, France and Jonian -all in- volved in Mkklle East peace efforts - before returning to Washington. SllCO and Dobrynin SWlpended their bllateral talks earlier in I.he year follow- ina the breakdown of Bjg Four peace ef· lam and af the mission of the u .N. Mid. die East peace envoy, Alnbasaador Gun- nar Jarring of Sweden. They mel against a backdrop of repeatad l'lrull air ralda aplnal Jan!t.n and E«Ypt. ,,. of Tueiday, ~ W>rplueo bad otqed acr~ raidl eight aut of the put ninB daY•· Dlplom1'4 tllougbt' the Blf Fout Wlol, IUIP<oded In July, would loo -.... ly Uthe U.S . .SOV!et talD unoover •"""th ""' ground to lead to -1ble .,... IP' pii>ooheo1o the lltuadan. I Israel repeatedly !>U re J e c It d pe ... maklng eUom to set u to comply with a U.N. Security Council reaal\iUoo ealllJltl for Its wtthdrlwal f>orn Arab ter- r!-captund-<lurlng the 1917 Mlddle Eutwar. The leader of» Arab forces 'tn that war, PretldenrGamil Abdel N.-of Eapt. wu reported in bed today with IDfluenza, having canceled all 1ppaintD\e!lta. JonlaDian Premier Bahjal El-Tolhaunl uld WednesdoY N....,. bad. been too 1iclt to -him during his tbm<lay visit to Cairo to dlacuol the ateady laraell air ralda Into their natiom. Bar Panel Advises Okay Of Justice Haynsworth WASlllNGTON (UPI) -'!!le American Bar Auoclailon advised senaton today that a committee that studied Judge Clement F. Haynsworth'• quaUflcaUons 8i!'eed unanimously he is • "blghly ac- ceptable" choice for the Supreme Court. Lawreoce E. w I Is h. New York. chairman ol the ABs Comn)lttee oo the Federal Judiciary. told the S • n a l·• J udlciary Committee c o n a I d e r t n g Hl)'DIWOl'th'1 nomlnat!oo that hla group inteniewtd '?Jtunerous judges, lawyers, law professors and alben In looltlng into Haynsworth'• quallficaUon. . •'The membeil'I of the committee were unanlmaualy of the opinion that Judge Haynsworth was highly accoptable from the viewpoint of professional quallflca- tlon," WaJsb 1aid. "All of the persons Interviewed reprding Judge Haynsworth expressed caofldence in hls integrity, hls lntobectual h,...cy, h1a judicial temperllllleat and his profe&S!ana! ahUlty. ·•A few regretted the appointment becaUM: of dUferencea with Judge IU:ynaworth's ideological point of vlew, preferring someone Jess COMenaUve. None cf these gentlemen, however, ex· pressed any doubts aa to Judge l{aynrworth's lntelleclual integrity ar his capability as a jurist." for ALL YOUR PLUMB.ING NE·EDS GARBAGE DISPOSALS WATER HEATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" IN-SINK-ERA TOR MOOEL NO. 333 s311s REG. $59.95 · OUR PRICE .,. .. ,.... , Model lll -I Yr. Gu•r111lff MODEL NO. SSS s4e•a REG. $69.9S OUR PRICE .•........ Mod•I sss-l Yr, G111r1nt11 [~~E:~~ .~ ...... ~54 95 Mod1I 77-5 Yr. Gu•t•nf11 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE 8paolal sale hours Open Tonite &·Fri. 'tll 9 p.rn. 20 Gal~ • • S42.88 30 Gal. • • $44.88 , 40 Gal. • • $49 .88 50 Gal. • • S64.88 '11'111 qu•fifv tu•r..it.•d '''" un.4 w1t1r h••kr 11 equipp.d with 11f1ty t1mp. •• r•qufr1d by l•w. W• h•"• 111111 d•'f ln1t1ll1tion ,,..,;1,bt•, if y.iu wi1h. All no1m•I IRit•lt•tion p•rta i11clu4t<d, C•ll by 11oon -inri1U th1t d•'f'· Ab• •m•rg•11• cy inll•ll•tioR ,,..,a.bl1, All work don1 by rn••• t•t plumb1r1. INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Balplt• oelehates ltl TH In ONllga County _ ........ 4 ahowrOom I 8'IOCK UDUCTION SALE I I ' I I • " , • I :VOL 62. NO. 224, 3 SEc;TIONS, 40 PA'GES ' ' • • JHUlSD'AY, SflE~BE1t~1t!. '1 969 • TEN ·cmrs ' . ' ~ Church,' Residents · Disput€. -Pyne Castle ·use ~( l,. ' , ------..- llJ RICllABD P, NAU. . or* ~~ "'"' st•" 'Laguna Beach councilmen bucked pro- .poi,ed church use of historic Pyne. Castle 1 back to the planning commission We<ines.. ,day night after a verbal tug+war bfP'een church officials and opposed aru reai:dent.s. .In the face of close-knit cpposition by 1\f!ilhborbood residents·, the CalNary ~!Ucal Free Church had withdrawn ;.•poi1km <I its co!lditional use permit ap- • pllcatku:: .i-propo!ed creaUon of a private elementary school. Church officials still hope to have buslneas o(fices, pre-school for toddle.rs, commefcial apartment use and a church aanctµary -• · The bfllroom on the third-Door nr the 64-(oom mansion, no Hillcf'est Drive, wc;iUld serve as a templOrary sanctuary wjth a ·~aneqtt sanctuary to be added to the grounds at some fu~ure Ume. OJ?POOents 0( the use !poke out in person and by ti letlerl ·pr0,.nted to councilmen • Rea.sons against th,e ~ llzjll(fed "vaguen~ crf church plan!," trllf!JC con- gestion arid haUitd, noise, increased density, esqi.blishinerit1 of preeedept, remOval of the ~ lrorri the tax rolls aod causing: a delB.y in proP,OSf!d ~- strocUon of nearby hoqiea. • A~hited S~ e&se.\(llairman 'of.the church ·building , CQl1lmlt\ee, Sjlid the Chrlstian Science 'Cburcb set a ~reced,enl for the aru. ~ •Aid iwo churchtl Wert• recently •ulh<!rised In 11-1 (IJn&le.lamilf "''iden- Ual) .-and aaid neltber tl>e·Lutbtran nor ~nitarlaii Qturcllol -. u wen IOCOlf!\I U, the ~ QlivU)I site, Caae aald the .cbQrch ~· to _furnish nioro, parkin& Ulan n!luh:ecl by ofd,l.nahce. • ~ • A Jetter flODl. tile cburcb by• Pmor J, Michael !olontgom•ri• commented on· the fact ' that' the ~. obCe-e>:ed as· 1 possible White !louse west for Piesldeot Nllon. is aaaln up for aile •. "Tber• I< no.pie.ce of property In the ci- ty" that isn't up for sale. especially if the desfred buyer comes aJoog " Montlomery wrote. He nid, however, ihat t>em\isllon to""'' tho property Is still very important to the church. Eari'N, Leven, 291 Dolphin way, aald: 95 perctrJJ of the residents ot the area op- poso'haV)llg the '<iu1rch Jn that area. Mayor Gle!ID V<:dlle< "Id• Thfll:alon ... School ii In •n fl.I ...,.; tbe:'lilP «i.o.1 is bordered by fl.I atid JI.I ...,.,, mid nanled churches In &I and R.2 ..,.., The owner of a nwby ~,-Kur~ ray Kreiger, said the proposal la llolding up building ill lhe· area. He ,aaJot - churches are -r~ted Jlhysicall)" from ~ar~r. homes' "but lllld , Pyne'. CuDe dll'tCUy abuts six ldts.. ... \ K~er said !lie pn>poied uee -not .. merely ~ school o.-me"1Y a cburr:lr'~ (See PYNE; Pa., I) • ' ' ano1 IXOll. S{S • • us . . . ' ' Dawn tlae 12 Arrested M •• , 1.SSIOD Outside ; /frail During ·talk ' ' Wate1· Dist1ict By MElimfu. fu Viejo OK'd MISSION VIEJO 'r" Reorganization of water dlati'ict boundaries in the Mission Viejo area waa approved Wednesday by otange County ~·· Previously ltr~ water district boundaries were redrawn 1o c«rt.Spond wltb tcipoeraphj and housing tract boundaries. l)NlTEQ NATJQJj~ <lJl'.ll-'i ff!lrid~nt Nixon. In hti firhl',apPear~'bef!re the General ~bly;oraec1 'l!>e ~·uhlted NaUons members today to' put preutµ'I on Hanoi for an agreed end to the war in I Vietnam. 'NJpety.Q:J: acres was deannexed ,!rom .... ·,, M lllpl Water District and unbecl .to the SIUU Margarita Water DistricL Twenty-one acres d. Orange Coooly WalU Works District No. 4 -part <I the Moulton-Nlgnel Dil1ricL • Cord Night Slated ' I:AKE FORF.ST -Adult card night at the Beach and Tennis Club will be Fri· day, Anyone interested In joining a card sroup may bring a deck of cards to the .suI.t hxmge at 8 p.m. on the tbird Friday of nery month. ' . • 'Society Danee Set • 1 DAILY f'tLDT 11111·,i.t. · SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Tha San Juaa Capistrano Hlatorioal Society wilt stage 1ta annual dinner dance Saturday, in the Ei Adobe restaurant. O~~an Aven~e's One Wa11 'Die event will begin with a social hour 1t7:1> p.m. with dinner at 8:30 and dan· cing throughout the evening. . City work crews Wednesday installed signs making Ocean Avenue a one-way street going in]and in the blJ>Ck betw_een Beach str~. 811<1. Forest Avenue. City eoonciJ action>.,llinihalell Beach inl8neclion hazard and.hopefully will eliminate Ocean Avenue residerrtial com .. plaints about bus traffic. -The evening's theme w1U b e Ca}lfomia'1 200th anniversary an d honored guests will be members of early Ca11fomla families. tor 't1cket information contact Mrs. R6nald Drummond, 496-58.58. ,e, Viejo Otter• Ballet MISSION VIEJO -Residents in- tUested in enrolling their children in ~ clasies are Invited to come to the llii:reation Center on Monday at 7:30 County Postpones Hearing · On,,Niguel ·Park Change . Laguna Niguel attorney Alex Bowie and P;;:;., ballet program wlll-begin Sep-his Slilt CrOek Beach court foe, attorney- ~ rt and will be taugtit by Mrs. William Wilcoxen, acted in concert lldonie Otta who bu taught both Fl:'encit Wednesday and Orange C o u n t y Q(Rmsi ballet. She· bu been the·Jead . . dancer wtfl: the Santa Monica Billflt Co. • supervilors agreed to their request to and bas studied 15 yura. ' hold off far 'five-weeks a public hearing i .on tranlfer of a parb·.aervice area. :~. Dome-• to llfeet Lagwia Nigut1'CorJiirauon backed by . 'CAPISTRANO Hr G H LA II D s -Its home<>Wll<J'• aMOCia(jon, Is ~.lo Jt8ddtnta <I c8piatrano JDglllands and -lransfer the lllgnel &bores development t!iil ~are Invited to the C.plalrano to County Servlce -Area J>lo. 3 from ,.tbe lllilllancil Hom_. meeting Monday. ' , , and '' \{ namlics offic<r from the aberlfr• _capl!tzano Bay Park _ Recr....,. ~will be the program speaker. DL!lrict. WllcoJOli ts allOmey f<>! tbl Capislrano Bay District . 8ttvice Area NO. 3, wtllch t3.kes -in virtually the r~t of Laguna Niguel, pro- vides fire protection, parks and parkway facilities and mainteoance and street cleaning. On its st cents per •100 or asse!sed valnatfoft tax r)lte it, pays the salarlea •Of eight llremen Who-County Fire Warden ·E. Jf'. Osterman aays would be Ute first to noPI""' In • Cire In the Niguel Sbore3 aru • .-i.I property _pureha..d by the Lqilna Nlpei Corporation from the ealolo ol -caprou. • ' ' . Police arreited 12 p e;r,1 on s dem911st<atin• ouUide the.1!¢!e<l'N~ while, ·N.lxon addfeas,.t the .Geiiaal """"bl•. l . .. • ··-• ;,-irr:!'!I\;.':; .... 1 -'· ... · 1 .. ~ !1ec·...., -" · rouce·...,,rseven the u wn ma1n and five were. females. The demon.traton1vere arrested for obstruc- ttni lrallic, reslJtlnr mest, harusmenl anil diaordtrly .cmid!ICI. · '!be Pmiil'l!I . lddrWed • . packed ..tenlbly ~all • flit 2f . ib!nutes. The del<iates '.::· rewe-un, ·all u.N. inenlbers 'ucept ·cti1>a · -·111teiiec1 ·without intmupttoii. ' They pve Nixon · a 20-&econd standing ovation -with Soviet Y.ortip Minlaler Andrei Gromy~o leicllni the .Cqnurumlst applause -When he Wu ·introifuced by Ma'embly Presli!ent Angle .Bloou <I Liberia and escorted to the SReakers' itaJ\d by U.N: protocol' olriC.r Slnan Korie of Turkey. , , · · · They applaud,ed q:ain for 30 seconds (See NIXON, Pqe I) Council Okays Unifol'lllS Drive Laguna Beach councilmen Wedne8day night approved charitable. 80licltatlon drive to raise funds for anappy new llllilorms to adorn the JS.girl bJgh ochool drill !eim. I The sollcitaUon will run from SepL · 11 to Dee. 5. Students Linda Burrell and Toni Dlerckl, modellng the uniforms, will be professionally photoaraRhed In color at Laguna Beach bu3in0ases. Owners of the finns will be asked to plirchase prlnta ·or enlargements~ l\'P- ply funds for the ,clrive. It neu.d • 1121 . after exf>e.nses 1-st ye~ from candy sales and car washing. . Uniforms are $65 with acceuorles auch as boots and gloves extra. There are.alao com for porn. J>ons and •words wed u drill props, Steele llf•rlcets NEW YORK (AP) -'!be stock market closed~ tba winning colymn-today, after tumbllni Into klw~ tenitory Wednoliiay. (See qUOlatlool, p-!Hit. . 'Jli;!i.t Saddleback area'• new bot 1in8 ' . r' , ' .,,...,,. ailo.wlll be diseusaed. s . in,,,.~~~·~·~'¥: , Leary Tria. I Dai~ et c.nter. • ·T•rtle l'r~rt OK'" :~VINE·-Orange County _,.;,ors ~approved o lrad IDIP for a 91-lll:iim: Turtle Rock development two miles ooillh ol Camplli Drive and west of Tur· u.>RDcl< Drive. '!'!!" C011Dty requires 1262.400 be 1penl "7 the devt1oPl!:I' on street, sewer, water iaDstrtet lighting imprwemelll.s. Street.a tit' the tract u:e to be named Sierra ~ Rood, Sierra Verde Road, Sierra Rold, Siem Mesa Raad, Sierra ltoad, Sierra Santo Road, Sierra Road, Sierra Chula Road and Sierra Rood. j J"rltaelpeil f.eoclnlJ • JlllSS!ON VIEJO -L Jay lngall, prin-~ or Ml!l1on Viejo High Sdlool win km hla pool at the IChoot foe a position . ' (See Ml!S!ON, Page II -LSD! Leader Charged • £1£ Tlie poycl>edeJJc ,candidate for the acq~ntance according to te.ttmoey,... Calllo!nl• govmionhip must lblnd trial drowned wl!!Je swimming nude In a ck!ep Dec-I for bis alleied role In the drowning creek pood. · • • ol a,L8311"• Beach girl swirnmlng under His atlomey ~ he wUJ ·attempt'~ the influence of LSD at a desert com.. overturn an earlier COl(rl .. ru~~that~ mune. jeded'deleme cl\itte1 tbe ~pla!r\l «'as Ceala ' Mesa attoniey• George ·Chula l..,itquali! becaii&e,it did ·not. ~t•oiit enterecl'a not'lluill1 plea fot'Dr:Tlnlotby Mw Leary contrtbuled> to ·,btlr deJlb. Leary, 48, j~Rlnnlcle Counl)l'MunidpaF --•. I ! ', I) ( COurt Wedrlei<ify1 • • I Dt. ,IJO~ -.a Pl._ rue~~ lnlo Chlila lald he pl'"' to filbt the con-ell~ ol !$, -sat.ii he .dlll, ilot, give, tributiJ\r to the dettnqueocy' or a minor Min !lmelda the 'halJudnotienlc dnag charge Jodged against Leary alter that apparently played a role' in her Charlcoe R. Almeida, 17. drowned last tragic death. ' ' ' • i Julr at tho ranch IM)&r 1'1)'0wlld. The psychology prof•-ftred ilnln Dr.~.., wu not pt'Utlll at tbe Mppie l!arvard Untvm!ty In 1163 for hil '!" haven w'bcn Miss Almeida -only 1 slight pertmanta with LSD ha.s another ~ Now Laguna's Home • -. ~ ,; t ' MarB)e JeRoux aJid, l\jantreil·H•iile traveled-~.&sfanCJ!.before .be-­ commg Classmates al Lagona Beach High SchooJ.Jlpih are Ameiican Field .Service exchange· students for the 1116&-70· s~bool year, Margie is· from the· Republic ·of South-Africa, Manfred from Germany. , Arc.h Beach Heights Bids Go Far Over Estimates • • The 1ow bid for construction work an Lagun•'• Arch Beach lleights ....n.i tr peri:etit beyoijd'1 engineering ·estbnates W~y night. · ' TQ,ere wefp;tivO' bWls!, GriHlihr¢ornp~ny of CO!ta ·M; ... &id'llk ii>b. al,ff73,0(l;·Th•. low bid· 1,rOlm Co1co lnc.' of Stanton .was 1656,987. Tlie engineering estimate for !be work was~$$1'&,350 or •t39,S37 less than the low bid;· •· · · 1 City ofliclal! had·estimated earlier the cost to about 365 loY receiving full benefit of sewage, streets, water, stprm drains, ~grqQJld T..t.lectrical , lines, wiiergroubd ielephone. Ones ai)d street lmpmvemenb wouJd be about $2,'l«t for a 2$.by-100 foot loL About 125 other loll ben<flt only from sewage and would I\<' au~~f•r, less. • , 'nle locreased co1lt ·wou1CI be renected ln ihcrcued CbSt to land owner. if the ci· ty goe1 .; a bead with the antssment dlstrlcl projee\. !fi\he ~ s!\elves tl!e fl!Ol'"' it ,".""ld ' ' .. be responsible ror all funds:expend6d'up· to this time. It was ~~ted· last-)'11( this might be as much as !00,QOO. However, 'the clty would have \he engineering wor~ and might proceed ai some future date if ~lnlction cptta ever 'dropped.' ' ' ' Councilmen 'Wedneiday' rilgbl re!"'led the bids to 'Joseph Sweany,' director of public works, !or analysi1t and a.report (See A11C11 BEA'Cll, Page I) Orange· Cou& • I ·Vi -t·s -Defending 'Saigon ' UPIT..__,.. PRESIDENT, MR$. NIXON ORE.ET SECRETARY GENERAL U THANT AT UNITED NATIONS Chief Executive u,... World Body to 'Pt.rt Hut on Hanoi' for Netofl•tfons Laguna P1anner Holden Resigns O:ver Joh Duties From Page 1 NIXON ••• when Nixon concluded with a genlle nod ... of hi.a he.ad after appealing for the achievement of that true peace which the people of every land ca:ry in their hearts and celebrate in their hopes. .. Lquna Beach Plannlng Ccxnmbllooer llontd Bolden aubmlttal hll rmlgnation to Ille City Council Wedneaday nJshl In a Jetw to Mayor Glenn V eddt:r, Bolden aid the resignation WU IDlde _,y by additional job mpomlbllltlH that wlll enlall much air travel He LI the representative of a firm publlablna law booU. llaldeo. ct S181 Alla Laguna Blvd., wu appointed to Ille Plannlng Commlaaion by formir Mayor Wllllam D. Marlin In JlltDltJ, IJl!ll and had aerved leu than half of hll four-year term. Mayor Vedder Aid today hr: hu ~ pouible replacemenu !or Bolden wl1h lellow cumcllmeo, p1amtlng ~ llld memhm ct the clty It.aft. "I am sure we will be able to find 1D11eone within the nut few weeU," Vedder lllld. Holden, be added, had dOoii a "very &ood job." PlanaJnc c:ommtssianm are appointed by tbe mayor and CODflnned by the City Comcil. 'lllel'e la DO time llmll lor mll• me t11e 1ppo1n-and the non rqu1ar Huico of the cnnmlaklft ii not ICbeduS- ed until Oct. I. Alked U be would -IJIOlber ap- Citizens Group To Meet Tonight M<mben ct Laguna's Clllwls Advillory CommHlee will att.mpt to linaliu their planning &o.J lltatemenla at a genera] memhenhip meeting tonight al 7:30 in the board room or tht school di.stria offices. Three aiJ>.comm.iUees, social Mid cultural, physical, and eoonomlc, will preaent their tentaUve goal state.menU which. after diso.ission, wlll be turned over the Plaon.lnc flnn of Daniel, Mann, John9on and MendenhaU, now engaged in nvisioo of Laguna's general plan, The. 2$.member Citizeru1 Advisory Com- mittee WU appointed by the City Council more than a year ago to assist and adYlx. the general planners whOR IS.month plarmi.ng sunoey is scheduled for com- pletion by the end of this year. An attitude aurvey c o n d u c t e d throughout Laguna Beach baa served aa a guideline for drawing up the com- rnitt.ee 's statement on goals desired by the community. [J,\11¥ PllOT OIA#e!!-COA.11 rvlldMDt9 CQMH.ff'f I•..,, tL WM ---J.d l. C.lf.., Vll;t,,..... .. _ .. ....,. '""'•• r ... il .... l\H!!•• A. M11t11M11• ... __ l tdi•r4 P. N•I .__ '" -....,. __ 221 ,_.A.. ..,.,.. N4•-I P.O ....... '2111 --Cllla .... -... "" ..... tt.-t~m1.,.., ..... ..,.._. , ........ , .. ..... pointee from ... of Laguna'a bllltop devt!opmentr, Vedder replled, "'lllat'• bani to say. I think all Laguna areu are ~ well represent..i In city govern- ment."' A !actor In Bolden'• appointment wu his residence In the Top ct the World area and hil activity 11 a l]IOkman for bllltop ---..... Other momben ct the Plazmlq Can· miWon U9 """'1tei:ta Fred BriJP Ind Chorlu Jmm-, dentlat Dr. Robert French and college proleasor Dr. JD1epli TCIDldJak. Youth Business . . Group Changes Its Name A.gain In keepl!f wlth their declorecl]>ID'J>Dle, "lo promote community bannOoy " memberi of l.quaa'i bflW )Ultb«ten~ bullneu group -Tuelclay nlaht to change lhelr name -qaln. No longer 'lbe Establlsbm<nt of 1-Beach, they now wll1 ldenUfy -as Ille Laguna llul!ness ~tlon. The Olllllterpart to the Chamber of COmmeree and Downtown Businea Associatfoo, started out u the Burtatl or Commerce. This title wu considered too stuffy by the young businw: people, beaded by operators of the Art Coklny'1 so-called psychedelic shops. Second-d>Oice name. The Emblislunent, was called "lllj>pant" by aome chamber members. So it's now the LBA. At Tue:9day'1 meeting in the Cottage Reslallrant, attended by 30 members of Ute new organitaUon, plans were fine.Hz. ed for an open house program from 7 to JO p.m. Monday. Sept 2t, to introduCi! fellow merchants and other interested citlzen.s to the businesses and services offered by LBA members. From Page 1 MISSION ... as assistant superintendent of in· strud.ional servioes at the Tuatin Union High Sdlool District. A new principal will be selected to replace lngall at the d.lstrict school board'I Sept. :D meeting, lngall had IUV· ed at tile blgb school !or three years. He replaces John Duncan, who ""lined the poet for a position as superintend.eat of aoother school dlstricl. The President told the a!Se:IDbJy tht United Slates intends to '4share both the adventures and benefits of space" and would put lorward proposal! to lhla end. He failed, however, to outline the pro- posals. Departing Crom his prepared text, Nii· on peered acrw the blue..anc;l.aold assembly hall aoJ told the delegates he had traveled in mo!t or their countries in the past 23 years. "I have met most of the leader1 and seen thousands of people," he said. 4'There are differentts between the na- tions, diHermces betwetit the leaden and cWferences between the people. But Lbe people of the world -wherever !My are -want peace." He tald world leaders had ''a responalblllty to buDd !or peace." The President was escorted from the podium by MIM . Broob !or private con- versation in an office behind the speakers' stand with Sectttary General U 'tbant and her. Mn. Nixon and other members of the presidential party were strved coffee in a nearby lOUDge. From Page J ARCH BEACH •• back to the council at an adjourned meeting next Wednuday. Sweany uld the bids, which incude 97 bid items, will be reviewed today. "When we get th.is together," be said, "We will probably call the auccessful low bidder and get tbe story behind the prices." The city wouJd doubtless also have to see if the bonding company would in- creaSe its committmeot of $1 090 000 and if the cost of the bonds would i~ease tr lbe commitment increases. Thfl bond commlbnent of $1,090,000 was based on estimated construct.ion cost:! pl~ ~ditlonal COBts (or undergroundJni utilities, plus acquisition of property for street widening, legal work, engtnee.ring and costs for processing bonds. Sweany is in thfl PoSiUon -in hls words -of having "to justily to the c.ouncil that a 27 percent tncreue (construction) is not out of line for some rtason or another or of recommendil11( that they (councilmen) reject the bld.1." Of the asatsSment district, Mayor Glenn Vedder said today, "Jt'a had !tlCh a dUficult Ume ao far that this adds one more straw, and a pretty heavy straw, to the whole burden." Said Vedder, "I will take a look at those bid Hats and talk with the rtaff. This Is a re.al rougb. one. I hope it doesn't draa: on." County Asked to Provide Own Lawyer f 01· Hinshaw County aupmoilora were ur;ed tod1y to pn>'1dt Coonty Alie-Andre" J. Hlnsbaw wtth a J:li•at.t attorney In con- nec\lon with the Upper Bay land ex· change Jftlpllon. '!tat recommendation came frmn the Orange County Gl'lnd Jury in a brier ... temtnl r<Oecllng the panel'• appamit failure. to effect a conclll1Uoo between lllnlihaw llld COOnty Coolllel Adrian '°m' iricn appeartd folethtr belon the Grand Jury last llept. 2. It I> la>own th1t ne!tller otriclal wu prepared to make l"1 ""1CW!Olll In bla stanc< to...,,, the Upper Bay land 1Wap dlspute. U .upervllon aocept the Grand Jury report -and a IOUmt clOH to the board today utd Jt wu ••more than likely" -It will ellm.IJ\ate Hinsbaw'1 Ulreat to 10 to """1 and """' --· to !lfanl blm a private attorney. lllnshaw made that tbrtat before Ule board this wetk during I u r t h e r arguments in a confrontation that hat ob- v10Ully Irritated county supmri.110n. Hinshaw rtpe.a:ted accusations that Kuyper bad cliscussed Upper Bay aneuments with •'private persona whose lni.ttsU aro lmowo to be dlamelrlcally cppooed to the ........-s." Hinshaw specifically accuRJ Ku)'?ef' of conflict of Interest and argues that the county J1W)'er bu frequently coofttttd with the lnlne CompaOjl oo rnatten al - lectlng the cootrovel'llal land IWlp. Kuyper denies the charge and argues tJ1a t any dl&alSSions with lhe Irvine Com· pany b1ve only ~n In the aense or clarl!icaUon and should not be lnterpeted as his condoning ol the In.-Ine ar1W11ent in lhe dlsput~. ) U.S. Turm Over Combat Duties to South ' IAIOCJI (UPI) -1 U.S. headquarlerl lllld· toUJ n -tumlni over tbe def-ol · Saflon• to the South Viet. namae. 'lbe Sai10Q 10ldiers lut wuk took their beavlpt losses in 1 year in ~(Jolnl ft alone !or three days on the ba eld.. oome ol the M"""°' would be .. nt lo Japan or Otinrn and others to the United Slates. More unlU to bl pulled out will be announced later. Some "' the -wore locked In their heaviest DMZ-.ru combat ln Be:Vtn montha Wednesday. It -tbem 21 nlen . • killed, headquarters Uld. Another 47 Jeatbernecta: were wounded In the· two baW.. -to lopr ~ eowtb'ol tbe DMZ atnce Februir)' "lrllell North Vletnamele army altackl ori two leatherneck artillery bases ldlled SI Gb and. wounded 17 othen. '* " The -t that the IZnd AlrllorDt Dl\Won'• Sn! Brlpde, ·now 1!1JW1n11 Safcon, would be pulled out In Prealdent NluG'a withdrawal plan meant the removal of &he only U.S. unit still in- voll'l!d In the """""' of the capltaf. It would llavo the job to the South Vlel.- namtte, wbo Iott 529 un killed 1ut w .. t. The period included three days In wblcb they IOU&ht oo wblle U.S. tnopa tacitly wen boooring a Commimlst~ declared truce 1n bonor'OI Ho au Minh. ·eo..........x spot...,.. said the m deaths ,..,. the blghat llnce 142 Saf&oo soldlm <IJe<l ln the -i. ending Alig. :U. Jt68. American loaae1 Jut w«k were put at HS kllled and I.SO wOW>ded -an Jn. crtUe of t1x dead and 11 wounded over the pn'10WI week. Troops Cheer Pullouts, But Not All Going Home The government losses reflected their increatlng combat role as American lroops are bl1na pulled out, and served as an indicator of their ability agaimt the Viet Cong and North Vletnamose. A total of 2,3&1 Comnumlsta died In filhling last week, spokesmen aaid. The 4,500-IDID Srd brlpde ol the llnd Airborne Dlvllloo jolnl the remalnlng JS.000 leathemeckl of the 3rd Marine Divlaion and portllXIS of the ht Marine Air Wing as unlu designated for withdrawal under Prttident Nixon's 35,00lknan second cutback. Removal ol the Srd Dlvl!ion Marines lrom a1oa1 South Vlelnam'1 northern Uer leavea 'that volaWe cl<m1lllarbed """' area afmool wbo!IJ In the bm1a ct Soulh -lroopl. too. Tbe llllllOllllCell today said the airborne brlpde .... 1olng home wlllle SAIGON (AP) -'Ibey 1trambled lrom bun.ken: whoopinc, ''lt11 DI ••• H'I UI!" 'Ibey huped each other. Tbey dlUICOd and skipped like chlktren on the last day ol. school. A private ant class kl&sed his 'Sergeant. 'Ibey douled each other with beer. Moments earUer on Thursday. the paratroopers had clustered around a radio, llllgero croued, hoping thelr uni~ the and Airborne Dll'illon'• Srd Brigade, would be Included In the 311,00lknan wltbdrnal onltred by President Nl>on. The newscaat.er on the armed forces radio atal1ed by uytq: the Marlnel up north would be gotng. The paratroopen groaned. "In addition," be said after a pause, .. all of tbe 82nd ..... 'lbe rut wu drowned b7 the sudden din ol wild cbemni, ba"llnL whlllllng and stomj>bii. 'l1le ICtne wu a highway bridle over the Boe Mon c:anaf, elCht mlleo north or Saigon, belna lllllded by Ill troopen ol Laguna Goll Ouh Sues For Flood Loss Damages George H. Crain Last Rites Held Prlvat. luneral servictl were beld Iaat week for Geor1e Henry cntn, fonne.r Laauna Beacb realdent. who died Sepl 10 ln a Harbor Area convalelcmt home at the 1ge of 89. Formerly of Plll'llllld, Ore., wJme he WU mana1er of McCord Company Publuber•and adlve In the Rotaey Club, be retlr<d lo Laguna -In 1114 with hi! wlle, Ruby KellO(I, -_..ied him In deatll In oo. 'l'bey made thelr home at to'1 Alta' st. for many yean. Mt. Crain .I.a survived by his son, Georg fl Kellou Crain of Orea:on City, Qre., llld by throe grandcb1ldren and one great grandchild. lntennent waa in the Portland Mauso- leum. ownen: and contract.on with nqll.ge:nce tbal led to IJoodlng of bla !Here pro- perty. Named by llmm, SUGI S. Coest HJ&bway, art land owners North American Rockwell Corporatloo, Moolton Nlguel Water D1rtrlct, South Lquna Sanllalloo Dlllrlcl and Ille Narland Corporatlon. Brown claims that all were varioully Involved In property lmfl""'emenll that led to extensive -., ol bla Lquna Beach Coanlr)' Club and COOnlr)' Club V!ll1ge. Brown stata In bU acllon !hit ",.00 englneirln~actlcea" were not ob-86Ved throu ll1 operaUOlll aimed at d!vtr"tiq: Creek watm from the North Amerlcan ltoclrwell property, two m11.. north of the aoH coune. He claims that the blocklnl and diverting of the old "'-el led lut J ..uary S4 to the IJoodlng ol the 10U coune to a depth varyln& between one and four feel And he particularly blames the aanit.a· tion di.strict for a further disaatroua flooding on Felxuary 24 tn whkb brfttges and motel unn. throughout the property were wiped oul Ille 3rd Brigade. They bad been In Vletnim from a Jew weeb to nearly a year, and the1r joy spread down the road in both directions. The Gls hoisted Vietnamese cbildttn on their shoulders. Smne Joined aa Im- promptu parade. Some scrambled Oftr\• vqelable trucrocreamlng at tbe driver: "Goodbye, we're loin& .bomel1' Tbelr celebraUon atopped trallic for 20 minutes .on Highway 1. Bewlldered VJet· namese peasants, who had no idea what was going on, joined in lhe dancing and cheering. The radio Jay in the sand. No one beard. the second part of the news -that onlJi those 3rd Brigade troopers who bad CODh pleted the major portion ct 11-mon!h'. tours would be withdrawn frooi the war mne. 'The othen would be rta.s!lgned wi unlu e!Rwhere In South Vlelnam. • Then tbe voice nported the. weet1Y. casualty llatlsllcs -143 Americana ~ ed Jn actJon last week -but the ecstatic· paratroopers didn't near that either. · Troopera at brigade headquartu1 at' Camp Red Ball nearby ll!tened to the' whole broadcast. and many were dlsap.'. pointed. "If they pull the brigade out, everybody should 10 wit.b Jt, and I th.Ink evtl')'Olie feels that," .said Spec. 4 Davkl R. Holmberg, 21, Rldgelield, Wash. He bu been in Vltbwn a mooth and a half. From Page J PYNE ••. merely mulUple residential use but a bodge J>Odie amaJgum of all three " He said, ''The couocll. if it buyi th~ (approves tile appeal) 13 buyinc ao enormous potluck of future catastrophes." Another man charged tllat tile church plans are vague and lackinf statlstica, Case answered, "The Lord knows our growth but we doo't: I'm sorry if I'm vague." Councilmen Roy Holm, R l ch a r d Goldberg and Charlton Boyd appeared to have reservations, for dllferent reasons:, about the use. Mayor Vedder and Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan seemed inclined toward iL O'Sullivan said nobody want.,: churehet, mortuary or schools in his neighborhood. "I can't tbint ol .another location u swtable,'' he declared flatly. City Manager Jame. D. Wheaton, a member of the congregation, lm lHUe to say during cl1Jcu3olon. ~foor Sample . On ::Dining Clearance J<?oomj ..A6 mue~ a.i 20 to 400/o OFF · Ott man'J /foor 6amp/.~ H.J.GARRFfT fURNmJRE. PROFESSIONAL • INTERIOR OES16NERS ' .. ' 21 15 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF • 646-0175 f. I , • .. • '· • • , ,• • ,,. ... l • I I · l'RtsroENT. f,1RS.,N1xO"N GRE.ET .s1~i!i'l'..:1t:v 'oE11!'RAL u THANT Ar 'uNrrEo .n'Tioi:Js~" · Chltf Exocutlvo•Urllff World 8ody le 'Put Hnl on Honol' for Noptl~1 , .. . ... ~. ' ·-:. oil~ay strike ' . 34· -Coast Seniors . . fi I \'"' Named U~S. Merit .. . LA SchJJQls Shut Dl>Wn ' ' semifinalists , , . " .::~~~~..,;ea~ As ~eat~~s-~lDY:,H~e -~;~~t·.=..::::.r. -~.:~' . ; ,J;:.·~· ~" ·~~~~·.!. f)7 ~ UirougbOul Ibo · 'canc:elod ola&R& ~ mi[lion anooally. ,,,_'"""1il have~ · ~-...m compe1a In u,. spring far d17 as,teadlen · to r.poctJor wort the ~ .,,.... ,from the • ~t ~~.--pl Of fl,000 -:t:=J ;;f .... J..~!: l'l~~"!r~/°"pJ. I. -~:$1ii1 cCher ICbOlanbfps BfV<niby ~~opoli-laldlllotbyla.m.· cent Uil AFT wlllU a ,'fl,\I00-"'1'-Ybr ~ foun.iauons ailc! organlratlons. aboul ., perc.ni d ~ In "'"° i... bib rar all teacli.rs. · ''Ibo qllllifylng tes! given last February ~ acbools .,..,. obstpl. Pitnc!pall' , • • • "' ~~ by ,,~,ooo stud~· then high at lndlvlduil scbqOla bad ,uthorlty to 1 •. • . 1 ,-., -~ ~~ autlloriie "clilss .cadcollat!Ons·tt IUllldebt C } ' l\lub Chi f ~ 'funlon. °"" in r.o -• 1eaCt>ers ,, ... oo1.inaem. · . · . y~. e u , . , e ~. an tllte intellectual 11'""1' Leaders•!!( )be, lt,llllO<nembu Aasocla-. , , , • l!i_at"~1s 1 ... lhan ooe percent o1 uon o1, Clasiroom -Teachera 'pftdicted Attacked , Again.~ . lilCll'llChool -a...,. the country. Wednesday , nlght IJ!at st least 15,0oo , .n......I.• National Merit elementary and blgl> 1<hool teachers • · · ' t;r.,.....,. are lht would turn out lar a morQi>a rally at .a H • .B.} ' d li!nJ!kwBsts !ram the Orange Coast aru mill in the jlowntowii Civic center. . e88JaDS. ame l\iil 'tl!dr !'ut1ft caietr dJolct u of last ()then.were as•'ll*' plctet' duty at the ~ '50 aff...W icboob; wblch aerve 174,GOO. The p,..;dent of efoi1Ji ¥a qcle club . ·-del Mar Dip -Kalhletn pupA°.!:...-••• ~ the .... ·wu to"·'· waa aasaalted wlJ lhla momlng In what = ~-E 11 ...,..._ -~ u WU allegeil ~be the~~~-by 0~ ~; Colheru~ I ' (eetually "'"11 down" the IChool system, ~of JI.,.... cYple -=~n,.. , Benedict Fraua, ..,....utical; SfC'Dd •in aiu-nollomally to New Yori: u many diya, Newport Beach pollc:o tiihan Gdbaum. estrooamer ; Laurie cttts, lo< cme day. reported. ' lludoon. oadedded; Nebon J-Joining in Iha> walkout and pn>tesl ID both ~ts;· ii/icon said, Buddy ~llk:i5t, aDd Susan Thompson, un-march are representaUvei of the 3,000. Garten, 11, IUflered nwnerous superfi~ diGded-member Las ~les local of the AFL-cuts on. hla facr; arms, chest aod back. ~ ~fna IUgll -Melodie Keller, CIO American Federation of Teacheni, • ,The niost recent incident, officers sai~, JdithemaUcian. plul students and otbets who piedged lo occiJrred, at 1:56 a.m. today at Sa n Joa- , High -Sandra Genis, scien-support the teachers. quin Hills Road and Marguerite Avenue and Lawrence Schroeder, engineer. After the rally, the teicbua planned to In Corona del Mar. 1 taDtam Valley B1gh -Teresa walk about two bloclu: down Grand , The first incident happened Wednesday M arland, elementary teacher. · Avenue to t.be. school dl1trld !lead· ' rhornilig at 16th Street and Irvine . Be a ch mab ..... Ronald quarters and posgibly seek a meeting Avenue. ~b .ut,ruxmer, and Steven Spickard, with Mayor Sam Yorty. ln both assaults, Garten told officers. .qr_~ Jack f. crowther, superintendent of the pme four Hessian members pulled , ;~ mp -Phyllis· AD"·'~. llCbnola, failed In l1io .itempla lo' outlaw him off !he.road ind cut him wilh knlvea. l#Oli._i ocienllll; G1f.1 Cam~. the wall<Gut ~ court action. 'Ille young Santa Arla tnan waa treated ~; Robut Ekbl,~: ~ SUperior Court udge Richatd Schauer and released from Hoag Memorial Olibus. undecided; l,'alit ~ ... ~ rduaed. bolh times -"' ccrutltutlonal Hospital alter each Incident, offic:<rs dWlded; Jeanne McKlnney, 1 ...,.,..; &t«mda ~ to grant a temporary said. ~ Narog, undeclded, l1"I Gary '~ar.fF.d~on made 1n offer ----------- Tmnehll1, physlclst. t ' .... ··-.1 s·--·· ltJ r•···· «('iewport -Hlgjl "' Suslo.Clluie, ,. a 1-t wage tsst Th~wey, ~,. a "~• ,.. than llateil cbolcos; ~ , • .......... an~' SteV.. Slip. •· ' NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market ptlilca1 ocientist. ' · Passe& Tax lo User clooed In the wbming column today, alter ~a.me.to lllP -Merj ~ • ~'l. ~-• twnljlinglntotowerterritoryWednesday. . • loei:lt. • , .Lbs AliGELa>(UPI) -'Ille "-1al (Seo~-.Pasea.30..lll . ,, .I~;· mp --~ ~ Co. l!!!I pollf!! on Ill 10 per-.Tnldllii .was' iitbdenitely active over P!' : CUOl1Jl Er¥fn, _....,; <*Ii~-ioillu i. ....,."" In lhe -of Uio -Dow Jones lnduS-r---...'"' WM1r.WW: ~· JWlll. iarm o(,a ....... llB!ts on bllll, It "trill~ at l 'p.m... Was Up· 4.29 at "'~111!-id._,.. ..-· ..... ~ . . . . •• -Rancor ..... _. -~ ~. • • ' -11-Ulo. edacM )!• 1 t .J °'""'"' I • 0 \ .. .} ; . ' Halloi iish A~ed • • •, ') ' I M'' 1" . ' ' Nixon Drges 'f].N. Join P~e .:-Q~i -. . ' . By MERIUMAN SMITIJ-',. UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Pr<ritent Nixon; lli' lill ltm ap~befm tlie Generaft ..... bly, urg<d'the Ull Uillted Nations members tod~y to put pre.ssure on Hanoi for an agreed end to the .'far in VletQam. " PolJce , trllfted , Q ' p t t 110 n 1 demonalratlng out!ide U>e Urllted ~aUons while Nixon addreaaed the General Assembly. • Eleven Apply For Blanpied Seat on Board ' By THOMAS l"OBTUNE Of ................... Elev~ pet'IODI hive •IUbmilted their appllcatlo!t !cir lhe Newpbrt-M'esa Unllled School lllplriol board oeat . recintly vacated 1by Lloyd fo;., Blanpled Jr., wbo was appointed a mllllklpBI court judge • Tlie llx remaining members of the 'chool board wllr Interview the hopefuls Monday and Tuesday nights. Two of the 11 candidates are known to members of the school board. They are Cordon C. Morrow, 30, who nemwly lost to Incumbent Blanpled in the truztee eleclioo tast-Ap?U and James B. Wood, 33, who l>la~~ i:ole In Ille Jul two acbeol twpl ti-<liooalJD\i. Morrow, a r.._ high 1c&.of tUcl>er turned bullneu _._ llves at 724 Aleppo st.. EU\bluff. -w~, .._._, t..=,,.~~-Jll n. J:':: <aMl4lla afli live iii tlle area wlllch Jndge Blanplod "'*a 1p<d -taiti..-, east of !i>< ~ N~ Baf, ~IY (\oiolla·r Mar. · Tuq-o ' I -U:....' i:' ,caoe,, Ill. l flnaacli1,Jn. •tltµ~vtai;~hl, ol.:f907 Kew..,.. Drl", ltvlnO Tarrac. • -11·' .... ~r, IS,'•.~' gential ·maniiger, of 2800 wavecrtst Drive, Harl>or Ylew Hll1' .• l . , -Lawn""' K. llantJ', H. an aUomey, of ,!QH •andpjper )Jiive, ·-View Hills. f' I I • ~~-~ 41..a DltYliclan, ol 708 Ayocado Ave., Corona clef Illar • . -J ... P.lqrd,.U,.a'publll:".U !omnan, ol 311 Jasmine AV.., Cmmdll Mar. i • -Bel\llml• T. IJDecrafta, II, I dall servicn director, of , a:ll l'1lPPI' Aff., Corona de! Mar. ' -R!Wrd 11. L71111, t:i, an .U..,,.Y, ol 201.2 Seadrift Drive, Irvine Ttrrace. -Rlclwd D. WWlamJGD, D, an assiJ. tant city planner, of 315 Jumine Aye .. Corooa del Mar. . , -Mr•. Owltae B. WllJOll, 41, a housewife, of 2027 Altura Drive, Irvine 1·errace. The cholen board member will serve out the rem1ipder 9f Blanpled'• fOUf·Ytar lenn which -·1 «Plre'Ulllll ~pril II, 19?3 • Big J to Peooe Ship Proposed by Murphy SAN FRANCISCO (APf -Sen. George Muri>hy (R-Callf.), says be 1w written President Ntson suggeatlnr lht batUesblp USS New Jersey be recommiuloned as a "\Vhl~ Ship ror-Peace" Ind' 1eat to pcw1.I . around the world. "'.' • · MunibY Weclntada7 told, a. gniqp oL .....,Uy naturalized cill2.en& lhat he ""I letten earlier in the dq to the ~ and Seaeljll)' of o.tenoe Melvin Laird suuistlnl 111at tlie 1>at11eShlJf be painted wblt. and ou1lht.d aa lhe USB Pelee. , ' < ' ·celes.te, County A~ked to Froyid~ ' .. OWll ·La Wyer. for :ffin~h.a~ . . ' : .. eRPt , r * -Jamea Cor)'tll, IT •• i =~~=.==: -· :Gree:n~l-y. for Ja111horee Ki<Jpap V~tim's . Father Succ11mb8 IW!SAs CJTY (M') -.RoWt C. ~ ....... , ' ' -. . ewpor;t Pioneer . ucci1mhs at '9l <. ~ ·-..u ~ who~ on to wllorebewa,sa~ for • ,..n and Hnd In • Beocll, clled receoU, at 11, RancboMJrage. ' . e r. Hinkley .... ~ied Sept. 10 . .....!* Springa, Mo., ~ ta notllled In lht 1iarbor Atea. ~· lllniley was a member or the Elks ' . ctult. MlllDllie Lodge and tho llot.ry Club ,,. )nany ,.. ... ' ~lYOrt tnclude his wife Marion, of • 11\tra&•, daufl!llen Mrs. Richard "Mir. Robeit B. 11edsea aoo Qarfa: PaUenon, • 1iller, Mrs. Clllle 5mmlth. u~ and two lfilM'l'..-lldteDo - . ' • f • Grass Ui lle Plastic, Bu~ Trees Wijl fJe !feal glued down probably In-the ... t lladal GrWnl ... r.tller at BobbJ o-.... • d.bd ~ vtctim Ille '"'11 !ISO, died W-.,. nlPI II 1111 - In lllNMD II-Hlllo, W Ho -17-lld. t . " ~~ . . ' ....... ' • l Loi. -. l• and diiJzle -that'• Iba ,,..... .............. courofllc ~-r.. rrldq, wllll -----lintibrtoll. INSIDB. TOD-'lt' I l t 4i Arrested . . •. InBilrgl~ a~Coti.rt 'Hotel Executive EdWard Bemaro Succumbs at 65 111_..-.i ........ wi (odor for I lltw=Baadl liolil Go oooiho' wbo dlod Gf I -11-tait Ill lloq -I Be la Ednnrs. a.-. -. a port. llmo -al 1111 llalhoa 1111 Clall lor u_.. -for Mr. -.... at ... THIS WEEKIND, HUNTINGTON REMEMBERS 'THE DUKE' Tiit L .. ,. """!"'~ s..r11., GllHll Wit\\ Wlnnar Miu Doyle In ''5 Duke Returns for Surfer · ··~·· Meet Via Bronze Statue . ' flOQ,000 Needed z: ' of his native ltate of Hawaii. He wan a gold medal for the 100.meter frff.style event in the 1912 0!1n>Plc Gamet in Swedert and scored a repeat victoey in the 1920, 1121 and 192& 1ame1. Surfiq Wll lnlroduoed to the -Coart In 1907 by Ge..-&• P'T<eth of Hawaii and came to H1.111Ungton Beach wbe.n the Duke and a friend, bOth d. whom were ~ movlea ID ·Hollywood. ~ their Ion& and heavy -with lbein. In Hummpm Beach they met Delbert ''l!ud" HJaiDI, -city hil1lll1lll Ind then IH.,..rd Uc! fire dliel, wbo carved the f1nl homqrown l1llfboud ID Orqo eounty·ID 11121. Clllln:b al the -IGall at ,_ • : La1lll, -· -.... Another .Move Sought For Newport Chamber . . ' ""· --natWiaDJ -, ... m::": Jmt11r1a llld m1lnt1!MI I ._ 1111 lllltmore Hot.I In Loll Malia '111111Illalri!err-at1111 11me oflib .... He w• a protep of the late Baron Loni anil had lnll18ied the U.S. Gr .. t """1 In San DieSo• and tho A(ua ~ llolel In "njlWll, belore taking 1111 --pool -bl WV., he Jeava • .,., ea... E. B<nard llld adaQlbler, l\ln. Can>lyn !IGfle. -Gf. Loll Anploo. I lnllfer a.noa. of -.. • allter, !\In. w Da1fan. ol San Frm:loco and -~ Pretlt P .. e 1 PLASTIC •.. he Did. •Jo Ibo ran 111ey line red aeed podl." AfW tht trea are planted, the median wlD be liladtDpped, "with the Intent of '*"""'""It-ar1llldal lurf," h• aid. '11>1 ellJ'• Giili' ......... ·-the fu fNlll7 al Dan>Gra11 at thls poln~ ..,. ~ lo Counc:llmln DonaJd A. Mcln- nla, ... -Ille aloe will hold 11raa8'1 IM rain, .......... Stewart thlnkl " will. In lmtt al City Hall, -al tt ii a1reod): llftlni "l' ot Ute ... ti. tile dlvklm. ··we can bold it don with cancrete naill," he •id. .,... C9lll ... _ 4 ... ..... M. .... ---.-.L-,..,,_ __ _ --·-,,,_ ..... ..---. J•-F. C.Ulu --"" -----1lll w ...... ...,".,. ...... ~r4 ... ,.n,t1•n, ........ ), -~~= =·~--- ' . .,. .. ' "i'11. N"'1>Grt',Ratbo.-Olamllor "' ~m, mirce;'; :iilildi fDIT!od ~ .. Tl • qlllllln "" 'Eut Coat HIPl'Y !Olll" mcnthl A&O; ii plllinlng to IDOVe oul qaln. ' All tblt ltandl tn the cbamber'a way is . Stoo;..-1baf1 how much a chamber commll!ee. beaded by emncw and loan encatlftl P.A. '-'Pappy'' Pahner, hopes lo ralae·frun dvte-mlnded citl2ienl. 0. ~ "Dkk" ~ a membei of the .-i~. said the money ii needed to ICqlllre and build oil' a olto adjai!ent to or f1U1-al the dty't ncent1y ecqulred c!!'llt •celllor -pla near Fulrlon Island. Permanent Cb a m be r headquarters, very lil<dr a two.otory llludure, wm bo bulll on Ille llto. wbk:h la_Juot • row hun- dred y8* behlnd the cbimber's .....,.1 lt!lnponry headquarters. a renovated Newport Balboa S & L olf1ce. Rlcbsd noted that the chamber a1reodJ JIU min t1Jtn W,000 In Ila bui1dln& lune!: An -t!Oll,000 will be sought from individuals, preferably at \ 11,000 per lndl'l!dual. OWnber """'" Joel Baniett ex-plained thAI tho orpoisatkm's pment headqui/rton 11 ln the path of a planned extension of Corona del Mir11 Avocado Avenue. And tho bulldlD&'• pork1Dg lot II in the path ol the Paclftc Cout Freeway route. "We'll have tO get out of hert 1n 1bout rour yean,0 be sakf. The new building would be used by other non-profit civic and social organlu- tions; aCCCl"dlnl · to BametL "We1! luml3b the bqjldin& and they'll pay the rent.-" be aald. "We hope the other orgllDizatlolW wlD pay enough to pick up tbe taxea and. Jeuebold fees ." Pattner'1 »-member committee wants to raise the 1100,000 "very slmpty," said Richard. "Wt want to develop a cadre of people wbo wlll llw ll,000 each, at l2SO a year. But there Ji nothing In the rul" thot w111 proltlhtt lllYOl\O lrom &lvlni ,lJ,000." A 1SOO donallon will alJO be 11taldulty received, he added Valley Schools ·Appoint • ' . ' . CdM Man as Assistant WINS. SCHOO\. PDsT Roliert A. h!ldllo Rod Taylor Divorced Lal ANGELE.\ (UPI) -"-Rod Taylar'• lolllmooy Ultl bis wife become jeal<ul wbelllVer he k1l...r other wooten C10 tolevilklll """' blin a dlvorto Wact...- doy !run -Mary lllkm. Robert A. Sonchi1, 33, ol Corona dd Mar, baa been oppolDted ualstant 1uperintlndent ol eduCatiooal services for the Fountain Valley School Diltrld. He nploces Dr. Dole R. COopn who 1er. thil .....,,... to become llUpUln- tml"1t o1 tho San Jadnlo Unified School D1str1ct. Sancllls. wt» wu formerly an ad· rninillntor ID the educelional oenlc:el dtvi!lon, wu selected for the new job from a field of 30 applicants. Other pllillons be baa held in the Foun- tain Valley School District were uaiatarlt principal at Newland School and principal of ArevalQS School. He began hls teachin1 career In 1911 in the Arcadlo Unified School District. Sanchis 1s a graduate of Occidental Colle" ind received a muter's decree lrom Col 5\alo Loo Anlfde& In JJll. lie ii c:urrenU1 oampldin1 hio Ed. D. d._ al USC. ' ,,,. -5chool In-· Hawaii, bniu&bt Sancbll to the 1slalldl In 1167 to <iev<llfP the Fountain Vaile1 L<arnJna eenw plan for their IChool operatloo. He lilo wved a1 consultanl for the NonooLl<·Lo Mirada, Soouel, Sanla Cruz, FuDtr\OD and Shnl Valley oc h o o I dl1ttldl. In bil -poo!Uon, SanclUa II responsi. ble for the Qurlculum Maleriall Cenlu, c1ew1op1., ........ of llodJ, health l!t!"Yku, the mu1lc _...,, ·~ therapllil, Kloctlon al boob and stud)' •Id.! and the 1Ummer llCllool proaram. . . ' ' ....... t ... 'I ove · ombot Dutia kl S&uth SAIGON (AP) -They ocr.nlbled lrom bunkers whoopin&. "It'a UI .•. tt'a us!'" They bllQtd each other. They danced and U1pped !lb cblldreo on the 1111 day of IChooL A private llnt ci111 illloed bi1 aqeant. They domed uch olber with beer. • llomen1a earlier on Tbanday, the parilroopen bid chutored llO!ibd 1 radio, fln&'JI miued, hoplnc their nnl~ the llnd A1rbame Dltlal<xi'• 3rd Brlpde, -.Id be Incl-ID tho 15,lllllknan ..-.... ordered by Prtlldent Nlml. The new>Clllor Cll Ibo ormed ,..,,.. radio o1artod by "Yin& the Morlna up imh woWd be 9'lfJll. The paratr1IOJ><H ll'Olned. "Ia additlon," be llld alter • pauae, "all of the and •.• " The All wu -.eel by the llUdden din of wild cheerinl, btflliD& whiotlini and l1Dmpin&. The ICOiiO was a bllinr•Y bridge over the Hoc Mon ~ e1Pt miles ID1ll of ~ l!eln& ~ by Ill troopen of the 3rd Brlpde. They bid been In Vietnam Iran 1 few "~ \Cl """1 a .Y"f, ~ncl their joy sprUd down the load ID both dlrectlOll!. . . . . . . From Page 1 Husband S~ys Cemetery ; ' NIXON •.• achievement of that true peace which the ...... ol every land wry In their hearts Incl celebrale in their bopa." . 'Mislaid' Body of Wife ,,,. ~ told the assembly the United Stotei 1ntendl to "shore botb the adventura and benefl1s ci space" and woWd put lorWU"d pn>pOllil to this end. He failed, bow.na, to outline the pro- ~from 1111 pr_..i ten, Nix· on pemd acn111 the bluwncl-&old UMDl>IJ' bill and told the deleplol he had iraveled In ll\Oll " !heir coun1rle! in the put 23 years. "I have met moat o{ the leadtrs aDd seen tbouauds ol people," be &aid. "There are diffmncea between the na. lions, dlfference! -~ the 1eaders and differences between the peo\)le. But lhe people <i the workl -wh~ver they are -want puce." He aald world leader• had "a nabilll)' lo build for peace." ~ Presldem was """'1ed from the podium by MJos Brooko for privato coo- versatlon ht an aWce behind the speuen' lllanil with Secnlary General U Thant and her. Mn. Nixon and oth<r membm al the presidelltW party """ oemid collee In a nearby lounge. An ~ C01111rllctlon worker whose wile died Gf cancer eliht yean ago charged Wedneoday In a IS00,000 d11nqe claim !he! her body hu been lost ., JnlstakdJi ~cmMted 'iii w~ Memorial Park. . RoOa1d T. McGIDnlll, 85, ol W1lm1Daloo. pet!-Orin&• County SUper1or Cow1 Judp ltoberl L: COrlmll! to order hil Wile Purl ubumed ID order to settle the hl\lllllDI queslloll. 'the ca,. II set lor 1 Sept. It hearing. bQl ezei:utlv" of the cmetory at 1480! Beach BJvd., today seemed to be UDI11f • fied. "The only pooltkJn we con take Is that Mn. McGlnnil' rtmalns are In 1 certain crypt," said sa!OI rq>reoentatfvt Milton Bennett. "They are there. Tilal'• an there " to say," he contlnued. McGinnil, however, does not tcree - and does not em> belleve 1111 wife can be Wiumed -pclntlng lo conclltlom· of "chaos" that uisted before and ofter her intennenl. ' He argues Ultt lie paid In lull ·for 1 single crypt on Aug. 16 1961, but agreed to temporary lnlennent of Mrs. Mc:Gln- nis in a double crypt at Peac9 Mausoleum, pending completion of her .... final resling place. He believes the remalns were 1n- cinerat.ed or m i a p I a c ed. Judge Corfman will be a s It e d to «du, Welmlnstor MemorW Pm to prom,.,. the body of Pearl C. McGinnil or uplal8 why it bas failed to satisfy the widower that it ls located somewhere in the mausoleum. McGiMis claims that cemetery of, fidall have persistently refused to •llow hlm to eumine the contonil ol Crypt !:-$ in the mausoleum, the site -accordinC to those oHiclals -of his wife's remains~ Trial ol a lanWt filed by McGinnis against WestmlDstor Meincrial Pm on Ian. 16, 1967 is ICbedu1ed !or OCI. IO f4 Stiperlor Court. The W1Jmln&ton man wants $500,000 in damages fn:m the. defendant!, Attorney Dudley Gray e "I p 1. I D I d Wednelday that McGinnil' Ill health and four hospitallulinns hive delayed hear- ing: ol the action. 1 1 :J.fo~r Sample Clearance On ;J)ining /eoom3 ..A.i miui a.s {9.to 40"/o OFF 1 on man'/ /toor .!amp~& H.J.GAR~EJT fURNmJRE. PROFUSIONAL INTQIOR DESIGHERS • 2215 HARBOR ILVD. COST;. MESA, CALIF. 646-0271 -. ,I . . • ~ .. \ • ' 1 -' . . I s IOI I • :.; 111 = . ' I i ' ' "' Oil a ' : t •. i I ~ I t ' J tit~~ Pela:~~::.:· \ ,, .J '· .. " I J}: , , :·., ·-~~->11 DeciSio1i~on:; ·. :· : ,. • • • • .} j. ~ ,;. ' ' - • ' ' • ' . ' ' ' (!. I ' Oil.' Ilri·ltiR:fmr . • ·• • ' • , -- T 9 N~~on Urges -V .N. Pressure .. ' .. • \ t ' Fo·r Peace . { , ) - ' -·--~•.n-1 ' ·&'t' . -Ii•*•. ( TEN CENTS .. C..ta Mesa Cily Councilman Will Jordan presepts plague and gen- nant iymbolmng.D1>111iderrt!'calised'tralfic accidents in past year to. 'Harper Sebool pupils Jen'nifer Hower, 9, •and Mike Rego, 8, at cer• mony Wl!dnesday, ,Flag flies h!gh fonmblemlJhed-reoord, and.«lly. • four ICbools-'failed to:qt one. I j • ' ' M~a ~gfi~:Cars··eomiJ-· ·$P.e~din~g~a~h~ M~fQrl.~t •.' 0 I . • • ~ ' , ,.l J f ,t • I~ ' I • Son,. 21,. 1aill3d . " ~ ' ; ' . . In: Ham·rfie-t.;knife Death of.Patents· . , .... ... • ~ • ' ~ I . . .. F~,.BJJard .~<> H~l4 . 1 I -. • , Regula11 M~t ·To~ght ....,. ' I ft ~ .. ·ing·· .. 'Paw. • f f I r I I I I f - • l'ortfl. Pile• of Jlfld R~· . ' Bulldozer driver chums up chunkl of upbalt and . cfOUcla of dus~ tearing out namw; buJ:nPT. old Arlln,ion Drive Ill finrt stage of widening •JOI> Wed· nnda1· Street serving two ICbool C&mpUl"f and a • park bu locg been a headache. Now clooed, it's evett-more troublesome, but will soon be a smootb, broad thoroughfare for motorists and pedestrians. Job should tale about three months. --:) ,, Crime Prevention County Asked to Provide Group in Mesa :' _ Seeks Applican~ OWn Lawyer. for. Hinshaw cm ... lnla'ested 1n ..mnr ... the -11 farmed Colla -Crime -tlan Canmlllee are """ be!ns lnri!ed to appl1 for a ... t OD the oinHDembOr ponel. Sevea adults repnoenlinl vlrioul diltrlcll or the city will be requlnd, while appUcanll to represent high school and college age groups are alreedy being ocreened. Resumes ouUinina the individDaJ.11 u- perience and concern in the field or law ""°"""""! and crime irev-moy lie malled to City Clerk C. K. "Cbarlie" Prlat, 77 Fair Drive. · Und<s' <>rpnizatianal plana, the seven adult men and women. plul one com- >hlsslmer each """' 1oeaJ hi&I> achoo! aod collqe will meet lllOlllhly or ollooer. Their job will be to atudy the broad 'range of c:rime prevention and mate aod lmpnwe local crder. ...... -a!XN ~=bal ii '!be pone1 .. m . . from the pollce aod ·city a office aod manben: will be f r o m 1eop-aphical aecliom to usure a balaoc· ed repr<S<Dlatloo. Terms will run four years, with the clw'ter com.m.ission-membrr1 drawin& Iota for lhorter terms of two and three years &o begin the rotation process. Several penons have already applied f<r the ~on created by an ordinance which received ita second rudinl by the City Colmcil Monday aod a-Into eflect mrly out lllOlllb. Trucker · Sought For Exposure A bespectacled man driving an old white trucl: was sought "by Costa Mesa police Wednesday after two indecent ex. po.ure C&Je1 reported by adolescent ,Ula. One lncide1lt occurred al Corne.11 Drive and Vqlanova Road. in the College Park neighborhood, while the second one was r-1e<f not far away. lDYl!ltfptcn laid the s1endt!r, mkldle- aaed man in each CSJt asked the vktims bOllr to get lo a fictilioua street and ex- pooed bhruelf wben they appr08cbed his •ehlcle. !)All Y P'L01 ~ (:QiUf """ ...... COllU'AN't ..... N.'W ... ---Jee\ I. c..flf Viet,., .......... ~ Mllltttr .._ __ IJO Wart lay $~ Mtill119 "411111"'; '.0· h• 11" •11J6 --~...,.;ttll ................ ~~-~"-H 7UIX"""1 ........ =""" ""''"· .... 'llNOI ...... ---~ ................... .... ................ a.. ..... ~ ~ ~ a.di. Ila 1%• ---~111 .... llfY•• ..... .. .............. a......,c:...: ......... • QIWilJl'f ............... -.... , --.1 ....... ~,........, ........ ... ..,._..,c....--. ., 5'1 ,,,., ...... . . G S • Mca1·• I ..... ,. ~-.o....c... ....... :-____ .... .,,,.,,.,. ........ .,,.. -....... -• ;p I t• .._. -:... -........ -........ . ( __. .................... ..... -a.a. .... Q __ ,, ..... lit I ' ---~ ...... -....... .....,, .......... ,._,. • , c.um, """"I-' were ur&ed todey to pmrido Coilnl:i -Anmow J. lllnlliaw -a irtVll< ai1orne7 Ill COD- -w11!1 the Upper Bay laod ex· chan(O liUplloa. '!'bit -lion came from the Om!ge COunty Graod Jurt ·Ill a brief statement rtflecllng the panel'• apparent faihn to ell'ect 1 c:oocillalloa bdweeo • 34· Coast Seniors Named U.S. Merit Semifinalists . 'llllrl1·four Oraoge eoa.i' ares lliah' a;cbool ~a were among 15,000 ~: !ll'UoOwlde urned Wednesdey U-Nilii>aal ~Iii e-r II 5cbo~ m· ~. .. Tb'1 will compete 1n the spring for 1.1100 co!leg• llCbolarablps of $1,000 each J>lua DW\Y othel' acbolllflhlps given by coll'iei, found.IUons aod crpolzaUoo.s. · n.O qoalilyin1 tell gival wt February was taten. by 750,000 students, then high l!Chool juniors. One In IO became a Rndfirialisti an elite intellectual group that reprt,eoll lesa than one percent of high school mtlon across the countzy. , Following, are the Nati~l Mtfit semifinalists from the Orange Coast area and .their future career choice as of last February : Ceron• del Mar mp -Kathleen Camp, physician; Catherine E & Ii , lawyer; Benedict J'raas, auooautie1: Ethan Gelbaum, lllU'oDomB; Laurie Hudson, undecided; Nellon Johnsoo, pbysici5~ aod Suaao Tllclmpaoo, un--Cool& Meaa mp -Mdodio Kell.,.. mathematician. -· mp -Sandra Genii, sc1eo-ust, and Lawrence Schroeder, engineer. FoaataJn VllleJ RIP -Teresa McFl.J1and, elementary teacher. Hllllllqtoo Be I c • IDp -Ronald Nash, astrooomer, and Steven Spickard, undecided. i\tarlna mp -Phyllis A n w 'I I , biological scientist; Gag Campbell, physicist ; Robert Ekkm, ~cator ; Albert Globus, uodecided; Paul Latfen, un- decided; Jeanne McKinney, linguist; Greaory Naro&. uodeclded, and Gary TaMeblil, physicist. Newport llllllor DIP -Susan Currie, other than u.t.d choices; !IDbert M-•-. aothn>polocist; ste.en Slap, political scientisl. Su a.me.ta ID&' -M'71 Hlcks, J>1Ychologlst. Tuth! mp -Bruce Andiinon, physicilt: Carolyn El"Vln, undeeided; H"11'}' Greely, undecided: Keith Holli.o, undecided: l\lchard Jlanlor, buslneas, and Judltb Smith, educator. w .. 1m1n.ier mp -James Olryelt, bioe1temiw,-SUa1n:1ncraon: high aclioo1 toacher, aod Mlchael Pearce, high school tea~,' 1 • ' i.- .. ' C.Ounty ~y,, 15, ' 'Escapes· Captivity A 1&1UMld Orl!IP Countf robber aucceas!ltl\Y dC&ped from I CallfOmla Youth Alltllor!ty faclllty at Paao Rbbl" Wednuday ni&Jrl.. authortUtt announced. Mm B. McClellan WU pla<:ed at the conoctlooll inllltute lllllowlnt his .... v1<tlOD 111 ....U ond nil>be!y chat&.,, CYA apo-aald. 1bt)' did l10I nveal Md:lellan'1 homo lddtea Ill Orlnp County, nor bow he qed tho &In l.ull ObUpo County tralnlni adlool, which wu lheacanelhll 11UDU11er of I riot "' Muloll>Americln inmates. llinahlw ond C<mity Camsel Adrian "'JI::';,, .. •ppeared together btl<n the Graod Jury lut ~ 2. It ls knowo that neither offJcW was prepared to make any c::oncessiom in bil stance toward the IJpper 817 land swap dispute. U supervisors accept the Grand Jury report -and a aource cl<R &o the board toda1 aald It wu "more than llkely" -it will ellmlnate Hlnabaw's threat to ao lo court and fon:e 11.1prervison to grant htm a private attorney. Hinshaw made that threa1 before the · bof.rd this week durin& f 1.1 r t h e r llflUJD<llll Ill a conlrootalloo that ha! oJ>. vioUl!y Irritated county superviaon. llllllbaw repoated accusat!oos that Kuyper had discuaaed Upper Bay usemnente with "private persons whole toteru~ 11!!,~wo to be dtamelrially cppoged to tDe uaessor'1." . Hllllhaw sjleCillcaDy acCuse8 Kll)'per of confltchlf lllterat and .,..... thal tha -lawyer, JIU lfequently coot.rred wilb tho livloe"Com-.., matters af. fectlng the-....W land swap. Kuyper 'denies the charie aod 1J1Ue1 that any dlacnsskms with the Irvine Com- pany ha.. ..., beeo Ill the lelllll of cJ1rilicatJon and should not be lntorpetod as his coodoolnc· ol the Irvine argument in lhe dispute. Husband Charges Mortuary 'Lost' His Wife's Body An ailing constructi-On worker whose wife died of cancer eight years ago charged Wedoesda~ In a $500,000 damage claim that her body has been lost ot mistakenly cremated at Weslminster 1.femorial Park. Ronald T. McGinnis. &, ol Wtlmlngtoo, peUt!oaed Orange County SUperior Court Judge Robert L Corfman to order hla wife Pearl exhumed in order to settle ltle haunUng question. The cee b set for a Sept. 2t hearing, but executives of the cemetery at 1411.1 B03ch Blvd., tollay i;eemed to be unnd· lied . "Tile only positioo we can take is that Mn. McGinnis' remains are in a certain crypt," said sa1es tepruentaUve Millon Benr.ell. "They are lhere. That's all there Is lo say," he continued. McGinnis, however, does not •IT" - and dot.I not even believe hil wife can be ..bumed -pntot!ng to coodlUODS of ''chaos" that existed before and after bu Interment( He ariua that he paid in full for a '!loll• aypt on Aug. 11 1111, bu~ qreed to temporary Interment of MIL McGID· nil in • double crypt a1 Peace &.tat.!301~. pending completion of her own nnal resting place. Ht believes the remains were i:i- cloer ated or misplaced. JUdae Corfman will be a S k e d to order Westminster Memorial Park to produce lbe body ol Pearl C. McGlnnl.! or explain why U bat failed U, satisfy the wkkrwer that U ls located -1lere In the maudewn. · McGtrm!.s claims that cemetery of. nc1a11 lllV. pmistently -to allow ·111m Id ,...lne the ·-11 of crypt E4 lti tlie mlllSOleum, the site -accont!ng to·tlloae ofl!cisll -of .his wife'• rema!na. Tdll of a l1wauit filed by McO!nn!s agalnlt W'estm!nster Mmnorlal Port on Jao. 16, 11117 ii lchec(uled le< Ocl. Ill In SIJperlor Court. Tlie Wilmington man wan&.s '-°°·000 in damages rrom the delenclaiits. A-Dudley Gray e1pl1lned Wednescley that McOlno!s' !!I health aod four bolpltalhal!ons have deiayod hear· ing of the lctloo • He repnls tbt.-aod ror ahum1U.. as a vita! prHrial l1ep that could ..,... celv1bly lead to an out of court .. ~ Umnent of the McG!noil claim. • PQOU PJ-0"< i o-..... ~,-,,,__ .. - D 4 ••. : :~-t A~~-, .. ~ ) to the~ •<Mt lllcl he· lo lilfit Ibo • ~~fired from awimmln& "* tributq to Ule .« a . h Unlvb'ilii'.°:. for his ,.. lbtio-.'al.~ at I deoirt 'am· ~<~ IT, ~'11:·( ~·~~~:~ ,....,_ July al wo 'rUcb ;dJUwlld. Cmm\Y.Jadldal Court. • Colla Mesa attorney Georse Chula Dr. Leary wu llOI · • at t!IO l\l)'Pie 1 lit and his He Roaanary, !3. aod eJ1knoc1 1 notllllllty plea for.Dr. '1'lmotl>¥ haven when Mm ~-only a il!Cl1t . J.cbn B. Learr~ere ,11rrcsted last acqualnWx;e aoconllilg to 11.u.ny -Deeembor Ill ~ oq ,_drug d~ '(lj!le ll'lllllnlnl JX>de In I cleop c:haqea..ito< (Gj!llll ~ £"""i El A I c..ekpcmd: • ~'-.. . even' I pp y 1111 atforuq aJd Will ltlompt Jo Lea>J .... • ......... wUI campaign . , • overturo.atortler-rofblcthot"'· forthec..,..__....._,,.., ' jected -clw10I the c:omplalnl ..... 00 • plaUllnl) of -· lanHln aod how Leary CUltriliiled to ber clel!n-lawo H elected. · For Blanpl•ed inadequlto becauae lt did not ~ "" drn(>oot. Pitdllnl a teepee oo the capitol queoey. He hu been ideolifted .as tbe owner ol • J)r. Leary -• pi ...... re•••u•:hor Jnto the' ~· ~ :rwa. ~ tho Seat On Board tt!ect. ·.r LSD -iild lie did not atve J.aaupa ee.;,.illri-..i, bul1 deoies MW Almeida tbe halluc!DOleoic drug hofdli>g title to tho property. By TOOMAJ roimna; ... o.i .......... Eleven perlDM ba•e 1U.bmJtted their application f« the Newport.M,.. l1nilled Scbocl Diatric:t board aeat recei1tly vacalM bf Uoyd E. B!aopled Jr., - WU appointed I munklpal court judge. Special Meeting Called .; . The Iii< mnalnlnl member• of the school -wm Interview the hopefuls Mooday and Tueadq nights. For . Cost.a Mesa~·Council 1""P of the ll candld1tes .,. -.. members of the IChool bnanl. 1bt)' are Gordon c. 11..,..., Ill, wbo narrowly lost to incumbent Blanpled in the trustee electlnn lat April aod J._ B. Wood, 33, wbo played a leading role Ill the lut twe>acbool bond e!ectlnn compafgJi!I. MOm>W, a fomw hi&I> achool leacber tumecl ballneu executive, Uva: at 724 A'-Sl, Eaathlulf. Wood, a realtor, baa lllOf8d fnJm Mesa Verde to 211 J~ Ave., Corona de! Mar. Tiit ntber Clnd!dllel alao live. Ill the area wb!cll Judp Blaopled ~ -1arritor7 eut of the Upper Nowpcri Ba7. puticullrly Corona cle! Mar. TbeJare: -ftwl C. ca.,, JI, a Dnancial in- stlluUol) Ylce pnolden~ al '11111 Kewamee Drive, tnme Terrace. -D. 8eott ne&dier, 18, a baaintu general manager, of S800 Wavecmt Drive, llart>or Vlew lllDa. -WW1eaoe K. llar\'tJ, U, an attorney, ol 102! Sandpiper Drl .... llart>or View l!ilil. -N.-e....,...,., 41, a physician, of * Avocado ~ve., Corm& def Mar. -J ..... P. ~ 12, a public '""b foreman, of Ill Jumlne Ave .. Corona de! Mar. -"'"'la.''" T. UllpHOI, .. a data ~ -· al Ill Poppy Ave., Coroaa del Mar. --IL 1.7-. o, ao attorney, or MU Stadrift Drive, Irvine Terrace. -BleUrf D. WQH•p •• II, ID -.,. tlDI city p!aona'; of Ill jumlne Aft., Corona del liar. ...:ain; Omlloe IL -. 41, a -.. of 111:17 Allor• om., Jmne Terrace. The cboaen board member will ..,.... out the mnalDder ol Bl•npied11 faur"')'Ur tmn which cloelm, expln ant!I Aprll 15. 111'11. Lolli Set to Leave ' Reagril Position SAciJii!:Nro (UPI) -General -lllreclor -JI. loUI today .... reporied to lie ~to ..... the a_. -ud probably be replaced · by DepUtment of Motor VehicleiDtrector Verne Orr. A Jpecial Colla Mesa City Council meeting for dll<ula!on of siJ: malton - !ncludinfl the posllble reduction of the minimum &ize for midfmtlal Iota -ls ac:hec!uled Moodai. Tlie -will be at 7:111 p.m'.. In -rerence ....,. clftctly belllnd !bO City Council clwnbe>T; wtUcb will be occapled durinl the .,..i., Pllnoill& Comml•lon meetinl· ' Colla M-baa tq'bei.t the mlnlmwn aize d. ndfznlljl.I Jots lo f,OOD aqua.re fee~butao~lilmberof balld<n hive ~ apply!q for ama!ler ..... -Chanclnl tut;i-a,.i ltdmNoCY -rrom dlsllb of ""'*lDI uilUaed lldeJa!d llwn ..... to .-llundry<lrJtn wb!di el!minlte 1116 need for --liave bolo. a .laclor. < Some -ftl!dent!al developmeoll In· elude ~ and remaUolif) lacll!ties llfaDl<ll 111 ·...un.. for reduced bMlc Jo! alle:I and IOIDt even have private green . ...... t-il!aol John Schlaefly, of the Stan- ford -lmtltute, will .... dilcuas p,.... P .. e J DRU({ RA~ ... ldeot!f!ed u Maaten allececD7 dropped a need!• aod ~ outfit, the l1pe COlll· D!Ollly uood ID1dnl( lnJ<!l:lloa. Police aatd I aeardl of the -Ila'!> ed up the allqed Jierein, I bottle -talnlnC nearly Ill anqii>elunine pOta. IOIDe barbiturates, a small amouo1 of huhisll and two UD lableta. lnYatioion II.Id the heroin involved WU C<lllilJnod ·to 17 OC><afled blndles, small folded J>lpel' COlilalnen, u well as· In lhree ...-balloooa,,or OC><afled nickel bap. '. Compla!ntt charging the five ..mll3 were beJnc llll!ihl todey from the Orus< COllot)' Dlllr1et Attorney, wlllle the juYen!JO boJ• would face cowl pn>- -~ter. oDe beeo ID Oraoge CODoty only two • •eeka. after tntvel!ni oat f1ml , Loulsv!Ue, !Ix.. aod wOuld pou!~ be returned ,lbU• to his family. a federal.....,..,. of lrall!c coo~ p!ao- oin& mt'what his founclll!oa has lo oiler in that tealm- The SRI will _, open a branch In tbe Irvine lndmtrial Ooalpla, oupp1..,..,~ its beadquui..a establlahed 111 r.iOru. Park 21 yean ago. Other mallen to be diicussed by ciMm- cilmeo Include : l · -Author!Jing the city Planning Depart- ment to aPl""ve minor .... c::::z~ pennil al'P'icatlonl. !Iii" ' Planning Comm .... li>d City · meetings. --to dim!nalo. JllOblan Jnvolvllg an alley paralle1 to mn w bell- Tustin aod Irvine A-. wblcll ii - blocked at both mil by pri•ate piopaty. -Pttlc!ng ratrlcttool alooi -In arta1 which are not yet developed, 11 well aa par~ bans overnlght In areal periodically cleeoed by -t sweepen. -t.gblatinll agalnlt irolonged llrll" sales, rectnUf criUcized in some quarten as p'.)Sfnc unfair competition lo local businessmen. Underground Utility Lines Slated in Mesa Two strips of major roodwey Clll COiia Mesa's west side are the Mlt to be scheduledfor~pl-of uW!ty IJnes. lollowinll City Council action. Uoderground uWlty dia!ricts Worf formed t'.or the two areas at public bear~ lnp Monday, with no pn>testa from !ao- downm affected by the prqvamJ. Property owners will be paid from $'15 to $3()0 for land which will be taken u righ!-<lf-way far the uW!ty lloes, paid for by mooey set aside by the Sou!IMI California Edlaoo Company. About IQ,000 la curreotly allocated for the ezpenslve iro]ect. accon!!ng to C<lla M ... City Engineer George lolldsen. The a.reaa involved are akin& Victcria Street from ~le Drive to c.ollq;e A venue and along Placnltia A venue from Wllsoo Street north to Aclam1 Avenue. :Jfoor Sample Clearance On 1:Jining Rootnj .A~ muefi a4 20 to 400/o OFF ' / H.J.GARRETf fURNrnJRE. P~C>fWIONAL INTIRIOR D£Sl6N£RS Opon Mond.y, Tllu'14ay, l Friday fv•n;n91 • .. 2211 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 64~271 ' ' I , , ~ I< n 0 \\ h ti ,, " a w c " y p tc " ti ] ] • p ~ h ii ,, • Ii " n tp u p b • • n .. c .. t• n • ~ c u • --·~--·~--~------c----------------~------- ' Tllu'1dlr, Sfp-19, 1'69 S ' ; DAILY PllOf J ~Property. Tax Out of Line~ Reagan Calls for Sliih to Sales, Income -Levi.a .. '!OM llAlllZf oi .. .., .... """ ' A nvolullooary 11111.e tu revldool llm- od 1t WU.,. much ol II!" burden !nm --and llhlfllnli It to Aleo and Income iu ....... p._..i In Anaheim Wednesdly nl1hl by Gov. Raoald Reason. . Condemning "any propetlf tu U · • bad lu, ~·la• tbat la very much oul ol line," Go'I. Reagan tD'lfJll members ol. the Calift>mla Federatiori ol Repuhllcan w ..... to back hla --1 lhltl'<Sld .... tial lam be 1Whed by IO peroenl , '111at lu Joos, he uld, would ' be remedied bJ an estra ooe cent oo tbe salettu and hall., ... perteDI .. - penonallnoome. . !muting that properly W.. wW DOI be unlVVllllol and -...11 tU1 ~ al 1 1ncreued without "JOlld tvldence ol tn." publlc auppClrltt i-Md he njeeUd U HlJa and ,POltical a. la -,. ~!Ion u;.l wm tlll maneuvertnc" whit llotlllod ·~ !or a IO percent publlc -ol appn>val •tlempll lo lad Ibo Jllllllc lo -.011111 OD l/1l pnipooed lu mlaion and bo pnlo WI hive lrio<I lo CQl don OW' 1'11111 lo ~~dlleririg ·~ thabe" t hla.... public-· ~"-~arm ll")JlTIDI •~· Included "0Ur flnl llep Jn offlct," uJd Jleopn, :':.i ~:i~ ~970~ In June-"wu lo P<qvide flit mlllioft ln-llmdl 1111 ldm!nillratlon i. alto llfi)nr 11111 alone for el ...... ry and .-.ry ll1Y prcipoaed lu refmnl cu only win 1ebooi. over and above u' bud&tt leg.l.rillive approyal with a two ihlrds allotments. margin of end<ntment~ "And then we added a fUr1ber $JJt Reagan made II clear that he would m)l1Joo wbon clwtaes In i.teral poljcjeo have liked lo Include a tultlon fee for <;ol· • ,.jeued ..,.. ftmdt thlt we "°""' lege studenla ln hla lu reform meaaure earmark "for --•..-,..said. "I with the comment : ''what 1'e--need are don't aee how thole lll:tioal coald CCI). Ines wily ldmlnllterod, !alriJ•applild vtnco a.,yoiie tbal we w~ claiDpln1 PUBLICITY WORKSHOP AUDIENCE OF 200 GATHERS IN ESTANCIA HIGH'S "FORUM Reagan. -od tbaf his procram woold ool lflect iu .. levled an hlllnm and ""1lJDf<claJ properties. Bui ml!nues generated by the new tax structure woold, he said, be aallident to enable the state to 1ncre... gillJlla to Ibo public 5Chool system by IS bJILion. and obviously j\l!Ufiable-tWtioa iD oUr down on pUbtic education." · Dr. Thom1s Blak1fy, OCC Evening Collegt DirKtor, Open' Progr1m * * * * * * • TELLS HOW TO DO IT Editor Thom11 KHvil ' OFFICIAL WELCOMER Publisher Robert ytood .Over 200 Press Chairmen At Publicity Workshop ·llfore than 200 press ch~en and other f.trange COast area resideuis ifl.. terested in "getting sometbillg into the newspaper" attended the DAILY PILOT· Orange Coast College Publicity Workshop \Vednesday night. The program, scheduled lo run two hours, went into overtime to handle ques- tions directed at DAILY P I L 0 T representatives participating in the seminar .• The program was staged Jn the Forum at Estancia High School, Co6t.a ltfesa. and was presented as part of the Orange Coast Evening College LeclW'e Series. Dr. 'rbomas Blakely, direct.or of the evening college, opened the program. Robert N. Weed, DAILY PI L 0 T publisber, offered welcoming reroarks. Tl:iomas Keevil, DAILY PILOT edllO!', Thom31t McCann, the newspaper's public service manager, and ·non Jacobs, OCC director of publicity, all presented por- tions of the pr,ogram. Other DAILY PILOT staffers who al· tend~ the program and were avallable to Cie!d questions included Bea Anderson, women's editor; Jodean Hastings, Hun. tington Beach women's editor ; Jean Cox, Laguna Beach women's editor; and Glenn While, sJ>Oll,s editor. Valley Calls Moratorium On Apartment Zone Bids A moratorium on requests f o r The declaration will not aff' the con- apartments until Nov. 5 was established struction or apartments already approved \\'ednesday night by lhe Fount.a.In Valley in Fountain Valley. Planning Commission. Commissioner Carroll f\.fohr made the Under the moratorium no new requests request to give planners a chance lo hear to consider apartment zoning or cm-an extensive staff report on multiple struction will be accepled. by plannen ~ family boosing scheduled for an Oct. 15 ti1 at least Nov, 5. stud)' session. Beach Planners Delay Decision On Gas Station · Planning comrnlss.ioners T u es d a y }'Xi!tponed a decision on the fate of a..liun 1i11gton Beach service staUon whJch has Wcome a test case for a possi)?le rulin& requiring scrutiny of future stalfoos bf ilr#lilecturaJ e1perts. : The requesl by Stand•nl OU Company for a u9C pennlt on the Warner Avenue i.nd Golden West Street station was con- tinued lo the Oct. 7 ses:iiton of the com· tniuion. ' Meanwhile. both the planning com· mission and the City Council have asked the city attorney's office lo inve!tigate the feasibility or requtrlng design lp- proval ol new statiom bJ the archltec- tui'al review board. Unlii the city attorney's report is &\•ailable, all service staUon appticaUons , .. rn be delayed. according to com. missioners. During earlier meetings both planning commission members and Mayor Jack Green etpressed concern over the alleged ••unattrac:Uve" design of service stltiorul recentlf1Mlt in lhe city. At Tuesday's session the commi.Won members also denied a iane change and condiUMal exceplioll request for a 50-unll aptrtment comple1: near BolA Cliica "Stred and Warner Attnue because Ule area is master-planned tor com- i:nerciaJ uae. The moratorium applys to all multiple lanlily ioning. from l\.l to R~. Following the OcL 15 study session on apartments. Mohr suggested the com- mia:slob bold a public hearing to consider possible ~os or the master plan as it pertains to mu!Uple famil y zoning. "f"ve Met concerned ror some ~ about the amoont of multiple family zon. big in this city," said Mohr, "we should hete a . comprehensive study and all related items sbouJd wall until arter that dady." Mohr also 1Uggested lhal planning 9Df1111Ussi<>Mrs open 1helr ears and telepbone lines to the public to receive comments lrom Fountain V a I I e y resideoLs on mWUple family zoning in the city. Flag Football Coaches Needed Flag footba:ll in Fountain Valley ls tag- ging for the lack of \lolunteer cOachea. Stan Stat.lord, dittetor of parb and recreation, says hundreds ol boys have signed up for uie fall prvgram, but all woni be able to play unJ&s mart men volunteer to serve as coaches. About 20 coal'hes have signed up thus far. The 01g lootball _ ..... ~ by the remaUoo department· for boys In grades lhn!e lhrwgb dpL Dads. or other intettllttd aduHI can ,·otunteer1hetr services u a coach bt dropping a_ card wlth name and addrea to city l!all, 11121111 Slaltr Ave, ot P- 952.-24:14.' ~----------~ SCOTT CLAIMS DIRKSEN JOB Apparently undeterr.d by leglslotive rejection of similar lax nfcrms 1n 1he 1968-69 session, Reagan p:>inted out that Gov. Reagan Upstaged WASHINGTON (AP) _ Sen. H u'g h the new measure, if approved, would Scott of PeMsylvania claims hei1 got the enable the state to make these annual votes to become Senate Republican lead· grants to achool sy~: er and hia campaign fo~ now are spec--'500 for each first gra<te student. ulating on who might beCome his deputy. -$600 for eacb student ages 7 through Two rival candidates far GOP ltader· 9. sh.ip -to be decided next Wednesday --4700 for each 1 t u d e n t ages 10 denied ScoU.'a claim of majority backing. through 12. But there was general agreement the -$725 for each junior college student Pennsylvanian, now acting Republican Reagan also amired the S,000 GOP leader, is ahead. It will take a dear ma-women -his speech was the highUgbt of jorily or the 43 GOP senators to name a ~ their two-day convention -that hi! ad- SUceCS!Or to the late Everett M .. Dirksen. mlnlstraUon will seek further meam ol • Dennis Carpenter of Newport Beath must ha.ve bad Gov. ]Jeagan woodertn& Wedneooay night li he •hould adcl anolhei name lo the list ol i;oealble ~pUbUCan ri vals to bil office. It's doubtful tbat Ca,,,enl<r .. ally · In- tended to upstage the governor at the Republican women's convenUoo but if be did tt -ked perfectly. Governor and Mn. Reagan bad followed a long lino al cdebriUeJ lo the head Ltble, lbe colon were about lo be presented,'t.hert wu an upectant hu1h In tile hall, and lhen - I Three of 36 0!31 new Buicl<s. Three of the Mesi BuicJcsever; Built .,;th an the care and craftsmanship possible. &at wilh product i~IY.· Right dc>Yn to the fine aetails. As a few of these fine details v.iD prove. You gueued II. Clrpenltr INn1ecl through lbe expectant Utrq lo lake hla place at tile head lable and Ill a belat<d lnlroductlon frum Ille cbllrman whlle fm. paCent guinbmen nrtveled Ibo 111p 1n their bot hlpdJ. "He car: talk about freew11 trouble all night," grinned a Newport Beach delepte, "but tlley'U nmrbelleft him. = i:n .::"fu' J:::.:.'7111a1 bo In a little black book m tbe aov•uor'• desk, perhaps ••• ? Every 1970 Buick ltasa reNcailin~systemthat stwld never ever ~l • Every 1970 Buick equipped Wth a V8 engine has an excl4S1Ye carburelll< time rrolulated choke cootrd. It v,;11 make fer easy starts in any weather. • Every 1970 Buick is equipped with fiberlllass belted tires as standard equipmml • Every1970LeSabre, Wildcat. EstateWagon,Ektra 225and Rl9iera has • ~ " --- ' an exclusive suspension system caHed AccuOrive. Never has handling been easier. • All lhe 1970 Buick> ~ lhe look lhat makes people lool< tv.ice. No wonder Buick owners v,;11 keep on buying Buie ks. Buicks are automobiles you can befieve in. I I I 0 ~e 1eve 1n. Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?·~ -·- • j I I. l ~ "' "" o.rt. '"*' """ Seven of io Americans lillnk lo- cal crime bas inCreased over the past five years and· more llian 4 In 10 believe lliere is nioJe crime llOW than a year ago, Sin41inger "' Co., Inc. of Philadelphia has reported. But almost l~thinis of !lie per- sol)S Interviewed said Ibey were not worried about walking alone on neighborhood streets at night, and 7 of 10 could not recall vetoing plans to go out at night williin llie past year because they might b .. came a vlctim·of. crime. • Dressed in the styie of the Victor· fan era Princt ss Margaret posed ~ murely' f or her favorite photograph.- er -her husband, Lm'd Snowden - on the grounds of Kensington Palace recently. • Edward Pole, a 28-year-old for· ger just couldn't wait. He broke out ' of the Colorado State Peniten· tiary in Canon City just 12 days before his sen'tence was up, and was recaptured. Now he bas to serve out five months of his origi· nal tenn plus a twcryear sentence for attempting to escape. • Frederick Roelle, 19-year-01d son Of Hancock, Mich. Fire Chief Em- ery Ru.lie. has ,been arrested on suspicion of setting fir~. "P'iremen became suspicious when young Ruelle asked for information about a fire before it had been reported. •• Washington state Universitr at Pullman aJUJounced some o its students will be housed at the Uni· versity of Idaho this fall because ot a shortage of rooms. The two uni .. versities, althqugb in separate states, are only rifne miles aPB;rt. • "Wt hopt to drive tht price of marijuana so high it will be unavailable to our school and coU~ge 1tudenti." laid Richard G. Kl<i..u.mf, d<P"ll/ al1"""11 general, while ouUining a pto- iecl lo cul off the flow of drugs from Mtzico. • Singer Ricky Ntlson, 27, is rest .. Ing at home in Los Angeles after bis doctor ordered him to cancel appear8nces for a month because of a throat ailment. Nelson re.. turned from Boston with what his manager, Jot Sutton, described as "a throat condition that can be cured with rest." Hanoi Calls Withdrawal 'Deception' PARIS (AP)-Nortb Vlr:Wm today denounced P*sldmt Nllon'I planned wlllldnwal ol an additional 35,GOll Ame• lean troops from South Vietnam u a new but vain allompl to dec<lve U.S. pubUc oplnJon. The ooly way to peace iJ a 0 npid, total and uncandiilonal" withdrawal of all American f......, It said. C.ol. Ha Van Lau, acilllg chief of HaMl's dtlegation at the Vietnam pe.ace ta1b here, said the uact number to be withdrawn was impossible to determine because d. the Pentagon's own "contra- dictory figures" of U.S. ti' o o P s in Vietnam. In aoy cull, Lau Joi<! the 34th weekly session of the deadlocked tatks, the new withdrawal ls "trifling" compared with the balf-m i 111 on Americans still in Vietnam. Nina's decision. be added, "is in fact aimed al prolonging the U.S. military occapation aDd prolonging the war." "By withdrawing lhU new driblet of troops the NiJon administratlon can in no waf deceive American public oplnlon.. On the contrary, lt will meet with the ever-stronger indlgnailon of the American people, JnCludlng many In U.S. pollttcal circles, anil u .nu further strengthen the American people'• stru~e for ending the war of aggression in Vietnam and for the prompt and total repatriation of the U.S. troops." Lau again blamed Nixon for the Parls deadlock and accused the President of. continuously intensifying the war. Recalling Nixon's election prom.lie to end the war, Lau declared: "Eight month! have elapsed since Mr -Nlxoo official.fy stepped Into the White House. People in tbi United States and elae- where wonder what be has done to bring an end to the U.S. war of aggression in Vietnam, a war wblch bas coSl-the United States $12,; billion and the 1ivts of hun- dreds of thousands of young Americans and bas by far surpassed the Korean War tn tenns of time, money and casualtlea.'' According tO U.S. figures, 38,593 Amer- icans hav.e been killed in Vietnam since Jan. 1, 1961. "President Nixon has acted contrary to his promises of peace to Uie American people," Lau added. ''Far from ending the war and rapidly bringing hofue U.S. troops, be has so far continued to lnlM!· ify the war, causing every 1'eek useless dea;ths and lnjuries to thrusands of young Americana in Vietnam." FIGHTING SENATOR Len B. ·Jordan, 70 Senator, 70, Wins Match With Attacker WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Len B. Jordan, a 70-year-Old Idaho Republican. was in bis apartment house elevator en route to a Senate prayer breakfast when a young man slipped into the car and punched the fourth floor button. "Here's where we get off," said the youn~ man, one hand in his pocket. Jordan didn't wait to find out if it was a gun. "J Just hauled off and popped him one," he told colleagues Wednesday when he · arrived late, but bruised, et the breaidatt. "I figured I waa slipping when be got up again. "I don't mlnd losing my wallet or my watch, but I didn't want to let this guy in back of me because I didn't know what be was going to do," said the one-time rancher. The attacker &lugged Jordan with a blackjack and--the two men rolled out Of the elevator into the hallway in front of the apartment of Sen. J-h D. Tydings tD-Md.), who came out to see what the commotion was. Tydings, 41, came to the rescue but the assailant slipped away and ran. Jordan wOUDd up with ••a knot the size of a g006e egg on my head." "It's ridiculous that you have to live dangerously like Utis , '' he said. ''This could happen to anyone in the city. You aJways wOnder whether it's going to be rObbery or whether tbe mo ti v e is aom9thing else." Troops Depleting Armed Strength Down by 100,000 WASHINGTON (UfJ) -Nixon ad· miniatraUon plans to reduce and reform the drJ(t are coming at a time when total armed force. strength la already nearly 100,000 men below what Jt was a year ago. The peak strength of the Vietnam war period was reached June 30, 1968, when the United States bad 3,548,000 men under anns. The total sank lo 3,408,000 by the start of 00, and even with heavy draft calls this year, it bas only been brought back to 3,461,000. The Senate UJed that figure-3,4411,000 -Wedt\eaday to vote for a ctlling on the worldwide U.S. troop level. ne measure. which pas,,ect 71-10, specifies the currtnt figure woold be the maximum allowed until next JuJy, and would automatically be reduced each Ume more troop., are withdrawn from Vietnam. The celllng would JJOC,apply Jn a natioOal emeraency. Defe111e Secretary Melvin R. Lelrd plans a Pentagon news conference Friday to announce an euing of the present 30,000-a-moath induction rate and to urge draft reform legislation. Laird t.old reporters Wednesday the planned withdrawal of at least 60,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam this year "will have a very stgnlflcant effect upon the pro. grammed draft calla: for the months im- mediately ahead." The defense secretary then refused to answer additional questions until the selective service system bas been notified of "changes in the draft call.s." That noU!lcatlon J.s scheduled for Friday. Laird said Wednesday the withdrawal from Vietnam of 35,000 or more men in the next three months will make possible a reduction of 20,000 ID autboriz.ed strength, chiefly from the Anny. Twenty thousand 11 a1So the number of men who will be brought borne and demoblllzed. Another 11,500 m e n withdrawn from Vietnam will b e deployed in the western Pacific, and the balance will remain in service after returning- Rain Holds Grip on U.S. Willamette Valley, Oregon Capital Get Inch of Rain C'oatdl f:••IY -..1...-low !llM!s bKonlrr. •VMI' bf 11 1.m. Wl!Q -ftrly It .. 1 l knoll. ........ '°°"" 11. Yt1lttd•Y'& --.""' ra t111d '"""" 11 lo 7S, lfllllM '*""'"'"'"' rll-w1• .. 10 7*. WllW lftT'JMI' .. tur. wt• u .,....._ Sun, Moott. '.l'fllu TMUIUOAY '"" llltm .............. 121.fol Ull •••• ''"' '-.. , ...... -.•.. l'llllDAY Flnt Ille~ .............. f :»1.m, J,l ''"" low ............ 1:)11 a.m, I.• S«OllC!I "'-" ............. J :S4 "·'"· J.J MooM .... "' .... 12:1» 1.m .•.• S4111 ltl• ,,,. 1.fl'I. Ith •:N 11,11\. -.. ••-1:w a.m. sm 11:11 •.m. ''"' o. r11n La•t o. "" $HI, It SMI. 2J ("!. l Ocl. 11 v .s. s ....... ,,, llllll ..ntflOlcl '""" ~ "-ltc:llltfti to Htw E1ttl.,ICI 111111 ...,. thll _,.,.., '"*"' fe F1111"1N toOr,I, .... 11. CIMr lkln ..,.,,".... .... '"""-1. ,,.. C9nlr•I Mi.:i-t 11'111 Hftl ol ,,,. SOloltL. ''-'" • .., ltlu~ _,.. 1111.,.l.c:ICI wllfl *IU'-Ind foe ''°"' • -a.s•lflll ,,,. ...... IKll ...... •rth6utll l!t ~d "rh TM tftClttt .. tlen ... lttll!t. 5'-'tn a!ld flu~,. -.C•llflrRd n:ras1 -111'" T1••t •lld .ii,ill<"!I M-Mttlce u i.r -111 •t &ou~ 0.-011. 111 1119 o.111er1, Tel(., lrN 1 tl!u-.lorm Pl"Od¥¢9d NII ''"' llltll •fllcla. lklrn1l119 ""°"" ......, 111 lnc:11 of r1t11 -. Ille (l!Y. A llOl1r llr !MU Ctflle~ ~ ef la~1 SVP11'1or, Ind Mtlolll(ftl9 Htl• \llllr!I, -....i cool tlr l(Tll'Q 1111 E11t 11 ••II 11 fir IOlll'tl 11 """'-" , .... ·-Allat1l1 .. _ ....... ..... ... ,,.. ,,_,,lit. """" ClnclfiNll """" "" -..... F1ll'bMllr1 ,_.Wort!! ...... -kllnta• CllY L..1 v .... l • "-* Mleml M~ll NM Orl .. 111 New '((ltt( Mortll .. 1 .. ,.. O.~l•nd Olo.lehofn• (!fl' ,,,,, ... P11111 W l- P'-'11• Plrtl!Mtill Porll1M1 llttl>lcl Ctty "" 8kltf ·-S.<:t'llmelllt S.11 Ukt (!IV kl! Dll90 l111 FrMCIKO St11tlt ...... M '""""' W1.til11111M Hiii! &.. ...... .... " " .. " .. " ... .. .. IM .M ,tl n ,., ~ .... " .. " .. .. " .. " .. .... . .. " " .. " " " . .. " .. u 7J Jiii n ~ " n ., S4 1.0t •1 SI .11 .... n " n " .. " " .. ;: ~ .. ., .... " a IS tl IJ 51 " .. " .. " .. n n ·~ " .. ... ,ft " ., ... • Mideast · i:1~ace Soiight -" ... y t . ' • fJ.S., Soviets Re~ Bid w. FinQ, Solutiori • I BJ tJlllM J!&. -~ u.s, and. Soviet p!olU •l ft!>. dlni I I/II* for peace In the Middle Eul ·~ed ~11!>1, .. Aral>Itraell lroilla ·k>d>y ,-al led temporarily. Bllattnl ti.s.:s.vt.t meeu.p. "''!be subJO<t :wero resuminc In New York onjy a ,.., blocka !rOm the 1Jnlted Nallons, Where Pnoid!nt Nixoo WU expecttd to devote much ol hli morning speech lo the coniuct. 1l1e con!Oreoce. this weet betweeB U.S. Aas!. S....larY ol State Joeepb /. Slteo llld Soviet Ambassador Analoly F. Dobeynln were aimed at teylng the groundwork for a resumption of Big Four talks on the Middle EasL\ Top diplomats from the Big Four na· tions -the United States, the Soviet Union. Britain and France -along with the foreign ministers of Iarael anil the Arab nations, have arrived in New York for the 2-4.th anaual U.N. General Assembly sessloo. Nhon "as meeting With U.N. Secretary General U Thant and forelgn mini!tera of Brit.ain, France and Jordan -all io- volved in Middle East peace eHorts - before returning to WasbJngton. Sisco arul llobrynin suspended their bilateral talJc:s earlier in the year follow- ing the breakdown of Big Four peace ef- forts and of the mlision of the U.N. Mid- dle East peace envoy, Ambassador Gw:· nar Jarring of Sweden. They met aga.inst a backdrop of , ' repeated Inell air raids qaln1t'Jord.on llld Ec1pt. Al ol ~ warplanea had tlated raids e'liht oat ol the put nine daA DiplooiaJ.s thougbt the Big Four talU, suspetlded in July, would be resumed O!l- Jy ii the U.S..so.Jet talb uncover enoqh new 8"J!l!lll lo lead lo poealble new IP' proacbtl, lo the olluaUon. ltrael repeatedly bas re j e o le d peacematJnc eHoria to get tt lo comply with a U.N. Security Council molutlon ' co!U.C for lta withdrawal from Arab i.... rtlorltt ~ durlni the 1917 Middlt Elll~· . 1l1e -o! Arab r.,... In that war, Prealdenl q:amaJ Abdel N.-ol E&Ypt, q reported In bed tochoy with lnfloenza, 1iav1nr <anceled an 1pPolnlmellts. Jordanian Premier Bahjat El-Talhounl allCI Wednead'IY N ...... had been loo sick to iee him durlns bla' threo<lay vl.slt to Caln> lo dl8fu.. the steady ltraeU air raida Into theJr nations. Bar Panel Advi.ses Okay Of Justice Haynsworth WASHING TON (UPI) -The AmerlClll Bar Aaaodatlon tdviud senatara: 1oday that a oommlttee that studied Judge Clement F". Haynsworth'•· qualiflcations aereect unanimously he Ls a "hlgbly ac- ceptable'1 choice for the. Salft!M Court. Lawrence E. Walab , New York. chairman of the AB1 Comn)ittee on the Federal Judidary, !old the Sen ate Judiciary Commhtee co n 1 l de r J n g Haynsworth'• nominaUon that bis group interviewed wmerous judges, lawyers, Ww proleoaors and others In looking lnlo '*laynsworth's quall!Jcatloo. "The members of the committee were uoanimou.sly of the oplnim that Judge Haynsworth was highly aeceptable from the viewpoint of proles!ional quallfk:a .. lion," Wallh.sald. ' "All of the penons Interviewed reprdh)g JIJ(lge Haynsworth expreased «>nfld••ci!n bLi Integrity, bis lntellectJal hnnesty, his judicial temperament and his prolesslooal ability. "A few regretted the appointment becauae of differences with Judgt: ...Haynsworth'• ideological point of view, preferring someone less conservative. None of these gentlemen, however, eJ:4 pressed any do~ts as to Judge Haynsworth '• Intellectual Integrity ot bis capability as a jurist." for ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS WATER HEATERS GARBAGE DISPOSALS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" IN·SINK·ERA TOR MOOEL NO. 333 s3195 REG. $59.95 OUR PRICE .......... , Mod,l l3J-I Yr. G11r1nt1• MODEL NO. 555 s4&aa REG. $69.95 OUR PRICE ........ .. Modi! S'SC-3 Yr. Gu1r111f11 MOOEL !'10. w s549s REG. $79.95 OUR PRICE .......... Mod1I 11-5 Yr. G111r•nt11 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE ,. 20 Gal. • • $42.88 30 Gal. • • $44.88 40 Gal. • • $49 .88 50 Gal. • • $64.88 Tiii• qu11ify gu•r•••d 9!111 lil'ltd w1t•r h11ftf it equlpp1cl with 11f1ty t1mp. 11 r.q11ir1d by t ..... w. "'"'' 11m1 J1v i111t1ll1tio11 ..... a.bl•, if y.u wi1ll. All norm1I i11rl1ll1tio1t p•rtl it1clud1d, Call by ~0011-in1f1ff th1t J1y, Al11 ''"'"'""' ey in1t1ll1tio11 1v1il1bl1. All work don1 liy 11111• t1r pfumb1r1, INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Ralphs oelebntea its TH S10CK RllDUCTION SALE IWl.Y PflGT Harwi w Tell Spac_e Goals Studied 1 . Nixon's Decuwn on Mars Due Soon Fate of Pilots? 't"" W ASIIlNGTON (AP) -pensive option, lhe aMual coat would then rile to a peat of $l PARIS (AP) -'tbe wives of ~Ion" h1 Vletnlm. President Niton soon will would cllmb steadily from I.he blllk>n a year in the .early four U.S. Air Foret. pilota "'Ibey wen: either playing make i. decision on t.he na-. cUl'Tent '4 billion• ~ar to SB-tlllOs, with an ll·)'W' total ot miJslng in North Vietnam with us or thought there was lion's goals in space, choosing ' 10 billion for each iscal year «?,$ billion. Option three clUf\I today to the s,llm hope of. from three alternatives -ID-from 1970 thl'OUJh 1980 for a "" a North Vietname8e promise .;50me poaibWtf of converting eluding two that would put tot.al of '71.2 billion. The Man would reqolre • funding of to let them know whether they us to their thinking,'' said Americans on Mars in lbe landing would be in lta. '54.1 bllttoo. in the flnt 11 are "wives or widows." Mrs. Singleton. 1980s. The secood and th Ir d yean. The women. from t b e The North Vletnan)ese abo AU three choices, made alternatives would keep the ••we presented a baltnced Dallai!I, Tex., area, galoed the said lbal anyone would be public Tuesday by the White armual cost al M billion the program," said V1ce Pre!Jdent promlse Crom a lwo-hour welcome to their delegaUon House, foresee development of next two fiscal years, rising to Spiro T. Asnew _ 1 member meeting wilh memben ol the beadquart1n In Paris pro-Mr, suu•th a space station and a reusable a peak of $5.7 billion in 1978, of the four-man task group ... North Yietnam·eae delegaUon vktinc they came as in-eartb-to-orbll shuU.le vehicle. The second option, which en-.. My perlODll prtler!:nce is to the Paris peace talks dlviduab and were n o t UDCler tbe fim and most ex.· visions a Mars Laoding in 1986, Option two which allDws clear UPIT ........ RATHER F IGHT Debbi• Rtynolds Wednesday. sponsored by the U.S. 1overo-G l acceptance of a Man landing They heard tl!elr husbands menL Mn. Singleton aald 0 e8 0 in 1916 but leaves us free to be described as "war pirates" there was no indicaUmn, 'R • R • ht ' nexlble in unmanned California Finance Dt~ and "war crlminab" and saw however, lhal Hanoi would w hin ecreation tg S precursor flights." re<:tor Caspar Wein-pictures of wounded civilians release a list of U.S. prisoners. 8 S g tOll The other three members Debbie Out ; Slie'll Fight Not Switcli and wrecked bu 11 d l n gs, Tbr North Vietnamese told said they bad not yet given the berger has been offer· allegedly lhe ...Wis ol U.S. tbewivestbattbequestionof SPRINGFIELD, lll. {UPI ) Fo'r Negroes Asked l'>'esident their personal edthe chairmanship of bombing raids. 'nley were prisoners would be setUed _Ralph Tyler SmJth of Alton choice, altbou.gb all said any the Federal Trade Com- asked lo denounce U . S . "when the Americans leave or the three wou1d be ac--mission by President they returned home. they appeared to consider il of \Vas a top state legislator, to participation in the war when Vietnam.'' and she tnaJcated today left Illinois, where he WASHINGTON (APl-,ln a ''Communlty recreaUonalllce;;ilp"l;ihilei.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNilixioni.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "We did oot wish lo argue or m\nor Importance. become the most junior of all major civil rights move, the facilities, especialJy s w Im· to orrend them, but to seek ill'-The women arrived Sunday us 1 Nixon administration has ask· m.ing pools, are a major fac· I .. sena ors. fonnalion," said the wlv~· toThmake lheool personal appea · Smith was sworn in during ed the Supreme Court to pro-lOt' affecllng the desirability spokesm an, Bonnie Slng]eton. ey had Y two questiom to 1_1 lhe ri'ghls ol Negro and val"'"' of --ldenUaJ -on.. Deb-n1-.1 · ft ft~ the said "Are ceremonies In U'!e Senate '"" ..... ..... r-y -HOLL Y'IVOOD (AP) -And they g.:uu<:U a promise ....,... Y : our ber fi.\l th t of th erty," Solicitor Genera! Erwi.n bie Reynolds quit her first from Xuan Danh, a North husbands aUve, and if so, in cham s to e sea e h001eowners lo use com-N. GriswOOI said in a brlef. Vl'etnamese ofiiclal "·t •-what oooditlon are • ....,,.,," late Senate Republican leader mu·' Ly re-at1·on facilities. television ~-'es almost before ' Woll 11~ ........ , '" ...... ..The routine exclusion of ""''' would contact Hanoi aDd write The husbands of M r s • Everett M. Dirksen. The Justice Department, In it began, objecting to the each of them, aft.er they Singleton am Mn. Jeffrey "l am going to Wasbington Negroes from such racilitles presentation of a cigarette return to Texas. or the fate of have been missing Cor four to be the best Ralph Smith I a brief filed with the court, would both discourage them lh Ir h •··•· years but wett seen to ball out know how, not with the said an Hl66 civil rights act from buying in that com-commercia! d u r i n g its e USucunP. I lh · N ot J m""ity. and make a n y Mrs. Singleton and her com-of their aircraft and move presumpt on at l am going guarantees egroes n on y ..... ANDY WARHOL WE'RE NOT premiere. McElhaoon and pa u I a when they landed. The other to be another E v ere l t the equa l right to buy a house purchase they did ma.ke a "I will not be a party to panions. Joy Jeffrey, Sandy l-~•w;o[.fm~en~w~e~re~r~e;po~rled~~m:i:ss-:_~D~fr~k:se:n~,"~tbe=-A:l:too:_a~tt=o~m=e~y_Jb~u~t ~the~r~ight~t~o~e~nj§oy~Clhe~s=ld:e.Jpoo'.§!""~~bar~g~aln~~th~ao~lh~a~t~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ such conunercials,'' she tok! Hartness, also were promised i.ng over North Vietnam. said. benefits that go with il. white citizen could obtain." the NaLional Broadcasting Co. that letters they gave to the Wednesday. North Vietnamese would be sent to Hanoi for delivery -if "We're rather mystified," their husbands are alive. said NBC-TV Vice President 'Ille North Vietnamese talk- t-1orl Werner. A network · ed at length about U.S. "ag· spokesman said ' ' M i s s Reynolds ' oYo'n people" had known about about the com- mercial since March. The actress said s h e discovered it Tuesday night, the first commercial in the premiere of her "Debbie Reynolds Show," and, "J was r;hocked ." At noon Wednesday she quit. "I cons.ider cigaretle com- n1ercials direcUy opposed to heallh and well being ," she said. "This gesture is a com- plete breach of my un- derstanding and agreement with NBC." Martial La,v In Argentina BUENOS AIRES (AP) - Argentina's: second 1argest ci· ty went under martial law Wednesday night after two persons were killed in rioting sparked by a nationwide railroad strike. Brig Gen. ll e r ibe rto Robinson, commander of the 2nd Anny Corps. said the r;oldiers in Rosario, 185 miles northwest of Buenos Aires, had orders to "shoot to kill" if ' necessary lo restore order. Bolh Rosario and Cordoba, the country's third largest ci- ty, were paralyzed Wednesday 1 by general strikes called in support of the striking railroad workers. Russ Favor Arms Talks In Helsinki GENEVA (UPI) -The Soviet Union wUl propose OcL 14 or IS to start the long- delayed m i s s I I e limltation negotiations with the United States, Communist sources :said today. The sources confirmed earlier reports that MO!IC<M' would like the negoUaUona to be held in Helsinki. Soviet Foreign M I n I s t e r Andrei Gromyko probably will propose this time and plac.e in h~ meeting with U • S . Secretary of State William Rogers in tjew York. tbe 50Ul'ce.1 said. American disarmament ol- ficia ls sakl have not received any in<ticatioo from Russia on the missile talks:, at lea.st not on lhe sidelines of the Geneva disarmament conference. The officials said the United Slates does not have any real objection to the site of the negotiations as long a s logistical issues concerning accommodation a n d com- munications can be assured. The United Slater WI!! known to ravor Gerieve but the Soviet! indicated they wanted to keep the missile negotia- tions completely d i v o r c e d from the large, li-nation Geneva disarmament talks. No Honeymoon Congress Dems Rap GOP WASHINGTON (AP) -The De m oC ra l i c-controlled Congress and Republican ad· ministration are at each other's throats alter 11 nine- monlhs political honeymoon. Th.is became evident Wednesday when Hou se Democratic leaders lashed out at GOP criticism of Congress. Speaker John McCormack, following a Democratic caucus, told reporters: "It is J,bout raising the 'do-nothing' Democratic Congress but of a noncooperative Republican ad· ministration.'' And Democratic L e a d e r Carl Albert of Oklahoma said: "If anyone should be shy about raising the 'd<HK>lhin' issue it should be the Nixon administration." The cauCUB approved a resolution criticizing the ad- ministration for failing to take a position Oil much ol the legislation before Congress. It also backed aoother resolution making the 1968 Democratic party plaUonn the blueprint for a legislative program in this Congress. "We've wailed for the ad- ministration to come forward witb a program," sald Rep. Oaude Pepper (0-F l a.), Sf)onsor ol one ca ucus reso!u~ lion, "Now it is necessary for us to take the initiative aod present our own program.'' The DemocraUc activity followed reports the GOP at> ministration i! thinking of Irylng to hang a "dlH!Olblng" label on the 91st c:ongress in the style former Prtaident Harry S. Truman successfully used against lhe GOP-coo- trolled 80th Congress. Nixon talked lhe situation over with hl 1 GOP congressional leaden Tues- day. Another session is aet for Friday wllh a view to dralttr\g a priority list o f ad- mlnjstratlon requests. '"l'hi.s Congress is at work," Albert said. "If it has done any waJling, that wallin1 has been on Lhe executive agencies and the Bureau of the Budget for reports on the bills 1n- Iroduoed by Democrats and referred to committees of Congress." Sinct convening In January the Congress hai enacted an increase in the public debt ceiling and extended the in- come surcharge tor 1 i i months. An elementary school bUI, tax reform and cigarette lahellni bill have cleared lhe Houae but are tied up tn the Senate. None of the ap- propriation bills to finance government agencies yet have cteared botb branches or Congrw. I . W•nt t o R el-7 ••• Br omse our 1t u lcs! Tile BookstaU "' 1. ""' ... c-. -14M611 llMlllllll ""' ...... ......, For 1970, your Menury dealer has the passwords · for action and elegance. • 1970 Mercury Cyd-GT. 1'111 adlen intermediate. Even standing still it looks like action. Comes with a sporty hood ~nd a unique Cyclone grille flanked by amber Cyclone running · hts. A 351 cu. in. V·S ts standard; options toa Super CJ 429 Ram AirV-8with375 hp. Inside: Hi-back buckets in cool "breathable" Comfort· weave vinyl. Cyclone GT, Mercury's sporty new street machine that looks like a racing car. 1970 Mmivls ., ........ 1970 Memlry C-D·7. Where wild meets J eganL Cougar XR·7 has mo.re standard equipment than any of tlie. competition. Hi-back vinyl buckets accented with ll'Jlthet, Built·in map pockets. Tachometer, Elapsed·time clock. Concealed headlamps, sequential rear tum signals, 351 cubic inch V·S. and much more. Catch a Cougar XR-7, the wildly elegant one for 1970. The medium·priced car with the most dramatic styling since the Continental Mark m. Comes with concealed headlights. Emerald-cut taillights. A big 429 cubic inch V·S powe_rplant Select.Shift automatic transmission. 1970 Marq_uis. The most beautiful thing that's ever happened to a medium-priced car. UNCOLN·MERCURY ..,. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY, INC • 2626 Ha rbor llvd., CCllta Mesa, Calif. • DAILY PROT EDITOBLU. PAGI'; • - Q)wiy A&sessor ·Andrew Hiosbaw:S demand that the tupeyen be aaked lo foot the bill for bl.I flgbla ond fauds by providing him with a special private legal eounse1 on a conllnuiog -presumably pennaoeot - ba11, gOI the 111Uwer It deserved from the county SU\)" ervlsor.t: a unan1mow: ''No." Hinshaw'• lat.est Oare-up developed wben the coun- ty counsel, who 1' charged by law with being the legal counsel for all of county goveromeot aocl many other goveroment units In the county, warned afiecled agen- cies of possible adverse consequences to them from !fin.shaw's tax maneuvers in the Upper Newport Bay land exchange controversy. Hinshaw then said he can no longer have confidence In having 'the county counsel represent him In aoy legal proceedings whatever. This despite past successful el· forts oo the aasessor's bebalf by Ibis same county counsel. William Hirstein, ch8lrman of the Board of SUper· visors, cb.eclted out Hlnsbaw's request after tt was made the first time. He reported that the C8llfornla Gove111- meot Code authorizes employment o! special counsel where a confiict of interest prevalls-but only for spe· cific cases, not on a continuing basis. Hirstein pointed out that If tbla we.re not the case, county department beads would want tbelr own lawyer every time Ibey disagreed with the county counsel's ol· lice. It seems likely that the comple:dtles of the Back Bay land exchange lawsuit do call for special counsel. Other than that, lilnsbaw la out of line In his demand for permanent special treatment at taspayers' expense. Writing Is a Painful Craft Several readers -whoal50, apparently, fancy themselve! as writers -have objected to a reti!nt column in whlch I remarked that, in 15 years, nol a single manuscript submitted to me bas :shown any genuine meriL .. How tan you tell from reading one manuscrtpt.'' ask tbese ~en. whether the writer bu an)' real talent or not.!'' Sometimes Ii does not require 1 whole manuscript; a paragraph will do. Let me give you an esample, in the way of a new novel wbicb will not be publilhed until fall "'"" ll the lint parqrapb .. Ii appeon ID galley pro«. ''THE NORTHEAST Tl'adea, lolltwlq ID the wake ol the rnornlDi 11U11; llOlllOd over the magic city of Honolulu u though loath to opeod tllemselves oo the blmD Jslelli far to the west. Tbey came wblstJ.. Ing down from the jagged fortress ol the Pal~ psst deeply dissected ravinel heavy with the early morning scent of. azaJea and frangipani. The sun peeped over the purple ridges and sent long shadows down into Ute streets of the fabulous d· ty." Thia: might read like mighty fine description to the casual reader, but to the trained eye this opening paragraph reveals deep defect& in style, approach and observation. "IN ntE WA.KE OF the morning sun" Is the impossibly stale phrase. Tbe "magic city" ol Honolulu la bad wr!Ung -a writer'• tut la to make us feel the t,_. ......... ..,. ~, ... ....,,... ~ii, Ha~. magic, not to name It. The same criUcism applies to "fabuJous city" lat.er ID the paragraph. This is Hollywood-elyle writing. ••t.oath" is a weak and archaic word to use in th1s context. "Deeplf. dissected ravines" is hasty, care es.s a n d unimagiutive. "Azalea and lrangipani" c:mvey no acent to the person who does not already know what they smell Ji);e, "The sun peeped over the purple ridges" ii the worth of stenographic dicbe wilh which Zane c ... y peppered bis actkm tales of lhe West; it does not belong in a serious novel. "Lona shadows .. is superfluous 1f the sun is over ridges and ravines. ALL 11llS MAY oeem petty criilclsm, but 1 paragraph mu.st be as closely knit and impeccably stitcbed as a sweater aieeve. Trifling errora in a single paragraph add up to huge botching in the rutlsbed product. The author's eye must be fresh and bis band sure, to make the difference betwf!f:n medlocrlty and ei· cellence. I have no need to read the rut of this novel to know that whatever the author's other merlts may be, he is not a trained, professional observer with the precious gin of authenUcity. Writing is a painful craft, not a fuzzy aspiralion. ; Dress Code Atrocious' To the Editor ' ln the put !ew days, since th< begin· ning of school. I have noticed in various papers comments by our "educators .. regarding bow ''beauUful" and "good'' our young people looi &ince they have returned to school. In the opinion of this "okl aqua.re ," this non-existent "student dress code" wblch 1 have observed is atrociOUI. t BELIEVE that this sad slate of af. (airs has come about becau1e of the schools' laxness as well a:s the parental lack of judgmenl What would happen lo our children If suddenly the courts and police would say that the Jaws are unen-- forceable and we would leave our kids and their parents to their own best judlJnellt! HERBERT H. STRICKER .---Bv George ---. Deir Georg" J have traible getUng lo aleep ind spend hall the night countlng aheep and then when l aet to sleep I have .a recurrent nightmare the mt of the oiibl in which a flock or aiant ~ stand around counUng me. Whit professional man can yoo ncommeod for me to talk about canctrning this problem! VAWNY Dear YaWl\l': Sam McGilligan. Ht11 lhe bat'U!n· els 11 the ~!loo Cwb. Ile -'1.-lmolr lllJlllinl about alttp, bat ...,. yoa • the <llorua line a... ,..'U bo wide aww anyhow. (lmd 1f10f p'Oblelns to Goo<ge, loYelorn columnlll. Also hatelom and Dllltral-lom )l'Dbkma IOIYed ...,, dlelp.) NormaU11 writna 1hould COft"etl tMir mcaaage1 •n !00 words or less. The right to ~t U:tUri to fit apace 01' diminaU libel ii t'f!Stnied. AU lei. ten miut include rignature and mail- ing addt't11, but 1latnel may be with- held ml request tf suffident reason ii apparent. 1•oh1t of Vlem To the Editor: Regarding the se1 education issue, I've heard from bot1 aldea that sex will be taught in ita minutest detail with absolutely no corresponding v a I u e &ystem. Since we do not live in a vacuum, this is impossjble. It b human nature to place values on every aspect of behavior. We call them dlt/ercnt names, such as morals, taste, cool, custom, breeding, life slyle -all basically U1e same. I think we all realize Ulese whalever- you-want·to.call-lhems are there for a -purpose:. They are the greast that helps a complex society to nm well with a minimum of squeaks. More ideatlsticaUy, rules help us to keep jtom hurting other people. IN TUE AREA ot sex, I don'l know or anyone who doesn't feel the.re la a llne to be drawn al some point. J happen to fee.I there are very valid reasons to stlll draw tt at marriage. My opinion. I ID} vel')' lnterWed 1n knowing where other people !iland. SI.nee it 11 humanly lm~ble to lel<h -wlthoot some point of view, I feel that that point or vtew abould gonerally coincide with the Ideas of the mijorlty of pirenla. 'f1lls is a highly emoUonal area. and ll happens lo be OW' children who are Involved. MllS. BARBARA COLEMAN Spurqlng th• aupervtJorl' 1uuest1on that-be mah an booeat. e!fort to wort out bis dlflereoces with the count;y counsel's omce, H!Dlh&w announced. that be In- tend• lo enlarge the dispute by taklnc·the supervisors lo court over the private legal· c:Ounatl Issue. But,· being angry la nolhlnf new for Hinshaw. He seems to carry on a perpetual feud with the county board, the Irvine COmpen.y aocl others in public office or prtvate life wbo have qullt!qned bis judgment. lllnshaw'a ofllce bas broad dlscretionary powers that have trem.endous long.range .effects oa the future of lhls county and each of Its lncllvldual citizeus. U ho Is · g'!lng lo reduce every disapeement over policy In· terpretalion and procedures lo Ille level of personal an· tagonlsm and vindi.ctlveness, thl1 county will be in a bad way. Wonder of the World Yesterday waa the U2nd anniversary o! the "Char· ter .of Liberty," otherwise known as the Constitution of the United States. Thia week is a good time lo reflect on the American System at work. All kinds of dire predictions o! violence and breek· down were made In connection witb the 1968 presiden· tiai electioo. Despite the attenlion·getllng antics of fringe elemenlo, the transition in Washingtoo following a free and secret vote was as 1mooth as ever. The~ pie's will was peacefully accepted. 'Ibe Constitution remains the wonder of the world -the greatest bulwark o! human freedom in m.tory. . .auwmobile sak8 are down ••• e~nt ia down ••• the tazpayer ia ~ be1J11J1 ••• and bankert1 are c1eaninB up Oii high interest rota! r--.. School Dress Codes and The Law Nbon's Welfare Progratn The\ high school "dress code" forbade "extremes in dress" and the Ute. The gym teacher told Tim -his hair was . shoulder length--to get a haircut within a week or he would suspend Tim from class. Refusing, Tim went to the de.an and then the prfncipal The principal 1ald Tim's hair style violated the "dresa: cod,." and his appearance tended to disrupt Tlin'a classes. When Tim and bis parents •ued, the court ruled that the code was not definite enou1h. Vague rules cannol be enforced. However, acbool.s can and do regulate student appearance, including haJr style, where lt tend> to disrupt the school. THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, in fact, rejected a suspended studenl'1 appeal the ather day, where bis hair style had violated his school'a dreu code. But this code was related to education and was definite enauib to warn t h 11 studenU: adequately. One Cali!omla . aehool ruled that 0 wbenever a boy's bait falls below the eyebrawa., coven all or part of an ear. or hangs down his back over bis collar," the principal may suspend him unUl he trims his hair. When a long-haired boy fought his !lll]>enalon be lost: The caurt found the 1ebool's standards and warning were ade- quate and relevant to school discipline. A TEA.CHER WHO eu.spends a student must report bis suspension lo the school board. If it upholds the ~acher, the stu· dent may go to the county school superintendent for a hearing. lf the superintendent rules against the teacher, the ntidenl goes back to class. Wb•n a pupil is expelled his parents or guardian may go to the board of educa- Uon for a hearing. If the board upholds the expulsion, the parents may go to the coorts, which may review the board's ruling. "Good cause" includes disobedience, vulgarity, aaaulll, abuae of aebool personnel or property, vlalence, refusal to obey valid regulaUona, membership in a secret student organization, smoking or ualng drugs. Nott: California !owt1et'I Off~f' thU column •o you mcv bow about our law:. Quotes Eveile J. y_.,, D.A., L.A. Cemlly - "Political aa.sassloaUon ts a loe1cal t.I· teruJion of blocking doorways, destroying property, setting fire to school buUdlngs (or) hitting a teacher In the nose." Doo11a R. CnwfoM, Vu N'11 -"tr thls world loots bleak and seem.a It wori 't 1et better for our children, then let.'1 all as Individuals try to make It better and luch our children to do the same.'' Ken F'lljlmot., M-tall View -"P,._ pie say lh11t communlsts., fascist., etc .. are Infiltrating the country and will some day I.Ake over. At the rate we're going, apathy and selfishness will gc.t us fll'St." Sur.anne B. Herbert, Sal Jose - "Ralher than saying 'what's wrong with kids today!' we should .., 'thtre ii 110111"1ti"11 wrong -what am 1 doil>J about It!' '' Mn. ....... Rll1'!'. Sado, oo Viet pro- ttstl -"As many people are killed by drunken drlvel'S as Br!: killed In Vlttnam, 8nd death Is just u permanent for one 11 lhe olher." First Hope for White Poor WASIUNGTON -How can a welfare program thlt OOltl '4 billioo more con- front 60 percent of present recipients with the thr!at of a reducUon in their beoeliil! 'Ib1a ia one of the anomalies at. the Ni.I· on welfare program whlcb will txlend the debale In COncreu !or month& and pro. bably result in aome Rlbst.anllve chanif.1 fn it. For all ol thl~ the -am b a long .step forward in one bnportant respect. The program places a priority on work or seeking work aa a candition of receiving federal and 1late relief. 1he dlUlcuJty over reduced benefits for some of UM>ee now on relief rolls ar1aes beoause th< Naon proaram would pro- vide relief paymeoi. or federal food stampa, but not both. Ezample: Ajbmlly ol [our <OW r<eelvfog $2,tllO aimudy ID relief paymeob ailo ii entltled to 1436 in food stampa. Under the Nllon program the family l1JOllkl still receive no less than $2,000 In welfare but no fooct stamps. The di.ffennce would be made up only if the state increased Ill contribution. / ON A VERA GE, of the 6 million families now receiving aid for dependent cblldre.n 40 percent in 20 slates ~·ould rteeive an immediate increase to the $1,600 income floor set in the Nixon plan. Sixty pereent in 30 states a.re guaranteed only that their welfare. benefits will be no less than at present U they take no food stampa. The $4 billion J!aure bulge In th< coot comes ~ liUaiiillttting the ll,600 in· come floor to 12 million more people than now are receiving aid. To describe the NI.ion plan as bold ii an understatement. lt ii a reform to be compared with the orlgiDal adoption ol the Social Security Act ID 1936 aod its ., -4 ' Richar'~ tWil8on ' -· ...... ~-· .. i..~.'iO - lat.er expansion in the form of Medicare. But there are can tradictions in it and the $1600 floor under income is barely ade- quate to sustain life. IN ITS ~10ST hopeful construction, the work and work-training requirements will lead toward the eventual correction of the mishalance in society which im· poverisbes so many million.$ in the. midst ol anparalleled affluence. In a Jess hopeful construction, the rnisbalance will not be corrected by trainlng alone, wori will oot be found for all, and the income floor will have to be raised continually to maintain life for the millions who cannot or will not llnd their place in a technological era. This is not a happy picture but ex- periences with welfare in the past 2Q years are not conducive to optimism, especially In a nation with such a large. depressed racial class. Still, by far the most or the poor are white and so the.re is no use saying that poverty is a peculiarly black problem. THE NIXON PROGRAM should for the first time give the while poor some hope. On the whole It is easier for them to get jobs. Enforced job training may pay off for them ln larger measure than for their black brethren. The employable are given a work incenUve while the government helps to sustain their families. Those who work or train will be better off than those who do nol Th.is goes for black and while but the facts of life are that the white:s will have a better cha.nee to escape poverty until the human spirit improves. This effect of the Nixon prograin with Its emphasis on the working poor may make it all the more difficult to get it through Congress when the civil rights groups fuHy realize what the effect will be. The problem will remain of those who cannot find suitable work because of their color or their complete inadaptabillty to modem conditions. AMONG TlllS GROUP are a great many or those who will find that their in· comes may be reduceO because they can· not get both food subsidies and welfare payments at one and the same time unless the NI.ion Admlnlst:ralion change1 its policy. The lower poor would thus become poorer ~·hile tbe upper poor became better ort. If this sounds like double talk it is because the whole problem or correcting welfare inequalilles canlains so many human elements that it defies both the computer and the budget balancers. All this is now earning Into focus as the congressional critics of the Nixon plan begin to pick it to pieces. What they wtll finally end up with is hard to tell. BUT IF ONE SU.1 PLE principle survives it will be enough for a beginning. This ~ lhe principle of work training as a condition of receiving welfare by the able bodied. If tbat principle can be establish-- ed, and the. means for realizing it found, then the problem which bothers the general public most will have had at least a partial answer. The doubling of costs would thus have the justification that it was aimed toward ending the self-perpetuating generation! of re.lief clients. CIA Denies Murder Charge WASHINGTON -'Mle Central Intelligence A11ency (CIAJ has formally advised Contreas thlt it neither ordered nor .!Ondoned the murder of a Vlet- namese double agent in lbe much publidlea "Green Beret Affair." CIA Dlnctor Richan! Helms tesUlled on the events which Jed to the arrest af elgh: memben ol the Special Forcos (Green Berets) before a Senate in· telligence aubcomrnltl<e. lie appeared 11 an unannounced ae.uion on Frld4y, Sept. s, before the "'"'P wbl<b include& top- ranking memben of tbe lienlle ,\p- proprfailons and Armed Servl,,.. c.om. mlltetl. '!be •ccount giveo by Helms followed ciooel)I the W10fltci1i CIA venfon ol the . .Ualr u it h1d filtered Into the public do- main a couple of weeks prevtoualy. He told the subcommltt.. that ' -THE VICTIM IN the cue, a rather low leve• mllltuy lnlelUcmce agent, was engaged in trail wateh!ft(, truck counting Dear Gloomy Gus: Refer to the Bible, I Cortntblanl, Chapter U, Verse 14. ll reads. "Doth not even ntture It.self ltlCh you that. If 1 man bave Iona halr It ii a allame unto blm!" 'Naff sald. -C. s. Ttlb .....,. ,.,..... -""""' ... ... _.., ...... " ""' _.,.., .... ,_ "' "'" • •lliMIY ... Dlll'r ....... Allen-Goldsmith and the like for the Green Berets. -He was not connected with the ClA, but arency officials were asked for ad- vice when Special Forces began tG SIJl?f!i.1 that he was also doing chores for the North Vietnamese. -CIA officials did not recommend his lJquid atior. but suggested that his case be turned over, in the regular way, to South Vietnamese authorities. · -Gen. Creighton Abrams ordered a full and exhaustive inquiry after the In· cldent had been reported to his command and when the spy's disappearance was being explained by the Crecn Berets with the asserlion that the agent was on a secret mission from which he. could not be recalled because of communication dilflcullics. AS TO RELATIONS between Special Forces and the. CIA. Helms ~•lied that it was the same Senate subcommjUee v.·hich lnsi6ted more than three years ago that the CIA withdraw Crom lhe clan- destine military intelllgenee operations lnlo wh.lch ft had bcto drawn be.fore the Unilcd Slates sent combat troops into South Vieloam. The CIA version of the incident has quitted a good deal ol th< furor w~h wu developing here about thCI case. Some It.icky problems remain, however, both he,.. •nd In Saigon. . Top CIA ofricials here are clearly an- noyed at the Anny's failure to publicly dl.,..late CIA from the lncldeot. The apy agency'• officia.ls expect to be fabely blamed ln other nallons for outrage1 of • all sorts but they were angered by what seemed to be similar tactics by U.S. Army officers. TllA T FEELING was not helped when the CIA asked Abrams to publicly absolve CIA from any blame and Abrams declined to do so. In Vietnam the Anny must somehow dispose of the charges brought agahu;t seven Special Forces orficers and one enlisted man. That may not be easy. Authorities now report that the iJ1.. vestigation has devek>ped statement.a by some of the participants which will make it dillicult to sweep the whole business under the rug. Also troublesome are accounts. be(in· ning to reach the news media, of similar previously unreported incidents involving Vietnamese civilians. By Robert S. Allee and Joha A. Gold1mtllli ---- Thursday, September 18, 1969 The edl&orlal page of thf' Daill{ Pilot seeks to inform and rlim- ulate rend1r.s bu prt'•entlng thf! newspaptr'a opinions and com- mtntarv on topic. ol lntfre1t cmd iignlficamt', by providing c forum for th1 e:prcifton of our rtoders' opfnfont. and by pn!sntino the dlN"rie t>fao. points of inf~ obrf't'Wf'I and rpokerm1n on topk1 of t.W da~. Robort N. Weed, Publisher CHECPKING • u • Dairy Cows Li~ In I 0-s~ory Barn Fresh Wa1er Is Sewage Modern_New Treatment $ytem Lauikd MAllKLE!VILLI!;, ';.:,!.\!; lht Sou1h Talloe Pllblie Utility liltn"lloo bods, c ~ 1 u u e I e d (AP) -A IQllque llb Di11rict, .....,, 111 erea with thr<Ul)i Ove ~loot cob.mma with rainbow trout on~ the •bout li,000 raldontl. ''The oontalulnc ~,000 worth ol cuttm ~ ol' lhe Slein wlllr K produca modi U.S. 1ctlnted clWcoll, tb eu near hc<e II filled with 1 publlc heelth oervlce drinking chl«lnitod. 'l1le Um• Ind billion pllons of. treated water ltabdarda." " MWqe water and authorities The powth of ruort al'ld charcoal at• later reclalmed. 11y It'• pure OllOUp to dr!nl;. ye.,...-. eommllllitlu 11 In one i..t lhortly alter the Clllecl Iudtln creek Tahoe bu 'c...m PolJulloo. !7·acrc reservoir opened In ~. lht mlllHlllil<'.)at~ alltlnJ ID4 •lpe to mu Late August, 1,000 rainbow were is ftd by • U.iDc:b ~llne Tahoe'• natural b 1 a at y , planted to ~ how well they ,DAIL~ PllOI' 7 HONG KONG CUSTOM TAILORS . ANN~ SALi SAVI 20% to 40% SALE FOR 2 DAYS ONLY snaking over a 7,too *& Wakemln "1•· 'l'lie $$in11UoD wtll survive. --·~-ID paa ~ a "'·-' -~ t• -ri p1-11.. Cll hr _,, .. .-.t. AN .. w111e-. K-s tiff AM .. l tlt PM OM By L. M. BOYD t"o girls. One loves a fellow .. __ ~ _.,, .,_, -~ ... • ,......e Three .... ...iw.-. •J)CXllOt· LAWN SIGN 00 t'be 'fho doesn't love her. 'l1le :-~~Lake·Talooe,11 :::i_bullltobelpnver .. the ed by Tahoe COOIUVltloolltl MR. u. c. LAKHI, TEL '44-1700 WITH 2 sum Uolveraity of Wuhlnrtoo =·~ ~;.~ ~1°:" ~ ''The pient II the aoty ont ol Alla trUtmeot wlth lime to =i:.~~·~ "":,~.;, ~ NEWPOllTEll INN -1107 Jamboree !load ' •~ campus : °Keep off the L"" two unfortunate youna ladles Jl~ll~tlnd~~ln~tlle~w~ar~ld~,·~· ~llYl~u-~~e~eollds,j~~the~~st\l~;•li~•~f'll?O~~eaou;~lh~to~clrln~t~,~tt~you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r:i~i~ i;iJit 'Zf!!.. : ~w!':!. •:;:, ::.,1~1• Bob ·Wlkemeo, • c1Jrec1ee ~·-i. pumped tbl!lulh Clll atomech 111. Idea." field? Every alxtb jump Is a it's beUer to love than be lov· liWe higher. So he cao cbeck ed. On the theory the llri who the action on all sides ... MR. is loved tbinb about blneU INTERLOCVTOR: "Who was thal lady 1 saw .,,,., with last too much while the glrl who J.... loves think! mosUy about her night? Straight Man ; "That gentleman friend. However, was,, no lady, that was my this contradicts the oplnlon of son. • •• WHY DO 'n!OSE that famous L. llld W. expert lllSroRIANS who write so • coco Chanel who. claimed: much about Cardlnal Rlcbelieu "1be onJy science for a inevitably fa.il to rnenUon he woman is to know bow to be was the gez;ius who Invented loved, not how to love. To love mayonn~ · . · · A TRIO of is to cry. But to be loved is to St. Louis Rock artl1ts, who be happy " can themselve.s the Lee CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. Brothers, clalm their first "As for crime, in wb!ch of the names are Ug, Ghast, and big towns i& tt most denproua Home. to wall:: in the street at COWS AND FLIES -Ten-ni~?" A. New York Clty ill story dairy fanns a r e the worst. Tben Los Angeles, predicted. Cows will stay in Long Beach, San Franclaco, them day and nl&bt. never Oakland, Baltimore a n d getting out to pasture. l don 't Miami, in that order ••• Q. think the cows are going to "'WHAT OOES YOUR newly Jike that. SUll, in such barns employed Planet man have to the dairymen will be able to say about a 23-year-old Gemini control the flies . That should girl who is single?" A. Gemini boost milk production. In re· girls tend to get what thty cent tests in Iowa, it was want, he &a)'I. Ukewile, found the yield from a berd of Gemini men. Certainly glad to cows, when protected from hear that I'm a Gemini. flies, rose 3lh: pounds of milk Maybe I'll get that trout farm per cow per day. U you'd like in the Antelope Valley after to hear more about cows and all. !lies, please let me know. AGE OF SPOUSE -In a IN THE SEARCH f o t matrimonial study conducted remarkable records, maybe by Dr. L. S. Cottrell of J 'm overlooking my own luck. Cornell it waa determined Before putUng a new engine in that ;;fds for a happy iqar~ mr. car recently, l got 253,000 riage were somewhat lm- mlles out of It without an proved if the. wife was a year ove rhaul . Can you top that'! . • or two older than the husband. TUE P O R PO I S E S at Your qwaUoM and com.- Marineland of the Paclfic have ments are toek:ome:d and developed a nUty 1 J t t I e will be used 10htf'twr po& wrinkle. They squirt water at 1ible in .. Checking Up.• onlookers in dark s u i t s • Addre11 ma ' l to L. M. Clergymen really get wa&hed BOJl(l. m care of the DAILY down. PILOT, Boz 1875, N<lllPOf'I LOVE AND WAR -Take Bench, Calif, 92663. Nixon Welfare Plnns Still Has Some Kinks WASHINGTON (AP) President Nlion's w e l fa r e reform propcsala remain lodg· ed at the White House in their 1 ltb draft because of kinks in the family assistance p~ gram. Conaress probably wUJ1have to walt another two weeks before receiving a f I n a I , detailed package or welfare legislation, government sources say. The President said last month he wanU to replace aid programs for dependent children with a sweeping fami- ly assiltance program that would provide minimum aid oC $1,600 a year to a needy family ol lour. And for the first time, a * * * No Congress Action Due OnP1·ogram working family of four with In- come lw than $3,920 a year could receive a cash sup- plement under the proposal. Wbl!<\ House drafters SIY completion of the famUy aulstance plan ls being alow- ed by such questions u thele: -What amount of peraonal assets: can a family retain and atlll be eligible lor old? -How many times a year must a faml.Iy report its in- come for recomputation of benefits? -How long should a person have to wait for bis Ont monthly check alter making application? -What vllue should be piec- ed on the Jand fJ. a farmer who has had seven.J years o! crop failure? Other issues, appear In 1 trivial on the surface but still important, have been settled, source.! aay. A family would be able to keep its boua:e, ·for e:rample, and still receive benefits. A tenant farmer would not be docked the value of vegetablet grown in bis own garden. Robert M. B a 11 , com- WASHINGTON (AP) miaslouer ol tht Socill Sec1IJ1. P r e s i d e n t Nixon has ty Adminlltration, concedea acknowledged that virtually there are difficulties in run- all his major legislaUve pro-nlng a ~ family poWs will bl!: held over by assWance .......... - Congrea uUll out year, But Ball, whole apoey Republloan sources say. would get the job, said in an At a lengthy session Tues-lnteriview he b confident they day wilh GOP coogruaJonal can be overcome. leaders, Nmm J!UI h I • One thloJ cerlaln to be JegislaUve proposals on a . needed, u..ld Ball, ii a maaaive , "\ green.Jlgbt, red-llglrt bu!J, the J!Ubllclly wnpalgn stmllar to souret.S said. the one that brou&bt 20 mllllcm In tht greenllgbt clustllca· elderly per800I Into I h e lion were bllla the President Medicare l)'ltem. will pr.., !or lotmedlale ac-lo addition, be Aid, hi.I tion. But tbeae generally were agency would ha•e to expand measures which C o n g r t s 1 store f1'Gnt operations in bl.a must consider thla year •Ince clUes and mobile offktt 1n they extend programa already rural arw. operating. Bill and other oltidlle In The . red light g r o u p the Depal1maot ol Hulth, designattd proposall Nixon Is Educllloo and Wellm ldmlt uld to feel W<ln't be 1cted on apecW (ll'Obleme would bl unUI om yeer -locl11.,dlni pooed by Ibo odd job man, Ibo moot o! hi.I moJor ........ iaaaonll O< mpl -menda!looa. . llld the tenant firmtt. Amoog tbe meaaum roted The b!Q<st tut would be In the red llpt catepY: !olonnlof tlleloe IOl!lttbnet I~ -Postal re.fonn ctt1tln1 a literate people of family aelf-suftllnlnr -•tloo to utllllnce llld brlolinl them take over the malls. J.rto the prosram. Ball iald. -CrtmHlahtlog measures Wbat about the odd Jobi Including billa on or1anlzed man who cannot mnembtr crime, Illegal gambllrlg, Jnd how much be hu earned In immunity rrom prosecuUon"so the p&lt year and the amount teaUrnony un be pried rr.m ""' too liWc to be riported reluctant WilneSlfl , for toelal security? Among the other Nixon "We'll 1lmply ut him how meuures already 1sslgned to much be ii makina at the the red ll&Jlt lbt ~ hb present tJme," one offlctal welfare, manpower an d replied. ''He should know revenue 1harini propouls; lh:1L" 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WUIDAYS 9 to 9 SA'IUIDAY 9 to 5a30 SUIDAY 10 to 5:00 ll.,.~·•·0•1 nnnAIMMDT CE ~ -• .-~TAPE TOOi. YEAH! 0 Ttlrt1 •II l 1i111 ftp• IM1m1 lttr, Ptp• l1•r, ,,, .. e .. by ,,,,,,, '~ ..O A hou11hold ; ., 111c111ily ihtf · "'"'r •ll'tli••• ib Vttful111.u . ~,_..~,~] 169 TURNER TORCH TANK 0 l it ctptcity, 1tU1 fir 0•1r • lluck fl'ltlf othtr pltcti. 0 St11Mft~ thr1•4 with lltll ••• 1 ,,,, .... O Fi11t for h1llby wor• .. ,, .. llkt thtt. RAM 3/8 INCH llEYERSllLI DRILL 0 Pow1rf~I A,,,,. ltuilt t ir cooltd "''tor with rt¥t r1iblo 1wltclt i11corper•+"" irt th. ht11ill •• 1688 RAM 6 INCH BINCH OlllNDIR 0 Pr.cltlMt ll•ltMH f.r • f1tflr 1t1rt wiflt thl1 41t1tMl1 ... ,. 0 Co111pl1t1 with f1111 •"' ,,,,,, , .. trl"'1111 •httlr. 2611 fLUIDMAITIR IALLOCK 0 St1lt1l ... 1htl,.Ht ttilot 14111111 •"' ,,,,,, 0 C«mlo-;. ""'· kt• ,,.. ........... .,. ••'Y •• 1 ... 1.11. 0 In 11 ., IJ tntt ''"' .... ,., 1.,.,...., ., •••-'"'· ·2" A OFF (Ah said, 1/2 off, neighbor) IN·SINK•IRATOR DISPOSIR ~~" 0 H•r•'• • "'""' v•u Cflt fTutf, D tut •tt ;f .,,,.,, • lltlltlt• ,..1. 2688 ' No. JJJ ltAllY NITILITI (] 5111111 prict to p•Y for flYlrtt tht lltf1• '"'' • f1o ll111 tf c111f'.41fl-, ot •ltht. 0 11 tlriot 1"Yihl111 Ilk• I tltll tf Wlftr7 0 lt1lt 10,000 hturt, UL ,,,,. ...... th1ic1 tf ctltrt . D w,•.,, 11lurnlt.4 • n•w ''"'" 111 '''"•"•· 0 F.r 29 co11h r.'"' ftx h1w 1111 Vtll ttlf a 1 Etty, ,,,,. ...... 111 ,, ..... ,, thl11lc 1t'1 • lllW kflld tf liotl\f,) IRITl•IOWL CLIANlll D ,.,..., frMl '•"'• cllWM lo '••tli St11 ~ .... , ... lthtt'1 whtN T1"Y .. 11111tf ··~ "'• .... .., a ..... 1 o tr1 •• • ..-.n •• u,. c..trciffM frrtifflo ~l1Mt•11• ''''"'· • CAllN'1 HARDWARE 0 The '"'"'''' 1tiol it'1 •II or 111thi11t f.,. ' thit 1111, 11 we C1ciCttl 111 011t-1itlf. Q Afttr •II, w1 ct1't fi¥1 II 1w1y liout iki1 ii•• &1111 •• yo11•r1 t•lllf t. t••· A hu11 ltl4lrhnt11t of pullt, •11•bt, "111911. IMtt. retultr tll4 offttt. 111 flo,.11tl1t1, SJ1t11i1k, Utlllty, E1rly Amtric111, CIM-1111., lru1h1ol C.:.pptr, lr1u, tlMI "'''' •IMI "'''' tnC mort tnC mtrt. 0 Ad¥trfi1t .. 1pteltl1 9004 thru Stpf''""'' 24, 1969 1 tM •• lint '''"''" h1w t• •••P #lit wlnttr httd etol4 fr111t ft+ti11t dow11 l11to vour chttl ••• lit t •n•t 111 your 111ck.I 4 PAK CORK PANILI D D• • """' will atttl tht .u .... win ,,,..., Mb 1 1l1t1d of 4'1htt. 0 D1 t ••INt tfril .. t111ll.+i• lio.enl ., • 411riMor.I witlt hllllllf. 0 Thet..ti ......... •••11 fttowfh .. 11. VOii 'Pl 41• ffi1 .,., 2x4 PIGIOAID ~f::'.~~~i;;lg'.;J D l'vt • ftw 1f tltt11 • ..,~ ... l·•:J' '''"*' ... • • • lh • .. ...... ···•·· ' ., .... •. • , • •. •• • • • cl....,. for~. ••·~·· •• ... ~::·. 0 llfV"tvhlllfftltt, • • • • ••••.• ··= . , •••••. -...... ,, ... . . .. . . .. . .. . ,,_ • • • I • • 1 • • e ,. • , SUlll f lt ltllt fhJe • • • 1 • • • •" • • • ' IUl'll!ltr.I I 0 W1h•••t•1h1•b ,,, u •• ,, •••. GLIDDEN ANTQUING KIT 0 Htr•'• • Wtf t1 "'" 1om1 f1111 1MI •ltl Ytlllt +. fl., .NII •••• 0 (H,w7 Ttkt I• lit1r4ltr1.I cun & ~IY nu•• 0 Thi1 11 1 , .... f,,f, 11 l1t1tVJ,., thiob , .. 0 Wl41 cltef•o ltcr1 ef tMT1t '"'41 ( 110 ltl .. tb, 11htt1Y1 •141 tM.., llkt tlot.I • 0 Or ........ ...,, f.r-fliitih, •• , ...... ft .... .,. '"" r••I• ul1n. \ 1/2 OFF .. • • ' • ' • D.lll.Y 1111.0T ook Sources Threatened SAN~(UPl)­ Looll ........ allomefs .., II'• a ~ Gt rue ,... death 'JIO( to ...... !tne -'"' .an article which Unlied San l'r~~ Mayor Jo s eph Alioto to the malla. The1 told Federal Judge Cenld S. Levin Wednesday I \hat they m l g bl be assasslnated U lhfilr names art.1 made pubJJe, I Alioto has filed a $12.5 million ·libel suit against lhe magazine lot the story by t Richard CarllOO and Lance I Brtuon. The. mayor's at- ~ torney& asked for the long- ' I t , dlNn<e pbobe tall rtCOrda al · Carlaoo Ind Brloloo 111d Ibero the aut.hon and charpd. that were 1 ' m 1 n 1 ' ' ~ti 11>ood.Juma and gangsters" whole "lives are 1n pahicular auppUe<I Ille mal<!lfaJ for Ille i"'l'l"IY·" , story. 'Individual 'A' presenUy The dclente cOnceded sotne carrieta guo fee peraot\AI pro- ol I.he sources had underworld tect.lon," said each affidaviL ties and said at least three "Individual 'A' told me within would be in danger if their the last weet that if individual names were tQO'ifO. A'1 name ti revealed <in COD-- u.s. Dist. Judge Gerald S. oection with this article, in- Levin ordered the records divlduaJ A expect! La Coea seakld and placed in· cmt.ody. Nostra to effect v I o I e 4 t He planned to bear more lega l reprisal." argument today whether' the 1jlndivfdual 'A' told me he records sbould be m ad e had previously been threaten-. available to A.Hoto's attorney. ed by one 'mafia member IdenUcal affida'riia b y n.imed in the Look article.'' ''Indlvklual 'B'," the at-1 fll\.lvitf: llid. "wu .afO.Ulled. with I rln( o/ ...., ..... hoocl- IWlll engaged In Wegal actlvl· ties," 'Ci whom one, Julio Pet-ro. was 1"1Dd ahot to d<!alh In . IAs Angeles eight mootbl qo. "Individual 'B' told me that individual 'B' would suller the· sime fat.e ~ Mr. Petro U it were known that.tndlv1dual •s•, gave mt information." Similar asaertlonl w e r e . made regarding an "lndl\lidual 'C'." Alloto's attorney, Maxwell Bledier, aaid that "the Writers are now placing themselves in the )lOBlllon of ~ they can protect the ..,,,.. o I png.mn and boodlwna. • Older Brother Novarro Slayer Faces Penalty LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A penalty trial began today for the elder of two Chleago brotbm louod 'lllll!y of the first degree murder ol silen t film actor Ramon Novarro. / Drug 5ea1·ch Plan Hit At Border The same jury of seven men and five women which con· vict.ed Paul Robert Ferguson, 2.1, and Thomas S c o t t Ferguson. ts, will decide whelher Paul wi ll be sent· enced to life in prison or death in the gas chamber. Thomas was 17 at lhe lim! of the slaying last Oct . 30 ond as a juvenile under the law he will receive an automalie sentence of life imprisonment. Judge Says Bar Session Helped Jury "1.wl don't timt lllm •••• SAN DIEGO (AP) -The propoied car-by-car searcll for narcotics at the border south of here without an increase in manpower could damage the local economy, American and Mexlcan of(iclals said Wednes- day. Each of the brothers pro-ressec1 his own inr>OCi!llcc and tesWied during the trial that the other commiUed the crime. Novarro, 69, drowned in his own blood after a savage beating with a cane that was a memento from one of his movies. If you hava baen plannin9 to •dd • gr1cious n•w loolt fo your hom1 , w1 invite you to "li1 if our show room and ••• th1 most br11thtakin9 collection of dom"fic a nd Imported custotn li9htin9 fi.riure1, lemp1 ind light•d wall 1conc11. -PARTS AND SRVICI - • ILICTIUC AND UfOHTIN• 646-3737 m VICTORIA nun COSTA MUA ( Acroa from Grttnhaven Nursery) * * * Whlnlln 1ba .,..._..,. of this. h largelt b:tlpelidlllt group or men'• fdtk>Q alOnl9 In fie w-., pubHlhm thle dacl1mton ot ttt w111- tngM111 and abll.fty to ellminat9 raatril:tionl which haw hllhtrto op- preaed the Califomla Ma Artickt 1. Be ft known that moat men's Clothing chaJna al'9 owned by manufacturets.. And ar..: aaklchalN. In soma ,.spec&s, act u out~ tor the4r owneMMnlJfacturera. Thereby tMse firme. by necesafty, al'9 Therefore, no one te"s Grodln1 wtlat \o bl.ly, how much to buy of wh•r• and When to buy. The r1931.1lt: LA arett vllirlty of diffemlt lab&I& fof you to choose from. b. The full ecope Of all tM·vetJ latest stytn, fabrlct, c:olors, on hand and tn stock-~ Article 2. And b9 It known. that ~ Gl'Odlnt la 1n Independent, It can move In many areas IMneficial to fta patrons. Le.ca.., we rl9ld mt 1llOfr'Y llbout competing with our owner'• goocts, w. can lake adve~ Of ~ly pr1Ced manufectuma' vventocka and pass the .mg on to JOU. At Grodint,. therefore. you may look for ~ng events on lhe Im.et..,._ frQfl'l a 'f&l'iety of manc.rflilctul'911. SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Municipal Judge Earl Warren Jr. believes a jury that watch- ed 1 nude go-go dancer do bet lhlog will find it easier now to decide whether the act is lewd or obscene. Child Abuse Charged In Burned Girl Case "We are already extremely concerned at the long waits in- volved in crossing t h e border," said W i 11 i a m When lhe guilty verdict.~ were read by Superior Court Judge Mark Brandler 'fhurs· day, neither brother displayed any emotion. But a few minutes later they looked at a spectator. I i f l e d their eyebrows and shrugged thei r shoulders in resignation. "The jury got a beUer loot than we could have given them with just plaln oral testimony or by trying to recreate some of these thinga in the court:r'tQn," W arnn told n e w' m e n Wednesday after the command performance. Warren presided on a bar stool at the Plnt PuMy Kat Saloon, where be had moved the trial o[ two bottomless dancers charged with indecent exposure and lewd an d dissolute conduct. The judge shifted t h e courtroom to the Orangevale tavern on the request of the defense attorney, who sought to give the IO men and two women of the jury a first-hand look at the dance that got the girl! arrested. * '* * OAKLAND (UPI) -Doc· tors hive amputated the char· red finger of a 5-yur-old girl who told police her parent.9 held btr hand over an open flame to punbh her for crying. Authorities arrested t h e child's stepmother, Jean Johnson, 30, and her father, Dennis John!loo, also 30, on chargu ol child abu>e c....i.i corporal Injury. Officers went to the Johnson home Wedoesday .a ft e r neighbors reported be~ lit· Ue Denise Johnaon scrwnillg in pain on aeveral occutons. Ooe resident said, "It was ter- rible to hear, bat we didn't .know if she wu ill or what." The 1lrl told Policewoman Mary HllJlard she bad an earache, .and her parents held her hand over an open flame J ; ol the kitchen stove because lhe wouldn't stop crying, Doct:Ol'fl at St. Francis Burn Center in San Franclset1 am- put.lted the little fiqer ol the right hand. They aald it was so badly burned it was hardly recognizable as a finger. Mrs. Johnson , who said she was eight month! pregnant, was arrested at her home. -Johnson was arrested In city jail, where he is being held on traffic warrants. Smog Board Approves All Car Models Brotherton, executive director of the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau. Aboul 150,000 cars con· talrting 450,00D pel'30ns enter the United States at the San Ysidro border station each week. a U.S. custom s spokesman said. The prosecution contende<.I that the brothers went to the actor's home with the "intent to rob and torture" Novarro and, regardless of who did the adual killing, both brothers were equally guilty under Ole law. At present it takes 10 to 30,r;:==========, seconds to get a car through, he said, but with the proposed car-by-car procedlU'e, the wait could increase to "anywhere from five minutes to several hours." Anything that further ag. gravate.s the problem s , Brotherton said, could serious- ly affect local businesses and lourlsm. ;'Drui:s are a worldwide pro- blem and stopping a few borders ls not going to solve It," said Enrique Sanchez Mayans, assistant director of LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new neighbon or know of anyone moving to our area. please tell us so that we may extend a friendly w~oome &Dd help them to become acquainted in their new surroundings. So. Coast Visitor 494.0579 494-9368 SACRAMENTO (AP) the Mexican State Tourist California's Air Resource.s:l~Deipiairlm~en~l iatiTi~'juiainija.jiiji~=========~ Board ha! approved virtually all 1970 mod~ cars for sale in the state after they met new regulations. on how much they can pollute the air. The only car whose smog control standards the board didn't approve Wednesday was the foreign.built Alfa Romeo, bit it still can be sold because if qualifles under a part ol the antlsmog law dealing with unusual cases. A new slate Jaw provides that new cars cannot be sold in California, the nation's leading auto market, starting with 1970 models unless their exhaust smog output does not exceed state-set tolerances. 1be tolerances will get tougher up to 1974. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' ----------------------AVE WOTH ALL .. LL u .. WITH 'THl9 Al..L C:lltrDrr $ e 9LU ~p::::.~ $TA"4P5 ! C:OUPOl"I l.~~~t~~L~~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;c•;•~o~s~•;C;C~<~P~T~•~o~~~<~· ArUc1e :i. LAnd Arrttiw, bllrll an~• ~1n.,. o an ers ..... pl"'' ,.ZH, ~· II Fuhlon Revolution, Gt0dln1 rMd not 'Alt ll'ltil lta OWMta blgln lo man- ulecture a new "ln" ltrfe. tt can, and ctoea go lo the original deldgnet11 10 Hllafy the needa and wants of lhOw ~ who demand nft' f19hlon1 ftl'lt. Be It known, now, that Gn>dlnt hMIM al m::I llNrf ClfffomlM lo Man his own Declaration tor l!Mlependents. To overthrow d'9 tyfal'll"J1 ot ..., 81.rlcted Choice and #lop Grodins •• , Wh819 ll'• hard 10 ChOo!le, not hard to find. niE FIRST "JNOEPENDENTS"-1969 VERSION Sealed at the table In the toreground is John Hancock weiring our fOflo Wlrd f1shlon tharksktn U by PeltOcellL Standing left to light: Jotut Adams wearlng a vested 3-button plald by Crickehlltr, Rogel• ShenMft with an I-button double breuted by Domfnlc D'Bnml; Robert R. Lh'o NJgston weart • 2-buttan ault by Timely Clo!Ms; 1bomaa Jefferaon with • 2-button stTiped aullby P9ttoctiill; Benjamin Franidln tp0rll • &-bUtloft D.B. by Eagle; Chel1• Thorn:>n With a Nlutlon p&akl bJ -OGG .-Mt George Read (f.W right,) wwta ont buUon lltlpl UlltyTirMly~ JOIN lHE iNll£PENDeNTS -OPEN A NEW CIRODll<S OWlGE, TOo DA Y1 No card to carry -your • Jotm Hancock"" .. good enough aw Ull BankMMrlcard or ...._. Chargi1 OJC.. too. • tjv""'?"W'."''"_,...,..,_.....,_ . .,.,,_., ...... ,..,,., . .....,....,,..~'.""""""'~~ ~ r "\'.. . Clulitails. · ~1 ;.;an' ''. ned it like it is.i1 • ~ ' -"' ~-• "" O"> --~t '-;> ~ ,. tl\lklt ewry can, you'll find thrM honetl· to-goodne11 lrtlh coeklalls. Uquor and ell. They don't tutti ttomemede. They°M m!Xed profellllonatty. Wltf'I the flneal lngr-1*1ta we can lay our handl on. Like Smirnoff Vodka fof the Vodka Mlrtlnla. Gimlets and SCrew- drlvtra. And beeaun the ctn1 11'1 aluminum, th9y chill r11ttr. All you do la nip open tnd ltMI. • " 8j C < ~· ~I !i 8, o: ~I ~I " 5! ~I di w' ~! ii ~ ~ ~1 ~I ~i •• ~ U · w\ '· Whenever you're ready, we are. Whtravw ~ you are. Mort lmporta.nt, Clublllls come In nine favorite navora, from Ex1ra-Ory Mat1inl to fresh. frolhy Daiquiri. We call them Clubtalla. Because they're 10 mvch ettler, quicker and beltor th•n cocktails. "I'll drink to that." For The Record Meetings Births LOHO llACH COMMUNITY HMl"ITAL '*''· 1 Mr. a. M.,. Rot.ert w. Mm..-. 11n Trak Aw., Wttlmlnst1r, girl ""'· 5 Mr. &. Mr1. 0111 V. Jone•, 7661 CU• ql!Q,.., We1tmln1ler, girl s-.1.' Mr. I. Mrs. w 1ui.m It. Morrri. 11401 Frfm ~. Hunllng1on a..cll. 1lrl Death Notfees HARRIS Brtnl\lfl C•lv!n H1rrh. An 66; ... 11v1 ol •-•1 ru~nl of Or•,,.. eounrv fOI' SZ YMri. Resided 1f IW S. Me,,. c11t11 ... SI,, An.tllelm. W11 Mll lml" 11 '"-Cl~s Bootery sriooo Slor1, Cos!• Mn1. Dote of deatfl, Sep!. 17. S"rvlveod b~ wife, Winona H1rrlu two d_I!!_,,, Mri. W1ll1c1 EWttOl'I Ind M .... Rlchtrd Wood. bD!h ol C1•!1 Mes.1 thru -.1, Ktnl'>lth l . H1r· rt1. Giro.ti G!'0\'91 M1rlyn 0 . H1rrls, Norlll H19hl1nd5' G1rY 0. 8!1~1ly, Oranoe; brother, ElltY M. H1rrll, P1lm SprhHISI 12 11r•n6tlllldl'l'n Ind ...,. oroet1r•/lddltld, Fun1r1I MrVlces Wiii 119 C(lftdllcted tram lht H!!-11tld Mol'1'.l.,Y CM~, A,,...,elm, FrkJly, 2 PM, with R..,. Clark of IM Trinity Unlt.i Prnl7Y11rl1n Cllurd'I gl S1nt1 AM, offiel•tln1. TOMPSON · Jlulh H. Tamp50n. 273 N. Av1nlda s.. v!lla, L"'1~ Hlll1. o.,.. of dfflh, s.¢, IA, Survlv..S by hulbM!d, GIG..,. H. TOl'lllllOrH cNwht1r. Mll'Y 111111 C.1rlocL Loll J.11:11~1$; ~M1w, Mir. Vin I>. C.11od!1 1r1ridd1u.i.t1r1, Pllft. •I• O!llM Ind SMr<in C.rlock1 •nd fflrtie .,..., .... ndehl!d,...,, ,..,_1.1 1wv!QH. tod1y, Thun<ley, ' PM, P .. cHlc View" OWIPlll. e..111 Morll.llor. !15:111 E. C:O.lf Hi1hw1r, ~ dtl /Mr, Dlrt'ciors. BRANIFF Juttm M. lr1nlff. 6«11 1flll11ttr Or., Hul'ltlnfllm lllKh. 51JfVloted by Wlf .. G91t M. lr1nlff1 thr" 10111, Cl1rk. curt11 •fld Scotti -d1ue~l1r, Joyce1 tllrM btl:lllwlrs. Hll"Old, O.ll:l!I 1n4 !?Of'Mlld Br1ntnr 1111w. EwiYll Llmd. Ftmll'I' -ests 1t>clU wllhlnt to nwkt l'Ml\'IGl1ll CDtllr~ P~ CM- ~19 1'o their friorlt9 c,,.11h', S«v-- 1-. Friday, l PM. tf fht Gru1 tu. tl!van Cl'H.Jrdi, Hunllr11tan INdl. Dlredlld bY PMll; F1m!ty Colonial Fi.mtrlf Homt, MUSSER Wlm1m MuU¥, 120V. ~rd St,. N.,... _, 8.-cl'I. $urvl'<'ed bv wltt. Mavlt: thtM &11t1rs, -l>rotheri 1u1'\I ind llncle, Mr. and Mn. Frink FlnM11, of Ulcewaod. Servlce1 11'111 lnt1rme11t wel'll held today, TI'IUn.daY, For .. I Llwn Hollywood Hllll. Dlredld b)" Wttlc:Ulf CtlaP91 Mortu1rv, .......... NOBLARD Mrr. 1111/fh M. NobllrCI, Rowry, tonlgllf, Tflf.trlod_.,,, 1::JCI PM. RMlllem /Np, Frldav, ' AM, bol!I at st. Joadtlm'• Cattiolk: Cf'lu11:h, Cc.la M911. Wntmln-at.,. M-i..1 Park Mortlllrv, Dlrfi. ""· ARBUCKLE & SON WestcllU Mortuary 1%1 E. 17111 SL, Cosla Meu llM881 • BAL'l"l MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-1450 Coota M,.. Ml HUI • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cotta Mesa u 8-3433 • DU.DAY BR'Mm:ns. BunUngton Valley , Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach IU-7171 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1'11$ Lqun• Canyon Road Lapna Bead! -• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK • C<meteey e Mortuary Chapel S50t Pacific Vlew Drive Newport Beaeh, CalllornJ1 f«-tlOI • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME 'llOl 8olta Ave. Westmhula 191-W • SHEFFER MORTUARY Lagilna B<acb Df.lilS Su Clemeale CIWIOI • SMJTB8' MORTUAllY Cl Mahl SL llllnlhlstoa Buell - BOAT BUFFS Alrno11 leckabey it tile e11l., fvfl.ffrn1 bo1H119 1dltot -tkl119 ~-11ty 111w1p1r,er 111 Or1t191 Cou11ty. Hit ••c 11tl" ''"''9' I •' l,01tl1t9 aftd 'flthff119 lllWI It 1 dally f11tllf1 ef th1 DAILY PILOT. SA Dentist Arrested on Theft Count , ·v1ej<t :PI~n Delayed Planners :S~ek-M·ore Facts on Rezone ByTOl\rBARLEY Freeway and Crown Valley Approval of the application °' n. _.., ,... ""' Parkway In the north San by the Mission Vkjo Co. ap. SANTA ANA -A m~ive. Juan capbtr~ ;El·~:..:::: pucatlon would resuire to 10,0llf).acre ret.onlns· th a t area. aRrlcultural zoning land whlch would, lf approved, make >d>Out 90 Ael"Ct!Dt of the was inc:uded In agrlcultura] Mlalon Vie~ the lliltb largest devO!opulenl area. -id be preserve Us"·· smie --~•· --·-"'·"· n.. •• , ~-unty dev~""· i. ·•··I• fa m 11 y ..... -~ -~·-·' w v • ..,. ~ --.. ago. Wu balled. w~ ....... by a homM, · l!OIDIDisslonm were · _ _, MOBI of the southern portion b··•··• p'-·"'• ~···•on. laid.,'-"" uae .pr ..... •b now • ..,...,. -·-~-.,...,.. .,..... of the communlty -localed No Oppoeition WU •ssed be.lpf .f~tqdjed by the com· east of the San Dlego Freeway lly coqunlai<IWJ'S... to t lie mlJS\.on rridlcate' the provialon manunothftioolni:·-pe!'haps of 21 ,elementary schools, sll between Los All.sos Boulevard the large3t such action ever i.Dtermediate .schools, four and Avery Parkway -would brought before the board. au,t high achools and one junior again become farmland. A the four planners present college in the expanded area. portion of the northern sector agreed with commlssiooer (>tber ,fq_tures ol the plan-ol the community would be Harold Ekinal\ Of. S o.u t b nlng proposa.1 call for the con· added to tbe plan n Ing Laguna that the ''enai'mlty" of struction of 26 churches, golf department's master plan for the proposal demanded further ~ totaling 321 acres and ?ie area. study by Ul6 group. the devotion Of 14.9 acrts to MWlon VJejo Co. represen- District Attorney C e c 11 Ekman and his colleagues regional parks and recreation tatives at the bearing did not Hicks put the bite on a Santa agreed to hold the public bear· cehters. oppose the delay to plans, on Ana dentisl Wednesday with Ing Sept. 24. Approval at that Pl a ruilng cornmiDioners which the company Js anxious the filing of a complaint time by the commlasion would were told that the new Mission to get county approval, A charging Dr. Bobby G. Byrd mean that the action would go Vlejo u depicted on the pile of spokesman agreed w Ith with four counts of grand to county supervison for flnal blueprints ex h 1 bite d Wed· Ekman that it was "absolutely theft. endorsement. nesday would be home to vital'' for the commtssion "to Dr. Byrd, 35, was arrested Planned by the Mission Vie--nearly 100,000 living in 31,000 delve through Uti! mountain of Wednesd&iy at his S o u t h jo Co. ls the expansion of the dwelling units -b o t h paper work and b e c om e Bristol Street offices. He was exlatlng community area by apartments and homes. familiar with every a!pect of r e I e a s e d on biJ own 5,900 acres to a residential· 1n terms of acreage, only thi3 rezoniag.11 • Tbur>day, S.plfmbft 18,)969 'BLUE Lev rs Ill• o•l 9l•ol ll\;I Levi' ........... ru9114'd XJ: d!! .. I"' ... '"n ond low woi•l•d. Am11Ko·• lo- rli. 1-o. Sl.91 • JACK'S YOUR HUDQUAIITTRS FOR " LEVl1 S* uvrs• ltut Jnns uvrse Contvrey• LEVl1'9 St•Prest Jeans LIVl'S9 Ntwo's uvrs• Fl1res uvrse C11ual Pents from ss.ta $5.98 $0.98 $8.09 $1.09 $1.09 SAN CUlllNTI DAILY 10 tot ~10•4 , • DAfl V Pll.0[ fj . - LEVI'S* WAWHOIT s6so.saoo Sizes 28 to 46 Waist recognhance and ordered to comm er c I a 1-1 n dll!trial Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, It Is expeeted that appear in court Monday.after developi;nent totalling $9,851 Anaheim, Fullerton and redevelopment of the areal-----~-------------------------- being booked at Orange C.oun-acres. Its 1ocaUon is defined Laguna Beach would exceed would commence immediately ty jail. as south ea ate r I y and the new Mission Viejo, com-after approval ol the project Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column The dentist allegedly receiV· northeasterly of the San Diego missioners were toML by county supervisors. ed M,000 for dental servk~i------------------------'--'------------------------------------' that were never perfonned on four children, ages 4 through 6 years. That work, says Hicks, was authorized by the Head Start Dental Care program or the Community Action Council of Orange County and Byrd's bllls were paid through federal funds. Hicks described as "irJ. valuable" the backing of the Orange County Dental Society in the Byrd prosecution. Socie· ty officers brought the alleged infraction to the attention or district attorney'a in· veStigators. UCI Adding Speakers Service IRVINE -UC Irvine atudlmt government is adding a speakers service tb1s fall to the one already operated by the admlnistratloo. . The students' Communlty S~s lll>ita will cooperate witlt'1be aamtmatratiou'I UCI Speilirs Bureau aperaled by the public affairs office. C o mmunity 011antzaU0111 wishing lo obtain a student, facuJty or administrative speaker may make ~ rangementa by calling ~ltber the public affairs oltice at 833- 6922 or the ASUCI at 833-6547. Claude Dorais. A S U C I secretary of student affaln, said student< are anxious lo forge new links between the campus and c-omm unlty. "Since we don't know yet what the interests of the community will be, we plan to be very flexible. >.a interest.! and issues change, we will find dif- fereut students or faculty members to go out and speak." Constitution Fete Slated For Knott's BUENA PARK -A parade with bands and mare.bing unJts will highlight the Sept. 20 Constitution Day observance at Knott'• Berry F a r m spoosored by the Masonic and Knight! of Columbus Lodges. A breakfast will be served In the Elks Hall at Buena Park from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., followed by the parade at 10 a.m. Marchers will proceed from Mary L. Pendleloo School on Stanton Avenue to the Independence Hall rtpllca at Knott's Berry Farm, where there will be a program with music and speakers. ' ' • 1 j t DQ In. Darout. Sameoldorcfer..taklng w~d. ••~n'tit be nice to have an Escape Machine? ' ,,,. ' " ' .. .- Introducing the totally nevi Cutlass Supreme from Oldsmobile. 'The 1970 Escape Machine fmaglne you cruising around town i~ this sleek beauty. Pniud?-you'd better believe IL 'Tl!ls trim new'personal s$e Supreme lets you move up to Olds elegarn:e wilhouUeavlng !he low-price field. But then, that's your secret-a secret luxuriously hidden under that formal new roof and elegant lines. And there's Rocket V-8 action that won'! qull-thanks to another Oldsmobile exclusive: unique Positive Valve Rotators. Cutlass Supreme-one ol 29 Olds Escape Machines inviling you to make your escape. Old1moblle: escape from tho ordinary. that delivers eleg,nce in a trim new size. • .. . , fjil ... y ............ tlllnidllg tor 1'10 •I,.., Old..obll• dtlllt'I tocllr: Toron1do, NIM!y-llgh~ D•ll.l N, Cullt11, 4-44 ••dYlin.Crulllf. ~ -·- I 1 1 Jf DAil Y PILOT Thursdq, !itptembef 18, 1961t 1 l • • Vital Your Choice of three styles s21950 • flMltlw, .... "".... '"' ,,._ ........ GlblleM. A1trW O. va .,....-, Hlltft ~ .--. ,,,., "" wn~ .. _ ..-... AnlllofW J.-va ~ M. C~ L ...... l. YI Olllflll t;. Hixon. LMirllM:-K.tr w C1"W1'11d"'ltb COlllnt. Wllll.rn I'. 'It V•IM'le E. Vlcknl'I, Vll'fR EUMM "'' E...,..,11119 . .._ Soo"4"**'•• IEdwftll l... "'' 0.lfltllM L Hoblll. Joi11t O.'ollCI w ~rllvn Alln F'"'-C'"1$111Phtr lM n Ctlfrloltt -E•rlt, ... ,.,, l., VI Glllrlt J, Klllll, 8trbtrt Jal)9 vt. Freddlt ~ Holftr, Otbor111 Anne .,. Ran11f Gt"' '""' Wl rd. DQrll T, YI £1,lt E, Pill-Jffll etc. va El'Mtl 11.idlwd Fri_,., B1rry How..-CI 111 JllCUtll l;tlV 8l1111N111, Ad"'-" vs Glorl1 Merle KDtl!ltl, Natm1 J, n HU E, -' 11 F-Mc!t<· 0.rleM Can:il w Wlllud T, R_, lllont S. "" ~ L. 01rn , ~ 111 Mon'b 8ltl11t W""ler. Oorlt C. .,,. 0.rlad Enodl c.1 ... 111. Luclt HO'f'ff n Jorwt s11111er AnTf, 8.,.Nt• vs JOhn H. JofVltGft. fWl'ffl L!Klllt .,. 8IUl1 How•nl ' IHTEltl:~llTOllYr-IDEC•IU ~~· Shlrle\I, L:, w Alfrtd W, Git.on, J11TW1 It. YS Arv1 fl. k!Vuier, a.rbinl J .... J.c:ll M. Wvttllltlllon. ---i.· \It ~nl -l:~ OOnlftl¥ C. w OONld II. Slorm, &.rllotrl n ~· K.,..t ~. Etlztbelll E. n OONld Mu L..fllaltlf, ~ va ,,_ w .. let'' Trlfltem. Gtor,e J. ~ SIMll'Ol'I f . l)fo.Gllqapjil, :SW w DOlora Huffilrcl. 8ett'I V. •Ahlin It, ~. S.mutl R-r <vs S4M11 lh ltubr, ..._ F, vs ff~ 'Mn klft, Vlc!Vl9 Prlfdlki n JMli IE~ OIJM \ -.. f ~~ Cat0h<n n Fredef'ldl Mlrlowe 81ekltf', Gill M. n Melvin F. Ctiri1lf1an. C.n..rl..., J. vs Peter L Ath<.r1ft Allllnlv Ltlflllle vs Dllnlld Cti1rtn -OOml_, a.m.lee N. w DoNlcl E. Pevel, H1Yn Lu lle \IS H•len Luelle' Good, Anlll Kl' YI John Lfllo\Qrld Sres>Mnson. OorDltrY I. vs Anlh' LQCh, Ktottirvn A. YI JOMPh G. Cn,a, Jo.In Flor111Q YI M.lm'illlln 0 . Burd. Allll Hll'IW•ll ·vs ~et'lneltl ,,,..rtln Hiii. Vlr•lnl.I A.. vs Oolwlld A, OOIY, Bnsle NfflT\I YI JIGll•nd Ro.,. Ml(Nkler, J<lvce E. vs Jolll> ROl>M' 81um1n. Gec.rgett1 vs H1rrY Thlru. Cor111lll WilllelmiNI YI R•r1 L119'1 oi,v.1c., """ C. n AnlllofW J, Webb, Je1n .V..rit YI J1mt1 R-.-1 Flood\I, WIUlllm Jostl:lll Jr. YI Liu•• Me••-l(e-rr. Jt>lln Edw1rd v• LI Hflml MH M~wn. Ber111rdlrw ~lie "' Francl1 ·~-MGn•M!u., Mld\MJ 81.tk1 w. Slllr{)' EU11beTI! Kub\lsl'I'. 8tlrfhll l. YI John Ve!M, Anlllo!'IV M. n Anna E. Pe!etl. .V..rgle ,,_ vs Hlrold E- Dut;ul1, F!O'flf P1trldt n Allee F17e Sn10er, Ll"<!I L .. n Rldty CNrlft S~n1er, Ro1111cf Merrill n .,hienM ""'" M1dit1rrenean-modet 3313 ' ContAlmpo,.ry-<nOdel 3310 Colonial-model 33.11 Enjoyamazlft1i>arform1nc.-acb.lallysuperiortom1ny highw-priced QOnsoles toc18y1 You'11 thrill to exeitlng Stereo FM, 'ttrift-anCl-noise-free Monaural FM and power- ful·AM radio-all brought to you with truly remarkable clarity' and realism. Four high-fidelity s'peakers, 15·watts undistOrted mu$ic power, plu\ precision player1hat banishes discernible recx>rd and Diemond Stjtut wear-lets your records last t life .. ,;me I Record storage area. Beet0f-al1.:.:advericed aqlid-state circuitry r~places tubes~ eliminates damaging heat 10 assure 'lasting Magnavox reliability. Oetachable leg1 make them kleal for use on shetves, tables, or in bookti91S:...O, wherever apace 11 •problem. All styles •re elso evaileble with phonogreph bnly-•1&911 I. C(J111c 111 Magn;i vox Solid Stt1 te SIP.ten Po1tahl1•<.> 111.i1\' 1,ly ~·59 ~o ' -KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX • M8f~1>ox ll~ltte E:nterC•lft-..t, Ceater1 f 'u&ol'JI Dfred o-ler I VAii C[IBU.R~t 1 RE KO~ 1111rG . "WE ARE: N!r~,OllK f ~::: TOPICAL -i1 .l:Nr' •.MUSI~ ·occ a8$ •FUNtiY I ..... e•SATIRICM. "' f ' •eee•• AND WI~ GRAND HOTEL .. , 1 '9\rlDlllAlil WAY COMING OCT. 3rd ,AMAKEM (11•• J12·tm• I •,! . 1 see by TodaYs. , Want Ads • e For those llcodce-stick · bot-licks a LeBlane S.U,t clarinet, only \lied ·-ene year !or $60. • A new broom can't awet>p cleaner than a oew 'fl:llk vacuum with attadimenb: $40, e Perfect aettlng for.ll!W ad- ditions • plan for thli; baby crib with white .canopy. mattress, in excel.· coOOi· lion, other baby i~ ,µso, Sears Q.utstanding Low, Low Price! Huge JOx5·f t. Buildi~g Gable Roof Lawn · Buildiµg • Ml steel ••• white with gl'een·roof and trim • Full size door, opening on the gable side of building, which makes it no stooping to get in • Doors on nylon rollers ••• floor is not included 1 Ox7 -ft. Lawn Bailding 11938 Ask About Sears Convenient · Credit Phtns SAVEs4o! DelUX.e ''Kingswood'' Regular '149.95 -· • f1111ctio!'al •l!>ping roof "8a 1*ilt-in guners-diverta water~ • All'•teel co11.11n1ction.Lo.01a.-Seare 5-.tep. .P,:int fi11ish protection ~ •• inSlde md out • I •i'llll ~eliding docrn expose , 7xS.ft. interior apace t ... ' 88 ~---------------~-----~---------------------------• NN#.#All(lA l•UOO. Ill~~ k.uMltOl,)4911 ,,_tt&OI .. Ml2t ~ lO 2·114J, MA '4161, 'N 6·'1SI PICO'lt1' "4262 I' • , ~(j046Jru,U·6•0.SU.1 CNOM,,.,~1 ~Off·1111M,Q4 ... 11 a.¥Ml:alQ'llOANW11t . ' ».tft.t.Nt.\ll7..lJ1t ~!11·1111 , I ~*""''·NI""'' ~"° .NiM1 CWGI 4l7.J100 ~ WfflrtJfltlOI ,....On "Aitl'Y "° '""1, '''-~• 1, o:nt6l fM.0611 1Natwaa9Cla .. Jj31 t~ .. l4Jlf, "1"21t ~,t,MOMtf. U -"'(II YUl!ONJ "-f·lflt '---.------~~----~----------Se~------:---------------' .... f1!."t1Glll-11larYoulllle.JW" -=••• $bojllHlel*"""""11 ..... hSolvnlq9'30A-M.1tf'-'OP.M. ' . • • OAILY PILOT ' • llllrldl1, S.pt.-.11, 1'169 ' ' it~s now offieial • • we are No~ I ' ' ,,.., .. • ThC.nk you -· GARDEN • • I ' . Orange · County · • . I > •. J • ,.,_,, \ ,~.;. •• ' ~ '. t I "' . -· • . ' • . '· DURING . THE. MODEL YEAR OF 1969 BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC SOLD e SERVICED AND SATISFIED MORE PONTIAC CUSTOMERS · THAN ANY OTHER PONTIAC DEALER IN ORANGE COUNNTY AND ••• L • 7 ' ' . II ' There Must Be A · Reason! ' ~ ... , . '· ' I ~NOP/IE • • -I . • I • ~ I \.IJ c,_ c-. o -s-c s~~,ir·es~.sil·.a~.il~er:i,....,'i!fi' r"""a esa' ·c.li:§1fl~~-· ei ~!f]f~~, l~1t~~_;3 1~~]1~~~ j :]1~!~] ~5~~~~~ ~Jl~~~:il I • '· ' ' This is-the -way ·it's ·--ping,·to be. sOrprised _that Pontiac's setting the style for the ump-grine to the standard 455 under the hood, it's a rouser. we popped in a 455 ~-8 for you to order. (It's an old By now. you've spotted our .'70 GTO. ~ut maybe ·teenth Straoght year? Of course not. Inside: instant limousine. So luxurious some of the Pontiac proverb that luxury should· have power.) you haven ·t heard 1t. A sound so tough we ve thrown Buty~ may be a bit dazzled to find out that Pontiac traditional big boys are already screaming. 'Enter .Le Mans Sport. A brand-new Pontiac series . modesty to the wind and dubbed GTO "The Hurnbl~r.' lnaliy outdid Pontiac. · . One of the nicest things we could have done for Wail'll you see it pull the new 400 V-8-under-the-hood . Th is is Pontiac .'70., And this is _the way dr'.v1ng s Take Bonneville. From the strong, ~w bumper Grand Prix's luxury was to Jeave it alone. We did. Bu t trick. To see that one, check the box on the order form . going to be. Why wait? Its at your Pontiac dealers now . . ~ take the fun of driving seriously. .. Pontiac's -70's· · . . I ~ .. .-. IYI •I --- _, ~ • .. . -.... --~.,. ..... _ _____...,....,..._ .... ._,...,.,.___...,.-~ -~"""' ---~-~ ------.-----....--~ - ---------·---------,, ...., -- ·3 Years Ago Still Few Clues . , To Percy Slriying · CHICAGO (AP) -It'• l>e<n climbed an Ik tep ,drcuJar three yem since Valerie staircase, 1>l1>4ssed two (ttber Percy was murdered In an. bedrooms, stabbed, and slaah- elegan! North Shore lllBllllon, ed Valerie 10 times and club. but · the •late's chief ~ bed her to death with an ar· vestlgator In the unsolved case row-shaped me.tal rod. Is sWI looking for "that one NOT ATf CKED little thJni.'I A "'Ittat might be all we oeed, An autopsy showed that she just one JIWe thing that ties to was not sewally attacked. another little thing," Robert Loraine Perey, 40, the Lamb, an Illioois state poUce senator's wife, was disturbed corporal and bead of the that bight by what she thought three-man team assigned to was the sound of a glass the Perey investigation, said knocked off a night table. ln an interview. Later, she heard moans and Lamb joined the case a walked down the hall to week after VaJerie, 21, the Valerie'• room. twin daughter of Sen. Charles she testified at the inquest H. Percy, CR-fil.}, was stabbed that the killer turned the and beaten to death in her harsh glare of a flashlight on bedroom just before, dawn her. She screamed and ran Sept. 18, 1966. back to the master bedroom to TALKED TO MANY soo.nd a rooftop a1ann. The . . Double Trouble "We've talked to burglars, killer fled. It was double trouble all around at Tumalo Grade heme invade.rs, sex offenders, "Hit was a burglar or home School es seven sets of twins enroUed in this smaU a!I well as relativea, friends invader," Lamb said, "that community near Bend, out of total registration of and anyone who might have cou.ld explain why nothing was 174. Two sets of twins are from same family, in 2nd known VaJerie,'' Lamb said, taken. She surprised him." and first grades. "but we don't know who did it Lamb and his associates-----=--------------1 or why." Lamb still receives letteMt have checked out 1,276 leads, questioned more than 10,{XX) and telephone calls from persons arid administered 49 persons with theories in the lie detector tests. friends or acqUaintantes after the reward offer, but none checked out. 'J'be:re a1so haye been a few false confessions. case. 'Ibey toot over the-case or. "SOJne we check out, most all M 968 after of them we don't," Lamb said, fici Y in Sy • l "but no one has really forgot· Percy offered a f ~ 0 • 0 0 0 reward. A few weeks after the tragedy, Percy scored an overwhelming vtctory lo the election, defeating incumbent Democratic Sen. Paul H. Douglas. ten it." "We didn't want a reward Valerie Percy was killed in offered before then," Lamb the bedroom of a $200,000 said, 0 becau!le we , had so English .-e o u n t r Y home many leads to check. But overlooking Lake Michigan in h th ) ds beg lo ·-· In 1967 Sharon Percy -who was asleep in the first bedroom when her twin was killed -married John 'Jay' Rockefeller N . They reside in Charleston, w. Va. Kenilworth, the .smallest of the w en e ea an UJ 3 out we thought a reward e:rclwive North S h o r e wou1d cause some new ones." suburbs. Her killer cut thr"'8h a FEW coNnssrONS screen and glass patio door. Several persons a c c u s e d Here is bow: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 =•as~ Free safe deposit box for as long as you maintain $500.00 savings account = •6!! (1pprolllmlle yNrly-1 to ,.nt boX II blnk) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of American Express travelers cheques OR -s7~ Service charge free on purchase of up to 10 tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater . events through TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 savings account =$39!! Stop by and see us to open your account. If you have any questions please call 54CJ.4066. We are'open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday and 10 a.m. to·s p.m. Saturday. We ·lwpe to &U qoCJ; UJOft. • Percy has since sold the mansion and moved. ·h1ost of his . time is spent i n Washington. Lamb holds a hope that the crime was committed by a home invasion gang o( two or more persons. "U one person did it and never told anyone, maybe no one would ever kno1v, But it two people know who the murderer is, it's not a secret any more and that one little thing ••. " acific av1ngs • • • • • • • • • • AND LOAN ASSO CIATION SOUTit COAST PLAZA • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA MAIN OFFICE: l401 WHITill!ll IOULIVAllD • LDS ANGELES, CALIFORNlA f . DAii. V PILGT. 11 . . , ••••• IXRANDID APP"::.:i. ALL ""E; iUliDS '' ·' ZINnil sui.iWI: SCRllN 16* UID'·YHP ·lloaTMU·'IY >""" :~·lllt • Dis1ijldi~1!9110n.al f>Oi:toblo TY •Full 1~1·"'1· i~. pimire • . •Au~c #fr1n9~ c1rc.u1t • 3 sto~ J:I'. '°"'plill~r •"Po......set" VHF fine tvning i' ,; VSE ZODYS AVAILABLE CREDIT OR YOVR B.,\M[AMBfUCAitD SYLVANIA 29$ SQ. IN. :COLOR TV . r -· SPANISH PROVINCIAL CRINDINZA ' FAMOUS BRAND 9.6 cu.n. THIN·WALL REFRIGIRATOR Z ODYS LOW PRIC E! '119 •Thin-wall foo• . lntvfatlon. cvt. bulk almott In half •Only 2.i• wtde •~rfotd ca,poc:lty h• I• ffoortpoce • Puth-bvtton defl'Olt • Mut.d-tOUnd •mechani1m , •10'frH :r•rwith 2 full aiud Ice cubef'V)'t i• N po- COMpal'tlMftf •With ,.,.at ke•pertroy ..... 1#1274 ZODYS UNCONDITIONAL 2·YIAll PAl15 &. LAIOR, IN·THl-HOMI WAIRANm HOTPOIN'i' TWO.SPllD AUTOMA'.l'IC W~SHIR Z ODYS LOW PRIC E '168· •All portelain t:. ~omitl flni1h, ltttld• & out • Pnwtn agilo- fOt" wcuhlng a c1lo11 •Tripi. 1hnh1g •·Prolect"9 clothff guard • HeO'f)'-dutf troM1ni1Mon , •Co1M1ni•nt top.loodiilg • tid switch turn' power off outO.. motleally, itopt tvb when r:obed d1trif\g·1pln .,..1. •two.ape•d control ...... l#WLW2020 ZODYI UNCONDITIONAL 2•YIAl PAITS a\ LAIOl 111-THi.H!)MI WAllAN1'YI , • . . - Zadys Lew ,,, ... 5.79'5 ' :: ,• . •Boauttful Spanish provincial C,odonza •"Palacto" pecan venHrs and solid, •Twin 7·inch-1-kors · • Au-c 11~.-turiing e ·5y1.,,,nla color bright pictu1e !Vbo • ' . lo " • SYLVANIA-· • • ZODTI LOW PllCI M~CK .... i , e :r;. ,. ... ZODYS LOW PllCll ' POICUN DIUM •SpoecMlow d • ---•o~:n"&e ··· cycle -·---· • Porcol.l11" • · ..:.~·· ena....,..,,pt •Up-1-1.-. llnf lrap •Tho dryer dtilgnod to olllciontly dry a fainlty.slzo load •OOYI UNCONDTIONAL .. YIAR PAlTI A LAIOl IN•THl •HOMI WAllANm \ t ! I Battle-et llrltal• ~ . . ArchitectS of Win Treated Shabbily. YO.UR PIOIL~: - v ......... ·---you... -.!but ..,.,..,. .... "" for • -• MOT OVJI s·so ?_?? ?-? . • • ? ., ( -.· d y..,. .. 11 THE .DAIL~PILOT,alk for · • CINllflad ~r1L:\' and pl"'9 • , .... 111o "blc. wtnc.._Hi .youR ANSWER.: - troveny•• -'a d1lpute oyer ---·-.,....id be: OJll9ed by lin&W' OI' I 1 ................... _,, llgblen. Olle squac!roo C!>IDJilaoder wbo favored m. a • 1 Interception eventually penuaded the air staff to acctpt h1I view over Dowding'• objoctlona. Sewat angry ieu.n and 'llarmy m<etinp I 1 t e r, Dowding llald, he ·-.. abrupt teJepbone cal) from lbe ~ ol llale Ill' air In- fo~ bhn lhat he WU to ftlinqubh hll Poll witbln Ille 2 next 24 hours. · . . . . ' ' PILOT 1. 1 \ PEN'Y '.' PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATI LINES 2 Tl·MES 2DOLLAR.S Ever11tlaing in Stri!fe He was·sent on a "technlca1 lnspectioo tour" of Amerk:a and later, In lbe wonla it. one cammentalor, given the Jo~ it. ''trading down -In lbe AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DI.AL NOW DllECTI The only. one wJJo·didn't ·~·to.mind l!t•.lrit·llnes , . as 18,185>studepts regisle~ a~U.·oJlojali'8cbu- setts was-.Sarnaptlra ~who enjo:y>-1.'ide on her dad's back. Lawrence Kebe is a gradu&le student. Dowdlng, now rl, worked RAF ,. · rib Wr\!lf!! on the book In • . . hopes lhat the re<Ord could be "Dowding "" given no 642-567p ,, .. ,,.. ..... c:..tr" ""'lit') .. .... . .. . t ' ,, "put straight." H~ bu ,ome awards or~ at the end ol harsh words for &9aoe1ae1 • ~ war. during the war. ~ '"Artistry, in Moving". for the BEST' MOYE of YOUR LIFE CaH: Monkey Bite Suit Paid LOS ANGELES (AP) -A monkey's bite resulted in a $j,OOO damage .verdict for a 7· year-0ld boy who wu bitten fwr years ago on his )eft kDee' at the Griffith Park 1.oo, "l was fighting the Germans and the French· amt the ' Cabinet and th< Air Minillry,'' • ~~=:::::Like:~boxseat for ~= .. :~~·~·the· S~ .. r; ··1es' ft · · . '. Ford· leaps Into the 70s ,wltl) · newer, bolder, . i>e'tier ideas. They are ready and waiting at your Ford Dealer's now. Come in and see the look of tomorrow .... today! defense · · ~ · , "· 49~1025 The small monkey, Iden- tified as ~ Java macaqUe NiclaWne4 ''Stuffy'' • ·• · ' •• . because of bis aloof mllnnior · . . • , . ':ard ="'8..::i Dowdlnl H . ' •t! • ). I. A. ' wb . 1970 T(lrino.1 All · new clepr through. No maner wt;ch ~ 970 Totino )Oil ci100Se, you'U be driving lhe most ccmpletoly changed C&I of !he year. New lhape. New ~ze. Naw style. New~· ;JMfe are 1 • models In all. Aildi)'OU'fl!I sure k> find one that giws'JOIJ !ho "8lue, perfo<manco ar ~)<lUwart. .. named Adam, had ....,ped from hi! cage while Bret Blan- chette was visiUng the IOO. EGT:spli~ , , ~;-: ,1s •. · ·go-_· . ere· --··~·he~ ·you-go; color portab1e 1970 Ford. Take a Qu let Breal<. "'""" into the quietM WOl1d of the sleek new Fords for 1970. Take )'OlJ' choice of five Qfeal V-B's and 21 differen1 models inciUding 1he elegant L TO and pop.dar Galaxie 500. The new Ford gives )'04.J a ride so smooth and vibralion-free that you ~ 'o '8sf .. drive ii kl belteYe it. fro@l·Sy~vani.a~ ··~ \ FORD .. 1970 Mustang. Run with Number One. No doubt about America 's fawrite sparty car: il's Mustang all the wayf When yon can't be in the.stands you need a Sylvania TV. Sylvania brings all the thrills and excitement of World Series action right ·into your own home. In living mlor too. Year after year. If yoa can't be in tlJe stands, order a Sjlvania. Why not do it today? From r $Jst:" COLOR TVPERFORMANCEATITS BEST. Thegn.91118alwaysgr<eneron Sylv&nia Co1<ir TV I Sylvania's color bright 85"pict)lle blbe.....-excellent cdor ftdelf1:7. Pictuft andiiound·are on 1n1 ... 111an6_.,dswlthSJim>ia's Instant Color....._ Tbrlll to l'OOl!l lllliDlt •onnd from 7" o""1-1<er. AD of IOOATa lli>eat feablreo ani lndbde4 in this i!eluxe Spanish Provincial i:onoolo, l!cmi. CF625P. Only' $56f.f5 Simulated TV R•c•ption Take yow choice of six dffferent !. . models. Three din•M'lt rooftinM. ' Nine different engines. Mustang's designed " be designed by you. Find Olll 1'1!1' Mustang's ,..,ly IUu· bet Ono. lo< so """" d<iwlB. FiJLLFEATURED PERSONAL PORTAl!LE COLOR TV. Exciting per. sonal portable color TV with puah but- ton AFC tnning.102 sq. in. ilcn>en. Carry from room t.o room; equipped with hide-, away carrying handle. Excellent" perfor. mance from 3 stage LF. ci.reoitry. Lighted channel indicators. Earpllona jack. C<>ntains many delnxe fea- usually foond only in fine ~ Attractive Walnut grained plastic cabinet. DELUXE MIN-MAX CBSli;;,"-w-, Only" $299.95 • " " I . . ·11 FLOWINGSCANDINAVIAN , ,STYLING to enhance aJ1Yroomof your home. Here's a family..size (22'1 sq. in.) Sylvania Color TV. You'll ·, enJ!?Y it daily for years t.o come.. .. ~ Enio.Y top performan<e from U.. Sylvania color btigbt 85" piclue ·:. tubeud 24,000 vol ta of ,...Jated picture power. APC ensare.s 'be!t picture with the puab. of• batti:Jn. Select from OYer 30 SJi ... nia ftne :fullti blre conoole color TV .. .r.t:oam. CE41WJ $469.H . ' ) • FQrd gives yofJ setter Ideas.~ the Going Thing! S.,,,,.. & DcpcndaWllfr Jn 7'11• Harbor Area Sine< 1941 ' © D .\ \ I S R R 1..') \\! N I 411 E. 17th st; COSlA MESA -'46·1'M Dally ,.,, s. •• .., , .. TEST,-DRIYE ·A 1970 AT YOUR FORD DEALERS ·NOW! ' ., .. ' ' . .. \ 1 1 CHRISl:MAs TREE LANE -Christmas tree• decorated to delight everyone \Viii be displayed in Christmas Tree !Lane by the Auxiliary of Hoa~ Memorial Hospita1, Presbi · tetian. E~ght themes. prqfess1onaUy designed; will line the · Jane in the hospital conlerence center Oct. 7 abd 8 a& a· pert ' or Gift Box on Para.de, the annuaJ 'sh0wing of tb~ auiiliary's Christmas ~ft boutique. Admliihg the decoratiom ·of the · Green English Tra.dibonal .tree are lw1rs. Wilbur Chapman (left) and Miss ~ernice Vestal ' • '• . : .... -- ' ' " . ' ' ,_..,.,,.,, .... ..,..., ••u ' ' I I ' I ' ' ' I • 1 G..ift BO){ .. _ .full .0f ~ s.urp.rises .. ~· . lL,. i ., lli4t; , , ' ' • •• ~-~ ' '• '\> 1_ .. . Ait unusual gµt box bas been~pr-ettily-wrapped by m~ · 'ber,s::of >the ·Aux!liary o! Hoa~ Memorial Hospital. Preslij<• terian, and \.be-con.tents soon will be displayed. ~-the boJ: ~as been opened end it. myrlaa items dis-p,loiym~1~~ange 'f;oesl residents will be able !I' browse and -aboi>,. · g o~ders from their Chrlstm•• lists and finding . adcfitioaal~es and stocking stuffer&, '· The gif\tbOX-has been filled and "wrapped" by members of the'l!rll!Ulry, who each year supplement tbe items in the boopital gift.1hoi).for Christmas sh<>pping, • · 'Ibis" year the first-sjlOwing; <{the hbllday boutique will , be TUe!day and Wednesday, OCti 'f andl8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each clay in the ho<pltal conference centor. Gift-Boi: on Parade, as members have titled the show- ing, will include, for the first time, Christmas Tree Lane, a display of eight professionally decorated artificial Christmas trees, each with a different theme, which will be offered as prizes. UNUSUAL ITEMS Tiie Gift Box, which is supplied with tempting men:han· cf4e throughout the year by a committee of women, ts spe- cially stocked for the Gift Box on Parade, the auxiliary's major fund-raising event of the year. To carry out. their e;oat of having difie~nt and unu sual but ~sonably priced 1tems, the buyers constantly are on the lookout for new ideas. · Mrs. Douglas Dreyer end Mrs. Leonard South, apparel "9.yers, have discovered a new line of elegantly simple lin- F,erie that will deli~ht even the most particular, includin~ •go-go" ·dorm and "winter warmies" sleepwear, frilly and tailored night gowns and robes, velour slippers for women and leather travel slippers !or men. Mrs.. Williard. Chamberlin Jr. and her assistant, Mrs. Ray Bulloch, ha\'.e assembled distinctive colognes for men and women. gold filigree bathroom accessories, fancy per- fume bo!Ues and tbe latest in night lights and lighted mir· r!>rs. Also avm1able will be a collection of fiigh!, tafirl and · mini tote bags, sachets for kitchen and bath,. the ne,weat iii compacts and unusual co.itact lens kits with ·flufG. ' Stuffed toys gafore, musical dolls, spark-shooting guns, gmnes. play jewelry and sewir)g kit. f<>< children will be offered by Mrs. Charles Clemens Jr. in htr booth. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Mrs. Jam .. LeFlamme, Gift Box cbainnan. and Mrs . F. T. Eddy, jewelry buyers, will be sbowillg watches, cuff links, tie '\i:ks aM~eauier g&;.i ror:men, end for women . the !&test. in pearli of all sizes, jade and costume jewelry and both plain and.musical .jewelry bozes. Featured in their boolb will be a selection of beaded evening bags ranging in price from '5 to $25, and a selec- tion o! thimbles for collectors. · Jn the Paper Goods ·Section, Mrs. James W. Decker and Mrs. Ralph Tilton will show a wide selection of stationery, games and do-it.yours'elf ·packs ideal for male hospital pa- tients. Suml-e painti,ng kits and an assortment of instruction books .will hook everyone bi:owsing Into trying that arL Desk sets wiµt JJ'!3~.bipg, clocks, pbOto albums, calen- dars and magnetic clipboards and' pattand. boxed and per- sonalized Christmas cards· will round out the Paper Goods section's offerings. For cold winter nights ahead Mrs. Edgar Hill has Cdl- lected for her booth, hand knit:sweaters for infant. and chil· dren, afghans and footcozid!: • . Mrs. Martin J. Locllney, ~~$ted by Mrs. U!s-UIUejobn, will be offering a carefuUy•sefected vade~Qf ~as or- naments. musical. and plaili 1figurines anct'<andles,· and for Thanksgiving, turkey . platte.rs, cranberi\--boldel'i and ceramic Pilgrim figurines. New items wifi include astro- logical candles, "grow your own garden" cans and extra large animal cookie jars. STOCK ING STUFFERS Each department 'will · offer many stocking stuflers end the price range for everything in the Gift Box will be from 25 cent. to $50. A~mlssion is free and sandwiches, cookies, tea and cof- fee will be served at no charge by the auxiliary's Santa Ana Chapter, chaired by Mrs . Francis Grisel. The added attraction. Christmas Tree Lane has been arranged by the Mmes. Philip Doane, Lockney 'and Little- john. The themes of the trees tl.re Swed.isl\ straw, Nursery Rhymes, Popcorn and Candy, Gold Velvet and Roses. Della Robbia, Blue and Green English Traditional and Toy Sol· dierL Extra decorations wilf be availaMe for each of tbe themes. ~ther committee members assisting with the Gift Box shoWlllg are the Mmes. George Cox. Charles Whitehead, Donald. J. Crowell, Naomi Fem Jones, Wllbur 'li.' Chapman Leooanl Sooth and Wesley ShaHer. ' The public is invited and anyone wishing further Infor- mation may call • Mrs. Cox, ~ Mn. LaFlamme. 842-3253, Mn. Doane,.M2-3089,. or Mrs. Littlejohn, 646-6018. . .~ ~ ' SIGN HANGERS -Posting 1lgn•, adv,.-lisinf the opening CODI!•~ of , Oraop _ County Philharmonic Society's new season, ani (left to right} Mr•.· J. Donald Ferguson and Mr~. Glen Thomas. . Concert Curtain Ope·ns · On First Perform·ance On their second triwnpban~ i,merjc~ tour are musicians pf tbe ND\( Symphony Orchestra of Hamburg, Gennany who will make an appearance in Orange County to open the 18th concert season of the county Philhar• manic Society. The curtains in Campus Hall, UC! will pert promplly 'at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14, for the performance, John A. Vibert, society presiden~-• announces that latecomers will not be seated during the first number. On the podiwn will be one of Europe's m06t eminent conductors,. Hans Wallat, general music director of the Bremen Philbar:mOnic .State • Orchestra. . His choice of program includes Overture to "lphigenilt in -Auiis" by ,Glqclt; Symphooy No, 1 in C Major, .Opns 21, Beethoven; Ftencll SUite • • Alter Rameau, Werner Egk, and Symphooy No. 4 in il Minor, 0pu• m; Robert Scbumahn, ' · ' , The remaining sis coocerta .of the se...on will be' played by Ille· Loa Angel .. Philbannooic Orcheslnl will> Zubln· Mehta conducting lliree: Gqelil conductors are Rafael Fruhbeck de B¢'gos, Danief Banmhoim and .Han• ' Schmidl·l"5erstedL Piano soloists will be Byron Janis and Andni 'Walt& · · Seasoo 'tick~, at $21, may be purchaaed at the Philharmoolc .ollice, ' 201 ·W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, 64U411. SiJJgle tickets, if availabl1, are '4 and student ticket& are Jl.75. Father c;:auses Fight on Daughter's Right to Wear White. DEAR ANN LANDERS: lllange the name al the city. 1 would die U &l1JODll knew 1bout tbb. Oor dauPler, Unda, qe 21 and • cOl-' Itgo oellor, p1..,.:to be married when she ll'*fuata nal Jone. LIDdO and Tom, her nanc..-waw aeated' or1lllDd the cllnotr ~ WI nllhL Allo iftooiJl were our tf. yur-ofd IDlli • ucl out I I • J e a..r ~ o I d dliilbler. We·,.... dl"""ill( plana for lfl."""'1dJI&. Lliidio said """ OIWIQI bad wanted to be manied In the tndltlooal llhlt• W<ddill("""' and ftll. Her l•tberlllld. and I quote ••.tre )'OU eiiWl<cf .to that pn.lletl'I" Unda lllrned red a.a replied, "What do YoU ibean b7 'DIA,.,,.-Ber dad IDIWered, ••Mt: you ' yean be. has hid affaln with four women t h at I know of.. He 1lwa,y1 says he is M>nY aod promhel to behave b.imsell. ANN I.ANDERS . He's at it aa;Jin. Pivotct ls oul What shall I do, Am? Please don't tell me to take up bowling. I did that last Ume and It dldn'I help -ANCHORAGE DILEM· virgin!" Uoda al -. "What lo this, Uio Sponllh lnqubitlon?" lier dad n:plied. 0 lf I pay. for a white wedding p,wn ·J want to make ,.,... I am Dot beiD( tllorkbaD(ed." Uoda ......,,. lndtgnanl and llhciqted. .. Do you wlllt an affedaylt frmf our family dodorT" Ber dad repUed. "Y.es. * Both Linda and her na... ldt Ille table. I was a;n the verge of le.ara. Our two other chlldren were baffled. What do JOU think el1hlll Hurry Y<JUr ' ~EAR ANC: MnJ 1"'1orl -.. commeoL -WRl!lCESVJLLE USA -An.llleft -! b lit a DEAR WUCI: 1 llak J• -· ...,, fallltr? b tlltn -p _, lo< -•II 11 .. .,.....,,. Trr to periv•do ..,,... .. mu-7 """ -ts· blm to IDlinW loll brain ud sm Ille Illa efleallq? Does llt ...... -• girt a wldle wtOdlag IOWI wtdl at UoaaUy llvolvff wl" woma tr 91111 ju& ftrlMr diJC111loa. OeP.1 ~ 1dlle1Ct1t mudtsT Dia Ill !;>EAR AllN LANDERS: My husband 1i;i, ~n pampered, spoiled 1 n d catered·to eD bis lite. In !be pu1 10 ehtot ~ aaf pande --wtlll Ille Ill-.. -........... amse to keep tkm oal ol slgllt! Eadl womu m•ll -ltr lltndf ti 1h gll11 or loHI by _...,Ille baDl .. t. SomeUma die care 11 wone t II a• tbe ·-DEAit AllN LANDERS: Your advice to Nlghlmo!O llevlolted wu uoellatl. She was the woman who bad 1 tevere andet,y '1nd • psycblalllst .. ~ .... poUenl and wiae. Wilhaul -L-Ul!U!lado it. llffp uf11l>I people to pl profmina1 help, It sa...i me, -N.B. DBAR N.B.: I tUD. 1'llb I« ......... problem COlllll!Cted wllb a dll!l<ult How for should a teenage oouple IOI pr<pancy. I too, bad a fM'lblem, My -Can aecktoc be sale? Wbeo does· i& chUd. .... bunt wllb a blqod -· 'Ille become too hot to handle! -far Alll baby ~ftd bul I •as told !hot tlte same l.anden' ~ ''Neckiltl and.~ blood prdli.,, -Id """'8bl1.be prmnl -Whll Are tbe,Um!ll?" Mau 10'lt re- in other chliilrtlL '!be · fear of pt~ quell to Alli lfodon la cirt ol lbll _. aglln made me hate .... Even ,,.,._..,....,,,,It CODll la coilo ud a ltla on Ille cheet produced ......._ I a lonc,,.llomped. ..U-meiopL ,.r....,i to let "'1 butbin4 near me. AM 1-rt wt! be &lad to llelp ,_ It veey nearl1 put ao ""' to our marr\. •llb yoor 1""!1'1ema. Sm! them to hot 18 age, .... ol tbil DAILY Pnnr, endolil!I a Thank God I had 1 physldan who cared .. ~ .. dilmaed. stamped envelope. > ' ' l ! [ 1 j I ,. •• .... • • .. ••O.: " . .. . ......... , . . . . . . .. -.. . '• • 'Men Are Men . . . • • • • Goa Is Goo' · Ev~ngelist' s Wife Has Feminine :. 0rders for Army of • omen llteeU, cn1ted bavoc In the perklhg lot and moved their 'l1>!te were 11,000 lemalel In cbairr sld& by aide lowardll Anlllo1m Oon...uml Center . the ~· podium creallnr . . By JEAN COX ...... ..,,.. ..... M°""'1 afternoon. E I g b I a oilulllolr ilrbldl """Id give ~ ut ·•t lundieoo-~~ llblei In the Eihlbllloo Hall 'llley were greeted by Mn. Othe'i, the 1... lueky ma-Ronald Reapn and llJll to by jorily, walcbed proceedlnp Ethel Waters J,1111 Norma Zlm- over closed circuit ltlevtlioo mer ot. the t.wreoce Welt wblle devouring bn lunches. Show. '""'1 came in all ohapes and Betw,.. them they con- .U... ,,... -~ ~&iris awned. !Ill pounds "' --in pint 11!1'1 -· eldorl;r quill, l,000" JIOllndl ol cottage ----halr and net ~1,11110JIOllndlol]lineaP' ball,fal-thinwomen, pie dwDb and l&,ooo dowdt women and elegant 1b1wbeniel. --.... Ibey did not ...ny 'lboJ 1*ded tnllie on tbe _. to at bJmqllals or 11&1>1 an lmpoutble traffic altualJoo In the coovenllon parkinf loll. 'llley wne lo bear Mn. Ruth Btll Graham, wife ol the ,.angeliJI Billy Gnbam. "God iall1Wa a wife lo lit a husband. oot the other way around,"' said Mn. Graham in ber soothing, sllibUy Soulbern acc<nL "You married a man, not a God. stop wl!bin& be ii wbat "" llbould be and lllrt Udnklng what yoo can be ID ,.... hua-. band," WU her advice ~ the army ., __ there tO be'1' her •Poll-Sbe pointed ou1 11111 m. 11u Horoscope mllU' bathelor friendl wbo are looklJJJ ICI' wlv,., Sbe lnot a "'"'Y -Oiem, Qklng u Ibey bad to ~. would they tue '"atmolpbere or scenery." "'lb• bacbelon ill admlUed they'd hale to do wllboul Ibo sceocry.·Bul Y01J mow, I took the ..... queotloo lo married lll"1 and Ibey Ill said they'd dloale atnwiphtte.,, She had advk:e foe wmnen with trwblenne huabandt and -wbo -.Id ... ..,. cept God. "11'1 your bullnela to make him happy, nol to mm him good. OoJy God can mate him good. v.. cu~ mate •-•11111 lolalow God perwooaJly. lollrlclM .,. In God'• cloportment.. ADVICB 11111 MOfllBllll , Mn. Grallam, wbo bu Oft c1"ldr111, also bad wordl of llcl- vlce 'for motben who were told to Jove and 1ppnclale thetr ""1rln&· "It's DOt U1J (Or cblldren thele daJ'•," lbe commented. '"lbere ii .. much moral -IUllcn, cime and violence where 111'1 protect t b e crlmillal rl!ber lb.In Ibo vic- tim." To combat tbll llluatlon, &be said chlldre must be "taqhl what to believe." Capricorn: Cycle's High, Set Example Calendar Launched By Songs --MRS. EDWARD BAllUCH Fonner Gall Roy Del Mor Home Babiuch-Roy Rites Read . in Costa Mesa j Del Mar will be home alter their San Francisco honey· moon for Edward Babiuch and his bide, the former Gail Roy, whn e1changed wedding pledl'l..mtw alternooo rites. nie cen!JDOOY was perform· ed befcre the altar of St. John the Divine Epbcopol Churcll, Costa Meu. by the Rev. John Donaldson. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. llenry Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bablud:I. all of Costa Mesa. For the double ring riles, Hour Pins Presented the bride c:bose a short sleeved empire dres,, of organza which was trimmed with petals of lace. Her elbow length veil was caugbl to a cluster of matching lace, and she car- ried a cascade of orchids. ste- phanot.is and baby's breath. Gowned in lime green d:li!· Ion and carrying bouquets of yellow dailies and white roses were Miss Judy Babiuch, sister of the bridegroom who was maid ol boDOr, and tbe Milses Debbie Babiuch, also hi> &ister, Carol Wise, Katliy Les. Karen Madden a n d Sheryl Roy, sister al the bride, the attendants. Clarke Moseley attended the bridegroom as best man, and uahers were Guy Dimonte, Jim Boyd, Raymond Roy, brother ot tbe bride, Bob Des- jardins and Steve Babioch, Senior Insetvice Volunteers couain of the bridegroom. of Cbildreo's Ho.spit.al of Or-Music for the wedding wu ance County •wtre honored provided by Mr. and Mrs. Don during an annual luncbecm in Valdez of Costa Mesa. the home of Mrs. Wlll1am P. Following the ceremony the Hadley, Santa Ana. newlyweds received 2 0 0 Ho«t.inc the event wu Mrs. ....-. ·m "-home of the Frances Slawicki, IVC coonli-•--~ bride's parents where a cbarn· FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 19 nator, wbo p-twited service pagne. fouotain and four-tiered pins to those completing thr wedding cake decorated with rtQuired number of hours or flowers were featured. more. Court Stelld ReeejvinJ: 250--hour p i n s The riew Mn. Bab1ucb was were the Mmes, Cyril Gres· graduated from Estancia High Members ol Court Slella ibaum and Tom Reader of School and her husband, an Maris 1448, Cat ho 11 c Mission Viejo and Richard alumnus of Costa Mesa Jllgh Daughten of America meet AIJeo McDaniel of Newport School, now Ls in his senior each second and fourth Mon. Beach. year at the University of day at 8 p.m. ln St. Joachim's Ooe hundred-hour pinl were.-::Cali="f=om=i'=· S='="=D=ie=go=.====""'=ls=h=h=al=l.=C..=La=M=es=a=. ;=;II given lo the Mma. Reynold., ~ ol Newport Beacll and James RJdenour and Cor- der W attenbarter ol Hunting· lmllad>. Hwmtd darinl the JwUar IDlelVicl Vohu:Ieen award.a •mcbem In the bolpilal wed Mia J&llice Alvvu and Miu Sllaron Andcnon ol Hunling- 1m Bach. Nuts 'n Nibbles ... ~..... meetlnp . ...., .P'lldq al 10 a.m. art tlM -ol Fountain Vallay Nllls to Nlbblet TOPS Club. -ben bne aai.ctld tlM -Ctnter In Run-tinctao -for the ....clq plO. "Excitement 1970" Foll f'uhl.,. Sho"'• '" The 111•11 Noon 1howfn9 •nd •t•in •f l p.m. S•turd•y, S•ptember 20th A pre•iew of the •xciting new look you'll want to t•kt on for 1970 ••. frtt in th• air condit;on•d mtll tt Hunt1n9ton C•nt•r ..• with Mi11 Prim tnd h•r mod•ls. Huntington C•nt•r •t tht San Diego Fr•t...,ay tnd Edln9•r-Huntln~ton l•ach Wear it without pads for gentlei:urves Wear pads for high rounded uplift. Secret Fulfillment by Lilyette odds glamour obovo the bra in a gentle but persuasive way for the average, in • between, and even sub ·average bosoms. :t assures you of the next complete size. Removable foam rubber push-up pods give you o fulfilled bosom fo r t he most daring decolletoge . Gotl•l'll•r light with ,..;J, off. th•-1hould,r c•111i1ole llr•P• •lld • b•ck tt.11 pl•"'f•• lo••r th11t '"''' 11111011® lac• ... ah Ly<••® SpanodoJt. Wliit•, bl1c•, arid p11- f•I celor1. A c.vp ]2.)6, I, C cup l2-J6. 7.10 • Fulfillment is the padded bro with removable p1ds! fashions for . . . Fashion l1l•nd -N•wport l•ach Ston•wood Cent•r -Oown•y ...._ .............. w ..... c...._&..,.,. ... a... ~' , l~ ) ~-.... '·i c '-\ •• •• .I! SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTIONS TODAY SOU TH .. C OAST .. P LAZA COITA MISA -.... St • ...,._. ...... J.M .... • U.S. M.rl ._. ,.... 14"2066 I \ I \ • • I 1 Evening Ceremony ' Pledg ~s Sol~~nized W~!'l •• ~ lllcl "'11> """""'Y In the Unlled ,..,... "'"'"'-.. -by Laura lM Methodist Cl!w<h, Garden LaNlois and Terry Dwayne Grow. Conwlf during an evening • Solemnlzln1 the o u pt la I ' MRS. T. D. CONWAY Mothodlot Rite' , ....... - Co'nference Places Emphasis on Safety unlllng tbe dilu&bler of Mr, and Mn. llooald -1.aD1lob ol Fountain Valley and stepsoo and ""' of Mr. and Mn. llobert Eugene Bllloo ol Santa Ana -the R••· Fred Nledrtnghaua. Gl9en . In mantage by her father, the bride adectod a gown or ofiganza over taffeta with a fitted bodice and abeer sleeves trlmmed wUh c:ryat.al pteitlng and vlenoese lace.'Ibe gown aBd detachable train also were lrtmmed with large pailelt.es ol lace aod beading. She carried a bouquet o( small white roses and ste-- phanotls. M 1 I d of honor was Mrs. Katherine Leaverton from Santa Ana. Her yellow chiffon over taffeta gown was empire styled featwiog a soft cape and mtal1 dllffoo. train. 1-ler headpiece Wu yellow tulle with a clusttr ol small yellow daisiea, anb sbe carried an old-fashioMd bouquet The Misses Leslie and Luan. ne La6glois attended their sister as bridesmaids wearing s.lnillar gowns ln light gI"ttl1 and carrying yellow bouquets wlU. white chrysanthemuw. l.JghUng altar candles were sisters of the bride and bridegroom. Miss Lonnie Un- do I ~••lois and MiM Denise Bilbr"' SO'Ying Q best man was Clayton Boyer. Gary Llt- cbenberg, the bened.ict's uncle, and David Conway, his brother, seated guest.&. Car- rying t h e rings was Perry Bilton. After taking their vows the couple lighted an anniversary candle surrounded by gardenias which was plated on ·the communion table. Folh;iwhlg the wedding 115 guesU attended a buffet reception ln the home of the NANCY DE VRI ES Morch l rklo Betrothal Announced P.tarcb 20 has been selected for the wedding ot NaJ;1Cy Mae De Vries and Earl Ward Hasliogs ol Seal B•ach. Their engagement was an- nounced by Mr. ahd Mrs. Walter De Vries ol Bellflower, parents of the bride-eled. Miss De Vries is a graduate or Mayfair Higb Sch oo I , Lakewood. and now is enrolled in California Stale Collegt at Long Beach. He.r fianct, son ol Atrs. Jo. dean Hastqs of Seal Beach and Donald 0 ; Hastings 0: Long Beach, was graduatec:i from Wilsoa H i g b School, Loog Beach and attended Long Beach City College. The couple will exchange their wedding vows l n Lakewood First Presbyterian C'burch. Demonstration On Calendar bride's parents. Mlsa Linda Members of Sooth Coast Conway circulated the bridal Federated China Painten will register. gather in the borne of their The" newlyweds traveled to president, Mrs:. Harry Fagan San Francisco for their honey. of Laguna Beach tomorrow for moon. a demonstration by Mrs. Fan· The bride is attending a nie Lee Sartain of enamtling beauty college and her bus-on glass .. home acCident prevention e.re t>and was enrolled at Santa Tbe program will begin at 10 some ot the topics tor .be Ana Junior College. He now is a.m. Anyone w is b In 1 in-- discussed at tbe sUth unua1 slalioned with the Army in formation ma,y call Mrs. ------- • Vows Exchanged ·- ln Beach Rite A •IUl!llelliltt ceremony In thl Plrof OiriltJan Cltarch of UuoU..,... Beacll unlltll In marrtoae Linda Ruth Holman ml Donald V111&bo Campbell. Conducting the doUble rln1 rlt.s for the daUilJler ol Mr. Ind Mn. Robert V, I Holman aod aoo of Mr. and Mr1. Donald R. Campbell, all of RunUngton Beath, WU the Re•. Tbomait w. Omlon. b r kl•l'DOffi'• irondrtan!nta !ram Rapid Cit)', S.l>. and rmdves ol both the. -ml brlcfecrOOm who nveled from nor1bern Calllornlt lo au.nd the wtddln&· lmqw!JateJ.y lollowln& the certmoQ}' the newlyweds greeted gUutl d\lrlnfl a recep- tion In the church ltal1 wh"" Mra. Jlay -k ..Wied. l\llu Becky D<nlcto ol M1"Joo Viejo atteoded the l!""l book. The -Mra. Campbell la a DAILY Ill.OT :11 "' _,, "MIAT T'IHI TO ~ NAl'lft 11"- H~WAllAN SHOPS 116--C--. o,.sm.,. Given In DWTlage by her father, the bride Wort I gown of while orcandy -over crepe wblch Ille deslped •• d f...tilooed benelL App!Jques ol white dalsi.el covered <he bodka aqd Item and her fioaertlp llh!sloa vtll ..., held by • band ol dal-She car- ried a bouqud ol. wtUte roses ml •lephonotls. p-aduai. ol Huntin(ton Beachr-.==============~ lll&b School end ber husbandlP Mn. 8-ld C. Dotaon, matron of honor, aod Miu Linda West, Mia Juli God- danl and !Iba Sandra Han- cock, lrldelmaltb, ..... lloo< length llOW1IO In pastel obadel of peach, aqua, lime and yellow. R i b b on bands decc:rated with da.ia1es en.'. circled thelr beads aod tJiey carried nosea:aya of yellow dalste.. The Mlsaes Carla ml Paula. W..t, altired In pink ml white Jl>Wnl, lighted the Candles at the beglnnlq ol the """'1lOlll'. Robert Campbell -.ed u his brother'• best man anct ... Uni gueata ..... David Campl>ell ml Robert Holman, brothen ol the coup!.. ml Ktlth Hallpop. Honored gueats al the wed- ding wen Mr. and Mn. Donald Lee Campbell, the was graduated flom Marina lll&b. Followlnl a weddlqg trip -the Southent Calllomta -the .... 1ywec1s wtll re,aane their .studies at GoJdtn West College and their work Wltb the HuntingJan Beach Rectta~oo Depar1meot. Lagunan Hosts Club Mrs . John Sweazy will host members of Delta Beta Zeta chapter, Bela Sljpna Pill, In her Laguna Hills home Tues- day, Sept. 23. AML!tlng: will be Mrs. Je.an Mears. Di9CUl81ao of ways and means pro.)ecU comprised lbe agenda when the group met in the Huntington Beach borne of Mrs. Tom Ashbrook. Mrs. Ronald Woodside assisted and Mn. Michael Hoegee pteskled over tilt buslnes! meettnR-. ~1embers and their· families also enjoyed 1 plenic in Irvine Park last SwKlay. GRANDS ----. Jocob Bros. (Ebony) . Was $1199 NOW $ 9" Jonuon IW•lnlil) w .. $1299 NOW $1099 Buth-Gem (Walnutl Wu $1299 ~W $1099 Hallot.Oavls '(Moh.) · Wea $1299 NOW $1099 Har.ima n ('(iolnut) W11 $1399 NOW $119' Wurlltier (Ebony) Now ...... SPECIAL $1199 PIANO FLOOJ~~DIL WURLITZER ~mtee,I KNABE FISCHER t 10 NEW FLOOR MODELS REDUCED Save Up T,o 20% e Tl•Ma U~ TO I YID.I e WalliebsMusieCity Soottt C:-l'lal, .. -I-t-of S.·DI· Frwy. C-. M-1141-JUI All phases of safety will be reviewed during 11&.&fely con· fm!nce sponsored by the Orange District, California Federation of Women's Clubs, Junior Membership, Saturday, Sept. 20. Farmer's Insurance Safety Korea. Fagan, 499-3507. ConfereoceJor the 8?001'!· 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Law enforcement and crime prevenUon, fire safety and Mrs. St.anlg Hettinga, di.strict safetyicbaim)u. from Hunlingloo Beath, Will greet "hair!""' ~ ·-. ~ clubs dwibt • tbe • a.m . ...,.._..._ ___ ,,. ,....,.. !al registration. ' Peering Around Speaking at 9:30 a.m. will be J""'pfl Kaplan of tlie Loo Angeles Chapter, National Safety Count:il. Following luncheon, t be meeting will resume' with' a discussion of the LeglslaUve Process by Royal Nielson at 1 ...-.-.,.:...,_,_.,.~ p.m., and a question and SOROPTIMIST Club of Hun- tington Beach is going Out of This World for a moon party and barbecue taking pUlce tonight in the home of Mrs. Jean Turner. Members are requested to bring old ''moon" soop such a!'l "Moon Over Miami." "Harvest P.1oon," "Moonlight and Roses" and "It's Only a Paper Moon" for background dinner music. The moon menu will include Apollo steak: solar meatballs, green cheese moons, Sea of Tranquillity cakes, moon puffs and stellar salad. The party is a ways and means project lo help raise funds for the club's various serviCf: projects. answer session will conclude the program. Guild Takes Regist ration ReglstraliQ.D tor the Children's Theater G u i 1 d ' s Creative Dramatic Workshop will be taken in the Newport Ha:rbor guild headquarters, 1518 Newport Blvd., C008 Atesa. Dates and times are rrom 3:30 to S p.fll. tomorrow; 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, and 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday. The first IO-week session will begin Oct. 7. NOTICE!!! Heari_ng 4id U$~n we are RQW equipped to offer PERSONiLIZED Servlc:e to the fallowlng brands • r----... of hearing aids ___ ., • 9UALITONE • Al,IDIOTONE • ltLEX ·• SEIMANS • BELTONE •RADIO EAR • OTARION • DAHUERG • ACOUSTICON • YICON • MAICO • AUDIVOX • SONOTONE • ZENITH LAGUNA HILLS HEARING AID SERVICE 101,.1s1 .. ef ~ C:...., ...... AW ...... ) Cg~~~T 830-0530 II No Altswor Coll 541-ZJJS 2JIZI r ... "9 W....ci.-s.Jt. JOJ LAGUNA HILLS '4!>1' ct•~ ..... ..., Select any one of these lady's Croton watches at savings Each or t-~bl• Croton fashion waltl)ts has 1 17-]owel movement Yellow or whl!o ...._ Slim, matching bnlailet. Smart! Your Choice 5911 ' si..,.-. _ .,,.,, weis/ields JlllWJlLllU SOl.t rH COQT PLAZA •ll:llf<M. Af IMI o.•• P•l .. A'f, COSTAMUA U..,...Mfllllc,_,..... ..... __ ....... ,HONI! MQ..7117 I I I GOSSARD REMEMBERS THE FORGOTTEN WOMAN ... WITH A MINI MUM OP' WEIGHT AND THE MAXIMUM SHAPING FROM FOUHDATtotlS THAT GO SLll!:O<LY UND ER THE HEW FALL FASHIOHS. PEATUftm HERE, FOft THE WOMAN WITH , . THE MATU ft E P'IGU RE, THE,Gft.EATEST CONTROL. IN PANT'( GIRDL..£1 1 WITH HIP STftlP, PAHELED MCK• HIGH WAIST, AND ~UJ..ED GAftT£11t9 T O PORM A LOHG, SLIM UHE• WHITE IN MCIUMr 1.Ml;E , 15.()(); X-\.AftGE, .XX-t..MGI, tfS .00; AHO WHr'l'E 9'A IN CftEPESET• HYl..OH, WlftED OR "NOT. 3~-38 11,c,o, !5.00. FASHION FOUHDATIOH9. YOU1RE INVITED TO MEET GOSSARo1s REl"RE'SEHTATIVE IH NEWPORT I 1"1'.IDAY AHD SATURDAY, SEP'TEMBER 19 ANO 20, SHE WILL. 8£ HERE TO DISCUSS THE f'EMIHIHE.': P"IGURE Ntt> HEbP YOO IH YOUR Sll.ECTIOH OP' FASHlOH E'OUHDATIOHS TO FIT AHt> n..Al'T!:R YOUR P'ORM, • NEWPORT • FASHfON ISlAND • 644-2800 • ,. • ! ~ . • - I I JI DAILY, PllOT. Th'"""· s.,i.-11, 1%9 Traditional Biole Carried Weartng a SndlSli J>Ol!llll bridfl .. 'dellll*I h<noll, fi:ue La o g 11 lo ......,,. lbe bride of w~ -11..... during )jt> ~ Tlta. sotemnlad In Si. -~·· l')'eab;wrlan Cllllrdl. • .T!IO~~~' Dr. ChltlOI Iii D""""""" performed I be W~ddings,. Troths· ...:.I Pilot's · ;Deadlines ~111<1ey 10< lbe daloal>ter and "'1 cif Mr, IM Mn. D .. G. ol . ~la Of ~ Beach To av 4 cllaa~tment, erospectlve .OJ>d ~t 11141 l\fil, Mock LI brid01 .,. rlllllniled to have tbm wedding ~ of~-stories wltb blaelt and white Closey photo- ' The bride's rown. of Im-grapha to !\le DAILY•PILOT SoC!ety l)epart- PQlled cotton ICdllted wllli l!leftl prior lo Or WltbiJI. • ODO week after the embroidered laoe 11141-n.w:m. wedding. • ,w/JJ complemenllol willi • For erlgageml!!ll announcements U Is Sftdllll CllP lloldlnl a lraln of suggested lbat the $lory, alao accomplllied lace U1mmed ' ........ She b' bl·-· and hi' cUrled , .. reawy1 Swedllh y, a """ w te glossy picture, be Bible; a~ tndl-submilted earl}'. If the betrothal 8llDOWlCe-!JOo. ~'by·a booquel me~ and weodlllg date are l!iX weeks or,IOll of lllet>hl/IOlli.' sweelhelirl apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- ....... baby's br•alb, cepted. . · JtelplUohlm ~ w.a,~: To help fill reqolremeots on both wed- Mn. Richard P. W)'lille ac; ding and engagement stories, forms are avall- SOCrameoto wu her .slJter'• able to all of tbe DAILY PILOT offices. ' ·-of · honor i • 41 .Further llU••Uoos will be answered by Social ~rl\klmaldl ...... lbe Mlsaea' Notes ataff members at &42-4321 or 494-9466. So!le Lachtmao, Sao Fran-lliilll ................................... . ctsco: PatU Moran; S a n ---MRS. WILLIAM BURTON HANSON European Honeymoon AWARD WINNING SHOE SUVICE cA~ COMPLETE SHOE e LUGGAGE e HAND BAG REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTIED TO YOUR SATISFACnON 5 CONVENIENT SHOPS .._ .. ...... IL COAlT MWY. en• lltVllll! AVI!. c. .... ftl Mir,.,,...,.. Wt9k11ff ,llDI e>m VIA LIDO NfWlll(ll't .... MM1S1 ,...,.,, htdl. .,,,... •RC>e•""°"''I e 14 'AIHIOtl ISIJJIO ,.dlftri hMlllll ,....,. a.ca. 6'M-1VI ............ WONDERFUL SightfLight' THERE'S NOTHING LIKE Ill II you ...i long Into the night ••• or ••. Sew, even 1'black on black" here's the Ianlp that doubles your pltasurt ! No Gllr'e •• , No Squint. Up to 5 tm. thl llaht ~<(':l\r~ of conwntiol'lll !Mlps. ' Fully Adj..,._,lt •• , Av1llltlll In choice at d9cotstor colon combined whh tlowlng •tin br,.. $4450 from Cen.M ... 'l OlcteM Ho...Ow.M Fwnlto_.. Ste,. 1165 HARBOR BLVD. DOWNTOWN COSTA MDA Phone 548·5131 Diego: BonnieM c Don a Id, Newport Beach, and , Wendy Tbom .. , Newport Beach, the bride's cousin. They wore matchlng long gowns of light blue washed taffeta wllli wreath: of lresb Dowers ID lbelr hair, and each carried long stemmed bou- quets of garden Dowen. 'lb:e bridegrooin's brother, Jeff Hanaon of Pasadena wu best man and when were Rick WU..., Steve Lonptaff and Tom Hanson, brother of the bridegroom, all of Pasa- dena; Jim BrelDID ol Alta<!<o na and Ben Sauther Jr. of San . Marino. Acolyte was John Hanson, the bridegroom'• YOllllleal brother. A garden reception for 275 guesta followed at the home of lbe .bride's parenla. White bridal Cllldle torchea llDed the ouUlde entry where t b e receiving line formed. Circulating the suest book was Miss Natalie Thomas of Pasadena, cousln of the bride and presiding at the punch bowl was another cousin, Miss Janet Sellers of Los A1amitos. For their honeymoon trip the .newlywedl are motoring to New York and will fly to Evrope for a two and ooe-hall IDllOlli holiday; T!:iey will reside in Santa Barbara , Wbere the bridegroom will reaume bla studies at the Unlvenity of Cal1lomia and the bride wW Btudy art, 1be DeW Mn. Hanson WU graduated from N e w po r t Barbor IDgh SChool and at- tend~ Gofden Weat College. Her husband la a vaduate of Puad<oa IDgb SchooL Hawaiian Welcome Prepared Night Owls of llie Newport Beach Hoot 'n' Holler Rooet will greet U fellow Night Owls from the San Diego Roost with "Aloha" next Sunday. A Polynesian style program has been plaMed for 2 p.m. in the Senior Citizens RecreaUon Center, Newport Beach. The highlight of the af. ternoon will be a program pro- duced by Mn. Don H. Paul and Mrs. Artbur McKeDZle tiUed the Magic of Polynesia. Dances from Hawaii, Tahiti and other Polynesian islands wUJ be. presented by costumed pertonners. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Colouris <lf Corona del Mar will accept a check on behalf of the City of Hope. Mrs. Lucy Marty of Costa Mesa, Roost member, will be booored for her 102nd birtb· day. During the social hour ap- propriate Polynesian dishes will be served by Mrs. Clarence Ralni and her com· mlttee. Capistrano Haciendas • • An exclusive communiiy of lieauti/ul cstau type kiu ••• and we do the CUSTOM BUILDING DEBORAH ILALACK November Bride Bia lacks Tell Troth Wedding pledges will be ex~ changed by Deborah Lynn Blalack and Frederick David Ballantine Nov. 29 In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. Their engagement bu been 8DlloUllced by Mr. and Mrs. David Eugene Blalack or Newport Beach, parents of the tuture bride. Mi.tis Blalack, a graduate of Corona del Mar High School, ~ ,Orange Coast College mid Southern Oregon College, 'Aahlaod. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mn. David Ballantine of Corona de! Mar, also was graduated from CdMHS and attended OCC. Alums Sail Into Year Festi.vi ties Set by Sea An evening of beach parly fun ls planned fctr membml ol the Y o u n g Sophlsticatea Women's Club Of Southern Calllomia and llietr !mJbao<b next Saturday. The group will gather In Redondo Beach Marine Park at 6:30 p.m. for volleyball, IWimmlog, food, drlDks 81!d daDdDg to Iii• mualc of Fred- die and the Earthworms. Proceeds will be turned over to the Beachcomber Ceoter for Hmllcapped Youtb5, Loo( Beach. Assisting with plans are Mrs. Kay Delcure, president, and Mra. John SteveD..900, both of Hunlington Beach. Cake Bake Aids Home A balte sale begiDDlng at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. rt, Ls the next ways and means project plumed by D<lta Iota Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha ""°rlty. An assortment of home bak- ed goods will be offered at the Ge!nco, Store, Warner and Magnolia avenues, Founlaln Valley, and aervtog a 1 chairman Of llie sale ta Mn. Elden 'l'bayer. Funds wW be uled !or the g r o u p ' s continuing pbilan· t bro p y, WestminstU _eou~ valescent Hospital Members sponsor a group birthday par- ty once a month, present m,. dividual birthday gifta and make tray favors. • Committee Due Friendship Co m'in It tee Salling into a new season or members of Women of the acUvitJa will be the Santa Moose will meet tn the home of Ana-Newport Harbor chapter Mrs. Charle! Becker of Com of Della Gamma. Mesa, chalnn.an, ne1t Monday Tbe group will weigh ancbor,-;;;•;,t,;8;p,;.m;.======;;,I for a cruise around Newportlr Bay between 6 and 7 p.m. Satilrdly, Sept. 20. The altllMfle and escorts will depart from the Villa Nova restaurant where they will enjoy an· Italian buffet following the crulae. Additional information may be <lbtained tiy calling Mrs. Stanley Hafer, 543-7525, or Mrs. Steven Urry, 546-842.L Rebekah Lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge baa meeting& the fourth Monday at a p.m. in various JocaUcw. Mrs . Douglas Morgan at 548-1138 may be called for addltiooal jnformaUon. CALIFORNIA WINES DEClARm WORLDS FINEST. Dick Percy, manager of Brookalde Winery, Dan a Point, will qualify th I 1 statement by admitting that other fine wines exist in oth- er counbies but the finer Calilornla wines a~ equal or superior to the world's fin- "L Having won thlrty·f our meda.11 (State Falt, Sacra· mento and L.A. County Fair, Pomona) Brookllde'1 f I n e wines needn't take a back seat, but like Avis. we try harder. Alt you know, a 11 wineries believe they pro. duce the BEST, but Brook· aide 11.ands read3 to prove to your satlsf-actlon the bes t wlnea are those YOU like best. Our tasting bar Is open dally, Our invltalion to you 11 open always. Join the hap- py throngs who have dltcov· ed the pleuures and aav· lnp we oiler. Our t&.stlna room U1b: eighty or tnort choices, from ftnett pre- miums to wlntl priced u low as $1.49 per aallon. You'll not bellne such qual• !ties until :rou sample t~em. Be our guest at Brookside, Dana Point. ' Art League T casted . . New mtmben wUl be bonortd durlpc • clwnJ>qlll ... sponsored by the Cool& Mesa ~Art Leque between l and t Pf' Sunday, Sop!. II, in the Ju.gue~a cluhhau1t l'nllpeellve memben mll)' fill out •l!Plloal!om dwill8 tbe lea. aakf._.n. Carey Cqwan, pltlldeoL Also, painUqa 10< COQlldenllon in fulllre e>· hlblla may be aubm!Ued al 1l1)i time. Mtml>ei'1 and I h e general public will be Invited to atlend the le&gue's Ont birthday par- ty belweeo I ~ 5 p.m. Suoo d1y, Oct: II, In Ille Coala Mesa Art 1..eallU" galleries . Thero wW be an exhibit ol varied works by membera. and relrelhm<ola .. w be Hl'V· ed. G~ vlJlton wW be ""'· °"''" and Mn. Richard Inpm, pOJI pmldenl .PIANOS ·-=~ ...... ....... _, TERMS WALL.ICHS MUSIC CITY SOUTH COAST PLAZA -............. COSTA MllA .,..., .. Buffums· • ' Tilt altt~fln 1111 shines at theatre time. Goes to candlelight dinners. Casis Ill own magic as light dances 'round 1he jeweled collar. Three piece stylln& in silk and wool worsted. Delft blue or celadon eieoo; lll-18, 1'46.00. Coats end Suits. lll'Jl'PClft 11 r11111.111w Hniporl e.nw, St4-22DO, Mon.,'TlM•··'''· 10;00 11111:30 Dtl'I• Days tG:OO t1n·st3Q. • I I I I I I I I I I I I I • . . ••u•••• C91tWY ILW.Atatl• .. AW . ';:;;;;A N U llJI VAlllT ""'8 10.99 value Save 30%1 Versatile sporty part· ners of Orlon$ acrylic li:nit, bond. ed to keep a casually correct look. Eosy-<>n step-in pant has 20" leg span, 28" long 'n lean vest hos oll around lacy trim. Purple, navy, red, brown or gold. Junior sites 5 to 15. . ....... •1a1•LWlllACll ~~ar•rw•••• Ii ..... l'llDI ... , c.M't Pl Ifft .. YAlllY ..... _ MUOI •ft. Af --t.ot COTORl..,...&woDli"" • ···-···· 14 1'AB A"* MI 1 •1111 · ... ..,, .... •••• r?I • ..... AACll . IUCll ••a"*""' ••111....,..arU.-.. ARM AYI. AT PUMn .......... , ........ 11.1 MAWftlD••1&ftAfSO.Mfc:IWm a11ar1•1 ... IMCll ........ •Aa? .... YF ?---CAlll•APAB MKRM wat a -.. euN9 AYL Af•tm l1'lll'f Cit ......... , ..... , .. ......., .•. , ....... ~AMM~ llft.At IOICOI c . IHOP &. IAYI AT ZODYI MON. THRU IAT.10 A.M. TO .t P.M.1IUNDAY101'.0:J · ••• LOTS or .... PUKIMI . ~ ; I I ! . ; j ! ' i ; l . f • . • ( • ' ' I ' J • OAJLV PILOT Parents . See Smut 1st Hand ATLANTA, GL IAP) -Pic- tures or nude men aod women Ouhed.jlll lbe ........ Some of the pbdtoCl'apbs came from tnaaaztnts. Some were clips from moviti. The mi.Rd audience of men and wolnen from 220 Parent Teachers Associations at the private abowinl exp~ shock when told the material was readily avlilable (n some d"'"'*'wn adult booUIOr<s. ~ lt wu ,_ smut &eminar slag· ed°Vonday nll}lt by televdion staUoD WAGA tn cooperation with ell)' and COWll)' olflcihls. "We tbiot it's belter that yoo be -"'d he<e, than lot my cbUdren or your cbiktttn to be exposed to t h i s material," said Bob Brennan. tbe station's oewa director. Psychologist Reports ~Hippies Confuse Identity WASHINGTON (AP) -A 'luc:bl I'll:' lo t)ie pr<a, I pl ....... 1•"'• who tried to was a 'pl)'cllololisl advlaing ,......, .. ._ the mayor.' or 'dOln& research bridle t b o gtnll'IUon g a P on hlppttt.'" between Jlnalon cit)' olliclalt "I ~ to preoent and defend and hippies • a Y s he found policies which did not always himself In an Identity conflict. represent Ill)' point of view." Dr. Stanley' D. Klein, hired Kllln &aid he believed his by the. Mayor ' or Boston to best achievement was organiz- " ••take care or the hippie situ&-Ing and directing weekly ti on," aald his frontUne ex· meetlnl:• of allt grou-pe jQ-volved and ualng bis ex· perieoceJ disrupt the' "fan· ptl'leoce aa a group therapist &asY' that psychologis& can to encourage eommunicatlon. be especially helpful in solving Swnmlng up, be aald: that Ibo p<Y<hologlot h" aome knowledl• that may b e belplul In I b o llClclal acUon arena. Howev.er, the psyCholog)sl ihould be ex- tremely cautious in accepting the wUUngness of society, ln- cludlQI some psychologlsts; lo perpetuate two fantasies : "F"lt&t, that the. psyc)\ologist 'knows-!verything' about peo- ple; and second, following this omnlgcJent pollUon, that the psychologist can be especially helpful in social·pollUcaJ 1itua- Uons." social-poliUcal problems. "My experience 111ggest.s E8rlier this week, a numbe.rl.==:::::;::;;:;:================. of spt.akers at the eonvenUon of tbe American Psythological As&oclation said psychologist. should be gived a greater share of the acUon lo helping the naUon solve social pro- blems. A typical reaeUon was that of Mra. Karry T. Lancaster or the Pl'A at the Skyhaven ElemenWy School: · Chessmen tor Space Age "1 think I've been saleep. I In bis report to the con- vention the Univeralty of ~1 a ssacltusetls psychologist recounted hiJ adventures dur~ lng the spring and summer or 1968 when hundreds of hippies made historic Boston Common their pad. LAWNMOWER SHARPENING AND ENGINE REPAIR had no earthly idea this ex·. The sp:lce age bas come to the chess board. Space at t.be Frankfurt, Germany Autumn Fair .. The as· isled tn this city." objects made into chess pjeces are pie newest crea~ lronaut at left is used as the bishop, in center is a ,Yet t.he plchires probably tions of a woodcarver whose work,i were exhibited pawn, while the lunar moduJe at right is the knight. ~e courts. said Fulton~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~+-~~~~~~-'~--'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"-~ There were times, when l confroot.ed by "large, unruly groups," when "I fell that all I could do was 'maintain my cool' and try to figure a safe \vay out politically a n d physically for myself and Colmt)' Dist. AUy. Lewi! R. Slat.on, because "they did not actually show the sex act." Slaton said screening of the sex act ls the only thing clear- ly deemed obscene under re· cent U.S. Supreme Court nil· ings. "That's why most films go right up to it but not all the way," he said. Superior Court Judge Sam McKenzie said that in b1i view the materials were "utterly without socially redeemi~ value." Redeeming s o c i a I value is one of the charac· teristics the Supreme Court has said will protect material from a legal finding that it's· obscene. State Rep. Robin Harris declared there wotild be few, if any, dissenting votes if the state's Gener al Assembly were asked lo ouUaw the materials. "But our problem in draf· ting legislation is to write a law that will be uphe.ld when it gets to the court," Harris said. Newsman Ray Moore. who provided the narration for the showing of photographs. said most of the revealing magazines in one book store were contained In a separate room and that the slort featured si:z wooden stalls for peep abows, each run costing about 25 cents. Magazines on one rack were clearly of a.homo sexual nature, he said. ~1oore said one magazlne, described as a marriage manual, cost about SO cents lo -produ ce and sold for somethfn& like $4 .50. Dr. Alfred Messer, an Em· ory Uni.versity psychologi.st, commented: "The sexual motor is racing in our society.•• Brennan said the station would bold other seminars {or PTA groups in suburban areas v.·ho could not b e ac- O>llllDOdated during Monda y's presentation. "We are convinced tbat peo- -ple who argue again s t censorship and who argue about artistic values have no Idea what's going on," he said. Blind Teacher Has Little Trouble WAINU NEW YORK (AP) -One little boy turned in a blank sheet of paper for classwork and several children tried to meak out of their seats. But otherwise it was a normal first day or classes for New York's first blind public school teacher. "I sbalI grade it accordingly with a iero," said the teacher, Alexander J. Chavich, 38. "l don't think I shall have to wor · ry about a blank piece of paper again unless the guy is absolutely suicidal." The students who attempted to leave their seals quickly discovered Chavich can sJight- ly see light and was aware of their movement. He returned them to their seats, somewhat astonished. But the day ln h-1aeombs Junior High School. located in a disadvantaged area of the Bronx, was nol without pro- blems, said Principal Millon Stier. Furnilur~e had to be rigidly arranged so Chavich wou1d nol. bump into it. Students were told to speak out for attention instead or raising their hands. Chavich was excused from luncheon monitor duly when it became apparent he could not hand le 500 youngsters :.-wirling about. the CiocinnaU Conservatory of Ucense. others.'' Klein said. His l e x l b o o k is being Music and lbe Manhattan "The day was very exciling, "To conservative policeol-transcribed into braille and he ficials, I was a hippie or hippie ----:==--=--~~ MON. & NL ~·I i DAILY f·6 C SUN. 12-1 X :I will hire , at his own expense, School of Music, the teaching very busy and • tremendous advocate; to some hippies, 1 someone to read aloud written job signals the culmination of 1eamin1t: experience," said was a plainclothes police of. school work. a long fight for-a teacher's Chavich , "Now l want to do licer; to radicals, I was a "I've been told by my co1.1-FT.i:ii~~:J'=in.:f=:;::;::::;;p:ir~~m~~ri~~:;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:::~====~~ leagues 1 was foolish to accept I him," sak! Stier, "but I think it's wonderful for the children -not to the extent he 's blind bul thal he's overcome it. They feel they will fail because they a r e disad- vantaged. Here's a man who is really dlsadvanta~. , "·• "It's also a good eiample for the teachers. If he can contrOI hJs class, they who are fully sighted ought to be able to. What's their excuse?" For the most part the students were faacinated with their new teacher, asked him about his blindness and how he learned to read. Chavich ex- plained about braille and distributed a leaflet about the blind in braille and irint. "It was an experience," said Willis Bur~. 11. of the Bronx. "I hope the kids don't tease hlm." · Willis, -whose grandmother i.s blind, said he was en- cooragelt to see a blind man teaching. For Chavich, a graduate ol Sometimes Happiest Oldsters Live Alone WASHfNGTON (AP) -Old folks who live alone are the happiest -provided they are in good health, have incomes of about $4.000 and can see relatives or friends regularly, according to a new study. Elderly people in poor health and with a low income have low morale and it makes little difference whether they live alone or not. report lwo psychologists for the Com· bined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston. Psychologists Floyd J . Fowler Jr. and Mary Ellen McCalls, in reporting Tuesday to the American Psychologtca1 Association convention, said they were somewhat surprised by several findings In in- terviews wilh 11,335 men and women aged 65 and over in the greater Boston area. Contrary to what they had thought before launching their su rvey, age itself had no direct relationship to morale -at least as long as the key m o r a I e · s ustainers were presenl. And the saine holds true for level of education and whether the aged person is native-born or an immigrant. On the latter point, the researchers said 1hey had figured that im· migrnnt~ "might have special difflcult y adjusting to old age ." While declaring t h e l r analvsis is ' 'so m e what prClimlnary,'' the psyeholo&lsts said the findings ml1ttt have broad impllcaUons toward helping the needy ag· ed. "If level or education, generation In this country. or age itself had been round to be crlllcal to morale,'' they said, "there would be little the com- munhy cou1a do. Big ~11 P1rlorm1 nc1 ind R11i1bility wil~·;::~:: s29990 Cert I Truly the Ideal 1Kond ••t I Rugged- ly-built portable n1odel 6000 will bring ~the thrills of vivid color viewing with its ~ 17 sq, in. pictures that ire 16 ·~, in. l1rger than rnost other pon1ble1 l Withtelescop1ng dipole 1ntenn1 and meny othtt M&gn1vo.11 qu1lily featutes. ONLY Why settle fodess-when it costs so little to OW11 a superb-performing Magnavox! Model 681 O offers such outstanding features as: Chromatone for added depth and dimension to-color, pleasing warmth to black and wh ite; Ouick·On brings pictures and sound to life without annoying .. warm-up'" delay; plus highly dependable 3 l.F. Stage Bonded Cir· c uitry Chassis for famous Magnavox lasting raliebility. Ideal fqr tables or shelves, too . Put some color into your life and enjoy your favorite shows and sports events in the best way possible-on a Magnovox I See over 40 beautiful Magnavox Color TV models TOVATT!'S .MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Relmilding Dtce •·uowevcr, levtJ of Income, condition of housing, and the number of social contact. oul.iWc the homt are all pro- blems with which community programs can help; and pro- gran1s of prevent1tive imdlcine seem likely to be able to ra!Je the general level or health among a1ed. Jn thla sense the data 1rt someth\ni of a challenae: It ...,.. likely lha somethlne can be done.·" Dire~t Fa~tory BROOKHURST & WARNER Dealer 401 MAIN ST. • Congressional leaders have decided to ~o ahead with the controven1al muHlmlllion dollar extension of the we$! trorrt of the U .• Capl lol, Jong delayed ~"'" of the Vietnam war. They acled partly on 1 the ba.ei• or 1 new engineering a.urvey that showed 'U.e-eraeked .sandlton• bea ring wa lls In the past year have moved bolb hor1zontal y anir vertically with changes of temperature and other weather con· dJUona. Pholo .shows hea vy :>hor ing: i,.11ppo rl ing the west wall. Their 1enera.I concluskm: The level or income, health, and sod•! COllt&elf-or-any combination or two of them - art the key factors In whelhcr oldster morale ls high or low. tOMl JOYAn Fountain Valley 962-2456 Downtown Huntington Beach 536-7561 • • • • . . -Histoirans Find Job s• With Ease Read · Carefully! ·This Is Called Heart Attack By IOVCE LAIN "llt!c9 I -...._in. all'" tll!t -lfl. ~ for • U,_ II I hlt- Jwl111, 'l"u m.u II t 1'0lllc" -. " history. 111e number o ( specialties is constantly in· creasing; for example, the history of business aod the relation between technological ctianges and other areas of historical development are new focal points. CAREER BIOGRAPHIES. Tn addlUon to the college pro- fessors, some historians work as archivists ( h i s t o r y librarians) who s e I e ct , preserve and make available documentary materials o ! historical value. 0 t he r historians edit, write pam- phlets and handbooks, prepare exhibits and lectures for museums, special libraries and historical organizations. A few are consultants in tF.e film and broadcasting in- dustries. About 10 percent work for the federal govern· ment -mainly in the National Archives and the Departments of Defense, Interior and State -where they primarily do research and administrative work, preparing s t u d i es , articles and books. Stale, local and international government o r g anizations, foundations, research councils and large corporations also e m p I o y historians. HISTORY ~. for research and administration, the top jobs in teaching, with a very few excepUons, it is es.senUal to have the Ph.D. The doctorate in h i 1 t o r y usually takes about five years beyond the bachelor's degree, In high schools, emphasize history and social sciences and at least two foreign languages as well u English. In C1>1lege, a broad educaUon in liberal arts and sciences should be the ticket. Check requirements of graduate schools early. THE SUCCESSFUL hi.oitorian has an analytical mind, literary skills. a sense of history, and likes to study. tiistorians who teach mll!t be able to verbalize t h e I r knowledge, and enjoy working with students. THE COFFERS. Average nine-month earnings f o r teachers at public and private universities in 1967-88 were : professors, $16,121 (public) and $18,023 (private): associate professors, $12,022 and $12,562; assistant p~ lessors, $9,937 and $10,052. Fringe benefits range from eight to nine percent or salary. Average salaries are lower in jurrlar and teacher's C1>lleges. Earnings are o f t e n sup- plemented with writing and lecturing fees. Most historians in federal government bold GS 7-12 jobs, f1800 ·to $17,.00; se n io r historians and project heads are usually at lhe GS 13-lt level, $15,800 to $24,000. A few ranking administrators earn 11101'<" WHAT'S AHEAD? Demand ror historians has expanded during recent years, and although there's a light job market currently. e I'. pert s with whom I checked hope the situation is temporary. The U.S. LaOOr Department ex· ped.s this relatively small oc- cupation to irow rapidly through the next. decade, with MO aMun1 job openings. Mom growth ii expected In employ· ment of coJ\ege and unlveralty teachers. Those with n o education bexond the meter's degree will fmcl stiff com- peUUon for professional posi· tlonl. ll'OR MORE l N· FORMATION, write th e American Hlstor:lcal. A.uocla- Uon, 400 A Street ~ E , Wehlngt0t1, D.C. 2ll003. SA Tl SF ACTION. MOii hlltorlan1 find their work IO Interest.Ing and ab8orbtn1 that it'1 both vocaUon and avoca- tion. And 7fl\J can frequently call yuur own shot& Jn tbe choice ol acUvlUes and alloca- llon ol Ume. ~-OUNCI!: CAN 29° . ... PINUPPU JUICE :"..:'.'._25' CUT GllDM BEANS='~-15' .-< DR MONTI CORN::::" ... 22' PORK & BEANS ::r-39' DEL MONTI PW·---22' ~ NOODW:::L-::.°"-. 29• LIBBY'S SAUElllOIAUT-.-_.20' ~HUNT'S TOMATOES--.--22' .... ~&it~-..... COMSTOCK SLICED PIE APPLES acrzo ' . , \ .. , ' 1{ ~ -· I . IMO lllllSSING~"'I:.-37' llGDIPICI M1Ul=:;._55• OIHSl FOOD::.-_ 98' 2'!:!!1..i.~ ......... 53< !!!.:10!:.u. ............. $)15 ~~~ VODIA $2" VIN ROSE Wiii · 83< ··# NAPKINS :::'."~----.. --.10' scomES FAOAL:::.-.. _, ___ 29• .r OROllD NAPKINS . ..,,,,.,,,.,49• GAIN DETERGENT-"'-----.... 82' CASCADE::::'.:::'-~--·-····--.. ~69' ~ ... ~~! STUFFED MANZ OUVES EARLY CALIFORHIA-8-0L JAR ·49° IVORY SNOW::..'="---. ..79' DUI DlTERGENT=:'.~~-87' ... GLAD BAGS :=-...J7• TIDE DmRGEHT---.. -82' JOY LIQUID=-:;' -·-83' UGllJNING WHITT-... -69' ... LYSOL SPRAT:::~~--'I" TOP JOI CllANER:~---66' SAFEGUARD SOAP"'"" _ ......... 21 ' ' . Wllll£X =--~"'=-.-... --51 ' LOOK FORKEY BUYS \II Van de Kamp's\I/• AN OUTSJANDING VARIITT . OF FRISK BAKERY GOODS (,\T MOST WCICY STOIES) llJ.lllWlllWJ1891WlllllJ11J111 ' •• ....,.I'\; >' ~ J/!!111 ' ,. ,j I PRINCELLA YAMS_ ... __ 33• ZUCCHINI SQUASH~""::._ .... 29' ... DEVILED HAM ::::":'--· 43' KIDNEY llANS:::r".:': __ 15' lUCICT IUCI~ BACON '·'"·69c· ..... ~!.~1!~~~~-·--·-79< . THIN SLICED BACON 79< _...,._, ... ,.. ___ ........... _ .. _ . ~~~~ IATH ~., 79< rre1lt Dell lt•m• of Olat0••t Prke1I Our LOW Evel)d'l)'Pric:c! LUCKY OR WER'S ALL MEAT FRANKS 1-POUND CELIO PKG. 590 MOZZAHUA CHEESE · 68< ··---···-N_, ___ ,,,. __ ,,1tu.M. ~~' .. ~.D~-~llS!_...._.,. 59< GALLO ITAUAN SALAMI 49< ---·-·--····--.. ··---.. ·--Ml.- $LICED ITALIAN SALAME 89< ---.-... -.............................. r. ... 7-ll. CANNED HAM $6H .. _ lf'I•......, _,,,._ ..................... :-- 161.COUNr ROU "'"'"'41 1 ff'IMll CHERRY PIE::l.l:"..-·-·--....... _36• .GINO'S OIEESE PIZZA--_62' COFm CAKE:::t:-___ 79• ll'tUll49'-Wf-M'N ,,_ -· ··-<-nc.-. RSH SOOS =..:.._._,_93• BRWED SHRIMP~-13' AWKA coo::.':..--63• POTATOES:":""" 28' llAN IURRITOS::'ll:. 37' ... ~&tt.-..... COCOA MIX NESTUS' QUiil 32-0UNCE CAN ·"79.c DOWNYRAKI WAffW::t:_ 14• COOi! iN IAG=.--.. -27' llUClt-----ftllll'fall ...... AWAKE DRINK::' .~:.-._._37• EGG FOO YOUNG:':. 66• Fm 11a=.-::.~:. 56' IRIDGIJOllD BRlAD ~--'53' EIKHILADAS~~~,_ 36• ORANGE JUI a:::.'\': _ .. __ 53• IEEf STROGANOff::::: ._ 49' PEPPDlt--STIAKS =-~~69' ... ~'fkt!.--. DRIED CASSEROLES TEA 1111\1, lVHA, CHU.ti CMICl04 Al.Ii Hlnt.IMI, NU MMONOIHI TUHfT mMUIHl-1-0L PCG. '.ill!l;,.J . • . ' . . ~ . . ... " . . .,.. ' , . . . I STA-CRISP CRAClllRS .... -_27' : PAClflC TREATS:=:._-31• ! SPAlllETTl:="~--23' ! SUNSHINE FIG IARS-... _31' . . ' . HARVEST DAY llEAD::" .... -35•. I --~ ... V-8 Juia==-·--··-·--42' ... CHICKEN SPRlAD~ __ 43' ;~ LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY Al~ QIUNK TUNA:=".:0:"'..~_._32< DR MONTI PICKLES ml'.~ ..... 47' ,;.. HORMEL CHIU ~~... . --· 33' C.H.B. Dill PICKW~--37' PKG. Of 3 matEN IlRRY TOWELS ............. ·-37c ""' ............... --... . -HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO· C&H SUGAR:::":::~.--.. _ 'I" FAMILYSIZI TUIE 137 · NESTUS' MORSElS--... -50' '""""-"'"""""· KERN'S PRESERVISW:.":".'._, __ .36; HfAD & SHOULDERS ... ~~ DRlSSING ...:~_:~33• F~~ro::n 12a A11E1fflOllil"Jlh-·--22' HfAD & SHOULDERS Our LOW Evel')day Price! UPTON BRAND TEA BAGS . 41-~0UNT IOX &Sc ............. -... ........... ~ ..... ..w. FAMILY SIZI JAi ...... _ ........ ......... $149 BAGGED BUBBLE BATH llllioot ............ -. 38' CltHfnll 16-0L SUAVI HAii P-.U 'SHAMl'OO W/IU, IMZ. Mnu Wf!ll IH-00, IML llTnl <llMI RINSI, !ML llOTlll NAIR ll'Uf, IS!Ot.A-CU .................... ~ YOUR 56-C CNOICI . • • l MICRIN ORAL ANTISEPTIC ~1 ::... •;=:..."::::: $1·1·5· - Ml1Ma. •i FASTTEETH . ............................. --AllEREST 'F' •k...,,,_.., ...... ·-1onx TAMPONS cw.. .. ..,.," .... ' ....... ; .. ' 72': • , ' ' FIVE POINT HERE ARE THE FACTS! We are facing a situatjon that c:alls for Immediate se!Ung action and the quick disposal of the majority of this large stadl. We are going ta remodel the stare very soan and mus~ clear out 1 OOO's af dol- lars WClrth of this stock to make rooll) for the -rtimen. Th•efore, we have gone through this stock and cut and slashed prices with but ane thought in mind ••• sell out a great many thousands of doliars worth of stock ••• let the merchandise bring what It wiD and the loss be wllat it may ••• MAJORITY OF THIS STOCK MUST HAND & POWER TOOLS AWMINUM LEVEL "'MAYH"' 24 ''" s2 77 ..... $4.51 sot. prise • • • • • • • . • • • PIPE WRENCH "FUUEI .. 14 1 .. i':4E ......... ~2.48 VISE GRIPS '?nUSON"' No. 7 s1 68 '*9· $2.75 MJ. pric. • • • • • • • •' • t CLAW HAMMER "''1UMr' '1' "-s2 88 ret· M.t5 .... pm........... • COPING SAW "GlE.AT NECK" ...... ,_ 77¢ Nf. SI.JS ,... price •••••••••• HACK SAW lhl•te M!llltclble wltfl blacl• .... $1 .20 -. price ••••••.••• 69¢ , HAND SAW "MILLllS FALLS"' "l'ENN"' :t !~· ....... "~2.48 WORK GLOVES "fAllFIELD" 4-tue cowlllct. or BE SOLD. PROPANE TORCH KIT "TUINfl" IK.llldn r1111li and bul'IM!r ·:t~~i!! ......... ~4>88 7i in. CIRCULAR SAW "IU.Cl I DECKER" Dol1110, lloayY doty -wltti a rtro blod• & Mitra tool all ht ttoal i::t:3 •.••.• s37 )77 i in. DRILL "IU.CI • DfCl!R" U-100 •IUl'Y . s7 88 ..... 10.99 .. 1. prk• . • • • . • • . • • ~ TAPE MEASURE "MILUR FAW'" 15 ft, wWte Meo, ::= ........ s2.19 50 ~-TAPE MEASURE "AHi" ttoel ........... s249 :t !~! .......... • AVIATION TIN SNIPS i·!~ ~ .... ~2.88 llOtO: WO ~ 11 COMploio 1111• Of hood Olld po-toolt for any •M oll 01 solo 1 /4 to I /2 off. , ,.............. 38¢ I :'; ::r.. ...... . .. . GARDEN DEPT. I .... ""' 51.22 .... .-.............. BAMBOO BENCH VISE GRASS RAKE "COLUMllAM'" )l/1 i•. Jnr1, ...... ._ ... ~ s4 88 ~·St.IS tola ,,tea • .• •• • . •. . - SUPJOINT PUERS "SnELCU.Fr 6 1•111 49¢ ..... ttt scdlt prke •••••••.•• JIG SAW & TABLE "'tu.Cl( & DfClll .. U· 1 SJ ~t MW witflt .... t91• .... S;!!n ...... s17 ,88 VARIABLE SPEED DRILL "'MILLUS FAUS" 1/4 1 .. :;;-~· ...... 514 .88 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH ..... LLlr 1 D IMlt, =~~ ........ 51.88 TWIST DRILL SET ..,..LLD:S. '"" ~ 11 pc. :·~~ ........ s2..22 GU.SS •Altf ..... .. ;.,,~.. s1 39 rof. $2.50 t olo priu • ••.... •• • • GARDEN HOSE "CAPll" 50 ft, 5/1 dlo., ;:·~i= ......... ~2.88 LAWN Sl'RINKLER "MILNOR" t11rrct, ;,:::,:~ ....... s2.77 SHOVEL "GlllNIRllR" rou11d now, :t~~ .. : ...... sl ,98 GRASS RAKE "T•UI TIMPIR" :?:E!:~.~~. s1.1s LEAF RAKE ................. -s118 Nt· Sl.H .... ,..... •••••••••• l LAWN EDGER "WICIC" ..... ._.... ::~ ......... ~3.88 . - • HARDWARE-Huntington · Beach STORE HOURS: 18545 MAIN ST. Daily :8 am to ~ pm Sat. 9 am to 6 pm Sun. 9 am to 3 pm In The 5 POINTS CENTER MAIN ST. at BEACH BLVD. Thi• Larg6 Stock Of Hardw•re, Houuware1 and Glft1, Garden Suppll~1, Paints, Etc. . •• To Be Placed On Sale ind' S.crfflced ••• At Tremendous Price Reductfons ••••• A Great Man'( Thousand~ Of Oollar1 of Thia Fine Mtrchancflq Must Be •••• Has to Be Sold .•• Before We Can Get Our Remodeling Program UnderWay. Bank· 'American! Charge Master ···WE MUST· · · ~ l9ut' .. HAJO!llTY OF Pl?ESENT STOCK Before Reniiileting can Begip! Down Go Prices .•• Out Goes the Majority Of Our Fine Stock , , • At Cott ••• Near Cost ... Makes No Differance ••• For We Know That Extremely low Price Reductions Ar• The Only Thing That Will Accomplish The Quick Selling Of The Desir.t Amount Of Stack. AT COST! NEAR COST! BELOW COST! LOPPING SHEARS "TRUE TEMPER" lo., =dl~~ ......... ~2.48 GRASS SEED "SCOm" blo11d 70, 70% wlltdsor, ... ... s4 88 :t; ~i·:: ..... .. ... ) PLASTIC GARBAGE CANS ............. o;d s2 88 ~; :~: . ~~ ~-~" . . . . ,.,. SI.fl l2tal • 54.88 Mll• priu • •••.••. , •• , "SCOTIS" CLOUT c10bt)rftl cot11trol traol'I ......... 52 48 Nf, $4.95 .... price • •• • • .. .. • • "SCOTTS" BONUS for «lidloMrG. feach: IOWM. ,........... s4 88 =~~i:!. ...... ... . WEED B GON "ORTHO" 4800 fff· ft. 88¢ req. Sl.lt solo price •••••••• , • LAWN FERTILIZER "SCOm" COPE PLUS wltti iaact CO!lfrol, 5000 ''I· ft. ""'"' s3 48 :t; :~·::. .. . . . . .. . • SPOT WEEDER "SCOm" "OlTHO" larga c1111 77 reg. 1.49 :.ole pric• , ,, • , ,. , ••• , ¢ req, Sl .91 :.olo pric• • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • . S 1.1' BUGGETA FOR SNAILS . ...... 28¢ ff9· 491 :.olo prlco . , .••••..••• PRUNING SHEARS "CORONA" Ho. 19A ...... s1 98 ;:7; !~1:: . . . . . .. .. . ) GRASS SHEARS "AMES'' ........... $188 Fet· Sl.39 SGI• prico , •• , ••• , , . t GARDEN TOOLS "TRUl TIMPER" wnMn, cwltt.,.. ton. dlg9ors 4 9 ;::~:.~:.......... ¢ -HUDSON SPRAYER DUSTER k;wlwf ll20, ··~·~· $~ 87 :T;~·:o.......... • 11ote: 1000'1 of otltof 9C11"6-tl -.cb. all co111plm stoclt, 1111 •• •ol• 1 /4 h 1/2 off PLUMBING & ELECTRIC DELTA FAUCET chtu. th1gl• 11111 :~ ..... 512.88 FLUID MASTER BALLCOCKS 111/1 .. d , , lo. thllaleu ..... $288 fft• S4.fl solo prtii:. ••••••• ,. , $ TOILET SEA TS "SILU.Uf" GllOl'td colon., ;:= ......... ~2.88 GARBAGE DISPOSAL "IN·SINlt-IU.TOr' N .. JJJ 494._., '""·-.... 522 8' 8 ,.... $34.51 sato prk o • • • • • • • TANK BALL "ltO•kY" flapper 88 :1~ !!\:! .......... ' . ¢ "HALLMACK" Bathroom FIXTURES ,., ... ltolden. haw.I ban, ...... _,..,, ltoldon., otc. ... ttaU all .... 10 •••••••••••••• 40% Off LIGHT FIXTURES "STAI LIGHT" pCH'C•, kite-.. ktti, arc. Ifft tr.ck, """" •lzn. kllKh. m . l /l to 1/2 off MERCURY SWITCHES "GI" tl11JI• pole d•luo 88¢ r09. S1.4t 111J9 price ••••••••••.• SIERRA SWITCHPLATES sl11oglo, douhh, ~ 11 ... 19j ¢ salo prlc• •••••••••••• EXTENSION CORDS :·~~ ........... 48¢ •oto: wo h9" o co111ploto pl•inb. I eloctric dept, 9":fJfitl1HJ for h1110, 1hop, l11cfntrlal oso 1111 o• Ullo ... , 1/4to1/20FF I PAINT DEPT. I Wo .,. Ora..,. Co•llty'1 lortott 011d -t co::r.I_,. "OlllfN" pal11t and pal11t 111 rin d:aal .... FLAT WALL PAINT "WHITfLIHI" IClfol Npro o....coirt, wt.IN Of 1000 <Olon s3 48 rat. SS.fl to!. Mlle ,..&c. • • • • • • • tol. MATCHING SATIN ENAMEL .... ,,,. .. ~. s4 88 10!0 price .• , ••••• , • ' INTERIOR-EXTERIOR VINYL ACRYLIC =-~~~.~~~.~2.88 "SEQUOIA" REDWOOD . OIL 1..t• '"*" & :::z4 .~~·: •.•••••• 97 ¢ WHl'lt. MARINE PAINT "WHmLINl" .. -irte0 ~...... s3 48 tolo Pfk• ••.• , • .. •• • STUCCO PAINT . allty4 lth:M ,.nt, wtr.lte ar 1000 ...... s4 77 Jell• $7.95 t•I. . .. 1. prka . . . .•. • .... ANTIQUING KITS "TONI H t19ur c.o ....... !tits, mo•y ·~·~ s2 88 ret· $4.tS ... 1. prka , •••• ,, . , , • SPECIAL GROUP PAINTS dil.c.11t11tl1M4 colors. •J..Mlr-4 11:01· on. etc, laf9tiar or ~,~~.·:~~~~.s1.oo , .. 02.11 to $2.tO "'· SOc co111plete do it f91rwJf, baM SPRAY PAINT "DIDUU." ........ 100'1 of colors. i:E ............ 50¢ PAINT BRUSHES ..,toa ar llfhtt.., -.rtH 11-ff; 2 l11e• 49¢ •. , ... ro Sl.H Ulla "'ke ........ PLASTIC DROP CLOTHS hl 2, lteayY d.ty 14¢ ,... 29f Mio prtu ••.••••••.•. PAINT THINNER "C.OLDIN CROWN" ····· ... 55¢ , ... ''t 1alo prlca •••• , •• , •• , • MASKING TAPE .. ,, ~II 59¢ ,.. ... , Mio price ••••••••• ,, , SPACKLE flltftt Swedllll pstty. ····· ... 28¢ , ... 49t talo prtu •••• , • , ••••• PAINT REMOVER "STIYP'EEZI'' pl11t fasr« c11rtl119 88¢ rot· S1 .40 .. 1. prko •••••••••• WILHOLD GLUE "GLUlllD" 4-oL 36 :t;:i:. ... ...... .. . ¢ "GRUMBACHER" ARTISTS BRUSHES l lt •toe•. 1/4 fl'IOllY .Jqi off FLECTO Seamless FLOORING co111plot9 iH It y--'f, ~ coots. c...., ftoik-. _.itatl.,. plm"u, 400;. off ate, 0 11111• 1toclll HOUSEWARES & GIFTS LEMON PLEDGE ........... s1.09 ,... $1.7' Mloprtc. ••••..•• CON·TACT PAPER 100'• •f colors • trylas. 11111:1141119 ~-' flHI ttJMs,. 39 :::!.~·........... ¢ ::!;~~ ........... 69¢ ELECTRIC FRY PANS "SUNIU.M" 1hll1,_. °' Totto.. i:E~ ...... ~12.88 :::;~~~ ...... ~14 .. 88 "SUNBEAM" HAND MIXER ~ :!!:s ......... ~6.88 BROILING PAN :£:!:7.~ ........ 68¢ DISH DRAINER "'IUllflMAID" ... n ........ "' s1 77 , ... Sl.91 .... prko ••• •. •• • • RUBBERMAID TURN TABLES 5:·~=~· 51.39 "EASY -OFF" OVEN CLEANER 5:~~!~ ....... sl ,19 FLOOR WAX - "TllWAX'" 9ald l1111bol tea~ & wax, .......... s1 58 Nt· S2.49, Y11•I. sola prico . • • . • • • . J CARPET SHAMPOO "ILUI LUSTRE'' ..... Sl.69 1/J gol. Mio pric• , ... S5.91 ,.1. 10la price ••••••.• s2.67 S4.48 VACUUM CLEANER BAGS hw1• tr.ck f., •II lllMI• 69¢ reg. 51.00 511'10 price ••••••.••••• SPACEMAKER DRAWERS -.ort.4 color s3 77 ':J; :;:_s ....... ·. ' DECORATOR Cabinet HARDWARE "AMllOCK" Spcmldl,, MocHNr- ,..... M ..... Cel11'd, m. 11.,. stock .t ....... it•• ctrtchn, ~:;::.. 1/3 off MEAT THERMOMENTER "SP•INGfllLD'" ...,_ dHI, ........... s1 ·48 =~:.......... . "Roastwell" Roaster 1 f.lh. c.,_Jty, ·~··-Sl 88 :; ~ .......... . CANNISTER CAROUSEL "RUllllMAID" 5~!:iE ......... ~3.88 12·1NCH TRICYCLE "lP'ORTMASTER" "'''"· ···· s7 88 ;: !~!o.......... .. DELUXE B.B.Q. "f llEIOWL" inolkl 6245, 1•'91 24oo 111, grill, liood, lnOtOr aMI 19it, °'9 idtoblo •~ .. ~ $8 88 ate.,... S14.95 sole priu , ••••••••• · • VACUUM BOTILES "THERMOS" wldo mouth with ._. ···· ,;.. s1 68 , ... 52.65 Miko prk o ... •• •• .. • • MIXING BOWL SET "'PYID" Mt of 41, ....... M ....... s3 88 Ht· $5.95 . ICllO price , , , , , . • . , • • LIGHT BULBS "SYLVANIA" all tius, •II worts, lito •i•da J woy, 250/ ffcOJ c•IMll• / O off Ii.Pb, ate. IRONING BOARD ~·-·· ......... s3 88 ~Ii:;::~ .. ~~~~. ' BATHTUB MAT "RUllllMAID" s1 69 colors. r-.. S2.91 sol• priii:o • . • • . • • • . • .l CORN BROOM =t·:~E:·~ ......... 5 1 ~33 ICE CUBE TRAYS MOfic to•Clll, fla ttlcli s1 29 fi11bh ...... S2.J9 solo price . • • •• • • • • • • ELECTRIC ICE CRUSHER "PROCTOR" d•h110 $6 88 ,.... $11 .11 solo pric• ...... , .. , • TRASH CAN LINERS "KORDITI" lllt' .. ll fOI, cop. ...... 58¢ ::; :~~ •............ ATTENTION! this storewide stock disposal sale IS NOT LIMITED T 0 T H E ITEMS ADVERTISED every item in our huge stock is on sale 1/4 • 1/3 • 1/2 AND MORE OFF! Shop early for best selection items ad- vertised subject to quantites on hand. STOCK DISPOSAL SALE STARTS FRIDAY HARDWARE In The S POINTS CENTER BEACH BLVD. at Main St. FIVE POINTS 18545 MAIN ST. • HUNTINGTON BEACH ' UCI Aids Students · From JC • President Making • Overtures to Blacks IWl y l'll.01' lf. House Okay1 j Ike Farm Bill WABH!NG'rON' (UPl}-r_, ..... ' Houae hu poaod a bill lo~ WASH!NGTON (UPI) -'!be White Houae went to notewortl!y becluse I) au but hope of &alnlnc black YOler be Invited black d<legates lo ruulJ, tlltte cabinet m""' mil the f""""1 IIOV•W ljl The N I• o o admiolat!1Uoo, unusual lengths last week to a amaU fHctloo of black 1Upport. But Ill.at bo'l the way the While aouso foe a .Role hon, I ......., GI lllJJI>. late over porUaI llpbep_ f wbicb oweo no poUUcaf debla 11 n e up admlni.atraUoo elected of 11 c I a I o ore lt looked. wbeo oeverll hllJlo G.atden mecllo(. Alld ..,. ol n• pollCl' mabn and an lhe ElunbOwu W1li II G<t to the black community, ap-.,,latance for the first In-DOmocrala and 2) Nlnn did dred Negro poUtidans lhowed Nbon'1 lop pollUCal aldes, ~"'Hal GI -alda lf!borf, PL d porei!Uy still bas visions of atKulo for black elected of. vtry poorly In Negro mas In up In w .. hJnsloo. ~ lle!I~ cll<ulated , lllrned out for the lllllltu(o 'nio fotm "" dooat..I Junior college students wbo cuWng into it.1f'overwhelmin& flclala -a nonpartisan co~ the 1968 election. Tbe p 1 ·..;·mor··• .. -ca"'·• 00 ad-_1,_ the late prelldent ln lift u complete two years toward a Dt:m0crauc loyalty, Its first fere.oce of Negroes holding A prevaillng polltlcal theory re 1 dent• who ....... ~ ~ ~.... national b'*1r1c sttt wrtb bachelor degree vrlll be elven attempt to do so was rebuffed, elective olrlce at the federal, holcb that the adminJ•tratJon generally avolds p u re l y mlnistraUon off1claJa to eitend !be Nlxoa men made no ef. ~ Mn, Elsenbowft flrat priority for admission to but not without the pcWillal state and Joc:al leveta. has adopted a 0 Southem cemnonla.l functions, surprts.. whatever cooperation they fort to apply the 11bard tell" to Could tnllnlaln a • ~d~ ellDJlO:&ei oT~fJie Unlvmlty of for future pt'ofit. · The ex e r t l o n s wue Strategy'" •hlch'wrtt.es off any ed ccioferenoe officlals, ·when could to the ~erence. >,s a the dlSegatet. there fri the Hit of bu ur, Cal~ornla and the alate col-1-.;._.:.:..;~.;._---------------'-==------'--------------:_--....:.---....::-------~------....,..;: Jeges, according, to UC I Regtatrar and Admissions Qf. fleer John W. Brown. The Coordiitathla CouncU for Higher Education hp issued a statement reafJlnnlng priority for junior college transfers over all Jther new students, fl\cludlng flrat-Ume tresrnn.n, transfers from Institutions other than public junior col- lqes,_ out-of-state residents and graduates. Brown noted that Uct ad- mWlon procedures now ~ elude the stated Policy. In case the leveJ of state funding rtsults in llmltaUons on enrollments, the UC and st.ate college systems will be assigned quotas for accepting qualified Jaycee transfers. 11 necessary, the quotas will cut the nwnber o( new students to be admitted from the other categories of applicants, in· cludfng graduates. The CCHE statement is bas- ed on an underlying policy that "all students who enter California public higher educa- tion as freshmen and maintain a satisfactory level o f academic ~ormaoce should be abJ. lo Pri>sr<ss to the bac- calaureate degree without en- coontering arbitrary barriers to their progress." 11ll statement a p p 1 i e s speciflcally to those junior col· Jege students who have com- pleted two full years of academic work which ls ac- ceptable for the baccalaureate degree which they plan to receive. 'Ibe University and state colleges are directed to ''make maximum effective use of available resources" in order to: -develop admission pro- cedures which allow eUgible applicants the widest possible range of enrollment opt.ions, and -provide student financial aid based upon demonstrated need, particularly lo those 5tudenl! subject to redirtclion to a University campus or a state college outside of their immediate geographic areas (of home res.idenceJ. Stunt Pilot Also Flies On His Joh TORRANCE, cam_ (AP) - For a living, Robert Heren- deen pilots four-engine jet passenger airlines. F o r recreaUon, he is a stunt pilot. He specializes in bringing air-show audiences to the feet cheering things like his end- over~ somersaults in a single-engine plane. Hls current f'8&1 : win the national aerobatic f I y i n g championships next month in Fort Worth, Tex. Crew-cut Herendeen, 41, a bachelor, says: "I've always loved flying since I was old enough to understand what an airplane was." He said he finds equal at· traction in flying for Trans World Airlines and taking part in aerobatics as a hobby. Aerobatics doesn't ~y as well, however. He says it cost him $3:,500 to operate hi!!! plane Ja5t year. He earned $3,900 as a stunt flier -$500 a show plus prize money. In 1966, ht was a member of the U.S. aerobaUc 1eam that competed in Moscow for the world tiUe. He Uni.shed fourth and led U.S. contestant.!. He won the nalional title the same year In Reno, Nev. He represented this country again in 1968 in the world · event -in East Germany - ~ and finished third behind two East Gennan.s. Js stunt Oylng dangerou1? "Only U you doo'I know your own llm.itaUom and those of yo u r aircraft." Herendeen says. How about ~ apectacular somersaults, when the plane starts with an ootaide loop and finishes w:llh a spln -Ume alter time! 1 "Well, Jet's put tt this way," he says. "If .someone else were up there with me I doo'l doubt that he would be preUy ahaien. "Bui, when you'"' Dying .yourself, concentraUng wtth everythinf. you have upon what )'OU rt dolna and what you'" plamrlnc to do ndl, yw don't rtallJ feel VttJ much of anything -unUI )'OU CQCne down. But you know thtn Jt wu worth every lf:tCXld ol tt. tt HAPPY H.... II • II , , ' -11k11"4. !t•rt It by ,.1141111 th• WEIK.. NOEil 111 th1 DAILY PILOT. ' Sears Craftsman IO-Inch Bench Saw Combo Separate Pricea Would Total '18•.93 . e 10.in. 1aw cul6 tbru wood up to 314-in. thick with tilting arbor for greater safety, accuracy and ea1e of open lion • Pretensioned controla bold depth and angle eeu..inp for repeated eu\I without readju1lmenta. Blade goard ex.Ira •Includes grid extention, 1teel hue. #13436 SA VE '100! Sears Best 12-in. -~ Radial Arm Saw' Regular $339 $239 •Our mG&l po- erful direcl• drive motor SAVE '18-'21 Craftsman Sander or Wood Lathe Your 6488 Choice Ea. Wood L•the, 5-Pe. Chbe.1 Set Separate Price1 Would Total$85.98 Handles wood up to 3 7 -lo. long. 4. step machine pulley. Model 23882 Sean Belt and Disc Sa~der Sepante Price• Would Total $82.99 Belt for large, Oat or CW'Rd work. Due for &mailer jobo. Model 225 4 • Handlu wood up lo 4 incbee •Nck Crafuman Grinder, Wheel Combination _....., 4988 $69.99 Bonch Saw with Built·in Motor • Color•codcd eonlrol• •P i.oao Model l'llO DoveloP< ~HP.Sbupeot rool~ r<>U8h grind, ob- floisb grind, buff. #19l86. 498.8 O...lopsl·HP,cuu wood up 10 t ~in. tblck. l o t~nsioo.s. #2421. , Allk About Sean Couvenienl Credit Plaua Craftsman 9-in. Radial-Arm Saw Combo Separate Price• Would Total 1205.93 • Develope 1¥.-HP with direct drive to delmir full power and lip thra. wood up to 2~ lnchea thick with eae •Controls are color-coded to make 1et-up faster, 1lmplier • Includes lleel hue and manual brake. Model 29321 SAVE '24 to '39 Band Saw or Drill Press Your Choice s12s Priced Sepani.ly 1164. 9' l 2~lneh Band Saw, Bue Adjwtable blade guards. Built·iD work Jigb~ on aod off swit<b. R"88«1 stttl lwe. Model 23294. R•aular 11•9.95 Bench Model Drill p,.... with 8 speeds from 280 to 8~~0 RPM. 4.iB. suoke. Drills to ccnteroll)~ inch circle. Model 2458. ¥.i HP Genenil· Purpose Motor .23,, Low Prieedl Operates io all positioos. Electrically reversible. lo- .clude1 cord. plus. ad.apter. $.14.99 Rugged l/2·HP Motor SAVE 171 2711 S..parately $45.96 Radiar Saw Kit R.evenible, mounts io every posiriof\. Slenc bearinp wirh double cod shaft. _...~~fi Scp.,.telr 113.67 JO.In. Blade Pock !A VE 121 J()8" indudeo 3 differ- ent tfpr bl~es. SAV&llM 2999 £:q>aada uset of 9-in. II"-' · Dado, moldins bet4 "'~ .sand. wheel, roore. 32686. . ~-------------------------------------------------, I IOIHA#AlK TA 8·4400, 621~330 II. MONT! GI l ·3911 • lOHO tifACH H! 6.0121 r<>MOHA EO 2·114$_.. HA 9-5161. YU 6·67.SI rtCO Wf 1·4262 SOU?H COA!1' flA14 .$"410-3S3J I QHOOA PAIK 3.C0.0661 Gl.lHOAlf 01 .5-1004, Q 4-4611 QYMPIC 1. IOTO AN 1·.5211 IANT.l AHA kl 74371 TonANCI .5"42·1.Slt I ,,_,..,NE 6·2'81, N! 24761 HOUYWOQD HO 9->941 oW<Gt 631.2100 SANTA,. 1•11>!01 '~11 .,...., ro :J.1461, m2220 I COVINA fU-0611 lHcuWcoo OR 1-2521 PASAOfHA 681-3211, 351-4211 s IAN!A MONICA f)( ~-4711 ""'°"'·PL f-t~ll '--------------------·---ears--------~---~------' "Satisfaction Guarantted or Your Money Back" ___ ..,. Shop 6 Nlghll Monday through Salvrdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. . I ' ' I Hospital TV Cycle Rewrning By VERNON SCUIT . ; HOLLYWOOD (iJJ>I) -The hospital cycle ii back 8'aln. folks . TUne ln your lelevlsloa set and laugh It up while U:ie- camera zooms in on an actor wllb 1en lbumbs p<rformlng • Beach Pair heart tran$plant. • Thll ........ \h. byJiodermlc Get Roles and ' bedpan ·ttt will be glorilled In "Medlc•l eonter," ' Jn . Come Jy "'n>e Bold One.I" and tiMaroua a Welby, MD." , One waa led lo beU.V. lbe Joe and Bell)' Carr, 1 Hun- old mediCll books were closed llnlton Beach bwlband and for good three years ago wllen -wife act!n& team, have been "Dr. Kildare" and "Ben cast. In the le6ding roles of the Cuey" lell a couple ol u~ Long_ Beach Com- sponges 1n patienlJ and were mmiitf PlaybOuse comedy, expelled from video, hospitals "Wbat Dld We Do WJ'Ollg?" DAILY ,Ii.OT Slaff ,_,., Both ~w·~ In he i and access to aspirin tablets. . ..,." w 1~ers, l' our Jff()Ve, B shop But no. The guys wilh gauu for "The aker al lbe over their mouths a n d Huntington -Beach Playhouse, The beeping of IJllyann Payne's bicycle horn perspiration on i.heir brows she· for "Never Too Late" at startles visitin~ bishop Martin Fuchs in this scene are back to whlsper hoarsely Long Beach. • from the Ensli.sh farce "Pools Paradise," the cur-to the nurse in the -operating The Lons. Beach play deals rent attraction al the Huntington Beach Play-room: "Quick! Tbe clamps!" with a (amily generauon gap house. The sh.ow plays Friday and Saturday eve-. . between parents and offspring -th gh 0 t IL •. One ol the actors 1 n Joining the Cam are Don nmgs rou C · "!\1edical Center" Is Chad Allen, Laurella Daggett, Ever~tl. w~ hopes to avoid George Ma.rsball, Marianne the clinic chche. However, the . Melton, Randy Morrison and ~alpels are stacked 11galnst Clyde Wilson. TWO SUSPENSE NERVE TINGLINE PICTURES EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING --<>I SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS ,...._,"' TM• P1CTUREI IN THIS BOX MA.Y BE CONllO. ERED BY IOME TO 81!. UNSUIT ... BLE FOR CHIL· OREN ANO YOUNG PeOPL.E-... ND Rl!QUIRE ""· RENTA.L DISCRETION. "ON MY WAY TO THE CRUSADES, I Mn A Gt•L WHO" t•I ''THI WILD IUNCH" IRI "STILmO'" l•J CONTR ... RY TO A.OVl:ATISINO lllEYOND OUR CON· TROL A.NO A.PPllllliRINO ELSEWHERE. YOUNG PEO-PLE UNDER 11 (NOT 11) WILL. NOT BE ADMITTED TO PACIFIC THEATfUtS TO SEE THE "R" PtC- TURl!.S LllTl[D IN THIS 80)1. UNLESS ACCOMPAN· llED 8Y PARENT OR AOUL T GUARDIAN, Showa Start at llalk • Clll.._ ....,,12 Frea! Terrific DIWMll 5kfffy Pofttet -..__. Shllllkn "THE LOST MAN" P•I N---.I.-Wooctwonl ''WINNING" ffff- <wk•h< • "A STRANQER IN TOWN" ~$11111 ; "THE STRAN'~ER ~ETURNS" ."..,,~,., ..... , ...................................... w1111.,.. Holfn -.,._ .,.._1 .. • "TH E Wl~1~ Bl.INCH" .kti. w ... -Dftl4 ,,_. "THE ci'REEN BERETS" Jt• -..... 11 Wiii ............... .. ,.,.... ... 11,,. ..... .,. ..... ....... ..----... ... ---T"' Capil -·M ... 'flttf • "OH MY WAY TO THE CRUSADES,, I MET A GIRL WHO' _,,... . .... ··-"THE VALLEY OF .GWANGI" llllMllllllll "THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN " .... "$TILfTTO" ,.. -__. 11 .... aff!lllMll ................... .,, ,.,.. w -... - him. Directed _by Be r t r 11 m "We've got the blOOdiest Tanswell, new resid'l!t d.lrec- show on lbe air," Everett tor of the playhouse, the com- said. "But it's non-violent. A8 edy will open Oct. 3 for six non-violent as a f o o t b a 11 weekends. 1be theater Is game." located at 5021 E. Anaheim Asked how hi,, new series SL, Long Beach. differs from "Kildare" and "Casey," Evett did not brtgtle. People seldom bristle these days. ''This series Is different because it co-stars me and James Daly whlch makes it different even it we did old Kildare scripts," be replied with some· logic. "There Is po father-son rela- tionship between me and Daly as It was with Dick Cham- berlain and Raymond Massey in Kildare, and there's no God.- figure-intern relaUon as there was with Sam Jaffe and V~ Edward!. "Daly is the chlef of staff and I'm lbe chief reslde.nt." It appears Everett's character will look up to D&ly'a only if the latter ar- rlvea to work in a helicopter. New Drama Auditioning The Open End Theater of Newport Beach will hold readings Monday night for an orlginaJ play to be presented as part of an experimental evening of plays, music and dance. Director T. Michael Jaeger announced that the cast re- quires a maJe Negro (17·25), a man and woman (30-40) an older woman, three young men (17-25) and a blond male juvenile (11-15). Tryouts will be lre1d from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the theater, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach. ;j-,--; ~fbuth Coasz Repertory "I~ •II 1~, C11Ull1nt ., ,'" Oaic!" uw-, LA. Tun• WllT COAIT PUM1•Re "WE BOMBED IN NEW HAVEN" W hul* M1ll9r -Alflllll' II H(ATCI! II" 1nJ H...,.,., a'°" .. CMN Mna f'ff R.-v111t111 '*IKI 1111-Fo-·i-SOUTH COAST "'"'' PLAZA TltEATRB UllU'ORlTDI San Die&O frMWQ et lrittol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Open 6:45-Show St•rls •I 7:00 P.M. 01 SHOW STARTt 7 P.M. ' CONTINUOUS SHOW SATU•~AT PROM I P.M. suNDAT ••OM 2 P.M. MA.TINll WID 1 P.M, ERNEST BORGNINE AM. fUlliM PRXlCTOI '@! 1J Im@ Wl"'UJ"'• ii'~..,~"'~"''l."''"H,,...,U'"' BC» IEIAW•N.tl ·---.-1111 .. ALSO THIS ·GREAT DRAMA JOANNE WOODWARD JAMES OLSEN "RACHEL RACHEL" wrn DATS -"WTLD tUNCH"' 1141 "'ltACHIL 7 I 11 CONTINUOUS ~T FlOM I-SUN FaOM 2 R N• .,.. •Her 1' a11)nf wltli ,.,... et 111w4lff Hawaii f;alling .Fil1~1 .s· TV's 'Five-0' Boosts Islands' Economy By BOB TBOMAS HONOLULU (AP) -Now Hawaii ls lrying to lure the movie industry away from Hollywood. Fitll 11 w .. New York Cll)', where Mll'or John V. Undsay eUecUvily cui red lape to ~ ~ge film companies to Moot In lbe big city. Then New Mexico, Arizopa and other statea and cities made Ole pitch for prdducers to use lh!;r natural ;.iu.;p, The reasons were-obvious: Film Jocationi can mean mlllioos for local res.ldents and blllf,nes....116;· the m o v I e s Lhem9elve.s are s p I e n d I d adyert.IJemeots for touriits. Hawail bas long been a loca- Uon for Hollywood films, but only on a sporadic basis. Now Certain HawaU officiaJs would like to see more regular patronage of the islands by the movies. Chief promoter ls Hooolu.lu's aggressive new mayor Frank Fast. ditale$ that we have a verr toeether on • day-to-day basls. heauUlul place and·nlce people So lbe sod<>IOllcal upe<la as well. And I think though may well 1r.-, the the film makffl realit:e It ~ presentation of Hawaii as a not, they are. giving a ~ place of crime." de m o.n st r a.t ton ol the'""=========;ll brotherhood ol man. rr "The show displaya a varie- ty ol person5 of different racial backgrounds working ,IESJ PIClm IFlllYEll! ' ' -' ... "'" .... -Lu1L1-,,z r,. -~'7.J " ------····-·--·-· J!ftllli I W•• ... / ..• ~..,.......N'll •.•. _ ..... ... -. _,...,, Jell,,......,. • •IE ¥GM111~. ''-"r...' PIQIM!bl llOWAll~N "'1111 IWllll •PPT" ,.... ... ...._@- "Before I took office, J visited Hollywood and talked to television and movie peo- ple," he says. "I lokl lhem 1 LAWRENCE WELK WE'RE NQJ would do everything in my power to create a preferable 111· ~"Ills WE ARE : NEW YORK climate for the two industries to come kl Hawaii. I explained MV:t 4.;r,;.:.;;. ~~~1~';i to Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty that unlike Jo" n ~ • • · •FUNNY Llndsa7, I didn't want to lake I wmr .•SATIRICAL • -•-all'l•,.,..,-t~IU .. --·---·--.. PosltlyeJy Ends Tueld•,Y ,~ . " , Plu• -Ja1r111 G1rnar In "Sli..,ot't Yow L.c.S SMriff' ••• . . . ·-.. . ... • c:o.ur ...,,.. •• ........ ,_ llY1I. • ......,Ill.I.QI .... - NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI '\I ~I -+-f I II ""-CU,..().,L • 0 a Starring PATTY DUKE rtws A11drtr H.,bwr9 Alan Artis "WAIT UNT_IL DARK" all the. buslness .away from .,.~ f •eee•• AND WILD Los Angele!; I Jusl wanted I ~:·_ ·· .. -• a piece of 1be action. •• GRAND HOTEL 1 flll:fDMAN WAY "I told the producers that COMING OCT. 3rd "".1."!111 1t1411n.11n there would be no red tape as:1j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l11 far as the city was @ncerned. There would be no poSsible ~ p;issing of· money lo civil ... 'OAI NOW ~p1cye., for favors and 1 67.J.4048 ENDS TUESDAY l!ll> wlllikl. give whalever police protect.ion was necessary." Opn FEATURE AT Hawaii has taken a big step ,.. r. a.n. 6:45 -Plus- Jane Fonda In forward with the building of a.111 .. ""!MU 7:00 & 9:30 P.M. 'Barefoot in the Park' the first real movie studio, Hawaii Studios, Ltd., which is the borne ol the CBS series, "Hawaii Five-0." The studio is mode:St by Hollywood standards - a single sound stage and a cluster of offices at an in- vestment ol $185.000. But the ---f.:.oobmBEW -RoMF.o 8'jlJLIEI' No ordlDtu)' I~ 111~ry._, I IN THI!: Wl!STMINSTI'." CEN'ft." pla~ has meant the difference <~iii Short_ "SKATER DATER" _ 9:15 Only Positive ly Ends Tuesday between profit and loss for ....,....... _'""'_ "Hawaii Five-0." l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.11 JOHN 6UN KIM Mayor Fasi r e m a r k e d : ! • .: WAYNE • CAMPBB.1 • DARBY "'Takenaaawhole,the .. rles LAST 6 DAYS! is a plus for Hawaii. The photography c e r t a i n I y In- NIW'Otf &IACM -It .. --"° h"'-w lNe ltS. -ot. Ml!O SOUTHDN CALIFO•NIA EXCLUSIVE 7TH SMASH WEEK A ONl'·IYID MAJOR AND HIS ODDUU HE:•OH Din 1HI NAZIS AN D CHANGI THI CAUNDAl OF HllTOlT • •, I ... Spine-Tingling, Hair-Raising Ir':'~., • CAROL 11\1/TE PAUL BURKE 8-t~• rv1 SHOW 5TA•T$ 1 •.M. CONT. SUN. FAOM I P.M. -2ND OUnTANOINc; HIT- --'1111111!, I'"'!· !"OI Ol•t-., -·-"'""' \ " 'ME, NATALIE', is a warmin9, funny and satisfyin9 experience." "'ME, NATALIE', a charmer." AIM -Johll Mllh 111 "Run Wild, Run Ff'••" ON THE TUBE for tha bid guidt to wlo.11't lo.1pp1ning on TV, r11d TY WEEK -di11tib11t1d witloi the S1turd1y adition of the DAILY PILOT, "A tartlx_-dialogued tale of identity. Wow performances !', -Judith Crill, New York Jfagazine "Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantly thought out performances seen in a long time. ME, NATALIE is a good movie about real people .•• people will be moved by it. ~· \1,i.~'' I loved ita lot!JJ ; .\ . "11'':" -&x&ed '. .. - \ ' ', A Sl.viley Sh&Plfl'.I Pl'odutt10~ \ ''1'All ~Jci:L Q II• AO.TTY .w.t:S So\lCt.£ E1SA NANCY DUKE ·FMENTINO·JENS·LANOiESTER·MA.RCHt\ND MARTIN "'""' "'_, ........ t,na "'"°" ......,_ °""""" "'""" C.. "BALSAM s........,.,_z-. '"'-""'"'"""""-'"""' ANtlO"ll Genni Flttum RelMse. ColDrby o.twa. llil -::.:=0 e EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST PREMIERE RUH Plus -AUDREY HEPBURN In "WAIT UNTIL DARK" . . • .. _._, 't47-I011 • .... ··-............ . Plus -GREyORY PECK In "STALKING MOON" • ' • • ...,.. --~-~ -~~---------~----- .,,,.... ,, l\tll B Ill --IC! (JO) Wilt• Cnlntrle. Cl Wllln ltJ UM? (C) (30) Willy Bruw llom. GIT• Ttl .. Trwtl (C) (30) 61"' Moen bolb. maw-· ""' (JO) f8C1•Mtl._ .... , m-(JO) Ill, .. -IC! {JO) m--<C> <JOJ IDT••tr a 111(C)(30) m..., _ coi> .,_ ..... (JO) ED..._.. (JO) "T111 Tllfb. l!llM. • TR _.,." \'bit ttlt T...._ ef '*"111 AllL Alm ,__ Dn nm fJf r.n'Hlrbble llolla .... b dm-r11d!nc. m-"-<"'> ..... _o.. D Tt:>P COMEDY TONIGHT! * M11lo Thomas di11Uised as • spy In • Pajama factory! THAT GIRU D ll!l~lll .... -n.t Ci! (C) ........ ll!IPldMible.. .. P1rt I tw l'lltl.. Ann M1rtl ls ltlrM ~ UlllM Sliwpwllr t. 9"' M bvalnm rfwl Sltiptit1. Her WIQCIM 1111 I ..tftl lflldltne lfMI • c.mn ht ... "lt • llaM..u. ~RIOA ' OAmME MOVIES ll<IOIJDDllJllllOl-IC! e--o MIN: "11111 ...... (ch!H) '50 -Jldl Wtbb, MO. lfaodo. m.-•-ltl Ill __ ,, ..... _ lefy) '40 -81ny l Bina 1%!30 m Clllli. Ill Adlol l'lltltn!: "llluJlder O¥w 111112er." 1:00 II Mt* -n.. Slcrtl W.,t' (b 1111) '61-Rldlanl Wld1111rk, Sllltl ...... DD-IC! • c ear., ........ (t) , .. .,.._-.u._ (~··· ..,_,. LPllft. ctMlt. ...... ll:Gllll'lll ... " .. -( ... .,, '32 -c.m. ......,d. a1rl ,. .. .,.. 0 (t) .,.. -., _ <"· we·-,. .... 1,,,,..., .,. """"l 'll-J111 "'"' r , ~ lftlllll. L11 Thoma ''"""· 3'GI DIC! ..... ._. <•-Q •1 0 IC! -... Lit' (-) __,d -S>lflor -.,.._,,_ -..... -.... _ " ._ ( .... ) 1:.9 m ..... T1 " .._,. (lhlnl) '4~ T.,_., fnllll IW--JN• hntliN. litotlllt ..... PIL Complete Prilltlilg Se~• Top Quality -t=as+ Service ' Pll l PPINTING 642-4321 2211 WIOI lolboo llvd. Newport llNch < SO I lCU CIDl<l" ll011Cf ™T IMJIY BILL YOU SPE!IT "IDMY HAD AH "JC" llNl>ER F'JANKt.IN'S PJCTUllE? l•MEVER l400ICEI> AT 711EM, Mil. 51>1FT/ . TUMBLEWEEDS ... worcLose, J MfAN/ MUTI AND JEFF MU"TT, HERES A LETTER l'ROM OICI< ERICSON! HE 6A't'S T~AT OUR. DOODLEBUG IS STUPID AND RIOICUL.OUS! ---·---"-GORDO MISS PEACH WHEN .1 TOLD THE O!IEF HIS WAR DRUMS WERE GETTING ONYOUP. NERVES, HE SAi D: 'TELL GOIJ)l-l.OCl<S THATTHE DRUMSWIU.STOP WHEN WE ARE READY lO ATTACK ANP WIPE OUT HIS CRUMBY FORT!' f<X>MI Y f()OM! pi.11 ~j ~E ENCi.OSEi> nits DRAWlNG OF -n\E WP,.Y A REAL INTELLIGENT OOOt>LEBUG LOOKS! ly Charles M. Schill · • I I A.LITTl.E afS!Di: 1H8'11, MN:! By Ferd Johnson ~H FOI01WO"TICl<JTS P•Us l'OPCOl<N AT TH' 81.JOOX, ,AN!> P!JT IT ON MY.TAB~? By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith lyM .. • I I l . GHOST RETURNS -"The Ghost and "Mn. Muir," beJ!lnnlng Its second -with Ila pmnl ... to. nlgnt at '1:30 p.m. Oil "Channel 7, slats (left, top to bollom) Charles Nelson l\eilly and Kelly Ftanagan; (right, top to botton;l) Edward Mulhan!, Hope !Allge and Harlen Carraher. TELEVISION VIEWS Bronson, 222 Makes Debuts By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (Al') -Two new offerings, pre- sented on ABC and NBC Wednesday night, prom!H to be fine additibns to the television .season: ••Room 22i" and "Then came Bronson." Bronson first rode blJ molorcycle onto tht NBC screen last .season in one of~those movies-for.TV and It appeared to ·be just another acllon 1bow, about a lacoolc young ·man riding a molotcycle from adventure tO ~dventure. BUT IP .the series' first episode Is fyplcal,' It I will be rnuch more .. -The.progran) had ~!IMILpiclt:· Ing up a Joh at a supuner camp for dlaturbe\I chll· I dren: The story· then. focused on, one boy w'bO. w.,. I completely-wlihdrawn, without apeech and Hll- destructive. The hour was primarily devoted to lhow!nLhow · 1 Bronson used 111• boy'• affection and interert·lii the motorcycle to reach bis troubled mind. Although the story. was a delicate tapestry it w.~ not wl\!10<!~ drama. The boy .... l>Od from~ Bronson during •· crltical moment and Dia final breakthrough wu · moving. - Mlclulel Pam In lhe t!Ue role II a sllenl, sober youne.man who reminds 611• of the ·1a1a Jam11 . Dean. The opening segment. however; .... mien by . l\lark .Lester, who played the disturt>ed boy with conviction. ~- "ROOM 221" centered on Peta Dixon. a blllory teacher In a big ·city bl2h school. The first episode, introducing the conUnlllng charaoters told how a I sympathetic and invoJved instructor kept a bright pupil from being shipped to an Inferior school. : While the physical backnound of the half-hour J ABC series is reminiscent Of the old ''Mr. Novat•• series, this one tackles school.a and teachers from another angle. It probably must be counted a •l!Ua-· !loo comedy -what else has a laugh track? -but . Lloyd Haynes, a newcomer, makes a vital. attrac- tive young man of the blslory teacher. The lact that he is black is noted, but not hammered in. THE PROGRAM made its points, about leam-. Ing, about human and race telatloDJ, but with di&-· · patch and managed to get in some rich humor and - amusing lines frequenUy. '"I'~1e Courtship of Eddie's Father," wblch pr. ceded 1t on ABC, fared less well. Central characters In this were a young widower, played by Bill Blxby, and the 6-year-old son who even ln the first show· seemed to be the more mature, less fiappable. The show's gimmick apparently will be tho boy's detennlnatlOn to find a wife for bis lather. In the first episode be Invited home a candidate, but tt all moved rather slowly and predictably. Miyoshi Umekl played the family housekeeper and some o1 the jokes were based on language problems. THE SERIES alms to pluck the bearlatrlnp while evoking laughter, but falls a bit ftat. Dentals the Menace -~ 'f)l,P/ ll#(Af ¥ SMB/. 81.11o:¥ll<JKW11012•1¥ll' BARGAINS GALORE ,lte, 1t heme ., eell fl"Olll ye11f •f111cfri1)1, It w11Ji. elil '' •l'I W'ltll DAILY llLOT 0111'11·1-l l" 14•. "-Oft• ... 2.1•11, ' i • ' p DAll.Y f'll.Of ,._,,, ~11. l* --= -...... ...,c. ••. • Lady Mayor f ee{s Effects of RwiS JIABTll'OIUl, Com. (AP) -munll)i Ind -.;! for •1 -!eel -111 ...... than 30 houn. Al>oul 111 Uoat tbtrioCI,,. said the lady bus.i"flll"W were d·-·MA Oil IDIJOI' of Hartlord. .,.It'1 11 .::J:"i- thoqli ,.. ... had • family loot.cl, llOO a=sb ....,, -· . qU:llftl.. You're uhamed when and four peraona were1W'tlJIMS. )'OU IO to vllltanolber town.'' ed bf gun1lre. Aatonloa Phyllis Uccello, unmanlod. fortyilll daugl>U!r of • $dJl.tn.bon. abtwnlker. • -...-u1 to tbe ...... ""'1d Ill politlcs Ind RepiJillcan Juder of I govern- "8l'l1!l OU'l'llAGI: Some blaclt and Puerto lllcan lelder& pen:etved Mill UcceUo'• reactkm _u an a· pre11lon of Wblt·e ~enl ootrage a I -1'1111 b~atJ. WIS rectDtng reaction to -. Ind >Ing lbal bthafior Ill minority groups - ravaged HarUord'1,N«lllEnd,. ~!!m",~JiteJ!>lJl,to1~ Jul ftOL ..., ........... lllila(e .... may ' Some ti:litr:fl'le1* 1hout!ft · ~~ ~1Jtt~l1: ~ ' she ~"'e_p:J':liben she ..n:wge ··~· •• 08(,.-.;.JW 1. went oa~tbe night of opponents In '111o.;·~ ' Sept. ;s, to .; ilenounce tbe mayoral election:KJ'll,a;Q'~ vloleoce: !lda<ltsturbed her. directed . riot coot/ul' · ~ lions ftnti1 the mayor got back NOT ~ from vacation Iba nen day. "I wwldn't have called It But Miss Uccello saya tt was ~~~~:::_88id Ann Uccello, more the reaction of,! ~t! 1 """""l"!'iog, How &he had' CODlb'Uc~ve ,Pli,e~' ~ 1 roshad>lnto tbe 'ituilio •lfei • by ·:~· ~ of 1 , hurried l'eturn from a Maine "ho6diuins" ' wtto'1-"bad vi~ •acatfon -remembering allo, timized their own nelgbbol'I. in the same breath, that her The mayer went on to can balr JIU amnewbal mussed for belp lro\)1 tbe 1l11borbs In =1':\'!:.."8:.::rt~~ wild providing. decent housing for "'1."-resJdents of Hartford'• crowd-"lt, Wu rlghteou1 in-e<1-• ....... "If"·cl~•-not di~atlon and ·'horror~" gbe IUl&lll<>-Ul'C V UUCIJ said. '1'bere wu a quality of .....tve; neither will t be vengeance about the riot . • • 11uburba," she aid. Wepbone bootbs uprooted and Sbe cooceded lbal ""'"" ln-mwbed down •• ; a library nocent people ~~ u a burned' -a library .mer. result of pollce ocllon. She chlldrea bad gone to special saw aome cl this ai f1m band ~ programs." . when abe went to . iovesUgate 'Jbe.rtot began... by. moet ac-reports that state f)olict II.ad,, counts;. ·because of a buildup of fer no compelllng renan~ laid rese~ among Pu er to clown two ban'ages d tear gas Rlww· over what they coo. at a North End housing pre>- alderedlto be repressive police jecl. • • , tactics rover a period of time. 'Ille petite btunette ·wtnt The opening lnc1dent was an from .door to door through the at.tact b)' Puerto Rican youths pungent hallw~ys of Stowe :..: ~ ".\'~~:-.= ~~!C;"= ~.:.iloca~ Into ~ neaiily Negrd com-aparllnenla unlnbabttable. ·Crossword PUXlle · ACROSS l•-t i.tl • 5 DoS bciiudlioid 110.:= ... .... 114 .... , ol ....... 115 lhwe th• lttleil ts 11• Kind of cfle.st .. l7F•'1!k l:.l8--C1n1d1: 2 WOt'd~ ~o Hea~lc de-.1~ Z Mlltd '2)=0 ~ fl¥" 4 P1rtle1 tar 'Gros1 27 ThreJd, ribbon, ......... "'-t u ... ·, acces:sory Stlltdlirds of perfec· tton '··-~ '' Glrf's .... S7 Ctteal I Took.a sta• at 0 Sting· ' 41 Both• 42 Cray nole• pl11d 43 Pleased •5 Soon: Archaic 47 Of a ctrbl• conslsteoey 41 Absent 49 Beal~ '30 •••11« 51 ··~ .,.,: Abbr. St ,, ..... ~. plecn: 2 wctlls st--one's sletVe: ! FOl'bfd l9 ftR of 2 won:ls1 10 ca ... ent housithoid 61 Stnibllt 11 Pitch fumlshln9 62 Fairy boat 11 preposh1ol ~o-ot•d•MUS eh1fattH ll Sklllful YOIUlft 63 Polltlcal 19 As:ls 42 Facial subdl¥1slott •fflber fe1ttlf't 64 P1lo -11 l111ple111e11t 44 Ont: Getm91 65 Fruit 25 Present 46 Of gre1tw Mi liss 11cnlh dttrallOfl Traube! 26 Goes oat of 47 Pro¥• to bt 67 Bird buslneu: false OOIM 1 Mlnetal ,_ Kh1JJI• ) .... 4 Actor 5 OeP'f'sstd 'Oentlsls' creat1<>11s 7 Send •onw 8 Miiitary ..... 2 wetds 4 ! N'oble Z7 Space for a 5UShasll . bust 51 &attint 28 S11tll, practice In Englll'ld strweturt 11 C01ted sheet 52· ~IJltlCMt 111111 SJ 8tfofe JO Sh1de S5 Vetttll• )l Oki )lat tr1vtltf l2 Ont tl'IJ011nQ 56 TOWI~ high tu 57 Lab~ D Abounlllrl11:i.· St Sort ot tatl grasses Safflx 35 Performed 60 Jail . --- • ., . •· sale. of lined draperies in 7-never-fade colors -~ayon . and acetat~ .antique satin draperies, re- placement guaranteed against.fading for the life of th,e. (~bric. AH linro -in cotton, gen~"'"' hems a~ headings, bhnd stilchl'<' side hems. Midnight blue, white, banana, gol~. linen, avopi~o •. blue with green. 2 ')'eek delivery, • ·4e"xSll" size ' 9 99 !'el· 14.00 • • ' •• •• ! .. .. .. , . " ·, 25% to 50% savings now on lovely custom fabri~s . Revive your ,summer·simmered home now ••• May Co is clea~ng out hundrros of eu.tom fa!J.. rics for draperies; sfip coverS, <eupholstering. Se- 1ect from GOttqns, rinens. rayons ••• ·in patterns and colors just made for your home .•• cool, Wlffrt, sttilcing;,·sybtle , : • many Scotchgard@ or Zepel® treated fabrics; most pre-shrunk, color fast. ' W,1~~~9·5.99 yd. 1: 4 9 to 3 • 4 9 yd. . . SHOP AT HOME ••• call and one our ·our con- . sul~nts· will bring these sale fabrics to you. No charge or obligation. may c.o custom fabrics 11 \ . ' ' • reg. 40.00 full size ITS• 50:00 ki~ size . reg.. 1,9.qo' 48"x84" linro draperies 27.99 3,.99 16.99 Kodel• ~.k the •fegi$ier'td tr~e,Pirk .fot f~tman Kodak's polyester fiber. Trucraft custom draperies are economical at May Co Prices start as low as 14.50 for the 48"x63" size ..• Bring in the sizes you need, pick from over 400 fabrics and colors. Our collection includes Beta® Fiberglas®glass, rayon •nd acetate antique satin, cottons, rayon boucles, linen textures, decorative prints and many more. In just 4 weeks you'll get custom tail- ored draperies from Trucrah. for the 48"x63" size 14 5 Q prr~ start as Jaw as • how to measure:' The width of the rod i1 the width of your draperies. Measu~-from the top of the rod down to the length you'd like your draperies to be. lea"" the '"'t;to us. For profession•I drapery dry clHni.;. ,au May Co, exL 893-354 for an e'Stimale in your home. No cha'lJe or obligation, free Vick-up and delivery. may co draperies 1 I 3 may co south coast plaza, 1an cfie90 fwy at bristol, cost• m•a•; 546. 932 r 1hop mondoy thru 111turcf11y 10 11.m.; to 9:30 p.m. -· MAVCO I I • , " " .. 1 I ' J I ' t I I r • I ~ c n L c • • • ~ q • c • u ~ " p N • " I> •• ll DI .. .. 111 C( Tl VI Ii • .. Ut rt r: "' N• VI 19 dl ., Sf w ft " hi H II rt N Sf bJ 0 w Cl In I • .. ·----·-··. -·--·-----~---- _:Pen · o~ ~ra~.~l~p!'e1e11~. ·-· .. '.. .. ' •.. ,.,...... .. - ~ Ch~king ' . fJ;~.-.. ,. T~king . Aini NC(} Clubs i ... .' · ' ~~f,~. £>day · .;. m11representalloa -Purdluen who coo1rac1 .... T~ ~ -~':. ..... ; -..4 fraucl." · for five mag'1inel lor five w..,,."!ll'TON CAPl -ni.' pOia1ei1 wjtli> ._ ~Id " i'M Ui0 \ps!ancu Rooney years, but wind up , getting· Anny u.YflU 1.s lnvestlgatlng • ~\lD~ ~PoU~:~.ff·,, .c1ted:.: .;· 1 • seve" magulnes for i •,hort~r pn>lemoool entertainer'• llrt U.·inlti~i.l~'.:tlntd " ':,A '.f•:i.11f · which bought period of time be-cauae of "~~mOJ and !ll) .~~;-;n;,~.:; 'r.v .. ~;,';bScrlpliOI!' to five !:~~~~1:~ ~17:., ~dd: at&noel" ,,_,~mini all~, ~.' ,~.' 1: : ,~ : · . majuines ifor '11K>. Th• publicaUons. money ~cl<s to operaWi · 'fhe·.fll'l'!!lrJ' ~1· steJ>-. µgularl, rate for the five ---Oistomera who are told of mllltal')P clubs In Vleln4ri{, i!'d op ~°"''· to -ibe"4. oflo .. purch&Jed oonnaUy would they are g e ~11 n g the The k i~ kb acts were ~al ;aMlonTby ~~ Ila bafe been $~. magazines "free" lhen Wind tepcsied bf 1lnge,...,..,,..i11 -·~ ~·in-order. l!iit Mc .• -An ll!l-yUi>old man who up paying huniirtdl of doila" Reuben Nqel w~ said pro-'~ Cbajrm,nr·Pl&ll .~ ~oO -wu-pf~· into .buying a over aevera) years for ''handl- lessional ,.1ertaliler1 bave ; -com~ lrwp lratt "11>-year sµbKrlpUon package. ilig llKI mailfiig.'' been requl~ to make under ~ 'cmtlnuei.t•"1"e' m.; ~ -The renewal 'I contr.act.s the table ~oils to uniformed vOSligaj~;•.-l• bdni """' top · managers fJI, noocommissioned p~tt;~ •. f' ' office .. chibs. --c.n..1ss100. has now OLD . BULB Hls and Other aJlegalions rl. directed Ks 5tafl-.ftview the -• ' mllbandling or mlllions o1 fiJeJ a.a 'to ·-y in-· .._ ,.... t dollars l"!ler•ted by lico ve.tlgate;.U indieatloOO <111... .nlJRNlN~ club fees and proHts ar:e the violation with · a 'view to current focus of a Pentagon recommetlding , . ~ of NEW YORK (UPI) -When robe belpg pushed b formal complaint.! w b e r e the doors opened for business ~f~ Settetary Melvin l. justified," aaid Dixon In a let· 1 nearly si.x dec1des ago at a Lalrd • ter to Rep. Freil B. Rooney small m 1 d t. o w n Manhau.an • ) (0.Pa.) ~lumbing ~upply company, the ... on without permlaaion f r om• subscribers. ' The lncenUve for th, e scbemet, a~ to Rooney, 13 the lnflatiOn o( certified clrculallon figures , the bakls for m a g a i l n e advertislnc rates. · But the rrc is more ~n­ cerned about the sale3 pitches used on subscribers. ' The industry ltt up a year ago, with 11overru=:.enta.I bless- ing, the PDS -Paid Imiog Service -code to OYl!rlet the ' r ' ·'-'DAu,y• I'll.Of ·citations publicatlonl Include 0 Look." Rooftey'1 letten and COfGo jilainta to Board Cholmian Gardner Cowlee promptod this repr,, "Our nec:utive committee ·-with -· eoocluaton tbt policln/'d 'the field operati-by ........ I -or1 who uporl directl)I to tho agency head> and · wbone emphaals ii prlmarilJ' on pro- duction ~ not prored u el- fectlYe U we b Id a.n- ti.clpeted. u Noel l!lai4' performers have · lied l trl to pay $50 or 10 percent of Rooney bas been urging on owner~ 1nsla . an e ec c their fees, some of which Ff(: h1vestigators with files nlght ligh~. range up to $500 1 week in showing,·according to Rooney, And, 57 · years later, that order to ;-get b 0 0 t Ing "that the magazine subscrtp.. -bullit is stlll burning, owner assi.gnmenls from some NCO tion· ~ales" industry Js Uiriving. J_ack Gas.nick aaid today. ~Fall Bu.I~ ·Planting Time! ! club manag,ra. The Army said it could. nol release Noel's correspondence because ril)its of accuaed per10IUI .qbt be prejudk:ed. But he wu 'reported to ~e named several Army W&eants wlio demanded Iba Coming Sept. · 20 kickbackJI ill Vietnam. . The Washington Star sftld Noel quoted o n e non.. commissioned officer a.s C9ql· menting: "Now, you're going to face some miserable club c:ustodian.s Who are going. fP, ask you fqr kickbacks on shows. I kriow this Is going on, and "thtft'•· not a damn thlng I can #0 about il" Another "9!1 pa11age quoted by the newspaper had a ""'llaanl ~' "Sun. yoo can work ll19-J!elel<JI division again. Yoh "en! gnat iloin lheri. You'll pave to pay ISO a show but you1can get the aame l3IO yoo got Jasl time.'' No c:lJarie hove been ffied pending outcome or !he ...r.n' . ' NCO club pl)ll>e but ollldal · Family Weekly ,r ~=~a ·t\Vili 'ihe ·, ~f1:easus activities ~. &qope _. • n 'd • • WuhJnclOo J!I well i-, ·Vi•!· In d 11 • ? ~r11 mrul.ry 1nveiutato.. _ V~ 8 , ., "rl'f.V,CJ · :r,. != ~;.:l Do·;:.. feei~glr ~rillljlllllr1ind fi· tiiUJ1 far with· aoy apj>u..t noncior'affairs ilre nobo'ilfthe's 1'111lness? coonectlon to"" probe. . . . A few da;js o_go Cad C .. ,Thiscontroversial,subjectistharougbly1•plorod Turner, who wu Anny pro-""S <. ~ f. E • J ·C"" •ci '.of th Se t vost marshal general from , .,1 , e!' • .iunt ·r.rv1n; r..,. natr~,J rt ~.,. I no • l!IM to 196t ~brupUy mignad , SubCommittee ·an ·Con~tifut_io1U1l llig~l1 and A. • five-mooth,old 1"ignroenl " Ross Eckler 'retiring Dir,ctor .ol ,tho Bureau of as chief of U.S. marshals ~ • / · Ille JllJl!iee Departmelll tho Census.' · ' Offtctal M'ilrces say the .1 reUred tw~r general ate~ ped down arier tl!e Just1c. ALSO Department Checked with tl!e Pentagon abciut his haodUag of NCO club management in- vestigaUona datin& back to 1965. ' .Last week the Penlagon also diaclooed ii had revoked the award d. a Dlstl.ngubbed Service Medal In 1968 to William o . Wooldridge, the Iii!! man to bold the rank of sergeant major ol the Army, highest enlisted job In the ~rvtce. "The Pentagon hu refused to 1iy whether the a w a r d revocation is related to Its NCO club investigation, but a Senate subcommittee headed by Abraham Ribicoff (D- C(lnn.)1 has announced that W.ooldridge probably will be ca11ed to testify before hear- ings on the subject this month. • BEST, BIGGEST. -Ohio Stale, the national cbamRs , may have the best coii_l'ge football team 6 the country. But that a1s0· means the team has the biggest problems . e WHICH DOG? -With the crime rate rising, you ma:y be among t.Qose looking for a toothy companion. \Vbat kind o! dog should you choose? e TV TO TEXTBOOK? -The "Man From UNCLE" w~nts Ip be a lea~)\_er and .Robert · Vaughn is wotxlng barn for hlS Ph.D. just to prove he means.J.t. . :. · . . ALL COMING SATURDAY IN THE 1 0~11v PIL,OT r '. I STiREO ,SENSATION! • I !¥ col"9'ral ~und_ or -~·- or-.e.coun.tY Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM Froril Fashion ·lslahd, Newport Beach PLAN \'OUR SPRING BULB GARDEN ~~OW! REDWOOD " ROUNDS FRESHLY CUT 4" THICK 1 OC pfl' diameter htch Use for rustic naturel pathways In tft• lltede· garden or fernery. Easy to iulld. FOR HOT WINTER COLOR Plant ICELAND POPPIES for Quick Color in the Blub Garden -· . EXTRA NICE PLANTS 3 TRAYS 1.19 Reg. 79~ . . ~'-ODDS & ENDS" SPECIAL ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND ARRANGEMENTS Yl•'re making room for truckloads of · Christmas Decorations 'SAVE :so% DECORA TtV·E BARK . . . ' . Attractlve·corelree g~und, cove~ Ing. Good toll mulch -discourage weeds. .,_ LARGE MEDIUM &.&MALL-GRADES Large ~3 Cu~ Ft. Bags ••. l.88 ·3~49 Discover the Fabulous .. Color of Spring Butbs • TULIPS............. '""" 93:.;: • DAFFODILS .1~;r:1~!. 98L.: • HYACINTHS c~::... 4For '1" .. • RANUNCULUS 30 1or '1 00 Giant Tecolote TY,. • SPIDER LILIES . .. . . . .. 25:. Red, Gold, Pink • FREESiAS .. . . . .. . . 1.19 ~ Oki Fashioned Mixed Colon •CROCUS ....... .15 ..,41· Colan for 1~19 ... SPEAKING Of --cotoR .... '. Cyclamen Plant$ Coming Into mo-,... ......... --.. wlttl ,i..y ef ......... U.lG-1! 98¢ l'l.ANTS el Remember Last Winter's Brown Lawns? ARUAL RYEBllASS 10 LBS, FOR This Y"' make your wfnter lawn sparl!llng green PLANT WINTER RYE SEED! Low Cost 1.49 Easy To Do We'll Show You How!! REG. 6.50 WE'RE LONG ON . APlilcOT TREES WGE SIX·FOOT TRW ' Plant Now for Loocls of Fruit Next Summer HOURS, MON. THRU THURS. t to 6: FRI. TILL t P.M.; SUN. JO AM lo I PM SATURDAY t AM lo 1,J o PM S,ECIAL ,IUClS 900D·THROU&H SUNOA'f· SE"tMltk 211f 2641 Harbor Blvd. • COSTA MESA Clll 54&-55tf II , I ' I , • \ l I I , ' -I D DAILY PILOT •= ,._,-1a.n• - Lady Mayor Feels EHects of Riots' llAllTl"OllD. Com. (APJ -munl\Y 111d eoollnued fer •1 elolaol feel penanaUy • more !hall 30 hour-. Aboul Ill .-ll!t1'Gll," aald the i.ey bus-...,. damapd'or rnQW of Hutford. "lt'• u • __ J _ tboulb you've had .a family looted, IOO am>!& """' made, quaml. You',.ubamedwh<o and four peraons wer. WIJICI. ,.. .. to visit.-town." ed bf .,..or.. Antoalu Pt>ylli> Uccello, WlllTB OlJTllAGE w-. lortyllh d>uglll« Some blacl: and Puerto d • ~ thoiemakn, JUcan leaden --1ved Ml.II ....... -ul In the " .... ~ man'• world of poUtks aod Uceell0'1 reacUoa u an RepQbllcan leader of a govern-pre I 1 lo D of W b l t-e ment nm by Democrats, wu Establlahmtot oulrqe · at ,..oiling '7,. ruction to behavior <i minority lll'OOPI-~ ~~ ~u~~!temi:t-:i..~ lut -• ' eJ·pOiplcol ...... -l!l&Y Some ":1oor'li!e .. ·Cljollg!lt · lla\'f\ !oot1• !>.!el\Y;~ llhe ·~.-..~·-.it>eii she G«irgell.~l""I'."';.¥! 1. -· ,,..,,, " · opponents m ~·~ went -~the mlbt of mayoral electloo.''ltJ'»~ Sept. ' s \o J. ilenounce the dir<cted riot ...;u;,i' ' ' vioJeace,, ~-disturbed her. tiona uotil the mayor got Ncrr ~ from va<:atioo the nm dly. "I ~'t have caUed It But Miss Uccello says tt ns ange~~ ..aal<t Ann Uccello, more the reaction of p Aecent, 1 rem~ing, How she had COD!trucll'° _Gi~' ~l<A ' rushoo-!nto tile 'studio •!fer a by ·:iM · !!'1'1<<i!\l"°"" of ~· buniM l'eturn from a Maine uboddJums'" wHo1 ~d vtC' vacatfon -remembering also, timized tbelr own neighbon. in the same breath, that her The mayer went OD to call hair yiJ somewhat mussed for .help from the subp.rbs 1n and S!lo., wu wpr!rig i• wild provl!l""g· .iec.nt housing for prlot·dr.u and oo1ieeli.'' residents of Har1ford'1 crowd- "'lt was rt g h t e o u 1 in-ed _1, ....... "li tile city does not .i-dn.... and -'l>on'or'" site ~--;ti_"""7~ waJ ·a qu~llty of ·=.·•:~will the vengeance about the riot • • • • She conceded that some to. telephone booths uprooted and nocent people l!,lfftred as a 6Dlasbid down •• : a library poll .,_ s•· burned -a library wh<re resuh of oe ac-. = childnln had gone to special saw some of this at first band snmqap" programJ." when she went to. investigate --~~ •· ,_ most reports that lllate police liad, •-·<~ ~-·"" ""' fur no compe•--re.-; lald COUDll, because of a buildup of "'"" resentment among p u er t 0 down two barrages of t.Nr 1aa Rlcmii over what they con-at a North End bouling pro- sideredlto h< repressi_ve police ject. r , tactics over a period of time. The petite 'nmette ·went The opening lncldent was an from door to doOr through the attact·tw Puerto Rican youths pungent ballw~ys of Stowe on a ~ sta.Uon tn the North VWage, ofieririg to .ttlocate a Eoct ''!'be riot quickly 8pread famtllts which fowid their Into Ifie nearby NoS"f com-•partmenls uolnhabttabl<. -Crossword Puzzle ACROS1 l•-t act . 5 Doa hoddltokf ..... lltGMihlm1 .... 114 KIJMI Otf ......... Ill Wh•t the actitil Is 116 Kt.,.t.ol , .... ~l F1~c- Canad1: t worcts- bo Heraldic devl~e Z Mind 123=0 ~ river 4 P1rtlc;11lu •Gross 27 Thr~. rlbborl, ........ "t.. t la• ... 's accessory Standt.rds of pe1fec· lion ' ...... ty 3• Clrl's .... 37 CNnl I Took.a sta• it O Stln;· 41 Socbit 42 Gray wooltt1 '''"' 43 Plt•sed 45 Soon: Archak 47 or a cll't.11111 cotlslsttaCJ 41 Absent 49 Btat off "5 0 ••• , .. 53 II-army: Attlr, S4 r.-w ... plecrs: 7 worllls ·1, •lll/6t S1 ;;;; slft'f'e: 9 F«hTd J!'ftett. of t wonts,... -1-0 ~,.ent ----Jiousebold 61 Sttabllt U Pitch . fumlshlng 62 Fairy book lt preposttbl 40 Of ei.laMUS character 1J Skillful vol1t11t 63 Palltlcal l' Axis 42 F1.ci1I subdlvlskNll •~bn frature fl4 Pala -n lmplfllltf'lt 44 Over:~· &5 Fruit 25 Prrsent 46 Of ptlltr &6 Miss •onlh detnitiGft Traube! 26 Goes aot af 47 Ptavt to be 67 Bird r::::s: .. , L•c!:r. DOIN 27 Space fol 1 SIT Slush . bust 51 &attl"' 1 l lnenl ,_ Khan•• 3 R.., 4 Actor 5 Dtll'~Ssf'd 6 Dtntlsts' CffltlotlS 7 Sent •onft a 1111tary group ., ., . 21 S11cll~ .,actk:e In England stNcWrlt 29 Coated sheet 52 ~ntl• lrm s1eib11 30 Sh1d1t 55 Vttt1ttl• 31 Oki hat trawlef l2 Ont tnJCIJ'°t 5b TG'Wllnf high tt1 57 Laborw D Abounilrlg,11, St Saft of: tall gtlSSH Suffix 35 Perforlllff r.o Jail ' ' '\. • • I sale, of lined draperies in 7-never-fade colors ~ayon , and •ac;~t~ .antique salin draperies, re- placement guaran!eed against fading for the life of 1he. fabric, All lined ·in cotton, generous hems and i ' . • • headinss. blind 'Stilch~ ·sk)e hems. Midnight blue, white, banana, gold, linen, avocado, .blue with green. 2 .,Yeek delivery. . · •B''x58'' si ze reg. 14.00 9.99 25% to 50% savings now a·n. lovely custom fabrics ' . Re.vive your ~summer·simmered home now ••• May Co is cll!llriog out hundreds of c•slom fa_b- rics for draperies, slip coveri.· <etipholslering. Set 'lect" {fom Gcittoris, linens, rayons ••• In patterns ' ' . and colors JUS! made for your home , , , cool, ,;, wi/m, 5trilcing;,..subtle • ,'. man~ Scotchgard® or Zepel® treated fabrics; most pre-shrunk, color fast. ~.er~\2"9·5,99 yd. 1: 4 9 to 3 • 4 9~d. " ' SHOP AT HOME -~ . ..calLand~one ovr __our con- . ~ul~nlS' will bring these sale fabrics to you. No charge or obligation. may co custom fabrics 11 • • J. \ • \ ' , " I reg. 40.00 fulj .size rq. 50:00 ki~ size . reg. r,9,90' 48''x84" lined draperies 27.99 39.99 16.99 .. 1 Kodel~ ~.Is the ·ttgisler'ed i.r~einark for E~tman Kodak's • ' \ polytster fi ber. . may eo-drape1ies.and bedspreads 113 Trucraft custom draperies are economical at May Co Pric .. start as low as 14.50 for the 48"x63" size ..• Bring in the sizes you need, pick from over 400 fabrics and colors. Our colleclion includes Bela® Fiberglas®glass, rayon •nd acetate antique iatin, cottons, rayon boucl6, linen textures, decorativ' prints and many more. In just 4 weeks you'll get custom tail· ored draperies from Trucraft. for the 48"x&3" size 14 • 5 Q priers start as low as how lo measure:' lhe width of the rod is the width of yaur drape<ies, Measure· from the top of the rod down to the length you'd like your draperies to be. leave ·the rest to us. For professional drapery-dry cleaning i:all Moy Co, exL 893·154 for an .estimale in your home. No ch"'l!I! or obligation, free plck-ur> and delivery. · may co draperies 113 may co south coast plaza, sen clie90 fwy at bri~ol, coda me11; 546. 932 r shop monday thru 11turd1y 10 1.rn.-to 9:30 p.m. MAVCO • • I 1 l I 1 I I ' I • t ( 1 • I a • u r r F ~ v ,, d a s ~ r. • h • ~ ,.....__ ...... _ .. -· .. -·-- I . -- OLD .BULB . . ' BURNING ' Family Weekly - e .&EST, BIGGEST -j)bio State, the national chamRs, may have tlie best coll~ge football team ·m the country. But that also means the team has the biggest problems. e WHICH DOG? -With the crime rate rising, you may be amon~ those looking for a toothy compamon. Wh atkmd of dog should you choose? e TV TO TEXTBOOK ? -The "Man From UNCLE"' WiUlts. Ip be a teacl\_er and Robert - Vaughn is wolklng hard for hfs Ph.D. just to prove he means~t. .. :. . All COMING SATURDAY IN THE I DAILY ~llOT 1-- . - STiREO ,SENSATIONI 1"' colcarrul .,aund. of ·~. Oru1e Coun.~ Music --~ RAC>IO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion ·Island, Newport Beach ' .... -. - • r on ~agazine • • 1tat1ons ·Fall Bu.1.b Planting Time!! PLAN l#OUR SPRING BULB GARDEN. NOW! . "'· . FRESHLY CVT 4"' THICK I OC p1tr dla me,er l"ch REDWOOD . , . ROUNDS Us• for rustic n1tural pathways In t~• lft1de· ga rcMn or t.fnery. E .. y 1o ilmrd. FOR HOT WINTER COLOR Plant ICELAND POPPIES for Quick Color in the Blub Garden . EXTRA NICE PLANTS 3 TRAYS 1.19 Reg . 79~ • "ODDS & ENDS" SPECIAL ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND ARRANGEMENTS We're making room for truckloads of Chrfsnnas Decorations -SAVE :503 DECORATIV·E BARK Attractlve-corelree ground , cove~ Ing. Good 10i1 mulch -dlKoUraCJ• . WffdS. LARGE MEDIUM & SMAU GRADES Large -3. Cu~ ft. Bags· ••• 1.8.8 3.49 Discover the Fabulous Color of Sprfng Bul-hs •TULIPS ............... 1.-981-i •DAFFODILS dou~I• a 1ln1I• from 98:.0: • HYACINTHS c~l!. 4For '1 1 ' • .. • RANUNCULUS 30 '°' '1 00 Giant Tecolote Type • SPIDER LILIES _____ ... 25:. Red, Gold, Pink • FREESIAS .. .1.19,;.._ Oki Fashioned Mixed Colon •CROCUS . .' ...... 15 1 ... 1.19 Al Colon -. SPEAKING Of COLOR .•.• '. • Cyclamen Plants Comln9 Into - Bloom ............ --.. .... ,..,., ......... -- U.lCPI 98f r'lANTS C:I Remember Last Winter's Brown Lawns? HOLIDAY GR££11 PAK ANNUAL RYEGRASS This year make your winter lawn 1parldln9 -C)retn PLAMT WINTER RYE SEED! 10 LBS. FOR 1.49 Low Cosf Easy To Do We'll Show You How!! REG. 6.50 WE'RE LONG ON . APRlcOT TREES. LARGE SIX·FOOT TREU Plant Now for Loads of Fru it Next Summer HOURS: MON. THRU THURS. 9 to 6; FR I. TILL 9 P.M.; SUN. 10 AM lo 5 PM SATURDAY 9 AM to 5:30 PM · S,ECIA.L PIUCfS 8000'THlOU&H SUNDAY Si'lEMl ll 21 1t 2641 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 548-5525 I 1 • ' I ' I ~ • ' u cmv. I'll.OT \ Up~ -. " . him with ha deUvery lor blJ ,.,...bill. "Thor•'• l)O\ ~ dlll~ bel~. · the wjy yclu ·tbr6!r· f' ..,...btlV lftd • ilnlerbill7So, .when tbe' Brlvos had llielr olc'ltlll)tl'B ,..,. '"' .AtlW rtbla ·~ear Spahn ·w ... tbire an<t !' oikiit' llinl ~bool belpln&. ~ wlfh rily dellV.ry! • · "~ dld f"l aod· I -I aboold tl\IJik Bri>;,er:.if I badll't rtld tlj>t 1io/y ·t tp<Objlbly 'l!<JU}dn'I even b••t thoulhl : l'bou1 askiq•Spabn."· · ; 'nl.e Brtvea goti .the win . Wednesda.Y · Jlhe!\ All'oO lined a home ·.nm· off Ray t,.lllb ,,Jnlo !be ·JellfieJd 'Nata. ·JI• WU· Alron's'~ qomu-ofithe J~' and the 92nd of. bis . career; • ur wia guessing fast ball',aod ·t gutsstd right," ·~ Aaron. " '• , .~bo Hn;ve Magnetic ·Fan AepeaL Fro .. t Fo·urs }\ey to Pro Title Hope.s CHAIR AIDS MEASUREMENT -J;Jilwaukee Bucks trainer Arnie Garber needed a chair and a long reach to measure 7-15/8 ex-UCLA star Lew Alcindor. the Bucks' prize rookie. Lew took the physical ;, . examination prior to the opening of t!ie Milwaukee training camp. . ~ NEW YO!\l,,(AP) -o;\'Ma ~.aid a lea1ues -Utis season. *jejlied'Jlm Marshall, 'Tm ...,.,._, Front Foors have ha4 1 magic dlecl to Jive it down." • • I(\ pro football's !ans m recmt ftara. T6ose were the woraa ~. M IJ1m&rlly because of the viqltnt nature or forced througl] tightly-<lll)Cbed lti!a_ in. tlieir job as lhey crash into opr>osinc Minnesota dressing room atttr~'lii'f' h lin~tin an attempt to brtat'througb jlicketl up a fumble and Iwnberltf:~ SO d 1et tbe q1tarterback. " 1 yarda to the e.nd zdne -tbe wrong iw"A~". But tbert 'ls more to rfon( Fours than It happened Oct. 25, 1964, against Sa!~· aura ~Ing them, ,says Fran Fraocise<i, bu~ w~ M!rshalr~.tim was . ar . ~-New Yott ·Giant~' wrong, so was bi.s estimate ot tht situa-• k lJho u.sed to be 1'1th the Vik- Uon. '-· · , '"· • · For MarshaU hB! not had to• live the ~ •: nto_re thin a quarter!tack:" s~s episode down 4ince Jte started Uving it up ·Tarjl;e ·~e mµk of a cbamp1onship as ..._ member ·of the Viking ~Front Four t:e;a~ is ·~Four." . ; that could be -the 1best m-the NiUonal . 'the· No. four iolhe NFL may Foolball League ...:. an<I possibly Jn both \ 'V,ery well be ' · thll Mirshall gol ' ' ' '\ Sport~ i,. ~~f · ·\ ~-, ' . t. \ ... QB Disaste:r.for 'rro1iµts; ' • Soviet Jumps 56-10¥.! LOS ANGELES -The University of Southern Galifornia football team may be forced to open the 1969 seuon with an Untried sophomore quarterback with little game' experience. · ,'· Highly toutd:I Sriphomore passer Jimmy Jones pr Harrisburg, Pa., was declared doubtfu) Wednesday for S a t u r d a y ' 1 • sea.§011 oJ)ener agal.ns\ tough Nebraska. J~nes, t~ No. 1 signal ca1ler, has a bad back and was reported having trouble beridlng over to tie his shoes. He missed a 90-minute workout Wednesday. Also mfssing the wOrkout was sub quarterback Jim Fassel, who has • sore right elbow. Former No. 2 QB Mike Holmgren suffered a shoulder separation last week and was listed as out in- definitely. Greg Briner, who played little last season as a substitute back of Jones when both were freshmen, will start if Jones and Fa~I can't play, Coach John . McKay said. ... ... ATHENS, Greece -Viktor Saoeyev oC Russia, reigning Olympic champion in the triple jump, woo his specialty Wednesday as: Russia and East Gennany during his collegiate career. Funeral servlce3 will be held at 11 :30 a.m. Friaay at Rose Hills Memorial Park ln Whittier. Mrs. Ray asked that in lieu of Dowers, remembrances should be sent to the Research Foundation f 0'1' Hematology at the City of 'Hope Hospital in Duarte. ......... ~ BOONE, N.C. -L_arry Bunce, 7-foot center, quit the Carolina Cougars of the American Basketball A-11 o c I a t i o .n Wedne!dfy ~ return to ICbool al Utah State. Messersmith Seeks .No. 16 MINNEAPOLIS -Andy Messersmith will go a ft e r his 16th victory of tbe season tonight as the California Angels Seek their eecoDd stra.ight victory over the Twins at Municipal Stadium. each took two gold medals in the Euro- pean track championships. Ucl to Play Hawaii Saneyev won with a leap of 56-IO lh. on--._;_ ________ ,.________ ly 21n incnes short of his world recor,d. Tile Angels toppled Billy Martin's Western Dlvlslon leaders Wednesday, 6-4, with Newport Beach's Bill Voss getting a pair of hits in 'four appearance$; at the plate. With, Tift''s /(ind of Luck ~Nsw:-~ ~;~!:. =~ were discovered in various parts of Karaiskakis Stadium, site of the Euro-v Sh ld B T b pean Athletic Games by poUce Tuesday ega,s 0 u e a 00 ev~~ng'sourc~ said the bombs were disarmed and security t l g h ~ e n e d ~ .. · I! I were UC Irvine basketball coach Tbn TlH rd gi ve il more carelul thought before foll owing through with intentions Or spending a Weekend !J1 Las Vegas Ja(er this month. · Unless, of course, 1'ift Is planning to avoid participation in the various fporling events that cily is molll noted for. You ~sec, Tift ls a Jillie down on his luck. Two weeks ago his lillle boy fell and ~~·····-WHITE WASH llawaii'• basketball Iorcc. Hawaii will come to the Anteater gynt in the 1971 season. Add more misfortunes for UC Irvine coaches. Water polo boss Ed Newland has been triple crippled . First, all-world type ~at McClellan has given up the sport. ihe junior center forward who. was a CIF player of the year while at Corona del Mar, apparent· Jy fee.ls the five hours a day polo requires isn1t ¥(orth jt. McClellan was a candidate for the 1972 Olympic team. But Newlaod opine1 that the young star will :ever re'urn to com· petition. Second, Ferdie Massimino has decided to lay out a year to tuHllJ his duties as UCJ ~udent1 body president.tie ls atf an Olympic possible. µtrouJPout the •laffe.um. vi!tce Lomba{dl and Frank 'flyan, a coach and a quarterback already etched in the record books, each will ahempt comebacks with Washington as· the Redskins open their National Football League s e a s o n against New Orlum Sunday. For Lombardi, il will be his iirat rejular season game as Redskins coach after a legendary career witb the Green Bay Packers. For the aging Ryan, once a su_peratar, then a reject with the Cleveland Jitowns, the Redd:ins offer a chance to make lt,aa a quarterback with a new team, even though he'·ll be on1y No. !. ... .. PUARTE -Joe Ray, 3tar tackle on the un-defeaied UCLA football team or 195.f, died Tuellday of cancer, Ray, 36, won AU West Coast honors And reliever Ken Tatum picked up his 21st save. Messersmith, the winninge.st Angel pitcher since Dean Cl\.ance won the Cy Young award. with 20 victol'l.es for the 1964 Callfornl1 nine, bas bad a fantastic record since June 3. He didn't win a game until that point in the schedule but since that time has been ~g the top pitchers in the Am~ican Leaeue. His record from June 3 throuch sept. 14 has been 15-4 with an ERA of 2.10. He has allowed 5.8 bib per nine-in- ning aame. CALll'ORIUA lllllHMl50'TA flt r ll rl>I alrll .... Alemtr. )b ' I 1 O OM•tndlr, 1'r l 0 f O \'011, rf ' 2 t I Allll«I. ,it 0 f 0 I Ftefffl, II J 2 0 0 Q\llllcl, • 1 I I 0 Jtllni'i.w, Cf 5 l J I C•rell', ,. J I • O Rtlcl'llrdt, II' 2 I 1 1 1te111ck. ~ e I o o R1poi, lb o o 0 I Htrtr-. If l 0 0 O (IWMl,llt J0220!1Vl,f'f •Oii "1'M"', llt Cl t • e Kiiie.,...... 3t. ' I 1 o A.ll:odrlfutz. lb ' 0 I I ll-.. lb' J 0 1 0 AIQll, c • I o o Tovtr,.cf J 1 I 1 Ill~,, AOIOlt.,....,..c '1 2• It.Mey, Iii I 0 0 0 CardtN<a, 15 2 1 I I .K.Tltvm. , 1 I o 0 O.Chlrn, p o o o I ii:.11,, ,,,, lt.WOOd..... " 0 0 • 0 H91T,lll 1111 Hlll,111' 0110 l'en ... kJ. II O I I t M1111.tt{, .,... • I t t O Wwtlllnllfon. , • 0 • 0 Tottll M ' ' ' T•lllt n ' 1 • C11tf'N'lli. lib-OOt 010 -f Ml~ 000 ... 300 -' I! -CIP'tW !, llo1ebtre, llCUll!lf'tw. LOS - C11ttrni. IJ, Ml-II t . 1' -~t. $ -Vlli, IF -A. lttel'lt\ltl, T1~1r, 011111. started. A 10-yur veter11n, Marshall hi! been al hls end post: for every regular aeason gamt lhe expansion Vikil'lgs have played in eight previOu., yelirs In the Jeacue. - He has been joine,d by running male Carl Eller aod tackles Alan P~e and Gary Larsen on a unit that is at the top of L'le NFL, with those of Los Angeles, Danas and Baltimore -all tougn, all big, .it virtually in-the same. class~ all jlt!f. a bit·11iffert'nt .stfle-wise. Bat the Vikings may just :have the best perso~l. JYl.tb all fQ!Jr starters strong and Marshall and Eller providing great outside speed at tbe end , spots. Jt's a combination hard to beat and g!US ~the Vikings the edit over the olber three..~ The Cowboys' fame<! "Doo Defense" ba.s a . great Ind iv id pei'formor in tackle Bob Lilly, ' complement that incJud~ tai?k~· Pugh and end! George Aildrie Cole. TbeY·do -more ~tlng th · the others ip UH!· tQP group; · ; : 1 . The No. 3 po11ition would hav~ fS; the Rams who reiy ahnoSt sole!)' Front.Four to pressure the qir ends Deacon . Jones · 1aOO • 1 Schumacher and tackles Merl~, and Ropr Brown capable<Ofi f~ issue by lbemselves. · · Ul'I T SPORTfNG NEW CAST -Clark Graebner, a member o! the U:S. Davis Cup team, shows cast covering sprai~ed ankle to Ion Tiriac lf/. the Romanian squed. ., ... U.S. Davis Cup Defense Gets Under Way Friday . r: . . ·. CLEVELAND HEfGHTS, (AP) - ArUwr Ashe, Jr. haa whlpPed himself in· to peak form, but the U.S. tennis fore& are far kom convinced that they are a cinch to keep the Davis Cui) out ol the hands of a pair of filjd-up Romanians here tbls weekend. ' "f thlnk thl.I will be'' '°"&lier mareh than wt had •lall ytar in Adelaide,'' sajd Donald Dell, the Americih non-playln( captain. "For one thlnc, the Romanians have A great doubles team. It's a point we <!arl't count on Jor sure," -·~_:.;.~ The challertgers also have Jn °thei11 ·cor- ner Happy Hopman, the · v e & OT-a Tl Australian Davis Cup captain wOO\ 1l4« 1950 has a lM record in the internat:Mbtl competiUon. ' ._, ............. .,,, ......... . Third. Mason Phllpat 111-a chap I · always felt was going under a.1 aliaa-!-has ~ ~ .. i~J.~p!~~~v~:~~~ Durocher to Return 1·n· 1970 "My feeling I& tha~ any tea1n good enough to get in 'the. cbJ.Uenge ·round i~ good elJOUlh tq go all t&O ... ay," siI(J)llop- man, who&e servSc~ JB coach hive ibecn .. _ by the Romanians.' .• :: . GLPIH WIUTA broke a collarbone. Last week h~ wife M•rUY.D (Tim's, not lhc litUe boy's ~ was $JJCtthlC a soft drinlt OOftle antr lf'le c::&P pops>ed off and hll her in lhe ge. • She sUIJ ha s blurred v)sipn trom tht .jr\lshap -and so does TlfL ever.)'Ume he ttJnks of lhe 80 bucks the eye doctor aotktd hlm ror a Saturday night call, .. I was really. lucky in the long run." he ""¥•· "U ~eye doclor bad ,.." Iler at the: hospital It.would have. cost S120." With th.oHlild d luck , better lo pu1 orr on7 .. Jou,rnt lo Las Vegas. * *-* ly the w1y1 VCI 11.u llned.iap a trip 111 llanU •IO!" 1tn •illl llltte 1J01en111..t Ill -llllo Olllt .. wfflt I ltl"'ico ttim "°" ,,.. wttll U.. li1lf> erllll)' of " So. Big Ed goes into · his Sept: 27 -~ tournamenl against UCLA, Cal1 Stan·"" • fora , 1JSC, UC S.oia Barbara, Cal Sfate ~ -~ • (Long Beach) alld San Diego Stai. with CHICAGO (AP) -"You can put It In Job thl$ 1won and you can btt he'll be three big gaps in the lineqp. writing, I'll be back nei:t year, the Good back next year." UCLA b,.theitop seed. by the way, and Lcrd Willing." Durochef. who h1$ had more bruaque · boasts former 'NewpOrt llarbor sensation Thal was Leo Durocher's reaction -to-. sess1on1 than amiCAble OMS-;rith sports Eric Lindroth. day to any suggestion a stret.eh-driVt writera during the rile and fall of his Getting back to thr MoClellen case, fadeout by his once frool-runnln&: Ch1Uao Cub:J, was genlaJ alter Fctgy Jenkins Newland poinls out U1at water polo Cubs would spur retirement of the a. stlggtred tb hla 20th victory with a 9-7 doeSl'J'l ti.old any outaide attracUons for year-okl manager who is contracted declaion over the Philede!phja Phils players-like a pro career or C'(en basic through 1970. yesterday. recopition. 'M'ICrefore, the five hours a Talk that l h e sUll-conlrOveraial "No, matter b>w we aot it,_ 'It's a win.'' day tsacrlrlce ca_n become a be&vy burden l>urtH:ber was: cruahed tiy hi.I club's sald Durocller itter Ills meUculoua post- after seven er eight years. faJlurj--to hold almost a aeaeon-tonc Na. a•me shave. "If we c•n put together a By tlw way, UCl's Mike Martin wall tlonal ~ague East lead over tbe fan-strtns of four Of five wins, this thing isn't given AU.American honor for his play in tasti c New York Met s yeaterday over ye~ .,._ the national AAU outdoor champlonA hlps brought 1 vote of confidence from Cub ·~we're playing dayUme ball here thiJ mmmer-lhe first lime such ouWoor owntr Phil Wrigley. through next Wtdnesday and tf v.·e can t......i. baveever 10<!0 lo 1 Newland pro-"QullU~ lhal clotJn'l IOlllld Pk• Leo;• I•\ the Meta lo look •I O..b "I"' on that dllCI. Aid Wrigley. "Ht bu clone • ~ ocortbo...t when lhey play al· oighl it " cruld put some real pressure on them. "They haven 't been in first place king and haven't had lo look over their shoulder ioo much." The malcbe.t start. at l p.m. Friday on the hard :rurlace couri. ol the ·Clill'I< Memorlat Stodlum. '. • Two sing~es matches will be '.Play~ --Frida), a dOUblea Saturday and'llie final two li~lltl,-WU.h reverse palrlD{s;-~Un· day. ~ learn that wins th~ 1ets, !tie Cup. ' Jeni:in11 tw-tlw>4rtilt.k notchina ot his 21)th'Vicloly, ofter IJvte failµru, llVe the towering right-hander his third suc- cess ive 26-win season, matching • $0- year-old ~b record. HlpPo Vaugtln waa the lall. -to ac· compllih Jt with 2t·l4 In ltlt •tter 21-lO In Iii! anC 13-13 ln 1913. Jenklns l,.1 yeor had »15 and in 1967 was 20·"13. His cur~ rent record is ~14. "I've been lucky," said an obviQw!Jy ti red Jcr.klns, whose bases-loaded triple in a fi ve.run sixth bailed him out. Dell, a Washington, O.C., attorney who master·minded lhe return of tht . Cup h'om Australia last December. ,la. ex- pected to nomtnatt .wie and ~ring Stan Smith, the nalional champio~ foi· the slnalca with Smith and Bobby· LUU. the k>Qg successful tandem rrom U>i Universtty of Southern California, playin£ doubles. ftmnania wm go with a two•m111n team compostl(I ot' ~ Titjac, a 11haggy-haired. 21.yeu--olo phyaical education major who won the Romania national title eight tii;nm, and ~Ytlr--okf lUe Na-aa. anny lieutenant. Thty will pla' ~glc! and doubles. ' ! ' I ' I ' • ' ' ·I , . .. I ' ' • • ,. .. "• .": ': ! ' .. •• ,- ' NE CHI Pl'I ST. 'Piil -MQ A~ s~ ~ ROI SAii • c • '· ~ • Joi.i! i • p l"'• •• • • c ' ,, BAL DE1 BOS WAf. NEV CLE " ... MIN OAB CAI, '11,Af\ Cijl4 :su . ... ' 111. : . lit . '"" ... co •,I .... ,. -.: ..... ..,.O! •. ;;fe! (H~tr • ' .Cl .a.1& . . "' •' • ,(t ~· ~ .... ,• .. - <. '» . ... DAILY PILOT ....... W DHi ...... SER AND PROTECTOR -Center Rob Purnell looms big In tion during .lh·e c;oming season !n addition to opening holes for Pirate nge Coast College's offensive plans this year. The 225-pound vet, running backs. Purnell and the Pirates open the season Saturday night . figures i-9 'give quarterback '~e Tamiyasu plenty of pass protec· againsf Golden West. ot---"-~~--''--~~-"--~-'-~=---=----=------=.~~----=-~~~~~~~~ ~~·Baseball tStandings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dlvldon w L NEW YORK 90 58 CIDCAGO 87 63 PITTSBURGH 79 69 ST, LOUIS 79 69 PHILADELPlllA 59 89 M~ (8 102 ,~ West Division ·A NTA · &'I 67 Wlf.RANCISCO :'j 67 LQS ANGELES 8 67 CINCINNATI 80 67 IWUSTON 76 71 SA)i DIEGO U IOI ~'1"1ltUUltt NdYDlt J. ~I I (l'lleNll t, PtilltcltiPttle 1 fl'lthtJ\lrpll •· St. loul1 2 ~ 2, Sl'll Fr•n<;llCO l ~ ClllClnMll 10. $all Dlf!JO J Atlltrt• J. L.n ""9elf1 ' Pct. .ea! -~ • 534 .534 .399 .320 .553 .ll>O .547 .... .517 .:us GB ( II 11 31 (3 ,. > I 11' si. 351' • T~O-.t._'~ Y!Hk 1i-r n-n fi Montrell CSID!m'Tl9!1 ·~t.i::!"Jph .. (J'~ 1f.16), •f Clllc:ffl (Holt& ~t~I~ (Metrttt 1M) ti '"' C'-llCll'W .. I l ,lflt (Lemllfw ll•lJ) .. S*'I !"NtlC!SC:. ~ tllfll• fNllll,.. f0.111 •t lot A1941Jes ISul!M , nlllht • Plttlflvt9ll {llllU IS-t Dr W11!tt M) II St. LoulJ (llrlles 15-U) •rwr11•• 01""" Pltbbo.lroh If New York. 2 ,twl-ftl-"'t Pftl1*'-i,hl1 It Mo:".trul, t. IWHll9flt ''· l.lul9 It Olltlta, t Cll'ICl!Wllltl If Hollsbl, 11i,tlt Alll11!1 11 Sin 01-. 11!1ht La. "'"""' ., ~ Fr111Cr-. 111Dht AMERICAN LEAGUE Eut DlvlslOll w L Pct. BALTIMORE 103 .f6 .'91 DETROIT 8$ 8( .570 llOU'ON •. • 71 -9 .531 WASHINGTON 77 V3 .51) NEW YORK 74 75 .497 CLEVELAND S9 91 .393 ~ • : ~ West D1vl1lon MINNEsoTA 89 S9 .!01 GB 11 2( 261' 29 4411 OAKLAND 80 63 .541 9 CA!p'ORNIA 65 83 .439 :t4 , K,VISAS CITY 62 86 .411 'll CHICAGO 83 87 .411 27~ .SUm.E 58 11 .389 3111 More Sports .· .. On Pages : ~26, 27' 28, 29 1Jnltp.e Horoscope ' Astrological Forecast For JC Grid Coaches Lel'& face It. this la the age of Aquarius, and astrology ls gaining favor. There are forecast.. for teenagers, housewives, busine.ss men and one writer is even preparing horoscopes for pet poodles. But as far as we know, no one has come up with a horoscope for football coaches. The only predictions of the future for junlor college coaches Dick Tucker, Ray Shackleford and George Hartman we AAAll A A A A Ali Ali Ii A I JOEL SCHW.&..RZ '"*'***•*'""*"* could come up with were Saturday'!! forec&ru b)' DAILY PlLCYI' astrologer Syduey Omarr. Here's what he sees for the opening night ol the 1969 football season: Tucker (July 4, Cancer) -"Do more observing lhatf" asserting. Listen to pro- pogals. Withhold final judgmenl Take time to cheek details and alternatives. Lie low and play the walling game." Shackleford (Aug. 28, Virgo} - .. Cupid's arrow could strike the mark. Nothing happen11 hallway, Jt's all the way or nothing. You seek greater emotional security. Take maturity, you can't buy it. Know thb and reopond acoordingly." Hartman (Jan. 21, Aquarius) -"Be receptive. COoperate tn club, group ac· Uvities. Member of fraternal orpnlzatjon makes interesting proposal You could make your lile more intemtin1 by favorablt response." The rorecasta may not make sense, but some people swear by them. Tucker, Shackleford and Hartman, however, are a bit more pragmatic and believe in bit· ting instead of for<easting. * * * Junior college football wtll have a new look again thl1 aeasoa. followlng another releagutng 1tUlon Wt year. · Orange Coast wtn be In the South Coast Confueace with Fullerton, Santa Ana, Cerrliot, Mt. SAC, San Otego ud San Diego Mesa. Golden West moves into the new Southen California Confertnee wtlb Cypren, Rio Hondo, Eut Lo1 Angeles, Lo:; .Ugdea City, Barbor and Loi Ange.lei Southwe1L SouUnrest, • new school, won't compete ll football. Saddleback, wblch played as an ln· dependent last year is now a member of Desert Conference, joinlng Barstow, P,llege of the De1ert, Imperial Valley, Mira Costa, Mt. San Jaclnto, P1do Verde and Victor VaDey. * * * Usually opening game11 are merely tune.ups for conference play. Once in a while a ICheduUng Ouke has bitter rivals like Orange Coast and Golden West meellng 1n their season opener. And then there are those strange quirks that produc.e Instant.rematches. The big~ gest junior college football game In California this weekend wtll be a replay ol the 1968 state champlomhlp between East Loa Ang<!" and. Fresno Clly Coll<ge. Fresno won the state title last year, 111- 7, and will have the advantage of playing on lta home field age.in Saturday. It's Power vs Agility .In Baron-Ranc1w Battle A matcll ol lltrtnglh agalmt •llUIJ IUllll ue Frlct.,_n1tit'1 Founla!n Valley game wifh Re.ncbo Alamitos on the Bol!a Grande HJlh Scllool gridiron to gel the 1969 !oolbol! eampslgn wvler way. "1'tey have a big, atrong team •t Rancho Alamitos," coach Bnioe Pk:klord of FOW>taln Valley said Wednesday to reviewing lhe game. "I think we're a little quicker and perhaps a bit more 1gUe and It could boll down to a batUe of two oppoeltes -1he1r 1lrengt.b against our mancuvtrabillty." P!cklon! la definltely looking for an Im· provemenl or\ last year•i 4--5 record. Loara appean to be the team t.o beat for the IrVfne championship lbJ.11 1e1aon, with Costa Mw and Coron• del Mar 1s1 potential powerhouses 1ccordlng to the Baron coach. pulldlng his 11611 squad around 12 !el· tmn..n, Picldord'• starling ceni.r Is the heatielt man on tbe-atartlng eleven at 195. The Baron forward w1U will average 177 pcunda whill the bactfiekl averages llll. In nam1l!g 1 dl!fwive starting uni~ Plcklon! bas lour playera going both waye, The four lnc:lude defensive tackles Bob Hollman llld Ille" llarlllleld, hallbaa Dan Shaw llld linebacker Rick Mart!n. Other memben · of the llarllng lineup M <Wan1e include: Tom M.-and Steve Rlupp at the end pooltlona: Jim Soltb al mlcldte guard: Bill Brack Ind St.eve Mohulald 1t the Unebacker spotl; and Bob l'r<yleto and Steve Mlldlell os defensive backs. Jn lat wee.keftd's tbree-w1y ICdmmage with We!lmlmter ll1d Servile, the Barons dld ., wll! 11 they expected. . SOCCER CLINIC SET SATURDAY Three of Southern callfomla's top 1uthorltJea will cond.uct a aoccer coachel clinic at UC 1rvfDe Saturday beg1nn1ng at 10 a.m .. W)der lpOl1IOnb1p of U<;i and the NaUonal Soccer Coacbel AlaodaUon. BUI Aabcroft. eoccer coach at UCJ and a graduate of the Football Alloclation lnternaUonal Coacba Coum in Eqland, will d!rect the eV<nt. Profeulonal aoccer coach M ax Wozniak of the T°""' and John Ca!lag • han, llOC<el' ancj nigby mentor at USC. will join Ashcroft in inltruding area llOC• cer coaches la att.eodance. Club, school and college coachee: are fn. vlted to attend. Participants are re- quested to bring gym clothes, tenn.IJ ...... and notebooks. Included on the program are such poinb., paoslng and receiving; stopping and controlling the ball: heading: !hooUng; kicking; and words from a leading referee on the rules of the game. Orange Plans To Copycat Cougar Attack Lall year the University of Houston pfl· ed up 100 polnta: in one game and broke all kinds of NCAA total .offmw recordJ with Its triple-option offense. Now In 1969, the ru11h la on to copy the Cougars' dynamic offense and that wor .. ries t.:osta Meaa High School coach Mu Miller I whose team faces one of the Houston capytab, Orange, ln tts season opeoer Friday n!ghL "They put a lot: of pressure on Jte cor.. ners with that option and if we are goin1 to beat U:em, that'1 the play we hive to ltop," Miller cays. All for hll own team, Miller la aatlsfied with the progress Ill making adapting to the mulUpJe..T oUenae. "It's a slow procm leamlng new techniques and a new attack, but we are coming along right on achedule. We're not that 1ood a team yet, we have lo be better to have 1 winning: team. "But our kids have the coofldence that our offe.n11e can blow apart any defense we faee." One 80lltce of optlmlrm for the Mustangs 11 the fact they'll field 1 st.2.rtJnc offensive lineup that features nine lettttmen. Only right guard Brad Gilbert and hollback Khn Wo!fe dlcb1 letter 1ut yur. Fullback Jorry Reilly, a IOS-pcwider, baa put on 30 p<>JMI since last loll ll1d IJUs ti" run over people. Halfbacks Davis Davis &!YI Khn Wolfe only have averqe ipetd, but they have gooJ movta and are potenU11 bre.akaway thr .. i.. "We rulty don't have 111 oulStandlnc runner, but all thrte of our backl 1re smar~ runntts," Mllltr 11y1. "The im- provement ln our running 11me 10 far has been our biggest llU'prlae." Dcfenstvely Miller ls counting on aenlor tackle Mark 1'-arnv, who'• playln1 foot- ball lor the Ont Ume. Turner la U llld welghl 250 pouncll. "Re's a rtal blue chipper," according to the MIJNng boa. ----~-,r Pirates Off layer Tiffs paafn& llllcL We CID1 lei them -.. U1 lite they did lut year." In 11186, the Ru.Uen k!Ued OrAnP. Cout with an aerial btilW!eg tllal netted ,,, yardl. Tlte Pfrai.. .,. virtually injury.free for the pme, but they mlghl not have boeo lf coadi Dlcl: Tucker hadn~ itopped Ibo hlUlnc after a 1philad 1\0-bour workout Wednesday afternoon. Tbe eoacb'nc ltaff bad to tftak. up omra! acume. be!,.... olleutve and def...t .. pia>ers w.-1. "I really tblnk our kids want tb pby, .. said Tucker after the workout, 0 1.Dd lhml'I going to be aome kind ol h1Wng In that 1ame." · -llYI he doelo't mind belng the 1Uldenl!>l llld'llgura the Plra!o llhoukl be* losini to Golden West, H-20, lut .,..,. Golden West ls a -potnl lovorlle. "Golden West probal>ly baa lb bell balancod ofr...i .. teim. 'l1ley might oot be u atroog pustng u they ....... laat )'elt or Q . .trona running as they ~ere. but owra1l they have a mon! baWlced attack than ever be.fore,'' aaya Tucker. "If we t:re IOlna to beat them, we are flO!l1( to have to control the ball. And we con1 control tt by jllll runnlog or puo- lng. We have to do both ...U to bold on to !be ball." "Olla tb1og we have to do la sl4p their HB's Untested Pass Defense Big Worry One way or another, coaches gen Moall of Huntington B<aeb and Len Peden of La Habra are going to have IOtDe answers to their worries about passing when the two dubs meel ~ night tn tbelr football opener. 'lbelr worrle.a m a curiou8 matchup. Moall b .-to llnd out bow bis unlesled -delOllll wll! hold op wvler 1ame eondltlonl wbllo Peden b bothered by the quallty of bb pwmg attack. "Our llCOlldlry b a big questloa mark," Moala &ay&. "Jt'1 eompoltd of our Claa Bet cleleoaive backlfa1d Wt 1ear and they haven'! been tatecl by a p>dl'iAlni gune yeL 'lbey're not very 1>14, but a1f lcxr are very quick and ag· . (lriulve. Manning Ibo oner ""°ndary wlll be Mike McCord (150), Mike Feeney (55), Cra1J Zollo!nty (!») llld Harold RulJ (!»). Ahead of the oecoodary, Moala bu a pair of erpertenced linebackera.. Peut Moro and the coach'• 800, Dan. both wen starters Jut year when the Olien poslad • " r<COnf • Both weigh 180 poonds and Moat.s says they are quiet and have good football ...... On the dl!femive line, the oner head man baa been plealOd with the -k of defenalve ends Lee Waltera (190) and Frank Hann: Walters la a returning starter wblle ilonBa ii up from the junior varalty. On offense, HunUngton Beach fl111rta to be nearly u green u Ill defensive ~ penciled in m lettmneo m. to bb lllrttng lloeup, but only three of them wen IInt llrlnger1 tn 11111. And -of them, quarterbaci Garth Wile, 11 .at 1 new poalUon. Lut year, Wise p!Jyed in th< !OCOl>dary. Thal meBJll center G<orge Ollv!I llld rlgtt guard JICI< er.thy art the only really uperlenced startm. Huntington Beacb llgures to have a good running attack and ballback Randy Lloyd abould be the key. "He'a 1 slashtn1 namer who moves llfrly quick al the start and really moves hard on our oCf·tackle plays," sa.y1 Moats . Joining Llo)ld in the bacldleld will be lullback Frllllk Neal and ballback Larry HJU, a pair of lettermen who saw backup duty lut IOUOD. The oaly injured gloyv al Oranp Cout and doubtful performer for the opener remains flanker .Bruce illckl. who'• st1ll hobbled by pulled muacleL Letterman Bnioe ltoqe wtn "Pl" lo the !lanker lpol, llld Tucker bal movecl running back Tony Nenttm1111a to flaoket !or addiUona! ln8urance. Venllml&lla pivo bably wiD ... action in bolh ~ Sailor Boss Expecting Best Year By ROGl!l\ CAJU.80N Of ... .,.. .. '"".._. Newport Harbor mlb Scbool, with perbapo tll finest vanity football -In ,..,. Oil lap, pull It oqUarelJ Oii the line Saturday night in the """"' _. with arc!H1va1 Corona del Mar. Coach Wade Watll oaya he'll be """11. dlnppointed u thil bn'l the belt team h•'• had at Newport and the viii! team 1t1Ustie1 would teem to bear out bis an- UcfpaUon. The Sa1lon wt!! preoeal a idar1lng el· fenslve lloeup of nllle oen1m and two junlon with euellenl size llld lpeed l!I the line llld anall, but aceptiooallJ quick bacb, including the quart<rl>lck. Newport llnbbed H overall Wt yoor Including a 21.f putln( ol Corum del Mar and a1"'1g with 1 bumper ctop el rtturnlng: lettermen are .everal outltano dln,J playen from the 11187 and IJlt Bet SUDIOI League obamplonsblp lalml. BIU Shedd baa been lobbed to guide the Bluejacketa al quartaback. II'• the pua- tng game, however, that Walla bal hem displeased with lately. "Our pasalog game baaoi looUd u good ., It sbouJd so lar ••• we've Fl to gel !bet part ol our ollt111e ~-.· aaya Watt.I. · The Tara hsv• four louP """'1111 baca that may shuttle bac)t llld forth - nDl>l with euepllonal alJe. Court -(5-7, lllO) and Alan Walla<t CU, 115), bolh oenkn, wUI ~ blbly alternale at left ball whllo l!ocq Dflm (H, lllO) wlll start al lllDboct. Pemaps the belt thrNt· tor tlll breabway el!art to right ballblct Slav11 Flab, 1 HO, !?O-pound llub wbo dldn, p!Jy !ISt year becaUle of beck-· He was a ltandout on the Tll'S' Bel team of 11187. ~ "Our bacb .,..,, real big-but they're a year older, 10 pounds heavier IDd quicker than 1ut year," II.fl 'Witt& Wetll says hl1 "'"" can't look put Corona del Mar, an outftt tbet'd obviously rell1b pulling the Sailors clown. ''Thll b pn>bablj> the best CdM -we've ever faced," be aay1. AMERICA TRAILS IN RYDER CUP SOUTI!PORT, England -Brlla!n'1 young bat exper1enced Ryder CUp playera lamped into a ltlrpflaing, IHI, lead Jo oclay's mornfog round of foursome play by laking three of the lour matchea from their more llJDOUI rlva!a from tbe Ua!led Stai.. and l'Uinc 1 halve tn the re- maining match. Tony Jackltn, the youngster who la the Brltbh Open clwnp!on. and Poler Townsend, tougbened in the U.S. wlnler clrcu1t, downed Dave HJU and Tommy Alrott, Sand 1; Nell CO!OI and Brt .. Huggett belted Miller 1!4rber and liq Floyd 2 llld I~· Baman1 Gailagbrr and Maurice Bem conquered Loe TreTlno llld Ken I and L Marina Has Ingredients For First-rate Campaign I E1cellenl backfield speed, 10 e d n.eelvera and quick linemen are the ln- lf'dlenls lor 1 good football teom. Marl"" lllg)I Scbool'1 vanity teom. trying to come back from a dlwtroul 1.f record ol lut year,·~ to have what ti tatea lor a IUOC<llful .euon. Now, the Vttfnp 1111111 put tt to¢her. FrldaJ night'• encounter at LI Puenle might be an uc<flent yardltk:k lor coadi Jlm Coon'i farces. The Wi.rrton are one of the bell lallDI tn the Slernl Lague llld Ute to run the ball do'll1 tbelr -"' throala . Lui ,.ar the Vlkel opened on the road at South Tmuc:e 11*1 Wert turned •WIJ, 7.f, !hen followed that with 1n ldenUCll T· I loll to Savanna. So Frlclay'1 te1t wltb LI Puen1' could be _,than juot .. opening oon-league baUle lor COon llld bb oquad. It may Mt the -for Iha balanct of the 1•1t. The Vlkel appear to bava the team to do It this year wltb lpftdJ backl Joe VenUml&lll and, Dave Locy, alon1 with a MJback wbo la eonsJclertd U pd 11 any Mlrlnll fullback in !Is bbtorJ •• , Steve O'Illre, a 175-polmd -· The Vltlng mentor 1111 hll club to much Improved tf'lf!t Wt yoor'a coo- UngenL "Our runntni -la • lol --of the lpeed .. ha .. (Lley ... llld VenUm11lll U) llld we've IQ\ beltlr tteeiven." ... ,.. coan. The Vltfng1 wtlJ depend eo ·lflllmboct Locy and 11>lll end1 S1'va M-Md Steve Hernandes for lllOll al tbelr -. log IUCCtlS. Too, the VII:" baVI a quicker, -qgres.'tlve linemen. 'lbay'll b< better ba1aooed with Iha ...,. nlng attack in lllll 1<1r, but COcls 1111 be'll pw too. "Our quartuback, lllck Saemaa, la 1111 mos1 Improved plartr over one )'tlr's llmt that l'>e -hid __ .. bl> ..,.. Tho Vtkn will alan Ill jlllllon a tbe offensive lineup.. I . I I I ' • ' .I .. 1 ~gers • • To Start 1. 10 Juniors · · With l:dlloa mp SclJool's lint footba,tl p.rii ever .slated ~ ni&llt wllh La Quinta : '!lib "at lloba GraodO Hlgh School, there iJ ooe thing cer· tain. Cha,....~ Bill Vall la dellnltely "nOl Jooklng for a Fountain ol Youth to pop out of the around where !bowers should be oa the FAiion Hiib campus. His team ls more than young enoup and v ail la quick to !IY !hat his outfJI needs desperately to mature rapldly il it's loin& to be able to stay 1'11h I.a Qulnla. "'111• ... imporl&Dt thin1 tbal ~ tum has. to learn is poise,' ~1• Vail. · Unfortunately. that'• a com. mOdlly tbal can't be very well •• evaluated belnre the opening •· test ol the yw. ·Edison will be rtprestnttd -by 10 junldn in the •lartin& llaeup wUh no player ~ble to •. boaal prl« varsity experience. One of Vail's blqest pro- • lJioml.!Jleepln& his twn COO! and oompooed -eapecioliy II the Azteoa ahouJd jump oil to : a oot 1or twHoucbdown lead. Al lnr La Quinta and 1U star • bact Ken Eppelheimer, Vail 11y1 he saw them in action lut yqr. "Eppdbelmer appt.ars to be ... everythln:g they say he la. He's hard to bring down. a tough •. nmoer with great balance. .And be'• mature." uya VaJI. ,.. ' EdllOll:, nieanwhile, w i 1 t oounter with ,its two beat ~ nlng books -Ken Funlte and Jim Mosley. .. Both are junior1 ta the 170- poond clus wUh fullbaot • J1'unle counted on fer most of ; the .!h!>f.I ~~··· g~ers ,. r ~·!l!\l!A"P&!tlves . .Uvc. • ,. '•cf I • ' -.t'.1.1.~. •· E · Matet:Del's • • • • • • • • 2 • • • • .. : .. : t .. • E ... .. ... • .. • • t : f t .. t r f ~ ~ r I: t : ~ ' . To.Mater nei ro.itb&J1 coach !lob W-tl·ls a simple mat· le< of liow much hb Monarchs haJe ~tqred as .to ho)f .they'll fsre Friday night when they baUle -Ana Higb'1.6alnts at Santa-bl Bowl. · "' "'We lost last year (Jt..l.S) becall5fl we ma~ too · ma6y mistakes and ~Y kJlled us wltil 1he long p~•. jiu\ !his year w.e should ti•ve more ex. ' perlence ilhd no\'mate 1hooe kind or errors -Md If W~ don't, I think we can 1tay with them," Wood! told the DAILY PILOT. ' Woods admits the Saints art a much tougher foe tb111 he'd care to ~ facing in an opener. And he'• parlioulady im- preued with the speed and talent of Santa A n a • s halfbacks. Jackie White and Jim Otsuka. White Is the fastest running back In Orange County, having run the 100 in 9.5 as 1 junior. However, Wooda thinks hls halfbacb -Mark Dunn and Stan Jackson -are as fast at 40 ylll'd! as 'JIYOnt around !O It 1ppem the Monarchs will be able to -wllh Santa Ana '• speed. Smallness \ 'Po Rlague liBgJWflDS Lqiula -lll'1 School boub the amailelt 4lud•nt , body .lo Orange County ~1311 Ind bY the lookl of Its football teen>,' the Artista mar well baYO _the smallest team In nwnbers and liae. Coach Hai Akins will ....i his oquad ol 3J bi1di<s 111a1nst Katellll Hilb Friday nlgbt In the Artists' openu at Guyer FJeld. And, his alaliltic olfenaive lineup measutea up to 164 pound• per p!(yer. Included in that 'list are eight senlon, two juniQrs and a sophomore. His left eod,-Mike Sweeney, ... ~. 131-pound janlor. One of Akins' major pre- blema is th1t ne llWJt utilize a prlplmum or ntne 'players on bath offense and defense, glv· Ing Katella a decided edge In . 1he physical aaped of the game -especially in the third aoll lourlb quarlers. Leading the Lqwia running attack is Mite Abbey, a >9, 165-pound sen!« ballbaok wbo started last year at split en<! for the Crestview League champlom. Tackle Chril Bowman la the " lone returning all.Crestview League player from 1he 11161 powerhouse and he'll anchor 1he Une at right laokle. He'h S.9, 117-pound l<llior. As for the Kat.ella offense, Akins says hiJ club must ·con- tain the Knighl.s' power sweep series and their dive playL "Our main concern Ls how to <lilt off their power, sweep and dive plays. $It Jn their scrim· mage wilh San Clemente we saw them score twice on quarterback pptioo plays, so we've got to be aware of that aJBo," says Aklns. "Offensively we m u 1 t utabllsh a better running game than we display~ in our ac:rbnmage. "U we' can do that and COU· ple it with oar normal passing ganie I Ullnk we'll be all riJbt," concludea Akin&. Eads Sees Brighter Outlook A year of uperience could be just what the doctor ordered for coach Tom Eads' San Clemente Trltoos when they open the 1969 football seasoo Saturday night with Neff on lhe Excelsior High A Tro· ja.. Now field fh Norwalk · at , Alondra •• l • and Pioneer Blvd. "Thi 111 be li 1 :1 Mike M.organ, fo~er s!-ar at Mater Dei High ngs w a tt e du· Sc_ h.oo. I, IS now .. offenng his talents to use. wh1'ch ferent WS year: At· least we feel that way. We weu green opens its 1969 football campaign at Nebraska Sat-l~t aeason "lib a new system, _u_rd_a_Y_·---,.,,--------------- new coaching stiff and· we ' ' · didn't have the bmefil of a · nimmap film. · '.'We have , 21. /~en o'n hand this seasan Md all or our players are a year older and hf;ve r workea toaether. or COllrSI, oaly. about , ll .ot. ttie lcrttenlten &aiy m~ ~me ac- tion with the varslt:Y. ' Thal'& the summation o{ Eads as he prep.ates to improve on a 1-8 record. The San Clanente offense will Wild around Rick Geddes, a 16$-paund 1enior, Geddes is a 9.& sprinter who will open at split end aDd alternatei at quarterback with K e it h Gibson, a-junior. The Tritons lost lo Nerf Jn a pre-season game last year by a 37-6 maratn. . "They have a bi.g, lilfOD& team this year and a quarterback · who 'can really throw the baU," E a d s observes. "They ripped us ·pretty good and we wct.lld like to even~~ acore this time around.,.: Injuries May Hamper Diablos for Lidlifter ' ~ early rash of lnJurii?s Is plaguing coach Ray Dodge and the Mw:ion Viejo Dlablos as they prepare for their opening game Friday night with Sad· dleback High School. "Truthfully'" l don't knO\v who will be in our starting lineup Friday nlghl. \Ve have several boys hurt and l ''i\11 ha ve to see who Is ready \h11t night before making any definite C11mmltmenl," he said when asked about probable starters. · In pe.rtlcular, he was refer- ring to left end and center but indicatea lhere were several other positions where changM might be neoe88ary . · ''We have had a little of everything th is year. And E ·Esmncia Eleven Lacks Size ' . ., the aerials..and completevthe · play 'wllh some ou!.stan!llng running ablltty. , That much was apparent ln the Tillera• scrimmage with Costa Mpa Saturday "(hen lhey stunned Mua twlct· on lllotl.JIW plays tblt ~no !he diJlanot. It ffgures 11111 tht ~re 'Wll1 be ott Brown'• eor· nerb1cks and defen s ive backfield. Brown 11)'1 he hopes to «>n- trel ~ iempo of tne pme wllh a IOIJd IJ'OU1ld 1ame, bot ..,. ht'll !\ave to wslt and ... jolt lln wtU hit~ w!ll1' able lo handle the Crestview League represtntall~. Back and ready to roll for Estancia ls senior D a v e Johnson. a tailback who shook up the Orange COll1t area last year wllh a phenomen11 nlaht qalnst Pacifica in a non· ltague victory. Jol\naon chalked U.P Z%9 yard1 tn pacl.ng E6tancl11 to 11 U.12 win. It wa1, and is the molt p6inls ever put on lhe- board& by •n Eltancl11 te•m . In the wblga Is sophomore .Tim Schullt, a mlnutt M, tfO. pound 1e1tbaok, also slsted 10 ,.. 1 oUenalve acUoo a t lallbal-:l. ' \ • • ,. ' • I Lions Bid Defending. Champion Tars . . . Face Heavy Seas in~'69 ·. r .. To Erase Stigma Fil' I llCllOol Iba! bas _, !he CIF cllam.-lp ID witer polo for the )ui tw~ yeari~ the sce.ne at Newport By llOWUO L. HANDY ·' ~ 1' lsr from en- " .. ..., ...... ..... CGl.lfacln&. No OM c:ou1d 'blame W-lnottr Ille ooiob Biii BolweJI lor not wsntlnf lo maba-totheMoore i.cylle. ' '!he -Leque oh .... ploas woa 11 games ln· a row last year, Nlldwlcbed .,... ... a pair of ....., -belh to Moore Ltque co-champions, LUewoocf and• El Rancho, Sudl 'U not . the case, bowovtr, Ind Boowell will be ouL to prove such a theory is trl'l1lleoWI Friday nlfhl when bta Lions <Jller\ain 1 h e Lak!woocl Lanceri in the ---"I have no jdea how well we will do thla season. Our boys have a great atUtude and we ,..mill81Y bave 1he ablllly to .acore. Howem, I d o n ' t btl.Leve we have a cham- pionlblp contender at lhi• poiat -bul don't give us 1he 'lo.count yet." O!fB STAJlTSll llACK "-will· field • l"8l1l wUh ooly ""' starter bad< la lllo fold. Ed Bane, a two-fMr-. "~et t e;r 'm an aL .quorteH>at~ ibus becomes a very im~~ In thi Lion ~lnery~·· A better · tliaft~ '-·le r • I e ~· s ... ~ fl!<·Lloo Ollenee wil)I ~",, •• BomJI -~·t OD Llbwood. • '!he Llnoers participated h> 1he annual Milk Bowl game Jn L11n1 Beach Wednesday nlshl to gain a. definite game <di• on tt>e uorrs. ,,. . Tbls 11 llD aimual i'!!arlty al· lair In wbioh Long Beach high schools each play two quarters prior to their openina: practice game. Lakewood is one of the largest schools in the ClF and annually Is in C11ntentlon ror the Moore League football ti- tle. It defeated Westmlnsttr last season by a 21·12 margin prior to the run ol 10 straight victories. FIVE CHANGES In the Four-A C I F semifinals, the Lions ran into the second half of lhe Moore League double lrouble con· tingenl.. -El Rancho -aod loot by a Z'M margin . Boswell will make five changes when his team goes from offense to defense. Deano AJdrida:e, J o d y Thompson, DaVe 'Keys, Orea NewhouJe and Kirk Harris will move Into lhe lineup on defense.. Newhouse is the l o n e defensive starter returning from last season g i v i n g Boswell but one vel.tran on each of his clubs . The offensive unit will be cOmprised of eight lettermen and three membera of last ye8.r'1 junior varsity. Big~st player on the offen1ive unit is right tackle Alan Dages at 202 pounds while the biggest defensive stalwart Is left tackle Aldridge at 225. Tbere are prollkml al the Sailor lnllllutloa with Ult lact ol IWimmlllf fadlitla 1he prime setback. • 'Ibo f!lkrini •Y*'° beJao to p In the middle ol--. vacation aod ta now co~ plelely out. Coa<il Bill Barnt!! aaya It doesn't •Pl'Olf lbai the pool 1'ill be roacly untJI at least Nov. J and per!llps not by tbl!I. Meanwhile, Barnett's amaU crew must wort out at VC Irvine. And, the Sailors appear thin in the ranks with only four squad memben with varsity experience. . AJl-CIF' lint team returnees are senlon Tom Warnecke and Jell Wiloo1{, bUI 1he latter llUlltred • OOllOUlllifn last week and could be· lost 1or 1he aeason. other retumlna varllty ltt- tumen are John Wlloox aod reserve goalie Ed Wi\11<- Up from the Beu 'Ind Cees. are Bob Searles, B r u e e Talmadge, Matt Greer, Jim Smithj Kevin CharJes,~ J1y Fsmr and Doug Snyder. It's Barnett's smallest &rOUJ' in slu and number~ Coro•• lld ltl•r· Despite sevtre gr1duaPon ,loosel, Corona del Mar High School •till appean to be the ""am· to best in Irvine League w)ter _polo circles. 1 '' The $ea KJnp, who've domina~d the Irvlne circuit annually, have two varsity let- termen back' ftom last year's CJF semllinallsJ team. They're Bruck Black, a forward and guard J e f f Hillman. Up from the Bees \o help coach Cliff fi:ooper's auWl are guards Bret Beinard, Blll Loitz and Kurt Knunpholz. forwards Garth Fergmon and Scott Newcomb and goalie Roger H~bes. Hooper says his biggest l~a1Ue test will be with Costa Mesa, a team he desaibes as · "tremendous I)' improved." In wortouls aionJ wllh ocean workol.Jtl. A plumber• slrike has delayed completion tf Edi!oa's pool Ind It la unlikely t!lat the· faolllty will be com-~ belore 1he end o! tbe yw. A y o u n I ., inespertenoed aquad , at Estancia will be tryJnc to re"'1Up In water polo cltcle1 • coach Barry Fry's oullit begin& the JIU ...,.. ' with on1y Ol\f varSity Jet· terman. , He'e Mike Granzella, the I o n e senior on th e Eagles' squad. . However, Fry bas several outstanding prospects Jn his sophomore and freshmen cltsses. Elpected lo see a lot of ac· lion are Doug Weiler, Dan Heffer•n, Steve Web s·t er, Ward Saunders, Jeff Llttel, Milton Kawabe, Steve Bulla, Tom Johnson ·and the Blat· tennan brothers -Randy and Larry. Fry says his main coocem at the moment in his goalie situaUon. Fountciln Valley "I think we have a good chance ·to finish second ln- league competition this season w i t h Corona del Mar ap- purlng far superior to th& rest of the Irvine League at couple of player• who would have been $larters with the Baron club. . -llu11tlt1g'to11, Be!U!la ·-"It Is difficult 'to'uy what we. will do this yeai. We lost qulle a few boys · to Edison Hlgb School ·includinr U.-.e vanity lettermen and have picked up two transfers Crom . Marini." ! That's the terse opiniqn oC John GreenDeld, H~lirlgton Beach High School .waier·polo mentor iJl reviewing the up- coming season. , The Oilers fin1she_.d In third place in league play last season, losing one p o i n t decisions to Aflahefm and Marina and dropping a Plird wt to le"ague champian and eventual ClF title Winner New-Port. The overalr record for Huntington Beach Was IS· 3. Greenfield will have Bill Rice returning as goil keeper ·and 1Tom Lambert at a starting guard. Jn addition, he welcomed Rick' Hettry, a guard, end Clay • Efari.s, a rorward from . Marina "High. Both transfers played qutte a bit last. season for Marina. With the loss of 10 pro- specUve :varsity competitors to new Edison High School, an opening 'COntest With tho Chargers has b e e n moved back to Nov. 14: The Oilers host La· Habra High Thdrsday afternoon in opemng action. the moment" Fountain Valley water polo Laguna BeaCJi coach. Tom Landis made this This year's edltiOn qr~varslty statement in regards to the water polo forces has to be · 1961 campaign when asked vastly improve<! frpm·, last about the Baron1' chaoces this year's team that' chalked \Ip a se&son. Landis figures to bat· 5-12 mark for Laguna Seach. Ue Costa Me.aa and Edison for For one thing, coach George second place. Carey bas the enUre Bee team :Wndis took over tile head back that -was "Better ~than coaching job this season after our varsity team last year," serving as assistant to C>uane according to Carey • Getty last year. Getty has The Bees finished the season taken a leave of absence. with a 12·2 record, second-only The Baroru: ha~e five let· to Sonora. , termen on hand 1nc.luding a Varsity lettermen back from sophomore, two Juruors and Laguna are Earl Wellsfry and ~o seniors .. Russell Solt and. -John Jfarbold and they'll be Rick Ostheimer are t b e augmented by Bee returnees s e n I o r s ; Fred Lammers, Charlie and Don Ware, Dirk ~09;1Je, and Bob Rice are the Van Deusen, Scott Sumner, 1un1ors; and Kurt Westerfeld Rock and Rick Culledge, John b the sophomor~. Enfield, Jim Orlowski., John AnOlher soph is e_xpected to Slowsky and Bill -Brown: 1 round -out the starling squad. Cees that could help' tht: Peter Noah, a bee letterman varsity contingent this ''year last rear ~~ moved ·up lo the are. Brad McCfanahan ... and vanity.·-.· ' Vince. McCullOQgh · ~ .• · Edison Hi~. in its first year " or competition. has gained a (St:e NEWPORT, Page !7) . ' ' • • l • • • • • • . • • i . . • • • . • • • . . • • B • r ! I ' • ~ . • . . . . . • Lions, .Tritons Head Cross Country Vis~ Cerna llel ltl•r 11lrM lettermen, t h r e • tr Olfers· ,and 1 championship freebman team last sea!IOn will live' coocl> John Blair • fowidallon ao which to build the Calonl def Mar cross country team this season. "l th1ok we'll alve a Jood account of ourselv~ in league -n.. ...... to beat .,,. FOOlldain Vlllley and Es1ancla de>pite lhe lact Cosio M,.. won the crown Jut year." Blair bu Nldc Hooe, Greg Meeks arid Jim Roberuon on hand !« lhe 19111 wnpalgn. Ri>se -]>la«d fi!tb In the a.. t:DO last spring In !he CIF fuWa. Meeks WU captain of the barrier squad last ICl.80n. Roberboo is I letterman from lhe 1117 oquad. Tnnsfers include Richard Day, Charles Beard and Burton Ray. Up from lh• 'cl>amplon>hip frtshmlll team m!: John Blan- pied1 Conrad Clari and Bob Delancey. Junior varsity let- termen include Jim Edmiston, Rich Kredel and J e ff Masterson. Coat& Mua J"out returnin& Yanity let• termen are back in the fold 1t Colla Mes. Ing!> School u lhe Mljlianp prep.,. to defend tb<Jr 1tll Irvine Leap =<.> <OWlby Ulle. Top ~ lllchard Pries4 aloof wllh Dour J.lacl,ean. and John and Tom Olswanc form the nucleus ot coach Joe Fisher'• outfit. The jvnjor varsity team ol 'II w1D fumiah Steve Dcn- dlnrer, Tim Morka and Bob Pallo llO the Mesa contingent. Transftr Bob Gollnick from Simi Valley la considered a prime prOlpeCt for the varsity along with c.s.r Garett, • ~ lroro Ecutdor. 'Wt know the rest Gt the leque will be pointing for us . . . ~ally Estancia ind Loera.' ta)'I Fisher. EtHaOH X..Ck of depth m1y he lhe key factor to a IUCCe8sful cross ewnhy seuon 1 t Edison HiJh School where coach BarTy Leigh's outfit is workiftl out in preparation tor tb: flrat-evu campaip. 'lbetwn'fl'illbe built around lettermen from Hunt. lnrtoa Buch High -Mike Ddnovan, Don Bateman a n d Warren Hogan. Leiih.bu • good Pl osp<d In freshman John Weston. He • hu been <r<dlled wilh • 10:30 : two.mile. ... "'We'vt aot the nucleus ol a cood team, but we need men bays to participate," 1ays Leigh. lhe l\reoalh ol. blJ floopl prior to Its opeDinc rnelll With Garde1IGnwe tOdo)I. The, Batoos ha\1'8 only twa "1umlnJ lettermoo "' lhe squad after toolnc • lar&e •l/ITll>et ol ~ through graduaU°" and ' transfer to Westmlruter. Steve amsttaoo and Tim FunJc are tbt two ru;D.Del'S U'OUllll whom 1-rd will build blJ team. Junior vlrSity moqram winnen movln.E up to vlrSity competition includ< Tom O'Brien, Jim We1cb, Wayne Leeds, Cameron Haney and Phil Marji. Leonard picks Estancia and Loar• u the learns to beat in the lrvine"Leatue this season. Buatl..,ton Beach ••we hi.ve • much better team than la.st year but it look! like w .. 1m1ns1er will have the team to beat - perhaps even for the CIF champipnship." Pc1ul \vood, Hunting ~on Beach cross country coach made this prediction when asked about the relative merits ol the SUnset Leap harrier ocramhle fw 1169. 1'11< 00... tied for leC<llld In lhe le.ag\le last yeor with San- ta Ana and ftl'J" clole behind the Westmin.*:r LiOfls thi! campalp. Heaclin& the list ol. returnees is Jack JrfcQuown, number one runner oa the Oiler cluh last ...... and second ia the Sumet !lnalll. Other lettermen t n e l u 4 e John Mullem, Stan Davenport and Phil McGee. Richard "Espitia b up f.rom lhe junior varsity leap> of !alt aeason where he was number one man. Dana Babin, a transfer from Marina, is rriak· ing a strong bid for 1 team berth and Marc Mitchell, a Corona del Mar lransfer, is curnnUy the No. 2 man. Joe Wheeler has moved up from tbe sophomore-freshman team to Contest for a varsily ltart'"§ u.lpment. ,,,.,.,_ Be•rla Optimlsm sprinp eternal prior to the first competition on all levels . of sports and desplle a losing &callOn in 1961, coach Len Miller feels he has the DUcleus for "a winning soa.soo in 1969." "We have seven runners T am uctted about and trua team is very responsive with a flne attitude. We have im- proved a ifeal deal~ already over Jast year and J upect them to improve even more before tbt league season ar- rives." An(el111 d"""' 1u1 year wtlh a cleu M marlc lllcJudlni • ... title cllncher OV4tf SL Anthony HJP. • Back tr.in that loam'• . roater are Rick J•llllinp, Bob Lelllu, Steve Hontmeyer, . Marl< 'Leama, Mike Mold, Toby Clarey and Bill Sundall. , Bob Leam.a JI the team cap- lain With a 1:51 two-mile to bis i c r e d I t whllt Jennlop bae lrllcll: tlmea ol 1:&7, In lhe .. and 4:17 In the mile. Mulkerin says bis stiffest competitim In league action · will come from St Anthony and Bishop Amat but 1ay1 blJ team is capable of winnin& it all again. Graduation losses include Dan McKeon, Mark Dowlin& and Paul Muldooo. There 'ts a' three-way battle for the No. 1 poa:ition th.ls year on the Monarch team between Jennings, Horstmeyer an d "lark Collins, • 1ad who miss- ed last year's competition because of an allergy. The Monarchs use Irvine Park as thelr home course. JtJlaaio• Viejo New coacb Gene Gurule 11ys bis Mialoo Viejo High School Cl"Oll3 country t.eam wW bt the best In the scbool'a short four-year history and bases bis theory on the return of three first.rate runners . Included in a group ol four rcturnlnc vanity ~ lettermen . are Ray Pera, Mite Rattray, Jim VanCoU and Steve Given. Perez, 1 junior, and ~ tray, a aenior, are cormder!d. the ones lhal will get tit< job done for Gurule aloDt With Muina lngh Schoo)llransler • Ed , Rad 1m1 o·h or , 1 SAILOR SET TO FIRE-John Wilcox, letterman water ROlo si.ar for Newport iOpbomore. • · Uarbor Hi&h Scbool's defending CIF champions, is set 19 fire opening shot ol Others expected to help out 1969 season. Coach Bill Barnett's :jatlors have been beset with dlHICVJUes in considerably tn the Diablos' preparing to defend their tiUe including the loss of lhe1r pool until at least efforts to fmprove on last Nov. 1. year'• recOnt ol one Crellview League victory are Barry Bray, up from last year's frosh·•oph team and sophomore Gordon Rogers, a lad Gurule says has improved tremmdously. NEWPORT FACES ROUGH GOING ... Gurule figures · bis team I! capable ol wi(inina: al . least hall ol lheir leap meets and has ~ tumoul ot n for hls varsify, junior varalty and frosh-soph te~ams. Gurule came to Mi!Sion Vie- jo this year afler aerving as cross country coach al Monte Vista High in the Whittier district f« three years. N""'l'M't Bar ...... Depth it one of the key fac· ton in Newpcrt Harbor's possible lucctU in Sun.set League crOM tountry acUon this year. (Contimted from P11e 11) Several swimmers are cur· renUy out with IQlnor ailment& but Carey uys be eJPects bis club to bt ready ror t.bt opener with Marin.a Fliday. His chief welPons appear lo he In team unity·and at goalie. Rock Gulledge ii mannlllg Ute goalie position and Carey is high M bis ability to keep the enemy acorint at a minimum. "Foothill and Sonon will be" tough again •.. but if we can stay bealthJ I think we have a good shot at first place," says Carey. Jtlarina Costa P.1esa with lht Musta ngs finishing second lo powerful Corona del Mar In lhe Irvine League. The Meaans Jost In the ~ cond round o( the CIF elimina· lions, laJIJ.n1 to powtrful Downey, H . NO\t, coach Terry Bowen uys , his Meuria should be &tronger than the 1968 on- tingenl. "We'll be stronger, quicker an<H>ettet lhlnklng. ·The learn will !unction much better as a unit -primarily, because or the experience ol the past cou· ple ol yean," says Bowen. Two starters from last year's varaity form the nucleus of the team in junior Ron Mla:iolri and senior Curt Plumlee. Sponagle, Kirk Price; juniors Rod Ross, Mike Beal, John Carpenter, Bill MeAneney. Jack Hall and NI.ii Richey : and sophomotts David Bannon and Malt Waidelich. The Bees were also second in the lrvioe circuit in '68, los· iog out to champion Corona del Mar by one goal. Overall team speed could be a big faCtor in I.he Mustapgs' hopes for a league tlUe, The Mustangshavrrour-swffifmer!{ on the squad who've bettered J :55.0 in the 200 freestyle. Weatmit11ter Slww . ovement • .e.,,._,e.ttem COilege· foot-' U COlich A:rt Filson only hu IO\>'tn tt1N;rdlng letterfnen ttifir . 'faU and that might turn oul tO b< • blenlng In dlsgulie. · Filson, who ls in bis first year at the • helm ol tbt Apaches, mlka bis coadlin& debut Saturday night in ·CbuJa Visla againatS add I e back Co11ege and he'.s out to cbarige • loalne habit. Last yeir Soothwestem. ilJf· fered lhro<Jp I dlsmei 1-3 canpaign. • "We've held our own in two scrimmages against M i r a Costa 111d San Die&• City College. San Diego ls awfully good, nearly u good as last year," he says, rr the Apactles did hold their own against a good SQ Diego team, that's bad news for Sad· dleback. San Diego, was ·the team that snapped Fullerton''.'! .f7-game wlnning stllak 'alid went on ta win the South Coast. Conference championship last ....... l'Uaon, like abno6t every olher c o a c h exccP.\ m11)'be: Woody Hayes, is thinking iQ terms of having an offerue evenly balanced between pass- ing and running. The passin& game, however, figures to be mort effective. Qu1rterbacJ Gene Guerra ls an aco.irate pa.,ser, but Filson ls ~ed about his In· experience. He's got three g o o d receivers to wing tht ball tO. Tight end Dan Johnson b a r~umlng veteran and Filson cills him an outstanding receiver. Flanker Ladd Alan and split end Bob Kramer alsct 3 Special Hunts Open A !ipe(.lal mountain quail season and hunting for Sierra and ruffed grouse and tree squirrtls opens Saturday. The special..addltiona.1 lhOUD· lain quail aeason · continue; through Oct. 24, with 1 limit of 10 mountain quail per day, 10 in pe>s9t.8Sion, The tree squirrel season continues through· Jan.· 12, 1970. The limit is lwo ~ day,. two Jn possession. Bu"' Coun- ty's season closes Nov. 3o. The one-week season for -Sierr1 and ruffed gl'Ol.lte lasts through sept. la :with" • lfm.it of two Sierra or ruffed grouse In the aggregate season, tWo In possession. More Sports are capable recetvera. SOUthwe•tern's f u n11 J D I game, bowtvu, ian1t in as food .sJtape. • I t Starling fullback Ira Porter suffered a broken le& in th• Mira Costa tc:rlmmage and he was e.qiected IO do ,the. bulk oL lhe Apache runnlnc. ' The en t 1 re Southwestern team Is small, with only one ~r oo bolll IWlinl units, but Fllaoo ii optlmlJtic. "We are ping to be betler than in ua. we bave to bt ... bt says. Stars Play In Lanham Tee Benefit A lotaJ of 35 Hollywood screen ce.lebrJtle1 wU1 participate In the T. e r r Y Lanham Celebrity benefit colt tournament at Meadowlark Country Club Monday with golfers around the area invited to participate and p18y with their favorite star. Such names as Dan ~owan, Forrest Tucller, Alan Hale, Harry Carey, Jr., John Agar. Hal Baylor and others will participate wilb one star wigned to each foursome. Area golfen are invited t1' sign up for the event that gets off the first tee at 8 in the morning. Entries are be.in& taken at the course and at. the Ramada lno where many ol the sta1"1 will be slayinl overnight Sunday evening. An entry fee of $25 includes • dinner for two on Monday night at lhe Ramada Inn u well as greens fees and part:icipaUon in the prize awards. Competition will be in three fiighb accordina to handicaps and all moniea derived rrom the · event will be turned over to the Terr Lanham leukemia fund. Terry ls an Orange County boy curr .. uy bospltallzed wllh lhedl>eaae. Eatallria t '.'We tbwJd win the leaeue championship lhil year." In recent time b'ialJ, Kurt Jensen established himself as the munbet one nnmer with three others right behind . Dave Hustwick, Chris Lambert and Sandy Beach are t~ beys who finished less than a aeconds behind Jensen In lhe Ume trials. Coach Bert Donald appears to have several ou~dint candidates for his varsity club. AJthoogh the !ailor1 lost t b e i r lwo top runoer1 to gradual.ion (Rick Pierce 1nd Kevin Butler), they'll .in be ankle-deep in replacements. 1o1arina High School'• varsi- ty water polo forces appear to be in the rebuilding stages with coadl Chuck Morris in his first year at tbe Viking helm. Up fr om th! Bee and Cet teams are union David Ban- .Rod K!iiyon, J a y Westrni..mter High has a new coach -Gerald A1annion - and five seniors who've been playing together since lbey wen freshman to form the pages heart of It! water polo cham· 28,29 Coach r ... Fisher of Estan- cia lll&b School !llllDIJted up .,,.., _,. prospec:la Ill th• • Eagle, lnttilullon wilh this • st.atemt.nt. then proceeded to ' ieD why ho feels this way. : •we had lhe best llOPhomore team in SouChem California Jut year. In addition, w1 have LI 'lettermen back and lost oft. Jy one varsity man by 1111fuai. lion .. .. Our sophomore team won tht Orange County • lnvila- : tional, the Westminster lnvita· • tiGnal and took lhird In lhe Mt. -;-san Antonio Relays meet." ;!< Tuminl to individuals, ht ; lillod two J>O!l'onners u pro- tpitCUve league champions - • pertltpl even tinisbinc one-two • lJt, lhe league meet. CW1 Hoyt. a junjor, won the IMne L<ague tuck cham- pionship In lhe two-mile 11.!1 opring, 11e WU hampered by a ~ palled llamstrlnC durinc the ... t• crou country aeuon. His : twlHl!ile best Ume Is 1:11.1. ;. Teny Haun, another junior, • placed fourth 1n lh• i..eue :· fina'ls last season behind three ' rupnen who have aractuated. :. 1la could have hl! stiffest ~ -pelition from 'teammate ~· Hoyt. other llaodouls i n c l u d • ~ · MUt Ready, a tenlor with a ~ 10:13 bell; Roser Burkhalter, ~ a transfer from R a a e-h o : Alamltot wilh • belt ol. 10:11; Eric oa.... I sopliomon wllh • 10;17 time, and Lea. -. I Junior. Jack Moore. a .nior'i and st.evt. Scburtman, a ~ COllld ..... Into cantemlon at any Ume. · Othen impressing the ArUsl coadl tncluded Dave Wilson, Mork Ressig and Din Moore. All are set:dora with exception of Moore, • jwdor. Rici Smith, number one man on the junior van1ty last year 11oog with bJibly louted freslun<n J08h Bright, Mike Byron, Warren Harris, Ron ruu.o, Ned Bluerock and Tino Ca5tillo for m the nucleus around which Miller wtb build thia year's team. Harb .. More depth and bttte:r run- n~ are the eblef hopes of coach Jack Rowan and his Marina Ing!> croaa country competitors in their drive to better a 1tventb-place finish in the Sunset Leafu• Wt year. The Vi.kinp have.five vanii- ty· lettennen in comp, three more from the junior varsity cootlngent and • pair f..., the frotlHopb team of lut')'Olr to bo-tblJ year'• edition. Leadln( the parade ol -nut are vanity lettermen David Lpctman, Qirl$ York, Bob NeiJJon'., Davt HtnderJOn and Kirk ltoepool. . Junior varsity returneea art Bob HIUO, Nlcll: J .... and Lu Hart whil• Qob PblWpe and -Br<brock ll't alto counted on for added depth. . Rowatl lol!I • consl!tent ........ f..,;, last )'W''I team to IJ"'lllllU«I ill Mlle Walcs7t and liau-11abln by wty al lnmfer to llun1logtoa Buch. Babin WU the Yikes' belt miler In ltll, 1'llllllln& • 4:11 f' .. KtaiK "&flell mJI< U I tophomora. "W1 Hrutt to b< fairly /!later Dei- • ...., wllh our fin! five N.. . M te D i H'•'....._1'1 .,.. ._i.ny H "' can find a r e ... -- that • too4 fifth man. l1ul 11'• ...-Cl'OOI country team hrd to UJ J111t ...., far "' -·Into Its teCOl1d JUT ol. "'" In lnlnt Leap -· Gpmtlon -ldll unbe.lten In pe11J:, thla year." i.que meell and hopefbl el • Mitt Leonard coacl> el lhe ......S ........Uve AnfelUJ l"ouotahi Vallq lflP 8ci>ool ~ch ~llrin·s out-croea COUfttr1 team inHe thls """' 11t1tement when uked about flt stunned the rtst or the Leading runner1 are freshmen Crat1 Clark. Chris Bentley, sophomore J o h n Holcomb, John Fletcher and Rick Fleming, a pair oC juniors, and two sophomores -D.an Clint and Tim Rudy. othen ezpectf:d to 8e!e-ac- tion for Donald are Dave Jal· fe, ~teve Alward, Sid Common and Jeff Robertson. Freshman Lee ·Batson is also another sound candidate for vanity work. Rdurninc varsity lettennen are Btotley, Jaffe, Fletchtt. Alward, Common and Robtrtaon. The Sailors should be a llrOna: contender to Westminster High's puennial crown in tbe Sunset League and should bt even stronger in 1970. Salt (:letneiate The Vikes lost several outstanding players to gradua· tion and other key players lo Huntington Beach High !n the recent shift of sllldents 1n the Huntington Beach Sc h.o o I DisUict. Transfen to Huntington in- clude last year's MVP in Bee play-Rick Henry and stand· oul Clay Evans. Back, bowever, for Morris' outfit are senior varsity let- termen Steve McConnaughey and Howard Johnson. Up from lhe ae. to help are a:oelie Bob Harrison, the only other seriior. The rest or material m!Jlt come from juniors , sophon:wres and freshmen tor Morris1 crew. Juniors with Bee experience ire Oluck Holloway, Alan Hoops, J o h n Maltby and Charlie Shiosak.a w h 11 e sophomores counted on lo help out are Mike Prime and Steve AgreJla: A freshman :11lated to tee varsity action is Mark Rollins. The Vlkes wW uUlize a lung offense and I go-press type ol defense. <:eita Me•• (Set POLO, Pa1e ta) SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY VOIT TK80 TETHERBALL & POLE SET . • . Reg. 6.95 Sale 3.95 TEHNIS KRAMER AUTOGRAPH FRAMES ".STRUNG NYLON • Reg. 26.50 Sale 18.95 DUNLOP FORT FRAME STRUNG NYLON • • • • Reg. 29.95 Sale 18.95 13 ONLY TOP QUALITY RACKETS GOIN~ AT COST MEH~ & BOY'S TEHNIS.SHORTS 4.95 • 5.95 • 7.95 • 9.95 • 12.95 MEH'S & BOY'S TENNIS SHIRTS 4.95 • 6.00 • 7.00 • MEN'S & BOY'S TENNIS SHOES coNVERSE • GOOllRICH • •• -CONYERS£ All STAR BASKETBALL SHOES • . • • • _, 8.95 HIGH OR LOW • BlACK OR WHITE BAJA BULLETS BASKETBALL SHOES LOW · WHITE • • • • • . • 5.95 ATHLETIC SbXS • 59c to 1.75 GYM PANTS . . • • 1.38 REVERSIBLE '1" SHIRTS • • • • • 2.35 WHITE T SHIRTS . " •• · 1.25 CHAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES 3.95 • 4.50 • 5.95 • 6.50 ACE HANDBAlts EYE PROTECTORS • • . • • • • P£NllSYLYANIA nu lUTY TEN.HIS BAUS··. . . . . . Doz. 7.50 WILSON XTRA QUTY TEHNIS BALLS · . • • • • TRETORN TENNIS BALLS • • BIKE PAKi'S -TIRES -TUBES OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 · A.M. .to 6:00 . P.M. ' I I- ' . t I • '• lOTr~ r ~:-i,....----..--.,.~-~ ..... ,....~~---,....,,..~..,.. .... ------~--------~-------------------·------··~-·-- , -n.,.q,, s.,t-U, 19" .., ........... , . '· ' Marlin and bromltJ01 hive been very cooperative Olis past week and all indi..-point to anolber JUCCelSful ....und ahead. TbeJ llA! !1111belDItokenbdw,..the209 spot ond the u5t end cf CM1lfoa1lslud. wi&b IOIDt fish abotrin&: up m tbe lHnlle bank. n.. marlin are eapr 1o strike moot anyUUng lrnlled PU! their noees, but the bro8dbiD ~ a litUe more choosy, preferrbii Uve ~ .... lo Jill IDd llym. I • If the oeu ... -etoy calm and the ocean tempenlure ,.. : nWu ClOllllstanl, marlin sbould stoy an>Wld 10< at lust another : f~ to .m ·weets. ' ' WEATHER COOLS DOVE BlJNTING If the cool WUlher bu been • bleoslng 1o th• deer hunter it hu heel just the opposite fer dove bunters of Southern California. The don m11r11fn1 !rem Central California bave j)lll kept 1oin1 Into MelioO without even stopping in Orange Qlunty. 'f'lth and Game wardens in the Imperial Valley are reportine • ~ m...vUe drop , in the dove population, and the proepects far this : w'lrk""' in the valley are bad. • 'lbe autJo6I; fer other aroas ln Southern California Is no! much ··• -· '!be dove ""' not flocking IOgeth<r, they an lllJl Illy and are not hmnc to come to water u often. SAN DIEGO YELLO!l"l"ML DERBY ENDS S.hlnla7 will man the end ol the U6I San Diqo Yellowtail Dlrby as more than a qualified an&Ien will C'(llDpete foe top ~ prizes., Inducting a new car. Wblla the priJ\clple llsb a1 this time will be all>l<ore. yellowtin tuna ond yeJklwt>ll. cbangu cook! be ~Jn the acl>edllled trips ii fiahinji cood!U'l" change drastlcalJy befcre Friday. Wlimen ID the dOrby will be det<n¢>ed tolely.., the •tlal>t of ~ IDll!vidual catch. The derby ii ...-..i lo be the oldest ; anlf moet .uc=s.'ul derl>y ol ill kind 'In the West. ~-;: • • . 'Xf;l.L<>w'l'ML BRIGHTEN PICTURE ' .., Sporifishlns 1and1nc oP1!f8lors along the aou1h coasl are -1rle1ighted with lheucellent yellowtail fishing they have bee~ •.ble llr offer their puaengen thia past wetk. The yellows art bitting 1llllil !rem Daa Point 90Uth lo San Diego. • ~· Albacore-.ni: fti.)1-out of range for most ot the Newport , lf.lit«,b.stcf boats, but a few charter boats are picking up :some big alhlrsUd ye!lowf!n tuna oome Ill miles off Ille N""!"'rt jetty. · AlbacQn: an~ well over 25 poUDda and an m::rening numbtt o( yeJlowftn tuna over 50 pounds are provldht,g anglers wit~ aonle bl( baW.. and ,... bacb, when •kii>pen are able to local• lhe miJratiof llCbools of fish. SPORTSMEN'S NIGHT SET T!1e 2511! Annual Sportsmen'• Night Banquet, ~ by the ~Gabriel Valley Ducks Unlimited Commltt.ee, 1VUI be held Fn· day ~vl!'Din& at the Pasadena Clvlc Auditorium . FuNt. fn:m Uie affair will go lo Ducks Unlimited ror iLs waterfo,wl ttbibilttation work in Canada. • The profl'3Jft will lnclode a new rum made by D. U. called : "The Welland~' and Is namted by Biog c...by. For more In- formation and ticket reservati~ phone (11') m.o401. LAGUNA lllllB GUN CLtlB QUALIFIES Larry Coffin(. 0..-and .....,.,. <JI lhe Lquoa Hills Gun Cbi'b,.,lill.l lbe qualifien for the Winchester Claybird Tournament repma! ;tioot-o!I to be held at the c!Ub ·~ ~- • •..Qualifying la!'l weekend were : Doug None, 0. L. Parker, siio young Doug cO!fong and Grant Tom all ol Southern Col!f~ Th.. w!IJllln( ~m of the ,..pmal shoot-«! will IO •• • the1loah Oct. 21-Nll''. Zin the Grand Babamas. .~ONE FOB SllAlllt FlSlllNG!' Pb\l Toter. head-man a\ D1vey'1 Led.er announced chat the boat "Sport''•skippered by Clyde Gillam will be goln( ool oo tl>ose u.ctl~n' "SharUooly1' fishing trips agam Ulis year. . Gillam hu tri(JI acheduled Sept. 19, 22, II IDd it. Loads ...,u be ~-10 20 passengen and the fare will illclUd~ heavy rod, reei, U..-i belly pad to brlnll hi th ... brutes. • Fat mbre lnformalion phone m-14.M.. 'SOFT SELL SAM ly Manin Myers : f 1s I " '· . ' ''7JMT, Mi.5JC? IT5 PIPE'P IN 10· 6fXJST OFFTCE MO.RALF, DfAA.1' Thol{ to Casca(l~ Sierras , . -I for Top Deer Hunt Pro~pects POLO ... (CollUn ... from P .. t fi) pionslrlp dtelims In the Sunset Le1pe. FREE ALIGNMENT (9.95 Value) With Purchase of Two Tires We Ht c•ster, c11mber, to.in and toe-out. I I fOR . , GUARANTEED 24,000 MILES! FREE INSTAWTIOI The Uons finished In a lie ror I.bird plact in 1961 and in· dicallons ... th•l they'll be just 11 tQlllb this year. COST,A MESA· . . WESTMINSTER Returrdq 1m1lora are team captain Qrts Ohre. forwa rds Bruce Baroa and Ken Dal/is, guard Jtll Haber and goalie Bob Weatherly. t 1 JONES TIRE SERVICE . L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire Dean Henningson ls a forward who11 ,.. plenty of .11ction ror Watmlnstet and up from the Bees to help out are CllUck -· • , .. 11e. and suard Ktllt!,arthel. Doh An 1 and Mar k Kenworthy complete the Lions depth. "l think we'll h111ve a iood !tam once we get adjusttd 11:nd worklni better as 1 unit," Mid Mannion . 2049 HARBOR IJ.VD. !At layl 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. Phone 540-4-343 or 64-6-442 I Phone 893-5572 DAILY I o.m .. 6 p.m. e Sat. 'Iii 5 p.rn. DA'IL Y I a.m. • 7 p.m. e Sit. 'Ill S p.rn. CMI ALL MAJOR. CREDIT ,.__ CARDS ACCEPTED " --· ·----·---,--....,.----------~-~ . ._, ___ ,,,.,, .... .., .............. ., .. ,_ .... ,.., ' Entries ,.. )D "' '" '" ,. m "' '" TMl•O •ACI. 211 Y•rlk. eldt. Cllllnllfl .. 11\irM ntllO. . ,.... ClllmlM ••ke '"°°· Nollfw F•e LMV (l"ettl Mt • .Aa ... Wll!h {Wll.onl M!..-lln V"'4iltl• Hln.r l"del•I Nolllldlr'1 l91w (Smith) Cl!! br l•n. Ot er.llY) TWo ,..._.ty 111,,. !Orn..,.) klotY'• Comet CC•rdHI) lcllldoe (Ill B1rikd Twitt.I 11\adow CH.Ir!) '" 1n "' '" "' "' "' "' '" '" "00tl:TM llACI. 4«l Yl!'dl. J Ytlr tldl .,.., 111>. Clelm\'111. Piii'" S20C1D. Cl11"'1M lltlCA II'°°· hl!n'l''I Bnt (Ad1lr) D'Arqo k.-, {Htrtl cue o.c:t r11-1 Tllll \11rict fC1tdo1el !di. Dl9"I" (It ..... ) ltrk Grtlld ltklllwnl Giid tu 15mlffll Doublt Htrt'I (~<ti t11'1'M •ACI. UI YI... t ~. A._.lllCU. l"vrH '"°"' lrld ,..,. Jr. •n '" "' '" "' •tt •tt "' ••• "" llOMtM aACt. JJD Y~ I yar oldJ'tNI U. In~ AA Plllt. "1rw $$0. TM '--ludl ~ ol -~. ••• Nvi #Oii l"POClottll A•~le Do I HMll ' P..:.n 61r Ill 84inli:1l ON 0t Thl'ff (Llpllllml Lffy 8-1 fMeRt¥1'10lcbl TOP l!llm!n1tor CC.rdoul Hyd<IU•-. Cl'ik f$mlll'I) Jl'llVlloi' (Ro&l.-n) Sallor'I °"''" llllU..,.l Pin h l'I Oal'ld'( IStr1u11o1l Race Results ll:COtl!O llACI. 40CI Yt rdf. J Ytlf ela1 «Id 111 l'tl Grede II Plus. PurM 11.D. • Mr. """""' 81r IAdlllr! 0... 'IT'wtl IC...do1el Jlotn Ill-IH C~atlllJ TllM--ll' t/to J.Cl t.18 2.4 'llO !.l'O •• SCnil"19f -Mo.ul\I,.. Bar, Gott• Trout Plants The following South tr n California waters, listed by CCKmty, are scheduled for stoc)ting this week w it h catchable-size rainbow trout. I The Orange Co~st's Most Cqmplete PRINTING "SERVICE Phone 642-4321 1111•181Miii!11 ~ ea s SPOITING GOODS SANTA AllA t1t l. ~" kf 7.J7U fWDTOH IOI S. llodW 171.ntl NEW J SKI r GOODIES • A comt:ilete new line of Head Skis inel,.fing the new Killy Gless Sid • Drop in and see the new aver lht boot ski pants-no more pull Of discomfort. • Lange Boots with e new S minute ftow liner flt. • New Rossignol-Fischer -Hart-Kniess!· and A & T Sk~ lust "ri<ed. HUNTERS """"' .... -°""' 1\h Set • .......... 0,.-0rt.ll • DUCK SPfClAL Sl!OTGUN SH!US .... $US Box l lMlf 7 TO CllSftlMCl • Dlcoys-Outk C.111- "ip Boo!S-Huntiog CO.IS-Hunting Pant>- H.nd W1nner1-Elec1ric H"tSox-U~­ Outlc Hatt. ~---... ··~ ...... .. ..,_, . ··c:·,-.---··· ·n.n..,, S.,e1 ' Ii IF U, ltM .. '" .. I I I 0 ' I ' ' ·I .. T elecredh: •. " ' Expan4i~g=- • UlS ANGEIES -~Bll') - ORANGE< COAST COL~EGE . No -'~nlon c~arire . . . Aft'\•tfo411tf;o•~to tl.o ho~C f1111d•m.e11telt of lft'fedillt 1'~Cor­ etor•fo st.ch,. le..ds. .,. .... , hMh, GoVK~111e11t .. ,..,,, .. il4i'1'9 & Lo .. M1oci•tioin.. .lahM~ to 9; ... pr.ctk-9 \Mwi.4 .. of l11..sf9'"h •1111 stock OR~.,.,. operof"ool\1, -. --. ' WM. L O'BRYO!':!, Instructor I ,. I I s... •. 14ttl ~ ....... .:... w 1 dqs 1:30 .. f:.Jt,... -, . . ' ............... i11tM~ .... .....,... .... ........... ~- We'n · boldmc'•• Sllll'dnar on Capilal~Giins. · M,llttt.6 f'U:nds ml Uho. You can ttav1 toy.r choic;8 of dates-September 13 or so.·, ' . Speaker: Allall t. nupatllck, MBA ·• Al:l:Dunt~Uve Time: 7:45-9:30 PM ri~: n-eas11r11 Chest Restaurant Alallnquln Avenue Jbiiitlngton Beach 1'ie Will d1s<:ua: • 5P!t*noa. •Ute s.om Mubt. .,...,_ ... 11ot....,, llawJl.Warb. •Salllc.t~ 911ecb..e ltlDll FmdL '"• $ ~ Dli»Jnl to Mell .. ,,.... .. •JlitUll'&I. . t AJINOw tM Time 18 BayT 6boUl JOI WlUT ., .. ~tlll ... _.... ...... __ .. ... ;. ~- 'lblft'• no cbaqo. of mune. bul space .. limited. Y?lb'JD at1end nm proVocattveltcnu"e. ~ Patet 213-4l7·29'71 fotSoUL1'98el'YUion or setld JD tbeO>UPOD b'1ow ln4lcatlng the date • most Cila~ lor vou. . ' . . .---------:'--- ---~- -· I ~ I . ~-<.O,YER;(tlfE-.1 €tf llN .. , ..... ' i• • .I ,. • • m ..... , &tot.t . ., .. the Moltth" titto 9001 to M.tt Sdiiff for tho,111q1f "-•1.li1~·. for 10!0. . . ~ rool ttfOfMllOul ~" bol &t.... Mwt ••• '"'•" • COO• .triHt lulllot ttlnu1thO.. lii1 •• ., .,.¥' ... -. "''"'~,et,.., ............ ot 1700 H-r-t 11...t. Hi• ...,._, ... , •• ,... lirt.t- rity •ro .. 1y~ two i-ooMh for ~is .... ~ll_oo"!_M 1occo1 .. ' · SOny m,• Colo.r 1'Y , the w,,,-It slio .. d kve Ilk• lllYenHd 111 ..... fi~ plGc.! Color TY •.• TM wly it ,was. i11v•nt.d1 Ms buHt0ift lirftitetioils ... No melter who mekff it! lee cut• th•y el us• tlte s•m• systerri. · We developed a better systelWl See tfl\t SONY ·"One-Gt!ii'" Trfiiit"'91® CQLO~. TY af· ., .•. 'ELECTRONICS un ••mtoit .,,.._.,lllA • . I' ... P '' ' ·~ > • • 1 • -•• IJl!tt S.....t w .. t 11"1 St,, t • . ' . - •• ~ ' . '' .. Finance -:-;;-r:-·· .. 'I • .. . . • • . • Ji • . ' ·,· f -• ., .. , . • • ., . , • I , .. ' • . '· ... . ~ .. ' • . •; ...,_ • ' ). k ' I ' " ... ' ' • ' . . +. •• ~~.-~:-r~~"'1".":~-.::~:"'"""l"'!"~....,....,......,.,..~t~-~·....,..~·..,..~..,.,--.,.,.... .. --~-:-:-:;~"""'--,-~--,-~......,.~-;;,.,...,....,,-.,-'7-.,.,""'7"--:::-C-:-"7"...,...,"":"":":'':"' , .. • .. .. " . . < ' .. ' . ! i ·~· . ~ ' ~ ' 1 t "' -•• , . ' ,. . ' ... .. - • ~ lnAHH~ • 'iditionr I • ' !·' _, +1 l """""l £111 •• + .... •• 'f. .. ' ~~-~· -.. ------~·.,.---_,.-"°""-,,--,--,-;--....,..-,,.---...,---.,....---------------,----c---------------.. ----------------- p DAD,Y:fM! '1 : r Morning exercl-ore led bJ a Choruo member. • • Above lhe Lltlle Outtlt Ranch, director Hnskell works \'{Ith soma membtra on new arrangements. - Prlcflc. on rope twirling fllfs a portion of lhe day. At day'• 1nd, lhl flag1 ol Arizona 1nd lh1 Unllad Statu ore loWertd In proaer ceremony • . . . , • ·' . ·~~-•~·--~-·=-:-••~·~·~ .. se••~~~-•~wc•o-o"w~•~-•**CUCC ... s•:o"o~.-.'""""~'*"*".,.~'~.,... .... cocowu.,..c+•o"'••••~FCOEU:WW..,.,r. ... ,....0-• .. ••~0S~#•~ .. ~...,osu~•~•~•:SC..,,~,,nc.-o•ono~o•""n••w"w~•~~·~..,-... ~~~~•~~ .... ..,~ ... ·~·--~~...,. ,4,...,.,_,..'!!"~ ' 11i · F<LAL a .,.1'Ff'"' '""'-' \ ~ "- Live In the 3 BR Sharp • Sharp hOroi Uif baVe 84' X 233' ~ lot to use tor. b•lneat. I ~e gar. W-. ldal lot ..-qe or ? ? $39,500 (Name your terms) Newport at Victoria ~II (anytime) POSS. 5 BR & FAMILY . DO You NEED.· .. · ' 'n>I• Wt• fAm;Jy home bl North C.01la Mesa wt.th "11 ' HoU$ES FOR .SALE HOUIEI FOil SALi HOUSES FOllsALE HOUSU POii SALE HOUSES FOil SALE Ooneral 1000 0.-et 1000, C..to ~ UOO Hoonff~ ...... 1400 .........., llooc:h 1• i..,un. leach . 1705 ,o,c, In A Wllite ' PRIDE OF e,v <>:.."'· ._<.1l 1-~-''"!~'~1 • ~ I I S, ; · , HANPY~S .. home [n~ ol\4"' with a OWNE8 CHIP v• ~· -· ,__ -FAST MOVE IN ~I • I-me unl1o 1lo Price to rna~h eomea , on . """ aepu'atety, block Wall 1' • .)'l!i. to beach Patios. dlClu the market. s bedrooma, Beaut:lf\d entry, espenlivt quiet 1Midt11ttat: clOll!. to' New ·homea, ready (o move lo " oille "/OCMn vieW. Nda, paint. double detachod gvace with ..,,,...! •1'1aot ..,.... ond ~·~lf". ·1 1668 ViJo. from beacb..Fint ~yment up tO 80 days "Pr'°' •• ~. ~ldul9.00ll,_.,. • ~pa.rate "'Orie shop to sat. n:quiJi e decat'l.Unc a:reetl --• .. after _......., '-"'---WY tht bobby man. ():)n. )'OU u you walk in. THREE '18 ~ * FIXER UPPER * move m. MJSS[ON· REALTY '41f«SJ """' drl"""" -pad WU:E BEDROOMS, TWO ,,,,;,.,.,•' BR. 1 BA -· • Ttrmu VAJFHA. From $22,f9C!. COMMANDINGo !:r:.t~~i: ~~U::ci!~~ih~~.~~~=~~e: CORAL SHORES ' c...t•~t.un. ard Immaculate)¥ ...-.,. il>I. lnclooln& d1"'Wul\"• ,._ c.M. . . • View la< In Lqtinu B.Oocb ed. Perfect '"' the ""an ·-'"• ,.,,. ...,_ (oo Garfield between Buch & Magnolia '"""'· Small bet 1a vet. jamily or "'""' couple, try, tamily ""m w;th etld--Vordo 1110 9 6 2 • 1 3 5 3 $].000 J?owu, W . at fl1> pr\ ,m e eutside location. tna: glaa11 dOQr& to lar1e pa.. mcmth. $1137 Only $28,500. tio , 1urrowided with. bah. d1, 2 BEDROOM. Larp OOl'nqt • oozy, m.o de r n, .z BR. d~oo .. lawn•. ROCK W/o-lot 3 car..,..... EHlbluif 1242 Huntlnttofl' ..,_... 14oo sio."". 100 ea.,.. Acru "For A W.iae Bu," =F.!!ir and blc e. men t BY OwtfER.•545-«JOi Drtve, 213: 399--2!501 .i.ctric....;..~J..i!:: · =~ 5•~":~ ~: Assume $18;000 .,,.,. drive. '"';, home "" Newport le•l:h 1200 ""!ilY "'" 2 ~ ' car 6"/o Annual L.,una Nltuol be ,.,,.... '°' only ""'"'· I/I ..,, -patio, cul<!..., GI 'M-n 1707 Leguna Niguel Terr. Excellent up~r bty locatkln. 1treet Wlll leut; garde.ptr • • MIU West~lfffl SY•% Lo•nl pD:1 or oorwider trade A·l At $141 P'1' month 1'0rAL! Spodeu three bedroom • two beach inmrM pro p e rt y • Lovel.Y shake root bDme wttb bath home. Smail dinhlC 6"-0170 ftlr appointmnet l 1'rEe bedromns and 2 P:QlL room. covered patio, luse wit~ owner. man baths, Walk to ~! comer lot! Price only $48,500, Carpets &: Orapea. ALL Bay lo leach Rlty., lftl'. Coron• dol Mor 1250 ELECTRIC. KITCHEN • 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126 NB 1 • DISHWASHER! LoveJy Clll- New' 2500 sq, tt. 3.-4 a S Br. ~ in ocean view.area. °""""'· lront -.... with apdn)der:s: blbllf telf.. ~' ~k .,.... ~ . , . lbe built • iu iocludillf a Colesworthy & Co. 645-,000 Eve~ 6"-<001 Lu-'-View Home "''" littplace .,... beam ,.., Evenings Call 646-f579 • in&' ramil1 room! Graclouis deanlnc Mrr. 3 car pnae, $58.150 To $61.950. Exoellerit tlnanclnr with ,dedin.ilw In. terest rite"trom 71'~ to 6%%. Letun• Nigue~ Corp. * BY OWN~ * Open Hou&e Sat-SUn 1-7 back y&rd with OOVEREO 0ceantront Home, 3 BR. util Wee.It Days ~T PATIO and block wall fenc-'99.,... 511.mi PIJlCE RED0CU> ~· V~ Oldtr 3 'Br, :2 Sa: bGme. '•I water conditioner. Needs a CAN't 4 ~ • den + ·~w muter aUlte aM re-little TLC. VA?J1t &: pri~ l~==-"'00.~/,;.I 1_1 ~--Comfy Cottage ... _n.: -""""' . modeled ldldl!n plui ~ x wa.y under mlirket. Jluny " $141 T I P M ~ r«n Ir, formal dil). ;n. foot bobby rocm and doQ.. , this ~'t Jut. o N LY ote er_ onttt ' nn, ~win&: rm, llv rm ELepnt 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. tni w/trplc Ii: ocean view. family room., Thl5 home '• W£ SELL A HOME Mltsion Vleie 170I Roomy kit w/blm. • be.,,tllul landocapln( • -EVERY JI MINUTES IAPAZ San 1Wt1ne ~~ avocado shae Cl"Plc ~ on.tins compliments t be w lk & L .. ~ 1tW """" In !his _. blo ..,..., Orcular -$29,150. lncludH , tiDme. ?few pool wtt!li crete\lftvetqihillbaclc~ Princip.11,5~% This Is tnaly a doll house with 2 eood alz.ed bedrooma a COQ' living room with floor tu eelttng brick fireplace, Urls lftUe boUSe bas bPen com pletely l'e'Pf,.inted inside and-ollt, it bas all new tar- petint thto1.11bout &: it sits on an R-2 lot, full prlce ls fl!,<OJ, 10% dn. will make it youn~ out1t1ndl nr ~fir ~ tnabs thil ?>b'bY interest, taxes and insurance cMkh.n or enteJ:11.inln1. IQOm Ir dOO~ gare&e ad-on 1his ASSUMABLE V.A. ~~~ ~.~'.~ ~:::i .,.::; .::.~ a er ee rr~a.'i,"°M. ~fj!)~: Hlsh lnsu,1.•1::.e loan ·~forconYl:l'llionto ' loan1 NO Jncreue of inter- avallable u; ,.1 o Id . UJl.. . a aall home-type~. est and £Vli:R"t,ONE q~· 01" (213) 698-3621. Ow~r. '44-1392 7682 Edinger ·~ nn. nn. Xtra la: BAY AVE. DUPLEX BRICK, SHAKE 842""'5 o• 541).0jJO lot, ard ~-· ·~ medll,t21y •. f,ete Bar!• tt All ttN & more on B9 'x 131 642.tnl a~i--. lfle.s. Immaculate· No rtk ~I;)' 60-6200. loot, R-2 Jot, 'i:::zzzz-=''':='"'=i""z: I Cbetil Mesa home. Ow1'ler 2 Modern wtlll in best area. Pllrquet, set tane ol quiet al. Open eves. :!.e~. 830-~ A • ·B >' Easil,y rented, adequtte re-11.ue~ thruout thi• new 11'- tum. Tenns; $59,000, vine Tem"e 3 BR. home .ftllCE REDUCED! R!NTAL) BURR WHITE ...,, on cJoee.1n edvan...., s..utHu1 • Bl!. ...,. t11<i--"°"="=• """;;,;•m=l"'"''""~-I 5 lktll m • 3, laths 1; will "''• """ """ the .0own payment. "'Poal" • $~6;9$0!! CAMEO SHORES WE SELL A HOME l'IDut Jocafkm neiu'·nery-F'abulous view harlle. EVERY ~1 MINUTE_$ . REALTOR ' of mirilihum cue yard. Off. beach., 2 lirepJacts, uPCf'&d· Gener1I 2000 dll.Da. Laslrotll Wood panel· Just listed ln Walker ·g lee bW. -:lll<plwe, a> Exdus;ve cam.. Siio"'· tn.ctlve bNUl&il bar. Far la Newport Bl\'d., CM Witt. J ovct'5iz.e bedrooms, Mil! ~. Ne-~ Bl•d '.s ered at SM,900. ed c •'Pe t I •lo -'-~ ~ -~o.z."53 N~~ Hal Plnchln lo Aaloc. doon, oompletely n;;'.::i so. Lquna. 2 bdrm, ,,.... 3900 E,. O:>ut f{Wy. 6Th-C92 and on rpaclma comer With view. $180 incl waia. Avail DECORATOR FRESH boat psridn• uva. On I y mw to July r, (213) ,..._ Comfy 2 Br. w/extra Jae·. liv, $39.995, FRA tertrl.1; or wzit.e: 611 No. Millbt rm .. bdwd. llnl:, walk to ~c Sho=~ves. .r::. San O.bri~ a ~· ...,,. -: tun -CALL 646-3928 _ and 3 o.u.. pl"' Ir entertai.niltl. 51).l'l'JO E\res, 64'-lR'n 645-2290 large, view l&mil,y l'OOUl. :ZOU Westditf Dr. 646-ml Open Eve~. LARGEST 4 BR, 21,1 BA. Largt livilll roon\. F\replatt. Kitchen- diajng mom. Family or ctm. BeautiM patio, double garage. Owner. For app't btwn 3-10 AM or 6-10 PM. T,t.RBELL 2'SI ti..... elegaot -lfvjog room. PRIVACY It QUIET SMALL HOUSE l7l05 """""""' poo1 $SAYE$ 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 5461640 t verythini. R.-:1 Lot. -..u. 3 BR, + 1 tu d to. are usu.red. OioiCe 3 Im 3 ·Car saraae ..,... 1x. tam. rm. ~ BIG LOT 11111.S<l>. °"'"'""'Al( carry 3 Bedrooms·$21,300 $140.00 Mo. OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 $34.500 . Beaulilully tum. tropical DoLancy Roal Eatoto 51/4°/o .INTEJlEST patlo. Orilllren OK. Bltr 642~. ""'"""'""only .. V~.1%. &. Hi qual, _..., A real, nice 2 BDR hardwood ww cpU:. New flooring thN-<floor home on qoiet ''banjo" out. Lovely poal·s:i: )'d. street. Room lor another P J.M""" . BE THE FIRST • To !!Ce th.ii 3 Br. 2 bath ho~ ln EutblU:ffs. lmmac: comtr 2828 El. Coaat Hwy. , 613-37'10 Only $153 month M5--011l ' . ' Paymeot>. Huze ,......,,.ded ,:::::::::;=::::::;:::;=::;::::r I lot aod beautil\J.I. 3 BR; 2 . Rentals to Shira 2005 bath borne. Extra .la.rge cav. -------- Broedmoor a.y View Assume· 1'4 % loan. Corner pool4~ lot. 4 BR., fam.IIJI rm., fOmial din. rm: 3 car Ill!'. Exttmive d.eekinii w/ fantut1c views. $69,500 Cheshire Ree.I Estate. fi1S.2500 $31,~ Hurry! separate unit on !his large You'd better iil!!oe this Ont', all new olive green high pile -Intl accented by ilcb W'll.lnut Panetinc, all on an oversized lot. beautifUI tree lined street, take over exf8t. big Joan or get a new one. SPIC 'N SPAN prop., huge yard beaut. lnd-ered patio, hardwood 0oon. SHARE 5 BR boole,'·S ba. 3 Xlnt location. Call tor lnfor. car pr w Im a·tDre , P.W.C. 54&oM40 ft.-.2 Jot. 6% loan available. llere'a • beautiful 4 BD-scpd. 139.500. ~E • Pool. 3 BR, 2 $20,700 RM, 2 bath borne that is Delancy Real Est•t• immaculate! Atany cute 2828 E. Cout Hwy. 673-31'10 ma&n an lo kl down. employed ma I e. a.t. BA. bltns. w/w, compl blck &ttce. Pl,000. Bia. 646-3750 1000 I Newport a t Victori• -II (anytime) MUTUAL REA~ TY 646-lli;8, -ask Hr. 1 142-1411 Bakl!f, I decorator ideas, 11pac:ious BEACH BARGAINI 1dngle story floor-plan Oiarmlng 3 Br. 2 ba. home. FIXER-UPPER 11.nd clever re a r yard Carp., drapes, bltns. Steps 8;'<Wio owner, · .. ~~~ hi"•Y· TRANSRRREDI NEAT, 1.'0rtseru&J, wartdne SLIP & PIER Id""'""· Not '"""· omtil lo ocea"' $23,900 -·900· aw ~ ... """"'°· • lady lo ,...,,, una1I apart· $79,500 Nov. IO plenty of time to CAYWOOD REAL TV '"Yell ' w~kends. 615-Sl<tl RUSH! {BR, 2 Ba, like new ment wlth aarne. $9:) mo. Custom built, 1 unils, water-sell ~ ho!W!; but SPe 6306 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. days carpetJI, drpe, electrie kitch.. .,.c,,..M,.,._-. _______ 1 11.,.,. ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J lmnt.Oiarming3Bedroom, IJRANGE COUNTY'• th..if one today. ottered e 54-1290 e. 129/. NETI NETI en, w/dillllwasher. Larre SHARE.2Bd 1 11: ~ at $34,$0. (~o/o lo&n Asktoscethis f-UaJt "tteal ... t.'Oltltt lot wtth boat pte'. rm-.mma·e , ·..mroL' CH.uO· i:l:ME. . 2 bath!, """""'' ltitchoo. LARGEST available with . •UbNnt· PLUSH In -b:. &Od ""'" .. """'"' ·~ GI bJI, Leu -ept W/ .. _ ... FOREST E. OLSO,N ~ '' larie pario ·plus 1 bedroem 2629 HARBOR Bl VD. iAI down~. De9eriht! thill 2200 sq. n. more?~ than ~ mo Includes an. Newport 8 ~ • c b • '35. 'llptt & tundcclc. Make offer. 54' 16to cusb:lm View home. Fee Canott Realty 61~1 Eves: '968-1178 ,,,m.si="'l9=--,,,----,--·I Inc. Realtors Ownen have mowed to new Mary Loo Marion OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 land S64,500, owe 1st T.D. The Real Estate Mart W~ Roommata to home and need immediate ....... tlro-Cl , 2 BR., den, 2 baths. Beaut 847-BS.n ..-.... abaft oceanfroiit .... NEWPORT MESA VERDE PROPERTIES WEST d""'rated. All wool cerpei., --Mle. -Lovely 3 Bedroom., -11 tten El*"""'"' CTh Ale), 5J6...4mi. ext BEACH DELUX~-2 bath OD <1wet..uie ""'"1 S BEDROOM 675-4130 67>1642 many '" · ·•-" bar 263 Extratariellvinf!'Ootl.lm Cold II lb k g ( Ab!lolulely spotless, and so GOOD NEWS &. restlul garden patio. Working .M•n's DlthJ IFURN=°'·"'"'A"'pt=-....,..=,.,Wt"""'-~"""I DUPLEX master bedroom with' Joad1 we ,· n er 0. laslCfully decorated. it'a bet. NswP!'rt tleach 1~ $48.500. Own/qt 673--0143. Sbup 2 BR tn t.dnlt com.mun. • to ~ aA• -pebbln throw from of storage space, -Free S50 Newport Center Dr. 'fer than new, 3 Baths, tux-INVESTOR'S Speclal (2) R-2 lty. All desired Ouilt-lns. 2l-30 on Balboa ~ninsula. form heated pool, -$.f.9,500 Newport Beech, Calif. urtous gold shag carpets, Travels rasf so hwTy! Af.. DUPLEX lots, s. of Hwy + 2 rood Fully carpet@<! and dnped, •673-=nc'985;;-;o;;;-;,.;;;:-:=-,--I the poundlDg wrf, Two -Let's talk terms. Ul-0700 644-2430 ai!JfOm drapes, Block v.'lll tume S27,000, a%% loan. Sale Ol' lease, tmmac. rum, bowles. $58.500. Owner and walk to lhoppinl ctJ1ter. SHARE NB 3 BR, 2 BA. bat. 1arp bedroom•. Large fence. patio, tropical land. k>rc with colossal BDR'!, 3 near beacb, 4 Br, den, 2 Ba, 673-4169 f18.<XXI i'ULL PRICE. Frplc, swim pool, term1-eta. ~ ~e ~ LlNDER ~ping, $48,950 -Don't !::: ~~°:~~dl~';f 2 trpW, each. unit. 2nd tmll LGE. hilltop lot. Penp. View Pacific Shores Realty $112 mo. 646-8685 ht ~ Great Jo-OWNED! miu ltli.s one. firepla~. Entertain a.round leued at S355 mo, $10,000 , of ocean A hllli. Privacy. &414586 !J6:t!l'1U eves. ~E •or fen;Wt, 'J:Jr 3 mt. mtion. Big renlll, pays for 546·23'3 • 646-7171 Dx40 ~w. filtered ):loOI. dn. owner 6fl.3490. ~altor m-anB GARD~! . aperlnwntS, N.k. ~ Jim. itRlf. Oftl1 $38.500. Call VACA.NT, 4 bedroom, 2 bath For appgint:ment IO lll'r.; call BLUFFS BAY VIE\V. 3 Br. 2 Like a 3.f.x20 l&tb bou8e 675-~ alt 8 PM. 11 --C~-ta~M~--O~irty~-r "''ith OCEAN VIE\V from Dan • ~ ba on wide r re e n be It. Lido Isl• 1351 BU~ Girl to -~ IOW! 64.'>4303. QS •. I~ . 1'he modem BUILT.JN kitch-~ R.edu~ SGOOO for 'qWCk w/wor11.: benchea a~cbed to · .. , ,en:Lt'nctcrWANTSACTION '("I 540-1151 . NEWLISTINGI to:Klxllcov.patioTAUthil beautttulhonwin 'Newpc:rt How abaat 4 Jarte bedrooa15, alllf ha~ priced at Just · · sale! Owner. G44-426S Real ah&ll> "Z-sty. hbme ep-attc'd lo iorseotJS . 3 BR Beach.. ~319 eves CITY RANCH- HORSES! Assume 6 °/. Loon· The bi& 6 % loan, pa:(I ft'U)'lh1na at $l8S.50 mo. f master mustft bed- room& Large, 25 tt. living room. Bi& country kit- dlm with deluxe built-ins. H.,.., b""' lot· ffaht';I> 1be city! Plenty <t .~ room, and yoo can have bones tool Don't deliyl c.n today 1cr exclth\a low' price and terms. DlaJ 1643<13. TAKE OVER 71/).'/. FANTASTIC BUY fantastic $20,ro::J lo&b. No tee.. One ol 35 beautiful trwn h.omes in eJtcluslv. Newport ~da area. To- tol prico $23,250. 2..tra llrle bedrooms, 2 b&tU, _..,.,-·w+dttb ........ .._ ..... Only 10~ dn. Hurry! C&Jl 16®3. ' COSJA MESA f El'-ST r$1DE , """"'" ,ano1 .,..!tit .. atrftt 1n town. Decorated I 1-droam home, bm:al' ,iwn.. -pllllh !!°' cupttfnl O'Vft1<~ new ttle la 111tt1ia1 '9nd "'"'' Giact• lalil .,... -Jmnuliae luden ol DoJma. Alley ...,... "" boau end trailers. Great . &ocation! ~· prJM .. [ ti $24.!f95..00. Here'a clincbn! Near new •• btal')'! Call 154.So 1111)3, roREST E. Ol$.ON· 2 baths, elcc bit-ins, double ;33,000. Full Price $21,950 1~·1 ·Newport Heights 1210 ~ ft l Nwpt West h.ome .. '33,850. ONE Or two YoWl& bi•~lllW garaze. 1arg9 cu1-de-sac Jot. WE SELL A HOME JNCLUDES THE LANO! ~ IMl IAUI ' =~~. By .:;;.t. ~ly. Br. l Ru L. Hodau ltltr. 347-2525 men to sh.are 3 BR.! ):lre9dt Ion:e<t alrhmting, 6% inter. EVERY 31 MINUTES Cute 2 BR + dml.ne area + WELL LANDSCAPED $56,000 Finn TOWNHOUSE -Huntington .apL scs.a:t· atter 9 PM esl on an usumable Joan, w lk & l Anthony pool, New pa.int in-3 Bdrm. Li;e. livinr rm.&: LIDO REALTY INC. Contp>en~ 2. _Adnn, 1% ~ rDPmmat (1).3)). paint ii; fix·~ -"-c . a er ee .;., •ml out. V•cent . Im· ACRE IN Wnlly rm. ,,.,.., lrpl, WIW v;, w .. hlor Ba, crptd, drpl, Ill ... -· .... .-. ..... ' mediate posse&lkln. HUR· cpts. over HW fin. Carpt'd. 33n Via Udo m7l00 pllucer. l.l1e .ntW Cond. BR Beach ~Pl &'13-'19U 20l3 W"ltiill Dr. RY ' NEWl'ORT P•tio. Sha"' & cleao. A pr. 116,..->. ""'56H all 6 pm. 646-rnt Open Eve!. d ~--ooo Costa -· 210I 546-$110 BEACH "'~--~· , • ., · BAYFRONT HOMES .SHORECRESI' 3 Br., fam. , · . , • ci.- R-2 LOT BEACH 1,..,~~·i Graham Rfty. 646-2414 Priced from 1116.500 nn, 2 Ba. blt-ina. -•c. 1 BR. •·--·--· "-O~NGE ·COUNT)"S ~-'""-4 bdnn homo+ IAmily room N Newport""'' Olli -~ ·-" ·-- LAD""EST' SALE OR TRADE 01:!-E...,.G£•REAL1l & olfice, Hones OK. Spanish ear · ee See ua'tor tbe-Lido Yel'751l a. niceFHA . .,.._, existing month. Call 8.f.2-201:ii na. 2629 H •R"a"'OR· BLVD 35'"9!>' AJlpl"OX.i %·block from ....., lllfter..-tile roo.r. wet bar, view, 3 BEDROOMS-Pool -3 car ho~ to auit your nee<h ~10 • aw ·down. ont,: dayg 536--Ul'l "" · ocean f'l'I exdellent a'.rea •• many Cnras. gar. Green h.ouse. Chann Walker Rlty. 67s.5200 Bkr/owner 1 2'13-610a2:m _ 546 8640 owner would mnaider trade JEAN SMITH, plu:ir. Vogrl Co., RI tr 1 3336 Via Lido, NB Open sun. BEAUTIFULLY Deoor. 4. Newport Beech 2200 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 lo• dUplcx "'triplex. 19,000 IRYINE AYE. 6T>-20'JJ BR. townhoute. -.... -~-----=I Subordination. Asking sn.ooo Realtor Strikingly Handsom• 5%% ntA. By owner LIDO Sandi!. .f.909 Broce BAYFRONT CHILT ROBINETT Custom built home, large en. 6461255 Dover Shores 1227 HUGE cor. CUil bit. 4 Bd. $l6,SW. 96l-S291 Crescent Avail to June 1S. S ~ formal 3 bedroom REALTOR 64~ ~ courtyard for maxi· 400 E. l?th, Cast& Mesa 4'19 811. Upgtr, VU, Great Bedr, 2 bath, wuhttldr)'er, hxne wttti eied de d' mlll11 privacy. MaQy C'Xtn!l * CAPTIVATING entertairu,.. tn 4M' sq, tt. Huntington 1mcf!d yard, Pool a.VIA. pen n. ~ EXECUTIVES in this beautUul a Bdr home. Ditterent "Old World" ~ liv. area I: patios, fmM Harbour 1405 Neer beacll. $ZO mo. No ~~;:"ex: movinr to Newport Ba.ch. $.f.7,500, 4 Beclrm . +'Pool temporary,, executive tuXury R. c. GREER .. RHlty pet.f. (1) S35--.f.51!li or Cll ite utste, Owner must sen Nl'W Iv11n Well's qUality Wells·McCerdle, Rltrs. HUGE BONUS FOOM home. Unobstructed Bay '-3355 V\a. Lido 673-S3QO WATERFRONT nel&bbcn '7"l&-31B4. N~.1 ~-• .. --.•. ll5.<m, OH· view homC!s In Dover Shor-1810 Newport Blvd., C.f.1. FamUy room adjacent built-Mtn VU-most rms. 5000 sq. acrou the 1treetf Still just --,,P;;;ENIN="=r"""' -cl'O=.·INT=-1 v" ~"'-""' ¥1'¥ t __.._ f II. 4 BR, 411.. BA + ..... ,... · IP.Ill"""' I • ~-ere:i 6t $131.600: Owrier wtll er. -..,,e bd~ 3 be.th farn. 548-7729 anyUme Jn kitchen, F:ireplacr. Loads 1'11 "....,.... Huntington Beach . \400 __.,_ or new Bdnn., CHEERFUL 3 BJl.. 21 BL C001kler $30.000 down Dy rooms. See models oJ)C!n or dtckin&. TreC IlnPd 1treet. qt.rs. Ideal for ente.rtalniJli. formal din. rm., 214 6ath!t. Wlritp 1amlly rm i9nced •10,:J, 111,~CftG' b ~~f~' 1!30 Gllaxy Drlw. CUSTOM BUILTS20,000 54<>1720 TARBELL 2'55 >rar. Euy m&ln, lmmed oceup. Going To Foreclosure . Rumored 15,000 price. h> play ;...... 'Sle .. ~ -ft.·~'\ ......-f-"' MOUNTAIN V(,EW bot $178,000. Aaunw·6"% loan. Vacant l BR 2 bath. Electric cte\Wl! C.4:2-Mor!thC Star.~ Avail. NOW! $375 Mo. 714). '424235 WATERFALL & BBQ Spadoua ~rooms, riCb wood Boi 1632 NB. !i48-72t9 baDt-ln range "-oven, ll!:P-Hunt lJi & ton lh.rbbu:P. Hal Pincbitt &: AiJi:J!.. !1$.4392 ..},,, "--~' ... ,,, $23 50 --1·-r.,.. t t arate '-"1 dlnlne room, Broker, 5f6-6288 • ...---"'"~N ·~";;~~;:'.'• 120 , , 0 ~-'"•• ' •=· cerpe. Costa MoH 1100 Wntclllf 1U0 Oiied .::t'.j;f.-•ac.. Tak" •WINTER. 3 .. BR., ~ M ew)kJl'tr~ ed &: draped th.ru-out, utiJ.. .,.... OJ.'<'"' duplex. }Owe ~ · to be~ wtth payments tty room, covered patio, ROOM FOR * SPAIU«.ts' A' SHINJ:S! f:tim ' to bail It out Pay-Fountalri1 V•ISef 1C10 . r, fru:i.. BALBOA PENINSULA ltls-than l"flllt! Large cowr. doublr garage, 2 years new. , mtnfl JeA than rent. Drive prefer famil1, &:nf OiriJu. ~.~~-• •• •I I .. iJ .. .....t ed .patio. Full dlnhi; room. TA RBELL. 137-<645 or 6 UNITS Inside Ir out. J-J.vb)I im. din-by !~Santa Marta. Faun-WHY PAY RENT? · ft:ont. NB. $22$ · ?~l: •w~ . ...-. "' ...,....... Spnnlden • luM landac•P' 137•776 $22, 950 11"' rm, '1"' bl~-· taln Vllley. Yr. ol<I Spsnoh •111<. ,,. 511&-~"'9 tamJJy ~· ~~ lo-ine.. ·540-Jf20 'J'IAJWELL.*5 · °"'ner Is anxious IQ di!lwse crpta &: d1'1:. 3 B~ t""B,A, ~64'." 11L\Jou. 3 Blt, BA;i:,Y;iSH""o"'RES°'';::-.~.,-;:lldrm,=. -=.~ ... -1 ~i~.~ /m~:t;:. '11;H;r v!~!.~e.~"A!!;, k:t :;"~~ ~:.~-.E'~a.r ~ , .... ~cf.:~~: to 1 =~~~~=-~ , ,.t.7'1 po.u Dtl ~., ~~SA VERDE amable, Sell or 1 .... 1,,.. ·~ 800 "'"JS98 -=. 'mo. -~ , t "'""" -. !Joo. p,;"' 178.500. ,,.,,,..,. -. • WOW" REALTORS ... 1sa NEWPORT Cl!U'l'I: 2 st R,..i a'1'"1.~~alty ' , S B!1,DROOMS George Wiiiiamson •508 CUMBELAND LANE , 1 " 3008 E. E»all llwy., Ol1'f _,.,...,..,, dltp., -·· , -· m "· B&llD. "" 17MOOO 3 '1IMN. •lectrlc bll • ;..., REALTOR 3 Bed"""!'. ' Bath > IEPROOMSI toed. yd,' -u:"' • .;it ,~ftView-$25-,8ll01 rpla/dip•·•,la•'cor IOt, 8T.J..<:t:io Evett. rn.15114 71 °"""Bia. 6!MIOO OnlY PJ,ooo S..I leech . , 14~ w....r. :iili nm., B.'IHlM ·'l)lll IWFfS" ~IDSO~:!¥..i111 . $20,500 . 8 Of ... _ Unlwr'llly ""tk 12'7 ~~;1~~~: OCl:AN View, 3 BR, l •BA. 2 BR Fttnt ,_, Jn l'Mtla•..:r In Newport. HUGE FAMILY RM! 1'ost exquisite landacep;og. uy ''"" j water ~-· Bell -· fri>lc, t<bt1ai lot. S",l(I0, 1!111 ~ ,$12l -M4' ~. E>c<ulal~~M2 M V rW-lntrica .. ~one":""' 'i!'haoc. W ... ! Watlori Ill YM Paint! rtlA °' G • BolK Ave. 'JU.Ml.u!I ) ~ - s<0-1720 TARBELL 2965 Hu. fta e '' ex1•rlt>r • &'!fttle "'""" Ru,tl<: 3 BR, 2 Ba homo, l!Jo ...Ii• ......,,, 4 BR. •2\0 Ha~oalty W-IMIOt' 1612 ~~NT 6 -~ Br, S bOr. , , $26,500 i:.,";.,~1•1,3kl~!:_ 2 Complote with Jw\ldwood ""·:I-fam.,r;n. $43,..,· QUICK oc" CUP•NC -.t.... -m:ki_~ ~ Tox8' ••# bedniom• 2 • . W-· ~m no..... .... ., ..... -.and • Roil ""' Roalty ~ y 3 """"'·, Batll REPO. Low .. ~ . $18,500! batba. 1'repl11;ee, Fon:nal'dtn. ~;:-;,or tral'T~RBELL huae. bcfr's. Lartt 1oi with a. Univ. Park Q nter, Irvine NE\Y .f. BR. l BA. Spani~ dO'Wn; low ~ta. Bullt;-in WATERFRONT, t 8ltJ ..,.. LESS THAN RENT' lrw room. Blllt-tn kSttbtn. ~plional landacapinr. 0n1y C&l1 Anytime 83.1-0!20 lltfle home on large lot. nngt, ovren. F .P; SZl.rioG. ly q,W, Pica' for 4. f:ltlO .,.. Re1J1C!1 ''Tend" Lovl111 handlOme ""'· !J40.1720 TAR. $24 500 rblock to l!th Sl ahoJ>phtg, · OOle to-yet com. BY owm:tt -· I ~615-m==7======1 Core" 1<1111 --.... BEIL .... _ "Forest :,, Tron'' HERITAGE 540-1151 ~privacy behloo 8)\ICOO .Nio ...... .._._ ' -1• 'k."'.'~· ~~-,.i bullltlo·ln APPROXIMATELY 12 ,,.. 8'pl •l>ldo ..._ • 1 bed· NO DOWN TO VE'l'ERA:''S. lock lay I 1240 t4m '!::::~~boo~ ~ ...... IMch 1705 ;;.o"""';,;' ,._,., , t:-1 •u.:ncu, ....... '!;! ""'" • P8 · Avocado grove· 3 BR. l" rooms 2 .. Uut, formal dlDo _, 1 ' ~-.,· ' ~ · .. 2' BR. DtWlf...,..,,. -., 146 0604 TARBELL Bslhf. Hill T0p' v""" borne tnl ..;om, llolft.lb ~-Spsrkl"' 3 BR 2 t.th home nn: BLUF>'S, beat~ cue, ilceonllot', wall pape•. OCEAN VIEll llOME ~ptll-. oloilW. ··food l BR I BA. raml1J rm, Prol Barn .,, m.tio •-pt: Oltttw&abt11. $60-17") T~ tn lftllel ~nU.l atur. Bee.utlful t.)' "'-· 3 8R, Good It""' on conventional X1M' Vet )o&Ji '~dorl. Jl'r,le ms. ~i44'. Jiii, I -·l*~-·"'""'· 714/12MllS BELL-Horbo' ~ly """ 1iiadrCI .Otlo. pl~. 2!1 BA._AdUlll. ~~o·~··-· lllt.-.w111 .... -...,.===··=::;;;;:::i;;==;;~I ~ U!G J)1oet 'iiB . n•ocly , ........ """ In tnlllo 153,18) "' ... lor ~ .... -.u., -·· Rltr F.V. 8r ~ Bl, 1°" ..,,,., trplc. I' ,. tN 0 =·-Lli, ; \la ACRl·POOL LEASE wrm OPrlON 21111 -"""'t Priced !'"' Im· ""t ~°'f'<'· .._,._ ~ .lot: .•....,.,,,.. .. cy .... ~,.. ' •,:::::a; I CUltom I BJl 2.BA ho!1ii?. Elden No. 31 l'ull priet mediate &ale at $2$.~ iMMACO.sar.a.&.Seabury Anxl·ou•·•~t r~ i._. 80R.M l b-ft. THE SUN NEVER SETS ~ Hnnr1 or units. St2,!J50 Sll.950 $111! total ptt month. CALL ~ South Coa11 Tor Dai1J PDot Want Adi home nt. St. f'randl A $44,SI». thdlfl ~ mo, I OAl!.Y PILOT WANT ADSI °""'· !l.'!1·11!.16 Bia. _,\ IMWI03 ltw l!loi.to. Dial 114U671 1idlaoo Hlzll. -PLACE REAL'l't -... --._, =::_::_;:--,~- Ii " \ ........ 11!' ... ""!I"''!"" ....................... ~ .. "'!' .. '!"' ............................. ~"!'!" ................ ':"" ... ~--... ~~ ... ~~ ... ~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~-·~-.~-~~-----~--.::;;:i ...... l!ll ,,,,._. ............. . ...• _ .... ,. ····· ..• .-................... ~ .•• •"f\••• ·-... """''""' ......... , ...................................... --........ ·--·-~· • llQ.YPUf . UNTALI UNTALI 111 llzNs'ts• """= ............ . c-..., -. mo ,!:!!'er-1 ...... -•uro1 " •e ....., ... ldile, -1% -. • .Alft -.... -... ~· ._,_ _ _,_Ms· u --"""' -· 1/1 -~·llllloll.-1 ...... t 114 .... 1. ..... ·--·-----Ill' •• ha. i.,.. ..... .... 'rolniilousE .. ~ • .. -,.,,... _...,. ... .... ....... .. -·-1-'tll~l5;--_...,,,, .. , ..... _.,..,..,__.,. -..Oii . . Jt.:&b' m... Beaut. ........ sns IDOll1h ··~ .naw...w,: • '""''* • llPClll SALE ....... '=I: -• o _, Doll "-!, l11c• ~ """""'Coo ·lit -Wlllll1IED Ll "-. ..... ........... -...... -::='INT.._ ":iii::::::::·: lloalt! Wtlt to bMcb. 2 Inc. ... -.~ tt ~w=t. bit e ta IA . 9 ··. ............. _ .......... ....,....,.,._,, •tt• BR..a511moi.wlnts'i.ur.. , •vs..-_..~ Cole ............ ~ .. ·'• CCJWN\. ...• ····--BIB ...... ---, 901 now.-Dr .. Na $t1tie 131 1t1tr..-.... t aa a,it. .-• i.t.. • iilit''_ .......... u: ·-••UM. ll.llfTM. ·-···· .. _ ··-11\1'1! $6.2GOO E'tel. ..... ~ QQilt ldlall.--_ .. :::::::::: l.1!.;,;-:::.7:.~;;:::::::::"' •• 2 BA. Oo .. --~ -· 11<, ldll.pl. ... _ ....._ • - _..... -··-··· N tnlWI..,.. ............. Br • 1 Dr avail t w.an.nanr-. 1 Br •d Bo. Cbldlea ......_ Wlil-cob-1;';;;:-o;;"'=:,=::=..,=,...,,,., ~-·-·--.. ~ \CIW'N ......... ......, ... _ m6ddllO • (213) ......... ,........._, ,\ -..... peta. .... $iM-M s ~ J ........ nntal..l~ ~t ....... ::::::::::: ... ~-==Aw···::-··:.: "llM885 ~ . J'rpl. ~ pooL J Car SJB}. 2 BR. -w/9 ..__ bllr IO oceu. hrn or DI>-··:~::::::::::::: ~::-" .... i.~-=:::adHA OOVE. J Bft.«n. ~-:_..bltm.. ~·· Near ~ ··rn11 r ~ ~ .. " ............. --•• • r,:::. .......... . • --· $m ..,. _ --1-UJIGE,..;;i;;;,-, .. \"liED="ROOM=o--·ll ~ , .. _ .. tm IUIDIVd• LAND ., ....... Alt J'anfUtlc "1e'lt', J Cir * Yf •1~ Cl' -1 • S1fiO U-omaarinr ~ ..... ••••••••••• .. tUL BT.In U...al ••••.• Jae 115-31SCll' f1$..3ll:l J.V'-Oct l, •-~ $115. J BR. »ool. 1'eentaer ~ .... •••••••••••••••••••••• t• t,& SJtC ....... "'•••••••••·"Git • ALU -./.,,,.,. .. ~ r--...:. '"''=-~·o.:~;;.:;:::c;'*;....,,,_~1• tACX UY ........ -....... -••• 1• it. & WMfftD .................. , .. ft f BJt. .J% BA. crpf1. vn. .._._-.q aVlll 10/4.1,;; ~uco .. ::::O:~::::l: IU~INW """. . "·'llM '• m,., ,,._ 0.-dd ..... Illa. MMlll S.BR. l JIL %'blk..,-. -............. .>• FINANCIAL -UGO HI Dilt l300 llfG. 56Qll.. PIO tlo. ""'lBe. . =.,~~ . .:\'..:.:. .. :::: :VJ::: ~Ulnn•., ST! S BR, 2 BA. qpi4. Nr 54641U. ' c..te Mli9 4111 ~ 40tlt Bt. m.n9 PY ...... DI ............ -... l• llrlaSTMPT ................ GM bq Family only $235., MEN -Divorced • ~ k:° ... -...-·::::::::::::::~:G ·~ ... ~ '. ... ::·_.,., ..,.;,.~ ' ~.:... 5s ~ 3 $30.00 _... ., an.led• Jolb tbt c:roWd. llUllTI...,. •UCtl ····-···---· -········-.. ,,~ ........ WU ··--IV· ... . ---too.--.-....,,...,. MA•MCll: ••••• Mii PUOllSAt. Lo.us •••• .. -·••... Gardener pd. ~ $550 • ~ ....... moatb, ·---~ ...,.,.A .. vAl.lAY .......... '41• ~~·l':·w·:::::::: &.w. h.. m1 1Dltii 6H-fTll • ._. ..... ~ TRIPLEX, .. ~ t BR. MOrr--:=a.-::::::::::::::.~ ~~._. .... -:: PARK UDO tbhllo 3 a 2% •Ind. Utla a .... lltl"f. bltiDI. Jllltlo. Bit tr.ft bcb ... _. QOW •• 1 ••••••••••• wt MOMn ..,.._ . . • ·:::.... NEWLY F"Umilbl!d C BR. C • • e Jlai( Blmae. TV aftil. 1: bay, W~ C'l5-l'1l1 ~~.:::::::::::::::::l: ANNOUNCEMENTS !IL av>il S.pt""" Winter ::;;..~~-Loe eNowo.toAS. OCEAN FRan' l. 2 a. 3 ~ COUNT'f' ........ J .... tat UNI NOTICIS or iqtr, (213) '1D-83lii9 or 2511 Ne"PCll't m..s, Ml-l7S5 bdrms. ..___ n_.... .... OUT DI' COUNTY ............. 1• (21.S) C1S-fi692 2 BJt. carrwrt elm. t·--"°V.'.c.c\ ~,.,......., 1111JT.., lfATtl ............ _ •• ,.. POVMD c..._...., ........... nnp • IR m.aa. STAIR'Ofl ............ -...... MU LOST , ..................... ,, .. ..n FURN 4 BR,. 3 BA. J41». frple. n:fril.. bit-Ins. nr ~ ' 1-..,.,,,_..,,--,,=,.----11 nsm.-n.• ················''" .... SOMAU ..................... ocean. $Zill. -..c5U 'lJM ~by Wlllon.. Attracttw ' BR. patio, ....,.Y cm ...... _, ..... , .. MN &ff~ .............. 11 N~ dee. Awil now. Modern.._ __ n.....• _...._ IAtf'TA AU .................... \di •••M ................ _ •••••• Mil Wn ... rent.I ~...11.. W'"'rP'DW'Dn.r.-':Jr -3 -.-o.wn:. ...__ pr .. no pets. llO ~ UMTA .iJ/411, HTS. .... ,_,_ .. NII l'VltlaAU .................... tnJ w: Of 3'~ ..... ~-&....,•~•• No Dl'fil $155 JnOOtb. .$lSO ft». CaJl ....,. OU11iff ...................... Ma P-A.ID OllTUA!fr ............ ,.Im (nf) Of.'71l'8 ..._ Br, l'I Ba, crpb, tfrPlii M.rf•1"i.;,tin ..., .. :'~ TVifiii"::::::::::::::::!: ~ .~.·~~~.::.:. .. :: .. 11 wfNTER rental. ~ 2 bdr adll:& "$5CXI mo lae. m-8898 /.. Yl.L' • ...;.._. .......... ., ................... tat tUD CW THANG ......... , .. '416 .. ba, ,_, ~ dbl , = __ S BR. 'h£ a. -r~ U.Vl:UOO CAiiYOii ....... ,.UM IN MaMOalAM .................. 17 ~ .u.,.e, p&uuo &al'· ~ •;:s .._ eW' 1 6 2 BJ\ furn tJ LMM*A MllU ................ 11'9 CU.IT••Y LCrn ................. 211 Via Dijon. den,. fam. + f BR. J 8-. l'll..-...1 . Q ' LMUMA MACH ........... ••· '* curr••Y ca'"'1 . ··-· ... Mlt !am. from ..-. 646-4414 --earaaa. pool. lamt-LMMllllA fllllU•t. ..... -·-·• tN C...,..•Y CIY"1i _.,, .. ,...,. . -. di')' rm. adalta OD11 DO pe•• MIUMMI YWO , ... ---·• 1NI C:UMAfHIQ ........ -••• , .. Mlt Balboe ....... 2355 1-~ t ..._ 1iA1t cu.uwrw. ...........•.. 1nt MIEMOl.tAL PAllQ ·-••••••·Mii ..., a -...--, CJl. SAit JIUAll CAPISTIUMO ...... 1111 t.UCTIOltl ........... --......... ·-· 32-NICE cu!ST'WIO '™" ......... 1111 av"''*' sa1MCa .......... 6m WINTER; a.annq c Br. t ~ Bluff .. , nzm 1 BR. liv rm. klt, DAM PDSf .................. 17'1 TIAVO. .......................... bL bolme. hland :Riiy 491 laa. S1qJle man onb" Rd, ==:. .. ::::::::::::::::::::: :~"=~'A'r'toli ·::::.-Partc Awe ~JDJ . IAYVU UNSUR,ASSED $1Z ind vtiL no~ we DtMO COi.i""'""'"_ .. 1m LffAL llOTICIS ................. • Lea. or option, $400 mo J Urk:Ln (off238SSanta.Ana ~ •• ~o ·::::::~= SERviCEDiooc·av ~ ~ -3 BR. 2 aa BR-. ' BA.. 40· porch a: ~ AYe>. Open an i aun co•11111ttHUt.1 ................ ,,. .......:: ..... ., ...... one only, $225 A yard nwnt.. OWnr 67S-f1S1 ~ ~,_ .. "'t:&.1·::·::l: t.c:T.= .n¥ti:9'.'.','.'.'.':.., mo. * 673-3823 er m.mm. A!_~ Oet. 1. 2 2 Ba Al>l'UAMCI ........ ......... ........._ . tam, RENTALS ......,_T, -................. 1:::: •--~ 2705 UNSURPAS!lED BAY VIEW Adulll. ,., pell. per HOUMI Fun'11Md :: :"::.. ·-·n::·a. ~M ~ W JUdl. 2 Ibo, 2 Ba+ pool mo. MO-mt.. 10111A&. . ...... .. .......... • aa•nmlH ............... .-J Br '235. 1 BR, $135. Immed occ. la StOO mo • LEASE;;;:::;;;-;;:ii'i:::-=.,-,-.~·I =AU,.J: ~~~~ .. :::::::::= :f'Jx.~~ ·::::::::: util Put :m Qrlquita opt. tD bey. Owner. t'lS.prn kit. Pres:-: Apt wfba. MoUA DllL MAI .............. 11. •USIMISS IUYtcD ........ &I st. or call Jll• JM-6386 3 BR., WSK 1 -·-'-qe tnaQ MUA. naHtn• •Vll.OUS -.................. Mn • ~· ... _ or woman. Sp.191'ftldn1nd cou.1•• ,.A•IC .............. 1111 CAn:a ...... .,, home; ~ ha. Nice cpta. 4 Trailer Villa&'e ::::g.:::::" .. :::::::::::i: =~= .:::::::::::;1: Vecatlon R.nt1ll 2900 drapes. 6U-9lllO A«l-$135.. l BR._:_ pt. ~ ... NIWPCJl[T' IHOlllll .......... tm cu1111-, c:.cr... ............... ..,.. .... a ... ., aAnllOlln ................... 11111 ==.~ .... -.. 61'1• CABIN FOR RENT On the drps A-ha.tins. Poolo Mar D0Va0 ·-...... , .... ,....... .. ........... ., ~-~ ~-~ U~-~---~· U. -·· QI E. Jlt8 -·--' "'"""""" ...................... CAJtPn CL.aU ........ :..... i-.;:u ..... _,.._, ~ _....... -. ,,..r <1~ .-~ UMNl'llSft'Y PUIC ........... ttD' CAlliorr LAY .. a ..,,,.. -Prfnlt pu'tJ m.391& EASf 81d9 J JI& -MV1119 ............... _., •• ,2111 DllANl!lb ....... ,..,..,.. ..... veo ...... ., • --Just · _.. -~ del.n, UST •LUFI' ....... ___ •• .DCI DllMOl.rnoet ................. Am .1..c.arw ~ ~ IMfulbi onb' bl) pet&. 36t E. llWlll TIUAC• .... -.... Dll DUl'TI .. mrnc9 .... -....... 5urntner"flentl.. 2fJ0 Ocean BlYd. Oft Poppy, lid! Place..'ri.t!::: Mo. CO.OIU. DU. ,...... .......... ~ uicntlCAL ..... ................ V cant, Divided Mstr 8r ...-~~ ... :.-::::::::::::::::::1: =~.~~~~.:::::::::: 2 BR Balboa apt adJ c!v den+ )£e famri,'rm'" LOVELY J BR..1% BA. pool. ..,.., 1sLA111os .... -······-··.J:UI flLOOltl ................ , __ .•• .MU ~-.$$$lli0 wkl:t • ...... L BR. •2 • Adults. turn Sl9G. unr $155. Ml.HA tsLAllO ................... u ..... ca RIPAIU. ak. -···Wt S36-.39l1, 6'1lKiSJ.O • or ........ car pr. %UO Santa Ana. MS-2933 =~ :..~~.::::::::::::::::::: PUl6"=~-=-IN9 Mlll Extra putdna;. $350 mo. MCICU.Y ............... -.... ..................... ........ $ZiO wk. Lux"rjo•a BIB R>-SIOll 6f6..S22T ew • N...,,.u Palmt • Mu~~J~ _ ...... :: HMNAL 1111Ma1 --.......... wallrfront apt. pool. :run. 2 FOR l.a8e CamlO Sh:nl, 1 • t Ba. Pool . :'.:L •A~ ........ ::.::::::·-!!! =:,.~.~-~.::::::::::::= BR. 2 BA.. ('114) &TMXB I moc or~ 2 Bdrm's, (!Oft. In E. 22nd St. 8fl.3ilf5 l.OMIS ·-' ................ .-..... ,.,.. • -""" "1Mo otWlff COUWTT ............ -= "" •MOP ...... :::::.:: •• ::::.mt RENTALS wrtiltle den. 2 ~ -· l..sR,. tum. wlutll pl. ~=--··::::::::::::::::tn1 MW.TN cum: ....... -.... .,. ....,_, Unfumi11..-.1 spadoos UW. nn. Adults. no pets. · • --· NAUU119 .................... ,.'111 ._ ~ C..• ...,_ MH>WAY c ........... ~········-· NOVlaCLUMrw .............. room. .,...a pe!I' mo. ,,__..... ='1~-~~~~~:::::.:·: .. = ::==~~~-~~.::::::= Gener•I 3000 gardener inclllded. ~ LADVllt. alACH .............. 1111 1•01t, °' 1 • 1r1e. ........ .nt or coUect 213/347-Z819 ':MC:. ~~U;, . .:;:::::::::-::' 1aow111e ....................... 6111 Sensetionel Oc:een Vi•w FOR , ··-~--~-...,.,. a.aMatrTI' ............. .mt •SULAT-................ -IHt $an ~t m ifiNint ~ ~uau ..,,..._ 6 Wt .iuAtl c.t.rtmWIO ...... ml ~=:: ........ ----·::::= ~ 1 spa~ Sf:: 3 be. mos or 1eM. J ~·. ~ CAl'tST1IANO •mAC:N ... -.... 17*1 IAJUTOIUAL ... : .............. AM b' 1 D ...t..,... •--,,.;. den_ 2 8a, llP&C-liVIftZ nn. DAMA l'OWT .................. 11• .tinftLl:Y a9P .. IR. 9'k. ..... . i,c ............ ...., .. rm, 2......, dining nn CIJ'dener pd. 1 BR furn apL $100/mo. incl. uW. Ma~ people prefer. red. 54l-3Zl9 RI.tr. 1 BR turn $145 md util. Heated pool, adults. no pets. 5$.Z27 or 968-1740 ~==-.~ ·::::::.:.: ~:~ .. :::::::::::::::::. aq, ', q>s, dPI. all bltna, Jse S375 mo. s13.ms SUMM•• ••NTAU ......... ,,.., MASOMaY. ••:.r.. ........... '*JI 3 mo. or longer $260, 4:96--c==""'=====-MODERN flJRN. 2 BR =~''=-.:·::::::::::::=: ~..:;'.:.! :!..,, •. 1·::::::: 3134; if no ans, "9'14181 OCEAN VIEW HOMES heatiid pool, adults, no pe!a'. RENTAU ,.,.,llT,.,... ................... RENTAU For 1eue from S350 up ~ + util. ~ He U "' L.L-..1 ,.,,.., .................... _ • .-. ,. • ~ bdrm' Don V. FrulJd1n, R@altor ,..,... .... ,..~~s N-. 1 • 2 ""· Ullll n m..--PtlOTOeltAP'ln' . . .. . . • . . ........ -.... • sn.:a:n ......... ~ .... • 1:ioc nu.a. ....................... l'\ASTl'a•-., "*"' ..... ..... The Real Estate Mart ActMty rm. paGI. ..m.. COSTA ~ .. -~ ............... II• P\.UllY ..................... , ... ..,. 17420 ee.cb........, HB NOW R£ADYl S bedroom, 2 2X)Q-..--C." --W H(. ,.._ .,. ...... , .. ,.JI. PI'T .. DD t• .... '"""'¥"' a _ _,.,,, ua, ..._IV MUA VQM .... -.-· .. ····'*" POOL SUVM:• .... -......... mt M'I~ Ba.fm; mt fu from Fashion c:ol.L ......... ··········-~·· f'Oft• ..... , .. ···-···· .. '"' ......... y,.. -·~ !··-.. ...,..., au.cw .... -..... -'""""' snYa ......... , ... ,.,,. $250. 4 a famllf rm. 214 Ba ............. • """'"' -N .. pet't IMch · 4200 11.-oltT ~ ........... .#11 ltOOP",... ..................... AHi ,..__._ Pool, $285 mo. B/JI fl5..3Cm MllWl'Ol:T IMOU'I ............ Unto. ....... rte. ............. ........... nl&l\Y extru. mTllJ'IOP'D .. ....,.... ................... -J.IEMOOEUNG. REPAIR .... Family welcome. nr ooeatt. 4 BR. 3 ha. J..ty, borne Ytar-............... oeeanfrunt. ' BR. DOVaa SMOllh _ ............. SllJ •IAllllOIUIM. ICITCMIJI& ....... -c:.u _.... ly, J275 Month. $2)0 month. 300' 1'tom w.sTt.LIPI' ................... -ICISICNlS lllt.&l'U .... ...... , ............., , UIUV•DITY ................ mi SllWI• ....................... .... Wmton Real Eltate 67>3331 ocean ' BR. $160 month. ITtU .................... _ .... HWlll• MACKI•• •••AtltS -$185. 2 BR + fam rtn. 1% Costa M:ea ye·""'· ' BR. 11M11• ftaua .... -...... -SllP'TIC T ... 1(1, ~ ...... Ba.. Rt.fl'il-&tow Yd b' 2 BR, dbl prqe. II )'U'd. -v C09.0MA Dl:L MAa ........... -TAllOlllll9 ...................................... _ . OK l.ar boa• trailer etc. $140 util paid, m pets. MLMA ....................... -TEllllU'n CDllfTilOL .......... ..n ~ l pets, B k r ., • ~ MT """•·• ............... .i:m ''l.I. c.....ir ............. -... "" &15-01U$250 '::!.! .... =::...:m..ooos::::~!...---l;m;r.;"i"v.:;;:;:-.::;:;;;:-;c::::I) LIDO tsU: .................... l3f1 TIU. U.... a~ •••••-"" -SINGLE y..,.1,_ Adults Lwl: aAUOA """"° .............. 1111 ni• saavtc• .............. ,.. EXECUTIVE home 5 Br 3 ¥-.. . NQl'ORT WUT .............. am TaU"VlllOllL .. ho Sk. .. Miii • W')' 1arden aptA with c;:oun. 1tutn1"10ll •PCM ............ Ul'ttOUTla....-.................... BA, crpts, dlpa. elec bltns Huntington leach 3400 -. club atmosp•·--~ MUlfT .... TON M•aDU• ., ...... W•U>1Ne ............. , .. , ........ Feaced, ott::r. 5f6-6140 ,.3 . ,..,.., _..,. llOUllTAIN W.w.aY .......... >flt JOBS a EMPLOYMENT -· 3 BR. 2 n. 2 complete privacy. SOUTII IUL •uc• .................. KM .tOft WANTl'tt. ..... -°""' car pn,re. BA y CLUB .. ~ lrv1M t D1.art111 .. _. .............. atn .tOe WUT•~ .-·::::::::,..Cott• Meu 3100 Fenced yd. Totall,y ftdee. ....-a~ a LOlll9 •9"M ................ .-.ioe WANTED. N __ .__,_ '---M ac 16th, Newport Beach. CNt.Utel' couwrt ............... Mn a woata• 1-r """...._ 1 .......... .._ -Cn4) ~ $UTA ANA .................... Mlt DOMUTIC M•U'·:::::::::::::: .. 3 BDRM 2 Bath + pool per lnO incl water. Refa! );;;;=:;;""""""'=---I ==~~ .:::::::;:::::::::~ =.i"'tl.~ -····-·····= l.up patio. G~ in back 846-3575 OCEAN FRONT 1 BR, spac U.trTA ..... NlieMn •••....•. JUI AMMCl•S...... • ......... 7* of Jot. conl'ttted. Rent or kitchen • liY nn. Nk:ely CDAr.AL ...................... mt NIU' •"'9T•D. ........... ,._ I S4G-4(K4 LEASE 4 BR. 2 Ba, bit-ins, decorat-" ""a• _. ~v. LAWllA •UC11 .............. SN '°' .......... • --.... ::::::,,.. ease. fenced yd. $235 mo +lat A ... ,... -.,.. ... _ ....., UAUllA 11'8UIEL. ............ ,ne .. ANNCI ... ,..,. a....... JUI •1<11:: ATIRA~-•• ··-+ "00 ___ __.... mo ind util. Bach only. MtsllON )tl•M> --·-·"'"' ICMDOLS & INSTRUCTIDM .... 7 ... .,..... .,_,,,....:.., acpan.u: ..,., .,.. ..:CW"ly. 6731900 (JU) '98-3627 SAl4 CLDYlll"• .............. mt '°' ...... AUTIDN ....... ::::-howte. 2 BR. 1 BA. crptB, Tradtwind1 Realty M7-85ll•-'-i;:'='i""'~:=;,..,:.~=.-1 CAI'~ .................. Jnl TNUTRICAL. 111111 .1-.. , -N t 1 .. 1 • ....LJ:1 .. .-..o CM"trnANO •uat ......... mt MERCHANDISE"fOR ... _ adults onl,y, No JM!IS, t BR boant, 2 atory. Z cu W? -----.,,-06 ... .. :".,::P'u.i·:::::::::::;:::·= SALE AND TRADE Ref&. 673-0395. p.J'81e, patio. Fenced )'d. 1!_~, BRnewty dee. comp! DU"-VCU U1tl"V•"-........ .am AVAn. Oct 1. Ecide 3 BR Crptl I; drp&. Pl5 mo/lee ...... ., den.. Dlhr/displ. R.UENTAU''AU .......... .,, ::=w:3nmiiia"::::::::: i.iu.e.. bltins, dshwhr. cpts. 9182 Annik Dr, H.B....-Adul~-~~-UUl. pd, $250 1-L-..I OPPIC• IOUIPMlllT ............ drpm, $250 mo. 60.Q850 mo. ;t-~ .... , .. Fum --lloit• •tu•••.,.. ............. A Nh' s BR, ' Ba, bit-int. I 'SP'°"ECJ=AL.,,--;-LO=w~WEEKL==,..,..I HMl:iM. ..................... u~L.:Ji~T ......... :.~ 5 BDRM, 2 baths. l yea.r drps. feooed yd, water pd y COSTA IQIA .................. 41• ttOUsaMOLD MODI·::::::::: ... leue. Good ne'·h'--'--"" HUI ...,.. ,,.,,.,. ' RATES Roon\S l Apll with M91A v•a.DI .............. ,.4111 ...... ,.,0 -'6 uunJUUU, -i>UO'"l.JU'-> TV __ , mald -• 1t•W1"CHtT •~ ................ ................ Call aft 5 psn 546-4529 ...... ae .... ce. NllWl'OltT •••...n .......... CIM fV••rni•• AYCTtOll ........... • . 3 Bdnn 2 Ba. bit-ins, near Ml.l'iMr l\totel 3025 w. ==~•SHOaD ........... = :mo~~·~ . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.·:::.:·.:· .. fir 3 BR, crpts l drps. $175 mo. heh. schls, newly crptd, Coast H\gh\\-a.y u1111VU.UTY ·;;1..c·:·:::::: .. :cm :=1:.t.. ~J:.:':,9...,.-·::::::ttu 9t9 Dogwood, Sat 1tJ..4 for $200 Pl!r monlh. 536-8129 1 &: 2 BR.-Bache'lor Apls. UCIC IA 'r ..................... Oll PWIOI & on.t.llS 11• appt, 546-0379 UST M.Ul'P ................. OU ............ Kit-TV-Pool-~1aid Ser. $35. eoi.ot1a. Da.,.. ........... GM UDID ......................... .-3 BR. 2 BA. Mooticdlo eon. Miuion Vl•io 370I aAUOA ............ -........ Oii ~~11::.q·:::::;;;::::::::ft do. Kids OK rJIVI lea5fl per wk. &: up. THE MESA UY ISL.AleOl ................. aa TAP• ••coao•.. A!ll ........ • 3 BR. • fam rm. Air/cond, 415 N. Nwpt Blvd. 646-9681 LIDO llU .................... Gal CAM•llAl • aou1rMiiWT"'.' ... -fi73.4.277 il no ans. 962-6302 UUOA ISLAND .............. Qff HOS•" su .... ou -fully crptd, drpd, tiCreened * BAYFRONT, ~-. 2 Br. NIHnlNeTOll •UCM ,........... • ···· ·•• ····• ~.--POUlfTAI~ VM.UY ,. ........ 40t =-~·::::::::: fMll v...... 3110 paUo, intercomrn ll)'Slem, pvt. patio, srnl.. boat slip, SIAt. •U.CN .................... MISCSL.L.UIMUI llOlt water. doM to all echll wilrtu l8e $190-;225 mo. ~· •llACll . ................... .. .. # W'"TOD ......... ....... • --• ··-. ~·~t ,-A·-" 1-1. Util. U • •-Ev•. l)ll:AM91 COCHfn .. ·-••••••··..,. .... -. ·••···•••-•oo• or.,,.,...,,.., c ..., .... ""°"' u =.. •&11 ,..._ .............., .,..DP ~ '"' ....cMtllMT. a. .......... ·· Oct. L $290 mo. 137-581.t or ..,.JTMllUTU. .. 7.::-:.:.:::::·:.w LUAU•• ...................... .mt 3 BR A: fam room, ava.U Oct 1 C.sslfied'1 action powe-. \l\IDWA't CITY ................ tn6 ~~:. Mi:TP:'i.U.I":'.::::: ht. Children OK. Le.ue; 837-l74l For an Id to .iJ. arouOO IA#TA ................................. w... --mo ~ -Dlal -~-,_ a~IO'l·n~ ..... ~~ --n ~ SANTA AM M•tOMn .... "' ... " .• ,..... -r-'.,..;r......,. _._,o v• .......,..,a. • ., u..-.._ <;&1,1 -•o "'m• .............. :.:::::::-PETS ind LIVESTOCK t=='======..:.;====~==:;:.:..,;;:,;:=;;;:::::=:;::; COAITAt. t.:!'.:'""'"""'00'".-PITI A•MllAL .............. ......... 4000Generel 4000 ..Gentirel 4000 LA8VNA •~• ................ ,. un .................... -..... 1.;..=;..;;;... ____ ;;.;..o.;;.""-;....;;;... ____ c;.:;;....:;;:::;;::.:: ____ ..:;:::. LA.VMA •'8UIE\. ........ _ •• ..ov DOOi ........................... -1 -· lllllllOll Vle.IO .... , ....... .Qll lfCMlSU ..................... , U.11 CLb•l'fTI .............. nu 1..IVIUTOCll: ................. ·--_, ................. ,,. CALIFOllNIA LIVING Tl:ll"tAX. ................... ... ottDDflU•IU• .................. MUltU.llla ~ .: ............. .. RENTALS , • ._... ,,,__.. ............ -Mno1 ........... -............ enl Unfvmithed """,.." ..................... ..,. ...... ,-............. VACATMll'S ............ , ,, .. -.......................... TRANSPORTATION MaA YDOI ............. ; ... SHI &OAT1 f. YAC.Mn -........... .. ..=r-T MOOuao,...,~·••••• .. •• ... ·••· IAl~n .. , •. ., ......... -... .. -.... MW'I• cau ................ . 1111WP01:T .-..a .......... ..-••ao-tit• ..,,, ........... .. w.JT'CU'1' ,. •• .,,. ........ .nit IOlllT TllAft.eU '·" ...... , ... ... IMl'n.lll'TY •AlllC ........... Im' 90.lT MAlllTaMAIK• _ ..... ,.. loACll[l.A,Y • ., ................. -..,._, UUlllCRlll9 ........... "M UST •LUPP , ............ .00 ................ ..,, .. _ .l'IO toaOll.t. D& Ma.a ........... -90.l'f M.tp, MOOl:UI ••• -.... t'DI ·· ., .• ·-•••••••••••·-.,._, AaYIC•t .............. tlP " ..,,_ .... _. ..... ,_._.... .., ••llfTa.u. ......... _ .... .. lAOO ISL9 .... , .............. .f»1 IOAT CUl:T91l ........ -.... . ........ ~ ..................... Tl ............... ... """'---: ........... IDllT ·.vi• ............... -A.Ill ~ _, .... ,.Mii MAT iTtlllM« •• -...... •· laAiCll ..... -•• -.......... 911ATI ....,. ................ .. .... ~"···-· ........ .-AMCllAl'T ·~~ ............ ,,ti• ..... ·-............. ~T1119 LU-... ,,_ ..... .... ....,_ ...,. ..... -............. u -............... ... _,. J.V ........ -......... MDToa ............ -....... .. ...-.T CffT ............. ,.,,MM Jl(TQMS ................ na ...,." -·········-· ..... .-9'.KT'aM: (AU ............... .. IA#JA .-,. ~ .................. 1111:~ ..u.••• ............. _,. ,...... ........................... .-MOT'Ollle'Y~ , ........... _. '°"'"' .. _::;:11.t.:.""""'"""_ ... ~... • ......... , ' ~ ._ ......... _,.,IN Aunt lftYICU 6 l'.A.m .... .... L.AIMM ................... r.vz=.:oou .................. . Mii QAIJI ~ ........ = .. TU.,., ........... .. ........ . ..... ~~--·· .. -~ •• ~ .................. CAWal ............ -.... . ,.._ .. ,,..,.., "' ""'°" ............ _,,. ........ .. =--··.-+U ...... _ ... _ TltJlll\.t:X, ................ _ ........ ...... , .......... ~-... ~ .. ·---....................... .. • ""...... . .............. ~ CAa .................. . ..... ... ·-.... ~ ....... ...,_ .. a..&llG ............... . ... ·~ ......... .-fl"'ltto ........... ·-··· ... MOTii.i. c:outtn -SY•wn ..... ~--~"$ c;um "°"° ... rw ... .,. ............... . Mite. •EllTM.I ... CAlll .. •••••••-• .. .,_, ·~ ........ !!_i ............. &U'N ........................ ,.,. •IUIN.Ut PltOll'btt ...... GUI ............. ,_ 1 WITEN r 1 I 1• I' putoF I I I I A butdW• ll\attlago< It'• o . , . . i...1 •w rnatriara-. Ho .. ol· r--------. woya 1-..d ond ah•'• al-~PO S LIO ,-->II h-....... -----• c,,, ....... -i. ........ I I I I I . ,.. : 7:"&:~.:.:i.= ~ :"iie~iams r r r r r r r 1 e~imusto·I I I I I I I I . ........... .....__ SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 1600 SIYB £11B! Read The DAILY PILOT • c L A 5 5 I F I E D IBIT 1111! ~ ·•· I' lb. Tlie Kind Of' .. ·woman Who Gets • What . ·She Wants _ ........ _ ........ o o o Because l1m The Kind Of Woman Who1s Smart Enough 10 Use DAILY PIL.OT ·classified ~dvertising Bol'ieve me, there's nothin<J •round our homo onymoro thot isn't being ustd -bocouso tho minut. I discover ,...,,.thing is no longe. needed, I sol it, whi!. it stil ., hos moximum v1iue, thl'0U9h •• i .. xpensiv, DAILY PILOT Clossifoed Ad. Thot woy, i.m.d of • clutter of things we don't u,., I hove tho erlr• cosh th1t lets me hove tho no-thin<JI • , , tho "orlre" things my whole fomily enjoys. Hor.'• whit I moen. Tho c1sh I got for tho good clothes ond toys tho childr.n hod out.;irown bought me tho doco.otor I.mp I'd bHn wonting. The musicol instnimont no one ployed poid for • big port of our port1b!. m..o unit, Tho power tools ...locor1ted our doughter's room. And, just fo, tho fun of it, tho good choir tho! just didn't metch onything •nymora lo9k my husbond end mo out for • fobulous dlnne. ot tho fonciost rtsl•ur•lll in town. Go through your ho-Mol:o t r.st of ol tho worthwhile things you find thot oron't boing used. (You'I bo surprised 1t the numbor you turn up tho fim time.) Thon, di•I 642..5678 e.., time betw-••. m. end g p.m. •nd give your list to • fritndly, o--td .Ad Writw. Thot't d titer. ls to. it. It'• iMaponsive tool It con cost you os 5fflt " PENNIES A DA YI Wo .. now tho! you know my --isn't It limo you' go1 st.met town bettor, ..u.., i..pp;.. r.,,;119 with DAILY P1L-OT Clostilitd Ack? st.rt being the kind of WOIMO whe . tots who! tit. wonts tod1yl Ca11Now642-5678 • ,, • ' • -N N• Lo . : n • ~ ! ii ( ' • N •• ' ' - I ' ·~ l I ( . - e J I I l ' ' ' I I • •, v I '-· .J • --RINTAU RINTALI UNTALI IUllNUI ...... ~ ~ llUllNUS .... , Aptt.. l'-1IW Apia. U,.,,,,,,... ~ """'"*'*' PINANC:IAL PINANCIAL aM NOTICIS Ne-1.... GIO ._,..... I 5000 Ceola -5100 llilo. a,.,,1 ..... · .-101. ~--1us. ~f!~a ._ .,_ A1111 N"""" §J LIDO '$YFaONT APr1.:1 AVAllABU:'!lew, 1 BDltllli • 1 ·~ • ' 11"· -8U< A wM -· cou ~LUl 1 .... ,3 Ba Vnf lull ...... ...,., blllM, -CHllS1MAS DIALERS I LITE ~'I ' -" ...... • U 11 ll••*"-IUll>tanW. Adulta.,t;opotJ..-S-CASHINVaSTMINTCOU1 DMAKI MANU~AC'l'VlllNG 6'I" oc ~~ J .... ..,. --. pilftto """"" All ·-In 11311. 1co 3 llR -.... ~ £Aif ·~ -· -. <itml1I -......... ,..c1om ·--A o,to, -lllllnL Pd YOU $5GllOIOR MORE CHRIST~ PROPIT, -.-Jo• fttb -HllDL Beod>, .,.i. -. bea•dl"1 ''""'"'P">c • ... pmnwnt -.nr.pic, -.. , "E. 1141 ,.,...,.. Da''"t1-a11 Jn Nov. a. Dec,, order. DQW for be>t • ·~ ""¥•11,.-.,Kii,."r.,...;l;i;i-..i;iiii' =i53&ii:...,=i;°"'"'2;;:2J PArUWed ,.. ...... , facU,. l.aM at -• • ~ ,. ---Id .. Jn a......,. dub a• 1-.. I.Ba On! aD bfc 1.811.1-""''""'-, ocllona.de1tn'7-Bestlocatlcllll. ')i_.. lar....m;idlo> ~---· . """"'*"'"-W..: lo rooat~.\Jl'flc, !•II !r.!'·~·•, ..... Jlto• ' 'We belp ~uaH~ed A•"'-:lln4·•---la'IU ·-AO.,.,• lo !l:!' ~-0.-"' -t<owpqrt~ -1-•t.1.----.. -FIL t-" .--_......~, -..... - -" ...,.-·lnJ0"'8i 6beei "by. -·"'·LIDO'S..... I a 1!111 tlO. CpOt; .,_ ' """"'"" 2 D>Ol!IM). Includu all mercbanc!IM, ' -;o ldlvt -wltlt '"'w"'ow"'EllS""' ... .,.~-=..,~=m-;I .1'lmWlld .......... ,-aftnft1! .. --. $,U5 -, ~, • " li!'Pla,,., 1lgns ".prjclnf. ~ ---lb<i6Jd ... ,._ ....... C.N. . Modall opon _,tot pm Leue at $3!0. * * • '40-3:m • -WhMWp Wtl!lf WllNolrt Gott Fut caah & carry 18ie1! Hottest new 11ne1 \ .ne! -"""" - n<, MMl'lt CaU>1r.cr.eiy 2 BR. .,,..., drpl Sl'ICIAL CLASSIPICATION llOll Everybody bun our «oodJ for Chri&bnas. IN.; '="~"'J"~tm; I.elf 6401 OAKWOQD -Mullan~ .. -washer/...,.,. -"'l'i NATURAL IOltft SWAPPl11$ VESTIGATE NO'°'! You'll really iDake bf& 8 ,.,;.1 CAT. _....., !er G~ 163 -llr.113L -· Spiolil .... !honey fall. . _, w/<»llM. Bili • APAI • VEIDOME ,.. vZi Sil~ s (.~ •..:1: ;;;;,.~ltucb WHOLEW.E PET CoLLECTIOH 1.-.. -!II!-· '810 Cljllotnm St., (Ard\.llp) $125 Mo. ACJJICmt to Udo . 2 Bk +·~ frplc. ~ :::=.':.. .... ...:."::.~ ---=::.:-:.-.:: Pbone(n4)988-'1373-lOtO'H.alli SILENT ...... CllalD: = : Al.:~ c.e.tltt!r. t BR. upper. ~~! Lee patio. New w/w ~ .....,,.,.,;;al '4i.J.)i"-..v1 RIAL ATI motor W tlill!l lbll.bO'ml. ,."'~~·=·=-~--~-1 Fumiah!d. 604 Clubhou9e !ECl'IOHS AVAD,ABI.E drp1 A tile. Adtllts. na pell. Te Place Your y, ....... , Parecfltl Ad Generel ~ Opr1rt_unftln alO i:"* ~ i:~. :S-1: Lst,\D~ .. ~tA .. vi. .•• ~ m.sztl C-to"-""• Pork $175. ,.._,... -,,._ ~ ---* -s llr' 2.. Sa a -3 11-3 -LOVELY -.. Altaclona Office -· WO FRANCHISE' No blo\-· ,,. =----~. . ....., .... l/L Vablallle ' New-rt Buch 5200 , .... ~ ~00 ·•--~--to Goll..._ ___ .._ulfiL nee. '1 MILLION ~l'etUrn in paperL Reward. •DI!! Nawpor:t Htb. 4210 *~--.... ·-· ~~ -~ ~ -~~ COSI' "ULTIPLY 90 -~--.--"-....,.,.,..·-. -* ""1m ""°" Pul/.,..n YEARLY RENTALS '"°"'• a beoeh. .Trade for •blo"'"" 1!19 ltOl """"'fDr A "-..-_ AJC. ..., "-\Vant -1nr· .it. 6. * Oean 1 or 2 BR* * F'r>I. 1-/lndry f>c'll } b~ • Ba"• !f.B., C.M. oomm1 !I>'<. or, b<acl\ U... Owi,.,. Lee. ~ ~ £!! b 1 m; CAPITAL. ~~~ _!!!:DOii ...,. ~BLACK--~Gennao~-~-----• Adulls,no ..... 2'21E.16th 114.SAnaholmAve -· ............ """'--~can.... ""3al5otll3841U -·-_____ ...... '"" ............ OPE!;" St ... , -.. W.lllll -• Bit, 2 ..... ........ -Co . --beat • -' ··-~-·-• : -,-, ' ~·A l<ESA 60-2"24 S BR; 3 Batlis ........ La Ila""' lfltt --La H...,. nnch ~ 5*. C.•An:lol '4115· ,.._. ol lut toad !ldd u -., 19 '1..Mn Q20 --· qo ·~ -• • 2 BR. t Botlf ........ l'l$$ 3 BR,' 2 BA, "°"'"""' ..,._ ,.,,.~ .... Jy home, ham, . ...,. .,_ ......._ PlacoDtia. CM. can Jim , -uff 4230 • uNr • 3 BR. , -........ ""' .......... "" ....... ,w... -· mooo ••• "•-°"'" suN. 1.s PM ._.. .. .... -.....-m. 2nd TD Loan ...._ - 1,BDR WeD . ~ bl.t-im, l Rooms Furniture 2 BR. 1 Bath ,···7 ·•••• $200 2 or ! cando apt.. Npt Bcb Want tncxme. ~ boule. SD ~ Bhd .• N.B. to-pro(lt ta&. We ~e SMALL I wka old JIGPP)<. Blk . • ll -'Id W..tdllf $25 & UP 2 BR. 1.... ......... ... ..... --.; ll<S-llM Cart>of. Cl • -'IQd1T • ... ........... ... ....... """"'"' -...... crur:: Adlllta. Mo Pets. 3 BR. J Ba. l\lrJt...,,,, • $2.'50 Wantfd: Lllt.e plOdd. vu. Liot, 6: Mdc. PmnimD. ez· TV ads. )'OU. own the b.lf. Prompt. eontdentillJ merv\ce Bila at feet. Vk Clbd. A : fllll ~mO. ,....,,._ ..._.,,, Monu..To-Mooth IW>lab BURR WHiTE = •.:;:.,, "'.,':.=::: will 1 · swap 1 ta ro ..,.... ;oaun~~., ~ and .... !ho,....,, =n-.!5:',!! Balboa, NB. 0/11.6'J5.mil' , WIDE SELECI'ION REAi.TO& . for 2nd TD'a. 2U..n3 62nd and In Goldfldd. Nevad.J. ~--...,,. $5 invested 1n oompedtor't S.ttlff Mortti• Co. TOY Cbllle, ft!male, VSe. tlol:M.. 4250 51711J'RCW '~~· R<.'f:'!'!.. 29111. ,, ......... -. 11.B. St, Npt -· . owner. (2J3) Vil "" '" lo~ 54M1!l1 Industrial lt-1 ·---1'16 -.... ,. l300 ·-• 17th s•-1 -Sohool l<th • Pllm, : ............ '-'In ............... 875-4630 ""253"'Ews, 3"-llOI. ;;: (213) ~ dy!I, evq, 6«2-1122 """' b:lday. We expect twr! bet· -'""-.. """ named "Gla&u'. •• Jtewud. :'lat. Vlew.1'far beadt. $19) SPAC bacb $135. 'C.. M. s:KXI to $3115 W terffoo HA VE: commerdli lot, D)R Lew, m> -21m 1q tt ta. ~TDATE-Fundt_~vallable 53&-2946 • , {1JD .J''e•rly. lBR, patiopr~C.M. urlowi A.:.. a kLwci Ventura. Larae view Mme. elev $15.000. Lale., Am:1w-indm. spect. lllc: .. ft...,.. lteq. $1t.17,COO (stcm•tdJ + ~ led TD' &.;' ~l'UUSH=~s."""11'r-,"" .. -.,....,.,.-, """1-.... 'I /~ 67s.m7 2 BR studio. 2 BA. $lflO BA. -i pri i...1-. ._ ~~.:..... Wlll_ ~ for head $1D,<n> dear. WANT: ~. IMO 1.clpn St, c.iL bard work + a.bWty cantnil .. ~ n..---~ n -M .. ~. $111 Vic Santa Am A: 19lti 2 BR dtlx. pxil $111) OD( .....-. -...,., !""W~·t. w,,........ ~ or What )'OU baw, Broker. (1) 6'6-GliBl your ernployeea tmder oar • ......,. ..-.-. DUA ........ streeta. 546--350I 4300 3 + tam .... dllld .. 1%'<1 ..... --ovall, Income . .......,. ~'fi """""' o!lNctlon. Sim.... -ot;;==----c..;;.; 4BR.Backu .... Hle~ ~~i'C,,..,.., ara.Lqtj.nCan-er . · Lob 6100 ,.._. •-t _. _ _. ~-Morfl1111 T.D.'1 6345 LOST: o-o.eym mate ~ -.-\.UlD9 ~ -..-5 .ctu matvie a'f'OCldo. ....,~ "'' • ...,. ....-........,.. • SiaJw cat vie Cdlep • All utl ind. S8S up W~ ~ ~ .... '!':'*"-.·'!fD {~ ... St. tl.B. Tl' Crut.r:r Twill D, •uto Fdbrook. $«lM. Equlty C2 LOT. aY x W inwll., c:baict temt. hlch-cx:tlSTRUCTJON lfoner Putr. Call 54S-Ol5Z. !-; 81 • ~ , ' • (.1U) m.a:m . pilot, ruce lD> ml; recent $216.0CD, For hou:le, Wllb. '!' SUNSET Bl'.AOI est ,.Seki. a9&11aWe tr tnc:ocne Pl'!> I~======= ' •' 315 E, Balboa • vd. $1"5. .2 BR stmio. 1~ B&i ' i survey .... wm conaidet Bert Mott, ~ Rlty s.lJO INVESnGATE <7I'HERS ductnc property. l'Cftlgn ,. P•non•I• 6405 • 613-9915 C!'Pt>. "-bltaa. &r llEW 2 Bil, 2 Bo. """" '""' -or ....Utt boat ......U, -...,, nRS1' ..._.... -llunlb& --'---------• <U;411 •. Yrly .,.._ 1 • 84"'4lli · drpo, "";-ion-..,, patio, Ownr en•> -w•~ .. --· M~-to lllnchoo 6150 For appt .. M"' -2131 u---~~-* Al · ,. ,~-BR:: Utll. ~ Opts la ACl"Oll Coco'• I: . -~I ~ "'~ -£-----· ""'"'''-.. one r •·•Ht tlds., ·NO pets. · ~ Westclltt Plpa. $185 to $215. HAVE; 'J'r G~jp-'I-.&.A DE FOR '61 VW 17 ACRE inip.ted Iba .m.&:20 at hrl.) An~ 0 f fl ce Build Ina•, , e 'fl-m<;' . Caatt -5100 11!65 Irvine', 2 BR. 1 BA. """"''~-• .111.llP ....,.back. lW>cll. --· 4 .,,. .... ....,.,..,,.can. Apartment., etc. Wrtla or \j~jiiiRAj;ii:"ffi;;(;i;i $170 ·~ $175 down. 16111 TRADE: .... la,. ~ m.:isu n~ 3 bath home· FAMOUS clll Tllla llult,. a YES IT'S YOUlt ,':I Apt.. UtiJ paid ~ 60-0239 . or 'Malibu, etr. " t• Dl<UIUUOUo ' ~ l"Nn :US 'l'IBAl!Dmo.DlllrMol>I (QISJIUCJIOll ..._,-· Evenlnp mo._.,. panelled cJlnlni< BRAND NAME OaJi< Balldl::,""•Blrm-FAULT · • " 2 BR. Hoq Ho1p. Area. ' · ' . View home. MW" Lapna room. Value $DlM. FP CANDY ltOUTES -' '3:tO !:;. Balbo& i;IJVd., • ·-crpta, drpa. bldm'il: mA:&Oenf .... Writdiff, Beadl,3BR1tden_bam snM. For l.PPDlntmeot. Nowavaitabtelna:.t&Mesa Alabama 35:JJ3 For ~rded mtlalP tbl:t .,,_..,., . JUST' (llUllllClllll! .... rut. .... Qll>f« •PPl NB. v~-130.00ll ...... --ldt. ----· (1) """811l • many otber -ID thll -cm s--. wig~ Jr"""~ V 5ept, B, mode:r'll 2 Ul'JP'lol;llllU 546-0091. on. Hluia Way, Trade llO w~: lnr:lome, tub. tr.de $15.000 eq for Mo. atta All locations an com-20% Rlt. for J Yrs.. 'BR. bittia.. tJ"Pta. drp.. ~ N.B. , · ;_ Harbor UM. duplex, or res. tDI' Home, Boat, Lot t. Ac,.... 6200 ~ or factory. Ve!7 "S3.5U.CS 2Dcl b"llllt 4-1 t. 24 hour ttaadflW - mo. :llS cn-o. 543-"'33 Harbor Holthfs Four BEACH APARTMENT kl•nce, boat f 54&"56,'; 1130.282> high -no """'c It> bind lmlll ht .., 1o1 wttb PALM & Cm! -21r3BRUNITS r..-... --_._,_.._..._&,ytropt 9 Bdnn.·bome. C"M.ldl-.1 ..... .e-1qtt. Lagunea..c:h ftlved.Toqualifyyoum• Lquna'•Cmsloca.Dview. Advice A: help on mu:r Lido 1110 · ' ~1 ' all with_.,,.. • = w•,.... -~ s -~ w t lnduotrlal, Orano Ci ...:--o;;,;;'k:c..;.. 7 ACRES W/PERMIT be rellablo • ha,. t hr a 140 .., mmttb loci. 9'l' 3 matten. Fully llc'd. Ope .n.h........,1<2baU... =~~·.J!'O, ~C:.,.. , ' So ~SA..l'or......; TOKl•PHOIUES da1 ,._time Cdo>a or"'·""-. dally 10am·10pm. 'WJNBAl'ERYFRONT APT" Rent11 --Balboa ..... ~ "" Bi( "'°' -. n.d <Jao. ---0 a 0 ...,), BROKER 494-1131 1U/191-Cl2, %Ill W. Wblt· I' IE.ASE, J BR. 2 Mn. <llrlatiensen 2 BB. ~ ~ :frpk. 6TJ.7GO ~ ~ 5tl.:iM4 mile E;"' ~. utll a'ftD.. S12IO to S3.150 REQUIRED l.SJ' TD Oil wblte ... view tier Blvd. a Habra.. Next · '!IA, """'· ..... patio, !Olly 3117-A ChMt1mon Av.. $l80. YJ11. Bl-Qt>b I $35.000. ~ CUh, ballll mut -__ ..__ lot ID 1-1!eacb. llOOll ta l.allaln walk In._,,.., t urn. 67>2!28, or <2Ul Costa Mosa dJpo. 1 cl>ild .t. JU 36tb St. 1' * * * * * deed. ...., plan". Make· your "" a1 110 mo. 1ac1. l'l'. all due LICENSED 65<3016. Phano 546-1034 <m> 2411-l!21 MAKE OPFERll ..,....::""' -.!'J.::.i 3,..,.., lD'l' Dlocount Splrlbal R<odl-advloo I•--•-i.nd 4355 2 BR, ' BA. cpts, d.,,., REAL EST ATE REAL EST ATE Writ> « """""'' GeorJle R. a trfft ra~ -er.mo oo all matten. m N D -q fflDDllR GKrllt' blt!m. Adulto, no pe"-lllli ~----11 ~.:..-·-11 Kftu, Bm 91~ ....,... Co. For """" tlon l'OOll BLUE QllP 2Dcl TO Camino Real, lil< a.m.. NUIU nun.> r· 1 Lae Ms...sm&. 613-23'l0. _._. ._..... ~ or pbana $.ms. ldld name, addlUI I: p00ne · mmJ6 IM-9501 ==-=-==-===-I JD,to:ROlll'EDEPT,P.O. loc2)% dla:. S..JO"'dat3 yn, 10.lM' lOPM 160 WINTER mrtal Little l&le, 24' LR, 15' from boat dock. (Uee $15). 2 BR. food w, ear. adlts m-5644 Winter, choice location, 3BR·DR.LR Sl50 + util, adults, (Pasadena) '198-4003 BACHELOR uatum lrom , Rontal1 W-5990 lncomo rr_.iy 6000 II OOWN. 11 PER MO., Box .. -C11i1. 911'i9 opt compla. ~~ qnly, -="'-~·-"'~-,-· $110. A10> avall 1 • 2 & s N-rt ShoNI 5220 . JnCI. rou. PRICE, bay& ro S "'duo. -· Altroctiw Export Bdrm Hoa..., pools, cbllol EMPLOYED man DH<k apt e 4-Plu _ w,500, ro'l' ..,.. 1" So. Colli. L. AAA CANDY SUPPLY YOUNG WOMAN e&r11 ~nter, adj to aho . 1 er. 2 Ba duplex. Cnlts, 1~ exch. for week-end/eve-down. Terr 1r1 c tinan-Sbewrett, 325 w. 3rd St., ROUTE MoMy Wanfell '350 danctt wm f.eadl you all No ... ts. ppq. drps, bJtns _refs_ #Q mo. rune work. P.O. Box 92 cin&-t.ake over $.11,100 lit L.A. (213) m-5102 -!'.NAME BRAND CANDY} -lalell rlelJI Call A1de.Jl ~ Balboa -TO t 611'!0 °""" Exdtlnr work J<lllllnr a -N<odedl I!<-$SOOO m · 591....3a WO PM 2700 Petenon Wa.y lease. 642-0603 ' • • will a 'Vis n ,.,. n 'Vis n mllecdnc l'DOMJ from. cofn in 90 dQsl No ride! ~123t =~·,_;;:;;,,;;:;:.;..::==~1 a:i.t.. Mesa St&«110 NEED 2 ~. apt in finance b&1aao! at 1~. $500 oponted Al_...._ ,_ _ dQ or ew ENJOY eaJDDm¥ ftcaUoo East Bluff 5242 U.-Sdt. -"1 Soot L to l600 rno lnoome, S4 BR YER VA",,.. ,. -· ~ •-= O.lallno 1Jlwl. Prom II untl ..... -4400 MARnNllj)UE R .. _ ... , "'-"'5 • 1·2 BR 2 bath .... -SIL .._I ...... )(Qotbo ll>le .. _.. MNOUNClll\INTS -... --GARDEN.Am •NEW DELUXE• e LANDLORDS e ...,,.... • air coad . RANCH HOUSE J1"lbnper.,....tomab ontl NOTICES llott!l.-£..mll7., BR. -• -nr. bclL Ex<olJert, --·........:.i. s Br. :i1' ha apt far Jcui FREE REHr.U. SERVlCE Bu!Jdhw ..., m> ,. It. well & ;' ..:::..-· No Mil-Found !PNt Adal 6400 .u.roeoucs - Adults. $160 Yrty, $J.80 by lrWI f« adults onJy Ind. 'PU· mutr. suite, din Brok« ~ below rep~ yal~ 5 S995 fo " --·'-" Ptmm 50-1'.D'f OS" wrn. tD mo 213: 2924;ll Mt. 1nf. • rm. Ir dbl .. ~ auto ~ tba'.f '*" ca alliy. ACR" .. GE -·~-~ ~~ p 0 -·-~ -ton' • Bach, 1, 21: 3 BR: Apta. door opene; avail. Pool i ~V~ w or leer l..arie-'&l31' lot Smiley 5Jlllll '8ued on part or full thoiel' c ... _.,,,..,. 1 male bladr LU.1 :'=' =·==-=~===:=':':I Pool, nr llxlppine. rec area. Nr Catholic wishes to ftM Amfly home. Rltr. &a-ml. 646-8686 For pmobal lnteniew in mi> 1 med llm Wcu' t · .!t ;.:!;. '.!:: ·= 1m Santa Aaa. Apt.113. Cbri • Jd>ooi & Corona * ......., * BRAND NEW CITY OF ,_ -. ...., ...,., ad-••male, """"' ""°"· vi. Annou-nta 641 month,..__ • 646 -dd Mar lli&h. . WANTED' Garage far tar 2 BR FOURPLEX 100 LAKES ...... ,...,. ... 1°' ~-·~....,...._1!!,••h. PERMANENT 90NLY $255.e atirqe. vie. Balboa Isl. • l'RAN~WESl'ERN DIST. a>. "'-• aft 5 ••-• 4600 f if1nv yjlll• l.t• 1116 Amp w.,. ll.B 67><l685 ~ tnoom. l6tll/mo Wltlt de-NEWBEllRY SPRINGS 5911 No, Azua A... BROWN -(J.C. p..,. SPECIAL 1nge County a. n•1 11111 "l'W TOWNHOU~ --· 2. 3 ~ 4 BOAT SHp er mnor1,.: far S ptt'ciatllm ftuJd Dl!'t owr MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE Owlna, Calif. 91122 ~ ~ ~ 2 ~~:7~ JI_ INGLE YOIJll&'. adults, lux-Nttr Orana:e c.c, Airport I: BR. $285. 152 Amlp W13. ~.a 11 boa i .!73-1115 ~D~l~~tton 31 tdDel El.It of 8antow cm READ THIS .bmd on Bwihlrd: mar &n: ~rs Bttat;r WC1'$11 recre=~ & "'::::! UCI. Adult!: ozQ-. 2m22 675-Cl30 or l'1M033 Mary-Frances S47..3519 ~ S«ii?58 treen,y. Elev. 2000 ft. Near nq, H.B. sa.&M8. So. a.It Plaza. 546-7990 Santa Ana Ave. 540-f196 EMPLO!ED Nune wants Lab Loreen. Wwduftd land Xlnt for retind ~ tp!et> privacy, South ..... C°""'o dol Mir 5250 em111 apt srnc1 ftr Coato far -IL lllalla. mit .... FOUND' Bladt P'IPPY "'lb OVERBY A Son ha .. ""' .,·Bta,,.ubidu!':,tL ~ (~~) Mesa Uft-.et-'1'696 lutln .. Rent1I 6060 srowtna, ftab n1l:tn&. bent U )'OU want a Plrt or tun :!t.e -chMt •::. IUpplJed 2 more all electric " ORLEANS APTS. -* RENTAL BERVlCE * nach. ,,.. .... elo; clo; time """°"""'" to make ~ ' • Mndalllon 1mlls to • .-'l'll-CiOO •.,, WANTED:-a local buatneu money ln a bmineq of your vie. ~ Aw., o.t.a CWJtomen at lJU c:c...t, FREE TO LANDLORDS addft11 I: MIUld lib lo l"@nt 40 Acret Ranch Land, fm. own. For eJWl1.ple $2:0) io. Mesa. Call. 5tQ.f79I.. NB. ~ · BJue 8-oDrt ~ 1. dmt: in your office. Pftl"td wrm modml 2 BR ve.tment can Mt $50 wkly l'OUND: Female Wetmaran. l-@-:=~--:o...by==-:4-:s..=·I GLE Yoww Adults Lux· MJ-1152 nncb hooa, Ip ttv rm. by 1pm:Un1 f hn mU1Di a> tillO black A brown wiry ury prden apts with cioun-114.1 Tustin, Co'1a Mt• ON TEN ACRF.S Rooms for Rent 5"5 sman stcn beamed cdllq, brelJdut deltwries. haired small do&. Yic. Gf th batt Jlllt aQpplkid try club abrwwpbere am Mer. Mn. Cl.non. MM64J 1 I: 2 BR. Fiim ,. 1JnfarD Cabl!M la1aDd $75 Mo. nn, ldtcbm, modern bath • Baker a: FaJrritw, Costa 2 more all eleetdc mmplete pmacy SOU11I 1\replaoes I priv, patloa I cxx.LEGE or M"•i. girls. Pholll Aftkm Irr llhmabma-TW ~ en-Call Mr. Thomu MN&. 511-Jm. Urpnl! Medallion umta to .w BA y CLUB AP1's l3llXI "G"'r-oc""joita,...,.......,,A..,dl°"'•lt'""L"'iv""lng-1 Poola. Teaaia • O:mtnt'l Bkflf. live on SU. Ide, lnc:l phone, BALBOA JSl.ANI)..Leue 2 doCna 1000 pl plv, 1tOro cn41 521-61588 WHlTE DOG w/bMdc spota c.wtumen at 1912 01mt. NB. >CHAPMAN Aw.. Garden FURl( le mdum 2 BR. t>rpa. flOD Sea Lane, oml ~ kit, ftC rm A: TV. Rooms ap tank under CSU,. IJ"D' $5,(0) IF YOU ACT NOWJ ftl')' ~. vb ol ~ SUN SIGN ATROLOG? GnMe (TI4) 63S-3m w/w crpt.s, frplc. Poot Stu· (MacArthur nr. nut Hwy) from SSO up. fi1S.3613 ~~":tor ~te, szre. Wltti double pr. C<O Owner A.YS reduce price cla Wab. Owner pla call clula. ~ riow. cknts OK. No dtildren. LARGE eomfortahll!! room, • crde septic tank. all eltc.. from $15.m> ID only $lD,(O) ltt CMJ. .8qinmn -Adva.nced. ELUXE lg, ~Br, = MESA. EASI' APTS H ti ..... -5400 ...,..ntent ..... !al P'' NEW lndumtal Bldp fur S hp ,...., l'JI ol per min and jua $5.000 -., b PSYCHOl.OGY -and Call the SUD S1an. sr,;.ai ~~ 1:.n Utfl;: a.am lti E. 18th. C.M. -"" week ~ sa.i~ tease. ~ aq. tt. 9c tt. 1639 at ., deptb. ~PtONMntl: tbla fine Maican food band-..,.. in Mn'edlth Gardem <!Q'S ar 6'J5...llta aft. 6. IF======':'=:'.l-~;,-~::;'~°'~548.6~7~45!.__' l BDRM wt bath. Private Monrovia,CM.6'73-8011. Fencedwitbl byl'x300ft out ftlltaarant, on 'buq ara H8 Owner pi. call FREI: LESSONS in~ agunae.-lt . 4705 ATTRACTIVE newly *BEACHBLUl'F* entry.No-.$70mo. ftdwondlence.7Mlleo:i:ut -l<vd. Good i....., -'applicaliml~lldn ..... By _,,,, • ..., ._.. 2 1 -' • 3 Br, 2 Ba. F .A., ...,,.,,.,..._ m-am. Office Rontal .a70 of ldtool, $76.tllO. tulJy equipped and ..n · ............. &3&-7m · tum A w:tfu:m. or dilbwlhn. patios, Po o 1. estabtllhed Be capitalist MIXED brinclle terrier, bit ="'=-~-----• ::R ~ta. ll a 10 • new ~beth apta. ~ ·.ww, 1 le 2 story, walk to EXCLUSIVE 1't'lidtntial LAGUNA llACH Or will subdivid• 10 for Uie Price ~ a ttt near Dth Ir: Harber, wder CHUROI choir siJWaa ma$o cpta/drps. trpl, . r a r . OK, f4&...:_ r:m-2214 Coll!op S Points Shop's. H.~. beach area. UR or corn--Air Cond. itloned ac,.., all imprott•m•nft 10rtillaa. Call Van at '1'be trea.tmmt. dolac nk:ieb'· 4 ed. ()pportunjty tor IDkUts. l1tli6 Ave. 841-3957 pliete homt. Sll», 646-1931 •s&,000 or lO •er .. un· Ra! Eatatere:" 6*1ln 1f, old temaJe. MMB63 ~5~tt~<~25i~===;;o~I ~~~UiNT,;~;;:;<~I Gr.cious AdUtt Livfnt OCEANFRONT view sun 8=!mr~\.~ 0e°.: ~-~ tn ~~'%0.,~ a.~2n~!°! 1:'~1 .. ~t e:., :n = ~~~8: Cemetery c;rypts .641 FURN A: w:d:urn 2 M. Drpe. elect. beacb. new SJIM:, dlx, $75 m«iG e\f'N. ett ottice build1.l)c l d d .,..,_. re ar 5 ' w/w c:rptl, 1rp1c, POQl. ~ 2 BR, bl.Um, cpta, 1ndty nr · ;t' loca& in ~ I st trutt •• . wry small llM!llt. Build CRYPI' -Palm Coult t. deotl O.K. abops 1:; pier. Select ~ta. 2 BDRM'S So. of Hv.y. 1 blk. me ~ Air ~ established clua of small PARAKEET. peen wiles ~ PadJlc View 1 BR nr bead> Sllll. I Bl' MESA WEST APTS 111•. Adul!B. .,._.,31 from '-'h. $115. Adalto, no :=a Be tt.s, beaautui COURTESY TO -t Writo "°" P 4215 band, vie Talbert -Ebdld M..-.l Pk. . $135. warren (bkrl 145 E. 18th, C.M. &12-M74 AVAIL · N pets. IQ..18 e~~ Frontaat Ol'I IROKEIL Dally Pilot F'ount.aln Valley. tfil.6M9. 6t5-Ull9 ,.._iiooi . I BR. CbUdrtn OK. Bit"-~-._';:·:.flt BR.mo. Fl'RN R.oom .. ID,,....t CdM ronit Ave., nar leodo to WILL NIGOTIATll -•~========I ·~ ~~ -•-. •-home tor 11111 -. $125. CALL '47-6640 •UQ. UC'S. Crans•• Saa DEBBIE • -""" ~-· 'Logal Noll-' 6450 . • Sl75 . ._..,.... ,... ...._ "-~ tenced >"-Avlll Oct l!tO, new 1 A 2 R<r, no -67Ml69 Munctpat -Iota. ISO FTIR • ""'° 112.500 .., ule; In Wblto 1'roDl -.,. can mo apt'a. AD 11tD I: teltdelr No JIN $115 mo. 2192 BR. Admits.· no pe: t •. peT month for IP&Ct. Desk A .. $10.000 Clfl .ale. catJ WINS-5tl-cm2 I will not be ~ b> i1ncl. t.. only. 49f.:m5 Am«kan, nr 'llctori1 536-2579 CdM; Priv. tnrn. room I: bL and chlln •vaJlable Sor $5. TON ecDect (21!) :m.ae any pe,..i debts other' 2 Bl' 2 Ba. oceanfl't. ill FJem. StS-1573 MODERN 2 BR.I. all extras. Patio, pr. f7S tno. 67M617 Busint!u boan &naMJbw GREY rabbit. 5t&-51• Cll' tban at)' own.. ltobert T. ' -1700 UNFURN T-2 Br ... f ..,..._..,45. Some 1-i eves. "4-4662 service •vallable> for $10. • DAILY PIIDr WAJft' ADS! 5t9-38ll FUdlrman. ,.... Roya.lo. = ... --· ... ...... ·~· w ~· _ ~-.:'..~"". ..... ..,.,, ._I. w...W _ 6240 ___ _ 8'IO-Gl5! ..,._ 1y pllnted.. w I w aptlnr. Mv. 17421 KMJ.... U>. 1111. -h Tri Crta. 5997 -~ $150 mo._~1 utU. Apply Ews:M1·15&l ' r. OAILYPILOI' WIU.bo)'equtt;ytnJiOn.or anl Point 4740 Mer· 135 Al..,. Pl. C.M'. <r 01EZ ORO APARTMEliTS 16 NlGHT VP 222 roRESr AVENUE apt -paint•.....,._ call ..... aft 5:3'J pm • mt Atlanla . • Kitchebttte, TV. maid SIC'r'V LAGUNA BEAO:I . n4J494-402l. Week A: Up, heated pool. NEW 2 BR A,,.. East .......... 1 -Pr1 -•. o...J. e Phone .ervtoe and -i '48f..8115 • • __ _._.. .. nd Utll -Id Dana .,.. -_.. ... ., •-•....., .,...... ca.AM 1111 __ .,_,... ••• IC>!iUiJau I'''-:Mlllcit H> Cpts, -bl ....... -· _,...,.,,. 536-3971. e Cale ·Bar • MODERN A Ir "'""'tloned WANTED' Oommorc. bl .... t' n..n! Point. n 4: mcl'd pr, pvt P•.tio. 2 BDRM, I BA, pn pttio, 2376 Newport Bl CK suite. 1Tth ~· a.ta on Coast HWf, ~ del 496-lam .. -~ 6G-625'1 ~ted pool, t1.uber hook sa.o7l51 flfeaa. Owr 7IXI ~ ·teet. Mar atta. Broker 644-4323. 3 BR. J BA. Crpta, dri-, up. 9D.&9lt SJO. wk a: up 8'clM!Jor Apta. $240 per mondl. ·PUtc1na 8USIN"SS nd ENTALS bli:m.. fr1>1c, dtl\ftb1r., OCEAN V1eW new dtluft 2 Kltcttens.TVa.Ma>d Ser.>. coHff nxwU Ja111to; F1NlHc1AL Apll. Unlvm'"'*' Patio. dbl au-AdDllL ;,. Br 2 Bo • 2 BR. 1 BA opts. City of Onnac. &.! of Par-"1'Vlce Ill aWl!leo Jn..1-:;,.;;.:::::c;;;;=:---al 5000 pets. stD-'lllM·alt' n65 mo ssmo •d.l&e Motel. U30 w. a.,p. ld~uded;~· ~"':""':-:·~"':·~l\l~le1~11ua7:i' ~Q~111~•:"':""::11;1o1~•:•~ Ri!Dmm.At!:D 2· 8 R • man. ~ BDRMS. 2 BATH blt-lnl, """ A .,,,.., ..; REAL ISTA11i WEEKLY ,.,.. Soa ..,. • . Loi11t1 AppoNI She; -petL 568 w. wu.on a Gonoral MottJ, 230!. """""' Blvd., MODl!RN Of'l'IClllS U1'o to aim,_ °"" blitJ. 54$.0'MO Oiiata MeM · FROM $85 P'Ell·MONTH neaaT ffcre1a a reU. oPp(lr- $150 Mo. HEATED FOOL Rantalt W-59'0 • ' AINond., -conlnl to. tonlj)' to °"" >OUr owa ohoo Inc<! , .. ;•-. Kldl OK 1 BDR, pr, cpll, drpl, "-G""' H nl • s--·~-•-•·•·• -•-..it1t a smaD tnv<-lar .. .:o., •. :.~ ........ --. -·-_.._ or _........ w"',.-' '1 w,2 bedroom apt ~, "•• ...... -.. ....,...l™_ -~--.. ~ 1\11.. i ...,..u...c.l\ .. .,,rP" •na .......,_ So. Callt ht Nat. Bk. 8*dJ. ftxturu in ~ HundlllfOll SU tndds utll. Jl2 J1owlr. C.M. on ...,, ot BiQfroot. PR1 IUCllD In He'd c..t. %30 E. 11th. ec.ta Mta 8*h area .. All p:mdii.& ml al\l'lime -f J!Jt, crplll, "-owlmmlrlc :::;!" .:::."°' y.:..""°" .... : -lor -,,... er 6Q.f415 •loll II '"' <111--!'• • I BR. -Nr -pool, -Aliulto,• "' bachelor, 1311-llOO. Mr. _,,, Coad tood, -OITJCSI • --In-· pine Aval 10-1. --Wclcb • pnlal adltoall,.,., ...a b~,..__.~ . pap -U luolcL trc train Ul now 5tl-lil25 •™r-... ,...__... ~ A: ..,..._ )Oii at 'm *· MW $95. 2 BR.,IW• D8U' mitt&. 1 NEtD 1 or 2 babw11 ..._ • s.cntarW «JQ:ltMI, l'ar comP'lts trllnt- 1 BR, pr. pool New child ok. USS 1'lltln A... --bJ Oelol>cr 111 "' 1tant lo S99t 334$ Newport lllvd., NJI. -"'11> or -1'. t:.. wtw • .Avall -· . ll0--12:1f aft·--.,_ WI!> wtt!l 1 d>ll4 .,.ac. a 675-ICI '?llnrq, 11.!0 llortlt ....... b-:;:o;r-:"'::i-'' -~;;':' = I BDIUl -M..._ can ""'" ,, .. -rd• llrol!Ao:i: "" Boa!o • DELUXE -ID °'"'" -..... -caw. % ljR. -~ .., pftl. -. • clrpa. lllO mo. -'boll<n_ ,.,need ?&Jd. Call ,._, lSOO IOI IL Air """9, -(2U) UMICO. «pl.td. Wolk 'lti --REtlNiD"-LiliY -&C.101\!, , crpto, clrpa. 5IM!IJ. ODCKTAllJ' &. ,.._.nt, --3, BR. ""-carpo ..... ,,,... wlbo. Ula -·, jirollj\G&: YA!ID AVAILABLE Oct lat. old-W-.ln ............ --., -.1n1.....i.to,adal1L WJ11 bo _,.--Aulo-lloOt·-·campot. Otrpatod•...i .... _.i.... llnL -town.144-:1111 _.,,. llAILY P1IDf ao 1'0tl Sl25.-. ·-'*--, •etc. -$6 rno. m.6144 1.111::::..•;.; .... <:::;.....-----I ------------------------! 4410 . 3 BR avail Adalb only. ~ I t • I: ! " " I ' ' " • • •• ,. .. • " ' ' .. , . ·-.,, ..... __ .,._,_.., . ..,..._ ....... -................ _~-·-..... , ' ~~~~==;===:=~ ~-~-~~=====~! ""I ) I\ ~ 9 ..._ • ' ~ ..-f1 ~·-.J 1 _ FOr Your Con~ All r-ctllffQll~ Offered -1 • L :HABrRCAl-f,.--¥ IN-·· . ~ ·I.· • ... ARE L~STED --· l:IELf'a · WANTl_D <Men and Women) • • ~J' I l f CLASSIFICA1'10N .'7100 .1 j. -1 l "" . ' i '· . " I ,~=;;;;i;;;:;;== ~ois a 1Ml'LoYMINT 'oes a IMl'LOYMINT :io.s:a !fMi'l.OYMINT ~ a IM~LDYMENT JOBS " 1111PLOYMENT Joas, " EMl'LOYMENT .. ~==·i:~=~i:ij~::~~~·=1Job Won!M, Mon 7000 Jolft ~.w ..... 7100 Jobo Milfi: Wom. 7100 J.... 1)lifl. Wom. 7100 ,:I.ob• Mon; Worn. 7100Jol>o Mon, w ..... 7100 ~ . DEPENDABiE1 lntellia<at fEAO<ER ne<clti bobyg;ti.r, . • , • • ' :fllyroldman~ ... ,. 1Q~ok1~¥1:llft!n'!' *-' co·-·« * MACHINISTS l When You ' ' career.c.n,..,,.,,s:s;211br out. Rir. .... --.. ., •.1 J, c. PENNEY • .,~,y . > , to bJ.llf! l:UP. lfJbool· sraa. BAKER¥. MU.I(.: Ofte 1"X'lt. ~rt..Jaland -NetrpOtt-Bea.c:!l Want it done previous ""''· ........ « MU, donut> • auilt llo), HAI OPIHINU PO. large dinner bouoe l baYe ..,, -t only APPi> WA IT RES.SES .. II US B 0 Y S fighf • • • • worked al rubber •'plutlcs Tr0tta•1. 234 P'on:d Ave; Withld some e.x~ience'dand•"~hllnr toeo"""'' Top laborer. Xlnt"W'Ol'ker. Write Laguna Bch. wot nc t!OndtUvu• art en.uvnmenL mpetJtive Call O ""e of Bog >MU. Oail)' Pilot-· • •--• wa ... Dlwi rneabt end UP,, and oub"""'11111 bene· .1, BAKERY. ~.,.,_ l"'9 · fib lndjidln1 hooplta!Jutfon atld pr9~t sharing . ... _.1 -to do cteanu,p work' tn Mk· , .Apt\l.y ln person 10 AM to 9 PM th Xperls , ,Job Wan,_, 1 ery, d~. ApPJ.y Trottn'a, • 1Monda.y thru Saturday . e e . W.,_ 7020 23' F_, Ave, Lacuoa Bch. PENNl;Y'S FASHION ISLAND If steel l?elow!! •'M'ltACTIVI! . .,.,, ,. ;r -· 1'quaI 0p"°"""1" Employer old mother comJ.nc out Of , Experienced * All ttude:nt J>Oelt10!,ll1al'e ~~ ~tirez:nent kr bra ~, dally. \. SERVICE 01R!CTORY ,5ERVICI DIRECTORY SERVIC.E. DIRECTORY Can opu3t~ o ~I~.! ' Ol'.PER•~TF0- 1 • 6755 ""'chinet, -..,,... -n Jobo-Moti, Wom. nao ,Jol>o. Mon, Wom. 7100 llllysittinl 6550 C1rpet Cluntng 6625 rol'llftl ellentll, driWr.._·skJJle~ , r ••• ~ .... -···-• ffiONINCS In my hOme. W/ptr'lt!lly · ~,-.,!.~1 • ! • '. · Child Care * DRIVERS * CHILD CARE * D.uuuONOS are me-.u-.:u • bancllce,ppffl v.wn ., ac-PLAYROOM attendant owr , u111e e1r1. age 211 1o s "'0~8'.<o '&:::'ET'"' n.'5 ""~ * -~·. ~· ''rti~ ONl'l'El> CAUFORNIA n. Part --tm· No .~lence . yurt, Al•plQll).&te 6 com· CLEANERS D80P Clothes oll! Will ~~~ '1 yn. ~ f34 1Qt) 1--IAtfK ' . ~Call Ray ~ tfec~ry! parrioo IN my 4 ~ otd ·Phone 645-1317 aqyttme w·a&h, to!& &: iron. 54=>-06'71 540-6539 Must have deu Cl.Blomia Uaua:hter. Mee.la 111cludod. ' · an.er 6 pri1 222 Ocean J ve. CLEAN-Up work, part time: ...,;.,;., .. __. A-•· N9t Magnolia " Edinger. CAR.PET & ~. ~e~~. ON NG Lazuna &each male, ]8..21, pro!. •tudenf; ........ ,. ·~v.. ~ Fountain Valloy area.1'0.00 '"' 1 .i., wvl"' ~ •-1~ IR I • Job Wonted ~ no io,.. halT. 2 To 10 PM, YELLOW CAB CO. . ( ' . I * IMUJI be """"'\1ntodl Hone Operator Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators CADILLAC CONTROLS Division of Ex·Collo Corp. 1866 Wbittier Ave., Co.a Meso 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer a week. Call 84.1-?187. work, call ~DI: f.or Reoonab~ 897•1350 Men & Women 7030 B~UTJ~S. female, t~ $1.6S Hr. Winchell'• Donut 186 E. l6tti .st. * •-m Addjtions_ btlgbtn!ss! ..,,. .. k e·-·~, • ~.M ... , m· Shop. 2S.1 E. 17th, Costa o.t& Mesa · 7100 · -J ·1 r1 I 6790 5 ·-..... ~ • ~-EST Jobo-Man, Wom. 71.GO Job.-Mon. Wom. *Apartments & Units ani o 1 COLLEGE STUDENT Costa Mesa'• buaie1t 1 ·Me!lil. :ABI.tsRED lnl'UJ'anCe -::..;;;:.:._;.=.:...c.;._;._...;.... *CUl5itlmH0~1•KUchens CarpetLayll)I& DUTCH Maint Serv, crpt AVAllABLE popular Pri~ Alon. Op. CLEANING lady wanted Leads •vall1 N.B. ottice. HOS'I'E$. earn euh for ~ . * l Story Specialists FREE Repair .6'126 clng, nr waxing, window for all types of worlt. portunit)' tor top earninga % day/wk. $2 hr. AL90 oo. Career oppt. 675-6383 Christmas. Judy Lee Jewels Insi:aller tayout/desi&n 20 yrs. elfl>. FQR CARPETING ~ Han')' v.,n Beynen Part time. Call; w/paid vacation. App 1 y cuional OYerrright be.b)'lit· Expaienced ill ain&Je needle • party pla.n. n>&ifts. Pacific Coast Builders OR CARPET' LAYING S31-1508 ·u no ans can att 3. Southern Mar. Crownifl& Glory Beau-ter. El Toro, m-5591 and overlock. Good piece 545.-2036 1. 2435 E. Coast Hwy. C. A. Pqe 642-20?0 California College. ty Salon, 267 E. 17th St., CLEANING Lady 2 aJ'. woti: prices. ~teady work.H c~---;kec-p<r ____ _ , Corona de! Mar &7>n91 Janitori1I 6790 Student EmplOyment SeMc7 C.M. ternoona. child auperviaion 3 J:DOY MOSS l«M.1 Locust Doud .l .rootn private aue:st CH.D.DC8.re.Mybome.Will Electrical 6640 . . Kl~UTS BIKINI Barmaid/dancer. evening-. FV area. lJ or St.,WMtmlnster:534-ST3a hous~ +'salary. Light take infant or up to 3 years. EL ECTRICIAN;ii'Censed, SPARKLE Janttonal &: \V~· COUPLE WANT to manqe Full or part.time. Costa older. ~1S42 Fortl91"1 Car Mechanics housekeeping and cookbtg. ff • -~ -~ and l 'L dow cleanilli Serv. Wm-· rl ~-..1 ' ''# ,. nefi •n• :.1 .,,,., ~-ave e.~ you-.. -,s bonded, mWI jobs, maint &. 'd cl eonst APts. 1 child -expe e • ....,.,.. mesa CLERK TYPIST uood co. be ts. i._ pa... Chl-n car des. ~ ext. old child. Location between repairs. 548-6203 dows., rei;i •• com · (213) ~ 646-7301 vacation, group ins, uni. 2229 F-'-"-·· A Sun t lower Cleanup. Free est 96&-aiSl. . f r .,_rtl1'1,_ •-,.. fo '-·-tshed '-· Good =====-,--,,.---~·~• ESTATE M-'"'t Tift Serv CHINESE ~tn. Domestic. BOAT CARPENTERS o _.,,. ·-. •-rma J.un• . ""=· HOUSEKEEPER / Com- 541J..5!M Ftoon 6665 n ___ _:, & "'::--i ...... ftte Pmt!anenl ~need. Experie~. t.asp cu.tom cy. Sharp, alert, type comm. schtodule. Ask tor panlon wanted, 50 to 65 yrs CHIID care; mature Euro. 1:..:=c;_ ____ .;...;._I nc::~<NVtu eaJi .. 541.._ Far :cast Agency 6f2-S703 consinlction. Top waaes. 55-60 WP'JI accurate, Joe Moore. Ph. 54G-17'4. for sin&le: elderl)' lady. p!an woman will care for Carpet Vinyl T~le estimate, Wll.J..ARD BOAT Works •bfe to spell, h1ncll• fry Cook Llve-in. Pri. l'OOm, balb & childttn in nice home in All etyles 1>.l'ld colin 6110 ~obt-!t'-"• Wom. l100 129.5 Bak~ s~ .. CM phone and clerical Exper, top~. full time TV. Call :>43-4903 for if'!. C.M. Lt:. fmced yd. Aft 5 Free est. Lie. Ci>nt:r. Landscaping: 0 E E PER Ex duties. Bob'a Codee Shop formation. PM. .... -54<).'1262 546-4111 . b. L. t-s B ° K K . • DUREL ADVERTISING ~.::::====-=---=- BABYSlTl'ING my home, ~,::;~1 1y~ N~~~ o~~ CL~ 1 1 .. tle ::lt.. pertenced ~fu ~· 425 N. Newport Blv(I. 10 S. El Camino, San a H~~o~ I~~~ :t~ :r:i: I --'-1-. Vic. Brookbursl • ft-... ni-6680 ......-·-an 1-m1 eu Must have ty o:>Callm· Newpo..t Beach 642-3910 FRYa:>OK wanted, Exp'd, u_..._.._ D-•-.... _ .... ..-i=.....,. Call -•• .., will be worse! Gel pro-• plete books thru T.B. -:.!. top wages. must have rm. .................. ,......,,., "" """""· Adami, Hnf&. Sch. tection now! c.all ~ ageDCCY" for ·mterview or appiy in Clerk Typi1t $450 Bayside rm,, 35rS Pacific $200 mo/ Day• C213 l ~ '6)..2:829. ANTifQNY'S * Lic'd Japaneae landscape Quality Posf&ns for person' 64S:l.221, Beautiful ottiees. Xi.nt New· Coast Hwy, N.B. 673--0934 ~23~1-434"=1==~---=--o- • BABYSIT'J'Il"IG my bOme. contractor; complete Ind· Qua1ltied Appllcants MCNAR JNCORPORAT.ED port Beach Company. FUIJ.,.Time maids, resort HOUSEKEEPER -Cook. Prefl!r aees.l!A .• to 3. fenced 644-4860 &cpg £: gardens 830-3031 488 E. 17th St .• SUile ZM Commando Moton: Dtv. Call Ka,y 546-5410 bot.el. IA.gun& Beach. General lite duties. ynt:Vic Btl&bard ·.t Adams. Costa Mesa 642-14'70 90516th St, N.B. JASON BEST 494-U96 Generous salary. 12-6 968-1603 Tht Best, cost& no mott! .__._ B • k 6830 Employment Agency preferably. Chvn tran!. NB. MOTHER wants pl~tr Experienced Maintenance mti•Dnry, nc Admini1tr•tive Asst. BOYS 10 • 14 2'120 So. Main, Santa Ana JJ ..._1318 ... .,...., .... """· Meaa del G~':, ~Jr:::t, RIC"IARD ALLEN Good .. J~.~. mat= carrter ':'" Ope• Cf«k pneawprsoon~-·1 HOUSEKEEPER. live m Mar area. st&-1692 COMPLETE wilh administrative abUlty, Lq:una Beacb., So. La&wa FEMALE clerk. apply In fltl molherless home N.B. area. EXCELLENT care for your Cu•tom • Spaniloh Ma.son..., Co call • -•-· OAJLY PILOT penlGD Oriv@-ln Liquor, 706 2 teenagers. Woman \vith 1 YARlJ MAINT. • ·~• rooa area, J..U,.....,..,, PacUlc r---H l 1 h way, agency d cblld! My home in Htg Bcb. A Specialty Merdlants Pez'lonnel, .21'.K.1 ~ ........,,. • "ml child ok. Prefer un er Call 961-i746 Sprink)er ins'Wled & repair. Block. Briek, Cooc""' 1·u D Ng ,,~,!. 2""" Huntington Bch. 45, 53l·l450 ed. New lawns, cleanups. Westc Ju r., · · lll'W"' ••v BOX BOYS Prof111Htn.I Service ,-iii,""';,;;;:;;;;=..,,::::c:::-;:;; WI1L babysit for child ot Monthly Service. Free est. 633.2.143 ORDER Takers, women.girls Must be avail wk. d~ morn-COIL WINDERS HOUSEKEEPER. Live in, "'iO teacher. X·teacbcr, now 19:.. Torodal e11.J1erience for the 1mploy1r to 65 yrs. Prof. couple I 16 •· 5 ~ Pa-rhln9in9 over lS; days or · eves. infi, over 16• good appear-prefetTed. and tM •pplicent h M t knd mother. 673--8504 Quelity Liwn Service -50 Pleasant work. No exper. a.nee required. Apply in per. D B yr daug ter. os 'v 3 BABY~""""""'G u.. home, P•lrttln9 61 neeeM. Salary $l.6S boor. JOll. Richa:rd'• Lido Markl':t, • VALOR 133 Dover r ., N. • tree. Eves. 1·'· 5T.H097 .:;u• •u• "V Establishing new route by ........ 3171 54• •7•• I ,..., do! Mar. Any ... well koo~ proto,.ionsl. NEED PAINTING? 547.7323 3433 Via Lldo, N.B. ELECTRONICS, INC. -•· r• -HOUSEKEEPER. •• ary welcomed. 546-31113 Rell!On., rcll. 64&.ZT~ can us! Reliable Service w/ ANSWERING Service Oper-BUSBOY 3100 Pullman St G1neral Office S~mon!1~V: In~ ouJ. 3 .. BABYsrrTING a: after scbl. NEW Lawn a ~ing. Quality at itac best, a~ the ator. ExPl':rience prelerred, Av-:1-b•· lunch &: dinner. Costa Mesa -sto-92.,'l to $425.00 sc ...... ., ay SEARS COSTA MESA ANNOUNCES OPENINGS FOR Experienced Truck Tire lnstaner Excellent Earninp: Plus • Profit sharing • Hospitalization • Group life ins. • Paid vacation e·B paid holidays • Employee discount • Apply in Personnel Office 1'1onday thru Saturday 10 AM«i4PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity ~mployer 11 can:, my home:. Fenced Complete lawn care, clean most reasonable prices. but wU1 train. ~ IC' Several openings for good week. 962-9913 ' yard. 5&8-5874 up by ,.. b or monlh. Frff 1-"'ree ·estimates. 548-6003 • ~2ffi2 • D""lsHW"' A"s""'HE. oRr over. Cooks typist in beach area and H 0 USE KEEP l: R , 2 ~ ' . Santa Ana, Call Loraine, schoolagen:, priv¥apt, Costa BABYsrrrtNG my home estimates. Call 84&-09J2 e SPEC1AL e . App RENT ICE in AM l PM. Over 18 yn;, Merchants Personnel A.ren-Mesa. 675-DJlO or 5'8-7191. ---------1 vicinity Slater I. Beach Ht& AL'S Gardenino & Lawn INTERIOR l ex te r 1 or. PHARMACEUTICAL !ant fRY (Miff cy ~· We•-"ff 0, N.B • Journeyman f Bch. ~ Maintl':nance·.-'Comme-rcial, Single 3 BR stucco & trim learnin& trade. &t6 393r for * APPLY IN PERSON * WIU oo_;no u:u ., . HOUSEKEEPER, live • in. Mech•nic ; WILL b&bylit in my home, industrial & residential $288. 4 BR or 2 atory $388. t Priv. rm " bath. 2 cbildren. u 1 hot meals, gd. n:i:ferencet. * 646-3629 * 30 yn. exp. Chuck 645--0809 app . • ... • I snac· k Shop No. l Top wages, ~. hon· General Ftn. van. MZ-1254 I! SUBURBAN Painting/Dec AS$ISTANT ~~a,aer FuI . r st, and COOd worlcini' con· e CABINEJ' ASSEMBLERS HOUSEKPR Live-in for 11 $15fwk. 5.1>-8977 JapaneM G1rdener Expert Guaranteed Work time, mrweruent market. 1305 e. Coaist Hwy. ditions in area's leading • ME"J'AL BODY C1JTTERS elderly couple:, mature Ii BABYSITTING, Next t 0 Exper., compl yard service? Fl\'Je eat. No )Ob too large Vacation . & Insurance Xlnt Corona del Mar, Cal. l'l':3taurant. Apply 9 am to j • ELECTRICIANS ,voman preferTed. 64~ 11 Newport Heights park. Mon fl>ee est 645-0912, 968-2303 or too small 494-3190 opportwnty. 642-85a) pm tor intervie\v at e CARPENERS Fore.ign car expericn<"e pre. ferred, min S ycai:s • :.p. • Lot & Lube Man I; thru Sat. &1>2T~ JIM'S Gardening i lawn BABYSITI'ER needed ror 8 Balboa Motor Homes * * Housekeeper * * :: f:XP'D drild care in my malntenance. Res. & Com-PAlt\'TING In~ & Ext Lowest yr old bo)' from 3 until 12 BUS BOYS MANNING'S 3070 Pullman, CM. 494-~Td~":keeach necessary. 1 lovely home, $75 mo.Mon mercial. * 548-8411 contracted pnees. Fully ins. mldnlght Tues thru Sats COFFEE SHOP 540-5103 BARWICK DATSUN 1, Sa"·'--Uo Free esl · · Days. S day1/week. ~ Rd HOUSEKEEPER Ex pe< thru Fri. tj46..5537. Ex 'd J Gardene . ~ D guai . Arca-Mariner's •chool, 1 •• • ~4031 EJ Toro · General · • • 998 So. Cst Hway, Lac Sch Service station experience . : ; BABYSITI'ING, My home. &mp1:ie~ &el'Vice. r. Juu Weeks Of3..llS6 Cornwall Lo·. Call 642-3367 App..., in person: Lcisur. World Laa:un.a Imla College stuctent pit work that English or German, L.aguna 494-9m or 545-0634 Ill· Magnolia &: Warner, F .V. frtt estimate. ~0-1332 ~A.INTING, Papering ~G yn, BABYSITrER -Woman to COCO'S 837.101• can be tailored to your class. area. 494-6170 !!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!,.! , Any qe. 842ri475 m Ha.rbor area. Lie. & take care of two children es. $2.65 pea: hr 1uar. to H OU S EK PR/Babysitter. LADIES 19 t& 70 earn US to + BABYSITI'ING, l\f.y TREE service, gene'ral yard bonded. Ref.s. tum, 64Z-2356. WUlin& to do lite boulewotk 78 Fuhlon hland COOK -HOUSEKEEPER, start. Car nee, PR: 546-6339 live in for 2 girls. Aft 6 -all $100 weekly C a t ta n I : Vmle home, cleanup. Rototill£: sprinkler INT. & Exter·House &:: Apt&. Own trans. 61S-l276 Nl':wport Center, NB or ~man, (XlnU for 2 FULLER BRUSH CO. day wkl':nds 545-4405. Lingeri;e;;,.'\· ·Equal o PP or t . ,,. Mesa area. serv. 646-S848 At . n _ ... ~ C adults. NB. Write Daily _ _ en>ploy-\"l': train 546-.3508 540-2132 CLEAN-UP SPECIALJST! prices you ca aw.11.-u. BABYSITTER BUS BOYS needed f o r Pilot Box p OOC. General ~..-... '" 'f I========= 1 Mowing, edging, odd joba. & S Painter&. 615-29f6 Housekeeper. Live in, '150 varioua lhltta. Apply at 5 * COOKS Man to clean " mainWn 32 LOT & uETAIL MAN Irick. Metonry. lfc. Reasonable. 548-6955 e FOR Better Palntina:. ~ per mo. Must have refs. pm, in ~n to fl.Jr, AU. SHI.rts ft. ChrisCrart about l day a * HOUSEMAN * Experil':nO!'d, over 21. ThiB is 6560• I---;--.-,-,.-.,-,,,-,.,.,-,,.-tcrlor & exterior, amustic Call aft 6 & wknds. 968-2393 A n i e Io , T 0 W E R S THE FLYING BUTLER week. Boat is located near a good opportunity for steady 1---------* Expert Japan.,. ceilings. 646-4071' &: 541-3502 BABYSIT'l'ER, litf? hskpc. 2 RESTAURANT, l5lS S. 613-0977 BaJboa laland. lbo is Must speak Enllish dependable \vorker. Good co BUU.O, Remodel, repair. FINEST WORK 646.0384 PAlNTlNG Bay area 15 yra. chllitren 5 &: 4• 5 day wk. Coast Hwy, Laguna. Beach ====,-,==-c: seldom used, want it kept benefits. Call Chuck &46-9303. Brick, block, concretl':. _ _,,_ .. _.. DELIVERIES: Young man cll':&n .m in ruMin_g order. Night shift 1:30 pm to 10 pm carpentry, no job too small. Haullnp 6730 exper. Immnmste servnce. Own transp. 968-lu.<V. * * for servicing equip. in con-Write Daily Pllot Box M-340 t Lie. Contr. 96.2-6945 Call Bob at 646-64<16 BABYSITI'ER needed im· st.ruction equip nntal yard, ~' WiU Do Your HtuUng Pl•ste'ring. Re~ir 6880 mediately 5::'30 am • 2:30 J.C. Penney Co. Forappmt. phon .. 54a..8203 ~~~a~~·· i= PLEASE CONTACT HOUSEKEEPING DEPT. See Bett7 Bruce at mi66 Gxec : : ' Bvflden 6570 4!M-6160 Ask for Kurt pm. 548-1429 aft 3 pm. Fashion Island Delivery man -Fumituft. woman in your home or ~' ltEMODEL-Additiomi-Cab-YARD/car cleanup. Remove e PATCH ~:;·BABYSITTER N-1>0rt Beach Fltime, o/18. Start ini.· hers. Call evea or wk end.a -nt-l.4'eney for Career Glrlt 410 W. Coast Hwy., N. B. t ' blltt:s·Block fenoes-Oxlc~U trees. Ivy, dirt. trac1or All typ!!. Free es a . 1:30-4. My bonie University NEEDS med. $2 hr. 193Z2 Beach, HB 536-6214 NEWPORTER INN 'i ',' ~ .. ·~ -2 b&ckhoe, grade 962-8145 Call 540-6825 park area. 2 cblldttn, 1 A <I. n-tal N wui• ~~ 833.s439 aft 6 v.:n GENERAL: PJ~t. eat llOT Jamboree Rd. ! ' ' a..EAN t...'P A lite movin& Plumbin9 , 6890 BABCallY--3P:.. boy, FULL TIME RE~O~JST• . ~'1<:,11 Lady, for ..J...~~18h pos!Collietlon Newport Beach, Calif. Machlnh1ts ! 1 6590 Tree &. abJ'Ub removal ~ i •"''" '"" exP. "6" ~ up. '"'1"'06UU• Garden. Auractive----------I 1 C•r'JM"tel'lnt Reuonable. 54~i359 PLUMBING REPAIR • my home, "M..on4 ln. P'rf 3-• CASHIER Btwn 5 A 8 pm only. tor semi-retired. 6'7l-2740 = • Punch Preti & By appoint. 646-3939 : : CARPINTRY CLEAN-Up and lij:ht mov· No job too small 5. $5 wkly. Call 646-31'98. for our moMy room D ENT A L Cb at r-S Id e GENERAL: Wanted men for day: attending vend i n g • Multislide Opri. t MJNOR REPAIRS. No Job ina:. Call Dave: • 642-3218 • B A BY S ITT ER : G I r 1 Assistant. Send your work lite ui;embl)', warehouse & machines, local high tchool. ~on~~hi~ week. Appb ~.' Too Small. Cj.blnel in,..,. * 893-4295 * I ·-· 8:31).5:30. Mon tbru Fri. fllY Recent succe111!1uiexperil':nce resume and qualification,, ahlpping duties. 887 W.16tb (1) 521-1355 or aft 6 (1) \VIL.CO TOOL A: DIE 11 qea Is ot~t cabinet& R~.!'"*I, RljN r, ~ houSl': ln Laguna.~ pref~. Competitive wag. to: Box M~ Dt.iJ¥ Pilot st, Newport Beach. 639-l553. 3190 Pullman Lane :t.-54$-1115, U .., """"" , .. ,. 6735 eun.o, Remodel . Repsh D•••••••• •• and ou1"1"ndinr .... ~., • DISHWASHER • Ge"""' WANTED younr '°1N:;,S~URA~N"°CE"""'A"'1°'•ncy=-=1=• rt Costa Me ... 54~543> ~:· mec •t ~ R. O. Houstclunlng Brick, block. cone-Tete . · incl~ing profit sharlna. a:lrl \vb& likes to sew. Call with full knowledge ot1-::M:-:ao='·hi'tn:i'ioO:,.=c::...:..;.:..:;::.:___I 11 Abdenon HOUSECLEA N t NG & crpntry. no job too small * FULL TIME between 4 At 5. 613-041.2 operations ot general In-MINIMUM 6 .,_ exp on '" Al~ -·-• · Call Con ,_, _._~ . APPLY IN PERSON ti' Not lif · ,.. L , QUALITY Repairs -<'C••· Ge11U1U Matntenance. Jjc. tr. iJ!M""Vinil .. M * EXPERIENCED General surance o itt. e in-Lathes, Turrets&:: Milla. L, ...._ .. N"' """l by....., anyU-. ..........i ref.II. reu! -.......11.... • ~ ~ lO A.M, to S:OO P. · SALESMAN-M-•--tc. A~ , .. __ Noor Oran1e CO I ,,__ ..... -a""" * If' you need re .. ,~-.. ' I\ Monday thru Frida,Y ""''""' ,. ................ "'..,. c...u TAPMATIC RP. ,!: '. kfp~ct.P= S>nall =... WindoW>, Un. ~;'.'"~,._~;., repaln. Call 'II.. ~ J C PENNEY CO THE RIGGER ;~ ,!::':~~day CounJtyA..,,.NlriT. -OR ~:w~16:a~h io; ~. etc. Nlte or day, etc. Rei or Comc'I. Xlnt ,. • , • belna • museu!tl':. wm train. 548-3404. ': Reul Call KEN 6«M619 work f\eu! Ref.s, 54Mlll. ~ Sewi~ . . 6960 ... ~: 2t F11hlon 1.1.nc1 4!M-1SU OR 1 ·MAI="o"'s-------1 1, 1 REPAIRS. AL'fER:''P,ONS WOULD Y0\1 bellew. 1 wm •~TIC -Alttrations •-... ,.,-uni•.. #lg Fashion Jl'Jand GIRL wanted for part·time JANITRESS fUU.-Timt, re90rt hot1!1, ct" CABlNETS. ~ Jl2t: job cl£&n )Wt home, lor Blue Specta1 on ,hema. ""' ~, "Yt''" • ~ • Newport Beach wmic. Gen'l oWce incl Ute Laauna Beach, 494-ll96 !I z; Jn. expel'. . 5'U113 Clrlp Stamps! 891-1300 * 6MH& * * employer * App'" in __ typing, twitchboard 6 mail . i > ch ............ ; .... ""A-• · • v ........ -·· 8 ~ • 30 "-·id ~me full P/time .rt 5 pm, Mon-Fri to •• ·~--:---::-:---:-:;;:: BAY & Bea .... _ =·· Altoratlons -642-5145 DISHWASHER '~' · -work tn CM, NB or !nine More ffolp Wonted ll' .' C-. Cericaett 6600 carpets. W1ndowt1, Coon, N tt 'lrl yea xp .,.._ --CASHIER-HOSTESS time. Apply 1' on Nert Page etc. Res I: Conun~'I 616-1401 eat. accun. ' -Y rs e · m:XPERIENCED Harry & David at'ta. "'pply •t lT7Sl-2C Sky. • Neat appearing, lJ to 40. ~ 21, R' -'" A NB park Orclt. I~. 54().1910 -----eo:>NCRETE work a ll WINDOWS Dl-!t.'fTI 1----...,....;.--:::-:-HE Noeqeri~necftSU)'. iw.aru.e \<e, I. '>'Pel-"°°"decks A custom. Johnny Dunn )'Oltt_ local T'ILE, Ceramic 697A NOWIS-T Apply in pel"l!IQn. Apply in Per•on .J Jobi-Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 l Coll 11&-.ml ...VI«. ,..... .. ,. 642-:1364 SURF a SIRLOIN HOSTESS Ir 1a~iiiif\iW011KiOiiiK.. ;;..,;:.;o11~-btmtml---------• v~ •. The' ... 1:!1e,.Man .* FOR BOB'S SIG BOY 5930 Pac. Cst Hwy FULL TnJ"" ,. •••••••••••••••• ···--, r ~· In Cuat ......... na.... ft'p&Jn, TIME ·~ E Ith ~ • MANUfACTUAING l• ...U. .....,.bl<. Free BUSIEST mam~ace No jot) .., small. Piute ~ ·I St. Nowport 11.,.~h t PRODUCTION • eftim. R. 9tumdc. 54S4815 town. The OAD..Y Pnm patch. Lea.klna • h 0 w. r O:Mla,Meo. OJSHWASHER-Part time NiJht.s • weekPnda • j• ~ .... r~~~ :;-:m.~on~~ repair. Ml~l95T/846-0'Jll; QUICK CASH~ m~~G~. ~~u~~445v~~~ App:::::1121~s t TRAINEES j-,_ -Tr" :i.-o 6'80 1'1oltt30., 60 roln 01.... Blvd. NB 616-4929 FIVE CROWNS i NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 21 TO 35 , Conff-6620 TIME FOR GENE'S TREE sERv, THROUGH A = l~ .. : .. i'~~=il ~=..tib-.':"!..~ 3801 ~E~I~~=THwy. i ~~R~A~~o~H~c~~~T~~:.D~~T~,lr It D'M I ahrubbuy ~ovl'd. . Patk ovtrJooklna the motMr i earn a wtdy Corona ctel Mar TRAIN YoU. PERMANENT EM PL 0 Y • ••' ... ~. AU "'UICK CASH tTtmm.d, hauled aw1y PILOT Pacllic Ocoan pr..,. call """'heck.-· --.....:"""==--: l --·_,..Odd' ..,. >4'•Ui9 DAILY tor an lnte...;,,w, DarTelf DRILL ~ .. A olber HOSTESS MIONT EXCELkENTOPPORTUNITY FOR I • 'l I ~ • -u .. -M •·-• tt So o"~ AD'1ANCl!MENT. '""" 1=· .. ,.. · THROU"'-H A Ward. machine llhop operatloao. •·~· • • r. m< •~ t • ; ......... --Ml--,.. , Uphoiatory 6990 &U-0212 Must .. nea~ atm A ""''· Apply In ....... t INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. ~--1o _, r ... '11 DAILY PILOT =--'·----1 WANT AD C11TLO "'"'· 11-View dependable. E><p. , .. rd but .. ~LUE1 ~rPHIN : SPS W f • ·-' ' .l -· .. 1.-: -___L_ C'ZYKOSKl'S Oust. Uphol . ... •• I.-• nel'""btr who not req'd. Small ~ es ern : =.;'.:':;'!"!,;~ WANT AD , ~t1tt~blp 642-5671 =d~~.::.0::.'!';f'~ =:·::.,:~wt.,!~ mR:.~I~~~~c1t : : ..... a.tit--· . . 1831Newporl Bl.. C.M. ll -mothOr ''"'"'In o"" llvtnun•• ... :1101 ,. bi Your Ad flt ___ , ·i 2701 So. Harbor, Santa An1 t - - ----· - ---~ -. htadena. 6#-2300 aft 7:30 Hall•da)', Santa Ana Someone WUl bs loDkina for AN iOUAl Ol'POltTUNITY &Jril.l'LOYI• ••••••••• p.m OA!LY Pru:tr WANT ADSl It. Dial UWlm --' ' ' ·' ' . -· 1: • ' , -lll!!!ld'1, 5'tt"'"" a. JolU'&'EMMbVMINT Joli'i'IMl'tOYMINT I joifl IMk OYMIHr JOIS i llMl'Lo-hk~T ·iii•'•cR•li111~t1'01i M11tCHAN011 i ' jloit MIAtHAll0151 .... ~HAN01s ~l'Q~1thiilw11~1iiiii~ Joli• ,,...., w-. TI!llJollo .tfiJi. Wom. 7100 Jobe Mon. Wom.•ftqt ~olao /Mn, W4m:7 fo0 ~LE ~T,l!A~I 1 SlLE AND TllAD~ 1 _ _,S::;A::L::.E .::.A::;N;:D;...T;..iR::~::.0::1:...::SA;::L::E:...=AN:.:.D:,.:T,:.:R.;A::D;:l!_/~S~A!:.Ll~AHD~:,_~!!!:~:_I jj 'q 1jj [ ; : f_ iJ ( z = PRESSER ~i i-F.'u~mr:liltu;';';~~;;'°";;F·u~rnpl;tu;"':;;;;~ll~-;OO·i··F~u~m=ll=ur:•===· :IC:DO:O:'":"'::'tv:"'~=·~, =·~~l,O!Q~,1;!f~··~~r.' ~-~~~~'.~,~1~1-~, llESl't. ~. Pl\RT•l\)'\l~L Tl/,11! Q.wley nnlahlh, o ncw, • · • I I BEAIJTtl'll~ We • • w " 1 ti ••tom•llc ...io.,.nt. Nu~ H U · ~ H E S ' I wllrlhier 1 11>1ar. P t • o . · · BOYS . · ~~.'.""*"°"' Phone NEWP9RT l~CH • soou'-M.., .. flnfll(. eo.i over sm'.). No saliel' tu $il0. PUBLIC NOTICE ... ·W~ITQU HOSnSSES Rl!CIPTIONIST for bu tm....rit~ oJle.•ll>P !or ,._,.., ,,... Si'~NISK. ' Jii~i~~:1~~~s .El(l'JqUEN~ SECRETAltJIS . and MEDITERRANEAN DKOIAJOI .GPS CANClllATIOJj , To1ov1.ion -- Of J~-)Ul(lllrl. ..,.~ • I t,.c ... 'c.loc-9"( or ~ • ' , DISHWASHERS :COOKS · •.. ' -· . . . . Part Time Ar>ply in prr&on to Mrs. niJ, ton, Beauty Salon, 3d ft~r. Faahlon lala.nd', N.B. Receptionist (Or M!)'tt~ ind ' Enall'Jeertna-oe_61rizu,111 .. A mlnJ.mum of: yn cl reOent lndU!trW eXP ls tnaad&lOI')'. Above a\ltt'f,ge typtna a.nil ... _..w._. Show Rtotn ~~FIQOr Slimpl11 • Ftctory t;lo~•outa l ROOMS OF FUj\ .. ITURE $389. • S pc. 1utMntlc Sp1 1 nish Bdrm. tit, e 96 in. quilted soft with 56· In. m1tchlng loVo ff•t, or chair • 5 pc. Spinllh Dinette, uk table top • 3 heavy Medlt,Jrr41n••n m1tchln9 table1, top dur•ble enough for Fl•mtf'co S""isll &~--Furaitiw• I A wtui., Oplldo .. i..,. a >'rte """""· N~ d<poott ..LL HAND NEW ' ' ~~ctlV< TV ReDW Co, 9-pc~ M_.dit•r~1ne1n ltdroom Su11• rn Ptic.tli\ T ' (11 522--~ {~09. ,30.001 • .... -......... -•. ,.NOW $1'f.OO G.' E.ibtaek • whtl< p>e1 6 or9tovs Sp•nlsh Cu1torn"l uitt ':..f1 with · 1 ~lion.tyrs. ~O:oacr. Al>PLY IN P!RSDN 2 POSM'!ONS avail' .I. tnctlve, pl c-a 1 I. n t., ex- pet!enced R.EXXPTlONIST Wlaood tn1nt eldlh ptu. a TYPIST-STENO. ...... :• acauacy required, For ln- fonnation &: ap~ call 66-7434 m•tching love Seat-Choice of b•lutifuf ~ ~ la~rlc" I.Reg. '4 19.95 I •.. _ ...... NOW. ~5.qO I w· COi.OR z..;tJ\· TV. •till Span11h Oln1n9 Sets ·-·················· .. -·-·..-. • .$75Ji0 iUMtr w111m.ncy. >Ont COD> Dance. Wiii sell Mpar1t1lyl SOiid 0.k End Tables a nd Coffa• Tabft, :.$11.od dition. '646-2863 Ple11.R apply ln persoo to: -REUBtN. •E. LEE 151 Eaot CNot Hlthwoy . , New~rt le~ . HUGHES NEWPORT BIACH SHOP FIRST ! THEN SEE OUR UNBELIEVABLE BUYS! Tall Dtcorator T iblt Limps $irif TV portable 14" I Reg. $49.951 ....................... -.NOW $11.00 '•ino!ud"-itaod. Xlot'....i. Sp1ril1 h H•n9i"9 Sw19 :..1mp1 ' . Mr. Thomas cn4l 521.-S ---------- I Sales 500 SUperior AVl!ftl!e Bank Terms . Store Charge Master Charge IRe9. $49.951 ............................ NOW $1'.50 • • BankAmericard All Accepted · ~~~~~~1 .Jobi Mon. wom. 1100 * Fantastic! Newport &&ch. Call/. -~-· ·-NURSES AID£S &; LVN , , . , EauaJ o~unil¥ . >, ,decoraJor dream ,house . on dispt1y _ 3 Hl·FI " Sto"'°. t210 roo ms of gorgeous S~nlsh furnitu re (was ~w1~9:".u :,:.:"'!; reg. $1295.00 Garrard -·· ,SQ ~·· Jobi Mtn. Wom, 7100 1 Elperienced. la the wont tor 1hit national employer---M&F -' !M:9-305l COlllpatl)''s new:~ /flt SEAMSi'REss, Dr a ;er y MAIO, full time. • NU~SE RiG'D :rrn Calilomia! We v,'Ork. lnQUft.Lquna Beach Appl:f in~-Cbntact SUP!:R.VISOR· * 549-3061 -o·-~uroRS lntuion, .• 5.: Coul SACRIFICE •..••• $398 ~.~:.; ~ 'Housekeeper at the ..,, ru.D, Hwy llliOrJUlWS. 48f-6M8 JAMAICA INN R........ • •• OPERATORS ' • • -MANAGERS ==·=-=;;..::..:...=-I C rtdit T1rms > ..... a. C redit C ltartd Immediately ~t ;;pt. 1~7289pymnts. v' c..i.. E:icperlm:ed in Mn&ie needle -PAl.E$MEN SERVICE: College -student :nm. E. CQast Hwy and overloeks, Good piece -sA:LESWOMEN tor pa.rt time wotk d"'"'"-mm FURNITURE Corona del Mar _...._ __ , ~u~1 ;:=:==:==:==:==:==:=;;::=::=::=:::=:::,=:;:::;:::;:::;J work prices, ateady work. -REPRESENTATIVES llCl-..i at Cl)evron Sta. on Camoros l 1l4ulp. J300 MAIDS. Age no limit. Part and Ml lime. KEN'"NlL.ES MOTEL 1021 ~yside Drt\I!', NB t.tAIDS & PORTERS Exciting apt complex nttdS" full & part time help. Good pay. call Faye at 641-8170 MAINTENANCE man nr rCtittmtnt' from Laguna Bcb or Leisure World area. Job is easy work, aboul 6 hr per day. 1 days per wk. Split shift. Apply £1 Taylor- Dunn Mf&: Co. Anaheim, C&lif. 535--6021 "IAINTENANCE man for part.time work; pe.intinf & odd jobs. Car req. Sal baled onexper. ~ MAINTENANCE &: b o a t cleamtp. 4 day· w e e k , SCHOCK. Newport 613-2050 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust -1'RAINEES be_ach in l.quna. Must be Fun)ltu~• ~ IOOOFurnfture IOOI St., w'e1tmlnsttt; SS4-8738, This la a ttaJ KtOUnd floor lJ. NO long hair. SaJ I: 1;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;,1 Plee.sanr. pa.it. time won.. no opportUnity ,...i.~ a ~ auto. <."omm w/raises. 49f....0003 selling No ex--p e r J e n c e '!'&tie· electronic eqwpmcnt SERVICE Statio? M a n • . Estates -Consignments necessary. ~ 0 w n firm that nffC1' ~ml. retired w/ llOfne exp. CANON Qt,t!, 35 mm £lecrric Eye 1 yr. old, Xlni eoiit. "'° ~•tter6PM 1844 Newpol'.f Blvd. He:, 11w1.1 Costa Mesa only lnry Nltlit 'TU t -WM., Stt. & s ... 'Tl l •~=. T•"•"""" • ,, • HIGH .,., CHEVRON. '°' s.. Repossessions personal interviewinr for I __ .... Coast Hv.')'., Laguna Beach. Hew •ncl IJsH Fatnilture, Appllattcn. Color TV's, Sportin1 G:ood• . asoo twenty-year.old s u r v e Y mm9Ulate Stereo's. 10011 of hous.a.old Items. SURFBOARD 10' O.Sto~ ,.....,,,. compuy. $100 per Eami1195 SERVICE STATION ,,..,.., INSPECTION boll! by'-· Coat $125 ophour~~:'!.~.: ........ ,.,_= 546-3050 experienced man. G1ragt5ale I022 Musical Inst. 1125 .ell for $40. Xl99 Ceiite& .............. ,-Permanent. C.000 workinc D1 ily 10 1.m. to 9 p.m . Pl NB 548-3382 Box M-645 The Dally Pilot conditions. Days. Union Oil. AUCTION GARAGE Sale: Fri It Sat F•ctory Cle•r1nc I ·• ' · s.\L-ES Movi...... ..~u·qu-. •'-U"' • NEW T'Z'' RU s S'E L L PRESSER: MR DESI' ONE TIIE LOOK 393 lTlh St., Cotta MeA. ..., .....,, .... .,,.. ... QuUttr Sound C.0. mUlit cleat HOUR CLEANEfts need& Every Tue•. & Thurs. 7:30 P.M. * sels, baby furn, dishes, 10 out all JU stock •t COii. PA ~: Good condition. one lady tor presser posi-~~:= 1:;1: SER. Sta. Exp,·o.i~-· + l0% S•t"rd•y1 6:30 P.M. 11pd Schwinn. 16 cal. Se&n 1ystems, Gultar-0.s.s ampi1,;.n~,.~-=~·'--',....~=,.--.,-I ~-l-•·• 1im ~ ___,J' You don't h•v• to b• • dt alt r to b uy .t dt•l•r pr•"•• rrey house paint, Pini' pong It c;,...,aker Boxc1. Sta-"•rd MOYER SU1'fboud '1'8", aat.. ...,,,. uw •· .,.,.... Must be experienced in hich comm, o/lirne j>a,y aft 40 '" tbl. 1 t to &: "l"' "" periente not nee. 2949 E . fashion dresses & hn. Full/t. Penn. 990 E. AOK AUCTION 1121 G .., , __ ',"" sc,a,; aEpt.o~.,,':, Amp S6'» now S200. Guitar ~ $90. "---1 H CdM ., ., • .,. llnl. m....-urn. .., · --,-,uunt, &: Bass cab 412 (QuUter • 642:-6486 • .........,. W'J, • sportswear. For al>" Cat Hwy, NB. w ~I , OJI 1212 •·• •-•-a .,, "' * · ~<.MC. SpkraJ S5'0 now $20(). 412 SURFBOARDS 9·~· Hob'· P-~ .. ,·onal pohitmf:nt. ~ The Look, SERVICE· STATION --•, '/1 h: •ff IMd *' G• ,,., ( t S ) ' " rv..-.,~~ .,.,..... __ ,_,__ "'''--"' . GARAGE Sale . f)·I. Sal, A tee pkn $900 now $300. w......i., .... n..1-TA'""'--Employmon' t .....--.. 33 F&an.Ull lsla.nd, niaht man with exp. 5 Pr.1 .us (A1 Spkn) s .....uz, .... ,...._ ............. NB 10 p I '!!~!!!~~~~!!!!!!!"'!'~!!!~:!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Sun. 150 Tulls;i Lane, CM. tee 1100 now both for $.58. 613--0632 Assistance lo M. App: 393 E. 17thr Complete household MOO. PA l)'lttma mod 1000>1----------1 COASTAL AGENCY Sales "S"L°","C".M"'.'°"'=-~--1F;...:;u:.;m:.;l:.;lu:.:•_;• ____ IOOO= Furniture IOOO furnishings. Refr4;, atette, (Quiltel" spkn;J S21llO now·1--------- A nwmber of P CASH for Christmas U SEiVICE Station Graveyard OVER _ STOCKED 3 tv's, BR set, dishe,, S700. mod 1000 (Allee SpknJ Mitcetl1neou1 l600 Snellioc A Snellinc, Inc. Judy Lee Jewels -party abilt. Ul-7 or I AM, Sun, 20. PC . ''MA.DRID'' fw'niture, lamps, ju s I S2900 now $100'.l, 1936 Pia· · • 279oHarborBl,O.f6'M055 !~~rs~!~:~1'!4:SON°'; ~~~ta=·:~r ~ MUST S£Ll1. di~,o~· Moving to ~~~OAve., Costa Mel.a SCRA. M:.L£TS -POLICE _ det•'ver•-, eom~ny ~· 3 Room Group '-"' • .-r"-# San Die""' ......,, .. .,, O! FROM MODEL OMES FRENCH H doubt Al DIS~~~~ F~~K hoale~ S6-3)31i, SERVIC;¥ s·~;, altendanl. JncJudcs: QWlted ~fa and New 9 pc. corner urana:. 21c1:~~8eri ~ ':~ ander, wim°~. lilt~ :~: ANSW-ERS S5lO, 10 $619. per mo. SALES &: light office' work ln exp. nee. See: ?-.like, 4678 chtir - 2 end tables &: cof. choice of cln:, "''· S2::0. (11@!/sep. J Huge d e 1 k , Beat mutual deal! 646-4310 Hiih School grad, 1 year cler. .tuh..lonable Udo jewelry Campus Dr. N.B. lee table -2 lamps -dress. "ow $159.SO. Hcadbrd.1: mAkes good work bench. OLDS TROMBONE for sale. Webbed -'!'wine -l:'ount _ ical eXP. ,..._,,.;_ 40 wpm. lton. Retail jewelry store -5ER-V~1-CE--.-.. ----er -mirror -headboard -Kings, ;15. QUttn11 $12.50, Mii<' Items. Call aft 6 pm on $75. • 644--0lSt Go•-I _ BEEF'NG •J'l'"-'6 ----..nee necessary. si.a .... n attendant. qUllt-• "°' ,,,, .. , & m•tt-FuU $10~· Tw. s•n::: "'-·-• ........ ., • ., -.. .... ...,... .,.. excellent tralnin1 pro;rram Rotati.De &!lifts. Xlnt rringe 'P:"'~nl-ition. Call for Part&: full time DaY! 6400 cu ' •''. T .....,, 1111 ................. " ,,,,; '"''"'OIV, ...... A butcher's marrlale: ll'1 .•. for a .xcellent ..... cition. benefits Reaiden t re-.,,_..., w p -"' "--J· H. · NB i-css -pc, ininz room; rundle sets (duo riser) w1 Towne St, Ott Pl1no1 & Or9int 1130 a beef stew ..._..,...;_••c. He':s .....-. ce no appcintment. 673-9334 . au.uc ,_., .. ,, .... iway, table I: 4 hi-back cha.... . in"•"' .... tt noo ··-·- 0 u r Qnique Management qllired. Apply Westminster -Sewinn M•chine COMPARE AT $74!1.9.i '""s~'"Son&: ~ · rea;. • ll6 t'ORAL. Balboa Island always stewed .and &ne's al· Tniining Program follows a City Hall, 8200 Westminster Sales . ··• now · · 1-a-way beds 1'Ti. All must go! complete THOMAS "WaYI BEEFING, well planned, complehemdve Ave .. ~ore October 10. 1969 EARN NOW . Operator• $399 w I inn. sprlog. matt. rec. futn'11 incl relrig. beds, ORGANS 2 Cabinet 11t.ereo $30. ~ ~uk., ,p{'Ovldes you the • 5. p.m, Ph: CTI.fl 893-tSU LEARN ~OW Expenenced on dreues & Nri rto\vn-:Pml11 only Sl6 f/10, :!i50• no~9S3~·50· C$89anofJ dinelte, hide·a·bed, chair1. bed maple beadbrd $50. best opportunlty to develop ext. 2ro. CALL NOW p'.......,.rod .. cuo· ·~·PIT, oNpB f!Ym,,,,803 W£l.K'S WAREHOUSE 1 reg. • • now · · lG-6 Exclu1ive Color-glo program-N t nk • a••h . -,."--=---~~ " " ~ Full st. sleep • sofa re1. , . . m..... ""thmn. M••y other cw a vacuum, ~. --quickly into a -responsible Rocopt/Typlst to..._ ... ~,, roe. a s•·•--Co. ol ·,,:,:,::::::;o'°"c::..:=.:.::c==-. SAT SIJN b cl trtk ·~ ., -· I'" QI• rm tab' · · Fl ~ ....... , .. ""' ~SEW $239.50, now Sl69.50. New • · icy 6, • '• plus reatu~. See ,._ n<w ...,, " · · ext-CUlive 111 Con!!Wller n-Will train sw:itchbo-~. Lov• _1._ad~y_Oa_i_n>l_._,_.,.._'1211___ • ERS. experienced. Ap.. 600 \V. 4th St.. 0 ·ota ~--he d t b I '"D """ $100 Powe ~r $35. ance .• .Intei-vie11dng is a 1 on· ...... ... ply 525 1''orest Ave., Laguna "" ....,.., beds: King S99.50, Queell!I c sts, reue!., a e..s • Lawre~ \Velk model, 'f're. · r . 1 1 th . __ ,, Y l<.'eS, Lai. Sch. Sales D-ach. ,,7_1J31 Open Daily 9-9 $89.50, Full S49.50, Twins bookcaltmi, iiola, beds, many mendoui sav:inas 00 ••l•ct· La\vn earl " grdng toola maJQr par 0 is non-"'"""· Ca.II Doa' .. A"~" "'"'O • ~ Sat .. S •• • ·•-!""" WW •t ' -HB .... $10 ...._ • · __ , __ _, ·,;~ '"" '"""'u YARD Sall'!sman, over n s. • _ ___:· =· .;:..: _ ___:::":::"..:u:.~.:._ $39.SO, .lully a:uaro, l\i11C s:i o ......... .._... e ... ., ed demonstrator models. · lllg, _. •= posiuvn. JASON BEST SEWING machine operators. 1 • -'· ••• ""' di.y wk. Some ml'!Chanical ESP~NO'l IN QUALITY 11prea ..... ..w."-J, n. ia. $9.95. Used Or&ans lrom $199. l" ABER WARE rotiuerie L1be1-aJ employee benefits aod regular salary increas- e& based on your progre8li. High school a:raduale. PACIFIC FINANCE 1T78 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 500 N. Main S!. Saota ... Equal opportuni.1)1 employer MAN·AGEMENT .TRAINEE Career opportunity ior man 21 to 35, happily married, llcnanifyaslaiebel.Fsryv, I financially stable. Five yn. experience Lithograph &. Graphic Arts field. Call Mrs Dwyer for appointment Tues. & Wed. 642-08ll i\ianager COUPLE wanted fDr small motel. Apt furn I: small salary. ~11'. Forney S.iD-3862 MARINE MECHANIC Experienced. Large custom COl\lllruction. Top wage!!. WU:.LARD BOAT \Vorkll Im.Baker St:·CM MECHANIC, exp'd in brake & alignmen~ Salary in- centive, tnte-hosp~ & lile ins, paKi vac. See-Bob Basham; 482 Ocean Ave, La.guna Sch. Employment Aa;l!Dey ex Per. RED-E-RENTALS .Ji¥R'd, lop Pl.Y. ideal cond. Oiriatmas lay·away1. now. &nnll llOO COAST MUSIC loewl DI. VM speaker w/ 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana 2167 Harbor BJvd. 0.f ·1689 Monrovia, £.M. Model Home Furniture SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 :.:.r.c: incH bit • tn ampllner ·S:t!i. 14" Restaurant SEWING At repair o I Savings 10 &5%. Very easy Harbor BJvd .. ·CM &6-2760 • • c OM J> Ac T · • vacuum NEWPORT " HARBOR porlblc cok>I' TV (new) $2'J5. Now Interviewing for ~sin~e=t~ r~~ wrllonuir. Part-time. financing. J complete rooms do.Uy I0-9 Sat.sun 1<Mi. cleaner. wfth attachments, COSTA MESA • &U-2851 Sopnno saxophone (new) KITCHEN HELP Coventzy """'' !uU • -Hont. &h. o( doeoratoro '"""'Sp'""" MAPLE """"' w/mlrror like ,,.,. $!25. Must "'I. Play Before You Buy 1_$200;_._ ..... ~"~1~·~~--1 A .real career opoprtunily put-time-help. No delivery: S H'A Mf'"OCallO & i r I & ~~:;:!~~~us':~s:is::~it; ~~~ $50. 'Maple hdbd W/Wl&OJI 545-3922 lil S P~f. 54&-0676 CANON QL-19 awaits you in the ft&taurant ~ train. For inle,l"'iew caU manicurist. for .appoint. drid livini-room group. The whl loolboa.rd S30. 2 amall eves. \Vp hav" best selection and Jamm Electric Eye indW1lry _·Now the-third _.....,_,_oo _______ · Alll'edo's, 615-6010. orl&inal 'Ell }>residente spac· drea&ers $10. 2 Car Cooll!n NORGE auto \Vasher, late bcsl teacper1 in. Orange l Y1 old, :xlnl eond~ larges! industry in 1hc SALESLADY, exp'd, t-u 11 STOCK Girl; ~ trainee. loua master kin& itil.c bed· S5 & SlO. Swing set is. TWin model, xlnt coll(). Cop-County. -$50 , world! time to work in Lingerie Young, sharp, quick. lull room suite and 1he aulhentJc siu bed S23. 545-5698 pertone $65. S 4 6 -8 6 7 2. From $10 monthly 645-0397 after B .Pr.t It. you art brir;ht &: alert, store. J.,uhlons for J..aFem-time. Interview 10-6 , La Pu wrought iron dinette VJ OF COST ! 847..SU5 Gould Music Com1Mny Carpel la~er ba5 Hi Lo neat appearinr &: are at me, 23 Fashion Island, APROPOS. 29 rash Ion sets. Limited slock • $"88. FuU houseful o( nnc decora. GE Apartment size rtirig. 2CM5 N. Main, SA 547--0681 nyloh!I Sl99 yd. Shags least 18 years or agl!, we Ne'ft-port Beach. 644--0170 ~aland. N.B. ffamilton Showroom, 5943 tor furn, Sola. dinrm, king ~. Stove $10. Vacuum $25. NO\V _ rent a Baldwin organ frcrn $3.5() Ui;J + my labor, net!d you, SALESGIRL. Young, full 1'E Ac HER s -substitute, Westminster Ave, Westmlns. bdnn, lamps & accessories. Kenmore Washer $ 2 5. & learn to play. Adult 90c per yard. 9fl&.69!-0 EXP NOT NEC time, exper. ln drug •tore. lJ:ltettslifl&' " fri e n d I)' 1-t.:."::.·..:894-<434:.:..='-----642-9000 ~2t*9 bea-lnnera only. Private or 8 NEW. 8 ply ,befvy. 9uf)', We alter: Complete traini~ 3333 Newport IDvd. NB work'g cond. 644-«l32. SPANISH BEIGE na.ugat\yde hide-a· Gu range, l~ oven, cl&s!! le!IMIM available -Da~na nyl~~ t~ at OW' eXJM!nse. Promotion SALES: TRAINEE: r.-1R BEST ONE MEDITE.RRANEAN hed, double si~e $67.50. Anti· broiler. eyelevel oven. rcaults i\latanteed. BelieVt! 'vii er w _____ '_\ .e¥. from 'vilhin • Co. ., __ ., •. , EDGEAB HOUR CLEANERS --•, S like new $Ui0. 548-870.i it ot not :... $3.00 a week rcn-536-~ · ....,, ... u.., Kf"OWL LE Stereo 1i=u As 'hown In model bo1nos. que avocado 3 drawer che~t .. 1_..::::::..:::::~=-~:.:::.:::_ such as: compor>ent sales tra.ince. one lady for presser posl· 3 Rm1 of furn, (din i·m. liv cx<:ellcnt 1..-onditioo s 4 o. \VASHER & dryer, avocado, 1"1· leSIO'tls l'Xtra. SURPLUS Factory d17!u Lile ins-meals-uni(orms-21-30 yrs. Call ?t1r. Vann lion. Ideal, full time, Ex· rm, ~ bedrmJ 'priced else-549-0674 $125. Re:frtg-trost free Sll5. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDtO labrlct It remnan1s:•So14· to hospitalization-pd v111calion 6C6.-8891 ptt\ence not nee. 2949 J::. v.·hert-at $895 is yours today 4 UPHOLS 11 au g ah Yd c Freezer SGS. ~1095 lB1S Newport. C.M.. 642-8484 the public 8-t Monday tbru lnte~iews betwein 9-ll am --*-SA-t-.E--S\_W_O_MAN __ *_ _c="'=''-"::."'-=,,·"· c,Cdl=Mc:·c..,~-at only $399. Easy Credit chairs. Chinese tt!ak COUCI!: HAMMOND -Stelnwa.y • Ya· Sal. 1!20 Monrovia, C.M, &: S pm. 5-0 Day wt!clc, MATURE Part lime. WAITRESSES Terms. tbl hangt I Da . maha -new ~ used p!BllOI GUll.D F-30 nlatrt or d~. · X X Santa Ana Furniture · n& amps. nisb Antiques 1110 of all makes. Best buys In A-.. ·u·-•. 11_1 1 .. I See Mr. KabOilua Y~ Maternity Shops tct.k din lbl v.•16 chn. So "'Uf ..i~b here .... ,_ uu ""' tnnc A & W COFFEE SHOP So Cout Pla.u. PM's only APPLY IN PERSON 426 W. 4t~~.-01mSa.n: Ana 673-8593. Truck Loe.doc Antiques! sQIMi:OT ~SIC co.. ..,.,,,_GOOD :LUES ~~ 2855 Harbor Blvd. Salesmen Wanted MOVING, s c 11 i n g llll 4-DAY SALE. 11 ro 7: 1901 N. Main. """"' Costa Mesa SfG.TIOt FULL riME COCO'S FURNITURE & cabinets Uke hou~hold turniture. Api 2l) Rowxl &: !IC[UllJ'(' Oak Santa Ana • * * ~ . .: Equal opportunity f'll!ployl'.f' you have never seen at size GE rcfrig. 3n E, llth lable1. $20 & up, Hall trees, WE HAVE PIANOS! F'AMtL.Y McmbttJlblp .J.t n Re!tauranta Inquire hi person America's large&t & most St. C~l. 5'18-2089 Barrel top trunks. Chhw. I I Coast ""'•"'try u b KINGS FOR MEN 78 Fashion Is.larjcl W1Uau.al unfinished furniture cabinets, secretary I de1k11, You may purchase 9r renl rv nc ..,.,,.... u SNACK SHOP '#9 2300 Harbor Blvd, CM Newport Center, N.B. store. Cor Redhill " Santa DIVAN & chair $50. Chest of .Roll top desk, Victor!IUI a.nd credit all monies -paid lor aa.Je. Pvt pty. 6?3-91ll &\LESMAN • 0 e c 0 r at 0 r Ana Fwy Tu drawcrv $2J. Lamps SJ. 80ras, Cedar chests, Tiilaey to1vard purchase: , GOOD Bellol)e &: Zeftilb :ieeds DISHWASHERS Part-tiine, over li. Eveniags, 3446 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Fltim. •t···t he exp'd. * WAITRESSES 1 N · ~~· 1 ntl So. Blond tables SJ. each. •had••· HOUSE OF HARMONY htarini aides ln ~ " .... Apply at THE FLYING BUT. o l!wport ~· .. ,. Open :li2 646-422-1 • Guuanltt against comm. LER. Experienced. 673-0911 day!i per yr. 544-5470. ANTIQUE TIFFANY HOUSE 48 Fashlon I!land condition. S00 each. ~ 19322 Beach Blvd, HS. COFFEE table $15, walnllt 122 S, Orana;e. S.A. 541·3'751 Newport Beach * SM-Cl.191 MEltfBERSHlt" Far 2 at WAITERS, Waitresse s . COLDSPOT Refrig l~ )Tl. 0 · h h ee 98%-8i31 2121 E. Coast Hwy. Cd 1'1. old. comp lluto $150., Color a n is c air" S 2 5 ' ROU. top desk A: chair, YAMAHA Health Spa !or ttlc. . SA'-".:.,;: ·-"'==n""=N-. -,.--,-1,-,-,.1 TV 1g Phil 1 ..__ n1ahogany tables $25, 48" round oak table. ,valnut Pl •NOS & ORGANS Call, 54.8-5154· · • .. ~.......,... .. ,... Buaboy. Pref. exp'd, Apply: · · co conso c-e...,,,y la 118 536-87A" r.. ed Ladles S'portawear Shop, WOMAN-bou.se1"lfe. ""' ,.ur tlyed 11·alnut $170 .• 1 black mp · ..., table. old pine ta.bl<' le 6 See thC' l..'Omplete lirle at: STEREO Conaiole, Olym~lc. 01 area. Cl4 for appt; apan: Ume to earn money. cont em p 0 r a r y ctlair 2 EXTRA long twin bt!d1, S50 chain. Tin I: a-lUa. Qolsonne COAST MUSIC Lowrey Organ w/_ ~ncb. ~2462 \Vin --in-, no ,... UmU. no \V I 1v h i t e n a uga A yd e ca<:h. Lighl green vinyl laquerware &: more! BACK Bolh Xlnt, aac! ~ ~-· ~··h'••• "" Call· 847 ........._ couch, mak<'!! into queen DOOR IMPORTS 189 6 NEWPORT " HARBOR ' n"'ESE • g •• -· MeCbanic wanted. Restaurant u"''" 76 Statioo Ancient Mariner 1900 N('WJ)Ort Blvd. C.M. , MOTHERS HELPER now lakinff applicttion1 tor Beach!ront hofl'lt! nef:ds part Full &: Part time, day & e\"t'S ahilta. liDJe mother> helper:-. e KITCHEN HELP ant conditions It &WTOUnd-e DISHWASHER lnp. C.a.U Marcie 675-0003. NEWSPAPER dealers for e BUSBOYS Hera¥l Exaoiilller on home Apply .in JIC1JIOn Secretarieg ttme limit, Will train as dt'er""&' p;['. . -~ alze bed $75. 6T'a-2649 Harbor Blvd, CM. 11).a Tut!a· t'OSTA MESA * 642-2851 Cl-~u1 •>l.C x u r wm MACCO sea"tv Coumelan. 847--0846 · •I , ..... 75-with Croy boarder.' . O~ Iron . MOVING • MU!t Sell Like llOVING: Queen t12c bed, Sat. 1)'U;" "' e PIANOS Call 64.4-1'39 ' ' .. \V ror Irctn Laun-new -lt&n iec1 ·,0· •• 1. almolit -w·, mt.""ic 125. e PIANOS COR·P, =!it~ dcl Mar areL. ma'l~ arm cha; & Olhe11 ll~~ .. ~';" pm Sewing Machines 8120 e PIANOS G~~~ll ~·~ Sleep Hollow cha.ir. 900 Sl!f rn.a:n.s Ftnal Days ot our Slunmer · 1t&fl..8100•. S hool,.lnstructlon 7600 ~. Apt 58 CdMI BAB~ ctlb, ~hilt canopy Slnaer, aulo, iig zq, 6 mos Sale. Save oc f 111 lJ u I 0 u 1 UPRJGJrr acA f"l"teze' fli C · • 8' SOFA. never URd, quiltl'd wtth mat~. excellent o~. No attach needed to do GRANDS lncludln& · . SAUCERMAN SCHOOL floral. IOl>tcl>a\larded, $125. c6ndltlon.. ~2}3 deaian. monou1n. blind hem, • Chlclcerina; • \Vurlitzcr ~1: $50. Call klr delivery In ~ Count)' . ., 36!)7 W, C!>ast Hwy. -.wtL Pond deposits re-. ---"-·-•~1>0_rt......;8.;;eW=-­ !\Jajor Land ~eloper seeks enthusiasOc, ICU motivated lt'cretaries. Accurw.te typ.ln, and IJhorthand or transcrip. Uon ability requJred, Must be able. to work .-Jthout close aupervls'ion. Youthtul vim and vi1or a rcquim- mtnt tor faat paced atmoa. ....... Co. Fa1f'il'OWldl, a:r. 1-1 Ma~ love ICat ST:i. ~.71 mo or $42.00 cash. • St,.lnway • Kl\t.be __ •,,,PP'=-.~~~~-~~• Wbere the Prosnm 537--«132 Offlc. Furniture 9010 52MG16 PLUS MANY MORE! LONG, 100l/G Hunia'.n Hair Fits the Child SOFAS A ciinctte act.a return-. SPINETS A CONSOLES Fall, brown, iA txctlknl • ' • quired. Earn Ina--• al>" proxiinately ~ monthly. .W.rltc Box PR at 6370 Alwra Blvd. "Buena Park. NCR. 33XI Bookkeeping macbinr, p/t:ime help to JIOl.f. ~ Nunh:w ,... * LVN * Fulf·or part tfme 1-.3 * RN -RELIEF * 7-3 ohil\ R"l-- •lllfSBoYS e DJSHWASREAs P"111 oi part ttme, ove.r 18. neat In appearance. No exp, oec...4PPb.Jn.penoo lM pm. BOB'S 81G·IOY l>I E. l1th, C.M. Rcltaunnt • VAN DE .CAMP Ha1 openi,.. for - e lluabon e Dllhwuben \._1, • CooU or cook tn.int!fl1 HuntlnJlon v~cy ]I or over, fUlJ time, Apply CQnvaJt':&Ct~t Uui»t.t.1 '-" .... _,, _ _,,m •• Thuti. A l"ri. &382 Newman Avt. -..... Brt--• C. ·' ftl. • o.-i J!"Jl ,-=..:-:;;•..;;.;;.;-=·=M::·--nunt u.;;h. • -:"""' iu.nunnt NURS ES AIDES * DISHWASHllt Exptttenc.<t •• Larp ·"'"""' * l\ISIOY td ~ bO@ftaJ l1etdt TO'U! nHded al Or\11 thole. wt1o CAl'e need Au..tY WES"?' 1,pply. 2106 OcitaAtront ROY ALE ' NIWpnrt U.ach 6~1714 --nE3TAl!BAN1' ASS 1 ST. NURSE AIDES MCI!. ~tit try -.... "" oV ~ PM 1"11U. MW tut-food' rula.urant ln APPLY Cotta Mm. XlnL op. • 1Afuna ~ NunJnc Homt port.unit)' for MvancernanL :. pe, 494401$ • ~ Q.E'flK TYPIST RECEPT. Mlnimum typln& spttd 60 ~WIH". "'flh!MJVe to dell"D&. Mu.rt enjoy beaV)' telephoot -· Prefer minimum two years expnience. E:xceUcnl be!* Dll.· Good . Atarllnc Wat')' and pleua.nt 't\wtrif\i con- dlUon.s. \Villard H. Sauwman, US£0..Good condition. Ot!sk, Sewing Machi"" 1120 SAVE UP TO .•. $7JO. OOtldiUon. "t1590 Ed D . ed from leaie at 00% of 2 chairs, couch, lamps, BUY NOW! I Prk:ita W'lll not 53 PT. oval dia'ln<:tm tl ifttld ~ , .EDf'Dll now cost. H.F.R.C. 517 W. 19th table'-& other I le ms . SEWING t.tACKINE be this low apln11 \V/ imall diamond. $690. . Ev,. 548-JlSI ~or Sot0.6842 847-2507 o,,,... _ 196' SINGER COAST MUSIC rn-.1396 • MAPLE bunk ""''· .... CON$0LE ATrEN'TJON" LOVING PAR-_ _.., · •£11 Zia; .,.,,,. C.b model Slirhtly NEWPORT &: HARBOR FUU. ME M 8 ER S 1-t I' P, ENTSI tOllI'll seEECH •.vuwlio;· ~ • Office Equipment I011 t.lMd".St)'lia'.1 wal, _;._b, Does rost'A MESA ~ 6'2-2151 Ne:~-port Beach Tt"IN dub. WORKSllOP. Aats 1 to 17. 3-M AUTO. copy nlacl\. No. cvery\hll'lf" wlthOUt attach. Open 10-6 Fri J.0.9 Sun lU $800. MS.KlJ/ ~ l.fttn to lpC'ak W'dl, enunci-~~ ~U!::th 209, IBM Se It c tr on I c Built '11 controll to O\'C'~ ntEY'RE HERE! Le:BJ..ANG . e.-.nat danntl 11:tt. project, Atttt1Chool • • ._, Aft 6 A: wkndl 842."536 _typewriter, likt! new. make but-holtt. fl!W on but'· Ntiw ESTEt duti-manuaJ Ulfd J )dr~ $BJ. $9,Aasai S.twtl&ya. Prlvata or claa ........ · rrs-«l60 hem dl'tllL'I, ma.kt fancy Chord ~. ideal tor se. ~711 rate a. ~ SOFA bel;I, 2 rn a~ c. h In 1 ROY AL Electric Typl!writer 1Utchf.r, etc. S )'t. parts and ti:eatnnera. OnJY 13()G.tcnn., EM.a& ~Unk Stole ~ \YH'l PASS UP Chain. new ~. 284 1lt class aha,pe ~ strvkle iUlr&ntet'. $5.64 Alto .AR.'T'ISAN orpm A .t.t.-1 U.ODO S&iJ uo(;J r Bt'ld&:e tnvitatlohl when In e Knox l'\ao'!, CM. . ar1e:r 5 gu..2335 " dwn. It ' Jl)'mta, of $6.64 lachmenr. for au tnske1. • • &6-:1389 • ' ;:: = ~ :~ J!ai!· ·=~~beds with mat. rlPEWRm;R, ,Add. ~· C~.:'LETE ~i(£ N=~~RGt:'c5 BONANZA S\t HP m ~Jtr •oa..&Ul* calculator, Ven reuonablC. $.56.40 _ NB e &U-1530 Dl9 Ctntclla Pl' . .a..ND . :t5'&-9GGI~ OINfNC nn act. r1 TV, X!tll Ont. .,..2"421 For no oblil., fl"lle ho~c NOW-rtn~ a Baldwin piano · >tl-ISll Educatkw.1 Vac&tion !5th Danish awlvel .J. O.rqe Si\e I022 demo., ciJI Cn!dlt Mar. U1I tar )'OUl' chlld for $2.00 WANTED: Oriental ad1o ~· • 1 • Sr Citllenm * ~1£,lll * -SP.M.1~fJtollj)'f~Conect. wee le. ProfHaional In-mbinett.. obJect')il'arf, eic. . Chllcoat JG \lw)n typlnc 8' Prov!~ quilted Iota so. OU1'4ES£ MOD hl. fi I rad, -111"\K:Uon •wailable -rcsultJ 137~' (loll ~ 901 DOY91' DrlYe :'!':.: ~~ =· 173 Del =• relriccntor $4>. :., "'~ : :i~ Mvolcol lnll1 ·~ =~':'w,WIN STUDIO I' '~1~. MACCO CORP. NEWPORT BEACH MONTESSORI 1rt1n1.,.. -_M, 0012 Riv,., 118 •GUILD y_,,, 1819 Nowport. C.M. 6<2-M84 ~ '!1:'34 • • t26U . . 114 to 5. Give )'O\D' child ~~e~'i.mps, bedroom GARACE Silt, Sal. only. 10-Acoustical, 1teel 1trlnc, SPJNET piano ms. c.11 T.ABl..E A. dWn. a90d t'Ol'l- F.qU4J. opport1111\ty <?mployer beat! 64i!J..370!>, 646-2323 ' * 64~ fr 4. Lotf of • cooelJesl 11'&49 GOOD BUJES AX}) Wttkda)'I ~ O:>l!a dll1<111. ·,Blond oJ. $21 cr·s WONDDtJ'tJL."" aiany DIAL dtrect &dMTI. Owt• ~h s~. Fountain Valley. S12:i * . ~ ri1e... S!l).l!m , + btu<1 In or>otl-)'Oii tind your ad, ...., ~I boclt &ad IT'S ee.cll hou.e time. Bi(· CARPET. thlr. bi· lo NE;\¥ or ""' ~ Clactn•Wwnn• Wlli'i'li!lY •Biby G H• d BRUNll>'C ~ madtl"" .. tho QwUted Ma. Qloell l-to tho ; ...... dnrl .... "'"""°" '"''' s.. tilt II I!!· ""· 396 Hamil~ }'N .... Cqlrlplote•lo/cuo .. Plano. REASONABLE. ' I .,...,,, c.n1rc -·· Ito-"""' ,,..., t d nowt l>AILY PILOT \VANT ADSI C.M.St.1-onl)<. ... ..... 1143f"O· ~tWlll8 •1t ·1'PM-. Id 1cmv.~ m-mt t I I I I j ;::::;::;:;;;,:.;:;;;;;:~:;:;;;;::::;;:::;;:;;:;;:;;;;::;;;::::;:;;;::;---_...., . .,,.... ......... -~-.-----~ ..... -----------.. --.-------------------:::..~-~-.: ~...: .. . ..... ..-... .,.. -..... -......... _______ ......... -----~·~ • I I J I FURNITURE $ /\PPUANCES 10f' 1'V.-Pi•110-st•r•ot , ....... " ........ CASH IN JI MINYTl'S • 541-4531 • WE PAY CASH WE PAY CASH! SIBERIAN HUSl(lf;.5. PENG1JIN sailboat l l II ' Puppiel $3S. w/aail • trailtt. Top con- •~• dltlanKA im.- . II. fOOd titr\f d o lo NORWEGIAN Elle Hound-' KITE No. 67'. w/dlildNo. ~ mca., lhotl le pe,pm. Aqua Blue. Xlnt """'- 91-~1969 •ft 5:JJ * ~ * -4 -. 1 DACHSHUND -Blad< CAL :U. 31.s In NATION.WI, Cl.D rzs.am ll3t A tlll: R.fd. A.KC rec-I yean. Full •t d •lla. ~a molla', Wlll a.mp sited. 64f.-0277. $3700. * 846-2lST IN •t Ml ~LES -AKC -MALIBIJ Oua;g.r, Gd ,,..., -6 .,.. • -Trkolor. con4. Prloed m ..U "91J, M -1/31 Coll !l.1Ullt Pvt. P'T· =I:,._ __ ow tlSPUt TllE au 111nr DODGE "EXPLORER" Sale O• An Dirf.kt ~ n,. C"'-i '""" A.II.._ 1r .. J4' WI .. .------INCLUDING---- IOUAWAY lfT fAllV-llW CASA lOltA IA T HAllOI CAlnAS C.OIHIU INllATOH MANOl FASHION MANOI ENGLISH FORD FERRARI TRANSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION 94!111 Imported ~oa - VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS FROM $399 SPRITE ---------'62 VW, grttn. Good con- '6.'l BLUE Amlin Hl'&ley dition. $600 Or ofter. Sprite Good cond, Going to 494-4619 Vietnam. Must sell . $900. 'W VW. red. good nmntns; ~ '°"<f, l55IJ. 1960 SPRITE. Looks gtJOC1 A * li'l>l939 * 1'UM greti;t! MUST sen '66 vw camper, $500 • . .t9h'l200 tnlly eq'l.llt>. io miles, xlnt a..t Duis Are At DEAN LEWIS Autos Wanted 9700 WE PAY .• CASH "" -..... -'"" caD 114 for fr'f!e "1lrnate. GROTH CHEYROlfl Ask far Sales Manapr l82ll Bea!"b Blvd. Huntlngton Beado Kit,1331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W 9810 BUICK '66 RIVIERA 11UUMPH cohd. 6C-1536 e'Yft, 5:19-3031 £)c1. 66 O': 6T '51 VW VAN $550 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Sot2-69M tw!. <X>ST A MESA ·~ ~:.' 'f,6 vw Snrf, beige w/blk lnt. 1964 SKYl..A.RK super Sport, -R/H, Ponche rima, Xlnt 1851), R.e&.80Mb1e 54M%U oond. $1350. 548--ZU6 *962-&.'n• '6'.l TR 4. Witt wheel&, 1WO vw· .. Neat '56 Sedan, '60 BUlCK Le Sain, all pwr fibcrgla.58 foe, new tires. '60 conv. fbier upper. Both Gd. mhd. Must lclL M* ReUOMble. 89l"3:lM w/ rebJI eng. 64)..8009 oft 54()..152'.1 aft 5: 30 TOYOTA '66 MICROBUS. . I a r I e '56 BUlCK. Ntl!d1 dutcll. C\llfDm bed, ttblt ena:, ~ BEST OFFER! FERRARI N""'°" Im-Lid. 0.. anc• CountJ'• enl7 autbof'. lted detlM. '61 Toyot.t Coron• SALES·SERVIC!--PARTS White with black bucktl ~. RadJ<>. ~2871 •54&-0059• '69 vw Bue &mroor AM·FM Xl11t. cond, S2'niO or Btlt Offtt! f;;s...fl56 '63 Baick JUvle.n, air, IM- MACULATE, loaded. 3100 W. C.OUt HWJ. &eats, aute>t radio, VH1.J04, Newport lk!ach SMrp! Priced to «ell at: 1425 BAKER ST. COSTA MESA 642·9'05 54~1764 KUSTOM MOTORS 'St! vw . ...,..ll•nt runn11111 '61 BUICK S,,.,u;J v.a, Vi ltd IMt ef H...._, .. ltihr AuthoriM'd F'm'ltrl Oe.tler MS BakOf 51.., 0..1.1 MHA cOnditlon, rtblt ffll. PK), R/H, 3-IJP(l. Drive 11,.,..y *tr IU?S, «M-Ql ..,..,..,..,...,.,,. ... M.,.0-!!,.!!71!o!ITO!!!!O!!A!!Y!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l t., __ 0_1AR_G_E_l'l" ___ 54!)..59t5 ! • W& J>EAL! Avail Oct, 10. 644-0f!'l S3lO or rn...ite otter. 6C-1lr'I' 11 1~ -- .. ' Tl!wtdq, $fptfmbor 19, 1969 • T~SPQRTATION TRANSPOR TATION TRANSPQllTATION TllANSPOlt'l'ATIOM TRANSPORTATION TllANSPOltTATION TltANSPOllTATIOH R ATI u .... c ... 9900 lloH c ... TOMMY AYRES. ------- y ..... c... "°° "'" -~ .. IUICK " . . CHMOLIT . --··-· ... BUICK. Spec;ol • Dr. '51 e11ev ..... Wgn. -.i. V-8, au11> ln.M. P/~ ~Air, 4 !)>', l'OQI pd oond. Pih, Mt. OP!c owner • JtebUllt m mi,tnt, flt1' ttres. fdust sacrl(iet. It I 0 , MW tnN,; ,..Ir steerina:, 144-1096 ww•r . bN.lwt. iuto tr.rd, !ill i01l'k' ruv.:t.. llutl >lu.1,.. ~ .•~P'"'IA"· aea. tell. f'ull1 OQtllppod le air. 911n1bly IJMdtd 1t $Sl5. S250f" Cl\' rnlke & ff e r . Call "7•1111 ~IHI~· 548-.1003 '"" .,,, l~ntx· = --~ { J)Qor, )Jardtop, v ... •tlCk D\,!Jt;K ?fo. 225. If a• 11hlft, dlr., r&h, owned by e~! • little 'ole local pollcetnan. , BARGAIN! • .Has had loving catt. Oean, 642-2252 a.Ster 6 PM inside j; °'lt. $1299 lull Jrl~~ .,,. R.FHSGLB. AfJ'r ll Ait· (;;ADILLAC . -~!14-ml~~'. <;apnct. • ,1' &te l&le . One otiner ut. with only 'il C14 QIY. ~. alr, etc. 24.,000-milea. haa all powe~ + M~ . ......-cond. air Oonditio~. Absol.uteb' Front ~ seat converted to the cleanesti one in town. accomofate invalid. Sijbmil Jim Sltrnons M c r c e ii e • Wl\.ITl'EN BIQ Benz, :00 W. Warner, Santa To: u.c.e. Trulu. _.Ana=. "'54&-<=11'"'1 ==-=-'-Attn: 0. 'Holtby . p .o. Box 1739 Santa Ana, Cal 9'1702: ==:.:..::.:.,c::~=-'68 CAMARO 321•.JlS. ~IS. Ml. Au.lo. 284 Knox st.. CM ~2991 eves. Will trade. WANTED: 56 CHEV. 2,dr. V~.3 'Pd-. ...._. c;HRY5LIR '87 CllRYW .. IS .. • . ~· • • way it's going_ to be · _With · the . 19-7 0 Pontiac .. WANT T.O .. WIN A NIW '70 GT YOU COULD llY IAll~Y-. ALL YOU .- . HAVE TO DO ' It 'OUR FRIE DRA WI ATION, AND EVEN IF N'T·WIN,1 Wl'LL SEE T EIVE A f.iODEL OF T 70. GTO , • ~ AISOLUTIL Y P I I ' .[I] • • + • • . . -' • . v • • • " .. • 1 .. • ' f " --