HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• CJ . - ... I • r ·1es ~ee Page 3 ' ri:ooay . • . . t ' .l ~ .. '> ' . • ~~~~~~....,~~j-.iiiii!·.· ....... --.. F~ Soore&·H .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~: . ,... ~-• l Katella Laguna · . ' ,~ .. ·~··· Tc0dih : ... .,. ' . " " 3 ........ , ,,.U , . ·6 '', • • ' I' I + • . ··' Mari~• ; ': ,. :1s;,.: Puente "· _:,·,;.t~~~ ! ..... . .> U.-Beaeh LaBahra . . .. . . . • . ' ... 13 . . .1. • !!iii!~ ... jii;I~-----. SEE DET~lLS, Sf>ORTS ·p~~CS. •.-~---------,!1!'~111. -----. ,-.. .:·_;. .... _'.:.' ~-... ~ .. _.·1: .. , 'j • " • • .. . -; . Recall Tatg~t Alton Allel); ·NitWs ·to ;sij,·· ~· .,: »~el~tlfj~ .. ; • • , • · • I , I I J ~' .i ·~~~, , , 7 , •, . n . .. _1 • .,. •· . ' ·, .. .. Supei:visor '\" Still Has No . . r• • , , .. ,,. . P.DL1TICAL ljA'CKLEs'UP ,.., -' ,. I' • 411tn To Run-In 19;'0 . p • • • .,.--·'"-'1'-----'----'"'''--''-'"---'---'-~~..,.;..a.,-"''~r" ~~-'I " • . 1 , 1 .: .. ~·i r Regents Up~ofd ,Krisril.an · ... Hir~~g . . . "~' ' .liter · Ille •uual momlhg lowl --,r-lb!Y fog -lhe 1tlos' will clear, the sun· wl11 shine for a pleasant 'talHUDUfitr wee.ktbd - •IOlll !!'"-. , .. , . j ' . . : ...,.,INlllDll' 'TOD y.~ ! I ~ _, t' II loot' •·tlro.>lg """"to w.. •a rcdlDOOd inlo lllc•Mf.-lidtl ·1~ b1it lhal'1-io1io1 1'opptocd .... the • H•ntinglOI>-B-_,.,/i>IQ • to11ma1•11n1 • born. ~· 3. -_..._ .. ·----. ·-~" --.. ,..,. ' -. .....-.11 .. ' .""' .. ~fl • ' ~,, -. -"'" ... ---1•tt .......... "''1. .......... ' . .. • . l • ' 2 DAA.Y PllOT Sillwdq. s.,wmr.. 20, 1'6' • < ' COur.t-Says . .. . ~ Fetus ·neat}l Is Murder ~ (UPI) .-A mon wllo killed .. -c!iiJd b1 rt!Cldu. hll •tfe lb Ute stomach must be ~ foT murder) "ICCOl'dlnC to a C&ll!omla ·~ ,........,... ·-'lllt-·!"!11• '""rt dtcl.W Jl'rldly the :fetal. which wu I or 1 moothi old, had J'llCbed the lea&! status of a human beiJ>i, 'lb• court ruled Friday in the case or JlolMrt H. K~ JI; w~ was aCCll.sed of kilJin,g the in(ant carried by his es· tranged wife, Teresa.' 34, ltl February. Mra. Keeler said her husband attacked her when she told him she was pregnant by another man. Police quoted Keeler 8 saying "I'm goinf to stomp it out of you." PoUce said be then ldcMd her In lhe abdomen. Mn.. Keeler drove to a hospital where she lost tbe baby. Doctors said the in- raot's bead was "constricted like a bag al mush" and ltslllied there wQ "ma· -le medical cenainty'' Ibo chlld w.ld -lived U It had nol beeo for tbt tnc;411nt; _ ) I ~tr -ended he WU no\ lllbject :C = J'J'OltClllion .Ocie a retui la 1'e !fip11lt court held tbat llnee the -<lioil nol have a "feliclda-le." Xdlr would tia.e to bt ll1<d. imdar lhe ...... l!"'lllcode -Oil -· ''The question la one cf law, not moral· lty, medicine or popuJaf befid," the cow1 held. "Petitioner's (Kee.Jer) ac· UOl'l;I' evince a general intent to harm and des,troY:" . #<Wt ~·.utldied that a fetus which bas n• tile llage of viability is a lunin i-, for the purpoee or Cali-farala'• llanicide ltatutes." ....._'Pagel GOLDWATER • • He aaid he wu standing a.cross the street when "aU of a sudden I saw a brip>t )Jiht. The plane hll high tension wires above a palm tree. Then 1t hit a car parted on the street and slid and lod- g<d agalnat the house. "l rmbed over to the plant and I puJI. ed out both occupants," lJinko said. "The doar w.u open already. I pulled the co- pOgt out ~ -he WU bleedi?lj 9uite bid UJlila" the eyes. '"Then J pulled out the pilot. Be ~ M'J. conscious. I banlv eot them to llfii(J.iben tbe:rc was a loud flub -a crackling noise. "I pulhed their heads down and said lo them watch your eyes and then the plane &)owed like it WU tJectrified." Bioko said be WU tma\ltart at first lhat' Golmter WU tbe pllol Goldwater, he aald, banded him tllo e,. to ~ ""' ~ and -'""t~ "lft ti\< br:l~ ... As he did, BiJiko sald1 'fire department trucks arrived a't the sctne, jllll-blocks from the Van Nuy1 Airport wbml Goldwater "JIO'l<d he WU heading after teWna the control tower be wu low on fueL A Federal >. viatlon AdminlatraUon spokesman said he did not know where tho Ofcht originat<d beca""' no flight plan Uc! been ftlod. Police aid damage lo the Adaou home was miner, ud that Mill Adams was Una1t'll'e of what bad occurtd. · Goldwater says . he: learned rus love of Oyirig from his father, the Republi- can senator from Arizona. He was elected ta.rlier this year to fill the seat vacalecl when Rep. Ed Relnecl<t, (R· Calif.), resigned to become C&Ufornia'1 lieuta>ant aovemor. A tum of FAA and National Tranapor- laUon Safety Board investigators ~ sent to the att.e to determine cause ci crash. PretiidentNixon Visits Camp David -THURMONT, Md. (UPI) -PrfSldent Nlxon llllDt lhe night at Camp David ln the M•ryland mountains, plannine to relun> to Wl3h!ngton today. Pat Nixon and daughter Tricia ac· ~ the President. as did a111isl· anl Haldeman and national st- curltJ -Dr. HIM)' A. Kluinaer. ' l!f\ll' r'llO I ..................... .__ ----CAllfOIMA .... ~ 11\11&.lltflfe CQllUillln .............. ---Jtdt L c..1., .. ,.,..... .............. --· -n.:::.=1 .. -Cllllt ............. .,.. ..,.. ..... 1m1.,. ...... .......,. ....... '-": ... .._.,,_ fttAJI ....... .... I \ i I It's. Y.£nee .Jets Are Noisy s Test S1wivs Some Make Much More Than Ot1iers B1 JQllN VAJ;TEJIZA .............. lblrt.,. J)Wtn8er J<la wblcfi tbOk oll in one sunny day from Ol'ang¢ COunty Arlpcwt ..... uy had ano\htr audlenct on lhe an>und bnldes the ....i. brace of lr ... reoldenta In Newpor! Baa~ . CJty llldts. .a Poli~m1n1 and_~ leader of the aircraft oolse foe' were·watchlN a mahlM u each-QI the II Plljltl ""'<d put. ' The machines, nol&e meuurtng devices recently purchased for polict work in Newport. were put to uae in an ex. perlmenl to record the nobe levels of the passenger Jets. , About the l!iil1 ....i.-whlcb 'lb. lay oolle enci-. baft found thlll i... ia lhat the. jets ~· lndeed, noisy, and that their dlD can r~ a.m l)ipt to !Jlghl , J"IULBet\e~ admlnlatrattie assis- tant to City Manager Harvey L. Hurlbw1, cond;ucted the experbnenl, accompanied by Dao Emocy,.cbalrman "the Airport Noise Abatement Committee of Newport Beach and Patrolman John Andrew1 or Ibo police dtpartment. They set up lbe equipment in an open field near the Orange Coast YMCA on the western bluffs overlooktna: Diet Bay. "If• raa!lJ< doo'~ lntoijd to, make deODlte' concluatoas oa the ~JSUring test, but it will be helplul ea:perience when the laaue ovu-no.tse levels comes up ho!"" tho Alrppd Boan! and County Supervisors," Bettencourt said. · What he and the others present did find, however, is that the intens.ity of noise can vary in the samr. area. All but two of She fli&hls registered a decibel measureiDent 1n the 90ll (auto traffic near a !reew1y averages 60) with t~·o jumping up to to:. "The noise variation might be ai.. tributed to pilot skill, or lhe fuel and passe nger load," Bettencourt said. "We _aren't skilled rK>r familiar enough With the noise measurement techniques lo make definite conclusiona," he said. But the data will be valuab1c1 never~111 Next Wedne1c:h1y, for instaDce, the Airport Com:misajon will review a model ordln..,.,. regulating alr<raft noise with maximum acctptable noLse 1tandards to. clud<d, ·but not ytt opecifled. "When bearings come up c:m lhls b:sue1 we will be adequately informed," Bel· teneourt said. Analysis of the charts made by the noise recorders will be d o n e in other circles, too. Both Air Califomi.;& and Air West are rev•wioc the data. recorded by an ink stylus m iong, slender strips ol paper with iraph martinp. Copiea or the gr~. rtsembling those charted on a seiantograpb, have been reviewed by the airlines' stall members. No conc1uaiom have come from that lf'OUP yeL ' He said that more measurementa will bt conducted, with &!IOther poaail>IY, sometime nnt week. The entJre matter of local aiencles measurini naUe levds sit.ms from a re-- To Testify cent ruling of the Federal Aviation SAIGON (UPI} TM. • 1-'.W W Admlnlstration which wtu that local · -, "" t'".-r • Ina ~ lnvolv<d Ill file G',_ 8"et mur> ~encits -the landlonla or local alrJiorta d"i .... bave been granted iqimunlty .. -bavt.the rigllt Ill meuure llld rtgullte • ~ can teoliey at the trlala of ala olJictn ~ of aircraft using tbeJr lmP!lcattd In tbe aflalr, lhftliintd U.S. "The county of Orange probab\y bao in miUIMy sources said today. it.a posM!SlloQ the very noJae study data '"nli.s move means the two men can whl~ the city of Newport Beach ts trying not reflJlte to l.n.s:wer any questions on lo develop," Bettencourt •aid. t.Qe &rCNnd.s lt may fncr_Jlnjnate them," "Even though these ltudJes haven't the souroea u.kl~ been made public! each f!'>Cnl-ber~of the ~ Undet .rntlitarj law, testimony eiven ~. of SupervlSOl'I has received . a b,Y a aoldiel' u~.-lmmunlty cannot bl copy. . .)lseif ~t 'llindn a subsequent cOurt He said· that· elaborate pJw fot noise " marUal. However ·~s does not e.xtQ'lpt abatement have been pro ..... &A ~df, . 1 ' ' ll1d the Airport ~J;;. b)iclf him from charges liased on tvldence ob- cemmftted Jbell to deveiepme:' of a tained Ol.diide .the crurt. . . noise abatemtnt pf an Charges agairut the men ~1ven unmunl- . ty were ordered "held m abeyance'' Tests Ordered For Woman in Spouse Assault • ' Laguna Principal Deni.es SDS Speakers~ Appear Water Pours In . . At 'Dana Harbor . . . . As Dam Opened Thursday. The military said then W. •other six would be CaJrt martialed for murder and conspiracy to murder in the the allqtd death of a vietnamete nil!a. al In tbi Hba Trang 1rta June lll. • Gl'll1tatl•lmmunity...,.. Cll'O ~ard M. Bo7le ill New llClfk Qty Ind kl, Af. vln ~ 8mljh Jr .. 1ill Nal\fes, 11'~-l'.l><Y were nle.ued fl'tllh a.lltOcl · "'1rlctocl to Loai Blnl> !'!'~-•17 ~ -"Salloo. ~ ,,....... Psycblatric eum1naUon was ilrdend Friday fer a Santa Ana woman. wbO, hatchet in hand, chased her screaming husband Crom the home aft.er an alleged. ly unsuccessful attempt to sea:ualJy mutilate him with a power saw, Jud&e .Robert Gardner ruled thll-MW Lechup~ 34, must undergo p.s)'tll\altrlc uamtn.uon and return to couff Oct. 8 for l ruling on her inental ocn<l.ttloG. ,she q · aCC'Uled of assault with lntetll to ~· mk murder and uaault with a deidly weapon. Santi; Ana police officers arrested Mrs. Uclnlr~ Im Aua. 31 after nelgllbon in' terpoeed. to protect her screaming, blood- soaked hmband from the Infuriated woman. Ramiro Lechuea told police that the first of thr'ee aUacU by his common law wife OCCUrTed while he was lying nude on the. bed watchfng television. He aaid his wife, apparently Intent on sexual mutlls- tion, went after him with a power saw but only managed 1o inflict a few cuts and nicks. Lechuga said he calmed his wife and then "ent to check oa the couple's sleep. ing children to make sure the fracas had not disturbed them. He said she then grabbed a hatchet and attacked him again, striking him twice with the blunt end and once with lhe blade. ·-· Lechuga, t h e n -officers Used t h e word "lncomprehensibly" -again turned hia bact on lilJ wllo after calming hor. Sile llnmediat.Ty, ho allqed,.lttuck hlm several times in the baCk with 1 carving knife and regained possess.ion ol the hatchet after be had disarmed her. Offlcen uld that Lechuga then decided to call it quits. He ran from the borne, his hatchet-waving wife 1 few steps behind . in a wild chase that only ended with the int.ervenUoo of astonJshed neighbors. · Throughout the fracas, Lechuga told of· ricers, his wile kept asking him: "Why do you 10 out wilb other women, what is wrong with me?" Police records indicate that the Mex· lcan·born woman wu acquiUed in her homeland on charges of killing her first husbar.d. Those same reeord1 reflect her t.esUmony that she tilled a second hus- band in self defense and wu cleared on that count in a Mexican court. House Approves Money for Space WASHINGTON (AP) -A 13.7 bllllon 5pate authorization bill, f2$0 million un· der the total approved by the House, has been passed by the Senate. It now goe1 to a Senate-House CtH"Lfer- ence. The versioo puaed swiftly by the Senate Ftlday i! equal to the amoont requested by President Ni1on for the fi8Cll year that beasn July I. Sen. William Proxmire, who withdrf!w a l!eries of amendments to slash Uie program because he faced certain de- feat., v°""ed to resume hJs fight neltt month when the appropriaUons bill with the space program 's money comes up for action. 87 BAllllARA KBEmCB Of fllt o.n, ... ...,.-.itff- Reportl that "two SDS speakers" were to talk to students al Laguna Beach High School in 1 "mini-course" on propaiianda were denied Friday by principal Robert Reeves. Rumor$ on campus that a member or members of Students far a DemocraUe Society had appeued for "ICl'eell.lq'" by vice principal !loo Mllltr, prior to participating In a group dilcua8too, ,..,. •piked by Rt<veo and Mlller. 1'Tbe Jmpressitn that we -are 1oina to . have SDSers on 'campus almply ls ·not true, 0 said Reeves. The report apparenUy wu set off when Bill Floyd, a c:radu"1:e student at Colum· bia University, arrived at the school Fri· day at the jnvitatlon of the Prograsiva EducaUon Club to be lnlervi!Wed by Miller as a poasible participant io a slu· iOnly Incumbents File for Laguna Festival Board Fer lhe ftnt time bi FesUval of Art.s bistorY, tbrae Jnc>nnbent members al lhe board of dlnctGrt will run for ftoelec'U.On unoppoeed thla~year. ~ , ..,., / As the dtadllne lot fllinl noiillnlitlon papers passed at f p.m. Friday. only Vemer Beck, Stuart Durkee and Dr. Har- old Burton, whose three-year tenns are ea:piring. had died for the three seats to be vacated. Fe!Uval bU&lness manager Robert Lep.. pert said the tlecUon procedure will be followed u UJUal. with ballot btlng dis- tributed to members and counted at the aMual membership meeUn1 Nov. 10 in Irvine 8o1!fl. There will be one sttght difference. Leppert aald. Thia year, also for lhe first lime, a Certllled Publlc Account w!ll tabulate the ballots. just to mal<e !\IA it's done properly, Since each candldat. will only rtqlllre one vote for tleetion,anCI each had to tub- lllit a nomlnaUon pettU.n with olgnatures of 15 supporters, it Is not expected that the CPA will have an ,.pectally difficult job. From Page 1 KRISMAN .•. :slty aovernini board 11 now such that A majority are B.ea1an appointees, RepubU· can state offlceholdlr1 or membus who regularly vote for Reaiian adminiltraUo n proposals, at least on flscal matters. Krl11man. 27, wu hlred July J as co- ordinator of academic advising. He for- merly was UCI student body president and wall acUve in the campus Students tor a DemocraUc Society (SOS). Since the service he performs is of rl irect benefit to studcnlS, his $8,000 per year salary cmnes out of student llci· dental f~s. not. from public tu funds . 50 Phones Gone Pat Shows Off W1iite House WASHINGTON (UPI) -In making the White House a home, President Nixon bu tossed 60 telephone lines and a rour porter bed Lyndon Johnson slept in oul of his bedroom and the First Lady has ta.ken a plaque inscribed by Jacqueline Kenoedj' out oJ. ber"s. The closeup look at how the Niron's are setlinr lri at 1800 Pennsylvania Avi. wu provided F'rlday b)' the Pat Nixon, who tscatecl MWnromei: on a room-by- room tour of some or the usu.ally off li· mJta aectkm cf the ea:ecutive mansJon. When the tour urfved at the lint La· dy's bedroom the r.porters noUced thet a fireplace mantle btarlne the "Jackie Kennedy" plaque had bl!tn removed and replaced with an entlreJy dU/ertril mantel. The old llll!ltlt bad contained a plaquo notinJf ~'ii yean ol the Lincoln pruldtnoy. to wfiich the farmtr First Lady, In her 1·,t d1y1 In the White H-. bad added : "John I'. Kennedy and hll wltt Jac:qu,. lint U•<d ill tbiJ lllOlll .•. •Ind the dates. The mallile had bttn_ repilced by on• dt1lfntd bf architect BtnJ•mln Latrobe 11 about the time the mansion w1s built at the end of the lllb CentW')'. The old one was put lri 1tora1e. Alto in the First Lady's bedroom was a four-potter bed ahe admitted had been In her buaband'a bedroom -untJI the first Ume he saw It and\aMounctd "I'm not aolna to 1et into that. .. She aald she bou(ht him a two-poster a bed Instead and brllllllen<d his room with red, white and blut prlnll. She ailo mealed that Nlmi bad IO telephone lines removed from the PrW- dentlal bedroom. Tht u ......... ltfl ltwn hJ1 pr<dt<USor, Lyndon I!. Jolwon, a "phone man" of note. She plckfld up a minlture kniJht lr1 ahlnln1 annor mounted on a hone from a dak In the pmldentlal bedroom and added "he's my kni&bl" She ilia took the lour lhrouib !he Linc- oln llttJn1 room -''Diet'• hideaway" - where 1he pained out a waD0wom velvet armchair and matchlnc ottoman. "l>Jck comes down bere late 1t NPt," she said. "turna on the mU!!c, Jookl out at the Waahlngton Monument and dreams." dent dilculalon of propaganda films viewed earlier in the week. Floyd, an amattur photographer, had helped produce a film shown Wednesday giving a leftwing view of the demonstra· Uons at Columbia, A second program il- lwtrating a right wing view -or the Berkeley riots was vined by &tudenls Wednesday. It had been the Intention of the Progre&aive Edoeallon Club ac- cording to pnoaldent stuart lllblnp~itsh, to lllM; up a speaker to dllcw.s that !ilm earlJ nut week. . The dub · 11 blilplng llodt11il-In lour oludy halla set up student-lnltlltled pr .. grams for so.called '"mini-coUraell'• cov. ering subjects of particular intenst to today's youth. According to student body president Howard Hills, it wll! decided after Miller's interview with Floyd to delay further programs in the propaganda study until an opposition speaker coukl be le!ected. Objective cl the Progressive Education Club, said Hills, ls to prl!Hnt bolh sides of eteh subject studied. Miner ~enled that plans for 11 panel discussion on the propaganda films had been "called oU." He said he found Floyd "a pleasant young man" and they di8CU55ed his film without any specific reference to a speaking date. "It 'Was just a matter of screening poM!ble fUture gpeaker. U Ille atudenl! should want a quertion and answer session later on," Miller stated • "Sometimes they (the students) get things a little confused in their en. thuaiasm, but we (the adminlstration ) are enthusiastic about the mini-coorses too. 'Ibey just need a little more careful planning." MUler aald be expecta great student in.. terest in a rather externiive study of pollution problems to bl undertaaken in '"'o weeks, as well as in mini.courses on Yoga, health foods, music, garde..~g and other subjects less controversial than the student unrest topic that sparked thi~ week 's contusion. "The mini-cour ses can lead to s:rcat student involvement," he concluded. Sea water poured into a coffer dam at Dana Point Harbor at the rate of 50 ~ion gallOM an hour Thursday as , a rmaJ step 1n creation of the public boat launching area that will be opened the weekend of Sept. 27 and 28. With launchlna: ramps and concrete revetments completed, a hole wu cut in the eanli bank of.,~ d'm to permit ll'te return of wa'Ff.PwnPecs out to facilitate the coocnte work. By February ~ March, eoginftra said. concrete work hi the main 'buin of tbe IU.1 mllllon harbor 1bould be complet<d and Ill !art• col!er dam aioo Will ba cut to Jet Ille ,.. return. It i1 estimated that pumping out the sea water to permit "dry" construcUon has saved a quarter of a million dollars in addition to. permittio& belt~ quality W9fk, · ' The launching faclllty, lliled with waler this week, will be capable of handlir11 up ta 1,000 trailered boats a day. ·, ~ntually the main harbor area wlll have 1Ups for 2,100 pleasure boats. Edward F. Steen Succumbs at 75 . I Fonner Orange County Philhannonlc president Edwin F. Steen of Corona de! Mar, died Thursday at Hoag Memori•I Hospital. The: retired Signal Oil Company executive was 7fl. Mr. St.ten wu also chairman of tbe ad· visory board ol the Philharmonic Socle-- ty; director ol tbe N"'I>Ofl Harbor Art Museum; presklent or th• Ormae Cowity Museum and member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. . He la survived by hil wlfe, Laura of the · home, 2021 Bayside Drive; thrtt M>ns, Edwin F. Steen Jr., of Corona de.I Mar, Danlel P. o( Huntington Harbour and John of Cosia Mesa; a brotb·er, Heber or Walnut Creek and three. grandchildren. Interment will be at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. A deftme' attorney in Uie cue uld the six scheduled for a general court ma:rt!al will automaUcally receive a life sen tence if 'I.hey are found guilty. "Tht Army wants to lock up these men for the rest ol their lives," said Capt. John S. Berry, of Sau:!llito, Calif. "Let there be no doubt about Ulll." Under a "non ca i)ital" premeditated murder convlctloo, he said the court mutt impose a llfe tentenct. He was optimistic, however. no such convtcUon would occur ln,this case • From Page 1 ALLEN ... candidate'• failur.e to identify himself bis been a mojO; flct£t In tht decliM or name 1atberl.ng. But Tarantino and Carpenter contlntit to Insist that the naming.of the power be,hlnd ~ ~ft" ment "ould be hiJhly dcttin\ental to tije q.mpa.ip at this stage. Denials of involvement have been I~ by Cleary, Ke:ystooe SavingJI and Loan AlsoclaUoo Rrealdent Ron Cupen of Lido Isle, Richan! O'Ntlll. Milllon Viejo etecutive and Sin Juan Capistrano landowner, Dan Emory, spaktsmao for the Newport Harbor antl-nolae group 'and several other county personalities -both Repµblican and Democrat. ·I~ is knowt\ that Allen hu been greaUy heartf!nlrig in recent days by reporta Of • disUnct slackening of tempo in the recall movement. No comment haa been issued by the oupervtsor's office but It II be- Ueved b,y a IOW"Ce who hu backed Ul9 Laguna Btlch ex-banker lo previous campaigns that this apparent trtnd ~­ courag<d Allon to br<al< his oelf·imPo<Od silence. Allen stated as the recall movement was launched that he did not -know Tarantino nor did he know why the San Clemente man had given his name to the campaign. Tarantino was not available for com· ment Friday. He was reported by friends to be "out ol town on buainess." Ready to launch another Oranae Coast Colleae loot· ball season ara new cheer leaders (left to rlgbt) Dave Ambrose, Sylvia McQuarrie, Debby Trofter, Marti Kipper and BUI Landers. Pirates take In the Rulllers of Golden Weit Coll•&• Saturday nllbt at 8 o'clock at Lellard Stadium on the Cnala 'Mesa campus. ln Forefront of D.raft • I ' ' •'.,,, ' • :;~"' ..I. .. , ·1(i'islnarl,''s· • ·l, ' ' · . . By~ .. Pl!"~ who.bad P!!bed 'for~•1.flrln1.~1-Chlncefior Aldrich, •-.i!O(eiidecf ,;,. SAN F~CJSC;X> -The blrlng or declllon durlnC the -'irill!.n!~ SDS leader Mlcliael Krisman by UC had llllle comment altorWard. Irvine was upheld Frisfay by UC re-"It wu dlacuued Ip u:ecutlye ~"'1 gents. ·And a )'lllllll' N-phllooophy so lher<ll'ilo newa rel~ or COlllDl!!l- l"Ofelaar 'at UCLA wbo w actnow~ • tarf.'")iO,.i.f.'lle"iru"ulild'lf'ih~ ~ edteil membenldp tn the Corom11t11st uon iaa ·tutti. "None other !thln .. ae- Party was dismiued. · knowledatn. reaponslbiUtles to ID• k e Regents discussed the Krisman case for 1ppoi.ntrDeil1't'' he retn¥ked. · 1 45 tnlnules in clot!od ~oO ~ then hegeoll met 31"boum!>thll>d cl~ Jet the •PPoinlm~'UCl1Cllaacell<r • doon ' dlo<ulilne l\ie , cue !If ~II DM1«1 G. AldrlCli l.t . Davis,. ._,..,..Id' acting uoillati! jiro- "Tho majority. of "regeots did not go lessor of pblloaophy at UCLA. atODg with me on that," said State 'Ibe urdverity bu a policy of JO.years Supt. of l'l>l>llc lnatrucllllll· l!u Raff<Al'' •landing q1illl8111i1111f c:omntUJliil· Party . ' r • .Recall Target Replies • ::... Son E·scapes Air Crash .. ~ L ~-- •• Allen to Run Again • ' . ' ~ -. -. Cong,. Hanp,~ Appear Set For .Long Vietnam War -.... _ .. , WeatJier · ' After-tbe • -lllOl'lllac lolo clouda -poAlbly fog -the atles will clear,' the llm will abfbe • for a~l~w..n.d i~1he--. . , i I ' i I ' i ' I • • ~ 041\.V l'llOT H ' ' sat...,,~ iO, lM CounBays,· " Fetus Death , • • 'IACIUlmll'l:O (UPI) -A man who MW .. -.. dlikl by kicklq hi• de tft tk.1tomach must be tried for lllllC'dier, ~ to a California ap.. _. cWrf. ,,,. -!Ill! .. COUii ~ded l'f!!l•y U. fetal, whlcb "" t « ff monlha 10ld, ho4 rshed tbt lfC&I llal111 of a human beq. . '-The co.at ruled Friday in the cue of 1\obert ft. Ketler, 3l, who was accused cl tillin&: the infa.ct carried by hia es-. tra.nged wife, Tau., st. In February. Mr&. Keeler Mid ha ilUlband attacked her when abe told him Ille WU Pf'IMIJl bJ anotbet· man. Polke quoted Kttler u aaylnt "I'm llOinl to 1~p,n_ out of you.", Pollco pJd be then ...,... bet to llle abdomon. Mr&. x..Ier drove to a boopitaJ wbere • loot' Ibo baby. Dndor1 aald Ibo ... tanL'• head •11 •1cooatricted lib • bac cf mush'1 apd testified tbert Wll "rta· -mtdlcal cerlalnty" the child -W llml Uved H it bad not been !or the loddelll. Keol<r .conlended be wu nol IUbJcd to' mmdlr pl'1lleCUtion aiice • idw ls notlmmu. ,,,. ~ court held thal •ioce the at.ate 4oiel not have a "fetlclde statut!," Keila', ....rd bave to be tried undor tbt ,..ular paial code -oo murder. "''Jbe ~uesUon ls one of law, not moral· lty, medicine or popular b<fief," the aurt held. "Petiliooer's (Keeler) a<:· I.km evince a general Intent to harm and destroy." "W~ sre satisfied that a fetus which has ruc:hed the atqe of viability il a hWllllll l>eiflll for lhe purpose of Cali- fCRla'• bamicid11 AltUtes." Fountain Valley Quiet as Recall Election Nears No more 1.....i meetlnla have boon acbeduled for the -1<md In Fountain Valley as candldalts and tocwnbe.U alike ftid,J themse.lvea t.o sweat out re- IRllU in ni..day'1 recall election. Mlytr ROOert Sclnrerdtlqer, Vice Ma· yor llonlld Fr<aeau and Councilmen Joeeob Co.mre&es are tn danger ol. los- !ll( tJieir CllUlld! ..... to I field of ei&ht candidal4 Owing the mayor are George Scott, a member ot the clty'1 parks ct1mmWlon. and allomey ~ Sa!aone. who lead mool of tbt -11 supporters• legal bat· tlel. Frqe111 facts a fLtld of three candJ. dais lnclndl"' Pwl Gllllo, Raul S.var- lno ml 8'nllO 6valllad. none cl whom ar< well -In Fountain Valley poli· tlcalclrdoo. Courreges ls an o1d·Ume farmer who .,... born tn the· arta and helped incor· pnte 1be clty, more than ten )'ears ago. He la &ho oppooed by three candi- d-. Jclln Glnoo, Roy Richards end Ran-an. Gm la matlvely unknown while Rlch- ardi acbieved rapid fame u the mayor'! deotlll, wbllo participating to the 1'CaU move. Sbtnkm.til recently resigned u dtainnan of the pm-ii COIDllll3!lon. Tiny Tim to Wed On Carson Show NEW YORK (UPI) -TinT Tim whos< miditiao cl "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" ()ft the late-night Johnny Carson Show bnJu&ht him fame and rortune, will be marrled on the network television pro-gr1111 e11 a.mun.. Day, Tim. whose re.al name ls Herbert Khou· ty, Will wed Vicki Bud..inger, 17, one of hi.s New Jeraey !Ans. The couple agreed to the ~ nupllalo 1bunday Jliahl In an appearance on the Canon &how. Carson anured them 11everyUting will be In good tam." Khoury met hia bride-to.be a Philadel- phla department store in June when he wu aJgniq autographs. ll will be ru.. llnltmaniqe. OA1l 1 ~ILO T ~ ......... ..... '--_,,..., --C•lllllllU ~ ccw.I """* IMO UW. ... lrl1' ..... K. ..... ---...... .,..., ¥9 .......... ~--.. no.:.... ..... ...... A.=lllt -............ .., .... "...,. .......... , DI ... 9111111 lie.I._,. ...-....,, ,,..,..... "-- --~---- ' ;lt~s ~rue·~. ·Jets Are Noisy . . ·Teat Showa Some Make Much More 'P~ Othera ' " " llJ. ~.JAlll'llll. ' ____ ..,_ - ~ .. ... Jell -lnlli oft In -""""' day -°'""" County Ari!)Orl ...... uy had anplhet aooience on the ground bl!skJea: the usuel brace of inllLruldenll ln Newport Bea>:h. - City aides, a policeman and tht leader of tl'}e aircraft noise foea were watching a "mlhlne as each of lhe 13 pl.Ines roared put. . The macbinel, noile meu~ 'devlca -.Uy purclWed for JA>llco ·wen In Newport. ~ put lo uae tn an· e1:- perirnent to record the noise levels of the passenger jets. About the on1y cooclusions which the 19 noise engineers Pve found thut f8.f is Uial the jetl are, lmleed, 1111!y, and tbllt tblir din call vary from ru,llt to ru&hl. Phil Bettencourt, ldmlnislratlve assis- tant to City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, eooduct.ed the upuiment, accompanied by Dan Emory. chairman of the Airport Noile Abatement Comm:Ittee of Newport Test<s Ordered For Woman in Spouse Assault Piychlatric examinaU:in wu ordered Friday for a Santa. Ana woman who, hatchet in baod, chued her 3Cteaming husband from the t-ome after an alleg~­ ly unsuccessful attempt to SUUl.lly mtztilate him with a power saw. Ju~ Robert Gardner ni.led that Marb Lechuga. ~ must undergo psychaitrlc examinaUon and return to court Oct. 6 for a ruUng on her meo&al ocndition. She is accused of assault vrlth ll'!Unt to com- mit murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Santa Ana police officers arresled Mrs. Lechuga last Aug . 21 after neighbors in· le~ to protect her screaming, blood· waked husband from the infuriated. woman. Ramiro Leclni,:a told police that the first of three attacks by his common law wife occurred W'hile be was lytna: nude on the bed watddng televiaion. He saJd his wife, apparently intent on sexual mutlla· lion, went afttt him witb a power aaw but onJ7 mana&ed to inflict a few cub and nicks. • Lechuga said he calmed bb WUe and then went to check on the couple'a 1letp. ing: cbildrtn to make sure the fracas had not dilturbed them. He uid she. then grabbed a hatchet and attacked him a,aln, a.triking him twice with the blunt eDd and ooce "itb the blade. Lechuga th e n -officer• used t h e word "lnallnprebellsibly" -again lurned Illa l>ack cm bb wile ellu calmln& her. She-lmmedialal1, be alleged, otruck him several time1 In the back wlth a carving knil• and repined poueSllon of lbe hatch« alier be bad disarmed ha. OHlcen uid tb,at i..chuga then decided to call it quita. lle ran from the home. his h'atc:bet-waving wife a few steps behind . in a wild chase that only ended with the intervention of &$nlshed neigbbon. Throughout the fracas, Lechuga told or- ficers. bis wife kept atking hlm: "Why do you go out wilh other women, what is wrong with me~" Police records indicate that the rite:t· lean-born woman was acquitted in her homeland on charger of killing her first husband. Those same rtt0rds reflect her tesUmony that a.he killed a second hus· band 1n sell defenR and was cleared on that count ln a ti.texlcan court House Approves Money for Space WASHINGTON' <AP\ -A $3.7 billion 1-pace authorization bill , $2&0 m!Ulon un- der the total approved by the 11ouse, has been passed by the Senate. It now goes to a Senate-House confer- ence. The version passed swUtly by th~ Se.nate Friday is equal to the amount requested by President Nl1on for the fiscal year that began July 1. Sen. William Proxmire, '4'ho withdrew a series of amendments to slash the progrnm because he faced cttt.ain de'· feal. \'awed to resume hb fight ne1:t month when the appropriation! bill with the space program's mooey come,, up for action. , ~ '" 'T ' .._., W Pllrillw J• -.,. U tllo dato wm be v11uable, ·•liollot .. ~ .,.. . , .. -. 'iiior_... uP ;Q,pum In 1ia ..... ' • -Nat Wedn,;llay, for instance, the field near the Orange Coast Y~A on the Air1¥>rt Commiaaion will review a model ""'"'° blulla. everlool<ln1 Back Bajt. ontlnanco ,.gu1aunc lln:rall noiae with "Wa really doD'l inlend to maka masimwn acceptable nolle standards in· detlnlte O?ncluslons on the meaaurlng eluded, but not yel specified. teat, but .1t wlU be belplul experience "When beartngs come up 00 this isaue, when the issue over nolle leveb comes up we will be adequately informed " Btt before lit< Airport Board and County • • SUpervilors," Bettencourt aai4. J tencourt aaJd. , _ • Whal he and the otben "'*nt did ,\hal)'lb , of the cbarll made by the find, t>owever, fJ that the interu;tty or ~Olle recordera wW. be d 0 De 1n other noise can vary in the um"' aru. lrclea, ~· . . All but two of the flights registered a ~.Air Califorru1i1 and Air West ~e decibeJ measurement in the ~ (auto rev1ew111C &be data, record~ by an ink traffic near a lteeway averages 60) with Mylua on long, ~er i;tripe of paper two jumping up to IOI. willl graph markinp. "The noise variation might be at-Coples of the craJlbl, resembling Ul08e ' tributed to pilot skill, .>r the fuel and cha.rttd on a aeiJmolrapb. have been passenger load," Bettencourt said. nviewed by the airlines' .ttaff members. "We aren 't &killed oor familiar enough No conelwions have come ftom that with the noise measurement techruqucs group yet. Lo make definite conclusions," be aa.ld. He said that mort measuremenl.3 will Laguna Principal Deni.es SDS Speakers to Appear By BARBARA KREIBICR OI nM o.llr ,lit! Sllrl Reports that "two SOS 1peakers" were to talk tu student& at ~ Beach Hlgh School in a "m:W-courx ' ao propq&Dda were denied Friday by principal Robert Reeve.s. Rumors on campus that a member or members of Students ror a Democratic Society had appeared for "screening" by vice principal Don Miller, l)rior to participating in a rfoup cllxiwioll, were 1plked by ll<ev,.. and Miller. "The impresiion that we art going to have SDSers on campus simply ia not true," said Reeves. The report apparently was eel off when Bill Floyd, a graduate student at Colum· bia UoJveraity; arrJved at the school Fri· day at the invit&tlon of the Progressive Education. Club to be interviewed by Miller as a po&!lible parUclpant lo a ltu· !Only Incumbents. File for Laguna Festival Board For the first time In Festival of Art! history, three incumbent members of the board of directors wW run for re-election unopposed this year. As the deadlloe: for filing nomination papers passed it 4 p.m. Friday, only Verner Beck, Stuart Durkee and Dr. Har· old Burton, whose thrte-year terms are expiring, had filed for lhe three seal.3 to be vacated. Fcslival buslne& manager Robert Lep- pert said the election procedure will be followed as usual, wt.th ballot belnl dis· tributed to members and counted at the annual membership meeUn1 Nov. 10 in Jrvine Bowl. There will be one alight diUerence, Leppert &aid. This year. alao for the first time', a Certified Public Account will tabulate the ballot.5, just to make sure it's done properly. Since each candtdite will only require one vote for election.and each had to sub- mit a nominal.ion petition with signatures of 15 supporters, it ii not expected tb1t lhc CPA will have an especially diUicult Job. Fron• J>age 1 KRISMAN ... s1ty governing board is now auch that 1 majority are Reagan appointees. Repu bli· can state o!Ciceholders or member1 who regularly vote for Reagan administration proposals. at le<Ul on fiscal matt~. Krisman. 27, was hired July l as co- ordinator of acad~lc advislng. He for· merly was UCI student body president and was active in the campus Student! for a DemocratJc Society (SDS). Since the service he performs is or dil"!'Cl benefit to students, his $8.000 per year salary comes out of student lid· dental fees, not from ?!blic tu funds. dent d.ilCU&llion ot propaganda fihm viewed earlier in the week. Floyd, an amateur photographer, had belped produce a fllm shown Wednesday &ivini a leltwlng vie• of the demon1tra-tlons at C:Olumbia. A second program il- lustrating a right wing view of tbe Berkeley riots w~ viewed by students Wednesday. It bad been the intention d. the Proc:maive EdueatJon Club ac- cording to presldent Stuart Rabino;.,ilsh, to line up a speaker to discuss that film early next week. The club ls helping students in four study halls set up 51.udent-tnitiatied Pro- grams for !o-ealled "mini~urses" cov- ering subjecls of particular interest to today's youth. Accordln.1 to student body president Howard Hills, It was decided after Miller 's Interview with Floyd to delay further programa in the propaianda 1tudy until an opposition speaker could be .elected. Objective of the Progressive Education Club, u1d Hills, is to pr~ both sides of each aubject studied. 1'1iller denied that pl.am for a panel discussion on the propa"ganda filnut had been "called oil." He said he found Floyd "a pleasant young man" and they discuMed his film without any specific reCorence lo a speaking date. "It was just a matter of acreening possible future 1peUen if the atudenlll .should want 1 question and aMWU session. later oa," Miller 1 tat e d • "SomeUmes they (the students> get things a little confused in their en· thuliasm, but we (the admJnistration) are enthusiastic about the mini-course.~ too. They just need a litUe more careful planning." Miller said he expects gre.at atudent-in· tere1t in a rather extensive study of pollution problem! to bt undertaaken in two weeks, as well as in mini.Courses on Yoga, health food!, music, 1ardening and other subjects lesa controversial than the student unrest topic that sparked this week's confusion. "'Ille mini-courser can lead to great student involvement." be concluded. 50-Phones Gone Pat Slwws Off White House WASHINGTON <UPI) -ln making the \\'hite House • home, President Ni1on haa tossed 50 telephone lines and a four poster bed Lyndon Johnson 11Jept In out or his: bedroom and the First Lady has taken a plaque in.scribed by Jacqueline Kennedy out of her's. The closeup look at how the Nixon's are stiling in at 1800 PeMsylvania Ave. war provided Friday by the Pat NlJ:on, who tscorLed ncwrwomen oa a room-by· room tour ot some of the uSU1lly off 11· mltJ sectkrll of lhe uecuUve mansion. at the. end of the 18th Century. The old one was put in storage. AhointheFirstLady~bedroomwai a four-poster bed she admitted had been In lllr husband'• bedroom -until the rirst Ume he aw It and allDOUJICtd ''l'm not going to gel Into lh.at." She said she bought him a two-paster bed instead and brlgbiened hil room wllll r~ white and blue prlntJ. she also nve.aled that Nixon hid so t.e.lepbone lines i"tmoved from the prai- dmt!al bedroom. The lines were left from hi1 predocuw, Lyndon B. Jolwon, a ··phone man" of note. She picked up a mln1lure knight In shining armor mounted on a hone from 111 desk tn the presidential bedroom and added "he's my knlaht." · be conducted, ''iltb another ~ sometime next ...-. The entire mauir of local qeDCJM measurinc noise Jevela ateroa frqm a re- cent rulins oi the Federal A-vlaUon Admin!Blnllion which stales that local a&encies -lhe landlor[ll of local airporll -have the right to meuure and rqulate Cl! noiae of aircraft uotnc their t.nninalo. - "Tbe county of °'""''JO'Oba~ty bas in Ila poaoaloG the •"'l DOiie study data which lhe dty of N"'J"'l1 Buch la lr)'lnf to deveklp."' Bettencourt Aki. "Even tbooth 'lbeoe liudles haven't been made public, each member of tbll Board of Supuvlain bu received a copy.• He aald that ellbcnie p1w for no;. abatement have been pn!pOl8d already, and the Airport d-bas publldy committed itaell to uvelojlmtnl of • noi1e abltemeot plan. Water Pours In At Dana Harho~ As Dam Opened Sea water poured Into a coffer dam at Dana Point Harbor at the rate of 50 mllHon gallom an hour Tburlday as a fulal liep In creation ol the public boal lallllChinC area that will be opened the weekend of Sept. fl and 21. With launching rampe and concrete revetmentJ completed, a bole wa,, cut in the earth bank of the dam to permit tbt retun1 of water pumped out to fadllta.te the conmi. wort. By February or Mardi, engineua aa!d. """"""work.In tbt main buln of the 122.5 million hafbor 1bould be completed and lta large coffer dam al.so will be cut to let the sea return. lt ls eaUmated that pumping out the sea water to permit "dry" conJtruct.lon has aaved a quarter of a million dollars in addition to penn.itting better quality work. The launching facllity, filled with water thia weet, will be capable of bandlin& up to 1,000 trailered bo&ta ~day • Evrntuatly the main. harbor area will have 1lipa for 2,100 pleasure boats. Edward F. Steen Succumbs at 75 Former Orange Cwnty PhHharmonic president F.dwln F. Steen of CoroDI del Mor. died Tbunday at Hoag M""°"'I Hospital. 1be retired Signal Oil Comf)<l!y c1ecutfve was 75. Mr. Steen was also chairman of the ad- visory board of the Philharmonic Socie· ty; director of the Newport Harbor Art Mu.seum; pruident of the Orange County Museum and member ol the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. He is survived by his wife, Laura of the home, 20%1 Bayside Drive; three sons, Edwin F. Stttn Jr .. of Corona del Mar. Daniel P. of Huntington Harbour and .John ol. Costa ll-fesa; a brother, Heber of \\'alnut CreU and three grandchildren. Interment will be 1t ForeJt Lawn Y..remorial Park. • When the lour mlved at tbt Finl La- dy's bedroom the rtporters nottctd that a finplace manUe bearini tbt "Jackie Ktnoedy" plaque bad beeri removed and replaced wt th.,, enlirtly dillettnt mantel. The okl manU. had contained a pi.que noting the 1em of tbt Lincoln pre~dency, to which the !onner Flnl Lady in ber Wt d171 In the While Hoose, had added' Kitag Football Arrives Be ets Get 'T 1 . ' ) . SAIGON (UPI) -Tbe two.low"1 rar.k· Ina men involved Jn the Grten Bcrej ml.ll'-- cler cue hove been granted l!nmlnllV ,. they cill~ al tho !rials of lis o!Dcers lmpllcated m· the allalr, toltn>ed U.S. military ....... aald today. 1"ftlll move muu the two men an not refute to IDIWer u;y quudons on the srowids It -lncrimlnlta them, .. tbtlOl!rW .. ld. U-military II•, teslimony lfv .. by a IOJdia .-lnununi\y cannot bo uled aplnst blm in • lllhiequmt ...... martilJ. &wever, tlU does not aempl him ln>ln charges based on evldenc< ob- talned cullide the COllrl. , Qargea against tbe men civen Jmmunl· ty were Ol"dered '"held in abeyance'' Tburtday. The military aald then th• other m would be court marttaled !OJ' murder &!ld conspiracy to murder in the llle allered death of a vietnameae nation- al In the Nba Trang area June 20. Granled Immunity ,..,. ~o Edw.,.t M. Boyie ol New Ycrk City ~ SIL Al· vln L. Smilll Jr., of ,Naplio, F11: Tbcy were reltutd from CUltod1 bQt wtr• restricted to Long B1nb bue 17 mller northeast ol Sal10.,. A defense a.ttorne!' 1n the c.ase said Utt siJ: acheduled for a a:eneral court martial will automatically receive ~ life aentenct ii they are found guilty. ''The Army want& to Jock up thex men for the rut of their lives, .. II.kl capt. John s. Berry, cl Sauulito, Calif. "Lel there be no doubt -.bout that." Under .a 1'noo capital" premedjtated murder conviction, he uid tbt coUrt must finpose 1 life seateoce. He wu optiml.ltie, however, no IUCh conviction would occur ill this cast. • From J>a1e 1 SCHOOLS •.• youuggters wm be growin1 up too fut:' 1'be COOIU!tlng exports poob-poobed It, but prlnclpals evidently 1Ull have IOITl• re8e?VaUom. "We haven't resolved yet what to do about social activiUea, whether to let si:rth graders attend dances," .said Kaiae.r Principal Elvin llulcbtaon. There art variatioos in the sixth grade program at ea.ch· of the four nllddla ICbooio. Teacber1 and lhe prlnclpal al eacb scl'lool worked wt their own plan. Al Lincoln School the sillb graders or1 houaed iD one complez and only taught by sir:tb grade teachers. A Davia they go Jn- to clasarooms used lof seventh ad ~ighth graders other hours of the day for instruction from specialist teachers, such as In malhematlcs. At Kaiser and TeWinll:Je they take elec· live subjects one period. But at all four schools students spend a 211.t to ~hour block with a home room teacher 10 they're not thrown completely adrift. For anyone wishing to learn mor11 about tbe middle schools, the lfarbor Couocil PTA ia sponsoring a program at 7:30 p.m. Oct. I in the Forum at Esta1Cia High School, 2323 Placentia Ave., Coit.a Y..resa. "John F. Kennedy and hil wlCe Jacqu., Jine Jived ln tbis'room. . .''and lhe dales. The mantle bad been rtplaced by one d"lgned by •n:hlied Bonjamln Latrobe nt about the time the mana:lon was built She a1ao took the tour throual'I the tmc. oln altUng room -"Dick's hfcfeaway" - whtte the pnined out a well-worn velvet armchair and matching ottom1n. "Dick comts down htre late at night," •he aald, ''tuma on tht mualc, looks «.1t At the W1shineton M o ii u me n t and dreana.'' Ready to launch another Orange Coast Colleae loot· ball season are new cheer luders (left lo right) Dave Ambrose. Sylvia McQuarrle, Debby Trol16r. MarU Kipper and BUI LandeN. Pirates take In the RusUers of Goldin West Coll•&• Saturday night al B o'clock at LeBard S16dlum on the Coata Men campus. I' i, I , \ l ,. ' DAll..Y ,l~OT "9ft ..._,_ FOR THE WINNERS, SOME HAROWAR E FOR TH E MANTLE SurfintJ TrOfl'1iM Plll'T1bl1 1t Huntl"91on Lil09u1rd HQ l~IM ., lliMI Dell• ,. .. IWU The principsl and teachers al the new Spiritridge Elementary School at Bellevue, WaAh. thouibt they bad a miscbevious studenf in their midst -the newly installed flre alarm kept SOllDding. Finally a lit- Ue girl told her teacher, "Enry time ;you Dush the toilet' the fire alarm goes oft." The skeptical teacher tried It. Sure enough-Dush and off went the alarm. 'Ibe in- stall..-was called and found that the ftusbing caused the same drop in water pressure as would the au- tomatic sprinkler system it it went on, triggering the alarm. • Although htr fiance thrtat· eud for a timt: to call off tht wedding, Dortm Alf ord, 21. of Swcu1.1eombe, England, said Thundatt sht must go ahead with plo:m to have 19 brides· maids and two pageboys at her wedding-at Mr jjanct's cost- ~. "th.tu Cf't!! aU m.y cou- sins and l cannot disappoi1't t~" • The row bad every rigbt to be nervous. Clark Knight Jr., of Lee, Mass., a former Pittsfield police- man, took the cow frotn Mrs, Cow· ell's yard and walked the animal through the center of town to the court bouse, where he left it tied to a parking meter. Mr-o. Cowell teS· lilied in coort 'Thursday she found the cow in a hifbly nervous state. She said she bad to talk to the ani· mal for some time to calm it down. Knight was flned $150. • Sports Complex In Works .for Fountain Valley Negotlationa are emrentiy In progress "'1th three agencies for establishment of a 10-to 20-ac:re sports• complex ln Foo& ta.in VaUe1. Parkl and recreation director St.an Stalford said this morning that meetings have betn held with two govemment agencies and a school district tor the pos&ible lease or land lo build three baseball diamonds and a football field. "Nothin1 bas yet bten decided," he e1· plained, pointing oot the problems of fin. ding 1 Iara~ aUe. The Oranie Counly Sanitation District has 20 9Cl'el thlt are currenUy on 1 two year-leue to Mmh Burn Fanni. F.anns spokesmen said they might consider wbleaslng part of the propei!y but can't discuas Jt wilh the ciil witil• alter JanlU!'J or February. Orf.nee County Water District officials, owners of 20 acres north of the n nilatioo land, said their property could be leued, but the hitch is that the city could be ask· ed. lo move off wlthout adequate notice, it I.he water district needed the land. 8$ bet, said StaUord, appears to be a IO-acre school site owned by 1be Garden Grove Unified School Diatrict. School of· ficials are currently checking with the Orange County Counsel to learn the legalities in leasing the site of a propos~ elementary school north ol Slaler Avenue, 660 fetl west of Euclid Street. The current activity was prompttd by city councilman John Harper. He re· quested action to help the city's youth leaguea find adequate areas for ball fields. ·•we'rt lallting," aaid Stafford . "but we don't know when we'll have a site." School District Seeks Personnel Board Applicants Trustees of the Fountain Valley School District are now taking applications to fill a vicanlt:1 oil the personnel comml$sk>n. 'Ibe cdrrtat vacancy, a two and a half. year term, was created through the rtsl.gnaUon of Don Eddy of Huntington Beach. Deadline for filing application! l! 4 p.m. Oct. I. Screening or applicants by the boon! ol trusi-will be COllduci.d . Th~. Oct. 16. Letters ol applicaUon should Include rea&OoS for joining the personnel com- miss~ qualifications. pe.1'9011al daC.. and ~ background. 'Ibe commission ls responsible for estabbrhlna penoonel polici.. f or clasalfied employea. Memben of. Ole three-man commilllion ..,..... without pay. Thousan·ds Crowd Beach for Heats B7 RUDI 'llUl>D 111 llU Of .. Olllt' "" ,..,. 'lbouamts ot ""°"' 1.,;. bee .. pllle'rinc at 1:111 a.111. todarto w1tcll lbe lint heel& ol lbe 11th Anaoal u .s. SWiboenf Clwnpioosbipe at l!UnUniitoo Bu.ch Pier, '.!be U.S. Wealbtr Bureau Friday pr<dlcted chilly, fogy Wlatber but pro. mbed that two to lour foot breakers Rq»rll Oli U.. ~· avt'ff>oord cllampio!uhlps Will be brooclcml . dwecu, from Ille DAILY PILOT Pla•back Sltack •IVrnll dmta cfail• todav ond Su!ldov. Th< report& 1DiU IJc camod "" both Orange . County AM itc- lio.,......KEZY (1190) ond KWIZ (1430J...-<m th< Lo< ~ngdes "•I! P1t101" station, KFWB (980) and on FM by KOC.M ( 10.t.1) in New-- port Beach. would speed nearly 500 of the finest surfers from the Unit.ed States malnland. Hawali and Australia toward lhe ba.ch. 'nle two-day spectacular continues this morning with some quarterfinals stUI left to be runoff on both eldel of the pier. Sunday, many of the IUTfinl world's giants will continue their battle 1gainst the wavea until approximately 3 p.m. when award ceremanles will be held on the beach. Amon1 those entered are past cham. pions Corty Carroll. David Nuuhtwa and Unda Denoon, who a1ao relpl as queen oltbe- 't1le dwuploo!llfp opened Pliday night at the Sheraton with 1 Hawallan luau and certmonies -log tbe tale Dute Kabonl!nolru, tbe man who ~ air!· ing to Huntington Beach. Mora tl\au IOO surfera, dty, county and state officlala gathered at the hW:I 10 witness the µnv elllnc (If In llO-pound broou blll1 created by artltt Edmund E. Sllumpert ol Can!llf by tbe Seo. 111ey heard the Duke ~ u a "champif'n of champions, and one who prized good sportsmanship and fair play above all." The lifelike Image of the legendary surtlng hero will be mounted on volcanic rocks and placed at lbe bead ol tbe HuD- tlngton Beach Pier. lnstlot results of SiJnday'a final com- peti!Wo wm be avllillble thnJu&boal the day al the DAILY PILOT "Playback Shack" IOCJted adjacent to ICOring be.ad-- q'!¥\<ts ID Jh• pier. . The Playback Shack aJao wm have on file cumulative &tlUstics on all eventl and bacqruuncf in!onn.tUoo on the top lllrfera. The complete Usting of surfers, their colon and home town ii: e K•-lna Dlvl•lota Jl,llOll>AY, ........ n, 1Nf l'+'W 11, ,,~-:::.. = jt.!.t,••1 e Hen'• Dlvblo,. Redwood to Plastic • ~. ~ 1111, 1'69 D.lil.V Pli:oi; A Dllntington'. BRONZE BUST HONORS 'FATHl!R 011 sURPING' Dvko Kohonomol<u LI~ ot Huntt""'" Plor 'Near Epidemic' State Sets Stepped Up Program Against Drugs 5-'CIWIENTO (UPI) -Rel>elllon, con- tempt for Ulelr elders and even 1t1bver· slve elerntrJU are behind a "De&T" epl- demJc" use of drula by Callfomil youlh. accmllng to the RMl!an admlnlltraUon. The solution, it be:fleves, it a ''mass media public educntlon program" - creaUve society style" -to set the rec- onl lllrallht on the subject of drug abule." G<>v. Ronald Rtagan anoounced such 1 atepped up program Friday • Noting M,000 Cllllomlanl ...,.. H• telled Ol1 drug -dlargeo dur1ng the ftnt half ol tiilt year -A IO percent tJ1cref1!! .oll\C<> 11111 -Reagan said "thla lndlcalN !bill dru( obuae 11 nearln& epl· ciemlc proportions ... Flanking Rtalan at a news cqnfermc:e ...... IL. Gov. Ed Reinecke and Dr. Ed· • Emergency Heat • ' . How Tourney Was Born Fo Schools OK'd ' ' 01<1 for -,......,. lftddlng, lfr. li:ma'pney htlWi.llon ol ll<aten in ond Mrs.~ K• .. of DcUiooocC, <~ at .N;jlpon Eltmentary lfo. gi1IO dog ..... G toarl<oill'iil GD 4J>e N~Balboo Pentnuola pr"'°""'°" °" <zlllbftiOft In TW<i WU . od • tldl 1wtelc b)'< N""""" Port., S~ to.u.,. ~ 'P. 1'M ~ M,.. nlllod• Scbool Dwtct - -A,... ......... ,,. aod Sfb4t-. memben ...... told that the :SS. lan ·llol ...... ,.,..,.uillla-..wo.4-._ ytar -~al tho lldlool haJ !'lift 1eat .-i>llll rldcn °"" tM and' can1 bo .,paired. A nub 175'r'"'" ~-..,, lo 21 ,,,,,.. . job~be -1" ~ ... ~ . . . • ' ·'.. .... .:.... • lq btlora tlle wlnla-cold ..a Wiltlotn 'Slilr'".l'! ... was· ~ . In. I Thursday by a srupyard at Low••· Adminlstrltlvt Aalltanl Roy mi...... loft, Engl.Knd wbtch had given him told tnuteea four weeu wW be saved by a bonua !or good work. His union not lonllllty advertising for bldl. T1le had ordered him to return the boan! IUthnriud him to get three wrttteo bonua but Sblrley refused, lost his quotolkt>a •nd PJ')Cetd with t he unioa card and was dismissed by .,,,.,......, InstallaOoo, expe&d to ""'t the yard wblcb bas a union shop. about $S3,Glll. I · 11 look a -· man to bone a [taovY · I-redwood board Into the w'tv•s l'flen Ufllli bec:Ame ]lOpU!ar In Hjm. llqton ~ clllrlnC the Wly 113111. ' But tbinp ha .. cbanpf COClllderablJ. 't1le darln& 111111 lido tho -ol tl10 <•rHlaenllY ....., llll'f that bolls 1IP "* tho <Ol!Cftle plor Ind around 111 plllno, but tocta1 pl•ttlc and foam tiOOrda have replaced the unwleldy ndwood or bllla boanta '!hlch were baock:arved by the -ourfn. nt men who started It all, like n&ke Kolwwnoku, formtr fire cll!ef Delbert "Bud'' Hlginl, Poctmuttr Pele Difabio ind otben ol..., c•thend 11 tbe pttr 10 pllJb lhflr bomtmade -In the " cr•lhlnc llll'f. Tbey, were . few In tho beglnnin1 but their -llea4ilJ lni:t<.U"1 Wllll to-day the putUiie bu beoome ... ol tbe molt poptllr wot« oporta. WW. the -ol llahtTo-.llllt boW1. m.., ....i-and beUcr lr~ tloo, the llnl ol llll'fhlc bepo to floclt to the HuntJncton Beach area In lhe lllOI. Al the suggestion of a Lona B<lch State College otudlnt the first wrflnC competition was bekl Jocally In lilt. Peter Beltram wu the ~ maa wbo lnlU&atld tho -wbtcll · WU flnl called !hf Welt Coal &ufbolrd °""" plonshl)>. He and several top llll'f<n (llned the oponaonhlp o1 the City of nun\maton Beach, the Pepol Cola Co. and tho Ullllld Statel SUrfboetd ChlmptombfvWM tiom. 'Ibis weekend mark:a th9 Uth • nlvtrllr)' of that doy and -l7t llll'fn fn>m all mr the United Sta!tt have 11ready llped up lo vit for "'-8 Jn ....... 1 categorlel. 't1le cont.•L. sanctlonld b1 both tho Eutern and Western SID'flnc Auocla- tlonJ. will be bekl beclMln& at 1:11 a.m. both Sltunlay and Sundi1 ldj....,I to iho pier. Hllhlllht ol tho tWO<lay opectaculor ..Ul be lbe prt1e11taUon ol the Me Kahanmnol:u Tn>phy to tl>e bat an. around surfer. \ I 11 I I j I ~ I • .. • a Pew ...... dlpial theK~. -~ Bui to GOd" wtll be .. -ftlG!c ol ~ 11ev. , ~ the ·~ evonlng -. 4. l\irri. 11. TIM servlco, ? •'clock, ~ 'drlll1ll1c ~ a..n:tr . " Iba new ~ rum d t1ie ~ "\!~"':~ •t!l'.~1 81::: .. eon~..a~ .... ¥1!tld e1 f :!O ••• ilj.i'l;: ~ liObll<:'ti l119lleil. wlill clll!llil &choQj '~h . ...:,µ;,-.. --)ltfa~ld Qii{y. ll30 Autumn ftktival hr •lilted by ~i· i: • 1· 1 ....... , .. "·st. Eilwant'•"EPlit·i, .. 11 ™'-' cfiw'l,b . P!elllc,"•a..4, Hlllr<I rind M1coolla,. ,l!ID1if'lilld 11~ area· ·in "ti'~, for &Opt :11, lll • Ult Couaty fairgrounds , IO'a.m. 101 p.m. ltom I to 1:30, &mday al-HigbllRJit, will I o c I u d e t.erooon. . carnivaf James, a ,boutique . ., area, art object. aod bated "Portrait. ol 'Cbrisl -The goods. A ap&gb<UI 1"'"1 wm Son of Man" is the second be offered M f p.m.. for tt.50 aerman of a seriea 0 f for adulta and 75 cents for inees&ges from lhe Gosilel of cblldren. . John 1(1 be &iven by Pastor Wlllls 1. Leer, of the Finl Bapllst Qarda of Huolla,... -II bolh' serviceJ;".9:30 a.m. at Peek'• Chapel,. 7801 ,Balsa, ·W1t11tnµnster, and 1 l a.m. at Huntington Beach, Chapel, &th and Orange. , Church 1chool1 for both Speaking on the "Vlctmi.,.. Christ," Pulor . Jiemy E. Jonel will -addreu 1he con- gregatioo d Ceolnl Blble . Cbardo, Z3ro Sll<et an d Orange Aven.ae, Costa Mesa, SwMjay. The Chun:h bolds ·fSee PULPIT, Pap II AREA'S FIRST'.PIPE ORQAN lUCTALLED 'At• COMMhNITY -"'RCH'. Dl~or of Mu1,c ~ .. Wh1m.Y1'T;!.a cM lriljrumentI~ o:61 .. tl\in• '~~ll " 'Celebrates . ~ 2-Sih 'Y e8r -~. ' ~ Ill 2111' ••• ~..,...-,~di! ..Mor \C'•••••llt ellu~cb • ·~w1D1Mdic11te a ...-~ p!Jle 'l<'j:ll It 10 1,111. IO£V!C<l Bundal • ' The iDltnuDe!1I. t1ie ·first pipe ..... In u.i ...... will be ti....i "I>)< IJlnc:lor ol Music ~ Wbttney1 currmU1 a -In music 1t UC irvbf. -Beam> In 1'44. lbe church'• loode!:. t1ie Rev. Perry r. Scbroek, wrote to Pre»dent Fr~ D. Roooevelt In order to pt:,.i direct!VI to obtain bulkllnl m1t.erlals. 'N re. quest wu ganted Mil the P~ Wre!Hly!O lf>lre and cba?dt waa cm Ill way, Remodeling thl1 yur under 'the leaderlhlp o1 Dr. Philip G. Mihay in....a9'd Ult' 1e1llng ' . • fS.. JST!I YEAR, Pap II . ' 1 ;;:~.:0RAN ·G·E c ·oAST CHURCH DIRECTOR.Y ir~. ,•,._' • ' . . -' -:LPOKll\16 FOR MEANING a RELEVANCE? 1W'. . FAIRVIEW IAP11ST CHURCH ,.._ L c.1 . "Falmow Rd. At Polr Dr., Costa Mesa ' ~hurch School -· IQ .A.M.-Wonhfp "== la 1111111 •••" ..,. SIMt'.....,. .......... c. •• ....... •• ' . HAUOI TRINITY BAl'11ST CHURCH . ' 'int.:":;.~ :,-,e=.-.-"r"' .. Simdq Scbool 1:45 Lin. Mol"Dlnc Waraldplll:OQ .1.m. Baptilt Training Union ti p.m. Evening 1uvice 7 p.m. WeclDesday BllJle Study & Prayer ........... 1:00 p.m. . . . RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 610 HAMILTON, COSTA MIU ! lft'.J.D.W...... 11 Sund1r Sch09t • ,, , ,, , t :45 Tr1inl119 Unio11 , •••• , ••• 6~00 I, I I :OO Ev-"1119 Wonltip ••• , •••• 7:00 I[ Monil~ Wer1hl1' • • ·• Wed. E-ren l119 5,,...1u •••• 7:00 ..._ '42.t111 N__, .,...,_ A..U.W. UNIVERSITY BAP11ST CHURCH !ZU L L PALISADll U, SAlllTA ANA HBeHTS IUWDAT ~ ...... , ............................ t i• A.14 ,I I MOIUtttle WOlllMll" •••••••••••• ., ••• ., •••••••• , ..... , 11 AM. rtlJllMe WHSMll" ............................... , ••.. , P.14 MIDWSU: llAVtcll WIDllllSDAY ••·••·-···••·•• Ji• ,..,,_ ..,.... .. a-........ .. 0..Ld: !!-'"~ • 1 flltST .- ·llAP'nST CHUIC:H ,,_,...., ' CAIMI"-....,...., t7411M ...... P.Y. \ FIRST ,GtiilJSTtAN -, cA"liRCH Victoria & Placentia Ave. Colla Mesa br.~....._M...., ' ....... ,._, Monil19 Wonhl, l :JO l I I :00 Mlll1519r S1111C•y Sch .... •••• ••• •:lO Do~ Ml~ Yowtfi • .Moofl nt ••• •••• •• 6:00 ......, .,,..... .....••.... 1:'9 •""" , s.··' 6 l0 1 ..... ldl9tl · · """"'' f1M ,,,._ roy# ""co •, • • • • • • • ' 1:1 Mo1n1111111 Wtn.1111 •••. , ... 11141 l.lft. befil11t S1,,,ic. •••• , ••• 7:00 I Y""" er.-................ • tJ.M. ....., .......... ., •• """"* v~err ·care··Provid:d t42-2A21 ..... ,,. ........ ARST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main & Ad1ms Streots Huntington B11ch I Clnirr.h of th1 Dilly Word NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH l-D. Pllcll ....... MllllllW I Sth & lr•ino, Now.-1rt l••r.• IS..ior Cltll91'!1 lillldlnrl M1111i31 Wonhi.-, l :Jt & 1f:OOAM 1:45A.M, s,.11d1y School l ibf• Sr.hpol •••••••• t :45 AM I y0 ,.tti "reu,. ....... 6:00 P'M 10:00 A.M. 01•otion1I 51,,,lc• Ev.11i11t Wanhll' ••••• 7:00 PM l!I OFPICE: »aw. eo.11 tUgll-y, N.a. .... IWr ...... -WM. -1 '·"" : Pllons: ._....5111 MurwY Cl,. '°""'ldlll •t 11 tl'l'Ylca II CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IAANCHD OP THI MOTHD CHUlCH THI Plltlt CHUltCH OP CHllST, ICllNTllT IN I05TON, MASUCHUsms "MATIER" Subjoct Of r.e..on -September 21st Cost1 Mesa-First Church of Christ, Scientist 2110 Mno , .... Dr .. C.... MeM s..d., Scllfff-t:1S A.M. Cfll•rch Sertk• -11 .(;M: IHdlttt ·-· JISO MeM ,.,. Dr. Huntington Beach-Flnt Church of CMl1t, Scltntl1t 110 011'1"1 S•llClay kltool -f :JO I 11 :00 Cfll•rch-11 A.M. "'"- 1"41" ... ,.-110 011 .. Laguna BNct.-First Church of Christ, Sclentiat '11 Hl1Jfll Df. CIH1rcfll & $_.., ~-t:JI &-11 :00 .... , ....... 114,__ Nowport Buch-Fim Church of Christ,, Sclontl1t JJIJ YJ• LWe c~• • s...., kliMI -t :l 1 • 11 tt1 ........... Jlll ¥hi UM • Nowi>ort Buch-Second Church of Chrltt, Sclontbt JI• l'wdftcJtewDr .. C........ ... - ~a....., S&-.i-ll1A-M. ~ ...... -2161 .. 'C...lMwy. • All are cordially invited to.attend the church services and enjoy the prtvileges of the Reading Rooms Cllllld C•re PffTldff AT AU SllYICU ST. MATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMluo,.n $y11ff) wot1hiph11 •t th• UNIVERSITY P RK SCHOOL S•iwlb11rt et M1tthew. 111 U11l••t1ity P•rk WOISHIP: 1 O:JI A.M. RP. H. Ni1N11t1111, Pait., lll·IJll QNTllAL Bl~~ll Ernphuizing The Plin of God I The PetSOn of Chrill 1!1 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ..ST. M,ICHA.EL & ~LJ..ANGELS P_oclftc Ylew pdw • Mei1•"-Pww ... M• , s..-,: 1.:t0. t:Jt -cww c.. • ttH "°"hYo•A••• an.. -'Ail._.W ...... · -........ -._ ...... .:._ .. ~ .. ST. JOHN THE DIVflilr,2M3-0rangeAve.,'C:M.-" h....,_ 7:31 I t :JI ~ Sc...i -t :11 11rumdop: l:lt & -10 •.a.: Holy .,..,. • ..... c.. YJ~, Tiie • ..,. ,,. W. huildlea -PhoM 14t-IJ21 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH llll• ..... Cllf,.. L-. -'"' .... ., prft l'llfth ".,,,...... ~ C.IH9ntll nt. lt1¥. ,,.,_ C. C•lef, 1'1slw Sunday Services I:• A.M. N•IY C--IM J:• A.M.. ''fl'l.llJ Str'l"ta & ca,.,dt 7,. l".M. ··-Sdltlll • ' 1:• l'.14 .,,..,., 11:• A.M. Mon! ... WWllll' T ... Clllwdl-M-ry CMI .......... NEWPORT HARBOR I ·LUTHERAN "c'HuRCH ~UTH.EIV,,N CH.UR.Cf:! ' .. OF . Tl:!E MASTER 2501 Cliff-Dr. LI 8-42!0'! 2900 Pacific View Dr. TM•••·~ G .. 11.i.: ,...... Co"rona del Mar THl••· ra•cii• Wllll•. OR. WILLIAM R1 ELLER AulsteM Peter Mn. Wllln cr.."'r.arleia, Flonlly WOl'1tllp t'Dll IO IO::IO •. m. P•rilll Wldlf su.i.s.y ~ t :• 1a io;a 1.m. Phone 644-2664 ~l\t kl'vltt IJ :to IO U:. t :ll ~M. ,....., i!' Nurse~caie available 1t:otA:.M • ....., ~t,t¥t~ces I lf:ie~. ,..,.. 'I WELCOME ~ • ~ , • ... ~ ... ! , PRINCE OI= PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M'iKY"'"i-·--.--c.tH. , ANOR.EW C. ANOE"llsotol. Pn1W ,._..., \chool t:lf MOrnk>!I ~ l :OG & 10::111 P(ifl~ of P'e1c1~lulti1r111 Schoof -Mit• Est~.; 011111, P'rinci,.l Offi'c9.,.M.'f'' 1: 4+.os21 Sc"-.t, r1i-: 149.0S•t -'~" . It FIRST .ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH -: ;:_: 51·Jf.!~~ 1,l',':'!.-.." 146' E/ 22nd St., c:-''" M:t•• 541-3761 I 429 ~yprels Dr. . t.-eun• Belch M. c. Cte.lc, Pw.r JolMI ....... 4UHl9f9 ; I I .... w. L ·Ni1•MM-•m..-. . · R1y Nichol5011, Mi11i1t1rof Y1uth · 1 ·'Worship SerticeJ-8:30'111 A.M. IYANGIUSTIC s1•Y1cn I Surj:IA'y School & Bible Class -9:45 A.M. . T•a.ffy tllf1I Fridor-7:10 P.M, Phbn@ : Otureh .'1944?'998 Parsonagt!: 49'..8110 , Su11doy -I 0:00 A.M. altd 7:01 P.M. lijl j..iiiiiiiijjiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiio..:OiOii:=:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=liii'"I E•eMJ•list Wl•a Pcrmtay Ill Cl!urch Choir -Sh1ril Pe11l11n, Oir•cfar f ' ' • Ylah•rs Wik•--N•rMry AttwtM1a11t A Cordial Welcome from ..... u .......... ~;-.. ·~::.~··Goll.;,,, o;~"" THE 'UNITED METHODIST CHURCH \~ .!)) SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple '" t:.. RABBI BE RNARD P. KING meeting It St. James Episcopal Church a 3209 Via l ido, Newport Beach F« lnformetion: Clll 67~7230 GLAD Tl.DINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach" IV1 II.ck Wat•f H-. H1SPltolJ 141·1620 ., 541·7166 . . l1lbo1 hf1nd COMMUNITY METHOl)IST CHURCH I 1 S At1t1 675·0,SO 1:1 S l11fonn1I Wanhip t :JO Tr1dition1I Wartkip Ir Sund•y School Cali• M.-• FIR'ST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19Hi St. l H1rbar l l•d. 541 .7121 Cati• M111 North Hu11tin9ta11 h•ch -N.rllri COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hi ll A••· •42-4461 Warihip Ir Church School · ~ Ir 10:10 .,t.,M, lr•ino -E11t l luff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH IJJ.1111 11411 Culv1r Ro•~ 1t U11i•l(•ity Oti•• Wonh!p l Charr.li Sr.h1al t :JO A.M. l•\ilull• le1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH Offlct1 llHllJ .. D~_ --'t llAL•A·PU.nl-'4MIJt ;~~~~==='.I The Power of the Holy Spirit I Sunday Sd'l!xll 'J AM Mominl Worihlp 'J ind 10:30 AM (~enlns Ser1kc 7 P1'.1 WldnadlV 81blo S!udV ,...,.._, 111.....,llH, , .. ,., -..... M11W, Mlrlkll Olrtellr , SUNDAY SlltVICIS t :4S A.M. -S•llday Sdlool, N•,..,., c.,, MBSA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M111 V1rd1 I l1k1r St. s .. ,.,,,., . 21612 W1•)•Y Driv• in So. l1111 n1 Wor1hip I I A.M. • • • • • • CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 91 MIWllOO't hHfl M ..... Ol9rdl 91 U11lt.11 C111rdl tt•ll.._ ki.nca, Lft Allfl'IU SUNDAY 5EllVICE , •. II AM Mllllli.r •• , , Albert Bur1':1, ll.5.r..F. llllP'P'JTM CHAl"ll OI'~ CM1! YMCA. 23111 Unl-lly Dr. Ind f~ 7 PM Nut$t!ry d~rlng services 1!1 ~ A fun Youth Progrmt ,I, Cm. of Orange and llld. SL '1' Coot> M,.. 10 :50 A.M. -"Jnw Cllt'lst, TIM Hood 1f Tiie Chwcli" J:~O P.M. -"Clulst's A•-ta Sl11" Both S•rman1 ly P1tlo• ll~~~~~~··~··~·~·~M~··~•;;••~·~'~''~"~'~''~'~'~'o~A~.M~~~~~I Wo,.,hlp I Chur~h S~ltool •:OO &: 10:30 A.M. H11~+i119fon l•acli Fl RST UNITED .. Chwr'r.h School t :]O A.M. _..,9.JOll N1wport l••ch -~~~~~~~~~1 P•IOf H. L )Gne5; llCA Mbr. -COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD ' 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mes• METHODIST CHURCH 2721' 11th St, ll6-lS17 SorYir.ot• -•:10"& 11 A.M, Nur11ry thro 21td tr•d• • 11 C""'urch School -t :JO A.M. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA ·1400 W. kl.ba• 11..(. 6J].]105 Worship l Cliurr.h Sr.liael t I IO:JO A.M. ! WHAT A SHAM.E.... 11~===~11 • ... 'I -u ..... ct.er. ef 611 HELIOTROPE w....w,-1o:otA.M. ..: ...... -:. .... • ... -., 1 RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .... ' CALVARY CHAPEL 420 .10•;;.::~ H:;:';1~; a.ich Qlll'C. Sc...i -1 O:ot A. M. O<'. Plllllp G. """""I"• Ml11lll« Miu Sl'lltlly Sllbel, o.c.E. . • . ' w • .. • Ckurck tDttcl,i. et CJnitt) OP NIWPOh llACH , ................ "..,.., ......... , ~ 421 .. '"' St.. c.... .. ... ~w.i~tin • .-. w..,....""1""1t:41••· . ........ t... " ....... ' ,hona: ·642.2725 , -, VI .... Dr. D.· W. lll~y . . "cM.UlCH OF CHRIST • • I' ~d .. lt a Youth S1t'f"ic11, 11 •. .,, lit Y1•r Clas1, W.4., 7:15 p..1n. llNDT PATI, MINISm 673-4000 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH "411 .... A...., ll._. & M ...... 1, FOUNTAIN l'AUIT UNIFIED SERVICE · Sufl41y Set.Ml t :lD-WO.SHIP'· IOilO W1nhl11 I Yovtli &r..PI -6:10 P'·"'·' Mlll"IM'/" ,,.,,ntld It 1H Mf'Ylt• A C""'"""'tty CIM"d! -¥i'""' l¥rl ..__.,. W*-" flll,W, ,Wll,~. COSTA MESA -H•-•~••msw . EVENGEUCAL FREE CHURCH 11UNDAY·DNJ~ till.I ituoY ••••• ;~··'" c4SA.M. .t H..t...-.._. V. L HfltTWECK, P11tar 541.4704 CARL GENTRY Mi11ht•r of Mu1ic SUNDAY SERVICES t :4S A.M. -Snffy Sek ... c..._,.,A"Atot DEEPI• UFI CRUSADI l.,..,..ilt H. L Wdlaet Niptty et 7:11 hqpt M-4er •4 s.t.rdey COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL • ,_ldllll -~ -·~ -Cl!* Ctn ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH 'CMhi M ... w....-. ct•-West 11tll St. et ........ c-w .. SUNDAY SERVICE ..... , , ... 11 A.M. ci..n• Offka: 1411. lltll St. c ..... MeM • ..,. &......a.-. ....... .. .... ,,.... ...... ........ TEMPLE SHARON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Clmrcll P.......,..,ian 2011lM ..... l.._U..) ........... .... ' a..,,hM411Ll ...... ..,__ ,....W....,: f:JIU. a.cit..._.: 11t41 A.M. 'Of111M1 10112 ....... St~ .... : "'"""" ,Chu,ch fif ~ Ciw-nt-nSt ......,..._. e.... .._ 1 lt~i.,\. Kuni•, \P•ttff S....,W.....,: f4t•\1-a..dtldiMI: t 11t 1 ------"-~.:.:"=•;:•'::.'.:;14.:;M:,::::IM:;...~-=--,- St. Andrew's Presbyteriaa Churdl !. 6tl.St.-A1iW•1 ..... Mowp·.;, ._. , CffAll.IS Hn.n DIDIMl\.D. PAstO• W...W, • ~ ScMef: t. ttH I 11 A.M • • 646-7147 ~ ~· .Mark Pi'esbytl(iiln Clnirch . ~J11l •••e.w.H~·C-... M• .. ,· ___ ....__ . .. w.....,•~W....-tlA.M. - ...... ....,1141 • ,. • -m· eo-Prwsb • r1m 'ci ·Jei "i( " ......... , yt9 . • ~ r411 ....... A.-f•.MSt.), ........... r: DALLAS TUlNR. MSTOI . • -.~ •• ,, ... .._.,_._.....,.,.;,A,11. 4ff.7Jll SUfrfOA'f M~ WOUHI' a COMMUN:t6N •• 10141 A.M . ltll ft.Me.... IJ&-7tl$ .-iJUNOAY IV._. WOlSHIP ••••••••••• ··••••• 6100 ,,M. ""'· ..,,... L. Mltlw, ~""' W1 l1ll1•1 l11 Yev • • . • ~ISOAY MN\• llllf. STUDY ••••• .,-••••• • 7:)0 ,.M. ,, .. .t..M. -""""'SCllMI -An"'" : UNITARIAN Attend the church * 1 ~ NIBllT CAii PIDYIDID 1 111• A.14 -........ Wlrtlti.. ',.M. -Y,... • ...,. All J1wh lt f1111ll l1• •t• l11¥;t1d fo JolR vs 111 hw1y 1111•11i119fwl UNIVlRSALIST · -I '1• ,.M. -•""1111s.mc .. 1 ,.M, w.i .. •ttte tW'/". SA.HATH mNIMG SU.'11CIS NIDAY .. 1111 r.M. CH~CH of "Dur choicl ; . 9-O ... .,..... I . •· H•rtt .. ,... ti -AM. axoou1 -tor• "..,,..,, ftr "" .... " ,...,.,.... , . , ~ ' 1 '~:.. ......., MMcl .. MI....., PM. IJ,..,11,..._T11tlll!et....__... 1 , SplrftMl&.-.-a..w ~ .. .._ 125tvtctorl1 t.,Co•+•M••• on Sunday . ~1 ~;·":::::;--~ ...... """"' ..... -:-.'-Mf.57!_~_-:-'~D9J ..... _~·-'-N_1e_h_• __ ...,....,._,/._ _____ ... _'-..... "-"'-"' ............... _________ _,,._M_•·_••_•_• __ r._._~_·_s_•·_··_•_c_•_•;_, __ o_M_•_'_'•-b_•• __ •_•_•·-"-'-'_,.:.__~ ___ s2~,,~·-'_:_'l:""_._M_._J:,L. ___ ...,....,.__:·_c....•-=~ r I • • " • • pit • 1 • and ~ Pew • PWlCh bowl ere .(left to r!pt) Mrs. James Lilly, Mrs. Mike Tani., Mrs. Len Heru, Falbtt Jlol)ert Urband, Mrs. John P. Fischer, Sr. Mary James, Sr. Henri_., Sr. ll6r!s, sr. Loreti. and Mrs. Ml· chael Walsh. Me•a Verde United Me4hodlst Ch)lrch re-cently · welcomed Its new pastor; the Rev. Paul C. Blesemeyer. He wH last auodaled with the Finl United MCllod1st Churcll of Ven!~ where be was pastpr lf>r eight years. Pastor Bieaemeyer aJ, ao aervea on the Con-- ference of Health and Welfar.e Ministry. Dr. Louis H. Evans wtJJ begin St. Andrew's Presbylertan Church fourth annual senliliar- by·lhe-sea Sunday wben he preaches at 8, 9,30 and 11 a.m. aerv· Ices. His topic will 'be "Is Y o u r ReUglon Real!" He will also of· fer Bible studies Mon- day through F r T d a y during t w o stsslons each day, 7 and 10 a .m. ---·-• .. z " lSi - ~,,.., Re;ort' Church-Building · · Fever Blaste4 1 • ., LOllll cAllll,I' ..... :!.. lo' to "" .. •a ...... '"'9 .... ....-.1 bulldlnJ Of OQr Oft.,, .Ho ..... C1wr<1>es In the Ualtod tor bow rill a .............. , SttiQ own about f!Ol billton may b6 l'tlllls ai.e, ta.• '!otth Ill Wl4 Ud·b111kll11&1-por---... -Tile llplO ...... from·i.. _, ...--~ .... oont ttiidY by Matlin. >.. can llanlly rif i, 1111t "' Git .......... ~ •. ltanley l.o!!ell. burden ol a 1!11 ~.,. ll lo f an ..ilmat• and the uplceep of a flulldlnl ~ may be, , • 1)J A lew bllll/: may be ID ,.. ool1 111!1• or ti:~~~~...:.liu 'thrle boon a_.. are Involved In lhe,nol utate .. Tbll 11 • -1111 '""""°' 0011n.... " IOtOnlln& to Dr. Dooll4. I. '!'be edifice compl" of coo-lloul<r 01"111ive ~ ol temporary CbritUanlty Is a the hans of A JJ1 t r I c 1 n stark cootrut to the enmple al Ult early cburol>. Durtn1 II• l\11111ons, Lu1htrlD Cbufdl ID !Int Ind motl dynamic cen-Am<rica. lie Is u r 1t1 i tury, Ute church was too bul)' Lutberaftf to recover tbi sprta4Jng Ult B°'Ptl to worry outloo!< Of tM ruly -~· aboul building programa. ampiiulflfti mlMldil a• Tb< word "church" In -mlnbtrY rsther thao day• <!<noted a body of peOple, · and lacUIU". not a pla<t. CltrliUan1 illel for In the f)lflln. H-...,. wonhip lD private hoines;· la tends, ~-a c ha l'>C It Olla<Ombo, in 0(>011 fiddl. lll1oukl b6 -' .. ,, tut When they railed mol'lt1. Jt miort:,11 ·Before even eon;- waa to aid the poor or to eend alderln« 1t.1dl • IU!p1 a ~ ool . mllsionarles, not for rreaatfan llboold ezpldtt all brltb and mortar. p0oslbl1JUOI ol serv!DI Ill ~ will Join o t b e r p.m; Tickets are fuo. G. 8. TfdaY, tM tint thine on the Community friill IOill • ...._ ·Oi'lnp County Lu t b er 1 n Mathal will · speak on "Ez· apnila !Oi moat ,,... ...,. tlonl 111lolitlonlll, _.- Cb u r c b•ll'hsourl Synod p<rteoc:es aa a Cbrlstlan." · hlUI In hfP diO • .,.._ Wsllliar t:QjU., In 1 rslly at bull~ tralWr ...... ct Peace Luthtrao O.urob In ~ Lanera1 BUSINESS AND mulU~ ••••le, Tustin for ·a • Cbdltlan Pop Cbar<b Women Will •PolllOr • PROFl!SSl,ONAL \l-:::"":::"~::=--1----F•lllvsl, l :SO p.m. Sunday. · lllk on drugs Wednesda7, S p.m. In the Educational GUIO'E , ·- "Matter" la U1e sub}ect of ' BulldinJJ: of the church at 9112 \--..,.~~~~-'!I tbe ,.rmot1-l<sson 11 all art>-Hsmllton, Huntington e.acb. e MATTlll!SSIS e tin Sclence diurcbea ln the Officer James Mahan of the,,;:._.,:::::,:.:.::::::::::::;......;:-,1 Or1ng• eout uw Sund17. Huntlnrton BelCl1 Po 11 c e MATTllWIU ·- Department will dllCUls "Drug 80A'f'!t ·.-llMQ:I . "'"• SMOKERS Special. Notice Luthnn Nlpt at Ille Ice FolliH I• ~·led Frlcl>,Y •• p.m. at Ult II'~ In lnalewood. The _..... wtU lllpport the Soutbern CllUomla Feder•· tioa ol AAL Branche1•· camponhfp project. ncket. may be -by sendJllfl • check to ML Jee Folllu, 3rl1 E. Rqent S~, Suite 206, Inalewood; 90301. SP01kln1 In the Irvin• Qowl, Grice Btmis Curtis, C.S.8., will IPUk.on "LoYing to Uve" Sunday, I ~.m. nnt Cllardl of a..u~ 11cten1111 1n Lquna Bucb Is 1ponaortn1 the .lllk. Local :. ........ ,. w11ne .... wtU assemble In w...,. Beach Oct. 10 to u !or a. pro. gram OQl!lled "iu,lrt Kind of M~.wTbe w<ekeod Bible study smton wm lie bilil.-41 Irvin< Bowl Pm, l!O I H. Broadway. The Rev. F .. F. Gurett wlif ip<ok on'"l)iie Worship Versus the Falle11 Oct. U, a p.m. AddlcU"' In the COmmunllY. • . --Tho flllbllc Is Invited. o.ta ..... 11at1ri11 Co. Sunday church 1 ch o o I tlR """°"'" m... clwes meet al 9 1.m. The u~ t-1 .303 . '· adult sllldy group mtell sl 111t1.,_ _ _,-,.,.,.=''T=,,,,.,,__,~I = .~v~~ • UPHOLST!RY • The NaUonal .uu SmotlnJ tian uvms." worsblp will be • eounc11 auar111ie.a 1o lielP held it 10,JO Lm • ..ith rutor MtSI llaJIOlsfery you stop •motln& wlllllD tall Arthur I\. Tingley preaching !"J' days. ~~."Power at Work Within Liberty 8-4781 UH NIWPOIT It.ft. u you tried lo brut the lndlan sand patnU., byl't~!£!! ro!!!!!fli!!~I habit before· and ~·t Davtd vm ..... r be11Min1 ·~Ii :.. Let us "'°"' '°" ll!>W . ~ 4 p.m. and· a talk by Sam •• -......... 11Dd simple II CJJt bf.,.,-. . Graen frnm Watta on "Yooth· MMIM or r1Wl2'1 for ltM Builders of a New World" al 7 I N Y l ·S T coosultaUon. Do II now thll p.m. "111 be featured at tilt In HAl'l'INESS could save )'Olli' Ute. BUa'I Coudl Fire for World - Peaco Day today' 11 lbe Irvine . 547-6668 YMCA Camp. Monday, ·Ill ' I p.m., Roni~===~~==~~=======?=~ LuSern YlllU., from lbeli . V1tiln lllandl will dilcun "a.ba'l,l:ftd·World Peace." ~ . '. ' .. ·· The l!t<Oll<I In a oert.. of oerinnoa on ,...,. Chlnl will be given by PaStor Tbomu BenvenuU of Glad 11dmp A,..mbly of Goel a..rd, IJlh Putor James o, Blalri Will ond Mbnrovla st re. ts' pmcb at both··the t ~ 11 Newport Beocli, Siindiy. a.m. worirup 1en1ct on '"The At the 10:60 a.m. service he DlmwlODA o! Faith, .. t will preach "Why JOIUI 0.r!Jt Ntwport H1rblr La t II 1 r a 1 Is the Hlad of tbe Church." Cllardi, 2501 c,1·J f f Drtt-' 'J'be evening aervice will con- Newport Beach. · , tlnue this .. r1., with the COollrmauon lMtruc1lon for topic, "Cbrlat's Answer to · · Your Roroseoee cblldron In Ult seventh and Sin.'' ellbth irades ·will· begin, Oct. Lolll<no ClmTdl of the 1111,a p.m. 'i"'!" .,,,.,,... ' ' .\ • Leo: Corrett Home Safety Hazard belnl formed Incl materials Muter, 2900 Padllc View ordered. Pallor 8-14 White Drive, corona 4el liar will will teach the !Int year c1ass\ bold lpOClal -of In- and Pastor Blain the lleCOlld ltallaltoil II '' 1J and II a.m . year dau.·RaDJ Day wm be ·sanday. Mr1. W1tve • SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21 By !YDNEY OMAM i..ur.,...u .. 1aven111e !or !hblel. pJuU.1. \ Nen apotlllbt 1pl M be oe t hudgefaO' problem1. Confllct 1 bttw• ;._"' breed" ... I el1meati of · .tahu ~uo flare : Into open over 1peatln1 poUcle1. ARI!ll (March 21·Apr!I Ill' i You may be tr')'tn1 to expand 1 too qulc)(ly. Tate one step at a time. And avo!d o!feodln1 ll ~oc1 -Sunday with Chamberlin ... 111 ba lmlalled mite, partner: lCnte!Uln one A project lhould ba d>lllpleted AQ AIUUB (Jan. 20-Peb. awanlt for altondance and u th• .. ..,.,.11on11 parilb who mea)l& much lo you. before movln1 lnln anotber 11): Yqur ambitions are sub-promalloG to new clwes. worker ~th lbe Rev. H""'ll lillhU&ht lilJlpll<l!I". Avoid.,. area. Be tnWUcent, determln-Jed to revlBlon. You may blve --s. Foster ol Ult bolrd of 1rava;111Ct. ed. owriaoted loophole. Be Pl· American of Ult .Lutherani~~iiii~iiiii SCOIU'IO (Oc:t. :13-Nov. 21)' tttftl °"" tborouglt. M:ent on n. Ft1'11 lhllte<I Metlloillat O.urcb In l.J¥rlc:a brlnllnl i.J~ p\!y~~~~'. =cl~lndl:fua1 u:' tn ~i: =~ 11.., 41 "' in com-= ~;17~111 SI.~~ :J:: ='°or:=.~ 5 EM IN AR· I Y ·TH Ee:_~ lhA One close to yoa may be ways msy be bml to con-PISCl!Z (ll'ob. lf.Mmb 20): wonllJp -SundayL at AD lnlonnsl ro<epllon for St. AndNw'1 Preabytorlan ~re deprurid. Don't ~h, force vine., KllolO' th!J-•nt1 ooUlna Be receptive to what you read. 9:30 and II . a.m. The HOV. Mn. Cbamherlln will be held 600 St. Andtow1 Rood, Newport lliKh, Clllloml1 or cajole. Attend to d<talls, your program. Be ready to .... Gsln shown from mttan Edward c. Emy wlll preach at noon. Mn. O.ainberlln will 646-7147 bl1lc chortr. Later, YOU will ly on facta, not fantaty. word. One at 1 diltance on tbt topic .. ,.,ade New for I --a 1 year With the con-A time of 1,frH11•I ,..,._h..,.t ot tho N,i1111l11t M th foll nllr In pleasant manner. SAGITl'.UUUS (Nov. n.. New Ace. tt Chltcb School b: D~U\ol SfMINAl S~fAKllt Dll. LOUIS H. EVANS. Sil. GEMINI (J'ilq•tl.June 20), d8'CVU to hllr Imm you. beld •l t:JI 11>4' u,oo a.m. 1t11.U"'. She "'11 conWr h<r SEMIHA• t><IM" "IS YOU• "Ll$10H ... l,. Spiritual ff:Sl1f1tOC'e ta tn-Dec, Jt}: Some may be in Cllch up on calla. cor-with c1alltl tor an IC"° The work bl evangllilm, ChriiUan TIMD1 S11nd1y, S1pt-.ltet 21 '' 1:00. t 1JO •114 lttOO '"'.f dicated. Heed wcrd• ol wbt arrwnent.1tJvt mood. Be • respondence. yoqth groups mht at I:~ educat!on and youth work. . Or. f•••• pr11c:t!if19 M•., th'"'~ fri41y, s.,...w lor n • n y &OOd listener, but.don't Set In-1Y "roo•y IS y OUR m 21 thr•uth 16: Dr. !•1111 l1H1 lllllt 5tl141'1': counae · ~ rece.p~vt. our volved. ACCltlt on obtainin1 ,. p. · The Rev. David Wilkinson 11no •.M-lrtiW11t ~r.1. stud,. 111 F1ll1W1hl11 Hin ideu ate p;id, ~ may be answers frc:m wllflln. Ctlm, B 11\ T 11 DAY you. have Women'• 8ociety or Chrlg. rtprettriUng tht -ScDool ol 10,00 1.m-Mlllimorttlnt tl'bl• St_,,. 111 "'• S.IMil••'°t I : .. 25th YEAR. pmnalure. M-• cryllal cool atutudt ls day'• bell dl•tlncllY< -al humor. t1an Servi~ rJ. 11¥ church. wlll Tbeo!Dq at Claromont Is the It. A_., ,....,...._ ~ clear by tonlgbl. . pr-ipuon. v..., !OClll Ille Is Solnl to Im-hold • 1enerll '!' • • 11 n I guest preacher this Bl:nday 1t1~!!!!!!!'"~;;-;;; ... ;;;;!!a!!i.t!i! ... ~!!!""~...,!i!~!!!!i!"'"'~-:;-.!!~•!!""i!!!'!!•!!•!!!lle! CANCEi\ <Junl,11.July 21): CAPIUCOllN (Dec. :!Wan. prove. You ... Id -. -Wednet4al>, 1:15 a.m., bertn· CllrUt Ciblr<ll "1 n. sea.r Canine atll1Ud~11 !"'l.lltely II)' Friend l\l'Y be put to a -who pll)'I -•inl· ntnc wUb a Qut<I Um<. HOO w. llalboo B"'1. Nowpn today. ~ nqulnl wt. Be D<Zlblf. Yllu wi belp 1u1 role In Y""I' Ule. Tho buJlne11 · m,.Un1 wlD .Beldl. His tirmoft' tOplc' 11 (C.UU.ed ffa ·Pis• 4) attenUon -@center by btlftc 1ul . demandlng. T• ~ tut .....,, 1uOY 1rrw ,.., "" atart at 10 o'clock wtth Mr1. "So, What'• New'" New houn .1 around home, litua· Many a.re drawn io you. Be _,..,..W¥1..,.l'l'flll'l'Orri•r,., Verda Hlnklt, presiding. are 9:30 a.m. for early capaclt.y of the,~, a1r lion. "trl•e f-• . , The ..... 11ot1111t, "hcrtt tfliltt .., MM • "d ---"'• cburcb ~-I dta educational -tfcUltlU and ., ... pie.au.a.. mart you ..... e wtnn.'"..,.. ~ '" =: The .men'• group hu: 1lated """amp and """"""' paUo aM-lnitalltd \he organ. LIQ (July uf. 22): today, tbl mm you uJUmat. ~1:,"'.:C =:•:::..., c.nrft~ .. ,.: ttt nm dinner mttUnc of the with rqular WOl'lhlp at 11 Tho Rt•. Edwin c. GQmk<, non•t 1001 Into bello•·;;;;1y;;rec;;;s1;;ve.~=====::::;;;"~"~v~ .... ;;i;"~"~· "";;:;'~· ===~rr~fs1~1:=;-;;~,;Tll;•~rsdl,Y~;·:';'•;;1 =·.m=. N;;ur;;;;Kr/~;car~.•;;ls~Pl;;"';;";;illd.~I a 1oriner mtolJtir n1 the 1ne you e1n tte two p1aca church; ..ill preach II Ult 10 al ...... Mew llluclJ your a.m. won111p at the 'cburcb, scbedul<. methods. FIND YOUR IDENTITY YOU OWE YOURSELF 611 Heliotrope Ave. H 11 Stress pn ty. CorToet AND REAL MEANING A BETIER LIFE I 11ennon wtll be "How Do You home Hfet1 1. Thank Goel!" VIRGO CAiii~ 21): IN UFI To sher• the riches of GQI. navld M. ,..,,~. F0ttro · u prac11cs1. . THIS THING CALLED LIFE f<>nn<r 111 mlnl1ter .of the Tb<rt ;re at ,..-SCIENCE OF MIND church, will mu• • -1IUrl'OllJ1llln. -r can lff...i c~ y REGISTER NOW tatlon entitled "A Rein=-to wail on. Ion !lflllda Ro9ism Now for nm Hr brance or Tflln•• Put." .. .......,,.. -· It. Acoroditod Course. For Fist Y• Accredltlll. Cearse A patio rtctptloo will follow LlllllA ( JI.Oat. ·:II), Mombor-Unlhld CIHll'lh of blltl-th~l and cllltd care non't ~ 1 tor · s.r ..... I.-A•lol SCIDICE OF MINlt :,~a1t11eio_. ... ~~ for~~ --ei-s B..Jrn Wodnesdey Even!n9, H•ntilltM BeD United Cllarcb , .... •,-~ f . October I, 7:30 ~.M, IL• SCl£llC[ • -All w.rc-Women's. Club Hou1e ftem~ n..J. -Not Umitod to Any Age, Creed, or 420 TOft!h Stnot Qt'ftt t"""' a..dlvroun4 Wodn11day •-r..,, 11 7::io fltl ,_ 1r1..,,,...1on,. wr1i. ., Call; Clauu dart October 2nd Tk Sot#~' Mosl I# illli CHURCH OF REUGIOUS JCllNCE Find '(OUR identity end REAL M,,.o,;,,b .j__ -• N•-rt •--·II MEANING in tlFE -· -""" · ·r ·-· "" ,.,_. ....,. p.,.1v,,..., Information ... 11, lhd.....,., TREES f th:JORLD ~Ill"' M<lr"a: Telephonl: S»-2120., M1-212fl (....,1..,1) bf "'° 0 C . 301 N. Stat Lana (714) CID-1588 ALL WEL<;OMI -Net Limit.ct hi .... °' -"•n-'"' ••ado .. ,.A "'"' . ANY AOI, CRllD OF IACKORDUND .... _~:_ ----'-'L-"....:.,..._·_-__ n_'""' ________ ..:.·;.JIL----·--·---· -----------· --~-- j Corriln1 Sept. 28 The moat excltl_n1 new apartment complex I~ Amert~ • a • In Newport •••ch ' r I I I • ,.. • ! tlll.Y I'll.OT ; -· . ·-• ...-· .,. . .. -. . • .... • • . l. .!.t ~ ;. • ' • .-•.a. r .. ---.... -----.. f ' ... ···1·.1 the: -~-:8 · Eder f. ) .. ,1 ' • .. ,•~.:.\tJ"\ .. ~-· • -' l 11.,}1-,. J," - '· • .· . ' i .. B~iJi ·Drawn • -oo! Agen~;Dog~~J?larres, lnt01Plan • . " • SmuUled Drup Seized Last Five Years • • ! ' • I ~ ' r > , I L , f ' 190 . ·ltll HEIOIN • ' . -· 1 "· .1113, 19&8 .. ·• . MUIHUANA , Cleaning Up • ' • r ' ·The Dictionary By !!RAEL SHENKER Jll9w Yft TilllM . • A dictfmaJy abonld be an em· barrwment of riches, DOI a richnegg of emha!T......,,is, bell nowadays ii b a lil- Ue of both. Jn 1961, Webder'a nird Ne" Unabridged Diqionary wu iraised and f damned aa ~ By the lime Jlm. dom lloUle publllhed its diclimary, In U60, 11 wa.; haJ'der to lell permiu!venesa from strict comtrucUon. In the. American ~ Heritqe Dictionary (published jointly with Hbugbton M"lfllln on Sept. ll), the diJtlnct!OO ls dearly approached even more· warily. . ''deacalate.•• "I would despreC:ate i~ .. bt ..id - Issac Asimov, a blochem.ilt who writes history and acience-fJction, refused to ltd "fi.nallze" in any of his pa.SU or futuru. John .Bainbridge, the author. wa1 ll'Ki'e tolerant : "To be used only facetiously, eicept by bureaucrats and general!!." Banun fWled at "naunt" as a substitute for "Oout" (defy with :con- tempt ): "This is an appalling qu:estlon, for if latitude 11 given in this cas~ all malapropisms are juitilied.·Just cut the dictionary in half and double lbe synonyms." , Since democ:raey ls parl of the ~ Alllitlcan l>allage, the dicllonarr> . • -~ up • "usage panel" of 104 I ~ edHon. ""'"""'· and public ~ .. -... opec:lllc ...... 11111· pn.n: ·Olag... .. • • • 11iert was ·no one like Bamm ,.hal..Jt ca:rr.e to antilaUtudlnarianis;mo 0 n •'lftlllfere" as a \rerb ("the Conductor .,ill prem1at two works") asked:" °"AQd -.. them at the same UiMl"-"(11 percent lurned their backs oo U..l J The ·lack of aufticilnt e•MtJWnta at the bord<r, parlloulorly at mdroOOlllln PQlnl!, -POIJ!IC(a the pr<blau o(. chok· -~ED by "enlhu,.," "'°" Ing ·on,-~ at,~lly 11onl!d ored: "By Cod let'• holi! the , 'l>Olnl.!. In iilC!i.""* an=:: al CN OOCA110N the oanellsta on wham the -l•ll """" surprialngly permialve. '!bus Dwight Macdonald, the autbc:f..crttic, wrote: "I favor dropping "whom' aJt,ogetber as a need I e 11 s _ .. __. .. .. ,--·-· But Katherine Anne Porter, the "°"list. would nol bear (If allowlnJ i•r ..... for "whom." She said tt was "•c· ceptab)e In speech, il you don't mind-wbo bean you.'.' · The Qut .tnfmitive was welcomed cautlal1. Ba"!'lng it, said Morris Bloh-op, auU>or and' a past president of the Modern Lan&UJae AsllOclaUon, is a ....... symhol of genlllity, lilt• the pro- hlbilioll of culling lettuce with a lork." 1 'Jbe panel voted. to more or les11 acttpl split infinitiva, with each use to be ' separately aamioed. • . least ... ~-1 ... ~-~ -··~-• ef. liot on this one!" John Fisher, of ........ .., t ..., ·~-.1- Harper'1. uid simply: "There is DO IUdt • !ectivtly ccinvot tiles areQ. 1-~ Wonk" THE TASK FORCE REaJMMENDs: When Maa:lonald faced 0 fortuf•-··" u ~ ~. t wwt . Eue~ ·. IP te· ·• '"""' ;w-a ~ subati~ lor "fortwiale" be dug In his melnpollllo: bOrier. · polillaJ•llGa!d be Cleats: 00~ of a language must learn Jf'Uted -.,ua~ Stlta.GovemDeat .. 1\ be!Ore(Uiey can change it;-tlmple 11·' to euhu£e tts• effortl1.'9·'nstrkf.. llD· Hleraq .is ·PO b.,is for linguistic evolu-aal.borliC4 ...,.JDp. '' ;, ·tioo.". , f . . , :~ Da'1d;()gtlvy, an adman-or 1'at.ber:, 1 .The large number of:mililary'pei;aonnel advettlslni e.xecuUve -was optimiatlc in San Diego produces an ecopbmlc boost abQUt' ~ng "hopefully,'~ as in, for TijuinL It also cre.a\ef·~prob- .. Jfopt!~ I'U get a raise this year." lems with respect to tbe ,~ and . "U.your dictionary could kill this hor· welfare ol these me:n.· AJtbouib a ror. IOd do nothing else," O&ilvy wrote, nlatlvely small ~ , of lbe State .. it would be worth publishing." mililary elemeflt la ~yed, .in · the Ml!s Porter decided that "0.lt" waa a smuggling of narootlca, -the ~toetal and Over the yeara, I ch o o I· Iii Ind e d slip ol fool&: "Any lorm, any spellina. ls a «>llUIW'clsl a~ proclu<ell by the legilfoton of both pertle& · have d..,. dei..\llbl• vulgarl\y, entirely oflemivt to drug trade Jn .Tijuana l!'allY affect. much to bufid our state's l"'al S)'ll<m the ..,., ) have never spoken the wonl ill their aetlYliles. Should .'llJlilna be i>J¥:ed 1.f public educalicn. Democralle and Ro-my Ill•.-and I loathe the aouod of H. • olf limits to all ~ ~ tjlt d· bllcan administntlooa abq ote!JI Education . reveala m even more ~uitable iha!-iJ!I, wtth the local burdeii hillier yet, and the stile's lower! 'But ••·••-••"-as a DOWl·WU O.IC'd led on the loCal .......... ·~ be gh commendatlc>rfor perfodlCally' IJn. · THE V!1lB "escala.te " u 11 e d we .,. ~· • -r--~ vt · •• tr·-~•v·"l tn the ·-·· J ~.:...1._ up an by 57 percent of the panel 5Ubotallllaf . .suCJi ilct/"ll·~ be-con· pro ng our system of public educatloo. ~~·• .., --~ ·-w ·• aldet<d u ID ~t 1or'littier:clnig Yet, some serlo\19' pi'obl<ms o! undet· ' Did y;;, 'kno1f thal we Ue Alaii.m.-lor 14th In the, rank order of the ilateo In pupil-teacher ratlo? 'I1ill rni.aD1 that a ,stat.es have a better pupi\.teacW ratio Iba!> Calllornla, .>iil\Ouih most :t1 them ate i... alQuent lhan w• .,,, : Dk;I ,Ou blow that JS yeatll tgo atate and klcal tu sourca conbibute;ltalmost e'vally ".tD the general fund ~llel of public ~ dl.stricts! (Stale;_.,., .. per· ctnt; local: ·49.1 percent; led!l'al: 1.1 THE TIME L5 now to reverse this W1-> fair and unacetptable trend. Taxpayer• stw:iuld insist, cabrily but firmly. that the S~te Legislature bu at tl.11 finger tips the best key to local ~Y w relief. elfort, invoked forceful rejoinder" bul A CORRECT •Walsaf of the first aiotrol_alqni,lbe !Jol,Hr; · _. • , funding exlsl, a ,do lneqlllfi" belw"" i ~lll:rie"I of the panel voted for iL pe:TI0011 role was cruclal to the whole ex-oNn:" T~~· ··FO~,.,.,'~--the relatin burilent .~ed by the state Rldlanl R. Rovm « the New York mlse. said A!lsttov: "My ow n '"~ :,,.--and the local '--•-~aztne safd, "-"one hu been ..Uled .....,_ -.>~• M•bl 111' AibMly 'llO-"""" IM~ ......,..~ ·~ neo"'&"""'& are .,.....""'uY acce..-e. meat J ....... ,_. ....,,.:;...,.. •• i....-: " The Ume is-t,o flee up to these aDd Tba.t key, simply, is for the state to ea.!it the tu pre5SW'e on local Pf'Operty by carrying a bigger ahue of (he co,,t of public schools. What ~bol!i !!Je near 50-50 p~oUstrlp the: state shared with local taxpayers about 15 yean qo? We did U once. We can do it again. y orce <i. ~·and may u well be •c· thoae or olhers to which I object." "'.&.IQ· • ~..--u-t ;;t· · cepted u a useful-term." Wallace Stegner. author. noted: ''My ty'(lf' lmposlaC a, -~J"*'dl• oa 0 state aome-~tfin'8 comparisons. . percent). ' 1 I Did .yoo: !mow thsl by . la.st ar . the "Yea, danmilt!" agreed Russell Lyne11 objecUons, aa well aa my approvall, mUltary ~~Ill~~ , . Did you know that on a per capita basis " of Harper'• mapRoe, while Bruce Cat.. . atrUre me as nearly tot.ally trraUonaJ." DEJ ECl'JON ME11fOQ11 um. J)~~ LouisJ~a 11peJ>ds 20 ,percent., more on fll too, the bbtodan. uld: .. No. but I sup-••you are 11till goir)g strong,". Sbertdan. M1.111 techntcal 1 ~ PftSelltly educabon than.<19es California? The laat atate 111are· ·had dropped to 3U t, forcinr-tbe'· local contr!but!oo to lo the~t fogure of 5$. r pose nbthlnc can be done about il" Baker, profe,,sor or E~ at the available and tn··tht tiPu't-.i atat.e year (00) for ;whkh C9ffiparab~ fi&m'ts Prof. JacqUet Baro.m cf Columbia Un.ivmhy of Mlchiae.n. told the pollsters woold.IJ.d 1n the d~ or :diti;. 111 the are available reveals • per capita. state Education Newi Service . And die!,, ... -thst the ? ! I I· {· ' I i~ !: ' l .. I r I' • ., UnJvenlty d!Cl'ifJd "de5Cal.ate" f 0 r eDCOlD'B8lngl.y. "or 1s it itnmglyl" . border • ' I expenditure on an education in Louialanl • •11136, bul only '1lJ In Calllornia. TF!. ll A ' ' · .----~ .... ·------Otar /If-'"San Franclaeo ~1.: .:ca,:.,~,.,Cf.'j~~ . "'i njo-,µ3 Like 1984? observell that In the Sfhle ytar (IM'l). . . . I . ' " Ohly Young Soldiers Die .BJ BEllB CAEN hellds. The hlpplu grtvely washed SAN JRANCISQl-Nof the fwt oJ their I eel the !ale Jlln PIP'• attrlbulea w'5 his mANKS TO 1111 generoolly of the my trip happened lo .ba-that day" -' and II WU dec!cted •at ' Ille 1upper . echeJm that -1 well -AodreJ~ Saki ~ Im 't tbl Saks Jype. humor. la 1 ... ~ ·alJer a -p late R. A. Herold, Ula h-ic Cromf' oJ Illiberal Bllhopa wanted to lly him Art Gallecy ill Sacramento iJ gelllng -ENTEKrAll!Ell N1nfjle Fabr1y'1 , for heresy, Bl•~_ Pike pve. Sand.11 a handsome new add.JUon -and SheJ.. binb:lay rlftaent to Mildrtd ·Goetze Knnon<ll a"\smallllh cbilrch Jiert.-u d:!X'I Branden~ri can hardly wait waa -Nanette FalM'ay, who worked i !le wu SJl!!lklng. the llgbta went out. for the opening, at which he will rut and a M of ..... 'WU JQr1odly h~.gla .. of champagne and CIY out: thal dlcy IS .. Jesglrl In M!ldred'a p!a...O !ft a drde around Iba -pulpll "Hartl The Anit1 Herold·s WinlJI" Montey Bu-in LaUrtl Heights. . Gulng out over the 11ame1, 11111ioo · Ail ~· to NaneU.'1 favorite ..,.. Pfb llllii"!l: '1 Uloqht I'd a 1elit ll~TER JACK. FINNEY, tr· jtct, the llt~l'OUN!alloil (ber ·~·• ~1• .Jim Pf~ ~n ~ PJalJifna why ,.,. the moo! •le8aill heiring wa1 .._ an.--atloo r«a·--· •• •••• -IAl'V•ga• hoteJ.,11ave their lolJltl&" and a few ~·J>i;'r;a$e •jihoned mlaed.,.. "1 hll detrlt.ttq. Q;,a dUtWW with nk:ktl ~ot machine11 : Mildred to compllbt: .:.MI can't sleep! "'!'~111! --· be -en!-"Tbey'rt actually the g<nmton lhat 'I'd for&cllan bow 1IOisy lbeeil can ~-Tbef--~Ille place. Haveni you .noticed be"·). who,._ • .........., ll'loc'llil bdw d*I: It gel.! around I un.!" 'DUI . ONLY -n of the bJI ~ ... .....,. Y•fho, Jlllt Iller, ""at ' ' '· .. 11Mtz .... 1nd. A11 lfl0hr1tn--GR4JITITO on. BART ban-lcA:tte. •·n r" cut who Jt'tlrl"a wtg" Eron di •J!ll<I!...,.. Nici: "/,a -bJ J,.n Collins: "Old soldlerl Talior,. the ~young feller who Idell 1M ~ i. 1101 -.r dle.·YOWll..,.. do." Pio.Yi Claudo. Tbal'1 becaua In the cdiill a idea ft aU?' .. ·r ;r • • lilt: tcene he wu lo W!Ar a GI .II '"c·=11111aNieIdeain119 AJ'IMCl'IVE yomg Andm (Andi) anllorm, with ha~ lo milch. 11'• a 'Jli., Sail; &r't&t granddmghter of Andrew dtlmallc moment when he walks oo- Sab, founder of Saks fifth Avtll~ 1tagc with 1bort hair. He looks TOM iOIMIY, !IYllll nrat cta11 bu be<n worklOI In the local s.n po<IUvely dead, which, of course be ln>m Oolnll • ~ lound lllol-e u an executive tralnet -bell aoon II . ~_ ... _ho a...,,.. • tbe JUll lell ''bf lllllllal cooserrt." You · OllWi tAYLOn·faflaot·p111 upoo In .......... ,~-, ,.., Ille toolt ·to.W.1<'1111 her bafr. i<e~"th< mfr,' _9{, ,on Inferior 1be •••dlol beaa oul.bol ltrall)I~ putUna"' oo mabup, wear· callfO/nla wine: ''!1ieio be la/ tb1 ,.,.--• lO -"1ld Ina hlppla or dolfc prb-"whalr«r YfniMr of ocr dftdiolcl l" &, • per capita personal Income In California l'M _Under~ ~hrlf , and swlmJ--the Y•llilR· He;)g up- wu '3,MS.. whle In Loulalana It was , , (trusllttd bJ Adu) . tui'ed three days later and la dlacovered $1,455. Thus, wbile CafUonla'a'per capita ~''illlf 11114 be_ like? hllJi to be -King PJlig Pneu (Glistening Income was IJ,lOt higher · t ban acbool ithdenb pndict: • , · Dew on tht Lolul Blossom). He bu been Loolilua'a, pet capita &Ille upend!tur. · Wort'"'' and employ" hive f dl;Js pl~ the role of Mao alnca-111119. on all education tn Call.lomla wu 1'2f • weit °"• but. ~'t know . tq ,do QUdlesi married ""11mJel.,. awarded I<>...,. &ban In !mislana. wllh ""\fr:~ lline., .P!'OO· II _Ibey have c~idnn a lier 3.1••n Amaiin1! This ls just the beginning of TI!e_wtve.-.,. the fintto' Of marrJ~s•. they. get .JIO mark> (1111 the sl<Jcy. In 1"7, 24 atat" had a hilw Their hos~ bqln io aei every moilth; alier ~ yu,.. ol mmla&•. per capila ~ on. all ~ucatlon ~.._ Tbey dool keep their wl 100 markj ('25) a monlll; alter 10 lean than dJd Caillarilii--of Uleae :21 • p&l!1 and they docl'~belp In )he " of nwrfaa•, ZllO lllllks (l&ZJ a.moq111. st.ates had per capitl tncomea con-·~they do b: sit m l'.ront ot tM r As for the year :20091 acoordin;, to 1 siderably below caurornJa'a. r • sleep lo recover from the· ~ conducted by lhe magulne 2000 Old you know.Jbat lo 4,1 ~Jaw· t.oQl three-day work week.· arnona lyoee &tudentt in Perla : , • · • ' 1 • Min will be .replac;od by .-1nes. governmental elpadturee (~te-•od ALCOJIOI,. com~on ts · . Old StWifJg win be' almost impouiblt; lor;aJl for all ed\l<&tfon biot a ll!lher· .mapDile& ilk up.,._ ii b1iJ>. watchmen wUI be replaced ti)' ''eledrOnle priority than dae1 do 'tni ~ornli.T br· te111 art ttle onJJ diltrm::tioa on eyea." .. 1967. in 41 llt&tes educatknl recetved a divortc, "hich can be oblalned wUh tfM larger •hart of all local and &Ille areai..t of ..... ~_.,.. c1 ... Jtr...a g_ov•mmentt,! •llPOndlllp'es than It did. In 20,mark (i') f ... ' - COlllomla. I• QiJJlorr+'. • d u c a ti o • Doe. l<rlncru .. !'Jlomllloo :!JC,~ received 11.1--111 .. u dJro\'I atato the 1<1(al •irtm; Jorce can and local _...... Ujl<lldlllns. be ecnploJ<d. In ..-to protect thrCOft- whil• lhe top 51ate devoled 51.~ petC<nl sumer mamt, thei lnCoine itin8i/iO tho of IOV'"1m«1lal .-..oun:t1.to od,ucatfon. wne u In Jill, ·allhooat> pooplo• oft The U.S. averqe wu 40.1 j\lrcoftl. permlUed to wort •b' l!fJI 1be u..i DID YOU KNOW lbat CalllOml.i''Clll' rin: i'iaz·~f ~ •• ;• .... ha~·~-.. rent espendltun! per publle lcbo6I iq>ll I · .. .,...,. -· la only 2.S perctnt above the natloilal ar a Yffl~ .. Cll.lztp can now 1Veraae, thouah Ctllf~~-per capita :"~\:."n wocldng opelil wlih '.- 1..,.,.. ii II percent ..,... ~.U.S. , (la)Jf~Yct~ coata on1Y llO •Jlt ... a..,.1e? ' · ' alp (U ) bell lhe demallcl°ls il>flh Did lO<I .,_ that In .ii 51alea the ' ih~ to Call. Gl1I)' once:re"J-· public acbooli receive a lttl!'T ohare of 'l1io 11 . eccuplit <!\Ina; .,. ibelr tnoon. 1"11" tile all'!. Ulan they cfo, •fter ~rtJuilll plantltlon ' la Cllflorilat '· · , M.O ~ 0... 1rom Ille 1161 W11J1 ' .. ·~~ '" --~W. ~ .. l$111unl111,,.Sep\1111Mr-», 11ii .!I'!. Cornmeal Pap el UM • JJ8Jlf Pilot '""' to tnlorm ,, 81!d 1tlmulal1 .... a.rs bJ , preseaUng a variety o! com- mentary on t~pic1 of inter-" eat and significance ftonl Informed observers a lid spokeamen. · -·· Roliort N. Wu4, Publl ..... . ' • ' ' •• .. ""' _..l_.\l!. )f t_ ". l ... ;.s..! ., '~~ ri' :OtJ \ .f ··-• .J.. . . . '' -.. . . ..... .Daly 10-10 • •• JQ-1 • -SPORTY CASUAL S ·: . ., · .. · sutuiti" bn1"1 " . . ~·· .... . -~-3.!7 ' ''Coftt.iessa." IQlled Ylro') shoei tOr her be.Ve: wl~AiJ f~a· · ture. Black. and br!)Wll om· bf"ll!. 5-9. ... . . . . ., ... pk«~''" 2 .. F· ••• . ~ "I-':· Mlat-. • , • C (one, ;&up-t.Qne, qtn.r: • f , 0 · , ~l,l' ~.~: mOre. I· sia. s.1L . ., . R . . . ' ... \ . ' . . . . .. , ' .. • "•: • -. • . '· . I \' . l •; I h " . • • .. ' t USE: KW!K; ~YEr REDECORATE! · Stoada" Oiil"! ... ~ ' . _, ·-'.rc,;. ... 1·;s7 COYet-s -wilts ·anc1 furniture, counters and cabinets 10 easily! Self-adhesive; 18''x4 yd Solids ' and pattctns. . . . . . . • . . .. ~ •• ' . .•. -· STURDY .io. · GA&:. ·G·AlVANtZED ··CAN ; . {:Utid •. -< ... a'Y .~Only . "· ' I .. Stt&rdol'. s..i-20. 196'1 ·-w• z . MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR ·99c Re9. 1.47 fipest qllal\ty. t!J~mal un· ,. clerwear. _At a p~i~~_you juat __ _ .. caift ·afford to miss. Long sleeve shirts and a n k l e length drawers mean wann• 'lb : and comfort for thos~ ~; ·.chil~y days ahead . Sizes _.:..: .-~S-M·L-XL. .197. ·K MART'S ~10 'PAK ' . . ' . ' lATHROOM TISSUE . Stnat1a11 . Otd"! ... ,.c Re,. 84e DU.PONT NYLON AREA. RUG -·--s~==~-~~:·T---. • ·3 ....... 96 Ideal •for batb .. or ~! 21'i x~"'-.wUh &.irable -~e : · -' ,~ · h..eltl . -In go1d,· vmllan, mi--• -· • ·' -- di~o. ng_or blttcrsweet. . ' , C11111 • . . . ~E.t~· 9ono~s_ #N.~ ~ 'F.LARE·LEG SL~C~': I .'1 < s300 . . . . Sunday Only • Re9. 3.87 o.lf1s ! Diagonal ·and 1 \will to otlop®. acryljc, some bondeil to Acetates thii:lr or .il!m. P\'I~ laminated to Coloray rayon, slacks! EIU\u: Wai!t. Green.. royal, rett, t?rqols~ .. ~-~4. · 1 .• 1 •, 1 ·~ Tlf If DI".""~-..~~!~.~ 1 ' -~ .. ·.~ ' .' ~ .·!·-&'x8'· TAllPAlllN . . --IT'S· WATEllPROOF · S1oitl•11 Ottlf1 Ou~ lief, ~.114 10-oz. wef&ht, mlldrew; ·resi'!· tant wjth re,lnt'pl'C*l ,~@tJ ari~ cornrn. Cbftle l\!. T:;.':~~: .. : .. ~.;o: s,ss . . . . .. ',.. a~ , G I a n t e1,padt)' JOOMt.J'e&f binder. . ' Wuhatite..~ aciift. praot. WUJ .... • • • •• I' • • Ernest LeBJanc Named W a1ker-Lee Executive Ernest I!. LeBlanc bu been ....,,_. elected a vice-prtSident of Walker and Lee, Inc., ac- cdlnC lo Frank R. Hart. pnlldtal .,.Hhalnnan of the boltd of tllO Orange County -ftll ..tate firm. Lellllllc has been district maucer for the southern Orqe COUnty territory since November, 1966, and will con- tinue to supervist that distric t in hb new capacity. 1be new vice president reaides in Tustin with his wife and three JOOlll children. He joined Walker a. Lee in 11151 and became manaaer 0( the Tustin office In Ult. . "The COOlJlllll' feels !hat W & L VIEP Ernie LeBlanc'.l d7namlc ~-E_m_eot __ L_•l_l...;l!IC'---leadenlip in lill dlllrlcl ha1 - been an o!Jll!andlng put of the ~·· ll'OWlh and acll~vement U1il year," Hart said. C. Gtaham Promoted · . . Qy Deane C1Jltnoe R. Giiham Jr., senior vice pi;e>ldont of Ileane Broll>m, Inc,, U. -pro. moted lo ...CullW vice presf. dent of the h<mebullding firm, ~ James F. Deane, Who hu -It WU all' ~..,. ~· c. Deano, Jbn Deane, who became a-1ated wl1h his bn>ll>er. e.., iii the homeballding h•-In 1111, Aid he ritited to pursue private bulines:s interests. He is re- maining u a dire<tor of the ccmpany and wW serve It as a consultant.. . Graham JOmed the com-in ua.at wbkb. ttme ht! was given mpomlblllty for the dev=: of land and ma 0( bomel pro- duced ..,. the Ileane firm. Deane c Broll>ors, Inc. CUI' mill)' tngqed In major hool-in& clenlopmenls througiloot Los Angeles, Orange, and Ven- tura counties recently an- oounced major plans to ei- pancl and divenity operations In the real mate devel-ent field. Problem Property? ANYTHING CAN BE EXCHANGED SI SIJVll UA110tl DCHAMeoll-COUNIROI ., ...... , ... , 'PllJ WH II YOlaPOCm Sell unwanted Items wltll & IWL1' I'll.OT OaM!f!od '"!. "'°"' '42·5'71 Viejo Ofqcial - . I I ... " . l • • • • Compare our San Jose with a.ny n'w home ... : an here. • • The Sin JoS&-3·bedrooms, 2 balhs, dining room. . . ' • ' •/ I ' . ' \ . ' \ \ .,, ;.: I ' i 1 ·------·-' · Just compare these featuret , 1 · -CARPm~G D CULTURED MARBLE: PULLMAN TOPS ..0 I FimµcE • o PREPARED FOR AIR coNDmoN1NG . o 1· :DISHWASHER 0 GOLD ANODIZED KITCHEN WINDOW D I WDWOOD CABINETS 0 FU~L WIDTH BATH~OOM MIRRORS. .o I BUILT·IN RANGE AND OVEN _D SHAKE ROOF FRON:r. AND REAR_ 0 ·1: STA1"~ STEEL SINK D UNDERGROUND UTl~mES D 11 GltHEDRAL CEILING D DEED TO THE LAN~ D : PATIO SERVING BAR 0 AND MUCH MORE i 0 · I OVER 8 ACRES OF RECREATION PARK (with no maintenance fee) . ....0 •. -------from $25,400 Other models Up tO $41,500 FHA VA & Conventional tenns. De Ranch When you live at The Ranch you own the l1nd. Ybu'll be surrounded by 1cres and acres of beautiful ~ltrus aroves with the Unive~i\y of Ci!ifomla at Irvine nearl)y'. The ocean end )he finest shopping cen· ters in Orange County 1re just min- utes away; Compare The Ranch with other home developments and you'll see why we're Ql19 of the fastes.t selling developments In Southern Calllomle. Phone (71<4) 838·5136 ' AYRES-SINCE.1905 I I Notto scalt • ' 1 I 'I 1 ) ·-- I • I • • " .. Come to the land by the sea-Coronado Cays-San Diego ·county's first luxury resi- dential .maruii~cm.tl,Wn& the ~~cal mood of the Caribbea n with the security and pdncy of Coronado Island, man has aeated a community where liie mov.s leisurcly from land to water. Boanded by beaches . ' \Ind yacltt harbors, the'Cays offers a clear, ·smog-free · (climate, temperate thjear atoand. Coronado Cay~ is a group of individual Y•· and isla.ndo1 eacl1 designl'il • with a separate chara of its own . Choose a prestige waterfroflt lot i.n G~ Turtle Car, fronting on the water and bulkheaded ' for your individual boat ·dock. Or enjoy 4 beautifUl home in J~majco Village-witlp a few &teps of waterways and boatslips, appiOldel ~ l'f"h, landscaped mall.:. SchoolJ, shopping fa- dlidet_ parb and all civic amenities will be included. A magnificent .. • ' ' ' ',• • . . Coronaao Cays Club complex' will include ,• ,yacht.club, beach and ten'nis club and superb ' . dining and entertainment. Corona.Cays offers a tare )>lue chip investment opportuni_ty in Southern California's most scarer commodity: waterfront prop- erty .. Visit our. unique waterside Sales Pavilion and view the.entire Cays proj~ atop the crow's nest. ·The call of the sea is being heard : your home al the water's edge is waiting. Coronado Cays is J miles south of Hor.I de! Coronado on the Silver Strand and jwt minutes from downtown San Diego. The spectaatlar new bridge links San Diego to :Coronado, ~ npid acttss to Los Angeles and ma· jor ~Y' ~ to all sections of the United States. • San Diego'• first luxury residential mari11n ' ' ' '·' " . . . . .. I ( I I I I I I Jf, DU.Y PllOT • OCC Offers Workshop In Musical Theater SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 27 8:30 PM -2:30 AM ADVANCa SALW CINL.Y ·a~~ Td:ds • StJlmllll' '11 (at Dill qW .. Olf"a) '1 JI ' ADlllSSIOll P1llCE INClUDES UNUlllTQ> llSE OF Ill DISllEYUND AlTRACTIONS , .................... TICllTS A¥AH.All1Al: no_ .... ..., ·----Cllr. ,_ ........... ............ 0 .. ., :!-IM'tfet'• . Whai{Up F:ront Does Not Count ' DEAR ANN LANDERS~,! am a, ~Id fir! who II sick and llnd Of btill~en '*·•)Icy. 'f'ba • · · ·11 I am llakll . the CJUDIJ , ''" a(I.. ~In the ~agrdo ~T r1~!i~~n.'I thlnlc Ibis Is a silly quut!On .,..,rib· anaw•~· I need your help just 'Its milch u IO unwed mo~r or oome kid with a had ca•• of lllCDe. Rush your ans- wet. I'm -MIERABtE DEAR MIZZ: ne.....,. edftrtlled u -.Om-bu!Wen are a sn•t belp -to ~ muufactllrtt. So far u I --~ .. eulomet ever ffO-Oi..I lroat tllem. nese u,. an awful lot o: ctrb are miltUen for boys, ao& becaue tlley ari ft.at. cbemr, boll becaue ll>ey tllop off tlletr lrialr and wear a'1rts aDd jellll ud pant nits. Slnet yoo are only Ii yoa've &ot plenty of t1me to blONOm and bloom. For now, I su11e1t that Y• for&tt about your dlmen1lon1, DoU. Btslde1, It'• not what'• up front &Ital conta. It's Ute &otal plctln .......... ,,.. ... pl la ,,..., ...... ! DEAi! AfiN LANDERS: How come a tilp lady llke you is &Jvlng such old-fasblcrted advice? When you suggested that Miss Sleepyhead put the alarm clock on a pie tin in the bathtub I cooldn't believe it. Pie Un, indeed! Haven't you heard of the automati c vibrator whlch ls placed under the p!Uor or mattress? It shakes you awake without dlsturbing Ult person beside you. ,,,.... alJO ... -~ , ... °"'bird al ~ ins. Tbese are Pol'Ullr wllh colle1• .-wllo toll into the wee boUrl' and have trou- ble ge!tioc bp Ole oat room- ing. '!be ""'""Is pluaed lnlo a tiiner and ioes o f f iwtomatically. Please do your ftadera a fevor 'and teR them aboul !bes< nllly new devices. -CIRCA 11181 DEAR CIRCA: Tbanb for waklag me 1p. I've clleckai and dl1covend tlle de.vices 1• deacribed are avaUable, and at modest prtca, too. ~II )'ti Sleepyite.ldl-nla, doa'l walk &o yoar aea.mt ap- plluct •kin. 'l'Ut ... U:CU.lt, "I evenlept," ti clearly e11t oc dale. DEAR ANN LANDERS : When I WU nine years al I.gt my mother died. Dad married a nice woman the following year. I never knew the details but they were separated. three years later. I am 19 now and have not seen my stepmother since tbe separa1.ion. ('lberc was no divorce.) We eJCbange letters at Christmu bu t nothing more. I always liked her and could never un- dmtand wily Ille and Dad split up. Last week I had a note from my stepmother saying abe plans to be ln town for 1 ftw dayi and would Uk! to aee me. Hamburger Winds Up Just That By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK (AP) - Leonard Sillman, the inventor of lll09e ''New Faee.s" revues that once diverted. Broadway audiences.,• em morosely witb his flnt of!·Btoadway exhibit. ''The American Hamburger League." I have invited hlr to lunch. The quesUon 111, ahould I kiss her when we meet, or should I offer her my hand? Also, would It be ouL of Une to ask what happened between her and Dad? I'm lf'OWn up now and .I think I haVe a right to / know. Please advise. DAHLIA The lbaw, seen in preview, -Tuesday nighl al lilt New 'M1<ater. I( Is a heavy· bre.atbl.ng s e qu e o c e' of unrelated sketches that at· tempt to oUer comment upon such current concerns as employment of-the elderly, the reneratloo 1ap1 r e I I g t o u 1 ortboclozy, marllal alienation. Cllches: by the dozen. with crude vu!garl!ms instead of clevemeas, bereft ol 111y' point of view. DEAR DAlllll: Don't pla" In advance oa. ltow yoa wtU grttt yoar 1t.epm0Uler. Whtn the tlme come1, Id your em~ UoDJ (II.Ide yOll. It woulcl be. 1Dapproprt1le for you i. quettloa lle.r aboul the bre.akup. If 1ht: wuU to &Ive you 1DJ taforma&loa. lbe wW do IO volutarOy. Feli~iano"s IS OPEN WITH NEW HOURS hf9n. ·Fri. -3 p.m. • 2 a.m. Sat.-5 p.m. • 2 a.m.-Sun. 11 ·2 a.m. Entertainment witla 2 Bands % Dance Floors-llftUlc B11 "Lee Ferrell And Friends" Plas ''Th• Third Mo•ement" Cocktail Hovr -Mon.', l'ri. -3.7 i,.Nrtainment -Hors d'Mvvru ' ACRES OF FREE PARKING ,) Box Offico Opon 6:45--Show St•rt• •I 7:00 P.M. -----· •0°001 1WSOUTH COA•T r !A .. LAZA TH~ '"°DIW'-r~lriNI • '-"'27Jr I • • S.1...,, ~-20, lM 0111.Y ?!LDT J I l 'Cw;sUly & Sundance Kid' 'Graduate' of Westerns The Show Will Go On These teen-afe members of the Pacific Repei(ozy Company wil st.age a production of "The Odd Cou· ple" Sept, 2.a-27 at Huntington Beach High School as a benefit for the family of Stt?ve Cooper, a cast member killed in a freak accident last month . Bill Pigman (left) plays Felix and Thomas Appel takes Cooper's role of Oscar, while Candy Appel appears as one.. of the Pigeon sisters. The city of Huntington Beach is helping to sponsor the show which will be staged at 8:30 p.m. all lhree nights. Stones Set U.S. Tour Next Month NEW YORK lAP l -'I'he Rolling SU>nes y,·1ll lo\Jow up their biggest hit recortl in several years \vith a n American tour, starting next month in Los Ange.Jes. '!be Stones' bu.siness agent, ABKCO Inc., announced the tour u the British group's record "Honky Tonk Women" remained No. 1 on record charts for the fourth week in a row. After an Oct 26 performance In Los Angeles. the Stones wUI play several major ciUes, in· eluding New York.. but no deflnite iUneFary has been set. Not Streisand!' GouUl Finally Hits It Big in Films By HENRIE'M' A LEITH confident, but l jusl call It m o d e r n I a m . G o u I d ' s growlna. performances in a well-clothed ~'E \V YORK IAP) -Elliot! "It's the nature of the bedroom scene and a fantasy Gould . the classic case of a • ...1ue1· ·~·-d · 1· bu.!iiness. There are so many /KU '°" a......... an alt 1ner "fi ne actor" who had neve r h'gh r h'la ·1 fine actors walking the are 1 spots o 1 r1 y. quite made it, has emerged streets. Things are beglnnin& Nes:t Gould did "M.A.S.H." from the shadow of his wire, Barbra Streisand, to find he's to change but the economics for 20th Century-Fox pllyin& a suddenly 8 star. are so prohibitive. ca plain in a mobile Army "I used to be very nervous surgical ho6"pilal during the The big, curly haired actor when 1 wu trying to gel a Korean War -the an· has a major role in "Bob & part. 1 Wied to ·recommend timllitary 1Uf1eon5 wearing Carol & Ted & Alice,,, a myaelf -I'd call up and uy I beads and civiea and generally sellout that opens the Seventh and ----' d•"'"'-tb mill•·-mind New York Film Fesll,al al was an agent '""vulu JQIU ... ,.u.a e -J • myself." He Wu about to start work Lincoln Center thls week. he 1 for FoI on "Mo,.," which be Now, at 31, 'a no onget Gould, separated from Miss ne.rvoUI _ just eothusiutic describes as "a .!lOl"t or Streisand since February, has and selI-crlt.lcal. allegorical, symbolic comedy already made two o I her about a man named Hiram movies, and starled rehears-"I was •doing 'Luv' with J u ho 1• d nd Shelly Win~rs," he cu~vs, a ee, w wa as ogs a ing for another this week --v writes pronography '·r a 11· .. "when Billy riedltin (director ru ·-four within a year -after of ''The Night They Raided ing but wants to be a long years of trying to break playwright" Bui Columbia Minsky's") was dragged out to · into films while Barbra was see me. It was the hardest came to him with the lead in soaring effortlessly to the. lop. "~tting Straight." The announcement followed a rumor that lhe Slones wanted to visit the Uniled States. Many fans had ex· pect.ed a summer tour. with free concerts in public parks. Obaervers of the muaic scene had predicted the Stones couJd draw 250,000 youths to Central Park's Sheep Meadaw here, if autboriUes would authorize the conc<rt. But Gould ls the la11l person part 1 ever played -giving "Columbia said il' 1 didn't to make any conn e c Ii on life to Billy Minsky was hard. take tbe pe.rt, they'd drop it. ti;::========== between the separation from "I made myself set it, and I was the only actor they'd go his wife and the surge in his hated Jt. But I dklc't care with. I wu never ao nattered . ' '• own career. about the critical I t h I n g in my tile,., Gould recalls. "I averaged a play a year." because 1 was going nto 'Bob "It's about contemporary he says of lhe period prior to & Carol' and I knew it would college turmoil and a youna the separation, ' ' but Un· be cood. So • fl•lterin& New man, an ex-dropout, who t'OID-,... • .,... ..... c..-.. fortunately mO!it of them clos· York review of his movie es back after Vietnam and "'Trw 6.tt" { U'1ft11 . ...,-=-ii ,. . x:::.:: .: J But the fall tour will be !or smaller audiences because most of the concerts will be indoors, a spokesman for the Stones sakl. She said the New York concert probably would be tn Madison Square Garden. because il might be too cold outdoors. ed In a week." dtbul in ''Minsky's" was jtllt doesn't want to ·gel involved .in .,.. .,..;l:!.., .... ti! He vehemently denied that a bonus. the student -~·--t " -~ -· . he ever thought of giving up ln Columbia's "Bob II: Carol Goold squee:;;•":'(;~ t ti n-g Orlt • , a "";i,ij'_ ''~ • '''' his actiJli career to become & Ted & Alice," Gould and Straight" between "M.A.S.H."l!~'"'•"•'-;c:"='·~· -~~· ~"~' ii~~ Barbra's manager and spend Dyan Cannon i re the foils to and "Move." It was filmed at his life being "Mr. Streisand." Robert Culp and Natalie Wood a small coUe1e in Oregon with And he declines to talk jn 8 fast.moving comedy {!bout a rew seines shot at Columbia about life with a supl!rstar, marital infidelity-and fidtli· University. The Garden seats about 21 ,000 persons. and has had two sellout rock concerts - the Jin1i Hend rix Experience and Blind ralth -earlier this year. ''Honky Tonk Women," with a rocking beat dom!nated by Keith Richard's guitar, has been certified as a gold record, with one million copies iOld. It is al!O the first single of the "new'' Stones. Brian Jones quit the group ln June and was replaced by MJck Taylor, who playa guitar on thU record. ty -against a "now" ·-.:;r=:=====~~I \Vhich began when he was a lead and she just a featured pseudospirltuallsm, nudism, player in ''I Can Get it For se.m.inudism and self-con.9Cloua : T""" .. I:• You \V ho I es a I e . ' ' Last l a•:• PM. February she announced they l:l:::O'-""\": were separating "lo save our marriage. not to destroy it." He would, however. l.alk on and on about his new work. He draped his 6-foot-3 frame over a chair in hill suite at the Sherry -Netherland, com- fortable and relaxed in cor· duroys and a tassled, callco- printed Chlppewa Indian abtrt. "This is the best working Lime or my life," he said in an interview. "I've never been as NOW ENDS TUESDAY FEATURE AT 7:00 l 9:30 P.M. * HEY KIDS! * =1 l&t Pel lllew, s.t.rffy. I :ff I .. 1 ..... 6:00 dJ 10:1 s l•~~IP'f"..f"·'>• f-"111Uict•\"',..o:• ROWU IY'M111111 •m IW.rlll lll'l'Y" ,..,_..,.,.~Mil-[i)m. •1111 et 7111 Oi ly co1 ....... ~ ........ ~. , ...... NTI IES1' PIClm IFMYUI! m\'I• f 0 Y-!~~ •fWl'OIT llAC" -........ -CONM hi M..-...ti" '''""'' TWO SUSPENSE NERVE TINOLINE PICTURES EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING .. l•kll"" UM ltll -OI. l·lut SOUTHDN CALJl'O•NIA W71.~-.1--bcr~-EXCLUSIVE "'DD~ · 9"""':"' er-.-··· •m UtOW STA.ITS 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS IKOW SATUADAY PIO'fl I P.M. SUNDAY MOM J P.M. MAllNll WID I P.M. 'j 'JJ.•J-. . '" ... -'~~== J ALSO THIS GllUT DRAMA 'JOANN E WOODWARD -JAME~Ol SE N ' · "RACFl!L RACHE1/' Wiii DA fl -"WILD IUHCH" 1..tl "~ ..... 1 A 11 CONTINUOUS SAT F•OM 1-SUN flOM 2 R N• •11• •llllet \6,111!1ftl wltll ,_...• •r t Mr41• ), 7TH SMASH WEEK ~·klot likCm~ .. CAROL WHITE PAUL BU KE .. , ......... n 1 SHOW STA.In 1 P.M. CONT, SUN. FIOM\l P.M. ; I• • '"Me, Natalie,' is a warmln1, fl!lny and satlsfyln1 experience." -Clterln .C ... pll1, LA. Tl- 11 'Me, Natalie,' a charmer.'' -W11frH IWll-. L.A. H•r•t4 .._._. "Patty Duke siY• one of the . 1110J1t brillianlly lhoupt oat '\,/ perfonnan ....... ia a ... i..,ti ... !"---' ·~,~MAI·'•~ Pally DuQ -···-~11~ NEWPORT <· . - ..,;...;. ' . "' l:-.1) Pl11-Aur~e:v H1pliur11 i11 "WAfT UNTIL DAil" mtwi'•Tr¥1ftm ...,...__CIW~M4 "WHERE EAGLES Dil!E" I :•1 ' "• ... •kNnl WW-... -'--~ t.."" 'DEATH OF A GUN~lOHTER' 1 ......... ,., ....... J•p•n••• Mevl11 Every Tue~ey_ Nltht SPECIAL NOnct TO OU1t PATIOHS ~-... THI[ PICTUPlat IN TMll •OX MAY '?. CONl lD· l[f'li.D IV IOMll Tl I I: UNIUITA•L.a '0" c;Hll . DPll:N A.N D YOUN P l:OPL.•-AND l'la UIPIS 'PA. !'lllNTAL. Oll CPll TI N. "OH MY WAY TO THI CIUSA.DIS, I MIT A OlaL WHO" Ill ''THI WILD IUNCH" Ill "STILmo .. Ill CONTl'l:Al'IY TO ADVllPIT!llNO a aYOND OUft CON. Tl'IOI.. AN O AP,..EAPll NQ ll.ll:WHlPIE.1. YOUN~ Jtl!O. Pl..t: UNDJ" 11 !HOT 1fl Wll..L MOT •I! ADllOT"t•o TO PACIFIC THI ATPlll TO Ila THI "l'I:'" PIC. T Ul'l:ll LllTl:D IN THll aox UNI.It• ACOOM ... AN · ll D 9'1' JtA"a NT OPI ADULT ClUAftDIAN. • . ...... ........... . ., __ SU...,'•"'--............. "THE LOST MAN" ,.., ...... -..._ ..... --4 ''WINNING'' ........... fw ... ,. .... ............. ~ ...... ftilllm "A STR:~l: TDWN" ISti.EJ "THE STRA~iR RETURNS" ···-· ·•••• fw,.... 1111 .................................... .. t\\ 'l'J(y ,ti r"': -~ Wlllf• H.W.,. -ltMat hfrtll• "THE WILD BUNCH" ... , ... w~--­wTHI! ORllN Bll!ETS" H• -. ....... 11 ""' tri. .............. Ko CMlfoflllill .., ,.,... W .... ........... ··············~············· ,.,.,.,...., T.., C-* -....... ..,,. "OH MY WAY TD THE Cl!USADIS, I MIT A GIRL WHO'' "Tljl VALLl~O, \!WANG!" .......................... ""' "THI IRIDOE .$17$ AT l!l~OIN" ''STILETTO" Pll Ht-.....,11w..iH 1tMltHif CAWtAD= .. .::~ .,. ,.,., .,. JUNIOR MA11Nl!I! SAT. 2 P.M. Jtrry L ... la ''THE PATSY" Also 4 CARTOONS A II Sool1 50c Disneyland .. ., ,. , • .. FALL SCHEDULE · • ·'. • ' .. n •·CAI•" .. .. • 1B-M Il!I ' Plu1 -J1Jt1t• CStr111r !11 n "S."pwt Y•1r LMai1 lhriff" • ..... • CCliYT ....... IT •.-CA ,._ al ... • • ....,,_, IJACll • .......,... ~ NOW 'EXCLUS!VEL YI .. ""4-, ~J;i;J,,,'o II' J - Storrlnt PATTY DUKI! ·. " ........ ,..,....,..... Al ........ ,. "WAIT UNTIL DARK" -Plu...,_ J•n• f'onda In 'Barefoet in the Park' -·--------t lt1!1U -II ...... • .. -,.,.. Potlllvtly Endo T.....i.y Ah• -J• Mltll 11 "Run Wllil , Run Froo" .. .. . . . , ' .. '" " '. .--· --' - 'i: ' . 11 I \ • I I l1 !I r iJJ DAll.V PILOT S.l'":", S.pltm~ 'l0,,19"1 -~Pen~on :· Denieg 1• ~ • OCC Names ·Woman to Data Post The first ' woman superv isor of a major data processing department has been named by the Orange Coast Junior College Dislrict. Mrs. Marian Booth, former- ly a systems analyst for the Orange Coast district, bas assumed her new post as IUp<rViJor of systems and iro- grammlng for the dillrict. She is roported lo be the first woman superv'isor of such a large-scale ope~Uon in the area. As supervisor, Mrs. Booth will be responsible for .the programming staff and design of educationaJ data pro- cessing systems in a district regarded as one ol lhe nation's foremost in the field of com- puter educaUon. The -..., an IBM ,. 3111/S)'ltems • ccinputer, and ha ... ..._.~ls al boll> a.J"&ut .ibd Golden W..t C.U.,.. Students are able to use the computer i.o almost all the subjects the col- leges offer, both as a tutor and ~a problem solver. Slow Pitch League Forn1s Er4ries for the 1969 Winter Softball Sl~lcb 1.e.,.._. are now being" ac<epled by the Westmin•er Recreation and Parks Department The eutry lee, !IS per learn, may be paid . al the Depart. meal O!IU:o, DIO Westmln!ter Ave. . More informeUon a b o u t league ~lay is available from Recreation Supervisor Ed Ric- ci at 193-4511, En 261. •: --:D:::E::-A'.:":'l'=:B::-'-:IV~O'J'=-=1'"'c_E_S_ I ' HYDER ARBUCKLE I< SON West.cWf Monuary U1 E. lltb Sl, Cosll Mesa 6411-1811 • BALTZ MOR11JARJES Coroa1 dtl Mar OR S..HSe Co1b MH11 Ml I-MU • BELL BROADWAY MOR11JARY 111 Bl'OllitwaJ, C.Sta ~I J UM4S3 • DILDAY BROTHERS llutblPo Vllley M-.ry 17tlt Bead Blvd. Huntington Beach au.mt • McCOIWICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 11115 Lagana Cayoo Road LlpaaBeodo -• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAllX ~,._,, ~pel . -Pacllle View Drive Newport Beldl, c.utor.tl MU'IM • PBEll rAMIL V COLONlA.L FUNlllW. -• --· ... • • . ' W• ·arr ..am • _.,_,.,&ii .. _,AllY .__ el-Ull a.a 71 GUI.II • 8lillTlll' -1\IAllV Ill-& ..... kid - / 1 . ' .. ' . .. ua.a1 nv . · 1' .. llUIRtUA· -~ JM. 9SC 12:tz. ' Slu ' ' . .. . . . . "lllifferin" llllilS -!lo. moden> n1 "Heiol" AlllS!PllC 5ElllJCIDE - 1w baltrooll-feai. -Jin• "'1 c """" '"'· 79 ltc-lk 12 "· 'PRO' Toothbrushes Clwiose lrom BSc "Prufile"' *Ill "Dcalllt 11?1( ... boW will> 3·• 00c ;::,rrp"for1111!1 :·\Iii _··· "Beauty Salon" MML·PDUSK IEllDVEI . i Hew last ~n formu11 wiltl 23c pijre 1i110hn •.• 11111·smearl . le(. 29c 4 tt. Siz · "V'ck " I s COU£K DIOPS - llEllWll ... ~llS ID reltm minOf sore Urut ~It tt coNs. RepJa-"' 4' 39c C"'"1--o f5clu•f11's I COllllll.ITIOM Lock · for Bike ---1.98 • .. YOUR CHOICE l~29v. C1111D•lll's · . Ruffle Shirt LIBBEY ~~~~:~~~k,, d.roi!>ly ""' •• -\Iii \llXtf•l-of 'll"IJing · 1 ciysbl 11st •Q 5"'"S t!tat bper dowmrwd .just I 1ile °"""""' lilj . ' ( • 4Mt ti. 'fllit ClckUM _. I lL ttr~ial • 4 ~ ~I • 5tii u. WMU:er S1tr ' •l\!tr.Tlllllt •ltiier.Q ... . ....... ~ ·~ .. ---., .... _ .n ... ....., "' • . ·I"" ,llJ.lo\'1 •Iii-. Ml~ •lu.s,lt•l*t • .,. ..... ·111~...... . ...... •11&-•fll&-- YDUI CHOICE ,. 6:1.00 'Yllll . • CllOICE ·3:1.19 •• i n . ' . 'Easy-Off' OVBIQV" ··-----"" . .... si .. 5·9~ ·. .. I Fuel-Loss ,., ' . -. -. ' 1 . .J ~·ii . . ·' • • Jerge(s 1"10f.li' ... ,: '~1.19 . ' "One-A-Day'~ Maltipla Vitamins t•IY'S . ftr Jetter lltattll? 12e: 1. 98 TOOTHPASTt ftr Wllttlf Ttt~ 1.09 ~;r.i.IJ SCooter Pies • ·-"" -.mi "" •<OiaU1-pies.V""11 C ltiU bom. PP If 10 -.. 39 aAtcblicellte flMB. lei,. •k ,, • ~ ' • Dish Towels :=====:;:=: -. Hair Bn~ .. ,.... -Qmse frll11 eoJ.- llful stJtes, for r• ew1 ----. " Oclude """''· 69c 1.• Sitts • LEPA6E'S •1!3,~C~~ ~~ -lll ·Olsi~. -"1liil .•. 33c ,'\i'"s_. Hair llllSlles ---,,. .... i'== 3:100 A!ed.Ass'tQIM. • • ' ......... "·Affection" st1P11 SlfT ms llijj'. lot cosatic ..._ • NIJ 3~ tp 11111 -diet lie• . ·-~lflfl • ·~-lasll" =-=~­-~-==125 ... ., . II l'IRU l'IDll> !!IUl'. • 11•1ill •. ;:. •tuls.•• .• HUN'l)N•TOll lllACH .................. HUNTiffTON llA-.!H Nt=T'a~~ 1120 IMiw. ht w .. tcllff P'tsu 1 ~..,.,-----... --.,.~---,::::----·-:---.,,---..,,.-------::------------------------------ S nger, anclial Ga·tfle f • Gi.;ta' u-.;..._ 'ldurlh ~:. 'fltl\. i ~· ..,...~ !he rally. w~.May&. . ' aln&lecl and Wl~ Mc:Elovey lolled a lonrnlc · l\Y lnio the "'!lrlln& m1J1 at • CUdleltlcl< Park. ' . The drJve eppeared headed for a home run bul hit the top of lhe fence and bounced back lo !he playing Held. Hunt scored, but Mays had to bold at oecond Oii lhe llo.ti>ot ""'81•-' McCormlcl<, 11-1, burled O{>O-llil'•1'l! for sl~ lnn!op whlle: thwat\lol >OillclO" <»-~"'•'•bid for 1 IOth vlctoey. Ostoen ~ ~ hi! l«bt&auit· ' 'J. .. ~ Dod~ averted 1' lhuW.l In tbe elpth "!'he• llic<esslve lWO;Ollt tlailes by ~IW Blll n .. -n ""'~'WW. Oil 'a.~'~" -.Manny 1"ota, llC<lftd a ·"I"> • ,' Boiids · pad!led ~ plani,':-Jead In lbe .. elghlh when he homered off re~ver Al McBe.an followq a wall: to McCovey • • • .•. llloll¥ ""'°' II ... . JUAN MARICHliL ' t' "' I .,. -~~dgf Mat Ch , :-" • ~· ~·~~~~.~ Slaj: G~ljatl?- Gnce Again? :By HOWARD L. HANDY Of ... ~b'..Plltt SRft .. David:~ Goliath last year but the gUmt falleeUo EOWB for the counl • When the i\ef . "blltlo •"'!'al" giM11!lder way een Gold.., -and . OrJi>ge Coast College football teams 1o!iJgbt'at l'ln LeBal'd stadium, the ·giant CP'lrites) witn:eeita wary -eye peeled for ai;other Rustler )!Pliaing. '"Golden West is a three-point favorite. '"'This game means more than any.:on our schedule. Our eventual goal. .of course is to·.wif\ Lbe con!erence and go to ll\e ..;le pi,iyo!ls but ulO :constant strug- gk in recruiting for area high school players makes ·OOJI game with Orange Coast the most important,l? 4" .Rultler co&ch Ray Shackleford says. •"n>ere··ip:e 10 high±~ iiJJ"ihe are.a we ~~dr-w from an!i almq8\. ~very: one~ ot'tbese',schools will have.boys playmg 0!1 bdui teiim:J,ti'he explains. '"lberefore, 1t Jsil't onJy tiJe' coaching staff~~ boys tqfnselves' gettin_g up for tbis particular gp.." ·-'\ ·~ ·. ~'ill Iha ...-....,.111,e,oPJD• · ~Uon of the.recruiting formula o£ the tt~CoJi·\..m field an.._Oupve uOll aVirqlnf 223 pocmds per·man ., the U0t and 208 pounds overaU. Golden. West will depe!Od m«• on agility and ~· wMb·an offe.nsive line averaging 191,antf a teinte-·of 191. TWIS 'ts a dHference of 25 pounds pe11, man on tl1' ·Une and 17 pounds overall. Defenstv.ir, the five men up fronl f~ the Pirates will average 22Z compared to lM ·for tM Rustlers, a dill~ cl. 28 piunds. The t,eam average is 196 for OCC and· 1s1 for ·swc. The Golden.West backfield will ·find a milttlft · o£ youth and , exper~ce. QuartWback starter is Jim Valbu-a le\tennan from two years ago. Roger Plrkman, ,a second team AU-Conference selection;Jast season at end, will open at Oanter 118"1(..-· Newcorben will find Charlie Buckland and Miki! ,Wlltick sharing lhe tailbock position wlth ·Re:z: Snyder movThg into the aWtliii roie at fullback. . . Stew.Griffith will back Valbuena i'it the slgnal Calling berth with Bob Comuke, Bob JGDeS;• Mike Centofante, Mike Pegan and Ol»~k slated to see adlan in !Jjt.~ bactfield. '1'tie · Raltlet <fonrard wall ls fortified with 1ettennen and · .e·• p e r i • n c e d ftesbmen. · .r ·The. ~ve ·starling linemen on defense, Mike Sunone) Dave Graven, Mike Jones, Mike • RlCe and Bob sttowlk ar1 · all veterlnll" of last ye&r's triumph over od'.:. ~ was named fJ?'S'l team Jll-c6ftfer~ it middle guard. · In'adlflilon, other lettermen'«Ml'<lelense ifte)ude 'l{nebacker BAl.'Thbmhill ·aDd safety l'loel· Paul80ll. ·~~ . Trojmis Face ! . ' COrnhuskers . .. . ; I ' LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -Soolllem CalliorNa's footb:tll team swtngs·t:nto ac- tion tdday""agiinst 'Nebras~a ·aoo fot the first time 1in two years the Trojan1 will be minus their devastating ''S&S" a.ttacit. S & S, Of course, would be running ~k cYJ. Simpii<ll and quarterback Slev~llog­ ge, and haw mpch the two, plus. scweral other stars ol 1967-68, Will be ml!!ed ·may soon be evident A crowd of 1111,000• is expected for the openln&• pme for . each. team. Kil;kol! IUpe Is 11 :30 a.m. PDT. , The w qUarterb<et 1po1 !'.aliau ~ ellher Jerry Taqe ... van BlowolJU for Nebraska, and a bJg ®& uon 1IWii t.r use. s~ Jlmlny J-"" ocbtdllleCt to start bllt he came up with m111Cle spasms In the back Wednesday. He will make the trip, a ICbool sj>okesman said, but it may nOt be known until game time wbether he •lartl or plays at all Injuries ba.ve atrock two o t'h e r quartetbact candidates' aDd l""IJ Briner, 5-10, 184, a IQl>hornort, may have to .....,,,. lhe roseoombillly. r. • • • BAnLE ·FOR THE BELL·-· Soogleaden; Nancy Larson (le!t} of Orange Coast and Coonie Bergstrom of Gdden Weili playfully qy IO •DAILY·.P-UT traff ,_.. gain p<iosession of Ibis new trophy which will go'to the winner of \<>- night's game between Ule Pirates and Rusllers. , FWley BoiIDces Bauer; Voss -' Rallies Halos ~ Bauer ,was. fired a.s malU1'£er of tlie Oakland Athletics Friday night and replaced by coach. John McNamara. And, Newport's Bill VOss ~elivered a two.fun single in the last of the nintb to pull !he Angels Into a 6-8 tie with Oakland then .. the winning run came in on a ,loW throw to the plate on a rundown atteinpt of Sandy Alomar and the Halos.won,·7-6.1 Fhiley offered Bauer a five-year con· trii:t aa his administrative assistant btJ• Ba"*"'refused ·~.say:il :he. would .accept the offer. McNamara will work under a one-yea· contract,, lie. SJ"'DI niDe,yeal'S· maaagJng in ·the A'a·laim 8Yl;tem andJWR;I in hiB ~ . ~od :year N · 1· coach. • FlnJey said he had been contemplating the'switch-'for ~time," and had met severaJ times rtcentlf With Bauer to discuss it. ., The cootrovmial owner of the Oakland club refused bt say wily he WU firing B""'r,but Fialey ·bu voieed displ-.re ~ about the leaJD's recent drop from cooteotlon ln1ll>e Am<rlcan League We¢.f~.andMUlni atleodanee at1he o&ind eoUSedm~-~ · . .llptil.tfew ]'ftb ago the•A's and Mln- nel<4 Twiol"wete locked tn •'battle for the\dtvilfOOal pennant. But Oakland'• re- cent slump bu virtually eliminated lhe tealn from the race. · Sunday at Baltimore · Rams, Colts Go at l ·t In Key NFL Lidlifter BALTIMORE (AP) -The lo> Angele.s Rams and BaJUmore Colts, title con- tender!' in the Coaatal Division for the third consecutive season, help laun'ch the National Football ·League's 50th season in a rare_key opfllling-game today .. The·loser wUI be far from eliminated, but tbe wiln:• could galn momentum by downing its -apected chief <1ppositlon. .\nd. ~ .. d<O~'m~t again until lb! final week of~ the eampaign. The game·before Baltimore'• 3'tlt con- secutive sellout in Memorial Stadium, ·.viii provide some in~g matclHips: -Baltimore defensive: end Bubbi. Smith against'· Los' Angeles ta.~le Bob Brown. -Wide receiver· Willie Rlcbardion' ol the Coils against defensive back Cl~ Williams. ' . 1'"-llM'~leSwlde'rec.e.ive"r Jack.Snow against defensive back Lenny Lyles. -Defensive end Deaoon Jones of the Rams against lli'*1• Sam Ball. -4uarterbild< H<inlli 'Gabriel of Los Angeles vs &atimore~i John 'Unltas. Bmm. an all.pro obtaioed tn a tr&de wllh the Philadelphia Eagles, will provide a severe CJPeDing test: .for Smith, who vows ,he'll move up from Jut ieaaon's second-team AD-Pro rteot!Ditlon. " Rlchantson, who led the Colts with eight touchdown passes last year, will have to beat Williams -who was beaten for only one TD in 1968. It was Williams' steal. -of • pass to Richai:dlon which enabled the Rams to win th'! 1967 division title instead of BalUmore. Bait will have the rough task· of stop- .ping Jones, who is rated as the top · defensive end in the game today. Gabriel ind Unitas have met ~ead-to­ he•d many times, but Unltas' is back In action artei: mj.ssing virtually the entire 1968 season with a sore elbow. . ' LA VER, EMERSON ;.... - BEGIN NET PLAY Lbs ANGELES -Top-seeded &d Laver o! •Criia del •Mar . and stventb- seeded Roy Emerson of Newport Beach ~et ~ r1111 taate of. action lh1' weet.,.r m tHe Paclfic Southwest tennis cham- pionshJpi •at'Los ~es Tennis Club. Laver faces national jupl.or champion Erik Van Dillen af 1 Utls Afternoon while Emenon ls tlated to take on Alex Olmedo Sunday in the afternoon's third match. Bruins, Pitt In Coliseum , Grid Collision LOS ANGELES !Af) -UCLA foalball coach Tommy Prothro la a cautious man. His Bruins play Pittsburgh In Memorial Coliseum tonight. Pitt Is a onetime eastern collegiate juggernaul fallet\ on hard years. Tl)e Panthers were destroyed by UCU a year ago. 63-7, and in the past three seasona they've lost 27 of 30 games . And UCLA heads into this game frtsh from embarrassing Oregon State. 37-0, in what most people thought would be • close, low scoring Pacific-I Conference struggle. Says the ultra-conservative Prothro : .. A lot of people were pretty hiib .on us last year alter we beat Pitt In the open- ing ,18!1le.': . , . , .. Prothro uk!n't have to remina Bruin m•iekei:'s""'8t Hapiienea' ne.: '\ii<!: uctA won two more ganies·~d 1ost~n. ln any evenh the new Uclans. put: ,9n qulfe'.1 show In dumlfns die a;;.-. 1 NeW quai-terbac~Dennls Dummi( rtin- ning bacb Greg Jones and Mici:ey Cu l'lt ton , place kicker Zenon Andrusyshyn, tlie defense's Floyd Reese, Jim Ford, Mike Ballou1 Bob Geddes -tll got into the act. ' ~ . As for Pltt, Prothro may have cause for reservation,,. Pitt has a new coach. Carl DePasqua, a new !}'stem and 37 returning lettermen. Included are 18 of 22 regulars !rom Jut year. . . Boes to Rely On Experience; Edge in· Size By JOEL SCHWARZ OI Ille O•L" J'li.t Staff lt's just like the Arabs and tbe lsra:ells. the ~ians and the Red Chinese or the North and South Vietnamese. That's the riv~ between Oranp Coast and Goldett' West <Ollea~. wblcb resumes for the·fourth time at a tmWlt In OCC's LeBard Stadium. . For the first,,lime since the two schools started their.district rivalry in 1966. the game won't count In the conference standlngs, but it's more than an ofifl. ~ nary football game for both teams • .:: OCC coach Dick Tucker halted eontit't work one day after several ~ broke out among the fired-up Pirates. The Orange Coast boss lndicated he'll go with a starting lineup that's long m e1perience and size but a little short on. speed. The Pirates will go .with 13 retuminl veterans in their starting 22. In addiUoP., Orange Coast! bU one other letterman. tackle'steve Purdue, who'1 in \he unusual posiUoo · of seeing both sides of the rivalry. He started !or GoJdPn West m • 'hin' ~-,. years ago as a freiJ ~, Most of the Pirates' experiedce Ls 1D tf1e Jine,. I ~ "':' Offensively, ~ entlre•Qrangt Coait line ii eompoSed of Jetterm~n ezCept 6ir. UO.pound tight end Karl Pedersen. Defensively, five ·of the seven Pfrafe linemen and linebackers ve veterans. Only In the becldleld doe.>i Tucbr't squad show any tinges of green. • On offense, he'll blend dangerous tailback Ray Ricardo and flanker aruc. Rogge with Oregon State transfer quarterback Mike Tamiyasu a n d freshman Coe Meyer. It's in the criUcal defense seooodaF1, where the Pirates are the least e:r• perie11ce. Only Rick Seibert 1eUered laat year. He'll be joined by the aggreain !r.-en lhrwmle of Bob Wicl<enbam, Bob Curry and Jessi Hernandez. . More than the ~al amount ci. teani pride is involved in the Orange Coaste Golden West rivalry and mor:e than an expected deal of hard feelings have crop, ped up between the two schools durfna the serJes. •. First came the dispute over a two-point conversion attempt by Golden West tn tbi '66 game woo by Orange.Coast, 14-.11. Then came a haule about miasing tbrHI in the closing seconds of the '67 contest Orange Coast.won, 10-7. Last year'1 game, a 34-20 victory for Golden West, was free of any obvloua rancor ()O the field, but the Pirates are spoiling for revenge, • · OFFENSE O•ANCJI! COAST ltOLD•N WIST • 1113 CMll!lo E' Ctrt1C1111 "" '20 P11rd1111 T Gotltll -2e5 Na'-t G Mt~ttt T• 22.S Pur,,.u C Mtrfindl 2W 2.JO JohlllOll G K""""' 1M 2•Hunt T~ m 1611 PlClfnOll E Prlddr llt 11$ T•mly1111 II V•lb&lllia ltS 11~ Ill tc1rdo t llldflr.111 '1! 1u MtYtt 8 'P1rlr.man l" 11! ll0!»9 t Sn)'dlT 1' .. DEFENSE .. ....,,It~ • .,_ "' .,,. 'ol'-1'1 T .. _ a "' ,., •. ,, •• M .JClllM ·~ NOl/llry T ... '" W•ull~ E ,__.,, \U Ill $!er!lllg LB M"""'ille ,,. .,, "'" LO 'lllm'NIJll "' ill Currv • """' "' Wl(kttth1m • Carroll ,,. ~ St llll!'t • ·-1: Hl!'IMllClll ' P1u!M<I al'uer, t7, bad previously managed the Atbletic1 when the team was, in Kansas Cit)'. He quit that time after. servinl ·as m1111get in l~land 1*. Bauer moved rrclp Kansas C I)' to BalUmore. as a COldl and law manager al the Otlo!OI. U.'S. Holds 2-0 Lead .in Confused Cup: r '--• ULl"'l!fOA ~ICU.ND ... .., It"' .... , 11-111 ....... • 1 t. ~-4•1 '0 ~-tf , Jlt!Klltl!M,a :t11:t .. ,.....,,~ :t 1 .... ...o:'°"' rf 2 1 ' • ~er J 1 2 S' t.lN ~ I I I ......,.,,,. , • t ·~a :r 1 1 2 ...,....,. 21tl 1 d 2111 Aa(llt,c: i ,Otl \lf~lll •Otl 19' ......... • 1 • ,t..t. ~c: 4 I I 1 Mlr'hiil. ,ti• I 1 I .C, 1liOIMii. • • I f I "-'tt. Ill' l't~ ,t TllliolJ • I I I I u..., "" 1 1 ,. l1!111f14Mr. 0 0 0 0 ......,.,, 11 ·~~.11 1100 a-... ' oi. ,_ I! ·,-ilflfr: • t • • COW ... 1111 II t T ... I :0 114 ' Tl'lll 0.1 ... 1'••·••1 ., ..... C.11~ ••••• , ··~, t"~. A. .... , ......... ,.,..._. Orie IVf 9'htll 1"lfWllllll NII .... . ,., • CLEVJll.,Alll) (AP) -.Arthur A£he and Stan Smith lll!Glhettd flglltlng bids by a pair ol darkhojw. Rom~ 'fi~and oent the Unllild Slate> Into 1 Z-0 lead In 'the Davis CUp Cballtnge round. Thtre Wert: ane lhak)t momentl for the fav,ored, Yanks .. Smitb, the 2S-)'tar..:otd n11lionil ehamptoa frcirri Pa11dtna wa1 down two· seta to one. before ht Pulled hlnuell togelhet behind .-roctet··servlce for a 1-1, 1-S, ~7, M, M vldory over veteran ton Tldac, a woolly Belbn bear -the cunning of 1 lox. Earlier, Albe had to botUe Imm behind twice In the -HI to wbip Jllo " • Nastase, a JI.year-old lieutenant from Burcbarest, 1-3, 15-JS, 7-5. ' The' matches were marred by two ·_...ie. bet ulitelated lnetdenln and a Mrit1 of bad line calls and over-niled d<cillQf>s "" the part ol oflldals, lhal threw ltie event Into wild contusion. A demonstrator cart)'ing a Nor'lh Vlet- nameaa 0., and yelling "Ho Chi-Minh'' \V., grabbed 'by police before be could get to the center court. llurlni the Albe-Na.WO match, t,.. photoaraphen al court-clde go! In a liqt over potlUaa and one wound up with a bloody nooe. 'l'heJ Wetl both mnovod from tlletr lpol. ' The Smilh-Tlrlac duel w u palched by pn>lesled line calls -mostlJ oo \II< pai:t of Tfrlec -and four limes the imported (#eree. Phillippe Otatrier, · overiuled Une!men and the umpire in the cha.Ir. The referee t..the final authority. At • couple of stages. Ute slt\latlon became so conrusinJ_!haJ none of the ~.200 1pectators or eight of the players tnew tbe score. Thi.I brought hoots •nd. whlltlea mm what ij f!OrtllallJ: a ...,.. oerv•Uve lpotU gallely. Nnw the United Slates Is In poslUon lo clinch the aerie• and lllOlher 12-mO!llN -lno" the 18-year-<ld inteniat!onal tropby by wlnniD1 lhe doUbles today. .~ In lhal malcb. the 11-1 Smith, who pi,,; vf'd himself a tremendous baWer, •JD team with his former Unlverslly .·!!fl Southern Clll!omia Ptrtner, Bobby LutS; against Nastase and Tlrlac. All easy vl*'7 ii not expe<lei; Although Smith and t.ulz fonn Atnerlca't be.st doubles team, wbmer of every ·U! tlonal honor ln l!lllSt they fact • formldable team in the two Romani~ who dlcln'l looe a doubles m•tcll · bl sweeping through lb• European ao4 inter-ione competiUon. • .. The final two slnll<t will be p1'Yel ~. with palrinp ravtrsc<I. •• -. _. • I I I '' 1 I • •. 1 t~ ~µ'~OT Slt'""7, Stjlfll)btr ~.1969 H.~uper·\,. ·MD . ·D~f·ense Throttle ·Saint's~· ' • •BJ GLENN WRITE • • •• INIMr' •••ttl' J~ !illl!'tirback Bob Haupert put .., , 4Ullil1I ""'°"" dllpiO)' and acored oaly' -wn (that <'CWlt<d) of 11i1b1 u Mater Dei ru,ll's Monarths · . ·1auib Santa Ana , M, 'in their Opener Friday before 10,000 et ' ta ',\Jla Bowl ' uporl tallieofwith 7:10 remalnin& In -· acamJlUlni n 1anta. 11e alde-1"1! deleoder alter IMther, elud· ...m&lbe lj.amao who bad• sbol at him -"ROil&• Greer -and lipped on for lbt .Jol!y. ·-Jl cappOd .a A-yald march that con-~ nine plays and which featured ~qlqine nifty running by Mark Dunn. He pjd:ed up 2.1 of those yards and three '"O{UCial first downll. .":..,'The n\Lssed conversion attempt. how- ever, left the door open for lhe Saints -~f'bouod. .r ..&t coach Bob Woods' .1nappy defense held fut. making one big play to snuff .:t any la.st hope Santa An• might hold . .; -~ Saints were trying to get untrack~ '.eol when Ted llAllleld broke through the ~lfi and tackled quarterback Bob Mc- ·~~in lot a lour-yard k>ss and at the i~e time stole the ball.at the 31. ,·Although Miler Dei wu unable to mo- ll!fir.e a scaring drive, I.be Monarcha did "1fWll!age to run two precious minutes off :~clock. Santa Ana made ooe more des- Tollb . . ~-i' ·~ L 1m11 . 1:- ~ -MtG.d~ ...... • ""'. -·-" . ..... ,. ' ~ • '" " " ' .. • ' ' ' "' ... "· •• JIM.• "" '" • • .... .... " " • ' ' " " ' ' • ' " " " ., ... ... .. '-' u ... , .. ... '-' u .. u J anks, British .. F;v~n After r :(!yder Cup .Row ~ . $0U'IHPORT, England (AP) -Dave Hill shrugged .Off a hassle on the seventh ~e ·Friday and sank a JO.footer for an ~e three on the 17tb green to square fJie Ryder Cup golf series between the top i!fllS and from the United States and Bri-tlln at the md fl th' second day. ~.:The teams. playing over Royal lqr{dale's 7,t~yard links carrying a par f; 5-33-71. finished the second day all i!i"""' at M . ,..,Each team had "°n S.ix matches wilh '""' otben halved. Sixteen ~. all on 1 maldl play buis, will be ployed Saturday. eight in lhe morning and eight in the afternoon. The ""' came it the .eventh boJe 1n l·Ull-Ken Still mat.chi' against the British pair of Bernard Gallacher and Brian Hu ... tt. fllll tt'U 30 feet from the pin with his lee shot He rolled up his puU and took a I"''· Huggett complained that the American ~ wt of tum. Hill and sun asked tht tCtfte who replied "You've lost the ~·" ~ Americam accepted the ruling, ~it wasn't until the Dt%t hole that Still Ad Hill found thty could have replaced their ball in match play. ·• JSUI of Jackson. MM:tl .• said "we didn't lllldtrst.and the rules. U's that simple." • .. su.U, ol Tacoma. Wash., mnarked "I ~ that's about lhc way the ball game W*'. I 'fl'll shoot up a.:i: a result. So was Oa:ve.'' ·:1ut11, now rtlued after winning: said J•w,.al we won. So let's forget it.'' . ,. ·" . . . . ' . ' •• ' ! ~ I 1 ~ move Jor the 1¥1n& °' ·•IDninl ~''. I , Bllt Jbn Nanry lnltn:epted 1 pasa 10 ~'thegune. Mtttr Del'• defenx ... ., first c I a s ~ wlih" Tam · Grzceka, Mark Gatlin, Hit- lleld, Ml~ jllackforo, l!ill Appleton and Jiin Slartbum kiepina: the Santa Ana triluhd r•me .;.ittu1ng. · 1 lt ""a fi'Ustr~ nlght for both sides 11 ~e Countf'• corps of iebra.s &Jew ~l' every decent la.iii. In all,· Jnciab· called back two .Mater Del JCOres and one-San~ Ana ,t0Ucb40wn. And they 'Volded. a n -ytrd return of 1 pui inlet<qtlon by. Dunn, which would . l l I I ~ ' ha ve given the winners the tiaU al t ti• s.rita fal4 µ.ree. ; 1 • j • $anta ""8'• puuU,ndlOI . qu~bac~ McG4ckli11 had a 13-Jatd iall<p. IO the goel nullifleij "";• dJp. : · ,I Dunn klst a 32-yp.rd ICOJ'lnl 4uh with a latt.ral, which offk:ials said wu thrown Illegally (forward). · And, Haupert bad hlt Nanry wltb a 61-yard pass-run bomb. But an official called Jt back, saying \hat N8J)Q' b I 4 left the playi111 Ill'"' and llJ~ «\llrn<~ IO "'!ch t1>fl. paiS. Nariry nad b«n out of ~llds -)>ut he was shov.ed out -wblch should have made his reception le&ltimate.· .. Barons, Top Yaqs ' Valhuena ' Passes fo~ 15-14 Victory BJ +.vs AN11REW8 Of • -~ """ staff Gal')' Valluena passed ror tn aU- ithpo(;tlDC lwo-poiot conversion in tht tllinH1uar1tr and lllen bis ttammates h~ to scramble to hol4 on to a ll-1' FWntain Valley -.ii victory ow ROncho.llMnilol Friday et Garden Gi:ove HIP.-. :..... ' . 'Matt Mubulski took a ~ • punt bad<' to the Rincho 27-)'ard line Ind two plays lat.er Valbutna hU Brady Moore w1lh a p!ffecUy .....ied screen pass. The •Peed1 halfback took the aerial, lpWo off two tack1es and burst into the end ione for the score. Valbuena proc«<led to hit' &y Prey • ltlo ln the corner of the end zone with the vital two-poinltrr to makt the score ts.t. 'Rancho rallied to close the gap to 15-14 late in the foortb stanza and took cpil- lrol of the ball on Its ~yard Une. How- ever, the Vaqs ran out ol dowm on the 27 with Dve seconds remaining . 1be Barons uaed a swift ground at- taclr to gaJn"thelr fust win of the cam- paign.. Altogether Bruce Pickford's crew IOlaled 151 yarda l'IOOing. Slgnal-callu Valbutna was the leading ground-gainer, """'"1111 51 yards in 16 cam... Vi.lbuena didn't pass mucb but when he dill it was in a key situation. The senior quarwbac.l hit Reed Hansen on a big third and four play at the nine to set up lhe first Baf'Oll score. From there Valbuena did It himself bootlegging around left end six yards for the touchdown. Prtyleko, Moore and Dan Shaw rid their s.hn.re in the ground war. PreylekG the going turned tou&h. Two lnt.ercep- tlons,by Steve Mitchell an~ vital tackles by BUI ·Bra<k and Tom Makv>e slaved ol( many Rancho rallies deep in Fountain v.u., tm11oey. Mitchell's 1aat lnlerceptlon could very V(tl:I" have been Uie gaine-aaver as the mer saf~tyman grabbed off an err•nt Paul Shane pass at the 41 of Fountain Valley. 1bla clutch play ce.me with three m1ml\es to Piaf and gave ,his teamm•les a shot at "earing· the clock down. Fountain Val!oy tangles the Garden Grove Argonauts nut Slturday even- lne at 8 :00~ The last pre-season game for the Barons 'Will take place at HuQUngton Beach. Jrt iKl'l•I ·-Minne'• Omom si..~t Sortn"'n Tote!\ OAMI STATltTICS .. • • • " '" • " ,. JIU! "~ ., • • " • " i ~ ,\ " • ' • • • • •• • ' • " '" M •· "' 1111 '" "' ,_,, ,_,. .. ' ' u ''-! _, ~~ gained 34 yards in nine chances. fl.ioore G•rf '"lllv"'• 23 in seven carries and Shaw 18 in fi ve ~· ... Tcei.ct.tl attempt5. sr.a .... ' . 0 M ' , " --.. ., The Baron defense proved stingy .,,,hen t IU Same Old Costa Mesa; Orange Scores 6-0 Nod By JIM CARNETT 01 tM Dlolly Pit.I Stiff Cos la t.1esa High School unveiled its new look but with some old faminar results as the Mustang gridders dropped a 6-0 football deeiSion to the Orange Panthers Friday nighl at El Modena Stadium. The advet1t of a ne w coach, new oUense and new ''Green Bay Packer'' style uniforms just wasn't enough to put lhe P.1uslangs on lhr: victory side of the ledger iD the season opener. Mes.u coach Max 1'1iller saw his big defe.nsive line bold the Panlhe.rs ln check for most of the conlesl but he must have been more than miffed at his squad's lad< Q( off ..... The MUJtan&s managed 145 :yards rushiq:, but picked up only 38 yards lhrough .the air, that coming on one pass. Two Mesa aerials found their way into Panther hands and lhc two other at- tempts fell harmlessly to the turf. Costt Mesa's offense started il..'t only real drive or the evening in the noal mome.nl.s of the third period. The Mustangs took over oo their own 20 and on first down halfback Dave Davis i;rampered JI.yards to the Orange 49. Two plays later qua rterback BUI Adelson hil Davis with a 38-yard aerial to put the r..tt'sans on the Panther I I. Costa Mesa fought to the two with 1 cc.up!e of bursts up U1e middle. but a holding penalty moved them back to the Ii where the dri ve slalled and a field goal try fell short. ~' .. , ., Hqw They Stand Orange took over on· 11.s 20 and two plays laler owned the only touchdown of the game. Halfback Paul Sandford hit lhe middle of the Une ror seven-yards ao first down, and on the next play fullback Dave Porter broke over lert tackle and raced through a slartted Mesa defensive secon- dary. 73 yards for a touchdown. NATIONAL LEAGUE NJ. York ChlGaao Pl~h St ..... Louts Pll!Lo<klphil ll~al Eul otvtslo• W L 91 60 83 6S 11 70 II 70 80 ti SO tOI Pel .603 .575 .536 '36 .397 .327 GB • 10 IO JI 12 '·• H> ' ' 3' AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore DetN>lt Boston Wuhingt.on New York Cleveland Minneaollt Oakland Calllornla Ollclg• Kinus City Seattle E11t Dtvhioo W L 105 47 " 66 ill 70 77 14 'IS '16 60 91 Weal Dlvi1ion '° 60 80 70 67 83 6J . f7 83 f7 !I 9' Pct .691 -"' .SJ3 . 510 .497 .397 .600 . SJ3 .«7 .410 .410 .317 G8 19 'ra !< 27 ~, '"" .. ,, 10 2J 27 27 31 OAN15 'TATllllCS l'\rrt ""'"" <11tlltn11 '"" If_,,, •• ,.1 ... F!,.I .,.,_,. P<'nt l!'i'• Tott ! llnt .,.,_, V • rch """ IM v ...... _..,. Ylrft IDtl Mii ,.,.,,, tt!IW'd Plllln/A.,..._ Clllllncf P-lllWV1rd1 ""•lltl'd F""'DIH/F...,,blll loo! '" • ' • •• • ' )U ~1).1 t •6 "' Co•lt M-O•-"-ll:r °""'" . . ' --w" O.wil A!o>llf ... (~ .... -&t•Mr S..f'ICl!or• .l<!>ll11 HUI • • • •UIHIMO CMl1 Mftl •• ' ' ' " ' " Or.,,; " ' • ' ' "•tll"O ..... _ " K . ' ·-• ' " .. • • •• n '" " ,. • ' • • • ' " , . • " "' 41!11 l ':'O "' . -. . -. " • • • • • • " • ' • , • ... .. "' ... '' • • .. u " " ... ' " HO ... ... TILTING A TILLER -TusUn Hi,gh School's TOQY Andn!ws is sep_aratell uom the, football and fWT!· . bles in the process as 4e1s bit _by an unidentified ? OAILV Pfl..OT ....._ _,. Pitt O'o-1 'BIKancia Jlneman. Moving in to recover the baU is Mart Dennis (79 ). Estancia won its opener, 19-0. , Eagles Blank Tustin, 19-0 • Thomas Sp<i.rlis Attack With 2 Long TDs By JOHN CASS : Estibcla got a break when the Tillers plays managed to keep Ult visitors from Of IM °"'"' Pl• ..., tumbled on their own 26-yard Une and the goal line. • Curt Thomas broke for two · Jone 'lbiXnu made the best of it. On a broken Tustin had started another drive well touchdown runs to break the backa d. the pass pattem,·Thomas managed to squirm lnto the final quarter when Greg Benton Tustin Ttllen u the Eagles ot Estancia hil way through three defenders at the stepped in !root of another Carnahan gained their maiden #asOD opening vie--• -~ the_n went tf1;e rest of the way to _pass, stopping a Tiller threat that had tory Friday night, tM, before 5,0lG t1.111·, score with 2:01 left on the clock. rc~fu:: :e th~~~ attack was taken at Da,•kbon Field, Newport_ Thomas-tried • run around his right away by the hard charge of the Eagle Thomas' cruJhe.r came in ' the third .end for the PAT but fell short, }>ut Est.an-defensive linemen and line backers who period after. the. Tlllen bad con.trolled the cla bad jumped to a 64 lead. managed to sack Carnahan on a dozen ball on a J.2.play , &!•yard drive down the Midway through the second period , occasions for a net loss ol ff yards. fi~d after accepting the kickoff to open· Dave: Jobmoo took advantage ol another the quarter. 'l'UJtiD mbcue:. After Craig Dennis With a second down and goal situaUon jumped upon ~ther Tustin fumble. oa, tbe ·flv•yacd Une tarey Camaban Johmon wed 37 web up the mlddle·of Katella Clubs Laguna Beach In 39-6 Romp lolled a taterel pa;. u'..to tbO fiat; GOil' to the fl<lct fui tbe:second Eqle ~D ni the have Thomu step into the scene and game. . . . speed unmol.,led for 95 yirda daWn the Alter Cbud: Schilling kicked •. liPe lell sidelines for the final ' Ea&(e drive that ~ lhroulll> the upriglfo. toocbdown of . the night. the EaC1a owliod a JU !Ud with ~ol!6 11 Tho ho t 1h .. 0 1 left before the intmnls.!lon. "'.as mas w pu e 1ru .a George Allen's Tillers looked like a new spark. mto the Eagle offeme, ~te.r Tustin team when the iecond haH got 1omg, >but had t;0ntrolled most of the action throu&h Um I inte--'lons and key defensive U:.e fn'St period. e Y '"""'t"-' G4MI ITATISTICS J'lf'Wt dowrll n,,,t\lft9 J'lfll !lcwns Ptnln1> Flrs1 down1 11e,,.1i.t1 Tolt l lor1• dowr11 Y•rdt """"'" ,_ ' •ttlMI• • Y1ro:t PllSI ... Y1tds lo!.I Htt Vl"'I ••l'1e!I Pun1S/AW•l91 Gl•l•nct PM>1l1~!JV1rG1 1>1nt l.IN Fumblft F11mblu lo11 • ' " '" "' " '" •'3'.1 "' ,,. Tut tin ElllrKit Sein '' CW•rlvt • • . ' llUSH1NG • ' Ouvgan Pilc:kt .... ~ C•,...liiln KO•t dl J"""'°" Joy(' '1' llOmtl W10t10< To11I> l~tllt flftl"' '" " • " " .. l:M .. ICll ' " • ' ' • PASSIN• 111'1 ... N .. " ' l:tflMll ' ' . ' " . .. " " • " '" • ~ ' " " "' ' ' • ' • ' "' .. ' '" •1Ji,J 1111 '" ,_ . _,, " • • ' " " • • • • • ' " • " . .. '' ... u '-' ., '' ... ... 11.I '-' " Checking Out Pennant Races By CHRIS YOUNG Of 1111 Dtolly Plllt Stiff Oulmanned from the st.a~g CUil· Lagtina Beach H i g h School ~ football year with a crash Friday night. Sl!-ctumbing to the to1Tid ground garr1e of ,.i!iting Katella High, 39-6. NATIONAL llAOV• Weighing some 20 pounds-per.man 1~ 1:1r1 DIYhlM 4 than the visiting Knights, Laguna's ~:.:.."" : ~ :~ ~ '! _.Artists proved no match in the line play ~'in.it:'~ :l ~ 1: :: :: and lost the game up front a! well as on ,.. .. Y--1 .._.,. " Pm 1t1wrtll i. st. Loo.t•1 the scoreboard, J: •• .., s, P11n1e1111>ri11 a. cri1c:1"' 2. Katella broke the scoring i~ early in Ctllc:-..1 "°'"" ,, 51. Louil 1. """''r~•I J, th fi t -00 '""" 1h 1969 •• .,. 1. Pntabu..,. f. e rs pe:Ji , ,,., ... ,"g e season- "· Lou1 ....... 1 hDrnl 1, P11111e111111111 1: .... ., •· opening kickoff and marching 55 yard! on Cllk• .. '· -trul l. ..... y-1. I Plrttbuf"O,,_.. home I, Pllll.O.lloltll J, Oll<;Mo the ground to the goa , l , MOntrHI 21 • ....,. i. New vmi: J. Halfback Robin Brown put the Knights ~" Frinc/lot ""' ~ 61 .ll6 _ 11 on the board with a six-yard run. The A1i.n1. M " . .w .,., 10 point-after, following a live.yard penalty. ~=•'-' :! !: :_t~ 1 ~ :! hit the upright and bounced awey, no HOumn n n .s11 U\T u good with 9:14 left ln the period. ...~r';:""~ ~" ';7-°'T i. c1ric:1nN1! J; Brown, and his running mate Frank w. f r111C1-.....1 hDrnl s. LAI A111t1n J, II<> Danielr, led the devtstatlng ground gam e. 0~1~""•''-' "'°"" '· Houiton s. L., -'rt9"'' accounl for 241 yards of the Knights' 2.811 4, .... .., " ,,_.,.'°" 2. Att1n11 2. net ya rdage. l!rown. averaging 10 yardi; Lo~ A111tle-t '-'e 6, S•n f r11\dK.1 l, heck. d · 'th 57 f 1h """'*' b _.,. '-Clncl-11 4 5.n Fr1nc1-J per carry, C e Jn WI I 0 e ....,.., __ , ....,,.. s. Clnld ..... 11 t. .A11an11 11 total. •••1 a. ClllCl...,.tt .L Lea Al'll•lu " Following a lour-play series by Laguna Roadrunners'_ Myracle Defeats Diablos, 7-0 and the ensuing punt, Katella ag&in drove to paydirt on the ground. This time Daniele plunged through the line from a yard ouL with 4:J5 ldt in the quarter. Kicker Ron Noye added lhe first of thrtt successful extra poinls, and the lead mounted to 13-0. Laguna fought back. however. in the second stanza after Daniele added the ~ cond of his 'three toochdawns .. 1s the Artists look to the air . By BOB R<ml °' 1111 °""' ...... tttff lnjury-rldd1ed Misslon Viejo pulled off a football victory of sorts Friday night. But unfortunately for coach Ray Dod ge's hosts it was not the kind of v1c- tory thet counts. It was I moral victory as they held heavily-favored Saddleba.ct ll igh to a narrow 7-0 victory. The culprit for the vlctorioos Roadnin· nc.rs was little taUb.ack Brian Myracle. The Diablos hid troubl& stopping the 1§. pound Myracle on the ground all nlght as ht gained 119 yards in 20 carries. But the time he literally beat the Dlablos was the one time he threw the ball as he hit end Steve Ashw orth with a 40-yard scoring toss on a halfback opUon play with just 5: 10 le:IL ill the contest. Ashwonh caught the pass oo the Ml!Slon Viejo 10 rod scampered down the sidelines for the score before the stunned D1oblo defense was able to recover. Jo""umbles st.Ailed both oUenses in the first hall as the Roadrunners lost thrtt fumble.' and the Di&blos two. each one cumins after It appeared u thouah the offensive units mt&bt wage a sustained drive . Bttause of the costly bobbles there was bu t one pu_11t In Lhe entire first hair without t:itht:r side be.Ing able to bruit the scoring lee. Ml~on Viejo had lhe fif3l real opa portunity to score in the game as It tnarcbed down to the Roadrunners' ts. yard line.. But Alhworth recovered a fumble on a fourth doWn play and Sad- dleback took over. Saddleba.ck tben a:ot as near as a third- and-coal aituaUoo. but apin the ban eluded the ball carrier and ~kr: Davis fell oo the ball for the Diablos. There were no more genuine scoring threats until the Roldnmoers put the tid on a h'ustrating nigh\ for the Dlablos on 1'1yracle's pass to Ashworth • "'" •• { '" " I' mi· IT .. I .. . i Down 1&.-0, quarterback Brian Ottmer hit netL Mike Abbey on three passes, in-- eluding a 27·yarder for Laguna's only score. The play came with 4:51 left Jn the (See KATE!LA, page Ill 0 * * * OAMI: nATISTlCS J=;,,, ....... Ntfllnt ,..lrtt ~ l'll•lne Finl *-...... ltil:J Titt.I llnl ._ v.m ru1111"' Yll'l:lt MMll'll ·-"" M.-i VI~ tllnld P""lt./A""rat'I dlslt!\U P1111tltft/Y1.. .......II.ltd f"""'""""'"°"' loll °"""' ·-..... -1.,lh ,.,.1, ll \) • • ltUIMltt• ..._ ..... •• ' • • ' " K1tt.111 .. .. ' • ' ' ' " PAllllOIO l ...... •Md! ,': r ' ' ' ' ...... ' ' • • Utw1111 Katrtll• ' " ' ' ' ' ' ,, " ... . " " ' n "' Sl1t.I 2/ll.t 41:11 • &$ 112 ,,. ---' 1 _,,, . . -. 'l u ~ • " •• ~ " • • • ' "' ' • ' ' ~ " • ' • • • • •• • • • ' ' " ,, • .. ~ u " ... • • It.I .. ,, ~ ... • • " ... I 3 3 •• Je ·. • + ..... 01;1 -o~Halet1 , ' .. ' Key. .JJ o~~,r , ' .. ... . By ROGER CAIU.ION °'"" ...... ~ ..... l LA PUENTE. -81eff, • O'!Wo'a. Cl'U!blng bkick of •..YllaUJ,lra' paln't * tempt In the third perloil ~ M~ High S<bool ol a 15-11,tle with .hoot,J.a Puen!e Friday nlsht a{ter Iha· V1klnP had blown a U.polnt lead. Tb. Vikings of cooch Jim Coon bid seemingly put the non-league fracas away early In the thJnl period only lo "" the Waniors storm back for iwo · tOQCbdoWns. ~ When Warrior Chu.::t v~. picft4 off ,quarterback Rick . Saeman'J • my """"" pass 1o· his baci Jn 11\otlon '-Tony V entlmlglla -and r....i 8$ yards !or lhe tying touclido"!' It P.,t !hi! ~a League outfrt Into a )l08Blble go ahead ilhlilUoa. ' La Puente kicker Efrln Hemra had kld<ed a ......r~able 6-yai.I fteld goal In Iii< 6"t aod It apPeared be'd,liave.lliUe troUble In cmmect&ng on one foi'two-~ versions. ' · Bu! O'Bai<'s heroics spand MArlna an oPOfiln&' &Ill"• lOOS aod 'from ~ the Vikings. held on for !he ue, desp~ displaying 1 superior foroe for most ·'bl the game, Marina had seemlngly put the game· away in the openjng moments of the third quarter after speedster Dave Lacy had rel.urned La Puente's kickoff 89 yard! to lhe Warriors' rive. Tailback Tony Ventimiglia, who rushed for 149 yards in 30 carries for the night. scoretJ bis second touchdown on a five.. Yant run and Steve Abbott's conversion made It 15-3 with 20 seconds gone in the third stanza. His first tally was a one.yard smash in the second quarter, capping a 38-yard march. Saeman tossed lo light end Bob WI" for the ~point conversion and the Yikes had overcome a U deficit. O'Hare was brilliant defensively from his end posiUon along with mates Bob Lancaster, Dennis Kennedy, John Reed and Jim Link. · Coon's outfit was 11trapped time and time again with costly penalties -111 yards compared to La Puent.e's 33. Late. in the final period the Vikes we.re put in a hole when officials·marted oU a 15-yard penalty to the Yikes' Ove, ig· noring the customary half way diatance to the goal Une on a penalty inside the 25. Fortunately. Saeman punted out of danger to preserve the tie. ·~ STAT1n1cs Frrtt do'flM "'3h!ll9 First doWllll N "I"' Flm dowltt -nla Tot&! flnt clDwM Y1rdi n.ilohlfill "'"" "-""' Y1rd1 lost Het "l'll'lh 11!ned Pvnb/Awr-dlsttnai Pmattles/Y•rdJ ,.....111td fl,lll'l~FumblU losl M • • ' " m " ,. "' 4'26.0 10/111 "' So:en. ..,. ~!'kn .. ' • ' ' ·~ • • ·~ l/l,,J •m ~· Marin• o t 1 0.-15 LI Puenlt ) t 12 0.-15 ll:USHIHO MlrlM •• " ~ V~!imlll~ " ,. • O'Morl • H • Saeme11 • ' " L•ct ' ' • T<n11J ., "' ,. LI,,_,. Kalll " n , .... ' " • Ctrlai;a • • ' ....... ' " • SltWlrd • " • Tol1ls ,. '" ' rASSUt• MO""' .. " ... " ,._, " ' ' " LI P'Vlfllt C1ri.,1 " ' • " Sh!Wlnl ' • ' • To111t .. • I " Saddleback Opens Action With Apaches ... <' ... '' u .., u H ,, .. ... ••• "' -~11 ,., .... ... Operalioo two platoon opens tonight along with the 1969 football season for Saddleback College in Chula Vista wMre the Gauchos take on SOUthwe,stern College. Kickoff will be at I o'clock. Coach George Hartman is hopeful of operating with &eparate offensive and defensive units this year, but tho6e plans have several big bitches to them. The first ia the health of his club, which Is oore loo good for !he opener. Second is · the depth on this oquad, whlcb is equally quesliooable. Earlier in the week Hartman Indicated at least foor players would be going both waya against SOuthwestern, but be'a trimmed that !ill lo two. • ' Tallbacl< Pao! Co• wUI clooble up in the 'defensive oecondory and luDINl<.t ~ Fletdler allo will play def-•·end. Soulh-tero Is coming oll • 1.a ,...rd In 196a and .... bead c:oadl Art Flllon Is baJ1kint hfs hopes "° tiny (H, 170-pound) quarterback Gone GuaTa lo lead !he Apa<be.t to a better mark in '18, , Center Wes Miller and -light end ·Dan Jolm"'o are espec:tecl lo spearhead !he Southwestern attack aloog with Guerra. ---·---c· --~-. ~----.,--.,------_,.-,., • • """""·-~~,.,~ iq, 1969 DAJl.r·'°'°' f ~:7,.1 n:· ~·nte~eepted ·~as. ·' HIJ~f~~ "J Limi!ErFoe To. II~ Yards ' ' By,JAY li4VID ~ . OftlltllMtr........ .., it wai a \)'plcal ~· foOlball ~. fUled with Nmbhls --of them -"ii the uauaI amoont of mental aod ~ ~ bot HUJ!llncloa Bead! lil&h ~·a dell!..rle ind qiec:!al uniiJ,~ rJed Iba Ollera lo a U:T· vlc:lpry ...,. Le Hlbn Frldoy night· .. Cap -Ftela.!'I tbe Olf CitJ. ' • .. , Huotlngloo Beach, playing wllh' •'a lloeup that boaated llWe aperlenc:e Ood • quarte~ with no game time udder his bolt. toot a~antqe of two bigbrftb in !he Ont balf lo aoore all-fts points 11111 lben aat bacl: aod lei -cimllol tbe game. • ---r:r.~ The Oilers committed ....., of !he nine fumbles lo !he game aod four of ihoili came In the opeDln' period. • • However, u the game progredelf, juillOi' .quarteibact Garth Wise g- conftdence. f.~ While bis paaalng was lpOtty {S lot ltl, he ran !he oplloo well aod dlspl8fed "a fine lelM9 of-balaoce, Wise wound UJt1 .. the game's """""' leading ""'1tr witli;t! yards, behind ~ Randy Lldjd wbo piled op 511 yants on SDJ&Jbes DP·-" middle. -ii' Defeosively the Oilers wer< tough, &If· Ing op Jost eight yards on lhe groond 'aiid 112 yards net. Aiid !heir rookie 1lllP defense proved more than adeqti8U. allowlng seven com.pletlom ) on 23 '.~ tempts and plcl<log off o~. ...· It was !he oecoodary which provldlld Huolioglon Beacb with !he cuablot£, 11 needed in the second period. • -''"' The Oi1en ..... tied, 7-7, mldlri1t thnlugb the period, bot La Hahn· bail blunted an Oller thrust on the If with on lnl .... plioo. Thtte p~ later Mite MeConl daried In front of La Habra l!Jgh's Keiit P~ at the Z5 lo pick oil a Diel< Clyde - and ra<:ed lnlo the end zooe for a l<Alcli- down. .t\;.; CUTTING THE CORNER -Huntington Beach High School balfback Randy Llo)id cut tbe comer and looks fDr more l1lllDing room aa he's " • , DAU.T P'ILOT ~ W W ,_ <:based by two La Habra defenders. The Oilers won, 13-7, scoring on a plltlt return and an Intercepted pass. The Oilers' first score came late ln,'ff first period when Craig Za!Joo!<y toqt,l punt OD his OWD 13, cut lo the Sou!ie!!t aidelioe and raced home behind a waU iii blockera. Frank Hanas added the .ma point and Huntioatoo Beach never trail- ed. La Habra bounced back in !he ..OOnd quarter wbeo a quick tidl by the OU<rS went out of -at the H.-g1on f. Five play_& later Clyde ~ P""l'O In·!'" Big Week~nd For Baseb8ll, Football on TV Pick your sport, tu:m an the tube and if junior. jso't U1>5't about mlssl\I& his favOrite>cartooo program, you 're m for a big. weekend of baseball aod football ae· lion.on televiaion. , The red hot National League West pen- nant scramble comes in two sections to- day. You can flip back and forth between Channel I aod Channel 11 lo gel the AUanta Braves in San Diego and the Dodgers in San Francisco, both games running concurrently in the afternoOn. If the football bug has-bitten and you have tired of the baseball wan, the NCAA regional game today on Channel. 7 will feature the University of Texa1 and the California Beal'!I. Sunday you can take your _pick of the NFL titanic between th9' Loli Angeles Rams and the Baltimore Coll! al 10:30 {Channel 2) or the San Diego Charger gamt in Cincinnati (Olannel 4). A second AFL game will be aired im- medlately following the Charger-Bengal affair when the New York Jets and Joe Namath vl&t. the Denver Broncos. The Doilgers and Giant& wind up their three game series Sunday afternoon on Channel · 11 and then there are film highlights o! the USC-Nebruka opener immediately· after the came. UCU. Piltsburgb highlights are on Chanoei 5 at 4 o'clock. The complete weekend TV sports fare: Today 11:'5 P~. 1111 CF -DOOOIE!t DUGOUT ~ W•"1.f•¥ •llh nr11 be .. CNdl .,. tormw J1'" .. 'tl Ila!'!!. l•·. p'" !111 CL -DODGE II: w .. RMUP -.Jerry Dontrt '"""""" kn' ,.,_, ,....,,. '"~leltkl' ~···~ I p,lfl, (4~ Cl. -&.-.SEU.LL -All9nl• ....... It $111 Dle9li {jfldrn.. J.....".~n. ~6j~H~1.'00TaALL -Tnq l ;U P"'1. 10 CL -IA EIAl.L-Dodlln It S.11 Fr"1C1to».G n~-V1n4Cultr, JfilrY DoNett'mlll.....,. et C"""letll1 .. k •:JO 11>.m. I CF -OUTOOOll:S -Fltfltrll ,0,. .. ,. ~1cc· ~--on,H s '.m" (7) CT -WtOE WO«lO-CMldr111 OrW f'<_~_,,_ J>ru MCKl'I', Jr.hi i;_,,y;j, 1'1111 Hiii ""°'~' ......... ~ r "' r~I ~ EC' -Sit..,,.... !C•tlf I ll:Mlo, .,. el' tti. .. ,.,..-WW 9W11tt • rM Nlddii cl!'allf. 1 P.m. 111\ Ct. -'CM l"OOiiELL -C..I St ... L &tech •T v. I I bW• ltl ~~ "!'~".,..., t111•• fs-.!.. 'tt.r.er"~ ii),n .... ~1'1'!~ '-t Alt!..iiC 'A..ott.tHM _,.... .- 5..Uy ''Lf""· !J} CT -'4.D. ~OOT&ALl\ -~-~utdt ':"J~1,.~1.ii O:· .}..~,.\ -,lt)l.m. 121 CT-~··· m-U .... '"""' Jo • I kit :r _,.._. ··~,-- l'.rn, 1l\~..:. '1'.:111 " faALL -LA " -9hl NFC. CK!flf OlwMifl -4' .. COii,, (hudr. T'*"-.HnY Kl'9'\'IW "1 tlt'-191-Sillll""'. -----A •All ·orrr -... ,. ""OT1'A,l..L -s.., Dlfm ~ lll•ClrldrlMfl ..,_It. (!<....._. 11r NY., :n.~~·~11:·J~U CF -~ll'll =T -at.II w;'R.,,. i'IP1~~"'1!t"WAtftft.-~r.,. 't.f~~" ..,...,.... ··-~·""'" lc:k • ~ -, .. , f' -11.·~e11~.--°'°""" tt ,. fl'rl!l(llO CJ1'W!fl. VIII Sall~. hrlT ~ mlbi~ ., c-...... ldl f'•k f« "" fllllil OoOW ltllUtt cl ttlt --. i.rr1t111 .......,,. W WWW ... ....._ "' "l"!"m~iOI C .. .::..i.,,J.OOTIALL --y ... ,nl,... ., .;.~I:':" Ill ........ """ .. ~1 ~ l'lt\'.el'O't11tY -ri-r. ""' -,,. jJt!, ftL CT -HCM C\.I" -t!r-"f~.i'm_!".'c~~TaA.LI.-UK lt'll- t.,..._ •t -~ ,_ """" "*·-.. u-1~· I .tf!.: ( ) "'-liFOOn.ALl -'lthMtl'I hi.-.;.,., c~ . T'"' lflf'IMll m-... ~dli -~ ............ .. l'o~l@t -'at .OCIR Mongoose Set to Roll ' ' In Drag Title R<;rc'!s Retliin of !he "Mongoooe" highUgbts Orange COUnty Intematlooal Raceway'• world champioosbip drag racing series final lonlghL Tom McEwen, known throughout the drag racing world as the "MonS:OOllEI", has spent 1he past seven months at Eastern tracks. He will enter Under the Beebe and Mulligan banner, driving for John Mulligan who died this wuk from lojuries In lodianapolls • SinCe Mulligan's car was destroyed in the fiery crash, partner T'un Beebe has purchased McEwen's car In order to preserve the 500 championship points earned by Mulligan earlier this year in the North Central Division. McEwen takes over these points. 'lbe five high point cars from each of the.NHRA's seven geographicaJ divisions gain entry to the $150,tm Workl'a Cham- pionships in Dallas, Oct. 25-26. The Garden Grove duo of McEwen and San Oemente Faces Trojans • With a year af experience under their belts, San Clemente high school coa.cbe.! and playen alike will take a determined attitude with them tonight to face Suburban · U:ague champion Neff high ~I 1111 the EsceJsjor l!Jgh &rldlron, Klcl<oll ls at 8, The Tritom lasl year opened against the same Trojan club as Tom Eads made his debut as coach. Neff won by a 37-6 margin aod weo\ oo lo ,wln a league UUe as well. "()qr, Idell are mtty this year. We were green with a new coaching staff.and a new cyatem.Jut season and that makes a biC difrereoee:• Eada said. The Tritm altacl< iJ built a11>Und sprinter lUdt Gedde1 and quarterl/ack Kellh Gibtoo. Gedd<o bu ·clocl<ed·U lor !he 100 aod Gibson will be looking lo him as· a primary recelvtr. The Nell 1<an1 not only """·lhe'ieque l•t yeor bot the Bee and Cee oquads ..... -leq\le champions. This Jlivt1 coach sbii Thomll a lla!'tlng' 1lnellp of·nJne-1ettermeo and two "l""berl of !he Bee "!Uad for llllli&lll'• opeoer.' Eight of die starters oPtlled for the Trojlllll lut ....... . .... CL•MlffTI .. , ... , .. -• -,,, >n M•ll ' :=:...It "' '" .... • ... ,,, Wo• c ..... ,. '" '"' • -"' "' -' ·-... IH ..... • ~:'°ODN!d ... >U ,,_ • "' '" ·-• ... . .. '" ·-• -•n ... ·-• -'" Beeb< are flndlng 1he!r chase far·a berth as complek u it is unique. McEwen wUI be batUlng Southwestern, Divl!lon 7 cars for points to be applle\:I to Mijlligan's Division 3 aCcwpulatloo, !he only division lhmugb whlth ·they. will have enoogb points ,;, -"'-e a trip to Dallas. , ,,_ 7: So crudal is !he battle. for points lhal the Plymouth lactory team of Sox and Mamo is traveling from South ~Una for SatunMy:. OCIR race; 'nle p8ir ca~ tured the N8Uon1l Super Stock Cham· pion.ship at ltidianapolls earllet this moolh. In lddiUon•lo lb< lop fu.1 competition, top gas dragaters, super stockJ, altered•, gassers, modified! and stoclur will be in- cluded in addllioo to a special funny car record challenge. Mickey Thompson ls endeavoring to fly Danny Ongais' blue Mach I ln from the midwest in time for.the event. It was the first funny car to complete the quarter mile in less than seven seconds with a 6.16 clocking at Ksnsas City, Attempting to take full advantage of this Jast opportunity for drivers to set a 1969 national record, OCIR crews have been uslrfi;f a new grinder to prepare the track awface for muimum traction. Football Results Mater Del 6, Saota Ana O Anahe.im tr, aiatfey 14 Laara 40, Burroughs O Fouotain Valley 15, llal>cbo Alamllol 11 Estancia 11, Tustin o Foothill 29, SA Valley 0 Saddleback 7, MisslOn VieJo D Orange 6, Coot& Mesa o LakewOod 2'1, Westminster 6 Huntlogton Beach 13, La Habra 7 Servile 13, Clarlt 7 Western 19, SavaMa 13 Morioa JS. Le Pvento 11 Troy II, MagnoDa 1 Katella 31, ta;una Beach1I Fullerton•at, Brea 1 &:inora c, bowen 12 SuMy HiliJ U, Valencia I Gardtn Q,...12; So, 1'ol'rance 0 Blair 111, Wm 'l'Omnce 0 Santa Barbara If, Compton IZ Paclfle 3l, Muir H WhltUer IO, Monrovia IS SL Pao! \I, El llal>cbo I Lynwood 12, Bolaa Grande I El Dorado 19, SanUago I Poly II Redlands 12 Buena Park 12, M1yfalr 7 Millikan 31, San Bemardlno 12 ,, FVLLERTON TRIPS PIRATE RUNN'tRS Orange Coast College'• croa-country team continues Ha buq ea'rly seuon schedule 1hls momlng when It .-tes in the Loog Beach lovitaUOoal at Cal Siale (Long Beach). The meet will start at 11 a.m. The PU.tos opened their 1969 st8!0n Friday afternoon wilh a South CoaSI Conference meet at Fullerton and drop- ped a 21-31 decision lo the Hornets,, Jerry Fister led a onHw~three sweep for FuJlerton wJlh a 20Q winning time. Fred Skirde was the lop finisher for the Pirates with a zz::n time. FreshrnlD Ralph ,Dean look fUlh for Orange Coast Jn Zl:34 lliddeainntate Rick Pierce was mth In 23:08. comer. of1be mil """' for m -· ~ lhe estra point au.mp! tied ll op ttm-pararlly. ~ ~l 'UMt\ ITA~nlCI. •• &.~ ~irnm·"="' 11 !.) Fif:i dowt-. _.._ 4 Tal1I llt1I .....,_ 1 Yll'di nnl'llnt :::::: ~,. tA I Ni l "l't'1h N iiied JP! ;::!"r!:'1~ dlll.,.luid iti Furnbln/Fllmllti. 1>1\:1 7if -.. ..... .... i j'i : 't'l ' HvnllnPin '*ju~ f, =; 1 :-:~t W~~ .... , ! f ''" I ' ,,· Tlwnltl<lrl of 2 • lD -J ....... l ' J . 1'oi•li 2 M Wbo ""' 'lt~dl 10111& ,,,., W•M H\lwt!Httll"lh4d!Y ' ~J. J J '~ H'I' '!' .!I' .!!I ... _ .iii" 1 • • - Lancer Stand Crushes ., .... ,, ,,. v_..:: W estmiuster Early, 20-6 "· ·;. ,. •..;,.• By RON EV ANS <Ompleted 12 of l8 peues lor lZI Jm!t 01 tttt Detll' "'"' •t•ff giving promise of things to came. 1be.Me It look a great g01i line stand In lhe dlffenmce for the Lkina was their "': third quarter to stave off a possible acore ability lo handle the ilall, fumbling fear, to tum the tide of battle and Westmituter timea with the Lancers recovettng tbem. High School football fans are wondering all. , ~ if this isn't where they came.in last year. Lakewood moved 72 yank in ~ 'I11e Lakewood Lancers, leading 7--0 plays mtd ·way throuah the ltcaai wbeo ibef held lhe Lions for lbree downs quarter·wllh Blillqlon blWna Gillis filr • wlthln the one-yard line, went on·to s:core 13 yard score. Martinel converted. ~·":i!,r a 20-6 victory and daplicate their 1168 Kim Hannaford hit Gillis from llRlt opening game victory over coach BUI yards out for the &ea>od Lm:er ..._ Boswell's club. Last year it wu 21·12. after the &remeodoul &oal line stalld:..'to The gQal line stand appeared -lo take make it 11-0. ',, the roar out, ol lhe Uon stalwarts and 'file Jone Westmlo&ter tally came eUly soon the -. stood 11-0. . In lhe fourtb period alter Greg New&ouiO A junior •cl< for !he Lancers recovered a !umbl$ al !he Lancet 39. speartieaded lhelnuming pme.and a J!llr lllne'fed !he Laocm. • lleady diet o1 ol quarteri>acka dir<Cled a passing a~k pa,,_ and hilrl<d a'"toocbdowo from io that completed oloo of If for 116 yards lo Yards out lo Ed McLaugblln. The two. give coacb, John Ford's Moore Leque point converlion try tiiled.. dubr the hant..fougbt-tlctOry. ~ 9AMlj ITATtsncs Mike• OWens, a 165-pound bundle l'llrlt " dynamite, carried 18 tlme1 for 8$ yardf. ;:.=:· ;.:.,.,.,. f his 1--1a1n for 16 and be·waJ never Flnt """"'• 4 < • • , "°6"""':'• T_,.I fl"l 00-1$ 1l, 1topped tor a lass. v_. ,.... u *' ~ Eddie Bane of WtSUnlnster#~cm ~= i::,-t11t 1rf ':t.t_ 10 attempts far a net pin of 1$ 7ardl but =:.J:~=n:f.,_. ~ :4!!' . Fairground Spill ' Injures Jocker POMONA (AP) :.... !ocby B) ii Mahdrney aufr.red·a cwloo 1'rld11 wbei1 be .feu I-· hla nkiiml duling a quarlA!r hone nee 1t 1he Loo An&elel C.Unly Falrgroonds. He appear.ed to l0te hls balance midway through !he fourth rice, a 41). yard dash, fell from lvy'1 Winner and "ill la!octed unconaclous. He reportedly r<galned consclouaMU mlnui>ll la)tt, . Mahomey WU takeo lo Pomona Valley Community HOlpital Jlbera"""" lhow-ed no major bead or nedt lnjllrl.._ . , '"-l!lm!Y .......... llnd ~· 'lfl :. FIWl'lbt./F"""'*' *l '1t "' ..... .,1...-ttn ... ~..,.,.,. ••.•• -'4 Ull:i'Wood wu11tfN•7• 1 • -'»~ ..... M, .. -....... - ,., .. ........ flWd ~­' r ••T ! ' -:: ,.r _: ... " .: . .. ~., " .. i It ' .. ~ ': I I : . ' \ ..... :. ... ..,.., ...... 11 .. t= •) • • . ' . ' '. . " •. ~· . ,. . .. • • •• • •• 1) 'M ': n ':' 1:· '1 i'i' ,. . • • • 3· s ,,.,... __________ :7""1.,..-..--~ -----------------------------------~·------- .. I ' / I \ I 1) f I If DQ.Y l'llOT· • fatheads Qnly Woe ' For Woody • • COLUMBUS Ohio IAP) -"Th• Um• lo about an occident la before It hop-,. . t 1quot• was uttered by coach 'Woodrow H•fQ, a man of many tlons and dtv11tatllll football, lo his State Buckeyes the day after they iO., J. Slmpt0n and Southern a, 27-19. last New Year's Day ln oJlo-Bowl. , , calted UJat squad meetlna: on Jan. 2 ll)fil rauJt tl a compllmcntl.ry phone ea ,from Pre.sident NI.Ion." explatned R ~ who starU his 19th Buckeye M with hla-bristllna aquad tabbed th! :·s No. 1 colle1e team in The · ated Press preaeison poll. ~1Nnonl oUttr thin«S. President NiJ;on la.it.he hoped our young team wouJd not Jet' down or be vJcUm of overconfidence because ot its great sophomore success." : It so happened that Hayes last seuon started a dozen of th• most phenomenal tophomores in Big Ten history u the Buckeyes galvai;rized inlo a naUon1l and QOnfertnce champion wtt:h a HMI record. Those good rookies. led by a Houdini- like quarterback, Rex Kem, aU rttum and H1,yes' pn bletn may be more to pre- Vcnt Buckeye !afrheadedness than to ttolaee loss of only four starters from his f968 juggernaut. "We sUU have positive goa1s - rtpeaUng as Big Te11 ind national cham- ~lon," Hayes phlloooj>blzed. "However, the final AP rating poll Is based on bowl cornpetltion and our eeason will end th la fall on Nov . n with our lollchlgan flnalo." Oltio Si.te appears invineible with personnel so great that sophomore Don Lamka. quarterback star of the Buckeye spring lntrasquad game, has been put on let as a reserve linebacker this fall. AlttadJ est.abltahed as supentars, or gear superstan a.re Kem-backed at quarterback by another gifted junior Ron Madejowskl -"monster" defen.slve back Jack Tatum; middle guard Jack ~tillwagon; spUl end Bruct JankoW8kl: tigtlt end Jan White.. and such running bacb: as Dave Brungard, Leo •Hayden, Lorry Zellna, Jim Olla and John Brock· jngtoa. Among eight sophomores rating as No. 1 backup men. Lamka and halfback Tom Cam~na Are best bets for quick Stardom. Of elusl•e lM-pound Campa. Hayea qld: "He can really hum. He 's our best sophomore on offense." At the only apparent trouble spots, let- krmen Dave Cheoey and Chuck Hut- chinson are pegged to replace the superb oflensive tackle pair of Dave Foley ~nd Rufus Mayes, and tett.erman guard Bnan Ponovan moves to t't}lter vacated by John Mublback. ·Stang eland ·Era Begins For Cal State The Jim Stanaeland years open ill Cal State (Loa; Beach) tonight. Stangeland wlll take his 49ers lo Santa Barbara for their sealOO cpener and the .kickoff of lhe Pacific C.Oaat Athletic As&"OCiation. The came will be televi!ed by RT'l'V (Chaonel 11) with Bill Welsh dl'ling play· by-play.,Klckoff Is ~hedulfd at I. "We'll find out just how good we are ." u.ys Slan&!:land. "Santa Barbara should be one of the toughed teams \Ve'll play all aeaaon. "· Jack Curtice's Gauchoa have S3 let· termen b.ell from last au.son's 4-4·1 team, lncJudlng bla aon and quarterback , Jim Curtice. Yoong Curliet. completed 102 or 191J puau for 127$ yards and 1$ touchdowns. His primary target, Steve Moore, who cau&ht 17 for $73 yards, ls •lao back. The &rt hopes rest around a versatile of[tnae led by two-Ume All-American split end Billy Parks. Parks' l9i9 bal· terymate will be Shawn McKinney, an accurate puaer who played one season at tb• Unlv1t1ity of Wublngton. Joining McXlnney in the starUng backfield will be Leon Bums at fullback and t.lther Sam Redd or Jeff Riggen at WI back. Bu.m1. a •t. 223-pound transfer from Laney Collep, has looked very im- pr•asive in drtDI and could be among the flnat runninc backs on lbe Welt Coast 11111 roll. OI LER POLO ISTS STOP RIV AL, 7-6 R1ck Henry'• 12-foot •bet in double .. onlmt pve Runtlnrton Beach Hlih Scbaol a 7 .. DOD·lupe water polo victory ....-YbltlJll Lo Habra Jngh Thunday ill.,_ 11 the Oflen oponed. thtlr polo compofin. ff.....,... ..... '""" behind •rttr ltllllnl the lllghllllld<n 4-4 tt tht end of thelltlf. Cotcll Jolm G.....0.ld's ouUll struck bid! I~ r.., ,..11 In the thin! ptrtod on llhota ff""J', 8t1J IUce, Bill King and Bntct wleJ, In the fourth quarttt Rice bit on ~ ""''111 lllel Md Pwley tallied. IO lit It at M. • I, Newport, CdM Colli6e 'Tonight l!ltter mllla Newport H111>ot ...i lrvlnl ~ -Into Corona dil Mar~.....,,. tltelr football' the 11 •I • lever plldt, btnl .. -~ rfvalry tonllhl In the tlllt opener ror both ,,tllll molhtr llCbool of the Newport sclloela at DaY!dsoa li'leld. Bolch ona. • It'• the p"'11ler J>rtp (lmt" of the" nliht -r---p-,.-.----ktnl--~--.­ tn Onior• County and a pocked boolJ'i II expecttd to wl-lhe HYOlllb otniul• 11183 -N..,,.rt -II, :;.. Klnp lJ between the IWO Newport-Ill ... DlltriCI 1984 -s .. Klnp 111, N1wport 0 pow.,., 11165 -Newport)!, Su Klnp 7 Kickoff ii 1t I o'clock. l!IM -Newport II, Sea Kinas 0 Newport \tldl In Ibo •rit& Ovt 11111es 11187 -Newport Ill, Sea Kings 0 to one ll!1d 1w • four-1ome w!nninf 1911-Newport II, Sea Kini• I streak against the Bea Klnp. What's more, the Sallora are favo~ to make Jt five In a row. Corona del Mar, however, brings It's Newport, under lhe leadership at Wade Watts, wl]l field a veteran Jlaeup wlUI a big, mobile, aggreuive line ahead ot a TAK ING A TR IP -Newport Harbor High School 11 throw this brother combination of Ron and Bob Tripp at Corona del Mar tonight I n First Meets .. 4 -, neet of ~. bllt relaUvtly anoll '!be Sea Klnp open wllh .u 1n.,.n1or blclca. -• UMu~....S Ibo 0,,. ·~ to be oquol to teadlnc tli1 c:r\lthtna llae ploy of NeWJ>Ort U.rtlor'a In 1r.e IQd ...,.,;,ace. Newpol'I b .tiilOr Bob 'trtPI'· (1-11, 1111) Holland bai'-illch on ~~play wbo doubles at of!enolve pin! and of lhe lieo KJnp lince ~ .,...... .. day Cftflllll"' Unebacier. · ol praotl<t. , • Perbaf>! the tey to Newpor(a poalbl• Leadlnl the Co!ODI olf'IJl!ve wall .ore ,...,... lri tlie upcOmln( s.in.· League lacltleJ J<ent Scuddtr:(l.31 Ji*) and Jlm race ii lb• 'Tars' pajs}llJ 11me. North, (1-1, 115) and guaru lJoui Hllllanl startJna; at quarterback ii Ml'llor Bill (M; i-oo:..__ co110M.t. 01~ MAa Stiedd Jnd ht1U be tossing prltnartly to OJ ai::-:'" ~ ::=... w aplit end Darel Blood and flanker SLm f: =" o T-r;: .,.. ..l. 1• •-e P .. ,..., Jt~ r1on. 16) "l.lnllrltln o HllllM 11s Coach Dave Hollend11 Corona crew 21• ~ri.,. T ...,... ,,s worka off the belly aeries with fullback :~. = : :ii~~ ::: RJok Petros billed to handle line :: =:' : ~=1 :_: smuhes. 111 ttllil ,. M«11t. us al Davidson Fie1d. Bob,,.(_66), a senior will start for the Sailors while Ron is slated for backu~uty. Both are guards. Edi son Op ens First Seaso11 Again st Aztecs Laguna, Eagle, Viking Runners S core W ins \ German Girls Break Record In Rela v Race • Classrooms are only half finished, there are no available shcrwers, asphalt is still being poured and the entire campus is mass dust and dirt at Edison High School. The only thing complele is coach Bill \'ail'!! varsity football team that'll take the field lonlght 1t\ Bolsa Grande High School to battle Glrden Grove League contendrr La Quinta ln the Chargers' first ever game. .. Kickoff is at 8. Vail's crew is complett In numbers and poslUons but i.s undeniably brand new and probably full of many kinks and \l•rlnkles that need tO be a"'oothed out. Only ooe senior Is startlng on the of· fenidve lintup for Edlion. Center Randy Jennln1s. a 1i~pound upperclassman will anchor the line. Vall has said that the only way his team can stay with La Quinta is to stop star halfback Ken Eppelhc\mer, function offensively as a working unit and lo rliatdrt quickly In lh1 heat of batUe. La Quinta '1 Azlt.cs will feature the same touah runnlni attack that they displayed last year In rolling to the co- championship of the Garden Grove League. Halfback Eppelheimer was named to the hlckfield of the All-Orange Counly first team Jut year as a jtmior and from all indJcatlon&, he'11 ready to go al full speed again, after being hurt at the end of 1968. IOllON \.&. OUINTA •• ·-• 0-0¥1• •• '" ·-~ ' ... , '" •• .... • .... "' "' , ...... c """" •• •• °'"'" • Mh1r1 . .. '" --' -... .. (1-lt ' AMY" •• IM ....... • ..... '" "' .... • l111t!MJmer IM ,. _., • fl9ffWTWl .. "91f" '" ,. .,_ • ..... _ •n Laguna Beach got Its 1969 cross coun· try 11eason off on the ri&ht foot, stomping Katella, 15--47 Thursday a{temoon at Laguna. The Artists thus surpassed their \vin total of 1968 when they dropped all their dual meets. ln olller cross country acUon Thursday, I\:ATELLA ... (coatinue4 from pa1e l~l second period. The PAT hit the crossbar ;ind fell away, no good, making the score 19-tl. \Vilh only 2:39 remaining before half. Kalellt1, again following the Oeet feet of Brown. jumped the score to M-6. Browr., whose inside and outside run- ning seemed lo catch ~e smaller Artists on their heels, followed a wall of blockerii; around end from seven yards out. Noyes' boot again was good. Laguna'sonly good drive of the night , a march from Ill own 34 t.o Kattlla's 26, en· cied on two int"Omplete passes by Ottmrr. The Knights again struck a crushing blow, as Brown jaunted for 43 yards to the Laguna eighL The ArtlsU held momentarily, and then Daniele ambled In from nJne yards out with 7:26 left In thc th ird period. The PAT failed, 32-'. Rcllef Katella QB Steve Sorrells pit- cht<I a 15-yard pas8 to end Mike Barel\11 · for the Knights' final tally with 3:47 left in the contest. Noyes's PAT was good , 39- 6. llighlighting Laguna 's loss was lhe dnfen!llve pass protect.Ion by B~rt Tabor. Who Intercepted two Kate.Ila pwe.a ln the oecood ho!{. Estancia dropped Tustin ~9 and Marina clubbed La Puente, 19-43, The Mission Viejo-Falibrook meet was cancelled due to transportation problems. Artist coach Len MUler appeared quite optimistic on his force!' chances after the convincing win. Miller comes to LP.guna from Victor Valley where he coached the 'Jackrabbits to ~ victories. Dave Hustwick led the Artist parade to the finish nabbing first place in 12:13. This was Laguna's first appearance on the new two-mile hilly COUr"9e so Hustwick's time was a course record . Other flniRhers for Laguna were (2) Kurl Jensen, 12:20. (3) Sandy Beach , 12 :22, f41 Chris Lambert. 12:14 and '(5) Dan Moore, 12:5C. Josh Bright led the Artist's Junior varsity to a 19-36 win over the Knights. Estancia <:OBclt Tom Fisher held oul hi.s two top men. Terry Haun and Curt Hoyt. but the Eagles still managed to club Tustin. Steve Shureman led the Eagles with a lint place finish In 11 :2l . Other placers for Estancia were (2) Mark Ready, 1I:S5, (S) Eric Olson, 11 :51, (4) Toey Kasper, 11:$3 and ($) Jack Moore, 11 :65. The junior vauity Eagles dtfeattd Tustin, 1~·21>. Marina 's harrien opentd the season on a brtaht note with Davi Lockman leading the way capturin& first in a time of ID:!$ . P'ollowlng Lockman for the Vlkblgs were t3) David lienderM>n. 10 :$1, (4) Bob Phillips, 11 :02, ($)Bob Neilson, ll;ID and (61 Terry Kennedy, II : 16. The Vikings' Junior v•rsity tripped La Puente 18-37. ATHENS (A~) -Ian Stewart, British distance runner. and a quartet of We!lt German gfrls stole the top honors at the European track and field championships Friday, while Russia atld East Germany continued neck and neck in the medal! race. Stewart won the S,000 meters run in 13:44.8, loslng the lead lo Russia's Rashid Stiarafet.slnov on the last lap and then regaining it wllh a specacular finishing burst. lt roused 1he crowd o( 12,000 at Karaiskakls Stadium t.o the highest pitch ol excitement since the games began. The We,,t German girls, back in the games after their team had .staged a pro- test walk-out, set a world record of 3:39.1 for the 1,800 met.er~ relay. The record was shlttl:r!d in the heats. The four girls who did it were Christa Czek1y. Antje GJeieh(eld, Inge Eckhoff and Christel Ftese. The West Germans 'pulled out at tbe start of the J[ames in protest agaiOlt the exclllsion of Jur1en May, an &ut German defector, from their team!, 'ftley later agreed to compete In the rell:yl °"" ly. tt,e 1,600 relay is a recently rtcognlted t'Vent for women runnen. The previous record was 8:34.2 last July by a P'rench foursome. After four days ol the Gamea, East Germany and RuSJia each had colleclcd eight gold medals. • Russia'• gold medaU!ts Friday 1t'll't Valentine Gavrilov, who won the h!gh 'jump with 7.0''.t, J8llis Lusis, who "heaved the javeUn 298-7 and Tamara OanloJva, who won Lhe women'• dllCUs with a heave of 11M-5o/&. Lusts' Javelin throw was not far abort or bis world record of IOl-t. Irish to Use Ball Control To Fill Gap SOUTH BEND, Jnd , (AP) -Notre Dame'• Fighting lri&h, stripped or nine 1911 oflenalve starters, figures lo be • throwback to Ara Paneghlan's ball con· trol Irish or 1965 -with Ofll!! e1c:eption. The lrlsh, rated No. 11 in this week's A11soclated Preu preseaaon college fool· ball poll, will count on scrambling quarterback Joe 'lltelsmaM to put aome z.lng in an attack. olherwille expected to be a grind-out offense. hOur teoam will be good , but we feel we won't be easy for anybody," asip Parseghian. . The 1966 Irish, quarterbacked by 'non- passlng Bill Zloch, posled a 7-1-1 reco<d. Bigge.rt lo61eS from Jut sea.son include the Jriah record-breaking aerial com· binatlon of Terry Hanratty and Jim Seymour and halfback Bob Cladieu1. Par1eghlao's key offensive bulwark• are Jim Reilly, 247-pound offensive tackle, and iuard Larry Dinardo, 230- pound junior . De.fensive kingpins are 6-5, 274-pound Mike McCoy and 13G-pound linebacker Bob Olson, \Qt year the lir&t junior elected lrlsh team captain In 50 years: Paraeglan calls McCoy. a senlor from Erle, Pa., "The hardest working big man I've ever coached." Dtle to a fractured wrist suffered by Mt'Coy's tackle running male, 240·pound sophomore Greg Marx, Olson may bt moved {rom middle linebacker to 1ackle. The defense, though rated better than I year ago with Joss of only three starters, could wind up with four starting sopltomores, iocludlng ends Walt Patulsk.i 8..S and 235 pounds, and Fred Swendsen, 6-t2.10. Theismann, 6--0, I70·pound junior from South River. N.J., performed exceedingly well as a sophomore replacement (or In· juft'd Hanratty in Notre Dame'a final three 1968 games. But Parseghlan still is concerned bow well he can operate behind a rebuilt of· fell!l.ve line and without Seymour as a prime targel. "There's a big burden on Thei.smann·~ shculders," said Parseghian. "We have no experienced backup quarterback. Theismann is different than any quarterback I've had here. "He's lhe smallest but probably the quickest. He is a bit like Frank Tarken- ton and he sbould gain often on broken plays and rollouts because he 1ets screened off by tall linemen in the pocket." Fullback Jeff Zimmerman Is the only running back wilh more than 100 minutes of 1968 playing tlme. But Zimmerman, juniors Denny Allan and Ed Ziegler and sopOOmores Andy J{uff and Jim Yoder are regarded as 90lid, if not breakaway, runners and iood blockcrs. Notre Dame is shying from the popular triple option attack because Paneghian feels it would expose quarterback iheismann to pound.Ina by unblocked tackles or ends. AUSSIE NETTERS AT NEWPO RT CIVB Five members o! Lhe Australian Davis Cup team have prepared tor the Pacif!c Southwest tennis tournament ln Lo:. Angeles during the past week on the Newport Beach Tennls Club courts. Included in the entourage are Ray Ruf· Oes, Terry Adison, Bob CarnUchael, Ray Keldie and Dkk Creeley. "The facilities here are perfect and wt have enjoyed our stay at the Newport Beach club," all live team members con- curred. They have spenl Jon& hours on the courts practicing 11 well aa conditioning themselves with runs along the beaches and around the club arta. Bengals Risk 4-game Sk~in Against SD C!NClNN.<'rl (AP) -The S.n Di'fo Charcers. htaded by ace passer John Had!, loom aa a big threat to the Cin- cinnatU Bengals' four • game 'frinnint swein. 'l'le Bengali clash with .the Chargers tiere Sunday In the first ol a string of four go1nm that Cincinnati Coach Paul Brown say, gives Clncinn.att "the tourti- est schedule tn football ." The Chargers downed the Bet!ials, 29-1 J~ and 31·10. last year but suHered a 27-9 drubbing lll!t Sllnd1y at the hinds of tht. KAMb City Chiefs, one o ftbe top. rat.id ttama this year In U)8 America• Footblill L4que. , .Afttt' rnettlnJ san Diego, Cincinnati !aka on ~ ..... City, tht Chargora ogllo and then the New York Jet.s. , Behind the -1111 of rapidly develop-tnc arts Coot. the Btn11t1 uptndeO Mi.ml, 2'141, Sunday for their Om ref' ular BN&Ol'r victory. 1bey strvnr three triumpl'll ln prtl6l50n action after two --The Cbargftl'I paSsed for 250 yards on• 22 ol 4S •Uernpta aplnsl lbe Chiefs •nd A,,zy Rice ol lht Bengals figuru Cif!- cinnall will have lo keep exlreme pres- sure on Had! lo win. "tr he's given time. he can take ·~ team 1'part," !!kl Rice , 11 guard artd I~· ft!l!lve captain. ( Saturd.ty, Septembef 20, l Wi• O~ILV l'ILOT City Council Rejects B~ds Bullfights End.Sunday Eos Alamitos Race ·Results ·1 ' To Operate Mesa Course lOJ: A.LAMITOC l•SUl..TI llr!Qr, s .. 1. 1', INt CIMr & llltf J.crll("td -Ott Mo\#11, Go I.I Go. Mll•noli. ~••'-• It.a.~ l<lnlc:k. ~. \ w. •~•re~. 'I..J -AjM! RIWI -(;o 0. !Mlt, 1tkr11 T'-U 'flt. NINTH •AC::I, lJt ward.. t v.... D~lft, L.tO, All'llf'. Dtal lraflll~, l"t .. TlJUANA -CurrJto Rivera, •IRJT •1oi;1, »t w1ro1. ' .... ~ 01111 "''"" IACI, lf•1111 St. <°""'.,. -olds ono u olrl .,.." M mll'M.lt. flurw TY eiu. a.u. "°"' ,.,. ...... ..- •Ml ~ In Orfl;lt A Mi!IUI, f>ur ... lltcf, 17' Ylfllt, 3 Wfff Okll ff\jj .... CltJm1ne. ~ kf.IC!Md-*ftt, 'fJW'!tO, ¥/~ ·~1 Costa Mesa City Cowicll re- jected bo;th bids for operatio11 of tbej Costa M~•· golf and country club Monday nJght and assistant city manager Fred Sorsabal slate<! that a new approach to leasing Ute operation will be undertaken early in October. the 17-year-old matador who T<UIY HI (ll•H) II.to .... ~... "w"• n!lllt. O+l·C•OfOl'lll• tl'Mf Dkilf'I'' °"' T..,... .. ~ MIP. Ila I. ' O•IWV 9,, llOM ll•llk1l ~.00 J.60 Gfnit'I It""'"! ISIP'flllU} J.7' ,,llO 2 . .0 (AMClllelo j 11.111 IJ.IO J,,ll(I 0~1 fW 11 ...... na,. paired wilh Rollie and last weekend to win top has rlsea to betoome Mexico's Floth~ Met, .. , 1.t.01tri ,,.. •1 G••llarl IB•.,.•t l.M '·'° °"·HllllMI 0ttrt11 outt 10,.0 •.to 1.ot °"""'''· ~1'°'""' '"'" a. ,. Nancy Hick! fer second place Tl-II J/11, P1rlctr'1 I"'"' !Mil•) ,,~ T!llt'lll llkfl. \Pftll• '·" Mf"'-n 0.tnitt. Nloil ...... at 56.-. honors. Ernie Hlgh was second No. 1 bulUighllng attraction, s!'~~ B.v~.,.·· .. ~~· c~:11. ,~;; !:';;, .. ..'.''t01111 • Obie. 1<111e or liiiijj;~~,..;jj;jjitiiiiji~i•lt~iiiiij~~ii Mesa Verde will stage a with a 61 followed by James will headline the final t'Otrlda H1r19taw"· i:i' •udh ~a11. 1nc;1r.er11ot. T•IPle I · "We had 28 rtqueslti for apeclficallons since the course was placed in receivership last March but only two groups submitted bids. "David Price, president of Don the Beachcomber, failed to £lie the necessary certified check and Gulf Management Associates through a Mr. Porter did not bid according to the specifications." Jack and J ll' tournam t \h. Thompaon and Al Conlon, 69; of the 1969 aummer season scr11dlt1:1 -B•••fd'1 Prw.. a ... , U( eO IS tlCOHO M C•. HO v1r81. J 1t1r "'41'1 &!Kull, Allrulltl'-Gt!lent '{llo<. weekend. A calcutta dlqner Dick Johansen and Charlie Swlday at 4 p.m. in downtown 01111 1ne1 I.IP 1n Gr.Ml• • Pius. Pu"' will be held tonight wltb the Culbertaon, 70, and Al El Toreo bullring. ~1:., 0,,,.., <sm11t1) 1 • .i •.tt J.oo ,:,1xu":':•~~---~,..M1~.;z"',:,: htournamtnt running for la Johnson, 71 . Appearing with Rivera in ~!: ~~1~Lr.;'rt.r«oul 1•20 t:: ~.; J1nt ($trril"l • 11.00 s.ao 1 . .:i oles on Saturday and Sunday. "1~ , fin 1 be el' 1 Timt-ll 21111, OH.11 .... 111'1'~ 11: i;li n.lllfl•ml '·U '·: It wlll be a best ball of The club championships will tiua year s a e, a n it or ktitu.ec1 _ u11e:i. Ecltl•r. '""" o~i~ !:t rJ , 1. t. thr start early in Oclober. the city o! Tijuana will be PllOI. itecur' l(tt11r. Mr. '""' .-.i.o 1t1n _ SIMI!•. Ac1ntlr&1 -"· deesome event with two men Jesus Soloriano and Arturo ''.:iMOKTL't oouaL•. l·Tf'lltv * 1 :~,"'~''""' sfci""' aut~ sw.111, an one woman pairing up. '¢l -(:{ --ff Ruiz l.Aredo. They will face i°"""'"'' 0111h. Pll4 11tt.t1. 0H-Offl#\f1t "' ~. * * * lrtrine Cout bulls from Reyes Huerta .• oJ.·~~!:. :,~~ ;~~· J,;c.•• C'ostq. lffeaa ranch. c1!1:r,.:. 4:.~· ,1:;."111.. 1 " 8 ' '"''· Cinder LIO 1w1tw11 n.oo 11.• '!·~ A total of 95 teams are Luc:kr air c111i: u•o111111 1t,oo 6.oo 4JM M!u P1rr II•• IP.,.1 .IO ,IO Club championship p I a y Sunday's performance will 11rMt1n· IAil•lr> tit 1.H G\1~~!~ ~ft"'1 11.60 starts Monday and r u n s entered in the 15th Annual mark the sixth lime the M;r~ ~~; ~~'t.1"'""'1 •.to c~tt' 111!:~r1il. 'J.~:'.1 ML~r:'.'· ,,:.:r!:: through Oct. 26 with entries member-member tournament teenage sensation has visited ~r11c--Llr o e v 1 n • . v1"·• g1ltl'r>Ol'ld. Robin Ann 00i1i.n. p,.,"° now being taken. Tile event this weekend. 'The tournament Tijuana this year and he has i:t,1~,., 800 •00 Roctt1. S.ll('f' ~o 0~~ •• ~ will be a m1tcb play tourna· is a lwo-day, 36-ho\e best ball never disappointed his fans. 1101o1TM 1t•c•. , Y••' o1111. At· ment with Jiii memb er a of partner's event. Wilbur Wllb. each appearance he 0i:10~:,r~1 -1:c:~.:O J.."this.' ,.:*.; ~:i.~ t~~1 °111• i:':.eo"r.!o eligible. s~ previous efforts and S2JDll. Rtc1 c111 ... r B•• IW•'-l ).20 '·'° La ~ Robertson aod Duncan h' 1 lm tA stJlh oo"'' ••Goo' , .. m1nr11111tt$m:1111i •.ao st week the first an, McAlpln o-cha-, t -is ast t e ou ugu e itrotbYI .u.ot u.60 10•00 'Tlm1-11 u.1?. nual Serendfpity' toqrnament e are c 1rmea o won ears and tail in the finest ~~~'\'!:d1o1:0,:;:;-;1h1 ,,oo ,:'.!: 1.u~: i:::.. -;u:-;:,.:1~1~~ :':'.':.'; llANSMISSION COMl'L[l'E APJUSTMEHT SERVlcE (plu. ft11id) CURES MANY PROILEMS .. oi ··~ • l!.15 ENQINI E~llOfilC TUNE.Ur4 AN.(LYSIS (ptn 1*1fJ IMl'llOV!S PfRFOllMANCE Sorsabal said the council will set up interviews with various groups including these two on a management con· tract basis rather than a net profit contract as was the case in Ute earlier bids. was staged , with Ii teams the event. exhibition of the year. ri .... -2t1 Jtlo. c, ••r c111o,.., Le IC'-• J11. competffig. T~amswerecom.1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"--~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~-="' "It hasn't been determi ned whelher the management con- tract will inclu maintenance (\ ~ golf se. We may I ~eave ·t n to the bidders but not Ing definite will be determined until next month. "The council is planning in· terviews on downtown re- development at the present time and the goU cou rse in· terviews will come sometime after these are completed," Sorsabal said. * -tr Two Newport Beach area residents are eligible to win $1,00CI' and a trip to ScoUand as a result of scoring holes-in-one recenUy .. , .Ed Hayes of 4229 Birch Street and Jottn M. Irwin of 1678 Iowa Street, both of Costa Mesa, were entered in the annual Rusty Nail Hole- in-One Sweepstakes, a national competiUon for acers. Hayes shot his ace at the Santa Ana Country Club while Irwin made his · at the Los Alamitos country club. The winner will be announced early next year. -tr * * Santa Ana Jack VanRossem defeated Dr. Bob Irwin I-up at the 36th hole Sunday to win the club champiooship. While this was his first victory al Santa Ana, Rossem is no newcomer to club championship triumphs. He was winner twice at Riviera and on two other oc- casions at Wilshire giving him the distinction of winning al- three different courses. Bill Brown, former 2·time champion, won the consolation title wlth a 6 and 5 win over Swilty Talmage. Brown had defeated defending champion Bill Selman ln first round lay. * * -tr 1Uesa Verde Rolf Moller was a two-time winner over the past weekend as he copped the men '5 partner's best ball in pairing with John Scelsa on Saturday y,·jth a net of 58 and came back in lhe winning foursome Sun-_, day in a mixed foursome best ball tournament. Tied for second on Saturday behind Moller and Sce!S"a were Ed Warner and Ed Car- rol along with Banks Wana· maker and Ernie Wagner with 61. .Rolr and wife Helen paired with William and Rosemary Plotner to fire a s:i in Sunday's event with Norm and Ruth BOAT BUFFS A,lrno11 lockab•v i1 tho only full·fill'I• bo1t!n9 tditor working on ony llt"W1p1por in Or11191 Co1111ty. Hi1 1irdu1h•o cow1r190 ol bo1li11f, ind y1c~tin9 "'"'' 11 1 daily f11tur1 of th o DAILY i PILOT. prised of two ·low and·two high handicappers. with a best ball of foursome events on Satur- day and a best three balls of fou rsome concludinf the event on Sunday . ~ Winners w're Pat Ka.Jama, Gil Rettew, Chuch Haubric k and Jack Ashton with a 260. Second place went to Bud Sleva, Bi 11 Wallace, Jack ''Minut~" Rice and ·• ""' McPhiillps with 261. Third place was won by Lou Lovelet· tc . Lyle Graham, 8111 Assmus and Fred Kell with 262. -tr -tr -ti~ S11n Joaquin Nelson Stafford and Phi Waldner won the men's low net tournament wiUl 67s followed by Gerald Miller with a 68 and Ray Schwamborn with a 69 last weekend. In the ladies low net even t, Susan Gabriel had a '13 fer low honors followed by Midge Kelchner, ?6, Marion Keeler, 80 and Marilyn Jones, 81. A high-low calcutta tooma- ment will get underway on Saturday and run for five weeks. A total of 32 teams of two-me will compete in the single elimination affair which will be run on a partner best ball basis with full handicaps. -tr * fr Green Rit,er All 27 holes are now open and most members feel a great improvement has been made In the change11. Four holes were rebuill and a. lake has been installed between fairways on Ute 4tb and 5th holes of the Orange nine. The lake has 32,500 gallon.!! of water and makes b o t h revamped holes much tougher. The fourth is now a par-5 and has been lengthened from 490 to 528 yards. The fifth is lllill a 3-par but is now 218 yards compared to 174 before the past winter floods . Other changes were made on the 5th and 7th boles of the Riverside nine. A member-guest tournament will be staged this weekend and the annual Southern California left handers cham· plonship will take place the following weekend. * * * Huntington Beaela Club championship match play will get underway on October 4 with five or six flights competing. Flights will have eight players entered ac· cording to handicaps with the event running for three weeks. First match drawing.!! will be l'leld at the men's club meeting on Sept. 24. A ladies and men 's mixed partner best ball tournament will be staged nex t Wed· nesday. 't. * * Seaeliff John Shepard had a score of 62 ln the low net sweepstakes Coming Sept. 28 The moet exciting new apartment complex in America ••• In Newport Beach FITS MOST: OUR FIRIT LINE• TIRE FISK CUSTOM 360 30 MONTH OUARANTIE • l..fft·WIAJtNO ,,,,llr , ..... •.. , .. l·TIACK STEREO TAPES 4~~ , ,,_.,.. ........ ,._a.lo hhrrill(M..,..,....,,_,,,,. ,. Pride, Mtrk lbrpri. U-k Wiili•,,., B>w:k o..tto. t;d~r ArnnhleMll'l•Tiy,_ 8 TRACI STEREO TAPE PLAYER 48 88 •tUI Utl .... f1.Ut•1r ... u.nD111 ~ .--....,. ,.,..1u. mn111a i111tan11i.. ill &81 ""'ridll -•'-...,.11.i. ,...i .. -. run1 .u-..u.: with~ dlnNI cMnc-. All tni ....... 191W .. ,_ .. 14. llltf .. .-t1..ir .-.. ... --. . WI tUltYI tHI llOMI' TO we QUANtmll ··-·-·---~ •Q.-.......... -.-•1_.-~ .... -•l_.t ___ _ .,.,... ......... __ _ ................ --.--. .......... . """'--FISK BAmRIES YOUR BEST BATTERY BUY! on 11a1n1D wrTM •1111t -•• __ , ___ ..,.._._ __ ..,_ ____ ml DltUll 9ts un11Y .,. ; I rSJ{ ('UITOM unUT , ••• , • ..,.. .""''"' I.ts 1J.9S 1~...i ...._ \t ..a,--.. "'4ft ----r....i: "' '°"" OU.U.ll"S • IMlWftf Olh\I,.,_ 11 .. ..,.. ......... _., n6.J1S . --~--­·-- TIAllSMISSIO 2i~~ .. "•-i•.i.t ........ . •'°4,,_...._... .. i ... .... ·f" ~.,.., ..... -2'· .... . THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! W!STMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARK 1 MIO -""" .. Mcf 11111 sas u.-...... YOloy Ylft 5301 --........ Loltwloler n1.J011 12'-5'00 S:IJ.JOfO COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 1400 ......... ""'"' 146-7nr ., " • " • ' '· i .. : • • -:r • . ' .. : ... ", .. ,. ... .. ., . ' '~ .1•, . " -· ,;t; .. ... •J ·< ' . " J· " •• . .. ' ' ! • • • I . ,, ., ,, •11 "1 •i IL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· «'· " '• - • - I • I \ 1 . ' ,, , JI DAll.Y '8.0T • NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE --- i ·-...... WEEK'S ·AND . YEMt'S • lllG11, LOW ·CLOSE I NY Exchange 20 Most Active • I • i i • i • ' ' ' • I ' • • ' ' ! j ~ . ' 1 • • , ' I I ! ~ . • ! ; ' • • l ~ ' • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S New York Stc:icks Continued from Page 18 • I ill GB, LOW, CLOSE Regularly For I • • I I . I I ' ... I 11 fM!lY I'll.OT , ' l, ' • ' • -·· I t ' • I • • 1 1 I I t ' ' ~ i ~ ' ' ,. ' ' ' ,, ' ' l • • ' ' ' ~ ! r- " T ~ v • r, " " " n " • r. ~ !! " • r, " 0 c " " ii , . • " f ,. " .. " x r. ~ r. " " " " • " .. ~ fi " ~ ~ • " li " n " ~ " " ~ " x " ~ ' " . " ' ' " " n ' .. " " " J~ " n ll " ¥ ' • 1; " " " .. " i: " M " f, ~ " " " " , " " I " ' ~ \' ! ! I l " I • ' ' ' ' ! I • \ "' ' ·111 ------- • WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, ' ' 'IWl.Y I'll-Of If WW, CLOSE • \ •' 1 \ . Coverage • ! " : ·: • • r " ' . \ ., •• SERVICE HDOrs:· .. fOR ORANGE cou1lir'f ,.. for finest service, body ~i.~. & parts· by facto~ trained sf)etflfsts. OPEN .MOH.7Ul.T09PM 'Ms. -FIL 7 'A.M. TO 5,30 P .M. • r "'67 itoJITIAC \ . · '67 FOiD MUstAIQ ·- LE-MANS 2 DOOR HARDTOP 2 DOOR· HARDTOP -· .. . ,Y4._~ll.....,'nl,...., ...... ,.,......_. ... ~ .._. _...... ;w· ti • ..... .,_.. ... fidi,r. •·-OMllMM1 .... W..-.-. ...vrtNil ....,._ N'iiits.·, ~•t995 • • \ " • • . " . ( • • • • •• . ' , . . . ~CltYSl.fl . I · • -I , • t!EW 2 DOOR ARDtOP .,..: ...... ; --~· ..,.: "*'r:t':lrib.. .. =.~~---aw·• . •ttt~s '.64 FORD. . SfATIOM WAGON t . • • ' • • . • • • ,.,.....o.i...v., ~...,..,_...,..... .._... ·-~.,, ~ • ......... . . .'68 '67. PLJMOllR 2 DOOll BaVED£RE II COUPE . . r ... .. -I' : I . . ' . ' • 1 . . I· ' • .~ t . ' ' ' j • • j , '.V CA,.RO . . ' ••. COUN , "' ' ' .-.. ' ·.~1~fCj!;1.. .... ~ ..... ~ ior<l.lo.' "T'~ ,,,,..,._..,~~~or1 1f! .. al'ru.. r,w1t•~ Torinqs, 'l'PalixiH;.iF41C:Ons,rCotttn.11 ••• Hurryl ,_ . OVER . 40 TO CHOOSE I , · . HUGE ·Dl.SCOUNTS . -' -. " • i•«onlfll'Mnk f,in.riclng;W1 Will Koll> Arr•nge T erm1 'To S1_ti1ty You. 11 • • / • -• 4 HE J :I • f •• • • ... . . ' --' . . YEAR.;·ENQ ... CL·EARANCE> ON .All NE~w 6 · ' ' J' 11 's t!; . j. t MUST NGS •• TORINOS r1 I ---T-BIRDS · ·· • ' ! A~IES -LTD's I . . ~ They MUST Be .SOl4. ,. l •. ~· J l /So COME IN tOD~Y! •.. 1 WE'RE , READ·Y TO · DEAL! · ~:~ r ' " ,, ' • •' .. . I • • • ' ' . . ' ' . . . . ' .. ' ' ' : !. •• " ' ' ' J; ' .. ' ' ' ' ' '· . • ' ' • . ~ . ' ' ~I I • • t ' , .. ' , I • I I • I -------------~---,,....,-...,.-----------~-----·-··· ------~---------- p Dll.YllUT -. bo)'O ml jlrla, •nd IC. wtlc+•M back to ID ab-~ _.,.... edlU• Uncle ~ Lio'• °"""'· W1tb IC!lool slli1 ldloa up a .,eat deal ol yoar tlnie,°1Jncl• l.al'o' mailbmr la pWng • lipter and llghter. Unde Len : bOpeo )'GU boys and lfr'i Will : . cet busy and start /Mlliling • your entries in ogsin -llU ,. lodaJ, )dare YoU Co back to 1'. ICbool DC%l week. .. ~ OUR ORANGE Coasl area ~ his 8COf'ed again in the AH ~ Andy cd1mn. Tot!a~'a wintter )I Bobby Maestos, 11. of Costa ~. who wins a World Book "EneyclopWia far hll question, "How tADY dliferent wild cats u-,·to..--!" Lea Ve.~ J:. come Dow o~I .· I Our l'autwruHlavored art ,-~__,..,..._..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,1 • coolest didn't 11trac1 too many llliltrlel, ao let's see bow well we can do nut week when U. C'Olltelt topic will be 1 the -eri ol C.filornia, .. * , event U.t is t>eing celebrated PRJZE WINNER Jeffrey Odell, 7, 538 Fullerton Ave., Newport Beach * ab ovei; the Nie ihis year. THE TllEfll The ~ stand high, The Ir-. stand low, A> the ..,.Ind bkf!'s to and fro : I wa1clt the winds 'Blow I.be leaves Down fo the ground And all around tow Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paJW:f s• incbe• wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace p~cture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back or drawing. Mail it to Uncle Le.n's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. ___, ..,.,_ ......... lkKll ' BO~ mention Win- nen tn th1a week'• trt contest FRIENDSHIP wtiat is friendship? What is it for? 1 Knocking at a friend 's front door. ~g if a friend can play <?~J ~ warm and sunny day; • A friend sbouJd respect and alwa)'s Jlke you Wben you are old friends or even new ; A friend is precious like a pot of gold, And you'll appreciate him, young or old. • A 11:~ Jw.N Mli.r -,. C.ry "'611W, lt, nti Me .... Dr'IW, .... ,....,. .... tw tllt ........ ""'" Ill ... ....., ....i ,.... -'"" MaU ,_ -w ..,., • u... lM. ... JM Call• ...... c.tflnll, 9.'20 &9 11 F ill~ wit h 311 Fork • ja!Ckls it le11turt 12 Sta tllJI' JI Bumptious 11 Caribou's 42 City ol rtlallv' B'lglu111 21 Having b~n ~4 PL6h and stilch!d shovt 22 Sh1ped tikt 45 Sound or 111ild an tin! a111usnttnl 24 Cul iif 47 Kltchtn \ ir-----Carol~ dirner~--~ RIDDLES ANlt JOKES 1 •~apon ••l a~tssory 2. -~ • • • 2.7 C1ust to bum4a SubUl d'iGtlC,, ~SS strongly d~ls yt M_,.ltnd 28 l!ll 49 Quebec CltJI J a~" to vi"' · l11for~'d unlvtrslty 4 Ball· 30 U11acco•· 50 Olsdl1rgt 1 _. • . , •' ·• ~t • . * PRIZE WIN!liR Teacher: Willy, can you tell me where elephants are found? Willy : Elepbantsi are eo big !hey never get lost. · ; -Cln'.MI...,., tm Mel""""' .,,.__... H1111ll""°' a.clrt Dear Carol: Where can you aJ~ays find money? ·J.J•UO!PIP .... UJ !J•M•uv -M"'7 Gvd•'--MwftlltlM ..... .... '"' ....... _ .. ""' AIMfy, c/• 0...,. C... hly PU .. , ... 1161, Cd• Mftol, c•N. < . poillt pan lt:d 51 P•t of th! 5 Kind of boat JI Cttllh'I body 6" llf • of foods 52 Oar: tablt:W•t 32 For,tell Cot1b. !or• • 7 Put up •ot1!Y )) "I'• 111 51 Bustllng 4 I Pl'Oof of " sWitt s own,rs111p 34 Rumor 54 List or avall· 'l lh"lcia11 of SPftldi119 all lt dishts tht '«Is: mtdhl• 55 Sirds of Colloq. 35 BDlllb!r Down U11d~ 10 R!1l t sl1\' pllot's 51 TUfllor: Ul'lils con cern Sufltx , ' " " 7 • ' ..., ..... ~-Ht .. lllt !> Wlllrtll ltollll IMY.: .... 18 .. .._y ---,,. ~11 lt'I (.1111 M • 1 t , Cll~ Ill' --t•: ' How m1ny dilft:rut wild 1 all live hi Nort.b America'!' The differences in each group are very slight and no bobcat t'OUld be mistaken for anoUter animal. The varia-57 Our wild c a I s art diminishing. One va rtet y o( 1 cougar was listed as doomed ~ and conservationists tried to ~ ~rottct him In a national park. ;~ 'Ibey etem to be succeeding. A ' recent survey reported that · bis numbers have increased to JOO or so. Other varieties of the eougar are slruggllng for IW'Vival in desolate, deserted rqi.ons. So are our assorted bobcats and ly111e.s. But no one bowl whether this or that Wild cat may become extinct '-the ne.ar future. UsUng our diHerent wild cats poses a problem. f\1ost people would lis~ lbe long·leg- . I'd. bob-tal)ed bobclt as one type or wlld cat. But the bob- cat of Arizona b more blonde than the chestnut bobcat of Oregon. He also baa a shorter bob-till. Bee.a'* of variaUons ol tbla -. ICl<ntllll llJI 10 1pedeo, IUblpede! or races ol bobcail u naU•a No lb -And an o1 them live ID 1111 wtld. We Olio ha" Ovt ---and u.r. dlff..at J 1 a 1 e • . F.._ty Ibo Jlfllar •. the --th. JalUa"""" niillld 1J1n1ucb -ol oar Soun.. terr itory . But _..,. two ol -.... ti~ In Central and Sooth ~and,.....11,.tapaw MUI II t11o IUq Grande. A f°" . .i--ramrn.. m!Q' hi ll"flol la Ibo dense ••• -" -,., IOilh<m lcnsl.s. I tions are in color tones. l:or+-+-t-j- thickness o( the fur and 10roetimes in size. Similar variations occur in the dif- ~ot cou.sars and lynxes. Almost always these dlf- ferencu l'.rt linked to an animal's ran1e. The New- foundland lynx is somewhat darker than the Alaska lynx. lhou&b be hos the ''""" thllli silky fur. Some ol the bobcalj are clearly spotted and others are speckled or mottled. Those Uun liie in northern rcgiorui have thicker coats that the desert dwellers. As wild animals, the cats are a 'Vtl'J special breed. Their·v1riatlons are related to their way of life. They ire, of course. carnivorous creatures v.·ho 9ine on freahly caught meal. TheJ musl be superb hunters in order to survivt. A huntini animal t.end.a to •take out bfs own W"ritory and •41pt himMlf to • ctrtaln ranee. Ula coat must be IUl\lble for local wtathet COO· clllJGol. Ria color mull bltnd quldly Into hit IU!TOUlldJnas. No two ldu.., In a Ulte are exadly aJll<e. But a baby bob- cat with 1 acanty c»at tfould not """'"' thrvu&b a wtntor In the norilttm fore.ti. A dark coated kitten wquld hi •trt consplCliOUI bounc:liu o•er lbe pale cleMrt roc:b. 1'lie mlsllll are weeded out and varl1Uons 1 r e Wl.blLlbed In dlffe.rtnt locallOes. All our bobcall ora bobcAll, lhougli we l'live 10 dUl.,..nt typu. All tile furry, pointed-eared lynxes ol the northern {ore1U are lynxes. SclenUat& recoRDiu ( i v e related 11peciea ol the maa:nifl- cem coqar." But no mauer where be lives,· be ls withOQt doubt the king or our na.Un wild cats. 1n Ule lllOOI, the great spot.. led jaguar r<>amed through Texu, Looiabna and • pair was seen as f1r north as Colorado. In ItlO. 11 lone survivor was abot.in ArU.nas. The beautiful little ocelot was once at home along oor Red River and other forested 10Uthem 11.vera. 1\e small jaguarondl, alias the olter cal. bunted lhr'"'&b these wne rqlons and maybe a few atUl airvlve there. But. we can no !oncer 11111 the m!Dlll Jaguar and the lol/tl,y oe<lot u truly cur own. Wllr -""1cbud po11 '"' d .... 1 MOit quicksands do not ,.ally· pull you down. Thti 101 you down. You can 11rim In the watery ,e.1 and. w1llr aate- ly oo !ht firm beach 11nd. A cndcband ta • IOllPJ mi1lure d 11nd tnd •attr -too lootY for awimmlng and too '°Ill' for walking. It ca.nnol .support lhe weight of your body and you sink down like a stone sinking through water, only more tlowly. Lei'• hope you never acclckntally step lDto one of these booby traps. YOW' chances are better if you be.long to a club such as the , Boy Scouts. They teach y o u what to do. just ln cue. Then! are quiclulnds on beaches. When . the Ude goes out a few of these do tend to suck a body down. Most or them just 1et you down unlll you sink above }'(M.lJ' head . There are also soggy-boggy booby tra~ lurking along lake shores aod river banks. They .are IOUpy mlxtuus of water and silty mud. SOme are dllgul~ with toppings of , ..... .,, to looll lil:e grassy meadowl. All ~ agree that the bell aalely rule la to plan ahead. Quicksands and their bow" , tlnfolk can fool any younc explorer. So when' YoU ao wanderlna, be .,,.. there are aturdy grG1m11JJf near enough ta hear your criee for help -jwlt In case. Better still. moke !Mends '"Ith an older penon who knOW1 Ille outdoon. And take him •loni lo lat for bogy booby trapt th•l lull mlghl be lurldn1 ahead. S1EYE ROPER , GOT "NY SUG6ESTIOllS HO¥.'i OFFICSt f-NY IUEL·-COllCEO , •• lllll ..... J ,., .•.. -~ .......... ·- JUDGE PARKER MOON MUWNS Mun AND JEFF uEl'F, I WANT1t> EXAMINE YOUR OOOC\.EBUG ANO SEE 'M-tA'T MAKES IT K~ GR.A8 OOE END! GORDO ""' MISS PEACH OUT/ ---- NOW STRETC~ IT AND l'LL NAIL IT TO IHE 'f'\.,OOR! ---·---- r, ·~· \' I I ~·., . ·.- ', ' • By Ferd Johnson 01ir~'CUFF, lOJtP P.! ON1M'CUFF! PON'Ttil,4 IQICfW Yl'R 8USIN!;SS, ~T? r-l!Yl By Tom K. Ryan · By Al Smith -el1(£1>'t' IT1S JUST l'IOT c:o!IH~TED-. i 1 • ' ~---- ' . HOUSf:S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE llOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSeSfOlt SALE HOUSESflOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener1I 1w ' &;;;O,.t ''' , .. .,;,..~\ " 1000 G;;;i1 lllDO G..ter1I 1• Genenl 1000 Gener•I 1000 benor11 1000-r•I 1000 .,..., _ MATT LA BORDE, Realtot _ _ , INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Pete ·Barrell f<ea·lt'I OPEN THIS WEEKEND 1-5 Chcuf'Ul lrvlnc Tl"n', 3 Bt. Protected yard. $42,SQO ' 1319 BONNIE DOONE LARGEST SELECJION Located ln the center o! the COSTA MESA 1. INDUSTRIAL DIS'l'RICT. Six year old, 2,000 . pn~n~ . squan; foot buildin_g presently used •.a ~ 1 \. .. ' pfumbrng shop , easily adapted to many Ill· Ol'EN HOURS ~ dustrial or commercial uses. Three private Offictis* storag~ room plus large~ *p arte "lith ove~ hea~, ~l's. Property• . ...,pletely • ·bla4·tfpped ~ ~ link I en,~ d . AN 'IDE/IU.SUY 4T ·.\: •1 ...... ., .. ,. .•. $33,250. Present FinanCint£&n be ass um.ea. . , · ! RAMBL'NG HOM. 2l50 ·SQ.•i\.,J:if customi7.,ech ljvUig, ·~u I . F.OUR' llli'Dlt'OOM, TWO MTHS, :W x · l'AMICV'R60M with FIRi!'PLACE and sep- aratt GUEST ROOM. (ideal Mother·ln·Law quarters). Enclosed garage, t\VO protected patios. The answer to a large family's prob- lems. A bargain at only $25.950 with various means or f.inancipg available. CALL FOR DETAILSJI EASTSIDE COST A MESA -)_'\ 4 ' ' . DOVER SHQ!IE -VIEW . · I 3700 sq. ft. ~ 'i:ustom elegance.: .de~ghtful family plan : 3 BR,r3"""batlis, dining, room, maid's room. Wal.out paneled adult !aniily room with fireplace and wet bar. , .. 1046 P11...ior Dr. (~Sun 1..Sl . Pl!ICE REDUCED -VACANT • BR.. den . family room , & formal d i n i n g room, Baycrest. Large yard and new pool . High insurance loan available. 1907 Hollld•y (Open Sat-Sun l·Sl WESTCLIFF -DESIRABLE LOCATION 4 Bdrm, large family room, and large kitchen with breakfast area. New carpets and paint. 1514 Warwick (Open Sun 1-5) Half blQCk from ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC BAYCREST -VACANT CHURCH and PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. Two 4 Bdrm, family room, den, and dining room, bedrooms, dining room. deluxe ki tchen and A Bonus: child-safe swimming pool. large 18'xl8' family room. Family room 1607 Santl•go Dr (Open Sat, Sun 1.5) could be used as a third bedroom. Two patios (one covered) -16' x 30' HEATED and Fil· BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED_:WESTCLIFF TERED POOL. Double garage and boat or You don't have to lift a hand to move int o • VACANT, redecor. 3 Br., din, .re !am, ln1med. mo:vc-Jn. bltn, t.rcez.cr, many !Xtras. $ll.500 2215 ANNIVERSARY • Lldo 1'1i<.l'roba•~i;,J<,. !. .. ,oversize lol. Sou th patio. let VIA TRIESTE • CJM DUJl:Lex, doubltt loL. T9w. cring SycanlOres. 'T'enns. . 4111fERNLEAF • OPEN SA'P. Nr"'·ly decor. 2 Br. on 42' R-2 lo!, tenns. $35,900 S09 BEGONl/I . ' OPEN SUN. ONLY Decorated for the "now" i encration. 3 Br., wet bar. lotln. care yard. $34,900 18061 MANN HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 67>4392 Anytime MESA VERDE trailer storage off alley. ~enced and beauti-this 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home \vith paneled fam- full land scaped yards. AN EXCELLENT i/y room. 5 BEDROOMS BUY -First Come First Served. 1100 W•stcliff Or. (Open Sat, Sun 1-5) 3 baths. electric bit . ins. 5 Bedrooms - 2 Baths Offic• Open S•turd•Y• & Sund1y1 ep~~.:i·D~~·N R.~l:y · 5 BDRM, Sp'allish, on the course '73,SOO • > , lmmac. f ll'i>RM. Pacesetter, $34,'50 , • , Twe>Story, big! g"'*tiJom, $41,9SD ... Needs ~int, on fairway with pool, view, oDly $54,950 ,, .... 3 BDRM, Pac,,. setter, near Ad8ms Elem., $331950 ..... . ' Ca mbridge Estates, 3 +den, Vac., $33,750 · . , .... Garden atrium: 4 BDRM. $:15.500 , ...•. Breathtaking view, new 3000 sq. fl. lull 6.9% LN., $11,SOD , ...•• CUto 3 BDRM, shag cpts. nr. course, $26,'50 .... Republic 4 BDRM + diJl , siJigle story. Immed. Occup .. $4117~ .••.. Clean 4 BDRM, Will lease $mf mo. Uicl. gardnr •..... View ·homesite, $16~ft0 . . . , ; . Newest tistiJlg, 4 BDRM, big lo~ nice aru .$28,950 . : . : • Palatial estate, pool & view. Cities' linest'$15S,000 ..... . Home with everything, \iv , din . fam, & 4 BDRMS, 2 story, 2 !rplcs $46,950 .• , .•• 2150 MIS.A Yll;DI Dlt. e COSTA MtsA e PHOMl 146-lttO pper ay P.ETE £ARREIT REALTY Be•utiful Duplex l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll u B · J s10-~so Evl"S. 6.fl-4951 Two Story-$26,500 ~... 16os. w .. 1,u11 Dr .• N.B. ~~,'. :i'.';~;a.:":~;,, .. ~ For Daily Pilot Want Ads SLIGHTL Y'sPANISH, slate entry, brick L.R. t · 642~5200 "nm. floor. "Death Valley. Rlick Bark" fireplace. • ""'"':'~.,;"~ ..... , "" Jelephane 642-5678 Mexican tile in baths. COSTA MESA'S BEST ·-~··-~ lllG-FAMILY BUY. N .. Ued al the end of a . "-"==· =====:;._ ____ ....;.. __ _ pnvat.e c~l-de-sac. Large yard -workshop & Gtntril tOOO General fOOOGeMral · 1000Gtn.r1I · 1000 General plenty parking space. NEAR Y.M.C.A. -Be _________ I·-'-"''-----------------------.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[I 1000 cha~HEAPlsE -CLOSE IN MESA VERDE COURTYARD POOL "'° 4 BEDROOM ONLY $11,950. Don't lei the price loo! yo~. $2B,850 Tb1s t\vo bedroom • eleganUy carpeted over wood floors has been remodeled recenUy and of!e~s a BEAUTIFUL BUil T-IN KITCHEN WITH ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar. din· ette area and separate service porch. Live in comfort and shop only two blocks away at E . 17th Street Shopping Center. R-2 LOT · ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER. SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED \\'llh a ~au11ru1 5'" ~; FHA Loan, ASSUlfABLE at 5~ <;{. "'ith NO point,;! S1ti4 /mo. PAYS ALL~ Huge Jiving room, spacious IAmily rooin, built in EJ..ECT'RIC kitchen. Like n<'w carpetin&. lovt'IY patio and landscapinr. Near &ehoolii and shoppin&. HUR- RY for Uns one! WE SELL A HOME 646•0555 EVERY 31 MINUTES 220 E. s ..... .,.t~ St. Walker & Lee IE. 17th St. Sltoppi"t Ctr.) · 2C4J Westcliff Dr. Z20L I~ '46-9555 COSTA MESA 646-ml Open Eves:. '// / "k f . d/ , 2400 ELDEN #32 you 1 e our nen y service o,,. soR. ""' "''" ba""""" Evenings Call 548-3265 or 646.-4579 pad, 'Vhy pay rent "'hen you can have a Ill." wrilc:'-OJf? Sl8,950 full price. Your G9ner1I 1000 terms. Try first & la.!!1 month'!! plus secu1•1ty ~pas. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I 1t as the down payment. Va. ONLY 13 ODO FEET cant. no credl1 checlc, MOVE 413 ACACIA ' IN TODAY! CORONA DEL MAR "PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH" O\armirlg 2 story farm hou~. with everything, including pegged hardwood lloor5 to modern built;in kitchen. Pri- vacy on Ice land, South of the Hi-way. 3 bedroom, 2 ba!h + laifc family room. i~T,500. 613-8550 RTHEREAL \. ~p'.f A,'.fE~ TO BEACH Sr you'll also gel <( big bdrms. 2 baths, "''/w carpets, drapes, plw;h landscaping " much n1ore. Walk to school.~ &· shopping. VA NO DOWN or IBA financ- ing <1vallable, Be qu iC'k! BALBOA PENINSULA Functional. y,·ell planned family home, centrally lo- cated nr. ocean &: bay, park & tennis Cts. 4 BR., 2-sty. S:f.l.&00. 17•11 Plaza De! Sur. MODERN 1 YR. OLD • COATS 3 BR. 2 Ba, home designed It for 2od story unit. 2 Blks to WALL.AC! bay, ocean, shopping, $49,500 REAL TORs Rid Carpet Realty $18,500 .546-4141-2025 W. Balboa. NB 6~ J bedrooms, 2 balhs, all elt'<'· fOpen Ev..Wnp) 2~49 E. Cst liwy CdM 675-6060 tric push bUUoti ~uil1·in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!""I $24,500 kitchen o.•itJt TIC\V vinyl til.J. SQUEEKY CLEAN "FOREST OF TREES'' SpaclGus I yard . delightful d 'be 3 BR, BA Tafl trees shade I~ grounds. patio. NC'ar Ocath, schools & cscn 5 .our . 2 Block 1\·an fence. ~lig~tful shopping. llomc iv/hrcplc, ~kc new "w patio, artistic l<1nd&eapu1g, l 846-0604 TARBELL cpls. drps, blt·in rangr l: Bedroom, 2 balhs, formal !---------I OVl'll, and P(X)L. \Ve loVf' dining roon1 Drcan1 kitchen APPROX1~1ATELY 12 acre our horne. but n:ust llCJl fo1· • finest buill-in appliances.- Avocado grove: 3 BR. 1~• reasonable pr 1 c e. ~pen dish"•asher. 5'ID-11'.!0 Baths-Ifill Top View home. hou!iC. 1833 S. Fore111, San1a TARBELL 2955 H bor Sam \\'/ 11tud10 apt, Ana. Phone the Albert8oru;, ar TI4/728-89l6 540.271 ~ DiaJ 642-5678 !or RESULTS 1000 Gener•I 1000 General • Office Open Offlct O,." Satur4ays & Sund1y1 Cl1eck These Hu111f~Plched V oh1e1 PART TIME CARPENTER r·1nish. the extra room with bath to existing 2 bdrm. unit In ~t COM area and you'll ha\le the "buy of buys" at $39.500. Copper plumbing, Hd"'d fln, paneled Uv. Rm, Beamed celling, h'plc. Cbenn and character Inside and out. All lhi.!l plus rental apl in rear, ideal for the right party. 675-3000 E11enlng~ 673-ffiM IRVINE TERRACE SACRIFICE . A real family-tested home now too large for widow. Quality all the \11ar,. 3 Bdnn .,.. Hobby Room, 3 Baths, Top area, priced well Undf!I' tomparab e homes. Vacant -quick possession, abttnt owner very C'ooperallve on terms. Low dtlwn payment, will carry 2nd, wlll Men acrept trust det'ds -• n'.'al value a l $54,950. 675-3000, Evening! 675-6n:.i NOW HEAR AND SEE THIS! 2 Bedroom hom~ + tully furnished i Bdrm rental Apt. "lk!4lOtlfut down· town Corona de.I Mar" -enjoy close-in, convenienct' livini:: "'Ith rrnW ulCome. You can'l beat It for $44,500. 675-3000, 644.(818 FABULOUS OCEAN VIEW LOT Onr.-Fourth Acre adjacent lo Emerald Bay, In area of Sl00.000 homea. Build· ing Kites of this type: are almost nonexistent anymore-wilt\ pricn soar~ng. Owner will carry ~t Trust Deed or might consider subordination. Priced novr at '31.900 - a look may do It. 675-3000. Evenlngii: 675-5764 GREAT 3 BEDROOM TWO-STORY DUPLEX .. , wcU under h>day's reproduction cosl!I ! On Ottan side of Coast Hwy. close-in COJ\f. only 5 yCBrs old, good construction. F.ach unit hu 3 nice Bdrms, 2 Baths, modern built-in kitchen, b~akfast bar, frple, double gar- ag~. $62,500--end \Ve have a serious selJer. 675..aoc>o, Evenings 673-04'79 QUALITY 4 PLEX $58,500 Terrific Costa ?>I~ location. 4 good. modern units, nearly 1,000 sq. ft. Pl:\. 2 Bdnna, l liii Baths. • car110rls, extra storage. Schrdul~ grog $6480-Bef· ter than aveng~ return. Orw' vacancy 1l9r New Owner. Shown anytime. Sound Interesting? 675-3000, Evl'nings 548-8868 ?.1ulliple Salrs U11 195' Ovf'r Ui.st Y~11.r. List NO\\' -You ll<'vrr had it ~o i:ood! Call U! plcasr . , , 675-3000 for rnarkrt appraisal. CALL NOW PLEASE 675-3000 - BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. "Wt know the Harbor Ar•• and the H•rbor Area knows us" AND "FOREVER VIEW" Jn Dover Shorr11. Bnu1d nrw plan by lVAN WEU.S soon to be rompleted. 4 BDRM. 3 bath11 plus PCl"'- der J'OOOl, 3 car GB.nit!, ol counc. Slep dov.11 living roo1n wilh high beamed cellir'c. Rich- ly panelled f.arnily room ' with set'Ond firepla ce l wet bar. Large isl.and kitchen, 1eparate breakla1>t nook, ~ heated pool. Thi., beautiful Wells-built homt' is truly an invitation lo elegant living. Welt'Ome: Roy J. Ward Co. {8a.,ycrest OWccl 1'30 Calax,y Drive 646-1550 EASY LIVING LIKE NEW 1'"2 yeu old ~ dominiwn. Beautilul 1WI). 1iilory in Adult section wilh pool and clubhouse includ· ed. Please call !or an ap. pc;;ntmenl. and you will be plea.sandy surprised, 0 n I y SZl .!lO. ,/OiJJJ,,.. ~"OATS ~WA~ACE REALTORS --546-4141...,...... (Open Evonlogsl OCEAN VIEW· $30,SDO REDUCED $30001 A lo\oely vk!w in ewl')' direc- Hon. King sized bedroomM, lu.'(uriouB buill-ln kitchen, 2 baths, family room. Formal dining room. Patio. 540.1m TARBEll 2599 Harbor DOVER SHORES- Ne"' 6 Br. 5 Ba. Fam. rm. I.: din. rm. 2 Frplcs, Sl 19,600 OPEN DAILY 1·5 1423 GALAXY DR. Y.'l'ank Jamf!!I, RJ!r. s.18-1611 CHAI<GE fr ;":.!Jrrepfaceatfe JlnJa J6/e • "-' Open Sundoy 12 • S 82 Linda 1st. Drive New waterfront home just completed. Spa· ' ciow 4 Bedrooms, 5 Baths, 2 story home 'I~~ large sunken living room, separate dinptf room & breakfast nook & kitchen. Fully car• t peted. Beautifully decoratod & landscaped., Pier & slip installed. Priced at $155,000. , • Linet• Isle DeveloprMnt Co. I 1080 81ysi d• br, N.B. Bill Grundy 67~11 • 1000 General ,I~ Coldwell, Banker . OFFERS: BRIGHTON RD. CAMEO SHORES Custom designed & bit. home, ior couple living. Lushl y planted, pool-size patio, ex- tra lge. master sujte, guest qtrs:., paneled den w/frpl . & wet bar, din. Tm.; 3 Car garage. . ......................... $159,000. Ka'thryn Raulston CAMEO SHORES Open Sun. 1 ·5 4512 Roxbury • 13R's., conv. den w/\Yet bar;' 5 baths. Lge. swiming pool in scenic setting. OWner moved , anxious ~ .......... .' ....... $69,500, Al FUik CHINA COVE -GREAT VIEW Enjoy seeing every boat in & out o{ New• port Harbor, plus CataJina. ~Iodern 3 BR. 2 Ba. home in A·l shape. 2 Fiq,p beaches. Xlnt FinanciJlg ..................... $62,500 Walter Haase OPEN SUNDAY 1 ·5 128 Harbor Island Rd. $62,500 Spacious. immaculate 2 bedroom & conver- tible den. 2 Frplcs., 21h baths. Add 2nd story for vie'" of water. Mary Lou Marion OPEN HOUSE SUN. P.M. Visit this fine Bayshore home. 3 Bdrm., S Ba. w/form. din. rm. &: garden rm. Priv. beaches. Boat slip available. 2591 Bayshora Dr. . ............................. $58,950. Mrs. Harvey OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 1038 Sandcaltle. Popular split-level 4 BR. home. Den w/wet bar &: frplc. Din . Rm. View of ocean & hills ............. $57,950. Carol Tatum OPEN HOUSE SAT /SUN 1-5 894 SANDCASTLE, CdM PACIFIC PANORAMA Unfold s from most of this elegant Harbor View Hills Home. Featuring 3 BR., 21h ba., lge. fam. Tm., gourmet kit. \Yith all elec. g~~:·i~~-.. 2 .. ~~~~~~~~:. ~·r·o·C.'. ~~~~~~~~I; Chu ck Place HARBOR VIEW HILLS OPEN Jjew lisJ,ing .:... 3430 Seabreeze. 3 BR. 2 Ba., fam. rfn .. din. rm,. fireplace ; pro!. land· scaped. Beautiful home -come by Stln. l:S & !Ake a look ................... $51,500. Joe cµ.rkson ' t 1255 SOMERSET "LANE 82xl,10 Vacant lot, $23,500. Choice c.orner .. Besl, lowest price in this desirable area ot custom, expensive homes. You own the land. Owner w/carry 1st T.D. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR ., NEWPORT ~EACH 133-0700 644-2430 llOOGeneral THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS COSTA MESA 2790 HARllOR BLVD. 546-2313 ' . : SHIMMERINt; IEAUTT t r1 bceutlful M~ 9'trdc. A new Rtpublic l £8 month& ~ '4 bedrooms. .1 ~· cw; tom drltbN:t W oari>rti1: famous t D KJtchen. I ~ pnt.BC W1th p!:\.511- boat dooe.Jor fuo. Corner lot wl1h. "rlllY ~ to ~ 1'.td. Much more to , Ilk andiapp:redate.:run ~ ~;1'0. ~ HW'! OWNEl TIANSRltUD This outstandin& F.ast&ide 4 Bedroom, 2 bRth home is .,acant Owntt needa fut action and will conalder lOt;e down d't' even a Jeue option to qualified bu1tt. Offered at $40,995. eoUNTlY S9UllE U yo.1 like rancb lMng. but ~·ant ft exclusive and elegant, this home ls ror )'OU. 'Mrere &1'f' 5 bcdl"OOmll. 3 batN: and IA.rKf! COyt,rfd patio. ONE ACRE to romp In with ho~ pl!TTTlltted. CaJJrornla llvit?J" al Us belt. A.">:'!llmfl 6.sr:. loan. m .ooo. • NEWPO~T BEACH 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. 646-7171 WESTCllFf POOL HOMI Lovely 3 bedroom, 'l bath. on a quiet side llt~. Extnt. l11r.1te livirla: room. Lob of ittotaie «pace. lfratcd 1iool in !1.Cperited ~ard. Owner haa moved and w1.11ts a qUJck sale 149,\100. ~l's talk lt-rms. ASSUMI sv.-.-V.A. LOAN No qualil'ytng. Interesting home. lmmedi· ate J)Olldlkm. Full p8yments ~ tbatl ttnl $15&00 per month pool .ize )'tl'd. ClOM' to &hopping. 3 brdroon'I., 2 t..th, brick firepl•Cf,. $22,950. DOVER SHORU WND NEW Stunning ne1\· <I Bdnn .. 3 bl.th. Custom home with .1pAclous ramily room with wrt be.r. Torm&I dlnl nr room. Attnclive dealflJ\ for family 11\•lnJ.? 11.nd entcrtainln~.500 -Current 7'-t'< loan Min br 1uumed. "LOOK '01t THIS SIGN" WE Nt;ED LISTINGS · We Have, Buyers W•lting. \Ve "111 Inspect your proper!)'; show you what comparable propcrl.)' bu. ~old for and Ml~ )'OU teCUrt the best • poW.ble price Cot your home. - l'lOOf . POSITIVI Ask anyone ot OW' cllenta -We wUJ be Rlad to &'W: you nama from our m.. -lfo" d our buslneu comet trom ,....,,.." and Jenner cu .. tt. .,., R•al Action In Real Estate COlONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 P.RtVATI IEACH ,1 bedroom1, convertibl• dtn, family rnom and formal dining room with a vk!w ot ocean and jett_y, All tbls PUJS a gorgeous lara:c pooL 1n a protect.r.d court.yard •. , for the f&Jllfly 'that de· lem!S tbe bell $'77~. sms TO COlDNA UACH Immediate OCC\lp&ney ls available on the unlq~ vamnt 4 bedroom 2 bath borne. Only 1~ &W~ tram lowly lttUe Cof-. ona Beacli lb one1ol the finelt avaUabte loca.Uons tn COM. -OUr at.ntet owner ..,. SEU. -REDUCED TO $64,llOO. rENi:t$TLVANIA DUTCH ChannLn1 2 •'°'>' f11rm hot1se1 with evOT')'· lhlni, lncl~in& pe~ hardWood. OOON tn modern bllilt·ln klfchen. Pr.lv1cy on fer 1tnd. South ot t~ JJl·V.'8.)', 3 ~. 2 beth, + larf:e family rwm. INVESTMENi MONEY MAKERS l·DELUXE UNITS 6-2 BRI ll 2·3 BR. all with 2 baths. all lhe custom features (Jf 11. nier home. Located oh caraway Drive, Costa MHA. Excellent ror II"'" In or tax ~turn properl)t. Prked $139,000. I UNITS MONEYMAKB $80,000 FUU. PRICE-fl0,000 OOWN ~ carr:let bllal'ICI. Aalurnabte '" JOiin. 10 )'etU"l new. Very aood location. Prthli- toric f'l'ntl with l's from _ _t~CX)) bu"'* ll"IOOme of $9,480.00, achcuu.aeo total Nblrn flqU&h 21.t ". Tax 1hcltt'r + So. Calif. ap-pl"C!dm.UOn. coaollA DIL MAl INCOMI UNITS $0( 2·bedrootn Unita IOUlh of hli;:hway. 2 blocks to OC!Nn. ln • Haw&llan aettlng, Each apt with l':'du~ patio. Bit-in kllt:ht.M. C..rpc,ta •nd drapt'f. Ellt"elleti\ aumrM.r rental af"C'B, $1~000. I I • ' I -------.....--~-.,.-----··-·--------.--------------~-,--,------------------------------------ I I ' I . ~ ,, ' ............ OIAJIM COUNTY'$ LAllO!ST 2Uf HAllOI II.VD. 546 IMO o, ........... Iii 1:30 Cazier Than Cozy You've 10 to tft' tblt hoUte lrs aa cute u It. can be with 2 hice allld bedrooma wltb wall tCJ wall <m1"'1ln& tluwf<h- out that SI lib new. 1be ltvln&' T 0 0 m (M.lW'8 wall to waU carpelinl: and a lloor to ceW.n.a: ~place, the ent.i.tt .borne bu just been painted lmlde and out. 1be owners have cone away and ttrt it vacant to you can move in right away. HO\\' d~s '18,000 80llnd? 4 Bedrooms riew $39,600 Tbls ii an lmmacula te 4 bedroom home on the bluUs in Costa Mtu OYtt looking all of New- port BMch, It shows like a model home witl'I b eautiful carpetina tbrou&hout. lht're Is an unobstructed \'iew from the rear terrace. , •nd muter bedroom suite, and a profeulonall.Y landacaped &oat ya.rd encloRd p atio an d atrium entry way. It'• ftDC911l so 51."C It now. Collete Park Bargains FINER HOMES 'DOVD SHOUS tlnUIUll CUJlom borne Oil lar&• carnor lo\ in buutlfll1 Dovv Shores. Buperbly dlCOrated. S BeclrnolDI, S bolhs plus powder room. Wet be' 1>feotfasl room .\ family room. Spacious I: terrace. ProfesslooB!Jy landscaped. ,500. CaU for app't. , CAMEO SHORIS Old world charm abounds In \he flnea\ of cratt&mamhip in lhe expenaiv& use of rich paneling, beam ceWngs & used brick, In this truly custom. 4 bedroOm borne; huge family :.~ ... -~.~~~~~-~t-. ~~~~. '~~. ~--~lt,~ Open Sat. & Sun. 4615 Perham, CdM GOLD COAST Over 4,000 sq. It. of haury living with a pan- oramic view. 4 lledroolns, bu&e Uving'room breakfut area. Paneled fallilly room with fireplace. Like new. Priced ........• 145,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 1330 Galaxy Dr. IRYINE TERRACE Eotra.nce gates open to free-form pool 1n beautiful, lush plantings, in this spacJous 4 bed.roo~ ~ome with mainificenl view of bay. Wrge_ l1vmg rodm, dinmg room, 2~ baths. Asking .. '"."'"""""'"" " .• 115 000 Open Sat. & Sun., 2015 Galatea Terrac~ PRIME VIEW Qual~t.'!' custom 3 bedroom home. Large sunk· en living room. huge family room which could . acc~modate billiard table. Island, all ~leclric kitchen & formal dining room. Ask· mg ................................ $87.500. Open Sat. & Sun. 1014 Santiago Drive. DOYER SHORES G~acious living for your family. View home \Vlth pool. 4 Bedrooms, dining room, family room •. 4 baths. 4,000 Sq. ft. plus 3 car garage. BeautifuUy carpeted. draped & de<orated. Ideal fo r entertaining. Asking ... , .. $104,000 Call fo r app't. · CHARMING CUSTOM HOME Brick walks, beamed ceiling in famQy room with noor to ce~g. brick fireplace. 2 Bed· rooms, sepatate di.D ing room, eating area in kitchen, looking out to a back yard greeii with frwt trees &: beautiful plantings. 2 Fireplaces. Eastern charm in a Southern setting. $65,000. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Or., Sulte 120 642.a235 General 1000 REALTOR 645-0121 c All Yocut for 91lck l'OSHSl!dn All 3 ledroom Homes Low Down-Easy Terms Low FHA interest with bal•nce of •pprox. $23AOO on this home •t • 211141 Bayvle"! SL, Sanla Ana Heljbu Obtain GI , Conventionel or FHA on • 20372 Bayview St., Santa Ana Heights • 3002 Fernheath Lane, Costa Mesa ALSO. H•ve (2} Vt Acre, 2 & l BR Units. Cont•ct Owner/~nt a t 20372 Bayview St., Santa Ana Heights Sony no phone c11lls. 1000 Gonorol IOOOGoneral 1000 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;10.n.ral 1000 Gener•I B a rgain Family illness forces immediate sale. Over 2,000 sq. ft. 4 Bedrooms, Hving Rm, dining Rm, kitchen with built4in.s plus detached rum- pus or hobby Rm. All plastered no "dry wall". Large rear fard completely fenced. Lot over 8,000 sq. It. Nicely landscaped. '311,000 Tenns flexible. Owner. O•ys 673-0670, Eves, S.U.5490 ltiiiiiii~-~--BAYCREST Gapt.ivattnr European Archltteturt! S,IXll sq ft of ho:ury living, designed around tetTaDO atrium. 5 BDRM, 4% baths, maid'• qua.ners, Elep.nt mountaln &: b a y viev.·. Immediate poSSCSliion. RealiatM:ally priced at $178.000, including import- ed fu.rnlshinp. BELLE PARTCH or BILL CUSICK, 646-1070 1000 JAY W. YEA TS C O . 371 Newp()rt Blvd., NB R•••W!i.IW/ LOOK! At al! this home Ma to offer: Heated Jbll 3 lkdrooms, 1 Baths Formtl dinli:w room, panel~ l.amlly room \\'ilh fireplatt. Attractive Ya.rd Baye:~st Location \Vould You Believe $56,500 ~ 140 Harbor Island Rd. (off Bayside Dr.) BeauWul 4 Bedroom, 3 bath home. 40 Ft. pool. On 6/7ths of an acre. Do not mlu \h1J on Sunday. S9s.OOO OPEN 1..S Wm. Winton, Realtor 219 Marino, Balboa Is land 675-3331 ()pan 'Ill f Every Night Gener•I 1000 G~r•I 1000 costa Mesa Dirty ====I .HOME & , I-low about 4 1ari:e bedroom•. l bathl, elec blt·illll. double garap-, larp cukfe.sac Joi, forctd air beating, 6~ lnter. e1t on an uswnable k>M. palnt ii. fix it, love ii. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 262' HARBOR BLVD. 5461640 COMMERCIAi. Live In the 3 BR Sharp Sharp home and have 84' x 233' commerclal lot to me for bualnul. 1 separate rar· ~-Ideal for 11oraie o.r ! ! $39,500 <Name )'OUT tenns) Now port at Victoria ...an C anytlmo) OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 MESA VERDE-$25,950 HUGE LIVING ROOM I Fonnal Jiving rooru e>.:tencli from front to rt'ar of home. ""~~!!!!!!!!l'!~!!!!!,;,,!!I 2 baths, huge bedrooms. 5 BEDROOM - family room, Near »Choo!s, MESA VERDE churches, a:oU course &. ma-COUNTRY CLUB ;;Ge;;"";;;;;r;;al;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IOOO;;. ;;. I Gtnorol 4 BIG BEDROOMS WANT THE ;or shopplllg. 5A0-1120 AREA TARBELL 2955 Herbor 2450 l<I. ft. of 1racloua llvini:. REAL TORS 3 ba1h.!.. 36 ft, faQJilY room . IYHERE EIJ!E an""' BEST' l'IER & SUI' 673-4400 2 IEDROOMS '"'•'""'· B"Ul-in ldtcbon, find a 6% Y'l!l.r old home • dlshwa~ht'r, Air conditioned, on a quiet street near Sever•I v.ry choice CORONA DEL MAR 01 1 ~~ •·•· Thi11 EXClTlNG 5 BDJL'I $20,950 •'-' -~ -Dow n ~ room. ''"'"~ UQUW aU IChooll A shopping 3 I. 4 Bdrm. homes .-,,,_....,.,_. n replacement, 54().1720 AND a DOUGHBOY BAYCREST home, cwtom· F I Decorative •lone work cB-Won't Last Long ! bo · POOL included for only built by Jvan W~Us. Is '~ rom $ 39,500 hances lovely uitra-mode.tn DOVER REAL TV TARBELL 2955 Har r 126.800. Wdl, wt:'w lo please you with its II.tit" Ready to move in! exterior, Gentle: slopinc root 675-4343 HARBOR LIGHTS found It &: you can stt f.amily room, aeparate dlnin& lines. Spaclowi bedroonts, 2 1.,..,..,.~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Vi<' I\' ol ocean I.. bas. Ste.pi It. Call l'IOW! Oh, \\'~ al-room, breakt.ul area, beam-bath~. Built-in kitchen. It~ I= $23,500 to beach. Lovely home \vith moit fora:ot the COV· ed ce.illnp, iounntt kitcbtn covered patio. WATERFALL & BBQ 1vallt"d garden. $108,500, Mo ERED PATIO. DISH· ""'ilh Wand range, BBQ and 142"'691 TARBE LL sume loa n 1t 6~)<;\. loadod 'th ~_, Oversized bedrooms, al>peal. I \VASHER & LARGE WI cu,,.,.,... .. s. A 673.3515 MOTE L . 1. p1a d' . 1 Waker Rlty, 67.S-5200 1-~WILY ROO TOO t't'al pleasure lo show you? 1ng ire Ct', 1nmg room or M ! JERRY RtEUD Nr. Disneyland. Priced at !host f 0 rm a 1 occuk>ns. 3336 Via Lldo, NB Open Sun. • COATS LEASE Wini OPTION 2400 J x iros&! Sprinklers iront & rear. 1h ACRE-POOL & CHAS. ARNOLD Elden No. 32. FUU price Pyramid Exch&rpra 646-2629 Brln:unlne with charm er. Custom 3 BR 2 BA home. WALLACI 388 E 17 S C. $13.950 $110 total per month. great potentil.ls~ 541).1720 J·lorses or unit!. 142,950 llALTOIS '~~-· M. Bkr. 962-44.n 546-8lD3 OAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! TARBELL 2955 H•r bor Ownr, S3l·i636 54641•1~ 1 ~~~,;;;;,:;;;... ....... 11;;:::'.~======";';;;:;;::::::;=======;:~~~~==,===::"'==~~~===~:;:;=::==:;;::=-I IOpoft -· BIG 5 BEDRM. Gonoral 10000.naral 1000 Gontrol 10000.norol 1000 ::s========-IJr. estate$= I· rwm lorlii=================================f:i EXECUTIVES "'bn. pool, '""' •h"''" Sl 6 Ruby St., Balboa Island \Yho entertain will iov~ tha drapes" carpetin&. 2 story. a M 67!>-3331 (Sun 1--5) T'endcr loving care Is 11.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;. j-------- what this "°""' n...,, OPEN HOUSE BAYSffORES Master bedroom with fire. pen ou.1reir 324 Snug Harbor (Clif!haven) NB ~~~~ha';.ingbl'':;;; plaCf'. Adcl\Lional firepltl"e in ,., -,. 645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) cell ing anc1 looks out on de-IJ,vlna: room. Fonnal dlni.111 2215 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach litht!W patio and Ja.ndscap. room. 5"0-l120 675-4392 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ~ya.rd. Fonnal dining room l"ARBELL 2955 Harbor THIS WEEKEND 256 Oceanview. Newport Beach Ifs lOCAled In a cul«-Sot, Sun. 1·5 aa.c and a IUJ"e lot, the 222 .. 20th St., CM VACANT -Private beach communil)' w/? pnv. beach. cs -FURN. J bdrm. 3 bath. muter bdrm. w/ acp. drt!ss. ln1 mi, opens to l&e. encl. patio. bat type kitchen \vi lgf!. dln. art!a, w/w cpl., drapes, S4T.500 • Owntr will carry. • family room \\ith fireplace Oc.en View -SU,0001 ~7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) • """"'" breakfas1 room -'"THE BLUFFS'" 1207 Berkshire (\VestclilJ) NB dicondra lawm front Ir This espedaUJ planned prop. rur need to be ~-.terect, erty b unuaua1 as It will lllit ::~~~~ baths. Preilla:e area in Newport.. 64~7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) Kin< .u.. .........,,., ' • .., "" -.,__,., .,,. ,., '"' _,. • { B d ) the automatic 1prink· the older couple who would Jen should take can! of I~ lo retire gracefully in that. and yoo can take a 2 BDRM Early American care or the paintl.na. dttianed borne and have Y most of thtir <eXJ>'nscs pa.XI. ou can al.Jo auume the Or the Investor who wants a 51Ai~ FHA Joa.rt wtth home + guest howJe on a law. low monthly pay. 89 x 275' lot. + 4 2-BDR..\f mtnb Including taxes &-units Y.'ith 1. 1>epe.rate en· ln.wre.nce:. Hur r y it I~ on Sierks SI. Owner won't last! will carry first TD to quali. lied~. Growing Pains? ~·• the &nswt'r a 5 bedroom 2 be.th home in eestaide Costa Mesa. 1tJe' full price-Is $28.500 with either FHA or VA term& available, tM sell· er Is wry arWous ~ cause the h~ ii va- cant. 9et It and you'll want It. Income Units No Down -Vets • * • * OUPLEX Nt•r H•rbor Hi Two aepa.rair 2 BDR.Af, 2 bath homes on Jatre k>t. Top l't"nlal area. Excellent terms. .. .. . . CORONA OEL MAR South of h\ahway ~.Jum.tne. 4 BDR.\t + dil'lir'C room -+: 3 baths, B\lyer can uaume '""' loan. """""1<6.~. lachenmyer j.t, "' c 1.860 Newport mvd., CM CALL 646-3921 Evrs. 644-1655 546-2'190 IMMED. POSS. 5 BR & FAMILY This la~ fa mily home in North O:isla M('t\8 \1'1th a.II the bull! • Ins including a .,.,.atcr cooditiontr. Needs 11 • JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-m.I COSTA MESA «Kl E. 17th, Ctilta Mesa R-2 Eutside location, nice 2 bdnn. plu.!1 a:ueiit room & 4 BEDROOM kitchen adj, prq:r, rooni 6•/. FHA LOAN foNeEW'PtiRTO~Y:C2,:.500· ":'.n1°~c~:.~ re:!~:;;: 1407 NOTTINGHAM !rig t"V(!rythlng. ~home, n.... S 1 & s 1 5 Wt11 landscai'cd. SparkUnr .,..n a . un. • CHOICE WEsrcw..rr AREA br\Pt & immaeulatt. 540-lrlO • Immac. adult occupied 3 TARBELL 2955 Harbor bdnn. home, beautiful cot). dit.ion, 2 baths, lrt. liv. rm. R-2 LOT BEACH A: din. area. cpt. & drapes. SALE OR TRADE el!Ct. bU-ln'a. heavy shake ~'X95' Approx. % block from roof, lovely yard, ASKING ~an in excelltnt area • 147.500. ' owner would conaldtt tn.de ''C'' THOMAS for duplex or triplex. $9,000 R-ltor &.bonlinet1on . ....,.122.000 -CH IL T ROBINETT 224 \V. Coast Hwy ~ REALTOR 66-0128 Newport Beach. Eve. ~ UNBEL I EVA BL EI CUSTOM BUILT $2tl,OOO MOUNTAIN VIEW 5 BE ORM + POOL s:pac;ous bedrooms, rich wood l BATH -$26,950! Pf.n!!.ling, fireplace, carpet. Finest ·locatloti nrar every-ed .l. draped lhru-OUl, utiJ. thlrl&;. Jr. Eatate s I zed it)" room, covered patio, grounds, RJch wood panel-double garaae.. 2 yean new. ina:, handwome breakfast bat. TARBELL. 837.(184.i or Elea:ant tirrplace. Loads ol 837.JTI6. decklrw: &. patk> areas. "'P"'O~R~L~A~R=o=E-=FAM~-I L_Y_ ~mo TARBELL 2955 He rbor 3 lrg BR's. 2 BA, hy Uvlna • dining nns. lofodem kit. EASTSIDE • Pool. 3 BR. 2 Lrg lndscpd, fenced lot. P&- BA. bltna. w/w, compl blck do. $29,500. E, Ot 54U3$ le~. Ul.000. Bier. 646-.1150 Principals only pleast'. That's right no money down and thi!I; unit \\'\II Pl)'" for Itself, you can live in one unit and f'.n- joy Jncume f rom th!'." other, il"s locsted In Co&ta Mcse and It in ex· ce.llent condition. Each uniU: h!l.S 2 bdrms. &. 1% baths, it"s al ...... n ttntrd. so no vacany iroblnn t~ tun pM~ 11 $32,fm. buy It and yea can send two kkll to collese !rtt! little TLC. Vacant 4:: prict'd Gener•I JOOOGener•I 1000 \Yay under market, Hurry . :c;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;~ -3 Bedrooms $21,300 A lbarp home ''"It h olivr sreen ntW ca.rptling &: paaie:Ung. 60x I 00 is the lot 1ize at lh11l ~rice a natttt ot t'ect, at you e&n't mlsa, a.nd •• lbe.t ~Why1 ~nt !! OIAJIH COllN'IT'S l.UHST 2'2' HAllOll aYD. 14' IHD o,. lu •"'•' ,.,:JO this won 't lut. 0 NL y ~ "9.750. OPEN 5UNOAY 1-4 >077 JoMton Ave., CM ·. --~---P E RRON :;$' • ••••• • • ' • 642-1771 Anytime OPPORTUNITY I Need 2 llcen9C(f Real Estate IW1$JX.'Ople. )'ou ha'·e your oWl\ dcKk and phonl!', \Vcll· C'Mablls~ Q!Ilcc. Good wailt-1n trattic. Floor 1ln1e. Top commiMlon, CaU for ap. polnlmtnl. \V. E . l.AC'hrnmye:r, !Utr. 1860 N~'POrt Blvd .• CM PU: 646-39211 or 673-tiTI OCEAN VIEW ''ILUFFS'' -$27,000 Prestiae are. near FutUon hltnd • N.-.-, K1!w ....., bedrooma, 2 be.U.. Exi;u!iih! Jplll • l<vtl. -· ...... """'. T\'y 12S.OO&. $40-11'l0 TARBILL 2955 Harbor IA YFIONT APT. Vllta Ott Udo, Pier I sJlp avallab&e, Stll or ituR/Of>- tlon, Prlct $21,500, Georg• WllUamMn REALTOR Ew<. tm-t56l Once In A While A borne this sharp with a price to match comes on the mark.el 3 bedrooms, double detached garage wtlh a separate work shop lo aaUsfy the hobby man. Coccrete drive and parking pad for boll or travel \railer storage. Smartly decorated and immacu- lately maintained. Ptrfect for \he small family or retired couple. P rime eutskie location. OnJy ............. ,, ....... '28,500 ' Newport Heights With FHA 5>/4 °/o Spacious 3 bedroom, wilh Spanish tile in formal dining area. Open bean1s compli- i:nen.t the cozy firepl~ce. \Ve have 23 ad· Ject1ves to de.scribe this rare find , the finest three are "Bright. cheerful, cute,'' call us now and we will show you the remaining 20. Just llaled •at ................. $26,950 Harbor Hkjhlands Perfect family home close to ~!ariners school -3 B. R. I. Study -2 baths - Han! to beat at .................... $29,500 FOR A WISE &UY COWWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 baths, Exqulalte ipZJt-be.l. ,.. .. ..._ ........ All ..., tee...._ w.-...... 4 e room f>40.t720 TARBELL 295.i Har. ... ,_,.a• " ...,... ..._. ~ .;,.,,w ... .._ 3500 Seabreeze, Corona del ~1ar bor. .. .. I•....,., DAllT PILOT WANT ADS.,..,.... 675-5930 (Sal & Sun 1-5) General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. RttltDn NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Sand pebbles throw from the pounding surf. Two Wye bedrooms. La~ laiye bedrooms. Larre kitchen with deluxe built· ins. 1Undeeka. GrNt lo-cation. Bia rtnll, Pt.YI for itadl'. Only S38,500. Call 1)0\V! 645-0.103. CITY RANCH- HORSES1 Assume 6 °/o Loan The big 6 ~o loan pa ys everything 111 $166.50 mo. 4 master maalive beef.. rooms. IA.r&e. 25 ft. llvlng roon1. Rig country kit· ehen with deluxe buDl·tns. Hugr , huge lot rtght In tM city~ Plenty of elbow room, and )'OU can have hones too! Don't delay! Call today lor ucittng low pf'ice and terms. Dlt.1 &40""3. EASY TO OWN $21 ,500 $600 Is all a wt with f11A l)l'lvilert"S needs to OW1'I Udl bi.a 4 bedroom, 2 baUI home. AU tht extras ~ mally found ln a Sl0,000 hocic. CIOlt" lo llChools, shoppina. p.rka. & play- grounds, Real bar1aln. Bt WiM'! c..lJ no\\J! 645-0JOJ, SACRIFICE $17,990 Rutgfld, ~ CCW'dtr'Uc:- tloo ---.. 2 bfd.roofn fonnaJ dintrc room. term. k1kben k>ad- .d with dlt. Jutt ftdecor.. atl!d In and out Walk to .:hoots &hop& ol parb. Grtat locaHon for staner borne. No othtt ~ UU.! Call ........ F'ORF..ST E. OLSON Inc. ne.Jtoni lltewlitt .,... -.,.. f.f .... et te ""' .. ..,.. *17$6 Skylark (Baycrest) NB ,. II• .u 19'orMaffM •• ttib ul•• _. Miiey. 64.2-8235 (Sal &: Sun) {2 Bed room) 148 Via Trieste (Lido Isle) NB 675-4392 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 752 Amigos \Vay <Ea stblufr) NB 675-4130 : 675-1642 (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 231 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 128 Harbor Island Rd ., Newport Beach 644-2430 : ~700 (Sun 1·5) {3 Bedroom) 920 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach 49Ul74 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *522 El Modena, Newport Height• 673-2020 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 504 W. Bay, Balboa 67~ (Sun 1-5) 422 Belvue Lane (Balboa Penin) Balboa 675-4600: 673-3095 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) 717 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mer 675-2101 !Sat & Sun 12:30-5 :30) **2591 Bayshore Drive, Newport Beach 644-2430 : ~700 (Sun PM) 3256 Nebraska Lane (tvlesa Verde) CM 545-9616 (Sat & Sun & Daily) 1900 Seadrift Lane, Corona de! Mar 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1501 Bayadere Terrace, Corona del f\1ar 675-3000 !Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 104 Via Palermo (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 • 430 Cabrillo. Costa ~1esa (Sun 1-51 ~1151 (Sat & Sun 1-51 *1821 Sabrina (Irvine Terr.) CdM 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-5) {3 Bed room & Family or Don) **!01 Evening Slar Lane, N.B. · ·64U235 (Sat & Sun) 136S Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 64U2S5 (Sat & Sun) 1010 Oak Street. Co•ta Mesa 673-7420 (Sun l 3023 Country Club Dr .. (Mesa Verdel CM 540-1720 (Sun 1-5 :301 1147 Gleneagle, Co:sla fffesa ~1720 !Sun 1-5) 1100 Westcliff Dr. (Westciif!) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1046 Pescador Dr .. (Dover Shores) NB 642-s:aiti (Sun 1-5) 2928 Java Rd ., (Mesa Venle) CM 6f2-5200 (Sun 1-51 34.30 Seabreue (Harbor View Hill•) CdM 644-2430: 833-4700 (Sun 1-51 891 SandcasUe (Harbor View Hilla) CdM 644-2430: 833--0700 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 418 St. Andrews Rd .. (N'pt Hta) NB 646-2414 (Sun 1-5) 1132 Goldenrod, Corona de! 1'1 ar 675-4130 !Sun 2·5 l 17942 ~1ann (University Park) Irvtne 6;5-4130 : 675-1642 (Sun 1-5) 211131 Midland Lane. Huntingto!.'tBeach 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1833 S. Forest, Santa Ana 435 Canal St., (Ne,vporl Shores) NB 644-2838 !Sat & Sun) *2001 Commodore, Newport Beach 546-5400 : 545-4941 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 277 Brentwood Place, Costa Mesa 546-1960 (Sun 1·51 *140 Harbor Island (off Bayside Dr.) NB 675-3331 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Fa mily or Don) 942 Presidio Dr., (Mesa del Mar\ CM 545-8375 (Sat & Sun 12.-5) 442 Riverside Drive, NeY,.port Beach 543-2988 (213) 964-0207 !Sat & Sun 12.-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 64U235 (Sat & Sun) *115 Mil!ord Rd. (Cameo Shore•) CdM 675-11996 (Sat & Sun 12.-5) 316 Catalina Drive, Newport Beach 642-5449 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) *2015 Galatea Terrace. Newport Beach fi42-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1941 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 !Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 2341 Irvine (Back Bayl NB ~1720 (Daily 1·5) 1514 Warwick (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) *1907 Holliday ( Baycrest ) NB 642-5200 fSat & Sun 1-5) *1607 Sant.Iago !Baycrest1 NB 642-5200 rsat & Sun 1-5) *4512 Roxbury !Cameo Shores) CdM 644-2430: ~700 (Sun 1-5) 2016 N. Capella Circle. Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 1836 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1-5) 2706 Lighthouse Lane, Corona del Mar 675-2503 (Sun 1-6) 1124 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 675-5930 (Sun 1·5) **82 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle! NB 675-3210 (Sun 12-5) {5 Bedroom & Family or Der.J 1536 Galaxy Drive (Oover Shores ) NB 642.-a235 (Sat & Sun) 1807 Button Shell (off Holiday) NB 546-7755 (Sun 1-5) {6 Badro91"" • .& Family or Don) H23 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shore&) ~B 548-4617 (Dally'1·5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (2 Btdroomj 416() Seton Rd. (Univeroity Park) Irvine ~2 (Sat & Slln) DUPLEXES FOR SALE {3 Bedroom and 2 Bedro om) 604 Orchid, Corona del Mar 673-2222 1Sai & Sun 1..1) .,... ... w .... ,. .... ..... , ..... w ......... ............ 1!11! ..... WIW'te-ekPh&lltsl DlnMhl.~lne' al Harbor Center 2299 Htrbor Blvd .. C.M . ~2714 (Dally) \ I• • • · s....,, s.,,_ 20, 1969 HOUSIS FOR SA.I:.!_ HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSl l ,OR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi I HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUll S FOR SALi ~HOU~S!!l~S!'~O!R~L~I.~~~!!!~~~~~ Oonoral 1000 C0tta M .. a 11111 Ntw,.n ,INch. 12111 Nawpe1 -~ 1200 HUfttl"""" IMch l4001tunt"'!'!! l!IMch 14111 Chnaral IOOOGwral • , 1000 REJTi Ls a L'IL OL' HOUSE ·--DU,LIX piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1.a,.. 2 .+ •a11 • ...,,.,. NMd1 ll•w Qw.nor R, Sole or"-· lmmae. llm" FAST MOVE IN rooni ovr.rlooldn1 SA en. $15,751 . Only 10% On. Exqu••ite Waterfront rwar btach, 'Br. den. 2 Bl. try Oub. late $18.l w/ 1)1:) tree JIJ\fd •tf'eel. Room holnf', C:..toro ioferior dee. 2 (rpla, each unit, 2nd uni! option O' t.l3.500. 70xlf0' to build; R·2 ~t. J Br. l on.lion. lmmed.late pogeu. ll!aaed at $356 mo, $10,0CXI lot 81. lS P"Ullertoa A\'t. akln. Aald,_ •.u,91)). 421 82nd ctn, 011"Mr &e.38J. ./ i bdnn. Tcw.·nbowie con~ ... "'" ple<tly lllmislled 1175/mo. '49 GOVERNOR ST. St. Opto SW>. l'M'.. , I b<Um. An•~y POOi. POLLY Bl..!:EKER ~lD'lO • -· Open Sat/S.., 1.S::IO SURF & SAND ' New homes, ready to move in, It\ mile !rom beach. Finl payment up to 60 days after move in . Tor.,. VA/FHA. F-$22,990. CORAL SHORES Leaae $190 •'Ith opUoo at l Bdnn. l beth. JuLrtpalnt. $21,950. rd lnskle i: oul Let. ff:Qeed ./ • bdnn, fam It din nn. yanl. $20,500. 2 story l,eaa:e $32.) witt Ca.D: MR. R081NOON llARGAI N AT $21,500 Contemporary Design BEAMED "llinp ..... ,,_ out 3 Bdi', 2 Ba, built.In kitchen. Im.mediate poutSo • • . clole to thll 3 Bdrm. 2 blth. dlntne Im. be9.cb ........ ""-"" n1'-Cl PROPERTIES WEST 675-4130 675-1642 (on Garlleld between Beach le Magnolia 962-1353 option at $311,950. O.vls Realty &e-7000 . ---------------·---.-- ' 5<&-1110 OPEii SUNDAY ,___ 1010 OAK ST. ''°"· BELLE PARTOI 1210 Coren.o dal Mir 1250 I Hunllftflon hach 1400' '?!.LEGE REALTY SPOTLESS I ww,._ll:Hlftllr.('.11. 3 BR. + fam. rm., :J hath DUPLEX WANTED OPEN SAT/SUN QUICK OCCUPANCY WELL LANDSCAPED 1 • S PM J"!~:!'!~~~~~~!! I home. Cov. patio, sundecll. GOOD NEWS frult trtn. Reduet'd te $23.500. Tai<. ev" 5!i!' loan! Xlnl cash buyer detirQ dupleic ia pmn.lwn beach 'rental aru.. BElJ.E PAllTCll '6-Ur70 Travels WI IO hurry! .u. sume-S27,000, .s~~-a loan. bl& with coiosaal BDR's, J Luse baths. fonnal tllaing room and paneled den with lireplace. Entertain around 18x40 heated, filtered pool_ For appointment tc see. call Dan Lee BALBOA BAY PltOP. 673-1420 ANYTIME SALESPEOPLE WANTED : ASSUME 514% LOAN RAPIDLY ·-com· $171 Mo. P•y1 P.l.T.I. pany now intervtewifl(. We A BE4UTll!UL HOME .. ,. .._ O.t-ot-wwn ...,._ 3 BR, ~ BA. pan'l Uv rm. aep e1'5. din rm, 2 frplc:a, fu1l1 equip BELLE PARTCH 66.l!Yl'O kit: util rm, crpkl I: drpd, tmmac '"""""· o..,. 541 • JAY W. YEATS CO. Sun. 320 BuckOO! Rd. S<li-lll l ~l!m. m Newport Blvd., NB NO OOWN TO VETERANS. Sparking 3 BR 2 bath home 4 BEDRM + in quiet ttllidential area. BONUS ROOM Uively tree 1>haded patio, + POO L -$33,000 nicely landscaped in traltic Family rm. tireplaee. built· free strttL Priced for Im· ina. Oecklna: It patio areas niedlate saJe at $23,7:i0. surround the beautiful pool. CALL 545-8424 South Cout ~ lined SU"'l't'l. ExCf:Uent ~R"e_,at,,_"'-"-"7.· '"'°'~'°""'-,--,­ f'ina.ncing. ~1720 BY Owner. 121 2 BR bclmes TARBeLL 2955 Harbor on lge lot, yards lncd scpe.ntely, block w a 11 s, IRVINE AVE. •";" .....,,."""· "°"' to schools/shopplnc 1668 Vlr- D.i&tom built homr, large rn. gin!.a Pl , C.~I. clesed courtyard for maxi-~~-----~­ mum pri vacy. i\fany e.\'.tras By o .... ·ntr. 4 BR .. Cul de in this beautiful 3 Bdr home, Sac. Stone lrpl., shag cpl!J; EASTBLUFF UNDER $30.000 3 84rma. 2 baths, sin&Je story ;;;;funlt. Many extras. UJy,' leuebold. Lowest mai~ tenab EASTBLUFF REAnY CaiI us for other Bluffs exclusive llstin&s. 2~14 Vista Del Oro NEWPORT BEACH 6"'4-1133 644·2626 EvOL 3 Bdn:n. ~ ltvUv nn. It. IRVINE TERRACE f&mlb' rm. Stone fl1ic, W/W 1121· Sabrlrui carpetJ over HW ftoors. Car. 3 BR home. Beautiful vi.cw. peted pt;llo, Sharp il clean. Exceptional pooJ. A 1arden •ttirw. $28.000 604 Orchid OCEAN VIEW t.tedallion ooene with apL 2% Bdnn1. 2 Bath~. J pr. Just completed. ai«. BalcGny pat~. Kitchen DON V. FRANKLIN hlt·ine. AND a CataJlna view. REAL TOR Brl&ht .\ Cheerful, Nftds e 67J..2'l22 • aome "''Ork, ~.OOJ. OUTSTANDING E)_, BROADMOOR HOME jf..... The~ is a quit.lit)' ol qui!t 1 1 4 L 1 y ele11ancc-In this lovel,y borne w/4 lxlrms. 4' family rm., 2~t b!l.ths, 1ve1 bar & 3 CAR G A R A G E: ASSUMABLE ~':~ LOAN. $67.750. Open sun. I-6; 27t6 Li&"hthouae Neer NpL Pol! Ofi-. ~2{lt 3 BEDROOMS -Pool -3 car rar. Green house. Charm plua. Vo,cl Co.. R I t r s tiT.>-:IO:IO Lane Ch•1hire R••I E•tat. OPEN llOUSE, Sun 1.S. 3 e 6Ta-2503 e BR. ,, yd ....... $28,9'0 By 1--"w'"H"Y"'w=A"IT.-- ,°"="""='·="='="""'==A="'=· =:o[A beaut. 4 BR. Losk &me, t -~ young_ UPentded + _eov __ .,_s_ho_ ... _. ___ 1_2_21 wrll planned lnd~.-$50.000 * CAPTIVATING Open S•t., Sun. 1.S Different "Old World.' con. 3500 S.•brtti.e tcmpo1'1.ry, e:.:~ulivt Juxury BOYD REAL TY bon1e. Unobslnlc~d 8&.Y ! 3679 E. Coast Hwy ., CdM fiftn VU-most r1ns. 5000 !((. 675-5930 NEW -t BR, 2 BA Spanish S1Yle homto on lllJ'le Sot. CQSe to everythinf, yet ccnn . ple~· privacy bdrlnd l"tucco nils. Prioe incldl many ~ tom a.'<tras: wet bar. book· cue-. detonator v...U paptt. Good terms on conventional Joan. S34. 750. J ea-ry O'Bcirn Rltr r.v. 968-3251 or ~ WOW!! 5 BEDROOMS! Only SJ0.000 Large master &droom, rar- mal dining room, sprinkltts, y,·1tl'r softener. Bes! area . FHA or C.l. H•ffd•I Re•lty 8424105 51/4 °/o INTEREST Only ~153 month Payml!'nts. llug:I!' lrtt·skaded lot and beautiful 3 BR, 2 bath home. Extra larie oov. ertd palio. hardwood tloers. Xlnl location. Call for infor. malkln on Jo )0 down. MUTUAL REAL TY 142-1411 TRANSFERRED! ft. 4 BR, 41.i BA + ~1 id!l OPEN SAT., SUN. A FOREVER VIEW i1.trs. Id~ tor enterta.inlna-. l.Slt Bonnie Doone Terr. RUSH! 4 BR. 2 Ba, like new 1?-~Y main. lm'!led occup. Elesant 2 bdrm., den. 2 bath carpet.I, d~. electric kilcb- S47,500. priced for quick sale $11.900. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 777 81,.ntwood Pl., C.osta 1114 SANTIAGO DR. F um. Sl78,lm. As.rume 6%% home Comp redecor All en, w/dlshy,·uher. 1.. a r g e OPEN SUN. I • 5 loan. Box 1632 NB. ;,.tg.7249 wool ~ts." Beaut. ~PH. corntr Jot wtth boat gate. ll10 Newport Blvd .. C.r.1. f.1esa. 546-1960. 5-i&-ms anytime 1110 V~ from lritch., din. rm., m nv ... tie A --'~-Assume 6% GI loan, Less W~cllff 1230 a .. ,, .,,u rs. gaiu.;u-$20,500 llv, nn., guest rm. 4' natr. _, patio supreme, $48,500. lha.n S20o mo includes all. QUIET cu1*5ac, 3 BR, BR. A .. H~ Beautiful" I--------.....;..; Richardson Real Eves: 968-1118 ~fogt exquisite landscapint,: . 2 BA custom Cf'Pls &: drps. kilchen. * SPARKLE.5 I &lilNES! ty mot~ The Real e&tate Mart intricate stone "'citk enhanc· BY OWNER. ~16 BOYD REAL TY Inskk Ir. ouL Living rm, din-H•rbor View Hilla 847--8531 ea e.'<terior -gentle slopin; ~-~ "'---H CdM Ire-rm, elec bltn&. clean Expansive view ol green-"""""~~~!'?':!"'"'""' roor """' • J bedroom•, 2 MoN d•I Mar 1 IOS ~ ~. 67S'.Sm wy., """ & """· ' BR. 1 BA. "'~ "'· ••""'· "'°"· l.evel' SIX UNITS batM. Bulh-in kitchen. Room prof lndacpd & mainfd. 4 Br., lam. I: din. rms. \Vet for boat or trailerr *'BDRM. 2 Ba. lam nn. Nr * BY OWNER * heavy shake root completes bar. Like new cpt1. & dn.p. 142-6691 TARBELL sc:hl1. Perfect cond. BY ~an&ont Home, 3 BR. util this charming home. By es 165.500. Make oUcr! New, mOdern. well-located. EYE APPEAL O\VNER. 54~. ; rm. scwin&'· nn, !iv rm ov;ner. $41,800 . .&12-l.S93. Delancy R••I Ett•t• OUt of town o .... ncr is oUer. w/lrplc &. ocean view. 1~ CUMBER"uD , ... ..,..,. 2828 E. Coasl Hwy, 673-JnD Ing a splendid opportunll,y. C BEDROOi\.IS near Adam& N B h 1-Roo k"t /bl ~ ~· ~·~ ewport ••c ..:""" my 1 • w tni. & 3 Bedroom • 2 Ba1h F'IXER·UPPER $iO,<XX). and BrookhLU'!iL 2 full balh!I, ----'-------avocado shag crptg thru-B Re x l . Hodges, Rl tr. 1halcto roof, carpet, drapes, 8/8 out. F'ront ytl w/palio &: }{cated pool. $42,500 Y o....ner. Below hiway. 147_1515 only :Z~'I. years old. Almasi CABANNA. S63,500. 673-6990 Owner BV. 646-6200 S29,900. Jow dOwn.. &ra-35.30, '"""""""""""'""" .... e\·ery room say, "You art VACANT ANO READY -f'vn .l wtekends. 67:;...sI4J the insuuit owner." Thit thrtt bedroom Ciifihav-•0~'~'21l~)~698-3627=~~·=~= University P1rk 1237 days Working Man's Oishi HARRY A. BOGGS en homi-is situated on a BAY AVE. DUPLEX ll9A NET E Sbarp2BRinadultcommun-Iovt>ly quiet tttt-Uned street. 2 Modem units in best areL EYE APPEAL • I N Tl ity. AU desired built-ins. Realty 962--6631 close to all schools, and Euil,y rented, adequate ·re-Heart appeal, purse appeal. ~k 10 ~ !his 4-Unit "steal,_" Fully carpet~ and draped, MESA VERDE·$23,9SO price Is only $34.400! Ideal turn. Terms; $59.0CIO. 3 Br. with atrium: l·stoey :.~e Joe. and there IS and walk to shoppinr center. Nice 3 bedroom. 2 bath !iomt. for the young family, BURR WHITE townhouae. Uiw S30's. See JI! · · $18,<XX> FULL PRICE. Q u I e I residential st~et. Open House l·S P.r.t e Red Hiii R••lty Canon Realty 6T.>J581 Pacific Shores R.ealty Buill-in range &: oven. Car. Sat. &; SUn. REALTOR Univ. Park Center, Irvine INVESTOR'S Special (2) R-2 84l&:i86 962·9711 eves. ~;~je::~. i .... sf:.kles like 324 Sn0& Harbor ~eWpOrt ~~ NE~s. Call Anytime 833-0820 lots. s. of }fy,.-y + 2 good '"'""l'l'l .. u'l:s~r!!'!'ls!'lE!'lL":L~ll"'""' ~ •~u Eves. 547-tSHt • Red Hill Realty h:luRs. $511,SOO. 0 W n er m TARBELL 2955 H•rbor OPEN HOUSE SAT ~ SUN \Jniv. Park CE!ter, Irvine 1767J..41=="'===~=~-I Spacious. Immaculate 4 BR. EASJ'SIDE, 3 BR 2 BA. ~ NOW SEE THIS I 442 Rlvenide Drive, NA C&U anytime 833--0Ba> *OCEANFRONT. POOL * bc1uttlully decorated and FHA, total pymnta nso Big Ocean View ltot'n Little Sell or trade, preatige: * landecaped, Will trade for PJTI will cons.ider leue op-Beach House. Dinine atta custom home, 4 BR. ~ VILLAGE 1 c.ondo 2 BR, 2 Cameo ShorH-4 BR It Den lncome unit&. A real buy at tioo. Broker eves. 838-6341 ~~new;~~,~pli:am:. ~~~ 2roo~1!a_ leve.lbJt~ ~ =2. ~~~ 115 Milford Rd. 67;,..ti9!16 $29,~RRY REALTY 3 BR 2 BA, family rm. Prol . Tw . oversized gar oU alley. pool LGE. hilltop loL Pf!rm. view .,_1,~ Im · decor. 11.t yr old-xlnt cond. illj: built-1n ldtcben. o nicl!' ,,.,,. lot. Call iuo ..,_, .. p • k B 12•" of ocean I hllla. Privacy. oJ.»"" ......, anyt e 500 2 F1 bedrooms. fenced patio, AU _,...._,,, .... DIC •Y -c S32, . 1238 ttt Ln. HS. this for only 139,500 w/15% 213: 964-0207. ----'------ll-;==Re=al=t"'=61J.=="'=10== EXE UTIVE Owner 646-4328 rnE BLUFFS, b!st location. 1 : down. OPEN HOUSE Sat/Son Beautiful bay vn. 3 BR, B1lbo1 Penln1ul1 1300 $18,500! LESS THAN RENT R.l!'fil!d.s "Tender IAvir11 Care'' K1ng siled bedrooms, 2 baths. All electric bulll·in kitchen, Large ya.rd . patio. 146 0604 TARBELL 1100 $1,500 DOWN and auume 71'!% loan. Builder·s loss en this 24tory home can be your gain. AU new hoUSe features includ- ing 20' x 27' finished bonus room. S237/mo. pays all. VACANT _ See anytime. HERITAGE S40-11 51 BEVl'5&. SBn-131 BY OWNER playroom. 2~ BA. Adults.1--------- •y •aC 4 BR, 3 bath. 2 frplcs. On $53,000 ar lse for $500. per VACANT 3 Bdrm Freshly Re•lty, Inc. \\'aterway. Nf!llt to bead!. mo. 675--0:z09 Owner. p&.inted.. cpta, f 1a1 st 0 n ~ 901 Dover Dr., suite 126, 1''B Tennis courts, 2 swimming patio. Betwn Ba.Y" &: ocean M.;..200) • pools, clubhouse. 4.1S Canal Ea1tbluff 1242 nr sv.immin& heh .l. boat LIKE To live on a miall St. (Newport S h 0 r e s ) ---------ramp. WW cons trade fOC' ild&nd? For saJe by owner M+-2838 RARELY Available. Lusk vac land. $43,SOO Terms. due to divorce. Charming BEACH BARGAIN I EutbluH 5 BR. l BA large FRANK MARSJ-iAU. REAi.- oid hse, on Newport lsl. 7 0\11.rrnlna: 3 Br, 2 ha. home. family rm, 2 frplca. l car TY 6/a-4600. 673-3005. rooms, 2 baths. hu been Carp., drapes, bltns. Steps pr, brick patio, cul-de-sac1========= completely remodel~d to ocean! $23,900 sttteL Will lease; gardener Lklo l1le 1351 modern kit w/bl.t.ns. Lots CAYWOOD REAL TY paid or consider trade A-t 1--------- or storaae. Used brick trplc. 6.106 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. beach income Pt o Perl Y · J.ol"'" OPEN SUN. 1.5 1: dlnin&: room wall . e ~1290 e 644--0770 for appointmntt 104 VIA PALERMO Bathrooms new w/mnken with owner. Immac. Udo Ille home. 2 tub. LlJ;. sundeck w/v'le.,. 4 BR. 214 BA. l...arge living E ft' Bluffs Multr suites + den or off. N I .... 1 ... _.. t ide room. Fireplace. KHcbe~ XC 1n9 famil pl iCf'. Nie, big roo-·. 5"""" !!\I' Y _..,I.CU 0 u 1 · di,.;...,. room. Family ar den. A -·•·· ·--·v Acrou st. from Bay on 2 .. -.. moat JIOt-........ Y an. P11tio. sides &: 3 blks. from ocean. Beautiful patio, do u b I e View ot choice gr!f!:n btlt .1 $&1,500 su,500 buys this 4 Br home. prqe. Owner. For app't trees. 3 BR. . tam nn, m LIDO REAL TY INC. 7.300 sq n custom 4 bdnn 2'.i balha, lol.ds of tWU. IlooA·~ town H.B. R. D. Sl•l•s Realtor• SJ6.3801 847-3519 Low Down Parm•nt Anxious owners \\'ill carry cootrac:t en thl.s J BR. 2 Ba, Glenmar home. $20,$0. ~ ntlt all offers. TERRY REALTY SJG..1"19 anyimtot CONDO. Crptd, d r pd , washer/dryer, retrlg. Xnll cond. Good home for oldeT couple or xlnt rental 1J11it polential. Reereatlo"J facilities Incl. S 1 9, 7 SO. .... 2Jl6. 4008 1'.iarcus. NB m-0363 or btwn S.10 Al\t' or 6-lil PM. move-ln condltxin. S48.900. 1t!I'1!. ~1anson 2 BEOROOr.t. Large comer 1 "'4....,;.,;,,"e,:IO~. ~~=~=-o 642-5449. Principals only. PETE BARRETT 1177 Via Lido 673-7300 lot. 3 car garage. sw·r:rs BAY VlE\V. 3 Br, 2 PLANNING to move? You'D R~~ TO BE BUILT 11 BEAUTIFUL 5 Bedroom, J bath, 2 story home. F'ully htudscapcd, 1 u lo m a t i c sprinkltors front le rear. Fenced. Air condltiolllng. $45.~. 838-9Ui6. BY OWNER-*54.>-6001. ba on wide green be It. find all a.muinc number of !-::=========I Ele1ant Bayfront BUSIEST marketplace In Reduced l600l for quick bomea 1n today'a 0 aalfied Coron• del Mir l 250 Complete infermat.lon on 1 ;town.:;;;;;,:Th:,::;•=D=AlL=Y=Pi!LOT;,;:..;..=,...==' =Ownor==· ......,.,,...,===:.:.:A=d='=· =O>ttk==lbem=="""=·=::;-plans, Ideas, colon. l: AVAILABLE NOW!? OPEN Houllf! 2 to six Walk to new HI School, ~, mi to beach. 3 BR or 2 + Den w/wet bar, condo, xlnt cond. 962-9551. Gener•I 10000. .... 1 1000 S@ilJUlA-~t-trs · Solve 11 Simple Scra.mbled Word. Puzzle.ftn a Chuckle IHYROUN I I' I I I I IKANPUC I' I I I' I I ID,Y 5 w OR l . I I I I' I MUST SEE It. c. GREER RHlty Unexcelled View of Harbor & Ocean n:;a Via Lido 613-9300 135S 316 RUBY ST. Attractive split leveJ Home 3 BR, .lamily r 0 0 m Open locatl!'d on R·3 (ideal tar 4 hoult' Sunday 1-6. • Near apt units), 511» llQ:. tt. lot North B&y, $56.000. House in S715.tnl. Al condition HA VE openings for 4 Rea:! E11tate Sak!:smen In our new olfice. Call for appcintment. R. D. Slates, Re•ltors 536.alOI '1501 Oce•n Blvd., CdM Wiiii•~ Winton By appointment only Rut E1t•t• 67S.W1 SHOR.ECREST 3 Br .. !am. BW Grundy Sl>321DI========= nn. 2 Ba, bit-Ina. frplc. Lind• 111. •-·-1.. ~ W!r1 niet. Assume existing Dove.-Co. HunllftflCWI --I-Sl4" FHA, law OOwn. lt!O -o,., NB SPARKLING CLEAN Bla/owntt 21...,.._23'11 I :;mi:::::::::=::=zz::z=:.:1cLEN i.rAR 3 aoR home. BEAUTIFULLY 0eoor. .. "-~-tf vt Extn.1.arae llvinc l'OCIM with BR. townhou8e. ~ nilftnn C •••W opt:n beam In ceillfw, Thia 5~% rnA. By ownt'l' CAMEO SHORES "°"" hu hod .xcdleot <8"'. Slll,!511. 96""""1 Exqulaite 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Owner anxious. Priced to 1 1=,~oo;.,.,.c~.~,~Br~. ~,~Ba.~~So-a"'"bw"y­ home ...,. Ith oolalandl* move today for only $25,500. home nr. St. Francis '1 beautlful sheltered patio and OPEN HOUSE Sat &: Si.ln U. nlllon H\lh. 962--05.lS yard lhaded by whiaperin( 5. Drive by 10352 KukW, Pine•. ~ Beach to Pal. ~ Huntll'lfton os Verdel vWw from dlninr I liiill-' .1\1 1 _Ha_rbou __ ' ____ 1_40_5 I ·H.:.U::;:..:.P..;O;o,0;;.L...,._,-11 Fint dog, "I don'I k._ whor1 room, llvlnc ...., ud mu. !!Tl t-I I' I J _::;)it':-~· me. I'm nerYOUI =~~.~a by., __ .... _...,_.., .. WAn:RFRONT neia:bbon ~=======::: 0 1L •• -'-• ...,._ "~t-• IUddlo lo Rftl Inc. PRICE REDUCED! = ""', ....... _' .~.~ ~ I -. .,., .... , -,_ R .. Jtw. 675-7225 BautlM • 811 ..., ... ~-~· .. ISELLOY -a poyd>Jatrllt?" l •-ml'!'~'!!'!'!~-1111 -. 'llroplaooa, ._..s. =.:'"·ss.~ ~~ i::,::,.;,~,:...;rl-.lr-Tl-i Firtt dog: -rhat wmt't do ·ACTIONll eel carpetlna. mim::nd Cftlbt'I fta Mornlns Star, L..-.L.....1.-1-.-'-'--.1--'-any good. You know rm not ActJon JI whit thls ontt doon, OOJO~ inlulllfd Huntlnrton Hub!Nr .. r _,..,....,..,_.,,. ___ ., 1 allOWICf --.• _ wamt Brf&bt. cbea7 s Br. ~ Cll-~Cb. toJue 0 , w1 1 di Brobr. W.aJS I l 9-~ m belh homt -~ b!a -t _. .... re~ n y -======== M •1 L Cl A I' I' I 0 Comploto "'-""""" q..o,.d llWc nn., ...,.., ""· IJ9.9<l5, FHA_,._ f ovnt•I• Va!loy 1410 br flll'ina In tk Mhllnf wOl'U downat.aln; ovtnlzt. I o I, PacUJc .sti.:fts &altJ' .,cu ~-:::_=..~t. btlow. 11\lld •rtet. R.ta4' to ottu· 53$.3894 3Q.mB eo.u. WHY PAY RE NT? e ',,','N,,',sNUM8EIED I' r r ,. I' I' I' I~ r 1 m.sooAcUon! ACIJon! Aslc. IJ"IOWNl!!'!!~,O~U~SE~"-~a'°UlltlJw!oo .... "'!"' ~"' ~;i:: ;.~~ .:: _ • _ _ • • • • • -p ~ S.VSun.. U:30-J::l0 Conllntntel, 2 Bclnn. ll~ patio, BBQ. bltns, Adj. to 0 sc.rr· ....... • I I I I I I I I I I r~~r; ~~~.;.,:u..:: .... ""'"'· "'°'· 128'"° ;:. i!:.____ · · ' ' . . -• -RIAL ESTATE 116,000. 611-5614 •"I pm. RJ,_~~~"V:lail __ _:S::C:::RA::::.::M:.:.·=LETS:..:.::...::A:.:;N:.:S..:.W;.;E;;.R'-"'IN.;....:D_IM...;...E·_A_·_U_N_E ___ .;;251;;..;s..;;E;;.... a.;.;;;;;;..,;..;H;..;wy.,_ •• e.;;.;...;.2101 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 3006&.c...t11..,., C>1M • PAUL WBllfE C:AUABAN -6. Paul ~ White -Carnahan Realty Co. 54~5440 OUR 24th YEAR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L ·O·O·K ·l·N·G·? For LOW INTEREST LOANS? Here are a few! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5¥4•;. You au ume it st no change ot lntert:sl. Mo. payfn('flt 15 only $182. Includt's principle, inter- est. ta~. insurance. That'!I all! ~rge 3 BR v.·Hh many PXtras. Pan~ t'led mirrol"f'd y,'lllJ ovpr fireplace. high pile car- T)f'ts, custom drapes, hl'alcd Blue HaYen pool, slidf'. E;oi;l.ras. Rumpus roon1. Asking $3),300. 546-5440 ASSUME S l/4 •/o LOAN Need Room! Thh 5 BR .l. family home ls your an.,wer. 2 baths, lilall shower, brl11ht kitchen y,·/hlt-ln range, spacious livln1 room has "w car- pe ts It drapes. Walk to Rll schools. Acee5s for boat. On1y $26,950 - Call nov.·~ 546-5440 6% FHA LOAN This cute, COi)' 3 B'Jt home Is today's top vat. ue. Real pride of owner- ship. Tuteful.b' deCOl'o ated; wall te "...U C8J'o pets I: drapes. larp !meed yard, M-.ny fru.it trees. Room for trailer. Only $21,300. Low mo. pyri'lts. $140 Prin • tn • interest • taxes. ~6-5440 I $25,000 to $29,999 I Ml. HOME-sUKU \Vant a &' o o d value-? ThPn !ff this fine Mesa De I A1 a r llOlne com- prised of 4 good &ize lx!droorrui. Has a quality of gracloll<1ness that is the essence of pleasant livlni:;. J % bathl. stall showPr bit. ln kitchen plw dishwa.o;he-r . Spaci· ou1 Living room "1th used b r i " k fin'pla~. Fenced yard ...,·Ith patio. Only $29,~. E-Z lerms. 546-5440 LOW INTEREST LOAN can be taken over on this sparkling clean 3 Br, 2 bath home. Fune· tlonal floor plan, hu lg. living room, \\'hill!'" br ick flttplace, walnut ps.nelln11. "''all to "''II cpts & drapes. All elec- tric bit-in ldtchen. 20 x 14 enclosed patio for year-round use. Conven- ient location. Assumt' 51.4 % VA loan. Price, $29,000. 546-5440 VA Al'PllOYID $29,700 Nolhln11 down for this 2 story, 4 BR + !am. rm. home. Vacant and wait· Ing. Ovpr 1790 sq. fl of li ving area. 3 )TS. old. Owner transferred. Gar- dton slyle kitchen. bufl1- lns. dlshy,·uher. J,. baths. Traffic frtt living room, "'all 10 .... •all car· fll'l."I and drapes. rail price $29, 700. 546-M40 START PACKING Vacant 3 BR home. Pool size yard clme to shop. plna-and aclloola. J il baths. stall 1bower. Spac:lous living room has lovely brick tire. pie«', v.·all to wall car- pets and drapes. Nice kitchen, stove includtd. Full price only JZl,950. A5sume 5 % ~ loan. $156 nionth. 546-5440 IS THI PllCE H11iH1 Not thil 4 BR. famll.J' room home In gre&l lo-- cation! Ooae lo ~ pine et>nler and ecboola. On qui~t cul -de -sac $1rttt. Has 2 baths, blt- in kitchen and dlsbo washer. Spacious livlnc room. used brick fltt- place. Cpts A dra.pn. Large ICl"ttned-fn patio. Wf'U developed ya r d . Only $26,800. E-Z terma. ........ 5'AlllSH STTUD Beauty -Onb" 2 yars )"'OUJtl. r onner modi!l home. Perfect cood.IUon throughouL 3 l&ra:~ bf'd,. rooms, 1._ be.lhs. ~ den kitchen. bit-in OW'D 4 ran&e. l.Mie famll.r room, clever uae ot n • 1>enalve wall i-.ptr& Outstanding fenced yd. Priced right al $29,000, E·Z ttonm. 546-5440 I OYER $30,000 I IT'S A SLWH llurrr. and lmpect this popu r T plan. 3 BR homo + family room in ?t1eaa de! Pifar. JdeaJ lo- caUon to schools, shop· ping. Sti!'"p saver kitchen with hit-In oven. range, dlshwasher ! or m I ca splash. l 'f. baths. staJI shower. 17xl2 Uvlng nn. w/w cptl; .l. drape'S.. Plus a heated 4' filte-red pool. Qy,·ncr must sell quick· ly. Submit all offt>J'l! . $32,950. 546-5440 JOI TRANSFER OWner must aell 5 BH home In convenient loca· lion near schools and shopping. Vacant and "·ailing. 1900 sq fee{. 1.Ar(e cedarv.rood claHts custom dra/ll!'"S ol w/w cptJi.. 25xl6 living room with atoM fireplaet>. Terrific kitchen "'ith hit ins &: dish\\'9.ShC?r. ~ baths. Prlre $33, 750. Mlle any oiler. 546-5440 ULTIMATI IN OUTDOOR Uvlng, la this 2990 sq. foot, 5 bl!droom home in Ba.yc~l. Beauutul cus- tom heated pool; loads of cement decking. Trop. lcal 1-ndscaped arounds complete with aprink-ltrs, front ol rear. 3 betM, marble a!nks, all carpeted.. Extra large out.standing kilc~. re- srt UghUnr, bit-in dish· v.• a a; h e T, retrigtta tor. double oven. ~1osaic 1Ued double entry. Ex· JJl!nlive w/w cpts. and d rpes. Prlce $73.400. va. t.'ant. ?.fake offer. 546-5440 6 llDROOM IEAUTTI Nttd elbow room'! This ldt"al family home has over 2400 sq ft of living area! Immaculat.e con- ltJon lnskle 1-. out Hl.gh gradr new "'/W cpts A drapes. 3 baths. Great locaUon. Profeulonally landscaped, pool a!u yard. Sprlnlden. ttatto. Only $37,000. EZ term1t. . - GOOD NIWS TU.Vl\S FAST Thought we'd let you In oii It. Plush modem ( bedroom. 2 bath home, loaded with extru, hl&b quality w/w cpta + drapes. Automatic wat- er softener. Spr!nklt'TS front A rear. Blt·ll'l BBQ -36" &rlll. ~ cowftd patio. Paneling In dJninf artoa. Spa.dous LR - Popular Collf!&l' Park Frplc-1t1anlcurtd lawna, Joe. Price $31 .950. EZ Terms. 546-5440 A SHOWPLACI PrnUae A1ea. V@rde - Gof'l'eow rustic modem. Fabulous df!COI' throug~ OU t. Spacloua traffleo fttf! li\ling room. 1Udinc glass doan to lovelt yap!, pe!lo, c ement block waJI. .f BDRa, muter bednn w/dMS· Ina: room 1: bath. mah quality tarpl'ta throusb· ouL A Must Sf!'e a t ~500. E-Z terms. 5'&-54.-tO I CONDOMINIUMS I SINCOLI L1Vn 3 BOR~f home. Quality throughout. Adult one- time OWTM.'n have c:us- ~: 1 s g }1DI~ init peta & drps. Ute roof. Choice Blult locatJon. Prb '31.!IOO. - 4 llDROOM University Pvk. Exce1r Uonally clean. 2 b8tha. !lullt·ln o ven ol .ranJI!'. Over 2,000 sq. rt. (>f llv· illl" arcL Spa.ctoua liv· h\g room. fittpiact:, quality ..... 11 to M.J.l ~ peta • drapes. Exttllent JocaUon near pool and rttrM.tion &l"tL $31,900. 54&-M<O $1t,t00 $Z,OOO DOWN Cuti!'" 2 BR, afnPe atOl'J' unit. Adult atttlon. Oul· •tandin1 klldltn with built-In O\llCI\ 4 rafWC. 1s.oo11v1nr ............ II.)' wall to wall ClfP'tl A cuttom lfrtpn. Mafn. ttnara trw. DO for ahowinc,. 546-5440 ·········-········· . PAUL· WHITE· CARKAHAN 109J IAKll srun. COSTA MESA 545440 -·· ' ' t .. • . , ( r ,• • 1: " " • .. .. .. " " ., ' " '' "' , .. .:1 .. ' r.: , .. .. ... ,,. I': t: , .. " .. ' ' . ' ; ' :1 ' .. ' .. " 1.1 " .. " .. ' ' !:. '' I" i ·: " :·1· ;. : : I . :: • .. , . '• ; ,. :1 . "' ' • " " ii !J li " " • :i ., .. " .t ,, ,, , . ': . ; :1 " '. ,. I ., '• li 1! .: ! • I -.!: I • ' I I ' '1 I I I I ' \ I ' . ---------- ------::.::;c--~--~~-------.,-;----------·------.-------- OAll.Y l'lLOT Slwnt.,, Stpltmbtt 20, 1969 rvKSA.l.E. 8ENTl'U lll'!•ALS UNTAU RENTALS R!IO'ALS RENTAi.i , RENT,ALS RINTAU .... .... .. 1451 ........ flwaWtW ,, H•U.• UftHralehid l .J;!!u~.;. °""''..... Apts. l'WnlejM4 Apfl.. '~ ~ !""""''~'!JJ . ~1)1l...-Urt"""""'.,._,... •• ~~~ - Vin, 1 Bil, 1 BA. ~lo~ Shi,. 20QS Huntf ...... iMci, 340oiirii°11....:' ..... S4oQ 0.-.1 · '"' '400Q ~oojllft'·~· ·· 42!1' ~. ';:· . .,... !'oota - 1 51°'!_ Hllnll""°" W Moo --= 1 • llA!11!Ulll lo ....... 1 llR "50. 1 Bii, 111' ..... A l>Q. OCEAN '"°""' "I.' I A I • ' ; • ..;. 4J ~~"'-. ·''o»ta.. /a:;:, ~~i' •~fl!. BR.mo . .... ..... ru:lll! ...-. Opt -lfmo ,, PRIVA-CY . t Av&ll """· Ailulta. -bdnnL WIN'lm lil!:NTAL. /, ,....1.. "" --·- WI Ill I .... 1612 jclti.. CM. .... ~ ~ ~ I ~m.aa.... l 'RWnt .P:vmlture -... ,;, ;fh1i_ .. c.._.,, • ~ ' _-.,,· 1 • 2 , • -:. --. ~tlll LABOE luxury 2 BqRM, 11 bath ~ , $25 fr "UP • • · •· ,'-Adil . . .o 1,. I -low ......... Bull... -.... .,,, b<chclor ... "'Encl..,.S ~tios * .,..,.., * WIDE SELECl'ION ' . • . .. . C>JEi'&'\! ~ ' IBDIOI.~ BatbREP0.1-SllAllE2 Bdrn•-1 mm o c !shed apertment., CoatJ -4 lOO <;:.~ :..!: 2 Bit opt. "Monlf>'Tl>.Moril!. Jtentals NftrpOrt;·ioaC!t· O'S ·-• !I;' _ ........ P.~ "-n ••••.• $95. "'0a'!'!'l.S, Dtapu . ' .. $30.00 wfc. up HFRCrurl>ff\n'ello•t~ '"'""·"yD-"'T.M.<1-.. ~ ' . BY <l'oVll;£R ~ trlW1l9 "~i ~w .. hers, ranges. ovens. • °"'· ...... ......._ •i:: .,:,~:.'"~tlU~~ S:.! 517 vt. lilh. bf 518-MSl •4 llil~rin.;"~;~ "~;,..i ,/l'l>ol, i ·--~n• 8each 1705 WOMAN, 35, share I Br. 2 "Lilt w'all'ln Cl<*.Y \ • =~~~ "'"· Blvd. 615-1137 $165. WVELY~ lir,;'bli·lP" ~.1111. 2 8"lhl ..... _; ! ~ '" . . =•;:._ Ba. opl w/,.me. POOi, >:"Prt J,a.uildry~ , , ,_, .. ·••~-•-TVo-• NEW,...lcOl',PR.~ .. .., C4D.lbl~toboacll.Olild l'JIR,-2'.flo\Jio ..... , .. ! 2 ~.o;,,,1. t BA .... patio. "'•'"NISH patlo. "'"I u .. doas . "'Near.oceati-l>ou•,~"Broa4way .;c:;&s.r ·-octtn.WJn.,.$ill5..o: o.x.an;c..,-u;, 2l!R. tB&lhs ••• ;:... be•~· • ......,,_ -... -sli~g· center. ; N . 518-2515 2 BR -~ 3 BR. 2 Batl)s ........ l2!!01.">FP=· ===·::;:::=== ~CIEND• FtlJ!N,.,.\pl.,"'"" "'"' &irl 2111 -BM!. ~· erpi., dr,., ..,, ia .w. No z BR. i aa ....... ~···· •". . ms ~ IJU>l!R BOOR:. :n.,. ... Balboa l'enlnluta. $f.'C[Qll8£ APA'JMDlfS -"' · SHAR".2 BR N....,..,. l:ltft.. 4210 dop. MS-mo 2 BR.1 ~ ~ .,,, •• $11' Logun• .iooC1' J~"' ......._ __ '"· CB,1911S '1 :nGIMaPIOlJyWlbcin. ·1 • ·~· ~« !BR. ~,l!a;l'ln>:Wtf ... JTE. mafure _.,, cbUm-,.,.~-•~"~°'' . M«lcm~.l'Ool. -2 BR -· ~. 91111a ,l · ' 1811 ARall'l'!lCl'UR. _l)o. SfABLE. ""'°"' woman (I & 2·slory home!) -No petJ. J!!IS montb. * a... 1 00> 2 ell * c:cptJ, d<ps, child O.K. """ · ""' I BR apt, .,.,... .... w. ~ -ol HEAVY 2>JO to ™'" Back Bay N R 1· $190 $225 Mgr. Loogtln • ......,. Molla,"° ...... Kll!E. lGUI -~ l\EAL'l'OR r ,. ....... .O~ ....,. PLAST'E-R 'WALLS, 1N condo.$100.51S-'l8TI oyr enon9, • • *VILLApnaaONA St!U>,,,..YP.64&-1801 $1'5. 2 9R, fl!a ·~·-. 2901Newpart~.,N.B.. ,-.. J150 unl\trn, avail COURl'Wll>.S'l1'L!NC. THE IUCCOLA COMPANY ..,.. 'f.>l<l'd . -..,...,, SJ'S"'30 i;.,:=a ""''· 04..P. --~ -· AVl'lltN11C l!Eb TIJ..E Cosio Mosa 2100 · N•w 1 a 2 BR ""° •P"-·wostcifff 4230 Broker~ '• ~w. l300to139:> W•-'11, LaX· 1t•Af ISTATI! ROOFl.JNES. located in -tr Manager: 842-7290 Gosed garages, pool, taun-.~ uriouJ & elegant 2 SR. 2 ~ I I primtNORT)f-EN'Dl.OOA· EASI'..Qde wdl kt-pl, lge 2: ~ dryrm,adultionJ.y,nopeta:. 2 BDR Wtll f.u.m, blt·ina. $130. Util 'pd. Patio,~· 'RA:;,·pool;pn ,~ooliy,•vJew .!t!"f.'~~·,_ ___ _ ,) -:i=s.nt:m SHADED ~l~BA:.~~: RE:;:!!Furnished NewportBMch 3200 ~;~~·~'~v rm,kit, !:;!'tr~~:O"~· ~ w/w. Sr o ~ :::err:_~.avail, 1'•?tal1 Want.cl 5990 I" EariY Callt _ ... ftoo• $225 ,.,. mo. 61$.lST.l. g 0> ba. Single _, only. kl. llnl mo. ,,..,iy. &j6-831'l. , .~be~ .~Pts NOTICE ' Jllan~ _ 2_ ~~G&. 10 pm ar wk.ends. Laguna BNch 2705 ·NEWPORT HEIGHTS. •Walk S13'l iocl util. 310 Meadow Costa-MeiJe1. 5100 310 ·Femindo S!, N.B. REALTORS & RJ!:NTERS JlENr, ~ ~'"' I on..,.. to Harbor Hi. Older but Lark Ln (oil 2386 Santa Ana Coron I dtl Mir · ....ii--· · (?Ur~ The ~Ing ottlce of Univet"· nu • -. nn. on ~•»--.1 ...,...'\.Ill, am. Yard. oo ~SIDE, View, 2 BR l "--1 .. 3 BR •Ba ho A ) 0 aft 1 .... ~-r la, I no-. .._., -p:vo; ..... __ , •-.. --a.1-c......... , • Ille. vt'-• pen .,..... (OllSIRUCllOll ~· 2 nn. 2 n. crpta, oily' ol_Cllliforn rvfllf!_ is -"u---. T<M!!lCR£. ...,..... --..,....... 2 &. Washer/..,.r, Fonnal din -t C rol'do A : "~~ ~--"·"-· ---· -· no .. ~ or··"~-...... ..,.. AVAIL Oct. 1. • •-2 Ba 0 I Mc --·-, ,.,~· , pa"·. txPandutg 1ts-~, '""""' _.TJON RM. Erl-. foyer :;;;7,;., "' u~ dshWlhr. avail Sept. tbru tam rm over 2,000 1t. Mo'!<: "'--.u.,.... ir;•-, .... ,_. .. k'u: "41• .., I oU -~ ~--• a ., -J •· . ~'" Condo. Beautifully turn. Lilr&e 1._2 Bdrm. apla .• tum. Ac:roU from 's & or e«mpus rent..._ n.ai· opelll ts:t • tormal liv. rm. f -~=------r une $250 mo. I s e • mo. lease. &U-.29f0 Adults. 00 pets. pz.s per Frple bl tlo8 JUSJ l'ftUftl rnue, Weslcllnl>taza. $185 to $215. 'tors & privat~ OWMrt ~ with fri'W" ca,,,etlng. MA· 2 BEORM house, fenced SHORTER RENTAL may TOWNHOUSE; 3 Br. 2-% Ba. mo. ~182l 2 r-.. ..:.:.. Una, pa & pool lVl'll'LlllltU .,. lG65 lrvine' 2 n» l BA. iMCOW'88ed to induda -sWt- JESTIC '~LACE IN yard. rio prig. be arranged 5 mo or more, Frpl. Patio pool 2 ,.,___ ""-}'Urtl for eub apt. $1~ ' • ,. -. µ.i.. ablo IR&tDed A liiwi. ltu- ,YEXJ_CAN TILE OF.OOR. Phone ~UM · be. 494-6833 SUn le: Moll. ' \..IU' $145 UP. Attractive 1 BR, $210 Month. yean ~ Harbor Htighh Four ~ $11v Up, $175 down. 1601 dents ·.tl /acolty ~mmo- LGE. BAT WINDOWS THAT -:!~s ~~ ~:n!: ·' pool, util pa.id. Garden liv-Ad.ult. o.nl,y, 2 .l-3 BR ~ _. ~· M2-02S9 dat.ionl to our rues. Write ·LOOK '.f9 'J,'1{$·1SE.A,, Solar· Newport 8e1ch 2200 V1c.ation Rentels 2900 971 ... 881} or 64Z-2t9'1 ing. Adults, no petJ>. lBOO m33'lS ~an With~ t, 2 B~ Hoag H~. Area. or pboilf tor a llsttna.form JQn\ designed den WlOPEN Wallace. FOR 2 Adults, 4 .room apt. dlah~ ~Jil!_ltb9. <:;rpls,.drps, bit.ins & encl front t!ousing Oftke, Li- 8£.u( CEJLINS'." A 'lJEAVY 8 MO lease. flOO ~ CABIN FOR RENT on the AVAlL Oct 1, lse/opt. 2600 LEASE $100 Studio Apt w/ba. ·$225. On beach. Beaut View, Rental Managu -• pr. J!85. Mo. Call for appt, brazy Admrinstraifod Bldg, 1JUPPORT'TIMBERs:Opens Completely tum. 2 BR. 2 ~ Ell""narta, M~ico. ~. b4l'~. ~naBA.delt:?,.~~ kiL Prder' middle HJe man 615-4440 Mra. Olliatiensen 541)...00!B. -4241 Hilaria Wtq, UC ll'Virie, Irvin.~ Calif. to Old b&k patio A-spacious BA, fli>lc. Huge fenced Private party 838-J916 8-1~ oi ... '::M """MN ,.~ ~nro.ar or "Wt>man. Sp. 19 Tradewind -'117 .. A C~1nwn Av~ N.B. 9'1664 PtJ:one: (714) • 833-68u. mrner gl'OUbda. patio, clubhse. pri beach. . ~--0· .,,...,._ or Trailer Vlllaa:e. Balboa 4300 Cotti Meu , CllANNEL ,!ront l·Br. apt. WANT 1 or J tledroom apt. nos FIME REPLICA OF htd pool, covered carport. Summer Rentalt 2910 $135. 1 BR upstn apt. Crpt.. Phone 5*-103' 1 Priv. beach; partly furn. ·on ocean ~ -8'.Yfnmt. I bum ctlJ1'. IS IMMACU· Adults. m pets. See SUn. 143 2 BR Balboa ;IX) PER mo. Oceanfront -LARGE 1 BR. Ba)'tront. Sgl lady N r ~ LATE 'INsmE Ii: OUT. It's Bayside Village, 300 E. ~-........ ~!er .-n::.:~ -~ Paoonunic View. Large dtps & bl.Una.. Pool. !qr, ~. patio, frple, u.tD HARBOR l'llftll. S 610:.1902 . o a a rage . Prefer West ewport or a rare find at any price & Coast Hwy. ~P675 .•• .,....... .. ....,. zm sq. ft. 2nd floor duplex,. apt E. 1846 Placentia paid: Winter $165 mo. 923 E. alKUt · Udo Isle, Yearly leaae. an-ingvalue '°' LINDA ISLE s:J&.39ll, "5Kll) . 3Bdrm.2bath.67>-1442. EASTSlde2BRlum, clean, Balboo.G131190 BEACH APARTMENT baebelor. 83>-UIO. Mr. $38.950 FU kt. PRICE New beautiful 6 Bedroom Ir $250 wk. Lu x u r i o us NEW home-like townhouse, adulta ollly, ft> pets. 3&l E. $135. CLEAN. Yrly apt&. 1 " BAati::t.oR uilfura' r r o m Furn or Unfw'n. <:111ts &: drps, l""W"el"'ch.....,..,...--...,.-- TERMS AO"AIL? stndy . .fY.! Bath borne. 60' waterfront apt, pool. Fum 2 2700 ft. J BR. J BA fam 16tt: Place. $165. Mo. 2 BR. Util. pd. Crpta & $ll0. Alllo avail 1 ~ 2 &: 3 yearly. $250. IDO, ~ MGR. <lf large. major co .. CALL FOR APP'1'. &lip. 2 Year le-ase $1SOO mo. BR, 2 BA. (n4) 673-3003 m1. ,52 Amigos way. LOVELY 2 BR. 1~ BA, pool. drpe:. No kids. No pets. Bdrm. Heaufd poolll, citnd after 5 PM. hu been trari!lered to local MISSION REALTY Linda Isle RENTALS ~ or 615-4130 Adults, turn $100. Uni $15.5. 541-1155 ~·center, adJ tg Plop{>Jn&. .2 BR ltiWer duplex. trplc. area. Would like io rent 2·3 885 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna Development Co. Houaes Unfurnished 2310 slnta Ana. 645-2933 CLEAN Bacheklr Apts. No ptts. · • ' 1 • $180. Yrly. Bltins._ Crpts & BR home. $150 to $1&5. PHONE (714) 494-0731 Bil! Grundy 6'15+3210 G I l.SE-3 BR den, fam . rm, e NWR.u Pa.bns: e All util Incl $85 up 2'100 ~ Wa.9' . drps. 1 child ok. 3ll 36th St. Please ca1I 213: 241-0922 HIDEAWAY • LINDA ISLE e ener1 3000 tornia.I din rm, cpts, dJ'P', 1 &: 2 BR. Pool 315 E. BaJboa Blvd. CO!ta Mesa. S46-0370 (ll:n 2.@:lim WANTED: 2 BR house, $121 ON 3+ LOTS For you I; your boa.t! !iO ft. OCEANFRONT &wet Beach, p'.:::':x, ~-~:~ 177 E. 22nrl St. 642-3645 BALbOA 6T3-0045 MARTINIQ"UE 2 J:IR. 2 BA, cpl!. drps, or under per mo. Furnished. ~•-3 ,.,_ to prlv. beach. slip + beaut, turn. 3 BR. 3 BR, 3 BA, 3 *'-lftces, Ba •-1 btd pool ~ ~ --2 BR. 2 DA k 1 BR "'nts. Nr 2 BDRM, 2 bath. % bloclt to GARDEN APTS -bltinl. Adults, no pe1ll. $1'.75 644-2800, .ext 212,--m for v•-v ~ • ~-A ) ...a _nALI ~""l"" • .. Y C, • -......., up "*' . . , • • l.Me 1548--3708, 613-ZJ'to, tdf. G;µ-c.ia Enter thru secl ·~lcitl pa.. ...,.,....,. mm"'"' av..._e fur den, blt·ins, cpl.I, drps, 1 yr w/opi Bier 646-0732 shpng cntr. No children or beach. $175 incl o ti I • Elt D t, park likt-SUlTOIJlld-""c;:.;:c:::'c.:.:;:..:::;::,=~ ''"""""'""'°""'=:-::=~:I tio to ~-rm. w('-.,.beam lease 'til June l5th. 1e&R tninimum. No single pets. 6t6...rm before(. m.3101 . ce:; adul ·only UPPER duplex, lovely 3 BR. EMPLOYED man needs apt oelL. ~ behdf''fiearth. Boyd Jtealty 675-5930 or pets, '375 mo. (213) WATERFRONT, 30' dock. 3 1 SR furn ...... :: ind util AVAIL Sept. 19, modem 2 ":c1i. l 2 lb3 BR.. A....,, 2 ~ New decor, nr Lido ~ exch. for week..oo/eve- ocn. view. 14;e, wd. ~ LIDO Sands. 4009 Bruce 59l-1743 Br, l% Ba. crpb:, drps, Heated poo], :d':its. no pets. BR. bltns, crPu. d:rpg. $185 Pooi. sbopplnc-r...,. shops.~ rung wo1*. P.O. Box 92 bit-in kitch. Gay mosaic Crescrnt. Avail to June lS 3 RENTAU adltl. $500 mo lse. 67l-6698 549-S27 or 968-1740 mo. 205 Cyprfts. su--t638 tm SantanrAaa, Apt. iu.· tJ.75. BaYalde Village No 81 Balboa Island bthrm. 2 bdrm&+~· d.m Bedr, 2 bath. washer/~, 2.3,4, bdrm's 3BR. 2baths$265mo. YRLY lse, l BR furn or un-. e i45.55Q e J"BR. 2 BA. Caipet, stove. RETINED &s.,lad)' wants -+: rnini ~ •Faniily ot· fenced yard. Poof avail. The Real Estate Mart 4 BR. furn.~ ba. $280 mo. MODERN FURN. 2 BR, furn apt. % block from ' , re6'ig, pdol. Adutts:. 675'5.175 room tw/ba, lite moking. chard·· space' tCJ< bk!,. guest Near beach. $250 mo. No 1742:1 Bead! Blvd. HB Caywood Realty 54~1290 healed ;pool, adults, no pets. beach. 675-3M1 f • Viifta l 'nf 2 BR.Wlfurn. tt blk to beach. Will be QOmpanion tome J h9f>. +pool. ALL pets. 11) 535-4575 or (1) 841-8531 • $325. Luxurious, 5 BR. 2% $1'45 + util. 542-9520 airway ftflls · ~ . *Gll-0086* . e\011'1. 64t-4662 a $31 ,900 BUYS IT TIS..3834. BA, view Country Oub. GORGEOUS.New 1 &: 2 Bt. lido Isle 4351 · e ·lANDLORDi·• ( OWNER n4~ PENINSULA POINT ~~ B:ti!~ ::;~. di;e:1d Partially furn. 546-1751 ~vpity rm, Cpool, sauna. Near Orange Ct> Airport & Newport Shores 5220 FREE RENTAL SER.VICE ; EMERALD BAY •• first of· CHEERFUL 3 BR. 2 Ba. yd for childreT1. Bkr. G45-~ arsons, .M. 642-8670 BAYFRONT APT. UCI. Adu!t.! only. 20122 Bl'Ol<tt SJ4.'982 tering of an -a-utb e nt lc w/sep. family rm., fenced Olll. Newport Shores 3220 1 BR, new, beaut tum. M<l. \VINTER LEASE, 3 BR. 2 Santa Ana Ave. ~2796 3 Br. 2 B.a. duplex. Crpts, NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in Spanish-styled; home with play yard, Steps ta beach. to Mo. nro. Adult! only. BA, trplc, large patio, .fully -)~ bl~ ~rs· $2'Q mo. Harper &:h. area by Sept. l . red tile roof '& flagstonM"n-Avail. NOW! S315 Mo. $.160. 3 BR, 2 Ba. Sep. house, 2 BR,. 2 BA, duplex. lower. 2220 Elden. 645-1251 eves furn. m.2328, or Cll3) __..... ~<> Reasonable, 64.5-1155 try gaiden-3 bedrms .• 2 Hal Pinchin & Aasoc. 675-4392 cBhilladre. 64n~ !~,pels welcome, $185 mo. Adults. 215 2 BDRMS, heated pool, no 654-3016· ORLEANS APJS. l 1 bathrms .. 31 ft. living nn. GREA ~= ~ St ·~ ~ ta -r--·-Dri East lluff 5242 NURSE, Empl, deiiret; small ~ lana: T View on main bay; . , ._.,....., . ~... pt • -....uqyn ve, B IL--1-•-• ••55 apt or house. Exch ol Bttakfast nn. &: 1 • near ocean, 3 BR.. 2 Bath $250. 3 BR d~plx. Gar, patio, S6-211M a --""' ' -! e NEW DELUXE • sern.ce-·co.Midem:t, 494-_ 7696 'I (DVcly landscaping & lots of w/gnrage Winter. $300 mo. stove, refng, w/w. Bkr. East Bluff 3242 -BR avail, Adults only. Br charm! Priced at $64.&ro. 939 w. Bay Ave. ~~12 or 5J.4.6980. Newport Buch 4200 $160 WINTER rental Little 3 • 2~ be apt. AK: le~ GOVERNMENT wo rk e r 1 JAMES L9MAS Re al f")')c; 3 BR. 2 Ba p . UNSURPASSED BAY vttw hie. 24' LR, 15' from tK.t 1741 Tugttn, Costa Mesa lni;:L sp1_1c. mastr. awte. dm wishes to rent family home . .,. ~-Coast Hwy 6J3..8580. .......,. • aOO. N Be dock. (Use $15). 2 BR, food .Mar. Mn. Car.;on, 642-4641 rm. &: dbl, garage, auto. * 646-45U * F.titat!!' • .,,_ ~ • BA'iSHORES. 4 Bclnn. 3 ba. trplc. RIO, W/w. Children 40' Porch, 2 Br~·2 Ba + pool ewport ach door <l~bet avail. Pool &r-~==~==~-1 Dial 494-1008 Sept. • June lease. Private & pets O.K. Bier. SM-6980 Immecj acc. IM 5400 mo or COUNTRY CLUB ~=. ~ ~ Gr.c:Jout Aduft Livi-n;c~ atea. Nr. catholic * RENTµ. SERVICE * Blue Lagoon Villa community wifhlbeach. 13J.1 EXECUTIVE DOme 5 Br, S ·opL to buy,~· 67l>-0621 LlVINQ' _..,,,. ..... _;:•1 • .., dn1feh & school .&. Corona ~'to LANDLORDS . th-..... ·t • ... _ _, .... -ts 3 BR -DR. Llt. ~U<W'I &: IWlllrn.2 BR'.· n......, Bl D-<«MU l.WCOt)' apt.. unmac. .....,.. • mo. 6'£.1086 Ag!. BA. crpts, dtps. elec bltnl 3 BR. LUSK Lge. view ...,..."<ury gcuuen a_....,en I .... y .., del Mar High. ue °"aeon ~ 1 Yoo own the 1'.nd. 2 BR. + Fenced $350 ~740 home; 2% bA. Nice ept&. & oUerlng complete privacy. $150 + ulil. w "crpts, frplC. Pool. Stu-e ONLY $255.e oonv. dn. Lg. Jiv. rm. out-NEWPORT Channel; 2 Br. • · drapes. 642-9190 Agl beautiful landscaping & un-adults, (Pasadena) 198-4003 dents OK. No cluldren. . .st! 'AmigQI Way, N..B. Rooms for R¥t 5995 standing view, 2%. Baths. wshr/dryer. di.Ip., gar. Lg. 3100 paralleled recreational facll-MESA EAST APTS HOU · Decorated· by nationally fIICd. yd. Side tie avail. COltl Mell Corona del Mar 3250 !ties in a country club at· Huntington Buch 4400 145 E. 18th, C.M. TOWN Sf;S new 2. 3 & 4 $30. per~. Maid rftv; hid known decorator. $.jS.SOO. Winter. 3507 Finley 833-ll34 3 BR cpl & VB $l70 mosphere. Now leasing in 642·3474 or 548-5745 ~-.~: ~A.,!~ Way. pool, central toe,-· Motel CORBIN·MARTIN 2 8R Furn h'.ltne, in Disp. Carport fenced yd FOR Lease -cameo Shores, Newport Beach. New 1 BR, $135. 3 BR 2 Ba, SHARP, l.arKe 2 BR apt, 91 ~ <ll' "'~ TuhiU Inn, 450 · Vk:torla •, RS ~1$62 a ... _........, •.....: CY 1y 6 I 2 a.1-• 1700 16th Stn:et $195 ..i~ crp•• bl"-· · (near Harbot' 61\td) C.M. REALTO ,.,..,, ....... .,s. ,,.,.,.,,, mo. r Spec. Pr. Seniors pref. mos <lt ess.. cw.ui s, con. FurniJhed or WlfW"nished Nr Ocean. pri deck, p:rage. ....,...., ...., ..,...,, qwtt Corona ~I Mat 52!0 548-2129 (9 al:n io 5 pm). ,I 3006 E. O:iut Hwy., CdM lease) &U.-3863 Lease w/opt. Nr mkt.s vertih1e aen, % bath's, eli Ot>4 Bach units $75, $85, &: $95. bldg, infant OK, S150 mo. OCEAN VIEW HOME BAYFRONT Mt dock 3 Br, 3 at Placentia on 19 SL spacious llvil:le" rm. dining Mod ~ s:;70fu 9 .. pm 202 B 14th 673-178C, 536-131! ::• alter 5::1> or . ROOM lor rent, kitchen XLNT Vet bn assumption. Ba den. Lease/option $500. 1904 Federal Open Sun room. $31? pet__.. m..!.; OAKWOOD 2 BR. mobil home nr. bch. • ---; ,: privilti:;.es. Corona de1 Mar, "' t.·nte Will not ioereue. 3 mo. 675-4331. Abo UDfurn. Vacant &: Oean, Owner gardener included. •n.>-01 •o ATTRACTIV E: ntwly ~ pool, beaut area. J'm a -• -~1-'-2131"7 _,,. Adull!I. $160 Yrly, t1lKI .... 11 ,,·ngle quo·e1 lady -1111 Br, 2 Ba, w/w erpts, ul'-'C. 54&-9493 any hr daily "' CUI"'""'' .,.. -:-...,..,. GARDEN mo. 2l3: 292...(fill Mr. W redecorated spacious: 2 or 3 ....,, • • v•;r Car lot; compl privacy. Bayshor. 2225 2 BR, garage, patio, crpls, FOR Lease, Cameo Shores 6 ton BR. 2 bath aptB. Poo.I & I=·""="==· --~---I A nx i o o • • s ubmil. F/P mos or less, 2 Br. convt. APARTMENTS recreation room. Children ON TEN l'\CRES C'OLLEGE or working girls, $44 500. 3 B'l, 2 BA. fum, dishwsht, d~, sto~e. re~g. ~I~~ dt?n, 2 Ba, spac. livfrig rm. WINTER. ocean!ronl, 2 BR. 2 BR, 2 BA. pri patio. Hid OK. 646-7095 or 2214 College 1 & 2 BR. Fm'n le: Ullfurn live on Bal Isle, incl phone, p t.ACE RE..\LTY 494-9'm4 wshr/dryr, frplc, gardener, seti!,ting 1iJ::,r 54~':sc, dining nn. gardener pd. $200 month. 300' From pool, washer book up. $~ Ave. Fireplaces ; priv. patios I kit, rec nn & TV. RqJms e BY OWNER • yr lse. Priv beach. 646-4709 s P6· . $315 mo. 673..sm ocean 2 BR. Sim month. montb ~-2 BR. Children OK. Bit-Ins, Pools. Tennis . Coatnt'l Bkfst, from $50 lij). 675-36l! il BR. P m 2 BR. East.side. $!00 Mo., l OCEAN VIEW 110'~• r .. M -~ 2 BR. ""1" ..i...... 1 -e le---" ....1 900 Sea Lane, CdM .....W DELUXE roo-.In "'I, Custom bu L l anora -Coron• del Mar 2250 yr. lease. lat & last mo·s. llil:n:) ........ ta esa ye..,.y, 0 C ty 4600 ~ .......... ., ... ut> ,.......,. 3 "" ,.. '-'' ic ocean view home. Walk rent. Water paid. No pets F<lr ~ 1rom $350 up $140 util paid, no pets. r•nge oun No pets n65 mo. 2192 I =I private horn@, $20 week. to scboci. beach. OCEAN side. 11,S blks. to Eves/weekends 546-822'Z Don V. Franklin, Realtor 642-3837 SINGLE Young adults, lmt· Amerlcan. nr Victorial~I . can 540-2754 Open ~t/Sun. l -S beach. Well furn. bome. 3 fi73.~ _ SINGLE Young Adults Lux-ury garden apts, w/foll Elem. 548-l57J Balboa tsland 5355 ROOM For rtnt, gentleman 920 SKYUNE DR. &. 2 ba. Lge. fam. rm. 3 BDRM .2 g'-th ~ kt NOW READY! 3 bedn:xwi, 2 ury garden apts with COWi-recreation facilities I: com-UNnJRN 4Je 2 & apt, nmv-preferred. $50. month. ~500 494-6174 lea.SI! 'tiJ JUbe lS; $375 m<l. Large patio. a.rage 10 c Baths: not tar from FaShion try club atm<lSpbere and plete privacy. South Bay ly pa.inttd. w I w crpting, Ltn'LE ISLE. Att new bit 2 6(2.2092 atltr 6 180 DEGREE VIEW wr Boyd Realty 675-5930 ot lot, converted. Rent or Island. Year t(IUnd lease complete privacy. SOUTH Club Apts. 7T7 So. $1SO mo. incl util. Apply BR apt. . sundll!ek. • New LARGE comfortable room, of white water .It coastline, CAMEO SHORE> Luxury 2 lease. 5f0-4044 $285 mo. BIB 61S-:3IXMl BAY CLUB APTS, Irvine at Brookburst, Anaheim (TI4) Mgr, J35. Albert P l, C,M. or stove. re frig, cpts, ·drps. convenient area. $20 per lmll1l but level $7,950 With BR, den ocean view 4 BR. Mesa Verde. Htd. It 4 BR. 3 ba.. 2-sty. borne Year. 16th. Newpon Beach. m-4500 call 82(-4968 aft 5:30 pm $2'lS yrty lse. 673-4394 week caJl 642-t?-:>& $1.IXXI down, bal at $85 mo. adultB. N~ly dee. Owner'. Jilt. pool. $325 ?.lo. Incl. pool ly, $275 Month. (714) 64~ NEW ~ BR. 1 BA. tibag crp't NEW Large 1 Bedroom apt. 1 BDRM w/ bath. Private All due 3 yn. 6T:>-5698 maint. 8 f.fonths ltase Winton Real Estate 67f>.3331 OCEAN FRONT 1 BR, spac Garden Grove 4610 Drps, dishwh.sr, patio, beam G~ & dock for small entry. N" ooolrlng. $70 mo. 494-113T or 491-1021 2 BR, 2 BA. On the beach. Owner 546--0271 2 BR, dbl garage, lg yard, kltchen & liv nn. Nicely SINGLE Young Adults lAlx· ceiling, frplc, gar. Adult<;, boal 67l--0546 furnished. 6Ts.-0771 I 1707 Breakers Dr avail 9 * 1 BR Cott.age. New decor. OK for boat, trailer, etc. decorated. shag crpl. S130 ury garden apt.s with coun-00 pets. $165. 2650 Elden. E x·C LU tiaJ L•guna Nigue months. $300 ' ma. l213) Alt util paid . $140 mo. $250 mo. 673-al25 mo Incl util. Bach only. -· club a--......,_ and 537-0fl62 after 1 pm & Sun. Huntin,.ton BeKh 5400 S l VE residen · -54• ~49 ·~ ~.. 61' ~ 12131 -........, ... 3 ""u"t""'"" · beach area. Use or conr N • 1 T 799-6885 -or ......,..,,_,..., ........,...., or ..,..~..,, complete pn'.acy. OOUTH REDECORATED 2 BR , Laguna 1gue err· b In plete. home. $100, 646--7938 N ... ....., "'· n . ;w & 5 er. CHINA COVE. 3 BR-den. LG 2 BR. gar & palio, $140. Huntington Beach 3400 Nwpt I1land-Beyiront BAY CLUB API'S 13100 It-s. ttpts a: drps., no EXCLUSIVE -N wt R-•--•·d CHAPMAN A r.~ pet = W "•;•-S 2 BDRM'S So,. ol H-. l bl!<. bome9 in ocean view area. Fantastic view. 1 or 2 yr e Y """'-vra...-· Upstairs. newly dee, compl ve., ....... en ' s. """ · w ....... n t. -" Carpet.el, front landscaped, lse. 675-3226 or 6Th-38IJI 54$-2655 3 BR. 2 BA, 2 car garage, furn. 2 BR den. Dshr/displ. Grove (n4l 636-3030 545-6760 ON• THE-BEACH from beach. $\ti Adults. no ""1th sprinklen: bllnS, self· AVAIL Oct.. L E-slde 3 BR. ~~~oo:· &.T:!~,~~ Adults. no pet&. Util pd, $250 DELUXE lg, 1 Br, 11Undeck, 2 BR unfum, $135. Adults, no 2 & 3 Badroom Apts. l.:i;;pe""',,.·-642-..,...7_8911_.,_.--.,-I cleaning oW:.n: 3 car garage. Balboa 2300 hoi.lse. bltins, dsbwhr, cpts, per mo incl water. Rdi! mo. 6'5-7599 uar, ocean view, carport. peta, 745 W. l8th St. Apt C. Luxury living to pie~ the 'l'WO rooms for rent • $58.1SO Tu $61.950. Excellent drps, $250 mo. 642--0850 M6-351S e WINTER rentaJ-1 BR nos 1ease. Util pd. 499-1473 open Sat & SUn 10 to 3. .most. d\,scrimina_png. Now emplQYed men only. $S:J per - .... ;...,. with declining in-2 STY 3 BR. 2 BA. crptd. Nr , __,_, · I 541-0664 for lnfonnatioo avA"-IJ. at mo. ~ ·-... <-.. , Family --•y. MOK 3 Bdnn home E-~1de on .11' _, -uc1uxc, ocean view, gar, -u.e , _,,=~-~_,......,,...,,,,.. " •· •-1% % to ~ ~· -3 BR. 2 ba. den. "~· wlw ' • u ••~ L •--~ "705 Th ff ntingto '"Ft•"" n -· be t CdM I.ere rai.c ........ (n4} 871-9467 ac. Fenced yd, Dbl gar. 1 -h I penoa. D) pe -· aguna v..irn .. 3 BR. 2 BA. Crpt&, drps., B 0 n l\-1'1 no.ium In au 6&.4%. child, $176. 64&-560'7 crpts, screc.>ned port' poo, e OLDER house, 1 people 11,_ .,75 ,.._ ._.. ... bJtins, fr.plc, d s hwb s r. bolYie for sngl penon. $l23. l•gun• Niguel Corp. • 2351 re.ls. no pets. $250 mo. lie. $130. 673--2617 ..... & ... a. V\...:anu""' Sur Patio dbl pr Adults. '!lo Pa' cif1'c Re!s, no smokers. 613-4169 '99-ll344 54.1·7761 Lido Isle S BDRM, 2 baths. I year 540-~ l.SOS: OCEANFRONT dio apt'11. All utll k ttJeclear pets '540-7088 • ~FURN room, . pn"vate en- Jease. Good neighborhood. LEASE 4 BR. 2 Ba •. bJt-ins, incl. Lse on1y, 494-2775 =;;;'-;;-=-,,.,...,=,..-,,,- Mi11ion Vieio 1708 ~~reL~ i: ~ Call aft 5 pm. S4&-ts29. fenced Yd. $235 mo + 1st & 3r:irm, 2 BA h5%;.is1:5 LUX 2 Br, 2 Ba, oceantrt. in NEW J BR Apt. East Bide~ ~":r :C,~~irl only. LBPAZ San Martine model. bathS• trplc South ~tio & AVAIL Oct 1st, College Pk. la$t. + $l00 aeeudt,y. mo. ~a~~i3~~77·1169: ~:-871-1700 ~~,'d~,bl~~ ~: 'ru Ocean Ave,. ll.B. I-==""======;=- . e1eva . :mJ nr beach. '$Joo M<l. yrty. 11hr-t'P 2 BR. convert deb, 2 Tradewind& Realt,y 847..gsu NEAR.New 2 9 turn apt. * 642-GZi'l <n4) .-.1'87 MOteli:. Trlr. CrtL 5997 :a;~R. ~ tiO~ 2 fpl~ le:~. BA. $225. lease. S4S-36S8 4 BR home, 2 itory. J car blk from bay. Yrly lease. FABULOUS 1 BR on ocean. LARGE l BR Sri a r P ! I ~~~~~~!!!'l~~I, "'-=~-;;:;;;:;:;-;-~ family d.in nn. Xtn. lg Lee Sc:bonek, Rltr. m..J585 3 BR. bouse, blt·lns, cpts. It garage, s-t1o. FeJlC!ed yd. $3» mo. 642-0010 ask ftr FrpJc, utn, P1"C Incl. S15S Drapes. cuPfm. Dear So. BALANCED POWER $6 NIGHT UP . 1ot, anctrm..otru. Assume NEWLY Fumillhed 4 BR. 4 drpl.. PIO month. Crpts a: drps. $2lli mo/be. Don Ctevier mo. 3'8 Clill Dr. 4!M-Z175. Coast Plaza. occ. $130 mo. • APARTMENTS -e Kitchenette •. TV. mH.ld 3t?tv ~ g ~" FHA. By Ba. avail Sept 15th. Winter 546-697S 9182 A:Mik Or, H.B. ,968-5llQ2: l &: 2 BR-Bachelor Apt&. LGE. l·Br., ocean view. $190 Agt. call 546-S179 NEW LUXURY 'l &-. 2 BR : ~be :;-ice abd pool owoor. 8.10-1348 tr kJrctt. (213) 189-9369 ot 3 BR, 2 BA. MontiC"ello O:>o-3 BR, 2 BA. ocean view Kit-TV-Poo1-••·•..1 .. _. ""'--1.SR. flJrniSbed. $135 AV GA$ BUILT·~S ,.....! .N CM --do. Kldtl OK -·----·--th .. ~ ~· -AR"'~ ... r>-t. ~............ AILABLE Now, 2 BDRM, PA~"'· • BALOO'=s ,j;,}IV ewparf Bl C2Ul ••-m \f ._ ~-._.... ,....,., per wk. & up. TilE MESA W rww"' Pll ..... er -.-.-...~ crpts. drps. blUll&, carport. Ao'\n.1"WING'"" · MS-9755 Duplex• For Sale 1975 FURN 4 BR, 3 BA. $400. 67l-4277 no ans. 962.ooo2 * ~1867 * 415 N. Nwpt Blvd. 646-9681 RENTALS Adults. No pel>. 548-611i9 "" k be 1 BR ~--1145. 3 BR I ho ,_ & G'lm'&"Qf_OE CIW..E'I' ..,.,. w & up Bae ~ Apls. N..wly dee. Avail now. FOR rent '"""""• un urn use, crp..,, OCEAN Front yrly lse. 3 BR. Apts. Unfurnithad NEW 2 BR. suo. Bltns, 82t2 4.(;~ 536-2800 l<Jtcbens -TV1 r Maki Serv. DUPLEX. 2 l: l bednn near Jloag <Jlospital. A I w a y s lttented. $26,500 .Good fiban· dng. fi46-8Slfl eves &: •oeckiends.. iiNTAL~ Houset Fumlshtd Wntr rental or yrly References! drps. $225 mo .. lt!a.8e 2 BA r...1 • .,..,,.. ·ncl Ill · · City I ~-9·~ f 1714) 624-7109 * 548-4416 * •5.l6-J898* . ......-wee . ..,,.,., I u , ~-I 5000 patio, pr. Adult. onl.v. no Z BDRMS. 2 BAJH o ..,,_'&'" tro o 2208\> W. O<ean Front -••ra "'" 100.F 21.i St. Ms.mi • panui;,. Motel. 24.10. W. B. Ibo I 1' d 2355 4 BR. 2 BA. Cl"ptd, drpd. A New ~-!~· 4d Ba. blt-ipdru;, 629-3914 -2 BDmt Duplex. Middle-'"'"' ' Chapm11n • a 1 an dshwhr fcriced. $250 mo. N. dtps, fou""~" Y . water • • i~m n~-··. • VEN' DOME ~-n~/Mo. flEATED PDOL I'·===~---~~ CM 541)...42'75, $3.'iO 968--QlU T<.;•• ......,,,IU6> pttt Rugs l drps. $150 mo. ,._~ ... -o:.EKLY mies Sea lark SEPI'.June. nice tum homt, · WINIFRED L. FOSS, Aat. 548--0(2'1 Incd. cpl/drps, Ki& OK Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., BAI hle, 2 BR. 2 BA. ar 1 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. bit-ins, near e 64i.38SQ e TE APTS! Oe.lawa.rt studio Apts. eo. .. ta Mesa 1 BR, 1 BA. reu rent ~apon. Meu Verde 3110 heh. sehl!, newly crpld, LARGE l BEDROOM IMMAAD, .. ":J.'t F.um..Y 2 BR. drapes, . carpettd, -2620 Dmwate, H.B. !-=========- •· a .. !200 per month 536-&129 .,...,, pragt. tmm~. adults, 00 2221 .. -~me 5:»-W6 G I H · s-cple. 675--048' -1~ or 3 BR le: tam room, avail Oct · · Sl25 Mo, .oc:ttnview, winter SECTlONS AVAILABLE no pets Sl.25. 646-6370. • .. ..,.. •· vet OJI* ,..,.. Olden 213' .....,,.7• hl Chlldren OK. t.aae, 1'a ll NI I 370°7 e m-atl * Clooe lo ohopplnf, Pork $135. 4:< 2 BR '""'"" apt. * BEACHBl.UFf,* !'RI l'OOm fl' lk'd Guest S BR furn "tU July 1. Frplc $200 per mo. 549-3?90. gun gue GARAGE Apt, bt'bvten bt.)t A * ·Sp.doUI I Brs. :I'S. Crptl, drp6. bllina. Pool. Nctr .. J , • a Br, J,Ba. F.A., Heme for elderly mu or dbl gar, tam.Uy only, no LG. deluxe 2 Br, 2 BA. ocea.n 2 BR. S1Q) winter, * 2 Bedroomt Mgr aJ>t E, 1846 Pllcetltia di.sbwahra, patkis, po 0 11 woman. Good food., ..L'Qn+ SJ. Lqu~ 2 ~. ocean view • .JUk) bd waler. Avail ,_ O> July L (2131 - O' wple: 6.17 No. M.lmon .. • nr. su Gabritl pets. $215 incl util A: Newport Beach 3200 convt. den. ~n view. $2(1) yrty 673-tO'l6 * Sw1:m Pool. 'Pu:t/sft'en DELUXE 2 BR. &1udio. crpts. view, t·..t 2 ~to:rf..ijWallr to l'!niaJ atmoepbere, 8.vail telej'.hJne. c.au 67$-124! 499--™4 or 5fi'-17lil 3 BR. 2 8A winter rental. l'A * Frpl. lnd.iv/lndrJ' t.c:'h drps, pool. No child ages 2 5 Potnl& 5'lol>'r. H.B. now. 548-S225I WINTER; s Br. bayfronl 1/1 RENTALS bfk to <>«an. Furn or un-ai,."1 =-Im~ thni 10. Call 646--04!!6. 817"'57 ' ltorstolo feJ Shoh 2005 A'*'. ,.arly 4 BR bay!rnnt TOWNHOUSE ~·· Furnlshod lurn. 642-2752 *' BR. """ no pela. Child SHARE 5 BR b>ul8. 3 i.. s ~ ~ ~nio Rlty. 498 Adult& only. 3 BR.. t~S BA. Ge al 4000 3 Bii, 1 Ba.. 1i blk. lo ~acb. ok. SJ.30 per mo. \'t:. Beaul dl!o:nted. S21S month ner $240 l\fo. yrly llSE'. s.19-10'JJ Gr 5-13-i:ZJO CU' pr 1'/m.elure. tmplo)'ed m • J e . ,CM. L1gun1 Buc.h 2705 Bay & Beach U> W£J..:KLY. t Br. pool, l~H~ '40lh St. 6'75-.'m!:i RtNTAL. FINDERS l ·BR. Luir. w/w cpta, stow. 646-1058. 5fl-.2523 uk -Mr. Rtelty, fnc. w/w. ChikJ,..,.n & peU O.K. 1'RJPLEX -Spac. 1 BR. IUP8ISM ·•· tuaAll'nll gar. Adlts., no pets, $120 Mo. Baker. 3 Br, $235. l BR, $U'i. !IOl Do\/tt Or NB Suitt ll6 Broktt 534-6980 bltins. Pfllio. Blk from bch ; = mmnM-.,_. 642-8519 After S PM. MA,M "to ~ J BR~ util paid. 23S Cltiquita 6u.2000 .,Eves.~ $170. 2 BR. New paJnt., w/w. &: ht,y. Wtnttr--yrly 675--678l An.-toCWMAn511¥1Cf 2 BR, apt.s. drpfi , ~"' p:d. 'Newpart Beech SL or call 213: .... " Q!.U~ O.K. w..e. peta. TIIE QUlCKER YOU CALL, or,w. ""c.t. .......... "' W~/deya, Reh req'd. * CaU &GD1J + ne. t!ltphutlt Oime-!1-.fiJle DAD3 Pltar WAHT ADS! "11tr\ ~ . THE QUJCKER YOU s;EU. 'tol:l?n e"'"' a r 169 Met:a l>r. SJ!O. &0-4S68 1-~ ..... -'-~~~~~~~~~~~ \ Ml~ Rtoltls 1?99 OCEANFRONT v h! w sun • deck. bl!acb. new 1pac~ db:. sro1_tAGE fp~ Boets ..._ 2 BR. bltins, cpta. tndry. nr Trail!':'-Fenced Y!!-nl. Call ii:hop!I A: pier. Select temuit&. &tl-3510. SIS..,, A{iults. ~2131 1-~sro=~M=GE~Y~A~RD=­ ~fQDt:RN 2 aa,..1aJ1 extnu. Auto -boot-truck. Cl.lnpt Sl3& • n45. Sfpe w/pool, -etc. ~2610. • Mgr' lli:n -1A HI!, THE QUICKER YOU "-' 84M~ THE QUICKER YOU . . . -. ---------- 7 a I 'f J I * -l ·. • ' IUllNISS iitl IUillNUS ... "NANCIAL ' l'INANCIAL l~~i~~n~1tl~-~~~300~~1us.~~~~~~Q~1i~'CI ~· Tl>.'1 1; cotmttuCTJON NOD•)' Wh y 'r' CHRISTMAS DULUS I •VJU&U• tar """°"' ,..,. en ou ducilJw ........,. ....... ,.. • w t ., d ... CASH IHVl!STMENT COUkD MAKE -"'· Motel&. Num-. an I one YQll .. bR MORE CHRISTMAS PAOl'I T. Romeo. ~ Cent.,.., • ht Do 1l 1111n Nov. le Dec .. order now fofbost ... ~~ ... B .:,'.,1 ~~;.•;,; 11g • • • 10cll6.i"' delivery -Be•l locaUons. call nu. ~"' • Call one of W'e ).ielp quell/Jed parties find temporary salea ::r:-.1 ~~· B~ fhe experfS \ociillelil (2 monlbs). Includes all mucllAncll•o, IJWbam, AJoloama 35ll3 • ond HOTICU iLOOHOiics --P2>0nt so.mt or wrtt1 • P.O. Bos U2S Otola -. G!:N'ri.EMAN to cw """ -• claen .... (I) m.2833 d~la11. •lgn1 ;. pricing. P1>ont <m z1-. listed below/I Whoddya W•nt? Whaddya Got? . ta•~•'C&l'!Y aale1! ,Holiest new 11 n •• ! $15,000 m 1£ ... ll.ooo ... SUN SIGN AnJIOLCGY 'SPlCIAL C\.ASSIFICATION l'OR ' !YI out' IOO<ls for Cliristmas. JN. 1t. brick'comm•rc. blq. '" cl ...... lie-""'· ,, , NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS IG~ NOWI You'U re a 11 y make bll Orana• Couniy. °" '°"' SERVICE DIR.CTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SlltVICI DllllCTOllY II<.,..,.,. -- S-lal ltato "··tut! . term ,..,_. ...... Payabl• As h I 0 11 "20 ~-d I ~-P ~--1 c.JI ti. !Im Sip. m.i r •-.., • 1r~ mo. IJr<l. 10%. a11 due 5 '"'P=•:o:'~· -=..:::'--::-:=: -• on no -•pa·~·.,.."f ••~ daya or m.2140 o1t '· 5 LI--5 11,,,.. -$ bucka ~0•·1••L1 PIT COLLICTION -!tenl>l 1.., .. $1@ mo.: -,alntlnt -.......,--~·,--""'~ .. v",..-•••·-"11 •P•~<\7l') ... 7-..:..1o •••dallv ,. 20" diacm&nt. -Brok-er .u • ... ..... -,·-· "" ~ -.. -SEAlJNG • PATCHING ANmoNY'S :...=~--~ ...... .. _.........., uuo• " ,,_. <ilt<il w" ~ _ ...... Re11dtntial • Jni:IU5 • Comc'I c • s Pain---. lilt.net, ... ,.O\Ht ~ '""'.,...... ...... .,... .. ..,.,.,........ ~ m --..... -~. -·~· • &-HOTHLNG .,.~_I.tile -TlADIEl 0Mlv1 jit Aft • . --------Comp! reaa Rrv. DlrTenlly House I: apb, Na job too PHONE 642-5674 --I ' I ilua. o.portunillH QG1 Isr TD on wlolla '"'"" -e......i hy City of C.M. tor 644-4.840 , omaU. 67>"956 alt~ To Pla c:• Yow-Trtder'• PtrHite M ~: ::S:: • lot In l.quna 8eattl. a&.cd •lfttl restol'ation. The llfst, coats no more! · ~ f St I p ,.... FAMOUS •l $&11 mo. Ind. II>, a1l ""' NATO CCRP. Experle->Wnkn&n<o Plootorlng. Repa ir 61tcl Tl'lde 2JJO aq ft bmlrw111 LOVELY bomt on Alt.dtl\I out• . I• Np. .. uw. BRAND NAME S )'ftrl. 1J"1 Diacounf.. Gen'I Contractors 63&-1818 Buda;et Landsca»lnc ,rent.I; ~ or retail ahop Col! C.01Jl'5!. 5Y% USOID! "'S PULL PRICI CA.NpY ROlfl'IS Brokler GT~ Graduate HortkWtut1af • PA.TOI PLASTERING. fttr ~ ms. 211.213 62nd a.hie loan, $59,950. Tr8de fa, 57 Acni. ~ ~. Now available lSI a.t.. Meaa $500ll BLUE anP 2od TO. BlbysittJn9 6550 -'""'"c""o"'M""P"'L;,E;;f,1="'=-1 All typ:s. Free estimate. , ~~:: '!':· (;;~ ~ a:.a~r ~ ~ 1Jtab, ~ diJle tQ._ mJW It ~ otbtr towns Sq thla 20% dbc. SeUlltlld :S 1n. ---H-"---R-E--YA.Ru AU.INT. :CalJ:=:i-i====!::== · e lUt. Xlnt hUntbw. ti.hh!J" A arq,_ AO locations are c:om.. loc •pt. comJllu. """° qrt.1.y. C ILD CA Sp 'nkltt installed a. 72' Cru!Rr Twin o. auttt Horse raoch Riwnide 5*1 lnvt9traw:nt. 7lt! "'-4185 mercia.l qr. taclllry, V~ 3 yn dur-. ~ 1 little girl. qe 2n lo s ed~ New la.wns. ~! _P_lu_m_bl"-nt;... ___ _ pilot, range 1200 mh ttct!nt acres, lovely home, ~ hlah earnlnp. no selUna m. yea.rs, A3 playmate le com· Monthly Service. PLUMBING REPAlR ~ =~~; .:~:n:e,~ =~:m~~o:_ q ~!:: ~?':. ~,°'rrt ~!!1 :1~ia~ q:-1::~ ~"'!-___ y_W_a_n_IW ___ 635_0 :nllC~e;~r :!is4 f::ud: -.,--.,.,..-"",-1-"8_,,..--,--1 N~ ~ m:11 ' ~ (TI41 ~ 642-165.3 ' ¥> tt ¥-is Vs a ·day z-pare time (days or fiji Neededt &turn $5IXXl Near Ma&nolia &. EdingPr. Ou1ll ty Lewn ~rvlce ======~°==•I UAVE: 17' Gutsirtam in-Wanted: Late model Vall. ;~-lo $3350 REQUIRED 111 90 da111 Nori.kl 646-1234 Fowitaln Valley area. $15.00 Establishln& new toute by boen!/outdrlve 1966, 150 HP will £\Vl.P 1 lo 10 ~ SILVER VALLEY Jnfuire about our "'free boom dQ or eve ~•.;,w.;,·ee=•·c,cCalJ=.,:84,::1_;·'187=.'--~ well known pro'ltuionll. , TRADE: for late Camaro land !n Goldfield, Nn~. -a & NCH HOUSE rou~ plan", Make YoUl' N-ciilLD Care. Jo.ty home. 'Vill _Re""""'-""-"·.;,· .,."~''~·-"..;>11S4..,....,..._ CARPENTRY, Pal n tin I, or 1 Mallbu, etc. Vil $300 per lot. 548-41.1111 1\#1\ ture stcUri with t:UI, a DuM ANNOUNCEMENTS take infant or up to 3 years. Complele 1'rtt Strvlce Mlmr plumbl.na" repairs. 846-32'11 d*, ev~s. SU.1122 • • & Bradstreet rated Natlon&I •nd NOTICES Have fenced yard and l~l Bu.ck Y1.rd PIO'ft'ln& Mobile home rePf.ln. ~ H VE C ~-• I ·~ • r old child. Location betwun • "'° -· e or 611>-l.BU A<l,Jlcent lots, Well<"llff, A : om~~...... ot, J 1 "CR"' '"GE Co. F.or JnOf9 lnfortn&Uon ..........,_ . ?$:, V&hle ;30,000 e&<"h. clear $15.000. Lake Amnv· " lilll &end name, addreu a: pbone Found (Frw Adi) 6400 Fairview & S unflower Exp'd Japanese Gardener. BUILD, Ri{node.I, Repa.lr Trade up or down: lncom", head $10,000 clear. WAN'f': 1.0. to: ROtrrE DEPI', P.O. ,:.540-5058~::;,,==--~-I Complet<" yard *Vice, Brkk, block. c oncret e , 'HartJOr area duplex, or res-Whit you have. Broktt. Ctl CITY OF Box SI Pomona. c.alif. 91769 ONE 13oYs I: one &lfll 2 BABYSJTI'ING my home. 1r'e'f! estimate. 5t)...J332 crpntr)', no 'job too amal.I ~8801 wbWlr blke11. Vic Vuta 1-:=':,::C-===..:.:c=::.._ identt, boat ! 646--8565 · ;11 ft LAl(l!S N C.JI ~" ~ ,. ...... 11•• Prefer ages l \~ to l. fenced TREE •• 1 ___ 1 Lie. Contr. 9C-QH5 WANT used Mercedes 250 ,·, ~ • CANDY SUPPLY ova, · ...-u "' ~...,. yn:I. Vic Bushard &: Adams. """"rv ce, ...... __ yard 8ayfront 9 Bdnn. home. VW SPRINGS ROUTE 546-45S1 968-26()3 cleanup. Rototill • aprinkler 1t 11' YoU need rtmodell.ng, \V8.1!t industrial, Orana:e TRADE FOR '67 M'~ YO'~ 0,YN , • v"' • ..,. IL BLACK p 1 k' =='~=~-~-serv. M6-5848 palnt1nc er npain:. Call County. Sq~back. ~ vn. ~ tv F lATE art pen an itten, EXCELLENT Catt for your --"'-='-----Olclr:, 6ft..l'1'7 Balboa Bay Pro~rties 673-2512 (No Selling Invol\.'ed) found 1924 Port Bristol <"hild! t.ty home in Htg: Bch. CLEAN-UP SPEaAUST! 1..::;;:::..::;:;...::;;;. ___ _ 67J..T420 Anytime E~a 20 Niles Eu1 ol Bantow <m Excellent income for few ~""""''='"""' N~.B_. -"~ .... ~~~"'~-Call ~46 Mo>A'lfw, ~. odd Jobs. s.wtn1 6960 • 1 ·-·~-fl"t:f\W..Y. Q.v. 20C'D ft. Neu boUra wed&ly wortE <Dan or BOY'S Bike vie Goldenwest ====~-,.,..--,----"'-"""=--oabl~c.'·..,..:."c.M955-"'"--, 5 acrq mature avocado, FaUbrook.. $40.\f. Equity J26,00J. For house, units, ? fofott, fUddlc Rlty ' 646-88ll, 8a3--0CJ7 l!WI. 16' Pearson }fawk sailboat with trailer, both xlnt. $1075 ue , Will trade for cu, cyde or trock. 400-11:84 Vlew borne, ~ ~-Like Loreen, Wondertul land eYeitina;sJ, Refilling I: ('Q(. BABYSITTING t.1y home, Beach, J BR &: Mn, beam for apricot.I, alfalf&, nut tJtt leeti11g money trnm coin &: 'V&rner, H.B. Call to Jo.1esa dcl P.lar. Any age 1t Expert Japenne ceilings, elec kit, Romu1 afotrinr. fish r&ilin&". hone operated dapensen: in Costa =""="="c:.ly~ll42.J7-~38-...,-,~ welcom<'d. 546-3003 FINEST \VORK MLQ3if tub, trade $15,00) eq for Mo. t;IDCb, boe.tin1, •le; e.lc; Meea a: ~ area. WHITE female spaniel, "ic. LXP'D <"hild care in my JIM'S Ca.n:lenlna I: lawn tor Home. Boat. Lot ? f • We m. route. CHandles Vktorla &: Pacific Street.. lovely home. $75 mo-hion mainte~. Re.11. A Qom. 830-2325 «t Acrr1 R&Deb Land', fm. name brand ca.ndy & Leather-collar. 642-3848 thru Fri. 646-5537. mercial. • 540-4837 $30,000 ~ulty, $16,770 .11q. ft, JrOYed Wlrn modem 2 BR lin&<"kS) n575. Cub requitt<t. FEMALE Irish Setter, Back BABYSITTING, Jo.Jy borne. Altorall--~ Neat, accurate, '° yean exp. TILE, C...amlc 6974 C l Pf'DP. Comer location. ranch boule, ~ Uv rm. Far-personal intnview in Bay area. ~'DU Jfts klt:n-1· F v So. l}ri.lltol, S.A. For cabin, , -..:!, , Clillnl, ~ a.ta M~~ ·-wl>I! ., ... ._ &C-75t3 his.goo 18. & Warner, · · t:!.•ulinp 67JO * v~. 'lbe Tile Man * Be r-.a eer. "Mf..._.. mod ill.th a --, .,,,-~==,....,===-= Any age. 842-&47:t ---"-----"'-'"' ~ Ctllt. work. lmt&ll .t: repain. Bie ar area. ... ,~ ~ ... "\""""', em n&me", addrta & phone 1;:.,..'""""'" b'• ~m •• 1• YARD• cl n---~--•--mak. 548-5844 ri1'nbiQI. Tank hotJllt e-nqmlle:r to Muld:.State Inc., o......,......... ...... ,. 'u ..... BABYSITTING: 1tfy •far eanup. ~ No job too small. r WIRIC'I' HAVE; 13 units, will n;. clGlpnc" itlaO,saJ ply, 1tor-!I05l E. Jmpula.I Hwy., ::::ny~/~~ Very Ne>A'J>Orl Heights home. Age ~:~~~-patch. lMJdJw •b ower cha~e for units. TD's, pa-Alt tank Uftlttr 45 lbs pre1o Downey, Calif. 90242 (213) --~~~---~ 11" to 2\1:. Call ~1289 np&ir. lf7-1951/'U6.03)5 al not or ! 1 MJ.'lOO'J. autt. With double far. Con-8Sl.~ PLACI< Cock-a-poo, with Wll.L Bab;osit )'OUl' home by CLEAN UP & lite lllO\'ing TrH Service MIO "'" M 8-" crete ~ Wik. all elec., -''-"---~---Collar. <>wntr pl• claim 3008 the week. You furnish Tree & !hrub removal. Nancy J, ort, ~.,..er. 5 "p -P'. -1·• -min "D--1 p·•--. "'" •-1 R bl •••1~• - ;::::;:: ... II r:-r -'Ill. .... ..-AAA CANDY SUPPL y ,_,,_ .UH Ul ~ transportation, 642·1407 uaona t'. _,... oo;I GEN!:'S TR I: E SERV: J.o&AeUUnt view prop., 1 ,... at SO' dtpth. Improvements: ROUT! · GREY -rlilb'it. 546-5146 or HAULING, cleanup, lots el<", tree1 I 1hn.lbbery removed. ing, fishing, dining,~ FencHWltbl'~byl'xD>fl 5G--388I 1---------Jiandymananytime)'OUcall trimmed. hauled a-wa) Ing. Want trailer or mobile rf!dWood ~-'7 Miles Eut (NAME BRAND CANOY} WOMENS &I··-•. vi·. K· Irick, Masonry, etc. 6560 * *642-3.198• * 549-1359 ho1ne or • ? oJ school. $76,000. Exciting v.·ork retllllna-& .....,._ ... Strategic airport entrance ·1 ptop. Vacant, zone C-2, : S0,620 sq fl Price $152,000 I. citar, A &leeper. }>·or ranch! ~ ba.yfront or r Ownr 673-663J ' ilC,:C'-....,,.,,,-===o::::- Canon Really GTh-3531 colle<"tlnc money frorll coin Mart store, C.M. 642-6101 CLEAN-Up and lit:bt mov--------- '20 a<"res level farm Wld Nr Or will subdivid• 10 =-~~nat~to ~=I ---------BUILD, Remodel, repair. ing. Ca~I ~ * Uphel1tery 6990 \Vinnemucca, Nev, About •<rei ell im prov•m1nt1 2 tog h-....,,. week 10 m~"-Lost 6401 Brick, block. collCl'etc, --------C2YKOSKJ'S Oat. UpMI. •--R •55 000 30 •• .. -...e ,_......,ntry, no job too small. '11'.·---~ .--·--'-'p I 'ii-hrs drive uVlU eno. • , or 1cre1 un. very food income. No sell-...-..,.. -...,........ ........ ......,_ H&ve: 110' TS dieael lux, j yacht6000mlrangeSI75.COO 1 · Clear. WANT: Land, income • smaller boat l; Uwln ,SJ3.3400 A;L • ,_ .. * * '7 Trd for camper, "If houae improved $21 ,000. Ina: inval.ved. LOsr In Huntlrcton Crest, Lie. C.Ontr. 962-6945 Housecleaning 6735 lOO'J\ ftnl ~161 wl pool, apts. 548-DJI 40 -;. Down. lalenc• on $995 to $3,980 ttqUired H.B. ~ baby kitten, Nit &: 1---------.1131 Newport Bl., C.M. It I Id d pepper, Up:r ttripe, with 6570 HOUSECLEA N ING&: ha 1nd , $ rus •• • (Based on pa.rt or full ~) while __ 6 c h 0 st . Builders Ge-rat 1tfainl•na-..r. ,,.._,I What do )"OQ ve f9 e · For penonaJ intemew in ,... .. 0 '"" ....., List It here -tn Oranp COURnSY TO your ua. MDCI name, ad-Answeni to , , P • • • • 11 • •, * Room Additions anytime, cood rcls. rcas! County'• la:rxest ftlld trad-"Ot(IR.. . dtt• • J>hOne no. to: Pease Olll Vkk7 968--3229-* Apartmenb &. t:nit.11 i ,:....._~~~~~-~~ U. post-Pi ~,a deel WILL NIGOTIATEI l'RANS.~ Dtsr. CO. L.\OIF3 walleL Vic Center * eustom lfomes * Kitchens CARPETS. \Vllld!nn. firs, * *" '' * CALL 147-6640 59o No. Amil A~. st, CM or 3rd /.vt., Laruna * 2 Story Specialists FREE etc. Res or COrnc'L Xlnt ,' AfTlll 6, omm.. C.a.lJf. 91122 Beacb, Fri l/L Valuable ~out/design 20 YB. exp, work Reul ~fs. 54&-011. 1 p 1 per._ ReWlzd. 498-2.369 Pacific Coast Builders WOULD You bellew 1 will ·------' REAL ESTAfE ~ Gen•ral RIAL !STA~ .,_ m 1 READ THIS aft. 6. 2435 E. Cout Hwy;.. clean your OOme for mue Gener1I ~ -tft rs ·w BLACK G6man Shep pup, Coroni del Mar 67;>•191 Chip Stamps? 8117-1350 6000 6070 , R 30 Xlnt for retired people white aeat, narne "Opt:E". REM 0 DEL-Additions-Cab-BAY & Beach Cleanlng Serv. Offl,'-'--_co'-R-•_n~ll_I ___ Exdtflnge1, , E. 62 Lo1t 3 ~ IP v\c 19th & ineta-Block fences-Concrete Carpets, window.. noon, ARCADE l'tiffice a pa c el----'------11! you want a part or full Placentia, CM. Call Jim work. 642-9852 etc, Jteg & Commc'l 646-1401 •' Income Property ' '~ • 4-PLEX w/util. _pd.t..~ B Newport ArUn.1a1 ,or Newport time opportunity to make _54~to-6238=-.,...any1~,_""..,•.....,,,...,,.,,,. \VINOOWS DIRTY7 Blvd., 646-JD> Wili trade 20 flcrtl on monty ln a ~s of your Losr vie. lith A Parl, C.M. Carpantarlng 6590 Joh•oy ~.,, yo"• local t :. •~.ooo. lo dov.·n. Xlnt w~At· For •· 1-,.. " ..... -li----=---·J • ~ ,.. DR beautiful LaR Hamilton, own. exarnp.c """II ,.. Bla'k kJtten w/flea colla.r: ---'-. Free e•t. IG-2364 I skle location, CM. All iB • ---"-"-----1 Hol 5pr1np. Ark. [ 0 r ve1tment can net $50 wkly "Judy." 673-Tt20 or 673-9187 CARPENTRY _.,.,,....._ t ba. units. $52Q monthly ln.. C • I I · 6085 by ...,,_ ~ .__ -·'-'-1 ---------ommerc a Newp(lrt Beach property. SPf!•l\Julg " ..... w 4•\Jng Rewanll l\tlNOR REPAm.s. No Job t. TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH 'A DAILY PILOT WANT AD com~. Ir lol!I, PETE BAR· dell ries 6755 kEM' REALTY 64t-4353. OPEN SUN. 1·5 PM Hal EvttY. 351 S. vu Ness, ve . Jo..tALE cat, 1mall, white Too Small. Cabinet in Pl\-Ironing ---------1 512 Newport Bivd., N.B. L. A,, Call!. 90005. Call Mr. Thomu feel, be.ll)', chest. !lea col-llgel A o t be r ca.blnets. 1, ::;.R;;OC::NC::IN"-G-S-lo_o_>t_.c;ho.;.m<;..:. Corner . Cl • vacant. 'l0xll1 rn4) !n.U Jar. 5 dl.)'9 al(!, 'Vic Nwpt 545-8175,t U ~-;we~ lea~ $125 JX'r hour. , lu1l!!_•S1 R•nt•I 6060 Lot I.: ~-,."".umiwn a· PROPERTY PROBLEM? HAVE Estab. comMttcial LOH~tsV"48-«>53lclnl"· , ___ ,.,,., 2 ~ • . -:;;=-r........Oo::';;::::"-::;•;;--,;;;;, BAL8oA ISLAN~Leue 2 po:surt. "'t""n e.N. ' hostess ser. with over al ~• v II.NM& Al 0ROP Oothl!I off! \VIII sl~s to(dbeT or separate. Canon Rt'alty 67s-358l Why llOt n:~? beaulilu1 alril. Nffil aclivt putl&J. den1a.I P l a t e 1 · QUALITY Repe.in -tera-wash, fold l: iron. 545-06'7J 307 Mlrlne Avt. 1173-3753 SHOPPING CENTER. -HLID-"-11 f-•-•t MS-0&30 Reward. ~1 tlons -New coml by bout -8l•r 6 pm linrton Beach. 2 major' ~ "' nv.. backer to expand. Good or C.Ontract. 646-3442 ~~='='====== NEW tndustrlal Bldp fur net -net_ net -l35f,CXX>. l:::::O·:D:·:CC::L:E,=1U;='flt=·= temt.11, For detaila Box IRL5H Settu, female. Lost -liEPc...;Ac.l_R~. """P~artlt..c._lo~,,.-Small-- lease. 2500 8Q. ft. 9c fl. 1639 711/837-5178 I· l.:iP685"'7i.i;' Dall~~y,;P.:;Uoiil;;,-,--,,-,•~fl:':T~V!:lc~San~la'!,Ana~~ .. -l.9l_h I Remodel, ~le. Nile or day, oJ•::•:.:1:.:1•;;..•:.:l•;;..l __ ...,_6;.;7.o;to l ~M~•:""':vi::":CM::·:673-90::::":· =I ~===~:::=:;:~;:11~1t.~l:.~W!•~o~IH~--~6~240~ TRAVEL AGENCY fDr t.a.1.e. _:i:treet.. &ti 350& R.ea.s! call KEN 540-4679 DUTCH Jo.1aint s.rv. apt I 6090 in Newport Beach, \!.'ell LOST Vk:. ~ Theatre, REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS ·clng. fir wa.~lng, w1ndow Office R.ntll 6070 ll'ldustrll1 R•ntl WlU. buy equity In home or-established, ea c e 11 en t Hunl &each, girl.II bike. CABINETS. Any sile job washing. Harry van Be)'nen f'OR Leue 1300 2600 ft apt necdlrl& paint ii: rtpain;. rcputa.Uon. Holdi all ap-Reward. ~Days. 25 yn, exper. ~13 531-1508 if no ans cell flft 3. LAGUNA BEACH ' -i;q U4/49C-CCl20. pointinent.11. <M'l'litn moving. RE\VARD White Pan.keel, SPARKLc-Jaollor:taJ & Win-e di I ___ ... indua. !!pate. lOc-sq ~t. nl!w "° 000 11°~1n• l ·"· soo Blk 0 Air on t -bldg 1240 Logan St, C.M. WAN't'Eb: Com.mere. bldg. .,~, . "'"''..-o eves, banded. ost vn.: Cement, Concref9 6600 dow <"leaning ScN. \Vin- ON FOR.EST AVENUE 646--0681 on Coe.st Hwy, Cerona del BOAT Bllilder, exp. In Jumlne, Cdl\f. 549--0017 dow.11, rellld., c:omcl, <"OIUlt. Desk 1pact ava\11.ble h Mar area. BrOker 64M32.1. flbergl1LS11. Xlnt return (or LOST: Silver Poodle, AKC. e OONCRE'TE "·ork a 11 01.'anup. Fl'OC! est. S.26tl. new~gt o!Uce building at very small Inveat. Build Reward. 1871 TutUn Ave, typc.11. Pool decks & custom. ESTATE Maillt 'I'fte S«rv ptime locallon ln d1ow::;r Lott 6100 -.OSINIU '•nd estflbll.shed clu! of ama.11 C.M. Ml-'783 Call 548-132-t Removal & trimmlnp. fret ~~.a c~~~.A ~autif~j c.2 LOT. 3D' X 00' Fl~CIAL ~~:rite Box P 42li ~COCK~---.--roo=~s-. ~,-.,.-.,~,~bl""k. CEMEMT \VORK, no job too estimate, call 541-0088. ~ntranc!S: Fronttge on SUNSET BEAClt Bus. Oppwtunlfltl 6300 ~.,-i-..,.-,=-,,,.---.,,.-1 othet' blk puppy. Vk Bake? small, reasonable. Free Forest Ave., rear lesdl to 591-1942 •LIQ. LIC'S. Onlnle, San A C.OUep, C.M. 5'6--5144 estim. H. Stuflick. 548-8615 L•nd1c1ptn9 MunclpaJ. parktnc lot& $50 FMNCJatt: No fOod t:Qer, Dteao $U,500 an salt: Block Fenct1 -PatiOs - per month for space. Delk R1nch.. 6150 nee. SlO.IXX) oU .Ill.le. ea.n WINS. Ptrson•l1 6405 Planters. Add & remodeJ. J-mL,q & SWPES 0 u r ... and chflin avail&ble for $5. 17 XCRE imgat~ Horse MULTIPLY. TON <"OUect <n3> 272-t249 l='=""'~.:;";;L:=,64:;>-::9852=="""==·< I ~:· "~:! Y= :: Bwilness hoUf'I an5"'erlng 4 COCKTAILS I: Restaurant. * Alone' tecUon now! Call CZOBU ' ' aervice avallable for $10. ~;ay~n~. CAPITAL old ntablllhed. In industrial e Cerpet Cle•nlng 6625 All utillLie1 paid except ....... ,:., __ ,,_.. _,,_,..;. Dynamic Co. combinlnc belt arta. Beach town. 6"-2106 • Uc'd Japanese land1eape ho ma,,...E> •o..1 ..---""' w .ni • .,. 1 1 food •·•d ft 6 CARPET .Ir: Furn. cleaning; cont.ra.ctor; complete lnd-telep M. Value $20Ql.t F.P fe.i.tures 0 ut uci u ,;";;:,:"''::;m;::·....,,,_.,.."7'.""...,..,=:: I YES IT'S YOUR for 1 day 11ervlce & qUa}lt)' ICPi It aankns 830-3037 ~ 2'Z2 ~:Ji.P~E :;;.· For-appolnbnettt. -nevtr td°:.~f~ltment-BEAlTJ'Y uJon in Laauna FAULT v.'Ork, c:aU Sterlin& for LAGUNA BEACi Sorensen Realty. (1) 68S-3S01 '°'91'Qftt RUD.. We pi:evld11 =:ta~~~ s:-1~ 1'&r ~ mt1ucc that br\ehtMss! 642-4520 Mason~, Brick 6UO 4M-5'llf __ .....____ ~.t& will ctwwe ~ IUe call 1t DW10NDS are meaaured · , Ac._ 6200 ~ :d:_"";:".,;; ~.w.:::. pyml/ ..._ 195-'llJ. ORANGE ~;:'' hy qua11i,. oo att we! RICHARD AWN MODERN A f ?' Conditioned Legune &...ch and ~ the: pro fl ti. 1 ~~~:ll~hoo~r ,....,,-.,~.,,--DIAMOND CARPET Custom & Spaftlth .11\dte, l'l'th Strtet, Costa 7 ACRES W/PERMIT SS lnwstfd tn ~tDr'• lhntffMnt Oppor. 6110 PAUtt &: Card Re1.diffl. CLEANERS 645-1317 anytime Miionry A Spec1feltyl Meu. Over 700 iquan feel, O KEEP HORSES -1986 worth Offt' S* 1 Advice &: help on many Block, Brick, Ctnerete $240 per month; Parking -T • · SlLENT ~tnterttt. C b a I n matters. Fully li<"'d, Open C.rpM L1ylng & F rff Elt. 6U-2J41 coffee room Janitor Adjacent aubdivislotl o n e today. W'expect nm btt· motor hotel ind Sa..rnbo c:of. dally JOam-lOpm. ltep91r M26 1=;:==::=::===•11 Mrvlce au aWJtles In-mile E. al hwy, utll avail. ttt. fee shop \_~ yr old-Net 213/697..f2n. 210 \V. Whit· eluded. Phonn ~t.r. rure $3S.OOO, ~Cash. ba.1 l.At trust Req. a.PP?'(WX Jll,OOO CMCurtcll 2tt% -t."x shel~ tor tier Blvd, l.a Habra. Ne:tt FOR CARPETING Paperhinging deed + ha.rd word. + •WHb' to SN. T«-vaU 830-tlt3 ,_ OR c•RP•T L•YING P•lntlng 6150 04,.9li60 . MAKI,! OFl'l!RI I . oonl"'1 ,...r .,.p1oyt,, u~ n· ~a . to Lo»abra w"1k lo thcau-. " ~ " ' MODERN OFFICES IVri" ,. ""'""''' c.orp R. rl" our~· Slloplt op. ORdll'UZliio a camper C. A. P""' 642-"110 NEliD PAINTING? FROM SGS PER MONTH Krus. Box 914, t..a.guna ert.'Uon. lnYllt. W1nted 6315 Grwp IM ai.ncle people. 1£ Electrlu l 6640 Call u•I Rtilitl.ble Sli'vl~ 1v/ · Alr-cond., p&rrlnf, centt1l Jo. Beach or phone 494-4126. Get In •t •tarf few lower . . you are over 35 and In· E. L ~=cr·.-.. ,:-. -,·,:=.::::..;·. Quall!>' at 111 btst, at the cations. Sccttlal~fll service. inve1t., ddce' ttrrlti, hlth-·ELtC. ENG. demre1 att1.I t:ere1ted In camping, \Vritc £A;& ru1 ru• ,,,, .. ,...... moat reaaona~ pricta. So. Calli, 111 Nal. Bk. md~. $8 00\VN, S3 p ER MO., W yieJd. w/altl rtP or diatr. Beix M to: Box No. M-649 The Da.Uy bonded, smaU jobs, main! & Tr~e estimate•. ~ 230 E. l1tM, Costa Mesa $i95. FULL PIUCE, buyi 10 lNV&STIGATi: anlERS 425 Dilly Ptlot. N.B. Pilot, mpal1'5. S.13-filnl PAINTING, Paptrilla 18 )'ti . .,, l4'5 ..,.., Jn So. Callt L FIRST " 0-,,,,...., Shewfelt, 32S w. 3rd St., ~F Mn. Barion 2U/ LICENS.D floors 6665 In ll&rbor lft'L l.k. 6 ...__ L.A. (213) 623-51Q2 or a (·~ • .,_1 ,_ neo> Money N LNft 4f20 Splritual Re_.tinsa. •dvlce bonded. Rell. furn. M'L235f • ' •·--·----'-......... l\ll on all matt-312 N. El Ca-I VI-I Tllo e FOR "'1•-~·--in. n-\.-. S«ttt;;jq"~ Lab EWMr* 6202 Uvw *\ii mum Yom' call. Camino RuI~fu Oerntnt. AD. :iYies "'°,;d colon terior j; ~erior~Uo 33<1 Nowport BIVd .. N.B. 21"" TD Loan .a:i-. -,..... rit Lie.""'"· ..wrra. . .......,, ·~ " 61W*'1 LITE • ,!!! fAM ·JO Pt.I ~.1062 _,,, iiiiii!iiC -¥0DEIU< • .,,.;,..,... ottlco PRl~rn TO sru ~Ul'ACTUlllNO Plltmpt, --1--.Altr:;;:.., .. :"";;;..,;;;:11r.11pa;;;;;rt;-!-.:=~~==== s~n~ Won ... t-I n pr I "I e 1 o c a t I o n • Ill.II Ml4:171 J45.0611 YOtJNO WOMAN Glrdeniftl 66IO Frwe m No Job too lup )tlsslon V)t.)O. Contact l'tose:r need• UIOCi&M Wltla = Sirvtrtt Katbtr artt )a )'l"I. ~ will· ~ )'Oii .n or 100 1maJL 4No.WO j.aPP. SlT-451} ~uWJrl. modtrn j Bed· °"'Ot ""'1•o <l!llrroo s.ttitr Morlw• C9. laltlt i"'1. Call A"1oll NEW La" n' ........ 1 ... I ~·..,:.,=~.;,;._,_,i:iii'°"!M10i,_....., .. Et»xE ofllee In Coltl room, 4 Bath, and famlb iaclcfrU'ld. MMUCao a3f £, 1m 8trttt 213: .wsiB l-10 PM ~m~le~bla;' n:':h. ~ P=~~ :.;!.. J"ul-tf-~ ~Jesa 1500 1q ft Arr cond, toom . Blilt·lna, fitt~ce~ In P~ "°1' M.litna~ di: f'RIVA'fi Funds avtlltblt YOUNO 5& Yt man. 11ttka ~sthnates. Call tw6-0032 Sfl.tld•cllon l\IU. n... ut. · d Ms-6761 2"4 Aere1. lAndleat""-'. ' trlbutlon, ~. pe:r "' · f Tt> secured toan tit ~~ woman for co m p a n I o n • Jtn 1 'Veeki 673-11116 crpls. rpg, ' Attnl l~ Orud, nt: ata.rt pl:Lll" eQ'IW 1hart of ar ttd TO' SeA1d deta!ll could ltad Into ft\l.M"\qc. AL'S Gardenirc & ta.wn AVAILABIJ Oct 1 B t • 'Mtil pf'()Clta to act.IV• Pl~ with roun ._ Wrtti P.O. Box 1051_ S.A. Malntena. net. Comme. rclal, INT .t Exl., a~ 3 br CkJ'rleted .t •·a1nut panc:lllli;. '12 ... ~ ~ eUU1 to: Dally PUot b. lrf.:au induslrial a rt"sldenhal. tw, labor onl1 $1.f7.$0 ' $45. mo. 6Th-Mf4 pet w.c'9d ,arty '25,000. ifia a.ca &IUii; timt, 811-WANT lo lb&r. rt d • * 646-3629 * 642--00'.i; artcr s p.rn. Q)STA Maa oU:icta A/C, IS YOUR AD IN a.ASSJ. ftrst )T. For pmiofttl l'nt1r-l"I lltltetloo ever! See IM Ntwpor\·MeM ttta Io f .fftila drps. $205 for ·2. !&.ti P'JEOf SomflOtll' wU,I bf view, call n+m·a52 Ct-DAILY Pn.ot OU&ltled Pue.din.. 5 da,ya. Call -IJrk~. --lo< IL lllol tO<ll1I I PM) ..;-='*:;;'.c;N;.;:'1Wc;.;_I ----I ..;'4.;:Mlir..;;;; ______ , '·., .(,.,.1.., \~ •I 1- -----~------------------ PLAll9 TO RfMODEl.I OAllY Pll01 Read The DAILY PILOT c L A I 5 I F I I D I 1 ' I ~~-------:------.~---...,,,..---~--,---..... -----------.-.-.-.-.--:-.-.-.. -.--::--:.~.:.:: .. -: .. ~.~.--:.~ .. :--:~.-::--:-.--.. --~.;;:;; ... -\ __ .~_ . ., .-::·.-.-... --:-. .-..... , ·~ • .., t • "' ~· • •I )-••' '••J> .,. • ... , ••• ., '' • • ~ ''• .,, ... ' .. ... ••• ' • • • • • ~~· •• t • •, \ ' • ' ' ! I • • •' . ( ... . , I '-' . , , --· 1 1"7" ..... ~ ._. •• $;"-, . : ~· -_ .... _ ..... -~ •.......... f_ -,,t\'I, ...... . ' ··----..-·-. . ... ('" - . ·-" . ~ .'t:" .. ., . =· .. . . ,, '. . • i . : . ~. ., . . ': ~· . .. , ... . -·-·. ·' ." : J•: . '•. -~--·· -~' ! .. • •·-.. ~---I -. .. ./. I"· . I ' ~····~·-~~··.-. .. .. 1 .. ' .. ~ .... .. . - ' :.· .. ._· -. .. . ' .. ' " -. c . "· " t . ' . . . • ·• . .. ,... .... ..· ... ., ... .. • • l ' ( ., I .. • ' I ' ... ~ ·- ~ ... ~. .. ---• .. ~· . .. , •• ,.;... •'1 . \ ... ... . • ! :.. • • '-· .. r. · ; ·. · .-• t ..... j •• .. Ai•!You .. .Lettil1g . ~~fi , slip th;ough ... Yourli.11~,:--- • ' • • • • ,.. • , •• f See If· You Have Atay · \ .. . . . ·Of These Thin.gs A· · · .. : .. D•ILY ·.Pll..QT .. . . . ' . ' . .... \ . ' :WANT-A~D · , . • ' 1 •• s- 2. Gvlior 3. .. .., Crib 4. lloctrlc S"'!' s.~camera 6.W- 7 •. Outllolrd Motor 1.9-·¥ 9. CIUt:h 10. CltnMI 11. Refrlgortlor 12. Pickup T;u<k Will ·Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. T-lter 31. lor Stools 32. Encr~ioptili• 33. Vo,W,.,. Cloontr 34. l f~opical Fiih 35. ·Hot ROd Ec!uipm't . 36. Fil._ Cobioot 37. Goll Clubs-· 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror . ,. ,• 57. Eltttric-!frolw 51.K-' 59. crw.:-A\ii,· 60. C"'-·TtMt ..• "' Mel .... n !Aecwlifiti · 63 •• Sida · 64. TV 'soi 6S: WWUi::Ctt· 66. Dlt"'"''Wt!Clr - . 6,7. ~.rt. · .. - 61. ,,_, .... "1.. .. ' ' ' · 13. S.WI"' Michln0 .• 14. Surfboml "°· lltdrOoril "SOt' 41. Slj4o !'1'.0l!<t<>r •'l. Lawn MoW•r -. . . 69. i:oil.;,1!,if ~TnJlt~ ... ' · . · 10. Ant._. ·Purnllure 1 IS. Mtt:hino Tools 16. Oishw1ohtr 17. l'uppy ·1f.· Collfri CrulHr If, Goll . Ctr! · 4J. Pool Ttblt ...... Tirft •s. Plano 71. T•po It---·-___ ,, 72. sain.Oii ' ..... n. s;orfa;cv-· .. 20. Btr-r 4'. Fur·Cftt •7. Dripa 41. Lin.ens 49.· Hone '74. r.it11;.U; ...... ,,.. 1s;t~tiili'A1 .. 76. sllotiUn'.. · : · · n. 5114.n. " 21. Stamp Con.ction • 11. om .a~· 22. Dihett• S.t 23. Plr,.Poil 24. 1ow11 .. Bolf 25. Wtltr Skis 26. Fren•r 27. Sulfc- 21. Cl0<k SO. Airpfane 51. Organ 52, Ex01'cyclo 53. Rtro Boob 54. Ski Boot. 55. High Chair S6. ~OiM 79. POMtilftf'"' to. ltby Ctri:i ... .- 11. DrvlM· 12. Rlflt 13.b ..... 14. SCUBA ·0.r ... . , ... 'lllftB or any other BJLtril things around the flom9:!'"'J be tumed· into cash with a ··~ : DA'il Y. PILOT WAN:r;..Ao so ·Don't Just Sit There!· ----. .. DIAL DIRICT 642-5678:-~ ----···-. I " , .. (YOUR ·Cl.EDl'r ··s GOODl · ",. . !. • '. .. ~ I I l • • ~ .. ~ • • ,,. .. ' , ' • • . . . "' •• . ' • 'DAIL y· 'PILOT WANT ADS .. .. -... . -~ . . -~ -.... Will WORK :.FOR YOU! . . ~ . . . ' • .. • ..... .... . • . " . • ' .r e:" ... ~ -I ~ t-t,.if< ' 7, ... , ·~ .. .. .. , ' I , " . " J'~ •• ') ' . ;./.,. .. · . I \'I . ' ... . . .. , .. .. . " . : , 1' .. , . : . ·-. ., ' ; . -~! •. • .. • ' ~. -"' ·-. • • -' .. \ ·• .. " • ., '. '·. ' ., .. ,,. : ·\ ~ I . ' . i \ ... . ' . j . ' " . ' ' . • • .. • .. ' . . • • • • ••--·------.,,,==-===-------=""'"""""'="'."'"""=""'~=:-:-=,.,...'-;T==7"'.;:i...,-.====1r. ..... ..,.,.,,,,,,.,.-.:-:". -;,,.,,.II:!\ . .,j.,,. ..... i t .. i "J, JI ... ~ f""»ll_... .1-. olf"IT'rf'TWTTm. •-.. ~ ,..~.... f •• ..-•;; r ' .. •'"' ~ • •-• .... '•' ·' • NIW! ' ' ' ' abilities aolfmiteb agency Quoll\Y ............ for __ .. • GI E. l'ltlf st.. SWle %24 a.ta Mesa 60-lf?O I>· -'·-·-•1 ~·~ . ....,. . . . . ~u,\JIT r • 1 .:..-.... 1 • ,_f;'" -~ • -· ' For Yow Canenlitnce .:.. Al .. Poijlllrnw Offerld ••• • ·' i1 '"-I -• . ... • ~ . • ARE .US ED. A~HABETICALLY IN :··•>; . . -. , .. .. ' -. ,. ~ • • ' , I ., ' CLASSIFICATION :17100 • H!LP WANTED · <11t111 and ~Womeli). . • .. . . ' ·-... '. . ... .., . _, -• -· . ' JR . • -• .. • • ' ' ~ • • '' I 1,_ ··--"-' .... -... -.c--.:;:,.-; -.-;· ........ ~ .......................... .-.......... ,,. •••• ---- ~~~~!!!!~!!~~~-~·!·~~~-~· ~211,~116~9~~ --";';. ese;,;1'.0R'-MnOwnriSI 'Oil MlllCH.ANDISI ,GR" M@R~ll'i l'Olt "'1iiietiiND1lt l'Olt , ..• CMANDlll l!Oa Ctwi6fii Poll .. J1h ......... 71•Joll• Mo!\,~ ..... 7100 SAL~ ~D TRAD.I ~'--""!~-Tift~ s1~,~ ~N~ ,rRA~E v..~· .. ~D-~~ia-•-> fALI ~-'""'DI 'SAL.~~1.T~~ ' ~4LI AND TRADI ·FumllVN Tilt~ '°' -l'U.;.n.r. • lllOOPoi...r-, .' 'aoocr . ~OJ=hl ... , ~\~ T•lov1o1.,. I l,tOI-""".'°"'-- "° " SEWING Lute Color' TV Cll' . ._. utmlD IA• •JU ~ " , ' I SINGlll. . A Wll!te. Opllotl lo lljo', !~•ooll ~· roll~ j;OHS~LI rn. Ml"Ylea. No cleP"H -l"J>'er, <;o1ll ~or U, , Z1r ~ t:». -~ llflit~ ' A~ ltdlal O>. ·Ktw Cal Ditt<t Cal -. sill".:. 11>1. "°'Don · m m.U& Form-31\lpt!ntor,ttc _.lllll!I_..._ allodl. • _wllh l'fuilo.I." o!l"'lll ..... ANI ,-. DKOIA~ --""' CAllaU:A'OQll _,,,, iliotzOll .. -( """ a ·-1210 floor lime· .. -M. A. , .. ' ··c1 MEDFrEaRA fEAN .... ' ... ·r 'Of lf ~ Al'mM&ris . =-==-==-= ~ i9i9 dbr .-1t. =i:-lM~ nu ShowR~".,.iqor·S~mi>t'9.·Foct0tyCIOHOU11 . s~·::;:::1:w....W· =~~:= ™~at;;o·:.: *AUCTION* JrROO .. S, OF fVRNITI,IRE $UJ, _ . i·po, M,,d~orranH• Bedroom Sulto.ln Pa .. n =~·N: 111~:.c:.'. :,11 ~;:':.: $!i ~ u ;:_·-:.;: :'.:::' , e) pc.1 auffientlc Spanish Bdrftl. aot.,e .96 IRo9, '349.~0I -· • . NOW '161.00 COMPL0~!, PlllCI ,. ~ ~ 'S;t11219PYlllOta. Aucttona 1'rltlo1 0 T:IO p.m. In. -•llted tofl with S6 In. matching love 601'9•ou1 Sp1n11h Cu1tom lu!lt Sofe wfth ..,_...., . ~ Wi d ' Auat B ...,~~, ch•W .e 5 pc. Spaniih Di,,_tt., Olk m•fchl~9 Love S••t--Cho1c• of b••utlful For no oblla., trw mm. Blt'4UTIJ'UL Pecan Med. in Y s M>n arn t1blo top e 3 hoovy Mediterronoan matching 1•~rlcs. I Rog. '419.96) --HOW $221.00 demo., all Oodlt"Jo!V, 1111 M•81>&-Ste.... 2 >"'old. ~Ton>'• 81""· 1'44.1'l t1bfe$ top dur•blt enough for Flamenco Spe"1sh Ofnlng S•ts .. ,__ _$11.0G t PJ4;1t toll. Call a.ct. $200. &14 5895 20151ii Newport. CM 646-3686 Donel~•. Wiil oell pl~i lndlviduelly. , Solid Ook End Toblu end Collao Tabl .. ..$11.00 2U • SS1"'"'4 . WIFE passed away and mtllt ., Tall Dtcor•for Teblt l•mps Sln&er, auto. zJ& us. 6 mot Cameru & lqulp. llOO diQK>le of IODlfl fun. Ap- Sh9p Fintf,Then Se• Our Unbellev-.,ble luysl I Reg. ff9,951 -·····-·-·----HOW $11.00 old. No attach needed to do CANON __ 19 Pr a 1 a d v a I U e • b Y1 1001 other lttms with t•rriflc 11vin91I Spenl1h Hengtnf Swag Lamps de.Ip.~ bllnd hem; ......-Robimon'L Be a. u t If u ~--• Sto h M Ch IR ... , 9 $5.27 mo or $42.00 ea.ah; 35 mm Eltetric E)'e natural mink stole ~. "'""'Terms · re C arge ' aster arge •9· .,,_ • s -·····--··--·-·NOW $It.SO _, l yr. old. Xlnt -. Natural 2 """ mink ...,. AUllAN'r, P.All-T • l!UlLlJI lllSlllYS I • I . WAITRESSES ;!';;: ~ H~JESSES "' • • . '• DISllWASllERS • .:j ,• • . ·.: COOKS •i i! • .1 APPLY IN PEllSON "' .· REUBEN. E. LEE 151 East Coast Hlth,.ay Htwport Booch . ·-----·---------- I Jobi Mon, W~-· 7100' BankAmericanl All Accepted A decor4tor dream house on display -3 $50 rra. Natural .Unk box bot ~·--f ~L 645-<l.191 a!la I PM !>I. Col. Wine 640-0042 •• Monr Help W~nltd _,......,.. n,·apetJI rooms 0 gorgeous Spani.n furniture (was MUilcal. hllt. 1125 BELL•---" ~oVIE out· "l==='=:r====' work.lnq\Uro _~8e>ch $1""500 -~~ lnterion; 1aJll s, °'"'I r119, ' ,., . . · fit Ultfd little, •zoom eleel EAT LUNCH ot HANKS -------- Jobi-Mari. Worn. 7100 Hwy. mominp ~ SACRl.flCE ELttTIUC Gui tar & eye camera. auto load pro-Oceanftont, corner 23rd & -vr,-~A~ON • . ..... ainp1l1lu 135 GI""" old --. !lzht bar .. """"" w. Oooan Froot In Newport ~· •~ ~· ,. ' • • • • • "" lian!o $20 301$ Olli Dr: NB $100. m."689 ll<ach. Specjal each dq, .. Sales Phl1Upt1 Petioleum. Co. Cre·dit Terms Avtil. Cradit Cl•ared lmmediat-ly hettiffn s..nta Ana · i. DilRST 606 enl&rg!:r, long Monday th tu Thunday, :.. Exacu,Jve s.1.. ~~-.::Ja!~~~ ~mm RJRNl'TURE Woll&StL COl.umn, Qn)epr lens, all Plentyofparidrlg,now!!! ,, Start1n&-ua1 Alary'S"l200. Expen•oce ,-; Good l CLARINET l °"""· U 1-"lllTl FOR SALE · · Bus·comm. Two yrs. biJl., atarttng aala?y plus F.i.frnlfuN ·' • • IOOIFurnltu1'9 IOOO J P:lUTE pOLAJU>ID 230 6Utftt. Used Be&ut.lful orlelnaJ oil paint- ' lnr ........., by century old ~ <mnm. wlfh-well I ;;;;;;;;;,;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.J 1 O~ .. M Bl 9!;2.1368 l mo. ~-•-mountain ... ,. In bea~ ~~··:-=~bet~ oppor·tutt,ite1for~l 1 U't'I. _ newport vt...!twhf.) UaedBl.IAQflute&bd *67J..?DilW ~ bluea A:~' Datk -· ,,, 1 • """"""'"L For 1ntormau.n · Estates -Consiganie11ts p1coo1o. Good ...... woo.i .. ~• tram•. s.. to ~· ..... q,, ~ en opp•. contact mllJ'llll't'. Anftltlo..... I n-a M ... --s I ~~ 8500 ~ .. ···--··"· ~n ' &.,. ....... ..,.., wait A Adams, Hun~' Repo-on~ . URll esa onlJ ~ :!!!':' .. -s appreclato. -· - , Call ~~~N~~IH0, .. ..,.. EquOI Oppomml"' Ell>pk;y· Now aod Uiod Fwftltwa, Awlaoc"' Color TV's, . s.nat Coronet with SCUBA TANxs .1 olnlle 721,847'"'-;.,·7187~;_· ~~---1 , m-iJi1 -·--er. Ste .. o's. IOO'sof-.idl-L ....,llltht'T119-1'H...$al.r.Soo."116 cue. $55.00 $35. 1 ott twin 38"• wtl11Good Ne"'! Slnpn, •Pr<> "' • ' 5'1)..7"3 pack $5G bolb recent llydro'1 fHl:lonal aina1nl lf'OUP have , , INSPECTION CDRNET (lrumpeO, EX· -. a lew openlnp. Will book Soles SERVICE SfAT!ON -a. D lly 10 t 9 m Fumltu,. 8000 Ga-· •-•-w4 """ ---~• -•-now '"" .,.,,,..... lad.., Executive Siles-expertencad man. • e.m. O P· • -.. --. --eC.f"'-IK:l1UUL ..,_.. SUR.F'BOARD 10' C\latom cl bs wedd. Benefiti -sa1&<y plus comm. Permanent. Good -AUCTION DREXEL 0 Beautllu1 blw:I> ,GARAGE SALE ttnnnent $40. 546-<l2S1 bull! b)' Hat!>our, O>it !US..::....,::'.,,, ~ or ,_. P'trst y&ar umlnga ot conditions. Daya. Union OU, * EV.ry TuM. & Thurs., 1:30 P.M. * ';Ja!iahoganhey tbe<lroo8 drom set. Dinette tbl A cbr set $45 OLDS TROMBONE fir sale. all for $40. 2099 Centella1,;.546-S255,:,,;,~=~~~~=I i, $12,IXJD plug p:isslble 2 year 39l l'ltb St., O>!ta Me&t. * S t rd 6 30 P.M. * ve c a· -wet Fold down couch w/chr 13.\ $'15. * 6f4,.0154 Pt, NB. S43-&'.382 PHOTOCOPY machine MO, \' training P"""'""'.... "-cen-1 U IYI : dresser and 1 . 3 NEW 7'2" RU S S E ·~-"' SERVICE ..... ..i..a --~ -.... You do_n't hev.• to be• de•ler to buy at d•al1r pric11 n;~t stands. Twarglne mhe•..,no:·_.. Naugahyde recliner $10, Ma-LL ditto mWUnt $75, COld&pot -tuQ' old nat'l co. Business oxaUUIJ •-=--...... '6" """4 pie twin b!d headboards $10 Plinot & Orgiftt 11IO IW'fboard. Good condlUon. refrigerator~ double bed or Ales B&ekzround belptUl, full time men: '1-4PM to 12 A'O K mi ~ G-rowe lhd. foot boards $350. Wiii help ea, Group or 20 cer.mlc & $75. 646-3506 $25. matching C1fa & chain No trow!. Mgmt -PM, l·U AM 1o SAM. Must • AUCTION dcllver locally. 64&-1037 glus bowh, """' ,. no..r THOMAS SURFBOARDS 9'2"" Hobie $35. 495-001. 21321 Lo .: tties. Equal opport, emplr. be OYet lL Apply, Unkm 76, W•-'•• * l)J•lJlJ BEIGE ~e hide-a.-containers 50c & up, Elec. ORGANS Woody, 12" Qu1a Tandem, Hermosa, Lqun~ Niguel • .t Ronald A. Smith lSOO Newport Blvd., C.M. , •" , Va lftl .tt .._. ., GG frwy. bed. double .size $67.50. Anti· a~; mixen, ~ns, . both for $53. 673-0S32 2 OLD fashioned delb. 1.,...,....--"m_ • ..;1!1tlO..;;.. ___ ISE1tVJ@ .Statton ?ii an, f r-» qUe avocado 3 drawer chest, et.c:. King aize bed sprea.d, D:du.aive Colar-tlo proeram-Cchildren5). $40. ea. Baby ; Sales semi~ retfred. W/ aome exp. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT excelJent ronditlon :S 4 O. antique satin. 3 Jre silk cuab. i;ned rythmrt. Many other crib $10. Mlacl baby ltelfll LOOKING FOR ~: ~N.. 60f, So. • . , Fumlturo 8000 549-06"74 kios. "°"""" stool, bn..... plus features. see lho new MloAll•-1600 SOc. Call before 10 a.rri. br ·~ THE GOOD LIFE I Obu:t RW')"., Liruna ~· Job~ft, Wom. 7100 Qu&Uty king ~ brae & collector items. Llwteuce Welk model. ~ r AB Jt R WARE rotiuer!.e after 9 p.m. ot all wt~ SERVI.CE Sta. A-·t ~., S OVER -STOCKED Complo_l•>-•ntt...i fl~ -~ 2520 UNIVERSITY DR met>doua ....... "" oelsct· (new! -vM --t 67>-0851 ' ~·· -·· v. ~ WAITRESSE ·--~ NEWPORT BEACH ed...................... -· ~ w 1-:::..::=:-:.-=--==I ~--s.,•w .... nee. perienced. -~pt,; 1911 X. • . X 1250. Alt 5 & wknd• MU5.16 u~ ~ ~ fl!9 bit· In ampllller"llS 14"' Grond 0-1-SALEI •· 3 mo'1 trUd:rig, Na.1:1. libes. Harbor, a.ta Mesa. APPLY ,.., PEB.50N <Cor Tustin & University _.,, ...... QI uv;iu •"' • portb1e color TV (new)' $225 , ,,,_.. ""h ' l"l200 + Gd _, MUST SElll Dr, enter oil Tustin Av.) COAST MUSIC · · ""mco Woks ·ti• • accell . :: .~ ... • ~i~men)'T' .•• _.·,,'°30· SERVICE StatioD atte""'•nt. -• Offlco Equlp-nt 8DI I . Soprano saxophone (new) 'TIS TROPICAL nSH -~· "" --COCO'S ,,_ Sa.I & Sun 10 to 5 ~RT A.HARBOR ~--11 9t8I Edin..,. (@ lolJlnollal ' w= =mUTORS ~:vr~.B. Mike. ~ ~ ::· c:mer. ...~·, 3-M AUTO. copy macb. No. DINING table, 4 cha.In & coptA MESA ;. * &U-2851 8RAtID new b>at trailer, flts Fntn Valley e 842-4530 sw.-i sERVICE station attt-~L 18 Fashion Island now $159.SO. Headbnb: m. I~M SeI_ec tron ic :~i.::"!na=~ :1:. Play Befon YOU Buy Hobi~ Cat or equiv!. SlSO. GLASS&CHROMEtablff, ~! ea Part&: fuJ;l ~. ~ 6fOO Newport Cent~r. N.B. Ktngs, $15, Queens $12.50, ~,,=ter, like new . toman, salmon o:>lor. <r'1'>, 2 Maioo 250 dirt motorcycle "C'ustom_ Design," round W ~~--~--1w NB "t T ~ .. 110~· Twi "'""' v•.rvvviJ ....., $3SO.Sur'1partawimpool &rec-stzts.$$. 1 it CASH tar Oirbtmu $$ • ..-~.......... . ~. WAI RESS ES r w.i • .,.,,, rui: .p.i!J . double beds wLHoilY"-'OOCI We have beat select.Ion and 15' diam, 42" deep $50. 1 1765 N-.....t Blvd. CM Judy Lee Jewel.a • party S.wfnt Maq\lne ~ App at THE FLYmG.BUT. Trundle sets Cduo ri5er) wl NCR 32, bookkeeping frames '35 t.a. Kenmore be•t teacben in Orange heel trail $15. 546-9453 ~-r·· .. plan. stylists earn SM.SO on Operators LEJt, Experimced. 673-0977 inner !Pring matt rer. $100, machine. Will install for vacuum, xlnt cond :Ja>, Call County. w er REFRIGERATOR $2'l. StCJV"t a verac• party. N 0 Experienced on ~ I. Wai~a-&ppy's Dell now $19.50, Rolk-way beds )'OUl' bW1iness heed&. 714; MG-OW! or 5f4-B507 From $10 monthly ~N QL-19 $15 Wuhet $20. Couch $22. ·deliY!ries. CompM¥ pay spartn-ear, Top pe.y, 863 Exp pref'd. Morn ic eve abift. .., / inn. sprlni matt reg. 968-l4S6 GARA.GE Sale: Fri & Sat GouW Mu1lc Company ~1~=-c ~ H00se in Baek or 445 E. 17th ~ 5G-3l36 Production I;'!. NB~ Aak tor Betty: f94..94-U SS9.50. now $39.50. Canopy CALCULATOR. Facit, model Moving. Antiqueii, dlnette 2045 N. Main, &\ 547.()681 yr"""';..,. co 642-5741 beds reg. n.19.SO, now $89.50. CA1·13. Xlnt con. r!OI:'.. ....'--l.R::.0::.Y.oAL=Del~---t -b~I ·I ·, RALES&ll&btotllceworkin SEWERS,-expuienoed;. Ap-WA1TERS.Waltres1ea, Full u. sleep -sofa reg. 64&-0800 .-,, eets, .....,, 1um, cllsbea. 10 H.QIMOND·StelnwQ·Ya· 6«5-039Ta!ttr6PM . l!!i,P 0 r a e fasbionlble Udo jewelry ply sz; ~vo., • .,;,,,.. --E. ~-H-. C d •• -SO now $l6' SO New l!lpd $dnJ..1nn. 16 gal. Sean mah& • hN' 6 Qled pianos typewnter ~ Cu st om • sti::n &tan "-·-1-. store Be--'--· > .._....._ ~ ........ ~ -., -.. -· ' · · grey boQ1e paint, ...i,_ -of an makes. seat ~ .tn KIRBY~ cleaner with glasz ocean red A: Mitchell ~~ n~ .. e~: a r y '"'"'' -·-Bulbof. Pref. exp'd. Apply: beds: King $99.50, Queeru1 TYPEWRITER, Add. mach, tbl. 10'\le seat. ap'r:'tovek So .-...111 -i ...... .._ __ ""'1• attacb le polilbe:r. Xlnt oond 300 red $21. 548-7392 , ...... __._ . SEWING' m'8Pri! ...i......ton woa.._.,,_ ... _ .. _ __..e • .., ........ $89.50, Full $49.50, Twitts calculator, Very reasnnable. . ..._.... ·~· -.i... .... ........ ".___ .. n.. .. oil"' ot' ;:;;;.:.:;;,:=:;~=-":::==:::;I -..........,t ~-can !or -~·-• ·-· ~w• ,._ -•so lull Kl XInc Cond ..... "" misc turn. 315 E. •-~-c ............. MIJSlC CD • ·--~ • --"9·4·· ~~•··· -~-~ · -· ~·41. top.~. idte.al·, o:Jbd. spare Ume to earn money. +>"'· • Y guarn. ng " • Bal Jile ....,,._....._ ~ ... N -u.{.. .. 133.12 or _tab over wmnts. . & '""'~&-11""'~.1.\."!Uv appoinbne!IL 673J.l334 1S8s Momwia. CM.'~ Wln prizes, no age llmit. no SPt"'adi w.~. o. n. $9.95. • ~ --.. Cmdit dept SZ..'DS9 '35. t:ledrlc 1to\"e $«>. "SALES -Earn money with SHAMPOO t l time 'Umlt, wm -train as Orlstmas ta,y.-awayw now. G ·Sal I022 GARAGE Sale • Fri. Sat, Sallta Am. Small ornate cabinet $35. no tnvestment. Sarah . g r . a: BeaatpCountelrn. 8'T-M46 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 1rage • Sun. 1SO Tulip Lane, ot WE HAVE PIANOS! REMIN_GTON Ofllc 5'8-.fk)46 ~ eoveni.ry Df(da full • ~ C.U.• appolnL !la:~ Blvd .• CM 645-2760 STOVE $15, waaben $3)-$25. Complete ho uae bCl l d You may purchale or rut typewriter. com P let e 1 Yi:;:;'"·'=,,.-==,,.--::::! -;. pert·time MJ,. No delivery; Albdp'-~ WOMAN for'Ironing in Laun-daily 10-9 Sat-SUn lD-6. Dinette set $1. Ref $22. furnlahinp. IWrig, stetto, and credit all monies pakl ft'COndltioOed. like ntw & EXQUISITE S&pJ!~ and ; • ... lnfn. For intrtYiew call TE AC"ll.E1t s ~tute, dramat, Mesa del Mar area. 17 p Kl s· C.oueh S21 Kinpize bed $55. 3 tv'.. BR 11et, dlabes, toward purchue. stand $50. J'rple IC1ttl1 & diamol'ld rtnr. ApPnlsed al ~ ~ Jn_Uns __ ,. Irle •dly S4s.-0671alt& C. RIJ lie Port TV $22.50. w.,..ht furn!lu'!', Wnpa._ just HOUSEOFHAllMONY tmllroMJlll.!14MlBT 1"5-Wlll..Uformucl!I...,. :~· SALESGUU.. Y01JJ11:, full woric'g ~ 6f4,,_0Z32 Bedroom Iron twin bed w/mattress everytlnng. Moving to "8 f'aabiOtl IIS&nd 1965-llD HP revene t: am &73-57M In S •··I I • 7600 Oregon Newport Btub * '44-(1.191 Corvair enzjrlt, new o'haul BROWN 100~ human. ~ time, aper. dru& ttore. Trainee Cfl'llU ... nstruct1on Large 9 drawer dresser, mir. $1S. Girls 20" Bike $1(1. Lobl . · t $80. worn twtoe -. .3333 Nnpori Blvd. NB ror. 2 bedside stanil~ ki"" more. The hooE in back of QUEEN a1se twin bed; e e YAU AHA $960. or CC1mphte bus $2500. Wlg, CCl9 ..., • .,.,f. SA\JCERMAN SCHOOL ·~ ·~ ·~ Includ'-bl--~1 ~--36 hp VW .-. needs $40. lnclude• .,.... -~· ~: -••n• • -St. •frt,,)¥"'-..k "'' howlboard. framo, quilt 445 E. 17th. 612-&T<L -•• ,-u-PIAN~ l ORGANS rspaJn $15. 548-jl509. Quality ••-be<l-quillod ..., a.riv"~~ "'""''_, VI eo:· FiirgrouDih, Kt'. 1-8 ed mattress, sheets, blank· 2 DOUBLE beda. Reltx· & linens. 231 l9th St., ,...... ' ......-..i.. train..: Wh;;',. '!::'., ~ '"· "'·. . ldsor. Oesct1 """ .i;,.., Balboo. .......,, ... co,..A"°"""ST M"u11nes1•c'' carpet i.,., w HI ro ~p1:..'nn:"' ..,:5-~ "~ ,.... can Jllr Vano Im" me••'a.tely Cho•C<! ol Span>sh ( .. v .... 1 Huge de. k' GAMGE Sal• Sun. only eylons Sl.llt yd. ...... -· t w . ., "6-8891 ' , ~ Willard H. Saucerman, or MOOern Style makes good work bench. 2lal Seville NEWPOftT I-HARBOR from $3.51) Up + my tabor, CHINA Dishes, service for 'i, : * 8ALE.'WOMAN * """'1'tlleUolthe'typ0'btw<>r1< :MO-I060 Ed. D.Enroll now All For $249 Mlsc items. Call aft o pm on Balboa Penn 615-'.lOO!l COSTA MESA * Ol>.2851 90c per yon!. 9tlM9lll $40. 3015 Cllll Dr. NB btwn ., -TUR.E Part time. )'OU have dcni in the put, Eves 548-1758 No down , Pmts. only $9 mo. Tbun & Fri. 646-2876, 824 RANGE/~n cabinets $50. i PIANOS SUiPWs Fadticy drtn Sania Ana A: Wolla. Stx. " Yooni Matemlb' Shops we *B111'11i~ in . A'M'i'.:NTION LOVING PAR· Towne St, CM Double mattraa aet $30. • PIANOS fabrics I:. remnants. Sol~ tu BEl.L And Howell Canon l.7 So Clout Pl&ra. PM'• •nl>' FULL TIME WORK ENTS! YOUTH SPEECH WELK'S WAREHOUSE PA110 Sale. eo ... rt. .ota, etc. 2332 Tustin, NB e PIANOS the puhllc 1-1 Monday tbru Ion• '.l!mm •till camera with tt-1 W nted M""""'nlcal operience help. WOJtKm.IOP. A~s 7 to 17. chair $30., desk, m 1 a c 7 PC Rattan llv rm aet. pert Final Dt¥s of ~ SUtruntt Sat. JD) )40lll'0Vla, c.M. case $37. 5'&-2330 ~ ~~ a ·1~ t.i,zt uot 1'ttt1Af1. EARN Learn to speak wdl, enunci· 600 W, 4th St., Santa Ana tables, lamps. d 1 she s, for apt or patiG, blue Sale. Save OD tab u 1 o u s OLYMPIC 1V ~stereo. SUEDE paiii:s. othrn. Fri· ... FULL.TIME $51% PER MO.' ate, project. Aftt'l' school & Open Daily 9. 9 dotbe11 and mJsc:. Noon to 6 flowered cwhions. 548-:lllt9 GR.ANDS l"DclbdtAI AM/FM. Lown)' Orsan w~ Sun An:ftll'ne. 128 fut St. kt1::5 F'OrMiN ( wrlttlln tl Saturdays. Pr!VB.te 'or class Sat. 9-6 Sun, 11" PM Sat, all day SUn, ~4 e Qtcktrlni e WW'lttzer ::,~ &th XlDt. sac. (back yard) CM. Bl~ ~· In ~to! .. ~~Ind n """· 494-8295 Acacla, C d M. 0"13-7001 A II I e SO'lnwoy e ltl>abe CB dio wll11 an14nna • 2300 llarl>or ~. ~ •• -.,~ ustry. ESPANO'L IN QUALITY 1438 Santiago Dr. NB PP ·~-100 PLUS MANY MORE! * * * * · · n . ' "'SAt.E.9cfAN.Decorator =:~b'",:: Brid£::e'i!Yt!~;>~~nln 6 Model Hom• Furnltur• SaVSun Surfboard, aptg. ''C OMPACT'' vacuum SPINETS&CONSOLES FAMILY Memblnhip In basestati~. . F/time Muat he exp'4. In a ~rt time. Comnenv .,A.., le&.SONI .....,, can be a ... ,.-to 85~. V•-euy good•.• elee. guitar &_banjo, cleaner wl" •--•-ta SAVE UP TO ••• $250. Jrvine Cot.It Count17 Oub,'°"==..--.:=o-=:::-' ""··---"-...... ,.._.. comm. ......, ..-.., --., """' -. • ..,... "' •J ' "' &u4<;U!uf!D ' BUY NOW!! Prlc.s will mt for sale. Pvt ....... 673-9131 10RIOINAL palrlu'"-•"'111.cn, U\llU .... ...., .....-~ "'"----•· paid ~--· ~player? Call me• Jos.ie fi•·•o'""· 3 -mplete ~ms clothina:, tum. neighbotli liko -·· n~ M··~• __ ,, v .... ,... ..,......,.. '"' ~-Beach Blvd, HB. ucncru-. vacauwm, m-.......... ' • ,_., ~<o "" • .,... ,..,.. ........ ...... ...,, Mthlslow•-1n11. ' GOOb v-1C: ... "'-nlth R'"' 9 x ll $40, Chain~ . .__ MlnJICe p1ai. etc. W6rk fac. Fowle of decorators style<! Spanish misc. 642--2644 ~ tll 5 PM 546--06'78 -· ~1ouu '"' .c.c - 90..am fury 1acWt,y cloeeal to YoW' *548-9668• fun1it11tt. Conilial1.ng of the GARAGE SALE. 108 Kings eves. ' COAST MUSIC bwi"a &Jdt1 in ptrftet Garden tools $l.S. M)..0435. SALF.SPERSQN, uperlenc-bome. e PIANO, 'Theory, Harmony famous custom quality Ma· Place, N.B. 646-1044 Baby GE Apartment site refrlc. NEWPORT I: HAJ\BOR cond~ $50 each. 642-.12'J8 3 Pr. ladles sz 8 Bopl!r •~ ed. lAltiiea Sportswear Shop, tauht """"· member of M··•lc drld living room group. 'The furn, etc: dinette 1 e: t, ...,n s--110 V msrA MESA * 142-JISl UPRlW'IT RCA rneztt $75. pants S20 each. 64&-6720 CM ~• In t CALL MAIN o~FICE u~ ""' ;...i .. a 1 El p 'd ..,.,. 'v""' • acuum $25. · area. _.. r 8llP : r Teachenl Assoc ol Calif. &. or..,...... re81 ente 6P8C-lamps, end tbl:s, hair deyer. Kenmore Wuher $ 2 5 . Open 10-6 Fri U» Sun W Btdroom set, $50. Call for 5f6.2462 CALl MONDAY Sherwood MUAlc Sehl. iowi: master king 11ii.e bed· All kindso!odds. 548-2089 rilf'l•i(f Htlft appt, 536-19'4 i·M_l_oc._W_an-fod--.--,.-10·1 Secretarill: 54U'2lt Beglnnen & Intermediates. ~~u~a:.~~~u=g~ SET.s or IUggage, drapes, WASHER & dryer avocado New ES'Il:Y dual-manual 4-Sl'EEL CORD RADIAL · H U G H E S TRAINEE: SU. Denton. -sei. .. LlmltM •lock. ~88. I-.&~';'.:.~"""", $125. Refrl&·!t0st 0 freo mi <l>onl .....,., ldeol '" murs 900 x l5. LIKE$ WE BUY$ ,.~ Hieb ediool arattuatt, perfer EdueatiOnal Vacation 5tb Hamilton Showroom 5943 am.pa a:: •o.u-•1.1c"'"• m sc. Freeiu Sfi5. 54~1095 beflnntr!I, Only $300-tl'rml. NEW! $42.1525 NEWPORT BEACH m.iUt&.ry C'ODlliete, pwiaae-graden • • • Sr Cltite:D& Westminster Ave, \Ve;tmlna-lnl4 Santa Lucia, F.V. FRIGIDAIRE, Coppertone, ~~ :.z::'~.at. 53 Pr. oval diamond &: band _ ment ~rtunit'.1, ·-ata~l CbUcoat 10 1eaeon typing ter. 894-4434 842-5664 n:C@!lent! $50. ~treutt NEWl"Olt.T ORGANS w/ ~ diamond. $690. hu lmmediale opre.ninp for $500.00. CiJI Anti, Merchant. Sehl. Trial Leason. 173 Del GROOVY Sale! Art, an-chest. $3.5. 5.31-3492 1593 Menrovta Aw 675..3396 $ FURNITU~E $ APPLIANCES ~ Personnel A&ency, .. 20b k. C.M. se.28&9 SPANISH Hques, dratting e q u Ip, ... Oii EXPERIENCED WestcliffDrlve,N.k.645.mo MON'i'D.SORI tralnina. ages MEDITERRANEAN housewares, & clothlog. Fri At1TOMATIC Kenmore NB. e 645-1530 ~;:Bh~!!.)(6~· Colot rv-'l•M.-tt., ... 1 ..... ., .......... CAllf IN JO MINUl'll • 541-4531 • ·~ )\ SECRETARIES 'l'RAJNEE: 1iJl, IJ,ES1' ONE 2;~ to 5. E,_iVfl Your child Aa Shown In model homea. & Sat 10 lo 3. 1009. N. wuber, wOrb well. $3). NOW-rtnt & Baldwin pltJ'IO e ac · and HOUR. ~ needs be"'1! 646-ln.~ 646-2325 J Rms of turn, (dfn nn, Uv Bayfront, Balboa lJland. *5'0--25t&• for )'Cl't1 c~ fbr #.<ltl ~· 5'5--9'19! 6*-0l37 Id • bedr ) pr1 ed -'·· OOUBLE ~-· bl NORGE auto wutiu. late w9•lt. ~ tDo BEAGLE pup1. AICC WE PAY CASH of -pe.rtment :. .~-io:tnfr-:. ":: M!RCl'IANDISE FOR :~;it :SS: is~ tZ new c.o1::m & .:..: c~ model. xlnt cond. ~-atructioa avallUle -mu!ta rfllil~. 10 weeks old. • • Amtntmumotlynotrei::Mt ~not nee; 2M9 E. SAL~1#-ND TRADE at only $399. Easy Credit many other treuum. 1711 ~. 847-8115 ~. · , :J;C. NT..aTT i--,,..-=,,..==,--I , ; lndunla1 ... 11 .,,..,..,,,.,,. Clout Hwy., QfM. "''""· Port Sheffield. N.B. -REFIUG!:fiTOR.. IJb :i.w WAAD'S BALOW~ STUDIO EiiiA Mink Stal•, apora!Hd WE P.AY lll~Uf, ; ; ,,_ ........ typ1nc and fum[hll"!I 1000 Santo Ana Fumltunt CLEANING Out Grandpa's W'""-· $S5. 1!19 Nnpert, C.11. -at $l,llo0. Soll $10!l0. lllNll • . ' ' .. • . ' • ' " . ' • lbor1:band: sldlll: rtqllired, TYPIST CLERK II M6VING, ae 111 n I . ail, 426 w. 4th St., Santa Ana garap after 50 ye&ra. * 1145.Q'm * SPECIAL -Orll.n cluits 66-1319 household furniture. :Apt e 547..()789 e Sat/SUn 9-6 Sll l'ullerton KENMORE ~k, wuhe:r, now fonn\nr. ctt l.n on tltt 'iiONANiA'3ij HP ,75 • NOT Chedls For GOOD, USED PJeue applJ in pmon to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH CITY OP NEWPORT BEACH $452. to $549. per month .. dt i;lrig. 317 E. l8tb Npt Hghts late model, xlnt «>nd $55. fun and plf!)' by -llll9 ~eu• PL, NB St.·Of, 541-:rl89 BALBOA ISLAND -847-&U.5 Quallll<d alhtltll on!J' $1.00 a 541-1312 600 Balboa Ave. Sat 10.-5 Sun KENMORE mangle, apace v.ttk. ~llltwly at: 't:= • , FuntltuN, Stereo, TV or ~_.ro,aple double canopy AM. Custom dcs!&ned table Maten:, h yd Top I a ne A H II lD wAR.o•s BALnwtN S1t1DIO WANTEU: Orleatal anio Household llf!nlt of any ldnd, bed', match cbei;t on chelt. form.ica. wrought jron, tat· ICOOler. goll clubs,. mllc l'.I qwt ~ 1119 Nnjort. C.M. 6f2;:MM eablmts. ClbJtcta d'art, etc. e 5414722 e canopy o:>WJ', dU!il nitfle I; ted hl back chairs. Kiiig gz Item,; 548-4290 L u.-a-I . --=---&n.8531 (tllll fret) WANT mat-•nr· -'-~,L-·l-be<I Pr orry .. -•• •n.,..tquos l!EA•~• tllte. new 1,', .. -~-'·l"""·te * ED* ""0 ....,""''' :!00".,.,.. , etc. quality belch SAT.SUN, bicycles, bike, 40' V unJ "'t-!'""... unao .. ..,•-"' MIL ~·-In ......... ,.. _ _... oil ~. che • . &JI oedfna', 30 carved Wwlitzer Sptnt pt a II 0 . POOL T'"'E ·~ • '"""''"·• """v ~,-,. • • 2 .s:ui.'""" long twin beds. S50 1 .. ml5C goodiu by the: che.tts. dreMeg, tab 1 e 1, -' dd bl~· M u M .. Lo. ---••L .-..... ftDl> ...,.,., •-e -.c-. ...., -hn>I _._ .. us na ca· ·~-"" Spo ess •-Ulllllll. '-'Ul<l * ••• ,.., * Fuml11•re . APl>ll•-• ll; , ·~ ......... "" .. ..,.. • ...,,,, na. each. Light green vinyl """''"n. bookc:aaes, !Ofa. beds. many round oak tables. 50 piano over $lll0. No ales tu isoo. .....__. C.Olor ... '"""' Equal ioppartunlty Hip &hoot diploma, ol'le couch. makes ln:to qUf:tn COME EARLY OR oU.en. 15832 \VWett Ln, HB atGGl.a;, sets of cha1n, z hall 548-t8S3 evta.. tillJNtNG DrafU. macblnt, TV'a • Stt,.,.0'1 ·Off, aipia11r • Ml:F )'ear aeneral cl~rical expefi. 11ize ~ $75. 675-~! BE 9JRRY! DIVAN, din •t. BR eet. treff, 15 roll top desks, many WHITNEY Bai,v G~ a ~d .c:alea. drarttrw table, oa. lee tqulp · TooLB • ~tc. Seerttar7 «nee. APJ)ly bet..ne 5 pm, v-r""n ~ ...... -·""-headboard FURNITURE & cabineta like 1 ........... -""-. ~ •• ,,......., .. cloclui· How-ant Banjo 6 J IOI' lamp, $150, SCT"3t9 TOP CASSH ln 30 mlnut.ea l<--tlon.""'"' ~·~ ~ ~--'-_, ~ tlte --·~ .. --. -~· U< ~ ··~-. u--:..-~ ..... , _ Plano-•• LRJWON .• , .. alt~ r' ·•·· SUR"BOARD * '1•1111 * . ! __,.luv;-. •••· ~~~ ~ &,J'fllin~.!d~tcb~ria:bu1'flU .)'CIU have neve.r seen at mattttn.. end tbls. 135"41 ••vw ... ,. ~ ......... ...,. ~ v ..... • ., "' _ , J ~ mil:\. oil.~ tn all IUYd. ')fnr.l' u. ... 1.. Caij. ~ mil'.ftl_I', GOOd: Cdl!d, $100. America's la.rge11t A most "3th SL, NB. S&.l/SUn 10--I 2 Niche~ de. 2'21 or (~). Ex c 1 I l • 11 t OLD FaahlOned cl9lht1. run. • ....._ Gd. ..,-.,_.. & SU " -~ __.. unusual unfinished 1urnttute G"'-G ._._,_ 2380 Ntwport Blvd.. a.ta T-t-...J. ... 1_ ·.wt.A .......1.a.iu---.,_-... tOlttamea. jfwtlry. la ~t ---~ Boal wUl be tornl1.. {'11 ) .,,_ · JAi~• arage .;>CUI'.:: ~ Mtu ~7J&3 9!'9"''"!:: "!~ .__"" ....... -__..,.... lab5tclotN:, t tc. p v l BAtn' c\'ib . wltli. ""°PY •tore. Cor Redhill a. S&nta tlq\tes, '"°'" drpo. -"""° •::-,,_;; • ';jj;1r, ~ •• ,;;.,,,,., TV, ~ --.~CNS~~"'°!!' -. • -~-"..:"" onl T'(l'ISr/CLERK wtl11 ma1i..n. u cellent Ana "°"" TuaUn. 1 ,.; So. tum, md oak tbl, Sat" SWt. IUJU. --• . ™ --.-• -...,. ·~· -. 1 mollbo-~ .......... with bUllnt -· l'!tut eo>l<li-!W3-tl!l3 ofNewportFwy,()pen362 2!81\Jstin,NB -oa1t talllt, -t plclurotube,!yrt:M:t&llll'. G -loPJ.-RESTAURAlif-chell ...., """" CloJI, ldra. Oii! Jllra. Zllrlclt.~ p L. ..,. per yr. Sll-!ljlO. ~ lalile, old pine tQlo • ' Lee -wal cab. '*'='= . ' ' " dJ.lhwuhen. I """ ..., 16 --=-lllA LE ~nk ""'" -, ·-GARAuE Sa"to, SaL ~. ~ dtll ... Tin 6 _. __ (]D........ Puftct -.ti!. A11o -.._u,•TUo !qllloltetun "'t -or I •• o --~-• · • ·~ ••11s • -• 00-~· ~ ~ m '· w. o1 ...,.u..• 1'1&19 ...... -·-lib "'" -,_ ----f --* WAITRUSIS * ~ * old, comp auto $1l18., Ool« M SL Fountain Vflley. ~ 4 mortl BACK otben: t1'w " -. U -· -• p. _, ., u ,.._1 -. a or l tt\YS ' TV-lg, Philco Mnso1Hbony • · DOOR ,JMPOft.ts 1116 term s avail , Ch•ck ·':.-4837 . COM.L"i"t.;;:EG;;~:.--:,,,tudl=•'"t-needa-,·I : , ,.,.... -. mD Lota!De, ~ rm Mt, port TV, dyed -..:alnut $170 1 black CARPET. 11\q, ht.Jo NEW Rarbor BJVd, Of. l.o.4 TlJtt. KtNOEJ\S6N'S tlril! lm A~AiffiJN 1U p.I, Jit;'.a> queen iilie btd Madldltl f'awwwfltl Alfll.. .S.afood tltiteurant \ t>M:tJh ~ cllflir. c 0 n t t: m p 0 r a ~·Y chi.Ir S4 sq. yd. 39S HamllllJa, sat. ~~. s • • Harbor 82,... CO.ta M"-" • ·~ l'lt\ltr "*'· Mlb * 6U-J0aT • ~ Q'.-W..wtDl<J\•,K.B. 4'ffS.1aJS• W/whit~ 11&\llahyde c.~1.Saturda.,Yonly. SJiASSbtd&mtlcant!Wf: M8-()t5!'i ·' ." .:!!;·~orcn..1111 NEED bf'! . • M547J1 APPLY IN''1!RSON EARLY American hldM· cushions $30. Call: BC7-9Q SAT 10 ttl 4 p.rn. 123 Ruby, furniture + com p o fl e n t 14'' COLOR r.t'iifttt TV, 1tW SC1iiwtnn' Stlnin,y bU. rtl10nab!y ~= .1~J ~~ :· iiAiiiriii15i ftP&lt dopl "EUIEN •• • •& bed. 11 ... ·mo, ltced• ...,, alters PM . Balboa 1.i.nd. Re Ir 11 , """" equljlllltnt. :m ll>M undor wUTonfl'. Xlnt .,... 1"~ .,...i, !30. ~· . ~· : l:xp'cl plWtl' ,JD a c b I Jt • "-loC wvrk. bot eood. '50. 8ll-2M8 GLASS lop stand W Sun· dr)v, mile! turn. etc. Le.ne. CM. ~1 dltlon. ~ • Ml--28M • FREE TO -· JWJml lllJLS, 151 E. Co••t f1wy DANISH moclom "'""' & beam ""'"" 112 Rouod BALBOA ISL& GOODIES l'OSf ClvU Wor (1168) an-zENiTll TV,..,..... 11", ITROBi:. LIGHT, or1t1'ililll1 YOU IU ·~ ,'::! 8eoch. Ntwport llMch chllro ~ Wllnul ~· & h.-k. ,.., 18. «l2 Colla «lJ llalbOa Ave. tlgue bdrm HI, din rm Ml, lnclttdtnr otutd. lOnt eoitd. coot $115. S11l or bttt olf1t. FIVE 11ur1Y bltck • ,,J.'11::::,<~<ll1=::.l=~=----li,_,_ ____ • ___ ...;;dtalrl=.;;,.;;lill;;;;...;;;Mi;;.,;;illt;;;I.;...__ Me. St. Wrtm • 9111t 10-8. San Momh1c H1boy etc. ~ Mr. Thoma.I ('114) a:n.-ICf.-fl'IJ ldtt!n1. &M..481.) ~ • ----~--------------------..,..--~---:---;---·~----.:-:---·~ 'FOUi CONYEtlENT O"ICES TO SERVE YOU .• ... .. • • 'tt.r.•s How Y• C• tho.- Ow Feaoa .Dtme ·A· U.. • . ..... ~ .... -""" ......... . . _ , ._ llJWl'ORT lllACH 2Zll .......... .. -.. -4 ....... """"" e ~OSTA MISA UO Wiit 1or e Hll!«INGTON llACH -lOt RM -e LAGUNA IEACH m ...._ A- e Mt 11v• I 1 ...... -4. • -Ina -... pri&M -.. ""'" - J ' ' tu. . _u _ _._,_..,., 0 REA~W."'1 ........... J!:.Z AQUARlllll. m-.,...,, J,ENNY Llnll bod ~ Crib ELECTRIC ..... "' ...... ! SUN.BEAM .......... broil<r TWO"""'~ -"Ind> 'lllJFA. Sii .... -~ 'P!l!Jal ........... Ha•· 2 NEVAIWt -:i1 1111. .,,,,..... $2!1. 6 ' ''1ld)lw 2 fill>, "'· 54&.0209 -ind mat,_ $2S. lleop lat t;.r round dtlpl4y lablo $2!1. IOI. --Mand llO. Qne ;II 11'1'!" llJ. -A-$ 2 5. '• '"""" ...,. tamp ftx. tabla SS. Sewtiw -·~' ~ &lua ~ '25. 'naak lhbea ,feyer $S. Iron SS.' Hi-fl, Radio -f9el:ll'd~~ I' $6. EWceta.1.n percolator, $11.-JSlS • f ........._ HW1~ Bach haf .. ...., drawtr, c:utttna ..._. _ $3.!!G. ~ SIMMONS Beauty R.eet mat. ~ amplifier $Jo • 1tepltdder $5. Water!"-electric UO. F"¥· radio $10. 60 t400I( ~ Dow $10. TWO meo'• tuita sµ..4 'tu CXJCJCH lilde+bed i25 iri9 = = ~ i. "' trea 125.. 8-uty Rast box 'Plftnen $2. Jurn9 seat SLlll. cookware sz. Natun.l hair '.Ptfexlmo poHtry dilbes $2 UOiil)lo, Trunk ~ $10. Air »air alacb Walat 43, imettn AVllon, °' ~ delk $5. Twl.n bed -i BWNl!E walnut cltaotte ,.~ •prtng, 125. Eng1and<r "'"I Pboto .marg., llO. Tablo w\a, black 125. Dan1'h and 13 "L Old -Sltl. mndttlooer SIS. Gu tank !I'-.... condition all 11$. BEIGE ........... -wttb box -... ' t· 32D'( labl<, < Chain 115. rubbor """""" 115. Ill»< fan SS. \Yhw bac1< chalr SS. modem "°""" SUI. 273 E. <"""'°" floor -ard SU. Bumper J!O. Ilea"" Duncan Ph>f• drop 1to1 ~... ·-•·-.~ ~ llicyde eutt1ser $1S. 595 11prines $15. 536-1304 Annlea ~e ao(J $5. 19th Sl. C.M. acrubber QI. Boal qiort no. H~ QI. SG-3'0 table, two extenm. ~ ;;~ rod;j";neJ •i:,~ :::e, tt,. ff~ .;i: KnowtlJ Pl CM Kltcbm table and chain 18" HAND mower SS. 8 x 4 seat $1.50. Pacific Caut ..........,,...~ bar chain ;25. Old lfllrDp t1' ..._ 1. ....,1_ Uz .. x te tab&e, bronze -•,$20 I KING-SIZE bed $25. SG-m2 $UL Waler llOftener $)). al in !rame mtion&r)' chartl 10c eadl. B1ocb 25c ~ bike wttb record dock. ltrilces, m, 53&..fi95(I X -.. ,_.. -~ PIPE thttader Reed Mf&:. KINGSIZE headboard fl/I 9 Swq eel US. Arm16S oc-~ -iz.' 548-6713 eacta. Brus stancbolns Jt50 $8. Reduclrw v I bra tor ' &11' 1-'C-l Jllit.W ll&" X 4.m Fmllbier .......... $JS.50.j ~ ratchet ba:ndle %, x 12 tibttgluiJ mint -· ~ dlain. l, SS each. each. Wood fol.ding dwrs deluxe $12) mncb!nl $25. CAR 4 Track Audio stf(M bw SZ. ~ Electric aultar de1UM \$20.l % and l · inch d~a: Used "'" .,._ ,.. __ tin i-,"""",,·~ ~ $5. High cha.tr $3. I-A.DIES and man's 26'' SL~ ea.Ch. Electric 8l>tlJl Reducing btlt $15. m PS1 with •abn 125. 645-2lll KENiiOii au 1 oma t t e Ex et 11e11 t Heal~ It ' ta' b • -... "' ~ ...,. """' Hood am ,__ ..,. .SO. "'-~ ""--single speed bicycles wllb tureen 12. Bo&.t or aun-U volt alr eompresar $25. ,..., .,,._ ... , __ -11 __ ,. ...... wubtr and N..... 1U -.mpllfttr $1!. T09I :CJ $1.1 once or moun n ca in. new SlO. Small brnU $2 ..,, .,, "'I"~ narrow tires $3) each. 3 . ...... V ndlnc hi lD pot. .u ~._., ., ~ .... dl')W both ta__. workl.... Slot race can with and eo..t $38. Also rainbird anJ Dog basket and chai! 50c' -$1. Rug. rray, 9 x 12 $5. ..........1 -. Boy'• 24 .. for $10. co 11 a p 11 b I e BBQ Slit e mac ne, s rune good $25. 53&--f986 , ........ .... -lllOl'iel •• 3 -· rink1 bead Sell CUrtains 50e • $1. Aquarium 01~ •-Sall150ftlte table and chalra ex.cellent condition $ 2 5 . . . amdlUon $25 ·ffch. Ulc95 x a....... """ I sp er s, $20. to 75c:. Curtains &le to $L pump $1. 3i gallon ahow :JO" &lri'a $12. 3 speed, as Is $1!1. D~rl~ and corn!qe Lam deeQ,dou.ble aillk $5. 3 I WHITE ururorma. loot! 14 tfrea, eoorl lttad i=;. each. tanks. &.tze 22 cul)lc f-t. ~ Bedspl'Hda $2. Drapes '1 -tank rdleclor, new SS. Baby $3.50. Single wheel trailer box to match $10 pu#-•. 1"1,,' x~O' ~_.pool SS. condition Abe_ JO $12. White 1.0 x 14 tire,, plOd tread 15 alm09t new Qt each. N{\edle DISHMASTER. gOOd $22. 4 $2. Boy's bedspread with dttMes and sweaws lSc • $20. ~2847 Bongo drwns $1 and $1 Goiod Re~.' Di 1.e' t forma~ brldal ~ ~ U UT..ailli valye mc.Yleft rtgula~ '6.1 RCA Clock radios $6 -$111. 2 ma~drapes $$. Sewnl 50c. EI e ctri c Jt n i fe LAMP shades SOc • $5. Lawn editl' 16. Plu . _qovels'25C each. ~7 m: ~~el.a,~ BEAUTIFUL custom chain, '166 Hudaon, MQ..1217 1 radlol SS • $15. 6 ~ • s:z. Women' .. lirl'a. boy's $15. Black light $25. Mattel 50c • $25. O\itcheos, ad-and pepper shakers $.1 ll!t. larae blackboard. ~ .. ., .. me.. • 1 , 499--3412 tacftmenll $15. Plct re1 hair ...,,.,. $5 · 18. 3 Clocl< .,.... """dilfem>l.oolon JI ahupener $3. Dratting table -., 12. $7.50. G.....,.,. """"" and &1aaes with wt rument bas 12. · 'I •'-'' • -lo approci&te 135 ...i.. ¥IXMASTEJI "I~ alarm clocks JI • $.1. Throw =~ and ltmn 25c: te $1. power WOl'k shop $8. Skia, jui;taflle $7.SO. 310 hrnlW, P.f~'11 wool alacka ~ $2 ~SGEIO l Boyl IO'' Sfulii'1i.Yil one PROVINCIAL Cauc:b.. need.I b'ames P, • S3. . : rup $1 -$4. 2 Fire 9Crftm, Scout~~~-~ me 3 llki boots, pole11 $10. edM. Park Lb drlvewa,y in p&lr. DiJbet and~· 5c -MOVING'. otnce· desk . $25. wit~ ~ fork. ea.di. ncovttUw $25 Maple cotttt stoiu $5. SllWT fm: ~ lrau $S • $10. 2 1V Sta.nd.B, Ice skat.ea. ai:re 9, Y.'Omen'11 alley ~ ~: Sat-Sun lo 5:30, 6C-Sl7S ~ &irfbOerd $25.. 96J..4M: table S5 2'1f C:amdlia Lue. $.5. Scrabble pme U. '1ttt :;:;:, ~O. ~';"",.,~::; :.:::tlo~~. ":.·,"'= :~~$5'.":'!i..:!'.'~ 1::i!:™.I':'°~1'~ ~'!,,., ~'!.~"S:.:~ PORTABLE 1 .. u..tttt• '~ ~ .:i=-:.::: CM. -~ ~""'!"$3.~ aerial $15. RCA 45 record Ilka.tea Y.'itb shoes $4 .. 50. 9, men's SU. Ski booill, size tube, otherwise per18ct, $25. and La ·Jolla sts. :o~~I st:efto wt th ;. Safari barbecue ''sn.11 AUTOMATIC: ~. &IJOd Item.a 25c. $1. Sunbeam)n:in player auto $8. 3910\h Chan-Edgers fiOc -~. Football 8~ men's $15. 3 wire wheels ~ ta e . speaker $ 5 · n1y $3 Bi(~ condition $251B-B cun S5 $6. Eunor att p, , il', ~ Pl. N.B. 67J..Ui03 helmets $1. Lots of good 1931 Chevy $5 each. 6 volt MOVING: Dnlfting table $3. Small swivel vice, hand Dl!l?pen ° ~ Vacuwn. cle-.ne:r i:z Jlectric rcq>late ll.asa $5. 8 1 cit! '="""~--"--"'=---! toys, books lOc • 50c.. Bley-trouble light $1.50. Used BABY itenu lOc -$'1. Antique stage coach wheel drill, hammen and other · w te tlle-$1. . l1lll motor $1 Marble .t&bte 2 Pl 646-362'l BEIGE ll!Bthr chair m. New cle frames Sl • si TireS and tift!9 $2.50-$8. E 1ec 1 r l c Porsche bucket seats $10. $25. St a in I e 1 s steel too.It 50c _ SJ. Osdllalill& chair v.ooden anm $5. 2Crl chaln SUL 111.'W. m st'. at """'°'' """-=:=--,,..,.~+--' car bed $1D. Jatt 'l8 mf. parts 50c to $1.50; Lunch Tachometer $4.50. 12 volt VW tires and rims $5 each. restaura11t akle table $5. 8prinlder SLSO. Deluxe J 29Rt St. NB . Placenti& 'C.M. iO-VOUJME Bible ' ' lectan items 50c ~ $5. paila 25c to n. Come Ee.at Chevy radio. car $5. 6 volt M.G. bucket sea.bi $10. Head Sunbeam deep I.at fryer and tube plutlc aollaoaker $1. DOR.MEYER deep fr)v, BEAl.J!JlruL new ·l l-l S boola by Arthur ~.! Paperbacks 25c. N e w 8205 RidgefieJd Dr i" e Plymouth radio car $5. 6 aldis $5. Sat-SUn 60-8291 frying pan 15 ea.ch. BBQ $1. llose $1. 826 Jou:m St. C.M. J.Jn new Jltl. 2 TaWe lampl white 'chutoe, while aatln " priori $5 per tfok. Copymate copier s:zs. Xmas (SUrlskle) Hunt In Ito n wit spotlight $2. S.ts2 hub-$86 Santa Ana Aw., C.M. 2 double bureaW!I $31 each. 2 ~19 $15. 64&-1890 cln.pe 641tJ..2746 t tree SlJ). Barbu kit $5. Beach caps $1 each. 2 headlight PICTURES 50c each. Bird aingle beds. 1 double ~ $5 TIRES 670 x 15-f1\ldc $3 RUSSELL Surtboa.rd r.zs. ~while: i::n!:r '::: ~SAc:TU:,,,RD,c;.A_Y~-.,,.-~-....;,_I Bridie lamp $10. 6 0 7 MAPLE dresser no. Maple doors 1956 Plymouth $1 cage fl.~. Dishes lOc • 25c. eech. Double bed ~ Formica cabinet HW x 38H, Tape recorder $25. Bell blue.nylon pleated back $21) Bey now for ~ Orchid, CdM double bed $15, Kitchen sink each. l' x 12' backyard pool Stainless Aee:l tableware, and mat1reu 12·. White col· 21'.lD $.20. Sbower-tub fittiJ'WB cruh helmet $25. 75 mm ach Ladies aandala, llb:e 7, H.O. llC&le train tet # BAB~ cn'b -. Tabl• _ _, $3. Home bar S 2 5. $25. 4' pool ladder $7.50. like new lOc each. Lampe fee table $5. Chain tl ea~b. SS Washer $25. 54G-&376 englargirw lens $25. Back $1-$3 PuraK. iwttleI'I, jack-Boefd track, buildillp~ :s. ,.,,.., ,..,... u..11.,._ _ __, r>r:: ......., ........ Oval bl ·~ <« ~'" h .. _. Vaaes 10c • 50c. Carpet.mg n..-1.. •1r: W . ,,.· 13• ' 0 chairs $25. Console TV $20. ...._,,uuiuu _.. _,~ ta e ..-. ..m>""<JU"I<). 25c each. Brown uman uoU' flOc yard. SUltca.ses 50c. $1. THREE drawer dre6Sel' with --~ ~ eig .,. -eta. dre&ae11 $1-$1 Excell· H. . ICllle car lltt La w n e d g e r S 7. 5 O , B~R stools, 7, perfect con· 20211 Bayview Ave. Santa wig PJ. Towels. new $1 &et. Woman'& clolhing size 12-14. maple top and mirror $25. 10 speakers SlS. * John ent condition. 0 u t door lish Ironstone cham: Houaewarea 50c • SS. Pup dition $10 each. Vacuum $10. Ana Heights Dish lowelS and table linen 50c • $1. Child's TM.wood Double bed with headbotµd 66-0397 a:potllle, never UAed, Wety I $7 Pewter bowl ~ tf,1 tent $4. 2530 Fordham Dr. Team-dry iron $ 4. 5 0. 15c • 50c each. 642-2'l68 picnic table S2. Child's 4• x and footboard $25. Box PORTABLE ·vo11iey b a I I plue P.50 646-6226. 1-5 PM $2. 6 qu'llrt pressure Sat only 545-7450 Alagaztnes, Pa Per back' MOVING. House full of SCRAM· LETS 4' plQhouSI!' $20. Lawn spring $20, Mattress, ex· uprights and net $1$. VW only. $1.50. Child's phooogra · Playboy 10c • $L Oolhinz furniture: 2 twin Hollywood mower abd ~ catcher cellent ronditiofl $2), Sat· trailer hitch $15. Scuba SOFA St!IO StroUer S6 1'rikt Diahet lOc SL 1854 6 WAGON wheeb for lOc • 25c. Records 35c. }l'()l)o. beda SID eacb. 0 a k Bernz • 0 • ma lie camping Sun. 548-t954 pre 111 ur 0 pup no. $fi Lamps ~ Roddii& chair Place, oft lrl:flana, C.Mt trans;portation or decoration lOc. 25c. Reconb: 35c. Iron.. secretary desk and chair ANSWER·S heater $l. Primus 2 burner KINGSLEY electric printing Portable AM/FM radio $8. CUlhiom A · Kitcben chain 62 VW parts:: Two like fl5 each. 2317 Comell. ing board $3. Bowline I.it :: ~ ~ ~e~ . kerosene stow. ns. Porta· machlDl!l. Type and ao-Rec\llator $15. Hlnchmann i:z Singte bed box~ '2 vlnyl bucket aeata $15 ~ 5f6...2573 and size 8 shoes $5.. Swag H~ _ U1q1aek-Drowsy Free7.i! camping ice box $5. CBQ:iea. laod modltlon AM/FM aerial S1 Flllt rtm Erd·table. $7. New krma11 M1tchir¥ back Ital • MATI'RESS and box ~ lamp with torch '$&. 331 ~· ~ ~ =~ _ PbJgh _ Solely-Marcel Skien: Head standards 6'6" $25. 251 E. Bay 'st. CM an:I tire P. ~ ba& &be ll-U. $8 5f&-o568 Antenna, spe&Jrer and :f?, &ell SUI and $18. End tableti Costa Mesa St. 642-t386 cblin no each, :z -O~ OOUCHES S20 each. Child's wood akis RECORDS, record&..~ mounting SS. Mlnolta 1£ MM COMPLETE wbee:l 48:MOO x SlS. Other parts St • $3 l'8dl. Lamps $2. Ni&ht SMALL apt.refrigerator $25. upholstered chain pi each. Ftl'!!t dog: "! don't know $2. Olild·s ski ~ts $1. Ski Ovt'r 100 hi-ti albums: Pop: still ca~ $2'.I. VW pattel ·8 SJ Roadnl horn Sl Two walnut 1 p e' • stands $8. Lou~ chain 429 carnation, CdM Set o1 patio furniture S21. what's come over me. I'm poles $2.. Bulldmg 11Upplie1J: Show Latin ' _some brand tray $8. Stereo car speakers European type ~lj:hts like encl011llf1!1. wllb 8 inch $15. 135;~ "5th SI. N.B. OLD tashloned bath tub 'With National Geographic 10c nervous and jittery." iii" plyW\'.lOd $4 sheet %" new Soc e.cb 2m Centdla $12. 642-8598 new flO fOl' two. Custom Wolv~n speakers S TABLE •-p prot-t-for claw'"' $W _,, ~-each. &ok& 50c • 7f>c. Other dog: "\Vhy don't you plywood $2 sheet%" panel· Pt NB~ BRUNSWICK Bowling ball made be.by crib $25 Diaper Baby cnb SW. &n-422:Z '"' ...... u•<> • v•r..:xoo Dishes and pota 5c _ 75c. itt a psychiatrist!" Ing S2 sheet. 1,4" found 11 lb SlO. Hardwood double: pa.II $1.50 Toys 25c-$1.50 5 AN'l'JQUE wall tel gl&M-top tables -3 felt tops DINETTE table and two Battery ~r $1.50. Steel First dog: "That won'! do moulding 6c foot. Odd MARBLE tetTUa'.I coflee bed frame fl,50. Encloeed drawer knolly pine ehetlt refinWled In green. Yff -a0<0roian 1YP' ·enough lo ohalro $15. Two labl• tam., tu" 12. Rad;o ,... ....... ary any good. You !mow I'm ool l"mbor lOc: • IL S=w., table $15. 2 ""-"""'"1 """'"'""'top arrlor $7.lO. with fonnka top. ""'' to """" "" ""'°' I~ fit 42''x76" table $4.50. ~each. 548-7488 · $l Car dios $4 50 allowed ON COUCJiES." nails lOc -SI Aquarlst~' 21 Dux chairs $25 each · Aluminum camp Ice chest $.1. finiah or antique s 11 64&.-2146 Uniw:nal ootfeematic $2.50. KING size mattl'eh and box ~~la~ mw:. $15. S~t~ ELECT"RQNIC and ~am gallon ~um $ 2 5 · ~todern whi~ .f.8" lamp $1&. 8ltl1 tent UO. 548-1591 Forrrrlca covered tlakeboard SKI boot, men'& &lie t r Black wood aala~ bo9.'1 &et llJlrinp $25 each. Excellent board 25c. Ice cbesl SL50. gear: Heath CX35 tnuu;mlt-Aquarium .supplie11 lOc each. Dark honey ma b 01 an Y BABY Crib with ma~. I" x: 48" make good shelves Girl'a clotbing, sUe 6X 1 $1.50. Jan F1errung books condition. stg....rru Bowling ball SOc. Thermol tcr $25. 2JO watt C{I PhoLographcrs: Print dryer tables $25 aJXI n:J. Complete: excellent condition $ 2 O. 75e Antiqulna: kit $1 7. St • $3. 9'IJ AlePP>: St.I tsc. Victoria Holt boob 25c. BLUE chip stamps $3 each. 50c.. 57 Chevy hub caps 25c. traramitter $25. HV IJO'M!l' SS. Darkroom supplies lOc · ~odd Book set ~ wlurne, 646-8291 Palntguns sharp bleeder N.B. 6"-llm Women's clothing aize 16-18 646-$17 ak nclosu $l.50 2 Sl. Sat and Monday, 9-1 PM girls Ice skates ~ 8 $10. type $10 Searrc:onv. $8 Car """"';ii'.:::;0,..'.7.::;;·;;:::!;:;'1 11 to $25. ~ca 15c -. Spe er e: re . supply parts f18 Nat. 100 only. 717 Center St. C.M. Shoe roller skates llU? 8 $5. GffiL'.S .26" bike:, ltalLan 1m-&tan!O speak..,. $C for two. DINGHY, good conditioQ $5 3910 oiver Ave. N.B. PC~ mower JI!. Maple barrel Rochester cub $2.fiO. recelvtr $25. Heath VFO Vacuum cleaner $10. Stac.lc port U7. 615-7'143 .,..-i 64~2507 . • ,.., • tWln bed. complete $25. 9 x Army parka 25c. Anli®e $14. Elco grid dip $25. RME BABY 4 basket «;trawe:r-stoola $5. 536-8740 , hM No. 60 ree., new $8 2 FORD ,.,, ..... tirts, -~ 613-7340 9 umbrella tent m. Tile patterned tiles 3c each. 2·5 mlr. converter; Nat 100 changing table top with tra.y OJPY Machine, Ver:itax, Pni-TeCOrded Cu&ette tape:a Pl each:''S4&..l868 '\; NEW bed frame $3.50. New topped cbeu table $10. Brass lep 25c. 'Inlnslaton speaker $5. LV {300 and $12. Brtgg11 Power Reel ELECI'ROUJX V 8 CU um worU well, barpin $25.. $l..'5 C&llle.tte caddy takes ..:::..::=:::.:::..:::::._ Ice cubt tray and servtt 548-4917 . and transformers 5c. 6J3.67l2 7511V) power supply; Arc 5 lawn mower $15. PIJone cleaner $25. Voice: ol Mu.ale includin&: IUPPl1 % 31 f :Ill taJea p VW hlleb, Ml.I RECLINER chalr, gold hionabl clothi double SB mobile transmit· ~ record pla.yer $15. Stereo N"wport 675-1393 all .$18 Cokmia1 a t '1 J e med in walnut $25. $3.50. Fas . e ng: LARGE wood desk 7 draw.er STERNO 11tove, fuel, mess t $5 Sa.turd on! FM·AM with stand $15. OLDER Table model aewtnc ul\tray 00 s'tand $5. 3046 clide:r swing, need ..,~ :P.1en's aize: 42 med, wo2 men's Pl. la!etal deak $15,, Old kit, aD tor $1. Knapsack SL er · ay Y· 1800 2 ANTIQUE wagon wheels Phonograph tumt&ble $3). machine $5, 673-5003 Kill.)'brook, ea.ta Mesa. $15. Stanage cabinet t size ].1).14, babies to years, m&naa.1 typeJmten $ s . Air mattltia Jl, Vaporiie:r ~~ m 0 d 0 re • Ne'A·port $25 each. 2 bamboo ladders Spear gun flO. Brown\e 5'0-6779 E1ectrlc beater $S. \ women's shoes 61ti:-8, hats Lad~ bow"-•-", •··. $1. Poly ream;ttng tape S. 6, and several different siz.c Duh camera .... y8......i.-2 Mahopny end ta~ s:J). .._,_,..._.,,i:,. ..... _ blue Mc :j and 'purses SOc -$15. New .,;"$12. w~ ';;.des$1 7" reels 50c. each. Sturdy SCJIOOL type desks. fonnica pieces U). 3 rolb bamboo humktttiu $3. ~; Picture (Golden Surfl $15. 5 GAS ~r P> Elec1ric m:; ~~;"~ji ~ electric can opener $9. New • $2. LamP'. hang:IJW, ceil· ree.J storage cues 50c each. top $8. Platfonn l'Oeker no. fencing S15. Antique oak Machine by Mattell $4. Drawer Chest. lilhtwoad er $2 Old pine roeker _. eacb. Electric toto.tmiil "" 14 piece plastic knife set $3. tng, table $3 • i 5. 2)0' Eutman Plus-X movie Ovenitulfed chair $6. Car top painted vanity with mirmr, Table lampa $5. Belly boa.rd !1: ~~I-a-way bed $10. Electric 'ttypa.n U.50 2 Whalnot ahelvetl 50c .. $\13891 New blanket $3. Near pew Dishma.ster $5. Lektric film $5. Beaded flower at· carrier $5. Trailer hitches needs refinishing $10. Hob ss. Bf!J!lel rug shampoo $5. ,,_.....,....,... ~= .. ~.:$51';1~ E. 20th, C.M. 5C8-21.27 "." Batel green twin bedspttad broom $4. Nylon rug, royal rangernen!B $5. Decorative $5. Encyclopedia set $6. nail milk glaa vue $17.50. 962-8595.. 9680 Caruwall Dr. BOOKS, books, book&, mo1tly ...,..., ·•. Sat~ .. -. ll-6, 21331 blue 6 x 918. 9 foot travenie mobiles St. Mosaics, p.lc-Window ~ complete 6 x 2, 19&1 calender plate SJ.SO. 2 HB l.Jterary Guild aelectlOns, llllh and glau $1.50 Chrome PICTURE frame 50c • U.15 " -· · U.S "SO •~ ·-Toh ~ so dis.. ' bean pots, cook.Ii Ptenlc table $3. OttSll!i 963-?!22 and Cfb'll..< $8. Eltly flag41. Metal clOflet type 2 ANSON &print whe:els ·lor Italian pn:rvincial double $8 W-6672 ---collector's Items: 12 vol es.ch. Ca"icher'a mitt $1.50 1'elescope $25. L~ IC Pulkhead Circle, H . B . rod. ne...-$.1. Motorific track ture floor Clllhkms $1·$3. . ••. . ~ r mugs . ·~· each. TELESCOPE 6llxfiO variable: over 15 llllll'& 25c each. Also cut";ra. ne'!J aundaHel 50c matching stand.I E$ 4 1 ..::.:..=--~.....,=--.,,01 Amerlmn pictureg and storage cabinet $4. Chima.yo vw $25 each. Falcon whet.ls head boa.rd and cotton mat· · Woorkl o( Rudyard KlpUrc OLD piano stools $20. Old frames SJ. $4, $5. Toy&-I .h d i a n b I a n k e t $ 2 5 • and tires $l each, Telescope treaa S9. 2 single folding l OLDER TV pxl condition (189B) $.1 14 vol Worka or &n.it foatt>ll1 bebnet $1.50 wooden awing :. glas.s S2 • Jl!l· Lamps ~·: book! le • Sl. Sun only. Elabara.tely trimmed square .$2. M&ple knick·knack lhrlf beds $.1 each. 2JO Pe;cific SS. 40 911Wlft feet 1 x 12 new Bret Harle (1896) '4 14 vol Sewhw$1.50 Ro=: =:n~ :; ta~ ::-Toy be* ~ Rocking. chair $12. Too... IMO: ~. 'Zl.20 s e vi 11 e, dance <measea, sb:e 12, each 11.50. Hand ,.w, 11 •a•h. CoMt Hi&hway, H . B. knotty pine Uk: loot. 1 half leather bound LI t t I e -• V 14 -·~--Ibar .,,<I"_,., "'I k ' ·~ -I b •-with 3 foot •--Trtve• heated $1.50 Meal Heavy Maple bar '" $15. ice ·'"· "'""' • Balboa Peninsula. •·ith separate tops. u ac Snorkel dlwrs mask fl. ...,.,..,,,,.,.. 1 a uuuc p...... Journeys (19161 $4~ 2IJ'J9 " ted row $4.50. Old l!Cbool desk ,.,1th gold, cocoa wtlh cop-Standard bed springs SI. CHEV 10 .. wide wheelll pi. hinge $.1. 2 -55 pDon oil. CenleUa Pl. NB. 5C&-83C arlnder $1.50. 2 amall old at $10 each. Fros bl{"_:! $12. P.fixer $2.50. Electric UNDERWOOD typewrit"r -r. black with silver $2.5 Now $40 -· roolor, SlO. F~ ·bro-n'm• -~ ~, lrasb ba.rttls $3 each. l • 55 walnut lamPll $5 Pma pone wig $20. Larae Mynab ~ ... I · cleaned and never used ~ .__ V1u " "''"' ..,,... "'" -'lo II d 13 U··• 2" GOLF b&f, tooled leather table U5 G, E. tron $2 Eleo-cage SW. ~ ~ b')'ing pan $5. E eclric can ' each. Small a.'llmal cage Electric healtt $5. Black $15. Motorcycle 1ingle seat, ..... n ° rum · ncu and canvas $3.50 20 cup co(· t opener $2.50. Be. n two o d ~ as ne~ S2013. G:s..::· with wheel SOc. Sewin&: pat. naugahyde boss chair and new f20. &46-8708 x 2" lumber, 2c line-1' foot. Irie mixer $3. 5t6-9358 Redwood Ave. C.M. l chain S7. Drapes S 2. u•C steam iron · terns children's size 4 to footstool $25. &42-9261 Used 1"" plywood 5c gquare ~: ~!~~=a: LIKE new Danish modern HANDMADE rtre:tch ffJ Clothes 5c -$10. Old trunk SMALL round table $5. 2 ladles IJize 24"', IJix to twen. NEW four pull atereophont: foot. 536-1369 tables with fnrrnk:a tops 20" permanently styled, no~faetJ $15. Antique: table $9.50. Old ~arpets SlO a.nd $.l.5. Frie ty pattexna to a bundle 25c a WOOD &love f20. '58 Olda prolcsslonal tumlable $25. MATCHING oval braided ~ey ..... opin~~ w!! x 60'" oofiee table $3) 2 atep tin& ever. blond $25.. ~-.•·r $3.SO, Sterling -n'ldn S25. Couch $25. C.M. bundle. Ba.r-B-Q, cover, radiator '8. 1941 liltema· Portable TV $25. TV •land lixl2 h12 both"""' eM tablet11 $15 each Lamp 1&11 or wig, long blond "'""' •JQ,J t I o n a I m o t o r and $10 K1-size. mattreu -rugs • _.. nu $4 Green upholstered · La .. ' .. _.A_ -"' ... ~ ri11g9 $2.50. CUt glass $9.50. 646-8381 motor, spit $3. Utility csrt · ""5 ....,.. Fonnlca bar with locldng bedroom chail" no 3l99 table $15 An match. D&nlsh wea wc~, ........,. --• S 238 T>utfn. ANTI~u~· ~.-~ 110 $l. rnsb towds 1D for Sl. transmission $20. 15 and 16 Round metal oul.51de table -b'-'-_ n-a.i .... chair modern chair with ollw 3 p~ panta II.lits, Sat IUIU un. .., LO>: I l'W..... • inch rims S1 each. Air $12. 920 Aleppo St. N.B. s'":',. ""'TV"' -.. ~.:..~ .... M,..i.. Or.ntella Pl, NB 5ll-83C -. 7 t " .. N.B. Treadle ma.chine $ 2 5 , 2730 Cln;yon Dr:. C • M • cooler $5. 548-8109 be:t\\'een 644-l.869 ..... .,..,,. _ .,.... green vinyl cushions S15. a. me o ....., ,.... Playpen$10.Bookl50c-$1. M8-6797 9 and 7 <1ropleaftable$3'.1.Ji"Boys :I> GAUGE &inde ahot ·aqua flO Small round $11. Coats alld rain PAIR ol twin box 1~ Twin bed $2), Freeier $25. JENNY Lind double bed $10. Enallah bike. $15.. Kh'bY &holpn $25 Hieb JIOWft' walnut formlca snack table a1ze: J0.12 $5. Shoes. and mattresses $25 ea..u. La d. . tab\ S25 6 BABY ftt and play table flO. MOVIE projector, excellent Sealy firm mattrellll, ex-vacuum c I ea n er $25. pellet rl.De $25. 542-1482 $2. 5.f,f>.35.43 5%B, 68, 78, $1 ~ ~ 673-J393 cha~ l~.°h~ $1~. Mrn'a ice skat"-.size 8 $3.50 condilion $25. Movie SCJ'f'en, ce:llent condition $15. 166 Clarinet $25. See. at 9668 SC01T 1preader f1 Hand WRINGER Ma..+ ..... wuher. Handbags $1.50 • . $3 Ladles Ice skates, 51,~ $3.~. "" n .... 1•-t •--13 C II Pl "'° .,_ I --• Good ,_ ••• •"7 • GOOD a.sh doors: 1 new en-231 Cottage Pl., C.M. Deak lamp $1. Men's bowl· new "'"· ""<v '6" ""'-=r · tt · ,,...,......_ lAtk Circle, Fount a n mower-edger fl,~·· excellent condition $3) 6' 1 ~~""';::,"'-~~~-+-_, trance 36" $7.JO, 1 used ~" :l Floral chairs $10 each Ing shoes. size 7 $4. Ladies ~~~'g ;nf2.~P~ .. ~ase17: EXPANSION chamber for Valley w/w titta: 9.15 x 15. 8.15 x ateel fen<:@ po11t 50c , each EXCELLENT u e $4. 5 used 28" S5 each with Studio couch $10 Mahng"y' bowling shoes. size 5 $4. Yamaha 125 or 175 or adapt HIGH cbair $7.50. Twin head 15 !4) 7/f/J x lS. 8.00 x 14 S5 Clothes line post $2 2 boxes carpeting, 9 x 20, 10x11,. l 1 I t ~,e • Travel'&e roda, 14 and 16 · N -h. Wonder hone SID f 1-• -·-• $12 ..... -'"' lOc: • 284 ~ hardware. c:omp e e .....-humidor fJ.5 Bedroom lamp Ironing caddy $1.50. Child's lo fil your own. ew -. and toot boArda $10. 12" f&rn eiu: or p ui.-up uu.; ..,.., .-.. x w, 911· l" -.-- truck body $25. 150' .cblcken SI. Foot iodcer $5, Trunk Shoo-Cy $5. Child's potty :1 ::· = ~~~= 56-26ll $2.ZJ. 536-9566 ~ J:.ll !;~: = m, beautlful bird cap l' x C.M. 5 to 7 eves. : wire (•tuccol 5' ~ $15 $10. Chevy maga $3' ~. chair $3.50. 9331 Greenwich enclosure, alidln& doors and THERMOS jtip $1.50. Chests ROYAL Portable typewritft', enlarpr $20. l2J1 r..telle, 2' with stand $4 Air com-SINGER portable new. 516-3126 • Tires $25 each. Size medium Dr. H.B. 968--3776 or T&ila 5 Leet ~ S 9 , $2.50 and $3.50. New ha.Ir good oondi\iorl iz. 5.1>-4217 preaw $4 Hand tooil k<m rnachire $25. Ken m r ~TIJRDAY and Sunday: motorcycle helmet $25, aJ'J-0302 ?i.tedicine cabinet $7. Hi·fi goods 50c • $1.SO. New d' 4 ha.in $15. NB. 548--3263 ~~la ~l s.:~-... Cypo-..S.A. cabinet sewtrc macb n TWlH ... walnut speaker/en. never used. Amplifier sz. 1956 CHEVROLET S z 5. speaker 8" diameter. Lan11-jcv.·elry SOc • SlO Walnut TV M~LE saf~nettety gatec 15c P1lJ KINO tlie aprad $5$35LamDu&t ~· .. ~ ... ,...... ff -S.17.50. Blond Lane cl .... -$5 eo--•r ......... "" Pal:r bed'fnunes $1. st&-6955 · __ ... "'" d' rack $3.50. Teak day bed Y • ruffle $5 Valance Pl ·~;::;:::;:•:..,., __ ==~ cheat $25. Indoor ~ ... ., , ...... ,-.. ... ...,. Cbf'vl'olet, SS. radiator V-8 1ng ..,,... new ., iameter $3. pen 'l5c 1959 .ford stick d dull ..,. $25, Youth bed $10. COKO TWIN bed $25. Chrome bread autmnatic SlO. 19" portable Mattresa for baby crib $4. ~ Baby car bed $5.flO. Car ' $10 each Twin aprea I .22 CAL with acope: S2S Girl's bar $5. Baby baaket baby be d$2.50. 45 tila.Yer and bax $1.SO. Baby t.thimtle TV $2S. ~ E. 18th st Indoor hinged folding shut. seat 75c. Potty chair $1.SG-shift, 4 door $25. 9158-4744· ruffle $15 Coffee grinder $3 3 al)Hd btlce, Pf condition Glri's bike $5. 5G-O'J82.i radio <..'Ombo $2. R.F, &Wet· $5. Piste glaa minor $2.Sl. Costa Meaa ,548-6529 ter.i, one set Z>" hia:h x 48'' Drapery fabric $2 Good • 8801 Shan Clrcle, Run-WI( SZ Drapes $3 Vapori.ler $25. 548-8659 ' ROM! Lane, C.M . • tor S20. SJ&.n93 Eledl'onic -~pmen• parts 1 .. A __ ... t G:llL" h''"h clothes r& • $1. H&lr goods tina'On Beadt $-1 sun lamp $5 Todter U I~~~~~====~~~~~~~;;;~~! ~"" " 2 GIRL'S bikes with baaketl: w "" .,..., one &e ~ ,. 50c _ $1. m Brentwood, BOY'S 8t1n1r1Y $20. lAundry Wa!fle iron P Ti!nnUrneket. I. OLD a.od new gWaware. and cha.&sis .. 50c -$5. Schwinn Sttrwra,y $20 and el'ld 44" \vide $8 each. C.M. cart $1.!IO. Blidcue: $3. $(.Fan $t TUel $8 Yam l5c pitcher c:ollection lOc • ~· 83J...l4S9 Z4", $15. Con:IPlete Brownie: &4U935 · Oi1ld'i chair and table $5. ea.ch CJothi?W 25o-SIO Tabin French bed dj)U $18. Twin PAIR custom made antlqus unlkmn p ,50 and Gift Sc.out 3 SPEED blke $2tl. Bo)"11 TABLE, 2 chain $12.50. CbUd'I chain $1. Caroont Sl~ 515-Q96 ~ ~~ • boX springs lnd mattress white drapes 10 feet wtde I '3.50. Satun:la)'..sunda,)'" u.s Schwinn stqray $25. Girl's Night atand $l.::.O. Chair board SS. ~ $25. Biae'l TRUMPET~t buy -tor $8. 3 black cboW tabtes P4. foot lore $11. Pair custom PM. M&-3ll8J ~ncn;y $16.50. 546-Qn ~ !:: 1a;. $~= p , ~ components $25. Khool bind. Good cua, Small bool"''"' 13. ~ made lined 1Jabt aoid wool BAflY p1ay ... pod $1.50. GOOD brown -112. $!.SO. llW:k lamp (LlO. Tow.I ..... SS. Stam $3. ,_ ..,.th -$35. In 1tem1 ~ appliance& IOc-$3. ctn.pea 13)" widt X 63 klfw, M&tiernlb' &-ea $ 1, 5 0 • Farmk:a top 3 draMr delk Small • dellk $2.Z. Co1fee Surf board SS. B a.r b t e eocxl o:>ndldon 5t&-1C22 Ham ridJo '~ =. SB. Ma~ ~G~= Drtllee $1 Heh, &lllB $2 SS. Melal wall a.ale Jl2. table $4.'lS. 'End tablt $4.'lS. ~~ ~ Po911<er43 Mlabloahalofop ANTIQUED credenza, l Ag{& camera '15. l.Jlgpge x 31'' ..,.'6• . each. BkluaN 39c each. Salt BINtket. or bedlptnd $1. 2 bunboo curtalm; 93C eac:b. ..,. 1'Vr"<J•-· dnwttl $2$. Deep. tryer Pl $3. Men's i&ld boota 7% SS. travene rods for &old drapes &Dd pc!pP:n 35c p a 1 r • Jewelry 25e • $1. Dolli 50c • Double bed $1150 .. Vanlly SMAIL pool table Ukie new 813-&924 ComblnaHOP wtatet and fall, $13. Box of :IOO old Standard Child's chail'I '1'5c each. $$.. kel'Ollene lamp SS. Silver fr.SO. Paper ctOBe.t $4. $15. ~able tennll table SJ.O. SHOWER ......._,,a I Id l n a: aab blond $15. 17912 Elm. a.nd Pop tUMt of the 3ll anJ Sh?es 50c •. $1. pair, ~fondly $\ ~ $10. L..P. 1'00fdl 25c. Green ~ of dnt....m WnUnghoo• hah' ~r I th1 77;z opentnc or' F .V. 95&-43& ~ ':~ ~ ';T! 1';!~ or after 545-1641 ElectrK! time contral P. Oki ff,S>. Ga,S ll()ICt beater new SlO. 113 toot •itwr ~ $Z tncludlnl 11 11 FOOTBALL shoe~ $6. Colt top 12''. bottom 14", df'pth NAUGAHYDE: eoudl. good gllUlll and~ SL Wrought $7.95, 356'.ii E. 21.et St. C.M. Chrlatmu tree $3. Bcridb: hanfwa~. 4 ICOOP canvu S16 new, worn twice, size 12.. IS". $3.50. 541)...mD dnndiUon $25. 2 bar •tools $11 Iron lounp Sll. Booka 2$c -DOUBLE maltresa and box ~ ~ ':. b&lt tanlc $15 Car air con- -DESK or wori bench with 7 each. Coffee table SS. EaI'l1 Sl. ~ table cloth S3. 1pri'W9 $25. _Bollom bukel ~~":_"::._ ~., ...1.-"-dltloner, 6 volt $10 O.~ American picture 2'4" x Muoruca cornintmenUve 11Wtwut5er N -_... _.,.,. -.a.i.. 1V Black and 2 EARLY American win&-dn.wm:a, ~ x 30 x, ;6'' JID,-52'', SS. Playboy ~lnu plate $1. 543 Vk:toda st. JM of ~ate Kint boota .m u. $2.:. Golf tpt. _.....,..... · bl.ck clain S2S pair. Oc-Dellvved.. 2 bq.xn, 1$'' x 25c: each. G1us top ~nd PM &a.t.un $10, txeellerit ~70> bag boy $5. J'frir b'"Wtm whltie: Sit~ caaion&l· tabiH $10, $1!. 24" x 31'0 and 23'' x 29" x tab&e $3.. . ..3 ID'stl'1 pictanll MAPLE double bed wt th box WOOD beadboe.rd I doable XI" tire $2. Watftl lltit'$10. S MOVING. Ootllel 5 0 c • ~ 1.am-"' • s:is. """"· SS. u· . .,,. with "'l"""· both _ --c~~ Dr 8 a ~ -Book lhol 13 ..., h!ni 14; 'metal .,..,. boat -m 1 111a DllbOO '°''""' ~ ·.,.. ~.~.v.r-.P"''"" couldt.elo<l«d.,,.souch. ~~=~' ~ i25,-,.;:;;. nr . .,.':...; bed•1>ndo-:fth~•l2 Jod<e..,11.ad\.~-""' Blqde ~ ----~ tubel $10. M'"" --15" kq ft>'fafr..,. fiEKi): JJS" .. '° %" 1'i>"""" 8"' Room -.,...,. rGI '°""$1. 9G-31~ • -Iii-';!$1 -...,. •lze. -..c.t8 12 • $10. Some dltion; the beck In wood SS. , . KEET ~ turntabtt llCt'Bp& !Je.fl. Va.rioul ~ $1. Oil! 494-1891. SET o[ air llhoclr. far ~ ~--=-=~· -'-~-,.-,--~·· lift lO, 50c • ~. I Vrndian bllnda;. various tor' ftCOl'd Pl8>'ft $ 5 ' Patio tablo wllh btncbl-. 2 TVs $15 • lUI: ,Steam Iroo pidt-Up, cost •$34. Sth fOr BABY ltaml: 11\lanfl: ;;, • ~·· ~m l!ubcape $5 Satur-. slzel 25c each. VlporiJJe:r SL Maan&WX ttCOC'd J))ll)'ft' $5. U. Bi& kltc:ben table $8. 8IW $2; Utbt t!xturts for 11.rap -. Uled 1 tr :D> mh 1nC tal>W. I dn.wtn "" '" 1 • Bottle warmer 25c. Air Oock rsdk> $1. Iron worb ~ -....... 18 ....... -"-· t Sl ,day only. 116 14th St. H.B. purWer $$. Detdt: limp U. ~ Play J1C'l. good cm-W. 18th. C.M. _,.....,., • ~a tore ot --.trewr ~ 847-6591 mtr&p $10 _.. • e a I ;536;;';;'"';--=;-;:ru= Dlnott. ...... 30 .• !l1rl, $3. \flllon 15. Baby fub 11. ' OANISR -f°"""* ,, m... St.mp -m TEACH -<:hlld to ..... --t $3 ,...,,...... I: -iA at Law • " ta $1 tacfl. Bo 111 e wa In u t coUM. ta bl• ~ boa1'dS1; ~l.antf:m Serkl 1 and 2 ... , Now..._·:::_::;.:. __ ~_..,..,,,_ RPET • •""' · Vblyl floor tiltt. 9" X I '• mpt and ml tahl9 $10 et.d\. 2 $2; Bathroom •ca. I a $1. C:-.""-Can Read ln-DARK tomn irq\llOl"ntnt $1 • 10'ill' and pad, S25 ~ tach. zn4 Dden. C.M. ~ $1. Jump M'lt $1. $18fL AF'1'ER. I PM. cl .. :.7!..- 5 --~--~ ~~ SI• u.~-·•-,., -both. eood co n d i t I o n . stB-610 TwlJI bl'ct frame $L 548-YJ2t btlge ~ •a • Y I ~:::,;;;,::,;.o:,..,,,=.,..;.,'-':...,,~ I ....,. ~~ ..... -.. ·-•.... -11 ·-•m • o y A L 1•· , arr t • 1 ~ 16 GAUGE ahotaun $Z. cbalrl $15 ndl. pod: mn-8 T \rD E 11 T Dettt: #5. P".Pered and enO:rrRd by $15. no.tr pots ~ • tuia. ~ n di!"" ~ -.. -$1S. lsabeUe °""'"" -le °"'1 mr ml $15. ToYI PATRONS ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME· A ·LINE ' IRREGULARmES THEY AND . : ' l ' • l ' • IN P.RICING OR MERCHANDISING ' TO THE 'DAILY PILOT • . ' • • • I ' . I I l tw·AJINING!I LID ...inut lamp tabl< typowrlt.r 12S. tow."'1 -TV (>. Onl< •nd 23.. CONSbLt TV, _.. Twin elocUle ~ -~ i... A .... I ... Cott $3! ..U lOo. Plduro -11 ~· with """ fl""" 2911" -6'2" "22 wtai..... cla!r Sltl. l':ngllah uddi. 'l'wln ...... ..., q. ........., tor 11~ ""'ect COl1dltJon, lCa"' II. ~ 13 • Sas.• ~==~============s~ J ~rt. 16" high, $.2 5 . ~aelll sauna. $5.50. ' ~.f'l~pole, and reel ~1.f5mF doclt nlHo WlS x 15 \t"'8 '6-MM481 M7-«581 .1004 Po.:t St. C:.V MIMcih -~ Atl•wtisint not conforming to -!r ...... A-LI.. rogui.liom moy be in violation 9f bot~ Cily ~nd Slolo Boord of Eq.,.tiutlcin codes! : 1 I I ' -.. ...........-·-·~------------------------~ ----------~--.. ------.. • IWi. 'I l'llOT • Sa,...,,, ,.JI_~. ~9 FREE TO YOU S •mt L l'OllTlTIOiM · TRl•llt.-OllT~TION TltANsl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANSPOllTATION ·l::=::-:-::-:;=:-:;.:''.::':i!D~·!! .. ~--=~112~5 · ~pin\' f!llO ~i.~ • 9200 Tt1110f, Travel 9425 )lune""'*· 9525 'IMO!!!d Au!M • HOO lliJSKY """ a.,, mtitrp. •. ;;:.lrii; 1'i-e .......,...... ..... ' .... Old. ery ALASKAN Milani ... AKC ' EJll ~Sill llEEllLEJF ':,!' tlpo "t .,:.11 .,::;: n.n ~~u:i~-~ MllqD1' IENZ ~ •M km: to pl~ mo&. Ulfl)t, fbolli papen., ' ,. p-u ~~· ~ .. th llhk °illud,... Com< Otily 11'15 Muot bt ~ -Dookr """'°'" -ir -.... ..u 'tar '12. UPI'>~ -... ~ ~ ~ ·-"·~-~A, --PARK -'* -•• Skid platu ·SU. ""~ ...i-aU!3ThWfteoo.,w hom<'13-'I005 • .,..,..,,.,,-~ .... .,..... ' 2lll3'" u.ru -·~-·~ co\I 5"-667i 9121 s Mi?IATURE iilic1< -Cotiijo.1>11 ill .......... '$19911 ~·---· .,...,.,,,. sa fl!uom• "'11 ~ ~ -~ ~ ,_ ~ • dlJ••• ~~ ~ ,;, IJ<lol~ IOlded • .., ..... S12!lil L ci..r, dtln, -Mtli'i' iii ID ._...,,, ba·• $%1. WiodtlPelds 13'. .. -~ _._, •--·--~~, ~~ -< Vtctoi'y U _,. -"' Cool> 61.. 5, tiilly .;w,pec1 + Phone Santa """' 1141-41'19 i. -!</terrier. t uch olher. AKC, ._ 115. s.boiO ..,;.·t--i:Slll lift ... fl ... '2 ..... Adult •Wllin&-AaldnC s•H DUNS 8U<lm' 1\lanx VW, TllANSPOllT A TIDN T llANS PO 11'1' ATI Ofil Imported Au1M MllO lniportod Aui.1 =~;:..;..;;;;.;;:.......;.,;;;. -SPRITE ·· .. , VOLKSWAGE~ vw ·eu~ ·~ BLUE Awilin t-Jcale)' Sprtlo Goo!! eohd. Golna to Vielllllm. Must .ell. $000. ~ 1!M10 SPRITE. Lookl '°"" & • ' 1 ' FROM $399 ...._ ,._ cu ~ "°""' MZ-196% YACHTS lltOYAL! Plu!& l!OW OPEii! Mobil• llf0.3llfl3 • blue metal llUc. bum..,... :::.. older cbtldl"tm GERMAN Sl:fEPHERD ~ WW. ~Htwlf , =~le::~ lS',~cu.~A toilet; rQU bu, kid plate. Nuda Good Selection t"UNI &real! $500 FREEi *' ·~·* N-11<"" ·* -OPE.. ~.IDBoE.\l.;111 -~=.· = i<!:~iia$9fl0. SU-Hat, TllUMPH ~ r.• ~·oWRtAf\ ·~ .m.. PH '68 MERCED!!:& Deni 2509! • 1------·---e ~ Olla -ldtt•.., .nm. ~· ~-··..--............. 11\1) 9 AM TO 6 PM '""'·Pr&.-· , door. ear loob and nm. •,. . .}~BlackA whit" WHIPPET Pupo; cb•mp &<BOT,NEW ..... , ..... $iS5 A(CENJ M 16' CUS'l:OM baJIL Fully Imported Autos 9600 like new. Reduced from '65 SPRITE ~ ' . -·-....... AKC .... Top nctnr UDO I( (Ulr) .......... $315 OBllf $5195-00 -··· ' *Coll~* 9125 slock. Mattiocrqt Kamela U' SAIL ............ • •••• $20S • equlpped. Sf'"P'· I. Ex· AUSTIN H"'6 LEY '° •• .., -.OO r •• white, lt.Ilan red Int., ,,4 ~ -5t6--0989 16' TOMCAT •••• ·•'. ••••• $795 • ~ • cell~ cond. $1285. IWQ..'1665 -~ VSV338. Jim S lemon 1 ~ CUTE White i: lfl1 fl!tnale DINGHYS ••• • "P HOME SAW b•ftr ,_ A....... . Mercedes Benz, 120 w. 4 apd, dlr, locaily owned. kitten. 10 weeks old. WiD DOBERMAN Pups 14 wkls,. , TOMCAT'BOATS"" .. frvcka ¥500 n.iU\.&:o 'Ill -"'n mini •ta· Wamer Santa Ana St&-tll4 Excellent cond, Ma~ ofier ha'" to Co to sttep It &be ~C. champion stock. Vfl'Y lfil4 Npt Blvd .. NB fi75..2400 lion wagon (woody). $UOO. '67 , , or •mall down,.wW fine prv;. 549-J0.11 Exit 66 er 6T doesn't find • ho m• fri•ndf,y. !We nv.,..,... co1-175~_!htalttlM9:..~ve '65 DATSUN !:» 67S-968S "Macy-Fran-C:O: .. ~~:i ~~ f,!:,m,~"'34~ PhD, 1911HtAIU!OR BLVD, M2-6'789 9frl er. 64N729 Power CrvlHn 9020 ....u. ·-pie red with parcbrMnt Ur ~~:.,:....::..c..:,,c,:..~~-COSTA MESA "'L'~" 6 wk$. old, llhort Sll!H TZU Puppie., •kc 28' F •m•n-._,;,_~ 714·· 64. 2•1350 PU w/ ......... new...... DATSUN Iorio•. A;r. Au!O, ''" 1967TriwnphTR<,Rond'1er, ~,~64""'~v=o~L~K=s,.-. W1ecJ tabbleL Allio Wee registered. adorable, Cham-~,~"' ..._.U!IW"l'I • aide rnlnon. 4 apd, dlr, xln!. Reduced .lrom $7t95.00 to hardtop &. wire 'vhttls. lhor1. tailed mothtt cat pion blood lint. 831...2-a> &dan. 200 hp oompleteb' Sm.all dn or take trade Lo '67 DAT's·uN· $6795.00. Jim Slemons Beautiful pink peat! with 642-4148 912() SIBERIAN HUSKIES. equipped. $8750, 61H'128. WOULD YOU UKE TO pymnta. NOUJld.B, call .Rob Metttdes Benz, J2D \V. black u·im. Uc. ·rsP m. NJCE lAokJn&, 5 months old Puppies ·135. CRUJZ6N 16' Cabln: cru!Rr LIVE IN THE 494-9773 or SU-0634 Warner, Santa Ana, 546-4114 Sl3!19 male c.at, grey •.while e 54.5-fime wood/f1>&14. motor 6: lrlr. DRIFT\VOOO BEACH,67 l>OOG . 4 DR Sed, 4 s:pd, dlr, nearoVER25Mercedes Benz in SUNSET FORD med. Jona hi.tr, l.ookina for WHJTE UJ(l. 5t5-e88 CLUB IN HUNTINGTON V-8 E Sport1unan 108, new. Has had ~ceptlonal stock. AU at greatly reduced 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. nice home. &G...1322 9/20 ToY Pocd.Le Popples,. BEACH! ADULT PARK ' &: auto. 3 Seats. $2295. care. Will sacrifice, small prices. 50% of stock must Westminster cn4) 636-4010 '·' 7 "'Ju, males. Sparkle RESTAURANT. POOL ol Others to choose from. dn .. fine prvt.prty. VGG879-be told lhla "-k•nd. Ma"-'65 SPITFIRE 2,~~~e~= = =·'<:'~Real! 542-16SS Se!•Hkl aoett 903~ ~ ~· CALL ~t~;, =;:th.~~ LB, call Phil, 494.91"13 or otter. Jlm ~s~Jemmo~ Bug, 2 dr lied., 4 IPd. dlr, R & H. Back to school apec. ial, Small down, low pay. me111s. Will line prtv par1y. PHT628LB, Call Phil. (94..9173 or 543-0634. '62 VW Bus fem a I e. 6 weeks, ~ AKC re~ered, GUlf STREAM Deal ) 560634.. Mercedes Benz, 120 W. Rdstr, dlr. small down, low housebroken 67>7474 9120 partt color. 8 Wffks. l male, "1 10' x ff.l' ROD & REEL er ORANGE COUNTY'S Warner, Santa Ana: 546-4Uc l female $50. 5U-6&91. , put))' tum. Tb be mov.. NEW '69 Int.ema.tional %. NO 1 ,....;. IM',Yments, Take trade. Fine New engine, rebtt.tra111, dlr. 1 EEMALE Chut O&he 5 NORWEG -17 ft, 1"LJ Boat ed. • ~ Ton, plclrup, V.,11, auto steer~ ' 1965 MER1....i:.DES Benz 190 pwt prty, Call Roy 494-9773 camper equipment. small ~old, 1 male '1i Lab, %: IAN Elk H~-6 ,._ ~ ..... Sa ·~ tt ,,_ DATSUN DEALER D. 5 ro choose from, some or 545-0834. down. •·•· ·-d•. •~-"LB, moa _.._.~ .. ,..._ -.. ,.. ve .,.,.,.,. o ,..,t. No. DOT D -;.;,,;..;::;""'..-;;=-..,~,_... -"" ~ ::en.l~~ ~:~ ·m,.·· ;tt'S;-:io 120 H.P. Mere. Crul11r Ml 1 Ilk 9275 _712173. Kuatom Motors, 84S ATSUN ~~1:~ s~ !~ S=~ •'67 TR-tA-IRS. Pr Ice Call Roy, Phone $1-9773 or DAOISHUND lnbHrd -OutbNrd .~ n II Baker St., C.M. M0-5915 ,.,.., .. t:>---b 3lvd drastically reduced. Leav-54S...0634. a KITJ'ENS. 6 wks old & tan· RedpQppAKCle,. Black Read¥ tor die water rig:Jl:t MINI bike with i.1_ (Auth. L H. ctlr.) ~°t: Beach ~~e~~-J:ras, I e1~ o nW~ in& for ·college. Many e:x-I --'-"'-0-,,.~~=---I beaut.. builhy Ir box ' , ' rq. now, All the-equip. incl. • 11\ie. car FORD '67 842-1781 or 54<J.tlU2 ~ tras. $1900. 675--3226 '68 vw trained. can 5f9..nl or O\amp Rited.~-I OOn\pa!&, JUe pm;erverei 1' ~-legal ,With motorcy· .F-250 Truck. V-8, \Varner. santa Ana, 546-Cllf ~ 9122 BEAGLES-ARC~ ·&.full OMlr ··de ertl\ $250. MS-3586 auto, radio, low mileage. ·et _DATSUN . 1950 MERCEDES Benz 170c 'G6 TRI~ TR 4 Air conditioner, 4 11pd, dJr . • --•-·.....i -•-PRIVATE -..y . BANDrr -•-•. b"-3 h wt 1969 Pilif'lm 8' 4 T>r. Rad10, stick shill. Lio. Cabn"ol•t -A ,..-• _,...,..__ * good CDDdition * load•d'. Ho-y ·---••t., 6 BEAlJTiflJL kittens, 6 wkl ~. ~·~· 67'31"'"' r' ' uuw IAC, p, Sportsman cam~. Mili UOK 067 Phan 540-... .-.. ..... ..., ... Rea.aonable 548-4224 '"' .................. olt:L 4 "'<bite, l red, l -y. Call S36-6019 r -543-9311 ~ q. recent o'haul. otter. 5'16-3341 ' e 2SU <llr. item. In reatored .ahape. Jim plush blaC'k int. Take ams.II •·~ .,... 642-1491 $995 Slemon:s Mercedes Berlz, 131 'SJ TR (. wire wheels, down or trade .. Low, low MC.St find home. C....._ ADacOO~ pure-bred FREE 8oe.t re})l.lr eat ' . '64JNTERNATIONAL DATSUN 2000, l9G9, radial \V. Warner, Santa Ana, libtrglasa top, new tires. pymnts. VHF890LS. CaJJ 2359 College Drive, M. • __ ';:':;'"".JU!'! A~ weeks. Trailer YoUr boat. to tbt Travelall, good cond. Must tires, red wlblk int. TO 541-Ul6 Reasonable. 893-3054 Ken 494-9773 or S:f.5.063.4. 6 DRECJOUS "''PPles. ~wk!. s ............... -,,_...,,.u neY;est, f.aatest boat &ervitt Motorrv. cles 9"-se:ll. See M'"'. Aloha Trailer ~ 1...:::...='------69 " ... ~ · the Le ,.., .JVV •· pymts .-vu owe. 536-&35 1.960 Mercedes 190. Clean, ' Triumph TRi, 4400 mile!', '68 VW BUG. belge, sunrool, Terrier poodle, Free to AKC German Shepbmls m area. l us make Park, 132 W. W:tson, C.t.1 .• 1966 DATSU ,_ AM-Fi\ot, whi~ w/blk in· radio. Unl-ven.... ~ .. .,.,1 &OQd. lovin( home 496-3714 11 Mo,ntbs. 1 Male, l female your boat like new (no job 1961 HONDA 160 or call 548-9517 N 4 door new tin:s. '750 f Ir m . "' ... -""' Laa: N&l 541)..1956 too amall). We alao ee11 SCRAMBLER SEDAN, light blue. 642-4·1~ e-1es. :'::"'::o::'::· ::$3::1::00::. =54&-=7563=:::= \vindows, coco n'lAtB. Xlnt · fibe-'-·-•"PP"--o~n 7 Eloc a'"--800 on·g m·, '53 FORD i,~. T new paint Reasonable. ~243J COlld. '67 VW, 8 pa511, dlx 2 Ball •~ .•. ,,~ .. _, F---·-Be I ··-... ~. r--• IGI'"'• . . t '54 .... d 6 nin." 1,. '"""" ~·...... aa: e, dys/wk. $400 new sea over."°a eng. __ -··· TOYOTA bus, white, radio. 20,000 ac· ~. good home. (Whole 6 weeka:. $35. WlNO AN' SEA 1967 ·MATOILESS 500CC $250 firm 644-0992 or ENGLISH FORD MG ~ual mi. Priced !or quick ta m H Y d es er to d ) •962-15'7* 1731 """"°' GSSO Saambl". Foe ti~· 1 "="~""""~~~~~~ I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;.I ELMORE MOTORS '"''· G7l-834-0 *1846 9/23 OOG TRAINING Costa Mesa. 60-7$)1 purist. $650. '67 FORD PU. Lg bed, HO J 1 1'1G '65 V\V. 2 door, 4 speed, CA'TS 'n kltwis, ha It Prlv leuon& only; reaa rates Ul67 TRfUMPH T-tOOC cmpr chassis, R/H. Nu 10 ORANGE COUNTY1S Sa.let, Servi~. Patts radio, heater, beautiful red Si'.a.mese, manx, toriyw/lorig 213: .f23.3506 213: 423-1830 * 18' s:x>TI' w/15 hl'l Chrys 500 CC. Very clean. $Ti>O. ply rubber 29,tn:I mi Whlse VOLUME ENGLISH Immediate Delivery, JOYOTA and sharp. RUM 140. $1095. WI. 3 tabby. I 'I'bomuina 1r ~ eng. &cl equip. Real tamily JAMES LTD $1895. 644-1740 FORD DEALER AU Model& Carl's Motor Co. Inc., 1SU ot;ben. 847~1 9/23 Ho'"' aa30 boat. 11950· SG-8152 1584 Newpon Blvd. 642-000! '56 FORD, 1 T, nat bed SALES. SERVICE e Larzest selection of a 11 Harbor, C.r.t. 642-0413. kELP! FAAULY MOVING: f)< ·W/tool boxes le: SPlllY equip. '69 MODELS models, colcn:, from the '65 V\Y BUS, 1500 rebuilt N'eed good home for 4 darl· l~I YR OLD FILLY Boat Mllntenance Dual wbls, xlnt cond. $850, Immediate delivery largest Toyota dealer. eniinc, radio & heater, ill, kitteM, gray twins &: 2 $300. Partly trained. _673-_1500________ LARGE SELECTION NICEST USED CARS Muntz ste~. $1300. 20014 - bJie.ck. 5-18-9578 9/22 96S-5(l63 18' Fibergls boat A on shore '&2 Ford ~ T. PU, good Theodore LV ORANGE COUNTY 15lh Sl. Newport Beach, or 4 ¥X'JRABLE kittens need a SMALL Shetland, c b 11 d hqme. They are gr a Y 'broke-, daple grtoy $15. 1ll1ped tahbles and 7 "''ks. 545-5828 mooring llO hp Volvo, stern ~.. 11 h 11 ROBINS FORD 3100 W. Cout Hwy. N.B. 15300 Beach Blvd. cau 673-7095 drive, s/s ra~io. bait tanks, •(.'Ouu., w 0 camp s e ' 6-U·94C6 54().1764 \V~tminster Phone 894-3322 etc. Xlnt cond. Gd. ski boot. ~65 ~e 90· $ll5. 2060 Harbor Blvd. Authorized MG Dealer ·s:; V\V Squareback 1500 E On 'ho-moo•ing "·'hoa c 1 M 64,, -10 1967 1 ........ ta • 4 dr., Aotoma-new engine, front end. til'e6. • ., ._.. os a esa ........, '64 MG Midget. wltt wheels. "~" oki. a.IB--0119 9/72 I,;=.,.-=--~---91Al..L l'oforgan & qua:1cr Isl, No. Bay n~2899 ':'il FORD Pick Up, 1~ T. tic, radio, heater. blue fin. Luggage rack. Only $1400. 171,, OUTBOARD cab 1 n -'"=;:::;::;;=:.==:.==~~I goo rl cond. $250. '63 . ·--··-. _ ~...3649 condition. $ 8 5 0 · ish, wil!l_ contra•lini vinyl Phone 6~:ll55 and ('llddJy. adorable biby kittens, 6 \\·ks. old. s4s--OOf6 9/22 M ilggie -Classified crulier. sleeps i. gla.s.sed up WANTED: 1 stock mumer 'Corvair, 2 dr $T.:i0. 67~3346. FERRARI inte~r.· No. UQX 818 1962 VW se;w1. Ne;w-pe.in1 , INTELLIGENT, gen 11 e, to the water lint. w/trailer, for a Hodaka 100 cc. com· 60 Ford Ra.nchcro, 64 V-8 ti.res, ~ ntilt 'G!i eng. gelding, sorrel. S185. * 833-2626 * FF;MALE Amtralian Sheep ddg, 5 mo. old, ,to good home. Call after 6 p.m. ~2 9122 qul"k 'to !•am " ~. "'"'"" both llcensed. NO MOTOR. plete & ln ........i ""nd engine, auto, R I H, Gem FERRARI MGB SUNSIEl299T .OOFORD Pert. mechanical oond. $750. .. • 1 • ·"" S245. f9.4...2189 after 6 PM "~" """" •""" .. u • camper top. S575. 644-lllll No••~rt Im---Ltd. ~. ----------67~5 $150. 540-3769 ~1 ..... .,...,.,. vr 54.JO Garden Grove Blvd. ---------· 118' Onns w/85 bp M.ert '67 GILARRA. Xlnt cond. 106 "62 CHEVY 11' Ton ani:::e Count)''• o.nl.Y author· '66 MGB Roadster. Wire Westmii\:ster f714l £i3G.4010 '69 VW CAMPER + extras. TRANSPORTATION cog., lge whl trlr, skiing CC. Fast. Road or dirt PICK UP ized dealer. \\'hlS, R&H, Plrelllli: xlnl BILL MA y 1.ow· m"iles. $3250,. ~ equip. Good cond. $1395 ?11ust sell. $250 or best olfer: $750. 6!>1355 6T:>-3D« SALES..SERVICS.PARTS cond. to Mi. $1600. 497-1868 XE after 6. 3 Lo v ea b 1 e. affectionate tortoise shell kittens, • n1os. hp u s e pet11, housebroken ~-2501 9/:.l Boab A Yachts 9000 548-26.n • .,,, " 3100 w. Coast Hwy. 65 '" .,_...._,161 aft 4:30. '5.1 CHEVY 1,t Ton Pick Up. Newport Beach 1964 MGB. Xlnt cond. $1200. ' ... v Camper 1500 Reblt ALU~1INUM HOU. 19'6", 14'6" Gl.ASPAR. 7 5 Hp '69 HONDA 90 cc. Step.thru Qean. $450. 642.9405 540-1764 * 675-6319 * ITIOIY_ 1n1r.~1 Eng. radio I hea~er I MWlU never been used: built for Evinru8e motor. Good con-street model. $225. Call at •646-1129• Authorized Ferrart Dealer • = , ~. = = stereo $1300. 673-7095 U.S. government at cost o( dltion ~. 673-51M 5:30 p.m .. 64Z.:7267 '61 DOGE ~.i ton P/U, :dnt FERRARI-67 GTB-4 Yellow OPEL 18811 BEACH BLVD. --"·"oo""'"="SE=D°"AN"'°-- 2 .Black kittens, male &: $23&0. Will ~ xlnt bay 196'1 16' Glutron. 50 h.p. BSA; Good cond. $39S running cond. $200 cuh. w/blk int. Wire wheels. t.ol--.--------Hunt. S.ach 147-8.S55 less engine -$165 tetnale. free to good home. OOal, diving or v.'Ot'k boat. ?oi1ercury. Xlnt cond. $1495. Or trade for car 494-2908 mi. 11,000 ml. lrnmac. cond. 1967 Opel • Station Wagon, 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch *6'13-4349* ~Z169 9/m $450. Garage can be in-Call 673-2'259 call: 96Ul5l l67,,,'-0="1EVY="-i;•-1o-n-, ~10-.. -,,..-. -•;;2>-M:=:OnO;·======;I deluxe radio, heater.Cs~. '62 VW, top cond, o~rhauled 5 GOLD. 1 Black 1 week old eluded at $12 per mo. Call 15· Horii.on Ski boat. 80 HP •69 YAMAHA lOOO.CC street owrloads, step bumper, -A real ~as mlser. Lie. No, (TIQIY[S:>IT~ motor, new brak~s. rd tires, kiUens, 646-1773 2 3 3 4 ,J;.~~ .. ~1355 or Dusty Me.re. New trailer. $1250. bike. Low mile. $Z'IO. $1500 54G-8776 RAT UQT 407. $1300.00 n_ t ft-I A At $695. 842-1850 after 6 PM \\.'estm.inster CM 9/M .,--,,.,..... 642-9917 aft 4 PM 847 -·~ 5 p u.S .,.,. I re ~ 1960 VW -n..~. XJnt oond =c-::,.,..-:--;:-:---~,, -======== '""''" °""'"<" ?-.f '63 Chevy ~~ Ton P.U. 6 cyl , BEAT ln1lat'-•. 68 F'·t "~ SUNSET FORD DEAN L' EWIS -fNSfANT Landscaping 2 1969 17.foot Glasspar with li5 ""' 8' Fleet.side $700 Aft s ...,., ... ......, throp.m."'543-h o1u397t CJJl after 5 h 'I 1 I'-••-I E I 9035 '68 KAWASAKI 250. A·l SS · · • """" .. 100 u-'-81,,. b-k. 5'40 G. arden Grove Blvd. beautiful bronze ilax plants. P "ucury, ra "''"· con-m.r ne qu p. ' 968-4265 ~r-., "''"" ..., .,..,... Ycu dig. 962-4310 9121'.l vtrtible top, mooring rover ~~t condition. $495. *I"='="========-Losds of Xtru! 548-7122 Wesunnl'iter {n4) 636-4010 1966 Harbor CM. and 1un loufl&ing seats Less ONE factory re.built (never ~ '68 OPEL wagon. yellow. like • · 646-9303 '66 VV/. Strong runn~. 2 FREE metal cabipeuLts 82" than 50 hours ~ s e. run) Gen'I Min: 6-71 model '66 HONDl'\ 305 1J:.:":.:i;P•:_ ____ ..;9c.:5c;..:IO JAGl,IAR nu, sharp, 102 engine. $1595. 1968 TOYOTA :&; ro n a. ~,.!.~,.appreciate ~.:, x .46 .. x 34'". You ba Wea ShoWftlOl'n '*'txllUon $1900 M HNG grey marine diesel Good cond. S37S ,69 JEEP _ Kustom ~fotors, 84S Baker Au to matic r:ni91liarl ' * .,..._,,,,..., Da.Ya uuty DugaJI 547-3900 9/22 61s..7310 • ' ' engine. Complete w/t.vin-Eves 8.13-1411 LIKE NEW ,67 Jaguar 3.4 ~M, \vire ·St., CM. 540-S91S R/H. 13,000 m· Xlllt ·~ VW, grtcn. Good con· TORTOISE shl!U kitten, 6 '·6f=G~l.Asin-~=AR=~c~;~t-a-t~l-o-n. disc reduction a;ear 2:1 '66 BSA Spitfire. 650cc. Oria; Call 54~1303 aft 5 pm. chrome whetlJ, Rad I & 1 cond. 846--39'8 dlUon. l600 Or oUer. Weeki old. 61.5 Gary, NB. In'--~ -·tL... ...... ~-,.. .. _ ratio. For further detail&, &. .,rrect cond. Seil chosp, Utts. A!\1-F"" ........._ '''· PORSCHE 494-4619" 54&-8594 9/22 uuei"U"'l,'\i 111.0UV. uv "<Cl.""· call P. Sutton (213) 62&-9301 C 9520 "" , ..... FREE Pupples, ~~ vr~nle. ~ crutser with power jet & weekdqs. or (TI.f.J 54&-043& $625/offer. 545-513( ~r"I pov.·er brks, auto. $2995.1--_;__;_ _ _;____ VOLKSWAGEN '66 VW Snrt, "beige w/blk in!. cockeT". borne all d1cy Sa\ & =~ tr~m. e~. 7'i --=;;""""';;:;;;:;·~~==~-'f,,!!~Y ~c R-60. JulJ dr. 1961 ECONNOLINE63 ""1 "cmc 5~1, ~1.~~ ~J°~~~·!1t!'! s17a~ 1967 VW tt~. New b~k-. ~~. J~~s, Xlnt Sun, 2'27 Monte Vista. 9123 matnte records. l GRAY MARINE . """"· Camper. ew , t 0 KARMANN d k FM ult! le di •~ •• ~ .. O'i''Dl?r,~«4 Two 427 cu in, XII) hp, 6 cyt * 67J.0931 * motor. Stick. New brakes, GHIA ec ' m P x ra 0• lite blue. R/H. Ca 11 TWO VW's. Neat '56 sedan, liALF Manx female calico gu eng. ~Iydro rev~rse. 2'.? 1966 HONDA trail 90, $175. clutch. S gal water, ice box, ---------1 ~o mats. Very clean. $4,900 anytime 540-2685 '60 CQnv. fixer upper. Both cal, very sweet, 2 months 24 FT. Con-ectt Craft Cabin 1 red, Xlnt ccr.nd. S30o ea. 1964 Yamaha trail 55, cupboards. sips 2 adults, 1 ·68 KARMANN Ghia . 9H1 ,,.,::::C:"'"~::Ra,;..:_d;,lo::,::;"':.,.,."""-,..,Good~ 0w~'-"~b=lt='~"~•~· ="~,_..,,, __ _ oJ4. 546-l'M.I .. 9/23 Cruise 185 HP cruise at 20 548-3414 $100. 548-9509 child'. Canva.s awning, side Mf/FM radio: low + '65 CONVERT * tires. Excellent condition '66 MlCROBUS. I a r I e BEAUTIFUL Black Cat RP!'ot. Tip, top cip:id. nilly I'°='="'======== l"="=====:;i;=:f & end curtains. S 1;. 0. ml!eage, xlnt con d It io n Xlnt cond. All :xtru. nu pnt, $750. 644-1456 custom bed, reblt eng, he\V Abandonod, • ..., taktf&..Call equip~. In -~ now. BNI Rent1ls _ 9031 MOTOR HOMES 9215 536-7986 545-5302 top. Must sell. 646-l234 ,;,7~.;;o;:'--:=::--~..., tires. Radio. ti75-2877 -v M 1 n Call -~ 8 · '66 & ·51 V\V engines, lo mi. 548-9668 9/22 UI &e • -u~ p.m. '69 V\V Sundial camper, 1969 KAR~1ANN Ghia xlnl '59 PORSCHE 1600 Coupe 1JJV\ 1300 1200 I 0M~o=vw=c~,~M~ .. -,-,,,~ll..,'~65~V\=•. 6~1987 CAL 25 lot renl ta5 per day th tt ~ call Fri xl t nc1 5f0-.9l91 ' ...,,,,.,,, · · 10.ll Mo old male lg. minia· ,vknd. ·~" "'"t day wkday11. water. ice box, table, bed, ruou · • • n co · or 6"2-0350 or 646--7670 beige. sqrback, xlnt cond. lute black poodle. Very ac-'11' SKIMMAR Skill 18 hp ...., ... ~ storage. Owned only ( mos. Sat or SUn morn. 673--1150 ews & wkends. $U:xl/best ollcr 897_5409 tive. 536-9258 9/22 Evinrude, trailer, & many Incl lns. Mly equip, n.ce or Must ad.I. Moving to Africa. -PORSC.'HE ·~19 Roadster, xlnt 1965 VW, sunroof, a:ood cond. ='=. M-"y n...w....,,,,. yn" el(tra.s. Like new, Ideal tor c"""':;:;:· ~-====== $3500. 644-2962 KARMANN GHIA thruout. will sacrifice. Call $900. '6S VW. Top cond. '68 seats. LJIJj..i "~" ,..., ...... .,.. ... f hi $1SO * 642.$06 * Chen'Y. r.1ust see! $1050. Lo ma'le. kiveabJe, To good is ng. ....,;_,..,A., Boot·Ytcht 8' Aluminum camper. Good ~998 =~~~--~--n1i"s. SJ&.1689 L~-~·:':'~·~615-~'533:'.·~_,=-2.'122C::liicCi"'1~mlY.~-15h'i Chi~... condition. Back window, 2·'59 KARMANN G h; as , '61 PORSCl-tE everything '69 V\V, all eX1l"Js, like ne1v.1 ~ ... ~.n= .. ~o=nu7A=R=E=e7AC=K~ST=A· 16, CENnJRY 15 hp " 1 -• "d "nd & Good transportation cars or 1 & 11 • h ·--" .. 9000 r..Ules, $19~>0. 21141h \V. Yn ~ Al>;LE I: Female Chihuahua • ---~-----oove~"" 61 e wt ov.·s b t rl 1 $175 $250 per ect a mec aiu'4J.., Oceanfront Apt 206 NB. TION \VAGON Xlnl cone!. to· kind, lovln& homes. Call ~ai;t1:~er ~':d~ll ca= SAIL CAL 24 $'lS per day. ~t Call~A .. ~l/J6ilh wil~ow. p1:xi~ ~;..~.' a &. • ·, _re_b_ll_. _$2250_·_. -"-'--'°"---1-----''-----39.000 ml. Sl395. 545--0518 54t-3S36 9/22 ' ' Cal 38, $60 JY.?r day. Sleeps HEADQUARTERS _..,. .....,.. any ime. '68 PORSCHE 9ll. Xlnl cond. DON'T <ive It away, i'I offer. 531-4672. 6 n~ o•~ ~ •::'.l'llV'I. DRAFTED! 56 VW Rebll eng uPP S "--k 1, • ............... -...,. 10' CAB OVER. excellent ---------..,.,.,.,, quick cash lor ii with • P IE · \.1 "'""" er• '1 33' TS ~,. below kll nd" · '65 Ch I t " MERCEDES & trans. Good tires $200. \Veenie. 2'27 Monte Vista ....,,.,,,. . m FDR co iUon; evro e ,. BENZ * 642-4158 * Daily Pilot want M ! 549-4319 c.'-t atter 6 P?>f 9120 31' Diesel Ketch, anxious! Mobile Homes -'°::';:o·.,;.646-c:::,73""-95~~-.-~-!:~~~~~~~~~1-==~'._;,~~==='=~~~~~~==:.J.~'.::!:~------ Paci(ic Yacht Sales ~1570 MOTDRHOMES '69 vw CAMPER + extras. 1963 190. PRIVATE owner. lmporte<I Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 MED. Si. &ood bird d 0 g. 23' CHRIS Craft with trailer. SACRIFICE; owner trana. Lo U "~ 4"' ~" i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii~iiiii-~iiiiiiiii~~~~iiii-~~ Gentle w/children. r.toving. Shag cptg., CUlit. dr~ w m es. ,,.,.....,. ~ Al'o1/Fl'o1, new tires. Make 96$..6065 9120 ~foored at Balboa. $3995. awning, aklrting; 2 Bdrms. i,"==''='='=· ~==,,.-~...,.-offer. 842-3957 after S p.m. 682-2918 Immed. J>osse1115. 2 1 4 6 2 PICKUP CAMPER SheUs l\1ERCEDES Benz 1960, 4 DARK grey, male kitty, 8 INTERNAT'L 14 fiberglass Pacific Coast Hwy. Hwit cab-hi. g\ight trelghl door, 220 S. 4 speed, air. Wtieka. Very cute. 847~ trailer, Wtt. Sl.crifice $195. Beach, space 290 (Driftwood damage-. Cheap! 839-l.800 new tires. Xlnt! 543-7558. I~=~~~-.---,.,= 645-0113 Beach Oub). SJ6..l582 or NO matter what tt IS. you 1959 MERCEDES Bent 180 ADORABLE llaer kittens 962.-6866 can aeu tt with a DAILY diesel. ~. :i ~ hOme Pl;~~ -S.-l-lbof_to ____ 90_10 CASH FOR YOUR PIWf WANT AO!! 642-5671 * 646-3896 * PICK "" '"' r .... ..,., CLEAR SKJEs • A TALL MOBILE HOME riidt cul. 645--159l 9/22 SA J L. 13' 11 c ens e d Priva~ party wants 8 x 40 ar 5 fLUfFY klltens, 4 ft:m .. 1 Catamart.n w/ c u s t om J.a.rpr to-be moved to moun. mill!. Call 6T::>-0379 9/20 trailer. (714) 9 8 6-6 1 6 5 , taln lot, Send descrfpHon, 3 KI'JTENS a mother, well ,!l&l-4~~"'~~-',--..,._~~-prlC8 A location to: Write merlced. 534-0094 s.20 'Gj -26' Thunderbird Sloop. Box P 424 nally PUot. PETS and LIVESTOCK 4 81.P ot Salls, ~lean. Haul. 27' Ten')'. Encloeed cabana. _ ed S.69. Xlnt cood. $3!00. Nice for couple. $1095 Ca.sh. Pets, General . 8800 Ensign Yacht ~es MS-U31 646-3807 \VE!l.SH Apoloo&a J yr. l\lar~. GMUe. All tacit I. saddle. $.Jdl. 838-11'69. sµMESE KITTENS 115 '10681 J..ebmhardt FV . •SSW116* 17' O'DA 'l' OaysaU~r ' 8X20 Lancer SC in NB bch Demo n750. Used $J350 pk. $1795. terma. 112 W. Pa· lf' O'Day ~d .•.• $SCIO citic On HWy, NB Sp F--4. Fun Zone Boat C.o, Bal.boa SkA Seo u t · • des(>e'rarely bay view on Ltdo Pen. need a MAlN ail tor 23: Adults only $6500. 61M196 FOOT ALBATROSS.-==='=====. -MolllloH- .. tlSNl tlll AU HI DODGE "EXPt.ORER" ..................... .................... ---""-'" 11rn. 21 rMt, n ,oot, • r•t. , YIAlll •l•A•C. , ...... """'"'' 11•••11. Cato ll20 PENGliiii Allboat l 1 ~ ' ' i=.PERSL\N'---Kl-Tl'EN-se-I w/ail •·lnil<r· Top"'°' BAY HARIAR MOllU SALES Bfllu • b1a<b. W\111 shots, dJUon $G5.117-\I NOMI ~ Po,eQ .va11. w ~ Km No. "" Clearance Sale -Blllt.Xbltoancl. O.An_M_ll,._F_ * 67J..38f8 * Alt~ 12' t. 14' WW. ID ;;..;1.::11.._ ____ H~U CAL 24 3"' lo.sATIONALS. lNCLUDING---- aDKUAllUA puppies. honey 2 Yffl'S, ruu ttl o! aanr.. IOUAWA't' 1n MllYllW Pll:ltTIOI bibbdt. BeauWul ~ U100. * ..._., CASA LOMA IA T HAllOI HOMml petJ.i AJao SltMI Savfce. ri.lAJ.JBl(_ Outrtga-. Gd CASrTAI C:OINllL Ctllllm' ~ 1189 .oonet i..q,. cond. Prlttd , ,lo tell IZK). SHIU.TON MANOI PAIH,ON MAMO• SAHA.IA ::;UAHUA P\lppl<• no c":~~~':::1,,,.1 .. u.. 142~ ~~~! !.1'1~s~~SA ~ 6 Mtb $li. fleet champ. $3(0) or trade ~ M•·t47t TODAY * M?-im * on Sollrw. Kl ..,,,. IUM>UOO ILDOltAOO 11.l)Ot.ADO 101\' ~uol· ll'Shl""" r Commtnch• 6 SIHptt 4 Sl"per 6 Sltopor MU\ ;N ~'¥.' if.till hl\t 'll:l:C !Ill" $199 .iiii s~.~ $13 • !1111" $1739.00 .... 1111 .... l#J Nt. 1"' fOUlWOOIS TRUCK llAlAACllOA 6 Sloopsr & CAMl'll steeper NN f·lil:= LIST: 111u• .nos l...... llor Lr5T1 "" otSC1 ..... \'"'-c DISC • ... !11111, $1605.00 i:''t\ Sii•.: ·~ .. "" $41 • BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW 1969 IN STOCK TOYOTA'S 55 IN STOCK Reo1dy & Serviced for lmmedl•t• O.liv1ry WE'RE DEAUNCi YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! • COROLLAS-Sed•n1-F•1tb1ck Sprinters.--Statlon Wagons • CORONAS-4 Door Soclons-Hordtop Coupes e MARK ll's-H1rdtop Coupos-4 Ooo• SOd•n• e CROWNS--St1tlon Wagonl-4 Door Sedans e LANDCRUISERS-Hardtopt--4 Wheel Dr ive Wagons e PICKUPS-4 Spood St•ndord Trans. Autom•tic:s -'4 1p11d1 -fac:tory •ir c:enditionin9 -1tereo tape decks m•9 wheels •nd meny other optioru. • Many Demanstraton at Reduced Prices ·le . 1 NAME YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMt• • S.loct Domostlc & lml'!'rtod Used Coro a.1-Morklt PdC41 e JIM . SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA Open Sun. 11-5 540.2512 r. S.Ulnl11, Stot1mbtr20, 1969 DAll.Y. PILOT .H t• TIUNSl'OllTATION ~IUNSPOllTATION !IUNSPOllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION TRANSPOllTATloliri,:.;.::.::;T;,;lt\Nirn>'i5pemi1t~Tl;;:,T;.;l'"ONn--=trlWISJiORTrmnfu1;.;fllli'Dii\ ...... ~t·1 I :U~oo.l;;:;c.;' ~rs~,';;;;;;;;9900:;;;~U...~;:C;•~";.;;;;;;;:;;:9900E• .;, j lmPorted •-HOO AU!ot W••IM · t700 Utod Ct" ~ UMol Cara ~ Uoad Ciu't 9900 Uttcl Ctra 9900 u..cl Ctn .,.. 1 11 VOUCSWAGEN Will BuJ. IUIC:K CH~OLET .CHEV!lOLET . CHIYSLIR.. COIYAll • ": ·~1i1:Z..=-... f""..,..~ Yo0rv.-.,...;...,..... ·''6 RMERA · 1:.,.~~•=.s;:r T968 EL CAMINO '67 CHRYSLER "'N.':.~.~~,. . I A ThHdort Robins exclusive! look for 1111r dltg110Jllc center SHI end teke the gum- worlc out of buying 1 used cor. These cm hev91 pnsH 130 •hll rem hr perfonnence, rtli1LUhy1 end seltty. llJOO/o PARTS AID LABOR WARRA•TY 4,000 MILES OR 90 DAYS CO¥en all me,h111ic1I parta lncludln' lf'l9ine, drive llnt, rtu tttd, PLUS br1kt1, btttff'f and ••htvtt 1pttm. All rtp1" wort 4l1t11 lfl 1ur '" s•rYk• dtpufMtnt. DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SPECIALS Form1I 2 Dr, H.T, F1ctory ,;,, l•O "'I• 813.tllt • • .. pay top d~l&n, l'ald tor r.n ,,.,,., lncludlna automa. " steennr 'Tactbey Air 4 Speed Trans !llB>.'tlil8-T~ I ~ ' · ,...,. Uc tran&m.1911oli, air concli. r_.,,,,.,.,_M,,,;,.: · ,.,.... VI 'l•DOOR ~-" ' 1165 Vfl l500 S -·ll&iii. or not -~ •-•·• <t• tic. RVA·'~ ~-··•· "~•" •power , ... rirc. ,.._ ,,...._, 19IO-c-lr-$200 --SU&b ' 6'Jl.(llQ) ~--.. $.., aw Uc. RU& 551 dlo, heater, etc. lMA V.a, automaUC. tOI')' air, * &n.StOO • .tvl>Jk ;..., tor DO!<' ' 1 . ' • .' '~Zl 99 SUN:i9?'·~0RD $2399 £:::":.:~:'." ~ ==:c~~===~r '60t i"'N, 'iA""· ...... ~ Aul9 LIMI'!! MIO li40 Garden G-BIV<I. ~ ~ ... !UDE 143! COIVmJ ' ~::ti~.=~:i: L .... ~"'"T •• o~ ... w ........... ,~.)6*<0W 0~ . ~ $2295·. _63_00..;.R..;V..;£.;.,ll_E_lll! .... -11*''"""'·-1 69 VW. Diamond blue. New ORDIR YOUR ' ~IP '66 IMPALA -ATR>AS ""'"'rt. lldto. lmmac, "1111 • · "°""1Uo~ Ml\<l Sell! $1!00. 1'70 TOOAY • A -i Door. bud..,, v.1, •ticlt • 1. ~ 12595 or"°" -· '! 83$.341> FOii EAllLllST WI. .J •hilt, dk., Mb, oWMd by ·A~,t '61 VW, Air.....,, reblt. """ DELIVERY "\I' lltu• '•l• l6Cll \,ouceman. Ii' Qlll4s"i\'1imo:;1'.ii"~rr,m COUGAR ne wb&tt, ztarter, -P:f}l!l'&tor AU popU]ar makei. Fo,l'lj Hu ~ lovfna: care. ~an. CDSTA MEsA 5'6-1!134 A UrH $J!JOO. 96Mll1 authoriie:d leultW sys tem. 549-3031 Ext. fi6 or 61 Jnskte •out~ $1299 lull price. ~ Daily 'ti! 10 p.m. --~----- Gel Our Cotnl)fHtlw Ralet 1910 HARBOR BLVD. RFH582t.B. After U ~f. S"'9-303l Ext. 6e or ST '61 COUGAR Hdtlf. all~ ~ VOLVO Theodore COSTA MESA 494-9m' or MS-0634, 1970 HARBOR BLVD. plm air. Must Mil thll : ---~OllNS FORD B~o. 121. Ha• 157 Chev. Sit.:!J•· <Xl!rrA MESA CONTINENTAL ;:"'.:,':1.:"'iif:~~ ·· VOL VO 2060 Harbor 111\l'd.. BARGAJNt Bti Air, 4 or. 'Very cond, 1966 Cbevrolet Malibu Hard-'67 LINCOLN Contlnental 4 Sanla .A.118.. Cr. can DQ, I Costa Mesa 6'2-0010 642-225,:J ft 6 Pto.f Rebuilt 283 engine, new Utes, top Coupe. v.a, Auromattc. Dr. Xlnt cond. S2900. 546-411~ trl475A) a ••• Dttl• Are At ...... ~~!!!!!!""""""ell:onDii~T:'·"·e<'::-:Y.-:=I new tl'lrut.. pawer •lrerlni, Po wer Stffrlna:, Marina • M2-415S * '6& COUGAR.. $21695. ~. ,, I DEAN. LEWIS '68 r.:;'~E~! ~ VWe ·~~~C,:.1:t~bi;ll~IJ~ = se:r::~Pr!~~te.~: !~~Llc~1;Q:;~ later-COIYAIR ;ir· ex~~ ·~= · 968 H ~ c M ,.u, "'~-fully equipped, $129 mo. ' oU. SfG..1.5Z1 aft s;!O aont.blyeap"u":'!1•nt ~15. $1699.00 '60 CORVAIR . sf:.°~ . 1 a......... · · lnQ"...,.,,. '67 Ford, 10 pau station wq. '56 BUICK. Netds clutch. '" · 0 • • ·~ VOLVO ~. Low on, r/h, air, pa. $69.50 mo, BF.ST OFFER! l!m 2 DR. Cht:vrlle Station SUNSET FORD Red. Rebh: enc&. auto u.na. '61' COUGAR :xR.1.l Xblt ,, ' mlleqe. Xlnt meehanical '65 EI Camino, $700. *54MGl'i9* Wagon_ Radio, Big 6 •nrlne. MM> Garden Grove Blvd. New tlres. S2SO. m.rus alt oond. Sttre0, llhr. teat.. . · cond. Good tires. mo. SOUTH COAST -Auto trane. $895. 962-3865 Wl!l!lf:nlln!ler cn4) fi36.4010 • P~f. ~ many more extras. ~ ~ '61 TOllNO OT 52695 VI , P.S., •·di" b•k•., '"''" R&H, yjnyl roof, f1cl. w1 rr •i>ly 1v1il. !WXG!511 •i>m:i alt'''°· CAR LEASING CADILLAC 600 I --• A 96001mporttd •u1 .. 300 \V. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 --------w~l~m;;po;;;rlo~ocl~A~utat=;~ffOO:~lm:oo:r~tod~·A~u~lot~;9~~m;Po;'~~~u=t=o1=; " -· ''' PAllLANf 500 XL Co11vort. )ttO VI, P.S., 1uto., l uc••t 1ft., Jtll-4, t•"dy •Ppl1 rid w/bl1ck fop. ( SlF770l Anllquos. c11utcs 9615 • 67 ELDORADO COMPLETE \f o d e 1 A Uttd C.n 9900 Owned by little 'ole ac!K>ol ~l'!oo Roadster, $1:il. &t2-1832 or ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! teacher from Laauna Beach, 548-S986 anytime TRANSPORTATION CARS Has bad loving care. Still '67 PALCON PUTUa.A 51695 '70o NEWPORTER MOTORS under fact wa.rr. dlr. Will fino prvt prty w/ •mall dowo or trade. YCIM3LB. Call 2 Or. 200 cu .i". 6 cvl .. P.S., 11110 .. r1dio, h11 l1r, low mil1191. PIEEJlOI WE PAY . ., 2036 HAMOR BLVD. Phil 4!)4..9113 or M.>0634. 'lS CONTINENTAL CASH COS1'A MESA Estatt llllle 548.&294 or 54U5 ll 'Bl Cad OIV. Pwr. air, "'· FINANCING AV AlLABLE Mechamcal-ln averg cond. '59 Plymouth Waaon • •., $79 Front pass seat converted to '59 Plymouth Waaon .••• SlOO accomodate invalid Submit 4 Door. Full power, f1clory 1ir cOll• d ltio11in1J , low 111il 1191. 1UOF497 1 '67 JAllU.NE l.ANCHfa.O 299 Vt, cruisom1 lic lr1n1rninion, t•- dio, ind l>11 t1r. 1 074 3~7) 51995 for us@d cans & truck.I jut call us for tree ndmate. GROTH CHEVROLET '59 BWck ••••••••• , .... $149 WRlTJ'EN mi:> '5~ Pontiac • ...... •· ... $199 To: U.C.B. Trust, TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Ask for Sa.lea Manqet l82ll Beal"b Blvd. Huntington Beach KI S.3331 '62 Olevrolct ......... , $199 Attn: D. Holtby '62 Pontiac Wagon ••·• $199 P.O. Box 1739 '62 1'~om Convertible .••. $249 Santa Ana. Cal 92702 '60 Cadillac ............ $299 ,64 C ILLA, '58 Chevy Nomad Wagon S299 AD C D E V i 11 e ""'"""'""'""'"""'""'""'""' Convert. All power plus Air. '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 :JI sell tbJ11 weekend for mi., air, pwr., vinyl top. Top Y $1400. Can be seen at '64 CHRYl4J:R NIW'°RT 5695 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR -'-CONNELa;- CHEYROLET - co ditio -f!M-3232 UO W. Warner, Santa Ana n n. · or Call BUI at 546-4U4 4 Door s•d111, Autom~tic;, f•clory ,;,_ P.S .. 11dlo, hoit•r. 10Pfl6l l 2 Mustangs S2650 ea 3 Ford Galaxies $2700 ea: '68 CADlLLAC ~an de '6J PONTIAC Lf MAHS YOUR CHOICE 1969 V.llle. Luther, power, 22.000 • 534-S290 • mlles. Private party. $4695. 4 sp..d tr1ns111l••ion, r•dio i nd h11t•r. il(Lt111l 2128 Hartlor Blvd. Costa' Mesa 546-12>0 830--0081 ----MAKE low otter! 'M Cad '67 KARMANN 6HIA 4 •P••d h1n1111it1ion, h••I••· IVCKll91 radio, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR BUICK Coupe De VW•.· LOADED. ------.int cond. 540-7828 '63 Buick Rlvlera, air, u.t-1 -~'69,..:CA~D~FLE==E='1w=oo~o- MACULA TE, loaded. BROUGHAM " I for good, clean used cars. all makes. See George Ray Theodore Robins Ford 2060 llarOOr Blvd. C.M. 642-0010 lMPOR~ WANI'ED Oranp r.ounti es TOP S BUYER SU75, 494-405.1 9500 mu~ 49t.Q82 B\JICI< 'r.6 ruviera, factory • 6 4 C O N v • T . rn t s t air, lull pwr, xlnl cond. See green/white top very eel· to apprcc! $2495. 494~ cone!. $1500. 494-29os 1~ SKYLARK ~"uper Sport, '69 Cad Sedan de Ville, 12,IXXI $850. mi. Pvt pty, 968-00U * fl62-8331 * BILL it.AXEY TO'iO'l'A 18881 Beach Blvd. '65 BUICK, It blue conv t-CAMARO U Sabre -excellent buy.1-------- Nicely ~uipped. 675-1444 Z28 CAMARO, ma i a, H. Beath. Ph. 8fl..a555 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos Goodyear F-61x!S. 1aup1, t6GOlmported Autos 9600 $2800. See at 129 44tb St, NB. 61">3396 Recently, the franc was 4 wheel disc brakes, a S<aled devalued. eooling system.and 4 doors. Witho~t getting_ into the The Renault 16 delivers mumbo-1umbo bf mter· 30 miles a gallon, has disc national finance, we're brakes up front, a sealed happy to announce a price coolin~ system ,an~ 5 reduction. doors (it converts mto a The Renault 10 will sell station wagon anytime you for $74 less. The Renault 16 want it to be one). will sell for $100 less. And we still offer you our Which is a fairly nice ~ique one year/unlimited piece of 1ang on the cake, milea~e warranty. . when you consider that We ve lowered our prices. both can were fanta stic But that's all we've lowered. butb~0R~~1~1b~ers 8ENAU1Ji 35 miles a gallon, has NEW LOW PRICE-RENAULT·lO , . • NEW LOW PRICE~ REN~ULT-16 _ . . . . 51725 .... $2395 B & Z IMPORT ·MOJORS 410 MAIN ST. HUNTINGTON BEACH -536-42,92 91 our9 to ''" the Renault txhibil et the Oran~• County lntornotional · Show Anaheim Convention Canter, Oct. 8th thru 12th. ' . . '68 Camaro 3'n. R.S. PIS R..H. Auto. 284 Knox St. CM ~2991 eves, WW tra.dc. '67 CAMARO RaJly Sport, air, P/s, 9600 Ml. $7100. Private party. ~ CHEVROLET _ JiS Chevrolet Caprice, Hard. top, Factory Air O>ndidoned, V--8, Automadc, Power Steer. UW, Radio & Heater, Beau- tilUI Metallic Greeri Finish, With Black Interior, ())m. plete with Vleyl Top. Lie, PHK 867 Wholel&le Prtee $1149.00 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grtwe Bl.Vd. Westminster Cn4l 636-41110 '56 CHEVROLET Caprice. One owner car with only ~•.00'.I miles. hu all power + a1r conditlonln;. Absolutely the cleanest one in town, Jim Slemona Merc e d e a Benz, 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana. 546:-4114 '57 CHEVY !tation waaon. IWI. $250. 64i.442I Good condition. Air cond. '6S CHEVY MALIBU SS Excel.lent condition! $1375 See at: 9735 Villa Paci.tic H.B. or ca.II 963--7135 CHEVY '61 Caprtce 2 DR landau Hdtp. Plz, P/b, Ritt. factory air. $216.5. 494-5324 eves. CHEvY '66 Impala :J door, vinyl hardtop, auto, V-8, fl:c air, Pia. P/b, R./H. Xlnt """'· $1495. ........ '64 MALIBU SS pis auto. Immaculate. Must &ell $1000. Gl'fii • 646--1161 ~ 347-'JOOI FOR Sale '55 Chevy Sta. Wgn. $100. Runt &'(IOCI . • * 548-3319' * * '62 -4 Dr. bif;vy Impala. Pia. P/b. Radial Hrcs. Xlnf cond. $650 548-2654 '6.l Malibu. J..specd. cxct:L .oond .. Ve.cy Jow mUeqe, new equipm•nt. 962-9663 '65 Cbevy Jmpala 2 Dr. Good oond. Auto, V-3, $1200. •m.tm -- '68 CUIARO 121 1\.8, P/S. .R.1H. Auto. SN ICMx SL.. CM MS-2991 mtt. wm trw:lr. '&f NOVA waaon. Air, IUQ. rack,, autom, C L E· A N . 1195. -'65 Malibu SS. auto, 2 door,' xlnt cond. P/1, P/b. &est offer. saul '65 Impala, factory air, full )'l)Wtt, new tlni1. ?t!U&T SEU. Oj$..J334 '55 atEVROLET, 2 dr, auto tram, V ... -IXHl<\Jticm.• * M8-634T * MAKE US AN OFFER!! NO KIDDING! YOU CAN REALLY MAKE A MONEY SAVING DEAL DURING THIS BIG, BIG, BIG CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE SALE! • SPECIAL '65 SUNBEAM SPECIAL '57 PORSCHE SPECIAL '63 YOLKS Alpine Roadster. Blue finish his herdtop <1nd automttic trensmi11ion. RPR200 Sunroof. Black on bltc.k. _. •p,.d. SKFl4l Blue finish. R•dio, he•ter, 4 •pud. GPZl74 $1095 $999 $695 '66 MGB ROADSTER 2 to ch•••• from. a, H, ( 1p.od. SHA91 4. $1595 '67 MG GT COUPE Whit• fini•k, R, H, 4 1pt.d. UJCll 7. $1999 '66 AUSTIN . HEALEY 3000 f ir• e"9· r•d, bl1cli: interfor. ft, H, 4 1pe•d. RRY"00 $2395 '68 -DATSUN PICK0 UP Ett whlt1, r-4 int.rfor, H, Lew mil1t. R•1cly to wo1k. S10 thi1 tHay. SOVllJ ' $1495 '66 DATSUN STA. WAGON Rot! fl11l1h, black hltorlor. R, H, 41p11d. VWV561 $1099 Brand New 1969 V.olvo 2-DOOR FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED. Stook No. 7860 $ ' 2698 +T.&L. '67 FIAT •so COUPE Royal ltl11• fin ith. H11 ho1t1t I 4 111e.d. #9•t9 $1295 '64 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE ll•ck, rod if'lftrior, R, H, 4 •P••tl. SJC411 $599 '67 VOLVO 144S SEDAN Ht• a, H, 1ulo, f1clory •/c. le1uliful whit• fj"i1h. UVAlll. $2195 '67 TOYOTA CROWN SI, w196n, JI:, H, 1uto111afic lt1n1. Low mil ••· Nico. TXS5 I 9 UZYIOl $1599 '66 JEEP WAGONEER H, ( whoo! drive. Gold fini1h, SVEJ6t. $1995 '58 MERCEDES 190 SI. Conv. R, H, 4 1p•1d. R11I nlc1 for tllo v••'· $995 '67 VOLVO 122 SEDAN R&H, ( •p11cl, v11y tn1 p1•·own1cl ctr th1t runs lik1 f'taw. TRE l52 $1595 '66 OPEL KADm Ccup•. R, H .~~ speed, low mll1•, nic• cir. SIR400 $1099 '66 YOLKS KARMANN ,GHIA Co,,v, H•s 4 1pe1d, A, H, 1herp. TPC776 l $1399 1969 Toyota Corona EXECUTIVE CAR CORONA SEDAN FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED. Stoc.k No. 0907 $1798 +T.&L. . . '67 YOLKS SEDAN Seel . 113 h11 ft, H, 4 1p1otl, low mll•1, 1h•rp. US0579 . '$1399 ' '60 CHEV. PICK0 UP VI •ulo with Al11k11t c1111p••· R••I 1fl1 rp i11sid• I oul. Kllt 11 $1295 '61 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 Roff1t1r, Red &-bl1ck fini1h, R, H, 4 ,,_ff. 1.+ok •I tM1 one •. RXK09t $995 '67 TOYOTA CORONA SEDAN R, H, 1ficli:. Whil1 flni1h, contr•1fl119 lnl1~1r I low 111'.lUtt. 7 11101• lo chooto from . $1195 '68 TOYOTA H.T. COUPE - Cou111 h11 R, H, cu1tom Nd flnl1h, low lf!il11. Awfem•fl• tr1111m!u lon. Wl'9711 • $1799 . D,EAN -L-EWIS ORA,.GE COUNTY TOYOTA • VOLVO HEADCj)UARTIRS 646-930'3 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA . " " ' . . ' ' ' I . ' ' : I ' . . '' "· I' .. ' • • ' -. ' r ' ' r ' ' ... ' .. , . I ' ' '• "' . ' ' ' ' -' •I ' ' , ' '' ' :f· ' ' I ' • : I ' I ., •C:i ' ' ' ·I . ' I ' I ' j . ' . ' "I --I ' ~' i ~· ·i I ' ' . ': -, ' • q ::I ., ,1 • . . ' . -: a, -. ·-~ ' ' , ' ' I ' sl ' -----. --·~-·----~------'-'------------~~---~~---------.....;==::;,;.;;o'...:...:o::.o~ • I I I ----""l' ... -,,...--:""!---.-----··~•-•••~--'."' ,.~~--''°'"""-·:--;--· ;~; i;~r:-::-" .. "'·'""' ,,-.,,. ·"·'"• ,,..,.,.,.,,.,.., .,.,.,.,.,.,,., ,:-, -• .,., ·"·"· -;-. -,,,.,-,,.,,,-.-,.~.·"'""'"'rt l"'"'-'-''""....,,>:-.e.,.. '"'"'' '"'"· ,.,..,,,..,,.., .. ,_ .. ,.,,,..$.,,,._,. __ , --·-· -=-----·~·~ .... ~· ,;.:..-_,;.'~ AlllC D•KOUNTS _ • 0111 AU. CAIS Ill STOC.K · .,.. n. 211 c.. To c••i• tt.. -All nl'O IXAMf\IS ' ,• ~.SaJ199 I New Cars 9IOO'Now c. .. ' L - • • THE LINCOLN CONTINENT AL Introducing tht first 1lto91!~1r;n1w Lincoln Contin1nt11 in n1trl¥ 1 cltctdt. A"'1ric1 '1 mot! di1tiruJui1h1dl.molorc11. pr11111h n1w dim1n1ion1 in 1p1ci1u1"' f, n11t, 111~11 •'1 11'1.:I 1pp•lntmf"" lk ljjr1rier room i1 metl c:ommoi:lio111, · fr~.;t 1ni:I r11r. Th1 body it lo"'9t1t.•Th• 1t1111c:e i1 the wii:l11t 1•1r in 1 C1ntin1nt.J. • -; : ~Thi Lincoln Contipertf1l 11d1n, i11 th;11 ' f ~ 1 0Je n1ro111 ntw propoftion1, 11ch 1l191ftt h1 ll m1rlr of Conlin1nt11 d11ign -Tht 1c11lplur1d hooi:I, th1 gr1c:1f11I gr11nhout1, the 1w11pin9 r11r d1clr -h11 b•co1111 more clr11111lic, A11cl mor1 .1p1rt from ') oth1r Cir!. Th1 h11dl1111p1 ltl 1ow COii• c11l1d. N1w corn1rin9 t.,...pt light tlri1 • w1y fo r t11rn1 •I night. -. =~, Cyclone poiler CYCLONE GT r M1rcury i1 your p111word to •c~io~ 11141 1d•111~r1 in lh1 7011! M1r- c:ury 11y1 it all, i nd no M1tcVl'l"l1yt it b1tt1r th1n 'lhli Cyclon1 GT. Sli1k, h1rdtop 1tyli ng, Thrvtling, 1e90pH'hoocl. An 11n111i1l1k1bly bold grill t . Sp1cial c.,clon1 1u11nin9 li9hh. Co11c11IM h.•dl•111p1. Siron, l51-2V M11c11ry v .1. 11 7" wh111b111. Wid1 110.5" front ind bO.O" r11r lr11cl. From th1 hi·b1clr bvc.k1t 11.th on ovt. Cyc.l on• GT i1 1n 1ction c.1r--1 9 r11! l11cl1 r for Lincoln.M1rc11ry'1 compl1t1ly •11twl1cl, 1U-n1w int1r11'1di1tt1! . I , to' 1 ,• • ~ : ! I '. I ' See The Entire Exciting Line Of AllNew tiTU:oln Mercurjs All Exciting ·All New Luxury " ' ~ ~ ~ 1 • ' • ' John.son'· son I NEW CAU 140.5630 642-cf91J, ~~26 H~llBOR BOULIVAltD, COSTA MESA I • _, 1 Mlle South of the S.n' Dle10 Freeway USED CARS 540·5635 I TAANSPOllTATION • _......,. 'Mi Ultd C1r1 !. MUSTANG WE PU·T IT IN 25-MONTH WARRANTY ON ALL '64 Corvette Cpt • .( 1p11d, rtdio, lt11t1r, rill . with bl1ck int11ior. !UPZ076) ·\ $1895 TOTAL •RI.Cl + Tax 4: Li_c:. '65 Chevelle Conw1rlibl1, A.lfto. 'tr1111 .• po'-1r t l11r· ing, r1dlo, h1af•t. SZH 73 1. $995 ·TOTAL ••ICE + Tax I U c. "67 Toyota Corona • DofH , Auto. fr11u., \radio, h1a .. r .. YYU 512. $1195 TOTAL ;•ICE + Tax .I U c . '64 Ford Wagon F1 irlan1 500. l'ow1r 1f11rin~, 111!0• mtlic, r1dio, h1ol1r. !I OY 134) $595 TOTAL P•ICI + Tax & U c. "66 Cadilloc: Conw1rtibl1. A11to. tr1111., f1clory 1ir c:o11ditio11ift9, pow1r 1t11rin9 , r1dio, h11t1r. PMM 061. $2395 TOTAL •RICI + Tax A. Uc. '65 Mustang H.T. A11to1111tic. pow1r 1!11ring, r1dio, h11l1r. (UTJll6l .$995 TOTAL P'"ICI + Ta.x &. Llc. '67 Chev. $1495 TOTAL .. ICI + 'IU I: IJc. H11lday tjN. F1elery air, a11 .. 1111tic:, P.S,. k&H. l"DA267l $995 TOTAL ••ICE + Tax le Lie. •'I '"' If • USED CARS '67 Chev. Impala ' Spor+s Coup•. VI, •uto. tr1n1., pow1r 1l1t riMJ. r1dio, h11 t1r. THH srs. $1695 TOTAL •RICE + Tax & U c. '63 Olds 98 I HoJid1v cp1. F1c:tory 1ir, P.S., 1ufo· in1tic, ltlH, P-window1. !YHE97b) ~ $5'95-TOTAL •RICE ' + Tu &: Lie. e • 6 7 Mustang Fa~ack 2 -+2. V-1, factory ,;, co11- ditionin9, r1die, h11far. TIY 449. $·1595 TOTAL PRICE + Tax &: Lie. '65 Pontiac: Grand Prix Hardt1>p-\Coup1. v.1, 1uto. lr1n1., f1c- torv t ir cond;1,onin9 , power 1feo ri n9, radio, h11tar. $1295 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Lie. '65 Plymouth larr1c11d1 covp1. V.1, •ufo. r1dio, l111t1r. NMP r It. $995 TOTAL PRICE + Tax & Uc. '65 Corvair Monza Coupe. 4 1p11d fl1n1m iu ;on, r1clie I h11 1, •. !SVC 4 1•!, $495 TOT AL PR.ICI Tax &. Lie. · '64 El Camino C111!0111. Auto. fr1n1 .. radio, h11t1r N1bl05. • $995 TOTAL P•ICI + Tax &: Li e. '65 'Ford G1l1xio 500 H.T. Co11p1. v.1. IVIO· matic, r1dio, SIN S74. $795 TOTAL P'RICE + Tax & Uc. ELL 2828 HARBOR BLVD. • CO$TA MESA 546-1203 I . •• J ' • .. 0 . ! t ' ) ; I " ,;1 ,. ' .. . ' ' • . t " ' . I I'' • ' I : I . . I • • ·-. r . • , . • ,, • HERE NOW ON DISPLAY • Al.I, SERVICED & READY .. . .. . -. . ... .... " ' ' ... • • ' CADILLAC NINETEE·N:~: SEVENTY . . ' . • • ,. . . .... i:A(! •.• . j .• ' . A . ~ugnilicent ·Expe~ieneo: I' . ' ' • ~ L »t ' . ~ ,\ . ' 1966 FLEETWOOD Brou~. C.lelde lf'eU wilb bla UH.tu lop •11d k broe.tde vid le1lher trim. F11.U powtr, f&ctotJ 1ir_ COAdf.!ioa, •lu~AFll-FM. til1-tda wheel -ill oplion .. LeQJ ooe 0"11,... (SVEUll,) 1967 EL D'RADO f"1tm1ilt R_....ood 1ritll bfvw. ,.ildell roof I .addle . Cadillac proudly introducet eleven magnificent <ehoicea of 111otor. ' Ing pleHure for 1he oplrlted ieventieo. Each brllllant new 1970 Cadillac heraldo the beginning of a •motoring l!f .... tyle anticipa~ for a great new era. The clean, con~mporary &~ling elearly loob to the future and di1tlnguitl)ea Cac!lll.C from all other fine can. . And there are new luxUrlea,.Jtew featurea, new innovatiom in all ' Cadillac• for 1970. Teot drive the now Cadillac ••• '{ocl.7 ••• ! . SAU $2900 ' PllCI SAtl .. Over. .80.. . . Q'uality . . . ' . .. . . ' .... . , "1967 ~LLAC IALI $4700 · PllCI . ' , ' lutber trim. fall-fll'Wt!l', bet. air. lilt ~ . wb.uL AM-FM n.dio. eniiae.eontrol..._docw.loc;b, t . $4400 Cadillacs ·· Sedu 4• vm.. N ~ Jldll7 m -·Udte'• ,.llded nof. ....d:er..W ~ tih-ter. "4llll. ..., ~nlind I' dimmer. rev window cleloger, · brUtt. (TVX611) 1 • PllCI ,. "IAtl 1969 IMPERIAL • $5000 LeB.roe covpe. full power. factory air.01CC..-iepe. truir.e oontro~ tTel'J ,o.ibl• •.,UO.. Paidded aop. - {XSP7TI). Low mil~ PllCI . IAU 1968 IL 'GRADO ' $53007 --... Uie.U111l .,·itll ~ilt roof dd .._w;I .cfGtli-nd - l~lhn' intnior. ruu pcnrU, fK1«y .. ~ ).){.. f~t. tilt·td..npic wbu.I, all opfiOu;(Ul'fM66} . PllQ . "": . WI 1969 MAKO SHARK $5500 eot.ette ruthac1t w:it1a f'dDO"ablc pa..i.. r.u ,.... ftctory •ti' ooaditio11.in1o AM-FM ~ """" lilt 11eerin1 wbed. G«1cou• CObah ~ ~ .ada· HIQ ing intmor. IXNZ81J). Low inn.a.· 1965 CADILLAC " IAtl $2300 eo.pe o.vm .. ShenreM sr-will bi.ck ,added top ud black leather tnterier. f!!.ll ,_., '= 1lr' c:oadl\ionin1. AM·FM rldio. til1 "-Iii . fl<l"lrer trwlk epener. (NCB337) ~ .P11a - 1' • ' WI' PllCll lffl'CTJVI lHIOUGH TUUOAT, °u:nlMNI IJ, 19•9 .1.n-. _.Jed ,._priol...,. • • ' ...... -(VlllJIO) • • 1'96S CADILLAC Wu .. V'i&.0T.-,. W.. w!Qi W.. ....._ .. WI lelh trt.. ru11 I-a. f~Ur t11f'Me111o tilt ;,'*1. mutJ optiob. llWD21M) 1966 CADILLAC IALI $2200 .. . I PllCI $2SOO PllCI -.. Your Factorj Authorized Cadillac '9•1er S.nlng the Onn191 Coast H•r lrell ~ , · · 2600 Harbor Blvd.,' Costa Mesa - 540.~9100 • • .. I • ... • • NABERS .CADll,LAC -~ · A New ~diary ''NLC'' (Nn.n Leising Corp.) . LIASI: DIRECT l ~Your 1no CcHllllac:. Today foio ·OcfOb8r Delivery SAl;E§~~EP ARTMENT OPEN "' / at ' .J 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. tbru Fri. • 9:00 AM ~6:00.-PM Sat and Sun. ~ f • r , • ' "JI' t .. I 1' f (' ' ____ ._:___~--=------~--~· I • .I . I \ ·: ·I I' I CHOICI OF COLOR~ MANY . TO CHOOSE ·FROM·· · CHOICE "Of ._C-OLORS \:1· . ·,·-•. ; ·,r··· · · · · · 1MMEOrAtt .. DELfVERY Price Total 100% UNC$1DIT,10f.AL GUARANTll LOOj( ,POI :IH.GOID stAf IN THI WIND5Hli\D . ,_. J!UI' pNttdW_.lOO~'UMt•ilffiwl Glll(lftt1t -Tilia $t~ 1t1tt1 ·1I wrffllf fhlt .-~·•I"' ttoo w. 100l> """'' ~nkal dtfects 10< 100 dip er '* •Utt ~ ~ COIM! flnt 1fhr purillut. Tins includes 111 mechlnlcal ptttt, ~tffiktl "I"-'• INn,ty, l ......... 11r, fldlt, hultr on all ""· This gHrtOltt ....... .U "'1r·--I* from b ... r '" ..,.,... lbsolutely Int to you. '6BJ>ObGE-Dart '68 ~~YMOUTH '68 DODGE ' ' t:;:; ,:~~:~,, ""' $1 6$8 .. ~~~ .. :~~::· -'$1688' Cf.OLD ITAR tVFD 1Ul. :,!j,.j ._'fflll J,..l'°IQ.-I.it .... T,;T'L P11c1 • ' g.oc. $TAil ivRs 201). ~ A • t::,• '"· TOTAL PRICE . I 1 •••~ '66 CHEVROLET . '66 MUST.ANG ~;~~~1114aq ir~ik~ ·s11as TOTAL NICE + T~ l .:ic. TOTA.l fal('i ~ Ttx' &. Lie. ------------------·· 'M PbNTIAC .,_ fO ~D LTD • .... ..... (~~·-~" I". '1·3 , .... 8, IOr'f ~. (T'llrf ... , Totaf Price ·+·Tb• L"'k. 2 Door "'""'' '~ aaa· ' l'AC:TORV ~ Al fl, , 1vtom111t. -........... ,, ... ~ DMtfl'• fl!lltft4111 lll'ff, rtd • I -cowv 11. ' T'OTA.l PklC£ -~ + tu. Lk. '67 PLYMOUTH . TOTAL PRl,CE + 1 .. •,ll< ,{ ' ' I I . ' ' l TOTAL ,PRICE + '•• "'"'~ ' ' . '64 CHEVROLET ' . . · • • -, •;;I• 2 Door llirdt~ ·.$588 SERVICE D~PT. ~'E~-a ·c._.m .-11 p.in~ s·1>AYS A WEEK '! ~~:;~~:."I r! + r •• -' uc.. ' • ) I \ 1 --~·~~~~-----:---------------~--------------........... ... Ask Them YourseH 'OR lt0/'i.4W ZIECUJt. PruiJ~IU Nis-'• ,,, ... uettl4Tf B .. Al Mr. l'ikoa eo .. '° ...... ...uo, "8,.,,.. ......... r ... ,,.,,1-0. £., c.,.,.... 01.io • When Preaide:Dt Nixon wu campaign- ing in De.cbler, Obio, he aaw a roun1 girl boldia1 up a si.1n, reading: "Bring U. together." Thia IO impreued the Preai· dent that be asked it to be incorporated into the motto for the Inaucuration. From it demed the lnau~ s)opn, .. For- ward Together." 'OR DR. MAIUB BJNIUCBS, A~ Metlial A~" ..... ,. ,,.. ,...,,.. of IA. AM.4 .. •6iorlioliaP- M. M., ROJ•r•ttllM, T ...... • The majority of AMA ph,Ucius be- lieve that substantial medical e<rideace may be broucbt forth in the evaluation of an occuional obstetric patient which would WUT&Dl a therapeutic abortion to aaleguard tbe life of the mother or to prevent the birth of a severely crippled. deformed, or abnormal infant. A liceD8ed phJ11iciao, iD a duly a.ccred.ited ho.pita) in consultation with two other competent pbyeiciam who have examined the pa· tient and concuned in writing. may be permitted to perform a therapeutic abor- tion. provided the patient know• the J>C»· eible emotional or physical reaults of this particular procedure. FOR TONY KllBBK, NBC a~ 0... U, 011 '°"' B.-IHall C.... o/ llae 'fl'Hk Mo., • fHIUer led o# a11 iludAf "1' .. iw., a.. oa1. Ru ce. .... w IHiued •"°"""'• TIN for•• Nuer C.lllN Mp Gf•Ut •U ...,,. IAe llaW 0111. My pallo11: #ta a11y IHrC.11U111 eHr --~ .U dare. olW bl OM ilutUafP-E. A. FU.., SlaGrC. DNi/a.., Y •• • No. Such a feat would mean that a team would have to ecore a 1ninimmn of 13 nma in one inning. and that in itaelf ie quite a rarity. 'OR JEANE DIXON, '"' I reaJ ill fOIU' eolaMn daol )'Oii ~ Barry Tr••a11'• re-elecito ... &,.. 4MI yo• lsAOle ,,.,,, IN tHUU .ua .Me11 IA.e ,,.U. .,..,ua.4 Tllo ..... D...y wocaW __,_Jerrie Slo•lfer, WU,.., Olato • I pt it psychically, u with my other predictioos. ,0. aOBBltf' C. S£.4JUJ'tS, JIL, Seatlllr/ o/ &k AiT For« -Jllll:y ,.. '*""" .,.., ... .... ~£ ..... Jaower• _,,.,,., ... ,,,. ~ ..... ,,,.. ........ ,,,.........,. '" ..._,.., ,... ., .... ~--e. r. •• 099 .. A,,,.. ... ..., C.U/. • Preadent Eieenbower said: .. A flt.al element iD keepiq the peace it oar mill. tuy establithmeat. Our arms muat be mighty, ready for in.eta.nt action, so that no poteatial agreuor may be tempted to risk bit own de.truction." The late J>reaident W'S OD to recopize the Un· peratiTe need for the deorelopment of large armed forcee and defenee induatry -while warning of tho implication.a. He did not auaeet that, in new of the threat we hue long faced. we could or ebou1d dianantle either or break their Deoees&J'y rdationahip. 'OR CHARLES DI 5.4.LYO, aw/tor oJ '"feou People I' ear .. ,,... IAe .. ,. ,,.,,...., .u.e. 1946 lunie llNICA 1o u ..w. lla.e ruinf 4i110l'ce ...uP-111. II. AfaoA, Jr., S.a .4111o.No, Tes .. • It may be a contributing factor. The threat of war ie in itaelf a aymbol of UD· certainty. unreat, and opbenal l'OR JlJUE ,4JVDREFS Row lo"f 4oe. ii &ob eo prepaN G .... bl ....... ber /OT a11e o/ IAe •f)«'- "'eel.n Y°* .._,.. •P- p e • r l111-B•r6•r• Deen.e, ¥•,.,... City, Mo. • ln "Star," for example, it took up to thttie moothe to pnpuc a number like "Jenny," in•olring a large cut, some dif- 6cult stunts, and eome tricky acrobatice. roR .. ALTER CRONKITE, CBS Are eeM.uiort eorre.pon- ~ •llD••4 lo ecwa,,,a.11 /tw • pelilbl ~JWlldateP -S••Y If cD011oa1h, R..w, /'in. • Correspondent.I never campa~. 'OR DICK CAYEIT o/ •ne Dk1' C.WU S"""1" FAen toere 7oa born1 .,,,.., ~· ""' ,..,. --,.,.,,,, .4re you ... rrWt --D.ttUI cu.-o.,., Rlabw- heJr, l'i .Y. e [ wu bom in Gibbon. Neb., and attended Yale. I am married to actresa Carrie Nye. ,, ........ ,..... .--......... , y-~ ............ -...... ........ .. .. ...... ,,_ .................... ,.. .................... ,..,....,. -. ,,_ ...... Aelk ,.._ Y-V. ·~ ,, .... ..,, 641 1-h-n A"-t Pt.. Y .... 111.Y. JttU. We ~ ' I .. • 'h=, ... ti wlD .. ..W I• ~ -_.. WHAT~ WORLD! Goo4 for You SMnder comedian Woody Al· len (his CIS-tv sp«ial is ton~ht) ls very tertous about eating. "I like heatth foods/' he told Family W~ly. "I don't eot . meat. It teally feels good not to, and it givea me enef9Y. Ash, "'k:bn, and dudt ON okay, though. I never drink; I don't like the taste. I stopped smoking In my eOriy 20s. I cat{t en;oy any· thing I know Is bod fOf my health. I hove o "°'*• but when I eat out, I prefer te0•food restaurants where I om not known. I go to great lengths to cwoid outogruphL" Would you leave your dinner to ovoid recognition? "No, nothing would moke me do thatt" Irish Caravan The horse-drawn wagon, alteody popular with thne colleens, hos really caught on with tourists In Ireland with enough time and temperament to tour at a rate of 16 miles a day. The honee UMd are guaranteed oentle and genial enough 20th century cover.a wagon so that city folk can handle them, ond the farmers of Counties Kerry, Cork, ond Donegal are known to be "«'Y helpful. For about $59 a week, the tempotary gypsy can "rough It'' with modem amenities liloe foom-nib- ber bedt, refrigeraton, and gos stoves. It is sort of the best of the Old and NewWond. Wont to the w1.. The curren "Group Travel" magazine giYes so nootel ~ for getting the out of a foreign vacation. tf you a capped tooth, tab along a spare Carry olong your hotel's match to Jhow, should you get lost. Take transistor radio to get a feel of th local scene, even if you don't under stand the language. . Doft't Stop Playl"I A sobering minder to keep up with your tennis golf, or whatever your favorite Is comes from the Ministry of Educatio In Tokyo. Seems that in a survey o 36,000 Japanese men and women, th men were fo.lnd to lose much of thei physical sni9fh suddenly at the of 42 and the women ot 39. In West em countries physical strength fall more groduolly-ond later. The rea IOf\ for this unique condition fn Japan occ;ordlng to the mfnimy, b that nei ther men nor '#Omen participate I sports as much m we Westerners do Tennis, anyone? labies and Renewals Although this is the lost week of Tom Kennedy's NBC-t¥ gome show, ''You Don't Soy," he has learned to take fife In his stride. Now he'• ft-ee to try acting or a talk show, which he has always aimed for. Tom has learned to take babies In stride, too. Ho and w1fe Betty are expecting their fourth the lotter part of October. ''That's what the doc.- tor toys," Ton'! eayi, "so we w:sy November. Ltnda, 16; Skip, 13; and Julie, 10, were oll a few weeks late. The first time 1 thought I'd go out of my mind. But now I know It doesn't go by the book." Neither do t¥ renewals. Famlly ~ , .. ,,. ... ,., ••rdoi f r. .: tJ fi ti d a: tJ le '" ca OT. th 8JI ab an Ft • • At4V2 shes reading 3rd grade books a child prodigy? not at all! your child, too can be reading one, two or three years beyond his pr11Sent age level ..• even if he's a ''poor'' reader now Prove it to yourself ... with this 10 day free trial I Reading is fun for Se.rah-ea it .Jaould be • Older children often advance tb.u "T., ff/I W. ~ el-." .. I purchued for every child. At qe four and a half, reading ekilla aeveral yeen beyond thia eet bom you lMt yea'I and becauae In fM:t. your child neede DO ~ IRl· perviaion on your part. nu. eet • *> llim- ple, 80 fuc::inatinc. be can leam .. on bia own" wilhoul la.Ip. 'n. reooide an color- keyed to the four illustrated "°1d boob 80 even the you.nceat child caD Mlect the proper record to match eaich book. ahe'e already cbooeing her own boob at their age levela. Become more mthu-of it my younpter ii in the top of hia 1'99d-t.be &n Di.ego, California, library. aiutic readers with wider~ ing cl.a He ia just m yean old and al- Sbe reads boob many thinl ,-raden • Young ''pre-ecboolera" actually teoeA ready he ia l'eldinc boob way beyond find "hard going." Yet she won't enter tMmnlua to read by thia limple but hia qe requirementa. .. first grade for another year. etartlincly effective pbonks method of Jlre . ./.IC. Sarah is typical of tbouaanda of cbil-wol'da, picturee, and reoorda. Promot.e. ~. Colifomi4 dren who teemed to reed with "Listen ~-•-d_ea_·re_to_l_eam. __________ APPROVEDBYllfOllUNMOfl~ and Learn with~.._ .. __. ~•-w ~· 10.DAY RI& TRIAL-PWS +MONTH ---~-GUMAN'fEE that actuaIJy makea f'-Mll Y WEO:l Y OIDEICAIO "Listen and Learn h I s•• 8 ud et I 'f uil 0 ,ti; dewloped by • . endorwed, alter ................ _ era. ttehoola, and ~~ (and guaranteed) bY Btate Corp., a divisiq publiahen of The N~ ed~ and the Encydow -------------.... ---------------, Thie practical (and \ learn.inc kit f cucinota from three to ten. carefully prognmm on the durable ph0t them in bia oolorfull and repeeta them · abaorbing /JO~ of amazing result.! FOR EXAMPl.£: I • Slow :=:r:r rel often im ing. in •pelting, in q • Many advance thel much .. • full ,.,. months. AMEJUCANA INTEJlST A TE CORP .. Mundelein. llL eooeo 60046 Without obligation pleaee send me fo r 10 d1y1' Free Examination, the complete L11ten end Learn with Phonics eel plus my Free L a L Educa· tlonal Game Set. If not completely sat118ed with my child'• progre11 and response at the end of 10 dey1, r may return the S19.95 1et and owe nothing. Otherwise. l'U send you a fll'lt payment of $5.90 arter the 10 day trial and then S monthly payments of $5 each which includes 1blpplng and handling. In either cue, the Education Game Set la mlne to keep. PLEASE PllJNT NAME---------------------ADDRESS __________________ _ CITY ________ STATE ____ ZIP CODE NO. ___ __ CHILD'S GRADE LEVEL. ___ PHONE NO. _______ _ SAVE I Enclose check or money order for S19.95 and we pay 1blpplna and handling. SAME FREE TRIAL PRMLEGB WITH PULL. IMMEDl- ATB REFUND GUARANTEED. (lllinol1 re1ldenll add fl.00 Sale1 Tax.) Just fill in and mail. No postage needed! ' ~J '.'llSSING !PON lll~[]lt::~:;r:==---::::~~=::~ t~Y .._ TMAl..I ........ llTllSTA1l C9 .. US ii .. I&.. -.-... s..s .. for ffM h lluttlolt, ~ lhte9 ... Un.,..... pM fret~ C... H lllt sltlsfled .. tM _,Of 10 dlJl. I _, rtbmt U. $19.95 set IM°"' not1Ni. OtMrwM, I'll .... 1 fnt PIJllllflt of $5.90 ....... 3 ......, Pll98lb of $S .......... ;.. dlldilslll ........... ... --·----------------~ ...... ~---------------~ Cttr latlt n,, ___ __ ClllM'a lll*u.M ,... ........ _______ _ a.:..: =i.:~ :=..-=. 'IJ•::.::..-:.=.~ ''" ..... ,....... ..... lM ... ~ .. , ' .:a.-:..=:.:. ~·JA'..:::.. "="= .-::..:1.: ~ '-----------....--.-.,-----.-.--------_J ........................... .-.a ..... --------·---------_;_--- Remove Designed bJ a leaclinc physician to help carve inches olf your waist line (without diet rw weight loss) in less time than It takes you to smoke a single dprette fNf11J dayt How? In a completely dltfetent way titan you hne ,,,,. dreamed possible before ••• as easily and lo&icallr as this: .... Yoe Alt 18.wMe MMmcle-Glnlle" 1lUlll Allk-¥k-Ry lloldl la Yw W .. .U. AT 11IE SAME TIME TBA T n STllENC'DIENS, YOVR LOWEil SACK! Qutt. fnatlY, Ck dewao.--t ot tMs 5LJM.WHEBL II bued oa dllil....,.. CKt: TllM tM N....._ 0. S,.. ol A9dlle (ud t111t N-bcr °"9 C.-ol lM ~ pala tlYl --1'08 fHi, M ... u as look, ... ,..,. °'*' ..... .,_ ... ) Is tlN '*'""'· ~ •. ,..,~ '11f• .._..-dwt #U ,_ .,_ ~ *'1troH ,_ ,,,..,,.,., J'OW ilff•-·· .J ,_.,,,.,,,., /,_ ,,,,., ---· W1* c:&lllCS t.1111 ~ 1tomedlT Gr•"'1JI! TI. fKt that the olde.r )'0'8 pow, the lllOft PllrilY ~y "'-rt J'OW flltcrul OJ'9W pc 1 I U.. ...-.. &a--..t --.ell -•n dlraWI )'OUI k>ww 1plac lor-wvcl. twtltllil la -......., cM °' .... Alld ..... CID JOU • ablMlt tMI blllsiltt •OJMdl. to pall It hard and lat IPla. ,.._,u&T Oll1J -dlhls. ot coune-ECERCISE! Tlw tW o/ bll9'd# tlwt ~ J'Oft • ,_,__ ~Wk clHr -"4 ,,,., .,,,., ,..144ec1,,,,__,,.,,, CO«n• tlwa# l1tla'Nl arr-a ~ .. ,,~ ,,.,, IJiotd4 ,,.,._,,.., "'""''*'" llNd l~vt1"-ebfc ._ ,,.Ju Ill' ~ tMft 1lw1 ,_ tlw DAY-LONG NOL.DING nJWU t0 bq ..... ~-~ ~ ~ .J ,,_ ~ "1'fll6AI, "'-"' Ill' .,.,u llw -/toittr11 o/ llw _,.,..., I/ 10M ~ IO "1 -8111 4o tlw tow.! Now, U.. -domm ot 100C1 Uadtea tllat wm do tb11 f« >'Oil. But -•ll '°"'O'-almolt aU of t.blm bad • '1llddetl ~ .. diet ~ ..... ,_ --1'11111 ... ,..., ..... '°" --'°' )'our ~' You could. fot cample, Joa. aw'°"'"' II~ -~JM ,ow""''' all"••· •nd JOU WIXlld hawe co rdJPomb' a.e It for., IHll • ltta4I ,.,., • ., bd<n k -'It pa.II la JO'# llliCMllaCb.. You Cll*W Cl')' ta. -.., ~ ~ Ud odlu llMd1na uerdla. •w ,,_, #Ill ttl"'6 tt11 to ftl,,n tom.ow ,....,,, • t1c7, Mil tltq "911 ~ .. ,,_ ,_ '**· ~ ~ ca" tr7 all-41p1 or a u..t board. T• mbluCa • 4-)' wfll clo ....... llut qajft, .0 yow 'fW#pt Is /ocwtttl rltltt -tltM ,,,_ He...._..., )IOU -be tmibb' hurt.. 0.-.0., ... _,. .... , "'"· nd CJll&JrelJ • ow rilk-)'Oll ~ ,,., • ~...,,AW '1f CONDENSED aorrd.#, be wMdt Y'Ofl curd# ONLY tlw frW/11 ~. """'*1 o/ yow «111Ur 1tOffNICA ••• "' wl&klt 1'<17' ON• OVNC6 OF WEIGHT' ~· •wi. °" 1'0W bedt ••• -4 wMa\ ,.,. ,,,., AllSOl.~LY FOUIDDBN to • ..or. ,,._ ,_ or ,,,,_ ~ ""-'" • ltq/' It ... almple D tJm- Flnt Yot1 w .. Up For 30 S..,adl.. n.e. Yoe Ex.a. FOi' 60 SecOllda. Dea Y-A ..... Y...W Alo._, r.o.at Til:ll M~,... e..dal ,._ ~ ol a dmpte fted wtcb • lwlcDe cJwOQlll It. and • 1 1 "-. ~ aad ...ncan, • pro.a Idea. WMt )'G9 do, C\Oft'f ....... (« two.....,.... .......... tMa: Ya. put the wllecf 09 119C toe. Md 11.-d abaft It. Tate a dellp ~ .., .,_ dlt moml..._ IA cwo lllllMIMle JOe11 be ,. ,..,., 9"°""' ,. et bnUf-. Md lt'I llOflls to be a .aedtthd de.J. YwU""'" tlNll ro 'fOtl'H/J 1Jt tlw -11/luq -l!b. Now, put~ bDcb 09 ,._!lips uct do Ck alolple ~warm-up -&bow )'Ola. You clo It tllrw ~ wltJl tbe Wt llaouldu, ad tine tima wtu. c.be r1lllL Y-doa't bCDd from thew.,.. Y-doo't twill.,_ apiM. Tllcn le mo.._.,,... cwtloa. You -·t c-cab a .. linala. • ., "°" will ,.,,. --" .. .J ~ .,.. ~ -W.; 70fl wlJI /HI htur: llMI ,_·n IH '"47 to a, rf6/tt tllil'Oflfll "*" N« ~IM. Now 1itt down Oii yoar II-. Tab the badla of tbe SLIM-WHEEL la ,our lwMk. aon out me wt.id as ,., • JOe QUI c:ont1ortabl7 ~ ID the •v -.a.ow )'CMl. n.. roa k ~ ..... TM'1 II/ Yow'N tlorw It! Flw mott d,_ ill the moralq .•. Nir dma M DitlK ... -4 ,_.,, l111J11#'1 (Utcr, JOU11 wort )'Our-WU ap ID twt:al)' t.lmce. To do aQ lllOft "IOll)d slmS14Y be rldlculom.) N~t llapeiened !ft Lhoec flw cw au Utdc wheckiat, wbeeJ..m ~? <>-Uc limpl.J. ,_ ,.."* mwdt.t' 1"41, .wo-.k81,, •""-' ,_ 0-C"l7IUdow q/orf, ....... Ill ,_ .. _. _, b«lc ,,,,., J"Oll _, ltOI ~~'for 7-.J Yoa wUJ at.ohtld)' FEEL dlle afh<:t of lhlt acretdl tbc .,_ tJ-you roU that wbetJ out! lt II NOT a _.. fecU .. r 11 II • lttU. of ~ .. 11114 '-"--" 600tJ mo..., ~ (.U, -6o,.. llll. CONTlfOL> ., ~ tltM II ,,.., IH "lkvlt frw "°" to ltop wltlt • -(i~ "' lk rolk>tlu! But ilOP JOU must, '*--tbal'a aJJ you'll S--S It tM beainntna! ~ lllU ~ will o,.q -4 /w ,_ I/ J'Oft '° II EVE/fl' SINGLE DAY/ ADcl diet .. 1'111 lt'a.,.,. ..... IO .......... to aay .•. IO qWcil! So J'Ofl C'-ff II 'Hr7 ....,,_ U, 111 1#11 11-tltM II Niu#,_ 10 nllOb. cq~.ld..,.,, _ O/ llw• IH•IU"' boo4: Yoe See ne R--..OVERNIGtm Of ~ -,ou'U looll ~. la a -week °" two. Of coune -,ou"ll uw to Jlt.n tadli la ctoc:• 11 -llacll ••• two lllchel ••• tJtrw l9dlel .•• ~ ,_., Of couna ~ wm 1t111t ..-.n.a JOO-tO fted ouc n.. a:tDd of .. clkt .. ca.Id ... o9 dMt klDd °' ........ I.bat qWcklJ, wtlltowl "" .. "' .,..,, ,_, ~ ........ ob•loua ........... '"°" -·-..,.,,-4 -· -flq:/wl wrw/fU, ,.., trill ,,,., rilt ,._ /or ~. Tlwre'• IM m.,.. fflow fecU.. of otMlrO/, Md k>otmt ,.,...._ qala. ~-. die ....,.i aJJ..o-'*""to. ol )'OW ... eecdoft., I.bat IM.Y -,~ llOlll.lldt- eda end "" bodqalioll '°" )'Oil. ht tnOlll ol au. ,,_.., tlw hfD~I •I Mel' ,_ ~ ~ I•~ ,,_ -"' Ub ,,,, .,_,.. o# ,,,_ ....,, ,_ /ttlJ Nodme *-- YilalkJ .. llMldt • a badL t.Ut'a too 'Wak co cany -,ou ~ dl9 daJ! 1'1oWllC ll:lftt alocp • INldl • 8 bKtt dllit'a IOO tired to ltOp llllnlftSI STAY YOUNG RESEARCH CORPORATION• 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y.10016 - .._ "° .,u11. "° iw-, "° lHlt• will ''"" tlo u .. wll roo' /or 1'f>fll' beet u 11111 ""'"'-· ..-u. . .,.~. ~ an'Cl# ..... 1J"Of«U 70t1 /or llw rut o/ ,_ U/•I Try It Endnly At 0... R.llkt The cl'ltft ros1 ol thb Ddu11e SLfM·WREEL Is onty $'1.91. Voa llJ It fcx ooe full month m11tt\)' et our rill. If ~ uc noc dcllpled to c¥ery way, ot coune. ucry cmt or your money •Ill be rctumed at oner. r----· MAIL NO·RISK COUPON TOO~,V ----, STAY YOUNG RESEARCH CORPORATlON Dept.fW-21 200 Madlton Avenue, NewYcri. N.Y. 1001' Ocftckma:i: I wut to try yoor Oclul&c $1..IM·WHIIBL (pfus FREE Fedal I-tries CO\IJ'IC) mtltcly at 10W' risk! I am ta· dMitll &he al)edal low priClt of only S"J.91. I undn'lllllld that I ~ -the ~ rcw lh"'1 ~ ., l)OC AISOLVTELY DELIGHTED. I m&1 rctlll'll It fw f.U rdUDd, Cit Stat« Zit () SlaJ YOUQS a~ ~ 1'8 L------------------------' s I st v~ st ur. co Inj be an 801 su: arc 1 mo1 the ft lea1 po"' for ily smc An c <.'OVE age thar M en und• A Rrd Vete Hos Mi!! Calif !!Ona of c !!hO~ far , the n vice · w !-IDOOJ Ao at R that•a are Ii at fi the r ere, g !IUper suit, t to fot impre ant rE tend t pie th Me. than SCIENCE EXAMINES The Differences Between Men and Women By DOROTIIY BRANT WAR.NICK I N THE continuing effort to under- stand peopJe better, various scientific studies have turned up some intriguing conclusions regard- ing the differences between the male and the female, some of which may surprise you. Here are a few: The average aan has mo~ will power than the averace woman. An advertising study learned that male will power makes it possible for a man to more read- ily break habits like !;rooking or overeating. Another interesting dis- C'Overy was that the aver- age man is more honest than his wife. Men undel"8tand wom- en better than women understand men. A few years ago, Rich- ard C. Cowden of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Gulfport, ~fiss., gave the famous California Test of Per- sonality to a large group of couples. His results showed the men bad a far deeper insight into the minds of women than vice versa. Women are more snoopy than men. According to a study at Rutger1 University, that's true. While men are likely to take people at face value, women, the natural-born snoop- ers, get "underneath the superficialitieAI." As a re- sult, they are more likely to form true personality impressions. An unpleas- ant result is that women tend to dislike more peo- ple than men do. Men need •ore sleep tha" women. ~~10! WOLV•llUI• ---~-----.-..---------~ ... ._. ...... ..._. .......................... ._ What it will do is live up to its name, Durables. If it doesn't, we'll W••t swell or bulge because the sole is completely oil-proof -even diesel oil. W011't crack, harden. or mark - even under the· most . extreme temperature changes. Woe•t slip o·n concrete, wood. or tile. The non-skid sole won't let it. Woa•t separate from the sole. won•t break you. give you another pair. We're that sure of our promises. 1 Durables. Boots and Shoes to suit your needs. From ~ Wolverine, the people who make the finest boots. Get a pair. And see for yourself what it won't do. '-.;. ,., MfDLVERINF For the Wolverine deeler nNrHt you, call thla toll free number: 800-243-0355. In Connecticut: 853-3600. A report in New Scie-nti1t mag- ~i ne in London says men gener- ally need 10 minuw more sleep a night than women. As they grow older, they need up to 25 minutes more. Woaen'e dttame are di«erent from t hoee of aen. Dr. Calvin Hall reports on dream differences in bis newest book, Tht> Contn.t AMl~li• of Drum•. Women h1we dreams with an indoor setting such u cooking, houses, furniture, school, and so forth. Men seem to pref er the outdoors and dream about money, gun.a, automobiles. for- eign countries. The dreams of men are likely to be more violent than women's. and men spend twice H much time dreaming nbout men H they do about wom- en. On the other hand, women tend to dream equally about males and f emalea. The belief that wom- en can stand more pain. inconvenience, and prob- lems than •en is a myth. Psychiatrist Theodore Isaac Rubin feels that men are more often afraid of helplessneaa than of pain. "Our pe- culiar culture allows and even condones helplea&- neae in women," he says. "Bot men are persuaded thl\t they must never un- der any circumstances permit such feeUnp." Wo•en live lon~er than aen. Thia is due to a vari- ety of reasons, according to Dr. E. David Sherman of Montreal. chairman of t he Canadian Medical Aasocil\tlon'a national committee on aging. ''Men are more exposed to the stresses and strains of life. to finan- cial wor ries, and the vi- cisaitadea of making a Living," he uys. "More importantly, they pay leas nttbltion to health care than do women, who outnumber them in doc- tors' waiting rooms." He further stated that moet women seem to be en- dowed by nature with protection againat coro- nary disease up unti I the menopause. .. Famil11 WHklv, S•pt.mlHr ~I, 1161 J .. I I I I AMAZING SAMPLE OFFER from the famous Golaen Ware P8fJp/el GENUINE 24-KMlAT •LllCTflltO..PLA,..D GOLD FLATWARE YOUR FIRST 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING BELOW COST! (only one temple offer per cuatomerl) IMAGINEI · ONLY. 4. S::0 FOR AU. I PIECH , ......... .,uo, PICK YOUR OWN FAVORfTI GOLDeN WARE PATTUNt QIOOM #0100--'...._ Anloinetle"-ehown -"""""~--,..,_.....,...,...,. ~.,.._,.,...,..,,.,.. In plw MWftg ••• or..., ol lhe........,. • rtght. IT .. TO IMTaOOUCll you IO the beauty, the IPleodor of eA- quili&e Golden Wue bl <4 cxcidna acw pat&erm that w make this pncdcaUy li~away ofter. Your flnt 24-IC.uat Gold ~ S-piece place ~ unbelieYably priced below ou.r COit! Fnnkly, it ii our bope lbG lib many olbu ddcrinrin•tiq c:mtomea, JOU will fall in love 1"itb Gold ftatwue and ltart buildins a compjete eet at coot.lnuiq low direct-co-c:mtomer prices. We're PmbUna a fortune on that bopel Open tcock ii alwt,n available, plua many speclaJ aJe often.. You a.llo receive free "repl IMna" brochura c:nm- med l\ID ol faacl.natiq toldcn situ not available &QYWbml iD stone in rour are.at Easy credit t.enm, .. low .. $10 down. MEM.C>Otl OUAUTY -wuaua 1-YWAR QUAIWITD Your beautiful 90ldwue ia first ICU!ptwed in l.iletime beavy- du(J mil1lees ~ thea bcavilY elecuopl.atecl not with or- dUwy ll or 23 katat Pd. but with IOlld 24-Karat Gold (which 11 M IOIJd u Gold can aett). Flne-jc~by finilh ii ful.1111W&Dreed for S ycan. It bu beco llJOCialJy treated IO never wnilh. a.ver oeod poJjdrinl The oriainaJ brilliant abhle retwna with juat a damp doth! Oflnlt MAY MOT M RIPUft.D IN TMll PU8LICATIOll Undentaftdably, o_llly a limited number of bdow-<Olt place ICWnp llaYO beoA Ill uide for lhia IPOdal l&llQ)1e ofter (piea1e~ ODO offer per fanUJyl). To aYOid dilappojnt- mdlt, mail coupon below today I GOLDEN WARE -Dllpt. c "'· 2421 Gr9d A":--.............. Y. 11110 --- ---( llAtL NO-•UIK COUPON TOOAY-lllONEY~CIC GUAJWfTU I-- - -I I I GOLDEN WAM. 0... c '"· 2Ut 0..-Aw.. .......... N. Y. 11110 I I n. pe.tten I plcU1 I 1<-> .,,,_ I I ,_,,. " AMn I I IC.llld.t1 ...... lllQI s.::: ..... 24-ICL ,, I I ;.~ =-o:I: ,:a}:.lJ ~ Cllr I I mec:.tt or 9'IOM7 II ~ iii I .. .. •u.,....., .., ....,. wm tie I ~ nllllldad. Stal• 7" I !...------------ft PAY ALLPOSTAGl -----------J a........AMa,...1• No loapr .. I eoa6deat Th.at I will smell eAl.l'aaelllg Whea dabbing oa my pet per'1uae Before we ao oat "-adas· I wonder If I'll oHrpower, Complem~ or daah whh Whate•er heady lotion Lo•er-boy cleddee lo splaah wW:al -I•,.. ReraW QUIPS AND QUOTES There were dirty fingerprint.a all over the door. Little Willie wu beinr questioned. "But, 'Mom,'' be replied. "you know it just cotdd1a't be me ... I always kick the door open I" -DOf"oth11 B. Bennett A reliGbt. f"UU for utimati11g tlu con of livi"O ia to taJu •our tot.al iRCome and a4d 16 pnc~t. -L~ I . Good11Mr The preacher announced to bis congregation one morning: "I've been asked to take up a collection for the .new orpb.&naie we're buildinl'. Please l'fve what you can." A tired-looking man in the front pew spoke up: "111 give two chil- dren." -Dorotl&«J Kn&t Sigfl i" front of a loan e<>mJ>G"'ll: ''See ua ab0ttt 11our imbal4Me of pavnunta." -Angie Papcid.a.IN The members of the golf club noticed that one of thefJ' coJ- lea&"Uea, Bill Ben.son, hadn't been around to the club for a while. One of his locker mates decided to phone him to inquire why. "My doctor told me I can't play golf," waa Benson's reply. "Oh I" exclaimed hia locker mate. "l didn't know be had ever played with you!" -A. T. Quigg We noticed over the aummer that there tQU M quicluw WGJI to spot our f ai r-10eather fritmda tlaan b1/ imtaUi11g a patio 11Dimming pool. -D . 0. Flpn "Do I make /u• of vour bald Ma.d, Mr. CoUiu ,,, ' 0 » . ·= • QA -----··___;; .... -------. FOUR MAGIC WAYS TO COOK. BY PRESTO Only Avallable Here ... wlth up to 519.90 In gifts FREE Pl£STO Dn.UXI HOT DOCUI A amt wr/ to cook Hot Docs to aet ttllt "Pushcart'' fllwr. Holds up to six hot docs and cooks them to perfection In one minute. Plues Into repllr AC outlet Ind Is perfect for parties, SMClls and full mufs. Your cost Unclud~$9.95 Cook Booij...$9.95. Get both Cook Book and Hot r fret orderinc two one of wtllch Is either tht Fry Pin= Ve Broiler. IA $1= value). PIUTO YEITICM. llOIUI A poNblt w., to cook doztfts of your fftOrite foods lnctudint stuks, chops. bacon, hlmburaers or dllcMn, In Its 1tlf· adjustlblt bn11ler rack. T.0 hatlna elementl cook both skies 1t once, sulinc In tht fllworlul juices for 1re1ter ub• plusure. Puts 111 tnCI to smoliW. bumlna or sprtterl,._ Gruse *CIPI Into bottom Pin Ind entire unit comes 11P1rt for simple cltaniftl. Comn In lttnc:tJw AWOCldo Ind Chrome Ind plup Into M'1 115 AC outlet Your cost Onctudlnt $9.95 Cook Book>-$29.95. PIUTO DEJ.Ull EM COOID The only wr/ to cook •as tht rl&bt wr/ .•• tht w., you like them everytlmt. f>ftce up to slx •as In the lnsullted ~1 put on tht htlt reslslellt cover end wltctl your tlP cook without TUSSllW. We've even lncWdld four polehifW dishes wtth udl c:ooUr 10 JOU Cln pt perfect poedled 111S Mrytime. A 1rtlt lift for neryone lncludlnc yourself. Your cost (Including $9.95 coold>ook}-$12 .95. PIUTO WY CUAll m Pd Wmt IUW MAID SUlfAC( A new look In Fry Pan cooklnc with tht Tenon-surflce thlt pments stlcklnc or bumifta. UM ~ kitchen utensil on this surflce-you e1n't hurt It. Prtsto Control Master IUMs ~ automltlc Ind dttadlls eo fry pen can bt. immel"ltd for ..., clanlnc. HWS dome cowtr holds blc roatl. A areet 1ift for Mom or tht new Bride. Your cost <with tht $9.95 Cook Book>-S29.95. ·row_,,,._. __ _.. ____ ~---------------·-----~ ~-------·~~----~------~------..-~,.,_ ______________ ...,_...._._. ________________ ._. __ ..,...!11!!!1!1!!1_ Will the 1970 Censu Here are the pros and cons from a distinguished Senator, Cmuv t.ur roill call °" tu1e ffl""'"" ut ulud to m.,.. t.Aftr qvutionairu ~ JMU. D 0 YOU FEEL strongly that your personal and finan- cial affairs are nobody else's bu.siness? That the First Amendment pro~ not only your right t.o speak but also t.o keep silent about yourself? That a man's home is guaran- teed him by the Constitution? That he should not be coerced int.o. disclosing what goes on inside unless he chooses to? Do Governmental threats of ft.Des and jail eentenceJI for declining to answer questions about such intimate matters strike 7ou u being devioUI ! If eo, you are equ.arely in the Amer- ican tradition-and alao out of step with the creeping eroeion of tbe.1e basic freedoma underlying our 1970 Cen.eua. It underlies. u well. hun- dreda of .. m.ini~nauaes" that our Cerulua Bureau conduct. for iteelf and econs of Government asenciea between the big decennial bead counta authorized by the Constitution. These statistical surveys are uaual- ly unknown yet cover a very djveni- fied range of social and economic categories. No or incorrect responses can carry ftnes up to $500 and a 60- day jail sentence. These threats are made openly or hinted at, but all are highly questionable constitutionally. Lately, howevw, thouaanda of disturbed and aqey citir.ena froa~:all wa1b of life have been protes'ting to Senators and Congreamen. They want ,Wdance and remedi11 action to bring this da.qerous. Ind· rimin- ate trend under control~/ A minister Wl'Ote me tly. aay- 1.ng, "I am deeply cone not b&- cause of the cemua or t>ecauae there Are more than 120 questions but Oft?' tbe requirement tba one "'ut an- swer .U queationa uch u 'Do you have a ftu.ab tone ' or be subject to fine or Imp t. Thia ia the 1 Fo t.r W-"'J, Sq~ 11, Jiii tactic of a police at.ate! I am tempted to make a teat cue of this invasion of privacy by refusing to answer 80Dle of the queationa. I am not sure, thot1,gb, if my con,arreiration would want their putor to be a convict!" A doctor who aell8 hia house ia fin~ombed for data about his ft.D&n- cia1 affairs totally unrelated to the real-estate ditposal For inatance, "How many paeeenger automobiles are owned or regularly ueed by mem- ben of your household!" A diaabled veteran becomes anxioo.e about the poesible loea of bia disability benefita if be doea not com])lete a Govern- ment queetionnaire wbfoh ia accom- panied by an authoritative-looking letter that ia subtly threatening. When people tail to knuckle under immediately, they n!Ceive stern fol- low-up letters, a reminder by certi- fied mail. then phone calla. True, our Government'• search for information is f requeotly in a good cauae because of the increaaingly complex 'problems of govermnent. And such a task does demand statistical information of considerable accuracy, if only for the origin.al Cenaua pur- poees of apportioning Colllft88 and the state legislatures, and of distrib- uting Federal f und.s. With* 1970 Census, we will de- ploy 160,000 census taken and 62 million forma to insure u thorourh a canvua as poasible of America's households. A new maik>ut/mail- back technique will carry the ques- tionnaires to about 60 percent ol our homes. and one in five of thoae homes will receive the "long form" with itl 67 subject. and 120 que.tiona. The coat of this effort is not ex- cessive, about •1 a head or, for our estimated 206 miUion people. more than $200 million. But u Contrren- man Jacbon E. Betta of the Hou1e Subcommittee on Census and Stati .. tiC9 bu pointed out. "Should a air- ni8cant number' of people remain on· counted because tbeJ do not haft the By Sen. SAM J. ERVIN, Jr. (N.C.) Chainwon, U.S. Senate Subcommhtee on Const1tutionol Rivfm eigbtb-ande education to read the complex form. object to some of the overly penonal queetiona, or resist the baruament of penalties, the coet of the 19'10 Cenaua will a'kyrocket." Congreseman Betta. who i.a eup- ported by more than 100 of hia col- leagues in an etf ort to obtain census reforms that include repeal of tbe penalty proviaiona, pointa to the 5.6 million people who were tttiaud in the 1960 Cenaus. "If the mail returns from the most recent pretest city, Trenton, N .J ., form a national trend." be warna, "the number of tboee not eounted will be staneriq. In Tren- ton, only 66 percent returned their tonns. If projected nationwide, this would mean that more than 70 mik lion might not be counted in the first tabulation." We a111 afford perhape even Jeaa the steady breakdown of privacy wrucb the computerization of per- sonal data by Government agencies entails. The Cenawt Bureau claima that it hu a ft.aw lees record for con- fidentiality, one out.ta.nding example of which wu its refusal to permit Government accees to itl!I records to facilitate the round-up of J apaneae- Americana at the start of World War II. But the agencies to which it makes itl!I data tapee available seldom maintain the same strict rules. Moreover, regulations now require that the compU~T systems of all Government agencies interlace. So while we have managed to delay the establishment of a NationaJ Data Bank. with built-in privacy safe- gu.ards. we already have one fully operating through this Federal- agency comput.er network. There ia a need to distinpiah between con6dentia.lity and privacy. The former is the protection afforded people 1 ) when it ia desirable for them to be tree to communicate between e.ch other (u in a hu .. band-wife relatioo) ; or 2) t.o accom- pliah tome rood. one abould be able to make a statement without fear of being divulpd by the one to wh it ie made (u physician and pati or attorney and client). Under principle of confidentiality, the aus Bureau, when it aequiree f orm.ation for a demonstrated pub need, ia under a legal obligation n to reveal the information to otbe Within the realm of privacy, ho ever, are those personal matters one should not be compelled to d' ek>M to anyone against bis will. loo often# the Government co pels citizens to dilclose penonal da for statisilcal purpoeee without au ftcient proof of need. And there usu 1.y is no aaaurance of confidentiality. In tbia decade about to doee., have witneued a mushroom gro of data-collecting programs. aide aide with sophisticated aurveil techniques, and a rapidly spread· trend toward computerii:ation Government ftlea about the · viduaJ. In the proceM, trunrs ha moved much too fast. Now ia the time for Co~ impoee controls and standards. I the Senate, I have proposed a bill delete the penalties for not an.awe ing penonal question.a in the decen nlal and other cenaueea unleae th answers are needed tor atandft oon.ttitutiona) purpoees. Thia bi also would protect a person's rigb to ignore an unwarranted, privacy invadjnr, Government statiati questionnaire unless it meets certai standard.a eet by Congress. Fo example, the recipient of a volunta fol"ID muat be informed that hie sponae i8 voluntary. the 9)MlCiAc n for the infol'DlAtion, and to what u it will be put. I am convinced are a law-abiding tbey will respond to a legitima and ruaonable Governmental quest for atatistical uaiatance. F men in a free aiociety need not .ihreat&ed. • l ( r it n g p ---------------=i:::::aS11:::-=:::;:::~-...;...-::::: -. ---· Family Hee.k.ly / Septembw 11, 1969 Invade Our Privacy? >ays "Yes, t, ·and the retiring director of the Cell$US, who says "No" By A. ROSS ECKLER Oiredof, Bureou of the Census., 1965-69 FOR A DYNAMIC example of "Government of the peo- ple, by the people, for the peo- ple," one need look no further than the decennial U.S. Cen- sus of 1970. Every household will be uked to take put by Alling out ita own form for the Census oflice, which ia sworn to keep the information confidential. so that we. the people. may know our numbers, our standards of living, and our need&. We citizens of the U.S. have aet aa one of our goals a job for every- one, ao the Census aab about jobe and unemployment. Another goal is decent housing for all; Ceo.sue ub ~ut the age and quality of housing includ~ the presence of plumbing. A8 a nation, we are dedicated to im- proved and widespread education, ao the Cenau.a baa questions about age and education. One of our major enemies ia poverty; the Cenaus aaka about income. to locate the pockets of poverty. In order to know about .-, it'a necesaary to aak questiona of Vol'· At the same time, it ia proper for citizen.s to conaider the matter of privacy and the extent of the burden the Cenaua 'trill impoee. I therefore welcome the opportunity to respond to questions raiaed by FAMILY WEEKLY. ~ Why so man,y questions! Tbe average family or bou.aebold will answer fewer queation.a in 1970 than in any Cenaua of the past 100 ye&l'8. Four families in five will an- swer only 28 question.s. Our tests show the average household can an- swer thia "abort form" in about 16 minutes. One household in ftve will rece.ive a longer questionnaire, re- quirina 46 minutes to answer. Every item in the questionnaire ia included becauee the inf onnation ia needed by a Government a.renq to guide important programs in the public interest and for local area.a. -· Wlay do !Mae qaestiou .. into ncll .,...._.. detail? The need for the information la great. and the intrusion on penonal privacy ia very a.mall. All anawen are held in strict conftdence by the Census BuJUu and will be u8ed o~ for statiatical purpoeea. Why bu the CeMu Bareaa op.- poeed bllla lD CoQft98 to prcmde Toluntary a.uwen to aoet quee- tiou! Why Mould tlm'e be penal- ties for refuahag to auwer thna T If each person or household were given the option to decide which question.a be would auwer, the ata- tiatica for many area.a would be of doubtful accuracy. Tbua. approvina Congl'888ional billa for voluntary an- swers would prove ~eating. Be- cause Cenaua atatiatP are u8ed to guide the distribution of aevend°1>U- lion dollan in Government funda each year, eliminating penattiee could result in a ,-,eat waste of mon- ey and manpower over a 10-year pe- riod. The penalty _.Proviaion requh ... only that people an.ewer the applica- ble questions to the best of their ability and provides -penalties only for eoillfal refusal or falaidcation. No one baa gone to jail to date for failure to cooperate in the cenaua. and there have been very few ftn._ I know of only two. The law ia need- ed for thoee people who tnigbt be tempted to shirk even tbja very li•ht duty. It worka well. Why bu tM C-U ,Jkueaa allec· edly neisted chanps ha ,proce4ane reco-ended by Coqftaia? · On the contra.ry, the C«naua Bu- reau bu been iruided at an times by the J"eebmmendatJona of the Sub- committee on Cenaua .and Statiltica of the Boue Poet OfBce and Civil &!nice Committee. Cenaua plana, in their formative state. were preMDt- ed to the aubcomnrlttee and reviewed intensively durin• 1966 and 1967, and chanJ't!8 were made accordinrly. A8 a reeult of more recent diacua- siona. the percentap of bottaeholda - -to receive the lonr qu•tionnalre bu Only in larp metropolitan areu been J"educed from 26 to 20 percen~ are bouaeholde uk.ed to retum their Queetiona about bathroom and kit.eh-..--siuesttonnairea by mail. For tbeee en facilities have been reworded to -area.a the Cenau.a Bureau bu eeiat>- avold the impreuion that the pur-Uahed a complete, tn)>\6-&ecbd list poee ia to learn identities of othen of all houalng unite by specifte ad· who might .use thele facilltiee. Aleo. dreaeea. It will check otl the ntuma a question bu been added to le&nl and then send cenau.a tabn to coJJect the number of penona of Spanish the remalnin• forms. T.ta, bow- deecent and bow many of theae are ever, show that mQlt forms will be of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, mailed in. The reeouJ'Ca eaved u a or Latin American oriain. result will be used in an intenaive Bow doee the Cemua really eene follow-up to complete the Cenaue. tJ.e public rather tU. GoYment Thia procedure yield.a more tborou1b and printe--iDdutry fact 1Uller8T counta than any other. Outaide the I would not minimise the bene6t major metro-politan areas, cenaua that the public receivea IJafllredly. takers will make a bouae-to-hopee Anyone who drives ia like• to eee a canvaaa to obtain the f orma. sign reportinr the population of a Why were there ao repr.-nta- particular town. Virtually every tl'YfllJ of dttsa. srou.-. dYil Uber· home reference book includes popu-u-. patrlotie. or other people-eri- lation etatistica from the last Ceruna ented orpabattou at •eetiqa to and its moet recent estimate.. The dilc-....., for the CeuaeT newa media explore auch trends u There wer• repreeentative1 of "the population explosion," "the such or~tsationa at many of the westward migration," or "the boom-meetinp. The Cenaua Bunau took ina auburba"-&11 baaed on the latest pa.rt in ,about 2' refional meetinp Gaaua ftprea. throughout the U.S. lo 1966 to dia- The major purpose of the Cemua, cuaa eubject. and procedures for the however, ia to provide data needed Cenaua. Becauae theae wen public by Government pfOO'&lll.8. No ques-meetinp.. any lntereeted penona or. tiona are included that would aene oJ'p.niutiona were welcome to a- ~nJy commercial interesta. preu their ideu. In addition, ape. What safeparde an there fe.r cial meetinp were held with repr&- befas nn tM Ceum eoanta ti.a eentativee of the American Civil people w,bo do not retuna tbeir qua-Liberties Union, reliarioua and ethnic tlOllllalre8 1'y aall! rroupe, and m.&DY at.hen. • Y OtCf' __. GM od- 0dru• tOtU be OMitt«I t0h.n CIOMJ*Ur pMtl /a.rt. °" t4tN- _.._. -: ·-· Sports Ohlo State: Best Team with the I Will _ th~· Rose Bowl jinx plus ruggefl competition in the Big Ten conference prevent the Buckeyes from tepeating as national champs? -champs, however, battled back, moved iJJt.o a 10-10 tie by half-time and. with quarterback Rex Kern flipping passes and fullback JJm Otia ripping through the line, emerged with a 21-16 vict.ory. They also won the mythical na- tional championablp. ''They never made a mil'take," moaned one discouraged USC player, and some felt the sopho- more-dominated Ohio State team mig'ht not make any more for the next two years. - By HAL IDGDON Autha< of "P,.o Football USA" T ABT NEW YEAR'S Day 0. .LI J. Simpson grabbed a piwhout on his 20-yard line, broke two tackles, ran around a third defender, and sprinted for a touch- down t.o give Southern Cal- ifornia a 10..Q lead over Ohio State in the Rose Bowl That run might have demor- alized any team. The Big Ten · Ohio State University begins the 1969 football campaign with its No. 1 ranking. With 14 straight victories, the Buckeyes also have the longest winning streak of any major college team. (lllinoia ht.et beat OSU midway through the 1967 season.) Coach Woody Hayes has 18 s~rtera returning from laat year's squad. Yet he alao has a problem: the Rose Bowt jinx. Because of conference regula- tions, no Big Ten School can play in the RosJ Bow] two years in suc- cession. Thus Ohio State oould re- The Ahwahnee and the Yosemite Lodge are on special With package plans ... ... . . . . . .. .. .. !''.~ ~ for weekday vacationers. For a minimum o( two nights lodging, the rates are as low as $37 .70 per person, double occupancy. Three, four ~d five night plans mean an even greater saving . All packages include your room, breakfas t and dinner daily at any of several fine dining roo111s and a scenic tour of the Valley. • • •• - peat as conference champiorui this fa!J· and stm be only spectators on New Year's Day. "We'TI be back in 1970:' several OSU sophomores boaated following their triomph over Southern Cali- fornia and 0 . J. Simpson. But in looking ahead t.o that date, they might forget" 1969. Woody Hayes may have difficulty maintaining team spirit durinr this non-Rose Bowl year. Since the Big Ten and Pacific Coast Conference agreed to their Rose Bowl pact 23 years ago, only Michigan in 1948, Ohio State in 1955, and Michigan State in 1966 have won Big Ten titles without the R08e Bowl incentive. "It's a cannibal learue," claim& Big Ten publicist Kay Schultz ... The aver- age finish for a team after its championship year is between fourth and fifth place.'* T1'l1 proved true for Indiana, which tied for the 1967 Big Ten title and played in the Rose Bowl with a mostly sophomore squad. The following year Indiana slid to • tifth place. Not only does the no- repeat rule rob Big Ten teama of some of their incentive but, as champs, they find all their confer- ence foes pointing for them. Ohio State succeeded last year partly because nobody realized·they wel'e title contenders until midway througb•the seaaon. If anyone can beat the Rose Bowl jinx, however, it would seem to be Ohio State. At spring prac- tice this year coach Hayes (a man not known for long statements to the press) commented tersely about his 1969 squad: "It's obvi- ous we have a little more depth." T1'at could rate as the under- statement of the century. In addi- tion t.o 18 of the 22 otrenaive and defensive atartera, Woody Haye. baa 82 men returning from last year's 44-man traveling squad. On offense, the Buckeye8 have vet- erans two-deep at eight positions and three-deep at two others. The oft'ensive backfield returns intact, incJpding Rose Bowl stare Rex Kern and Jim Otis. So rich is the In addition you may enjo,.free use of the golf course, tennis courts and bicycles. Of course, the best part of the deal is the greatest show on earth. Fall. In full color. Like you've never seen it. For reser:\'.ations, call your travel agent or Glen W. Fawcett, Inc. at (213) 388-1151. Or write Yosemit~ Park & Curry Co., Yosemite NationaL Park, California 95389. • • • • 10- of aa ~r­ lio tty '- !l'e lC- a n to ~ly vi· l." !r- lii- nd res LSt :>n et- ins 'he ct. .ex he --- Ftdlback Jim OU., OAw State'• cluf ~ ga.itaer, diH• for vard4g• m 19~9 Roae B&WL gatM, 10hicl Bvekeyu '°°"• !7-11. OtV u ai.o °" owr c0'1er. running talent that Otis could pos- sibly loae bis starting fullback job to John Brockington. Ohio State establUlhed a new image for itself in 1968, thanks to the freewheeling tactics of Kem at quarterback. Previous quarter- backa majored in science and seemed adapted to WoOdy Hayes' prior philosophy of "three yard.a and a cloud of dust." But Kern maJ'ors in physical education, plans to coach, and seems more willing than bis predeceasors to ''let it all hang out." In au.nine Ohio State's 1969 prospects, you have to eon.sider Kern a question mark. The junior from Lancaster, Ohio, seems in- jury-prone and has a history of disabilities both in high school and college. He missed spring training because of a 11houlder operation. But Woody can call on backup quarterback Ron Maciejow- eki, who many obaerven believe could start on practically any other team. Woody may have more dif- ficulty replacing bis graduated All- American tackles: Rufus Mayes and Dave Foley. Ohio State's main challe~r in the Big Ten could be Indiana, whose sophomorl' stars .of 1967- Harry G-Onso, John ldenbarger, and Jade _Butcher-now can look forward to a return to the Rose Bowl. However, Indiana doesn't play Ohio State this year. Other top-rated Big Ten teams include Purdue and Michigan State. Ohio State's biggest auet in the drive for another national title may not be ita virtually intact championship team but ita coach . • In 18 years at OStJ, Woody Hayes has won three national and ftve Big Ten ch&mpionshipa. Only two tlmea did his teams lose more than three games a season. Woody is as much the master psychologist for bis college team a.a Vince Lombardi is for the pros. He wears a bueball cap, and should a practice miatake enrage him, he rips the cap from his head and tears it into shreds. (He pre- pares for tbia by slitting the eap with a ra.Zor beforehand.) He alao carefully att~nds to detail&. For several years Hayes bu toured Vietnam after the football aeuon, and while there, be WTites down the name of every Ohio boy be meets. When he returned home the first year, he wrot.e the parents of each boy a letter but then decided that waa too impersonal. Now Woody phones parenta to tell them he met their son. Although the Roee Bowl incen- tive has vanished,. the OSU team can ride the crest of a 14-game winnilli' streak, the l~ngest Jn major college football. S~ more con!erenee victories wilt' tie ~ Big Ten record for consecut,iv~ wins. Woody may be able to u8e this win- ning streak to maintain· momen- tuhl to another Rose Bowl trip next sea&0n. Hayes concedes that thla 1:0ay be diftlcult to do. ''We're' going to have to be· much improved'•over 1968 to wtii the Big 'J,'en chimpion- ship." He says this realistically, knowing that all tile other, teallMI will be gunninr for bis boys. ',i'~n ' be pauff.9: "~ut we do expect to win it.'' • ~ • --. • .Now it's as easy .as film:l@: to make these - luxurious deep-pile rugs! MakiDa oee ol tbele bealifu1 nap ii DOt ollly e~y-it'1 fu, too-the remarkable Sbillcraft .. ,. 'lbe rich-of JOQr "" 6nt l\ll will ....... you and yuur flieDdl. ChooM tram 45 uclulM SMUcntft ._ ..... ioclodi:na modern ... 4 .... ,. on!, :Clar, circular, acmi-cmular .•. 150 as In aU ... 53 colon (if you profcr, chooee your own color oombinadom). CN81ll • perf9ct helltoonHIUa-nll )'OQI' fint try ••• a abowpicce for your bomc. ideal for aa im,portult lift. ADd pin """'1/t- wlri/e .wb&p M uotber' reward ol matiq it yoanelll Get MtrJtN"I JOU need by malt at dlrec:t·from..fmporter uvlnp Readkut llath-p&ooflld 1°"' maal ~ Rue Yam, lmpoftld rrom £rwland. No cuttiq or wiad.lq •.. comea e111-1o-d&•. Guaraatell ..... utra •• , pile. The piltlllm .. stendlled In color Oil ltmdy Boa1lJb Cmvu. JUll match yam to colon oa caans: )'OD caa't mab errors. Wart oo an ORtilwy table or .,,_ oe your blp. No balky fnmel needed. Shilcraft l..atchet HoolL. Tiel wool to cu- vu euily, quietly, tilbdy. VICUWll or c:leu with aafety •.. wool """""' pMU 0111. Enlor • ,.laxln&. valuable apare-tlme hoWlif. So euy, ,.,.. can do it waldUq 1V. Two can enjoy lt at the II.me time ..• IO ample pea youq chUdren cu belp. Get sUf'8d for Of'9y $5 under ~ MonthfJ ...,.,..,... li'lan. Mab a complete ~for as little u $13.50. ldac'••• G• ·---ar ,_. __, blldl-on all Shflk:raft Rua Kits. For your free cataloa and complete infonnatioo, Ole the handy coupon provided. HOT SOlDlH STORESI AVAii.Ml£ ONLY Offr£CT FROM SHll.l.CllAFT, JOI Hopldne PIK-. 8altflftcn, Md., 21201 TAllHl(ne.llt) TICmt (no. Lil) ; ------~~~------, " - ~'problem" • • perspiraaon solved "" ,., ~HuMI Rt lltfS.irl ~atilJ An antiperspirant that really tror.k•! Solvea underarm problems for many who had deapaired of effective help. IH&&bam AnU-Penplran& keepe undet'IU'me ai.olutely dry Cor u.o.-nct· of pateful ..... with comnlete gentlenea to nonna1 skin and dot.bing. Tiu. un~ formula from a tru.t- .~ 66-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to aatiafy or dealer will refund ~narchaM price. So ~t the P0111tive _pro- tection of lllteham Anti-Per- tlplran&, Liqujd or cream. $3.00, 90-da1_ aupply.Available at your Cavonte drug or toiletry counter. GElllNG UP llGHD ~MANY Coftunoft KldM:V or Bl~r lrtlla· Ilona make many men and women rttt t•nae and nen-oua from lniquent. bUmlna or ttd\J~ urtnauon nJitht and day. ~ndarlly, you .m.a7 i-:SW ancl l\aw Hndadw, u.cbc.-~ feet ol~1 tired. de~ Jn llleh cues. \.JrSTEX \llUally twlnp ~Jaxln« comt°" by curblnc lmtat-la& prma ln lldd urlM a.D<I ql&k'kly eaatn1 peln. ~ CYST£X at dn.ul•ta. MILANll m,.on Food.._ • Wida tile anrbal of fall. ._. -.ken .Rea Ub to hep eoUeet. .......... dud make ... Of tWr a.-. Here 19 -lat~ redpe iteleedoa. HalilJiJt au Gratin Bu:ou• of tA.e ..oa..r. •maeu of t~, alaori .. .,...,.. • da.r caa ntiOJJ f rull or froU'll 11.alikt froM tu NortA Pam~ 1 Yi k frosa ~ tlaawed (OI' ,......_ if anllable) Water 1 ........ ult 5,_.,_eorm 1--. .... ... ,..., Yi ie .... alieea % c•p MU«• aarpriM % e.p ... Z ewpe allk Yi t.eaa .... aaJt ~ teaapMa ,, ..... feppu % ....... by ....... I YJ espe (I oz.) ._... a...Mar dleele Yi np Mtt..,... cna .. I taWelpMa ctaone1 ,.,. .. , Paprika 1. Put halibut in a larse akiUet or aaucepot; add enou&'h water to joat cover halibut. Add aalt. peppereorue. onion. ~ leaf, and lemon alicea. Bring to boilin&'; reduce heat. and cover. Simmer until halibut is ten.- der, about 6 mia Remove from beat and set aaide while preparin• cheese sauce to apoon over halibut. .J. Melt butter in a aaucepan; stir iD flour. Gradually add the milk, atirriD&' conatanUy. Brin&' to boilin&' and cook 1 to 2 min., atirrin• con- stantly. llix in a blend ot salt. pep- per, and mustard. 3. Remove fn>m heat. add chteae all at one time., and atir until cheese I.a melted and aauce is smooth. 4. t1sing 2 forlts, divide halibut into chunks. Put equal amounte into 6 individual, buttered bakin&' shell• or ramekina. Spoon about % cup cheese sauce into each. 5. Sprinkle with crumba, · parsley, and paprika. 8. Bake in a S60°F. oven 20 min. fJ ten1i1'Sll Ergplant Appetber. I ae4iua.-... ... nlaat ....... .-..~ IJ lliu.I riJe .U.a % <Q eoHlac oil • olln oil J tallleqi I 1• --j9'ee l teuJeea....,. ~ te.q111a8alt ~ 1ua..----JC.,. •ariaaM 1. Place the whole e«a>lant in a bakjq 4litJl in a 860•F. onn.; bake 12 F..UWW..UW,S.,,,...._'1,JHI ven Dishet est Ri ht r Fall -Raliht '"' GrGml u • ~ blewd of tn4er c1tiab of poaeMd laal.il>¥t ia a ooldn Clulddor cluAe 1C1Kee, toppe4 tOitll eriap. httny ~· cind pGnt.w. about 1 hr. or until akin ia wrinkled and soft. Remove from oven; ph1np into <'d>ld water until cool enovsb to handle. Rfmove stem and akin and diacard. Cut the cooled eggplant into piecea. Z. Combine etr1Plant, onion, and ollvea in choppiq bowl. Add re- malniq insndients and chop until vesetablea are in fine pieces and well blended. Chill. S. Serve on crisp alacl peena; pr- niab with tomato wedp9 and ripe ollnL Abot&t I~ ewpt Stutred Tomatoes Unique 8 •edi .. -Gaed to larp, Ira, ripe toaatoa 2 to J teupoou rrated oaioa % teupooault ~ teupMa Wadt fCpper 6 alkeia bace.. dkecl ud )19•- bYOiW ..an crt.p % c:llP babied crwMd fiaeappt. % cap bely eHpped panle7 1 % npe coanely miahed potatodUpe A cent 1. Cut alice from the stem end of each tomato; scoop out. Strain, and cut the pulp into unall pieces; put in a bowl. llix in onion a»d a blend of aa.Jt and pepper. 2. Add baeon. pineapple, pa.nley, and potato cllJpe, and mis well. 3. Sprinkle tomato ah~lla with Ac- cent and fill with mixture. Put into 1'1'8ued shallo• balrin« diah. 4. Bake .Ii .t00°F. 20 to 26 min. 11 desired; sprinkle with lemon pepper. marinade. a 1Wt1iftg1 Old-Fashioned· Apple Pan I np Upt bnwa npr % tal>'-Poo• replar lowr ~ teuJioea ..it 1 ~-·­>-{eupoom TilMpr % teupo.• lea• jaiee % tableeJIOOM hatteT 1 teuJOGa nallla ertrut % taqooadw .. --~ ~..uaq 5 cape pared eooldq-apple allee:a l. Mix sugar, ftou~. and salt ln a saucepan. Stir in water, vinepr,and lemon juice until smooth. Brins rap- idly to boiling; cook 2 to 8 min., stirrinl' constantly, until thickened. Remove from beat; blend in butter, extract, and apicea. Cover, and set the sauce aaide. 2. Spread apple slices evenly in a buttered baking diab (l218d-in. or lSri-in.). Pour sauce over apples. 3. Bake at 376°F. 40 min. or onW applea are tender. Serve W'U1D. ac- companied with wlUpped demert toppbrg or thawed, frozea wllipped top}tiq. A.boat ' ·~· • " I ... I Teet••, m.r•••· at'"'49' erl'Mftalr. ...._. ,... • • JUST OFF THE PRESS ... DEALERS 1969 PRICES ·M· OF~${)(){) ANTIQUES WITH THIS big new 43~pagc antique guide, you'll have no more worries about what to pay for antiques. The newest, most authoritative antique dealer's -price handbook m the country! It lists the vaJue of more than 28,000 (think of it!) American antiques in a tremenodus range of items. More than 267 different cate- gories in all! Not onJy is it fascinating, but it will save you money. Puts you, the public, on even footing with museums, professionals, dealers and expert collectors! INCLUDES DETAILED PRICE LISTING OF: , 10& Dll -......,.. flf Gllw. • ~ ......... Mup. • t.ust.a • MMtt1 .,...,..,.. .•• ......,_...,..,r.tyMd • dP 1t-a. •NO~_,._.,,,, 1--QIM. • .......... • TIMt............ • Ctodl:I • l'hculltocs. • n :=•u"'.,..... .._,,_ • Meir,_itat• M...... ......_...,.end •tlt.,.....lbk ............... ....,...... .....IStntt• • lilMY '°'* '-l)pee Of F....... • T.,. _, Y_...O:"'* .. • C1l1FMW ........ • Alt .... ,........ • Omenwltal ................ • .... 11-t 290 oe.. ....... INCLUDES 267 DIFFERENT GROUPS OF ANTIQUE and COUECTORS' rfEMS This boot contains mOR than 267 djtfer- cnt an>UPI of Antiques and Collectors' ltema. Heft are tome: A.B.C. Plates, Aaata &lus. Amberioa &Jass, Aureoe 1lass. 'Baecarat sJus. Ba.sall ~. Benninston pottery, Bisque, Bottles. Bristol alass. Burmese alass.Calcndar plates. Cameo glus. Chalkware, Clocks, Commem- orati~ plates, Copper umtt ware, Cran- berry alass, Custard Pass. Dedham pottery, Furniture. Gaudy Dutch and Gaudy Welsh china, Haviland china. lronstooe ware, Jasperware, Lamps., Lim-oaes china, Lithopbaoes. Majolica, Mecban- kaJ banks. Music boxes, Occupational Shav- iq mugs. Paperftisbt, Pewterware, Post Cuds, Powder ftasb, Rockwood pottery. Royal Douhon china. Satin atw. Snd boctles. Spatterw.re. Staffordshire cbioa and fiprinc:s. Steins.. Tilrey aJass, ~ JUJS, Toleware. Toya. Trivets, Vene- tian aJass,Waterford alus. Woodenware and more than 200 other aroups of items. All itemt appear in a sinale alpblbeticaJ arraqement eo that Ibey may be found in a minimum time. r-------------, AITIOID nm, .. 1414 I • 1.W. 1M IL. --. Fla. 11114 I ,,._ n'9tt 11W c:op'a of -MW ''COMPLETE ANTIQUES PRICE LIST," 436 J (NllM. 199 O..let'a Prica on ,,.,_ 28.000 ~ .t .iy S5.95 eadl. 11 not det!Ctl'*1. I I rnQ t'lltum wftNn 10 ~ end ~ tun I lnMMdll\9 Nfund. C Endoud I• dMdc or m.o. for $ I o EndoMd s1 IOOdW'" depolit s.Mt c.o.o. I ~·~ $4.9, ~end 1 .... I I I I ..._ _____________ _. I-low to Choose a Watchdog Do you need an attacker or a barker? Here's timely advice for the family concerned about the rising burglary rate rf'ODAY'S accelerated crime l. rate has created an al- most hysterical demand for watchdogs. Unfortunately, many people think the an- swer to their apprehensions is a combination of the Hound of the Baskervilles and Lassie. Capt. Arthur J. Haggerty of the. Tri-State School for Dogs in New York City suggest& that to have a protection-trained dog you muet have an obedience-trained one first. Then he is taught to attack and stop attacking on command. Such dogs are frequently schooled for a specific job-guarding a store, for 'instance. It would be taught to appear placid, so as not to fright.en customel"8, but would attack somebody careying a run. Training requires both skill and experience and takes from six weeks to six months, depending on the job requirement8. Haggerty, a former oftlcer in the Army's K-9 Corpe, is reluctant to place a protection-trained doa in a private home, recommend- ing instead an obedience-trained watchdog that will bark at strange sounds or intruders. If you are shopping for both a watchdog and pet, here are some guiding rules: Ch00&e a dog that satisfies your real need& Do you need a large dog, or will a small one that barks be ]>rotection enough? If you decide on a big one, be sun you are wilJing to spend time and money to train him. Buy your dog from a reputable kennel or trainer. A veterinarian or established dog club will give you recommendations. If you buy from a commercial dog-training establishment. check with the Better Business Bureau or ask the proprietor for references. If you want an already-trained dog, ask for a demonstration. know before you buy bow the dor will behave at home, on the.atreet, and in your car. Be sure be wm obey commands from you. Capt. Arthur Haggerty cautiom dug on the arrival of ·•atronger.'' Give your dog obedience train- ing. All training begins with obe- dience. For the owner who ia bui- cally concerned with protection, Hargerty aurresta a series of pri- vate lessons. The dog, hi• owner, and the trainer work together for an hour once a week for aix to eight weeks. Don•t let your doS be an uncoo· trolled barker. A trainer can show you how to teac1l it to bark at atrangel"8 or unusual sounds. You should also be able to quiet it with a word signal Your dor should understand that barking baa a purpose. Otherwiae, he'll be like the boy who cried .. wolf" -his warnings will be ignored. Allow your dog to be a house dog. Don't tie it up in the yard. Let your dog wander freely about the house and sleep indoora 10 that it will learn household routine and be quick to senae when something is wrong. Your actiorut and tone of voice will convey whether a caller is a friend or foe. A close bond of aftection and companionship between you and your dog will help protect your home and loved onee. -PATRICIA O'KBEFE FULL.SIZE 8~" x 11" REPRODUCTION ---...... -~ ffome Tooth Foroepe. fCi: I??& ••· 8K043 A U11tv ...... Tooat Fore a !!!.~ ..... u·m at an t«>f!th.. Tb~ -~ .... w"rncnt as Uard b)• deotl~ta. can be "8f<i for extracc.lnc wttb ~ ... all t'blldrea•t &eetb anla. d uve all df"ftUtt'a len. Finely ntu.-1 p ~ Prtc-,a -..L...!·:..a----------41 Ayvad'• Water Win• .. 20 ota. •• 8K 722 I Aff01'4 sreat sport for • .. f the sreatHt aswstat1ee '•then. • are o I fb.ted wm aupp:>.rt a to beCi•••· Wbeo nl ' cbUd at· the ~n elf 2l~elba·r= e:'rl~~:ie aw&mmtnc. ~\'b'=' deftatcd, lt can be rolled ln\O •t::_k• &ge "mMI cnouch to carTY ID • vesc. re 2A-Price ..•. (Poet.ace .extra. 4 centa,. . • . .... S ARS ROEBUCK 1908 CATALOG "'T'hose were the days. my friend! When • l nickel got you into the movies ... when ice came off ice wagons ... when bathing suit~ went down to there-and up to here! Enjoy the fun. the thrills, the nostalgia of being eye-witness to what America was like around the turn of the century. No history book can give you such a fascinatingly accu- rate picture of the pulse, the heartbeat, the thinking of the times. 1bc Sears catalog tells it like it was-because this is exactly how it was! All the eyebrow-raisins, unbelievable_ rib-tickling facts! Would you believe a "mouseproof piano" for $87 ... a Stradivarius violin (that•s what it says) for $5.98-(Jack Benny probably bas ooel) ... a 2-piecc ba1hina suit for SS4 ... bifocals madc--to-drder foe SJ .4S •.. wallpaper for 34 a double roll. Believe it! 'Then wonder what in the cockeyed world ever happened to the dollar. When's the last time you saw a "conversa- tion tube" ... an "electric medical battery" ... a "home tooth forceps" ("save all dentists' fees") ... a pair of water wings in action? All carefully illustrated and hilariously explained! 736 giant pages (the book is a whopping big 8 ~ " x 11 •. . . the actual size of the 1908 Scars catalog) ... with over 40,000 items clearly described, vividJy illusttatcd, incred- ibly priced. Exciting reading for all the family ... a lesson in values for the kids ... an inex- haustible mine of Americana. Most hospi- table tor the ,uest room. At the ··aooci old days" price of $6.9S. you11 want to buy several ... put away for gifts! Umited supplies ... order today. HODD Dept. "'·99. 1 Delaware Ori~ Lake Succe., N. Y. 11040 FULL-COLOR $695 LAMINATED, BOUND ONLY PPD. r-----MAIL NO-RllK COUPON TODAY-----~ I Holll, .... o..t.PW·99.,.,.,... Ddft, ...... s.ca.. N. v. u... I Pleue Nlh Sean AocbucJt 1908 Calaloa(1) It onJy $6.9' each, pbstpaid. I U I am not delil.hled. I may return wlt.bln 10 di.YI for prompt mund. or full I caocellatk>n of charwea. I 0 a.ec.k or 0 Moooy Order I I endotcd for S I I O CharlD 11\Y Dinen Club Name I account'------1 A~ I (lipature) I :;r~aodta!'.Y.S&areraldeam. c;o J I a ad._,_,,... l" L ......__,_.....~ seace 7.1p . I --~------------+-~ Headbum's finished, by gum! . ~ And the gum is Chooz antacid. Fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done Its job, you're still munching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Chooz. The only chewing 111111 ~---...... antacf6. ,.__ MEN-WOMEN-COUPLES MOTEL CAREERS AVAILABLE WIM*i you ... 8 MW ecdtint ~ In tt. .,_.. moeee lndultrV1 u.w..e Motel ScNdl CIM tlWI YoU for 8 •lnu- .... ..... ...,.,. politioft • Mot9t ~:I.iii!:~ ,.. ••• .. AllliltMt ......... ,.. a.ta. ...,. ...... Md.... Meet hmoul Ind .......... ~;.,... If YoU -"' 11>; Join Jn .,.. actMdlii; llw In ~ ..-raundi ... Atm11•••t __,ty furnltftad. ,,,_ no t.riar -......,,11y en-.. TNHt • ...,.,.. In Y'O'oW ..... ttnw fottow.t by 1WO ..... ,.......,..... -...__...._of~twc>,,.,....-BLUI! SEAS, MIAMI BEACH w SAVOY, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. K..., ..--Job until ,_.., to ..ttdt .__ our •• c1t1ent loCl9I Md rwtlcMtef ...... .,.It ' 1 a . Don't Delly -Wtttt now for ..,.,... ....... No Clblilltloft. _..mJ2 ______________ 111asaaa __ L_ 1 ; UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCHOOLS, Dlpt. ' W I I 1812 N. w. 7 St.. M'ieml, Florida 33129 I I ::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::: : I City ................................. ~-St:et9 ......................... Zip . • .. .. • . .• ... .. . .. I I P'ttoM .................. _... .•.••.• ACC•llNftD ...... •HK PHOTO CREDITS eo,,.,, Malcolm,,,,.._ ... Po .. 21 CIS. HIC. 'ave 5i CotTy fw DPt 'oee I 11 Wide World. rop 1~1 len ond Sid lou. Now ••• Plastlc Cream Revolutionizes Denture Wearing For tbe ftnt time,tdence now olen a unique plutic cream that bolda false teetb-both "upper•" and "lo...,." -u they've never been beld before. It forms an elutfc membrane that adtulllt Wda ct.. ,..,.,. le 'lflOll&tl GU V"M w.r/MMI It'• FlXODmft'-a revolutionary cUacovuy for daily home uae. So dW.erent it•a p_~tected by U.S. Pat.ent 18,00l,188. FuooBMT not oo))J bolds deo- tune tlnnet, but it holdl them more comfortabl)<, too. lt'aeoeludeyou may bite harder, chew better, eat more naturally. You may even eat and enjoy apples, steak, and com- oo-~b apin. TbeapeciaJ penoJ-pointclilpenaer lete you put FIXOOSKT exactly where it'a needed. Resiata oosiq o"r and raalo.t:. Joat one -application may lut round-tbe-cloek. Denturea th.at fit an essential to health. See your dentiat replarty. Get easy-to-\UM! F1xoo•NT Denture Adhesive Cream at all drur eounte?S. ENTERTl\INMENT ROBdT VAUGHN: The Actor Who· Yearns to Be a Teacher The one-time "Man from UNCLE" may soon be Professor Vaughn TEACHING and acting-that's the strange combination of professions which tv's famed "Man from UNCLE" is presently in a quandary about. At 36, Robert Vaughn ia unsure about which direction bJa future should take. But one facet of bis li.f e ia suJ"&-be ia a scholar, an intellectual.Ube continuee hie studies on schedule, be can be addreaed as Doctor Vaurhn after the .January com- mencement at the University of Southern California. "I have ftnisbed four chapters of my Ph.D. diaserlatfon, 'A IDstorical Study of the Inftuence of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the American Theater, 1983-1958,'" Vau1bn reported, "and have four more to go. I should be able to ftniah by November, provided an- other picture doesn't come up. I hope one doesn't, becauee I'd like to tlniah. This academic sword of Damoch hu been hanging over my head long enooah." Veftl9ha, who Is currently ataned in the W oJper production, ''The Bridge at Rema.- gen,'' began hia higher learning-in 1951 at the University of Minne80ta's school of journalism. He aimed for a ne~writing career but switched to sports when be won a scholarship in athletica. He then moved on to receive bis B.A. But bia aeting career, which was then bloaaoming, left him little time for studies. He finally eamed bis master's degree in 1960, then decided on a full-time acting career. Bob is complex-not one to make snap deciaiona. He analyzee everythiJll', and there is a purpoee behind each action, not neceaaarily directed at furthering rus career, status, or happiness. Vaughn lives in a modest Hollywood hill- top home. Tute!ully fumiahed, it looks more lib that of a university p~lessor or a writer than of a succesaful actor. Recently, just before Bob left for En- gland to make Columbia's ''The Mind of Mr. Soamea," I interviewed him. Talking about bimaelf wa.a diJHcolt. But when I asked him whether he would do anything ditterently if he could relive the last 10 years, be volunteered. .. I rather anticipated that my career would go u it baa gone, not any faster. I have always felt that my making it in motion pictures would not come in my twenties but in my thirties. No, I don't think I would have done any- thing differently." Vaughn was born in New York City, but his parents were divorced when be wa.a aix month.a old, and he was reared by &T&Dd- parenta in Minneapolis. Alwaya a loner, Vaughn remains a bachelor and keeps shunning ma.rriap. Hia reaaons seem auperflcial ''In the put, I've dated moetly actresses," be explained. "Tb,ey are attractive and interestinr dates, but I wouJdn't consider them u life mates." But Bob does admit that his parents' divorce, their neglect of him, and bis grandparent.a' attitude toward each other, were hardly conducive to beliethg in marriage. "Frankly, I am against marriage u a matter of principle," he admitted. Profeulonalty, he a. torn between act- ing, producing, and teaching. "At the pres- ent time," Vaughn aaya, "the problem with teaching is that because of my work. I am out of the country a great deal. I couldn't very well bold down a teaching aaeign- ment. A.8 my career continues to develop, however, I hope I will be able to arrange my time so I can teach, too." To Robert Vaughn, life is more than a pay check and a write-up in the columns. He must have a purpose, and since none has aatisfled Mm so far, be ia still loo~. Maybe some day teaching will be the an- swer. Meanwhile, it gives him something to look forward to-a purpoae. -PEER J . OPPENllEIMER I I ,. . ··------·-.. ... .. .. And If you do not own a cartridge player, we wlll give you this 8-Track Tape Cartridge Player =ys199s With this beautiful, top-per· fonnlng Player, you'll be able to add the convenience and full stereo sound of 8-tr•ck cer· t.rldps to your present stereo record 1y1teml Our re1ul•r pra for the Pl•yw 11 $69.95, r.t you may ti.ve It tor only $19.95, when you purch1H your first four tapes for only $5.95, and then •I,.. to pur· chue n 1• u twelve .ckfl· tk>n•I tapes dunn1 the comtna yur. See full details on mem· bershlp In copy end coupon .t rtaht-•"4 not• that )'OU rM)' ctuup the Pl1Y9r to one of your credit cards, if ~ with. .. ·---· -I 8-TRACK CARI RIDGES ='59l' •llUMllll ",.. ·-· -... " ............. "" ........... . ..................................... YES, rn tmJ You NJ lllwe lftY 4 of the best_.. 8-lrlCl ClfUtcllll lhon Mtt-AU. 4 tor OlfJ ~.95l Thlt's till fMlous bafpin for new mtmbtn wtlo loin _, ..,. .. to purchese •• few a five ldditlonll wteo. tloM lft the comf• yur. as & ._.,. wttl ncttw, MrJ tow WMb. •can of • s.mc.·s ...,.. ptcM. &ct1 laue CCll9tllM ICOl"tl of •fftrlat Clltridlt• tD cMole from-ta. best·Mlltrl from mlftY clffftrtftt llbtlsl ff you Wint Oftiy the rttUI• MllCtlon of your llMJ. cat lldtmt. JOU llltd do notllinc-lt will be ulooed to you autDmltlcllly. Or you""' order sq of tbl either Clltridla offtrtd ... Of tlU llO c:wtridp It Ill ... Just by rwturninc tM comentent ltfactlon e1rd bJ Ult dltl specified. Whit's more, from time to time the Service will off11 some speclJI c:artridps wMdl JOU llllY re)ld by rltwlll• the special drtM form pnMded. .. Of » cept by dofn1 nothlna. YO• on CllAIU ACCOUNTI Upon tfttOllment. we wlJI open 1 «*lfp ICCOUClt In ~r n1me. You pay for ,oor caltricfces on111tt.1r JOU vt rectlvtd tMm-Mf ere enJoyina them. TIMy will be malled lftd billed to you It the replar Service price of $6.98 !Clll$lcll and occ;alon1I tPIClal Clrtridau somewhat lllafted, plut t IUlllftl and "-A"'s dlarp. Yll ID Fiii CAITllllES! Once ~·w ~ '/fM lftfOllmllt ......... JOU'll Ill I Clrtf1dlt of.,_. dMlfct nu for every two Clrtrkfltl rou tiuyl TW't lib 11ttl• a 33~% dlscon on 111 the 1-tnct Cll'· trfdltt JOU nit ... for IS loac • J'(ll Wllltl (fl ........... ,,_,._ ...... _.... .. *J ,_~,..._.w._c,aa....,_.....,, COLUMBIA STDEO TAN CARTRIDGE SERVICE couu.IA ITlllO TAN CAITllDOl lm'llCI ,.,.. ........ IMll-...,.. ,,__ mroU - -• llllllAlllll' ol .... Sen1o.. 1· .. IDclieMld ... .. bu cariric1tw I wia to_.. b -~~,_.... -S ....... . !..-::: tap~'°:."=~~~=~.~ udlmq .1n7r ,,..,....P•Yticm~.u1-t1w,1-to NCllllw • S·C,_.. ce~ OI m,y chob flR&E b ~ 1iM> ..U. tionaJ ....... -. I .-pt. AND Ml THISI 4 CAITllDOIS (fflJ 1ri '"""Mn ...a.w) I IOI-I/at '----------~----------------------My ..i11 -llml lllMreit la (cMdt -boz 011ly}t 0 &tq U...,.. 0 Yov119 So.114 0 C:C-tty ..... ._ ________________ ~ Cl tr--------------------- ~-~--~--~----~~------~-~ •119 CM~~._,,._ IC-IMIP• ... , t I , ..... .s:ft!, .... ,,. '1 0 "•r= Big, Colorful Parade of the-Presidents Wall Poster =--------·- tJ M . A'.---")-. ·. ~ , _;,._/··"···. -{~. ~ ,1/,J..,-'--'U~ ,, ., .L .. ,, i j1 •' r · .'J• o~ ,,, ,. --.. •. ,, ,.~ _., ---·· .. .. -...... ...__...._... .__.......,__ . . ...... _ _... ............. . ....... --...-... ~., ... ........,_,. ---·----. ... ..__.._. _____ <#..._ ..... _ .... __ ........ _ ......... ._.... __ --......---•• "T·~ :'..:.~..:-:-::= :-.::.:.:~~ =-=~:::----=--=-~:_. •. ---------=-•-:.-:. ...... _... ___ ~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~'i?afe?:Q~n*lmtl'lm~:re?Jtn'lil~~:e!il59'?l~!m'l'?D5:'9ti:l5911~~~~~ Magnifieent F11ll-£olor Portraits of . all 36 £hief Exeeudves A S timely as t.omorrow's newspaper headlines! An outstanding pictorial pageant of United fiStates history ... and truly an impressive addition to any home t This unique "Parade of the Presidents" po&ter features portraits of every one of our thirty-six chief executives including Richard M. Nixon. Please note: these are not mere photographs-but actually thirty· six magnificent full-color reproductions of original oil paintings created by the noted American artist, A.Jton S. Tobey. In addition, this beautiful poater depicte our nation'• nae. and t.be Praidential .eal, oath and ftag-plua autogiapha ot all thirty-six president.a with captule Jtl,OS'J'apbJes of each. The poet.el' la two feet aaoa-24• x ts•-m alorious full color on fine vellum-6.niah stock. OFFER WIU. NOT 8£ REP£ATm Bare ii a rare and nmarkable keepaak.e to be db-- I 11 ,--P --- played proudly ln n ery kmerican home. A ......t fol' familiea with IChool--.re children! And what a won- der.ful value at only fl. Abtloluteq no risk! You must be thrilled and delil'ht.ed-or your money back prompt.. ly l But pleue hurry ... mail your order f.odaw/ Thia i1 a limit.eel-edition otfer which wUl not be. repeated th la aeaaon in Family Weekly. e UY SALO , lllC •• 1tet r--- - --s.1111'1 u.iw-u c ... 11"". ____ -, The lIOKESTliD, Dept. PP-17 BomMtead Bldg. Neptune, NJ. 07753 Yeai please ruah my biJ', full-color "Parade ol tke ~ waJ poster. I encloae '1 (plo.a 20f ahippinl' charp) tor each poster o!'dered on tn.Jl money.back guarantee. <Pi-Print) Eocloeedia .. 1----Nam,e-________________ _ Addreaa~-------------~-- City tate Zip.__;..'_ 0 S.AVB EVEN MORE! O!'der 8 posters for only '2.60 poetpaJd on aame money-back guarantee. (You 1a..-e f l..26.) The extra p<Mlten make maneloua cifta. L----------------------------·--- JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Let's Dnrw • .... 811 Au l>a.'llidow A creacent moon Can live the feel Hlde·•-Name The name of a apace program ia hidden in this sentence: Before the school election. they took a poll of the eightb-graden to see which candidate they might support. (See Auwer Box) Plus One To a five-letter word for a showy fall flower, add a first letter and get the name of an imporlant Sun- day that comes sometimes in March and sometimes in April. (Su Am1oer Boz) (Su AUtOft' Boz) Of an acrobatic Seal. Mluln& Vowels Fill in the blank spaces with vowels to make four word.a, each of which go both ACROSS and DOWN. B R R R R R N (Su Amwer Boz) RlddleMeTha. What dld the moon say to tbe earth 7 (Su Amwer Bor.) Answer9ox ,;nol uo a.op 1(001 1m1 1 '-'•• -.<ay., :S}q.L aw 9IPl>lll ·11.1va • .ur~.1 •va.1v ·~•a :91a.M.OA JaJ88JH 'U9A9(3 :i•llWWJ.IJ. .(vww •oa ·.a~nx-.1-i•v :.uo m1d ·onodv :a .. .N-•4PJH New improved formula: KLEENITE gets dentures cleanei; brighter, faster- without brushing. Introducing new improved-formula KLEENITE Denture Cleanser ... with new cleansing action unsurpassed by conventional denture cleaning tablets, unoxygenated pastes or powders. BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to eue thote ,,.1n1. even temporarily, untll th• cauM la cleared up. Why not loin mllllona of other usera and try DeWitt'• .Piiia? Famous for owr eo yeare, DeWitt'• Pill• contain an anelge1le to ntduc. pain, and a mlld diuretic to help elimlnat. retained ftuldt. thus fluthlng out bladder wa1tH which can cauff avch pelna. DeWitt'• Piiia often IUC· cffd where others fall. If pain ~rai.ta. alwaya consult your doctor, but nrat. try DeWitt's Pills Kill RATS f.'t;l\(NI \ """'!' IV ' I 0 V f RN I G H T f..:w ' ~1 . . For 91 years StHt111 Electric: Brand Pa1te has bHn ueed with 1rHt sue· cesa In 1etttn1 rid of obnoxJou1 pest&. After .. tin., ,..ta •• ~ when ... 1Un1 wa'-r and freah air. S•anta tj.clrk tta1• ls a MONEY· 8ACK GUARANTEED ... ,. .... .._, .. klltw. Rau. roactlet and ml91 can· not build a tolerance to It. EHY to uM. A llttM dab wlU do It. Order from your dealer at 6~ a tub.. Or you ain order direct-lust add 114 po1ta1e. O.t rid of theae Pffi• NOW. Send 6~ P!YI 11' oost.~TOOAY to. STIAJINS b.Kl'MC,. leOUl4 20 S.. State St. C , I • 60e04 FALll TllTH KLUTCH hoklt ....._ tlQlll• Only improved KL.Bl!NtTB a.iva you this formula that aiets dentwa clean&. briaht· er, faster-leaves dentures fresh and od«·free. ..... 1CIA11'CR ..... -""' ......... .... ~ .................. ..... tllailJWcimeat-Staawilll.,..._ --.--~-~-·-- .., .. 10 Yiu Order ,._ a11ow .., '° '°"' weeks '"' delfwef'Y. r. • The ads are pblced bJ reputable companlts. ,,. -11 u wldl .............. K.lwtda ._ .. c...-.... .,.m IOCflllm, ...._ ~ ••• II "9 ri.t ..... , hiw lllak!la. .... , • _,. • • ......... W -9 • lOI ... _will ... ,.. •.-iw 11111 lllL IUTCI co .... -...... LY.14112 M • n. items and copy lft ~ fot "'" By all From ability bJ fWltlfY Weetly, too. If JOU'wt ..., qwstlon about mall ~, just write: Service F•·1·1y we•ly l>epartmettt, Famlfy Weetly, 641 Lexington ... R Avewue, New York, N.Y. 10022. ·' f ODIN GAVE AN EYE FOR WIS BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY Odin, great chief of the Norse gods. was so anxious to replenish his pow.ers at the Fountain of W i.sdom, he gladly paid the MkinR price ... ooe of bis eyes. You are more fortunate. You can drink deeply at the same fountain for only a dollar. ~ For that token price, the Oassics Oub will send you ihe Five Great Dialogues of Plato, the Meditatioos of Marcus Aurelius. and AriMde 's On Man in the Universe. All three books (regularly 111.67) can be yours for only tl as your introduction to the Oas.sics Oub. The Classics Club is unlike any other book club. 'The O ub does not offer best sellers that come and .,._ lnste.d. it of ers its memben a chance to stay young throu&b great boob that will pever grow old. These boob include Utopia by Thomas More: the complete works of Shakespeare; Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat; the writings of F.menon.JMoon, Montaigne. Plutarch and other fresh. • · sJ>oo.taneous. even outspoken works of wisdom that stretch ~ miDd and sweep away the mental cobwebs that bold beck llllOll men. 'bl DeVer have to buy any of these books. (Tu force )'OU to buy a classic would bo b.rbuic.) As a member. take onJy those books you really want. And you ma~ cancel your membership al any time. without penalty or hurt feel.in~. The selections themselves are remarkable values. They are bard-bound in matched saock.olored buckram, worked and stamped in crimson, black and genuine gold. They are carefully printed on expensive paper stock. Yet through direct-to-the.public distribution. we are able to offer our members these deluxe editiom for only S3.89 each, plus shipping. • Interested? \\!e will send you the first three selections-Plato, Aristotle, and Marcus Aurelius -all three forooly tl.00 plusshi~mg . We know bow temptidg wisdom can be. We are betting you will be so taken by these wise men you will want to stay in the Oub and meet some of their friends. including the greatest story tellers, pbilosopbea, poets, and historians the world has ever known. Send no money now. We will bill you later.Just 611 in and mail the coupon now. while you're thinking about it and while the invitation still stands. THE CLASSICS CLUB Roslyn, N.Y.11576 Please enroll me as a lritil member, and tend me the three deluxe editions of Plato. Aristotle. and Marcus Aurelius. I enclose no money in advance. Within a week ol rooeivina them. I will either retum them and owe oothing, or keep them and pay the introductory price ol IJ.00, plus mailina;. As a Classics Club member. I wilJ get word in advance or all future selections. For each volume I decide to keep, I will pay only SS.89 plus mailinA-1 may~ any volume before or after I receive it, and I may caooel my membenhip at any time. (Boob shipped in U.S.A. only.) 98J THE CLASSJCS CLUB. ROSLYN, NEW YORK 11576 -. .. ----- NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY SADDLEIACK WEEK OF SEPT. 20 • SEPT. 26 CAN .YOU OPEN IT? rr·s 'nlE LA w 1n 0regori that WhiCh ever car beate the ~ to an lntel'8eetion first bu tbe "'ht of way. Ian' that a beauty • . • A New ~ court ~ .,. tblt whelJ two moCorilta ' meet a1 an lntenectlon each one mudl come io a full stop and that' neMher atall = until 1he other tas lQO!. that'• WhY naives of die Granite State live 90 tongT A MOTORING VACA'nON ia no doUbt 'tlte belt way to eee W. ~eat country of ours. U you are •lllce moct Americana, )'O\.I want to lhoW some of th1a land and berltaae to )'OW' youngsters. Travefu¥t with kids ean be ,..eat tun . . . lt }'0'1 are prepared. ~ excenent n!le to fbllow la keep 'them bus:v at all ume.. There are aome . terrific pmes on tllie market. at low cqsta, de- signed ot kffp th!m occupied and educate th<!m at the .me time. Vlatt )'OUr k>cal toy or v&· rietY store for auaestlona. SHOULD YOUR vacatkm plant .indude "beadin« few the back country" )'OU m.i«bt take a trood )Ook at Ford's 19619 B~. Thia powerlUl little giant it available in atatJon wacon and pickup models. Standard power for the Bnmco ii ~ touah economy 170.cubic inch alx. ®Upled with a fully .ynchl'Ol'lized' threwpeed manual tranamlftlon. 'nle new optional 302-cublc-lnch V-8 II el.lo available here at Wilson Ford, Wh.Y not 9t6J> In and test drive the Bronco today T PROBABLY THE second blaeat aoa tertainlY. one ot the moet tmpomnt deciak>ns a new car buyer must make alter the ~ dMlR of h1I new car la the lnlurance. Tbett ate. DO doubt more insurance pla.na, options mid choices ottered than there are models and body 1tylea of &WomobJ'Jea. Like an,y other Pt'Odact or .ervice the inlurance 'fteld bu its exi>erts. Here at 18255 Beach Blvd. we feel our inlunlnce cowse:ors are ~ to none. ffirhly trained at their =ty· they wtU ta.ttor a to more than aatisty YoW' needs and probably save you tttoney Wb.Ue doUw 90, DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 18255 .IEACH ILYD., HUNnNGTON BEACH ........ • .................................... i122211111 .. 1111111 MEET ~ BRAND NEW 1969 • BRAND NIW 1969 MUSTANG GALAXIE 500 '2288 ~488 BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA '2788 BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO PICKUP 52288 EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL 53988 Brand New '69 F250 Styleside & El Dorado 101/2 Mohawk C1mpw JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY .. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 NEVER WUTE ANOTHB Rm.!tH ADDIBSI Here's 1000 gummed la~ls wllh your name & full address. J16t wet & stick. For all S'-tionel')', book's, checks, records. White with sharp black print. Also avalf.ble in stunnlns metallic gold with prfntins In black. Or choose Pr~re Sensitive Labels. No moisteninsl White hlsh·slou Krome Kote paper. SpHify n.uM, _. drfta, zip code • . . l Mntt. 0 1 .. Labeh (0-01388) ...... SUI; J S.ts ...... " " . " " " ....... $2.7t 0 5'I PretlUre ~five Labelt (0·37580) ............•....... $1.• 0 -Gold L*ft (0 -766041 •• $1.• NEW, URTIMI AODIESS IOOkS- atways up to date• No crosS1 n& out old addresses & SQUHlln& 1n cor- rections! To make a change, simply pull out aid ard & insert new one inco looseleaf rinpl Names are always in alphabet1n l order & A to Z tabs locate them instantly! Incl. 1SO perfo- rated ards wilh sp.1ce for n1me. • address, phone, etc. Handso~ bhtclc leatherette cover. Pocket·slze, 3"xS". Oesk.tol> model, for home & office. 4• xr. Order Refill Pach for~,,. ~a. 0 Podiet ~ ~ (017501 S1.4' 0 SI a.tlh f"od" Mock! 101768) •••••·• •••••••••• •• .• .• ~ 0 Desktop Addfftl loolr (l4l71) ••.•...................• $4.M 0 1• Refills fw ~ Mockl (617J9) •••••••...•..•.•..•.•... $1..25 CAN YOU OPfN thl1 baltlftl litt~ bbdt ~r looks like a solid block. but it's no!I Believe 11 or not. 1t un be opened! Put your brain l)C>Wl'r to tht' lest 1f you dare' I t'~ so puul1n(t you qualify as a 1enlus ''you find the H"CttC In one minute• Give your friends 1 crack •t 1t 10 we how tht'lr IQ me.t'Ures up' Sure-lire "lc:e· ~aket" at any J)lrty 1 pt>rfe<t COIM'-~Me lot tht' ne•ahbothood stn1n alecl Suppose you art itumPf'<f ' Rel.Ix' Answer IJ l~I. 0 Mflll8T lo# t~l ........... $1 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPr. ' ...... 10. , .... 1 hys SllYICI OPIN TMI. tin Fri .. I •·•· '9 I , .•. Mo,., I•·•· .. t P·•· 592-5511 TUH ANT $UPSHOT INTO A ____ _._ GIAIT POSTER IOW ANY PIClUI£ Ill YM W UM MADE INTO A llAln 2 FOOT X 3 FOOT POSTO Make your family the b183est on the block ... your friends the b183est in lhe world ... Make a "btg deal" out of any other sub1ec1 .. : your pees, boat, wedding, vacation or documenl d1plomu, Armed Forces PIJ>trs, m.tr· nage cer11fic.i1e, even your love lellers• All u n ~ IMde biger than llfe 10 "wall--=~---·· ~per" ' room. offer as • "really bis" gih, pg or u~ to promott> Vf)ur business. Ci.ml, good qwility. black & white ) foot tall poster shipped to vou neatly rolled m self store tube. Original photo can be•n~ size from 21/.•xJ'/•# to 16•Jl20"', black & white or color (no negattv~l You r origmal rl'lurned und.lmagl'd. 0 Cianl Photo Polttt fD·l785)) Eadt ........................ Sl.'S 0 Thrtt GtMtt Photo Posten 10 ·175091 .....•.....••.••...• su• "'HAVE A OltNr H05'lTAllTY I.AMP ••. Welcome fflends end lnVit~ them '° drink at your home bar ..• the way they did bide In the C.y 90'sl tat Lamp Is a cons\ant remf~ der ~t only the bulb .. the lamp- post fipre should be "llt." White fn»ted ... ,,.,.. SONllnd whh ''his A her" 'names. f.arthtftwve ""'"' &pon;.11"'. 4' COftl. 5'llle l W ..... , .... 011.r: ..... "~ .... sz.. t:.30AM cal se1 Thi ca1 12:55 "' th• Je1 1:00! 3:30fJ Im ga 4:00&1 ffil Lo de do ed ac m th• To 8:3011 be 9:00~ 11:00 fl we Nt nc 11:30 IJ 3:00 Pfl an lfy te G< 5:0011 ta- NI Ct ~ J11 88 l~ 7:00 Ill N. Ge ar co Tl' P. m th SUNDAY, S£PTEMBER 21 t-.30 AM U NEW SEASON Notre 0.me FootheU (C) Lindsay Nelson calls the pl•y·by·play action of the "flghtlng Irish" In their season opener against the Northwestern University Wildcats. This is the first of 10 Notre Dame football games to be tele- cast by KTLA. l0-.30 tJ QI Cf) NFL Tocby (C) The Los Angeles Rams vs. the Bal· tlmore ~Its in a game telecast from Baltimore. U @ (I) AFl Footblll (C) The San Diego Ch.,gen meet the Cincinnati Bengals at Cincinnati. 12:55 PM m Doqet9 S.Mblll (C) The Los Angeles Dodgers meet the ~n Francisco Giants, at San Francisco. Vin Scully and Jerry Doegett call the action from Candlestick Parle 1:00 D @ {i) AFL FC>C>tNll (C) The New York Jets take on the Denver 'lironcos. 3:30 D CoUese Football 1969 (C) Highlights of yesterday's most Important college game and filmed highlights of four other top games of the week. 4:00 U UCLA Footbell (C) Tape delay of the BNins' encounter with the University of Pittsburgh Panthers, played yesterday at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Anchoring a potent Panther defense Is linebacker Ralph Cindrich, who Is tabbed for star· dom In pro ball. The Pennsylvania team have the offensive edge with experience, size and speed. Tom Harmon calls the action. m USC Football (C) Tape delay of the Trojan's mfft with the University of Nebraska Comhuskers at Lincoln, Nebraska. Tom Kelly calls the action. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24 8:30 U Rama Hl&hll&hts (C) Taped highlights of Sundays game between the Los Angeles Rams and the Baltimore Colts. 9:00 0 Wresttlnc (C) Dick lane and Mike leBell call the action. Heading tonight's card is Ed Carpentier. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 11:00 PM ~ RETURN NFL Game of the Week (C) Highlights of the week s most important game. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 11:00 O John Mctc.y (C) USC football coach McKay analyzes the weekend battle between the Trojans and the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 11:00 AM D 9 @ Ma)or Lea1ue Baseblll (C) Tea ms to be an· nouncecl:'"" 11:30 D @ (]) NCAA Football (C) Washington at Michigan. 3:00 PM 1J Pacific Southwest Open Tennis Championships (C) Top amateur and professional tennis players compete in a special live broadcast from the Los Angeles Tennis Club. Top con· tenders are Arthur Ashe, Rod Laver, Manuel Santana, Pancho Gonzalez. B111ie Jean King, Ann Jones and Rosemary Casals. 5:00 U DEBUT This Week In Pro Football (C) An hour-long presen· talion of outstanding plays and films of the ke)l-actions In the NFL and AFL games of last weekend. Pat Summerall and Charlie Jones comment. D@ (I) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) Tentative schedule: Jimmy Ellis, WBA Heavyweight Champion, defends his title against Henry Cooper from London. Howard Cosell reports the 15·rounder. 7:00 m I sHC~! Arst Annual Celebrity Bowtlng Claask: (C) Don Adams,i e Connors, Arte Johnson, Bill Dana, Don Grady, George Lindsey and more than a dozen other favorite television and motion picture stars gather for an hour of hilarity and competition for the "Hollywood Bowl" championship trophy. The event was staged to call public attention to the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation's Special Olympics project for mentally retarded youth. Six of the recent Gold Medallists of the Special Olympics are introduced on this program. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .......... Mey be used on envelopes es return address lebels. Also very hendy es identification lebels for marking personal items such es books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass nnd may be used for marking home cenned food items. All labels tire printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quolity white gummed peper end pecked in reusable magic seal top container. Mr&. CMmne Brown 969 Post Ro.cf Coste Mew, c.Gf. 92626 r--------------, I I I I I I I I FUI '" .. 1, cHpo11, clip Hd fftell wltft $1.00 to: Pilet '"11¥9.LAbel DIY., lo• 1175, Newpwt lead!, Calif. tJUJ. ----~·-·-···················-~---········-------·-·-·-· I I I I I I ·····-·················-~·········---···---··········· I a. aur• to .... your Zip Code I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L I -' FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE FIB SET OF PACKAGE MAILIN6 LABELS. ..... ............ ·--···· FIND OUT RIGHT NOW IF YOU'R! A WINNER IN SPENCER GIFTS' $100,000 "INST.AN't: RICHES" 8WEEP8TAKEI How does It feel to be $10,000 rklher? The anewer cwld be aa clOM u your mallboxl Enter Sf*tcer Gift•' $100.000 "IMtant Rich•" Sweepatak.et and find out right now If you've won one of the exciting ptfrn-tt0,000 In cull, a brand new r.ar, an RCA Color TVI All the compuw,...lected winning numbers .,. lleted In the telegram at left. la your Lucky Number ..,.,., • Prtn., aurprlaea, glfta, handy houNhotd helpe" ••• they',. aJI .. olole u your neareet mailbox. That'• the beauty of thopplng by maU 8t Spencer Glftal You can go °?""' ahoppfng spree of our lateet ''fl,.t-cl ... Idea" right In thle Specla.1 SectJonf Shopping done? Just drop your order In the ,,..,_. mailbox. (Thef9'1 a ~ order blank on the back of thle MCtlon,) In a Jiffy, your orcs.r la dell\lered . . . to your door . . . with our famou. money b9Ck guarantH: your money la 1'9fundld promptty lf you are not comp,...ly dellght.dl T,,. "l,,,tant Rlcha" SwNJMlak., I• a n•tlonWld9 ....,_, .. ., and tppHn In ot,,.r publlcatloM.. r-----------------------------1 SAYE (300893) THIS STUB BE SUM TO KEEP TIU STUB If you mall the Lucky Numbtt Tlditt at rlahl Your priu will be s.nt to you at ~ " potslbl. If you follow the n.tl on the back Pl of this •pedal section. IPbal lllS. Atllltll City, I. J. ... SPENCER GfFT8' $100.000 "INSTANT RICHES" SWEEPSTAKES c )0089)) TllS IS llY lUCIY ..... CO..AAE THIS NUMBER wtttl the llllt of -4Mlft0 nwnbe,. In the ..... I QrMt. II " i. a wfnner, cut out thle tktlet Md m.it It at once k> ~ I Glfta wtttl U'9 Otdet Fonn on IN bectc pege of tflle IPldal eectloft ... I ...,. to "" 1n '°"' n-.. anct edd,... ENCLOSE A POSTAOE STAMP Name-·~~~~~~----~--""'- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w enctoee a PGt&aoe *'°"P· P . I ·~-------------~~-------------~ ;.._--------------------------------------------------~~~~ ............ --=--'--~~~-F.....,WeelcfW.~Nrll,1.-, tee LUXURIOUSI SOF.TI COZVI TliE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EK, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 S ATURDA Y 7:00 R til Cl) CIS &.Ila ..... (C) la• (C) (30) Bob Eublnb hosts. 10:00 IJ 9 Cl) MMnta (C) (60) _.... tf V• (C) (30) Hieb-8'[1 Weith Ciiis ttle .ctfon between cent Price, Art.t Johnton, ldl LU· ; ) "lioatr Mudd. m c.flllt F...W (C) (2*A hr) • Piil>lis ,..,.. (C) (60) Yin- lhb " ttle Los Anples hllce 0. Cal State Loni Beith Ind tht UC plno Ind Rudy Vallee IUtll IEPTDIBEJt 20 partment'a aw1rds praeatatlon. Jack Slnta Barbati Gauchos from Ult EIMlt TIM (C) (30) Webb Ind Bob Wrtatrt al'I ao-holts. Slntl Barbltl home field. .............. (60) r v r N 1 ·, <. ""°. {C) (30) "Cindy Men." SIC*1llll T1INlrt (60) 10:30 ..... (C} (30) Jtlll BondL 1:m 8 Tiit a1.. •-"*"' (60) ,.. DMtll Valier Dap CC) (30) 11le SollMI of Sell (60) ~ Gospel {C) (60) I 1 ...... Ciiis <C> (30) loll de .... {90) Roberta. -._. ,., "' Cl8mrJ DlwW Fl'llt "-ti . Nectle .. &trw (2 hr) • 11le T., 1"8t ..._ U, (60) .. l'M.H-,..._..._ ~ (C) (60) Frost 1:30 g Cl) My T1ne Sou {C) (30) ,_,.... " Tl'MI (C) (30) t' · u:1 <C)''(30). ••-spotlllhtl. ald1 Ptffonnet1 It Sir Cl) Im II E W SE A S 0 II 10:45 llln (C) 11 Tiit 19&9 SllU.. Laurence Ollvttr, Nicol Wllll11MOn, • 2 (C) (30) "£xectly One 11:00 D OJ fhn (C} eailftm (C) (30) Hlafl· Sir Alec Guinna&. Lynn RedlJ'IYe, Hundred Yards." Offlc:eB Pete Mal-ilOvlt: .._.. lrtsll f)el AR Plhb of the rodeo tflit featum Vanessa Rld.,..ve, Frank Anlay, loy ind Jim RNd help a younpter S.lllnt' (musical) '44 -~ 410 profmlonal cowboys =· DarM Sybn Thorndike, Rob.-t Ste-&et badl on ttie rigtlt track wtille Haymes, June Hmr. !!!.I for mon than ~.000 In • phens and Gtcqla Brown In anes wor1dnc out for the police "Olym· 11:15 R Fib._ 52: (C) "Wrltlltl • u 1oa CltJ (C) (Go) Sim lddle from the dramu, comedies ind mu· pies" at a locll part. Martfn Mii· tii Wiid" (drama) 'S7~ock Hod-hosts. llCllS th1t haw brouaht new ner and Kent McCord star son, Robert Stack, Lauren Bacall, GI 1arb1n 1k1b1r SllDw <C> (60) mun Inc to the le&ltlmatt theitre. D (ffj rn m Llwrenc:e ·w.-(C) ! m 11en <C> Host.. Barbara McN1lr welcomes fE SUftlet Tl"lll (60) (60)-n,. Champaine Music Makers Slbrdlf tllellt Melle: "n. iuesta Frankie Avalon, Rona Bar-Ill) NET ....,.., (60) "Still a Broth-celebrate oolleae football's lOOth NII aocl a.. Wiiiet' (drarM) rett. Shanro ind Stanley Myron er: Inside the Necn> Middle Class." 1nnlverury. '64-Samantha £&pr, Ian McShane, Handelman, I . m IDCl .,.... (C) (30) ,-Pyne (C) m DEBUT Anl11t1ll, Action and Ad-.,. .... , (30) t:ODU(j) ~· ";;'S:> (30) lnpar lerpan fll• FllllAI ..... (C) (30) "Komodo Drat· Tiit ltd ,..,., (C) (30) • II @ m llIW NBC 11:30 .... ...... ....... (drama) ona." em Bumid takes vtew.r1 7:3011JfB Cl) Jactit Sia.a (C) (60) ... (C) "A c..tm ' -Gary Cooper, R., Miiiand, the tiny Komodo lafands In 9 (]) m P11911ER£111e Aldy f,.,. Hons ltont' (comedy) '67-Susan Hayward. Jeva Sea for a fasclnatin& study of m Sllow (C} (60) Andy Wtl-Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren Mar-I De Em,,_ (C) s>rehlstoric drt&on·llke cmtures. ll1ms II host to Petula Clart. Don prat Ruthlf'fonl, Sydney Chaplin, 11:45 • m Tonlallt SllDw (C) TV Reader1' Di11st (30) Ho, Blood, Sweat & Tears, and 11111 Andlrlon (C) (30) Mowte: "hsute ..._., (drt· 5:30 IOllC ..... Conf•IDCI (C} (30) The Edwin Htn.1111 Slnprs In I Hone Open (60) ml) '5&-Anthony Steel, Peter Rnch. lleledJ llatd {C) (60) The full hour of music and va!Wty. : NET ,..,.._ (90) "The F• 12:30 D M""= °'Stlllllo8t H Dlpe e Is Dlxlel1nd and feetured IJ llewle: "Mr. Hiiiers HollUf" " (R) Sli..r' (mystery) '58 -Jonathan cuests are Ule Dixie Brats, a band (comedy) '53 -Jacques T1tl, Ml· 9:30 R ta Cl) PtttlcNt JllllCtloa (C) Haze, Yale !'aler, Monts Miiier. made up of six dllldren ehelle ROiia. Movie: "nl llue Dlllfla" (mys. 1:00 II Mowlt: Mll•I EXpeW' (drama) D ...., Crter (C) (lo) Soupy m (i1J (!)GE 'Ille Dattn1 CalH t11Y) ·4~1n Ladd Veronica Lake. '56--tee J. Cobb, Patrk:la Medlna. Slla iuests. (lO)Jlm Lanie hosts. D @ (})G) Jeb~ny Cull (C) 1:15 m M• 111 Crilll Iba f9f Y• Ufe (C) (60) • MIHM$ 11ew1e: .,._. (60) Ron Carey Tommy Cath Jack 1:300Adwatm• of the..., (C) Dr. Hudson's Sila'lt Je11111al (30) Dlft" (drama) '~Jean Simmons, Elliot, Mama cm and The Staple 1:45 II ..._ (C) "'11111 Ille Qltltar (30) (R) Dan O'Herllhy, Rhonda Aemln&. Slnrers past. m Afl-lllatrt S11ow: "Enchanted Cot· 0. th Edi' of ElllrwltJ (C) (30) OJ Wonderl ef th Wotld (C) (30) fJ NIWI (C) (30) Larry Burrell. tage," "Sputnik.'' and "The Bllnd llrt FrM UllCl.£ (C) (60) l:GO D (U) rn m Tiie lle•lr••• m Klttr Wells (C) (30) Goddess." satu ~ night watch our 10:30 news and go to bed early •• bill bonds/eyewitness news/ ,... 4 HAL LK>f'AaD PRTt This f.abulous f.ake of a throw sure looks hke onel Luxurious, soft & cozy, It's Lhe purr- fect chill ch.uet & snu11le-upper for bill pmes, ski trips, ~ch. camping, 00.tlng ..• Of 1ust curling up with a good book. Adds a "blg-pme-hunter" look draped over sof1, bed, chair or car seat ... or hinging on the w.all ol dorm or den. A "trophy-size" 51"JC61 .. ; ''leop.ard'' on one side; "ocelot" on the ot~r ... 1n cotton INt w.nhes so be.aullfully, it nevet c:Nlnges Its spots! 0 "leopard" •obe (34850) ..... SUI FAMOUS wtSTMINSTa OttMfS now ring for you! Olstlncttve door chime costs less than $5, yet It's IS dear & lovely .as expensive electric models costing up to SSOI What • dellahtful w•v to announce alle~I No hlrsh bells, buuen ... or knocks tNt often go unnotlct!dl A p~slon-made, top qu.ality, 16-note Swlsi music box pfays IM world renowned london cathedral chimes. Simple key-wind operation uses no batteries or electricity ... & one wlndlna lasts for weeks! Compact )"' sq. woodgrain styrene case Inn.Its easily. 0 W~n-l>oM CM- (01594) . • . • • • • • • • ............... . Cll\"STAl-UlCHT SCJftW~N OtAN· DEUR . GIHmlng 5" prisms fac- eted to .._..,.. lib ._...! F•· shioned after prlceleu ori1in1lsl lights up a_ny room with t~ Irides- ~ of n~t hlnd.-cul 1lass. Crvs~I· like styrene MWf ~llows. Sc::rWWI ittto reguJ.t ~Uln1 sodtet. 2-tler r-,1,11,·. 3-ti• 11"'118 •• 0 J-~ C"-deliet> (49908) •••• ..,_,. 0 I-TM a...l1Aer C499't6) •••• SS.ti ICllP laUSltES • a>MIS TIO\' Ir HANDY ••. No more combs and bnnhes d11ttertna bureau~ 1'~ toUet tank top. Tldv I'd holds • or more oombs &: J brushes. 3 teet!Oftl adjust to any IKu5h sae. Mounts on b..th- room wall °' sits atop toilet laiftlr, ..,,_ Plastic.; 10"'.VXJ-. Sc1'9W9 mduded. c Tlllr 11...t ~ ••.• _.,,. n .. IJd. 1n, • na) nd, Ira· ch . .. '8ft . n1) M . :ot- ind A· T • T ·E·N· T ·l·O.N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al WAYS WANTED• TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alw•ys •-l•ro• 1electlon of new •ncl used can. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547-0764 THINK ·~ S.. •ncl Drive them During our Model Clear•nce S•le ·on NOWI HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., W11'\ltr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S []~~~[!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEAD9UARTERS ..... ..-ctlM .. _& .... .... ..,. a ..._...,..., ..-... ... 1c .. ..,. """"'la .. MflvwY. o ·PELS GALORE! " ...... ......., ....... UIH 0,... .. !NkMI t. ..a f•••• .. ..., TERRY BUICK 409 Walnut, H.B. 536-6588 YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU I and Z IMPORTS JACTOIY AUTHOllZID HALD COMPLETE FOREIGN C•R SERVICE 410 MAIN . HUNTtNGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer In the H•rbor Are• ' · ~omO of tho Love B.;. Speci•ls 445 l. C... Hwy . • a.ru• Dme, N.I. 67J-Ot00 14t-JIJ1 est. H eat. 14 & H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports Is Your kind of pl•ce. Your Authorized • Austin America L•re-stock of used PorschH J-es, MG's, Austin HHleys, etc. nrwport j~ 11) µ 0 rl s 100 W. CoHt Hwy., N.8 '42-MOS, ~17'4 ~ In the Harbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mined. ; - IMMERMAN DATS 2845 H.,bcw, Cost• MeH 540-6410 IMPOITfD MUSIC IOXES PLAY ''SOMIWHaf MY LOVE," the unfor· 1e11.t>le Lara's theme from Or. Zhlv11go. O\armln1 youn1 sweet· he11rts hold white ~ of love Ir pace as lhey waltz 'round & 'round on Sweethurt MuMc Box. H11nd cr1fted a. t...nd painted chln11; SI/{' hilh. Delightful Hummel Music Box Is rich frultwood finish arved wood; loYely assorted Hummel prints, f1llh- fully reproduced, 1r1ce the lld. 41/i''u"x1.1/f". Or select the heirloom-- look miniature 1rand piano. Ornately embossed In antique silver-like metal, lls lld Is eiiqulsltely flll1reed, lb red Interior velvety lined with a hlde1way for ean1np, rlnp, etc. 31/i''-..'/f"x 2'1•"· Hummel & Grand PlaM revaJ tiny music works In motion when you llft the lid. 0 $ ........... Mlllk loa (72108) $5.9' 0 en.d,... Mmic loll (02329) .......................... . 0 ...... ., M-'< ... (55327) •• $7.• MEW SANDING TOOl OUTlASTS 1• SHRTS ~ SANDPAlftt Crib of tunpten carbfde-the world's hardest matftlal ne11t to dl1monds-11e i>et· manentJy COPJK'r bfazed onto a medlum-<OArse steel undln1 sheet. Maka It the lonses1-lutln1 sandlna equl~t ever known! Sands wood, P1lnt. af.w, pl.utic, tile, porcebln • mer.I to a tmooth satin-like ttnlsh ewrv time. 0 ..... SaMkot (72814) ........... . 0 WHS....S ...... (72918) .. 11M 1ntroduc1n1 Thi HlllhkU ··100011-Blkl" ..• Thi 111-saason Trall Ind snow Bike Power from tho 0119:110 i1 tron1fonocl by choi11 to thi1 11 • 1.50 tvbolo11 floototio11·typo tire. Tllo ro111lt i1 hi9ll 1toblllty oncl romarhblo troctio11 1111clor olmo1t 011y 111r.foco coll• ditio11. THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION lntroducllMJ the Heathkit Metal Detector "The Beach Combers delight" "A Must for Prospectors" Fh1d col111, wcrtclMs, .. welry, p'9Cloa ........ Hern h• a.d •!cm • '4'H niU I• 'H I ·-~ '8811 F ll EE Send for Our Huge Cat•log It's FTM to YH fftf 9M AakJllt. HEATHKIT® ELECTRONIC CENTIR To rHch HHthklt l:loctronlc Center toh Horllor ""'· to lell A .... •Ht 011 loll • fow ahort bloclu to HO hat loll ~ toke Sont• Ano FrHw•y to Horbor 11.,4., HMbor 11.,d. to loll, • fow ah~t liltoch 0114 you're lloro SAW I PAITS HEATHKIT 776-t4ZO UO IAST IAU. ANAHEIM DllAMAT1CAU.Y lfAUTIFUl PAIR Of PLUMACED PEACOCK WALL rt..AQUES ... What an excltln9 deco- rative foul point for your home or office these h.immered iron PNC:ock waill plaques make! The Intricate craftsmanship Is almost Incredibly dellcate; eaich detail Is rnasteffully worlted In meta.I, finl5hed in 1 blue- &lffn antique brass with golden hi~ lights. Strutting Pe.lCOCb stretch ma· jestlally over manteC, sofa, buffet, stereo . . . where¥er you need an explosion of form and color. Your choice of 3 sizes. 0 Pucock Wall ........ ,..a12" <2289n hit ........... su1 WaH" (S-Gm) hlr ......... $UI U"'°' (S-20271) P.W .....•• • .$7.M PHOTOS MOUNT THEMSB.WS IN ntlS M.IUM ••• Instantly! No pute or blbsl lift traosp.rent film CO¥er, place photo In, put CO¥et back-lhlt's 111. It dlnp to mcM.1nt & protect photos. Remove, rurnnge them! wthe~like coyers.. .... Album: 16 pp., 9'/i" x S'/("; Deluxe: 20 J>S'$., 111/r" JC 91/r". for extn ~ce. order 10 pap lteRll Pldr. 0 Moual-4e.lf u... ..... (.20610) ••••••••••••.•.•• ,.,. De .... (34546) •••••••••••••••. SS.• 0 t.etlPMil ... (25'114) •...••••.•.•.•.• $1 .. ~ (2S1l2) ................ $1.M RB. RTTD & LOO. nlMMD wtth new elastic ~1st 1Upport for ICllve men & womenl P~tented de51sn trims Inches off your waist ClOfttour u It hetps relieve bKbcihe 6 musde strains. Perfectly contourtd ro lend Jenlle but firm SUppc>f1 10 lower b.tcJc. kldney Ir 1tomteh aru. No riding up, tolllna ot t'OPintl Machine w1lh- able. s,edfr w.tW 11 a c• •t. O W ... ~!Lld .......... ts '¥....," --~ {4.l12S); 1"'..W-(411 )!); 2.-.,... <•3141); az•.,.• (0154) MM'esW'-U"' {4l166);st'.w' (0174); ........ (43182); c:r...r (0190) Slit¥ I Cl 716-t4JJ THE OAILV PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 20; 1969 be telecast durln1 the SUIOn by IKT1.A.1~~1'f.=.,.,(C~Ri&ttt (C) 80111 (C) a Mane R1nchlro 10:00 lnlkft footblll (C) Gii Stratton. SUNDAY 5[PT£MBER 21 MORNING George Allen. .All stations reserve the right to change program· ming without advance no- tice. 8 A&ricultln USA (C) (ll) (1) m ,...... ef tilt Jun· &le (C) IJ Movie: ''lladl Cold'' (1dventure) '47--Anttiony Quinn. Elyse Knox. I Public Strvk:t fll1111 (C) 00 fll"ll a.ptlst Clufrdl (C) 6:15 6:30 5:55 7:00 The Chrlstophtrs Cl) Town Halt Mlttln1 (C) Tiie Bible An..m (C) Un Cribl en la Obaf1dld CJve Us 1\ls l>aJ (C) Winp te Adwtltar9 (C) Totn and Jeny (C) 10:30 Qt CJ) Nfl Today (C) The Los Sunday fut1nMI (C) Angeles Rims vs. the Baltimore 7:30 Bab11111 (C) Colts in a pme telecast from Bel· MormtH Tabem1de Choir (C) tlmore. Her11d of Trvtlt (C) 0 @ @ a;, Aft feotbalJ (C) Sacrtd H11rt (C) The San Diego Chu11rs meet the 7:45 The Chrlstopbers (C) Cincinn1tl Benaals 1t Cincinnati. rn on., Ind Joll1tll (C) 0 (ll) mm f1ntatlc four (C) 1:00 Qt Cl) I IJlfiA I Sword tr m faith for Today (C) 1'1owsh1re7 (C) CBS News ~ome ll:OO I Ho .. bwytr's Cuicle (C) ~rrespondent f~nk ~urns . •~ter-@CD m luJhrinklt (C) Views Golda Meir, pnme minbter Movie· (C) "l'o the Slloru f of Israel, In Tel Aviv. Part 11 of Tripoli" (drama) '46-John Piyn:. a lwo·part proaram. Ma ureen O'Hare 0 a;, Tht Chrlstoplltrs (C) 1!J Chll!'ch In di~ Home (C) IJ THE CATHEDRAL OF 11:30 0 @rn m DISCOYlfJ (C) "Dis· * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! covery Returns to Hawaii -Little with Rex Humbard, Maude War on the Bia Island." Virainia Aimee & Musical Staff! Gibson a~d Bill Owe.n visit with Cltlledral of Tomorrow (C) D1y of Discomy (C) WondtrllH (C) Allen Rwlv1I Hour (C) 1 (]) Paul Harvey (C) (i) Cod Is the Answer (C) 1:30 look Up ind LIVI (C) "The Roxbury Experiments." Part I of two parts. Reform and revolution in inner cily parochial schools is examined. I My favorite Sermon (C) Face to FICI (C) Hansa Miy1t1 and hrs family on their 13-acre farm on Hawaii's Kon1 coast. The firm has been the fam· ily home since 1930. The Mlyatas. like many other coffee a:rowers on the island, ere w11in1 a smell bat· tie to remain coffee arowers and make a better profit out of their time and wort. (R) D Movie: (C) "fury It Smu,.,_,,s Bay'' (adventure) '63-Peter Cush· inf, John Fraser. f1FTFRNOQ", Movie: ''CltJ 011 1 Hunt" (mys- tery) '53-lew Ayres, Sonny Tufts. I Kathryn Kuhlm1n (C) 12:00 0 Movie: {C) "Bonier RJvel" CI) Rtviwal. firtt (C) (western) '54-Joel McCru, Yvonne (j) Full Cotptf Rtvlv1I (C) De Carlo. Tht Story (C) Eutntially Su (C) 9:00 C.n11r1 Thrtt (C) CV C.lleft Football '69 (C) Eternal Uatrt (C) 'The Jews of • Cine n Sa Cit.I Silence." A study of contemponry · Future (C) Soviet Jewry. Elle Wiesel narrates 12:30 Cene Autry the proaram that he adapted from Dodren Darout (C) his book of the same title. Oral RobW (C) Day of Discovery (C) 12:40 Ded1111 Warm .. p (C) Teacller ln..S.rvica 1.2:55 Dodpn lueball (C) The Los Cospel Music (C) Anaeles Dodfers meet the San Fr1n· 00 A. A. Allen (C) cisco Giants. 1t Sin Francisco. Vin Kathryn llutthnan (C) Scully ind Jerry Douett call the Tom ind Jlfry (C) action from Candlestick Park. eva Cita 1:00 0 @ 00 a;, Aft football (C) • This Is the Life (C) The New York Jib take on the · Aarialltural Report (C) Denver Broncos. 9:30 Today's Rtflaion (C) Ruth Ash· IJ Mov": "Adventure In Diamonds" ton T1ylor. • (mystery) '40 -Georae Brent. Isa 0 a;, frontiers of fllttl (C) "High Miranda. Risk livina." Part II of three pert.s. I SMr1odl Hthau Rev. Richard Gilbert probes en· Revival fl,. (C) vironmenlal pollution problems and Cf) StDrltl of Sucass (C) solutions with William Houseman, · lnlifht (C • editor of the environment monthly. 1:30 @CD~ luuu ud Answen IJ NEW SEASON Notn Dune foot· (C) Howard K. Smith. ball (C) Lindsay Nelson calls the I Voica of Calvary (C) play·by·play action of the "Flahtln1 2.-00 l2j Cil face tilt N1tioll (C) Irish" In their suson opener PTm C...fer1nc. (C) aaainst the N-Orthwestem Univer· Roller DtltJy (C) The Midwest slty Wildcats. This Is the first of Pioneers vs. the Bay Bomber'$. 10 Notre Dame football pmes to (Continued) i9 by (C) on. ~n- re) • OS >re at- :c> :he of ne. 1is- tJe iia ith on ina m· IS, on •t· nd elr r'I •h· ... ne OS n· 'in he C) he " S8 .st Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom 7:00, In Color Marlin Perkins res - c ues animals left high and dry by a man -made lake. The second of two parts. The Bill Cosby Show The 8:30, New Show, Wonderful In Color ·world Of A barking dog keeps Disney waking Bill up. When he complains, Bill re-7:30, In Color ceives a pleasant sur- Part I of ''My Dog, the pri se. But he who Thief ." Dwayne Hick-smiles first, doesn't man heads the cast. always smile last. 9:00, In Color A young lady finds herself in danger after identifying some bandits-is she telling the truth? IN COLOR TONIGHT ON ~ I -• ,•, '' ir·.a ~' r. •. , ~ • j "'-r". . ! 6c: .. The Bold on·es 10:00,New Show, In Color Contemporary drama about today's profes- sionals. Tonight, a cop tries to frame a lawyer. Burl Ives, Joseph Campanella and James Farentino star in continuing roles as lawyers. F ge I OU WAlmlNf INCHES AWAY . 1n jusl m1nuln a cl&y . . . without dieting or eJtheusting nerclsesl Sim- ply roll scientific.ally d~lgned Trim Wheel back and forth a few times ~ery day and watch waist and tummy bulan trim down ... muKles firm upl It's actually stimulating and fun to do .•• and a few mlnutu with Trim Wheel ue IS effective as 1 half hour of strenuou5 sit-ups. Both' men and women wlll fe.el better, look better. St.art today on a slimmer YOUI 0 Tn.t Whe.I (70458) •........ $2.M ,..... PUU OXYGEN AlWA\'I ON HANO with new emergency Inhaler. Sm1ller then a ballpoint pen, It fits pocket or purse to 10 wherever you• 101 ln- ICMfty supplia 3 full qwirts of U.S.P. oxyaen In any emergency! Safe, usy· 10-use-no matk, no prescription re- quired I Consult your physician about the benefit of OICYlm for respiratory difficulties. Welp Just ounces. lte- fllls In seconds. o ~·.....,·~ <04879> ••••••••••.•••••••••••• ss.• O s ldN c.1rfdsn (04903) ..• $2.,. SftUlfNOINC SfttaES detll a at ... ,..._....,, uw of Motion! Swin1 one, two or arty ,,umber Ir 1c1ually .see & hear the "equal Ir opposite ~actiont"I Fatdnatlns pendulum mCMm\ent fr mythmlal .ound lntrl1ue all who watch ••• younpten Ii adults allkel Educatlonall ~llenalna ••you trv to predict the spheres' re•ctlom. Sooth• Ina the rapy for •'°wnuPt' (tawod nerve.I Woocf-look plastlc st.Ind S" hip . 0 ........ ~(066t4) •••• $1.M TAKE INOtf:S OFF YOUI WAISlUNI without exe~ising, dieting! Amazin11 new Weight Belt helps trim walstlint' by toning up flabby muscles as you go about your daily routine. Wear over or under clothes as you walk, Jo9, play golf, do housework or rest! Without rigid reducing or strenuous allsthenics, ehjoy new firmness, feel new vigor, more "set up and got" Weighted, Jeather-tntured vinyl In blade for men, white for ladles. Adfusts to fh all. 0 Ladles' Trirw lelt (0·1•738) .. $US 0 Men's TriM leh (0-1•7"6> .•. $9.,S DIGITAL CAUNOAJl WRIST WATCH ... fastest lime-teller around! flashes the exact hour, minute & date directly on the me in bold, N.Sy-to-re..cl num· hers. When it's 8:23 on the 15th, It wys so ... straight out ... It you Me 1t Instantly! Swiss-made timepiece Is precblon-buih for unsurpaued M:CU· racy and rvged -ar. It's shock tels· tant. antl-~etic & has unbreak- able ~lnspring. Cood looklns, tool Cotdentone case with stainless st"I hick. Genuine leather strap. lrush- finlshed dial hu sweeJH«Ond hand. D Dqlt.al ~ Wllldt (S-03202) .•••.•••••••••••••••• $1'-'5 SlHP IN "HtOAl SUITI" WGANO ... on S.tin Sheet~ and Pillowc.ases. Oooohl You'll never sleep on .my- thin& t'ISt' onct' you feel these n~t to your skin! So incredibly soft. so smooth to the touch. This last word In luxury for the bedroom Is rese~ for VIP guests only 1t all the finest hotets. Now t'nloy the wme royal comfort al home! Celanese acet.tte wtin 1s lint and allet11Y·free. Avalllblt' In white, pink, blue, gold 5-edfy coa.. a S1tM1 Slaffts: Twlo-Sin (P-07260) ...... bdl S7.4' ~e (P-0721al .... bdl SU9 Q!Hett-SUe tP-072861 •••• belt $11.• IJftl-Ske (P-073281 •..... bdl $11 •• as.•~ (P-26674) ••..........••••.. Pal' SUS When a bug crawled down Charlie Brown'• bOck, it wa~ the nlcie1t thing that happened to him all 1um- mer. Unleu It was pitching his camp baseball team to a 43-to-1 loss. f f f Charlie recalls th .. • and other disasters on the first day of school as he struggles to write a theme on the joys of vacation in "It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown," new animated cartoon special in color involving the "Peanuts" comic-strip kids, airing on CBS, Saturday at 8:30 PM. Woody Allen, the diminutive, low-key comedian-author, is the star of his own one-hour comedy and variety special on CBS, Sunday at 9 PM. Woody's guests include the 5th Dimension sing- ing group and actress Candice Bergen. Guest starring in a special segment is the internationally known evangelist Billy Graham. Woody is currently star- ring in his own comedy, ''Play It Again, Sam," on Broadway, the second of his plays to be produced successfully on the New York Stage. A MlU.IOI Ulm ... • llAYll llOll£ II • unMM IU IM! What's moni furl than a blrrel of monkeysl A LAUCHINC IAC BACI The heutiest, rib-tickling-est, slde-splitting~t belly laushs and chudl~ you ever heard ... all ~llowing right out of a drawstring big! It's so cont.tglous that no one can resist joining in ... at p.lrties, at the office, at home, in the dorm! It's the grt'atest "lce-brt'aker", friend-maker & con~r­ satlon piece (wilhot.lt needing any con~rsation) that anyone ever packed in such a small parcel I Runs on batteries avo11ilable anywhere. o Llulhlnt Jq 1.ta (05520> • . ••••.•.•..•••.•••.••••.•• n• THINKI HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU TALKED TO SOMEONE WHO LISTENED? NOW'S YOUR CHANCEi COMPATIBILITY CHARACTER ANALYSIS 0 w en a: w z ::> >-CJ) en (/) CJ) cc 0 z w IX) ANSWER QUESTIONS HONESTLY ANO SPONTANEOUSLY c{ z ::> >-c{ 1. People are frequently er 1t1cal of me, and I tend to be easily hurt. • 2. People generally consider me a happy and contented person. • 3. Things often seem not to go well fOf me and I get depre~ • 4. J am fairly easygoing and don't easily blow up at people. • 5. I accept people for what they are and think most people are pretty good. • 6. I tend to be shy at large parties with many strange people. • 7. I en1oy social organ1zat1ons, clubs, and group act 1v1t1es. • 8. I prefer an evening at home with tv or a good book to a party • 9. I hke my frtends 10 be enthus1ast1c and extroverted • 10. My home 1s frequently a place where my friends gather informally. • 11. Youth has gone too far and should have more respect for authortty. • 12. Basically, a woman's place 1s still in the home. • 13. The proper place for sex education and discussion of values 1s in the home, not 1r1 the school • 14. Married businessmen should not take their secretaries to lunch. • 15. Old fashioned respect f'or law and order 1s what this country needs. • 16. I am generally considered a warm and affect 1onate person. • 17. It 1s all right for two people in love to let their consciences dictate how far they will go sexually • 18. I would want a mate who 1s warm, affectionate and responsive. • 19. Married couples should treat seic seriously and never playfully or erotically. • 20. The ability to be affectionate toward a loved one is an important part of marital success. • 21. I would like a mate who attends church regularly • 22. . G I • I believe that od answers prayers. 23. Children should be allowed 10 choose their own rellg1ous and moral beliefs. • 24. Regular church attendance enhances stable and wholesome family life. • 25. I believe in the concepts of Good and Evil. • T his test w ill depict interest and values in areas ot compatibility between persons and should not be construed as being able to afford psychological d iagnosis. NAME _________ _ CITY _____ _ ZIP --- AGE SEX HOME PHONE _____ WORK PHONE _____ OCCUPATION _______ _ ------------------------------~---CALIFORNIA TESTING INSTITUTE • 1800 N. BROADWAY •SANTA ANA, CALIF. 92706 • 547-6667 ------------------------- ..... MEHi wre SUPPOIT w m 11ive you firm figure control plus solid comfort! Briefs & ;i1hlecic support ;ill in one ... cut for comforl & fre~om of movement; it provides both ab- domim1I & suspensory support. Knit In a llght, s1ron11 blend of cotton & stretch Lycra Spoindeic to sive you a trim, slim lt>Ok & help you le;id an active life without fatigue. Waist· whittling elastic band won'! roll. M.lchlne wuh & dry Order by w.&t au. 0 5-ptt-~ Irids ............. . Sm. (]1-Jl) 169906). Med. (JJ..36) (70052); .... (J7-41) (700941 . x .... (41· 441 C7022n S& All YOUI CUDIT CAaDS AT ONCI ... No more nipping, hunting, shuffling when you use this mono- arammed leather ase. Holds 20 credit cuds In full view in over- lapping, clear vinyl podletsl Put your finger on the one you need 11 a alance; then slip It out lnsuntlyl 6 1ddillonil podcets for ca.tl, memos, photos, etc. Ftd ly-llned slim desl1n fits neatly Into pocket or purser YO\lr monoar•m In laK gold plated met;il, SC.-lftfdala. 0 ~Wallet ....•...... $UI (P-30486) lladt ,,._30S02) Nmral HICH POWllfO flB.D CLASSES fM.11 you In ~ Int row no matter whert> you sol Al ,.ces, theatres, your favor• lie sports events, ~ you're bird· w1td!in1. you ~e more, enjoy mo~I Powerful 71150 lens with center focu,. adjustment bring the 1ellon up cl~! Always 1e1 bright, clear lm.111M HI- imp.Kt blad1 plastic f"me 1s etilra llghtwe11h1 for extra comfort. Pro- l«tlve lens aps I-urryln11 s1r1p incl. 71/r"•S'/•". 0 Hl·P~ Fi.Id Ci..wt l'IO'iMl SJ.• ••• -- TM mini-~ face a giant robOt in LaRd of the Giants •7:001111~ A tESAGE fml lC. T.* ''11iit i1 a world ~f 1peci•liHtioft we live in; the cemputer i1 here to st•y. Stick pur hHd in the 1aftd and t•ll yourHll it isn't heppenln9, it's going e,way: IMlt IHve your hHd in the Hnd for five y••n -" a comput., will be sweepin9 the ffoon. In other word.1, unleu you Me specifically train.d fft a specific field, you won't even be qualified to f1 It 1wffp oon. IN 6 MONTHS • • • • You will be six months older or you could be a computer programmer with your future secure. 547-9471 *THE ACADEMY . of Computer T •chn•gy UNION MNI ~UAll, IOU1'14 town. OIA.Nel hie 10 SlUMIO CAP UR'S CUW UNRUf· R.ED, uncrush~, •II lhrough 1he nlghl ... no m.itter how you roll & toss! The "m•gic" Is the smooth finish of this lustrous u1in bonnet that elimi· n•les 1h1t lress-1..lngllng vill•in ... st.ltic electricltyl Your hilr glidtt over It & you w•ke up with your dre•my hairdo sllll loolung "just·done''! Big bouffant bonnet fits over the highest coiffures. Doubles u a chumine day· time curler cover-up, tool O Sf~r (Ap: Slw (726.29); 'inlt (72652); Whit~ (n7S1l ....... bch $1 TIY TIC-TAC·TOf IN J DIM!NSIONS! If you think this old Ii~ favorite is a "kid's e•me" ... just 9lve 11 • whirl in 3 Dimensions! Pl•vers t•ke toms pbcing colored spheres 1n IM holes. The Irick Is to fo"" u m•ny str•lght lines .is you un 1n one color! F•scin•fing fun for two ..• r.al br;11n· te~ing competition for 4 or 6. Such tin intriguing sp.i~ age object d'arl, too, It makes • colorful convers.11ion piece for coffee uble or what·no1 shelf. Bright sturdy plastlc; 41/t"u'N' di'. 0 ).OhneMioMI Tk-Tac-Toe (00927) ........................... . NHD MOU THAN ONE Pill.OW TO SlHP Ol IUATHE COMF<>ITAa&.Yr . . . foam 8ed Wedge Is lndln~ to provide aentle t'levation from the lower b.ldc-lhe kind of elev•llon you'll find ~efic1•ll Helps you en· joy .l more rt'luln1 night's mt. light lo.m. Zippered cotton cover. 24"x26,., l•pers down from 61/r" h1Jh Delu11e model ~' 1entle, soothin1 vlbnllng .tctionl l7"xZra7"'; 6'/, ft. cord. Con- toured fo.m lq Aest elev•les & ti.fps gJve temponry rt'llef to ti~ lf'P & feet. 171/1..,<rxr. Zippered cotton cover 0 atpbf le4 We4ae J0·297«) ..................... ft.ts 0 DefwiiclM W.tp (0.7Slel.) .................. $14.'5 0 ~ .... (S.02501) ............ ,. f'UT YOUR UfllCRATOlt ON WH&LS ... and roll it effort- lessly to clean, p.11lnt. 2 high. Impact styrene frame doln~ lns~ll in a jiffy! 32 non·m,'1ning styrene whttls roll up lo 1,000 lb. Rtlise 1'/(". Adjust for all. Deluxe model h.u •luminum fr•1ne1; 40 wheels. 0 RepW Dofti.t (0'2378) $2.tl O DehrH DoUift 129751) SC.ti DAISY IRONINC IOAIO CO. va Of TIR~ ... Briaht col011 • • winsome desl9n ti.Ip cheer you up .u you "sla~ owr 1 hot lron"I Df•w- strinp let you .dju$1 <OV'ef for 1 118'\t, smooth fit. Couon coattd with DuPont Te-llon9· ltot1 lld I 54,. Iona. Crt'll hoslm or shower 1 ftl 0 0My C...., (292121 .SUI SUNDAY (Contlhued) 2:301~~==--~ Nona Andtf10ll botb. a..u, (C) • ....,, (C) ...... (C) (I) ... Alb 11lutra ...... ., Cllrilt Wlllrtll.rl (R) , ... ....... Collt Ult .... (C) .... , •• Lift (C) ....._: 1trNt .t Clalece" (mys. tery) '42-8UrttsS Mertditfl, Cl1lrt Tmor. fJ ~ .,.__ llrf" (romance) '52-Joln oms. Peale Castle. 0 ...... $~ .. AlW•Wlll tit Atwtf" (comtdJ) '51 -Otln Martin, Jerry ltwll. S:JOICll (I) ......... , (C) s,e1k U (C) Biii Leyden. ...... : ~ WRI Tar (drl· J:OO I~~ :-:. (C) "Recon· lm1) ~~~ Grent J11nnt Crain. UlicW• ...... (C) S....t Trllta: "EJ Puo Kid." Cl) Wertd T-.nw (C) JiZz AlltJ (R) f VI NI ''4 I, strudion." Diiiie ltrYU II hostus fOf this last provam In tht aerftt on black history. Tiit brotdclst rtlatn tht ructions of both alava and alawowner1 whose lifts Mrt literally ch1n11d ovtmlaht bj Pm· ldtnt Lincoln's ''Emancipation Proc· l1matlon." ms-(C) 3:30 II ,...., /GwbWtr (C) "Stlf Help and the Self·Made Min." A discus· lion of tfle tredltlonal Amerle1n dream thJt 1 min e1n "m1kl It on his own" b moderated by Tru· min Jacques. 6:00 R tJ1 (I) Nfl Adloa (C) (30) •'football foflles." (Rncheduled) D~CillmMMt 11t1 "-(C) (30) D c.n.I' ftetblll 190 (C) Hlfh· liilrts of yesttrda(s most lmpor· tant c:olltp flmt Ind fllmtd hlfh· lifhts of four other top pmes of th• week. l~:N::1flt. (C) 3:45 o.q... Scertbeanl (C) 4:00 YilwpNt (C) D UTH AHO THE POLICE * District Attorney Evelle Younger & USC students explore "The Agitators" ....... hnicle (C) (60) Os.mt.,.._ (60) m DMtaJ1 (C) (60) M1r'lhaU Thompson ind ChtfYf Mllltr star. GJ Aaltull. Adlltl ... Adv••• (C) (30) ''Deep Danitr." The most dan,.rous business In Ult world- dMnr for Mothet of Putt ahelll In the Tuamotu laland.....a the aub· ject of tonlettt's show. The htro of this acrona story II F1riua Tthlv1, considered to be tt11 toprshtll di'fer in French Polynesia. fJi) YMlll llaial Altilb (30) Bass player ChJrles GrMnWlll is accom· P1nltd by pianist Andl'ft Frotlk:h In 1 prorram o4 wol'b by Purcell, Bizet, Beethoven, Verdi ind Saint•· Saens. a> M111 fro• UNClf (C) (60) ' Youth tnd Pollet (C) UCLA Feotball (C) T1pe del1y o the Bruins' encounter with Uni· vel1ity of Pittsbureti's Panthers, played yesterday 1t the Los Anfeles Memorl1I Coliseum. Anchorlnr e potent Panther defense is lint· bicker R1lph Cindrich, who Is tabbed for stardom in pro bell. Offensively the Panthers have U · perience, size 1nd speed. The Penn· sylnnl1 team should prove 1 wor· thy opponent for the Bruins' second test of the seuon. Tom Harmon e1lls the action. m USC football (C) Tlpe delay of the Trojans' meet with the Unlver· sity of Nebraska Cornhuslters 1t Lincoln, Nebruka. Tom Kelly h1n· dle.s the pl1y·by·pl1y of this 11me tlped yesterd1y. 6:30 11 I lficiA I Repertoirt WorbMp (C) (30) "Tht Opportunity." A re- broadcast of the powerful dr1m1 about a contract bttween an •rln& white millionaire and a you111 black men for 1 brain transplant. The unique presentation, which dr1mat· ically plu meteri1I values 111lnst human values In a lift·duth altua· tion, marted the television debut of two new playwri&hts. Brvdl Buck· ineti1m ind Irwin Barnette. Ster· rin& are John H1rdin1. Winston Thrash and lavellt Roby. (R) featlll"I ,.. .... D @@ m C.£. Cellep Bowl (C) (30) m R11n fer Yottr Ufe (C) (30) m s.,tbnall TMatn <60> "Fltht· inf Cablllero." fJi) Tiie Frmdl CW (30) Julia Child prepares veil scallops • a CIJ StWJ <C> <30> I~ M~r:a.:ny Eulp O'Toolt Col1tet footblll 1969 (C) 7:00 U Q.t (j) laaM (C) (30) Terror · st1lks the forest when 1 Siberian t11er ~pes i nd 1n lnjured...,m· 1n, trapped and alone In a remote renaer station, fices 1 111dden ind startlinr ni(htmue. (R) 4:JO I N .... 1ur1 <C> On C.11pa (C) Tiie Avtttf9'1 (C) "Death's Door." British d11tr1tes to 1 secret summit conference have premoni· tlons of death and refuse to et· It'"'$=-... (R) ,..,.. , ,alabru T1lt llf'lttue 5:00 II N ... (C) Clete Roberts. D@ (]) m Wild Kln&do• (C) (30) "Operation Rescut." Conclu· sion. Mar1in Perkins, Jim fowler 1nd Sten Bl"ocJt continue to explore capture methods of wild 1nlm1b stranded in eastern Venezuela's m1n·m1de lake Guri. e bwMdt <6-0> (Continued) A Precision Adjustable Form Gives a Custom-Made Look to the Dresses You Make and Alter TM one thine that home sewers w•nt to avoid Is lhat home-m•de lookl Now they cant Even beginners c.1n achieve lhar e11pen· slve custom fit. The secret Is p.11ttcrn adjusl· Ing lthe hardest put of sewinl) on • form that is shaped exactly like you! A form 1ha1 allows for your ~rtlcult1r figure variations. That's why Adjust· To· You Dress Forms Is un- like •ny other. II re•lly becomes a second you . . . with your neck, shoulders, bust, waist, hipsl When your musuremenls chvige, you un •djust this form in S«Onds! Bulh·in "size selectors" In euh 1rei m•rt measurements, both regulu & htllf sizes from 8 to 20. All you do is clip lock into position II your meuurcments. P•llern adjusting, altering & fitting are simple. You an give all your ready·m•de dothes that custom look, tool No more tedious ripping •nd re-sewing. No more 1hera1lon bills! Ad1uS1·To-You is m•dc of DuPont NeoSHene body ma1erlt1I tti.1 <ldjusts autom1tlc.ally as you clip lode In pl•ce. Whtlt •n 1mprovemen1 over bulky, Iron forms! It's entirely plnnablel Form fflts on ru~r-tipped, llahrwelght stl'el stand easlly raised or lowered for working convenience. You ctn take form ap.irt in 1ndlvldu;iil sec- tions for work on lap, t•ble, chair or for stortns In dra~r. Simple, euy·lo·follow Instructions Included. • lecomn • ttcond ~ Sbe Hlecton lock al ~ MNluf'fllttftb. • • o,... fo""8 C"Oltlna s time nMWC do not "'" ......... fttlblfa. • '"" .._.kl,.. lltortatl It built rfpt ..... • Mala ~"I & lttJ,. t'-ffttft1 pM of wwi.._ • A4wt1 to wtishf chlnpt; •• othtt "'""" ben "' yow f.uftlly. • o..,bat" ~ ~ of .,....,, ..... .... ....... w-. ao.....; coe- hctl, ........ ; """°""' ...... : ........ ~athewl • 0 lepl..v 0..... Fon. for IU;a I .. 2t '71360) ••• '5.4' 0 I.Mp Drtt1 '°""'°'tins lt'lt to Sf 1056ln •• fMI 0 Adi ....... 5-t .... <21378) • • • . • • . • •••• S2 ... SUND Of *' I • G c e E r v t ' ( E ~ • .. I • E • • L • \ h k v 7:30 I f I: F I c d A n ti ti ~ ~!=Erskine I at ewry tum"' TheFBI ~Tonight at 8:00 (i) SUNDAY (Continued) fJ ROBOT RUNS WILD ON * "LAND OF THE GIANTS., EXCITING PREMIERE O@(I)G)NEW SWOll und of Utt Ql.nta (C) (60) ''The Me- chanical Man." Mart and Rtzhugh are captured by a eiant sclentlJt, Gorn, who Intends to use his ri•nt robot as a psychological warfare weapon. However, the robot has po- tentially danrerous imperfections and Gorn promises fre.dom for his captives if they correct the trouble. Gary Conway, Kurt Kasznar, Don Matheson, Stef1n Amgrim, Don Marshall, Dunn• Lund and Heathe Young star. Broderick Crawford auats as Gorn. fJ Wlllt'I My UM'l (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. · m Movie: "A ltttlr to 1'rM Wi¥tl" (dr1m1) '49-J•nne Crain, Linda Darnell, Ann Sothtm. m Speailltielt <60> ''The Roots ot Ytolence." Dr. Keith Berwick and his IUllh discuss CIU38S of vio· lence and public attitudes towards various types of COftflict. (R) @!) c..i. ~ Cwio• (30) 7:30 a Gt CIH Hew;, n. bpi fl•11J (C) (90) A unique personal· lzed view of Grut Britain's Royal Family focuses on Queen Eliubeth II, Prince Philip and their four chlldren-f>rtnce Charles, Princ1 Ari· drew, Prince Edward and Princess Aline. The proaram-4dlted from mo,. than 80 hours of film foot.Ir• thlt took a ytar to produce--mub lht first time an American teltvl· ilon auditllCt will see such an In· formal pruenutlon of tht Royal 0 @ (I) a> AIC Slm4IJ Movie: Brt1n's youn1tr brother, Niii. Steve F1mily. {Cj ""Ow MIG llitlt" (satire) ·~ Ihnat ruests IS U. Anderson. CJ ID Ci) a;, Wlllt Dila., (C) (60) Jlmes Coburn, Lee J. Cobb, Gi11 8 m ..... (C) (30) "My Doa. the Thief." Part I of two Golan, Edward Muthart. A min of Lit ... T•* to ... (C) (60) parts. A St Bernard, fleeinr a do& m1ny talents. Flint is a kame Distrid Attorney Evelle J. Younpr catdler, unwittinflY Slves a traffic champion, br1ln sureeon, swords-ruests. Keith Walker hosts. alr·watch pilot's job and foils ~I man and nudur physicist. Amon1 I Labor Report (C) (30) thieves. Dwayne Hickman, Mary Arin his dearest possessions are his ci1· M111ion f'oOUll Mobley, Elsa lanchester, Joe Flynn, arette lighter with 82 death·de1lln1 NET FntlYal (60) "Encore Par· Roaer C. Carmel, Mickey Shauah· devices and two m•n·Htlng dop. is." (R) fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Toward (Zon1I Or1anlzation of WorJd Intel· 10:30 World To11onow (C). (30) nessy and John Van Dreelen star. Flint Is called upon by ZOWIE 1· Gran Ttltro (60) Ult Unknown" (adventure) '56 -lieence Espionaae) to stop • plan Plt£MIERE Jobn Barbour Sltow William Holden, Lloyd Nolan. by the enemy to control the world ( ) (90) John Barbour, talented aJ Passport to Travel (C) (30) ~controlling Its wulher. niahtclub performer ind comedy "Africa-land and People." The W I lfl<OO I Dnlcl Frost Pmtntl writer, stars In his own variety show, ma(ic that makes the continent tllt London Tbutrt (C) (60) A spe-backed musically by lhe Bobby one of the world's most desired clal tribute to London's lealtimate Smale Quartet tourist de$\in1tion.s is explored. (R) theatre. (R) I Kltll'Jft lhd1lu11 (C) (30) &l Horse Opft'I (60) ''Sheriff of aJ CIYalcadt of Boob (C) (30) 11:00 CJ 0 aJ a> Ntn (C) I.as Vegas." &l RtwMde Roundup (60) "Check Cathedral of TollOfTOW (C} al Los CaudiUos (30) Your Guns." • William F. 8ucklty (C) U. S. l:ilO I DMtlllpa Htfdu (30) Postmaster General Winton Blount DROLLER GAMES-L" 1 (C) 9:30 Ntwa (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Bests. ive. Tht Sports Set (C) (30) Ci) Q) Cil 9 Cl) Ntn (C) * T·BIRDS vs. WARRIORS Conuntntarlos y Celtbrlct.dn 11:15 Mowit: "A Nlitit at tllt Opera" D Roller Gamu. (C) (2 hr) T·Birds (30) (comedy) '36-The Marx Brothers. vs. Eastern Wamors. 10:00 fJ 9 Cl) Mission: lmpessiblt (C) 11:30 fJ Movie: (C) "Tht Far Horizons" 0 PREMIERE SHOWING (60) In a bold experimtnt with a (adventure) '55 -Charlton Heston, * of the 1970 cars from man's mind, the IMF blanks out Fred MacMurr1y, Donna Reed. Lincoln-Mercury on the memory of an enemy •rent. I lo"m• & 8..t1., (C) THE FBI t . h't then sets out to make him think Tlte ~press (C) omg he Is someone else. Henry Silva (6) lnsipt (C) 0 @ @ &> n. Fil (C) (60) guests. (R ) ll:A5 Clftt1111 SUlldly: ''The Animal&.'' "Nightmare Road." Arthur Ward CJ@ Ci) a;, Tht Bold Ones (C) 12:00 Public Stmce FllM (C) ''The leaves FBI headquarters in Wash· (60) "A G1n1e of Chance." Attor· Way to 1 Man's Heart." Phyllis ington with top investigator lnspec· neys Nichols, Darrell and Darrell Diller and Tony Randall aum in tor Erskine lo direct the hunt for face unusual adversary in Police this hour·lone special for the Los two men lnvolVed in the fatal shoot· Lieutenant William Anderson as they Arlgettl County Heart Asaoclatlon. ine of an FBI agent and a deputy defend clienb In a contrived mur· Ruth Warrick b hostess. sheriff. Robert Duvall, Burr De· der case. Cast: Burl Ives as W11ter 12:30 0 Spt1tla1 frttlr (C) Benning 1nd Davey Davison auest. Nichob; Josei>h Camp1nell1 as 1:00 fJ Morie: "'Wo1Hn'1 Prison" (dra· aJ c.ut's World (C) (30) "Hone Brian; and James flrentlno as ma) '55--lda Lupino, Jan Sterllna. Kona. Glitterin1 Outpost." Host Ce·i------------------------- sar Romero tours the Briti$h Crown Colony. (R) EIJ) Soumb of SUmllltf (C) (2 hr) "Country Music at a Country Fair." A country and western songfest fea· tures Conway Twitty, Mer1e Hauard, The Lonely Blue Boys, Charlie Pride and others. m Cerrollltl Mtxlcano (60) 8:30 D ID (I) m 8111 eo.y (C) (30) "lullaby and Goodnight." Chet Kin· cald is nominated as a consultant for the President'f--Physical Fitness program, but he cannot summon the enero to serve because a bartl· lne dof keeps him sleepless for too many nlghb. When he protests the noise, he comes f1ce·tD·f1Ct with a 130-pound hound. 9:00 6) MJ Mottwr, tllt Car (C) (30) &) World TolltOll'OW (30) IJ Billy Graham and The * 5th Dimension add fun to the very special WOODY ALLEN SHOW IJ Qt m I IHc@' WMCIJ Alltll (C) (60)Woody Allen, the dimlnu· UYe. ~·key comedian-authof, is the star of this show. His ruests Include The 5th Dimension, Candice Btrren and Rev. Billy Grah.tm. 0 9 (j) m loft1ua (C) (60) "The Witness." A youna alrl clllm· Ing to be the sole witness to 1 staeecoach holdup 1grees to hldt out at the Ponderosa durlna tha hunt for the runmen, but the situ· ation is complicated whtn sht falls in love with Little Joe. Mtlim Mur· phy, Connie Hines and Stefan Gltr· •sch guest. ... ,. 11 IE YOUI OWN IAUBI TllM HAii FAST! Automallc Home Haircut sawJS money o n barber ,hop visits. Keeps that "just-left-the-barber" look all the time. Fut & eisyl Just 91fde It over your head-don't even need a mirror! Great for children's culs. No eicposed edges; no electric wires. For ladles, too: trims hair; ~ves underarms, legs. PIHtlc. 0 Home HaJmd (14829) ...... SUI 0 11 Rt>fill l&adet 1058271 . . . S1.M . lOffCi SPONCI llUSlt SOAPS YOUI MCX ••• a yo., tcrvbl Lathen tho1e hard-to-reach tlP<* whtte llYl"I you • sdmu-llttns nib dowtll Sffp tny tOIP (ften ~ lnto lhe IPOnP bMh. A rich lather foamt dw IO ... eve,y inch of yo4lr bliCl dean! Gontout9d ....... 1,.. Ion~ ''WHAT'S NEW P\ISSYCA T" ... on the changing we.ither scenel look at the umbrella. fella I O•ppcr, top-hatted tabby ridm along In your a r to give you the lamt word. His bouncy um- brella chanaes from blue In f31r weather 10 VIOiet when a change Is due ... 10 pink when rain-gear Is In o~r! Magne t1%ed baSt' holds this adorable Parasol Pussycat In place on the dash ... or perch him on 1 kitchen cabinet, deslc or wh11-no1. His soft, velour c~t comes In ass't happy colors to brighten any d&y. 9/.". o-.. .... ....,, .... tu1 0 WM~ '"'HOI ~I (67645) SI POIT AILE CAltACll * SQUAii • F&T . . . Complete protection for UI CM' boat •ftywhenll Take It with you! Cipntic 12' x 2S' Jheet P"' ~ plete ~ltfl Huvy 11up, durable pol~hyl~ Wutherpf'OOf, resifts te1rs • KUfft . Store In ar trvnlc. HNvy Stn!nfth COWi hu • tl.-down light grommets OelUlle 12' " 19' Muble s1ren1th pla1tlc, cu1tom·~on· tour, snua·fll elutic edalng, 0 POf'llble Gar<aat: ·~ ~h (11864) ...... t.ul ~ .......... (01081) ............. . o.t...e Stretts"' (01211) ....• SM.ti MORNINf. Larry Blyden welcomes Selma Oil· mond, Jack Cassidy, and Jadl Carter 11 celebrity panelists. They d the inner per10nalltles of Alan Kina. 5:5511 Clwe Ua Tilil Dar (C) Zsa Zsa Gabor. Jim Backus, Jo Anne 5:00 II s. ..... Semttllf' (C) Wor1ey and Milton Berle. 6:30 I) Odyaaey (C) "Psydllatty and OJ Pwbllc StfVlce Film (C) CrimJnal Law." A unique appro.teh ~ Cl) S.MJ TodlJ (C) in relatin1 psychiatry and psychol· 10:30 II 9 Cl) Lowe of lift (C) ogy to tha crlminll Ju~lce system a @ Ci) m Hollywood Squam marks the beglnnin1 of the fall (C) Peter Marshall hosts. Panelists semester of this USC college credit are Nanette Fabray, Jan Murray, course. Dr. Seymour Pollack. USC Allen Sherman, Maureen Arthur, Professor of Psychiatry, and John Lohman & Barkley, Wally Cox. w. Miner. Los Angeles County Charley Weaver, Jack Cassidy and Deputy District Attorney, instruct. Abby Daiton. D Education Esthan&• (C) "In the m Roy Roprs Matter of Police." James Curren 10:50 fJ F11lllons In Sftln& (C) Starring ~stsEducation (C) "Project Know-Lucille Rivers. The American Political System." 11:00 II tB (])Where tM Heart Is (C) m Ed tlonal Films Dl1n1 Van Der Vlls, James Mitchell, uu C) Jo ph Be ti Diana Walker and Mark Gordon 1:00 I) cas News ( se n . star a@@ m Tiit Today Sttow (C) D ~Cl) m Jeopardy (C) Hu1h Downs. Barbara Watters, Frank Flemlng hosts. Blair and Joe Gar1glola are featured. 0 Tiie Cillopin& Coonntt I Enra. Witb Glori• (C) Graham Kerr. Mr. Wltllbone (C) 0 Debbie Dme Dancercizt (C) Felli ttle Cat (C) ID Romper Roont (C) CommoditJ/Stoa R..,orts l1:25 I) 9(1) CBS Nnt (C) Douglas 7:25 fJ Com1Hnlty Bullttln lolrd (C) Edwards. 7:30 g forelp Ltflonnaire: Starrlnt 11:30 I)~ (]) S.ardl foi TomomtW (C) Buster Crabbe. 0 9 @ m [Jt Cam (C) Bill Aelipus Featuru 8 Johnny Grant at Univ.rut (C) Wond111ma (C) The Annlvenary Came (C) Al THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPT'EMBElt W, 1969 DID (i) m n. DedlNI (t') 2:25 D ~@ m QC ,.... (C) Floyd James Pntchett sta11. Kllber. D (fl)(}) Drll• Hol• (C) Mike 2!lO I Qt (i) T1w Up of Niilit (C) Darrow hosts. · Qj Ci) m TIM Mltdl Ca ... m ,._.. (C) ( ) Gene Rayburn hosts. fJ) Tedlnlcal Com• 8 Qhf Ta• (C) Vlrainla Graham. 1:30 I! (i) TM Culdln1 U&frt (C) ~ (}) m Tiii Datln1 , ... · @ m AnotMr Wtrtd (C) (C) Jim Lanae hosts. tt1ttr Knows 1ut: C*lftc (C) m ttaze1 Wtd. fl) Mr. and Mn. Norttl I <i1J Cl) m Ltt'• Mab a 0.1 3:oo I 9 CJ) eo... PYie eel Monty Hill hosts. , P .D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. Trutlt or Coneequenca (C) f!lltl•ar P1trol Wortcl of Wom111 (C) (ill CI) &) 6enlfal Ho.,itl1 {C) C.tHIOCfltJ /Stoel Report • Movie: See Daytime Mcwles. CHARWOMAN-carol Buradt re- prlsa Iler daarwomaa ct.arKtitr oa Tiie Carol BlllDett Sltow, wttkll re-nu. for ltl dlllrd lltMOD MoodaJ at H PM OD CBS. Tom Frandsen hosts. ! Dennis the Menace Bo.zo th Clown (C) futures @ Matinee: Don Rodewald. Matinee: Don Wilson. 3:30 I) Lucty Palr (C) Host Richard D1W$0n welcomes tue$is Nina Foch, Hank Brandt, Ruta lee and Allen Ludden. • MIU Dou&las (C) ome and Hanlet (ill CV m Ou Lift To u.. (C) T1te Flintston• (C) Hobo lt!IJ (C) TV Ruden' Ditest Ci) Pop.,e ind Tiie """ Stooaes 4:00 I) Sea Hunt U PREMIERE The Nlbd Trvtll (C) Half·hour dramatizations of human relations problems. I Tiie Ed Nelson Show (C) Cullen hosts. Bozo (C) Himel hosts. 1:00 I) 9 Ci) Captain lln11100 (C) 0 Tempo (C) Bob Doman and Roy 1 ... With Bob Keeshan. Elwell co·host. . .: 0 (ii) CI) G) Dart Shadows (C) Jonathan Frid stars. Daphne's Cartoon cuti. (C) Travel fllm1 (C) Jift_ . I Uncle Waldo Cartoons (C) I Sbtrtff Jolin (C) ; Cumby (C) Market CtoM \YQ Ntwt/Stod Martlt . Poclttful of Fun ~ 8:15@(1) Y'tdeo Dliest (C) 11:45 g Corm luy (C) Wed. Rocbt R.obla Hood (C) win Newman. 1:30 ! Tht FUntat.ftu (C) 11:55 CJ ~@ m NBC News (C) Ed- CI) Rocty and Hit Friends (C) A F T f R i~ 0 0 'I 1:45 g Your Moo.,.s Wortll (C) Thurs. 9:00 I) 9 (]) n1 Latcy SM (C) D Qj 00 m It Tab• Two (C) 12:GO II leutlqOI (C) Steve Dunne tmts. Vin Scully hosts. Carolyn Jonu, Lyle • 0 9 @ m YtNl'rt httlq Mt Wa1tonlf', Linda Kaye Hennlnt and Oa (Cl Host Bill Leyden welcomes theif ~resj)ed~ spouses are the Mirty Allen, Burt Reynolds. Brenda celebrity panelists. . Vaccaro. Larry Blyden, Pew Cass g I.owe That Bob, Mon.·Wed.. Jal ind £. J. Peaker 11 celebrity pan· AIAli. Th~rs·fn. . elists. O MoN; See D1yt1me Movies. I Movie: see D~me Movies. Jacklt Joseph ls hostess. (ii) CI) 8twltc:Md (C) I Movie: See Daytime Mcwies. News (C) Bill Johns. (ill CI) Jae• La Lane (C) Stea Ma.tit Allafyais Undenlo& (C) : Once Upon 1 Day 9:25 CJ U (j) m NIC N ... (C) Hen· (]) Andy Criffitll (C) cy Dlcbrson. 12:15 &) Stretcl •d Sew (C) Wed. 9:30 I· Qt ~...,ty Hillbillies (C) 12:3019 ~ Al t111 WOfld Ttm11 (C) U 8' Concentrltlon (C) • @ m o.p ot ow Lives Ed McM• hosts. M Mac 0111ld Carey stars. U llewll: SN D•ytime Movies. @ (})Tit.It llrt (C) JohnnJ Grant hosts. . News (C) Jack Latham. m MMe: SN Daytime Mcwies. &) INalln& for Dellara (C) Dave Ben Hunter hosts. o~ hoits m ,_.,, (C) ....... es . Qj) (}) HaydtR'a Hlpc>tnln& (C) fJ) Office rtf tllt ~ lctOO I W, lrtfflttl (C) 1:00 II Qt !JJ Ltwt la 1 ll111y Spltn-IS Ci) m hf'lonalitJ (C) Host dond Tlua1 (C) Pap 12 z~ § u s.att St9l1I cc> • @ 6 mY• o..-t SIJ (C) Elt£ Dear Julla Mudt (C) Ed Sullivan's former pitchledy, Miss Julia Meade will act as hosteu and moderator of this half·hour, Mon· day·ttirough·frid•y proaram. Mis Meade, with the help of qualified experts, will answer letters from troubled per10ns (who remain anonymous), and she and the ex· perts will aeneralize on possibl aolutlons. D @ ~a> Tiie Newlywed 611111 I Bob Eubanks hosts. I Lovt Latcy Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ftlttlru m DMtlrl (C) Marshall Thompson and Cheryl Miller star. &) fNtlff'll 4:15 fil) Friendly Giant 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) N1Ws (C) Biii Bonds. Tht Manltln (I)Ptny MUOft : ~ul of F•n (]) ne Fllntston• (C) (B Btwitdled 5:00 § kNBC ..... s.mc. CC> Nnn (C) Tom Reddin. • 111t Groovy Sbow (C) Robert W. Morgan hosts. NtlR (C) George Putnam. Bataan (C) Pet• Swnn @ Jl•my Doeaaotl Sttow (C) : Once Upon • 0., ({) Mdlalt'a Nny • Gitllpe'a lalancl (C) more ........ (C) 5:30 0 @ CI)&> ABC Ewttlftl N1n (C) Frank Reynolds, Howard K. Smith. 0 TwtllJlrt Zotle ID Gilll11n's Island (C) fE Sunset Trails @ 00 Tllll Day 1969 (C) fil) M1stero1111' Nti~ tB Cl) Newseye Z9 (C) m Town Tall (C) ~PENCER GIFTS ORDER FORM I SPENCER GIFTS INSTANT RICHES SWEEPSTAKES Thousands of prize~ wa1t1ng to be cia1rnf>d • lA-14 SPENCER BUILDING, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. 08404 M>D•·~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CITY Al "---- If you art 1 winner In our .,.nstant Richts" SWHpstakes, · rttum yeur LUCKY NUMBER TICKET with this convenient order form. 0 YES ~ • U. ltt!llS Oldtrtd below. (nclosecl 0 MO -1'111 not O<deri1 llOW, wt t11tloU4 It my 11 1117 ~ltttcl l11Ckp N11111Mr Tidtl wltlt C01110ltll4 l11C•Y lllbtr Ticket witll f0$l•t• HOW MAH't posu,. 11.11111 to Mii tllt IOOd "'"' IClout ltJtlP to rvsll ttlt pod 11tws to • about 111 ., FrM P'ri11. frt1 P'ri1t. STOOt NO. POSTAGE la HANDLING CHART 0n99n ~ $t.OO •••••••••••••••• add onlr ~ ara.. "'°"' $7.01 to 19.00 •.•••••.••••.••. ltc ~ "°"' U.01 to 11..00 ••.•..••••••.••• 79c Ordet9 '""" $3.01 .. is.co .••••.•.•..•.•.• •tic Onlenl -to $3.00 ........................ ~ SAW TAX TOfAl SPDl•fOSUM Olf MY CM omctAL SWEEPSTAKES RULES All lucky Number Tlckets returned .accordlna 10 the ln$truclions given below wlll be comp.ired to the official llst or winning numbers which shows the Pflze uch num~ ber wins. If you choose to order merch.lndlse, fill In your name and addren on the Lucky Number Ticket and enclose 1 6f st.amp, then send It along with your order. Your number wlll ~Ive screening promplly by the judges and vou Will know whit you have won as soon as possible. If you do not chOOSe to order now, fill In your name and address on the lucky Number Tlcket and endow I 6f stamp. Then fill In your name 1nd address on the top of the Order Form .at le(t and chm one of ltte boxes. M4til It alon1 w11h your ticket.. The ludses wlll scretn your entty promptly and you wlll be notlflt'd of what you h.lve won as soon as ponlble. Eich enuy must be submitted ~rately In accordance with d'le above lnstruc11onJ. This sw~J»Qkct Is und r •ht aupervtslon of an lnd~ent judtf na orpnlution who wUI authentiol• valid wtnn1ng enttle$ and whose dedsloru are final. All entrjes must be postmarked by midnight. Nov~r 17, 1969-and recelwd by Novtm~r 111, 1969. Unclaimed prizes wlll not be awarded. This sweepstakes 11 void where pf'OhtbUed by law end 11 subject to all fcder;al, State .tnd local reaulalions where &pplluble. Any U. S ~d~nt m.iy enter G~ employees end flmlhes of Spencer Clfts and Its 11end~. No PUK"'-e ,...,c4. and TheJ ePn M they mu: The ePre 1oyd (C) .... iam . .... osts. I (C) ~les. I. :hard =och, Allen I (C) """ (C) 1pson s. rt w. ' (C) Ntws d IC. TheBeatles and the lig hits make The MuSic Scene ePremiere1.30pm(l) Marooned forever, they must start a new world as The New Peo le e Premiere8:15pm (?} MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22 For morning and afternoon listinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the rl&ht to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D (C) ......,....,.. (drama) '55 -Steve Forrest. Anne Buter. a "Huvtns AMftl" (comedy) '63 -Peter Sellers, Ctdl P1rter. 9:3011 "Moreccie" (rom1nc:e) '30-Gery Cooper, M1r1ene Dietrich. m "A DilpftJI Fro• a.utlrl'' (d111m1) ·•~ward G. Robinson, Edn1 Best 12:00 IJ "$1,000 a To41CMowft" (com· edy) '3~.loe E. Brown. Martha We. 2:00 "Heldln' for HUHfl" (comedy) • -Stu1rt Erwin, Glenda Farrell. 3:00 D "Llurt" (mystery) '#-Gene ilerney, Dana Andrews. Clifton Wtbb. 4:30 IJ (C) '"Escape to •-a" (•d· venture) '55 -Btrb1111 Stanwyck, Robert Ryan. [ V F N I N c; 5:00 II Tiie 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Hut1ey-lrl11kltJ R.,ort (C) @> U ~ AIJttt 5alow (C) (90) Ch1111e Minna, How1rd Storm, Werner Klemperer, and the. Stony Brook People auest. D Sil O'Clocl Movie: '1'ht ltfl· bof" (comedy) '60 -Jeny Lewis. Milton Berte. 11 5n (C) (60) ,.,... Plac. (C) (30) DEBUT Stir Trek (C) (60) Wil- m Shatner end Leonard Nlmoy st.er. (iJ) CJ) Miu Ooqtn (C) (90) fE Wilt's NIW? (30) "Yankee Wh11in1.'' I (I) CIS News (C) (30) tit.po dt Ptrdon (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 5:30 • MIC ...._.. (C) (60) Shnp hrtdlle (C) (30) Office of ,.. l'mldttlt (30) (6) Huntt.,.lrtnkltJ (C) (30) : fiin Circle Headline (C) (JO) Cl) Tiit Munsttrs (C) (30) ' ~ 34 (C) (60) ...... (C) (30) 7:00 II CIS &nJar Ntwl (C) (30) Welter Cronkfts. 0 wi.at'a MJ UM? (C) (30) Willy Bru ntf hosts. m Tt Tell U.. Trudi (C) (30) Gary Moore hosts. Biii Cullen, Kitty Cer- llslt, Ofton Bean and Pew Cass are P• nelists. l!) DOUT a.at U.. Clocl (C) (30) Jack N1rz hosts. ti) C..llOditi I~ MwUt @ @ MoadaJ Mew• (90) ''The Secret W1ys," s1arrin1 Richard Wkl· marll. m Aa1e1a1 c3o> QI Cl) Trudi er t'ela .... IMlll (C) ~)Caeuf1 Wlfid (C) (30) I) tut Clrt (C) (30) 7:30 IJ t1I Cl) NlW SQSON lunMIOh (Cl "lbt Dtvll's Outpost." M1nh1I Dillon eapturet 1n outl1w durlnr 1n 1ttempttd staae holdup, then Is pursued do&redly •II the way beck to Dodft by the outlew's brother end his r•nf or rtntpdei James Amess. Amenda Blake. Mil· burn Stone, Ken Curtis ind Buck Taylor star. Robert lanslna end Jon1th1n Lippe ue tpeclal 111..U. D m .. , World ud ... ~ .... It (C) (30) ''The Dlsench1nttd." John Monroe's dauahter. mHfed bt- ~u• her tither won't htlp her htvt htr seat chanfed et school, le1vea home. 9 st.•p tile Sta11 (C) (30) Mike Stokey welcomes Choo Choo Collins. Fabien 1nd Stef1nlann1 Christopher· son as suests. fJ MUSIC SCENE-Beatles * T. Bennett, Buck Owens D (HJ (])G) NOUEIE Tiit Mw-ik SceM (C) (45) Guuts fOf the first show Include The Butt.s: slna· er James Brown; the folk·roc:k rroup of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Younr-whose "Marrakech Express" topped the charts In record time; Tony Bennett; ind Buck Owens and His Bucklroos. The show Is hosted by an Improvisational team lnclud· Ina l1ny Hankin, Christopher Ross. Liiy Tomlin, Chris Bokeno, David Steinbera and PauJ Reid Romen. Los Anaeln disc joekeya Humble Huve and B. Mitchell Reed are altematina 1nnounee11 of the show. 0 Miiiien $ MIMt: "Tiit Cirl He Uft Mind" (comedy) '65 -Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood. m Trvtll Of toa.quenc:a (C) (30) Three little boys tell host Bob B1rker what profession they wish to follow as 1dults and the salary they expect to receive. l!) DEIUT Judd for Ult DtfenM (q (60) Cad Batz and Stephen Youna st.er. ti) Ttdlalcal Conltf (30) Ell) Eastlfn W'lldoll -' Medefn Ute (30) "Ztn and Semantics." Alan Watts points out the pa111lltl1 to Buddhist philosophy in th• llnruls· tic sciences of aeneral semantics and metalln1uittics. fll ChCICM ti Ro1ID (30) 1:00 D m la1tP.la (C) (60) Diani Ross aivts the sln1ln1 Supremes the nlrht off to auest·st•r In a spoof of. Romeo and Juliet. end es a hip anatl. Alan Sues Introduces Uncle Al, a kiddie show host who h1tes kids; General "Bull" Rl&ht (Dan Rowan) returns with 1nothtt of his 'stlrrina' talks; end Mod, Mod Wor1d looks 1t the Ins and outs of inw111nc:e. 11 JICl ... ., (JD) Clint Wilt. rutsts. I ~ llltltrl (60) Woltcl Pt-. (C) (60) 1:15 ; ~'19 ~~~ Tiit .... "°'Ti" {C) (45) In the openlnr d111m1 Wllllam H1nnlchtll (l\ltlt· star Rlcherd Kiiey) of tht State Ot· p1rtment lntereepts 1 cultu111I •· china• croup (that has bttn tDur· ln1 Europe) to rtlltvt John Pllrrtm (Continued) Pap JS THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 MONDAY (Continued) Vlllap, and aeeks tceet>ill'Q for her "new morality." (Partey Baer). The latter is irate 9:30 II Qt Ci) NEW SEASON Doria o., bec.tuse dissidents 1mon1 the rroup (C) (30) ~s finds the perlect Job of YoUnr Americans have caused on a Sin fr1ndsco marazlne but incidents embarr1ssln1 to the is certain she is rolna to lose It. United States. When Hennichek In· Fellow secretary (Rose Marie who forms the studerits th1t the tour joins the cast as a rerul1r) con- will be cancelled unless they ton· vinces Dorl$ to evade the (act of form, they elect to ao home. Dur· havlna children at home so she'll Ina 1 severe storm their plane crash· be hired as the secretary 00 Ml· lands on remote Bomano Island in chael Nicholson, the marazine's the South Pacific, an abandoned I d"t M l St test site equipped with bulldlnas mane& nf e ' or ( c ean even· and supplies. They see their hopes Ison>;.,.. (C) (30) Ted Meyers. for rescue ~rlsh when a sia~al PROUEJtE Ht Said, Sbt Said fire Is extin1u1shed by a lumbenng ( ) (30) Joe Garaaiola is host of football player In his . rage ag1lnst this word·assocletion game be· a black militant. C.st. Tiffany Bol· tween celebrity husb1nds and WIVIS. llnr as Susan Bradley, Zooey Hall ii) Rnlsb Musical (30) as B?b L~. Jill Jaress as Ginny lO:OO 8 9 (j) NEW SEASON Carol ~oom1s. 01v1d Mose~ as Gene Wish· lllmltt (C) (60) Miss Burnett sings, mrton. Dennis Olivieri as Stanley clowns and d1nces with her spedal Gabriel, and Peter Ratr1y as George guest Jim Naboo for her third set· Potter. son premiere. Harvey Korman. Lyle 1:30 1J ~ (j) NEW SEASON Hlft'1 Wagoner and Vicki Lawrence are Lucy (C) (30) The C.rtt< family is on hand, too. In a comedy sketch, hired to drive a camper from Los Nabors visits bachetorette neifhbor Angeles to San Francisco and lllo/ Burnett and trluers 1 series of decides to show Cr111 the U.S. Air burflar alarms in her apartment, a Force Academy "on the w1y." In one-room fortress protected by an part I of a two-part story, Lucy impenetrable network of security manages to aet herself stranded in deviceJ. the men's dorm. unsuccessfully 0 fl) (6) m I S!!Ci!l:,i Tiie Flip tries to enroll Craig as a student. Wilton Sllow (C) (60) Two humor· and drives the Academy's super-ous sketches and three comedy lntendent, I three-star gener1I, lo sketches with his fuest stars hi&h· distraction. light Fllp's first network special. IJ BNlns In Action (C) (30) Tommy Followinr his openlnf monoloaue, Prothro analyzes the Saturday fame Flip does 1n "expectant f1ther" between the UCLA Bruins and the sketch with Andy Williams: dons a Panthers from the University of blonde wir to become Stewardess Pfttsbur&h. Geraldine with Jonathan Winters as e1.30pm(l) CD David frost (C) (90) Maude Frickett for Maude's first I!) DEBUT The Bil VelllJ (C) (60) airplane trip; and teams with Arte --------------------------1 Barbara Stanwyck stars. Johnson for • sPoOf entitled "Mid· 9:00 119 CJ) NEW SEASON Maybtny nifht Cowpoke." Jackie OtShannon RfD (C) (30) Sam Jones welcomes and The Loadstones also auest. Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) ind his 8 m News (C) (60) family to the farm, where they p Dtlla! (C) (60) Tiny nm. Little stay while preparin& for Andy Jr.'s R1thard guest. christenina. Unexpected jealousy m Perry Muon (60) crops up when Goober. Howard and RIWltlcM Roundup (60) Emmett learn that Andy and Helen : Fltln2 Lint (C) (60) "American (Aneta Corsaut) have picked Sam Popularity Abroad." Anthony lewis, to be the baby's! IP.tl~cel" New York Times' London corr•· 0 fD (I) m Cllfysltt' spondenl talks with Buckley about rr .. nts lob Hope ( ) (60) Bob our Image abroad. Hope receives a little help from his ii) Mu Alli de ta Mun (C) (30) friends to help launch his 20th 10:30 ii) Ua 5rito en &a Obacariclld (30) seuon on NBC. i:ti• funnymen in· 11 :00 I 0 0 Q) ii) ma> News (C) volved In Hope's hrst comedy show Alfred Hltdlcoct of the new season indude ~PY • Movie (C) ''ltplcl of the Lost" Sties. st1Ve Allen, Flip Wtl50!1. (adventure) '57-John Wayne, Sophia Shelley Berman, Red Buttons. Sid Loren Caesar. John~y Carson, Jack Carter, m L~dtn'I Qalltry (C) Jane Wy· Wally Cox. Bill Dana. Georae Gobel. min Roy C1•r\ David Canary and Sheekey Greene. Buddy Htekett, The . R1ndy Sparks Collection ruest Jack E. Leonu~. Pat Paulstn, Nip· Word portraits art of Joan Craw· sey Russell, Phtl Slivers, Marty Al· ford and Mrs. Sam DIMaulo. len, Jerry Colonna. Richard Dea~n @ (]) ID @ tlj Cl) Nen (C) and Danny Thomas. 11,3011 EJ5 M "'rttfl (C) I Tht Beron (C) (60) • tfV • n (jj) (I)(J) UC Movl1: (C) 6 m Tonlttit Sltow (C) Id In UM Counf'1' (dram•) '61-ovte: , "II~ of Utt lhMS" Elvis Presley, Hope Lanae, Tuesday (musical) 41-8tnf Crosby, Mary Wtld, Millie Perkins. Gary lockw~. M-•~ (I)G) Joey Bishotl (C) John lrel1nd. A woman psychl1tnst M-.. -· "H-&.. 0 _ _._.. t Fil and JOCl1I worker 1ttempts to re-vw.... ---: .,,... ..... n • h1bllltate 1 aifted rural boy from . 649" ~drama) 49-Wllllam Lun- delinquency to fresh promise as an d111n, Virainla Bruce. ~Irina writer. (R) 12:30 m Cbco Kid W HorM Opera (60) 1:001J Movie: "Tamra lkldthtld'' @) NET Journal (60) "If I Don't (adventure) '58-Kerwin Mathews, Acree, Must I Go Away?" A YoUnr Julie Adams. woman chall1nps the establishment I fJ "'" (C) and Its Mores by llvlnr with 1 CoM1111111tJ Bulletin lelf'll (C) young filmmaker In New Yort's Eut Action Tlltltrt: "Voodoo Island." .,.,. 14 SEPTD For morning listings, pl~ TIME PROGi for your cot the day's m tions reserve change prog out advance DAmM 9:000"0n 1n menee) '48- Lawford. O (C) "You 'Sl-frank S 9:30 IJ .. Aftatn '4!>-Joan Fe m (C) .. 811> '49-Jun Si ton. 12:00 1J ''Only Ua -Gary Cooi 2:00 m "Escape •SJ-John B• 3:00 e "Anrtf George Har C.mbrldre. 4:30 8 (C) "81 (adventure) Linda Dim~ -6:00 1J Tht Bia Oun~. RmH1tn· Steve I Char1ie Cal dore Blkel a 0 Sh O'Cll die Wlldtm trey Hunt& searchin& tt for his dor upon an olc The old m1 fled his ho younaer m1 rood l1wy11 his sw1mp picions of l lS,,( ,.,.,, Star T Shatner. Lt I~.~~ Fenclne co the hist.Of)' uses in bat ~~~ ~N..:c 6:301=~ (i) Hut ! flit Ar Ci~n I!= 7:00 RCIS I Welter Cro. enar1 Brune< hot UESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1ornin1 and afternoon ~s. please see DAY- PROGRAMS. Below, Dur convenience, are ·ay's movies. All sta- reserve the right to :e programming with- dvance notice. >AmME MOVIES I "On aa llland With Yoll" (ro- nee) '48-£.sther Williams. Peter wfont. I (C) "Yount It Heart" (drama) -frank Sinatra, Doris Day. t "Affan of Sain" (comedy) -Joan Fontaine, Georae BrenL t (C) "Blue Laaoon" (adventure) 1-Jean Simmons, Donald Hous- 1. I "Only tile Br.we" (drama) '30 Gary Cooper, Mary Brian. ) "~ In ~ San'' (drama) J-John Bentley, Vere fusek. I "An1el Baby" (drama) '61- orae H1milton, Mercedes Mc· 1mbrid1e. I (C) "ll~anl Ult Pin11" dventure) '52 -Robert Newton, nd1 Darnell. rv 1 n1 ·Jr, I TM Bil News (C) (60) Jerry Jn~. J W HunUtJ·Brin"IJ (C) (30) I S1rlt AJlen S11ow (C) (90) llartie Calls, Llura Lane. Theo· >re Blkel and Yo&i Sin(h 1uest. J Sil O'Clodl Mowit: (C) "lure of 1t Wlldtmiss" (drama) '52-Jel· ey Hunter, Jun Peters. While mchlna throu1h • Georaia swamp ir his do&. 1 )'Oun& man comes pon an old man and his dau(h1er. lie old man, wanted for murder, ed his hometown years aro. The ounaer man promises to find a ood lawyer for h1s new friend. but is swamp trips arouse the sus· lclons of the town~ple. 11 SpJ (C) (60) ,.,.., rlac. (C) (30) Star Tret <C> (60) William atner, Leonard Nimoy star. i1) (!) Miu Oouitas (C) (90) Ii) Wilt's Nett? (30) "Fencina." enclna coadl Bob Kaplan relate ne history of the sword and Its su In battle and various sports. I (J) CIS Ntn (C) (30) t1i.pe de r.n!Ofl (30) NIWI (C) (60) Jack Hickey. I MIC .......... (C} (60) ...... hrldlse (C) (30) Office " tM ,,...,.. (30) (i) HuntltJ·Brinkltf (C) (30) flit Artl (30) "A Tale of Two :l~San Francisco." I Cl) TIM Ml'ftltlrl (C) (30) NOtkiere J4 (C) (60) Ntn (C) (30) 1J CIS &tellll ""' (C) (30) Walter Cronkltl. fJ Mlt'1 My llltt? (C) (30) Willy Bruner holb. r~: ~:~~Utt Trvth (C) <30> Garry MIL TON BERlE---ON ACTING IE ltet tM a.ct (C) (30) Jack · Narz hosts. I Co•llOdltJ/Stodl Rtpon (6) Branded (C) (30) AliOn! (30) (I) Trutfl or C.n11quene111 (C) (30) er;, laluds In tlM S..11 (C) (30) m Th.It a1r1 <C> <3o> 7:30 11 9 (j) NEW SEASON Lall«*' (C) (60) Johnny Lancer, the victim of 1 snlpe(s ambush, Is bllnded In the attack and needs the eyes of a mute girt to help him ucape the still-threetenl na bushwb1tkm James St.Icy, Andrew Dugan, Wayn1 Maunder, Paul Brin111r and Eliza· beth Baur star. Melissa Murph l\JUts. 0 9oom 1 Drl9• ., ,..,.. nle (C) (JO) "Djlnn·Dllnn; the Pied Piper." Tony's patience and Jean· nit's ma1lc are put to the test by an 1unt's visitinf pnle-powered do1.-D Sblap tM sta11 (C) (30) Mike Sto~ hosts. D @CI)G> NEW SEASON Med Squd (C) (60) "The Girt In Chair Nine." Cl1IM1yant Eric Santos pr• diets. befDre the st.rt of • class. that one of the expected students, Gail Whitney, will not arrive. His prediction comes true and the miss· in1 airt's mother receives • note indicatin1 she has been kidnaped. When the Mod Squad is asslaned to the case. they find that the &lrt was trying to obtain an illepl operation. Michael Cole. Clarence Wiiiiams Ill, Pew Upton and Tlae Andrews stir. Cesare Danova, John Stephenson and Veronica Cartwri(ht au est. fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "'Nlpt 1nd D•J" (musical) '46 -Cary Grant, £ve Arden. m Trulli oc Consequences (C) (30) Bob Barker hosts. m Judd for ttlt Defense (C) (60) <!art Betz. Stephen Young star. fl) Ttdlnlcal c.n.t (30) ED The City Watdltn (C) (60) Chu1es Champlin, Art Seidenbaum 1nd David Graber look at Lot Ana• les event&. g) Clludlo ti RotD (30) 1:00 o ID oo m Debbie ••YMlds <C> (30) "lrs a Bird! Ifs 1 Plane! Ifs Debbie!" Jim's plans to ride with a croup of stunt flyen are inter· rupted when Debbie decides to do JOme flyina of her own. Debbie Reynolds. Don Chastlln, Tom Bos· ley. Patricia Smith, and Bobby Riha star. IJ Jack Btn111 (30) Bobby Darrin ruests. m QuHn for e Day (C) Dlclc Curtis hosts. m S.pbndll Theatrt (60) m Diaaltlltque 1.CO"Co (C) (60) 1:30119 (J) NEW SOSDfll Rid SW. tH (C) (60) Peter Gram, star of Mission: lmpcmible, ind The Iron Butterfly, popular mualeal quartet. 1rw featured 1s Red opens his 19th consec~lvt M11011 on telMslon. Gre1 Morris and Leonard Nlmoy, who co-star with Gr1vn on Mission: Impossible, 1IJO maka brief appear- ances on the pretense of tnlllna The Iron Butterfly. In t1lt main (Continued) MUton Berle (left) "'" 111 .,,,,mv• lMlronc. man, Scrm Fuller, tmd Barry Ne""'8 tU A.la Swobt, p11cltotlc lud" of a group of blind people wlu:m p~ cralau In IM mount4'111, in "Seven In Darknen." Milton Berle floda that "it'a a very thin line between comedy and drama," and hoptc0tcbea over the line with cue. ''Oood comedy is always bued on truth, honesty, reaUun &Del believability," be aaid while 1tarrio4 in .. Seven in Dartnea." the pre- miere pre1entation oo ABC'• Movie of the Week, Tuaday at 8:30 PM. Berle plays a atW,bt dramatic role u Sam Fuller, one of a aroup of blind people who are tbe aurvivort of a pla.oe crub in a wildemese area. · ,.U you have a natural aeositivity to mllta' your craft and to believe in your work and in who you are and wby you ere doinl it. aD<f know your character, then there'• no such tbi.DJ • . act.lq, Berle explained. "It ia no aood if an actor abowa bJa ~t pn>c> eua; no aood if tbe act.ins shows." Althouab Berle prefers to loot forward rather than back over bis lonf career, be reca.l.b : ''St.artina at the ap of S ln 1913 in silent pictures, I ,Played atra.iaht roles and no comedy at all for J 1 years before turn1na comic. Thia. unbeknowmt at the time, prepared me for thia dramatic career in late.t yean." Althou~ bis biaest auccesa, ao far, bu been io comedy, "Mr. Television• bas comisteoUy received critical accWm u a drlDUldc actor. He earned an Emmy nomination for his performance in "Doyle Aaainst the Houae." Hil role of the harruaed aaent in tha motion picture "Theo.car•• induced the U.S. Milt.loo in We« Ber· lin to request that the White Hou• name Berle bead of tbe U.S. deleg-.tion to the 1966 Berlin film Festival. President Lyndon John· aon complied with tbe request. Berle bu autboml several comedy boob and acripts a.ad bu bad more tha.n 400 IODJS published. He is un1tintin1Jy aenerou1 u an entertainer at benefits and enjoys lectu.rina at colleaa aad unlvenl- tia on comedy. There'• jult one problem for him-dme. "That'• the trick," be said aoftly, "to 8od time t.o be a buabed and father and pursue all theae lntefata." llAGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE llCIOPHOIEI , 1~ ' ~'.~·.·'·I\ 11 " l ,,!!' '~ ' WHICH OF THESE • FASCllATllG CAREERS llTERESTS YOU? 0 DISC JOCllY 0 IEWSCASTO 0 SPOUSCASTO 0 COMMERCIAL AMNOUICO FHE VOICE ANALYSIS TILLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TALINT"I rut,. AT HOM£ oa IN OUtl NMITlfUl N[W STUDIO SCHOOll YOll un 1bMl1 btoHull ltchfllQllH II homt, Ill 1'0llt •Ptrt t1111e, or In Ollf' new lrll9dcl1t. tn1 S<hool40CATEO lllCHT HCll( IN LOS ANCllE~ndtr tht 111Ptrtllloll of .,., OlrKtl111 FKultJ of ll f1moua brOldc.a•ltfl. ltdlo-TV 1tltl0fl1 tvtrywhtrt II.wt 1n IMMEDIAll OE.MANO fOf botll men Incl wome11 to tlM over lmport111t 1ooct· p1yl111 )obi rlallt llOW. NATIC*-WIDC PUCCMCNT USISTA#CI It no t1lt1 c•tl T111tlo11 111l1t1nc1 Htll1blt. Send to CUECll ACAOEMY'I dMSIOll of f 1mo111 llWCle11t1rs for FllH boo•· ltt, record, 111d voice 11111n11 dttllla. "" MO'Tia: INflOU. HOW FOR CAJIUlt ACADDIY'S MDT Cl.AUi THtS COULD K YOU" CHANCI: TO f'VT YOUMUI 81HIND THI Ml~D • Att ec:credlted member al the H• tlonal Home Study Councll and ttie • Netlonal "-aocl.tton of T,.de and Technleal School• • ~Yed few Veteran Tralnlnl •Member of Callfomla Auoclatlon few Private £ducetion •All .. Ill.Ible Institution under ttl• federalTy Insured Student Loan Pn>cr.m. ,--------------------· =·~~!!'!y ~ lei ~ ClllftnU I002I • ,.._: (2U) 414.QUI lwmttt .... Hllllw...._lllt .. ,... .-ti! .......... ,.. •• ,.. ---....... u .. Name : Address Aot I : -Cl-ty-.-S-ta-t-e/-Z-lp _____ _ I ·----------' Phone Ac• I I I am lnhlf'Hted In : : O Clauroom 0 Home Study t I OIAAAUe ! --------------------- TUESDAY (Continued) comedy skttdl, Pop the Janitof be· comes a stowaway on a space flliht to Jupiter. o @ m m 1e1a <C> <30) "The Wheel Dial.'' Julia's efforts to Pfovt she can buy a used a without help sends Dr. Cheatey k> run interference without knowted,e. Dr. Che&1ey uses the price of a tonsillectomy as b1rpin- in1 power with 1 used car dealer and threetens to put the dealer's IOn's tonsils bad In H the rMn tells Julia about the deal. Th' bothers Corey and Earl J., who take the threat •loualy, becau1e ttle tonsils in question belona to their friend. 0 Clsele M.ctWuWs I.CW Halt-HOw (C) (30) Vera Miles and Rose Marie auest. O @(j)G)rREMIUE AIC'a ltowie ef tile Wld: (C) "'Seves Is Dlfbea" (drama) '69-Mllton 8tfle Sean Garrilon. Dina Merrill, Bany Nelson, Arthur O'Connell, Alejandro Rey, Elizabeth Walker, Lesley Ann Warren. A rroup of blind persons on tfle way to 1 convention in Seattle is involved In an airplane crash, Apinst the harsh reality of unrehtntina natur~unt.llna, rush· in& toffents, stoons and wolves-- the true characters of the blind vic- tims ay1t.allize with tome un- expected twists. m David Fmt (C) (90) OJ TM Iii Valley (C) (60) Barba· ra Stanwyck stars. fJl) 11'e F,.ndl a.I (30) "Veal Scallops." (R) t:o0 o @ oo m 11ac TlltldeJ .aow. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 e Premierell:OOpm(l} le: (C) "Tobnlff' (adventure) 'EM-10:00 R KNIT Rtporta (C) (30) "The The United Mine Worllt11 Union, Rock Hudson, GllOf'&e Peppard, Nlael felr Oealm." A r1port on how which John L Lewis unified and Green, Guy Stockwell. A British people protect themaefves from law. made strona. Is now In turmoil. A major is rescued from the Yichy breakers, usina .vtrythln& from bur-aroup of miners ch1rve that the French by some German-born Jews atar alarms to watchdo&s and judo union has been subverted end be· who are wOfkln& cl0$llly with the · to anti-muaer sprays. Clett Roberts trayed. They have filed suit 11alnst Allies. He is then asked to lead reports on the bi& business 11ener-United Mine Wortlers President a handful of Allied toldim Into eted by a irowlna cllmste of crime W. A. (Tony) Boyle, clalmlna In· Tobruk to blow up German fuel and violence. adequate distribution of union wel· supply bunkers. B m ..... (C) (60) fare •nd pension funds. 0 S11owaM 5 (C) (60) Kly SUrr @ C1'l al PllDllER£ Mlfall @I) Un &irfta 111 la Obaalrlcl.t (20) and The Kids Next Door are fea· WelbJ, ~; (C) (60) "Hello, Good-11:0010 Um fm 6J:'EB-iC) tured. (R) bye, Hello. Ruth Adams. a warm, Ntr.d HIQCOcl fE HoBI Open (60) outroln& youna school teacher is • Movie: "In t11e Frtlldl stJft" El\) NET flltival (60) Harry Hur· told by Dr. Welby that she has ( ama) '63-Jean Seberr. Stenley witz's documentary in Charlie Chap-only a few months to l_ive. She Baker. fin the man, IS well IS an in· eon Into seclusJon. Dr. Kiley, who m Ludden'• SaRlfJ (C) Guests lrt depth study of Chaplin's folk ht10, has become atron~ly attached to Jan Murny Steye Arlen Chuck "The Little Tntmp," is tonicht's her, attempts to b~nf her back In-Barris and Betty Walker Word Po<· film. Gloria Swanton narrates. to the curmit of life. Cast: Robert trait of Warren Bta!!Y . €1) Her! (30) Youn& as Marcus Welby; James @ (]) O ~ (I) ...... (C) t:JO IJ Qt Cl) PROllPI[ The Qew.. Brolln 11 Dr. Steven Kiiey; Elena f1l) R•pn Conf'MMe -'* and J J. (C) (30) The un· Verduio as Consuelo lo9ez. G 1 Predictable JJ takes time off from are Susan Clar\, Catherine Mclead 11;30 I (I) Men Srffllll (C) . . . Ind Michael Barbera. @ @E TttlftM Slllow (C) her Job as en assistant zoo curator fJ Della! (C) (60) McCall & Brill Mowir. "littJ" (drama) '45-t~ attend an important state func· iuest Paulette Goddard, Ray Mlllend. bon for_ her father's sake. eplnst 1 Peny MllOll (60) Q @(])Gl hey lillllf (C) the. ~dvtee of the aovemor's chief Rntilde Roundup (60) Comic Jadde Vernon and Hines. political c~ny .. When JJ. proves to , USC Music Festival (60) Wil· HinH & Dad euest. be the soc11I hit of the ~nine. the llam Schiefer conducts the Univer· OJ MMe: "Four in e hep" (ad- iovemor realizes that his dauahter lity of Southern California Wind venture) '51-Ralph Meeker. VI· po~s the charm to funct!on 11 Orchestra In ttlections by Devienne veca Lindfon. his first lady in place of his de· Ith G --1 · • • ceased wife. Cast: Dan Dalley as Hlndem , abrielll, R._..ni, Re-12:30 m C~nw Gov. William Drinkwater; Julie Som· ~&hi and Sousa. John Crown hosts. 1:00 IJ Movie: .. Knocl on Alff Door" mars as J.J.; N.va Petteraon ., Qtl ())KIM Report (C) (30) (drama) '49 -Humphrey Bo1art. Maaie Md..eod; Georee Calllton Is II> Ma Alla de la Mun (C) (30) John Derek. portrayed by J1mes Callahan; Nora 10:30 8 9 ())CBS News Special (C) I 0 Ntws (C) Marlowe is Sara. (30) "Mlnm In Revolt." The story CoM11unttJ Bulletin lolrd (C) e ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyers. of I struat• of a 1roup of Ai>t>a· Adlon Theetre: "Shadow of I OJ tt. Said. Siie Seid (C) (30) Joe lachlan mine~ aaalnst conditions Women." Geraalola hosts. In their own union Is reported by 1:30 m M-Nlcllt sa.r: "Fanny bJ II) Qudlo Awellalltt (C) (30) CBS News Correspondent John Hart Gasli&ht" and "Code 654." ... The Weigh brunette upright I A Cb~ KNXT I into his have bee Who u army of rolled in te, the i already I uncon.scit But wl a strenu< countles$ The fc newspapt suspicion ous harv1 People never be neurs an unsuspect out info /'fhis i ~rotect t KNXTR KNXi time spec out on tc weaponle even the Wome: art of K1 ranges le othem ar Pinschera Repor1 alarms m cialty is l for exam out alerti KNX'. ,defeTU f oreru The Fear Dealers Weighing less than 100 pounds in her lightweight Gi, the petite >runctte unleashes a searing back-banded chop at a slightly paddfd ipright plank-just about the height of a man's neck. A Channel 2 soundman, who is helping record the event for a (NXT Reports broadcast, winces as the force of her blow cracks nto his sensitive headset. But it could have been worse. It could iavc been his neck. Who is she? She's wearing a Karate suit and is one of the growing umy of women, young and older, married or single, who is cn- ·oUed in a self-defense course. In this cruie, she is studying Okinawa- :e, the forerunner of modem Karate. A comparative novice, she already has mastered the skills of rendering an unwary assailant mcon.scious with a single blow. But why is she giving up her precious leisure time to' pursue such a strenuous activity as Karate? It's because she's afraid. Sbe and :ountless women like her fear for their personal safety. The fear is not without some justification. A glance at the daily iewspaper or the evening television news broadcast confirJns the 1uspicion that the seeds of crime and violence have grown a borrend· >us harvest. People are interested in protection from lawbreakers u almost aever before in recent history. And some uoscrupul0\1$ cntrepre- aeurs arc taking advantage of the climate of crime to bilk the ansuspecting of every cent they can get. The bunco artists arc tut in force and conning their way to richea. /Ibis growing climate of fear and what people are doing to 1rotect themselves from lawbrea.ken is the subject of a special (NXT Reports broadcast, Tuesday at 10 pm, in color on Channel 2. KNXT Newsman Clete Roberts serves as reporter for the prime ime special which will show what some people are doing to come •Ut on top in a confrontation with a lawbreaker--cverythina from veaponlcss self-defense to pistols, burglar alarms to watchdogs, and :ven the use of chemicaJ deterrents. Women, u weU as men, are boning their sharpness in the vicious lTl of Karate. Other women arc spending time on approved pistol angcs learning all about hand guns and bow to use them. Still •then are leasing watchdogs-German Shepherds and Doberman >ioschers that bite first and bark afterward. Reporter Roberts also shows what's new in the way of burglar Janns manufactured and installed by professional firms whose spe- :ialty is prevention and, in some cases, apprehension. A silent alarm, ·or example, is an electronic alert that generates police action with- 1ut alerting a would-be burglar. KN XT Reporter Clete Roberts uarns sorru tip1 a.bout self- defen.se from George Doversola, a marter of Okinawo-te, the forerunnu of modern Karate. An Ironside Special '1t isn't often," says Cy O>ennak. executive producer of Univer- sal Television's Ironside, .. that a acript comes along that cries out for an extended time slot. But when one does, I do my best Co !t it into the Ironside schedule." Just such a ICript turned up recently and Cbcnnat, with writer Sy Salkowitz. fuhiooed a special two-hour film version of the popu- lar rerics, which will be shown in its entirety this Tbunday from 7:30 to 9 :30 PM oo NBC. Titled "Goodbye To Yesterday ... O>ermak loat no time in linina up a top-fliaht guest star cast to complement series 1W' Raymond Burr and bis aides, Don Galloway, Barbara Andenon and Don MitcheU. M guest at.us, be signed Vera Miles. Dane ~lart, Philip Carey, Slim Pickens, Qoris Leachman and Michael Lamin, a youoa Univeraal cootract actor. To helm the excitini story which dealt with the kidnapping of a young child, Barry Shear, noted television and motion picture ("Wild In The Streets") director wu con~ "1..ut season, our two-hour Ironside film, -Split Second To All Epitaph,' was an overwhelm- ing spcceu, nckina up ao imprlssive 24.2 rating and a 39.S share-of~audienc:e. We have high h~ for our film venion this season.•• not.cl Chermak. A Pl.BA POR. HBU-C#rUI lrott- • 6ld. (R.Jqmond Bwr) ll emotion- -~ tlnMUd WMl'I tJw "'°"'°" ,,. '°""' (put 111U Yero Mllu) ,. tvnv /rom tJw pG1 to Olk lsll IN/p "' ITCOYnUtl Mr 1dd11Dp""' cJt/ld In .. Goodb1'1 to Yutenllq, .. o 1,cclol two-ltotu colon:»lf N'/JC1 I rort.rllk. BED . WETT I NG * STOPPED! WHY WAIT? n.. ENURTONE method has pnwen '" ewtt 450,· 000 u• that It can stop bed·wettln1 (•Enurula), WHEN NOT CAUSED BY ORGANIC DEFECTS OR DISEASES, In lust two to four Wtlb. NOT A DRUG OR DIET. just simple conditlonlnr technique. Cbrrect bed wtttlnr In the ~ of your own home. Approvtd ind pre· ICl'lbtd by man, doctors. Rt<lOmmtnded ... , 4 thru 50. MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET 10>-WETTINI: Its cw, elf.ct IM tre~ M .... lptiH. 1'1111 ............... -., ...... , • ..., IMettlt a.tlietltJ. C.pyrl1hl 1961, nu fHUaTOHf COlolrANY -- - - --M~lj bi:-OiuifOflt-cOMPiNY-.-~ iai.ieOO' :-TV 9121------ TAIU'MA MEDICAL COfTDI, SUJTt 20I 11740 VDmJRA 8LW .• TAllZMA, CALIF. lllH AOOAES-----------~---- CITY---------1AT,..__ ___ _ .~ PHON t. r J ,...._ t. t i-1 f I 'f 1 I { i 'i i; ( .1 ! ' •• \ l \ ... f • .t .' 11 f ,... 17 ft;-="""·~--~·-,... =---·-= .. ~ -=-,~~1~,,.,~:--;:3ol'_,,,, __ _ ' I t-> r f;t ~ r I -~ f!S ~ 9 .. r1~ I a I ~ .- I I I II I i a i ; I I I lf ff r :Ir. i' lt"'' .. "''"f1JHr11rriu·i 11t1 .. 1• ,,. , .... .a .... , .... Ii' .. _ M s · • ll it ~iU ~ !11 .. Jt!I! ~!!!l~J:!,!7 · ! • 'Hi JU~" ii,, !l ·~ ~ I ;-!l 1 j ,s 1 · _hL · f ,:ull 1 IJi I r r: n •' i ~ r r •iru. -;< ; ; I *Ii ~ fi;t••! ,,,~ tJ•• i' if Jii~r111~11:1 il'llHl~l~il i'JC\11 nrr~~H UUJ~ ·1e ilf i lljllll re~ i' ; f ... 11! t I J. I I I f J j ' • 1 . ~§)JI I If J 11. f i ~ ! f ~ i. <I Cl i .;§ J =". i' I.~! ~1 ~ ~I:) i 1· ~ I(!) 11 [ ~ I ~ ... 1Jf1 J, :ii•ld1'1!~ J .. jryrn· f~ rt 'i1~rlt!11~1:11~ .. fn !1 ij(_ rJ;I; q r f I a -• i: I I j i Cl , & ~ l · ~! r j I Ir' if r ' ii f i" i ' .. i ~ = i. i' §: i f; ~ 9 • 9 r r i [ ! ldih 11 .. lu ~ hl1h .... :-1.. f I §H~ • l~"'rl:11 1b ~1:11 ir :11 ~ J E ~ 1 c • '"' "' tell )) (C) *' tbe ' at bis d a bell ,30) iled llCt. '60) WEDNESDAY (Continued) Ing out and Jethro wants to stay in California and join the c:olleae pro· test moYemenl Buddy Ebsen, 11'9ne Ryan, Donna Douglas. Mu Baer, Raymond Bailey, Nancy Kulp star. Rob Reiner, Bonnie Boland and B. Robert Corff auest. IJ Raas Hiplipts (C) (30) Taped highlirhts of Sunday's fame be- tween the Los Angeles Rams and the Baltimore Colts. 0 @ (I) E!) Reo11 222 (C) (30) "Naked Came We Into t1'le World." Student teacher Alice Johnson's ela· tion at being permitted to act faculty advisor for the annual Junior Class Follies does a fast fade-away when a shy, quiet pupil, Helen Loomis (Judy Strangis), proposes a nude finale. Lloyd Haynes shrs as Pete Dixon, Denise Nicholas as Liz Mcintyre, Michael Constantine as Seymour Kaufman and Karen Valen· tine as Alice Johnson. Howard Rice is featured in the recurring role of Richie. m David Frost (C) (90) ID T1te lit Yaflef (C) (60) Barba· ra Stanwyck sta~ tI1) look But (C) (30) 'The Pur- suit of H1ppiness" is discussed by author Thomas Roeers and host· critic Robert Cromie. The story con· cems two young people who aban. don both family and niety in their search for happiness. e»s.mim (30) 9:ilO 1J ~ (jJ P R E M I £ R E Medical • c.nt. (C) (60) Heisman Trophy tor and from the standpoint of tht stockbroker. fl) s,lwla ' Enrill• (60) 9-.30 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meye11 winn« 0. J. Simpson makes his television debut as Bru Wiley, a college football star who resists Or. Joe Cannon's (Chad Everett) at. tempts to diagnose his condition beau~ he furs that the truth m ~ Said, • Slid (C) (30) Joe of Crime." Keith B«Wtdl ind his guests discuss t1'le rrowth of orpn- lzed crime Into lelitlmate businesa. Guesb arw Dr. Donald Cressey, U.S. AttDmey Matt Byrne, and IRS ,.... mentativt Donald Bowttf. may jeopardize his football caretf. Garagt0la hosts. Cast: Chad Everett as Dr. Joe Gan· 10:00 IJ Qj Ci) NEW SEASON HIWlii fl> Mas Alla de la M-" (C) (30) non, James Daly as Dr. Paul Loch· f!n-0 . (C) (60) Three soldiers a lO:JO a> Un 5rfto en la ~ (30) ner. Cecily Tyson also guests killed in separate actions In Yid· 10'.45 0 (HJ (}) aJ """ (C) -KRAFT MUSIC HALL . nam. ~nd each of their ~ves die u:ao IJ O Q) @IJ m """ (C) ~ mystenously efter coilectma G.I. g * Eddy Arnold, Bobbie insurance. As McGerrett attemp\.s Alhd Hltdtc8d Gentry Phil Harris to unravel the mystery, he run.s 0 Mewie: "Man!K" (drama) '63 ' afoul of war hero end Anny Ser· -flarwin Mathews. Nidia Gray. 0 @ (1) m Kraft Music Hall (C) pant Joshua Sims (Hany Guardi· m lJ!ddel(a W., (C) Dool Mc· C60) Eddy Arnold is this weelc's no). Danny poses as an army CCK· Clurt, Norm Crosby, Anreline Butt«. tinging host, and his special guests poral to aet lnfonnation from a Kenny Kl~ and The Randy are Bobbie Gentry, Phil Harris and danceflall hostess portnyed by Bar-Sp~r\s Collection guest Won! Por· ~ng Browning Bryant bara Luna. JICk Lord, James Mac-trait is of Jadl Lemmon. 1J Wmtlillr (C) (60) Dick Lane Arthur, Zulu and Kam ronr star. 9 @ 41 ()) ..._ (C) and Mike Le8ell call the action. Barbara N~chols. James Honr and 11:301J Qt(() Men Crtfftn (C) Heading tonigtirs card is Ed Car· Loretta SWlt are featured. Q ~Ci) @r;, Tootpt S11ow (C) pentler. Q @@ @r;, n.n ea .. ,,._ IJ Mew* ..,,_, He.ts Wwt Crw- (C) (60) "The Old Motorcycle Flu· hi u " (.......&Av) '46-G · R 0 @(I)&) ~EW SEASI* AIC co." Bronson unintentionally In-saft ~ane Lr;."nwi "1 US· W'lcrnesday Mon: (C) "Cllide for spires an oldtimer (Keenan Wynn) ' · tile Married Man" (comedy) '67-to ride his ancient motoreyde araln ~ @(})6) JolJ llsMp . (C) Waller Matthau, Robert Morse, Inger with dire results. When the old· Sin&tf Kay Hert and Jm musician Sttftns, Sue Alie Langdon. Self· timer offtfS to let Bronson ute hi.s Louis Prima guest appointed teacher, himelf a philan· ranch and tools for needed r19airs ID Mewit: ''Cotnpea Mr. ,._. ~m. takes on ttle tasll of educat· to Bronson's bike, he can't resist (drama) '42-0ifford Enns. Debo- 1n1 a reluctant husband In the art showinr his visitor his old raci rah Ketf. of deception and infidelity, based bike that has been put away for lZ:JO m Qller on the idea that a married man 20 years because he promised his 1:00 IJ Morie: (C) "hrt ~ (ad· sho.u~d have conslde~ble "outside" wile he'd sell it after he had a venture) '56 -Pier Anceli, Phil adrvity to keep his w1fa happy. serious bike accid.nt. Michael Parts Carey. fl) ...._ Open (60) star3 as Bronson. 0 0 """ (C) fE Your Dollar's WOftll (60) "Wall IJ m ~NI (C) (60) IJ C.••HitJ l1111etin INnf (C) Street: Place Your Bets." A study 0 Della. (C) (60) Willy Col guests. Q) Adiltt n.tt ''Trocadero." of the dynamics of buyinr and Q) hrTJ MllOtl (60) l ·30 m M-Ni&lrt Sltow· "Moonlit»" selling in t~ stock martel, from &l bftidt Roalld1111 (60) ' "Into the Blue'' a~d "Crimes ~t the standpoint of the small lnves-tI1) ~n (60) "The Business the Oar\ House." Will the ~tend with a nude-in bj the students in Raam 2'l2 e New8:30pm~ ---------19---------------------------TH=E:-:DA=l~LY~PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTEMB£R 20, 1969 ...... &pe Lange and Edwanl Mulhare annowonABCas The Ghost and Mrs. Muir e1.30pm@ ~~· plays ICDllMI spJ m That Girl THURSDAY SEPJntBER 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAm ME MOVIES t:eo D -n. F .. 1rws11 ....,. Ccom· tdJ) '~ed Skelton, Janet Blair. 0...., c...-...,.. (mptefy) '53 -OIMI dtttnif11nd, Ric:Mnl Burton. UI 8 .,. I IW 1 ...... (COdledy) iZ~ Cooper, Georte Raft. • -.. OW Qic:ql" (dnuna) '38 -TJ"Mll Pww, Allee Faye. . ua. .......... (musical) '3 6'of19 Raft. c.oi. Lombard. ~ • .,,..... " .. DMml" (ld- wmbn) '58--Bill WDllams. Dnn ltidlarda. J:ll a .,.. a.-111 melt S1lr1' (dDcumentary) '65 -Hlrnted bf AR:tllaald Mld..eish. ~ 8 ('C) .,,.., Wit" (drama) '57 ~od Steil'f', Oian1 Den f V r \j I '\j l. 591• lie ... (C) (60) m......,..,..,., <C> <Jo> .... An. S... (C) (90) Teny Gibbs, ~ RO$t Lee and Pat Henry ruest 0 Sil O'a.d Mwil:: (C) "TN _. Sf ... .,.. Part I (drama) ·sz ---Oebofah Kerr. John Kerr, Leff Ericbon. Edwin! Andrews. Oanyt Hdlmn, Oun Jones. The wife of the housemuter at an old New En&Jand school for boys helps 1 sensitive, introspective student who is derided br others because of the difficulty he has in proving his manhood. Based on Robert Ander· son's hit Bro1dwly play, this film was produced by Pandro S. 8erm1n for MGM. CiJ I S,, (C) (60) "My Mother, the SPJ." A former U.S. spy has made the mistake of falling in kM with an enemy a!ent and becomes the object of a uan:h by Kelly Robin· $Qq ind Alexander Scott. I ,.,.. ..... (C) (30) Sbr T.-CC> (60) (]) .... DMala (C) (90) n.t's .... ! (30) "Okefeno S..mp." A journey through th mysterious swamps of southeast Geortia. I ()) cas ..._ (C) (30) n..,..,... (30) ... (C) (60) JKk Hickey. l:.JOl llllC ........ 1w (C) (60) ..,. ........ (C) (60) Office .. tllt "'8lllltllt (30) Cl) Hma.,.lriHllJ (C) (30) • .... •• ,... (30) • Aa:ompanlment" Prlctical aecx>m· 111niments are studitd in CCM1jur.c- tion with fofbont "No. Johll, No." ff9derick Moad also explains n r.i1f1t hand l'ldlniquts. tit ()) n. ....... (C) (30) flt We•• J4 (C) (60) ., ... (C) (30) 7:90 8 CIS &.iltc ._ (C) (30) Walt• Ctonltite. 0 W11at'1 llJ u.? (C) (30) Wally Brunel' hosU. m Te Tiii a. Trdl (C) (30) G•ny Moore bosls. I hit .. Cleek (C) (30) C..--/a.cil~ (6) ffi&ll ... .. (C) (30) Aliin! (30) Ci) Td w C.11•11 C111 (C) (30) @D TIW ........ ('C) (30) m nat Q1 <C> <30> 7:JD 8 Qt Cl) IEW Sf.ASOll F .. ily Aftlr (C) (30) Uncle Bilfs plm for a quiet ..unct •l hornt with a aood book ml to pt off the lfOUnd when a stream of un· nnted visitors t.akes CM(. Brian Keith, Sebastian Cabot. Anissa Jones Johnnie Whitaker and KatllJ GaMI stir. Guests include MllY Jane Man,ier, Nancy Hale and Pamelyn fenfl11. a @oo m 1 mcw1 1reaide (C) (2 hr) .. Goodbye to Yesterday" Barbara Richard, an amnesia victim with wflom Chief I roftlide fell in low during her recu.peraiion in ~ San Francisco hospital, summons him to her home foflowin1 the ab· duct.ion of her 13-,_~ daug11ter Leslie. Barbara's husband. Yic, al· though distnutflt by loss ot the child, is jealous of Ironside, for whose kwe 'Barbara is about to dissoln thelr marriap. For Chief Ironside. a man of tmnor, his cfe¥o.. tion to Bartma and his determina· tion to reawer her chltd without harming her m1rriafe Pra¥eS to be an almost insurmountJlble tas\. Guests are Vera Miles. Slim PiekeM, Philip Carey, Dane Clar\, Cloris Leachman. MichMI l.arrain, and Murray MllCl.eod. a stllllf__ .. .., (C) (30> a cmmm n. ..._•Mrs. M* (C) (30) ''C4atennial." Carolyn Muir d...-s i1 19th-centurr fa. shlons for the ScllooMr B.ly cen· tennial while Captain Greg a>m· petes in the contests to win back his silver tu set um Claymore doMted as a prize. Hope URie stars as Carolyn Muir ind Edward Mulhare as Capbin Greu-Reta Shaw co-stars as Martt\a, the house- keeper, and Charles Nelson Reilly as ClaJmoR Greg. Keffie Atnapn is seen as Candace WMI Harlen Carraher as Jonathan. Others in the cast are Georre IHlchef~ Irwin Charone and Muoe CUny. O MilliN $ MM: -n. Cllil· lna•s HMr'" (drama) '62--.\udrey Hepburn, Shirtey Mad.line. Jame$ Gamer. Two '°°"' IChoolteachers wflo nm a mpectable IChool for lilts must fllCe clifticalties when • bullyini. friftl littte Int lads her wealthy lflndmodter to b:8firte th~ the teachen are "carryitll on rn an unllltvrat way." The scandal that results cau.s thl suldde of one and Ute loss af •nr hope for 1 normal life for the on-. m Trda • C11114 z• (C) <~ Bob Bartiw hosts. In 1 sbll1t in· voMn1 ~ ~rception. t1t,.,. C:OOJ>les write random words on a ~ -.te as erncte Bob Ba!W Clfb oat ftrioos words. (~ Two co for one ot this Mood: the "Chrys cial," as F comedians. Johnny Ca ett, Dann: Sbecky G1 Nipsey Rt Wally C0J Red Butto: and Phil ~ lmmedia "The Flip his first tel guest st.an and Jonatt Com pan a new star some stars existence Jr; Wilson 10 years were 4th-<ra te ni comprised {in 1956). every majc has becom tainers in He's re1 show man ance, just as guest-h· his first dr of the upo can Style." The Ed S Rowan ar COMEDY- BACK-TO-BACK Two comedy specials air back-to-back · one of NBCa "Multi-Special Nights," s Monday beginning at 9 PM. Pint is : "Chrysler Presents the Bob Hope Spe- 1," as Hope plays host to eighteen top medians. The funnymen involved arc lmny Canon. Flip Wilson, Buddy Hack- ' Danny Thomas, Jack E. Leonard, ecky Green, Pat Paulaeo, Steve Allen, psey Russell. Bill Dana, Jack Carter, illy Cox. Soupy Sales, George Gobel, d Buttons. Sid Caesar, Shelley Bermao ~ Phil Silven. Immediately following Hope's show is he Flip Wilson Show," at 10 PM. For 1 first television special Flip plays host to est stars Andy Williams, Arte Johnson d Jonathan Winters. Comparati.-efy ..-1r1 .... Ftlp WU.On Is ~ew star on the comedy horizon. It takes :ne stars many light years to make their istence known on earth. It only took Flip ilson 10 years and S minutes. The 10 ars were spent working bis way up from l-rate night clubs, and the five minutes mprised bis debut on The Tonight Show 1 1956). Since then Flip bas guested on ery major TV show many times over, and s become one of the most popular enter- ners in the United States. He's regaled audiences of the Tonight 1>w many times since bis initial appear- ce, just recently completed another stint guest-host for Canon, and has taped 1 first dramatic appearance for a segment the upcoming ABC series "Love, Ameri- o Style." He hJls made I 0 appearances on ie Ed Sullivan Show, 13 "drop-ins" on •wan and Martin's Laugh-In, and his night club engagements read like a roster of the best hotels and clubs. Look to the stars for the future and you'll soon be seeing Flip in his own NBC television seriea -now in the advanced planning stages. He's also considering several motion picture off en. W1M:re did llae co.e from, t1i1e llppedocMlt Wilaon? He came from crushing poverty and a burdensome large family in Newark. New Jersey. His youth was spent shuttling be- tween foster homes. and at the age of six- teen, he dropped out of high school and joined the Air Force. His quick wit and fast uptake earned him the nickname "Flip" from his buddies, and brought him to the attention of bis commanding officer, who tutored him in English and sent him to typing school. A devious route though it may seem, Flip ended his service career on the Pacific outpost lecture circuit, address· ing men oo such erudite subjects aa the sex life of the coconut crab, "who will mate only in the water. lf he's 15 mjles ioland, he's going to crawl bade to the water to make it ... you've got to want to make it pretty bad to do that." After completing his stint in the service, Flip took a job as a janitor in a Sao Fran- cisco hotel. One night, at the last minute, Flip was iecruited to play a drunk in a hotel show. After the show, with the laughter from the audience ringing in bis ears. Flip knew for the first time in his life exactly failt he wanted to do: he wanted to beco'rne a comedian. Be left Saa Fraadlco aad em~ hitchhiking-on a tour of the kind of night spots where the salary of the performer de- pends on the generosity of the house. Spare time between engagements had its virtues. Flip spent his time studying books on com- edy to supplement bis experience before the mike, and he's probably one of the few comedians around who bas tackled the subject academically. The "bible" of bis show business career has been Max East- man's authoritative guide, "The Bnjoymeot of Humor," which he has read numerous times. "Words are my thing." says Flip. "J have to be as effective with words aa a singer. I have to get the same emotional impact as a big band. This can be done by using the right word, the right facial exptesaion. the right gutuu. A gesture can be used many times in place of a word. "I long ago stopped using big word&," he continues. "Big words leave some people out. I want everyone to understand me. I use simple words. J try to get across what l have to say in as few words and with as simple a choice of words as possible." FUp is u avid .-der aad i... a larp library. One of his most importanl volumes is a book of synonyms and antonyms. He also appreciates great quotations. "I study them all the time," he said. "I get a lot from them. You often get 50 or 60 years of experience crammed into one statement. I use seven of them in one act oow. I've even made up my own first quotation: 'Don't order a drink for the road, because the road is already laid oul' " Over the years, Flip bas compiled a book of his own comedy rules, aod all of bia material, most of which he writes himaelf, must satisfy each of his requirements be- fore it is pte8Cnted to an audience. Flip'• petldumt ,_ nae. " • daro"'*k to bis dreams of a legal career. "The chal- lenge of Im or death, of working with a · jury,'' appeaJed to him, but gave way in- stead to his orderly arrangement of his pro- fessional materials. His notebook., oow neatly typed-and always with him-will eventually be published and hopefully serve u a guide to aspiring comka. The entries reveal u much abouf Flip Willon the man as they do about Flip Wilton the comedian, beginning with "the first law of humor it that things can be funny only when we are in fun," and ending with "Make them re- member Flip Wilaon aa a self-oonfident man of the world, projecting an 'I Don't Care If You Laugh' attitude." U FUp wa.. U. em p4 • • lflf· confident man, ii is largely becauae be is also a petient one and bas earned iL Two of his "best" monologues took three yean to write, and wbat be considen his "best" monologue (structurally) took two yean. His ''on the job training" bas taught him to believe that it would take 1 S yean for a comedian to h.it his stride. So be "aced himself accordingly, expecting nothing-- right up until be convulsed Johnny Carson · and his viewing audieoce, five years ahead of schedule-and there'• been no stopping him since. IFNJNK\ GIT\ AllY 8E'ntR I WdfT ICMOW ..aflE.# WHAi' 10'30 ~ .#cJlf~\ ~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 WITH JS FUU TIME SM.!S !OfU IN~ NEW Of'Fia Wl C'AM ftU U.'( Of=FEll OU CUefl(T'S GOOO SSMce * OUR SALES STAFF ·---b. • RIUA BROWNNE-llRI COCHRAN~ STAN 60RHW.·PMYl.LK llCkE • M~ HAL EADf·MTPATMDRf•DICKPAULL um RAYllAUD· JfAN REUTER ·KERMIT Rl&&S·MWS W.VER 8lll tairT• IOI WllU1\-Ge<>R5f TA'1lOR • JOAN TRoSSEN lllWf'Ol'l llldl {f}f}!ii!Jlff ll$T WITH FARROW •••• ANO VOIJ WllLMOVE TOO! ..... r EtiWeth~ jllts a hex on gfoom in Bewitched e8:30pm(i} Sammy Dam,Jr. and Jo Anne Worley ~Mt: Excitemmt an This ls Tom Jones lffURSDAY (Continued) Call is awarded for tldl Identical wont written by botfl husband and wift. m w. ,., a. .,.,.,... <t> C60> C.-rt Betz, Stephen Youni star. fl) Ttdmlcal c.r.tr (30) flt Mwwt-. (30) "Two Oap In 1 Crater." Aimed In the sprnlln1 Noronaoro crater of Nr'lel, this film studies wildlife there. a... ti .. (30) .. QI (I) PllDlll:n •• ........ (C) (60) Andy Grtfflttl b .._ cl.I autst 1locl1 with youn1 llnJ· ln1 dbcMry Ju lie Budd on the pramltrt show of the Jim N1bon Hour, starrtn1 Jim N•bof1. Frank Sutton, RoMlt Schell and Karen Morrow. A f'llUl•r wttkty future of tht show Is 1 seament entitled ''Tht Brothers-In-Law," 1 sbtch In which N1bon portrays Loomis F111tz, who •Ill. remind vlewe11 more than a little of Gomer Pyle. Sutton plays the brother-in-law, Harry Craddock, and Miu Mo1TOW his lon1-sufftrln1 wife, Blanche, who Is kept busy tryinr to keep puce In the family. The ttinie of them own 1 bo1rdln1 house with Schell IS one of th• rerular (and somewhat drunken) boarders. Di ... .., C30) fJ CD@ Dal Clrt (C) (30) "Miss : lmprobabla." Conclusion. Ann. llnawarw that lltr cover IS 1 spy his been blown, Is duped Into photorr1phln1 rejecb. She Is then asked to act IS a counterspy for Al Taylor. Lou Jacobi and Avery Schrwlber ruat I QllM tw 1 Dq (C) (30) Saa*• n..trt (60) NET ~ (90) "Dublin One." The AbbtJ players ptrlorm In thes. James Joyce storiu from "Dubliners" adapted by Irish play. wri1ht Hup Leonard. Childhood Is represented In "An Encounter"· adoleac:ence by "Two Gallants": meturity by "Counterparts"· and public life by both "Ivy Day 'in the Committee Room" and "Grace." OJ ftlldlM! (C) (30) l:JO D lalq (C) (90) Mickey Davies ind Tom Harmon art rinplde at the Olympic Auditorium. 0 ~ m EE lwltdMd (C\ (30) "Samant\l'sYoo-Hoo Mald.ri' Sam, who Is upectinc her tea>nd child, receives unexpected help from En· dol'I who sends her a maid an old witch friend who Is loslni her powers. As a result, Sim and Darrin have a shy maid who dis- appears when they spuk to her. Alice Ghostley beains her appear· ance n a ,...ular member of the cast in the role of Esmeralda. I Dn1d frMI (C) (90) TM II& Veller (C) (30) "-llnl (C) (2 hr) 9:00 Ql(J)NEW SEASON CIS ,,..,, llorie: (C) "The Cun of Nn1f'Olll" Part I (adventure) '61- GrtlOIY Pecll, D1vfd Nrnn, Anthony Quinn, Stanley Baker, Anthony Quayle, IT9ne Papas, Gia Sella, James Darren. Rim hued on Ali- stair Maclun's best-seflln1 novel of an Allied commando team's Wcwid War II raid on 1 German· held ltland In the Aepan Ste dur· lnr a stDfm that wrecked thtfr frail fbtlln1 veael. (Continued) Reduce SIZE Of IAISTUIE Waiatline .. out of bounct.T" Now -you can ~uce the aize of that lax midsection while you rest at home ... even while you work at your d,sk at the office. Re lax-A-cizor EXECUTIVEtt111> unit for men gives those aoft belly muscles a real workout - without work. No weight loss! Not a vibrator. Not a mauage de- vice. Not" bkycle or chair. Relax- A-<izor ia exerciae. Concentrat~ enrdae. Takes u little u 31 min- utes a day! Here's why R.elax-A-cizor works: many men lack cood muscle tone bec~use they don't iet enough ex- ercise. R.ela x-A-<:i10r givea effort- less, concentrated exercise to such body areas as the waistline and abdomen. R.e1ular uae causes this area to reduce in size meaa- urably to the ex~nt tbeae mua- cle.s lack tone becauae of insuffi- cient exercise. And the Ina the muscle tone the great.er the de- gree of size reduction. RelaxAcizor. ,..., Oleander 5-8000 Olympia 2-2550 Toll Free: ZEnith 5297 • : ~--.FIEEI Miil TODIYI .••• I lttlu·A·,lret , O..t. 14·01·011 I I 9110 lte. l1 C'-lt I~. I : let Mleln, Calif. 900H I 1 Pluu l1lsll 111 .. , ''" c.,J of "How to : I llldllCt tlle Si rt of '10tlf W.i1tlh1t." No I 1 cost. No Olllipt11111. ltflt I• pl1l1 tllYtlOlll. 1 I 0 MR. 0 MRS. 0 MISS I I NAM I I I : AD011($S : I I I CITY STATC.._ I I I I ZIP P'IOfl I : 0 I 1111 •er 1l. 0 I • ant 11. I I IA•Ol -09 •o•u ........ c I -~-------------------· Singing star Tom Jona swings into his /int full season eu hcnt of A BCs This Is Tom l otus, Thursdays at 9 PM. The hour-long color program f eaturts many of the ben-Jcnown names in show bu.sine.rs joining Tom in music and enttrtain- ment. READY MADE CAMPER AWNINGS FACTOIY SHOW IOOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. 879-6732 • I I I ------. -· di .. > ,r ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress , ,, •' -. I ________ .. a "A Comptete Printi ng Service" Free Estimates PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. lal'-! Bhd. -Ne.,_. leedt I I I I • THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 THURSDAY (Continued) Mf stirs. Fred Ast.lira Is '9td1r D @@m NEW SlASOll T• aunt In several episodes as Al's lOMi (C) (60) Sammy DIYls Jr., father. Guests •re Delia Bocardo, Jo Anne Worley join host Tom Jones John Russell and Severin Dirden. In tht ieason opener of his show. I Dena! (C) (60) Sammy ind Jo Anne Join Tom In Perry ...... (60) comedy sketchu and musical num-bwtllde IMtld1p (60) bers. The openina production num· · Soands .t Sl•11« (C) (2 hr) bet features Tom in "love Me To-(R) nidtt." The concert spot features 10:30 a> U. Critl n la Oblcarided (30) Tom In "Delilah," "Danny Boy'' 11:001 II 0 Q) @m mm """<C) ind "land of a Thousand Dances." AHl'ld Mdlcioc* This show was taped in Hollywood. • 11£TUlll •n ea.. .r Ult fl) Hone Optra (60) ttt (C) Highllahts of the week's t-.30 D 9 00 m Dtainet (C) (30) most important 11me. "Homtdde-lhe Student" Friday m lllddett'a Calllfy (C) Guests ere end Gannon di9CO'ltr their suspect Jackie Vernon, Gem Granger and In • double sl1)'1n1 is an erdent Richard Loni. Word Pot1raib ere reader of stories •bout stT'lnp of Rod Steipr and WIJM Welch. •tt:itudes towerd duth. The cast ll:lOI U Men Criff111 (C) Includes Virrfnia Greg as the aunt; • Ci) m Tetdlllt S... (C) Kevin Coughlin es Jeff; Pew Web-• .,_.,. TIIJ Nl!Pber9 ber as the librarian: Jill Binner Is (oomed)') '40-Jack Benny, Fred Jeff's airtfriend; and Emily Banks Al.len. M~ Martin. as tti. Enalish teacher. 0 @c.va» MeJ ...., (C) I,._. (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Slnaer Dour Kershaw f\HISU. He Said, 5'tt Said (C) (30) 0 Movie: "'TM llbt 11111 Siity" W.......,n hi Rwiw (C) (30) {drema) '48 -William Benoix. letiJO 9 Cl) m Dua Martin (C) Claire Tmor. Guests ar9 David Janssen, Elke m Mowte: "1.ucQ stlfl"' (mystety) Sommer, Ctiar1es Nelton Reilly end '49--0orothy Lamour, Brien Don· Don Rice 111. levy. I m ..._ <C> <60> 12:30 I c1111er @m Q) NEW SEASON It 1:00 ..... "'Hired Wife" (comedy) abs • TMlf (C) (60) "Saturday ' o-Rosalind Russell. Brien Aherne. Nl&ht In Venice." Mundy receives IO Ntw1 (C) the shock of his life when Lia. c.-.nttr l•li.thl kanl (C) his beautiful companion. tells him Action n.utre: "Down Missouri she has poisoned his drink and he W1y.'' has just 48 hours in which to r• 1:30 m All-Niltlt st..: "The Life and tum the memory core of the Rus-Outh of Rudolph V1lentino." "To- sian computer code machine in nleht We Reid Calais," and "Mii· trade for the antidote. Robert Waa· lions Like Us." Ani* in Venice could be lundy's last in It Takes a Thief ~ Wt the J G· For Wor FOR Youi peri1 c. Good G1 He Good r s WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT VOLKSWAGEN Service & Repair General Repairs, Automatic transmissions. too! ~tier Sdl..,.._nl Certlfi.ct Mut., Medlanlc 1073 Harbor Bh1C1. Costa Mesa. 641-6373 Rebuild -Remodel Kitchens, Baths Etc. Fr~ estimates 646-5219 or 645-1716 Nee<i a Carpenter? • Paneling, shelving, room addi· tioru.. cabtnl'ts Call Phll 142-2647 961-5220 AUT O llHES CEMENT WORK HAGLUND CUSTOM TIRES New & Custom Retreads Exceptional values! 141 I East 16th St. Costa Mffa Call Barry, 646-4540 CARPET • FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 I:>J.y Service and Quality Work . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-1520 ~ DIAMOND \fJ/ Carpe1 Cleaning "Champ1or" Method! • Soil retardPnt • Shampoes deep •Expert and guaranteed Fr" fftlmate 645-1317 Windows u1rty? JOHNNY DUNN Your local serv1c<'. 15 years ex- perience. Free estimates Call 642-~ CARPET CLEANING Good Service-Special Shampoo Guaranteed -Low Prices 646-5774 HouHclHnlng & hneral M~lnten.nce Good references -Reasonable! Call 646-60'4 Patios -Walks -Driveways License -Reac;onabk Rates -Free Estimates - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-4210 or 67M675 hff. WE SIT IETT•• INC Sllbtlcll1ry ef GerlMr Prod. Co. Pl9f-*itl SV!Mf'Vl•lo~ ror dllldl'W'\, lfdlrfy & C911Vlle1<ent ANYTIME,,\ICYWHERE Sitting Pretty A1f"CY 642·J214 nc opportum es ava.i a now for: Housekeepers, Cooks, Mother's Aides, Chauffeurs, Butlers. GeorCJf' Allen Bvl1nd Aq•ncy fim•l•v ... P•Y• ,. .. 106-B E. 16th. SA S47...0Jt5 ELECT RI C IANS ELECTRICIAN Ne Job Too Small Prompt Service Reasonable rates! Call 54$.-4614 EXTERMINATING Termites. Rats. Roaches. Fl<'as & Ants Exterminated (License No. 3626) JOHNSTON, 549.0116 $4.98 HOUSE call on all color makes or drop it off before 10 AM & nick it up at 5 PM. Harbor Televl1lon Service 1110 Whlttl•r (corner 19th) Cott• Mesa ~71 • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS NEW LAWNS Re-seeding, complete lawn care. Clean up by job or month. Fte<-estimates. For Information call IU-0932 -1'3-1 tt5 GARDEN COUNSELOR Quality Exoerlenced-Capable Call 642-1407 1nytlm• Vm Bonded Wallpa...,lng & P1lntlnt -10 Years In Area Licensed and Jnsured Reasonable Rates Interior -Exterior C.11 642-0427 anytime Need Painting? Call u1I Reliable service with quality at Its best, at the most reasonable prires ! Free Pslimates 541 6002 Painting, P•1Mrh'anglng Top Referenc"t Costs less, lasts longe1. loolc.r better~ Call 540-0lM. 54t-2IOI CZYKOSKl'S Cu1tom Upholstery & R9Palr Euronean Craftsmanship 100% Financing -Continuous Do-It-Yourselr Uphol. Clas11ea Largest Selection o! Fabrics 1U1 Newpor t If., Codi M ... 642-1454 Plumb1nJi; Repair Ora.Jn Cleaning -Free £stimates - SPEEDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. le Weekend Work 546-2317 or 54D-7'217 Plumbln1 R~lr 24 hour Mntlce Wate1 Heaters & Disoosals 10% Cash Discount B of A & Master Charge Call LNlu -642-0MI SC.HOO LS SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Grad" 1 -I Where: tht" Proizram tits t he child ! 540-4060 or 541-1751 ev•. NurMry School tnfant'I to 5 years Xlnt care le instrucUon Very reasonable rates! C1ll tll-6256 'LIGHT INSTRUCTION Also Aire-raft Rentals Insured-Certified instructors. C1ll 549-0126 PRACTICAL NURSING On-the-job hospital training Free placement Nu,.... Tr1lnlna lr\ltltuh of Or1nt• County 4016 W. Comm"ftw .. tth Fullerton 525-7521 Slt1'e Monteuot'I School ( Formerlv Clavlc: Montessori I A~es 2 ~ to 6. Give your child the finest education! 1525 N. Santa A"• Av .. Cost1 Mesa 6464716 CRAn CLASSES Valley Ilk• a Hoblty 17071 Magnolia (11.t W"mer> Call 142-am, .MS.OJ77 ' Trade up to fun with flinty Hall and Lefs Make a Deal e1.30pm(l) CHANNEL LISTINGS lnfonnatlon for thn• I~ la furnished by th• tel.vision station.. TV WEEK I• not rnponslbl• for est-minute ch•n«n In procram llstlno. IJ KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles • KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles u KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles fl} KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCET (NET) Los Angeles G> KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs m KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs rn KLYD (ABC) cable Bakersfield ' (I) KERO (NBC) table Bakersfield Cl) KBAK (CBS) table Bakersfield ~ KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Bakersfield 9 KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates it is a paid adver· tlsement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF In Los Angeles. with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF In Bakersfield. · SIGN ONS CT£ST rATTERNS) ct.nne1 2'-6:48 AM Sunday, e:~ AM Monday th~ Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. QwnMI 4-7:00 AM Sund•Y· 6:00 AM Monday throu-'1 Friday, 7:00 AM Saturday. Clwnnef 7-P--r"""ocr .... •mmln& starta .t 1:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday throucf\ fnct.y and 7:30 AM on Saturday. Thia maculM la =~ ..-i.1 f« thla n....-per by TV WUJC. a dMalon of.....,. ..ii UtfMlll_.. C... Inc., eclltorial and produc- tlOft offtc-, P.O. Booe 11 ']_~le. c.ttf. Addras ~slft9 lnqulri• to the dllf)lay adv.rtlslns llMP"rtment Of thfa newspaper. FRIDAY SEPrDIBER 21 Formomm1andafternoon Ustlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the d•y's movies. All sta- tions reserve the rfcht to chanp proerammlnc with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "hi U.. ....,.,. (drama) '56--Jodl M1hoMy, Lelah Snowden. D tc> "'n. S"'1 tf Wiii ....... (drama) '52 -Jane Wyman, Wiii Aoaera Jt. t'.30 U lllJa Ille ..,. ....,..,_ (mu· llclf) '41 -Don Amec:he, Mary M11rtln. m .,. llllllllftc:Ht .... ,...... (drama) '42-Jose9fl Cotten, Anne Baxter. U.110 • .,,........ ...... (rnyitery) 'Il~ae Rift. Nancy Carroll. 2:GOaJ"'n. .,,...._ DlcW' (dra· ,,, .. , '43 -John Loder, Eleanor Pert•. J:GO a <C> ...,.. 1..11t 1ta1111 ., ltd" (drama) '55 -Humphrey Boprt, Gene Tlemey. 4:l0 IJ .,._ • Ill .......-(ro· m•11C9) '50--frtd MecMumy, Irene Dunne. I .. r ", •• (, l:OO 11 n. Iii ,.... (C) <60> Jeny Dunphy. I m ... ....,....._ <t> (30) Sllwt MM sa.. (C) (90) The Dllllrds. Rip Taylor, and Howlrd Storm ruest. D sa O'Clect 111ew1t: <C> -r11 MCI S,.patllJ" P11t II (drama) '52 -Otborlh Kerr. John Kerr. G I sn (C) (60) "There Wu • Little Girt" Assianed to ruard the teen11e daupter of a U.S. Cabinet member, Kelly Robinson and Ala· ander Scott dllCOVer that "baby· sittin(' can be a very haurdous operation. M•rJ Jane Saunders ruests. m ,.,_ "-<C> <30) OJ Star Trtl (C) (60) William Shatner, Leonanl Nlrnoy. @(1) M .. °"Ila (C) (90) fll) Wilt's ~ (30) A 12-yur-old city boy tmeb throup the Grtat Swamp In New Jersey with e rulde from tht nltion1I wlkUlfe muae. I Ci) CIS lllen (C) (30) n..,. ......... (30) 1i1n1 (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:301 IJllC ....... tice (C) (60) Strn .. hrldlle (C) (30) Office ., tile P'rllid .. t (C) {30) (]) Hutltf-lrldleJ (C) (30) : ..... lut (C) (30) "The Pur· suit of Happiness." (R) l (J)tlle M_.,. (C) (30) Notlciefo l4 (C) (60) ..... (C) (30) 7:00 1J CIS Entllq 111en (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. Televisiofts largest funniest family moves ~as The Brady Bunch ePremiere8.'()0pm@ fJW1 Brunet tDTo Geny ll)la N1rz t I~ "Mone r1n1 Ji IC: (30) -~ 7:30 BGI (30) " free P has be 111ss IS I I tell• t baby! mien• ber of sical Rose l the cai rtess Don ~ Plitt. om "Time Manorn his ch turns 1 visit, 1 Their b1ndit1 embusl e WOUI of CM1 l)St• NBC work's 1 mlelet91d aod de "It : ~ v he 89lce Firs subject! topics a progran there al over the Wbe min.uCes matter. ''It·~ 6 Wht'I My lllte? (C) (30) Willy BNner hosts. lD Tt T.U tilt Tr.a (C) (30) G1rry Moore hosts.. I!) ... t tilt Cltcl (C) (30) J1dc N ll'l hosts. fl) C.•Mdlty/Sttct RIPtrt O 00 ao•1 SJiowcue (C) (90) "Money, Women end ~uns," stir· rtna JICk Mahoney. fDAMral (30) 9(1)Trwtll ., Colmqt•cet (C) (30) I AMtrica! (C) (30) T111t Girt (C) (30) ':30 9 Cl) DOUT &et Surt (C) (30) Maxwell Smart Is uslined to fret ProflSSOf Miio Pheasant, who has been Imprisoned by MOS In 1 al•ss booth, but blows his ccwtr as 1 secret 11tnt when Aitnt 99 tells him she's eolnr to hlYt • baby! Determined to complete the asslrnment, Sm1rt 1ssumei 1 num- ber of dlsiulses to become the mu· slcal 1ccomp1nist of opere stir Rose Laeosta, who ls brou&M Into the case because she can shetter llass when hlttin1 hiefl C. Cest: Don Ad1ms, Barbare feldon. Ed Plett o m "'o a.,.rra1 <C> <60> "Time To l..lluefl, Time To Cry." M1nollto fells in love 11eln with his childhood swettheert who re· turns to the Montoya ranch for 1 visit, and he proposes mlf"rlqe. Their plans are disrupted when bandits kidn1p the lady durinr 1n 1mbu.sh, necessitltin1 a search by 1 wounded M1nollto and the men of Chep1rnl. Donna 81CC1l1 auests. O Stu•p Ille Stars (C) (30) o @mmurs 11• • .,... (C) (30)Monty Hill hosts. D llllllM s 11tw1e: """ MllMl-....,.... (drema) '63 -Dirt Bo· 1ard1, Miry Ure. m Tnrtlt or C.qeq11tacet (C) (30) Four contestants draw slips labeled "h11f" end "double" from a (lass bowl. Eich hes • chance of In· enasinr the cash II wffldtnt "doubl1-th1-11nount" &lips 111 With· drewn. m ... d ,., ... Defeue (C) (60) Carl Betz, Stephen Youn1 star. fl) Tedtnlul C.nier (30) m Doal11e11tary (C) (60) "Amerl· CID Sa~P1r1dbe t.ostr• A rt· port on the We.stemltatlon of the trople1I paradise. Im Qtdle el Rtto (30) 1:00 fJ Qt Cl) NlW SWOR Tiie CMd cu,. (C) (30) Rufus and Bert set out to move their dint< to • new btachfront location but It turns out to be a touefler project than they planned. Bob Denver, Hef1> Edel· min and Joyce Van Patten stir. 0 Jtc* .... _,, (30) fJ @ CJ) rn PIDllEI£ 1'e Ira· dy luJ (C) (30) "The Honey- moon." The weddlnr day festivities for Mike Brady 1nd his bride-to-be Carol eo smoothly except for the family pets, • cat ind a do1. After the chaos they caua, Mike and Carol start their manil1e dlsclptin· tnr his three boys ind her thrw 1ir1s before leavinr on their honey· moon. Cast: Robert Reed u wld· ower Mike Brady; Florence Hendlt'· $Ofl es Cuol; and Ann B. Davis as (Continued) · Allen Rich NBC News WlftilC>CXdent'Sender Vanocur. host ~ the net- W<ft's m.cnhly .twc:>GJur TV magazine, F"rrst Tueadiay. bas some iDCen'9Cing views on Che produoum d bis !IMJW end on TV news and Che ~ mdence ln gene.ni. ''It ts haJd Co hdd the 8ltt!ntioo ~ the pubtlc these days <n a featw9.news arieot.ed series ~ as F1TSt Tuesde.y, er tor mat he asked. matter, on any news or similar~· It 6s pa.rtioulariy g:ratify6ng to us that we have managed m do so well in the rat- ings," he said on our rec:iett intervtew dwing his twt><ta.y visit to the West ~ (The show readtes about 22 mil- Uon pel' program.) Sandy poiuced out logiadly that af. most everyone in America bas seen mera on me moon. has watched e. President's ~ stu to deaeh rigbt before chei1." eyes on .teJevisim, sees a war brought to the living room nigbtty. ''So what can yoo do for an enoore?' · FlrBt and most Important, explained vanocur, is the choice of subjects .that wltll be seen on '!he show. Petflaps eight d.iffe:re!Jt topics are dealt with during each ot the twO hour First Tuesday programs. lnvdved in the proce,,s are 10 production teams and there a.re also oootrlbutlons from NBC News correspondents all over the world. When die 8'Dries readl the aJr they may run aa long as 30 mtnim., or as briefty as two minuce&. depending on die SJbjeot matter. "It's reeUy not the length ot the storlet, but bow diey are ePremiere8:30pm<?J presented once dley have betn aeltded. BllCkgrounds and loca- dans we very lmportaaL We never have ~ sitting In a liv- ing roca being lntervlewed if we can help lt. "Viewers are aimply surleked wi1h news. so we always try to pre9e11t everyithfng in a visual way 90 it will carty the story Wlldl a minimum of Dll.ITatloo. A canllnal rule ls Zhat the DlllTainr's voice must never become intrusive. "A number of .people have described our I.Be ol ftlmi as avant garde, and that's lhe way we like dt. Also we try ito keep away from the normal political-type 91nry and deal with interesting and unique real happenings in What is fast beroming an unreal world," concluded Vanocur. During San<!y's long career 41s an NBC correspondent it has been h.ls fate to~ two tragedies ttiat stUI IQnger as nightmares ln bis memory. These were the usaatnatton ot bU do8e trlmd Senat.cw Robert F. K~ lad the Our Lady Of the Anpls grammar llcllool ftre ln C1llcago. wtiich kiUed .., cbUdrm. How objectlive oan a televbion reporter be at times like those? "lit is ·a rule ol the prof Ell!ISlkJn dJe.t you are supposed a> be detached and view events impersonally, .. began Vanocur. "But ln ltlese two Instances I am afraid J gave penanallzed ralher than llU:nply fa.otuel reports. R.epo1tq. and remember I was tfgtJt at the scene, on SenMor Kennedy's killing, I said what wu In my heart and on my mind. We received a vast amount of mail alter the telecast It was 100 to 1 to favor of the fact dW I bed personalized tbe tragic news. "Alter ttie Chicago tire Jn which the 93 children dled I wa.tked Into the mOl'lgUe. An aftk:W, viewing a iittJe girl's body, ad tonele9sly to an akle, 'Age about eeven ... gold bracelet on left arm .. .' "11lere WU a kit more. I oouJd bardly limo. Wbm I 1:D1 bome, a.ltt.a,alb It wa late at na,tc, I ftllUld to wake my )lOllDI ... IDd bold blm • • • I ... 10 all.cl J• GIU he ,._ aftve." recalled V-.c:ur. hp 'Z7 ~ mareadvmture and pl] an Here Came the Bndes CJ',U. e New Night9:00pma> ~ ePremiereD.OOpma> ....... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. SEPTt'..MBl!:R 20, 1'69 FRIDAY (Continued) Robert Brown. Omd Soul, Bobby the housebeper, Alice. Al90 fu· Shennan, Brld1et Hinley, M1rk tured ire Maureen Mc::Comrick, £ye Lenud. Henry Beckman 1nd Joan Plumb ind Susan Olsen IS Carol's Blondell star. Plttl Cohoon 1nd d1uitrters; Barry Willl1ms, Chrts-Eric Chae portr1y Candy's sister topher Kni&ht 1nd Mike l.ookinland Molly and brother Chriatopher. as Mike's sons; J. Pit O'M1lley, Others in the cast ire William Joan Tompkins, James Millhollin ind Schallert, Stoey Mitchlll 1nd Hoke Dabs Greer. Howell. m QIMfft for a Oaf (C) (30) Dick fl) Hone Oper1 (60) Curtis hosts. Erl) Dnld Sn:sklncl (C) (2 hr) "Is fl) Saa*1ltll Thatre (60) the Pepsi Gentr1lion Goin& to PotT' f!> l.Jadll (C) (30) Nine suburban hl&h school students l!JO II QI (I) 11£W SEASON Hepn's talk about drup, sexual pennis· ...,... (C) (30) Colonel Klink it· slveness. standards of morality, the tempts to put on display his prize wu and the draft. POW catch -an American 1ctor fl) N•M Cit. MllSkal (30) named Byron Buckl~nd to use his l1lents In makln1 propapnda 9-.30 fJ Ntw1 (C) (30) T~ M9ers. films for the Germans. Bob Crane, Q) He Said, Slit s.il {tf' (30) Joe W,em« Klemperer, John Binn«. Gara&iola hosts. Ian Dilon, Robert Clary, Richard II) Pudora• (30) Dawson and Llny Hovis ster. Alan 10:00 D @ @ m lracbll'• World (C) Oppenheimer auests. (60) "P1.nlc." Oline Warina is D 9 00 m ..... of dill ca.. blamed for I Boy Scout's critical (C) (90) "A H1rd C1Se of the Injury, actu1lly caused by her movie Blues." Din F1mlrs lnves1i1at.1on competitor RIChef Holt while she Into corruption in the muslc busi· was horsebadl ridinr. Llr1ln1 Ste· ness leads him Into the wild and phens and Karen Jensen are fea · explosive wdrid of folk·rock. Robert lured. Edward G. Robinson ruests stack stirs. Guests ire Keenan in a cameo role. Wynn, Sal Mineo, Sharon Farrell, 1J m NIWI (C) (60) Michael Ande11011 Jr., Nonn1n Fell O li<il ~-...ru1r-.., 1. ,_ ind Russ T1mblyn. \ill uu....u .-.. u. u.~ •••,. D••nte Pl'IMlltl Tll• Ltttnon s;s.. O AatllS die S.W.. Sus (C) (30) tan (C) (60) Noel Harrison, Jim· 0 @CJ)&) PREMIERE Mr. Deeds my Dean and Jack Benny ruest on C... t. "Tewn (C) (30) lon(fellow the first hour or this new variety Deeds, editor and publisher of the show. M1ndr1ke Fells newsp1per, learns fJ Della' (C) (60) um he has Inherited I multi·mil· • Uon·doll1r conf1omer1te from his ID hfJJ Muon (60) lite unde and must move to New fB Rawltlde RCM1ndop (60) York City. He Is suddenly faced @I) MIS Alla di la Mun (C) (30) with p~lems of blr business ind 10:30 @I) Un Qrtte 111 la Oblc:urldad (30) the re1h11tlon that hlvln1 money maka • difference In his relltion-11:00 a D 0 mm mm""" (C) ship with people, a 18S10n he lums 8 AlfNd Hltdtcilcl from 1 lovely but schemlnr 1111 fJ JMa llk«IJ (C) USC football named Kite. Cast: Monte Markham coach McKay analyzes the weekend as lonrteflow Deeds: Pat H1rrln(ton b1ttle between the Trojans and the IS Tony Llwrence; Herb Voland u University of Nebr1ska Comhusktrs. Mlsterson; . ind Ivor B1rry u m Ladden'• Q1lllfy (C) Nancy G80ffl. Louise Sorel ruests u Kate. Ames. Stoey Mitchlll, and Georee m David fmt (C) (90) M1h1ris auest. Word Portraits ire ~ Tll• Ila y1n., (C) (60) Bar· ~'urt~n~beth Taylor and Rich1rd ... ra St1nwydl starl. (ii) Cil @ @ 9 Ci) Nin (C) m Cuall ..... am (30) Pablo U ·30 I tB Ci) MtfY Crlffll (C) Casals ind John Grahlm, 1 Berke-• , @ Ci) fn TufOt 511w (C) ley f1culty member, dbcuss the Mewte: (t) "T1lt lllplfiaat mNninr of Bach's music. Graham llstader (dr1ma) '55 _ Anthony performs Bldl's "Sonlt1 No. 3 In Q I • • G Minor for V"IOla di G1mb1.'' Bu n@ ~mn ~Hi':...., <C> m NocMs T111atiu (30) • Mowil: N....... If 1"'1" (•d· t:OO llQl(I) NEW SEASON CIS venture) '57-J<lrk Dourt11. Rllph f.W., ....,..: CC> "T1lt ens If Meeker . .....,...,. Part 11 (dr1m ... dvtn· ID Mwil: (C) "SaNlda Heel Said· ture) '61 -Grerory Peck. David da-Hlfl" (musical) '4&-June H1ver, Niven, Anthony Quinn, Stlnley Bak· Lon McAllister. er, Anthony Quayle, Irene P1p11, QI (I) WMbnd SMw Gia Scll1. 12!30 m CHler II....,.,., Aft9r Dlft (C) (60) 1:0011 Movw. (C) "Jlvnf" (1dven· Sue Riney, Roy Hastinp. Jam" tur.) 'S4-ftm1ndo Limas. Brian Cotton Blues Bind, Buddy Rich, Keith, Rhonda F11mln1. Pit Mc:Corn\ick ind Joe Willl1ms I 0 News. (C) ruest. C.••nltJ llllletttl loafd (C) D (J})(J)@N£W SEASON 1tert ~n Tlllltrl: "Tum of the Cille die l'*t (C) (60) "A Fu Ticle. C1J from Yesttnlly." Tht people 1:15 0 llewit: ._ Me. ltfefe I of S..W. am Pl'IPlriDt to cele· Ii" (drtma) '61-claude D1uphin, bf'ltl the br1da' fl'1t yar Ind the Diani Ciiento. Bolts' wtnnlna their bet with Alron 2:00 m All.ftl(tlt S11Rr: "The Hippiest Stempel Cllncers ship brlnp not Dip of Your life," "New Ortuns only JmmJ'• rin1 for Candy but Nttr Du\" ind "lady Godiv• llJC> her youn1er brother 1nd sister. Rides A(1ln." REC Ol 8921 ~ CURTIS 1 c m MATHES QUANTITY PURCHASE I • Genuine oek ven~ •nd oek solids 50'' Long 29" High T•mbour Doors Autom•tic Fine Tuning (AFT) 295 Sq. In. Color Picture Tube REGULAR RETAIL PRICE S6H.95 I yr. Adluatment W•rr1nty on Plctu,. Tube $12.00 Aclclltlon•I OUR SPECIAL QUANTln $59995 PURCHASE ·PRICE W. T. '21 ADAMS HART TV HUNTINGTON BEACH I Next to Albcrtlot9'1J 962-3384 ,... 29 • More loys & Girts Needed For New TY ColltllleRiah Tllis it Hie letHt word fro"' the lftajor e9e11ta •11d producers in Hollywood. Televition cOllllfter· ciel1 are big b1ni11eu. It it • ltu1i,..11 tllet elftplovs • ler9e '"'"'ber of children encl P•V• tfie"' lu9e selerio1. lut whore did tlleH lrjd1 come from, ond how did they 9ot Htoro 7 Woll, wourd you boli ..... they're found r11 "'ch fer out pfecH .. Fuller- ton, Senf• Ane, or the outer r•· 9io111 of Lo119 leacf1 or Polfto11e 7 Solftt of theH youn9tfen lfl•Y live ri9llt ,..irt door! lut who fincft tlle1e tefnted boyt end 9irlt to f i l I tfte procfuctio11 nHdt 7 The tfudiot end agents do11't hno tilfte, 10 •• • rotult, there it • ler9t delftend, and to fiU this delflend, • 'ublic Rel•· tions Company celltd TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hu tvrn· ed its ener9ie1 end retourcot to filling the 11 .. d. TAKE I PRO. DUCTIONS m•lrot profet1io11el co11tuch i11 Hollywoo4 for 11tw· com•"· 10•1 McDONALD Local school boy it busy doin9 colftrnerciels for M AT T E l L TOYS, PILLSBURY, HOSTESS CUPCAKES, IACTINE, ETC., •~•r only • few short months with T elro I Productiont. If you · ere between the •9•1 of J on4 19. end would lilre • che11ce to do comlftercial1 •nd T.V. For frH 011 Cel'lltre Au4i- tiom i11 your •r••· CALL NOW (714) 547-6251 TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 12'1 North Vine Str.eet HOUYWOOD, CALIF. , ••• 30 'THE GUNS OF NAVARONE' ~ 0.-. Daftl Nhee ... ~ Ped! U•• to...,...._).._ ~ ....._ C-fll NaftlW.," ,. , t t ..... e.e..._... ........... * -. Cftr ........ to be ""911lted .. two ........ WftilllN ....... • 6e -......... n. cu ~ ... .....,NllM~ THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EK. SEPTEMBER 20, 1969 ij9Moriesaltft Week I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 9:00 O @ (}) ''Our Man flint." ABC starts its regular movie sea· son off with a satire on the super-spies-a 1966 film produced by Saul David and directed by Daniel Mann from the screenplay by Hal Flmberg and Ben Starr. James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb, Giia Golan, Edward Mulhare, Gianna Serra, Sigrid Valdls and Shelby Grant star. Cobom is Flint. a karate champion, brain surgeon, swordsman and nuclear physicist. He is called upon to stop an ef'lemy attempt to control the wor1d by controlling Its weather. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 9:00 O @ (})''Wild In the Country." This 1961 20th Century-Fox release stars Elvis Presley, Hope Lange, Tuesday Weld, Millie Perkins, Gary Lockwood and John Ireland. A woman psychia· trlst attempts to rehabilitate a country boy in trouble into the gifted writer he is capable of becoming. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 8:30 O CiZJ (})"Seven In Darkness." ABC's "Movie of the Week" series starts off with an intriguing drama about a group of blind people who are victims of a seemingly inescapable plane crash. The survivors are Sam Fuller, a selfish, aggressive in- surance man (Milton Ber1e); Mark Larsen, a hero blinded in the Vietnam War (Sean Garrison); Emily Garth, pleasant. middle-aged (Dina Merrill); Larry Wise, a lonely widower (Arthur O'Connell}; Ramon and Christine Rohas, who are expecting their first child (.,.lejandro Rey and Elizabeth Walker); Deborah Cabot. a talented singer bUt utter1y dependent on her father who was killed in the crash (Lesley Ann Warren); and Alex Swain, psychotic leader of the group (Barry Nelson). The movie was filmed at Paramount Studios. 9:00 D ta @ 'rrobNk." Rock Hudson and George Peppard star in the Wor1d War fl action-drama. Nigel Green and Guy Stockwell co-star in the 1966 Universal release. Hudson portrays a British officer who Is rescued from the Vichy French by a group of Gennan-bom Jews who are working with th~ Allies. The of- ficer is asked to lead a handful of Allied soldiers into Tobruk to blow up German fuel supply bunkers. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 9:00 0 @ (]) "Guide for the Married Man." Walter Matthau, Rob- ert Morse, Inger Stevens and Sue Ane Langdon star tn this 1967 ''adults only" flick about a philanderer who teaches a reluctant husband the art of deception, of Infidelity, based on the idea that a married man should have considerable "out· side" activity to keep his wife happy. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 •nd 26 9:00 11 9 Cl) "The Guns of Nuvarone." Acclaimed by critics around the world as one of the greatest high adventure films ever produced. this fllm stars Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn. Stanley Baker, Anthony Quayle, Irene Papas. Gia Scala and James Darren co-star in the film based on Alistair Maclean's best-selling novel of an Allied commando team's World War II ratd on a German-held island in the Aegean Sea dunng a storm that wrecks their trail fishing vessel. Dmitri Tlomkln composed and conducted the music for the 1961 Columbia Pictures release. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 9:00 D @ (j) "Shenandoah." James Stewart stars as a man who tries to lead his large family through a normal life in the midst of the Civil War. Doug McClure, Glenn Corbett, Patrick Wayne, Rosemary Forsyth and Katharine Ross co-star in the 1965 Universal release. One day, the youngest son of the family finds and wears a Rebel cap. A roving band of Union soldiers then take him prisoner, thinking he is a rebel. His family sets out to find him. m m P1 u Ii L' I ~ A II a ., k fC ..... : "Secnb tf • Secrlllry" Is-(C) (drama) '31 -Cl1udette Colbert. n..,. .-,... Hefbtrt M1rsh1ll. II( Pldll"I (C) IU"~~2,.-U.1JOllQICIJTMMM ... <C) 3:30 :., ....... (western) '65-«en Clart, Yvonne IJ "HOME & RECREATION saw. Wllp (C) 'B1~ 'rl .._.... (C) * CLUB" with Jack Rourke ':em D MllM: (C) "1lle "1 .. Ed .. _..J IJ ..................... (C) frat" (ld·fl) ·~1na AMtra. C.,.._ ' M'*' dll ltlcmf. P1nellsts lftSWtt questions on home, I w .... ,,.. (C) 6:30 C.•fE l'teftle t:JO n 8 (I) Dlltlrdly • Mlltlllr flt travel 1nd recmtion. Jtck Rour11e M• f,.. UNCU (C) 7:00 • I 6 m Hedlle ' JeQle (C) • .. n,til MadtlMI (C) hosts a panel of people on the MdWe'• ...., al C..,. (C) 11~ ...... _ (C) weekly thow to discuss varlo • McllMI * die C:...... r . ....._ (C) • ...,.._ topb of the daJ, F..-. felll lie cat (C) . Hint, ..,. (C) I &1.......a ~ (C} 4:301....... ~ UlaertJ ....... 7:25 SIWt U1 Tllil D., (C) · ,.. Tun F•••• Jot Fosi hosts. 7:30 .._.., s...tlr (C) "Conver-C..... 1 Swtt:ura 12·•1tll())WlcQ .._ (C) Tiii iii..,. sations l.n Black." lO:OO QI ll_ Tiii hrita of ,_..,. • lliwi: "T.,.U. " (western) '53 . ...._. Op-. ..._: 'Wade In M@ CI>G> S.U, die Bear CC) ! (iSm Sb H..a (C) -Wllllam Elliott. PhJlll• Coates. . Japan." M1kh11 iii IMst of llatwltJ (t) -tall lln m.lftt' m MeN: "'Clallllla" (drama) '43-m ltHCt lel9 die a... (C) • wat.m). •55 _ Randolph Scott. Dorothy McGulre, Robert Youns. 5:C»I~ C...,. sa.. ('C) •:m 11 aW !:: Jltlea <t> ..... "'llrrtaM" <•dventurt> 1 :00 I a()) Sliplnll9 (C) If• Aa•a•lc (C) D 9 6 ~ Heft C... Tllt '39-Alk:e flJI, W1rner Baxter. • Mllwlt: (C) .,..... die DmUT 1MI w..t Ill Pre Feet· Ara•p Teny, Prfnceu Dawn and ! La Ylctlaat (adventure) '61-StM Reevea. bell (C) An hour-Iona presentation their do&. Blp, encounter some 10-.JO _8 ()) ~ WW. AN I Nlllc SlcYlcia (C) of outstandln1 p(ays and film of stranae birds and an unusual artist Mf (C) Ila Alla • II ...... (C) tht key actk>ns In NA. and Aft who try to aid their tlClpe. !900~ ... (C) l:JOllt1t(l)JtmJ. q.-(C) pmes of last weebnd. R ~CI> a> CaltaMOp Cati (C) MMt: Ill ... Dirt" m......., (C) D ~ CI>ED AIC'a ......... ., m Ii IMI (C) ldvtnturt) '35-Cary Grant 2.-GO II_. t. ...... (C) ft*tl (C) Jim Md(IJ. TtfttltM llllbJ (C) fJ l17' Cil EB .... (C) D ~ Dleble FatM: "AA tchedul~ Jimmy EJh. WBA HelvJ-1:30IJ9 (I) lqs lu11111/R9M Rn-m~ ............ tB Meb" most Bride" lld "Sea Devils.." • welaht Champion, defends lib title ner How (C) (COmedy) '52-Alec Gulnnea, Stan· IJ ..:. . ....;... die llH Neri-aaalnst Henry Cooper from London. I fa Ci) m PIM hntllef (C) It¥ Holloway. 'IMI' ( ctVentu ) ,42 n.._,_ La Daltwi (C) c..,. Profile 11:00 II tBJ ~ Ardlle ... (C) a ,. • ..........,. ...... 7 • ..... (C) llft: '"Site at HeM"' (dra-8@ @D ....... u.,. ._. mour, Rlchlrd Dennin&. ,_ s- ma) '62 -Mickey Mantle, Rot W _m eama to be anno41need. fD RMMlr ...... (C) Ftltbol Seccer Maris. D (17J (f)Q)f..._. Y9fll9 (C) %-.JOI C.aalltlla • llacl (C) 5:30 blpli St.-, (C) (R) ID Roc:bt Rebl• HM4 (C) ll:lO D 07) Cf) &>NCAA F..... (C) • tame Cry INIC ........ (C) t:OO a 9 00 ED H. R. "'1IUblf (C) Wasfllnaton if Mlchlaan. QllW Tdlellt ,.... "Show Biz Witch." Jimmy and the B MMt: (C) .,,.....,. (westem) S:OO II hdflc SMtft9lt 0,. T••ll S ..... a ,.., (C) Mayor plan a fond·rtlsl111 vart '!0--G•ry Cooper, Ruth Roman. Qa11f11...... (C) llr. IM 111'1. Neta show, but Wltchlepoo plans to m MGllt: "'Siied ... T ....... (mys. D lm Cl)Ul AmftcM ....... ; ,_ ....... Wd (R) ubotaae t.h1 event t.ry) '48 -June Vincent (C) Dkll Clar11 hosts. • ~· UIA (C) SATURDAY SEPTEMBER Z1 MORNING .. CEL!EBRITY BOWLING CLASSIC '