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1969-09-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• ,. . -. • lrvine~s -,_:Krislnan · Stotitiy · DefentlS , ~ . SDS lnvolve·111.en1 r ~ --"' ,.. ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBE~' f9, 1969 ""-& ..., m. 4 s•cnon. • ,,..,. .. ' W aiti11:g for Surf ~ . ~· ... I I Draft.for • • I Two Months ' I . Surfers tn llit Beach , • Fcppntabi ~-~~Jley • ) ~ .... ,1 ' • "'~.. --.. , '. JJ_r.ares ·for ·Beeali "' . _(~~~e • • ,.,,... ~ 1' 1 i ~ ./ ~ "' ·~ ·•reade'd · ' !;, "'*" ~ /l Embattlea VCJ.Adviser SUJtes C<ile .. ~ ..... ,. t 3) I -· ' A ' ' >'l~~~t' BaeksUirs • • I I I ' • :It M1LY PIUT s r~, -19.19'9 -. Unrealistic · . -Clai~·s Saigon's Thieu --......__ I 1: IAIGON (,\l>J -Pr<liljal II~ 1'!1ka'• eom-wtie ill reply to eoulol lot no .......&. "'iltiout advance \IM 'Ible• re)Octed t;day u •not qu-Isom foiJt VI et names• --.. --.. · 1'!1J 11.~ln Soulhtolutlon,vo·e•-~ ....,,.,_ -·• f · _.,_ newsmen ID the openln& program weekly 0 ,w..,_ "" ..... _ ........... .-..........-" any pro....., °" an trntQ.c:uuale radio.teltvtllon shbw called "People and the wilhdrawaJ of "the aggressive ._,Ore at the lint ltep lowant •Vi& Want tD Know.'' The sholf was taped in troops,'' meaning the North VJttn•mese, nam pai,e ioettlemeaL Such a plan CGWd advance. And theo, be llld, "we.J>ecfn wUh the lead to llinotber K-. be Aid. · Dlscussi•I a ~· Thieu clearly ceue-fw .. l'u lhOlllil elep·lil'<llll tlie Thieu illi> daclared that tbe Yitlldnwlll. sought to put an <nd to ._is that the war." ' ot •,aoe U.S. inlopo from South Vielnlm Saigon 1overnmenl baa been CO!llidering 'l1>e president Satd 'that no 'cease-fore lblr year was based solely on jodgmenta a battlefield ~ plan as a first abould ~t tbe enemy to achieve their tllal §oulh. Vie-fon:a could take move towan! peace. plot of "talll and n~ aa experienced °"" lbat much more or the fiCbtinc-taU. Jn so doing he alluded to the recent before bf 'ltclteJ8!' lie added that lo lbe Mare, addltlODal vi.sit by repreaentat!vea of a private ''TO""* fire Ind to sit lbere for three treop pillouts wm be based niore:on lwo American committee wbidt advocates a 'Of fair ~>and not fmd a solution, other crlteria agi"'1 upan by hilNdl Ind cease-Ore In which all portJea would stop while Oie'c.jnrrumlsts profit Ind eqoimd Pre!ld<nt Nhoo -the lewl of """'Y sbooUng and "frewo" In place, with a their ~ force and lnfJltrate more battldieid adlvity Ind -In U. D<UlrlJ, aJl.AaiaD commlUee movln( In to ad t.rrort.I.'-. lbfa ......in .-ould Parjl peace lalks. . oversee the ......nr. pending a political be detrimental to us," he.said. "'lbat ii a promise 'or the U.S. govern-settlement based on free elecUoas. Any immediate cease-fire would have ment toward the y1etnamese govern-"I ..must say that they art not to be accompllsbed by an lmmediak meat." Thieu said. realiltlc," Th1eu said. Tbit!u aakl lbtre withdrawal of troops, '11Uet!-&aid. I o ' f'...-.•• i ._.: <:·• • KRI~1'L\N DEFF;NOS SDS... < ~·•••e ·1 SURFERS .. ;· llne, lloo"""" ~pla •'lio wauldn't C... where iJ.e student. .,. lnler<lted In eel· done .... we of polnllea dlllurbonlle th)g-.Ill' -· • eumlalnc -whlda lo plann<d lor Ollcqo tbll Qctol>et temporary Amerlcln '°°"'ty," Krimnllo 1:1y SDI ~ there.~. ~-1 .·, as.id. ''We are not trylna to lhut down the He cited Laguna Beach. Corona del unJ..dity to change I~ but I/ tt shuts Mar, Co&la Mesa, Marina and Santa Ana down In the process. then il .•• lwlctioo high schools. of tbe procos." He said that the SOS wUJ make He aald the UCJ, COfltin&ent ol JW~ availabJe its OWD newsreel fl1ms showing act!-.,. not nibUlola, •'but lftslMd the -t lido of campoi dtaordm. It they wmt lo ,.. the UD1'"""1 aller" lo also coald piov;de spWerl for the hlP nabft.~ . * school ~ - t_· • Duke KahalamokU, the tmCOOtelted kiag of modern surflnt, will be •Uln'elled. The 80-pound Dus~ cominl.sioood by the city and executed by artist Edmund E. Shumpert of CardiH by the Su. will be motinted cm volcanic rocks and placed at the head of lbe HunUngtoo Beacb Pier. Contest ofl'Mal• saldlhey aped about 100,000 ~to atl<nd lbe event. • UC to Shu~ ., ·Irvine in ·Budget Cut?- • ' :.. ..... f ... ~,.-.. ,, bA .. 'Y '""'°'""' ..... PL4 T8A(i" SHA.CK ~ Mil<~ ~uardt. DAILY PILOT maintenance . 11l8ll. and Tom McCtbm, DAmY PILOT public service manager · (rlgbl), today put finlalllJlg. touches on Playback_ Shack, the palm frond-trimmed .bOoth on Huatiill!IOn Beach Pier fnm which the news- paper will dispense •cc>rlng ID.formation lhrougJiout · fltb Annual !Jnlted States S~anl Championships. · ' . .. F.-WfttSenlcu . 51!r FRANCISCO. -The improbab)a proli>ed that lbe UC ·lr>'IM campua mlgbt be closed down as an econom1 mea5W'e was mentioned Thursday by University of Calilornil_admlniatraton. IJC presld .. t Chari. J . Hiicll said Gov. Reagan's office ~Mts the univer1lty to prepare a tm.71 budget that could mean tumlng away 25,000 student!, ·or cutting research or even closing a cam· pol -Irvine or. Santa Cruz, Hitch submitted to recents a propoul for the universily's lirSt $1 • billion operating budget •• including a politlcally, improbable '44-1 million increase in state funds \o 13'1!.9 million. But IUtch said that the Reagan ~d· ministration wants UC to prepare a budget of $286 million for next year -$29 mllllon lees than this year's-~c budget. • Reagao Ind the iqislatun .... the final say ever the.budget. ~ llltch ti.ned three alternaUves it the basic budget is as low u $286 mlllio{l for , nut year: Pilot 'Playback Shack' . -Hold qij&Jity a:tamlards. on the Din~ campuses l!ul cut ·~d fuliti ,·. \ aorollmenl,b;\'25;006-a)oout Ul,OOOlower than this yeir, fJ>. addltldof, 2,000 faculty poeta'would be cut. -Acceill all quallfled. •ppilcants ool cut i)uallty, iDcltldiDg ...,. f~y jobs, Show~ S.urfing Results · all sumnler quarten and more than t10 million in research -i n c I u d i n g agricultural programs. ~106e down one campus and ooe "-"" .Ille. ""'"'"ailv~ Wboi la In ltore for lbe un1venti, In =~\: ~ ·~=~ .. 'l: =:i.to -.:ie _ln the area ol -t ~ sodcia'f-1""'" , · dtf...r all "";... of the Sll6.'' > 'The new muter plan for hJPr Entries thii year toclude top mrters from Hawaii. Australia and far-nay It.lites sucb u 'Fkrldl, Tesu, N<rtb •• Waot to know bow J'(U' favorite aarftt Carolina and VlrginiL ~ __:__. ____._ _ltacb: up-Ip COl'.l'.lpetition 'With-ttie ~ ,,_ ••tmd m.DC)raoge Coolnty in-"heavyftigbts" from llaftiJ, AUJ!nlia elude : , . ,, .. ._ and all over the Callfomia ioouHioe? · The Playback Sb.act also will have oa file cumulative ttatistlca: on all e'mlb aod can recap, on request, any given heat of. tbe contest . medical school, in addiilon to stopping summer quarters. UC officials suggested the cut could be a newu cimpus, such u Irvine or Santa Cruz.. UC officials say they do not expect the final, 1970-71 budget figure to be a!' low as Reagan's Finance Department pro- posea. . ~ r·....,. ~ educ.ftOll wiD draw some stronc at. Tu• t' I~ '19 plrtlcular ~ at tbe tentJon,,. be Slid. • onivmlty cf appolnlm<ril wlllcb bas lira.ti fire from many Orange County He said students more and more wUI clviC"~ -;_be aald that it is not advocate merger or the at.ate colleges flnliiced U1rouah tu money. with lbe University of Ca!Uornia and hav· "My Jobi baiically lovolves advising ilia one bGard of ngeots for both. dn' , · • lo which ra~ advlRrs and He aakl .students also will pua for lo- - ~, ~ hive" to com"'-'• c::nasod JIFl'_Ctntages ol new ltudedll who , llloir ~: -..,.,. • • rc: do not meet the academic lllandlrdl for '"11 ll'~'bJ tu money, nits. -.· peid for lludmt fees, paid each 11-.'lbil faU lour percent ol now students .~. ......... ad flcul{y 111pport ' wUJ be a<jlnltted without. posoessinl lbe me, ..i .,Uf tbOJ cledde olbarwile, 1 larmaf JiCadelJllC alandards for ad· ~I~ u.p the Joli." ~ Aftit 1111 abSt, formal ll!O<d>., Ex· !1 t~liilo the studeots would )ike to ,.. ehaoP CIQb rMnh<n ll'flled llrilman an •VO llUler percentage. ' tar more than an tnir. '"lbls will be a very important ba.We, They -·t., Yiaceral u ..pected. and I think that dtf.,,......lated mearch Jack Jtlng, asststaot principal at will penis\ aa another strong issue at Comil del Mar f!lgh School aated Uc;!." -· lriGnan U be -ol any ictlviJm · '!be ._ben' questioos were brisk, )mring on area bJcb IChool camp.IRJ. .sometimes acid, but never brutal. Krflmln'• aDIWJ" Wll.'.ttllllll " '-The WtD dressed buslneamen were "lf I acVe YOU.. then yOu should meet more lnq,ulaitlye than holtlJe. '' ~1 of ,..._ t.1.1. tChool students these And 81 tbq filed aut, one member aet tome •~ ,...., · the' tenor of lbe club's attltude toward day& "f know of xverat sdJools In the ~ ~~ to thank you for speaking here . Newport Ce~ter .. . today. • • ' "You did a good job -even if we disagree witb what you say." Hunttapa -·..:: Hartill llawat>, . It's 188)'. Vblt ·tbe DAILY PILOT Jim Walde, Steve Wtklen, Greg Tacker. '\Playbick Shack"~ the pJer ad}acent to Randy Lewis, Chuck Ray, Brad.Bayliss, scoring headquarters tbroUghout tbe two- Steve Bigler, Jeff Hatman, Nancy Hayes, day meet John Davis, David Nuuhiwa. Tom McCann, DAILY PlLOT public SeaJ Beac• -Mike Wilson. &erVice manager, will provide spectators Foantahl .G V9'1ey -.Steve Wlll'Stel', ~ surfers "~ re.sulta'~ at Lbe end Gary WU.-. , • • .. • IJI each heal and will pool liDftlps for Loi Allmhot -Nil• Osborne, 1llona i futi&re heats in eac:b dlvlsioo ot· com-- Llbchulu,Jolm Meler: • : pel!tlon. • c..ia' ~·-RaYlDClld Kuou, Matf Ba<kground Information on each ourter will be available at the Playback Shack as well. For thole too ttmy .to walk to the i~ formation bQoth. KcCann will make direct reportl from the DAILY PILOI' Playback ShaU on r.UO etatiom KEZY (1190), KWlZ (HIOl, KFWB (lltll Ind FM lllailon KOCM (IOU). Finance Director Caspar W. Wein· berger has told state agencies to prepare buai;ets aOOut 20 per cent lower than lb.is year's spending. Then the agencies -.In.- eluding tbe unlversity and state collegee1 -will be asked to jutify any reqUerts for addttiooa.l money, Weinberger'• olfice said. Loo M~tqn.11. . -· ~ .:.. > Saa Cle~,-Mfite Biggins, Bill W$<~ Del cbnon, Dan "l'lltoo: Jell Moore, RU.ly -Sltigb, ~-J. Dall, Cl!rls Carn)icllaOJ, lllke ffoJ!I.' :Pollution Flap • ID Bea~h Lqlma Beaelt -George Carey, Doug Browne, Craig Martin, Kevin O'Sullivan. Dua Point .,... Raymond Patterson, Hobie Alter, Jeff-Hamilton, Job n Severmn, Mite Cruikshank. L e a Willlams, Corty Carroll. ne.,,,, Bad -JoPaa:t Cocll&i .. Bob Grieve, Bill Pe!Js; BW' McKlnMy, Scott Preist, Jell Ke~ Join. Van Onunn. FDllutoa -Pat Hom, Kit Hom. Caplftraoo Be.ad: -Hal Sachs, Brad McCauL · Gardell·Gnve-Mll;e Filcber. I Saa Juan Capiltrano -Mark Silzle, Dane Silzle. .. ... Resi.dent Steamed Up Over Edison Plant Smog By JACK BROBACK 01 ... Qllfr.._ SUH poes ~ Huq~ Beac!> steam ,,.. eraUq ,P&ut Of •tW ~ California Edi!<tn Compley ~-air polluiants! "f'o," 'say F.dl9oo ·Officials. "Yes," say1 Mrs. Ardath G. Faumui who lives in the Cabrillo Trailer Park next to ~ MIO million planl mental Qaaiity Stud7 Coo•Ddf, claimed the grGup could stop Up&nsion of tbe plant. His dihteoilon \.u oi'1~l.l.i .~ blymao John V. Brigs (l\.F'ullerloo) Ind Or•~· COOnty Supervtaor David L. Ball:"'tt .. cllaltman ol lhe iitoflY Counen. They emphuir.ed that. the Eavl.roDm~ tal C'OllDCil c o u I d . only recommend "immell.late action" to offlclal state agencies. 'l'1 <lill -to be wbeo the two o<\f generating' units: are added." . Klier said the buge steam plant U..S JowiOllltlr <ID mm lndoDeaia f~ fuel ,..,liitoraJ'ps ii ndl avlllab~. '!be lQcal district manager, wi>o ... tfres Oct. 1 to become manager of the tliambei of Commerce, JOI sirong back· fng th& week from Edison ollictals. in Los Angel .. To Show Cars W_orth $500,006' From Pqe J · · "I live Jn the shadow of the planl on PaciUc CO&!t Highway,'' protestii Mrs. Faurnui. "Every day I clean a black greasy film off my car windows so I can ~ to drive. My inobUe home 1ooks like I live ln a coal mlJ>e are&. I could dis-- pense wilh curtains . il I slopped washing my windows." "If the Ediaon Company ts going ,to -'F' million to expand their ..... strosity, ' queries Mn. Faumu~ "Why not reduce the aiu, filth and · noise with a modem nucleai' ~?" ' · William R. Gould, senlor vice pttsldent1 said his company hu instituted atrici ~g to0tt9I measures and tossed thil blame for air pollution on autornqbilu n\her than steam generating plants. Mf>. Faumlli has-threatened to join with her D<ighbon in "getting up • pe- t!Uon' .. ,, to the Huntington' Beach C"ftY CouodJ and statt agencies J>tOlmlnlr lbe expaMion of the power plant. -• tJne up every braM-neW car In the llail>or Aru and the collection wouldn 't be .worth two bits cm>pored to a fie<! of •UIGl)>Ohii~ ~ loe . ..... Sablr<lay In NA~lo"1,..,'11 vini.P.· Ind 111*"1 ...,u. ..... than a ball tnlljfan · "m be m-o beglm>i,al at ID 1.m. fb ttit !i<.~JlOrl c:eattt Mall, . 'f'.lle ~llJo)'re!iliere Coocoprs of the Amem:-......i by the SOUtbeno Callfiomla . '111 lbe MG Car Club of ca:nrOmla. ~ j. • • , s& clallOI !love· been" established for iu<Wlnc. lzopi claaiJ< cm of .v~·· ,.. to lllQCiern S)>O!ial -all petfl!i for lb\!· 1" ibJ>~ ~ant.~ ~ • .., .. of Chalil/>if(llS Ttoploy. • \'lie pubU~ b. I~ to lbe dmUng ~ of automotl\'l\ CJPOllence, each of tW cat11 ent«ed by 'lirvitailon ooly, ac- ::o~ to Chalrman Paul M. Gleason. • DAILi ~1tOI ' 0: ........ II 11;rw ..... ----. ..__ CAITIW ·-........ COii.ii M Sii• CDUNf't .;i_,. • • BORDER TRAFFIC SNARLED • •. -but ila effect on JIUl<k:overlq lluman traffic Thuraday .... bittaly - TboulandJ of Muican na.tlm•hl who crou lbe fotemational bcrder dally with their ao-calkd ..... canfl, lflllted .. they may WQl'k in America. were late for jobs. Complatnta were reglstertd b y ·~ on both aides of the border · and atop Maican tourtat promoter acof- leci .. at lbe .....00 phue of Operailon ' Interotpt as fneaectu.al. •1t11 like b:ylng lo cure cancer with an . aspirin," sa;,t Enrique S. Ma.yw, us1 .. tant director of the Mexican Tourism De~.·· "Drugs° are ·a worldwide problem." he continued. "Closing a few borders IJ not goliiiJ: to Stop it:" • CURSORY <m:CKS Normall)', a few cursory few spot checb m dooe on the 150,GOO vehlclel which .cross the San Dl<Jo County border · chectpoint .,..tly, but Operailon Inter· . cepl will dn!tically change that. Primal)' -...... -of hood, truDl, .alav• -t and door -ets-wifi be mandatory for every vehicle when ~ 24-bour program 1ou into effect witl>out warolni. Manpower fortes will be upanded when the vehicle cbtcu are ordered Ind 1llaDJ' ...,. -..Lary cbe<b-a -plet.a lbaRdowD ol lbe auto-wi\l p into died • . Yet some authorilles wonder"°" efi~ live it may be. "Five minute> alter this iospec\)oft Jell into effect 'they' (lbe larat,\' of Ille"""' crackdown) wlD know ft.' one scuca --ted Tlwrsday. • '"ItleY'll'have to ffnd new routu er go out of busineu. 11 , Under lbe Iess..uin(ent vdllculot ~~· syst•m which wllJ be In efllcl Jn!ermlt· tenUy along with Operation lntempt, three vehicles CfOSI the bcrder each minute. The primary check -'111oznday taltee lpproxfmately two mlnutea, thm- b)' multlolYlnt! the time "'IQlrod for an indl\Odwol c.r· 11111 its -to '""' b)'mttma. PRDWlYGOWI IJuriOll _,,, pma conf.,.._ in Loi AIJie)el, DePlllY Attoniey a-at ·Richard G. JO.lndleoist Ilk! the prognm lhaa two primary plll: r -"One, .. -to drive lbe pr1<e of marijuana beyollll Ibo reaCll of thooands ol """" ~--''Two, we hope to set the coopentioo ol the Mulcu ............ Jn a drivc ogolnst the .....,. of !be dnli·" '!be l4nd pllua i, aol1 ..,. •-' d the federal alCkdo!rD "" -ol doilan In iJJqaJ drugs and the ftuh crop of -marijuana ,_ potsecl to :be smuuJed """"" lbe 2;-long border. • '"'\ Yankee _, get. IO pereent of IL Aerial ~ IYlleil!I m b<flc set 1IP to~· ...utnr dnQJs over the · beW 1e1 lritl hi -atrateglc: • ....,..,.....00 plr· suit planes wf]f· be uoed. Couta) (!alro)s by !be II :S. Co8!I Guard will ge diii1!l1er oo small boat inspec. tioos, with c:utten and awl/I Navy PT boats to be used in chaJiDg down sus- pected amuggJers. FL'ONQMIC P~ Autboriiles oo both sides of, the locttW, however, fear the ecooornJc pressure brought to bear on the ' smugglers and international dealen may · cripple the icj!Jllmate tourl!t industry first. M.,,y Mulcans depend 00 U.S. dollars for their livelthood and -lbe lltringent bonlu cn>sslng ruulatiool may dlscour· age . tbous•dds or "~ viaitan from going to Baja Call/ornla. · Alan McGrew, San· Di<IO' Chamber or Commerce community ..iau ... !"""08.er also noted Tbunday that Maican v~ itor1 spend an utlmated '94 million in San Diqo alone e1eh year. Jo!Dt disc:mslom with the Mexican gov-emmGll baYO led to an offer b)' the U.S. to supply aophi!ilcated, equipment Jnclud. lng semor devices which can sn!U out marijuana ind opium poppy Deida from aircrafl l1ylng above. Mexican autborlUes have generally pied&<d their support Ind will be watch- ing Operation Intercept'• proptt1 in the mooUls &ht.ad, with another mtemali(llll c on f e r e o c e in Wa.shingtoo set for Januacy. San Diegan Dies in Crash A San Diego woman died today an HisI>way I near San Clemente when Iler sou thtnmd car struck 1 cent.er divider, skidded across the busy lr«Way and smulled Into a bridge nil near the El Camlno Real tutnoff, Callfomla Hlpway Palroin><D llld Don>tbJ Angelina KD!ttet, Cl. .... dead. oo an!Yal at South Coill COmmun!ty lioapftaJ in South Llguoa. lltt body WU th....., !nm the wrecked car on Jmpoc:t to the alcle of the freeway. Mta. KD!tttl w11 alont In the auto. of. flcero ul4. 'Ibey described frMwlJ ...,. dllioOll .at the Um< o( the ·ooddent d "clear tid ~ .... ~ - f The sell-styled "long suffering" wom· an's blast at the steam plant {she bas lived nm door: for fi'f:e yean) was ~ gered by neWI reports that a quasi. official state council had criticized the local F.di..son plant and threatened to take stepo to prevent ils fill millioo ... pamion. Albert Pearson. a Beverly Hills atlor· ney and member of the State Environ- Ratpb Klser, dislrfd -· answered .lhat question in a ~t talk to a sevice club."~ at S.. Onofre near San Clemtnte an4 tllsewbtre tu aiolred OOllding of ~· nuclear plants," be reoorted. ''The cos! ta .Wly double that of ateam _Plaatl." As .to 'llte local EdJJon. plant being a SlDOI pnlduc:er, Kia<r i,ald; "Womea of some Oraqe Coast reskle:Dls about air polluli<rl from the plapt are .,.....U..S ''For years the Edi.900 ComP.lflY has insisted that lbe dirty smoke wai blasted out at hlgb pressure from tall stacb and very liltle ttached the ground," charget the Irate Dl!lgbbor. "! am oot .,..,vJnCect when I have to use straJibt ammonia Ir -to CDt the greasy liJm from my wlndihield ... ,. Special SPECIAL $149 UOULM '"' • 30,60 GLASS TO' TABLE, l4" THICK lualfhly .,W oN l•••••IJ delaW, IWI fa th -la• .... i.p -Dao~ Mia • -,.,....,., ..... ...,, ., • , •••.• ''1 ..... . ' ' -... - A..,.... II Th Fo11w ......... : ~·--OW Sp1 I• -Dlior1•1 .. Oho ---Y-- -""1'f'IO Yllow. .. . UCLUSIVI DULERS POlb H'"~-DllEXIL-HERITAGE - NIWPORT 1!4CH 1727 "V.,tcllff Dr. 642.2050 Cll'llf flllDAT • t I ~·-. - . IN'llllORS ,,_. lntorlw 11oa1...,. 4nfl•l!l.-AID-NSID LAGUN.r. BEACH 34S North Cooat Hwy. om "'°"'' w ' .... , ........... ONlll·C:..., .... , • ., '# .. • 4944151 • • . • ., . • . , ·- . ' 17 • I 17 • YOt 62,.NO. 225, ~ SECTIONS, 42-·f~GES -* oRANG~ eo~: cALrFORN1.i • - ·1 ra_ ' Hectic Week Surf Surprising ., Precedes Que_en Says Beacli 'Hard Ride' Recall Vote In the fututt wbcn observers loot. back on the week before Fountain Valley's recall election set for Tuesday. they can say "this is the week that was:" -When Maytir Robert Schwerdtfeger declared he was no longer Interested in poll ti~. -When Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau called the recall a "power grab:" -When recall a1.1pP.Orter .Don Frank tricked the Chamber of Commerce into ' ... By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI °' .... 0.lr ,...., Jflff o•n. ft'll.OT 111ift """" PLAYBACK SHACK -Mike Marquantt DAILY PILOT.maln1enanc~ man, and Tom McCann ,' DAILY PILOT publtc' service manag•I" !right) today put !inlshlng tquches OJI PlllybooL&aclt tht pabn rond·!rimmed booth on Huntington Beach Pier from which the new•- paper will dispense scoring lnformatlon througbtiilt lltb Annllll United States Surfboard Championships. • ' ' ' • . \ ., • • •• e·av1es Nation's Top Boardmen Vie for Title Father Colloty, Huntington l?riest, Succumbs ,( .. ' ' Na1c~iit~··Seatch·J~J1Uj · I • I 1 • , • I I . } . l . . - ' ' . • . l '. : ) .... . ( Mexican· Bor:der Traffre 1· ... a.11 •, A. ' • • ll I I' 1 I , , 11 • .t ~Y 1111.ar " r•, Iii' • st Nt = p •!!';-. ---:.i.., .. ~ . Council Stndying ., . New : Cen .er~ Site F~ P.,.e J SURFERS ••• Newport f.enter J'o ~ho:w Cars Worth $500,000 fiu-1 CO.UT PU ... r1H1tt• C~AN'r 1 l.Mt-t N, W ... I .,~.,.,._."'*' i ...... ""' .... II lfka ""*""" _. ...... ~ . ..... n-....... 11 W £~UIOt • • 1'\tfll11 J.:. M"1111hh1t ""-""Irle IEeliw It ,t.IHrf W. ,_.., AuetMtot M!W = "......, ... )ltlicl OfftC9 tf JOt Ith Str11t lll•"i111 Mlllrftft 1.0 •••• 790, ,,,., • °"'91' OffltM ......,, -..oi: tfll 'f\'ftl ............ ,.. .. C..-... I .. Wrll .. ., '''"' ,. ...-. hliCAI m .... .i .,._ • ~-: ·--34· Coast Seniors , Named U.S. Merit , , •* * ser111finalists' Uealtors Pick Philip MeNamee Phlllp fl McNunet bu bee:1 nomlmtod to -"""'D. Slit.. .. ~ -prtlldent of the Hunt!Jliloo Btacl>Foun-~ot~ ... -.. 11 ---.. """ lain Va»ey Board ri. Ruhora. L_• ..:--:;::.. ~ -:..,.':; Other nomtnea for ofOCet and board s;;-..::-= r:'!l C., ".':, ":i; poaiUOlll are Ben w. Harding and Robert &. ~=-a::'J.~:':!. D. M$ain. vke president; Georte J . ---.,. .., GaltiD and Dt>ld KorJ, -.tuJ: Poarl .... ., ..,.._ c.. ,_, '.· • Ptl. Haffdal, and Patrick N. Mt-V1Y. fi hJk f 1n•• 6Q..4U1 tttuurtr, and Qiarlts r . Dlttt:bmemer .._ W•' 'a c.il .... ,.. """""'·'·· H. II•' -broil .,_ 0 ••• oM:allll•I """'" Jr. and "'iaita ,,_.,,1 , er~-..~ ..... °'... * -........ tor' ,.. ,... ,,,., ,~..... Nom.lnets were aledtd by 1 com-.~~ .. ·.:::'1 .... ,.,..:= mJttee hetded by Q)arlel V. Colstadt Md --· , tncludinc Ptiylilt J. Galkin and McVay. ~~-i:-:c..:.~1:.' :==:ut: AdditlOMl nomintdons may be m1re at ~.,... '""-'"",..*"' tht Oct. 1 meeting arid otncen will be '-'ifll!"~""..:••.._....;..;;!!'!'-;.;...."."'..;,.._"_""'_· __ .., _I '*""I ll the lllllllll mootlDt Oct. 15. . ' Be W'-fH HuntlnJl<>n Beach has anather champ100 in competition for smiles and charm. John D. Cox, aevea-ye.ar-Glc:Laon o1 Mr. and Mn. Jobn H. Cor, 7122 Betty Drlve won tho "J~ior All-American Boy" tiUe in Hollywood. Fountain Valley Attorney Post Not Full Time LINDA ... the pier." Yet whether she likes them or not, MIU B<nson predlda tl>al lhe 'lravea wUI keep their height· throqhout, Saturday and Sw.!fay when about f10 surfen tackle them fer tbe conteaL "Wben you have a llrmJ awell like Ulla, there's not too much of a cb&nce o( It llOlDI OaL Tbae ....U. from MW.. U1U111J stay around for a few day1." rua· may be the lall COlllest for the YOUlll 11nardtu who aaya Ibo ii think· in1 about aurfUil !0< tun qaln Instead of competltloo. "I\'1 m1 11th cont.est. I hope to do well thla year and K I do, I tblnk It mlrJ!I be IJlf Wt. "Competitlol'l ls areal but It takes a Jot of Ume. l would rather surf fret than "''Cn'Y about the compeUUon." Miu SeMOn began surfing 14 year• ago and IOOll became proficient enou&h to win coolelll from HWllingtQll to Mabhl Beach. She bu a.lao betil feat.urtd in a number of beach party movtea with Anetla F'wlk:ollo and Franlile Avaloa and clcubl· od In ''.014&•1 Goea 11.twallan." eur...Uy Ibo bu been slped by the Dodge MoC« Corporation to produce automobile commercials in which her lllrfinl will be 1 .. turod. Senator Says Apollo Should Take Rnssi.an WASHINGTON (UPI) -A lbmlu -should lolo two American utn>nauta In an Apollo mooo landtn, "Ill tho W'llllt possible moment," Sen. Wiiiiam ProJmlro (0.Wil.), 14Qtlle<I Tbw1il.Y, ' ·poUntion· : Flap in Be~e~ r Relident St.eamed 1Up Over~ Edison Plant Smog .. ,..._Mr ,,--.... .., ... _ ...... .., .. -........... ' ................. -Cllilomla -Cowpony ~ air pollutan!s1 "No." ay FAl&oo dfld•lt "Y-. .. -""' -'O. ,,_ --lallllClllrtlo.-Pllt -to the $1111 ..-pi.I. "l life in the lhlillw' of the plant OI Paciftc Coast H!Jhw•1," prottatl Mrs. Faumul. "Every day I <lee a l!ilci ' ,.....,. Pqe l BORDER TRAFFIC SNARLED • •• Women's Softball , .. League Slated 1'1111 !al, the W-llec;rutJoo and l"alta .Deplrtmeot .. will sponsor softbaD 1eaaue play for women. Only those women II years or older and not atteodloa high scboOI or college are dJllble to play. Gamea will be played at 1:45 p.m. Wed- neodays at Sieler Put, ~ Oct. a. Tbe league team fee ii ~. Astronauts to Tour WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The White H-"""""""1 today the Apollo II .utrcmuta wlll make a 23-oation tour 51.ltllna Sept. II ID -U.S. ,.m~ lo lbare Its apace inowlodge. Tho lllnerary will locloda ooe atop behind the ln>n Curtain-In Yagoelavia. Jn addition, the three Altronautl and their wivm will vlsit Guam and Hawaii Joint dilawlons with tht Me-.i (OV· ernmml bave led to aa plftr by tht U.S. lo _., llOphistl<ated equipment in<llld· log ...,,... devices which can sniff out marijuana lDd opium poppy fit.lcb from aircraft flying above. Malca.n autboritie:i have 1enerally plodi!ed their ouppcrt and will be waicll- ing Operation lnterttpt '1 progrw in the mmtha ahead, wilb another intemaUOnal c.oafer1ace ID Wuhinctoo Id for J11111r7. UC to Shut Irvine in Budget Cut? From Wire Suvlces SAN FRANCISCO -Tbe improbable prospect thal the UC lrvioe ampus mJlhl be closed don u an eCONllllY measure was menticQed 'Jbarlday by Uoivenily of CaW«Dia admiolllrat«I. UC presldeol Oiarles J. llilch Aid Gov. &apo·1-wanll tl>e _., to prepore • 1flWl ~ that could muo twnlnr my !5,400 atudeuta, 0< cutting raearcb er nm clo&ln& a cam- pus -Irvine er Sonia Qom. Hitdl aubmlu.d to ......... proposal for lhe unhenlty'a flnt fl billion -·llnl budget cc lncludln&. politically improbable $44.& millkm increase in Jtate funds lo $373.t mlWon. But Hitch Wei that the Reagan ad· mlnilt.ratJon want1 UC to prepare a budget o! '216 m.lllion far na1 year-$29 million lesa than thla year'• -bodieL R<agao aod·the le,-hHe the fllla! u.y over the budget. Hlldt listtd three allttnativeo ~ the ba!ic budget is is low a3 $281 millioa fer .... year, -Hold quallly -Cll' the nine campus<! but <DI upeded lull-time enrollment by 25,tm -about lt,OOI krwet than thla year. In additlon, l.000 la<Ully pasta wcdtfbe ·mt. , . , • · ,. -Accept all qualified appticanll but cut quality, includint aome faculty jobs, a.U :rummer quarters and more than $11 million iD research -i n c I u d i a 1 qricultural projl'tma. ~ down one campus and ooe medical school, In additlon to llopplng summer quarten. UC ollldala llll(ulacl' the cut co.dd be a newer campus. llJCh u Irvine or Santa CruJ. UC olllctall ay they do not expect the tinal, 1m.n btlqet ftaure to be u low as Rea1an's Finance Department ~ poses. Finance Dite<tor Caspar W. Wein- ber1er bu told llllte qendea to propare badgela aboul 20 per cenl lower than thla yur'a IP<ldn£ Theo the qenclel -U.. cludlng ibe un!Venlty and ltale collegees -will be uiod to justlly any -for llddltional money, Weinberger'• olflce said. IPICIAL $149 ... uLAa 11" 10.60 &I.ASS TO, TAllf, l4 " THICK -lllm ti! 1111 .. •d•n •I~ •todr!ff.Jlymobllellaml ....... l ll~ in a coal mloe .area. I COLlJd diJ.. prnae with curtalnl 11 stopped waah!nt ' my windoWa." The adf-styled "km& suUerlni'' wom-an's-blast at the steam plant fahe ti.I lived AUt door !or five yean) wu I.rt.a· geredtby news reports lhit a qu11l- officill llllle couoci1 had crlticlud the loalt Edisoll plant and threatened Lo take steps to prevent its $179 ntlWon t'l- panslan. Albert Puraon, a Beverly Milli aUar- ntY and menlber of the state El\vlron- mental Quality Study COllllCll, clidmed the aroup could stop upanslon of the plant. His contention was opposed by Assem· blrman John V. Briggs (R-Fullerton) and Orange County Supervisor David L. Baker. cbainnan ol the &Wdy council They empbuized that the Environmert- lal council ro u Id only recommend "'immediate action" lo official slate a.gender. ··u the Edison Com~ is going lo lipend $179 million to expand their mon- strosity," queries Mrs. Faumui, "wily not reduce the mt, fl11h and node with a modem nuclur /J:!'" Ralph Kiser, district manager. 1Mwered th.at quMtion in a recet1t talk to a service . club. "Experience at San Onofre near San Clerneo~ and elsewhere has slowed building d such nuclear plants," he reported ... '11le COit ls nurly double that of st.earn _Plant!." Al to the local F.diJon plant being A smog producer. Kiser said, "Worries of smne Orange Coast residents about air polluticm from the plant are groundless and will cootinue to be when the two new generating unlll are added ." Kiser said the huge steam plant uSts low-sulfur oil from Indonesia fer fuel whtn natural 'u is not available. The local district manager, wbo re-- tires Oct. I to become manager of the Chamber of Commerce, JOI strong back- int th1t Wtt.i: from EdiJCll officlala: in Loi Angelea. William R. Gould, lenior vice pm.ident, sald bis -lw lllltltu!od llrlct rmoe control meuurea: and toased the blame for air pollution on automobiles rather than steam generating plants. Mrs. Faumui bu threatened to join with her nel(hbon In "aettina up a pe- tition'' to the Huntlngton Beach City Coon<:i1 and state agencies protesting the expansjon of the power plant. "For years tht Edlaoo Company ha! Insisted that the dirty smoke wa! blasted out at high pressure from tall stack.a and very little reac.htd the ground,'' charges the irate neighbor ... I am DOt convinced when I have to use straight ammonia or ''1::f:: to cut the erusy film from my w' 'dd!' Valley Schools Ready to Okay Bond Election 'Tlultetl cf. lht Fountain Valley School Diltr1ct an apected to approve a re110lu· tioo caJlin& for an SS million bond election toniil>L They will make their decl!ion at 7:30 p.m. in tbe Curriculum Materials Center, One Llgbtbowe Lane. Administrative Asst. Pat Clark e1- plained purpose of the tentaUve Ott. JS election ls to re-float bonds at the new 7 percent interest rate. The bonds wert approved by voters e.a.rller at a 5 percent interest rate. Several atta achoo) district&, among them FOUDlaln Valley, ha" found it lm- pouibk to sell their boodl at the old 5 pe!'t!ebt nte, llnce a new law raising the -celllog ..... Into effect. lssallWt llyW _. lafr' 11f ,..., .. tMa 11 tM .._.. J1 at'-..,......, D11't MMI •.,. ,. • ....., ..... ..., •• ,II ltflprlh. · Au n I Is .. .,.. •••&.t PW.l•i ....... - -OW S,.... -Diott 111• Oho ---Y---~ T-. / IXCLUSfVI DIALIU l'Olll HINUDOll-DUXIL-Hllt/TAOI NIWPOllT llACH 1717 WOl!dllf Dr. '42-2050 °"" ...... , ""' ' IN1DJOU P-11- 0arll ...... Anllo~lo AID-NSID LAGUNA HACH :145 Nonti ~ ....,, OfDt ,.,,,, ""' t 4t44$SI • ---• MR.MUM , . l A nother3-letter Word Good News for Youths 'WASHINGTON ,(UPI) -In and the only really legitimate this day of proliferating three-r e p r e s e n ta l'I v e s of the 1 t t t e r , u n pronounceable student&, Peebles aaid. acronyms like SOS, PLP, BSU " .•• They'n the poly bod1 and NSA. the ASG can hardly that a signiflcant aecment. If -. ""' th• majoritr, of the hope to stand out. It doesn't. students at leas lndicated But because of SOS, PLP, support for ." BSU and other militant stu· The · ASG stall numbers dent organiiallons bent oo about 25 persons, all of them changing the faces of college 21 or ZI years old aod on Jeavt campuses, the ASG has taken from their re 1pect1-v e on a new awareness and a new univenitits. In addition to influence. Callan and Peebles, there are ASG stand! for tbe Associa--11 other persons bi the tioo of Student Governments W • • h iJllloo headquarters, -a fledgling orian!Wion moved here recenUy to an of- r<preaeolhl& the assortment of fico l[ulldiog near the· White student ~emmenls on1J50 of House. These include three the Mtlon'a collefe campuses. field secnitaries a n d eight Edward "Ned' Callan, 22-regional cb.alnnen. yur-old acting president of The ASG ts supported hy ASG, summed up the new dues from campus awarmesa o.f these bodies : govtrnments, revenues from ISSU~ CHANGED conferences such as the one "The issues have changed this weekend; income from from a better band, a Winter publications, foundation and ball , to a stat 00 the faculty corporaUon aranta and coo-- senate, the abolition of tenure, t; iWtions from individuals. this sort of thing. OFFICERS NAMED "Students ~cross the coun-• The officers -president. 1.rJ are reci.Jiling tbat what three vjce presidents and a might not be an effecti9e tool trumrer -are elected. now , that they can male it in-Clllap w .. cbosen.1 vti;e .presi. lo lhat nther ll1ll! 1•1."!l dent ud'hecame adlng pr:esi· :hrough riots and~.' dtot -the elected pru;. 1bi& 11 the '.puTpO.'JO"ol ASG, dent rts!jpied. he aid -to promote the Callan aid tht "8G wu Demottatlc process on cam-started four yean ago u an pus, to let the studeml bow all.ematlve to the National they can have repttsentation Students Aasodation. But he and offer a duJy eiected body aald · the ASG is not an the adm~aUon can tum to a 1 t e r n at iv e iny more. for commWlication. Whereas ! the NSA is all Marvin Peebles. l Negro politicaL -Callan sakt, the ASG and civil rights coordinator for I! nonpoUUcal ucept insofar the ASG, ls the ancient a1 eled.ioN thn>dgh campus member of the organization at politics are coocemed. 26 and baa a law degree from As an indication of the Villanova University. He said ASG's problems of get:U.ng student governments already recognition a1 a quiet but ef. are providing t be com-·fective and influential student munlcation and wW be pr1r organi;atioo, Callan related an vidlng even more. incident where a national MORE A'lTENTlON magazine editor ca 11 e d "The.y wlll 1et more of an recenUy and aaked U 1'tbere ear from the adminhtratioo are going to be any because they au regarded as demonstrations" at the con- representatives of tbe students fertnce. Cl ass Covers Cre dit 'Art' The art, or sc ience, of issu- ing credit and then collecting money will he the subject of an evenlo& clas,, In "Credit and ColltcUons" to be o(fered by Orange Coast College on t.tonday evenings from 7 to 10. Dwayne EinSon, assl!tant cashier and loan oUicer of the Newport Natlooal Bank. wDI leach the class in Room m al Estancia lflgh School. Desi1ned for small business awnera and employu of credit agencies, the courae will ex· amine 60Ul'Ct5 of credlt in- formation, anaJyslJ of credit risks. collecti o n cor· respoodence, u5e ol the cour11 and creditor and dehlor right.. Call&11 said when the editor was asked why he was in- quiring, he replied, "We.II, H you are, we will send more people." VN IT ED STATES NAT IO NA L B ANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPIN SATURDAYS t te 1 P,M, MON.-THUU. IN P.M. NIDATS t .... P.Mo f TI4114t4J11. LMetM .. : S..C.-..... C....M .. .... Via.,...,~ E. H. LEVAN ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CAUFORNIA 85( . ._, For cafts oftl!r 6 p.n1. ou I ,joys and all -"end. 3 minutes st.lion-to-station, plus.... --@ • U11.1Titllt,.C... .... ,,,,,, ,_..,, ...... • ='!!:..'!~"''•• •=W•••ruur ue..e. •'"'"' eti ..... ,. ... ~c.w., ..... .,,..... . •1.39 Valuel i2·1nch GoldYelnecl Minor Sfpares DoltT-1 79• ...... Afpljl •• Mil-to.... -or llvmr....,.,'""""' aN& or ball With dehru pl4 velftecl fopt 11qU1N wall mJmn. No ,rue, Mft'WI or nallt 11.eeded. F"'111.S.~ 19, 1969 DAil y 1'11.0t. I . ,,,.. .. _ ...... ---.-·- • ..... • ....... M.-'f ............. ···"'' c..t, """""' .. ~ . • Ult......,~ .... , •• , .... c.,r-. c.. .... • .,, ................... _ .......... ..... • ,._.,,, •1t ... w ... • ,,, ........ ~ _.....,. --. . " 41: '417 Wb 'Q• ..... W ... ,,...,IJ I ' • 11161 ,._, •Ci•a r 1 A-.. IMt••"--.. -' ' . • Lady WI shire sea111I••• NYions C•,ut T1 OIMr1 At ~:i .... 17' .. ..., stntcb. M1crO Mesh ot P2aln. KJtJtJHeel and Toe, ,Setim1ea, N'4de Beet. and To.?, \VallditC 6heill'I. latest culOl'I. ' • " "• IAdJ Wlkhlr• Nylo1 Noeltl'f 7k 17c ~ W'dshlre St aml• 6tc pr. ,,. ......, Wlblolr1 -el.2 ....... i...t rt,---. -1'• He S•-'• C.t1ea or t9c A .... N,._ _ ..... -1tc ... 17c OM Siii S1Nldl ~--"• NIWLON9RIOOlll Women's Aayllc --Sweater Jackets , C'holcl ot. cur. rent btt• or l"ldm ....... Wc114 famous ........ Re9. $2" Teflon• s12sa $14.95 Value! -belted wllh $ I · 9I J pooketa, plaln. and cable .Utch troats. Choice ot. ftJl• a.Gd oolorS. • · 1 O.lnch Fl')' Pans Foldlngleds IS.ti I S,,ts v.r .. 1 .214.17 C.ttllte C.....Ule & ,..._ •. 1..,. aeur•ir ...:f5•••• • ,,..:"!. tAAin ~t:. or s411 ~~ ...... . ~ •"' ........................ .. L.q Y..ity H.... MIDr !..i~ ~!; $666 ejector. $4.H Fr.,.od 11 x14 R.,....i.ctteos .,...,. ..... s34' ,,.,..._WI• --....... ~, $1.94 Ylrt' 1..,. .. cf.-. H.tNWcelen. slst $1.H H 9f. w .. 1-11 .. ,La...-s1 ..... , $1 3'. .. c ..... .... .......... nwtfty ..... ""91 $3.33 CORY U CUP PERCOUTO~ ' c'"' ,._ .t" n lrt. .... - $2.39 •••• Ai-Guk :!:.;:,,,_-e SJ78 4tc C-er Mot PM ==.-r-3tc ... , $4.H Framod Spa11hll Plcturos H11"••• K ... $349. •• ridi """' .....,,,._, $4.99 FRAMED Bxl 0 OILS and REPRODUCTIONS Orit-.. ..,.-.. .... .. .,..,. --___ ., _, ........ ·-sa•1 Run<d alttmlmnn frame ud thiek foe.m. m<nllL 2W2" No-Iron lush ·Shirts $298 . . JHIAlillM CHLOlflJI ,, .. -..... ef 1.M 4tc Men's No Iron .Sport ' '1M M•. • IOTTll Of l it .shim S2" 11 .............. , S1M1 .... , ...... _. M 1•-.·....._ _., ..... PM ... .., .... .t1•tt NIWI · Jro111 ILDON RechaiweaW. llectrlc IAmlY OPRATED , «ide'em~•r :o:! 14 ~~ $2 I 95 mil•• u2*tt.~ · .,,,. __ m._... plNUc 11o4r· • $1 .1'holo .. YlhiinlnA ia,DOO Uolt, ~c·stc SJ.ff ~ ...... . VII .. 1 .$1.24 Gllfa,l loy'1 'D"'lster Ilk•. :s31ea ~."' • . '7"'"•'-••• . "'" .. " ..... :i'i"t. "l'., •s•• .. .., ,., ... ,,._ ........ ~·-'i\~'1.·s39t1 ...... WALT DISHIY T•lldntl •••• ,.... Your taYOrU• ta I ~ to J'OUI ' •or.ttc ~ OIAllGI 1'1.AYOa Vltw11ln c· IOOMg, 44 ""21oef!DD Htwl ... C•llect..A-C. Raceway ~-. ..... )'OllMt!d~ ~,. plq. - ~·••Ill's ·:-'Crissy ..... ...... Doll I " ._._ ....... __ ............ f ·-~ . -- .Jf Ull.Y PllOT H ,l!dq, S..U-U, I "' Compl~te.:...New York Stock List · ·ovER ·tiiE . couNTER • ,~~ ·~:lo' '" :·r '" ' '" l~ I lfttT '""I lf1 l"IT~ '"" '" '"' I •~t. l•rvt '"'" ...... '"~· ln"r 1n\« ·-· II El ·~ 111 :~:1 i~o '"' !TT~ tl" •" .·r u~· ·1n :I " .. Cl .. ':l ..... * ' • • Friday~s Closing • Prices-·Complete New York Market Bolstered In Active Trading NEW YORK (UPI) -Carryover deman4 from the previoWI seaalon helped bolster &tocks Friday, although unllmenl was dampened by nonnel pre- weekend. eveninJ up ~res. Tridlng wu active. ' Also a forte belllnd the 1ecolld consecuUve ad· vance was PreSfdent Nixon's cancf:IlaUon of drafl , calla for November and December. ADa1yaU aaid the market interpreted this as 11anotber move br, Wasbioeton toward disengagement from Vietnam. ' Shortly before the dose, the UPI marketwlde indicator showed a gain of 0.34 percent on 1,517 is.sues croasing the tape. or these, 744 moved ahead, 556 declined. The Dow Jones Average of 30 blue chip indus~ trials was off 0.99 at 830.58 near the close. Volume ,of nearly J.2..million shares ran ahead or Thursday's pace. Among tbe most active issues were Xerox, Ben- guet, Gulf & Western, Travelers Corp .• Texaco and American Telephone. Xerox closed at 101, up 3 5/8. steels traded in fractions . Leading steel mills expect industry ordering to hQld up well over the near tenn. U.S. Steel and Bethlehem both closed down 118 and Republic was off 3/8. Motors also traded narrowly .. Price advances on new model automobiles continued to spread. Chrysler, which boosted prices on 1970 models by an average of '107 per car, closed at 39 3/8, off 117. General Motors and Ford earlier hiked prices an avera(e of $125 and $108. respectively, Ford, oU 3/8, Closed at 451/2. EJe'Ctronics aJso traded on both sides of prev- ious closings. So did rails. airlines and aircrafts. Conglomerates and chemicals 'vere narrowly mix- ed. ·' H DAILY PILOT JJ ., Stock Exchange List . l ......... ' J r I • • JI OAJLY I'll.OT • • • • t '"Ti ··sears. r -~ ' I ' I Nylon ~Tricot Pajamas 2 $5· for Tt.iJored pajamas io si.llcy--sofc, easr,-care nylon tricot. /\"°""d colon. Sizes 32 ro 40 .. Lingtrit Dtpt. . . .• !Cl · 100% Cotton Flannelette ......... 3vd!} J.Iachloe washable 100% cotton .flannelette in solids, pricu. For sleepwear, robes, dusters, layette wear. Y ar""gt Dtpt. ' ; }67 SAVE s1 ' v .. ':'" ~.,. . (t"~ ..,.~ • Skindiv.er. Watches •399 f ernu,·J!res~ Jeans ' . ' I . .. . 297 . Limit 10 Bo.a Per Cuitomcr 82~ Long Rifle Ammo. 58~. • 22<.al. high-velcxiry, copper plated rounds ote llOO· C'Otl'OSitt primer, smokeless powder. Box of 50. SJmti'll Go"'1 D1pt. . 999 $Jl.99 to S12.99 i 21'endar scyle skindivcr 'l\'atcttcs wi th blaCk p'J.astic or Sport_ styl_e bands. . }tW1lry Dtpt, . 1, I ·SA VE '12! Craftsman '41.99 18-Inch Hand Mowers l 2988 '4~.95 SeWing Machine 2988 Straight stitch m~nc comes with foot control and cas<. Model 1001/9 7031 Stu1ing A-1.achlnt D1p1. . 59c l'" ·thidc fiber.glw with dust i;atcliing adhesive. izes 10x20", llx20", 16x20 .. , 20x20", 16x2)", 14"2l~ H111.1int-Pl111nbing D1pt. !-i-' Choose fro m $7.)2 duraliL:•DrivewayCoatio&orDri• .. way Paste in 5-gaUon ~ans. Sft'e nri'w! · Paial Dtpt. Cuddly Hamster Pets . Cu1e little pees. Flin ro warch. easy to care (or. Srurdy Meu.1 Hamster C"l!P' 3.69 G...;;.Shop • ' . ! SA VE '30 on Reg. '189.95 Soft-Heat Gas Dryers s159 , Use Sears R~olving Charge .~------------------------~------------------------~ I BUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEAQf PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE . I ~g:rfN ~Jt:~g ~A~~~A Sears ~~~ ~~~f2'!GS ~~~EJNT at Slauson I '---~--------------------____________________ , . "Satlsfactiqn Guaranteed or Your MonevBack'' -·--co. Shop 6 Nigh.ts Monday through Satvrday9;30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. I ' I 7' 1 • I I 11 I I _J I ' r. • Tetlay'i .. . . . . VOL 42, Nci. 225, '4 SECTIONS, '42 ·PA&~S ' . ORANGE COUNTY, CADFORNL( . • • ra ' . J . Hectic Week · ·Sl•rf ~orprising Precedes Queen Says Beach 'Hard Ride' Recall Vote In the future w.hen ohservers look back on the week before • Founlain Valley's recall election set for Tuesday, they can uy "this is the week that was :" -When Pi-tayor Robert Schwerdtfeger . declared he was no longer interested in poUli~-. -When Vice Mayor ~Id Fregeau called the recall a "power grab." -When recall supporter . Doo Frank tricked the Chamber of Commerce into COMPLETE ELECTION WRAPUP, CAN!>IQATES TODAY ON PAGE 3 a llowing him lo · speak. then verbally blasted the incumbent trio of councilmen. -When cand.idate;S rriade their last Oing and swing t b r o u g b lhe neighborhoods collecting strength lo unseat the incumbents. -When a lameduck council made p<mibly its last appointment to the plan- ning commission. Indicative or the frustration Jn the final countdown to vote time -Tuesday, 'ba.s been the frantic number of press coo- By RUDI NIEDZIEU!KI Of t1M O.Hr Plltl llfifl Tbe."'e are a lot of. things Jo learn abo¢ the caprictowi surf ~ Huntington Beach, even if you're the five-time winner ol the U.S. Surfboatd Championships. The huge sii to ei1ht rOOt rolling waves curr~ntly breaking' on both sides of the pier are a surprlse to many o( the surfers entered in thi.s wee.kend'~ l lt,h annual rul)Jling of the championship. 'Mini-waves, composed largely of white froth have bam~red tbe contest for the pitst few 'years, 'ltading many Of those who surf lf.unUngton Beac.h ' only ·once' a y~r to believe that the sea 1s placid all the Ume I ' ' • 1.mda 'Benson, a 20-year-old airline stewardess; from lfermosa Beach WbO has won the champlonslUp five times, was also surprised whlle practicing this w.eek on the huge board breakers. "I leamed Huntington Beach ia really a hard p~ to ride '!Vben there's· a twell," sbe "amlled wffl'ily after practicing for five IJ:>urs. "ThrOOgh the years I've galned a lol Of experiaJce riding small aod large waves, but I don't like the really big waves that much.·'11lere was a board broken in half today. You really have to be careful near tllee LINDA, Page I) FIVE TIMES A CHAMPION ' Surf OuHn ~Inda 11.n .... :;-£:; .~;~ i:. ,.:~ N~oq (:~(;,~ls Dra(t f' .. , 11go with .-rocklnil: dikio$lr,e"of etl1foal ' .1 '.. •· ... -' ~ ,, r ''""'"' conflict ol. in=volving the mayor ln 1 • ;.:~:: .. ~~~J~.a~:; Vftf Noveµilier, Dec.e~tier:· wrong doing and lC>Jllnl. 1' .Haf,Per!s . ~ ,· .~ .. . . . . disclosure a .,timed·po tica mote. · · · 1 Then last Monday all the candidates WASHll'iGT'oN · ~t!PJ) -, President had been .set some time qo for Jinuary •nd incumbentS h'ad their forum at Foun-Njxon ,anriouncred ~ay cancellation cf -although this fiaure. do wu not an.. taln Valley High School under the di:'afi .~ J9r Nov·erQ~ aDd ~mber nounced ear.Iler -and•aald only th:ar·he le.adersblp of lhe·chamber of ccmmerte. ·-totallijg 50)100., The 29,000 ·call originally did not believe the 1tretciHJut of the Th<:y traded Verbal swings. slaps and set for of;tdber will be ·spread over an October ca11 to covei-all the final 1969 jabs at· eaeh other with 500 citizens view-three mOnlhs; . , quarter would mean an incrtase in the tng the entire affair-NiJeo made the dls'cJosure .at the White January call-up. The nei:t day Fregeau 1 called. a press House. I.a a<1brief atatemeot -lasting Jess "The reason f<r this pbaslnc 11·.to in- conterence alid tetmed •the chamber's ttlan.a minute -at ,the outlet of a news sure the effective 'Use of our training night.a ''fiasco and slanted;" then ~aunch-corifele'nce by-Defeme Secretary Melvin facWUes," Laird uplained. ed his tirade on-1.he "'power grab by a group of right-wing extren"lisb.'' · R.-L.-ird.· · · · What Laird and the Presidenl wanted Wednesday, the mayor held ahother .Lal:rd Sa.id the 29,000 l n d .u c l e f: s as fast ·as possible from Congress was a iiress conference. "If re-elected I'll quit." or~ .acbeduled . for next mooth simple repeal cf one sentence in the cur-- he said, eiplalning that his only ;purpose wpulit' be takeo im!:~ .into unifonn at rent selecUve .service law w b I eh now was. to dtfeat1he teal.I jtRlf. the -rate of lO)IOO -in . -Ocl.ober and specif!oally· prevents the President from Since then ol.ber "actors" in tbe ·reeall NOvember and t,ooO ln December. , instituting a t:rue -random1eelectioa -er pictilre have attempted to call press coo-NiJon also aakl in·hil statem'ent ·that if lottery -!)'It.em. ferences or:promised last ~'news Congress di>ea not 'aCt this: year· on Whil& Laird WU hopifuJ ot-:om. releases. refunning the draft law, be will insUtute gresslonal action by .the end of the year Frank asked lor a-press conferenct by.ezecu;lve order~a·form of lottery, with he made lt dear that the admlnistration 'Thursday, found reporters unavailable, the youngest eligibles -the lS-.year~ld.s was: ready to lmtitute a modified form or promised to bring in a release but didn't. -being taken first and the oldest, the~ lottery -the "moving age group" Planning Commlssion chainnan James year~lda, taken lasl The oldest are new system -for l~year-clds by uecutive Dick, a finn supporter of the ineUmbenµ, ' the most vulnerable. action if Ccngresa dld not act. also promised a press release for 'L'hlln-WHllt elimfnating draft calla for There appears litUe likelihood that the day, but-failed to supply it. Noveinber-and December --figures not draft reform. legislation will be enacted Various candidates have hinted that previous1y" announced -neither Nixon thi! ·"year. Senate Democratic Leader they have another ''big story" along the nor Laird speci!led~bat would happen lo t.tike Mansfield, just prior to the· White Jines of Harper's release but have yet to nut.JaJµW')''I call · House anoouncemenl3, said he doutited it (See RECALI..i Pa1e Z) . Laird 'said a fiiure o( 35,000 draftees would be possJble because of the heavy __ _:::::..:::::::::::::c:..:.:.c...:c_ __ _;_~---_:.------backlog of work. ' , 1Mft.: l'~OT lt8ff ....,_ PLAYBACK ~HACK -Mike M~ai'dt, DAILY PILOT malntenanc.e man and Tom McCann, bAltY PILOT public service manager (right) today put.finishing toucbea on )11ayback Shack, Iba palm frond-trimmed boOlh on HU11U•g:::,:ac" Pier from which the new .. paper will dfspense tcorlng • itlan · tllroulb<>Ut uur Annual Uni~ Slates Surfboard CbamplomlllJ!I· ~--~-------- Mansfield said, however, he felt 7iixon would have "complete support" from members of COOgreu f~r any &ctkms he takes by u:ecuUve order to reform the drBlt. 1'Playbac1' Sh:aek' Will Give Fa1is Surfing Results ... Want to know boW )'CID' favorite aurler slaw up in c:om .. lltlon with the "tieavjWelghll'' fromribw.u, Aultralia and all.over the cautornla ~1 lt'1 ...i'· Vlait the , DAil,Y PILOT "Playback Shock" oo lbe pier odjooent to scoring heaaquarten UfroOlbool lbe hi .. day meeL .• T.,m;-Mel:anii;-b.AILY PlLOT pubUc Bvice manager, will provide 11pedaton and surfers '11.nstant ruulta" at Ute end Of e¥11 heat and wlll pool U°""!" lor fulUre hem Jn each divWcn of com- ' getltlon. '!'be l'loyboclt Sb1<:k al!o ~ have -on file cumalatm llaUstlcs on an evenla and cu """P• oo requ..t, any &hto beot of the c:<mteot. Background lnlormallon oo each 1url<r will, bl! ovaJJable ,at Ibo> Ploybaci Shack as wen. For -tqo_buoy to •• k 16 the ln- formaUon booth, McCann wlll make direct reporla lrom 1be DAfLY PILOT Playback Shock on rodio lllallanl KEZY (LllO), l\WIZ U•l• .Q'WB .(1111) llld. FM lllaU111 KOCM (IOU): • ' 4 e: = .. . . • I' I'!"' •• -·· "'---"'T' -- .. • • , eav1es. . .,. ' ~ . ' Nation's Top Boardmen Vie for Title Surfers Will heave their tioards lnto the foam at 8:30 a.m. Saturday for the fir¥ heat in the two-dar ·United , States Surfboard Championship at tbe Hun- tington Beach ,_,unlclpal Pier. From all over the naUon , top surfers have flocked to the city to pit their skllla on a surfboard against the rugged waves of Hunllngt<ln Beach In the 11th annual renewal or the event. Ellmioatlon beatl and quarter .ftnal1 will be held on Salurday .. SUOday will feature flnal comPetitlon and award ceremonies.on lhe be.l\ch, w1noer otlut year's contest was David Nuuhlwa of Huntington Beach who placed ahead of tw .. time winner Corky Carroll of Dana Point to Win the coveted Dute Kahanamoku Trophy for best overall surfer. . ·Qm~stanta·thls year were seleCted on the baai& of surfing rttar1!s. O!>IY lho!o who quallfied were invited to enter the clwnplomhips. Surfing divisions Include Kamaanas, men S5 and up; Senlon, 25 through 34; Men, 18 through If; JuNOn,.18 ind 17; Boys., 1% ·~gh 15;. Mini.,, boys and glrla under ll;>Worhen, 12 and' up; paddle , ra""'-' <Iqry, rac:ea. Ind mlJ!d laDdem SW'llDg. ' ' ·-·Bowman; P!lllanl .,._.._ of •the .... a'"'·...., ... ) =r~J;,~r-1 '1aii'Wllt _.u,,...,..'fi!i!l will ·taper · . oU to IWO'to ~feel &ulda,y. Bia~ la tiaaod"" \1.S. weather '"'"!IHe l'tpGlll' Nceivld ~ nlpt fn>m'Loe ~. . • "The t>Ooaltiool lhoWd J)i'Oduce.... of . our beder contestl?' aid Bowman. "The wayes . ·WOO'· be., 1ptclacular~ tiut• the surf6tlll Will be able to perlonn tietter:" The contest officially will .open at I o'clock toolilhl at the Shera~ Inn w1:;i:::~1:.:~::is. city, county Ind stato offtclaJI. ate .upecled for the ceremony dJD:'ne wblch a bull of Duke KahanamOku, the uncODte~ king or modem 15111'flng,,ww be unveiled. · ,. I Narcotic$= Se~rch· 'Janu·: · .: ' ' ' . . ' . . . . ' , ' : ' I . , .· -:. _....:., n,,. 80-p®nd · bOst, commisilmi~ by lhe elty 11\f execrted by, artlll .EdmUfld E. Sbumpert of Cardiff by'tbo.Sta. will be IDOWlled ,oo'vo!Clnic rqcb ~placed al the~ of the lluntlni\OD ~~r. "'-•"-' ffiClala iaJd the _.._. abilut ~1~•0 , . , J~~· 1ao;ooo·&ped81<>n· 10·8tl.n<Hhe event. . Mf!~ic.qit·8t1tder ';'WafE.W:. . . ~ . . ~ l . Entries thi1 year inc:ludt top llUl'fer11 ltoln Hawall, Austrialla and,· far-away dates 8Ucb as Florida, T!us, North cari\lliia and vtr&1n11. Thooe erllered'!tom Orange County ln- cltK!e: H1ntlniton Beacll -Harris Kawata, Jlm Walde, Steve Walden, Greg Tucker, (ste SURFERS, P11e !) Father Colloty, Huntingto~ Priest, Succumbs Falller ,c.Jman W .. Colloty, pulor of Sia. Slrncm and Jude Catholic Church ot Hullllngton Beach, died of a heart attack earty tblJ morning at'St.:Joseph Hospital · lhS&n 1FrlincLlco •• He WU U. . He waa vlllUng his mother , and a btother·ln 'San FrllDCi.lco wh<a he died. !'-.Colloly badebeen ~ at Sia. Slrncm and Jude aJnce 11&1 when the FrincilcU Fathen enter«!, 'the pariah • lie had been bJibiy· Involved, inlclvle' af· falr1, onen · al&eftdlng HuuUngtOn Beach City COuncll meellnga. He II surilved by h1a mother and three brolhen, alto, priella, Father Alden ol SeaWe, Father Ronald of PhoenlJt and Father Phillip ol San Fr- Flm<raJ orr&nl"1leDle a .. peadlq In San l'tllDClsco, ~'be II elpO<lod to be burled ' Jn lhe cemetery whee· bll f1Uiet wu earN for many years. .Valley CandidateS ·state-Meet '(onight .Fouallh\ Vllley re.tldfn!l•are lovlledto .. bilonnal Cllddates alibi '""" 1-to l :jQ tonight In the Green '\lalley: famllY _tlona, club 'houM it the-mth end o! ll>I J.nnfleslSi-. """ fonlll\ llulboen 1"!onnally opened to all ·~ .. and tilcQmbenla In, ~!r*ali•eloctlOn ........... lo , '&poU:. I • • , •1 • ~ :·; lt l:'1P_:,J By ARTHUR R. v,IN$EL cbecu· are dme an'tbe ,...,,_ -Of"" DIHf' , .... ...,, f; ' • wbJch • tbiiSin ~CoairtY~ , Tbe mish.ti'll C8!Dpalgn• apinll In-~weekly, i.ut• opeilt\iin'lal*· t.rnati<illal smuullng ever org~ wu : ~pt .. wiJI drytlcaJ)y ,chal!C,e, '!'"~ , . partially 'le:&led Thursday, creatlnl a Prlmiry ·cbecl<s-a ·1-"' "'i.i' gi.a{it traftic jam at ~ Mexican: bcJrder tilmk; ldove<compartuii!Ot mr • as U.'S, customa agents check~ 'every els-will be mandaWey fpr,ev~...; alngle vehicle.for drugs and marijuana. wbeo' the ™>ow' l'i¥11D' --llilo effect' without 1w"-1"""• ' .If ~ None was founc:hduring-the e:lbaustlve '"""""'6 W practice run for Operation Iott;retpt. 'Manpower forces Will ·be ~ whlcll wIB lormaJly begin -. <:reatlng when ibe' "11lcle checU are ..-.84 far w~ travel~ problems. than rriany more secon4lrJ 'dW't •· ~ 111 .. ~•Y'• dry run. plela obakedowo of. the •-ll'lll IO 1""' ~-effect. -...;. -· -.. Cars were backed up for more than Yet some ·~~1wopdirlpr effec--. three miles into •Melico ·trom·the San Uve It may bl·~. • Ysidro border checkpOlnl -dllrlng the·~ "Five mln~'aftc tlda ~· ..... a.m. to 7 a:m. ruah bour. lntb eflecl 'tae,' (Ule·~ tr'llle•drilc AulhoriUOI who staged a pr.., con--~~n""ted) ~y~· .. ·,r~ ~ ference in Loe :Anl"l<s later In the day ·~ said congestion la likely to .aet ~ · 00~~"to,~ De1Jo~ ~Co _,. wh<n. tile ani(<lru( .. cam)>alg'n .... Under lhe l....trlnmt ve!>Jcular;dlocli into full force. , . , . . 1 (See BOBDlllR,-J•flhl) ~·, · · MotoriSts entering li1lli:o' lor ,lbopplng , or wee~ 'fUn may ·t>e..ffltUired to, add .... 11er ,day ·to their ~.u ·uie • wont ~ Coine·troe. ' . ··~·It lakes ~e six JO' eJcbl hours to croes the bOrdtr?,. a '--newsmah aslced Eugene T. Roujdes, asslllant ' aecrelary of the lreuury. "II may well \a);• m to elghL hours," - he repliedo •· · • " ~ • t The lnlenl ol Operallolt ln!On:tpt -an ' outgrowth of Pmldepl .. loflxon'• l'plltl)I d~Wll' Oil nartOtlcs tr""1c 11 ..... -b6t 111 e!lett 1111 r.iocl-<oveiliic bdman lralllc tbunifiy Waa 1Jltlerlj -TbouwJria of '!,!ex!can ·aau..aia who • Ct'OS.l tbli'lntmiatldD'!J'bordii' dll!Y, wllh. tbelr ....allecf' ll'f'll •Cli'<la,1 giantod IO they m,.y -1< fn A(nertca, were !ale l<f 1 job&. • . ~"~ 'b • · Complal s wm re.--. Y "P"P."'>'ln on, bolh 4laeti • o1111e bo<dor , 1o,xt'a1<11 Mmcm touillt 11•••no\ll' ICl>f· fed at '1be '"""""' pbaoo',a!,Oprillon~ lilttrcOl)t as fiidfedo • "It's »to trY1nl to.cura cancer'wllb an ; aspirin," 11111 Enrique S. Moyana,,alllt" ta~t stir'ecloi; of the M..icln Tourbm Departmem. . "'Drugs ..... -ld'!lde J>!'llllem." ho conllnued. ~a few bOnlerl II nol going tp ~ JI.," • ' lliialJUi, .. """ ..n.r 1 .. -.. pw • eraaae· · ... c.uc .(. ' I \ I ' ,. ' j I , J 11.111.Y I'll.bf ·aeuJa •nd . ., COuncil • St . d~fng . . ' New Ceu e · Site Hllllllnlt4n Jloach'• propo&ed $1 •milllon CMc centtr may not be located on upper " Mtin Street oppoeite Huntington Beach High School, city. olllcial.s di!dolfld ... day. Mayor Jack Green said the city is llk· ing I Nrd look II J5 ·-of land It Buch Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue. The ownen of tbe property were ,....Uy turned down by the city council in a pro- J>OYI to build B28 apartment units. The city council, aeveraJ months qo wtld 4-3 to locate the center on 11 aera of land owned by tbe Hllnllnltoo Buch CainPW ~from the hip ochool and lludy Lewll, Chuck Illy, 'Brld Blyliaa, Sttve llllltr, Jell Hlkman, N111C7 lllyea, Jolm Dlvll, DllV!d Nuuhln. S.11 llMdt -Miki Wl!Jon. Foullla Vllie1 -Stove Wuntrr, G"'1 Wll?lllr. Lot ~ -N)leo Otb«M, Ilona \J!ocbuJIZ, Jolul Meirr. C..11~ -lllymood Kunze, Mary tou 11 ... 1nn1a. · s.. 0.-le -Mlle• lllutns, Bill Wetzel, Del CIMan, Dan Tifton, JOI! lllooro, Jllndl' SloJO, J. J. Doll, Chria Carmlchlel. Miki lloj>1. '-..... -Cleorfe cu.y, Dou& B ...... , er.Ji Mlr1Jll, KtvhtO'Sul)lvan. IJo"8 ·1'11111 -lloYmond PllletlOll, Hollie Alter, Jtlf IUmllton, J o b n ~v...., Mike CrnlkaJwik, Le 1 ~ Clorb Clnolt . ~I --Joilt>D1 C-11, Bob GMe, aw Ptllt, Bill llcKlnne)', Scott f'nlu, Jiff lt8nnard, John Van Omum. . --Pit Hom. Kit Rom. ' ~*'-IMcll -Hal ~achJ, Brad 3 ~ ar..1 -Mllce P'Jlchlr, ~·--Clflllrue -·Mork Sible, ;811!111' . Newport C.enter To Show Cars Worth s5oo;ooo aoulh of Manaian1 AYeaue. N•&oU•Uom for lbe pun:ha.. ot the property afe .sttll µoder way, the mayor laJcr "The company, Wider .the pr_.i ptlrOhate '"'""""4 wlll have the righl to buy b,ack the IADd an)'llme 1fler three ,..... U we do not dOfelop It," be added. The Beach-Alllnta pr<ipU!y h a s nportedly bee1> sold to the American Mobile Home Corp. In a court probale sale by the he.Its of the Talbert Estate. Interest in the 3$-acre site was trig- gered by a rePort by the ·city's Urban "8nd 1..u1111e CiJIUnl' Steerlna COmmJ~ tee (CSC) 1111.' mOlllll which llllled Ila "Top of the Pier Pl&D" tot downtown redevelopment. The report IUl&eated uae oMbe Buch· Alllqta property for tt11 11 a po.,lble canmsllon center and m u D J' c 1 p a I audltorlwn. Wiien word wu. recelvt1<1 that the blg mobile home ~aUon hid purchued tJ>e · propen7, city olflci>JI 1>oCome .... <11'11ed., A muelve trailer plrt In the locltloli II not thdr Idea ot "lood Wld uae.'' .In tbe N vole for the h!lh ICbool lite for the civic COiiier, cOOncllmen Dr. Henry Kaufman, Ted Bartlett llld Geor1e McCr1<ken wm In the mlnOrlty. It fl believed that Ibey would favor the Buch-Alllnll Ille In 1111' flllure vole. uu tbe '.thret who were for a downtown alle ore wtllln1 to like a look at the new ~ u a poulhle city complu fn. cludlnf'a civ!C center In conJuiiciton with the 'Top of· the Pier Plan' the COlltltll may chup llZ mlod "' 1 Ille loc1Uon," BW Reid, clty lolormaUon otfleor said today. . "Tbe h!lh ICllool Ille Wll Rlecled --nolhlni .... being ~ In tlie downtmm ma for overlll Improvement in my opinion." Reed HJd. "Downtown landownm and merchanta wanted tht <Mc cen1er In lheJr 1rt1 bu! were not wUJJna to do an)'lhln& iboul Improvement ot the wl>Ole downtown oomplez. :·11 the council ldopll the. 'Top of the Pier Plan' for overall downtown J.m. provment that will cblngo the whole civic «nttr plcture," Reed added. 34 Coast Seniors Named U.S. Merit Semifinalists Lino up every llrand-now cor hi the Thirty.lout 0r..,. Coul 1rt1 hl&h llltloor Aru and Ibo coOedlcm wouldn't ICbool lllllort ...,. lmOllf !MOO be -hfo bUa <amporld1it·a tllttof -11•-llltllld Wodnuday.u ·-• 1o· INi' -'Sallzrdl1 'In N1UOtto1MerllScbolll'lblJ>1tml~ Newporl leach. . . Tlle1 will compete ID the tpl!Jff fbr A dbplay 'hl~dlni IO vlntqe and 1,000 colltce acholmhlpa ot n,ooo uch m..._ ~ ~ mori than~ half · Phll maDl'. oUlo!r ~ llVID by mlllloa dollara·WllMiO 11limi~ II ~. IOUndatkrit llld -u .... IU a.m. In the Newport Celltet Miu: Tbe qllllllylng lest &iven fast Fehnwy Tbe OC<lllon ll 1 PremJm Concourt of , wu liken by 7IO,OOO atudenll, then hi&h lha·Amtrlcu, tpOllllOl'td by the Soutlletn , lchool !union. One in 50 became 1 Calllomla Centre ·of Iha MG ear Club d • -1llnalllt. an Ollie lnlellectuei group Calliomla. that represenll 1111 than cne percent of ~ i:I...., bave beOn eatabllsllfd tor : hlgtucbool lllllora '"""" the country. J1.1dglng, from classic cars or vintage,ace : FOllotrtng are the National Merit to modern 1peclaJ tntereat cm, all com-semlllnalia:ts frog> the Orange Cont area pellng for the top ehow 1wan!, tbO &lld tbetr More ....., cbolce 11 of laat Avenue of Chlmplone Trophy. FebruU)': . Tbe (lllbllc ii. tnvltod to the dlllillng Corou del Mar IDgb. -Kathleen display of automOUve _tJcelleoce, ucb of Camp, pbysidan; Catbenne EgU, Jaw- tbe can ~}"Y lnvltad6n only., ac. yer; Bened1ck F'.•as, aeronautics; Ethan conlinl to~• P*'1 M.'Glwon. Gelbaum, ._, Laurie .Hudson, -; ;. •·: ~ undec;lde11; .Nllaon' Jobnoon, phyeJdst, ·"-· • and '1lsan ThoinjlsOn ' undeclde11 · Hllllti~~6n ~.hamher m~U:-... ~:.. HIP ._ Melodi•' Keller, · · Estancia fl.IP -Sandra GtnJs acien-Gets .s ·~N....., Members tiat,and'1.awn..,Scl1roeder,encineer. " ._,,...,, ' · • · ·Foim~~. V•''-m·• 'r ·• • ... --1 ... -eresa TP nn D.imtMrt~tl>t l!untfn&ton ' McForland, elementory teochor. Bndl ~ ·o1'0iinmoxco hive been ·Hunllqloa ·-b IDp -Ronald announced. 1 . ' Naab, ~. and Steven Spickard, They .,. ale Jilck•il>'J'he.Box, w. A. undockled, Daniell, mani(er, 102 OCtan Avenue j the l\fartaa ma• -Phyllis An w y 1, La ·Brtque R,slluran~ Llrry Meyer, hlolo&fcll ·scientlat; Guy Campbell, ' lie .Won Too l:luntirifton Beach bas anolher cbampfon in competition for smiles and charm. John D. Cox, seven-year-old son..ot Mr. and Mra. John H. Cox, 7122 Betty Drive won the 11 Junior All-American Boy" title in Hollywood. Fountain Valley Attorney Post Not Full Time No recommendations have been made yet for a replacement for Fountain Valley City Attorney Edwin Martin, whole restcnaUon becomes elfeCtive Sept. 30. Martin has told qty Manager Jam~ Neal that be will work for the city on a day·Jo.da)' or week.to.week basis until a rtplacemt1nt II named. Nell said Thunday that the city W011ld not Sffk: a full-time attorney as some bad thought. "We just don't . have enou.P work for a run city attorney," said the cl- ·ty m111ager. "We need one who la avaflable two afternoons a week and by telephone tq answer immediate questions," explalntd NeaJ. • nie city attorney la nonnally appointed by Neal and approve11 by the city oouncil, "We wort toaetber on the choice," he said. An uecuuve swlon may be called 1t the first council meeting (Oct. 7) after Tuesday'a recall election, at wbicb time a decllioa coald bl made. "We .,. cunently lalkln( to po1slble legal flrml,u 1atd Neat. "pd l will pro. bably re.commend about five to seven namea to the council." Tbe worlt load II DOI erpe<led to fn. crease utenstve.ly for a new city ~t tomey, unleu the council after the recall election deddea to chance a number of city ordlnances or enad a lot of neW: legt>laUon. From Page 1 RECALL ••. prodllCt lllYthln& slgnlflcan1. Everyone la shOwtna the pressure In the Jut few days. Now there are only three left. What CID ~Pen at thb Point? It'• ID llllJlredicllble question consld•rln& t'!VeQ&s. ol the. put few daya1 but Jook for a hllld week<nd ol work and Clmpalgnlng by all lnvolve11. And toot for a lot of fancy fliers and profe1aional campaign literature. A'!J Will Rogers said, "PoliUcs hu got so ex- pemivf' that It takes lots of money to even get beat with." From PltfJe l LINDA •.. mano111, 14113 Sprtocd1le St., and Dr. pbyalcllt; Robert Eldon, e11ucator; Albert Kenneth James, o.D:, 20Ns Brookhurlt Giobul, undecided ; Paul Latten, un-the pier." SL deetded; J 1 •DD e McKinney, llnitllst; Yet whether she likes th~ or not · G"l!Or)' Nll'btl, undecided, Ind Gil')' Mias Benoon predict. that the wav .. will TN."'..:!t p= RIP Sulllt Cu ... keep tltelr belSht thrOUCftout Satunlay rler 9<her. than u"·' h-1 • Ro-r· and5ui)daywhenabout270surferstacklc DAIL Y PllOI J ••• R. :.:1 VIUI ...... *-" aof ' ..... lltMf 'Tkii111 '"•"II l<'llLIW ti..,,, •• A. t,4tnr."" M•~€11 .. AIMrt W. ltt•s AMldllt Mllw • "•""-" ... OMca 30t ''" Sft11t Mtlli ... M4r•tn P.O. a.. 7'0, ,1,~I --" ~ 11MC111 t1H wn• ... , fwMNI c.tlo Mftf: JM WHI ttY Sl•lll!I .....,..,...,.,au•-5••- ' neu c 0 ces • uo:rt them for the contesL Mqn11S10n, anthlopaloatlt; Steven Slap, "When you have a strono swell like poliil<al edenUst. • • . Su Cltlllade °'·• M 1 HI .._ this, there s not too much of a chance or -. -er c~, 11 &oing flat Theee 1welll from Mexico ~&lsteip B And 111ually Illy around !or a Jew days." -"·_, .. 1 ... • Oll'ol= Err: nd '1c1-ec1! ~Ja may be the las\ e<1ntest for the V".Y~. 7" • u ec , young stewardm who nya ahe ls think· H:eruy G~J.y, ~ded; Ktith HoW1, ing about aurflnc tor fun again instead of uDdoc14ed; lllclwd Ranaer, bualnt!o, compet!Uon. and Judith · Smith, educator. 0 1i•1 my 11th contest. I hope to do well Wutmfuler HIP -Jamea Coryell, lhla year and ti I do I think it rnilbl be b~m!St; · :5111111 Emenon, hi(!> ochool Ill)' list ' •nc!>ir, llld Michael Pearte, hip tchool • "Comj,.tiuon la great but 11 llkes a lot teaeher. of ume. I would rather a:urf free than . Realiors Pick Philip McNamee Philip H. McNamee hu. b e e , nominated to ruccted Rocu' o: Slatea 11 pnoldtnt of the Hun!lnlton B11ch-Foun· l41n v~ Board of Re11to11. Otller nomln ... for olllm and board J>OSltiool m Bert W. ffanllog Ind llobert D. M<Baln, •let pttaldent; CltOtie J, Glll<ln and Dlvld Kory, ...,.Illy; !>tori M. Hilfdi~ llld Palt!ck N. MoV1y, treuurtr. lt1d Clllrl., F. Dlucklm1m1r Jr. and Cblrlel H. McL<y, broktNflrlc. tot. N-were 11lecttd by 1 com- mltlll ht1ded by O>arl" V. COlllldt end lncludln& Pbyllll J. Glll<ln and Mcvay. Mdltlotlll nomlllaUont m.y be 1D110 at the Oct. 1 -una •nd offioer• ,nu be •ioctod at the annuli mteUnc Od. IS. worry about the competllloa." Miu Betl80tl began aurflna tf yeara qo and _, be<ame prollclent t!llOllgh to win cootesta frvm Huntln(lon to Maklha Buch. She has al8o been featured 1n a number of belch party movies with Anette Funicello and Frankie Avalon and doubl- ed in "Gidget Goel Hawallan.'' Cltmntty abe hu been lianed by tho Dodge Motor Corporation to produce automobile commerclala in which ber •urfin& wUI be featured. Senator Sa}'8 Apollo Should Take Rus&ian WASHINGTON (UPI) -A Ru"1an c:oonlonailt lllould Join two American aM>nauu In an Apolll> .-landln& "1t the earliest pos&lble moment," sen. l\'llllom Pro~ 10.w11.i. "'" .. led 'l'bundor. oUution Flap_ in Beat!h ... Rea' nt Steamed Up Over Edison Pla'nt Smog ·. . !'l. nar. -Qt • . ' --.,..·!"" . °* dlt-..... Beach •team , ... •oilac plilll,ol !1tl Southern c.tllomia llillooo CompaJIY produce air Pollullnta? . ''.Nq,'.' Jay Edlsaa aUJc!a!s "rl!." Al'J~ilrl. Ardat!i G. r..,...i ~ 11111\ oil tl\Y w WlniloWt oo t Cl'! 'llho u ... In tbl Ctb!Wo 'l'raUor Plrll -lo'drl". Ml' moto111·hom• •lbob nw neirt to the llOO mJII/cli plant. .I livo in a coil mlM .area .. I could dJ&. "I live in the ollldow ol the plant on • pwe with curtain& 111 stopped washing Pacific Coast lUJhway," protests Mra. my windows." • F ul "E d f 1 black Tho 1<1!41)'1ed "loni oullerlng" wom-aum · very ay c tan 1 an'• btur at the steam plan' (abe has _ lived :nett door for flve year1) wu trie· "' p 1 gered by news reports that a quasi-.. rom crge off)ci1I stat< council had crlUcized the BORDER TRAFFIC SNARLED local ,Edison p1ant and threatened to taie . ate-to prevont its 1179 mllllon ex-• . . .... panalon. system which will be in effect tntermlt. tently along with Operation Jntercept, three vehialq cross the border each minute. The primary check used Thursday takes approxim1tely two minutes. there- by multiplying the time requited for an individual car aod its puaeqera to crou by six times. PRllllARY GOALS Durina Thurlday'• pre11 conterence Jn Los Angel.., DePiIIY Attorlle)' Gentral RlchUd G. KJelndierist said the progam has two primary goala: -"One, we hope to drive the pr!« of marijuana beyond the reach Of thousands of young people. -"Two, we hope to get the cooperation ol the Mexican government in a drive agalnst the aourcu of the dru(." The land phue is only one aapect of the federal crackdown on mlllfOOJ of dollan In lllegel drop and the fresh crop of marijuana now poised to be smuuled a.crosa: the 2,50l>-m!Je-Jooi border. Yankee users get ao percent ot It. Aerial surveillAnce syatema are be1n1 set uP to tract jlla!!el sneUtnr druf• over the bordtr-flyln1 below sea level m some strale&fc desert canyo..........t por. suit planes w1Il be uaed. COutaJ patroll by lbe U.S. Coast Guild wW 1e IOuiJ>er on lt1llll boat lnlpec- Uona, with CUiien and owHt Navy PT boau to be uaed In chuln& down ...,. pected smugglers. ECONOlllIC Plll!ll8UllE AutbortUu Oii both aJdel of the bord,., however, fear the economic pre!!rure hroupt to belr on the IDIU.Ulerl and intemaUonaI dealers may cripple the leJ<itlmlle tourlat induB1ry first. Many Mezf<IDI depend on U.S. dollara for lbdr Uvelthood and the lfrlnient bordft' croufn& reaulationa may dJlcOur. age tboutand! of Yankee vlalto11 from golnC to Blja Calllom!a. Alan McGiew,· San Dleao Chamber of Commerce community rtlaUOOB manager also noted Thursday that Mexican vis- itors l!Ptlld an estimated $H million in s~ Dfego alone each year. Women's Softball League Slated Thll felt, the Wa1mlnaler Recreation and Porn Departmenl will spoll!Or sottball le&gue play, for women. Only those women 18 years or older. and not attending high ICbool or college are ell(lble to play., Games will be played at t :t5 p.m. Wed- nesdays at Sigler Park, beginning Oct. 8. Tbe league team fee 1s '75. Astronauts to Tour WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Willie H°"'e a.nnoUnced today the Apollo II astronauts wlll make a 23-mtion tour starting Sept. 29 to streas U.S. wllllngnf:ss to share its space knowledge. The itinerary will include one atop behind the Iron Curtain -In Yu1oolavia. Jn addition, the three utronauts and their wives wUI visit Guam and Hawaii. Joint di.scussioDa wlth the Melican tov- ermneot have led ti;t an offer bJ the U.S. to aupply sophisti01te1I ,qulpmlllt lnclud· ing sensor devices wblch can snlfr out marijuana and opium poppy fields from aircraft flying above. Mexican authorities ha ve aenerally pledged their support and will be watch- ing Operation Intercept's progrw in the months abbd, with anOther International c on fer e n c e 1n Wa.sbirlitOn 1et for January. UC to Shut Irvine in r;- BudgetCut? From Wire Serviets SAN FRANCISCO -The improhlble proapect that the UC Irvine c.mpua mJgbt be closed down u an economy measure wu menUoned Thursdly by University of California admJnlstr1tor1. UC preaident Charles J. Hitch aald Gov. Rea1an'1 offJce wants the univeraJty to .prepare a 11170-71 bulfget that could mean turning away.,_ ~.000 atudenta, or cutting research or even closing a cam- pus -Irvine or Santa Cruz. Hitch submJtted to regents a propoaal for 1be unlvera:ity'1 first $1 billion operating budget-Including 1 politically improbable Mf.S million increase in atate funtiJ to 1373.9 mllllon. Bill Hitch said that the lleq1n ad- ministration wants UC to prepare a budget of ms mllllon for nut year -$29 mllllon less than thia yur's ballc budget. Reagan and the ltgiJlature have the final say over the budget fUtch listed three alternatives If the basic budget is as Jow as '288 million for next year: -Holcl QUllily standll1d1 on the nine campuse1 but cut ez:pected full.time · enrollment by 25,000 -about 19,000 lower than thia year. In addltlol), 1,000 olaculfJ potts would be cut. i ~ -Accept ali qualllled applicants but cut quality, including some faculty jobs, all summer quarters and more tnan $10 million in reaearch -i n c I u.4 i n g agrlculturll progrlIDI. · -Close down one campus and me medical school, in addition to 1toppi11g summer quarters. UC oHldala auggeated the cut could be a newer campu11 such aa Irvine or Santa CN%. UC offlcilla aay Ibey do not expect the final, 1910-71 budget figure to be as low as Reagan's Finance Department pro- poses. Finance Director Ca.spar W. Wtln° berger has told state agenclea to prepare budgets about 20 per cent lower than Ulla year's spending. Then the qenciu -in- cluding the un!veraity and state colltgeu -will be eked to justify any requ- for additional money, Welnber1tr'1 office said. Albert Punon, a Beverly Hllll attor· ney ind member of the State Environ- mental Quality Stud;' Council, .,claimed the IJ'OUP coWd stop expaNliorl"' of the plant. His contention was opposed by Assem· blyman John V. Briggs (R-Fullerton ) and Orange County Supervisor David L. Baker, chairman of the · study council. They 'tlllphaalzed that the Environmen- tal council could only 'recommend "immediate action" to official state agencies. · "If the Edison Company· la (oing to spend $17f million to expand their mon· strosity," queries Mrs. Faumul, "whr not reduce the size, filth and noise with a mOdern nuclear plant?" Ralph Kiser, Edison district man.ager. an.!we.red that question in a recent talk to a service club. "E:rperience at San Onofre oear San Clemente and elsewhere has slowed building of such nuclear plants,'' he reported. "The coat ill nearly double that of ~ planta." As to the local Edi!on plant being a smog product.r, Kiser said, "Worries or some Orange Coast re5idents about air polluUon from the plant are groundiess and will conUnue to be when the two new genera Uni uni ti are added. '1 Ki'!Jel' said the huae steam plant uaes low-sulfur oil from Indonuia for fuel when nsturaJ JR! is not avallable. The local distrlct manager, who re- tires Oct. 1 to become mana1er of the Chamber of Commerce, Joi strong back- ln& tbl1 week from Edison oUicial.s In Los Ancel.,, William R. Gould, senior vice pruldent. said his company baa instituted strict smog control mwuru and tOMed the blame for air pollution on automobiles rather thin ateam generaUng plants. M!'I. Faumul bu thrtatmed to join with her neJahbon In "geWng up a pe-o tiUon" to the HunUngton Beach City Council pod state agencies protesting the expansion of the power plant. "For years the EdllOO Company has lnalsted that the dirty amoke was blalted out at hlgb prwure from tall stacks and very lltUe reached the ground," charges the irate ntighbor. "I am not con\'lnctd when I have to use straight ammonia or vinerar to cut the greasy film from my windshield." Valley Schools Ready to Okay Bond Election 'I'ruJteea of the Fountain Valley School Dlltrlct are upected to approve a resolu- tion calllni tor an '8 mlllion bood election tonipt. They will m.ake their decision at 7:30 p.m. in the Curriculum Materials Center, One Ll1hthouse Lane. AdmlniatraUve Asst. Pat Clark ex- plained purpole of the leolatlve Dec. !S election LI to re-float bondl at lbe new 7 percent intere.st rate. The bonds were approved by voters earUer·at a 5 percent Jnl.erest rate. Several area achoo! d1Jtrlcts, among them FOllDllln Valley, have foond lt Im· Pl*l!>le to tell thetr bond• 1t the old I -'"t nle, alnce 1 new law raising the intmll oeWna went Into ellect. September Special 'y IPICIAL $149 lHUIM tt1' • ' 10.60 &!:ASS TO~ TAIL£. ii" THICK 1111t1Mr ., ...... ··••zlff ........... ft tlil lhllW .. I .... ,., ...... hl't Miu• tpo ,.1w1ty" ... '9llhY ... , ........ ,,.... . • .. ·-lalh~ttlllli .... : . . ~ - -ow s,..ru -Dhlr••• Oln -llodl-. ,.,. --Atttl .. , T-. IXCLUllVI DIAL.RS Riii: HIHRIDDN-DUXIL-HIRlTAGI NIWPORT IEACH 1727 Wlttclllf Dr. 64~10 OPIN HJOAT 'I'll. t IN1DIOU ' ,,.loiilinal lntltlet Dl!llMn Aval11~ut=iUD-Jo!SID U.OUllA llACH us North CMtl ..... . °"" .... 1, ,,~ ' _,._..,.,, __ ,...,w 4-lt • .-- La-uni:' ~ea~~-· ED~tlO-N .. ' -. r· . ...,._ . ~ • ...... •I ; ' YOl. 62, NO. 225, 'I SECTIONS, 'It P~GES • -ORANGE ~Urv.~RNI,( ' . FRIDAY SEl'l'llMBER' '19; ·196f .. tEN atilTS ' ' By BARBARA KREIBICH Of ""' O.llr Pu.t ll•ff A "mini-course" in eltremist pro- paganda methods. prtsented at Laguna Beach High S c h o o 1 this week, waa bringing e :r p e c l e d parental rue. Uoo today. . Offered at the r~ue.st ol interestea 11ludents, the survey of extremlal views of student unnst oo university camptJ.ses was launched Wedne$day with a hall-hour film itviJJt a lell-wtng poliUcal view at rioting a.t Columbia Univel'lity. 'Ibis was followed Thuraday wilb a alide profp'am showlnc a ri&ht·Wing political group's interpretation of lhe Berkeley diJlurbl!lceL Tbia af~ atudents an acheduled to meet for analysis of the propaganda methods shown in the two Pt'0£1'8ms and, acconfJnC to • principal -Reeves. ' discussion d methods that might have been uaecf to aotvt the campui probltms olber lblo .dlrecl conlrontaUoo. Even before U. bdef COUl'le bid eon. eluded, game parent.I were~~, fear that too much emphula mlaht be given lo one.political vie1t' or the cgher. "The reatoo.we showed e~ Points of view," said Reeves todsy, ..,,as to make rtµdeftts aware of' propaganda metboda and to help them develop a·ra- tlotlal approocll to conlroversJI! subjects. We want them to ~ that a raUonal, middle cl the road view Is the desirable goaL" ' • arco earc Down the .. . ISSIOD Trail Ope11 House Set At Fire Station ' SAN-lUAN CAPISTRANO -Would )'OUjiR t1f 'cet a close up look al a bright ihiDJ 'Jt( fire eiwine? YClif!JJ cet your chance this weekend dllrlDg the. join! --staged by 1he caJi!ornia Division or Forestry and· .the enage' County Fl.re staLloa in San Jui!D CiJ>ls'J'•no, Sunday. Beicue... techniques will be demonstraled and a tour of lhe facility will re provided between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The staUon is located on La Matanza Street. ' :e Book Sale Satllruy EL TORO -A secondhand book sale \\'Ill be a project of the pledge class of Phi Alpha Kappa SaWnlay. The sale will take place between IQ a.m. and 4 p.m. fn ThrifUmtrt in Toro CtJ!~~!· Proceeds will be donated to the Mll"Ple Sclerosis fuod. •olltlqlle Chu• Set IADDLEBACK -A boutique cran dus for adu1ls will be offered to midents of Lake Forest and Mlssioo Vie- jo. Called Trunk in the Attic, the course will be taught by Mrs. Ann Struck and will feature instructioDJ'in IJOld and silver leafing, acrylic, decoupage and mount· ing. A special workshop will concentrate oo Christmas decoraliom. , The classes will take place on Tuesday evenings at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center starting Tuesday, SepL 23. They will be staged on Thursday evenings~in the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. e Notnlnatlons Set SAODLEBACK VALLEY -Nomina· tior.'1 will soon be taken for Saddleback. Valle)r'a oul5tandlng man and woman of the year. Sponaorlng 1he awanls will be members of the Saddleback valley Junior Chamber of Commerce asslstM bf other service groups. Nomi"f'ion b11Db art now being rta4ied lor ~ ,_ • • A panel of judges from oulllde the area wUJ select the winners who will be· OllDed at 1 community banquet, e Capo Tollr Plan11e• CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A know your area bus tour is being lponlOred by the Capistrano Bay Area Provisional League of Women Volen Wednesday Sept. 24. The bus will leave Vons "pa:rk1nt: lot ln Carlttrano Bead> Plaza at 1:15 a.m., wUI slop at varklwl clvie and Industrial facilities and wlll nbn at 1 p.m, 'l1le cost ~ l!.llO per perton to be paid .. the bus. Tht public Is invited. For l'tl«l'VIUcmll or Information can Mn. Serge Beltran at 4~14 or Mr1, Jean Lyman at 49M711. e Boester• to Meet MISSION VIEJO -Milsioo Vltjo ffip' School Booste:n are host.lni a ~t membenhtp meeting Tuesday, Sep- tember 21 • Those lnteresled In jolnlnt 1he lfOUP art Invited to the 7:30 p.m. mee.tin& in lhc multipurpose room at 1he hip scbooL 1 he club wu formed three yean llO f~ support teams and proflde fundl for alhletl< equipment ool provided by the W.001" FOf lnlonnollon call th• prell- denl BUI Staffon! al A'l-7157. LG...i Gift Sought Re.gional Park. Terms Accepted LbgunciY outli • • Fined in Pot Smuggling Convicted after marijuana A n d d~ druga ...,. brou&hl Int. port aboard Chapman College's floating cam-- pus vessel, a Laguna Beach student was let, off with a relaUvely liihl sentence Thlll"l'Y· JameJ W. llootey. :tZ, -Of 517 Emerald Ray, was placed on siJ: months' probation and lined 112$ by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mn WL!ot in Long Beach. Judie Wisot reduced the ch.arges to JniademelDor level in p r o n o u n c 1 n c sentence on Dooley, one of four Chapman College students &I'tt5ted last February. They .Included Stephen J. Ganahl, 21, of 1372 E. Skyline Drive, Lemon Heights, Dana C. &mitt. 21, of 1440 Sumiy crest Drive, Jl'Qllerton, and Elizabeth S. 'Lyon, 20, of Cathlel, Ind., according kl customs agents. Tbey were arrested after two pounds of marijuana and 2,000 drug pills were found aboaril the S.S. Ryndam, Chapman College's so-ailed Workl Campus Afloat. wiien Ille docked In Los Angelet Harbor. Autbqritia Aki the unounl found WU ~ llDlll comiderinl 1hat more than 4111-•,,... abolrd durln& 1he 1....-..,... wb!ch 'illcbdd 11. ~ ~ -alter lbe .lnp ., .. rive\.at WUm1n1too were. arr&lln<d lm-~L then ibetr cues 1 were con- tinued . u1i1J1 aummer' to a,.ld com· 11ncattnc lbetr .em..1er studlts. Dooley was COl\Vkted l'5t month. . . ... By lOllN VALTERZA -...... ,.... . Mldlael tirlii;\l., 17: .mblittfe« 'Id· vlltf al UC I{'llal. Tbanjli1 ~ defend'll llli ~ '(1111.l!!e - 8'111vlll -'""'" • ll<ld of Nnpcllt lkacb bo-andpr<lealooal ..... ' . !lrlamu. al>jocl al • food public"""" ...,. Illa appobdt-as an ad'flttt at lht ltvloe ..mpus, <lelended Illa membenhlp In the UCI chlpler al the SIUdeoll for a Democralic Sodelr &"'11 "1th hil ~ p0Jntment . to 1he rtlaUv1\y mloor ld- tulnillrollvt ~ And the IO or IO lllfllllllm ol the El· ~ CIUb ol Newport-...,... .... u past the nsular lld)oll!nmtnt time to beer tho ... ;i,u,,,. te11.........i ... ' sign with Mou1ton-Ntillet:• said . Cafl Kymla, water di!trict manager. · The gift, be refmed to, .wwld ...., from lhe Laguiia · Nl«llel CJorpontlqn. II amoun11 .to . m acres about one. mlla . ""1th of the Aµ-. plant lhat " neir, ing completion. · • · · • The planned rtglonol'f>ll'k Wiii\ Im,,.. bo¥,inl and !isbi!1C~;:t.G Witt dite" ~ • Is on the ba!ls ol • ("!!!l!J •~t!!>i! It the state !qr ~llibll; . The waler ~lstrld ...n.~w ~ dam. n II. o11er..t.1o ·~ y on • le~ litup lfilf IDclwle annual paymeolJ.of lU,lil for S ,elr1. Kymla said miler lbe _..r .., ... ment the coimtJ could e-· 119 purtha,.·optlon at any time by Pllllil all the remainder .of the debt. Tlill0 would save irltei-est com. The tot.I price o1 tbe late Is '321.11! II If were plD'diased outrlihL 11 lbe .""""'1' took 25 years to pay·off the oWPUon, Kymla said, lbe cM -.includlnf bli<mt -· wool!l ha'!' amodrited to Oboul IQS,000 .• Kymla ,.;d the interest Is figured oo lhe ba!ls of Moody's (bood) lndox. n amount& to what the county would Pl7 if it raised the funds by boridlna. be Slid. Kymla said the atr11D1<m<nl ii almllu lo the ooe be\og .....i by the count; to ol>o taln Ali!o Bead! Park. The _..1 that will go to county supervfsor1 for consideration provides for the water district lo &ell effluent (reclaimed sewage) -thal bu un- dera:oae secoodary treatment -fer Ir· rigaUng the regional park. • The lake will be supplied by water from Metropolltan Waler DUtrict, &aid Kym]a, unless the t'OUllty agrees to the water district's proposal to supply less costly reclaJmed water (efOuent) that has received-a tertiary (three staii) treat· ment. Kymla said tertiary-treated water I& from the 11tandpolnt of purity equivalent to drinking water from a household lap. He said the district is currenUy 1Up. plylnt 1411,000 pUooa al secondarily- treat..r -to lbe Miulon Viejo Goll Oub fer lrrlglfJon. ll hope> to mak1111Ch an ·agreement to Irrigate the Llsuna Niguel~ Club aott ....ne. ,_ -lbe Im Wt, said K,mla. are earmarbd fer bond repayment and addltlonal reclamation wort tn the walu district'• llllltuy improvement district JA. . ' J ' ihem:~\:'~:rf:J:~~.':.~~~ lhem an idea or what to kiok for, wai scheduled to lead this alternoOa't discosslon. 1be propaganda unit 'tfU lM secood in a projected,.aerlti· of "mlnkoW'ses" in subjecll <1' particular Interest . t o studenll. Part of lbe oew stuojenl·ln- iliated curriculum, the mlni~ses. which may last from one day to aeveral,. are preKllled dllriJJt lbe achool's 1"'11' study hall periods, each attended by IOlo 30 student!. : 1be .firit course wu a two-day ltWt)' on West Gennaoy , present..r by fer~ oz, change studerit Manfred Heine. Other courses, riqµ<l!ed by' studellla, wm.be oa curriculum di~ YPJa and ontllDelltal hortlcoilmh. tt'lt bojlio4 . w brlllg In olbejo • v~tional 8"rveya, Reeves said; call.iii upon Ibo lalentl• ol members al lfle -•D!l1. I :1 .... . --. ' • • ... . ' ' "Study hall hli • .,. betn 11-r,'.' said 1he prJnclpaJ. '"ll'l'n trytnc' to ton It Int. lemonade by lellill' the - tool; Into lhlnp lbat rtalli. mt....c them." lo The school'• Pnljr..r ......... Club, he said, Worb wtt6 --lbi four l!ucly balJa to dfio!op ldeu l.r U. mlnl-. TflO " ' ' Is niclil "' -~ ~Mfdir, -; • ....i.ted by a faculty _...i>rmewa materilla to bo'P.-ted ID the-. • •:. ~f' ... ~ .. . ' . • ' • .. • • •• tams 0r. er -- Black Tie Premier Slated . I . For New Laguna Thea~r A e:ala premiere Softlplete w1th searchlights,, a celebrfty·studded ""black tie" 'audience llJd a champagne reception will mark lbe Sept. 30 opening ol 1he IS00,000 Laguna Moulton P.laylwiu&e, lnlUaJ·~cllm lo 111e .1Diurious·nt• home -Of lbe Art Coloo;o't CommanllY Pliyen ailo, will be a pmnlen -the first West Coast presentailoo al Robert Andenon's drama, "I ,Ntver -Sang for My Father." -Opentng nlahl Is sold oul, according to lrtna D. NeWi;er; general manager o( the Playbome, but seats are available for '',"\ ' • ,; 't , ,,_.. -· -r· ' • • , '~t~rcept?.: . ' Baeks.~Cars · • ' . . ,,. \ I . Up~ 3-.~~s ; Stoeh. M•rJ,..U -., -~. NEW YORK (AP) -·'Ille ..ioet ~' moved In a falrl1 ,.., .. "'"" \odii7 auc1 clooecl ..., tbe point lrem\wblclo II started out. (See qoA ..... ._~, 11). -~ ' t--1 1.. ' • ' •' ~ °"" mUdl of.th,~ .. , modirate!y active.: ThO Dow .I«* Jn. dultrial averife at ;· p.m. Was off 0.11, at 131.05. ... . ' .. . • t j /I r 1 . L r~, s..., it \'-lM Lea,y-·Evidence . . Ru ·g Delayed ' . . Jlaek u, ·scTwol . ' ,._ ..._ 1n <>nnre CouttlY lri•1 LiiOrf apd bll,"ire roust fact idenllcll chat,.. lo Rlvodldt <Jouo. ty. Leary hlinsdl IB chUgecf In lhat coun- ty,.IUi allo cootrlliUllng to lhe • delln- q...cy of a minor, charg .. $lemming "im' the drownln& oJ a 17-year.old . ~ Beach,tllrl, . L<irj was '*"'*"d lhla, weet In lllud lrial lb Ri"""lde M)Jnldpal Coln1 Dec<mber l on that charge. Leary denied ..in the Rlvmlde court that he bid given the girl !.'lD and that lhe wu only a sllabt-acquallUlnc:e; 'fnv'5Ugator1 said the victim wu under the influence of the halllcunatory drua when ahe dlod in the pool at the Mountain C.Olor hippie han,iOIJL Huge Rig Flips At Niguel Site, Driver Injured . , . ~~~ts . !!ei£~me 1Ja , "'4 ... A 1afet7 belt iiiaf' ha,t;e saved the life : SUf:<!:. <Jrents hu~..::...~~r·rl,"ii.lg w':r::vin~ School ,.~ WijJ #itait nQging ntXt flipped· over at a Laguna Niguel ·con. wak for . paJltob or students in the structkln sue.. ~~P•lll~Schoot Dillrict. .Lotljs Jenkins Jr., 37, is '•Ported i• ·:-... lo~ Nlgbta" In all schools satisfactory coedlllon at South Coa•t cl~~ an opp!!l1Unity. lo visit Commani!y lloo¢lll where he is being ·1n11 ··hQ~ ~ -treated for chest Injuries. ' .J.......-' ( •"· :=;~• Jenklne ..U driving the b'• eart!i p..,...... ...... . . ~year. . . --· ~~-.. Back'loSdioolactivi wlllnry!rom more "~"' ~-1a 1..,.. o;diool to ochool, but all programs wlll subdlvfllill, lt!ot'aauth. ol ~. 11"1 begin at 7;IO P.l!L!· .. , ·· wbeil~. · wentGlllOfcoo- Top of Ille <World.\ Elema>Wy 8ahool •~1' illd.roilechnv, Blnpped wlD liold !ti -JJOaoe ,......., SfJi1..' into ·drl"''' *t..;ltbJlll ufety l!tU. D., AJiao and El lob3.have. iDVliit pa... Jenkfna WU held Ill Iba 'veblde, wtileb enlB for 'l'bwJiLtY ~ l!epl. 25. •therWlle could ha"' iilimed him In· the Bacl:loSilbol>l·flll!ll•l~ Beaeh-. grpllud. ' •. !Ugh Sd>ool,1'!1l'liilimiday, Sept. 2knd Two Qranile County Jl'<nslry units and 1butslof1 'lJlttllrieillai< Scllool'• open a U'lit of tile south Lquna Fire lJtpt. hoU9e is 8el for WednOsilay, Oct. t. answered the emergency call, cut Two addi~ orientation programs Jent:lns' btlt loose and IWDJ'DQl'led an 1m- for parent.s·-will be· btld at Thurston at bulance.: the accident ~occurred on the 1•30 a.m. Tuelday, Sej)t. :13 and al 7;30 landward side of 1 highway underpm p.m. Wedoe.sdl)', Sept. 24. conneclln& the aubdiv1-km with the • Parent. and other Jnterested per'SOO:!I beaeh. are lnvir.d·ln lllspid the ochool1 oo aey "Re's 1 lucty guy" ;was the commt0t ol '* elates. of m:cum. p,..... Pqe l BQR.J>.E~. TRAFFIC SNARLED ••• lntauPt u ·blefrettuat. •.. ' · Los Angeles, DeoulY. ~ General "It's llke tnbif~ CUl'e ~·With an Richard G. Klelndieiiat uid the program upirln," saidEzitlque S. Mlyau,' .-bu two ~ 1oabo; . tam director of tbt MulcU Toul1m -•o.e, w1obot>e lo llrin the J!llco ' of ~ .. • • ~ ,~. · 1ri t'. mWJuana beyonit the ruch of thOUSi~ "Drllp ..._ •'w.rlchilde."""'leni. •'J,O o1;~ -le.' . ! ' ,, . ,, continued. "CIOlln& i few tiln'deri ts not -"Two, we hope lo pt 1be cooperalloo 2°"" In ,._ 11!' . or the Mulcan government In I drive ~.r a kw .... · few apOI against the soun:ea d the droJ," ---'Oii ::.:i,Gt!t ..,.. -.cfbe INlf plluo.ls ml1 -··-of whldli~ the San Diego Coililty bonier ""' --· on mtllf... or checkpoint weekly, but Operation Inter· dollars 111 Illegal dnl&I and lbe fruh cepl will drUti~ change thaL crop d marijuana now poised In he DAILY .PJLOT fltff ""'te CONFRONTATION IN NEWPORT UCI Aide Mike Krisman .From Page l KRISMAN •.. who "' 1 amal). poUtlcil ~ who Rt' coaNJJUf in tlie vea ol ·~trlca'1 problelllJI and Ibey .... -who brlna tbe ptObletn up and motJVatf tlie dtbeil lo jolll ln. · Al the mem~• eat paU..,Uy, Kruman defended .the SOS chapter at UC! and bis ._tftlon wllh liie giwp, • ."Every SOS chapter in the 11<11"'1 States Is totally ~tonomow, Sff 1 ean't defend the SDS !Ji general. It varies too Dlucb froin 'group to group." he aitd. "But the UC! chapter Is compooed of line, nice you:na·peopJe who wouldn't con- done lbe type of polnUeu disttirbance which Is planned far Chicago lhla October by S.OS members tJaere," · "We are not tiyinc· to shut down the univmlty to change I~ but II lt shuts down ln·lbe procas, then It's 1 'lwlctlon of the ptOcea." • 'He ... Id lh<l 'IJCJ eodlliipnt Ol·-ittt&nl acllvists ~ not llibllls11; "but -ad they wanl,,39 see the Jmlveraity alt.er in naturi" ; l'ttWio& t)ji "-~~~ •"!!!~he ,P,lii ·"I cl~'t upoct r.i: g'!'""'"en In CJ!!fend all Ille acliollS of the Rtpubllcan Party, so doll'! expect me lo defend all the activiti .. of the SOS." i'ltin,ry checta-o aea1cb of booc!.' ' ~ ...... the ~Hong ~· ~ a:'~.C •Ya:-t.{ ..... jet• pm"1t of IL wheo . Ibo Sf.hour pruifam gou ililO, Aerial IUn'elllance l)'IWna are being dlect 1'llhoot warning ". . >ti DP"IOJrlet plna aoeaklng dnlaa Toqcblng nn bla parllcular job al Ult .unlftl'Sity -an •P!IOlntment IThicb bu drawn fire from many Orlllie County civic groopo -he Mid that it is oo1 financed throUgh tu money. .;,_'f,!J,.Job. ~ involves ad•isini • u . to' Wllich facully advisers and ' -lhlT .llhnuld have to complete thelt Jlaj<ri. ' -fon:ea Wul be expalidad OYel' tbe botdtr-ll1inl below sea level Jn whenihe nhlelt checks are ordared all!! · some strategic a..et can}'<lns-and I'"'' !lllUll' more second&ry ch~ com. · suit ~ will. be used. ' pleteWkedown of the auto-will 101n1o _poutaJ.palrola •1 .. the u.s.eoa.t.Guard effect. • w•n ·1e toggber· on small J>oot ~ Yet oome....a..friutl'........:.·)low elf..,. t<ona; wtth .cutl!n and swlft Nivy PT live It inlY ~"··-.r-. , boats In · be used Jn cbaalni &Jwn ,.,. • ._ mlnoali'I)~ lhla iM)ltctton goes , pected amnatenr.. , . . . Into ilf(Oct 'lbt1' (tlio tlrPla of the . ....., . Authorities cm both sides of the bonier, cradl:down) wtn Dow" fit'" i:rie aource , how!ver, fear -the -economic presstD"e commtr1ted '1'lllrtdlY. ~t to bear on the &mUiJlets and "It ia not SUPPorted by tax.money. it is paid for t~u~ student fep. paid each quarter.~ ,tuaents andJacully supPort Jl!e, and-uqtU ~ · dedde-otherwise, [ believe. I should ~P Ille Job.:• . Aller, his llfort, f9"ll11 •peech, Ex- e~ _Club ,members grilled Krisman fofmore than an hour. '"Tbn'D bfft \o'Jfnd .neW route& ot go 1n~Uonal d~alers may cr1ppJ.e the out of ·huiMIL!'. · · . legitima,t•JourlSI lnduSlry ,flnt. They weren't as visceralaa expected. Jack King, assistant principal at Corona del Mar High School asked Krisman if he koew of any activiam brewing on area high school campuaes. UH !be !!P!!:!W vehicular check Many MexlcaJll depend on U.S. dotlan aysttin wblCB wm· tie tif effect intermit-for their livelihood a~ the atrlrlgent -Krisman'a amwer was blunt tentlY' alonl ;\;!lb. OJ!!ralion lnl.,..p!, · bonier crossing relUlaUons may dlscour- tbree. vebicltil'.<toN !he bonier .... ,. age thousands of Yankee visitors from millllt. ' ' ' ..-." · gO!ng lo Baja Calllornli. · '!be ~ cbec) used Thunday Alan McGmf, Slit· D1e10 C1uuiibu d takes ·a~ twO mlnu,iet thfire. Commerce commuruty relations manager by otultij)lyjng thi tfrfte required' for an ~lso noted Thunday that fl.fei:lcan vi~ tildMttual Car~ nd tu pusengers tti cross Jlors spend an estimated $'4 million in by sl% times. ,-! , • , San DleJ~ ~year. . Du.rill& Thunda_y•1 prtss confenact in Joint Iona mlh the MexJcan gov· emmeot ~Ve led to an oUer by the U.S. to supply soph!Sticattd equipment includ-. · Ing sensor , device! which can sniff out · mu1j"-and opium poppy fields from &Jrcrlfl Oylllg abote. oa,,..1 coMt ............ COllW.11• Mlllclb ·alltb!rlties hoe generally · · pledpd their IUpporl and will be walch-....., ... w... "" OperatR>n' lntercepl~ proil'W In the ,,..... •,.... moa&hs ahead, with another lntemational J.,1 a. c.rr.., c ~of ere n c e in Waahlngtoo aet for Vkil.,..__,..., .. ......., J111,11!7, n...M Kt.twit ·-Newport Center To Show Cars Woub $500,000 ' . . . ' Uno up every brand-new car tn 1he • Harbor Atta and th• collecllon wouldn't he Worth two bits compared t. a fleet of automobiles to be seen Saturday in Newpcrt Buch. A display .lnciudlN. 50 yintage ond modern vehicles WMlh more than 1 half mUJlon dollan will be l!Jown beglllnlng II 10 a.m. In the Newport Ctnter Mall. '!be oOcaaloo Ii a Preniltre eon.oun or !he Amertcu. lpolllOl'td by the Southern Calllornla-c...tre d the MG Car Club of California.- Six cluRI Mve been eatablbhtd tor ju41ng, from clwlc can of vlnta1• age lo modem apeclll intmll can, all eom· petl.~ ror the top show award, the A venue ol Olampkll>I Trophy. The public Ir lnvlr.d to the dlulll\I display of M1tomotiv1 excellence. eacl> d the cart '1lla'ad by ln\Olt.llloo aol)', IC· conlllll 111 Q>alrman Poitl Ill. Gleucm ~ . • "lf I scare you, then you should meet some of the high school students these days. "l tnow of ~veral schools in the area where the students art interested in set- ting ·up programs examlning con- temporary American society." Krisman said.. ' He cl\ed Lquna Beach: Corolla del Mart C06ta Men, Marina and 8anta Ana high· schools. ' . He sakJ tl\at the SOO wUl m&ke aVillable ill own new&reei films showing the ltudent side of campus disorders. It a110 could provide speakers for the high 6Chool·oludents. What ls in store for the University tn years to come in the area of student llllf!st? "'lbe new master plan for higher education will ·draw some strong at- tention," he said. He said students more and more will 3dvocate m9raer of the Slate colleges with the University of California and hav- ing one board of rtgenls for both. He said students also will press for in- creased percentages o( new students wllo do not meet lhe academic standards lot admission. This fall four percent of new studenls will be admitted without possessing the fcrmal academic 1tandards for ad- mission. o11 think Ult: students would like to see an even gruter percent.age .. "This will be a very impcrtant battle, and I thlnk that de:fen.se-related rtt1tarch will persist u another strong tm1e at UCl." The members' questions were brisk, S0111etlme1 add, but never brutal. The wtll d«ued buslnesamen were more loqui1iUve than hostile. And u they flied out. one member set the tenor of tilt club's attltode toward Krisman. "I want lo lhant you ror speilina here today. "You did a good job -evt.n if Wt. dJaqne !litb wfial ,.,.. aay'" ' • .. p· el' . Complaint .. ProhE ·Ordere.d . ' ' PoJ1owlt>I complllnb by a chorter boil skipper that newly relnforced Plllna• In tho San ~jllt!ilta ~tu are damqing boats, ,U,. San . Clemente . City Council Wednddty ni&ht lnslructed Ci I y Mana~ Ken Carr to investlgate the pro- blem, ·along with City Engineer Phil Peter and the cootractor banctuna pler .. ~. . lo• I letter In· the COWlcll ' Thom .. Laurie, caplaln of lbe Mustani. referred Laguna Legion Given Awards ~ Beach American Legion Post 222 picked up two more awards at .last week's Di.s!rlct 211 l.ogloo meetma • in Newport Beach. The. Jam~ Fist Americanirm award and a second award foe the post's cblld wel~e pn.igram, were presented by Department Commander Jlm Gilbert, Past Commander 0 . W. Price accepted in behalf of Commander Le1ley G . Chatham, who was unable to aUend. Earlier this year, Pent m received awards for outatanding c om m u n i t y servlce · aQd for VA Hospital volunteer work. Next 1'lursday at 6:30 p.m. the local post and its auxiliary will honor delegates tG Boy and Girl Slat.cs and their parents at a poUuck dinner. to "potenUally dlsastrous conditions" that had already resulted In damage lo boats from exposed sled rods Ill the """' crete rein.forcemeuJ.a.. Ia., one Jnalatlce. a broken rod penetrated a cabin wlodow, he werted. Coun4:ilmen were assured by city st.au m<mben lbat Lauri•'4 report ......... , .,.rated" but they said 1 P<Oblem does exist with regard io the Dve bumper pU.. ing.s at the end of the pier where pleasure boats dock. "If sufficient curing time had been allowed for the conrete. the situa- tion might not have developed," !aid Carr. He has aaked Don Hansen, owner o( San Clemente SportfWllng Inc., to present a llsl or things he believes should be done to tmprove the boal· docking area. Carr added. Hansen yesterday described the sltua· lion as "nowhere near u dramatic u painted." "The~'• no danger of anyone lasing bi! life," Hansen told the DAILY PILOT. "but there's room for imprOYemtlll and l will make some suggestions as requested by the city manager .1' Work oo renewal of 49 of the pier's 100 pilings was ordered by the city to prevent lurtber damqe by sand borers and strengthen the pilings agsinst wave ac. lion N well as the insect invaaion. So rar 17 pilings have been reinforced with steel mesh and concrete. surrounded by plastic sleeving, including lhe five non-bearing bumper pilings in the dock- ing area. Dana Point Scout Troop Honors I t,s First Eagle Boy Scout Troop 411 of Dana Point has its first Eagle Scout and a new scout- master. Zack Loukitfes adv~ to the highest rank in scouting Thursday ffiihl during a Court of Honor at Richard Henry Dana ~hoot. Dwinc the evening cere.monle.s at- tended by scouts, acouting olllciala and parents, S coutmaaterHa rry Wotsenholme, also Maj. Wolsenbolme, announced he ia be.in& sent to Vietnam by the U.S. Army. Ted Olaon will take over as acout~ mutor for Troop 4lt. Other ~ •d· vancements and awardi ~the Court of Honor were: -Ke..,.. Reaief , .If.; senjor patrol leader and merit badges. -Martin Baker; Lite Scout. twc>year pin, distant senior • patrol leader and merit badges. -Mlcbael Wolsenholme; Star Seoul, three-rear pin and merit bad&es. -Doug Heanman; instructor, three- year pin II\([ merll badges. -,John Kruse; First Cbw Seoul, patrol leader, four-year pin and merit badges. -Arthur Baker ; Second CJa53 Scout, assislanl patrol leader and merit badges. -John Altemarano; Scribe and merit badges. -Robin Beamon, Ubrarian and merit badge. -David Regier; Sec:ood Cla., Scout. -Mark Lou.kide.a ; second Class Seoul, aSllistant patrol leader. WINS EAGLE HONOR Z.ck l.oul<lde1 -Steve Chapman; 8econd Clw Scout. -Richard Sagon; Second Class Scout. -Martin Olson ; Second Class Scout. -Kevin Kruse: Two-year pin. -Joe Cameroo; One-year pin. -~fike Chapman; Tenderfoot Scout. 3~Arrested J-.. . • In Laguna • • •• For Theft . 'f!o HunUng\On Btacb men and a com- panion from LOflg Beach were arrested by Laguna Beach Pol.ice late Thursday on charges of grand thelt commi"" In llllJI ....... ~. Booted in Laguna and turned over to Huntington Beach authorities were Louis Thomas Valente , 19, of Rock Ji'alls. UL, Albert Charles Elliott, 21, and Jeffery Paul Reed, 22., both of 416 tth Sl., Hunt- ington Beach. Travelers checks in the amoont of $l.20 and numerous credit cards traced to a Huntington Beach grand theft victim wert found in their possession by Laguna Beach police. officers claimed. The three were stopped in their vehicle al La Brea Street an;d N. Coast Highway at 11 :~ p.m. Thursday after police re- ceived a report that three men had been observed with a gun Ill their car. Search· ing for the gun, which was not found, ~ lice turned up the travelers checks and credit cards. A check with HunUngton Beach police revealed thAt the itemi had been repcrted stolen by a grand theft victim in \bat area. Holm to Join Panel Discussion Laguna Beach Councilman Roy Holm Saturday will be part of 12-panel dJxussion at tbe University of California, Santa Barbara Campus on problems fa<· ing Calllornians. The di>cUssl-Ona, sponsored by lbe PJu. nlng and Conservalloo League bead· quartered In San l'randaco, wUJ rllli• through topics such as planlling, en· virorunental problems of many types, beach ace~ and acquisition and open spaces. Holm's panel will take on water pollu- tion control. He wa s active in the coastal fight that has been carried on sgainst off. shore drilling and exploration following the San~ Barbara disaster. Holm will be in the company of persons like Assemblyman Alan Sieroty, D-Bever- ly Hills, chalnnan of the Assembly Sqb- committee on Conservation and Beaches. 1t was before thls committee meeting in Newport Beach last December that lhe Salt Creek controversy first spilled over. The panels wiU include many othtr state legislators, municipal author!Ues irmn many fields, educators and scien- U.U. Tile seaalOM are public. The $10 registration· fee includes I u n ch eon . Rtgistratkm is at 8:45 and the panel sesslool lut through the day. 'Moods' to Play . After Grid Game The outcome of lonigbt's football opener for Lquna Beach !Ugh School will be either inourned or celebrated to Mood music. Moods is the name of thJ band that will play at a student dance immediately arter the game with Katella at Guyer Field. Admiasioo ls 50 cents with a stu· dent body card or 75 cent.. without. The dance, in the girl's gym, will end at 11 :30 p.m.. The Moods appeared on the B.ou CHy televillon sbow. Proceeds will go to the senior class coffers, S,,eciaf SPECIAL $149 RIOUl.Al "" lO•Ml GL>.SS TOP TAILE, 1'" THICK 1-11~ styled 4llHI •••-•ly 4 ... UH, "1• b Ille .... .,, lo • ti..s top MMa. ho~ 11u • -,.,.. .. , ,. ... ...,.atty mt• r-11~Jt P.Jict. • -r- • .... la 11 TMF•w .......... •: .""""" --OW S,. ... -D"'"'°" Oii" ---Y ..... --~ Y .... NIWl'OllT llACH 1727 WootcllN Dr• 6'2.2050 Of'DI ...... ' "" ' INTDIOlS l'nl ... lonal Interior Dosi ...... Avallabte-AID-HSID LAGUNA llACH W Net1h Ceott Hwy. °"" .... , 'TR ' 4944.!St NiXon Stops- • Draft for ' Two Months W ASlllNGTON !UPI) -Pr"ident Nilon1 announced today cancellatJon of draft calls for November and December totaling I0,000. The D,000 call originally aet for October Will be 11pread over all three months. Mlon made I.he disclosure at the White House In a brief 11talement -lasting 'IW than a minute -at tt)e outset of a ~s cor.ruence by Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird. Laird ~id the 29,000 i n d u c I e e s ori.ginally scheduled for next month would be taken instuci into uniform at th!! n.te Of 10,000 in October and November and 9,000 in December. Ntxor. also said In his statement that if Congress does not act Otis year on reforming the draft law, he will institute by exec::.'.~ve order a form of lottery, with the youngest eligibles -the 10-year-oJds -being.taken first and the oldest, the 25- year-okls, taken last. The oldest are. now the most vulnerable. 'Vhile eliminating draft calls for November and December -figures not previously a.nnounctd -neither Nixon nor Laird specified what would happen to next January's call. Laird said a Ugure 1f 35,000 draftees had been set some time ago for January -although this figure a~ was not an- nounced earlier -and:said only that he did not believe the strttch-out of tbt October call to CO\ler a11 the final 1969 auarter would mean an increase in the january ca.II-up. .. The reason for this phasing is to in- sure the effective use of our -trainin; facilitie!," Laird explained. \Vhal Laird aOO the President wanted .as rast as possible trom Congress was a si:n ple repeal of one sentence in the cur- rent selective servict: law w h i c h srteclfically prevents the Pre6id~nl. from instituting a true random sele<:Uon -or . lottery -system. While Laird was hopeful of con-· gre.o:sional action by the end o! ~ ~ar he made it clear that the admmtslrat1on was ready to Institute a modified fonn of lottery -the "moving age grou.P" 1iys1em -for l~y~ar~lds by e1ecutive action if Congress d1~ not act . There appears little likelihood that the dra(t refonn legi.Slation will be enacted thi11: year. Senate De~ocratic ~er ~{ike Mansfield. just prior to the Wh1t.e House announcements. aaid he doubted it \Vould be possible because of the heavy backlog ol work. -. Sur f S~rprisin g · · Q.ueen Says Beach 'Hard Ride' B1 l!UQJ NIEPilEUiKI Of .. Dlllr , .... ...,,.. Tbe:-e are a lot of thlnp to l<orn about the copt'lclool llltf 1n Huntlnlioh> Beac!i, even if you're tbetllve:.ttme wtnner of the U.S. Surfboard Chomplonshlpo, The hllge Ille to eight loot rolling wa .. c:Urren11y brea)lna on bdth «lilel of the plor ..... ll!fPfile to many of the ,,..,.,,, ent~ In tills ,,.ekend1a 11th annual running of the 'champlooshlp. ' Mini-wava, compoaect lar1el:y of whlte !rotb have bamper<d the contest !or the p3JI few years, leading many of u,... who our! Huntlngton Beach oolJ once a year to believe. tbat the sea ia placid all °"' Um<. Linda .Benson, a 2&-year~ld airline stewaTdeu from Hermosa Beach who bas wan tPe champtonsbip five times, was abo surprised wbile practicln& this week ~ the huae board breakers. "I learned HonUngtoo Beach ts really a ham place to ride when there's a n'f.11,'' ibe smiled wearily after practiciDg for five hours. "'T!lrougb the yean I've gained a kit of experi~ riding small and large wave&, IM I don't like the really blg wave1 that much . .Then!: was a board bn>ktA in half today. You really have to be careful near the pier.'~ Yet whether :she likes them or not, Miss Benson predicts that the waves will keep their height throughout Saturday and Sunday when about %70 surlers tackle them for the canlest. "When you have a strong swell like this. there's not too much of a chance or it going Oat These swells from Mez:ico usualJy stay around for a few days.'.> Tl.is may be the last contest for the young stewardess who says she i! think· ing about surfing for fun again instead of competition. .J "Ifl my ttlh contest. t hope to do well this year and if I do, I think It might be my last. "Competition is great but it takea a tot DAll.Y ,ILOT SleH flllelt F IVE TIMES A CHAMPION Surf 0uHn Linda BtnHn or lime. I would rather surf free than worry 5.bout the compeUUon." ~flss Benson began !IUl'fing 14 years ago and soon became proficient enough to win contests from Huntington lo Mabha Beach. She has also betn featured in a number or beach party movies with Anette Funicello and Frankie Avalon and doubl- ed in "Gidget Goes-Hawaiian." Currently she has been 518ned by the Dodge Motor Corporatkm to produce automobil!! commercials in which her ourftng will be featured. Re gents Consider Closing UC Irvine as Budget Move _ FAm Wlre Sen1c:a SAN FRANCISCO ·-The Improbable prospect that lbe UC Irvine campus might be closed down as an economy measure was mentioned Thursday by Univenity of CaUiomia. adminis~ators .. berger bas told state agencies to prepare budgeta about 20 per cent lower than this year's spending. Then the agencies -in- cluding the university and state collegees -will be ... ked to justily MY requests for additional money, Weinberier'1 office said. ' Top Sllrfe~ Converge at Hun~U:n • SUrlen will buvo lhtlt boa,. Into the fnam at 6:16 ~· SatllfllOI" for Che nm hO.t In Iha two.day 'United States S..rfboard Clunnplonlllfp at the Hun- tlngtoC Baacli Municipal Piu. P'rom all over · the natlon top aurfen have l1ackeil to the dly to p~ tbelr lldlla on 1 aurfboard agalmt ~ rugged waves of Huntlniton Beach In the Utb IMUll Nnewal of the eve11l. Ellmlnatloa beats Ind quarter finals will be held on Saturda1. Sundi'y will reature final c:ompetjUOIJ and award cemnoilles on the beach. Winner ol lut 1~r's .c:ootest was David Nuuhlwa of Huntta&ton Beach who placed ahead ol two-tl!iie winner cOrky Cli!TOII ol Dana Point to win the cnveted Duk• Kahanamol<lf T>opby for belt overall surfer. Contestants this year we.re selected on the basis or surfin& records. Only those who qualified were· invited to enter the champlnmhlpS. Surfing dlvisionJ include Kamaanas, men 3i and up; Seniors, U thrOlllb M1 Men, 11 throu&b 24; Juniors, 16 and 17 ;-· Boys, II through 15: Minles, boys and gii-ls under 11 ; Womu, 12 and up ; paddle races, dory races and mixed tandem $urlinJ. Max Bowman, assistant dire:Cf.or of the Harbors and Be.aches Department said today that three to lour4oot-hlgb.aurl will prevail Saturday and will gradually taper off to two to three reet Sunday. His predi!:loa ls based on U.S. weather ' satellite reports rect:tud late Thursday night from Los Angeles. . ' . • "The CXIOdlUoils should prodl!<e one of our better contests," aaid Bowman. "The waves won't be spectacular but lbe surrr.n will be able to perform better.." The contest of(jcially will open al I IN MORlll lNO MI STS, TH E GATHERING ,OP'THE CLAN Su rftrt Hit Huntln1ton Strand fo r ch1mplonihlp Pr•ctlc• .. o'clock tonight at lbe Sheraton-Beach lnn -..... __ , __ .. f ~-·· ,_ • wltb the traditional Hawaiian luau. 'uuoe g14-Uw rom Orange vuuuly ur cJOCe : More than 500 of surfdom'11 greats, city, Hudnctoe Buell -Harris Kawata, county and at.ale of(klall are-expected · s a Tue'· fer tbe ceremony dwinl which a bust of Jun WaJde, teve W11den, reg llot"r, llllkt Kahanamo'1I, the uncontested kin& Rand1 Lewis, Chuck Ra1, Brad Bayliu, of modem surllni. wtll be unveiled. Steve Bigler, Jeff Hakman, Nancy Hayti, John Davis, David Nuuhiwa. The IQ.pound bust, c:ommiaaioned by • M.k Wl'--the dty ud nfCll!ed by artist Edmund Seat . Bue. -' e -·· E. Shumpert of Cardiff by the Su, wtU Fouataill Valley -Steve Wurster,· be IDCIW1tod on volclnlc l'Ocb and placed Gary WunW. ~ --· Carmichael, Mll!e Hops.,. , ·,. ,.._ llead! -Georgo car.,,~ ... B""""' CraJc Jllarlln, K.tvln O'Salliv111. : •; Dal Pttn -llQmond Patterson, Hol!le Alter, ·Jell llllllliltoa, J o b n Settnon, Mtft \ 1Cnfa6ank, Le 1 Williama, Cork)' Cari\>IL · ' - Mansfield said, however, he felt Naon would ·have "com-plete sypporr-: ~ • members of Congrt:sl for any acUons Jiii:' lakl!.5 by executive order to reform the draft. UC1.Ji!fesident Charles J. ~ eoV. ryiagan's office wanlJ ~ Y to .J!fepare a lf70.7t budget.'thl c:ouJd rnf111t. tbgaing away 25,0IO 1tud!ftts. or c~ ~b or even c1oW" a ~ pus ..... lfVine or Sanla Cruz. ' atthe bead of the lllmtlngton 8ucb Pier. Los Alamltot -Nilu Osbc'1ie, Ilona Kennedy Chides 1=;i:i:r.-stt!1=..:.bout Lilt.1:11M~~ :..., "-·Mair. Entrlet tbi1 YI" Include top lllffen LOii MeGlnnll. . ; Newporl Beada -~olmlly ~.Bob Grieve; BID Pelis, B!11 Mc!OMOy~ Prdso. Jell Kennard, John Van Or-. l'nlietio. -Pat -Hin, Kil Hom. .. ~ ---Hit IOcbl, Brad .,, r.tc:Cipa. ·'lt ~ ' ~ ' i ·" y • •·. Father Colloty, Huntington Priest, Succumbs Father ('.,olman W. Colloty, pastor of Sts. Simon and Jude catholic Church of Huntington Beach. ditd of a heart at~ck early lhi11 morning at St. JMtph Hospital in San Francisco. He wuS2. He was visiting his mother .and a brother in San Francisco Wben he died . Father CoHoty had bttn pe!tor at St!. Simon and Jude since 1964 when .the Franciscan Fathers entered the pansh. He had been highly involved in civic af- fairs often aUending Huntington Beach City Council meetings. He ii survived by his mother aod three brolhers, also priests, F•ther ~n of Seattle Father Ronald of Phoenix and Father' Phillip of San Francisco. Funeral arrangements are pending in San Francisco, where he is expected to be buried in the cemetery where his father was caretaker for many years. Hitch submitted to Tegents a proposal for' ·the untventty's lint $1 billion ~~ting tiudget-Including a politically improbnle Mi.6 mllliciri increaae ln it.ate funds to $37~9 million. But 'mtch said that the Raapn ad- ministration wants UC to prepare a budget of $286 million for neit year -sn million leU than this year's basic budget. Reagan and the legislature have the final uy over the budget. Hitch listed thrtt alternatives if the basic budget iJ as low at '28' million for ntxt year : . -Hold quality standards on the nine campusea but cut ezpected fulJ..Ume enrollment by 25,000 -about lt,000 lower tha n this year. In addition, 2,0DO faculty posU would be cut. -Aceept !l]I qualified . applicants but cut quality, including aome faculty joh5, all IUlllmer quarters and more than tlO million in researtb -i n c 1 u d Jn g agricultural prog(ams. -Close down one campus and one medical school, in addiUon to stopping summer quarters. UC orticials auggested the cut could be a newer campus, such as Irvine or Santa Cruz. UC olficials aay they do not expect the rmal, 1970-71 budget figure to be as low as Reagan's Finance Deparhnent pro- pooes. . Financt Director Caspar W. Wetn- 0.t.llY J'll.OT ... ""' PLAYBACK SHACK -Mike Marquardt. DAIC.Y PlLOT.maJJlt.enance man and Tom McCann, DAILY PILOT public service manager lrigbl) today put finishing touchu on Playback Shack, the palm roftd.t;lmmed b6oth on Hunllniton Blach Pier ll'am which the new .. paper will dispenae scoring rntormatioo lhrouel!Oul lllh Annual United States Surfboard Championsblps. NIX' On Conduct from Hawaii, Auatrllla and far·a'iray Su Clemeato -Mike Hln!nl, Bin 111.tt<r ~. .. Florida, Tena, NOrtb WetJ<l, Del Cannon, Dan Ttltori, 'Jell GarMI Grove -Mitt Ftacbef. · '1 :· sG ha ~lllr--Mail< Sllzle, • Caro11no and VCrglilla. Moo,., Rand)' ~p; J. J . Doi~ ChrLo On Vietnam War 1-==-=::::....:.:=------'---'--'-;-=-'---'--:----:--~, --:------:- Dane Sll%1e. # ' • BOSTON (UPI)"-Sen. Edwanl M. Kennedy (0.MUI.), oharply crlUcized the Nixon adminlstraUon's · Vletnlm policy Thursday night, sayina: the Presi- dent has repeatm the mistakes ol the past in a war .. impossible to win." The speech was Kennedy'• firrt major 1tatement on the Vietnam war since 1 serieS ol commencement addresses in June. "We have made only token lroop withdrawals on the batUefiekl. more an exercise ·;n poljtica and lmproviaatlon, wlllle the level ol !il)iling Ind casualties contlnues," Kenned)> said at an American Canc<r Society dinner. '"I'hls ia tbe road to war, and war, and more war. "The harab fact of the matter is .that d"'Pite ·the electlon of 111&6, d"'!>lte the prnmises ot. a new president and aome ntw officials, despite new rhetoric, the war in Vietnam is virtually 1'1>Changed," Kennedy called NQ;on'1 Vietnam poUcy "lhe dlacredlted pollcy ol the past." "Our leader1 heed the military ad· visers who uy that in .six month! or 1' year we will have 1alned an overwhelm- ing advantage on tht batUefleld," he said. . • "And oor olllciats heed the political ad- viaera who say we mll!t wait out new in-. ternaJ devel9P'Jterd.! in the north to get a better du! at the negotiatioo teble." 'Playback Shack' Will Give'. Fans I Su rfing Results ... Wint to kpow how your favorite surfer a~_cb up in competition with the .. oeavyweight&" from Haw~ Au3tralia IJld an over the CalifonUa coastline? It's . e.agy. Visit the' DAILY PILOT "Playback Shack" on the pier adJactnl tG o:or1nJ beadquarten throughout the -day meet. T.nn Mc:Cann, DAll.Y Pu.or p!lblic aervlce manager, wW ~ specteton and surfen "Instant result>'' at the ml ol each beat and will post lineups !or · futm beats in each division o( com- jletltlon. The Plqt>ac\. Shack aloo will bavo on file Cmnall!Uve llatiltics on all eve:nta and can recap, on r<quest, MY &lven beat ol the contest. Ba<kgound inlonnaUon ila ucb ourlor will be available at tbe Piaybacll 8hlct as well. For U... too buJy to walk to the It> form1tion booth, McCann will make diroct reports Crom the DAILY PILOI' Playback Sllack on rocllo lteU-KEZY (IJIO), KWIZ (1JIO), U'WB (llO) and FM staUon KOCM UM.I). I "Thtywtrt atJU laughing n the thHt1'9 emptied" ..,.WI_ lllMl'Htl P'flUS.ICIMftAJt '11'11 btal lhow In town•• ·--· MIAll llACH SUN .. d)lnlmle~tlrttllr~" --"'" \AUOIUlllALI - ... niln4-bJowing, J.a~td P1r1onru1r10t ••• " owo.ra,.., COLUMIUI CmZl"'-'OUIUW. ··A doroelou& ulltldng In...,.,-· •Ima ind ona-lln11ra Cll"I IWl'Y rna}or fKe t ol the Am1rlcan acene ...... ' . --· lllAlll HlftAIJI ''played to SJt.O. ~~ -en \ll'WfU1rlflld hftJ" ... _...,..,,_ • COi.-DflPATC>l ' ' ·-' " . \·· ' -l ' ' ' ~ .. •• • . : . . : ' " ': ' I I l I I r ~-........... -'-Tile JIMUes bave come up ,rith 111 affectionate llll&1ng tribute to ~· lll&aboth II, who gave them Ille Order of the BriUab Empire In 1988. Jn the quartet'• lat.sf long-~ ncotd J'auf MoCarlMy fDlcea • ~ 1'1111 tho punch lino "Her Male>IY'• a prtllly nlce lltl. io acmio lime rm.,.,.. make 1ior ll)lne. Ob yeah, aame dar I'm &bnDa mike her mine.'' A Beatle wess qont aald the BeaUea "are, Ill moti8r<:hlstl" and that "Paul 11DC Jhat lmowtDt the Qulon .would lQjoy It." He sild a copy of tho rpld would be sent lo' BuckiDg. ~ Pa!Ke. A Palace 1potem1an *""'111\ed: "I don't thlDk abe lls-· :em lo a ereat deal of pop·111111tc." Wives Fly .Back; Reds Pledg~ Wo1;9d • PAll!S (UPI)· -1)1 -of ,_ --~-Vlelnamflewbomelo_li!d"1_. promllt at word -Banal ... ~· mlala( ~ anil ·• ....,... for lbelr -tbot "dadd:t --. bomt yet.'' 'l1lelr ,,iane toot oil Into. """ -about IO mlnuta behind acllediila. '1'1111 were llClleduled to arr!,. Ill Dallal al 1:1' p.m. CD'!' alter • cbanp ol Ollia .... -la,...r In New York. ''My lllUe bo7 -.. awful 1ol about tbe war from telev1skln. even u...p be'• onlJ t\\.'0sald lln. JOJ Jef- ftty, wlf•of Capt. RobertJeffreJ, beloro boordinl tbe alt<:nfl. "1 ·toldblm Ina eomin1 to Paris to lry and help <laddy gel borne," oho oal4. "I will juat have to tell him tlW dldd;y cannot come home yet." Mn. Jeffrey'• huablnd bu boon m1 ... Jna lllnce lbelr bo)', Bllly, WU llz-ths okl. She and tbe ollMi' three women wen ~ by lluol repreoenlaliVff to the .. \rletiw» "*-laJkl W-y that Tiit compulcr al Ille B°""" Ibey w<iuld -word by mall at homo I • • ' . COU11tU junior coUtgc m Groot • about lbelr -· late. : Bnd, ir ... analwud '<111'111111<!11 • Norlh Vklnam repeai.dly bu reloaed · co>W tlml«I IA loll .... ~ rid 1 to IOPPIY U.S. aolbor!UOI with tbe nameo SS _., of IA< _ .. "" of American IOl'Vl<emln beln& held '"°"· 4.l J>ffU!ll ... ,..,,.,,, Giid ~. Tiie ,_ Tuas women -to boo -oTI tOliladdcd.• -Pmo.8a1!1A7 to find wl from the Heool "--··-~-l'llJ!I----· deleplloo wllelber tbey wen "wlva or • wldowl." • E!Ot-,..,-.dd ·C,._ lalftltof :f<r -=....•=to~:::~ SI. CouiS wu WOWldOcl'in the leg tho 1o1e of 'lbelr -.a., vn. -· iy a bulllt' fired from a monkey stna-repllecl,.''Not 1<r a. .....,L laireDch. Police ~ Inverll-we Jall plall to wait lar'tbe i<illzrl In tbe ~Ion iald Illa cbJl4 found a car-.. -•· 1u11n." :J'ldie, clampocl II Jn the jawa o! • ' Ille wrech and beflft poUlldlng • .iu. 11>e wrepc1i Oii Iii• step• 1n th• U S B52s n....0 p reat of h1a home. Tile Cartrld&• · · • • . UC r.'ellt off. • ,· - Tanen, the all'KOlt-lltGf'-Old lfo" at 11" Vilaa Pork Zoo In 1,lodilon, Wt., like most babier tnjous a ba.Ch. Bue ;w:e waU,DW WI future kino of the jungle Ill"""' u"'°"Eorl Poltl!lfl<T mar noe /ind him quite 80 docile then. • Girls · at Slater Junior Hlgb Bombs Along Cambodia Border . . SAIGON CAP) -The U.S. COmm111d today reporttd only light scattered ground flibtlng In Vietnam, bu t AmeriCIG 1152 bombers dropped 1,200 -of bomb& along the Cambodian -northeast of Saigon. The new rakU came on the heels of a report from U.S. olllclab In Wuhingtm that tlle Nl:Jon admlnlatraUon is prepared to nea;<>llate an end to the BSJ raJdl in South Vletoam U tbe North Vietnam.,. and Vitt Con& de-ucalate the war. U.S. beadquarler& !lid eigbl waves of the hi& bombers attacked North VI<\.. namese bue camps in an area three b1 ... .., miles located 100 milel ·-· northeast of Saigon. Part ol .the wpt waa within a mile of the border. In the lfow!d war, a Vld Coog force Q(>IOl a u.s Mu!ne ombuJh early todoJ, lhen attacked lhe patrol after ii retreated, killing two Marines and woun-dllll IL lloadquarten llald, "Enemy loues aro ..-11 this Ume." '!be flibUook ·p1aco IS miles IOOth of Da ftq: Al the Marines waited. In llldllli,tbe"'1et CCXI( llhelled the fll!trol, IDdlcaUlll tbe1 ,knew where tbe Maftoea School In Pawtucket, RJ. mar. weer miniskirts or even mini.min .. skirts, says Prindpal Gerald P. GOy1tt1, but not bell·botlom •lacb. "They're different and distract~ -were. . . ; Ing," be said of the slaeks when ~ . , • glril marched lo ;>iotesl rules bar• . • . ring bell-bot\olllL Geyette lold the g1rls to "i,i lnb) .....,µwig de- cent!' and retanl la tb9lr -=; Wben that failed, ba 'Called bufthe etrla waDdereil off. . ' , Nol all ICbooll will be afflictecl by uprisln&• tlill joaar; according to San. Franclleo Slate Presldenl S. I. HaY•kowa. At a IU11cheon re- cenUy a.ywwa oal4, "Th• only •cbooil I've ~eoJ«~lllal dQu!t ••· pect trouble are ce aeadeniies, embalmin~ sch 1 and Karale ID- atltuUons.' • U • .S •. Air Base Day8 Numbered in Libya. • CAIRO (UPI) -Ubya's new --t Mid todaJ It will not miew an ~t to allow AIDericaJl me of Air For~ Bue -lhe CUI' rent pact enda In 1970, the -Eut News Agtocy said. The q.ncy Mid Premier Mahmoud El Ma~ tbe llllemenl In 'l'rlvoll· The goVetmnenl decl~an al!o will c:1ciee lhe BrHlah air bale at Al Dahcm. 6 Green Beret,s Facing . .. Court to Plead lnROcent SAIGON CUPI1 -A epobsm111 for the defense Mid today all sis men ractnc a c:dt martial In tho G-Beret murder CIM woWd plead lnooceoL lie predicted two other Gre<n Beret. rel-peudin& the tria1 would become witnuHI for the p-.ition. ClpL Tom ~. a husky Hawaiian . fnlln Honolulu, 'P defeocllng Capt HobeO F. Maruco of Bloomlleld, N.J., ... of' tho three bl• acbeduled lo bt tried lint oo char ... of "111nffr and C0111plr1<:Y to a.dtr a lh*1fy Vietnamtse man d9cribed ., boCh a Communist IJlY and a --1. "Wb7 -Id Ibey do 11111hll1fl tilt thin plMd not JUlllY!" YOUDi uked. ''These -are lnnooent." ·~ m111" Jnciude the fonner com- -of U.S. Spoclal Fama In Viet,. -. 1llq are ........ of mun!erinl a v...._ .. 1 .... 1 ID tho Nl10 '!Tang -llf mlleo DOtlliMll of Sale"' on J• IO. Del .... attorm)'I .,.,. called LA County Alb Nader To Help in Smog Cue LOS ANGEi.ii lim) -County d " rllarl bl.. ..-s C!OMU.m« .. -Jlal!lh M• lo -them in a ,.... boltk aplnlt major _.,.. -tbe d<lo1 of dffelopmell .... "" ....... ., .... -...--. ~ the man a doohl~ aaeot employed b7 tht central Iat.ellit•ct ~ <.CIA>. A mJ111u7 opat_,. todly, -~ tllt . llrst tim<, ldlnlilltd the aIJeP<l 'flclln>ll 'nlal Khtc• ChQI'«> but -1111 llft uy ddallo on bis d<alh. Unoll!Clal report& bove clrcul1Jed for two monlhl thal ChQl'90 WU the Ylclim. Canada to Quit NATO Nuclear Strike Role O!TAWA (Ul'll ...,. Canada lodly an- nounced plllll to abandon Ila miclur strike role after 1171 and CO cut its milllary contr!botloo to Ille lf«lh Allan· tic Tr<a!J Orpllballon (NATO) by more than ooe-half. Del-llia1s1or Leo Ca<l1eux told • ne1n c:oOitrenCO bo '""'1d pbue olll the brigade aroup and the Sixth S4U>dron Air D111ial0l\ curreoU, stationed tn West Gtrmany for NATO -1 Iola! ol m... than 11.000 meo -by the fall of 1910. Cadleuz llld the lnlai!\tJ aud air anno will be replaced by an "interim" . mechaniud ba\U. ll'OUJ> ol about 1.1100 men and an air lf'OUP ol thret squadrool " Cl'ltl fl&1*r - • UJlt T.,.,. A•kl11g for Uacatr -" Sim@ Ramon gets more , tbaii his feet wet as he miles a ~elepbone call from a booth at Lubbock, Tex. Thursday after ~ tw~bour downpour dropped five mches of ram on sectfons of the city. Catholics Agree To Down Barriers ttLFAS'r; ·lll>rtl>ern Ireland CUPn - Roman Cathollca. today agreed to leor dowri ~ lut llreet barrlcadea In Northe(ri Jr•land, leaV!DI ooly a barbed ~ ·~ wall" separ1tiiig them from mll1tarit Frotestal!t. In BeUut. Catholli: ltlders emerged from talks wHh BritiJh Army ofrn:et1 In ·1.1m- doa<)mY and agreed to start pu!lln& down the barricades ID the city's l!oplde dlstricl ·Monday. The last of the Bellut banicadea already were under cremou. Uoo. I W a·s ·Mary Jo Bleed~ng? • • Police Chief, 'DA Differ ~n Incident EDGARTOWN, Mala. !AP) -Pollce death u clroWDlq, deelllled to comment Ch1el Domlnldl J. Attna ~· be -no 00 tho Dlala -. blood .., Mary Jo Kopechn<'s body When · 'II WU --from Sal. EdWard M. ·'Tho dll4rlcl _,,.,, made bia _. ~·· "'bmerged ca~ last Jul1 11. ll<ll.ln ao ellll(1dmeal to • poUUon In tho given diflerln& veralona of the accldtnt ID bia poJico repcn and a auboequeut lek.rstoo -.i. DllL Atty. Edmund Dlnia ~·""' Common Plou llcMirl of w~ . Thunolay be bad 1nfatn10tlon that there Pa., where be Is seeJdq ullllnallon of DJnis 'satd that each version omitted "many Important detail• of the accident aod tbe event. immediately precediog and 1ollowln& IL" aa llloud Ill b<!r mouth aod -.ill mi Mlea Kopeclme'• body for an aulol>V. • on her c!otJi!nc. He raised the ~ 1Jldlo Bernard C. •Bromtnald ~ a wbetber this waa "conalllcnt wilh death liearlng on the pet1Uoll for Sept. •· by· drownina." An attormy ,for UNI· 11 • '1 e a r • o 1 d Aftoa, wlio wu preaenl when a lliln aocretary'1 parenll, Mr. lllld Mn. Jooeph diver .-vered tho body, lald: "Wbeo Kopeclme, who -uhumallon, uld she wu In my anna, waldna to put her llinil would bavo to "pre>eot,.vlcfence to on tbe boat. 1 saw no IDdicaUon of bbKI... &how that hla avtrmmta are true." Dr. Dooald II. Ml!ll, medial evmlner ln bis amended peUtion Dinis ·al>o told for tbe dlltrlcl, who certll1ed the CIUll of the PeoMylvanla court tlW Kenned;J bod 8ouroes close to the Cl.60 sa1d u Eda:artown undertaker's aaistant bad. told altorueys for Kennedy be fow!d no blood around Miss Kopechne'1 nual paaaagea. A COlmOUclaa at the Plymouth. Pa., 1uheral home where the body WU prepared_ for viewing prior to burial In nearby Larksville wu said to have mtde a similar statement. Polar Air Chills Northeast Frost Whitens 6-skue Area of Upper Eastern U.S. .......... lfll '°"' diMfa. foe .,... clrlut. ~ with -.rttY -"' •rt-. Wlllcll -!«Ir 1t t9 IS k!Wh. Hltlh _ ... Ylllftl'drn ~•fin r111911f trom "1 .., n. 11111!1d t8mtlll'"11\rf11 r1"9fd from 61 to 71, W••« ttmtlll'"• 1\Jr. .. , "1. Sun, /lloon. Tides l'llDAY ,.Int ll!tl'I .............. 2:111.m. JJI Flrlf low . . . • .... 10;48 1.tn. •-' SATUll:DAY Flr1t h!Rh • .........•.... 1:• 1,m. J.t First low ............... 11:11 1.m. » Stcolld llleh ............ , 5:11 1.tn. 1..5 s.c..I low ............. 12:.U a.tn. OJI v .s. S11•••1'!1 en.. eeo1 """ 11r 1111 twwlflf • clllll " ftll NorthMst, wltll ,.,,.,.,,. tvra dlPll'lftll lflft ""' 3111 ICJ"MI llClffhlnl Hew Eftllllld ..,rllll 11'11 c ....,_r11Vrts ...,..,, Ibo Ill_. IMICHI Ill l'Of1hlrn N1w Yllfll end Mldllnn. with 11'11 '"""cvry 1flpt1lftll to the trHilftll rnarfl: In 1"1111'911. ,.roll wtllt.rlllf 1 tlw-111" ,,_ Tllll,..., t11tM, lnducllfll ,,..m If """?1 H-Ylrt. Mtnachuleth. Vermont. Ntw H~lrt 11111 MllM. Cl11r fet _, nwch If !ht Fir Wtsl fnNn Ctlllornlt Ind ArlzeM to W"rontN lflif C-*rldD. while l'nOlll If tfll Nof"ll'llllf Wll vn0tr I dMr, ui. lkw. A .,.,,,.II •• ,_ If 1'1owtrs 11roduc.d llOM rotn 111 . "" I/Piii" Mmr..r...., VUll'I', llld .......,.. ~ In thl leulflftrt fl'8rn ft'!I IOVthtn! A•1'-cflllllt t. FIDrlci. Mid tilt C.nl .... i. Temjtel'aurea Al&u11U9H!Ue Atlent1 91tl'l'llllt!d .......... lol11 ...... 1flWl'!'llYfllt; Cll!c.to Clndrl1Wtl --OU Melnu O.trolf F1lrMnb Fort Wortll .. _ ·--.. .. KllnM• Citt \.I• v ..... LM Aflltln Ml• \.M Prfl:, a .. -~ .. .. " "' " .. .. u .. ~ " ... .. .. " " .. " .. u " ff .. " " .. " • .. " " • " " .. " M " ., Mlalnl .JI .. " Mlnnu,_111 .. " Ntw Orlffn. .Ill .. " N"' Yori! .. ~ NOl'lll ,.._,. .11 " .. Otll .. nd Oldthoml ClfY OmW f>•lm Storll!9a ,.lieenlr ,.lttllM.lrlll " • .. "' " .. " " .. n " il l"ortl111d .2J .. .. ll1Jl4 C!tv ll:ttl lkltl ·-S.et•l'llMf• Si lt L1k1 CITY ... °'"' S.n l'r&rw;laco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. " .. .. .. SMttlt .... " .. Jp;lkfJM .II .. .. """"'" W•ll'll11Sklll ·~ " " .. SASHAY INTO SHOR-TY'S • p • ('l"'-.0 OTT'S . LAWI CLINIC . '. 1 t/' ,;,. . ,, .. SlTQD•t • SU.tilt mt." 21. II . · * BrlDg in your weed or lawn problems. Sc9tts experts will analyze and offer a solution ••• and all that stuff .. -I • SCGn'S 10. 35 SPIUDER •• • • • W1111~~SE 500 OF SCOTTS . PRODUCT -OFF UJllllU. 12841 Vllloy VIN SoatllollnlpeNI 921·2541 or 523-7870 ~........-( ..... TVIF IVILDU PLVl2 .,..., ..... _ ...... .., .... ---tl'Dboek· .... . Jeop ....... ... ............ _. ___ , ... 6's tUtDIU x.. .. c•n ....... ...... WI_. _ ..... =:,zm_.,..., ._,pp 11111' Olll IAG .... !CIUS.~ llCOIDllG ,..., - ...... 1 ......... ----............... ........ ,_. ., 0 '• -.1111· mm CIPI fLll ,. ... ~., ..... -W-plu ..... ,... ..... ............ ~ ............. ..... .... ..... s•• IUWWWOI ... l9122~um °""" "' Gorllold 9USS61 .l ,, .I Chryst er Inereases Slimmer Dl?l'ROIT (AP) -Chrysler hu emulated Ford In a cbaige agaimt Gt:neral M o t o c. , ' "'perior marul poslllon with a proven sales tool: lower car prices. Chrysler announced 1970 model sticker prices 'lbumoy averaging $107 more than for 1969 cars. Ford announced it& average hike of $108 the da1 before and GM posted an average $125 t&:rease last week. • 'Arms Cost Critics Unrllffled • - DAILY House Gives Vote· Reform , . Mea8ure .Wlropping Victory :JORI II ~II In preparation for t b e scramble in the markct,place, the nation's automakers scheduled their highest rate of output sinee late January. 1be trade publication Automotive News reported 193,846 new cars were being assembled this week. TAK·E ·St1·: All or Ol.rysler's seven U.S. assembly plants, four of Ford's 16 and one of GM's 23 \\·ere put on overtime for Saturday. The manufactureni computed their average price increases by using a formula Jt' 0 H which takes inlo consideration s pen ouse the higher sales of lower pric- ed cars. The new prices in· A woman ca!'l'Ying a _bah)' is assisted into th~ ~ elude cost of delivery, dealer room Piccad1lly mansion m London Thursday JO~ preparation and taxes. ing the 400 odd hippies living in the buUding locat- A year ago Chrysler rolled ed across the road from Buckingham Palace. The back from an average in· squatters have been ordered evicted by a high court crease per car of $89 to $55 judge. alter Ford 's increase was set-''-"------------------- . al $52, GM's at $5: and American Motors' at $43. Some Chrysler dealen felt the cutback should have been greater for competitive reasons. Man Cwared of 1932 Trains Crash In Chicago CIUCAGO (UPI) -Two heavily loaded elevated trains collided during rush .hour Thursday. Most of lhe 273 in- jur~ were not serious. Witnesses said a moving train collided with "a big boom" with another which had stopped on a curve. 1be front car of the colliding train to~ pied on its side, but a wide plalfmm prevented it from lalling ·2S feet lo the ground. Police and m.men.. med helicopters, snorkels and rnpe and utenslon ladden lb ~ 1tranded cummuters. 'bUti-a crowd. ci some 5,000 1pectators hampered rescue efforts and the trains were not ccrnpletely emptied for 30 minute!. When you'r , Crime, Admits Others ·ngle When you 're single and young, life can be so great. So many fun things to do with your freedom. So many interesting people lo get to know. Tha1 's what South Bay Club Is all about The most complete country club you've ever seen with apartments located around It-full of your kind of peopla. A 3/4 million dollar clubhouse, tennis courts, olympic pool, health clubs, and much more. Don't say you know it untll you've seen it. Turn in at Texaco for some real savings....:six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only •55~ plus tax (and deposit), You get it with any purchase,,, at participating Texaco Retailers. But 'hurry- they're gOiog 1ast! So turn in a.t Texaco- today. •SOggestlld Rebill mte. CHAii PAONE OPEN HOUSE nus SUNDAY I TO 1 p.m • • Here, much to the :discomfort of smaller cars. SouthBayClubApartnumts Newport Beach-Irvine at 161h S1teet (714.) 64S-0550 Other South Ba.y Cluba TO""""' *'OMaA-.. 12111~ 6HE""4AH cwc• -·-111&1•'..AOIO UAIUNA O(l JtEY •lllY~ ........... !L13J U3'6M3 """'"""' 6'11t Mi.ot!O: ,._ P\.11 .. 1243 ......,_..,.. 565 Milt F ...... ~ .. -....... ""' ....... .................. 1t610' ,, ... ' 70Nova. . Nova has smaller cars squirming principally because it doesn't make you squirm. · The not-too.small Nova Coupe scats five adults. Sedan, six, · And you get windows instead of portholes, A bo!Ja_fide trunk. .And a wide-stance ride on a 111" wheelbase. Further, you have a happy choice of six engines and five trans- ( • .missions \including low-cost, no clutch Torque-Drive). And Nova is anything but dowdy: See above. Certainly, little cars.have to bo more than a little uneasy abouf Nova's easy pric;e. It simply doesn't cost that much more to own that much more car. Putting you lmt, keeps us filsl • • • • '• ' ' • ' J. I • • ... • I • DAll.lY PILOT EQITOIUAL PAGE ' ' Act Beaclies Now Five years ago, motor!~ ·were able lo drive "'• -abots dOW11 Coest Highway ll'om Corona de! Mar lo Laauna Beach. On mO.t days now. any cannon-shot driver io llklly to wind up a bank·sbot. The highway Is carpeted wall· ~ .. an with ws. . Many of these cars are parted at the side Of Ifie .....i, 1n· tbe area of Scotchman's Cove. They are major trofllc hazards. County supervisors decided to do something about lllast week by asking the slate to ban all highway part• lni:from Corona del Mar to Laguna. Th1t should take care of that particular road aafety problem-for now .. But'it will do nothinf toward solWIX the far greater problem that created the parking-and traffiC-jam in the first place. And that Is the exploding demand'along tbe Orange Coast for more beach recreallonal areas. As evidenced by all those car• Uning the highway at'Scotcbman's Cove, much of this demand Is focussb\g on shoreline PIYJ'ertles owned ·bY the lrvine Company. · ' From the soothem boundaries of Cameo Shores In Corona del Mar through Crystal COve, Scotchman's Cove, El Morro Beach and Abalone Point at Laguna's n0rtbem limits, there ls a wide variety of beech uses-- none. of It public. . The public bas now 'begun cllmbil1g the fences, a1 :well as occasionally pllying its wiy. The pressure· IS there, aiid 'It Will soon, according lo the Irvine Company, greaUy Intensify. The Intensification Will come witll tb'e developm~nt, starting in 1972. of 12,000 acres of Irvilie land at and near the sea. Irvine officials. in disclosin~ plans for the massive project the other day. indi~ated that thev AfR not un· awar~ of public beach needs. present and future. ,&id Irvine Vice President Raymond L. Watson : concern lot ·auch ~clUUn and It, cooperation with gov· ernmesital 1gencles In this matter." We nad \bit a1 a cue .lo co1111ty government 1nd othor agencles1 alate and federal, to begin negoWltlng for some of tha beacli land. Not movtni now will cost the publlc mllllons more dollan later. It II high time-In fact, past it-for our government agencies at all levels to. be iust a• bold and . busy In planning for Ill• populOUJ future as our major land developers. Delay Is False Economy Tb• domlno effect of •bJrP cuts in federal-state con- atruction-spendlng came home to Laguna Beach last week when It was revelled that needed repair of La- guna C~yon Roa~, tor a time at 1east, is a victim of tQe economy ax. -. The •lorm·sla•hecl major artery, although only two lanes, ~xtremely Important to the beach community. It is one Of three ways to leave or come to Laguna. It ls tbe. direct route to the Santa Aoa.san Diego free- way sy•tam· and is d!!SUned for eventual freeway stan- dard•. February smnru washed-out sections of the heavily traveled reed. Sine~ ,then deep plies bave existed be- 'side secUon1 of the road: '11ley are chasms ·a car can disappear into. --~ . Although washouts beside the unlighted roa~are barric.aded, the tltuaUon u dangerous. A road sho ,r should exist to rroVide a safety margin to · any ha ~ pressed motoris who mwl dart· oU the highway. -Delay in repairing Laguna Canyon Road is fat.e economy. It may repre1ent a legal liability as well as a hazard. "The proximity of pubUc beaches will be an Im· portant consideration, reflecting the Irvine Company's The state should protect both its motorists and in# veslment. Delay will only make th~ artery susceptible to more storm damage. L INTO_THE' SLOP - .4 Kind:_ W or.d Can Set Vs Up for Week Nobod; Is really quit. 51ltt bow he 1 .. 1s (..-bow he lookt) q11UI aomebody te]ls Um: We are the mo,,t impreaslonable ?reahirtl oo God's green earth, and a lind word can eet us up for the whole ...it. This vmfanl tboUlht occurred lo me iuterday, when J took a medical ez- tminatlon tar some tteW life insurance. n.. --·· J>l>)'llldan not only lound IOthlng wrong with me, but odded 1t !hi !Ollom Of bis papero "llWtby · '111!'1 rigorous in geqeral appear&®'." FOB A nw DI.VS helor< tha~ I had leen !eelinl tmillle -•lllhl}y dizzy and ltadlchy, wjtb a-Btranp ~In my >ack muscles, which I attributed to too nucb tennis aQd not enough sleep over .beweektnd. I had ailo begun to brood s!lenUy about :bt posalbl1lt7 of cancer of the mouth, ln- f uced by smoking two packs of cigaret.s a lay, so l4tt my tongue felt like those old :lotll l;ap used for bayonet pracUce. ll.S. Is Not Getting Out of f'ar East Dear G~oo~y Gus: Developing a New Policy So the enrollment at one or our Laguna Beach schools dropped from 509 to 472! Wonder if enough people got tired of the new "fan· dangled" system op there to send their children to private schools? Could he. -{;, s. "'" ....,.,. tt'fl«ft ........... ...... ... __..,,,. ...... .. .... _,,,.,,,. ..... "" "' ..... • • ...., &Mo DllllJ l"t•: WASHINGTON -Secretary cl Slat. William P. Rogers was not surprised when the Thai foreign minllter recently ~ked him if the United States govem- me.at objected if Tbailapd devekpped con- tacts with Red China. Rogen replied that the United Slates governmenl c!erlaWy doet not object ior It also is trying to de•elop contactt with lbe Communist Cbl!Wt. ThU is the atmosphere of the new A!i~ policy Ibo Nixop Ailnilnlsltatioo is b'ying friend walk! up and ·aays, 11Yoon look· to develop. Tbtre wN just a suaeation ing sort or ptaUd." and all your vigor -Of pique in the '11'allnqufry, U the Unlt<d runs out at your heels. One remark of Stales is tow•. Its JW'O{lle and that kind and men haYe been known to dJmlniahfug lta: 1'1sJbJe presence in Aala, hie themselves off to the Mayo CUnlc, practlcal AJiar1 leaden ma)' dec:Jde to wU1 In hind. , loot elsewhe(e fO< ~ l0Cllril7. "You'r. looking th!liner." somebQ<ly ~ .. Jhelr ..rtJ,,ll· not presenUy wl~' 118)1, and you begin to fret' abiul U...~ bJ ~ IUbvetJ!on', poe&lble emaciation. Or, il you tend "lppoi'ted by PetlnJI, prw!enoe m1y dk; toward· corpulence, an Innocent "Haven't tate a m..-e P~tm' ~ '°"4n1 you put on some weight lately'!" Will Mlfl Tse-tq. . mate you feel 45 if you are conspicJIXl!ly ·; bau-nguphour-byhour.-·-·-THE-~'l'AINTY-.mderllcrlllx· · Oii polley; however, t h a I iie!lher t.. EVERY STUDENT of I em I n I n e depend'lll Thailaod nor llll' Other psychology knows that a wo~an can be &OVernment In Soutbeast Asil wib Cozen made to r .. 1 prettier slmply by lolling up to the Cblneu In• w1y llia~woUld.en· her how rilct she looks wbe~ !he comes d_. their l!OVetelgnty. 'l'hls tJ .... down dressed for the evening. She may doubtecQy true of North Vietnam, wtth tta have t.aktn four aspirins and looked like a Iona tradition of suspic1on and bo.stllity discarded flour sack to herself, but a toward Chillf, oace n . no looger ls gallant lnsincerity'lurns ber into a bloom· • Ing beauty. dependent on Peking for military sup- pUes. Indonesia has already broken with Chipa. 'nle Philippine government U hosWe to bolh China and Russ.ia. Japan's American relations a r e not cerDl gove-rnment has dtrnonstrated l~ la fully capable of containing such penetraUon even though it may be embarrassing from time to time. The Nixon Administratlon has also saUsfied itself lhat Korea's superior military strength makes the probability of a renewed North Korean invasion unlikely. North Korea 's coolinued hostlli· ty toward the SoYiet1 Union also reduces American concern. promised by the fact the Red Chinese are SIX WEEKS AFTER the introduction Japan's blggest customers. , of the .new Asia policy the Nixon The new Ali• policy rests on the pro-Admlni.dN:tiap ia content with. ita ~ bablllty of this v&$1 and potentla)IY rich Uon In .Ula • .a!id the mt ol the worl4. In- area of the world belng •hie to main.lain cbiding United Slatea congressional and jta: lndepclDdenee from Red China at the public oplnJon. · 'sa~ tbDe It uses lta own reaoarces of In tbe longer nm there may be .some manpoWer to resist in~ iub•tralon. more HriOUJ problems. Ptuident Nixon. _ . In ,.tung his new poUcy, bas often refer· TRI$ POIJCY applies In a IO!ll<Whll red lo lhe long strides made by lh• di[ferent ~~ ~ucJ°:re iJ no iovermfients of Korea and Taiwan in pctSeat...,-, . g-t tre-tttaling strontecommies. ·South-Korea Am.ericl!.n fotce of SO,QOO or ao; but stands in contrast to North Korea in neither ii Uiert an iq~Uon of respl>{ldlqg about the wqe way as West Berlin to to fresident Park's suggtJti01'.l3 lhat East 'ltrlin. Taiwan ba.s loog since found KOrta n~ more betp to prevent c:om. Amerk;can economic aid unnecessary. munlst inllltratlon aod ~etraUon. To accomplish this, however, bu re·. ftoters hat, .1n a ge!Jtle way, er~· quired not only American military PfO- am.lned Park on this potnt and apparently tectton but over a Jong ~od .()(, time has satisfied bimSelf that the Korean verj lar1e outlays of funds which, tt ap- on Asia plied on a per capita basis lo the other nations of populous Southeast Asia. could run into many billions of dollars. For ex· ample, giving to Indonesia the same ma1t1itude of aid we have aiven to Taiwan would, on a per capita basis, run up to $6 billion. SUCH PROJECTIONS are. or course. entirely unrealistic, but it is not unrealistic to recall that President Johnson proposed ab i 11ion.do11 a r rebabilllalion proaram in North Vietnam 83 an lndUcemtnt to peace . · Ftirther economic developmtnt in Sc,l~st Asif could. become very u . peasjve and this country ii evidenUy in no mood for that President Niloa. aen,s.. lng this mood, said be was one Preaidtnt who was not running around the wwkl carrying a little black bag. The United States,i& counUng on Japan to figure io this economic develOpment to a greater eX!ent than the pre.sent one perctnl eontribuUon of its gross national product. Japan has indicated ib wJU. ingness lo expand it.i: fore j I n developmental aid. We still will be deeply lnvt1lved. howeve!'1 apd it is wholly wrong to say that we a(e irt the process of getting out of Asia .. Jn some ways "'t may become more deeply involved. But wbtn the doct.or wrote "healthy U1d vigorous," I prompUy took a deep br•aCI, skipped briskly around the room, •nd began brlepbon!ng lo won up a (&$! louble& matcll. With maybe an .U<>lg)ll poker sesstoo lo follow. The worst people -demagogues and m!Ularistt -know the l!elnendOWI lm- prwionab!llty Of humaM; but the best people -lovers and parenta -have barely learned how to uae it One -· pUment. as the Chlneae never &aid, ii wort.~ 1,000 complllnta. 'I Ha~ to " Belt Her to Shut Her Up' THE CONTIWIY happens jll51 u el!I· I)'. You .,. roding perfectly fmo, an old DisappearingConf erence W ASIUNGTON -A White House Conference on Hunger in America -an- noonced by the President last May -Is about to disappear in a cloud of ob- fuscaLion, and Daniel P. Moynihan, Mr. Nixon's resident expert on poverty, bopea that noLody will notice. that. "the states will pay for the stamps," • predldlon wblch Meyer resdliy pw as unllkelJ. )'lllelher • womu lbnuld be 11/UCk rtlUiarlY Ute 1 &<IDI. 11 Mr. Noel COWud o..:e IUUested, Is pllbily I II"> l'Oll1ioa lhll bas '°'" ~ cme side to It I 111ppose there .... IDtll wbo go lhnl!Jg)l Ille without ever tllvlni •·dime the•ld one.two, or even altpplng bef; but thty 11)1 not llDOlll the llCls of 11\Y ac- qua!nJance. "I Md to belt htr to shut btr up," is a line I hive he"4 lllOl17 times durilli·mY serried llleUme, -. The reason men nil women is not because the men are ruddy udi$h or fasdsla, or becauaa lhty hive..,., deep- n>oted holtDlty to 't11e olhir -(though these guya lndlspullbly nlll), or that they wish to k,.p their beloved In • slat. olemoUooalpoonqe. Moynihan won a major batUe within the Administration. He persuaded tbe President to adopt hia sCheme for a iuaranteed income. But by the time the President had finished describing the plan on television as a sort of force-them· t~work program (less than 100,000 of America's welfare clients are able· bodied men who do not haYe jobs), MoynihaL mu1t haYe been barely able to recognize It aa his own. Nevertheless, it was a vict«y of sorts, and Moynihan i.s not anxious that the hunger conference provkte a forum where experts may point II.It that it was a mighty small one. rr W.IS THEN that Meyer a..ated on lli<' own 1uthorily that food a1amps would NO, TBS REASON Is ..,.ally 11 aimplt he Included lri the 'Nixon pllD will a u that : To llnll them Ill'· we Um r<Oelplent rucbed the tevtl <it For . )Idles ,have qlle tonauu. Atl)le 14,000 In annual Income. 'l1le Moynil).m and, loo floq\lently, -tnU.bW. To ~ fon:ea, hlvi1,g !ought the good f'lbl and vety bl&h proportlon. they a11o _,. yielded the food st.Imp prog1m In order lhlt lmtlnct I o.r, the luauilr wlllch 11 to glln lhe victory, were thus placod In ....,.u11 for • mUM. lhe poslUon Of having to go baclt to the It moy be that tllll <1pacll7 for verbal President and as!< for moro; lnfellcl\y: Is In oome cl<&ree 1 natural Since then, the conference oobunpr. ~m for the li"1 and tender THUS IEAN MEYER, a nutriUm ex· aclleduled !or Dec. I, 1w been 'ln deep pbylkal•eridowmtni Of the .... pert "bom MoYnllian brought down from trouble. The first roadblock was funding. tn arr;, case, I am coavinctd there is Harvard to run Mr. Nixon's conference Moynihan had promised Meyer a million. some element tn Ute femlnl~ nalurt tbat on lr.ll'lgtr, may be on his way out ; in any dollars to run the conference. Last week, ~· aad •Uc:i&f .a belt in the chops I -t lht oonference promises to provide he was sairryini!: around town trying t.o from~tlme to Ume. r ab<lUrU-muellli<lp Iii SQ)Vmg u.. ~ llriillbe-money.~ --~ -- ty's hunger problem u would a meeting • on how to I""" lhe defense budgtl H MR. NIXON'S spokesman for lhe poor. Bu G,t!Ol'fJt! --,., dlalrtd by the Joint Chiefs. . OE' Director Donald Rumsfeld. turned Meyer· (inl incurred the P.foynihan him down Oat on the ground that the di~ arttr newsmen pointed out meet.Ing mi,ht .Uord an opportunity for ~t Cb& Nlson welfare l)'lt.em would ac-another poor people't march on llllillJ decruse tbe bcnefita for the poor Washington. In ff Of IO stabr.l. This was bl\<:allle lhe Tbe l>eplrtmtnt pf · ,\grlcailure told ..-al eliminated food stamps for Meyer II didn't bavo legal llilhorlly to WtfWe ndplenls. Ron zi..ier. ·Ille <"'nimrt !undo unlell'lt could tun the'"'" Pmld<af• press aide. auempled to par· rm.,., Meyer fioally -1od to HEW ,.. q.-obout tllll with U>i 8Sltl1loo Seaelary'llobert Finch. wbo, as ol Wt Quotes Fr~. tboUg)ll be might he 11>le to alsorb o qliltler of ·Ibo n<C<ll8llY amount. As Of now, the conlorence hu alresdy Incurred debll al '70,GGO, ll10llJy In es· pema for poor -"' to b•IP In planning -and there Is no prerent ny to P1J tbe bWa. Dear George: I am a bachelor and was quite l\appy bve In my apartment until tlli& girl movtd Into the apartment ~own the hill. She bepo lmocldng on mY door and uklnll to look up wolt!a In my dlcUonary, sayJna silt ll a writer. She even oomea to my apartment l!OIJldl-lali al nlg)IL If abe'a rtaUy • writer, wou.ldn't she hlvt her own illcliOll"l'! , SUSPICIOUS Dear SUsplcioul: Don't he so suspicious. Obvioualy, she'a a wrtter. Who else woWa Ule • plot llko that? TIU: L,Ul!D SE.'!' up the situaUoo lhemsel,.... They wUI c:rulo a mqlc&ly inDammable wotd : lite maybe Elaine, or Mary, or Esther. Whether the lady e:dsta or not hardly m1tteB. The response is all that .matt~, am the response Is one of increUin& annoyance -as tt Ls intended lo he. . Or tbt word may be "&e0tch" or "I.he boys down at the bar" or "ltle locker room." The essence of the accusaUon is that it is 10me activity, pleasurable to you, which gets you out of the sl(bl Of the guan:Uan at the gate for a abort whllt. This, lhe fJll'dlan at the gate cannot 1tand. In due umo, and without fall, tile ln- flamma.ble word ls used ODC9 too" .iten.. or tbe inflammable !ltuation a enicted' once too often. Wbammmmm! WHAT Gur ME thinking along thele morbid lines tbls morning were ~ remarks made on the subject of belting by actor Tertnce stamp, described u "leader of the London jet set" and "lady killer In chief.'' Said Mr. Stamp, "MQ&t. beauUCul blrda have been getting away with murder for years. net try it on men becaWIO they oecretly' hope the' IUl' will lurn arounlf and thump them. ;'P!\)'sical· <Ol1Uol cl a woman Ii vital • n d thert la nothing Uke a gQ9CI right-hander to brioi t!>em lbarply lntO line, "An elepnt bCllJni, nol brutal but:' .• memorable." I WON'T S4Y I've had many elipnt.or memorable heating• to my cndlt; l>ul Year Round Schools M..-e than too school dlstrlcla ..,..,. our country todlf are looking for way1 to relieve lhe pressure on their overcrowd· ed facllltfes while, at the same time, im- proving edpcational opportunities for thousands. The task is awesome. Tb.e .lm.._et_.~ay_ IJ~ in an ~exp¢ment being conducted in Atlinta mvolvin1 a four-quarter plan for year-roui'ld school· ing. This flexible llChtme will allow its students to choose any quarter they lilte for their vacation. Or a student can al· tend ichool all year without interrupUon. DR. JOHN W. lJ!TSoN, supertntendenl of school!, makes • strong point fOf the plan. "It doesn't make sense," be qyp, "to cJ..e down achools In the sum· mtrtime lfhen there 111 such a need for educallOll. Wh1l'1 the 1911< cl turning 110,11110·ll\t<let!t1 mto th• -.u 11 the 14111e llmo! ~ ue thousands Of '1<11 • who want a beUtt educadoo. 1'h*tl lft thouaancll of teachers who need and WllJI foll.Um• employment." One especially beneficial lacel of AUan- la 'a upulment II lhlt ii will help dropou!J .... back Into school during the more casual summer quarter, \ wben feachera can lake JJJCft Ume to wotli: with them. Needy sludenta can hold part. llifie ~ all yiar. albrnd lCbool part time and still meet grad1&1t_iqil re- quirements. In addillon, fOr tucbtn the 116,. I)~ me.ns that lhey can earn ' lii""1 pV .tt \bt1 dtslre lo bracb ihe ... in lour qtW\a's. 'Ibis added lncenU•• hu bad ~ many· !uchtr< lel<:lllni the 11111 y11r, that lh<re bai been UtUo neod to blre oddlUonal help. MllNZY 1$ A WIOOI lld4r, Of coune, u AUU!la.found tO tbeat..l,of an'atr1 U'mllllm dotlan.~ tbe pin's ...,,_ Ual merfta woold ...,,, ..,ii llor\1t the cool • • • and cer1llnJy 1rill W«th lhl c:arelul ltudy cl other llchool dlstrldl. Calllonla Fulln a.me. tile ones I remember have i:iearly always produced more good than harm. Ladies have taught me many Jeuons, and ooe of tbem Ls the need to oc· casionally resort to violence In order to achieve what ought to be tht birthzigbt of a man in his relalions with a woman: a little damned peace and quiet. I'm cer· taln there a're meo who haYe murdered, just to acquire a little peace and quiet. I'm jut talking about ordinary wom«n, the tint( describeC by themselves and eVerybody e I 'e as normal. I'm not alluding to the freak! who have a real need for tonstant puni.Wnent, to a.ssuaee some: ob&cl!1e guilt of their own. THESE .BABES art: real poison. They · should'be avoided Uke lambourlne-Orum· Pinc. colored cocktail!, tennis over 40, a$1 •otber follies. N~ I'm aptakirut of real, ordinary Dur Old Mom~ Tbe lady for whom, with blueberry pie, we fight wan. Sht is the one wb6, all too often, creates the situa· lion wbete you are lt.._bded a bopek!ss monm!r'. tiecause you 11ve her 1 well· deserved whack. And if you don't whack her when her conduct '°' ri&hUy deeerves it you get an ulcet or an anxiety OOtJnlsis.. You lost elthef way u in most ntgotiations. with the fair 181. Ah, me! ----- Friday, September 19, 1969 The tdltonal page or tM Dally Pilot setka to tnfonn and .ttim- Mlate rtodlri Ov prei•nting this newipcpeT't opinioM and com- m1fUarJI on topici ot tnttr1tt and 1igki.fi1;anc1, b11 promting a forum for tA• ezprt1fioft of our rtadm' opfnJ011.1, and btt pn!Ufttillf 111• .u..... tlieu> pollllr of lnfbrlMd 0~1m>era and 1J>Okfltn111 o• lopfa of U.. UV. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I ~ .. ... • • .,. '" loc Ii 6 ... .. . ' • • ' .. ·< 1 ' . ' .,... JEMI COX •. 4'4-9466 ,rtlir,t#I a ...... L ,_.._ • • Fashion Show Benefit Peacock ~ -~ . . .. Arourt<fl>-; Corn -.er . . · Peacock Alley is just around the Corner •.. ? Well actually, Balboa Bay Club, ,setting for the filth annual 'asblon show put on bf Madrecitss Auxiliary, Holy Family Adopllon j;emc• of Orange County, is not on a comer. Bul the date of tb'e show-next Thurs· day-ls quite ne'lf. / · DuriJlg llie gala benefit, whicb begins with an ·U :30 a.m. ..,.w· bour followed by luncheon at 12 :30 p.m., .fashiooa Irom Ann Fj)]ger of Fashion Island Will be pafaded with commentary by MissFlorence Smales. Mrs. John-Condon of ·Newport'Beacb Ls cbainllan of the .event which assists fill8llcially in the wort of the ·catholic sponsored, nonprofit adopt!On organlr.ation .which is tjle second largest in California. MIS. Norman Hn1I of Oorooa dO)•Mar i. her aslilstant. ; ' Other committe, women working on the event ate t.he 'Mmes. Peter Walker .of Gardetr Gri>ve, decorations; Hebry Ullman of Corona del Mar, !'l!••riatioo~;• Ellies! &anion of Balboa· Island, d!!"r prizes, and Robert · Marshai! Of San Juan Capi~trano and JObn Lawson of·Laguna Niguel, pa· ,__ I• ' • u.vuesse;s. ,. , . Others are the Mmes. Charles · Lusin Of Santa Ana, ~rams; Robert Hancock of San' Clemente, invitsllons, and Michael Dohnsk.-of South La· guna, publicity. Madreclw. under ·the Jeadersbii> of Mrs. Thomas RUey, a Newport Beach resldeiit, SUPJ><!~ the a~tmey with two annual fund.raising events. The ·gfoup's.«h~r"'~ ra.J.s~ 1s ~e s.:te ,of Cb.l!istmaa cards which con-. tllnles.·.fl<lftl June tmwgb septembOr. Mn. Allan Burgess Is cbalrman. ,, ...... : ~ ' . . . r• ' AUTUMN LEAVES -Putting togeiher table decoraUdns for the upcorillng. Pi\tcocli: · Alley f~hkla . ob~w ·are'(~ to right) qte Mm ... Wllllain Imhoff .of . Laguaa Beech, James Delaney ·o1 La· guna Niguel and George Scott of Newport Beach. nie i"9w la . . . ,. .. , . . :. sponsored by Madreciw AUJillary, Holy FBD\UY A4oPlloD Se"· ice-of Oran~e County and wllf ·take place next1'huridiiy lit 11:30 .. a.m. Jn Ballioe Bay·Club. . . · ··:·:·P~~iects ·al~u.~p:r.inted . .. ! ... f • • . . . ' . ' . '. fc)r ·Niguef-, Worn~~:.: Blueprints for the fUture will be drawn at the first general meeting of the newly formed Laguna Niguel Woman's Club next Thursday at t p.m. in Monarch Bay Beach Club. • • . I During the gathering, coRl!Jlltlee tjlalrmen will ouUlne proposed pro- jects including parks and a children's theater as .well a1 actlvities for adults and ehifdren. " · · • . . Already a combined social and.fund-raising event i. planned for Nov. 22 in El Njguet Country Club. It will be an auction party and Will follow an At Your Service Theme which also e..Uy could be the club's moll!>· Un- der Ille leadership of Mrs. Robert McDowell, festivities Will lncll!de a •and· wlcb ·buffet, dancing and both a alleut and live auclion. The . B"'UP .was formed last Jun; for the specific p~ of .i,.,;, 5ometblng about parks and recreational facllitles for the liagui!a.'NlfllBI area. Within weeks after its fonnation the women staged a park wA!J:llillg on a one-quarter acre green be!~ site ,1 La, Hemiosa '!lld Maltsso P1i1ce:. More than SO men·attended the event and .,.ain particjpated the fa~ week to complete Hermosa Park. ' · . Thanks to their eUorls the park now bu green grass, benches aud'a l8r$'e sand play area with aome climbing apparatus. The woman's club Will be m charge of maintaining the park unW the first of nert year. ' • . ' . Additional park support came from Laguna Ni!!"el Corp., El Mp4 Country Club, Niguel Home Association's Board nf Directors, South ·eout Club .funiors and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Merker. N $1M donation 11\'81 re- wved ~usly. . '· !""lure plans tor the group, according ·16 Mn. ,rack D, Weber.. ~i.. dent, include· continued work on a Niguel HlDs part and Laguna N1gual'1 regional park, with planning for regional tecl'eational faciliUes. Mrs; Weber reported ·they also hope to establiaJJ a <Mimunily cllli- dren's ~ter group, set .up a b1ock IDOthO\'I' P'f.5~am, lay grolindworlt , for . a YMCA or recreation center In the ax_ee, ca llOgue educaUonal -anil invOlvement ·opportunities for wmneb, coordinate preferred I Of sure ac;llv>- ties and social lnle"'sts of clobwomen, sponsor youtb· activities and set•up home mllJJ!lgement ape! lamlly relatlonsblp~w~ops. . , LEADER'S PULL -"It's nOt 81 cold as ·""1 tliink," say1 Mrs. Jack D. Weber (right), president of the Laguna Nlgnel Woman's Club. She is encouragln& (left to rigbt) Mrs. Lynne Atkinson and • I • Mrs. Colin Re~s to take a pJIDIRe into a 19ng list of activities plmuied by the group. The clW> Wlll1iave its f&sl.eeneral bilslness meeting ne:st'lbunctay In Monarch Bay Beech Club. Viet presidents assisting Mrs. W•be/: are tbe Mmes. PbiUp Charlton· McDowell and Merker. Other offtcers are the Mmes. Michael Gannmaqd Gary Davis, corresponding and r""!Jrding secretaries; Kennetb'llleoai;.per. liamelllo\rian, and Fred Carreras, historian. · ' ...... ' iP· Cash · ReW~r:~ ._ RinQ Cla$hes With · T ollLof Weiddjng B~lt • . ...,, D!SAll ANN LAllDEllS! U )'Ill lhlat ir:l;.. .... bi.rd fYeathflil, di& 11111: ~ die --ID1 husband and l ·-• ~· 1be cemnonJ WIS held In I church. u wu llhnple but quite oplntuol, !!'" Wf>1 a ~ qhl to ho. Yollewlol "Ult -lhe "'""' ,. .... lov!ted to the ftCOplion in lhe church -hall. Sandw!d>el, -Ind! puncb Ind hot <llff,. .... ,.. IOI out Oil 1 nkely ... led j tabJe, ()a I separate ltblt Wit • icaJh .nalster (mOJ!llld bf lwo rellUm) and • "llit woddint .cile wllh 1 11'1!' lll&n wbldl rtad, "Buy 1 piece ol ftddq cake for Ioele. Hein finance llie lianlymoon. 1'rb 2' c:enll. ;~ Several gue5ts lined up •!ld boulht 1, . ' ' . piece ol coke. Even u.oup I !cm cake I ,.hlsed lo allow IDJ i'Alabind to bQy me 1 piece, u a maU.r ol prlndple. He .....,... •piece for btmd. however. 0 .. 1 IOllure ol lond ~I." His -n& wu, ''Wh<ri In 'llome do u the -do." 'li'e IJoCh wl'i\ld like ,lo mow 1'hat ,.., lhinllol.,'. . ' ' -=-MOOIEAPOI.IS~llY DBA& Q;: II' 'Illa t.•t Jltme. , ' WUl'o -1111 """°"' ... I bve 11--__. -p la Mln<apolll aod ,.. -Ud lo ill<J ealrl. II mt epl- -tut eaa ... WM• --· DEAit ANN LANDERS: 1bll f$ for "Wet Hankie'' Ind lar all the other :crl<rt In lhe ~ WliO ... ~ -.. arem!ablii lo •conlrol lhelr -.. lb<~ ol 11ir! who • • • • ' . '~(he hs'1I Wlf1: Cly, t:tJ, "'7111'1 ;s-(hod·...., ,...U..:a, .. good.for 1"Q. , • - -put I111 II toada l m fl Ind ( ttrf neul)' had I P J De<ded. And It ... just lo nervous -beca ... I ,.., alrold time. The doctor Aili I iJJlll 1 IDllll ulcer lo show IQ &lins ol "weaknQa." My and -headq for I ...,._ . ~~-ca;=~~""\; ~fl~liltemlo-Andl hJJ appn>Jldl lo overythlng' a D d hope all lhe crl<n aUl lllent will llilp evei,body. ljy moU>er suMved a being ashamed. Ttll lbem, qallt ad German ~ camp. 1'. b 1 t In-agaill lo loop cryin(. II'• 119<1 for lllem. hwnan eipetlenca made her a real slolc. U you -what Shola -. "" It I wao !aught lbat k ,. .. a ~ lo let for mr .....,.ui. anyooe ,.. lbe JIOfl side ol mL . -lWI 106!: UUttl l wu 1$ J m..,.,..S to t.... DEAit SllOLOM: Ya, "T--M • eve.,wna bolUed up. Then all ol-1 oud--. r-. AM tt•o --. don I began lo fall lo pie<a. I J>ooome • f~ghtened ol lhlnp I couldn\ ~ « DEAit ANN LANDp;JIS: Whal do 10U rtason. MY heart pounded Ind 1 .. 1n.. mean •a lond dpt?" 'lllete to no llldl J ..... haV!Jlll • bealt,f!ack. !ft Dllmo ' lhilJL. All·cllln -11'1 lust lbat- --··--~ -.... ·- • Pisces: 1 Time ' For Pa·rty~ng .SATURPAY SEPllMB~k 20 . *'1Jd artae. Yau 11!&1-lo be•• """" freedom, llQt lllere are i<ilpoasl!llllltol whlcb' fll'il -be ·IUllllled. t!COl!PIO (oct. l>llov. JI): • • ' ... ._ care with Wbel VQU Mt AJ!111 (M"l'dl Jl,APfil II}: ;,...,.,..·p.t, tncludll!C ~ ~ II .., ~omlftl. &orl:: coofllalon aboul ..... 'llllt II tlnw to utllhe _.., 11 .. • al 1 CQUld exjlt. Bulcally -o1 orlClolJlty. Be a · .uiu ta a day whfli you laup ~. 8zuli wllli tradltloo. and are •PP~ . Leacl tho war: Ehvue SAGl'l'l'AIM .(Jioy. U· ~ -cooperate ID Dec. 21): Exoand Operations. ~ -.nun111 mJect. 1hinll alieJd. l11C001t poienu.1 . TAlllllll !Aprll IO-May 20): lalccmra~Ontwboeomea Empllaals COOtbJlet .., trove!. to )'Oil ·1or iald· con1d actually Your -1 paltam or beqelil )our"tllor\a. KMw thla routine ch ...... Yau,,. more and respond aCcOrdlqly. · De:dble. You ·recelYe com· WRICORN (Dec. 22.Jin. ml\Dlclllon which balpt.,,. JI): New otarts, C<llllac!J are your -ol luture. ' favored. Continue to lab II> GEMINI-(14Y 21.June Ill): !UaUve. &i,&e oil eny 1<11" lntemt In 111111111a1 MJhJ.-ts dellC)' toward em o Ho n a I domltlalas. You ilrivt to pt lllllar11. a-fn<lependen<e to boUoil> o! ~ X., 11 w et1glnalltr. You 1aln to be !lnlbta. Loot ffom !avorfl>le atlen!loq. vartoua &Jlllea. Give !Ull play AQUAlllUI "<Jan. IO-Feb. to lnlall!dual curlollty. 11): Be """"' ... Cooperate Guns: Sale, Not· S9r;y CANCE11 (J\ltle JI.July 21): · In~ 1roup act!Vttles. ·Do "*" -l"lill tlllll Naber of~ or~· aaaertllla. u.ten to ~-· uoo mau. imar.11111 "°" Wtthbokf final JudCmenL Take poqJ. You """1d meb ,nor time to cflocl: d • ta 11 a , Ille more lnteres!lq b y alt.111111vel. LI• low and play !a-le .._ ... ~C all about l1JllJ are Bled Lucas and Sharl .LU!Y (!•It to r!gb\} and pro- viding insttuctloli la Carl wwrence, director ot•l4111!lflcation of fll• Fountain Valley Poll<e Departi!!onl Genarai. mes C()OCenUnlf gun safely will be offered all n.ldenta between 7 and t p.in: Wednbday1 'Sept: 24, in lhe ·city's commun· ity celitar under tqe sponlOl'lblp-(/f the Fountain Valley Woman'f Club. Since 50 percaiit of, all gun ,accidents·aro caused· by women, Ibey especially are en- ~'!'lc to attml tbe lecture fO!Jowed by 1l question and anfW•r period. Mrs. IW1llili ~on!, b In cbarge of tbe safety program. walUlll! game. PISCES (Feb. 19-l\lmh 20): LEO (July . ZS.Au1. 11): Acctnl on 1atnJng pleU.re Guard health by a•oldJnc ez. wlthOul (oio.I to er~mea. iremel. Keep retolutiOQI eop.. Have fun lnrt avoid tx· ctrrilil1 uerclle and dlet. Cl>-trav1gance. Opposite se:r ls worken, UIOClatel wauJd Ub 1ttracted. 'ntli would be to better l!Dderstand you. Give ,...dtrful party night for ynu. them a chance. D' TODAY 18 YOUR .. Make s·ure Indian Maidens Scout . ' . , Vl1lGO (~~.,II): BIRTBDAY you are fond or Qipid'• """" . -t'1e mark. Netldilg ha PP• 0 1 mualc, capable ol picking •-11' all qualitf from the DWI pro- Shoe Fits -For Tfib~I Prospects • • • ! SUn11fllrtlGSe.· .lbe UMe al , . Sc<Etioc ·the aru for new bibe meet111g·and -t1>e ~ portul)ily, to make l{lqulrl<I or Join durinl the mettln(. ~l!way; I· tho way « duel. ' An lniportanl Hll· nothiq. Ynu -~ snater Uonablp f1111 .enil -or pt a emotional ltC\lrlty. , T ate 1 new Jeue. cannot coatinue meturtty -you con I buy It. aJoq lines el alalul quo. Know thla -respeod ac- cordingly. .,.rlt'#"M -i:.,._ ~f~,.':' ot:iT"' lJBRA (S.pt. J3.0ct. 22): bcaok1tt.~11tr.t """" .., ,,.. .~ CooperaUOO 11 two.wa atr9et.. w-· ""' tlll'tMlf!I .,.. • c.rits RealiJe tblJ if ~, c:ri8ia . ~~"a:t"!.'!r ~~:,"~~= &o!M bare!Oot In tho wr-and a1 die ._.,, . lir'Nll with tt foot ......., u .well u loot P'--111UHllnberaof the Womin'a Auxlllary o! · the ......._ COunty Podiatry ~lkllL PanmtJ should remember that -· la a growth period for children's feet, and tho -children .... to -• Iii June may not n~ b fJ accept.able ICbonl ahoel for Septomber. 'Ille fncldence ol plantar Wlrtl II bJgh In autumn, aux· 111ary ..-lien · wm.. and taenagera' f e e t apecially lhould be eumlned. Uneveii. wearing of lhoe!I, IUCb 11 heel.I worn down on the inllde. or toes worn unevenJY, lndlcat<t foot pro- blems, and footprints lrom the ""1lnmlnl pool or shower that are not sl\lped like question marb alJo ntean fool pro- blems. N1nt1y percent o1 r o o t t1"'1bles be(in In childhood, alllil1-J members say, and a qu&ck check bow m I y elbo!Oate Mure root pr .. bta... Hertels Exhibit On display, otertin& Mon· day, SepL 11, 1n the corr.. Gudeo Galley. Corona de! Mar, are ._nblages by Carl Hertel and oil palnllngs by Mrs. Carl Hertel. Hertel, a profassor at Pitur College, Clartmoot, attended Pomona aod Claremont Col· lega and Harvard University and bu uhlblted throughout the United Slates. HI• wife. a former mural assistant to .Millard Sheet1 of Clll"<llldll, studied at Scripps Coll'le and Kann A r I Institute. 'Ibe thow, !pOCllOred by the Newport Ha.rbor Ser v l c e Leep; will coiltl1'Je through October. Gallen" bolll"I are II a.rn:-to 3:30 p.m. Monday tbn>ui!I 5aturday. -are ·IMmben o! the" n.ICA lndlin MildrDa, Nation o! Wblte Bulfili!: HllJltinlloa Beach •. The drive far new members will take place beglnnlng Mon· day, Sept. 22, ancl" contlnuilli until Friday. ·nits YMCA program is for girts 5 through a and their mothers. It promotes lr!endly rtlaUonshlps through tribal meetlngs. cam.pouta:, er a f t s. song abd story sess\01\S and w::ial ouUng. which mother .and ~i~r m°'I · ·at!eod together. Mrs. James Campbell ;:.nd her daughter Kathleen. scalp hunter and maiden for ·the na- tion, art In charee of two meetings for all mothers Md daughters In the Huntington Beach aru who are lotefested in' the program. Al 7 p.m. ·Wednesday. Sept. 24, pl'Olpective members will m .. t in Hunllnlton Beech High School end on Thursday. Sept. 25, they will il)eet Jn Marina Hlgh School. They will see tribal cos- tumes and crafts, a sample Peering Around AMONG plediff honored al Fall PN!sent& Jt the Kappa Kappa Gamma house at ·the University of Southern CalUornia we.re Miu Sustn Duffy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffy and ?iotiss Laurie Fraser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fraser, aU of Newport Beach. U th/eo to five mothtn from one neigbbortlood wish to start their OJfll tribe, Mn. Campbell has assured them that help wtJ1 be avallable. AddiUonal lnfonnation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Campbell, 968-11121 ; Mrs. Gene Murphy. 817-9410, or Mrs. Jamea Mewes, 968-1350. Guardian To Visit ' Deputy Grand Guardian of Bethel 157, Job'a Dau1hter1, Mrs. James common, will make her official visit when the bethel meet.& next Monday al 7:30 p.m. Receiving their initiation work during the meeunf in the Ma500.lc . Temple wil be the Misses Edith and Lile Askew, Gayle Beeler, Terri Crelg and Paula Slier. The trophy received by tht bethel (or third pl&ce in a re. cent table decoration contest will be dllplayed· during the evening. With the theme Oki Woman in the Shoe, 1.be bethtl com- peted during the .B.ru'IUal South Coast Guardian Council picnic in Santa Ana Memorial Park. Seascapes Exhibited tamlly tlli\. N• Vo&'N: Y. 1"17, Parents Reveal Troth At Champagne Brunch Ellen Patricia Groetsch and Rol/erl I!:. Bonning Jr., both gradualts ol Eatancia H I g b School and Orange Coast eou.,., w!U marry Nov. 22. Their eaa:11ement " a s dlsclooed lut Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Poter H. Groetsch ol CO.ta M.,. durtna a ~ pqne brunch In their home given to ~ their daughler · and her fi•nce. Alao C:Olliralullllna t b • betrothed were Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. J!onnbw ol Costa Mesa, the brldellOOll1-0led's parenta. Miss Groetach studied In the co1teae'1 dental Wlstlnl pro. gram. The future bened!ct now Is eornllld at Caillornla Stale CoUep at Loni Beach majorl111 In bloloC)'. The couple beve selected ~l John the Baptlat Catholic Churd> !or their !all weddlnl· ELLEN GROl:f.SCH Fall Dato Youthful Ticktockers Introduced to Duties 'Ilcktoc:ken of the NaUon1t Olsen and Mra. C b a r I e s Charity Lequt, South c...t Melchior, airudy kicked off Chapter. Will 11ther for an tht fall ae.aaon with a swim- An eii:clusive Southern orientaUoo meeUn1 at 10 a.m. mll'll party yesterdly. California ebowing of marine tomorrow ln Rossmoor School. 'Mle philanthropy projecta paintings by Vernon Kerr will AA part of lbtlr Introduction l\llded by Mrs. Lloyd Garner take P.lace In the Hun-·to dut.y, ·they wtll view two wUI receive tun attention from Ungton Beach Ari Gallery this ftlms, "'The Homeiesa t:hlld,"' the ynuthlul "°"P durlnl the month. and "Yeateiday, Today · and carnin& year. They alreadY The exhibit futwtt mort Tomorrow." offtrtd by the have plans to contribute to 1 than 40 plinUnl• lncludlni •b< Crippled Cblldren'• SocletJ. buaai", collect clolbl111, mai<e major seascapes. including Fot~the meetln~ the qullts and l1yette1, furnish D .. nce Club · one or hll renowniod seagull tolltt arUctea r,.. oanllartum1, serl,. eouu..i. Lile'• Eter1W !union, by Mn. ooepll and provide lood and clothtn1 The first. third and fifth Forct1. · Vemtte "and Mn. Robtrt !or neady lamlli" durln( Fn.days of the mMth are tl\e '!be lntern.aUonaJly known UecbU, wUl visit Knott'• JSu.. Chriltmu . . I u I ry Farm. 'Ille Intermediate --'---------dl!!lce ~t ... oetected by I,o,ce artist rectnt Y movw rom · ll'O'IP· cltr!tted by Mrs. DAILY PILOT 'n teether Square Dance Club ~a Beach kt Co e u r Wllllam McKee and Mn. members. The mu.1ic s\&rtl at d Alene, ldlho. whe!'f ~e pl~ Oieater Haus, wU1 enjoy a a p.m. In the RecreaUon to develop hll lechnique m luncheon and swim pu;y. Tho Dime-A-lines Center, Hunt.in&ton Buch. landecapea. senlora, led by Mr1. Mil& !;:===================; ROUND TRIP Quilts Back 'Ille ouilted look Is a big one for ta.It Desijner Adolfo of New York doe• quilted even- ing skirts in velvets and silks, taken from Portuguese tile pattmJo. WurDtzer ORGANS ALL MOOILS AVAILABLE WALLICHS I MUSIC CITY .SOUTW COAST PLAZA , ......... . COil'••-..... 1161 -Af IAll NM> ""· 'TURN ON TV "llfl( ~ .... ·"'' o.,M ........... ,,..,lllf .. ,_, ....... 111~ _.._...,,. Sa""4•f I• fk DAILY ,tl.01', - ANYWHERllN CALIFORNIA 85( ....... For calls after 6 p.m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes lfation.IHlation, plus tax. ·--@ ' I See by Today's Want Ads e Get a 11 tUe cloMr to na- ture: C&mper fl'OUP fof 1lngle1 ~ 36, be.lrw or-- pni!ed for mot. lolemt. ed In CAAfPtNG, • Put YQUr best ft5h forward lnlO tht1 new Pttnco agutr. ium , on a stand, lll ( !) 1aIJon .•. JeM.h'a pet mt.Y- bo. • For t1'1t ll'IOlllltat 1n movttc adwnturh: Btu A How9n mcrw1e outfit.. .:IOln Oec- b'ol'lk: q1. autoinatic proo. -· llc\lt ""'· ...... ~ dom UMd. Like MW. ... ~.'!..'.~.·., 1, ' ., • • ... *"" • ....... 1,.s:;z. s. :s .. s.~.=-.s ... •,_.;:::.;:....'? .. " • UNUSUAL SUBJECT Ch1rl11 L1Monk Art league · Guest Indian Art Preserved Paintlnis ol picto&rspha and petrogl1111 will be displayed by artist Charles LaMonk when he speaks bdore the Co6ta M~ Ari l.ellgue nm Tues- day at '1:30 p.m. in Adams Elementary School, c 0 I t I M1s1. Faculty Picnics The unusual reproducUons of ancient Indian pictures painted on cave walls and pie· tures incised In st.one, some of which hang in collections throu&hout U:le world, were in- spind by LaMonk 'a wJy life in Kemmerer, Unita County, Wyoming. The Sboshone. Ute and Ban· noci: Indians and thtir colorful life style impressed him as a young boy, and after his education and training in art he returned to some or the petroglyph sites near Searchlight, Nev. New and returning members Finding that vandals had of Golden Weal Faculty Wlvea' ruined some of the pictures Club got aequlinted wtlh each with black paint, he detennin· other aod plans for the ed !9 preserve as many or the season's activities during ~ a r em a i n i n g archaeok>gical ttusures a• WSJlble. colfee in the Huntington Bucli Ills work• have b e e n h om• o f M r • • R a Y displayed in the Los Aneele1 Shackleford. County MUJaun of Modern Nm Sunday the group wilt Art, MDRum of Man in San be joined by families for a % Diego, Hurd Mu!leum i n p.m. picnlc In Lake Park, Hun-Phoenix, the Universities of tlngton Beach. Lunch and volleyball and aoftbaU games New Mexico and Arizona and ~e p_la.nne:dJ now are on permanent display • Education Selected As Topic '{'wo ipeakers are oo the agenda for the ge11eral membirsh ip luncheon Wednesday, Sept. 24, of the Women's Division of the Newport ' Harbor Chamber o! Commerce. Mn. Robert Lilly, trustee for t!>• l!ewport.Mesa Unified School Di.Strict, will spi;ak OD School Financing in California, and Dr. Nolan Frizzelle will have as hi.I topic a report from the Education Com- mittee of the Newport llarbor , Chamber of Commerce. Irvine Coasl Country Club will be the 8eUin1 for the noon luncheoa. Reserva~M!, at $.1.50, must be made by calling the Chamber office, 675--6300. TOHiii ~ ~t • -"''''" TAKE SIX - Turn. io at Texaco for some real sa>'.ings:...six 12 -oz. bottles o.f Pepsi for only *55¢ plus tax (and deposit). Youget it with any purchase ..• at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they' re going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •suuested Rl't1i'I Priol. Sei'Vlng the club durini Lhe at San Fetnando Valley State· cominc yur win be the CGllege. He also hu exhibited I'--------_, Mmes. ToPl Henmtad, prfli· ~a~t ~th~• ~Bru.w~~l~~~W~or~l~d"~1 ~Fa~ir~·.;;;;~;~~iiiiiiiiii~ dent: Lloyd Wilcox, first vlcell president; Jim Curran, se<ond SEE IT NOW -LAST WEEK vice president; Mau r 1 c e Smith, secretary, and Warrell Pewkln. tl"Wu/""· Hl!lhllghtlng tl\e year'a pro- rrams will be the second an· nual scho!anblp fuhlon - and dessert which will t~i place Jn November. Proceedl will aid deservlnc students In the coUe,e. · SAY IT WITH CME.GA EXCLUSIVE! From left: Flt•iblt mt1h braclat watch 1n 14 karat 90~, i110 Florentlnad 14 karat 9old with Rol'n'•l'I n1i1maral1, $350 . Thirty dl•mond Omogo In 14 koi•t q>ld , '650. SLA...VICK'S Jewelers Sin e.a 1917 11 fl\SHION ISLAND NEWPORT IU..CH-644-1310 YIW aw,.. M"ttvnt Wt~ -tflrikA,.....ltlrl. MMttr Chi,._, lllo 0,. MH4ay, '"'-f •trf t;JI P·'"· • • • I Saaillebaeli :VOL 62, NO. 225, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PA!iES ' . ORANGE COuNrv,.cA~IFORNIA • • • ' ~--HF I f'..~.T I ' " . • -:: ! Propaganda Course teaves Pai-entS tJp Tight ' Qy BARBARA ltR!!!JlllC8 Of ,,,. Dlllr ,. la.ff A "m.ink:aurse" in extremi.Jt, pro- pogonda method&, p,...ted .at. Laguna Beach High S c b o o I this ~eek, WU bringing e l p e c t e d parebtal reao- tion today. . Offered at Lile request of ·in~ested 1tudentr, lhe survey of extremist•Views of student unrest on university campJSea wu lau~ Wednesday with a half.bol:ir film giving a left-wing polltlcal view of ' r!allnJ al Ollumbla"Unlveralty. This wu followed Tburaday with 1 &Ude.~ program abo\finr a rl,ght..wing WUl)cal gii)up'• in!erJiretaUoo of. the Berbley dlalurbancea. ll'lila_ afternoon, slu4enll are,acheduled to ,meet for analysil of the Pf'llpaganda me\bOd&·abown in·lh' \wo programs and, -~ to. JN'lnclRai Robert Rooves, dlscu8sion of meui.a. that might have ~ UJed•to J;Olve the campua problems other than Jlirecl ~Uoo. Even before ~ blief courae had con- cluded, ..... pareob "'"' up<eaalng fear lbat too mucb . emphasis mJgbt be given to one poUUcaJ ,view, or the other. "The reuoo We lboweit extreme pOmm of view," &aid Reeves today, "was to make atudeflta aware ol propaganda methods and to help them develop a ra- Uooaf approacb lo cootrovt!l'llal aubjects. We want them to see that a rational, middle of the road· view ia•the desirable goal" HiJtoey teacher Don Fooier who briefed the llUdellll before udl program, giving them an idea ol what to loot for, was scbel;tuled to lead. thla afternoon's diacusal<ln. • The·prop.1iganda untt was lhe second in a projected series of "mint.coursesH in sul>Jecls of particular loterest to 6tud~ta. ,,Part of lbe new st.udent.-ln- ltiated (cur~. "llle' mlol-oouraes, w~~ ·may la's! rrimi ... day to oe•eral, aro,prosenled· clurJo1"-the acboof'S four ' . study hall perloda, each atlend<d br• lo 30 student&. ' · The' first course i,yas a tw0-day"Jtuil1 on We.II Germany, pt-ted by foctlln ea· change student Manfred Heine: · Other ,courses, requ~led bf .atudents, will be.Oii currlculU111 •'l<lopmeaj,-1("1• arill omameutal ~'U.t,'Jloped to brlng in other vocational' llll'Vey1, Reeves sal<I. calllni UJ!Oll the· lalenll of members of die c<C-'lJ., I · ti: ,,., ' ... . arco .. earc . ams or er· Down the Mi~sion Trail Open House Set At Fit·e Station SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Would you like to gel a close up look at a bright lllinY red nr. engine! . :vou11 · aet your chance tl)il .weektnd during the joint open bOUJO sl>ged &:r the CallfomLa Division or Forestry and the Orailge County Fltt Station In San Juan Caplstr-'Sunday. Rescue techniques will be demonstrated and a tour of Ule facility wlJI. be provided between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The station is ~ted on La Mt~ Street. · e Book Sale Saturd•tl EL TORO -A secondhand book salt will be a project of the pledge cla" of Phi Alpha Kappa Saturday. 'Ille sale • will take place between 10 a.Jn. and 4 p.m. in 'ThriJUmart in Toro Center. ProceOda will be d<fnated to the )~ultiple Sclerosis fund . e Boutique Clas Set SADDLEBACK -A booUque • cran rJ,au for adul16 Will be dfered to tt3idellts of Lake Forest and Mission Vie- jo. . Called Trunk in tilt Attic, the course will be taught by Mn. Ann Struck and will feature inst.rucliom in gold and lilver leafing, acrylic, decoupage and mount- ing. A special workshop will -•te on Cbriatmas dectlraUOM. The clasaes will take place on Tuesday evenings at the Mmion Viejo Recreatloo Center starting Tuesday, Sept. 23. They will be staged on 'lllursday evenings in the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. e l\'o•tinatiotu Set SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Numlna- tton11 will toon be taken for Saddlebaci: Valley's outltanding man and _,,woman of the year. . Spomoring the awards will be members of the Saddlehack Valley Jlllllor Chamber of Commerce misted by otbq IOl'Vlce groups. Nomlnltllln b.1811111 are .... beiog midled f<r circulallon. , A panel of Juc11a Inn -the area will select tbe winnen wllo will be named at a community banquet. e C•l!O Tour P,_11ell CAPISTRANO V AILEY -A mow your area bus tour is being spmot~ by the Cap~ano Bay Area hovisional League Of Women Voters Wednesday Sept. 24. Lend Gift Sought • Re.gional Park ·Term~ Accepted By RICHARD P. NALL Of ... Dlllb' '* ...., Latest atep toward a proJlO.SOd; regional part· for -Oroqe Ccurily came T\>UtldaY u dlr<clon of Moultor>Nlguel WIJ!lr DllUicl lcceplad lerma of a pr .. ~Jwe.purchaae epllee'llf which the sign with Moulton-Niguel," said Cul Kym la, water district. manager. Th~ gU~ he refemd Ip, would come from the Lquna Nlgud Corporl!ioa..11 amc;JUnts to m aer~ ·a~t ~ .~ "'"th of the Autouellcs p!jml that la ow- ing completion. · + .., • .The-.--~.;M-fl!ll!I• boatlo( •aDd' lllldnfl .... ,a •il"lilil ="""""! ~ • "-1a1;,....i ~----• lir • ¥ lo Mcepl.the gill of the lad ud ::'~i.%~ ! ~~¥::;rt·- lbt lllate .f\JI' fl'llll J\fadi Laguna Youth FJ,ned in Pot Smuggling · Coovfcled after marijuana a n d dau1_.. ·drop 'iieri! brwlbl 1o1o J>Otl aboard Chapman Coll<ge'a floating cam- pwi veuel, a Laguna Beach student was let off with a · relaUvely light"sentence Thursday. ' James w. Jlo91ey, :zz, of. $17 Eqiarald Ray, was pl~Orf sfi' months' probation and fined fl2$ by Los AJip!'8 County Superior Colirl Judge MU Wlaol lo Long Btacb. Judp Wl!OI reduced the chargea lo misdemelDor level ln p r o n o u n c i n 1 senteDce 'on Dooley, one of four Chapman College Students arrested last February. They fncloded Stephen J. Gauahl, 21, of IB7J E. Skyline Drive, Lemon Htighla, Dani C. Smtt-21, of, H40 Sunny Crul Driv<, Nerlon, and Elizabeth' S. Lyon, 20, of Camie~ Ind., accordiog to CU5loms agenLI. n.ey were arrested after"tw'o pouods of marijuana and 2,000 drug pills were found aboard the S.S. Rymlarn, Cllapman Coll•'• ..Wied World Campus Anoa- wben abt docked in Los Augefea Harbor. t.ulhonilea said the IUDOllDI fooud waa sUi-prtslng1y aqa11. conalderiog lhal mono than 40Q -wen aboard during the I-..,..., which lnclud<d 17 porU of c:alL 'The atudeull arrested alter the ship ar- ri•ed al Wllil!lnltou were arraigned im- niedli1elr, un -.-..... -tinued 'Uritll .IUllUDtll' , to ·•void com. pflcothll tlitlr--·-· Dooley wu ooovided tut month. 1lle'wai.t drllct owM the W."aDcl dam. It II atHnd lo the' """"'1 .., a leaae-purcliaao llflll' lhat would Include annual paymenla of 12$,511. for 25 )'Oll'L Kymll aaJd uuder Jjle propoaed -menl 'U>e couoty, oould., .,.._ Ill' purchase oJllloo at any lime by pa)'loc off the remainder of tbe debt. Tbll would save interest cOSts. The total prtce of the llke'fl 1311;317 if • H were purclwod ~ It the COUnly look 25 yeara to pay off the o~ll(llJOD,. l(ymla oaid, the cool -iocludlol tuterest . -would have amounted to-about $625,000. Kymfa aa1d the loteresl Is figured on the haala of Moody's (bond) ,Joda. It amounts lo what the couoly would pay if it raised the funda by· bonding, 'be aald. Kymla said the arrangement ii 1lmilar to the ... 'beiog uaed by the county to ob- talo Atiao Beach Park. The agreement ihat will go to· county superviBOl'I for conaider1tlon provides for tbe water dlatrict to sell efOuent (reclaimed sewage) -that bu un- dergone secondary treatment -f« lr· rlgatiug the regional park. The lake will be supplied by water from Metropolitan Water District, said Kymla, unless the county agrees to the water • district's proposal to !Upply leu coetly reclaimed water (effiuent) that has rectlved a tertiary (three •II&•) ml· menl 1'ymla said ter!lary·treated water I• from the standpaint ol purity equivalent lo dr~g WJter-from a hou!ebold If P· lie said tJiO diatrlct' la currenlfy IUP- peyiog . !00,000 lWlofll of """""4Ully- lreated -10 '1lle Mlsllou Viejo Goll am foe lrtlpUauJt lq\el lo make D:h an agreement lo Jrrlple the Lal\IDI Niguel Co!mlrf Club ,.U ·-.e: l Funda -the Jake sale, aald,KyJDla, ·are earmarked · fQr -repaymeut and add!Uonal reclm..-.., wwt In the water dlllzicl'1 aaullarJ Jm-emeul dllltlcl IA. . ,, '•'' t-lie.tie"' ,. •'• . ' ' ! .. ., • • Beaatie•-on-. h . · l . \ .' . ' ' '•· . ' I.aiuna Beacihilli1h :sch<t0l'•·footlial1ieam.may, have>tbe bes\ JcioiJiii, · and. most s,i>lriW btlieh. !n tb'e; leagtie,wltb this. linelip .of sopg4girls · (frorit•to ·rtu)'.Jan 'slzelove, Kathy Shapard.· Katie Healy, El1eeit 'Acord, MOn<l:,-'stevenJ aiid·Mitnha Hinwood: Artisti ltost ·Katella l\l&h _at.a p,1)1. fol)lgb_t.· · ' ' f Black Tie Premier· Slated ~or New ~aguna Thea~er . • l I I I the remainder of the-lhreetweek'run>1lle play will be pmented. Tueocldyg ~ Sal.urday1 at ·•~»r ).m.,, wtal 1hii! perfortnanee an Oct.: 11. · , ' Jolin Ferzalei will ~'i•1 1'iiver sang for My Faille(,' Otlt!ruied1by one c(IUc aa "a lll)l!'tb alid. ~ly beauUCul.pJv.',' .'. · •· · · ;, 1-" .. ' ' Krisman Def ends SDS· Ties Featured playera are •R.(F.•Stev- of Coeta M ... ; Harriett' Braler'McCdn. nelf, !.aguna Niguel, Ind Robert. Wonts, CoroNI del Mar. Othera lo the cul are J1cqule Moffatt, Joan Wuflaon, F.d Nofziger, Red Stoddart and ~rt , Huting!, an or 1 lllgupa Be.rd!;: Alan Hart, OmltD· Grove; .hiauoe Blaet, S.. Juan Caplalrono; and Chuc1t Schleker of La um. '' guna~. ' . •. • The bul )"Ill leave Voos parking lol bt Caf'lslrllil Beach Plau al ,,u a.m .. will UCI Adv: 11er A J "re8ses N ewnn, rt 'Eskililiihment' ttop at various civic and lndusbill a-a UCL r f-tecillties and will return l,t 1 p.m. 'Ibe , • ' P •'~ 1 \ 'I I T • ' .._ Reattvect Mat Ucketl 1fot "I: Never San1" now are 'll·sale al the Im office ol the ..., theatll', I06 'LallD ~ Road, phone 4~, and al all Coiit- -••·•~ ~-. . . t"'~•il&uua 1 I I ' coel i.l ff.111 per perm IO'be paid .. the By joiiN VAL~ -o1 'an ~~load'~ the....... ~l!;l!!I ' that:;.. -become D' ana ·Polli· . t "-r bU8. ., .. ·----bOfl!nd ~jimieoloncimpusaloday. OUlillil ataspedl!Cllliue•nd they aeek 1 '-4 Th< public~ lnvl(ed. For reservolioos uw.-• Kr1lbian. 17 ·embllUed' od-"These-'comotnlocol1-llld • 1.=wlllifli...r. ayltelJ!o'l'....,y,qf , , · • ·••' · • \ - or infonnallon calt Mn. Serge Beltran at ~';t uc· m~ Thur.day stouUy unJverRitle• alter • 1Uc.k,.1\oa1Jd-Ov.w I tne ... ;He ..81 for ;be1p...m;e ,not 1¥ l F .... tmd . ·1 · . ~J I 49>a14 or Mn. Jeao Lyman at 4116-9'/U. defended his --the atodent pertnd of den>erilar1 _and blah oll.io!_ c;;e •\"'1 a&' be IL!' I ' ' • u~ ' lll '-~RB • Bff•ter• ,. Meet a<;llvlll --.. 1 .... fldd or edllcaU.0 .... aien lfiey b·•?.io • ~, ' ~c· t>ltlo•tl!e'!Qlf" • ; 7 ,,,..i, Newport Bucll -81111 proleaatoual dlaflualoned wbeo(the)"beglo'lo the . •' ' . .i.n.ot.1 pt . ;A.eor llofion1from a ,Qitno, ~- MISSION VIEJO-Ml .. lon Vfljo.llftb • .-. -,;_,...t,llilUMillaaC1lllrcc~11Jlz1'." bo j ....,g vel.1Ddl'fi,y1to1 di\db!J the --r .. °'1"'"'....,..tllls ' licllool -are bosliog a -1, Krlamoa,ol>)eolaliloudpubllcoulcry l'TlleT._ •fnlo .<01lep be1letlriC '"IW)Wll'," '' ·, 1.• ' -A•wben:~,8-dl'IP= memberalili> meeting Tue!daJ, Sep-overllll~•Jlll advfotralthe Amel1Ca lo be a !tee, --Ht d!fC!'lboll• ~'C( &llldtull•u : ped a JI-year-old 1-Beac:h . ·-' tomb<r n Irvine campua, clelmd<d1111 membership with no burden o( lllllt'l'or the race ]lrO-falUuc' Into two cale,..... -,....,...., wa drh1llcetrolloalllr Ill 1111:• ii Those lolemted lo Joloiol the group lo the UCl chapter of the 8ludenll for a bfima we are ba•flll.-,"11< aald. llvllll and ~r ' S. CilUI lll!Jbw"1al4:•11m " , > · are invited to the 7,30 p.m. meeting In ~Uc Society alooJ wllh his ap-Aeadded,~1 thal;11thtltlld<DI '°"''.._ Kdmlan oplalned, are n..eor, -.return«f to .ltt owner, the mulUpurpoae room at the.high ochodl. • polotment to the relaUvely mluor ad· gets deeper loto !ht nation'• hlllory and the .......,II 'll'be rlaa lo a tq><cilic l/lllle. Bymn .Walaon, awn Rob! .. DriYo. - 1be club wu hmed thret yean llO lo mlclllnllve Poot-current problema ,llj ~ cr.,.a; he , bold ralllea. demooalrate and then, K the the youth -.u unable lo prodjioe ·a 1u_.i teams ind provide funds fllr ~ud the IO or IO memben of the Ell-btcomel dlalllualooOd. ,,.-. .......,.., ~· rellltll .lo their dtlVet'a~ er other Jclorjllflcadci, he alhlellc equipment not provided by the cha ... Club ol Newport Harber llla7ed "Wben he came-In_. Wll v'!(i)D-· :-P.!!T,,..,,lliitioa'-'ac•.Jflldenla. . , wuDoolred on apldw of'~ ocbooll. For !nfonnaUon call the prtll-.,.ll 11111 the ::f:" ad]oorM><DI Uma -~ bulwhali;.T,~ ... ~la.llfllMilt • ~lleeildocl;----beJcl In ~-•1111 ~enl 1111 Slaf!onl al#l-7U!. 1 lo -the loei Id, Mil-..., fl &-rape Gf tillt , t· , ~ · '(W,. hlUJ -.:.~~ parollf,lalAair~iulllllld. ·- . ' 'lnterc~pt~ ' .( . . ' . Backs Cars : --.. ~ ;._, Up ~-Miles . 'YO~(Al'J -"1,,a,uci: lllltUt ln llfalrb' qiii1Y* 'hlll• tod8J .---ilia polo! -'wldcb·lt • -out. (S. qaolall \ Piocea "' Jt), \ ~ ~ .. I t ~ ' ·t • ll'radl!ll over m'!"f! of the ....,.., - rnoderaliJy· a<lln. !1io'D<IW J..,. i.: ~ avera1a at t p.m~ -ha off'9~ •• 1111.115. . . . • • 'Orup .. j ' I . . , . ., . --• ,% DAIL V Pn.GT L ' ·• ~eary · Eviden,ce . Pie~ Complaint 3· Arrested · ' • • • ...J • • . R D~laye.d r. . ' . ' I , A SUporlor Court hearing on a motion --· bappena In llleir · ChJlp to """'* evhleftca .. !Ud •I th• Ume ot C...ty lrialt Leal')' and his wile mu>t 111t;OlfW ·tn ,Llauna Beach of Dr. face ldenucai dwgis lh RIVmkie eoun- TlrnOthy Leary and l\if f'!J!'il,y WU I~. Leary hlmaell IS cbar&iclfn that COUD- dilayed !or one · wiek.''lbunot!ay -U.. "ty with also contributlni lo lbe delin- lblrd aucb <ltl&Y of the prttrW acli911. quency It a minor, chargts stemming JJ!dt• ~a.,..; O!!lered Leary, fl'(lni 11te drowninl o1 a 17-year-old "9, li!s wll• ~. 21, ind, Ion John t.guea Beach gjrL Buall Leary, 11\ lol ntum lo court "Stpt. Leary was ordetod this week lo ·atarul 2.5. TrW ill jhe con~•IUIW trio 1-1 trial ln RI"~ ¥unlclpal. Court been Xlledulei! for'Oct. 1. December I on that cbaige. Leary denied It waa eq>'1ilned'thal attoniey Marvin. ·in the Riverside. court that be had given Oooper, r<preoentlng Jpbn ~. ~ nol the girl LSD and that lll!e was only a 111 eaulliCilnll1 ·recoverilll !rlm1 ID!. •liiht acqualnLance. iW!end 1n • .......i alilomOJllJe aqcldtol · ln~..Ugalora said lbe victim ~aa under Ii> npnieotllia youn• <llen! In OOUT!i th• inlluence of. the balllcunatory clru1 'Tiie • dllaJed ..;&. l'lferl IO _drop when sbe died in Ille )IOOl at lbe Mountlin ~1 dlttovertd by La~ Center hippie hangout e,-;;1a11.'1ltc-" -!ht. • ..... ~J\Ol!Ped and aeatclled . In Ari -~~his fam!IY are .•ccuaed or Hug_ e Rig Flips Ji!ol~ ol 011l1Juana and UD. r , Back to. Scliooz · At Niguel Site, • • Nif:~ts W ekome Driver Injured A safely belt may have saved the life Lag~" Barents ,, . Sebooi belh wm start • rin,Jng neit 'lieek for-Pfttnls of •"*"II IJL lbe X,.l!UJl&.Beadl UJIUled Scbool District. • J.oui1 Jellldns Jr., 11, ls reported In ' hu.a:e earth·moYlng rig he. was driving flipped over at a Laguna Niguel con- strucUon sJte. DAIL 't PILOT •t•ff ....... CONFRONTATION IN NEWPORT UCI Aide Mikt. Kri1m1n "Back to SChool Nlgbtl" in all schools 1(111 llvt '""""' .. opportulllty lo viii! a851l'0011\1 ·t Md-tihr tea.chm ouwne -'!"!l foil~COftlhli-1 year'.• Ba& to School adlvitles will vary ftmt school lo &Chool.'but 'all piogr&mS will begin at 7:30 p.JD:, , · '.Top </l '1!le: World• ElemenlarJ ScbOol will bOJd, itl,optn. house' Monday, .s.pt. . :12. AUil> and ·El MOITO have invited par· enti for 'lbunda,y ........ Sept. 25. Back lo Sebool Nlabt at t.guna Beach High School will be "Mooc1ay, Sept. Jt,and 'lbui>lon fnlerm<dlale Sdlool's oP<Jl bOlllO ls lot for Wednesday, Oct. t •. Two .additional orientation programs for parents ·will be held at Thurston at 9:30 a.m. 'l'uftdly, Sept. 21 and at 7:30 JUD. WedllesdlJ>, Sept. 24. Parenll and. otber Ulteruted persons aro invl1'd lo iDlpect the schools on any ol lh<ae dales. Louis Jankins Jr., 37, ls re1>9rted ir. satisfactory condition at South Coast ('.ommunily Hoapital where he is being tteate:d for cheat injuries. J~ was driving the big earth motet, Wedoe¥a,y aflemoon In a new subd!Yl,Uon '.lull aouth of Monarch Bay ~ the rl( appanmUy went out of .,... troWladlknlfed and rolled over. strapped into the cl{lver's.-1 with his safety boll, Jenkins •u held In lbe vehicle, wblcb ~-eould bave.phmed him to the ground.· . TWo Orange County Forestry units and a unit ol lbe South Laguna Fu. Dept. answered the emeraency call, cut Jenkins' boll loose and summoned ac am· bulance. The accident occurred on the landward aide ol a hllbway unclerp.lss connectlllg the subdivision wt!h lbe beach. . "He'• a lucky &UY'' wu the comment of rescuera. From Page 1 KRISMAN •.. who are 1 IJDall, polllloal rro<w who \VOl'k conatantty in the area of America'• probleml and Ibey >re those who bring the .problem up and mollvale lbe others to join in. M the ?Jlembers ut paUenUy, Krisman defended lbe SDS chapter al UC! and his woclaUon·wllh the 8l'OllP· "Evecy SDS chapter in the Unl1'd States la totally auton«moua, ao J can't defend the sos .1n general. 11 varies too ri1uch from group to group/' be said. "Bul the UC! chapter· ii composed of fine, ruc.e young people wbo lfouldn't con- done the type ol pnlnU..S disturbance which is planne,:1 for Chicago thia October by SDS members there." From PGfJe 1 "We are not trying to shut down the university to change it, ~ut if it abuts • BORDER TRAFFIC SNARLED • , , down In 1'>e .PJi>::w •. tl)<n ii'• a lllZ)Ctlon of the proce!i, • ' · , . ~ u lnelJeclual. . .. 0 Jt'• Ute trying to can cancer With an . upirin," said F;nrique S. Mayans, WlJ.. Ian! -. of the Mei!<ail Toorlsm D;portinent. "Drup Ue a worldwide problem," he conttnued. •'C'Joirin1 a few borders b not """' lo~ It., . Naima»¥> a few curoory few spot· cbeckl are done on the 150,000 vehk:lu wbich crou lbe san Diego eoooty bor<I.,. cheCkpoint weekly, b\11 Operation Inter-' c:eJ>I will clrutkally change that.· Primary cbecU a search of hood, tnmli, glove compartment and door -e~will be mandatory for every vehicle wben Ill• 2f.llour program got! Into eff~ wltbout warning. . M111power forces will be expanded when the vehicle cheeks ate ordered and ~ more secondaey cliecks-a c:om- plete abatedoWD of the auto-will go into effect Yet aorne autlfottties 11:'orider how effec- t.iv.:' ll may be. • ''Five n'.InultS .iier this lnapectlon got! ' lnb> ·lffecl ~ (the-tarpts of· !ht drug crackdown)· 9lll tnow ft;" one source , comn"nted 'l'lnlrid~7.. · , '~y'll _bav& toiqntl new rout.ea or go . out'of bu&inels.t•• , > , I Under tl)e.leis-alrlng .. t vehicular check aystem whleb' wtn "be.' In effect interinlt- tenUy alone . with Operation Intttctpt, · threO vehicles _. the· . bor<ler ucll mlilule. , . T ' Tbe prlmarJ check used '11rursday ta!ku approxim'attlyu!!<O mlnutu, there- by muUlolylng tbe· umrrequlred for an fndlvjdua} car and its J>ls.senJeTS to cross by Blx Umes. Durlng Thursda.y'11 press conference in . ,. OM~ COAn l'\lll ..... COMM"" a.ktt"" w ... I ---J1ci: •• c.,t., ... ~ ,, ........ GQtrtf IMflltlff 11r.tlJl•t ........ ·-T\•111•1 A. M9f,titlitl ~ ... lidit,.I P, Ntll ..__ ... ----211 ,.,... """· M1ln*f M4r-1 P.O. lu 16' t26SZ --(#a .... , .. ""'' ... "'-' ~ .._.,, nn Wiii ..... ..,, .... ,. ................... , . He said the UC! conUngenl ol student Los Angelo, Deptlt1 Atwmey General activists are not nlhUist!. "but lnsiead Richard G. Kleindlonst sald'lbe program they want lo ... lbe un1:ers11y alter In hu two primary 1oala: · batore." -"One. we hope to drive the price of Preparing the conservaUVeJy-oriented marijuana beyond the reach ol ~ audience be said "I don't .......... you of young people. ' ~.,.-.. ... . -'"Two, we hope to tet the cooperation genUemen to defend an~ ac~ona or the or the Mexican aovernment in a drive Repabl.lcan Party, so don t expect me to against the aources of the drua." . defend ~ the activities !>f ~ SDS.'' . 'Ille land ptwe Is only one aspect or Touching on his particular job at the the federal crackdown on millioas of l!niversl~ -an appalntment which bas dolJJra In llleaal cirup and lbe fresh d~~wn lire from many Orange Countj-'· crop or inarljuana now poised to be c1v1c groupi -he said that it is not ...,ggled acrou !ht 2,500-mil .. tong flnenced through tu money. border. "My job, basically involves advising . Yapkee ueera aet *> percent of iL · studenta as to which faculty advisers and Aa:lal IW'Veillance sytlema are beiDg coursea they should have to complete set up to track planes sneaking drufS their majors. over tht border-flying below aea level 1n "It is not supported by tax money it is so!Tie strategic desert canyons-and pur· paid for through student fees, paid' each suit planes will be used . quarter. The. students and faculty support .~!al patrols~y the U.S. Coast.Guard me, and unlil they decide otborwlse, I ~tU ge tougher on small boat lMpeC· believe J should keep the job 1• lions, with cutters and n1ft Navy PT Afte h' h t I ' boat.! to be used irt cha.sing down s~ r lS s or , (ornla speech, Ex· peeled amugglen chanie Club members grilled Krisman AutboriUes 00 bOth sides at the bordu, for more than, an ~ur •. however, fear · the economic pres.sure T.hey wei:en t as v1.sceral as expected. brought to bear on the 6111ugglers and Jack King , assistant principal at inter,naUonal dealers may cripple the ~o~ona d~I ~1ar High School asked legitimate tourist industry first Krisman if he knew of any actlvilm Many Mexican! depend on U.S. dollars brewing on area high scN>ol campuses. for their livelihood and the stringent Krlsman's answer was blunt. border cro5.'ing rtfUlatlons may discour· ''If I scare you, then you should meet age thousands of "Yankee visitors from some of the high school students these going to Baja California. days. Alan McGte'9,, San Diego Chamber of "I know o( several schools In the area Commerce community relations manager where the students are interested in set· ~lso noted Thursday that Mexica~ vi~ ting up programs e~amining con· 1t0r1 ~ an estimated $94 tnlllion m temporary American society," Krisman San Dtt1e al~ each year. said. .Joint discussions with the Melican gov· ernment,bave led to an oUer by the U.S. He cited Laguna Beach, Corona del to aupply sophiSticated equipment lnclud-11-tar, Costa Meaa , Marina and Santa Ana iri.g sensor, devices which can 1nilf out high schools. rriarljuana and oplum poppy fields from He said that the SOS will make airct'aJt flying above. available its own newsreel films showing Mexican ' author:ltiea have ienerally the student side of campus disorders. It pledged their support and will be watch-also could provide speakers for the high mg OperaUon lntercept's progress Jn the school students. months ahead, with another iilternaUonal What is in store for the University in con ference in Washington 1et for years to come in the area of student J 8DU8J}' • unrest? Newport Center To Show Cars Worth $500,000 Linc up every brand-new car tn the Harbor Area and lhe collection wouldn't be worth t"wo tilts comptrtd to • fleet of automobiles to be seen Saturday tn Newport Beach. • A dlsplay includ.lng SO vintage :ind modem vehicle. worth more than a half mlWon dollart wlll'1>e shown bqlnnlng at 10 1.m. ln the Newport Center Mall. The occaslm ts a Premiere Concoun of the Amtr!cu, --by the Soulbern Ca!Uomla Centre ol the MG car Club of caus.mta. Six cl..,.. have been .,tabllsbed for judging, trom c1anlc ears of vlnta1• age to modern 1ptcW intereat can, ·all corn- pelillll lot the lop show IWlr<I, the Avenue ol CbamplOOI Trophy. The public Is lnvl1'd lo lbe dasilina dlspla,y of automotive ncellence, each ol the --b7 lnfitalloo "'111 .... conllJll to Qlllnnao Piii! ii. GIWoo. · "The new master plan for higher educaUon will draw some strong at- tention," he saTd. tie said studenta moie and more will advocate merger of I.he st.ate colleges with the Unlvenity of Callfornla and hav- ing one board of re.gents: for botJI. He said students also will press for In· c~ased percentages of new students who do not meet the academic standards tor admi ssion. This ran four percent o[ new students will be admltt..i without po$S<ssing the fonnal academic standards for Jd· misslun. ''I think the students wm:tld tilte to see an even greater percentage. "This wiU be a very important battle, and I think that defense-related research wln persist as another strong isaue at UC!." The member&' questiona were brisk, sometimes acld, but never brutal. The wtll dressed bu1lneumen wm more inqultltJve than ho&lile. And as they filed out. one member se:t the tenor of the ctub'• attitude toward Krisman. "l want t.o thank you for 1pe:r.kin& here today. ..You did 1 aood Job -even 1f we ~with w&alr say.'' • Rrohe Ordered In Laguna For Theft Following complalntl by 1 charier boat 1k!ppe~ ,that newly relnll>fCed Plilnga In Iha San Clemente pier are damqing boats, the San Clemente Clty Council Wednesday night lnatnicted C it y Manager Ken Carr to investigate the pro- blem, alq-with City Engineer Phil Pe,ter and the coatractor bandllng pier r.lialn. tn • letter to the council, Tbomu Laurie, c~ptain of ~ Mustang, referred Laguna Legion Given Awards L<guna Beach American Lelllon Poot 222 picked up two more awards at last week'• Diatrlct l9 Legion meetiq in NM>Ort Beach. .~ James Fisk Amettcanl.sm •nard and a second award for the post's Child wel!are program, were presenU!d by Department Commander Jim Gilbert Past Commander O. W. Price accepted in bche.IJ of Commander Lesley G . Chatham. who was unable to attend. Earlier this year, Post m received awards for outstandlng c o m m u n i t y service and for VA Hospital volunteer work. Next Thursday at 6:30 p.m. the local post and Its auxiliary will honor delegates to Boy and Girl States and their parents at a potluck dinner. • to "potentially disastrous condlUonl" that bad alttady mulled In ~~ to boatl from exposed •le<l roc!s In the .,... · cret.e rein!orcement.e. In one instance, a~ . Two.HuoUnaton Beacb men and a com· broktn rod penetrated a cabin window, he p.anlon from Long Beach were arrested asserted. by Laguna Beach police late Thunday Councilmen were asSured by dty staff on cbarges of grand theft committed iii• members that Laurie'• repot\ wll 116-= -"'littnUngton Beach aqeraled" but they stld 1 prob\lm ·~ · · ' at.st with regard to the five bumper plJ;r Booted In Lquna and turned over to ings at lhe end of the pier where pleuure H'P1t.iJJ&lon Beach authorities were Louis boats dock. "U sufficleot curing Ume had Thomas Valente, 19, of Rock Falls, lit. been allowed for the coore.te, the situa· Albert ChJl'les Elliott, 21, and Jeffery lion might not have developed,'' said Paul Reed, 22, both of 416 9th St., Hunt· Carr. ington ~ch. . He has &!lked Don Hansen, owner of Travelers checks in the amount of $120 San Clemente Sportfishing Inc. to and numerous credii cards traced to · a present a list of thinp he believes should Huntin.&t9D Beach grand theft victim be done to improve the boat docking were found in their posses,,ion by Laguna area, Cart added. Beach police, officers claimed. Hansen yesterday described the situ•· The three were sto~ in their vehicle. tion as "nowhere nell' as dramatic as at LI Brea Street and N. Coast Highway painted." at.11 :05 p.m. Thur&day after police re- "Tbere.'s oo danger of anyone losing bis ceived. a report that three men bad been tile," Hansen told the DAILY PILOT, ®"rved with a gun in their car. Search· "but there's room for improvement and I 1!18' roc the gun, which was not found, po. will make some suggestions 88 requested lice ~urned up the travelers checks and by the di)' mADlger." credit cards. A check with Huntington Work on renewal of 49 or the pier's 100 Beach police revealed that the item.I had pili~s was ordered by the city to prevent b~ r~ported stolen by a grand theft further damage by sand borfrs and v1cUm lD that ma. strengthen the pilings agalolt wave ac· tion 8' wtll as the insect Invasion. So far 17 pilings have been reinlorced with steel mesh and concrete, surrounded by plastic sleeving, including the five non-bearing bumper pilings in the dock· ing area. Hohn to Join Panel Discussion Dana Point Scout Troop Honors Its First Eagle Laguna Beach Councilman Roy Holm Saturday will be part of 12-panel di9Cusslon at the University of California, Santa Barbara Campus on problems fac· i.ng Californians. . The discussioru:. sponsored by the Plan- ning and Con!ervaUon League bead· quartered In San Fran~o. wW •range through topics such as planning, en- vironmental problems of many types, beach access and acquisition and open spaces. Boy Scout"'Trocrp 4.11 of Dana POint has its first Eagle Scout ..and a new acout· muter. Zack Loulddes advanced to the highest rank in scouting Thursday night during a Court of Hobor at Richard Henry Dana School. During the evening ceremonie3 ;t- tended by scouts, scouting officlala and parents ,Scou tm asterHa r ry Wolsenholme, also Maj. Wol!enholme, announced be is being sent to Vietnam by the U.S. Anny. Ted Olson will ta_ke ov;r u acout- master for Troop 411. othet scouUng ad- vancements ind awards during the c.ourt of Honor ·wer,e: -Kenneth Regier Jr.; senior patrol leader and merit badges. -Martin Baker; Life SC'out, two-year pin, assistant senior patrol leader and merit badges. -Michael Wolsenholme; Star Scout, three-year pin and merit badges • -Doug Heanman; instructOr, three. year pin and merit badges. -John Kruse; First Class Seoul, palrol leader. four-year pin and merit badges. -Arthur Baker; Second CJ ass Seoul, assistant patrol leader end merit badges. -John Altemarano; Scribe and merit badges. -Robin Beamon, Librarian and merit badge. -David Relier: Secto:l eta.as Scout. -Mark Loukldes; Second .Class Scout, assistant patrol leader. WINS EAGLE HONOR Zack Loukld11 -Steve Chapman; Second Class SCout. -Richard Sagon; Second Class Scout. -Martin Olson ; Second Class Scout. -Kevin Kruu; Two-year pin. -Joe Cameron; One-year pin. -~1ikc Chapman; Tenderfoot Scout. Holm's panel wlU take on water pollu· tion control. He was active in the coastal fight that baa been carried on against off. shore drilling and exploration following the Santa Barbara disuter. Holm will be In the company of persons like Assemblyman Alan Sieroty, D-Bever· Iy Hills, chainnan of the Assembly Sub- committee on Conservation and Beaches. It was before this committee meetini in Newport Beach last December that the Salt Creek controversy first 1pilled over. The panels will include many other state legislators, municipal authorities from many fieldls, educators and scien· u.ru. . ; The ~s .. are public. The 'IO registration' fee includes I u n c b eon • Reglstralion is at 8:~ and the pa!lel sessions last through the day. 'Moods' to Play After Grid Game The outcome. of tonight's football opener !or Laguna Beach Hlgh School will be either mourned or celebrated to Mood music. Moods is the name or the band that will play at a student dance immediately after the game with Katella at Guyer Field. Admission is so centa wltH a &tu· dent body card or 75 cents without. The daoce, in the girl's gym, will end at 11:30 p.m.1be Moods appeared on the aoss City television &bow. Proceeds will go to the senior class coffers. September Special SPICIAL $ 149 llGUl.AR '"' 10.60 6l'.ASS TOP lAILt, II" THICK '-lfllDr •trlt4 ... ~ ... ,,..oly 4miled. ,_,, 11 Illa ""'"' fa e tloa top 1aMo. Doll~ mlM • .. ,..,.."' ,. .......... It • ra••na•la J!riet. ·-·Io Th I'olowlq ........ , Aotl.•• Geld -Old Spmihlt -Dis-...! ()Iyo_--~ !rit ._ --""""" Y ...... ¥ IEXCLUSIVI DIALIRS FORI HINR~DON-DIWCl~-HIRITAOI NIWPORT IEACli 1727 w ... <1111Dr.642,2050 Ol'lll NIDAY "JIL t INTDIOU P-lonal Interior Otllgntrs Av11f1bl ...... ID-NSID LAOUHA llACH w ... "" Cold Hwy. OfDI ..... , "fl\ ' ..... tel ......... o...ee c...., ..... 1161 ' 7 ' 7 I ' • --· - . yol. 62, N6. 225, ~ S~TION~, :.z, P~~ES; .. ' HIDAY!-~ It, 19't ... ' .. .. • " •. . ; ·-I ' -. Newpo~t ·Rier Owners May Pay Tidelallds Ta~· Br JEROME F. !;OLLINS 01 11111 OtlW ,, .. II•" I Newport Beach municipal govmunenl lhoold charge all pier owners In ~eWp,ort Hllrbor an annual Uddarlj'.fs use fee of .tl f~ each loot of boa\ sUp, a City eoUncll c:ommltte< recommende<j today. An estimated 4,000 piers. Including .,ine. 2,000 resiitenfial piers, would be af- fected by 'lhe proposed levy. The recommendation caps 1 two-year 1tudy by the committee. ' . • ' • C(Jlllldttee'a "exhf~" de.Uberations : -"Peraons w.bo..dDltrJcl and maintain piers and floata·ovet pdbllo<Ude ml sub- merged Janda are enjoyln1 a bendicill privilege." · -· · -'.'Per.:ms ,llvJ.na on the waterfront, regardleas ol wbelbtr they. bave plm and !lolls;""' and6u11Ud'1 p&1lll( b1'he< properiJ. luOI for thla prt;ilege ••• Tiiis greattt a.......t value al wa-t pro. perty is a flloctlon al aeveral enbancJn& factcra. However, neither ownenhip of , . . '' s ·DSer Baclis Role DAILY PILOT lllff ,_.. CONFRONTATION IN NEWPORT UCI Aide ·Mik• Krlsm•n VCLA Communut May Take Heat Off Kruman Case BJ THOMAS FORTUNE Ot Jiit Dlllt ,lltt lllff Some of the heat might be taken ofr of the hiring of . SOS leader Michael Krisman by UC' Irvine. UC regents in their closed execuUve session today wlll also take, \IP the more explosive case of an avowed communist instructor at UCLA. The case of Angela Davis, 25-year-old acting assistan~ professor of philosophy is the more explosive for several reuons: -In the first place, the ~ls have a policy against hiring comnWnwa.. but none on hlriug_ members of Studenti f« a Democratic Society (SOS). -Miss Davis is an iostru~r: 'Krlsman 11n administrator. Regents Jast JPring reclaimed: final say on the hiring ol in. struct.on. Authority for h1rln& ad- minlstraton is delegated to the chln- cellors. -Miss Davis, prior to being hJnd, w1s a favorite graduate studenl under con- troversial "new left" philosopher Herbert Marcuse al UC ~ Dle~o. Krisman in Newport Talk By JOHN VALTEl\ZA "If nothing Is done about it~ tradl· °' "" Diii• '11•' 1"" tlonal channela, then the 1 nts aet Michael Krl!iman, 27. embltllei:I ad· oiganlzed among thanselvu. try to viler at UC Irvine. Thursday stoutly solve It lhat way." 1 defended his auocialloos with the 8ludent Htf dtscrlbed these types ol students u activist movement before a field of falling into two' categories -macroac- Newport Beach buslneu 1od professional tivista aQd, microactivisls. men. The macros, Krisman explaloed,' are Krisman, object of a loud public outcry the students who rise lo a speclUc issue_, over hlJ appointment 8JI an adviser at the hold rallies, demonstrate and then~ if the Irvine-campus, defended hls membership problem subsides, they return to · tbdr in the UCI chapter of Ult Students for a dally routine aa average stjJdentl. DemoCratie Society along with his ap. The nticroactivistl, he add~, are those pointment to the relatively minor ad· who are a small. political group who mlci5traUve post. work constantly in the area of Amerlcl'1 And the 50 or 110 members of the EJ:. cl>aoge Club of Newport Harber llloyed problems and they art those wbo brlq well paat..lbe ~ ~~ tima the problem up and molivatt lhe othen \ IO Ilea< lbe lnn&-l>al!o4. . ..U-ouured son lo· join in.' of ao Army colonel dt<c:rlbo the·......, A> the memben sat fl"ilt11Uy, Krisman behind 1io<!ent l!IJl:llllt on com-today. defended lbe SOS.chlpta ll•UCI l!ld·blo "'ll>ese>.-come lnlo co0qoo ·and woclaUon with the ,....,_ . . , unimlltiet _ ol~· • .,uc:t, ~•er "EY.ery 1SPll ~-i!I ~ iy1t11ot1 ~-~ =.~e~ .. ='~'1Jr.i:=~~~· ~when 1lleJ lo bear lbe m•!d! -~~ · .•. :.:.-:.~118~ -~ n.:.~,._a.,.:-~-.a ~:~·!t!r~t"U:J'i..-~t'~~l:'m bl;,,m .l" ~ ~~-.~lie Cf°' by Sill mm'IWt....,.. ' lie ~er, lbal 11 lbe llUd<nt "We m not tr,~ lo jbdl _.,.,. • geti ~ W. lbe nalloo:• biatoty and UJilveratly' lo 't.llaijt Hi 'but JI II - Curreilt problemr lo collega .._., be down In tbe ~ theo 11'1 o -becomet disilhWoned. of the proceu." : "When be eame· lo be WU \'ti')' In-He said lbe UC! oanlioiem of -noctn~. bot what hlppt111 Iller In college acUvlata are not nihlllals, ''bul 11mttad is • r.ape ol tbat innoeence~" they want to ice the unJVe.rr.lty liter In He said that when st\Jdents become nature." ' . ' oulNlpl 1111 opedlte laaue and the)o -Pl'tolrllll lbe conoervatlVely.oi:lontod a IOluUon within the 111~ "-y of audletic:e, lie said "l don1 uped you the peopje he bl:I !or help are not u gtDUemen to defend alHhe ICti<ms al lbe ..-..<! u he la." (Boe IJWIMAN, Poat II Heroin P:eddler. Suspe~ts Arraigned in Mesa-€ourt A l'WP ol auapected beroln dealers at• rested Wednaday by Nlt qenll wllo raided a Costa Mesa apartment waa ar. raigned today. following issuance of crlmioal C<1Dplalnta by lhe orange Coun- t)' Dlslrlct Atlornty. Preliminary bearlni "" expected lo be set !or next Friday in Harbor Judl.d41 District Court for the four men and ODe WOllllD• cl>upd with three _a .. of· l!lllel. Tbedtlaldonls""' i..ur-.w.-Luc:as, NEW YORK (o\PJ -Tbe llloct man'et moved lo I lalrlJ lllllOW°nllP· today and eloeed near the point from wblcl> It .started 1'1L (Ste quotatiom, Pages 10. II). 21, and bis wile J""1Y, ll>, ol l!tl Vlclorla St., Costa Meaa, OW-lei W. Muterl, 20, of lCO Fem.leaf Ave .. Corona del Mar, Robert B. Slens, II, ol 111774 Cambtldge Lane, HuntlnglOn Beach and Gary AnnJ. jo, 11, of 3039 Clubhouse Circle, Colla M018. State agents who raided tht Loc111 home said counts 11alns! lhe Ove adultl lncltlde poooe-ol ben>ln for aalt, -Ion ct dangerous dr\118 and _ ... "' .-tjuna. • Conlr•--at Ille low....t<etxn· pies freq-by hl~ loc:lntled 20 pac:te\I al ltiroin, a titiule ct am- phetamlnt pilli, l't!O Ull lablets,ud • amall imounl al~ marlJuaM. • Four leeilllod 11Dy10lndudlng one 'with ntari1 st ~ on hll mn in. dk:oting 'druc lajOctlon, were aJeo ar- rested a1 the "'"""""'1 pac1 ...,.... an 1pparen1l7 ltncl. .Huge .Narco Search .. ' • j , I , .... -• • "' lm-rla a l>urden tbored '1 tba enUrt pubUc:• .. # -"In view cl the; fact Iba\ the ·pier owner la.• lyli.tlme bene!ic:)arJ al. barbor. uses at -eipense f<I ol/iei: momliera ol lht """Uc .. II'• ..zy equllaibla lbal Ille general ;olllJc: be relmbtlrltd IO-••- ltnt In ketplng with the spirit of 1he lldelandl trust." ......... The dty adlnlni!ters the• ~ under a 40-ytar<ld graot from lht otate. Pl'nona' . "llte did "·"'''"'-'"-• commi """'-.... ~~~ ar ; Jams .. -Border • • f ' -Miss Davis is a militant black who has stroog support Crom . UCLA black 111tudenlll And raculty members. UCLA Chancellor Charles Young has warned Iha< lhe·dismlssal of Angela Davis will cau,. a row that will m.U Ibo loyalty IJ.AllTlll/l\. IL VINllEI. lal•"loiJ!•!orte. ' • ~to ...,. nclllertd by -d lla :M-llollr _ ... -Into oath 118ht o/ lhe early ll50s lool: lib I .... _ --Molcriltaenlcrln(Mellcefcrllqipln1 emp!O)ao •ai bolb, ~"' ~·bonlu . -·-•amlllJ. Sunday achool piclllc. 'l'lle-milllllell <liiij•lp qalmt In-or weelalod Inn ...,. be'r"ll'Jlnd lo odd and a lop llexkon kJur111 ~.,. aeol· ·......,.... f...-·be .-- But althoogb it may be ov.-..S. triilliiiiliMiiJlilc...,.Cliganllodwu . -·•te·thelt -II Ibo ltd at lbe _ _. .... _ a1n-.u.a wtien'llie~dieebar•oril.ndlft!I the Krbnutn cue la upected lo be porllaUy telled °l'IOlndly, Cl'tltinl a 'll'Onl predkllona....,. true. •~-_,~.~ v,,... 111111)' more ~ ~ ....,. rive at Ill declalon. One member el-lte thrtt-man conuniuie, • CouncUmaA !'4 Hirth, made thla 9.ear by•fillng a mlllld- 1)' report. ·He said he' obj<c:ted '!J Iii phllosopby ol irltposlo(, Ille levlri io1J against pier' ownen, Wbtn : Jm'if per«ntai• or; tltl<lmta -.: ·Mw' ii: swimmers, fishermen and ~ boat ........ WOllld ..., .. f-_, mates It discrimlniloty/' l>! ~"'0.-:- ln addition, lioat ~I ~ (Ste PIQ.'PEl!;, l'oir1) --. --... =. ---~~ . ' ' .WMCller di..,,,...S by regenla today. Stalo glanl train. Jam at Ille Jle:dcan border "SUppooe It lakes -le Ill< lo etpl w_..,.. _ _,_, __ .. piett -al llla·-" lnlo Superintendent ol Public lnsl<uctlon llll · u UJI. Mtoml ~--every houn lo .,._ the border!" a .....,... -~n'rllh "1111( lo curt Cltleer"tr\111 ID did --r _....,_ • Ra[feify h8S &aid he will bring the~ llnglevthlcle !or~f'.'l'lllllrlJUana. aallod ~ T. l!Daldu, ~ ~Ja,•('ja]d'll:hrique &•Mat-Miii-. Ylt oomoauthorllla-bow dleo-• ter up II no one else does. • ir-w111 f-duriiW'tbe ~ ~Of Ille lluaury. Ian( '4ile<tor of the MU!can 'l'ourllm U,., K ...,. b<. ' ! Krisman. 27, Is the former student body )lr1cllco· ""' ~ ~ 1JJ1m<P1, "It fnl1 "IQ lako m lo eJihl houn.'" ~porlmlnl. • • , · · "Five mlnules, aftalthlo·""'1""U011 pa , president active in sos. hired ~ulj I "' wi8dl Wt?. r.rm.u, ... -mlltn( lie ..,,iw . . "Dnlp ' ld\nae ...;;.!em'"' he ". lnlO o!locl·~ (the ........ o/ ll!e1dnll coordin•IOr of a""d<mlc advli!nf· Ht far w-lravel "111'0bitmi than Theln..;,io!<JP.etaUontni.;o< -••" ~.•.;,a!ew~.b nol ::':::l~ II,"~""""'" visited Qiba I•!\ Christmas vac:•Hon and ThUl'ld&y'1 city -J ... tgrwth al l'mldtrit N-I ~ ~.j;'" 11op .11.''o • , _ '"~F IO ~ ,,.,. ,...,_ ir I" &peab •ell ol Fidel Castro whom he. Cart were backed !JP for more than declfttd Wai1 .. ~tratqc ii pod ~ a ftW C\U'IOl'.J' ftw loot OU ol " • """l lwk:e m•L fl1tte mlleo lnlO' Meslc6 'lr\Xn lhe •San -but llf em.I '!' verlil 1o!1n1an "*"1 ,,,.• dooa on· the t!O:Ollo ..itlcla Uod<r ·~-.,. dltU · The slot.wide V""ng R.,,ubllcan& Yolctio b6nltr -kp&liil durlnl the I ~-~ol !'."~--11 ~ho·. which, -Ille l!ilii DlitJO' CqonlJ'IJ9nier .... .., wblch wlll be In e!fec:t lnl«!nlt-COltl t.feu Chamber of Comrhf:ret. and a.m. to 7 Lm. rulh bour. ~·~...,. m'll:-...w na-w ~...o.il.., but ~ u <vi" ""- Locu"" Hills Kiwanis Club. among AqthorlU.. wf10 alqtd .a preas ...,. c:roll Oie lntematlonal -~with ·~lni~ ~-:i:: Inter-~ ~:"'!.. ~~-.r:i; olhm. baVC e&lied for his dtsmissaJ. ference ln Lot Anlelel later in the dlJ their IO-Cllled ll'ff!I. c:arda, 10 eboc:b-a otlidl cl • boocl, tnmute.' ; I ' M!l8 Daviswuhlt<d lut IPl'lnc. When ..W ,..prloo lo llblr lo Ile! mud! UM& 11111.-1i 1o~.,.. Ille for trant, llt!!I --·•lidl"""Jll.. The primary cllect -uad '?bundly (S.. COMMUNIST, P11• II _,.•hen tbe aolJ.4nlf c:&111palp -Jobi. ell-w!D .flio IDlllllaf«)',!Gr ~volllclo (S.. BOllDEJI, Pap I) ' ' .. 'i ..... "" .. J -. • . ~ ~ ---· -· _,..,:., ______ _ -- ' II l 2 D.<l\.Y PILOT ·-~ Pqe J-_ pJER~FEE ... DAli..Y PILOT ltltr ....... Spirited S0ng11tre1111e11 ' ·N~w ·~~gstresses· for Orange Coast College pack plenty of 'Pirit. Sobg girls ready to lead the high notes and loud notes are (clockwise from fiont) Kathy YurenKa, Carolyn Kato, Janet Coontz, Nancy Lar~on, Marty Rainey, Cberyl Bruce and Maureen Teeter. Frona Page 1 KRISMAN DEFENDS SDS ••• . -. . . _ .. GOP Chi~£ Ford ,...,.......,.,._ - Says .J~iXon !sks A~ijQQ · ~n Bills Republican Party, so don'I upect me t<> defend all the activities of the SDS ... ToucliJns on his particular job al the unlvmlfy -an appoinlmenl wbld> bu ~',lire !fom -Oraqe County dffi! piPJI'~ be $lid, thal It I.I nol ~ !lmlgb tu '""'l•Y-~lfii· jq~ ~ ,loVolvl!t ldvillng sll!d'"" • to w~ llqllly edvflen and ·-. Ibey aboul<I' hive lo complete tbtf> majors. •11 ll·liOI supported by tu·money, ll ls ~ !qr tbroogb student 1Je1, paid eaeb /iui!:IU:Tbe ltudents and !acuity support me, and unlll they decide otherwise, I beUeve I ehould keep tl!e job." ~ hl,o short, formal 1peech, Ex- change Club members irlJJed Krtsman for-more than-an.hour. _ _ . _ They weren't a• visceral., upected. Jack King, aaal.ltanl prlnc1paf . al Corona del Mar High Set>ool ulu!d Krimlan If be knew of any lcilvl.lm brewing on area high scN>ol campuses. Krisman's answer was blunl •--· · · "If I aeaie you, then you al!ould meet WASnmGTON (AP) -ff o u oe some of the high l!Cbool lludents lhese &publlcan leader Gerald R. Fon! of days. MJchtfin said today Presiden_t Nixon "I 'know of several schools in the area wanu: congres&lonfl a_ffiQn on all hAs 40· where the studenls are Interested in set-~~~.~ ~~--~are ting · Up 'Pfograma ei:amining con· "'t""-........ temporary Am~n society,11 Krilman not cooperalllig as, the GOP thinks they aid sboqid a . ·, "~• -~He f'ited -1'.aguna Beaei>,·Corona de\ Ford~.~~a!(oR !~\low ll Jqng tsr Colla Mesa, Martna l!J1 Sa i. Ana White ~~~~' .~ f ~ghl I gt{ oC!toola. " ' . 1•• =:r llltt~"111;..l\: :~ ' cffe ,Nld ljlal jpe SD6 1Will).\l\lke mllilati'1U011 ofliclala. • I avallable Its !"'" newmel ftlms aoowlng Fotdald the greai.est em~is WU Oft the !tudent s1~e of caJ.DPUS disord~rl. It aime 60nl/or Jegl!TaUO!!, drill .re!ohri ; also Could ,providthope&m>,lor Ille blgh .... ~~-""'\tllh • 'Illl!li-,.;,~ -··-. . : ·---·-~of the Iatie.r. Whal 11 In 11tort for the University in ,But F~ t.old rtporters: "The con., ~w'I' to oome In the area of atudent cliWon Ja that the admJnistratloll 14Jill· unresl? . . action on the whole program, ol\ In ef·tb¢'' :l1'f'he )neW · fna!t.er plan for higher. vprious propoeals." -• · ' ~Uon will draw some strong at: : , ·:. •• · ti':n.U '"he,sald. ,.,' ·\~·i ~r.· .) ' ~ '\h! nkl·muitents ·more and•' wnt Air Board Okays aitvocate mO(ger of the .iate coOege• . ~with Jl: Univeraily of Cal~o'l!lt..~ hav- N al .. c ·~, ~~·ialr";t~e::s.: .:tr.r:1n. atur -~as ar ·~)iercentag•• oipew stud'en!swbo SA~ (UPJ).-A natural&•• powered <#(. ro\JN1 onio qajlf~" higbwaya ~'l ~I\ ,f:direc.t chahen&e~t9 '' ~ at<am aod eltCjtjc-en~ m111ut'a~turefs · · · *·*--* ' Frl.1it •Page 1 ' . I • ' tn the rac« (o product a smog free COMMUNIST autDmobile. l. • . • 1 • • • • The new fuel system was appro\ted by the Air , tResoufoes.... Board a-b d reparts that ·ab,e ii a Communi!t J>arty d~ Thursday tor ·Gov. Ronakt · member reached regents they· instructed , Reagan and other state officials. · Chancell(ll' 'Young to put the questloD to , Robert w. Mc.J,obu, ,c o n s u· l t I n g her. · engineer for .P.~~. Lighting s~t.em. Her answer~" •• ·• without walv'!'J my developer of the mel.hOd of convertina a objections to the question posed, my regular engide to natw:aluft. 6, said the answer ii that I am now a member of the .1...... ' ,..._mu·'~ Party." ~vtrsion W\IWU co.sl.abo m. ...v1n '"""~ Tbe·regents' pOUcy agalnsl hiring Com- munists' dates to 1949, but it has never ~ tMted·Jn court.· Jn &lmilar cases in DAILY PILOT J1e\ R. C.rf..., other states the U.S. Supreme Court has · declared iuclt ,pOUcles iiid laws wi- cobstltut.IORal. • I ' ' llobert Siqleton; dil'eelor o! the Afro- Amerloan Sbldles Center at UCLA, Thursday following a .regents committee meeting called the policy "a patemalisttc effort to prescribe for lhe black com• do not meet the academic standards for admlsslon. This fall four percent of ..,. lludenl.I will be admJUod wllboul poesesslnJ the formal academle -ataodards fi1t ad- miWon. "l lbinl: the sludelllt would like to ... .an even greater pen:«uge. · "Thi.I will be· 1 vtry hn)lOrlOni''baWe and> I ltiln): ihal clel.n...r.i.t.d .ft.earch will• persist u llJ()lber mma i9luO at UCI." • • The iJ>emhen' qu..lions Wm! bri.lk, som<Uinea acid, but never bnML · Tbe JVell druaecl buaJ.Deili;leo · were more inqUlilUve lbin hoolllt, And 11 tliey tiled out, one member ael the tenor ol 1be-clvb'• attitude -Krlnnan.' . "!want to lbanlt yO. for 'l'"lllnl llere today. ' "You did a good job -even if we disagree witb what you say." · Newport Center To 8.llo,\r · Ca1'S : • · w. ~rt4 $"$()9;000 • tine Q_P,~every brand-new car in the ·mtoor Alta ind the collection wouldq'I fie' 'worth two bltl compared to·• fleet ol automoblles to be seen Saturday in Newport J!eid>. . . . · · · A clllplaj_ll!cludlng.'llO vfuiale,.'.and modem vehlclea worth more than a 'half mtltion dollars will be ll!own begtnnlJlif al JO a.m. tn l)iJ Newport Center MalL ; . TtJe-CICC&llon is a fremlere Concours of the "8itr\c!U, QOlllO!Jd by th< So\llllern g:fil~:: ~tre of ~ MG Car Clu.b of · Six ~ have been established. for Judi\nt !(om classic CarS of vtntag• age to' modem special h)tere,st,; <:ars, all com- JK!tlng . 191 ~e · top s~Q'r award, the Avenue bt Champio~. TroP~Y· · -public :1.1 inVlted to th< dazzltng dilplay of .autometive txteUence, eac;h ol the cars entered by ln\tltllUon only, 8c- conling to CbRimlan Paul M. Gleuon: County Flights . Hearing Starts Ttie. prehearlna Conference ol lhe ~late Pul>lic VUllUe1f Commission on ap. plicatlons by two. airlines for new flight:I oqt of Orange Counly Airport storied 11!15 morning, a day 'late.' l'be.PUC member's delayed the session a day. tt orlgirlallY was scheduled for Tburs4ay in !he State BUlldfng in San Ftancfsco. · Newport. ·Beacli't 'Assist.ant City At· tomey Tom Woodruff and Phil Be~ tehcourt, administrative assl!tant to the city mAnager, attended the conferetice this morning. They were expected to protest the bids • easefir~ ... unrealistic • Ci~ims . Saigon'~. Thieu ,, s>.100!1 <AP> -Pr"idenl N1UY•n N9W "'J'blett rejected -today 1s .. not reall.rtic" any propo.sal for an immediate ~fire as the first step toward a Viet· , ~ peace .. ~~ Sud> a plao· could ~an to a!!Ojlw ll6rel, be ad!. t ™eu a,lso declared that.the wlthdl'awal of 80,000 U.S. troops from South Vietnam this year was ba&ed solely on judgments tb.at South Vietnamese forces could take over thlt much mtll'f: of the fIPUng task. He ad<ltd lhat In lh< !ulure, additional troop pullout& will be based more on two oUlef criterta agreed U)JOO by himself and Prisldent Nb:on -the level of enemy bfWtlltld lcilvlty and ~ in tho Parl.I· puce talklL • "Thal ts a prmiilt of tho U .&. 11ovem- ment Iowan! the Vlelllameoe """"'" -~~ 'nlku llld. . ' ' . . Parents ; . ' I Thieu's comments were f'n reply to qutsUont from fom'-Vi e-'t'n-1me1 e newsmen ln the opening program wtekfy radio-television show c&lled "People Want .lo Know." The show lwas 'taped id , advance. • Discussing a ceaserfil'e Thieu · clear:ly sought to put an end to reports that the Saigon government has been considering a battlefield cease-fire plan as a first move toward peace. In so doing he alluded to the recent vis.it by repfesentaUves of a private Americ,an committee which advocates a ewe-llre In wbld> all parllea would .top shooting and "freae" in place, with a ntuttal, aij·Aalan comtnlttee moving in to ovtrsei· tho ee-!fre pmdlng • palilleal l!Oltlelnenl baaed on !roe eleettona. ''I mD!I oey !bat th<y .are nol realistic," 'lllleu ~ ,.id. 'll\ltll Hid Ibero could be no cease.·fire without advance auarantees ot' a peace.ful solution, the regroupmenl of forces in South Vietnam and the withdrawal of "the aggresaiv. troops," meaning the North Vietname!JI!. • ,.. ~ tbtn, be said, ''we begin with the cease-fire ... a! the first step to end' the war." The president said that no cease-fire should permit the enemy to achiev e their plot of "talk and fi&ht, as experienced before in Korea." "To cease fire and to sit there for lhree or four years and not find a solution, while th< Coinmuni.11.1 profil aod upand their mWtary force and in,filtrate more and terrorize more, this cease-fire would be detrimP.Dtal to us." ht said. Ara immediate cease.fire would have to be accomplished by an .immediate with(lrawaJ of troops, Thieu said. React . to Class Laguna Gives 'Mini-course' on Propaganda Methods By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 "' 0.llJ' l'ilft Sl•ff A "minJ.courae" Jn extremi3t pro- paganda methods, presented at Laguna Beach lilgb Sch o o t this week, wu bringing e i: p e cl e d parental reac- tion today. Offered at tbe request of Interested students, the illrvey of e:dreJnl!t views of student unrest on university campues wu launched Wednesday with a balf·bour film giving a left-wing political vlew of r'.otlng at Columbia University. This waa followed Thursday with a slide program showing a right-wing political group's Interpretation of lhe Berkeley disturbances. • This afternoon, students are acheduled to meet for analylia ol the propaganda methods shown in lhe two prograrm and, according to principal Robert Reeves, di.!cuslllon of methods that might have been used to solve the campus problems other than direct confrontaUon. Even before. the brief course had con· eluded, some parenb were erpreasing fear that loo much empbasia might be given to Olle poliUcal view or the other. '"111e reason we showed extreme points of v~.'' aakl Reeves today.!' "was to make 1tuaentl aWafe Cf -'lft'opaglnda methods and to help them develop a r•· tional·-~J4.,..Wovtr~IUllJocts. We tW tlMJi>f'1A tUU~al. middle of the road view is the dealrable goal.'' History te1tller llOitFnster who briefed the studentl befare each procram, giving lhem an idea oL what to look..hr, was sclleduled to lead lllls afternoon's d15euSllon. -- The PfOP41•nda unit wu the second in a projected series of "mini-courses" in subjects of particular interest t o students. Part of the new student-in- itiated currlculum, lht mini-courses, which may last f.tom one day to stveral, are presented during the school's rour study hall periods, each attended by 20 to 30 students. The nm cour.9C: wu a two-day study on West Germany, 'P"esented by foreign ex* chapge student Manfred Heine. Other courses, requested by students, will be on curriculum development, Yoga and ornamental bortlcullure. U b hoped to bring in other vocatJonaJ survey!. Reeves said, calling upon lhe talents of members of the comDU1nJly. "Study hall bas alway1 been a lemon:• said the principal. "We're trying to tum it into lemonade by lettin& the students look into things thal really interest them." The school's Progressive Education Club, he said, works with atudenta in the four study balla to.aevelop ideas for the mini-couraes. The program iJ guided by ass~stanl principal Don Miller, who~ .usiat.ed by a liculty panel, preview1 malerlala to be iii-olod in ,th< coums. From POfJe 1 BORDER TRAFFIC SNARLED • • • takes approximalt.ly two minutes, lhtre- by multiplying the time requtred for an individual car and it! pa.uengen to cron by six times. During Thursday's ptta.s conference in Los Angeles, Deputy Attorney General Ricbard G. Klelndi.n.t said the progrll!\ has two primary goals: -"One, we hope lo drive the price of morijulrul beyond the reach of thouiands of young people. -"Two, we hope to get lhe cooperation of the Maican government in a drive against, the sourcea of the drug.•• • "!11'1Tanl!. ~ .1.1111111 "'¥' .. p,cl of "" federll eraekdowo on mllllOnS o! dollars tn jUegaJ drup and the. fresh crop of marljl.tana DOW ipolaed td fl be lilnuaaled · '"°" th< "2,IOOinll1'joog border. • · ! . • V ankee uaen get 'tO :Pir&nt 10! ]( Aerial surveJltan.e syatems are betn1 set up to !rack planes mealdng drug& over the border-llying be1ow tea level In some strategic destrt eanyoo&-ml pur· sull planes will be u.sed: COastal.palrolJ by the..lf.S •. Coaat Guard wiU ge tougher on mnaJJ · boat IMP<e- lioos, wUh cutten utt swift Navy Pr boats to be used tn cha.slni down SU&- pected smugglers . AuthotiUes on both sides of the border, however, fear the economic pressure brought to bear on the am~la's and international dealers may cripple the legitimate tourist Industry first Many Mexicans depend on U.S. dollars for their livelihood and the stringent border croaalnl regulaUona may dlecour- age lhou.unds Of Yankee vilit«a from going to Baja California. Alan McGrew, San Diego Chamber ol Commerce <X1nunwtity relations manaaer also noted Thursday that Mulcan vis- itors spend an estimated $94 million in San Diego alone each year. Joint dlscusslons with the Mexican gov· ernment have led to an offer by the U.S. to supply sophisticated equipment includ- ing sensor devices whlcb can snllf out marijll'UUI and opium poppy fields from aircraft flying above. M~lican authorities have generally pledged their support and will be. watch- ing OperaUon lnlercept'a progresl in the month.! ahead, with another intematioqal conference in Waahlngion set for January. ·san Diegan Dies in Crash A San Diego woman dJed today on Highway i ntlll' San Clemente wbea her southbound car struck a center divider, skidded acros! the busy freeway tnd smashed Into a bridge rail near the El Cunlno Rul turnoff. California Highway Patrolmen said Dorothy Angelln nlttel, 112, was dead on arrival al Sou Coast Community Hospital in South La • ller body was thrown from ·the wre c · pact to the side t1f the freeway. Mn. Knittel was alone in the auto, of· ficera said. They described freeway con- ditions at the lime of the accident as "clear and problem-free." SPECIAL $, 49 llOULAR "" VIOi "'•ldtf>I -0--11 ....,..., n ...... , "-ii lt!W munlly a: pollU<lil Ubnus test." · Henry McGee Jf., an acting professor al UCLA law school, said Communist Parly membership. ta "a white obsession -it's not relevant to black people." by both airlines. ,,, • n.,..,,, A . ..M1111,l.lftt ¥.t~ltllef" J•t ...... ,.. c.111-· H-i affdl CltJ I«* I ---2111 w .. 1 l•ll••• a..1 ••• ,, MtTih1t M"""1 P.6. '" 1111, 12,61, ·--c.-._, -""""'..,. ""-' ~ IMotfl: '" ,._ .. ·-"......_ _: _ 1111 _ Front Page 1 MONAGAN •.. new rules, aDd pollc.rwl11 be aBle to 'bave som~ new tools tl:le1 can use in the ex- treme lnalances of Unrell .. One ol tbtm, be aa1d, involva a gruler TaUlude In tl!e UM ol tear I"· "Tbe lttillal)on Jn lhls .azu will nol solve all Ole problems, because we have some root difflCUWea to overcome in the future, but the frequency and extent of the unrest will be lm this fall," he uld. The Jtglolature'• onJ,r !allure lhll pa51 seukicl, he nfd. wl1 tn the Ueld of tat" reform. ''We'rt not t.alltlng about reUer, but In· stead, refonn. which would male the taxing ·prOceA more eqWtable." he aald. "The trouble we hive fol.Ind Jn LU "form I.I lhll like • balloon, ii yoo press ln on one side, I.he other just bulaes out even more." Air California will ask the PUC to .allow new flights to Sacramento from the Orange County Terminal. P a c i r i c Southwest Airlines, which has no service to the tenninal at present, will aik for service there equaling Air Cal's present lights. The conference wu called to allow PUC officials to detennine how long the upcoming hearings will last. After th'lt determination the PUC will set specific dates for the formal bearings on tne two 1ppUcaUons. ~loon Soil Sample Arrives in Southland LOS ANGE~ES <UPI) -A wnple of lunar aoil collected from the. moon'• surface: by I.he. Apollo 11 a.stronauta at· rlvfd here Thursday ror study to determine Its origin and type. Dr. Artl111r H. Muir, who brought tl!e soil Crom Housto~1 ind hit fellow tcien- lisl.a at the Nortn American Rockwell Corp. Science Center ln Suburban i'hou.tand {)Jks will use 1 new type of speclromtter to ana)joie lh< umplt. l~•&O &t:ASS TOP TABLE, 14" THlCK ' . ' . ' ltllttfwlr-ltylM _, . ._,,,....,: ......._. tMs 11 tie"""' h • ,._,.., NMt. hi't mlu ... ,. ,.,,.lrf,. .,,. 4pllllty., • r1•11 .. l1 prlct. A-• I• TH Followlot ...... .,, . .... --ON S,.&11 -Dlaln•N Oln -w,.d! .,...y-8rHI -Aolf<iM'Y""'"; F ' ' ' . ¥ IXCLUllVI DIALIRS FOR: HINIU!DON-DUXIL ... HRD'AGI ' . ' ':"" -. ' . ' 4 - IN1DIOU Profoulollll 1-~ LAGUNA au.CH ,. NIWPO•T llACH 1727 WeetcUff Dr., 6'2·2050 MM NIDA 't "TIL t Deoltnon 34.S Norfh CoaJt Hwy. 494-65St Avtf11bs.-AJl>-HS!D Omt NIDAT '1\ t • • 1 r I ' ' ! 1 I -~ys_ler Increases Slimmer · DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler baa emulated Ford In a ~arao against Gtneral M o t o r 1 ' superior market PoSitlon with a proveg Sales tool: lower car prices. Chryaler announced 1970 model sUcker prices ThurStiay averaging $107 more than for 1989 cars. Ford announced jt.s average hike of $108 the day before and GM posted an average $115 increm last week. In preparation for th e scramble in the market place, the nation's automakers icheduled theit highest rate of output since late January. The trade publication A¢omoti•e News reported 193,346 new cars were being assembled this week. All of Chrysler's seven U.S. assembJy plants, four of Ford's 16 and one oC GM's 2.1 were put on overtime for Saturday. The manufacturers computed their average price illc~ases by using a formula ft' 0 ff which talres into consideration S pen otJSe the higher sales of lower pric· ed cars. The new prices in· A woman carrying a baby is assisted into the 60- clude cost of delivery, dealer room Piccadilly mansion m London Thursday join· preparation and taxes. ing the 400 odd hippies living ~ the buil~ing locat· A year ago Chrysler rolled ed across the road from Buckingham Palace. The back from an average in· squatters have been ordered evicted by a high court crease per car of $89 to $55 judge .. frjdtl,SfPttm"9( 19, 1'169 • - ·Arms Cos! Cri~cs Unruffled House Gives V ote -~Ref orm · ~elrJJure _.Whoppi~g Vict0ry WAllHING;I'ON (AP) Senate critics ol de!enle coeta eay a new era baf ot><lied ln pUbllc awareneu ol Pegta.con spending de!plte t be i .r cnJ!iblng ·defeat oo attempt aller attempt 14 trim a 4lO billion bill for mi l,J tar y hardware. "We have made a go o d fight," aald Democrat William Proxmire or Wisconsin, a leader in the two-tn90th batUe that ended Tlwnday night with passage of the bill. "But,'" he added, "this: is merely the opening shot ln a laiger eff~ The critical reView will go on." "'A deft.zl$e system which fQr years bu operated without sufficient publlc and private · checks tum" D9W been exposed to the !Uhligbt~" s a i d Repubtlcan ~ward Brooke Of Massachusetts. ••A good foun- datioo. has been laid for future inquiry." The Proxmire and Brooke commmts came as the huge appropri ations measure finally passed on an 81-5 vote, WASHINGToN (AP)• -A prdpoted " <O\lll!t.&no11 amendmenl callln1 J<;r , the dlttct, populjl~ '1eclllle ·~ Ill<· preal!leot baa ljOen 1pWQ,ved by the Houae lo· IUCh ID overwhetmlng , lubjqn lbat eve.a the measurt'• auppoitei:s are !W'Pl'ised -and pleued. · n>e ·~ ol Thtq'Sdayta.. :YQte -S39-70 -raised bickers' hopes tba! the Proposal can wln Senate approval, state ratlfication and beCome tbe 26th amemt.menl -to th e consutut1on. • • ,,. Howe'Ver Senate progpecls for the proposal are uncertain. There I•. m..,. oppoojtlon In the J y d I c,l.a r·y Coni!nltlee. where the·questlon O! elel:tqraj reform Is now ~tied. AJl\I aeveru ~ •I•• 5en. Birch Bayb (0-lild.J. ,cbleJ supporter t'lf the ameridment, said it WU 13 votes ll)on" of the needed lw~th.irds majority on the floor. But B!!yh took heart from the House vote, which he call- ed "encouraging, dramatic and bl:storic." Debbie Ends 'Walkout,' Returns to TV Series climaxing the most heated HOU.YWOOD (UJ>J) can Tobacco Co. debate over defense spending Debbie Reynolds, who angrUy The brief split apparently in two decades. quit her new televisfon series stemmed from w h e th e r Although it passed virtually because a cigarette cotn· cigarettes were to be am'ong intact -only $70 million was mercial was aired during its the various products made by c:hopped out ....... it took 39 full premiere, was back in front of American Brands to be ad- "'This ta an Important al<p . hi builllinl the -that 1e<!liid -aaaure tta J>a!:Uit In . !lie 'Senate and, bopeluDy. euarantee acceptance by the atate Jeg!s!alures." be said. The House vote discloeed sol!d bipartisan support for the proposal, which would 1Cr8p the sygtem used to elect every President. &lnce George W"11tng10D. lOBtead of voting for elec· tors who then C&!t their btlllots fer the president, citizens would vote directly for lhetr candldaie. And Instead of counUnc up the electoral votes of tbt states to determine the presi- dent, the winner would be the candidate who P the most in- divldual votes ii:i a nationwide tally, 'A candidate would bave to get at leasti 40 percent of the popular vote to win. If nooe did, there would be a nmolf between the top two. Opponents cbareed lhe 40 percent provision could lead to a minority president, but Rep. Emanuel Celler (l}.N.Y.), manager of lhe bill, countered by pointing out that 15 presidents have been elected with less than 50 percent of the popular vote. 'lbat in- cludes President Nixon, who got slightly more than 43 per- cent. DAJlY PILOT f. 1.-------.J lURlll ' ~~ . TAKE s11 ·l Tum in at Texaco for some real savings-six ~ 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi . ; for only •55¢ plus tax ; (and de~). You get it with any purcl!asii ••• at partlcipatlngTexaco " Retailers. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in ·a.t Texaco- today. •SUU.sted Retail Price. after Ford's increase was set--'-"-'----------------- at $52, GM's at $52 and American Motors' at $43. Some Chrysler dealers felt the cutback should have been greater for competit ive reasons. Man ClRared of 1932 ·Crime, Admiis Others days of debate over-the two-the cameras today. ve_rtlsed on the series. month period. Pentagon Miss P.eyno1da. reportedly1::::::::::::::;;;;::::::;;;;;::=======.I backers bad .to throw back the highest ~d actress in the more than a dozen attempts to medium at $2$,000 a week, delay such m~jor progams as abruptly revel'6ed her decision the Safeguard mis.sile defenrie Thursday and wired NBC to system, a new nocle.ar carrier, say "Naturally I will perform Squadrons of super jet fighters my obligations." and a new manned bomber. Miss Reynolds said NBC ei:· LANSING K · (UP.I) other ban'-for w""' he • The bill that finances all the plained to her the "lmpom-. • an. a.:; ~ United States' m 111 tar y billty" of banning clgaietle Frank Sawyer, 7~ a sports fan never was convicted. hardware for fiscal 19'10 now commercials from her show, Christian Sc ience: Do you know what it is? COME lOAFftEE Chrlatlan Sc:lenc:e Lecture '-~---~---... > ~~~~~~~----=' BOAT BUFFS Trains Crash In Chicago who .says he always pulla for "I've already served my goes to the House where far spcnsored in part by American theloser,wasrreed'I'hur~ay 1_!:li~me~,~~h~e~sal~d~.-----~·~•m~·e:r~g~oi~ng~is~expec~~ted~.:__-_'."~'~and~s.:_!'.lorm~~er~~~the~~A~m~eri~-::._-------------------~================~ CHICAGO (UPI) -Two with a full pardon for a crime heavily loaded elevated trains he did not commit in 193%. Alm11t Loelf1b1y 11 t~1 ioftly ~ full-time bo1ffl'lt editor worli... ~ 01 111y 11ewtp•p1r 111 Or1111• Cou11ty, His •xelii11¥e cov.r•.. ·~ of b.1flng •ltd y1chff"9 MWI 1 11 • dilly l11tur1 of tit. DAILY PILOT. • ,.,..,. ......,. ""'' n lltV'IN• IOWL •u... ~It .. .._ ..... collided during rush hour Kansas Gov. Robert Doc.kin Thursday. MO!it of the 273 in-pardoned Sawyer and said the juries were not serious. Witnesses said a moving-stopped, gray~haired convict train colJided with "a big did not rob a Fort Scott, Kan., boom" with another which had bank in 1932. stopped on a curve. The front Alvin Karpis, former public car of the colliding train top-enemy No. J and a member or pied on its side, but a wide the "Ma" Barker gang, ad· platform prevented it from mitted earlier this year that falling 25 feet to the ground. he, and· not Sawyer, held up Police and firemen ·used that bank. ~ 1 helicoPters, sn0ik¢Jsi ar>d· 10tie ' Sawyeri, a shy f o r m t r and eltetu!ion ladd~ to pa.ch ga.ngirtei':.. wbose. face is lined stranded &1mmuters, •tr• .. 1bJ ~ ' a\, c~ behind crow<[ of somes,ooo spectators prison bars, fl8.shed a smJle hampered rescue efforts and and admitted on the day of his "' the trains were not Completely release that during his career emptied for ·~ minutes. io .Ci':ime he ·robbed several When you'r ·ngle .. . . When you're single and young, life can bo so great. So many fun things to do with yciui lreed6m. so many Interesting people to get to know. That 's what ~outh Bay Club is all about. The most complete country club y0u've ever se6n-wlth . . apartments located around ll-full of your kind of people. A y,. million dollar clubhouse, tennis courts, otympic pool,· heahh clubs, an(! much more. Don't say you know it untll you've seen it. CHAMPAGNE OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNDAY no 7 p.m. ~ t SoUtb.BayClubApa('LIDents Newport Beach-Irvine at 1_61h84r9et-(t14)645-0550 " -Here, much to the discomfort of smaller cars. . . '70Nova. • • ~.. . l I j " ... • ' , l·t •.' • .. '"i " :+1~ ,, Nova has smaller cars squirming principally because it doesn'i make you ·squirm. , -missions (in~lud!ng low~t, no clutch Tonjue-Drive). .. And Nova IS anything but dowdy. See above. ' The not-too-small Nova Couw seats five adults. Sedan, sjx. · And you get. windows instead of portholes. A oona fide trunk. And a wide-stance ride on a 111" wheelbase. ' Further, you have a happy chbice of six engi.fles and five trans- Certainly, little cars have to be more than a little uneasy,abou& .; Nova's easy prici ' It simply doesn't cost that much more to own that much more car. Putting you first, keeps us·lirst ' ' ' •• L ' ' DAILY PILOT EDITOBlil PA& ·Act for ·Beaches ' Plve years .,.. motorl•ls were able to drlri lllll ~D allob down Coast Jllihway1rom <;orona dtl Nal'; ' to t.aiun• Beacb. • On moa~ dlyo now. any cannon-obot driver 11 llktly. to wllld up 1 b<onk .. hoL The bJibway Ii carpeted'1r.U. fo.wall with carJ. • • M1ny of tbese cars are parked at the side of lb• road, In the area of Scotchman'• Cove. They are lllljor traffic huard s. . , County s~rvilorJ decided to do something aboul ft !alt w.U by asking.the state to ban all hl&b1ny port· lnl Crom Corona de! Mar to Lagooa. Thal sl!ould ta~• care of that particular road llfety probl.m-for now. But It will do notblng toward IOlvlni tbe far greater problem that cre.ated tbe ~klnc--,tnd traffic-Jam la the llrst place. t I t I I And that Is the ,exploding delJl"nd alon& the Oranr• Coast for more beach recreational areao. Aa evld1nc0d by all ·those cars lining the highway al Scotdlmlll's Cove, much of thit delDand is focuHlal oa sboNllnt propertleo owned by tbe Irvine Company. · From the •outhem boundaries of Cameo Shores In Corona de! Mar through cmta1 Cove, Sco\Chman's Cove, El Morro Beach and Abalone l'otnt at Laguna's northern limits, Ibero lo a wide variety of beach uges- none of II public. The public has now begun cllmblnf the fences, as well as occasionally paying its way. · The pressure i.s there, and it wiU soon, according to the Irvine Company, greatly intensify. . The intensification wUJ come will) the development. starting in 1972. of 12,000 acres of Irvine land at and near the sea. , lrvil;1e officials. in dlsclostnt plans for the massive ,. project lhe other day. indicated lhal Ibey are not Ull- a ware of public beach needs, ,P,resant and future. Said Irvine Vice President Raymond L. Watson : "The proximity of public .beadles will be an Im· A Kind Word Can Set Vs Vp for Week Noboil; II really quite .,,.. bow he feels '(or how be iooila) IHIUI somebody tells him. We are the most lmpres&lonable creaturts on God'a areen earth, and • kind word can let U1 up for the whole week. · This verdant thought °"""""' to me festerday, wbell I took a medical a· aminltion for IOIM new life insurance. Tbe company'• ph)'llclan not ooly fouod notbin& wroq with me, but added al the bellllm ol b~ paper : "Hellthy "Ud vigorous tn 1eneral appear~.. ,, FOR A FEW DAYS before that, I bad been feelfnc tmtbie -tllgbtly dluy Ind head~y, with a atrange twinge in my back m1J1Cle1, which J attributed to too much tennla and not enough 1leep over lhe weetau!. I bail also bqun lo brood silently about the poatbllliy of caocer of lhe mouth, tn- dut.'ed by amokina two pack• or clgaretl • day1 so that my tongue felt like thole old clocn t.qs u'8d for bayonet practice. But wbeo lhe doclor -"belltlly Ind yjgorouJ," I pn>mptly took I deep breat!J, lklpped br1*ly lnlUlld Ille room, and began telepilooln& to wotk up a fut <looblea mal<b. Wltll maybe an 111-olgJ!t poller ....too lo foUow. THE CONTRARY hlppem )ult as eul- ly. You are f,.Uns perfectJ, fine, an old Dear •• Gloomy Gus: Now that the schools all aeem to be giving up on su education, I've in- 5tructed my son to read the L. A. Fbe Press. -F. N.· 1'1111 ... ._ ""'f!' ,.._.... ,.,...... .. .._.,, ................ .... ,_ "' ...... ....., ... DMfr Pt•. friend waIU up and aay1, "YOll're loot· Ina ..n ol peaked." and an your vtaor rum out at your hee)I. One nm.ark ol that kind and men have been tnown to hie them!eJves off to &he Mayo ClliUc. will in bane!. ' • "You'rt ioolljD( thinner." .,...~• !'iDcily, and jou l>qin to 'ft<l'llJ<iUt poaible emaciation. Or, if yoa tend. t.o~ corpultnce, an Innocent "Rllvtn'l )'OU put on some weliht lately!'' WU! make you feel u U yoo are conaplcJoosly balloonlnc up oour by hour. EVERY STUDENT of fem in 1 n e psychology knowa that a woman can be mid• to feel prettier atmply by telllng her lloW nice &be loou when lbe comes down dressed for the eve:nlng. She may have tal:tn fem uplrinl and looked like a cfixarded flour llCk lo henelf, but I gallant -ty tllllll her into I bloom· Ina beauty. The wont people -dem•AU<S and mllflarlata "°" lmow' 1111 tmnendous Im- , ....-blllty ol -· but the bat people -!oven and parto11 -ban bml:f ~ mw to uae tl One com· pllmet!~ u tbe ~ never alld, ii wor' .. ~ 1,000 compWota. DisappearingConf erence WASHING TON -A White HOU!< Confut:nee on Huneer in America -an· nounced by the. Presldeot list May -la about. to disappear 1D a cloud of ob- fuscatim, and DlnleJ P. Moynl.han. Mr. Nixon's resident expert oo poverty, hopu thtt noi.octy w!D notice. Moynlban woo 1 major battle within the AdmlnlltraUon. He persuaded the President to adopt blJ scheme for a guarant...i lncomt. Bui by the Ume the Presldeot had fln~bed describing the p~n on televislon u a aort of force-them· to-wnri program (lw than 100,000 of America's welfare cllenl.5 are able· bodied men who do not ha ve jobs). hfoyrtihar. must bave been barely able to ~izt It as his own. Nevertheless, it wu a vid.ory of aorta, and Moynihan Is not anJiOWI that the hur11er con[ettnee provkle a forum where experts may point out th11l it wa1 a zni&bty small one. Tlf\JS J'IAN M£VE1l, a nutrltltm ex- pert whom Moynihan brought down from Harvard to run hfr. Nixon's conference on b•.inger. may be on lilii way out; In any event tht coarerence promises to provide about u much help In solvtng the coun· t;y.'a bunCtz problem as would a meeting oo n lo part the defeoae bucftet il cbaJred by the Joint Chiefs. Meyer ftrat Incurred the Moyrullan dilpltUUtt after newsmen pointed out tblt tbe Nixon welfare ayatem would ac- tually dectt ... the benefiq loo: the -ID 44 ol It atalel. '1llll w11 bocauae 1ha ....-1 eliminated food stamps far wtlfare ...tploota. Ron Zlt<t, lhl. Praldeot'a ...,. alda, ·-to par· r ~-ab*'I tbla wltll tbt wtrtlon Quotes that "the .Utes ~ r.. the llampa," a pndfctk1o wblch Meyer rudll1 "" 11 unlikely.· IT WAS THEN.that Meyer werted oo his own 1uthori\y thal food atamps would be included In the NbGn plan until • weUare recetplmt reecbed tho leftl of 14.000 ill IMllll incom<. nit Moynibatl lon:e1, bavlll( foug)il the pd llPI and yielded the food stamp procram in an!er to gain the victory, were tbua placed In lhe poslUM ol b1vi111 lo go back to Ille Presldeot and Ilk for mort. Since then, the confereoce oo hUll(lr, sc.hedulf:d ror Dec. J' hu 'been in deep trouble. The first roadblock was fundlna. Moynihan had promised Meyer a million dollars to nm the conference. Last welk. he was scurryinc around town lryln1 to find the money. MR. HIXON'81pol<eamon for the poor. OE' Director Donald Rumsleld. lumed him down Ool Oii tbe ground lba1 the me<lina mlgbt aUonl an opportunity for another poor ~'• march o n w~~~·~told l!lt)'t' tt dldn' b ... lepl 1autllorlly lo CoJMoli 11mc1s.unleal II coul&I NI the ...,_ ,.,,...,.. Meyer llnlll1 ~ppQ!ed to REW 6ecretary 8*rt Flach, woo, II ct las\ Jrldi1. tbou,i.t be mtlhl be able lo a:IOl'b a quarter ol tlio ~ -Al o1 now, Ille conf<Noea bu alrwcb' Incurred debts of f/1,000, tnOllly In n - pensn for ..,... people lo help in planning -and there i1 oo prtsent way lo pay the bUla. ' l'Ofla.Dt ...uldeniillocl. "'1lectlnl U.. Irvine Company's -.i.Jor llOCI\ fae1111111 encl· lb cooperation with 1ov· .,._1a1 a.c•ndos In llill raa!itr. '.' W• read lllat as 1 C1l" to ~ty govemmezit 1nd olbtr aaenctos1 llM• llld lederll, to be&ln neiot!atlng COr aome«·thl ·~.land. . · Not. moving now will cost the public mllllons more dollon liter. II fJ ldth t!me-iq fact, p••I It-for our aovemment ~encles at all l•ve!S to be iust ., bold and busy In plan~& for the populous future as our major lllld develoj>ers. Oppose ·Orange Freeway 'nte Orange Freeway, u now tentatively ma~ oo state drawtn1 bouds, wtll one day In the 1970'& e Us way dl>wn to the couUlne, ot> one side ol the Santa Ana River or the other. sqong protests O.tr the propo1ed rout1n1 llreedy have beeD voiced by the cttlea of Costa Mesa, Hunting' ton Beacb and Founi.tn Valley. Newport Beacb city government has yet to be beard on the issue. This week. the Newport Shores Homeowners' As!IO- ciat!on came up 1llddenly·wtth •ulficlent reason for the city to take a •land, and pn>mpt!y. · Assoctallon representatives pointed out that the freeway, if it is routed on the N~wport side of Ute river. would slice right throuab the •area pn>posed for a multi· million dollar Hunl!Jigton HarbOur-type residential marina. . . " \ ~1i>1..,._ The City Council last February endorsed the prin· clple of the proposed deve!Qpment, and asked for furth- ~r studies. It is now cle•r tbat those studies would be a waste of everybody11 time. unless the Orange Freeway roµte Issue i1 first settled. The city of Newport should fonnally oppose the rouUng, on"either side of the river, as soon as possible. · !Nl INTO _J~_f;_ .SLOP v.s. I• Not Getting Out of Far Eat Developing a New Policy WASHINGTON -Secretary ol Stat< William P. Rogers was not surprised when the Thai foreign minister recently asked htm if the United States govern- ment objected if Thailand developed con- tacts wltll Red Chlrni. Rogers replied tbat the United States go'vemment certainly • DOI object for it also ls lrylnc to devtlop contacll with the Comli>unllt ~. Tbia ii the li111=• of the new Alia poUq, 1111 NllllD _ otraUoo ii trying to develop. Tblio wU ju.II I .. QeatJon ol pique In tbt 'lllil ~, U the Unfted . stat.; la Jcmdns ii& profile and dimlnlabinc ii& -·-in Am, pnct!cal Aalan' 1-1 -decide to l<iel< W..bere for their oecur1t1. =Slnct their iE7~~ -111 uce ., ~-·aulwonjoo, )>!' P , prudeoce DllY dlo- tale· a -. plaeatOiy. attJlude toward Mao T...i.q. · ' . M CEllTAINTv underllel ~· on policy, however, th at ndther to;. 3ependeot Thallanif oor any other aovernment in 5oulbeut Alla will _,, up io 'the Chtn... In a way that -.Id..,, dlJller tbeJr IOVtrtiinlY. Thia la W>- douWdJy true of Norll> Vietnam, With i1s iot1J traillllon ol IUspldou and boltlliiy toward China, ooce tt no Ionaer la . " '" . 'Richard W.ils~n ·14 . . . dependent on Pekirl& for military 111.1~ pile•. lndoaeail. has already broken with Chinl. The PhWppine 1overnment is hostile to both China and R\Wil.. J.apan'a American relatkn a re DOC· com-- promised by the fact tbe Red Cblneie are Japan'• bla:ut CU1lomer1. Tllo new Am 'polky reail on lhe Jll'O' blblllty ol thil vut Ind -tfa!ly ijdi area ct tM -Id beina able lo ojointaln Iii Jnileptiici...,. from Red China at tjlo lln!O )I .. R -iii own reaourceo of m~power. to reallt llllenlal 111bvetS1on. gav,mment has demonstrated It Is fully oopable of containin& such peQetratlon even though it may be embarraasing from Ume to lime. The Nixon Administration has alao uUafled itself that Korea '• aupd"ior military stn.o&tb makes lhe probab!Uty of a r~wed 'North Korean inva1ion unllkeJy. North Korea'• continued boalili· ty &owar.il the Soviet Union alao reduets American ooncun. six WEEKS AFl'ER the intrnducUoo ol the JlfW Alla policy the Nlloo ~!loo II cootenl with ill ~Pu.a ·m ~ and the tat of lhe world, 'In, ~ l/nlted States COll(l'UOOllll 11<1' pibUC oplnloo. lb ~ lona:er run there may be aome mOre aerious probltm1. President Nixon, in teUtnc his new policy, bu on.en reter. TIUi POUCV applies tn. 1 10111eWbat red to the Ions strides made by the dlff!rent Wf_)'. to Korea white there i! no sovUnmenta: of Korea and Taiwan in praenl ' bittPUon o1 reduclna t b·e creattni strona economies. South Kor,. American fo~ of 5Q,00t QLIQ.: .but _..ltands 1Jl cgrtrast to North Korea in neither is the!'$ an lnteptlon of responding about the aame way as West Berlin to to President ..... Park~• • 'UIPsUona that Eut Berlin. TaJwan has Iona; since found Kqrea needs more belp to pre.,vept c:.m. Anlez:ican ecOMmlc aid uMeceS1ary. 1nUntlt. lnfiltr1Uon and pebetratioo. Tb accompliab Ulis, however, has re· Rocen bas, in • aest!e w1y, ......... quired not only American mflltary 'pr<> •mlntd Put on this point and apparenQy :tecUcm but ov~ a Joac period cl tli'!ie bas aatialied himself that tbO · K...00 Vtrf llrl• oullly1 ol fuoda wbkb, ii op. on Asia plied on a per capita basis to the other nations of populous Southeast Aida, could run into many billions of dollars. For ex- ample, giving to Indonesia the same magnitude <lf aid we have given to Taiwan would, on a per ca"Pita basis, run up to $6 billion. · SUCH PROJECTIONS ve, ol coutae, entirely unrealisUc, but U is not unrealistic to recall that Pruident Johnaon proposed a bi! lion ·dollar rebabllltaUon program in North Vl;tnam as an inducement to peace. Further economic development In SOuthFUt Asia tOuld become vuy tt- peljSl~e and.lhll "°'"'try is evidmUy In no Dl-OOd foi thaL 'Pre~d<nt Nimo, -. lnJ this mood, said be WU one Prelicf!nt who wa.s not running around the ~rld carryinr a little blaci bag. Th• United Stata i! counting on Japu to figure in this economic development to a greater extent than the pret1tnt one percent e-0nlribution of its gross national product. Japan has indicated its will- ingness to expand its f o r e i 111 developmental ajd. We still will be deeply involved, however, and it is wholly wrong to 11ay that we are·ln the process at 1ttting out Qf Asia. In aome waya we may become more deeply involved. 'I Had to Belt H~r to Shut Her Up' . . Whether'. -al!ooM.fie struck rqularly like 1 '°"'' u Mr. Noel Coward once llUQOlled, la p1-lnly I prOo pooltlon tllat bas more than ooe aide lo H. l auppose; tbe:re are men wbo 10 through ll(i 'Without • ..,. &lvi!ll i clam• the old one-two, or even silpplll( her: but Ibey are not' •mona tbe lid> ct my ,.,. quaJntaooe. ' "I bad to beK her to tllut her up," Is a llne I have beard many tlmeo dllrinrl my aerrled Ufetlmt. The reuon men hit women -ts nol llec:auae the men an rudcl1 aadlata ot fasclllta, '"'becauae tbty bave -deep. rooted boltlllty in the otbe< .. (thoqb tbeae IU)'I lncllaPutabl!r .-i. or that tbty -lo keep their lielofld In • state of emotlooal - NO, TBS llEAION la 1llUllly u almple u that: To llbul them QP. For ladlea have qllt tooaua. Allie and, too lrtqlieolly, uDeoatrollable. To a wry blp ~. tbty alao -thal lnattncl lo r the jqUlar' wblclt ii -uaJ for. I bittee. · It tnl1 be thal tblo capacltJ !or Vttbol lnlellclty II in llO!Dt delr.e a naturll oompensaHOll for lbe llllr and tl<ndtr pbyslcal elldowmeot ol the eex. Iii M1 case, I am convinced there" Is aorfte tlemerit in U.. femfnine nature that requires anif IOllClla I bolt in the chops "°"' Ume lo Ume. . ' THB . .t.:.U>m llT up the &itualion thtrrtaelvtJ. '11ley will crta1e I mulcally lnnammable word: like mlybe Elilne, or M1<7, or Esther. Whether the lady exilts or not f\ardly mattm. 'lltt.,.oponse ls Ill that mattus, and the ruponse is one ol. ..---SW fiN1'9e ----, Dear George: Do you think it is proptr for a 'ftman to mike advancea to a complete 11tan1er when sbe meett blm at• partyf SHOCKED Dear Shocked• No. A '#Oman should never mate adn.nctr to a man untU tht)' haYe beeo properly lnlroducod. (f don't tblnk that's whit I meant to 11y bot tt's too close to quitUn& time to fool with it now.) ipcreulng annoyance -u It is intended to be. Or the. word may be "acotcb" or "the -;boys 'down at lhe bat' or "the locker room.•• The euence of Ute accuaaUon is that It ts ..... activity, pleuur1ble to you, wblcb &•II you 0\11 ol the lllPt ol Ille l1lardlan al the 11te for 1 short whil<. 1bil, the ljlardlln I I the &ate CIP!Kll atand. In due ·llmt, ind without foil, tbe ln- llamnlabl• word II - -too often, Despite ooma current Pf'dictiont, rm sure ma.rria.ge will nevt.r 10 out of style as lone. as dresses witb back Uppers stay in style. 'While husbands like to think they are lndispens~ble for rinancial support, com- panionship and a few other contributions to a happy home, the real secret of thelr tenure la their availability as instant i:ip- per-upptrL Although numernus gadgets have betn dellgned by inJenlou1 invenlon lo cope wilh this early mornlng problem, none i,, .u effJclent as a sleepy spouse with a good right. arm . AN IN"FORMAL survey indicatu that IDOi! busblodl an wDllnt lo l)ve Ille » per 1 healthy yank K they l"l1 open tbalr eyea wide enough to spot the pull lab. llul It that point lbelr belpfulnw ballt. To a man tbty bilk 1t llndlnc Ille Uny loop at ibe oe<k ol thO drell tbal tbeorttlcally -Ille lllllR book on lhe other lkfe. to acbl""' lbil f•1t takes c0mplete iledlc1Uoo to tlle cballeoae, • 111 vision. a loos hbinry o1 aobtt<ly, 1 wllllng:nea to mba the 7:3& commuter train and a wife who is able to aland mo- tionless ror extended periods with her bead bent forward II I ll-<!ecrce IP&it. cc the Inflammable situation Is enacted occe too often. Whammmmm ! WHAT GOT ME thinking along these morbkl lina thia morning were t lme remark.a made on the 11ubject of belting by actor Terence Stamp, described as "leader of the London jet set" and "lady killer in chief." Said Mr. Stamp: • "Mos·. beauUful birds have been getting away with murder ror years. They try it on rpm because they secnUy ho'pe the 11.lY wJU turn around and thump them. "Pbyslcal control or a woman is vital a Pd there tJ nothi!li like a good .rilh> hander 14'brin& them shuJ>iy Into line., "AB elegant beallna. not brutal i.rt ...• memorable." ' ' a· . SINCE fllOST·of the time the wt;pj bill of Ulrtld oriainally destined to accept the hoOk art no longer In uistence, the whole business becomes an exercise In fu Ullty. Tiie operation pulJ a aeverc strain on the hwband's eyes, hit temper and the marital bonds. Thia is not the only area in which fashion fouls up the blbslul boy-girl rela· tkmship. The new identkaJ unlsts styles ate exposing 1 wide comptUblllty llP lfelwten otberwta tovina CO.pies. 1t ts ll(lmtwbl.t abnple t.o arrive It a .C:{lDpl Qfni&e on whether tht panll al'IJuld be lltrlped or plaid, straight or hell.J>o~ tom. T8E T!IOOILB 1tarts •hen the two have to -on wllotber lhe Ablrt llhould ban ruffles or a pl11ted froat. if It sbould be printed silk or cr~p coltoo. Eftn 1111« bavin& completed the se1 ... tioo ol tlle matcbibi oumts Ihm'• lllill Ofle more problem -the ntw look-alike wt&• for blm and bet. W1ll klve rind a way, when she pre.fat a abort hairdo but be lntllil they purchua the longer type wig that earls softlY about tile neck 1 l WON-r" SAY I've bad many elecant or memorable beatincs to my credit; but the onea I remember have nearly alway& produced more &ood than harm. Ladies have taught me many less<>ns, and one· or them is the need to oc· casiona11y resort to vlolence in order to acltiev.e what ought to be tbe birthrl&ht or a man in his relations with a woman : a liUle damned peace and quiet. I'm cer· tatnjhere are mer. who have murdered, just i> acquire a little peace and quiet. llm jwit.'tatking about ordinary women, the· kind describe( by themselves and evefyboi:ly e 1 ae as nonnaL I'rn not .aUudi.na to the freata who have a real needfcir ci:mlant punisliment, to 1511111• llOtne obitui'e guilt ol their own. TllES!HWIES 11< real poison. They should be..avoided like tambourtne-tbum- J>ina, colored cocktalla. ieonlr over 411, Ind other follies. No1 I'm l!pU.klng of real, ordinary Dear Old Mom. 1be lady for whom, with blueben:y pie, we fight wars. She la the one who, au too often, creates the aitua· lion wlSere you are labeled a hopeless monster, because you &ive her a well· deserved whacl<. And if yQU 'don't whack her when her conduct so rightly de'lltrves it you get an ulcer or an anxiety neurollis. You Joge either way as In most negotiation,,. wtth the fair sex. Ah, me! .. ... _~ --P'rtday, September 19, 19119 Tllr rdftorlol pogr 01 Ill• Defir PUot 111"1 to fnform and 1tim- 1Clalo nodm bJ prunting lhb MlffPOpcr'a opinion.a and co"'" """''"1 "" toplci ot "'"""' •"" llfinlfio<m<•, &v prooldiftg • forvm for tM C%J)f"ftrio7' oJ oi.r rtodlt"I' opfnConi. and br --r th• at"''~ tntw. poiraf.I o U\formed obstrVCr1 cmd spokcmn on topica of tAc d<lv. Robert N. Weed . Publl1ber ' .. ! I i I '· ' I ' ' ' ' I I I I ·~ r l I ' • t BEA ANDERSON, Edlfor ,,.., .......... tt, tM .. , ... 11 , Fun, ~~u .pds :;, · . . . Effervesce · The sound of popping corks at 7 p.m. Friday, Sepl 26 111i11 ·olgneI Ille •tart of a gala wine-ta.ting P•rtY, Which W\ll be~tven ror.ihe ,1ole Plln>OIO of raising fell9wshlp funds. ' . . •. · · si>oosored by the Newport-Costa Mesa Brm& of' the M!erf.:ln:;\.-•ociation of University Women, the gala will 'tak'e place In 'tlle,-~e.vport Riviera Town\louse, Costa Mesa. . · · Six of Callfomia's finest wineries to be· represented lni "1JDaden, Buena Vista, Knlg, Nov!tiate, Sebastian!' and Weibe), and clieeses, wlilth will be sampled with the nectar of the gods, will be prov!ded by Kraft Foods. · 1 • -. • -• f ' • 1 Co-dla!rmen of Ille ilienelit are Mn. Stephen Sal~er and Mrs. Harold -. Sanford who aijvise ·early reservations. Ticket., at $2.00, may be reserved by calling Mrs. Sao!Ord at 545-2189 or Mrs. Salyer at 832-052Z· -Sen.Ing ~ thei;.. cOmmlttee are the· Mmes. Chart~. A. Heidbrink, Robert Rankin, 'James Watson and Robe!t Fahey. • ' . ' f • . ful evening Is the hlgli hopes .of (left to right) Mr.• and ·t.!r's;•~tOpb•,. en Salyer and 'Mrs. 'Rohen Rankin as they'·set•tlie ~Y 'mciOli fm'"the Carousel· of Wines party'to Jie, staged ~de)'; Sept! 26. · ' Pro!lt. from the carolise! of'Wineri>artY will be added to Iii• MUW Felklwstilps· Fund which lut year te!Jlt!d 54 American worruin ~Im to do advanced research and brought aiiother 40 women lo tile U.,S! frOm EUn;pe,. th~ Middle Eaat, Africa, ·Lalin America, Southeast Aila, Alistralia and lnma. Each woman recejves from '3,000 to $5,000. CAROUSEL ·OF WINES-On th e merry-go-round of fund-raising fot .philanthropies are rilembers of tile Newport-Costa Mesa Branch of American Association of University Women. A succes·s- Meatballs Rounded · Out From Famous. Recipe the Byron F·arwells will be 1111e gill~ setling 'Satur- day, Sept. 27, from 6 lo 9 p.m. Proceeds wilfbe con- tributed to the free Yooth Concertl·which· the society Preparing deliCious hors d' oeuvres and canapes t.o be served at Ille Baihoe Group of the Orange County Philharmonic Society's annual cocktail party are (left to right) the Mmes. Phil Lansdale, Mell Barton arid Warren Bradford. The bayfronl home of stages throughoot the school yeat. • DEMI .ANN LAN!1ERS: U you think you've beard everything. dig thla: Ovtr the weekend my husband and t attended a wedding. The ceremony was held in a church. ll was simple but quite spiritual, the way a wedding ought to be. Following lhe ceremony the gutSli were lnvtted to the receptkin in the church social hall. Sandwiches, cookies, fruit punch and bot rorree were set out on a nicely decorated table. On a separate table was a cash rPglster (manned by two ·relatives) and the wedding cake with a large 1lgn which rtod, .. Buy a piece of wedding ~ke tor luck. Help finance the honeymoon. Price 25 cents." Several a:uests Lil-I up and bou!hl a ' . • pitce or cab. Even though I love cake I re(used to allow my husband to buy me a pjeoe, u a matter or principle. He bought a p I e c e tor hlmaelf, however, ••as a 1esture of good will." His reaaoning was, ''when In Rome do as the Romans do." We. both would like lo know whal you think ol this. 'DEAR • -MINNEAPOLIS QQERY Q.: PrtinneaPo111 t11't Rome. l\'Ut'1 ...,. 1111 -... ~ -·ol- 1 .. M oevml weddlap lo Mlaoti,.U. and we oe;\<tr bd lo i., cll<e. Ia 1111 .,i. Iii• lhat ........... tut<lea -· DEAR ANN LANDEBs: 'lbJi 'la !or "Wei Hankie" llld,i« all the other crlen In the world who m embam<""'1 beca..., ~ '"' unable lo' conl0>I their emoUOOL Tab.~ advlca..ola lll).wbo .. . ' "i I ' ' FingerS' Crossed for ' Successful Au,ct_ion .Hopi1tt ,!or a suci:OssM lprnout for the eigbtll aDD11al • Giaml!lir Auction,of the Lido Isle Working Con!mit. tee,· Orahge County Plillhannonic Society is Mrs'. JameJ CUiler .Oel!). Matchlnt her enthusium ara · Mrs. Cllnt4n Elastman (center), auction c:oo!dinat.· -or anCI Mrs. James ·sradeson, member '.,.i attllf. 'nte benefit will' take Place\ Tuesday, Oct.· 7, it-tile baytroilt home of the 'l'bil~er S. Crispins. A. gour. met luncheon also is being pl;mned. · · .. I • ~ --- --~ " • •-4••• ~· .... ~-. .._ .... • -,....._ .... • . -\ . · · G.uns: Safe, Not Sorry Leoming all about guns are Beccl Lucu and Sharl Lllly (left lo right) and f.:"'" viding instruction is Carl Lawrence, director of Identification of Ute Foun In Valley Police Department. Generai rules ronceming gun safely will be oflered all residents between 7 and 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sel>I. 24, In lhe ctty:s commw;i- ity center under Ibo sponsorship of Ute Fountain \>alley Woman's Club. Since 50 percent ot all gun accidents are caused by women, Ibey especially are en. couraged to attend the lecture followed by a question and answer period. Mrs. Wmlam Pulford Is in charge of tlit safety program. · / Horoscope ' . ........... .. I l Pisces: ·Ttme For P~r.tyin·g SATURDAY ~~You~-~, SEPT£M9Ell io ar,~~ ~ . \ must be twfllled. ' . 11J IYDNIY OMAllR -, JIO()llPIO (bc:t. ZS.Nov. JI): · · Tab caro with what JllU !IOI ._ ()fardl 31·April II): 00 popor, lncludlnr 11...iurt. -Ill Cll achlmmenl. Some c:onfu81on .Abauf •• '11!111111 time to utJllso Innate -go a J 1 could ul4 B.ulcally -of odclnalll7. Be a lh11 I.a a cleY when yoll 1allll! plcaeer. Broal: wllh. lrld!Uoo. ind are appr..-; l.eod tho ) .._,. Elev a I e SAGITl',\JllUS .,(]10., · ZS. 7.....U. -coopo(ale I o Dec. JI): Expand ...,,allc!nl. ~ --!¥ p<oject. Thlnlt ahead. 1nconle poton!lal TAllJWIHApdl JO.Ma>' 20): la aa:wated. One~ -. Emp!w!• ....U-on travel. to YOJI for aid could actually· Your -1 pa\1'nl or llenefit your eflorto. Know lhla ro'11111edlanps. You are more and rupond •-dln,iy. ' lleafl>lll. You nce!H com-C.\PIUClOllN (Dec. ti-Jan. muotc,otJon •hie!! · boli)lterul. 11): New start.s. coolacll are your .,.. of fllllii<. favorod. Continue to laU ln- GJ!lllNI (Ma.I' Jl4une• :till: IUaUve. Shllke off any t..: lnleiooi. ID UlllSllll .,bjects clency toward t m o l lo Dal clollllnaJl,O. Yclu ti/Ive to 1et lethargy. Sima hldepenclenco lo boltom of mystarla. Koy I.a and or!ginallty. You 1a1D to bl flexible. Look from favorable attention . vartoua angles. Give full play AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. lo lot.Uectu-1 a111oolly. . 11): Be ....,plive. Cooperate ·· CAMCEll,(JiJill it.July'll):, lo dub, Jroup actMUeo. Do moie -rvln( than Member lra1'n>al orpnlia--..,, iJlten to pn>pouls. Uon maku lnlereslJni prv- Wltbbokr final Jud&ment. Tate posaL Yoo could make your ume to cbeclt de la t h, life more hll<:ealini by ptternau ..... Lie· low and play !lovorable reaponae . walUnc flme. ,PUCIS (Feb.,11-Man:h 20): UNUSUAL SUBJECT Charles LaMonk Art League Guest Indian Art Preserved Education Selected As Topic • Two-speabnr .are .., the qenda for the seaer11 memb•rthlp 1.- Woclnaday, Sept. 21, 'II the Worptn'I lll!,ltlo\I of the Newport Harbor Chamber of "Commerce. Mrs. Robert Ully, · tnutee !or the Newport.Mesa Ullllled Schoof Jllllric~ will 1poak on school Financing In~ •• and Dr. Nolan FrizzeUe will have as his topic a report from the EducatJon Com· mittee of the NeWport Ha:bor Chamber of Cotnmerce. Irvine Coss! Country Club will be the setting for the _, luncheon. ReatrVatlons, at 13.IO, mUJl be made by c:allin& the Chamber office, 17M300. TURNll Make Sure . . Shoe Fits Indian Maidens Scout For Tribal Prospect~ • LIO (July ZS.Aug. 21): ACC<Jit on galolng pleaaure Guard bea1111 by livoldlnc ex· without colno lo' em..,... tremes. Ktep N:IOluUons ann. Have fun but avoid ez. c:emlnr ~ and diet. Co-travapm:e. Oppoolte ses Is ~ uaodata -..old like attracted. 'lbls -.Id be to betW UDclentand JllU. Give -party olgbl for you. Paintings o1 pictosrapbs and ~4:::. D-Sepl. II)· IF '!ODAY • Ill YOllJI pM>(fypowUlbedh!playedby CQPl<l'o...;,;,. could llriko ~ BIBtilDAY ,.. _., fond ol_ mlll Charles LaMonk when mm ... N~ hap p e D 1 =~ i:t'lh. ~~ he speaks bel<re the Co..ta bfll1rl1;. ~,,.all' tho Wa.J' or duel AD imporlaDI rel• M ... Art League next Tu6-=ar· ~~ T~~ UONbip ma1 ,,~:;-~&J!u • day at 7:30 p.m. in Adams The unusual reproductions ol anclent Indian pictures painted on cave walls and pic- ture.a incised in stone, aome of which hang in collectiorui throughout the world, were in· spired by LaMonk's early life in Kemmerer, Unita County, Wyoming. """1ii1 _.....,~.r· new Jeue. ~ e Schoo . C matmtty -,.. can~ w, IL alone no.. oht.tua quo. Elementary 1, o 1 1 • Know ·this -respond ac-, Mesa. TAKE Sii 5ummmime, the lime of ScouUnc the aJH for new tribe meeting and have the op. cordJ .. •'"· "• ,,,,., °"' ....... klt11:1 "' .,... '" •'f!l'J "'°'1ft' tlld """· °"* i)'(ll!tio' O!Mft'• going barefoot In the par-and recruit. are m'fnbetl of the portunlly lo make lnqulrln or al lho~beacll, brings with II YMCA Indian MaideDs. Nation join durlni the meeUnc. ' UBRA (Stpt .. u.oct. 22): boat;ttt, !'Slat! Hinh for ~ •rid U 1~ WltlMft. •, l.nd drllloM,. lfld M arm. foot problems 'al well a foot cf White Buffalo, Hunttnatoo If three to five motber1 ple.uares. &aJ members of. tbe from one nelgbborbood w1ah to ra on,. two-way 1treet. "'Omtrr "-•troi.'flrttt.. ttwi DA 11.v WI this 1f family crlail ~ILO!, lox f.I rind Ce11tr1I II• ~ "-Ywtl • • 1111117. Women'• AUlillary of the Beach. start thelr own tribe, Mrs. C.-ange County Pod I a tr y The drive ror n"'° members Camp~ll has assured them AMociation. will take place begiruiin& Mon-that.help will be available, Parents ahould rrmember day, llepl. II. and continuing Addllional lnfonnallon may that aummertime 11 a growth until Friday. be obtained by callln1 Mrs. period for children's feel, and nu.. YMCA program is for Campbell, 961-1921; Mn. Gene Ille iboea chlidren wore to . IJ)rli 6 lhrou(b I and their Murphy, 117-8170, or Mn. ~--In J·-may not molhen. II .,...nola lrleDdly Jamts Mewos, llJ.IJIO. Parents Reveal Troth At Champagne Brunch ;:;;:;idly ;; acceplable relal!mobipl lhlOUlb tribal Ellen Palrk:la Gnielacb and --lorSepleml>er., 1.i:poull,:uf~ "Robert E. ,Bonning Jr., both 'Ibo IDdd<ace of. plantar :Ii· ~.:?t.~other Guardian 1::r~~~"~ wana li bl"1 In-aux· ind · •-•"'ter mull atlenil eon.p, will mariy Nov. II.' w.,,. member> wam, and ,,.,._..._....,.... ' • • · ---· ------•••• ~ ,. a , ·-·--· fe•I eopodally .... ·-~· • .. .,, To v1·s1•t'-.. _ -· .. -··· ~';;-·-~ . . )fn •. J-('~ IJld dildoood Jut &mday by Mr. -~· , 'her """1ltlblet. ltalhleea\ alp • and Mn. Peter B. Grodlch of U-~ of alJoel, , ·hlmter and inalclen I« the 111· lltptdy Grind'' Gumia of Colla Mesa during a cbam· auch •U bfola ....,. down 00 lion, ano 'bi dlUp of two BelheI It!, Job't l!iUll>ten, pope briJncb In their home tho -or toet1 """' mee11np for all mothers and Mn. Jiqn• COmmon, will fivan to honor their daughter IUIOftGlJ, lndic:alft ool pro-dauglrtm In tho llunllnaton make her olllclal 'Viall wllen and her fian<:e. ~ andloolpi-lnta lmn Ille Beach.area wbo·aro tateroatod Ille beUid moets llfll!Jl(!Padt>: Alli> . CopiraiulaUng \he nlmmlng pool "';,~•rer that In tht Jl'lllllam. at 7:30 p.m. belrolhedE "'&".!:'..'~ and Mrs. .,. .-lbaped ~ question Al 7 .. W...._.-Sepl ""'"'~ Robort • .....,. of Cosll r'malb ailo mean •fool pro-~.m. ...........,, . lleceivln& their I__,.,., Mosa, the brfdegn>om-elect's · billln&. , 24, prospective memben wUJ wort during Ille moellna In la , . mtel ID iluntln(loo Beach the Muoolc Tempi< wil! be par~ Groeloch studied In Ille Nff.iety pon:ent of foot lliih School and on 'lhunciay, the MJaes Edith Ol\d Ula cnllei•'• clenlai aasitllng pro--becJn ID cbildbood, Sept. 11, 11!oy wW meet In Alkew, Gayl• Beeler, Terri lfU!I. Tbe fulure bonedlct aUJiliaiy.,...bera say, and• Marina mali School. cr.ia and '!'wll Sller. now Is enrolled at Calllomll quick check • now ma y They will aee tribal coo-The trophy received by Ille Stole College at Long Beach :1e tulure fool pro-lumes ~ craltt, a umplo I belhol f0< third place ID a re-.. majoring In biology cent la1llo docoralion conlal I ad. St will be dltplayed during tho The coup e have ecled . ev.nln . J obn Ille Bapllol Calhollc With 'U.. theme Old Woman Cburcb for their fall w~ ILLEN GROETSCH F•ll D•le Hertels Exhibit' Peering Around Jn ths Shoe, the bethel com- peted durlnii Ille l?lllllal South Coast Gu&raian Council picnic Jn Sant. Ana Memorial Part . Youthful, Ticktockers On display, llulln& Mon- clly, 8'pl. SI. ID Ille Coll11 Gorden Gl!lcy, Cclnma clel Mor. are &Mmbl'!I• by Corl . Bertel and 'oil polntll>p by Mrs. Carl Korte!. Hort.I, a inoi-at Pitier . Goll<ce. C!atemon~ alfended . -and Claro-i Co~ 1,... and Harvard Uolvenlty and bu eihlblted tl>nJu'1>oul the United SW... H11 wlte.. a former mural . -to Millard Slleel4 of '"Clononool, studied at Scrfpps c.J1qe and Kaan A r I illrllWIL The show. l1JOl1IOl<d by Ille Newport Harbor Ser v Ice . League; will tonllnuo throogh October. Gall ery hours are It ·•.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday lhrou(h Saturday. Quilts Back The quilted look is a big one for fall. Designer Adolfo of New Yort doeli qullltd even· Ing 1kirts in velvet• and silks, w.... from Pcnuaum tile polienls. Wurlitzer 'ORGANS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE ·WALLICHS MUSIC CITY SOU'DI Co,4ST PLAIA . , .•.•.•.• -·~ ...... , .. .._..ATIMll-JWY. AMONG plq .. honored at Fall Prtlenll at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house at the UnlVenlty of Southern Cal~orola were Miu Susan Duf!Y, ~ of Mr. and Mn. IUcbaid Dlllff and MJu Laurie Fraaer,. daughter of Mr. and Mn. David Fruer, all of Newport Beacll. Dance Club 'Ille first. third and fifth Fridays or the month are the dance dates 1Stlt!Jcted by Lice ,..n l . .U.tlH!:r Square Dance Club members. 'lbe music ltarls at I p.m. in the RecrtaUon Center, Huntinaton Beach. Seascapes Exhibited An ncluslve Sou t be r n CalJlornla lhowln1 of marine paintlnp by Vmion Kerr will take place tn the Hun- tington Beach Ari GaU"7 lhl• month. The exh!btt featwu more than 40 palnllnp iDcludlni oix major seuc1pea,, lhclud1na one of his ttnOWned eegu1I series enUUecs' Llfe'• Eternal Forces. The inlemaUonaUy known artist recent_]y moved ff0111 Llguna Beach to Coeur d'Aleoe, Idaho, whero ht·planl to develop his tocbnlque ID landac•pu. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN . . CALIFORNIA 85< .. l&D • Introduced to Duties Ticktocie.n of the NaUonal Olsen mld Mrs. Ch a r J e 11 Charity Leque, SOUth Coast Melchior, already ti.eked off Chapter, will iatber for an the fall uason with a nim- orlentaUon mteling at 10 Lm. mine party yesterday . \DllMIOW to Rosamoor School. The llhllanlhropy projocto As part of their Introduction :g Mn. Uoyd Gamer to ducy, they wtll view two vt full attention from films, "The Bomaleol Cblld.'' ul arOuP during tht d "v----'-Tod d )'lat. Thty alresdy an ... ~y. ay an ·have pllnl to contribute to •a Tomcrrow," offered by the Crlppi,.f Cilldren'a Society. =-:~·a:i!~iu= ~~Y"M~~ tnllel·arllclei for aanlllrlums, Vemtlo and Mrl. Robert ai>d provide food and clothing Utchtl, wUJ visit Knoll's Ber-~s~ famlllu during ry Farm. The lnlennedlate ---------1rnup, directed by M r s • William McKee and Mrs. ChoSter Baur, will enjoy 1 lunchtoll and swim party. 'Ille te.nlon:, led by Mrs. Milo DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines I See by Today's Want Ads • Gtt a littl~ dOIMr to na. ture: Camper fl'OQP tor 1in1~1 over 35., btJnc or-. pnlzed for ttioee tntffelt. ed ln CAMPINC. • Put )'UUI' be9t l'igh "'"''Ud into this ntw Pemco a!Juar. him , on a 1t&nd, lts (1) 1ADDn ••. Jonah's pet mt.Y- bo . • ~ !be mottMt 1n movitW adventurtt: Btll 6 HowtU mm. outfit, aoom tJeo. tron1c ~. automatic: pro. Jtdor, llaflt her, etc. 111- tkrn uaed. Lilf9 new, Faculty Picnics The Shoshone, Ute and Ban- nock Indians and their colorful life style impressed him as a young boy, and afler his education end lraining in art he relurned to some of the pet rogl yph sites near Searchlight, Nev. New and retu rning members Finding that vandals bad of Golden Wut Faculty Wives' ruined some ol the pictures Club got acquainted with each with black paint, he detenni.n· other and plans for the ed lo preserve as many of the seuon't activities during a remaining archaeological treasures ~ poulble. cgf{ee in the Huntington Bel~h HJ.s wcrlcs have b e en ~~e of Mrs .... J\_p Y dlsplayed-·ln the .L<Jo. Anl'les elord. Counly Miueum of Modem Nat Sunday the group will Art. ~ Qf Man in Sin be" l9ined by lamlllea for a 1 Diego, Hilnl Museum i n p.m.' picnlc in Late Park, Hun-Phoentt, the Un!vmiUes of tlngton Beach. Lunch and New 1.jexico and Arlrona and voJ]e.yball and IOftbaU games now are on permanent display are pllnned. Turn in at Texaco for some real savings-six I 2-oz. bottles of Pepsi fo r only • 55¢ plus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase ... at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •sugpsted Rftal ~ Strving the club during the at San Fernando Valley State comtne year will be lhe "'College. He also has exhlbiled 1'-------~- Mmea. Tom Hennstad, presi·· _;•~l~th~e~Brusie~~lls~W;or~ld~'s~F~a~~-~iiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiij dent: Uoyd Wilcox. flnl vlcel1 president: Jim CWTim. 1e<:<>11d • SEE IT NOW -LAST WEEK vice pruident; Maurice Smith. aecrotary, and Warren Peterkin, treasurer. HighlighllJ!I the year's pro- grams will be the second Rn· nual acbolanbip fashion 1how and dessert whlcb wtn take place In November. Proceods will aid cleaervlnc 11udenll In the college. -~do SAY IT WITH OMEGA From left: Fl•xlble mesh br•clet watch in 14 kerat 9olcl, ')50 Florantintcl 14 karat gold with Roman numer•ls, '350 . Thirty cli1mond Om1qo in 1'4 keret 9old, $650. SLA.YICK'S J1w•l•rs Sine • '' 17 11 FASfilON ISLA ND NEWPORT 8£ACH -644-1 ltO Ytu~ OWlrtt A~t Wt lC--hrol(A-1<•111· M"lar CJl•l"I•• loll c,_ M•IHll'J, MHy •Mf1 t :JO •·"" . . 7 7 • • • • .. • fosia. MeSa • •• ORANGE couNff. CAUFORNIA · . . FRIDAY. SEPT*'41ek ·j9, '1'69 . ' ' ' NarCo Hunt Jams BOrder • • "' Huge Campaign 4.gaimt Smuggling Snarls Tr<:itlic . I ' ' ' ' ' " ' Spirited Sohflstres1es New songstresses tor OraOge Coast Colleg~ ,p£t,ck plenty of spirit. Song g;rls ready to lead the high notes and loud notes are (clockwise frrim front) Ka!hf Yurenka, Carolyn Kato, Janet Coootz, Nancy Larson, Marty Ramey, Cheryl Bruce and Maureen Teeter. Saigon Calls Ceasefire Proposals 'Unrealistic ' SAIGON (AP) -President Nguyen Van Thieu rejected t.OOay as "'oot teal!.stlc " any proposal for an Immediate cease.fire ~ the Hrst step toward a Viet· nam peace settlemeot. SllCh a plan could ~ad to onotber K«eo, lte said. • Thieu also declared that the withdrawal ll 60,000 US. troops from South Vieb!'m ltl3 year wu based solely OQ~ llat South Vietnamete f~ eOllld !ah Wer that much more o( the flabUn1 taaL He add"4 that In the future, addlllf>nal lroop j'.Mlllout8 will be based more on two jj.ber criteria agreod upoo .by· himeell ·and President Nixon -the. level ol enemy ~attlefield activity and pr<>gr'fm in tbe Paris peace talks. "Thalia a promise of the U.S. govern- m:ent toward the Vietnamese govem- menl," Thieu said. Thieu's comments were in reply to Mesa Motorist Hurt in .Crash On AI·lington A motorist driving down a Costa Mesa road closed and tom up for reconstruc- tion was ·injured early today when bis car veered from the tough terrain and clip- ped a power pole. John A. Kesel, 28, of ,2844 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, sunered facial lacerations but declined to be taken tG a hospital for treatment., according to police. Investigators said he was headed east M'I Arlington Drive between Fairvin- Road and Newport Boulevard when the 1:30 a.m. accident occurred. The pole was undamaged. A 11-year~ld boy WU a1JO injured Thursday night when llll J>kycle wu ilruc:k by a car on Falrview .Rold at Merrimac Way and treated for abtUlons at Hoa.1Memorial Hospital . Motorflt William E. Man&enen, 23, o1 s.tz1A Pine St., Santa Ana, was tuminc right onto Fairview Roed and 11.kl he did not liff James W. Harr.is. U. of ,455 Swarthmore Lane, Cosll Mesa. Looter questioM [rom four V i e t n a m e :s e newsmen 1n t1}t o~ program Wc-.?kly radi~te.levbion lhow called •<people Want to Know." The show was taped ir1 ·-. " Di.scussiDg a ceue-fire TbJtu clearly ""'lh\;to J>!ll .. end to ..pan. that _the Siljll'~ bu -"'llllderilJI 1 lllwfiltld cWe4lrt plan u a fll1I nlOVi IOW.nl piece. In .. dolns be all.,.ied to the , .... t •Wt by .zepresentativea oC a prjvate American comnilttee which advocates a ~,. lo which all P!'<ties would stop ahOotliig 8nd "freeze" in place, with a neutral. all·Aaian ·comrni1;tee moving in to overaee the due-fire pending a poliUcal settlement based on free electiona. "I must say that they are not realistic.'' Thieu said. Thieu aaid. lhere could be no cease-fire without, advance guarantees of a peaceful 10luUon, lhe _.1 of forces In South Vi<\n= and tht withdrawal of "the aggressive lroopl," mean.in& the North Vietnamue. And then, ht said.. "we begin with the ce.aie-flre ••• as the first step to end the war." - Tbe president said that no cease.fire should penni1 the enemy to achieve tbW' plot-ol ''talk lllld filht, aa aperi<oc<d bef!l'e ln Korea ... "To cease fire and to sit there for three or four years and DOt find a solution, . while the OOmmuniN profit and eipand their 1,milltary force and inf11ti''te more and U!rroriu more, this cease.fn would be detrimental to us," he aald. Mesa Car Thief Gets $300 Machine Also He"8llderal toto the Holiday Rambler 1gm:y.1• llllrbor BIJd., Colla Mesa, despentelJ ~ bai1uwed money for a meal ud ·..plated to pay 1 ... a fJOO tra!llJICICf&llon car by "'.'l'kfnl for the ram. D<elor 5tall Sdman told police Thurs- day that the new-man put In but one hour befort ~ -hia ftOO car -and also , . ._, calculator machine. Inwited I Mu tte r's Robbed· as Son Come s:Home · By ARl'l,l\IR II-~IL Of• Dlilr Ppi.f 11911 ·The mtibtiest campaign agalnil in· tematlonal smuulln1 ever organized wu partlaµy tested Thursday, crealina: a gtant traffic jam at the M:ellcan border u U.S. cU8'tolm agent. .cheeked f:Ytl')' single vthicle for drugs and marUuana. N'one was round duririg "tbe exhauslive practice run for Operation Intereepl, which wil1• formally begin soon, creating far worse travel problems t b a n Gromyko Raps Nixon Peace Aid Request ,, UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -Soviet Foreign Minister Aodr<1 A. Gromyko loo day rejected President Nixon's call for U.N. aid -including Moscow's -tn persuading Hanoi to agree to a negOUaled Setuement of the Vietnam war. In a policy speech · to the General Assembly Gromyko alao rejected ·Nllon'a 11~estion for an arm..-embargo for the Middle East. ln3tead he placed the blame on Jsrael for coolimled ho$tlllties with the Arabs. ~ The main lhrust of Gromyko's speech \\'as a demand that the United 'Naticns take steps lo set up a world security fl)'Slellj. To this end be inlrodu«d • Iii· part. draft ,...1u11 .... Grun7ko'1 m points : -Wllhdnt1'al "":II! ..... '""'· cu pied. territories and "~auatlon ot aurne&JUm-~- movttntntl." . · · -Peacefu1 coHi....,.. be! ptdflc eet- ti<menl ol dlS(!lllii. ' -A llUdy of.reCionll,Mdll:it1·~ In p,.paraUon; I«; lbelr , eli.alilfol!ment later. . -High·level !"cwi\l' "'ouocll lneetfnia to be atteoded bJ ljltC!ally c!Uipated represeuta.Uves. , -A covenant on the dellnitloll· o1 a&· greMJon -a feat beYoocl the capahWtl" of tho world's diplomats tluouP the history of both the Uoited NaUOlll and Its predoceasor, the League ol Natlonl. -An appeal for "measures for atrengtbaning interna.Uonal securlt1.'' Nixon, speaking to the Alaem)lfy Thuriday, urged all US U.N. Diemben "to usa. your best diploma.tie d!ort.a to persuade Hanoi to move aerloully into negotlaUons wbich cooid ml •tbil (Vie~ nam) war." Even before Gromyko spoke a aeries of · Communr.t 11\31'mmts In M..-lJ1d New York foreshadowed RuS11an ~ jecUon of Nixon'• proposal•. ' .. The United Statea: bu not attaJned lb goals tn Vietnam -nor can it, lot Its cause there is unjust," Gromyko told the llllSelllbly. "On the side of the Viet.. nlltlese people are the solidarity and~ port ol 1..-loving forcu in nery continenl "We pride ourselves on the fact .that the Soviet Unloo's assistance II mu!Uply· Ing the capabllitlel ol Ire< Vietnam In Ill -and lterofc llnlQle." Trio :Arraigned In $190 Holdup ' Of Mesa Market A trio of bandit suspects quickly cap- tured after the flto atictup of a O:llla Mesa area marltet were lrraigned today on complaints issued by the OnDie ~~Is~ A=· ela~ tale Wedne!day 1iight before 0rall(e COUnty Slterlf1'1Dlpalie1.LirrJ1lldoeJ and John The •iln In the window Is proud .and. Ope11</1'!')nta~ aa)d,"""';w~ to San Waril -..ted-tht ' afmecl lrio GI the aimpte. · · · · ' 1llelo lo'cnetlhtt 10n.u.he~nd·1,soo Newport Fro<way. , "Wilt bt clooed 11wr>day -s McilJ. , "'!l!!"!tes·,.mad•-'-· Vldlllm 1'lte def"!daJlla are"J-w. Blld!"n· Mutter'11CX1 la due lo from Vi<lj!llll.:', , .d!J!1-..~llft-ab<r~~ U!5 • 11i d 1lln ·eec-nta SI., W-er, Cu~ ~-Ing 'by Muttei''1 ca!e 'l'lcoodinP 'l'lllrldlV· , Robert B. M<:Clintock. 24, ol SIS EaJli SI., ~"'I"'! ·-vv ' Lile J,.. 1111, ·liem u . kind •tetMlrtter Anaheim and David L. Hal, Ii, ol 7~IO ~ • ..._,~,=•~:ti::= 'Wdlrt ea tt bu to Ml< Ja..._t. thnea, Fullerton. ll!1lled and decided to return '.at lltotuhe loot practJdlly •uJ.t11111111ben .111111e1 Metcalf, ckrk ol the Tic T1'C , rn-...qtl tllrooP.ller liamlt; • Martel, -Acacia Ave., In Santa ·Ana 0!\11 tlli 1ioitlo.t ol !fer' Gorman llell!U, told aalhorltlel bro men ~ Som,..• elM •pparentty JUJI llllirUd Shepherd. dofr Bllmitc!<.1avtif h«, Ille. Wednaday nlgbl ~forced him to !land ond ret......i In darlmesl Thurtdq. Mn.'Werht told newamen after the frtglc over the cash. P1trolm1n Chano Camarillo later found fi --fled to a waltlog •e•·w11 t1r ~-• 11~y a~ 1 screen oil a window on the west side ol A neighbor's clog might ll'l'.¥b1Y. hove driven by a tblld man lJ1d Metcall called the little cofe operated by .Mn. Iteoe J!.. thwarted. the Intruder -tifolr .. Into lherlfr1 lcputt~ l"'1fnl to ~ captur• Wehr!, k!»wn to her cllentete 11 Muti.r. , Mutle!''• 'Clfe ;t>uraday, po11co aald, shorlly thereafter oo the Nowport A bursJor hod entered ' thrwih the w11en he began fforklna lllrloutl1. Freeway oorth · of the Garden Grove louvered panes ind pre1Umably looted 1111 ·-~ooherpon:hllsJ!llbut Freeway. .the cale, but thl1 can't be dttermhw!d un-dktn' Jd>k 'GUtlide; accordln& to Baldwin, McClintock and Hm,wm ~ 111 Mutter ""'""' Jrom at•llna ber P""'°lmln c-tllo. bably be -'1o .Jlal1>or Judioill N1vym1n aon. Only Mutter Wehr!'• lnvontory con Dtstrlct Court· for prellmloary hwinl She 1'Q)eftl Mtll'W'l•v the aJ~ IQL dtterm1DI If ht did. nen Friday. 'Ibunill)''I dry ruh. . anoU!or. day lb thelt --If the ' ~ 'J'!mndl1 wU ~ o • h t It i:an weie hlck<d Op fer more thao want~ ..... -. !l'bolm!!d& Ill M--a UV.. mU.. into Mexico flOln the San ·~·It Jaka f!!IGl>lo the lo eJPt . ..,,., tile --,illllJ - Ydf,'O tionler ~~liit during the S boun to ""'" the borilir!" l _,... ~· a.m. to? i .m. rilib hOur. askfd Eu@llO T. -... .,a111111 their ..aDed -cardl, • ·AuthoriUts w~ staged 1 press con-se<r<larJ ol'the t..auj the)' may wd'in America. ..... 1a111ot lerence In Leia "'1&•1,. later in the day "It llll)l W<ll talt•·thc lo e!pl boon," . I* , ' . ' said coogestloo 'f.l llke\y In get much he ,.pli<d. Complatnll · wei.. . ..,ilU!nd l 1 worse-wl"'I the p;nWdrJig campaign goes 'l)le intent of OperaUon•Jntercepl -10 employers en both -GI the bordof into full force. , outll'OWtb of PresJdent Nixon'• recenUy and a top Maie.ln toar1at lllt>UkAla' IC!Of.I. Motorist. enterlor'Melico !or sboppin( declared war on nm:ollca ltlfllc ii aood fed at the Jl!.ancf ....,. ol Opondm or weekend fun miy he resi®'ed to add -but Its d!ec;! oo Jand.coverfnl b1f!nan (lee 1IOllllBI, PIP JI ·sns Defended ' .. Emb<ltded :..UCI 'Advi.Ser St.ates ·Cme DAILT Pl.O't ... ,_ CON,RONTATION IN NEWPORT UCI Alff Mlh Krf1m111 ' UCLA· Communist Tatrlng Heat Off Irvine's Krisman Mesa -Heroin · , I Sale S~pects · :Arraigned ' ' . .. .:.... • . ' .. - 1 ' : ' I ' r • • ' I '·- I ' I c ....... ...... . . ..... ,,.. ~ ... ·~ . ~· ........ .. -... -·----...-- . R~Due · Ori Leary . Evjdence· ~ • A Superior Court hearing on 1 moUon to wppreu evidence seized at the time ol tlio arrfl! In Lagµna Beach of Jlr. Tlfficilhy Leary and bls famlly was dtla1ed for one week Thursday ' -the , lblrd such delay or the ~etriaf aetion. Ju<(ge Robert Gardner ordered Lu,ry, 49, h1s wl(e Rosemary, S3, and ICIO John !lush Leary, 11, to return to court Sept. 2$. 1'rlat o( the conlrovenlaJ trio bu been scheduled for Oct. 8. It was explained that attorney Marvin Cooper, representing John Leary, had not yet sufficiently recovered from injuries 1utfered in 1 recent autdmobile accident to repruent h1a youni ~ in court. MlLY flft.OT .......... Miii V.... The delayed motl,On refers to drugs allegedly discovered by Laguna Buch pollce Jul Dec. 21 wbeo the i.e.m• car WU ·otopped ud ~ in the Ari Colony. IN NEWPORT llACH, ASSEM.LY SPIAICIR MONAGAN OIVIS RIPUILICANS' Vll!W Service L._ Huro • PrMlctlon ef l••lne C.,,... y.,...,. '11111 Fall Leary aod his family. are accuaed of posaeulon of marijuana and l.'!D. .. Whatever happena in their Orange County trial, Leary and his wlfe mu.st face identical charges in Rlverslde Coun- ty. Leary hlmaelf i1 charged in that coun· ty wJtb also contributing to the delin- quency ol a minor, charges liltmm.in& from the drownlD& of a 11.year.old Laguna Beach girl. Turmoil on Campus· Easing? Leary was ordered this week to staod trial in Riverside Munkipal Court December 1 on thlt cbarP. Leary denied in the Riverside 'court that he had alven the lirl LSD and that she-was only 1 alight acquaintance. Monagan Tells Harbor Group La.st Year SaJV 'Peak' ..... l .. " ........ 1 ,., ' ' :t'•Wr• Babe It ICt&JI: .J : Lf!lda Silvey,, a malh l.eacller at Van Nuys Jligh School, !l'J<•~ her pet doc, Lu...,, aut picketing.with her lb protest a f!v,pe~I wage mcrease voted for Los Angeles teachers by the city'• board of educa-, lion.. .• . r I· · ~ • From Page l KRISMAN DEFENDS SDS • • • lnveetlp.ton aaid the victim waa under the wi..-ol .ljlo halllcunal«y clrol when abe died in Uui pool al th< Mouotaln Center hippie bangou~ ,.,.... PflP J . . ,,, . . . ,. BORDER .. ·~ lnlttceol"u lziellectual. · · "lt111tke tr)rilll t.o cure cancer •Ith •n aaplrln, • ,...ici Ellrique s. r,Jayans, UllJ- lanl dlrictor ol· the Mexican 'Tourltm llepartmtnL orpnlzed amooc tbem&elves and try to courses they should have t&-complete "Drup are 1 worldwide problem," be 10lvt it that way." their majors. · conUnued. "Closin& a few borden ls not .He·dacribed ~types ol 1ludenll 1s "It ls not supported by tu mqney, it is goiot to stop tln . flllln& into two categories -macroac--paid for through ltudtnt fees, paid e.cb Normally, a few cursorJ few 1pot quarter. The student!: and faculty support checkl are done on the 150,000 vthiclt:s Uviatl and microacUvl!ll. me, and lll!ti.1 they decide olhel'w1ae, I which crou the San Diep County bonier Assembly Speaker Robert Monagan Thuraday told 1 Newport Beach audience he eipects an easing of turmoil on the atate's college campuses this fall. "!think thal It will taper oil somewhat after reaching a peak this past year," he told about zoo members of tbe Newport Harbor Service League and the women'a hwbands. The stout, bespectacled Monagan paced h1s address with rapid·fire, biting jabs a\ h1s Democratic opponents. He praised his fellow Republicaos• record in the Assembly and State Senate this put session, and dwelled on the party's batting ave.rage. It stands at about tt strong legislative successes and one failure, Monagan said. Monagan recited legislative &aina in the fight against campus u n r e a t , pornography; narcotics, pollulion, can- sumer fraud, exctaslve and unfait t.ues and curbs to law enforcement. "Many have .!Uggested at the end that we didn't do too much, but I think the paat session wu very profitable," be said. "ID spite of our small ~Ins ol ma- jority ln both llouses of !he legl~aturo and the very hostfle soclety which has developed," we came out with some VUf sound programs. lit said the legislature had some :rurpri!e!, too. He said the issues oC rnvironmental pollution cropped up almost unf'orecast this year. The Santa Barbara oil 6lick and In- creased smog and polluUon of the al.ale's waterways with chemicals and pesticides caused the flurry of protest over man's violation of his environment. He said the legislature reacted with strong laws governing dumping Into Sin Francisco Bay, water pollution curbs which stipulate fines up to $6,000 for each · Tbe macros, Krisman "'Pl•lned, are believe ! should keep th< job." checkpoint w~ but op.rauon Inter- tht Mudfllll who rise to a opecllic lasue, Aller his short, formal speecll, Jlr-ce~~ drJ.11lecb-'a cha.=i, ~ hood, Co Fli h hold rallla, dtmOIJllrale and then •. u the ;:;..":r.,CIJ!, ':h.~ grll]ed Krlsman truok, liov• compartl\lenl and door pan-M R . unty g ts prolll""'' aubald .. , !her relurn to their Th •.ls-Will be ~·tor1 tore~ vehicle esa ecreat1on dally'rouih!euoveraa<atW!nu. , eyweru'taavlscerala .. ipected. whm lh•'Ul!!!ilr l"Osram ·~· 1n10 H • S • . Jack King,· ueiltaot prlnclpal at effect without w·-···. . . -d earmg tarts Tb• m!croactlvlst.s, be added, are those Corona de! Mar Hlib School ukec( .... ....:.:.""'!.,. .. S1" ·gnups Slate bo -·" poll"·al llo v~---" •. ~-r ..... . • .... power •w~ ww. ~ upanded w m • ~ -.,.. ll'a.l,!iW ~"'~ u. ·.rie a.nc:W 0 any . ~~ when the vehlckl· chccb are ordered arw:f The prehe&ring confertnce of UterSta;te -k canalanU, ln the area of AmerlCo's· bnwlhg "'!area hlgh scl>ool ~·-_, more _.iu,·choc:U-.1 ·...,,_ Public UUUUes CommiMlon oo ap. · PrOblemi. liill'tllef u.-. · llffn,r ~ir 1 ...:·re'·"""'y·CMI·,'r.~:'y· .. ~1'!!1!"""" ..... " ~ .. , ~·1 111,~J>l ll!t,~acUq!Q F 011 Three~ Davs_ p11cau.ns by two ·a1rim.. 1a<,,.,. rughts . ~ -· ...... ..... ~ eel 3 • out of Orange COiinly '"""'"' started lhli' the Jftl>lam \tp aod mollvale the ~· some ol tbe high ecbool sludenlt \ll<ie. Yet aome authorities wooder bow dfec-m-"'·. a day late. ~""'' offense and the eradication of most user ol DDT. He said lawmakers also made great strid" ln the oulcey •lemming from ,.. educaUon in .schools. "We have made it possible for parent!. to withdraw their cblldrei,. from such classes if they wish, and they alao can examine the audio-visual materials used in the claMes,'; be related. He also outlined legWation which will greet dWident studeats on univerlity and college campusea 'lhis monlb. "Every student will get a list of th e new rules, and police will be able to have some new tools they can use in the eJ· treme in!lances of unrell." One ol them. he said, involves a grtater laUtude in the use of tear gas. "The legislaUon in this area will not solve all the problems, because we have some root difficulties to overcome ln the future, but the frequency and u teot of the unrest will be less this fall," he said. The leglsl8ture's only failure this past session, he ~aid, was In the field of ta:r - reform . Newpo1·t Center To Show Cars Worth $500,-000 to join in. . . daya. Uve It l1lA1 be. A three-day seriel of .nO&tration for a ""lUU6 Al~ ntllJl:btrs 11t patiently, Knsmain "I know of several school.I In the area "Five minutes after thia 1nspect1on gou variety of acLivl~ ralnglng from The PUC member• delayed the HUion Line up evt!J'Y brantf.new car tn the ~~~5Q6tb •• ~"'~I/Cl aod I!!> • whelttbe lludanll areJnloieated f!i aot-1: Into.effect 'lbeY' (tho tarpta ot th< dru& artwork almost to zoology otarts nm • day. 11 originally wu ocheduled for Harbor Area and Ole collection wouldo't ~'fUD ,.,., wn: croup. Una up program.a Q:amlnlng con-cractdotm) w1D tnow ft,•• one I001'Ce wee It it tlte ·Costa Mesa Recreation Thurlday in the State Building in Sin be worth two blta compared to a fleet of 11Bvtr7 SDS chapter in the United temporary American society," Krimlln conuntnted Thunday. Department.. Francisco, automobiles to be seen Saturday in si.ta ii totatl7 au~oua. '° l can't pjd. ''1hly'D hive to find new routes or go Sisn.up dates are Sept. 2S from g to a Newport Beach's Assistant City Al~ Newport Beach. dlfond the SDS ln gm .. 11. 11 varlu too Ho cited Laguna Beach Corona del out of buslnea." p.m. ln olllcea on tile four\h Door of the lorney Tom Woodrulf lllld Phil . Bel-A display including 50 vinlage ond mqch from ~to lfOUP," be uJd.. 1 Mar, Costa Meaa Marina amt Santa Ana " Under the leawtringent vehicullr check Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive; and Sept 25 tencourt, admlnl!trative as11starit to the modern vehicles worth more than a half '11Qt tbe CI chapter ls compoMd of hJgb llCbocits: ' · · a}'ltlm which will be in effect lnterm!t. and 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., says city manager, attended the conference mUlloo dollars will be shown beginning at fine: DIOP. )"OWll people who wauldq'\ Cf°'"' . He .aaid that the SOO will m1ke · ten\lf ~ with Ope:r&ijon lntirttpt, the Recreation Department. lhli momlng. 10 a.m. in the Newport Center Mall. done the type of polnUm dllturbUce ' available its Own newsreel films ahOwioJ thtte vthiclu cross the border each Classes and actlVities begin the follow· They wete expected to protest the bids The occasion is a Premiere Concours of wbfdl la planned for Chl~&o lhil Octq~i . the sttide0t" side of campus disorders. It ' m1~teprlm. ary checi 9ed Thunda ing week at fees rangln& frmn SS to $15 byAror tchalaillromlin1"a 'wlll ask ••· PUC 10 allo-the Americas, sponsored by the Southern bf SOS members thtn. also could PfO"lde apeakers for the hi&b 1 tlk · ,pprnlmalel u Y depending on the activity, which include ... re " California Centre of the MG Car Club of 11we are not ~ to shut. down the school atudtnts. ·. by ~~UDlylng 4: Yu!:=~· 11:: candlemaklng, papier mache crafts, adult new flights to Sacramento from the Calilomia. university to clianee tt, but Jf Jt Muta What is in· itore for the Unlveratty in indlvldu;¥ car ind it.I passeniers to cross and childrtn's art instruction, drama, Orange County Terminal. P a c l f i c Six classes have been established lor dOwn in the p~ theft lt'a a runction years \a ~me in the area, . pt student, • by * 'thrtfti: • doe obedience, physical fitness . for men Southwest Airlines, which has no service juJging, from classic cars of vintage age of the procdl. · unrett.7 . Durinl Tburlliay's ·~ tOnference Jn and women, tumbling and teMIS. to the terminal at present, will ask for to modem special interest cars, all com· He uld lbe V'Clcontlna:e.nt of student "The new mutrr plan for tnsber Loi Ailltles Deputy Att9meY General Additional lnfonnaUon may be obtain. service there equaling Air Cal 's present peting for lhe top show award, the actJrisll ara":DOt 'dbUiltJ;j"'but fbltead educaUon will draw some Strong at· Richarcf'G. JbeiridienSt siiif the program ed by calling the recrtaUon department. fli&hU. Avenue of Champions Trophy. llley want' lo '..e till! diilvehlly alter ln lention," he ni~. has lwo primary !(OW,. 1--''--"---------------------------'---'--'--- nature." . . . He n.id studenli more and more will -"Ont, we hope to drive lhe price of Pr!parh)& tbt .-CQftierVetll'ety..otientad advocate merger of the state colleges marijuana beyond the reach of thousands audience, be said MJ ·doo't erpoct you with the University of Callfornia end hav-of l""'•& people . ..,.Uamfll to ~end all )lie ;ic~ons of tbo ln( ooe 'board ot regenu for bolh. -"Two, we hope to get the cooperation Republican ~ ao do!ft upect me m He said students 1lao will lX'tll~for tn-· of the Maican government In a drtve deftnd all tbe.\J1cth.We.s,o{ the. SD$.·~ creased percentages of new students who a1ainst the sources. of the drug." Toucbq ·aa NI ~lir job it the do not meet the academic standards for The land phase is only one aspect of wUveralty -' ltl ~ \rtlJcb bu ~ admission. U\• fede.ral crackdown on . millions ol draW. fire IJ'om iiil!ly OraoJe 'cc\uhly This, fall lour percent ol oew studenll dollara in illegal droas and the fresh clvie iroups ~_he llld that it js not will be admitted without posaessi:ng the crop of marijuana now poised .lo be finl.f?CC!d tbrOttgb tu mOMy. fonnal academic standards for ad· smuggled across the 2,500-mile·long "M job bulcally lm>ol d · · mission · border. st4 u'to wbichf~llf':t'v~= ''J·tithik the atudtnfs would like to aee x:~e:~ to=_t:e I~ a~. even greater percent_a1e. set QP to track planes mukhul mi: ciu.-cMn" "'*" ...... tQllNM't ....... w... --- c ....... Offllll J)t W11t a., Sfffff M1lliltf AiUrt1ti rD .... 1MO, tl61• -- " · This will be a very ·unport.ant battle, ov1r the border-fl)'ini below HI level Tn ~ I U)lnk I.hat 4eten.awelated ruearch 1 .some ltl'atqic desert c81l)'OJ11-ad pur· ' wilt persist 11 anot'htr atrona: lasue at :sult plane& WW be; Uled ' ' UC!." ' CoaiW pairols by the U.S. C.Ut Guard The ~· questlonl were brisk, win ae tougher on small boat U\rptc- som~ acid, but never bruteL Uono, with cutters aod llWift Navy· P'r The wi!ll drelsed bualneaamen were . boall to ba uaed In chu1nl down '"'" more lnqulllUve thin hoetlle. t. ptcttd arnuqlers. And u liley· llled out, one member oat Authorities oo both sides ol the border, the tenor of1the club'• attitude toward ' howtvll'i lw the economic prwure Krisman . ~roupt to bur on the smualtn and ·11 want to thank you for speiokin& here 1ntern1Uonal dulen may cripple the tod1y leliUm1te tourflt indultrY fll'll. "YOO did 1 good job _ even if we Many Mexicans depend on U.S. dollan disacrtt with what you say." , for their livelihood and lhe strlngtnt bord~r crossing regulations may dbcour- a1e thousands of Yankee visitors from · School Trustees . ' To Hear Students More thu :IOO Sco!lbem Callfoml1 school boml m..,ben wUI llatta to ICU· d.,I ~ dllc&lll cl-of WJ111US unrest Saturd11 11 tile N-ln!i. P'!v• h)lh ocl1ool '"'*°II lbn>lllhoul !he state ...,. oelected because lllelr easay1 present ~ or ntw or m.. temttni idea on why student! are dllulllliod, .aald lllrf.; Cl 1 l re Budd, Orange Count.Y ,_pmenteHve to tho CaUlomla Sdlool Jloarj)s Alloclatloa con-1,.....,. on atudent 'jlt'Otal. Sdlool boml membe'1 at.o wm hur lrom Dr. Wllllom loyd. prtlldtol of Con- trol Mlchlpn Unlverifly •nd former Tice chane.JJM for ltudtnt alfatn 1t UC Btrkelry, afttr dinner toni1h\, and nconUy appointed Loi Anaoles Police C!l\el Ed Davit 1t lunc;b Saturday. &olna to Baja California. Alin McGtew, San Diego Chamber rJ. Commuce community relaUons manager al.90 noted Thursday that Mexican vis- ' itora 1ptod an estimated SM mllUon in Sin Dit~ eacll yur. Joint °"" with the Merlcan gov• ernmait have Jed to 1n offer by the U.S. to suppl1 aophistlealed equ1pmml ~ lng aenaor devlcta which can ania out muiJuana aod opium poppy fleldl lrotn alrcnfl llylq above. Male n authorlliea have Jt11111'114' pl lh<lr 1upport and will lie wold> Ina qon Intercept'1 Jl!Ofl'I" In the monlhf ahud, with aMlier International conference tn Wuhln&ton lft lor Janum. Astronauts · to Tour WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House anMUnced tod17 the Apollo 11 Ast.ron1ull wUI make 1 23-nalion tour M1ttµJa Sept. 20 to stress U.S. wtnlqnea to &!Im Ill space koowleqe. SPECIAL $1 •9 116ULAl fl7t ' ' JO,bO GLASS TO~ TA l~E. l4" T~ICK -ll•ly 11yr..r ..i ~.4,.,.aly 4tttlltd, 11111 Is ... """"" I'• tins trp hllllt. D .. 't Miu• •P- ,...._fty " ..,,. ~ "' • , .. ,, .. ,. llffce. ' ... .-1.1to'" --.....-., ....... --OW s,_1111 -Dhlr•• Cha ---¥---Ao .. a T-. r EXCLUSIVE DIALlltS fOtt: HINltlDON-DUXIL-HlltlTAGI INTERIORS NIWJIOIT ll!ACH 1727 W01tcllff Dr., 642-2050 om NJIAY 'TIL • ~ro1-1001l ln!erior '*'•""' Av1ll1bl._,.ID-NSID LAGUNA llACH 34l North Coast Hwy. 494-6lll ONH ,.ltAY 'Tl\ • ,. ... , ... "" .... If ONlft e...., 14 .. 1111 ; , I I\ -Oirysler lrtcreases- Slimmer . DETROIT (AP) -Chryller has emulated Ford In a char&e q:ainst General M o t o r s ' superior market PoS)Uon with a proven 11les too]: lower car pricu. Cbrysler announced 1970 mode:! sticker prices 'ntursday averagina $107 more than for 1869 cars. Ford announced Us average hike of flDB the day berore and GM polled an average $1.25 focre.ase last week. In preparation for t b e scramble in the market place. the nation's automakers ochedllJed their hlBJlesl rate GI output sinci late JanU1.17·. '!'be trade publlcaUon Automotive New1 rePorted 193,841 new can Wf're being assemb~ this week. All of Chrysler's seven U.S. assembly plants, four or Ford's lS and one of GM'a 2.1, were put on overtime for Saturday. The manulactul'f:rs computed their average price UPIT ....... increases by using a fonnula Jt' 0 H which takes inlo consideration s pen ouse the higher sales of lower pric· ed cars. The new prices in· A woman c8!rying a .bah)' is assisted into th~ ~ elude cost of dellvery, dealer room Piccadilly mansion 1n London Thursday ]Otn- preparatlon and tu:es. ing the 400 odd hippies living in the building local· A year ago Chrysler rolled ed across the road from Buckingham Palace. The back from an average in. squatters have been ordered evicted by a high court creue per car of ""$89 to $55 judge. after Ford's increase was set-------------------- at $52, GM's at $52 and American Motors' at '43. Some Qrysler dealers felt the cutback should have been greater for competitive """""'· Man Cleared of 1932 Crime, Admits Others '"""· s.-1•, lM . Arms Cost House Gives Vote Reform I , • 'Critics · Unruffled Measure Wlwpping Victory WASIDNGTON (AP) - Sel!jlte crltfca of defense "°"1.1 say a new era bu Opened .in ))tlblle awareness of Pentagon spending despite t h e I r crushing defeat on attempt •fter attempt to trlm' a $20 ,.billion bill tor ·mll'ltary hardware. "We have made a I o o d fight," said Democrat William Proxmire of Wisconsin. a leader in the two-month battle that ended Tburtday ni&ht · lfltb passage of lbe bill. "But," be added, "this is merely the •porung shot In 1 larter eilort. The critlcal review will go on.:• W~HJNGTON, (AP).-A p r 0 p 0 I t d 1 comtJtutiona} a111eridment ·~ 10< the direct, po~la. elittfon· of the pratdent bas been 1pproved by the ' House iri aµcb an overwhelming fuhlon that even the meuurt'a aupportera are aurpriHd -and pJeuei1. The size of IJ'hut1d4y'1• yote -33t-70 -railed backers' hopes thlt the proposal can win Senate approval, 1tate ratification and become the 26th amendment to t b e ConsUtutioo. However Senate prospecls for the proposal are uncertafn. There ~ strong oppoaition in the Jud 1 cJ a r y-Commt.Uee. where the quOlllon GI eloctoral reform lo ..,. llalled. And several wttb ·ago ~· Bln:h Bayh (o.Jnd.), chi!! "'l'porter GI the a~, Uld it wu· 13 vottl abort of the -.led -thirds majorlly on tbe floor. Bui Bayh took bear\ from the il<>use vote, which be call- ed "encouraging, dramaUc and historic." · "A defeMe system whk:h for years has operated wlthoul aufflcient pyblic and private checks has now been exposed to the swilillt~" 1 a I d Republican Edward Brooke of Massachusetts. "A good foun- daUoo has been laid for future inquiry ... The ProDnlre arid Brooke commenls came as the huge. appropriaUons measure finally passed on an 81-5 vote, Debbie Ends 'Walkout,' Retw·ns to TV Series climaxing the most heated HOLLYWOOD (UPI) debate over defense spending Debbie Reynolds, who angrily in two decades. quit her new te1evlsion series AJthough it passed virtually because a cigarette com- intact -only fl'O millkln was mercial was aired during its chopped out -it took 39 full premiere, was back in front of days of debate over the two-the cameras today. can Tobacco Co. 'nle brief split apparently stemmed from whether cigarettes were to be among the variou.s products made by American Brands Lo be ad- vertised on the series. "Tbls 11 on lmporllnt·st.p In bulldtlJI !he momentwn that ""'Id ....,. tis pusage In the Senate and, hopef\llJY, llW'••tee l(COplance by the ·•lala legialatura," be said.> The House vote dlscl09ed ' aolld• blpartlun support for the prqpoul, l'hlcb would scrap the. system ~ to elect every Pllaldent alnce George Wultlngtqo. Imtead of votln& for elec- tors wbo then cast their baUots for tbe preslden~ clth-...Wd vole dlnctly lor their candidate. And Instead GI counUna up the electoral votes of the states to determine thf presi- dent, !he winner would be the ctmdld1te who got the m"8I In- dividual votes ID a natioawidt lall7. A candidate woold have to get at lel!t 40 pei<ent GI the popular vote to win. lf none did, there would be a runoff between the top two. Opponents .charged the 40 percent provision could lead to a minority president, but Rep. Emanuel Celler (0.N.Y.), manager cl the blll, countend by polnUng out that 15 presidents have bem elected with leu than 50 pe,_ of the populor vote . That In- cludes President Nixon, who got allgi>Uy more than 43 ptr· cent. month period. Pent ago n Mis.1 Reynolds, reportedly 1=::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;m;::======;!I backers had to throw back the hlghest paid aclrtss in the more than a dozen attempts to medium at $15,000 a week, delay such major program.s as abruptly reversed her decision the Safeguard missile defense Thursday and wired NBC to system, a new nuclear carrier, say "Naturally I will perform, Squadrons of superjet fighters my obU,aUons." Christian Science: and a new manned bomber. Mias Reynold! said NBC U· COME 'IOAPME Chrlatlan Science Lecture LANSING K (UPI) ~•·r banks ror which he Tile blll that llnaoc<e all !he plained to her the "impos!I-• an. -Ulol~ United States' mi 11 tar y billty" of banning cigarette Do you know what it is? Frank Sawyer, 70, a sports fan never was convicled. hardware for fiscal 1970 now commm"Ciahl from her show, who says he always pu!Ui for "J've already served my goos to the House where far sponsored jn part by American . 11111 ~ TAKE Sii" Turn in at Teueo for· some real savings-six. 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only •55¢ P!us tax (and deposit). 'r'ou get it with any purchase •.. at P.,rticipating Texaco · Retailers. But hurry- they' re going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •SIJUffled R.ut Price. BOAT BUFFS. Al-11 l.Mli:1IMy ft ifl9 •11fy f1ll.fi1111 N.tiitt M!+or ...r\J ... ... lll'f' ...... ,.r.'' h1 °'•• Co1i11tty. Hit ••c utfw COffrtt• of botti119 oftd y1chH119 ReWS It • dilly f11tvr1 ef 011 DAILY Trains Crash In Chicago CHICAGO (UPI) -Two heavily loaded elevated trains coUided during rush hour 'Jbursday. Most of the 273 in. juries were not serious. theloser,was!reedThursday 1~ilin~e~,"~h~e~sa~i~d.:__ ____ ~··~s~ier~go~in~g~~~""~pec~ted~. __ _::B~~~nd!~,~f~onn~e~rl~y~tb~e~A~m~en~·~·------~~------~----__.'.!===================~ with a fuJI pardon {or a crime PILOT. Witnesses said a moving train collided with "a big boom" with another whkb bad stopped on a curve. 1be front cat of !lie c;olllding train ,..,_ pied on its side, but a wide platform prevented it from falling 2S feet Lo the ground. Police ml firemen used helicopters, imorkela: ~ rope and extemlon laddtrs to 1 .. c/> .tnn!led _.,.~, Ill • crowd GI ,.,.. 5,000 spectafu hampered rescue efforts and the trains were not completely emptied f~30 minu~: _: When you'r be did not commit in 1932. Kansas Gov. Robert Dockin pardoned Sawyer and said the stopped •. graf·haired convict did not rob a Fort Scott, Kan., bank in 1932. Alvin Karpis, former public enemy No. 1 and a member of the "Ma" Barker gang, ad· ntitled earlier this year that he, an4 not Sawyer, he1d up that bank. Sa~, a shy forme1' ganpter whose fact! is lln<d 19'~4!11' • dntury behind Prison bars, 1rashed a smile and admitted on the day of his . rel_ea.se that during his career .ill,Plnl< 11e-">oblied .. v~al When you're single and young, life can be so g'9al. So many fUn things to do wilh your I-. So many Interesting people to get to know. That's whet South Bay Club Is all about. The most complete country club you've ever seen with apartments located around it-full of your kind of people. A '1'• million dollar clubhouse, tennis coUrts, olympic pool, heaith clubs, and much more. Don't say you know II until you've seen it. CllAMPAONE OPEN HOUS'E nns SUNDAYIT07p.m • • SoUth:&a.vClubApart.n•ent.s Newpol!Beach-lrvineal 164hSlreet (71'4) 64~ \INttMA Oll. l'lf1' •'11 ..... """"' 121•~ ............ 6(11 ,lllW!tlll ....... Ot» c»1ao Here,much ·tothediSCOmfort of smallercars. 70 ·Nova. Nova has smaller cars squirming principally because it doesn't makeyou 59uinn. The not.:too-small-Nova Coupe seats five adults. Sedan, six. And you get windo)VS instead of ponholcs. A bona fide trunk. And a wide-stance ride on a 111" wheelbase. Funber, you have a happy choice of six engines and five trans· I mis.sions (including low-cost, no clutch Torque-Drive). And ~ova .is anything but dowdy. See above. Certainly,httle cars have to be more than a little uneasy·ahouf Nova's easy price. It simply doesn't cost that much more to own that much more car. Putting you first, keeps us llnt f ., t • • ' • " ; t ' I 1 1 l I 1 l 1 , " .................... _..~..,.,.-...-------------------------- 1 t • • . • aAJLY -PJLoT-!'fuR,IAL PAGE t ·, . \ ( ' Act for Beaches l'iw')'~• •i;o. mot.orieti were .abi.•.io,dnv-llll•· c••'I"' Jlbo(a down Coast Hllbway frOm Corolla delllar • .NoW lo J.quDa Beach. • ' ' °" !DOil days now, any cannon-shot dtlver ii likely lo wtllCl up· a bllnk·shot. Th• hlCbway I• carpele\I will· to.~ wltlt ears: . -• , Mall,Y of these 'cars are parted at the side of Ibo ' "Th• Pi'oxlinllY of pu)>Jlc beaches will be an lm-1'9'1anl colil14eratfon -reft~ 'the lrvine,.Compaaf'• i:Uicom for •\tel! fMiill11u ·Ill!! fts co0per1Uon wilh r.p•· • •rnm""!a\ agenaol 1n thla auitur :•; · - , We read that as a cue to coUllly government and • I ~ _111 Iba am of ·Scotchm•n'~ .COve. Thi>{ are. major ~·hatard1. . CoUnty snpervisors declded io do eomething about II Jut 1NOk l>Y asking the state to ban all hl1bway park· Ing tro,m Corona de! ~~to La"'lna. , 'Jlbat should take care of that p,yticular road safety .J>l<>blem--!\.,now. But ti will do nothing toward 10lvtng •lb• far g r problem that created the parklna-an4. traflio-)am In the first place. ' . ·And !bat II ,the eiplodlng demand aJOllg the Orange Coast for :more be~cb recreational areas. As evidented ,by all l!IQse car1 lining the: highway at,:.Scolclmian's · Cove, ll!UCh of 'th\s demand· is focusstDg , on .•~•reline • proparU .. ollned bYthe lrvlne<:Gmp1J1Y. _ , From \he aoulhern boundaries of Cameo Shores In Col'Olla de!• Mar through ,Cryelal' COv., Scotchman's Co>!, E) MOX"! Beac~ And Abalen~ PO!nt at Laguna'• notlliem llr!llls. there ,. a wide vanety of beech useo.,. nooe of II public. • , ' . The public. has:now .begun climbing the fences, as well as occasionally paying 111 way.. . other 1gencl11! slate Ind fedotal, to be&ln negotialinr for llome of Iha ·beach land. Nol movlnf' now will coat the r,ubllc millions more 'dollari lat.et. 'ft II high 1lm..-ln act, past l~for our Srnment.agencles at all lovela to be Just as bold and In planning for the populous Mure as our major developers. :Right Kind of Drilling ' ' . A lowerlni:Jlrilllng ·rig In an unincorporalad strip of north side Costa Mesa brouilrt sbuddera to rasldenti -untl) the oil 'exploraUon P,~. proved a failure. The rig was folded. the site was abllld.oned. Soon ,ano'tber rig will be IOOmlng. on the north side. But this one la all gOod news, with no potential for scar· ring the community. • . !JI ·tact, this drilllng tower will be a slJ!n that >our local water district Is dlllgenUy seelting·all ·lbe sow:ces it can lo' M<!ge ag8lnst.. a ).>Olential water shortage. Tbe pressure ts there. and it will soon, according to the Irvine Company, greaUy lntenS!fy. , The waler well wlJI be drilled al the corner of Fair· view Road and Sunflowet Avenue. If engin .. rlng data prove& accurate, it will ,Produce more than 2.000 gallons · of'water a minute for tb'e growing thirsts of Costa Mesa. The well, a S76,000·project,.ls the first of three simi· lar wells planned on.the north side of the city. Official.! of the Costa Mesa County Water District are confident that an will add materially to meeting the city's water needs in yeafs to come. The intenslflcation -will c,ome With the dl!velopmenl . star)i;g in 1972, of 12;000 acres of lrllne land at and near the sea. lrvlae officials. In dlsclosinJl plans for the massive 'project !be oilier ·aay, Indicated that they are not uli· , aware ol l)Ublic bA.cb deeds, present 41ld fotu~ • Sli4';ltvlne Vice President Raymond L. WatsOn : ' ' A Kiiid Word , Ca~ Set Ds Up for Week NoOOdf la raJl.)' quite '"'° bow he feels lot bow be lookl) until IOlllebodY tellll liril. We are the moll tmpreaslooabte ~tares en God'• green earth, and 1 tind word can ltt us up for the whole II«):. Thi• ...unt thought occurred lo me r~. when I toot • medical a~ •minltlen fer acme new life insurance. lbe company'• !'hYslclan not only found tolhing wr<lllg With me, but added al the IOtlom <Jf hla paper: •'lleaJtby llld ' rigofOOI ID gtDeral appears ... ~' FOR A FEW DAYS befort tha~ I bad M feeling t<rrible -sllghUy cliizy and 1eac!ath1, wllb a olrange twinge in my laClf mucJes, whlcb f atthlluted t((tob nucb tennis llld not enough sleep over be wetkmd. I had alto becun to brood silently about he -1b1Uty <Jf cancer of the mouth, ln- lut.'ed bJ smoking two packs of cigareta a lay,,. that my tongire fell lite those old :lotb hap used for bayonel Faotice. Bui when the doctor wrote "healthy llid viaonJus," I prompltJ toot a deep imt!I, Ulpped bri1kJ:1 around the room. md begoo ttl<phonlng lo wort up a fut loubles inatcb. With maybe an .il-olgbl ,oker seaaion to fo~. THE CONTl!AJlY hJppens just 11 ml· y. You an leellD& perff<lty fin<, an old Dear ,GloomY' '• . . . . . ' Now that the schools all seem to be Jiving up on 11ex education, I've In- structed my son to read the L. A. Fl"ee Press. -F. N. rnem~walki up and 11y1, 0You're loot- ing sort of peaked," llld ,n ,..r viaor runs out al your betla. Ooe remark of that kind and men have been known to hie themselves off to the Mayo Clin1c, will ID band. "'{ou'h. looking thinner," somebody will say,' llld you begin wirer •boot possible 'emaciation. Or, if you tend toward corpulence, an innocent "Haven't yciu put on some weight Jatefy?" Will make you feel u tr you are consplclousij' ballooning up_ bour by bour. EVERY STUDENT or fem l nine psychology knows that a woman can be made to feel prettier simply by telllng her bow· meie· abe Joob when ahe comes down dressed for the evening. She may have taken four aspirins and looked Uke a dlscar<fed flollr sack lo herself. but a gallant fnalncerlty turns,hes lnlo a bloom· Ing beauty. The wont people -demagtigues and mllitarisls -know ·the lremendOWI iJD. preaslonabillly ot )lllmani; but uie beat people -foyers and pmnjg -have barely•learned bow lo use il One com· pllment; -. the Chinue never aald, is wor.~ 1,000 complaints. Disappearing Conference W ASHING'OON -A White H""'° :onfet"t!DCe on Bunger in America -an- IOUlle<d by the Prelldent last May -Is 1bout to disappear ID a cloud of ob- "1<:atioll, llld Daniel P. Moynihan, Mr. ~ixon '• nsident upert oo pctvtrty, bopea !h.e:t noLody wtD notice. ' Moynihan won a major batUe within :he Administration. He persuaded the ?resident to adopt. h1s scheme for a tuarantted income. ~ by the time the ?ruldenl had finished describing the plan on televiaton as a sort of force-them· D-work program (less than 100,000 Of ~nierk:a's welfare clients are able- >Odied men who do not have Jobi!), \Ioynibar. muat have been barely, able to :ecocnill. it as hls own. Nevertheless. it WU • vJctcry of sorlll, and Moynihan is 1ol. anxious that the hunger conference provide a forum where experts may point iut that it waa a mighty small one. THUS JEAN atEYER, a nulriUon u - pert wbom M01Dlhan brou&ht down from Karvard to run Mr. Nixon's conference 11r1 tr.anger, may be on his way out; in any wtol We conference promises to provide 1bout u rnucb help in solving the cooir ty'• hunger pfoblem a11 would a meeting m bow 14 pare the defen.. budget If oh&ired by the Joint ChfefJ. M.,ef fint Incumd, the Moynihan' •11p1eu1re after newsmeu pointed out Iba the Nlsoo Wtlfan: l!)''1em would ac· luillY decmle tbe benefiu for the - In " o/ 50 lliatos. Thia .... be<aUJe t~ ....,...i ellmlnatod food ot.mpi for iNl!are ndplelu. Bon Zlqler, the Pruldenl'• pr.. aide, a\l!lll!M( lo. par· c· ~ ilboul dM wlih the~ Quo~ that "the llljliol will pay for the stamps," a predlc\ioo wblch Meyer readUy saw as · unlikely. rr WAS THEN thal Meyer ..,.rted on hla own authority that food statnps would be included in the Nixon plan until ~ welfare recetpJMt reached the level of M,000 ln arinual Income. 'l1H! Moynihan lorcet, having fought the good fipt and yielded the food stamp program ID order to gain the victqry, were lbw plaoed in the poo!Uon ol haring lo go back to the Pre.sident and asi for more. Since then, tbe conference on bungei, scbedUltd tor Dec. 1, has been In deep ttouble. The first roadblock was funding. Moyni~ had promised 1'1eyer a million dollars to. run the conference. Last week, he w11 9CUn")'in~ around town trying to find -O>e money. MR:; NIXON'S spoktsman for the poor. OE' Dfrector Dooald Rumsfeld, turned him dowu Oat on Oie ground Iba! the meeting m!Mbl afford an IJl!POrlunity for anothe' poor people's march o n Washington. The pepar!menl . ol, Aari~ told Meyor tt dld!>'I have l•Pl 'aulhOr!ty to C"OUilil flllida unltu J! could Nl1ba .... !ertnoe. Mel'tf !iDaJ!1 •-1ed to ll!il' s.cmary RobOtl Fihch, wbo; .. of las\ Friday, lhwl!bt he mi&hl be able lo a:aorb a quarter of the , neceaary rtmount. Aa of now, the oonrcreqce h11 alludy lncurrtd -o/ m.ooo. masllJ fn OJ• pen!ts for poor people to belp tn plannln& -and Uiere it no ptelClll way to pi1 lhe blllt. It is good to be looking ahead instead of waitinl Ulltil the pipes are about lo run dry. (Cl INTO -11:1 !;; SLOP . ' fJ.S, ... Js Not Getting Out of'Far East • Qeveloping a New Policy Wwlllts_HINpa;?J!. -Secretary of S~-t~ 4--· ;,:::;:;",_ "\~·~ ;:;.,._ ~ r'*.).·~· government has demonatf8ted. it ia fully whe:ihe 71,;'(o:;~ ~enil, ~~i~~ ··~d. WljJ -.. :·· capable of containing si:icb penetration asked him U-the United States gomw .,.,...ii!"""',ar · ·ft> 8 . even though it may be-embarrassing ment objected ii 'Ibai.land developed con-~~~. ~'L~~ from time to time. tacts with Red Ollna. The Nixon Administration has also Rogers replied that the United States dependent on Peking for military sup-aattstied ibelf that Kott&'-' superior on Asia plied on a. per capita basis to the other naliona of populous Southeast A41a. could rim info many bill.ions of dollars. For ex. ample, gl_vlng -lo Indonesia the-aame magnitude of aid we have glVJD to Taiwan would, on a per capita basis. run lljl lo 16 billion. govenunenl ,certalnl)l .doa not object for u ' · military strengtb mike! the probabllily It also ls tryln& to develop" contacts with p i:oneaia has already broken with of a re.newed North Korean invasion SUCH -PROJECJ10NS are, of .courtt, the Communist ~. . unlikely. North Korea's continued hostlli· entittly unrealistic, but it is not Thh ia the i~ of the nfw Asia China. 1be_ Philippine &ovenuntnt ia ty toward the Scviet Union also redoces unrealistic to recall that Pre!ident ~ tbe Niloiri "MmlnlstraUon is trym, hostile to both China and Russia. Japan'• American ~· Johnson proposed ab i 11ion·do11 a r to dev~ Tttere wu jasi a sugutlon American rela.Uoos • r e not com.-rehabilitation program in North Vietnam o/ pique In the 'lllal.lnquley. ff the Uolled promised· by the fact the Red Chinese au SIX WEl!:KS AFTER the , lntroductkln .,, an inducement to peace. State.1; Is Jowettna Its profile and Japan's. biggest cuatomen. ~·of th~ new Asia policy th.e Nixon ~er economic development in dlmlni>hlng ,Ju ,vlalb1e presence In ,"51a; The no]! Asia pol!cy resu on the pro-Adminifitatioo b content .,Ith 111~ Southeast Asia could become very, ,.,,. practlul Allan Jeaclm 111'1 decide lo babillly ol..lhli vat' llld Potentially rjcjJ .-• lion tn},alal l'ftd the rest of the world, In· pensive and lb~ country b eviden~ loot elsewhere for tbeii' aecurity. : .,..,iil'lliO_.ld lielng able to D]al!ilaln ' C!l\l<fln('Unllod States c!Gngn;,,;;Onalliliil ' no·nfoi>d for that. ·Pmt6ent N~ .'. , Since their ="°'~,...UY , u lJ>dependeoce.from II«! China' at the pobllc bpinllJn, Ing lhla m6o\J, oaldbe was oee PrisldOni thrutenedezceplbJ ~. Ume lllnoctt ..... u. own -ca o! ·.rln •tbe 1\'"ler run there may be ;ame who was not running~ ~,;..ld ·aupplllted'by P , , in<:e111ay dlco --llW!IJOW" to'fdlll.'ll!lemal 1)11>v<t'ilii!I. ,_._tleri<iul problems. Presldent-Nlxllil, cari'j'bfg a llttre black bag. , . late a -• pla1;4tory, aUI--tow:anl • ~ , • -.IDJIO!llna hla new policy, ha• oflen'refer· The United States is cOilnting.,, JaP.f)i Mao Tse.tung. · ~ l'OUCY !!)>pllor"ln•.11 -baf rtci-•· the long· strld11 m11dr by the' • lo figure-In thiEeconomfc developlt'ieftfto' - ' .. different way to Korea-w~<tbere i! no ~enta of Korea and Taiwan in a greater extent than the present one THE CERTAINTY under~es .Nix~ prilent inlentioa 'of ndudng · the duttq ltl;oa& economies. South Korea percent contribution of its gross national oo _pqllcy, ~tr,. 'hat .ntlther-iJl,....... Amerie•n~ fM"Ce of 150,D of so; bU1 1tlnda in CJotraat to North Korea in product. Japan has indicated its: wiil- dependent ~ nor any o~ neither 11 there an intention of~ about the ume way as West Berlin to ingness to expand its fore i·I n IOV~t In ~~ Aala wlll cozen to '~ -'-Part's s~ tha.t East Berlin. Taiwa!' bas long since found developmental aid. • up .to tbe Chlneae m a way that WIM!!ll • Korea ._ mono help lo prevent Com· American ei:onomlc aid unnecessary . We still will be deeplJ involved. dancei: the.Ir aovereignty •. Tip.I fl ~, mllllist.infll~ind peqetraUon. .To accompllsb thls, however .. bas re-however, and it is wholly wrong to say doubte'dly lnle of NartJi Vletnain, wltb ljs • . l\Oltn lw, In a-pnUe ny, ........,,. quired not Ollfy American milllary-1fo-that we ai'O'in the process of gelling out long tradlUon of ""'Plclon aod boitlllty amhied Part.on this point llld appareiltty tectfon but over a long peilod <Jf time of Alia. ln,...me wa)'> we may become toward~ China, once it oo tonier ii bu satisfied himself that the Korun \ll!iey laJ1e outlays Of tunds which, I ),p,;-mote' deeply htvolved. ~I Had _to Belt IJer to Shµt _Her Up' ~ a ... _ aboutd be llruct 'reiularly -llte a -· u Mr. Noel Coward one. lllheated,,la plainly a po- j>091llon '1bal bas more than oiie aide tO ll r suppose there are men who 10 ihrooJih Ille wltbout ever Bivin&' a dame tbe old one.t•o, or· even alapptna ber; 6Ut lliey are not amooi · the ladl of 1111 a<:· qualntance. "I. had to belt her to shut her up,'" is 1 line I have heard many timel'durlng 1111 serried Wetime. , Tiie ,..... men hil WOQIU b not because the n\en ire rudely ;lldlela or fasclxt>, or because they hive acne deep- rooteil hostility lo the other' -(thOugh these guy1 indl1potably eldst), or that Ibey wish tO tee~1belr beloved in'a lllte of emotional peonage. • • N00TllE RSAllON la ll!llally u on.pie as that: ,. shut ttiem up. For tadlea have .,U. -Agile and, too fteqQlntly,· unControOabk. To 1 very blch proportion, they alJO -tlilll 1nstinC1 f o r the jugular 'll'hlcb 11 -.;ttat for a .blt!ee. , · It mot be that tblo capac;lly for verbal lnlallcfty ii ID -clqrte a natuTal compenaaUm for the tm,y and lender physical •ndo,,,_..t of the 8'X. In -· caal, 1· cm convtoced there 19 aome e~ ID the femlni li\ture thal requires and so11c111 a bettin the chops from Ume 1o tlmt. • Tllll LADlbl Bt'r 'UP' the siluatioo tbemltl ... , They will er.ate a maglcally inflamtnable word: llkt maybe Elaine, or Mary, or Esther. Whether the l~y exists nr not. liardly matters. the responae is an that matters. and the mpol\le is one oI ..---av Geo1'9e ---. Dear G<orp: Do you lblnt tt It proper for a woman to make advanct1 to a C<!'flplete stranger ~ abe meet.a him at a party! , SHOCKED Dear Shocktd : 'No. A woman ahouJd nevtr mike •dvaoc:ei to a man unllf they hive beon properly lnlrOduced. (I don'I think that's what 1 me.ant to NY but It's too close to qulttin( time to root with fl now,) ~it. Ii • lncreum, annoyance -as it is intended lo be. Or the word may be "scotch" or "the bo)'I doWn at the bar" or "ihe locker room ." Tbe essence of the acc:usition ia that it ls IOtDe acUvity, pleuurabJe to yoo, which reta ,you out <Jf the •!&ht o/ the auardlan at the pte for a short while. Thia, the guanilAn at the a•te -stand. Io due time, and wUhout fail, the In- flammable word ii used once too oftell. or the ioflammable situation is edai:ted once too often. Wbammmmm ! WllAT GOT ME lblnking alw U,.,. morbJd lines this morning were : J~ mnarks made on the subject of btlfing by actor Terence Stamp, described ..ls "leader of tbe London jet set" and "Jid7 ldller In chief." Said Mr. Stainjl: , 0 Mos-. beautiful birds.have be.en getting away with murder for years. They try it on "!"" becauae they ..,,...11y )lope )he guy will l1>rn .....00 and !hum~ them. , "Pbysical control or a woman is vital and there Is nolhlng like a g!19l! rJghl- bander to Iring them allarply iii!O'tlnii" "An elepnl beating. not brutal l(ljC< .. memorable." < .. Instant Zipper-upperi: '"i ' " Bl' JOY STILLEY ·Allodatad Pnu • Desp~ aome. eu17tnt ~na, I'm sure ni:arrlqe wW never ao out of atyle ·as lOl'll as drtsses with back z.ippers stay in style. While husbands like to lblnk they are lndlspeMable..h>r financial support. com- paniomhip andl"1ew other contributions to a happy home, the real secret of their tenure..is their availabiUty as inslant zip- per·Upptrl. Although numeroua gadgets have been designed ·by ingtnious inventors to-cope with this early morning problem, none is aa efHcient as 1 sleepy spouge with a · good right ann. AN INFORMAL survey indicates that most husbonds are wllling to JI•• the dp. per a hoalt!O' yanl tt thej can open tbdr ey .. w!deenougb·10 spol lbt pull tab. Bui al th.It poil!I their·helpfulness balU. • To a .... tbeY btlk at finding the llny loop 11 lbe nect of the drw thal theonUcally acceptf the email boot On the otheT olde. TO achle,. lh!J fut talia complete dedlut!Go to the chall..,,., 111- lO vls!On. a long )llstory of IObrlety, a witlingnHS to miss the 7:118 commuter train and 1 wife who Is able to stand~ tlonlw for e1tended periods With her bead bent rorwaNlat.1 ~e ancle· ' ' SINCll: MOST QI the time !he ll'isfl)I bits . of thrud orli!Jnally destined IO)lcctpftl\'e' hoot aro no longet-In Ollistenct, 'the '!hole business becomes an uerctse in futility, The operation pats a severe strain on the husband's eyes, his temper and the marital bonds. Thill is not the Mly area in which fashion !oula up the blisllul boy-girl rela· tlon.ship. 'lbt new identical unisex stylts are esposlng a wide compaUblllty gap between otherwise IovU,: couples. ll Is somewhal almplt lb -lt a compromise on whtther tbe i>anu ihould be ""ip<d or plekf, stra!lfit or bill·bot· .tom. Tiit TRoUllLE starla»•ben the two hfVe 111 dtet.on wlittber the shit!~ hln, ruffltl or a plilted fl'ont, ff 11 ahould bi printed lilk "' crisp -· . £veo alter having completed the aelec· uon of the matching OIJlllu tbeTe'a at111 one more problem' -the new loi>t-illkt wla !ot him and htl. ' · ·WlD love find 1 way, whtn she prefn a short bainlo but be -lhq purchase the looser type wi1 that curlt lo/lly a"°"I Ole nect! 1 WON'T SAY I've had rnany elegant or memorable beating! to my credit; but the ones I remember have nearly always produced more good than harm. LadJes have taught me many lessons, aJ'MI ooe. o1 them is the need to OC· caslonally resort to violence in order to achieve what ought to be the birthright of a man in bis relations with a woman: a Ii~ damned peace and quiet. I'm cer- t.ala the~ are ml':r. who have murdered , juat to iCqWre a little peace and quiet. . J'm just talking about ordioary women, the kind · describa'. by themselves and everybody e I s e as nonnaJ. I'm not alluding to the f~a)s who havt a real ~-for constant punishment, to assuqe IOllle obsau'e guilt of their own. ' . . ' . TllESE. B-¥1ES are real poison. They ahoUld be avoided like tambour1De4lnmi- ping, colored coi::ktalls, te nnis over 40, and other lollies. . 'No. I'm speakUu!: of real, ordinary Dear Old Mom. The lady for whom, with blueberry ple, we fight wars. She ii the ooe who1 all too often, creates the sltu·a- Uon. -whete ,'you are labeled a hopelw monster, because you gi ve her a well· d~erved whack. ~.~if yoa~don't whack her when her condoct ·SG-rt&:h11y deserve! it you get an ul~r or an . anxiety neurosis. You lo~ either way as In most negotiations. wilh the fair !ex. Ab, me! ------ Friday, September 19, 1969 Th• f<fltorlal page 01 lit• Dollr Pijot 1etk-1 to inform and stlm- ~ic uadnl by wesenUng this "~' opinbti and com-mentatf~ on topici of inUrtst 0114 lignlflamc<. bu prOll!ding a forum flil' Ute • .,,,....,... Of bur rta"n' opinionJ. crnd b11 pruen.tiftg (hi 41vn,, ' oif'IOo pomu of !•f"""'d !>b,.,,,.,. a.nd IJ>OkfttMn ~n topics o/ Chi daJI ... Robert N. Weed, Publisher \ I I j I I " Friday, Septemhlr 19, 1969 • ~ S · OAll.1 l'ff.Of Q in : Valley Eligible to-.Vote • Ill Recall Ballot ~ to ·Li.st· ·BAt;E 2 • • . , ·Fregeau, Guiso~ Svalstad, Savarino Three Que~(iq~'. "RACE 3 Mayor Faces Sassone, Scott l • By TEIUIY llOVllLE ., .. Deffr , .. ~ RECALL Ill the procodure bx whlcb pubUc olfldlk·ml)' be remoY"d. fnlm office by vote o! the people on petition, procWim Webster. 1 Voters in Founlaln Valley will test U..1 dictionary· detlnilion Tueoclay. But Webatcr's little paragraph doesn't even bit at the lea;al entanalements po53ible or the mounds ot paper work pcobabte In a recall election. . ! ' . For inolance, th.at potllion W~bsler m<nlioos mull be si,....i bt %$ pemnt of ~ registered voter1"in the city. ,In Fountain Valley's tue that wu more than 2,400 signatures on peiiUOos for. each of the three men attacked. 1FIEN CAME the waiting period while legal minds scanned the signatures lo verify them. Once done, the electioo was Bet. • On Tuesday the vote.rs in Fountain Valley -t ,850 registered -must c~ fully check the ballot and make their marks as.directed or the whole procedure ts a waste, at least for lhe ml.smarked ballot. Each voter will be given one ballot Tuesday. On It are three is.sues: t. Sbould Mayor Robert SdlwenlUe1u be recalled from. office? !. Sbould Vice J\.layor Donald Freieh be ncaUd from office! 1. Sllould Councl1mu Josepb Co.rre1e1 be rec&Ded from office? Every voter must mark either "yes" or "no:• on that issue or his ballot is no gocwJ. More than 50 percent of those votin1 muat vote to recall a man to make it stick. ONCE THE VOTER puts his mark on the recall isaue for each man, he may then pick one candidate running against each incumbent. Each of the three races is separate in a recall elect.ion, and the highest candJdate in each race wins, if tht incumbent Is rtcalled. Voters who oppose the recall may still choose a candidate if lhey mark •;no" en the recall issue. Voters who mark an "X" for a candidate, but did not vote on Ute recall will Jose their ballot. Jt won't count. ONE PUZZLING question remains unanswered . What U there is a tie vote on one of the recall Issues? "Oh, J don't koow," replied a surprised city clerk in Fount.ain Valley, "I don't think it has ever happen~ I'm sure they 'd recheck all the ballots." However, the office of the County Counsel of Orange County say1 a tie vote would leave the man in oUice. It takes a majority to remove him. -If !ueaday'a recaJI el¢ction is successful a new Fountain Valley City Coun- cil will be installed.Sept. 30 -by the old one. RACE ONE Council~an Joseph Courre$_es, Ginos, Richards and Shenkman Councilman Joseph Courreges ls one of the old timers w1JoDe1ped form the city. His three opponents, .John Ginos, Roy Richards and Ron-Shenkman; .. alt ·-say-tbey-\\•ant··t& ~,rebuild it;!'-· Here-is-· what each of the four thinks: • .I osepla (;ourre9es "Our city was not built by public offi· cials who retreated in the face of pressure groups, or who voted far 1peciaJ lnteresta," states Councilman Joe Cour- reges. "It is great today because our officials made their decisions based on firm convictions to benefit ail the people and no\ just the small groups "'·ith special interests," he conUnues. Courreges Is 49, mar- ried with four children and lllree Jt311dchiJ. dren. He was Dorn in "Talbert" now Foun- tain Valley and was one of those who helped in-- corporate the city. v "A! one of the founders of the cily," he say.!I, "I feel in my . heart tba~ 1 bt;ve conducted myself with horieity, inteFIU' and have brought stability lo our fine community. "Those who have known me person- .ally will tell you that after 13 yelJ"S ·of unselfish service in bringing orderi growth and progress to our ·city, Jose Courreges wOuld oevu di.!lcredit hims t, his family or his many frienda !Moug!) so-ealled conflict of interest or J>!SOrill gain," he concludu. e JolaK Gino• "We don't want a change jnst for the ·· take of change, but we need a change with a purpose." declares John G}noa. "I fff:I that 1 represent that •purpose," he explains. "My occupation afford! me the opportunity lo be- come ~ to city councna. planni.og com- missions and the county board of !U~ in Orange County. This uposure has enabled me lo develop a knowl- tdge of the inttnd~ hlnclioo and rdponat- bllities o1 ·city govern- ment." Gill05, fl. ls married ,, 1'ith lour children and "°"' u u oi1 company representative. He bu· Uved almost four yean in FOU1Jtatn Valley. "I pledB• my ellorll towards the -or our ctty,'' he states. "towards Midi· uona1 pirk areas. 100th rroaram•, NP'rid portil1( the ..,....al i.n-yur pJu a malntenonco of ""' qu.Uty mtdentlll lmaae by crtucal review of all sone ctianaes." "I have no pre-comm1tmtnt to al\Y individual "' special lnltrul ~P and have no busineu tit social interest wltb .any other caodldale « council mtmber. ThlJ wm enable mt lo function wlthll the intended lrame .. otk of a five-member COWIC1f." e Roy Richard• Roy Richards rained immediate lame when it waa learned he wa.s the mayor'& dentist and at the ume time highly active in the recall movement. "l want to return stability and integrity to our city 1ovem-• - ment," states R.ichanb, who ls no longer the mayer'• dentist. Richards, 35, la mar- rled with Ure< young- lterl. He has lived and practiced denUstty in Fountain Va I I e y for ~-half, ...... Prior to becoming .a dentist he worked nJne Years in the Cllllomtr ~vice department of Southern Cow> ties Gas Company, "I hope to provide • city aovernment that doesn't wesent continuh1.c COQflict.s of interest," he nya, "and to help ~ vide a councll !hat Js responsible and rtspon!lve." Major points he seeks in Fountain Valley include implemtnta.Uon of 1 plan for conuperclal and industrla:I develop- ment, a total re-evaluation. of budgetary usage to .provide a meaningful parts and reoretlloo program· and e!lab!Jal>menl qf a .civil service review board to inaulate cl\y .employes fnlm power block poliUCJ. "I would •lso lll<e to bring all C)\lr city youngsters into the Foun!:aln Valley School Dlmict," he uya. • aoa s""""'"•" ••Tiie ooly way the city of · Fountain V&Dey can return to a 1tate of normalcy ls by ,chanlrlna the lllructure of the cur• rent admfnistration," conunmts Ron Shenkman. "B<pJacina the incumbenJs la not enouth." he cautlnuea. ••Men of. txptrle.nce and integrity must be eltcl· ed by the peop)e. I feel I have both the ~ -and the lntegrlly lo help our yoona cl\y phi ti& baJanc< and to itrive for incftued in- duotrlal and commer- cl.al development." Shenbnaalsil.mar· """ "1th ..... -' and ls -Joyed u ......... lllNI ..... lap cowudor r.r -.n Orilop Coaaly Savlllo and Lou AasoclalJoO. He bu n.;., ·• the dlY .... ~ lour yun. "141 uperleice u cbalnnaD <# Iha pub and -_.,bu -. me 1-local •"" -int -b. ll also bu ...ck·"..;·· ;;e-Iha ..... """°"" -r.r·devtlopment" pork facfUtlel for our ~" -.....m.'y ttalflled fnlm hi• poll, "In orcJv to punue a poolUoo on the ell)' council ~1 want to 11tt ID aqmenta of our cit- tttnry r.,..,.,.wd by. the c"' C011ocll and hOI juot a .. 1ect ""'·" be -bld<a. . · Vice May_M.:D,uQll)g.Fregeau claims the.recall is a ."~wer grab." Hiii lhree opponents, Paul Guiso, Paul Savarino and Bernie Svalstad . hl.ve the~ir own vieWs. This is what all four men say abQut ft: • e Don•lll l',.e9eau e Paul SallGri1to Mayor Robe.rt Schwerdlfe&er laces a stJU challenge from attorney Robert Sassone and parks commissioner GeQrge Scott, both of whom have attacked him on Slleged conflict of interest. Each Ii.as a separ- ate view on the election. Here's what they say: 1"nU1 recall ls an outright atttmpt·'by a 1tmall group of radical dissidents lo take over pontrol of yoor city," chargt.S Viet Mayor Donald Fregeau. Fregeau II 49. a teacher and married with three children. He tuu lived in Fountain Valley airlCe 196::. ••J agree ill principle recall," explains Fregeau, "but o n I y justified by malfeu- ance bi oUiee or crim· liuit actions. As John Locke noted, govern- ment should not be cbara:ed for ltght and ·transient reasons. "Vote no on recall, because this rteall has never bee.II anything other than a conflict of pe(sonaUtles. 1be issue of small lots was simply the vehicle used and ii not vaUd," be states. "You, the citizen, will be the loser if it suceeeds," continues ·the vice mayor, "for the city we live in will be dam· ~ for years lo come. Its scars will always be evident." "Vute no lf you want the city to prog- ress and prosper aS it bu in the put three and one half yean. I challenge thre recall group to point out anything we have dooe that has been detrimental to the city and its citizens." e Paul Guiao Paul Guiso has labeled himseH "the walking candidate" because of hi.a e(. fort to personally knock on doors through- out Fountain Valley. "l will be an independent council mem- ber representing no special interests nor business groups," he declares. "Fountain Valley'' annual report of l96M7 stales the noble, primery goal of maintaining a balanced comm\lnity of lndcstrlai commercial and ,.sldenUol d .. velopment," says Paul Savarlno. ''1'11< actions of the present majority on the city council re-· veals no vigorous l.n- temt in striving for these goats ln the )n. terests' ol either home owners or land own- e r s , ' ' he charges. "Thes;e goala must be rekin'dled and pursued." Savarino, 48, says he is primarily concerned with the single family home owner. He is a negoUator· administrator in contract management at ?dcOonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. He is married with two children and has lived in Fountain Valley less than two years. "Fountain Valley needs better policies on land usages, commnnicatlon with citi- zens, more attention to youth between the ages of 12 and 20, reestablishment of trust and confidence in city government and a m<lre stable, properly balanced city government," Ile says. "Although the office.! or city council members are part-ti.me posillons, the re- quirements must be high with absolute separatlom of publ ic power and ptivate interests. The public trust demands it," he concludes. • Traf fie Signal Bids A waited e Robert Sclnc.erdtf~ "Jf the recall succeeds, the city wlll hove committed itself to years of poll- ticaJ turmoil," says ~fayor Robert SchwerdUeger, ''if l were truly gnilly of any crime the proper oulhorltiea \\'ould have prosecuted long before now." The mayor is 36, a licensed real est.ate broker. married With two children and has lived in Fountain Valley since J.963. He bases his campaign to stay in office on his past record anti the potential damage he feels a recall will do the. city. "The real cause or lhis recall," he charges, .. is that only three or your present city councilmen have the backbone to make hard decisions. and have not been afraid to step on a few very sensitive toes." "The pe-0ple of Founlain V11Uev elected 1ne to office in 1966 with no illusions. The (act that I was in real estate and these same charges of conllld of interest were all hashed over three and a half years ago." "Whether you retain me or not is un- important. The !"fat is.sue on Sept. 23 is the future of Fountain Valley. If the re- call succeeds you wlll have more recall1>. more bad publicity, and more misery.'' e Robert Sassone "\\fhen it became obvious that the only solullon to problems in Fountain Valley was recall. I plunged in to help \t.'ith t~ recall signatures," explains Ro b e r t Sassone. , _BiJs win be called (or soon for. the In· ataifallon of three more lraffic signals on "The dedication of many volunteer•, P&Cif.ic Coast Highway In Huntington spending many hours gathering signa- Beach at an estimated cost of $75,000. lures, convinced ine Public Works Director Jim \Vbeeler tl\at the people of this 1 Gullo Is 31, married with one daughter, and is an engineering ad- ministrator with Mc- Donnell Douglas Air- craft Co. Ht haa lived in Fountaln V a 11 e y 8ilid today the signals will be erected at cily care about their ~ Huntington, lst, and Golden West streets. community and deserve a good city govern- more lhan two-and-a-ball years. Hia edu- caUonal background Includes Loi Ang-eles City College and UCLA with a•ma- jor In economics and a mlnl)r In busi-- ness. He also served eJgbt years In lhe U.S. Army Reserves. ''Tbere are ~lly too ....,. .,..., ol neglect in our city," say 1 Guilo. "Parks have not been developed., 1prop- erty valll!S have not Ileen prolede!l_olld the people have not been heard." Guiso has been active In YMCA affain -and-suved·-as a-footbaJt··coaclr'tn~·the·· city's youth program. He la also vice president of the Onnge County Repub- lican Volunteers. · "The recall bu been good,'' he statu:, "because It has brought to the surface some aJgnificant problema and has stir· red an enormous i n t e r e s t l1'I civic affairs. .. . e Ber11le Svalltad "Aa an active, dedicaled home owner. It WU lmp>6alble to sit on the sidelines and aee the people's rl&hta· continually clrow!lfenled. Action Ill~ to be taken . to retiq1I Fountain Valley to the jieo. ple," comments Bernie Svalstad. Svalstad la 31, mmled wltli four cbU- dren and ls a lite ae-· · leeUon coordiDaior for Foodmlker. Inc.. a subaldiary of Ralstoo Purti1'1. H• bas Uved ill the cl\y for three years. "The people h a v e been demanding repre- sentative government, proper planning and re- duced tues. I feel my backgrOund of dedlcatlon to commuait)' aervice fOI' more than ten yearl hu provided me with the proper qualifica· tions for this office," he atatea. "There 1a no way that being: a city councilman can improve my personal finance& and the only property I own in California is my home hue." "I am conCemed about the lack of npreuntatlve government. the lack of malled notice on propoaed zone changes. Jack ol reduction of taus, lack ol proper planning shown In the 1-lng trend toward 1mall loLs and high density mul· tlple dwellings," aplalns Sval!tad. "l find the public is concerned al>oul the same thtngs." Planners Nix Apartment Plan FouotiJn Valley's P 1 an n in I Com- mission Wednesday nfght said "no'' for the 1..i limo to • propooei[ hip density a)>llUMnt project on the riorthwost "°"' ner of Warner Avenue and Bushard s~. . 'llu.I pan:ol ol. propeny la triangular ill • allopt, ~-nded b1 the son Diego Freeway ... fioOd conlrol clulnncl and a cma1I commercial d<velol)menl. &~Uva of H.C.11. Development Ctmpa'11 vsod the IsolallOn factor to ar&\18 thtl hip d<illlly apar\menla WU the only llCODOlllleally fwlblo project. P,lannen stuck by 1 It.I.ff recom- mendallon to allow DO more than lW (medium denslli' apartmtntal zonJns on the properly. Commlaalooer C.rroll Molly abttalned from dbcu181oo or votlnc duo to prior bwilnela lranladlons with Ille appllcanl Pedestrian safety i! the reason £or the meat," he continues. 1st and Huntington streets installations. Wheeler old. Sassone is an atlor· The Golden West signals will provide ney in Santa Ana. He additional safety for motorists entering is 34, married with the bjJhway from that Jntersection which three children and has will~ betvy tnIJ>c Jn tbe near future lived., 1n FounlBJn Val: following the complelion of the four-lane Icy for two years. widening pniject now under.way. His educaUonai background includes The $71,000.COJt will be 'shared equally an undergraduate degree ii1 physics from by-111eltii.-""" the-.It • the University of Michigan; study-Jn poll~ 1-''--~~~~--'~~~~~~~~--'~~ "Thtyftt't ahll lluohing .11 the theatre emptied" R91 Wlllorl, MEMPHll PRllS.SCIMITAR "lht best .now In town", franlt"Meytr, MIAMI IEACH IUN "dynlmk: 1tyi.-.atrre l1 trem.ndoua'' ... ,, ...... - n. U.UDll'IDAL! NEWS ' a m100.blowlng, laugh-loaded perform•M•,. ," · OtntOerrri COLUMBUS C!TIZIEN·JOUANAL "A dellelous ntlrlzing In aonQ, patter, ,skits end on•rrneri on .evt:ry mejor facet of tne American scene ..... George Binitt, MIAMI H!RAl.D ' Ucal science and a doctorate in jurl&o prudence from Loyola University. "Many people sugaested that' my edo· caUon and backgrOUnd ;.ould .be uselul to the city with our problems of conhJct of interest aod ambiguOU1 city ordi- nances and urged me to .run ,., aptains Sassone. "In order to have Ute best kind of city' government we mu.st have men who are willing to spend quite a bit of tlrDe with very liUle retnnueratlon ju.st for tbe good or the city." ' ''I hope to stay and raise my chiJdren in Fountain Valley because of Ha spac- iousness and good schools, both of which have been threatened by the councllrr.ei. who face recall." e George Seott "It is the function of city goverrurient to serve the people, not for the people to serve citY governmenl To this~pfinciple I am totally OJmm.ltted, •1 st.a.tea George Scott. He promised action i.O end confllct of interest problems, expand business and industry Jn the commnnJ1y thereby-ea.s- ing the tax burden on homeoWnera, pro- vide recreaU-0n faclliUea-, adbrtt to the master plan and elimi- nate the ~!led gag rule which forbids ·ah i11dividual councilman from requesting staff reports. Scott is 36, a teach· er and married wllh s1x children. He bu JJved in the city rtve::lind-a:;, half years. · ' "M.>: lnvolyement in this city began Jopg before the recall campaign wu a rulll)'," 8'l'* Scott. His accomplishments inc~dt pRaldeni of the JaY,,..,, president ol the board of direc- tor& of th@ Boys' Club and a member of the parks and recreation commluton since lls inception. ~once u 'chair· man. , "° , , "Citizens hive expl'Uled their :derira to return the voice and the will ot tba people lo city 7govemment, I beUeve I _...,the quallliCaUONI, both moral and ·teobnlca~ to return repreuntaUve government, and above all, integrity to ctty bllll." "ploayed to S.R.O. eudlences -an unqu11illed hll!" -..... _. COl.UMIUS DllPATGH • • ,.t-,., • I • I I i I . ,. ----------. ·----- r-.lto'-19,1969 I ~ .... o.a. ...... The BeaUes ha~t come up wl!h ll1 allectlooate singing tribute to 0.-EllAllolh II, who gave them the Order of the BrlUsh Emplte In 1961.1 ID the q~'a )ates{ lo!lg· pla)'ln&' nicord ...... McC•rlMY VQI~ a .&Qng with the punch line "Rer MfleitY°• a Prit!Y nlC<I girl, so saint time I'm gonna mate Der mine. Ob yeah, some day I'm gonna make her mine... A Be&Ue press agent said Lbe BeaUes "are all mori8rcblsts" and lhel "Paul sang ihat knowllljf th• "Queen would anjoy il '' He wd a copy of the record would be sent to Bucking· ham Palace. A Palace gpol!esman commented: "I don't ;binl< she 1.iJ. t.ens to a great deal of pop music." • The computer at the Barton County ;unior college in Great Bend. Kan. ·anal~ enroUmnJ rorda turned fn Jut week and 55 percent of t.ht: atU<knts are male, '43 percnt <ire f.t:ff'llJU. and two peruttt a.rt und.edded. . -' Eigbt.)'ear-<>ld Clinton Borrott of SL Louill ,, .. wounded in the le& by a bullet fired from a mootey wrench, l>Olice repOrted.. Investl· gators Said the child found a car- fridge, clam~ 11 in the jaws of the wrench ahd began pounding wllh 111.e wnoch on the steps in the rear at bl< home. The cartridge .. ent off. Tanen, tM atmoii;.year'-Olcl UOn at U..-VJlo&..Po<k.Z<><Lln.!lodi.tQO, Wit., like ,..., l>obi<• <llioll' o bG!h.-Btll jurl wait tmffi thi.t fut1're king of 1M ;imole gr01D1 u.p:--Earl Pottinger mGJI not /ind him quite 10 docile tht:n. • • Girls at Slater Junior Hlfb SChool in Pawtucket, R.I. m-r wear miniskirts or even mini·mlni· skirts, says Principal Gerald '· Gtiyotto, but not bell-bottom "slackl. "They're different and distract.. ~(," he said of tht slacks when 20 girlS marched to pni~t ru1 .. bar· ring bell-bottom&. Goyette told lbe girls to "get bito spmetlllng ~ .. cent" and !elmn to tho!t llUillM. Wben that failed, he Called pollce, hut the girls wandered off . •• Not all ..-S wW be afflicted by upriJin&• ~ year, accordil!g to San Frinclsco Slate PrlSldei!I S. I. Hay.UW.. At a· luncheon re- cenUy Rayakawa Hid, "The only •chool• I've beard of that don't ••· peel trouble are police ac8Jllm!es, emhalmlnJ school& and Karate· in- stitutions. 1 ~ Wives Ely . Back; Reds Pledge Word eAluS (UP!) -The wl¥U of fQllr American airmen dOttned OYlt North Vlelnam 0... bome to TU 1"'1"1 with a pr<>mile ol -from Hanoi ... lbe1r m!asiDC bulblndl ud • m ...... for their ebllclren that '4daddy cannot come ~yet." ,....__ p11ne took oll Into low skies about :io minutes behind ochedule. They were 8Cheduled to arrive in Dallu at 1:19 p.m. CDT altor a chan&< of planes ond a -hour loyOYer in Ne" Vork. "Ml wue boy undentands an awful lot about the w11· from televlsioo, even tJptch la'1 ool;r 41n,'' said Mrs. Joy Jef. lrty, wffe of Capt. Robert Jeffrey, before bolrdinR Ibo lllrcra.ft. "I inld, him I WU cominR to Parll to try ud help daddy get J>ome," she said. "I will jUlt have to tdl him that daddy cano:>t came hc:me yeL" Mrs. Jdfty'1 huab\nd has been mlss-in&: liDce tbelr boy, Billy, wu six months okl. She and tbe otbtr lhree women were promiled by Hanoi representaUves to the Vietnam peace talk& Wednesday that they WCGkl receive word by mall at home aboul'thelr bulbanda' fate. N~ Vlelaam repeatedly has refused to llUPPll' U.& authorlt!ea with the names of American lla"llcemm being held prisoner. 'Ibe four Texas women went to P\U"la SIJllday to find out from tbe Hanoi (ielegaUon whether they were "wives or wlclon." When uncl wpitber they had any piaaa for lurthoracu.. to iry and learn the fate ol their bul1Jonds, Ml'I. BoMle SJn,letqa repll~ HNot for tbe moment. We just Plan to waJt f« tbe letters tn the lmmedlate fut .... " U.S. B52s Drop Bombs Along Cambodia Border SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Commond today reported ooly liRht scattered ground fllht!ng in Vietnam, b u t American 1151 bomben dropped 1,200 tooa ol -bl along the Cambodian bordU llCl1heut of Saigon. The new rakSJ came on the heels of a report lrom U.S. olficiall In Washington that the Nlxoo admlnlatraUon la pr-ed to necoti&te an t.nd to ·the 852 raids in South V!elnam K the North Vietnamese and Viet Cone dffacalate tbe war. U.S. headquarters said eight wavea of the b!& bombers attacked North Vlet- nameR hue campa tn an area three by aeven mllts located 100 miles nortb- nortbeut of Sa1&on. Part of the target waa wlt.bln a-mne·of the border. ln the ground war, a Vlet Cong force upset a U.S Marine ambush early today, then attacked the patrol after It retreated, ki1llna two Marines and woun-dln& IL Headquar1ers said. "Enemy kuet are unknown at this time." nie fllht took place 26 miles south ol Da Nq. .M the Marine.! waited In biding, the Viet Cong shelled the patrol, !O(flc1Ung Ibey knew where the Marines were. " ·U.S. Air Ba~.Days Nmnhered in Libya CAIRO (UPI) -Libya's new govern. meal aakl today it will no& renew an qreement to allow -..· 1110 ol "l'be<W Air Fon:e Base when the cur· mt pad ,enda in ll'IO, tbe Middle East News ~said. The opnc:y u!d Pftmler Mahmoud El Ma,braby m,se the statement In TrtpoU. The ....,.,..,,t de<ls!on al!O will cloee lbe Brllllh air bile at Al Dabem. 6 Green Beret,s Facing Court to Plead Innoeent SAIGON (UP!) -A spokesman for the deftn8e said today all sis men facing a court martial in tbe Green Beret murder cue wookt plead tnnocenL He predicted two other Gr,.. Benll nlwed pending the trial would become witnesses for the prooecul!on. Capt. Tom Young, a h~ky Hawaiian f""" Honolulu, ii doleoding Capt. Robert F. MarUco ol Bioomfltld. NJ., one ol lbe three meo IChedttled to be irled flrst CID charges cl murder and COMplr1cy lo mcrMr 1 shadowy Vietnamese. man dM:tibed u both 1 Communiat spy and a ~ 'J:"1c1 they do anything el!< than plood not gullly!" Young asked. ''The,. 1D1D are Innocent" ~ men" lnclude. the former com· ,.-of U.S. Speclal F0<cea in Viet· MDL 'lbeJ' _.. ICCued of murdering • -natlooal In the Nha Trang -119 mllel oortheaat ol Sa11on on J-•. Defellle -..Y• 1io .. -.lied LA COunty Atks Nader To Help la Smog Case LOS ANGlll.a ,UPIJ -Coonty ~-· Mft .llbd comumer ad· -lta1pll N-lo -them In 1 .... l hlClll ..-. ~ automaker• .... a. ....., ., tilt ....... and "'" ltallauoa ot -ooo1r01 devlceL 1. the mao a ""'1bie agent employed by the Central Intalli&ence Agency (CIA). A military apoNmln today, for th• first tlme, ldentlf¥ the alle&ed vicllm aa Thal J(hac1 Chuyen but would not alve any delalil on his death. Unolficial reports have clrculat.ed for two months tbal Clw1eD WU the vlcllm. Canada to ~t NATO Nuclear Strike Role ' rtrTAWA (UP!) -Canida today an· nounced pllnl to abandon ltl nuclear strike role allot 11'12 and to cul it! military contrlbutlon to the North Allan- tic TmlJ Or11nlsatiao (NATO) by mo"' than ooe'balf, Defemt M1oialer iAo Cadieux told I newt conference be would pbue out the brlpde !P'OUP ud the Sixth Squadron Air Divl&Son curnutly stationed Jn West Otrml.DJ for NATO -a tolll of more than 11,llOO men -by the fall or Ul'IO. cacDeOJ aaJd the infantry and air <anns will be rtplaced by an "Interim" mechaniaed battle llfOUP of aboul 2,l!OO men and an air lfUlJP ol lhrtt aquadronl of Cf'IOI rt1hter bombers. Uf'l'Tt ...... A•khlfJ tar Beat\' Simon Ramon gets more than hls feet wet as he makes a telephone call from a booth at Lubbock, Tex. Thursday after a two-hour downpour dropped five inches of rain on sections of the city. Catholics Agree To Down Barriers BELJl'AST, Northern Jrel.and (UPI) - Roman Catholics today agreed to tear down the last street barricades in Northern Ireland, leaving only a barbed ~e "peace wall" separating them from militant Prote!tanl3 in Bellast. Catholic leaders emerged Crom talks with BriUSh Army oUictts in Lon- donderry and aRJ"eed to start pulling down the barricades in ttie city's Bog5ide distrJcl Monday. The last of the Belfast ~arrlcadn already were under demoll· uon. - Was M~ y J o'Blee(ling? , Police Chief, DA Pilfer on lnciden~ . .i..!IDGARTOWll, M .... (AP) -Poll'" • death as drownine.,_~ to c:omment alYe.a dlfferlng v•1iiN of the acci4ent In '"'11e! Damia!tk •· Aren• says he uw no on t!Je Dinis .uwil~ iii. police report and a auli«quent blood on Mary Jo Kopedllle' 1 body Wbea • j{ wu. rtllloved f~ ~ EO~aid M. The district attamey made bis aaaec-teievialoo broadcast. Kerried)r'1 aubmerctd car tut Jaly 19. lion in an amtndtnent to • petllion in lbe . Q4U5 said that each veraio'\-omitted Dist. Atty. Edmund Dini! declared ~-.,.~!~~~-~=.:-"or' •m~ important detalla ol the.:.::: Thursday he had lnformaUon thal there· ·~ -" ,...... ud the •"""' imJllecl!lleiy. w,as blood in her mouth and nqstri\& ~ Mlaa'K~· bidy for aa ~~· andJl<>llowi., IL" , i , on her clothing. He raised the qut.tion · JlJdi;e Beroard C. Brominati set a 8ources clole to the case said an whether this was "conslstent with detlh bearing Oil tfle jetltlan for Sept. 29. Edprtown undertaker's usistant had by drowning." , ~ • An attorney for tHe 11 • Y e a ~ -o 1 ~ , ~ alto(:neys for Kennedy be found no Arena, who was pre;ent when a akin secretary'• parenla, )Ir. and Mrs. J"'l"pb blQocl around Mba Kopechne's lwal diver recovered the body, uldi "When Ko~. who oppose e.xhumatlOn, iaid puaages. A cosmelician at the Plymouth. she we1 Jn my anna, wailing to put ~r Oinll "1r?UJd havt to "pn:se"nt· evldenr:e. to ·Pa .• funeral home where the body wo on the boM.., l saw no lndlcation ot blood /' 11how tbit his avermen\I are t,ru4-" ~ pre~ for vjewtng prior to burial tn Dr. Donald R. MUia, medical enmlne• In his lli1Wlded peUUon Dini! ailo ,told nearby LarkavlUe wu aaid to ban made for the district, who certified the cause of the Peniisylvanla court that Kennedy had a aJmilar statemenl. Polar Air · Chills Northeast ' Frost Whitens 6-st;ate Area of Upper Eastern U.S. ca .. tal MorftlM tow clouM, foll tl'ld M ID!e 1odtv wllfl NrllY "'"""' 1lfllmoon. W!ndt -1tr1Y 10 lo U kno!t. High -· ... YHlt'l'dtY'I tirm111r1ture rt n I• d from U to 13. Inland temper1!11r1 ·~ from 61 lo 77. W.,... lemlltl' .. tur-Wll '3. l'llt>A.Y . ....... 2:1t p.m. S.J lG:• P.ITI. 0-' 5ATUllDAY Fir.I hl•h ............ 7:l0 1.m. 3.9 Flr11 low .............. 11 :111.m. J.J $1tCOnd hi;~ ............ S:U 1>..111. 5.J StcollCI l&w .......... 12:'5 t .m. O.J 11 .S. S111nmar11 Crisp. (llol 11Gllr t lr 11t1 brWlhl 1 t/1111 to the Norlhettl, wltti lemN•t· turf\ dJppl119 11110 tht lllt 1uo1t norll'ltl'll NIW IE119l1nd illllrlM 11111 111$1111. Cool temw1turH -• '""' u111r-IMCed Ill norfhtnl HM YOl1! tl'ld Mkhigaon. Wf!ll "" mtrOl1'Y ~ to #II lrMllfll ""'"' Ill r.ll1ton. Fro.I ..,,,lttMCI t 1ti1 .. 1 .. 1 trff Tl'lllraQy 11111!1. kK!Udlftll ptrn '-' Mlch!Nfl, HM Yorlr., Mft.u<r.n.tts, Vtrm011! ....... HarnPthl,.. tl'ld Mtl .... c1 ... lklH CO'tltf mucll of ''" Ft• Wtst from CtUlom!,f Incl Art!Ol'lt lo WYoml1111 Incl Coloraito. wtlllt "'°"' of !flt NtrthMlt w.. u!Mlef' 1 clNr, er"-*"· A lln'ltll lr'CIUP of lflllwotn woduad 119111 r1r11 111 !flt Vl>P'I' MlullllPlll Vtlt ..... tnd ~I dtYllCllled In IN 5outl'IQ1t trom !ht ~ A""lt- dlla"1 te Flol'ldl M'lll t"9 C1rollna1. Tet1tperlltt1ru Alltnla lllket11hrld •1tmerdl "''" ..... llrownsvll lt Chkt'° • Ctnclnntll 0.1 Molnl:I Detroit FtlrbaMt Foti Warth ·-H•I-.......... Kt1111t City Ut Vtttt Los Anltl .. Mltml Ml,,,,..POl!t N.w Ortunt Ntw Yllft' NOt'tt! "11119 0.klal'lll Olr.lt'-'it Cit>' ........ Ptlrn Slll'I,... Phptnllr l'lthDU..ii Portltnd lltpld City !ltd 1111111 ·-Stu1me<1to St" Ltkt City Stn 01 ... Sift Fr1nct.G Sctlllt -OM The1mtl Wtlhlntklll lllttl Lft fll9C. .. .. .. ~ .... n " " "' .n: " .. 90 7J .11: U .a Tr ,, ,, " .., .... .... ., ,, u " .... " " .. " n " " ~ " " 15 75 ,,. " " " 71 .11 .. " n !.f .c1 n " .... .. .. 101 71 " " ff " .. 5' .2'! ., .. .... .. " .. " .... n " ff .. " ..... " 4' .10 '" " " .. SASHAY 'INTO SHORTY'S COTT~S-~LI l'llf ~· ·:.l..111~. -·--I,,_ --' SITBllllY ·& SUIQllY ' SEPT. 21, 21 f • ~ SCOTTS EXP!RTS AT ALL ~ STORES £: -! ADVERTISED SPECL\tl 9000 THJIOUGH SPETDIBER 25th. 1 scm·s 10. 35 SPIElDEB -·~ A ... LAmlAU 12841 V.iley Vilw South ol !mpaio! 'lll·254! or 523-7870 • . • *Bring in ·your weed or lawn problems. Scotts experts will analyze and offer a solution ••• and all that stuff • mr IDJL111 PLDll eo..tLoot..-. .......... ~ ....t••vtowt.e· 1111 boclt ••• lor. loc:ip _. "" hall .... ,., ....... t11te.. am. 1.u. ,.5 Fmll\ZEJt eu.&.1t11• f'MvtNnlt -' .~~ . ..., ' ram.ma Wl'rl CUI IUU •UtUlll ... "'CaOilnd&. .. ...... 1a11 .. -.. ~ .. =--·-, ............ lllTORllAG FOllAC!T a:.>l!DIAC ..... ....,._ -- SCITT'S ... , fbrdk-....~ ........ IMt.gt,.. ptol ..... IMcllei .. dale ............ .... , .... UIJ.IU> 1091 1cms Cll'I PLll , ___ _,J..,. _ .............. I., .. ...,_ IBJ ...... ............ ....,C'll,..__ ... w,•aw. llCl.UL --5•s ... ~ ' IM .. • • -lllUWIR m• 19122 !!<oolihiim ComtrotGorfilld 962-5561 • • ·----·----·-----------·-------------------------------... -··. "Qirysler Increases • Slimm .· er . DETROIT (AP) -Chrysler has emulated Ford In a cbarge against General .M o t o r s • super_ior market poSitioo with a ?Jr'ell saJes tool: lower car pr1ct11. ,. Chry11ler announCed U70 modeJllticlter prices 'Iburadax averagfas $107 more than,.fOr ' 1969 cars.,.Ford announced 1ts average hike of •toe the day· before and GM posted ID average $125 increase ls.St week. Jn preparation (or ' i b e scramble in 11\e market place, the nation's automakers scheduled their bighe!t rate of output since late January. 'l'tie trade publication Aittomotive News reported 193,846 new cars were Qeing assembled this week. All of Chrysler's seven U.S. assembly plants, four of Ford's 16 and one of GM's 23 were put on overtime for Saturday. The manufacturers computed their average price increases by ll!ing a formula J ' () ff which takes into consideration t s pen ouse the higher sales of lower pric-ed cars. The new prices in-A worna,n carrying a baby is assisted into the 60- .. elude cost of delivery, dealer room Piccadilly mansion 1n London Thursday join- • preparation and taxes. ing the 400· odd hippies living in the building local· A year ago Chrysler rolled ed across the road from Buckingham Palace. The back from an average in-squatters have been ordered evicted by a high court crease per car of $89 to $55 judge. Frlday, Sepltmbet 19, 1169 OAILV mor I. . Arms Cost Critics - ' Unruffled House Gives Vote Reform M~asurtJ Whopping Yictory -. IURl ·IN WASHINGTON (AP) Senate critics of delense costs say a new era has opened in public awareness of Pehtagon apel)ding .despite t h e i r cru~g defeat on attempt after attempt to trim a $20 billion bill for m i I i t a r y hardware. "We have made a g o o d fight," said Democrat William Proxmire of Wisconsin, a leader in the two.month battle that ended Thursday night with passage of the bill. "But," he added, "thls iB mereJy tbe t'.lpening sbot in a larger effort. The criUcal review will go on." WASHINGTON (AP) -A propo s ed constitutional amendment calllni •for ·the direct: popular elecllon QI the president has been approved by the House in such an overwhelming fashion that even the measure's supporters are surprised -and pleased. The size of 1l\ursday's vote -339-70 -raised backers', hopes lhat the proposal can w,in Senate approval, state ratification and. become the 26th amendment ; to t h e Constitution. However Senate praspects for "the proposal are uncertain. There is strong opposition in the J u d i c i a r y Committee, where the question of electoral reform is now stalled. And several weeks ago Sen . Birclt Bayh (D-lnd.), chief supporter of the amendment, said it was .13 votes short of " the needed two-thirds majority on the floor. -But Bayh took heart from the House vote, which he call- ed "encouraging, dramatic and historic." "A defense system whkb for years has operated without sufficient public and Private checks has now been exposed to the sunlight," s a i d Republican F.dward Brooke of Massachusetts. "A good foun- dation has been laid for future inquiry." The Proxmire and Brooke comments came as the huge appropriations measure finally passed on an 81-5 vote, Debbie Ends 'Walkout,' Returns to TV Series climaxing the mo.st beated HOU.YWOOD (UPI) debate over .defense spending Debbie Reynqlqs, who angrily in two decades. quit her Dew televililon series Although it passed "Vlrtu31ly because a cigarette com- int.act --onJy $70 million was merclal was aired during its chopped out -it took 39 full premiere, was back in front of days of debate over the two-the cameras today. can Tobacco Co. Tht. brief split apparently !1.emmed from whether cigarettes were to be among the various products made by American Brands to be ad- vertised on the series. "This la an important step In building the momentum that could assUre tts paslage In Ille S<nate and, bopelul!y, guarantee acceptance by tbe state legWatures," he sald. • The House vote di.sclosed solid bipartisan support tor Ule proposal, which would _ . 15erap the system used to elect ~~~ . every President. since Georce Wuhingtoll, Instead of voting ror elec- tora who then cast tbelr ballots for the prt!ident, citizens would vote direcUy for their candidate. And instead of countlng up the ele<.1oral votes of the I slate,, to determine the presi· dent, the winner would be th~ candidate who ~ot the most :.0-- dividual votes Ul a nationwide tally. A candidate would , have to get at least 40 percent o£ the popular vote to win. If none did, there would be a runoff between the top two . Opponents charged the 40 percent provision could lead to a minority president, but Rep. Emanuel Ce 11 er (l}.N.Y.), manager of the bill, countered by ·pointing out that l~ presidents have been elected with less than 50 percent oI the popular vote. 'That In- cludes President Nixon, who got slightly more than 43 per· cent. ~'"'''"' ' TAKE Sil Turn in at Texaco for some real savings-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only •55~ plus tax (arid deposit). You get it with any purchase ••• at participating Texaco Retailers. ,But hurry- they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •Sl.lggested Retait Prk:e. after Ford's increase was set-''-=------------------ at $52, GM's at $52 and American Motors ' at $43. Some Chrysler dealers felt the cutback should have been greater for competitive reasons. Man Cleared of 1932 Crime, Admits Ot~rs n10nlh period. P e n t a g o n Miss Reynolds, reportedly·=======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::======::, 11 backers had to throw back the highest patd actress in the more than a dozen attempts to medium at $%5,000 a week, delay sucb major programs as abruptly reversed her decision the Saftguard missile def'1\Si Thursday and wired NBC to system, a new nuclear c.aniei-, say hNaturally I will perform Squadrons of superjet fighters my obligations.'' TJ·.ainsCrash . " and a new manned born~. Miss Reynalds said NBC ex· LANSING Kan. (UPI)· other banks for• whiCh he The bfilthat financeir-all the . plalrted to h~ the "lmpos$i· ' -United States' m 11 l t a r y biltty'' of bai'lniQg cigarette Frank Sawyer, 70, a sports fan ,never was convicted. 'hardware for fiscal 1970 now commercials from her show, who says he always pulls for "I've already served my goes to the House where far sponsored in parl by American. Chr isti an Science: Do you know wha t it is? COME TOA FREE Chrtstian Science ,Lecture " ' '-"'·· StNfly, '"'· 11 taVtttl 'SOWL '5t ~ C.l!YM IU. ........... BOAT BUFFS Almo11 Loclt•bev 11 th• oflfy full•tlm• ~•ti119 ecilifor wo'4:11'1t •• Ofl'( 119Wllp'tper I• Ot•1tt• Caurity. Hit~ oxtlinfvo covorogo of beotlng 011d yoehti119 11owt 11 o dolly feoturo of JM DAILY In "Chicago CHICAGO (UPI) -'fwo heavily loaded elevated trains collided dW"ing rush hour Thursday. Most of the 273 in- juries were not serious. the loser, was freed Thursday 1_:ti~m~e::_,"_:h~e~s~ai~d·:__ ____ _.:'"~sl~e:_r~go~in'.'.'g'_i~s_::ex~pecl~:'.':ed'.:. __ ~B~ra'.'.nds~._:r'.:'.onn~e:rl'.!:y_t~h'.:_e_:Am~e:r'.:i·--------------------.:==:;::::=======' with a full pardon for a crime rlLOT. Witnesses said a moying train collided with "a big boom" with another which bad stopped on a curve. The front car of the colliding train top- pled Ofl its side, but a wide platfonn prevented it from falling I.I feet to the ground Police and firemen ~ helicopters, soorkels and rope and e~nsion Jttddera to )UCb stranded COUlQlUlers, bl.lt a crowd;of SOl't1e 5,000 spectators ham~ rescue efforts and the trains were not completely emptied for 30 minutes. When you'r he did not commit in 1932. Kansas Gov. Robert Dockia pardoried Sawyer and said the stopped, gray-haired convict did not rob a Fort Scott, Kan., bank in 1932. Alvin Karpis, former public enemy No. l and a member of the "Ma" Barker gang, ad- mitted earlier this year that he, and not Sawyer, held up that bank. Sawyer. a shy former gangster whose Jace is lined by haH a ~emury behind prison bars, D&Sbed a mi.lie and admitted on the day of his release that during his career in crime he robbed several ·ngle When you're single and young, life can be so great. so many fun things to do with your freedom. So many interesting people to g(ilt to know. That's whal Soulh Bay Club is all abOut._\he mos! complete.country club you've ever·seen with apartments located around ii-full of your klrid ol people. A o/4 million dollar clubhouse, tennis cburts, otymplc pool, heahh clubs, and much more. Don't say you know it until you've seen It. ' CHAMPAGNE OPEN HOl(S'ETltlS SUNDAY IT01p.m. • SoaqiBayClubAP8,ftUHmts Newport Beach-Irvine et 16111 Slreet (714) 64&-0550 ' ' ~ ) ~~' A\ . .i.;..\'. .... Here, much to the .discomfort · of smallerca·rs. '70Nova. - ' Nova has smaller cars squirriling principally because it doesn't make you squjnn. , , · Thi: not-tOO.small Nova Coupe seats live adults. Sedan,. six. . , And you get windows instead of portholes. A bona lice trunk. .And a wide-stance ride on a 111" wheelbase. Further, you have a happy choice of six engines and five trans· - missions (iilclud.ing Iow:cost, no.clutch Torque; Drive); And r:-iova .1s a~ythmg but dowdy. See' above., · Certamly.,httle-cars have to be more tjian ·a little uneasy aboll& Nova's easy pn~.' · · ' It simply doesn't cost that much:more to own that much more car. Putting you first, keeps us first I I , I I I I I I~ I· ... . • .. .. DAJJ,Y PILOT EDITORIAL . PA.GE • Three ·Good Candidates • Founlaln Valley reaches a torturous tum In II& .a. y...-.old hbtory Tuesday - a recall election agahat II& l1lllYOl' and two city councllmen. A recall eampaigu ls hardly a step that solldil!ea a community. particularly a community as young as Fountain ·Va1ley. Yet the temper o! the times lndlc:atts that the three coundlmen whose offices are at stake- probabl)" wW be recalled and that a new majori\y soon will nile a municipaJ government tn the City. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger has been energetic, colorful f,nd outspoken. And none can deny that some o.f his leadership has been effective. But Mayor Schwerdt· feger has on two occasions allowed himself to mil bis personal interest wKh the interests of the city. Whet:Jler or not this conflict is illegal is beside the. point; bis judgment was incredibly poor and cost b1m the con· fide nee of the, people be serves. . . The two councilmen facmg recall w1U1 Mayor Schwerd.Ue~er are Donald Fregeau and Joseph Cour· reges. Their roles are not as insupportable as the mayor's but on every issue they have thrown their lots in with his. In short, it was their choice to sink or ~wim with Mayor Schwerdtfeger. It would appear they will go out of office with him. ~ The important task before Fountain Valley voters Tuesday is .to choose the best men to replace Schwerdt· feger Fregeau and Courreges. They should be three men Or character, of civic awareness -with ~ufficlent time to devote to the job -and preferably, with some variety of talents and occupations to keep mun:icipal government from being dominated by one bloc -such as a real estate bloc. A recall election requires that opposing candidates specify which of the three men they are running against. Schwerdtfeger bas two opponents, Fregeau three and Courreges three. After studying the qualifications of all of the candi· datea atttr d11CUUID.I their ~blllUea and llmilatloos w1111 llie1r llieodl ua n;!8hbon~ Iller waldlln1 thllr perfonnanca In meet.,_.,.,,.,datu .... 10111 and after analyzlnf F'ourltaln Vllley nMd•, the DAILY PILOT has c:orlcludod that lbeae are the bet~ three c..,. dld*s: George. Scott In the office now held by Mayor SchwenlUeger. · • ' Bemle Svalslad In the ol!lce now hold by Council• man Fregeau. · Ron Shenkman in lb• office now held by Coundl· man Courregff. Scott has been preoldenl oi both the junior chamber and ioo.l Boys' Club and ba1 served respon1lhty with th~ Parki and Recreation, .C!Jmmluion. llli view o( city alfa!n Is broader than that exhlll!ted by hl1 oppoiient for the mayor's aeit. Svairtad dlBplay1 • knack.for orsanlzaUon and hard wort. Ho already has Ollutned· programg he supports and can ·help and baa given v.W-1 a cltarer view of where be atanda than have either of his two opponents for Fregaau's seal · Shenkman. ha• strong potentlal. He d11play1 a speak· ing style and forward approach tliat cculd .. rve him well as COU11cllman. He seems unalralct to"face oppon- entl on iosues, yet bis approach lJ calln and iaUonaJ - two factors the council could well "'" at tlils staae. Further. Shenkman served two years as cbalnn"l! of. the Paru and Recreation Commlnlon and 1j» a solid grasp of civic affalnl. · The recall action could spell years ot. acimHJQY and problems !or the city of.Fountain Valley. Bllt'I'!Wday'1 elecUon could mari: a tunt toward a new conlldence and !lrong leadership in It& eovenunent. The. PAIL Y PILOT 'believes Ibo best opportunity for this leaderabip and confidence llea in eltct!ng Sco\t, Svalrtad and Shenkmtn. , I , I 'I I " ~1 1· brr···. s INJO Ttlf SLOP .. . . A Kind ,Word Can Set Us Up for Week Dear Gloomy Gos: v.s. f• Not Gettitlfl O..t of Far Eat Developing W ASIUNGTON -Secroliry ol Sta .. \Villi am P. Rogers was not surprised when the Thal foreign minister recently asked hlm if the United States govern- a New Policy WiU there be dust for the redskins lo bile when they get bucked off in that all·lndian rodeo in Hunting· ton Beach next week? -L.B. S. • ment objected U Tbailand developed con- &ov~nuntnt has demoostrated It la fully capable ol cont.ainhla such peoetration even though it may be embarrautns Inn lbne to lime. Nobody Is really qui,. sure how he f .. b !or how be looks) unW someboc!y tells him. We are the most impresaionable crealW'eS on God's green earth. and a kind word can set us up fOl' the whole week. Thill verdant thought occurred to me yesterday. when I took a medical ex· aminalion for some new life insurln«- The company's physician oot only found nothing wrong wilh me, but added at th£ bottom of hils 1JllPO" "Healthy and vigorous in general appearance." FOR A FEW DAYS before that, I had been feeling terrible -slightly dizzy and headachy, with a strange twinge in my back muscles, which I attributed to too much tennis and nOt enough sleep over the weekend. I had also begun to brood silently abouL the pogslbillty of cancer of the mouth, in- duced by smoking two packs ol cigarets a day, so that my tongue felt like those old cloth bags used for bayonet practice. But when the doctor wrote "healthy and vtgorous," I prompUy took a deep breath, skipped brillkly around the room, and began telephoning to work up a fast doubles match. With maybe an all-night poi.er session '° follow. THE CONTRARY happens just as easi· ly. Yoo are feeling _perfecUy fine, an old friend waJb up and says. ''You're look· ing sort of peaked," and all Y<Nl' vigor runs out at your heels. One remark of that kind and men have betn known to hJe themselve11 off to the Mayo Cllnic, will in hand. "You're looking thinner.'" aomebddy will ,.y 1 and you begin to fret about possible emaciation. Or. if you tend toward corpulence, an innocent "Haven't you put on some weight lately?" Will make you feel as if you are conspiciously ballooning up hour by hour. EVERY STUDENT of femlnlne psychology knows that a woman can be made to reel prettier aimply by telling her how nice she looks when she comes down dreMed for the evening. She may have taken four aspirins and looked like a discarded flour pcl; to herself, but • gallant in!loctrity turns her into a bloom· ing beauty. The worst people -demagogues and militarlstl -know the tremendoua im- press!ooabilily of hwnana; but the belt . people -·tovera and parents -have barely learned bow to use ll One com- plimea~ as the Chinese never uld, Is wort!! 1,000 complalob. DisappearingConf erence WASHINGTON - A White House Conference on Hunger ln America -an· nounced by the President last May -Is about to disappear in a cloud of ob- fuscation, and Daniel P. Moynihan, Mr. Nixoo's re:ildent expert on poverty, hopu that nobody will notice. Moynihan won a major battle within lhe Administration. He persuaded the President to adopt his scheme for a guaranteed income. But by the Ume the President had finished describing the plan on television as a sort of force-them· to-work program (less than 100,000 of America's welfare clients art able· bodied men who do not have jobs), Moynihan must have been barely able to recogn1u it as his own. Nevertheless, It "'as a victory of sorts, and Moynihan ls not aMlou.s that the hunger conference: provide a forum where experts may polllt out that it was a mighty small one. THUS JEAN MEYER. a nutrlUon ex· pert wllom Moynihan brought down from Harvard lo run htr. Nixon's ct1nlercnce on hunger, may be on his way out; In any event the ct1nference promises to provide about aa much help in solving lhe coon· ty'a hunger problem as would a meeting on how tq pan the delense budpl il chaired by lhe Joint Chiefs. Meyer first incurred the Moynihan displeuurt after newsmen fll!lnled ool lha&. lbe Nizon weJfare system would ac· tUJ.Uy decrease the benefits for the poor In 44 of 50 states. 1'hil was because the propoaa! eliminated food stamps for ,.elfare recipients. Ron ZJWer, the Prei:ldenl's Jft&I alde, auemptCd to par· rt q~ -lhll wtlh the IMUtlm Quotes I, that "the atata will pa.y for the stamp1,'1 a prtdtcUon "bich Meyer readily saw as unlltely. n WAS THEN that Meyer asserted on his own author'lfy that rood stamps would be included in the Nizon plan unW a welfare receipjent reached the level oi 14,000 Jn anoull Income. The Moynihan fon:es, havin& fought the good fight and yielded the food stamp program In or.tor to gain the v1ctory' ...,.. thus placed In the poo!Uon ol haY1ng to go back to the Pres.ident and ut for more. Sl~. the confereoce on hungt" acheduJed for Dec. 1, has been in deep trouble. The first roadblock was fW1dlng . Moynihan bad proml!ed Meyer a ml.ll.klo dollArs to run the conferenet!. Last week, he was scurrying around town trying to rind thll!i money. MR. NIXON'S 1poku:man for tbe poor, OE' Dtn;ctor Donald Rumsfeld, turned him down. oat on the ground I.hat the meeting ml&bt afCord an opportunity for another p00r poople's march on W ashing_tOIL . . Tbo ~ of Al!lwllure told Meyer It i:Udn't•)>ave.lea:aJ 1uthorlty to cofllUilt fUndl onleis H coulil run Ille eot\· f '"""°' Meytt.flnally 1..,..i..l ln HEW Secrtlar1 Robel'! Finch,"""°' u ol Iast F'ridllJ, ll)ouibt he ml&hl be able to -• quuttt of, the _.,., ·-· '--~ AJ ol ..... the con!...,.,. hu • ....,, !ncumd clebll of l"O,DOll, ....u, In ... penses for poor poop!• to help ln plannln& -and thcrt 11 no prestot way to pay the bills. ta<U with Red Cblna. R<Jien ftpUed that tho Uoltod State& depeudoot oo PUJor let milltazy 1\11>' govmunent c:erlailll)' doel oot object for pllea. The..N!Joo..Adminlllntioo bu --ed lllel/ that Korea'a .._1or mlltllrf alrtl!IU! makes the probability ol. • rtneWed North Koran invUSCn unllttly. North K«ta's cootlnued bolUli- ly towll'd the Semel Uoloo llao nduceo ll,. ~~ :;,:;.elop cootacta wtlA lnd<Qos!a bu alrudy broken with "!"erlcan -· Thll ll the a~e of the new Alia auna. The ~pplne iovemmeot i! pollcy the N-AdmlolJtraUoo b: trjlna hostile to boU! Cblna and Rlw!a. Japa11'1 to develop. 1bere W11 Jut a qgerUon American ~atm a r , not coin..' o1 pique In the 'll>al fDli!!lrt· Uthe United proru1'ed b)' the foci the Rod Cbloelo ara ; SIX WEll:Q AFTER the Introduction . Star.. ts lowering ·Ill proftle and Japan'• blflut cualomlrs. · ol . the ._,.. AJta policy the · Nb:on dbnlotsblng Ila vb:Ible -In Alla, The ""' Alla policy J1lla on tbe pro. , ,Admlnlllrfljoo !& content wlU! ill r,..p- practlcal AJ!ao ludon lllOJ' -to bablljty ol t11is vul lllld J1WmU1Iq rlah , LiGa:ln A.lla,)11111 the mt!JI the -id, In- look elJewhere for their ...,,,llJ>. .,.. ltl ifie warld beJor able to :f,fnlaln cJ'llllDI Uoltod Slatu ioolr-.i and Since lhelr .....,tlY II nGt ....,..ig. lll lndepeadeoce !run Rod China at· t1!e flllbllc "P!oJoo. . threatened uctpt·1>71ntemaJ.~ ~ lllDI, time it Ulef ttl own ftMIUl'Cel cl. •Iii OW kinaer nm there may be aome aopportod b)' Petlo& !>n"'-IDQ die-lDlllP1"I! to ftlilt 1ntoniaI --...., -probloms. Prelldent Nlml, ta,. a more. placatery atlltado towud in "lllnt bll new polley, bb olla mer· Mao Tle-lunf. 'l1llB POLICY appllol ID a ICllDn'lll\ reoI to 1he 1ooc rtrldes mad< by U!e differeat way to Korea where ~ is no rtwernmeDtl of Korea and Taiwan in THE CERTAINTY underlle1 Nb:· on pollcy. bowev•, t bat neither tn- dependeot. 'l'llllland· nor any other government in Southeast Asia wlD cm.en up to the Chineae in· 1 way thlt wau1d eo- daoger their IOYereigoty. 'lbll II un- doubtedly true of NOrlb Vietnam, wilh Ill long trldlUon ol llllPl<lon and hoolility towll'd Cl>lna, once tt no loqer b: Whether ........ -be -reiularly like a -. u Mr. Noel Cowll'd ooce .....,ied, 11 plaloJy a pro- poo!Uoo tbat bu .,... than·..,. idcie to IL I IUppole there are men Wbo io lbrou8b Ille wltboul ever livin& a dame the old one-two, « even alappiq her; but they are oot among tba lad& of my ... qualotanco. "[ had to belt her to abut her up,. ls • line I have hoanl mao: times durin& my aerrled IUellme. • I The ......, -blt -JI DOI. because the men are ruddy aadllla ,.. fuclMa, or-Iba)' ha\11 -deep- rool<d boltJlltJ to the -... <tlloulh lhelO guys Indisputably ~l. or tbal they wlab to keep their bekned ID a state of emotlonal -· NO, THE REA!ON b: 1llUail7 u llmplt u that: To abut. them' up. ll'<1r ladles bin qlle -Allle and, too fioquontl)', w-troilablt. To a ..,., hl&b ~they .. -tbat lnltind lo r tba jQllllar wlllda II eS11"'nll•l fer a hlttee.. ft ma)' be tbat tlUs eapadty for vtrblll loleJlFllY to ln 10me dtcree • naturll C0111p.nutim for the U., and lender pbyllcll emlowment of tba au. ln any cue, I am eonvtneid theft Is .....,. element in the lemloloe nature tllll nqufrla lllCI eolfcll1 a bell in the chops from lime to.llme. ~-BW Geff9e ----. Dear 0-p: I am a bacbtlor and WU quite. happy hero in my apartmenl unUl this girl moved into lhe apirtrnent oo..n the bait She n.pa bocklnr on lllY door and ••klni to loot up ,.,,,,1, In my dlcllooary, SBYin& ahl , ll a writer. Sbe even coma to mJ apattmenl IOmOtlmea la,. at nlJbl. ff she'• really. a writer, wouldn1 abe have her own dlctJonary! SUSl'!CIOUS Dear Su1plcloul: !loo' be IO auspfclOU!. Obvkmly, lhe'• a writer. Wbo elae woukt use I plot llb Ula!! Jll""f'1I lnt~tloQ <i rtducin& t be ..,..UIJJ .,...,O<OllOlllift. Soutb Korea American force ol 50,000-or eo; but atanda ln cootrut to North Korea in nellher ill then an tnttntklll of RlpandJng 1b0ut the same· way as \VeSt Bulin to to Preatdellt Park'• .....-U!at Eu! Berl!z>. Talwao has long since fouod KLfta needs ...... bllp lb pre-b:lft. "-1<ln·economlc aid onneceasary. ~ lnflltraU. and ~ To ~ tb!J, howeVlr, bu_ re- Ro(1n bu, In a aeotie wa1, ..-.... ·QU!red DOI jlolY Amorlc~. •pro. amlned Park on tlUs point and "'°""'1llY tOctlan 1"i! .,. ·• · tf tlale bu aatb:flecl b1m1e11 111a1 IM"&nlii 'fW7 iarP,Plfljayl o1 wb!Cb, 11 ap. THE LAllllIB S1:I' up the lllualjen lhemalvea. They wtn ..... ,. a m*lll:afly loliammablt w«d: lll:e maybe Elaine, or Macy, ... -· Wbelher the lady -or oo1 banlly maUen. Tiie ...._ a an U!at mitt.rs, .nti the -i. ..... <i fncnulna annoy .... -u u Is -to be. . Or the word 11\lY be "acotcl'I" tir ''tbe boys down at tbt bar" or '"tbe ~ room." The eueftl't of the KCUll.tion la that Jt ia some actJvUy. pleuirable to you, wblch pll you out ol the atpt ol the llUll'dlao at the pto for 1 short wldlt. ,,.,, tbe ruanllan at the &•to ..--· l "oN'T SAY I~·iuid m1ny •'-•Iii.or ....,...able l>M'lqs to my cn.U\:. bul Year Round Schdols More lban toe achool dlltricta .aoa our ""'1l!lry toda1 .,.. lool<lnf for ...,.,to relieve the preuure on thf.ir ovetcrowdo ed taclliUes while, at the ume Ume, lm- provtna: ed\lcatlonal opportuniUe:i far thousanda. Tht Wk ls aweaome. , The answer may lie ln an uperimtnt dropouts eate ba(!k il\tO_...achoOI during the being Conducted in" AUanta involving a tnOre cuual sununs quarter, when four-quarter plan f'OI' year-round aebool· tUcben Can take mare Ume to wort In(. This Dutbln lcheme w!ll lllow its wllh them. Noedy .-11 Qii hold port- ll&ldenb: to .-&U1 quarter they lilt' .1lll>e joba an .)'ear __ JIClloDI port for their vocallon. Or ~ student can a~ tlm• aod attD iheel IJ'-lloo ,.. tend school all year without inrerruplloo. qulr<m,_ta. Jn iilld\tlbn, for leacben tba ~\! ~ mt.ans t¥t they can earn · DlL JOHN W. LSTION,111pertn-. 'llll!IOl'1'01;ll they d<alt< to tolcll.ihl eo- ol ocl!oob, 1111ku a atrona point for tlit tn Illar'.,..., 'lllll added tncenUve pit•. "fl doein' mah ,...., .. lit -. f\al '*' .. ....., lekhera tuchlor the "to cloat dowri "booll In the ...,,. Ml ,..,, 11111 U>ore-llU -Uttla -mertlme whe• therl b: """b a lited for to'bln adlllll-1 help. educaUon. Whal'• the loalc <i -i.1 lJll,000 -Into tba ""'" all •l tba um• time! Tberean U>ousandl ol kids who want a bft.ter' tduclUoo. 1'bett. are thousand& ol .. ocbm who nttd lllCI Wll1l full.time employment." One eapeclally btneflclal facel of AOan- ta'o nperlmenl ii that ii wiU ·help on Asia plied on a pt!' capiU buJs to tbe·Cllhtr n&UOM ol -loul South~ Aila.·c<uld run into many bllllom of dollarl'.'~ ... ample, giving to lndOneala · tbe .. _ magnitude of akl we ·ha•t " ·to ·TaJwmr,...ld,-oo a p.r capita bull, ..., up to I& billion. SUCH PROll'JCrIONI ·are, <i -· entlrely unreallltlc, but tt• ·Is' qot unrealistic to recall that ptesldiiot Johnson proposed a b J 1'1 i·o n • d.0111 t .-habllltalioo (lRlrllD lnNcrlh-Vletnam u an inducement to per.ce: ~ ·· -. Further -· . dtve\o!llMDI In Soulheasl \\ala COUid becoaie 'iftr'I U· pensive and U!ia COUldly lllevidonqy.lft no m_oo<I for·lbal. Prtlldiat· N!lon,·- hlg um mood. ..W·be wu.GDt.l"t dtu, wbo .... not. -. llfOWld. ill!i --carryln& • Utile black ba(: . 'llio United Slata Is .,.ntfnC ootJ&Plf' to fiiure in·U!ia economic d<velopnenl lo a greater. eilent lhan"the praent ooe ~nt contribution of its aross 1lltional produg. Jaf>"!p hu i®Jc.iMjll ... ..W.. ingness to up.and •. itl f o,re:t1n developmental ald. • We still will• be -deeply -· however, and tt ii wllolly = aay ~t we arein,the'_.,_, · out " AJla. lrl'~ .. ~ ... 1'1>icome more-cleoply i..olted. . ' ---- ' . ----- • .. • • SAN JUAN CAPiSTUNO Iii y .~1. lric- 3215~~ M. ' , .. . . " . , ' . ' . ' r COncours of the· A111ericas on the Mall at FAS·HION ,...,., ). ·~ ISLAND NEWPOJlT CllNTEJt Saturd~y, September 20 11a.m. to 5 p.m. The public is invited to. view a brilliant display of SO of the world's most beautiful vintage and ~odern motorcars. This collection represents the finest examples-of coach and engineering design and is valued at over $SOO,OOO. The cm are all privately owned by individuals and museums who are interested in preserving them.In their original condition. · · · The·Concours of the Americas at Fashion Island will be one of the truly outstand- illg;&hows of the motoring world, so competition for the awards will be keen. Each car will c0mpete in one of six classe~ach class winner then competing for the Avenue of ·Ownpi,ons Award, an award created exclusively for this particular •how at Fathion·Jsiand. The highly polished and sparkJing paint jpbs will offer a 8eld0day for photography buffs. ~ 1;'t~,eV:noN WITH Southern C•ltfornlt MG Cu Club of En9l1nd I ' l j --• I I. I: ·1 l -- 8 IWl.Y PILOf • READY FOR COAST, 'CONCOURS' Whitley H•rri1 •nd 1'52 Triumph Renown ·Oldies Line Up Clmsic Cars in 'Concours' It may be pretty, flashy and f:tst, but the new car in the showroom wouldn't stand a chance Of passing the while glove inspection test. About 60 classic. sports aod competitiOo can to b e assembled Saturday in Newport Beacb*t F a 1 h i o n Island probably will, though. Their owners have spent wee.ks polishing bodies and brightwort for the "Concours or the Americu," a fancy car show to be presented by the Southern Calilomla Centre ol the MG car Club ol England. The white g1ove? It will be used by inspedon to check the cleanliness or t h e automobiles, even under the hood and other places an automobile detail man would never think of cleaning. Organizers of the concours have promised to bring :·one of the finest arrays . of automobiles evtr congregated In one place al one time" to Newport Beach. The "never than new" cars Deatlt Notices COLLINS n..-.. L Colllm. 151 N. It-• Meftdou, UIUN Hlll1. Sllrvl\llld trt wife, LllllM1 HU11hl9f', MrL 0 1 .. ltldwfllo> 'ri!Yll!le CITY; ...._ IOrll. Torn, ot L• A....... •ncl T..:I. ... Wut c.,.,1 ... 1 tour '9r...odlllclr.., •nd ,.... ...... ~llclrwi. kf'vlcu, Situ•· '*-'• 11 AM. PICl!lc View (hU•t. ,,.. letmtfll, PllCfllc Vltlw M....o!'W P•rll. will include classic Rolls Royces, some Fer ra ris, perhaps even a Delahaye and a gull-wing Mercedes. Their owners will be dressed in attire reflecting the era of their automobiles and will begin the concours at noon with a rolling review around the theme foontain of Fashion Jslandbetween Robinson's and Bul'.fums' stores. F.ollowing the rolling review the autunobiles will b e displayed in the parking lo• and prepared for static judg· ing. Judging will take place in 6il: categories: C I a s s i c Ptoductfpn from 1925-1942; Vjntage ·and Sports, Pre-1942; Racing and Sports, Post-Ito; ·Racing or Grand Touring, . and Modern Special Interest. In addition to awards ln tbeR -ca~ories there will be in A veDue Chlffifilorif Trophy. To be eligible fer the award a car mu.st previously have been judged "best ol Show" in one or more past coocours. County Tax Firm Fined 01ncttic1 1w PSTE"'"'ENvi.w Moriv«Y, ANAHEBf --An income tn Firm has been fined $1,000 In £owln Freiw:h s•""· 1m G1i.t11 Tw••a:. Con>t'll ..i Mir. o." 111 Superior Court on ils .t.d- d .. tti, SHI. 11. Surv1v..:1 bY wlk'. mlssioR that it used (alse LAU•I Gyun S!Nn: SOM• Edwin F. sr""· Jr .. ,......,. ~1 ~" o.n1e1 P. advertising and charged im· sr..,... Hvntlr191an H1rbol.l•1 John P. f f · ~ t sr""' eoit• Mn•: 11n11""'· H11>er s. proper ees or prepanng ,,.a e sr-. of W•lnul Creeki rtir11 gr•ftll· and federal income t a 1 c.hlldr•n. Edwl!I F. steen 1111 M•rt returns. Lor1lne Steen •f>ll JO.nM S1een. St"'· let" Salurd1y. l PM. P•cllk Vltw Judge Robert Co rf m an Ctwo"I. ln1tnntn1, Forni w.wn. F1rn· Ocdered "'sm'•••f of the COin• llY IUIDHn 11\oSe wlsl\1"9 JO "'..... UJ ....... ~-i:i t:"6~':'~~·C::~:v .. H~:; plaint filed by the district ai..: .._.10Ci.11on. P1e111c v11w Mortu•"'· torney's office following a Oll'e(t"'L negotiated agreement between CABELL -'""" aoiftllhr c.11e11. ,w c1111 principals ol the Orange Coun· ..... ,_ LltuM Hin•. °"" al _,.... ty Income Tax Service and the S.!OI. 11. 5'H"vl'YICI bf wlft, 0.U•, ol • , • ''-,,.,....; ..,..., JOV9to 11. c.1>e11, H•· district a t t o r n e y s in· w•ll: """ 1111 ..... Atkt Wrltle'r, Ari-vestigators, .-1 Vlrwlni. Danothut, Ol<l•llOm•I ~ Frllclerlck. Florldl: bnilhlr, Operators Of the income """ c.nt11. ~ A..,..1 ... •nd Gll'tld bureau were identified as C•beh. llllnolL $trM;I$, MoNlilv. 11 AM. Luttie••n '""''°' ot 11w: crou, brothers Marvin T. Stiruion, L...-Hlllt. 1ni.rmen1. P•dlk Vkw 39, and Larry Ray Stinson, 28, M-111 P•rlt. l"Kllk Ylew Morl,..ry. oirwcton. Janet Ruth Martin and C. B. FR.UIPTON New berry. sr-.i. He!.., Fr•...-I011. A1t 11. n111-1 ___________ , denl of Hu"llll910n $Hell. :S.r'f'ku .-ndlftt •1 Smllh1 Mortu.11 ..... ID :n;f~5;Men ! I.URN II BALT'L MORTUARIES Corona del l\1ar OR S.NSI I Cosla l\lesa AO 5-!Ut • BEU. BROADWAY l\fORTVARY 110 Broadw•y, Costa tiles• u...m • DILDAY BROTHERS H.u.nUngt.oa VaUey l\1ortuary 17111 Beaclli Blvd. Huntington Beaclli IU-1771 • McCORMICK LAG UN A BEACH J\IORTUARY liH L•Pn• Canyon Road Laguna Beacll 494-NJS • PACIFIC VlE\Y MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • ftlortuary Cbapd S5lll Padfic Vlew Drtve Newport Beack, Call!orala --• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL PtJNEllAL HOME 1111 Bolu Aft. Wutmluitr mau • SHEFFER MORTUARY • Lora• -D<-1535 Saa t'lem<lll< Iii.fill • S&UTHS' MORTUARY 111 &laho SL llwlUngtoo -- " Turn ill at Texaco for some real sa vings-six 12 ·oz. bottles of Pepsi for only '55¢ plus tax (and deposit). You get it wit h any purchase ••• aj partici~ting Texaco Retailers. But hurry- they 're -going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •SdQnted lltetall ~. 'Dirty Bookst.ore' Quits Court Fight BUENA PARK A bookstore p roprlet or•s dismissal or an action against thJ,s city ls being hailed' today 11 a victory for the city coun- cil In lt.s ...called "dirty book campaign." M o r r I s Pennington, pro- priet.or ol the .Busy Beaver store, took the action in Supertor Court. with the e:r· planation that be intended to transfer his operations to another city. Bennington filed suit againn Buena Park two monULs ago. He clalnled that the cilj' acl<~ Illegally when it revoked the business license of his 1tore -' noted, according to city coun- cil comment.!, for· Its display and sales of alleg""ed l y por"l'graphic Dll!~ri~. Pennington's b.usl ne ss pennlt waa revobd by the county last Jwie 10. Jt has since refused to issue a con- ditional use permlt for tbe premises. HAPPY H..... • " I pp ., ....... 114. St•rt It lir r••tliitt tfrie WEEK· ENDEl i11 ti!. DAILY 'ILOT: ' l : ' I ' GJIBEN HA VEN SPECIALS ~1' ..... ~ • fildii WI ./ B...a • ,-.-,_i .......... ~ ._.,.. ,If_,. ---.. di... ,_ .. woil6 tau. ,,._ ,..... ... ~-. ..,.,., ....,_ 5 " ' .... 16.95 Japanese Bo-x-wooo ~E:f: :::.; ,,:;_69c , • .,, ~ ..J .-y- .... ,..P"· TAM JUNIPER . .., ..... , ........... ,, ..,,_ ....... ~ w ,,,,.. e .;.11 _,. o/ .,;1_,. W•e . f:.dN ..... JI ._. /.Jly .i..,_,. SPECIMENS BOX TREE :,:. ::.,:_· ._ 206/o OFF JUNIPERS A ......... s,..., . .-.. ....... 16.f5 lf~·-..... BASKETS ).9S 1.19 VENUS Fl.Y TRAP _,_ 9sc PATIO SHOP Ill OUl GUEST Com• in •nd enjoy our f<H GAS BAR-I -QUE S1turd1y, September 20th 10 A.M. until 5 P.M. 5GA1 .. TREE SPECTALS s.., ... ,. z -~· ,...a •"' ,,., 14~ JN -,..._. AIU -Masd ••• Jo/olri-.il-J Ji/,__ kW.. y- f!lwric-.. T1ste the Fine,t BAR-I -Que Jn the world •.. Cooke~ on CHARt.4 Glo BA.R-B.Qu .. t ll!Ol ll&rber lllN. -Grove t. Alllllelm Ml-G114 (k " "Dli•97-.U ?W Ne~· 111>'11. 0..la M-fM&.311".5 4H_,.,, 6 Vtcl0ri1I 1.2031 s-tt mvd" Stutoo 893-3561 fcra""1ord'• P'.«111_,. V U"k•ll Credit Tenn.• A vaibt.bl""--RankAmerard "ISi« Cba<Jo-Gr-& ..... •• °""' Cnldll ,,.. ------ RANUNCULUS .,. __ . a....w. a-5e .... DAFFODIIS 2e ea SWEET PEA SEEDS · ._., .,.. ,.,... 29e ... _ .............. "-.......... .,_.I-._ .. , ........ _._.. -,,_ ......... -.._....,..,., ............ "liM -r., ., _ _... ..... ,,, , ... "' ii ,_,,., ,.,..,_ ....., .......... , ,.. .......... ,,_~ .,_.-..' ?! .. .,_ ,.... .... ,.._..... F-.-w---.... --....-- F!1$1, $tpltmbu 19, 1%9 OAll.Y Pl~Of t i ii1l\?$4tt .. c.-.-.....a,rsf ,me.-*" • • ... • ::OJ:.':' ................ ,, •. , .... c:.e.: ' Another3-letter. Word Good News for Youths WASHINGTON (UPI).-In this day ol l"ollftratlng ~ Jet ter , u n·pronounceable acronyms like SDS, PLP, BSU and NSA, llit ASG can hardly hope to stand ouL It doesn't.. llut beca~ of SOS, PLP, BSll and other mllltat .stu- dent organizations "bent · on changing the faces of college campuoes, tl!e ASG bu ·~9 on a new awareness and a new iftfluence. AliG 'slands for tl!e Auocia- tion of .SUldent Gov<rnlll!!lltll -a O.dt!Jing orpol:at!on ~ngtheassortmenrof student governments on 350 of the naUon'• col)•" camplllel. Edward 11Ned'r CaUao. D- year-o1d acting president of ASG, summed up the , new awarene5& of these bodies: ISSVE8 CHANGED "The ls8uts have cl>anged from a better band, a Winter bsll, to a ..,t on the bculty aenat.e, the abolition ot teflure, and tile only really legitimate rep re 1ent1 ti v e1of tbe studenta, Peebles said. " .•• They're the ooly body that a s!gnlf1cant .....,..m, U not tile majority, .of the students at )east lndkated support for." · The ASG ataff numbers abollt ·IS peflODI, all <I tbam 21 or II yean old •n4«XI ~ from their re1peCtlY'e untfersitiu. In 1cldjtjm to Callan and Peebles, tlMh art 11 other persona In the w •• h lngtoo beodquarten, moved here recenU7 to an Of,. Hee building near tile White House. Tbeae include three field -and elPt regional chaJrmen. The ASG Is supported b)' dUe1 from camlf'ua government., rt:venues &om conferences such u the one Ibis weekend, Income from 'publitlltionl, foundaUon and corporallon granta and coo- trlbutiom from Individuals: this sort of'thil>g. : • omCPS NAMED .. Siudents across the COUD· .. The officers -pratdenti try are realUing that what three -prealdenta 'and 1 might nM ·be u effective tool treuurer -are elected. now, UW they can make it in-Callao w~s chosen ,Jqe prff1! lo tha,i ralber than aoing dent and -ldlni ~ througll,tioll ...I dlar\lptloM." deJ>I wlito the ~I · l'l'ea!· This it(!ilii'i[i.'ii-o1'ASG;) .delt·~ ~·' · .'' he satd .. _, 19 promote ~ ~. ,, 'Ci!lail'lili:I , ASG tWU De!Docr$tic· p!..ess on earl. sta!Ud !cm yem ·qo a. ao pus, to Jet the studmats know altirnalive to the N:itional they cu. ~ve representation Student.a AasoclUl.on. But he and ~r • du!)'. elecled boclY sald the ,\SG is not an the artmtn!§ttaiwn can tum &o a I t e r n 1 t l v e any more. for cmnmUl1lcaUon. Whereas· 1ht NBA la all Marvin Peetiles, a ....Nesro political. Callao said, the ASG andclvtl.~~JC!t is nonpollUc:al Wej>t inlllflr the ASG, ts the ancl<nt u electiOlll tbl'Ollp CllllJIUB member of the orpnizltion at pollUca are concern,,s. e '"'a, 1111 .,,.. ........ " Qt I'~ ..... I -- . . ' 'IL95Value ........ ,. cW..," ... ,.,... ... Dalual--Ill -Clolor ~ --·-Clolor, --la ltail'°""'' SMdt bL .-.-t OICll\ ~ wl ----· '6.t532-Gal. TftaahCans WmtM!il'.ilt UDS l(•w w1 hNt .............. ,,... ~,.~ ...... ow .. --~ ·-,.., "!"l t.--·r"' . $4.,, "-"'- 11x14 .......... ~ ... --$.,4, fr-.Wh .. , .~ ...... 'I...~- __ ff$~1mtf -hd -......... .,n.. Wftlitllll ...... ~.., .. ... t 26 and ha! a laW degree rrom AJ an indk:ation of tbt Villanova Universltf. He said ASG's pn>blems of geWna student governmenta alrUdy rect>(l!lllon u a quiet but .r: are providing t be eom-fective and tnnuenUal student n. 12 "" M .... munlcatlan and will be pro-or~Uon, Callon related an $1.94 Y1ooyl .,. .. vldlng even more. incident where a national C:-lllc c.. W-et MORE A'l'l'ENTION magazine editor called --·-69" "Tbey·will get more Of an recently and asked if "tbttt ._, .. ct... SJ St .. , ... .., • • ur from the administration are going to be an 1 , H9t ..,. • .,.,.. ..._ ., becalllle they art rigarded U dtmonstraUOM" at the COD- 1 ·----·· ··-~ .. ·•.il•.nl _____ ,. representaUves of the studentl ference. Callan sald when the editor $1.11 it qt., t Oass CQvers Credit 'Art' The art, « science, ot inu- lng credit and then colltellng money will be the iubject of an evening clui In "CredJt and CoJlec:tlona" to be offered by Orange Coast College on Monday evenings from 7 to 10. Dwayne Ellison. asslllant caahier and· loan officer of the Newport National Bank, wlJl teadi the Ct... In Room 113 It Estancia HJgJi School. ' Designed !or smaJJ·- ownen and empt•~ of credit ··~ tbe COUl'88 will ti• amine llOUl'ce•~: of credit • lo: fonnation, analysis of credit riBU, colle.ctlon cor-- respondence, Ute of the COW1J and creditor Jnd debtor rtabta· wu uked why he was to-W•tHnktt quiring, be replied, "Wei~ U ._. ...., -· $) Jt you are, we will aend more .. .,._ .... ........ 1e." -t-'t"' ............ . VNITED STATES ' NATION Al.. BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA. BRANCH NOW oPIN SATURDAYS t .. I P.M. 'MON.0fHUU. 1M P.M. PllDAYI 1M P.M. f714) Mf.1111 ......... a.i kC.. ..... c:....M .. ....... "Jet ,,_ Ml:: ••• E. H. LEVAN ......., ... _. $3.33 CORY • 4-8 CUP PERCOLATOR a-.,_ '""' u ......... $299 ... $4.99 ·FRAMED 8110 OILS and REPRODUCTIONS ~ .. ,.,. ..... .._ . ...... .... ___ .. -· s34, Bags'n"''- e 14 .................. lt., t•Jr(e-r.,...,.A• , e 11tt4M .... W.St.titt...,._.,...C..ter ....... Vtiltri ......................................... ,~.,1.,c..w. " ... .,..~ e lJM ....... ..,;, _ _. ......... ., A!ptltl C:..W, C.... ..... Rog. $299 Teflon• 1 O.Jnch Fry Pans· SS.95 No-1..0n Ladles Duston G .... ra i Electric A~cPerk: _, ..... s12sa - 4 to 8 cup capa· ~Jty, Makel!I coffee richt evUY. tlme. Spt.rlcling chi'onte •14.95 Value! ·~lcllng Beds $887 Ru11ed alumlm>m frame ,nd thick foam mattreat. . 25x72" NIWI Fl om· ELDON RechartJOabJe Electric IAmRY OPERATED .. ' Ride 1emC•r ' ROUND .TRIP ANYWHERE ·1N . . CAUFORNIA •••lil'.11111•• siA'it."'" ,.,. G&&l!I .,.-- !t::rt:; $3'' t.,~;,t;t:•=:r;..: 'HI OUI ··-.... • :""':tlJt' $29'5 • .Ji~ .......... ....... '- ' ___ .. M-llMfltc ~·-~'l'..T.:•39•• ~., .. ·..-..y c.tUp ·-·· •~ ... $ 44 r:.":_. m: rm !=i 4 e:i flrl• HUo'o • , WALT DISHIY Talld .. $'"'•i ....... V'"' 'foqr tavoritt1 ta 1 )( to JO!Jf . ' Juillllo Size Color Prints · · , 1'ad9~ yourK<ld*eolOr'.Neptlves iJ ~ -·---..... :7 .\ . . . KolhicolO..FHm 11.~· $~t7 DIVll:.Cftll' I< PllN1111 gt( ~ ' .Price.~ eeo for-daydoplq', 19ca-prtntf6 iJc ISi.lei .te,x. No:dlarp tot tJ,eptives not prtnted • ... ~ ..• \·. '.,,1 . Lacly Wilshlre . . SeQml•ss Nyloni' Com,art To Others At 11.35 Reg. 87' Everyday.&. s~ M1Cro Mesh or Plaln U Knit/Beel and Toe, Seamle88.' Nud9 Beel and Toe, Walldnl Sbeerp, Jateat..colots. . 9'c Lady Wllshlro N;loo Hodori 7fc 87c Lady Wllshlrt s..i.1ou· 6tc pt. 99c lwdy Wilshire Padt of 1 ludget hcji Nylou --.-7tc 9'c5eamt.is.C:-or 99c Aglloll ilyto. _____ 79c 11r. 87c 0.. Sin Stvatcli Nylou.-~Hc NEW LONGlll LOOKI Women's Acrylic Sweater Jackets Smartly belt<d wilh $&' 98 2 'POCket.s,. plain and cable atitch frolllL Chol1:9 of styles and colon. WotnH'sStrlpe Shift ·Dresses $398 90"/. acetat .. .... •r."'" Short 1 te1'9-~coop neck. •i-6 lO 16. Short Sleev Cardigans ·$398 IOO'llo 117loa, rlb Ult c¢1. dlt!I to m&tdli bUllllb.ll. No-Iron Bush ·Shirts Men's No Iron .Sport • $298 THLUUN CHLOllDI " ... ..... ., 1.00 49c ... 10 ......... " 104.>4 ;,,., 100 ""' ~ "", ..... 100 Ma, .1om1 OF-100 Shirts $298 ., .................. 1 ..... ... ,..,, ................. _ QM HO .. , ..,.._ ef tot $1 51.19 .lorllr... Res. He ·~ Vitamin A oRANGI Fl.AYOR 2s.ooo u.1.. Vitamin C · ~ .... ..:£" 59c lDOMg. 44· lloltloof 100 Reg.tac ...... $2.49 ~'7.11 t.u. ~lnE .$1.24 BComplex 98c _ .... 25 111<9. lottlt 4~ -:!:.~~~1149c of 100 7- Girl's • loy's Dragster :1~~ $3888 ,, ........ 28• SupposlloriK ti.ea lcleal11 Val Cri ' say «;!~ Doll ' • • • ~ • • , I I; f 1 ! I l I ! I I \ I I I ) Jf DAflV PILOT s LEGAL MOTii$ I. l ,, . . LEGAL NOTICB York 'Stoek ·List l • c \'. " l• " Lo " u l• " l• " " " " ,, lo u u u u u u C11 u u u u u u u u u u u " " \1 Lo ,, lo " u " " " Lo ,, lo ,, l < u l o u " " M• M• M M· M, '" M M• "" M· M• M· •• M, M ,,. "' "' M ~ M ~ M M s M M M M ~ M M M· M M M M M M ~ M ~ M M M M ~ M ~ M Thursday's Closipg Prices-• Complete New / ·--------··l'f~·~~· ... ·----~ 1%'1 DAil Y l'tLOT YorlC Stock ·Exchange List American Stock Exchange Li st l I r I ' ( I • • I I J I I I --------~·------·--------------~-~--~·~~-·-~~-.-·:-~--~-=-:~::::·:::-:-:::~~-~.~~~~-~---~~-~~~~.-.---.--~---w~.~.-.. ---~·---·-·-·~·~~~~~~~~~~~ • ' I . ' • JI DAILY PllOT .. -.. r.,_, Sttt-19, 1w.9 r ·_·Sears Nylon Tricot Pajamas 2r.~5 Tailot<d pajamas in silky-so£~ easy<arc oyloo rticot. As!Otted colon. Sizes 32 to 40. SAVE $} Lisgnil D1pt. u · •399 Perma•I>resi-Jeans . • • 297 Boy&• "Circle S" authcotic '"9odtet: we11e1n M)'le ill CDttOO 8Dd DuPont 420 nylon. Double knees. 6 to 12. Bors' W ur Dtp1. l~imit 10 Boxes Per Comnner 82c Long Rifle Ammo. · 58~. • 22-cal. ·high-velocity, copper plared rounds use aon- corrosiVl! primer. &mokelcss powder. Box of :50. Sparti•g Goods D1p1. ~ l~il llrs (Jnl~' l : 'I !< ,; (l '.t 'I'• I•, SAVE 22 3 - I • 999 . · Sears 35c Concrete Mix " · / ' ·SA VE '12! Craftsman •41.99 18-Inch Hand Mowers .. 2988 F;ft .._.,p....i ,,..i blade< C10t110 cjooe., bed bl& but do ooc ..ta it. for iiW--;.,. Seolod boll -~oP ia ...i. Ctmiag bei,dit 518" to 2'". 181295 H-Dt/11. ' .. . Fiherglass Furnace Filters -44c Use Sears Revolving Charge , . SAVE $2! ~ . 167 •7.59 Dri-yeway Coating • ' I' • 497 . . Choooefrom$7.59ddle0ri1 .. 11~Dri..,. way Paste lo )..gallon cans. Soe now! r.un1 D•Pt· .-i;-. Cuddly. Hamster Pets 66c Cute li ttle pets:. fqii .to watch, ~y IO are for • Stunly M.W Hamlt.r Cli!a 9.69 WmibJSbop SA VE '30 on Reg. '1~9.95 Soft-Heat Gas Dryers .#-- - - - - - ----- - - - ---- - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - -~;. : I.al - - ----__ , I ·au9'A PARK El MONTE LONG BEAot PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PIAZA I . CANE>GA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOJO SANTA ANA TORRANCE · I ~g~ ~JlJ:ggg ~A~~A S ~~!~;~~GS ' ~~EJNTatSlavson I '------------------------ears ____________________ , "Satisfaction Guanrnl9ed orYovrMoneyBadt" --•ca. Shop6Nlgh11Mondoythrough5aturdoy9:30AJA.to9:30P.M • l, • ---------------------------~------------cc--~----~---·-;--:eo---;-·--~-----. ' JODEAN HASTINGS, 642.c32i ,....,, 1411 Aa 1t,.lM I , ... II ( Fall Putting together a colorful mosaic for the new season are mem- bers of the Huntington Harbour Art Ass!)ciatlon. Mrs. Jo (Esther) Dendel, muralist: teacher and writer, will be the guest speaker at the first meeting taking place at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23, in the Huntington. Harbour Beach Club. Mrs. Pendel t~acbes classes in desiSD, fabric; arts ~nd .mosaics. Jn addition, she has made numerous trips through Llbena, West 4frtca, collecting masks and other handicrafts for museums. From her experience she gleaned the infonnation Contained in books written under the pen name d! Esther Warner: including .. New SOng 'in a Strange Land," "Seven Days to Lomalaod," .. TfJ.e Silk· cotton Tree" and "Crossing Fee." Mrs. D~ndel received her BS degree from Iowa State University and a masters degree in fine arts from Columbia University. With her husband she cperates ~e .Denwar Studio iq Costa Mesa. A new slate of ottlcers wtJI be presented by the nominating com- mittee, and nomiruitiOOB also will be 'accepted from the floor. The summer needlepoint class directed by Mrs. Beji Watkins will be continued and.will meet between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the second W~esday of eaCb month in members' hoIJ1es. Additional inform.a· tion may be oblained by cafling Mrs. Jobn LeGros. .A TIMELY STITCH.:... Sewing up plans for the first, meeting of the new .~'ea&.on are (left to·right). Mrs. Louis Zimmerman, Mrs. Harry L.t.Riei~ Jr.' and Mrs. Lyle H. Cain Jr., members of the Hunting-ton Harbour Art Association. Mrs. Jo (Esther) Dendel will discuss art here and'abroad,·atid a 11ew slate of officers will be·11releBted when the group gatllers· at I p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23, in ·the!leaCh Club"' ' . , ... Stitchery and tapestry classes by Mrs. Helen ruchards also have been resumf4 and anyone wishing addltional information may COD• tact Mrs. Everett C. Ricker. . · Plans.for, a Fall Festival schedµlt!lf for October will be .• .,. DOWJCed, -and future programs and demonstrations will be discussed. • ' P9/ynesian Boom Predicted by Realtors ' A lavish Island feast ls planned for the third annual luau sponsored by the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtors tomorrow. Ready to follow the tradewinds to the Huntington Harl>our Belch Club for a 7 p.m. PolY11esian bour and 8:30 p.m. din- ner are (left to rlgllthMrs. George Galkiri, Phil McNamee and Mrs, Dennis Weeden., Tickets, al fl each, may be obtained by calllng'the -office, 847-6(193, ' The FOWJtaln Valley C<lm- munity Center will be splashed wUb co)or lomorrow when Ille woman'• du'b combinei ·P..,._ Ungs in the Patio wlUt Ill an. nual membersNp tea. All area women are invited to aUend the tea beghmlng at 1 p.m. The theme of Apollo, We Salule Yp11, will be earrted out in ' apace decorations, and welcoming g u t a t s , new memben and proviltona)s will be Mn. Laurence Erwin, president; Mra. R-o a a Id M.urphy, membership chainnln, and Ml'I, Loyce Weavu, co-dlalnnan. Othera uststlni with tbe tea will be the Mmes. Lorin ).am. men:, N o r m a n NleberUen, ·Arthur C::Orrlveau and James LllJy, I • Guests will be ·.iJ'ttR a brief history of the club which was founded n 1961, MCI each chalrinan jOµr <lesorlbe , lhe 1t0rk of her' committee and ber plans ,J!Jf, the-term. An addOd attraction will be a i:<>lleeUon ol an· worlt· ily area residents. 'Ille paintings may be viewed between I and 3 p.m. In Ille center's patio, and lel'Vtng 11 chairman. of the exhlbtt: is Mn. Charles Rollrbacbei; 1111.ted by Mra. Fred Funk and Mn. WWJam Cunniqbam. J Anyone ·w.ilhln1 to exhibit may cootact Mt1. Rohrbacher, 117-3ll'll, or Mra. Funk, 118- 21181. Wo.,.. wilbln1 addWonal Information reprdjng membelJblb,111 \b" cliil> ma1 ·eau Md. ~UiJiW •. l!U111;or Mrt. Weaver, IC-5131. The show and toa are being eomblned for 1111. Ont time and wtU lake ~ ln the ,_ community center. Welcome Waiti 'ng • • PAINTING A TEA PARTY -Prospective members will stroll through Palnt.- ings fn the Patio when they attend the membership t e a sponsored by I h e Fountain Valley Woman's Club tomorrow. Providing a picturesque setting are Mrs. Ronald Miµpby (left) and Mrs. Charles Rohrbacher, ' ~ • • ·Cash Register's Ring Clashes WiJth .. Toll'. of Wedding Bell ' . DEAR ANN LANDERS: II yoo lhlnk you've heard everything, dig I.his : Ovtr lhe lQifkend mt husband and I attended a wedll:ng. The cenimony was held in a church. ll was simple but quite spiritual, the way a "'edding ought to be. Following the ceremony the ~ were Invited to lhe rec,'eJ>tion in the· rhurch social ball. Sandlil'ches, cookiea. fruit punch and bot coffti were set out on a nicely decorated table: On a separate table was ,. cash rt>gi~r (manned by two rclatlvea) and the wedding cake with a large sign which rPad.~~uy a piece ol ~ding cake for luck. 11elp finance Lhe honeymoon. Price 25 cenl.J." Several guests lined up an~ bought • ANN LANDERS ~ piece ol cake, Even tbaugh l loft cake l "'fusa! to allow my hu>band to bey me a ptect, as a matter of principle. He bought a pl e c e for btouelf, however, "as a gesture of good wUI." His reasoning w83:, ,;When in Rome do as lbe Romans do.'' We both woul4 Uke to know what you 1hink ol this. -MINNEAPOLIS QUERY DEAR Q.: Mhmt11poU. tm'• Rome. 1'r1aat't DMft 1111 t ..... _. I •••. aa.. tended tmnl weft&* • ....._..,Ah ··'we -ia141 .. illJ ....... .., .,.. aloa lhlt cab lalie .,.. a tu&dell mne.-. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'll la ll for "Wet Hankie'' and for all tbe ~ criel'I In !he wl.rid wbo ote anblm....S becauoe lhey are u111ble to -!Ill lhell' emotlona. Take Ute advice ol a girl who leanied Ille hani'way: CfJ, cry, cryl It's r:oaer for you. I ~ 17 and I very nearly had a ........ bre-becGl.,,.1 ... afrll!d to almw &1\1 1i1DS of ''w.U-." My father 11 a career An:Q tulcer -w~ meanlnt tiut very llriet and spartan In hil ·~ la everythill& •• d eveeybod;y, My motblr mrvtyed a Germon _,,, cimp. Tb a I In- human ·~!"Ide her a real lloie. I was taught that M 1111 a dtqrace to lei anyone "' Ille loll olde ol me. UnUl I wu 11 I man"led lo keep "er,Utlng botUed up, Then 111 ol I IUcl- den I began In fa.II to plecea. I became lri&l>tened ol Utin&s I COOUdo't expjll!n or reuon. My heart pounded and I w11...,. I wu haYln( a heart attaek. MJ pAlma -, llld I had db;y ¥111, Jf wu -1'bo Put ... In lollcil Ip I needed, And !t WU just ill time. '!'l1e doctor aaJd I had a 'wall ulcer aoo wq beadlog for a nervous breakdown. I hope Wet Hankie lilttnt to you. And I hope all tlle erierl out there will stop being ashamed. Tell them, ap1n aod qaiD to bop c:rying, It'• pd ldr them. II yoo ilnow wbot Sbolom meam, 1111 tt for my slcnature. -SAN JOSE DEAR SHOLOM, Vea, t -wllat It meam. Price. ADd K'1 Wftderftal. ' DEAR ANN LAN'DERS: Wh•t do you mean ••a good cl.gar?" 'nlere ls no auch . thin&-All clga .. stink. n·. just Utot ..,,. • cigars stink worse 'tllMI ~ l'lople count on 100 for Uie-itrvtb.:~'4on'& yoo quit being so pOlile aod tell ·it like It t..? -FRE8H AIR FJEND DEAR FIEND' v .. Cid ud t -yoo. Wbat awalll yoo oa ille -lfde ol the maniage ve.11? How ellQ yuu lte M'e Jo. maniage will work? Read Aprl t...ncler's booklet "Marriage -WbaHo E:lpect, • Send your l"Cluesl In Ann Londen In cara ol thls newspaper enclosing IO _, In coin and a long, st.amped, ~l{-adcireaed -erive1ope. Ann Landers will be ·llld to beip' you wtUt your probl.,,,.. s.nd them to her In est• of the DAILY Pnm, encloolq • aell-. stamped envelope. I • Guns: Safe, Not Sorry Leeming all about guns are Beccl Lucas a!ld Slwrl Lilly (lelt to rilbO ~,.C.7,; lliding lnstructlon Is Carl Lawrence, director of ldentiflcallon DI the Fo Valley Police Depa-en!. General rules concerning fUJ1 s_afety ""! be offf!'d all residents between 7 and 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sell!. 24, In tbe dty • .oommun-. tty center under the spons<irsbli> of the l'ounlaln 'Valley Woman'.1 Club. Slllce 50 ~ent of all gun accidents are caused by women, they especially are· en- couraged to attend the lecture followed by a queallon and an&1f•r .period. Mrs. Wlllfain Pulford Is in charge of the salety program. · . .. Make Sure Shoe Fits Sumniertim., the Um• Gt going battfoot In the puk and at the lieacb, brings with it loot problem• aa •ell u foot pfeaiqrea, "Y membon ol the Women's Auxiliary of the Orqe County Pod I a try AlsociaUon. Parents should re.member ll>at _.,.._, 1a·a growth Period for dilldren's feet, and the • shoes chlldren wore to ocbooi hJ J.,,. may not nii:marOy b , accoptable ICbool -for September. '!be lndd~ ol plantar wal1I b hl&h Jn autumn, IWI· iliary members warn, and t.mqen• fe~t elp'Ci•H,y -be---. Unmn ....nng at -.. IQCh u · heels wdtn down oo the imidt er toes worn uneveoly, lndicata loot pro- blems.. and footprlnla from the ... lmnilnl PoOI or "'°"or that lndi~n Maidens Scout . For . Tribal Prospects S®ut1n& the "Arel for new recruits mo members ol the . YMCA 1n4iaJ> Maidens, Nation ol While Bu!Wo, Hunt!ngton Beodi. The drive f« new memben wlll take place ~C Mon. day' Sept. 22, anll cootfnulng unW Fr1d1y. Thia YMCA program b fir girls 5 through 8 and their mother" It promoi.s friendly rolatiombipa tbroogb tribll meetlngs. campwta. ct aft 1. """ ™ "'""' oessiom and social outlrijp whidi mothor and daughter must aUend tribe rnoeUns and htl•t the .,,. po~IJ to mu. inqll)ri'! or join durlnl ilie meeUng. Ir three to five rnpthtrs from one nol1hborhood wllli. to start their own tribe, Mn. Campbtll hu -.,ssure4 U.em that help will be av1U1bie. . Adcituona1 tidonn1U. msy be obtained by cafllng Mn. Campbell, 988-1921; Mr1. Gene Murphy, 147-9470, or Mn. Jame& MewtJ, IA-1J50. Guardian ~jmies· Campbell £oil T-o ~isit her dauchler Kilbleen, ~p , -. · hunter and maiden for the na-.. Dopuly GrllJid Guardian. ol Uon, ,,. In charl• of two Beth<I B7, Joi>'• ~ meeUop '"au motben and Mn. Jam• Common, will dallgllters ln the Hunl!ngtm male htr olflcl1l Viii! - Bea.ch ma who ,,. lnteratad the bethel med.I -Monday _m._not shaped ·Uke q...UOO msrks abo mean foot pro- blems. in the program. at 7:_, p.m. ~ .7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. Receiving . ~ IDltlaUon 24, proopedt•e memben wlll wort d~ the meeUn1 ID meot In llunUnatm> Buch the Muonic 'l'elnple Will bt Hflh School and on Tbunday, tho M1-Edith ·and Ule Sept.· 2i, they will meet In AIU.., Giyle Baelor, Ttrrl Nloety porccnt al f o o I ltoubla belin In childhtod, auslllary memben aay, and a q1liclt cbeck -m I y ~la ~. foot pro--Marina llilh School. Craf1 and P1ula Slier. They will ... tribal coo-'!be troplQ--1ved by the Hertels <Exhibit tumes and c:nfts, a ,amp!• bethel fflr third plaoe fn. a !"' =t tallle -.iUon coott.t wtll be clbpla7od dminl the eve:nlu1. Wllb the' Iheme Old Woman Peering Around In the Sboo, the bethel -. peted durina the .-at 8oulh COUt Gurian Council 'picnic ID Santa Ana Momorial Puk. Oii dbplay, s!artlng "'"" day, Sept. 23, ID the Coff,. Garden Glliery, Conlna de! Mar, .,. ..mtilagos by Carl Herld and oil palntlnla by AMONG plqa -at Mn. Carl Hertel Fall Pruenla 11 the Kappa Seascapes Exhibited . Hertol, a prolossor at Pltm Kappa Gamma house at the Colltge, Claremont. attended Unlver&Jly .QI S o u t b e r n An uclustve S o u th t .r n Pomona and Claremont Col· C&llfornia were MlN Suaan CIUfarn!a ahowin& of mWe legea and Harvard Unlvonlly Duffy, daugltler ol Mr. and palnllnp by Vomoo Kerr wlll and has exblbltod throughout Mn. Richard Duffy and Mba tau place In the Jilin. the Unllad Statos. Laurie Fra>er, daugblar of tlngton Beach Art 0111117 thb Kil wtlt, a former mural Mr. and Mrs. Davld P'ruer, IDOr)lh. • aulrtant to Mllltrd Sheots of 111 of Newport Beach. 'lbe elblblt foat""'s more Claremoo~ studied at Sa1pps !h1n 40 pafntinp lncludllll dx Collq:e and Kann A r t m1)0r aeucapes, tnc1bd1ftl lmtitule. De nee Club one of hb rmowned ._ti '!be abo•, _.i by the . · sertos ontllled Llfo'a Ji:ttftllf Newport Harbor S e r v I c e The rirat lb1rd and flflh Forces. · Leque, will coollnu• through Fridaya al · ilie moiitb are the The lntemaUonally lcnown October. Glliuy hours are II . dlUlCO dates ..ioeted .by Laco artbt roc:eftllJ moved fnl1I a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday 'n Leather Square DIDCtl Club Lquna Buch to C o t: u r throu"1 Slturday. members. The music starts et d'Alene, Idaho, where be plam Quilts Back 1be ou11led look 11 a big ont for fall. Designer Adolfo of New York does quilled even· ing skirts In velvets and silM, taken from PortugueJe Ule potl<ml. Wurliher ORGANS ALL MODELS AVAILABLE W~LLICHS MUSIC CITY .SOUTH COAST PLAZA , ....... . • ' 11 I p.m. In the RtcrtaUon to dtvtlop h1I tedlnlqlit In Center, Huntin(ton Btac:b.. landlcapu. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN .. CALIFORNIA ·Bi( For cans •IW 6 p.rn. weelallYS , and •II -kend. 3 minutes ·staliolAl>stalion, plus tax: _ • @ Horoscope Pisces: ·'Time ' f 9r Pa,rtying · ' SATURDAY SJmMBER 20 Parents Reveal Troth At Champagne Brunch Ellm P1trlcia Groolacb and ' Roller! E. Bonnlna Jr., both l'ldUales or·Ea11nc1a HI 1 h School llld Orqo COlst · COiiege, will mirrJ.N ... 22. 1MSr ~· W&I cllacloeed tut Simdi)' by Mr. and Mn. Pe!er H. G-ol eo.ta M... during a cbam- --brunch I• their home glV?n lo· booar their daulhter and ber o ..... Also -tulatlng I h e betrothed ware Mr. and Mn. -E. BoanJns of CC11ta M-the brlctesroorHlact'a puenta. Mbs 0!1>'1acb atudled In the <oll>ce'• dtnta1 aubllng pro- lf1'0lll. Tht fUblrt btoedfct now ii eoroUtd at Callfaml.I: State CoU•r• at Looi Beadl .,.J«tnc 1n hletou. The couple bavt ..i.ct.d St. Jolm the Boplbt CathoUc Cburcb for theb fall ....wtq. ELLIN 0110-r.SCH F•lf D•I• \ \. Youthful Ticktockers Introduced to Duties 'l'lcktocWa of the NaUonll O!Mn and Mn. C ha r I oa Charity Iitalut. SOUth Cout Mllchlar, •1,..ey kicked off Chapter will lither far an tho fall -with a IWin> orieiilaUon m1tlln1 at 10 a.m. mini pari, yulcrday. tomomw In llOllli>oor Scbool. 'l'he::;s.· l1antbropy p~ Al par1 .i their lnlrodua1lon guided Mn. Llo)'d Gomer to dutY,_ IJieY win vl!! two will Vt full attenUon from films, .,,,. ll-Cblld." the )'OU!bflll r!idllrlng the and '1Yeaterda7, N11 and comln& JW'. already TonlorroO," Offencl by the ban plllll lo bute lo a Crippled Children'• Sodet7. -· c:o1Jact rlol!"ns. mw Fotlewlng lbe mttUnf the qulill and 111.:':· !Urnlsb e':°"· IQldocl by Mn. J~ :: .::of.:= ' LI~ ~al~t~ :;:rl.;:::r famlll,. du11nr l'J • Farm., '!be fnltnnedlale -===::..... ___ _ = dlfOCled by M ro . am · Mdlft and Mn. H&u1. wUl anjoy a ~ and """' ptl'I!'. ,,,. ltlllon loci by n. Miio DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines I See by T !Xlay' s Want Ads • Get • ti ltle doetr to nr.- ture; Camper lr'OUP far 1tn&tes owr 31. bell'll or- pnized tor lholit '*,... ed tn CAMPING, ' I UNUSUAL SUBJECT Ch.Irle• LaMonk Art League Guest ' Indian Art Preserved PalnUngs ol picloCrapbs and ~ wtll bt dlaplayocl by arWt Charles LaMonlt when he I~ befwe the Costa M"'1 Art !.<ague oest 'J'ues. dlJ' at ?:~ p.m. in Adams EJemeDtary &:booJ, C 0 I t a M.,.. Faculty Picnics The unusual reproductions ol. ancient Indian pictures painted on cave walls and pic- tures incised iD stone, some of which hang in collections throughout the world, were in- spired by LaMonk's tarl y life In Keinmerer, Uni ta County, Wyoming. The Shoshone, Ute and Ban- nock Indlan!i and their colorful life style lmpre!iSed him as a Yoong boy, and af ter his education and training in art he returned lo some of the petroglyph sites near Searchlight, Nev. New and returning members Finding that \'andals had of Golden Wert Faculty Wives' ruined some or the pictures Club rot acquainted with each with black paint, he detennin- other and · plaJll ·for the ed to preserve as many of lhe seuoti'a actlvlUes durino a r em a i n l n g archaeological a treasures a! possible. coffee ln the Hunttniton Beach His works have b e e n b o m e o r M r s . R • Y displayed in the Los Angeles Shacl!leford. Coun~y.J._Museum of A1odem Next Suoday the group will M J'd1SleUm of· Man in San be joinld by families for a 2 lit'ego, . Hurd Museum j n p.m. pimJc m Lake Park, Hun-Phoenix, the Universities of llnlton Beach. Lunch and volleyball and softball games New Mexico and' Arizona and are planned. now are on permanent display 1 Educption Selected As Topic Two 1peaken are oq the agenda for the general member1blp luncheon Wodnesday, ·Sept. 24; al t!le Women'• Division Of the Newport Harbqr Chamber' or Commerce. 1 • Mrs. R4berl Lilly. trustee Jor the Newpori.-Mua Unllied School Dlattlct, will spell on School Ftnanclng in Calltornia, and Dr. Nolan Frizzelle will have as bis tOpic a' report Crom lbe EducaUon Com- mittee of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerc.-e. Irvine Coasl Country Club will be the setting for the noon ·luncheon. Reservations, at $3.50, must be made by calling the Chamber office, 675-6300. TURNll Turn in at 1~x.aco for some real savings-siX 12 -oz. botlles of Pepsi for only '55¢ plus tax (and deposit). You get it with anyturchase ... at particip t ing Texaco Retailers.. ut hurry- they' re going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today. •suggested Retail Price. Serving tbt club during the at San Fernando Valh:oy State coming year will be the College. He also has exhibUed IL..---------' Miilet. TOP\ Henn.st.ad, pres!-~a~l ~the~llru>s~~eUi~W~o~rl~d'~s ~Fa~ir~·~;;;;;iiiiii;;~ dent ; Lloyd Wilcox, lint vlcelii president ; Jim CUrran, second vice president; M a u r I c e Smith, oecretary, and Warren Peterkin, treasurer. !Dlhllgbtlng the yoar•1 pro- gmm will be the second an- nual-scholarshlp fuhlon shaw and deSRrt which will take place in November. ProceedJ will aid deserving 1tudenb In the •ge. • _....,._ ..... _ .. __ ,,.. __ _ EXCLUSIVE! SAY IT WITH OMEGA From laft: Flexible m11h b~1cl1t watch ill 14 kar•t told, fl SO Aorentined 14 karat gold with Romen numerals, Sl5 , Thirty ditmond Om190 in 14 k1r1t go ld, it.so. • SLA....VICK'S Jewel1r1 Since 1917 r8 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -6~~-1380 'fflll' C!W11 "tfoutrt Wik--~l'N1'"'8ni, M•t111 Clllrva. too 0'9'1 MM4.y, llrTlllllT 111tlf t :JO p.m. I ' t t I i ! t i I • • • ----------------=---=--------_,..----------------------- Teenagers Bid to Tea Girb between the ages of JI and .! Jnterested In becomin& Candy s tr l p e r a In Hoag tit emoriaJ lio a pltal Presbyterian , are lnvlted with the.it mothers to a tea next Wednesday. Senior Hoepltal auxiUary ad· visors will be Oil band in tbe hospital conference oenter at 3;30 p.m. to (l'eet guests and answer questions. A d d IUonal Candystripers will be needed (o service the Newport Convale s cent Hospital. recently acquired. by •Toag, which will be known as Hoag North. Senior aux iliary members' will meet next Thursday in the conference center at 10:30 a.m. Anyone wishing more in- formatian may call Mrs. Rober! Qnger , Sl&-1765. Boutique Prepared MR. AND MRS. STEVEN JOHN IARRETT Wedding TMll Sf. Andrew's Setting Members of Xi Xi Pi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi will ••th.ink boutique" in pre)iara- tion for the next meeting of the group taking p ) a c e Wednesday, Oct, I. Mrs. Eldon Dvorak, chapter president, hosted the charter meeting of the organiiation.in her Huntington Beach home. Harborites Recite Vows Presenting the charter from the International offiei! of Beta Sigma Phi was Miss Dorothy Dunn, sponsor, and a special guest was Mrs. H a r o I d Norman, director and an in· temalional honorary member. Presenting the cultural pro- gram , What ls Life, was Mrs. Rober! Shay. In a double ring ceremony, performed by tbe ll<v, Dr, The bride, givea in marriage by her faUter, wore a white Charles H, Dierenfield in St. taffeta gown, featuring 1 lace Andrew's P r e s b Y t er i a n bod.i<:1! and sleeves and a Church. Judith, Belle Baer circular chapel train. A lace became the bruit: of Steven · petal crown with seed pearls John Barrett. caught ber illUBion veil, and Their parents are Mr. and she carried a cascade er l\frs. Harold L. Baer and Mr. yellow c a r n at i o n s and and Mrs. James P. Barrett, stephanotis, centered with an all of Newport Beach. orchid. SEE IT NOW -Avocado green empire gowns, matching chapel veils and bouquets of yellow rotes were IM!lecttd for het matron or honor, Mrs. Floyd M. Edmond9, the bride's . sister, and for her bridr.smaids, the Misses Louise Baker, Diane Barrett, the bridegroom's .iister and Elaine Camell In yellow chlffon and carrying a white basket ·of yellow daisies .......... ., .. LL~~--........... _ .. __ CC-•··---- Fri. and Sat. Only-Sept. 19-20 WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION IN OUR LAYAWAY DEPT. 2200 HARBOR BLVD. I Ladies Colorful Brushed Gowns Rei. 2.96 200 O!oooe from .....unent ot colors, pink. blue' maize and .. mint in 80 % acetate and~ bl"Ulhed nylon, Cclnel In both wall> and long lmgth with lace yokes and embroidered scalloped eolian;, SU... S.M·L. COSTA MESA ' Poncho Pop-on LEGAL N011CE OltOllOIANCI •t-U AN OltDIN ... lllCE 011' THI cnY .::OUN- CIL 01" THE CITY 0 1' COSTA MEIA. C:ALll'OllNIA. CNAMGINO TME ION• INl'I OF A POllTION OP LOT A, •AN• ti/ti• Tl.ACT, PltOM 1:..C:P TO C:l.CP. Pop on this cozy poncho to The Cltt counc:11 crt 1ne CllY o1 ce,e• dash outdoors th'-!ail Maw o°" n.rtbr orc1•rn •• tolJeWs: I.) • $E(TION 1. All ""-' '6(110fl of Ille Great for campus , sports, "'11ow1111 c1nu1becl ~' 11t"e11er1¥ is weekends! Knit ix>ncho wilh ~~1o'!1~~ •M lt1Clllded 111 T1'1t ci.cP raised leaf front panels from r~. w.,,.,,.,. a .oo ,._, et ""' t111iow- neck down in one piece. Has In• oncflbecl '"1 •rwertv: A .-rttl llf ltnd In Ille Cltt Cll Cltft contrast-color edging. Pattern Mttt. count-t qt or-•. s11re ot 7220: sizes I0-16 included. c.11totn1• k lflll • Hrtlon of Lot "A"., 91Mlnt Tree! IS iMwn Ill I 11111 lflf FIFTY CENTS (coins) for 1114 Tttct tt1tc1 In tnt ttN o1 H1nc«11 each pattern _ add 15 cjnts ••nn1111 v-.i• Mtrv H. 11nn1r>t fer Ptttltlon tnCI Deltll C.tH Nlll!'lber "311 for each pattern for first-c ass u"°" ""' fle111il!t et Att'-'• et "'- maU1n$ and special handling ; t:•;r.:;r ,;111~ °t~ri:.:1:,r. ~ c=~~ otherwise thir~lass CleUvery t.11(h 11nd 11e1"' sntwn Oii • 1t.ecord et "II •·• lht Sutvt~ fl1td In I• 10,' Met 15 et WI 1"11Ae et weeks or more. RfCl:I"'• e1 surv•~• 1n "" Ofttc• et 1111 Send to Alice Brooks, the COl.ll'lh' ~ICOt"lftr et O••nt• c""'"' DA 1 Ly PI L 0 T , l 0 5 C1 11'6m!1, ,,,.... 11rtlcu .. nv '*"II*' Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea--S\.at.iori, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print Name, Address. Zip, P a t t e r n Namber. BIG 1171 Ntedlecraft C1iato1 -40 pages, over 200 designs, S tree patterns! Knit, crochet lruitanta, a r g y l e sweater. bats, dresses, Swim aull. Quilt, embroider, we.ave. Make toys, gifts, gay afghans. Send 50 cent&. LEGAL NOTICE ' -, " ~11--:-=-·'--1__:--__ ,_ "'· " -I ORA .. E ' OAILY l'ILOT JIJ , UGAL NOTICE • , tollovr10: d!lll/1(9 or .U.21 ..., lo tf\e Trllt ~Int COUHTV OF ORANGE I SI a.,1nn'"" 11 It!~ !nlertactlon of tile al l•lnnl119 of th is descri.fl""• CC-CITY 01" COSTA MEµ I anti'!' ..... ol HIWtOI' 1oui.v1re llld""' l1lnl119 ,.,._,f'Nl .. l'r 3.37 _, I. c. I(, PRIEST. CllY C1etk flf"" CltY we::terlr 11rolon91llon o1 !flt ~trlY SECTION t.. l'\lrt11111t f!:I ,.,. -t•lonl el ~ M_. Ind u.ottldt., Cflll't 9' ttl9 llne of 11ld ftl'CCl•d of Surn~. "14 t~ flt s.cftol! f2:I0,1 of 1M IW.llllckiel ~ of City COu!!tll f1f Ille Cllf of Cott• Mev.. ter'UCtlOll be•~ flit coordh1•lits a .n tt.t: CITY 111 to.ti Mew, Ol1lr1ct IMt C4 IMlrebY c"1'1fY 111at TM ar.ow 11111 tarqo. f!O~ I nf tsH •• .,,....,, fMftU e1.i ol !tie ClfY "' Cost• MIU Is 1'111'9by 1... Orlllrlmce HumbV •2a -""' 1rtnt w ld wdferly lln'lin••Tlon. 60.00 amltlclH lw tflt 111llllllon tllffelo el tht lroclucH 111d ~rte! .-c;tloll 11'1' - ffotti IMMI conll~urn. lloM ""Cl<I" ..... ducflbed' '" t«tlotl 1 llerwf. tlol'I ,, I rw911L1r mft!fll!D of TM Hid ''" Hllflletlv II,.. ot 11\d ftecont {II $;/Ntl''. SECTION S. ~It OtdlrtanQ .tl•ll t9kt COUl'ldl Mid on the 1nd IM'!' fl s.t~. • cllrf•llOI flll 105.ta feet to "1t T"" effect •nd lll' 111 fuh flll'Qt ltllrl'J' (j(I) ,..,_ Ifft; aM W191'Htlel' pe~ _,,. ...,.. 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IN WITNESS WHE~EC'IF, I Mi~ llllltnt. m ,u fff!i to ,.. """'l'lflllll "' ll'ASSED ANO AOOPT!i'.0 "'I• !Jiit .. ., ller'W!'tto.ttf ""' ~.nd Ind tfllil" ,.,. S..I • l111tWll (l/rif, c:OflCIVI tl0'1tlet•l911'!'"' ~. 1Hf. GI' !'lie Clh' ot CO.It ~ 11111 1611'1 .. ., .. aJid l\lllll'lf t r1dl11J qt Ul,00 fett1 A.. L PINKLEY SI#~. 1 ... fttfnct '°'l!!Ntfttlr tlOlll u!cl cur... M•'l'OI" ef !ht Cit'!' C, K. PltlEST t11n1V1111 t etnlrt!• tnt'I• If U" a' 15", tf Ctsll M... City Cllt-•nd U -<Jfflclo tn t~ clllltl!CI! of )f4.d fet!J IMN:9 ATTEST: C~rt of TIMI CITY clt"Ptrtl"' from u!cl (lltvt tOU!h, t (. I(. PllllEST Clll!ICll ot lht c1rs1~ o1 1.to '"' 1e t11t """*" 11n1 Clf'f ci.111."' ~ c1w e1 co.11 ,,.,.. el N lf lttc61'f el ~¥&YI ltltnct CH' ef '"h Miit Pllbll1'tlf Or...,. (oesf ~tly ,.,,.,, wtsttrl' t lOl'll , wlf -'l'lerlY llnt, t STATI OF (ALIFOltNIA Stp1embtr U, INf 1117 .. , ... --- • • ::. • • • -I I COLLEGE I I -~ ·-.. -........ =~----......... -... ="'-~- CIS'TRICTtlG MAP -· ----Cl r I ) i . l I I . ff c.lllY PllOT fridly, Stp....W It, 1969 Dodgers, SF Duel for L¢ad; steen Seeks 20th UN FRANCISCO -'l1>e Dodprt?..i '"' Uni p1ocl llld --.. '-Bm. Claude Olteen. ,.. or Ills Mill win al tbe -fonlCbl whon LA ... ISlo l'ranclloo p II k In lbe,BlY M'lll. wnt tunnel, more commonly known • C•l!Mllclt Parll. OpllOllnr Oltem In lbe clash al lhe N• tlooi1 Lefiue 'll'"*<J'n DM1loa's ..,..two -. "10 be Mite McO>nnJck (Ill-I). A MlC pme •PFttel the two learns In the frallllc i-.. Ulle race. San ll'rancllco took over llf1l place Thurod17 nl&bl with 1 ·W triumph .,.,. Jioulion wblle lbe Dodpn tripped Allan- 11, "~ w ooly'trllll by • ball ,...,, C&tidle$llcl; Park bas been a house of horrora (or the Dodgen since they movnd Wtll a decade •Co· In lhe 10 yean Candlesllct bas been swayln& In the wind, Loa Ana<ltt baa a dltmal Jl.59 record, fl.I wont mark ln any major league park. In the Jaat nine yean:, the Dodgers GLENN WHm Sports Editor Freak Mishap Puts Lonborg Down Agah1 BOSTON f APl -Jim Lonborg, whq has had oolhing but trooble since the glory day1 of 1987, may be sidelined for the rest ol this sea.son as a ruult of a freak Injury. The tall riJhl·haoder suffered a badly lacerated foot when he sUpped while rac-- ing through a heavy rairultonn Wed- nesday Dlgbt, and a club spokesman said Thursday it appearnd he might be through lor Ute season. Looborg had driven home Erom Fenway Park after a game against the Baltimore Orioles was rained out, and report! were that he wa1 waring sandals and no i;nc:ks. . When he got out of his car in Lhe park· ing lot of bll apartment building he ~led for the structure, but slipped. 'the 1ccKletit was only the latest in the Iona 1tries o( troubles w b I c h have plagued LQnborg ever since he plt<bed the ·aec1 Sox to the 1967 pennanl with a 22-t rtcord, won two more games in the World Seriu, and was named the AL's Cy Young Award winner as il3 top pilcber. An off«AIOll 1kt injury that year folklwed by other problems in the spring .and summer reduced b1a eUecttveness in 1968, wlii.cb be Ciniabed with a &-10 record. Thi& year, again plaped by a series of ~cal albnoni., be had fashioned only a 7·11 mark. o. rv !I'.,, .. ,., 8 ,p...._, c 1t .... e1 JJ froa) beh1nd qaln and ooce more It waa the -11<>1 l>al ol rookte<>l-the-year ciln- didlle Ted Slzemln that turned the trtck.· . Al1anta ..,,. ..... ·S. l lead lnlo Ibo bot- tom o( the alUh. With one way, Willie Davis slnlled. 'lllell Willie Crowford dtllvered a lJ'O-OUt tingle and Jim Lefeb- vre slnaJed Ii> Davis with the tylnc nm. Tom llaller wall!nd lo load Ibo ba!es and SlJomore then played • -aame with AUanta pitcher Phil N!Wo. - Rf/IJer ~up P .lafl Nlokro, the lmU<kleballer, trifd lo set two las~ by Siiemore. but the Loi An&eles aecond baseman drilled tbe ,.. a>nd nne lnlo lefi field for a lhreMua tri- ple. ' Don Sutloo, who limited Atlanta to •Ven llli. earned Illa 17th win al the campaWn. ATU.HTA LOS Alll••l.ft .. _,__.. -... t .,.._ MlllM, 711 • f 0 I Wfflt,, .M • I I 1 GclmHI. d • • 0 • MOtlp, " :I • • • H.AM91. rt • I 0 0 W.0.Vlf. ~ ':Ii 1 I I C&riVo 11 4 I t 0 't~l.d I I I I Ct11t1S9. Ill ' I ! f ,Park.-, Jb ' I I 0 e."°""• lb 4 O I -o Cr•~. rf 4 I I I Oldl'fr' 4 I I 0 ~,.._lO f I I I 0.fl'-'* flOIHtOtr.·c: ~I ll P.Mllllro, fl 2 I I 0 $fnmon, & ) I t J ~-IOllSuttOn.p 2111 (lrisyte, p • • • • l'Oltll " t ' f Toi.It IO I 1 J ,.,,..,... GOMOOl -2 1M ,.._.,. t.01 "4 Ok -5 E -MlllM, W. O.vll. OP -UI A.11911t1 t, LOS -AtWll• i. Lb .,... .. £, Jll -S'--• Hit -""*"" (lll. 5 -S4ttlon, Mtuo, G<lrrlda. IPM•••llSO P.Mltml (l.»lll 1 7 $ J 1 1 ()Wll llODlt ~-!W,11·UI t ' t t I J HIP -tw P. "'*'-rw. O.vb). Tlmt -2;1). Allll'ltMIU -11,62'1, ' British Zoom to 7-5 Lead Again st Fading Yanks SOVTHPORT, England (AP) -Bri· lain's pro gol!ers, young but con!ldent, pulled further ahead loday In the Ryder QJ.p competition with the more famous United States squad by winning two of the morning best.ball foursomes and gel· ting • ball In • thin!. Tb.at boosted the scores to 7 for the British home forcei and 5 for the In· vaders, wlnnen of this bleMial classic in 14 of tbP. previous 17 competitions. Not only did tbe Briliah extend their lead in play over the suMy 7,140 yards of the Royal Birkdale course, whose J6. 38-74 par often is manipulat8d by the winds ofJ the Irish Sea. but they beat Jack Nieklaua and Dan Sikes, the highly rated U.S. pair, in doing so. Nicklaus and Sikes lost to Tony Jacklin, curre.ot British Open king, and Neil Coles, 1 up, in the morning's final pair· ing. Four more best-ball matches arc scheduled after lunch. Sixteen 1natch- play liingles are booked for Saturday. In Thursday's opening play the British buUt up a t 'h:-3\i lead in the Scotch faursom es where the two-man &ii.es play with a single ball, laking alternate shots. The lone U.S. victory of tbe momlng was PoSled by Lee Trevino and Gene tit~ Uer, who combined for a seven-below par 67 and a 1 up triumph over Peter Alliss W1d Brian Barnes. The match which ~as halved saw Ray Floyp and ~filler Barber draw abreast of Brila'in's Brian HuggeU and Alex Caygill on the final hole when Floyd sank a 12- fodter for an i:aele. Cllristy O'Connor and Peter Townsend bested Dave Hill and Dale Douglass, 1 up, in the other morning. match. The Americans had a chance for a half when Hill put his second on the 18th green but he missed his try for an eagle, O'Connor saved a half on the hole for the British by exploding out of a trap and then slnking a IS-footer for Lile match. Sam Snead, non-playing U.S. captain, ga11e Bill Casper the day off in hopes his injured right hand would heal iD Ume for Saturday's vital singles. Casper hurt it Thursday when he tried to punch hls ball out of a dJVot hole in the rou@:h. Heat treatments were applied Thurs· day evening and again this morning and Snead .said Casper \\'ould be in shape. Big Diff ere nee in Playing For Self; Co11ntry-Ashe CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, Ohio (AP) - T'oere'a a big difference in playing t.eMis fOl" yourself and playing for Uncle Sam, Arthur A.she Jr., America'a top Davis Cup .... said Thursday. "When I'm playing Oavls Cup, J gel very tense and keyed up," lhe 26-year-old veteran of 13 cuP matches added. "It's a big responsi.bility. "When I am playing a tournament on my own, I couldn't care less. I am loose and relu.Cil. In Davis Cup matches, the pressure is tremendous. '"'You Jose it and yot.i don't get a chance lo redeem yourself for a year. It's like the blade of an axe -all the weight tapers down to that one fine edge where you almost stake your tennis world in two hours Of play." The edge of the ue comes up for Ashe again today when he faces Uie Nast.ase, Romania's sensational U.year-old giant· kille.-in the opening match of the 1969 Davis Cup Challenge Round. Th.e Ulree-day, fi.ve,..malch s e.r i e 11 decides the residence of the 69-year-old silver bowl for the next 12 months. It has never gone be.hind the lron Curtain. Stan Smith o( Pasadena, upset by Nastase in the recent U.S. Open at Forest flills , meets 3(1..year-old Ion Tiriac in the second singles match, with the doubles Saturday and the final singles in reverse order Sunday. Oakland at Big A Tonight;. Angel s Stop Twin s, 5-2 Smlth. who towers 6--4 and who hlta a serve like an artillery blast, learns with hi11 former University of Southern California partner. Bobby Lulz, in the doubles agatnm. Nastase and Titiac. In Sunday's final singles, Smilh gets another shot at Nastase and Ashe closes against Tirlac. Thus Ashe opens: and closes the com- petiUon for the Uo.ited States. provoking thi&. comment from non-playing captain Donald Den or Washington , O.C.: "If there was any man in America l would want to open and close a Davis Cup match with, it would be Arthur Ashe." The caJllornia Ane;els return home to- day for their final home ltand of the sea.son and will send Jim McGiothlirY (8-1~) against Oakland's Oluck Dobson (14-12). ThunK!ay, the Hakls completed a two. game sweep of the Minnesota Twins in BJoomington, S.t, as Andy Messersmith An11el Slate A• G-. • klllllPC 17U J Seo'!. :rt "*" .,. oai.no kpl. 21 """'' ... O.iti.nd 7:U P.m, ll!U P·"'- recorded his 16th win of the season Thursday. Aurelio Rodriquez knocked In two runs with a lourth-innlng single and Newport Beach's Bill Voss clinched the victory with another two-run safety in the seventh . Messersmith picked up the victory by &oing llilx and a third innings. Reliever Vern Geishert forct'd the Twina lo hit Into a rally-ending double play in the sevenU1 and only gave up one hit in the ninth in preserving the vcitory. • Messersm.ith's victory gave him the most wins by an Angel pitcher since Dean Chance woo 20 in 1964. CALl~O•MIA MINMlilOT-' ... rll"'4 •'r •l'M ,&lofM<, 7b S O I O Vlli.tn01'1'. H 4 t I O JOll!lt!One, d 5 o 2 I Cir-. 'b ' I I o F,......1, .. JllfO!ln,r1 f l l l Jleh:Mrdt, If l 1 1 I KH!ttlnor, lb ' I I 0 c .... 111, lb l I 1 t R-. ID l I 0 I Rog0i. lb I 0 I I T-r. d • I J I J.T1!11m. rl 2 ; 1 0 Ro.at:iorl, t l 0 I I Vou. " l I 1 t Mlnerw.ld, ( I 0 II I Atcw.t 'IOIC•nlenll•,qlOGO .t,.RodrlOvet. )II l 0 I l T,Hlll, p I 0 0 I MH>«Jmllll,pl I IO IMH!f!•,fl 0-0 IO Gtll/ltrl, fl l O I I M..,1111, pll I I O I •.~ P • o e o· Ptf"r1nc11~I, P I 0 0 0 N1!1tft, ph I I 0 0 W0<1hk'lglllll. p I 0 G 0 To111s J.IJllJ Tolllt J2t6' Cilllornl1 000 :JOO 200 -5 Min-I• 000 GOO IOI -) E -A, Rlldrlfue:f 2. lttli.t>rew. o~ -C1ll· f0rnl1 2. M~i. 4, l..Oa -CllllO"'lio t, Minn. .. ,. 1. HR -r .... ., nu. SI -Uhl9endlr. Gurney to Switch LOO ANG~ CAP) -Race driver Dan Gurney aanounced Thursday he ha.s ~ hll campalan lo win the ln- diaaapolla 600 with a stock block American p&llC1Jla' car ~gine. Gurney •t " new1 ~fettnce said he will -nl U. 1111 cubic Inch pushrod Gutoty ron1 "' rav• ol. Jit cubic lnch tortlo hrd. He will ..dealgn a new car a.-u. IOrt>ocbarpd en&lne tor the 11'/9 ~Day ...... ht uld. <lltnlo1, from Colla Mesa, aald be had ,, spent thousand.1 of dollar5 In his cruNtde to make the Gurney Eagle Ford va com- petitive at lnd.ianapoUs. w..t May he finished second lo Marlo AndreW In a Olsonlte Eagle Gurney Ford and the year before was S«ond to Bobby UlllU at Indlanapolls, both winners drl\·- 111,') turbodlaraed enlioa. "To sfve up tht pushrod engine as " lost &•Ult-at Indlanapo1i1 v.·u 1 lough dee:l!ton lo make." Gurney 11ld. "Even now l.bert are doubtl that 'hi turbl> I. Dell predicts a 4-1 American victory. He is more afraid of the doubles than any other point. Nastase and Tirtac form a fonnidable doubleJ combination with an outstanding international record. They ha ve never lost a Davis Cup doubles match. Power and ability to play on the fa.st rurface give lbe Americans the tdge over the dark·horse Europeans, who come from a country where there are only 200 courts, all clay, and 3.500 tennis players in a population of 20 million. Both Ashe and Smith bit services that come off the racket like cannon shells. Nastase is agile aod talented but lacking in experience. Tirlac has the experience but lacks the over-powering service. The Romanians are not as good on fast courts -the surface · at the Clark J\1cmorial courts is a form or asphalt slick tis glazed marble -as on clay. They have a built-in disadvantage . Engines charged engine is the ri.&bl way to go. "I ran second last May from a "ery now there are dCIJbt.9 that the turtx>- l'"ord:: and 'l'urbo-OHys were faUing out all arnund me. Ftfario AndretU was Um- ping at the end. and other drivers wtre h:ivtng a whale of a krt of trouble with the:ir tttrbo-Ford8. "T1tcy had fuel cOnsumption problem5 and Ole turbos were not all that relltble, but from tbe point ol Ylew cl wi1miJJi tho • ( BAD DAiY FOR WILLIE -San Francisco's \Villie M&ys ruts enjoyed some spectacular days in his major league career. Thursday wasn't one of them. Here Mays goes down in pain after injuring his knee as he struck out in 1'he first inning. J.te made an error in tbe second and also grounded oul in thB sa.me fi"ame and then was pulled by Giant inane· ger Clyde King. ?via.vs con1plained he didn't feet well bul propably Y>ill face the invading Dodgers tonight. Troj'an QB Woes Multiply French Girls Sm asli 440 Record LOS ANGELES So ut hern California'• (oolball quarterback corps of four may dwtndle to one for the in- Lersectional opener with Nebraska Satur· day al Lincoln. The No. I candidate, highly regarded sophomore Jimmy Joi1es may or may not slart and may or may not play. The widely recruited J ones is un- dergoing treatmcnl3 for back muscle spasms. "lt will be a day lo day matter,·· said coach John f\fcKay, adding that unless the S-1, 190-pounder is absolutely sound he will not play. ATHENS -Two Frentjt girls cracked a world record Thursday night with the first really outstanding performance of the European track championships. Nicole .Duclos won the wo~n·s 400 meters in St.7 seconds with Coletle Besson that it took photos and a long hud- dle among the judges to decide who had won. Both were given the same Ume. The old record was 51 .9, set by Sin· Kim-Dan of North Korea, in 1964. Ea.st Germany's Joachim Kirst won the decalhlon wllb 8,041 poinli. Vyacheslav Skomorochkov won the 400 meter hurdles in 49.7 and l&or Ter- Ovaoesyan e<lged old rival Lynn Davies of Britian. fonner Olympic champion, \11inning. at 26-91n:. LAS VEGAS -Corona qel ?\-tar's Rod Laver, undiaputed Uing of the l~nis for 500 race I didn'l really have much "-a chanct.'' Gurney said be wUI continue to run stock bklck engines In road racea. In a companion• n n ou ncem en t, Gurney said he will head a new nstional franchise business o( retail centers and specialized aervice for oophlsticaled foreign and American cars. To be: launch· Cd first In Soutl>ern California. 1he network will be called Dan Gurney'& Cleckpoint America. courts, \\'as listed Th~y as the top. seeded player in the $50.000 Howard Hughes Open Tennis Camplonships Oct. 6-12. Also seeded for the event at the Fr6n· tier Hole I we r e Tony Roche, Jolin. Newcombe, Arthur Ashe, ~om Okker, Ken Rosewall, Roy Emerson anrt Fred Stolle. LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Lakers announced Thursday that the con· tract rights of veteran guard Fred Crawford ha11e been sold for an un- disclosed price to lhe ri11al Miiwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Associa- tion. LOS ANGELES -Funeral services were ~ins arranged 1'hunday for Willlaril "Bill" Anderson, athletic dircc- tor rmcritus at Occidental College where he served for 30 years. Anderson. 77, died \Vedncsday after a long illness. Burial \1·11! be in hi& btrlhplace, Ohio , Ill. Anderson coached football. basketball and baseball before bccotnins athletic direclOr. LOS ANGELES -Former teamn1ate.s :ind several hundred friends, many from .the sports \\'o rld, paid final tribute Thurs-- day to Frank Buncom , a CincinnaU Bengal linebacker who died suddenly in Lhe An1erican Football League city Sun- day. Among those present rroin Buncoin's alma mater. the University of Southern · Californln, were head coach John McKay and three assistants. I-lo w They Sta11d NATIONAL LEAGUE Western Division w L Pct. GB SAN FRANCISCO 83 67 _5.IJ -· LOS ANCIELES 82 67 .550 " ATLANTA 13 68 .550 '' CINCINNATI 80 68 .&41 2 HOUSTON 76 72 .514 6 SAN DIEGO 43 102 ,321) 3S A.~1ERICAN LEAGUE Western Division w L Pct, GD BALTIMORE 104 ., .681! DETROIT 85 65 .567 1812 BOSTON i9 70 .530 " WASHINGTON " 74 .5 10 27 NEW YORK 75 75 .soo 21l' I CLEVELAND 60 91 _3117 41 Eastern Division ~UNNESOT A 811 60 .5'7 OAKLAND 80 6' .537 o CALIFORNIA 66 8.1 .443 :Z.1 KANSAS CITY 83 86 .423 26 CIUCAGO 62 87 .416 27 SKATILE 58 91 ,J811 31 °""*''' ttu~U\ (•l•IG,..,.,I• ~ M111 ... ••1 1. K•11w1 Cltp '· ~ I C'lrit~ '· Oelrtlt 4 l•lllmor• H. SQ11Wi ...i "~ Yll'f'fl '• w • .,.r~ J °"" ·-o.tl>eOllllll TMn'l-J D.!~!llrl(! !Ool:'Ol'I u 111 v• c.11for111• IMtGlll'ho loll I l~t ..,,,.,,..11., St"'CI""""' ttMP(, I t I" "11wlro (Pefft1 ,~ 14 1 •t IC•"··~ en. {Ntl»ll ' Ill. ""'"1 Sll•llll. !8.,f)<or JjJ II M•-Kl• ilOl""lltl, 1'- 10, "·-~· &fl'°" !II•~" I I! 11 otoou 1"'cL~l11 n.r. • ~lllrr 4-l), "19"' p,i-Yori! (ll(flll(JI )JI 41 l•ttlmwt lP•l"'rr l~l, !litlll Qnly ·-adltcl;iltd ------------------c------------------~~---------~~~~ .• JUST FOR KICKS -Orange Coast College has the unusual luxury of three place kickers this season and each has his own style of kicking. \Villie l-larmon (77) \Vill kick extra points barefooted. BoQ Ryder (21) In Season· Opener OAILY lolLOT ,. •• ., t ldlt,. Kelliltir \Viii handle kickoff chores with a square-toed shoe while Roy VanderAa (44) will boot field goals soccerstyle. • Are Mustangs Thoroughbreds Or Old Nags? Quarterback~ Hold l(ey RAM SCHUMACHER OUT OF COLT TIFF The Los Angeles Rams were jolted Thursday night as they prepared tq lca\"e for their National Football League open- er in Baltimo•e by· the loss of starting defensive encl Gregg Schumacher. \Vill Lhc 1969 Mustang turn out to be the same old broken-down nag or a sleek new thoroughbred capable of winning? Only time will tell , but Cosla ~1esa High School football coach Max Miller will have a better idea of how well he ha!! instilled a positive. winning approach a ft er tonigh t ··s season opener against Orange at El 11odena High. Kicko/f is at 3. Costa Mesa, which never has had a "·inning season. was 3-6 last year, but one of its three victories was a 14-7 decision over Orange. Costa Mesa looks bigger and faster than ever bek1re, bul Miller's main goal in three \Veeks or practice J1as been IO shape a winning attitude . And he thinks he has. '·I've never seen such dedication in the years I've been L'-Oaching. I really think our kids want to win and will win." he 1ays. There'll be plenty of experience in the Mustang lineup tonight Nine of the Cosla Mesa starters arc returning lettermen and the defensive unit is almost as e>.:· perienccd. Olt.o\NGl' COST..\ MISA '" Joh~"'" ' "" •• w W81kn ' ~wee!l•lld "' ,, O~!rcm G Gl!"Hrl ... '" F"trRulOll c Fernm41n ,. ,. Wl•I G Edw1rd~ '" 11.;-Brown ' Miiier "' ,. .Sl•Jltrv ' M•"li "' "' Chur'""'•rO • ,6.delso" ·~ '" lllrn~u ' O~vh '" ,. Pon8• • llt!llt " ,. Hill ' Wolf• ,. To Oiler-La Habra Tilt Two schools with quarterbacking ques- tion marks, Hunti.ngtan Beach and La Habra, will be looking £<1r some positive answers tonight when they clash in their 1969 Jootball opener. Kickoff for the game al the Oil City's Cap Sheue Fi~ld is Slated for 3 o'clock. Huntington Beach will be going with junior Garth Wise al quarterback: and he's an unt~sted quality under game con- ditions. Wise was a defensive secondary starter last year, but didn 't see any game action al quarterback. "We haven'l been able to throw nearly as well ii.s I thoughl we WQUld in prac· lice," says Oiler coach Ken Moats. "Ho1"1cver. our receivers have been drop- ping the ball and he's been throwing ac- curately. "All he needs, are a couple of 1ames under his belt." \Vise also has another asset. speed. He's e<1vered the 46 in S-flal and is one: of the fastest players on the Oiler squad. La Habra will be going with a two-year veteran at quartefback, Dick Clyde. Clyde, however. is an errat.ic passer and only completed 40 percent of his toi;scs last year. La Habra coach Len Peden considers him to be a more than adequate ·runner. but to make the Highlander option attack function he's going to have to start hit- ling a beUer percentage o[ his passes. Both teams are relatively small, but La Habra boasts a slight edge in experience. \.A MAil,\ HUNTINGTON 11..CH 11a tor.-E ci.rtlU 16! 'tl Ferftlllllll• T Tw~t 1g 115 SclVrlidl c. Glll!lend itf 19' SchmlOt c Olt...11 11l 110 Wll~• G Cr .. trf !ll HG H~!nrlCll T Slo.r>o IU H) Ellird E Cl.s>~ I~ 110 Clrd~ I Wile l~l HO Koi>1f a Llo•d llJ lff Wlli.on I ~tel I 7J IX Pltro:.. I HIM 171 Eagles Seek I st-ever Win 111 Lidlifter Coach Phil Brown and his Estancia lligh School gridders will be out to do what no other Estancia varsity football team has been able to accomplish : A vic- tory in its first game of the year. Thal 's the proposition tonight when Es tancia plays t.ost to Tustin High.School of the Crestview League at Davidaon Field on I.be Newport Hart>or High School campus. Game time is 8. Ma1·i1ia Battles La Puente And, in the past two years il has been this same Tustin outfit that has been the opening game culprit, putting the Eagle'> down for the count in 1981 (20-19) and '68 (19-0). By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille D1Uy ~Ii.I ST•ff Marina High School"s varsity football team opens its most promising season tonight when the Vikings travel to La Puente High School to engage a strong Warrior squad. Kickoff is set for 3 o'cl~ck. For Marina, it's hopefully the start of better things. And a look at the Vikes' 1tarlir.g lineup suggests just that. A remarkably fast backlield is the backbone of coach Jim Coon's te8m, \\•hich is tovted as a vastly superior force to the contingent that stumbled to a 1-8 mark in 1963. Coon's outfit will feature two back! - Dave Lacy and Joe Ventimiglia, who're established speedsters, running well under 10 seconds flat for 100 yards. The only apparent weakness al Marina J.s numbers. The Vlkes' squad is 42. So Coon lrets to a certain e:ii:tenl over lhat but the plus signs on the Vik.c con- tingent seem to put the numbers queation in the background. The La Pp.ente battle, howeYer, could be the Vikings' toughest problem in the firsl three weeks of the season with non- lcague foes South Torrance and Dos Pueblos .on tap. The Warriors presc.nl a tough nut to crack, featuring a ball conlrol offense wilh three returning lettermen in the backfield. Linebackers Dale Duncan (194) and Bobby Baker (174) anchor their ®tense, perhaps La Puenle's strongest pbase. MAIO NA LA PUINT• "' MDll•l\in ' """' '" ,. L1nc1lttr ' tlftrr•t• .. •• 11110 G Thlbol~ m '" link ' P1U! •• "' .... G lfmbrlffll ,. '" JtO.JoOn T Dlntllr•nd '" '" "'" ' VIMvtrd m '" Slltl"fllll ' T•rrl•9e '" '" O'Hir• • k•lll ,. '" Vtnlimltl~ • lt\lble •• '" "'' • K11tr•1 "' Brown will be fielding a startinJ eleven that includes e.lghl seniors and he makes no bones about the importance of lhi! opening game under his le.a<lerlh.lp. "\Ve're going to break up this losing business right now," says Brown. Leading the Estancia offen1lve allack '-'ill be tailback: Dave Johnson, 17G-pound ~enior who was extremely effective last year before being sideljned with an in· jury. Included in Tu1t1n's arsenal are three 200-plus pound ~lineman -and the Une averages 186 per man from end to end. Flankerback Bob Silva, however, is the lone -11Uensive returner lrom la lit year, despite 17 returning monogram winners on the Tustin squad. alf.lNCIA 17t FrltOer'tdort lM F'lts '" Moli11a11 IU F1!e lU SnYcllo> lM Mlfflf lM N-1 11t Joore11 lit IC°"Klc ,.,,,,_ 1$1 11\tl/fllnffsy TUSTIN E Sw1lm T M11nf0nl C. tlolloWI~ C Btr~ G Cummlnn T Oun" E Comb1 9 C.er1111!•n I Andrt.., l t..it:11rr I 111>'1 "' "' "' "' "' "' •• •• "' '" '" Hartman Hits Milk Bottle George flartman ia ·hilting ·the milk bottle aP,in. The Saddleback· College football toach la downing big gulps or milk these days to calm do111n his suddenly reacUvatcd ulcers. Tbec:-stomach pains have been brought •boul by a rash of injuries, something lhat Saddleback can Ill afford with tu season opener slated Saturctay nlght in Chula Vista against S n u t h w fl s t e r n College. The Gauchos already ha\·c lost starting tailback Tim BuUer fer most of the titason \\'ilh a brckcn loot and starlinl • • defensive back Steve Smith joined him on lbt aidellnes thill week. He suffued a shoulder separation In practice and figures to m1ss at least two games. Also on the Injury list are :iiarters Gary Lime, Paul Cox; aod Gary Rupar aklng with backup fullback Toby Whipple. However, all [our are expected to suit up atainst Southweatem. Tailback Cox has • pair of bruised elbows while Rupar. another member or the defensive secondary is hobbled by :;ore kntts. 'Vhipple and Lime bolh have painful. buL not wloua Jeg allmtnb. \Vilh the Gauchos as thin as they are, Hartmal'lj is still worried about ha .. lng *lme of his players go both ways. He's decided not to start freshman Don ~iartln at c.enler and linebacker. Martin will stick to the defena:Jve job while Bill Lingley takes over tbt ct:nttt'• job. "Lan,IJ!ty only weight llO poundt. and I sUU wonder ~ he can hold up play!Jla al that weight. '1 Harfman aays. "I'm still worried about our otreMlvt tackles. I have no Idea how they will hoJd up. in a game. Right oow ·our bfllt or. fensive tackle1 are playing on defense because wt need lhem there." .. Schumacher. who look over the st.arL- lng right end job when Lamar Lundy had knee surgery, is suffering froin J contusion on his right calf. The leg is swollen and discolored after being kick- ed in an exhibition game. Coach George Allen pl<'ns lo start tackle Diron Talbert in Schun1acher"s •pot. DAILY Pl\JIT .lz :J of TJ1e11a ote Tea11a Pirates' Football Coach • ' Gets l\.ick Out of l{ickers Dy JOEL SCl!WARZ Ot !ht o.1" ll'lltl II.if You can't tell the playel'6 wilhOut a pro,qram, says Uie uld line. • And this year Orange Coast COllege fans are even going lo need a program to distinguish one place kicker frQm another. . Pirate. coach Dick Tucker has the lux- ury o(. three talented kickers on his Orange COasl sqµad and each figures to see plenty of action. What 1nakes ·the Pirates• surplus-of kickers even more unusual ls each has a different style of boot.Ing the ball. Roy VaflderAa kicks soccer style and.is sla~ lO ]landle the field goal chores. W!IJJ.e a.,.mon boots the baP bate(ooled and wUI do the efua point kicking. Bob Ryder uses a square-toe shoe wilh a fiber-glass plate and kickJ the regular Am'erican football style. . • Tucker, wbo recruited all three pla)'ers with the hope of landing one, admits it 's a pleasant dilemma having three talent- ed kickers around. "I'Ye pever had a barefooted or a good scx:cer-style kicker before. but I've also neYer had three good kickers on the same team," he Sa)'.s.- "Thc whole ~dilemma is who to use on wbat type o[ k.ick. Right now they all look good ." J\yder and Harmon have developed • thelr'ki'cklng styles by practice since they were. youngsters, but VanderAa only has been -booting a football for a little more than a y~ir. . VanllerAa was born In Jakarta and liv· I'd in Indon~sia and HoUand ynlil he mov- ed to the United States in 1962. ' He played soccer in both countries but his U.S. football 'career didn't start until last [all when Newport H.arbor High coach \Vade \Vatts asked him to try out as a kicker, VanderAa responded to the challenge by booting 25 of 27 point-after- touchdown attemptli and four field go.ib;. His longest boot \VUS 42 yards against J !untington Beach. But he's eying longer distances. "I've kicked rield goals ~ yards In practice and I wanl to hit a SO-yarclcr In a gap1r," he say s. "I learned to kick playing soccer and T ju sl ca n't kick American style. I couldn·t gel any distance or power lhat \\'By," he ci:plains. . Harmon is another Newport llarbor product. In 1967 he booted a 35-yard Ueld gnal and only missed one PAT. "I started kicking in the rourth grade. • f'layina klck·ball one day, l+wasn't get- ting any diJlaoce so 1 took J1'lY shoe. olr and reaUy started to boom the ball. "Now I can't kick wilh a shoe on. Kick· Ing barefooted l3 the. only natural way for me. It doesn't hurt at all." sa.ys Harmon. llarmon bools the ball on hls right big foe .and has to make.sure be keeps his toe nail well lrlmmed. ·· 1 forgot to trim It lasl week, and 1 ,.-ound up wllh a cut toe. r use a lot or T'Ough Skin on my foot jUllt belOre 1 kick t1nd after pracUct." Ryder is !he ooly reJU]allon kicker or the trlQ and he adn'lill he d~sn't ltnpw how Vander Ai and Hannon can ~k lhc way they do. · ,.,, don't ilke kiciji\& bare!OQt.ed~ BesJdes I'm too old to tty that stuU. J'vo tried @OCCer style and J can, gt:t ttle-step down, but the b"I doesn't go very far." says Ryder who bas been kicking islru.'<l lie w•s five. ~·Ryd.er ls ·a Huntiilgton Beach·Klgb pro- duct )'iho hit ob Z6 of 28 PATs lut }'ear. "We never got cloae enoua:h to lr)' a fitld ltOll," he quips. ' He has amaze6 Tucker with his cdn-> sl11tent long ldckolfs, booling fl.ighl straight balls five yards deep. in lhe end zone one day in practice. The lhre'.e Orange Clout kickers work out daily as a group and help each olber, "Our styles may be dJfferent, but the fundamentals are the same," says Ryder. ENTRANTS FAVOR PIRA'l'ES,NEWPORT. The odds favor Golden West over Orange Coast and Newport Harbor over Corona de! Mar, Qut contestants in the DAILY PILOT'S pigskin plckeroo contest don 't necessarily agree with them. The contestants ignored Golden West's three-poinl spread over Orange Coast and picked the· Pirates to win -Saturday night's big junior college game by more than a 2-to-l margin. Howe"er, when it came to lhe Newpor1· CdM C<1ntest. cnlrants went along ·viLh the seven-point spread !avoring Lhe Tars and pic:ked lhcm to win by a 6-1 ratio. Winners of the (irst-week's Pickeroo will be announced In Monday's DAILY PILOT and entry forms for lhc second week will appear Tuesday and Wed- nesday. I thoµght I saw aPtissycat You did. You did. The Pusaycat is a delightful new orange·sweet ftJl1'. sour that mixes up about as f quick as a cat. Thi! national ~ prize winning drink is made with a packet of 11 Instant Pussycat Mix;' water and Early Times. Have some fun wilh The Pussycat. h's playful. Ask for Instant Pussycat Mix at your favorite Food or Liquor Store. To gel a set" of 4-10~ oz. Pussycat glasau and 4 packet& of Instant Pus&yeat Mix; send $2.95 to: EARLY TIMES PUSSYCAT CLASSES P. 0 . BOX 377, MAPLE PLAIN. MINNESOTA 55389 \ • ------------------------,..------------- DAILY PILDT Fildq, S.ptembf> It, 1'16t ARTISTS' LEADING THREAT-Tailback Mike Abbey will be Laguna Beach High's top offensiv'e gun tonight as the 1968 Crestview League champion AI· tists entertain the Katella Knights in an 8 o'clock show at Guyer Field. La· •. guna has been rocked by graduation losses and is the underdog. Los Alamitos Entries I I l • ,,., ,,~, ...... 1t. 1Ht-7fl'll °'' ci..r a 1<1tt, Pim ""'* 1:u l".M.. oww. .. 1rt a 2"' •- 0.lfllll• -'"' •tc• fll•ST •ACE. W ,.._,,,., , llldt 1"4 Ill In Gr•ds A Ml11111 111 C.111'. ,.,,..... SUDO. Trutr HI ISttpeJ MlH 111 HIO (A-.C.ol O.l'Mtt &Ir ll-01 fll'*.\l Mool"' fMble ID l1Ms) lh!emno fl"lrl'll 1C1roo1•I l-ltr 0$'1!"fSlr.vul ~\IHr ltOJ"ll (l.J<>ly'") 1'11.,.,. HoslesJ (Adllr) Aff Of Mt IP1nl M1Mlt ,..._, lDrtttrl "' "' ". "' "' '" "' ". "' "' Sl!CONO llACI!. 350 v1rdJ. l )e1r Gift Ind Ill In Grt~ A, PluJ. Puri. """· Dffr1&11 !Pqe) Midway O....ty (Smith\ ~!"''°"' kit. a.r ~nll!lf!I (A~1c1l ll!ut llr ... nt CH1rtl M1$t Jull91<1 S.r CC1r0Cl1 l Gold Olaf (l.lPl'l&"'I O&llCIY MOol&ll (H Cr~by) Jtl Mt Jet flt l1nll1l Donlutn lonlllct fAdtlrl TtORO 1t•(I!". 350 vtrd1, olds. Cllllm!,.., Purw tnOO, •lie. $3DllO, Mavbe Lti.r (11.otlltt'OI') Lvdlv l 1r Clllc (l"tfo) lh"•tln' Ad91rl 11'"1ln' '""re !H c,.,,.by ) !i°"'" tle¥1J (Smll!>) 1#.r. 10onc:1<1 flt l1n1"1 Sle1Tt Gul-rt !Ptttiol kid MOO'! lLIPl'l1ml Mr. $"-l!ltr (Ct•dolfl Miu f'llt&rooii; {Wlt.""1 "' .. ". '" '" .. '" '" '" "' ". '" '" '" "' "' "' "' "' '" "0tJl,.M ltA(ll, 4(IO V1rd1. ] vMr • old• •nd W> In Grtde AA Plus. Pur:w • ' J'l!CIO. •. Fo•Y Oon (L!l>ll1ml :, ~il:.t~'j=' (~r\R6blrUOll) • ' lmt JDMS Gfli ID ll1nk1l • Dofll• If Good CH Cr'Mbv! • Tf"Udtlln Mtn CSMltl>I : Oltmr>r.d• In Wint (Jl~!!\G) • Mr. O!D Toro (Wri•lll) •' Tl)O TOCI<"! rOrn'~rl : Lll<t t Rttdr.ot ICt ,doli ) "' "' "' "' '" "' "' '" "' '" . . "''"™ It A Cf. Vt•Hll Sr. c ....... _ • n o vffd1, l ve1r ~·e1 •»Cl u•. Clolm. •• Inv. l"llrw t1«KI, C•t lml,,, prlc1 $200(!, Lltti. Oblt lHt•l Ill , , ICint Ol T8 fSm!llll 11' l!IVGdy Mc:KIY tl16'11ml 1l1 E! G1vll111 CAdalrl in '"'lnei-11or (l•buonl ii. r...-le'~ •-1 rs1r1..,,.•l 1" • l!i-1rred'1 Prkl• !C.rdD>ll l!t , "f tlpi. Tel (H Cro!bYl 111 tlll"fl( ltACIE, .1()(1 v••d1 3 Y,., ol<ll :. •"" 111> '" Gra<le AM Minus, "~'"' • 'lSOO • 5tiule! ISmlTl\l -' Admlrtl II..:! (Hlr1\ ... 9eut1ll'• ltocke! !Lipl\l.,.,1 :. W1!ch EU flodollr) • llloOl>\I Cllant<!t IA-.ct) O..vld J•nt li!r1unl i!or.,.,y !lull (Rotl!nson\ Swn!lt ler Mi n 1R 9tnks1 •• ". '" m '" '" m '" llEVl!lfTM llACIE. »:I Ytrd,, 1 Ve•r 6!dl Inf VII. AllOWl!'IU• l'u"f WOO(l, The A11l1!r1><• L•A!lut of L6M le•tr•. (il'ldl!'f LM (W11Dil 1?11 OVr Ot<tllOll fHtrfl Ja 'eu,,... (Wlebu1'11l Auntie L\flu (It hnksl llllbf" AM Gohl (APOdaCI ) Mr. lfr Cha,... Cllpl\emJ Fllmln Eklhl !Smfthl 11...:1 C11l11er B•r IW11_,1 GI Llkl Jtl (Nair) • >tt "' '" "' '" "' '" "' NINTH ltACIE. 15111 "'""'· 3 V••• Old' •!'Id 11• In GracN AA Mi""'· "~'" ~. Go Go Ettie (LllPl\lmJ 11.Dblfl DDbl" (Adair) ~!JI' A,_,, 1 !Wlebo.t•ll Ol1I llr•• fS!r111:11) P1!h' l!I ..... NII !Rllbln""'> Goed !Qlrdoll) C1llfor"l1 $11169 T~lnk II.kl\ lf'tlllol Mtlhtn Dl!,..,11 !H1rl) I''" l•rlo (0,owerJ "' '" ". •• '" "' "' ". •• "I Los Alamitos Results TltllrH&.,, 1•1. 11, "" Clwr & P,111 Fllt$T ltACI:. 350 var!ls. Miida" 1 Yfft olc!J. Cl1lmln9. P11rM 1111111, C.1llt"lme1r (Ctr.loll) S.jf l,OD t . .io Well Matorod (Adl!r) 3.al t.llCI Btrdtll•'• ao, (Llp.l\om) 1.;o T!mt--11 5110 SCl'"tlcl\l!d -C.tlfoml• Sil>CI•, Rci.n S.l•n. Eltlll Tweniv. WllO'I With, 11ECOND ltACI:. «X! l'f«h. 3 ve1r ""'' •r>O 110 In G•ldt e Plu1 bteo In C1tlf. Pli'" $1'00. Socrel Gln1er 10rev.,.l 10.00 5,0D t.90 llr~e Ml On !Hlrl) 7.211 l.OD OH·Lff Dll\d'r 61r !A0'6d•t1l 1.111 OH·G4lb0'/'1 &llw (Wrl!IMJ 1.211 Tl~ 1/10 krtl~ldr.I Del Mir, Tllo Dltt· dv Mr. Stnch' l!lar. DH-Deadhut IOr lh!rd. N10HTLV DOUaLl!'-l.01lllRlm11r l l·S.Cral GI-. l'lif lf7 .... THlltO ll:ACli. 150 y1r~1. 1 ~elr OldJ. Citlmfl>tl, IOU<H 12*. l{loTY'I C«mil [ClrdoQJ 1S.t0 !.;o 3.olO Two T~l'y ,.,_.. (Ornoer) 3.Mt 1.llCI Mr. "'ll'Je-1 W!n11 (W!lson) 3.00 l lme-11 a110 Scr1tm..:!-lold MllOll, 8roelln', Mr. !tut 81•. S1nv lll'OCI. l"OUltlH ltACIE. U0 vltd•. ~ Vtl• olas 1n<1 UP. Cltlmln,, Pu•H noOD. llun,,.,.·1 lift!! ("°"I•) !G.211 $.llCI J,.O ldlt O!~ger lll 1!11nk1l '·'° 5.211 Gl~d Lrd (Smith) ).(JO T!me-H i/!0 krtlche<l-T~ V1tltl, ,IFTM ltACE. l.!O v1rd1. l ... elr Olds. AllO•nnct~. Pu"e USIJO. Cou11t C11r1n (It 61nka) •.00 1.111 '·"" NllTy Net• fSmlllll l .00 t.ICI R~dl11m I!•'~ O<>ll CC1rdo111 t.e Tl...._lt 1110 No IC'll(llU, Tough Test For Laguna In Opener Some staggering odds await Laguna Beach High School's varsity football team tonight when the Artists open their 1969 season a;gainst Katella's Knights. Lagun~uffered heavily in graduation losses and will be slarting the year wjth an experienced squad. And, the Artists a r e outwejghed by a huge margin. Katella's starting offensive unit tips the scales at an average of 178 with lhe starting line at 185. TW"enty pound! light.er on the line, Laguna averages 164 overall. Added to the dim prospects for Laguna is the fact that coach Hal Akins only bas 31 players on the entire varsity roster -with no junior varsi· ty players to plug any boles that might spring a leak. Akins expects to utilize nine players both ways and fears his club may experience se- vere fatlgue by the time the second half rolls around. The Artists rolled to 1 O straight victories last year en route lo a 10-1 season and the Crestview League cham· pionship. 1.AGUJUll •IEACH LE-Mlk• 5_,,,., Ll-M!k• WJUbowskl LG-Mikf MUitllrr•Y C-Rolend M~Ellllnv ltG-.M•rtlt Slnle RO-Mrrt. SfJelOvt RT-Chrl• l~Wmtl\ RE-Dennv khmltl 08-Brl•n Ol!mer LH-Mlk1 Abt>eV RH-HI! Pr~ Ra-scan Al eRATILLA LE-Oau1 kt..--trl ~l=!~ Ej.clll•~ t -r:., II Ootvt M1rsr.1t R =Um Reid ll:E-fll HO\" Oll-'llCk IM1111• l H-Atbin ll"!IWI WQ...-.}911 Tlflf110 Fa-.crMlk OtnllJI~ • ,. '" '" ,'Ji "' "' ·~ ,. It: '" •• '" Y.! •U I~ '" '" '" '" At Westminster B~tt"le of Champs: Lions vs Lancers By ll&WARD I. llANDY OI tM 111111 rtllt 'ltff Barons, Vaqueros - , C.ollide Tonight It bo'l every day that an halfback, Oary James, work· allo-ran can pick off a league Ing w!lb hlm In pushin& • champion. stroll& running game. Based oo resul\3 of last The Vaqueros have an a1l· year's championahlp ~s. senior backfield and a line -that1s...ez.actly-wbat...Ute..Eoun_. -!!!Pl but one lut year man. tain Valley football team did Six of the seven forward wall to Rancho Alamitos. stan are }Ufllors. TradiUon is -not an Im· ponant llem aJld lhb i. a rebuilding year for b o t h schools but neither fact will detract from ihe iierceneu in- volved w b t n Westin.luster plays host to the Lakewood lA.ncert tonight OD the Lion gridiron. irtarler on band In quaruor~k Ed .llano. Jlaoe 11\CIYed lbe Llons well in. _a 1acrtmrpap· session la.rt weekend gMnr, vent to .Boswetrs predlcUoa .... that lbe Lions "seemingly -'---------Coach Bruce Pickford hopes ,ouMTA•N vAl.Ll'I' his Barons can repeat tonight tt::::..:. ... ~:=na when the two clubS meet at LG-ltt ·11.,. ~ Garden Grove High School R~&:em i~~1l"MT' '~ "! This is the opening football game of ~ season for both teams with action set al 8 o'clock.. The two defending league champions will square off in a battle that figures as even on paper with onJy a smattering ol starters returning for either school. Westminster will seek to erase the stigma of Us on1y two defeats last season, both to Moore League foes . Coach BUI Boswell has one important returning letterman Mater Dei Santa Ana Square Off A capacity Ulrong of 10.000 is expected to )am Santa Ana Bowl tonight for Orange Coun- ty's feature attraction of prep £ootball as Santa Ana and Mater Dei lock horns at a o'clock. lt's the rubber game of the series with the Monarchs '"in· ning the first two tiffs (21-6, 21-14) and the Saint,, of Santa Ana bagging lbe last tWo CH and 3J.13). Matched are two teams that claim predominantly senior lineups and two that boast unusual sj>eed. Santa Ana has the fastest running back in Orange Coun- ty ~ maybe even in the state -in Jackie White, a 9.5 se- cond man at 100 yards and the California slate meet run- nerup for the century and 220 last spring. And at 180 pounds. he pack~ the heft to go with that swiftness. However, Monarch coach Bob Wood! b able to throw up good speed of his own and is more concerned with his outfit malting mistakes Ulan he Is with Tom Baldwin's lad.s oultunning Mater Oei. "It was the mistake.5 that killed us last year when \\'t played Santa Ana," Woods recallS. Although Santa Ana loob like a potent ruMing force, Baldwin may go to the air balance than his '68 team and lanes more than in the past. His throwers chalked up over 200 yards in scrimrnagtS with Redlands and Sl. Paul -two extraordinary d e f e n s i v e powers. could . score." COi.ch JoM Ford a t Lakewood concurs in. the abWty of Bane. "He can hurt us anytime, running or "5'· ing. He's an outatanding tioy." Ford i1 rebuilding t b e Lan~ With members of the junior 'varsity and Bee teaim of last:year. The JVs loat one game and the Bees were undefeated coupled with the varsity tying El Rancho for the Mooore League cham- pionship. - Westminster in the Moore League would make a peren- nial three-way battle for league honors with El Rancho as the third contender. At Ute momentt however, no such switch is contemplated and perhaps it iJ just as well. tE-Kllrl o':Fr~\MIMSTI• T-'Mtt WeltuOr L~ ~;uQll!Ofl 'l ~. ~ • • i!=f!,~.__,,, ~!~~00 LT-Mar;c Crultll1" LG-EHIO!t Ntff (-aocl J-ll:G-Cr•ltl Armflrono Rf-Dav• Ooualaa RE-$ ...... krlll 01!1-K!m Htnrwiltlrd fll-0.M Hoat~ T~-Fr•M Mor1le1 $1-G•rY l r-u&h Mustangs In 13-2 Polo Win By STEVE ANDREWS Oil 11111 Dllllr l"llM ti.ff m '" "' ,. "' "' "' I:~ 'u Cost.a Mesa swam it! way to a 13-2 water polo victory over Long Beach Jordan Thursday afternoon in the first round of the Moore League Tourna- ment being staged at Long Beach Poly . The Mustangs enter round lwo this evening at 5:30 in Poly's pool with Long Beach I Wilson their opponent. 1"tesa jumped off to a quick fi\'e goal lead in the rirst quarter, S.0, and held on to that lead until the ·third stanza. After the intermission the Mustangs came out and p~t the game away SCtlring stx times in the third period and broke to an 11.() advantage . Jordan's Panthers finally got on the scoreboard in the final quarter against the Mesans' second and th i rd """'· Junior John Carpenter led the onslaught with lour goals. Following Carpenter in the scoring parade were Curt Plumlee, Ron Misiolek and Bill McAneoey with two scores apiece. Dave Bannon. Mike Beal and Rod Kinyon all added one with Kinyon's coming on a penalty toss . Woods feels his troops are capable of developing a pass· ing assault as the season pro- gresses but opines that Mater Dei will be a ground team primar_ily al this stage of the ,---------- campaign. Both teams could be league• ch a m pionship cuntende~.' Woods claims to have a more seasoned group than in 1963. TURNll EMERSON HITS EAGLE ., ~""' field. Kici:olf for the season RE-a '(111e1d Q ••v ,_,.. opener is at 8 o'clock. Fl-kll M•rtln 1.H-8rldY MOlr• " " ... '" "I " "' 1~ Roy Emerson Of Newport Beach and ooe of the top ranltina professional tennis playen tn the world, took a hoUda)' from the courts and proceeded ·to show h i s \lersaWity on the links Mon- day. The Barons had a 4-5 overall RH-Dl1111\~lMO ALAMITOS record ·in 1968 while the Va· tf-..Mlrk R•r. 'i!~ nd tb LT--Clrlm Andtll -queros were 7·2 a ree-way LG-Al'ldY Aini.. 110 Emerson, a low-handicap golfer. fired an eagle on the 52$.yard, par-S tenth hole at Rancho San Joaquin. He hit a drive and a 23().yard three-- iron shot to the green and had one putt for the eagle. He was playing in the company of pro G a r y Douglas, course manager Larry Joposon and two members Ol the corporaUon board, Fred Martin and Bruce Mciver. champions of the Garden 11:8=l:I: .r.=. 1•r G-ve League. RE._lln 111111t1 \:s '" RE-GtrJ Gol\Lll~t Pickford j e h Ql-ktvlll Tr1llcllel 1'° p rui aron opes F&-f'r•nlr Mtn1W1 /ll on apeed and dectpUon and -~~~~::;"'~'=':;.i..:;'\"":;"'::~:;:•====='~~ hints hls club will be throwing the ball more during the com- ing season. Gdr,p Valbuena will open at quarterback for the Barons wbo figure to push Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar for the r11nner-up spot. ln the tough Irvine League this year. Loara is the heavy foavorlte. Rancho Alamitos coach John Callard will counter with an experienced quarterback or his own. Kevin Treische1 will operate the Vaquero offenu and will have all-league· DUNTON FORD 2240 SO. MAIN-SANTA ANA Presents JOE HARRIS'S Football'iorecasts Be A Winner · With DUNTON FORD tATUllDAY. Sll"TEM81.lt n . Off WINMl!ltS & SCORlt P•O&AI~· 1.0tlltS & SCOltlES 1t '"""'' ·c •• H *-"'"" .. It .. l"ltOIAll.I" ... , It •vtltOINIA "fl(M 1 •Alir• ALA•AMA • 'f.'l'ltl'IUll lnl"'l!lllonll .AlllCANSAS H U.S.C.G. A~"""' ll OKUHOMA ST,1.TI .. NliW Ml!'JllCO .•. .... , ... ,. , • 11 WAK• f'Oll:EST .. ' • • "A•MV 'AUIUll:N Auatlio ............. ?t 'SeYlhweti.rll (1' ... n.I • 14 'Ausun "'"' s11i. 1t TrtY St.ih . .. .. .......... .. . 14 "•A'l'LOll: •. .. .......... . 14 KANSAS STATI! 1) ••OWLINO Gltfl!N •ll!IGHAM YOUNG 1• UT • STATE 1J 11 co·. ?"ADD ST,.TI! u. ... u 'IUJIFALO .. .... • ,, .• lt 111.AVl!il\ (OHIO) .. C..U!ornle 11'•.) Sl•I• •c1nlr11 Olct&hl,,,. SI. 'CINCINNATI t1 'Otnl..., 1• •I I. W. MIHa11rl SI. , ... .. .. .. • J1 WILLIAM & MAllY Cl.EMSON 14 'Vl'lOINIA •(OLOr.TIE 11 IOSTON U. •c11ol' ... Minn Jt C1lor .. Ctl119• •(QLOll:AOO ~1 TULIA C.n1MKllclll lt 'Vtn'r!Olll H •.-<1rll" Otll111Ct •o.11w.,t •&Jl"•llW Or•-• ................. ' • . ., Gtfffl"'' •£111eni Kff!IUCkJ •f1il Tt-os.=1 Slltt •t:1st Tun Slat• l"YllllYflla "FLOlllOI, SfAte "'"""" ..... 'OEOltOl.A •Ovot1,.11S AdtlMIW HtntYtt HOUSTON 'lltho S!tlt •\LLINOIS IJIOIANa, 'IOWA I' Alfltll ti "St""' 06lll• Sl•le 11 ll:ll Sitto 1t Et;! C1rG~lll . .. • .. .... • lt •tlleM Cltf'llllln .............. 14 •trltll•Y ..... ., ,. .. •t WIClllTA STAT! .. . .• .. . . .. lt cam. '"''' (l"O!Mn•! 21 TUL..l)''U! 11 A~til:lllrl 11 'Lr~t '""" ... 1t '"L01t10A l• l'an.n1 lt W•SHING"fOlf STATf. 11 •ii:.•to1TUCl(V 11 OREGCJI STAT! , ... ., .. , .. " " .. ' " . . . • • " " " " " " • " ' • " " ,. " .. .. K~NSAS .. 14 'TIXAS TICH .... ··•···· .. l) 'Lthl ... 11 Th• Cltaai 11 'Al'l!lftlll AM & M LIM:tlll {Ml.I 'LOUISIANA STl-.Tl •toitl1vm1 Mlu.<:r.Ht11 ............. 11 Tl.XAS A. & M. 'McNttM Stilt MIAMI (ONIOt .. 'Ml(HIOAlf ITATIE ....... . 'MICHIGAN "MIH11•1 "MISSISSll""'I STATIE 'Ml!iSISlll'l"I "Ml$$0Ultl "M<lnllM Slllt MD~ll!\I 'Nt,. Mfdtl Sltll •t10RTH CAll:OLlNA STAT!o , 'NtrttlUUIK~ "NI""'-1111n111 •Nort1M:r11 i.w1 •Narll•tni Mlch\1111 .••....• , 11 St. llllMll 11 '•Mal ... 11 L1mar TKh 11 •ol,VTOH 11 w ... sHllfGTON It Vl>.~Olill.llLT :711 StWllttt 11 AIC"MONO )I MEMPHIS ~TATIE JI All FOllCI .&.CAOl!M'I' 11 NOl"ln OM1to 11 9wth 01~"• J4 H•w•r• l"•Ynt 1t NOltTM CAllOLtHA II C. W, 1"111 ti IHho JI Ctnlr1f Mlclol"n tt "'"" 01ktl1 $111• It i . W. Lllf'ftl..,1 "Nori~ Tl~M Stilt 'NOT•I: OAMlf 'OHIO U, OKLAHOMA ..•... .... II NOltTHWl!STl"ltN •Paci/Jc 1c1tl!,) MINNl!SCITA IOINN $TATIE l"tn11ctll NIVJ l'UltOUIE •1t1CIE ltYTtfrl SI. Jlh6'1 IMlf\n,J •sotJTH CA'lOLlllA SO CALl,(111111 .. SO. MllHOOllT •so. Mll1lu1,~ •kulfl•fft U. Ill.I •STA llFORO •s..1111111111 ... •1vttACUSIE Tt11-• Siii• •T.,,llftR• TM~ TIENNl!SSllE TIEXAS 'To!ellt 'U.C.L.A. .. , ...... •u. C. hnl1 •••llltrt ••. •u. "'"'"· tMtrtlttl U. Ttut IArlilll'll~! "tJTAH 41 KINT iTATI II 'Wll(OllSIN 1t W1S1trn Mlchl1•n 11 •'°'ttltOlfA STATI J4 •1tAV'I' •.. II 'Middll Ttnnes'ff Sl, 11 'TlllAS CHIUSTl'°'lf 14 V, M. I. 11 'LlllTltlt 14 'U. Mllll'I, !Dll"'"°l 11 OUl(I! H 'llE&llASkA JI 'OEOltOIA Tl!CH . " s. e .. LHtlll•n• St•I• " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Tt•n 5•~1htrft SAii JOSE STATE. onerk!ft • !OWA STATE 'IC!~lllQ'y Slllt N, W. L11rit11n1 tJ, Tl!NN. l(N ... TlAM000.11) •CALll'OltNIA VllllMVI "'ITTS•UttGM Le~• Isle~ Sit!• 0111nli<• ,,.,.rlM1 'N. IE. l.tvltl•"9 St. Oltl!OON .. ,, .. " .. ' .. " ' .. " .. ' " .. .. " " " .. .. ' " " " " .. • " " .. " " • " " " • " .. • Go A Miit 1Lholl•"'1 111 ; •oen Mt"9« (Smllll) l?O .. Wiidt Cnic (Alltlrl !11 ~ Hotli.rllr 1Htt11 111 Prlev Lull (llllbln_,1 !U : Meol"'11 Olr-(C..roo~•l >11 Robin Ann O&n19n (II llenkJl 1p "' Miii 1"1rr lltr !l"fte) 111 ,.,._ II•'" Gtt tSlr1uut 1u • • •toKTM RAC•. JJ0 ¥1rd1 1 Y~•' ., eltfa.. Allow1roces. T'1e Annt Ol•I. ~ l"11n• Ul'.ID(I, l!ilGHTI+ ltACL 1511 v1rd1. l ve1r old• &nd 11• I" G<'tde AA Ml~u~ Puru 12100, T°"'lou11 Mol fWllSC>n) ll.00 5.-40 l.I) MJnc!l!f [L1P~tml '·'° 3.00 I-<~'• A l!t11ut$1 (Adrlr) t.to T!me-10 6110 Scrlt<:l'IH -C1ll!ornl1 Sm&1, M" ···~11 $EYENTH •ACI!, Veu •I• 5•. c ..... --110 Vt'<IS. J Ytt<l• OICI• 1"8' U• • c:11!m!ne. Pu,.e ,HOO . Battered-up Diablos Tackle Roadrunriers ~l)~,~~I ""'''''''utJ-? TAKE SIX WIYl'lt\llllf1' 'W•sl To•n Sit._ ·wa1T VlltGtNIA 'WYOMING llOUITOM ti:ANIAI CITY NIW VDttK JlfTS I.wt Oll!GO . . . .. ... .. ,. " " " ·su_..., 1101:11 s1111 Mtr"-tr-Arb1111 MAltYl.ANO •AllOMA AMlltlCAN ll'OOTIAL•. '.J"AGUIE ~ "'IAMI SUNOAY, ~lil"T&M•Elt II, 1•" le •tu~FALO " " " " ' " • . • • • • . • .. • • 14 .. ' " " " " • Moeir! llcl flllltJ;!\W>) Iii • . Trout Plant • • The foUowing SoulhC'rn • California waters, listed by • c o u n l y , are scheduled for : . 1tocklng Otis week w i t h : catcbable-siu rainbow trout : . from Department of Fish and : : Game hatcheries: :: LOS ANGELES-Bii Rock :: Creel:, Cryst>J Lake, Jackson ;.: Late. San Gabriel River East ::and West Fooo. :: RJVERSIDE-liemct Lake. . ·SAN BERNARDINO-Arrow· : head t.u, Bii Bur Lake, : G-V11ley Lake, Gregory :t.akt, Santa Ana River. : VENTURA-Reyes creek. :Upper S.Spe Crook. '-I' llr-.ie Actou~I !Horii 6.to i.llO J .60 Simi It~'' Wl" flloll1ml J.20 l.ICI lloditl J•vv .. tR ltnki) l .211 Time--16 1110 NO &cr11cu. ... KTH. •ACI. l5ll ~•••!. t ve•• 61dl Ind UP In G•tdt M Ptu1 ...... ,,,. u ... !.t!lor'1 Chfrwa fR lltv\ "·'° 11 • .io 1t.N OH·PKt~ lltr (It l1nlt1) l 211 i.oo OH·HYci.11•'• cllk. {$mlffll 9.ICI 15.211 nm-1• 1110 krtlci'llcf -Llid'I' lot111ut11, Litt • llodct!, l..., frtfttor Dtclc. Mr, Olt loro, OH--OeldhNf ...,. ~. l•llHTM uc• .... \'tnll. t ,.t•r olo• Incl "" I" ~·" A ........ ,.,,.. .. '""· V•llo~I Jlt!tl(t H ((•rOo11) fJIO $.'IO l .00 MH1w1t MIUlt lit ll1nl<J) $ • .0 ..),I) Fo•y N~~ ll l,,....ml l .to 1;..,-.n s110 !O•t~htd -LWJI NC»bod, 0on1u1n ~D11!!1ft. Mt11 llonUtte, Ml!! Julllle 111• Un<lt £1191r, Sir C:Ninltllnl. OUIJllEl..t.A-l·Y•Rtllt ~HJ & 1•Mlolw1' MJllit;. l"llol IJl.N. Pr~J Football Kennrdy 26, El ~1odena 18 Salesian 22, Los Amig~ O 0Wilb 1 squad haltered up before lht 1969 varsity football season even begins, coach Ray Dodge's Mission Viejo High School contingent takes the field tonight at a o'clock Lo battle the invading Saddleback Roadrunners. The Di.ablos hadn't figured to ae:l the world on fire with their football etploits lhls year -and now they've been further hampered by injuries. Wor.il setback has been the disclosure or Hugh Leal.hers infection in his leg. Leather was considered a mainstay ol the team with ofCensive tackle and d e r e n s i v r. linebackln& duties. Dodge says he might be out for the year. Others on the walking wounded llst include halt'bick Don Wiison . Saddleba.ck is considered superior to the 1963 outfit that lashed Mission Viejo. 34-13. Under coach Ben Hailey the Roadrunners utilize a mu!Uple T offense led by tailback Brian Myracle. a breakaway type l'llllMr wllb good football speed. -'teadlng the lttlssion Viejo offense b quarterback Ed Gray in the Diablos' stratgbl tull-bouse T tonnatJon. Turn in at Texaco for I some real savings-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only • 55¢ plus tax (and deposit)_ You get it with any purchase . -. at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry- tney' re going fast! So turn in at Texa co- today_ • Sugpsted Retai1 Pnc1. 'IALTIMOltl. c~v•u.1to •• •oALLAI OITIUHT •GJlll!N IAY MINMISOTA UN l'llANCl$CO WAIMINOTON ' H ·•osTOl't 11 "Ol!NVIER , ,. U •(ll'tCllflfATI NATIOllAL 'DOT.ALL L('°'(HJIE IJ LOI ANGl!LtS 21 •f'JllLAOl:LP'MIA H tt. LOUtl .......... ". le 'l'ITTStUllOH U CHICAGO U 'lltW YOltK GIA"TI la 'ATLANTA .. •···•··•· U 'NP Ottll"ANI .. u " • " " " " " " DUNTON FORD Sertlh19 tUI Of Orange County For Oller 50 Yenrr OVER 400 NEW & USED CARS & TRUCKS TO CHOOSE l~" Rome of Red Carpel Service l ' ~r ilLJ~~~~s~~~~2••••~N~E!w:c~A:R:s~~S44-:1~0~1D~•••J ~1 '--------~ US!D CARS -546-7076 l~ ------------ • Weleouae Aboard Trarispac Conthlnes As .Pisputed Issue . ' " ' By WION U!CKABEY D•llY P'lltl tMlltlt l!:llklr ' A few weeks ago ln this ). ,. space v.•e predlcted that the ~· conlroverslal protest a n d .·-penalty which cost B o b Johnson's Windward Passage first to finish honors and a ne\V elapsed time record in the · Transpac yacht race would probably be discussed as long <is the famed Dempsey-Tunney · long-count fight. 1'hat predicti<>n was _ subsl~P.\ed to, a certain ex- .. tent . -:;eptern.ber Issues of ~ natio ta~g , maguil)~ •' appeand on newsstands. • Edit.qr Bill Robinson of ; ''achUng ~1agazine ch0&e the o! controversy as the subject or ~ his front-o(:tfie book edlloria/. _. Entitled "Thill 'r. r i 0 s p a c ~; Rhuba;rb", Robtnscin Wrote : ~ "Thf i:e~l-cuMions-a,r e •• bound to be long-lasUng and ~ .. far-reaching: .. ' :;,. "TftE .~1.AJOR paint or issue '"'concefnS the ruling, clearly .... stated in the 'I'ranspac race 7• circular. that time penalties ': resulting from wotcsts are to :· be applied to elapsed time. broke Babe Rulh's home run reoo~, "Ntit only does it deprive her of a jusillled record, but it severely laint.s· the one in the book now attributed t o Blackfin, which a c t u a 11 y llnlshe<I second. ''The committee had to ap- ply It th!~ way because the race circular said '60. The otlglnal error waa 1 n establishing thi,s,. provlaion. RobinJon corceded that the committee had to act on the protest. and that there was no doubt it came to a legally cor·· rect decision. '10oce contact is made·, a protest should be filed and heard, or racing becomes a mockery." Robinson wrote. "An old bugaboo or mine is that soft-headed "nice guys don't protest" thesil. "NEVERTHELESS, this was a particularly Wlfortunate situation. First of all , reports confirm that there w a s general contact throughout the fleet as everyone headed for the starting · line -but Passage was the only boat , protested. _ "Secondly, lhe line was set up in such a way as to make fouls almost unavoidable. ever S"een.,•• John!IQn • \f!'qte. It- will probably -,o down in Transpac hil!ltory as a milestone of chaos and con- fusion. "The rhumbllne course from San Pedro to Honolulu is 250 degrees SO minutes -and a few degret1 rnore than that by the Great Circle route. So lhe oommitli< .. 1 the •lartlnll IJne at 235 d<arees, thinking · tlil! would give a wlndward start. "Bu'r SINCE the line was set from oDrth to aouth It was a rea'cb away from Honolulu on a starboard tack:. can an.y· one1rnaglne setting a starting line for a 2,225-mile race for 72 yachts so that they will sail away from their destination?" Johnson also crlticited the starting or all 72 yachts at once on a short starting line on which the larger, leas maneuverable yachts were forced to keep clear of the small easily maneuverable yachts. Watson 's story was based on a telephone interview with Phlllips, skipper 0£" the M-root Esprit which prote s ted Windward Passage because a WP crewman fended off the smaller yacht 's man- overboard poles which were extended out over the stem. · ,' -; Loeal Boat Bas Momen.t of Glorfl :. "To many. as it Is to me, :-I his is a pee liar provision. A ~; boat's elapsed time is a ra ct " that cannot be altered, and ~ any pena lty shou ld apply only :; to corrected time. ... "As a result (of the penally) :;. \\'indwarcl Passage's magnifi· ~ cent perf6m1a nce of knocking ~ four hours off the o!d record is -;· '''iped fr om the books. She :· drie~n't even get an asterisk - : like Roger Maris \Y hen he ''Thirdly, there is a valid question on whether a boat can carry her man-overboard poles In the manner in which they were rigged 011 the pro. testing boat and have them considered a legitimate piece of "hull or equipment." They stretched out aft of the boat, increasing .h e r length by several feet,•and it was one of these poles that made the con- tact resulting in the protest." W*TSON Q\JOTED Plllllips, a Superior Court judge frolJl Al Cassel's 5.5 meter Savage No. 75 ~m Voyagers Yacht Club crosse~ the Oakland, as stating that the finish line ahead of Ted Turner's No. 83 tn one race of the 5.5 meter naUonll penalty against W ind war d championships at Annapolis, Md. Cass~. ~ith crewmen AJ. Hell~r and ~p Passage c:tid not fit the crime. Elliott from Ne:wPQrl Beach, placed third 1n the. regatta behind wmner Turner "ln fact, when he learntd and runner-up Ernie Fay, Houston. The local boat, designed by Newport Bea~h how severe it was to !)e, designer Bruce King and built by Kettenburg, San Diego1 also placed second m Esprit's skipper asked lhe h a· Se · committee if he could be ....:1::•:...:::'"::;g~o:...:.:':.:1::•:::'·~------------------------11 allowed to withdraw t h e 'O LEGAL NOTICE •• l-'6'1l •• SUPl'.101! COUl!T 01' Tlofl! ~ -STt.TE 01' CALtl'OltNl.11 1'01! ~ THI" COUNTY 01' OR.llNOE ~ NO. A·~lHt ,.,.OTtCE 01' HEARING OF PETITION TO ~DETERMINE S IMU LTA.Nl!OU S · OEATH ~ E•l~I~ Ill JACK WAI.L A CE ;..io ... NST(')NI!, •l~o k"C'Wn ,, JA.C ti:: .)O ... NSTONI!. o~c~••"'1 •• NOTICE !S HE RE!IY GIVEN TM•t ROY )LLEl>I SAARI n85 flied l!fr~ln I ~tllllOn ·.1~r •n Ord,r d~!ermlnlng tn•I lhe •!love '•.f>1mrd de-c:eden1 8nd Jo*n 51•111•rl 1o'John5Hmf, n•1 • wlft, Ole(! u n d, ~ < ! rc11m•ta<1Cn whe•' II>•"" 11 no •11lllc<tfll •;l~rrce It.et !hr• d•tO orhrr !hln ''Tlultan~u•IY, rer~rtnc~ le Which lo -.,.,.i, to• rurlner p~rtlcul~rs, and !ha! !he "'mt &no •lace ot hr~rlng I~ S•mt nao ~""n •et lgr \l(;.lo~r J, 1%9, I! 9:)() l .m .. "1 lhe cw rt<oom cl D~pAr lm"1! No. J of .,.,1<1 cwrt, tt 1CMl We<I Eighth Strttl, In <fl>~ Cl!y or Santa Ana. Calitornii . .; Dat!!d StPlem~r 1~. 1•~9, " W. E. ST JOHl>I, • County C.ter~. <\-i;NNTH M. YOVNG !f8o1 WiUhlt• llvd., 5ullf J04 'lll VllrlY HJllL Cllll. 90112 'r•l: !'131 Ill 1·1!19 •..,1turne1 IOI' '°tli tlootr ~ Publl•h'"" Orang~ CG01t Oalty PllQL 116•nlember 11, !9. )i, 1909 ins-e9 ONE DESIGN 8bd Offshore Yachtsman Magazine carried arlicles ·by Johnson, owner- skipper of Windard Passage, alld by Peter Watson, as.sis· tant editor of OD & OY. Johnson's comments were excerpts from a letter he wrote to WP designer Alan Gurney in which he was critical of the starting line set· up. It was impossible to cross the line on port tack and on starboard tack the boats were headed away from the first mark of the course -the west end of Catalina Island. ''A race starts at the starting line, and to be brutally rrank, this v.·as the most ill-conceived line I have EXCLUSI ! Alie Ye11r1' Thriller: "DADDY'S GONI A HUNTING-" • • • • ' • • ' • • ' .. ' • i , ' · . • TRANSMISSION COMPLETE ADJUSTMENT SERVICE (plus ltuid) CURES MANY PROBLEM S ENGINE . ET~~I~::: . ANALYSIS (ph11 Pll'b) IMPROVES PERFORMANCE COSTA MESA LONG BEACH 2.450 Lonr Bueti Bl (213) 427·5456 COM"1)N ,.,. -..... 645-0900 nll.URTOll 715 s. ._ ... _ .. ,_ 526·6697 1610 •. ""'-"'· !213) !;,17 .2350 -70!; .. ·-... _ 538-0073 original protest which had been flied by his crew -nqt himself," Wabon wrote. "His request was tllrned down." ''The sailing master (Thomas Wiley) filed the pro- test without my knowledge. I dld not file it," Judge Phillips wa~ quoted. "But I tbou;ht the crew had a right to file Ule protest as well as bte owner. I don't know whether I would have flied it or not. but the crew felt very strongly about it." Phillips, according lo the article, attended the hearinl as a witness. THE LARGEST AND FINEST EQUIPPED DIVING STORE IN THE U.S.A. PAc1F1c D1vER5 SuPPLY INC. COMJ'Lftl SCUU OU'nlT-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. TANK GAl.V. CONTOUR PACK~ rwo's"tAG E SINc;li: HOSE REGULATORS. 5 YEAR GUARANTE£-...I YEAR AIR SUPPL y IS.00 TANKo-NEW 1969 72' CU FT. GALV, RESERVE J VALVEVAlut $105.00. YOUR COST $Sf.fl TANK-NEW 1960 72. C•J. FT. GALV. K VALVE VALUE $85.00 YOUR COST $4t.tt T\NIN TANK.-NE .. Y 1969 J B CU. FT. GALV. CONTOUR PACK J VALVE VALUE oo11f2~~.i~o:..,i~,~li=~1ii ·/'U.cH•ji o·,. ANT ·,Aifi: .Ati . iA#rci. SitiiAWYW ·,o,· i1fi ·J:~ SEND FOR YOUR .. AALLNEW 1969 PACIFIC DIVERS CATALOG .... .., a ........... a11111 .._ •=• .., Al, .. -II ..... Aea .. W ................. OPeN ·1 DAYS A WEEK • l ,, MHKAMMllCAD. MAml otAIM. cow1rra POWfCI ... AYAflMU t._..-. .. s.w..v .. LOH IUOM HUITIHTOI llAIH 1 11~ ~·1 1t/Mtll 1ttr, hill. ' m:i~=r.=.=... lllJ 4J"°1tl .F-. ~ C:.ldf Over 200 Sabots Sail On Saturday 50 Star Class Boats Start Racing Monday : TOMORROW NIGHT: . $1'00,000 1969 9UARTER HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP CLOSING NIGHT MO.ND~Y: $25,000 MARATHON LOS A~AMITOS WEST OP' Dl8N•Yt.AHO,ON KATCl.LA 9-6-l-2. No race was held ln 1968 bttall!e of the Olympics. It is the large1t Star Class flee t ever assembled for a world title in California, an d the third largest to be hosted by a U.S. yacht club. ·Hobie Cat Races Set TURllN Turn in at Texico for some real savings-six 12-oz. bottles of Pepsi for only • 55~ pJus tax (and deposit). You get it with any purchase ... at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry - they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- today . ........ Id "•" fl't1Ct. OAllY PILOT' . .. • • F e~t~~:rf~s. • ' ' ! • ~ WITH NEW HOURS Moil •• Fri. - 3 p.111; • 2 o.m. . • ' Sat-5 p.in: • 2 a.m.-S•~· 11 ·2 a.m. · ' ' .. . . E11tertnlnment with 2 Ball4b 2 Danee Floors-Mt11lc 811 "Lu Ferrell And Friends" . Plua "Tiit Third Movtnitnt" Cocktoll. Hour -Mon. • Fri. -3.7 Ent1rt1lnm1nt -Hon d'oeuvrn ROUND TR·IP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( OIUIS Choice La.mb'•Wool Plaids fron:i. SCotlan.d -...; They mike trut apo~ jltket1 ·~ .• ~ they are tailored in Deanqat4'1 OW"ft .-tlawlee.!I 10!t lhoulder eonlltNCtion. 1 J The colorinp are bold ••• in & gentlemanly manner. And jf JOU1M paitia.l t.o chetk1, we hav1 a roodlr 1 selection hi thi1 superior lamb'• .wtJOI f fl'Om Sootland.· • ~ Deansgate• "\ ~I I I , . nonn MEAGERS I I . FASHION 151..ANO/NEW'°RT CENTER 444-0144 \ T • I I , ~ • I l • 11 ' ' ' . ' • ::Vets. Urged - ~:To Check-· . . ·Eligibility · 'lb~ GI bUI wlll pay up lo $1l:I a month to heJp veterans who dropped oul or high school r:etum for· thelr diplomas, ac- cording w Mort w*'-'· rit.anager o( VA's SWthern California Regional Oft.ce. : Additlooal financial aid Is available for those who }µIve dependents and U..,. al· :. tending adult evening school to _complete high school gJ'l:dua· lion requirements may recelve half the $130 rate.· The paymenlS will not reduce colleg~ or on-the-job lraining benefits, W e b s t e r said. Veterans who do not wish to avail tbemselves of lbe,~fit immediat.ely may Save time if they later wish lo return to school by applying .; for . a certificate of eligibility I at their nearest VA (lfpce. : A number df colleges ·and universities have set up pro- g'rams for returning veterans who do oot have hislJ school diplomas but desire further education. lnf o rqi atlo r regarding special ~ualifica· lions for these progfams may be obtained from any VA of· fice, 6 on Coast Gain Honor Six Orange Coast residents are among 274 students se lec ted ror regfnJ scliolarships for the f a 11 quarter. Receiving the highest honor for undergraduate study in the Calirornia university system are : From Hunlinglon Beach: Richard \V. Derby, g 12 I Mediterranean Drive, UC San. ta Barbara. From Newport Beaeh: Jean· ne M. Fassell, 1600 CXiver Dr., UC Santa Barbara; Stephen K. Hamm eras, 5200 River Ave ., UCLA, and Pamela M. Sutton, 2621 Blacklbom SI., UC San Franclsco. From San Clemente : Thomas D. Tulliums, 2475 S. Ola Vista. UCLA . From Westminster: Todd Brandtman. 7422 Colby Circle. ·UC Irvine. ·1un111 furn in at Texaco for SQme real savings-six l2·oz. bottles of Pepsi for only •55~ plus tax (and deposit). You get It with any purchase ... at participating Texaco Retailers. But hurry - they're going fast! So turn in at Texaco- wday. ~d Ret.n Prict. 1 30 GIL. WATER BEITEB 3917 lhlN' • • good price 011 a tolliat for ... °" t.pJ-.mnt U you. ...unt to mod.mat. tlw hath. bnmildlat• MClliftD' Ia wbli. •r· pr1C9 t.Dchtdff th• •tool ad wcter doML 3995 wmTE OR. YOU'LL BE DllfGHY OVER THIS WROUGHT IRON RAILING • t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t • .. . . . . . . • Ad"'1iMd. special• good thna Septemb.r 2~. 1969 (and -lllr:• lh• tcmooa whet• Qv...111• 11 tlG)'iDg that knight• !11 1hlnlng armor ar. out o• Ibey ho•• o tendeaey to na1t.) , 10 LBS. ANNUAL RYE Etod.d wuh.d ov.t GNC11 cu IM fill«! in fem with thll •tlltf. lt' 1 th• winier ;M.1 (don L Mopla'a know). fa1t growing rr• •et• 11p o root buM CIDd VI"' mountain ;rffl!AfJ• 127 MATIONAL STEEB Rot ell'llCtly a n•w room deodorlMt bu.I It doe1 a lot for Mw lawna. old lcrwt1• IDlphe\'41 nutrition or hum111JI11ffded. Aged. 9rcM1cl. Clar.d• aod •Md 1Hd lrff. 2CU. FEET For more aafety OD the porch and er touch of elegance. Bend lt to make the stairway ruil (or cry out loud U you nally got strength.) Gina Joob of 1paclouaneaa. Thia is Ilk• th• lowest prie• we've seen on thia atutf for montha. anywheHi, ao hurry 1n. and let ua glv• you a deal. ONION SETS Eo•r ton cmd lucJov.1 .atltlcr. n.,-grow to la., 1111 ton.'°"' brtialh CIWGf• gNlClt lot llOJOIU. ha:mburpn. CM' )lilt chomplag OD wo the bill colltlcion wo11.'l get too clOM. Jio~ OF80. SULPBITE OF mom ~ 20 LB. ·BAG LIN. FT . ·- DOU.LE BITB SWAG Shlllf smooth for more light to powder J;:i.r ao•• bf. globe Ughlll gift .ma silow • .U...lnate glare. Brus• awag cltafow, 111ounting bnxbi': bcudware all lrii:.l.uded at thi• PN>-lDifatloa pric: .. , .. ELE~TRICAL TESTER UM tor QC/de ll*)ll 1 .. t. lamp .. fv.1 ... molorl. radios. appllaqc:••· cord• and plug1. 1pcnlr: plug1. U outlet I• ull•• th• tut• will glow. (U your no•• glowa. ... Clll eJectrklcm. JOU'N worth m1111ouJ 37c comOLOMATIC ELECTRIC tONTROL CENTER " Plv.g bl v.p to .ix appllant••· c.n,t•r plug1 ilito any ov.llet. ha1 111 own bull! In lu••· on-oil neo11 Lndltator light, beat• a bl; r.wlrl11g Job hand1do'lll"!:l. 4aa DIP AND GRIP Talr:• that rough tool grip and dip !or oo-llilp. A noo.·'11p 1ell 't'lnyl grip drle1 011 in mlnv.tea. Cholctl ol color• to code rour toOla. 1•• SPRAY PAINT The whole m"fJiUnh. enamels. lacqu•n. prun.n. in a wide 1a11;• ol color•. The bl; cau. Mp M••ral OD hand for tov.c:h-v.pl Cllld "llloclr: up fol yo11r 11•xt big fob • 44cCAN. JET ACTION HYDRO PUMP -nRE EXTINGUISHER Hand pump tu.JM for thoH ~thatdoa't uhrap happeD lo tU other fellow. u .. for the cm. the ldtclift. the garage, .ar to bGTe hcmdr with ci btotket. 3•• DAFFODIL BULBS • Plant now and tom• SpriDg. rou11 be thrilled with spec:taculm blo11em1. Forget to wa1•r c:i:nd you11 be thrilled 1'ith th• bill lrom 1h• Water Compcu:if. 3cEA. , 13 3 ----------~-----~~-------~-----~ <' A (omp/.ete Guide ••• Where _.to go • •• Wllat to · do • •• . • • • Boll,,..,..,. Mae West's 76 ' But She's Still . . Symbol of Sex By VERNON SCOTT ~'1 fttNnlM c.uz:•1.t HOLISWOOD -Nobody's bothered to tell Mae \fesl she ls-11 yeara old. So she sUU COmtfl: on like a vamp with every man who ventures near her white and gold-leaf parlor -ever the ·lemp~. And at 76 she coold teach Raquel Welch a lei· Jessoas. "Honey, I'm glad.you came up to see me,'' she said, touching her' blonde-white tresses in the age-old gesture of the (ijrt. Mae will soon st.art her first movie In 26 yeers , "Myra Breckenridge." Her last was "'lbe Heat's On" in 19'3. How does she feel about returning to film! after all these years? "Great, honey," she replied. "I've kept up with the times. I'm not worried a bit. .. Will the ·sex symbpl of the 30s wear ·I! UtUe as today's aex godesses? Mias W~ touched her bosom in mock astonishment and lowered her eyes in an impressive great show of modesty. "Nudity la art, nol sex," Mae said. swirling. her floor·lengtb white 11aUo negligee in an are. "I don't believe ln ·nudity," she con- tinued. "It ·detracts from your face and personality. That's why I never show my ankles." Miss West is elated that the producers 9f the film are allowing her to write much of her own dialogue ~ that Edith Head has J»een hired to whip up a flashy wardrobe for her. "They used to censor my dialogue in- the old d~" Mae said with a CQme- hilher smlli!. "Now I can hardly wait to come up wlth sbme good Ones because th~re isn't'a censor anymore." • Mae said .she is being paid $250,000 for her role, and $50,000 ~ every week 8be works after1he sb:·week t'\lloif. '' "I've turned down dozens of pictures," she said, "including "Pal Joey and ''The Art of Lov-e" because the construction wasn't right for me. Thia role is just what I've ~ looking for." It is a carious fact of movie life that Mae West starred in oi11y 10 movies in her film career, beginning in "Night M· ter Night" with George Raft in 1981. But those pictures have been re-released scores of times and shown on television. "I took thi! part because the studio talked me into it," said Mae, who still lives in the apartment she rented in 1931. "My fans used to beg and plead for me to ' do another picture. .Now they ·are demanding' it. Most of the old audiences will go to see the picture and I think the 25-year-olds will, too." That's what sbe said. For many years Mae West was an anachronism. Today she is as high style as a W. C. tield's poster. She seldom menUons the late comedian with whom she made two smash hits. They didn't move in the same circles or appreciate the same things. < ... MAE WEST AND FRIEND World of Horses Set for Airing On Channel 11 While the okl gray mare ain't what she used to tie, she'll Btill get her just due on K'ITV, Channel 11. And what more appropriate spokesman for things equine than the distinguished,. wbjt.e-bair~ Lor.le Greene, leader of the Cartwright.! of the ~nderosa o n televiaion's "Bonanza." K narrato'r and sympathetic friend or old dqbbln, 'Greene presents Metromedia · Producers Corp. 's "The World of · Horses" at 7 p.m. October t on Ghannel II. Tracing the historic and present day contrtbutlon8 of the city horse, the role of the horse in 11port.s, . the heritage ·of _the Old West and many parts played by the1 performing hor&e, the hour-long color 1peciKJ also includes an appropriately en- tiUed theme song, "World of Horses." I Dixieland At Disneylaqd This Saturday Di<ieland hits Dlmeyland Saturday nlg)I~ September 2'1, and the resuH pro. mises to be six howl of coDuziuoua, jubilant sound, from 8:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. It's the tenth annual jazz festival for the Magic Kingdom, as headlinera Al Hurt and Pee Wee and the Young Set top '' olC a roster of ten all--!tar bands. The "who's who" of Bourbon Street wlll include the World's Greatest Jazz "Qand; Sharkey Bonano and the New Orleans All Stars; the Firehouse 5 plus 2; The Y oupg Men from New Orlean.s; Royal Strfiel Bach1ors; Banjo Kings; Teddy Buckner: Pete Loft.house and His Second Story Men wil.h Barbara Kelly, and the entire gang from the Mickie Finn Show. The action begin! at 8:30 p.m., when Pete Lofthouse leads hla Second Story Men down Main Street, serenading the spectators. A dauling fireworks display at 9 p.m. will signal the start of a tru1y jazzy even- ing. ' Al mrt, his trumpet backed by a full Complement of brass, will be playing on the Tomorrowland Stage in shows at 9 and .11 p.m....and at 1 a.m • ..-as will the. Mickey Finn coterie. · Hirt, whose first gold record, "Java;• brought him a Grammy Award, will be making hll second appearance at "Dix- ieland at Disneyland," having h<adlined the 1963 show. The Mickie Finn Show is 90Dlething of a cross between_,.. the' mu.sic and at- mosphere of the Gay tole and that of lhe Roaring 20'1, wJlh Fred and Mickie Finn at the hebn. All !be other ~ 'lfllf ataie their performan""' tbrOoilliaui the park be- lw~n 9 p.m. and' i a.m. The World's Greatelt -Jau ·Band, featuring Yank LaJVSOn,',.Bob Racgart; Billy Butterfield· and Lou'M:cGarity, will wall on the Tornorrowland Terrace, as, meanwhlle, the ~ B.o n 1 no assemblage does Its ragtime across the park on the French Market stage. Disneyland veterans tb.e Firehouse 5 plus 2 move to the Gold~ Honeshoe for the evening, with Teddy Bdctner and his ensemble set up at the Plaza Gardens. After its stroll along Malo Street, the Pete Lofthouse aggregation will take uo rt!lidence for the ~ at Casa de Fritos, while the Yoting Men from New ~leBfis take to the high seas aboard the stemwbeeler 0 Mark Twain." The • Royal Street Bacbelor.s ,,.111 be at New · Orleans Square, and the Banjo Klngs will reign in Fantasyland. Advance tickets, gOod for all the con- certs, all the games and all the rides all everun, long, are $6.00 each on advance aale at Disneyland or all Bank of America branches with BabkAmericards. Tickt:t6, the night of the1 event, may be J>l,lf'Cbued al Disneyland only for $7.50. TEDDY BUCKNER TRUMPETS AT THE PLAZA GARDENS 'White Hope' Play To Star Peters __ -A.t LA Ahma11.son . ' ~rock Peter•, distJnguist\ed , star to[ ·alaJe and screen, will play the ill-fated hero of '"lbe Great White Hope" in Center Theatre Group's season at The Ahmanson, Jt waa .annourv::ed today by __ EJ!i{>! MWJn. Howard Sackler's explosive Pulil.ur· Prize-winning play, ''The Great VQtlte H!)Pe," wliieir WJM> tllrM,Tooy ~1\'ardi in- C!lldfng ·eat Playlof tile 7earqandJ the ·Drtntla Critics Circle Aw&rd; ~-been called the mOBt powerful drama ol the decade. It will be Center Thealre Group1s aecOnd season event in The Ahmanson, ojlelllng 00 December 2. Peiers will Play the leading role in th.Ls modem re~ation of Jack JohnSon't tuinu~tous career as the first ' black heavyweight champion of the world. A gllted and versaµJ.e , performer~ be has won high pra!Se !or his acting ~na lfnglilg. He baa ~ed on, l]Je acreeo Fields would chol!le a martini ovef feminine companionship everytime. A barbarous infidel wHh so little taste would hardly be welcome in Mae'11 paJ'<. !or "Some 50 million years before man let foot oo_ earth, the horse was here," points out Greene, who goea on to describe the Importance of the Iiorse throughout btstoey1 aided by drawlnga,and film. INTERMISSION mOSt notably in.:• o . Ii A Mockibgb~ff!," ~The Palfnbroker • and "Carmen ~es,,. and on the stage, in "Porgy and Be-. .. T-.iCFe's classic, "Klng of the Dark Chamber," and aa Obllsebi in the Brol\(lway musical, "Kwamlna. '" No Stage· II"ish In 'Daughter' "Not a Single "begorrab', 'be gob'. or 'bejazus'. in the entire acript," marvels versaUle Irish actor Arthur O~Sulllvan, commenting on Robert 1Bolt'1 original screen play for David Lean's new film, "Ryan's Daughter." •• O'Sullivan was pereonally choeen by Lean to·play the role·of ~cCardJe:ln the MGM release which the O•eaMrinntr ts presenUy dlrectlng on loeaUoo on the west coast of Ireland. vi,,..en will aee borseo J>UlliDi hansom cabS, perforrnlng a vital sentce for the moUJJted policemen of'New York, all·Ume money.winning ra·c·ets such as Kl!lso, ex· clUng moments at .the Grand Na~Onat Steeplechase at 4Jnltee, Englaod, steeds of cowboys and Indians, Ind t)le horse u a performer in circuses, the Olympics • and In film making. I Under the guidance of e¥ecuUve pro- ducer Alan Laadaburgt' "The WorJd ot Hones" / wu produced and !"rltt.en by Davia s.Itur,. with Joseph L. Sean!Ori u director. ; )~ j ( - Weekend Highlights • COLLEGE ,OOTIALL-September llJ marks the kick- off of the footbilll season at local Junior colleges, !¥ Or11J1ge Coast plays <;olden West and Sadcllebaclt battles SOulbwest- err. . Games are sclleduled llftougb November 22. L.A-·COUNTY FAIR~The 42nd Los Angeles Counly Fair folds· llS "tents" and rtea!J. ~way, from !be P.omona Fairgrounds Tuesday. But lbere'a still Ume to $ee lbe e~bl~I~, lbe Jiorse radn~ &P4 lbe grandsjand show • SURFING CHAMl'loMsttlPS-The11atton'• lO'P surlu-s wW gathtr It .Udntburton l!eocll Munlclpel Pier Saturdq and Sunday for lbe 1* United Stites·Surlboard ~mplon sblps with lbousilidro{ spectalA>n ~ito i.on baD<I, Seo GUIDI 'TO FUN, Pa .. 12 .. 2 Theaters Homeless . ma other films included ''The L-Stia~ Rootn," '.'Jfeavens Above," ''Cr Is s Croes." "The Unklllables" and "Tbtt'tnci .. dent." center Theatre Group'• season In. The .MrtµIPSOD opens October 14 "!1th Hume Cl'OllYo atarrlng In "Hadrian Vllil" follO)'ed ~Y "The Great While Hope," ' a.pd the Urat appearance in.• this; country ol 'Ille National Theatre ol Greal Brltabl with Maggie Smith and Robert Stephens, under the direction ot Sir Laurence Ollyler. This is a tale of lwo theaters. a pair of community groups at opposite ends of Orange County which share a common dilemma-..: where to hang their bats on a permanent "basis.' One, the Westminster Community Theater, has been around for ei~t yearJ1 and by not season its housing shortage may be' solved far good. But lhls year poses a pro~lem of artlsUc. SW'vival. Then there are the Rancho Community Players, embarking on their third season in the Mission Viejo area. Thetr CWTent 11thed~le is set, but the future la scaring the dayllghll out or them. Both groupa: have ~ven themselves popular in lheir respect.Ive communitiesi , both are hard working organizations, dedicated to providing tlvt theater for the • enjoymeht of tbe&:man:y aupporters. And both rectnUy 1Uffered a severe jolt of the type lhal can sink 1 lea epergetic opera· tl<lri. . F01iTHE WESTMINSTER 'llleatar, ll&J>ln g st1uel< In the io(m of eviction fnim Westminster C.oior bulldlni • they had eallec1'11ome !or two .. ,,..., For lht llancho P~eto, Jieame with the nqtill .. Uon that the Mi81qn Viejo ffigb School auditorium wquld no longer b& available for. Ulem.• The Weatmloaier groop l!ow>ctd bid when the city of W-donated I plot of ground for the thespians to erect a theater upon. But now comes a lot of hard work and expense before the building cari be completed, hopefully by next season. In the meantime, there ls the question of where to stage the 19"-70 season. Rancho's problem is .tust the opposite. Four different school auditoriums have bee'n con(racted to house lhe upcoming season. J)'ut unless a permanent home ls found· soon; the nomadic players may run -out or Ol8e8. AT WEmllNSTEJl, etcittment Is running high over the prospects or launchingrthe lt'To-71 season in a new and permanent home at West:m.lnster and Edward) · avenues. "The plans are beautltuJ;•• 1aya board member Sally Cro~ley. "The 1tage will be adaptable for three types or staging -proscenium, ~J.00 Il.\11 round." 'Ole. tbtaltt wlU be or old Englbh deolgn In keepl0g with the city's heritage. Alrudy St·,000 .wcrtb of -· and win! dow1 ba·.ie been do0ated,.bul the f.inanciaJ batU• bu juat begun. • • . In rellearsal la the• group'• opening '1low ol'th• current ICUOI), N<ll Simon's "Tl>e Odd Couple." But where -, and ' wheo -It wiU be prtaented is 11tOJ up in the air. One thing la cerlaln, th« playm do not plan to go 4ormant far a yw while awaiting their new theater. THE PRESENT season ta the ltast• of l\ancho'a worries. They'll .. open ,their. seasqn with ''The Marriage Gd Rolµ>d '' on "November I at MiaaiOn Viejo High; then comes Reginald Roat'a ''l'lle•Dealb and Lile of~ Beos0n'l '.ln ~bhlary at La Paz Intenn~te School.,..tardect for. May is "Nobod)' Loves an Albatrou.,· ·' at Linda Vlsta -Jritermedlate, ... w11b .an 1mselected summec mutieaL:planried\!for • OlivewOod Schi>ol In El1oro'nat ~u&: '· "We've got all kind> rf. ~f' l reports playera, prtsldtnt 1C a·r o I e Neusladt, "but It's ~ much· good without a permanent holDO\ ~ ~r ' groups ~a~ convert old ~ • ~ , th"• aren't •ny old buildlr)p In i.flalOJI Vij!jo:. There's nothing over lhree-;Year1 old at aft." .. The group has been negoOating ror-a spot I thei new• i.ake Fvn!lt Shopploe ~le(., but 'the (\Oil • ~ pl<IVeQ r~ , hlb!Uve. "We're. living fn an,alllllODI llul cul\llra!Jy dep(IVed area;" Mrt. N-t notes. ·~and unleell 11e get a borne Gt our own we may ju.J dlalntegrate.'' Two communl!1 'theai<n ate •,llihtfoi (or survival wlOlout>the llna~I --' · d•,,,.llded to <quallie the battle. In tl\elT • laYW: tnu...iamn, detennloatloo Ind tho I moral llllpP>rl ol their audlenpa. Willi IUCb armor tbe day mQ yel be won, • -, ' . . ' '• 1 \ ii I I • Tr•vel . " I • • H M Best • Ul .. " on test -Of . Hawaii ~ .. ' U...S 111f1i' · ·ftlli Clllml -sania Ana ·P'rwws ~.iij lllM. .... : t ul to i p.m. seven days per wrert. PhOt.ogral)ba .taken by cbUdr~ aa:es five to eif:hl; wl!lnel'I of ' l"O'ltest--for 50 youna11ten ln the Irvine area. On ul!lhtt thro•gh Sept. 30. COP'FFE GAl\DEN GAU.UY -26U E. CoUI Hi&)IW<Y, CofVG& de.I Mar. 8oun: 11 a.JD. tt S:M p.m. Mon. thrqh satunla)" On ezhlbit !i<Jll. Z2 ~ Oct., ..... mbla,.s by C-.ii •lerlel; oil pamtlnp by Susaa Hertel. CBAJJ,!S GALLERY -t• S. Coul lliahW<Y, 1-a -Baun: II a.m. le I p.m. dilly. Ila eJhib!t tJnoP SOpl., polntinp by -~.la all ... -1¢lc ..,.ua. LllllJ!l.l ABT GAJI.,. -ill CUii ~ Lquna Beach. Adm'nlm fl. ·Mlliil>en ud -,_ "-llalrl: -le I p.in. Ila -tbroJJP Oct. II, lllnlll _._ llllptbow. • . llWllND'll t,m+ay - -llo'Nr Jlrive, Newport -. oa ublbll, ~ s.,1..1• lbl_.rr:l!blll El!llblt dlll'lnl ...,.i.r Ulnly ....... 1Jl'lll!I "' Lillt v- 'MlllA VICllDll: IDMBY--M• Venle Drive Eut, Colla M-. CUnWdlJ '"' alltllll ID!OI npllr lihruy houri, _,,, Sept., all ....,..... "1' Pit 'Iqram. COITA 11111.l UPAkY -.. Coaler t!I., Ceola Mw. On olblbll durllll .......,. lihr117 boun,. UuouP Sept.· tho ac:r)'llc IUld all palolhwl ti Mueolla Slatllq. C.11. AllT LSACllJB -llJ c.il« Iii., eo.ta M .... Hoon: Sil ll1d SUD. t to I p.a. (loo! .... -ti Ari work in V1riaua modla by An 1--i--. No - lien eharae. ' ' COIT.A Mll:llA COOlft'aY ~ -l'lf! Golf ~ Drive, Colla -Ila -.. -Oaor"' clllb ~ sept, oU polnUop by J--. GLD1DA1.£ tzDa.AL GAii Dy ·-1113 Newport &ml., Colla -· °" -_,,, Sep!. dlldq naWar h-houn, oil pliwtinp by lllldred Jloldow, tJNrl'ID CAUrOtNIA llANlt -31111 liArba< BITd., COit.a Mesa. On ubiMl dtB'lnl ~ 111•"es boura, tlno"'1 sept., the oU polntll>cl ol WlUtae --an: C&N ID rurJ DY --Wtlll Newport Blvd., Newport l1acb. Baun: •:30 1.m._ to I f.!D. --On elbtlllt lfnaP Od., ltitchery by l'talQOllla Stltdlory GuJld. 1IEINDT • a.AD: -ill 1'-llland, Newport l1acb. °" -_,,, Sept. Ill, durillc ..,,.w .. ,...,.., boun, a two 111111 -ol water col°" polnlillp by llolJert Laadrj and Terry Panllle. NIWPO&i' NATIONAL BANK -lOIO Bayslio Drive, Newpill lloadl. CllmtdJ)' an erl>iblt ll\t<>Olll Od., durin& .....,i.r·bo•I-boun, water colon by Aline 'l'blllletllwaltt. Cll'Rl.£11 BOWIRI MVlllJM -111111 • N. Main Sl, Sula Ana. ._., -~ Sat., t• ..... tot:• p.m.; Son. I to 5 p.m.; ll'ed. ml 'l1lllra. ev'!IJiiJp, 7 to I p.m. No lldmlaioa cbarft. Exhllllt ol old ~ CGJmly -.. papen, IUld ..rles o/ -colon by Ellie JM Ritter o/ Newport Beach Salt Wartl. , <. sl!ictJRJTy PACQ'IC NATIONAL~ ~aln SL , HuntlnitDn Beach. On uhlbtt, dllrl!>& ttiJ!J* boun, through Sept .• llC!Ylie palntingl by Ferne W!Dlmm. NEWPORT llAJlllOR AllT MUSEUM -.. llaln SI., B&lboa. llounc Wed. througll Sim. J.i p.m.; Jim. W p.m. On Wiibit lhrwib Sept. :II, • .,,,, Frozen Fllll!lala; !fine· 1eenth Century Aca*mlc PaJnlini." A crout al_.,Euriipun paintl>p ..eall<d durin& °"' Jut b .. ol !he 1Jlh <*ltllry. loaned from tho M. H. De YOlllll IWDor1al Mllleum, Su Fnncllco. No ldmlsaioo charge. CORONA Dl!L MAR LlllRAllY -41:0 Mlllif<l<i. Cororui de! Mar. On Wilhit tlJrooih Sept.; oil, acrylic and w11tr color palntlnp by AJlll<' Malthlu, and I d1splay of SU shells by Rµth Hobart, durln( rqular Ubrory boilra. SO CALIF. FUllT NAT'L BANK -171JI BeaCh Blvd., HuntJnl'°n Bead>. On uhlblt durlnc rtsuJlll' illlltMa houri, -tbrOqb Oct. 17, palntinp by Aldlne suttlu. Your Guide to Fun Sabato and Morpheus . i' Tbat'.s Slbalo, above, and his dyptic oU-<!Ollage, "Morpheus," below. The. ~g painter, winner of a $500 purchase award at Laguna Art Gallery, says, ''!be artist fuJfills his own vision, be it beautiful or ugly.'' Tbe Gallery's an- nual membership award exhibition coatinues through Oct. 26. Mexican Play Opens 'Panorama Padua HJlls Theatre's "Panorama Me.ticano" begins a sll·week ruo this wtekcnd st Its hillt~p home near Clare- mont 1be lw~act staae pro- .ductJon features lhe folk !IOlJIS and dancu fnm varloull areas of Mellco. The play wlll be pruented September 19 and '9eptember 20, ahd f r o m Octobtr lhroueh November IS. Some ol the most colorful and intriclte ritual dances of the ancient Indians ol Mex ico will be perfonned by tht talented Mexican Players. In "Panorama Mexicano.'' aays Ellflo ftenera, Padua·s d1rector, "the audience wHI .et and hear the heritage of Mal~ the QlWic or the an· dent peoples ..and that of its ptuent--day inhabltanb." , Padua Hilb Theatre is the only place, outside of Mexico illell, that preRnts t ~ e performing arts of Mexioo the year around . The theatre has been 1n Cliatence since 1930. Mexica.no' at Claremont Patrons of the theatre will al!IO find, the Padua Dlnlng Room, import shop, art studio. glass blower and pottery maker. Both Mexican and American food is served daily Jn the: Dining Room. except on Mondays. The playeri en· terWn there during luncheon and dinner singing and dan· cing many of the most popular sonas from tbe extensive repertoire ol the theatre. The plays at Padua Hills . Theatre are given al 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays t h r o u 11 h Saturdays with matinees at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The phone number is l.f26..1288. Padua Hills is located oo Padua Avenue, thret miles north of Foothill Boulevard in Claremont Dlning room, theatre 1 n d ihops will be closed f r o m Se ptember 21 through October 6 for vacatioo. The reservations office will be open daily, however, for the convenience of those who wist\ to see "Panorama Mexicano" after October 8th. Surf Fe-st This Weekend ·\ • ly .STAN DILAPLANE " LAHA!NA HAWAU -'l}ley say "Maul no ka oi'' -the isl~d of Maui la the best. It's a sunny blue Hawail day here. A fresh breeze blowing fr~ ·the mountaill•-Tall coconut palms btndil\g in the win~ lace fronds streamed out. The weather vane.r of the Islands. The blue harbor of LahalDa Roads sparkles witb instant diamonds. My permanent press shirt dried in the wind ln half an hour. * Lahaina is a funny old town. A leftover from missionary and whaler day1. little frame h9U1~s stilted up to catch the breeze. The window glass JS long gone; you don't need 1t in the forever summer islands. A ramsbaCkle board Front Street. Yamada's Sell Service. Wong Fat's Grocery. A big central square shaded by antique trees. The waterfront old· est hotel pours grog in a swinging bar as they did when a hundred wintering whale ships swung at an- , ·~cbor,.., (Now. they poi.tr for the cruiling Lurli,ne.) On a back street, the shady m111ionary s hor:ne looks like .New England. ('nle lwnber and paint came around the Hom.} * Then thtr•'• the old jail on Jail Street. ''\Vhat's going on between the sail~rs ai;ttt local wahii:ies is terribly wicked," the misa1onar1es told the King. -(The Hawaiian King was surprised-Hawaiians nadn 't looked at it that way.) "There.'s something better?" asked the King. The missionaries persuaded him to anest people caught in the act. (Some salesmen!) They set ur • snooper corps and soon had enough to fill a jai . The first iail was built. The convicted were put to work on t&e island roads. And when you drive your rent car on Maui, you are riding on roads paved with good intentions. * ''. . . whet kind of clothes we'll need for H1w1li?" Pack little. Buy when you get here. The selec- tion is much better. Shops are excellent and some frne Hawaii designers. Now, you can pretty well live in numerous muumuus -the flowing flowery Mother Hubbards. $25. A couple of long sheath muus for evening, $35. You want a couple of GOOD bath- ing suits. They'll nudge you $18 for a bilin.i you can airmail for 10 cents. * J'm talking about top design clothes. The locaf wahines go to Sears in the Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu. They pay hall the price and it looks the same to .me. {But your wife will tell you there's a WORLl> of difference, and who wants an argument in Paradise!) * For men: two or three short·sleeve aloha shirts. Arrow has them in permanent press for $5. Three pairs of colored dressy permanent press trousers. $15. Slip-on Keds without socks feeJ better to me than sandals. Two nylon swim trunks, $6. Very oc- caaibnally you hit a hotel that wants jacket and tie in the evening. Get the best at the Ross Sutherland shops -$25 lo $40. * "Will we find w1rm weather in Sp1in in the winter?" The only 'varm place I found was ln the far south . At Malaga on the Costa de! Sol. Madrid was freezing. Seville was cold as a well digger's mem· ories. But I got in beach time on the coast in Jan· uary. JOHNNY CASH .A Boy N1inod Sud Cash Set For Bowl Sept. 27 At 1:30 Saturday evening. Septt.mber 27, the Hollywood Bowl should be filled to over- Oowing and probably jumpln&! That's the nilhl Johnny Cash, America's favor It e singing slOry teller, recordlnf and television s t a r a n d tn- terprettr of rolk smgs withoot parallel, brings a troupe or to p -light COWl\ry.westem music slngen up f r o m Nashville, Tenn., for a rousing appearance in Hollywood Bowl. There'll b e good-lookln' June Cart.tr. Jo.bnny's ever. loving' spouse, the Carter Family. consisting of Mother Maybelle and June's slllers. Helen and Anita ; C 1 r I Perkiru. composer of the unforgettable "Blue Suede Shoes;" the popular Statler Bros; the Tennessee Three, and ole' Doug Kershaw . All of thege artill~ art leading practioners of the music of rural U.S .A. Their roots go back scores or yean to tuTIH>f-the. century CoUnty Fairs, harve~. pea and berry· p!Ckine: times in r u s t i c America. \Vhile these performers do play-dales on their o w n , they're also memben of John· ny's company a~ring with him on the hundreds of one- nlght shows he make11 each year all over the land. Fielding Special Set Arranger.composer J e r r y Fielding, who scored and con- ducted lhe music for Warner Brothers - 7 Arts' '"The Wild Bunch", QI! entered into an agretmenl with J. B, * Enterprises to score twelve "Do yo1,1 think ii is safe for two .women to drive orliinal songs for a new rock in Mexico? We hear storl•s ... " Mexico is safer than walking in your own city. group calltd Jumbo. I Urink these stories hang over from the Thirties Fielding, musical conductor CELIA GARCIA when Mexico took over American oil. Gringos were for Tclevbion's '' Ho 1an '1 SEPT. lN3 board Champiaolhlps will be held Sept 20 and 21 ~ast of the Authentically Mulcan in bad favor -I had a couple of hairy times mysel!. Heroe.!", ''The Good Guys,'' : L.A. COUNTY FAIR _ 'Ibe CJDd LOs Angeles COuntJ Fair HunUngton Beach Municipal Pier al lbe foot of Main SI.reel. Today all is well. \Velcome tourists! Plenty of "The Colonel and J.J.,'' .., will contmue at tbt Fairp11uNla in POmona 8eJit. lt f.brGu&b El!mlni.Uon heat.a begin between 6:30 a.m. aod 7 a.m. Sal· gasoline -it used to get short. Green jeeps patrol well as two Debbie Reynolds' Sept. u . AdfvWa will include uhlbll.\ oS. all typea, bar• urd.y morning and will Wt through lhe day. Flnals begin· .,.,._ilOl:r'.'.=ro:"'*-""'"'""'•""11'.177 tbe· road with free mechanical service. Roads are specials to be seeo soon, wtll rlcinc, art shows, santen shows aod er-and.stand en~ nine Surxlay at 8 a.m. will pit lhe nation's top surfers against " ~ good to superhigh\vay splendid. be assisted by Bob Russell, ment. · each other and the waves. Awards ceremonies will be held 1 1 • * "''ho will write lyrics for eiibt SEPT. 1 .. 11 en the beach at about 3 p.m. L• All countries have di.Merent driving conditions. of the tunts. ;cATALINA ART FDmVAL -The 11th Catalina Art Ft.stl-SEPT. !O-OCT. 11 ~· JVe Mexico doesn't mark highway obstructions well. So It marks the first time lhat ~val wib ruo tbrou&b Sept. 21. The main ltrtet ot OllANOE COAST COLl..EGE FOOTBALL -Home games at !~ , it don't drive after dark. Burros and cows like to cross Fielding has ve ntured into the : ·Avalon, OUctnt Ave., will provide tht settlr:lg fer' the ex-lABard St11dlum, off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, Cosla the road just> as you cotne barreling along at 70. So rock field, and one or the few :~hJbiL Each dQ' ot the show special events and entertainment r.!esa; r.ll gl:!.mes :it 8 p.m.: Sept. 20 vs. Golden \Vest Collegr , TheateJ• ·1 drive at 50. Jnst around the next curve. there's a times that any one of :•will be MJd on the tn1ln belldi and in Wrigley Plala. 1btrt at homt; Sept. 2S at Cyprtss College. Cypreu: Oct. 3 vs. LA t : string of burros 11)8.ded with firewood. And four huge Fielding's musical stature has ::ww be dally sand aculpture conttsts. For b1formaUoo about !·!arbor ;:it home ; Ort. II at Fullerton Junior College. • •' rocks a truck driver used to bhY.::k up bis truck. He agreed to pn,pare exclusive : enlerlng the FerUval phone Ayalon m. th& bi, White steam-SEPT. 23-0C'T. 11 "We Bombed la New Reven" drove away and left them. material for a rock group. -;ship, lht SS Catalina, will nm during the event U will alr, GOLDE'.'J \VEST COLLEGE t'OOTBALL -AU home gan1cs A scathing anti war saUre byli~ii~~~~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,:;~~~~~~iii~~~~~ ;. hydrofoil and motor auiBers from the Catalina Terminal, at OCC l .eBard Stc>dium, off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, .Joseph Heller. author of : ·s.n Pedro "Catch . 22," on stage at South • · Costa Pi1csa; all gr.mes at 8 p.m.: Sept. 20 vs. Orange Coasl SEPT. lt-U College, al home ; Sepl. Zl at r.1ounl San Anlonio, Watnul Coast Repertory, l827 Newport :.ANGEL WEBALL -In tho Anlheim Stadium, 2000 Slale 81,d Coala Mesa Thun ::COUqe Blvd., Anaheim. AD nJ.gbt pznes are It l,p.m.j dq B(~,!1° Pomona ): Oct. 4 al Santa Ani; Oct. 11 ...at Sant.a thr~ih Sun. closing 'Sept. r1: : .pmes atut at l p.m. Tk11:ets a'flilatile at .U ticket qencles .. uara. R!!!ervations-646-13&.1. :·and the b(aa: office. Phone t-e*XIO. Aria•ls vs. Olkland, SEPT. 14-0CT. II "Pool'1 Paradlu." : 'Sipt. JI, 20 (N), 21 (0 ), Seattlt 21-24 (N). "i-\OOLEBACK COLLEGE -All home games at Mission \'1e-A.n Engiish farce on stare at .• SEPT. IN'1 jo Hi@'h School, 2502$ Chrisanta Drive. Missi 1 ·onV Viejo: at I the Hunt Jn gt 0 n Beach :· a..umc FtUtS -111t Open End Theater, 2115 Villi Way, p.m.: Sept. 20 at Stluthwestern College, C'hu a iSta; Sepl. 27 Playhouse. 2110 Main SL, Hun-~ :;Newport Be.di is pruentin1 a Hria of classic filina Fri. vs:. Grossmont College, at home: Ocl. 4 vs. Chaffey College. at tington Beach Fri. and Sat. f :·and Sa.l at I p.m. with a late .showin1 oo Sal at 11 p.m. home: Oct. II at College of the Desert. Palm Desert. through Oct. 4. Reservations- • Tickets are $1.50 slng1t ldmisajon or Q each for aeriea oC • SEPT to 536-8881. ::1our. Phone 67S-1120. Showing ~ lf...20, "'ltllie'1 Punc-._...-..Q.JSNEVLAND ENTERTAINMf:NT -Final Date Night or , '1Goodbye Cbarlle'' : tured Romance," ~tac.Ir: Senottt's '1nt full Jqtlt tllent f• tl-ll summer seaaor., Sept. 20, fe atures Buffy Saintt·Marle, I.he ..., Atm. ltm'tbil Ml:rW..,._.., <lllplie apmt~· ttey. EdWln J.Jawklns singers and the Backporch Majcrllf on Lhe naled as a ga.I, on stage al ~-~. ~1 at ~te ~o~°:"· ~~= Tmnorrowland Staie at 8 p.m. and IO p.m.: Gladys Knighl the Costa J\.1esa Civic Play- WELCOME HOME JOHN! My 1011·l11·lew i1 hem• fn1m llie tlrYict for ,oM, •ltt• b.ifM) 1•1rt111 fo• 'l y1 1n l He ••YI ft>1r1 Ii nolhint li~1 fh1 "6104-011.U.S.A.I" He will 1t1rt hri11tl1'9 the ''''"~' ill 11 2 1.111., 1ferli119 lofl'ltrr••· So, if will be fr11h1r •11111 I•••• i11 ,ri ce. Wt 1r1 11 "''''" t. he¥e lrii111 l.11 .. '''' we ''' 1h1rint 1ur h1ppi,...ts with th1 pHpl1 who M1.11 it P•••i\•lo fot wly 41uthf1t to ..,;,;t him, "'' cu1f11111nl So. th1ro my h1ppi,...11 hr1 tile-f•r• 1f tltn• ,,..;991. cur THESE fANTASTIC COUPON 5'ECIAUI •••••w••~1•••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • FOR HIALTH IAKI • GOOD 1111 • QOUIMIT DILIGHT • ZUCCINI • LAST Of THI YIAR • ARTICHOKU : ~.~~~lton. Z::. m late S.t. *"· and the Pips at Tomorrowland Terrace at 9 P:m. and Jl p.m. ~:.i~s,o;:"#:ir ~~~ ~:~ :'1'J'be faJcon 9tiiies '°'ct" lllarrlna Tom ConWaY. ~ SEPT. H-2' J\.tesa. Fri. and Sat. through • , SEPT Jt.NOV 11 01.TOBERFDT -Modeled on Munich 's fall beer fcallval, Oct. 4. Reservations _ l3f. 8 SJ(j)~S: : TlMQ:O~ES . : I QC .... : • ~·~PLAY The P•dl/l Hltb Theatre 11 ~ the ''Oktoberfest" will be hekl al Irvine Town Center's 5303_ 1,.. . ·~adOtama .l'I~ .. _.a~ ai6Mtlc, Mute. folk Sptitzeart.en on the UCI campus, Fri .. Sepl. 26 and Sat., "J\.tary Stuart'' ~""'and aanp. Stpt. 111 ~ 311 al ~l:JO p.m. W1't\,*11i•' Stpt. 27 from ll:30 a.m. lo 2:30 p.m. and from 4 ~.m. 10 7 Historical dra~a. on stage · •u. Sf!pt 211. and Oct 1 ~·NO. 1.S Wet. p.m. on both days. Admission Is fret, and beer 'vUJ be ten ::t Santa Al\a High School's .lttf .i •:if ,:m. with m.,.,,.. at i;··~m: WM. centii a glass, 50 cents a pitcher. ~ Ge.nnan band, pretzels Lillle Theattr, 520 W. Walnut MJOwni U. ...._t i~tloneil tbeiter ~1bt and a Sin&·ak>ng will add to t.M merriment. St., Santa Ana, FH. and Sal 1•' "8!11!! ~room where the pllftn tll'tertaln duribc'lmeb SEPT. u.ocr. l . . I hr o u I' h <kl 4. Re11erva· ~ dlillcr. Mtxican end~ fOlll p ~ dalb',·M· DODGER BASEBALL -Dodger Stadium, J~ Slad1un1 !Jons_ w..7147_ "" ,... Padua Hlllr fl located on PldUa Avt., three mUu W•r. Loa Ange!e1. Day 1ame11 st.art at l p.m.; N111'.hl aames "Lullaby" d rooibill Bild. iJ1 CJartmoat Kone 1.-JJll. at I p.m and Twi-nlght double headers at fi p.m. DodJm Comedy of lruck driver ssrr. ~ \'a. Giants, 28 (N}, 27-ZI (DJ: Astros, 30 {N). Oct. 1·2 I ). rnan'ia's boy who wtds chorus Q.1111 DANCE -'l1>e w ... ""°W n.ctullaa and ocr. H gi rl on slag• at san Clemente J: $' will bo)d 1 Tten CM DIDce la &ht ccm.-AJ\'R, Cl\ArrB -The annual Autumn Arts and Crarta: Fe:it· Community Theater, 2 a 2 · , mo Wflltrntntt.lr ~Avi.. (for J!MIDI"• tJval will M held from JO a.m. to$ p.m. Fri. Oct. 3 and Sat. Aven.lda Cab r 111 o, &,aa 1"iiilf~ .. liii. ._ *-..,.Jl\. tt · Adl:li Id• 41. Od. 4 It Baylkte Center, Jamboret Road al Bayside Drfvc, Clemente, Thurs. through Sat., ........ tlM for ___.,_. "Lo¥1D"Juiicll" Newport Beach. Optn Cree to 1be publk, 1he show will Cea· Sept. 15 to Oct. 11. n...,.. .. llilnd wll plat tor ~ s.bt. •· Nre worb ol local artlsta and craftsmen. lions _ 492-C.IO&&, ilP'I. • OCT. 4-5 "I Never S.ng lor ~ly FaUltr" CLAsslc C!Alt SllO!I' -0. the Mall It l'aabioa illlnlf. RECllEATIONAL vi;;mCLE SHOW -The Wealtrn Rocre-Orama ol Camlly's lack ol • Limit 6 lk. • \.lntlt S I• e LlMlt 6 • with thl1 cou,.n 8 with thla c..,,... 8 with tMa ceup.tt . -' -····~························· . courONS IXP!U SUTIMHI 241~ .. ' Yovr .l i1111ot hos to It. "oul of thi1 worlf" of th110 fi•• ,.,tour111h .. Th1y II•-. I~• fl•1tf _.. ... d11c1 lfton.y c.111 ltuy. Thoy w111°t ••ltlo for •11vtlol11f 1h1, l\liy ""''-' the lletf, Try th1111 1114 you'll 1111 TOH'f• STlAK HOUSI. S111t1 A111: IAl NIT LOU ... 1, N1w,1rt l11ch; TACO MISA. Colli M111 ; THI alUI lln, N1wp1rt le•ch: CMINUI ~INO, N1 wf'Orl .. ic.h. "ORANGE COUNTY'S rASTEST GROWING PRODUCt ORGANIZATION " fWPORT PRODUCE rHONE • 6714711 ..._.. 8eldl fl'Orln ID Lm. Co • P·~ Sit.. Stpt: IO. Ad· aUonal Vehicle ExposiUon will be held at the Orana:e County communication, on staae at --iilbolon le tho ·~ d'Elol-' ls lite. ahd the JIU._ Fllrlroundl, II F1lr Orin, Colla Mesa. Oct. 4-5. Open !rom Laguna-Moullon PilJ<houae, ~ wll1 bt able lo •ltw old dlllle IU&N, JDC!llidbtc lk.talUil, 10 1.m. to JO p.m. dally, the show featum the lat.eat models 006 Laguna Cl.ll)'on Road, 1616 Newpert l1•l14w4 ... nt. Pal•• •111 iw,..r, Pierce Am>Wl;'ll 1114 ~ or travel tr1llm, motor hom.,, eamplng tr1Uen and truck Laguna Beech, Tiies. lhrou&n •Jz Years of Produce K n010 now• ·~Vh<rc Qt<oli'11 11 The Order of the Howe" ISPT. iNl c:amperg. Admission: Adults, $1,50 : children under 12. 50 Sat. Sept. 30 through OcL lllRnNG CHAMPIONllllPI -1hc t• United States Surf· cents. 18. llc.scrvallons -494-8061. j!,;""'""'""'"'"'""'='"":m'""a•q .. ••••-1&:•••---•"-'"'""~ r ____ ...... ___ .. I J_ Flidat. Septembt' 19, 1969 ' ' • OUT WEEKENDER 'N' ABOUT By NOR!U STANLEY •• ORANGE ""'COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLIJB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Francois' 0 By all atandanls of judging, one of the consist- ently fine restaurants in lhe area deserving out 'n' abouters regular patronage is Fran~s·, Jocated at 18~1 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Any meal can be .a!lticipaled here w~lb the certainty of excellent cu1sme, ~notch seryice ~~ relaxing surroundings. And each s1:1cceeding ~1t tends to increase the feeling-of haVlDi' spent lime with a warm and reliable friend. ELEGANT COMFORT There is an elegant yet old shoe comfort ~l the place remiriiscent of many of the better spots in New York and various Eurbpean cities. ~cb pro- vides an ideal atmosphere for maximum enjoyment of the ContinenlaJ bill of fare. Much of the cozy and iDtimate effect is a result of the resourceful way by which the restaurant has been divided into a series of sma11 dining rooms and areas. Something like seven of these give every table and booth in the house a special note of privacy. Overall, the decor is probably best termed l\'fediterranean, with subdued lighting and amber paneling adding the final touches. OINNER FARE Table d' bote dinners at F rancois' range Crom fried eastern scallops, $3.50, to grenadine of beef. tournedos or broiled lobster tail at $6.25 each. And all are served with relish t ray, soup du jour and mixed green salad. Others include filet of sole. saute meuniere, $3.75; stuffed mushrooms (mushroom caps filled . • \Vith minced chicken and spices and topped with a \Vhite wine and Hollandaise sauce, served with rice pilaff), $3.75; chicken Jerusalem, $4.; veal frito picatta, $4.75; veal scallopini Marsala, $4.50. And: scampi, $4.50; beef stroganoil, $4.75: frog legs a1mondine, $4.75; roast Long Island duckling, DELANEY'~ ~ ......... ~~ NEWPORTS FINEST SU.FOOD CUISINf Lu11dt-11-5 01111" 5-12 Cod:hlils 630 E. Udo Park Dr., N.B. -67~100 THE CASPIAN Fe•turlng lt•li•n & Amerlc•n Food As ,,.,_rd ~ ftr ... M•htf Cltef TONY SIRIMARCO (ferlMffr •f ttie YIU• c.,nJ Special this w .. k. S.ptombor 11·20 Complimenttry Shrimp Cockt•il with Dinn•r km .. 11 AM·l I PM, Me .. M-2·11 Set. 1670 N•wport'Boulev1rd -Cost• Meu -642-1293 NOW OPEN .!!BY -AIRPORT COSTA MESA -ORANGE COUNTT AIRPORT 1Z62 PALISADES ROAD I 7141 546-IJtO Mon. tlln1 Sot. 11 •.m.·2 a.tn-Sund., 4 p.m.·12 p.m. SERVING LATE DINNER To 12:30 A.M. Mon.·Thurs.-1:30 A.M. Fri.·Stt. Fe•turing the sam• worfd.f•mous menu I loun9e •njoy•cl by millions for thirty.on• Y••fs •t th1 •uv -ARCADIA 'l{efreshnunt ...Means a .(ot of 'Things A longlookatlhe rolling su The nostalgic cry of ~ wheeJing gull The floral artistry of ii F<enchGarden And, good food and drink in such a settingJ The VICTOR HUGO INN h~s ~en refreshing diners and m.OOng memories for over• quarter of ii century. Open Daily Luncheon-Dinrie1- CockLiils Oi:ampagne Brunch- SuNby ftom 11 :30 a.m. to2 p.m. Oiff Drive at ea.st Higttw~sun1 Bw:h· VKTOR "UGO IM 4 94- 94 - A wbsidlny cl' AMI AC, INC. $11; Fnncols gourmet entroe (a combinaUon of veal picatta llld grenadine of beef, served with groen noodlea), $11.25; roest prime rib, $5.50. OUR CHOICES You_won'l F.o wrong with selection of any one or these, but out n' abouter'.s reco~nded favorite& are the stuffed mushrooms, veal scalloplni Marsala and Francois gourmet entree. MovinJ to the other side of the menu, the restaurant s featured dinners are four in number. They are flaming duck, for two, $13.50 (,Probably Francois' most popular item); cbateaubnand, for two, $15; double New York steak, for two , SIS; iilet mignon or New York steak, $6.50. CHILDREN'S MENU There js aJso a special children's dinner, at $1.75, for youngsters under 10 years. It includes a cup of soup , a choice of ground _round, filet of sole, spaghetti and meat balls or fried chicken, ice creai.n or sherbet and milk. Noontime sandwiches at Francois' extend irom a low of 00 cents for bacon and tomato or breast of turkey, to a high or $2.25 for a steak sandwich. In be- t\veen are broiled hamburger, beef dip, grWed beef and S\viss cheese, club house, Reuben and shrimp and avocado, from $1 to $1. 75. There is a choice of four good salads: mariner. $2.50; avocado and shrimp, $2.25; chef's, $1.40 ; fruit and cottage cheese, $1 .30. Also three low cal selec· lions for the diet conscious. A LA CARTE A la carte specialties, all served with salad, include calf's liver, $1.75: Spanish sauce, American cheese or sauted mushrooms omelettes, $1.75 ; crepes • la Neptune, $2 ; eggs Benedict, $2..25; veal frito picatta, $2.75; baked oysters, $3. Francois' opens for luncheon at 11 a .m. and serves dinner from 5 to 11 p.m. The cocktail lounge ••• R••rv•tions: 494-6574 Open Daily rH~mnwers e LUNCHEOK • OIHNaa • • USTAUUN1' AND COCITAIL LOUNCK • e SUHCIAY SltUHCH e U.ll!! SUPPf.lt OIKll'IG OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWEltS WING. 01 SURF And SAND HOTCt: 1SlJ SOUTH COAST Hl•HWAT LA.WA II.I.Cit, CALl,OlllOA ' 'Wbeie Excitinfl 'lJ'inas ~ie Happeninfl! r1.1..- "'T1ttt~. C..,_r"' i11 tit• BecllU IAu,. _ ..... HatlfldJ/.U'-« RH.ta ,.,,,.. MWiufNf fKiJUi• GRAND HOTEL 7 Fam>M.l.N WAT AN41RIM, CA.UP. 772-'177'7 Open io the Public Newly Enlarged Popular ... LAR.X ROOM Ent•rt•inm•nf Ni9htly Tuesday threuth Saturd•y THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN • IANOUET FACILmES FOR 450 • SEAYING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK co.untry club 60MEl SIMS. CECIL HOLLIN&SWO•TH, C1·0w11t" 1'712 GIAHAM STltllT HUHT1NGTON IEACH Pw ReMrv1tlon1 c.n 146.llN •r 146-1416 slays open unlil 2 a.m . Closed Mondays. By all means drop in at the earliest oppo{tunity if you haven't dined at the restaurant yet And be prepared to jOin the increasing llUDlbei' or those making it a habit. Lou Norris Four One Qf out 'n' abouter's favorite entertainm'!nl groups opened an engagement at the Sheraton- Beacb Inn in Huntington Beach this week. It is the Lou Norris Four, a bunch .worth going much further than the beach city to hear and see. During an appearance some time back at the Newporter, we were totally captivated by the unique song styllogs and stage presence or Miss Norris. She has more 'oing for her than a dozen random vocal- ists one might gather together. GOOD BACKING Ably backed by three musicians known.. as the Jerry Ross Trio until the amalgamation under the new foursome title, there is no reason to wonder \vhy Lou's name has gone front and center. She is an entertainer of exceptional talent. This vivacious red-haired singer comes across something like a bright sunbeam you would like to capture and keep in your pocket for the happiness it might bring at lo\v moments. And all the \Vbile there is the strikin8 projection of a personality that seems to say: "En1oy life. rt is the only one you are ever going to have." VARIETY The group's repertoire is practically unlimited. running the gamut from sentimental old favorites to lhe latest pop tunes. AU of which adds up to some of the best dancing and pleasure to be found of an evening any\vhere. ·r If Lo1;1 doesn't sing them, make a special point of re9uesting her rendjtions of "Goin' Out of My I-lead , ' "Birih of the Blues" and '.'Light My Fire." DOAr!Oud ,, ,, lllALLY A ,,GMENT I 0, SOM£0NE'I IMAGINATION Ill S. M.!1, ,_.. AH I DON JOSE'- -l"'OUlilly ·l'l"fflnfs ~ THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED ELIO MAURO His Song1 end Guiter Tuesday thru Sunday IN THE FlESTA ROOM FROM 8:30 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. Finest ·Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adema: lat Megnolia) Hunt. Be1ch 962-7911 • ~ E.it<"•llngly d1fierelll. A delightful ~ening lO·meel evr.ry mood .. nd taste. Well pr~red gourmet menu-v.·ell wrved. S1rollin1 musicians add •n a1mosphenr of charm and ronwnct. fn1oy 1his ench•nting ~tmosphett for lunch, cocktails, dinner. And, opening ~.the most nc1t1ns wine cell•r in So1.lthcrn Uhforni•. Resetv~tk>ni 5uggested. 644-1700 Ex!. 552. }lying Sutler D!NNra 5'fCIAU •.• '*"-' :t .. 11 , ..... INht .. : S.llfl er s.I .. , C•Me If l'•t9t•, lei! & letter, ....... MOK OAY , , • 'I• FRIED CHICKEN .......................... $1.lt 'rtJ!SOAV •.. FISH r. CHIPS, Haf;b,1 .................... $1.1 9 W•l»ll10AY • , • TOP SllLOIN SHAK. U.S.D.A. Cho;, .... -...... $1.lf TMUltl OAT , , , HPPll STEAK. Served ov•r Ric• ··················-$1 .Jt ''"°"" ... IAINIOW TROUT « SWORDFISH STEAK .... $1 .4' IATU•DAT , , , JUMIO SHRIMP ............................................... SI .It IUftOAT ••• NIW YORK STEAK. U.S.D.A. C"'•• ............. $2. It CHILDRIN'S DINNllS l\io4 Chic ho, 11-.tlcii• I U Fr1n t;h Frles, ••vere9e, o •••• rt ...... "' klaiil • ttc fl .. aN Qlps. l•verege, D•1sert .. ..._,.,. ktH,. ttc l•K1-l1 Mt HrY'4 en H•lhllys Ir Holld•y WMktM1 3101 No"pott 1"11., Nowpott hadt -o,.. 24 Hn. ' Even the Geritol set can toss away their medicine whcrr sbe warms up the house with these numbers. Slie started her' singing career al the Southern Mans.ion in Kansas City, Mo., and later appeared at such top spots as the Chez Paree. Pal~ce Ele- gante, Jazz Ltd. and Thunderbird. There have also been numerous performances on radio and televis- ion and a period as featured singer With Ray Mc- Kinley and the Glenn A-1iUcr "Band at New York's StaUer Hotel. . TI1e Lou Norris Four is appearing nlgbtly, Mon· day through Saturday, at the Sheraton-Beach Inn, 21112 Ocean Ave. (Coast Hwy ,). Huntington Beacn. One look-s~bear for them will .call for many re-turn visits. HAVE OINNER, TOO t\nd another suggestion. Before taking in the en- tertainment, you would do 'veil to plan on dinner first at the Inn 's Caribe Room. The rood here never fails to account for an exceedingly satisfactory meal. If you want a tip, on our las t outing here we ordered the roast Long Island duckling and the Tues· day night special, broiled lowa pork chops. But there are many more entrees, including different specials each night of the week. and all are bound to add up to a memorable night out in combination with the Lou Norris J<~our. Snack Shops It is _an unfortunate fact th at 've can't always 1.ake a le1sur~ly hour or two for lunch or dinner. Too often the business and personal commitments of our ~aily lives short change the time we would more ideally devote to meals. What to do, then , when the schedule is tight but the desire is strong £or wholesome and tasty Continued on P•ge 24 Real Cantonese Food eat h•re Or' t1ka home. STAG CHINESE WUIO I II 21st pl., f'!ewport 8Hch ORlolo. 3.9560 0,.1 ,..-._ ., ..... hfly fJ.JZ -frt. _, S...~ 'ti J •.a. i t!Jpn ~~ I 'i1)nwni . Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE OANCING NIGHTLY TUE. Thru SUN. The Naturals . / r" MONT• Open Daily.Sun . Brunch· Res. 499·2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South l.cHJuna Dining with ,An Ocean View SWOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTllW * * * * FROM $3.25 * JESS PARKER ...---==~:.e Appoarlng Nightly T~ tflrw s.-., BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE l'HONl-IJ6-Jlll Jl7 OCUN A•E. HUNTIN•TON llACH LINDA LANE AFFAIR£ MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL f7 FASHION 1SW11 lllWPolT CINT1I ...... ...,..... .. ....... "'Ntd"' --• .... 2ao• ,r • \ I • ' [ • • • ~ -HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA lOWl'I I. COUNTRY tOLLGREl'I !.QUAIU!" 11UJ ... ca .... ,. tU4tU • 6EHINO 1'EXACO STATION . Ii. 11111 1. Sl"ll AIWI '42·1ff2 , CHILD'S PORTION HALF PRICE (Childreo under 12) Pll()ljE IN ... All ITEMS AYAllABLE TO TAKE OUT The Jolly Roger PROUDLY PRESENTS ORANGE COUNTY'S POPULAR MIKE JORDAN DUO Appearin9 In The La11n9e Manday thru Saturday 2300 HARBOR BLVD. Costa Mesa 540-8535 I ( WEEli.,J;NDER Contln\,lllld from Pi1 .. 23 food served with maximum etficiency in pleasant surrounQlngs? QUICK SERVICE Happijy, it bas been our. unvar)ilng experience Lo find these particulars !ullilled at any of the Snack Shops.in Orange County. Which eliminates the ques-tlon~about where to go if we ar~ on th·e move .and in the general vicinity ol one of the restaurants. Not that you can't hit one of these popular spots and encounter a waiting line to Op$el a tim~table -<!Specially at the peak lunch and dinner hours. So it is best to avoid going at exacUy l2 noon or &:SI p.m. if you are in a real rush. ll there Is no problem obtaining quick ... Una. however, you can be assured of a departure marked by satisfaction on. all counts. And cause to return on some more relaxed occasion too . • SELECTIVE MENU The Snack Shops feature a relatively ·Small menu but there is a nice balance of items that will enable anyone to select something to his liking. Also , prices are exceptionally reasonable for the quatity and quantity of food served. And the cost factor P.robably accounts in large measure for all the families invariably on hand at dinnertime. ... There is a choice of nine major entrees for the evening meal. All are served with soup, tossed green salad, French fries, hash brown or baked po- tato. ·bot roll and butter. Leading off are grilled baby heel liver, ,1.85 · chef's special steak, $3.25; harnbura:er steak·, $1 .95 ~ club steak, $2.45. Each of these is also accompanied by onion rings. SEAFOOD In the seafood department there Is northern halibut steak, 11 .85 ; filet of white fish, $1.35; jumbo ts : c t a a e b • • .our ' shrimp, $1.95; eastern• scallops, $1.VO; mixed sea-Reward!~ Snack Shops are located hereabollls food platier, ~.2S. In Corllna d Mar, Huottngton Beach, Sallta Ana House. specialties, available for lunch or din-.. and Orange. ner, Include the slrtotn steak sandwich, served on butter toast, French fried onion rings. tossed green salad and Frt11cb irks, $2.2S; fish and chips, $1.05; wwUiner bemburger steak, $1.40; chili 111\1 cheese omelette, $1.l/j; Mexican green pepper omelette with cheese, $1.2S. Or che('s salad, a mlied green salad lopped with julienne strips of •baked hem and Americ~n c.b._eese, choice of· dressing, Sl.S5 ; chili size, ,1.05. SANDWICHES, TOO Sandwiches senied. at all times include hot corned beef, 90 cents; ~acqn and tomato, 75 cents : tuna salad, 70 cents, devilea' egg, 60 cents; grilled cheese, 50 cents; French dlp beef, 90 cents; Reuben Jr., cl)mbination of sauerkraut, grilled frankfurter, American cheese, grilled in butter on rye bread, served with tossed green salad. 95 cents. , Served on homemade .buttermilk buns, there Is a one quarter pOUDd hamburger. 75 cents; cheese- burger, with Jack, American or Swiss, 85 cents; deluxe cheeseburger, served with French fries and salad, $1.35. Also the half-pcund Nui Nui hamburg- er, served on an onion roll with salad, Sl.30. TRY THE p'IE \Vhen you order at a Snack Shop, be sure to leave room for dessert. And to be specific, a piece ol pie, which is guaranteed to rate with the best you have eaten anywhere. For 35 cents per delicious slice there is a choice ol coconut cream, banana cream, lemon cream. chocolate cream, fresh fruit and Dutch apple. Or cream cheese and southern pecan for 40 cents. Pumpkin and mince pies will soon be in season too and they merit the same praise as the others. And seconds or more become an easy matter by or- dering a whole pie to go on your \Vay out of the res-taurant. . ' Bacchus. et Epicurus I First fall outing of La Soclete de Bacchus .t Epicurus will carrr. members of the epicurean group to Hollywood s Marqu.is ResLaurant for two nights of festive wining and dining, Tuesday, SeJ>- tember 30 and Wednesday, October I. The Societe's fail-growing ' popularitf with Southern California food and wfne fanciers 1s mak· ing it necessary to stage two or three separate eve. ning dinners to accommodate demand. From aU reports, an enthusiastic crowd packed the house each night for all summer events. MENU The Marquis bill of fare, prepared under the direction of master chef Pietro Giordano, will range from ii grande pranzo, hors d'oeuvres consisting ol antipasto caldo, inozzarella in carrozza and scampi Miditerranea, to the dessert, melone surpresa a Ia Marquis, half a melon scooped and replaced with a vol-au.vent, and filled with a surprise, then !fopped \vitb a liqueur. Other items will uklude the soup, stracciatella alla Romano; fish, filetti di soliola Catalina; an intermezzo sorbet to d' Arrancio, a special orange sherbel splashed with Grand Marnier; vegetables, carcioffiru alla Romano and porno dori Provinciali. Entree will be polio finansiera, sella d'Agnello al forno salsa Diana, the lt~ian version of the cele- brated Breese hens of France. Their broad breast is delicately flavored and placed along a rack of lamb. All is then topped with sauce Diana. WINE SELECTIONS ••••••••••••••• .......• , \Vines to be served during the repast are solero c:ockt~il flor sherry, Wei~l champagene vineyards; chabl1s, Charles Krui:; z1nfandel, Buena Vista . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TH' DORYMEN RE:::J~lNT 11 I· TO PLACE i::;.:::i Bon vivants Interested in joining the Societe can direct inquiries to P. 0. Box 35014, Los Angeles, Calif. 90035, or telephone (213) 2711-28112 -;-272-1459. FREE -FRIE -FREE i 1 One Bowl of Newport Style Clam Chowder With Each Dinner Purchased FISH 'N CHIPS . .... .. . . . ....... $1.25 SHRIMP 'N CHIPS ........... $1.60 Sp.clalizing ht ltalioa Dinners 1, 1 1 HAVING A PARTY, I OUT 'N ABOUT A GATHERING OR 1' FAMILY DINNER? YOUR AD VILLA ROMA 1' IN CLAMS 'N CHIPS . . __ ..... _ .... $1.35 CHICKEN 'N .CHIPS . . ....... $1.25 •: Our 1t1ncl•rd •p•ciel 1p•9hetti dinn•r con1ist1 of our PHONE clelicioui me1t seuc• •Ml m••t balls, topp•d with im-1) ported p•rmtsen ch••••, encl inc/ud•s our delicious I I gerlic. toeri. N• 'i1he9 i• we1h witll eur dispe,1ble 1lurninM111 c:enf1inet1. I ' NORM STANLEY •·-.. "-... ,,,,_,, , ••• ,,. 100 -$141.01 ' -St.70 I~ so -72.SI 4 -1.10 . 642-4321 " -..... l -,,,. TO GO ORDERS !WITH THIS COUPON) Offe< Good Thru Sept. 21 2100 Weat,.Oc.ean .. F"ront 112 ..... , ........ '' ,.m ...... • '''· I· ' 445 No~: 'Newp'!~' loul•••rd,' New'p·::, Bea<h Loc•t at t • f'Mt •w,.,-t P tr, New,.n ch 1 • • I Optn .. p.m .. 12 p.m. Ml lt-4929 Open 7 o.ys ~ •• -••• -•• -·• • --·'-i·~· i·~-~i·~·!i-i·~~f ~ii"ii"i~~~~;=;;=;;~'~~~~~~~~~~========~ Golf With The Stars TERRY LATHAM CELEBRITY BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB Huntin9ton Beach, California SEPTEMBER 22, 1969 TEE OFF 8:08 A.M. DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT RAMADA INN ROYAL PAGE 1050 WEST KATELLA AVENUE. . ANAHEIM, CAUFORNIA COCKTAILS 6:30 p.m. , DINNER 9:00 p.m. DONATION $15.00 -lnclude1 dinner for two and green fee1 for one $10.00 Donation -Dinner Only GOLF WITH: -Oen Row•n -Forreat Tucker - Alan Halt -Harry Ci1r•y, Jr,, John ·Agar -Jam•• Drury - Hal Baylor -Chris Coffin - Dan Hi1991rty -Rich1,.d Sl1tt1ry, i1nd mi1ny oth1r1. ~·······························~ : @6Y,I ..... ~-dJZJ~-~ ~-Coribe Room : : ~ ~ ~ PRESENTS • • • • • • • • II • • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING THE EXTRAORDINARY LOU NORRIS FOUR YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY 12 P.1\l. 'f(' 4 P.:-1. NIGHTLY -MONDAY Thru SATURDAY • 3801 ~T Wki• MIGll\'IAY • 0JMONA Dl'.L MAR, CAUF011:NI,\ • • • 21112 OCIAN AVL IC-t Hwy.I -HUNTINGTON HACH -U6-1421 • PiioNt: (7H) 675-1374 .......................•........... : ~·~ 3333 W. Coast Hwy. Now Open. • • • Newport ~ch 642-4298 • .... The New and Exciting GROTTO .UNDERGROUND DISCOTHEQUE DANCING e COCKTAILS e LIGHTS Nlglltly 9 PM to 2 AM Featurlftg J. J. M~CK-Guitarist-Dlsc Jockey i'lud In The Lo1u1ge ••• Songwriter-Son91treu KATE PORTER And Htr Guitar Luncheon 11 :30-4, Monday thru Satunky Dinner D•lly from 4 -Sundoy l11tnch 11 ·2 - RMEU "IU:&TAUltANT' Continent1I Cuisine Cocktails Sntring Luncheon and Dinner Mondor throug~ s.111n1ov. Closed Sunde~" 0,,enfOT Private Pa~ Onl11 We •r• located nex.t to fho Moy Co. in South Coast Pl1z•. Go Out To Dinner This Weekend • • • -~--:--:-:---------,-..,..---...,.....,....,.,....-~--...,.-,.........,""'""",.....,.....--.,..,.-::----:-:-:-:-,-.-: ·------·-·----·-• • • -* • • Return to Staa.e • ~ • ~ 'Idiot's Delight' • r -·-• To Star Lemmon • - • J1ck Lemmon, fllm 1tar wiMtr Of Ut.ree Academy , : Award nomlnatlo111 plus an ~ Oscar, will retUl'l\ to the stae.e ' to star ln Robert E . Sherwood's brilliant Pulll&er Prize-winning play, "Idiot's Delight", as tenter Theatre Group's fourth event in its season at The Ahmanson. opening March 17, it was an· nou.nced by CTG 't director, Elliot Martin. • • DONOVAN Song "nd Medita'tion Donovan Studied With Gw·u England '! Donovan, folk singer and poet, will appear for one night only, Sept. 26 at the Hollywood Bowl. ll history repeals itself. the gentle artist, who is also a composer of Cf)nsiderable talents, will fill the Bowl to overflowing, such as he did in September, 1968. S t 111 in his early twenties, Donovan admits that musically, his greatest in- fluence has been the Beatles and ph.llosophicaUy, famed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with "'horn he studied meditation in India. Som in Scotland and a great Idol oC Britain's young people. he is equally popular in the U.S. Arts Unit Schedules Media Talk ' ' L emmon's Involvement with us in a work or this stature adds new dimensloo to a seioon wb.icb already in· eludes such dlstingubhed stars u Hume Cronyn, B r o c k Peters, Maggie Smith and Robert Stephens," commented Martin in making the an- nouncement. Lemmon, who began his professional career a.s a stage actor, left Broadway soon alter his debut in 1963 in a revival of "Room Service." Signed to a IODJ-lenn film contract, be firtt i;ppeared op- posite Judy Holliday in "It Could Happen To You." Since then, Lemmon bas remained in pictures, and in little more than a decade has complied an enviable list of film successes. He won the Academy Award u best supporting actor of 1955 for bis work in "Mister Roberts," while his perfonnances In "Some Like It Hot," "The Apartment" and ''Days of Wine and Roses" won him "best actor nomina· lions. ln 1960 he starred on Broadway in "Fact or A Hero." Although essentially a com· edy . "Idiot's Delight" is a vigorous indictment of lhe war madness affl icting and threatening the. world, with as rnuch relevancy today as it hlid when first presented on Broadway in March of 1936 \vith Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne in the leading roles. A-1GM pro:tuced a film version in 1939 starring Clark Gable and Norma Shearer. Harry Van, the character lo be portrayed by Lemmon, is described by Sherwood as "wan. thoughtful, Ione I y American vaudevilll~n pro· 1noler, press agenl, crooner, hoofer, barker or shill, who has undertaken all sorts of jobs in his lime, all of them capita.liz.ing his powers or salesmaruhip." Garson Kanin will direct this new production of "Idiot's Delight" K.anin has \l'On distinction as an a c t o r , playwright, director. author and screenwriter. His play, James F. Helfrich. an in-"Born Yesterday." is world dustrialist who has spearhead-famous, as are lhe films he cd successful cu 11 u r a l wrole with Ruth Gordon (Mrs. movements in Orange County, Kanin) for Katharine Hepburn will be the keynote speaker at and Spencer Tracy. "Adam 's !he first annual symposium of Rib," and "Pat and Mike." He the Orange County Arts Coun-directed "The Diary of Anne ci l al the Bowers Museum. Frank" which won the 2002 Main SL, Santa Ana on Pulilzer Prize, and l he Saturday. September 27. musical, '·Funny Girl," star· Purpose of the event, \l'hich ring Barbra Streisand. Kanin Includes luncheon and panel recently .,.,-as associ.aled with discussions, is to assist courr Center Theatre Group in lhe ty art and cultural groups in pres c n tat ion o( hi.5 the areas of communications, ' ' R e m e m b e r i n g ~I r . advertising and public re.la· Maugham" at the Mark Taper lions. according to Council Forum. chainnan Letiter McLennan . ' The produclion of ''ldiot'.5 Pre-registration for the Delight" will be lhe final one evenl which begins at 10 a.01., in Center Theatre Group·s can be made through Mrs. third season in The Ahmanson John Op!ell. 71Kl Woodland which begins on October 14 Ave., Orange. Registration fee with "Hadrian VII" starring, i.5 $2. plus $3 for luncheon. Hume Cronyn. folJoy,·ed ori Panelists will inc I u d c December 2nd by Brock newspaper e d i to r s and Peters in "The Great White photographers, along with Hope", and on January 20 by Paul Wallach. head of The the first American appearance Wallach C:Ompany p u b I i c of Sir Laurence Olivier's Na· relation! firm , and Jerry Mui· tional Theatre of Great Britain 1er, editor of "Orange Counly with Maggie Smith and Roberl Tllustrated." Stephens. • • • • • • BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN The Only Place to Dine The Continental Way Enjoy one of our Home-Cookd Dinners WIENER9CHNITZEL-SAUERBRATEN HASENPFEFFER -BEEF STROGANOFF WINE.CURED SAUERKRAUT POTATO DUMPLINGS -AND MANY MOREii • We s..-i. tM Flutt WINI ts..1t1 G•rlll•try .... ff..&.~ o., hen .,. IMl'•rtetl ft•M ,.,..,.. THE OCTOBER FESTIVAL FRI., SEPT. 26 ..... • , ... ,. 1 ..,.., RrTUIN Af>l'UlANCf THE ASTORIA TRIO Dlrwct fr.-M_.. A.illlliul" SIM ,... ,,_.. ·~ .. ,..... .... Open Tuesday thrv S1turd1y-l l a.m .. lO p.m. Sund1y 3,9 p.m. -CIOMd Mood1y1 We Serve Sandwich••· lu•Ut•1men'1 Luncheon ALL-DAY In tM 8e1utlfvl Town •Country C1nt1r 18582 leach llvd. Huntington Beach 96S.5800 .. London Plays Arrive 1 Great lhe1tre -arut worlll al John Otbonle, Arnold pelllDC< by Loni ......,. l<le"""°l 1'tlbr, H-Cookloo and who, u Antooy """"'""'" 'lbat'• whit s 011 t a.er n ~ ronaco. Jonu, wu ~ fol'., Collfomllna wW ltata ~.... •In lddllloo to lhe WO\'M et Ille Jloyll ~ Thcalrt. ; 8"pt;m!Js u Dovl4 ll'roK pla~ who I•"• ~·Olio· "Dlvl<I ll'roK Pr-la , .. • brlnp lo KTl'V the "Ito\ ft llon1ud the Londoo lhlllre In Loodon -Mier the• the Lolldoo 'l'buln'' a show ....,.. yean, the ~ In-lltvolu\loo" could jllll be Ibo cue of many ol the ""'ld'e ~ 1 rare auelt IJ>" -111 ct Ille yar. grealut tbt1J>lu!, dir.ctoiali======'===========~ IJld pl•ywt!lihbJn In .,,. paralleled hour <Glor lpeClal. ortltnaUng oO tile •1-P at Lotid0ri'1 National Th•tre;;i Wllh Fros! ·-~-~·-·-, • ..., •" ~-·,.,.....' .~ °"' ........ """'· ,_ ~ _,., COM'r ........ . =~~ :;:".~~J "~E JOMIED IN NEW HAVIN" ' • Prett.nl.s London ntatr .,. .... ,....., -"'""" .. "<Atclf ... After the Re~oluUon," -wUf. a:~~"";::"-=='~"""===-:::':M:-::::"==="'=';-;;~""t"'";'":::: ... ::;:'"'=~f,: on Channel 11 at 7 p.m. ' 5eplnmber zo IJld I p.m. sep1em11er 21. • NOW ui:.trt:'*1 ~i>llte!leor~: ENDS TUESDAY • • REK HARRISON AND RICHARD BURTON IN 'STAIRCASE' A1 Ch•rlle and Harry. Str•ng~, Often Frightetoed, 8tdf.llew1 Devtoe, wbo 1llrtlecl.l.ond0n , -F"Aru•• AT alter World War 11 wiill dJr· ,.. I. ...._ ,,.. • ~· \ng, lonovaUve ~,. • by ..... ,......... 7:00 & 9;30 P.M. plaJW1'1&11tt performed In his Rpyal Court TheaU., lhe uni- . que offering wu directed by ,Tony Richardaon, L i n d 1 a y Andenoo,,WlllWn Gul:lll and John Dexter. • ' 'Staircase' to Open Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir Alec Guinness, Nicol Williamson, Lynn Redgrave, . '. n::.r"'-7 ~l.lmaiw RoMro 8'jlJlH:I' Vanessa Redgrave, Frank ,,. Finlay, Robert Step hens, Special Short-"SKATER DATER" -9:15 O.ly • oam.e Sybil Thorndike andlf~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;~==~~~~~==ll Burton, Harrison Play Homosexuals .No Ord lnar.r.IOIM •tor)' ... Richard Burton and Rex HarrisOll team up to play the leads in Stanley Doncn's "Staircase," a 20th Century. Fox release which epe.ns Wednesday, Sept. 24 at the Edwards Cinema Theater, Costa l\tesa. barber shop in a seedy dislrict o( London. A staircase con- nects their private lives with the shop dowt1!1tairs, an annex to the public life around them. of ma~d on one another as its basic theme. Having seen "Staircase" when it openad on the stage in London, Producer~ Directnr SLanley Donen said, in answer lo why he decided to bring such a controversial subject to the screen, " ( thought it a very fine play, a serio-com..ic entertainment or the finest quality, a com- passionate work that deserv· ed the widest possible recogni- Georgia Brown will perform selected scenes from the EXCLUSIVE ( ~J RUN : The picture i! based on the play by Charles Dyer, who also wrote \he screenplay. As "Charlie" and "Harry," Rex H.arrison and Richard Burton play two a g i n g homosexual barbers who live together In a flat above the Cathleen Nesbitt, w h o played Rei:: Harrtson's mother in the memorable ''My Fair Lady . ., now plays Richard Burton's mother in "Stair- case." Beatrix Lehmann, a veteran of the London theater, plays Harrisoo'11 mother. "Staircase" Cleats with U1e human condition, with loneliness and the dependence tion." Conrad Guests HOLLYWOOD !UPI) Robert Conrad. whOoe "Wiid \Vild West" series was cwicelled lhls season, will pop up as a guest star in "Man· nii::" .aut season. TV Producer Tells THI MOTION PICTUH CODI A:ND IATill6 PlOGltAM "Staircase" neither pro- m "'tes nor deplores the con- dition of this unusual couple. It simply chronicles their palhetlc life, revealing it in all Its !ad reallty. J)i, M•li•11 'ict11r• Cff• ,..., Filmed on locations in Paris llt•tl•t A.il rnll1lttr•tl•• .,,11,. and London, "Staircase" was th• f•ll•wint r•tlnf' t• fll1111• prodµced and· directed by .'11trltt11•4 i11 +ft• U.S.A. Pie· Donen, who has brought to the t•r•• rlt•4 w, M et I ti••llfy s1.:reen such moUon pictures as f•r t~~ CM• S••I. ... Of 'Bracken's World' RY STANLEY RUBIN One of the toughe s l assignments facing me as pro-- ducer of the new 20th Century· Fox Television s e r i c s , "Bracken's World," wa s se!ec· ting a cas) • ' 8 e dazzled," "Charade," 'cgula-and' s'"do·o pc---1. 'lchrrt• r•l•tl X '• ••• r•c•lv• '" i.u • ""'""" ''Arabesque" and "Two for Also tantmount were the """" 1h R d " 11 • s •• 1. Th• r1li11tt ,,,1y •• ,.,,,.._ ~ e oa ' as we as the pict1r1~ itl••t•.I tfl•r N...,,,... pJe who figure importantly in classic musi cal.9, ''Seven Mr I, It••. "'''''' r•l•n•' lh I. f lh · · •-Brides for Seven Brothers'' e 1ves o e prmctpa.., and "Funny Face." ll•f••• th•t 4•'• .,. ;.1,,11 •• away from the slud1os. -;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;I ,... •• ,,.,\1111.., 1 e. Perhaps the hardest-and r .,.,,., SM.A.I. nicest-task was: the selection TROPICAL FISH jjt-S·i~•.t•• 1., elHliAl of lhe three young actresses •• 1•11•••· who are uadcr contract to SOUTH Sf.AS 11-!:,r.:'::' /;;...~,~T~~ Century Pictures and being cr•fl•11 •'•i••''· ctluo. c::.~~:~ . Mt'#t0t1 IU.C:ll -111 .... -tt l•i...i..t UM lt.i. •• N . WJH THE YEARS' SUSP!NSE THRILL!R C•ral Whit• P1ul Burk . • .. The senes is based on lhe glamorous lives of people employed at Century Pictures, a major motion picture and television studio. I f e I t "Bracken's World" demanded a large cast of stars with which viewers could identify as th e stories unfolded. groomed for stardom. Largest Selection ot rm-1asta1cttt P1r1•11• II):======~~~~==========; More than 300 young ladies Tr . I Fish & ..... ., 1 • .... a.lr11IHM1, 11 were ipterviewed for the parts opica ""''"' ••••"'P•lllMI :,Y "Bracken's World,'' \l'hich will air on Fridays at 10 p.ni. over Channel 4. ls ruled ove r by John Bracken. head of Cen- tury Pictures. You will never sec him excepl thrugh the eyes of his executive .secretary. Sylvia Caldwell, portrayed by Eleanor Parker. In addition to this leading slar. there y,•as lo be included among the ''runnin g'' characters a professional stuntman, ·the head of the studio talent school ;ind a talented, fast·risi ng producer. along with talent sc hool 'Star' H.etitlcd HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Twentieth Century-Fox is pull· ing "Star!" out of theaters, in· tending to re-release the Julie Andrews musical biograph y of Gertrude Lawrence under a ne1v title. and which ZO were chosen to Supplies in the IJ'ea. ,.,, .. , ., •i1lt t••ri · be scieen te.5ted. Each of the N•w J 1.ecatr.~ i111· JltW.WtLIOlt,COITAMllA ®_ .......... 16 ... girls had to be a completely Iott F11rv1t:w 1te1., 547ffl •'*'""" Tht. •t• ,,. dlfferent type as well as a 111.G. 111 1,.,.:.i. Or. -N~ •••d'I 1trlc" .. ••Y II• hlth•r competent actress. And by all 111t111nc1 '"".-Ott omc..1 ~ ;,. i•rt•hi •r•••. Ch•c:• 1ncans, beautiful in I h elir]f~~ii~~~;~~;;~;~iiiii~iiiii~, strictest Hajlywood tradiUon. The actresses cast in the roles have all these qualities : raven-haired beaut~ Lihda Harrisoo as Paulette Oouiln, Laraine StepheaS as Diane Waring, I he Philadelphia l\1ainliner (Graet Kelly type) and voluptuous Karen Jensen as Rachel Holt, lhe stu.Wo sex symbol. In collaborating w i t h veteran screen writer Dorothy King.5\ey wbo created the se ries and wrote the pUot, we have innovated what we reel is a new trend in television casting-a repertory stock company. "Bracken's World" will h1:1ve · lhe largest cast in Cf)n· tempora ry televLsioo-14 mem~. Selecting them waa a hert"Ulean task for me and our casting director. But then, we enjoy our work. TWO SUSPENSE NERVE TINGLINE PICTURES EKCLUSIVE AREA. SHOWING ' ................. ,....... .._ -.. ~. ~!=" "WHERE EAGLES DARE" .... llckrd WW..t -U.. H~ 'DEATH OF A GUNFIGHTER' ···-·····,., A.il•tft .. JapaneM Movie1 Every T~1y_Nl9ht .... -~ SPICIAL Nona TO OUI PATRONS ~-~ I TH• "lCTUlll•• IN THIS •ox MAV ae CONllD· ••10 •v IOMI. TO IE UNIUIT.A.8L• l'"Otll CHtL~ 01'1 N AND VOUNO ~1.0,.Llf:-AND !'llQUIR• '"" MNTAI.. DllCPll!TION. "ON MY WAY TO THI ClUU.DIS, I Mn A Gollt WHO" llJ "THE WILD IUNCH"' IRJ "SflU'nO" IAJ CONTl'IAl!:Y TO AOYl!l!:TISING al.YONO OU" cOH. Tl'IOL AND Af'l"IAl!:ING ELIEWHIR•.1.. YOUNG 11110· "LI! UNDl.l'I 11 !NOT 111 WILi.. NOT •I: ADM ITTJO TO PACIFIC THl!ATllltll TO Ill! TH• "II:" "IC. TU!'lll LllT•D IN THll •ox UNLlll ACCOMPAN. 11.0 IV l"Al'llNT 011: Al:>UL T QUAl'IDIAN. • ' ' .................. ~ T.mfk DNINI Sl'9l:y hltt.. -,,._. "lflllin "THE L()jT MAN" l'hl N_,..... -,,..._ Wlffw•nl "WINNING'' It•~ ,_ A4•1b ............. __...... ....... . . ,...,........., ~ "A STRANGt!''tN TOWN" ~ "THE STRAN~E°R RITURNS" ....... 11'11111••" .., ••ilta ...................................... Wllll•• H.iM -.... hfta!M • "THE WI~ BUNCH" J•lt1 w.,. -,,.. .. ' ' "THE GREEN llAi'i" -~-He -ll!dtr 11 WIM ........... ""llu 1c-dm1N111M1 ., ffrt!tl ., ... ........ ....... .,.;,., ,.., Cwfft -....... YltH • "ONMY'f/AY TO THE CRUSADIS, I MET A GIRL WHO" "THE VALLE~ OF OWANOf" .............. "THI BRIDGE AT RIMAOIN" Pl US "STILlno" #t --W ll W!ff M ¥"'"'" ...... ~ ... .., ,.,.. ,,,. ... " ....... ""' IYL IHOW STARTS 1 ,,M. CONTINUOUS SHOW IAfUIDAY PllOM I SUNDAY Pl0114 J FREE PARKING TWO GREAT FEATURl!S WILLIAM HOLDEN -ERNEST BORONINE '"'t:l ... _,. raolieL l'llchal '" .,, ' . ll~!!r•,r.A,jl"~ '·' ' •' o w w ... DCl"(I: "WILD IUMCH'" 1:41; "U.CHIL" 7 -4 11 , ... R NO ONI UNO.II 11 UNLISS WITH A tAllNT Ol 6UAIDIAN . ~FnwsouTHCOAS'T ~ s.n~...::-:::.1:"~. ACRE5 OF FREE PARKING lox Office Open 6:4S--Sr-Storts at 7:00 P .M. I ' ') I .I •• •' • • ·' .• • •• •' I· 11 71 • r • ., I I - . I .... . . ... Two Ki11ds of Soi' l ' 1'fovte Gulde • Five Area Shows for ·the Family (Eclit01'1 Not(: Thi ' l\1ac&:eua't--G • I d (Ml: O'Toole and J\ltharine: Hep. Betutling &µ'lty' abollt the first Ttit lettlr immediatet.v motrit guide ia prtpared Story of a ifOUP ol mtn aod butn. few weeks of newlywed life in after tlle title tridicate.! the by the film.I commttkt of women who all share a ftar Df The Loll Man 'Ml: Black a Greenwich Village walk-up rating given tl~e picture by Harbor C01tncfl pr A. Mn. rampaging A~cbes and a militant stages factory payroll · the Moti011 Picture Code. John 'Cklrk u pre.ridtnt greed ror gold. Gregory Peek. .. ,11>~Y In orc;t1r to bail out apartment. Jane Jo' 0 n d 8 ' Tiie Motion Picture Code and ~tri. Hart Swemey' Omar Sharif. Jilledl'n~s-:-tl-guant_is Reibert Redford. And Rating Pr oar am may iJ commith!I', chairman. I& Me. Natalie (~t): Patty killed during the robbery, a Funny Glrl (G): Lavi~ be fo11.nd 0,~ the motio·1a I.a lnetnd.td 9" tr ref.,-enct Duke portrays an adolescent manhunt and ,black-white musical presentafion or the picture page. '• .J-•-'-"-., .... 1 who is hurt and ·embarr~sed romance foUow. Sidne y life of Fanny Brice, the Child;:====;::;====:::; • -~KTTO .. i.uiQ fUh·v~ e by her· own seeming lack or Pottier, Joanna Shimkus. film.a • lot certain a g t appe,a_I and her parents' at.-Rachel. Raebel: J 0 a n n e of the slums who becomes a - .group1 <lnd toU~ <lppeQT tempts to m3rry her of( An Woodward i.! a neurotic, tense great comic star. Bft!bra · tDf'eklv Y ~r mew. are , affair with a married man and and restless s p J n s t e r Streisand, Omar S h a r i ! , "l~tidfti;I. ltfaU t1~em to. Mo-Ufe 1n Oreen\ficb VJllage give !ehoolteaeher trapped in her Walter Pigeon. ~w me Gl(i<te, cart of the her aelf-assurance. , small town world in this The ~laUese Dippy (G): Mt!!e!Mj DAILY PtLO;.) MA'J'.URE TEENS AND • scnsilJve S~y. N 0 nsensical comedy-chiller ,,.,... "'~'t:; ~ri,~mf6of" "" • ADUL, TS Whaliver Hap""'ud to Aunt boul le -• fl b · ht Pi.vs FilllLY ' , Tb e .Bridle· 1t .l\em"~n· Alice! (M.): Hoi'~·film star· ~usine:s ~~';P~~ w~ ~~ '""'*Dorl., r • ., .. M" I• "~The Boy and lbe 'tagle: (MJ ; Bridge over tbe Jllilllt II ring :Geraldine Page and involved with family of °"' .ttlf~ "',~~.~tr-~~t,:". t :l• Di:mey 's tale of friendship ~nly e:icape route ror_ 50';000 .~mai:y ~orsyth, about a werewolves. Dan Rowan and c .. 1.-... s.1~ "'"' -n1• betw';'!en an· Indian boy •and a 'etre~ng <;\ermaq 1 tr~ps. penniless widow who hires Dick Martin. I'::==========' golden eagl~. · Amencanshcipeto~.bfkf$e .housekeepers with mone·y , • • • ~-COAstMll'lfj"• ... Island or the Blue DolPhln&: belor~ Genlll!ns destroy 1t. muraers them, plants them in •-::==========.I Story of an Indian girl who Ensuing tension r ~ v ~ a I s her yard. Aunt Alice becomes Ir lives alone on an island off the characters of men involved . her housekeeper to try to coast of Califomia. Robert Vaughn, Geor$e Segal, discover how the disap. Oliver. tP I: SJ)'.ecla.cular Beo Gazzara. pearances occurred. To•lts • 6:00 ad 10:11 musical vefsion or Dickens's Green Berets : Acllon-pack-. """u .. ••4 •'""'••• ........... classic about an orphaned walr ed, patriotic film wh ich at-\Vinni"' ( l\I): The ma~r1ag_e n•ny OMll ~ Casl inlo the teeming squalor tempts lo show conflict of of a racl.Jlg car champion IS .... QIMJ. of lhe lower class. He finally Vielnam. through the eyes of almost . wrecked. by his co~-.-- Buffy Sainle·l\1arie (belo\v) and Gladys Knight and the Pips (above) \Vill ai; pear, along lvith th e Edwin Ha,vkins Singers and the Backporch Majority, to wind up Disneyland's final Date Night of the summer season Saturday, Sep- tember 2Q. escapes to the elega~ of the the Green Berets. J o h n cenlrat1on on ~1nn1ng I.he big e>.11.t. Fl'.»Ul::MAN'll I upper class. Mark Lesler, Wayne . race. The racing ~a.ckground 'llfl'MOMI ee1su POI. ltll'Oe-.no' MICllllft HI.I Jack Wild, and Ollver Reed. Dr. Zhivago : Story of young is colorful and exc1hng. Paul JUNIOR l!l =:".....,t ~~ Run Wild, Run Free (G).1 A Russian doctor and po et Newman, Joanne Woodward. · and ot 7:55 0~1, simple, moving story set in cadght in hi!:I country's revolu-TEENS AND ADULTS MATINEE 1~~:,1~··"·;,A ...... .,.,._,,,,.od""'""' BEST PICTURE OF THE YEARI WINNER6 ACADEMY AWARDS! TickettAlso At C.Omouticket Centetl-All Mu tu.al Agencln .trtd Al/ Ltbertv Ticket A11tl'ICl1s * * * * EXCLUSIVS * * * * ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT UNCUTl- INTACT! STARTS Wed. SfPT. 17 tXACTLY AS ORIGINALLY SHOWN MElRO·GCl.IJiViN·MAvtR ~"·~ . A C>Rl.O fll'l1I RWJ:l(N DAVID LEAN'S FILM Of'OORISPAStERN.li<S ' J10CTOR ZHM.GO (lR.AJJ)INE 0-MJN · JUUE DiRiSTIE ·lOM ~y M.£\;GJM&). ~ ~N~ · IW\i il.OWffi] WR 9-!AR~llSIHMOJ·fiffiSlEOR Rf!i\~ ROBERT BOLT· OAVJD LEAN """'"'"'' '"'"'1"""" LIMITED ENGAGEMENT I •\ New Fn~es fir:Doone Sl1ow Slated the English moors about a boy t1onar upheava l. Omar Sharif, Barefoot In the Park : SAT 2 p M ROWIAll ~MA-11 who suffers an ·emotional Geraldine Chaplin, Ju Ii e I • · · llUI\? 1111 shock and loses his ability to Christie. m11D1Et'I' LA~Gt ST.OCK • Eve<1ln11 'til10 *THI speak. A small girl, a relired U It's Taesday, This Must PICKWICK ~ J•rry Lewis ~•s-.-ll-" J colonel, a colt and a falcon be Belgium (GJ: A bu\;load of ''THE PATSY'' ...,......, rr• J help him to recover. Mark A.merican tourists Whizzi~g BOOKSHOPS p,,..,,,..,....,.,,.,.~[!)11> Lester, John Mills. h1larously through Europe 1n Sol.lthCoutPIHt,CO\lllllu. _ Also 1 _ tr HEY KIDS!* ;;;i Support Your LocaJ Sheriff search of instant culture are ~n-2191 4 CARTOONS "'· lit Pal Show, Sat•N..,, 1 :00 (G): Jfilarious tongue . in. shepherded by a jaded youngl,:'~'~"~"~'-'~""~"'~2'~"~'·~~~~~!=::=::~A~l~l~S~•~a~ts~S~O~c;::::;::::~~~~~~~~~~~ cheek. a J m o s t non-v iolent Englishman. Jan McShane, 'lkllfYWOIMI (2llJ 110 i ·l l!U western with James Garn er. Suzanne Pleshette. Joan tlacketl, and \Valtcr Llon in Win.Ur: Clash of two Brennan. strong-willed monarchs, King ADULTS Henry TI o! England and his '1Now that ·we are launching our sixlh 'Daniel Boone• season in .September on Chan· net 4,'' said its star, Fess Parker, "I have been-asked by several i}eopte: 'What wtU be new and different about it?' 1 Castle Keep (R): Art-riJlcd queen, Eleano r of Aquitaine. castle occupied by wounded makes a brilliant explosive men is a symbol o! usisla.nce drama out o! fragn1ents of against lhe enemy on the eve 12th century history. Peter of the Battle of Bulge. Thei;·==========.11 setting ls the Ardermes Forest in the win~r of 1914. · Burt Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, Jean-Pierre Aumont. "For 4'ne thing," he con- linued, "our enthusiasm. Thi last half of last season stl\v us score our highest r'llU~gs ever. Naturally, we're all an:9ous lo keep lhis up. Daddy'1 ' Gene a-Hunting fM): Contempo rary sus pense fihn set in San Francisco ,:-.,:.;:~~~:..~:=~~~ ! "Aside from that, there'll be changes in only two places - in , fi;ont of the camera and behind iL" As for the changes, the show "ill have a semi-regular - country-western singer Jimmy Dean -plus a new co-star. famed former professional foo tball player Rosey Grier. Dean \Vas in several "Daniel Boone" episodes last season _b_yt \1l_1t )'ear he will be ai>- pearing" ln lhe series on a regular basis as Josh ClCJnents, a mounla.in lrapper. Grier will play a runaway slave who becon1es an Indian ch.ie!. about a happil y married v.•oman who.se former lover reappears to terrify her with demands Of her child's murder as atonement for a previous abortion. Carol White, Scott Jl ylands. Paul Burke Death of a Gunilgbter 0\1): To\vn turn s against t he marsha ll who lives by the law of the gun, and uses it to destroy him. Lena Horne and Richard Widmark. Goodbye--Colu.m6iis ('R): A summer. ·romance between a poor librarian and a nouveau riche <.'Qllege girl lapses due to their different views. A satire on sex with Richard Ben- jamin. Ali MacGraw. Crossword ACROSS l 81oadwa )' role 5 Wa!ter • --: Go ll• lng 11real 10 Ivan V or Vt 14 lm<ige 15 Fragranc · 10 Symbol t i purity 17 ea I cony sup per! 19 Successor~ oftheNWMP Zll Give teslirnony 21 NO\Jn suffix 22: Approx· !ma tely: 2 words 23 Ga)' 25 ••. Paulo 26 F iU to over capacity 30 Group of si..outs 31 Cead astr11y 34 Makes less tense 30 Count or Ouke 38 54, in ancient Ro111e 39 3rd cousin, onc l!-removed, e.9.: 2 words 42. Ibsen c harac ler 43 loyal subject 44 Plumbing <1 ss embly 45 Ar ise as a coiisequence 47 Ordinal number suffix ~ 9 Super bookkeeper: Abbr, 51) Cloak-and· dag11er ch1racltt 51 Attack 5) German river 55 Take lo court 5& Make a record or 61 On the sl\ellered sid e 62: Soll_ expert 64 Sc:hism 65 African re pub Ile b6 Way into ii mine 67 Newts 68 Bearer o! a heavy burden 69 Zola ti Uc OOWN 10 Eye, t Jr nose and Jl Bod y joint 12 Char ity 13EI -···: Cheap t igar: Slang 18 Ending used wi th capil•t and sotial 24 French incGl'lle 25 PGA Hall t ·lsinglass of Fame l Roolfl lo member swing . -·: 26 Wood used 2 words lor shingles .3 Blanc or 27 Good l\ews Tremblan: to an 4 Being: Sp. emplo)'~ 5 Stopped 28 Prope rly 6 Exist lax paye1 's 7 Canadian tonl:ern hea d of s tate; 29 Kepl an 2 v1ords appointment 8 Pol ishing Jl Bul!d!ng material wing 9 None at 32: Kind of iill: Olal. election ')ll IJ/69 33 Contest on a spcits program 35 ····-Am: Salvation Army 37 Sugar .s01Jr ce 40 Pa1as itic '" ~1 • •• Jala 46 Distresses menially 48 Certain hair rinses 51 Should 52 Excess Ivel)' 53 Medium •••• 54 Hebrew lelter 55 Legend 57 US agent: · "t words 58 Oper~ hero int' 59 Chinese dynasty bO Feminine -· \ll'i~ ···- "Swpport Yo111r locol Sheriff" NOW EXCLUSIVEL YI .\I ~f t 0 I /I 1\\.-e:ru. 0 .. Starring PATTY DUKE 'hrs A111d,.y Hepburfl J.loo Arldfl "WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plus- Jant Fonda In 'Barefoot in the Park' ------···-·-"'""' -· ·-• SM tlC .. l'ltTI.. ' Positively End• Tuesday I !Dliit GUN KIM 1 1 WAYNE • CAMl'8W. • DAflBY Alt• -Jeltfl Miiii 1111 "Run Wild, Run Fr••" ' I II 'ME, and NAT AUE', is a warmin9, satisfyin9 experience." "'ME, NATALIE', a charmer." funny . . "A tartly-dialogued tale of identity. Wow performances!t1 -Judith Cri1t, New York Maga zine "Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantly thought out performances seen in a long time. ME, NATALIE is a good movie about real people •.• people will be moved by iL \ · · · ; I loved it a lot!" \ -;, '" -&x&td A ~ Sbapin:i F\"odoct..:m. \\~ 't\,.~c£L,Q II. •. ' ' ' Pl\ITY JAMES SAJ.()M[ ElSo\ NANCY DUKE -FARENTINO JENS LANCHESTER · Ml\RCHAND MARTIN Musoe by Hanry Mal'IC•ni Lyroes by Rod M:KlJe<'. Di•ec!ed by fi"ed Coe. trd B.Al.SA.M Screenpl"Y by Mart,n Z....ebac~. A Cinema Center Films Presentat•on. A Na!~! Genenil Piclures Release. Cok>t by Del.uio:e. llllll ":.....-~=:p __.__ e EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN ••• • •• . .. ..... . . • C0A$T HWY .• U IUCUl'llUO: "VP. • .,.~in GIQI .. M4-o.7llO Plus .:::·AUDREY HEPBURN in "WAIT UNTIL DARK" Olll\ N<:;i ORANGf. oa1vE -1N .l.Frttwlf II C..,•: 5'7-6011 • .................... Plus-GREGORY PECK in "STALKING MOON" 14'h WEEK! -LAST WEEKS EVERY FA'fHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! OR IS SHE 1 YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENTATION OF GOODBYE, COLUMBUS A Fil"' frol'lt the No.,•llct b.J PHILIP ROTH ftte ••thor ef the NOW IEST snLlll: "PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT" e What" t'f'tr your age you will enjoy the •cting of 8tnj1min and the stun· ning movie d•but of Ali McGraw, th• frankneu of their language •nd th• tendtr and gentle relationship between the two. "GENUINELY INTIMATE LOVE SCENES" - "REFR ESHING TO SEE " - "MEMORABLE!" - TIMI MACJ..UIHI ... ,.. M.l.G.Ull'll SATUltOAY RIVll!W 2nd OUTSTANDING HIT • PAP.KMO • • ·Complete Printing Service Top QuaRty -Felfk5trvi4e 642-4321 • Ull WOtl l1lllot llwl, • MISS PEACH --·-·-...... ~· A~ NEAi /6 I OM 111 .. IE, Sl<E NEEPS A LAWYEr FUlL TiltlE! Clbarr- LY, THE CME SHE's WT!lffTBI' IN MY Wll6EllT1ilo IS A llUDW WllCl'S NI•• Heu> ., TME f'O<l{E al NA..RCOTICS! I NLIM HE A.PPEAREP IE.FOIE YOI! By Al Smith By Gus Arriola 1 I I TELEVISION VIEWS Network's Now Overf eedfug : ay CYNTHIA LOWRY • NEW YOIIK (AP) -Network television now b over·feedlng1t.s viewer u extravagantly a1·it •tarv· ed blm during the summe("famin1. - With ABC and NBC presenting on Tburillay nigh~· the 1euon premieres of some ol their -I popular programs -"That Girl," "Bewitcllod," I "Daniel Boone" and "Ironside" -CM bus;llY lo.I· 1 ed in a special to conflict with them. It wu, ~ 1 ; "The Tlme of Man" and was based up to ·8 Point. on some unusual film and commentary ob\ai.ntd through the American Museum of ~all'.(~· .~lorf: ti THE !'<>INT 'Cll the pro.ram wa11-tha\.man 11 ln danger ol bringing about hi•. own ~~on by ~ Intemperance ::-harcliy a novel TV thelJll'. • .· 1 The program began by exj>lalnlng· tbe1cl)einl•lry of the' world's creation and moved step by . step. through the age of dinosaurs. The proeram · wu most interesting when it lingered on sdqilences I' showing ~·<tribal cb.aracleri1Uc. of some prlmltln African tribes. "• ' Some l!lm showed one tribe In which each man and woman takes care of his own needs without &DJ leellng toward bis fellow man and where cbll~n are !Urned out to lend for tbe11Delves al the age Cll three-. Another tribe was shown in an ages-old ritual of warfare and reprisal, so old that if bas lost 11• meaning. THE PROGRAM made its point aboul the lutil-1 ity of war. But then ii moved on lo a portion lbat ' 1eemecMo belon~ to··l!Qme Oilier proaram. This was I a mQ{llag6 of old anjl fe~t;fllm cllpa thal In a few I minutes ran through history from t)tt Ume l!lm wu Invented until the a1lrohauts stepped onto lb'e mol>n. J • Its sudden cb8nge or style and rnes&aJl:e suggest. ed thlre was jUit not enough mu•eutn film fo nn the hour. · THE F IAIT of the networks will continue over the weekend with lull acbedutes of premieres ind special•. Tonl~bl AB<l will preaent a special, "A Matter of ConsClence." a timely examination or ethic• in • government. Later NBC will have the premiere of "Bracken's World ," 10.11 PDT which is a sufe5 tied inlo·lile In a film studio. . ' ~ , .. Andy W\lliams' new variety hou r will make its NBC debut Saturday at 7:30-8 :30 p.m. PDT. ON SUNOAY night , 7:S0.9 PDT, CBS will pre- sent an extraordinary documentary; . 0 The Royal Family," an infonnal portrait of Queen El1zabt\h JI as a working wife and mother. It gives television vtewerr a \!illque gllmpse of lile behind the iron ga)es of llucldr!gbam l'alace. 1'.e 11).miirute program -ctilled from '3 hours j ol JDll!erlal. sbOt -was made with the consent..uid cooptratlori of'tht Queen and her family over a • 1 year's time and at a cost of some $2--million. It was broadcast originally In Bril!iln last spring. I :. ' l Dennis the Menace t . BARGAINS GALORE st.., •I ~·'Pl• • ,~n *'•• ""' •r••"'"· II .,...k• • •lh •rr wltt. OAILT PILOT DllM .. ·L1~ •4a. ..... .U.1'17L I • • ·I I •• I ' l • • ! ., .. ~ BRAND MEW 1969 DODGE POLARA.S 'f ' ' . ' · • 4DR. &-2DR. HARDTOPS -· . . . . ' ' . V-8, automatic transmission, power s'.teeril"lg, ·vinyl in- erior,-tinted-windshle1d;--head-rests;-seet-belts, white- side wall tires, outside' Tear view mirroc, fender mount-. 1 ed turn 'slgnals,' deluxe carpets, hidden windshield Will"' $" ers, deluxe sofety features. ' •••••• ALL SOLD AT , THIS YEAA·END PRICE OF ONLY L..i:,. _ _,,..., ~<!ll.!!>" " MANY TO . .. •• • CHOOSE • \ . , .• Price Total 'it u. '• I ORANGE COUNTY'.S:·URGEST _: • ... .. 1 l t; R~CREAnoN I VEHICLE .O~JI .. South ern Califor ni a's Char ger Hea dqua rters LARGEST SELECTION OF-CHARGER-S..- _TQ...CHOOSE. FROM IN-SOUTHERN CALIF. . ,., ; ~~ND 1969 DODGE TRADESMAN VAN BRAND 'NEW '69 CHA-RGERS CHOICI . '.OF COLORS IMMEDIATE DELIV.EllY tA$1EST TERMS . '" Bucket seats • Hideaway headliQhts e Full vinyl interior • Nylon c.arpeti~ e Rear deck spoiler • Full racing instrumentat ion • Bumper guards • Ash tr.!'(-lighl e H.O. torsion sway bar. FLEXIBLE FINANCING Fast & accurate credit approval, courteous Pinance Man· agers on duty at all times. · -· · ~~m::1m11: ~mlllllttt Year End Clean Up -Price 88 TOTAL ./LOW PAYM~NTS PRICE ./ EXTENDED TERMS + T•ll' I. Lie. \ , All 11v11ll11bJ. end Milly 11rNn11d "' y1111r '"4 crfflt 1969 DODGE COR~NJTS BRAND NEW 2·DOOR CQUPES • -!•II foctorr oquippod. WL2119E130877, Wl21191134418. • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . Year Ead Clean Up Price $ • . - 1969 DODGE CORONE TS BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS Fulty f1ctory tqutpped, heater, defro ster tfc Wl.451911•-.. 7 Wl4S 89'E121966. • • -' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Year End Clean Up Price TOT AL P~IOE · + , ..... .,. TOTAL PRICE + , .. , 11• B_E_!PRE YOU ·l~Y A:. U~ • CAR AllYWHDE St.ow !hf chiii~r 'my 9119ran1M and ,sk If he :'. ca11·maich ill. If not, come lnki HARIQR DOOGE ~ ·. "'.<.~hOin• of~ GOLD STAR GUARANTEE. ' . I BJ, Swict, ;,._-Gtntral M ...... • -~~ , , r 100% flNCONDITIONAL OUAUJnll A IOOt( roa ™• Ii~· srA IN' " ·w.NMHlllD • · w For !!'!'.'"'""'°'100% """"-lwnni" -nta !ttr 1111 .. 111 wrlflot·*" Hllllior hlfto 9u1r111ftt1 f\lt. ,. 100% "'"'"'' -kl! afocts lot 100 uys or 4,000 lllflti whlcll "" '""! Mt'!ftw ,.,.,twt. 11111 ilcludn oll mochlftlcil jllrlt, ttktfbl.. fllilfpmltrt, bltttry, .,..._.,.,, radlO, llllttr on 111 cars. Thia f'*Mttff .,,.,. !A _ports ...i 111\or "'!" ....,.r tt .... ,... -hotwlr frao to ft"· -· --'68 PLYMOUTH ~',:=!;·:'.~ ..... ~1~8· 8 GOLD ITf R IVl'O M. ~ JOTAl PllCE 3 l ', T~• • Lie. '66 CH!YllOLET· • . ~:.~TOO:~r:.a~ ~.... . . 8 ~i?~fi~J.· .~-148 • JTOTAt PRIC:' c I + Tllr:1. Lit. • '68 DODGE '65 i=ORD LTD · Firt~lr.i ~ 3"· ' 2 Door Hinllop s-i 0 V-L rMlo .. ""';rw.-1"'"' flt-,.tTO!\!._ ..... IU!omelleo 88 kw'Y _.,_,_ t JJl). =.·.;.w~•1r:t"~:it.'" Totll frke . + r , Lie. ' :uo. __ ..;,;;,;;..:.;;;;;,__~~~I TOTAL PRICE + rax , t1t. '67 PL.YMOUTH Furr Sr'.tloo w · • ~~r=~-$1188 CIOl..O STAlt TAN 701. Total Prkt + Tui • uc.. '67 PL.YMOUTH '66 BUICK Special ·,' V~, 1uf!7~st;:~~~~· $1' 088. ~~~R· i:!~r. = s9-.88. :i:r 1tt'l:r:. oo\!' 1\11U w 1 G~ ITAR !RUL "40l. • . ___ ro .. TA,_L ,_PRl,_CE_......; .. ;.:'.:.:.".:.:' ';::;k-1 T~TAL PRICE + T•• .;. Uc. '67 VOloK5WAGEN :tl-::n:•d~I~ :~17' 1::: $988 {TYi 101 TO!AL PJ;JCE ¥ .I+ T111 a. L~ '66 MUSTANG ,..,2,· ~::.."•~nltop _,,, $888 flilly lc:TOl"I' ...-ii I l #01. TOTAL PIK! + Tiii'. Lk. '66 PLYMOUTH '65 PONTIAC u Mlftl 2 Door Honltop '65 PLYMOUTH '66 RAMBLER ctmk no 2 Dr. H.T. AutonMtle. ll:Wlo, Hea!~, ,._ Slffl'l111, Vln'1 rOCll. (P1'11'7) TOTAL PRICE + T111 & l ie. 166 CHEVROLET '64 PL Y~OUTH 9 P111. Slltiool W•••• ~ tltr'!'a•'i -'""' (OWi{ "4041 TOTAl PRICE · llscayne 2 Door ~ f;::J~lfGP1111risl~c· TOTAi. PRICE · $688 ( • • 1 I ''· ', ·~ ~· ~ ~~:~ N , I~·· •"O'O -iii: II; l ,,,~-if~ Je•b. kftll· 7 -'~fracllan kx:k di ., VI blllfv OOrD~ ' • • t "-r 1teerln~, .,.."-11~•1 bll tll'ff, ""''Zi •• 1:.:~ $1 ... 9Mtl. "'1W#/t Jsc llrltkH l•Df1!1_ A,lr ~. rHIO, llntlf;I ai.at. VI' llWIY -.cl-4 ''totln'' "lftftllHOllloll Ser. Ho. fl(W11017'9 . . ) -------------,. . ' I ,. .,6. 6. ' CHEY. CHEYEW 2 DR. r . . . . ·t ::; . Ra?io, he~ter. SZV ~· ,.6· .. 5,. MUSTANG a·ARDTOP _;. · V-8, iutom'etic, redio, heater, boclc:et· seats. Dark green fin ish. (PJL 021). $488 • • $488 " '6. ·:5' -IERC.JIOIET . $1i" ·s·8 · · V-8, radio, hHter. Silver Blue finish. Auto-• · matic, P. steering. PIK 512. • . . . . ·-... '6i7FORD CUSTOM &00 V-8, automatic, radio, heater. Bal. NJ.C · · -werranty av1il. TWW 302. '6·s~-~IE &00 . . '$888 A dOor hardtop, V-8, auto., power sttering. ; 1 · ' Air Cond., radio & heater. No. 1030i9, ' . . -. . . .~ f 66!~!.~i~~~!,~!Rdio,hNI· $1088 ..., " ·)' _er. lAT061. 4 1 , 1 -~-'-· .1 (;_·'.<'Ii . ": ~ ... ' '6.'6P01T. TEMPEST CPE. · $1088' •1 • . ~;~~· h.:'ter, auto.: power steering. TEA ·.~ · 1 EXTR:l\:·!IViNGS ' . , .PEMON$1U'tOllS AND SPEC,IAL . PURC"HAS! F.AeTO'RY CARS ~ ALL . CAR~ HAVE . ".W CAR · ·w ARR(N.TrS :Av•1i!A~Lll!! 1969. MUSTA"GS , 3 TO CHOO$E .fROr.J 1969-GAWIES 14-TO CHOOSE FROM 1969 FAIRLANES 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 1969 T-BlRDS 6 TO CHOOSE FROM ~1969 lORilOS 3.· TO CHOOSE FROM '· SAVE HUNDREDS QF DOLLARS . I -ON THESE LOADED ,LOW MILEAGE · SPECIALS£ . . 1 '6·4FORD FIDO PICKUP . . Sty~slde -don't miss 'this ooe. ,79113. ' . . I 65~~~~~~~h!~~~d~f~2!,. $1188 : . $1488 ' - >.NEW -'($··Ranchero . ·NEW '69 ·Mustang · .IOdel .48 2 DOOR . -' i , . S.r. No. 9A4BH2~9826. . S.r. 119., 9R(!lfl21~-t SAV·E . S:A'VE ,, . . I, ' ' · ':"~" .1~9 · G~~x1i1 ·soo.v .. sPO•moo• ........ . . ' :FULL PRICE •2588~. 1 t:7FORD ~ICll WAIOI . $1.£88" 0 V-8, auto., p<H<er stHri119;flct. Air Cond. lJ Bal. new ear warr~ty avail. TTY 531 .: , • ' . . . ' '67F8RD CTRY. SfD.WyDll," $,t~3· '8 :· ~ ~.a, •utomatic,/powtr ~ .rtdio, lfttt• · . J"/ ' , ,· . , 11'. T,ZP 323. • ' '67FORD CO. SEDAI WAaoi .. ··: $1738 · V-8, automatic, P:QWtr steerJng, factory air ,,. • • ~1ndl.fidni~. ~S1 360. "' :5"' .. , .. :'ORD OTRY. SQ~ IN. w11;$2288 . .• ,· ' v.a ..... 111to., •.l pPWfr' ,stetr.,.po:ittr brks., • • .. fact. air cond: VF.M~910:. · .. ' . . ' ;6'4· ritU.0£a1i111 H~ROtOP . 'Power. steering, ~r brakes, ·power wfn- dd,Ns .. ~ite/red 1rrt1rior. factory eir, black fini.lfl.. '11/V 324. 1------..-.---------.. '65!~~~~.~~~~r ~~~~~!~in-$148'. ·8' .; dows, power seat, 'ftctory eir conditioning. . New paint. RfY ns. '6'8voi:Kswim •ROOF :$14·3.3· ~'"" ,fioish, radjo & heator. All original. ·Ne; 29936. I • I I) I I I • l l I ' ,110USES 'Oil IMI llCIU'I fl!"W.p, llOUIES FOR SMil ~;;~~~~~1 .. ~Goll~M~N~l~·~-~;;;;;;l~OOO~~~G~"'~'~ro~l~·i·~~' lOlllOIMNI 1 .. ~~~~~~~l .. ~l~11~n~M~~·~·~·~~~l;•!r-'~~-~~~~~l .. ~~~~-~1~ro~l~~~·~10ll~l·Goo--.,.,---.. ~~~~1-.. - 230'~~~~r.,.....;' · n ,_. J?· 11 -n ·,J:'l.r,· ~. · FINIR HOMES · .•Avcusr SPLENDOR ...w ..u oubJe<t to •a&n<e to RA, 111alh)g• · /.,,,_ '/!f.11. ·V~al'l'e, fSeu;fl. .. 'D ... •• ............ _ , " . . , 511/: oV4 ·, , 46 ~bl•~ eu.UUt dowln ..... ........ ~-...... !""' ........... 2 0 • liiii" •llklDC ~to piopp1ng-& . . ' r· --'!"' -· ·-:--, 1Jn-1·.....,.1ioomo • lar8' c:Onier.1ot 1n· ' ~ :1 · HOME Ir COMMERCIAL Llvo In the ~!BR Shal1' • Sharp hotw'aJld have M' x 233' commtrdal lot to WJe for bus.i.nHI. 2 teparat.e pr. lie&. Ideal for storaie ot ? ? • reolaUflDla. ' I · • ... \ · ' • -• , beautlful Po.Yer Sbonl. Su~ decoratedi' ' ' • d'"'"" roolil " ., * * .., •-* , ·CNN HOUSES 3 Be<1rOom1; 3 balhl -plua llO!ftler .-.; Wit .. , ~:"~~ + fo~g tea. 1321J.S05' Eostllde R·210t -1 prestntly zooed ,.._ · bar, breakfast room ti fanillf l'OOl!lj•SJ>ad9u• · ' + • , = -114; owner will ..u subject to nriance ,,.. . ., DOVER SHORl~EW ' pool ' & -terrace. Prol••sioaal4' landacaped.' tur ... ~Ult ... to app , le. <$ffi500 od,iacent1ob ~Y sold !or inultiple ullils. '3'100 aq. ft. of elegance, dellg:!ll'!ul '159;500, Call for app'L " • • . DAVIDSON ltEAL..., • -~ familv ·plan· 3 BR, 3\i 'bath! clblln~ room, "1 (Name )'Obr tmnll Check with broker for additional i~v-. ' Dj81d'• ,...Q,. Waimlt paneled 'llilult" family . . CAMEO StiOllclS . :• • 546-$460 Ev•: 545"1l41 * * * * * * . room with fJRolace and wet bar., Old world cllarm abo...i. 111 'Iba 1lneit of " , Nowport County R-4 83'1'3S' with-two existing'houses .. 1046 p.._._ Dr. \OponjSun 1.5) c:raflsmanship ill the expenslV. aae of· r,!Cll, ·-----,, located on extreme ends' of prope!-ty le.av\ng elin beam cellln 1 lt,uJOd k....., · 8iii · f building sp-available without dlsturbing PRICE n~DUCED VACANT ' · pan g, go ---. ""' • A--~-J llOO Genorll ·1000 Vict«lo -.-_,, . "'" -. truly C\ISloDi; '4 bedroom hOtM··.iml!Jatllli1 --present impri>vements. Owners wowu ~ 4 BR, den, family room, a: formal d In In j .room. Ma~ view~of ..;..., ~;~eltY .. • MMlll -. ::::ORV"t1CL~~~~i:;11:~121 if'=-~~~~a.."1.:::::· . ~-s,;i;'a;:~··~~°WP~k;,,, ~ c. Cettaze· E. c~~~o~A (Myllmo) V(E51CLIFE -D·lls1R.l&LE LOCATloN --' -&OLD COAST · · ,,.. 1a ""'' ; .c1o11 -5;:,W.,'!~ .!:'~ $18,5001 . 4 :i!drm;Jarge family rbom, and large ldlcben . Over ,4,000 sq, I( ol ltmsry living with a -with 2 ,..... -Wet-......w.. N<u Parl< and LESS THAN RENT with breakfast area. New carpets and ~t. or8Dllc ~w. j BedrooDU, huge living room, ~· «:M.'1 lfYiDI l'OQQl lboppinc.·~1 -. RetlectJ ''Tender Lavina -•I 1000 Gonorol -1000 1514 Wo~lek . (Opon Su1.-1.:S1 brellJClalt·ana. Paneled fanill7 room' With --....... lllld< ..... t ..... 17lo'lll, HURRY! Care" EllW siled -5 Bedrm • ·J ·Batfis , · -,,, fireplace. ~· ~ew. Priced ·$\fli 000. -w. Ul11e 1-' • WE SELL A HOME > ~ All electric built-In •'Pool". $26,950!! s ...... ~ DUPLEX·. BAYcR,.sT-vACAHT ""-·st .. ,s 1·~.;.t·G--~·-~ '0r ·--~-~~-~ "'vERY"1 MINUTES "'""""'wz.yard ... tlo. nAllr< 4 Bdrm, family room, dep, and cllning room, v,.... a · 'l un. · ~ ~Y · ;' ,;;;;;;;;~tt,,.. .n " • 146 -TARBELL ' ,,...., ""'""°" ..., .,..,. Newly point .. and~t... A Bonus: child-safe swimming pOOL l!lVINE TERRACI( . -.......... ~-Walker & lee s BR 2 BA. family rm, Pro( ,thine: Lustrous ._'OOl';l -·pinet-~ units ha~ pnvate pa. 1607 S•ntlego Dr •(Opeq, Sat" SUn 1 .. 5) En ...... ,.e r,a•-• open to '""· 'onn pool 111· a: it-alt.a ao.,, M lot.,f'ull decor. 1% yr ~xlnt cord. Ina-, hand10me fire~, al-tio anCI fe .nc,e·d yard&. ""._... \C uccr.L• 118. tncti"' b"'aldan bu. F"' GREATforlti"'-.S27.500. BEAUTIFULLY PECORATED-WESTCLIPF beautiful, Uah p!ADtlng1, .in thia _spai:lous 4 -;, 11!.<lfll. lf111> c1n, 20tJ WHldill Dr. $32,500. ll3112 Flttt Ln. a.J.ar:ae active family~ tua You doa't have to lift a band to move Into bedrooJ!l ~e with magnificent view of-bay. .will make lt~-&IS-ml Open Dtl. Owner 6t6-4328 • .& '"'"";"""· s10-11lil ~ COATS thia 3 Bdrm,-3 bath home with ~ed 1am-· Large_ livmi room, dlnliig room, 2\i bath&. ,....,. -Dirty ' TAa::~.!,:;5! ~~ibOI' ~· ~= ffoo~Uff Dr. (Open Set, Sun ;-5) oi!'z,~~ '&'&m,;, .. ,,, 20i5'iJ:8ia!U~:; lllAW lllRG : -•..,...,-,..2Ba.1-. 5HU41-~ Off~n.-•-.: ,.-•. ~·-. . PRIME'........ --· ...... ~ 1 ly hanhwod "floln, Cf!du<. ,... -..-~..-hwlllo9J" M-ys ·~ ·.-~~ 2 ~ dee bit-Ina, uuuwe .: ~<>:'.'.'~,: 1°"" e-11'1'1 J PErl; BARRffi REALTY ~u!t,';'"=~~A;::;:•,:: =-~"'!'t.~~ ' """""" lanDcapod,' ""'· 1 ·•· w~-'lff D uL could acco1110clate b · .-. Island. all '""'.., .. ,.;.~..., '' ing133.1SO.MWotfoi. ~-'!"<;AljT ~.. ·..,. ,._... r.,-• electric'ldtcben&formaldiningroom, Ask· -tt,.X!t,...,lt.· I P,_W.C. 5465410 1:""'"..!..3 ~~ 642-5200 lDg , ... 1 ........... , .. , ............ $87,500. t\'llltt " DOVER SH.ORES -........_ & .,n.. , · · • Open ~L ~ SUn. . . 1014 Santiago Drive. .,.,..,Lf New-& Br. 5 Ba. F).m. rm. Nicf p:d,.• MU ~ • ""'-nn. i ...,..., .,.,.,.,. ..,._ Pete 11aJttt1 -1 Hot ., • . DOVER SHORES 3 n..i-· $21 300 $llll,ti00 Realty, ........,.,. • · 0 • · Gonoral 1000 Gracioui Uvtne for your family. View home llClllUUIM • ' .: : 1~3E~f.:4~~ ~i FOR LARG.~ fAMJ~Y -IQUEEKY CLEAN with pool. 4 Bedrooml, dining r0om, family $l4Q.OQ Mo.• ' Frank ~---ru ... ~, l !'I.~~ 2 114: ~ livllfl -our l BR, 2 BA MESA -VERDE room,.t batljg, 4,llOO Sq, ft. p,lfllJ 3 car garage. • • ·~·-"· ~· & ""'"-. . ...._ Modm> Id!, b>me w/-llX. new ww Beaullfully carpeted, dnped & decorated. ;I EAS)'SIDE • Pi>ol. 3 B~. 2 ~ klllc;.t.""""" lot. P)l-cpU. -· bit-in nngo & BettE. ::!,":!:L!C_.. 14181 far Olllertalnlng. Aaklng , , , . , .'104,000. BA; bltns, w/w, comp( bl.de tli>. $29,500, E,.CM. 5@-8355 oven. and POOL. We Jove with tt. LmH LAND-CaU,for app•t: -_ You'd better aie this one, all new ollw lfM'I'. hl&h pile .......... .-.... ~wahxrt panellnr, .u all u OW!'!'llilied M, beautiful tree lined street. take owr emt, • ln& Joan or get a new ~ ~ -.. ui,f"'"'"'· 8£31SO Pt<ncipaJS on(y ,, .... _ ::..';:~bu~:·:~."~~~ ~c """ -... CttAiMiNG CUSTOM HO.ME ' G-01 ' . 1000 Gonoril 1000 -· 1833 s. -Sa•ta .. wit!< FABULOUS ROSE Brict'walb, bea-.. cellln\;ln family room 11-====::::=====z==="":''"{ Ana. Phooe the AlbelUonl; GARDEN! ..(;it ti», ..•. 5 •.....-.. ..,_m• , BIG BEl>ROO,l&S! s ...,.,, "1!1!i floor'1o --~ brick eplace. 2 Bed· LEASE W1'lH OPl'JON 24fll ""' balhll 8'ponle r_.... rooma, se~ate dorung room, eating area in Elden No. 31. F\tll price n.Y ROCN aild portabit ltitcbm. loOii.ng out to a back yard __&reen with 11!.9•>-SI., -' ~month. barl ""-llvlnc """" .frllit ll'eu A'1>eaDllful plan tin go. 2 Ftreplace1'. Bia. 9&Hffi . ...__ with ..,....,. ......... , Two 'E:liltera chann in a Soutbem setting, '65.000. Coldwell, Banker · ~ ' ' OFF!IS: , BRIGHTON Rip. CAt!t!O SHOllS Custom dwped & bit. bo1D1, for couple living. Lushly planted, pool'tille patio~ ez- tra lge. master suite, g..t qln.;.paneled den w/frl'L &.,wet bar, !iin. rm.; 'J Car garage. ~ ..•.... , ... i··•:l ......• l.$159,0<X> Kathryn Raiils'toJi _ . efAMEO SHORES-· ", Opeii S.. 1:s 451:Z Roxbury 4 tlR's,1 '1'lllY.• d~ w/w~t \>at:; 5 ba_qi,s. •4 1.Jge. swmnngpool m see.Die setllDg. Owrier IDO.!_ed, anxfotll! ........ -,,._ ..... $611,500. Afr• ' CHIN~ -COYE -GREAT .VIEW • Enjoy seeing every boat in & out of New: , port Harbor, plus Catalina. Modem 3 BR. • 2 Ba. jlorne in A·l shape, 2 Fine beaches. Xlnt Financing ............. ' ....... $62,500 . • Waltei 1li8Se . -. ' . I -OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 121 Harbor Island Rd. $62;500 SpaclOJll; lnimaculale 2 bedroom & conver- tible den. 2 · Frplcl:, 2'h baths. Add 2nd story for view of.water. Mary Lou ltfarion ' ' . . OPEN HOUSE SUN. P.M. , Visit lhl& line _Baysbore home. 3 Bdrm,, a Ba. w/fonn. din. rm. &: garden rm. Priv. beaches. Boat slip available. 2591 Baysbore • Dr. .. ................ ---.......... $58,llliO. Mrs . Harvey OPEN SUN. 1-5 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 1038 Sandcastle. Pooular s_pllt4evel 4 BR. home. Deli "1/wet bar & trplc, Din. Rm. · View of ocean It hills ............. $57,950, Carol..,,atuf!l j • . <>PEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 8tA .SANDCASTLE, CdM 'J PACIFIC PANORAMA Unfolda-ft-most of this elegant Harbor View HW..™°'e· Fealuringl BR., 2'h ba., lge. fat!>. rm,, &0ormet kit. wilh all elec. ~;-~._ ,2, ~pl~~~: ·P·~·r:. '~~~'.Mo Chuck Place . Hnl'ol VIEW HILLS-OPEN New listing -3400 Seabreeze, 3 BR. 2 Ba,, fam, rm.. din. rm.. fireplace; prof. land>- . rs't~!1a1~ l!o"'.e -::-,'."""". ~!~, Joe Clarkson I ,.. 1255 SOMERSET LANE ~110 vacant Jot, $23,500, C~ comer. 1J!ert, lowest price in lhU clesi!'Jble ;ll'OjLol kustom', expensive homes. ¥ou ow1t:the ~and-OWner w/Carry !st T.D. • ~ Mary Lou Marlon , ' l <;OLDWEU. IANKE1t -·1<. c9. 5SO NEWPORT CENTl!R DR., Nl!WPORT BEACH • 644-mf . • l"lteplacm! ~FOR--=====11•::.1 MAL DINING ROOlll --"1ohn ·ma" cnab -r--em u tw:witrvw MIDAL- L!ON elec&ic _, -t llEAL TY COMPANY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST ' Wt HARBOR BL VD. 546 .... FOREST E. ln<.Realton c NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUP.l.fX Sm:I pebbles tblOw fmm th!; ponndin& aurl,, Two -...._.w.. large bedrooms. • ··Larp -with~ )NO•·' ins. ~ Cr-eat lo- alkm. Bl&" renta, P91a tor '""'-Oozy $38,500, Call 1llw! 646-<Xm. CITY RANCH- HORSES! Assume b0 /• loan · Tiie ... 61'-.... ..,.. e9el'ythina: at $1£450 mo. 4 muter mamw bed- rooms. 1..1.rp, ·25 rt. ttmg room. Bl& country kit· cben with deluxe built-ha. Huge, hup lot rlabt In the dtyl Piaaty ol dixM" room, aod )"OU can have bor&et too! Dcu't delay! Call ....,. ... ucllin& , krw price aod temu. Dial --TAKE OVER 71h "!. FAN.TAS11C BU:.' Fantastic $20,900 io.n. No fees. One of 35 bee.utitul town bomel iii eu:Jual.ve N~ Beach .&rM. To- tal price $23.250. 2 extra ---·i. ..... -· built-Int + dub boule and muper pool. Ooly 10?'. dn.. HW'l'l'! Cl.LI - men could you uk in this 901 Donr Dr ... Suite 120 filGH-UP ...... nd b'9uty 64U235 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 ----~ -. ~----- CHEAPIE- CLOSI IN in c.o.ta Mea's ftnest aea 1'ith • UNl.u:Jfl $42,500 --W.l.Y·BEWW ~ value ""1 """' u. °"""''I . llOI CJon,rol · lfllt ONl,Y $11.!EO, llco't lot tile -· "'"""-PLEASEt:===::::J=r:::= I ;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;-~ i . -fool ,... TIJJ, -...... . HURRY &. SAVE 11JOO. room • Plepnfty carpet@d LOOK! -"'""" """" .., .... WE SELL A HOME . EVERY U MINUTES Walker & lee ~·!!.. v .... I . GOil ,0..,... -v1ow o/ !'790,-1!1"'1. ot·Moma · tlghi. by ni&bt-'"""""• 5.35-SfSl BDRM al..rl8le Rwy wtth Opet 'tfl 9 !"! l&Jve pool, 1':rftring pine COURTYARD POOL AND "FOREVER VIEW'' In Dover Sborts. Brend new plan by IVAN WELLS IOOD to be compleUd. 4 BDRM, l baths plus pow. der roam. 3 CU' ~. ol ~sand the ultimate In privacy. Needs so rn t 1¥Crk but has trmlUMklul potential. u rou'n look· fni for amethlrw diUer. ent. tu could be ii! .Priced SU.OllO below ·aJ11-- tblqc • (IQ !be cour. at~~ •)1:~-·':·r,'.~1 , .. 54 b·5990 ------""""'· ·ASSUME $1'5 FHA Step down livine room with in beavtiful CoMa Mesa, ntar hl&h beamed celling. Jllch. thr ~ 3 Bedrooms 6 b" pUdled :famD.Y room 2 baths with toe tingling car- wtth 9K'OOCl flr@ptace _le wet pet1 .t: custom drapei1 Can bar. Large bland kitchen, you itna.gine: your own fruit 1epara~ brellkfut nook. bearing trees and flow•"' ..... 19!G2' betted pool. ' ... "'f'li Tbh beautiful Wells-buDt ~ .,..wttft ~ area. ..___ . -·•·· invltatlo in this sweepina btd: yard. nuuit' 11 u...., U n And hbw aboiJt IHI than to 8epnt llvizlg. Welcome! $1.900 I>awn tor new mA R . . loan or NO DOWN VETS. •Y J. Word Co. WE SELL A HOME _ .. Offk<> JG> GaJo>y Drive ..._""° EVERY 31 MINUTES At all this bome hu tb affei-: lle9:ted Pool 3 Bedroorna. 2 Baths Formal dlnin&. J09m. _. ... _..,.. wltfi fireplace. Attractive Yard ~Loca1m \Vould You~ $56,SOOT remodeled recently and off- ~t'I a BEAUTIFUL BUILT- JN KITCHEN WITH ASH CABIN£r!. ......... bar, ··dinette area ud ·Rl)&l'ate service porch. Ltve in corn. Jort am ihJp only t?o'o blocks •Wl3' at E. 17th Street Shop. p"" Cd .... R-2 )m . ADD ANOl'RER UNll' LATER. aLll* 1468 .,,,.,,.... Call ......,.. AHOME-:-.=z:=j DIRT CHEAP 'SEE THIS ~=-M~tb= room with~ Ir: room 'hb a drlW' on a dn:ular Jor 2 more \nl.ta. Just eoncme ~ around 133,aoo. owner wW C&rTY 1st this "'"modeled 3 BR 2 bath TD at 114-Ai -No loen cost! bome with ---ASSUM!! 5'1<% suite. P!us a 2>x.40' build-V .A. LOAN hll that could be conwrted No Qlallfying. Interest borne. to an apartment, or nae it immediate pouelldon. f'ill for • bame-t)'pe business. Jll.)'lllalt.I cheaper than rent AD thlt lllld more on R-2 lot $156.(D '1ft' uxinth pool me ... ..q ""'""· --· a-lo ..... Lachenmyer Re ,I t¥• ping. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick flreplaet:. 122,950. '"6-nn WANT PRIVACY? Walker & lee It Can be youn on tbb: te-2'T90 Halb:r BIYd_ Iii Adlun1 1l&O ~ BlYd.., CM cluded one acre. Your dW-sc;.oe , CALL w..mi O THI: EI:l\L ~ ESTATERS dren will n:mp and pb.,1 to Open 'ti19 PM Eves. 644-1655 646-2290 """bnrta' -.. ""' 1 -=eos,..~""m~Ml-sa--.lli,,....rti,...y- -.... ,,.,. atmoo-EXECut1YES ASSUME $1'5 FHA pbett. The aJStom built In be&utilul Costa Mesa.' DMr hmn.e bu 5 bedltlalm phn Wbo enblrtain will low thil thl! bMctt. 3 B!droouJt -a-How about <I large bedroom&. taro.Uy room witll JarKe a;w. Sl*ious. ~ home. 2 batlll widt toe tingllDg> 2 bl.tbs. elec blt·inl. doUble ered i-&. YES. HORSES I.Mn£.~ bu lamed 'carpda A cubn drapes! can.ie, luxe~ }at, ARE PERMm'E'D: Excd-~11.lng and .JiiOkl out Ol1 de.. ' Otn you ifnCtbe )'OUlt own ~ alr beatifw, S«i inter. COSTA MES •• •-· Call ' ~ patio and lanct.:a~ ........... -...i.... nt on an usum,at..'-.__ .. " -....... .. .,. ..... -~ F ....... ,. •• _ ..... K~• ---·-and -··. ·-1 ·---, -- FORESI' E. .0 LSO N EAST SIDE Wk.$112,...,, . · __ _.wiib~Piace -....-areawith ~·••1.~c~·0 L 0 st nd ttiest 546-2!13 -1@Uat• brrakfut room • play attS tn tills ~ .:::; m ~. ~ted tour bedrOom. • 2~ bl.tbs. · back yard: And bow about •3Jbedroom home, formal BAYmESJ' Slil,500, lieu ltlM ii.~ Down for -O.w pl.,. _pile """FHA "'°" or NO DOWN ORANGE COUNT.Y'S ...,,.ttna .,,.. hanlwood, JEAN 'SMITft, V>:rs. LARGEST -w. t• ........ and II• .... _, _____ , WE SELL A HOME wt HARBOlt·BLVD. botbl Gtant lanai ,,,.,. 2 JEDROOMS Realtor EVERY 31 MINUJIES 546 1640 ,_ 1 ..... 1m...-..-.. coRONA DEL MAR ""'E. ~.,.:.. M... Waller & lee OPEN EvEs TILL 1:• ....,._ Alley ...._ for $14,!00.$4,000 Down BALBOA PENINSULA ...... and ........ Gnat Win't L11t L-1 WXURY mo --· at ....... l'ltnctloMJ, w .1 t ptamd '°"'""'" ,,,. ...... h -~ -rfabl! 124,911.00. Hm'a DOVER REAL TY UYING °""' 'HI I.FM lamlly borne, -Ii> 675-4343 catecl nr. oeean • -.,., P9lt ~ c:linckr! Ntar new !!!!~~~~~~!!ILn thit trantlldool 5-bedroorn Oceen vt.W ~ $Bliiil I tennla eta. ' BR., J.Sty. =.. buny! Call 64$-HAU91t LIGHTS 1-batb -..... _ v-: ·~ BLUFFS''-""~ii ..... 0<1 aii View o/ -. & baJ. St.po """""'dllt'1r mom. t.mu.. _,.. .._ In Ne.i...t. Rid C.rpot RN..., ......... Lowly ...... -......... ---"""" Kit,. -btdl,ooml. ' '" wo11od ..-, llOl,!l>O. ,b. lcat land-llC. ""1t wall-bath& ~ ;on;.-, :llrJ5 W. Bal>oa, NB. l1Mm 'Wit1oonR/1y61':1s..s2oo ::'j..:=\;. 541).tlZTARBEU..21155Har-IAYFRONf An. e ... • st6-2S13 ' bor. • V1lfa Dl!l Lido Pk!!' I: lllp 3335 V1a 1Jdo, NB OiSen &m. APPROXIMATELY .. U acn aftill,ble. ~·or ltaae/op- lhc. R<Olt<n V. ACRE·POOL A-.,..., 3 BR. l!I t1oo, Prlco 128.500. at Harbor <:niter O:t&lom S 8R. 2 BA honN. Batt. HUI Tap Vlnr ho\M· o.o,.. Wllllamaon '299 Harbor BJvd., C.?it HoMlf'S or units, $12,950 Barn •I ltudio apt • REALTOR -==---~-_Qwn=::.:'·...:~::'.:.·lll.16:::.::.. __ _,:, '14/12Hl16 613-<3lO Ewa. 6'!3-IS6t Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ICM; .... 111wr;.::c.:::,• -r:; --· ..... ~ .. ""'" Al tM locat*'9 UttM ...... an ll•riM In tr•tw fftall ~ ............... elat•hrtl• ln today't DAILY ,ILOt WAttr ADS. Patrml tltowl1t1 ..-n hOUMI f• .... ., .. f9t .,. ..,.... to list tvch Inf~ ffeft ift ttllt .a.-aM.h Friday. {l Bedroom! 128 Harbor Island Rd,, Newport Beach 644-2430: 833-0700 (Sun 1-5) 92ll Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach ) 494-6174 (Sat & Sun 1·5 *522 El Modena, Newport Helghls 673-2020 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 504 W. Bay, Balboa ) 671>1lOOO (Sun 422 Belvue Lane (Balboa Penln) Balboa 6'1&-4MO: ~ (Sal & Sun 1-5) ** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat " Sun) 717 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 67>-2101 (Sal & Sun 12:30-5:!0) **25111 Baysbore Drive. Newport Beach 644-2431: 8334!700 (Sun PM) 3256 Nebraska Lane (Mesa VenleJ CM 545-111!16 (Sat & SUD & D~) (l Bedroom & Family or Dot1) ··~venlng Siar Lane, N.B. (Sat & Sun) '1363 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB . 642-8235 (Sat " Sun) 1010 Oak Street, Costa Mesa 673-741.0 (Sun) 3023 Country Club Dr., (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1720 (Sun 1-5:30) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 {Sun 1-5) 1100 WestcllU Dr. (WestcliH) NB 642-52li0 (Sal" Sun 1-5) 104l! Pescador Dr,. {Dover Sbores) NB 642-5200 . (Sun 1-5) 2928 Java Rd ,. (Mesa Verde) CM 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 34!0 Seabreeze (Harbor View Hills) CdM 644-2430: 833-0700 . . {Sun 1-5) 894 Sandcastle (Harbor View Rills) CdM 644-2430: 833-0700 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 3500 Seabreeze, Corona del Mar 67:>-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1756 Skylark (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 435 Canal St .. (Newport Shores) NB 644-2838 {Sat & Sun) *2001 Commodore, Newport Beach 546-5400-. 545-4941 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Qen) 942 Presidio Dr., (Mesa del Marl CM 54&-11375 (Sal & Sun 12-5) 442 Riverside Drive, Newporl Beach 5411-2988 (213) 964--0207 (Sal" Sun U.5) 1330 Galaxy D11ve (Dover Sbores) NB 642-8235 {Sat & Sun) *115 Millon! Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM ~ (Sat & Sun 12-5) 316 Catalina Drive, Newport Beach 642-5449 (Sat " Sun 1-6) 4615 Perham {Cameo Sh-Ores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Sbores) NB 646-1550 (Dally) *2014 Galawo Terrace, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) l94l Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB . 640-1720 (Daily 1-5) 1514 Warwick (WestcliU) NB '642-5200 (Sun 1-5) *1907!11.olliday (Baycresl) NB 642-i;200 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1807'SanUago (Baycresl) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *4612 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 644-2431: ~ (Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Don! 1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover SboN!s) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (6 Bedroo'I' & Family or Don) 1423 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 518-4617 (Daily 12-5) .,.. .. ,... ........ .. ** ..... , ... ·- • ·-···--1••· ----,---·--~-r---~····-~·----~------""T-----,-l ·T···-· •• -· ..... . .. ,. ,. ' F"""· S..U-lt, lM DAll.Y -J ~~IS ~Oil SAl;I HOUlll Hit IALI "r"° POil IAt HOUSU POil IALI ' ~I POii 1!1&.1 HOUSll pOl(ilo\LT"T.11at.Nf.1ciiAi-i1.1i=~--:-;;og'i;Nfiii'.ilri';;;.;..."'7-;....w~ 1000 Celti ..._... · JW · ,. , ............... 1 .. lt/ !'§Mui ...... W. ' · \ He·•• ~ H11U111 u..tft8'1• :t~;;~~~~ ,._. .,.. No " IMdo 1 · :;. _:_ L_,,_....... 17~ • · ·--;;;;;;;;;NT;;:;:~;;;;;;;1AJM.s;~ LoAii :·-. . F .... _ ll_YE IN ' .. '!e~ ·1~'!~·~..,;·~·~·;;··~~~ Newrp .. t ff•l..M. l!,E .t'~~N• 4 ll.M..P~'·l0'fJ. UM:tl ••-AINI --1· -HAJ'IDYMAH'•· --"""''" I Ullt ' ~ .....,...,,... A l~l'Ul:c HCIMll _ _.... S ~':.. -,; . S,,.•••1 ' ,_. ~ llO I BDIW. """: LlolM; . 4l Wltll FHA 5S/4o/o _..,..,.~SA o.. S8",J11Ao•l._,...,.,·~~· ~ ..... J;lft' -IF to JDOYe IL I to•I bed-Ydl.1.~~-kl-. .... &JSe: • I/I , i;iw••· &~ will> 11)'-0lii>.-IMte S!Z w/ ...,_""°"_ .... ~·as.-l'OC!!!l!;•M ~!!L!llll'Omblaal'it1t ;,;1_,, vie!i, l<dt. -~ .-TOWMllQVSE, ......... tile "'-w di.. -., $23~. '1lll<UIJI Id(; otll no. -...... CAYWOoo IUALTY ,.~, .. IO ·r~ ~ .• ::: -...,, .....w -"::.S: UIRJ. llA. ...... -· Maita ..... s IR.~ II&. q~,Qpen-"°11>' IQ(. __ O... .. a ·-II'.~--· 11• .,Jl'HA ~--r,•-• -1r.-....-~W/dr/P. *"'° -..,, 11e .. l_$1lS_t11 , .U-t the -ftreplaca. i l bdml. T-".""'r -Ill Ill...._. 'ltd. -' ~ ••• ,_ · ~. 1.11SS10N REALTY .,.,_ 1' lot. l'riv -llMllll "· .... 23 adi«'""' .. • ••• d, !umlWd 111Stino: -lftl.· • •1• • • • Th B h ..,, " 1••11 iloOcribe lbia .... !ind, ... / 2 bdl'm,. Anllu!Y PoOI> NO DOWI< 'J'O -DUAIX . e eac . , CO~t,IDIN6 c_ .. Ma-2250 'R' .. 11y, Inc. =..'.":.:~can'~!; lnM mo wtlb o\l&>I> at ~ SBR 'balb-Salo -:..::,i:i:: :""' ( ... ••nltlwrot I ;.,a.-tf Ma""I v~":"~":..i, ~ ...; ii:. lllb. ,. :::;Dr,:!.,~ and ... will -)'Oil the I :ii.:. ....... dUo ""' ~'....'"': = ~.ado ,..it. Jilt!,:; . . .. ,,2. tJSJ ' ...... -.... hvel. -Wtll turii ...... Si!!'!!l"!!!'!~-111!'--•t mnairil.ne 10. Jut llded •t 1 t:tOl"Y Jt..aae $.12$ wiUI nicllY ··~ lit ~ . lebcd. at· .., .. -.no. StD-, $1.00G Down, b1J. at Br. ' .._ ,..., tun. rm. f100 .PER mer. Ooeltntront flll.ltiO. opdon at a ,s;o. -,,_,_ · ""'~' ~ a dll, ·-.. • • th. *"11.'1 Ltue 'Ill Juno U; 1115 -~ \'low. '-''""" -... ™ . '"' ' ' '°"'-~ -... ll..2bdlloor-MI Slit """""' .... at $11.1'0. ,,_._ •• BA~ VU:W. S &, J C:-... ..... Mir 1250 Hunt!..-...... 1400 e . IY OWNll!, e •Bit, 2 BA. On•U.. .....,,, s ~I balb. m-uu. "For A W\le Bv1" Colesworttry & Co. 00-'17'71 IMMm. POSS. 5 BR & FAMILY 'Thi. 1litp family home in North Costa Mesa with all ~ built • ln• including • wata t.ondltWner.• Needs a little "'J'.LC, VaCJTll .t p~ way under market. Hurcy · this won't last. O N L Y $29. 'ISO. •, -- .PERRON :.----;, ....-..... -.~ .... --~· CAtJ.. ~ Sotn.li ~ON.lt l!ll ob wide are9nbelt. '· . OSltol'li.liulltS&R.Nnoran. .lllilGEREALTY lie<! EstatL . -" '*'°" ... tlliclc lllVINI Tllll!ACI S"•"'· "•NTDEST lo -..... -.: Walk --Dr, • •OUI I ~ BR ..... -""'· --·-BY Owner, <J) 2 BR -ale! 0,... ~ ~ OUtltandiao: ~ cl•MW 7~ 7• lo ocbool. beodl. ."'-$3llil mo. (llJ) ......... clla rm, oplr, - on i.., lot. y...is fncd i.... · priv;...sd.-. 3 Only S!Sl.moolb °*" 9'tl9.Po. l-S --· -......,. 1'"'4'!"'!,,!i!l_.,'!"'_.,+'!l"'!'l''"oot'"!'' I ,.,.,....,., .,..,. I'• n ....... """"""""'' 1211 Bhm. 11111a11is. r.m. a <!lb. p.,.... .... H ... -no SKYLINE 011. QllllA _roVE.. • -PARX LIDO-. J Br, ,._ _.. quiet ....,._ ""* 1o • OCIAH VllW n•11.1tm. b>r PG01. isu:;o lot and ,_,_ s BR, 2 "6.500 • 49Ult4 Fa~. t w 2 yr II&...,.._ bid poo1. -t.se HUOE .IONUSFOOM ,.,hoola/-·1868 Vb-_,,--11..C.,G-llll lltllty balhhome.-~larto-. . be. . •-w/optllllrMMtU Famlly room adlo<:eot bull" rlJl!a Pl, C.)I. • f · ....... ' Ball><. 3 Gani sass v' .. Lldci· m-mi ..... po.do, ---........ Nlpl 1707 WATERFKONT ... -' · itikhell. ~--Loadl et. Balcony -. llltch. -Xlnt i--. "o.11 lor -llllooo 2300 ' m • ...... ""."""e. SJ.8.500 * J'IXEI\ UPPER* bltas. AND •Cat.Jina view. .,.,.,..,,, Bay View matk>tl nn. Jo lo down LefUl'.'I NJeuel Terr. Br, 1"' k aptJ. dl'PI. ~~J';'~~ d-bl .:.:. ~".:. • ..... BA N~ -t .,, -Need• ....... f1I r. ..... eon... MUTUAL" II EAL TY N .. ; 2500 oq. ·~ w a $ Br. >!ll'Y Ullt, I BA. CTpld. Mr adlb. ISi» ........ m-6llllS ""' ·---...,. -$32,000, pool-mo lot. • Bit., -Mt,14" ...... in -...... ..... ..... hmfly only. =-s Bii. .---.... C.USTOM BUILT $20AOO handyman • painr.r. 354 G.•"-!Illy. W.M14 rm., formal din. ""' a Clr • ~lad, -~ ltt-0 nwm 4 l!JI. l\un. llO i...1'8Q""" 'Mqnolla, C.M. Noar N..._ Poot Olllee CV.~· deddnc w/ -"NSFEllEDI Wit&~ tilb,.; cell• C..-Realty -1290 MOUNTAIN VIEW 3 BEDROOMS "'°' · . -.U. ......_ IQ!.;GO •-ciWl!iiroven: 3 car-L .. Wt " . WI Spaci<M °""""""'·rid"'""' lolno V-11 IO or G""" h..., ~ a...Jllro lle<I Estatem.25111 RUSH! 4 Jiii, 'Bl. lllm new · A~ To 161.960. Exeelleni _,... S....... 3220 -"-· ....... ...; ~-· Co • Ill l:np NETl·NETI --•lectric ...... flnonci11& --... NEWLY -•·BR. t ed l draped thnMIUt, util· 2 BEDROOM. tarie-comor ~.,.... ·• tr• Alkto11eetbllf..Uftit"•tet.t.'' en, w/dittiwuher. Laree terest rate bm 7*.~• ·to Ba. avail &!pt: l5Ch. Winter 2 BR. J BA. chullu. ~. tty room, 00\l'tN!d patio, Jot. 3 ell' prqe. in ehoice b: a.rid th • ·cornet Jot Mtlli boat p~. •~fi. or loiJaa'. (21!) 111-$3&1 or $115 mo, Adnlta. J 1 $ doub!r garage, :>.years new. BY OWNER..•SG«m OPEN HOUSE. SUn· 1-5. 3 monit? · ere JI Assu1r1e '" CI 1olJl. LH1 L..,... NIIMI C•rp. (ttS) 47UGS'J Prolpect St. 4st-a502: TARBELL. &17-°' QUD:r -S Blt; BR; II' )'cl. patio. $21.!ill lly C.-Jle<liy '1>3511 than $!00•mo incl-all. 41!'-all >IT-ml F1JltN 4 Bit, 3 BA, $4Cll. 3242 837.J176. 2 BA custom CJ]>b. drps. °""8'. 511 Allao Ave. Evel: •u11 Newty dee. Anll ·now. lid Bluff $20,,500 BY OWNER. 54,;-!1615 INVESTOR'S Spaciol 13111-2 "!'be Ital Eslar. Mart MllSion Vlei-170I ll'ntr ""tal or 1"". l"'-;;.,.,,,;'-'------1 o. ... si..-1227 lob, S, .. RWy + ' -w.-m•> .,..,.. UNSURPASSED BA~ VIEW Most P.xquil!:!te landscapirlf • Mata .. Ml 1105 housrs. $.lB.500. 0 w n• r LaPAZ San Martine 'MOlkl, 40' fWdl. :I Br, 2 Ba + pool, inlticat• .,. .. work ••bane-==--=..::.:::'~....;:..:= * CAPTIVATING C1M1i\9 --•--•·--I lloo 1' ntl -· lmmed occ. Loe ffll mo or <-. l.,..,====-==-.,.1 w-~'-U--' 0~1 -·--lq, I •IOI -s ~ .. ~-~ ~-es eXterior • 1enlle doP""'5 •4 BDRM, 2 Ba. b.m rm. Nr Dlflemrt "Old Wadd" COi)-* OCEANFRONT. POOL* ...-" .... -1 ,.., ft. l 8Jt, 2% BA,' 2 tpl's. --lllY• ""'na: .• , ............. roal line • 3 bedrooms. 2 achl.s. Pemct cond. BY temporary, executive tUWl')' * Sharp 2 BR Sn adult eommun. larnJb" rm. dio rm. xn IC SEPT.Jvne, nice f\a'b home, 3 BR. L9SK tee. view bath$. Built-111 kitchen. Room O\VNER. 56-8375. ho-. UnobslnlC'IOd Bay It. Cuneo~ mt ~Oen ity. All desired lrailt·iM lot, and extru. AJSUZM Bal Iale', 2 BR. 2 BA. _, 1 Mme; m '-! Nke·cpl& It. fur lxlat Ol' trailer! I .::========I Mtn VU-mOlfl: 1'ft'l!l. 5000 Ill· 1151.rilDd Rd. 67M91J6 J\llb1 nrpeted and draped, I '4 % FH.A, '8'y BJt., t BA, 1'!lllS rent reipon., dnpet.11G;-11!111 Alf. 142 .. 91 TARBELL 1200 tt. 4 Bit, fl> BA +'maids LGE. hillll>p lot. Penn."'°"' :!°!',.;;:"' ~ ~~ """'''" ..,,..._ "°™' ept<. ..,..,,_ Sat-sun or PRICm '"'· ict.a1 "" .. ....._ ........ •bill&-..,,.. -°"""""' ,....,, c.rana .. -3250 ~;r•F:-.;.:.; = ::~~~~-:: 1!Wtor'13-:ml UT~-~~-11\.,._,.,Sole 1'75 . .. 270$ FOll!Aua·C.-- due to "'""""· Charmin; Bax 1£12 NB, 50-7249 llllooo l'enlosu'-1 _ · DUPLEX. 2 ~ I -., ....,. ......... • I moo or -•Bdrm'., -. old h,., "" Newport "1. 7 '" -DISTllESS SALE ""°' HooplW. Ai way 1 s &, $Z35. 1 Bit, m;. >mihl< -I balh'a. To fit large or wall investor. Un its • Newport B • a c h. $27,500 to J?!S,000. i"!!~~~~~~·I PROPERTIES WEST GOOD NEWS 675-4130 675-1'4% rooms, 2 baths, hu been Wedcllff 1230 VACANT I Bdrm Fttably $23,500. 4 BR, bath, built-in rented. $S.,SQJ Coed finan-Util -pajd. m Orlqulta. lpuioul IMnc rm, diidD& completely r11modeled painf;ed,cpts.tlac•tone n.qelloven,FAbet.t,C&f'. oni. .~I!\~· 4: St..orcall21S:m-Q86 room. $375 per mo . modern kit wfbltna. Lots * SPARKLES A: SHINES! patio, Bel:wn Bay lei ocean P!tt A: drapes. 1nd ... plnc, week:mda. prdenrt includeil. m-aT1I MOTEL Nr. Disneyland, Priced at 3 x gross! l>yramid Excbangors 64&-~ of Ito~. U!led brick frplc. Inside i: out. Livina: rm. ~ nr IWimm.IJW llch I: boat fenced. Divon:e forces fa3' UNT~ Vacatlen b._t111. · 2fOO or collect 2UJ3f'T-2!1.9 l dinine room w a 11 . lnl nn, doc bl1nJ. clean ale. ......_ Bathrooms new w/ltlftke:n crpta It. drps. 3 BR. 2 ~ ramp. Will cons trade fol HMtsei 'umlahM CABIN FOR· RENT on the FOR Leue, cameo -6 tub. Uy. .....i.d< ..,,.,,..., ·-~ ·•·•· -• --"~ PIUNK MARSHAIL ltEA1-f, -..1 2000 """"" ·---· -· den, l Ba, spoc. U .... nn. Tia.vet. fast ao hurry! A.Sr llll1'.ll! S27.tXXJ. 5\.s% Joan. bl&" with eo1ossa1 BOR'a., 3 luge-baths, fonnal dining '1'0001 and paneled den wi1h fireplace. Entertain around Jax40 bettted, filtered pool, 'For appointment 10 see. call prof lnd9cpd 6: ma.lilt'd. vac land. $43,500 Terms. ~-• -beach Dsenact. !lexim. tG01 er lelll. J Br. oonvt. Newly painta! out1id•. w;·J~~.;;;:B; TY415-4GOO _.v-.w dininC rm, prdena' pd. Costa Mes. 1111 ~::Sa:~·~~ o:n: ;:r~~ LW. lit. iUI MUST SELLI ~~~~.=Summer lentala . 2'10 ~ = BOMF.S ~;~,o~;wH~~~r !:;,':.':.': ~..= l Bedroom .2 Bath NEW LISTINOI =a,"":::. 4 !:i :w !i~~sii <:.> = s.;..:.~~ .: :: ~ ~: $15,750-0nly 10% Dn. 1-•'4-M>l __ ·-::,--;:,..---R,.ted pool. $'2,500 Rell~""'· home •P' ............ Will trait. "'° Dr, San Gabrld. -rr;.alO '13-22'.li On tl'ee lined ltreet. Room I/I Owner Bkr. &l&C!OO PfOX. 2000 Ill· ft. 3 Br. S i.acom.e ta'litg. A '"1 buy at $400, ~ BR. + atudi o. $258 wt. Losuriou• NOW ft.EADY?~ bedl'ooru, 2 Dan!.oe . -1151 10 build; R·2 lot. 3 Br. 1 WestclHfl Sfh•t. LNnl Unlwnity ,ark 1237 baths. ;.:·~· $29,$0. ~utifull.r turn. !"Pical .,,t.ertront apt. pool. rum I Baths; not far from FubK>n Ba. 1969 Fulle.rton Ave. Spotless three bed?"OOm. two LIDO REAL TY INC TEmlY JtEALTY IJl.tio. C'hild:rtn OK Bkr BR. 2 BA. ffi4) i13..:JIXG bland.. Year round lilue Full Price t21,950 INCLUDES THE LAND! Cl.rte 2 BR + dlnin1 art'• + Antboey pool. NCw pamt In- aide a.nd out. Vacant • hn· mediatP ~n. l:JUJt. RY! 1'6·S810 ---""""' OLUGE REALTY . "*-llHMW,Clll. 149 GOVERNOR ST. Open Sat/Sun 1-5:30 3 Bdrm. l bath. Jwn repaint. N inside & out. Lie. fenced yard. t20,500. Qdl: MR. ROBINSON Davis ReaJty 00-1000 * $20,950-l bdrm Fl'eedom home. Ntce screened patio oU kitchen. Big fenced yrd. HIGH S15,tn:I. 5* 9' nIA LOAN. YOU CAN ASSUME $125/mo includrt! all. Sub. mil down-<>wner will cany low interet>t 2'nd T D, -IRVINE A VE. Paymeo•• '"' than "'"" m built home, large en-BIU. SMILEY dosed courtyanl 1or ma.xi· REALTOR mum privacy. Many extras 642-22'11 anytime ~9666 _in this beautiful 3 Bdr bome. I aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ·~T.500. Buy Of The Wells-McC•rdle, Rltn. bath home. Small dininl nt.EE! . ' 536-1459 anytime KS-OW. lllNT A.LS $283 mo. BIB m..DIO room, covered patio, larae Central air-conditioninf. Buy 337'1 vs.V~ V:odller mnoo EXECUTIV. E lt.tntilt te ShlN 2005 Meusa UnfurnishN fl BR. 3 ba.. 2-lty, home Year-eomer lot! Priee only $U,500, thia 4 Br. Mme w/laJ're . l,y, $2'15 Month. B•Y t. Buch Rlty~ Inc. ,...._ Xint location. F.P. H .... lnitan llMch l40I ml 14 tt Cld1om 4 bdml 2,. SHARE·, Bit "°""'· s ba, s Gonor•I 3000 Winton Real .,..... l'l>m! 901DQverDrive,SUitcdiNB Sfl.lm, · .,. cat car w /matur~. S IO . Vi I BR. dbl·w:araae. l& yard. 64&.21D Ewl. 64&«I01 e'Red Jfii~ty $21751FULL: PRICE bathl,~Gfextnt.Down-em~ male. CM. an1o1ti•n• eaatt. ••w OK tar boat. trailer etc. * B'i ·oWNER * Univ. Park _O!htef, !Mn& Bel~e me! niat'a the price ~H.B. 14&--.Hk'il, ,54!--2623 ask Mr. San Cement~ macnifktnt izo 113-20'l5 ' Ocea.nfront Home. J BR, util Call anyt:ime ~ on this s bedrClom ltancbero. R. D. SI .... Re1ftera Baker, l'll!!Y.'er 3 sp&C10UI BR,· 3 ba. I =':=::mo;:;'====== rm, aewinz nn. liv rm VlLLAGE 1 Condo 2 BR. -2 Situ.WI on twp GO x 12S 5.'.l6a>l Ml·J.ru BACHELOR to · Wu 3 BR blr ut, slant fain nn, 2400 Humi........,. leach 3400 w/trple A-ocean vil!lft', BA. as~ Joan. 4166 Seton 1ool 1ot. Covered PatiO. Nf!w CX>NDO. Crptd, d r Pd, apt-office. Opt. part time 114· '' cps, dP&. all blblll, be ......... Roomy kit. wfbltna Ir Rd. l3S-IJ3.U. Own!r $2U10. Carp@ts. Frahly pal.rited in-'II/Uber/dryer, refria:. Xnlt job. C.M. area. MM9&5. ~~-if~ ~r~ $ S BR. 2 BA.. ; car prap. avocado aha& crptc !:bro-aide. Submit 1!,0)0 down, ~ Good home for older IC-1@3 · ' Fenced yd. Totally redec.. out. Front yd w/patio I: Itek lly 1240 a.tsume FA »an i~ti in~ ~ or x1nt rental unit . RENTALS Nr ICbools A ahoprlC. $2«i CA.BANNA.. $63,500. m'990 with payments ol. f].63 m. potentid. Recreation SHAREJBdrm-1 mmae !,l,4. bdrm'• per mo incl water. Ma! Ott (:D.3) 1S91-3i21. THE BLUFFS. best loc1tlan. C!lude. .n. Call tltfort' ii'• h.cWtiel: trrl, $ t t , 7 5 o. be9.ch apt w/ bachdar 24· The ~al Eatai. Mart _ l4&-35'li IAY AVE. DUPLEX ........, bay view. 3 Bii. .... , ,.._"'6, = B••cb . m. l14lll Bacio Blvd. RB -'LEAS>:f'' """"',-B~R.,_,l~BaO~~blt~-illl.~I 2 Modem units in best area. ~ 2% BA. ~dultL WE SELL A HOME SHOltEC'RESI' 3 Br., tam. L"""""' ...... ., -•---•th__. MT""5.ll f~ yd. S23S JM~ +_lit..£: Euil;y z<nted, adequate ,.. 15!,000 or Ju far -· por EVEllY JI MINUTES nn, 2 Ba, blt-ina. frplc, • u~" ~ M~ "'. ••• 12iQ, • t. Wnll;y rm. 2\1 Ba llM + $100 .......,., ~ mo. m..o'.119 Owni!r. very nice. Aaune existin& ~~ ~ Peni1wula. Condo. Pool, maey extru. Tradewhlda ltHJty lfr~-U '""'ion' WHm EutWuff 1242 Walker & Lee 51<" FHA. low _,,_ . Famil)I welcome, nr ....... ' BR -' .-. 2 REAL'lUR Bkr/oner ~ MALE or femalr, .tor S BR Bier. 5M-G9BO pnae, patio. Fenced )Id, JURELY Available. Lusk 1611 Ediartr BEAU'J'IP'UU.Y -Decor. 4 aputmems, N.B. Call Jim. JW. 2 Bit + 11.Jn rm. 1% Optl It. drpa. Qii mo.Ilse. 6i~Newport ~ N~ Euthluft S BR, l BA I.up 3tz.Kii flt 5*SfUl BR. to~. A11urne ~'1839 atl I PM. Ba. JWril:«oft. Yd fot 9112 Anrllk Dr, H.B. 96l-al02 Rustic 3 BR.. 2 Ba >mmt. OPEN HOUSE SAT .Ii SUN family nn, 2 fJplca. S car ~ ~es. 5%,. FHA. By owner MAN to .Mre l BR home, children I: pell!. Bk r l BR unfum boole crpta A ..J&1D Newport Blvd .. CM.. Week! 543-1729 anytime Complete with hatthvood 442 Rivenide Driw, N.B. pr, trtctr patio, cul~ ~.550. 9a-529J. with pool. N~ Be&tb tt6-0lll dJ1Je $225 mo ieui:. R·2 LOT BEACH floon, ""'"'"""" -and Sdl ., ....,. ,....... otreet. Will INR; -f'RICE IEDtJCEDI ll\IMAC, 3 Bt. 2 Ba. SWuJy *Call "2-1313 * EXECUTIVE home 5 Br, l . * .......... * SALE OR TRADE hugr bdr's. Large Jot with a. tom ho ._•BR. larie paid or consider traM A·l Bentiful 4 BR 'near tho? bonM-nr. st. Franc1.1 41: BUSINESS Girl to I.hue BA, crpts, drpt. ~ bl_WW A New s BR, 4 Ba. blt-ins. ~· Approx. '-I bloclt-from L'ePtionaJ land!ICl.ping, Only CUii me, 4 I I ..__. beach incoiM Pro Pert Y · beach. 2 fireplaces, ll,Jlfrt.cf.. Edi8on }jjah. 962-Q.,J.5 beautiAll-horne tn Newport Feaced. $3511. ~40 r ..i--..... _--i ru1 .:Ml.tel' pd, I b'-k •-17th St.. •hop"'-. nunpus room, eve' u_>cU ... -a •--....... ;..-..... t .... i •-""---" •i."-i.'"• .... _ ..:.i"""" ,..., ocean, in excel.lent area. """ "' ,,~•o .... ow1 2 frpl bll ........,,, ~ .,....... ......... a. carpet nc, mJUUred acm,...._,,...,evea , Mm--· HERITAGE 541151 ,-~. "· . ..,, -·""" ...... ..,.,, ed (Ml -3100 -· -~ ~ ~ oolliider trade oveni:zed pP Off alley, pool • • mmp v iNul&t H...tl...... ONE Or two )'UUJIZ businea I l Bdrm 2 8&, tilt.ins, near lor aUlll.x •• triplex. '9,000 I !!!~~~~~~!!!!! I '""" toL Clll --ar ExcltlllCJ lluffs IJld en -.....,. with H•rloour 1405 men ., ahan I Bit, beach ·~ F_,_:_, ~10 ... bch, ~·-.,....,, -~ Subordination. Asking $'..12.IXXI OPEN SUNDAY :zu 964-03)7 boat paric1q" attt. 0 n l y apL M9--322f 1fta t PH uon -a-.. ..,._ ,,.,.. _.._ v .... _ ·CHILT ROBINETT 1010 OAK ST. ~',,,c;.:_::~·~~~-1 •-po,W.•famJlypian. $3',9115,FlL\...,,,,, WATEllFRONT --SBR!llU<coooiyoteps l200 per......_~ REALTOR 64a-0128 SPOTLESS I OPEN" HOUSE S.l/Sun Vww of choice tr@en belt I: Padlic Shores Realty acto11 the Jttfft! Still just C..t Mell . 2100 ID bis mkttetr. Fenoed 3 BR + f 2 bath BY OWNER · trees. 3 BR. fam nn. ln 5,16.ISSt ltU'rll eves:. $46,!50 tor new f Bdrm. 1 . Yard. Rel,(br Sat. Opel La9UM Nlewf 3707 WATERFALL & BBQ · am. ~·· 4 BR, J bath, 2 bplca. On move-in conditioo. S48.~. formal dln.·nn., 2~~ battis: EASl'4icie well kept, lie 2 Cpt yet to be deaned $23 500 ~'· Cov. "'''"· '"°"""· -·at---. ., __ ~ •--• PETE • "llRETT QUICK OCCUP•NCY ft--~ "000 Option ID•·-avail LG. deluxe I Br, 1 llA, 1 fruit trees. Reduced to T .. '"": .. -:.,,..::-,~ .:.,.=;::; 11~".:'LTY "" n.wn...---""" price fn. BR, 1% BA. wlbrlck.._jrplc. L-'r'· D"K"•~, ....... _._ convt. den. oceart view. ft) tit a.tiUmed with paym~ts $2:3,500. Take over 5,_% ~ cl"bbo":: •• Cs'""~ '"""' NEW f BR. 2 M ~ crease! 4142 .Momtnc Star, 2 eat deL ~. Jp yd. .1 aM£. ni.:olU.ot .1 "'"""" 49-1344: or Sf,'t-1761 lea than renl! l...arit<' rover-Joan• ....,....... u ........... '42-5200 stYie home 00 Jarae Jot H u n t t n &.t>.o • Harbour. = per mo. 1'15-1513. l fbt .sa w. 19th 9L 5U-9C93 ed patio. Full d1n111g room. BALBOA BAY PROP. ~~ewport Shore•) 1250 Oosetoe\lerythiq,yetcom. Broker. S4M2SS 10pnicirwk~nd.I. _ J .BR. Euf,alM. $190 MO., 1 ltlNTAL$ S.,rinklcrs • lush landscap. 673-7420 ANYTIME Cerona 111•1 Mar p&ete privacy bd\ind l'tucco 1 BDRM on. y&nl no yr. leue. ht A: last mo'1. Apts. Furnl.._. Ing, 5»11l0 TARBELL 2955 4 Bii. 2\\ BA. '-'rre livinC AtTIONll wall1.Prlc.incldomaoy.,,._ Feuntlin V•lley 1410 ....... iit..i "'° worl.nc "'nl Waler paid. No petal--'------- i'W'bO' $1,500 DOWN room. ""'1>1aco. Kitchen-tom eXtrU; wet bar, book· , . ·-or children Ev•'1wee"4nds 5'6-.ml Go-ii -dining Family den Action b What thl$ owner cue-, decorator nD paper. ->WHY PA!° ~l!NTt ~nor.. · l BDRM 2 BatJ:i. + pool. ff:: PER wffk. 2 Br, util. pd, HUGE FAMILY RM. and assume N % loan. Beau:Patio. doa:;bl; wants! Bright, cheery 3 Br. Good 'ona.I Yr old Spa.riiah style A> ,c;.;;~"=---~-o l -Mesa Verde• Builder'• loeo!i on this l-stoiy prq:e. Owner. For app't 2% b&tb hOmt w/blg. bi&: terms on ~ti -K,. FHA loln: i BR .• 2 BEDRM ~ kneed Larr.e patio. Gara&'t' in back Children welcome. WJ.U eot.- $26.500 borne can be )'OW' pin. All btwn &-10 AM or &-10 PM. livine nn., ru:mpus rm. ~~im Rltr F.V. patio. BBQ, bltns. AdJ. to yard, m pet.. of lot. conwrted. Rent • &idr1' pets. Bier. s:Y-.~SSIO new hoUse feature• indnd-642-5449. Prlnciplll on)y. downstain; overel.7.e l o t. 968-3251 stD-0&52 pl_J course, pool $26,950 Phone Hl--1304 J.eue. 54Q....4044 $1». 2 BR. pr. w/w d:rpl.. Texu s11.ed bedrooms, 2 tng 20' x 27' tinilhtd bonus BE THE FIRST quiet 11reet. Ready to occu· or CORBIN-MAR.TIN -4 BR. !.tesa Vetde. Hid. I: Ne.a.r beach, avail now. bath5,fi«pia.,,,F..-maldin-room. $231/mo.,..,. all. py. Action! Action! Au. $168 PAYMENTS REALTORS if>!B82 New ..... luch· 2200 flllpool.$35Mo.incl.pool .,_.,.._ iig room, Buill·in kitchen, VACANT. Set a/lYtirne. To see this 3 Br. 2 bath home $.12.54» IEAUTIPUL J BR'S 3006 E. Cout HW)'., CdM malnt I Months luM $1.ti. 2 BR. pool. ~ b&nd.'!Ornt bar. 540-lTlO TAR· HERITAGE 54°"1151 in Ea.stlXutt.s, Immae cor1W!r Open Sal/Sun. U:3M:30 Carpets like new. LoYt)1 I 1'110 lelM, · $3Xt mo-Owner ~ OK. Garlie avail l0/4. &ELL 2955 Harbor prop., hU&t yard btaat. Ind· 117 POPPY drapes, ·Le Wnilf nn. Cov· S.il a.Kil 1~ Comp)~)¥ film. 2 mt. 2 siz; A11'RACTIVE, .epuwte· Btr. M5-Glll' ~ Beautiful Duplex By Owner. 4 BR .. CUI de ~~L· $39,SOOR. I E 1..-SEMPLE ered patio, Hup boat rate • ...,...,..u ...., __ 3 811. 2 ..,1 ~ trple. H~ fenced house. 2 BR. 1 BA. crpts. :r:~~~f~~~~i:y ~~~:~k·s!i~= WlE~~:~. :;mo 2515:~E~J:.T!.2101 :=mum.$25~~ loan, $0.390;ao:i;'iot.S44.S(l).u; ::-~:*~ =.~~·N•pets. c..t$al0-00 _.._ 4100 terms. m Bn:ntwood Pl., Costa mE SUN NEVEB SET'S. NO WAITING H.ffd.i Rutty Bolra Ave. !1~-C23! Baylide Villqe, 300 E. AV~ Od ht, CoUece Pk. • ...... ., F"""'=='"='"=""=..,.=""=°"==""'"=,.,.=--='='= ... =· =""'=· =-=·-===~-=DAILY===PILOl'==;:w;:;~::::=AD=S!=IFor the bath satuntay nictrt l4U4I& Wntmlnst•i 1612 Cout Hwy. abarp 2 BR, onvft't den, 2 •Day, nek. manth. nMA II 1000Gene I 1000 Gener.I 1000 or any momln& with a bath Lew Dewn Payment UDO Sandi -t909 Bru • BA. $225. lea.lie. 545-3658 • St1.dio A Jlad1. Apb. l;=::;o;. ;;:.;.'::...---....;.;;,;;.;..;..;__r• ______ -'..;_.;....;'----...;..=-for each bdrm. There 1re 4! Anxiou1J ownmi wut eany I BDRM. l Bath REPO. ~ Crelcent. Avd to June 15 c; * 1 BR CloUa&e-N~. e Ind Utill A Phont _... '· ,, .. • ... • 't i •• .'Sol•• • Simpl< Scramblod w ... 4 Puul< for a Cluu..k!a I' I . I IHA IS A I A mol• ""'"!er, ~~ I I II I I -· Ycwt f-in a TV """' . . . · '"""iol on o botllo of boclr .--------. beer? Or, WO& it jOfnit Ofhv IGO}'llN ·1--7• ._., .....,,......,,,,...., ... ,-.,-.--1 0 c .... 1o1o,.. .;..ddo ..,...i b, .......... __ _ • '/OU 4-elop f,,,. Rp No. 3 Wow, • :::;:.~~,~ETTllS r r r r r r r 1 _0-';""~"".N""sw.,..1~._trn_w ....... 1· _.I._....! _.. I I [ I SCIAM-UfS- $CllAM·LETS ANSWERS lN CLASSIRCATION 8600 Plua a view flvm Abalone contn.d on t1'lia 3 Ba. 2 Ba,_ dcnm, low PQmts. BWtt-ln 8edr 2 bath. wuher/dl)t~ All util paid. $lt0 i:no. • Maid s,rvb, TV Pd. t:"er: ~~~ ~laceB Gtenmar lW>me. PJ,S:.O. ~ nnre.,cwen. F.P. $21.5tr1. fenad )'ard. Pool avail Sf5...6249 or St)..2546 • NN Cale I: Bar ~-tn ct.nn. w~ will mit an otters. BY OWNER· Ui-l092 Near be.ch. f2.jO mo. No LG 2 mt. pr a ;atio. '140. 2376 Ne'lf}JClrt Blvd. ..._ trade d""" • $SO<lO hand!.,, TERllY REALTY L-lo .. h I 705 pets. (I) 53>-<575 or (ll Newly lledeeonted. SHARP 2 IR Hil Plnchln t. A-. S>&-1'59 anylme! . ·-· .. 11&-3131. -12601aple by Wll>M, 3900 E. Coast Hwy. GT;M.392 Fwntainheaiil H..,_1 EMERALD BAY .•• tint of. PENINSULA POINT 5 BDRM, t baths. l year 1-~rn tu:rni~~ WHY WAIT n..pop<liarlBRl!>odel-, ..... of ,...authe ntic CllEEllFIJL s Bii. 2 Ba. lease. G""1 -lt ~.!f:s -•-R 1 freeway oa~ramp a maJor ~ltd 'home with w/rq. f.mdbr rm., fenced Call ii1t 5 pm. 54&.-4329. · Kt· ._ .. .,... • A -aoL 'Bii. ._ ome, -bnmed _, red ti!<"'°' A -n--'·" yU'd ' Stepi 'lo beach. * VILLA POMONA year,...... u_..... + · ' . ' ....., · IBll.<tPtaA...,..$1~mo. · ~ weO <planneci lndscpf. SSO.OOO 125,950 is 1 baJpJn pn«. try prdt.n.. 3 bednm.. 2 Aw.it NOWl S:ST5 Mo. · ll9 DosWood. Sat 1M for New 1 It. 2 Bl\ l'urn .,pts. Opon Sot Sun. \.$ Rft L. Hod&tt, Rlir. 141-2525 balhnN,. S1 It. I-nn. Hal PlnchlD a ...... 1'1'"'4392 '&pp~ -. Clooed -pool. 1auo> ••oo *~-'--BEAUTIFUL $ -l llrelldUt rm. A Wl&l. W1NTEll. S-·BJI. · J BA . dry nn. adlllll only, no pela, "" -... .,.... bath, I •lol7 ..m._ Folly Lovely landsc&Pll'c l .... o1 -...-.. beado front, J BR. 2 BA. ·Monllctllo Con-1760 ........ C.M. • 31.!!9 ~~~; ~ landtcapfd, .• u t •ma.tic cn.rntlES! ~ i. !l _.II o:500i prefer tamll)i: mt Ocean-~it ~ : 162~ NICE ~ 1 BR. Uv rn:t, ld1,, • · .,,.., sprinkleft front ' rear. JA"A I.Al~· • • fJ'ont, NB. $123. 213 : 1 ba. SblPe 1MQ only~ ltd. 67S..StJO Fe"""1. Alr .,.,...,__ Ealal•, 315 No. Cout Hwy. 596-ll09 . 1 Bit, 2 BA. Crpld, -11>1 Jud "lil. 31J1 61-., Ol'EN SAT., SUN. 145.500. ~ Diii .... 11118 GREAT view ,,. mam bar. , ...,_ ......_ 12511 -I<. ~Ln (otf Z311i ....,.. ... • IJ!f .... le-Twr. OPENllou&eSto.alxWllkto -L-VIII• near -3 Bit, 2 llllth ,Clf5'Mm ---Awl.-0,..attl ~ -J bdrm., d<n, I balh ..,. Hi Sdoooi,. '4 ml 10 Lu>ury apt., immae, """"''· wl-W!Nu. !300 mo. ~-· V... 3110 i,\VAJL Oct. L I -I Ba home. "°""' ......... All bo&do, J BR ot 1 .;. ~· 1'°" ""'I' the land. I 811. + l!t w. Bay;,._ &"B-2Gl2 ar ..,... O>odo. ,i!e<Olll\olly """: mal ~ Btt,,ut,. cfnlPe:e, •I• Mr, ~ J&1nt mnv. dil. 14. Hv. ~· OUt· m.ao. 1 BR 6 fam _room, avail Ott MuMa. 110 ,etl. $Zl5 per OWIY -A ..,,..,,_ oond. --,...,.,,. view. 211 Balbi. BAYS!IOllEll, 4 lldml, s .._ lit. Ooll4nn OK. 1-"'°' 5411.1811. • ~;i:'-~45 .,.VE -lor 4 •-• ~·:....i:. ;;,~ Stpt • ·1-18a. l'oiftle aotl ... mo. --L£.\3E 1JOD, Shldlo Apt w/bo, "": "I" -Cft"llNoMAllTIN. _,.unity With!)oado, !31S • . k1L ..._ ,,_. qo man DECOllATOll PlllSH EitAteSllnme•l~ournew · "" -·-mo ..... lllMArl. NI_. IMch J2110 ,........._Sp.a-Oom4' 2 Qr •l..!ra !ia Uv olllce. OJI lor &1100lnlm<lrt. ltEALTORS ••~-.~~ ' T..U.. Vi1iqe ..,., btl.a_ l1R., "l)ic ,0 11. D. SlelM, _...... 30M E. Cbast llwY .. OdM NEWFORT ~; ' Bt. ~f s Br. '1' a., · '"""'"'""· M ' Lot. 'IJI *1 OCEAN VIEW HOME Wlhr/dt>tt, dllP-. pr. LC. ir»1-Patio, pool. I car 11.15. 1 8lt ...... .,._ a-,... IM,500 XLNT Vet....,.......,....._ lncd'. ..... Side Ut ·-pr,; Ill WIN.,·••'•·• Q,.. a "111N. ...._ -· Dltl.oncy ll•I ltl•t• TOWNHOUSE • HW>u.w,.\, IDL ,. .. wW not -.a --rm Fb>ky m.WI -1-$2'13 MOllt• Opt £. 1MI ~ 2121 £. O>o>t Hwy. 173o!rnl Conllnenlal, 2 lldrm, l\> Bt, • Bo, wtw ....... ltpic. > Bit """ -' I n lrlWll1 or l<Wll7 EMI' Side 2 BR ""' .... FIXEIW1'P'.Eit Ba, crptd, ~ all ... Cor lot: ...... -· -$315. """ <Y~ .WAIL. OC1 L l&e/opt. *° &dulta Only< no pet& .. I:. By owntt. Below hl•'Q. plluic8. UM new cord. .ASl~IOUl·tubmil 1·/P letat) IO-W3 -aq tt 4.U. l~i BA, Cljlt-. l&tf Pllcit. Slei llo.. J2t,ll<ll. low down. -Slt,Ol!O. ~ ~-I pm: lf4t(ila. BAYJ'RONT A -J &. ; lll'la. "1-Ooi.o4:dfl -LOVEbY I Blt; 11' BA. paoj. e\-tt • -.·eeken&I. IT>Ol«l BUS1!3T ~ in Pl.ACE UALTY CM-9104 Bl. dM. teuiliption a-. Hi Dtat. S30t Mo. 5U-Sl1 er Aaiilll. fin SU0. u ... S15'. d&yl • # """" ,,. DAILY PILOf DAILY rnm "'f&W A.OSI mo. trl-Cl. Abo unNm. M-tll\. :no Santa. Ana. &e:S-.m . " I ( 11 I - I ' I I l .. • .. , MIT ,.,..,, $ifttllllll1 lt.1M .•"4•-. , ft,...., __ .. . """""'ALI • RINTALS UAL'llTATI J ·,, •. ,Ml&: ... ,,, 1• ' ........ .. ... • '""""' . . 0 -•• • • !'->· ~'" ~ ."1!',N•t• Aph. Unhitnldlld ...... u ....... *.... ' ........ --·111111-·--... -· ... -•1 llUSINUI .... * 1t * • *' -· * * PIHMCW. -~ IUllNW 1111 llNAHCIAI. 11,Jc.•, Mm'!. '• ~\.. ...... ~ c-. -~iiOINo~pott ..... '! ......... . -59'1 • I,_ . F-. ~-·-"''"' 1 I ~ 'I -(UAN, 1'11-l & COllSlllUCIDI l Be, I !It. d-~ . tiWe ""°"' llld on11 i Lfr J:. "'f' 60..:lld 2 Bit: -Vtl. fd.· CrPtl I _,.._ ~ '1iltm.-Ml• tm -. $85 per n . ~ ' I '14111, ...... l1l1li 'pd. -· J'!o ~ lio, ""' Rift ---· -.....-' . " l'lf';';l;.., ., -" 5CWlli ' . r .N.11 \-1-E_, lluff 5242 Mollie. Tri;. Crll. 59'7 ' . J<ICll_._ A~AIL ..:-~ :;:."".,.: IWllllt'HoWift.hn" ' " ~ * l'llllJR'f VP 1ill-. .... iw;G:lnd. ;'.n1c:nn.-'!'t'ir·jlll7UIUi'S• eNEW LUXl,e •KtllW!lttt.TV,moldwv ..._ 11a-..·~ -· d •IGI-'ee.,m •fll. lor -• ~lltiflceud poo1 --Rib'. lldolalo 'Utl -·~-.... b)cl. ...... -.. oa!io; ... •cai. ....... ,,. •••r.tl!ll-Nr . . ' . ·~ .._. tm. A dbl. -...... q!SNewport8l CM ' --· No --·or "IAYl'llONT'APT , Mn.~ ~ .,._ ~ -._1 -~ -, WhNofya l!!ontt Whi'tw'to Gof? I -.---.c. WlNTEJ\ L1ASE. l BR. I 3117-ACl..,._A_ ~"':"' ,,11,,i·•= .. , ... ,,._:tilto. Sl'ICIAL CLASSIPICATIOH fOlt u!':..,';:t'.!:11,'1!~ ffi:~4".':' ~ ..t:•f:,':,. •' dll--=·~.e ' ~ ~':"'~ .. ·~'!f"~ , ,11,\~RA~r.::'-=APPIRS !-....... ,,. -L · .,~,w.,,N.a. ~,. .... ;\"-1.w,q .f-q>a"' . su ... -.s..11--s11vc1rs MOo~ roRN. • BR. ....... 1a1w1 ass MAITINlljlUE T6iiAi101iiB""' i. • ·• 4 fiEidl ,.,.. s.a g ,__ ... .:.!"',." .,;,.,.'" """..=.-=. -~ ·- • •• . ...._ .... £!! ·~ --Opp'''""!!'-""· 'CH~D~~t ., ._CASH l~STMINT·COULD MAKI YOU ... O" MQRI CHRIST~ 1',JIOf!IT. Do It all ID Nov.Ii Dec., order now for belt U:, lectlocl.& dellftey -Beat loc_allou. Wo ho1p qnalWed parllel flJMI, lomporlJ')' Illes loc&llonl. (2' mootht). Includes ID merclUuldlH, dllplays, l!JDI & prlclnc. · ' · • 1 Fut ~sli Is carry ,;.i.,, Hotust new 11 n o a Eveeyboil~ _ _l>Uya our 1oods for Chr!almu. IN:· VESTIGA'.fE NOWI You'll re a 11 y mako biC \£10Dty fut. WHOLISALI PET COLLiCTION P!tone <n f) 111111-7373-!O lo 6 dally t ~ :t" =-,, ~ S19:I WINTER 1'Cft1l.l Lhdl G.AADEN. APTS. ::J:~ ~ Wu. MoCd. Dn. Newport Blvd., 1 ...,,.°"~ 'i'7"1rT..:--=it._ T~U J.,r--- GORGEOUS New 1 & I Br. hi<. !II' LR. I>' llUn "°"' Exoollen~ pul<.WC. ........,i. °"" -., flltOHI 642-5671 • • ANNOUNCEMENTS , ""'1vt'7 nn. ..,.i. _....... dock.. <11 ... 11'!~ 'BR. fDod qw l<Jr ~ulto om,. Corona . ., Mar S2JO "'-"·' H~ • .. ...... • To l'I~ y.,., Ttldtr'a l'aradl,. "4 ..... O,po,,..,ltloa AOI and !«>TICES m!-C.K.-bar lU' odl .. W!Mlff Bl<h.1,lkl BR.A.... .,_, -·..-• •'79 -• ' ' Pool. nr ~· Piil' , .,_.~"'It -LOVELY-onAltodena ,.~~ . found"'"' A*> 6400 Winter, -locatiOa, im Sulla ..., ·Apt; 1L!. ~. ,_ "T; !..::; d -,..tat; Ottleo or ,.1&ll ., Goll eoune. 511"-.....,. BRANoNAMI · Newport .._,. .., .4200 3 BR --na._ 'IA. e 6M 55C •-· ~·\~fl: w 1"P « for~ TD's. %11..%1.S 62nd able lo&a, $:1.l&O. Trade fDr \VHI'l1: t>OG w/black spots. , SUO + atil, womao, G\>Od-food. 11011-St. Kpt Bd!, -· (21!) beado uu. .,,._ • Lee, CANDY ROtn'ES. """ -· &. 01 "&W> I ti•cou:;:y CLUI adults. IPaaadenaJ T!IMOO.l' ·~ • _... -,;_ ·~· ~ ~~· avail ~1.-e'{1 <US> ~ ~ or SMm N'ow avalla.ble lo eo.ta Una da H-'lb. Ow.-JU ul LIVING '' HUftltnlteft -4400 c.·f*" Yill .. AJIS· ~OOI!l.,..~1 :1:...QW<• '!"win o. au1o Honepanchlllv<nlde 5%. ·~m•'.zi°:;.:;-.,."'~ -·. Llllwy --New Ol-ans 'Qr••;~ l 1 • j BR, ...... a lhlflull Mlle. --alo . 5"' ,......, .... flGO ml:,_., "'I"" lo"'ly holl1e, born. ...,.... or tac'°'Y v.,., ONE Boyw l ono -5 -......... """"31111.-""-,..,hch. U<lr~ "z~· ~/prlv,polloo/ , --.WWomllldtt puNtt. $30,00teq ulty. btab•"""-no..W.,.tn-..treoJer -Vic VIII& -.._,,,,,..: .idults, iilO>' ..... pm by Sonta Ana .. ~'ll!Zl ---{bllnt1Bkflt, srol'V.GE llr ._,. • --....... boot Wurt 1 ............. -· wlwd. To quoJlly)'OU ..... Nova, CM. Call lo"""""'· parallei-1 rec:real$onll facll. Dlf), iQ: 2'J-<611 Mr. Traf. ve. 9CO Su. L&De. OW t«-lW Tiil!lar, Fenced )'U'd.-Call Qwnr (n4J 129-30--642-16.\1 . be td1able 6: have 1 hr a 54()..4511. ttiea In a aounb7 dub at· ton ~ , .... -,; 1 • ·i= 642.3570. HAVE: 11' Gui.tream m.. Wanted: Late model Van. day apue time {~ or MIXED,:,::~~-~~---,.. -.~hll"1 ~·Now ~ ID 2.BR. 2 BA, prt patio. Htd OR I~ • "STOJtAGE YARD board/ootdrtve l918,150 HP w1ll .wap 1to10 puodl evu). near 19th A Harbor, UlXfd' N..._ Beach,, pqQI. --up. $J8S l£ANS APJS. Balboa Island ' SlSS AulO • boot· t=li -"""""' TRADE' lot falo 0unaro land hi Goldlleld, Nevada. ll200 to $33SO REQIJIREll !?Ulmen~ dolne nicely, • 1700 l&tb $reel • mooth ~ L • ~ -etc. H)..2610, or Mallhu. de. • Vil $300 per lot. 5CM1'1 Inquire about our "!rte bonUI yr,~ female. 666-986S FUmlshecl or antumldled 3 BR a"'11, Adults only. Lrl'TLE ~ Att bew bit 2 MS-ml. dya, evea. &C-ll22 rou~ plan''. MUe your tu-BEAUTI1'UL. bl& Tam ca~ Models ~-llOl'llJ t,o I pm 0..."I' CCM.lnty .4600 BR •9Pt, ~ NfW' Income Praperty . 6000 Attjaceni Iota, Wt1td1tt. HAVE: Commcrclal lot. ture atcure wltb ua, a DuM black w/80RM! iftY· Va, , . OAKWOOD SINGLE YcUns dll1ta. Ju;. :.J:tin~ta~6'1 ~~~ drpl. e 4--Pln -$t8.ti00. .10~ ~e~~~er·~~rn:!: =:.:·cl~:;:;;; ;~~m:,:~=. frtendly. Call~ , GARDEN · ~:a~··= . NEW Luge 1 Bedroom ~ ~ e~l f~.~~ Harbor area duplex, or rea. ~have. Broker. (1} ~to~:O~.~ = ~ter~~ 8: AP, a•-"""' pleU -· -Bay Gracious Adult Living Ganie • -!or ....n ro a1 6%"-Qwmr wm "'"""· boot ' 54&-8li5 Box 58-. Calif. 91'169 5 ~llWliRI~ Club Apta. m s 0 .FURN&unbun2BR..~ boat.~ financebalanceat7"•$500 s.,lront I~ home, WANTUlledMercedes250tn « WINTER. oceanttont. J BR.. Brookhunt. ,\n.aha1m (nt) w/w ,crpta, trplc. Pool stu-. to $600 mo tnoome. ~2 BR Want industrlal. Orana:o TRA D E FOR '61 VW AM. CANDY SUPPL y GREY rabbit M6-fil415 S2IO month. "'°' Fnrm m-4llOO ' d°lita OSK. ;J.o children. HunH!!f!On leach 5400 A 1-2 BR 2 bath apt. wllh County. Squattb<ck. <NAME RB~J!'CANDYl A5'!h18!11NNOUNCEMINTS ocean rJ BR. $16B month. '...,EA s;ASf~l fireplace ft '1r con d . Ba1boil Ba)' Pr'opertlea 673-:l::ill "•'''·"''"' , eo.a. Mea yearly, 1 BR. Garden o,... ' 4610 14' &. Uth. C.M. • ;r-t!.IACHIL111'1"''j\'-1lUUdlng over ml ., 11. well 613-74l0 .,.._ Evenlnp Excltina ""~ "lllllnr ·• and NOTICES $140 uUI ~ m peta. "2-347• or ~745 New 2 & a Br, 2 Ba. F ..A btJet.. replaoement ftlue. 5 s-.c:rea manar-aYOC.Wido,.. View home, nl!W Lquna ::: ;::O::;:;:;. Found (frM Adi) 6400 fG..3837 SINGLEYOWll'~l..wc-ATT R ACTIV:t newty dilhwlhrs, patios. poo i pniesthatbacken&lley. J.)lll>roak. $40M. EQWtr Beacb.3 BR&~n,beam ....,..GLE y ... , .... Adults Lux-UZ')' ~ apts witb COUii-ft'decorated IPldou8 Z or 3 Wew. t " t stoey, walk to ~ 'l53C13l' loL Smiley $3&,ckXI .. f'ar-bouae, unit.a. ? cell.lpcs, el~ kit. Roman aru. Muat be abl,; to devate BLACK Part -... kitten, ':;-..,._.-;,Pu with. mun-by club atmorpbere and BR. 2 bath apta. PcoJ " 5 Point.a Shop'I H.B Rltr .. ~2221. 6t6-9666 Bert Mott. Riddle .Riiy tub, trade $15,000 eq: lot Mo. '!:t 1 ~ iw:i:;: ~om::t found 192( Port"' Brtatol ... dub a'"-01'! complete privacy. ;SOUTH ,.......... room. 01lldron '47-3957 : 4 PLEX 646-8811. mol37 ,,.., tor Home, -~ Lot T •-1n"'1,...., Circle, N.B. '44-4641 -~le privacy. SCKJ'I1I BAY Q.UB AF'J'S UlOO 01(. ~7t85 or m'1 Coilese • 16' Pearaon Hawk sailboat IJG.2825 ... BA;-CLUB •~ hWre t CJIAPMAN Aw., GuOen Ave. OCEANFRONT _y~e.w f"' ICl,000, lo ........ Xlnt ...... wtih"""'botlrxlnl$1Dl5 $30,000 uily llfTIO tt, $S95to S3,llllO -"'" BOY'S"""' vie Gold<-' 1£tb,, N~~ a Grave (ll4) ag..m 2 BR. Orl.ldttn OK.-=-~ -~ir=_,, IP&C!' dlx. aide locat!on. CM. AU2 BDR. value. wui trade for ear, Cl rn:. ~; ~. (Based on part or fWI timt) I: Warner, H.B. Call Jo {714) 64>0560 ~ELUXE " 1 Bi-, IUDdedt, cpf:I. drps. tee trnced yd.. J BR.'\bltfm. GPll. lqitrf, nr 1 I». untta .. $520 montbl.Y in. cj'de or truck. So. Brl..rtol., S.A. For cabin. J'ar penona1 lrlterview In kSentuy ~ OCEAN FRONT 1 BR. spac ~91', OCWJ ~. carport, No pets $1.M mo.. 2"J'l shops A: pier; $elttt ttnanta. :;,;. ~~p~ BAR-4!9-lt* Big Besr arta. Fred Ca· ~~SC:,,~· ad-i:;L v:~hSUrt, ..i..1~~: kitchen Ii: lJv rm. Nio!ly ..,_65 It•. utn ,.,.,..: •'ltts AiDuican, nr V l c t o ri a $"1~. Adultll. 531f-~ . Centu dntn, I...quna Cit. ma.Ir:, 548-5U4 l'RANS-WFSl'ERN DISI' C'O ..... Elem. SCS-.1573 v c iM "'"'o. A%UU. Aw.· • Reward. 536-8628 Dayt . decara~ lhac crpt. Sl3'.I L •-·~ 4705 -A AIL Now, ql1t" 2 BR. Budneq. Renfal 6060 Hwy, Cl nr. beach, 13 U., HAVE: U uruu_· WW ex-<RN,,. 1 ~==-o-~--,7,-..,..I mo incl 'utll. Bach only. ll'Vftl _. tJNFURN Ice 2 Br apt. new-irplc, crpll, drpe. $lS5 mo.. -2 shops; trade $MM eq .. for chance for mdtt '!D's. Pf:I'-~Ylna, C&lU. 91721 WHITE female &paJllel. vie. 673-8990 or (n3) fi98..3627 2 BR dQPkx, flaD a 1Ulfum. lY painted, w; w cpUnc, Avail Oct 15th, mw l it 2 WANTED: a local busineu ms, land, mtr. u.iltt, ? ? M>riaJ. not or 1? &ft.lOIXI.. READ THIS Victoria • Pa.cillc Streeta. N• lllaDd-Bayfroot or Vie H ll I 0 , new 1150 mo. ind uW. Appl)o BR. Adulta, m p e I 1, addreaa A: would llke to rent Hazel Warren. !Utt. $2001 Nancy J. Mon, Broker. Leather collar. &U-3848 Up:11tain.. newty dee com,i cpWdrp9. trpt. 1 a r • Mgr, 135 Albert Pl. C.M. or ~2519 a desk in your omoe.. 1009 Bof'l\'r'08d Coupe, :n L&kefront view prop., ski-FEMALE Irilh Sett«, s.ck furn. 2 BR den. nsbrtdllpt 497/1006 eaU a'..-t968 aft 5:30 pm CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS 642-2752 ~ m1111 excepliona.J A.-1 OOIJd1.. inr, tlahlns, dlnina, dAnc-Xlnt tor ttUred people Bay area. Owner pla Iden-, Adultt. no pets. UUl. pd.~ $135. I: $1~. Ocuntrost ltU-NEW 2 BR Apt. Eut aide. 8234 Atlanta BALaoA' I~ 2 tlon. For MUitan&: er late in&. Want trailer or moblle 1 _lllY~· _M>-~7543~--~-•I mo .. 675-1599 dkt Qt'1. AD adl 6: td!dtu C~~ dips. bit-ins., dshw~, 1 ~'"'--Prt.,, ~. Paci, stores ~htt or separate. model Eooncline er Fotd. home or • ? lf )'OU WAl'lt a Part or fUll WOMENS sJuses, vie, & SPECIAL , ~ n~y incl Lee -"'-: 6'-211'5 mcl d pr,· pvt JI at 1 o, wMfrrJI...,,....,_, ~-i.,, 307 Marine Aw. m.-875.1 548-{8.'.iO aft S., 64&-llll wkdy Canon Realty 675-35111 time opportunity to make Mart store, C.M.. 642-6101 ~" "~ 'Uif2;Bi;~~~-,.;:;;~iiit:-;;;l,64J..6i5~~~7-~~~--1 money ln a. bw:ine&s o! your1.==:==::o==:::=:::===t RATES ""°"" l Apl> wt th W'l J •Br, • Ba, ~ ln MODER!j ,2 SIU, oJ1 ex1rU. NEW Industrial BIW lor i. * * 'Jfr * * own, For eumplo $2000 ;n. L t 'JV and Maki • llU"Vlce. t.q. Royale. $350. m-l TeO 2 BR unfurn, $135. Adults, no $13(1 • S145. Some w/pool. leue. ZOO 9;1 .. ft. 9c'tt. 1639 vestment can net $50 wkly os 6401 MariD!r Motel 31136 W. or fll>...Om Ml. • peta. 74.S W. 18th St. Apt C .. Mo": 17421 KffllDD Ln, HB. MomMap CM. 6'JS..W17. by spendh!a: 4 hrs m&kin&: L\DIES wallet Vic e.entn c.ut lllchwaY !'ABIJUJVS 1 BR "' ....._ ::!'!°'!..~.,! .~~ ID 3. E"'" 811-l594 . . Off'-· R I I 6070 REAL ESTATE REA). ES1ATI dell...n". St, CM or 3rd A .... LasuM e "'1ffTER. rent:al-1 BR J'rplc.. utll. Pll incl. -...~ ...................... Hon 2 BDRM, 2 BA. pvt patio, -•n a General General Beach, Fri an. Valuable deluxr, ~ vioewt pr, 1 mo. 341 aw. Dr. j,%.2T7S. S95-2 BR. pr, near mkts .. 1 heated pool. wuber hook LAGUNA BEACH Call ?.tr. Thomu Pa Per._ Reward . ._.2369 person. no pets $Ul. LGE 1-Br ocun view $190 child ok. 1!85 Tu!ljin Ave.. up. !lQ.8994 Air Condttloned Acreage 6200 Excha"Sll••· R. E. 62.30 (n4l 521..fiMS aft.. 6. •. OLDER boulle, 2 people 1:BR! 1 -.. -:-·, ...,.;.,, , 5'8--723'1 alt 4 pm.. ON FORE-AV~UE ~aguna •··ch Ladies App.rel Shop BLACK ~--n She" pop sm 613-26T1 w •••~.~ ~::' ........ "BDRM Duplex. Mld .. '··-legun1 BNch 570S ..................... , __ ,::'.~. In -VlEW Home .. Xnlt cond. 2 .-..u~ r. • n.nsw:.a1 ~ ...v-...,.. .. • \UC-~ .....,..,. -.--~ vauauu: 1 ACRES W/Pl!RMIT BR. l ba. Xnlt hill area. Llke !° own )'OOl' own bull· white teat. name "OPE!:". $125 Mo. ~ to IJdl) Kl:NTALI . lftf. Rup A: drpa. $1!D mo. ro mature woman, charm-newtst ettiee building at TO KEEP HORSES neu. Here's a n.l oppor-Lost 3 dA)'I qo vie 19th A ~· 1 Blt. u pper. &..a. Unfv, -•.-~ 50-Gm . . q 1 BR apt. ooeu view, prime location 1n downtaw:a Adjacent subdJTll;Soa o JI • = ~ ~~<:": tunicy to own ycur own abop Placentia, CM. call ltm Furnilhe4-· IM. Ollbllollle .-.p•.. ,...._ 2 BR. drapes, , t;arpeted, Jowly nelghborilood, Yel'Y Laguna Beach. Air condi-milt E. ol hwj, atD irvaD.. np, ~ ftp + 2 nm: .in wUh a small invt'stment for 545-6238 anytime m.e2l7 Gener1I .. 5000 pnge, ~ .. 'f.dutta. clean. 1150 unfum, avail ~~ c~~..+~au~ SSS.000, ~Cub, bal lit tzwt baaemtnt; dbl pr. patio. ~•ch .. ~ tbeADHmelDI~ MALE Cat. small, white 150I OCEANFRONT no iw:ta 1125. 6te--537ll. Oct. 15 .. 49J..:8392 enuiu .... er. r iv .. ._.. en deed --. • ........... 1M -11•• hes &a -• • BA .... -•·'---' UDO BAYFRONT APTS.. Forut A.wi., rear leads to · ('15) 52S-795S. Want: dbe is on conatenment No t. -.....,-, c t, ~ 3 Bdrm. • wam,i"'""1i5 3 Bdrms 3 Ba Unl just AVAlLABLE Now, 2 BDRM, REAL ESTATE !-Iunclpal parklnj: lcltl $50 MAKE OFFERll Rril.ttment hOme.. investment In merchandi.e lar, 5 days ago, vie Nwpt Frplc.CQ~9) m-~-,.., redeconted. rupt on Lido Cl'Pts. drpl, bltins, carport. General fief °'°°th for ~e.. ~ Write or COPtact: Gecrge R. Arkal'l .. t ,Or' Ne,wport JllY alter It 11 IOld, We tr&~ Hghts 54l-a>53 mo-. '~ • pri le beam.. All · A.dultt .. No pell. S4M769 • • # and chain avail.able for ~ Kttts. Box 9lt, J..aaUm. \VW trade 20 acres on you &. ~ you at no LOSJ' Vlclnity Costa Mesa, 2 " A 2 BR.-Ba~W rAptl. .-. dirrienm::mt ~ p.35. lee 2 BR up1in: apt. Rtntalt Wanted 5990 Bus Ines,, houri answering Beach or phone C9M726. beauUfuJ Lake Hamilton, expense. For complete lntor. partial dental p l a t t: I • Klt-'l'V-Poo&o-Mald-Ser. $35. petnianent home. ~le. Qpt:s, drpg, bltt:ns. Pool WANT 1 er 2 bedroom apt service available tor 110. Hot Springs, Ark. r 0 r matlon. write or phont F. L. Reward. 6.f.4..5351 Pft' wk. t: up. THE MESA Leue at $450. * * Mil' •Pt E, 1846 PJaoentia on ccean or Bayfronl All utilities paid exce~t Lake Elsinore 6202 Newpll't Beach property. Tierney, 2130 North Holly. IRISH Setter, female. Lost 415 N. N'trpt Blvd. 646-8M1 2 Bdnnl .2 Ba Unf. all bl& l·BR. L&rre, w/1'"cpt.s, stove, Prefer \Vest Newport or telephone •• ·• •· --· Hal Every, Ml S. Van Nen. WOOd Way, Burbank, Callf. 9/17 Vlc Santa Ana A 19tb •WINTER RENJ'AJ.S e rooml, 1rple, J u at 1ar.A1nt1.,no ·~ ... ~~Q. Lldo Isle .. Yearly ltue, ,• DAn;Y PILCn' LA.,Callf.90X6. Phone(2l3)843-43f0.. c'="; .. ;;"';;.....,...=====,,.I ~Is ro68. "4' _..._ s_...,._ M:l-«>19Atta5PM. b<cbelar. 113>-lllXI. Mr. 222FORESrAVENUE PRICED JO SEU COCKTAILS~ Re""uranc - .. . e 80-3l50 e oI baJ, om of LIDO'S tD01t 2 BR, crp•• d r p 1 , Welch LAGUNA BEACJI R. E. Wanted 6240 OOI e1tabJlahrd. In indastrial Personals ~ tncdv bnllAlnp ..., Uf.9t66 · area. Beach town. 644-2106 --------'-I GARAGE Apt, bet bay I: a e ~ · wuber/dryer. Rm rtq'd. WANTED: 2 BR hou.9e. $12l Beautiful. modem 4 Bed-\VILL bey equity In home or aft 6 pm. * ocun 2 BR. $160 wintm', Leut at $350. • • , .... Mesa Dr flWI ..... ...... -~ ..,.._. ..... _. MODERN Ai r COIXlltiontd ............. , ' Ba•I. and f ...... ny -···1 ••'M •. --·-========= D nlfl · Call Mr. ~y -.......... ...,....._,., er Uuutr per mo."'"""'',..,,..., suHe, il~ street, Cort.a ,..,.,... .... ...... apt'""""" ng _.. .. & re_..... o $311 Jrly m-4026 54G-2900 646-6338 ~2f!OO. ext 212. Uk for Mesa. OVtt 700 aquare feet, ~X-1i..'.:i!:~~ n 4/49M020. lnv•t11rent Opper. 6310 • H~lfO. _:_~~I-Mullan Realty Mell Ver4e 5110 .,.~~UJGsrclAYEO -··•· t S240 per month. Parldtla' -A&ent, 1r"88 Grand, n4: WANTED: Ccnune:rc. bldg. ,._,,us"_,~" bo"-·e ~ -uo.._.., ... ,., .. , ... 2 BR + den, Jrplc, bllina:, ':"'ur man ~ ap ooUee room janitor 678-21ll on Cout Hwy, Corona del SlLENT tntaut. Ch a In ~ ll ~WM 11..... i.rv ..,_. r • ~ * VENDOME Io patio. New w/w crpta, m uch. for we:ek.f:nd/ew-RI'Vice all utilities in-1-far area. Broker MM323.. motor hotel incl Sain.ho cof. cave style datinz. SS.. 2 BA wtntft' tentaL l~ drpe It We .. Adults, 00 -ta. nirw work. P.O. Box 92 d uded. P.bone Mr. Rife fee shop l "' old-N t OR!NGE 00. tl7-6661 b1k to aCean. Furn or un-1175. 548--1554 ,.,... Balboa. lll&nd 6G-S600 BUFSllNNaE~CSIA•n<IL 21% -~ ahel~ ,!. 24 Hr recording -~= lMMACULATE AP'l'S! ED Bus Mo<lnl. & O..rt 6210 -Jrl, 7w a•-U. ~ •-PALM L Clrd v ••• ,-. . ADULT & FAMILY REFlN · lady wanls MOOl!RN ·OFFICES ~ ~ •• --·- l BR. 1 Ba...% bl..k. to beacb. SECJ"IONS AVAILABLE NeWl)Ort leach 5200 "'?m w/ba. lite cookina. FROM $65 PER MONTH ~ Bus. ()pportvnltles.6300 $1 MlLLlON Profit return in Ad~ A:~p H ~d. = =!:h~ybt •. 6T>3249 CIOMtoahoppfnt. Park YEARLY RENTALS :.!~ ~paaJon aome ~ .. parkina',centralb-FRANCHt.SE:NofOOduper. ::~ ... ~ant~ fix' :r:11y lO~m~l Opm'.' 1=.:;..c=,,,...--'""''-'l *Spadous!Be'~•Ba <BR. 2 B tho l350 . catlonr. Sec,.larial ..,...,,., SILV"R VALLEY ~-~--· -· ,._ :113/697-om. 2111 W, Whtt· MEN • DIV'Ol"Ced • ~P-* 2 Bedrooms 3 BR 2 Ba•,.__ •••••••• •.iM NEED 2 lk1nn. apt ·in So. Calif. l•t Nat. Bk .. Blda. ~ • nee. qUlred.. 6A&w123.f dQ or eve. ., .... B!V<I, LA Habra. N ... araLol-Joinlhec:rowd. •Swim~• Pull n · "~ ........ -Hru:perScl>..,..bySeRLL 230E.17th,C:O.taMe,. RANCH HOUSE MULTIPLY ~ Therapy loo. 546-1'938 * FJ'Pl. b,di;°llodry"::'ll · 3 BR. 2 Baths •••••••• $265 Reaaonabfe, GG-1155 642·1415 . Invest. Wanted 6315 to La.Habra walk in tbtatre. 1145 An-··· 2 BR, ' Batho ........ 1265 & CAPITAL ORGANlZ!NG a Camper TRIPLEX -Spot. 1 BR. .... rm A... 3 BR. 2 Batho ........ $250 • LANDLOROS e OFFICES ACREAGE 0ynam;c c.. cem!rining be•t ELEC. ENG. -a11U Group ... -people. If bltins. p1tio. Blk from heh OOSTA ~A 6G.fl824 2 BR, 1 Bath .......... S200 FREE R£N'TAL SERVICE RecepUon-An.swerinc featurt• ot fut food field u w/u.lel rep or dlstr. Boz. II you are owr S5 and fri: i: bl,y. Wlnter-yr!y 615-Q81 2 BR. l Ba, Furn ••••.• S175 Broker 53.f..6982 Secretarial never done be.lore. 425 Daily PUot, N.B. terel1ed in camping. Wrillt OCEAN FRONT 1, 2 I: 3 • RENT • 3BR,2Ba,Fum •••••• $250GQVERNMENT worker .:::WfiNewportBlvd.,N.B. CITY Of Highest anUc. lnvestment-to:BCIXNo.M~9TheDail7 bdrml. WINI'ER RENTAL. 3 RNm• Fumlluro IURR WHITE •-W... I<>"'"' lamlly home. 6f'>-l'lll · · l OO LAKES to-profit ratio. Wo provide Monay hi Loan '320 ..:Pll=•l:..,.===.---I 613-Qlll. $25 & UP REALTOR * 64&-<5ll • DELUXE ollloe ID C..to the cu.-.rs via muslvo LICENSED f.ttractl.vt 2 BR. patio, Month-To.Month lteotala 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. * RENTAL SERVICE * Mesa. 1500 sq fl Air cond, NEWBERRY SPRil'iGS TV ads, )'(Kl own the bw. 2nd TD Loan Spiritual Readlnp.. advice pr .. no pell, no chlldrt:n, WIDE SELECI'ION 675-4630 60-2'253 Eves. FREE TO LANDLORDS crpts, d.rps. 548-6'7i!.. MAKE YOU'R OWN LAKE and keep the proft.t.. on all matten. 312 N. El fl.50 mo. Call 543-24911 HFRC Fumitur, •-·t-•-$30J to S~ We.lertronL Lux· Blue Beacon ~lll AVAILABLE Oct l 1 t. S5 invened in compttitor'1 P!mt:apt, contirltntlal H'f'Vice CamiJ1o Re•1 Sar: Oement1 -· -1-::i:==o:====== I r .. -... 20 ?wt''--East ot Barstow oo 1...,, .... .._ • ....;,. .--. ..... -CHOICE Of l ar 2 BR apt. 517 W. 19th. CM S4S-34!J. mou. I elegant 2 BR. 21• '"""'V"ted &. walnut paneling.. ..._ el)e. """' wei u.-O•c• _.., '42·2171 $45-0611 ~ __...., turn er unrum. SPAC bad:'l SUS. c. M. RA. pool, prl balcony, view Rooms for Rent .S99S $45. mo. 615--5444 :::::!:w=~ ~~ today. We «XJ>ect even bet-Servtna Harbor area 20 yra. 10 AM • 10 PM * m-14!2 • 1 BR. !lo .,.,. apta. Boat slips avail, COSTA Mt1a otr1ce1. A/C, -••·••ft ter. Sattler M.-.... ... Co. A..._ _ _.i....._ Ex-rt 1,-=-::-"='-:==-=..,=id, I* Pl'-C.l'al. i.-ubternnean ~ ROO?.t far rent. kitchen for atriOOts. au.....-, out t1't'1 Req, apprax $12,000 (:skurtdl -· •• ,,,_,,,.... ......-, BR. yearb', utilities . 2 BR studio, 2 BA pgo cutbe Balboa .Apts privileges. Corona de! f.hr, crpts., drpl. S205 for 2. 1.SfiS SfOWing, fish rai.tni. hOne + bard WOl'd + abUJty to l36 E. 17th Street YOUNG WOMAN $110 montb.. ll12 W. Balbc;l 2 BR delx., pool $180 CdM 310 Fernando St, NB. pool, beaut aree.. I'm a Baker, ~ raDCh, boa.Una-, etc; etc; conm:il yuur empl~ un-PRIVATE Funda available dancer will teach )QI all. ,Blvd. ~17'7 • 3 + fain rm, child ok S250 (Il4) ~ · single, quiet lady. 675--7117 der our direction, ~mple op. tor TD eecured loan or~ latest stepa, can ArdeD· NEW spacious 2 BR. ~ 10 4 BR. Back Bay ...., $400.. C\lel. Commtl'Ciat 6085 40 Acres Ranch LaDd, Im· . counted TD'a. Sen.t detaill 213: 591-45.lS 1.10 PM oceaa. Win~ $165 mo. Wide'~~ a~ ,..~a. ~ :_~~ ~~ Cll>tlota.. OOLl.EGE or worklnc airll OPEN S,UN. 1-5 PM pl'O\-e:l \VITH modern 2 BR Ge7U::· at start for Jowe1' to: Dtily Pilot J;klx M·lfl YOUNG 55 yr man, seeki ' 54&-Z~ ~DA,I" .. _....."" -..-.... _, "'""··pa . llw:onBatlale lnclphone' """N rtBI·~ NB ranch house, 1.&e Uv rm. invnt. .. ,cbolicetenit.,hl&b. womanforcompanlon, I?:========-[$130 1 BR. f..pla Aaro8ll from . Coco'• a . I ..... ewpo ..... .. • beamed ceillil1. brtakfut Mortg ..... T .D.'1 6S45 could ltad Into marria&'e- k H 4210 ' ' Nr thop. WestcliH Plua. $185 to $2:lS. kit, rec rm I: TV. Rooma Corner • Cl • v11cant.. 70xll7 rm, kltchell. modetp bath 6 est yiek1. Wrtm p o Sm: li'l51 S.A 1,;;0WJl'!==rt;.,;.;:I"-=--'""'-' Pina: Avail 10-l 1665 lrvint. 2 BR. 1 BA, flo)n $50 up .. GTh-3613 Lot 4 blda. Pttmiwn V:· plumbing. Tank house en-INVESTIGATE cmlERS C'ONSTRt..TCnON M en e 'J , • • • - Bkr. MS-<U1l $170 up, $l7S down. 1601 CA?ltEO SHOftES-Luxury 2 po1urt. Open to 0Uet1, doling 1000 pl plv. &t~ FIRST avatJahle tar iDoome pro.-Bl.IND, di1a bl ed, ll'P. SlZ. 1 BR., aar. pool. New Bedford, 6U!O'l39 BR., den, ocean v t e w, C&non Realty 67!>-l581 age tank under 45 lbs pre• For appt.., Mn. Batton 213/ ducln& prope11:)'. l'tnlo A tupnarian wt .eeks hap:' w/w. Anll now. 2 BR, H-• u-. •-. adults .. Newly dee. Owner. llll't. With double ..... Col)> 6.'2-8520 (:14 hrt.) An tlteCI> ckmeltlc. M6t.ls. Nuntrw plneta. 968-7837 - ... -~ ·-• ~~ ln4Ultrlal Ranta! ~ •-••---~ ·---c-" ........_. Cliits. m,.. blllnl A encl li'lS-5698 __. crete septlc tank. all dee.. u ..... wlll re ... , .. y ...... -.u. Homn,. Sbopplnc -Cnten, ALCX>HOUCS ~ ~-fd1ff 4230 '1 ~~45.~J~BR,~-..,~. "'a."1~.,~ • .,.-1 1ar. 11.86. Mo. can for &J>Pl ROOM For tent. aentlernan FOR Luse, 1300 • 2600 1q ft 5 hp pump, 301 pl per ml.a O f f Ice B u 11 d l n a:• , Pbooe 50-ntT or write ID cepted Walle to beach 541).(Qll.. '247 Hilaria w refttted 550 th tnd1.11. aJ>&C@. 10c eq tt, new at 80' depth. lmprovementa: LITE ~ etc. Writ. or P.O. Box 122'.Jo.ta Kea. J BDR '!~_ ... turn. hlt·im. &otet 534-4880 • N.B. ay, ~. g" mo 11 • blClf. 1240 t..oa:u St, C.M. F~ wllh l" by f' x 100 ft MANUFACTURING crall .. Tille ....... ~aU;y 6: GENTLEMAN to se:rvt: 108 1rp1c. Mi U&1l3li to Whtd.ltl 646--0681 red\Yood Uinct. 7 Milea East lmur&Dee 1,.un.1pany, 215 d tlhoP ~tr. Adult.. No Peta. S14S. 2 BR studio .. 1~ Ba. CHANNll. front l·Br. apt. LARGE comlortatMe room, el IChool, $76,00o. cm B1l ldt r1 1, Bfrm. parties • tan up. (U OIO mo, )ftrlJ. 6t6--8372 Opts, drpe. bttns. Bfcr, Prlv. bead>; pe.rUy rum. conwnient ana, Uc> per Lott 6100 = ~= w::.= tnpam. Alabama 353)3 ~m.oim=======:::::::=I l~~:'.:~;";~:="';;';;;j~~~~======o-J ~·,!,:!Y· No 1ara1e. week can 642-1758 c 2 ·~ ~ X90' Or will subdivide 10 back(round. ~ Pbont <*> 251-6286. Announcements 6411 ·Coraft• .. Mar 4250 ....... ~ 1 BDRl\f W/ bath. Prtvatt . .....,.. . ..... acr•• •H im provetnent1 In program tor nlatioml dla.. 1ST m on wtUte water vWtr ;;.::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;.:,_,:;.;.::1 (. Costa -5100 BEACH Al'ARtMENT '"""· No -· ,,.. .... SUNSET BEACH ,n ,ooo •• lO ••••••• : trtbutlon_ $250 .... wk. lo lot In Lquna ...... $6,000 SUN SIGN ATROLOGY Corolldo Apt&. NEW ' BR. t BA. lhq crpt. .hi-n w unfu~ crptJ 4 dtp1, lllml&hed .. m-<rn1 ~tM2 improved 121 ,000. 1tart pJui equal lbare of. e.t $60 mo. Incl. 9%, all due cl.ult&. Reat&ter nowi ~ 14 Bd"", •Pta.. ·fl.Im. , pr,.. 4iehwblr, patio, beam ,earb'. S250, mo. 64Ml8I E X C LU s Iv E tellde:ntial Ranches 6150 40 % Down. lelt flce on proOts to active Pll'tY wlth I years. ~ Dl9COl'.ll1t Be11.Zn.er1 -Advanced. l..rrPk: .• bltlnl, patio&• pool, ~ frp&c, pr. Multi. after 5 PM. · beach area. Ull' o( t9m· l it fruit deed. $12,500, cuh. ~ t&ll'1 8robr' 49'1-1210 tall the Sun Stan. ~ l'ICorporu f« .......... SI~ "' -_, --.,_ I BR io;er d-lrplc. pl<1t home. 1100. '46-""" 11 ACRE ln1p... Hone net Hlectnd -125.000. l'OOO BUlii OllP :Ind TO. ~or m-2140 oft. 6. ' '#1.o ,Moot.ht 1eart leue. 5374XllD an.-' pm a. am. $Ull. Yrl'J. Bltim. Crpta a CdM:N· Prtv. rum. to0m 4 ba. ~~u~~ba~~.~ COURTISY TO lint yr. For ~l"IW.I tnttt. 2>~ di.tc. Slaamed l yn. CiUROI cbGtr 11ncen iJMd; ~ulta "'1is.sm 1 BR. : 8,\ .. c;r,ta. drpo, clrpo. 1 cblld olL m 361h St. Pat. l"· $15 ,..qt!I, ..._,;;, ...,u';d dii.i";;i .IROKIR.. :'";Ml ..e nun= <S. ~,.!";.~~.!%1' qrtly, ::i~. '>tor"'°""'· 1;·..:;.,•~,-'_,.,.-c,-~=I bltlnl, frpl<. hbwtu . <:ll3l 2<8-!121 · m4i ~. 6T.l.9300 room. Volue $lOOM. FP WIL NIOOTIATll ., •• u-- 18R.Yft.NMl'lltadl.1JJO Patio, dbl ,~. Miii-. no2 BR. J BA.1 t:Ptt. d~.SCACHlbiock,Jalle,l'Urn .. $70M. For appolntroent. CALl '47.'640 BOAT Bufldt:r. eq,. la""='""========== -· lllO 1' a r £ >. pott. 540-71R ¢ • -.Adulll, "' ...... 1111 """"'' enlr' both. Utll. pd Somueo Re.ii,. m -A,TIR 6. nbtfllaa. Xlnt .....,, '°" Monay Wa-63SO c:amet.ry Crypt> 641' Owmr(..,_ m.m7 i\ElliCOliAn:o 2 aii, IM 54S-mi, t'IW1lO. . 115. ~ e-. . _,. tmAll im...<. Build - ..... I .. bll..U., crpU • drpt., 1¥) UPPER dilJlex. Joftbt 3 BR. 'aDRN'S So. or Rwy. 1 bUt. ~ Goo .... ·-"". ""' ::.:.~hett w: a: ?:: '= =o ~turn~ ~ ~~ ~ • .; !!!!!!~----..!!!!!!!I pett. 51& w. \Villoo St. 2 BA. New deocr, rv Lido fmm'beach. SlA Adultt. no $& DOWN. $9 PER MO .. Wllli. fUpht.ntll oilOiillDll Df.U1 Pilot cSq or eve .MamofiaJ Pk. ~ _.,. (>lltl. S60l1D -. -.,,.. Mi-111111 1115. ruu. PRICE. ...,, ,. DON'T .,.. 11 away, ,.1 •LlQ. Uc-s. or;;;at. s.n IT'S 1itOC11 """"' -. Bil-MS-1.139 All ... bid .. .. 1 BDR, pr, cpta, ..,.. "° maner wt.t tt .... '°" n'RN Room In beaut CdM amu ID So. Calif. L. tWdt CNh lot It wtth I Dk>p $12,500 on salt; flllt ~ """' ~ tM IT'S A REVELATION tha •••~AZ. lalM.~ _ Prefrer -or ....,.._ eu 1111 tt ""'1 a -DAILY ~ fw ore! ..,_. tu5. Sbowfelc !21 11'. 3rd St., DollY Pilot ..... Mt '1~00t oU ""°· Call WINS. l>AILY PILOl' "'"'n.! ....., ""Pint ... """ In .,....-... "._ )0 "°"""· C.M. PILOT WANT All!! .f0.5111 Rm. no ll'llM'm:. m-4Jf9 LA .. 12131 ~102 M2a11 ~~ (.211) m..,. -=Hoa NOW! "awt""" Ack. a.r.k ... I I ' • I • ' I I I • ' I· I NOW! .. . . .. ' For Your Convenience -AD Positions Offered 'ARE LISTED. ~LfHAeETICALL Yi IN. - CLASSIFICATIQN !7100 HEtP WANTED (Men, illd WCHMn) NEW! When '•You 1 Want it done right ••• Call one qf /he experts listed be}owll olOll " IMl'LOYMINT ~DIS .. EMl'LOYMIHTolOll a IMPLOYMINT JOIS' IMl'LDYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT RY J1•1 Mon. W-7100 Jobe Mon, Wom. 7100Jalla Moo• Wom. 7100 =~:...::::.=:.:::.:.. D -~• •-r. •~• BABYsrrrER• -3 mo bol" • • ,~~· ;=u: # ·-m,y tioa., Mon.I hn. i'rt J.. * General * 1 t eun.o~ ~ Repair 5. is wkly.1eau 646--3798. ~ J. o. PENNEY COMPANY Brick, bJodr. con c,' t e, BABY6l'Fl'ER, My ~ l'aahlon lltand -Newport Beach crpntry, rio Job too aman w PM. f d4Y wk. Newpcll'f. HM OPININGI roa Uc.Contr. 96M>«1 s.aoo.~ . WAITRESSES .. BUSIOYS * IF you need remodeling, TEACllER needl baby1ltter, With aome u~ence-and wlllins to learn. Top .. lnttn.. or reruoi.... c.au 10 moc. old baby; live tn Ol' workir:tC condi Olli and ~nvlronme:nt. CompeUtlve ...... ..--· "'&18 Plut1 mee.IJ and tlps, and outstand.ln& btne-Dlck. 642-179'1 out. Rel req. ~ tits lncludlni hospitalization and prolJt aharlna'. S.WI 6960 BAKERY, Semi-retired n\8.n ApDlY ht ptraon 10 AM to 9 Pftt . np , to do deanup work in • Mondl,y tbru Saturday e Ottum-. Alter•tloho bake'>, ~-AM Tio!· PENNEY'S ,ASHION ISLAND Special on hems. ter'1, 2M !Wett A v e 1 Eaual Opportunity Ernployu J1~1 "'-'• w.m •. 7t•J• Men, Wem. 7100 MACHINISTS CMus~ bo axporiancadl Hone Operator Grinder OP.rator Sr. • * 641-&HG * ' \ LaaWa .Bch. AU 1t.udm.t posiUona are filled : SERVll:E DIRECTORY SllVICI DIRECTOIY SERVICI DIRICTORY Altorallons -'42·!145 "'nlci"' !*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!* , ' Nut, llCCW'ate, 2(1 yean eXP. Experltnced Drill Press Operator Lathe Operators CADILLAC CONTROLS Babysitting 6SSO BulW.n' 65708ulldon . 6570 Tl.L!, C.ramlc 6974 PRQOF OPERATOR Jolta Men, Wom. noo Jabt Men, Worn. 7100 -------CHILD CARE l little airl, age 2% to 5 )'Uri. As playmate • com- pe.nlon 'for my 4 year old daogbter. Meah included. Near Magrulla & EdingPr. Fountain VaUey ill'l!a. fAl,00 a week. Call 847-?187. CflILD Care. My home. Will take infant«' up to 3 years. Have fenced yard and 1% old child. Location betv.ftn e Add A Room e Apartment & Unit$ • Custom Hornes • Kitchen Experts • Two Story Specialists FREE LAYOUT & DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • *DRIVERS* CHllD etno Butlot View fJ'ft. I need a 1W\ahhlr wbo •"""' -.. ...,.,..,.,... No Experience care for children. 9:1' U A: ...____,1 13 wboae mother MJrb in '.'---, !"uadet1a. Mf.2300 aft '1:30 Must 'bav. dlu caurorn.i. p.m. drtvhW -APPi1 2'2 Ocean I vo. Child ea.. YELLOW CAI CO. GENE'S TR F; E SERV: l.aiuna &a.ch PLAYROOM attendant over 185 E. 16th St. ~!vision of Ex-Callo Corp. 1880 Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer trees I shrubbeey rernow:l. 49t-6546 21. Part time needed fm. a.ta Mesa trimmed, hauled aw • y BEAYTIC1ANS. femal~. to med. Call Ra)' Randall !SfABLtSHED lnaurance • Jobi Min. Wom. 7100 549-L'l59 wars evenlnga le: Sundays tn 962-3366 IAlldJ avail. .ff.B amo. . I FairvleW & Sunf l ower c.o.ta Mesa's bu 1ie11 t Career 0 t. 6'JS..a8s · HOUSEKEEPm Board & u_~p_ho_l_•t_•_ry, ____ 6_990_1 popUlar priced saJon. ~CLEANING lady wa ntl"d PP room, privat!! auest house ponun11y rm top e"""'8s I> ,.,,;.,k, 12 hr. ALSO <><> Exec. Secretary + l&luy. Llaht .. .,..,...,. Jobo Man. Wono 7100 LOT & DETAIL MAN Experienced, ovtr 21. Thil la a rood epporturflty for steady dependable woMr. Good m benenm. can Chuck MS.9303. -1 • BABYSJTTING my home, weekly. Vic. Brookhurst &: , Adams, Hnlg, Bch. Call 962-2829. BABYSITTING my ho~. : Prefer ages l ~ to 3, fenced yrd. Vic Btahard &: Adams. """""" MOTHER Wanla playmate fOI' pre.school boy. fatesa dcl Mar area. 546--1692 EXCELLENT Care for your child! My home in HI& Bch. Call ~46 BABYSIITING b-ty home, Mesa del Mar. Any age welromed. 546-3003 CALL NOW O,IN WlllDA YS .__'_1s_.1_1,_1 _.I SAT.I SUN, A'"1. AYAIL IN OUI OfFICI Oil YOUl HOMI CZE~::.·s ~~~=p w/pa.ld vacation. Ap p I y cuk>nal ortrnf&ht t.byait· Plulh tt80rt Hotel tn Beach inc and Cl'.IOMJ:lc. Own car 100% tin! 642.-1454 Mgr. Crowning Glory Beau-ttt. El Tofo. &l)..$1 ar@L FJinre benefits. Send dn. 833-0600 ext. 222!1 1831 Newport 81., C.M. ty Salon, 267 E. 17th St., CLEANJN~ .... ~ l af. resume to Box M Ul Dally HOUSEKEEPER.. 1..ive in, 50 C.M. tl!I'l100M, UWQ supttViskm 3 Pilot. to 15 )TS. Ptot.. couple le: 16 B r KIN I Barmaid/dancer. evenln(ll, FV arq. lS or Expuienctd m linete llHdla yr dauPter. Moil wknda Full or part.time. Costa oldu. 964-1542 and overlock. Good piece tree. E'fts. 1-8. G1'3-4007 Se• Belt;)' Bruce at ANNOUNCEMENTS Mest. CLEANIG woman 1 cSQ a work Prices. steady wcrt, HOUSEKEEPER. a a I a r y 1nd NOTICES 646-nll w":. fr:r l1on lnc It EDDY MQSq l«Kl Locust $150 montlt.Ltw1n orout.3 ~;:1c!:.tc;:-r~ C L 6411 BOAT CARPENTERS -...... Alter •· SL, W"""ln.mr. ou.rng ""°"' -51' day · "'• · B. emetery ots Experienced. Large cuslom 4K-T1M Foreign Car Mechanics Wttk. f:I0..89a BJ appoint. &M-3939 2 OR 4 loLs Pacific View construction. Top wases. CLERK TYPIST Good co. benefit.a, incl plJd H 0 U SEK E E P E R, 2 Machinists Memorial. Impl'ClWd, Bay. WILLARD BOAT \Vorks I for Adrirtbt-1.. vacation, croup ins, unJ. scboo~ priv. apt, Coe:ta e Punch Preas It view terrace. $350 ea. 1296 Baker St. cr.t Sh 1·'!. ty•e. forms fW'niahed free Good fl.tu.a. S75-4!10 or 548-119'1. 673-7500 • , cy. ~ 1rp, I ,,.,, pe comm. schedule, Aik for • Multl1Ucle Oprs. l=========IBO?KKE EPE R .. Ex· 55-60 wpm accurate, Joe t loore Ph. 540-lTGt HOUSEKEf:JIA .lift • in. Th $432 per week. Appb L I N . penenced lady required. ab .. to •-II handl Prtv. rm & bl.th. 2 chDdN:n. Tony; Duch!, -09..:.•--•o.•.c•ces.;c__-'64=50 t.1Wll have &billty to mm· -, • F c k Ftn. Vall. ~rzc W" m roo• ·~ DIE t t boo... thru T a Call P h o n • and clorlcal ry 00 ~ " • I will not be responsible for P e e. "" · · dutl 1 HOUSEKPR Ll-..Mn for 3190 Pullman Lane any penonal debt$ ........ for interview or apply in It • Exper, top pay, tull time elderly couple, mature Coeta Mesa. 540-5432 BABYSfITING &: after schl . 0~ person 645-1221 DUREL ADVERTISING Bob's Cc!fee Shop care, my home. Fenced th_an my own. Robert T. MC MAR INCORPORATED 425 N. Newport Blvd. 1400 S. El Camino, San 0 wom&n pretem!d. 6G-l661 Machinists yard. Mj...5874 CORONA OEL MAR Fildennan. Commando Motora Div. Newport Beach 642-3910 FRYCOOK wanted, Exp'd, * * Housekeeper * * MINIMUM 6 yrs exp on BABYSI'ITlNG, Next to 2435 E. COAST HIGHWAY JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 00516lh St., N.B. Clerk Typist $450 top wages, must have refa. 5 daya/week Lathes, Turret.a & M.lll•. N H lght --~ M Be tllul -Hi ..,.._ N Bayside fnn, 353 PacU.lc 494-3647 1..qlina 8each TAnfATIC CORP, ewport e s l"'M"' on Job W1nted, BOYS 10. 14 au ul.Uces, ~•.nt ew-845 W. 16th St thru Sat. 645-2754 I :=:::~~====::=r:=~;:::;::::::;;:::=::;:::ll =W~o~m~o~n~-~· :_•_;7~0~2~0 I carrier Routa Open port Beach Company. Coast Hwy, N.B. 673-0934 HOUSEKEEPER, Ex.per• Newport Beach ~~ :. ~ i!~~ G1rdenlnt 6680 Ironing 6755 ATTRACTIVE petite 29 yr Laawl& Bea: So. La&une ~~15~ ~~CJ ~i:u. ~ nlOl't ~~~ ~ MAIDS MS-3404. thru Fri 64&-5537 ~-. old mother mming out of DAILY PD.Or Employm~nt Aguicy ~1196 H OU SEK P R/Bab·-1tter, · · ANJH N moNINGS In ...,.., ..... ..., · ......... So M · Santa•·-r... FlJlL.Tlme. reeort bol.'el, ·Magnolia k \Varner, F .V. . $1.25per:~ * C•n operate office BUSBOY ~ Cleric: 08Wp0ft daywUndii545-4405. BABYSJITING, My bOme. Q Y'S "''.J retire1nent for bra ~2 daily. M2-G2l ~ · am, ni... '1 live in for~ girls. Aft 6 -all Lquna Beach. 494-1lll6 Any age. 842-M75 644 A 860 1---.:.:;:...::.c:.... __ =I machines, tactfully handle Available lWK'h • dinou FEMALE clerk, apply In :t ~ MAID!> I: PORTERS _, DROP Clothes oU! \Vill cierts, driver, ski~ I e d Prefer l8 Y1'tl. or oVer. ' pen;o? Drive.In ,Liquor, 706 persOnOt:a Elrdt:lac apt mm.pin needs BABYSmING, My home, The ... ~""''"" mon!t wuh, !old & U.n. 545--0611 wim~ntalty & physically DISHWASHER P>.c•l•c Cout H '. h ". y' agen"" * HOUSEMAN * lllll. part time help. Good Mesa Verde area. •.fter 6 pm hand.1capped, balco l ac-AM • PM Ov 18 Hunttnaton Bch. "'' PIY· Call Faye at 642-8110 540-2132 Experienced MalntPruince 1 .::=..:..::;:,~=~--1 • " :m Budg~t Landscaping IRONING cordJOn teacher, positive . . * COIL WINDER * Professional Service r.fust speak £naliab 14a1ntenanoe BAB y SITTING; r.ty Gnduate Hortlcul ... ·-'·t Reaaonable 897·7350 think~r. church youth * APPLY IN PEIUON * Toroidal exper. prel'd. fo fL-I Ne~'PIJ11: Heights home. Age --~~'="===•=w~"-'-=========I counaelor 7 yrs. Min p hr. r rt9 emp oyer Nii:ht &hilt 1:30 pmto10 pm IJ~~~lN~~:R CouaLETE , '· ••• ---VALOR· and tho applicant -tlioii to T». Call 645-1289 mr ~ $ S 5"l-9'6l WILL Babysit your home by YARl) MAINT. J1nltorlal 6790 Typtng my home nack hop No. 1 ELECTRONICS w Dover Dr., N.B. PLEASE CONTACT HOUSEKEEPING DEPI'. Cl~F I the week. You furnish 5!trin~er m:atalled ~.-~_Pab'· DUTCH ?-.faint Sert, crpl IBt.1 Selective. 2305 E. Coast Hwy. 540-9261 '42-3170 Sff..2743 transportation. 642-1407 "Ar«t~w Se;::• =<WUps. clng, Or waxJn&'; window Alt 5:30 p.m. ~ Corona dtl Mar, Cal, Counter Kiri. General I • u. at oog.m8 ' washing.1}11UTY v~,,~~n PRACTICAL NURSE, ex· YOUNG WOMAN : ~BO~~ -'fhe.-Br c,.. JTM110nry, c. 537-1508 u no a1111 ...,,.. •·u ~ cdlent On. nferences, part lde&J houn, 11·2:l> Mon 6S60 Quality Lawn S.rvlca SPARKLE Janitorial & Wll> time. Call 67:hill2 * BUSBOYS thro Frl. Apply in penon : ~~s NEWPORTER INN NEWPORT BEACH I $516. to $651. per month • -------,..-~!DblJDl.~n nei;ro~~~ dow cleaning .Scrv. Win-Job W1ntecf NlGITT'S I WEEKENDS mornings only. Balboa Motor llomcs ll!J7 Jamboree Rd. BUILD, Remodel, repa'ir. Re fs .,A~""""" dow&, res!d., come!, corat. M & W 7030 • Seafood Restaurant Sir l\tichael's 3070 PUllman, C.M. Newport Beach. Calif. Jtequifts two yean experl· Brick, block, concrete, a.son., re • ..._.,.,... Cleanup. Free est. 968-:1;91. en omtn Fountain Valley 54G-Sl03 ~ ~ in maintenance of .,.,.. ~~~.no job too ~IS NEW Lawn• N-seedlng. ESTATE Malnt Tree Serv COLLEGE STUDENTS APPLY' IN PERSON 17217 Brookhunt. General INSURANCE Aa:ency r i rl tti' er sewer lines In con. c.omple':" lawn Clln!. clean Removal & trimm1np, be AVAILABLE Cooka Collt1e student p/t work that with fUll tnowledp of ~ wo:·~~~Jd~' up by JOb °' month. """ "tlmato Call 541-008tl. I all of .. -~ REUBEN E LEE °""""°"' of .,nera1 ll> ' Builders 6570 esUmates. can MS--Ofm • or Part~:. eall~,-~ • fny (QOKS can be tailored to your clul. •ura.nc::e ottlce. Not life ~ pl)t .immediately to the Ptt-AL'S Gardelling 151 E, Coast Hwy, II es. $2.65 ~r hr ruar. to surance. Near or an c e 90Mel Office, 3300 Newport REM 0 DEL-AddlUora-Cab-Maintenance eo!ne~ Landsciping 6810 . Sou!f1em Newport Beach •tart Car nee. PH: 546.&139 County Alrport. 54()..M54 Blvd., Newport Bncb., Cali- inets-Block fences-Concrete lnd trial &-. ' id tia.l. · Cal1fornu1 College Top wages, permanent, hMo-FULLER BRUSH CO. fomla. Cn4) 673-6633 work. 642-8853 us * 646-'.:is C: mu.s &: SLOPES out Student Employment Sf::rvice, BUS BOYS eat. and ctJOd working con-General • Journeymen MAINTENANCE man nr apecia)Qr Nm yean rain Kl S.1178 dilionli ln area'• l~ading Man to clean &: maintain 32 retittrnent from Laruna Carpentering 6590 J•paneM Gardener . will be' "'u.e! Get pro. COUPLE \VANT to manage Day•. 5 days/week. restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 ft. <llrllCrw.ft about 1 dl,y a Mechanic Bch or Leisure World a.rea. Exper., compl YB.td service! teetlon now! CPJl 4!$.(JBU Apbi. 1 child -experienced. Apply in person: pm for interview at week. Boat la locat!d neil' Fottlrn car experience pre-Job is euy work, about 8 hr CARPENTRY Free e.st. 645-0912, 968-2303 * Llc'd Japanese Landlcape (213) 463-2255 Balboa lllaad. Tho i1 temd, min 5 yean exp, ~r day. 1 da.ys per wk. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Cart1plete: Tree Service CQlltractor; complete Ind· OUN'ESE Uve-in. Dorne.stic, COCO'S MANNING'S seldom uaed, want it kept • Lot & 1 SpUt &hitt. Apply at Taylor-! Too Small. Cabinet in Pl'"" Ba.ck Yard Plowifl&: _...,.• _ _..as 830-3037 n...-e.-t. Ex--'A~-.., COFFEE SHOP clean and In runnhlg ordu. Dunn Mtg Co. Anaheim, qes &. other cabinet&. • 548-6988 • ......_ •--;.;··F.;t"Age.~·64i:87oa 11 Fuhlon Island Write:De.llyPilotBoxM-340 Lube Man Calif. 535-6lm. ! M&&75, U no answer leave Exp'd Japanese Gardener, Newport Center, NB i.em!W~O:: T~ Hilla GENERAL: Wantat_ some-ScY'Vice station l!XPf'rlence MAINTENANCE man for I tnlli'. &t 646-2372. ll o. C.omplete yard service, M..sonry, Brick 6830 Jobs-Min, Wom. 7100 BUS BOYS needed for 837.10]4 one to care for Invalid neceasary. p&rt-time work; patnttna: 1 """"'"" f<tt "tima1'. 5411-1332 RICHARD ALLEN varloua ohilt.. Apply at 5 woman in """ home or BARWICK DATSUN odd Jobi. Car "<t· Sal bu<d J QUAlJTY ~rs -Altera· TREE Service, general yard cilbilffies ~n:i·.;~ 0 .perao; 0 ~ E ~S ~~m~.u~~~2 hen. Call eves or \vk ends 998 So. C.t Hway, Lar Bch on exper. st0-31162 tiom _New COfl!lt. by hour cl •·totilt & -'-'·' Custom & Spanish ~ i'te:::rrt.. 536-6214 f94..9'171 or 545-0634 ~ .... ,_ •• _ _,_... willt-to I, eanup. ,...., SJl•wiuer AS I I [JO 1 m U RESTAURANT, 1515 E. adults. NB. Write Daily "uu~ "w.n-""' .,. or Contract. 646-3442 lel'V. 646-5848 Masonry pecla ty age~CV Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach Pilot Box p 90f. GENERAL: Pleasant, Ne&t JANITOR p/tlme Must be learn carpet c I ea n In g 1 REPAIR. Partitions Small Block, Brick, Concrete IA 0 Lady, for Daniah Coffee • buainess. Mual be neat in J Remodel, etc. Niie or day, CLEAN-UP Sf>FtClALIS'I'! Free Est. 63~2343 Quality Position& for * COOKS Carden. Attractive position exp I: able to work days on appearance A; ambitiou& Reas! Ce.II KEN 540-4679 Mo~~nC:b~·~bs. Qualified .A;ppllcantl ~h.ier * AU. SHIFTS for semi-retired. 67:1-2740 wknda I: Wed nites. SG--2425 Good future w/ good co. I REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS 488 E. 17th St.. SUlte 224 TIIE n.~~UTI.ER GENERAL: Wanted men Jor KEYPUNCH OPERATOR: X1nt opportunity for tlPt CABINETS. Arly &!Ze job *Expert Ja.,.nese ~:r:~h1r)gln9 6850 Custa 1.fesa W.1470 J.C. Penney Co. Ute assembly. warehou.le I: Twelw month position. man. 5494425 1 25 yn:.•expel'. 548-G713 FJNESf WORK 646.0384 • ng ORDER Taken, women-girl8 Fashion Island DARTSMAN • St a rt i n I ahlpplng duties. 887 W, 16th Stuttnc sala.r1 t481-Educa· Manager JIM 'S Gardening I: lawn NEED PAINTING? owr 19; days or evea. Newport Beach 9/23 thr'Q 9/27, m. a I e or St.. Newport Beach. lion A: expttlenoo; gradua· COUPLE wanted for tma11 I C ~ 6600 maintenance:. Rea. & Com-1 l e male. Moonll&bter ac> tlon'trom Kiah School, lix 1 A 1 furn • "" Cement, oncre1• Call us! Reliable Service w/ Peuant work. No exper. ceptable. 646-96lJ_ ' General: ~ANTED )OWW mot1lhl experience ln ·the mote . P am • mercial. * ~7 Quality at il~ beat, at the necess. Salary $1.65 hour, NEEDS rirl wOO likea kl sew. Call opera.lion of IBM. Keypunch 111.lary. Mr. Forney 51)...3862 l> eaJNCRETE work a 11 types. Pool deck& & custom. call 543-"" CEMEMT WORK. no job too 1m&ll. reasonable. F re e esfun. H. Sturuck. 548-8615 most reasonable prices. 547-1323 DEUVER.lF.S: YounK man between 4 I: 5. 6'73-0(12 am verifying macblne&. MANAGER. Ex'p'd pttf'd. H1ullng 673o Free eltimates. 548.600'J ANSWERING Service Oper· FULL TIME Jor Rf'Vlcina: equip. in can-~ f'1nt.I da.y to file ap-for mat.emlly shop. No. 211 , atruction equ.lp rental yard. __ .. ,_ Isl N B ... - SUBURBAN Paltrtln&/DeC •txlr. Exporl<nce ""'lorred, • CASHIER For sppmt. phone 54.>-8208 ·M<ch&lllc. Ap-pllcatlono, S.ptemb<r :16th. F-~• · ' ' --) Will Do Your H1uRn9 Ext>ert Guaranteed Work OOt will train. for our money room Dell Fumi pl.yl Superior, C.M. 1969. Apply Classi f ied MARINE MECHANIC 494-6760 Ask 1or Kurt Free eil. No job too !up • 541).W • Fl::::. ':"u. -Start ~: GIRLS, eam $4(1 • S8o a dQ Pel'DIDel, 1901 N~ Expe:rieneed. Larae c:uatolll i YARD/pr cleanup. RelnoYe or too amall. fM.3190 AP p RE N T t C E l n Rttent, succcuful experience med. S3 hr. 19322 Beach, HB betna; a maueuae. Will tnln. Blvd., Co&ta Mesa. &f.5.-0600 construction. Top waru. I . Block Fences -p= 1-trftg, ivy, dirt, tracW P.Allo."Tll'iG Int 1: Ext Low'8llt PliARMACEUTICAL plant prtfelftd. Competlllve wq. Dental 494-1313 LADIES 19 to 10 f:am $ZS to ~~~~ ~ l ~U:i. A:L~ ~s: backhoe. pilde 91iU76 contraci:ed prkn. Fully Ins. lumlng trade. &t&-3931 for ea and outstanding benefits RECEPTIONlSl' ~ ROJflB . $lW weekly C a tt a n i -::=:=::=::::::~===I CLEAN UP & lite muvUv Satilfactioa i!W· F'k'ee at. appt. incl~ profit sharlna:. •xp. •-2S •. u". ••• -. Mature Ir attr. Some. office Unguie. Equal 0 PP 0 r t · "" 6625 ~ • ·'-·b ---· Jlru Weeki 673-1166 BABYSI.........,... ..... •Al.. .,... -... .,,_,... empt....-. W• train 546--3508 Mort' Ht'lp Wantt'd ('1..-t (IHnlng ••<='<' .. awv. re~ .. cu. ii.c.n. .....,apera~ Btwn 51: 8 pm only. work. Apply in penon -J~· N :rt p 1.:::::·.i;.: •-:....;.;.;.;;_.=...--:---Reuonabk. MS-US! INT & Expi, avttqe 3 hr ne:eded for 2 children. ages 2 APPLY IN PERSON between f I 9 p.m. LlcenMd School Bus on t' GQI ~ CARPET A Furn. cleaning; HAULING. cleanup., Iota etc. hae, tabor only $127.50 & 4. Prefer mature: woman. 10 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.. DENJ.n A L C h a Ir.Side BLUE DOLPHIN Driver NMdtcl lmedl DONT JUST WISH I.or--. ij•' &r l da.)' service It quality Handyman anytime you call 642-0455 after 5 p.m. Permanent only. 3 days, Monday tlu'l.I l'rlda)' Aull t. Send your work RESTAURANT For new bull. to $3.00 hr, 2) 'l('Ol'k, call Sterlin& for **642-3398** PAINTING P&pcrlng 16 yn. will be 5 in near future. re1Ume and quallficatlom 3355 Via Udo, N'pt. Beach hr w; + boaua opp;.. st tblns to furnllh )'IQ' boml I ~-tnau! W-OSlli ==~-.,-,,-.,,.--1 I Ha-· L' •~ R-•· Wublde Costa J C. PEHllEY CO to: Box ,...... Dolly Pilot -·• I cathorlne Sc~•• '·-·na. • • ' ftnd .,.., """' In b ;:·o•IA .. MONDS are n1euured CLEAN-Up and li1bt JnOY-~f.doo Reh.~~ ~ Mesa. 64tMll36 &tt 6 PM • • HOSTESS • ud..,,,' .":"'1' ~ 49Wl47/......1ot~ _.. da.J''• Oauffted Ada. ~ ~ In&. Call Dave: · ' ' AB0 ;;;;;;;:;::;; _ _,,_.. * DISHWASHERS OuillltJnlL9.. J Y,..,., e I by quality, llO are we! * 893-4295 * INT. & Exter--Houae a. AptA. B YSl1i~ ·~ f?r 8 24 F11hion lsl•nd • party plan. $2Sillfll. · · DIAri10ND CARPE'J' At prices you can aHord. c yr ol~ boy from 3 until 12 An equaJ opportunity Ntcarrs &: WEEKENDS 545-2036 iJ~•;";;~M;to;n~·;w;om~;· ;1~100;;J;ob;!'.1~M~10;n;·~w;om;;·;:7l;;ao~1 : O;i;EANERS 645-1317 anytime Houseclunlna 6735 le S PA.int.era 67>29f6 midnight. Tue& thnt Sats. employer ~--food Re1taurant HOUSEKEEPER I ~ ··• • Area-Mariner's sc hool,* * _. ~-L 1. e >'OR Better Pa.inUng, In-Cornwall Ln. Call 642-3567 panion wanted, 50 to 65 )Tl MAHUFACTVIUNG ... -t aylng Ho us E c LE A N 1 N G • ~ " ~--11 'PPLY IN PER.SON •--•-•· , •• ~.. •·•~ 'PRODUCTION ,• .--Repair 61\26 "'-~• "•-•-i-~-.... : ... u,,,r eXt,.. .... , aooua c BABYsrtTER CASHI ER..HOSTESS "' ,,... •~· .....::•v "-I· ~..u ... mau• ~ .......... ~ ceOlnas. 6*4071 &. 54l.J5£12 Uve-ln. Prl. room, bath a FOR CARPETING &nytlme, -"'"' '""'1 ~:,.=:;.:,,;;.;,...;--~~-' "°""'""'pe" u,. In, $150 N,.t..,.......,.,. <O. REUBEN £, LEE TV. Call 54M!l03 tor ll> TRAINEES OR CARPET LAYING -PAINTING Bay "'0 15 yn. per mo, Mu.t .. ,,. rm. No._""°'-... J«matlon. ~ ~-.....mi CAJIPf:r8, w._., ...., "-· I""""'tate oervtic<. call aft• a -96&-2393 Al'Pl1 ID """"" Ill E. c .. st Hwy. "u=o=u=s=E=K'-E~E~P~E=R..,,..J'or '-A. • -~ etc. ·Ro rr Oimc.'L XItit can Bob at 6tl-'446 BABYSITI'ER needed im-Newpert ... ch Bacbe1or tn H a n t In I t 0t. Elocfrical '64Ct ....,. ll<w. 'Roll. 54Mlll. Plastarlng. Rop1lr 6880 ""'· Thll tlme • u., Ut. No BOB'S lllQ IOY lluboar. Room a .....i, ·== . "" "'"'-Okkr woman P<"· ™ E, 11th SL DISHWASHER S200 mo/ llo>'I (J 11 ) ELECTRICIAN:-~. WOULD -Yoa. 11eUne 1 wm • PA'IOI· PLASl'ER.INC te:ned. M-1.540 C.ta Mesa 23JA3.t'l = ~bo. malot A = ~ ~.i: -AD typno. Fret "tlmlte. BABYSlfltJI, Ute -· 2 CEllEl'ERY EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER -°"*- Floen BAY' A Deacb <Jeenfas Sf'". ---etc .. Ra A Olrnmc1 646o1G WJ1<00WS DffiTY! Call 5fJ.Cl5 chlldttn 5 a ~ 5 do1 wtt Two WUNSELING lllOded Apply In P••-Go!nno1 Ute d u ti• 1 • Own tran1p. 96&-lGI. ~:s:::,~~ SURF a SIRLOIN G<nen>u1 utuy. l2 ·I PlumWng 6HO BABYlllTi'tit -'"" .., -sna P Ci ni -~· °"" ...... NB. NO IXPIRllNCi NICiWRY. 11 TD JS VIAR$. HIGH SCHOOL GltADUATE. " YOU ~VS THI Al'TITUDl, WE WILL TltAIN YOU. PlllMMllNT I M P L 0 Y • MINT IXCILLINT OP-TUNITY l'OR ADVAHCEMINT. INTUVIEWS MON. TH RU FRI. Carpet Vinyl Tl'9 All lt;y\tl ft."li ooJorw -Free ut. lJc, cont?. 5fl.1'211 546-4<11 Johllllt !>um )'Olr local .me.. !'t'ee: nL IG-23&4 PLUMBING REPAIR ~~lY1.,.!;_,ft 9am • 2:JJ work. A bcluUlul Memorial Newport Buch c61::;..l-.:11:::14:_ __ ~ _ _,. pm • .,.,. .,.... • pm. Park owrlaoki"I t h e JfOUSEKEEPER. Uw In N~~:11 BABYSITIER Padfic Octan. Pie.-call THE SUN NEVER. SETS oa mntha1esa home N.B. UltL 270 1 S H b · <-•- 7:30-4. MJ hom~ UnlveraUy for e.n lntervle•, Dartt!! OaaUl!d't •ction power. 2 t.enqen. Woman wtth 1 o. tr Ot, .,.nt• "'"' SPS Western paric area.. 2 children. 1 I: 4. Ward. Far an ad to eell U'Olllld, sml chlld ok. Prefn-andtr AH f:QUA~ OI POltTVNIT1 fMPlOYE• • Call &'!3-3439 aft & pm. 644-0n2 the ck)ek, dtaJ M2-56'7I. ~. S.11°1450 !!~~~~~~!:!!~~~!!~~!:!!~!:!!!! -----·--· --------. -------. " I ) 1 ) r ' I i • l I \ i ' I I I ! • ' I l r I ' . ' ' • I ' 1· . f . . l . ! ' • . ' I t • . I " l I , • • ' ' ' I ' ' • • • ~·~ I . . ----.. ' "' , .. WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540·1220, toll free) J.t .·; .1 J• ... . . . .. -• -. • ' ir's EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS . . ·NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL ,FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' • ,_ .. ~ I ' ' ~. • ' ' E • ' ' I.. s . " ' ' I ' P1 ' ' t ' t ' h 0 I p ' 0 t ' ( II io f b q ( , • I \\ ( . R I A • h I; • Ir n " " w • ,, ' t In & " I E Frl<fol', !op....., 19, ni6t' JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOU & 111\11\.0YMINT .IOIS & IMPLOYMllfT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT MlllCJIANDISI FOii MlltCHANDISI ~fl~riR~C~~f_Jt:~iir:-:-:--:----.'j;;;fiicli SALi ANO TllADI SALi AHO TUDI ~'Ill AHO Jobi MM. wom. n1tJeb1 Mrtn, Wern. noo --------Jo611 Mlfi, Wom. 71Dt ---------- ·-fuml""9 .... -Wom. 7100 * WAITRISSl!S W-IH-7600 ,, __ RESTAURANT, PART & FULL TIME -...... - BUSBOYS WAITRESSES HOSJESS£$ DISHWASHERS COOllS AllPbi al THE J'LYlNG Btrr. A'ITl!:NTION LOY1NC P,\11. LEI!. -m4t11 £NI'S! YOtrrll SPEEO! Sal"111t1 Wolted w....__,, Dolt WORKSHOP . ., .. T to n. 1'UU.. TlllE Exp pretd. NGn:l 1: ~'e sldtf: Let.m to lpeAk •di. ~ IQIJ:1![l?t•1i@I -lo......, AU t>r -· .,,.,_ at., Pf\lJeet. Alta -a KINGS POii MIN WAJTDtS. ............. ~P?Mto .. ~ SP.NISH :.!09 -Blvd, CM 1111 It. OU """· C d IL " SALESllAN • Deeorat? -·Pref. ~·d. _, -':r.:= !Z.. lo I nd MEDmRIAN••N lllOllATUI IDS CIJ!C9! &TIOlt OF 18 WXUIT Al'AITllBn'S s,.wi & .. ,...,,.,. FWlllwt AU. DAiii NEW F/llme Must he expd. WOMAN41ocawdt:. ute)'OU? ...,._ can be a 5"' ~ q:almt comm. .,. um. to -.m money. :=; ~~me! J~ Show Reom • Floor Simples • '•dery Clo...ut• l*.m 8!.ch BlVlll. JIB. Win p-tra. no qe llmJt. DO nw• -..... -~ WID train u •54M668• 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $319. SAU;SPEJISON, .......... ~ulY O>unselon. Hl-48<6 • PIANO TI,..,.,, H •·pt:. M.dit•rr•ttt•rt ••cfroom Suitt hi P'eun (Reg . $149.00J ------·-'IOW $1'1M Gor9•ous Sp•nish Custom lullt s.111 with m•tchin9 l•v• Sut-Cftoice of l,••vtlful lobrln. IReg. fllt,951 ·--·-··NOW SHI.II Sponl•~ Dining Set. -·-·····--·-····-·-···-$71.11 Solid Oo~ End Tobie• end Coll .. Tobie• ...$1Lll T~lt O.cor•tor T11bl• lemps APPLY IN PERSON ~ 1-=. ~r ~ WOMAN fot lronLQe in Laun-taubt by ' memtiei= of-= 5t5-2C a · dramat,, Mna del Mar are&. Teacbtn Aaoc of Calif. A 54S-4l6'lJ aft I Shen.'OOd l\IU!Jk S e b I , e s pc. wt'-tlc SP<l•l•h lclrm. Mt, o t6 In. qullltd 10f1 with 56 In. malching love ..... er chefr • 5 pc. sr.•niih Dinette, Mk table top • 3 huvy Mtd terr1neaft m•tchlng t1blet.. top dur•ble enough for Flamenco Dancing. Wiii Mii pieces indlvldually. REUBEN. E. LEE Sec:m&riaJ: .,. ~ I: ln~tes. Schooh-lnstrvctlon 7600 """ O.nlon, 513-<491 151 E•1t c .. st Highway Nawpol'f BeKh, H u G H E s SAUCEllMAH SCHOOL Ed .... tlond v...... Sth NEWPORT IEACH c. ,..,.........._.,. l-1 .,.._ •.. s. C!lh<m Shop Fi"tl Then Se• Our Unbelieveble luy•! 1001 other ftema with t.rrlfie 11vtngsl IRelJ. f19.951 ·--·-·········--·NOW $11.00 !!!!!!!!!!! J \Voo. the ~ Oillcoal 10 lll!sson typlna bu immediate openiJwl ror Flt1 the Ch1ld Sehl Trial t.eaoa. 173 DtJ Bank Terna Store Charge Master Charge S~,,l1h Hen9in9 Sweg \..emps IReg. $49.951 ............. _ •• --.JIOW $1t.St More ffdf) W11.c.d on Previou Page I J. Mail. Wom. 7100 Willud H. Sa.......,,; .,..,, CM."'"'""' SEC~CEDllJES Ed. D. MONIUSOl!l -·.,.. ft51-" 5tO-f060 EJ;itWl now 2% to S. Give )'Om' child ' Restaul'IJ\ta: BanltAmerlcard All Accepted A decwator dream house on display - 3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fummn {was reg, $1295.00 Jobi-Mon. Wom. 7100 SNACK SHOP '#9 MECHANIC, exp'd in brake l allenment. Salary m. ceclivr, fr-ee hosp. & We ins. pajd vac. See Bob Basham, 482 Ocean Ari, Lagune &h. -· DISHWASHERS Part-time, owr 11. Eveninp.. 3446 E. Coast Hwy. Mechanic wanted. Corona del Mar Unkln 16 StaUon Restaurant 1900 Newpnt Blvd, C.M. A • • A minimum ol 3 )TS ol recent lndl.l8tria.I exp ii mandatory. Above a.wrap typins 11.bd shorthand skWli required. Please apply in person to: HUGHES NEWPORT IEACH MOTHERS HELPER nc1ent Manner Beachfront ho~ ~ part now taking applications for 500 Superior Avenue lime mothrrs helper. Pleu-FuU & part time, day ii: hilt Ne'.l'JIOrt Beac"' Calif, ant condlllons "-surround-e\·es s s. ... qs, Call M~ 6'75-0993. e KITCHEN HELP Equal oppoi1uniry NEWSPAPER dealmi tor e DISHWASHER empk>yer _M&F Herald Examiner on ho-"" e BUSBOYS s ~ Apply ' ECRETARY.I:Hi&"h de!lw.?)' in Orange County m person School iraduate with two attL Bond d__.,_ ,._ 2601 W. Cout H\\')'. ·~~ N n. A.. years o! regponsible and quired. E a r n i n I s ap. --=""'°=:::rtc;~=•=u:_•_ varied R<:fttari.J a ad proximately $900 monlb!,y. clerical ex.perlcnce . Write Box PR at 6370 AJtura Restaurant Shorthand 80 wpm, typlna Blvd, Buena Park. e BUSBOYS G 'Wpm. startin& sa.lar)' NC'R 3200 Bookkeep inc; • DISHWASHERS S481. App!y Monday tbN machi~. p/time h!lp to ..,..,., •• Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., pogt. ~2286 r.... or part time, owr .....,, Cla.sruied Penormel, 1001 1'7---'-"------1 neat in appearance. No exp, Newport Blvd., Costa Mea Nursing nee. Apply in pereon 10-5 pm. 6-6--0BXJ. Cloainz date * LYN * BOB'S BIG BOY S.pi.mber l5. 1.!69. Full or part time 7.J 154 E. 17th, C.M. * RN -RELIEF* 7.3 !lblh =R-,s7m-urant-~-~---SEAMSTRESS. Drapery VAN DE CAMP ;:::;..,,-.,.,'"'T ~ Hu ~nings for -Hwy, momiqp. 491-QU • Busbon e pisbwashen Huntington Valley Convalescent Ho.spit.a.I 8382 Newman Ave. 18 or ovll!:r, full time. SERVICE: Collegll!: ~t I: Wal~ e Ht11tesse! Jor part time 'WOrk durina: Hunt. Sch. 8"2·5551 with exper. le owr 21. Ap. school at Otevron Sta. on ply between 2-5 y.m. 3099 beach ln l.quna, Must be NURSES AIDES So. aratol, C.M. 18. NO lonz hair. Sal t-. Experienced .. Lara;ll!: ex1enc1,-HREST~f,AfiURAN1'fii:;~~Ai'°;s!:sS'ii:si'T~. I ~ro~mm~:",w'!'_l,.,..~~L~...._~~ ed Carll!: hospital needs YOU. MGR. .th try k: tor SERVICE Sb.lion M an , Only time Who ca.re need wt coo exp. . ~I -rll!:timl w/ tome eXP. apply. c"'ow•ftuta -foodM•u"""Xlnturant .:_ App: CHEVRON, 604 So. ROY ALE' portwUty for .;,~ """" Hwy., Lquna ........ NURSE AIDES Day I:: Pi\1 shifts. APPLY Laguna Beach Nursin&: Home: PH: 494-3>75 NURSES AIDES & LVN ................... PRESSER Qualiry finishinc on new, au1omatic: equipmenl Foun- tain Valley location. Pbone a.16-49'29 rves. SERVICE Sl'ATJON needs experienced man . Permanent. Good workinz conditions. Daya. Union OU. 393 17th St., Colt& Mesa. SERVICE Station need& f\l.'O Experienced. full time men: 1.-WM to 12 .....,..,_ J . W. ROBINSON'S PM, l·ll AM. to &AM. Must NURSE REG'D BEAUTY SALON be..,., 13, Apply, Union 16. SUPERVIOOR * ~S.J06l lllOO N~ Blvd., C.M. ••• OPERATORS ••• AppJ,y in ::""~i:e Mn. Dal-SER. St&. Exp. SaJu,r + 10% Expe:r!encl!d tn ol>ingle t>ll!:edl.11!: tdn, Beauty Salon, 3d Door. comm. o(tbne pa.)" aft 40 and overlocks. Good piece hra. Full/L P«1n. 990 E. ~ . le d _.. Fashion Island, N.B. Ost H NB wo,,. p11ces, 1 a y wo..... =-'=:.;;...==="'--~-"'" . EDDY J\10SS 14042 Locust ~1taurant t.taJe/fll!:male SER ==v=t~CE=-~sr=A~n=oN,,.--need~, I St., Wesl!ninstll!:r; 534-8738. YOUNG mother er student to .,1 .. bt man with ........ 5 PM "'Ork btwn 11 am-2 pm, ..._ -... Pleasant. part time work, no Mon.Fri, •tartine pay $L6.l to 10 PM. App: 393 E. 17tb sclling No exp er Jen c e hr + meals. Apply an Y =SI=.°'' C=·="=· =-.,,..--=---, ~Tcl= : ~ ~ momma befr 10 am. Jack in SERVICE Statton Grawyant the Box. 38& E. 11th st, CM. lthift. 10-T or I AM. Sun. personal interviewing for F.qual Opportuntty Empl,)T Mon, '1'Jes nttea. Apply at twenty.year-Old ti u r v e Y Chevron Station. Harbor &: researdi company. $2.00 per Saks San Dteto Frwy, CM hour. plus expeMll!:S. Equal * F t t1'c' opportunity •mplo,.,.. \\>rite an as e SERVICE Station attendant. exp. nee. See MlR, 4678 Campus Dr, N .B. Box Jl.1 ~ The Daily Pilot PRESSER: MR BEST ONE HOUR CLEANERS needs one lBdy for presser pofd- tion. Ideal, full time. Ex- perience not nee. 2949 E. Coast Hwy, Cd:\!. Professional-- Employment A11i1t•nc• COASTAL AGENCY A member ac Snelling ii snelllnc. Inc. ls the word for tlW national company, ~ program for Southern California! We SERVICE 1tation attend&DL ....., -~ tun -. Deya. ""' -DISTR.l'Btrl'ORS W. Pacific o..t HIWlly. NB -MANAGERS S.wlnt Machlno -SALESMEN Operaten -SALESWOMEN Experieneed on drnael A: -REPRF.SENTATIVES 1portswear. Top f'l,Y. 163 -TRAINEE.S Production P!, NB ctl-<Bm This is a ttal rround floor opportunity with a aolkl auto. SEWERS. upedeDced. Ap- matk elt!ctronie equipment ply 525 Forest Ave., lAlum finn that offers &ach. 497-ll!l 2i90 Harbor m, Ot 54()..SIE5 HIGH -POLICE - SE\VING machine operators. Exp'd, top pay, \deal cond. 1589 l\fonrovia. C.M. 645-0981 DISPATCH CLERK Immediate t.tale or Female EamilHJS SEWING mach.lne operators. SJlO. to S619. Pf'r mo. Exp'd, top Pll.Y, ideal cond. High SchoOI grad. 1 yr-ar cler-546-3050 1589 Monrovia, C.l\1. ical exp. Typing 40 wpm. "Sal"',-,-------SEWING "-repair •I RA:>t.ating shift~. X1nt fringe $S CASH lot' Christmas $$ unitDnns. ~. bt'ne.fits. Rll!:skk'nce not re-J'udy Lee Jewels _ party &G-5565 Hant. BdL quired. Apply \Vestm~nster pt.n. Stylisb earn $345(1 onls~H~A"'M~P=o~0,..--&-,1-,-:1-~~I City 1-lall. r.D> Westminster averaa:e· party · No mudcwlsLCaDfotappolnL Ave., befo~ October 10, 1969 deliveries. Company' pe,y Aliredo'., &'TS-4l0'70. • S p.m. Ph: tTI41 S9.l-4511 tio.tes.ciUa. 56-2036 r:ct. 205. STOCK Gh1: aiel!I trainee. Recopt/Typist to $400 SALES & Ii.pt offioe work in YOl.lnL sharp, 4'lick. fUU futUooable l.JcD jeMlry thM. tntrr-riew 1 e-t, \Vill train fi\Yitchboan:I. Love-5tOT'e. Retail jewehy store APROPOS, 29 y a 1 h I 0 n ly ottic:iso~; ~~10 experienoe n e c e ••a r Y. Ialand, N.B. JASON BEST Pennane:nt position. Call tor T='=E"'A~c"'H=E~R~s~· -...,.....,. .. ~-,,-,- Emp&oyment Agency a.ppolntmenl 673-9334 lri.tautiua le frt e n d I Y 1120 So. Main, Santa Ana Sain, worit's cond. ti44 0231 Resi.urn.nt YARD Se.Inman, over 2l S. TR.AINEE· YR BEn ONE Now Interviewing for day wk. Some medwdca1 HOUR ~ ~ exp er. REO.E-JtENTALS ODii!: W1¥ for ptt98ll!:f pml-KITCHEN HELP 2167 H ....... Bl.O, CM -JcJW. lull ""'" Ex· A resl career opoprtuntty SALES • Eam money wt.th pmence not nee. 2!M9 E. a\vaits .vou In the restaurant no investment. Sar ah Caul H-wy .• CcL\'I. • industry . Now UW' third Co\;entry ~ tun &: ..:c=--'-'-----1 large5t indWl lry 1n tile par1·tlme help, No dtltvery; world! we lraih. For intttvlew tall tr yau are bri&hl I: alert. 545-6100 neat appearin& Ii. •re at 0SALESLAD='='-=y~,-..,-• .,-~, -. ~II least 13 yurs or a.ae. 'I\~ tin1e to won in 1.h.,n6 ~ you. 1tore. Fuhions for t.aFart- EXP NOT NEC ""'· :11 ..._...., """"' Wll!: oUu: Compae1e b'alnlc Newport Beadt. MMJl.1' at our ~ • Prorno6oa SAU:sGIRl., Youns, fbll """' "'""" . c. ... ---· In druc -111uch u : lm Newport Bhd. NB * WAITRESSES .. DAYS S.•feod Retfaur•ftf APPLY IN PERSON lEUllN' E. LIE -111 l .C-Hwy Ncwpwt IMc:h Llf• in>mt~ &\La; _,talha_ -1CNOWLa>GEAB1Z ..__ x WAlTRISSIS x lnW'Vien ~ IJJ. at1 ~ •>Sp<n.Ul>a>--"'"""" -nJatrt or day. '1-31 rn. Call llr. Vua See Air. KthOllua ..._,. A & W COFFEE SHOP """'""•-"SALESWO==~MAN=~.- 385G Harbor 81\ICI. MA'T\1RE Put dmt. COCO'S Eves 50-l~ best! '*"3106. 146-2325 No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH-A DAILY • PILOT ' WANT . ' AD! • 642-5678' DIAL DIRECT CHARGE ITI SACRIFICE • • • • • • $391 Cr•cflt Tffms Ave ii. Credit Cleer.d lmmedi11t•ly Fumttvr. .. FumttuN -mm RJRNITURE EstaMs-Consignments Reposseulons 1844 lewport Blvd • ...!:._, Costa Mesa only New eo4 Used -· AppllucH, Color TV's. SNt .. 'L 1 OO't et ltonffohf Items. h.., """' '119 -..... Set. 's.. '116 INSPECTION Daily 10 a.m. to J p.m. Ofll._ Equlpmant t011 Applion-1100 AUCTION TYPEWRITER. Add. mach, / -:----~-----1 * Enry Tuu. It Thun .. 7:30 P.M. * calculator, Vay reasohi.ble. LARGE adll!:ction ol recondJ. * Sotunl1Y1 4,30 PM. * Xlnl Cond. 19>-2423 "°""' _._ .._ ... You do n't h1v• to \le• deeler to buy at de1l1r prices I========= pliances fJ'om model homes AOK 7122 .............. AUCTION W.mitl.._ '* 1J1 .1.11 1 V1 IH1 eff .._. w $5 Frwy. G.r1ge Sale I022 · all ruara.nt.eed. w~ Service -We Finanoe GARAGE SALE DUNLAP Din!!tte tbl .l ctir set Ki. APPLIANCE Fold down COl1Ch w/chr 135. 1815 Ne\1•pon Blvd •• CK. l~~i!i:i:':l:i'ii:~~~!!!!!~~~::!'!::!'!~~~~ I NauphJlde ~ SIO. Ma· e SCl-7711 e 1·'1ERCHANDISE FOlt pie rwtc bed bll!:adboards SlO • • c OM p Ac T · · ea. Gftltlp of al c:e.ramic • . YKUum SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOO 1~.~~ vase. a: nower ~~ "1:z_•~:.""°:'. ------''---I c.•0111 ...... .,..i. """" a: Up, Elec. ~ til 5 PM, 5tS--051I Fumlture 100t ESPANO'l IN QUALITY :~:.:"~ =: eveg_ "o_V_E_R ___ S_T_OC_K_E_D_ Mod•I Hom• Furnitur• antique satin. s la:e silk cuab-1.N"'O'"RGE=o--.,.-lo-......,--, -i.-,.-1 MUST SELL! Nt1v 9 pc. corner arrang. choice or ell's. reg. sz;o, n ow S159.SO. Headbrds: Kinas. $15, QUll!:ell5 $12.50. Full $10.5(... 1'9.i.ns $4.!S. Trundle aels (duo riser) 1v/ inner ~ matt rei. $106. now $19.50. Rolk·way ~ w I inn. 1prinf matt. reg.. $59.50, now S39.SO. Canopy beds rq. $119.50, now $89.50. Full II. alecp • sofa. reg. $239..50, now $169.50. New ~: Kinr-$9'J.50, Queens $89.50, F\IU $49.50. TwinS $39.50, hilly f\laJTI. King d apread! Sll.55, n. si. ~.~. OuVtma.a Jay.awa,ys now. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 Harbor Wvd., CM 645-27W daily I().9 Sat..SUn 1().6. 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom I.aryr 9 dta"·rr dre1ser, mir. ror, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, tram.e, quilt. ed mattreas, sheets, blank· et.II, etc. Ch:lic:e of Spanish or P.todem Style AR For $249 No down Pint&. only $9 mo. WEUl'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th Sl, Santa Ana Open Daily 9 -9 Sal. 9-8 Sun, ll-6 Sa.vtnr1 to 83%. Very ea.ry k>nl. Boudoir .-tool. brie-a-modrl. x1nt cond. · financlnt. 3 complete rooms brae It co~ Items. pertone $65. S 4 6 ·I IT 2, of decorators styled spantlh 2520 UNIVERSITY DR 847...rns furniture. Consisting or the NEWPORT BEACH l·u"OT=PO=INT=,"'""'Froot,-.-~,-,-.-.1 famous cuslom quality Ma· <Cor Tustin A: Unlwraity rehig, 19 cu ft, ioWft' drid living room iroup, The Dr, enter off Tustin Ave) frfft.er, white. 4 y.rs.• origlnal El ~1K1ente 1pac-Sat I: Sun 10 to 5 Perfect. Sl25.. 646-8191 f ioU5 master kina: size bed-GARAGE Sa.le: Fri £: Sat GE Aparlment size rdrlK ~ room suite and the authentic AloviJli. Antiques. d.J.cette sa:i. Stove $10. Vacwm SZ: f La Pu.wt;mi1ht iron dinette .sela, baby tum, di.shes, W Kenmore Wuber $2 5.~ lill!:tll •• Limited stock • $488, li'd Schwinn, 16 pl. Sean ~2089 Hamilt~n Showroom, ~ lftY hnu8e-paint, ping JIO"I" ;;;-;==-=-=---~• W1!11t:rninster Ave, Westmins-tbl, iow 1eat. apL stove I WASHER I dryer, avocado, ter. 8S4-4G4 mlsc turn. 315 E. Bayfnmt, U25. Re:frig-tro«t free $llS. Bal Fl'll!:aier $65. 5'10-l!E SPANISH We. =='="'=====-1 MEDITERRANEAN GARAGE Salo • >n. Sal 1110 Aa Shown in modd homes. Sun. 150 Tulip Lane, CM. Antiques l Rlns ol rum, !din nn. "' Q;implete ho u • e ho J d ---------I rm. Ii: bedrmJ priced else-furn~ Refri&. ~· Truck Load or Antiques!.. where at $89,; ls )'OUfl toda.y 3 ~ 1• BR iet. dW:ies... -4=DAY SALE, 11 to 7: &t oo)y $399. Eal)' Cf!dil furniture, lamps. j U S t 2S Round I: Oak Tums. ewrytbi.n&. A•O'Yinz to \l&hb. $» I. OJI::;: ha, Santa Ana Fumlture Oreaon. Ba.ml top trunks. Oi.lna mW. 4th St, Santa .Ana 2 DOUBLE beds. Relax· cablnet.I, 8eefttaty /dab, e S47..o789 e lcbor, Dese:rt Rose dishes Rall top deak, V;ctoria.n BALBOA ISLAND (sel/sep.J H~ d cs k, 10fu. c.edar chest.e, TifWQ' 000 Balboa Aw. Sat 10-5 Sun make! good 1\vrk bench. shades. A~f. CUe:lom designed table ?.II~ ltll!:ms. Call aft 6 pm on QUE TIFFANY HOUSE formica, wnrught .iron, tat-Thun 1: Fri. ~2876. 824 S. Oralt&c. S..A. SU-3151 ted hi back chain. Towne St, CM Urry Mort•n AntiquM bed, etc. Pr quail ATIO Sale. Convert. sofa, 411 Van unJoadlna". JO carwd cheat, mJ.ac hair $30., desk. m l a e dallS china c:abineta. 30 dozen. tablH, l&rnps, d I 1 be• , round oak tables. 50 p1ano COME EARLY OR clotbta and mile. Noon to 6 l'lools, aers ol chain. 25 ball BE SORRY! PM Sat, all day SUn. 514 trees, 15 roll top delb, 1'1JRNJTURE 6 cablnela like Acacia, Cd II.I. 613-7001 clocla!; Howard Banjo A you haw never aeen at 1438 Santiago Or. N B Howard grandlat.!ler clocb. Ameriea'1 luyHt 6 mod Sii.i/Sun Surfbo&rd, spf&. 2 Nichelodt'oru etc:. U21 or uDUIU&I unfinished furnlhft tooda. elec. guitar A: banjo. 2380 Newport mwt a.ta store. O:r Redhill a: Santa clothinr, furn. nei;bbon Mesa SG-7383 Ana Fwy, TUstin. 1 mJ So. rnhic. ti42-2644 ROIL top delk A: chair, of Newport Fwy: Open lti2 GARAGE SALE. 108 K1llp round oat tahl.ll!:, walnJt lifOVING, a e JI inf all, days per yr. Mt--5470. Place, N.B. ~1044. Ba.by table, old pine table • ti household furniture. Apt COLDSPOI' Refria: l~t )'I'll tum, etc: dinette set, chairs. Tin a: a:faP. Oo 11.u GE rmig. 377 E. 18th old, comp auto $150., Cob' lamps, end this, hair Clryer. laquerwatt A mare! BACX St. CM. 54S-2089 TV·lg. Pbilco CONOie-ebony All kinda of odds. DOOR IMPORTS l It ti DIV'AN It chair $50. Cheat of dyed walnut $170 .. 1 black ll6 CORAL. Balboa bland Harbor Blvd, CM. l.o.5 ~ drawers $25. Lamps $5. cont em po r a r y chair Fri. All mwrt KO! complete Sat. 642-1516 Blond tables $5. each. w I white n a ue:a h Yd e furn'1 incl refri&:, beds.1 'PO=sr=-c"1~.n"""'w"'n-(~ll681=-... 64:6-4224 cushions $30. Call: M7-!ll09 dinette, hide-a-bed, cba.ira. tiqUe bdnn 1et, din rm met, SALD.1 maple double canopy alter 5 Plo.f. 16-6. Hlboy etc. 56-5124 Sowlnt Michl-'120 bed, match ehea1 on chest, ~~EX1Et_: Bea~~!~ bleach-GROOVY SaJe! Ari., an- ca.nopy cover, dust rufD.c & ni r. a • ..,l;any uo:u1vum 1111!:1. Uques, draltlng e q u 1 p • matchins coverlet. 968-l398 Musivc chest. 8 drawer house"·atts. le. clothinc. Fri COFFEE table $15. walnut ~ta:!.~~~ I Sat 1D lo 3. 1009 N. SEWu;~~=R Dan l 1 h ch a I rs S 2 5 • foot boards $350. Will helJI Baytront, &t.Iboa :Wand. CONSOLE ::m~ ~ $25. 48" delivtr locally. 64&-lo.TI OOUBLE Bed A blue chair, Zig Zag Cab. model. Slishtly 1,.,==-;::==.,...,,...,,,, 1 ,~,~0VIN=~G~-~.~lu~.t~S.~ll~. ~L~, .. -1 new Coleman stove and used. styli.a!i wa.l.. cab. Doa :Z EA'TRA kin& twin beds, $.SO new rattan 1 e c t ion a I , many olbtt treasures. lnJ cvll!:rythin& without attacll. each. Ugbt sreen vinyl matehlng ann cha1r 1: Port Sbeffiekl, N .B. 64'--0224 Bui1t in controls to OYHCUl. oouch. makrs into queen Slttp Hollow chair. Im Sea O.EANING Out Grandpa'• make lxll·~ sew on but'&, aLze bed $75. i'5-26C9 &fter s:i years hem dreues, make fancy _Lano_~· ~Ap-'."'~CdM=·=~-1 ~~ Mi 313 ~ ltitchl!1, etc. 5 )'I'. pub and MOVING' Queen m. bed. 'h OF COST I Npt ff&hlo "'""'° _....... $5.N ~ u=: ~~ : Full houseful of fine ~ra· """"'""'....,==--:::::::I dwn. I. ' pymt.. of $5.M •'" _" tor IUrrl, Sota. dinrm, kin& KENMORE mansle. 1spaoe mo. No ll:lterest chge., or: ·~ bdrm, tamps" acceuoric1. he9.ttts, hydrop ane COMPLETE PRICE BABY crib, "·hite canopy 6f!.~ 5COOter, a:oU dubs, miac $56..40 with mattrea.. cxOOlent I ;B;;;El'"'°GE.,,--, .. -,,-==::-hkk-a;:;.-;-::c. ltemt 548--4290 For DO obi)&., ITtt heme condition. 543-4293 bed, doUble stte $61.SO. Anti-SAT·SUN, b~. trike, demo .. eaJ1 OTdlt Mar'. tiD MAPLE bunk beds, good que avocado 3 drawu-cheat, chests, drll!:&RS, t • b I e 1, g P.M. tf toll. Call CoUect, condition. $&>. excellent condition $ 4 O. bookcases, .ota. bed&, many 21J. 521-MM * !&-6369 * 549--0674 othera;. 15932 Willett Ln. HB ~--~~-~--1 Sin(er. auto, iii AL S ma1· QuaD.ty klnt btd-quilted. 4. UPHOLS n a u 1 a h y d e GARAGE Sale, Sat. om,, 10-o&d, N~altuh needed to C.OmpJe~ $98. 11'0tth chain, Chlne9e teak eoUee 4. Lo~ ol toodle!! 17649 dcsip. monoirm. hllm:I hen. $250.. Aft 5 A -wknds M2-e6 tbl, ha.nzin& lampt1, Danish Beech SL, Fountain Valley. s:;.21 mo or $0.to C9M, DINING rm set. port TV. teak din lbl ll.'/6 chn. CARPET, ahas, hi-lo NEW 51.8-6616 I>an11h IWMt chair. 673--8593. $4 6CI· yd. 396 IWnilton, ='=======::-I • &t;11'111 • C.M ... ,,...,., only. Muslul Ind. 1125 3:.,-,~,_-.,-,..,-qull-.,,1"'1,.,..,.--.,...,S<>.=-Office furniture to10 SAT ie w 4 p.m. 123 Ruby, Fectory Clear•ncel Ooldspot ~fri&uatnr $45. USED-Good c:ondiUoo. Def;k, BaJboa bland. Re fr l 1 • Quilter sound Cb. mmt dNJ: ~ · 2 chain. eouc:h, lamps, dryer, mlacl tum. etc. out aD.·lrl atlldr at COit.. PA FOR Sfl.le, lamp$, bedroom tables A other I t e m 1 • "BALBO,.;,=-.A~l;,SJ;-.E.,-,GOOD==u:s;;o-~mt. Gult.ar-Bul: amp1 M!t, bar 1too.11• M1..zi07 at eves 5J6..8284 &00 Balboa Ave. A Spe-a.bt Bax~. Stamant + 642-6671 * Sat 11)-5. &ta MOl'l:linz; Amp ~ now $200. Guhar EARLY Amft1m hide+ Office Equil"!""' toll ~D,;IV;:,AJI~. -:idi::lo.;;.;,:...,='°'-i;BRi"'':::...,•/ 4 BIN °'b 4U (Qallt bed. New • needs aorne 3-M AUTO. copy ma.ch. No. ~ cbr, b:lx tJllTCS A Sl*rtl SM0 now QIO~ 4U woric, but pd. JM. 133-M a, IBM St 1ectr0 n I c ·m.attna. end tbls. 1~ Wttc Spkn) $900 now $30D. 15th SL. NB. Sat/SUn lM CJ5 (Al ... -) l11QI DANISH modern t'OUCh A lyp8wrlttt, like new. $41X1, PA IS)'ltn\I mod chain $!'4·Walnut tobk A ~ ho.I-1100 (Qo,11"' •pltnl l%t80 -eha.tn Pt. 545-8616NCR ~=-... ~~.-,-o"'k"'k-,-.-,'"'1-.-1 :::;:::: tl'IXI. mod 1<0> 1AJ1ec Spin} DIAL cllnc;t stz.Sti11. Otatp machlnP. \YUi install for FRlGtDAIR&. Ooppertont, $2900 now SlOOO. WI Pla- )'OUJ' ad, tbrn 1lt badl: and )'OW' bualnf:• needs. 714: exct.Ucnl! $50. $lnaJl ~r etnUa A\.'t., Co&1a 111 ca• llstir.n to the plmae: rq1 968-1486 cbnt. $3S. lm.-3492 ~~"'=-~~-;.~-~-I Cla•llltd'I action po\ttt. CA1...CUU.1'0R, 1''adt, modcl A\TJOM.ATIC Kenmore Ullll!:d Bundy Outt •ncl Colt& Mll!:S& S.•71Dl YOIJQZ Maternity Shopl 11 P~ J.dand For an ad to all around CAl·ll. Xlnt con. $295. 11-uher, v.'Orla v.-ell. $20. pll!'COio. Good lhaPt. ~ opportunity emplo)'U 5o 'Coast Plue.. PM'• oNt Newport CMRT, H.& tht clock. call to-6611 &46-0!0lt •S40-i:>f6* 60449 _;._;..::.;;.;,.;;~.:.;.;;;~·~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-:.:.:_;;~~.=;-'-'-- ' I • I ' • I I ) ' I ·I I I Ml C I ICHAHOISI FOlt ---~--•'l!ETS 1M LIV ESTOCK RANSPOltT A 'l'ION TRANSPORTATION TltANSPORTATION TUNS~ltTATION ~~,,,~~ ~~-SAU! ANO TRADE w.1 AND TU1>1 FREE TO "/'ou .. c""' •• -.----1no1. llU ~ OoMs l500 _,,._, -~ 8820 llN ts I. Yachts fOOO Si llboats 90l0 p.,.., Cn1ltor1 9020 Bolt Slip Mooring fOU GtllUI r.iii aliiATANKS 1 -SCIAl.llE '=AJ>0RABl.E1 .hWll\y l!JI, llJ •Pl:NJAN KITTl>Nse llW oL.WPAR Man°""\ EMO Of SUMMER SALE 13• l'OIUM.A. Zl>bp l'llEE ~· Jo ·-1or bl S s' ........ nA. 1 ,.. -_ · 12 Ill-I .~ / ~~_:.bl. a qd 9.fl'Jr.lll:S I: bJ.a.ckii. Wllh llhol•, wtll\c w I bl:U(I dfCk. dlxt Jotu""" 00 , ,,__ pU1ial \&le of PoWtr bOat or .xiDi 11UJD ,AU ~ •• wtth "'" In" ND~ I W1il, -· Pap?,. avail. 121' S7th, hi.ck lo bad:" a.eallnc. ~ Below· Defl.l':r u-,d4(-ill C'Olltl • wu-new. saU 'Aith droP IDMt. Aak for " --l!tj>olh.,......_., ANSWER ~·· ···~ ....... l~NB."======= -.......... "HP"''" 14arlne,. t+l, .,t .... $1395 ,..,., &M--0603,... ""'67Mtlif5q<141-Cl& B·fLAT ao;&i111n -lJIO/MJ.!OOS 1; O/B ........... -.,... Cotumbl>" .......... '""' S""""-'ki ..... -~~,..~-i-~-()~,-~ ... ~·~·'; .. ~·;:.· ~ lD' Custom ""'"'1 -"""" -,._ -WI: .,. lhe """'"'"' ot • ~ 1125 trc>t. Tiit ........ lor • .., Lido 1~ .............. Sl2lO = _,. ~30 llNI Rlllt•lo 9031 aand .. 51 Gia uuw by Harbour. Cost $125 ~--OLD OOA &lift!' t.tib7 ~Ul)l!:t I: a tnc. CHDfU 11~. $950 or .8eJt. of, Victory t1 • •· • · · deal.er cost FR.EE Boat repair est lor ..,. lei\ lor ~· l"99 Ceotrila A male ma*r. '"111 .. o't haired bile ........ Alf 1 ol ,.. blond/HU.:.:'~"" booty !tr. 6'6-1'16 cltyt, 1133-614! S&bott .. ..., 4 oocnpl<•• ""' T<ailor your boa! to ,..; ~25 i; ;:'.t.d!';' ~..'..~ • Pl .. NB. ~ I 11Ct11>Wt'~iiia1\' rioca-tlU'ncld. out ~ adorable. la. · 1 lovable eve.. YACHTS ROY ALE neVflt, 1.uteat boat set"\-k:t Lnd tna, twly equip, ;;;:;;. * ~ NEW 7'2" RUSSELL merdai OD a boJUt or ~ Nd td home$. ~ 9/lS ~ Ai.J.199 S~ Service. ALVMlNUM HUU. UI'&", 29U W. Cout fltway in the area . Let us make cruiljC. 968-4840 Mo l ........ lllO -...i. Gooci condition. ~'~.;',t:: It"°""' oihor 2 YfAll old alterod femal•, CM. 1.ano, ,., • ., h«o ,...., built far Nowport Beach * 64>-0l!O """ boat Ilk• ""' (no Jobl..:~:;,=:.;;;====•i ;::;.:..E: S15. M&-J50& ~ .Ii CeWe 111'1 red ,l;DO<n;BERMAN;;;;==~----1 U.S. pt\'ttl\l'l)Cnl at toll ol SNOWBIRD too tonlall). Y.'e also sen 8o•t·Y1cht THOM •" 'IOYoR ...,,,.....,. _ _, RETIRED Law wUl '·--Gentle atl•et•'o , Pupa 14 wk:s Sl350. WW make 1dnt ...... . ..•••••••••• Sl.90 fibe...,lua suppl'-•. o,~, 1 9039 ~ ,. "' .-. • .._.u rt" uk.· _.,. · • "• e, AKC Cham Ion lock. ' boat •• ,,,_ or ..... ~ ..;:::'t ..SABO'l'._NE\V ••••••••••• $29S dy,,·,·k. "'" ,.. Ch•rt•rs Joa 1>J, ' mllhl "11 Llllnry, lull Pie ...,,A\I. -pet fur ~ P ' V•ry • • --~ -LIDO rl _;.;...,;.;..:.;,.;;,_ __ ..cc:.:: OIGAl,tS * M2-6486 * R.ep'er, Calif 'Rep'er USCA, ~ $CMU49 913> or. sd#~ lJvef'-ftld cdl. $450. 0IJ"ll.l'I can. be m: · 14 (t r) ••· •••· , •• 187$ WIND AN' SE.A SAIL CAL ii $:!'1 per daay. ~-~ pfOira.m• . New~ J>'a•l. Ca.I~. NfiD Id home fencd ·-' lOl' eluded at $12 per mo Call 12' SAIL ................ ~ 1737 SUp!!riot Cal 36, $60 per •day. Slecpt; -"m• a. t'"Ar Ml II ,~ Fa...,. .....,.1._ W .. .-... ..:, •-lo·-'" ~ ALASKAN Malamut •we 1 Ja"Jc 6'f>.13S5 or ·..,..,_.., 16' TOMCAT .... ''. ..... rro;, Costa 1.lesa.. 64" !f""" 6 n .. tt295 ,,... , Many o ,., see •neout '600 . ···1 -1 .,.._ .. • '"' .. ..,.e ~telrltr 1 . e ~· 67"~4 ~.., D_lNCTOH)'MScA ... T •• ;.-;. .. i»TS l up • 18' SCOTT w"'.--.-hpw,,:,_,.. . ...........,... 1. featwu. ~ the new w1tb prtvllep of ua1nc same mqs..ioves car ridelt ~ ,ftlOI.. maJe, sbGi.a. PttJJen, DUA , 1 ,, ..... ,.a wttMe \Vellc model. Tte· 2 <.'abbiel stereo J!l. Sina]e lrom time: to Umt. M. A. pet ~ child ae OnlY $1~ Mus! be iOOt.I 'G7Cl.ASbl-'4JtC1tation. 2614 Npt Blvd., NB 615-2400 eng. Ski equip. !teal tamlly MoTOI HOMES 9215 mendoWI 111.vl.1121 on acleel· bed maple htUbrd $50. Stutfres 64t-15.57, 2219 MiJ.3IDJ r~I~ ~me S'B-109l Inl.o&rd.ou~ Ul Mere • bottl. $1950. ~ ~~~~~~;;~~' e4 dmnrNbt.lor models. New 1ank vacmun I attch Fortuna. NB CUTE Wh1 3 1'fINAnrRE Black Poodle:i CntlHr wUb pcire, )It, i FttYING '9XJ'l:, Fa 11 t e II I , ~=-"·'==;;,::;;==~ I Ultd <>ra:ans from $1119. Jt). Oin rm table, 6 cbn * AUCTION * klttf!ft. 1 !e .. ltl)' lemale need a chllds love llred of power trim. Full covu. wsl, stronpst ' bJae::;t Boat Mainten1nce· 9033 COAST MUSIC ~.;, :.-~ ';; ~ u you wm .en or buy .. ,.. .'°~":"-~it-:;;: ~~""' i.Kc. ~""~· 11; ::U.~r • ..!. ·~. "i c.m~~":, ~:t,;"'"~ WF1Wala b••" 4 ..,..,,; NEWPORT .l l!ARBOR. po ~ give Windy a try ..tdoe&n t .find a b om e 09~. Kl~·•• sails. Appraised v •I u e moottnc UO hp Vol""'• •I•~ STA ?tlESA * 6~ . AuotJons • 6t2-.6'1B9 9 2'2 GERMAN SHEPHERD ~ $2.475 Sac t $1500 • ., ..,.. •. FABER WARE rotisserie Frlchay 1.30 p.m. I PUPS 1967 17-loot Gl&apar with 65 :J. or , 17l~J clttve, SI• radio. be.it tanJ(s. lay Befare Yoo Buy ("'"''.Pl· VM ........ W/ W.,.jy's Auction a.m ~=-'b~-old, -., _,.. old.• hp M"""'Y. trailer, .... ;e.116'~ -etc. >Ont ..... Gd. ski bocit. • 0\V ~ rent a Baldwin orp.n I.: learn to plQ. Adlllt , htaimm only. Prtvatt or cWs }cSS(lns available - filsults iuaranteed· Believe ()J' nol -$3.00 a week ren- tal, leSllOllS extra. ' ~ ARD'S BALJ)WIN snJDlO 1n;9 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 OND . SleinwQ" • Ya. • IW\V Ir. Wied pianos makes. Best beys ln Calif. rt,:ht heft. 5(lDllDT MUSIC 00., ! 1't17, N. Main. Santa Ant l \VE HAVE PIANOS! may pcll'dwe or "'"' aed.lt aJJ monies-pajd owtnl--OUSE OF HARMONY " Fuhlon Jsla.nd Ir...,,... 8e>ch • &M-ro!ll ••YAMAHA PIANOS I ORGANS See tht complete line at: COAST MUSIC bU • IQ amplUlu SJ.5, 14" 8e'1ldi 1°'6111't a t.a. Mlt1. lhal't :::: ... ~ l\ice , ·Call 8:5-5944 \~rtible top, maorin&; cover CLEAR SKIES lr A TALL On shore mooring Balboa porthle eolot TV ~w) szs. 2'li'ifl Newport, (ii..,.. N2-0tl 11.-iu mqtbfr cat. WHIPPET Pups . h and sun ~ sn.ts. u. S A I ,L . U' t I c e n • e d lal. Ne. 8aJ' n~ Soprahu 'saxophone (new) 9/20 aired • c am P than so hours use. Ca~aJ'R11 wt cu s I o rn 17'9 OtrrBOARD cab Jn $200. 64&--2174 GARAGE ~ Sat, Sept NJCE LookllW. 5" rnoothl Old ' AKC ~· Top racing Showrooni condition. $195l), trailer. (TI4l 9 S 6-616 5, Cl'lliser. sleeps 2, &la.ssed up 20. 10 A.M.., Old ateamer male cat,, ~Y & -.111-F-09!9110ck. l'olartinerest Kennel$ 67>1310 98S-49'l9 lo~ watec.line, w/trailer, ~ ~-.. ..,.... w>D ._.. -• .....-. __ 'iii -26' Thunderbird "'-. b.:ith icensed. NO MOTOR. BRANO new boat trailer, fi1--·-i--... .a.. t~-~ -· ~ •-•-, -·u;,:o: I Hobie Cat or equM. Sl!'il. board. mahopl!)' drum me. home. ••• ·-9-SIBERIAN HUSKIES. 24 FT. ClJt'ttctt Criift" Cabin .-.uv 12 -... ~ Malco 250 dirt lllOIOlcycle table, ald mullkrat oott; ,. ,.. ..... n.•c ~kftt-'~ r,,.pics .,..... Crui3e 185 HP cruise al lJ 4 Bags ol Salls, cleall. Haul. 45 ... -2189 alter 6 P~I $350. Sl!ar't port swim pool b 00 k 5 IOc, m~. r.ou..:. •,~trl~ped --•-~ ~ ·~re RPlo1. Tip lop cond. }~y ed 6-69. Xlni cond. $3950. 18' 0wcll5 v.•/SS hp ?t1erc 15' diam. 42" deep soo. 1 warta. 21M San Juan Lane JIMIUC, uaer striped equipped. Jn water now. Ensign Yacht Sales 343-1131 e~ .. lge whl trlr. skiing 'ttiPJel trailer $15. 546-9453 Costa Mesa. ' f ~ma I e • g we e k s , \VHITE Toy Poodle Ptu>Piel, MUii 1('11. Call altrr s p.m. 17' O'DA Y D~ll~r equip. Good cond. ll395 CANON QI..,.l 9 I houlabrokl'n 6'fS-7474 9/20 7 wks. ma.le!ii. Sparltle 646-1987 Df.r:oo $1150. Ull!ld tU50 ;-;543-=263-:1"""==-==~ l5mm Electric Eye EAT LUNCH at HANK'S 1 ~ Great Dane 5 Bkgrd, A.KC. Rea1! 542-1600 'll' SKTht~lAR Skill ta hp , 14' O'Oay r.sed •••• $500 U'6" Gl.ASPAR. 7 5H P J yr oJd, xlnt (..'On(). Occa.ntront, corner 23rd A mo1 old. 1 male ~r Lab. 111 NORWEGIAN Elk Howx:l-6 Evlnrude. trailer, l: many Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa Evlnrude motor. Good con- $50 \V, Ocean Front tn Newport Pointer 1% yrs o I d mos .. shots & p&pctll. extra!. Like ne11'. Ideal for 27' VIKING Awe. Beaut. cod. dltian $625. 6J3-5l58 6t$-0397 t.fter 6 PM Beach. SpeclaJ each day, hsetm>ken. 645-2565 9/TJ. 675-7669 llft 5:30 fishing. $750. llloor avail. Trd OK. 1967 16' Glastron, 50 h.p. KIRBY vaci.aum cleaner with Monday th r ~ Tbur'!ldfl. 3 'KJTl'ENS, 6 wks nld DACHSHUND puppies. Black 83()..Q.!41 ~ x434 1.lr. Postnia, foilercury. Xln1 cood. $1495. attach le: polisher. xint om::I Plenty of parlun1 now!!! beaut., healthy & box It Lan; . Red. AKC re~. 22' CABlN Cruiser at ~ip, ............,., Call 67J..2259 & ~iuaranteed. Pa,y otl bal ot J ¢OR-SALE ~. Call 549-2081 ur Champ sn-ed. 644.-0"221. near new, 100 hp l\'lcrcury \VEST Wight Potter. Gd. ·15'~' ~H~,~,,'-.,'-,"Skf~. -boa-I-. -.,-HP- ;35.U or take over wmnta. ~ 9/22 BEAGLES -AKC reg.iltcred outbrd. Custo1n trlr. mu.st cond, 2 bunk, sJ.s It rig. M~rc. New trailer. $1250. _Cred-=';_lt;_d::ep=t .::'3>-=...:12S9:::;:c._ __ 1 Beautllul O"!linal ot! ~t. FREE to -...-1 .___ Outf 9 weeks. Tri-color. · eell ~ or best oiler. Stqull mtr 4t lrlr. $1200. 642-9917 aft 4 PM ;;:-ing, mounlllln soeoe In bnu-Id ,. ......... •a."'"'1' Y Call ~ 631-1668 ========= RE 1\1 ING T 0 N 0 If i c dful blues Ir greens Dark ~ black I. \\'hite. 7 5J6..0019 1,;.;;.,;::;;:c_______ -t)/p!Wrtter. comp I c 1 e I y wond car.red frame 's.. lo wb, tmd, PlaytW. 5'8-3257 AOORABLE pure _ bred 2T',. DRAKE TIS, Sp! li:>h, Dy SEA Scout 's desperately ~· Equip, 9035 reconditioned, like new I: appm:iate. Reasonable Call a1T 5 or Sa! Dachshund pups, g v.l'Cks, btl.d~. l oaded. Too need a MATN wil for 2'2 stand $50. FrpJc screen I: S47-n87. . HELP! FAMILY MOVING: standard, S25. 548-4911 numerous to mention all ex· FOOT ALB AT R 0 SS. andin>~ $IO. 546-0167 Good News Singers a pro. Nttd good home fer 4 darl.. AKC German Shepherd~ tras. Saerll $5800. 67J.-5822, ;;"""=::;7;;69~-~~--- 191»140 HP . ttvttSe c am te.uM>nal 5ingUl& ~P have lng kittens, cray twrna 1 2 11 lillonths. 1 r.tale, 1 fe~ I~~~=;;===~-~--PENGUIN sailboat l l ~i ' ~alr eiwme:. new o'baul a few openin&;s. Will book bla.ck. 548-9578 9122 546-79.:i6 16' CENTURY, 1J hp w/&a.11 & traikr. Top coo- S950. or complete. bUI S2500. now for banquets, ladles • ADORABLE kitle,na: need a Jo'ema.;e Bf-aicl{', Sta,ttire. Evlnrudc, canvas 1...:•::11=1on:..:w;=·...:831:::.-3598:::":::. __ _ 36 hp VW engme, needs clubs ur ,1·eddings. Benefits ho~. They 8J't gr• y 6 \O'eeks. $3.:>. bOat cover. n1lliit .sell, nl3.ke KITE No. 6i6. repa.in S7S. 548-9509. considf'rcd. ~3 or striped tabbies and 1 wka. •962-I5l7itt otter. s.tl-4672. Aqua BIUP. Xlnt cood. ~~~ ~-~ ~~~s, 546-5255 old. 548--0179 9122 MINIATURE DAOISliUN D 23' Starcn.lt. All extra:; for * 613-3848 * ._...,, ..... ....,_ • ., • .,.,.,,... PHOTOCOPY maclllne $40, CUTE and cuddly, adorable purebred $35 musl saL-ri.fjcc albacofe fishing. Also great CAL 24. 3rd ln NATIONALli, Ir recta.nplU' sizes. SJ9. ditto machint.' $75. Coldlpot baby kittens, 6 wks. old. all shots, HURRV. 847_3813• ski boat. 517-6649/bus. or 2 years. Full set of saila. 1765 Newport Blvd. CM refrigerator $3.5, double bed 549-0046 91221..::..:c;;;~:;;:::,:c;:::::=~ 536-3116/bonie $3700. * MG--ll957 REFRIGERATOR .,.,.. .-. t It' -~-Maggie -Oassili·-• DOG ·rRAlNING ;'L=. '-.. = .. ->;:.:;::_::;_,.=~~~I =7"=...:._:,.:::::_ __ ~ ONI-: factory re.built (never runl Gl'n'I Mll'I s.n n1odel Gt HNG ereY marine diesel engine. Complete \\'/twin- disc reduction aear 2; 1 ratio. Fnr further details, call P. SUiton (213) 62&-Sl'.11 \\'L-tkdays. or 1n4J 546--0438 \\"eekend1. GRAY MARINE Two 427 cu ill, DJ bp, 6 c:yl gas •I'll· Hydro ttVerse. 2~2· .1 red. Xlnt cood. $300 ea. S.18-34.I4 HUDQUARTEAS FOR MOTORHOMES OM DISPUT Tiil All Ntl' DDD&E "EXPLO.RER" Sttl••WIH •1111 •It Ulfl· ......... ~.tti.ai .... ~"*'-tt ... •IPL All l l?ll. ti '001, 13 fOOf. 211 fOOl . J TU.II r1•A111e. 1111• .fill APf'IOYll 'l l l lf. BUSIESl' inarketpl&oe in ; tawn. The DAILY Pll.O'J' Classllied section. Save mooey, time £C eUort. took now!!! NEWPORT It HARBOR ...... Stove ·-mac 1ng ,,., ... "d\aln ...... Priv lessons only; rea~ rates ICC!UKU NA v I G AT 0 R MALIBU Outrigx:er. Gd SfA ntESA * 60.2851 SU. \Vauter '20. Couch $22.. $35. <19&-0811. 24.121 La l''EMAf;E Au.trallln Sheep 213: 42.)..3.l(Mi. 2IJ: 423-lSJO available for Ocean Cruise. coDd. Prlced to sell $8). Mobil• Hornes 9200Moblle Hom11 9200 • PIANOS House in Back ol 445 E. 17th HermOM, Laguna Niguel. dog, J mo. old. to good call 542.2752 Pvt. pt:y. 615--029I I e P IANOS M2-S74J 2 OLD fashioned desks. homt. Call after 6 p.m. Horses 8830 33' TS ~ss. bclo\V n1kt? CAL-00, motor, boat bath, • PIANOS ROYAL Oelux port ab I e (chlldrensl. $40. ea. Baby 43.1-6542 912'1 __ ;;_,. ____ ..:.:::;:.: 31' DJesel Ket{'h, an.xious! tleet champ. S3{XXI or trade typewriter Slj, Custam crib $10. l'ollscl baby Items f.1ALE pupp)', ~~ German 1 '·~ YR 01.0 FILLY PactUc:Yacht Sales 673-1570 on Sollll&'. Kl 9-0869 BAY HARBOR . M,HOOl~LEE SALES l'lnal 01.)'S ot our Summer gl.aas ocean rod z, ft1itchell 50c. Call before 10 1.m. or "'"-pherd & , A ,_.,__ $300. Partly trained. "' Sale. Save on I ab u·t 0 us 300 """" :: UKu.......,, 23' CIOOS Craft with trailer. Cl · S ~RANDS lndudin< ,...i S20. >tS-r"" dtor 9 p.m. °' o!I wk .. od Sheep dog. ""' >o eooct ~ Moored at Balboa. !3995. Power Crvltors 9020 earGftC:e ale • Oikkerln&; • \Vurlllur ~t l.a.yer has Hi Lo ~7 home. 897-9683 9119 S:t-L d si;euand. c hi Id I~~"-'""'"'-="""~"""~~-28' FAIRLINER SporUisher O• All Dflpley MMeh 21 to c .. .se fr11 m St~inwa,y e Kn:i.be nyk>ns Sl.99 yd. Sha.gs r•nd Opening SALE I C 0 M PL ET E Brownie e, ap ~ grey $7J. INTERNAT'L l~ fiberglass Sedan. 2» hp completely Al SI-. 12' to 34' Wlde PLUS MANY MORE! ltom S3.5o up + my labor, Pemco tanks • fish . 1CC.?as Unilonn lo .om"".... who 54.>-Sfl28 ·-" x1n ·1 I e------INCLUDING--._ __ ""'-,..,...! ""o""' =n,.; UaD!1', t, Sacrl ice $79.i. equipped $S7SO 673-6728 PINE TS & CONSOLES -'per,. ....... _.....10 'TIS TROPICAL FISH re a 11 y n ~eds it ! ! 5r.1AU.. Murgan &: q\1.8.l'tor 64!M!l1S . . . IOLU.WAl' 1n FAllYllW PllSTIGl ~SAVE UP TO ••. ~. 8 NE\V, 8 ply heavy duty, 9080 Edinger(~ Maanolial 9&2-a>14 9/19 gelding, son-el. $18.':i. \;;'===--_,~,.,..,--~ CRUIZON 16' Ca..oln cruiler CA.IA LOMA UT HA•IOI UY Fnl V Ue e 0 •" ·~~" BUSIEST mari«!lpla~ in wood/tbgls, motor &: trlr. "AS!l HOM nn: NOW!! Priocs will Pol Daytona nylon lubeleu tires n a Y ~ 3 l'ofALE and .1 female kil· i> 833-262& • town. 'nte DAlLY PILOT ~ SG-45118 ~ AS CO•NELL CELU•ITY tbe lhi! law qain:: w/tra.ller wheels, $25. each. BROWN .100% human baJr tens, il')'/ivhlrc or blk/wht., INTELLIGENT. ~ r n 1 l {' . Classified section. Save I='~~~~~~~~-SHIU.TON MANOR FASHION MANOR SA.HARA 1 1 COAST MUSIC 5.16-8968 wig, cost $811, worn twice n e c d Io v 1 n ll: b om e. quick to learn 2 yr. gelding ,money, time &:. eUort Look DAILY PILOT DIME.A· 1425 BAKE S , NEWPORT l HARBOR GLASS lop •land ll2 Sun-l40. locl""'• """'· ""''"" 531-308.; 9119 11"'1 . .,..3769 "'""' LINES. Yoo "" ,.,. them R T., COSTA MESA A MESA * 642--=" beam touter $12 Round Ml W 16 YOUNG ·"ult ·•· i·o=AIL=°"y~p=n~,~=w~A~N~T~~D-1-'::..:;;,~""~,,~rr=-=~=·Ell=I~•. --I 1o1 ju.t pennies a di)'. Dial 1/1 MKl_lat ef HorMf .. a.ker "°""' ·ha.saock. Jep $8. 402 Costa sc. anted 10 _.. m ..... cat 3 ~~~~~;;'·==~A~S~,~~=~~~::=~·u~:;;~~~m567tl~~=:=====;;;;:;;:l;~~~!!!!!!!~C~A!!LL~S<~O~·'~'~'~'~'~O~D~A~Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"JJ ~ 10-6 Fri 10-!I SUn 11.5 Mela $l. 543-Tl92 $ WE BUY $ months old, pUNI blk. very THEY'RE HERE! 1 ==,,..;~.;;;,,...:c.:_ ___ 1 KenUe, purn constantly, New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 Nl'W C•n 9800 New Cers ~ 'ew ESTEY dual-manual SURPLUS Faelory dresa hlbrlrn. 644-068B 9119 9800 N•w Cars '800 oriam, kleal tor fabrics• remnants. So&d to $ FURNITURE $ GORGEOUS 4 long-haired t:qtnnen. Only $30().tenns. the pUblic 1-4 Monday tbru APPLIANCES tiger kittens. Can sec A1lo ARTISAN <qan11 &: al· Sat. 1820. Monrovia, C.M. nlOOm & !ather. 3 mal~a. llchm~nts for al'. male.ea. OL\ r.tPIC TV Con&Olc stcrro. Colo• TV-Piene-Slereo• 494-9271 9/19 NE'\VPORT ORGANS A?t1 T " Low o / 1 '*• •r H ... hn ' "''· rey l'ian w CASH IN ll MINUTU 1593 Monrovt.. Ave bench. Both Xlnt, sac! e S4 I 'Sl I e NB. e ~1580 962-859.i -"' GutU> F.30 Acoustical. steel a1rinc GOOD BLUE.5 AXE $12."i • 64>7J46 WE PAY CASH WE PAY CASH! ·ow-nnt a Baldwin piano ~Jar your child far $2.00 ~w I!! e k. Profe11ional In. t.structlon available -results :~. JVA.RD'S BALDWIN STUDIO * * * * Jll9 Nowport, C.M . ..,_..,. FAMILY Membenhip t n • NOT Checks llEAUTiruL Like n•w :::i.~ ~.~.~ub For -GOOD, USED JWurllW:r Spin! p I a nu • ="'=:....,~-'--'""',,;;..'-=-;;:;_· .1 Furniture, Stereo, TV or fSpotless 1.faple Hni&h. Coet GOOD BeltoDf' &: Zeruth Household Items of 1ny kind :cwer $800. No sales tax $500. he.arlnc Aides In perfect e 547.5722 e ' ·~lJSl ~vu ~.,,~oc1~111o~o.;..."°~~·~-~.!"'~--~'l-:-w~'iiiii~io-:- !VfflTNEY Baby G " " d UPRIGHT RCA ,.,,,.,.,. ..., * WANTED* :,Piano. REASONABLE. Bedroom Sl!!t, ,$50. Call Jpr ~ alt 6 P?lt :o••,;';'-,;""':;::.="=.''=~=~cl Furniture . Appliances :::==,,;;::=,~=== 4-STEEL CORD RADIAL Color TV's • Stere<»s . Oll- felnilfen 1205 TIRES 900 x i:i. Llh.'E ice EqUlp -Tools • etc. NE\V! 642-152.l TOP CASH In 30 minutes i "-, Color TV or Black ,.~PT. o·-• diam··• & ...... -,,.=i*~5=3;,1·;12:,:lc:2_;*~- 1 \Vhite. Option to buy, ...., V<U UUU U<Ua.< ,:;'. I 1''ree !ltrvlce. No depo!ilt \V/ small diamond. $690. RESTAURANT cwnen chefs , A-Active TV Re'ntal Co. 67ft..3396 &:. dishwashcN. I buy no 10 t , (1) 522-1153 FULL ME ~1 BERS HI p caru or 1 i:D.l cans. Call G"'.-,E"'. 7b;claek::;:;.:...:::,::,b:_it,-.T• -.... -1 Newport Beach "'ennis Oub: _;642;.,.;"5:;24;;9'=--~--- ! mnclil!on, ~ yni. $~or oUer. $600. 56-9U9/ 6«-0637 COLI.EGE student needs ·ti'i~ LeBL.ANC ~Fiat clarinet queen size bee!. l.c" COLOR l.enlth TV. ~litl used 1 ~ar. $60,' ;..9 Buick * 6t2-I03 7 * I under WUTanly. Xlnt con-$85. 5fO-S186 NEED brlcb one to 1000, 'dition. 646-2863 .Ef.IBA Mink Stole. appraised reasonably priced. 64+-t681 ZENITH TV porlabtl', I4 .. , at $7,000. ~~ll.389$1000. Machinery, etc. 1700 inchxllni stand. Xlnt cond. .,..,... 1'ir, Tbomu !TI4l 57!~ BONANZA 3~ HP S75 12 a 11 FULL KLUGE Jl99 Centella Pl., NB Aulomalic • Ne\v kleaJ roU. I-Fl I. Stereo 1210 l9li9 dlx conanle, com.pl .,,ith full stereo, 4 sp:i Ga.rrard cbang:er, 60 watt du&I chanoel, 4 spkr 90Und , QStmn. Pl.)' oU b4I of $71.26 cub Ol' small PYJMla.. ...... SS>-7289 • u:n:FUL Pecan Med. MqblYox. Steno. 2 yn old. l2!0......a96 _.. & Equip. 1300 54&-8382 en:. New Moraan expansk>n WANTED: Oriental curio roller ttuck:!i. 25 cases of cabimts, objectg C'art. etc. eood han<bet type· II~· 2 831 ·~ ( oil l cba.Hs A: misc furniture !: _,.,,., 1 trtt letterpress Ink. 1700 for 1.ll. 4' x 8' Brunswick I*" slatt1-=:SJ6.8411:=:;=· ====== FOOL TABLE $500. I· • ,.._.... * FREE TO YOU TABLE A 4 cha.in. rood con- dlllon. Blond oak. $2'J. FREEi 892-1539 CU~ lo\'Cllb~ kittens, all sii:.. BRUNING Drafting machine, es l co~. Black il white, 1calee. JralUna: table, Ca· tabbies, etc. 2or tamp, S150. 847-6311 * Call 6~3'1 * 9/2J CANON QL-l9 7' 9" SURF B 0 ARD BEAUTIFUL Bl11.ck Cat 15 mm E2tttric 14·e (Shortboardl. Ex c e 11 c n t Aba.ndoned, any takers. Call l yr. okl, Xlnt cond. condition. $50. 546-8)14 ~ 9/2'l ••• ,.,.,_ ~- 0 p•o Sl1'B10NS hldc-.-bed, orange 10.lt t.to md male lg. minia· ·';;ri-7=;;::';::u;r~1;;;i;i"""=:::-I na~. like new sss. lure black poodl,, Very ac- • a MOVIE out-G.E. Rotiutr~ $20. 673--338S tlw, W-9258 9/22 llt. u..cl Uttle. 1Dalft .i.d. MARQUETTE tune up ~P· DOG. Moftb Pekh\lnese Yfll .,.. camera. a\1110 io.d pro-like new. CeJl atttr 6 p.m.. male, lowable. To gond 1'<*1'. U&tit. w 1: ICftlell, asn..cm tiame. m.2533 9122 Slll. ~. AQOAAJ'UP.f lli pl, Pemco ~ I. Fema>e Chihuahua a ~. liq: 1 stand, never used. Make to kirxt, klvirc bomel. CAii ......., oa:.ta&r itM. all oa.r. 6'75-5666 or 673-1!116 54&-Jj36 9/22 -. U 1-1011 SCbwlM SU....,. bike MEO, SI. iood bird d o I· 218 outfit. Used Two llJ)eed. m. ~nUe "''/Children. Movir11. 1 ... JlS.. • 646-2896 • 9GS-OOG5 9/J:I tt1J..1NI • smoBE UGHT; ortamalJy 5 FLUFFY kUle:l'll. 4 f~rn .. I "'-""''-Goods HOO -l1'15. St' "' best oUer. nw•. Call 675-0.119 9/1J ~ __ SfS..49SO l Ktrr!:NS l 1nolhcr, \\1!U ,lalll.!'llOARDS n· Jlobkl SUEDE pants, uthtni. Frl• marked. ~ 9-M \\'oodJ, U' Qula TantSe1n, ~un Anyllmr. 128 21111 SL F'f'VE tluff:y hlacl1 & gray lloth kit Sl&. l7J.4.ll3.2 (b..t.it }'I.I'd) 01. kittens. 616-1<i1!1 9/31 I NEED good home tor lovable black And white kitten 8 wk!, Mother Siameese. M.1-71)19, OUR Chrisbnag present is wailing for YOU. :: Elfin. llkl' gray Ugcrs, 7 wk£. old. 8~5-27.l! 9/19 3 Love a b 1 e, alfectionate tortoise WU kittens. 4 mos. h n u • e pets. hou5ebrok@n 827-2501 9/20 2 Black kittens, ma.le &. female, free to good home. &lS-2169 9/:1> 5 GOLD, l Black 1 \Vffk old kitten..... 646-1173 2 3 3 4 Wesbnlnster Ot 9/Jl INsrANT Landscaping 2 beautiful brorue flax plants. You dig. 962-4370 9120 4 GRAY and \vhile kitties, 2 pure \Vhile ones. free to pro. pie who care. 54&-5242 9/19 SAVE a trip to I~ pound, lake a pretly cat or kitten. 540-2674. 9119 2 FREE n1etal cabinets 82" x 46" x J~". You baul. Wes Ollj'an 5"11·3906 9/72 TORTOISE s~ kitten. 6 \\.ttks old. 61'.> Gary, NB. MS-8594 9/'12 ADORABLE gray &; black kittens, 8 v.ttlal old. bsbrkn. 644..(1688 9/19 PUPPIES. i,, Cocker. 'Ii \Vt-enit'. 221 r.Jonte Vista Clot after 6 P~f 9/20 NEED god home for y~ long haired wh.lle and ~)' CBl Male Sia.me~. SJ&.2091 Nel'd iood homes for 4 love. ab]{' tortoise shell kittens, 4 mOlll. old. 827·2501 MOTIIER nbbit and babies, WI~ 54&-QiQJ. One ot all 1ogelhf!r. FREE kittens. Black: v.i\Ue. 5f5..31SI 'W1DTE Doe rabbit -... RED cal, nWe, 8 monlM. 543-1233 PICK up Ire!! • fiftwood1 !Udy Oil. 60-Ii!M 9/tl ~!5 end LIVESTOCK P•"· Gonerol 8100 SlA?itl'.SE KI'M'ENS $15 10688 Lclunhll.rdt FV •531-9116• -------- See the great new -~~ ~ WHY NOT BUY WHERE YOU GET SERVICE! ARIA'S lllWIST DIALIR LARGIST SIRVICI DIP'T 111 THI WIST PRU DOOR PRIZIS AMERICAN FLAG~ FOR THE KJOS . . . PRIDAY •SATURDAY• SUNDA y CLOSI OUT ON ALL '69's 1·l ird '69"'GALUlf 500 Cjle Stt<lr. f l052 .. IJ,000 oil .. 12511 ''9 FtOD pl<l"P 1229 S!.c.~#S07l , • , , 9 '69 CO•TINA • . 119.0.0 Sto~• ir7922 -.. . ., '°"""''°"'"to 13699 Po•••fltlff, elf. diK br•• , , Ii.geog• ro<lt. v1.d lk XYV204 ·- • -·----~--·----·-----------~-~---···------ • • TRANSPORTATION rri~at. s.>ttm"" 19, 11169 • TRANSPORTATION ' rKAHSPORTATiSif TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION '"'""'tod -Mololl• H...;., 9200 Moallo Homes 9200 111.•lorcrclH 9300 Trucks Y500 Campers 9520 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Auto0 96oo. '-""' ·-. 9600 ;;;;;:;;;;;;;';;,;;;;;;;::;;;:;,jl~Of~ "°V N IJKET~ =~li'l '65 DATSUN 1~am~~.;1".t ii':''°~ DATSUN KARMA!!! &HIA MaCIDU IDIZ MG GREENLEAF DRIFTWOOD BEACH El ··-· -"" I I motor. Stick. New brakes, '67 DATSUN • e . CLUB JN J1UNTlNGTON ee, a.....,..,r, uuu o.,., 111 . PU w campe:I', new eng, o-clutch. 5 gal water, ice box, , 2-'59 ~~N' (; h I••' BEACH! ADULT PARK ~~·r.IATCHLESS 500CC .~:~rrors, 4 ~·1~ xlni!; cupboards, sips 2 adults, l Cood ~~Uon can or . PARK RES'l'AURANT. POOL &. n or ua-ra e, ehlld Canvas awning dde 4 DR Seel, 4 lf4. dlr, near ~ materie1 $175 I. $250. OSSO Scrambler, For the pymtita. NOZ63kLB, call Rob & ·•• ,.. 1•7 5 0 ••w. u •• •·d ex-p•··-• •• ~~ LOTS OF FUN. CALL purist S650, -494-9713 or ~. e,..._. cur ms. • .... • .... "" .... uuo-__.._... In dear, cle&n, cool Olata BETTY 536-3500 196T TR!UMPll T·lDOC 536.-7986 care. Wlll_!°~ct, IM&DI::======== Meaa. New 9'l spaee Adull SACRIF!CE: owner trans. SOO CC. Very clean, $f;i0. '67 DODGE SPORTSMAN '69 VW Sundlal camper, dil, fine P•foihlr~m MERC.DIS IENZ Park NO\V OPEN! Mobile Shag cplf,::., CUliL drapes. JAMES LTD ' VAN. V-8, radio, air 1..'tlnd., water, iec box, table, bed, LB. call ' or _1:nuit Ll:: j\iilPLli i c• = 0=~ted~e~: awning, sldrtinl:: 2 Bdrms. 151W Newport Blvd. 6"2.oo40 extra. seat. $1!?5. call storage. Owned unly <I mos. -0545--0634;::,.;·====== 'M MERCEDES.' Xlnt cond. lmmed. Po&sesa. 2 14 6 2 646-2'91, eXL m. between Most aeU. Moving lo Africa. ENGLISH FORD New paint. filter, brabt. 3UIO w. Coat Hwy-, NA . OPEN Pacif;c coa" Hwy, Hunt. "30 A.M. and "30 P.M. $3!00. SU.2962 l'IOO/cfl', 112-~!!» lllEIU:El>ES ll<t1tt ·1'1! 642-9405 HJ.1'1M 9 AM To 6 PM Beach, space 290 (Driftwood Mondny thru Friday. 8' AJum.inum camper. Good i9iQ ~-l90. elet.n. dleJe.I. S525. Autborlzed MC Deakr Beach Clubl. 536-1582 or !!!'~~!':"!""!!!!'""~~I coodltlon. Back ,.,.indow, ORANGE COUNTY'S new fifta. S1SO f It' ,m~ ' * 64&-3896 * A((£NJ MOBILE !J62,.6866 'I;/ DODGE Sporlamao lllll, '""""""' side windo-. & VOLUME ENGLISH 64'"'45i eves. MGI • 27' Terry. Enclosed c-d.bana. V-8, & auto, 3 &!a.ts. $2295. front door with window. FORD DEALER 19G3=~1110~.~P=R=!V~A=TE~o-w-ne-r. MG HIWt 'AW Nice for couple. $1095 Ca.Sh. OUwn; to choose Crom. $200. Call 54&-.2100 anytime.. SALES. 'SERVICE AM/f'M~ ne,.,, tires.; Make '66 .J4.GB~. Wft V1'111 ~ fiot&.3807 Kust.om lo.lotors. 845 Baker PICKUP CAMPER Shells ,69 MODELS offer. &12-3957 after 5 p.m. ~64 MG Midget, wire wheels. Whit. Rldt, PlrtWI; xJd ?otOIDLE OOme \V/ cabana, St .. CM, 540-5915 lAuth. l.H. cab-hi, lllighl freight lm1nediate dclivir)' MERCEDES Belu 1960 4 eood condllloll, $ISO· eood. Lo Mi. $lfm.. 4f1-l161 1750 '\!Vhi.ttler Ave ,,.,. . >riew on Llrlo -~,,,;::::::===== "o.Ffiia1_"':0' flnio.:nat;;;;;;;--;~1~~·~·m~·~··~-,::cnea~l':·'o:SJ9.~l:;aoo~ LARGE SELECTION -· 231 s .• -· ;..., 642-3649 ~ MGB. XInt --~ C M Adults only $6.500. 613--0196 '61 Gll.ARRA. Xlnt cond. 106 NEW '69 International %. Theodore new Um. Xlntl 548-T'a54_. ~ lfl-0018 lor RESULTS * 6i'5-4i3l9 * osta -cc. '"' Road o.. diN. Too. ''"'"'· V41, auJo •teer· !lune Buggl.. 9525 ROBINS FORD 714• 642 13SO Mt r tit 9300 M"'t ""· S250" bc•I o!le<. ing. Sav. ""'·of! 11"· No. • Imported A_.~ 01 9600 . lm-....... Au_tos 96001mported AulM -' • • 0 0 cy"-"'----!'l36--0161 aft -4:30. 712 173. Kustosn ?>totors, 845 BODIES $1<!0 & UP • 2000 Harbor Blvd. ~· ..J.t'fV' ·-"'c"A'""!S!!!H"!!!FO!'!!!!'"R""'Y.'"O!!!!'U~R!!! l·69 HONDA 90 cc. Step-tbru • 1965 .Honda 00, $1.35. Baker St., c.r.t. 5-10-5915 Roll bars $12. Bucket seals Costa Mesa 642-0010 ~t model. $225. Call at Good condition. CaU tAuth . 1. H. dlr.) S12. Upholstered coven $12. • MOBILE HOME 5,30 p.m .• 642-"'7 alt Spm, 54&.971l1l FORD '67 , •. 2.j(J T<Uck. v~. Skld plat .. $1'. Chrome --·-·FER·;-.:,., • auto, ril.dio, low mileage. hwnpcrs $9.. ciu:ome roll KAIU Private party wants 8 x 40 or BSA; Good oond. $395 1966 llONDA U'ail 00, $175. w/ 1009 Pll...,.im 8 , ba: S2'l. \Vindsh1eld8 $34. 1 ......... to"'-moved to moun. Or trade for car 19&1 Yamaha trail 55. •· "'7 '179 FER"."RI -•-~ --" 90• ~s Sportsman camper. ?>1akc Phone Santa Ana, J'• -. ~ taln lot. Send description, L-.w: v-cu 1 ~100 f>l8-9509 • · offer. 516-lMl MEYl::RS Manx for st-reel or Newport lmPS>rtS Ltd. Qr. price &r: location 10: Write '69 YAMAHA 1000-CC sb-ect Coun • -1.. '•"'-~ Box P 424 Daily Pilot T II T 942. 5 '&11 NT ERNA T 1 o NA L off road use. 1966 53 hp Bus ao&e t)' I _...., au._~ . bikl'. Low mile. $250. -'-'-"~·-r_a_ve_I___ Travelall good cond Musi eng. Xlnt cond. 11100. call ized dealer. '61 10' -4'' ROD & REEL 847-9670 Befo~ 5 PP..f . ' . "7 ••• ~1 SALES SERVlCE p • -s • --==~==~~ I~ 20' :Fireball, sell l.'On-sell. See Mgr. Aloha Trailer .r pm, .......,.._, · • • An• ,....,,..,,, furn. To be n'IOV· '68 KAWASAKI 250. A-1 SS :Mn..o -·' 6 I .. o p k ,~ IV w·• C '! -3100 W. Coast Hwy . .,.........,. tau.cu, S.(IB , x nl co1..... ar , 1.» • ..1901), •" ·• 9600 Newport Beach ed. 646-3520 Excellent condition. $495. * Ps.id $3900, \\'ill sell Jor or call 54&-9571 Imported Autos 64z.9405 54~1764 8x20 Lancer SC in NB bch 644--0280 $2900. 5'12--0484 or sec at: 'J3 FORD ~S T new paint AUSTIN HEALEY Authoriuid Ferrari Dealer pk. $1795. lli W. P11.ci1ic Cst '66 BSA Spitfire. 650cc. Orig ~"'62=~P_lo_"_"_tla_C_.,_1. ___ t ne1v seat '54 overhead 6 eng, r---------FERRARI-67 GTEH Yellow llwy, NB Sp F-4 & perfecl cond. sell cheap, t.-1UST see lo apptttiatc? $250 linn ~ or RARE ,67 Austin mini sta· w/blk int. \Vin! wheels. Lo DONT JUsr \\'!:iii for same. .~$'25~/,'o'-,U'~'~· ~;15--5~~'"~~-Sip!! 5, tully eqUipped + 642-8598 tion \\'a,gon (woody). $1500. ml. 11,000 n1i. luunae. cond. thine to furnish your home '65 BMW OOJcc R-60, full dr. awning. Asking $ 4 2 5. '67 l"ORD PU. Lg bed, HD llJ.6, 673-9685 "l.1ary·Fran-525-Sil71 , •• find great buys In to-lmn\ac. $985. 540-3003 cmpr chassis, R/H. Nu 10 ce!I" day's Oasrrifi.ed Ads. * 673-0931 * 16' SHASTA , gas ref & toilet ; ply rubber 29,000 ml Whbelz=======o= 20' IDEAL. 1 ~ balh, clec $1895. 6#-1740 FIAT Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 DNn Lewi• for mllfy ye.n: has sold Toyot1s to hundreds of ~•lsfied cu1tomtrs in Onn91 County. Tltls ...,t ,..,. that * for IM best ~ .. 1 * for ti•• Mt cOll'ttous ultAnen * and the 1iervk:e you desire lfter ~M, Deen Lawis Toyota hu: it. THE NEW lOYOTA PICKUP TRUCK JS HERE NOW NEW '69 Toyot1 Cpe. $1790 ref. Both exc roncl, 1995 =-oo=c-cc-.;-c=~ caeh. Pr ply, 546-3028 '56 FORD, 1 T, Dal bedt--------\v/tool boxe11 & spray equip. ORANGE COUNTY'S DATSUN Dwtl wills, xlnt rond. $850. NO. 1 67~1"""6 DATSUN DEALER '62 f'ord ~ T. PU. good DOT DATSUN 1883.J Beach Blvd. '68 Fiat Spider 850, xlnt con<l. Call 494•9815 week· days 2-1. JAGUAR '64 JAGUAR 3.8 Auto., Mark '66 TERRY l'i'"S' ttlmplctc self contained, slttps 6, llke Ile\\'. Asking $1850. 893-1179 16' CUSTO?vt built. Fully equipped. Sleeps 8. Ex· cellent rond. 11295. 540-7665 rond., w/lo camp shell. $650. 'G:i 11onda 90. Sil'>. 548-6680 642--8598 HunUngton Beach 11 Sedan. Wire wtilil. New 842-7781 or 54()..(l442 Goody {Jar Shelby-Cobra '5lg0 F00dRDco~~. ~.n ,T63. .07 DAT.SUN tires. Xlnt cond. R&H, D~k "'-' ..,...., green 1\•/bcJ&e lnter. $2,150. Corvair, 2 dr $250. 675-3346. 4 Dr~ Radio, stick shi~. Lio. 546-9Ml Trucks 9500 '5.5 CHEVY t,i Ton Pick Up. ---~--~~~t llOK 067. Phone 540-2:112 atr. ====· =====- Cloan. ""'" . ·oo "'"' Rancboro, ·54 v.. $995 KARM-AN-·N-GHIA •646-4129* engine, auto, RI H, Gtmf===-==-'=~-- c11mpcr top. $j75. 644-1033 DATSUN 200J. 1969, radial,---------'61 DOGE \l ton P/U, xlnt -~~=~~~--t tires, red 1v/blk int. TO'· running cond. $200 ca.sh. '62 CHEVY 1'!1 Ton pymts S2200 owe. 536-6835 494-2908 PIO\ UP -~=-"""--.,,.-,--Sl;:iO. 675-1355 675-3044 1966 DATSUN 4 door 1960 Fakon Truck '="=o======c I S E D A N , light blue. Good condition $450. J 95lO Reasonable. 548--2'131 • *968..{i'141* eep1 ---- 1962 CHEV. '69 JEEP ~i lOn pickup Llh.C: NE\V Fer Daily Pilot Wa.nl Ads Dial 6~2-5678 '68 KARMANN G h i a , Al\t/Fl\·I r a d I o : l<nv mlleag:e, xlnl co ndition 545-5302 1969 KARMANN Ghifl, xlnt thruout: li73~4. call Frl, Sat or Sun morn. BRAND NEW 1969 811¥0 NEW 1969 IN STOCK TOYOTA'S 55 • IN STOCK Ready & Serviced for lmmtdi1t1 o.1tv1ry WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! e COROLLAS-5ed1n1-Fastback·Sprlnte.....Stotlon Wogon1 e CORONAS-I Ooor 5ed1ns-H1rdtop Caupn e MARK I l's-Hardtop Coupes-4 Door Sedans e · CROWN>-Station Wa'gons-4 Door Sedlin1 e LANDCRUISERS-Herdtops--4 Wh11I Drive Wagons e PICKUPS-4 Speed Stondard Trans. . . Autom1tic.1 -4 spe•ds -fac.,ory air conditionin9 -stereo tap• dec.b rni9 whtelti and many other options. • Many Denionatrators qt Reduced Prices • NAME YOUR· DEAL-WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS e Select Domestic & lmport,d Used Cars ~tow. Market Prices • . . JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WA~HER, SANTA A~A Open Sun. 11·5 540-2512 , SJIKIAUZING tN SAW AND SUVICl FOi Tlll 4 WHlll D~IVE I.AND CIUIW f ftt .... 1~ -_,,e ... -"" cn 111anitt11 WE NEED TWU"' moo.1, 111t .wirt t ~~~-">l_.ooo_~m~i---"-'~·26Stl-~ Call 54[}-130.1 aft 5 pm. I m_ported _Au~._! _ 67 CHEVY !'Ji ton, long bed, 9600 lmport~d Aut?s 9600 Imported Autos -Imported Autos 9llllmportod Autos ·~•il9tlk '°" .i1 ,...... JI. DEAN LEWIS ~ COt.INTY TDV'OTA·VOLYO HEADQVAll:TEll.S 646-9303 COSTA MESA overloads, step bumper, Camper• 9520 11500 546-8'77S '63 Chevy 1h Ton P.U. 6 cyl, 8' Fleetsidt?. $'100. Aft 5, !J61l.4265 For Dally Pilot Want Ads Dial 6fl.5673 for RESULTS '55 CHEV. Walk·ln Van. Nu rblt eng. &: tires $100). 5oi8-162.'> Rick 10' CAB OVER. excellent condition: '65 Chevrolet %. ton. 646-7395 fmD.. ... rt.-4 Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 Import~ Autos ;;c.;;;.;.c;..:;_.;.;.._;..;.~..;.;.~.._~~-'--~~ 96001mDOrttd Autos 9600 • Recently, the franc was 4 wheel disc brakes, a sealed devalued. cooling system, and 4 doors. Without getting into the The Renault 16 delivers mumbo-jumbp of inter• 30 miles a gallon , has disc national finance, we're brakes up front, a sealed happy to announce a price cooling system, and 5 reduction. doors (it converts into a The Renault 10 will sell station wagon anytime you for $74 less. The Renault 16 want it to be one). wi ll sell for $100 less. And we still offer you our Which is a fairl y nice unique one year/unlimited piece of icing on the eake, milea~e warranty. . when you consider that We ve lowered our pnces. both cars were fantastic But that's all we've lowcrecL buys fo r the old prices. The Renault 10 delivers 3 5 miles a gallon, has ' NEW LOW PRICE-RENAULT-10 · • • • $1725 NEW LOW PRICE-RENAULT-1 6 • • • • $2395 B&Z IMPORT -MOTORS ' 410 MAIN ST. HUNTINGTON BEACH -536-4292 ·Be 1uro to st• the Ren1ult exhibit at ihe Orange County lnternolionol Auto · . Show, Anaheim· Convention Center, Q.,t. -~th thru 12th. ' . The Jaguar XKE ha; 15 standard.features Detroit is considering for It• curs 0£ the future. At $5,775. why wait? l "Actlve" Steel Body 2 True Aerodynamic Styling 3 Aircraft· Type Ditc Drakes 4 Race Car Steering 5 Unique •·Wheel Indepe ndent Suspentlon 6 T~n Electric Co0Un1 f1~1 7 Full Acce H Hood 8 Twin 0Hrbud CUmhaft Enaln• 9 Fuel Preheater 10 7 Main Bearin9 Crankthaft 11 Electric Fuel Pump ll free.flow E:11haurt Sy1tem 13 Hemll pherlcal · Combustion Chambers 14· Adjustable SteeriD, Wheel 15 Complete lnttrumenl• . r. J•auar PrlCf!'J XK-E Rood•I" ••••..• SS58~. . XK -E'Coupt ......... SS77S. XK -E ! · ! Coup< •.... SS9SO. , XK·E l + l Coupt IAulom~lirl ..•..... 56195. The Jaguor XKE Is not onlY on advanced car. lt'a one of the ' world'• great automobiles at ht1I Iht au•• aulomobde pdce. J1n't lt time you saw your Jaguar dHltr? Jaguar I 11\ar,uis motors 900 So. Coast Hl9hway La9una leach 540-3100 494.7503 . " ... co z ... .Q z ?( Frid.Ir, Sopttmbor J.t, 1969 ...... ,., :sOm o~! ~-"' mZftt ~,.,,., c: z 'Tl :am" ~ m .·-~m " ------...---. .. "· • • •• [,j'- .,, ::::icJ ~ =-> ...... V\J:ii.. :...V\ • ::c . o -~=E V\-c:Z z:~ • '.f RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9600 1,;,porttd Autot 9600 Imparted Autos 9600 lmJIOrttd Alllot 9600 OPEL _ _::SPRfll, TOYOTA 'BS BLUE Austill Healey -------- 1001 Opel • st.iuon ,....... Sprlle Good -· Go ... "' RMORE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN 1900 vw Bua. Xl.nt cond through out. cau att8' r; p.m. 548-139'1' VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS deluxe-radio, healer, 4 speed. Vietnatn. Must sell. r,ioo. A l"eQl gaa miser. Uc. No, 66.-0'1IJ3 UQT <07. 1960 SPRITE. Looks -• TOYOTA Sll99.00 runs great! '66 VW. Strong running. Drive to appreciate $1100. FROM $399 SUNSET F ORO $500 * 494-8'JXI e Lara:esl selection of • 11 &140 Carden Gro\l'e Blvd. ======,,;;;;;;;I n\odels colon;, from tht '62 vw, green. Good coo-Good Selection * 642-0040 Days only Wesl.mlnster (71>1> lt36-4010 TRIUMPH la.t"getit' Toyota deal~r. dllion. $600 Or offer. ~ '68 OPEL v.•agqn, yt>llow. like NICEST USED CARS 494-4619 nu, sharp, 102 e~. $159;). ,65 SPRITE IN OR.ANGE COUNTY MUSI' Sell ,56 vw cainper, ft ~ Kustom Motors, 845 Baker 15300 Beach Blvd. fully equ1p, Jo nllles, xlnt ~~ a ·St-., CM . .,._,.15 w.,1m1n.1e.1!J,..,. 894-3322 ''""'· 642-1536 .ves. ' -S I========= Egg white, Italian red int., 1967 TO)'Ola _ 4 dr., Automa-'58 VW VAN $550 ~ -PORSCHE A spd, dlr, locally owned. tic, radio, heater, blue fin-st2-6!IS4 ews W ... ~ Exccllcnt cond, Make otter Wt, with co11trasting vinyl , · . "\ 196!" PGRS€HE·912,.0·speed, Jt.C~ down, will fine pryt interior. G6 VW Snrf, beige w/blk mt. lJ,000 miles, 11tereo tape P11Y. NltZ8fi8bB. Call Phil, Lie. No, UQX 818 R/H. Porsche rims, Xlnt 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 61 deck,J,FM multiplex radio, 494-9TT3 or 545-0634. $l299.00 cond. $1350. 548-2716 1970 l·fARSOR BLVD. COSTA MESA coco ats. Very clean, St900 1961 Triumph TR-4, Roadster, SUNSET FORD TWO VW's. Neat '56 Sedan, --.;:;;:;::,;;;::=o---1 536-9441 hardtop & wire ~'heels. 54·1() Garden Grove Blvd. '60 conv. fixer upper. Bolh '68 vw PORSCHE '66-912. AM/FM, Beautiful pink pearl with \Vestminster tTI4l 636-4!110 w/ reblt e!lg. 642-8099 chro1ne whls, Koni-shocks, 5 black trim. S~~ TSP 792. BILL MAXEY '66 MICROBUS. I a r g e Ai~ conditioner, 4 spd, dlr, !:1ll 7 Xlnt maint. record. SUNSET FORD cu.-.ton1 bed, reblt eng, new loaded! Honey cream ext., w:~;:~en c/~~~ :;~Oio (TIOJlylQl_'!.J~ tlre~~~io~:~~t ~;;~:~~~~a;~.am~ + '65 CONVERT + X1nt cond. All xtru. nu pnt, top. Must sell. 646-1234 '67 Porsche 912. AM-FM, 4 spd, low miles. $4295. Ml'. Isley, 673-8282, 673-7829 65 Porsche, one owner. Like new, Many Extras! ' $3300 645-1462 '66 TRIUMPH TR 4 18881 BEACH BLVD. Af.t-FM Xlnt. ~nd. S2'T:i0 Ken 494.9773 or 54.5-0034. * good condition * Hunt. Beach 847-8555 , or Best Offer. 675--2156. Reasonable 548-4224 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy, on Bch 56 ~\~, excellent running 1965 VW 1500 S ~are back. ~""Tiif""T°~;;;--';;i;;;i~ l'-'i'~;;::;~;,;;;;;;=:;;=:;; cond1hon, reblt eng, $200. $USO. ·~~~~l:.t~ w~i?~: (T]QIYIQ ITl!J I 'M"Ao,;:v~"ll"N~::;:::t.,;.~':c~,.:.~:.:~_:;~;:I "'~65~. ~V\=v. ~.b~~"'~·:"',-~-· ;.,7A-:-"'-~-:7.-N°"Ra-d"io-.1 Best Deals Are At beige. sqrbarj{, xlnt cond. Vinyl. Wht 111alls. Cobalt '69Triumph TR6, 4400 miles, DEAN LEWIS $1150/best offer 897-5409 blue. Imm&e~TI995. 6#-2141 AM-FM, whit<' w/blk in-1 terior. $3100. 546-75G3 '65 VW. Top cond. 'SS scats. '61 VW Camper. Reb L eng. """'=='=""'=======I 966 H Cherry. Must see! $1050. Lo & trans. $850. Call 644-0052 -l arbor, C.M. 646-9303 mi's. 536-l6!l9 ,:,':::fl.::".,.':...P:...Mc:·:..._-~-~I '66 VW SQUAR.EBACK SfA-69 VW. Dian1ond blue. New TION WAGON XJnt cond. concUtion. f\lust Sell! SJ.BOO. '59 PORSCHE 1600 Coupe, xlnt cond. 54().-9291 or 673-1150 eves & v.'kends. : PORSCHE "" Rood>;"'• xl"t 1 ___ T_O_Y_O_T_A __ VOLKSWAGEN th.ruouL will sacrifice. call 1968 TOYOTA Corona. l=9'3-4~998===---~ I Auto n1atic transmission '63 V\V Radio, heater. Good 39,000 mi. $1395. 56--0548 835-3479 I '61 PORSOlE, everything R/H. 13,00> n1iles. Xlnt tires. Ex~llent condition DRAF'TED! 56 VW Rebll eng '67 VW, Ail'-t'Ond, reblt. eng., perfect & all mechanically cond. &46-3948 $750. 644-14:i6 & trans. Good tires $200. ne-wbatt. starter, generator rcbll $2250. 847-2022rr =~.5~w=oND=E=RF=UL~th~,-.,.,,--, I c.66~.~.~67~vw,C.,.'-,-,.~,~-,.~1-0 -m~•. 'r ..:".::9-43c.=1::9______ & tires $1500. ~133 I '68 PORSCHE 911. Xlnl oond. buys ill appliances you find 1500, 1300, 1200. 1967 V\V $1200. Nc\v brakes:, 1959 VW. Good condition. $5000. ln the Oassilied' Ads. Check 642-0350 or 64&-7670 tile blue. Rfli. Ca I I $475 or best offer. them now! Tl-IE QUICKER YOU CALL, i ..:•:o"Yc:li:::m::•.:>t<>-.::.:2685=~--=~.,,::•;.67>-5:.:..:.;."'c;1 *=:--:-;o::: White tlcphants? THE QUICKER YOU sELL \Vhlte elephants! Dime-a-line While elephant&! Dune-a-lint * 642-4158 * CfIAhGE rr• New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 New Cari 9800New Cars 9800New Cars 9800 HE E 0 Best Selection Ever SEE THEM TODAY! WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER HAVE A BUICK? FINAL CLEAN-UP Eve ry New 1969 in our stock reduced to Clear immediately '68 OLDS Culla,, Coul'e. Auto. tr1n1., facfe>rv air cond., full pow1<. Redio, ~eal· et. WUK 182. . '61 RIVIERA SS I '68 DODGE F-1ctory eir cond. Cu•· Coronet "00 4'-dr. feel. '68 IMPALA 2 Dr. H.T. Fie 1ir , auto lr1n1, power 1letrin9, WJM 189 lom •quil'pad. Full air cond .. auto Irani., l'wr. ZLK 275. P.S .. RAH. VGB 97'1 $2495 $2695 $3195 S2395 '66 COMET Cvelone Coupe. Autc.. Itani .. f1clory eir cond. TQH264. $1695 '61 BUICK Wildcel Cu1tom Cpe. Fact. air cond., auto. lran1, P.S. UUVOS4 $2595 '65 3/• TON '67 DATSUN Chev pick-up. Ideal for Rl "1 1. 4 1p1ed, redio, campar. R6 1513 h•aler. TZJ 29<1. $1395 $1295 . OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 '66 RIVIERA '66 CAPRICE 2 Dr herdle>p, 1i1 cond. Cc.up11. Fact. air cond., 1 uio lr1n1, pw• steer, auto tren1., P""r 11••• & redio, ~e•ler, SBM]7 I pwr bra~e1 . FBD464 $2695 '63 BUICK Lt Sabr1. Fact air con. pow1r 1t1tr I brek11. HYM 411 $995 $1795 '68 PONTIAC l onn1ville. 4 door hard· lop, FACT 0 R Y AIR COND., P.S., P.B. WXG '" $2995 NO BEmR PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PllOVE IT! '66 T-BIRO '66 MERCURY Faclorv air 'ond. power. SLV4'11 $2395 Full Colonv Pa ik w19on. ' p1uen9cr. Full powar. Feeto1y air 'and. SQS· II 1 $2395 '65 OLDS WAGON I -,~67-M-ERCURY F-85, auto, tr1n1., pow- 1• 1leer. PBH 737. $1495 '65 MONZA Herdtop. Auto. tran1., i'flmacul•I• condition. fTXJ 176 ) $995 Mon !er•Hf 2 door herd· lop. Auto. tr1n1, power 1!te1, R&H. UON-704. $1795 '63 FORD W•9on Coun}ry Squ;r,. -'uto lttn1, air cond, IHF 186 S695 ' JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW · USED Complete Sales •nd Service Department Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a,m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK -OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE • ' . • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANS)'6RTATION TRANSPORTATION ':"RANSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION Fridq, S.oll!n"-' 19, 1969 DA!l.Y Pll.O~ I@ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTAflON -· lmi>orlld Aul" -lmportod - vouciWAGEN -Autos Wont.I WE FAY •• VOLKSWAGEN 9700 """" Wont.I 9700 UIOd Can '900 UIOd Can 9900 U•d c:..., 9900 'U.sod ~------9900 , WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET TRANSPORTATION CARS BUtCK -C-AD-ILLA_C__ CHEVR0¥:!_ CH6VROLET '64 VOLKS '69Volbwogen $1875 2 dr BIAI. Radio. l beater. Show ..... ....,,, wllh onll> Bur. 2 dr ...s., • ...i. dlr. 10,000 milet. OXA aJ. R A JL Back to ICbool IP'C> JOHNSON & SON lol. Small down, tow ..,. l.Jncoln-'.M .. me.ntl, Will fina priv party, -56i5'V ~ CallPl!ll. 191-9713 9626 1'14rbor Blvd., CM ,65 'vw • •-· I ~ " -' So t ""--ni ..... W"-oRO 0 • ........... 0 .......... n ~. • 0 -~-· • "'· radlQ, beater. beautlllll ffil '62 v.w Bus ... abaip, RUM l40. $1"'5. Carl'• Motor Co. Inc., 00 New e~. reblt tn111, dlt, 1 =""'="°'=' =c=.M.=, =612-0W==·= camper eqU.lpment. sman 1 ' down, take trade, LSZ060LB, Call Roy I Phone 4lH•9773 or 54.>0634. VOLVO NEWPORTER MOTORS ... BUICK Special • Or. 'S7 Cho St Wgn. 'GS ~ O!prl ... , llard· Sedu .• .., -·~ --P/• '67 ELDORADO ·~ .,_ 1 lltv.v •·~ ~ !OP. !'Jlciaiy "' Cnndltioriod, -w --~ ~ -~. • ""•--· V,l.Aillomatic, l'•wor s...,.. 2035 J:IARBOR BLVD. Plb, R/H. on., owner -Owned by llttle 'ole IC!x>o! Rebuflt.283 engine, oew tttca, ln.1· Radio I: llrater, 'Bfu. I OOSTA~A MUlt ~ SO SO. tracberfromt.qUMBe&c:h. new ttana., PClWff ateetil'W. tffU1. Met.di!.: Gtttn Tlnllil, 54"5294 or 541-8511 ..... ,.. Hu hid ~ ..... SIW --••IO ...... -~ ,.,.ri,,, ec... FINANCING AVAILABLE 1966 BUiCK liMt:fi 'Must undqo Act WIJT, dlr, WUl •MUst tee to tPPrttla~. flea-pletrwlth Y1nyl Top, 2821 HarW Bl>d. 'S& Pl>moulh Waaoo .... $19 ..U, 1'1\111' <quipped 6 alr. lino PtVI >ri>' wl amall do)\<n IOl1&bly PJ1ced at '"'" L~. PHK 811 AlklorSaluManaaer a.ta.Mesa $t&.121Xl '59PJ,ymouthWa,aon ••.. noo $2!(11) er-make otter. ~hll~.~~Cl,11 6 Ca!l84f-n B1 \VhoJeWeP11oes11.1n.oo 18211 Beacll 81"1. '59 Bukk .............. 1119 54&2511 .i.,. $48.3083 alt" P' • '.68 CHEVROLET CalUi""· SUNSET F ORD I HunttnctoD Bucb Auto Ltat!.nt 9810 '59 Pontlac •·•·····•·•• $199 5 ' 'One owner car with only 51oi() ~n Gro.,. Olvd. KI 9"3111 :02 0>evro1et .......... uoo 1961 SKYLARK Super Sport, CAMARO ~.ooo mUa1, tw .u ,...., + wes1mjilil1ot m<> 63~41Jlll WE PAY TOP LEASE • RENT 62 Pl>nUac w...,. .... St!!I l850 . Z28 ci.wARo air ""''tlontog. A"!"'ulely tse& Q><Vi'QjCt Miillbu 114.J. : DOLLAR ORDER YOUR '62 Ford ConverUble •••• $249 . *m.&lSl* • ma g a' tbo clcaneat one 1ri toWtl. to ~ V-!1 Automatfa i '60 Cadillac ............ $299 ~ F..QlxlS, pupa. Jim Slemol'lll Me r'c e d es p ~w e r' 'st~ Mttri~ 1 to' eood. clean lllld can. 1'70 TODAY '58 a...,. Nom•d w...,, 1299 CADILLAC $2800. :;.. al l29 4'1h St, U.nz, Ull W. w,..,,.... Santa IDU<!, w(t~ flotdU;,,, !old-• .U mili• S.. Geoqie Ra, fOR EARLIEST NB. 6'l>.l398 -51M114 '°'·Lie, SQW 166 I Theodore llo'o1rl• Ford DELIVERY '68 SPORTS sedsn, 13,700 '68 Cunaro ut R S. PIS 2000 Harb:Jr .Blvd. All popular makes. Ford ml air vleyl T E1tate a.Jo · · '57 CHEVY station wagon. f1699Jl() , CASH c M 142-00lO ... ~--· le••--··m. -~~ • ...:_~',' --top.. op '61 Cad DIV. Pwr, air, etc. !; .. "~,uto. 2MWKnoxUI -~t CM MH. $250. 642-14Z1 1 S,fJNSE:T FORD ! '65 VW Squa.reba.ck 1500 E . . .......... -=u -g"0 ""' ....,,_......., ~. Mechanical-in aftl'I cood. v..r6'>IO ~ves, u....,e, Good condition. Air cqnd. 5-14(1 Cllf'den O~ Bh1d. 1 ...... 1.._ IMPORT$ WAN'I'll> Get Our C.Ompetitive Ratct ·--5U-16t6 Gr MT-8111 Westminster <n4) 11))--ilJlO ' VOLVO new--~. '""" ""'· ""'· BHI Deals An Al o..,... ~"" 1"hlodorl BUIC """'..,. ...i "°"""rted to CHEVROLET ~--2955· Onl,y $1 .... DEAN LEWIS TOP I BUYER ROBINS FORD K .-.., """'1ld. SUbmll . "" CllEVY MAIJBU SS 1966 °""""'''Impala SU"'f : ~;;--~ New paint. BILL 1888l ~ ~arA 200J Harbor Rlvd. BUICK No. 225. ll a s T~u:~ ~ 1960 CHEVY Station Wagon. ~;~ ~:'1~1:c'1'5 !r~~~~u~~~t~rY p'Z: : tires, brakes, reblt '66 erw. l9li6 Hlrbor, CM. 64&S303 R. Beach. Pb. lt'f...m Costa Mesa 642-0010 e¥el')'thizla:! Attn: D. Ho!~ Pis, air. Goo4' transpocta. H.B. or call 968-7135 Cmv,btlonina. Perl. mec:hanlcal cond. $?fi0. '65 VOLVO Sedan. Low BARGAIN! P.O. !!ox l'l39 tion. $bJ. 540-5189 CHEVY '61 Caprice 2 DR Ur. RUE ~ ! O/S-5645 m11....,. Xlnt mechanlcal Will Buy J' LEASE J' ~ alt"' 6 PM 1 =-San'-="ta=-:.-,,c.;.,' ,;;.Cale.,.;. ~.;.11112.:;;_~ 1 •li5 Chevy Impala 2 D•. Good landau Hdlp. Pl• P/b, · !'lJ99.00 I ; VW Variant Wagon, like cond. Good tire& $750. '68 Clldillae Coupe de Ville, '60 BUICK Le Sabre, all pwr. '68 CADD..LAC Sedan de ~~Auto. V-8, $1203. R/H, factory air. $2165. SUNSET FORD • • new. Lo mi'a. ear llt'on!d 67>27'94 aft 4:30. Your Volkswq:en OJ' Porwche fully equipped. $129 mo. Gd corw:I. Must ll!U. A1ake Ville. Leather, po'tli'l!t. 22.000 1 ,,,•;-,;·~='"=.-::=-c;:-:c~= 6t-&U tVt!I 5~ G:i.rden GI"O\<e 8h·d. ' • Oet..Q I: pay top doll&n Paid for '67 Ford, JO pew station wa&· ott. SW..1S21 aft 5:·30---,~·I :!;1~...,Privatt P!f1:Y_, $4695. '68 CAM.ARO 327 R.$. PIS. . . \\'estml~lrr (n4) !ilG.~ '. evea ~:16tnOYe, S48-ffi15, Antiques, Ciani cs 9615 OJ' not, ean Ralph.· on, ,~ air~$~~o. 'S6 BUICK. Need,, clutch. I ~~=~·-_,,,....,....,,,,....,~ 1 R/H. Au to. 284 Knox St., CM ~ ~to:.n::. ~.s~:~ • 66 lMP ALA ' 1 ,,,.,.Whi-.°'V.:V".'°'curtatn."'s..,-.-:""-carpo-,--~-. ...,.1 :~ $450~~~· c! THE QUI=OU CALL. SOUTH 22:5~EASING BESr O~* = ~w vo:.r1~6!n~ .;_:Aevetow:;~C:-L E. ~A;...N. ~.p~~:~/fl Xlnt 2s:.~~':: :;!e:ud ' • m.1489 • 548-M86 anytime THE QUICKER YOU SEU. 300 w. C.St Hwy, NB 64s.2182 '6.l Buick RJvlera, alr, 11\t-xlnt colld. ~7828 '"""'• au m, · FOR Sale '55 Chevy Sta. little 'ok local pol1cernanj_ , l:'.'=7=====::':'.-:==:=======:~=:;:=====;::::=="'r=;,::;::~~~~ MACULATE, loaded. '69 CAD r'LEETWOOD $795. 540-38l6 \Vgn. noo. Runs good. Has hnd 10~·1on care. ~MJ 9800New C1r1 9800 9900 $1175. • 494-1053 BROUGHAM 1956 l DR. Chevdle Stution * * 548-3319 * * Inside & ou\. $il.199 ttµJ prlccf: l:==:::=::::::---:---:---':-'"'::':::---:=':='==--::=:-::=:-::==:::=:::==:::=:::::-"".I '61 BUICK Special V-8, 9500 miles 494-6882 Wagon. Radio. Big 6 e:nilne. '62 4 Dr. Chevy frnpe.IL P/s, RFlf5'2LB. After 11 AMI 2 Muatangl!I $2650 ea. RIH, 3-spd, Drive ii.Way tor '6 4 C 0 N V ' T, ml st $895: 962-3865 P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt 4194-9173 or 545-0634. WE PUT IT IN ' 3 Ford Galax.Jes $2100 ea. $2'.XI or make otter. 642-7074 green/white top, very gd. '65 Malibu SS, auto. 2 door, cond. $650 5'8-265t '64 M.ALll;'ILJ ss p/a a uto1 YOU:~CE• l.969 BUICK '66 Riviera. factory ~"°~"'~·~$1500~-· •~94-~2908~~=I :i":r.co~{5• Plb. &st '65 Malibu, 3-apeed, excel. Immaculate. MW!t sclJ =,,--====--...,,-air, full pwr, xlnt o:im. See '69 Cad Sedan de VWe, ll,000 cond. Ve.ry low mileage, new $1000. Greg &16-ll61 °' to apprecl $2495. 494-6459 ntl. Pvt ply. 9(i8..,6013 White Elephantl! equipment. 962-966.l 847-'lOOt 9800Now Can 9800NowCan 9800 NowC1rs 9800NowC1rs 9800 New Cart Jo11nson+son UICOLI CGITI~EllTiL • Ill~ m • IEIHIJ • fflUI 25-MONTH WARRANTY " O" ALL ' '64 Corvette Cp•. 4 1p•.d, r1d10,' h•thr, r.d with bl1ek i"t•tior, tUPZ0761 $1895 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Lie. '65 Chevelle Con¥1rtibl1. Auto. tr1n1 ., pow•r 1t11r• inJ, r1dio, h111t•r, SZH 711. $995 TOTAL PRICE +Tax & Uc. '67 Toyota Corona 4 Door. Auto, tr1n1., r1d io, h•.t1r, YYU 512, $1195 TOTAL PRICE + Tax a: Uc. '64 Ford Wagon F1irl1t11 500. llowar 1l11rln9, tufo• m1ti c, r1dio, htat•r, llOY 1341 $595 TOTAL PRICl + Tax & U c. '66 Cadillac Conv1riiblt. ,._ulo. t ra111,. f1ctort •Ir conditlo"in9, powtr 1t11r\n9, radlo, h1tl1r. PMM 061. $2395 TOTAL PRtCI +Tax & Uc. '65 Mustang H.T. Autorn•tic, pow1t 1ta1tinq, r1dio, h11t1r. IUTJ2J6} $995 TOTAL PRICI + Tax A. lie. '67 Chev. 1/1. Tott plr.ilup. R1dio, ti11l•r. V970l4 $1495 TOTAL P•ICI +Tax & Uc. ds 88' H11itil'ay cjM. F1 ctory •ir, awtomefic, r.s .. RIH. IPDA.2671 $995 TOTAL P•ICI + Tax a U c. USED CARS '67_ Ch~v. Impala s,.m Coupo ...... 111to. tr1111., power 1hoorir19, r1dio, haat1r. THH 515. $1695 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Llc. '63 Olds 98 Holiday cp1. F1ctory •ir, P.S., 111to· rn1tic, lf&H; P-window1, IYHE9761 $595 TOTAL PRICE +Tax&: Uc. '67 Musta11g F1,tb1ck 2 +2. V-1, factory t!r Call• difioni119, r1dio, h11tor. TIY 449, $1595 TOTAL PRICI +Tax&: Uc. '65 Pontiac Grand P.rlx H•rcltop Coupa. V-1, 111ta. tr'"'" foe• tory 1ir co11dilionin91 pow1r 1t•1ri119, r1dio, ht•lar, '65 Plymouth ltrracuda co11p1. V.t, 111to, tr1n1., r1dlo, h11!1r. NM P 111. $995 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Lie. '65 Corvair Monza Coup1. 4 1p•1d fr1111m i11ion, r1dio & h11t1r. ISVC 414}, $495 TOTAL Pll:ICE + Tax &: Lie. '64 El Camino Cu1tom. A11to, tran1., r•dio, h11!1r. N76IOS. $995 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Uc. '65 Ford 61la•la 500 H.T. Co11p1. V-1, a11fo· rn1tfc, radio. SIN 574, $795 TOTAL PRICI + Tax & Uc. ELL 2828 HARBOR BLVD. ' • ~OSTA MESA ' 546-1203 THE LINCOLN CONTINENT AL 1 Introducing th• firit 1ltog•Oi•r-n1w Lincoln Co"lin•nl•I In n1•rlv • d•t•cl•. Am•rica'• mo1t di11in9ui1h•d molorc1r pr•1•nh new dim•n1 io"1 in 1p1cio111• n111, lu~urv 111d 1ppoinlm1nh th• i11t1rior room i1 mo•• commodious, fro11t •nd r•••· Th1 body i1 Jong1 r. Th• 1t1nc• i1 th• wid11t •v1 r in 1 Continent1I, --Th• Lineoll'! Contin1nt1I 11d•n, in fl1010 9•n1rou1 ro1w proportio n1, ••ch •l•9•11f h•llm1rk of Conlinent1t d11ign -The sculptured hood, th• 9r1c1ful 9r•troho1111, th1 1w•1pin9 r11r dick -h•t bteomo fftOrt tilram•tic. Arod mor1 apart from ottier c1r1. Thi h11dl1mp1 1r1 now con. c1al1d, N1w C0'1ltrin9 l1mp1 light tll1 """Y for turn1 11 night. • poi er CYC LONE GT M1rcurv b your p111word to eclio n end adv1nlur1 in tha 70'1! M11• curv 11y1 ii 111, and no M1 rcury 11v1 it better thon th i1 Cvdono GT. Sl••k, h1 rdto p 1lylin9, Thru1tin9, 1cooped hood, "'" ~nm>.t,.,koblv bald 9rill1. Sp1ci1I Cvclont ru11nin9 lighh. Conteal1d heedle1np1. Strong 351.JV M1rcury V-1. 11 7" wh1elba11. Wide 110.5" front ind 60.0" r••r lr11d. from th1 hi-b1 ck buck1t 11ah on out, Cyclone GT i1 •fl action cir-• 9r11t l•1d1r for l incoln·M1rcury'1 compl1t•!y re1tyled, •ll-r1aw i11l••m•di1l11! . See The Entire Exciting Line Of All New Lincoln Mercurys All New AJI Exciting All ·New Luxury ~ ~) Johnson~s l!.O~©@I!.~ ©®ml'ii'Dlro~~'ii'£1!.. ~£00~ ]]][ D ~tEOO©ll!JOOW D ©®ll!J@J&UR I 2626 HAllOR BOULEVARD, COSTA Ml!5A I NEW CARS 540·5630 642·0981 I __ _ 1 Mlle South of the San Diego Freeway ' ' I USED C£ S 540·5 6 3 5 • • ; . I ' \ • ' •• • •ill ONLY l'UT frldor, --19, 1969 ~'dPOitfl'tlOii TRAHSPORTATION TRlRSl'OltTATION TRANSPOltTATION TRANSPORT A !ION TltANSPORTATION TltANSPOltTA!IOH , T~NSPQRTA1101'f ••. .,...c--u..iean l9Da u..ic.n "°° u..i Can 9'00 _u_..i_c.=":.......__.;.;9900;.;;:; UHd Con "°° Uood Cora ·i -CHallm CON11NINTAL CORVAll ·!---'---- DODG' FORD FORD FORD • '&1 CllRYSlEI • ' i.ooott HARDTOP V.f, ...... u., l8dol7 alt, :. __ _. .... : -IOdlo • boot... lmma· .. aalat.; CUD£ 1''3l ; I $2295' ! " '. . ' t ATLAS : llHRYSLEA -l'LYMOUTH ; 29lllWU!Oll BLVD. • COSl'A MESA 540>1"34 ; Ot>en Dilly ... 10 p:m. ·~ -~ ' , CONTINENTAL LJDcoln-Mercucy 540-5635 • 262& HUbor Blvd., CM • ':67 Continentol $2995 "ml So, of San -o l'wy. °"""rt!ble, fllll ....,. lac-'L7 C t' t I $3 '95 • .tory air, leather interior, v on 1nen o .,. : 1.andau to p. automatk 4 Door. Beautiful lfondlll'U ; ~Itani., AM-FM radio. tUt maroon, ma:tdµne doth ifl.. A ~wheel. UOO 1M. . ~. lull poWer, fac. air, : JOHNSON & SON t11t """"'· •t.., with 41,ooo ,.11<1. SU< # 1222A Lincoln-Mercury 540-5'35 2626 Harbor Blvd., CM ~ml So, ot Sall Diep Fwy. '67 LINCOLN Continent&l 4 Dr, -..... """· * 6'>-fil8 * JOHNSON & SON ROY • • IS THE ONLY WORD TO DESCRIBE THE RECEPTION YOU HAVE GIVEN THE ·NEW '70 WIDE· TRACKS NOW ON . DISPLAY AT ROY CARVER'S. 1'70 GTO HARQTOP COUPE The Way This • IS quick • IS • going to be~ CARVER PONTIAC []] 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA MESA ~ ( " I • Kl-64444 ( -·- • " "°° u...icora '900 UHdCora MERCURY PLYMOUTH 1965 Merucy Montclair 4 door '' hardtop, fa£tory air condi- Uoned, V-8, automatic, ra. '69 Rdj'\D Runner 4 Spd. dio, heater, Power 1t.eering, Heavy._ duty suspension It. 1 L~ No, VGY ~. Below •-•.,·,. '-·~ i •· Lo no. ~ u•....., , , """" nu::r. w ,.,ilcdes8.le $1099.00. Mile.; all w a r r a n t i es SUNS!T FORD transterrable. Best mtcr- 5'1to Garden Grove Blvd. urpnt We. 546-2455 \Vestminsler <n4) 636-4010 ~.68~R-O_A_D_R_U_N_N_ER, __ v_-s._•' l year mileage FREE spd. dble &harp ca!' , '67 1t1ercury Co m m u t e r metallic green, mags. ~ Wagon. P/P., P/b. R/H. 1 Kustom Mot~. 845 Baker owner. A·l cond. i2150. St., CM. 540-5915 64~ DAILY PILOT DIME·A- '66 Convertible S 55. Colony LINF.S, You cah use them Park. Xlnt cond. Beautiful! for just pennies a day, Dial Air, P/;i. P/b, fl495. 646-4370 Pnm Oaas:lfied ad. fmporttd Autos 9600 Jmportad Autos 9600 Think 1'Fiat" *SEE* "Herb Friedlander" e FREE e I AIR + FM RADIO wmt NIW 114 5IDAll OI WAM>N t•IS GARD!ll GROYI II.VD. 6 . 6. ~ Think "Volvo" ~·*SEE* "tter6 -Fiiedlander" • ...,..._. .. R ··~---·--... -~-1''"~---,,-:r---·-------------------------:-:~~=--==--------·--........ -...... --.--;:---TaANSPOl.TATION TRANSPORTATION fuNSPORTATTON 9900 ·TOMMY AYRES .. OVER ,90 .. UMd cm·· P0"11AC '68 Pon!ioc LoMons $2795 2 Dr. H.T. Fireblrd ereen. black bucile1s, tac air, steer. Ina """ bioWa, ........... dd. etc. 1-25,000 Dill.._ VCTll2 •.• JOHNSON & SON UJIOoln.~ 54t-563S 2626 -Blvd., CM % ml So. at San Diep Fwy. -• ,..a. . ~ ena;., 4 spd, bucket llfJata. 1970 MODELS =-...,'°""•.~; In Stock YEAR END DISCOUNTS. BIG SAVINGS! - RAMILER IW<BLEIC Good -tnmportatlon car . ._ oell 1125.00. Call -<befon 2 p.m..) or 541-aD. (.,.., ...... , '63 a..Dc ""• V-1, Piii. PIS. air, $4'15. -1970 Now l9llO RAMBlJi'R ShtiOD ON MODELS wqon. Au.::= . . ·. ,...., 350 Broadway, Laguna Beacf1 ,65 r.s;.c $1695 546-991.7 494-1131 Convertible. Auto, !actor'l' air, ioteet;ng and braket";, Ril:H, etc. An ~ one owner new ar tra.de- ln. PFC313 -------- PLYMOUTH PONTIAC JOHNSON & SON Imported Autos ' Wa m1ka it ffsy to put you and your •ntir• f1mily in on• of th•s• li~a new, pr..ownecf c•ri. Our ''family pacli:a9•'' saves you money end gives ycu a better c:•r tool AND THATS NOT AU It'• th• c•r th1t won't ti"• you 1...yffiillf to worry 1bout. W1 m1lt1 tUr• of th1t, W1 gil'• it th• VW l6-poi11t 11hty ind p•rforfl'l•nc• t11t, It hit to p111. So w1 ,;.,., it our 100% g1.11t111t1• th1t w1'll r1pl1c1 11/ m•l111r lll9!h1nic1I p1rt.• for JO · cl1y1 or 1000 1nil11, which1v1r COll'lll fi"t. hn't th1t whit 1 fllW c1r•own., 111H1? A bu9 th1t won't clril'I you nuh. 1963 YW 1967 YW 1961 YW SID.AH GHIA COUPI S9UAUU.cr Oritin1f 0111 own1r e1r. w. 1old lt 111w. Such c1r1 fhl1 1111'1 of I Cit h tltl Ev111 h11 ori9i111I t ir11 incl 11'1 hid, ·ll'1 so t:l11n it p1int. 011t of tight. SIKI06 loolt1 lilt1 • '6f. WX•212 with 111fom1ti1 tr1n1n'tl1• 1Te11. R1dlo a: h11t1r. XDL- $1099 $1999 670 $2199 .1'6' .YW 1961 YW 1967 YW ~INlOOl!HDAN SID.AN '· SID.AH S1.,.1 .,our 1 m111111y ind 1Kll "'-• ~•-'et witli • pi111· Wt 11ld tfti1 tr11t c.1r new. ~.wl'nll11erl14 4,1.,.., tk1 Hit. Whlt1 with Skow1 1xc1tl1nt c1r1. R1· • l0J765 bl1ck l11f1ri111r, r1dio ..... cllo I h11t1r. TXS9'47 . $1499 h11t1r. WXH719 $1799 $1699 • 1965 YW IHI YW SID.AH .. 1964 YW fAITIAClt &old .1~ cl1rk ltrown SID.AN 11...-i w.. wl"' bl1ck 1h1dll'lf on ''"°'" ... l11k to tchool c.ol1". A1. jiu:: .... Jt a..q •'"' clriv.1 cl""' E119in1 0"1rh111IMI h a 1111•..t. ~AH. VTS. Ir, 1t1. ,Look1 clJFm111t. Y~.STtl . ~ . t•c. bro1111 with gold trim. 011hf1MIJ119 four toll.cl Ill· J•J.1 $2099 $1399 h1111f, OTV7J I $1299 -i;i~B 549-3031 .. '"' I m. SJ' 54 445 East Coast Highway 9t IA YSIDI DRIVI, NIWPORT llAC" I • • • ·:At • • '' ' ..: ..... ' . • CONNELL ·CHEVROLET > . ' .. ... I • ,, _ ... , Introducing the · new and distinctive • • 11 -. • . . . BV CH EVA OL,.~T " - • .. • ' . .4 ' I • \ } ' w J .~ .. .• . .. .. 11 . • ALL ON DISPLAY,. SERVICED AND READY FOR DELIVERY CONNEt·L ' .. • ·,' . . ' !""' •• ·~ COSTA MESA •. 1 __ _ ... .. . ' • ! , • \ l . -. =:: ... . . ~:: -: . .•. f •. . . . ' . . sEE Theotlore Rollinslord ~oDAv .............. THE HOME OF TH~ SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE , WEST ' ' .. . ' ' :·; , OPEN · HOUSE · • :: • FJU ... SAT.· SUN. . ' . . ' . ,. . ··~.,.."" . ~ SMf ,... .•. l(i ... • , ~ · i --THUNDERllRD LANDAU•l_,,k..~RDTO~' --. . ' r ., .. '; ' ' : I ·; ~G;eatest .:BIRD ever ' . . ... . . ' ' ., t. ' ' ' ' ' .... MUSTANf ·MACH•l ________ __ Taie.o~ and run ·with ~umber One : _, ' -llORD LTD llOUc;HAM f-DR. HAkOTOP Take a quiet break! AUllST 100 NEW 1970 MOORS, COLORS, AND OPTIONS READY .FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ... ......... .,ORINO UOU6HAM 2-Dlt HARDTOP ----... CHANGED .•• . . '· . • • ; Maverick ••• it's a different kick ' . . ON AU. • :1969 _·'.MQDELS . · LARGE .,$~~-. . mN • · ' · J '• -~-1'\ct ~ ' .·.·..:.... ·,j~ .• ~ ~" AN~· ~~~~IPR C:AR$ . '" f • It'• the Goi"9 Thi11g a tlie'61>lngeat P'4"!!' in To- . . . . "· . • . . .. , PARTS & SERVICE HOURI PARIS ONLY · :. ,, • , • ,, t-.,i • .. " e ·''' ;·· f •''.' 1 ( t :.1 ~ .. ,,~· 8 AM TO 6 PM )All)t<L1t•• ' • • 1 f ~ ,! r· '--I • , 1 ' , •, • _ _ I I I • ) • .