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1969-09-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
----,,. . . • . ' ~ ~ ~~n~lf -:J;'1ift.ese · ,·sa d '.· ···Cle1nent~ . . ' - -:" ... ___ .. .... -t,.. -, .. -,,i e.· E~es ·~,Tlr~~at ~ --.... -----_.. .. ~ . . PTA Leader . ~...,t,, ).· -,::~B.J-~1-t,e.l•.~rtatio~ Of P~:tt·y· Theft .,. " ... • A·\ "' ''/J . . . .. "': ·--·....... . -• : • !"" _... . ' VOi.. •L MO ... s saCTIOMI, M ~ ...... I , ; •• ! I 'l I J Phone Ate ... MoD.se -.. --,---,_ .. Bo y Calls Repair S-er.fJ~4or:::Pet • • • ·-· ,. • ., --1· ·-. • That patient voice and ear on the other end of the line knows a ~,story when it hears one, because telephone rl':palr girls have beard them all. "Good afternoon, telephone repair . service, may I help you?" Tbe voice w.as Alberta Meeker, .on the job at Pacific Telephone Company, 311 E. Balt>oa Blvd., Newport Beacbt with near· lf 40 years ol' such duty behind her. "Lady_, your telephone ate my mouse.'• ''For ·goodness ·sake, .that'I,. tenible. 1lQw did tt bappen?".askedMh .. Meelter, her" curiosity more than professionally pl· · que:tt. r • • · ~ call came from a pay teiePhone. , "W:ell, I put my · mouse 'In the. place . where the moneY ·co~es oot ~-CJoeed it. ~l~·llrht;wu~~·····~ ~ ':Wh1 ~ your pbij eal ~Y mGg1t.!" . ~ bl's'.juit ~~ ~~~s ~~1t~·.'.,; w~'-. ,.:'5_ . 1n * yun·ct. ..... . l . :~unt; Chiile,~~ N~t'. ., ~:a,. UNSEL '• tii : ( !i '.I ! '. ' ·"' ~ 1.-name pleafe?'? 1he • · to 1be1 ~cb and Clf -....... ...,. ' J '< , Art you \be bne the repail]nllll sbouid. '" -....,. --. .., ....... t'No, my mother doesb't"kii'ir.•:;.bere t so 1 have to go,home: ~ "1ke the 1 _ , at the barber>bop. He'll keep my t p.m. "-•--·<!iSpatcl>ed. JniOUse for -" ' .. ~ ... '--:" -•-•:15 p.m. 'l'r911ble (Olllld. Onell,. while ' ~~:,tis the,~~ num;r 1n ~~ . t mouie'~ ~ ~lng (entered via'~ ~"Ibe-boy-recited · .___~, tQrD )1J)t!moved mouse •UJI p ve ;---,::."Wm:e'U.11.Jlba">v.e.,)'Olll'.....lNlUS Cle.a.red-and--to barber~~ - _give it to the barber. We'll take dire of 4:!t p;Dl. Trouble cleared. .. -~ 1Bob~r,. ~don't worry. Goodbye:" Mr& ·Meeker'~•~. Jim Ha1cratt. ~ye, said Bobby. ' thJnD slle ibouJd reCeive an aw1td or Alberta Meeker's logbook enirieS tell medal for hef devotion to duty and Wier· the test: ring eir for trbi tiou.ble. • 3:4' p.m._ Trouble report on motl!t Jn Perhaps the Good Mouseketpinc:Seal ;upper hou~mg. of Approval. " . . :.Eac!t um, Allplia Cll"!l Yee Chan sees that bumper 'stlc!itr thaC,ssja: Amerlea.' lme lt_OI' kave I~ llhe must ccy, a li«le <n lbe. lr\llde. I · Sbe doesiove her~ bc>nelan¢ . Sb. maybe;forced to leavi il '!'lie. l'l·Y'll'-old ·u-vocaliOl!•I ·lllll'li aJ Jl!i !ucle•, H~tal. 'FuU«ton, wss scbeC!wea to be deported !>Y ledei:al lmµilfra110o aulborlllea at 111.m. today. ' Becayd Amelica can'indeed be"hsl a ,K!lot.Jan.ldealilt.<11vislo@ed J!!!!on '-- she came, Anget, is bac• at~work todsy' ~ o1 travell!li t0 u.i.g -. • ' ~ 'took under cons erall<>n Wednaday -with only boon to •--a bl1i lniroduci:d !>Y sen. ~an Cranston (1).Calif,j, whlchocould grMt Mlss Chao penDIU\fOJ residence in Amerfta. Tbe ·Benate Subcommltt.ee.on NaturalltaUon will decide whether she must leave America as well as love it, B · · based on a te<hnlcal point. att • R I • p · k · Misl Chan was bOrn Jn 1942: in Mong , zn aps . rvin,e ar ' Kok, Kowloon, a ""all, new British crown Colony~or"whlch the U.S. emlgra· tiol) quota Js filled. D · · Only 200 ate '110W<d each\Y•ar. ·. eal' After Dela~,D~. fe. at 1o~u:::.,~_11a:;..~~·~~d~"~· .J', _ make one. . · ' · . Her parents were born hi Mainland . BrmMJ41lLEv He ,~ill take'lbe·~ ,lli<I hlf view& •China, which bss a far hlgher"quota, _tiut .1 ONIM'"Si11 i'11it·s11tt lba• ~ .. :.;.;. • ....-...' atlonl with the ..;ant this argument allo iail~. _ ~ -. ' • .,,..,,,... ... ,.. •• Life baa g-llly•beell kind<r ·tq &- FACING DEPORTATION. Angolo Ch tng YH Chari gela Ching Yee· Chan,, Ulan It has.to many· ,of her race and age, !ighUng merely for enough food .. ''Sbe "be~ame .acqu.~ted with a, HfVY. Orange coun~, SUpervisor Robert· Bali--landownen abou1d be pn a much more ' ' tin c.Ued Wedpesday £or a nMtw -~ the f·-•':'JlllCl .. doc:umeo, ted basis , to tile < • • 1 ' ' ' C!JllD!t• r!tatloosblp with lbe Jtvlot -·-. • • • P,"TA L ad ·COm~nyand-ane!ldolwbatbetenned, OranaetoumJ,;Gr .. Nury, ·: . £),J._ . te ,.. . e , . er , '"!be allpohOd manner In whlcll neiotla-"I """~ mU:e,aay wal , ... 00\ ol, L i w men I ' . ') . tfons between the t~ par t.i e •·.are this " be ··" "•'~'lf~a.:.end to -"'"""' ""A • • .... ....:.... •• __, ~ • ' -· """ ~·~ £IWlllC ... "' • • • • ' • • ccw .. ..,..,,"'"· -! • ---: -matter ·'Hit UiQe. :appear be(ort . ibt . ' 'B_1tu. o11ere<1 ·lils aiucism following Gr•nil )1¥1." .• • : ' ' 'd' · f ·.n · · · · rJi L :...l. ' ;;.1y~c\1!':\:i:~-~~-tr~::~~~ c. onvic.w. 0 r_"" -et_~~ :_., rie, '. '.·'.t :; rark be def.erred. for oae wed -to retilned liy 1bl lr1lile Coa)piu>y.over Iba .J, "1juw, •• lhe-Fl'11 1llst1'1ct slipervlsof put acr<iye ll>lt ·..m J1111 lo COlll!IY control. , u, -cr1Ucs or the plan to ¥Oloe lbeir opt. BaUI~· polnleif'oilt .w~ 1111~ "It A jllr)' ol bor.,poeri Tueldl)'.c:onvtaed P!Olll a[\er ~a!J>lnlns docljmentallob ol · ·~ tbot Ille 1r"!1' ~ mlgl)t a San Clement. PTA lead<r at Ole the-Jrvida.-oiunty ~. • • • be'8b)t bo1ld -;-lilt fn'lbe .,.. . ' ' ~Un t<jleated Jib dlari'J, 'llull; 'aDcl w.;Jla!l ..ikloiib ct llli Uni enlty Jtanoo• School o1 maling items worth, "J!:vecyt11Jn; don'°'° far lit tflls5,plan Park ~ ill myOlllce w1IO WI m.J!Jlt ·-fl .'15 fn>rii a lljpetmll'lltl been doQe orally." I!e ·nJOde• tffcy•ro ~ar -, 11~; wiGi; lbe -Mn.'Cbarleen Wert, 41, ·.,., convlcled commenl'Jilurlrig lhe,board >eulon t :. ~·o1 COD11U1'!ttaloed by 1"inO aqd .lo Laguiia·Beich Mwllclpal Court ot lhe end>d wltbctbe supervt .... 1 voting to .. c--·lbe ClinJllli>' •Ill uae lt ill 1be 1 ...... be[ -r ball-'·t ceptat.ate-:iranlofSllZ,500\ow&Nill -1~-·'";-:, · ·•.• :.-)}' , ·i 11.~·.~ug. 9-r.:'""' t .' o a .,..... _pen,! twn' of Iii~ 345-a&e park. , : ~ werf.. "I~ on tfli '• '1'""'''" •nil a UtUe package of index; "ThtrV.ia nothing more tblt I .can ," "' · • w~ ti)rt real 'estate · card~. , • Batllit old. "The deed or acceptanceof !l<f"W<iod ..;&. coiil>fYed ~ · ·She la to.return to ""1rl for a ~lf011· rnr llili<fi ffi>m lbe lrivne eon,pany ·Nia ...,..,,.'\ll.f. !II<. UolymJty .fltJi .<)On\: hearing lllll ....i.octn1 Oct. 17. Mn. ri.lt)<et J\'ien.aigoed and.it mig~l lie mlJl!lly ~on the pillilbillly tbsi W~rl was ~·Aug. t at the All>ba thaiibefe·sr• members or the pobllc w!\o ~ park mlgb\ l>e loue<I rl>r qr~urat BeCa M'fttt, 90! S. El C.mfno Real, San nilgbt want to say -~-before. K porjiooet d/<ir olloWed to _,,. Ille Cftibente.erl ~~ be •• , Is." Jmle ct "camf•al.t1JI' ,.itttitlont and ~n. W leouued that a """ been ' llillin called lbe University Par~ Jana .,..,.. . t , :· -'!~ voten ,i lbe· market for a to• lr8J!61CUon -the Irvine Ciinlpanf,'wlJI. Wood fold lllO'boa!il 'that.lle VOICeG the oiiiitlde efectlon;>Sbe old' IJ>e left lbe cited lhe npen apace to the county -a concern o1·_,1y 1,Gl!t"Un!Veral!J Park table to boy•"yeral ttllnp. . "typical illustration 'ol iht .wi:f Wtcs ~-· and u ma.t ;rurtl& Rock • Aller gatb<rlng tile ,llema, sh< malo- ha •• been done • with Iba 1n1ne Com· retldalU, oil cl whom do~ 1111/ plan tained tbs! lbe wu dlJtratted· by -~ P>"l'·" "°" BATl1N, ..... l) a man and a .boy at her v~ rtgl!lrallon, ...... ----_I - r , Jable •. ,She J>Ut 'tbe Jhree ltema In her puroe aQd· fqrgot lo pa,y ·for lhtm,.she ~ •. whlle,Jl4Ylit&l 1>1: O\her lt~ma.,. WlincUes, lncludlria a· store detective, •said· they witdied' from bohllid a 'ste-. -'1Dlttor:: I ., , . ~..... · ,. ~ class' ··T·~:, t8i.;··~ • i . • t • , .,,..:fD5s-rAlimilos ;'l!briflilJUlrl mllnager '!'. J:; <Knight•111S ·away rom "bis store1 on busiMJ• WedneS\14y 'nll!ht wben two g11nmen marched inlo his store at llm Loi Alimllos Bolilwar<t. ·;'Tri•' two f>~lidita.,.an fi'om the ~tore,&nd escaped .wtl!i f/p. 1 :An~~h~ w~ Knlgb\ "'bJl• au, UJl~ ~l'l!""edi , '• ;· : ' ~ ,,}{e "'as1attei.iln11a pOUce d~artmenl ••mlnar for buslrins-' l'!ten at Los Alamitos 0111: Hall. The 'Subject:' "Rbbbet'Y •ncl What' ToOoUY'ouAreRobbed. • · · ·. •,. j(pw .Knlgbl wl§bes the seminar ~ d been Tuesday nieh · ,· • • • -·.l(Z' : Troutilftd r~ .. ' ~ I ~ l' •t: , .. ' MOSCOW [UPI) . l'resldeqt' Nikolai V: l'odJ(orn1"w •r'1111~·°"' ·; '. graloloteoj Ton>Dui> n.,_.~ 1 «edlnlYRo Clol Minh• f3 ,p • ; , ' 1 !iorlh .Vlitna!nili\IHoaUilg Ille r'-• · inda hlm acCeptible, '-> • ~" f ' .I" ... ; .. ' lolll.Y-$ Jail ESCapee · Mu~dere~ ~ -~ . . Hood Sought for Beating Ex-Con in Texas ... . ... ,. " ' l'Oll'l"'WO!l'l'll, Tu. (UPI) -Police murden ol wblch be sald lit waa jJ). Drey!ut, -lmpr"""-1 In Fr..,. onlmd tho ......i of a petty boodlwn to-noctnl yean ago cauaed.a .,..ld)fjda ..,,..lion, clay In tho 111Yllerioo4 _killing ol Dykes A~~ .. ":"'...:.:=;~: ..i:!"::: ~.=uln=. ';: Alkew Slrmnool.Jr ., w!M> ellClped from • P1Dc OUt wUb. CIO wOmen oo coojugal via. JllJJ1 1nsllted that Slmmoos leave wttb .. Mexlcu !1<1-lul April by dr<ulni " !Uni d_,. him, sa,ylng, "We got lo,.. !Olllebody.• a woman. Hal Monk. a private detective who ID-A. L. McCluney, a friend, said tha~ be "'He's • local ma1'1. We all know him,'' vuUgated the stmmona cue for San left the tavern a · short time later and Jlel><:tive Sil J, R. !lrllenblne Aid of Franclaco lawyer MelVln lle!U. Aid Sfm. found SlmmorJJ unconscloos. McCl1111tf - the m~el ~ 'We Vt .ffttlY sure mom "may hlv1 been uecuted." and Mra. J>oroµ\y Mood)', a deri in a 11. bt'a the man s1mnms had a fl&bt with in "I'm akepUctl about tt because of lo-qqar ttore, put SinUnonl Jo Sim~· 10- a bar.'' dicaUons SimmonJ wu i\m ove.r by a yw~ld autuomobJJe and toot him nb>e Simmonl, tl, was "run over, beaten or car," Moot SIJd. He did not go into mllea to Mn. Moody's home.' Jtornped to · death" outside a tavun details. When they reached Mn. Mooney's' \\!-•7 nJg)iL lie liked lo call hlmsd! 6lmmool always lnlilted that bt was bomt bts condition looked ,. bad> they the '"'American Dreyfut'' becal&le ol the be1ng lmprlmoed lot someone else and called an ambulaooe.·Simmoa& wu dead l!J yun be spool-In a llulcan prllcm !0< 1lbd lo .,,..,.,. blmaeU with Albtrt when be ,.ached a boopilaL I W1$TAHT ARMY s1c1unARY Part of 'Intercept' McDecs.U'• R.. J. Juha•• ~ _ Newport M(ln Na""3d Army I R&DAUh 'Robert t. J-McDmn<ll·llooglal Corporallon , -· from ·Newport Beach, wu today nominated br Presi- dent N1uD a1 new wJ••nt Secretary CJ( tbe ArmJ ... -and Donlopmellt. Jolmon 1ui! beOn a'leader Jn McDon- nell lloaaJao a.mu. pd sp0ce 1""'1P'am& -tbeir IDoeptiCll 11 yem ago. Moot ~.llewu-,...-tncbarll of Ibo .II-Orblllq Laboral«1 .- jtct al 'Ille firm'• HUJltinC!m Btacb ,plant. '. . Ile aervecl In the United Slatu Navy aftOr graduation Imm tho Unlvenlty ol caD!ornla at Berkeley and joined Duglu m -and ._ projec1a after World warn. J-. 49, mtaa al ~lll8 a.J.uy nm., llpP91'1 Buch, with blo wilt, Bell1 and u... cb1ldnn, Loulle, Zl, en.:<t. 17, and Jtitk, •. . J....0. suoceeda -ll D. O'Nul who ralllJed Jul year. Mesa Pranksters . ~ Paint Up Campus Of Harbor High PrallUt.n fr<xn Cool& M,.. Hiib School pointed up the llel.i>ort Harbor , Hieb -1111 ovenilfbl, dolnl pou!lll7 ' ~damap. Tbe two ochools meet .0 tho football lleld Friday nilhl- "Tbe DAILY Pnm .-Jvecl a c:all,ear· Jy loday !tom. per-wbo ld.!nllllecl tbemlelvea u "We Three'' and llid they bad deaiated the -llllh campus using , .. ttr -paint. -High Principal Cb a r I I I God8hall aald water color paint wa ued )lut also there WU ..... pointing -~ enamel and eggs wtn thrown wbicb dtled and dlmagecl palnl Painted llps uld 4'Mea HJ&b." "Mesa Rules" and ~,...Pride." GodlhaD said student body o!llce!'I from-Colla Meu H1&b wt.re over this _,,mg lo wrvey lbe damap and fl'>- -lo bring a group over lo wuh oil u moch point u -Ible lflu ochool. Wbal .,.,,, bl wuhecl oil will be P*lnted over with tho -cbarled apimt 'the Calta Meu Jtudent body, Qodsball uld. Goctsball Aid a pennant planted al the abool can be Uled to advanta.ae in Harbor High'• nlly. "The pennant and cloth banner ,.,.11y ...,. quilt cute,.. be aid. "1111 ~kinds of tbinl:• wt don't mind." ............... , .... ------c ....... ...... CW1 ll'WlW COM!MY a-..,tt.w ... y ---............. ...................... ' ............ -""-:' .:-. ~------:.:n':el:•· ....... 1:i:1:rr. .. ..... . .... Mail ~Sniffed' for Pot ' . M.tl snqoplnf la lhe ..... "" In lhe goYermneot'a Operatioa. ~ war on nwll~' aJl!I daoitl'Olll \lnlll, with JNlcUles ltom allroad beln( ~ open and llllpected .at 111ajor U.S. postal enlry points. 1'rusur)' Department autborltles at first declined to comment on the ex· aminaUoos. but confirmed the fact wbtn lower-echelon empkJya readily admitted it. Authorlllet i!tcllned lo ,., just what cillesi m Involved. but nid the coo-- ce.nb'ation 11 eeatered on California and Tew. Operation Jntereepl, Inaugurated last w~, is deltped 1o mab marijuana entering the country so rare that the price will skyrocket beyond the budget o! most users. SUff inspection procedures for vehicles entering at SI border cro&slngs ba•e cri~ pied tho Mexican toUNt lndustiy, nsuJUn1 In angry demands fer a boycott ol AmtricaJHnade ·-· . drive wu· pushJnc Its price beyond the means of YllUDI people, one o1 the ol> jectives of. tJ>,e crackdown. A spokesman said tbe price alr'Udy wu bJ&b before the operation was lalll)Cbed la.rt Sunday beea""I of ·a smaller than U!Ual harvest in Melico. Setti~g ·Sidi . ' ' . Bo Lissbl'l!lldt, 24, o! Swed'° holds bis 111-in<>lltl>ol~ ..., Erik •• hi& 22-yeer-old Auierican wife Kat1e.1tanili by.oo the dOcl: Otthe Ja.year· old Lowes!oft fishiJu! smack Dilfg...,. before the 6oet set IOlil fW a year's cruise to ·th& We'st Iodie& and America. V1e1lkm and team bave been cancolied for tho worken hm>lved and -.,. putting In ........ lo inspect pa,.,i. for marijuana, pUil and othtt dnlli- · Operation Intercept olllcials say tt 11 Ll John Sleeper or the Las Vegas., Nev., vice squad reported that the price of marijuana in the city has reached a recml high. He aaid dru&s belnl sold on lht black market were of inferior quality bee&U3e salesmen were "scr.ptng the botl<m of the barrel" Author!llts qllOled a cumnt price of !2llO per pound, up from flll5. U.N .. ·Likes ·Mets too early to tell u the anUmarljUlllll Coun~ Rezoning to Make Viejo 6th Largest Ci~ Available fi&ures showed a iotaI of 330,585 pmom ~re.beef at croalngs in callfomia, Arbona, New Mexko 'and Tau Diplomat,s Rooting for Underdogs Then! were 72 seizures, all of them for pill! and none marijuana. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -Even win big." Mexican buslneumen, unlon leaden the courUy United NaUorui Is concerned They did win big Wedoesday night and and newspapers are urging residents of -and enthralled -about the New York captured the top spot in their division oC border towns to refrain from patronizilJg Mets, once underdeveloped bul now the NaUonallI.eague. busi!leases on the U.S. aide in rtt.allation suddenly a iupe..nn..... Like Ambfiador Jimenez, other& who Oounty planntn unanlmoolly approved Wed.,.iay an unprecedented, \O.OOIH<ra monJo1 that seems dtsllned lo mike M-V1tjo the sixth larlu\ com- munity Jn Orange County •• Frub from thtJr Wttk·Joos aludy of a to.page analysi! of tho JPanl r...rung, the f!_'t'.Hnember cammlsQon backed a Million V1tjo ~ that will apand the eitsUng community b)' 5,9118 acres. Only Huntington -. Santa An•, 'Anabe!m, FUllerloo and Laguna Btach can now claim preCeslence ln termJ of. acreage ovw the mushroomlnJ M.1llkJa Vie)o devt}oJ:ment. It will eventually, planning commiasionen were told, be bome fo ~llO,Ollll ~ Uvlnl in Sl,Ollll aparilftenls Ulf lmlea. AcUoa on the proposal waa ltCbecluled for a weet agG but plannin, awed at the enonruty ol the propo<al and the mw ol blu'!ll'lnla and papenrork IUJlPOl'llnl tt, ahelved the matter lo Wednelda,y'• meeting. Envisioned by tho M~lon Viejo Com- pany ls a resldentiakommerclal-ln.- dustrial development spreading over 1,1$1 acres .. Ila locaUon Ja defined a1 aouthwterly and n«lbeultrly of the 'Unsanitary' Hair Ousts Personal Product Packer A man with shoulder·lenctb halr has bttn fired by the Klmberly Clark Corporation In Fullerton, whi~ says it is too unsanitary for an employe In hia potl· Lion. Until his diamlsaal, Robert Mercado, 24, packed Kleenu and toilet paper. "We aren't WJreUOnable," sakl a spokesman for the Compuiy, ''They can wear sideburns and moustache!, but we can't be sending out our proaucts with hair In u..m." Mercado's uoion, however, bas lniUaled a campaJgn which DllY win his job !>.ck and aet a precedent !or regulations on long hair for men, at Jeut in caiaia m. dustrila. Mercado voiunteutd to wear a hairnet and headband ol the same type worn by female employes at the Kimberly Clari: CorporaUon Plant, but wu refused and -lo be clipped or cut from the wort force. '!be Aaoci1lion of Wtstem Pulp and Peper Worlttn, Local m. baa taken up t.he cue, contending the comp&nJ' la vto1a11n1 bis ...,utuUonal rJahts by disoimJnailon against sex. 'Mlls is agalnlt federal ·taw and the &qual Employment Opporiunlly Com- mlulon wu aaked Wednesday lo order the dllmluol lnvaUd and bavt Mmado taken bad. Russian Skipper OK After U.S. Navy Aid -L ADA!t. Aluka (UPlf ~ Leonid Pavlovich. 67, o:ecutlve offictr of the Rullla• lbblnl ..... 1. Tlkhvln. "" llsltd In air condition loday after btng Wien I-blo .....i by 11\e U.S .S. Narilko, a lUJ bolt from the Adak Naval s,.Uca. . • . Tilt Navy said Pavl .. lch .,ffertd ln- temat bletdlnc and was &Jvtn •ll pints of blood. The tramfuslonl came from Navy per......i and their dtpondents on th1I llland In the Altullu chain. for the drop In lolirist bullnesa. • ~" - S DI-Fr and ~ V1U-B I ~·-~--In ~ "I love ••-," ... id Privado G. deal with w rld al[airs also pursue the an .. 8.. eeway ..... v .. u ~1 111 neumei ...... ww"'t.JJ some 1ez· wo;w ....... Partway Jn, the north San Juan u border cities doo't like tbe delays .runenez, ~busador Extraordi2,.ary and Mets' ascent to the pinnacle of power CaplltraDIMOUtb El Toro'arta. cau.ed by aisbm officials aearchlng Plenipotentiaey from the Philippines, who without any arduous debate or any in- Sln.gle fanlily homes wJll,account for ev'1J car coming into the country. Tbe also upholds bi! cowrtry'a int.ett:st at the teroretation. IOme 90 percent of the devdopnent, the se.archu often delay traffic more than an _..id forum. "Ev•~ Ume 1 can, 1 al· Even the Soviet Un.ion acknowledges -''-•lion •-••·--· Ba •~ ..., ·bou ....... -~ the profit-making "We're No. l" team. a..,.... ·~=· c-., com-r. mialoders waa a proposal th.al wtD pro-. "Goodness knows, anyooe SUJl'iMlrb the ways watch them.'' Said a member of the Soviet delegation vide 28 elementary &choola, six in-idea cf reducing the traffic in illegal The Mets may not be diplomats, but as the Mets were negotiating a crucial termediate schools, four high school& and drugs," said Rep. Eligio de la Garia (~ many dlpl~b are aware of their prow-debate with the Cardinals (The Meb woo one junior college in the expanded area. Tfx.). 1'1be complaint is of the method ess in the delicate poUUca of baseball . U ): Other faclUt1es · depicted • 00 the they are going at tl When you have com-•'The first thing I do in the morning,'' "I am working now. That's why l am blueprinta include 26 churches, golf munities aa interlinked as th08e on a this am~ s.ys, "b 1o find out if not watching them oo television. Perhaps courses covering 321 acrea and regkml· border, you just paralyze them when you they won. They~ underdogs, like an other comrades are. I have &een them, J1Afb &n4 ~ areu that will 86 Ji;;;ca;;;""';;;;;;three-llour;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;de;;;;;;l•i;ys.;;;';;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;underd;;;;;;;;;ev;;;;;;el;;iopecli;;_;;;;:COWJ:;p;;;;;tey~.~Bu;;;;;;t;;;now;;;;;;;;;the;;;;;;y;;;;;;;;;thoo;;;;;;gb.;;;;;;Tb;;;;;;ey;;;ar;;;;;;e ;;;good;;;;;;.;;; .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i courit for a further 1• acreit Plannlng cammlllian approval reaforU' to agricultural r.onh:}g land which wu lilt cluded In a llatlni ol qricultural preserve areu aome months ago. , Moat of the llOllthem por!loo ol th• communlly -localed east ol the San Diego Freeway between lAl& Alisos Boulevard and Avery Parkwa1 -"iU again become farmland, the Mi!aJoo Vie- jo ~ Jndlcatt1. Plannh>& corrunlAlon backing or the propout aJ.Jo means that a portion of the northern lleClor of tho conummtty would be addad lo the planning department'• master plan !or the area. Ffn&l approval of the rezming resta with cotmly supervilon:. A date ·for its 1"1bmisllon to lhe county board bu not yet been ICbedulecl. F""" Pagel BATTIN ••. or !IC~ of II that mlgbl put btrds ol sheep oc catUe on lhe proposed county park. "Thia land la worth $1 rnilllcm," Wood said "Aid we upect. and want 1o see a vry nice recreaUooal development in thJa area." Aecepllnce by the county ol the state's olfertd • 2 1 2 • 5 0 0 towards im· plemem.tatloo o ftbe part plan brtaa:a 1o a IOla1 ol 1442,0llll the funds supplied by tho 3tale. But Battin t-epeated after the meeting what he told .his fellow supervisors during the sesSOll -that the board sboukl loot more carafuUy lnlo tht ...-behind the federal government's refusal to partially finance the project. "We ml&ht have 1ot that money if we'd looted for another park site," he said. "We didn't have to take the University Park acreage just because the Irvine Company wanted to .ctve it to ua. We don't know yet -at least I don't know ...... the extent of the strings involved in this gilt of land." County costs thus far in a 21-year pro. ject that ii espected to t.op '5 miWoa have been estimated at $1.3 mJllion. 8 o a r d Chalnnan Wl111am Hirstein. reminded Battin in a sharp ttchange between the two supervisors that countf acceptance. or rejection of the aec::on4 stste grant bad 1o be dtltrmlned by oc~ J. "I don't know why you ba .. lo be oo akeplical of lbt good Intentions of peo-ple, ,, Hlmeln commented ln an apPlrent reference to the Irvine Company'a gift of land. "P"baPI you're teyiilg lo rtad In .. th1I aomethlng that dotsn' tllsl." "If evtryOl'H! rally meant what they appeared to mun lf't YrOCllcm 't need i legal profusion," wu att«ney Battin'I angry reply. Rejected by tht board was llatun 'I ~riument that tht neJOt,laU~ betwffi tho Irvine Copmany and the counly be sej down in the fcnn of a written moluUOn.. Tbt First District supervlaor urpd that the reooluUon lhould be debated' pubUcly Sepe. )I) "to givr tYer)'ont: eonctmed and fntereated In thill tran11cUon the cllenct to comment on n." • because color is vital too room Vlveau en the flootahw a room a whole newvitw. lhit pluJh broadloom is Joomod ol tllkk nylon <0bla- typo yam,"" cont.mponay hmtcr,ond yjtal coloring. Choose front a complete l..llocfioo ol mid-to-pale ohadet, ...i..r. .. ,.....1, to<f., and Cameo bluo. C-lnand_how,_ ~.,Jgnod l•nttol nmv, i11 .. carp.md ~ vmo. . "7K..,_ .. ., 0.95"" yi~ lF YOU CAN'T COME IN -CALL 646-4275 191" an eipert carpet consultant who wU I come to your borne with sam- ples without any obligation to you! l ' ' PROFESSIONAll1 .J. GARRt[f f URN ITU~~ HAUOR tLV~ INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opoa M•., Tllm. & fr!, frK. COSTI\ MES>-, CAllf, 1>46-0275 ·' I l I : ) • ' ... " 11 I 'I I • • ] le di fr " b p ~ o· n E I ' I ! I I: I I' ·1 I 'I I ' I • :Hu111ington Be~eh . .-EQJT.10 /'j 'l'otlaY'• ., ... ' . . . N.:Y. Steeka VOL..6~. NO. 210, ] seetlONS, ]6·PAGES • ORANGE c quNTY. tALIFORNIA . ~ I • 1 , • Bond~_J Sale . Will S~ve OV · Qi·striC:t $2·00,000 · ~ View SChoot Dil\rlct ~per!n tendect Clarence Han today_ said that the district's arrangement lO sell bonds at a fh•e percent interest rate could save the t.upayen close to $200,000. He 'iplained that the diffe~ betwten the five per~ rate•IDd the 6.5 percent rate most · ICbooi boDCls are curttnUy std at cou'ld save that much over the 15-year bond maturity period. The dim-id managed to sell $1.3 millJon in bonds to United States National Bank ara·nve percent luterest rale, after ' other banks turned 1 'deaf ear lo district official!. A ~w law which y.-ent Into effect late this summer rabed the school bond In- terest ctiling to 7 percent, spellln( lrou· ble for the Ocean Vie1' u well as 15 other O~e County school dlstricts wha were umble to find 'banks Jnteresttd in lioylng al the old rate. -- · Net l'lluJt of tbe new interest celllnc is ·that maqy~acbool .d1strlcls will have to ask vot~ to re-approve the bonds to be sold at the higher interest level, a Ume- . cons\llDlni ...i-tblcy buolnels. Under the acreement the Ocean View Dl5tt:lct will d e po s 1 t approximately $30,000 ln checking accaunts and student body funds with tbe bank aS a relurtl gesture. The bank will also benefit sinte il will be able to loan out the-distrlct't deposits to othtr bom>wera unUI they need cub. ''This coo.let be a mushrooming silua- Uon /' Said U.S. Natlona) Manager Floyd Robison about the unusual pact. He added that other banks which have up to now shown no interest in buying the • bonds 0 mlgbt" be lo~ 1f sbnilar agreemtnt.I were to be worbcl oul RoblJoa said however, the prime coo- siderallon ln ~Inc the• OOean View bends wu lo '.'id' the peop)e JUllJ.e we art interested .in the community." Leonard Shane, former Ocean View trustee and a H\ll1lln(lon ~ 5avlngs and loan ueculive, paved the wa1 for the unusual bond pact, by maklng &he inl~ contact w:llh thp t:tank's offl,cm. . Following their first meeting, negotia- tions were opened between Dr. Hall and Center Changes Certai·n Most Favor Mo ve w Beach and Atlanta Site Bv JACK BROBACK Ot ... O.ltJ "llt .,.., A change In site for Huntington Beach's proposed $6 million civic center Is abnost a certainly today . . An informal poll of councilmen in- dicates that at Jeatit four and possl~Jy six will favor a move to 1.5-1.cre plece of pro. perty at the southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue. Councilmen Henry Kaufman, one of the three votes in the minority when the Hosmer T erms Power Issue ~witch · Hunt' Rep. Crllt HOlll!tt' (~·Lonf Bea<:h) jUlnped_ aqumi)' Into IM power planl ....... .,,._ ~·..., lod1y ln a:i!•w Ycrk City talk. "An electrical witch hunt on the part of overly ualous environ~isl:s ·Js lbreatenlng the nation with: maal.ve power failures," the local congrwman ' warned. Speaking to the Electric Companie! PubOc Information Program Think Shop Conftteoce, Ho s m e r said the "harassment to which tbe nation's elec- tctc powereomp'aniea are being S\lb~~ is taking us squarely into the poss.ibtlity of a power crisis. "Result could be serious brownouts or perhaps even a repetition • of the Northeast blackout of 1965 on a larger .!I-U "'~· Hosmer criticized "the a n t i .. technologj_sts and single-minded en-- vironmentali!l.s" for nationwide op- positiOn to construction of electric power plants on the grounds that they affect.en· ~nl ·· He SIUd protection lo the environment requlttt achievtng a :iatisfl!!c!ol"Y ac• commodation between the demands of en-- vlronmcnl and the social benefil! of technology. "Some rea!Onable changes in our sur- roundings ~ litlle enough to pay for a beUet life 1n many mcxlern ways," H°"mer contiilued. Sto.,k M•r'"'" -. NEW,YORK (Al') -Sli>cu drifted Into the 1 ... column lot the .-.cl lltraight session today with c.tie market'• inability to rallr gtroogJy. "e.lghlng oo investors' n>tnill. tSoe quolaU.OS, Pig" Ill-It). · The Dow Jones lndustrlal' average at tp.m. slid to 131-51, of/ ~17 Pointl- ' Oruge C.u& 1"ea tlter u you lhink. 0-clouds are here to 11"1 -you -lit rtpl 1** foo: ..... al the ..... nJday wltb portly alllll)' .-aid .. and tempenliuns In the UJlll'S' ll'L ' INSm E TO,DAli It takts o man. to 1i.an.dteo tht t"racijng job ot being a chef cmd ft's an occupotion that requires lono rears of intcutve tf'Oining. 1 Ste COTttr Corner, PClfle 10. c~ • C.,...~ It E--S =-=: . ... ... ,, -,., -" ..... Lalllln ,, ..,_ . :::.:.-'I council selected the 12-acre site on Main Su.et ·opPo.ite Hunliniloo Beach High School, by a 4 to 3 vote, aald today lhat be faVOI"! the Beach-Atlanta site. He is joined by Councilman Ted Bartlett, another of the minority who favored a downtown site for the civic center in the" Wte several months •l<I· CounCilman George McCracken, the third minority bloc member is out of town but it is _p,own he fayors the move. Mayor Jack Green is known to be ltan- Ing toward the Beactt.Atlant, site. He Is strongly in favor of a studY of the pro- perty's fusibility for the city facility. Councilmen Al Coen, Dr. Donald Shipley and Jerry Matnty could not be reacbtd for comment, but Coen ls believ- ed to favor U.., new proposal The move ttiward the new lite started at the Sept. 15 city council meeUng when Dr. Kaufman called for a staff report oo the feasibility ol the city buying the pro- perty. PreViously the council had turned down 1 propooll to build 121 aparlmenla on the lite. The property bas slnct been sold, to the American Mobile Home CorporaUon. in a court probate aale by the beln of the Talbert Estate. City offl.clah became concerned when word was received that the bJg trajler. park company had bought the pnll!Orly. A massive trailer park Is not lheir idea of "the hJghest and best.use" for the land. (See CENTER, Pqe J) Robert L Johnson Battin Blasts Irvine Deal s By TOM BARLEY Of .. DMr "'"' ..... . Orange County Supuvlsor Robert Bat4 tin called W~ for a Rview Of the county's relaUomhlp · with the Irytne Company and an end of whit he ~. "The •lipohod .....,....1. whlcb nj(otla- tions between the two p a r t i e 1 are comllcteid." . ~ ~trtd his criticlsm following the f lo l -ol bis -that county -..-"1be ""'poo<d ll'nlvtnlty Park be defemd for one week -io allow, u U>e.Flratllbtrict superil"" Jllll It, c:rlUca al Ille plan lo voice their op!. niOlll a!ll'f uamlnlnf. documenllllon ol the ir\'ln&<01'nty del . Battin-ftllllted bis cllatpa. that, "Everything dont·so far in 11\iS plan lw been done orally." He made the same comment during the board session that ended with the supervisors voting to ac- cept state grant of $212,iOOJowards cru- llon of tbe-Sf»cre park; "There la nothlo( more that I can do." Batttn said. "The deed o1 acceptan<e ol the land flOlll , the lr!me Company lw not yel been signed and tt might well be tMt there are memben or the public woo might want to..,aay something before It }!," BalUn Called the Uniwmt1 Park !ilnd \fariaactlon -the I~ Company will deed the open epJCl/to Ute county -1 "typical illuatratton of the way tbln&s (Boe llA'I'llN, Pap SJ • . Loves • It,: M-ay Le-ave ·It Co unty Chin ese 1/Vurse Fac ing Deportation . . . By A RTlll1II R. VINllEL Of .. ..., 'Plit .... Each lime Angela Ching Yee t1Wl -that bwnper stlcler that uys: America, J.ove n 11 Leave It, abe must aJ a tittle on 1be: inljde. , • __ , She does !Oye ber ~ l!omel111dJ ' 'lilio1DI}' 1' """"'1 ib ~·· I{ ..,,. 17-jW-old ll<alod -ilnll lllll'IO II SL Jude'1 HOll!)ltal, l'ufluton. wu ICbedulfJd lo be deportecf'by ledtrll Immigration authoriU..1111:m. lod1y. Became Americe can indeed be what a Hooa KOC11~ )clulilll tllVialoood when abe came, Ai>fela II back al ""'k locloy • I ' Instead of traveling lo Hoo( J<ong. • Simply stated, Am.rica has iloj placi c..,...... """ llllder considm.tlon for her. -w11... C.O,.... dfclaea 10 Wednoday -with only houri lo tpate -uiakt .,... · ' · · ' 1 bill in-hr Un. Alan Cr-Her partnll were bo\11,Jn ~ (o.c.Jll.),.wbldl could grant Mi&a Olan • China, which has li'lar hl&her qlioll "'11. pennanentre1idence bi """'*· this 'arium<nt Ibo 1111«1. The Smale S u b c o m m I ti e e on Life hal iti>miUY ~.kinder:~ An- NolutollzaUoo wUI decide whdber Ille pie CbinC Y'et Cban, lblll1thu lo manr mutt Juve America u we.U 1u iove it, · iii her race and ICt, flehtla& ~ tor' hued on a tectmie1:l poinL • eoouah food. • 1 • • Mlli C!lan was born In !ta In-. Mong Sj>e be<:ome tce(lll!n~' .. Ith 1 Nayy' Kok, K.,.loon, 1 amall, new BriUsh •!'rt<. Ealelle !kllly, 9f Phlladdpbia, Crown Colony for whlob tbe u;s. em1gr .. f'J't,' 1'bo ·~".AnP''i trip 1o llonquoll lsllllod· , ·r ~'°""""~,vfw,,.,,.,lhan' On!)' 200 ar1 allowed eatb YW• , r.,.sl • .;\ I \ . ' I { -Dori Sw!Juiey. vice prosld'!lt-lovestmenl olllcer of Uie U.S. N1Uonal Bonk. , ' Even tboo&b Ocean ,View's bonds have now been sold u a ...,.Wt of the cfeal,_uie dlstrtct has sclJe<1uled lliolher fl .5 miUlon bond eloctlon Nov. II lo finance ill bullcttni progdm. • "I su~pose there would bt ' !Orne justification for i:fecn;uinC th1s borMI issue,"~ Dr. }{all. "But my .advice to \be board woui,i ~ lo co ahead wjth this' •Jectloo," he addlid, .. pla!nll!i that any aitempt now to lower the total .amount J .I + . P•~e• ·Ta~ 'fe•i . . ( . ' . . . . • Wid<-eyed Arthur R•Y<i; 8, gets ti sample of lbe goOdies 'to be ·of. fered' Sqbday from U a:m. to ·4 p.m. at tile Hll!jtliigtcxl'lleacir Boys · Club -bad?ecue. Chefi Bill •Peterson (left) anll'd~I>' dll'l!C\ot ·Pat D9Wll•Y, w.llJ be among .those on band. 'lliktts ar~ $2 for atlulfl, !1 fot chlldren. , . r . 1~ 1 , • ' I , . ' ' ' '. '. Civic Leader Betsworih •• The Rev. Roger BetlWorth, 36, a leader in clyif activities and paftor of. the Cont-- munlly Uni\ed )llethodlat Church of Huq- ,Ungton Jleat:h. ii leaving the area for a new l"lni'"'Y In San Bernardino. 'JJ!e Rev. l\UWorth ii widely kno'!'n for his work · with uMer privlle'ed families and h1s involvement in com- miJuly ~ffalrs, He served on the steering committee ol tilt 'llril ·Huntington Beach ConimwiUy Conjren·and was recently chatnnan of the ClttzOrii AdvllOf}' Committee lo Ille Hwitl~~-Be1<:h Union !Ugh School Dlltrletl .. ' The Method.tat minJater also organized the: only Kead Stan program curren-Uy serving 'West Orange County, inil bu 1ponl()rtd many Independent groopt br- cludlng Sf:venlb Step to Tthabillate pci>onen, four -Alcoholk:s Anonymous groups, a Falr Housing program and En(lial> cla&iel for · MOI!can-Ainericl'D residenU. He will give his Jut sermon Sunday mornilig. A.pot luck suppeohoood/l('tbe reverend will be ·bekl at 1>30 p.m., Sun- day, al the church, MC Heil Ave .. The Rev. ·eei.worCh wl!l'be 1'p1aced by the Rev. tbarles Role ol Vista, •hb atarta Oct, ,5, I "My strong conctrn la 11eetin8: to !erv~ ~le where thef 1·art/1 he l&ld, .rlt springs ' from · my ~standin1 oJ the c..pe1. Jw'dldO'\-i\'"l'ln • cliurch "" Sundoy to wve, lit .,..,.,lo lho people'.'" . Huntlcitoa Bta'°'' ...... the ' 11evi Bell!rortli'1 nt.t ,~Im)-· followln.J Ji!• graduation frnrc/ -"1•1Y 1Cbool In 11161. Pri9I" 1o Uia1 -h&'gr.aihla1ec1 fl,vm the tr.s; NIVll Academy at Alloaj>olii and - 1 ~ ·~ilY ~tLOT 9'lfl ""'' GETS .INLANP ~ltll ,TRY I Rev. Rottr~11ettworth • : . ' . ' ·• t t• • i • • • ' t ' ' r.. " ~ I • l " : tt·ass " -·T" .. 1'ate i 1 ,. ~ _._ ~1 ... · Loi ,Alamllos Thrlftlmart m&napr T.: J. Knlgl>t was •1'1¥ from 'hls rtore on businul Wednesday night wb .. , two IW'tll•n marclted !pto hla store -av 1\fl Los Alalnllol Boultvard. TJ!• t-;n ban_dlu 'ran lrom the store aqd escaped ~ J137. And where was iw,ht whlle •all this bap11<nedt · , ae wanl\l!lldipg:!',J>qll~ d!llai-tmenl seminar lor bus.in.• .. Ill.., at Los Alaniilo!.f.!!lt.: ~· 'Tlj• Subject: "Robbery and W}ult TC\Do lf'(cn~~ Rdb"""I · · i. 1 •· • • J'iow.)oiigli1.;.l!lii.;01e lllinlnar bad been.Tuesday DlilJI,.-' -r :f DAil. Y l'ILOT -H ' Phone A~ Esca .e~ ~Mur.dered ~- ' t • I Boy CalU RepaiT Seriice._for· Ret ·. ' HOOl;l Sought:for Beaiin Ex-.(;on .. in .T-exas . . • ' . NO MICKEY MOUi .i! JOB Moutek:Mper Meeker 'l!lol )1&11111 •oleo alld,Ur oo 1111 o¥ ... ol tao llot ~I _ _, 'l!lllO tt .,... ... ~tr' I' M ...... llrlr ---· Giod ... ,. ' """"""' .... ........ _, l 'llolp ,..,.. ' 'Jbe foiee wu Alberta Meeker, on thl job at Paclf,lc teJe~ Company, 311 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, wlCh near· ly 40 years .ol such duty behind her. "Lady, your t.elf:pbooe ate my mouse.'' "F<r pctness salte, thll'a terrlble, Bow d1d It. happen!'! asked Mrl. Meeku, 'her curiosity more than professionally pl· qued. f , 'nle call came from a pay lelepbooe.. ' "Well. I pu1 my '"'"" In the ploce •btre the m<ntY comu out and clOled it. When 1 opened ~ he wu I*· .. ••wi.y dkl your phone eat my mouae!'' "Maybe he's just bid.inc," the«iud Atbtrl& Meeker, leaning on the vut store ol tnowled,e 1atbutd in 40 yeus cJ. Ulepbone wort. "May, I hive your name pltue?'' 1he Wed, 1ettin4 down to the search and retCUe oj)erat.il;ID. FACING DEPORTATION Antol• Chl"t Y• Chan ' ANGELA · ••. rOll'r 1IOlftl, ~ (UJllJ -l'oUlll Nour&n o1 willch lit ltaid ·lie -in-DnJius, w1-im~l In ~net .: *"" .U. u hoodlum~ -•L · 1"" qo cauaed a..,. • ..,.. aenutioo. -GI pe 1 _,. . Slmmooe escaped -the prboo lut 1Yl-..id SlmmGos quleltd a ma• day>Jn Ille 1111-001 ldUins of Dyk,. April '1Y dr<u!llC 11 a woman an4 tllp. wbo started 8 "ruckus" In the bar. The A.Un SimmOOI Jr .• who eaped from a pi_og eut with 400 .wQOlet on C(IOJllP! ~ man lulhted that 8lmrruJN leave witli Mexican prlScm lut April by dreulq !I_ lllOC clay, · · hilJ>, Jl.ll'"111, "We aot lo see somebody." a woman. • ~··,Hal Morik. a pttYi&e detective '°Whp In· A. (, McClaney, a friend, sa1d that he "He's a local man. We all know him," ve.u&ated lbe Slmmona case for San left tbi t1vem a short tJm~ later and . Detect!" Sgt. J. R Brlzonblne llid of • rr• .. 1lic0 lawf« Melvin Belli, 11ld Sim. lound Simmull unconocious. McC,toney the murder ·1J.15pect. 'WI! are _fS:tUY sure mone "'may/hive been uec::atecL" and )lr1. Dorothy MO!Xly, a cler.t in• Ji. -. he's tbe man Simmons hid a fight with in , "l'm akePUcll-abou.t 1t biaca&ale of Jn. quot 1tore. putSlmmool ta SirnmOnl' 10. a bar.'' dkationa Slmmooa wu nm OYet ~ a year-old autu<mobDe and took blhr nin• Simmons, 41, was "run over, beaten or car.'' 'Moni: Rid. He dJd nol co ' tnto mllet to Mrs. Moody'1 bame. stomped to death" outside a tavern detail!. When they reacbed ~S'. Mooney'• Wednellday night. He liked to call himself SimmON always lnalsted that he was home hi! condiUcn kloked so b.cl they tbe "American Dreyfu:" becaUJt of the being impNooed for aomeone elae and called an ambulaoce. SimmoDI wu dead IO years be spent in a ~1ex.lcan prison for liked to compare bimae1f with Albert when be rucbed a bolpit&I. Part of 'Intercept' Mail 'Sniffed' for Pot Leary, 'f.opping Out,' Will Seek I "Bobby." a) "HOW old are yoo Bobby?'' ~ r "Eight." ••Are you the one the repairman ahoWd see?" seven years 110. After being brought to tbe U.S., Angela attended the Academy <1f the Little Flower, ln San Luis Rey, while Miss Reilly was stationed at Camp Pendleton, then high achool in MilllnltOD1 Tenn., learning to be an Arnrrlcan. Mall snooping is the newtst step in the government's Operation Intercept war on marijuana and dangerous drugs, with packages from abroad being ripped open and lmpected at major U.S. postal entry pointa. of marijuana ln the city bu reached a record high. He said dnag! being sold on the black market we.re of inferior quality because salesmen were "scraping the botklm of the barttl." AuthodUes quoted a cumnt price of $200 per pound, up !rem IJM. bullneues on the U.S. aide In r.talladan for the drop in tourist busineM. Businessmen and tourbts in some Tes. as border ciUes don't like the delays caused by a.atoms officials se-.rchlnC every car cooiiDg into the aM.µllty. The aearcbell often delly traffte mare than an _ hour. Democrats' Nod la Dr. Timothy Wry -upirlng ~ of Calif<n.ia -coppin& out to .. -,.J~ poll"--• Wf-YS ~. 11. ~ 101nethne.Laruna Beach 'raidmt """ r..,.,. trial cm two c:aaa lnwl\'ln( dnCI decW<d W<dmeday In Loa Anaelea that he will aeek )lie Democratic __ ,.,.,......,..... "&nae. not Lso ii lbe dancerous chemlcaJ,'' ii bis latest campalp pitdl. Tbt, former Harvud U a 1ver1 ~t y ]ll1<\lololY pnileaor fired -for bfs n· per-'lrilll L!D In Ille eorly lllOI Mid -lo ban llOllle <OljlPOUlldl •• the ...WI of twilled lhlnP:1. "Healthy and riJhleoUs drup, llb llJlrijullla and LSD," be added. Dr. Leary. hll wile and ,.. Jolui lace trial In Orqe Coonty Superior · Court nest 1DCldb II the result ol their ll'f'fllta --qoinLagunalleach,-.ben dlop ...,.. alltpdly I"""' In tbelr Ill>· 1lon -.._ II -' " . He a1IO faces t11.i In ruversldt County .., a diarp of coolrlbutlnr lo tbc deJln. q1llDC)I of a Lquna -girl who drowned in mid.July on the oontrovmial Morning Star Ranch near ldyllwild. Dr. Leary ii a frequeit visitor lo I.ht. nisUc commune, w. h er e 17-year-old Charlene Almeida drowntd while twim· minC nude in a deep pond, after em· bar'klng on a one-way LSD trip. . Dr. Leary said he only knew her alight· Jy and bad nothing to do with her fatal drug trip which occurred while he wu elsewhere.. Marine Sergeant Dies in Wreck A Marine Corp! sergeant died early to- day in the blarlng wreckagt of his car moments aft.tr the auto ran belldon into a truck.trailer on the San1a Ana Frttway. Callforn!J Hiabway patrolmen said Manuel Elroy Martinei, 12, atollooed ot the El Toro Marine Corpe Bale, was hOadlnc north In the ""thbound lane or the freeway when the crash occurred at ~ Grove Freeway overcrosslng • • in Orange. · • Officen aaid the badly burnN Mart.inei 'WU dead when they arrived at the scene. The driver of the tranaport waa unhurt and damage to his vehicle wu delcribed .. .Ught. DAILY PILOT OlAHGI COAST PUIL1$111M• (CW#AH'r 1t•91.t N. W••i l"ftliilcf>I Mil l'vMlltltf J1c.lt ll. Cu1l:r Vita,.,. ..... -'--~ Thol'll•t K11•ll ··~ I lh11111l A. M111,hi111 Men1 ..... EOllw "lh11I W. l•l•1 it.1.-t!1te E•!I• Hfffl-ff" ,._, Offke JO• 1111 Str11t M1ill119 Acl~llHI P.O .••• 7'0, ,?,41 OthH °"''" NI ..... k«R l )I I Wnl Mltr'I l l!l.l .... 114 <•i. ~· U1 Wc11 II~ i!tftl ~ lkad\: lU l'OAIJ ..... ~ ... "No, my mother doesn't know where I am, so I have to 10 home. Ste Mike tht barber at the barbenbop. He'll keep my moua for me." "What b Ille tole~ Dll!Dber In the booth!'' -The boy' J'ICit.ed it, I -c "We'll hive your mouae cleared and cive it to the barber. Weit take can of him Bobby, .. doa1 .....,.. Goodbye." " 'Bye," said Bobby. Alberta Meeker'• logbook entries tell Ille re.st: J:M p.m. Trouble report on mouae in upper bouJlni. • .... R<painnan dlapalcbed. i:U p.a. Trouble !CIQlld. One live •hile mouM In upper bouai.ng (entered via coin rejum cbule). Romoved lllOUH and '"' lo.barber next -· i;M p.m. Troublo cleared. 1 Mrs. Meeter'• boa, Jhn Haycraft, thinb ahe abouJd receive an award or modi! !or her devotioo lo duly_and unor· tine ear far true trouble. Peri>opg Ille Good MOU!d0<plq Seal ol Approval All lhe ~ needed to learn wu tbe style of We. ihe kind of things you notice on the outside. She learned quickly and she finally graduated from FuUertoo Junior College with a formal permit to aerve othen:, her LYN certificate. Then, authorities revoked her visa beca~ she was no longer a student. Attorney Gordon G. Dale donated his tecal services free in ID effort to help Mju Qi.an, of 215 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullertoo, remain In America. Deportatlons ~ve been delayed two years during such Congressiooal reviews of an allen's atatl.lll -some have been allowed to stay -while others have been sent away IOOn. 1'he S.nla Ana lawyer is confident she wUI win the !IPL Today, however, Is at leut one mort day at home for Angela Ching Yee Chan, who loves America and bates the un- certain future. Tomorrow is just another question. ,......,. Pqe J BATf.IN ... have been done wllh Ille !nine fAD. pany." Be 'llf'ill take the Issue and his view• that future nta:otiatioos with the giant landowntr1 ahouJd bt on a much more formal ind documented basil to tbe Orqe c...rty Grand Jory.' "I won't mike any speclli cue out of this," he Wd, "but 1 intend to raiR the matter nert time I appear before the Grand Jury." Critics or the Irvine-county park con· tract have questioned the rilbts allegedly .retained by .the Irvlne ecm,.ny ovtr tho acreage that wm pull to county control. Batun pointed out Wednesday that "it appears that the Irvine Company mi&ht be able to build a restaurJnt in the aru and I've had residents of the UniveraJty Park sector in my off.lee who tell me that they're far from saUsfled with the measure of control retained by Irvine and haw the company will ux it in the ruture." Supervisors wrre quesUooed on the project Wednesday by rW. estate counsellor Rtg Wood who conveyed the concern of the University Park Com· munity A.s&Ociation on the possibility that the park might be leased for agricultural pul"pCUs and/or allowed to become the home of "carnival·type attractions and zoos." Woc.d told the board that he voiced the concern of nearly 1,000 UtUveralty Park homeowners and as many Turtle Rock residents, all of whom deplored any plan or lack 01 it that mlght put htrdl of Pep or cattle on the proposed county park. "This land is worth Ml million," Wood uid "Arid we expect and want to see a very nice recreaUonal development in Ulil area." Officer Delive rs Own 'Intercept' SAN DIEGO CAP) -It was a ttn y operation interctpl of }Jb own fOl police officer Harry Joordan. A clll' with three people, including a Meile.an woman about to &fve birth. stop- ped belide him Wedneoday. Quickly, Jourdan helped her deliver a ton 1n the car'• front seal He aaid there wun't time for Petra Hurtado Medina. vls1Un1 from T!Ju1111, 1o aet 1o a lloOPltal The U.S. aovemment calls tt.a cumnt crackdo'flt on wualln& from t.leJico "OperaUoo 111t.ert:ept.." Boy Scouts to Flip Pancakes Saturday A...;twe llj Ille ."""111 of. Ille s1.ole'1 offend S 2 1 2 , S 0 O towards lm- .plemmtalhm o ftbe park plan.brings to a total or 1442,000 the lunlb aupplted by the ,st.tit. But BatUn repeat-.1. &fler the. meeting what he tokf hia fellow auplrvison dW'ing · Ille ...... -that Ille bOard .OOUld look more cartlully into the reuon.s behind the federal government's refusal to partially finance the project.. ''We might have got that money if we'd looked fat another park site," he aaid. "We dkln't have to take the University Puk acreage just becauae the Irvine Compan}" wanted to give it to us. We don't know yet-at leut I don't 'know-' the extent of the strings involved in lhi.s lift of land ... County costs thus far In 1 21-year pr~ ject that is expected to top SS million have been estimated al $1.3 million. B o a rd Chairman William Hirsttln reminded BaUin in a sharp e1.cliange between the two !Upervisors that county acceptance or rejection of the 8eCOnd state arant hid to be determined by Oct. I. "l don't know why you have lo be so akepUcal of the good intentions of peo- ple," Hlnteln commented in an appannt ref.s~nct lo the Irvine Company's gift of land. "Perhaps you're trying to read into th.11 aomething that doesn't exi!t;" . "lf everyone rially meant what they appeared to mean we wouldn't need a lqaI profession," w1s allorney Battin's an111 RJ>ly. Rejected by the board was Battin's argument that the negotiations bttwttn the Irvine Copmany and the county be set down in the form o( a wrllten resolution. The First District supervisor urged that the riaoluUon should be debated publicly Sept. 30 "to live everyone concerned and intemted In this transaction the. chance to COmmtl'lt on it.., • From r .. e 1 CENTER ••. lnlertst In lht site was previously trig- lered by the city's Urban Land Institute CIUtens Sletrin1 CommJttet (CSC ) report which suggested use of the Beach- Atlanta property as a possible convention center and muttlcipal iuditorium. Meanw¥le, city staff member, met Wednesday with reprutnlaUve ol SPICt UU!lullon A.mclales (SUA) I nrm hired by the city to plan the amount ol &Pece needed for the civic center and ils JIOS!i· ble configuration. "The study on the space needs is prac- tically complete," said Bill Reed. city ln- fonnaUoo olfk:er. "Several p:l&libUiUes have been suggested from a onwtory campw atyM; struclure to an 11-ct.ory bulldln1." Tnasury Department authorities at first declined to comment on the o:- aminatiorui, but confirmed the fact when lowu-edleloo. employes readily admitted ii. VaCJtiorui and leaves have been cancelled for Ute workers involved and most are puttlna: in overtime to impect parcels Ior marijuana, pill.! and other drugs. Available fl&ures showed a total or n:l,5i85 pel'30nl searched at crossings in California, Arizona, Ne\V Mexico and Texas. There were 72 i;ei1ures, all of them for pills: and none marijuana. Mexiean bu!lneasmen, union leaders and ntwspapers are urging residents ol. border towns to ~fraiD from patroniiing "Goodne.a knowt, -tupJ)OrU the Idea cf ... reducing the traffic in rne,at drugs," said Rep. Eliaio de la Gan.a (0.. Tfl..). 0 The complaint is of the method they are gain& at it. When you have cooi· munities as interlinked as those on a border, you juS'l paralyze them when you cause three·bOUl' delays." Authorilits declined lo uy jurt what cities are involved. but 1aid the con- centration i!l centered on CaWornia and Tens . Countian Finds Himself Operation Jntercepl, inaugurated last weekend, is designed to make marijuana entering the country so rare that the price will skyrocket beyond the budget of most users. Stilf inspection procedures for \leh.icles entering at Jl border crossinga: ba'fe crip- ln Hairy Predicament pled the Mex.lean tourist indllltry, A man with shoulder-length hair has resulting in angry demands for a boycoU been fired by the Kimberly Clark of American·made good.!. Corporation in Fullerton, which says it is Operation Intercept officials say it is too unaanitary for an employe in hll post. loo early lo te11 if the antimarijuana lion dri ve was pushing Its price beyond the Cntil his disml.s.sal, Robert Mercado, means of young people, one of the ob-24. packed Kleenex. and toilet paper. Jectives of the crackdon. ··we aren't unreuonable," said a A ':spokesman II.Id the price already spokesman for the eompln)'. "They can wu high before the operation wa~ ~'ear sideburns and moustaches , but we Jaunchtd last Sunday because of a can't be sending out our products with smaller than usual harvut in Meiico. hair in them." U. John Sleeper of the Lu Vegas, Mercado'1:union, bOwever, baa tnlUaled Nev., vice aqUad reported that the price a campaign wblch may win hi.I jbb back and set a precedent for r~tiOOJ en. lon1 hair for men, at least rn cm.a.in fn. dustries. Mercado volunteered to wear a hairnet and headband of the same type woro by ien1ale employes at the Kimberly Clark Corporation Plant, but was refused and ordtted to be clipped or cut from tb1 work force . The Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers, I.oca1 en, bu ta.ken up Ute case, contending the c:ompany ii violating his: comtitutiocal rtgbls by disC'iminltion against sex.. because color is Vita/ to a room Y11Mu onthlA...p.a rooca a whole ........... Thlt plutlt l.aalloam is loomodoltMdt nyloo...W.. lypeJ91\f '9'•d••"'•t ......... """.ital ""°""&· o-i-a...,ploto col-.•--Je shocttr.,~}onqoU, ' fada·""" c--C-la ............ _ d .... """"" ...... Df'll COip•sdlD Vtreou by Xmw1::• 1.10.95,.. .... IF YOU CAN'T COME IN -CALL 646-0275 lor an eJptrl • carpet consultant who will come to your home with Sl.ftl· pies without any obli1ation to }-OU! Wbtn the SUA filutea .,. c:omple1ed Boy Scoula al Troop 561 'GI HwiUnatoo they will go to the archJlectural firm ol RE B<ach will be Olppq flap)lclia fr()m 1 Kurtmtyu and AMoclalts which has H J GARRm fURNmJ to 11 a.lft., Sa-00 the partln1 lot bt<n aelec:ttd by the clty to du•~ the of Albert.ton'• Market. Edwards Street -n••r ~ and Mc:Fadde A.,.,,... -~ • · ' ' The public lt invited for a »ctnl Piil-'M'le architectural firm will ma~e a cake bruldut, with money goin& for •• re<oml'IM!ndatlon •• lo the beat lype of "OFISSIONAl 1115 HAllOk llVD. troop actMUea "'1 auppllea. The mtnu bulldlnJ suited lo all clty deportm<nts INTERIOR DESllPNERS o..-...... Tlon. l ftl, -COS!JI MISA. CA.LliO. 11 ptncakp ham. or•na• jul:t, coffee and a fltm decbion on 1he atructurt ii 6'6·0271 and~ :rou can uL expected to be made within llX ll\Ollths. ,._ _________________________________ .. (' I ·- , . , . r-;:r. •. , . r H:oroscope • , • Sagittarius: ·Don't Change ~atu ra~l----..~ FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 26 By SYDNEY OMARR MENU TIP: F1De -.Jpt for oiiobaco 11 mlree and es---1 lo a.tort wltlt ·• <Old' --ubondt.M011 penoDI &lafCbt I ti e·w pnf .... Mee for 6e earill1; me• I alplld be -Ual Mt~ ,,..... wt• ···-· la&TWI· nt ol la>lllaadoo. ABJE8 (March 21-AprU ti): may havt been liolctiq llrictly for MJCW'!17act.u-.C speculative. Ttl1s ia to tbe &ood U you malnWn control. SCORPIO (Ool. :la-NOY. 21): AYOld drM"I w 11 ll · b> temptrate p • r 1 o n 1 • Be dip-le. Don't Wille lettm in anger. Relltive who tr.. r111tes·actuall1 f .. 11 -· luau Feast 'Benefits • Exploited Children You• Id act1oa in area lhat e.levates pttallge. Avoid hasty deciaiQDS. Time is on your .lide. Know thl.s and ad In .Qlm., deliberate manner. You may get a promotion. ' TAUl\US (April l&-May 20): One wbO h.ad bttn away from yoor spbtre makes preaence felt. You may have to commit Yoorae1I .. definite c:oune. This ultimately workJ in your favor. Know this and be o~ timlstic. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Mate or partner takes money inlUalive. Don't bat t J e : reasoping w i 11 accomplish basic goal. Your views an respected. Adhere to them. But do allow others 10me latitude. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Your re1alions with public pMJld be somewhat .atonny. Some who advise you are sincere b u t _ misinfonned. Know th1s and steer clear of lep] controversy. LEo (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid extremes. Mat n ta i ri balanct. Some associates, co- workers may be ayerly ag- gressive. Don 't compound er- ror. Sense of bumor helps overcome what could be a crisis. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221 : Fiod out where you stand with memlier of opposite sex. This is no Ume to beat -about the bush. Slate n e e d s , ex· pectations. Be ready for quick changes, --decisions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 c I. 22): HA VE YOU READ ••• RAINF LOWERS LYRIC LOVE POETRY ILLUSTRATED A TREASURE GIFT Previously quiet an!ls come ·alive with activity. What you 295 ' I Cactus Sodety Orange County Cactus arxl Succulent Society meets the fint Wednesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa M~a. 5 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER Lowest Price Ever ·For a Great Maytag Pair! Only 1398 88 Model AI06 ·090 These are not "stn odels ... they have all these great dependable Maytag features. I W.AIHll: • ] w.1., T11t1p1 •••• a; .... Mtftf· l .d Fiii e Fvll Cyclt Softty f.ld e Swirl -1wty .lr•i11i119 tcll111 ill li11! romt•lt tub e Avfo1t1ttiC unb1!111c.e ltH prot1cti1111 e R1i1tl protf lid lttll I trl11ft1 e lh1t1•d·prt•tll htllctl dri•t e f•· I '"''" M•vt•t t11,.Mebllityr DITO: "Helo of Httl" tlryf119 e R1¥el•l11t llli1c Hiit filter e Per11l1in 1 1111'1'111 drum e J 11l1ttiOftl fet pr,1p1r ,,..,111, of t U f11Hlc1 • Stfttf tlttt A Pt11h-to-1!1rt l1111tto1t e Full 1p1ill- il19 doM fir l11di119 ctn¥tflit nct. I I • I ' ' u.1 ... -·-.... ~ ltW adlQl.lltlly .... U5 d citcult. Htlf the • "._....-.,.,.""' all thl ~ "' ...... tiilllJll. ... _ •toa• • --------~~~-~ JOU CAM DOIMD ON DAYIMIOWN •• ·• U.CUI IT u Tl.US OP C'VITOMU • U.nlfACTION 411 •• 17th St. < • Costa Mna 646-1684 Dally 9.9 • Sat. 9·6 ___ J .wiNTIR PANSl·ES Al winter end sprin9 .color in in botdws ot over bulbs. SPECIAL 119 3 Pkgs. for • SPIC'AL""""' SAVE I .. 500-Aa .. .. NIGHT BLOOMING JASMi 'NE . 9·8' Fast 9rowin9 summer ·~.;,.;;. • • • Deli_ghtful n~·tlr69 Jregr•nc• ··-· ,._h.~~ Reg. I. 75 • . , in ./uf b1o0m'1 r , ' r WE'RE OYEUTOC"EDI .EVERGREEN ·•SH SHADE ~E~ ~stest Sh1d1 in the West" H .. lthy, ~ng tr--6 ft. toll . . CHRYSANTHEMUM In Full Bloom $149 1 Gal. Siff • ... . Extend garden color throughout the'·f.!!IL / Large w•ll estab]ithiCI . plants. Immed iate color. • • End of~. ARTIFtCIAt 'il(O'wm -... < ' • ·· AND-ARl:AtreiMEN1S -~. -~ltOOM ·'FOR CHIU5.TMAl ' DICORA noNS • L ..,• ' • ' J HOURS: MON, thr11 THURS. 'I• 6i Ml, h1 f',Olfl.; S~fi,-·IO .a.m. to 5 p.m. · SATURDAY f ... .,,:'to ·1:10 p.m.. . • 1... ,,1 • $'.lCIA~PllCU 6000 TH~eH SUNDAJ", ~, Jet\.*~ , ... . . . ~ 2141 Hir-..r llv•. ___ .. __, COSTt MESA CALL ·. 548-5525 I' ~ J • 10•••••••••••2•1•12•••••11!1•!•[!1111!••2•:•;~211121:1:••••2•2•21111cc:~e2!!1122!&~•~-'!"'·"-.A~'s~.~•'t.,19s4~.:'ce~e~.~·~·~-~.~-'!"!' .. :'!""-~-~-~-!!!"'.'"--~-'"';~~!:'""--~-•~~.:"::".:=~,~.-..~ ... ~ .• ~.~-:.::::::•!;:~~·--:""c..c;.-.. ..,,;-c,, .... •· "" .... .... .... .--................... -. ·~ JI ~v i,i.or K Cr088 N~ed NAA Director ~L.0-.~ OVER 1THE .COUNTER ..,.. .,,... ....... - -• -"°"' ~ Cloll'7 ~" lllt -Mood#:. " A& .,...,.... lie ba pmloullJ --•• Clrtdcr. ' er-II a certil1od poblle ~·-and ii a mtmber " tho Am<ri<'an EmtlMe of CPA'o. tho Cilllomla Sodtl1 of CPA'<. and the Or-~ oaotroDers: TOPICS PHARMACY i!'J TIUY MANf, Ult ' ~th, ........... """otl\- er ecmn'lOl'I: lil:f·UU boQse.. planti are ~ u ~ autumn Cl'OCUI. star Of ~IJt.. loh<m, lll:r ot . tile ..u.,y, 'Jbq contain alkaloid& which produee ~ SJ'lftPtoml and -.. dis...... if ....... Jn tM ~ treatment d mmt poisoi;Un.p. ipecac syrup i$ U. cboRn emetic. Qolce ahould be made by !he' pbpicierl, not by the ..... Ea a top )<vii · Bank of AO!ldFa ......,._, lj, ll. J-.. -l""led ... htad the baa\11 M!W"'repanai beadquldm la-AU. • The aDDOU.lllCtlll~t ' Wi a s made by board chairman Louis B. Lundborg, w h o described the appointment as "part of a major organiza:. tional chqe." · ·E LE CT R 0 N I C S 1'77 SUf'fllOl -COSTA Ma.A ,., ., IJ,,t So. of W"t 17tft St.1 NOW EARN I % INTEREST PAID QUAR I ERLY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October 1st you can earn the new, higher rata of 6'Yo yearly on Morris Plan $5,000 Investment Certificates. Funds placed by October 15th will earn from the 1st of the month at the full 6% rate. Interest paid at the end of each calendar quarter; or credited to a Passbook Account for addilionai Income. Dally Interest on 5.25% Passbook Accounts. Thrift Passbook Accounts may be opened for any amount. Interest Is earned from day of deposit to day of withdrawal ; and is credited and compounded quarterly. Since Its founding in 1916, Morris Pian has promptly met wvery request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $125 million. Morris Plan Newport Beach -3700 Newport Boulevard -673:3700 • Complete-New York Stock List ·~· .... -- :: • l • 0 Thursday's Closing Prices-<Amplete New York Stock Exchange · LiSt ... .., .............................................. , -t·----il Stoek ·Prices End ll . ' ~·~ LOwer for 2nd Day ~-· + tt NEW YORK (UPI) -S!oc1< prlcu' flnlaho<I + ~ lower lllday for. the HCOnd day In a row. ~ =·: -· + -· ...U modoralAl!y ~ve. . '!be Sh=einon Hammill broker•&• !Inn aid the· aew1 bact wu dull and lllere wu llttlo fl)o COl!llve tw en. +• <--· Tb• UPI marketwlda lncllcator '""""" I\ loss of o:so pmltnt on 1,1154 lubes crossing tho t.\pe. Tbare wore 1121 dtclinM and ~l advanc11. Tbe Dow Joan a .. rage of 30 blue chip lndlll- trials wu ·off 3.IS at SI0.115 nut the close. Volume of around 10 million &harts was below WtilJIUdllY'1 pace. Some heavily tnded Issues were Northw .. t In- dullries prtfer:led A, Brunswick and Public Servloe Co. of COiorado. Gold mining shares cenerllly gave .(round, while most point-plus swlri~ers in the electronic also were In retreat, lncludloc IBM and Motorola. IBM closed at 347 3/4, off 91/f. Polaroid also came Wider p~sure, dropJ!(ng more th'an 5 before the close. American Tetep&one tracled in a nanow range as did steels, motors and most rail issues. AT&T closed at 513/f, up 112. Airlines and aircrtfu also !ollowed ml.ted paths in the absence of new industry developments. Other active stocks were Toledo Edison, Tnaco and Mobil Oil. The oil group was mostly lower, although a few fractional llaintn were noted. Texa- co clooed at 31, off 112. and standard of New Jersey ""'off 314 at the c1 ... to 70 1/8. Prices eased on the American stock Exchange In moderate turnover. SomE! active Amu hsues included Canadian Homerte21d oils. sJJ,htly easier on 35.000 shares: Asamera oil. fractionally higher on 21.000 l'ihares; and Aile«J, Inc., up sligllUy on 31 ,000 shares. ------~- ' ' . ~· ) ' <CAPE KENNEDY, J' I a . -1!1t, ...,. ..i.to bWI oll (AP) -'I'll,.. u• t ~111 to WeliModl1 ol' llila -. ·baa Im.,..... .,. bell1a ~ -· raclledolod tor :lauDC!l. up to all ..-wl>llo •ID-NO..·I. , . , . •lllllptoh J1r01>e 1'00i!ot Delta An ~ U.S. w11ther nickel falliJl:a. Ono JIOl(i!lloed utelllte Wblcb wu to have inJ.ct ts lnlended ·to put 8rl· been l•mched Oct. I& It ..,, Qin'• IJrsl commwijcallam expea.d ~ nickel. lDlo or1>ll .,_,.11 lDlo omit. 11 ... 11 fnm v~ Air . Tllo. t1eek Qella · IJoo!ler, Force -Calif. . ""'-- wbk$. -had • -Alto de1'yfd It • -..... ._.i of &r1>Wld IO pmeot, m •re I a I eommWlleallolll bu failed th,.. lhna In the oalelllte, once -for lul U lobnd!lnp. lawleb fmn Cape Kamedy ,,,.· -r....t llop ... Oct. n. -grounded until at ~ Al!I. 'ZI -a .Della least NV:. 3, . , -·off .,.,;.. •l1'bt ' ~ .. ~ ' ma.ta· ifter liftoff and tslld l .... ~ •. re; .. ~ -·~ "1 i ..... c..L.:.:..b .... • _._, .the.= ".Iltfejlit., . ' ,_.......,.. .. , ··-.. .,... 3· r.!n' .... ~. -·"""·'"'~ bflk:<r;ll iirlrl1 •"""· . i.di'a'?""-~-' ......... fl "'""'"' f...... ' .. . """i"t . ~,,,...,,,,.....,,'ill" ...,:::r;-"1 . -~-the· uldHl6 •Will. P'e'''"' _.., -.or .w• ... 9_.,,~:J "t · to~ 'the 11111 .. ' ""'!' ""' ~-. ...--• . . . ·-· ~--ll'i' .that:!~. il!re' 'alld'~<bitllcon'1he Aerc.uUcs. I a d Fat EQt. Australia' a D d 5f>o<o Admlnis\talloo -&m<i>e , ."!'=1tlee!! to condue\ • tw.. Del.d!ve w!rlni In tJlO llnl , pn>qed iJivestlga/1'>'1-stage autopilot system was . • Ono Is probing the AUi. 'ZI blamed for a failure Sept •• ja, ·-faDun, altrlbuled to a fautt In 19118, when a Della veered off • the b,ydn,ullc sy!lem of the coune and was destroyed by a Della'• IJrsl atage. · ....,. aifely oil!= 1 o I . A aeconc1 panel Is cooducllng IOCl>Ol!a &1ter '. llflofl. That , a _.i ...mw of the eoU... gpolled ao $11 mlJlloo attempt _lJeUa oy!lem. to orbit , .. , ..... en:1a1 COii\· Brtta1n's corn,munl?UODS mwllcatlms atellite. : 'YOUR PliOBLEM; - You·•~Rt·r. 1111 tome Ihm that yO.. .......... -but tomeOM elte an UM for NOT OYER $50 ? ? ? '? ? ?. YOUR ·ANSWER: - You call THE DAILY PILOT, atk for Cl-Iliad Adwrtjolng, w pl-a PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFllD AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE A UNU 2 TIMU 2 DOLLAU AND .YO\ll CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-56,.8 !Tel,__ -Mf.11211 Saturday Sept. 27th . thru Saturday Oct. 4th AT OUR SANTA ANA WARE· HOUSE ONLY SoloJ;l Still Pl~nsQuiz On Banking , . WMHING'roN (UPI) - lle!Juffed by llll1' --· Houae· Banking . Committee Cba.lnnan Wrflbt P at m an pledged today 'an all .out battle to Jnvestigale the banking Joi> by. The Tn.u ·Democrat, a 40- year-veteran of the House and a long-Um• 'P.dfly ot bankers, 11ld "I'm going to keep oo flgbtlng until 1. gel an lo· vesUgaUon!• Patman ~ earlier thil year · .a . mbcommittee would invest:Jpte banking's ln- flueoce on b!I ccmmlttee and oo CO!lgr..a;,blit·ln a 19 to IS vote wm~. the com- mittee vel<!ed. l'atman't plan. Houle ~. Commlt!ee !Ilea show lhft 11 ot the 35 .,...,_ of ~ com- mlttee have .Jliianclal links with baob qr: .. financial lmtiWIJooa . lJiriiiih a Io ck hi>klfild or A!rectonblps. Some ol the: U~ boWtver, voted Willl,Pa~,fl!I: a probe. 213oi4th ·St.·. .... ~~~~~~~~ 'SKi~SAif • • ---------------. -1968 MODELS HEADS COMPE11TION DH GS SL $118.00 360'• $118.00 BART MERCURY REG. 94.50 ...... now 59. 95 Rc6slgnol Stratix Reg. 137.50 ...... now 19.50 Fisher Silver Gia .. Reg. 85.00 ....... MW !ii.JO VOIT REG. 135.00 . ,,_ l'l.50 Royal Star-GlaH G~~50 R.Eci.'2~ ::: DAVOS REG. 39.115 IL95 MERCURY REG. 75.00 14.95 ARLBERG REG. 35.0 14.9' MERGANS REG. 75.00 J9.'5 ...... GLASS Volkl Portillo Reg. fl0.00 "·00 Head Sid Poles 35.00 now 19.'5 BOOTS IHI LANGE BOOTS STD $78.00 PRO '99.&0 COMP 89.50 LE TRAPPUER G9LD MEDAL REG. '55.115 ~9S SLALOM REG. '69.&0 $49.51. ELITE PRO REG. $120.00 12.50 SILVER MEDAL $59.116 $39.H USED RENTAL BOOTS "IWNARI" $14.'5 PARKAS 1 GROUP T0~.00 -$9.'5 l GROUP~ l'IUCE UM!lU 9UAlftlTID . ..,.. - . - PANTS SKI PANTS DON LOPIR REG. '34.&a NOW '1'50 Hl!AD SKI PANTS ' REG. '8(1.00 NOW m;95 . . SWEATERS 0.NB GROUP UP TO ~ . NOW $11.50 ONE GROUP 40% OFF MIAl·WUI nmu Mtca T~llTS WIMMM1111 ........ l/2 PRICE USU ltNDIQS $1.00 ~· ALL SALIS PINAi. MO IDU"n OR Cltlt!T ill" • . ' . - F·RE ·E ALIGNMENT (9.95 Value> With Purchase of Jwo Tires W• Ht caster, camber, toe-In •nd to.out. FOR • COSTA MESA ·. JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At llaYI Phone 540-4343 or 646-442 ( DAILY I a.m •• 6 p.m. e Sit, 'Ill 5 p.m. ', . . ( . i See by :Today's ·want Ads · e Old man ,Qt the.ae&.! Set ,, 180 ....... ira;...111 ~ lent. ....Ut!on, ~ -: ""'"""" dep .. lli>del'~· )'OGDI'~ old,JDe?. · 1 .·v i :e cut ·a :~· tilUre ·.ant "'""'in<l lad\es "-·-. '_me 111· and lo; ·• N~ 'an ·oiif ·~PJ .~·n'lnS wheel in )'O\lr parlor?-BuY, one, for decor, for ~ -t; oJ!. \ e Don't Co 10 Madrid ftr ~ these Spanish wrought imn ! a.nd leather cbairst bu1, · them here for $50.' 1 I . F. ~ 11toc• ..,._,., ,... ,..,_ tM4 ,., tM ~ ~ 4llMI --" .. ,... ~ ,...,. .. c .. ef 4-hct et' f91j.. .,. ..... , ....... .,,.., "' tchck .. .W. ned .. c~ .,..kle., ....._ ~ .... ~ .cc.hhltt. l1pl1t•1111t ...., • I. F. Gffdric• SteN ., ...., .... •rit• ........... ~ - GUARANTEED 24,000 Ml(ES! , Fllll llSTlLLlTIOI WESTMINSTER. L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 7352 WESTMINSTER AYE. Phone 893-5572 DAILY I 1.m. • 7 p.m. e Sat. "Ill 5 p.m. . ' .. CAI.IA ALL MAJOR. B8 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED · · , • • " d fi " b p 0 • n B p • d • p B u ] ] ' J• v a ,. u p w p c .. b fa "' " v p p ~ " ~ v: " " I> H u • " n 2 \ • • \ ' voe 62, NO. 230, l SECTIONS, 36 PAGES . . .. ORANGE CO NTY, CALlfORNIA \ : ' . • • • • • N.Y. S .. ' ' . lHURSDAY,• SEPTEMBElt' 25, '1969 • TEN CENTS .. .. Bond Sale Will Save OV -ni·strict _$2()0:,ooo .. Ocean View School Oistric:t Silpeiii>- tendellt Clarence Hall today said that lht district's arrangement to sell bonds at a five percent interest rate could save the tu.payers close to $200,000. He '-xplained that the dlllerence between the five percent t3le and the 6.5 percent rate most school bonds are currently sfd at could sa~ that much O\l'fr the 15-year bond maturity period. The district managed to sell $1.3 million in bonds to United States National Bank at a live percent interest rate, jlfter • other banks turned a dear e,1.r to district olflcials. • A new law which went h1to effect late this summer rai.9ed the. school bond in- ter<sl celling \I) 7 pen:on~ spelling lrou· ble lor the Ocean View as welt u 15 Olher Orange CGunly t<bool districts who were Ulllble to llod ·banks lnl....ted in lluying, al the old r•te •• Net iaull of the ne" Interest celling Is that many achoo! dbtriets will have to ask voters to rNpprove the bonds to be sold at the higher Interest level, a time- COBSUmillg aod rlU;y bullness. UDder the agreement the QceantVlew Dlstrtct will d e p o s l t approxitTiately m,cm ln checking account! and student body funds wllJ:l the, bank as a return gesture. ·, The bank will also benefit· since it will be able to loan out the district'• deposits to other borrowers untll lbey need cuh. "Thls could be a mushrooming alt.ua- Uon," said U.S. Hationa:! Manager Floyd Robison about the unusual pact. He added that other banks which have up to now shown no interest in buying the bonds "might" be lnttraltd 1f similar agrieme.ots were to be worked out. Robbon said hOwever, the prime con. slderaUon in buyiq tbe Oceao View bends wu to "le.t the people ~ we are interested In the community." Leonard Shane, fonner Octao View trustee and a Huntington Beach savings and loan executive, paved the'Wly for the unusual bond pact by making the iniUal contact with the ~ank's officers. Following their first. meeting, negoUa- tions ;vere opened between Dr. Hall and Center Changes Certain Most Favor ·Move to Beach and Atlanta Site By JACK BROBACK ot .. Delb' "'"" $~ A cnange in site for Huntington Beach's proposed $t million civic center is almost a certainty today. An Jnformal poll o( councilmen in- dicates lhar at least four and possibly sit. will favor a move to 36-ficte piece of pro- perty at the southwest corrter or Beach Boulevard and AUanta Avenue. Councilmen Henry Kaufman, one of the three vote. lD Uie minority when the council selected the 12-acre site on Main Strtet opposite Hunltnil<>n S.ach Hlgh Schoo~ by _., to 3 vot., laid today tluil he tavon the Buc~Atlanta site. He is joined by Councilman Ted Bartlett, another of the minority who favored a downtown site for the civic center 'In the" vote several mmths' ago. Councilman George·McCtacken, the third minority bloc member is out of town but it is known he favors ~ move. Miy« Jack Grien ·la known to be lean- in& toward the Beach-Atlanta site. He 13 strongly in favor of a study of the pro.. perty'1 feasibility for the city facility. Councilmen Al Coen, Dr. Donald Shipley and Jerry Matney could not be reach~ for comment, but Coen is believ- ed to favor ~ oew proposal. The move toward lhe new site started at the Sept: IS clty council meeting when Dr. Kaulman called for a staff report on the feasibility of the City buying the pro- perty. Robert L • .Johnson Previously the ~ii had turned down a proposal to bulki m apartmeota on the aite. 'l'he property has since been sold to the American Mobile Home CorporaUon in a court probllte sale by the heln of the Talbert Estate. City officials became concerned when word wa& received that the big trailer park compan7 had bought the property. A maMlve trailer park la not their idea of "the highes~ and best use" for lhe land. (Se< CENTER, Pqe I) Valley's New Council Picks ./. • I~ ' Don Swinney, vice ~rfsldent-Invesbrjent . oWcer1ol tlie U.S. NaUoliaJ ednl. Even fllo<lch o...n Vtew'1 IJ<!ncis have now bttn "aold as a result of lbe deal, the dtstrt!'I 01\as , sr~eduled /ll10ther '7 .s lllllllon bond eJectioo Nov. ti to finance ils building program. .''I IUppoae • there wOllld be &Onie Justlflcation for decreasing thl.1 bood · issue," q.ld.Dt. H.alJ. "But my advice to lht board wwld be· to go ibead with thla f'leCtlon," he" adOed; explainina tl>at any attempt now to lower · the total amoun~ Hosmer Terms Po~er J~u~ 'Witch ·Hµut' • l)o~g~ ·Lt:~;.. p,ipk:~~ r,. ,,': 1 ' l • l<J 6 ' .·1. /, •• ..,_ ' ' ' t-- ~A,ssi.stant· Armi'QJ~r ·; . . ' May~ Tuesday r BJ ~ftY COVILLE Rep. Crlig -(8'Loq -) jumped oquarely Into the ,...., plant ....... ~ --today In a New York City talk. "An electrical witch bunt en the put of overly zea1oua environme:ntauita is threatening lhe nation with massive power Jalllll'9, 0 the local congreum,an warned Speaking to lhe Electric Companies Public Information Program Think Shop Conference, H o s me r sild the ''harassment·to which the nation's elec- tric power companies m being subjected is taking m squarely into the posSibillty of a power crisis. "Restill could be serious brownouts or perhaps even a reP,etition of the Northea.sl blackout of 1965 on a larger scale." Hom\er criticized "lbe a n t I - technologists and single-minded en- vironmentalists" for nationwide op-- ~Uon to conslrucUon of electric power plants oo the grounds I.bat they affect en- vironment. He aaid protection to the environment requires achieving a sa.Usfactory ac- commodation between the demands of en- vironment and the soclaJ benefJts of technology. . "Some reasonable cbange.s in our sur- roundings are little enough to pay for a beUer life in many modem ways," H06mer continued . NEW YORK !AP) -Slocu drllttd Into the loss column for the teCOOcl straight seaslon today with the mar~'• inabliity to !l'ally strongly weighing on ,investor•' minds. (See quotations, Pages 11-19). The Dow Jones industrial average at 1 p.m. slid to 131.Sl, off Sr17 points. \ Weadter u you think thole clouds or• llere. to s1oy -you may be right. Loot for more of the_. Jl'liday wUh partly sunny m--and tempenilul'M ln the ttppel' IO'L INSIDE TODAY It take.s a man to liandlf th~ t:racting job of btbig a phtf·'and ft'1 an occupa.ti<m t11ai requ.irt1 long year1 of inten.rioc training, Ste Carter CoMttr, Po.Qt 10. • " ... • " • • ., ''"" .. " • .. • -" .............. ,. --.. --. =--::: Or. nMcfM ti .... ,........ .. , . t-M -n -. ..... Wllltt h --""' .. , . -,____J"- lJoblfl t. Jolmoa, lolCliOmeu-DouJlu Corporalion .. .cuUve lrom Newport ~ch. JrU fDdl1 nominoted by l>r..i. delll· NIX<Xl 11 ne,. ualatant Stcretiry of the Amr/, for liaean:h aod DevelopmenL J-bu been • leJde< In McDoll- nell lloullu mi.au. aod opoce _...,.. since their inctptiof' 10 years ago. Most r«tp111;be -Ylot PftSident in charge of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory pro- ject al the firm'• Huntington Beach plant He "'"eel in the Unitid States Navy after graduation fro"m the University of Calilornla at Berkeley and joined Duglas on mlsslle 11111 opoce projects .iter World War IL Job.nacm, U, reridea at 180S Galaxy DriYe, .Newport Beach, ·with m. wife, Betty ·ao11 three children, Loulle, ZI. Bnlct, 17, and Kirt, •. Johnscm sucteeds Russell D. O'Neal who reslined tait yeor. ' . ASSISTANT-ARMY SECRETARY McDonnell's R. J . Johnson Of 1111 -· PllM ifllft Who will be-~ nell ruyor of F~ta.in Valley! ' The decision will come Tueaday night when the three new city counclbrien are aw om in, bUt, for now only 1peculaUon ez- ials. Incumbtnt councilman &tward Just 9etll15 the logical choice buM on bis seniority, but with lhrtfl tr!sb fact.5 out ot five it's dlfDcult to guess. *'1 have a huntjl l..will be named." Just !iaid today, "but it has only been dl.scUS&- ed brteny." "I also have a hunch John Harper (the oUier Incumbent councilman} may be Vice Mayor," he added, "b\it that's not oUlclal and no one has really talked about It." Preliminary poll! of the new coun- cilmen indicate J~t will get the nod for mayor, but nothing is deflnlte until Tues- day night. Just also moved to squash the rumors of massive changes In the commissions or city staff personnel. Battin Blasts ·Irvine Deals "With lhe possible exception or John MaAgano on the planning comm.Julon t do not ant I c Ip ate BJld commission changes at this time," he ia.ld. Mangano was appointed by the old city council at •. Bl TOM BARLEY .. .. Dllllr PHI! $tafl' Orange County Super&ar Robert Bat· tin called Wljlneoday lor 1 roview of the county's relationship with lbe Irvine Company and an end of what he lemled, '"Mle slipshod ~in which r.egotla- tlons belweeD. the two p a r t i e s are -·· Baltln oil-his crlUclsm followilig the 4 le .1,d41u( of his ouggeslion tluit coomly action on tho Jl"'poSed Unlverstty Park be deferred for one week -to ,allow, u the Flrlt Dl!l{l<t mpervisor pat t~ crilt<i of the plan ~ voice their opl· nloot·.aller aamlnlq documentation of · the~deal. lls last meeting over the oppo1Jtion of "Everrthlnl done so far in Ul.i5 plan haa Just and Harper who called It a "lame been done orally." He made the same duck" appoinlmenl comment durlf>I the board sea:lon that One commissioner thought to be in ended wilh the supervtsora voUng to ac-danger of losing hi1 post waa chairman cept slate grant of '312,500 towards crta· James Dick, an outspoken foe of the tlon of the 345-ccre park. ' recall. "TheH la nothlng,more that l can do," 11l've talied _to Dick.'' aald Just, "even Battin said. "The deed m acceptance of though we 've had a difference of opinion the land from the lrivne Company has he has done a fine Job on the commlsslon not yet been signed and J~ mtghl ·well be and it's obvtous he doesn't control It." th11t there are members ol the pubUc who Just alao stated there would be no ex- rnlght want to aay something: before It ecuUve session Tuuday night which is." mean.a Mangano'& statu( will remain B1Ulo alted the Unlvinlty Pork land undeckled unU1 the next refUIM COllDcil trwoc:llon -!he lr\iine C.mpaoy wUI meeting Oct. 7. deed the open rpace to tM county -a "I ttilnk it'1 time we all took off the Battin· i:opeated" bll "typical , IDU1tr1Uon <>! !ht way thlnp boxing • g)ov,. and atorted walking charges, thal, (See BATl'IN, Pap S) again," concluded J"'t. ( ,. . .. ..... It May· Lfi-li~;"· ' lt ' t!' • • ' ... ~' t - ' . lt. ' , -.... r .... . ... • . . -.. -~ " . -~-. . •· County Chinese-.Nurse ·Facutg Veporti,iti,qn .. '.. -·~--i.·::-... ,.. i· ~ ~ ... Loves 87 AR1'11UR R. \IJNIEL ln1tead of lravellng to Hong Kong. • Simply 1tittd, A111~iji:1 ' !\fl no fi,11\"t , °' .. °"" "'"' "' Con11m toOk ~ consideration 1 for btr 11:n.lea edngrea~ cf~ td Each time An1tl1'Chtng Yee Chan sees wedneMay -wttb only hours to spare._ m0:1tt ont 1 ~ ~cl ,.;· ' • 1 l. • • that bumper tUcker that M)'I: America. a bill lntrodootd bJ Sen. Al811 Cranat.oa Ii , •· · ... ere born in ° l.ove ll or, Leave I~ Ille must cry a little (IJ.Qllll.), .which could grant Mias Chan ~~hli>:.· r.;. hJaher' ~ on the_lnllde. permanent reokleuce In America. ll!fJ~ a1s0'tolted. •' Shi_ lo., her ocloptocl homeland . The Senate Sub co in mt It ee on 1.[fe'tiu generally been kinder to An· Sbe may be fomd to Juve IL Noturalliatlon wtll decide whether 1he gell t!Ung Yee Clw!, than~ bu to '"'111 The :17·1Ur-old lktnlo4 YOC&tlooal rnllll l'8ve America as well u love tt. of her nee and llt, llihUTII ..-i, ,.,. nurn II SI. Jade'• HOIJlltal, Fu ti.non, baS«i on a technlcol· point. '1J008h food. wu lcbeduled to be deported by federal Mt.. Chan wu· born Jn lift In Mbng Silo became acqualoted with 1 NayY lmmlgra1jon 1lltl1orilla al I 1,m. -Y· Kuk . Kowloon, • small, new BMU1h , nurse, Eatellt ~· of Pll\Jadflpbla, Because Aml!l"ica can indeed be what a Crown Colony for whlcb~the U.S. emlgra· Pa. who' spon1 Ar\1'1•'• trJp to Hon& Kone-born ldeallll envlstonod wllen ·!loo quou 11 ntltd. Arnerlco on 1 atudtnt vi&• more than Ille~. Aqda •boa al worr loday ~y ~ =~w~ -~~f'· .. ··--(~~J: P~1 I)·" ._ '. l , • : . 'P1U•e•1 Tatle T~st . . «' ' • • ! : • • • . .... ~ • • Wide-eyed Arthur Reye1', 8; gets a .sample ot'tbe go<iili'Os'.li>~"Ol· fered Suiiday !nun U1a.m. to 4 p.m. al Jh' llllntlnRton illeaczll 11\Wa Club1barl\ecue. Cheli BUI· Pe\erson (left) and clUb 'difec:lo'l!1fi'At Downey wUl tie ambng those on band.' Tickets ate '2 '1°" acltl!lit'1 'fO? ChiJd-n • ' ' ", • I, 1cj ""'' ' ' ·-~· ... Civic Leader Betsworth r' -~J. Movingto SanBern~tlm«>'. The Rev. Roger Betsworth, 36, a leader in civic acUvWes and pastor of the Com- munity Unlttd.MetiiOdist Church of~ tlng1on Bqrh> la. teavto& the area loc ,• new rn.lnlstrY in San Bernardino. ' ' The Rev. Betsworth is widely know.n for hia work With under privileged famille11 and hiJ involvement in com· rilunity affairs. He served on the steering committee of the first Huntington ·Beaclt' COmmwilty Congres1 and was recently chairman of the Clllr.ens AdvlaO<}' Committee 1o the HunUngtoo Beach Union ' High School Dlstrlct. The Method.lit mirUster a1ao organigd the only Hiid Slart program currently serving west ' O,:ange CoUnty, and bis 11ponsortd many · Jndeperident groups in- cluding Seventh Step lo ' rebablllate prisoners, four AJeobollcs AnonymoiJs groups, a Fair Hoq!ing J>l'.Of!'.am . and English, clo..... lor Mulcoo'A'niericin resident!. He will &Ive his last aermon Sunday morning. A pol lllcll·111pper hollorlo& the reverend win be held at 1:30·p.m., Sun- day, at the ch1,1tth, ~Hell Avf. ThO Rev. Bellwo(lh '1111 be replaced by the Rev. Charles Rose of Vlst!i.. yrHo atarta Qct, $. . " • • • I "My.au,ing coi\cerit.ls·~!Wli to' lime 'people w~ they are,:~-611 ufd, "it 1Pflffl' '""" . 111)' uh<l....i.nam. of 1 llie ~. Jdlia ,dldn, 'wlji bi a"cliun:h on Sulid11 lo ~··fie' wmt to the Jil<Ople." • H\llltlngloo .' Btach ''YU Jbe, Rev. ¥lt1ortb'a Drfl,'mlniatry f6~·~1s l'ldUlitO. lttllri leminll'y ~ In t11q. Pl'1or to tbat'he groduat«f !nOii the u.:; • N1val Acodemy at :AnltlJ>olli'llld """eel ' . ' ' ... " ' "" • r\', '1>r r • ' ' ..., .. •1• :.~.t~sS:.,~:-t~; Latel · Los ,Alaml19s Thrilli!Mrl· man~ger T: J, Knlgbl w .. awb li'orn his riore on 'liillln•I•. Wednesday nlgbt wben two pnmen march eel fvlo his store at .um Loi Alamitos Boulevard. • 'Die !wo bandl.ts' ran fzom the ,atore and escaped with $711. And whm1 was Knlgbt while all this blppened I ' . Ho wal attending a P!lllce department seminar for buam- mtn al Los Alamitos CllX Hall. The •Subject: "RObbel)' and Wb8l To Do If You Al'll Robbed. Now Knlgbt wish et· the seminar had been Tuff<IAr nlebl. " Phone Ate· for1r'et , M J>61 vol" and tar Oii Ill' olhl\' eitGI Ibo· l:nowaa INI lf'r1 '!boll tt !wl'ool; ...... ~~ ... 11 · ... hllrd t1Mnl ID. I t "Good'·~ "1epliono•,npalr ~. may I lltlp you?" • The volce wu Alberta M•~er. on the l'!l>.il Pa~ Telephone Con\PIJIY, 311 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, with OW· ly 40 yelfs of such duty behind h<r. "IAd71 your telephone ate 1n1 mouse.•• "11'11< pldneas we, lbaVa lertlb!e. How dJt it happen?'' liked Mr•: Me,~e.r, her curiosity more than professionally pi- qued. e The call came from a pay telephone. ; "Well, I put my mouse in the place w}\ere the money comes out and clOled it. '.When I opened tl, he wu gone." "Why did your phone ut mY mouse?'' "Maybe he's juat h1ding," thtocizod Alberta Meeker, I~& on Ult v111t atore ol tnowledi• gathered In 40 years al telephone work. "May I have your name please'?''. aht NO MICKEY MOUSE JOll as!ced, getting down to the 1Wcb and Mouaa_ . kMptr MM~•r rescue operation. ---~,;_....; ____ '----' ' "Bobby." * h "How old are you Bobby?" ' r "Eight" Leary, 'C.Opping Out,' Will Seek Democrats' Nod II ·Dr. Timothy Leary -uplrlng ao•emor ol Calllornia -copping' out 14 "°'*""ttl.ve pollUct? , . , . • 'l1lo ~Laguna Beech resident llO'll'. !aclnf trial oO f.wo eaas inYO!Ving clrup declared Wedneoday In Loo Anielel thal ht wW -lbe llemocraUc nmnlnatfol>lor ·_.,.... • "Smof, nol LSD u Ille dlllf"'""' chemical," ii hll l•lesl-campalgn pitch. •Tho ionoer Hmai<I b .. ·1v •" 111 ~ pr<Jle.r 11,.,.i for bb ... ,por1monta with LSD In U.. early lt!Oa aild efforta 14 ban "'"e ~da are ~ -.11 ol twfale<\ thlllltl<g. "Healthy ai>d righteoul d.....,, lilc• ~J\lua and LSD." be added. Dr. Leary, hia wife and aon John face ' trial In Orange Count)' Superior c..Irt '. lits! ~ u the rt1ull al the~ amall 1111111 ........ qo in;\AfU~ Beoch, wflen . ~ ..... alleaedJY found In their ala· · "Are you the one the repairman abould aee?" "No, my trK'ther doesn't know where t am, ao J have to 10 home. See Mlke the barber al the barh<rllhop. He'll keep my mouae ·for me.'' "What fa the tclepbooe number ln the booth?" ' The boy recited IL . "We'll have your moute .~lured and give it to the barber. We'll tale care of him Bobby, so dOJi't WWT)'. Goodby~" " 'Bye," taid Bobby. Alberta Meeker'• lo1book entries tell the rest: t:• p.m. Trouble repcwt oa mOUH in upper houslnf. ' p.m. Repairman dl1patcbed. 4:U p.m. Trouble found. One live whHe mOUJt In upper bouolo1 ( enfered via coin mum chute). Removed mou1e uid ,, .. lo barber next -· •:It p.ll!. Trouble clwed. Mn. Meeker'• bou, Jim Haycraft, thlnkl abe ahould receive an award or medal for ha ~eYOtlon 14 dut)' and Wier· rtni ear for true trouble. Pernops the Good MOOJekeep!n1 Seal Of AppnivaL BATTIN .•. I ~Ja:.l 1 E$~ap~e FACING DEPORTATION Allt'I• Ch1"8 YH Chin Er-Pqe l ANGELA ... seven years ago. After being brought to the U.S., Angela attended the Academy of the Little Flower, in San Luis Rey, while Miss Reilly was ttationed at Camp Pendleton, then high 1ehool In MWln(t.on, Tenn., teaming to be an American. 'All lbe realty neocled 14 learn "" the style of Ille, the kind of thing! you notice on the outside. · She learned quickly aod she finally graduated from Fullerton Junior College with a formal permit to serve others her LVN eertilicate. ' Then, authorities revoked her visa because she was no longer a student. Al14rney Gol'Oon G. Dale donated his legal aervJca free in an effort to help Miu Qian, ol 115 W. c.ommonwealth Ave., Fullerton, remain in America. DepoNUons have been delayed two yeara durln.i ruch Coneression1l reviews of ·an alien'• itatua -&Orne have been allowed to stay -wblle otbera hive been sent IWI)' soon. 1'be Santa Anl lawyer ii confident lhe will win die ftgbt. Today, however, 11 al leot one mort day at home for An&ela ChJng Yee Chan, who lovts America and hates Ule un· certain future. Tomorrow ii juat another quea.Uon. H~·S,o~·t : l~r ~i~ng : ·~~oiJ, in .r.~~ .. -ft\11111. '(lll!IJ-~; miird~• '1-.Plllch et lald be' 'I Dreyfus, wltooe lmprijOiiilient In Franco • , _,. ' Ill 11oodt' · Jloctnt. ; • yaars aro cabaed I ~ ..,,..oon. · .... Ill $b1 •Jtlt i~ ~Uy um lo-, · Si~s eacapedo fl$ml tl)e pri&Oti last WitneSses sa~ SJ.mm~~ quieted a man d~y lq the my-killing pf Dykt1 Apdf by dr~ng ., 1 woman -"4!'1.1!>-who started a !'UCku1 in 11\e bar. The ~1' ~°"4 Jr., who.eacape!f 'from • ping out witll 400 wQmen on cQAJUpt W. ma!\ inalsted., that 'slmmona Juve w~ Mexican prt'°" 1111 A,prll by drtaa!nl.fo . lllnC.diY.. _ . _ , him, ,.ylna, We sot 14 see somebody. 1 woman. · · 1laJ. Monk. a J)l'.ivate det.ective who ln· A. L. McCluney, a frl~, said that he "He•a a local man. We all know hbn," vutigated ~ _))Unmons case fr:r San Jelt the tavern a short _time later and Detedive Sgt. J. R. Brlzenblne said or ' »'rattclJCo laW)'tr "tdelvln Belli, ml Sim· found Slmmotu unconscious. McC_luney the murder aurpect. 1W@ are pntty sure,.' mona}'m11 haft been eitQU~.r , and Mrs. Dorothy.Moody, a clerk Jn 1,ll• he 's the men Sfmmona had a fipl wllh·ln ' "I'm lkeplioal about tt bOeiua~·Of· In-.quor store, put Slmmooa ln ~lmmonJ' I .. a l)ar." · dlcaUons &lmmons was l'Wl OYffl py a yeu-old aut1,1omobl1e· and took .him nine Simmona, ti, was "run over, beaten of car," Monk aaid. He dJd not 10 into miles to Mrs. Moody's home. , stomped to death" out.side a tavern details. , When . they ~~ached Mrs. Mooney a Wednesday nleht. He liked to call himself , Simmons always ln&isted that he wa~ home his eonchtion ~ked so bad the}' the "American Dreyfu:" beelUH ct t.tie beinc imprlaoofid for tomeortt.: else and called an 1mbu1ance. Sumnona wu dead 10 yean lie spent In a MuicP,.PtllOll lor lilced 14 compare \i!!M•U with Albert wben he reached a hospital .. . Part ot 'ln-ier~eet' Mail '·Sniffed', for Pot Mall sooopfna II the newest step In the government'! Operation Intercept war on marljuaoa and dangerous drugs, with packages from abroad being ripped open and inlpected at major U.S. poatal entry pointa:. Trea~ry Department authorlUes at first declined to comment on the ex- aminations, but confinned the fact when lower-echelon employes readily admitted it. Vacations and leaves have been csncelled for the workers involved and moat are putting in overtime to ins-pect parcels !or marljuaoa, pills aod other drugs. AuthoriUu declined to say just what ciUea are involved, but aald the con· ~ntraUon ls centered on California and Texas. Operation Intercept, inaugurated last weekend, is deslped to make marijuana entering the country 10 rare that the price will akyrocket beyond the budget of most U5el'I. of marijuana In· the · dtylbat reached 1 burlnfl!IMJ on the U.S. 1lde In reblJ1tion record high. He said dru_gs being sold on for the drop in touri~ business. the black market were ol inferior quality Businessmen and tourists io some Te1- because salesmen were "1crapiog the as border cities don't like the delay1 bottom of the barrel." AutboriUes quoted Caused by cu1toms officials searchinc a current price of $200 per pound, up every car cominc into the cou11try. 'l'be from l18S. aearchlll olten del11y traffic more thall ID Availatile f1aura showed a tolal of hour. 330,95 persona starched at crossings in 4'Goodnesa knows, anyone supports the CalUornia, Arizont1, Ne\v Mexico and idea cf reducing the traffic in illegal Texas. drugs," said Rep. Eligio de la Garza (D· There were 72 seizures, all of them for Tex.). ''The. complaint is ol the method pills and none marijuana. . they ~re gol~ at i~ Wben you have com· · Me1ican buatnusmen. union leaders , munltie1 u mterlinked a1 those on a and newepapers are uralng 1ru.lde.nta of border, you· just paralyze them when you border towm to refrain from patroniiing cause three-hour delays." Countian Finds Himself ln Hairy Predicament SWf inapection procedures for vehicles eoterine at 'l border croasln11 ha\-e crip- pled the Mexican tourist industry. A man with ahoulder·leneth hair has and aet 1 precedent for-regulaLiona M rt.suiting in angry demands for a boycott been fired by tht Kimberly Clark long hair for men, at least in certain in· of American-made goods. Corporalion in Fu1lerton, which say' it is dustries. Operation Jnter~pt officials say it is too unae.ltary for an employe Ul hii posl• Merc11do volunteere<i to wear a baifnet too early to tell if the antimarijuana tJon and headband of the same type worn by drive was pushing lt.s price beyond the Until his di!Jnisaal, Robert Mercado, female employes at the Kimberly Clark mearu of young people, one of ~ ob-24, packed Kleenei and toilet fiaper. Corporation Plant, but was refused and jec:tivea ol lhe crackdown. ''We aren't unrea10nable,' •aid a ordered to be clipped or cut from thi A :spokesman utd the price already tpokeUnan for the company, '''Mley can work force. . w~ blgh btfore the operation was wear sideburns and lJl()IJSta<:hes, but we The Msocjation of Western Pu!P and launched last Sunday because of a can't be sending out our products with Paper Workers, Loeal, 67;, bu taken up ·Pon wqon. • .., He' alaO 1 .... ll'fll 11n Rlv•dde'Ciunty on a clllrge ol cooltlbuthw 14 the d•lin· ,quency of a Lquna Beach girl who drowned in mid.July on the controversial Momin& Star Ranch near ldyllwild. 1maller than usual harveat in Mexlco. hair in them." the case, contell(llna· the ·cooipany t1 h11-e been done with the llvlna Conj; P Acceplanee by tho...,,!: 0.. atat.'1 Lt John_ Sleeper i4 tho Lu Vegas, Meroacio~, · , ~ever, bjUinfU.tf'd vwlitlng .Iii• ~oUtuUonol rights by pony." _,· ~ ~ olltred -1111 •. 500 ·, lfd1 im-· N Yi d-"""'""lhtA··"'-·-··•-mayw~lilo ba<:l discrlminationagain>t,.x. Ho wW take the !.we and hla ·...!ew1 plementalloe Q ltbe PJl'k p brings 14 a 1.;i~ev~_,~ce~·oq~ua;;~··~,..~·-~·-~·~·~~~ .. ~-~a~-~~,...;-;.:;;;;:;;;iiiii;;iii;i~i;i' ~~;;;;;· ii;;;;;;;;iii,i;iii;;iii;,;iii;ii;i;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ . .. ' ' 1 ) • l ; Dr. Laa la 1 frequent vjsitor to the rusUc CQINtiune, w be re 17~year-old Chvlena Almdd1 drowned while swim· mint nude Jn 1 deep Pond, . after. em- barklng on 1 one-way LSD trip. Dr. Leary a.aid he only knew hfl' alight· ly and had nothing to do with her fatal drug trip which occurred while he was elsewhere. Marine Sergeant Dies in Wreck A )farioc Corps sergeant died early 1~ day in the bl1llna: wreek11e of his car momenta after the 1uto ran he1don Into a tn.ick·V'aller on the Sin.ta Ana Freeway. Ctllf~a H11hw1y patrolmen aaid Manuel Elroy Martinet, 21, ltaUoned at the El Toro Marine Co!J>I Bue. was htadlng.nortb In the IOU.lhbound !•••of the freeway when the cra1h occurnd at the G&cten Grove Freeway overcroaalng ln °"""" Offl<en 1ald the badly burneJ Martinez w11 dead when they arrived at the acene. The driver of the transport wu unhJJrl and d1ma1e to h~vebicle w11 ducribed al all&ht. DAILY Pll OT I CU.NOi COAaT PUat.llHIN• COMf'AN'r l1btrl N. Wt14 l"N•lllenl ...,,. l'IA!MI....., ' J1to\: l , Curt:r Yin ,,_lttnl 1n• c:;.1•tr Mtlltlfof "' Jh111111 tc•e•il i•llol' th11'11t1 A, Mvr,hl111 Mt11t1lnt 1411w Alb1rt W. ltt11 ,to-kl'-Ed!ltt H••"tllffffl 1 .. ~ Ofnce lOt Jiit Str11t M1ilint Adil r1u1 r.o. 11• 7f0, •2•~1 Jote'*llltl kfCI•• 1111 Wttl h tllilt llu~tr4 '"'''Mew · m wot ••v '''"'' l.ffllllt INdl; llJ ,_, ·- that future negotlaUons with ihe giant -i-0ta1 of ""2,000 the lund1 tupplled by the landowMr1 tbould be on a much more state. formal and documtnted basis to lbt But Battin ;:epeated alter the mettin& what he told his felkrl supervLsort during' Orange County Grand Jury! the 1e1ton -lbat lbe boud ehould look "l won't mike any apecl1l ~se out of more carefully Into the reuon1 behind. this," ht said, ''but I intend to r1l1e: the the federal 1ovemment's refuaal to m11tter neit time I a:ppeer before the partially finance the proJeet. Grand Jury " ' "We might have got that money if we'd C ·1· 1° tb I · 1 \.. looked for another park alte," he aak.I. r1 ics o e:. l'YlnH'Dup. Y par .. con. "We didn't have to take the Unlveralty tract have questioned the rl;bt.s alleaedly Park acreage just beclutt the Irvine retain'1i ~y Ule Irvine Company over the Company wanted to ,ive It to· us. We· acreae:e that will pan to county control. don't know yet -at least t doa't know -1 Battln pointed out Wednesday that "it the e:rtent of the ttrin&s involved in this appears that .the Irvine Com~any might lift of land." be ab!e to build ~ restaurant 1n the aru. County cost.:s thus far in a 2l·year pro. and I ve had reaKlents of the Unlverttty ject that 11 e:rpected to top '5 mlllion P•r• sector tn my office wlw tell ~· that have been estlmated at $1.3 mlllion. they're far from satisfied with the . measurt of· control retained by Irvine and B o a rd Chairman William Hlntefn. how the company will Use it in the reminded Battln In • .•harp e1chqe future." between the two supervisors that county, Supervllors were questioned on the acceptance or rejection of. the aecond project Wednesday by real estate state 1?1Qt had to be determined by Oct., counsellor Rea: Wood who conveyed the 1' "I don't know why y have to be IO concern of the Univtrslty Park Com· k . lh ood 'P' · I ' nlt A sociatlon on the poaalbWty that s ept1cal of e I intentiONI o peo-~~ ~k ~lght be leased for agricultural pie," Rirateln commented In an ~pparent p nd/ allowed lo become the. ref~Nnce to the Irvine Company a 111t of hrpose; ~cam°fval-type attractions and land. "Perbap.1 you're trying to read 1nto om~. o thlJ aometh1n1 lhat doesn't elltt." zon~. :A t Id th board that he voiced the "If everyone really meant what they O'.: 0 e 1 It p k appeared to mean we wouldn't need 1 concern of nearly 1,000 Un veri Y ar legal ""oftMion" was attorney BatUn's homeownen and a1 many Turtle Rock r . • residents all of whom deplored any plan angry reply. , or lack of It that might put herds of abeep Rejected by the board wu Bat Un I, I lh ..... ...t t k argument that the neiotlltitms between or c1tt e on e pro...,.,... .. coun Y par · the Irvine Copmany and the county be aet ''Thl1 land ie worth" million," Wood said "And we expect. and want to see a down In the form of I written resoluUon. I ecn:aUOilal development in The First District 1upervlsor ut14!d that ~y n ct,. r the resolution should be debated publicly • area. Sept. 30 "to rive everyone concerned and lnteresled In this tra1111ctlon the chance Officer Delivers Own 'Intercept' SAN DIEGO (AP) -It was a Uny operttion• intercept ot bit own for poUce officer Harry Jourdan. A car with lhnoe people, lncludlna a Mexican woman about to &Ive birth, 1top. peel bellcle him Wadn<lday. Qulaty, Jourdan helped bar deliver a eon In the car'• fi'ont se1t. He pld there wun't Umt ·for Petra Hurtado Mtdinl, vlstUn1 ll'o!n TIJuana, 14 get 14 a bolpltal. The U.S. 1ov11nmtn\ calls lb cumnt croc-®wn on 111tUQilfl1 'lrom Mellco "OperaUoo lntercepL" Boy Scouts to Flip Po.ncakes Saturday Boy Sclouta ol Troop Ill ol HunU"""" Beo<b wm bt nlpplna lill>Jacb &om 7 to 11 a.m .. Saturday on thi parktD1 lot ol All>trtaon'o Markt~ EdWii<l1 Slrott and McFadden Avenue. The public la Invited for a ~nt pa .. elk• bmlclatt, wllb money roln1 for troQp aetJvltlu and suppu.,. Tht menu 11 panc~k•t. ham, or•nat Jul¢t, colfcn lncf..mil&-111 )'OU CID tat. to comment on it." From P .. e l CENTER •.. Intereet ln the aite wu previowly trlJ· aered by the clty 'o Urban Land InsUtuta . CiU1ens Sleerina: Committee (CSC) report which sugge!ted use of the Beach· Atlanta property as a po65ible convention 1..-enter a~ municipal auditorium. Meanwhile, city stiff member, met \Vednesday with representaU\19 of Spaoe UUliuUori Aasociales {SUA) 1 flnn hired by the city to plan the amou~t or space needed for the civic center and Its possi• ble coofiguraUon. "The study on the !pact needs ls pr1c;· lically complete," said Bill Reed. city In· formaUon otl'lcer. "Several j)OlljblliUe1 have been suaaeated trom • one•lof'f campu.s style &trncture to an ll4tory bulldin&." Wbtn the SUA flaur .. an cOmplttad !hey wfll ao lo the archltoctural llrm ol Kurtmeytr and A110Clat&1 wh1ch has be<n ,.Jtcled by !he city to ddlp the ctnter. The archlttttural tlrm will makt a recommendation o to the best type of bulldlna •u!led to all city deJ>6r1monll and • firm decltlon on tho itl1Jclurt fa txpected 14 be made wlthlll ail mootlll. .. . . because colofis Vital to a room , IF YOU CAN'T COME IN= CALL 64'6-0275 fOI' an •llJ>lrt Carpet consultanl who will coma' 14 yol!f home wi\b Hm• · .pies without any oblisalion,t<> you! H.J.GAR~FfT fURNmJRE 'ROFESSIONAL IJ t I Hl,UOR ILVD, INTERIOR OISllO~O$ 0,.. Ilea. -._ I "'· 1-. COSTA M1$A, CALlll. • 646·0275 'l ,, -I I , 1. I I • - ' -' .. ._ ~,._.~ ..... .,. -~- • . 1 . -• • . Lag._na ·Beaeh -' .._ ~..,, .. .:ii. -· -. . • EDITlOH ' • YOt 62, NO: 230, 3 SECTtONS, 36 PAG'll'' . ' "' -. ~ - • • _oRANGE' COllNT1\-C'~LIFORNIA . -·-.. -..• .• \ . 'lWaY'• l'•"al .. • ·r • T URSDAY, ,SEPTEliilER .2S. '1969 • Viejo Destin.ed ·,. :---t .€~Uritj''S : :6t~· Biggest City ' . ' ' . as · County planners unanimously approved ~ednesday an un~ented, 10,000-e~ reZoning that seema desUned to make Mission Viejo the sixth targ~t com!- munity In' Orange County. · FreSh from tbe!r weik-lopg study of a 90-page analysis Of thr. giant rezoning, the five-men:tber commission backed 'a Mission Vie)i> proposal that will erpand the eiis_~g c<lmmunity by S,900 acres. • • Only ·Hunti"'1on ll""cb, ·Santi· Alla, Allabelm, · P'ull«tan .ind, Lqlina .BM<:b· can now clalm preced.... In 1trml ol ~e over the Jllushroomin8 Misaion Viejo' develo}!lllOnf. It will ev<!'luilly, planning aommiNioners were tOld, be home to 1po_,ooo JltJ'ION living in 31;000 apartment. and bom!", AcUon on_ the proposal wa1 JCheduled for a week ago l:IOt planners, awed at the . enormity 9f the~ ~ the mw .of. .. blueprlnll and paperwork auPJ>Orllnl It, abelved tile matter lo w~·· me¢ing. · , . · EnvWoned. bY the M\sSi<>ll Xleio Com· )11\llY )> a resl\lentw,commerclal·II\- diutrlal development spreading over 9,11.11 acres. ltJ locatioa: is defined as llOUtbeaaterly an;d northeasterly of the San Diego FreeWa1 and· Crown ~vauey P~Jtway tft tbJ! .. north San~4:Juan Cap~utb El Toro area. Single family homes ·will acc'ount for so~e 9o ~t of the dev~lopment, pie •pplication hidlcates. Backed by cnm- missionen:'Was a proposal that will pro- vide 26 elementary schools, sii: in- termediate schools, four hlgli schbols· and one junior college ln the expanded area. Other faciliUes depicted · .on the blueprint. l!!<lnd• 26 .cl\.urcbes, ~If courses covering 321 acres and reg!onal , • par~ and retreaUon areas that will ac-~ becomt I-; tbe Mfpkn vJi,. C9W1\ for a ~er 149 '""· jo ..-J lndtcates. ' · l?lannb!g cammlsalon 1pproyil JI~ PWjplnf commlulon backli!c fl ~ to •'"'~·'"-'al zoning land.,. .... ..,,. fn.. J>l')llGial alao meana that a porllilj flllie ~ .. '""'!.~ ,,... norlbem -Of lbe·comm\11114' """" eluded in a listing 0~ qrkultural ~-~ed Id the. )llimnlng d-tamf• preserve~ solhe monlha ago. muserJ)lan lot the aria. Most of the ;outhern port!bn' of 11\e .l"IDll a-el.'ol the reooalnl 11111 community. -located· east ol tha 8'n With .... l)t IUperviaorl. A dale far Is· Diego ' Freeway between Loi Allsoa au-lo Ibo county boltll bu' DOI Bouleva,.a '!l•L Avery1'arkway, -w!ll -yet been llCbecfuled. • , 1 • ' ., ews·woman rives 0 ·ea. By Phil lnt.rl1ndl - - PTA Leader Of Theft A jury of her peers Tucliday Ctlnvicted a San Cleinerite PTA leader ' at Ole Hanson School of stealln~ 'ttellll worth $1.75 from a supermarket. . ' AutoZOOms Off·Cliff . . . . At Dana Pt. ' A weU-known. california MiftJPlper woman appeared to accel~te ti ~. death Weditesday night when bt:r Cl?" plunged over a 300-foot cliff at Dana Point. ._ Dllys Jooes, 47, of 115' Gavlot& lit~ Laguna 'Beach was pronounced de°aa o:r arrival at South Coast Community Hospital at 7 li.m, , . • · Calilnmla !llll!w~ P41£oi .cl!lctr1 ialci ~ ~ Mrs. Charleen Wert, ta, was convicted In Laguna Beach Municipal Court of the, Aug. 9 petty then ol a ba"wlnt pen, ma~a aQd a '!tt\'~J>ackage -ot 'lilda ~'t-"• t, Sbt la lo relurn '!~" a ! tl>c.car,.In.-,hicJ> Ibo~ ~-f!orlel ' .::1:ft~~i::==~ 1 I"!! .-.cu1', ttav.W 1111 l<OI ~·· ' "'1a llJd "appe'.areb JI/ ban ~led ,! al H Teacbeil iJjo fl)tl.of Oii Ol!lli ~· • 4? -i' --~. . "" .. , ·1~-JZ.... "I Nollet !he Loc1I Merch1nll Are Court!~ ~ ·• Loc•I Trade Ag1fn NfW Th•t Sumnftr fs OV1r!' bearipl ""'~'-Oct. l7. Mn: \Wt w ~ 1Aa(:~i at the Afpha . Beta lilrtet\ I03 S. EIC~no Real: San cieMente, • Mn: ""' 'le3tlfled that Ille had been . reatstering voters at the mirket for a tiJ override election. Sbe said she left the ta~le to-buy Several things. f ,_·,, DAU,'f"I TittflM Chamber Help .SQught For Laguna Gree~ Belt After a:atberlng the items, ahe main· tamed thal 1lie was distracted bY S«lng a man and a boy at her Voter registraUon tabfe. Sbo pu1 the three Items In her purse and foraot to pay for them, &he s.ild, whije paying !or other 'itemL Witnesses, including a store detective, said Jhey watched ·from behind i ,e.. through mirror. ,Du.$1'! Now, ~o~~,bi.i(e.C.ltAMY'l=Al!O ' ~~~ .. ', . 0.lrr~J{~•H.19Jr.,Bfii(•iiP.+'1h~ln;JlerJ~er, J~ll,lifl' ~l~X, . ,·, ., The ,~ion maintained the Uieft was ca10Jlated. The defeMe maintained that it was a case of momentary forget~ ' ' " ' • ~ l • \ • •. 't ~ • l ' ": I c ~ '· ' Bt BARHAM KREIBICH 0 lh1 0.l"'·P'IW llelf Chamber ot Commerce support for the proposed Laguna Greenbelt was sought this week by James Dilley, secretary of the citizens c<lmmittee for the greenebeit. to uek.state· funds for acquisition of the 520-aCre Sycamore ·HiJJs property in Laguna Canyon. "ThiJ triangle is vital to the green- belt," said Dilley. "It contains a whole array of recreational possibilities." fulileu. . The jury agreed with tbe prosecution alter about 90 minutes dellberaUon. · Owners . of Capo 4irport . At a meeting of the Chamber's board of directors Tuesday, Dilley displayed a presentation he had made at the recent Planning and Conservatlori L e a g u e 'vorkshop in Santa Barbara and urged directors to back the City Council'li move The site, formerly intended as a luxury reliidenUal development. is owned by Great Lakes Properties and is worth, said Dl.Uey. about $4.5 million. Lagun~ Peddler Gets 2-10 Years Fear Obstacles Too Much Leary 'Copping Out,' Will Seek Democrats' NOcl Ia Dr. Timothy Leary -aspiring governor ot Califor~a -copping out to c<lnservative politics! · The aomeUme-Laguna Beach resident now faplng ·trial on two c:ass i~volving d(Up • ~eclared Wednesday In Loo Apgelea that he will seek lhe Democratic nomination for governor. "S(nOg, not LSD is the dangerou c~emicali'' is hiS latest campaign pitch. The 'former Harvard U n I v e r 1 i t y ps9choiogy profeuor !Ired !or 111' ex· perimenu with J.SD ln the early 19605 said efforts to ..ban some <.'OmpoundJ are the result or twisted lhlnkicg. ,.. It lies along the east side of Laguna Canyon Road north of El Toro Road and has been annexed to the city. At the reques) of the greenbelt com· rnittee, 'the Clty Council June f ln!tructed the city maoager ta inquire If $lata Lands Commission funds mlll)lt be available fOi' acquisition of the aite. Referring lo lnt.rli>r Secretary llicl<el's propoaal to &11ncata 16 billion o( ~ral funds 'for'°'9·pnle.f.vaUon·Ofur~ ope.n spaces, Dilley ~Id, "I .am &mfldeot the money ca~~ ~d lo·purdwe this essential ~." ' ~ pr'opOeid Laguna greenbelt would curve around behind the city over Irvine (See GREEN' BELT, Pap I) . . A Laguna Beach man who admitted In Superior COUrt that he sold quantities of matljdana has been sentenced to from two to 10 yilis m Btate prison. Judge ltobert 'Gardner ordered 'that term for Christopher M. Yeomans, ·21, of 2613 VlctoJ1a Drive, one of eight persons fondided on varying drugs offenses last June It by the Orange County Grand Jury. Six counts or poaseaslon and sale of marijuana and I.SD were listed against Yeomans In the ·Indictment. His com· panJons in the tndlctment all face court. action. - By RICHARD P. NALL Of tfM Dll~ Pllft llllf There ls gravel, dusL and uneveMess on the balding grass runway or tiny Capistrano ·AirpOtt. Its 'Owners say it is unsafe and say they may throw in the towel on the c<lnUnulng struggle to acquire 5.44 acres of the runway·frQm the county. Tht;ir late.sf offer to the county ili $60,000 for the land-locked parcel sur- rounded by them on three sides and by San Juan Creek on the fourth. The last estimate of the property's worth by Stanley Krause, director of county real pfopetty services, was '87 ,000. At a press ctin'ference called Wed- Tax -District· ·in ·Question . Arch Beach Assessment Hearing Continued • "Healthy and rl,bteous drup, like 111arijuana and 1.'!D,' ~e added. A masllve Ard! Bndl Hellhll • .,.... E<ftrin ll l'lnaler'o! Boyle Englnee<lng Company, whlcl! woulil IUrnlob the !undo, Dr. Lairy, his wile and ..., John facto meat dt.trlct ;waa ·11111 1 . questkin mark Co. tol~ counclbnen the dl1Crep111cy "as, had a~ to 1tay at the bond index at trial .In Orange Coul)l)' Superior Coar! Wedneaday ni&ht -but loot<d like wlth "an lnadequ1ta est!male on our-part" the Ume ol bid ooenlng.·Tbi• would mean nel<t monlh as tbe result of thetr arrati and tlle re1Utt ol bullillllif Industry w~ge -that for ,each llOO. ln bcltds IUued 188 nine months ago In Liguna Beach, when anme patfnJ •nd 1q11oezlng ll may yet settlement. tbll In IOllle casea re!ltcted would be avaUablt (or,!bO•prnject,, drugs were aUegedly found In their sta-!QI. ' -aa much u a 17 ~creaile. · ' Rimel~all,id f!lli, In the lace ol a rl1ing UOll wagon. · , ; .: LqUi1i '.lleacb ·~ C>iotlnlled ' Howeur, he Ard tt•fi belleved that bonii nwkeJ, a ~essliJ!I ""''!l·il>l>'!' He also races trial ln.Riv"!'lidt IA!!ntt lbe ~ pub!Jc. IM!arirw oo the 1,... ~.llO,flltl.~be.~,f;oin the low bid< to'• W'900~1ho--lloriif.comp111y.· . • '°" a charge o! coolrlbuti11t1. to1be delln· llandlng """'""" u.tll Oct.111 tp.m. 1 btlp,' k..,, Jb* , ~~ wllhll!. !\Jll(ff Other ocQQO!Jllet llated were. will· qu)'ncy '!' a Laguna lleoch cJrl woo· They n;";i~d or recelve<l iompi;biia' · avtlfill>lel "l. • . , . I ·1nlneill~«rig1ne«'1 irid 1it,oliieyi to a'... drowned m mfd.Julf on the cootrov.-sW _ . Owners o1 abnul Ill •lot. recelvlpg 1u1r• their fie.I ltl the enginee\'illi etllniali Morning Star Rancbnurldyllwlkl. from eipt p!!>f)efly owners aboot the benefits ·ol ttM!,""1opl1\ll)11 Wlil bo ratber#Jan.tbJbld.' ·• <''1 ~ Dr. Leary is a frequent vlaltor to the IPread jJ! -~ti cin the li!l lilllsJde assessed about q.ftilJot eacb '5-ily·tOO,. 'lo qU(allnn mdrk .ecMid ·10,, be .,. ro~llc commune, w h e r e 17-year-old ccmtructJon project. Thart 1'f.l'fl also foot lot, tt appcatf.°Otti&s, abotil ta, loUI, qtliaitlon. costtAt land la\ 1~l~t fer Charlene Alm<lda drowned while IWim· repqrtl on the """"'11J Meil\oda being Will .be we"'d µr Jets. They re<:eive pQblle Unprovmenll. It.I!' .. ..i!mateil ;ming_ nude in a deep pond, after em-uled in an alUmpl to keep lht project ooly ..... r benefiW, , , i 'tllal rll!il..il•"llY o<gui;lllOn b\jght be barkmg on a one-w1y 1.'!D trip. within the ""'P' of the 1vallablt bond City Attorney lad: '.Rimel toj~ ~n ·~:OllO:~ • f ., , • ly r:~d1t:r :!i~i~; ~.~~ hh.:~=~i ~·~Olll~ •bid. ol 16$5,9'7 =:,. th:i~ ~~ ~·~ P:.17"~ ~Jti,im~!:t~' ~ drug tr:i p which occurred while be was was $1:tlJ637 or 1boot JS percent over the avoid ni!l-Qg: lhe""l!tS~· t ·' '~ C<db· lncteulnk' U the con- eksewberc. eng1n.,l1lll estima~ of 1511,llO. lie oald Western tmplovetnetil B<!nd': (Sle.llEIGHJ't I'• 11 .t- nesday by airport partners Bruce Winton and Julian Willcox, Wtnton said the coun· ty has litated that it badly· needs the Capistrano Airport but Lhat County of- fi cials want as much money as possible "integrity and morality notwtlhstan- dlr.g." LAND ,Q)llNED . Kcfiu.s& said the land is owned by the Orang~ County Flood Control DlstrJct and was P,Urchased ~Ith voter-app-roved pond money. He said the flood f0ntro1 district is legally supposed to get fair market valu.e for the property. ' He said it could not legally be un- derwritten by c<lWlty general fund money becnuse it is a private enterprise. Winton said there are four airports for general aviation In Orange Cou'nty fn· eluding one on which the lease may not be renewed He said ther.e are 37 Jn neigbboMg san Diego eounty which bas about the same population. , Kfause said these are public airports·, Winston Wd lhe Owens-Illlnois Glan Ccmpnny recently pur~d nearbY. pro- perty for $'1,300 per aCre from the county but i. uklng th.e airport lor-•bllu! 111,000 per acre, , Krause said tht;re was no means.of ac· ctSli .to that pr.operty u~t by an ar· tangemeJlt with a. railroad which the glass cqllJ~!!i' made. • .. ae:~·'ffie-P~rty wU"JW~uo .tor fl'lhl]i;~ and, tjl•.,~J;'l'l'• ll\•,!l1e 1ml,y bJilder lie .aid ~ prJJP<llr ,..u. :'kliii!' <ii ../u!e~.beil".een J(ii.' ~ and•OoOd OCllll'ol clla~l iUJba1,if~"- • (See AIRPORT, P ce :}_,.~ r;. ~ ~ > I Steck .lllarlceu 1 .. · ' { • > r I , . •• NB;W YOl\lt (AP)r'°'. Stocb dllfle<ljnlo Ille 1 ... cof<p;n for tbe second '!11'~1 '-ICin 1'¥1if'.wl)h~UI~ filalljilfy \o rall ~y r on In•~ rrililCIL t~ ~. "-1 .. 11). ' '11!1· DOor J .... t....,ilrlll' mt1p '"f 2 p m. •Ud to 81UI , off 1.17 polnla . Jooea', bod:r \lu ~ lr.n! 0.. <rlm)Pf!d ·wrM11e tllat l~ ~ It !eet·otrt rroii\U..liue o1 the ell!!. · •. · f)ienda aild A$!0difeo wd lhe;; ~ed "deeply troUbled" iii . ' week.!'. 'Ibe Orange County corooer'"a.~ ·· flee ls continuing tts 1nve1tt;:aUi:Jo ol tie tragedy. · Miss Jones Is survived' by her motlier, Mrs. Olive Jones, of 1311 Glenneyre.Sl · A Dana Polnl man wbo wllne!aed tlie aceldent told Highway Patrol olllcen It! saw a white car southbound on St;eet or the Golden Labtem at about JS \ to «t miles an houf a~ approxlmateiy 1:25 p.m. Wh;. II readied the -enil at El camtno .Caplstrario, the witness aald. the· car rounded the. guard rail, hit the.cui:I> "hard and fast.'" swerved ·acrou· t!J• sl~walk and"cootlnued acrou:i.the fteW: turning to the left lllil then to the <lgb~ "then·accelerated·hard-and-went·om: tbe'- cllfl." ' 1 • CUP officers who followed the trail el the death eat said ~re was e•ideoot. Cl the maneuvering and accelera~on. Miss Jt;mes, a writer known for. her Wit and outatandlng reportorial talent was [en: many years a news reporter arid feature writer for the San Francisco Eumlner. s·be was the only child of famed. California writer ldwal Jones, author of, many bob on early Ca!Uornia l:ftd. a noted authorjty on Call!ornta wines. Jones, who died tn 198', wu• one of California's outstanding llte.l'IO' Oaures In the 30s and tOs, as an author ~and book.- reviewer. • Alter atten'dlng scboot•1n EurnpelD her childhood, MJp Jonei wll graduated from Laguna -H1111 S!:hool I~ IMO and later attended StaDtOrd uruveraity; She war ne•er married. · J In 1944 she· Joined the staff Or the sa• Jo'ranciliCO Elamlnei-as a ~ws reporter and worked there .wtill 1'4*, when abt (See;PLllNGE, h&l.IJ 0r ..... Weatlter. 11 yoU thlni thOae c~ ~ • here to •llY -yo(, 11111' l>e.11cbl-Look•lor more el the oame Fridq with partly '111nny, aft-1kleo and temf)eratW'OI bi the upper lll'a. ' r I ' ' • . .....,. ... ..... ~ ... 1.-•ission ' ' • 1 ·.Tran . DAILY PILOT LIKELY LAGUNA HIGH'S BUSIEST YOUNG LADY Astoei•tod Studont llody Secrotuy DI.,,. Judy ' ' Laguna's ASB Secretary Jlusiest Person on Campus By FRED SCHOEMEllL Of .. Dalfy l'tlM ..... 1."0KAY, l ~w jCIJ!OPi~ol UU. leljer thin the , Gel ~u Or ~.tblae dlstrtbuted tO eiviC groups and all the p ·around here on campua. •. and forget tu get the minutes out to the I by tbe eod of tbe period. • . try, il ~ have a chance, to finish this .•. " The speaker rapid firing directtons was n«1e other than ASB President Howard Billi. Who's he taI.k-ing t0? Probably lbe busiest student on campus, AS B S«:retarY Diane Judy. The average person would be on bis way to a mental ward i! be had to keep notes, file all the paperwork, type I.he minutes and agendas of all Student (bun. cU meeun,s, take roll, do' the birthday cards, sorting mail, and helping Mn. Kay Mlka11 in the Activities Office. Does Diane find aU this work a problem~ SHE ADMITS her job entails a lot o{ work but said "it's a lot of fun and a giut deal of satisfaction." ~ Of all her duties, Diane enjoys sorting the mail above all othm. "It's not only fun-to-p-throDglrlho-mail;-but-il-livea me a aense of importance in making the decision o{ what mail deserves council's attention and what is fit fer the circular file on the floor," says our brown haind ecretary. Most of Diane's eveninga are apenl working on some type of council paperwork. At school, she says, ••things get all mixed up, but when J get home, where things are more organized, I can get a lot done." DIANE RAN UNOPPOSED for the of- fice of secretary. "I ran because I wanted lo do something. So many of us just complain about lhlngs and never do anything to solve the problems." OAllY PllQI CAANQ~ COM1 PUlllSHIHG CCIMN.N'I R•Hrt N. Wt•I ,..,.....,.'"'"'**' Jtclr R. Orr!.., ., Vb~ .... "-.. ...., n ..... , Kc1Yil £ti• Tho"''' A. u.,..phl11to ...... ,....,. """"' l !th•"' r. Nill ·--'"' (l!IW Let-...... Otnce 212 ft. .. ,, ""·· M•ifr111 A.llli .. 111 P.O. 111 '''· t2•1l --CAM INW• 13111 Wif'I ._.. l'rwt .......... --.U.1 :mt W.t ......... """"' ~"«11:•s111a.t Laguna Teen Corner One ' of our •retary'S b 11 f es I reopooslbillU", Is the blrlhdoy cards, Each day, Student Council aendl ~rds with personal greeUna:s to an the students who have blrthdaya on that day. It averages abolit all cards a day. 'Diane likes the birthday card Idea 11Jing, "they add a lot of penonallam to our ICbool." SHE lS PLANNING to promote pro- jects to recognize certain students on such dayif,as Valentine's day. ''I've Cot some Jde3s from the CASC (California Association of Student Councils) Con- ference at River side thal l'd like to apply here at Lagu"&' commented Diane. Looking at S~. #lfete she is the worlthorse, Diane says. "I really like it. Everyone is getting their job done and the student involvement is tremendous ." Any big hang-ups witb b e i n g ASB Secretary? 11The only thing is that I can't spell very well," said Diane, a touch. sheepishly. Frotn Page 1 AIRPORT ... grade and soil problems." Winton said that the county of San Diego is spending hundreds of thousands on airports. He saici high school student! from the local area must use the · Oceanside Airport. Currently. pending completion or end of negotiations with the county, Capistrano AJrport conUnues on a month-to-month lease (of the 5.44 acres). Willcox and Winton say it is impo.!Siblc • on this basis to make ' improvements nttded, resurfacing, hangars a n d maintenance to make the facility with about 90 planes a first class small airport. Ther point out that the county airport is out o space for small planes and that thelt facility has both addiUonal small plane capability and potenUal as a metroport. They complain that the county wants lhem to deed access lo the landlocked county parcel which would make the price even bliher in • pending appralsal. Krause said they would be paid for the lcctSS ln the event the negotiaUoo is con- summated. Jn a 69-item report and accompanying map, Willcox and Winton detailed the negollaUont with the coonty beginning Oct. 19, 19M with a Jetter to Alton Allen, fifth district supervisor. The first item states: ··1. October 19, 1964. Llr. B. Winton lo AllOO Allen. Oller to pun:llue rurplus OCFCD p.. .. ptrty. Not anawertd." Tbe Jbt ranges on and on detailing cor- respondeoce, aovernmental position,, or 11ctlons, lea5e periods end other matters. It ends with Ibo Sept 22, 1961 offer to bll)' tor $60,000. • Oedication Set For Hills Church LAGUNA HILLS -St. Geor1• .. EpiJcopal Cburch will be dedicated Sun· day, with the Rt. Rev. Francis Eric Bloy, J;;placopal Bilhop of Loo Anaeles of· flcl•linl· The certmonles which will follow an· clent church cutoma will be&ln at 3 p.m. in the bulJd1n& located at Pueo de Valen- cia and Avenidl de la Carlotta in Laguna Hilb. Muaic will be provided by the Laguna Beach Festival (])orate and St. Gtor1e'1 choir. e Shop Center Planned MISSION VIEJO -A unlqu. ohopplng and service «:t!nter is being planned In Mlsslon v1,Jo. P!ans e1U for development of 70 acres between Crown Valley Partway and Ran- cho Viejo Road on the cast side of the Sa n Diego Freeway for the center. lt will contain si tes for 12 automotive dealerships both foreign and domestic, a restaurant, market, specialty Wops and bank. Fro• P•e J HEIGHTS ... demnation went to court and a ju(f&a made awardl blgber than estimated. rumel aald thia would have to be paid for by a aupplemental later assessment agafnlt the property ownen of the dlatrlct. But be said be lllouil>t the land value estimates were certainly "high enough." Holol. countered, "l beard the same 1111Jic about 'the engineering ..umai., that there wu a lot ol fat and slop ln there, but it WU $130,000 off." A t another point. Hobn uid, "I still · think UU. whole thlng is a can ol. worms an<! is 1oiog from bad to """' all the •i-.. ,.....e. ~ • .... .,· , ~olf!Palrillli ._Jloveloped' nwl>f Portollno Lltguna with 300 Slan· .d!lrd. ·~ Jl<O!e*d ,hlJ '1'-000 ....... bi<itJJi-thi .IJdl -~ "We can't sell the Jots we hav~ now. We cut the l'ice oo the Iota and 1e11t every real estate man in LafUDa a l1Jtfna," be llld. ' Patrlltl saf41it hil dev~nt .u.ets were put Jn td-city staodarda.~He said lhe •ntineerinl estimat. for.the development w11 $1 mllUon and it C03t '1.5 million. ''We borrowed and bocked everytbjq we had," Palrlttl said. Another asaemnent protest.er, Mrs. Artbur -.. of Loi .\llpl;, -· plained that a $30,555 ·uaeument wu oot fair. "I don't see why we should be assessed the same as 25-foot lots if we don't get the same benefits," she said. She said the grid development mapped "looks like a trailer park." Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan pointed out lhat many )ots would be practically worthJee tt they eruJd not be developed but with the streeta and improvements would be worth a great deal more. Councilmen expect lo know by the OcL 8 meeting If the loose ends have beei tied down so the district la economically feasible. Thal will abo be a continuation of the public hearing on assessments. f'rotn Pllfle 1 PLUNGE ... moved to New York. She returned to the Examiner from 1951 to 1954, then worked for the NaUonaJ BroadcasUng Com pany in New York before bectnnlng a third assignment with the Es.amtner, from 1961 ta 1954 as a feature writer for the Sunday section. She also had served on the staff or the Oakland Tribune aDd did freelance writing and publicity for Air Californla, for 1 San Francisco departmen t store and other clients, as well as writing for magazines. She recently Ji\•ed for a time in the Sausalito area but maintained an apartment in Laguna Beach as her permanent home. funeral services are pending 1t Shetler Laguna Beach Mortuary. . Interment will be at Valhalla Memorial' Park in North Hollywood, followin1 private services. In lieu of nowen friends may make mernoMal donaUons to their favoMte charities. She(fer l.aiuna Btoch Mortuary, directors • Oare Scheuer Rites Conducted Private aervlcts were held TuWl)' for Mrs. Clare Scheutr who dlod Sept. II at the age ol 9$. She had been a resident of Villa Bell• Lod1e, J410 s. Coost HJabwa7 r0< Ibo past 1$ yem. Mn. Scheuer, formerly of C1eveland1 Ohio, Is survtved by her d1u1hter, Allee S. Lo~rtll. • Panorama Road, Laauna Besch, aod by a lfandd•u&htor of Princeton, N.J. lnurnment waa 1111de-at hcWc Vlew ~fernorial Park, Newport. Buch. • • • ' HEAvY OUTLINE SHOWS GREENBELT AREA AROUND LAGUNA PROPOSEp BY CITIZENS' GROUF\ J1m11 Dilley Tells Chamber-Proposal Carries Whole Array of Recre1t1onal Po11Jbllitle1 Battin Raps Irvine Park Deal After Delay Def eat By TOM BARLEY Of tM D.ilr rnl'I Sltff Orange County Super'visor Robert Bat- tin called Wednesday ror a re view of the county·s 'relationship with the Irvine Company and an end of what he termed, "The slipshod manner In which negotia· lions between the two p a r ti e s are conducted." Battin offered his criticism following the 4 to 1 defeat of his suggestion that county action on the proposed University Park be deferred for one week -4o ~llow, ~s the First District supervisor put 1t: o'ilics of the plan· to voice their opi- nions afltt examining documentation of tbe Irvine-<..'Ounty de.al. Battin repeated bis charges, that. ''Everything done so far in this plan has been done orally." He niade the same <:mnment during the board session that 'ended with the supe?tV.lsors .voting to •~ oept slat. vant of '211,$00 towards --tion of the ~e pari.. _ , . _ . "'1'1M!f:e ~~more Uti._t t cah,cto,'' Battin said. 1'The deed or acceptance of the land from the lrivne Company has not yet been signed and i~ might well be that there are members of the public who nlight want to say somelbing before it is." Battin called the University Park land transaction -the Irvine Company will deed lhe open space to the county -a "typical Ulustratioo of the way things ha\'e been done with the lrvine .... Com- pauy." He will take the is.sue and hla views that future nege>liations with the giant landowners should be on a much more forms! and documented l>alis to the Orange County Grand Jury. "I won't make any special case out of this." he said, "but l intend to raise lhe matter np:t tJme-I appear before the Grand Jury."· 1 Q-itics, .of the Irvin&<:OU11ty park con- tract have questioned the rliirts allegedly retained by ,the Irv~ Company over the acrea&e thll\ w!" ~ to ..aiity control. . From P-.e l GREENBELT. • • land \vest of Laguna Canyon, extending back to the coast through Aliso Canyon. Dilley ~aid preservation ot the. Irvine land, at least for 10 years, has been mad_!!_, certain with county approval o f aaricultural zoolng for most of the land that would fall within the greeabelL A master plan for the Moulton rancli; he added, indicates that much of this land also would be available, with large area$. of the floors of the canyons b>Cluded in "flood plain" reservaUona lo be wlthhe1it from development and the sides of many canyons designated "unbuildable slopes." Greenbelt proponents a d v o c a t e preservatioo of o~n spa~s around thi:: cjty, with uses limiled ·to such fadlities 11s pa rks, golf courses, hiking and riding trails. He Did It Himself PALO ALTO (UPI) -"My husband often jokes that be can do anything," said Mrs. Diane Nephew, 21, a Palo Alto housewife. "And be did," ' she said Wednesday in explaining how ber hus- band , William, 43, delivered fhe c®ple's 711.r: JXlUllil daughter In the congenial sur· ~~ of their oWn home, because color is Vital to a room Vl•~uon tMffoor glv.s a room awhol•newYltw. Thit phah broadloom i1 loomod of thkknylon <oblo· · '1PO )',IWll;{Or........,....<W)' -.Glld .... l<0loring. 0-fioot a <Olllploto collodlon olvlfld·~le ohadeo. lnelodlno janq•il, jodo,""" c-wu,,. : Com• in and .. .-.rooms deilgnod.lor'111al lhlng, "'° mlpoltd In ThtcN , l>rJC-- 'I0.95,..,, ... /. .. IF YOU CAN'T-COME JN ~ CALL ~ for '11 expert carpet consaltant who will come to your home with sam-· pies without any obligaUon lo you! • t • • • I I ( I •U 60 •ft fix pie Sa I go ca. hh Sa "' la! Wf kn ke He wl do in II< Ct l } I th M " ' Ji p ro! • ~ •· ,.u • ti ;:., .~ ' n • I 0 't I • • t • ' ' ' ' ' ' • I l I ' I I ( .... I I I I I l I '· I f \ • ' L DAI LY ~ILOI' 3 Holt Still PublieEd~ Citize.ns Protest .Can, Angela Stay~ Mail Snoop Holds Star ' Chinese Countian Faces Oust.er No~· Part of ' • Oass Lead I Spec\11 lo lM DAILY PlLOT 8.IN DIEGO -Nion Holl ol Seattle 1tlll holds the lead today ln the fivwace Star cl.us world sailing champtoosh!pa after comlng from nowhere to finish fourth in Wednesday's third race. The 44--foot f.leet resumes the cham- pionships with single races Friday and Saturday on the ~mUe ocean course . Holt wun't among the top l' boats going into th~ final two.mile leg, but he caught a good offshore breeze to brlni hhn up and rrraintain the series lead. The race was won by Bill Gerard of Santa Barbara, Cllif., who ovtrt.ooi: Pelle Petterson of Gotebtrg; Sweden, on the last leg to win by 2~ minutes. Wbtda were light and shifty. usually about ah: knots. . Bill Buchan of'~attle placed third tn keep second place In the standings behind Holt, 12&-122. Petterson jumped ahead of San Fran- cisco's Tom Blackaller into third place, as Blackaller finished eighth Wednesday. James Shoonmaker of Miami, Fla., who finished, seventh Wednesday, holds down fifth place. Gerard's triumph put In a tie for ninth in the sta~gs Barton Beek of Newport Beilch, sailing for Los Angeles. The Orange Coast's other star entry, Chuck Lewsadder, was in seventh place. Standings after third .race were : · l. A.Ian Holt, Seattle, 126: 2. Bill Buchan, Seattle, 122: 3. Pelle P~ltcrson, Sweden, 121 ; 4. Tom Blackaller, San Francisco. 116; 5. James Schoonmaker, Miami, 114; &. Lowell North, Sim Diego. 110; 7. (tie) Chuc.Ir Lewsaddcr, Newport !!each and Slig Wennentrom, Sweden, 101; •. (tie) 'Barton Beek, Lo,,'-liqeles and Bill Geranl, Santa Barbara, IOI. By· AJITllllJ IL VINUL ., .. ,.... ...... ~time Aoitla Chine Yee Qiu -!bat t.unpor -Iha!..,., ~ . l.o• .. 11 Of Lein I~ llbe mull tr1 I Ulile oothelnllde. · She does love bet adooted bomtJand, She may be fprced lo 1eave,lt. '.~'-• The 21·Y<l!'<>ld U_,ed yecat,.... 1111rie ai St. Jude'a H!IOPIW. Fut~, was ICheduled lo ·t>< deported by fedoflt ~O. autborlU.. at I a.m. loday. Because America c1n indeed be what a H<!!lll Koaa·boi:n ldoalbl enviliooed when il1' CIDIO, AOlefa t. bade II wori< today insle"I of travellq& lo lleo& Kooc. ao.,r... tooi under <ODllderatlop IV~ -with only bOllrs lo spar< - a bill mtroduced by Sen. Alan Cranston (ll.Calif.J, whlch C9uld 1<1Dl l4iss Chan pennaneot relld-in Mnerlca. The Sena~·s u b e omml t t e e on Naturaij.zaUon wilt decide whether $hJ must leave America u well as love it, based on.a technJcal P>lnt. Miss Chan WIS born in 190 In MO!\g Kok, ' Kowloon, a small, new Britilb Crown COlooy for whkb the U.S. emigra- tioo quot.a is filled. Only 200 are allowed each year. Sbnply !f.ated1 A.mtrica has no place for her -unless Congress decides to make one. Her. parents were bom in Mainland cruna, which has a far higher quota, but tltis argument also failed. Lile has generally been kinder to An· gela qting Yee Chan, than it has to many of her race and age, fighting merely for enough food. She became acquainted witb a fijlvy nurse, Estelle Reilly, of Philadelpbia, Pa ., who sponsored Angela's trip to America on a student vlSa .more than After being brought to the U.S., Angela aUendt$1 the Academy ol the Little Flower, in San Luis Rey, while Miss ReUly was statloned at Camp Pendleton, tiien high school in Millington, Tenn., learning to be an American. A.II sbt"really needed to learn was the 1;tyie al life, the kind of things you notice on the outside. Sbe teamed quickly and lhe finally • graduated from Fullerton Junior College wilh a formal permit to serve others, her LVN certificate. Then, authorities revoked her visa because she Wa.9 no longer a student. Attorney Gordon G .• Dale donated his legal aervices free in an effort to help M1~ Chan, ol 215 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, remain in America. D~porta.Uons have been delayed two ye.ers during auch Congressional reviewa of an alien's status -some have been allowed to stay -while others have ~ sent away soon. 1'he Santa Ana lawyer is confident she will win the fight. Today, however, is at least one mon day at home fC'lf' Angela Ching Yee. Chan, who loves America and bates the WI.· certain future. T"""'"'" 1a just UJ<ihtt questloo. U .N. Dipl~mats .. Among Biggest Boosters of Met:S More Freeways Needed, Highway Chiefs T·old . UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)-Even Hall of the stale'a~ay commission !he courtly United Nations is concerned 1~ N rt Be ch heard what .:.. and enthralled -about the ~ew York '" 1 ewpo a ay Mets, once underdeveloped but now the) already knew -Orange County IUddenl)' a lllperpDW!r. , needs more freeways, tspeetally aJons ,!0'1 love them," sai4i,. PrivaqG y. the qran&e ~ Jimenez, Aml:im~ Eitraor~ ,and Government, oommunity aod chamber ~leni!;K1l.entiary froffl. lhe Philipptnei. wbo of commerce officials from throughout ratso uphokis hls &:iuntry,'s Interest a't1he ~e county Ur&ed tbt. state highways com- worki fOIUJD. .. Evef'J titne· I c.ac, 1 al. t :~..:i..: 'to . . t . ·1y to 65 miles "ways watcli them." .. ~:uupen; give op pnon Tbe Met.a may not be diplomats, but ol ~ange County Freewaya totalinl $299 ::many dtplomats are aware of their prow-mDlion. ea .in the delicate politics of basebJlll. And among the freeway& which need ,. "The firat thing ! do 1i.~ the:mornin'g," the qulckest construction, speakers at a ~·th!J ambassadof says, ta to fmd out i[ Newporter tnn luncheon aaid, was the . they won. Tbey were underdogs, Ute an ;:ur._,\erdiveloped country. But now they , win big." • They dld win big W"!h>esday rugb1 w ' Officer Delivers l'capttTid the tnp spot ln their division of '·the National LeagU<. "'. Like AmbUs1dor Jimenez, others who • deal with world affairs alao puraue the (Mets' ascent to the pinnacle of power , 'without. any arduous debate or any in- ,;1erpretatlori. · Even the Soviet Union acknowledges 1 the profit.making "We're No. l" team. 1: Said a member of the Soviet delegation i""ls th! Mets · were negotiating a crucial I :debatt with the Cardinals (The Mets won I 6-()): • ~· "I am worklnt now. That's why I am not watc hing them on television. Pert\aps ather comrades are. I have seen them. ·though. They are good ." Own. 'Intercept' ' SAN DIEGO (AP) -II was a tiny operaUon intercept of his own far police officU"-Harry Jourdan. A car with three people, including a Mexican woman ahoot to give birth, stop- ped beside him Wednesday. Quickly, Jourdan helped her deliver a SOil in the car's··front seat. He said there wasn't time for Petra Hurtado Medina. visiting from Tijuana, to -get to a hospital. Tl.e U.S. government calls its current crackdown on 3muggling from Mexico "Ope.ration Intercept." With Bibli~plaile Fri~ Pacific Co.a!t Freewaf. Upecially ln the South Coat area of Orillae County . The me<tlng, under ~blp ol I/le ooutbeoi aection,.of, .tj!e+Oranae, County Chamber of Commerce, featured ad- druses by the Ot~ber's highways, com- mittee chairman, John Haskell, and Orange County planning dinctor Fomt Dickason. liukell 1ald that in additioo lo the 1199 miillon worth of freeways for the Im- mediate future, tht county needl ~ imllioo more in freewayt in the late )9709 and urly '80!. He warned that failure of the state'to keep the pace Jn freeway construcUon bere could lead to traffic problems re&embllng a funnel. Dicka90n cited put growth trends which MlO)' that Oranae County'• traffic ""'i..ilon ii ...,lhg. He uJd that · a quarter of all the persona who move t.o California each year aetUe in Orange c:Ounty - an average of 200 a day. He cited Department o( Motor Vehicles figures which show that last year Orange County bad an imnase. of 100,000 vehicles, while the population increased only by 78,000 persons. He aald ·the peat growth area a ol the county would be along the South Coast and a triangle of Irvine Co. land bounded by the Santa Ana, Newport and San Diego freeways. University Librarian John Smith {left) di.CUJses the UC Irvtoe library with new ofljcl!I'• of Friends o! the UCI Library, Mrs. Duane DeKalb, third vice president1 of Newport Beach ; Eric Strutt, presi· den~ .WO of Newport, and Dr. Leroy Under, first vice pr .. ldent; of Coata Mua. Nol shown ii oecond vice president Leon Ware, ol San Juan Capfatrano. 'ln~~cept' MaU anoofinc I• the newett ateJl ln the government • OperaUoo Intercept war on marijuana and dwerous drup. with packages fram abroad be.lng ripptd open ·~ inspected 1t major U.S. po.stal entry pomts. Treasury Department •u.th9rities 1t first declined to comment oo the ex- 1.minatiODS, but confirmed the fact when lower-eche!On employes readily admitted ii. Vacations and leaves have been cancelled for the workers Involved and most are putting in overtime to inspect parcels for marijuana, pills and other drop. Authorities declined to &ay just what cities a~ involved, but sakt the con- centration is centered oo cl.litomla IDd Texas. Operation Intercept. lnauguri.ted last weekend, is designed to mate marijuana entering the country 10 rare that the price will skyrocket beyond the budget 0/.. most users. Stiff inspecUon procedures for "ehicles entering at 31 border crossings have crip- pled the Mex.lean tourist industry resulting in angry demands for a boycotl of American-made goods. Operation Intercept officials say It is loo early to tell if the antimarijuana drive was pushing its price beyond the means of young people, one of the ob- jectives of the crackdown. A spokesman said the price already was high before the operation was launched last Sunday because of a smaller than usual harvest in Mexico. Lt. John Sleeper of the Las Vegas, Nev ., vice &quad reported that the price of marijuana In the city has reached a record high. He said drugs being sold on the black market weie of inferior qualify because salesmen were ''scraping the bottom of the barrel." Authorities quoted a cumnt price of $200 per pound, up from $18$. Av ail able figures showed a total of 330,MS persons searched at Cf'OS.!ingl in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. There were 72 seizures, all of them for pills and none marijuana. Tide·h.lhds ·Ruling • SAN l"JIANCJSCQ (UPll -A nlll .. of Iha eallfornll, c..;J of Appeal coilld 11&ve 0., ti!ecl. of ,eicl~' \!!" plbUc !tUll UM of hundreda of. lbo111•M1 of •acta @I prlvllelf owned tidelands In U.. state. Thia inlerpretaUoD WU mad< Wed• De!day by Ille llale allomey 1eneral'1 of, fice or • ruling which was' issued in a diapute between two Tomalea Bay pro- perty oWnen, Peter D. Whitney and Lal" ry H. Marki Jr. Marks wanted to fill and develop a tidelands parcel in front of his property, but Wbttoe1 went to court to prevent it, 'U nsanitary' Hair Ousts Personal Product Packer A man with ahoukler-~'. hair bas be•• fired by the Kimberly Cltrk CorporaUon in Fullertoa. wbjch uya It ii too unsanitary for an employe in hU poa:i~ lion ' UnW his dismissal, Robert Mercado, 24, packed Kleenu and toilet· paper. "We aren't unreuonabJe," said a spokesman for the. campany, ''They can wear sidebum1 and moustaches. but we can't be ·sendlna out our produci,, with hair in th«!m," Mercado's union, however, baa lnitlated a campaign "Which may win his job back and tet a prteedent for regulations on Jong hair for men, at lea.st in eertaio tn- dusbies. . P.1ercado volunteered to wear a hairnet and headband of Uie same type worn by female employa at the Kimberly Clark Corporation Plant, but was refused and ordered to be ~ or cut from the work force. The Association of Wutem Pulp and Paper Workers , Local 112, has taken up the case, contending the cotnpany is violating hb constitutional rights by discrimination against sex. attulnl lha~1"Jbllt navlpuon Lid lli!!lnc ~II. om tile properly bor,,.i Maru ll'om fl!Jlng the llde)andl. Marin County SuperlOr Court Jll!IP Samud W. Gardner rul«! ln·lll?thal 10 1'61 Id, author!~nf orl&lnal uJe, of tldelaods in the area, had ,lflo el~ ol tennloatlng any publlc riiJ!ts. The ruling waa uphe.Jd by lM appuJ court earJy thl1 monlh. • ' ~ The 1868 Id Is similar to ""-""" other Ids authorlihlg tideland .alei, lo I.he precedent could be Invoked bY other property· ownei:s seeking ta ffU and develop l!ielr holdings, accordlJll, \o the attorney general's office. · An esUmated 22 precent of san Fran- ciam Bay tideland3 are privaiely belfl. l · 'However, Dept. Atty. Gen. E. C1emer¢ Sbule said Wedoesday that the appeal court had prt:viotl!ly committed errors by mlslnterprelinlf other.prec1'deots .,.i lhal hia office will intervene u a frl~.Gf1$be court. ' ' Shute said the. attorney general'• offlce will join Whitney and the Sierra Club in asking for a rehearlng and, if that fails, in appealing to the CaWornia Supi'eme Coull. Marine Sergeant Dies' in Wreck A Marine Corpa aereeant dlod eorly to. day in the bJazlna: wrec&p; of bla1car momenta after lbe auto nn headon into a truck-trailer on the Saota Alla FIMway. Calliornia · Hilhway pllrCtmm ,aaid Manuel Elroy Martinez, %2, statlooed ~t the El Toro-Marine Corps Base, was beading north It the southbound lane of lbe freeway wht ._ the crash OCQ1J'red at the Gaden Grove Freeway overcroastnr in Orange. Officera said the badly bumeJ Martinet w.aa dead when they arrived at the ICene. The driver of the transport was unhurt and damage to hUI vehicle was deac:rlbed a.a alight. Ha.rbor Shopping Center Costa Mesa Men's Handsome Tailored Fashionably Styled Suits Jewelry That Adds Spartil• to Any Fashion IAIRIH•I. rtHS. NICKL.A.CU. HACILnl J111t 1111 yowr l""•thi•fiort fo .!reu 1,1p 111y outfit lit ce!or• 1114 1tvll11<J1 te ,1,,,,, IN THIS llAION'I L.Alllf COLOU Coft'lforf1bl1 1rtll 1f1y·n11t looklnt f1bric, li9htw1i9ht, lo11t·W1eri119. No chert • fo r normel e1t1refion1, NOW Orif. SHM 39.99 I Men's Dress or Casual Slack1 Ac:tie1t comfort plu1 111y c:1r1 with Penn-Orlt. 17.H Pr11t@ w11rebility, For c:rhp, 1t1y·1111t 6.88 fr11lirt111. NOW . Men's Classic Sport Coats , 111 celeta 111y to c:oo1di111!1, li9htw1i9ht, Oftf. I Jl.11 lo119...,•1rin9 f1bri c. A tr1,1fv h1td ...... 24.88 1tyling . NOW Warm Comfortable Sleeping lags Dec:rofl® ,ely11t1r fib1r,-flll1d 11ot1-1U1r· Orlt. S1 L91 te111c, 1111t r11i1te11I. lli•1ili1~1 •nd edet· 9.99 1111. ' NOW MEN'S EVER COMFORTABLE PAJAMAS In notched coller ., pullev•r •'Y*' 1 99 Pull '"' with 1.nt 1IHY1t •"4 ,..,_ • MEN'S EVER POPULAR POPLIN JACKET Ll1htwol1th yot c.....,.obly "'""' 3 88 _.,. trltln1lly 4.ff NOW • BOY'S PRE·SCHOOL WALK SHORTS ltyllth 11'1 • ,_,t(y pl1lil feltrlc. p., c.mfwtaltlllty aM ,..,,,,.._ .77 WOMEN'S D!tESS AND CASUAL SHOES • c ............... ....,. 1oo1c1,,. . 1 ... ... '" "°""'' ""'' •ty ... ., to4Q. • .... CH ILDREN'S DECK SHOES Comfort1•1e, ..,,, llne4 lkld ,..11t1nt Mlt1-llNt 10.t DON'T MISS THIS SPEC IAL All .. ...,, """"ll"h .,.. NOW DRASTICALLY •I DUCI D TO 2.99 '11 Price I ""'· ..... NOW .99 Women's Fashionable Blouses Teilorell, v-1 rel'l'lirtirtl lookirtt 111 COl'l'lfort· 1bl1, 1e1y c;er• f1bric1. Styl..d r!9hf for 1kifh or p1nh. N~W Orlt. SJ.II 2.99 Women's Colorful Ankle l'antl Wi!Ji l1te1t fe1hio11 fl eir. N1et-leokin9 on,. 11.0I ••$.Y•c1r1 febric:1. Ci11el for tei1t9 plec11. 2 99 NOW e COLOIPUL. ~trlc Blankttl Duel efltl 11...,11 1.111tr1I. Twe Y•er t"•r· •11t11, 111echin• we1h eO!.. Now O"t. 510 .... 111. 8~99 WOMEN'S PRETTY PRACTICAL UNIFORMS C.mt.rt•W. 1-llttt. 411lck ilrylnt 8 77 T•llHtil tf 111% ,.-y.r.r knit ' • GIRL'S STYLISH SWEATER VESTS KnlttM 1n ••1 cl,. Orl.n® VWAffll fer fM•JI fllhJenl. 2.99 LITTLE GIRLS FASHIONABLE DRESS ES lty~'l11 ·tM lallriu th<I hno 2 99 tMt •lw•Jll leek .... ,, 111 .. u~ • • BIG GIRLS FASHIONABLE DRESSES In the 1tyNI 1H fNrk1 the 3 99 I• .. "'" i. ni... "'" 1°14. • . . CUR'fAINS MAKE WINDOWS GAY Alt ..... ,., tMll In IMer 1tyl• ,. k..,,... ., ... ~uttfvl, YARDAGE FOR TODAYS FASHIONS 11 ... , tt Cwt, MW Ind M'lt Wu • .,ltlntlfy .7t & ,fl NOW 2.88 Shop Mon.· Sat. 'Iii' 9 p.m. Use ·Yoir Penney Charge Card ' ------------------------·----------------------------=----.:..-<Jr-~ • . '~., .............. . A South Euclid Ohio motlier ~as tu ... lsaue wllb the dress cocle ar Brush High ~ool in toe 1 • whicb does not permit her son to attend classes wearing a mu"'° tache. Horvoy Allon S~ll. 17, a soJll!omore, was seot home by scbo<il offlclo!J because he was 1porUng a mustaclle. They turned him away again after "his molher aent him baci. •iu the man for whom Brosh !Ugh School was nam· ed bad a muslacb e, the!I why can't my aon?" asked. bis mother, Mrs. s .... Slomovltz. She aald the late Charin annh, Inventor or the eiecttlc arc llg)Jt, wore a mustache which she described as a •ireal cookie-duster." . ' . :\VJtot11 a little rafn to a ftUow wOO's ~quipped for an11 t0ta.Utir condttton?" TPUJ drivtr of a toplea1 old ti1ru1r 1t11r1l11 popped open on umbr;UG and continued chugging alimg Chicago's EMm EtpreS$WO!J as the rain b1gan to falt • More households .have televisi on sets in Britain lban bathtub&, Sil" Kiri Cahen, vice presiderit of the n<>rtlleastern Association of Public Health Impectors revealed. • Solvatora Cordlnol aa1c11.,.rri, . archbishop of Ravenna, suggested ~· Pope should be elected by all 'J<Om&D catholic bishops ralber 4han by the College of C&nlinal,!. !he caJ\lim!I made his proposa\rJo an interview in the 1'-agazine.,....11 Regno in Bolo1na, Italy. The Col· lege of Cardinllls ·bas elecled lbe Pope since the 11th century. A ttoilt on th< old probl<m of a boat in the bastment ha1 stnick a building firm in Rc~na, M o n t. Matitrcrott HMM• autmbitd a read11·built home at ita plant -and UU'n naUud the only door ~ading mit of the plant wa.i eight feet widt. So the front wall of the plant is coming down. Future plans call for instaUa.tton of a door at itast 30 feet toide. Ray Durham of Moriston-Close, E!l&laod grew a triangular tomato. He molded it by groWIDg the plant and patting a plastic box around a yOung tomato. "There's no stop- P,ing me now," said Durham, 46. 'I'm going to have a shot at heart- shaped tomatoes." • A court in Newport, Isle of Wight convicted Elizabeth Btn1Jmr1, 18, of smuggling LSD to her boyfriend in prison on tissue /'aper beneath a postage stamp. " was trying to help my bopriend because he was miserable,• she said. Miss Ben~ zilnra was fined $336. • I • • · Nixo_n, Mrs_. Meir ' ' ~Speak of Peac·e • • ' ' 'J ... • T(ASJID!(G'l'QN (Ul'I) .,. j If. • 1' • ~~ ..... "!!.Golda Meir, came to ...-__...WP -M.1 wttb a request' fornxn Amerlcaloll IDCI -She --"1-Nllan "1th a ,.wed hope for "rul pMc»" in the llJaeasl I r l 'A * -{:( ~gypt Denies Peace Move To .Isr~ • • By Ullli.d Pm1 Dltautltul Hint! by Egyptian Jl'.,.lgn ?.!lnlster MahnJoud Rlad at Iha United. Naltooa that his' government may eventuaD:r be will!Jlg to opeo direct neaotiaUona with ·mail for a Ml~e Eut peace sparked bl!Wr denlllla by his own 10"'"'°""1 In Cairo 19day. ~lh 'Tel Avi•, ID tsraeU sovemmtnt spokesman aid there was notJlini new in Rlld'• slatemeoia. Riad aaid' Eapt would DO longer de- mand. an Israeli withdrawal frqn oc· eupied Arsb tenit«lel IS I prtOObJ!tion to a seWement and Jndicated. that. u a final 1tep. El)'Jll -.Id be wl1llnc In neg!'lilte dirtdly wllb lfrael to lormallu Iha settlement. But an Egyptian ~10•er nment gpotesman said today npoita on Rlad'• &tateinents ¥'ere •"fllsehc:IMa" and that Arab nattons will oev<r Po11Jllate dirtdly with· Israel. ''"Tbe psydtologlcal warfare launched op!nll Egypt bu ~ 1111 llmiis ana baa now been divetted to tbe United NaUons. at the cunnt 24th session (of the General Assembly), In a bid to cast doubt on Egypt'• 11tance," the spokesman uld . The &pokesman blamed the report! on Ainerican .new• agencies 1 i d I n & vrithlsrael. . "Tbroulh rolteratlni sucb alltgatlons, those organs Only reft•I their nature u organs upholding and siding wtlh Zionism and Israel,...00 nurturing the cherished hope cf Israel, namely ctir9Ct negotiations with the Arabs -a hope that will never come true," he said. , In Tel Aviv, hraelt FO{elp ~ spokesman Dlv\d 'Rlvlln& aid bis government had not interpreted Rlad'• p.at.mnents as ~ng the Arabi .. want ·' j>eate 'or wanl to· negoUatJ! ~:1ft ,,Eaid Riad's statements contamed nouuna: ',new. * ·* * Islam Colintries Appeal for Peace From 'Big Four' RABAT. Morocco (AP) -Tbe Islamic summit conference ended its work todJy with an •JJPW to the Big Foor powu1 to "redouble their ef!Ol'U" to achieve prompt wttbdtawal of lsraell t.roops (rom all occupied Arab territory. Th< troubled meeting, staned wec1ne:;. day by a dispite over the presence of an Indian delegation, unanimously adopted a communique stressing the worldwide solidarity cf htoslem states. At the three-hour1 final plenary sas\on\ held behind closed doors. the Moslem leaders recovered some of their unity, bad 1 y &trained by an· lndia·Pak1stan conflict. The communique demanded the uncon· diUonal withdrawal of Israeli forces rrom territory oceupied after the 1967 s!x-day war and 1ppealed to the Big Four, "r~ spomible for world peace," to work hard· er to acbleve thia e:id. ... 'l'be 71-)'tllN>ld J\11'1. f\le!T-ilvto I coloiful welcome at the White HOWie on anlvll from Pbiladeipilia where •he R>Ol\l her lint day In tbe United States. Sbt and M1an then weal inside for the lint round of private lalks. In the wtlcoming cere_mony , Nixon said be knew peace wu desirld by both Iarael and her Arab neigbbon:. "The quesUon Is bow to achieve It," he said. Mldwt peace Is not only of vital interest to the ~ ln the region "but to the whole world," f\i.J:cm. 5aid.. He spoke fearfully of "what would hap- pen if war would break out" there and about "the repereusaionl" that would be leh throqhoul Iha world. Nb<on tald tbe goal ol 1111 parties !ffk. In& a ttMtlement i8 to achleve 1 ''real peace," 6ot just wonb, ana one In wtik:h all the parties would have a veiled In· tertll in keeping • Responding to the preaWient, Mrs. Meir did not menUon tho primary purpose of her trip -a reported request ror '105 more jets and anlialn:raft missiles -and also spoke of the yearning for peace by her people. Ul'IT1'"'""9 ISRAELI P.REMIER MRS. GOLDA MEIR BEGINS FIRST VISIT TO U.S. Nixon• W1icom1 Her fo Wh1to HouM; At Leif 11 P.-1 Chit! Emil Moabachor Jr. Four-day Work Wee~ Drive Urged "Yet traJlcllllY peace Is lllill d<nied ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) -The weekends of three days," Ahel told a con-!or goods lw caused Induatry to keep us." abe Wd, steelworten' union president, r. w. Abel, venUOn of the AFLCI0'1 Industrial operating less efficient equipment at lhe P.tn. Meir spoke warmly of the today urged an all-out labor ~paign for Union Department. aame time, ht said. ' "unwavering" friendahip and ..-of 1 , • d 1 . th 1 tom lie said that if the labor movtment Bui, he ad'~ "tbe -~ do-'-L .... t',....•• a our~ay wee., ec •Tllli a au a· • l.h -.ui;;.o.• ""i.wu w the United States in helping to create and tion will soon threaten the jobs of gives it top priority, it can win e our economy will hive a far -•ter lm- malntain the 2I·year-old Jtate of hrael. mil..1k;m of Americans. lh'll'lfJ...WOrl: lfetk in four years with no pact on thole we represent .. thU ever From Jerusalem, "I bring you the Ind alr ••• ~-bow nit in pay by bargaining with industry be!-m· ""'-.• • ustry .. Qy W U~ ~N•· lo a00 Jobb 'ng ln Conif'!IS -• ~~Z trad!Uonal Hebrew gr<etlng (ol puce) replace wembly Doe workers with com-s-·..2!. b _...:_, ....... _ ·~'" Is •--··--e -~• erpen·~ Shalom,'' di< couclnded. " ,...,_ 1 tax ~~OD!, ~-, ·-~= " •w ~ puters and the Ilel1 economic downtµrn throupout our naUon hu been modiertm-during the next reoeuion, the ·influmce d.. Bffore her departure Tuesday, Lsraell could permanenUy wipe out jobs oa a ing the means of production at a fantastic a new force capable of «ivertuminc IOUrCU aid in Jerusalem Mn. Meir m.wive scale, Abel said. rate." Abel aaid. almost evr:ry aspect of our modem wa7 would u k Ntmn for 25 more Phantom "I would 1ug:est that we strive for a The impact <111 jobs bu • been great of life. 1 am rtferrin& to automatioo," and IQ Skyhawk jeta and additional Hawk work week of tour daya with work·free so far becallH 1troni ecooomlc demands Abel Aid. lfOUnd-to-alr miS!llea to b alance 1--------''------------='------------------Moecow's military aid to the Arabs. Sbe lllao la expected to stek deferred payment arrangements because Israel is unable to finance the purcli85e!. Her dilemma is due to dWindUng foreign reserves over the last four months, pay· ment to the United States of $200 mllllon for Phantom jets now being delivered and because &he has another $200 million frozen in France for Mirlge jeta the Freoch bave rtfuseci to delfvtr. Scott Heading For Middle Road Ii ~tlding ~QP WAS!ilNGTON (UPI) -Sen. Hush ScoU of Pennsylvania intends to lead Secate llepubUcans along the "broad middle cf the highway" after they br.oke decades of conservative domination &o embark on a new era Of GOP pollticl. 'lbe fi3.year-old newly elected leader of Senate Republicans promised not to in- flict ..-impoae bis ldeolo11.'" co!IUgues. But at the same Ume be indicated to the liberal-moderate bloc which supported ~.irn that be would not "abandon Inf mat- ter of conscience or conviction." "The. way ·y speak ana tbe way I vote will be the aame after thls election as before and if that is persuasive and in- fiuenUal, I'll be most gratefuJ," Scott said in an interview. "But it does not mean that 1 expect someone else l.o change his or her coo- vlotiona either," Scott said. Scott, generally coosidered a key mem· her ot: the Senate's liberal bloc on most domestic Issues, refused to be labeled. "I have preferred to havt no label, bat il I muM have one, it i1 that of a moderate because 1 believe that the broad middle of the highway is the area wblch leads. towards soluUons and the ruts are to be found on bo\h 15ldes of the road.'' Here is bow: Savings account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 ='ZS!! Free safe deposit box for. 11 long as you maintain $500.00 savings account = *6!! (•PP,l"Dldm•I• y11~y CO!t to rent bor II blnk) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of American Express travelers cheques OR = •7!! Service charge free on purchase of up to 10 tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theater events through TRS (TICKETRON) Evanston, Wyo. Freezing -Total benefits on your $500.00 , savings account =•J•!!· Which Compares With Warmish 105 at Palm Springs ' \ Temperatures A!Mu-u. ""'""-Atl•rrt• -•bm•rdt ..... ..... .......... c-. Clrclllnllf ..... ....... _ ...... ............ .... _.. ·---· ·-· (Jty .... _ l • ........ .. _ M-lo New OrleMI HM Y.-: _ ...... ...... Oii..,.,. Clrr -"'"" Sotl'fMt ,. ... lltoMa -· ===-llt•lll' '"' tlM IMJ ... ll<w• '-" l*h err. '" -Sil\ ,., ___ l:'C.. T,,_, w ........ "'" Ltw ..,., ·~ JI " d . " " .. " " " " ., .. •• 11 ... JI ;U •1 " " .. .. ..... ;: : ,, ,, " .. .... .. " ... " .. N .. " .. " 7t ..... . .. .. .. .... " . " .. " .. n " ., "' " N " " .. "--"-~ n • ...... N M .... " .. .... " .. . .. u JJ .11 .. ff ... 162 " 11 " ·'' Stop by and see us to open your account. If you have any questions · pie ... call 541MCl86. We are open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Mondaythru Friday -and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m • Saturday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • aVIp.gs AllD lDAll ASSDCIATIOM SOUTH COAST PLAIA • COSTA MPA. CALIFORNIA llAIN DPl'ICll Wf WHIT11!11 aol.UVAllD • LOI ANGEL.II, C.U.WO,llNIA • • I ·-·-·-·--·· ·-·.-•----.-·•·•~w~ri~W~ow-n•-·----·~~--·----~-~.,....---~~-~-----·---' --------------· -----------------·--..---------~---. • ... I • ' ' ' . I • ' Depending on what you • l t llllghtwaot, you'lJJ!odnOthhit Ill°'" <l)joyl\l>lc than open-air . 1 marketing. where frieocb and' I · neighbors come to sell, buy or swap anything from ldttens to I ·"cal", a tenderizer for boilihg I ' corn kernels. From Paris to Podunk, you ' get 1omething found nowbera , else at a better price. That is, )f )·Olt can haggle proficiently \Vi th the salesma11 behind the . goods. For all the·\'ariation of sell· ing the goods, the theme is still the same: ha,·e a good tiQte. Be it th8 .. SWap ~·leet" in a~fiami1 / 'F1orida, drive-in theater, 'vitlch , • takes bl 7,000 people per day, or the :\Jayan 1narket at Chi .. chica::.:tenauge, Guatemala, '"here temporary and pe1ma· / nent·stallsjam the town square, it is a pleasant \\•ay to spend a. · da)'• I~ I Sellers sit ha<:k to \Vait for • business,. l:eepiDg. eyes open 'vliile tourists, to\vnsfolk or rural residents 1)iC'k, prod and i){)nder the offerings~ ~ Buyers \Ynnder in in seem· ingly aimless fashion , ears open to a sales pitch, eyes S\\'Ceping c\·erything ,,·itb, hopefully, a profession.U eye. / \\'hen <lay ends and the stalls close do,1·n, the goods arc packe<l foe taking home, by a ooe-ycaraold car or a one-year- ol<l donkey. You know you'\'e had a ne'v experience irl shop- ping fun at the open-air mar- l:-et.s spread qver the face of the ''10rld. Boxtd goods •nd hinging cloth81 art part of this wom1n'1 ~tlllng empire In Mi•rnl. A yolihg wom1n 1111 behind the pottery on 11le In ChlchiC11ten1nge. A conttnltd buyer mov11 along the mldw1y of the "Swap Mttl''• A colorful trunk c1tche1 the eye of this Guatemalan man, Tiit holy min of Ille mad<ol ~ contompllltt In Ille sq111r•. A 11111• old l•dy w11l1 for buyers In Ml1'!1I • • . - ---------------------------------------- .. • - J ) ' • " ! " • -.• • • -- • • t .. " " • l ' . ' 1 ' . I •• HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR .$ALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOil SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi ca-ral 1000 Gonerol 1000 Gentrol · 1000 O....rol 1000 Gonor•I 1000 Cosio MoM 1 lOD Newport llffch tiol Hontlntl,.,. BM<lt 14:0DHuntl~ aMch 14GO ·-·· '**'• On A Hill $54,950 Ovmooking Mesa Verde Goll Course with view ot li&hls by ni&:bL Unique 4 BDRM ainale story with Iarse pool, '°'""erinc pine trees and the ultimate In privacy. Needs • o m e V.'Ork but ha.s tremendous potential. I! )'Oll're look· ing for 91)11)ethin&.diUer-• ,...nt. tb\1 cou1d be ii! Priced SU.000 below •fl)'· lhinc elae Oll the cou~ at $5(.950. ''I',,--.. , -,· ... I ..... ,,, . 54 6·5990 SPANISH HACIENDA Fucinallnc 2.ctory home lo. cated on 1 113 aCJ'('s; spac- \005 livinc room. lara:e for. mal dtnlng room, bolh with heavy beam 't.'4!llings. AU electric kUchen. Bam ~ stables tn exct:llent l.'Ondi- lion: corral I-pasture. Each m<'mber ol. the family can have hU own hone. This de- llgtrtf'ul 4300 aq, fl. Spanish home overlooks a b!autiful swlmminJ pool. Authentic Mexican tile doorways & &rill W'Ork •. make thl• • uniq1.1e oUerinc wtth a New. port Beach addrttS. Askin&: 1149.500. john macnab 5 BEDROOMS (714) 642.t23S L••H or LtaH/ optican " LEASE : PACIFIC PANORAMA cw.tom • l den, nmbllnr . ORANGE COUNTY'S Calli. nnch .._ on &<>11 LARGEST' Unlold1 from most of t.hil elea:ant llarbor Vjcw Hllll ~tome. Fea!IU'ing l BIL, 2'.i Ba., IJi:e. lam, nn., goui:met ki1. wilh all eke. buUt-ln1, 2 J.~lrcplace.~. Prof. landscap. ins:. Only $57,950. "'~ lafrway. Incl""" 262' HARBOR BLVD. built-in sauna, aome appU. 546 1640 anccs, Grand piano, a:arden-OPEN EVES TILL 8 :30 er, -S.f15. " LEASE : lmma.culale 3 BR on c.oata Af~'• Ea.st a.ide. $250 iJ\.. ciudrll all ulil .i a:ardener. " LEASE/OPTION : CU!e :r BR w/Anthony pool, SUIO ~tl;i optJon to blQ' at $21,950. .-LEASE : 2 BR Condo. Completel)i furnUhed. $1'1S. Cozier Than Cozy Chuelt Plau You've iot 1o ~ this house, JUST LISTED ll'5 as cute as It can be with 3707 Inlet Isle . Harbor View 2 nice &i2ed bedrooms w.ith llllls. Lr&:, 2 aty Lusk bUllt. w a 11 to wall carpeting .t &Inns. fam rm. \v/frplc, throughout that is like new. in i;ep v.•lng Prof lands & The livinc room features dl"OOr. Ope; House after. wall to wall carpeting and noons • Sandcastle to Inlet. a noor to orllinc firepla~. 164.950. tht ent~ home has just Mrs Harvey been painted Wide a.nd out. ........ The owners haw cone a~·ay and left it vacant so you can move in right away. DUPLEX *BY OWNER 4 BR. 2 BA, e1.1l-de-•c. F.asy Sale or ltoe, Im.mac. tum, maint-terraced lot. prot l,od.. near beach, 4 Br, den. 2 Ba. acpd, New eold ahq crp~ 2 frpls. uch unit. 2nd wrlt atone frplc {11.r to ce:n-) leased at U6 mo, $10.000 ..._... dn, owner 6f2..3490. Newty painted. Movtlll to -;;;-===-==;;;-;;-;:,--,: Ohio • must aeU t.ut. Immae BLUFFS BAY VIE;W, 3 Sr, 3 • immed occupancy, $21.9((1. ba on ,vlde gre·enbelt. m Bre11h1•ood Pt~ c.M.. Reduced SGCm for quk:k ~1960 aalr! Owner. 644-'365 LARGE LOT " NtWJ>:Orl Hoi1ht1 1210 · FAST MOVE IN • • New homes. ready to move In, ~ mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days alter move in. Terms VA/FHA. From $22;990. CORAL SHORES (on Garfield between Beoc)l & Masnoll•. small ea.st aide hDme. CCMrt- pletely flltnished I.or SJ!j,950. Delithttully clean 1; bright. Waiking d~tanee to scbool5. lmmedla!e poe:••ion. 962-1353 3Wii~. ';!,N~~':!.D • !!!!!!!!![!!!J!!!!!!l!!!!!! famUy rm. Stone trpl, W/W Corona del Mar lllo Huntington lffcb 1400 HERITAGE ()pen eves. 540-ll51 Anytime Fl.Sf Occupahcy. l.ze tom cpts. over HW Jlr&. Carpt'd. -~------ Patio. Sharp & dean. A l.IJI'· BROADMOOR S,Y View, den Metting. 128.000. Comer, :pOot 5lze lot. fi BR, Graham Rlty. 646.24141 tam, rm .• fo~al din. rm .. Near Newport Poat Otnce 3 CAR GAR. Dtenalvc deck· rm. sep llv rm. 3 BR. boat Newport ShorM 1220 gate It ahelter. lmmac concr. 1--~----- Cl06f' to schl• &: shop'&:· LARGER A-frame. 2 Sty, 3 Good financina:. Sacrifice a t BR, 2 BA, nr beach, vacant, tnr with rantastlc vie~'S. $69.500. A S S U M E 6~ % LOAN. Cheshire Real Estate • 67().2003 • TRANSFERRED LOW DOWN. Auum~ lfl month okl GI loan, No qua].. ifying, 3 BDR. 2 BaLh ha'JJI, near everythinr. Owner &llX- ious. The Rul E1tate Mart 147-1531 REDUCED $3000 901 Dow:r Drive, Suite 120 Owner tnlllit sell! Top loca· 1.,, ... ..;.N~•wport;;;;;,;Bea;;;;ch;.,.,.., 1 ========-=-~~~1 tlon In Bad< Bay """· -5 B--'-ms • How -i1s.ooo oound? Coldwell, Banker & Co. 4-Bedrooms View $39,600 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 13U700 644-2430 S26.~. Owner. 546-9993 S29,91Xl Owner. ~7 aft ~ 6, &: Sat & Sun; or 213: $22,500 FKA-VA-Conv. ~ days.. DECORATOR FRESH Comly 2 Br, w/eklra lge. liv. rm .• hdwd. ftrs.. \\"alk lo everything, R-2 Lot. Desperate Owner Transferred and MUST Sell beautiful 1-funtington Creit home built around atrium. A-t landscapifl&, Grttia'ii bath, oversized master bed· room suite. Beat buy in area~ MUTUAL REAL TY . Everythinr I.or a large lam-eu. - Ur. -c...... " ""'"""" 2 Baths-Upper Bay to 20lc24 playroom, teenagers <1cU...1. -l<l.500. 10% -.. Two Story-$26,500 -or LUUme 5"'% loan -SLIGHTLY SPANISH, slate Call now, thii won't tut. -entry, brick L.R. noor, 646-nn "Death valll'y Rock Bark" 0 TH£ REAL '"\.. ESTATERS JUST REDUCED to lot value. non·~ mils this Sl00,000 baifront in. the fin. est pe:M. location. Authen- tic 4 BDR Balboa home in- cloded. 318 Buena Vista. Open Si.I&. SUn, 1.-:i. Pete Barrett Realty Mr. or ?tb11. Bents,. 00-"00 $24,500 fireplace, litexican tile in baths. COSTA MESA'S BEST BrG-FAMILY BUY. NesU.. eel at the end o( a private cul-de-sac. Large yard - workshop & plenty parkln& space. NEAR Y.M.C.A. Be charmed, see this. "FOREST OF TREES",.., ......................... I Tall tttes shade the: 1round&. Block wall fence. Delishttul patio • artistic landscaping. J bedroom, 2 baths, formal dining room. Dream kitchen • fi~st buill·in appliances, dishwashPr. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor MOOE RN 1 YEAR OLD 3 BR. 2 Ba. home d~!!lgneod for 2nd story unit. 1 Blk. to bay. ocean, dlopping. $(9.500. Red Carpet Realty :zms W. Balbolt, NB fiT;,-QlOO BIG 5 MESA VERDE A dandy JtEPUBLIC :Z.story homt'. 111' yrar11 young, For. mal marble fin!place in huge Jiving room. Brick fireplace in lamilv room. Electric buil.t,ht ·kitchen including dishwuher. Shop this price: $43,995 SPANISH STYLE ·coNDOMINIUM Beautiful Mesa Verde Villa. 2 BDRM, close to Mel a Verde Country Cub .. Rl!Jrigl:'rator, wash. er & dryer, electric gar- age door opener, flll In- cluded in sale!! price. Move. in condition. !30 ...... • COATS . & WALLACE -REALTORS 546-4141-<a-E-inpJ SAVE Your money and bring yoUr paint bruah. Cute Harbor Highlandl horTtc. Conveniently located with 3 bedrooms Jr. 2 bath!!. Nice enclosed yard. Needs some paint. hut what a bargain! Won't last at $21,000 3 BDR, 2 Batha-double garage, I:: priced for im· mediate Bale. Call 545-8424 Dover Shores 1227 134,500 O.L•ncey Real E1tate 2828 E. Coast Hwy. 67l-3n I NVEST NEA.R THE OCEAN. 3 BR. 31~ Ba .. den, 2 fplcs. Din. rn1. Build another home for income on Ige. lot. Some view: nr. beach & shops. B k r . 67J..2010 SOUTH COAST REAL TORS IMMEO. POSS. This is an imn1aculate 4 bed- room home on the bluUs in 5 BR & $18,500. * FIXER UPPER * Co~• Mo,. o"'look;ng oll FAMILY Sound 2 BR. I BA "°""· o( Newport Beach. it shows dbl gal'", Xlnt area. Needs like a model home wilh beau. This large family home In handyman painter. 35.a Mq- titul carpetlnc throughout, North Costa litesa with all I ;-;"""l"ia""."'C".M"' . .,,,.,...,,==:--: there Is an unob!itructed the built -ins including a view from U)I'-rear len"aCi:' water conditioner. Nel!ds a and masier bedroom 11uite. liltle TLC. Vacant & priced and a professionally land· way under market. Hurry • BCaped front yard, enclosed thii; won't last. 0 NL Y patio and atrium entry way. $29,750. It'• vacant, 10 ace it now. 1110 * CAPTIVATING Dlflerenl "Old World" con- temporary, executive IW.:IU')' home. Unobf!tcucted Bay I:: 1.ltn VU-most rms. 5000 ll(J. ft . .f BR, 4~~ BA + makis qtrs. ldeal lor ente_rta.inlng. Easy main. tmmed occup. J."'um. Sl.78,000. Assume 6%~ loan. Box 1632 NB. ;).l8. 7249 INVESTOR'S Special {21 R·2 lolS, S. o! hwy -I· i gd hse1 We1tcliff $58.500 Ownr. 673-4169 1230 1-.E""LEG=7ANT='oc=EAN=-;v"'1"E\"'• home, 3 BR. 2 BA, fam rm. Owner * 644-139'2 * SPARKLES I: SHINES! lnskle &. out. Llvinf rm, din. \ 142·1411 Lease w I Option Abandoned Spanish caaa. ii BR, 3 bath, 2-story Luxurious amenities, near ocean &: 11Chools, Redum to 139.900 . KATELJ..A REALTY 847..a61 SIX UNITS ing rm, elec bltns,. clean !--------= crpb I: drps. 3 BR. 2 BA. Lido Isl• 1351. New, modem, well-loeat@d. prot Jndscpd &: maint'<I, -----.-...-:-:-:-Out of town owntt la otrer. heavy shake roof compleles LIDO SLEEPER I ing a splendid opportunif1.! 'Tender lovlna: Cart' Is \\•hatil"~~""~"""'l~!!!!!!!!' lhil chatming home. By We've done It aa:aln s:~~L. Hodges, Rltr. this house needs, it's local· Costa Mesa Dirty owner. $.fl,800. 642-15911. Nifty 2 bdrm. home on lov-t-&47..1525 College Park Bargains ed in a cul'<lt·sa.c and a * 3 Bedroom Pacesetter. 1---------ly street. --~$-16~1;;/;,~:;::;=N-T_H __ large lot, !he dichondra JfO\\' about .t Jar"e bedrooms Large yard. Near Adams Univer1ity Park 1237 Only $4.2,500?? Assume low ~te-~i •--n. lawns front & rear need to 2 baths elee bit-ins <loub~ School. S32,750. Principal..----------LIDO REALTY, INC. • .... """ be _watered. the automatic g11.ragl",' large <"Ul.de:sac lot, only. 540-4681 B YOW NE R • University 3377 V~r(.~ndersen67J.7300 ~~~~a~~~ ~ra~~ spr1nkJeN1 :1hould !ake care forced ,;, h•ati·""· 6H. ,·-i,-. :========= Park 4 BR, 21~ BA, Village • .., 1~ " ' JI mod l ho M N ON SOUO Terrific buy! Only $25,400. of thal, and you can lake est on an assumable Joan ~-oUege Park 1115 e me. any ex· BAYFRO T HAFFDAL REALTY care of the pain1ing, You can paint it, tix B, love ii. ' lras. Prin1e location. $37,000 Everyone loves a NE\Y hon1e. 842-440.l ab!o assume tilt 51'1:?0 FHA Mother-In-Law? or will sell part I a 11 y F.arly decisions give~ buyer ==~_c,"-'"=~""--I loen with klw, low 1Mnthly fumil!hed. Open HOOM Ir a choire. 5 BO + din. rm. CONDO. Crptd, d·r pd. plYlnents including laxe1 I. She can relax in her own pr!. Ca.rage Sale 10-5, Fri, Sat & :\Car gar, P/Slip. S2'l5,000 washer/dryer, req. Xnlt insurance. Hurry, It voon'I vale suite ~ith private bath. Sun. l8102 Leathenvood. R. c. GREER, Realty cond. Good home Jor oldeT Ia.st! ORANGE COUNTY'S You1l i;tlll have plenty of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_, j ~ Via Lido fi'Tl.9300 couple or xlnt rental unit LARGEST room for the re5t or the fam. Watch ltl Wet Paint! potential. Rec re at Io :1 REAL TORS Grow1·ng Pa1·ns7. 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 11,y with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths H's new & vacant. 4 BR. 2~ 1--------:-::c facllitles Incl. $ 1 9. 'l 5 0 . 673 4400 I: enormous family rooni ba. + ram. nn. S43,9.JO Huntington 8-ach 1400 962-2J!'Ai. • 5•6 8640 pJus double garaa:e. You 'vill e Rtd Hill Realty ==-'~-~-~-!..,~"!"~~~~~~lien!'• the answer, a ~ bed-OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 appreeiate tttis home nesUed Univ. P-"· e.,1, •. J~·'"'" OPEN House 2 to six Walk fo ' b lh ~-. I I I U .... ,. ~ ' ,...... new Hi School. 'ii mi to DIST RESS room a uuuoe n eas • In quiet: and e egant Co ege Call Anytime 833-0820 Newport GeMrtl 1000 FOREST E. OLSON •• Victor la 6464111 (anytime) price ~ $28,500 with either INCl..UDES THE LAND! 546-2313 Mariner .•. w/\ve.I bar. oondo. Kini side Costa 1t1eu. The full Full Price $21 ,950 Park • Well woMh $32.850. • beach, 3 BR or 2 + Den SALE J.i-IA or VA ttrms availa.ble, Ctitr 2 BR + dining atta. -/-R I cond. 96Z-!ll51. the seller b very anxious ~ Anthony pool_ New paint in-Corona del Mar 1250 ea ty C •• t"-.. _.. · '"'l Id nd -~ 1---------I HA VE o-ning11 for 4 Real O\\'ncr must aclt! 5 Bed- room&, 2% baths. c,xtra large living room 'l\"ith wall of au.... '"" '""'lie is var: ..... , s e a out. Vaca.111 • Jm. BEACHY Associates ,.~ see it and )'tlu"ll want it. · mediate possession. HUR-Estate Salesmen in our new RY! t·iu Co Be h . I 1-s=-----office. c.au for appointment. $27,500. Miey Ian av-er low 1 c rona ac L!I ony PACIOUS 3 BR R. D. Slates, RHftors UNITS •I""'. -AttraclNe "°"' fit<. Inc. Realtors place, • Ga~ 'converted 5<6·'"!0 ' interist loan. l BOR. 2 steps away from this un1qut 5., "'"I ~ 1 4 "~-H Family home. \Vlie • u.ver -(Ma"cintml ttnbt) baths • Immaculate con. wo story P<:W""'m o~ OlUG"E REALTY dihon. Lots of ~s-walk to • Spaciou!I and clean with a aeamle.ss Jloors. Flagstone 15CXIAdnsatHl,_,CM. school. Call S45-M24 "'"'ly remodeled kltchen, Ilreplace, Lovely yard. BEAUTIFULLY Dear. 4 I r ·1 _, 11 $26 950 BR. townhowe. Amm1e THREE ON ONE to 20"" playroom .• ""'"'· $ One 3 BDRM, 2 bath + three ed $3,000 to $41,500 • 10% WHAT!! 15,500 2 BDRM, l bath units. Theie down and assume 51,!i~ loan, ORANGE COUNTY'S SOUTII COAST REALTORS, argc Bm1 Y room a .. u "'e · · protected patio, Great view MARINER REAL TY 5~~~ FHA. By ownet upstairs. some view down. 17149 Beach Blvd,, HB $26,550. 962-5291 It's tnle! When-: can you apartments. are always ln LARGEST UNBELIEVABLE! Try $09,S(X). Ul·5S41 or ~1322 3 BR, 2 BA Pre1tlge home, find a house and two cot· demand, Only 1 block trom 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 5 BEDRM +POOL taaes with income on a 17th St. 546-8640 3 BATH _ $26,9501 ~~.!port Beach 1200 blc R-4 lot. For on I y OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 Finest location neu every. B/B 67).8550 [ !.-!!C..!!!!-"' ... "'-"·"· ~,,_..,., p_ "-'"'-""' X I n t Joe. 5% 5't loan. SIS.500. Full Price! Bia: 646·7171 • 546·2313 thlne. Jr. Eatate s I :z e <I HvU..: room in main house ] BEDROOM • grounds_ Rich wood panel. wllh hand."'"" h<am•. EXECUTIVES -$17 950 '"•· hand"'m• ~ ... kf .. 1 .... Cenler island firepla~ Who . ·u 1 1 E~aJ1t fireplace. Loads of wlth tons of old brick. lilfiO Newport Blvd .. CM ,,., .. ,::~~.'1'c'~-~-, •• ""00'm"•;'. Looking for a bargain? Well decking & patio areas. Center island kitchen. CALL "'392 -"'"" ,., .. ..,.," o.n ·1 •-A bl G~ w -8 Llvo·-room •-, bcom-" .... re i ~-s.swna e to ....,.1TlQ Mediterranean artist \\'in-.... ,,.. "" r I 'th 1 •-• TARBELL 9 Ews. 644·1655 646-2290 --Iii"" ,., looks oul oo de-inane ng iv1 a o .... pay· 2 55 Harbor dows. \Vrought Iron. Much I I :=o=o=o=o=o==::::::=::::::o=: 1 .. ··• ·~ rn••t I 1··'' I nd "Ii ________ _ l'~Uw polio __ , land.'""a"-<" nc uulllg a PU·· more! See it fin:!! llurry ---'¥." "'"' ·"-,. c~--f-' SIJ3 onlh t·a.11 64:5--0303. ed yard. 1'~orrnaI dining room ""~ 0 "'"Y perm · IRVINE AYE. OWNER . family t'OOITI with nreplace 3 bright bedrooms, au buil! HOW TO BUY A BEAOI fTOUSE YOU CAN'T AF· FORD! LET YOUR TEN· ANTS PAY YOUR RENT! Four unib near Ocean and Bay. All furnished. Uvc in one, and the others will make: your payments. Price • $65,995. Ews: 673-13aa 1-o THE REAL '"\.. ESTATERS ". ' > • I •, PARKLIKE SETTING Tren1endom fam. home. Spacious 3 Bd., 21~ ba., lam. I.: din. rms. BJ Kil. l.gc. l"Orrtcr. Room for pool. Prtv . res1d. area. Irvine Ttrral.'f'. $54.950 GLEN MAR 4 BR, 2 bath. $23,:«I full price. 60 x 100 renced lot. Double garagt, built-in range k oven. f'A heat, carpets. drapes, fenced. HOUSE--BIG LOT IN NEW YORK . separate breakfut room . in clcclric kilch!:'n. big Jene. Custom built home, large rn- BUILD 5 MORE four bedrooms _ 2"2 baths. rd yard, 2 1·1.r gar&g:f'. Con-closed courtyard for n1axl· SHARP li!ODERN DUPLEX! R. C, CREER, Realty GLEN MAR Swedish fire.p!nccs. Large 3..lil Via Lido 673-9300 4 Bdrm 2 Ba!h Patio rin balcony with Ocean view. LGE. hilltop lot. Perm. view JntE"rcom, other c x tr as Up 10 the minute • :: bro. room 1 bath stucco homr. Near n<':W, Sits rla:ht up lront on this big 5) x JOO It R-2 lot. Near the heart of town. \Valk lo !:'very. thing. Ideal for lnve~tol"! or builders. 1-ligh l~t loan and seller "''ill carry • with only lO'i'n dov.·n. &st R-2 buy. Only S28,950. Dial 60-0303. CUSTOM 4 BDRM BIG R·4 LOT You can have horses loo! Custom built. 4 massive btdroorru. Large 2;; ff. llv. in&: room. Big country kitche.n \\'ilh 10N ol tUe and deluxe buiJ\.Jns. lluge · lot ti6 X 236 wit!'! plenty of elbow room for nlOl'I!! unilr. ~.000. You ~an as- 11ume law intcrc~ Joan + r~Jt!ng tenm. To tee to- day, dial~ NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX ACl'Oll the 11trttt and a A1'f pebbkt throw from "'' -rurf. Two larst bedmoml, I a t I e Must stjl 11paciou~ alld com. BAYCREST $j6,50tl, v1enien1 lo schools and shop. mum privacy. ~Jany f'Xtras forlab:e Costa McAA home. pin&". Great i;tarter ~· in IJ1ls bcautlf'l 3 Bdr home. $202 n10. pays All 11•ith 5,.4 ';~ JE N SMITH ... S47,500. F'HA loan. Strr!ch out in .f A . 1 Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. Large garden palio. Thr~ o~ ocean t: hill.~. Privacy. $27,950 19911 Providcnct" bedrooms. h"l> baths, ea<"h Reallor 673-2010 962-171."i. big bedrooms, o\"rf'l!izN:l fam. Realtor 1810 Nclvport Blvd .. C.l\I. Uy room, ~1orida·l)pc kitch· 646.3255 r:HS--7729 anytime unit . Price rl"duced to =========~========= Kl,5CIO.E'"cs. 6-~.3287 Univ1raity Park 1237Univ1rsity Park 1237 en. Lari:c lot on eul-dt'-sac """'"!. HERITAGE Open cve.'l. !>40.1\!"i l anytime $17,900 LIVIN' IS EASY ! Spacious bedrooms. den, 2 Rpante baths. fin!plaor, <lining room. Cheerful Jdtch- en • finest bUill·in applianc- es. S.W-1120 TARBELL 2955 Harbo• $11,500 3 bE'drooms, 2 baths, all tit("· trie plush buHon buil1 • in 400 i:. 17th, Costa Mesa WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Only 2 blocks to tbc Bay • Quality -i bedroom 3 bath home wilh Qiuntry Sty!.:! Kitchl"n, Moving up? This ma.y be just for you $52,200 • Very easy terms. 546-2313 '-0 T HE REAL \ '."', ESTAT ERS kUehcn \\'llh flf!\Y \tinyJ tilc.1 _~=~~==~-Spackl~ yard • delightful BIG 5 BEDRM. patio. Near beach, schools $21,50011 & shoppinz. Jr. rs1alr groonds. room tor ~ TARBELL 1wim pool, Prl!tly shutttt BA YFRONT APT. d,.. .. , • '"'"'"""· 2 """'· Mu~e_r br-droom w\lh lire-\lista Del Udo, Plt:r I: allp place, ad<litiona1 firf!place in available, St!ll or teage/op-living f'OOJD. Fmnal <llnlna: llon. ?rice $:28,500. niom. 541).1120 George Williamson TARBELL 2955 Herbor REALTOR ''for A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. 612-7777 GOOD NEWS OCEAN VIEW Bay & Beach Rlty, Inc. "BLUFFS''_ $27,000 001 Dover Dr., Suite 12S. NB 645-2000 Prestige area near Fashion ~==~~~==~ bland. Ne1vpor1. Kins: sized POOL & CLOSETS Mdrooms. 2 baths. Exquisite Just :r ol many features: split • level. JUness fon:es clo&ets & clMets; S bdrms .. Mle -Try $25,00'.l, 5"40-1720 mstr. Br. sultt-on 2nd fir. TARBELL 2955 Harbor 2 WatPr beaten, tll:'w htr. Ii A Med1llion Build1r tilter in pool, See !his \V.-st- clitt entertainer, on quiet street. $37,500. Hal Pinchin A Assoc. :t9{C E, Coast llwy. 675-439'.? * BY OWNER * ()r.(-antront ltome, 3 BR, util HIGSON nn. 11Cwlna: rm. liv rm Tra,·rls rast 80 hurry~ As-Construction Co., Inc. 1v/frplc & occ19in view. sum" sn .ooo. 51,•,;. loan. ROOM TO ROMP I-Roomy kit. w/bllY\\ It long 11'i1h t'Olossal BDR's, 3 !luge 6 BR, 2·slory beauly, a\'ocado i>hq crplg thni· large ba1hs. fonnal dining spotless condition. Qv.·ncr out. tTont yd l\'/palio It room and IJllhCICd den \\"ilh movln& North, Model home. CJ\BANNA. $63.500. 673-6990 fireplace. Enlrr1ain around Many e:ctru. Pool size yd. or ml> 698-3611'. l8:it40 ~at!'d, filtrrcd pool Cpts. dl'J>S. $37.IXJO. BAY AVE . DUPLEX For appointment to set, call P.W.C. 5.\&-5-MO 2 M~ni unit& In ~t area. Dan lAlE' 540-1151 HARBOR LIGHTS EuU.1 rented, adequate ~ View or ocean & be,y. Steps tw-n, Termlli; $59.000. !~ I lo "''"'· l..ov<ly home with BURR WHITE COUf!Yard Pool -= wall"' •""•n. 11 ... 500. REALTOR $20,950 "Fore\.~r View'' New Wells' • . 6~~ LOAN 2!KU Newport Blvd., N.B. Eves. 613.-1564 Decor.lift slont' "'Ork en-plan 900n to bt completed. Walker Rlty. 675-5200 67M630 642-2253 Eve& bancr1 lovtly ultra-modern ' BR 3% b&. lam nn \\-el 4 BEDROOM 3336 VI.a Lido, NB Open Suh. SPACIOUS exterior, Gentle lloping roof b&r, lhl2' pool. 6% FHA LO~N FULLER REAL TY Dellcrlbes t his home on e!!ta1e $29. 700. &47-TIBO. Huntington Harbour 1405 BUILDERS CLOSE OUTI From S39,99Q • From 10~ dn Immed. occupancy. Ezcilina; Primo 3 &. 4 Bedroom Hornet Builders Aa:f:nt. 546-6211 Fount1in Valley 1410 WHY PAY RENT? Yr. old Spanilsh style. AS· sume 6~.j 7o FHA .Joa.n. 3 B~. patio. BBQ, bl.ll'll. Adj. go)( COW"Se. pool, $26,!til) CORBIN·MARTIN REALTORS 675-166J 3036 E. Coast J-111.y .• CdM Vacant C bdr, 2 ha, 1% yn old, cor lot, nr Harbor le F.dlnfer. $28,900 or will trad tor Slln Ditto hoaw Jim Ch Rltr. St4-429f CONDO, must .ell, 2 Bi. bonua nn, 2 au P!, fl.000 down A auume aoan. traQrp tor boe.t or cu. n c. .....,... Weitm1nater 1612 ! BDRM. l Battli REPO. Low down. klw PQ"mls. Built-in taflg'!:, Ol/t'.n, F .P. $21.500. 1JY:OWNER~ -~~,~~~ _!e~.h ___ 1_10_5 OCEAN VIEW HOME XI.NT v,t 1o&n auumption. Int ral• wfll not 1~. 3 Br.'2 Ba, w/W <7p{s. frplc. Cor lot; mmpi privacy. A nxlo11 a·1 ubmit. FIP S«,500. PLACE 1\EALTY 49t-9it'M * County of Oro11t1 A UCMON OCT. 30th, 1969 323511 s-ltd -,,,,.,,. An:h arra, .f Room • t bath. kitchen with dtluq built. ina m each Wllt. SUndeckl and .eranctu. Great loca- Uon. Big rent., and thats • Beach Po~·~! 0 n I y $33,!'lOO. Clll 1'1()1'•! 66-0303 lines. Spaciou1 5 bedrooms, 2 Now on proprrty Wlt~ PBY· Offers J homt':S on bffuUiuJ slle lol 4 BdrtnL, family beth11, Bulli-in kitchen. Jfuge Roy J. Ward Co. ment leu !hll~ rPnt includ· BAyvlC\Y A\•c, S.A, Hta. nn .. din_ rm., 21~ baths. CO\'"l'red pauo. IBayc1-csl OUlct:I 1';i cvrrythinR". Lo~r h,.,~1"· Prfctd from $2•,7SO 1175-Cl 142-6691 TARBELL 14.'.!Q Galaxy Dr. 6'6-l:-::io ":11 lan<!SCiiJX'd. ~Pflrkhng OPES DAILY 11 PROPERTIES WEST , Open Hou~ 5ept. ~th, Oct. 20th. ti am-2 pm. ?.fin bid S11.000. Call &.U.2550 FOREST E. Jnc. Ralt.nrt at llarbor Center 229!1 Ha-Blvd., C.M. INtVOLUME $11 5.2 MILLION ---------I "!~~""'""'!'![!!!""'~""'~I br4:ht &: 1mn1acuJatc, ' ~ ACRE-POOL ''cusTOM BUil T $20 000 .... mo S46-l>ll 4 67~130 l7S.H42 Custom J BR 7 BA ham..~. MOUNTAIN VIEW TARB ELL 29SS H•rbo r 3 BR 2 ~· family nn. Prof .f BR, 3 bath Jo<r beach, llonea or unit.s. srz.950 Spl •N bedroo rich IWO(I YOU Just can"I IJnd lhcst decor. 1 , yr old-xlnt amd. dubhowlc, tennl1 t·r1. Poot Ownr, 531·7'3t •-Pll~llnst, firepr:~. c~rptt. anymon!! llrre's an ocean ~,'500. ~Flt-rt Ln, IIB. Lf'a9'/op1Jon, &42 ... S21 or I'd & draped lhru.nul, ul!I· vltw horn~ 1 blk 10 beach. ner 6#-2848 ~A. LEASE WITIJ OPTION 2400 Uy mmTI, co~rrd pa1lo. N1•\1• rprts, drpi;. flreplc. lh1 EASTSIDE. 3 BR 2 BA. 5·\.4 ntF. SUN NEVER Sl:.'TS on Elden No. n. J.~u.U pri~ doublr 11.raae. 2 )'C!a111 new. rm. dln rn1, Prie«I at only 1'11A. iota) pymn!A $100 Clusified's action powtt. S1&.95t $110 toW -per month. TA n 8 ELL.. l'l7-M-ia "r $23,950 Dill o11.•!'ll"r, "ArtP: Pl fl 1vlll oonsidtr '""'*"op. For lJI ad to Rll lll'CKlnd Bkr. !l&l-f4T1 546-Al03 ._,i .,1776 , 5.16-.fZ"l.Y) nr M1-l"1l1~ hon. Brok~r l'"l't''l ~l 1 the clock. <liAJ 6t2-5671 . • -------HANDYMAN'S Special! 4 lnc:ome unl1t ""f yd9. to be:•Ch. Patios. deck• y,•/ocean view. Ndt paint, ete. Sh(JU:d rross $9.000 yr,t Pr. S69.900, Consider trade,.f• Mr~to;o.i REAL"l'Y ~131 Oaalfled"a. ac;Han powei. For an ad to 9fli around 1 the clock. call &a-5571 -· • ' I I -~• - .. Saddlehaek _ • • TEN~ • ViejO Desti.~ed ·as .County's .6th Biggest City County plonnen uoanlmousty approved Wednrodl1 111 unpr<qilented, lQ,lllJlkcre ruoatns U...t aeerm destined lo make Mis&Joo Viejo the alzth Jargest com- munliy Jn Oiangfllounty. ,_.from lbtjr weelr-IOflll study of a 90-page analysis of !he giant r=nJna, !he Hv.......,ber COinmlUlon blc)led a MWjoo Viejo f>111pooal !hat wilt expand !he ~ting community b)' 5,llOO acres. -Only 11Un!lni19n J!el<h; Sanla ¥"·. bluei>rlnta ond paperwork supportlnc It, Anaheim, Fulllrton ond Lqunl BUch aJ\elved !he matter to Wedneaday'1 can -claim preced .... In termt of ~ . acrtage ovtt the nuWlroomlfll Mlallon , l!:nvtsioood "1 the Missloo Viejo eom. v .. jo deve~L. 11 wlll~eventually, pany ii a· ~~·ln- PiaMlni conimiailoller1 wero told,, lie duttrW clevelopmellt spreadlnc over t,151 home to UIO,OllO perioOI Uvlag In 11,000 acm. Ill locaUon ii deHned u apartm"'ta lftd b!Jmes. · ooutbeaaterly ond northeasterly of !he Action oo tbe p<-1 WU ICheduled San Diego n-ay and Cl'own Valley for a week qo but plllmers, awed at !he Parkway ·In tbe north San Juab enonnlly of !he propollLlftd tbe mass of Captatranwoulh El T.,. area. ' -·~ .. --··-. S~e famlly Mmes will -~t for some 90 percent ol the development, the applkaUoa •Indicates. Backed b)' com· ntlsaiqoer.1i-wu 1 proppsal lhat wW pro- vide %t elementary scboo1s. sil in- tonnedlato llCbooJ,s, four h;ll! achoob ond one junior college In the expanded area. Other faclliUea depicted .on !he blueprlnls lncJUde 2l cllurthes, golf courses covering 3Zl acres and regional .. Jilu'U,and·ncr~Uon areas that wW ac'· count f,.. a fl![lber 111 acre/. Plilmlng commilslon approval rut«u to qncuJturaI zoning 1'"'i WbJcl> WIS i .. chocled in a liatlng of qrk:ullw"~ preserve are.as aome months ago. MOii. ol the IOll!hern porl1on ol t1M1 community -Iocoted east ol !he San. Diego lreeway between. U. AlitOa Bo\lleVard and ·Avery Parkway ~ will ewswo.man - ly l'hll lntorlandl - . '"""' - . ..i.:.: e. Jz.. ... I f l 41/\~--.,.-~ "I Notico the LOC<ll MtrclMln11 ·Are CourHnt. lht Loc•I Trade Aa•ln How Th•t Summer .la Over.'' Chamber Help Sought For Laguna Green Belt · By BARBARA KREIBICH Of ,.. Dellr ,,ltt l!Mf Chamber of Commerce support for the proposed Laguna Greenbelt was sought this week by James Dilley, secretary of the dtizens committee for the greenebelt. At a meeting of the Chamber's board of directors Tuesday, Dilley displayed a presentation he had made al the recent Pla:nnlng and Conservation Le ague workshop in Santa ' Barbara and urged directors to back lhe City Council's move Leary 'Copping Out,' Will Seek Democrats' Nod b Dr. Timothy Leary -aspiring governor of Californfa -copping out to comervatlve politics? to -seek state (unds for acqui&i.Uon of the S2IH<re Sycamore HUb property In Laguna Canyon. "This triangle -is vitaJ to ·the green- belt," said Dilley. "It contains a whole anay of recreational pouibllitlts.'' The alte, fonnerly intended as 1 luxury reside.Dtlal development, is owned. by Gfl:at l.akes Properties and ii worth1 said Dilley.·about ft.S million. It n.. along !he east aide of Laauna Canyan Road north of El Toro Rold and has been annexed to the clly. At the request ~°' the greenbelt com- miUfe, the City Council June 4 lnat.ructed the cily manager to inqu1re If State Lands CommiBslon funds might he available for acquislUon of the aJte. Referring to Intedor setreta!j Hicbl's proposal to allocoto II billion of federal f.-!or tho praervatlon of urban open spaces, DUiey aald, ••1 am confident the lll9D<Y can be 'oblained to jJUtcbua tbla essenbal trilaile." The propooed Lagwa 1rmibelt would curve around behind the city tJYr.r Irvine (See GREEN !BLT; Pep II PTA Leader Convicted Of Theft A jury of her peen..l'uesday convicted a San Clemente PTA leader· at Ole Hanson School of stealing item! worth $1.75 from a supermarket. Mrs. Charleen Wert, •· was convicted In Laguna Beach Mw>lclpal Court ol lhe Aug. 9 petty lhefl of i J>allpolnt pen, mascara and a littli package of inde1 can!J. . SJ\e ii to mum !a eoort !or a.probotloq l!oarlM ~ ~ lik·• li'lr\-.ai ' ,I II al -..1 'Ro OW. WI S-~llNt"s.' Clemente. ' • .. ~ . lln. Wert tlltlllld that Ille bid betn ~ voteft at the market for a tax oven1dt eleCtlOn. she said she ~t !he table to buy .several tblngs. After gathering !he items, the maln- lalned that she was distracted by aeelng • man and a boy at her voter registraUon table. She put the lhree IUmJ In her purse and for&ot to pay for !hem, she aald, while paying for other Items. Wllneases, Including a slore. detoctlve, tald Ibey watcbed from behind a ,.... lhroogh minot. ,,,. prooecullon malnlalned the !hell was cll:ulat.ed. The defense malntalned that H wu 1 case of momentary foraet· rulness. The-jury agreed with .lbe prosecution. after about 90 minutes deliberaUon. Laguna Peddler Gets 2-10 Years -A Laguna Beach man who admltted In Superior Court that he aold quantiUe1 or marljuana has been 1entencul to from two to 10 yean in state prison. Judge &bert Gardner ordered that term for Otristopber M. Yeomans, 21, or 2613 Victoria Drive,, one of eight persons lodlcted on varying drugs offenitl lasC June 19 by the Orange County Grand Jury. SII """"' of J>OUe¥ioo ond sale of martjufu IDd LSD wre listed 11ainst Yeom1n1 1n tht trii:fictment. Hll com· · panl<ins in the iDdictmeot all fate court action. ' ' • • • • I ' ' • • • • • , • r • ~ •• ' MA.Y1Pru:l!T Alff>,.... · ousT '"ow coviRi-Oflce;(;'iiMsY c-"o RUHwAY · Air;\>Orf Minato• B'rvce D9nh1mf l'.;tt\ir;J'ull1J>'Wlllco• • 1 I • • ' , l \ ' J ~ Owners of-<;ap-~ A.irport Fear Obstacles T ()oMzwh Uy RICHARD P, NALL ' Of "" Daltr ~li.t Sl.it There Is gravel, dust and unevenness on the balding grass runway of tiny Capi3trano Airport, • IU owners say It Is unsafe and say lhey may throw in the towel on the continuing struggle to acquire 5.44 acres ol the runway rrom the county. '11\eir latest oUer to the county ls 16(),000 {or the '18*locked parcel iur- roundod by them on lhree oidea and by San Juan Creek on the. fourth. The last estlmate of the pcopes ty's worth by Stanley Kiause, diredor of county real property aervJces, waa M'7 ,000. At a pra1 confer211C! called Wed- ' ' nelday by airport partners 8"* Winton a(ld Julian Willcox, Winton said the coun- ty bu stated lhal it.,M.dlJ. -tht Capistrano Airport but that ~ty of- Cicl~ls want as muc.b rnoooy .aa.. possible "integri$y apd' morality nolwttbstan- dir.g." LAND OWNED Krause aaid the land is owned by the Orange County Flood Control District and was purchased with voter.approved bond money. ·ne aaJd the nooid control district is legally sueJ>06ecl to gel fair market value for the property. He said It could nae legally be ud- derwrilten by county general fund money because it ls a private enterprise. Tho llOl1lellme-Laguna Beach resident now facing trial on two cua involving drug:s declared Wedbesday in Los Angtles that be will seek the Democratic nominatloo for governor, ''Smot, not .LSD b !he dangerout chemlcal," ii his latest eampal111 pitch. The former Harvard Un Iver 1 I ty PoYchoklto'. prof"'°' fired !or bla ez. per.._· wilh LSD In !he early 1960s Slid ell~ to ban aome compounds are the ruuH of twtatod thlnllq. Ta.x Distri~t in Question Winton uld there a.re four atrports for general aviation In Orange County in- cluding one on which the lease may not be re.newed. lte said there are. 'S1 in neighboring San Diego C.ounty which b8ll about l:he same population. Krause saJd these are public airports. Winston said the 0Wen1-llllnols Glass Company recently purchased nearby pro- perty ror rr.aoo per acre. from the county but ii a11king the airport for about 'lf,000 "Heallhy Mil Mgbteou.1 drup, Uke llllf(juM llld LSD;' he added. . Dr. Le1r7, bla wile and -John (ace trial In Oralll• County Superior Court next monlh as the mull or thelr afl'dts nine mootbs ago In Laguna Beach. when drugs were 1Ueltdly found in their sta- tion wagon.• Hr also faces trial In Riveraide: County on a charg• ol contributing to !he deU.. q.-y of a Laguna Beach girl who ""'1med In mi<hluly on !he controvenial MIX'Dlng Star Ranch near Icjyllwild. Dr. Leary is a frequent visitor to tbe rustle commune, .,, h ' r e 17·yeaT<(llcl ! Cbarlene Almeida drowned whlla ...tm. ming nU<je In a de<p polld, after em- barking on a one-w~ LSD tt1p. tor. Leary aakl he only knew her alight· ly and had nothing to do With her fatal drua trip whieh occurred while he wu • 1lsewhtre. Arch Beach Assess_me-nt Hearing Continued ' A maafvo ArdlcBe.cll l!dtibla .....,. ment dbtrk:! l{U t111r a_quettla! mark Wednesday nllbt but looted llke wllh some parlni and squ<eilnc It may yet jell. Laauna S..ch councilmen IDlllnued !he current public huriq Oil the · loott· standinl prolllem until Ocl. I at l p.m. 'l1iey fint burcl or .-lvtd COlllPialnta fnim eight properlJ ....,.... about tbe sprud of aaaeaamenlt on tbe b1J hlllsldo ~ poject. "nitre ·-ailo -Oii lhe-.Y ih<thodl betng uaed In .. •tlempt .to -..... !he pojecl wtlhln the acope of tbe avaUabie bond money, $1,0I0,000. The low c:onstnidloa !lid of 1611.1181 •as fl39,$37 or about 21 percent over the f111lnemnl esllmata of $611,3!0. ' Edwin H. flnattr ol Boyle EoC1neerln1 ComJ"ny, w~lcb would furnish tl)e funds, Co. 10kt councilmen !he dlacrepanef Wat had agreed to slay at Ille bond Index at nae. fu.adequate atln1de on our~· part" the Ume of bid openJq. This would mean and tlle mutt ol building lndlil(ry wag< that for .. ch !lllO in bonds Issued 118 aettianeots that In ""'"' cues rdlected would he nallable !or !he project. u much al a lf pttCent iocreue. Rimel called this, in tM face of a rising However,· be Mid it ·ia believed that bond market, 1 eoncuslon worth about !I0,000 can be pared from !he low bid to '40,0llO from tbe bond. company. help keep the pn>jecl within fundt Olher ecooom1'a lial<d weno ·will· .. allab1e. • . "'-n( ..,,.._ a.it·~ 10 peg Owners ot about 315 lots recelvlng IUU !heir letlJo< the aglnoerills 'eo!illlll< bellellb ol t'1e development will be ralher lhan the bid, . ~ • .-about '2,llO for each al>y.100. · ··A •cjUoitlen' mm· aeenlll,'lir bt. ac- r.i>l lol, ltaJlllW'I. Othen, about w lots, • qulliUon ccota of .tand'ln ·thl ci'61cl fM will bo ~ lar 1.,., 'l1iey n•elvo pu~lle Improvement&, II wu <atl'"'1ed only aewer bene!Jta. · tl)al 'l'l&hl-<lf·way acqulaltlio-mlgbl tie Olly 'Altor.ey Jack Rltnel told ......,. $111,GOI). , cllmen !he,. have 'been two very-lq Co\meilman 'Roy llolm, OCJ}e councU op- ....toos wltll all part!" conctmed to ponent or the ·pro)OC!. ul!Oii lllout '"' ovoid ralstn( !he ......... 11. q~Uon .....,, iricreuln(. If the con· ' H~ aal<I Weatern lmproveme~~. )'and ; '..~}!~?l!l.~,1'.!Jl& ~., . . ' • . , . per acre~ 1 Krause said there wa1·no means ol ac- ceu to that property er~pt tiy an ar~ ·raniemenl with a railroad which th& llua company made. He II.Id the. property waa put up ki' public bkl and the ilau compaqy wu the "'!1j bidder, He uld tbe Jlf"perly was "kind o! IQ~ between the airporl , and fl<ioll lm!trOI ¢11 .... 1 aiiif j>al aevm , • (lie< AIRI'llllT, ..__ II• ' ..... ' . /j~ MulceU ' . . . ' . • NEW YOl\K (API -Stocki dr~t.d Into the Joa column f« the -ltrtl&i!I ~1tss.ion todl.J·wtth the market'• tnabllit)t to rally 1tr011&ly welablnr ·°" lnveoton' mlndt. tSee quotattoni, 1"11f!'" If.ti), · ~ Dow Jones lnduo~ averap at -z pm. •lid lo i:iUt, OU 1.17 points. ea ' .. Auto 'l;ooms ,Off Cliff ' ' ~i:,, . la''.._,~. ~ Oral>i.,_Coua!J·Wa "'· lice is continulq \ta lnytidrip•. a1:jbi Srqldy.-. '' • l '• ~ :. ! . • .. , Mils Jones 11 llll'Vfvod bv lllrJ-..., Mr~.,OUy~ J...., of JlU,~1!011. . A .Dina I>olnt man wbo ·Tdliiniid ~ ~ told Hipay J>llriltal!ba lllj aw 'a white car soUtbbound C1Lltniet ,of !he Golden I;antem al ibout. .. ' lo 41 innea in bour at apptoxtmatdy l :IS p.m, . ,Wbeil It reacl!ed tbe deed -al El Camino' Capistrano, !he wtlnelt ~. UM car roond<d the guard rall, bit the dirt "hard and fast," awened ~ ti. sidewalk and. continued acroea Ille IIeld, turnipg to tlie left lftd then to tbe rfcllll, "then aa:eletatod hard lftd weal .._ tllt cliff." CllP olftcus who followed the traU QI lhe death car sa\,d there wu evkll:nce ol the maneuvering and accelerat}oq. . Miss Jones. a writer .knowD for her Wff and outstandlng reportorial ~ tru IJ>1 many years a news reporter iDd·featun writer ro·r the San P"ranciscq Examlntr. She was tbe onl7 cbild o1 'r~ California writer Idwat Jorie1, 1utl'.\or, al many boU on early Calltorriia and .I noted ·authority on CalllornLI wine& Jones, who died In 1161, wu <p ol California's oul!tandlng literary filunif In tbe 30s and 405, u an author IJld bo9' rtviewer. After attending ICbooll ln Eutupt~ her childhood, Miu Jones waa ira from Laguna lkadi HIP 5cbool In I and laW attended Stanford, Unl•enllf. She wu never married.i 1 _ J In lllM lhe ,foinOd the ala!! of the .. l"ranci.Jco Esamihei' 11 a hews nparMt and worked t1'ero until !Me, -Iii< (See PLIJNGE, Pqe II ' Oraafe. ' Weadter ' If you think · U-cli>ud• olo here to atay -you \DAY be rlcht. ~k for moi;e of tbe -~ wllh .putty aunny aftermm' uln lftd tempera~ In tho upper W.. . ' INSIDE TODA 'l' Ji taku a: man to handle tM r ucalng job of b<iflg • <Ml o!ICI it's GK occupation u.ot· 1'tqUfru foJtgi 1/fGrl•O/ ftttcndot tnl:hMg. t Ice 'CofHt C.....,, l'av<JO. '-..:1 · ~ :.''• ........ ':~~,,icl"' ~-~ -.=..i:o. ... \,, ' ' ~ ....... o.r ' CllT f SJ .......... t>1P = ............. .... "••-• • .... •• =• 'I '!" 1 ., ..... --. .. , ,... .... ,...,....1 = ~· ;::-~' ="""· ; = ... n. • • • • •• DAILY l'ILOT Stitt Ptlflt • LIKELY LAGUNA HIGH'S BUSIEST YOUNG LADY Associated Stvdent Body s.Crotary Dllino Judy Laguna's ASB ·Secretary · Busiest Person on Campus By FRED SCHOEMEllL ot ,,. De.lb' ,. ..... , .. ff "OKAY, J WANT 50 copies of this letter ~thin the hour. Get all of these ~lstributed to the civic groups and all the b1gwigs around here on campus ... and don't forget to get the minutes out to the council by the end of the period .• .try, if )'OU have a chance. to finish this ... " The speaker rapid firing directions wa.s none other tl\aft ASB President 'Boward RDl1. Who's he talking to'! Probably the busiest student on campus, A S B s.cretaty Dlue Jody. The avj!fage person would be on hi!: way to i mental ward if he had to keep nores, file all the paperwork. type the minutes and agendas of all Student Coun- cil meetings. take roll, do the birthday c3rds, sorting mail, and helping lttrs. Kay Mlbh in the Activities Office. Does Diane Und all this work a problem'.' SHE ADltfiTS her job entails a lot of work but said "it's a lot of fun and a great deal of satisfaction." Of all her duties, Diane enjoys sorting the mall above all others. "It's not only !un to go through the mail, but it gi'"'.ell tNl a sense of import-a.nee in making the decision of what mail deserves council's attention and what is fit for lhe circular file on the floor," says our brown haired secretary. flfost or Diane's evenings are spent v;-orking on some type of council paperwork. At. school. she says, "things get all mixed up, but when I get home. where things are more organized, I can get a lot done. " DIANE RAN UNOPPOSED for the of- fice of secretary. "I ran because l wanted lo do something. So many of us just complain about things and never do anything to sol~·e the problems .. , DAILY PILOT ClltAH(;~ COll<Sl ~•l ISHINO C~N'r ~•it.rt N. W••' Pr•lil!rd iltld f'wllllallcf J•t.~ It c.,.1.., Vkt P""'oe.it trid c.r.r .. ""'1111"1" Tho"''' Ktt,il Edllolr T~o"''' A. Mo•,~i~• M• ..... 11111 f:";IO< ~;Ji, ... '· Ntll L-•.-di CllT UllOI'" L ..... IMdi Offk• 212 fort1t A~t. M1illn9 Mdrt11: #,0 . lu 6", f2U% ""°'°'"'" ~ Mt.,: DI WHI llrr S'rwf fr("'"" lff<ll : 2111 Wn! ...... tlr·lil~fl'9 ~loll t..W.' 30I llll SW.I ,. Laguna Teen Corner • • 'I ( . Ooe of oor aecretary's b I g g e., t respomibiliUes is the birthday cirds. Ei ch day, Student Council sends cards with personaJ greetings to all the students who-have birthdays on that day! lt averages about sir cards a day •. Diane likes the birthday card idea saying, "they add a Jot ot personal.ism to our school." SHE IS-PLANNING to promote pro- jects to recognize certain students on such daYs as Valentine's day. "I've got some ideas from the CASC (California Association of Student Councils) Con· fcrence al ruverside that I'd like to apply here at Laguoa," commented Diane. , Looking at the Student Council, where she is the \\ol)rkhorse. Diane says, "t really like it. Everyone is gelling their Job done and the student involvement is tremendous." Any big hang-ups wlth b e i n g ASB Secretary? ''The only thing is that I can't spell verr well," said Diane, a touch sheepi shly. 7 Fron• Page l AIRPORT ... grade and soil problems." Winton said th.at the county of San Diego is spending hundreds of thousands on airports. He said high school students from the local area must use the Oceanside fi.irport. Currently. pending completion or end nf negotiations with the county, Capistrano Airport conUnu~ on a monlh-t~month lease lot the 5.44 acres). Willcox and Winton say it is impossible on this basis to make Improvements needed, .resurfacing, hangars a n d maintenance to make the facility with about 90 planes a first class small airport. They point ou~ thal lhe coonty airport is out of space for small planes and that their ~icillty has both additional small plane capabiUty and potential as a metroport. They complain that the county wants them to deed access lo the landlocked county parcel which would make the priti! even higher in a pending appraisal. Krause said they would be paid tor the access in the event the negotiatioo. is con· summated. ln a 69-item report and accompanying map, Willcox and Winton detailed the negotiations with the county beginning Oct. J9, 196'1 with a Jetter to Alton Allen, fifth dislrict supervisor. The first item states: •11. October 19, 1964. Ltr. 8. Winton 10 Alton AJlen. Offer to purchise surptll! OCFCD pro- perty. Not answered.'' The list ranges on and on detailing cor- respondence, govemmcola1 poslUons or actions, lea~ periods and other matters. lt ends with the Sept. 22, 1969 offer to buy for $60,000. • " I (• . • Dedication Set For.Hills Church LAGUNA HILLS -St. George's Episcopal Church will be dedicated· Sun- day, with the Rt. Rev. Francis Eric Bloy, Epls<:opal Bi.mop ol Loo Angele1 of. ficlating. • The ceremonies which will folklw an- cient church cut.om! will begin at 3 p.in. Jn the building located at Paseo de Valen- c1a and Avenida de la Carlotta in Laguna Hills. Music will be provided by the Laguna Beach Festival Chorale and St. Gwge's choit. e Shop Center Planned MISS10N VIEJO -A unique shopping and service center is being planned in Mission Viejo. Plans call for development of 70 acres between Crown Valley Partway and flan. cho Viejo Road on the east side of the San Diego Freeway for the center. It will contain site! for 12 at1tomotive dealerships both foreign and domestic, a re.staurant, market, specialty shops and bani.. From P .. e l HEIGHTS ... demnation went to court and a judre made awards higher than estimated. Rimel aaid tbls would ba1'0 to ho paid for by a supplemental later assessment against. the property owners of the dl!trict. But he said he lboogjlt the !<ind value estimates were certainly "high eoough." Holm countered, "I heard the same thing aAOut the engineering estimate, thlt there was a lot cf fat and slop in there, but it was $130,000 of!."' A t another point, Holm said, "I still ~ this whole thing is a, can ol worms and is going from bad to wwae all the •i-" . ~ .... Build..-M>tt Palrilll, wJio developed nearby Po<tofina Laguna '1rilb :1t10 Slan· .. ·d'!:ill ia!S. prolested•)is '",oop ........ meot to the Arch Beach project. "We can't sell the lots we have now. We cut the price on the lots and sent nerr. teal estate b:tll) in Laguna a" Ustlni:. '' be aaid. Pal.tlW said Jn his development streets were pul in to city standards. He said the engineering estimate for the development was $1 million and it cost $U million. .. We borrowed and bocked everytlilng we had," PatrlttJ aaid. · Another assessment protestor. Mn. Arthur Sbeekman ol Loo An!Jelos <Om· plained that a $30,595 assessment was oot fair. "I don 't see why we should be assessed the same as 25-foot lots if we don't get the ume benefil.r," she said. She said the grid development mapped ''loob like a trailer park." Vic~ Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan poinled out that many Jots would be practically worthless if they could·not be develDped but with the streets and improvements would be worth a great deal more. Councilmen e:ipect to know by the 'Oct g meeting if lhe loose ends have been tied dow~ so the ~strict b e.conomlcally feasible . That will also be a continuation of the public hearing on assessment.!. From Pagel PLUNGE ••. mo\1ed t9 New York. She returned to the Eianiiner from 1951 to 1954, then worked for the National Broadcasting Company in New York before beginning a third assig.mnent With the Examiner, from 196l to 1964 as a feature writer for the Sunday section. She also had served on the staff of the Oakland Tribune and did freelance writing and publicity for Air Callforn.ia, for a San Francisco department store and other clients, as well as writing ior magazines. She recently lived for a time in the Sausalito area but maintained an apartment in Laguna _ Beach as her permanent home. Funeral services are pending at Sheffer Laguna Beach "'1ortuary. Jntennent will be at Valhalla Memorial Park: in North Hollywood, following pri vate servict3. Jn lieu of flowers friends may make memorial donations to their favorite charities. Sheffer Laguna BOich MorlUary, dtrecton. Oare Scheuer Rites Conducted Private services were heJd T\lesday ftrr Mn. Clare Scheuer who died Sept 11 at the age of 95. She had beon a -t of Villa Bella Lodge, 247'0 s. Coa.st Hi1bway for the past 1$ year1. Mrt. Scheuer, formerly or Cleveland, Ohio, is survived by htr dau1hter, Allee s. Lowen. •95 Panorama Road, Laguna Beach, and by a ganddaughter of Princeton, N.J. tnurnment was made at Pacl!lc Vltw Memorial Park, Newport Beach. -~ .... ·-• . ' HEAVY OUTLINE SHOWS GREENBE LT AREA AROUND LAGUNA PROPOSED BY CITIZENS' GROUP James Dilley Tills Chamber P roposal Cerri1s Whole Array of Recreetional Possibiliti11 . . Battin Raps Irvine Park Deal After Delay Def eat By TOP.I BARLEY 01 Ill• Cltllf P'Llol St11! ·{)range County Supervisor Robert Bat- tin calJe(f Wednesday !or a review of the county·s relaUml.mip with _ the Irvine Company and an end of what he tenned; "The slipshod maMer in which negotia- tions between the two p a r t i e s are conducted." _ Battin of!ered his criticism folloWini; the 4 to J defeat of his suggestion that county action on the proposed University ,Pnrk be deferred for one week -to ~llow_, ~s the Finl District supervisor put ll_, cr1lics of the plan to voice their opi- nions after examining documeolation or the lrvine-eounty deal. Battin repeated his charges, that, '"Everything done so far io this plan bas been done orally." He made the same comment during the board session that ~ed with the supervisors voting to ac - cept state grant of $212,500 towards crea- tion of. the-345-acte-park. ' . . - "Thei:e ls nothing more tha,l 1.can do,'' Ballin said. ''The deed of accept.ance of the land from the lrivne Company has not ~et been signed and i~ might well be tht1t lhere are members of the l>tJblic who might want to say something before it is." Battin called the University Park land transaction -the Irvine Company will deed the open space to the cnunty - a "typical illustraUon of the way things have been done with the Irvine Com~ pany." He l\'ill take the Issue and his \liews that future negotiations '{ith the g:~n~ 'Janrlowoers should be on a much mo~ 'fonnal and documented basis to the Orange County Grand Jury. "I won:t make any special case out of this." he said, "but I intend to raise the matter nut timt I appear before the Grand Jliy." C('itics of the lrvine<0tmty park con· tract have questioned the rights allegedly retained .by the Irvine Qompany pver the acreage th.at will pass tO county contrOI. From PflfJe l GREENBELT .•. land west of Laguna Canyon, extending back to the coast through Aliso Canyon. · Dilley said preservation pf the Irvine land. at least for 10 years, has been made certain with coonty approval o ~ agricultural zoning for most ol the land that would fall within the greenbelt. A master plan for the Moulton ranc~ he adCed, indicates that much of this land. al.so would be available, willi ~ge areiis;" or the floors oC the canyons included iq "nood plain" reservations .to be withheld from development and the sides of many canyons designated ''unbuildable slopes." Greenbelt proponents a d v o c a t ~ preservation of opeo spaces around the city, wilh uses limited to such facilities as parks, golf courses, hilting and riding trails. He Did It Himself PALO ALTO (UPI) -"My husband often jokes th.at he can do anything," said Mrs. Diane NePhew, 28., a Palo Alto housewife. "And he did ." she said Wednesday in explaining how her hus- band, William, 43, delivered the couple's 716 pound daughter in the congenial sur- roundin,gs of their own home. because color is Vital to a room VivtaUonthe floor gives a r001n a: whole n..w\'iew'. This plush broadloom is loomed oflfltcknylon cable· :iyp.,_,{or.,...mp<""Y ,._., aod litol coloring. a-. from a comp I.to fOlltcllon of ,;,.id-to-pole ol>odol, lnciudl"9 ;onq,;~ jad., ond E-)11,,.. . Come in and set how rDOlftl d"l;oed lonitollm0t1. ....... ptted in vma.. ' •y-n. '10~9·"'"'''" • ~ • IF YOU CAN'T COME 0lN -CALL 616-0Z75 !or an expert carpet consuttant who will come to your home wltb: sam~ pl es Without any obligation to you! • • I l • I • .. -~"H.J. GAl\REJT f U l\Nrnl ~~ -~· ·~ INTERIOR DESIGNER$ Op" M•• 1'1ton. 6 "'· 1,,., COSTA MESA, CAllf. />46.0275 •• I • -.--.... 1 v - ] m " " M ct gi rr st at cl ti ) e h h • i• E I~ t h q • v ; 0 I• a r • a t • t t • I ( I { I • • • r j I • ( ' , I I I \ ' ' ' ·. • Ne"]lort • • VOl. 62, NO. 130, 3 SECTIONS, 36 ~AGES • . • , Steps taken to. lnvotv'e the .parents have made the Garden Grove sch6ols' sex ~ucation program the success. that it ia, sex educati@n teacher Mr3. Gordon Marsh, who lives in Costa Mesa, says. Parental , pennissioo is required for children to taJte the course; panints are given a chance to view the most ·con- troversial films tiefOre the program s·tart!, and parenb are invited to sit In on any ciass session. although not in their child's own room. re• ~· & e•«PEdQ ' . . ' ·- 1'f0ffilver, studenta are required to dL<ttUS& the day's lesJl?D with their parenls tath night. .. -, , . , The result is parent'.al peririission ~to enroll is denied leu than one student out of every .., lj,11), Mrs. Marsh, a seventh grade -teadM~ ·m ·th:!: ... !?~den Grove Unilied)ic\1<\j>l Disttlct '81d. . "Parenti Want-to be inVolved,..-she said. "I think what frightens them is their-being· c~ wt." Mrs. Marsh, wife or the UC Irvlhe ' ; • !i • . , +1t)MN; uz&•*R, ¥Vtk*¥*7*C ll * ORANGE• cour-lTv ... C .. LIFoRNIA • biology professor, ~ke Monday to melQ.4 bers .ol. a Newport Harbor Cllamber of COJllll1el'CO committee looking inlo tbe feasiblUty of a·1oca1 sebOOrsex edllcaUon program. A number of other persons pro and con have beep heard. fd.f'S. Mili:~li1 a science teacher, said she has boee teacltlng reproduction and growth oU and on·for 17 years. "lt's just wllen· you put it together and call it 'Family Lile and Se• Education' that people come un81ued," she said. . . "There are a lot of probl'1TI.s In teaching it. You hav.e to really believe the teenagers need th1s tn order to ·get in· volved," she remarked. Mn. Marsh said a group of 20 persons reeen_tly came beJOre the Garden Grove school board and· succeed<d fn &etllng • another review ti,the lhfee.)rear-old pro.- gram by an advisory· council of churchmen., doctors and jiiv·enlle authorities. In 1he · ~Ume a moratorium has been declared oo - teaching anything new. She sa.14, "What parents don't realize ia how well they've taught lhem. The moral atUtudes are there by the seventh grade. And when ~ hear another kid say it. that sets It. 1bey ~d to hear 25 oUt oI 30 !,<iii! think !l's wroilg, and !or tbe '8A!lle reasons as their parents." In a' class discussiQn boys may be ask- ed what th.ey_expect to·* on a date, Mrs. Marsh sal~ ''They say, 'Make out,' and wben asked, 'Why!' they •nswcr 'Wby •• N,~_Sfeek• •":sqoe-..... r: • TEN CENTS not?' Then the girla will 1ay, 'Wait 3 minute. Whit do YCJU. mean 'WhJ iiot?" "The di!ICU&Slon wUI go on wiU.. 'I thought when you said um~ mearit. • ... 'Arc you kidding!' La!lih,.l.aogh, laugh.• • "To bear the other seE-point ot view n1akes all the difference ttt their ,mOraJ choice later on," MrL M.anb 'told ttie chamberPcommiUee. She said dudng , the four-week ltl', grcwing up, and drup instruction n:> (See SEX TALK, Pip I> • ' Phone Ate .:.-~f)u:~~·FAA Studies Noise Cu:rb Boy Calls Repair Servic~ .fot~1:_et'0 That patient voice and ear on the other end of the line knows a lrUe slory \'j'hen it hears ooe, because te1ephone repair girls have heard Lhem alL Proposed County Ordinance Sent to Washington "Good afternoon, telephone repair service, m~y I help you?" The voice was Alberta Meeker, on the job at Pacific Telephone Company, 311 E. Balboa BJvd., Newport Beach, with near- ly 40 yep.rs of such duty behind her. "Lady, your telephone ate my mouse." "For goodness sake, that's terrible. How did it happen?" asked Mrs. Meeker, her curiosity more than professionally pt- qried. The call came from a pay telephone. "Well, I put my mouse in the place where the money C<Jmes oµt and closed it. When l opened it, be was gone." "Wby dld your phone eat my mouse?'' "P.faybe he's just hiding," theorized Alberta Meeker, leaning on lhe vast !lore of knowledge gathered in 40 years or tclepbooe work. "Mir'l lian yocm name pl<asel" sbc asked, getting down ,.to the aearch and rescue operatioO: "Bobb)'." . "How old ate you Bobby?'' "Eight." . "Are you the one the repairman should see?" "No, my mother doesn't know where I am, so I have to go home. See Mike the barber at the barbershop. He'll keep my mouse for rne ." "\Vhat is Lhe telephone number in the boot.h~" . The boy ttciled it. "We'll have your moose cleared and give it to the barber. We'll take care of him Bobby, so don't worrY. Goodbye." •1 'Bye," said Bobby. ' ~ u ~O MICKl!Y MOUSI ,JQI Moli .. klo,er -lior upper housing. t p.m. Repairman dispatched. t:IS p.m. Trojlble !oand. One.live white mouse in upper housing (entered via coin nt.um chute). Removed mouse aod gave to barber next door, «:ZJ pJn. Trouble cleared. " Mrs. Meeker's boss, Jim Haycraft. thinks she should receive an award or medal for her devotion lo duty and uner- ring ear for true trouble. By JOHN VALTERZA Of 1111 o.llJ' PIW Slaft A proposed counly onlinance setting noiU limita: for jets taking -off from Or-COunty Airport baa gone 1o tbe Federal Aviation Admlnistration for detailed study, a county legal offictt aaid Wedntaday evening. Assistant County Counsel Robert Nul· tman !old the Orange County Airport Commission that the ·noise sections ol the new proposed ordinara are Wlder study by FAA aides for a recommendation on enforcement philosophy and procedure and routine examination. Cruiser Sinks After 1{¥•~·~' . Jl~~~7 Saved . a.M •pa~ w~ tiJstit relcued two Loi An(elei ih<a mtn afJar thtlr ff.root cailln cru!Jer btt tbe roc1ll of Corona de! MJr'• ~ jetly, then -ill· side Newport u.-. ' ' Patrolmen sald they found the, two men: Frank Neimeyer, .ff. Pa.sadere, and G<ne Caplar, 31, Los Angeles, clutclllllg a boat cushion near tbe swamped cruiser .. Genie Ill." "It should lake from 60 to 90 days before we rtceive any communication bac-from -the F AA1" he told com· milJlionera. .. Nuttman said tbat FAA oHiclals must clariff the melbod! .of enforcement belore the commission .can recommend specific noise level! whkh would be tolerated from jete taking off from the terminal. "The interpretation of tbe FAA ruling which allows Orange County to regulate the noise was a littJe Vague when it was annoonced earlier this year, We now have to have specific opinions geared lo the proposed orain&nee/' he aald. In the mcanliqie,, s I r po r t com- missioners wUJ study· the portions of the airport ordinance which do not deal with noise. Ali soon as the FAA Interpretation ls recei'·ed, commissioners will eori!ldcr the decibel llmita to include in the ordinance ai:id methods of enforcement apd noise detection. Nuttman said tba( at pr~ , pla~ ca ll for setUng up noise sensiors on the ground ben~ath the light path of the big jets. ..,· - "We hope it will 'wOrk, but il la COm-' ' . ' Alberta Meeker's logbook entries tell the rest: 3:11 p.m. Trouble report on mouse in Pertllps the Good 'Mousekeeping Seal 0£ Approval. Neimeyer, tbe boat's owner, told ]>Jtrolmen he "" on his way to Newport • Beacll !rom Laguna Beach When the cra!t hit the roc1ll oo the outside Of the jetty. Patrolmen said Neimeyer backed aif the' rocks, put In a mays'aY call to the ~ Department, then )>egan drivtng ''"' _.,."™""'"''"'' 2"*"*'"-""'"'"• • .,,.,..,..,,,, '"'•'""'••••••••R• llQ...,.,llll!!!&!IE••• • ~ da,nag~ boat to safety ~ the harbor. nut 1'Gente Ill" rnade it only 100 f~t Into the harbor before she took on lie> much water and began to sink. • Robert L. Johnson Douglas Leader Pjcked Assistqnt Army Chief Roberi. L. Johnson. McDoonell·Douglaa Corporation executive from Newport Beech, wiu today nominated by Presi4 dent Nixon as new assistant Secretary of the Army for J(esearch and Development. Johnson has been a leader in Mcl)on.. nell Douglas missile and space programs since lbelr inceptior JO years ago. Most recenUy, he was vice president in charge (If the Manned Orbiting Laboratory Pt1>- ject at the firm 's Huntington Beach plant. He served in ·the United Stales Navy alter gradUation from the Univet&ity of California at Berkeley and joined Duglu on missile and spa<..-e projects after World War ll. • ·" Johnson, 49. resides at 1«'16 Galaxy Drive, Newport Beach, with his wife. BettY and three children, Louls<, 21, Bruce, lf, and Kirk, 9. Johnson luc:oeeda Russell D. O'Neil who realgn~t y.ar. ,.- ASSISTANT ARMY ' SEtllETARY ' Mc"llennell'1 R. J. JohnMn Too .L11•~. Los Alamitos Thriilimart manager T. J. Krugh{ wir' away from his store on business Wednesday night when two gunmen n1arched. irrto his store at 11322 Los Alamit.os..Boulevard. The two bandits ran from the stbre aod escaped wltli fl87, And where was Knigbl while all this happened! He was atlending a police department seminar for buslneag.. men at Los Alamllos City Hall. The Subject : "Robbery and ·Wbat To Do II You Are Robbed ." . ·• Now Knight wishes the seminar had been Tuesday night. l The boat was awash, but not tot.ally sunken wheo help arrived. Patrolmen rescued the two men, then towed the nearly submerged cruiser to the department docks. They kept the boat anoot through the night, then salvage crews were sum4 mooed th1i morning to tow Ule boat to a )'arci. The distress call came at &:37 p.m. The two nien were rescued five minuteJ later, patrolmen said. Neither mao was injured. ''4,sten to That' Mesa Pranksters Paint Up Campus Of Harbor High Prankslers !rolil CO.ta Mesa High Scbool painted up tbe Newport. Harbor Martin Wallter, lrombonist who is Newport Harbor fligh School band president, gets surprising sound from tuba, drawing snicker from Drwn Major .Patrice_ Pra,tka and band to the ear reaction of Director Richard England: These are celebtitles to Band Booster Club which will meet at 8 p.'m. Oct. 2 in the school band room . lligh campus overnigb~ doing possibly eoirtly damage. · TI\e 'two scljo\>ls meet Oii the !-II field Ftlday nJiht. . The DAILY PILOT r<etlnd a call ear· 11 today lrom penllllis. wllo ld.!ntllled tbenUeiYU 11 "\Ve 'Ibret,. and USd they ha4 decoralA;d lbe Harbor lllgb·canipu6 lis\nc wllar -)IOlnl .Battin Raps Irvine Park -. Hirbor Hilb l>rinctpal Chi r le s ~ pjd Wiler c:olor paint WU used Deal After Delay Defeat iMil elao there wu llOIM ·pain Ung done By TOM BARLEY wtth enamel and eggs were'tbro\lrn wh\ch °' .. ...., ,...., iiett dried .,,.i damaged paJnl Polnted signs Orange CooJ1ty Supervisor Robert Ba~ said u,Meaa High" "Mesa Rulu" and Un called Wednesdat for 1 1'View ot lbe "M """"'r ' .,. . ·~$! ~· wllll U.."'ln!i\e .,. • ~'Taald ·aludent bndy .~.;,¢.mlpanf •nd l"l end C!l·Wlia\ ~- Cam -llJgh wpe oVrf'~ ,::•i)ie ·~lixt m•iilitr tn whlcll'noioila; fil~the4fnilo~nd •,\~• bel....,, ~·two11arlle'l are 9e{I ~· 8'P.Pr17ni tO ... -· tiincfutted.''· I ~ , > 'I .'f u mocb paint os poosible al\er Battin offered his ·crlOcltm ' !ol!OWltik What can't be washed off w ~be the 4 tb 1 defeat Of.tils ~tion ~t painled 01er with the cost · td coimty aCtion on the ,propo.;td •VnlvetsltY' against lbe Costa M,.. atEOllt, , f:"i be deferred {or one w .. t --to Godshall soid. 111"1', .. the l'lnl Dlslrlcl'1Ujlervl80ri>\t GodallaD tald a pennant pla he It, ciltlcs or ,!lie pla~>to v_llk:t their opi. achoo! can be used to adv • In nlons ·alter ~mlnlril doqlllnm1"lklo Ot- Hl!1lor llip'1 ral1Y. "The ~~II' deal.• ' cloth banMr .. 111y ,..... qun.-...ie,, " ~ rtpu\ed !b Chari"• ~I. lllld. "It ls thole kinda or thin . • '•EverJlblnt;lont ao,l•• In thll p11n ~-mind." bcen'""dOM-«i.lly." ne madt· tbe '4lfle j t ' mon knowledge that .Pilots can em1))oy procedurtl to evade thole llttle black boxes," he said~ ''This is a very controvtraial "'11t, and the commission will ba•e -aneral .alternate courses to take before l't!ClOm- mending adoption of the ordinanct," be said. He said that the road ahead for the noise measure will be "tough." He said the ordinance 11 patterned after one adopted by I.be New Yort Port Aulhorlly, It will set specific noise llmill (different from lhOS<! ln New Yort. (See NOi.SE LAW, Pare II Stop KJioe!<lng U.S. Pullouts,.' ; Httn~i wa..n~ 'I'ARlS fAPJ -U.S. AmbUiador llfn. ry Cabot LOclge called on H--tddly to stop belittling Am<rican trOOjl wtthllraw· · al1 from Vietnam and to start reciprocat- ing by pUlllng OU1 10D1e GI ill !cna. Lodge said President Nixon's order to Jlllll out ll0,000 U.S. soldlm by mld- December "constllutes a 1lgitjfieant B'.ep," and should ·be taken serious~ He !old the North Vtetnamese aiid!.YJet Cong at the 35th session of Iha nril peace talks : "The overriding fact represented by the rtmOVll ol the8ll forets 'is that the trend of our forte slrtngth is decisively down. "Your side knowl ·thil," be added: "Your side should take it tericmty rather than dismiss it or befiUle tt 1'Y meaningless ariUUnttical judUDi or by slighting phrases.'' After listing U .s. units a I r e 1 d ·Y withdrawn or t .h ose scheduled .for. removal, Lodge said: "The real qoestion you '1h0uld ,al'lk yourselvt! is not how. to deride our acts b11l how to reSpood to 1 them. "And so I ask you: Are you pre.pared to . match the steps we have taken?" Lodge said the United States wu will· . Ing to follaw a timetable (ar full troop withdrawal. AU that America ts .um,. he added, is that North Vietnam 0 tuJ out its forces from South Vietn•rn. l.aOI and Cambodia .•• in accordaoce wlth a limetable.'" NEW YORK (AP) -StOcb drilled lnlo the loss column Rtr the -llrolgl\t • session today w'lth the market's tnibWt; to rally strongly weighing on .in ... \'JII' minds. !See quotau~. P_ages 11-11). .1 The Dow .Jones• iridiistrla1 ama1e It 2 p.m. slid 1o 831.5_!, Q(!,3.)7 Poinll. Oraage --~ ...... ~ ----- -... ---.;:-----------------. • FNtllP ... l BATIIN •.. bal Min ...,uatlonl rib tho' liant .....,.,.. lbauld be on a much mare lcinnal and docum..led bula to tbe ~ ~ Grl!ld Jur,. "I """' mah 11JJ1 IPOdal cue oul o! fits." he llld, "but r intend to rllle the natter nut time I appear before the: iJrand Jury." Crltlcs. cl the Irvln~unty park con- tract han questioned the ri&ht• allegedJy retalaad bf tlle lrvloe Company over the ,,,._ lbat will -to county control . -pointed out Wednetday that "it •ppurt U..t the Irvine Campany might te able to build a restaurant in the area md I've had residents of the University Part ae.ctor in my office who tell me that :hey're far from saUsDed wjth the neasuno ol control retalM!I by Irvine and -the -will ... tt In the iuture." Supen:iJors were questioned on the prujed W-111 by real etlato -nor Jae Wood who coavoyed tho ........, o! tbe University Park Com- ommlly A-iallon on Iba pouibllily Iba! Ibo park m!pt.be 1eued !or apicultural -and/or allowed to becomt the b«ne of 11camlva1·t1pe attractions and tOOS." Wood told tho board lbal he voiced tho cdncem of nearly 1,000 Univeraity Park homeownera and u many Turtle Rocle ruldmtl, all ol whom deplored any plan or lack "' 11 lbat mltht put hlrdl or tbeep or ca!Ue oa tbe proPMed c:Otmty park. "Th.11 land ii worth .. mllltoo, 11 Wood said .. And we expect and want to see a very nice recnatianal development in up area." ~ by lbe c:ounty ol lbe llale'• ...... uu.100 towards 1m- talloa 0 !the park pllD br!J>p to a MC,000 tbe !tmd• aupplled by tilt Battin •'tPtlted art.r the meellnl he told his ldlow wpervtaors duilng tbe ...... -that tho boord. qld l!>ok ~ Into the r-behind federal iovemment'• refua1 to Uy !lnance tbe project. e mllist bave cot that money H we'd l;ote4 for anolher perk ~to." he Aid. 1We dkln't have to take the University llcl< ..,..... julll becauoe . lbe lmne Qom~ wanted to st•e lt to UI. WI dtn~ lmo!r ya! -ot lalll I doa'I lmo!r - the 111w ol tht mlnp lnvol•ed In tllla &lit ol land ... · Countr coeta thul far lo a 21·ye1r pro- ~ that ·fl upecte4 lo top ~ mllllon ~ve -estimated at It.I mlWon. 8 o a rd Cbalrmon WWlam Hiratein nmlnded BaWn ln a sharp e1chanie between the two 1Upenilorl that county acceptance or rejection of the leCOnd ostate ll'lni had to be determined by ()cl. I: "I don't know why you have to be ao okepUcal ol tbe 10lld· lntanlkllll ol peo- ple," Hlnteln commented ln an 1pparent ..i....,.,. to tht Irvine Company'• lilt or land. ~PerbaJll you're trJinl to read into thtl IOmtthhic that doem1t em'' >"'U eva-yone rellly meant what they appeared to mun we wouldn't need a ~Cal profession," was attorney Battin'• \lnarY nply. . Rejoclal by Ibo board WU Battin'• iflUIM'Jlt that the ne10Uatlon1 between the Inlne Copmany ind the county be set 4own In the torm of a wrltttn resolution. The P'trst Olltrlct IUpervlaor uraed that Ille reaolutlon lhould be debited publicly Sept. JO "to stve everyone cona!med and tntere.st.ed in this transaction the chance 40 comment on it." ' . :• ' l ~ (}fill v PllOI ... Cf>M1 ~---co.NN'I' ...... N.'W.U ...................... J•t~ I. c..t.., Vkit ............. o-.t-- TIHHM1 1t,.w11 ·-Tlle111•1 A. Me1pll:•• ........... " ... 'J·~ '· c:.n;., --'"' ··-~--tJll w ... a.1r... ....... " .,.., .... .,.., r.0.1 .. 1111, ta6's. --c... .... ~--....,, ...... \-.:•-.• --I ftt """',._ "' .... : ....... ---·-. • of Iii iiliii· ~ ~ lradillooally ha,. be e • -Oil lbe -ol porsonallly and -· 'llla!r -..-........ -. ..... motllr la.WI 111110., -~) .. 0.JiCth lilJ. I , • . a.a ........ , ........... """ to be apprilaed, ., tbe quel'iDll la uked: Which teacb,en are d<ilnr a i<»d job! , Aro Ibey tlle oneo lluclenla llold a h!ib oololon of! Or the ones who asatgn a fot ol homework? Doeai a friendly smile mUe•an effective teachuT Or do years ot aperieoce? 'l'bea questiollS re1Uy cau'l be satlsfaclorlly annered. So the Newporl- Mesa District is trying 1 new approach - having teacl>erl act goals for their Girl and Swirl . -I llod""8 alll -•Uni· ~-<lll ""I' 11111111 U-, --lsti'fct edilCalOiJ ...U !hi -d<i In adlievrn, thol'e aren't all tllal aure Yll ytl. ,..11. ' To.-a -mar1inal by tbelr -~ la bellll ·or1nc11io1-n:.,;.\t: tqllt,( part ' ~ iiii lll1l will Iii .. llli411War. . ~ . ...,..,111 to~p ptOl\Je lm OYO ~.... BJ"....,.,...,,"" .. ~ t~'~ ~ l;!ng!Job deperlmenta. • _ ror O<-Jliiiia.'; Curinlngb\oop ~. I U II aucceeda, an additional five school• It lJ lbal l."'O'Jl'ICI ,ot'Jmprovlnl,edllF~ will try II neat year wllh the espectallon Uon ao a cortllll')' pOtt< ell the 1l'Ocaol It will take four flt five-yean for the that. warmed tbt ICbool,.,board. "1. .feel whole school dlJt.rlct ·to move 1nio the thl.l ·ollers more hope for lmprovmnent'of pfogram, 11¥1 ~ls Supt. W'llllam CUn-edU04Yon than appraisal of l'!u<atloo," · ningbam. Nld .~ 1keptlcal truatee. Sellin ''Bud" At tlla_acbooll where it Is beln( tried, Franldlft. · , .• ' ,..., oaly the better teachers are permlltod·to The,111>provement In te-1.s oeen u perdclpate tn the program. 1'1e eva1u. a J'.tlQ1t of tucbt!1 ' foeualn& on ob- Uon by the new criteria won't be held jectlves-exacUy wb.at it i1 they want to ' tetch. -.. Les Shuck, aulstant superint.endeDt for ..-ch ,IJ>l ~volopn=~ ,it "ea !UICI wbta"tt -1o .,._ ab- jedlftt -~ w Jm!la qi direction. ''They did not lmow whal theY were lrflng to 1cccnipll5h with the pupils," . It was discovered that aome teacblifS were not aelectina tnstr~lonal ob- jecUves that are aP:propria~y relevant. he said. others were propq&ina: to teach content which students ~ ~ad mutered or too much In a 1ln11t ltUOn. 'll1eae deOclenclea ""' pointed aql by fellow teachen, ldmlnlolriton IDd c:on- lllltanla """ teamed toaelbtr dur1nl , .. 1 IChooI year to criticlie the objectives of 81 leacben Wbo fqciiM>arl. would be teacbJna tbls year. -("-- Say1 Supt. Cunn\ngham ol tbe -•I> ...-. "ID mi )"d.,.,._ tllla la a mcJor tnlll .. llli ··-·· ol lhla -dlllrlcl -': l)le po!enUIJ we bave been looking for ill evatuaUnt the teachlng act rattter than teacher& at lhdlvlduab." Th'e 1pproach requires that teacher1 · apeclfy oleorly wbal Ibey. are tcylnf lo ~~ and then cwctntrate on 'atlident gain -the Jearnlilg that is go~ on·-in· stead of appearance or teaching techni- que. • ' .: l .. •· .- '"l'hla I! nolhlng dlffereot ll\an abould hive been &Olng OD for )'W"I. The belf. ~ teacberl have been doinl tt lntuldvely," 11Jd Shuck. · LagunaNewswoman Dies sE{"i~., .1 • OAl\,Y PILOT SMH ''!f" In Car Plunge Over Cliff A well-known California nenpaper.. and outstanding reportorial talent wu for woman appeared to accelerate to her many yeara 1 new1 reporter and feature death Wednesday night when her car writer for the San Francisco Examiner. plunged over a 300-foot clifr at Dana She was · the only child of famed PoJ.nt. California writer Idwal Jon~; author of Dilys Jones, 47, of 1154 Gaviota St., many boob on early Califarnia and a Laiuna Beach was pronounced dead on noted authority 011 calllonda wines . an1v3l al South Coast Community Jones, who died in 1964, was one of Hospital at 7 p.m. California'• outatanding: literary figures California Highway Patrol officers said in the 30s and 408, as an author and book the car. in which she was driving alone, fl.''liewer. , swerved around a auard rail at the dud· Aftet attendinc IChooll in Europe in end ol st ... t of the Golden Lanteru, jum-~--' ped a curb, traveled 100 feet across a her chllWJWlili lif1" Jones wu 1radu.ated field and "appeare4 to have accelerated from Laguna ~ Hlcb School in 1t40 as it reached the edge of the cWf. Miss and taie.: atteUded Stuford Un!vtnlty. Jones' body wu removed bun the She wu never 1narrlid. crumpled WY<Ck.ige that tended aboul 30 fn 1914 ._ jOlbed U., alaff ol tbe San feet out from the base of the cllff. Franc:llco E!mdner u • new1 reporter Frlenda and auodates said lhe had and worked Ibero IDIW IHI, when lhe r;eemed 11deeply troubled" In recent moved to Ne" Xork. .. ' · weeks. 'Ibe Orana:e County coroner'• of. Sie retamad to the ·Eumtne'r frcm flee ll conUnutna 11.s investl&aUon of the 1951to196&, then worked for the Natiottal 1rades are given, there are no lats and no material baoded oul. ll ls all fllm1, . auut 1pukers and clau discussion. Certain things the teachers ar1 riot allowed to discuh, includin&: con· · · traceptives, positions of intercourte. . aenaltlvlty training and homoauuallty. Othernise, the teacher promises the • students, sbe will answer any quest.ion put anonymously in a question box. "We don't preach to the students." 'Pi1rs. Marsh said. "We're careful not to take moral stands or the course iJ lost before it begins. We lJ')' to point out the consequences. 1 ''My goal," she laid, "ia ~imply to help the children undersQlnd what ls hap- peninc to them as they grow. and to help them 1ee they can tali: to their l>lfeDll - Jet them see that ·adults will Jlaten to them." From P .. e I NOISE LAW. • • tragedy. Broa!l<Blllnl Company In New York Miu Jones is survived by her mother, before beg1nn1na' a third autanment with becauee Orange County'• plane• are Mr1. OUve Jones, of U21 Glenneyre St. the Euminer, from 1181 to 1964 u a A Dana Point man who witnessed the feature writer for \he Sundly section. smaller) then 1peciry a mean• or en· accident told Highway Patrol officers he She al.so bad .ved on the lt&ff of the forcement." saw a white car aouthbound OD Street of Oakland TrtbUne and . d.14 .freelance "We doubt at present that the en· the Golden Lantern at about 35 to 40 wriUng and publlclty for Air CalUarnla, forcement would involve declaration of miles an hour al approximately 1:25 p.m. for a San Francisco department at.ore viohttiom as a misdemeanor, then pro- Barbara Bates, employe of Grapbcomp Sciences Corp. of NewPOrl Seaell, bolds a printed circuit antemna, p~rl of the firm'• computer sciences mowing Wednesday at Newport Center. The firm, a 1ul>- rldlary o« Datacap International, recently 01>0t1ed new o!flces in the Harbor Area. When it reached the dead end at El and other cllenta, u well u wrttlna: for secuting it from there," Nut~man 1aid, Camino Capistrano, the witness said, tbe magad.net. She recently Uttd far a time "what we ezpect the FAA to decide ii e&;r rounded the iuard rail, hit the curb in the Saul&lfto area bul .malotamed an that a.s the proprietor~ of the airport, tht .. hard and fut/' swerved acrO&S the apartment tn Lquna Mach u her county could withdraw permission. to use sidewalk and continued acro.sa the field, permanent home. the tumlna1 to owners of pllnea tH1t use • turning to the lef~ and then to the right, Funen.I aervica are pendlda al Shelf er the airport." Conn~ R~zqnjpg to< ~ake , t ,-) Viejo 6th Largest City -' ~ : . ,. I CoW!ly pJ1Mer1 W11nlmou1ly 1pproved wednud&J an unpreced~nted, 10,QOO.acre rei.onlnc that teems dt1Uned to maie Mlulon Viejo tbe al1th Jar1e1t com- munity In OranJ• County. Freah from .their week·IDlljl atudy of 1 90-page analyala of tbe pnt reilOlllna, lhe five-member commlulon backed a M1"ion Viejo proposal that will expand lhe elfllinl community by 5,IOll acres. Only llflnllloaton l!Uch, Santa Ana, Aoahelm, Fullertoo IDd LalJUlla l!Uch CID now clalm precedence lo tenna Of acrea1e cr.:er the muahrOOP.tlng Mlal~ Viejo devilopment. 'It wlii eventually, ~llllllnl C01l11Dls~~· wtte wld, be home to 100,000 peraon1 Uvtn1 in Sl,000 apartmmtl and homes. AcUon OD the propotal wa1 IC.heduled for a week ago t:ait p1aMert, 1wed at the coormity of the pi'opoaal and the m111 of blueprints a.nd paperwork aupporllnJ II, shelyed the matter to Wednesday's rp.eetlnc. Envilloaed by the Minion Viejo Com· pany is a reaidentl1J-commerclal·ln- dustrial development spreading over l,~t 1cr11. Ita locaUon is defined 11 soutbea&ttrly and northeasterly of the Ma1i Kills Wife, Three Children PAOU, Pa. (UPl]--A "mild man- nered" father active in PoliUca and community af£air1 killed hia 1leeplng wife and three of his rive childttn today. ~wounded the other two, then took his own life ln his home U1 Philadelphia's Main Line tuburbs. PoUee Chief Robert Retzlg 11kl Arthur 0. Manger Jr., 48, a supervisor for American Telephone and Telegraph Co., "jus.t. walked through the four bedrooms. shoCiUnl each one ln lht head with a luger-type pistol." Manaer. described by his AT&T super· Sor 11 ''very stable, very rellable," was dead when police reaehed the home. Hll wife, Anne, 11 year-old twins, Dilhl incl Keith, and Andrew, a. were ll'QnOUDCf:d dead at Paoli Mem«iaJ ll""'1tal Rlcllard, 17, who fled to a nelehho<'s home to alert polloe, aOO Gall, 16, were adlllltted to bolpltals. He Did It Himi!elf PALO ALTO (UPI) -"My hlUband olten joktt tllat ba can do anylhln1," Hid Mn. Qlape Nepbew, ll, 1 Polo Allo bouNWUe. "And he dJd," she said WtdnMday I.a explainlna how her hus- band, Wllllam. 43, delivered the couple'1 '1\\ pound daushter in the congenial 1ur· roundinp ol tbeir own home. San Dle10 Freeway and Crown Valley Parkway In the north San Ju1n Capistrano-south El Toro area. , SlnaJe family homea will accouni for aome 90 percent of the development. the appllcallon Indicates. Backed by com- mluloner1 WU a pn>polll thlt Wffi pro- vide 31 eleJnentary lcl:moll. 111 in- termediate tcltoolo, four lllgb tcltoola IDd one junior collep In tbe exponded -· Other facUWea: depicted on the blueprlnto lndude . 26 churcbea, JOU cour1e1 covertni 311 acru and regional p&rb and recrtaUon arw that will 1c-- cowM for a further 10 acres. PltnnlnJ connnlaalon approval l'Oltores to acrlcultural zooiaa land whJch wa1 In· cluded In a llallnc of agrlcullural preserve areu aome months aao. MOit of the ltOUthern portloo of the communUy -located ealt of the San Diego Freeway between Loi Allsos Boulevard and Avery Parkway -wW again become farmland, the Mis1Jon Vle- Jo proPoUl lndlcatt1. Plannlna coli>mlalon backlnJ o! the proposal also meant that a portion of lhe northern sector at the community would be added to the planqina department's master plan for the area. Final approval of the rezonJnc ruts with county tupenilon. A date for Us tubmiulon to the county board has not yel beeo acheduled. Alchich Speaks To Constitution Revision Board UC lr\·ine· Chancellor Dr. D1nlel Aldrich Jr. wa1 expected to addreu the state'• constitutional Revision Com- mission In Newport Beach on the question of shortening University regen!.s' terms of o£!ice from lS to 12 years. The cotnmllston. meeting Jn 1 thrtt-- day serle~ or conferences at the Newportcr Inn. was scheduled to consider · revisions to the consUtuUon dealing with the Universily Board of Regents' tenns and clauses dealing with sectarian and political lnfluenao on adminl!trallon ol the uruversily IDd oo the l'f&- themae!vts. Commiuion 1Ubcommlttet1 btran the oerlea Wedneoday with meetlnp doallq 'vith edltina parts of the It.ate'• hq:e, wolify conllituUoo. - ThiJ allemoon'1 scheduled delibera- tions would be the lint major ectlon ln the L'lreMiay metUJl& 5tl'ies. Oft tne commlulon'1 Friday 11tndal State ControUer Howton Flournoy wU add.reu lhe commlulon oh the revenue nnd ta1tat1on lan1uag:1 In the const.ltuUoa.. Superior Court Judj:e Bruct SUmner ti Loguna Beach i! the commtulorfs chairman. < "then acetlerate4 hard and went over the Laguna Beach Mortuary. ' · He forecast lntaiae tnwlvement by cliff." rnterment will be at Valhalla Memorial airline• during deliberati1XLJ on the ' ClfP ofllcer• who followed the trill 'of Park In '..Nlll'fll Hoil)lwood, • f~llowj!!c ordinance. the death car said there was evidence of private ltr\licu. Io lieu of flowen: Ona! the commililon reacher 1 the m&PIUVerfn& and a~eration. friends may mUt mimorlal donaUOQI to declal.on., the matter must come before ~ Joaeo, a wr)!er ~fur ber wit their favorite cbarJtlea. · < • • · county supervi!ors. ~~~~~------------;i;;;;;;;;;;--.__,_,_. because color is vital to a room vtveau on the floor gives a room a whole l'll:Wvi9W. 1hl1 plush broad1-n lo loom.cf of thick nylon cobf•· typ. )'Gm, {!H" cont.mporcny lnfiol", .... 'lllOl col"'1nt. 0-.'-•complet. colltdloo of mtd-IO'pcof a tloodtt,1'ocW!ng Jon'l•ll, .-• ....rc-bloo. c-1n·...i ........ _ ·O..lont•lf1t¥l!ol tMt, GN""P'ltdlo~ by~- sio.95,..,,'4 II IF YOU CAN'T COME IN -CALL f46.-0275 for an expert carpot consultant who will come to. your horn• with sam- P~• without any oblliat!On to you! PRO~SIONALH.J. GAR~EIT fURNrnl~~ HARIOR ILVD. INTERIOR DESJ6N!RS o,.. y.,., Tlo1n. & r.t. hta. COSTA MESA , CALIF. 646-0175 ' ' 1 \ • ' ,, • d n 1 . ( S< H "' Ii\ ' Jy, tti "' Ill I 0. I bt wJ di I •• "! hi nl m .. Pl ~ " Ht c~ .. m c . C1 be W• oil • • • • ., N.Y. SJeeb . -. V0t:. 62, NO. 230, 3 SEClJONS, 36 PAG_ES : TtiURSOAY;,, SEPTEMi'~R 2$, 1969 ORAt-IGE COllNlY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS ~ • .. ' I .. I . . raren ~ J(ey . :to- • Moreover. sludenti are required to <\i""1SS the · claJ'• 1..... with their parent. .. ch nigbl.c . Tbe rewlt ;,, pattatal pennls!ioq to . enroll is deltled le1s thali ooe student out of every 100, Mn': Maf'lb, ~ .evt:ntb ' grade teacher in pthe aarem Grove Unilied sclloOi Dtatrict, said. • ' "Parents' want \o ·be in.volved.i" ahe sairl. ~·]' think iwb.tt ftighte_ns them Is their being closed out." . ,. p ~ Mta.' M~ ..U.1 of·olJ>e. UC lrvlQ!> '~ , ___ - • biolo0 proleuot, 'Sp!>ke Monday lo mem- bers of a NeWport 'Harbor Chamber of Commen;e c:ommlttee looking Into the feaalbllity of a local scl)ool sex education proanun. '>. number of .olher persons 'pro and con have been beard. Mrs. Marab, a science teacher. aaid she has been teaching . reproductioo aod growth Gil and on for 17 yea.rs. "Jt'1 just when yOu put ll together and call it 'Family Life and Su Education' that people come ungll!Od," she '8ld. • Sucee·ss~:Teacher. • • • "There ire a lot of probltma in tuchlng It. Y011 ,hfve to reallJI believe the, teenagers need thf11 in order to get in- volved," she mnarked. Mrs. Marsh said a group of 20 ~ recenlly cmne before~ Garden Grove- school boanJ aJid 111-.led in pUfug another review ol lbe three-year-old pro- gram by an advisory councll ol churchmen, docton and J u v e n i le authorities: In 1 lbe meantime a morato.rium bas. been declared onl leachinl anylblq new. She lald, "Whal parents don'! n!allze;,, bow wtU-they've taught them. 1be moral attitudes are there by the seventh grade. And when they hear another kid saY 11. that •ti ff, 'l!ieylbe<\I to hear.. out ol 30 klda thhik' Ws• wroog, • "¥.'! for the same reasons as their parents. 0 In a class discussion boys ~ay be ask· ed wbat th~y ..eXP,ect to do on a date, Mn; MIJ'!ll said. '"l'liey lllY~•Mde "I~· and when, a&kedl 'Why?' lhe:r answer 'Wby . not?' Then the girlt wW uy, 'Walt a mlnllt< •• Whal do ,... niean 'Wby nal!'. '"nle discussion will 10 <rt with, •t thought wben you said this you meant •• ' 'Are you Iitddln(?' Laup, llllllihi l•"lh· '>'fo hear the other su polnl of view make& all the difference jo lhelr ibotaJ choice later on;'' •Mrs. Marsh WW tbl· chamber commit.tee. She said during the fodr-weet 'ter, 8J'i>Willi up, and drugs INtructien oo (Seo SEX TALK, Pl(B ll>. · FAA Studies Noise Curb ' Proposed County Ordinance Sent to .Washington By JOHN VA_L ~ERZA Of tlM O.lb' 'llM Stiff A proposed county ordinance setLing noise limit& for jets taking off from Orange County Airport has gone to the Federal, Aviation Administration for detailedfotudy, a county legal officer saJd Wednesday evening. Assistant County Counsel Robert Nut· tman told the Orange County Airport Commission that the noise sections or the new proposed ordinance are under study by FAA aides for a recommendation on enforcement philosophy aod procedure and rouUne eumination. .Harbor Board ' , To EvAIQllte . T*lle; Worth "It should lake from 00 to 00 days before we r~ve any communication back fl-om the FAA," be told com· millionen. · · ' Nuttman said that FAA offici1ls·must clarify lhe melhoda of. enforcement before the commWion can ~mend specific noise levels which "'ould be toleraled from jeta taking off from Ute terminal. · "The interpretation of the FAA .ruling which allows Orange County to regulate the noilJe was a little vague when It was announced earlier Utls year. W~ qoW have to have specific opinions geared to lbe , , 'r. : ....... propose? or:dinance1" he said. mon knoWiedge lhat ·pilot! Cln employ In the meantime, ' I r po r t com-,,nceduru to evade those lHUe ~ missioners will· etudy t!ie portions of the boxes:" he &aid. · airport ordinance which do not deal with '1bis is a Vert controveraill laue;and noise. ' , the commission will have Rftral Al soon .11 tile-FAA Interpretation Is alternate courses to tut befoni reccm-. received, commissioners will consider the meriillhg adoption of tbe ordiuinc.." be decibel UmJta to inClude in the ordlna'nce sakt. • ' and ' methods of enforcement and noise He aaid th.et the road' ahi!ad fdr th'e detection. • noise meuure will be "tbUgh." • Nuttman aaid lhal at present, .plans He said the ordinance Is patterned . cill tor 1ett1n1 up noi&e aenaora on the after one adopted by Ute New , York Port ground beneath lhe flight pslh of the big Aulhorlly. 11 wlli set-Uk: nola&Umlta jets. ' · 1 (different from those ht New York, "We hope it will Work, but ti ia. com-(See NOISE LAW, Pale 1) " Stop Knocking U •. S. Pullq_uts,. Hanoi Warned ' . ~ ~tist_catig . J'iRies _ . B1 THOMAS FOJlTlJNl&----·1!!! ot tllil °* "* .,.,, PARlS «AP) -U.S,.AmbWlclor lletl- 1')1 Cabot Lodge«:Olled on H1not today to ' •toP belittling American troop wl- als rrom ·Vietnam ana to start redproca~ ing by pulling out aome o£ its forces. P~·and love )lestw-es are fine. bul Cos!a,Meoa High School cheer-leaders · will be calling for game-winning. mayhem on lbe lootball ; fu!Id lbis fall ,_Cbris Sharp (front to rear) Mary Brady, Lindell Glea-son, Judy F'.OU<ert, Sharon Rask aiiCI Patty Kline will be·.yelllnt lbe Mus4tngt" on. All are 17, except fot 16-year-old Miss Gleason. A new way of evaluallng the teachln1 act 11 being tried by Newport-Mes& Unffied School Distrlct. The new method is to Juda:e a teacher's perforinance by the auccea: oI bis or her students. l.nnov1tlve and tradilion-breakinf, 'the educaton are catling thia attempt at teaching Accountability one of real polen· tial for the Improvement of educaUon. County Jail Escapee Gets 5-to Life. in' Stat~:r-ison· . . ' ... But school board members are skep- tical. They're just not IO IW'e teachers can be fairly evaluated on the buia o! sludent performance. Yet, enticed by the corollary promise teaching can be ltnproyed, they_ bave. with some enthusiasm, approved a trial of toe plan. A Costa Mesa man who slithered to !~om from · the Orange County jail on a tOpe tasbioned from bedsheets got the chance Wednes<!ay to try h~ luck from a . · . ' M.~sa Pran.ksters ' . f _aint .Up Campus • Q'f Harbor Higli ' . rtanks(en from Costa .Mesa lUgh School paipted up the Newport Harbor Hiil' campus Overnight, doing possibly coolly damaae. · • Tbe, two sChools meet on the Cootba11 lifid1Frld1y nisl>L ~ DAILY PILOT received a call tar· ly ·~)\ tfrOm perlOlll who id.:!'llUfied t~Vet u "We Three'; and said they hid decor.ated the HarbOr High campus Ulin[ water base paint. H~ High Principal C h a r I e s ~all saJd water color paint wu used butJa111--there was some palnUng done w~h 'Mamet and eggs were thrown which dtiecl:,,nd damapcl paint. Painted algtil 11ald t•M:esa High," J•Mesa }lul~" and "Mesa Pride." • Godlh1U 118!.t; student • tiodY offlcua from 1Colia.J Mesa llllh were over this nlornlftt; to 111rvey the ·damage and I">" mJsed lo·brlri&' a group over ID wash of~ 11 tn'lldl p.1lnt u possible after IChooL · \Vlllil> can't be wlllhod of! will be palntW OV<1' with the coo\ chafaed aaaJNl\ the Costa M,.. student bocly., COdi111U said. Gotflllall &akl a pennanl pJanted at" the aCboo1 ' can be used to advantage. In lWb6I' Hlal>'1 tall). "The pennant and c:~ really were quite cute," he said.i "'1t ii tbe11e kinds of things we don't m<>re heavily guarded' !acility. superior Court Jude! Robert Gardner sentenced Nicholas Wayne Piciett, ZI, of 1996 Maple St., to five years to life in state prison. That term covers the escape attempt and armed robbery charges for w.hich . PickeU wa1 being held when he broke to a short lived freedom rrom the jail's fifth floor last May 31. Pickett, who often goes by the name of Charles Dee, was awaiting trial at The time for tbe robbery on Dec. 11_. 1961 of the Tic Toe Market, 1913 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa. .Pktett was captured by police shortly all« taklng $800 1t sun· point fr9m the mar.)e~.l Colla M... p;6llce . 1bo c~plUf~ Pkkett three days after.be etcaJ*I I'!'!" the new Oran&e Count)E Jal I. Jail depyiles at the time deltribed Pickett's break as "a.dating eacape eucuted with perfect 'liminc·'' Mail Order llashish Cache Founu in Tab~ ' SOUTH LAKE Tf<llOE (APl --mr- t .. n pounda of halhiah ·shipped tbrou&h the mall from llrlil lo live pool offlco boxes here.llave led lo Ille arrOll of lour penma.-pollce LI. Jol!il Crow ioY11. Crow said Wednilldah~rm' look pllce MenPy Iller 1 by ollicers at a poot olllce brl!ICll. 1·7 MAIL ea - Teachers traditionally have b e e n evaluated on the basis of personality and behavior. Their work -leaching -com- monly la held not to be me&$urable in an objective way. . But educators feel teaching does neei to be appraised, 80 the question ls asked: Which teachers are doing a good job? Are they the ones students hold a high opinion of? Or the ones who assign a lot of homework? Does a friendly smile make an effecti\7e teacher? Or do ')'ears of experience? These questions really can't be ,.UafaclDrlly answered. So the Newport- Meia District is trying a new approach - having teachers aet goala for their 1ludenta and evaluating teachers on how 1ti1e.U the •tudents-do in achievinl thole goal1. , The approach 01perimenlally ta being tried this y..r at cailloml>, Marfner'a. Presidio and Victoria elementary ICboob and by the Estancia fflib rclence and Engllah department.. lf it succeeds, an additional five school1 will try It ne.xt year with lbe expectation It wtll take. four of five yws for lhe whole !IChool district to move Into thf P"'l?•m • ..,, Scl\oola Supt. William CUn- nlngbam. -• At Ute schoo1s wllert it ts being tried, only lhe better Jtacben are p<nnlljed to particlpat. In the procram: The evalua. tlon by the new criteria wo1!'1 be held qalnal them, -... dlslricl ,.!llCIJ«i aren't all !hat llli'e of ~ y~ Teac!Mn conaldered marginal by tbetr prlnclpal IU'e escluded from laklnJ plft (See TEA.CBER.1, Pap.I) ,, Too Late nttnd. --- Los Alamitos Thri!Umart manager T . .r..Knlght was away from his-stor•-•• builneu Wednuday ntal>t when wo (Ullmon marched Into his store at 11322 Loa Alamitos Boiilevard. ' Czech Border Shut MUNICH, Germany ( U P I ) Ciechoalovakia again has cloled its boi-den )°:"ludcnu end jouTnalisla from Western countries, West German border elllciall .Q)d today. :., ... . The two bandits ran !rom lbe store and escaped wi'lb $737, And where was Knight w)ille all this happened? . He was aUehdlng a police department seminar for businesS: men at Lo< Alamllos CltX Hall. The Subject : "Robbery and What To Doll You.Are Robbed.' Now Knight wishe1 lbe seminar h•d been Tuesday night. DAILY ,ILOT lt•fl Pllelt Hopes-Are High ' City employe Joe Duplesab puts. final knots on Costa Mesa United Fund banner over Fairview Road announcing 196&.70 campaign, with $220,000 set as goal. Many service agencies benefit from money cot~ Iected. No-host cocklail party is next function, Oct. 1 at ~o~la Mesa Country Club. . · Battin Rt;ips .lrvine Park . . Deal A #ter De;.lqy · D~feat ' By TOM1BARLEY Of ti.. D1llr 'llilit I J... • Orange County-~lipenlfor Robert Ba,~ tip called W«jn~y fer a review ol lbe county·, relatic:nhlp with the lr'\'iDe Cbmpany lllCI .. tncl ol -Ii< t<nnect, ..Theiittpehod mlnftet ln ~ch' ne~'a llona ~... the two' p u 11 ea ere · coaducted." -. Ballin . offered his crilkljm followtn1 the 4 to I <!<{•al of his "'""\!On that coointy octlon on theJ>llJPoM!I Un!YntJ.. Park be dtltrrod f0< one "eek -to allow 11 lhe First District supcntaor put It, ;;:/uco of the plan to voice lbelr Gp!· nlOnt allet examlnl!I( docu~ ol the lrvlri&<owltr deal. Batun repeo\ed hla Chor"'-lhJI, 11£ve.rythJn1 dorie 10 far In thtl Plan has been done orally." He midi tht aame comment dttillll ibe bo•1'1 lenlon dlot tnded wlih tho IUpeMiorl Volin( lo IC- cepl Slate grant of 1211,lllO towanla crea- Uon of the :Hkcre P,,k. . •'There' is nothing nlore Ulal I can dO," eau1n said. "Tbe deed of acceptance o1 the land . from the lrtVflO ComR•llf hu oot yet been ligned and I~ mlghl well be that there are members ol the.puf>Uc who might want to-1ay S001elhlna before It 1 1$.'' Battin called the UniYmily P•rk land transaction -lhe Irvine Company wll1 ac<d.Jllt.Jl-IPICO lo tbe..ailn!l -r-&. "typlcol JllullnUon of the way thlnp • ha'" been doae with tlle 1 lrvlnt1 Cont- ~" ·Ate· wUI Uike the tsaue and hla vie.wt ' h.t Jutllre "°'6Uallona wllh the aJinl landownen alMiuld be on a m~ch 11!"" form.ti lllcl documenled ba:sll· to .lhe Or•ni• Co!ln,ty GrlJl!I Jury. "I Won't make an1 Jpedel c11«1 out of 115ee BA'l'l'i!I', Pap I) ~ \J ·--------- LOdge said President Nixon'• order to pull out 60,000 U.S. soldler1< bY m:d- December "constitutes a ' algnIDcant atep," and shOuld be taken seriously. He. told the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong at the 3$th ...Slon of the ·Paria peace talks : 1'The overri41nl; fld repruented by the temo\lll of theae forces la that the trend ol CNr force strength. is decisively doll(n. "'Your side knows this," he added. "Your side ~ i.~e It serlllUliy rather than dlsmW. it or btUttle it by meaningless aritbmetlcal juggtlng or by slichUng'phrase.a.,, After ~1istlnru~~ units--a.1 r-e·a d y withdrawn or those schedtiled ·for removal, Lodge said: ''The real question you should ask yourselves is not hOw to deride our acill but how to respond to them . "And so I as.k you: Are you Pffpired lo match the steps we have taken?' Lodge said' the Uniled States waa will· Ing to follow a timetable for full trOop withdrawal. All that America is .aakin1. he added, is that North VH!:tnarr. "take out its forces Crom South Vietnam, La111 and Cambodia ... in accordance wllh a timetable." Stoek Markm NEW YORK (AP\-Stoclra drtfted bllo lh• loss column for the llOCOlld stralgbi 11e:sslen today with the market'• inlbijity to rally strongly w~nc on tnveston• minds. tSee ~auons, Pq• IS.It). The Dow Jones lndustrifl averaa:e at 2 pm. a.lid to183t .51, off t .17 polnts. \ Orange Weather .. U ,.... think lbole clouds - here ID NI' -you ..., be rlgl!L Look for more ol the 1ame l"rid<J wilh partly ljUlbY allemoon skiel and \tmperaltirol Jn the upper to'L INSWE TODA.Y · It 1Wce1 o. man. to handle ~ '""°dno job of being • tllcf ...r u11 an c>ceKpatlcm that r~qu.lm lORQ II<•'" oJ i.lct'fi"o ll'Oilring. Ste Caren-Cormr, PGgc JO. • " "1l ~ • ,, .... " .. • •': J! DAILY PILOT c I Jail ~scapee MUr~e.i-ed . .. ' HOQ,d Sf!ug!it f tJr Beating Ex.Con . ii:i TeX!Js. ~ FOl\T WORTK, Tu. (uPtj -Police .. m~ ol whlc:h ha 0 .:td bo • II\• IJijill, ~~la rr- Clldeted Iha armt of a ptlty hoodlum t.. ....... ' • )",!' ~ C4 "'" ..... In .-. · ........ of "'·k Slmmou Meoped from prlllOll loal '"lnilioeo -Sllnmooo quloted o man day w~ myaterlOUI ~ ""1 cs A~I by dreaa!n& u a woman and 1lip. who ~-a "ruckus" in the bar. n.e M*IW Silllmonl Jr., who escaped from • Pini out wttli 4'lO w<>men Oii cailJulo! vii-man lnsbled that Simmons leave wttli Ma:lcon priaon laal April ~Y dressin& as illn( 'clay. blnl, '"'Ylnl. "W•1ot lo ... 10mebody." • wom:in. , Hal Monk, a private detective who ln· A. L. McCJuney, a friend, Slid that he "He11 a local man. We all know him," ve1U&ated the Simmon! case for San left the i,vem a ~ort. time later and Detective Sat-J. Jt !rlzenbine Aki or J'ran¢sco lawyer Melvin Belli, aald Sim-found Simmonl unconscious. McCluney the ,murder lllSpect. 'Wt ce _ps:ttty we 10ons .. may have.been aec:uted." and Mn. Dorothy Moody, a clerk in a· Ii~ he'• Ult mu Simmons h1d a fllllt With In "I'm oke[>ll<ol obobt tt Mi;ouae or In· . quor llore, port Slmmono In Slmm<il>o' Ill- a bar." dk:1tlons Simmons wu run over by a yoar-old autuomobile and took bim. nlne Sbnmon:i. 41, was "run over, beaten or tar," Monk said. He did not co into miles lo Mn. Moody's home. stomped to death" outside a tavern details . When they reached Mrs. Mooney's Wednesday n.lghl. He liked lo call himaell Simmons always lnaisted t.hat he was home his conditJOn Ji;iciked 80 bad they the ••American Dre1tu:'' becauae of the being imprisoned for aomeone elae and caJled an ambul1nce. Simmom wts dead 10 1tll1 be IPODt in • Mexican pr;,.. for liked to COMPI'• hlmoeU with Albel'I ...... lit ... -• bolpilol """' P .. e J · BA'ITIN ... ll!il,• be aoid, "but I intend lo rail< tbe matter Dell time I appear before tho Grand Juey.1' Oitics of the Irvine-county park con· tract have questioned the rtgqts alleg~ly rctaineW! by the Irvine eonip.e.ny over the ocreq< thol wtll pus lo county control. Battin pointed ocll Wednesday that "it apPearl that the .Irvine COmpany might be able to build a reslaurant in the area and I've had re!idents of the University Park sector in n1y office who tell me that they're far from satisfied with the measure of eontrol retained by Irvine and how the COIDpaDJ will uae . jt 1n the future." Suwvisors were questioned on the project Wed!leldily by rut elate C4llllMllor Rea Wood who ccmveyed tho concern ot tlie Univmity Part Como rmmlty Aalociatiot> on tbe ]IOISlbllltY that tbe port mllht be t.ued for qriculturol purpooes llld/or .ollowed lo ~ tho -ol "cornivol~ype altractiOlll and :ioos.•• CongressnianDenounces Power Plant Squabble Rep. Craig Hosmer (ft.Lona Beach) jumped !4uau-ely into the pewv Plint versus environment cyontrovll'IJ today in • New York City ttlk. "An electricol wlleb hunt on the part of overly ualow; envlromnentalilt! is threatening the nation with massive pow tr failures ,'' the local congressman warned. Speaking to the Electric Companies Public lnfonnotion l'rolJ'lm Think Shop Conftmtee. Ho 11 mer· said the "har'5S'ment to whicL the naUon's elec- Leader of PT A Guilty in Theft A jury ol her _. Tuetci•Y convicted a Son Clemellte Pl'A leader at Ole Hanson SCbool of sttallng Jtem.1 worth $1.71 from a supermarket. tric power compuies are btil)I subjected Is talcjn1 UJ aqumly inlo the poaaibilily of a.,powtr crilis. "Rlsu?t coukl be 1erioul br~outa ut perba~ even a ri!ptUUon of the Northeut blackout hf 1965 on a larger acalf!." Hosmer criticized "the a n l i . technoloJilt3: and 1ingle-minded en- virqamentaUsts" . for nationwide op- position to construction cf electric power planta on the &rounds that they affect en· vtronm..n. He said protection to the environment req,UirU achlevina a 11Ulfactory a~ commodoUon between the -anda or ... ~t ·and ·the ooctaJ benefita or tedmol08)'-. "Some reasonable changes in our aur- roundlnp are little enou1h to ·pay for a better life in many modem way8," Hosmer contJnued. ASSISTANT ARMY SECRETARY McOonntll'1 R. J, Johf\ion .! Newport M<:in Named Army R&D Aide Roberi: L. Johnson, McDonne.11-0ouglu Corp:iration decutive from Newport JJeach, w~s today nominated by Presj. dent Nixon as new assistant Secretary oC t.he Atmy for Re search and Development. Johnson ha's been a leader in PtlcDon· nell Douglas missile and space programs since their inceptior 10 years ago. Most recently, he. waa vlce president in charge of the Manned Orb1ting Laboratory prO- jeet at the firm's Huntington Beach plant. He served in the United States Navy after graduation from tlie Univer<y of CJ]J.fornia at Berkeley and joined Duglas op. missile and space projflcl.s after World War JI. Johnson, 49, resides at" 1806 Galaxy Drive, Newport Beach, with hla wife, Betty and thrt"! children, Loul!e, 21, Bruce, 17, and Kirk, 9. Johnson succeeds Russell D. O'Neal who re.sianed last year. '· .Pll:one.. A1e Mons 8oy t;alh ,RePa.ir Servic~ for Pet .-: ' 'lhot potiejlt voloe oiic! •r in the other · Cllll ol lbo.Jln( "'°1!1~ wtl!llJ! hears one; because U\epbooe repair glrlt have heard them all. "Good afternoon, telephone re~alr service, may I help you?" The voice waa Alberta Mee.keJ!, on tht job at Pacific Telephone Company, 311 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, wilh near· ly 40 J~rs of aucb duty behind her. ."Lady, your 'telephone ate l1lJ mo.use ... "For goodness sake, that11 terrible. How did it happen?·" asked Mrs. Meeker, her curiosity more than professionally pi· qued . The call came from a pay telephone. "\Veil, I put rnY mouse in the place wjtere the mooey comes out and ~losed it. \Vben I opened It, he was gone." "Why did your phone eat my tnouSt?" "Maybe he's just hiding," theorized Alberta Meeker, leaning on the vast ltore of lmo'Wled&e gathered in tO years of telephone work. "May 1 have your name pleue?" sbe a&}l:ed, getting dowo to the search ind rescue: o~atlon. "Bobby." "How.old ue you Bobby?" "Eljti("' , . ••Are you the one the repairman lhould see?" · · "No, rily mO.thei;. doesQ't knOw where I am, so ['hate to 10 hon)e. See: Mike the barber at the barbershop. He'll keep my mOUH: for me." . ''What i! the: telephone' number in the booth?" The boy reel~ it. HWe'll have l-.fAlr mouse c1eared and give It to tbe ·til'rber:We'll take ca.re of him Bobby, so 'd.on't _,-y. Goodbye." " 'By~,'' saJd.}lobby. Alberta Meebr'• !o,,,..k entries tell lbe rest: : l :lt P""· Trouble ... por1 on Dl-in ' NO MICKEY MOUSE JOB Movoakffptr MMktr UpPer houaing. I p.m. Repajrman di1palched. 4:15 p.m. Trouble found. One live whita mowe ln upper housing (entered via .coin return.chute). Removed mouse and 1avt to barber next door. · 4:H p.m. Trouble cleared. Mrs. Meeker's floss, JUn Haycraft, thinks she should .receive an award or medal for her devoUon to duty and un.er~ ring ear for true trouble. Perhapa the Good MousekeeplJll. Seal of Approval. Aldrich Talks on Revision ·Wo>I told tbe board that ha vot...t Iha concern of owly 1,000 University Park homeowners and u many Turtle Rock restdeoto, oil of whom deplored any pion or Jack 01 It that milbt port herds of sheep "' c:ottJe oo the propoled county park. Mrs. Charleen Wert, "1 wu convicted in Laauna Beach Municipal~ of tht UC lrvlne Chancellor Dr. Daniel Commission subc:?mmJttees began the. Aug. 9 petty theft or • ballpoint pin, ,,....... Pf!{fe 1 A . M u Aldrich Jr. ;. .. ~ lo addreis the series Wed!le$day with meetings dealiDJ ''TblJ land is worth $1 mlllion,'1 Wood said "Ar.-1 we expect and want to see . a vsy nice recreational development m tbiJ area." , A~tonce by Iha county ol tbe atate'a ollered U U , I 0 0 low.rda !m-e-• fthe park plm brill&> lo a ., ftU,000 t1ie funds 8Uppiied by the e. But Battin ;~pealed alter Iha D*linl whol be lold Im f<llow_au~• dur!J:'& the ....... -that Ibo board·abauld .... ,,,... .c:mf1111y lnlo the ....... behind lj>e lederol government's reluAI to partially finance Iha )ll'Ojtct. · ~we mJiht hive 1ot that money it we'd foolied for another park Ille," be Aid. awe didn't bave to take the Untveraity Puk ..,...,. Jurt becauae tbe lrvlne Company wanted -to give it to us. We don't know yet-at lea.st I don't knoW - the eitent ol. tbe atrinp involved in thla &ill ol land." County coats thus far In a 21-year 'Pf°" Ject that 11 expected lo lop 15 mllUoa ~ve been estimated at $1.3 mtllion. Bo a rd Chairman Wllllom Hlnteln rtminded BatUn in a sharp excbanae Oelween the two superviaors that ~ly acceptance or rejection of the second •tale grant had fo be determined by Oct. 1. · "I don't know w~ you have to be &a mpllcaloflhe gOOcl Jiiliiillims Of peo- ple," Hinteln commented 1n an apparent rt!d'IDCCI to the Irvine Company's lift of }:and. "Perbapa you're· trying to rtad into thl.a aometbing that doe&n'l uisl" "If everyone really meant what they appeared lo mean we wouldn't need a lea:al profeS!ion," was attorney Battln's angry reply. Rejected by the board was BatUn'!i argument that the negotiations between Iha Irvine Copmany and the county he "t down. in the fonr. of a written resoluUon. Tbe First Diatrict supervisor urged that t1ie nsoluUon should be debated publicly Stpt. 30 "to give everyone concerned and intere.stoo in this transicilon the chance to co1mnent on it." OllMlltl COiUt ..,MllMIMe cmlPAtll .... N.W ... ---,, ..... Clftty v .................. .... Ttrtt111•• k ...... .... ~•A. M,, .. ;., _ ..... ---JJO W1tf ..., St,..t Mtdi111 ~P.O. ... IMO. tl616 ---....... ""'' ............ ._., m Hotal ,._ .... , ......... • mascara and a utUe pockqe ol indu merJCall OtOfS ps stale'o constitutional Revision Coni. with editing parts of the alole's bqe. cards. TEACHERS million~ih Newport Beach on the que.stion wordy constituUon. She ii 1o mum 1o court for• probation • • • Prices Least of All 01 sborten1ni umvemty regenil' le""" '!his afternoon'• schedwed c1ellbera· heariJl& and ltDte.ncinl Oct. 17• Mrs . of office from 1t to 12 years. -lions would be the first In8J00r action iD Wert wu arrested Aug. t It the Alpha and atill will be evaluated in I.be old way. DETROIT (AP) -American Motors 1be c&nmmton, meeting in • three- Beta 1-tarket. 903 S. El Can¥no Real, San "'The purpole ill to help people improve. Corp. ii the last of the four major U.S. da)" series of conferences al the the three-day meeting aeries. Clemente, their competency, not' catch them in er· automakers lo put JU new cars on sale -Ne.wporter bm, was Sj:hedule.d to conaider On the comm1asioo'a .Friday 1&enda • Mn. Wert taUfied that lbe hid been ror or dimnlu them," Curudn,gbaJn said. at average price increases over 196t refisions to tbe ,constftut!Qn dealing with State Controller Houston Flournay will rel(ialertnl voten at the market for• tu It ii that J>l'llpeCt ol Im....,.., educa· low., than-·•• Ila <"'"'"'Ii'·-the .Un!venlb' Board ol ~ients' """" addre,. the comml,utc!I on the -revenuo override elec:l1on. Sha uld .... left tho tion ... ·"""11ot7 porl oFUW proce.. AMC ann~ w';d;;eidi!Y'pri~ In· and clauats"d&JJDg W1tli ectlriin Ind and tuatlon language in the comtltutlon. table to buy eeveral th1np. li,16-~6warm~ the tc:booJ board. "I feel creases aver~ng $81. General Motor~ poHtleal ·t0ouence on adrniniltraUOn of Superlo,r Court JUd&e.Bruce S~ ol Allet ptherlJlf the~obe llloliit' -~hosMI for )!li~ent of prmously bod posted' lbctUles ••• ,.,. the univemty and 00 tbe recen\> 4CUI!' Beach 11 tbe anDmlisloa'a ~ ~J•""bo1w,ut •-voter .. ~ .... "on. edli.-than •pproiAJ ol:edacolton,'.' in& •us. Ford •tOll and Clll'J•ler.fl07.-· lhemaelVtf,· ~ .. ·~·· ~ . , " a .. -NN ~· ....... aild • 1kepUcol ltualee, Selim "Bud" liiOii ____________ ..,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:o;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;; .. table. Sha Jllll the three ltemo In her Fronklln puno and forpt lo pay lor them, aha nie tm'provement in teochln& la -as oald, while J>OYlnl lot otber ltemo. a· ftlU)t ol ltal:hero focuttn1 on ob- wt-. lncludinl • llote detoctlve. jectlm -exaclly what it to Ibey wont to said they . Wlldied from bell1nd f aee-teach. • throulh mJmr, . Tlw proioecutjao molbtained tbe theft waa eolculotetL 'Ille delenoe maintained that It wu a cue ol momentary for,.i. rulMss. · The jury •aretd with the )ll'009CUtion alter about IO mlnutea dellberaUon. l'rOM P .. e J SEX TALK •. grades arelfven, tMiri 11'!1 no tilts and no materlol handed out. It II oil films, guest 1peaken and cl111 dllculsl.WJ. Certain tblnCI the teacbers ire not allowed to dlacuu, includln& con· tracepUves, poalUona of intercoane, sensltlvtty tralnlni ood homosexuollty. otherwise, the teacher promise3 the studenta, she will answer any quesUon put anonymOU1ly in a que1Uoo box. "We don't Pt'Ucb . to the students," Mrs. Marsh nld. "We're careful not to take moral stands or the coune ts lost before tt bqins. We try to point out the consequenca. "My goal,'' she said, "ls tlmply to htlp the children undentand what is haP.- pening to the.m as they grow, and to help than see they can talk to the.ir parents - let them aee that adulb will listen to them.'' FroM p .. ., 1 NOISE LAW. •• because Orana:e County'I planes ire. smaller) then specify 1 meana of en· forcement." • "We doubt at present that the en· forcement would involve declaration of violaUOos as a m1aclemetnor, then pf'Oo- secuUna: It from there.." NultJ'qln said, . "what we expect the FAA to decide is that u the proprietors ol the airport, the count.Y could withdraw pennlukln to use the t.ermtnaJ lo owners of planes that ll!e the airport." He forecast intense involvement by ofrijllOI ·clurln1 deJtberotiOll! Q!I the crdJnance. Once the commiaalon reaches • dtclalon. the matter mun come before ' county supervllors. He Did It Him.self PAW ALTO (UPI) -"My ltusbood olten joku th1t hf can do anythlnf," old Mra. Dione Nephew, 21. r Polo Alto houeewlfe. "And ht did," she aold Wedneaday in uplolnlna bow her hu1- bond, Wlllllm, Iii, cltltvarad tho couple's 711 pound dauJll)er In the oonaental sur- roundlngt of tSt1r own bomt. . Lei Shuck, wlstant 1uperintendtnt fur research and deve.!opment, llld It wu found when It came lo wrltln& down ob- JecUvea 1C11De teacher• had no Hl\le ot dlncUon. "They did not know wbot they were tryln& lo occompllab . Wirh 111' pupils." It w11 discovered that aome teachers were not aelectin& buitiuctional o\>- jectlve. that are appropriately relevant, he aid. Others were propoaln& to leoch C«ltenl which ttudenil already bad mo1tered or loo much In o·lfnile 1....._ Tbue deficiencies were pointed out by tellow teachen, adminiatraton and con- sultonta who teamed logether durfnl lut school year lo crlUdu the oblectlv" ol 88 t~cben who took part would be teacbln1 tbil year. Sty1 Supt. CUMin&tlam of the new ap- proach. "Jn my Judgment thJJ ii a major truat In tbt development of thla school dlltriCt -the potenUal we have been lookfn& for in evaluaUnc the teachlnj: act rather than teachen u lndlvlduala." The approach requtra that t.eache.rs apedfY clearly what they ore trying l9 teach and then c:Oncentrate on atudenl gain -the Jearnin1 that l! 10Jni on -Jn stead Ol appearance or teach.inc lechni· que. "Thia is nothinj different than should have been 1oina on for years. The best tuchtrs have betn doing it intuillvely," said Shuck. Newswoman Dies in Crash A well-known California newapaper- woman appeared to accelerate to her death We.dne.sday night when her car plunged over a 300-foot cliff at Dana Point. Dllrs Jonea, 47, of 1154 Gaviotl St., Lacuna Beach was pronounced dead on ~ arrival at S<luth Coast Community Hospital at 7 p.m. California HighWl)' Patrol officers said th< car, In which she "" drtvina olooe. swerved around a guard rail at the dea<f.. end ol Stml of the Golden Lantern, Jum· peel a curb, traveled 100 feet a~a a li~d and "appeared to have aecelerattd as It rached Iha edge of tho cllfl. Mba . Jones' body was removed from the crumpled wrectaae that landed about 30 fkt OUl from the boK ol tbe dill. F~endo and ossoclataa aald she had seemed "deeply troubled" in recent weeks. The Oranze Ceunty COf'Of)er'a of. flee ts conUnutng Iii lnvuUaaUon ol the tragedy. Miu Jones 15 aurvlved by btt mother, Mrs. Olive Jonee, of 1331 Glerwyra St. A Dana Point man who witnessed the •ccident told Highway Patrol o1ncer1 be ~aw a white car IOUthbound Oil Strtet ot the Golden Lantun at about 35 to 40 miles an hour at opprnxlmmly 8:111 p.m. . because color is vital to a room Vl'vt0u on tht floortlveta room awhGle new view. lhis plu.h l:iroodloom ls too mod of lf<lcl< ny!oo cobJo. tyP9 yom1 forcontemporary tuMo, and ~I colori"'i. Ch0019 from a complet• coijoc1fllo af"1i<f.1 .. pat. "1od"' ;..Judlng Jonq<i!I, ...,.;aJICI ca.. .. bl... . Come In aM ... how rocrns, cf .. ign.d for ~tol ltvinv.-, ctt ca1 ,.ttd In VlvtcN by)( ......... $ . 10.95 ... y•nl ,, IF YOU <;Atl'T COME IN -CALL 64~ for-an ~rt <!arpet consultant 1r&o will come to your bonte tntb •&In· pies without any obligation to you! • · 'ROF~S IONALH.J. GARRETI fURNmJ~~ HARIOR ILVO. INTERIOR DE$1~NER$ Opao Moo, ntn: & ft!. ..... COSTA MESA, CALI,, 646-0275 ( -... .. 'I ) ] al 81 " fc g • h . ~ f 11 • ~ I ' ' I ' c I 1 ( I ( I l I I 1 r f l I ' I I r l • I I • ! • I ( ' • ' • I • f ' • \ • I I l i I i t I l I I l I ' ' l ~ I • I ' I t I • l ( .. • i • • ~ • l ' ---;r----~-__,.....-...----------------- Holt Still < ltolds Star -9~ss f1ad . ' ' • 'Spoc:l>l lo tilt DAILY PDm :s'!,N DIEGO -Alan l!olt ol S"'ltle l!liU bolcls the lead today Ip the !lvf!-rilce star clias wo,rld sailln& t;pampl~itiips a.ff.er coming from flOWh'~ to finish fourth in Wednesday's Wrct race. '!be ff.foot Oee.l resumes the .cham- pioMhips with single racts ~ and Satuttley oj1 the llinile """'~«Ill'!'· ·Holl Wl$ntt among the top 151 boa ls goina: Into the final two-mile Jei, r' h• c;aught • cGOd offshore breeze to bring him up and maintain the terios le> . Tbe race WJS won by Bil\ Ge~rd of Simla Barbara, Calif., wbo ov~ Pelle Pettersoo of Goteberg, Swedtn~ on the la!t leg lo win by 1~ minutes.1Wjpds ~re npt aad shifty, usually a~l six ~ knot>. I. . ' • Bill Bucban ol Seattle placed third tn--keep second place in the standings behind Holt, 126-122. PeUerson jumped ahead o( Sa?! Fran- cisco's 'l'om Blackaller inlo third place, as Blackaller linlshed eighth W~ay. ·James Shoonmaker of Miami,, Fla., who finished seventh Wednesday, .dlold.s down fifth place. Gerard's triumph put in a tie for ninth in the standings Barton Beek of Newport Beach, sailing for Los Angeles. The Orange Coasl's other star entry, Chuck Lewsadder, was in seventh place. Standings after third ract. were : I. Alan Holt, Seattle. 126 ; 1. Bill Buchan, Seattle. 12%; 3. Pelle Petterson, Sweden, 121; 4. Tom Blackaller, San Francisco. 116; 5. James Schoonmaker, Miami, 114; 6. Lowell 'North. San Diego. 110; 7._(tie) Chuck Lewsadder, Newport Beach and Stig Wennerstrom, Sweden. 107: 9. (tie) Barton Beek. Los Angeles and BW Gerard, Santa Barbara, UH. Three in Merit Semifinals From Westminster Three Westrpinst.er High S c b o o I 11tudents have been named 1tmi-fina1ists in the 1•10 National Merit Scholarship Program. '11ley are James D. Coryell, 17, 5162 Loyola St., Susan K. Emerson. 17, 5932 1t1einhardt Road and t.fichael 0. Pierce, 17, 5361 Vallecita St., all of Westminster. The three seniors are amang 15,000 itemi-finallsta who will compete lor 3,000 ·Merit Scholar!hii:e lo be awarded next y<M. · Winnen of rour-year scbolarihlps may (receive up lo tl,500 a year for fOUr col- J. le&e yeam, dependj.ilg OD I.heir individual 'need. l W}Mers oC the Nationa' MeriL $1,000 t Scholarships will receive non-renewable \ one-time awards when they enroll in col- t Jege. t The semiflnallst.s are the highe!t ( ICO('US in their states on the NaUonal i Merit Scholarship Qua lifying Test, which t was given last .February lo about 750,000 t 1.ludents fu 17,250 drools throughoul Lhe. ~nation. I ! School of Law Cites • l 4 From IIuntington C Four Huntington Beach residents have ' been hooored for l!cholastic achievement ~ by Orange University College or Law, ~ ricnt Pepperdine School of Law. ' Raymond Ladunan, 19691 Waterbury, ~ ranked third in the sophomore clHS. ! Scoring top grades were Alan Sanquist, • 4571 Sabblcas Circle; William Roush 9676 ( Cornwall Drive, and Walla« Rodecitr, • ! • ' I l • ( 15831 Hummingbird Lane. 1 I ' : i : I " I ( ' I l I ( • . • I I L • c ' I ' ( l ~ • ' DAIL V PILOT Steff ....._ 'GLORIA DOLL' GETS FULL TREATMENT AT GOLDEN WEST l~structor Do rothy Henry (Center ) Aids Cindy Sutt1r, Von Mertt Real Doll Cos1n etic Students Get Practice By RUDI NlEDZlEl.SKI ot 1roe o.nr l"llel Sl•fl Gloria is a real doll. ~he doesn't wince if you pull her hair, doesn't cry if you blast her eyelids wilh hairspray. · The same pleasant, rigid smile emanates from her fact. no matter whal is done lo her head or her coiffure by the "illing but often unpracticed hands of Golden West College freshman cos· metology students. ln the freshman laboratory or the col- lege's brand new cosmetoklgy building, Article W iitten Telling Valley Teaching Ideas "Leaming Center! That Work... an article about the Fountain Valley School Districfs teaching methods, has ju.st ap-- peared in the Qet.ober lssue of "Instruct- or." The article in the educational jour· nel used by approximately 7,000 elemen· tary school teacheni and administrators '-''as written by Mrs. BeUy J. Christian· soo. Learning Center Coordinator at Ar· r:valos School and Larry Holliday, prin· cipal of the Iowa Street School, Fall· ·brook, Caul. It discu~ the use of two central multipurpose rooms at Arevalos School whtch are ca1led "learning centers" and fumiM a surrounding cluster o f "lassrooms with audio-visual equipment, &eience equipmeni and books. Mrs. Christianson received a bachekrr's degree from Pepperdine College. Holli· day, who holds both a B.A. and M.A. degree from Cal.State Los Angeles. was also a learning center coordinator at Arevalos School before becoming a prin- cipal in FaUbrook. Gloria is duplicated about 30 Wnes from lhe neck up. Only the color of her hair varies. The doll ls the guinea plg for freshmen enrolled in a three-semester course that covers everything from permanents to manicures and concludes with a iJlale certificate allowing the student to go ,o town on a real human head. Mary Callahan, direct.or of the depart- ment whkh just moved to its new qu:irters 1n Jfuntlngton Beach from Orange Coast College. currently has 60 students unde.r her wing, 30. of wbom are freshmen. Surprisingly, there are four men le.am-- Ing how to style hair. give scalp treatments and facials, and color hair in the tuition free program. "A lot of men would love to do thl!," said Mrs. Callahan, .. but they feel a Utt.le Pmbarrassed. I suppose \bey are affaid they wouldn't be considtred real men." /\s the students approach the J,&oo hours of training required for • ~ fessional license, they are transferred to a special salon where they may practice their creativity oa people from the tom- munity. Mrs. Callahan explained that five students at a time operate the salon for one month, during which they are asked to run it on a profit and loss basi&, just like a real business. "They have to book their own ap- pointments. stock their own 1upplles, keep an inventory of supplies usedl" undergo weekly audit of the books, and fill out paycheci fonps," said Mrs. Callahan. Profits from this "acid lest" ex- perience, however, are funneled back into the operation of the cosmetology depart- ment butead of the student's pockets. Students who complete the program have no trouble ftnding jobs in beauty salons and earn between $400 to ~ a month, according to Mrs. Callahan. OAll.T ,.ILOTl!eff,._.. i With Bibliophile Friends } University Librarian John Smith (left) djscuase1 the UC Jrvine library with new officers ol Friends • of the UCI Library, Mrs. Duane DeKalb. lhird vice _.:resident, of Newport Beach ; Eric Strutt, presi· ' ! dent. al•• ol Newport. and Dr. Leroy Linder. first vice president, of Costa Mesa . Not shi:>wn is aecond Vice president Leon \Vaie~ of San Juan Capl1trano. Education . . Class Set .. By District A unique , four·sesston adult education class on educaUonal problems is being of. fered by the Huntington Beach Un.ion High School Olstrlct. Sponsored by the di!lrict lru11tees and admlnislratora, Lhe sesalpns, will be held on Monday evenln&s at 7:30 p.m .. begin. ·nlng Oct. I in the tnU~lc room of Hun- tington Beach High School. Nearly to citizens have enrolled ln the. class, 'A'hlclt has 1pace for 100 according to District Superintendent 'Dr. Mu Forney. < The October I session deals with district geography, h.lslory, tchool law, codes, trustees, district servlcf:s and !inanttS. It wll! be conducted by Dr. Forney and'Dr. Ethan Fullmer. Subjects covered on the following Mon- day evenings will include cert.lficaled personnel (lell)Chers), and. cluslfied pe;sonnel, led by assistant superi.Jr le.rldents Scott E . Flanagan and Wlll Ot· lo ; and special services and pupil services .,.,·Ith Lee Mossteller and H. w. Standard. Final session on Nov. 3 will cover earn. pu~ instruction, led by Glen Dysinger principal of Mari na High School, arid stu: dent rtlated activities, led by Ferren Christensen, principal of West.minster Hl&h School. Work Education Teachers Hired Flv~ teach~s have been assigned to coon::hnate the Huntington Beach Union High School Dlstti~'s new •work E.1- perlence Education Program. Each teacher-coordinator ls released two pe_rl_od:; per day for the purpo6e or supef".'1s1ng the program on his cami:w a.nd visiting the various job-training sta,. lions. Newly assigned work experi en ce teachers are Ken Jones, Edison High S~bool ; George Bell, Fountain Valley High School; Dorothy Francesconi, Hun- ti ngton Beach Hish School; Jim West, Marina HJgh School: arid Ed Hareharik, Westminster Hl&h School. s Pt1blk Eal ..... ? • . Citizens Protest . ' Tidelands Ruling SAN FRANCI&;O (UPI) -A run111 ol the CaU!ornl.t. Court of AJ!l!W could have the effect of excllJillnl the publlc rrom use ol. hundrecls of thousand> of acres .t fN"lvatdy owned Ud•lalldl In the lilte. Thb1 ·1nterpretatlon wu made Wecf.. neaday by t.be state attorney general'1 of.., flee of a rulln1 which was iuued in a dispute between two Toma.lei Bay pro. perty oWnen, Peter D. Whilnef and Lar- ry lL Marb Jr. Marki wanted Lo nll and de\lelop 1 tidelands parcel in front of his property, ~t Wbilne7 "~!W to COW1 to pcevent tt, • Mr s. Moss Quits Recreation Post After Election Mr!. Jeanne M. Moes his rtsigned as chairman ol Fountain Valley'• Parka and Recreation Commlulon to allow the new Cily Council to "pick its own people." Her husband, Robe rt Moss , was c::halrma n of the Vole No on Recall com. mlttee and she had been appointed by I.he defeated incumbeotS, aht! ezplalned; Pifn:. Moss became chairman a m011lh ago when Ron Shenkm an quit the po&t to run for a eooncll seat. which he 1ubse- quenUy won. Am&her pub com· missioner, George Scott, also woo a seat ·on tht council Jn Tuesday's recall elec- tion.. He is expected to resign his post on the commisltoa before ne1t Tuesday. The new council wUI be lnatalled TUes-. day and a new mayor ele cted. ResponsibWty for applinting parka com- mWioner1 -now three vacancies - falls to the mayor. Perks and Recreation· director Stan Stafford could give no eallrnate on when the commission would be brought up to full strength. J All lhrte comznitslonen were ap- pointed to the commlaal.oo in November, 1961. ar.W.. Ula! public navigation o.'111 l1lhlna ri(lllll ..... the pr~y blmd Matta llllOl lllllD& the tJdeW>da. •• Milin ~unfy Superjor Qiurt JUdgo Samuel W.' Gardner rul~· In 1961 that an a.ad, autberblng ori&inal ,ale· of In 'the area, ~ad tho erred ot terrilloa, ' 811)' public righ!J. ' T\>Oc/llllnS waa upheld by 0.. •ppOol __ .... this month. • • . . ., . ~ ' ,,,. 111111 Id ii aimilar I!> ~ other «ts, aulhorillng tlHeland we~ .. ... ~enl could be mvoi<Od by oilier property owners ... kinl. to nu o..i develOp their holdlngs, accoritlng.'to the attorney geoeral'1 office. An estimated Z1 precent of San Fran- cisco Bay tidelands are privately held. However, Dept. AUy. "Gen. E. Clement Shute aald Wednesday that the •ppell court had ~reviously committed IJ'tOr1 by misinterpreting other precedenb and that his office will intervene as a friend of Ule court. Shute aaid the attorney general's office: will join Whitney and the Sierra Club ln aaldng for a rd!earing and, if that faih1. in appealing to the Callf«Dia Supmne Court. Review Board Names Member Mike W. Brotemarkle, 10Cftt.1t7 tG Huntington Beach's c..Jgn Review lloard s1nct it\_ creation 18 months ap, bu been -to the boanl. • He ~!aeea architect lten Beldeman who ""'gned 1'<Ctlltly. Brotemarkle assumes bia new post u Stanton'• planning director October 1 btit will remain a resident of Huntington Beach. He has been a member of ttie Huntington Beach planning staff lor 2~2 years. "I am very interested In IIunUngton Beach," Brotemarkle said today, "and happy thal 1 can remain a resident here. I hope to be rl asslstanct to the review. boanl. Harbor Shopping Center Costa, Mesa " .. END-OP-MOX'rH Men's Handsom• Tailored Jewelry That Adds Sparkle to Any Fashion Foshionably Styled Suirs IN THIS SIASON'S LATEST COLOU Co111forl1bl . 111d ll•y·flttl l.,okint f1bric, Orlf. Sit.II li9hlw•i9ht, lo119.wt1ri119. Nt cht rt• for 39.99 11or..,1I 1lt•••lion1. NOW M•n's DreH or Casual Slacks Aclio11 comfort p1111 •••Y ctr• with Pinn-Or't. 17.•t Pr111® wt111bility For cri1p, tl1y0 t111t 6.88 fr11hn111. NOW I Men's Classic: Sport Coars Orit. SJS.tt In colo., •••V lo coordin1!1, li9htw1i9ht, lon9wttri11g febrl c. A t111ly. h1ndio1111 24.88 1tylin9. NOW .. Warm Comfortable Sleeping Bags Otcrtn® poly1d1r flb1r·60td noft·t lltr• Orlf, Sii.fi t•nlc, 11'111 r11i1l1nl. R11ili1nt ind odor-9.99 1111. NOW MEN'S EVER COMFORTABLE PAJAMAS In Mtchtd coller er ,ull .. ., etyl-.. 1 99 Pull cut with lent alHYM •rlll ... L • MEN'S EVER POPU~AR .POPLIN JACKET Llthlw•ltth yat coml•tl~ly w•rm. 3 •a' wtre erltlnelly 4.ff NOW _,.. BOY'S PRE-SCHOOL WALK SHORTS l tyll1h In • perky pl•W folwlc. ,., cemf.n••lllty anti nutnou. .77 WOMEN'S DRESS A~D CASUAL SHOES Cwufert1llle •"" M11rt IMkln" 1 • • '" """'· ll••lr 1tyl• .t ttill•J· ..... CHILDREN'S DECK SHOES Com,.,taM•, fefTT llna4. Skid fflllt1nt .. 1 ... 511• l0.2 DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL All .. tNr NmMnta ar. frilOW DaASTICA.LLY llDUCID TO - 2.99 Vs Price u.1a1N•t. PINI, NICWCU, IUCILm J1111t 11•• .,,.,, r'"''ln•tio11 t1 r1,,;, 11,t •nv •11lfit ;,. c1l•n •"' ttylin91 t• ,.I••••· NOW Orlf. SUI .99 Women's Fashionable Blouses T t!IOr•~. v•f f1ll'lll'lin• 1 .... h1t in cell'lf,.rt. 1bl1, 111y ct r• ft lttic•. Styl1d tigl<il ftr 1klrt' •r p111h. NOW " ...... u .... 2.99 Women's Colorful Ankl• Pants With l1tt 1+ f1thie11 flt ir, N1tt·lool.in9 •••v·c1r1 f1itric•. G1t•I for t oint p11c11 . NOW ' Orlf. $1.ff 2.99 WOMEN'S PRETTY PRACTICAL UNIFORMS c-••• '"""' .,...k • ..,.., I 77 Tall ..... et 111% ;:ly;ter knit • GIRL'S STYLISH SWEATER VESTS Knltt .. ht' May c .... Ori-@ V•ntll• ,_ t-4.ya ... hten .. 2.99 " LITTLE GIRLS FASHIONABLE DRESSES ...,, ................... i.... 2 99 tMt 11,IJS'"" ftMf, •I•• ~L e 1110 GIRLI FASHIONABLE ORESSES In the "tflll •'"' faltrks • , . 3 99 h ........ 11u. _ ,.,.. • CURTAINS MAKI WINDOWS GAY ~ e1 .......... -.~· •• k~ the ¥fft ......... . 2.11 YARDAGE l'OR·TOOAYS FASHIONS . ... , ....... ..,. ........ W• ........ .., Jt & ·" NOW .. .. Shop Mon.· Sat.,'til 9 p.m. Use Your Penney Charge Card : ~-, ------- --------------~---------- ~a T~k · of ~ftf ~ Nixon, Mrs. Meir .:Speak of Peace ~ .............. J j A South Euclid Ohio JllOther ~ taken iuue with the dress cod~'ll\ 8ruah High School bl loe i • which does not permit her ~ lo attend classes w~g a !"!mU sJ tacht. Harvty Allen Slomovltz, 17, a sopbpn:_\ort, was sent'• home ·bY, aebool officials because he WIS ~rtlng 'a mustache. They turnM him 'awey again after bis mother sent him back. ''If the man for whom Bru!b Hlzh School was nam· eel bad a mustache, then why can'I my son?'' asked bis mother, Mrs. St.v• Slomovih. She said the late Clwirln lrvlil, inventor of lhe electric an: light, wore a mustache which 'she described u a "real cookie-duster." \Vhaf1 a Uttlt nrin Co a ftiiow 10M'1 ·~d for an11 weather condition? ;I'lw-drioer of a t.oy!e1s old timer mtrtlll popped open an umbrella and 'continued chugging along Ohicago's Edem Erprt$SWaY a.s thi rain btgcm ·1o foll • • •• More households have leleV151on aets in Britain thari bathtubs, Sir Karl Cohen, vice president of the northea$1ern Association Of Public 1ilealtb Inspectors revealed. • S.lv.t1tore Cardlrs.I Bald•1nrri. archbishop of Ravenna, suggested tile Pope should be elected by all :Roman Ca1!Jolic bishops rather titan by lhe College of Cardinals. The cardinal made his proposal in ian interview in the magazine 11 ~ in Bologna, Italy. The Col- '.lige of CardlOO!s :has .elected the ~ since the lltb century. A llDill .,. th< oTd pt"obkm of a boat in tht basement Ml •tnlek a building firm in Htlena. Mont. Ma.skrCTO/t Homu auembled a ready.built ,,.,,,,. at Ill plant -and thtn reoliztd the only door ltoding ov.t of the plant toe.r eight feet 1 -widl. So the front wall of the plant is coming down. Future plans call for installation of a door at lea.st 30 feet wide. ' Ray Durham of Moriston-CIOse, England grew a trian«Ular tom.iito. He molded it by groWlng lbe plant IJld putting a plastic box around a young tomato. "There's no stop- p,ing me now," said Durham, 46. fl'm iotng to have a shot at heart· abaped tomatoes." • " court In Newport, Isle ol Wight convicted Ellrabeth Benzimr•, 18, of smuggling um lo her boyfriend Ut prison on tissue paper beneath a postage slamp. "I was trying to help my bort:!Olld because he was ~serable,' she said. Mi&s Ben- lilnra w 8S fined •$336. .,. * * * . ' . Egypt !Jenies Peace MfWe . - To Israelis By llalled l'ml -- llillfl by F.gyptlan Fortlp Mlnlster Mahmoud Rlld al Ille llnlted Nations that hill govemmti;lt may eventually be willing to open direct .negotiations wJth lsnel 1.,. a Middle Eul peace IPlfl<ed hiller denlals by hll own pesmnmt In Cairo lodly. Jn Tel Aviv. an brMll government spokesman said there was notblng °"" in 'Blad'.& statements. lllad said EID'Jll would no Joo&er de- mand an Jsra<ll 1'1thdr8Wal from OC• aipled Arab terr!lorlis U I pr<cOodltioll to a seWement. and indicated that, u a final •leP. Em>! would be willing lo negOlil!le dirtcUy with Lintel lo fOl1Dlllle the seUlement. But an Egyptian covernmeni spokesman said todlJ reports on Ri1d'1 stataDents were •·r~" and that Arab natiam will Dl!'Yer negotiate db'ec:tl)" ·with JJraeJ. "The paytbologlcal worl1re hnmcbed agolnst Egypl has lurpused ~l llmlfl and has now been diverted lo tht Untied Jfatloos, at the ·current 2llb KSSioo (of the Goneral Aalemb\Y), In • bid tO "" doobl 00 Egypt's slallce," tht spolumln aald. . 'The spokesman blamecl the. noparti "' .American newa agendea 11 d I a I with Israel. ·~ nilmll!I& -alkpU..S, \hOse organs only reveal their uturt as org:l!IS upholding and siding wilh Zionl8m and Israel and nurturing the cherished hope of Israel, namely 'direct negotiations wlth the Arabs - a hope that. will never come tfue/' he said. In Tel Aviv, Israeli For'!:lp Ministty spokesman David JUvling aald his government had :not interpreted Rild'a statements as p.ilcating the Arat. •1W111t ,peace or want-tO negodat.e ~ce.'' He ~d Riad's ~enb eootalned nolbiq: new. * '* *' . ' Islam Countries Appeal for Peace From 'Big Four' RABAT, Morocco (AP) -The W"'1ic summit cooference ended ill work today with an appeal to the Big Four powua to "redouble their efforts" lo achieve prompt witbdrawaJ of Israeli troops from all oc:c:upied Arab lenill>fJ. . ·The troubled rreeUog, Stalled Wedno- «lay by a dispute over the pnseoce rJ an Indian delegation, unantm<llll1 adopted a communique stres.\l.ng the worldwide solidarity of Motlem ltltea. At the three-hour final plenary session, held behind closed -·· the Mosltm leaden recovered some of their untty, ' b a d I y strlined by Ian lnclla-Pokislan c:onlllCI. . The coo;tmunique demanded the uncon· ditional withdrawaJ of Israeli force!'! from lenilary OCCU]lied alter the 1117 ob-day w1r and appealed to the~Big Four, .. ~ sponslble for world peace," to w«k bard· er to achieve this end. Evanston, Wyo. ~ 'I.lie 71.ye11-old Mrs. Meir was ;tv .. a coiorful welcome 11 lbe Wblte )lfule Oil antYal &.m Philldelpllla whm a!lo 011j)e111 her lltat dlJ In lbe Un!led Slat.a. She aiid l'!lson lhen went lnl1de !or Ille Uni IOWld of privale lalU. In lbe weiComlng Cl!ftnlOllY, Nixon aald be lmew _. wu cl<alred by 1">1h 1Jrael tn4 her Arab netabbora. "The question ia -lo ~eve l~" be Mid. Mlileut -Is 1IOt Gilly of vllal ln!erest II> tht """'lrla if lbe ft1!"1 "llul II> Ille wbole world." Nllm Aid. He spoke fearfully of ''what wuuJil tiap- pen H wor wuuJil break out" ~ and about "the rtper'CUlllone" that woUkl be felt lhr"""""1I the ""'""'· !!Ison Al!f 1the goal-.C-aD parties Sffk· Inc a eettJement 11 to ~vt a "rtal pu.oe," not just words, and ..one in w1Uch all the partlea woukt hive a vested in- terut In t!eplng. Rupoodlnc II> Ille pruiden~ Mn. Meir did not -lbe primary pur)>OIO of her trip -• reported ,nqutS! for 10& more jell ml antlalrtralt miooil .. -and aJao spoke of Ille yearning for peace by her people. "Yet tragically peace i! sUil denied us," sbe aakL Mn. ~ spoke warmly of the "unwavertn(' frtendabip and support cf the Uniteif SLates in helping to create and malnlail) ~ :n-year-old stale of l&raeL From Jiruaolem, "I bring you lhe tradlllooal Hebrew 8"'tlng (of peace) Shalom," lhe coocluded. Belon btt ~e Tneaday, Israeli IOW'ea: s&id in. Jerusalem Mn. Meir would aat,1Nlmn for II m«< Pbanlom ml IO Skyliawt Jtb ml lldclltlooal Hawk grwnd-t.o41r miasllea to. b a I a n c e Moocow'a military aid lo the Aralls. She aJ.. Is ezpected lo ..U deferred paymeni arranganenta because brae! ill unable lo flnanoe the purcbasea. Her dilemma ls due to dwlodllng foreign rtsuva over the last four mootbti, pay- . ment II> lbe United States of $21> million !or Pbanlom jets 110W being dellvet<d and because abe haa anotb!r $200 million ftoan in France for Mirage jets the Frtoch· hive ref~ to delfver. Scou Heading For M·iddle Road ' • In Leading·GOP. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Seo. 11,.gb Scoll of f'm1111to inla lnlench II> Jea.j Seoat1 Republlcana aldog Ille "broad mldclle ol lhe highway" alter Ibey broke decadel of comservative dmn!Mtk>a to embark on • new tra of GOP politics. The 113-year-old newly eieded leader of Senale Hepublkalll promised not lo in- Olct or hni-hll Ideology on colleagues. Bui at the same time M indicated to lhe llberal·moderate bloc which supporle!I t.im that bt would nol "abandon any rnat-ler: of COG8Cieoce or conviction." ''The way I 11peak ml the way I vole will be the same alter this elecUon u before and ll that la persuasive and iQ.. fluenllal, I'll be moot gralelul," Scoit said in an interv\ew. ••But lt does not mean thal 1 expect someone ejso lo cbanp hia or btr con- vidions tither," Scott said. Scott,, cenerally considered a key mem- ber d the Senate'• liberal bloc on moot domestic Issues, mused lo be labeled. "I have preferred to bave no label, but if 1 must have one, it is that of a moderate because I believe that the broad m.ldd)e of the hi&hway is the area which leads towarcls llOiulionl and the roll are II> be found on both std" of lhe n>ad." Freezing ·Which Compares .With ~ arm~h 105 at Palm Springs C•llforwi. -·-llllnill--111:••.&Utt ·• ... Ceutml WC.rtJ <"'11* IM wltll _... efWo __ ..... ,,_ ..... ...... ""'""" • ,. 11 ... ..,..... 1~ ~~ '"""""· Hlllw ...., .... 11. (OoUltl ""'""''""'" ........ ,,.., '1 lit 14. ......... t~N,.. rtlftlOMI ft'Wl'I A .. 11. w.tw ...._..._ "· s-. Jll-· ft4IN .~ .... ~ II!• , ••••• , •...•• t:• ...... S.J ...... .... ".l•••1•.••u• l:G Niii. U ""'-" Flrtl .,..,,_ •••••••••••••• Mr• •.11'1. , .. Fl"' tow ··••·••••·••••·· l rSf •.tr1. I,) S..... Niii ............. Mi••-... , '-'Id ..... .,.,.,;,.~•·• 4rll •,,.I.I ~ "." .... , ... 14 SI .. 4 " " " .. " u " n " .. " u .e. SI S.S Al n n " .. ~ " ... " n .. " II •1 " .. .. " ~ n ., " " .... " .. .. ,, ... Ml •1 .n .. .. " .. " .. ..... n " " ..... lOI 7• .. " .. " " .. n " ...... .... .. .. " .. " .. n " .. ~ ., " .1i U A .. in n " ..... ' ISRAELI PREMIER MRS. GOLDA MEIR BEGINS FIRST VISIT TO U.S. Ni:ic:on1 Welcom• Her to White House; At Left 11 Protocol Chief Emil ¥01ba_cher Jr. Four-day Work Week Drive Urged ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) -The iteelwor kers' unioo pre6idenL, I. W. Abel,, toJay urged an all-out labor campaign fo r a four-day week, declaring that automa· tion will soon threaten the jobs of millions cf Americans. \Yeekends of three days," Abel told a con- ,·ention of the AFL-CIO's Industrial Union Department. Induatry already has the know-bow lo replace assembly line workers with cmn- puters and the next economic downturn could permanently wipe out jobs on a massive scaJe, Abel said. lie saJd tbal if the labor movement gives it top priority. it can win the sh•Jrter work week in four years with no cul in pay by bargaining with industry and lobbying in Congress. "Spurred by tax conceslions, lnduslry throughout our nation has been modei;niz. ing th<:: means cf production at a fantastic rate," Abel said. .. J would suggest that we strive for a work weei of four days with work-free The impact on jobs has not been great so Car because strong economic demands I .. Here is bow': Savings. account dividend for 1 year on $50o.oo =•~52 Free safe deposit box for as long as you maintain $500.00 savings account . = •6!! (1pproxl1111lt yearly cosl lo rent box al bank) PLUS: Free service charge on $750.00 of American Express travelers cheques OR = '7!! Service charge free on purchase of up to 10 tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other spor:ting and theater events through TR,S (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 savings account =•Jt!! , Stop by and see us to open your account. If you have any questions please call 541>-4066. We are open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday and 19 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Slturday. We lwpe fJJ ue qo~ &OD"· fe>f goods has caused industry to kee) o~rat.ing Jess efficient equipment at th~ ~e time, he said. But. he added, "the next downturn I~. oor economy will have a far greater bn· pflct an those we represent than eve: belort!: in hist.or¥." ''This is be<:ause we will experimct; di.iring the nei:t recession, the influenre OC a new force capable of overturninf atmost every aspect of our modem wa:;• of life. I am r eferring to automation,'" i\bel said. • • avIDgs •• • • • • • • • e • • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SOUTH COAST PLAZA • COSTA MESA, cALIFORFll A MAIN OfFlCE: 5401 WHlmER BOULEVARD• LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ' \ • ' \ - ----·--------------- --------------------------- DAILY I'll.OT § . . 'llefidlt Bloto' QliiilE 1y PhR lnt.rfcmdl McGovern -omnufliders t Haynswortli ffit By Negr~ Leaders WASHJNGTON (lJPI) - 'nle Lt1detshlp ConlflflDCC on Civil Rig)lts (LCCR) loday rondtmned tbe Supreme Ceurt nominatioo of C I e m e n t FUrman Haynsworth u a deadly blow to the imqe ot the court. Clarence Mitchtll, lOO!lylst for the National Aaaociation for the Advancement d CoJor.. ed People, delivered the asst.M- ment in tesUmooy read for Civil Rights Attorneys Press Fight WASHJNGTON (UPI) - DissideDI civil rights lawym In the Justice Departmen~ asserting that p o I i t i c a 1 pressures have no place in detmnining law enforcement policies, have decided to con- tinue their feud with the Nixon administration over school desegregation. The attorneys' decision came on the heels of an anouncernent Wednesday by Asst. Atty. Cea. Jerri s Leonard tbat the department's civil rights division would be rompletely· reorganized along functional instead of seograpblcal lines Oct. G. About 40 dissident attorney• voted Wednesday evening at a lbree-bour meeting to conµoue their month-long prol..t ol what tbty consider a . slowdown in enforcement of ocbool desegregation by the administration. The attorneys specifically denounced a memorandum issued last Friday by Leooord that said "all government agencies are eonstanUy $1fb- jected to political l>""Uft.'! !rm> aD sidu of the political spectnDD." ll01 W1ll:ins, dialnnan of th• I.CCR. Ile appeared be!.,. the Senate Jodidary Committee CODducting hearings Oil ~'s nomlnaUon. ' "The -bar long been . the gymbql or protection of civil rights· and biiman dignity ror mlllilns of American Negroes. When the Coogr<as delayed looMottoo by ,pro-looged~~lee 'dellbmtioo and fill the court bas been tile .. whldl-..sttd the f · tbat coosUtuttnnaJ . _ rights ~d be -in . . . ·-\ .-·-. 'l-7~ . an onteny resort W lawful 0 a.,_~-.. .... ~ -=.L-t? ·_ . n ' remedies," Mitcbell sald. ..,,..., ..... __.. -~~ Citing the school desegrega-• Uoo -of 1954 aod "Why havt11't you answered my love 1ettera!" subleQnenr civil rights laws---"----'------''-----'-- J>8.'sed by CongT<SS, Mik:hell said the court had been of great signlficance to Negroes by striking down attempts to thwart the ruling and the laws. "Suddenly Ute co 1 ore d Giti:zens ol the United States are aware oI a threat which W. Germany Stalls Mark Speculation may convert the court into a BONN (UPI) -S l a t e swamp cf delay a n d governments closed the l r technicalities. foreign cw-rency markets tD- •'Judge Haynsworth~s much day until after Sunda y 's heralded strict coastruction parliamentary elections to approach is not new to the block the third speeulative run Negroes of the United States. on the West Gennan mark in The so-called s t r i c t coo-Jess than a year. struction is what produced the At the same time, banks ln spurious separate but equal Denmark, Italy, Norway and doctrine. It led to the long bat· Switzerland suspended deal· Ues against segregation in in-ings in the mark until at least terstate travel, to establish Mooday, when the We s t the right to vote, to enjoy the German exchanges are ex· right to purchase a bome and pected to open. many other tings. Financial experts said the "In short, for Negroes the money sweeping into the na. so,called strict comtructioo tion was advance payments means granting their con-L..- llilutional rights with an eye llK foreign co m m e r c i a I drppper at a time when they orders, which West German should be Oowing like a river firms are converting into in a thlrsty land," Mitchell =mar==k~= laid. •. 1"Jbe nomJnaUoo or Judge Clement F. Haymworth Jr. is a deadly blow to the image of the Unil<d Statea Supreme Court." 1"lbe foreign flnns evidently believe revaluation is im- minent and want to order as much as they can before their own money buys less," a monetary specialist &a.id. The surprise closure af the foreign currency mar It e t s brought a demand f r o m Foreign Minister W i 11 y Brandt's Social Democrats for an extraordinary c a b i 11 e l meeting Friday. The clasure increased tension between the governing coalltioo parties -ChaocelJor Kurt Georg Kiesinger's Chri_s.. tian Democratic Union and the Social Democrats, who are battling for natioaal political dmninaoct. .. . . . ai:..,., Lwuwtllpl: ••• ff ... t •r fi~ ti•11tl 1 If fiC'flo11•I, wt.. '°''-' •••Y tt.• ,teH fr-th.o to.Ii ollll it.lo W1 Wyf, TI><»• ,.i.. .11.')o H •" hi• 4im,-. .. .. .,.t uplal11 •-itioy "''" *'• t11ord of 1oldi.,. pl•ucl fliorllf .Lttr 27;i2-U. Ala•, Jf f.i1 'hclpl .. tOMlllllthJ 11Klt a . 1'ou4. wo11lil thy ho•• W,f 'Willi119 +. tuffor po"ocufio11 olMi iloofh FOil A LIE7 fl· Cor, 4:t-IJ), If Chri1f1 ENEMIES ttolo tho ·ltoily awoy, ••HI ....... ._.t llt•• tri11"'pht11tly pr6'ucM II lotar •• PROOF tkot h 4iil 11ot ri.- fro"' ffto lfood 1 n.. •mpty fOlll"' hos 11ovor Mo11 tttirf..torllY, o~oi,,.d ily Cftri1t'• .-•lot. T1to EMPTY TOMI i-clohllt Chrht'a r.turtoctloo f9 M llEAt:. TV Shows Reformed Already, Say. Networks • WASHJNGTON (UPI) - :. nie Wev!Bim industry says Ila procremming bas been '. reformed from the levele: which prompted a presidential : commlssion to brand i t • violenc:!-prooe and appalling. mission's observation that the current netWGrk s c b e d u I e .. seems to indicate the begin-- Ding of a favcrable tread." ·32 IIME·SAJll& aa·c · 6AD6ETS . •• Spokesmen for the major networks said, as did the : report, that tile fioding! were • based oo last year's program: : odiedule. Violence Flares Anew In Ireland .. Few will now find ob. • jedionable the conteot o! . Saturday morning cbildttn's • program!i, •• CBS President Frank Stanton a.aid. NBC Pre;ident Julian Goodman said his network's Saturday _ momlng format bad been eompl<tely revised and In ad- dition there are stringent new requirmleots covering depic- tion of viole:oce in dramatic plots. . "As the report itself con- : ceded," Goodman said, the findings are a year old. "~ a • result. It gives only general and passing notice to the • 1ubstantial changes that have reduced the amount o f ·..._.violence on the air a.od ~ 1J'l0dified its treatment." ' ·, ABC expressed ''particular 1atisfaction" · with tbt coro- LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (AP) -Barricades went up again In Bogside to- day as police and troops mov- ed up reinforcements after one man was killed and m injured in a stone-throwing clash between Protestant a n d Roman CafhoUc crowds. British army troops built barbed wire cbeckpomb a.round the Diamond, a square on the edge of a Protestant district near the comer where 'William Klng, a 55-y~ar-old Prot¢.ant, was killed early in the d"ay. The street fight occurred less than JOO yards from t.be toUOty court house where a ~an tribunal beaded by I British judge is taking testimony concerning t b e rioting last montb in whkh nine died. DENTAL PLATES ; .----'•:;;EP;.;Acl;lS I AEUNES WHIL£U-W,....A_1T ___ _ WY CREDIT 1tlMs COMPLETE llENTAL SERVICE . IN OUR OFFICE Al.WAYS lOW PRIW PENTOTHAL · (ftr Sleep) For &frKtioa ind Fillings . , WELCOME UNION DENTAL PATIENTS e DIFFICULT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS WELCOME ,....._,. HO ArfOINfMENT NECUWY e O,EN MS. ' SAT. § e J6 MOS. TO 'AT PHONI • ---... HAILA Ul-662.S HPAHOL --~~~~~ DR. JEPSON ~~''..'.',; 16121 !EACH ILVD, HUNTINGTON !EACH NEAi EDINGER -GlOUND '4.00l -MODEIN All CONDITIONED OFACf MEMIQ AMWCAN ACADElllY Of DENTIST- AMlllCAN ClEOrf oomrr ASSN. -• rrur IIND!flllEI fO( meats,Jobster, ice cubes, nuts. Alumimm .... (05) IUST STAIN Rt:MOYER. Stains >tanWI in 15 sec- onds! 6 ot •••••••. (12} SPICE MCI fattens to wall, cabinetcloor. lll(r • 3 x m"' ••........ (t.91 LETTUCl SAVU. Bottom desip susi>e111s lettv<e, IOI» WIL •••••••• , (26) WYY LADLE doubles as soup, hot or oold drink server. • , , ••••• , •. (02J ONION CHOPPER.Slim glass design, durable po~ propylene IDp •••••• (34) CUTTING BOARD. l·P~ solid American Oak. '14" x 5" •••••••••••••• (13) ROLLINC Pl.II. Ball b .. r. ing, hardwood roller. 16~'' L. •••••••••• (20) 11.rc. llf.ISUmM SU. 5 cups, 6 spoolll llllfl 1 .. cether Ind nat ,.,(27) SEA FOOD F1JRKS. Use as relish, pick~ and lemon foll.s. Set ol l ..... (tin 3-PC. UDU: SIT. Perlect for salad dressings, jams, toppings. ......... (14) PAl'fll BAG HOUl!fl.Steel loop~ cushi<MI cooled. With screws. ••••••• (21) 1-CUP SIFTU. Bottom sills into measurlltc cup or small bowl. •••••• (28) TDWll. IAIS. Hea'ly cusl!- ion coating. 11" '°"" With screws.· •• , ••• (08) TONGS. Teetll " & hold firmly. Chrome•plaled steel •••••••••••• Pn CIAllllT fOll. r.s,,alo •lalnlm -lllnd1L 7Vi' L ••••••••••• (29) NUICRAClll & 6 picU. r.r lobstet t»o! Hickel- . pllted •lllL •••• ; .. (35) llEAIER t:OID tor hutinf appliances mine ~ In 1875W. 8', .,,' ....... U6) llTCl£1 UllY lloldl ..... ~11\(rl 3'i x 4" ••••••••••• (23) WW. llfliu . Ol'EQ. Cast •itltWn, platic catdsltL •••••••••• (03) I - WAS8 AWAY. Safely 11- .,.... s1dlbonl s11ifts. 8 GtllCls. ••••••••••• (10) - ~::c~= br'ldlat. •••••••••• (38} ASll DAY. "L~ ..... lllJlll cokw'I. ••••••• ~ •••• (2.4) llllllllllCllClll . ........ tplllldl, al> ...,., octiafts, !nils. .QI) . ' RI Slim. flew 241f slicer of cat ~ Bi& timHrled ..... ~ mr. lllASlll Wit~ ll.1W1111111& rlUlllbll foil •.••. '-----"" RION HARDWARE ' IN WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1042 IRVINE -NEwPotlT BEACH ...;. PHONE 642·1133 ' ~ I • • '.I .... Y P. fl»~lllAL PA~E ' ' I . ' ' . \ l . . ~ I: ... -Krisman Test · €oming • ,..J;·~ =-:a~111t': ~-:t:: ~ U.. a~ Mti 1r:tam&11.formtr SDS , .... to AIU .. ~at UCL· . . What lhe' ,. .. ul4 -that uc;1 Clwlctll•r n.ntel ,G. Al4ridt Ml tlit autllo!lli., ud respo1111liillty tor l""!"laculty appollllrMeta, IDcl~. Krisman'•, , na queillaft ""'111 'lllMIMr tbt !quo .ba1 J?"". I~ · "to rilltoc"•llelhar llilo y-., R.,,. • .,, ••. state Scb1i01•, Supt. Mu Rafftrty, Ille~ LeaJon and a bancl- tuf.Gf urv1ce ciab• w111 cone•••• to IW'u• Aldrich an<1 ' . KIUman and UC!. -' Jfthe DAILY PILOT wen ~.uc11 1111 un- )llcel;)' Xrflliwl woald haft bolll. lppo!Dlad 10 the Job pt ~idinaloi' of .. .._le ~ 'lb• .students tor a 'DemocraUc Sctcletf• wlddi ltrtGnilD ltlD vocally 1up- pol'ls, just bun'! caivlnce4 ua 1111 ldml are conslotenl With the r.ri tnWuls o< public edllcatlw or with free, aam ol enterprile. But Cbancellot Aldtich iand · his coll<ague1 mwt · l!ave·welghed·tlle Ullllln-caHlll01 •. On~-~ they bad tht polcntiif bene!ll Of btvlng 8 kww=ed Nblt former llludenl and aCUylat le~r 1!<>rk!ni " the ay'llam." On the otbff -band, they .bad the potenU . for unbapplneai outside the campus. • . tawr ot 1....i cooiroi ... t11e i.Su'e: 'l1!1a 1s "'°"' linport• ant 11111! ~late-elf~~ lndlvWual, Sine• that 1&1ue ~1:.T,::tiv.1 u1 • on Iha UC! campua by !he a , faculty and 1tudenta, the course of ac-tdba )j>r ,tile nit of the' mmunlty aeemo dear: Let'• tiloct' off 'the blather and' give ucr, Aldrich ud XrlnnlU!-. cballce lo •et on willrthe lmponant ~~·~ nee• W .hllht!' educatloll. · · • . ~ are well aware the COl1!Jl1Unlly la )l'atchfng. Bright Young Intellects Some of the brightest young Intellects anywhere In the nll,llon have ~ shown by stqdenls who Hyo right here qn the OJ:ange co,11. And. we bave Ibo staU.tic. lo prb\ie ft when we brag about them. · · Last' F0b1'W)' 7!0,000 of the most capable blgh &;b'I!'! :bmfqn ·.croe1 !lie'\l.S. took a q1!11ifY.IDS tell for tile NallOIW·"Merft SCb<llihbip,prtigr~ ' · · · · · , Now. one ·1n~~.a,00Ci of ~·or:til!naJ ,i'rou.t>,,bave, b'eelllWp~---sli;· • '. . ' . Of that intellectual tii1"1 repreaentlilg 14H than ope ~n:4nt.of )he co1111try'1lil8h1,chool seQ!ors ·lhia year, 31 are tlprri Ibo OtlJli• Coast, a1 good a showing as was made. by-any area.aDY.Wl>ere. . Hero I& the area'J honor roll: : · . ... In C<llllldertng Chancellor Aldrich'1 opfnlon, it m!iht be well lo neall that bla ~ Involvement.in com-muni.tY. a1fafn-youth, dvtc ud. buslnear-is , gtNtet than tlmt of moft ol bls critic•. It lhould allo be n<ited tbal Krisman'• job:fl fllnded by atudl!fll feeo, .11ot taxes.- 'lbe reol ·t.-i will come from Jtrlarnan's ClO!ltactl with the dblde!lis h• advises and how ht 111e1 his po<i- .tjon. u be -views the~· •• an ootlel for bolltlcal vlew1, he'll deeerve lo be. di1mfHed. U he doa1 "ht& job, as Aldrich bellove< he will, bt'll deserve lo stey. niat'I about where tt sfan4•. Deaplte their verbal llreworkl, the· Yoong Republlcan1 and Max Raffirty' have no say In the matter. 'l'be repnlll bave voled and It dearly ls no matter tor the c&urts •. In Offec:t. the ngenlll ~ve decland tb.enuelves in Oorona ·4el ·Mar. m,ll-Katbleeq Camp, Catherine Egli, Benedick Fraa&1, Ethan Geltiawn, Laurie ·Hud: son, Nt11on Jobll!on, Ingrid Rowland, Elena llcbroedet, Ian Sbelf and Su1an.Tbompson. Costa Mesa !Ugh-Mel- odie Keller. Eotancla Hf2h-Sahdfl Genis and Law- . ronce Sduoeder. Fountalil Valley High-Teresa Mc· Farland: Huntlilgton Beech High-'Ronald · N~h and $!even Spickard. Marina !Ilgb-Pbyllia Anwyl, Gary Campbell, Robert Eldon, ·Albert Glob tis, Paul Larsen, Jeanne McKIDney:.~g~ry Narog and Gary Tannehill. Newport Harbor ·~wan Currie Robert Magnus-'°" and Stev.n Slap. San Clemente . lngh-Meri Hicks. Weatm!Mter High-James 'Coryell, Susan E;merson and Michael.Pearce. . • J(Ollefl Suppl11 Held In <:heck Inflation Curb Under. Way ~ p .•. -" !l "'':'*~~.,')! ' ... ~,..:ii. 'I<' \ ' ~,,,'.)<. ~ " '"""" ;,.,\< ' •• .i~t fl' ,,_ ;,, .. ' ~ • l M -~ . . . "' .. ~ . . . . .. " 'lbe nit of inert• In lllu IJ no looctr oo """'1ml that IDtllllfactuttn aod malJm CH coaftdentl1 look In upward pllce ~to~"'''" Ille~ llnd -llat 'hive Win pul In place ... "l'llJI! BIPOll)'ANT pol!lt to but In mind IJ tllit Wlil1e jldce inllailon may CODtlnue to be ~ve for a time yet. Ille ll!arp ndudlin In real llOllth that bll.J)readf -will~ ... ~lndatloe to~~-· '1111~ al IQ!I ntio, Ii' Ille wq 11 aucht to 1'•rt, d lhe 1'11 the ....,.....i ta trylnc to maka .11 '°'rt. 'lbe Fedlral .-.. ~ ~ been boldtng tbe ._ oupply id!Dtiibly In check. And 11111 u . lillllcaJb'..,;, IDOlleY. ll a IDO)or ....... ., lnO..llon, • ·--be a major~ ol lhe an. By--· t ~project that ts 111111'111 )l'OINll IUPPO!ll tbe view !bat monetary J1011CJ mlia a lltron( (albttt llow) lmpeet "' Ille ICGno!ny. Acconllq IO Resem Iiol!d member J. Dewey Dune. tbe """' ' "oqgtSls th. t monetary poUcy Is • ., ... powvlul tool of stablllsitlon pqlley· than mo a I ecooomlJtl, aoopt perupa Miiion Fried- man, would have cuessed . ., Q:llTAINL Y TUE neon! on fiscal poUcy ii less impr<Slive. The Nh<on Admlnlstratloe ii serlaul about cuttiog opeodlng below that hodgeltd by the Johnion Admlnlslralloo, bid It would stfil spend """1ilaUI llDOWlll. Coogreu did extend Ille tax aurcbarp, which ohould never have been.,necesauy lf the govern. ment hid 1ol)ta 11Dince1 ID order but the lawinakera lppear, u usual, little dispos- ed to thrill. Ra1Stng toes as an anU.lnflation weapoo is at best a dubious procedure anyway. lt cuts 1he people's purchasing Jl(1ofel' but addS to the government' a. and govemmmlal financial ......., are the cbler c1U1t Of lnflaUon. • • BVBN llO, the surcbarp helped in turnln( mammoth deflclla Into em,.U aurplmel. 11 the government ll\ayl on that courst, if it sUcks to monetary l'tl!raint, aod ii it could get spendinl down, the war should be cleared fir ~ noolnnauonary economic growth. These -and not the wage-price controls J>eifJ& . foollably advocated in aome quarters -are the rlJ;ht approaches. Whatever happens in Ule months ahead. it is premature DOW to argue that tho polley ol restraint Is Inelfectlve. Moce Utan premature, the staUsUcs say the argument may not even be factual. Wall Slrtet Journal Weems · Wins . a :M_odel Boy Ob. thm'1 loocf news today on the planDed parmlhood fronL P I a n n e d perenls will -be able lo produce pJan. iled chlldren designed lo meet !heir own pilnJ and speclflClilons. Tbs ctieery note on mankind'1 progreu comes from Dr, JOlbua Lederberg, the Mt. GrtlnJDel: I meant In th.,. Clffl Nobel Prlze-wtzmlng geneUcilt. He says we·usuaDy ~P 1 coin. Here we are. Ltt'1 that by manipulating the aenu o1 tbe -it's heacil. Coogralulatlons, Mt. parents, genetic eilglneera will be ahlt to Weeme, 11'1 a boy. live the unborn child whatever Mr. wefiu (tlplDdlng bla chest): eharacteriltict Mom and Dad are Have a claar. ~~:·will the parents of teen-qen ' Mr. Gnnuaet: NoW, aa · to the color be able lo blam!! the wboie lhlog an dmnb . schen>t. ii you'll just.look over our Color luck. I can hanlly wlllt. Coonllnatod ((hart here ••• Mn. w ...... Oh, I Uke the Sunset Gold SCENE: 11te conllllting room ol Gen-for Ille hair and the MedllerrlOeBD Blue Ota! Gaietic Engineering, Ille. Mt. aod for \II" ~.... . . ..,... Maniacal WemriJ, looklni -. Mt. w-.1 And the Deoert Tan for are greeted by Gras3p1r Grominet, who the .... J •"-' II bufllng his Dills on the lapel ol 1111 -· ~. llwUkin Mt. -· Lovely. And may I llulL point wt lhlt lt'1 lhe Unest skin available Mt.-· Well, well, JO you want _ ~ blemial>free and a child. What do :roo hove In mind! • drlp<!ry, About the 1lylll>c, boW do you 11n. ,,...,. (blullhlna): A &lrL Hh our new jawline lhla )'tlf! Doun'I !Irr. w-. (firmly): A boy. that.oquaro.cul, delt look P,. you a feel· Mr. Grtalmet Csmlllni): WtU, 1...,... .. ·lnf·ol power! . · we'D Jud have to compromlae Oil that. Mr. w....,i Vtrt ftice, But I'm more Mr. w..... (lllllrfl1): Oh. JJIJ you lnlerelled In the --a Jtroo& -'t. · body on a aOIId frame. ---W- Mt. Gnmmtl: All our models carry a 20-year wmanty. W1 haven't had to caU one bac~ 1n •1e1. · Mr. .,.._, And 1 want quick ac• celntlcll, Foe! br~ power lllcl a Ulht turnin& radius. Mn • ..,....,, Don't forget, dear, you said I could ha,. one that waa (Mille an4 Quotes. sparkling and filled with great mu1ic. Mt. 'Grommd~ Ye11 yes, our· con-o- vertible PWtist-HaJibaclt. Now, as to op- Uonal acceuories • • • Mr. Weenu: True grlt, honest performance, low maintenance ..• Mn. WtemJ: Instant responsiveneu, lasting beauty • • • Mr. Gnaund: Fine. lf you'll just step into· the atoci room, we'll fil you up righL away. Mn. Wetm.1 (surpriled): You mean y0U hive a 'peffect anael l!Xe" Uiit ih 11ock? I tholJiht It would require custom deslgnlng. Mr. Grommet: No, it's our most pop.liar mass-produced lnOdel. Just about every c~r wanta ~··Now, bere are yOO, Ucenii'jJlat.S ad yao'c1n dlstlnfullh it from all the other e<mftrtlble Pla.nilt- Hallbloka on the block and ••• lllr. Weemt (IOMrt. W .. nu engrlly): I told you we ought to bey a sports car in- ateld. Now let's 10 b om~ dim the . ll&hll .. . Mn. w ..... 1. Ill, darling, you know 1 cou1d ntVtr bOld my head up in the nel&hbil'l!ood aplil II I had to wheel around an old tubioned, hom~made child. Dear Gloomy Gus: C. 5. (Gos, Sept. 18) quot«! I Cor· inthlan!, Chlpter 11, Verse 14. " .. • !Mt II a mao hm> looc hair It Is a shame unto btm." The quoit ohould have Included v ..... 15: "But U a WOllllD have long hair• It la a 1lol7 to her , • . " How moey womm hi,. LONG hair lhe!e days? -C. M. ""' --,.....,. _,. ..... -.......,.,. -. If IM ••14 Fl I . '""' ...................... Otfff .. lllt. ~. -· International Red Cross in Controversy LONDON -Allhough Red Cr<>ss of· ncfali are rel~tant to release the detail!, their world-wide organita1,ion ls ractng one of its stormiest gatherings 1ln- ce · Het;trY Dunant founded the lllterna. tiooal Committee of the Red Cross in 1863. According to the Londqn Dally Telegraph, the built·ln CODservatJsm of the ICRC -necessitated by its neutral, impartial status -has caused rebel strategists withfu the -organization to ac- cwe it of becomlng "resistant to pi:o- gress." . . . . . . . . . Every four years the conference groups of the Red eross, -consi!ting (I( the 1 lt-na~ tional societies, the Swiss ICRC, and the Inlernational Secretariat for the League of Red Cross socleUes, gather to discuss outstaodlng il6Uet. At the Istanbul meeting this month the dissidents will press for a stronger adherence to the basic goal of preventing and alleviating human suffering wherever it may be found. AT THE ROOT of their disaffection ;s the alleged failure of the Red Cross to act decisively In malntalning the airWl into Biafra while other relief agencies, such as CaritU Intematicihal and Joint Church Aid, continue to make regular flights. One group inside the ICRC argues that the saving of lives must rome firsl and the legal interpretation of the Red Cross Conventions second. However, the old guard, who are nearly all Swiss, demand that if Ute ICRC will not respect its own CQnvenUons, who will? 1 While an estimated 1,000 Biafran chHdren die ·from starvation each day , the ICRC has been haggling with the Federal Government in Lagoo for the past three months. According to Arti cle 22 of the Gi:neva Conventions the safety ol Red Cross aircraft wiJI be respected onlj 'fwhUe flying at heights, times and · on routes specifically agreed on by all parties to the conflict." The Nigerians deliberately shot down a Red Cross aircraft earlier this summer. Then, after briefly detaining Dr. August Lindt, the b(!ad of the Red Cross at Lagos, Lhey ex· ptlJed him from the country. MARCEL .NA VJLLE, in his first con-· lerence as Lhe new president of the lCRC, uld ln Geneva \bal the Nigerians behav· ed as if they could abruptly dissociate themselves from a humanitarian effort "as one would show the door tv an unworthy 11ervani.'1 And the ICRC described tbe dedslon of the Federal Goyem111enL as "• cmJCiou• affront to all the prlnclplea of humanity that exist in the soul of man." Badly stung ln Bialr11, R&I ~ or. ficlals now feel that new approaches arc necessary to assist civilian Populations ln times of armed conflicts. Jean Pictet. a joint director-general of the ICllC, argues thal there must be a revision of the rules of war. Pictet suggests thal napalm and phosphorus weapans should be outlawed. WRITJNG J1'I the July W\le of !he Jntemalional O:>mmlsalon ol Jurilts, Plctet commented: "Althou&h in tho Se- cond \Vorld War ind.IBcrimlnale born· bardmen ts wrought widespread havoc, no government has attempted to have the pnltl!ce r~U'la~" • · ' • Why Things Are SQ Badly Run Tbougbt1 At LJrge: 'l'here are two classes or men : those who are good )v!th -le, and -who are good wilh ldeas; ahd the main reason ttungs are so ~<iIY run is tbat the men good with peol>le usually haVe muddled mind11, and tber men good with ideas usually muddle their relations with peo- ple. • • • To believe lil luck ts a superstition of the weak, but hot to believe in luck is the fOlly of the prOud. who imagine they can aceomptish adytbtng by their own ef- forts ; the ~ of luck 1s that one must believe ~not bel.feVe a,t the same ttme. t ... • • • • Ninety peredit o£ scientlf~ f'tatarcb ends in fallur •• and we·are prepared to aceept that pr9portion in allocating funds for development -but in giving funds fS>! the arts, we demand assurance ol auc.. cess, and feel cheated if some projecte tlll'll out badl)".. • • • \\'hat all revolutionaries have lo learn, only by e1puience, was succin<:tly ex· pressed by Andre Gide, when he observed: .. To free oneself is l'lOthlng; it's being free that is hard." • • • A family , that can get through breakfast together can get through anything togelhE:. • • • What Can equal that immense 1ense of relief upon walking out ol a store where you very nearly bought something you really didn'i want? • • • lt is a fallacy of the Puritan' ethic to ' helieve that people who practice small frugalities eventually get rich from it; and even those who do manage to amass wealth keep on practicing s ma 11 frugalities as though they were .just as poor as ever, which negates the whole process 8:fld gives joy only to their spendthrift heirs. . . . ' Nex~ to ietting a government to do something that needs to be dooe, tht hardest thing. it. to get a govtrmtent to .top ddilfg! somethlilt! that no ""&et needs to be done . • • • EveD though the average American hJs a vocabul&I')' of some 15,000 words which he knows but rarely uses, philologists estimate that 25 -ol all daily communicaUon is composed ol just oine words! a, I, 11, it, ~that, dtr, lO you. • • • ·Human sociel.)' for Lhe past century bu been dominated by the "technologlcal" point of view' which, in my opinion, must be replaced by the ••btological" point of vie., in the near future, if the great chaln o[ Uie i1 not be be broken by our heed1ess technological manlpulat.lons. • • • "Pemtisslve," as applied to parents. I! a vague and stupid word, for tt CID cover the widest range, from 1811Sitlvity to ir· resJIO"'lbtllty. 'Sad State of Affairs' To the Editor: Re ; Mr. Herbert H. Strlcker'11 letter of Sept. 18. He said what I've wanted to say. , It's a pretty sad ,1tate of aftaln: when Lhe school offlcl.als have to leave It up to lhe student as; to what ill "aood or bad.,. Too bad th'1 can't take orders all)'" more. They sbOuld have unlforma in dress, like th~ :achqol s h•d some )'tars back. If they ;don't like it, let them be StJspeoded • IF KIDS CAN?' obey a few rules while they are in s&ool, wha~ hlppena when they are .out?J r guess that's pretty ob- vious. It's lime somebody tightened up. Why don't thq get IOtne "backbope" In schools and homes? Stop givldg ta. !'Why fight ti~" seems to be the line of lhou,s:ht. 'Veil. just whe.re is the aut.bOrity! It seems to be initbt wrong place. MRS. H. L. WIDTE AU War Is Wrong To the Editor :;-_ The Vietnarriese War has caused man,v people to re-eva1uate th eir idea a~t' war. What I )lope many will come to realize is that all war ii wrong. Technotoglcall7, mankind has evolved very lar. Man ictn 80 to the moon, yet he '1S sun plaaue«t with hatred, violence, lg- noranee. pQverty1 etc. The ultimate answer, ln my oplnlon,.11 not the lransfonnation of the external world but of out'Hltt1. I btlllft that in- ner beliefs and aasumptlont art whal shape our cxterftal erperience. to other words, if a pei'lon really bell~ves ln peace he will experience peace tn hll lite. '] I PEACI! AND tovE can't be just I Letter• from readers arc wlcot!u. NormaUv writer• ahould convev their ,.,.,.,ages in 300 tDOrdl or te11. Thi right lo -· klWn to fit ~ or IUminalf llbrl ii nHl'llCd. AU y.,. terl· ,.,.., mcl)ldf lfOnahil'• and f!i!z!I. ing addr111, but nam.n mov ff wkfi. held on r1quest if nf/icient rt010~ is a;par1nl ·1 w-bUt each person hn IO <lml,.r thtfl\ and know them for hlmatlf. Thill Y the! real revolution. Sell pemctlon Is the only solution to 111 problems. MJ!· phllosopb1 In a nutshall ls thot Y"" caJ1't lransfomt other people, you afl onlf transform yourself. Tbis is 'ltbY.11' am unall<rabfy opi>ooed to war aot·«vlt ltrF• ol any kind Slid am a COClldeilloGI objector. , .l. RAY E. KIERN"l' I ..---Bii Geor9e --""1 Dear Geo'rge : J 1 Jove yout column but don't you 1 • think it 1night occasionally cauM a 1 little eonfullon for those readen f who rNght take it as a HtlOUl!l ad- vice column? 8lLL SMATHERS Dear Bill: No-enybocy who tabs this co~ umn aerlously c1n1t be any mort confUIOd than l!t<Y olreldy art. Anyhow, whet! 7ou're that confUHd you NEED a conluoed colwnnlat- aod J take a back seat to nobody. t w a "" --·--. -. 11.s. Not Very Sare ... . ' . ' . . . • Will Your Meat Meet cStandards 'Ban the Bra' Idea I • Not Apt i~ Spread ' . WASllJNGTON (AP) -hu beon slowed bec:1u1e a 400-hulalts Which IPPIP" to be VU'J few siatea appear able to .-.Jet of federal n~im.; 4'*1nr .tho law,.Jllo -•L -1 the Dtc. ~ deadline for · lo 1ovem such ll&ia projectl · 1ov-cut aet up.tho Jn- UIW'!l\a conawnen that meal wen'I publlslied untll Jul , llpecttCiG --J'~ lo• .......,.i utd aold only within month. · · 1pec1<n ,.... dlack all )lll•t lllte bounclarlel will meet the Allflculture olflclala Uw !Jr aeld lo tolanlate -- -•. lllDclaMa u fedtrllly · have 1>ffn unable lo -..ine · aboul II pamlll of tho lolll. wpected meat. -mmy llata will be al>lo · Slz· atataa -COonlcllcut, Although 44 atalel and to oomply In the leu thUl lndloba; Milne, N~ Puerto Rico thua far have three months lei~ They New~ utd·Wyomlog •ve<d to IOI up the tolrulate · npo<tedly are lllldylng pro-: -have not algned ......,.... meat inljledlan programs n-. -1• f°' lnspecUon ,...,.,.. with the ~ of qulnd UDder the Wholeoome-submitted by · a nlllllbo< of AlrJcultun. By I. M. BOYD l "What are the thne cam· , Meat Act al 1117, olficlala lo 1talel. . J, PbJ1 ~ Jndlcsl<d BAN THE BRA _ 11•1 not moneat c o Jo r 1 amons the Depal'!ln<llJ of Aittcultur. The Wholesome Meat Act the departmeol ....,Jd be mon likely the movemenl among flowen?" A. White, red and sayb xnany tact funds to put allows a one-year gract period likely to grant utenslOl'll than the emancipated pll 1o ~, ~Jue, in that order ••• Q. "'~ ":.:::lo=. in-11at':l° ~'\}.no -for = lo' set up. federal in- the bra will b • c.o m • ZVER .BEEN TO m 1 apection f'"l'i!Ulll "Al hUl '-111111~ ...J>1111r'f' =-"I ..J4: a lot more wldeaprud,,. I t&lok, 'l1Je hamelo~ofBabnflel<l,Cal., equal to' f-~· Comj!J•-. ,;m lit iaiiiiW 'Glii'tlken . ovv,1• Ctmpbtll sa1d. . -........ lfllhin Ille -t lald "a Joi,_. stila wfU be Utmhd loC' I year thin will lit n..i, to bectn opuatkml." -tho ~ utd lbe •11111 have ebjecttd lo lbe Dec. 11 cJoadllM .. --in view al lbe !ale pul>IJcaU.. date of the federal regul1tiool. Askfnr for more Ume to atudJ' iht volumloouo -meat, t)e National I n d e p endeot Meatpocbn Alloclatlon commented that "what leol< the department over a year to concoct' 11 aotaa to r-ulre mon thao to dlys 1or ~ bidiiiti'f to dfiul." INSTlllED CHAIN-LINK ' I ,.. FENCING enormous Ille of that ~ tblatert'' A. Ya, Indeed, ane of feminine attire called thl time bac:L But oil 1- falaie indicates Du m • r 0 u I •bout BUtrdleJd ts a Mn. young ladlt1 regard BU.erranababryonBaker themselves 11. inlufl\dently Stttel there • • , Q. "SEE uphobtered by nature. You ~ Lortlla Y o u n wlD bot Ond maoy ol them recenUy pt divorced. Wuo't dlllCloil topleos at the picnics, the ooce married lo Ricardo ~ slr. Nor pranclng br1-less Montalban?" A. No, sir, ht lo the bllln>I, either. SUIJ, If married ber ,_est slltor, muat be bomo In mllld a lot of Geo<glana ••• Q. "BOW OLD ..,.... stopped wearing hats IS 1 girl befon her eyes 1ct when ~er mane n ts full llR?'' A. About I or t .. ~ ar. Uthe siliCone Sl'EWARDDES -FOUl'-- sclentlsts come up with a do-teen atewardesaes -thal'a 11-you""Jl kl~ that also could how maoy will be required on chani:e the costume Custopls each of tbe b18 727's whtn uld conalderably, certalnJy cocild. atrplanes start ~ 1rtln1 lllddenlllly, one manufac-CUJtomen around the skies turer SI)'• the most padded -come . Dtcmlber. Our Love bru per capital are aold In aod1War man llJ'S thia ii 1ood San Francisco, the fewesl in news for·single girls in search t MORE HOT AIR Honolulu. of malrlmoolal mates. The job AM ADVISED MI 1 m l o1. iiewatdtJSes ranks No. l M Beach, a city ol 8$,llOOi>lua, that 1JJ1 al feminine oc- hu no cemetery .•. THAT cupatlons wherein you n I BARBER named O. J, Trim· JaiJJu are moot apl lo mer 1D Lander, W10., also has meet. eligible men. been nominated for mein· THE FAMILY SCHOLAR • berahJp in the Proper Job Club. who can answer th.la ooe at the • , • ODDS BUN \Ith ol 1 per· dinner table deoervu first cent of unattached WOJDeD •&· prize: Everybody t nows ed. 50 to 56 wl11 get married . . what's meant by a younc . AMONG THOSE FE": fowl lady's "personality,'' but feared by mo.rt bawb 11 the what's meant by be r hummingbird .. ' MEDICAL "personalty"? ' • • rrs A l\1EN say about one pregnancy MATJ'ER or historical record in nine fails to result in the that etactly 50 yesrs after the birth of a living baby. Pilgrin'ls landed, 30 young men AGE -The rnlddle-1ged were arrested by colan,ial man who's nol quite sure lawmen for wearing thtlr halr whether . he has passed his too Jong. What's New? prime might do \Veil to ex· amine his owo ears. They are the first or his features to give up and sag a little. Or so reports a medical expert. A woman's advancing age, he contends, Js first revealed by the ski n just below the throat. CUSTOMER SERVlCE : Q, • YouT questions and com· mtnts aTe welcomed and will be u,1d 10htrevrr po1> sible in "CheckinQ Up." AddTess mail to L. ltf. Bol/d, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Bo% 1875, Newport Beocli, Coli/., aa663. Don't Attempt to Get ' ' Money Back on Booze SACRAMENTO (AP) -, U you deelde you d<>n' IJlre tl\at bottle f4 scotch after all, you can't return it for a moneybact guarantee. 'Ibat's the word today from the State Alcoholic Bever1ge Control Department, which -concluded .. such promotions C1n no longer be pennttted." Director Edward J. Kirby said the department hu taken a long, clole look at money· back guarantees tn the liquor Industry, aod bu decided they violate one of the bulc regula- tions. "There are definite pro- hibltlOlll agalnst the direct or Indirect giving of a n y premium. gift or free 1oodl in coonecUon with the 11lc of any alcoholic btverase," he said. Another official in l h e department, Fred Ferguson, put it more bluntly. "It doesn't matter how you cut it," Ferguson said. "If a customer buys a gallon of wine and brings back a fourth of it, he's bad three-fourth• " It free. .. And that fact alone, Ferguson said, violates the Jaw. The violation l 11 com· pounded, he said, when the retailer gels his money back from his wholesaler, who in tum gell hla money back from ibe dlaUllu, "Of course, if he brinp · back a bottle with a couple of fUa in lli 1ben that's something etse,•• Ferguson said. "Or il be bays a Jug of wine that's turned to vinegar." The dlreclor'1 rulln1 isn't 1imed at the legitimate e1· er c l s e of a money.back guarantee, Ferl\J.IOD explain- ed. lnltead, It II lotabded to slof a growin( lllllilber of abultl whlcb violate the r ..... gooda rutrlctlons. Any.. company promoting money-back gumntm baa to sJop by mid-November, Kirby said, and any new requests tor promotlona IDfolvina I U Cb guarantee.. will be turned down. Robbers Lauded LANCASTER, Pa, (AP) - The bank robbers got an ova- tion from 300 memben ol. the i..pcaster chapter of the American Institute of Bank· Ing. The robbers rully were two Phlladelpbla FBI •rents and a state police lieutenant who were play acllng to show bank employs how to ad abould a holdup occur. l\low!PSA •• emry · minllles to San.lose! 7aow~l:30"""--· 7:110-1:30-10:00.f1:H a.,_1:00.1-:GM:»f:OIM:M""' Morllon,.••llriln*. Why worry llbout a mlt'YaUon whln '8A hie owr180 fllghtt I cSl:)'1 Such an t&a)'-tCHemtmOtf' eeMctult you can c1rry tt around In your hMd. Why ttmernbtr IO'#NI fattl? Or all )eta? Or. t*t .. me. to San Fr1ncl9oo, O.klsncft Sin D~o, Md Saoram1nk>? Or tnat kJd1 under 12 tty 'PSA (with their p1rtnt•l for hall f•rl? Stlfl Wltlt 1 ,...rvaUon? Ju•t c~r tr1'tlf --or-alrtl-. .PM..,_,_ ... II 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MISA WBQAYS 9to9 SATilDAY 9 fit 5130 SUIDAY 10 to 5.00 D w, 111• th• all ,. .. , "'"'"'· a $te•f fer t&,11 ,.111.., l1111lly Ill 4:7~·· D W111t '""' q11lat aro1111d th1 ho11111 0 Thi1 i11atall1 q11lcltly e!MI ••1ily, t••• ritht 111 whero th• oJ.J 111• ••"'• 111t. 0 I 1h•11l• h•I'• ••· .. 0 A rn111t f•r all hente •l1ctrlcal w ..... D Nit 1.14 for h1l.!htt i.r .................. , ofthet. [J Ac l.! r11i1t11t, UL .,,, .... .i .. 391 scons COPE PLUS D If Y•llf 1 ••• 11 ,i.-lllf .,. •• bit ••Mach•, h•r• • flel, lt1111 Sc1ftt. O F1rtilllff 1ltl!1r .lich1n4r• 1t tt•t• w'-11• •••fr1lllllf 11'1'1111 ,,, .... l11"tl i••••h at'th• tlfl'll f1111t • 0 C...1r1 JIJOO ... ,,,, f1•t. l oo Ol'f 51s .... •·" scons IUPIR IONUI ' ' a ~\ .. •• ,,., ...... ''"''' t• .!lcli•IHlr• la w111, 1111ll11t th-thfcllf' •"" ''""'' wlill1 YI• da1' leh, .,., 111,) 0 C111tr•l1 11 w11•1, 1t.Jl1 ci,1tw•tflll aM l•wA Moffl 1,,.,,,, D c .... rl l ,OtO 14111ar• f11t "*\•11 .... ., trt, ... , 1111111011"11 '" .... ,., •••• 200°" 1095 •••• 11.H ' ' FR·OM · RIMA ·~ CLOUOUT ON TALL ICIE TIA GLASSES 0 If t11 11 y11o1t I.et, here'•• .i •• t lcle.-ltf' fer • thin! ,,,.i.,, wh•f71, 0 s,•r•ITAt •MW t l•1tff tell,.,,,, tlltlh .,. ••• ,.. . ' 8i88c AllOIHD PLASTICS D Ch•••• fr•111 la1111•ry ' b11k1t, wa•t•llas•at ta ti1k1t • t•1k1tl, 11tlllty ,.11. ,; 4 ,1ac11111l1l11t l.1wl 11t. O Very 1•11lfary, ,.,,., atfr1Ut.-1, •••Y te ... , .1 ..... D 111 c•l•rt that'll 1111\1 y111 bt-y.11r ll'lh1tf. I YIAR OUARANftlD WAftR HIATIR D Ono ef •wt fiettfft •'11111 It.mi. a fvlly ......... flc;Jl•u 1111..!, 11t. 1hvt-1ff, • ''"'' , ... ,. JO •AL ....... : .... 42" 40 •AL ······-··· 4711 Wiii .IRUIH . , 'a' .....,.,.. •• e '• • . '"·' ,,.....,.,.,, ,., ... , ... . [J Th .............. , .. . '".,.,..,,. pri1r" .,,1~.t1 ... ,_ 0 Stiff •IN ll,-lttJI r.t .. t. h ""•" .. ,,.,.,. tt.1 w1lh f1ri. STUCCO ROI.UR SlT. l Q Fluffy Nll•t c111 l.1 1••• for 11'1'11 li•lllfflf· 0 Or 1H11h l••t h•t haMll1 fir th• c•ili11•• • ...i 111t1lH 1twff. D O• !"'' it.IHI •,.1114 '"' le• l.111y fer f I .Jt. 129 !FOR LESS, OF COURSEJ FURNACE Fil TERS O Ha.-• .,., r••lly l1ok..I •• Y••.r filr11•c.• filhirs latety? 1,11111, I tot better +hil't' t. 41 with lllY tl111, liko 1\11,.) O 1Car111 '"''""''rid• th at Y•• cllaitt• th11J1 1t l111t 4 filflfl • y••r fer cl1111ar air, l1w1r fi,111 .. Ill• •'"' cl1an1r w1U1 te1. 0 C11t11 l11k ar111n4, we carry th1 111111t ,.,11lar 11 .. , In &.tock. 10 n. GALVA"'IZID Rain Gutter iJ De·Tt·111W, Cllarfl .. .,.. b•• lt't c1mb11. ' D n. •• Yfll ~·" .... ,,.. •• _ 'lh •w1,,..,. 0 11t l1ri•t It+ th• &1tclt 1•11, Y••'n '-• INW .,. ' ' IN·SINK·IRATOR. ' . DllPOllR 0 H1I, 111111 ••r •ffy cl1•ia. 0 hwtall a 11ow 4'111"''"• 0 IJf1ti111• l1.,.coti111t "'" •.. , ...... 2688 GUDDIN SPRID 'OUPl•ON LATEX PAINT O ~'"" .. tt. ""''' 11lto ""...,. t. •IY • .....,. tvtk ... 0 DriH 411i11tly .. ftlf' •llY 1,,lk ati111 with '"'11th flf f'llltf\ D Utd M11 l1tt ytl •••• .... , I• "''''" •••llY. w1...-. 4'' •AL - ··-~~-~~~---------------------------------==-----:--,.:-,r_ -......---·---···-· ........ ___ ... -·------0 ·--------·--......... -,._ .... _______ , __ ,._ • ..,,_..._ •• ~ -·----.. ·~·-·-------~. ---·---· ..... -- o.varro Suspect m;iges Testimony Welfare Investigated t ' . ' , •. !%a 'P.. . LIME JUICE ANGELES (N') -'Ille told the Jw7 ol 1tvai -·tnd of twt c bl ca 1-.0 five WG:Den: 1'1 dldn't ll:W him convtcttd ol rnurdtf9 ••• but lt wu my·fnlt be Ramon Navarro -ln • died." ...... ol lestim"'l' -,.ya ht Suporior Court Judge Kirt 'fl-was respomlble for the' Brudlir lbeo toot ,.... Ille • ~mt . ..,.... star's death. questioning. "Did l'W « did It 'lbe mt.anent bt 'l'bomM ·fOU not kill Mr. No•arrot" 7-11, came Wed-"Rt wuo'I ldlled," the ~Y., juron ,..... be~•C k<loqtr lllSWtM "Re died <it:vSdertce to determine whether of a broken noee '!": • I WIJ the UC Medical ~au! Fergusoo, 21, should be -·-hie-." :..m-1ome1mprilomnelll 'l'be _., ollict said Bond Issue On Ballot )r death lo the gu cbambtr, J;ovarro'a dealll, Ill b i s -same jury coovlclod both Spanlsl>ltyle home laat 0,:1. l> r o th er 1 d. lil'lt-deeret )0, resulted from lQUIUple "'1Urdtt Sept. 17. Ba\ Tbomu, ,_lb ud ~ Iba.I' .SACRAMENTO fAP) .:. A ;btclo.-be -17 11 the 11mt coused him lo drown lo bia ,propooed l24M 11\llllqo state 'Of the slaytog, ii Immune from own blooa, ; ' bond IBIU< will a_, .. , the · '.lbt dtalb ·)lelllltf ~ • d. • t 'lbomU sold' dei:ldtd primary ·eitclloii liallot nen ..caltfonrla law. belatedly to change h Is June 2 as "Prop. l,'' Assi!ltant • During the main phase of testimony bec•nte "I doo't Secretary of State H , J\. .the tria~ each brotber-=cused want it on my 8boulden lf I Sullivan said today. :the other in the bludgeon . send him -Paul -to the gu .......... 1u iU be 1death of the SB-year-old actor. chamber and r 1it up there in u:vei;:l~ =.:se rc • Wednesday, bow e V't! r . priS9D like Mr. Cool." legislative actJon. ~Tbomas FergulOD testified 'nlomas added that be had niere coold be more tf tn. ;that Paul was asleep and that antldpated during the early itlative petition movements ;be pommeled the actor with part of the trial lbat bi! -•~ 'his fists and with the vlctim's brother wou1d be convicted of succeed in getting the n~ ;cane after Novarro bad made manslau..l.ter and ht, would nwnber of signatures by next advaoctl II" Jan. 21. ;improper . . . go tree. "It's not our fault we The> 'bond funds In Prop. 1 .. Under questioninl by his got a dumb jury,'' he said. ·brother'• attorney, Tbcma.s Dep¢y Dist. Atty. James M. next spring would be used to J<ituWi, who has 1Tlalnlailled build Unlverslly of Caltlorn!B that robbery was the motive medical facilities . . C JJ _ for the slaying, told the jurors Sullivan said bond i~ues oueges they Were "sophisticated" normally are listed first OD the enough to knew Thomas' ballot although issues the .. Okay .20% change of. testimony was legislature wants to be Urst in bound to happen. line sometimes are put ahead He said ol the brothers. by being tagged "Prop. 1-a." C "you can't give the testimony 'Ibis was the case of tbe .. Budget ut °' tither any credibility ., cooslitutioP•I revtsioo "' 1966 all." that put the legislature on a LOS ANGELES (AP) -Thomu Ferguson ls to be full-time basis and tile pnr Chancellor Glenn B. Dumke, aenteoced Oct. 23 to an perty tax relief meuure ol directed by tnistees to trim automatic life term. 19611 • . the state college budget by ?JJl;::=================;I · pereenl to $265 mlllioo, wtlgl> ·ed. today whether to curtail enrollment or programa at the 18-college .,.um. He bas to !Dike tht deci!ion Racks 'n Raelcs ••• of PAPERBACKSt before Friday when tnlltea TJaelleekstalltJJ L 11_,. St., C.... M-141°"'11 have pnmlsed they'll ban ,.....,. Y1M .. ......., ....... thtlr propo!ed ll'10-7l budgeti~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lo the hands of tht Slate Ii Finance Department With the trustees' Ndt Wednesday to cut bad! lbe budget ID ~ -·• teqaeSt by Gov, Reagan, Dumke said bi! Initial Jn. cllnalloo would be to bold down earollmenl by 24,000, reduce llbrmy boot pndwe and eliminate 1 um mt r quarters. . Al!otber altemative, ho~ might be to -student feel. Student and lacully -slroo&IY op-1 lhe lrust..s' action, which iDcloded menticm ol 13211 mlllion ID actual needs. 'Ibis year's ba>ic operating budget i. 1273 mllllon. Reagan told critics hiJ voice rising, ''This is purely a mat- ter ol bodcelarY ..-... ••• Tb<rt i. • rdu..aJ .. the part of some of you to recognize this fact. 1bere is • determination· on the part of some to cootinUe to create an impresskm. • .of conflict ... But Reagan later said at an hnpromptu news conference, ••we believe the highest priori· ty in state government must be an atempt at tu reduc-tion." He fater said "you should not have tu niductioP at tbe -al vital serYit'U." NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users "we are 'now -equi-pea to ·· offer PERSONALIZED Service to the following brands .,... __ ,..of hearing aids ___ ., • lj)UAUTONE • AUDIOTONE · •TELEX • SEIMANS • IELTO.NE •RADIO EAR • OTARION • D'AHLIEIG • ACOUSTICON • VICON ....f MAICO • AUDIVOX • SONOTONE •ZENITH LAGUN~ HILLS HEARING AID SERVICE IDMllM .t 0,... c...,. H .... Al4 s.nlee1 ~ 830-0530 If No Answ" Call 541°2335 JJSZ1 ,_ • VII.de-S.ll;lt JOI LAGU~ HILLS . a low-cost First National ' AUTOLOAN! 11,.... -m ft before, mp br 1111 Ast llational ll1d 11T111ge )'DUI financing ""'9 11fectiw 1 new "'· 1r1 chetpef, miet, ond .,... you all tht advonlaJ,. of WC 1 m tWI r . ll's lbt 'llJ SDllll peqJlo 11t buyq m th~ year. ' Case'S Probed to Find 'Clieating' . ' ; .. .· .,,_, . .. . WITHOUT SACRAMENTO (UPI) - A opedll board appointed by Gov. Ronald Reagan has etarted examining 1.200 cases to determine bow m u c h cheating is occuning in a .ma· jor weHare program. The board began lls las~ Wednesday in a meeting behind closed doon. Members turned ulde riewsmen's ques- tions about what it had found out so far. "We're lookin g for unauthorized rectlpl of state and federal funds ," panel member John Price, Sacramento county district at· torney, aaid outside the Jneeting room. "I wouldn't want to guess what the per· centage of fraud rn14ht be." Th~ panel, coosuting of representatives of the stale social wellare department and Sears Craft.11111.n Poltt.r Tool Guarantee Ftte se~ice :and para uron mum if any part proves defective within one year Qf sale. This guarantee does not apply to power tools used io rental scrviC£. dlltrict attorneys, wants to determine the extent oI fraud -U any -in \be Aid to Famllie. with De p en d e n t Children (AFDC) program, the biggest category of welfare reclphmta. The 1,200 cues represent a random sampling of the AEOC caseloid during June. Based on the\ sample, the board hopes by Dec. l to tell Reagan Kam·cha(ka ISP. VODKA GIMMI CK the extent ol abuie in the pr<r DllllftMM -Tiit MhM kell ~ • • ,_, • '°°"' ....... .._. ....,.. gram. Priced Separately '205.93! Craftsman 9-Inch Radial-Arm Saw Combination •Develops 1%-HP with direct drive to deliver full power and zip with ease through wood np lo 2Vz inches thick •Controls are color-coded to make set-u ps faster, simpler and gofer • AU the rnggedness for profe5'ional nae • Inclndea baoe and manual brake. #29321 \l Priced Separately '184.93! Craftsman 10-In. Bench Saw Combination • JO.in. ••~ cuts through wood np to~· in. thick with tilling arbor for greater sa fety, accuracy and ease of operation • Pretensioned conlJ'ola bold depth and angle settings for repeated cnta witboat readjusting. Blade goanl extra • Includes grill extension, and steel base. Model 13436 Save '15! Separately Priced '45.96 Radial Saw Kit Expands Uses of 9-lnch Saw Dado, moldiog b<td sct, sanding wheel and pfer:y ho ld down atrachmeots. #32686 2999 F F; ... s~ Nat1°onal ,-------------------------------------------------, ~ 1 i L ._.,.,., ••.oo. $21-'"0 " MOHtl c.i J.1t11 10NG HJOt tll '""''' ~ ro 2.11ts, NA ,.,1,1. \'U WJI 11mwr MMl omtCQl$ P\.f.IA H»»> I B nk I (AMOGol. ,,_, 340-0661 .. 11~1 ot 5.100•. o 4.4611 fllT~ • lQfo o.H 1 ,,,, MHft. 1o1111 ID 1-ll71 10IUHCI 5'1).1J11 's a DF DRAN"E COUNTY I COW!Ololl«6·2"1,Nf'.'·'161 l.ot\Ylfll'OQOllO 'P }9•1 ~loHC.f6)/.nliCl ~ SANU.ll SMIG\9'4.ll'ft 'l.lillll'l'O l .... 61.""'tt» I • c~ '61M)Gll 11tt::11W0011 O• 1-)SQ I 1/llAfA:N4 6ftl .Jll1. ],J,•1T I s e ".] rs ~.I. MCMC.+. IX 4-Rll W.1.MONr l'l f .Jfll =----·------,________________________ CA.41 _____________________ , , ___________ ,,___-_~-_-..;.·.·_·_· ------...,.·_.:-_-,....:-_ .. -.,-,..".,.~-...,.~"" . I "Sotl>fonion.Guo"'nteod .. YovrMon1y8o•k" ---· Shop6Niah~-...,-P Sol•rdar 9'30A.M. to~ ,.M. • ' ) I \ .. -.. ----·· ·-----~----------------------------~-----....,...,,...--• . ~~R~J!'~isor~Clamp· Down on Plan Clti~f ·~·i-1· t • : J •. • ! ""': .., ... _ 30% off J,=~Je. · weekly r.pof11 on bia-:1 rnented qpon W•dnesil4y by >,ri>.i~ Co0nl!''s ~. ~ to-~ bolfd., the Pla!u!lna dlrte\Qr. Will ii.'l~' th.I wheu 'k • $~· b~· lbe .Jllpervllon Dlcu ... tqld tho board that · to st,P by mt afillYti• · cud• ~ II\ a -lutlen bOth the ciUes of S • n •~Ilk sUrVOY 11111 It .co m:p Ht d<.h y ~C • o •nl 1 Cleniente and Seal Beach have ~ !Alcllctate tlll ...,.. -.. u .. Olllolr a..t declined lo be Included In any JuWl<'rlillclenUal, ~ .&r .'lllaaw w11 Oii Jll9'lllo!n l""l':I"'' 'calling !or com· ladualrt81 .,.,.._ -tlwt tlMi -""'1'!. \* ~ munt\J. pariiclpaUon In a ment • •.I ~· 1ul~ In all'anu ol "~cy countywide pJannlnc,survey. I•;..:; a·, 1ppr9 ~O'd d~OllS 11!!1 mau.ri ob-. Tbolnu' l'tlO!iltlon ts seen <do .. day. j a c r • e ~In g ~ col!INl Jor the op1liot)a as a carafU~y phrued formula ~e .thllliui-Plan· or Ille,~. . c1es1pid 10 ~the pl••· ~ \lllcka"'1'• vast. llolll ·~ and nlni cltpartment It poilllble Mlrlg p· r o gr a m to a'--turthet ~Uoa com1Jl1ed l · criilcal pbues of the recently gupervlsors' s'c rut inf at bj)laWo are la)o1'D ·to have , laimched survey,: · ana which Jl)on~y intervals -:-..a ruling been inspll"td by a om e wiO apprise· the board of any that conflicted with SUpervlsor ~ criticism of the Dlcka&on plan possible problem areas at the Robert BaUin's demand for bi· -criticism that "as com--earliest posiible moment. "" . . , f ' CiM: l(M . . f Recfeation .. • t!- Slaied at . . ~· ' ' ' Battln'a reaohUlon ls widely regarde(I a1 aimed ~t-acblev· ing the sa.mo result with the ~nd .of tight • control on Dlckaion's deparlmtnt that is advocatod · by the l' i rs t District suptrvi.1or. Ballin used U1c reluctallt.-e of be(t11 in P(OvidJnc aupervlsor4 Seat Beach and San Clemente •iih • .blueprint ol, hOl' tb<j to be Identified with all phases think Orange County shoulf ·• loot from the year 1970. \ • ol Dickaaon's program as "ex. SUpe.rvlson have budgettd • am~les ot tbe second thoughts furlhefr f117,000 for the Dllm' thal a lol ol commwiltleJ and motb Jannln d • Jndlviduab are bavt" .. a'--·t a P · 11 proaram 11'1 "' .... UU\I ia exl)tet.ed that ~1 w1U ht proararn that,hla beln, ~ far, askid lo proy,lde fuither fUndl '4We're talklna about the ex- penditure of mOJ'tll t ha n tl)O;ooo in cowity funds," Bat- tin said Wedne9day. "I-happen to know that many. matiy residenlt . are unhappy about this Jn terms of what ·w~ are gOl.ng to get lot our money and i personllly, want the closest poss.ible tupervJslon of these guys (Ill~ p!aJulers)." entrusted to one man." ' as 019 surveY progreues. I Orange County paid !I0,000 Cuh'enUy uoo,r w~ la t!'l'liii:iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to the plannlni firm of planNnc d·e p,rr t'in e i:rt '• T h o m son , Ramos and analysis o( what it feeb the Woolridge. ol Redondo Be1•h coonly will ne<tl )n the W.y Of l&S\ June lo provide the county open apace~ r!EI parks with "a'plan for a plan"'-a beaches and I rbora a;J .heavily docuinented, Q1uJtl· agricultural pla g. A major paged explanation ot w~ere board review ci the plan Ii the county planners should \ icbedultd for June, ll?G. ' ' . . ~' By Any, Other.-N ame •••. •. , '• t • •. County Nixes .Navy, ;v_idencia· Streets ' WONDE,llFUL WORLD Of PITS 51 FASHION ISLAND O~potlto ll'ffft1y E.O.M~ SPECIALS . . .... ·( ' ~ FREE FLEA COLLAR ·' • ' • ' Record Clemente SANTA ANA ....., Navy Wi.y l{1lose strttts ~-will ,. Join Resident& who prefer the and Valencia Avenue may Edinge~ Avenue from their former appelalions will get have seemed preUy goOd connection jbst south ol the ready sympathy from the street names to any ex-sailors Santa Ana Freeway to points Irvine Company, Assistant and oran8e growers on those east in bec?ming MOQlton Planning Dlrect.or Stu Bailey WITH ANY DOG GROOMING. EXPERT GROOM- ING DONE BY QUALIFIED STAFF.· 1 ' 1 " ' Bott's Dots For Coast Highway DEATH NOTICES , DANA POINT -Workmen , are mstalhng safely lane markers, commonly known as GOODACRE "Boll's Dots" on Pacific Coast Mir'¥' I! oooo.cn. 2221 """!!elm lw•·• Ui .. h f Lo B ·• to c°'t' M-. SurYIYfd .,.,. Piuiband. ~"Ii way tom DI eau1 H.lrrv l . <;ooo.cre; ''-""°"'· EdWl'I Capilltr1no Beach, the State ~ .. ~ °:.'·~~!'n'... ~ DtJision of .ffi,hwaya re,P911ta :-.~'1~~ •· .~t . .... 'm' ~·" ~ ••l'lt ~·-,_ . . Jtl!· .• The job w ~ 1 n 1ces.,1<J1doir,, • ,::;._:~'"* ''"'11Y es.tnnatH $95 000 .-00 • 000 tolol'll.i !liu,Mt.t _, '... I aa1 ty markefs ...ut' bt , tn.> '· GRliENER ' . •~ lllclllt'f iiif.lrir. 1m ·HOdc ,, .. ri.-rtalled to div}Cl4 ...,._on each ..qn111 • .,._..,,,,_. ~ w •. wt1t. ~ side of the ihfOwlJ: ~ mar Ir: -~=t·M!r;,e, .. ~~Gr ' the 'center dlvl4q 'or'~ .,. .._. oarr.. McC1orftw1 ... • line. ' · "' Id 0 ~ S.,...1c-. t ' _.,..£_.:.., -t--d J , P.. l'imll~ COlorilll Fu . •I Some ~¥'"_.. are: aar .Y """'· tnstalled on ~ h!Pwa1 m ; STROHM f part& 'of NeWporl Beach, l.Ulu c. stn:inm. nsa Gfllft C.V• Stmltt Buch --aild Laguna Ori_.., Gtrdm Gl'ov1. SUrvhotd bf aoru, L. 0. 1fld H1rold £ •• 'll'lll!ml ~. 11111U1111Mr• E~vn G. Jrrolurir ":;,r;1•• WJ\1te buttoo1· are Jn. -· Rld'ltl'CI L Strohfl'I, ~ ht fl NY, TINrxi.r. 1 PM, "''· ,se_,__,.,. terspened witb w te re ec-1..urti.rat1 Church. Cy.....,.,_ ...... ,._ .... ,,, ·~ve markers in the lanes bl' P-. F.mllY CIJIDnlll ··-Home, • marking the direction the • SPEMCER motoris\ is SUPJ>O.'ed to be It-Id w. $Ml'Klfr. ,, .. -,,I ~ of driving. dfflfl ~1tmt11r ti. !..~~r ruldMI• --n~ ~atken-.rt-ntaced at el Hu11llftlllan lilom. --"""" !fir WI ' na& tll • t' Donn. ""· sPfllC«1 ..,. -•OWrt intervals on the other tide ol wr11110t1 •nd J1iile o."111 '"'"ctr' the but'··· to -am motorilll mottler M.lrt.ret L.. """"*"· s-io... WUll .. lod1r,}T11Ul'WIY, 11 AM. pl1dl"t, lrGtlt-they are driving Gil the WJ'ODI *"!' C~I, M2·71T1. side CJt the nialfway, ARBU,,.,. p • SON \The Division of !Dgtiways ~~ • lli<Pedl to complett the job · We1tdru MOrtaaty 1{lihiD two rnooths. IZ'1 g 171t1> St., Costa Miii • . llM8ll • BALTZ MORTUARIES · Corona del Mar OR :I-HSI Costa Mua Ml s.i4U • BEIL BROADWAY MORTUAllY 110 .llroadway, Colla Miii . UMCS • DILDAY BROl'llEllS lllmtlncton Valley Mortoaey tmL Beacll Blfd. u ........ -1&.?l'Jl • McCOR&UCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Lag\lla C..yoo -· Lapn1 Betda dUl1l .. PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK • Collector For County SANTA ANA -"-Orange County supervilOr• b a v e assigned SSS delinquent Orange County MelUcal Center ·-.. io bill colle<tor. . • Trlnacootfnelltal Cr e·d It ' Service Inc. la chlrgod wltll collecUng on blll.I totaling 113,ll~ . 1be practice of emptoym'j a tilii <oJlector da\el f r o m December, 116'1, after it was suggoated by the Grand Jury that year. Wagner Chosen Fund Chairman .. ~meterj' e Mortolry 'SANTA ANA-New Orange il CbapOI COUnty chairman ol the Stan- 1 i 1111 Poclf!e Vn Drift fotd ' Annual Fwld la H. A. , 'Me-~ Beacll, Caltlonofa u. ,, w on"'• "'' .......... "nmP agn,trr, an ..,.ee.r !• MU'1W who will bead the organlution · • which devetopa llnanclal 1111> t PEEK FAMILY port !or th< university. ! .. COLONIAL FUNEllAt Wigner, of um CUnie Cir· ROME cle Lt a 1151 Stanford mt 8tlu A•e. _.lt, taktn1 a ctearee in Weatmluler ll34iZ5 mecbanlcal eJ!llneerlng, tben • cGflllllulna ·~ to Harvard -uEFf'ER MORTUARY Buojlleis ScboG1 lflduaUon. .... Beacll fM.111111;:::=======:;1 8M Clemellte UMIN lb ; . ' Ir 8Ml'rll8' MO•TUARY en Mabi"si. ·u=.- j I L ______ ,;_ _________ _,,, '" ..----'~~--'---,,~~~~~~..., · county tl'loroughfares b U t Parkway, Action Jipprovedi by told tbe board that Irvine FREE s5oo WORTH OF FISH .: . . , lhe county planrung com· 1 ha f he they'(e &<¥hi to have to learn mission was approved by the wou d ~e pre erred t use to live with a new alrcet sign board of supervisors Wed· of Valencia or Edinger for the OF YOUR CHOICE WITH PURCHASE 0,1' AN , AQUARIUM • , , 10' ·GALLON OR LARG!R. ' Tract OK'd -startlrig now. nesday. extended road. "Artistl'y in Moving" for the BEST MOYE of YOUR LIFE Ccdl: 494-.1025 FAST DRAW • Dim•·•·Lin• A~• dr•" the ftlfe.ff ,.lpe11J• ht tft• ,...,,t. C.11 6'2·5671 tnd tttt the!" •11in1t yeur own cl1tk. - 1 Le~ skip the adjectives and get. " ·~·the new$~ which .in the case of Impala includes. a whole ,new. • . 4 ' gn11e; new ~,.new front fendefSi new taillights, new interior trim and 12 new colors. Th$'e i$ ,.~-: .. ~ 1new 250-hpstanda.rd v~ new fi~~ _:· ,tires on 1S:inch wheels. And power dist brakB& :. · ;"tw-"""" , , , ... ... , . .. .. • " • • -• .. ' • ' ~ • • ' ' • • ·are· now standard on the CaJstom COui>e L. .ti ' • ' I!'"• . . ' Many new ''availables" too. .. H~dlights th~ stay on until you're in. the ~ouse for· ~mPle. All that and more. All at a Chevrolet price. 1.1., expensive cars. Getting edn? I R#h. M111S•1tnt,;.jl'.fttn1. ,., • .. The 1910 Chevrolet Impala. J. • ~ On the lllCMo I I I • ' ' , • ' • • l !4 • • ' • • • • • • • ·r ' I Beai . It Takes a Man < '."' ToBecomeaCnef BY JOYCE LAlN '° W. Ulll .,,...... • Me'tf.111¥ or.:•........, awtew ti .,. • ..,..r ....... Tv ..... "" c ... te s~ smlttl. ~fll.(i.i <I• .owMt KhOOli.,. would • "°"""' 9>Mll M .......... • cMlf I• "'1s ........ Q-,... ......... .. A. -Practically all cbefs are men. The only time l had doubts about a man wearing • the aprOD was when a frieml ~arrled tqe soo of • master • 'obef. •-1 You see, I had iaugbt the ~ride everything she didn't •)<now abo<rt cooking •.. ma- ;loring in can-<ipening with !,lraduate work in defrosting: I .:was afraid the new fatber·1n-• . • ' ~ law would took·down bis k.een ' !ense of taste ~ smell at ·her. Insteafl, he taught my fr\end may ·culinary tricks and ~ all ate happily thereafter. • WHAT'S IN THE POT? Cooks and chefs pupare and cook food, usually in large quantities. '1bey may be responsible for f~ pun;:h_as. ~ ing, meou planning, pncmg and related duties. 11te nature of a coot or cbers job depends on whe're he works : restaµrant J:!Ubllc or private school ~. hospital, railroad dining' car ocean I i n e r, ' government agency, manufac· turing plant, private club, ca~ering flrm, etc. (H e r e we're not talking about coob in private homes.) CAREER BUFFET. Along with the type ol eating place, also important lo a cook 's duties is its size. In small restaurants, one cook may do tverything, or be aided by a short order cook and a kitchen h t Ip e r or two. In lar$er establishment! with vaned menus, the staff often includes severaJ cooks, sometimes Ca.li- ed assistant cooks, an~ many ltitclien helpers. EiCJ) cook U.5Ually has a. special a$sign· ment -pastry cook, fry cook. roast cook., vegetable i:oc>k or sauce cook., for example. The chef is a head cook, and in large eating places ·there is Talk Planned Saddleback Cohege: social science instructor Andrew W. Kish will speak on "EJ .. trasensory Per-cepUon" l\'rida:y night. His talk at 8:30 p.m. at t~e Laguna Federal Saving! and Loan Building, Laguna Beach. will be to Parents \Vithout Partners. HAPPY H••e • Ii e II' II' y we•k•IHI. S+•r+ it by re•di"' the WEEK· ENDElt 111 the DAILY l'ILOT. We'd like-to-introdpce you tp something_ beautiful, sensitive, ' and)aithful.! .,v " . .· .,, ' . >:. ' THE NEW HERMES 3000. We'd like to introduce you to the world's finest portable typewrittr. The new 3000. It's been designed for elegance and the utmost efficiency. From its longer Hne spacer lever to its larle l'\lbber feet, the machine ls made more rugged, more dependable. ind quieter than ever. Flying Red Margins• are always visible over your work; the key-board is a full 44 keys (like an office model); the margin release is sensitive: tq tile lightest touch: tht touch regulator ii designed to fit pounders and tappers. Speed is an lmi)OtUnt feature of 1M machine. They've worked hard and ·J<m1 in Switzerland to make the Hermes 3000 the best. We're ilad they sua:eeded ind thet we an offer tt to Yo!J. For a Hmited time, we're ot1eri~ a special booklet for girls intt r· ested in I buslnen car.eer. AS'C us or ~ .'"from Here to Caree r. 'O~l:::J'O'Oi:=:! UNIVERSITY Office G'luipmenf, J.nc. 1913 HARBOR BLVD .. 646-7119 COSTA MESA s40.12n " \ ' Magn~o~ with 6-spaakar sound ayst1ml . . only s249so .. Fonl:tional .•. versatBe ... ideal for srnaDer tooms . ' cii~ everi be used 11 a· room divider. Beautifulyfinished on ah sides, model 3331 ·.is <ri{,~610• L. 18%" D, 231'" H. Advanced Magnavox solid·-componems bring ·vbu a vast improvement tn the re-creation of muste and assures ·'8sbng reUability. Six extended-range speakers project thrilling sound from.aft sides. Excit· · iiOg Stereo FM, drih-and-noise-free Monaural FM, plus ieied:iYe·AM rld"io . 15- Watts undistorted music power. Precision player (with Oiamond Stykrs) fets your records last a lifetime. Record storage area and concealed swivel casters plus many other quality featur~ that must be seen and heard to be appreciated. Compact, versatile Stereo Phonograph - Actu1lly outperforms many higher•priced ~ -consoles 1 Advanced 1oli~·state cifcuitry. four hig h-fidelity · speakers, 20.watts undistorted music power plus prec;ston player and recOfd stor- age area. Oetachebl• legs mak• it idealty suited onbbles.1M"'es. booke8Se$.. Medi- "lfln"ane1n model 3013-perfect anywhere. Also in Cotonial .M Cootempor.iry styling. Your Choice · $16 gso al 3 styles Magnavox Solid -State Stereo Portables fr o1n only s59 9o KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX Mugnovox llonae Entertainment Center Fnctor11 Direct Dealer 2666 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. 6855 Westminster Westminster, Calif. 12116 S. Brookhunt Garden Grovt, Calif. 12891 Chapman Garden Grove, Calif. IX~ERJ fACTORY SERVICI •1 546·1691 894-2350 530-4360 636-1250 \ ' I I 8riti$h T•n Lt. Blu< ,;:id GlRi,i ... ~ OAl~Y lO.• t &UH. 10 ... sur, dear, you cionY IK;iveto90 to Evroperor shoes qnylflOl'e_ THER£'SStA/ • At any of 12 nearby S&A shoe stores you can SAVE $5 to $8 on Euroile's newest fashions! 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE WlllmER LOS ANGl:LES l4104 WhitUer BWd. 4012 W. 5111!1 !lf"btr• -SAllT• *"'~ "ORTll HOllYWOOO 1000 Wil$11ire llvtl. 6512 lturtl C11yo11 81Yd. ~OOUR.I Ll"C.ISTt:R 2280 Ent M1i11 strul 701 W. l111C1Sttr Btftl. • ... 1:RC>IWI l~NC~l.Al\11) These tiarldsomi sev611-fl'ICh boots ar• bY' Britain's finest craftsmen. Full leather sOte and tan 1ntiqued calf upper. Doubft straps with 1tretth buckle5 for added "alkint comfort. $29.95 efsewhent S2199 Slip ,on these smart shoes and )'OUr flllt are well dresled to go lnywhere, Bench made in ttaty. Full ltdMll' lined. Cushioned heet In brown and black polished calf. $19.95 elsewflere s1499 1:110IVI ITALY Mam1 mial ••• Wh1t a beluty, this hi&h·ton1ut, tortoia•shell butkle slirH>n! Fun feather llned. Polished Cllf in t1" with brown buckl• or black with black buckle. $25.95 elsewhere 333 E. lnH ST. COSTA MESA BEVERLY HILLS WESTatmn 9830 '#. !'Ice 81¥d. HIS S. StJo1w1S1 It.I. SllE!MAll OollS l'.lllQ;A PIH 14645 Y111tura 81Yd. IJtl To,.11p Cal)lllll lhid. SHOP Oi\ILY 9:JO -t :OO SHOP SUNDAYS 10-5 BB.· ·.• . , I. ' W• ~ " ,. .. " ~ .. .. ' •• ., .. '1 ::' .. M ' ~ .. ,, •• '" ... •• • ,, •• m " .. " •• j . I • I . • ~ I I • '\' . -Exwt Color Service .,... AND ILACK & WHIT! - ~er'lally Teea-agen :- Better Worry About Sex ' You 111 my -e !fill be roll ML G: Coo&tnllll IA~ ANllllMA lllltALUTIOMI ,,..u, appreo1ai..i1 'lben 1 pcilyeyl1lc lddllly·-11.. R-nable Prices Both .... peat : bel!er ... your falajly hmdllu'r ~ lllOdaled /At ffllsM ft.. 111 Our a.-doctor. TW him !nlo· your with _,. C1N lo Iha ;r Y • ......,. c:Olllldlllce. -,._ Kidney luncllOJ> tencll ROY Youmo.l'be....ibreJlewd lo fall u t11e -ap-lll"•'S STIVINS TV lo !tam !hat wliat ·~ t!>IM ii proacbea mid$ .,., ""<' •eaereal dllwe llllt Aild 1111 FOR MR. V.: '!lie ...,.. II ltSI Nl\'il'OllT BB ii,:!,'::, will bt trelllnc II early 1 why ,;. """' aphllt lbe uae '* 1 : c5os4r1A_:!l: e-~-.,-lo p r.e v' at com· of catharUcl or toemu when _ _,__ __ -i...J'l'J~ lbe paUont bu lllqmocll palnl~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~;;!!!;~ b not lo lllr ap ucwJ.ei-DOCTOR IN perlltalail ( b o w e I • coo--THE HOUSE tract lo n 1) durhlg an unrhspecltd allack ol acule appendldtli. SUch I •• h I I y may lood lo rupluni and porlloollil. FOB M118. U.: Yu,. I •I""· Some lalbcn teue and kid tbtlr chlldren too m u c b wilboul nalizlJJc Ibey ..... hwplllatinJ t h e m . 'Ille )10Ullgtlera bavt DO rtcoune: !hey don't know bow, ., don't dare,..,. back. If you or any member of your lamUy would like Ibo booklet. "What You Can Do far Stomach Trwble,11 Hnd 21 cents in coin and a ttamped, .. u .. ddruold envelope to Dr. stelncrol>n, In Clft ol lb1l newspaper. Art Exhibit At CSCI.B Look what you get when you open a savings account ofssoo .or more at IJniqn Bank: • Sine. the bllf//rJflfftO Of lhe Empire, I.hf !rili$h ht"9 boCJ1lhl Mid aokJ "' flftllinOI, ,Otnctl •Ml 1/111/Jngs. But •ftet ti/ a.. e.ntur/ff, lhtly .,. CQltVfrt/ng to 1 dfC/f1111 etHrtncy &Jell I! ours. 1hfs co/nltlf CIM~ Is be"1r1 m1d1 grtdu.t"'f, ind wfll b«MI• o/lfct.I on F1btU1ry 1s.1111. For a limiled time, Union Bank offers you this special gift- a collector's set of these new British decimal coins-encased in a presentation folder_ with a description of each coin. To get yours, all you have to do fs open a regular savings account of SSOO or more, or purchase a 5% savings bond in a like amount . Either way, you get the very best in bank savinos along with a collector's item you'll want 10 treasure. There's no ~etter 1i~e than now to start your savings program- tailored to meet your individual needs-at Union Bank. Highest bank rate s, daily interest compounded dally, and a wide range of plans to choose from. Do it today. tomorrow's bank today Orang.o Cocmly R1111atW Held Ott!Cf: Miki II~ veu • OtM!f/O North 0fl!fg0 Counry Office: Her» al 01111QOlhorpe • Ful/trlon Soulh 0r>"!I• Counry Office: CON/ llTgllwly 01 Goldenrod• CCrcno do/ Mu ., .... ,.,_,__..._.c.,.,u..f ....... .,.., < A MS"1CA'•• l..Aft9EST PAMl\.V C\.OTHINe. CHA'IN I ' I ' OrfN f it• "" ,,,, • ' • • !':; ' ' " For ' Fall, Robert Han : has famousJ i brand luxury suits " for every style and price preference I\ The best of the suit world W,,.. up · now at Robert Hall whero fuhim> is 1 man's word, too. Presenting the newest uend·setting silhouette1 with more than just a hint of s~ping .•. the in- demand fabrics, expertly taOgrod fbr superior St, la.tting good li>oks-all •ensibly lowpriced.-We'reready for FaU ... areyou? PURE VIRGIN WOOL GOLDEN EMBLEM • ...... ·~~ E.f{· . ;9~0'.ti '..~~:t'.: " ·,uT">:.' . ..... WORSTEDs47ss C<>mp. val1U $55 .-~: . .-CISARi LARIN .. \=:.;:;;~W;.ORSTE~ & SILKS Comp. val1U $75 64 95. There's never a charge for alterati01l3 at Robert Hall Open Sunday 11 to 5 • '' ' • ' • • COSTA MESA, 1601 Newport Blvd, at 16Ut GARDI N GROVE -12372 G1r<l1n Grow ..... I I'• • .I I ,.....-....,--------------------------------=--------------------. ----------.. !JI OAllV PILOT • mm ·WHITE FROIT i['iiii IPllJ.olll .. iITIJ] MONIH CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE PROCTOR -SILEX IRONING TABLE 54'' tong with perlorated steel top; adiusts in height from 24" to 36" Non-tilt legs.. #62491. OUR R£!. LOW 4' 7 DISCOUNT PRICE 1 5.97 • fabulcus buy on quick- heiting flavor ·reta1ning stainless steel. Would be muth bi~h<r if pureh>Std by the piece. PLEDG:E OR LYSOL SPRAY The fvnlitli'fe wax wlldi poli$11n as it dusts ••• or tfle 14 oz. Mtiseptic tor geons, mold, mildew. llll l(tlt11n'9Dr rtlt1'1.•U. ··99 YOUR C CHOICE'' u. ' .. CORNIN,GWARE 21/2 QT. SAUCEPAN Blue-and-w~ite ceramic saucepa1t with detadlable handle for table set• vice, clear, glass covers. :~,::~ ~~[ 5-88 I.II COSMETICS & SUNDRIES HOUSEWARES BUYS! ' LP STEREO CENTER FULL RANGE STEREO SOUND OUI If,. LOW DISCOUNT PRICE 1.11 YOUR 133 · CHOIU EACH LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! PADDED EXERCISER MAT "3-WAY ACTION" Synchronized fool bar, handle bar and saddle action simulates motions of hotseback riding. £K. 1ra heavy construction. Upholstered padded sad- dle. #XR-500. ' ,-·-''I:\ - I ~· --\.J--' ----- ~ ~ ~=====::--:$;:H;:OP:=;T;;:H;;E:-;;5:;T;O~RE~=~LO;,S;":A;;:N;";.G;R;,fS~~E~A7,ST~l~O';'S :,N;G;,El;.ES~~VAUEY WEST CHARGE IT Jlff[ISOM llVD. et MAYSll 1S7S (Alf OlfMPIC l\YD. CAllMA '•AIUl NE ... ·EST YOU•. ,,.,...,., UI ''''•"•"·.... , ..... ••II., •h.Wfl( (&NOGA ••t. "' IOl(Of It VO. • 8A•AMlalCA•D Ra IA lflJfM ~I cm"' (tMft<I JNI...,,. .,, nimru ,,,,.., •WMITI FllONT • -11111 CNARGI A.NAHflM CllllNT ca.us MAllOI & WILllM WAT ---,,_ .... SAN BERNARDINO 4tf .OUMGl IMDW IOAD • "' lA.1 11...., ... , .. ,. •• , '""' 1'l9W .... COVINA 11St MOlfM AJUSA AYL •trwtt• JU,,,.,... ,,,,.., . ,,, .......... ONTARIO IJJJ MO. MOllTAI• AYL ., s.,..,, "' ,., ...... Salon-style foll!lljla- 16 Ot SIZE ' COMP.. A Tl .59 < 66PC. TAQLEWARE ·SERVICE FOR 8 • a plates • I so111s • I fruits• I ~read '1 ~rtters ICRONA-CNIOME • 12 c111s •I s11c1n. 1 creamer • 1 sucar wltb c1w1r • t bowl • 1 11l1tter fine imported china in delicate pink rose pattern. Now priced _ · even lower than our regular low discount price! 1997 "'Ill .. . .._ NIU Ztlf PHILCO ·14 ~· 2~oooa· REFR!GERA TOR~ FREtlfi:· . 102 lb. freezer with door shell, 2 lasl-fref!Ze · .. ~ce cube trays • Refrigeratcr has twin crispers " .. ""'"'' an fllll!'S MtaUll*'l.r rt PU11 &Ill wt1 II PUCl,Wm IUWln 111(1 •OllUl llOOSfMI '"· ulter keeper, deep bottle shelves on door, tw~ !lrde out . and one stationary interior shelves · Automatic defrost relngeraklr section INCLUDES · OUIVEIU NORMAL INSTALLATI ON ATHOfm.I COST VAlLEYEAST TORWICE * STOllE HOURS * ~·-,, ••• , CAllTOtl •• ffMINf "'1 tn •flHI Jf.llf IHIWAt COSTA MESA )OU lltSTOl AYL ""tf1.......,. •••. lmrtll .... ,,,, U. lalft,,., TOllAllCI llVI. Af MAWTitOI• RYI. DOWNEY WOOOIUFF AT tMmt&l '''""'" W UH'lft ,,,,._ I ' COVINA I AMAllUM -. ... u.,,n.. orll'r.\~'tla. ... ,.,. ......... . U,f,, ... . .... It"' ·, ·-----------------------------------. ---..,..- • .. ., " • Keeping Shape Easy · as 1~2-3 Gone are the days when expectant mothers sat around in their rock· ing chairs, sipping tea and knitting sweet little things, patiently a\vaiting the blessed event. , Toda;'s mother·to-be is a woinan of aclion, out and about until the very end o her pregnancy. She keeps up with her housework, her club ac· tivities and is ready to go anywhere at a moment'~ notice. But even for the pregnant woman of today , there is an additional need for exercise during pregnancy to te>ne specific muscles and keep the body in shape so it will be in shape alter delivery. Such is the mission of a class now offered at the Orange Coast YMCA, instru~ted for six week periods by ?\.1_rs. Charles Cona\vay, registered nurse, and Bill Brown, YMCA physical director. The classes meet twice a week and are open to \vomen tilrough their entire pregnancy and up to eight weeks after delivery. Written approval of a doctor also is necessary. The series, titled Keep Your Shape in Shape, also prepares women for easier labor and delivery. Mrs. Conaway, \vho has t\vo children, is a native of Johnstown. Pa. and has lived in California for 20 years. She is a graduate of Queen of An· gels School of Nursing, Los Angeles, and designed the classes under the guidance of a committee of doctors. . After exercising herself during pregnancy and after her two chi!· dren's birtli, she felt that the exercises were an asset to her well-being and felt that other women would benefit from her experience. To do the exercises, women should wear loose, comfortable clothing. Exercises should be done at the same time each day on a folded blank.et or soft mat and should be done Qnly with a doctor's permission. Those exercising should take a deep breath and inhale slowly before each exercise and take small rest periods after the more vigorous ones. Routines should be done slowly but with rhythm. Counting aloud will help maintain ryhthm. · If any aftereffects or discomfort result, wome n should stop and rest. SIDE ARM STRETCH -Recognizing that exercise is necessary both during pregnancy and after de- livery, .mothers to be, the Mmes. Everett Davis , R. J. Palmer and Melvin HeckmBn (back, left to right) do the side arm stretch with ·:Mrs. Chiartes Coneway (left), leader. · If discomfort persists, the exerciser should stop and begin again the next day. A few warm-up exercises should begin each period. Here are a few of the exercises from Mrs. Conaway's class. - MUSCLE CONTROL -Teaching their muscles re- laxatioh and self control in preparation for labor and deliVery, Mrs. John Cashion (left) and Mrs. John Mylan (center), follow the commands of their ; TOE TOUCH-Although It may hurt a D\tle at first, just keep trying, says Mrs. Conaway !left) as she 1 encourag es the Mmes. Davis, Palmer and Heckman , (!ell to right). The women learn warm-up exercises, ' leader, Mrs. Cbar1es Conaway. Tbe six~week series -~9r expectant and new mothers is offered at the Orange Coast YMCA Wednesday and Friday morn- ings at 9:30 a.rn. muscle cooditlonera and routines designed for relax· attori , all part of a series designed by Mn. Conaway with tile aid of a committee of doctors. • For a warm-up, start with arm circles. Stan~ erect, arms extended sideward at shoolder height. palms up. Make small circles backward with hands. Head should be erect. Reverse with palms down . Do 15 times each direction. Anotller warm-up exercise Is bend and stretch. Stand erect. feet shoulder·width apart. On count one , bend trunk forward and down, flexing knees. Stretch gently in attempt to touch toes. On count.two, return to start· Lng position. Do slowly, stretching and relaxing at intervals rather than in rhythm . . -A. conditioning exercise is the leg-slide. Lie fi8t ·on , the flooi-with the back touching the floor at all points, legs slightly apart and straight, arms at side. SUde the right leg slowly towar~ body, keeping the sole of the foot on the floor as long as possible and keeping the bottom of the spine on the floor. Toss Up. Slide the leg gradually back to the original position again with the heel flat on the floor and toes in air. Repeat with the other leg. Repeat &-10 times. . . - Another is the perJneaI·thigh relaxer. Assume a sitting position with the soles of the feet tou ching, hand s on knees, head and back erect. · Rock forward wi'lh hands on knees and press body weight on knees. Hold to count and then return to starting position. Repeat five times. This also can be done with the legs crossed and rocking the body forward and then back. Anyone interested in additional exercises may call the YMCA, 642-9990, for the starting date of the next class. KNEE BENDS -Mrs. Conaway (center) keep• a watchful eye on Mrs. Palmer (left) and Mrs. Everett Davis as they do knee bends durin{ the lZ.session series. Mrs. Pal- me·r. partic1pating1 enthuSiaatically for lbe ' third time, is expecting her nirrt.h ch.ild . The exercises are designed to be done at home after the class is over, both be!ore and after delivery. I . . ·: 1 I ' ........ ...... --.... - Mission Bay Selected ) By Newlywed Peters Club History Told Music lovers Sip Tea New aod p r o 1 p e c t 1 v e graduate of Pomona C.Ollege, members and patrons of the he recently was chosen to act Mua1all AN Club of Orange a.a organist for the lntcrna· County have been invited to a tional Cosmopolitan Club con- t.ea 1n. the home ol Mr. and ventlon in Washington, D.C. Mts. G. Cla1re Jordan of Santa Refreshments will be served Ana nut SUnday from 2: 30 to in the paUo by the Mmeii. Mak1nc tbelr home In nun: lln(lon Btacb ore Mr. and ,,.,._ lUchanl E. Petera who exc:banpd their wedding vows and dnp dw!ng an evenlJiC --ccoduclal by the Rev. Rorer Belswortb In tbO Community Methodist Cburcb, Huntlnllm Beach. The bride is the former Patricia Anne T o v a l t , da~cr o , Mr. aoc1 Mn. An C. Tovatt, and her husband ls the IOO of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peten ol Whit· tier. Elcorted down the alale by. her father, the new Mn. Peten selected a floor length 5 Rilla Black of Tw;Un, W. E. p.m. Durtne the att.emoon's pr~ Fackiner of Anaheim; Herma ·u "-a Belpret al. Stanton; Fletcher gr~_ JUeals wt ...., ac· Stewart of Costa Mesa, and qualD&ed with the blatory and purpoees of the club, the ;;;Dr;;;;;. ;;;C;;;lar;;;a;;;H;;;al;;;;;;e ;;;ol;;;Sa;;;;;;n;;;ta;;;Ana;;;;;;;;i' oldest mualc club in the COUll-11 ty 1n c:ooUnuoul ex1s1ence. Wurlitzer Speaking will be Clar"""' 0 RGA N S Guatlln ol Loo Angeles. former Santa Ana resident and early ALL MODELS oraama gown styled with a ,,.., ,,,, lace bod.lee and sheer bouffant organlur ol the clut!. AVAILABLE Performing during the after· noon will be Mrs. Jordan, a W A LL I C H S :Guild Members Preside at Tea Table 1Pouring tea \Vednesday, Oct. 1, 'vill be 1nembers of lhe Allar Guild of St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, Costa Mesa. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Adams Will open their Newport Beach home for the benefit Silver Tea from 2 to 5 p.m. Guild members (left to right) the Mmes. 1'heodore Coope r, Stephen Wei11s and Isabel Simpson admire vestments and linens their group has provided for the church through handwork and donations. :Nuptials Performed I In St. Mark's Church St. t.i a r k ' s Presbyterian Church was the setting for the double ring ceremony linking in marriage Jean Manson and J'>avid Lee Ghormley. The Rev. James Kirk officiated. 1 Parents o( the newlyweds Ire A1rs. James Sublett of }\Jewport Beach, John Maruron pr Lisbon and Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Ghormley of Pacific Palisades. For her wedding the bride, who was given in marriage by her father, chose a long white gown · with daisy lace trim. Daisies and roses formed her .crown which held her veil, and she carried while roses. <iqua gowns and c a r r i e d matching (]oral bouquets. Serving as best man was Jim Ghormley, brother o( the brideg.room, and ushers were Steve Wil,on. Keith Kruz.ic and Scott McKenzie , all of Los , Angeles. . t A garden receplion for 150 t.J guest.s followed al the home of '1l1 the bride's mother. Following ~ a honeymoon trip to Las Vegas and Lake: Tahoe the bridal couple will reside in Tustin. Both the bride a n d bridegroom are graduates of Pacific Palisades High School and attend Orange Coast College. Special guests attending the ceremony were Mrs, Gretchen .• f. s~es. The full aktrt swept lnlo a chapel Jraln and her il- lusion veil was held by a head- piece of white flowe.n, She carried a ·nosegay of gardenias, baby'• breath and st.ephanotll accented wtth pink rooebuds. Miss Karyn Van Mat:rt serv· ed as maid of honor, and bridemtaid.s were Mn. R. M. Tovau, Mn. W. R. Tovatt and MW Susan Tovatt, 1l!ters-fn.. law and sister of the bride, and Mrs. David Aboud and Miss Donna Howland. Their gowns of pink 1llk linen were styled with empire bodices, full UlrtJ and pin.le voile bell sleeves with pink: and While dals!OI banding the akfrt and sleeves. They wore pink Oower head· plecee and carried nosegays of dalslea and ptnk mes. Tracy Anne Tovatt and Robert M. Tovatt Jr., niece and nephew of the bride, were flower girl and ring bearer. Atlendlng the bride'"'°"' wu Stephen E. Peters, best man. and aeaUng guesta were Vie Lee, Jact Kenna, Ed Neidhardt, Wea Fox and Pat Kelfe. Guests were received ln the ehureb followlng the ceremony with a second reception for the wedding party taklng place in the home of the bride's parents. The newlyweds traveled to MWion Bay, San DI.ego, for their honeymoon. The bride is a graduate of Marina High School a n d MRS. PETERS Beach Home naUve of Santa Ana, who holds MUSIC CITY a muters degree in music SOUTH COAST PLAZA from the Unlvenlty o f Southern Calllornla and a PhD T•E•R•M•S in guidance. COSTA MUA S40-J16! Golden West College and ls af. Introduced will be. James lllSTOL AT SAN DllGO FWY. flliated with PEO c:baptu CV,;;:;Fril6~~· ;""'~;cl;ub=p=re.s;l;den~l=A~~ Huntington Beach. Her huJband was graduated from Sierra High School and Rio Hondo C.Ollege in Whittier and now is atten d ing Calilomia State College at Los Angel ... Paint When Dry Outside The belt time lo begin pain- ting is during a relallvely dry time of day. Temperatures should be above 50 degrees and momlng dew evaporated. Water-thinned Oalex) paints offer a Utile leeway from less than Ideal coodiUons. They can be applied lo slightly damp surfaces and during humid weather. Sorop!imists Newport Harbor Soroptimlst Club meets the first three Wednesdays for a n o on luncheon in Villa Marina, Newport Be.ach. The 11st. Wed· nesday of the month membu• meet 1n the same location for dinoer at 7:JO p.m. JOIN HAIR & CO. Come As You Are- Break the chains of roll•rs, clips. •nd dryers. Try our soft scissor cut ••• You may never ltaYt to set yo&1r hair ataf•. Now ..• Penelope (Formerly of Gene Shacove} & Robert Pignotti HAIR & CO. (•t ltEVA'S} J17 Marin• Av.., l•lltH l•l•rMt-Phene •7J..1230 for App't. o~ , 01rii a ••a. w-Ol'WPI -'i.u. ~n ""' "'" Mllr ~"' & LKtv...._ Wanted Operator with Following , Attending her sister as maid of honor was Miss Barbara )'danson, while bridesmaids were the Misses Di an n e Sublett. Jody Gamson of Beverly Hills and Virginia 'Hansen of Newport Beach. They wore lime green and Kneebone of Dundee, Ill., the . "" "' bride's grandmother: Mrs. !Md" \ ..,. "'t "' Andrew Ridlik of Yonkers. 11!!_._.~---·-~~--'---'""--'::::.."'-----·~J:j N.Y .. the bride's aunt and .itti,.., io.... MisJ Llnda Ridzik, he:r cousin. MRS. DAVID L. GHORMLEY Tustin Home Chosen THE WOOD LIGHTING FIXTURE co. Seminar Offers Tips iFor Wielding Gavel Two Dates Marked Bargains, Tea Offered Pi Unit of lhe California hour from noon to 12:30 and Pl Stale and National Association Unit will provide coffee and Closets and drawers are turday, Oct. 11, for the Ir .of Parliamentarians will host tea annual membership tea from a seminar on parliamentary Pi Unit members \\'ill ofler being cleaned by members of t" p ti Ch l r 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. procedure next Monday in the a demonstration meeling al i.e acese er aper o Entertaiament wiil be pro- Woman's clubhouse, Orange, 12:30 and ~1rs. Heitz Y.'lil Children's Asthma Research vided by Ron Thronson, direc· • Regislralion will ...t>egin at speak on Preside \Vilh Poise Instllule and Hospital in tor of the South Coast Reper· ':30 a.m. and the progran1 at l p.m. preparation for a rummage tory Theater, and cast mem· ~·111 follow at 10 with a talk on A Question Box al 2 30 y,•ill ;;ale next Saturday. bers of the theater. the ~tany llals of Parliamen· be followed by ad;ournmcnl at The sale will take place from, __________ I tary Procedure by Mrs . 3. 9 a.m. to S p.m. at 690 W. 19th .AOVERTllEMt.HT Jose ph Heitz, reg i st ere d Anyone wishing to .1nake St., Costa Mesa, for the parliamentarian. reservations, al $1.50. may benefit of the hospital and ~ The Knit and Stitch Section contact Mrs. 0. \V. freek, S~ research program. Mrs. Stan er the Woman's Club of 4804. or ~1rs. Herbert E. Cohen is serving as chainnan. Prange will sell sandwiches Nelson, ~4-4838. The public 1s Chapter memben wiU gath· WINES versus · TRANQUALIZERS and cook.ie3 during the lunch invited. er 1n lhe Balboa Bay Club Sa· ----'----''--------------'-----~--I Are sleepless nlght.s bugging * * • * 97.50 * * * 595.00 A hit of magic ... ~~ together A lovely combination •.• the opal, an interplay of rainbow colors, complemented by the brilliance of diamonds. Each of these fine designs are crafted in 14-K. eold. See the entire collection of opal and diamond rings today .•. everyone loves magic! Us• your convenient credit account. e weisfields JEWELERS you? Try a glass of wine be· !ore retiring and sleep like a baby. Unless you ENJOY taking pills you should find our suggesUon far m o r e pleasant than washing do,vn a pill with WATER. Water might fog your glasses and rust your pipes! I'm reminded each tin1e I clean my shower head ho"v bad water mey be on your system, so why take un· necessary risks? Brookside Winery in Dana Point stands ready to eliminate this risk while making your life more pleasant and healthful. Plan to visit our ta st In g room. You'll be assured of friendly serVice in a friend· ty atmosphere, as our cus- tomers are the nicest people we know. We have to love them when many drive thir· ty miles or more to buy their wines. Incidentally, Brookslde's wines ,re· so good we hate to par{ with them, but since our goal ls to make your life more pleasant, we can be induced to let you buy. Oe our guest nt Brookside \Vincry1 Dana Poinl IHE LIGHT, WlllTI GARDEN BOUQUET For the nook 1rKI dining aret with blue ind green or orange 1nd mustard tulips-It's 21" In diameter wlfh 6 llghts. s3450 It's good looking. Our usual selection of shade drapes in marvelous colors & prlcls. ' OF NEWPORT BEACH PRESENTS OUR 4th I •NYINTORY I~ ! ,,, :1:1; [~ I ' WAREHOUSE SALE! We',. doing it 1g1in-Htlp us dun up •II the loose ends- We11 mike the prices •• right you can't resist. If you've ever 1H1nded our 1nnu1I Hie you don't need to be convinced. PRICES CUT FROM SQ°!o '0 7 Q°!o (And In sOm• very 1peclal COi•• ••• even more than thot) OIKOUlllS APPLY TO ALL flXTUUS ON DISPIAY BRING MONEY ILOTSI fh• 11111111 luxvry 1f Crpt1I <Nn- ••ll•rs 1114 Wall '*" lmportff m.. Ci.uhoslottlla, hstril, 0.-- Mltrf, Sp.h1I Tito llchMU of Hall4 Cr1ft1d Wreu9ht ko11 froM h1ly, s,.111, Pom11I an• Mtdco. You'll flfl• fhd\n'll 111ltUl1 for 111;try, lh- lnt roein, •ro••lttt ,..,., kiteh•fl. hill, Jlfl., Mftl'""' , .• fw mry '""' 1114 t. 111k rnry ,,..,. ... (W1 htdudo MIM lm,.,t.« fl.tum,. .. "'' dlK1ntlnv1tl tt.m• 11141 • fnr 1Hhl Spec:ltl Jfkt1 .. fMM,) H1v• you evtr lltn the fabulow1, fiery diamond like STRASS CRYSTAL ON SAU? ~I DO IT YOUISIUUS • A llUT YAIUTY • • • OP IMPOlllD IU.SS AU COLOllS-ALL SIDS A pool table light for $29.95 is un- h11rd of, but ourt !111;ludos thl 2 lSOw C · .W lamps and comn In Th ls ls so delicately beauliful you'll h 1 v e trouble keeping your compos,urel Oh yes. 12" diam. with 4 lights. or11190, yellow, olivt, black with ·----.. ~---------iii thoict of color KCft'ltl. Come to throk 01 ;1 """"" yoo "'°"td bvy RET All.IRS, WHOLE SA URS, twal (lt't 36H long by 12" wide,) CONTRACTORS WElCOMEI II B.El & CA$H CASH ONLT AISOLunlT NO UIUHDI NO IXCHANGll SAU STARTS FRIDAY, SIPT'. 26 OPfN DAILY 9.5, SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10·4 OPlll IUNDAT 10 'TI\ 4 DUllHO Tlfll SALii ' " 40,20 CAMPUS letwNn Pall.sades a MecA.rthut II. acro1s from Ortlnge County AJrpert Nl:WPOIT NACH ' J --.. -~· .. ·~-- Sex Education Readies Students for Family Life CHICAGO (UPI) -In many school districts the mention ol sex education stirs tempers. spawrui debates and otherwise disrupts relations b e t w e e n educators and some parents. The Chicago public school sex education program runs from kindergarten to grade 12. It's called family life and sex education. 111 kindergarten the course aims lo teach children to find out about themselves and their families. In grades 11 and 12, discussion concerns growing in self-understanding, living with a family. teenage marriage and family life -care of mother and baby. Enlightening to any involved in a sex education dilemma on tfie school front are the ob- jectives of the Chicago pro- gram. They include: -To strengthen the family as the basic social unit in our •• •• I! democratic way or life. -To develop and implement a comprehensive and educa- tiortally sound program or family Ufe and sex education incorporated into the regular curriculum in all elementary, secondary and special schools. -To help children and adolescents develop healthy attitudes toward human sexual behavior. -To prepare children and adolescenl..s for their respec- tive roles during their various stages of growth and develop- ment until they b e c o m e responsible, mature adults who can make wise decisions and wise choices concerning sexua1 matters. -To help children and teenagers develop wholesome feeling of self idenlity and self-worth, respect for others and moral responsibility so that they un~erstand their role.. in marriage. NEEDLEPOINT DESIGN 2621 I .C..t Hwy. • Cor-del Mor • ,75°7121 • Large Sizes Com• to sw.attr CO\lntry -that's Haff·Si.z• Shop. Long and 1hori l•ngth1r bulky and flat knit1, buttons and op•n fronts. Corral your1 h•r•. from $12.00 ' . . • ' r.~'?.'J ~ ' . i ~~~'sHALF·SIZE SHOP \ 1 ~~1~ ~!w!!~. ~~dj!~· I!!!!!!! Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 iiiil Frld1y to 9:00 Aho 224 Orangefair Mal, Fuller1on Improve Your Facial Personality 1\1rs. Phillip Worsman of Santa Ana (lcfl) offer~ 1nakeup suggeslions to Mi ss Christy Martin of Balboa Island . Golden West Evening College and 'I.he May Compa ny, South Coast Plaza are sponsoring th e second of a fou r-\veek series on A Better Self-concept Through Fashions and Good Grooming. The program on cosmetics will take place Tuesday. Sept 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the college's cen- ter building. Symposium Prepared Orange County Arts Council ~·ill present a symposium on the arts next Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bowers 11useum, Santa Ana. Organ i za lions lending special assistance include the museum, Orange County Art Association, Buena Park Art and Culture Committee, Torana Ari League, f'ullerton Chamber of Commerce and various news media in the county. Luncheon speaker will be James J.lellrich, vice president of finance, Orange County Symphony Association. Com- munications will be discussed by representatives o[ the news media. Year Opened Mr!. Litiie Hicks will open her home in Laguna Beach lo members of Orange County Alumnae Ass oc i ation o[ Scripps College who will make their first fall meeting a sa1ad bar luncheon at 11 :30 a.m • next Tuesday. The meeting, in addition to providing an opportunity for welcoming new alumnae in the area, will be a forum to discuss plans for the coming year. Hostesses will be the Mmes. William Eilers, Ro b e r l Armstront, Peter T e m p I e • Milton Crier Jr., Bartiell Brown, Robert Bury, Slack Winburn and Charles McK.in- nie. WOflh IOOkiDD inro ... Th•t• 1111iq11• •nd <111hl111din11 l11!11r11 ••• pro •id•d w;th ••lfy Fri9id1ire Aulomeli< W1ih•r: e No w1l•r ••·tirt11l1t;n9 • J1l·Aw1y Rir11i11t 1y1i•m • J1l·Aw1y l int R1mo•1I e No w11h or ri111•·w1iflr • Jil·Atlion W11h c:onl1tt with w1t1r c:o11!1in1r • d i e Solidlub wn•r• 1curn 1n or1!~n rn•t••i•li c111 b11ild 11p, • 5.y.,, W1rr111ty S"·.,••r 111tio nw;d1 w•<Tt111ty b1c•ed liy G111•••I Motor1, 2·Y•I, w1rr111ty for r1p1lr .,f 1ny d1f1tt wltho11t (h1r91, plu1 4·v••r Prol•ttio11 Pl1n lp1rh only )for fur11i1hin9 r•pl1c1m1nt for 1ny d•f1ctiv1 p•rl i11 th• tompl•I• tr1111mi11ion, drlv•·"'otor, or w1· t1r p11mp. ~DAVIS -BRO\VN Tlltlrscfay, Stptfmber 25, 1~ Group Gets Its Kicks DAILY I'll.OT JS I Silver S•nd1 There art a lot ot ways to get kicks. However Laguna Folkdancers, which has It! beglnnen' group m e e t I n g weekly on Wednesday even- ings, certalnJy bas an enviable systml. Th< !Int aod lblnl _.,,.. aod refrtsbmeots In the home ~J I p.m. ma:nqetl c(l!IVU ~ ol Mr. and Mn. Jon S, Brand. Sands :Ill, N-llooebla-11'1 Several members of the ol tbe Go1dea Wat .ptbtr lor I groupattendedweek·IOng meetln&•· Le.~e Part i dance sessions in tdyllwild and Clubboule 1n H u • t I 11. I t_o a San Diego last summer aod Beach la the mettlDI p1.ate· The folk.dancing enthusiasm was developed in Laguna Beach residents 10 years ago and since the group bas e:i- panded to include energetic dancers of all ages .and levels ol e:iperlence. will introduce the new dances Lhe flrat seuloo. Mn. Jact" they learned to the organlz.a-Wlltoo, 541-lf?t, will Mnllh lion. Jocalloo iofonnsUoo cm the .... Nate. and ~la Moore have cond mttting date. been ualrucling the group since Its inception and will be .. -------~--- teaching intermediate and ad-ESTHER LLOYD vanced dances. Special guest 3114 w.,.. a.--c:..M'.:MoM instructors also will b e 14...,21 'Ille grou p has • two-hour dance period Jn Lal'Ula Beach High School J_lrls' gymnasium. The first gathering this fall also included a short meeting featured. William WidoU con-~--.,. Furtaer lnformaUon may be ,_ 'Qltt11t:r1I ducts the beginning classes. ...,,,.,.. •• ., ... 1 obtained by calUng Brand, the OISTmUTOR ,.__, ~. president, 494·3581 . THRU SATURDAY ONLY! Penneys Annual Fur Caravan Come early forlsuper.savings! fWor"~ the time, Pentiey\ 6 the plocd We .cooped the fVf MOrht ond CClllll9 up wiTb spectuculor .50'rings Of\ the lush oad kwe.,. hits 'fVU'" beell ..aitinQ for t0 long.. Came see s~ jodl.ett, cootL capes. boall C-to.ch and try on rink •, fO-X-, broodtai1". otboer hn"I Come -ty b bett choic.I Notwral mink stole, pastel. dawn or pew!. 5289 Nolural mink working 'coat. pastel. dawn or peod. 5649 Natural mink jod::et. pawl down Of pearl. 5459 Noturol ~-out tnink full length coat. '1295 Dyed blade b<oodtail pn><.-1 lamb jo<b<. '229 NatwGf -boo. '35 NaMol mok jo<kotL •499 .......... k-'379 .......... ... blue fox ....... '69 Norngian blue fox copes. '219 NatU'l'ol let-owt mink stoks. '429 Dyed b<oadtoll pn><-.1 lomb jackets. '319 ............ ...,,.... '219 Na....t,.;,,k•ole. '339 NEWPORT BEACH -Fashion Island l I , ""'l'i--v-~----~~:-===·-~-~-----~-- - - - - - -...... -.. -... ___ .;,;. __ ~~-·---~--·-----_.· -~-------------·--_...., ________ _ ·-~-... ------· .... --.. -ff DAll.Y PILOT Service Mothers . Every third Tbunday U.S. Etutern Stars Forum Speaker Hamburger Examined ·Foreign A· Secdw1 \A)olt at f'ore.lgn The speaker will elaborate DEAR ANN LANDERS: May l CQmo. Made ·'Elegant' Air F0rte Mothers. Fligbl 19 achedule meetina• in California federal Saving• and Lo2n buildln&, Costa Mesa, at a p.m. Masonic Temple in t.guna Beach Is the meeting aetttna when Laguna Beach Chapter szi. Eastern Star membeTs gather the firs~ and third Fridays at 8 p.m. -W"Wlll lie the"1apic of Min on her pi'em1ses thal "Uospent menl on 1 letter 1n your column ~. !!>ra..,,el1.Ahl wbeD sbe apeab foreign aid approprilliona of "Woke Up Too Late.'' I lb1nk the .&al is ftif tbt Harbor Fcnun Dexl the last several yean excttd atill asleep. ~-at lO:.S a.m. will 20 million dollars ... and ''Our Sbe said. "Al least a prostitute can • ANN LANDERS ~ a HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE ~ -~ ,_ ~ bo aid to cambodia h.u been UJed have • day oil and spend bu money 11 -pnoeueu "~ • """'ee ur she pleases." Then she went on to &ri:pe at, lt ID 'Fashion Island'i extensively to help the Viet beeause a wile must prepare her iu.. lslllld HWJe. ~ infiltrate SOutb band'• meals, raiae hi.I chlldrtn, put up Draw1Q& material from her .., with hil relatives, run hll errandl, teep otemive travels. MW Ah.I A question and •nswer llis boule in order, take care of him wbeo bu 'Written seven boob and seuioo wUJ folloJJ the Ul!k and be is sick, etc., etc." Why did she get numerous mapstne articles. a salad luncheon will cooclude marrjed if she wanlld to live a oom- ll Ill"'· No pwtnu In ma?ria&e ohoWd feel tbal hi! ts being Uled. Not II be boldf up hll end of the barglln. --OlUO POINT OF VIEW lbe wedding. My lamlly SIYI ho I> o cll>gr""" Ind')·- announces late Rer11ious School Registration to be held ot ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH A~ of the Unlvmity the qenda. ·ptetely selfish life? ' _. ....::.1., __ ,.. Da-"-•t..y ..t.a is No r e s er v a l i o D s are ·, ..., ~w--. Qenr.~,..., • -My husband is a labottr. He leam tilt ~ Jl.ltod tn "Who's Wbo of .-oury. Anyooe wishing in- BEAUTIFUL omo: J'te r e a 111 -111111 ol leuen, llal 1oan pl "' me 11 few Uve. ne ..a time ,_-ftl" .,-.... 11a_o1_11_ Papa, pleau bow Y• are tbe ft?J_ Gf Should I tell my hrolJJer he'll hive to cut hit hair and shave or drop out of lhe weddins? Some people can ignore public oplnlon hut I do care whit people say and I woo 't deny II. I need your advice. --CLUTCHED IN ST. CLOUD 3209 Vlo Lido, Now1J11rt Booch S•turdoy, Sop!. 27, ,,30 A.M. -12 Noon For lnform•tlon: Call '44-0140 ~ Women" and the formats.on may call Mrs. house al 7 un. and puts in • bard day'• "Dlctlc:nar1 of International William w. Joete$, president, work. U be can get overtime, be gr~ h.. 1: JI'-·•"-• . m.402I. When II< comes bonle ''.~glltanhe , ts ~~'i-~·;:-~=====;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;i;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-1 the house, washes down w.: w s, .. eeps AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVICE ~',:' :t.t.•:1.!'~l: ~'!i.tlle,.:'~ thcta••"'lb el .......... will be dJitlec: .. --..._ ... l1daea ""' toalg:bl. Y• have Ufe•1 most predoua &lits -tM foillq tbat Y• .,. ....Sed, ud • 1"ubud wlae 1bvioulj< Id..., yoo. 'f1dl mUOI 1W I W1rJ ria lMj<. DEAR CLUI'ClllID' AU ,_ 11ntber to trtm. IW: mop and wull WI beard. So loac u be Joob Beat and c1eu t11at'1 an tbat lllalten. Tbb""" v .... ol tM IIolr Uld 1: far .... om plenty dd< ol .0 Ile attention people .,. ghhog Ile tul>Jed. Dair ts NOT tbat IDlporlaal l i ~ paycheck and apologizes because 1t isn't (Jl()l't. He never complains when I give him ground meat in II different ohapes because it is cheaper. At night wl:ten he puts his arms around me and ptdll mt COMPLETE SHOE e LUGGAGE e HAND BAG REPAIR ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION S CONVENIENT SHOPS L ClOAll tlWY, e ll# tRVIHf AVL c-.... ,,.,.,, U)olMt Wftkltlf ...... YIA LIDO ti-' 8Mdl. iolt-4SI ...... ..._.. m-Nlt ellOfllNSON'S ASKllCMI ISU.ND ,, .. ,, .. lslatld ............... -!'UI ·~_. ~ close I feel that whatever I've done for him during the day wasn 't enough. Love and marriage are a cycle. The more you do for a man the more ht loves you. The more he loves you the more he tries to do for you. The mott he tries to do for you I.be ~ you Jove him. And so DEAR ANN LANDERSo My girl Id I are planning aur wedding. She baa asked three cousins to be bridesmaids. l have f'OUl' brothers. I've asked one brother to be my best -· The other thrte I'~ uked to be ushers. One Of IJl1 brothers Jw grown I long beard and his hair is nearly down to his shoulders. He looks like an idiol My Kiri is sick about il and doesn't want him in TE A W Of ....... people talk. Bul """' tlley Will 117 about ya. Jf )'Oii leave your llir9tlm oat of tlle weddtn&: wOl lie far worM thu wUt Utey uy aboat btm U , yoa leave bim In. Do you feel ill at ease .•. out of it? ls everybody having a good lime but you? Write for Ann Landers' booklet, '"lbe Key to Popularity," enc.losing with your reqtlest 35 cents in coin and a long, self- addressed, stamped envelope. ' Kids! See T acki the Clown Free at Huntington Center .. ·.-• There is a job for you In the Harbor Area -a position needing no other qualification but your time and willing hands. I ~! ! , \ sife and width comfort- always p '\I' I r Iii I' . Now in the air-conditioned mall •.• 11 AM to ~ PM d•ily thru S•turd•y. September 27. Beach & Edinger ot the Sa n Diego Freewdy r. Coming or going, you're COLORFUL Free BollooM Beauty t Salons with our INSTANT Ltl ua make lhe rno&tof your hair: a coilfure lovely on all sides, and RO~X color lovely in every iia:.hl INSTANT color1 our marical F11nci-full Rin se RINSE l ' . that n«ds no peroxide, no aft er·r inst ; that shampoos ou t \Vht.never rou \\"ish ; that coven gray, to nes bleached ha ir, relrahu dull hair, Fnnci-f ull col~rs \1•hile we aet your hair, to givl' you a"'""' look 7Sc ! 'lUS SHAMrQO $2.50 AHO sn l M". tti,,., n ...... 1 t l o119 Hair E•I•• I Aftt.f S p.111. Sl.1J ,,_ldey. Sehlrd•J• S..,.., , ..... SJ.ff c ... M ..... c.ur. Hiii Ml,_ eh>t. lt<Mll"T ...... _ ....... c ........... c .... 111 W, ... ..,.... .. ~ .. ... --,.._....,...,,c.i11. _, • ......,It •wcllf """" (....,., ""'",,, ...... Skirt Ta~k Now Tiring There are thousands of these openings for men and women from teenagers to senior citizens. Now is the time to gel involved in your com- munities' needs. You can beJp a youngster to learn or ease the burden of loneliness for the elderly. POSITIONS PROMISED Hundreds of 1>05itions are awaiting your tele-- pbone call to the Volunteer Bureau. Mrs. Linn 4tkush at 842-0963 is the executive director and will assist cellers from 9 a.m. to noon every weekday. She will custom match you and the job with the time you have to give. The bureau is located at 325 N. Newport Blvd., NO'j'l>Ort Beach. HELP A CHILD The Well-baby Clinics of the community provide e:tcellent infant care. They are staffed by area pediatricians who donate valuable hours in order to examine and care for these babies. County nurses assist, and volunteer hands keep everything run- ning smoothly. Permanent and substitute positions now are open. COMMUfflt C.lllMlt lfffotl'" "'" f.lt wldtlt1 M a C D .... """ $13.90 SAY-ON I. , ' Mv.a.1011s C11flft. 1~l11l"t corf•m 11 lll\ly, at'9Wft, bllot-wlflll1 AA I C D l llft S-11 .... tn.n $15.90 SHOES 1lOCI HARIO" IOULIVA•D -Harll9r Stt.pplng Ctnter Costa MUI ~775 C"t• M. .. If you prefer workin_g: with older children there are various and rewarding volunteer jobs workinn: with th'e physically disabled and ed.ucat1ona1Jy handi· capped. ltefU}ar and aubstitute staffers are needed Nora Aponte cf Rome says to work wifb. classroom activities, help with read· the oot,y dellni" thing that can · and th I round CNut .. Tllr"" Dnll> be said in lulllon today i! lbal =;;;m;;;;g;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;n;;;;;;;;;;;e;;p;;;;a;;y;;g;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; everyooe bu heard edbugb.1 about Hirt lengths. "Oesignera." .she says, .. are lndeflni" aboot skirt lengths, and far too permissJve. "Al8o, after extremely short skirts, I can't help feeling that most people have had enoogh. of legs ; I mean of showing them and also of .seeing them." Miss Aponte did her saying at a speak-in featuring members o f J\fontgomery Ward'S Designer Advisory Council. Other members of the coun- cil include Rudi Gernreich and Simonetta, the P a r i s i a n coaturiere. Conservation Picnic Topic For Professor Dr. Grover C. Stephens. a liCl professor, will look at the Upper Newport Bay con- servation controYersy during a picnic sponsored by Orange Coast Division, R e t i r e d Teachers' Aasociation i n Irvine Bo•vl, Laguna Beach al noon ?-.1onday, Sept. 29. Dr. Stephens, chairman of the organismic biology depart· ment at UCI is an authority on conser:vation of wild Ufe. Joining h.im on the program \\•ill be Laguna Beach ~tayor Glenn E. Vedder v;·bo v;·ill 1 welcome the retired teachers \ and their guests. Community singing will be led by Paul Colburn. All retittd teachers in the area a.re invited. Lfi'S BE fRIBIDLY U you bl.Ye new ntf&:hbon or knoYP ot anyone movin1 to our &I'M. please tdl us so that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to bi!<come acquainted in tbtir new surroundlntL So. Coast Ylsilor 494-0579 494-9361 lllrbor .Y'ISitor HAPPY H1 ~• I h 1, II 'f w1a~•'"'· 5t ... t it h't' te14l"'f the WEEK· INO~lt i11 *"• DAlLY 'ILOT. I ~ This Speci11I AIRLINE·TRUCK Sale is your Best Opportunily Ever!!! Unusual Public •You will ~ rolls in their original bal!S delivl!red by SUITING PAN />M AIRLINES We1ve5 • Yoo will see ex.elusive fabrics usually offered only to Selection ond manufacturers Prints Notice • The malerials COl"l1e from around tht world and across from from the nat ion. Most may never be $Old to reta il stores ~nd ma ny represent only or.e 3, "· 5 or 10 yard HOLLAND PRINTS from HAWAII Volues to 2.91 yd. Alu1u 95 C for 1s low '' yd A Selectton "BOUSAC of FRANCE" Values t• 11.tl yll.. wmple cut in existenct 45" CORDUROY FLANNEL HIGH-LOW 3 T<h. I« $1 OO J.tl , ... $14' Td. DRAPERY 60" BONDED FABRICS FABRICS 45" WW. ......... ,. -95Crd. $175 Td. You won't believe the prict-"Come Set" FREE 1 00 •f. Cotton SUEDE CLOTHE from WEST GERMANY "Woul4 19• lltllm? ••• rr.m lt 50 ,._ Manufacturer's ZIPPER with each piece of material pur4 chased to the first SO people Odeh day this wee k. ITALY Conlleu CORDUROY in PRINTS ValUM: to 2.49 yd. ::t~'. ... s11s yd. 100-;-; ACRYLIC CHALLIS • Vltwant Col.I'S • Cn.ish l•slstcmt Come Visit the '1ZOO'' Fabulous Fake ANIMAL FUR 7.tl ,,.., ....... "a.ll•w• It or"•"' '4" Y4. CHMGllT EBE 2750 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA (Harbor loulovard af Adami IN THI COLUGI SHOPPING ClNTl'• l --.,.....,..._ ------~----------.... --·-------~---,. -------~---------..,------ Horoscope ' ; FRIDAY may have been holding strictly Avoid drlvlnf w It b h>-~ Ibis -nut oe-proadi. EPTEM for aecurl.ty acts a.a something temperate per a on 1. Be cordtn&1Y AQUAJU'US (Jan. 20-Feb. S BER 26 speculative. This ls to the &ood diplomatic. Don't wrile letters SAGnTA&lllS (Nov. -By SYDNEY OPtlARR if "OU maintain -ntrol. in anger. Relative who tr-_. 11): Secrtts are revealed. ' · '" Dec. 21): Yoo can't ..... ~ 11111 and be frank TIP SCORPIO (Oct. 23-NoY. 21): ritales actually le<ia tnsecuu. ·-•"•· M ""' • MENU : Fine alaht for ev ... ,.,._,,.. euage becomes honest. Othtrwtse, 1ou invhe 011obuco u entree and ex-clear as day progressa. Stick rmbarrautn& altuadoa. 'Jbls ceUent to swt with a ~Id B I • to )'Olli' tdeall. Doo't change b tbe lime to be •tares&ive soap, sucb .. boncb. M .. t Luau Fea st ene I ts natural llle style. Ma!JJtaio about thintl,.. realfy need, penon• tonight 1 h o w prtftf" proper perspective. de11re. eoce '°' tbe oartby; me a I CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. PISCES (Jl'eb. t•Mlll't:b ZO): • THIS MOOlllN SYSTaM AC!TUAL.LY EXTMCT1 Dflf\.Y. ~·•omo !OIL ANO OIUMI' TI40ltOO.MlY ••• YlT WITH U.llll!I Al.L_ IUlf"POIO SOIL IS QUICKLY, CCIMJ'LETe:L Y IXTltACTIO. Yo\lll·f"ll lZl!O CAlt'PI. ARa CllAH!.lt LOMOl!t. OHe CLEANIHfi. WIU.. COMVIHCI! 'l'OU. 1boo1c111e •ub•••n11a1 bat P'"' fxp/o i'ted Chi'/dren 111: You 1en<1"' be 1mpu1a1ve. TW 1n1u1uve 111 bringing to paM with lnvaluable ingredt-You are dashln& and effective. realltJ your drum.I. Your own ent of llDagluUon. But word of. caution •bout o r I ginallty, perceptiveneu to nn.t °"" ~.!boo.It ,_,,,tr Mid overconfidence la in order to-become )'OUI' areatest alllel. 1stro1otto.~ "ttM"" ~ur'Li:t AIU&(March 2l·ApriJI9): A new Orange County inneedofprotectiveservlee; d.,.Law,autborttiesareon lndJvidual' who seems I(·~"'' S«'f,\9.C!..Ji;'tfJTII! -· STEAM MASTER CARPET CLEANE RS SERVING All OR/\NC.t COUt.flY 645 . 1J1 J You get action in area that organization will benefit from provide con:suJtatioo with your aide. But avoid heavy ap-~ive ii problbly working ~~'t::='.rtloi.:~V'~ 'lf.V'. elevates presUge. Avoid hasty a luau sponsored by I.be physicians, h o• PI ta la, at. -------..:...:_..:...:.:_:c::..c::_::==_;;,;=:::__~!:;__-.,.-----,-...!..:=::::::::=============== d '"lo Tim · tomev. or law enforcement eci.:i. ns. e ts on your s·-~ .. ~.,. Garden Grove .,w ·d v--thi d 1 · 141u~~ "' organi.iations, and establish a SI e . .n.JNW s an ac 1n Police w1·ves' .l.Aan.Mn•lo• ··~·-caJm, de.liberate manner. You ~1.1 ... speaker'• bureau to uu-~r may get a promotion. Funds from the social affair commwllty interest and co~ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): taking place Saturday, Sept. cern. One who had been away from 27. will be donated to the Com· The commJttee will have lta your sphere makes presence mittee for Protective Service first general meeting at I p.m. felt. You may have to commit for Children of Orange County. Tuesday, Sept. 30, ln St. yourself to definite coorse. Purpose of this bew, non-J oseph's College, Orange. ThJs ultimately works in your profit organization is to pre-The pubUc is invited to at- favor. Know this and be op-vent physical abuse, neglect tend the luau whJch begins at timistic. and exploitation of children. It 7 p.m. in the Pa I ma GEMINJ (May 21 -June 20): hopes to sponsor a survty to restaurant, Anaheim. Tickets Mate or partner takes money identify and classify children are '6 per person. Initiative. Don't bat t I e ; ----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii reasoning w i 11 accomplish basic goal. Your views are respected. Adhere to them. But do allow others some latitud e. CANCER (June 21..July 22): Your rj!Jalions with public could be somewhat stormy. Some who advise you are sincere b u t misin!ormed. Know this and steer clear of legal controversy. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid extremes. Maintain balance. Some associates, co- wor kers may be overly ag- gressive. Don't compound er· ror. Sense of humor helps overcome wha t could be a crisis. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Find out where you stand with member of opposite sex. This is no time to beat about the bush. State n e e d s , ex- pectations. Be ready for quick changes, decisions. UBRA (Sept 23-0 ct. 22): Previously quie t areas come alive wilh activity. What you Cactus Society Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society meets the first \Vednesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa. HAVE YOU READ ••• RAINFLOWERS LYRIC LOVE POETRY ILLUSTRATED A TREASURE GIFT S FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENT ER NEWPORT BEACH lowes1i Price Ever Fora Great Maytag Pair! Only s39a·aa Model AI06 D90 These are not "stri ode ls ..• they have all these great dependable Maytag f eatures. W-SHEl: e l W•t•r l•mp1 e Po1itil'• M•l•r· •d Fill e Full Cyclt S,f,ty Licl e Swirl-•w•y clr•inint .1ctio11 ifl lint r•mo.,.1r tub e Autom.1tic unb1ltnct lo1d prol1clio11 e llu1t proof lid bill hi11t11 e Rutf1d·p•o"''" h•lic1I d,;.,., e fa. rr10111 M1yl19 d•pand1bility! DllTlll: "Hal• of H••t" dryi"t e -• .,.ol.,.ing di1c lint filt•r e 'orc1l1i11 •111m1I clrwm e l 11l•cfio11t for prop•' dryi119 of 111 f.1bric1 e S1f1ty floor & P111h·fo·1t1rf b•H•n e Full optn• i119 feoor f•r lo•lli119 <011Yt11l•11c1. YOU CAN DIPIND ON DA'llS.laOWN • • • Lt.CUD IT 21 YIAU 0 111 CUITOMll / • IATll PACTION I @DAVIS RROWN 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 646· 1684 Dally 9-9 • Sat. 9·6 WINTER PANSIES Al winter and spring color in in borders or over bulbs. SPECIAL 119 3 Pkgs. for • SPECIAL-SAVE so0At Encl of Season ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND ARRANGEMENTS WE NEED ROOM . FOR CHRISTMAS cWDECORATIONS Discover the Fabulous Color of Spring Bulbs • TULIPS ·--·--~---·-·····-,,_ 98C o ... • DAFFODl'"5 =~· :_ 98C.,.;., • HYACINTHS .:!.. 4for1.00 • RANUNCULUS 30for1.00 GIANT TECOLOTE TYPE • SPIDER LILIES ·-· . _ .. 25c ... RED, GOLD, PINK • FREESiAS ......... ·-·-···-·-··· 1.19 0oc. OLD Ji'ASlllONED MIXED COLORS • CROCUS ---·····-···-···· 15 for 1.19 AL,(, COLORS NIGHT ILOOMING 98' R99. 1.75 JASMINE Fast growing summer 1>roo~ • • • Delightful night-time frogrenco • • • herdy ple nts • • • in fuff bloom! WE'RE OVERSTOCKEDI .. EVERGREEN ~e~te~ Sh:d~~D!.1:~. H011thy, young lffft -6 ft. tall 5 Gal. Size $298 CHRYSANTHleMUM in Full Bloom $149 1 Gal. Size Ext end 9arden color tlirou9hout the fall. f • Large well established· pla nts. Imme diate color. ' FRONT LAWNS NEED NOT BE BROWN ALL WINTER! PLANT WINTER RYE· SEED. LOW COST, EASY TO DO. LET US SHOW YOU HOV(. • 10 Lb. ONLY $149 ACT NOW! ,._ __ _, COVERS 1,000 s9u~·~ FEET ~iiii:;r=~r=a.=t==-=-~'' =::Ii!~ HOURS, MON. lhru THURS. 9 lo 6:.FRI. till 9 p.m.; SUN. 10 e.m. lo S p.m. SATURDAY 9 1.m. to l :l O p.m. $PECIAL PA1Cl$ .COD THAOUWH SUNDAY, IE"EMIEA Jlth . 2641 Harbor Blvd. • i Halrism$ "9.uelity end St rvice Sine• ltO" COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 I ' __ ,,_ NAA Director °""'" L. a-.-· ..,.. DI I 1r1a&, hu be!l!ll -·-"Iba ~ Oouol1 O>la>let " Ibo !Qaterl A,....,. of Ao- lie.._~ ....... flredor. C... II I -public Mll9""'• and ls a member " Ibo --lmtitut. " CPA... Iba Calllomla Socle\y al a' A '1, and Iba <>ranp CouDlJ 'Cmlrollm. TOPICS PHARMACY --· -·-- ELECTRONICS 1677 SU,EllOlt -COSTA MESA ......,, IJrut So. of w,,t 11tli 5t.l • -· -~ .... -... -· OVER THE COUNTER NOW EARN % INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY NO LONG-TERM REQUIREMENTS Starting October 1st you can earn th e new, higher rate of 6% yearly on Morris Plan $5 ,000 Investment Certificates. Funds placed by October 15th will earn from the 1st of the month at the full 6% rate. Interest paid at the end of each calendar quarter; or credited to a Passbook Account for additional Income. Dally Interest on 5.25% Passbook Accounts. Thrift Passbook Accounts may be opened for any amount. Interest Is earned from day of deposit to day of withdrawal ; and is credited and compounded quarterly. Since its founding In 1916, Morris Plan has promptly met eve ry request for withdrawal. Assets exceed $125 million. Morris Plan St Newport Beech -3700 Newport Boulevard -673·3700 -·-------·-------. ~--------. -·----... __ -----·--·---· ~--· Complete-New York Stock List 11•, -'Ill 4•, -""• ,.~. -'• 1• •••• 11•., .... ,, .. + '• u _..., JI -'-I •·• -lo 2'1" + '• 70 +" " ,, ., .. 111. "" l-. :11•.., ~ '• 'I .. -I'• .:16'4 + '-. . ...,_, ·~-... l~ +·c.; ~l'a:;_·~ t~ +\~ 1•<--\lo 11• .. -... ~-~· •J -'• Joi'"•+ .. l7h + "' 7~ .. 1S-. -\. S6~ + ... 1' -'• 71 -t• 1·1' •• 17,,. -"I ~ -\• lS +-1'. 11 + ... llV. -'lo! ~+~ ,,,.._ .. 7'11\+ "· 2''1.i -•1 lJ ...... ~~.:.: .. rN +~ ~-" 11 -"' , .... + •j ,,..~ M+ ~· •0111 + • -•4 M ~ » -" 75'.t + '-''"" .. 3J'4 -1·1 19f>,.-H --· ~+·1 " -· J7"I + "' 75 -•1 14>11 -I; ,""' .. 5' -·~ " . 16\lo + '• ~ .. 15•,. -'• 171• .;.71, ,,.., + ·~ "5'> -,, ,. .. -.. e..., + '' ?Jo>lo -., 11'' + ,, ?I>\-•t , ... +1 1n. -'I .l5 -'• ,,..~ -+ ... 11'•· .l''• -'I li,,. -+ 'I 71'' + 'I 73'' +1 21'' -'I ~ . tl~l -... ~-· "'' n -•• • 1~1 o:'li: ....... I~ ,;::rJ 11'111,,, !Si ...... , ...... I""''' •• l111Fi. 1~: '# I"' h "' tllt l11!Ml1 I" • ftfNlc 1111 p, '"' p, !fttl ' .. ' 1n1T•: onll'"' 111111. 1r::ra.1 ln!ll. '"" In! U ill'! u l111Uft '"""' l1'1HC '"' '' ..... , .... ·-· 11 El II Ill IOV.el ,,,..,, ·~· I" "' Tf> • , ·-"" OAllY PILOT Wednesday's Closing New York Stock Exchange List · • .... .. ... ~~~~~~~~~-. o&J -i.-a. a.. ..... .., ................................................. ., ----- •' Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List :1 • I ' ' .. • ... .. ,~·~'· } ·fJelay Launches , ' . CAPE KENN!DY, I' I•. satellite, ""'l' IOI to blast oil (AP) -'Ibree s a t e 11 i le Wednesday of th.ls week, hu launchings an: being delayed be<n ...cbeduled le< lawidt up to six weeks while in-Nov. 5. vestigators probe recfllt Delta An improved U.S. weather rocket ralluru. One postponed satellite whlcb was to have project is intt.Oded to put ~ri-been launched Oct. 15 ls now Wn's first communlcaUOOS expec!ed to rock.et into orbit spacecraft into orbit Nov. 19 from Vandenberg Air The sl k n-lta -....1.r Forlce Base, Calli. et ~ ~ ' Also delayed is a new com· which oooe had 1 success m e r c I a I communications record ol around 90 percent, bas failed three times in the satellite, once scheduled for la.st 11 launchings. launch from Cape Kennedy 'The most recent Oop oc-Oct. 22. now grounded unW at ...... __ Delta least Ncrv. 3. c:urttd Aug. %7 "'1=1 8 Britain's spacecraft, known veered off course e i i h t as Skynet, was developed by milaoles altar lil~f and ""'\ the MiniJtry ol Defense. to be destroyed Y a signa To be placed in a 5ta1iooary ~ •.nlDI:• sal<JY olf~r, It. orl>il 8,ler ,Ibo .)Jldlah CJ<;el!l. carried a· f7 mllUon ~ Uie satellite· will : p e rm 1 t spac:ettalt bound . fdr -<><hit Biitf¥. d(feme, ~°'*5 to !P<i:d around-.tbe swi. -voice ·am .teJefype messagt"S Followins: th8t ran...,· ibe onil photogrii'!" 11e1wttii. ibe National Aeron.,~p a'n d Far East, Australia a n,_d space Admbrlitmtoo )uu1u!d' EirtoPe. : ' · canimittees to conduct a twi> Defective wiring tn \he first prooged investigation. stage autopilot system was Sand· Orab One is probing the Aug. 27 blamed £or a failure Sept. 111. , failure, attributed to a rault in 1968, when a Della veered off Treasure· bunt; for prizes buried on Balboa beach livery routes. In addition to .prizes burled in sand, the hydraulic system or tbe course and was destroyed by a was higbliiht•ot latest outing for DAJLY ·PILOT the day included hot dog s, sott'drinks, .. Cookies and ~ . "l'n>Jed Astrooaut" b ... splashed down. at National AerooauUe1 and S p a c e Arlmbil>tralloo . beaclquan.n wUh a truc.k}oad m ltUer$ backing Bible-reading in outer i!pl«. '!be -tpOl1...-.d by FIDlily Rodio Stations, Inc. of San Francisco, was begun tc; counlPr critidsin from athlest ~. It M ~ 'M ol prayen J'N. reading ol Bibi• passag,.·by thi ~a astronaub while eln:ling the Moon Christmas Eve. William MansdOerfer, a• lft.. nouncer for Family Radio.said a 1.5-too tr!.'Ck wruch delivered the lettA!rs cootalned ..._.... from moro than 2.5 mJllloo persoos wbo approved of religion ln space. I See by Todays Want Ads . e Don't g-0 to ~fadrid ffX' these Spanish wrought iron and leather chairs, buy them here for $50. Delta's first stage. range safely officer IO I carrier boys.. More than 100 youngsters won invita· candy. A secoOO panel is conducting second,, after .~toff. That tions to the event for efficii:n~t=h~a:;n~dl~in~g~of~th~e1:· r:d~e-::::::::::::::;:.. __ ::::::::::::;.:;:::::::::::..::::::~~;::;::;::;::;::~=:::::::~~~;:":;;::~~~ a general review of ll}e entire spoiled an $11 million attempt ---------.., Delta system. to orbit a comm~rcial com- Brit.ain's communic.al.iom municaUons satellite. S iJl i·voiiii"P'iioi"i(M'=":· ............ i !~~: ~uiz : You want to Mii some Item : : that you no longor nHd but • On Banking ~ M>mtone el• c.in use for : ___ _ i N 0 T 0 y ER $ 5 0 : WASIUNGTON (UPI) - I t 7 7 ? 7 ? ? : Rehlffed by hlJ colleagues, • • • : House Banking Committee YOUR ANSWER l Chairman Wright Patman : i pledged today an all out baUle You coll THE DAILY PILOT, osk for : to investigate the banking lob- : ! Clossiliod Advortising, •ndPlpLl•OcoT• I byThe Texas Democrat, a 40- :; year-veteran of the House and a long-time gadfly ·or bankers, + PENNY • .aid "I'm guing ·to keep on t • fighling until l get an in· f PINCHER i ·~~~~~·~ ~§!!!•r f : this year ·a subcommit;tee f CLASSIFIED AD • would iav~tlgate banking's in- ? : fluence on his committee and I• AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE :! ~~eonf~~!.in ~9 ~3 ,. 2 2 mittee vetoed Patman's plan. LINES TIMES DOLLARS • House Ethics Committ,. files show that 11 of the 35 • AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : members of banking com- DI AL NOW DIRECT! ; :;'/~~~~~~~~~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ;i institutions through st o c k Saturday.Sept.27th thru Saturday Oct. 4th AT OUR SANTA ANA WARE- HOUSE ONLY 213-4th .St. : holdings o.r directorships. • Some of the l1t however, voted with Patman foe a probe. 'SKt~·~sALE~ 1968 MODELS HEADS COMPETITION DH GS SL 1118.00 36()'s $118.00 HART MERCURY REG. 94.50 ...... now 59.95 Ro:ssignol Stratii: Reg. 137.50 ...... now 89.50 Fisher Silver Glass Reg. 85.00 ....... now 54.50 VOIT REG. 135.00 .. now &9.50 Royal Siar-Glass Reg. 99.50 ....... now 39.95 GRESVIG REG. 24.95 10.95 DAVOS REG. 39.95 18.95 MERCURY R EG. 75.00 14.95 ARLBERG REG. 35.0 14.9S MERGANS REG. 75.00 39.95 ...... GLASS Volk! Portillo Reg. 90.00 55.00 Head SkJ Poles 35.00 now 19.95 1961 LANGE BOOTS STD $78.00 PRO $99.50 COMP 89.50 LE TRAPPUER GOLD MEDAL REG. $55.95 $34.95 SLALOM REG. $69.50 $49.50 ELITE PRO REG. $120.00 72.SO SILVER MEDAL $59.95 $39.95 USED RENT AL BOOTS "MUNARI" $14.95 • PARKAS 1 GROUP TO $45.00 -$9.tS I GROUP \It PRICE UMITO \)tlAtlllTllS ,IJll sa:a PANTS SKI PANTS DOH LOPER REG. $34 .50 HOW $15.SO HEAD SKI PANTS REG. $80.00 NOW $39.95 SWEATERS ONE GROUP UP TO ~ HOW $11.SD • ONE GROUP 40% OPF HIAD WtAl TUITU NICI l ·SHlaTS WINDSHlll'S NIC!ttU .1;2 PRICE USO llMDIN•S $1.00 EA. AU SALIS FINAL HO lllUNDS 01 CllDIT SLll'S ' ' -' FREE ALIGNMENT (9.95 Value) With Purchase of Two Tires We set caster, camber, foe-in and foe.out. I i FOR COSYA MESA .. '· Geodric• sltocll ablorblft •N ... ..,_ ._. tM tt.a period uated crJld thAI b •• ,... "~ ch~ I• c.. et defKt ., foll· .,.. G•Clf'Cllltft dOCl 90t .pply tto .clloc:k .it- -"" used Ofl cDfl'INl"cial fthkln or ftoa dnt09ed 1!:f.. occideirt. 1.,1-.t• •"ly <Jt I. f , Goo4ridl SteN or dealer "'alllltlJ 11ri9· lllOI lntolloriH. GUARANTEED 24,000 MILES! FREE lllSTALLAno11 WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bayl Phone 540-4343 or 646-4421 DAILY 8 •.m .• 6 p.m. e Sat, 'til S p.m. ·' ALL MAJOR. CREDIT -- CARDS ACCEPTED 7352 WESTMINSTER AYE. Phone 893-5572 DAILY 8 o.m.-7 p.m. e Sot. 'til 5 p.m. CAAIA REG d . h . • . ' -· :1 ;r .. -• • . ' ' • . • . . -• . . • • . • . • :. ---,.~~---------- Now At Veta's -- ·. < Pretty Ball Unden•ire/Bandea11 B & C Cup $6.50 D Cup $7.50 PHONE 642-1197 • FOR YOUNG ELEGANCE Veta's llTlllATI AnAllL ................ .., --- LANZ A NIGHT ON THE TOWN.,, C-. •Ii"• wittl lAN'• -nt.d wool •lt<i iii• ,01f 4'~1 • .,_, Mtto111 witfi h1K circl• 4'1111i.belf i11 b., ... 6r•111, pi11lr, bl1c• •.. 1i111 5·1l ••• f'O. Sl'Oll!'SW!All • Wlllldilf Pim· Ill All W. . , • -' 'one-stop' ~hopping ' a.t its finest! OPEN THURSDAY .AND MONDAY EVENINGS . . * HALLIDAY'S * COLORFUL SHElUND 5'01T COATINCO FIOM SCOTLAND This Is the chole@ basket weave variety in bright bold colon; that add a new dimension to Shetland sport jac:keta. Added virtue: Dea.nsgate'a O\\·n under&tated sort liihoulder tailoring. Avatable in checks and "indo.,..-pa.ne. $71.M MEN'S TRADmONAL a.al'BING 17tfi: & IRVINE AVE. NEW'°RT IEACH From REBECCA Comes This Beaut iful Cotton Lace. Lovely For The Holiday- Party Season. Ahead. WESTCUFF PLAZA WESTCUFF Pl.A?A PH. 645-07t2 The Nicest Things • Come In Small Packages ... Use Our Christmas Lay-away Plan For That Important Gift! CHAR.LES R BARR World's Finest IBan-Lon•KnitShirf/' THJIR.E HAMILTON: [uxurious, f}'D-fashionecl Benion knit shirt of DuPont Antron®* nylon. Automat ic wash and dry! Hand·f•shioned Italian collar. Classic styfin9. AvaUable in a wKle range of handsome colors. $11 . *T•rtr•trad y•m. 10o% Du Pont nylon. ** Antron is Du Pont's 1"'9isto,.d trademark for its tailobic multililment nylon. WESTCUFF PLAZA, NEWPORT IEACH \ l • < .• , • . I • • I ~ Spatted on lie covtt"ef a aaltonal prep .. ~'ll'Ia1adae tscaDlu\iC Coach) are ...........,,... •Jl<llCW !lit> fl•l"" Dan .. .,.~. ,,,,~ ',: .. ' ' ,,.....:~·1., f;·· ~- ·~· • • ,. "'see u Seu u u u u 4,, c: ~ WHITE WASH . j t: ........... . . ~oats, Garth Wbt, fl.1lke Priddy, ~ul ;p_Moro and BOb Sbeldon. ~. They art tnvol'f'ed wttb a plsy qabtst :~abdm1.: ~g~ Frastt -eae.•r the ~ bigb sdlool fi~ld generals areUJ:¥1.,_ ; Jack: W~eL ex-P.tater neJ.. type. figures to see he.avy duly as a Wasbington Slate-qu.ar:_terback th Is -· OHilme Newport b11kelball t • a <' lt "Bill lli\Ctl is • father again -this time to a ~nd tirl 1emed Un Aane. Ethan. oiiver, formerly of Orlnge Coast ,~ege and Laguoa Beach High, is a ~ de.feosive.bae~ ~ Wet>er State College in utah. ', ·· ' · ~~. Pl~·i.t· Wi.;iuer College are ~i:-are21 ' ~ .Sllr;vt CoUleP tOCC aad Co1&a f' ..... h ... .,_. (Ul;Cl, 11.,.~,. °t'=J NewJo<I), Ruo J'laneU ' ooe, . . JINd!). . . . . ' ' .. ~ ,..,_ .l.C<>lll '14m> 11 fl9W • ....,.,.,..-JBlteMil,. '"'* 'the . ~-...er. JI appears that UCT·basketball Coach "m Tift and this · wriler had scime · ·SC(JmmunicatJon &J>ool how mucb a f f"· t .~ye injury to his wife actually cosl. t turu.wL the~ was lor $12, oot $80. A .~ opbtbalmologiSl WOO ndt.! trtalm~ pobtted out the errant port . in.> dl!fl'Me of what be calls. · · • of the medical profession on any fronts." ·· And, reader Tim Cunningham lakes of· ense to a recent column that ealled the n Francisco 49ers a junky team \they e now ~7). . · lie calls · John BrOO.ie ( 4 9 er s arterb<K:k) .the purest p;Wer in the me. And ht direda the followir\g messaae to m fans : "juSi wail unill these l"'<l ams meet again ~ year." adres Enjoy - . poiler Role . SAN DiEGO I AP.) -Thret weeks ago. ve teams were iii contention for the Na. I League's· western division cham· • nshlp and all cl them v.'ere gleefully l.ng our how many games I.hey had l with San Diego's ~st place expansion am. Now four of them are 50rry th.al the t'Angeles DOdRers and San Fraocisco SIJcceedtd In coovinel:ng league ri to grant San Diego a iranchise. The Padres have wrecked W Ange.let1, nclMaU; ijousion and San f'rancb1co in last three wttks and now they he.ad Atlanta IM three wee.tend I~ lhe 8rave5, who have forged a .,.t a ball tn front in I.he We.st. "'Ibere't do reason why we can't 00 the tbing to lbe Braves that v.·e've done the ~ contenders," said manager Gome& W-y nlgn1 aller '<~;fd.;,Pody rea 5COl'ed their second straieht -one San Francisco, ,s.z, and bt•t tW: Qaml' tee. rigbtttander. Juan Markbal.. 20-11, fer the secood time in a -· ll~iri.9 His Helid C'levf:land Browns Danker GJU')' C1l~ns lands upside down after catch~ 1ng a pass for a JS.yard gain ag [l&t ·PhUadetphia. The Browns de- feated the Eagles, 27·20 and are. tvored over the Wa.shington Red-- skins Sunday by eight points. - Halos lnvllJh Oak"land After Topping Pilots, 3~ 1 OAKLAND ~AP\ -'Rody May WU talking about 17 win:! and Jim Spencer \\•as saying lhat he .shouJd hlt 20 home n ins. The Angels "'ouod up thelr home ~hedule in Anaheim , Wed~•Y night v.·1th a 3-1 conquest of the Seattle Pilots and suddenly it wali time to think of 197fl. Muy, v.·ho throttk-d the Pilots on four hits ror hls 10th victory ct the ye•r was anticipating the future. '"I koow I can win 16'or 17 games il my arm remains 5ound," ile said. "I had the best control of lhe year tonight .aud t th ink I ha\•e stopped fighting rnysell on the 1nound. '' Spencer provided ~ margin of victory v.·ilh his ninth homer of the ~·ear, a two- run shot in the third. Viclory gave the Antels a 43-311 record al home and enabled them to earn a slan· doff with the expansion Pilots for the year. Each team won nine games. · The Angels launeh their f_inal road trip of the yur tonight in Oakland where lhey will !lend Tom Murphy, 1~15, against I.be A ·a John Odom 15-4. llo\TTll (ALIFOlllflo\ ••rlll'M 1•rtl'M Ir."°*''• llo J I. t e AlofNr, n • t I I tt ... leV, cl ' I I I ~. lb i 1 I 1 CW-, rt • I I I F..._,.1, u 1 t I t Goe-. I~ J t I I .kll\N-, cf J t t I McNfflMV, C l I 1 1 lll'ldle .... I, If J 1 l I OuMld-, 111-J 41 • • ...... " J • l • Wfll'l•tt· It l I I I LIMI&. •» J I 0 t St"'ltoy. -.u l I I I A.ltoolrlluu, lb I t I I Br....,...,,.11111.._.,,, )lit Cit di I S I I lt,Mrt, ' l I I I LOdltr, ' I I I t Tt .. 11 Jtl•I ''"" C.1!11e,t11i9 Tetltli. "' ... oa:t ·'°' 111 J 1 J IOI -I ..,_, Dodgers Fall . Out of Race With 7-2 ~s . ' CINCINNATI (AP) -Th< Loi A!>coltl Dod.1er1, ~llmlnated from the fdttOrilf . League's Wtfltem OiYi~Klo title ,~ . .- Reds rang the death krtell, didn't dlllen• ~l.\tl'rf ~f~~'" . . . ·- 1:u ·11.-. .::: 1:; ,: ... ...:- 7:A '"'°"' 7:M 11.Jll. · Wed.n"esday, Abton said, ••The WWJ we'l• been playing, we haven't~ to win. ·Now it doesn't mab ADJ dlffetent.ie." The Dodgers, dealt with their an• sfrala:ht 1osa .at tht r:nd or i f°'#t'ilint series with' C.incinnaU, "ere . r~ home today to,rest up far the~ r;J. day cl a lhree.,.ame series with S1J9 Francisco's still battling Giantl. Wedneoday, the. Rtda tagged Qod1aa' ace Bill Sbiger fbr · all seven rufis 44 tight. hlts, although he struck. out lli~Jt. Cincl nnatj's John Bench hit a~ homer in Ult: nm inning to cap • lour· ru11 outburst ah:: give the Reds 'Jl] tbf1 nteded. · • 1 ••• ', ' ' ···· 1-0s t.1<101:1.rs .. c;1llc11111•rl · Ho r•rltl •r• Sl~t .... Jtll llftt,rt 41t W.OtVb, cl S I • I Htlms,. 211 I 1 Crawlo...,, rl J I J I L.May, llJ •• 4 ·1 · G1brlt1>.0n, It I t , I I !"ff.ti.. )IJ J I l-rt, :i. ~ 't I I l 9'1C11, < 4 I Ptrt.tr. lb • 0 I I It......,_ Ir " I · 51.'dalo;ll. llJ I I I I S.~""' cf ' I Htlllr, , • I I I Wtiod.Jliff, .. I I "• I 5lnelt1", 11 J 1· 1 I C:lelllllf"ef, " I 'f .......... ph I ti ' '""'• U I 1 I Tt1•i, :f: > I I lo1 .t.ngtlt!s Giii OOll I -I C...clnot!l <IOI IG2 I • -1 • E ·-Clonlfller, l . Ms;. P1r-1r. LOI' -:,~ A"8•1H '· ClflF'lnMll 1. I -llOl!t. (fl .S•v•tt. lencll, lilt -~ Md, H<llllr HJ. IP Nll•llllM $"'9f'r !L.1N11 1 1 1 • I 'I• -C"loll"'"r IW,lt-.11l ' I t I J WP -Sirlfw, CIOnlr'!f.,. Tlfr4 -,:,!. At- t-..ioo:;: -•Afl. .. Clay Punches Fra~ier , in . . . .. " PHJLADELPIJIA !AP) -Cassius Cloy • took a punch at five-state heavywtlatJl champion Joe F'ra1jer WednesdAy on a !llreet t.'Orner in the. heart .D ( Philadtlpbia's downtown bu 1ines1 .district. Both had ju.st left the studlOll cl a tele\·ision station where they tllped a lhow t&i1ke Dooglas Sbow). C11)' Came out first, crossed the 1trtel 11nd was signing 11ut_ogi::1phs on lhe roof of his automobUe watcni.nz f9r' Fra1N!r to ~L emtrgt. · When ·Fruier came Ol.Jt with bis manager, Yancy nirtwn., C~ took c..tt :1ftcr them.. Tl. f~ btavyweight champion, now retired becauae of his Je,al problena orer the SelecUve Sen•icc draft . caught 'up with Fratlu and Durham. Clay was grabbed by several members of his retinue, and Durham grabbed Frazl~ to resira:Jn him. Clay threw 4' looping rieht hand punch over their \ backs, which hit J0< oo Ille 1a11 tbouldn. Frorlu wm!led hlri>adl out 1"' lllt ,jacket, let it drop to Uie (rGUDd afld strugeled to U:ee himself from Dutbam, Clay, me1111'1llile •. gol loo~ a1aln. aid threw anothef punCh lhat fell short. , Wedne$day'• cc:Jlltont-.tion betwMD U.. lwo fightt.n "~ tn altetinatlri of ~It me.tln,t 'Tueod1y lh a Polia Athlolie League gym. The two debated verbally and 1tarttcl lo !trip lor a ll1ht, but poUc:t 1111ed the ' ' .. NJnr YORK -A. IS.year-old New Jer1e y fan, \\·ho climbed the acor9'Joard in his exuberance over the Nn Yoik. Mets cliriching baseball's Na- ti . .lll! l:-eagtJe . E<lst Divisloo_ tiUe Wed· ndd~ night. fell 2S feet to• the ground and"~ hospitalized in fair condition . He was identified as David Soimmer or New.,k. , MIJD' others among lht 10.000 fans v.·hn C1vbtlii11" oil I.hr: field anet the game ruf- tend ·'°ts and bruises. ·' .Sotlfsnir hunters snatched home plate, secOftf1 and third buea. : ·Appare11lly AObolty got lG firsl before. t ll e Powti.skttpers. ·• L<>f'OON -A soccer fan went to jail WedJtfilday far 21'2 ~'for violeOC't al a fOOlbtfl match -a warning to many otho' booligallf In Bri\ain. . ·• , K.-.th Wilson, 22., "-'BS jalled . for uaading policemen at the Leeds Uruted- HtwtliUe United ~latch ·Aug. %3. · , &:.,strate James Pickles said: ''If ~e fii.nl we vialenee and come bdore· this c<JW1. ~y cannot expect leniency. There • lril~ lfif. no question of fines, n9 ques"ll~ ~f ~n or suspended sentences, 11 IS ' p~ for a long time." · ' . • UJf 4"011.111 -Tllo UCJ.A f-11 .oquad ileld wbal C1111Cb TOlDlll1 l'rothro t11Ued. a "•ff 11)..mlnute workout W""-'•Y Jll. Pl'l9W&liai ~ Satm\iay't ........... tllo' ........ ol··lhe UntvtlllltY of W!.9contin. • .,,._ i.: the filsl week of bad workout_,, we've "811 U1is sea!Qn," said Prothro. He eald $ftey were not as sh¥P , u those irectdfng the Bruins' big v_ictor!es over <>rer• Slate and Pltts~urgh. . P~lso said be may st.att .junlor 'Bob · in Ult fullbaJJ). .slol·in place ol M ey Cureton, -saddled witb aore hips. e rest cl the ~arting Bruin Nckf}fkt -~back Dennill Dumm.it ~ }\aUbackl Greg Jones and George ,11m11r -.will probably remain intact. • ' · ~ ANY~.._ The Southern Cat fool.bl}] team, preparing for its home «>pertW Saurday . night a g a i. n s t N0111JWeslern, heJd its final big workout Wtld!JNday. Tbl ~jam' offense and defense ~on centfilld on the pas.sing game and goal- -line *ys. ·Quarterback Jimmy Jones, who flU bet::ll bothered recently by back problfftls, said tie's feel.Ing· bettl'I'. He Wit &hf'owlng well and said he expecU lo be "Qltrly 100 per«ot'1 ·by t•tne Ume. • BOITON Joe Namath1 New York Jttl ltlr who ·had to give 'Up his 1nterest In Blclttelor'1 Ill; a New York night club, headt 1 group that won approV111 Wednes- day al·-liquor license for a similar night 1pot In Boston. . A 'P,Okesman said the license v.•as iPutlf to Namath; Bobby Van; who ~·as 1HOOla'9ci in the New Y erk place; Ray A~. former New Y<rk· Jets playlf; and Jim Colclough, retired . . pllCI off limils because ct the etcessi\•e erowd in I.he s;rnall gym. "Gt out to the park and .do. yoor filhil"t," Clay was told by Sgt:. Vince ~ In cbatB of U.. .PAL ltcility. Clly ,wont 1o a_lleartiy poit, bulJlurlwn. wbo .. ied ~le at ~.e gym, ke~t Frasier (toQ} lll'flll-, "If. 1 g111. a llca>H ~ lill>~ ,..·n flahl hlh1." l>llrham said. '"Until then wt're 1tlllin1 to use him as a sparring partner and wt1D Pl1 hint" ) " ' Leo's p4lt-don sppeattd welJ,founded IOOn·aftt.r when the Mell, u clole u J•,. . 'MIJ!l!!S ln>m the lop on July 11, W<lll lillo '· ~ .~longed back~• that left them. in .. t)\lrd place, '" lengths ~ck, oo Aua. 13. • 11Jl , tbere MIJ ~~"'.· • dl5couraging ~ that WU it,'' HodjeS laid.. Then, instead of fading .away, as cx- pectod, Ille Mela £.gan their big push. 'friegerfd by the senaallooal pitching or Seaver, Jerry Koo!rnan and an underrat· er bttllpen crrw, they won 21 d. their nut 36 starts, including 10 in J ro\f" ~ two mo<• from the Cub.\, aod. lllO\JA (p>nl lo stey. •·u you're talking abou~ tffect on the Cubs, what ~boi.it the effect on the · IJ·udinall?" counterod .Duroch er. .. Almost every writer in the country pick· (..d' lhf Cardinals a sh-OO'ln and we were · piCk¢ t.~ finish second. third or even fpu{th ," , Booton Patriots player. Derek Sanderson or the Boston BrQin1 ji.lso was included in planning .for tbli .Boston outlet but was aot named on the -. license. A Jpokesman said lhc club -:-ag.alii t11 be called Bachelor'!! III -wiU open nexl 'Vedne$day. • ClUCAGO -The \\'hilc. So:t, lone 01 tradit.ion and short on attendance. ap P.arenUy v.·iIJ rem.air. in Chicago, again a 5 a :;tepchiJd of a family feud. John Allyn, 52, is talking O\'er tht OP.f!rat.ion from brother Arthur Allyn, SS. : Owner Arthu:-divorced himself from the c!Ub in midse.ason as the learn Wat tai1Spinning both on lhe field and at the turnstiles despite etrorts to create a new 1mage on the southsidc. • BKRRlt, Ont. -Center DenniS Hex· tall poppr:d in two goals Wednesday nfght as the Los Angeles Kings beat Uieil American hockey league farm club, UM S~i.ngfleld Kings, 6-2 in an exhibitiot1 game. . : The Kings improved their prneason recgrd to.J-2--0. Coach Hal Laycoe learned Wedoesda1 that g41o~e Wayne Rutledge, lhr: club~ '<>v &••lie in .ijie 1161-11 .. ~ ..... IW'PfY Jl'rk117 ,. • calclupi dopoolts)ll hi(.,_ (11. ' . . ., . ' . ' .. RE~O( Nev~~ _The NaUonaJ CollegJit, Athletic ASSOC!allon 's decision to strip .the University of Nevada at Reno. of-II.II 1961 College Division cross-country· tiUt cou1d Jffect foreign athletes a.t bt!ler achoo!&, says Nevada's athletic director. The NGAA· said three athletes fAim -C.reat Britain were meligible when the)' he!~ Nevada win last year at \Vheaton, , Ill. ll awarded the lltle to.Eastern JlliJ1oi• University, which finished second. • "Il'~ unfortunate," Jack Cook, aclina athletic director and the cross-ccuibj coach iaid \Vednesday. "Of course·wf \\'ill abide by any NCAA rules set down. The trophy will be returned." Aging Pancho : Fights Off '' Aussie Ace LOS ANGELES (AP) -Th< ;..~-, taslt of victory over a rival of lhe court.I for the past 15 years before a f~ homelo.,.,,o crov.-d was the kind o~ stu(t 'to tnakt Panchb Gonzalez.. 41. reconsider hit retirement. But not quite. \ Defeating Australia 's Ken Roseway, 35, afler a matct"t lasting· 2 hours anq U minutes. Gonzalez $aid WednesdaJ" he still plans to quit after the $50,000 llo"·ard Hugbe.s Tournament next monUI in Las V~as . Avenging a defeat last year. Gonzalex qr!llied I.he ~inlrom Rosewall , M, Jl·l3 and 7:4, advancing to the quarterfmals.Jo. day, against Ron .Holmberg in lhe P.a<:Wc ~1,1.tliwest Open Tennis tournament. .. ,., Se:rvl.ng powtrfully. Goru.alez woo: U>e first set with ~alive ease .•• But }loc~waU'1 efflcltnt backhand .broke P,_oobq'.s iervice in. the: second set,~ ahT1ost an hour oC duelling. , The score 'grew to 4-all in the thlril-ttt. but b)! .the lltb game P'11Cbo had brGXto ~gb wllh a key shot on the tine. -· . Jn .U.tr round cl 11 rnalch<s. Alltiiir ,A$bc beat JOraJ:luln Loyo-Mayo, 1--G,. •:.: Jim Osborn defeated Roy Barth, S:C, ·s.7. 11·9; and Billle Jean King won from Lesley }funt, 6-0. S·2. 'i .3 - E l ( ( Co Co "" pc Sd G< I"' lei Fu l In! ( ... of tho oil ' lot ... 08 ba "' (!q 116 C) 40 II pa tc: ... •• ., th la d< .. ar ,.. .. or al ,. th llr Go .. Go di r. or Iii le II< R w '" " fl. pl or q1 b< L ., R JI' ,,. ... ,. " ,. "' " n .. " " " " e le IT .. u u d It n n dt GLENN WHITE . Sports Editor Bucs Duel Underdog Chargers lly JOEL SCllllAlll .... .,., Plillt '""' -~could -t ~-· Cout with u many pn>blans u ~ Coll"" will ~ the two 1Cboo11 lonlgbl In their ...-! -games of the seuon at Westml H1&b School In Anaheim. Kickoff will be al L The Plrata, who rolled ..., rival Golden w..i 1u1 .... i.. -· ln an 1m-praa1ve performance are up apJnlt • team that wu bumfilat.ed U-0 b1 Fullertno. However, Cypraa coach Carl ·Scblller IMills this Charier loam Is his b11L OM lhlnl II for -. Oranp C.- tan't be ei:pected to get the same tiM Di breaks that Fullerton Cot lut week In lbe first half Wbm it bleW the Cllaqtrl off the field. -· ~ ·----., . · FOUR HOltSIMIN, A LA '!Ht-Mater Del Higll'1 lta#lnl backfteld .(tram left) of Bob-.Haupert..SICI Jacbon,l Tom .Grzacka and 'Mark t\t GWC·Now • I . . ' • J ~,._,,,,,,,~,1"' ' ~ t DAll.Y:.ur II ' l . Potent ·~ . ' . ' . , •• Cypraa threw Fullerlcn """"" fur tosses on the ftnt five p1ay1 of the pme. only to be pm•llzed ucb time far belq' oft' 1kieL Rustler QB V.ista Still Is -Confused 01,d ·Mets' Vet Rt1we Gaucho.P~ wneeni".-.Riv.al· The Cbarlera allO bmled run-the baB ari lhelt own II and 12 yarl -by llDnbllng a kickoff and a punL Added to that WM I J'uDe'ioG toochdown pul hrG aeconcls before the balfllme break and Cypraa ..-u a cfemonliml team, tralllitc 404. Oranr• Ccul coach Diel Tucktt "'11 It won't be :m euy aame m:I bu only to paint to the first meeUna bet"een the ochoola. Then, like lonlgbl, the . Plra\H ""' a lop-tided choico, IM benl7 eacaped with a JM victory. The Pirate coach Jndlcalel· he'll mah Ihm> changes In his llartinl -lineup tmJgbt. cne on affeme and two ..ii def-. Velenn Paul Warnn hu blcen the right oflenst.. lackle job away ln>m another ldlerman;Rly Hunt. On def-, fre.shman Bob Eaell will replaco Rick Selbert, the Plra1'<' ooly experfenced dtftn!lve bock. Stlbert Is out of the game wtth a badJy trw.ed Jq a1ttt being kicked In the Golden Wm same. George Berg, who Jw been bolberod by the flu, will replace Mike Kuhn at linebacker if he's fully hellthy, ApJnst Golden WeeL Berg aparked a Ylctoul HCOll<Hiall -ruah that throttled Golden Wesl 'IlliJ year'• Pirate attaet will M more dllficutt to dtfenae, U 1he opeolnr week performance was any indication. For the lart few yura, Tucker'• attM:~ his relied on the tallbact doing the 1*lt of lbt ,,..._ Ding. Ag1lrut Golden West, tht Pirate atllcll: fe1tured a balanced runnina: 'attack between three running blckJ -&J: Jlfcardo, Coe Meyer and MIU Tmnlyuu. In addition, the Pirate puli:n,c-pr1141 was sharp with Tlntiyuu replarly c<Jlto n<dlng with 11plll end Robert CuU!lo, a sure-handed rtcelver. Tucker alao plans to 111< Bruce Hlcb·al flanker a put deal more tonight.. Hida. plagued by leg miserlu, polel1Ja117•. Js one of the top pass receiven mvund. Cypras will be banking Ila bopel en quartabaclt Jim Martlnu and nmlnc back• Rookie Ozandabouro ml Braiil l.Jght, a pair of lpeed...,.. Martines, waa pr.-Into~ Job again.rt Fullerton when rtgular Dennll Regan llUflered a -leporalfon ml pa&ed for 114 )'Udl. Ught and Oxand1boure 11e aollcl,~ nera who art equally danprou.s 11 Piii recef•era. llJ llOWAllD L. IWiD'\' .... ...., ......... The Golden West , Colie&o quarlerbock derW IJ JnCft mucSdled ·DOW ' than :on openinr •d1y of thtf!oolball·aeuoo. Jim V1lbuen1, lut ~ ""6'1 stutet aplnll Oranp Cou1, 11 deflnlt.ly out of llio • pme Saturday nl&bl · al ML San An1""!o·Collere. Gree 1lem7, fns!lman · fmn; Marina Illa!> moved bock lo a dtf<nsfye ...- --pollllon after a ~-reWl1l to , lhe lfinal.calJlnr berJh. Toliy Bonwell, penciled In aa a - me -durlns the -lllOl>ll>I, dtfecled to Arbona Stat. but bu ntum- ed to file Rusller·campur. He Is 21 clays bel!lniJ •In JearoJnc. file GWC· plays ·IM phyllcaDy mli!y far action right -• .'ll>at Jeavt1 the probable llartin& wt,..,....i -up far l'Jlho belw..,, Sino Grfl!l1h, a JdlA!rman, and :T'!f Hanin ... , ··~ -puaer fmn Mater lleL "l """' -which ... will llart ... -qam.t ML San Anloolo," <Olcb 11aJ Sbacldef«d aaya. "f-lhlnk BomreD wlIJ bi rudy lo WCltk IOlllt of the pme aDcJ planm usJni him allhOUlb·l-at the -that he'will llarl" 0 Sl\lckleford ealls· play1 fmn the ~ ailemallnf'Wlbocb, to -them ln to the quar1eri>ack. IAtlA!rman Charlie Buckland, wm cipened at t.u1b&ct 11.t week, will be kept C1U1 of the ML.SAC coriteat. He bu a bad- \J' spraloed ankle. "I don't want to l:etp,hlm"burt all 1e1son,'' Shactle.ford 11ya. ''Jt coukl· hurt us UUs·pme bet there 11 .. no need to ai· .,. .... the 'Injury ... keep lt .... for lllo -.of the -·He did do-. ,,... job cf·bloctJn& a1 well u rurmJnr.fcr us Jut week. ... Don llelJon, I -llgbl·tlld fmn Mal<r· Dei, will abo mile file• M- talneer -1111 bock fl lllD-botberlnr ~-after lnJurlnr. It fn a warmup• diiJl befcn the Or-. Cout Contat. · ln'-11tlnr the·Mountlel, lbe Rulller <MCb fliY" '"lbey're Finl .to ho lull u pi!,def<llllftlr ·u ~ Cout.. but I OU ... I COAST 1• CMHll• ... _ '-lber .... , .. -,-.. ly. ,.. j "'11le7 m17 be • DtUt qukftr and .. ::: ahnllt .. bit .. Coal&. 1btJ did mate = too ml.DJ offensive milti.k• jolt Ute we ... ,.,_ ru l"wrMH ,,. _ "'-~ "' l"ldlrl.,, 11J T..,,.,.,,., IU ltlu"" '"_ , .. _ ,. did lllil this ·--In llxlr -= wttb JUnnid-... . •n Lost,...-the llultJen dt!ealed·M~ = San 1.MU.UO, 10.0. ' . ' Joins Titk Festivities When the New Yorl Mell 'dlnchod the Natlonal ~I'll Eaatem D!Yisfoa pai- nant WtdnNclay night and . .wtad· piluro q ,_,, the~ Gol~·Weot f-11 coocll . Doo R.w. .... 1lJmtly loaiilln& his old -ltolre wu a rellel pttdier fur file Mell . In .the 1ooc1 old days of·lta when Ibey bl 111 ,lamet. '111en ohould·be .. --- '.-u -................. . JOEL SCHWARZ far old Mell,. lbey'd ·roolly llave -• cbarac1A!n In IL •'The Meta wtni· tl.t," 1'oW9 lidln&. ~•err day wu a new aperiince." Stories about the wback7 Mell an endlm and Rowe can p en for ever nlalln1 ~ with the 1"11'11 bueball twnffn hlitory •. Re mnembin lbe 'day, _.. Jlalph Kiner ..... lllioniewlnc cmdi. Coleman and uked the --his wife'• name w•. "Mrs. Coleman," npllad the ~b fettivt:r, Then Ulen . waa file clay when oporllWrl ...... surprlaed , Cue)i . Blqtl wtth a cake an hit birthday. Marv 'lbornebeny· wbO carried ' the nputallon of bdl!I -of tho --llddtn --to play fn ... majen. -ped ap lllil uked the ·-""1 lhiy dldnl sh'• blm.a·cab -da1& earUor ... his blrlhday. "Beca~-111 bava dlopj>ed ·ll, • ... -rl&M back. And there wa1 the .t.Jmt tbe·Metl wen pla)'lnc a clay pme In -bOl«-o file Aatrodome,wu built. RoweAJ1·tt·wu a mllttable hot,• bamld clay ·ud .an the MeU were lielJyadlm&. 1'1na1Jy, Stenc<i pt tlnd of •lhl...,,. plalnU alid tolcl'flle ..... •a. -,., wm complalns can cool oil-oar f.., leom !n Buffalo. A c:oup1e· of lnolnp lllor, llod ltanohl, who ..... a:)llt'of "-1. _, _ file beat ...,.,.... "God, U'1.bol," ad tllm-·•·hu- SWEAT SOX· All STAR ' . . ' . . . ' • 59c.111J5 IASIETBAll SHOES -:c.... , • . . . . • • 8'.95 ltllNIS "SHOES •••••• 7,1~,& U5 FOOTBAU:SHOEr I • • • • 13.95 to 24.95 BIKE A TlllETICSlfPORtERS • • .. . •. 95c Costa Mesa About to J:ell "llAIUllS \: MIBAll llO~ ' - " . I • . . ' . '.TBIJS.OlfSSES ....... lt951tl -1lU . . .. RA!J!li$~1£•· ' . . ' ... * * * .. "."' ........ . . "'·-·-lll --· ·-tll~ .. t':: "' ·~ 1· ,. ---;= ...._ := "' -·-IN-·-,._ ·-=· IN-•we . • ..... ,... ·- , • Pennant Race · At a Glance . .. __ --• L M. -~-.. . . ..., _ l ......... -. ,..... .. . . . .,...,.._.,..,,.L. ........ ;p, ... ._ ,,___ -·N ,._ & ....... ... ''--........... . . ~-M-.r....._. ... _. .• ......,..,_ r , I • • Sp•ecfo ·.& Ocean·.POOI . S~Qlts & Trunks Table Tennis Pacldln ~ .S.ts • laRs • Nets : .. · : :Duck Feet' Fins Creul Fins Masks • Snorkels . , la~elHls. .Volleyb.1111 ~-·FoOtbalh . , . ~ ·F.oun'qdare :Balls . Tether"lalh.& Poles Golf 'lalls I . . ~ ,; •es.·· Pm 11 • Acceuon.. ·Tires· Tubes . . .. 4 ' -----~-~---~--------------------.,--. MjShkii ·Etpantts •• ' I ll1'JA1'DAVID r: j. ...... ""'·\WI 1 ... """ Jell'. -i.uun'a· Bouli,1 . lllcb School'• fciOiiiil!Wtm. ~cave 1 number ol coaches a -beadlcbe. :i.o. Itfj no d1fferent thlil year, 1 • .. POW 11'1 the An1111' oi1n coach, H a I Akins, who'• reacbini 1 .. the aaplrln. ', Wonls like ''nlsblmm. ltl'- , ril>Je and .we .stunk" roJ!od off • hi• IDD&!le u he ~eel 1he '' p!d>leml m PftP.lr1ng bis dub for Friday -.lpl'1 pme at . ........ ' Brea.,.... • "We'H dClllll Qlille a bit ol .-·<:or!lael ..ort il>la -k and baolb>g up our own people. • 1'9ii \avi \o JM them lllt.o • >"hlUlng fl'lme ti mind. We jult weren't a~ve Wt 1fttk" ~-Ka..U.:, ' . >''Wii" --....,. ilad '"' ... m1stlke • tootban teuni Un t mab: W'e-'"'"'1' "c>rrytq [ mrt ""' lnftW'....ipm.nt• nn " = u=·= ::e.-· the I .. "We Joabd et the '~ 'of ,_, 11111 qobod1 lool!•d , NQI Pl!« qt ~ playon Performed up to bla. p>l<DUf]. '~I« ~~;'.'•l&YI ' "Sofne ol lhe blame bu lo ~ JDlnL I trit<l ta Coach tliia team Ukt Wt year's. but tt -;,,,u obvious th.st 1 made a . mlJta)<e. 'lbl$ leam doosn'! . r::~~=~· ha . • 1n 1be 1'W of t11e -"'' ..... dliamr, Akins plans to make se.vual lineup cbangea. · Gean! Mailo Slulovo ·" 111 • · mlol llil!!iU conteot w\lh ii · lmJlaid !Of. 'Skip Nricott will replaco hiQI ud will he' · Jolned·by Da•e Kerr •t th t . • · -..,.nJ. Km b br<ikllfg : lnlo 111e'l1"itlng-11neup tcr the ·ilrlt tllrW. • . !' Bart TlbOr lllO will mm Into Ille """"" .. unil •t 1pllt eod-' · Ha'r.lllo lh!nkhlg of slllking up 1111. -lino, but ha• no deflnJW: idea who. will llarl. wher<. "We ~ help at defens.lve end.)Catella rolled up our ends pretfy good.'" Akins in\tlellet he's more worried abcM bla own team ' than Brea,: ""!Uaht now, we . present ; men· prob le~ to ourselves than Brta." · .. Despite ' lbe pOor showing, · Akins sed· 1 n y of hope. "Our kids realize how badly they playe.d. and were beaten. NQtf',t)IJ)' ~lalil&~w Car they haft lo i6 to W<lrk IS a team and l 'm sure they don't want. lo be .lo ...,u;.r tlasco," Ji~ saya. '"' • ........... ,.., ..... lns-11'91 2', i.a....... 0 ltM-l-.unt 11. ,,... n 1n1-a..tlN I, l rt• I Oltl ta ' ... ,,,., .,... u tllel ~, ... ,..., . .,,.....,.. .. """""' . lM'I~ 1', tl"H • ' ' OAll.'I" PILOT St•ft ..._,_ ft-EVIEWlNG StRATEGY.-:-Coach Phil Brown discusses possible series of plays with ~arterback Cutt Thomas d~g Estanc ia game with Tastin. Ea~ gles won, I ,, for their first-ever opening' g~me victo_rr· Esta.net& will face Pacifica lllg Saturday night oo the ·Boilia Grande g,~n:.:d_i1ron_. ______ _ Pacifica' s Defense Tougher .f_or ·_Eagles Pickford's Defense Js Tough When tbe Estancia Eagles head coach for the Estancia lan&le \o\'ifh the Pacinca Hig'h t>leven. is putting in extra School foo~ball team at Bol.aa boUrs with lhe offense th1s Grande Saturday night, tbty week. will.be facing a much tougher ~We don't want a letdown. Coaq Bruce Pick t .... d defense than ln their opener. 'I'heJi:els a history of one good fl.gum hia Fountain Villey coach Phil Brown had thls game and then a letdown here Hig~ School toOtball team will to say about the. Marlner <it. EsLancia sod' I want lo be In for a seVere d'eiensive defens;ve platoon: '"Ibey do 4 changF it rl~ now. This test Saturday riight \\!hen his I I · d 'II · ·group has a tine alt itude and ol o stunltng an w1 give us .1... Bororui pl"" host to Garden a lot more trouble than Tustin. if "~r aren't a h\1ngry. lcanl , ., ...., "Paciliaa haa goOd slze and they are awf'U.llY good actors." Orove at ·Huntington Beach Brown concludes. lligh •-•001 Au<rie Moore is a fine fullb ack. · ~1 • ~· Estancia won aver Paciftca .. John ileddoz ls thelr top run-\Ye've got ta 1top thelr run- ner u well e their tea.1i..... last y~ar by 8 l3-\2 margin.• n!ng attack. They •·d·trampl-""'6 Tbe Eagles defeated Tustin, 1~ ,...,. pass receiver," Brown adds. o, In their opener Whil~ the ed south Torrance • .As for Heddox ran for 88 yards last Mariners lost to Villa Park, their passing game, we're not week against Villa Park in a u · l<>!ln&-cause. 1 • too sure what they have. "OUr boys looked pref.tJ • "They were so IUCCtaful ~:CPI"• JO)lh. ~ • bl," , o , I , l'lllUIUI( qalnsl South Tor-in4;110~ '110~'mnl: • · • JUfleQ · • · ' ranee tlley'dldn't rully have We• t.o.P~IPDl'f ,.. • - _ ~ · " ~;to ~ dQ Jt rigbt P."!~ . . , • 1o throw\!• llJ'S Pickford. becutie we ·don't h~·ve thf . 'S--. ..l ..... .t!_·r ~ Pickford says his def.ensive d'eotb '' •• ,.. · I.UC~ corps t.11l bt under fire from lie i.~ Doe mteb thll ~ ' -~. , . Garden Gnwe, especially from . we*-"Dob :rit&'>Wllr~rt-)t .... T_ 1 ., 11. 1 • tl1e Argonauts' reverse attack 1 l -'1 ~ •bUI" ~ '*-' 'tol.. • fJB end powu swe<pa o'<r the .,_._~ .. 1~~'' \ • • rep~tJ; ~~ whllh, { _ 11 U , ~tackles and ends. ~:;;-;;. ... -.,....,1 ., f tbt~;u.1i:D,.~.Jf ·~ -:-1 l•t • ;•t--..' \; '''They ll.ketouseabafl-con- -. ~ .,, ' 3'b«e:.lft jWJ :@l:Vtit .r"V.._!..-\!t1.-!i ' h .. btMt lbt Sift trol style Of ofi.ense and we've ,,; """"~· · ~·'l>Olll:\r~. ·r' · x 1Ji:;:;ti;:Nli':f Sch60• IOotball simply . got lo -break ii up," . ; ti:.• _ . l!M!> bellev.,_Ro<fFeI , ~ lialll"irG< ilfea"Ufilf <lf lal'• Pk:k!onl. Jr. t-·an ~ndlng taC'kle'·llld ll!jlt '"th! iUson \il\li l'alnil:prlns<" O!lenslvely FounWn Valley ,.. • t .. .,... 1 the Eagle offerwve attack. F Id f h~ has been working aga1n1t ~';:, 11\ ~..:.'l. '1 d~ttd bf CW1 Thomas is r ~y n g. · '' • ' Garden GrOve's s t a c k e d ~ ..... a. '[;i;;;;· 1 doJng well. Da'V1! Johnson is Keith Gibson. ·1 t~pound defense In }Sractice and there ~=""::-1: .: the-numlng back and Dana bundle of dyna mite 3 t has bee n more e.mpba.U! on Oilers' ' Offense Draggfug . . -. ' .. -~· .... ~ 1n lllt· a ~· lcbocil 4llirl II D9Wn1· .., lo Ollet -a • _,. r;en ' -. who'1 iireoarWL lll """' 'ioi nt_,,., Dlabl'• -wllh-.. "We.Ye •••• ~,tbl. three Umu befon -Westmlnstar, MlriDa I 1l 4 FOUDtafn Volley CllllllOd and we've lier""' that IChoola In our dlltl'itt Mt o:rmpetWve ewn la the llnt )'tar," he l&)'I. ' Lane8Ster Loss Blow To, Marina "I wu'yerf_ ~ wllb -.11111-ilx .. ellhl l'Ol1 IOOd !Ilda JDd lie Funke, . Bob Llacuter, I hfl>:!~ ~ion Viejo .Goa;I: Eliminate Fwnhles we 'II he rtghl In there. "V"1<!7 Chrlll!ln II bl1. We've just got to swarm all over them a.nd not let them overpower us," uyt Dodie. Dodi• Pl'I bis loam hu to ut.ablilb an outside running game and~ a respectable p...,. In( offense lo ro along with hl.s team'a rushing up the mid- dle i~ it's .19 stay with the Crusaders . Only one change la in order 1n ·lhe Mlsaion Viejo startine offense. Mike Bfcku. • IIO-pound senior takes over at left end. The Diablos came out of lhe Sa\11\1•9 .. k &ussle injury-U... who pllJI both """. ,la '!' -for 1he Marina BJgh ~ player 6chool Vlklnp, hu been kllt. COllPUTI MINOR SERVICE "lie MYI. a lot of ._i 10< lht -heca"'8 of a lil::I': :::0~"" .., "'":of' for .tbelr r=-: Jerry ~~~ .lam Jf.p.minl' -..;D his ..._.-::, ... ._":: ::_"~ dllcll =r"' -oor junior -. io.OOIMl,Jl.i IUNWITTE .•. $24.95 t1 . ....ietback Jul Y..,. ; n.t _,_ p~holl lo .-•~•u1••-LEAKING? IDd ft know he'a dedJclted. •-"' ~ . D ' ' ,.....,.,. _,. 3.95 Ha tbrowa the bell ...U and ii'if'~11Dcl"ltii lou of -, '"'=l,~.:.:;.:.','.0 ... $1 bu • ""' ncolwr, 111 ipl1t O taneuter· al ol!"'81ve lilt ...... I t ·-... --... end Jobi> Fllher." tadi!O IDll'~'end Ii a Mlllll wu.pleued wltll tl>e :..V.,. ,blow:._" ~nil ·eoao.•1 Wll<k of bis offeDllv• •rid 10otbalr-. "· ,. dt/eOllv1 U.. pll!I I h • Cooli ~.;("lad! lfrllltL lo dcteosive llCODdary lut week take '°'llo tiil• (lffenie at u., qalnll J.,a Hahn, bul .... tackl .... aiiil Toni JllchmOnd troubled bz.,..":,""""" of bis to •ue•:.!""'1 ·~' • -· --I olfenaive etd. · u . ~ • ui:1erwve IClRl. .a~ "We jull haven~ 1.u.n Manna "'8ch regarded Lu> down the Umlng and encnllllo cutar ., eoe ol l!iJ beat belween cour line and backl: linemen. "I WU pleased with Ille Tumlng to the South TOI' blockina: of our line, but the ranee cooteat. the . Vi.kinp statlaUcs dldn't Mow It. OUr mentor feel. bl! team is ln for backs weren't running to the a tough game this week det:· right spots. They weren't run~ pite an opening loss for his~ ning with autl1ority and I don't ponent.s to Garden Grove. think they got e'fUJ yard that "Garden Grove is 1 good was coming to them. football team. We know they "Of ~ o u r s e, lt's un-are tough and that South Tor· de~slilX!able because. we are ranee will be ready to bounce going with four boy• w~o back against us. They beat us ~ver before cam.~ the bill last year, 7-6, in our openln& 1n a varslt.Y game. . game." . Moats singled out offensive Blocking assignments are hnemen George Olivet _and being changed thiJs: wee.Ii: and Jack Cr<>!by along w 1th the Vikings are working on defensive back Mike McCord their pass defense at the for praise. moment ."I was particula~ly happy "We ~Uy didn't find out w1Ul our new defer111ve secon-how good our secondary is in dary. They real.Iy came the La Puente-game. ·They through for u1. I hke °!~way didn't throw too much. On the they moved up ai'ld hU, adds other hand, South Torrance 11?,at.I. . gained 14S yards in the second I think th11 club ts :still a half l& · t Garden Grove by gaml! er two away from Its passl.1JI ~ peak, but I'm hoping we ~~t The . Marina attack this lhat timing down this week. sl!ason has been built around a The OUers are ln good lhape pair ot outitanclillg running lnOAU u.wrro Offfll •• ,.,.}Mo(" lllJtlJ IJ21!J ro~~:n~~~s:~:'~rlc War-backs, Joe Ventlm1glia a~d ren and Bill Bruce, who mtu-Ste.ve O?tare. Ven~lmlglia _,_ .. .----.-~ . .._~-.oc...•__..,,..._j ed lhe opener with 1 broken, _;c~a~rr~1ed~-30-tlm __ "•_g_ainst __ La_J==================== finge r and bruised leg are the 1. Putnte · only doubtful participants Both were scbedu1ed to 1ee th e doctor thts afternoon and \Viii play if they get med1cal clearance. Soccer Tiffs At Newport The Coast Rangr.n face F\tllerton In return soccer malMies Sunday at Newport Beach's ?ttarlners Park. The reserve forces duel at 12:30 with the major dlvislon teams collidlN at 1:30 In the non·league' outings. Last weekend the Rang!!r11 two-Urned Fullerton, winning ~-I and 4-3, the latter bein& the first linl! team struggle . Hans Reuther (2 ), Leif \Vemeid and Brian GaUagher did lhe scoring for coach Brian MCCaughey's Rangel'!. For Ranger subs ll was Andre C.OUsin getting one goal and the other cominl' when 11 Fullerton player kicked the ball into his own net. C~0•1t't'§:T,"': 'Kovacic at fullback is a good q u a r .t er b I ck· ha~ be<:n th~ B11rops' pa.aslng usault. ~~'" n. ,_ blocker. d~clared out for tl!e _season Glenn Goto, a diminutive ..._ "..':'::: 'r1: .. "" t Brown, In his first year as v.-1th a ,shoulder sepa raucm. His 14().pound, ~7 h I If b a c It }Joor H_ andling &::::::..::=-:::..::=-:::...:.::;.: _____ c_ ___ .:___ Toss "'ti.I be SC\"erely felt by replaces Rick Martin ln tbe t . the Trt ton e1ri·en for the starting lineup after the latter Victim are 11 leaned hla .22 SKI SALE t balance of lhe year. suffered a broken arm tn the rifle against a tr-ee while he , SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers RepJ,,iog . Gibson •I ttie llr!t seM" of down• 1n Foun. ,.1 down to not. ,.,, he .... "! ,,,.. , slgnal-calllng berth is Rlck tain Valley's 1$-14 win ovtr pr!pared to resume hil hun-~ -~ Gedde., .• G~dcs started last Raocho Alamitot: lilt week. ting he reached for the rUle at ,.... ~ \: , 1'~k agal.n!t. ~xcelstor at th! Other replacements in the lhe mua.Je. lhe rtne dlacharg- [ .spill end position. !'tarting offensive Wlil are at ed and the bullet went through .,~ Abo, }i.1lke Coil and Bob I.he end posit.ions. hi.a hand. ~ McNamara are rl o u b l f u 1 1=~==~==~======~~~=====;=11 J> .... "· starters for the Palm Springs Ir i' contest, Coit 1uUered .an ,.nkle injury and will be replaced Rt right guard by Rick Ande rson . McNnn1ara backed Gedde~ FlYING FUN! by WAYNE CHASE . at ilplit end and has a badly bmised knee: If 116 · doesn1 . Gt!TTl.NG STARTED •• I !'!art , Je~fle Hernl'tndez w\11 gel the nod fron1 coach Tom J>od1. The Triton head man says: l'"''\~'e know we'll be fighting ftlr OW' lives aplMt t atig Palm Springs team. But we·n be ready for thUI.' \~ •ra > lll'otklng hard on our pas! rush th is week." The Indians lhrtw 1bo\lt ~ percent of lhe time In the ir opener wlLh Nolra Dame bul didn't comAlete the puser; II much as San Clem~te ·s first foe; Nell .Hlg!l School. -Palra Sprin31 w•n !alt year's nuUng in lhe fourth and final quarter, 20-0. 'Ille pmt '~Rs a srorelesll deadlock · ror 1hrt>e periods but the Jndlnnr. "°"' thl Triton& 'down ta the nnnl stanr.a. H8v1 You l •lt co11iid1r1d f!yllUJ 1 I do11't m1111 bw'(l llt ti\ lf~l'~ ftc~tf, l-t1•t' 'fO .. '"'' co111id1r1d b1eomi11t • pilot? Dt11't l~lt '"''' ". , l mlll V611 Thttt't l\t ,.11011 w~v vow 1howld11'f b1 1bl1 •• fl.,. f!M,. .,.. prob•bly 21Xl,• OOD 11••. 4tvd•"t piloh lod1y, And "'''' th1v thin~;"9 tb1111t ,llriflf • yHr •t•1 Pr11b1 blv fl'l'OJI of l'ht..-did,.'! '"'" dr••"' 1bout ii. Now tl1•v'r• 011 lh1ir ••v *• • 9t••I "'"' ••P•"'"'•• 111 l••IJl;"9 to fly, f},•y'lj dt.,.lop t WOftdtrfvl "'"' 1ki1L J t will M • htbtiv. 111 tY"KtfleJt, 1 chttlt1191. A'nd It i1 to •••'f lo t•f 1t1rl• ••It There 11 on• 11 111lific 1tion1 Yo• fll11tt b1 •+ r •• .t ,,,,..,,"· Th•r• 11 no upper 191 limit, II vo~·,, inl1•11 t1d, corn• 011 011t •IHI 110 ""· H1 wt you .... ,, hi d lh1 ll"JI lo fly} Well l\QW you Clft - i/'1 •••l•r then you lhin~I 'Al HAlllOI; AVtATIOH w-1 offff FAA •pp•o .... d CIU .. •1 "' f!v- 1"9· Al club r1t•1 t110J Qw,,,d •'"' .,,,1+14 by t lrll111 ttllth ,.ho c1 r1 1b1111f prof111 iofttl· iirn. "lri"t In tlr ~•hr11111 t rt<I ,,, v•ur ,,,., n1,ht '"' •nly SS. HAlllOll ,AVIATION. •141 Wltfl'' Awt., M1t11tl11t· Ion lttch, 14•·1100. Ott•R fr•m Sw11tl\t ft Su1111t 41lly, Watch Nert Week "Reason for F~ing" ,, CHECK THESE SAVINGS ON FAMOUS-NAME SKI EQUIPMENT Lange ski boots, 1968-69 style .•.•............••.. 14.!S Ski sweaters, a rreat select ion .••....••... _ •. 1/3tt1/2 off Ski parkas and ski pants .••••••• , •• ,, .•.••• 1/3 101/2 off Bogner ski pants and ski parkas , a spe cia l group ••• , •• , 1/3 off Buckle bools, a specia l group, values lo 11 5.00 ••• , ... , • 21.99 Kneissl skis11968-69 models ...• , ...•..•• , ...• , . 40% off Head skis, 1968-69 models •• , •.••• ,.,., ..•. , .•• 30% on Special bargai n lable! You'll find famous name urands on ski items at imporlan l savings ' Complele ski rental service . Spo1tsman's Shop. u umS' J. i pla °'' du1 wit the ~ Me ha• d•I lou fo[ I m• BO Bo Oc: WO I Sei te• h& ••• "" cu: T o I 52! Ht 1 <h pb "· th• l Cr o. G Ct otl wi in pl m w• n< nc m W• pt th H• 63 " Jr Cl ... I) « Cl tic to be to d pl di 36 he m lo be m ti· "' ~ c p s F ~ A s c t. F s ' • ! [ I ' I ( p ( ( ( l ! • rr-,.; .:.-.. -• Men's Championships Set At Area Country Clubs t.(en's club champkmhlp play 11et1 under w1y •t four Orang!!: Coast are• cOW'les during the next two wteU with olhen following sult in the near futUl't. Huntington Beach, Stacllff, Meadowlark and Mesa Verile have all announ~ starting dates f o r their nspecdvl!: t.ournaments with Irvine Coast following later In October. A testimonial 10U tourna· ment In honor of long-Ume pro Bob Crow wW be staged at Brea Golf Course on Sunday, Oc:l. 5 it was announced this week by Ned Hawkins. Deadline for entry l 1 Sept. 1.8. Crow is a well-known leaching pro in this area who hu dedicated his career to developing golfers and helping popularize the game. He is currently teaching at the Big T golf center in Buena Park. For further inf:ormatlon, call 529-.1003. Uuntlngton Bearh Pairings for the men 's club championship were made with players competing in lhl!: scratch flight of eight and their handicaps listed below. Randy Karcher (2). Jamel'! Croon (4), Wally Taft and Oscar Cowart (5), and Leroy G a y , Larry Jacobs, David Churchley and Bill Pel'T)' (6). Handicaps will be used in all other flights of the tournament with current SCGA handicaps in vc>gUe. First match must be com· pleted Dy Oct. 4 and · o n e match w 111 be played every week thereafter with the win- ner1 determined by <>tt. 19. lrt>lne Coast Winners in the 15th an· nual member-member touma· ment w e r e announced this week. The 36-hole, best ball of partner's event wu beld over the past weekend. Winners included : Jerry Helperin and Elton Hallett, 60- 63-123, 2nd-Dunc McAlplne and Joe Ordway, GUZ-125; 3rd -J i m Lockwood a n d Charles Fishback, &U.1-126 : 4lh-Joe Humphries and Paul Dunlap, 64-63--127. Chairman BUI DuBois and co-chairman Ken Hartman are currently working on the 72- hole men's championship tournament. Competition volll be by flighLs with the formal lo be announced at a later rl a t e. Qualifying will t a Ii: e place before the tournament dates of Oct. 12-19. · Seacllfl John Bitting fired a 147 for 36-hole.s to gain low gross honors in qualifying for the: men's c I u b championship tournament. Pairings are now being m a d e with the first match scheduled fer comple. tion by Oct. 5. Off icers were elected in lht: newly formed ladies club with Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dlvtsloa Won Lost Pd. GB New York 96 61 .611 - Chicago 90 67 .573 6 Pittsburgh 82 73 .529 13 St. Louis 82 74 .526 13~ Philadelphia 62 92 .403 32% ~1ontreal 52 !OS .331 44 West Division Atlanta 89 68 .567 - S. Francisco P!1 69 .SM I 1h Cincinnati 8.$ 80 .54! 3 Los Angeles 82 74 .526 61/.a ~fouston 78 71! .506 91h San Oie~o 49 106 .319 39 WMl!nftr•1 lewth New Yorti 1. sr. Lo;1l1 o C1'1CIAO .. Montreal l Phll.t<Mlllhi. 11 P ltt1t111rlh, r1l1t .. 111n11 '• H0111lon I c1nc1 ..... 11 7. LOI Ante!H ' lo11t DI-), Sin Fr11'1CiK<> t Tfji1rio1- """"ld•k>h"-(JllM'S 2•1 1'9d Wis• 11-UI 11 P lttllll.or11h CMoaH ll.J 1nd W111<1r l-11, t, rwi....1t111 Mou•""' (l1m1mr 11·171 II CiMif>-"'tl tNoll lt M ), 11lt hl AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dhilrion Won Lost Pct. GB Baltimore 107 48 .690 - Detroit 86 69 .555 21 Bomon 84 71 .54% 23 Wa shington 80 7S .~1& 27 New York 75 80 .434 32 Cleveland 62 93 .400 4S West Dlvhloa ~finnesota 94 Ill .606 - Oakland ft.1 72 .SSS 11 California 70 SS .451 24 Chicago 6S 90 .419 29 Kansas City 64 91 .413 30 Seattle 60 95 .387 34 '# ...... ""'" ..... AIUf.dl& P111Met, ,_..,.._ ......... STYllCI: PIJT1S AT IOI IOll Of A11C Sunday. An "'1l'y lilt al to Is upec!ed for the lllllr in which ~era murt be 50- yean-old or m ore to parllclpato. Sipup for the men'a club championship u -taldnr place In the pro lhop. Sw-tlng date tor the tounwnenl i:s Oct ••• .., Gren JU"er INCORRECT P061TION ' CORRECT POflTION Golf us who ploy th• 11111 too fat 1111:1< in lh1ir · puttin1 shine• wUI -acbi-~IX· cellent r1sults. When the dubhud llrikN the baU bofor9 ,_,.. Inc th• low•t point al Ila arc, it opplla a llilht amount of backspin. Thi bal lil<idtl-<llten lliclll(y sidew1~instead of rollinc smmthlJ' farnrd. If tho greens aro, sll1hlfy roush, 1trt1<1,. dGlrn on putts will accetltllale 1he ball's rouch rol. Most aolfers find thll Ille -port of Uleit putt1fs an: occurs at • point obcalt -ihl tlleir left-or fonrard-foot (IH illustmian). D*nnin• where you must ploy your pUllO to llClliow• sollcl contJct. Thon consciously -t111t you position th• ball in tho umo rolatinl spot witllin your stone• -on all putts. • • .,.._.._._ Mrs. Don Curl clM>stn as president Other ofl«r1 in-- elude : Mn. Ed Brandenburg, \Ii c e president; Mrs. Louis Cummaro, aeeretary; Mn. Albert Morgan, treuure:r; Mrs. John Ericboo. tourna- ment chairman; Mrs. Leon Curham and Mn. Frank Flt- Un, b<jard cl dlrecton. Ladies golf day ls scheduled. f!\'ery Tuesday morning. For inlorm41tion about joining the club, call the pro shop at 536- 7S75. The men's club, in ils first year of ope.ration, ha.s reached a tot.al membership of 300. A Hi-Lo tournament was won by Jim Thompson and E d Breeding with Mel Moore and Dick Johansen runnerup. Club memben eliminated in the event enjoyed a scramble tournament which involved each four50me playing the best ball on ucb ihot cl. uch hole. WiMing team was com~ ed of J, Bitting, Perryman, Gardner and Raney. Second place went to Brownell, Gar4 risoo, Vinton and Romo . iUeadowlark Gene Dare made • hole--in- one on ttie par-3, 145-yard 11th hole using an I iron recently. The Men's club his finllhed qualifying ind pairing!! are being made for Ule club cham- pionship at the present Ume. First match is due for com- pletion by OcL $. Jtlisalon Viejo First Md second place finishers in last year'• best ball of partner's scratch t.oomament have filed eolries f o r the Oct. 4 and 5 com· petition. Don Crowell and Peanuts Lowrey (l\1ontre.al Expm coach) won the event with Gary Sandera and Dave Penso llnlshlng l<CUld. Coat. Meaa A ladie:i: "most p a r s ' • tournament was st.aged with a point system used to determine winners. Competiilon was in three IU&hts with Haul Weboter winning with an 11·12-75, 1ood for 12 points. Bet flight was won by Betty Sleva, 99--11-72 for 1s· points a1 she broke 100 for th• flrot Um<; Cee flight was won by Lois Schmok, 112- 36--76 for u points. • • Tied for second with 10 points were the f0Uowtn1 : Irene Braz.di, tot-D-«I; Rita England, 113-30-83; Rub y Hultberg, 114-JO-...M; and Fran Uwill, 113-11---45. Elm Stipes had ·th< shot of the day when she chipped ln a birdie on the 11th bole. Second round of play in the men's club champlooships is now under wa y. Meaa Verde Or. Andy Dugger, Bi ll Johnson and Arlene Maries won the two-day Jack and JUI calculla tournament with a score of 110. lt took thr!:!: el .. tra hole:i: in a sudden-death playoff to annez: the UUe. The annual Mesa Verile Seniors two.day tournament will be played Saturday and James Pattenoo of the httst course and Al Wells or WllJowtct WCll the member- gueat low net tiUe with Jerry Brandt twnlnc with Frank Mott ol Quall Lake for a 202 and leCOlld place. In the low gr0&.9 com- peUtlon, 0.ve Larson and Steve Cook of Recreation Park in Lons Buch were the win- ners wiUl 211 followed by Glen Queen 1 n d Art Schllllng of Quill Lake with a 2211. Dick Pickup and Jack Kirkwood of Haclf:nda finished third with 230. Leo Stratton of Los Angele!!, playin1 in .a Scl~tific Data: Systems tourn.ameflt, had a hole-in-one on tbe 140 yard, par-3 ninth bole using a 7-iron. Ra...,he SI Officials Are at It Again With Errant Performances If performances by officials in the firat weekend of football a:ames are any indlca· tion of what's Jn store for the balance of the seuon, it's going to be a lon1, frustratinl year ••• for most. e:vuyone (ucept the refs). This writer viewed two high achool games and a portion of the Orange Coast-Golden West colle&e tussle over the weekend and in each ca&e £r05.'I . errors were apparently com- mitted by the men with iebra·like shirts. At La Puente High School Friday night, officials ruled a Marina player had clipped al his own 20 yard line. At that point the men pass-it was muffed and fumbled-and Or- ange Cout recovered. The off1cla1s, however, ruled it 1n incom· plei. pus to the chalfln cl CX:C. Grtm. • • • Cor0111 dtl Mar mp Scheol'• var1lty football 1clliedult 11 1pgaded for tltt It71 HllOll. ne Sta ltlnp will 11a1J1 mttt rival New- port Hublr la 6eir opeaer, the• exctaure Bolla Grade for IUHt Leape pewer S• ta Ma hi tMi 1tceM ••-leapt same before lrvhie Lelpe •osdlltlea, COl'Olll will ealertala tH lahlll 1t New· port. • • • ····-·········· ROGER CARLSON Harry Hilke, baseball COllch It Mission \7iejo High School, i11 the new color man for KEZY'1 prep football broadcuts. ., "'' ,,, ..... ' '"'" In stripes reeled off IS yards to the Vikin1s' Cive---apparently unatl'&re of th'e cuslomary half way lo the goal clause in levyln1 penal· Ues Inside the ZS. Al Newport Harbor High a night 1attr, ref- eree Mike Sgobba and hJ1 crew put in an especially dismal performance. * • * Lut tretk ....... start ef tw.,olnt COR• ver1loa1 ud tt wu lll~ti•1 to 1et •ow muy CamN wOGJd ltt dlrlcily affected by die 1ew rullat. o.Jy Ht 1011 l••tlfi•r u Orure Coaaty lt:am. WU rellly deetdell ~y die HW rale- tlle MarlJ..t.I heft.te pme. La Put1te scen4 .. hN t.oac.W"'111 1nd a fleN gnl for IU: 11 Polntt wllllt Ptt1rh1a tcOt'ed TDt twb, added ene kid: f .. ectl· venlot1 nd a tw•polllt pu1 pl1y. NonnallJ lM Vlklnp wo.dil ••ve aeUed .. 1y 14 ,.e.u lut ... I/ Ille ..-cYi•J II. tl•l!lrnor• •. c .... t1.nc1 J. 11 1111111111 Firlit, Newport's Sallor1 were aiven only three downs to make 10 yards instead of the usual four in their initial olfmsive drive ot lhe game. Ot1ttn la dtH pma wtGi tw..,..ut t• ,,,11... wtre tlrte La ............. qd Fouatalll VaDtJ·J\ucH Alaml• tmlln. Ml-'• 1, K1tnw 1 Clh' !, 10 IM- ln1t 8'ollon J, Ne• Yerl! G, If !111111191 W11.1\lMf11111 •1. Detro!! +.' Ch!c19ll 2. 0.1l!1"11 l C..llto"'lto ). S...lll• I r..i..,•1 •-" Officials had Oipped the wrong number on lhe marker and showed Newport with 1 fourth down when it should have been lhJrd. Howevtt, Rl'lf'lll _.,.... ffllftnl..,. -. stead et dte ...,.ten tut wen eolilpltt.- td, die ft11al .. ic.me1 nuh1I ._1ve bffa tlle 11ntt: m U... m1tclltl. Maturity 1st Goal For Lions Against Bolsa Sea Kings Fight Loss Repetition • D.lllY I'll.Of Lions Rip Millikan it:omplete ·Set- .,.dlllJ Hitt lw 1-wllo ~-' I 1-':lt "'llW CU'" riM ... ,rn FUU4·PLY CllllJTRUCH0/1 1 • llW "71" llrln D11l11 Built •i<* ind. i-er lo p .. you 'liiic~u """"""' rr ,._.. Ml tr.lie ... t.tlet 11.DdJillJ 1( IUl1qllle .,_jL • Fall 4.,1, 11,.r llroa1lb "ill con! '""' •re1.-hnleall7 1d¥uacl ~tnlctioa Ill rift you 1 -h, 'lilt't ,.nrll"Clt~ ride. Widt, ~ l1Md Im lon1 mileo11 •r><I n cellmt tr1ction. t7S.14(7.35-14) F78-14(7.75-14) F78-16 (7.75-15) IT• ...... wHrtEWAUS 2far•55 l'lut t lAl IO t2.$4p1r1"9 Fld.Ex. ft•~• 1lru olf-,a.w c.r-. ~;u-., Ambumc1tira. en.ma. Cbfftlla, ci-, 11 .. (.:-ti, c:or..tt-, Coup.ra, Dod1-. 1·1r.., FlhW.-, rardt. MU1t.1ap, Plymao.lthl, Splcialt uo:1 r-i-u. G11·M-11.Jl ... I • Gn.. ll.11-111 H11·14 (l .11·141 • H11·11 \11.l•·•ll J7'o• ll .11!111 T....._ WMITtWAU.a Tu..._ Wt4ITTWMU t-Wl4 Lfl-11 !l .ll·ISI 4 F• •110 4 FDR$120 4 FDR•1rnw3"'"0 4 F0Ri1WH3..w"""5 2 FOii '80 2 FOR '86 2 FOR '70 2 FOR •75 l'kit t Z.•2 to •2.ell* dr1,..t.l 11. l•~ 1nd4 WHel ,,_-ur. ';'"-"'a-,...~r....i., "-"'"-""· P011tils •IMIT_,.. .. 1'!1" •2 .15 to 12,lltpll" 11<1 fld. E•, l •it -4 Ii••• a1'1 your°''_ f il• "''"'° 8aicb. ~ Mlll'tUf1lr. Ol~~ud.'l'Bi.rm irt$fOnt CHAMPION Full 4-pfy nylon cord tires FIRESTONE STORES C1l1for nll IMuf'!llW 1._IJ) tt 01~1111d (o.om 1w1 ... r.,.1 MlllMIOfl (Cl\IMI J-4) ti hettll fl"llllft ,,,,,, ""'"' The: rtfll blew it agalt! later when a 15-yard penalty for roughing the kkker against New· port moved the ball from I.he Corona del Mar l'l to th< Newport 41, a 11>-yanl matd> .ti. * * * COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH l(IMtt (tty CBlllll'!" t-lt) t l ChlQIO (I!,,.,.__ 14), """' tlt ltl..,.,. (Mt l•Utry 1'_.1 11 Cl1¥&- ltnd (Wllll1m1 1·111. 11lth! Nn Yortc f~lt1119 •~I ,, t o110ll tN1n-ll•Jl " Wt•M"il ... !lkHl'!ll lt 1t 11 ti 0.lrtllt (1(1111.tnnf 141 A quk:k duh t.o Oran1e Collt College lattr that 1ame tvening bort more frult-Anather snafu. Golden "Test 1Utmpted an obvioui la teral wmm1nmr Hl&h School'• football t..., NEWPORT · BEACH II au_..i to be In 1 nbuildinl Ill&•· 16171 BEACH BLVD. II the LI0111' junior varllty 11 sny lndk:I· 475 f . lflh ST. • 646-2444 e47-4011 Uonltwon 'tbeloo1. OPEN MON.·FRI. I lo 8; SAT. 'Tll 5 OPEN MON.·FRI. I to 9; SAT. 'TIL 5 The JV1 blutt'CI Wtwood, .s.o, 11• "'eek. I•••••••""•""••••••••••••••••..;..;.;;,;.,;,.,;,.~;,;;..;,;;,.;;. __ l ~~""'.'!"'~----------------------------------~-~~-·· ~ ..... . OA!l.Y 'llOT - ~T'S IN- ! OUTDOORS? • I ' ,;.rWimt in the eastern lligh Sierra bs as good aa It has been in years. The streams and lakes are in fine cood!Uon and fully at1ked, and tbe pressure rrom vacallooers ls way down. t ~pending a day rishing wilh Ray 8at.emao, owner of Hot C~ Ranch, we enjoyed some e1cellent dry fly fishing on this r~oo., "Dry nv fishing onljt" stream. Loca,ted only a few miles noitb of Bishop on Highway 395, Hot Cteei: bas prodUffi:I brown ll'Cfll in exctss cf 11 pounds on dry flies. G:ot Creek Ranch olfers rnore than 21h miles of private trout s~am to fish. The slream t.'Ontains all native trout , both browns a~ rainbow, • The: average siu of fish aiught is about 14 inches ..•. most arf re.leased to grow bigger •... with an occa!ional Junker to sir pounds taken a few times a year. ' ' • MARLIN FISHJNG RE~tAINS GOOD ~Marlin have been very cooperative for Newport Harbor 11nlltrs lht past few days and from au indications the coming \\'etks should show improved fishing as conditions are described es!txcellent. • 6eorge Lobaugh, vet.uan angler frorn Bayside Village, reports th(\ the best spot could well be a few miles off Dana Point. . •~st weekend. Lobaugh. hooked a big marlin on a jig, only to Joie him after a ball hour battle. Phil Creyshoc.k, of Costa Mesa, "'dghed in the heaviest marlin of the season last week at Bal.boa An(ling Cl11b. But with the wty lishlng is. Greys.hock · s current record could bt br9ktn any day. · . The spikel:>ill: a.rt hitting jigs, "flyers·• a.nd mackerel. lf an ani~r happe.rui: to spot a broadbill while out searching for marlin, t!tt odd! art I.bat the bij bill fish could best be baited with a live m.llCierel NEW LAKE TO OPEN IN ORANGE COUNTY : Anaheim Lal<.e \viii open its gates to Orange C-Ounty anglers on 1'uesday. The lake is local.ed just north of the Riverside Freeway in ·Anaheim, and will feature rainbow trout. Russ Cleary, owner 11nd OJ>f'rator of lrvine Lake, is developing the lake and Jotin Moore \\'iii manage it. ·rroul will be stocked weekly t.o provide fishing for trout up to 5 pound.£. 'l'he lake will be open daily, exeept Thursday, from a a.m. tiJ S p.ui., and on weekends from 7 a.m. ti! S p.m. )"aciliUes inclutie boats and motors. snack bar. tackle store flJld picnJc area. No private boat launching will be pennitted. Fishing pem.,i1s are set at $2 for adults and SJ for children un- der 12 . For more information call (714.) 524.-7100. tST llALF OF DOVE SEASON >:NOS The first half of dove season eods next week and prospects from most area:i: reporting are not too good. f..ool l\"C'aU1er which has been 'l'ith us the past few days hl.3 t'i\USed mo3t of Lhc birds lo continue lheir migration south. Orange County still has a few local birds. but the open areal! ~~ve been prttty well shot up, and tht only good hunting rt-- tnaining is on private land. , The second hair of lhe dove season will st.art Nov. 29 through Ott. 14. If conditions are the same as they have been in the past. at thio; time of the year, the second part of lhe split season will ndt produce many birds. ,. -Bear Jaws Requested For Studv " f\Iore than a lhlrd of the bears killed by hunters in California: last ye.ar were In the tw~year age class or younger, but one bruin bagged by a hunter was 2% years old. These are amoog t h e preliminary llncUngs or a study by the Department ol Fisb and Game of bear jaws submitted by huot.ers during Ute 1968-69 hunting season. The study involves counting gT0\\1.h rings on the canine teeth of the black bear to determine their age, much as a forest.er determines the age of trees by couriting annual growth rings. · Aim of the study is to determine the proportioqate kill or bears by age group and accumulate ~eneral knowledge about California's bear populations to assist i n management programs. Removal o( the jaws wiU not harm trophies because the ac. tual teeth and· jaws are not us-- ed in modern taxidermy. The DFG said its preliminary results w e r e similar to those of a study conducted by the New York Conservation Department on black bears. Of 86 jaws analyzed, 20 were from bears in the one-plus year class, 13 from the two- year class, and six from three· year-olds. This group of one- lhrough three.year-olds com· prised 45 p;ercent of the total. Others, listed by year class \vith number of jaws in parentheses, were: 4 (14), 5(9), 6 (%), 7 (!). 8 (5), 9(1 ), JO 121. II (!), 12 (3). 15 (!),.and 16 (I). Another 30 jaws :rom bear!!. taken in 1968-69 remain to be analyzed. Clippers End Swim Season Coast Clippers put the wraps on their summer swim- ming season SUnday wilh a swimmet·parent.booster party at the Halecrest Recreation Center. Kathy Kelly picked up a first, second and third in the girls 15--17 bracket al the Coachella Valley Meet in Indio for the 100 back, 100 free and 200 free . Jn the same meet. CC members Lii Sponag\e and Mike Yarwood placed second and Bill Lee nabbed a third. YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS! • •. ,. .. • • ~ " • ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. •• •• 7l5x14 1JS.15 825114 125-15 DUNLOP GOLD SEAL TIRES 4 PLY RAYON TUBELESS WHITEWALL 88 520-13 650· 13 520-14 .... btiM , .. SAVE $$$$$ WITH THE BEST! 19.88 775.14 22.88 775-15 25.88 151·14 27.88 115·15 Ex. Tax I.JO to 2.54 ind Oki Tire · CORONA del MAR TIRE & TEXACO • Caron• dtl Mar • 675-2266 - • I • , tJA~-~~- PUSH TljEfCLlillHEAD ~ The idur ·ition of impact (illu•tration .Jfi hos thll hands l11ding th•ldubhUcl. Thl• l9f· ward· positillninc of. the hinds is sot up at' the si.rt of· the bpckswing whfni tfle hinds .Pi.tsl;I tho clubhod awiy frQm tho boll tillustratio6 #2). · • · • • I . I • 0. Nole that. I emphasiied tht word "push'' as opposed 1o· "pull." _ ~ In illustration #3, we $et a· . golfer. trying to pull.thoclubheai! .0 .,. away from the ball. Thisisabad move b~use it th1otts th• swi11g's proper .. ordi:r of move· ment'! out of kilter·'. With such a · takeawar.. it is likely that the golfer wrll try to push the·elub- head through the. hittinc area with his ri&ht side; a move that robs ·the swing of power and co.ntfol. . Remember tq '.'puih.:; oot ''pull,'' the clubhead away from · the ball on your backswin~. 0.. PRACTICE PUTS POWER INTO 'YOUR GOLf GAME! LMrn prop•r praetic• ltciltiiqu• ffom Arnold Palm•r's br1nd·n•llf booldet. "'Practice." To 1et· your copy. ••11.d lOc: 1nd • st.Imped. t•- turn •n'ltlop• ·With your f 1quest .. Arnokt P•'"'"' c/• tlti• ""sp•p1r, Inland Deer Kill Low; Severe Winter Blamed By JACK ANnlONY The openiog ot the inland deer season was very stow in most every area reporting. Hunting pressure wu down by about 20 percent. Bu·t the buck kill was .down in some areas by oyer'IO per· cent and the averaae repoft places the opening weekend deer harvest down by is per· cent over lbe average past years. The outlook for lhJs comlpg weekend and the remainder or the siason can only be betttr than the opening, because it could be no worse. This writer spent three days ln the mountains around Mono Lake with guide Andy Oldfield of Boulder Lodge in June Lake. Even though Oldfield located a couple of big bucks around the 10,500 loot elevaUon of 'noga Pass, we were unable to score in two outings. Oldfield Jeels that. the deer population was hurt by · the severe winter, and also that the deer are still up even higher than we ventured, and possibly in lhe lush meadows on the other side o( the moun- tain peaks we scouted a n d bunted'. The Jeed and water con· ditions are excellent and the deer do not have to move. even the 15 degree above iero morning temperature and the snow flurries did not seem to stir the deer around. It will take a major storm in the high country before the deer will start moving down the mountains toward! their winter pastures in Nevada. Oldfield predicts: lhat the last part of the season will produce some big bucks, with huge racks, as only the healthy and strong bucks were ..,_ FfixsouTHcC>AsT lllllRIL l'LAZA TH-TRK Wrt!RATION San Dltco frMWIJ at t1iltol • 546.2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Open 6:4.S-Show St1rt1 •t 7:00 P.M. TWO BIG ONES! .-.itli!BittTY SI EVE •:aJHA'W.U' MCOUHN AS •oown' EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ly 1(!~11 r114er.!l tp poll•, 0111 1f tht tt>Olf ")tp11hr n1w1111p1f ft1l11r11 i11 A1111t1c1 ;, th1 An11 l111d1t1 (llwmn. lft 1 dtity "'••t~ltr" 111 !ht DAILY ,ILOT. ,, ' ; TDl\ltt>I ti I 1.. IEST PICTUIE DfYHEYEQ! WIN'ER6 ACADEMY AWARDS --.;ao'IQ!lfMWOI DOCTOR ZHru\GO Oj Pillll'IJS*' &llO Wf!IOCO.Oll l u?lllell ··- rkonune•ded fof odultl Japanese Movies. Every Tuesday. Night SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRON S h THE PICTURES IN T'""IS eox MAY BE CONS IO. ~ EREO BY SOME: TO BE UNSUITABLE FOR CHIL... DA.EN ANO YOUNG PEOPLIE-.ANO REOU!l'IE PA- RENTAL Oll&Cf';ETIOlll, "J INTO 2 WON'T GO" Ill '".4 MAN CALlED GANNON" !RI "STAIRCASE" Ill CONTRARY TO AOVERTISINO BEYOND OUR CON. TROL AN D APPEARING ELSEWHERE. YOUNG "EO· PLE UNDER 11 (NOT 11) WILL NOT 8E ADMITTED +3ftl~~~i~¥EJ~~ ... ~~rst. 8~~ ~~~E:$H~c~~~p~'~: llO tV PARENT OR ADUI. T GUARDIAN. $,...,. Mc9•Mtt Jact111eli11• tiis.- • "BULLITT" ··~ Wori" leeffy Foye D1111<1w11y ............ _ "BONNIE AND CL YOE" r.con11net1ded for odtlti MHeeet•••••.-..eeeeeeeeeete ••d Stt'lger Cl•r• l loom "3 iNTD 2 WON'T GO" ''" "A MAN CALLED GANNON " Ht -<tlldor It .. 111 h ailrnl!IH 1111i,n llcC-p&llitd by Hr..-.1 ., .01111 eiurili..~ • ...................................... . • . . ........ _ lldor.t lwrton It•• H1111i1011 "STAIRCASE" '""' Dwke !Utoro• lft9 "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS " "'-fllf ......... 1t Wiii M H1r1met11 11!11M' •tctmpenlK ., P••MI Ir .... " '"" ... l.otl. , ........ " ... ~······.······· r.itiftoty '.U Mae H•yw1ocl "THE CHAIRMAN" ftatlll $h1atr. LM •"'tell "THE OETECTIVE" l'M•MM•d•.t kif ad.Its .............. ~·········· ICltt> N .... .--.<11rit Wt•• "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY" P\.llS SIYtt ~ .. t'-1'-$11-Nt'111 "THE TROUBLE WITH GIRLS" NOTICE TO C••D1TOll$ SUl'ElltOlt couaT 01" TH~ $TATE OF CALIFORNIA IJOJt THE COUHTY 01< OIUMGE Ht. A-t,UH E.•UI• ~I illllCE M. .STAFFORD, O~C~•'>td ~OTICE IS HEREaV GIVEN flJ .,,,~ <rediton or 11\e •bo•t ntmed decedent !NI Ill D!<SOM h1vln~ cl1!m1 ltlllMI 11>1 $aid de<:~r •rt rf'<l11lr811 to rlle n...,., with the ...e<e•ur• """'then: In !ht offke ol tl1e cle•I; al ""' aticwe ~1111ed COl.lrt, or to Ptest.'1\1 !hem, .. 111> ,,.., MCKlt N •ou~r$, ro Ille ul'Hler.i.~ •I the l•w oHlco ~r J•MES L. RuaEL, Jlt .• "''· "'"''" •t le .. , ).Ill Vlt Ocoorto. Hew1>1>r1 ll~~ch. C~llfo•n!1. f?MO. wlllch ;1 !~ Pl•~ of bu•lr.en or fl>e und.ni9ned lri ~11 "'~T'"" -rr11nlnt to '"" nllte f/f Hid d~edlPnl ... 1thln lovr mon!h• af!er the fir•! publlcallon Qf tills ..otlclP. Del.a Soo>i.mtier 19, 196'. (ii Nol>Ol'I M. Sllllard. Jr. illam!nl•trffor Wftn ""' WU! A.nnexed al ll>e E1t11t Ill t"" ~"""" n•-!'d decedonl JAMES L. RUEL. Jlt. illtt•r"" t1 L1w J•J2 VI• oe...i. ......,.,, a.-11. C1llf .. nut T1I-.*'-: HUI 61l-41n A,_• fM" Adrnl"lslrolf( CIA PutJ!b.hed O.en .. CO<ltl Ollll' ,.llcll. Sel>lembf:r ?l ll'HI October l, t , 1~ ,,., ,~. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE , •• '°"' l<OTICE TO CREDITO•~ ~Ul'1!•10• COUllT OF TH!' STATE 01< CALIFOltNIA l<Ol THE COUNTY OF OltANOI. Ht. • .. n•r (,IM• af N .. NCY 6 . MINI<:!", ~k~ N•NCV MillUO Mllll<:E. o~(•~s•a. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N It l~e •r~<!ll<'r"!. ~r lttfo 1hov• n11mod ~•nt t1>11r 111 °'',.,,,,, .,.vlng eltlms 1 .. lnsl !he •aTn ~...:"°'""' .,. t•qulrl!d In fll• lh•m, wl!n 11\fo nMt,.••v vouthfr~. In !ht ofU<11 ot ti'• clerk al tno •l>cwt •nlllled '°""' or •o "~"' ll>tm. with llM" ,,.c•~••N l voucht•1, !o ll'le urlll•r~ianed •' lht otl(tl ~l h•r ~11ornn, Attf>ut O Guy, 8Jl Oov~r l'lr . N""'°" 6fl(h. (.ilro•nl1 f?Utl'I, "'11 r c n J, !P\e ol•c• or bu•l~u ol t~• 11041rsKined Tn 111 "'"""'' Ptr1•1nlnt •o 1ht •si.tt ol 18'0 d•c!'<loM, wllh!n l&.lr "'"""'' &l!~r •hf: n"1 p~blftftlon a! 111'1 l>Clfl<• D•red s.t<>t 1?. 1t6t 11 ~&IOh 8, M·"~'• Jr Aaminl1Jr1mr cf 111• E•l••~ nl lh• •tllJv• <\&rnt d #tce<1cn1 AllTHUR D. GUV f. ttorntv "'t L•'"' Ill DdYtr Or. Nt111'11orl 9t1cll, Ctlll. 'lHf Tt1: ino 40·SU7 A!''""" i.r ,....,11111tr•!t• f'ubllsll"°' Ort nw Co.it 01111 I'll<>!, Stillt....,l>er U 1'1d Oc1obet I, t , I~, I , ... , llt1·•' LEGAL NOTICE T-141U SUl'EalOlt tOUltT 0" THll ST•TE OF C.ll.t,.OaNr.l "Olt THE COU NTY 01< OflANGI ltt. A...,,,. NOTICE 01< H£Alt1M4 OF l'ETITIOH TO "foN'IEY l'E11.JONAL f'ltOl"E•TY In !he Ml~r o1 ~ !:Jlltt (If JO,..H ST£Wi1111T JOHNSTON(. ~M ~..-,\ •I JOAN EILEEN JOttNSTONE. Otc1Ptt1ed. Notlc~ 11 ""'•br tl~en ffllt t MarlM ot !he oetlllon DI ROY illLLEN $AAfll 11 "-"<nl11l•l•1fot wllh·tl'llP-Wil! 1nowU'd cf tilt E"1ta!e o! Jc.In Slowitrl .ktM~!-. •M l nown ., Jottn eu .... Jolls!Ol'lf. dtce•-· lor 1n Ortlff to cemole!t • ct r!l;n Qif>o lr&cr tot '"" Ml• OI ctrt•ln 11()(.k 11\arH •ntfr'td lntft bY tl'lt d!'Cedf<'I In "'' 111,Hmt. 1"11 Gutrln, Jnl'lnir-. r;_., I"~·• I CtlifDJnlt COfPOt•lioro, bf: hM 81 T~e Cou•r flllO!'f'I ot o..,,,.,.,,.nt l !If I~• SYPlflol" Cour"f of ttw> 51•11: Ill t 1lllofllll1t, In ·•11<1 fof 11\f: Cl>Uf!IY al Orl1>9f, Cih' IJf '"I" AM . Of' ,,.,,. 11)111 d~• ot DclOtotr, U t , 11 f :lO o'doclo. ill.M. I R~ftr~ct It l'ICl•tbY m* lo lt'lt •II. 11~ o~ Ille Mrft11 !or fl/r1i.er p1r!lculeh. 011tid Se(llembtr \~. IJ6'. ~ W. E. ~l JOHil, Cn....,ty Ciol'l' •r'ld Clef"~ ot ,,.Id SuH rlo<-C1111rt KliNNITH M. VO\ING ,,.. Wlkllt .. &1\1., Siii!• tN 11-1• '411k. CliJf. ttl!J Tift 11111 •• 1·11't ,!Jbllfl>e(I Orl'llf CQHI OlllY l'lltf, :;oo!Hnl'lll!r 1t, 10. 1t. 1 .. t U.Wt BOAT BUFFS · 1\1,..on Loc••h•v I• tli• e11lv fvll.tl"'• bo1ti119 t4itor w1rtl119 011 ........... ,,., •• ;., a,,.,, .. Cov"ty. Mit •••Jvtl"• , • .,.,,,,. of be1ti119 eM 11cllt!119 n.wt I ;, • 91ily ''''"'' of tllt DAll.1' 'llOT ' ( far be Co th• Fe pro 1:1 Au be Sht Ur llUJ m ·~ & tia rei sel g• d• pli w. sh NE tho TI Ar td oc ha th• t~ th• in th• au an ly ny ch wi sh be I of de tu1 tar re· g• m1 • wi !hi Ne Ca Lo cic C-0 He FL "' 1,1 WI Ur " s 10 1' 15 lb 17 lB 19 20 11 " 15 l7 I" l2 13) 3' 3' •• " .. " '1 .. • ' " • ' " OCC Sets 'Chemmy Circle' Gearges Freydeau's French farce •·Cbemmy Circle" will be staged by Orange Coast College lhis fall and entered In the American College Theater Festival. Tht drama department will pruent the show Nov. 19-2! at 3:15 p.m. in lhe 0 CC Auditorium. The OCC presentation will be only the second time the ,.-how has been done in the United Slates. It was done last !Ummer at the Music Center in Los Angeles. The Theater Festival Is sponsored by the American .Educational Theater Associa· tion. It divides the U.S. into JO regions, and one play is selected from each region lo go to Washington, D.C. for 10 DAILY PILOT Sl•H Plllh Present and Accounted For days in the spring. Nevv 11 recru.its" J~s Ingledue (left) and Bill Cochrane present anns to a baf- The groups present their fied J-1.eath Park in this scene from ''We Bombed in New Haven," the antiwar plays three t i mes Jn satire now on stage at Soulb Coa st Repertory in Costa Mesa tonight through Washington. From these Sunday. shows, one is chosen to go to ----------------------------------- New York City for a week at !he American National Theater Academy. Los Angeles City CoUege was pick-Movies Be~kon Youth ed last yea(. d . R J N , G JackHoUand,directorofthe Post-'Gra uate' Films eac t' ow roup OCC show, says he feels OCC has a good chance at winning By BOB THO~tAS ductions with big-name stars. Complaint," and the sequel, the all~xpense-paid tour. l!OLLYWOOD IAP) The major e-0mpanies are "Beyond the Valley of the "It would give t~e actors a Today's fonnula for successful gelling the message. Dalis." But other attractions tremendous experience. and films · Reach the "now" Louis F. Polk, new president th rd bed · h · h · include "r.1.A.S.H." -non-ey woo 01ng t eir s O\Y generation. of t.1GM, visited the studio in a professional setting. All recently and re marked : e-0nfonnisls in the Korean On 'Survivors' George Hamilton Back in Action By VERNON SCO'li Royce, keep! pace wi1h thel llOU.YWOOD (UPI) very rtch on an actor's salary. George Hamilton drop Ped ··Naturally, we will be doing from the news when he and more than watchin$ peoplcl Lynda Bird Johnson cooled it spend money," he said with a while LBJ was still in the grin. "The stories deal wlth 1 Whle House. emotions of people from all But he'll bt heard and seen walks of lile. The difference i~ regularly this fall as the co-people with money have pro. star -with Lana Turner -of blenu very often caused by the most expensive dramatic money itsel!." hour on television. His series, Why, Hamilton was :.1sked, "The Survivors " costs a,._ hltve he and Mjs.~ Turner proximately • q 1 uarter·millJOn chosen to move to television dollars per episode. from movies? 'lbe ABC series dramalizeJi ''Because it was the best the foibles or the \'ery wealchy shot I could make," he said. or, as has snidely been hlnled, "It will do more for me now It is a rich man's "Peyton than pictures. f\1aybe, if this Place," series works oot, I'll be ltt a Hamilton is interested bnly position to produce my own In doing a good job: ''1 have a films . lot of scars, but I'm still 'There's another con· traveling, and J :.hink viewers sideration. If you <lo make a 1 curious 11boul the exlraordi-nlovie il pops up on televisio n narily rich. ahnost as soon as it leaves the I theaters. So you're a lelevision "The Kennedy fa mi 1 Y • ;iclor whether you plan It thal Aristotle 0 n ass is, lhe \l'J:tY or not.,. Rockefellers and How a rd ,r='==========,11 Hughes have fascinated the public for years. There's a mystique about great wealth." Hamilton, who lives in one cf Beverly Hills' great old mansions and drives a Roils Grworv P.cr "TH& CHAUtMAH" , .. "MOMaRll" '*'"' P1ul Newmion Olllr..,.n • 7:115 • ID.511 Hombre • l:JJ ConllnUD\lt $\In. l :JCI P.M. SP9C'91 !.lllw'Cl•Y Kida Mt~I"" • 1.lO NOW EXCLUSJVEL VI 10 llllllDI llCWI Bn!ll the th h For many years the movie o er s ov.•s entered from "MGM will become more ag-War; "John and Mary" -M.ia1;:=:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;=; · h industry has known that its our region are pretty eavy, -essive in trying to make pie-Farrow and Dust1·n Hoffman d h I market is the young crowd; ~-an we appear to ave tie on-tures contemporary and more r I. ht Th. · 1 various surveys have indicated meet, mate but don't marry In Y 1g one. 111 IS a very un-rapidly than ever, films that h d h (. that most filmgoers are under Manhattan· "Run Sh ado w ny s ow, an we ave a me make a social comment, that · · chance." 25· Yet producers seemed deal wilh the things of today." Run" -about callege film Holland said that five judges unable to fashion iL~ product The current MGM projects, makers. will come to view the OCC in the youthful mode. Movie ·the first to be initiated by the h d th t l Id themes cantinued to be The advantages of the s ow, an a resu ts wou new management, illustrate be koown by Christmas. Establishment -oriented, and th!' trend. Among them: ''The youth-oriented films a rel Holland said the French title most top stars were in their Strawberry Statement," from many, Besides the large au- f th ace h · "Ch · 40s, 50s and even 60s. o e s ow IS em1n student James Simon Kunc.n 's dience, there are th e s e de Fer." It was written at the "The Graduate" changed all book ,bo .. t the Columbia t f th t d that. Without name stars or " economic factors: urn o e ctn ury an was University riots·. "The Manic long forgotten, but a Feydeau high-powered production, the Garden of S la n I ;-y J, Star names are unim- r · 1 to be · film quickly racked up a $50 portant hence the budget I• ev1va appears in pro-Sweetheart," a boys intro-- gress, and there is suddenly million gross. Obviously it duction to sex in the big city. not burdened by stars who de· much interest in hls works. communicated with youth -There are indications that mand from a hall-million to a OCC will be in campetilion and parentl! went to see it, too. 20th Century-fox is moving million dollars. with the following schools in perhaps to learn more about toward t h e youth-oriented this region : Arizona State, the generation gap. rilm, especially in the wake of 2. Youthful dirtttors can be Northern Arizona University, Current releases canfinn the the company's 1 i nan c i a 1 used, and the new hr~ or Cal State Fullerton, Cal State box office value of youth-beating with two high-budget, directors often shoot faster Long Beach. Ce rritos, Oc-oriented movies. Such films as standardized productions, "Dr. and sometimes better than cidental, Pasadena City "Midnight Cowboy," "Easy Dot'itUe" and "Star!" lfollywood veterans. They alsa Coll P di d R. Rider," "Goodbye Columbus." f ~ · ·•• t' ege, epper ne an 10 Richard Zanuck recently pre er lo wo111. Jn au~.uen IC Hondo "Last Summer" and "Alice's locales, thus avoiding studio Ar . Cl t El C . Restaurant" are d r a wing assumed the presidency o[ h d so, aremon , amino, 20111 Century-Fox, adding the over ea . Fullerton, Gross mo n I, crowds. Their casLs are com-There are disadvantages as LaVerne, LA City, LA Harbor, posed mostly of unknowns and post to his production duties at well: LA Valley, Mt. San Antonio, the budgets are slight. Yet the studio. At 34· he is the 1. such ta Jent can Whittie and U.S. International they are doing better business youngest of the top film sometimes be: undisciplined. University. than most expensive pro-bosses, and it appears natural d d . th he would favor movies or Refusing stu io a vice, e !lfWP'OIT •EACH • OR.3-3350' THE ACTION SHOW! A 10th Century Castle in 1 20th Century War! ALSO 1¥1. SHOW STARTS 7 ,,M. CONT. SUN. P.ltOM 2 P.M. "SlllltlSf -··•••"'"' ............ ~ 2nd Top Comedy 3rd Exclusive Week I 'Me, Natalie' ' with Patty Duke Plus This Shocker Crossword Puzzle greater appeal to the young new film makers may bring audience. forth movies that make no The Fox product is heavy sense and evoke no responseiF==========~ll ·with sexy best-sellers, "Myr'a from audiences. BALBOA AUDREY ALAN HEPBURN ARKIN ACROSS 50 Articl t of clot~ing 1 1 Asi 1119¥111ent 52 Rtl1!td !ht ~ Europtln dtl1 il ~ lourist 54 l 9hl: <11\raction l words 10 Buolr call 58 Merch1ndisiog 14 Htaltd com-tvtti!s partmtnl 59 To 1 rtmott 15 Scttltr· pl1ct braintd hO Baktr'i' 16 "Ht's -··-prcduct unto himsrll"; 62 Strlvt 2 words . aQa!nsl 11 Noun tnd1ng 65 Prtpos!llon 18 Fish &7 Corruption 19 1958 Oscar• &9 Smt ll winning 70 Bacch1n1!~' song wild cry 1() Breach 71 Very 22 Dirtction unnatural 24 Put on tht 72-Extcute ~11n vtrboltn list 73 Transpflrltd 25 Up lo all in spirit t xptctations 74 Old ii laundry 27 Tht "W" of chort "DEW Llnt11 75 Open 1 19 Kind ol li1t1r111 rrctptaclt l2 llliserablt · state DOWN Vr.;lerday's Puzzle Stllvtd: . "' 0 ' " ' • " $ l ( ~ '/25/b9 fi Girl's namt 39 A.ct •s 1 7 Anoer servant I Kind of 41 Oecla1t war 1tl~llvr a91ln't 'l Altrrnatinq 43 Fled up-and-dow n 4h Fttls ptn1- motlon ttnct 10 Pritt ---48 Congrnilal 11 Plausibl t mark txcust 51 Roamtd htrt 12 Htalhtnish and th"' 13 Kind of 53 Tourisl l!lusit ctn I« f33 Eltclrlcal unit; Abb. 14 Saint --: 21 Dtslcc1tt 54 Tend« l ··-of lhr 21 Wallttd on 55 Jnstct In an Iroquois Sttlltm81l l& Whtrt tht trains COl!lt in 40 Formt'd 1 knot 42 lnfltxlblt 44 A.ccornplishfd 45Trtt 47-·-·· pelt 49 No. Amer ican • 1 l deftnst for ce; Abbi. "' Pioneers 2& Within !ht early st1gt 2 --pl1ls1r: law : ~l.ano 5& Show signs With plraslll'e 28 Cond1!1on of faliQut ) Transrtritd requiring rtlitf 57 Ltss common bondtd . 2' Pro ---· fil Equal: mtrchandtst ]) Man's namt C.omb. form 4 BtlWttn hc111t 31 Stvttily &3 Kind of plate ind !ht 35 Bu ildin g lols. biscuit balltt J 1 ltlly GomtZ &4 Whtrt !ht 5 lllttnbrant was Ont; Trojans llved tov.trinQ \ht Colloq. fi6 Confronted bf11n: JI ----ovtr 08 Word ol 2 words li~tly disapproval 2 l • l/25/it Breckenridge." "Portnoy's 2. The explicit depiction of sex and other censorable mat-673-4048 ters can bring problems. But OP'fN censorship is becoming leas 6:4S and less of a problem. 7M I. l•IMI The advantages of such a.111M P..nlnaul• films far outweigh the risks.I'---------"= JOltN 61111 WAYll: • CAMl'llEll. 1EtHRIC8l.DR .&LSO COMIDY J•cl1 l•m111011 Willer M•ttlt1u el!!! "THE ODD ,COUPLE" For example, "Easy Rider" cost $375,000, and has already grossed more than a million dollars in a limited re.least, l·~e;e-1 Mag••ilicent Seven' • Now · Ends Tuesd1y • You'll like This Onell "One cil l~e {unni e1I, "'01! ..,,. i9it1•I i nd 111011 conl1qiou1 1cree11 comecl i11 in ye1t1." - H. Y. Tllftft "Arkin Supe1b" -L.A. Tl111n "** * *' -Perfe,!" -Daily ..... I !il--, .. u.-· ._, . t=r-cou-.., .-.-.. .,.,,... ~==========:11 • fUN.flLLfD CO-FUTURE e Rm u ......... Co-4yl '"' '-'= hllml· ~itr.f ~· ·a. Mg C"HD 2905 Eat c-1 Hl111w.., G . ..,. Cora111• d.t 1111.,..._,11-. 67l-6Z•D .... 1,_._._1 EXCLUSIVE AREA •tWN!l9•, •• PERFORMANCE A PROGRAM RATED (R) FOR ADULTS Th• story of 1 min , •. 1 wom1n ••. ind • girl who rated •If her lovers in • llttle bl1ck book! BodSUp Claire llallD Judy Genoa ••JllJlll&-- "JbDZw•~,,· St9Jtt W-4. -Oct. l tt -UCLUSIYI SHOWIN'P - A GNOI Nw hrfl1t Fll11t I "l'tlet .. rciplly ttlft ....... yee ilodl-J--4." -Surf1r M •9•• .,,. ._ ... ,.~· •IM aW•181rll •• "' •-ollll•U.-r.;1.,i11s.-iu11.& ........ --.. -11!1 RICHARD IJI'' CREllllllA WlllTUllTU DARK --· Jae• Ltm..,ofl ''THE APRIL FOOLS" ST AR TS WEDNESDAY PARAml PaURiS- A MEMlJML ENTER!mS fl.M if .... [till A PA.WMJUNI ltlURf @D I FOR ONE WEEK ONLY THE 'W'I.LD BUNCH .... ... HOLDEI · BORGHllf • I OMl V PJlOT %';: Whoops! 20th Century-Fox presents REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON 1n the Stanley Oonen Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story --"'"°"'" ... ~TAM\.('f DQN[H·Sc>-1>tCH.llllCS O'l'UI __ ...... "~""' ~,O\JOLl y MOQf!( ·P' .... AVl510H" ·COL Oft b, C.u.t• El:31 [R!•¥1 * WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT * 2;.d featwr• •I Clntma J,"I Lemmon 1~ "T Ht .&P'RIL FOOLS'" 2nd Featwrt al Hl·WAT lt Sh~ron Tit~ in "VALLEY OF THf DOLLS'" e NOW AT BOTH THEATRES e O<oUQl ••>O•M.> <O!ol•"l •,•000000 1••110> ... ..,..,,,...,.o•--OI_,., _ _,, HELD OVER!\ 16TH AND FINAL WEE K POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY .. • • •IRllCH •LllQ, Al l!'LLOS • • '91!'T. C<>A•O .......... A ..... DO~GD .......... ••r-•ooa .... Ul'ITll'<IGTON IUlACl'll Jack Lemmon In "THE APRIL FOOLS" -· " ,. ... '· ·i ; , "'&llDYl,CIMUS'IS A VIRY RllflY,IMM!ffSllY APPWll&. : ll1Vl_.A llllli II U Alll INJSUAL PUASUllf r-~-;·;:.'.~· ··coooeYE. COLUMBUS' lS BOUND TO BE A GREAT SUCCESS I" .. ..... .._. .... , • l r--i r.-....ni .. lllt&ti.,_. i ~ ... \ ...... ,..-..... ·~ a * STARTS WEDNESDAY * Ji.OR i P:.RIJ.lllJ:,111ClUR( "GO! -FOR THE FURY FORCE AND FUN OF ii" --tOO< "THE MOST INTERESTING FILM SO FAR THIS YEAR" VCXIUI! AREA RUN EXCLUSIVE REX HARRISON RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Donen Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story * EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST ENGAGEMENT * 2ncl F11lu1e 1t c :n1m• J•ct Le111111oft in "THI APllL FOOLS" I 2nd h•lur1 .1l Hl ,WA't' Jt( $h111011 T •It ;~ "VALLEY OF lHf DOLLS" e NOW AT BOTH THEATRES • \ • • ! i ~ ~ ; • ' • • : ' ' ' ' > .. • .. ; • • ' l· • • ' 1-• • • l • • : • • ' • • ·--------------~~-----------~-·-----. ----------~·-----------·----------- DANC£R TURNS THIEF-Fred Astaire joins Rolr ert \Vagner on •·1t Take~ A ~ief" in recurring role es Alistair Mundy, sem1-reUred but once known as greatest thief in the _wo.rl~. The_ comedy adventure series' season premiere JS tonight at 10 p.m. on Channel 7. TELEVISION VIEWS Jim Nabors Lays an Egg By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -CIJS.TV, whose enter· tainment trademark is conservative situation comedy \vith homey stars. is hard at \Vork trying to build up its already imposing stable of name performers. Tbe network, the most successful broadcasting organization in the ratings in recent years, still has such hot shows as the Lucille Ball seMes and "The Beverly Hillbillies." But, rather suddenly over sev .. eral s~asons, it lost Danny Thomas. Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke and Jim (Gomer Pyle) Nabors. all of whom left their top--rated series for other pas· tures. NABORS RETURNS tonight in a new one-hour CBS.TV music and.variety series, an d, regardless of v,1helher he gets good ratings, he desperately needs help in this venture. The premiere is alter gether embarrassing, excruciatingly bad. lt ~ims for the cornponc belt, but it is difficult to believe it.hat even the most unsophisticated audience could find anything amusing in' it. The skits arc '"'holly lacking in even rudiment· ary humor. The star bimseU can do litUe to save matters. His old sidekick on "Gomer Pyle," Frank Sutton, is sadly out of his element in this kind of show. A girl named J ulie Budd sings with such a debt to Barbra Streisand that it is uncomfortable. And even guest star Andy Griffith delivers .a .re- markably vulgar monologue -about a milkll1g contest. STILL, NABORS is a hot property, aod that is "'hat CBS-TV relies on. For example, Griffith, only a season after leaving his situation comedy serie~. signed to return in a new show next year. Tius means the netw ork \Vil] have not only the heir to his old series, renamed "Mayberry R.F.D." and doing very well, but Griffith also. Furthermore, Mary Tyler Moore, 'vho portray· ed Van Dyke's wile in their enormously successful series, bas also agreed to star in a ne\v situation comedy planned for next year. And the lates1. word is that Van Dyke himself is set to come back in a situation comedy the season after next, with negot. iations near an end. RECENTLY, CBS.TV offered an hour comedy " .. ith D11nny Thomas reviving his old series char· acters. And there are reports that the network would also like him to return. Doris Day, meanwhile. has had her yea r-old comedy series revamped this season so that she now moves from the country to a city job. Viewers who saw her season premiere this week will agree Ute urban move is an improvement and more fit· ting !or her, but why Miss Day continues to get lines that make her character seem a nincompoop is inexplicable. A bright, intelligent comedienne, it seems absurd to rob her of her ba sic appeal. Dennis the Menace • w ( m Q.-i fM I l4f' {C) ()0) m Sact•• n.n <60) flllN[f "-(IO) m r t1ic111111o1 1C> "°> I IMAGINE FALLING OUT A WIWDOW IS F.AIRlY PAINLES$, ly Saunclen and Overgard ,,.,.,,..,,.....,,.,..,,_.,....,,,,...,,.,,..... -I INGINllR, MR, ~ I:• 8 no Iii -CC! CIO> l :Jt 0 lt1i~1 ft) (90) O @IIJ m"""""' IC!,,., "Slm111tM'1Yoo-Hoo Milt"' Sa111. who Is UJll!elifll htf llCDlllt til114. retelvu unupecttd h1I, front C11- dor1 \llllo unds htr 1 11111d, 111 old witch lritnd 11ho 1:$ !Mini ht' pl!Wtrs. As 1 111s11Jt, Sam 1nd 011rin h1v1 1 Jhy meld wllo di1- •PP1trs wflen lllt1 apN-lo h1r. Aljr:t GhostltY btl1M htt apOfllf· UICI •• I llllJllf mernblr et 'he t•sl I~ !hi fllll cf Eam1r1ld1, m DnW rtt1t (C) (tO) CAAYI./ JUDGE PARKER WMAT~ n-415 I 1-lEAI: o\!OlfT !ROPY ll!EFUS· 11116 TO 'E,,.Tl lHAr5 RIGHT, Mt. PllVff! THIS IS THE ARST TIME H~ f'UllEP o\NmllWG LIKE THIS ON us~ ME'S o\LWAYS 60T o\ REAl.. 600P >J'f'ETITE! MOON MULLINS • SWIFT/ ~"" UP! D ti K--·lrill~ (C) llO) rME•E'S " -&AOOS I e -""' .... ,., '"'1 ,......_ MS L ... K 0 911 ~ Mwtt; (Cl '1'ta IN ~ 1M .........,. P1rt I {dram•) ·51 BATH• --e.Dorlh lllfl', John Karr. lei! ~I rrtcuon, cm,, Anc111Wt.. o.ro1 ly John Miles ,..... ... • By Harold Le Doux · iNC.IPENTM.lY, 'f£:5.#IMT MOPY WOM\.PN'T PICI TME PS'l'CHOL· COOPEUTE!COME TO TMINIC 061!iT {QME !V ,UOOT IT, ™AB WHEN 1"E TO SEE ~IM.-? noa&Le ~TWW! By Ferd Johnson HIWM11, OllR JoMa. "' ... ft) ''°' ·--CCl (301 ...... ft) llOI ____ ,.., ., _ ....... (lCl) ·-(C) (60) ""' ...... u D DllC ' -.i. tq (Mii ·--lt)llOl ... " .. ,,.,."' (30) • """' .. l•ltlr (30) GI -14 ltl 160! ftJNfft (C) (JO) 7:0D 8 CU &Ms .._. (C) 0 01 fJ WUt't My u.? (C) {JOJ W•lly Brun• holtL m T• Ttll tM Tr~ (t') (.SO) fD ... I .. Cl«t (C) (30) El)C.1111111d11J/S&.u llport f]) Abita! (30) m Tr1t Mmtut• CC) (JO) Q) 1\11 Cirl (CJ (JOI 7:30 II a m NEW UAIOflll F111ll1 Alt.Ir (f) (30) UllCll 8111'1 pl;in, for • quilt weekend •t homt 1111th a aood boot h1I lo 1et 11!f tht around wtltn ' 11111m ol un· wanttd vllitof1 11Us iw•. Bflol n Kcitfl, Stb1sllf11 Cabot Ania.I Jone' Johnni• Whitaker ind Kathy Ctrwt star. GIMSls illelude Muy J1nt Mana.Ill'. NtllC;J' "'!• and P1111rl1n Ferdin. 0 0 (I) f!?J I IBCLIL I lr111tidt (C) {2 tii} "Goodby1 to YKtei-d1y" 81rbtr1 Richard, 1n 1mnesi1 victim 11ith 11ho111 Cltid ltonsiclt ltll In lowt durtna Its 1tcullt'r1tlon in i S.11 rnncilol hosj)iltl, summon! him to htr homt lo/lowin1 lht ab. duction ot htr lJ·yllr-oid dau1httr Lesllt. 81rb&r1't buabancl. Vic, •I· .... IE Tiit Iii Y1tt.y ('C) {30) @II hffliml (C) (Z ~r) CO GREGORY PECK * ANTHONY QUINN GUNS Of NAYAROH£ (I) CBS THURSDAY MOVIE IDIBCJ)flllt:W scaso• cas Tr1rs4lr lhw\e: rtl .,.. 11111 ~ N1var1H" P•rt I (idftnturt) '6l- Grr1orJ Ped. Dnld Nivll\, Allttlol!J Omnn, StlnltJ Btll«. AntllDllJ Quaylt. lrtnt Pap.11, 'ii SClla, 1.imts 01rr1n. O @IJ)aJNtw SWON Tt• Jonu (C) (60) S.mm1 Dnis J1 .• Jo Annt Wori91 jolt host Tom .lofl111 1n th• u1)0n op1111r of hi• allow. ~ammy 1nd Jo Anne )oln Tom It r.omed1 sketches and ml.llie1I 11um· bers. Th• oWni111 production num- ber ft1turet"'fom in "low• Mt T11- n11ht" The canttrt 1POt ltthnn lnm in "Dttil1h." "Otnny Boy~ and "lalld of 1 Thous.l'ld Danctt." This ShO'lll WIS Uped in Hollywood. ti) '*-O,.a (60) 9:3D 0 tjJ \() m Dllptt (C) {301 ··tttimicidt -lht Studtnt.'' FrHby tnd Gannon d'llt0¥M" lhtir llltl*I in 1 double t11yin1 is 111 1rdent 111d1r of stotia •bout tl:11n11 illlludn lowtrd dutti. TIM e1sl mdudes Vir1ini1 Gr111 as tlle 1unt Knin Couahlin n .ltlf; PIUJ Web· b11 ts IM lib11ri11; Jill BlnN rt Jtlfs tirilriencl: t nd Emil} lttU ''the fnflisl'I tuchtr. 0 NNI (C) {30) Ttd M.,.n.. ID Kt Stt4. Sitt S.W (C) (JO) fI) WntlinrtH h 11.i. (C) t30) tllou&h ditfttusht by los.s ot tha lO;OOQ@OO fDD•t• M•rllt rt• child, is ]11tnus nf l1onsiclt, 104' 160) Guests art D1vld J111mn. flk1 11tio.w kW• 81tbar1 b 1bout lo Sommer. Ch1rl11 Millon llliUy u1d dis.10Nt thtir m1rri11t. for Chiel Don Ritt Ill. lron1idt, I mtn of hooOf, his dtvO· Q m ..... (C) (60) lion to 81rb1r1 incl his dt1ef!11ina· O (lllffla')NEllW 1lASOll II 11011 .to 1eccryt1 ~tr chl!cl without Ttkn a liiiei' (C) (SO) "S.turdiy h1rm1nc her 1!1•rn11e Plovtt to Ile Nii h! In Venice:· Mundy rtc1iv11 en alrrmt 1nsu~mount1bl1 11,k. the shock of htl hit w11e11 Lil•. DIDUM MISS ME,MYDoAR·· o~, Hl'U.O, LOl"D P. Gu~:lta i re Vm M1tn, Sllm Pickens, 1111 bttutilut cnmpinion, ttlk hir1 Pl11h11 CtflJ •. Otnt Clark. Clofls !.ht has poimned hi.I lfrlnk tnd tie LtKhllWlrl. MicilHI l1rr11n, •nd 1111 just 48 hours IR -"id! m 1• Murr11 Mid.toe! !urn tti1 memory t01t of ttia 1111> 0 stu., at. Sll'I (C) (JO) tlln computer code l!\ldllM ii' TUMBLEWEEDS '™E CHIEF SEZ I GOTrA SLEW A FEROSHUS 0!'.AR 10 Pl'DVE: l'M A 0RAVE WARRIOR! MUTI AND JEFF 1-·l ,, f. l'l-L l<EEP IM EYES PEELEij AN' IF I S?0T A FEROCIOUS 0EAR, l'LL LET \'OU KNOW! MY BRO'THER JULIUS IS B~E. IN DEBT AND OlJT OF' A MY AUNT HILDA LOST HER HUSBAND ANO HAS EIGHT l.OV2LY KIDS JOB! lb SUPPORT• GORDO MISS PEACH ·---- , II By Tom K. Ryan I DON'T~!: MUCH FER YOU, NE11llER! I HAVE A POOR GRANO· M<mlER IN IRELANDW'™ NO MEANS OF SUPPORT! (/I By Al Smith By Gus Arriola ~~ 0 @ Cl) a) T\t 111111: IM M11. Ira de for the 1J1t!dot1. Robert W•1· Muir (C){JO) ''CMtennill." Cuolyn ntf st.rs. fred Ast.air• It 111«111 Muir drtwl bi l9Ut~ry ,, 111nt in -••I tPisodes H Al'I lli'!lonl for UM Sthoorw Bay ce" tather. Guests 1r1 Dtlil kt.9nfll. leM~I whi11 C&pltin Gn:u aim Jo~n Ru.ell and s.tn111 DanlM. p~lH in tlie c.onll:ttt to trtin batk 0 Ot41a! (C) (60) Mni1 Sbplt1 h11 Jjlwtf 111 Jet !Jul Cliymorr and Whitt ' lloui .cuest. don1ltd 11 1 pnzt. Hopi l1n1e sl1r1 1$ Ctrolyn M11!r Ind [dward (D hl'l"J M-. (60) Mulh1r1 II Glpt1in Grt11. Reta fD RIWllid• "'"''" (60) Shew to-lttrt IS Mtrttlt, th1 hollSt· fil Stvndl ti Sll1111• (C) {Z h1) ke111er, i nd Ch•rlls NtllOft R1lll1 iR) •1 Ct1ymo11 Grr11. Ktlllt Fl1n111n i~ se1n IS Cartdm and' ~ulrn 10:30 III Ut Critt 1t1 II ObttCMridtlf (30) C1r11htr u Jonl'lllln. Othtrt m the c.ast •r• Geor1e Mitchen. Irwin ii:ooooomaamim--.1c, Cht11u11 ind Mt'°" Curry. . fJ MWlion $ M .. : "TM Chil· 0 Allrtd HH*od: dr111·1 Kouf' (dr1mt) ·62-Auclity 0 R£TtJRN MFt C.11• ti fM He~ull\, Shl1ley Mtcl11nt, Junes Werk (C) Hl1tl!i11tt:s Clf thti w..k't G11n1r. mgsl lmporhnt 11m1. m T1vtll • ConMq-(C) (JO) m lllddt1'• Gtlltry (CJ m Judd lw tflt Otftn\I {C) (SO) fL) T1d1nlcll CDO!tr (301 fll).W...bn (JO) m CN:1111 " 1101. 1301 1:1111 II a CJ) P'llDll[J( 11.. •bbl rs I Kiur (C) (EiO) An~ Griffith i1 :19e I c11I iuut 1lon1 will! youn1 11"1· Int d]Xll'l'lry J11lir Budd on lhf 1111mitr1 lhow of 111• Jim l'labors Hour, tttrrlnr Ju" Nabors, Frtn k Sutton. Ronnlt Sc/\lll ind Karen Morrow. A rt1ul1r •tekty IUIU!t of tht show ii • w1menl tnlitltd ·'lllt llrvtlltrs·ln·l••.H t sketch in whicb "•boft portr1p: Loomis flf1l, who w1H rwmi"d 'rifllfftt mor1 thin 1 little rA GorTttr P)'lt. Sutton pl1ys !ht brothtr·in·lt•. Htrry C11ddock, 1nd Miu Mono• h11 1on1·s11flerin1 wit t, Bl1n,h1, wh o b ktflf .dusy 1:)0 f) 9 (I) Mir. lrfffil CC) st.,.;• Wl)l1dt1, Phyllis N1wm1n. 1~d Roos· tv1lt G1ier 1rt scheduled 1uuts. O ~OO mTenlpt .. (C) Ou11 1nd Ktir1lel N1l1011. Jani Mn1- 1;1n. St1nlty llr1m11. 1Dd Tt1n1 ~avtr 11)(! Cleon .loin ti thl N.Y. Mets 1ue.st. 0 Nwit: "M11 fr .. taft• (lllJI· 11ry) ·54-{;eot1• rt.fl o ~m m.1o" ai-, ft) !itnlt' Ocu1 Kel'1h111, Rollvt hitk.. Shir!ty .lonn auesl. 0 Mtrit: "Tiit IN M ,..,,... (drtm•) '48 -Wlllla11 811M1~ Cl1ir1 T1twor. m Moorit: '\wt~ Stifl"' (mptlfYt '-'9-0osothy Ul!IOl!r, 81\Jn Do•· '"'· ll}1n1 lo keep 11~1tt •n the l1m1ly. l2;JO m t•UI• Tht thret ol tlltm own t baucll~i hous1 •ith !:td111!1 •~ ont of t~e J;OO 6 Mo't'it! "HI* Wiit" (awn"'~) re1ulu (11111 1om!'lllh1t drunken) '-'G-llosa!ind RulAll Brit Nin board' Ifs. • n L 0 JK.t l•n1 (JO! O Who's th1 lousy spyr * THAT GIRL that 's who! Best bet Marlo Thomas o @ rn m Tll•t cifl ~c1 1Jo1I · Mission: lmPfOb1b!1.'° Conch11ion _ / FRIDAY DAYTIME MOVIES t :DO D .,.,. u..d ll'i'•r•" (dniu) '56-Jotk M111onty. l ti&h SllOlll'dtn. o (C) "Tiit S1ery 11 wm llottn" (iftama) 'al -Hne Wymtm, Wut lklttra Jr. t:JO a "Kill .. ..,. '"°"" {rnll· tlcal) '41 -Don Amtcht, Mt MtrtiR. OOH.., (Cl O Co1111111n1ty lllllltilt lw4 (Cl m Action TllMll't: HDow1 M ~1111urt w., ~ l :Jo mAJJ.N1pt Sllelll'; ''!ht Lii t •r.41 Outh ol ll•1dolph Vtl-111Jno;· '1• "'lltt Wt lhld C.!1is." •U ~ ..... 'H)llS L1k1 Us." ID -r'lle M•pifbllt AltMrlMf• {d11m1) '42-.loMDb Cottta, All"' B1{!tf. IZ:OO 0 "IJndtrcov.1 MN" (fl'!PltrJt 0J2-Geor11 lllft. Jjancy C.trotl. 2:00 IE ''Tl•• Mrsttr\6111 OocW' (frt- ma) '43 -J(lh~ lod1r, ElleMr Ptt1tr, l :OO 0 IC) "Tlit ltft KH4 ., l.r (dram1) 'SS -Hum ph117 loprt. Ctn• Tierney. .. :JO 0 ...... • Chill ........ (,.. mtnct) '50-frtd MtcMuif1J', INnt """,.. Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Service PILOT PRINTING 642-4321 2211 w .. 1 B1lbo1 Blvd. I 1 Ntwport B11ch , -----. ~-~. Orange C~ast Area Men • Ill Service Around the World :- Three Oranle Coast mtn The airman ls 1 1111 Labrador ln a unit or lhe Jamta Road, Newport Beach. Laguna Beacll, hi.s been Ftaclli, USN, 10n or Mr. and oanang , Vletnam. whe r e he w1s be'4 have entered tMlr topbomore 1rldu.ate ot Newport. Harbor Str1tt&ic A1r COmnwxl. b servlq aboard lhe atrcralt as.signed to Company A lit Mn. Jamta T. Finch ot 1270 cheerleader. )'Ut at the U.S. Air Foret Hi&b School and attended carrier USS Enterprise. Battalion 7th Cavilry, Isl Watson Ave., Cosla Pt1esa, I.! P.O. S C. Daniel .&. 1irire:~det~! E. Oraa1e Coa&t ~liege btfore so~lr;•~r~'r:ila:r;.o~.~~ U.DeuD.Yould,26,son or ~:;:•Cfua~r;l~Vl~~r:O:~e~ ~live~ aboaro the USS ~~:':t'°:isi'r~=-~vne~ se~:~M:'IJSf~ W , IOQ 4un. "parieA E. entering lhe service:. O'Neil of '341 Pyle Circle , Mr. and tttrt. Rod B. Yould of rlileman. Costa Me$11, has bffn uslgned nington opera t n I o Sinm of l'mZ CoUllll ctrc'e, Tedi. S(t. Robert B · We.stminKe.r, has b:een assign-562 Seaward Road, Corona del The Collett Is llChtduled to to Saigon. A member of the California ln prepar1Uola al tta Hun0ngt.on Beach ; C •de t "-'-spn of Mr. and Mn. od to a unit of lhe Tactical Air M··. -mp•~-· ••• defe••e deploy to the Western Pacific Seabttll. the young Navy man. l2th deploymtnl ltl the Fir S c. J , _ .. .,_ f ._.., 4 Sm ... .....,. ~ AW ,.., Maj. Burtoa T. l\1111er Jr .. u~eaand u'---J p11' IOllp Go Morrll J, Andre Bwl d Command at Luke AFB, Arb:. artillery basic cour9e at the son of Lt. Col. USAF (ret.) thi.s Jail to operate wilh the 19, Is a graduate o( Estancia East. 110 • ·-., Olt • • Garden Grove v · · The airman was trained as a Army Def~ School, Ft. and Mr9 • Burton Mlller ol 3115 U.S. Seventh Fleet. High School, 11168. They are Mrmu MU&oa J. Lockh1rt of 11U SOnoma. Weatmlnlter, has graduated medical servicts spe;clallst. BUss Tex Platte Drive, Costa Mesa, ill Handler, ton of Ajr. and Mn. Drtve, HU\lllngt.on Betcb and from the U.S. Air Force NCO He ia a graduate of Bolsa ~ clais fired lwo missile! atten ding the Anned Forces Commlssaryman Z.C. Bruce Seani 1tn Apprt.a. Robert R. Milton Handler of 2 Jt S Cadet Gary IL Grus, son of Academy at Barksdale AFB, Grande High Sc~ool and at-during field exercises al staff College at Norfolk, Va E d USN f M Riddell Jr., 17, whose parents Fordham Drive; Seamaa ~ Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Grant La. tended Golden West College McGre1or Guided Mi ss 11 e Maj. Miller was previously a~d MM~~ Herb M'at~onnd :r 22;9 lhie at 1759 Iowa St., Coala B. Gordon, son of 'Mr. • n d '!'_ 4580h Dopood Ave., SeaJ The ~rgeant received ad· befort enterlna the servke. Ran1e. N.M. assigned to Williams AFB, p,·.,la •ve., Newpo~ Beach, ~1esa , has reported for duty Mrs. Dan Gordon .of 600 E. veac • vanced military •leadership Ari:t.., and has served tn Viel· " • • ashore 1n Subic Bay, Philip. 15th St. and Seamu Robert. G. IC•N~~W= 13Sch1 ~aduTat.e and management training. He Fire.mu AppreD. nomu N. Spec. 4. Abl.boay J . Cruet:, nam. is serving with the U.S. Naval pines. llay, '°" of Mr. &Dd Mr1. 0 ww adei oo .. or· is 1 supply c omput•r Lark, USN , son of Mr. and sonol.Mr.andlttrs.RobertM. Mobile ConstructJon Battalion Thc seamanis agraduateor Robert H. Hay ol 2739 """"du; C 1 LMoaric th .art aupervisor·at Goo.se Bay AB, Mrs. H. N. Clark ol 541 St. Cruce of 2873 Terry Road. Radarman 2.C. Jamet R. 53 at Camp Hoskins, North of Estancia High School. 1!1&9 Alba~ Drive. -ra ated rom nalfighl....:::!::....::::..::..:.:..:....::.:....:...c._....::.~....::.~~~....::.....:.....:..::..:.:_....:...:.::.....::.....:.::......:..::..~:::..:::...~:::.:::..:=:...::.:::.....:.::::.:.....:.::.....:::...:::..::...::......::..::..:....:....:.:....:~~~~~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School, IMI and Cadet Grant _is a arad111t.e of Dominguez Hill! School, Compton. Durlnt the summer the c1det.1 completed an lotenalve sit-week tralnln& program 1t the Academy and armed forces installations across tbe C<IWllry. Seaman Appren. Normaa l\. Rlldldll, son of Mrs. Mary Rudicill of 766 Hudson Ave., Coell Mesa, Ull serving aboard tht attack aircraft carrier USS Hancock in Vietnam. The Hancock recently began its flfth com.bat crulae ln the West.em Pacific. On its first day of operaUoru the ship was awarded Its second Nav11 Unit Comme.nc11tlon of the Vietnam War. ... have you compared meat prices lately? . ' ' '\ MORE GOOD EATING MEAT PER POUND WITH LUCKY'S LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! Compo•• th• trim, the fin• quolily, o"d l ucly's low E:verydoy p,;,. , .. Start Jhopping Luc ky tadoy -lht mo""Y yau tov1 i1 youn! , I i I l ' l Cary Stdnhlcher, 21, soo of Mr. and Mrs. Bern.,.d Stein- bacher of 2771 Cibola Ave., Costa Mesa, has: been assigned to Ft. Hood, Tex., a.ft.er serv· ing in Vietnam. Pric•1 ar• Di..:ou"ted Eac:epl on Foir-Troditd o nd Go,..•rn111enl Controlled lte1111. lflllU.t SllPll Ml.tiff l'llCI 10 Cl..UI• D"COIMT SllPllMAlllT •••cr 'VCIY'S LOW 1Yfll0i1' . 'IJCl ' The infantryman received the Brorue Stir award for valor in action near Chu Lai. He b 1 rraduate of Coota hteu mp School, 1966 and •t· tended Orange Coast College before entering the service. Lt. Lawrenct Rupp, 23, now serving in Vietnam with the 25th Infantry Division, is e1· peeled home within t w o weela, according to h i s parents, Mr. and M r s . Clarence Rupp of 517 Catalina Drive, Newport Beach. He is bringing with hlm five awards received during his year oJ aervtCe In South East A!ia Thi lieutenant is ~the reel· pient of two Sliver SW awards for valor ; two recom· mendation.9 for the Cross of Valor from the South Viet· name.se Government and three Purple Heart Awards. He is a graduate of Newport Harbor lUgh School and at- tended Oranie Coast College before entering the service. Lance Cpl. Job l\t. M11· well, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M1xwell of 2208 Wallace Ave., Colla Mesa, has graduated from A v i a t i o n Structural Mechanic School Jn structures at the Naval Air Techrrlcal Tr»nln1 Center, Memphis, TeM. Ens. Anilt L. l\1obley, U.S. Navy Nurre Corp.., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Mob- ley Of 2463 Norse Ave., Costa 11-fesa, graduated from Nurse Medical Service Corps Class at Naval Schools Command, Newport, R.1. The school provides nurses wilh the militlry background ne«ded to serve in the Naval MedJcal CofJ>.'. Cadet Pt11rt C. Witman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Witman Of 1008 Sand Castle Drive, Corona de! Mar, has entered his junior year at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo. The cadet was named to the Commander's List for out.stan- ding military performance. He will serve as fl ight seraeant with tht rank: of c11det muter 1er1eant. He also completed jump training at the Ann y Airborne Tralnint Center, Ft. Bennin1, Ga. He is 1 graduate of San Gabriel HJ1h School. LI. Cmdr. Jou A. McNalr, Navy Nurse Corps, dtughter of ?.fr. and Mrs. Wiley E. ?tfcNair or '510 w. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, b serving 1t lhe U.S. N1v1l Sup. port Activity in Danua:, Viet· um. Cpl. RJcbrd E. Bro.,., USMC. eon of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brown of 41t E. Bay St., CosLI Meu, is servina with the Finl Marine AJrcrafi Wine in the l Corps area, Viet- """· Fireman Jad D. Ale.butt., USN, son of Mrs. Leon Callna of $47 Travtl'lfl Drive, Com Mtsa, ls •rvtni aboard tht guoUne linker, USS Elkhorn en l'Clllle to Vietnam. Airman Sttpltes P. Waner, '°" ol Mr. and Mn. Mlchl<I A. Warnt:r of Sii E. ltth St., , Collta Mola, has been osslp<d ' to Ketsler AFB, Min. for tralnln,g in communlcatloot electronics 111tems. DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines T,i\4 4;:fl&'•?. :w y.~, ~·;,.A.~ .. ~·~·~ OOD M.llll"lltl.... 9• BABY F ••tl.w .................. .. JUNIOR FOOD =-':'. ............. 13' CEHnd'\ntNlll• 9• BABY JUI .in'" .................... .. _,,_,~ MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ............. "' 73' ,. .. 1. 1•s u .1r. .,.. u1....... <•• ....... 1. - YUBAN ~~t' .......... _ .. 77' YUBAN ~:::;~ .............. 1 '1 INSTANT::r.~.~1u YUBAN INSTANT ~~f1: ............... l'' SANKA INSTANT ::;<:u ............ 1" MAXIM ~;t':.~~~~.~~~ ................. M .... 1•• LIPTON nA ............................. 81 ' ... K;yfkr!---. DELMONTE PEACHES CUNG -29-0UMCE CAN PRUNE JUICE :!'.~ ................. 51' •l 1119" ....a• 22' ~ PINEAPPLE""'" .............. . .GRAPEFRUIT JUla=:r ..... 43' a MOTT'I 37' APPLE JUI u•un. ................. .. -PEAR HALVES::~:'.'l';.: ........ 43' APPLESAUCE:..~!.:" ................ 25' FllUIT COCKTAIL~ .. "' .......... 25 ' DRINK'" _,,fl"'"'' 32' ~ ......... 4+11. <•• ..... , .. , ... K;yfkr!---. SCHILLING TAMALE PIE 21V,.QUHCE H:G. &91 REFRIED BEANS~,;. .............. tt• STEWED TOMATO£S: .......... 22' .,.. SPINACH::0~ ................. 19' lllBY'S CUT ams ..... (M ....... 11· .,... TOMATO JUICE::...~ ..... 2'< POTATO BUDs=r. ........... 69' GlfQI GIANT pw ................ 22' ONIONS::t'!:..'. ......................... 31' Our LOW E"'r)dayPricc! HAIVIST DAT DELUXE BREAD tOUHD TOI' -1'.01. \0.t.f · 33° AUNT JEMIMA SYlllP-m..61' IEllY SYRUP '""""" ................ 44' IWllTU.., ... fillU ,....,....'> GRAPE JfLlY ::=" ... ':'.'. ...... _ .... 43' ~. PEANUT auma l~l ............... 45' PRESERVES~ t:r.~~-~~~ ....... 36• MIRACLE WHIP='" .............. 78' 1890 DRESSING:::".:".'.'.~ .......... 36' DRESSING=-'.~~ ..... 42' ...K;yfkr!--. PINEAPPLE JUICE H~IVfST DAY·-44.oz. CAN Cir OLIVE OIL~.:'. ......................... 47' SPAGHITTI :~:." .......................... 35' < .. MTU•&•AtlAUJ..llU .... MUSHROOM SOUP:::;:'.;:.' ...... 14' ILACK PEPPER ::.~ ........... 33' PANCAKE MIX ::'.~ .............. 47' CHI PICKLES:'.:':.'.'. ................ 49' NESTLES' MORSELS::.:: ............... 25' HORMEL CHILI :::::,._ <u. .. ......... 53' BHF HASH:::.~~.~~ ........... 47' ~-----·-·- JOHNSTON PIES " .................. 69' tA•'ll·AHIClf.otfAftt CHILI I. BEANS::t.:::. ............... 26' SLICED BEEF:."::'~:.'.~'. .. ~'. .... 43' PIZZA .... , tOllOf .. lHl-89' BAG 0 ................... .. STEW VEGETABLES~~ .......... 44' MORTON MACARONI~·.:, .. 40' EGG ROLLS ............................. 66' , ... 11111<.....,...,·l••• ... •'. ""'*'l SOLE FILLET~'::':l:. ..................... 81 ' HALIBUT FILLET='~~ ............. 1" ORANGE JUla::r.' .... ~ .......... 28' IANQUET MEAT PIES::: ......... 19'. ~;, ,.. ..... . PEAS OR CUT CORN ~:: .... 38' LEMONADE ;~~~,~~ ...................... 21 c WAFFLES ::f. ~~.~.~~~-~ .............. Jtc . D ..... , • ·IT't' ""'~ .~ ..;,;,; .. PREMIUM CRACKERs :::or:. ..... 35' PACIFIC GRAHAMS~~':::~~ ...... 33' CROUTONS '"·"· ......................... 37• I ii All lt•HU I 1.tJll.K -llAUUI (llllU • IUll<lllUll HYDROX COOKIES !:.':'.~:! .......... 47' BREAD ~~~~~::.~~~.~'.~ ................... 35' CREAM OF WHEAT ..... "' ......... 48' APPLEJACKS ~~~:: ..................... 38' BREAKFAST ;~~=~~.~~ .............. 59' MAHATMA RICE ~~'i.'::~~ ............. 38' SPAGHITTI ;:~: ........................ 43 ' .. K;yfkr!'-- OOLDlN DEL MONTE CORN 17-0UNCE CAN ,...,, .. , •»ll!O lllfl~ MODESS !:~~::~.~~ ..................... 73' LADY scon TISSUE~~·n '""· 26' LUCKY FACIAL:=~ ................... 21 ' GALA TOWELS::!~::i. ............... 33' DRO'ps••TllHfflMI 49' ~RAIN JJ4LM• ........... .. .. K;yfkr/-- DIL MONH GREEN BEANS CUT -16·0UNCE CAM LUCKY DmRGENTl:~~'. ...... 45' CLOROX BLEACH::":"·· ............ 58' LIQUID PLUMR::.:::'~' ............. 79' LUCKY LOW SUDS:'~"O:.'. .......... 2" DOW CLIANER~:.~~~ .......... : ...... 72' • , . the few item1 lis ted on this pog• con1titul• just a 1mo ll sompling of the thousonds of low, diKounl pri ces if'I store for you at L~cky. , ~; LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES C BEAUTY AIOS BRECK BASIC l•t ktlr tttfiliHlf Ott .... •trt "''· Ml't u1tul 11 li•t, tM lilt, •·t i. ltttl1 OUl lOW IYIUDAT $16 7 Dncou•T Pll(I CONCINTIATI BRECK SHAMPOO 'h11 c•tltt tf J ltfMla, llJ, '"''" ., I lly. ltMt ttlr llliq 79 ( iltt• ... ..., ti .... , .. 4·tl. hr l" l'riet COLGAn _,M """ 71 < ,,,. ........ Pita-. .. ...-................ . ~!!.~!!fl .......... ~::·79< ~~,!!l~VJ.:l$ ....... 93< ~~.!°.!.:::: .................... ~6' ALUMINUM COOKWARE ·COOKIE PIMS, 11 -IN. I 11 IN .. SET OF 2 • !!OILING PIN 11 IN. I Ii IN .. WllN IEMOVlllE llCI. • 3-llEI CAIE PIN SET . ONE I IN .. 11IN .. 12 IN. • IOISTING PIN 11 IN., 111 IN. YOUR 84( CHOI(( JACQUARD BATH TOWEL DECORATIVE ENSEMBLE BATH TOWEL $127. t.UA .. ~ ......... , ....... . HAND TOWEL 77' M<O!Unn , •.• , •. • • • • • • • • • • • WASH CLOTH 37' NAUTf .... ,, .. .,, ........ , INDOOR OUTDOOR MAT 77< 11~JM•, ,..TKT1.-&a•MMM,,,, ....... . f DINOTIS ADVllT151D Sl'ICIAL F f•ESN USO• GIADf A RYER$ • cw~c11.1~! ~ ~tt~u.1~01. 4 7~. 3 9 ~. 53 ; 79 ~ •. 98 ; SJ 1,9 29~. 39f.. 78f.. 69~. $123 CHUCK ROAST • :~;~: • 59 ; ROUND CIN1'11 STEAK •• '!' •• 9 8~. RIB ROAST • • Ji!~~~=~. 1 J '.' T BONE "'" -. STEAK .'!M~'!" • SJ 6,1 "· GROUND BEEF • • . . • 59; -57;. 59; IJ 39 49f.. CHUC """ t K ROAST •• ':'. • 59; 48f •. $129 Po "'" RTERHOUSE '!"! '!M,0'!0 1 J :• .. "· RIB STEAK ••••.••• 189 ; RIB ROAST ••• :~~~;~;~. SJ 1,9 89f.. 89f.. 33f.. 89f.. 78f.. 68f .. 33c CUT-UP FRYERS ~"~'!'~ 4 7:. LEG 0' LAMB ~~~t.· • • • • • • 98;, 43;_ 89 ; 79; 6 9~. 37' lj 09 GROUND ROUND ;:~~. 98; GROUND CHUCK 5:;·:. 79:.. SAUSAGE fAIMU JOHN m•uss 39' UIUIS 1-01. rrG, •••••••• ROUND STEAK • ·~·!"!'. CROSS RIB ••• :~;~::: • BACON BACON BACON OSCAI MAYll llGUlAI SUC(S 1 ·ll. PIG. ........... IAJN 01 NOIMll'S ,llST GIAOI -SUCID •••••••••• SJOll U.lll SUCUI •••••••••• 98' 93 ; 79 ; " 98 ; 98 ' 87 ; 79 ~ 88f.. 79f.. 79' 77~. 69~. (COMrlTITOIS r11c1s AS Of fllDA'f, SIPT, lttt.J CHIQURA BRAND fl RM GOLDEN 111rE 121~ Compare th• quolity and 1h1 low •verydoy price of the1• chai<e 1tl•ct•d 1i1•1 of , , • U.S. 1111. 1 IUSSIT POTATOES I 0 ,:::~~. 44 c ~ ... K;yfkr! w· -GLAD SANDWICH BAGS 150 COUNT 'l(G. ?c REDDI WHIP:~::'.'.'.".' ................ 55' aum1~:-0~1.~.~~-'-~~ ................. 1tc M ...... tPH-79' ICE CREA .... m. .................... .. ~Von de Komp's"r AN OUTSTANDING VARIITT ! FRESH BAKERY GOODS (AT MOST lUCKY STORES) llllll\11111\11 \11111\fl\ll DISCOflllf P.,Cle UU. mlQI· HARVEST DAY BISCUITS gc 111TTU11U" SWiil' l9ll ..•..••.••. •~z. tfff ~~!~~~~"~~~~ .. ,:.:;: .. 6 7c: Pl~ENTO CHEESE SPREAD 41 < IOWI ., .. , ........... , . · · ........ ·•I.GT.•••• ~~~O,.!!J_ B°._L°.~.~~ ........ ~. 84 c Our LOW Eve~Pricc! LUNCHT MEATS BOLOGNA, PICKLE & 'IMEMTO, OlfVE, MACARONI & CHEESE 6-0Z. PlGjii. --3 ROYAL SALAMI CHUI $)29 •U MJI ••• ,,,,,,, •. , ............ '"' Lt.Pfl. DANISH COOKED HAM 59' Ul'I tuen ..... ,,, •...• , .•.. , .. , ... ,, ,.._ ~~·!l.S.~~~:.::'..~:68< ~!~!~1'E __ F_ .. A~~-s ........... 75c SHRIMP COCXTAIL 35c UllCt ... '"' ............ ,. ...... Ml. II.--.. ..-.. 'UKE llVEIAtlS 63' ..nmc. ..... , ..... M11UI' ....... CANADA DIY llVllAGIS 10' 11...ac. ........................... . OAKMOUllT WHISllY s31t ....... ...,. "'""· ................. . SCOTCH WHISKY s3tt ... Ktt."'"'MnU .•.••••••.••••••••• LUCKY GIN 13ss .. •-.tntlt.lt••• .. ....... -, ... , .. ' ~ .-...---• # ~-----------~ ---~~--~ - HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOtlSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener•I 1000 G.neral 1000 Gen1r1I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Cost• MH• 1100 Newport Be•ch ---1--------1200 Huntington Beoch 1400Hvntlngton Bo1ch 1400 On A Hill $54,950 Ovrrlooking Mesa Verdi' GoU Course with VICW of lights by night, UnlqUt' ~ BDR].f single story \Vith largf' pool. ro1t.'t'ring pine trees and the ultin111te 111 pn\·acy. Needs some "'trrk but has 1re1nendous potC'ntiaJ. II yoU'tt look· ini:: for something diUer- rnf, this <.'Ot.lld be 11~ Pricl'd $12,CWXI bclqw any- thing ~\~ on the ("OW"St al $54.950. •)1\· .. ·~~,, .. 1; i ·.._.,, ··~" ' ... " . 546-5990 SPANISH HACIENDA f'ascinating 2-story homt> lo. rah.>d on l 11.3 acf't's; s(l4<'- io1111 l.iving room, largr tor· mal dining room, both w11h heavy beam C(>iltngs All f'lrctric ki1chen. Barn &. stabll'S In rx~llt'nt l'Ondi· I ion: l'Orra1 &. pasturt>, Each mrrnber of the family can havt> his own horse-. This dr- lighttul 4300 sq. h . Spanish home overlooks a beauliiul swimnung pool. Authentic .r.te:xican tile doorwayll & grill ~'Ork, make this a unique ollering with a Ncw· port Beach address. Asking $149,500. Lea$• or Leas•/ option "" LEASE , Custon1 <t &. drn. rambling ORANGE COUNTY 'S Calif. ra11Ch hn111c on ~olf LARGEST (_'Curse fal!'Way. Includes 2629 HARBOR BLVD bui.h-10 lia.Wla, i;omr appli-546-8640 · ances. Grand piano, garden-OPEN EVES TILL 8·30 f'r, $475. • "" LEASE ' Cozier Than Cozy PACIFIC PANORAMA Unfolds from most of this rlegant Harbor View HiDs Homr. fl"aturing 3 BR., 2~ Ba., \gr, fam. rm., gourmet kit. \Vilh all cle<>. buitt-ins, 2 Fi.replaces. Prnf. la.ndscap. 1ng, Only $51,950. Oiuck Place lmmaculatt' J BR Qn CostB l\tesa's EaJ>t side. $250 in- cludes all uli] & J::ardenrr. You've go1 lo see t!Us house, JUST LISTED "" LEASE/OPTION: it's _a.s c~te as it can be "''!th 3707 Inlet Isle • Harbor Vit!W CUtc 2 BR w/Anlhony pool . 'l ruCf' sized bedrooms w_1th Hills. L.rg, ·2 sly Lusk built. $190 with option to buy at w a l 1 to wall carpeting 4 &t.rms faro rm w/frplc SZl.950. throughout that is like new. in sep ~Ing Pro( Ja.rxh i.: I<' LEAS·E: The-living room feature.fl decor. Ope~ flouse alter· 2 BR Condo. Con1ple!ely wall lo wall <'arpeting and llOOns • Sandcastle to Inlet turnishl'd. s11:1. a Door to ceiling fjreplace, S&l 950 ' the entire home hlls just Mn, H~y * BY OWNER OUPLEX 4 BR, 2 BA , cul-de-sac Easy Sale-or lease, inunac, furn, ma.int-terraced lol, pr0f Ind-near beach, .t Br. den, 2 Ba. sepd. New gold shag crpt'1, 'i irpls. each unit. 2nd unit stone frplc ttlr 10 C'eilingl leased at $355 mo. $10,000 Newly pain led, Moving lo i -•-"-· _o_wne_r_642-_3490_~· __ _ Ohio . must sell fast, Immac BLUFFS BAY VIEW, 3 Br. 3 • irn!llt'tl occupancy, $27,900. ha on wide green be I t . tn BrentwoOd Pl.. C.P.t Reduced $6000 for quick 546-1960 sale! Owner. 6#-421)5 -LARGE LOT Sn1all east side home, <.'Om· pletcl.y furnished for $15,950. Oelij::hlfulty clean & bright. Walking di.stance to 5Chools. Immediate possession. HERITAGE Open eves. 540--1.IM Anytime FAST Occupancy. Lrg t.a.m rm, sep liv rm, 3 BR, boat gate & sheller . Inunac cond. Newport Heights 1210 WELL LANDSCAPED 3 Bdrm. 4:e. living rm_ &: !amily rm. Stone frpl, W/W cpts. over HW fin. Carpl'd . Patio. Sharp & clean. A gar. den setting_ $28,CWXI. Grohom Rlty, 646-2414 Near Newpon Post Office Newport Shores 1220 FAST MOVE IN Ne\V homes, ready to move in, lf.i mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. C.ORAL SHORES (on & Magnolia Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington Beach 1400 .::::=:...::::._:=:__..:= BROADMOOR Bay Vie\v, comer, pool size lot. 4. BR, fam rm .. formal diJ1. rn1., 3 cAR GAR. Extensive deck- ing with Iantaslie vi<'\\'S. $69,500. A S S U P.I t::: 6,. ';(r LOAN. TRANSFERRED bern painted lnside aod out. ........ --~ ~-----(MQl'tinema t~) and left it vacant so you I• ohn macnab ~ 5.(6 ·5180 The 0\\'lll'f'S baVE' gone away 5 BEDROOMS 1714) 642-i235 LLEGE REALTY '"-'' move '" eight away. Close to schls &: 11hop0g, LARGER A-frame, 2 Sty, 3 Good financing. Sacrifice al BR, 2 BA, nr beach, vacant, Che1hire Real Estete • 675-2:;o.3 • LO\V DO\VN. Assume 10 month old CI loan. No qual- ifying. 3 BDR, 2 Bath homf' riear everything. Owllf'r !nx- iowi. The R•al E1tete Mart 847-iSJl REDUCED $3000 gm Dover Drive:, Suite 120 l!aJAllinllial:Hlrbor,CM How does $18,(00 sound? Coldwell, Banker & Co. Owner must sell! Top loca-1 ,,,..,~N;"""";;;;;;;,";,;;Bea;;'~h:..,..,, I ::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::i;I 550 New port Ceoler Dr. $26.500. Owner. &4&-9993 $29,900 Owner. 642-3541 afl DECORATOR FRESH Comfy 2 Br. w/exu·a lgt'. !iv. rn1., hdwd. nrs.. 11.:ill to everything_ R-2 Loi. ,;," '" ..,,. Bay ., • ., -4 Bedrooms View Newport Beach, Cal if. cw•rylh"1g '"a Jacgo Jam-5 Bedrooms" SPANISH STYLE 833-0700 644-2430 ----~ ----6, & Sat & Su11: or 213; ~ ~ 432-Z704 days. 3 BDR, 2 Baths-double .:.:=..o=-=e.=. ___ _ Desperate Owner Transferred and MUST Sell bcautiJul l-funti.ng1on Crest home built around a trium. A-1 landacaplng, GreC'U.11 bath, oversized master bed- room 11uite. Best buy in a~a! MUTUAL REAL TY 11Y. -c.,.,,., 1' 00""""' 2 Baths-Upper Bay CONDOMINIUM $39,800 10 20x24 playroom, teenagers delight. -S41.500. JOS'<r do.,,,·n Two Story-$26,500 Beautiful P.1esa. Verde IMMEO. POSS. garage, & priced for im· ---------- mediate salt'. Call 545-8424 Dover Shores 1227 SOUTH COASf REALTORS ;:.c..:.:.:.._::;.;_:.;:: __ = $34.500 OeLencey Real Estate 2828 E , Coast llwy. 673-3770 I NVEST NEAR THE OCEAN, 3 BR. 31~ Ba .. dtn, 2 fplcs. Din. rm. Build -or assume 5'r.:7o loan -SUCHTLV SPANISH, i;late Villa. 2 BDRl.1, 1·lose 10 Call now, lhis 11·on't la.st, -entry, brick L.R.. Door. 1.f es a Verde Country This is an immaculate <t bed- room hom• '" 1he blulb '" 5 BR & FAMILY $18,500. * FIXER UPPER* * CAPTIVATING Dlf!erent "'Old \Vorld '" con- temporary, executive JUXW')' home. Unobstructed Bay &- f.1tn VU-most rms. 5000 sq. ft. 4 BR, 41:i_ BA + maids qtrs. Ideal for entertaining. Easy main. lmmed occup. Fum. $178,000. Assume 6% 'k loan, Box 1632 NB, 548-7249 646-TITI "Dt>a lh Valley Rock Bark" Oub._ Relrigerator, \vash- fireplact'. Mex.lean till' in f'I' & dryrr, c!f'ctric gar• Cos1a Mesa overlooking all Sound 2 BR, l BA house, of Nt>.,,,·porl BC'ach. it shows dbl gar, Xln! area. Needs 842-1411 \(Z, THE REAL ESTATERS _·,·. "' ,',' JUST REDUCED 10 lot vaJIJ(>. Don't mi ss lhis $100.0XI bayfront in the f!n- rst penn_ location. Authen- tic 4 BDR Balboa home 1n- clude-d. 318 Buena Vista. 0f)('n Sat I: Sun. l-:>. Pete Barrett Realty Mr. or Mn. Bents, 642-5200 $24,SOO "FOREST OF TREES" Tall trees shade the' grounds. Block wall lrnl't". Dt>lighlful patio • artis1ic landscaping. :I bedroom, :.! baths, formal dining room. Dream kitchen _ finest l;iuil1·in app\lanccs, dishwasbk. 5'10-1720 TARBELL 29SS Harbor MODERN 1 YEAR OLD ~ BR. 2 Ba. home drsignL<d for :.!nd story unit, l Blk. !o bay. ocean, shopping. $49.JOO, Red Cerpet Reelty '..'!l'Z5 \V. Balboa, NB 67~ General 1000 FOREST E. baths. COSTA MESA'S BEST i'l.gf' door openf'r. all in- BIG-FAMILY BUY. Ne.s!L .. Juded in sales pr"1rr. eel at the end of a private r.lovr -int' on d l t 110 11. c-ul-de-sac. Large yard -$30.950. "''Orkshop & plenty parking space-_ NEAR Y.M.C.A. Be charmed, sef' lhL~. A5ai... co:Ts ~WALLAct ' REALTORS like a 1nodel home \\"ith beau-This large ramily home in handyman painter, 3:>4 Mag. tllul carpeting 1hrougl>out, North Costa Mt>sa 111ith all nolia, C.t.t. there is 11n unobstructed !he built • ins including a 7M~E~-SA,-'-=Dc-l~M~ar~,~-~-roo-m-.~, view from !he rear terrace wa!er conditioner. Needs a BA, new crpts, drps. Lrg and master bedroom suite, little TLC. Vaeant & priced lot, fruit tre:s. $3.1,950. and a professionally land· \\"ay under market, Hurry • 546-9755 or ~5--0938 scaped froOi yard, f'nclosed Ibis won't last. 0 NL Y palio and atrium f'ntry way, S29,750. 2 BEDROOM. Large comer lot. 3 car garage. lt's vacant, so see it now. BY O\VNER. •54>&'.Xll Westcliff 1230 * SPARKLES & SHINES! Inside &: out. Living rm, din- another home for inCQme on 1 -----------1 Jge. lot Some vic\1•; nr. Leas• w/Option beach & :.hops. Bk r. Al:la.ndoned Spanish t~asa. 673-2010 4. BR, 3 bath, 2-story i'NVE:;:,;STO~~R~'~Ss~,""-"~ut~2~I ~R~ •. 2' I Lu.xu11ous amenitieg, near lots, S. of hwy + 2 gd tiscs ocean & schools. Reiiuced io $58,500 Ch,,.nr. 673-4169 $39.~1"£LLA REALTY' ELEGANT OCEAN VIE\V 847--6061 home, 3 BR, 2 BA, f8m nn. Owner * ~4·1392 SIX UNITS --54Ml41- (0pM Ewnin9l) College Park Bargains Mesi Verd• 1110 BETTERA.l,han ney,· 3 BR, 2 ba, lam rm, bit-ins. W\\', clrps.. r(e, cptd. pa I i o. ing rm, elec bltns, clean ----------New. modern, \\'f'll·located. Out of «i111n owner is oUer- ing a splendid opportun.icy.j $70.000. ( Rex L . Hodges, Rltr. I F:ve:n\ngs Cl:l1J 673-6116 BIG 5 MESA VERDE A dandy rtEPUBLIC 2-slory horne. J 1:z. yl'ri.r·s youn.i::. f or. mal marble fircplaci> ln huge living room. Bnck Jireplace in family roon1, Electric huill -in kitcht>n including d1shwa.'$her. Shop 1h1s price; S43,995 Newport at Victoria 646-8811 SAVE Your money and bring your paint brush. Cute Harbor Highlands home. Convenif'ntly located with J bedrooms & 2 baths. Nice enclosed yard. Needs some pain1. hut what a bargain! \Yon't last 11t $27,000 REALTORS 673-4400 Tender loving carr is 11·hatl"'"!'"'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!,.,. Choice Joe. nr everything. crplll & drp.,. 3 BR, 2 BA, prof lndscpd &-rnaint'd. heavy shake 'roof completes: this charming home. By owner. $41,800. 642-1598. !hill nous..-nft.'ds. it's local-Costa Mesa Dirty Low dwn. 0wnr: 54!}...1096 f'd in a t-uJ-de-sac and a * 3 Bedroom Pac.-esetter. 1---------- largE" lot, lhr dichondra Ho1v abou1 4 large bedrooms Large yard. Near Adams University Park l.237 lawns lron1 & rear need !0 2 baths, elec bit-ins, doubl~ School. $32.750. Princlpals 1-----'--'-''--'--..:C= ~ ."·atcred. rhe auton1allc garage. large cul-de-sac lot. only. 540-4681 B YO \V NE R • University srnnklers should lake care forced air heating, fi',(, inter-==:::::::::::::::::::::= Park 4 BR, 2'~ BA. ViUage o that, and _yo_u can take est on an as~"Umable loan, College Park lllS JI 1nodrl homr. r.1a11y cx- t'll.re of the pa1nt1ng. You ('an pain! it fu it love JI lras. Pr1mC' location. $37,000 also assume th<' 5~~<:;, FllA ' ' · I La ., or wtll sell part i a I I y loan ll'ilh tow, low rnon!hly Mother· n· w. furnished. Open I-louse & payments i11clu1J1ng la>;rs & She can rela.'< in her own pri-Garage Sa.le 10-5. Fri. Sal & insurance. llun·y, 1t won't vatr suite "''1th privaie bath. Sun. 18102 Lealhen.iiood. Growing Pains? lasl~ ORANGE COUNTY'S You1J still ha11e plenty ol LARGEST 1·oon1 ror the res! o! 1hc l11m. 2629 HARBOR BLVD. ily with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths &· enormous lamily roon1 Watch It} Wet Paint! It's new"&-vacanl. 4 BR. 21h ba. + tam.. rm. $43.950 546-864D plus double garage. You will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,.IHel"'f''s the ans1vC'r, a 5 bed· OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 appreciate 1his home nestled room 2 bath home In east·l•iiii-iiii..,..,..,..,..,.... in quiet and elegant College e Red Hill Realty Univ. Par\( Center, lrvine Call Anytimr 8.'U-0820 DISTRESS SALE side Costa MeM. The lull Full Price $21 950 Park . \Vell '9.'0rth $32,850. price is $28,500 1vith either INCLUDES THE LAND? 546-2313 Lido Isle 13Sl LIDO SLEEPER! We've done it again Nilly 2 bdrm. home on lov~· Jy strrct. Only $42,500: ! LIOO REALTY, INC. l\lr. Cunde~en ~.377 Via Lido 673-7300 BAYFRONT ON SCUD Everyone loves a NE\V home. Early decisions give~ bu;yer a choice. 5 BO + din. rm. 3 Car gar. P/~lip, S225,000 R .. C. GREER, Realty 3l.1;) Via Lido 673-9300 Huntington Beech 1400 Mariner 847-2S2S ' $168/MONTH ' Assume low interest loan, ( BeautiJul 3 BDRM, 2 bath.I Wvely carpeting & drapes. Terrific bU)'! Only Sl'),400, HAFFDAL REAL TY 842-44().j CONDO. Crptd, d r p d , \\'a.sher/dryer, nfrig. Xnlt cood. Good home for older couple or xlnt rental unit potenUal. Recr ea t l o ;1 1 facilities incl S 1 9 , 7 SO . 962-2356. I OPEN House 2 to six Walk io new Hi School, ~ mi to beach, 3 BR or 2 + Den \\'/.,,,·et bar. condo, xlnt cone.I. 962-9551. ' 0 LS 0 N l l ~~~~lil::a"il::ytil::iil::mil::eli::::l°'"™'f m"" .ell! ' B<d-rooms, 21,J baths, extra large living room with wall ol glass,. Attractive stone fire- place .• Garage convertelJ to 20x24 playroom .• Re<luc- rd $3,o:x> to $41,500 • 10% do\vn and assume 5'11 % loan. F.HA or V~ 1emis av~able, Cute 2 BR +dining area 1- the seller IS very a_nxiou.~ be-Anthony pool. New paint in- caus!' lilt> house 1s vacanl1 side and out. Vacant _ Im. see ii and you'll \\'ant it. mNliatc po~~e&iion. HUR- RY! $27,500. May take over low 546-5880 interest loan. 3 BDR. 2 Corona. del Mar 1250 . Realty ===-:c:.c..c=-_:.;;..:.: ;* " 1-lA VE openings for 4 Real BEACHY Littlr Corona Beacl1 1s only steps a"'·ay from thts unique two story 1 Bedroon1 Honie -Spaeiou~ and clean with a nr1v!y remodel('(f kitchen, large family room and .,.,·ell protf.'ctl"d patio, Great v1cw upstairs, some view down. Try $69,500. -----Estate Salesmen in our nt!W SPACIOUS 3 BR olfl"'. Call for appol"lm"'l. R. 0, Slet•s, Realtors Family home. \\'!Jr • saver 536-ISOl ! seamlc~s floors. Flags!one I •!!!!''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j fireplace. Lo v t l y yard. BEAUTIFULLY Decor . 41 A$$OCietes Inc. Realtors THREE ON ONE WHATll $15.500 It's true! \Vhf'rl' ran you find a boUSe and hvo co1- tages wilh income on a big R-4. lo1. For on I y $15,SQ'.I. Full PnCT"! Big living room i11 n1a1n house \•d th hand -hf'\\ n IX' ams. Cenler island flrcplare ·with ton.~ or olrl brick. CP-ntrr island kilchen. P.1cdi!crranean arlL~! \\'Ill· dows. \Vrought iron. P.1uch more~ Se<' iL Jirsl! H,urry tall &tJ..-030.l HOUSE--BIG LOT BUILD 5 MORE Up lo lh<' _rninulf' . :i hr-d- rocn1 :! ba!h slucCTJ homf'. NPar new. S11~ right up front on 1his b1~ :J..l ~ ::oo f1 R-2 lot. :Xear the heart of 101-l'n. \\'alk 1o e\·ery- thing, Ideal for 1nves1or!I nr builders. High Jst.. loan and Sl.'Utr \Vill carry. writh only 10' ~ dow1n. Besi R-2 buy, Only ~2~.9.'IO, Dial 5.1:;.oc.n::. CU STOM ~ BDRM BIG R-4 LOT You 1·an h<1I'<' hur>e).C !oo! Cu.st.om buih. 4 m11ss1\·e hc'i:lroon1~. La1"gc z:, 11, l1v. ing roon1 Big \'OUntry kltc-Den 1>1lh ton.~ of tile and dc·IUX(' ln11IT-1n~. H11gr lot 66 x 236 "!!!'I plt>n!y of e!OO"'' room l'lr more unll s. $35,lW, YoL.l can ll.~ sumr low 1ntcrr·:<1 Joan 4· cxcil1.11g trnni:. ·rn !>Ce lo. day, dial 6t~:~, NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPL EX At't'O:.~ lht-Stl"t'f't and fl salld l)<'bbll'$ 1hro1v lrom the poonding surf, Tu·o Urce lK-clrooms, I a r g r kllchen with deluxe built. iJ¥. ln ~ach unit, Sundf'Cks Md verandas. G~at Joca· tion. Big rents, and tbtlU • &ach P0'4'1".r! 0 n I y $311.500. Call nov.'! ~ FOREST E. OLSON Inc. RcA11.or• at.-Harbor Centct 2299 Harbor Blvd .. C.bt. 1969 VOLUME $11S,J MILLION UNITS Onr ~ BDRl\f, 2 ba1h 1hrPC '.!BDRM. I ba1h units. These apal'tments ar'f' always in den1and. Only l hlock from 17th SL Lochen my er Realtor 1860 Newpo'J"I Blvd., CM CALL 646-3928 Eves. 644-1655 6-16-2'190 OWNER IN NEW YORK ~lust !ie!I spaciou.~ atlr'f 1·01n. fortable Cos!a l\lesa homl', Stm nio. pays an with ~13.i '7c FHA loan_ Sll'f'!Ch out 111 4 big bedrooms, ovcrsizrrl fam. ily iwrn. FloridiJ.-1YJlf' kilch- ""· Largt' lot on t·ul-de-sac strt"Ct HERITAGE 01'('n eves. ;i4().tJ51 anylimr. $17,90o LIVIN' IS EASY! Spa.cioUs bf"droon1s. den, 2 sPparate bath::, fir('plac-e, dining room. Cheerful kiti;h- Pn. finel"I bu1ll -1n appl1aoc- rs. 51().17'10 TARBELL 29S5 Harbor $18,500 J. bedrooms, 2 balhs, all C'lcr- trlc· plush butron built • ln ki1chen "'1th flC'w vinyl tilt'. Spar10u:o: YllI'11 • delightful pa110, Near bt•ach, schools &.· ~hoppitig. 841>-0604 TARBELL BA YFRONT APT. Vi.'ICa Del Lido, Pirr & slip available. Srll or lease/01>- 11on. PMce: $28,500. Georg• Williamson REALTOR Gi:: .. r~,-oO Eves. 673-t:.o&I i20,9SO De-corative ~100£' work rn- h;ux·"~ lov1•Jy ultra·modcrn ri;t<'nor, GE-nflr slopinc t'Ol)f lines. Spacious 5 bedrooms, 2 ba thll Buil t.in k1t cheo. l{ugt' •~l\'<'rrd pario, 842-6691 TARBELL Y2 ACRE-POOL Cuslori1 :: BR 2 BA hom•'· lforsrs or uni.ts. $42,950 Ownr, ~~11-7636 LEASE \\'Int OPTION 2400 t:l(.ff>n No. 32. J-'\lll prk-. $18.950 SITO lotal ~ month. Bia'. 962-«71 546-41103 i ' (ntarcinttna lheatre) b a I h~. Immaculate CQll- ll,EGE REALTY dition. Lots 01 trees-walk lo ORANGE COUNTY'S i"'~~"!!JS00!!!!"'""~,.~ ... -...... ".,."' 1 ~~-~;~21LTORS. LARGEST UNBELIEVABLE! $26.950. BR. townhouse. Ammie! MARINER REALTY a•~';Q FHA. By owner 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S BEORM + POOL f'l~_wport BHch 1200 17349 Beech Blvd., HB S'l6.550. 962-5291 I S46-ll640 OPEN EVES TILL 9,30 3 BATH -526,9501 BIB 842-5541 or 546-1322 3 BR. 2 BA Prestige homr,' XI n t Joe. 5%% loan., 646-7171 • 546-2313 Finest Joca11on near evcry- 1hing. Jr, Esta!e size d 1-fO\V TO BUY A BEACH 3 BEDROOM ._ grounds. Rich .,.,.ood paut>\-HOUSE ''OU CAN'T Af-'- EXECUTIVES $17 950 '"•· hooo"m' b""""' bac. FORD! LET YOUR TEN· \Vho entertain will Jove this • .. , Elegant firt.'placr. Wads of ANTS PAY YOUR RENT! spacious. c harming home ~kinA for a hargainbl \\ r~l decking & pa!lo a~as. ~·our units nC'ar Oee:-in and Living room hll.!I be'amed 1n:re ll is, Assuma e 6'10 ;,w.1i20 Bay. All furnished. Livt' in ceiling afld looks out on di!'-financing \\'ilh a total pay-TARBELL '29S5 Harbor onr. and 1he others will lightful patio &nd landscap-ment inrluding Ja.nd pur-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I makr your payments. Price eel yard. Formal dining room chase of only Sll3 per month. IRVINE . S65,99:1. • lamily room with fireplace J bnght bedrooms, a ll built AVE. Eves: 673-ll~:i 673-8550 GLEN MAR 4 BR. 2 bath. 32.1.;;cJQ full rricr. 60 x 100 fenced lot. Doublt> garagt<. built-in ran:;c & oven. f A heal, t·arpets, drapes, Ien<:ed. PARKLIKE SETTING Trcn1tndous fam. ho m c. Spacious 3 Bel .. 2'~ hi!., fam. & rltn , rms, BJ !\it, Lg('. corner. Roon1 ror pool, Priv. ·~Jjjfljt!E)'' resid. area, Irvine TetTace. --·--·-$54,9j{) 1 l :: ) 1 • separate breakfast room _ in f'iectric k1lchrn. btg !enc-Custon1 built honic, large ""· four bedroom.'! • 21~ baUis. cd yard, 2 c•ar· g-a:-agr, Con· Closed rourtyard for maxi- BAYCltESf $56.:;o(l. v1e111cn110 school~ and shop. rnun1 privacy, i\lany rxtras SHARP r-.10DER.i'll'. DUPLEX! R. C, GREER, Real ty GLEN MAR S1vcclish Iirep!aces. Large 335;; Via Lalo 67l-9::00 4. Bdrm 2 Bath Palio rm balcony ll'ilh Ocean view. LGE. hilltop Jot. Perm. view Intercom. other "x 1 r as JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-3255 400 E. l7rh, Cos1a. 1'-lcsa WONDERFUL WES TC LIFF Only '2 blocks to the Bay Quality 4 tx>-droom .1 bath honie \Vilh Country S1yl« Kitchen, Moving up? Thi.~ may be-jusl for you S52,200 . Very easy 1emi!i. 544-2313 \RTHEREAL 'C EST~TE~~ BIGS BEORM. $28,5001 ! Jr. estate grounds • room for swim pool_ Prelty shu11er drapes &-rarpeling. 2 s1nry, P.1utf'r bedroom "''ith hrc- plaCf': additional fircplacr in living roon1. Fnrmal d ining room. r...m-1120 TARBELL 29S5 Harbor Courtyard Pool "Forever Vit>"'". New \Veil"' plan soon lo br-compleled. .t BR l~ ba. !am nn 1\"el bar, l!lxSl' pool. Roy J. Ward Co. ( Ba.yCl't'"'I OUlt'f') 14J(I Galaxy Dr. 611i-L-.:-1(1 ping, Great ~la.r!er honit•. in this beautiful 3 Bdr home. "For A \YiSc Buy" Colesworthy & Co. 64:.!-1117 GOOD NEWS Sl7.-'iM>. Well$·McC ardle, Rltrs. 1810 Nr.1\'port Blvd .. c.r.1. '.;·IS-7729 an)'t 1n1r -----OCEAN VIEW-- "BLUFFS" -$27,000 Prestige a"•a near Fashion Island • Nr1>o·por1 , King sized bedrooms-. 2 00 ths. F..xquisi 1c splil • lcvrl. Illness fortts ~le . Try S2J.oro. s-10-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor A Medallion Builder fi:'!'. e HIGSON Travrls fai:1 so hUrTy! As-~nstruction Co., Inc:. sumr $27,000. 5'~,.;-loan ROOM TO ROMP_!_ long with colossal BDR's, 3 1-lug-r 6 BR. :!-story beauty, l111t:c balhs, lon11al d1n1ng ~p11tlc-J:s rondition. Ownrr r;iom ~nd panelrd den wi1 h moving NoMh. l\!Qdel home. fireplact'. Entc11a1n around l\1any rxtra,s, Pool s1~ yd. 18x.W hratrd. filtered pool. Cpts, drps, $3i,OOO. For appcnntmrnt to see, call P.\V.C r~l6·."il-W Dan 1.ee I-~-"·==~~~ 540.1151 HARBOR LIGHTS- 4 BEOROOM Vicw of (l('('afl & hay. Steris to beach, Lo\-·eJy hoi'l'!f' \\'ith \\'ailed gr1rdt'n . Slo.5,:IOO. fl'~·,;. LOAN Walker Rlty. 67S-S200 33.16 Via tldo, NB Oprn Sun. 6% FHA LOAN FULLER REAL TY No\11 on propc·riy "'!t h pay- n1<'nl lcAA lhan t't'nl' int'.lud-OCh~rs. J tio1ncs on bcauiJJuJ ing •'V<'i-ything? Lar~i· h'lnir . Bay\-:l('W Ave. S.A, 1!111. \\'ell landr.capcd_ ~parkJing Priced from $.24,?SO brtght &: hnn1.11.cula1c. OPEN DAIL\ l~ CUSTOM BUILT $20 ooo >t0-1rzo 546-0814 MOUNTAIN VIEW TARBELL 2955 H a rbor 3 BR 2 BA, family rn1. Prof Spack>Ull lx'drooms r ich wood YOU Just can't find tl)C5e decor. 1'~ yr old-xlnl <X>nd. panehng, nrepla~t, cal'J)('I· anymo~! Jlf'n:"i1 an ocean SJ2.5CXI. 123R2 f'leet Ln. HB. t"!t & drnpcd thru-out, ulil-\'1ew home I b!k to bench. Owner 646-4328 1l)' ruotn, '--over1'tl ~_1tio, Nf'w cpt1i1. d11>S. flreple, llv EASJ'SJDE, l BR 2 BA, ;,.\t, doub!f' 1r1111ljZt>, 2 yr11 ti1 new, rm, din m i. PJ•iced al only 1-·11A, lnlal pymflts SlliO TA fl A ELL. $37·00 1j or S23.!tl0 (';i ll n1t.'n<'r. 0 '/u1": PIM 11·111 t"On,.,idrr li'a~" op- ~57-.::jj(._ ;\16-4.i.'itl or ~1~..J.jl9 t1011. Bn)kPr f'vN. 8~'141 l l.argc gattlf'n patio. 'rh~<" o! ocean & hills. Pnvacy. $27,9j(J 19911 Providence: bcdroon1s. l\\'O haths, each Rcal!or 67J.2010 962 unlt. Prk.'<' fl'.'due"d 10 I =========='-"==-=171=5·======'°' $49,500. E:ves. 642-l2S7 Bay & Bebch Rlty, Inc:. 901 Dover Dr., Suitt' 126, NB 6-15-2000 POOL & CLOSETS Ju~t 2 of n1any Iea!u1'1'S; •.:lo.<>ets & d osets; 5 bdrms., m~tr. Br. i:ultl' on 2nd fir. 2 \Vater hooters . new htr. & filter ln pool, See thi! \V~st cl1f! entcrla1ncr, on quiet S1rt't'\, $5i.500. Hal Pinc:hin & Assoc. :t900 E, Coost /l1>o·y, 67>1392 * BY OWNER * ~eanfront 1-lomc, :: BR, 11til I'll\, sewinc rm. hv rm \\'/(rp!c &. ocean vie1v, Rooniy kit. w/hltns & avocado shag crptg thnJ. out. t""'ri:int yd w/patlo & CABANNA. $63.500. 67J.6990 or t21J) 69S-3677. BAY AVE. DUPLEX 2 Modr1-n u1111 s In brst area. Easily rr.nled. adequate re- lurn. 'Trrms: s;l9.000. BURR WHITE REALTOR 1901 Ne11·por1 Blvd(. N.B. 67:).4630 642-2:253 Ews. SPACIOUS I»srribrs 1his homt> on rs!alf' ~1ze Joi. 4 Bdlins., family rrn. 1hn, rm.. 2'1 batha;, t IT:.>-C• PROPERTIES WEST 675-4130 675-1142 4 BR. 3 bath Nr beach, clubhouse, tcrmla CTI, Poot tease/option, 642--4321 or SJ4-28.18 t'\>f!I. Tl lF. SUN NEVER Sl.'TS on <laMWed'1 ution power, For an ad lo ttll llJ'Ollnd the c:IDCk, dial 642-5678. University Park 1237University Park Ever Own a 44 Acre Park? • 1237 It's ~~ part Cl! vour hJmt: <ii The Great Estatt: 1noro spt·c1ally known as Un1vers1tv 0,:ir" II you aspire to -::1wn a hom£· diffe ren t from the run of the milt type de- sire pr1v.1cy <lnd safety for your c hlldrf1ri 1ht•n vow 'l",J r fam ily and your [)OC ketbool<. O'Ne 11 to yoursel\·f'S to c::ee LJ~i1\·e~sitv Park on !ht> Ir\ 1 ne M ast.•r i::·1anned Com n1u,.ir'v Tak.e it•(· $,Jn Otego Fref"N'.lY 'O Culver then Soulh to MJ.tthews From $27,995 And a s low as 5% down ln!ere st : 7 to 7'12 % on 30-year loans Phone: (714) 833·0300 or 833·17 90 $29.700. 347-7180. ; Huntington I Harbour 1405 BUILDERS CLOSE OUT! F'rom S.39,990. From 10% dn lmmed. occupancy. Exc!Ung Pnn1r 3 & 4 Bedroom Homes Builders Agent. 546-6288 fountain V•ll•y 1410 WHY PAY RENT7 Yr. old Spanish styli'. As- sume 5i4 ~C FHA loan. 3 BR .. patio, BBQ, bltn.~. Adj. to! golf course, pool. S26.950 CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 67.>-1662 3036 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Vacant 4 bdr. 2 ba, l~ yn old, car lot, nr Harbor {· Edinger. $28,900 or will trade for San Diego home Jim Coi... R!tr. ~--4294 CONDO, ntusl sell, 2 BR. bonus r m, 2 r~· gar, $1000 down &t assume 1.oan. trade for boat or car. 714; 962-0364. Wistminster 1612 3 BDR.iVI. 1 Bath REPO. Low down. low pa,ymts. Bu1l1-1n rangP., oven. F.P. $21.500. BY OWNER £42-3092 L19un1 8e1ch 1705 . -· ·----~------ OCEAN VIEW HOME XL.NT Vet loan assumption. JnL rate ,viu oot lncttaM, l Sr. 2 Ba. 11'/W crpls, frp\c, Cor lot: compl priv11.ry. A n x io u S·S ubmit. f/P S4<t.500. PLACE REAL TY 494-9704 * County of Or•nge AUCTION OCT. JOl.h, 1969 32356 Slon1ng1on Rd • Thr,'<' Arch a rea. 4. Room • l bath. Open Houli(\ &>pt, 16th, Ort 20lh. U an1-2 pm_ Polin b1.d $21.000, Call 834--2550 HANDYMAN'~'~S - Special! 4 Income unit.! ""I yds_ to beach. Patios, deck~ w/O('('an virw. Nds. p3.1nt,I elc, Should gros! ,9.000 yr. Pr. $69.90o. Cclnslder 1radf'~. r.11ss10N HEALTY 494-07:\1 Oassifled ' & action powci1 , For &n ad to aelJ a.round t~ clock:. call g.u.,"i6?8 ' H\1! ':!! lllO ol • .,,, II.I ~II ·"'- Lt1 L, Nt'v hor c.. '\lit 1·le. $58 fin; '" 6,, L. 49~ RE G., so. ,·ie "'' Or, Re• _SHA "' <m &l6 ... Q\'J '"' ... 673 Jed AP 673 * ( shf 675 CIR ·"'' '" \Vll IV!t '" Sf,, 2:-,.: ,., !llA: po< "" NET "' ,,, Cot 2 B '"' ath Ne· CHl w/ I p}a M Hal F<r !111 h0> lea Boy \\:A De ... J-'11 BA' "'' '"' m< .BA' ... "" Un l B "" rl" 0( 60 c., PRI BH i;id rei BH = H2\!Sll l'Oll IALl!I ~.~~ '1?'05 llll DtGW VIEW LO'l' llNTALS H ...... Fumllhed ....... UCio ol -......... _. ... , 111> w.-_, ""'"'-....n ... levll. fl~ WIJll ·Point. s.,..;;i;;a~ Bl'~ca!· .. st.co:t dOwn. bal at 185 mo. write Mn. Be~. WI ,All due S yn. le~ll, 16ttl Puway, Cle.a. .19'-1.131 or i91-l.02l dale Cal. 9120S. !:,_ogunt Nlg_uo'-1 __ 1_10_1 Lido lslo Lagunli Niguel Ttrr. N~'" 2500 sq. •fl. 3-4 I: 5 Br. hOme.s In oco.n vtew area. Ca~ed. front Jaimo.ptd. 1\-llh 1prlnkler1: bltns, iself. ("leaning oven; 3 car rarace. $58,750 To $61,950. Excellent tlnancirw v.·ith de<:llning In. tetTst rat• from N ~ to 6" '/~. Laguna Ntguel Corp. 499-1344 a.i 1. mn 1730 * County of Or.1ng• NEWLY Fumi&bed 4 BR, 4 Ba. avail Sept 15th. Winter or longer. (213) 189-9369 or (2.lJI t'n-669'l nJR.N 4 BR. 3 BA, $400. Newly dee. Avall now. \Vntr rental or yrly (U4) 624-TIOO 81lboa l1l1nd 2355 WINTER: Baytronia • t BR. 3 Ba.; 3 Br. 2 B&. Wand JUty. 498 . Park Ave , 613-1~. AUCTION OCT 30th, 1969 l•gun.t Baich :u101 -Amber 'Lantern. R-2. 271>.1 4 Room 1 Bath. Open !louse 3 BR home, $235 mo. Nicely ~pt 29th. Oct lTth. 11 an1-furn. util. Ocean view, 2 '..' pm. MINIMUM BJD blka to Miu:h. %t1 Chiquita, .S\5,/.iO CAU. R34-?550 <2131 244-6386 RENTAL~ Summ.r Rentals 2910 ............. ., Tllund.q. Stpttmbff 2!, l96t 'EHTALS ~&NTAL& llENTllLS llHTAL' RINTAU IMUMe UofuroloM.1 Aj>tL '""'loho4 Apia. l"umilhell ,....._ Uofu"'Wiool Apts. Oolurol""4 N!?'!"'rt Buch ;!JOO ,0.Mrll <4080 ..,... ~ Ceota -1100 Hu'1{lptl&.t llNfl! ~ I/I TOWNHOUSE Adi.<s odly, l BR. 2~ Ba. &eaul, dccon.ttd, $115 mon\b Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB SUlle 126 645-2000 · Evet. 5t3-69tl6 Tho GORGEOQS -VAL D'ISERE CLEAN_,_..,.._ ' All util b:d SIS • 315 E, llalboo Blvd. Fm, Villa Apts &nal·l br-l br. Fum•ortL BJJ..BOA C'B-196 Sauna_ Act'y Rm; BUUatd.11 Neu Orure Co ·Airport I: The~y I: Ci' pOol, BBQs f1untlngtaft luch 4400 UCL Adi:!ll only. 1'.1122 2ln> Parsofl!I Rd. 6'M6'10 Santa Ma 4ve. 540-2796 * llAClllLUFF ... New 2 • a Br, 7. Ba. F .A.. dishwahrr,, pa.Hot, p 0 QI, view, 1 Ir 2 1lory, walk "to 5 -.. Shop:!, >I.Ii. s:41...J111:1T \VlfY Rtnt when yw can blA)I New 1 SR. S1SS. 3 BR 2 Bl, 1----------l!!!!!~'iii~!il""ii:~~'!'"' I 30' traller v.ilb .1 BR It RA ~ * BEACIJ BLUFF * '" 12,500 '""''-J -5 N' Oo01n, prj -· ...-.... ORLEANS APJS, New 2 A 3 BR. 2 BA. }''"'. Bayshore Trailer Park . Bach units S'?5. S8$. a. m td air, dabw1hn, patio, • LEASES • Owner (213) 100-2105. ~ B 14th 613-lTM, m·m pool, view. l le 2 Italy. l &: 4 B~. deluxe Lu&k Cqndo $170. 2 Br rodtt. New W/W. 2 BSt, n1obU ,hal:Q4 rrr. bch. S BR IV&.il, Adulta: only, Walk to 5 Point Shop1. homt>s. RBtea trom $325-$·1~ Fantily & pell accepted. Adults. tltQ Y\'ly, Jl80 b,y 841-3951 mo. Bay vte\v & 1reenbelt Bkr 534-6980 mo. 213: 2924U fllr, Traf· ITU Tustin, Coat& Meta NEW LUXURY l &: 2 BR Joe. AJ90 : several choict I==========-! ton ~lar. MN. Carton, 6C1-46tl PATIOS Ii. BALCONlES furn. homes avail. !or 10'in. Cost, Men 41~1:2-BR.=-,2-..,,=-. -p~ri.,.-po~bo.,.-.~H~td~ ADULT L."VING '" pool hoo Greciou• Adult l iving SURFSIDE OiA1Er . BROK"R "4-1•">• ' wubcr k up. Jl3j FURN l -• 2 BR 0 -" " ~· $30,00 Wk. Up month "'2-899<. "'""'n · ""' --Auant&, 533-llllO LEASE/OPTION $275 ?.10. Santa Ana Hgt& 2aJO i;q n 4 BR, 3\.i, BA, formal din rni. rm rm. Crpls, drps, blttts incl dishwhr. 545--531.l YEARLY 4 BR. 2 BA. New crpl; trplc, stove refrig. No pets, $.275 AJo 6'16-5800 4 BR, 3 BA, atepli 10 bch, 2 trplc's $375. PH: 642-1591 or 644-2838 &fl 6 pm. w/w crpts, frplc. Pool, Stu• 2 BR, 1 , __ • $6 Night Up dt!nts OK No chUd!'HI. cp a, "'~· ilOve, No e Kitchen & TV Or1n9e County 4600 MESA. EAST APTS. ~ta. U25. Other rentals e Pnonc &!Viet. &. Pool SINGLE YOWl&" •dull!, lwc· 145 E 18th, C.M.. ilao. 962--38116' • Cocktail Bar Lil")' tardcn apts. w/fu.D &tZ..3474 or $48-57'3 LRG Beacll Apt.I , Yearly • Day, wttk &. P.fonth recreation facilities &. com· NE\V 2 M, S.140. mtna. tale, pool. Ac!Wts. 219 lath 237' Newport Blvd. 548-91"5 plcte privacy, Sooth Bay patio. gar. Adultl only. 00 St .. Apt. 7, HB. * VIL LA POMONA Club AplJ. 177 S o . peta, 16(1 2Lst St. $48-212? 1 BR. lelk'td yd, children ok. t.'~w 1 & 2 BR tum apts-Brook.hunt. Anaheim CTI41 l BR Pool Rcl . $100 mo. 1st &. lut reqd. ~---' la m-4500 " ' I'\(, slO\'e, 962-1961 '-"\.19ed earaiu, IJUUl. un. Cl'PI!, untum, $130 ~156:)·1~==~~----dry rm, adults only, no ptts.1----------11iftns &: wkndA. · 2 BDR.t.1, 2 BA. pvt patio, 1760 Pomona, C.M. G rd G 4610 ---------1 heated pool, wuhe:r book * * * * * """ Whoddy• Want? Whatldy• Got? SP!CIAL CLASSIFICATION POR NATUllAL ·llORN SWAPPERS Spocl1I Rtte S Lina1 -S tlmn -S bucks ltU\.ll -AD .v.un IHCLUD• J-.Wllll 1'0ll "-WI tt ,,..._ ......,., row -.:t "" fl' .... 1-YOVa ,.,,._ 1""11r ........ ...... ...... _, ... ~ ~OTHINO FOii SALi! -Tlt.t.OU OHi.Yi PHONE 642-5671 To Pl.1ce Your Treder'• Parac:llN Ad * Trade 2-M sq Jt bUiineas rental: nttice. or retail shop for 2nd TD'1. 21.1-213 62nd St, Npt Bch, ov.-ner, (2131 2#3101, e\'e (213) 24&-0700 20 acre!'. level farm land. Nr \\'innemucca, Nev. About 11~ hn drive fn:im Reno. Trd for camper, f'a'" hOU.C wl pool, apt.I, 546-2209 Hou••• Furniahad 3 BR. 2 ba.tM S265 mo. SHARP 2 BR a an rna 1----------UJ>. ,.,__ 2 BR Balboa. apt adj 4 BR. furn. 2'11 ba. $280 nlO. 2264 t.1aple by Wilson. SINGLE YOUl!l: Adults Lux-Newport Beach 5200•1====:-::==== Strate(ic aiC"pOrt ""trance prop. Vacant, zone C-2. 50,620 ~ 11. Price $152.000 dear, A sleeper, 1'~or ranch, bayfront or ? D'A'nr 6'13-fi633 Hatt: 110' TS diHel hut. yactit 6000 mi rarce $115,(0) Oear. WANT: Land, lncome &:. smaUer boaJ. lNin ~AIL Ganar1I 2000 5612 • SCl Laguna, 2 bdrm, ocean ,·iew. $180 incl water. Avail now to July l. 1213) 28.f..5966 or \\Tite: 617 No. Miasion Dr. San Gabriel. beache!/pler .$15.$150 wkly. Caywood ReaJry 548-1290 ~todern furniture. Pool. ury garden aptl with coun-YEARL y RENTALS WHfmlnster ~ll. 6T".>-58W • $325. Luxurious, 5 Brt. 211 No pets. $155 n1001h. try club atmosphere and Deluxe 3 1wn1 afh~ &: 2 S2SO wk. Lu x u r i 0 u s BA, view Country Club. r.trr. Longtin • 616-6974 complete privacy. SOUTii 4 BR. 2 Baths ••· ·•••• S350 LARGE 2 BR. a'Pl!, drpe, apts, on Palm Canyon br, waterfront apt, pool. Furn 2 Partially furn. 546-1151 NICE I-Urn 1 SR, liv rm, kit, BAY CLtJB APTS 13100 ~ BR, 2 Bath!! •••••··• S300 blt.ns. PreJer couple, 1 child Palm Spr\~5. $49.500. Equl. BR ' •• (714) ~ -.. C"'pman •vr., Garden BR. 2 Bath~ • ·••••• • $265 ok. $1:30. 10090 Md~adden ty "",M'. r0, ,---,, , .. _ • OI".. •;u~ J BR. den, llun, /or m&.J chn, ba Sino-Jc man ouly Ref " BR 2 B h ...,.,. ...,.. """ '"""'" ........ · .... · · Grove (7141 636-3030 • • ar 5 • •• ·••• • ~,...., 839-2267 Ol' 839-2314 inesa or TD'R. 673-1883 2975 cpts, drpa, gardnr, 4 BR. Sl21 incl uill. 310 .r.1eado1v1=~=~---,-.,,.-,--c= 3 BR. 2 Baths ........ $2501.:;:;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;====-I Sa1I Cemfnte 2 JW In.I lot• 90xl00 clear. C!OIB to I shop· r &. be•ch. Trade IM NB, Of C(Jtrun'I mfg. or units, 842-3490, Call PM I _O.:u!:p;;l•::•:.:•.:.•..;F..;uc;m,;_,.' ---SJOO up. 64&-4414 Lark Ln (oU 2386 Santa Alla DELUXE ti, 1 Br, sundeck, 2 BR, 1 Bath •••......• S200 S. Ana Holghts a..:., $36 J\f Sherman Oa.k1 3 BR. -Ave • Open aft 1 Sun. Uar, ocean view, carport, 2 BR. 1 Ba. Furn ...... $175 -o 2 BA, fp, studio, trees. S9 M Rant1l1 to Sh.1ra 2005 s:;e~ABA~~t,bl~~ ~ 3220 $145 UP. Attractive 1 BR, $105 leue. Util pd. 4!$--1473 l BR. 2 Ba, Furn ••..•. $250 1 or 2 BR. crp!&. drp&, frplc, eqty. r-or oldrr house! Bir .SHARE 5 BR house, 3 ba, 3 d _N_e_w_po_rt_S_h_o_r_ .. ___ pool, ut" .... id. G-~on l,.,._ BURR WHITE polio, """· d'-h-·•-, yard, ct111st or Inland. Own. prkg. spaces, I• u n r Y · ~ " .-o..&u L • h 4705 .. "-'""' er t2131 784-SJ{tJ car gar w I m • t Ure . F'urni.s.hed. Winter, Adlts, no NR Beach, 2 Sty. \gr A· Ing, AduJU;, no pctl. 1800 egune ~•K REALTOR dispoea.l, pool.. Adultg, no 1---------- t>mployed ma I e. Cl\1. students. 673-2599 tram.e, 3 BR. 2 BA. $28j, \Vall~. LUX 2 B•, 2 Ba, ocevdrt. in 2901 NewpoM Blvd., N.B. pets. 54:>-2181 Peninsula Pf., Balboa.. 2 •••1=0 "•n """"' ·~k .,_ 64" ""'1 • 6 & s & s 213 57· BR. doll house? Approx. .,.,.,... ,,_, ..n'7"'"...,...., -"u. ..,.....,.. an • : 2 BR, 2 BA J\1onticello Con-i a~. fl.oyale. $350. 871-1700 :>.f630 6.f.2.~ Eves, Bak..,.. RENTALS 432-271M dys. do a.oG6 Tustin 5640 SW,000 equity, \Vant multi-. Beaut furn, cw;tom or 870--0453 eves. EASTBLUFFS --pie income uniU. o:--.·E Youn& lady 11•an1ed 10 Hou .. • Unfurnished CANAL front y,·/beach, $325 (.Tpla, 6. drps. Adults, no BAOI F\lm Ol' unfurn, near Neiv 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Cpts., ntE ASPENS Balbna. Blly Prop. 673-7420 share tum apl w I 2 mo .. 3 BR, 2 BA. bltins. new pets. $225 mo. ~11121 ~ach, util Incl, v ery drps , bltm. Overlooking l:i65l William St. ~~~·aJ~ ~~\ib<:h. $10. Ganer•I 3000 decor. Lil 62nd, &f2..al86 $135 Lovely 2 BR mobile nicr $115 4!M-49'25 back b&y, Xlnt loc. nr. ihop. Tushn's prestia:" addtc!! 3rd Girl to lhatt 3 BR. RENTALS 2s~R, 2mo8:"-~tuft.:'. Jo~~S ~~~-~~77 Wesi Wilson,R --E-N~·T-A~L-S------I ~~6tr~~:i~~~;~~~· ~~ AduJ~;i~tapeta APT., yriy, Balboa Island. Ba.chelor Apt.s trom $110 Prospect St. 49-1-9.112 2 BDRJ\1. Adult.s o~y. no peu. Apts. Unfurnished ~lo, Yrly. 1'otal air condltionin& 67.].....Ml)S eves. l Br unfurn apt C.?if. $110 -~--------I Near Harbor & Adams. '7r 'OSO 0 Unfurnished *Coil~ Boy v.·ouid like to 1 Br tum apt C.M, $135 3242 Eves alt 5, 540-3997. General 5000 M re Gymnas.lunu • Sa.uw ~hare apt in beach area. 1 Brlumhouse.N.B.$.150 East Bluff -··; ,..... Apartments from St!iO 67~ 7200 2 Br uni urn apt C.M. $125 1 -----------12 BR, beam celling, new For information 835-fi681 2 Br furn apt C.P.1. $155 UNSURPASSED BAY VIE\V crpts, furn, drps; adults, no VEN DOME $300 to $395 W•tertront. Lux-REAL ESTATE GIRL 21 tD 25 to 11bare, 2 BR B $llS 40' Porch, 2 Br, 2 Ba T pool. JK'U $153 + util. 642-9520 .bee.ch apt. Yearly 61>31.S6 J Br unfurn hse il. . lmnied occ. l...se $400 •no or urlous le. el~gant 2 BR~ 2 Genaral after 12 noon. Executive Homes from $200 opt. 10 buy. Owner. 67:>-00Zl I BR dplx, water furn. adull.5 IMMACULATE APrS: RA. pool, pr1 balcony, view:---- Blue Beacon Rental Finders only, no pets. $95 per mo. ADULT l F.Utll,Y apts. Boat slips avail, Rent1f1 W1ntad 5990 \\'ILL share lovely horn<' 435 \V, 19th, C.M. 645-0111 Corona del Mar 3250 !174 B \V. 17th, 548-695-1 SECTIONS AVJ\Il.j.BLE aublerranean parking. \i·i1h 11•m·king or tollegc e Nassau Palms e Clos• to shopping, Perk Caribe Balboa Apts J Bdrn1 Unfurn I-louse $300 ;'~"~''~"~c.JJc:.__833-fl=~"-1_. ___ OCEANFRONT Sunset Beach. fOR Lease, Cameo Shorea 6 1 & 2 BR. Pool * SpacloUJ 3 Br's, 2 Be :110 Fernando SL N.B. Yrly ~· Bal ~nln, reliable ~"TABLE. \\'Qrklng woman, J BR, 3 BA, 3 fireplace!, mos or less, 2 Br. convl. 1n E. 22nd SI. 642-3645 * 2 Bedrooms !TI~J 673-JOOl fam. Rels. ~ or !>30 to share Back Bay den, blt·in.!1, cpts, drps, 1 yr den. 2 Ba, spac. li\ling rm, * Swim Pool, Pul/pen NEW 2 BR 2 Ba 540--65.15 I . N . I $100 " up. I &: 2 BR, very • ~· ,_., 11~--!a•'ls . . crpl.5,1==~-----~ rondo. $100. ~7877. e~ m1n1ntum. o amge dining rm. ~ankf'l('r pd. · •~i 1 ... E lGth '--1a "'"'., uwv ...... J .. d .... s, •-io, dsh.,,•hr, ..... tio. COUPLE wants to rent in-•-~.,..,., mo (213) ,......, """ nice "r. ""' . .....,.. 1u5 An h • A ·• -• ~ 1\!AN to share J BR home 11 I or pe~. .,..,;> • $375 mo. u,..,,,.11 ~!rs.a. 642-126.'l -e e1m ve. Across trnm Coeo's & expensive unfurn 2 BR pool, Ney,•port. Call w2-1:;13 S!rl-I7C APT: 2 BR. part !urn. S150 l~B~R-.~,-B~A~&~l~B~R.,.-ap-1'-.-N~,-i.co!!!!sr"!'A!!!!MF.5"!'~A~~~"2"':::~-2~32~4 I \VestcliU Plaza. $185 to $215. hoUtt. 213: 59.1-1152 714: View home, new, La;:una Bch, 3 BR, den, beam ceil- ings, elec kit. Roman tub, trade $15,000 eq for ~1otor HOIYM!, Boat, Lot or ~ ~ " !J0.2825 Roadster, Dodge eng; tork· nite ttaM, chnn fmt end, radius rodir, drq; wire whl!, '69 lie. Trd V\V BUI or ? • Greg 66-144.l. Sacrifice! t.Ja a c prime C-2 land with 4 bldgs, S. Main St, S.R. TR $60,000 eqty !or T0'11 or ? ? ~ Bkr 547-6469 lndwn. income on Placentia value $150.00J. Trade 1/3 for clear Calif. bua, prop. balance T.D. ot ! Owner ~la-12 5 aett! mature avocado, Fallbrook. S40M. F.qulty S26,W>. For hoU.se;, units, ! Bert ?tlolt, Riddle Rlf)' 646-8811, 83J..007 eve•. 72' Cruiaer Twin D, auto pilot, range 1200 mi: recent .survey $40~f. WW consider trust dttd or smallu boat. Ownr (7141 729-3400 , Modem Newport Bcli in- come unit, ll'Oft $8lfO -)'ri7 rental. Nr bch. $50,000 eqty. Tradt> lor CM are• cornm'l mfg. or units, Call PM, 642·3490 58· Sailing Catamaran cua- tm-blt l yrs old. A'-1 cond. Sl.25,000 lree &: clear. Want units, can add cash. 642-1485 Rltr. Near new beaulilul Italian Contello Aceordian. Full m ba!!. Orig cost over $450. For 2nd. car or ? 7 No jo.nk, Ht-len, 642-8249. lSO' lc\~I ocean view lot tn San Clemente. S16,000 ~ lo clear, For improved; San Diego preferred. {)y,·ner, 549-1006 eves. EXECUTIVt..-riome 15 B~tn! n10. Lease. ishpng cntr. t-;o children orl: • RENT • 1665 ll"\11'1:'. ? Bn. l BA. ~""~"""~~'~~~-~-- NEED i-m'mate 21.30• lady BA, crpts, · c e<= HOUSE: 2 BR. stove. rclrll:'. 646-1i22'l bclore 4 $170 up, $115 down. 1601 '-lAl..E Sludenl needs rm. ..I. * * * :.a. teacher prefd. 2 BR Bch Fenced. SJ.50. 546--674<> $115 mo. Lease. pets. · J Rooms Furnitura Bedford. MZ--0239 w/11, kitch. prtvil. in quit'l "' • * apt. Bal. ~7941 9-11 ani. 3100 fi08 Acacia, Cor. Del '>far $25 & UP 2 BR, 2 BA, patio, balcony, home, Uta.ncia Hi Sehl I !!J!!!J!"!~!'!!!~'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!l'!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cost.1 Med YEAR.LY 3 BR. 1 BA. unlui·n N•wport 8e.1ch 4200 crpl!o, ctrpg, bltns. Hoag area. To S50 Mo. St&-07&4 REAL E51AT! REAL ESTATE 2100 2 BR turn home tor 4 rilo sublf't. $1110 P!'r mo. Young adult.sonly. 642-9721 ro J\fonth-TG-Month Rentals I ,_, -G0Mr1I Gonor1I FOR LEASE w. Adults P""1"1Ted $2 Nev.·por1 Beach \VJDE SELECTION lospi<&.1 area. S.lo..o. <tW e LANDLORDS e l BDR.l\l, 1+~ ba!h, carpets, per mo. 573-9!79 COUNTRY CLUB HFRC Furniture Rental• ~~Way. C&ll for Appt FREE RENTAL SERVICE 8uslna1 Rental 6060 Commercial drapes. built • ins, North 2 BR, dbl Karage. lg yard, LIVING 517 \V. 19th, Cllf 548-3481 · Broker 53U982 '-'--'--"'-'------- Costa lt1es.. $2'25/monlh. OK for boat, trailer, etc. Luxury gartlen apartments $12S. 2 Br t.-plu. Stove. 2 BR lower duplex, nr oc:ean. NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in Office for RMt DAVIDSON Realty $250 mo. 67l-2025 offering complete privacy. tttrig, w/w drps. Avail $175 yrly, Frplc, bit • illli. Harper Sch. area by Sept 1. 2912 \V. ~Hwy, NB 645-0810 N t Ra h 2200 ~146-5-\60 ;;49-1058 eves. ==========I beautiful landscaping & Ul'I-nov.·. Bkr ~ Crpta I: drpc. I child ok. lll Reasonable, &l;>-115.i ewpor y •c 1 BR East.side Sl&i mo., lsi Huntington Baich 3400 paralklect recl'eallonal facil. 36'h St. 12131 ?48-19'll WOULD !Utt to rent pra""r 50'x50' BUILOG. Olflco R1nt1I 6070 60t5 I l I t ' ) I l PENJNSUl.A POINT & last mo'g rent. Crpt.!1, l BR, Villa Pacific Condo ities in a country club at· GOLD l\olEDALlJON. 2 BR. for storage, Co.st.a !\le~ CHEERFUL ,3 BR. 2 Ba. drps, range, water pd. ii•/all f'xtraS. Pool, tenni!I, mosphere. Now le-a.sing inl;C;;°';;;':•;Mes;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;=;S;l;OO; 1 2 BR. CID, bltni, adults no area. 645--2760 11"/Rp. family rm .. tenCf'd 54&-8222 Eves. park. Walk to schools-beflch. NC'f\•poM Beal'/\. pet.a. Lie SlSS. 54&-3708. 1,,-.. =,c-cwt"-th"'°ba=th~.~-= .. ""'"'t•.,.-en-. I 'play yanJ. Steps to beach. 1700 161h Strcei 2 BR 2 BA t d 1"' Ava". NO\\'! SJ"'" lt1o. NO\V READY! 3 Bdrm. 2 $235. !\lo. 962--8145 F'· . !··• ... , . h-' (0NSJRUC110N . • · cps, rp!I, trance. No cooking. $70. u "' baths. Not far from Fashion · urnu; R:U O!' ....... urnu cu blltns. Adulll, no pets. $175 furnished. 6TIH!771 LAGUNA BEACH Air Conditioned llnl Plnchin &: A1110C, 675--4392 Jaland. Year round lease l HR. 2 ba. den, frpl, wfw 1\todels open noon to 9 pn1 Lsf 54S-3708, 67~2370. ON roREsr AVENUE Desk ~pace available in newesl office building at • LINDA ISLE • """" ""'""" poreh, pool, 714, 6<2'170 JUST COMPlfTING Ft r you & your boat~ 50 11. "$285~-~· ~B~IB_tiT>-JOOO~---~-t refs, no pets. $250 mo. in· OAKWOOD * Rantel Service* " · 1 ,, __ · d to 2 BR. frplc, encl il&.r. Steps 10 pnme oca ..... m own wn -I· several offices and work ~ !pace, E.~cellent exposure to 1 heavy li"allic strttt. Rea.ton. t abl( priced FOR SALE OA. I LEASE. ! Walker & Ue ~Ir. Levine , Jncome lnve1tment Dept. 545-9451 l BDRM 2 Bath . .;.. pool. clurle!I water, lllf'. 540-7652 si1p + beaut. furn. 3 BR. I ~=~--o,.-.,,.--..--=-1 G honic. Immcd. a vailable for Large patio. Garage in back 4 BR home, 2 story. 2 car. ARDEN •-h. Y" H« -1900 1''REE TO LANDLORDS Llllguna Beacb. Air condi· u.::t.e "'Y· .. .__ uir Blue Beacon 64:,...0111 j-• .... , H.1rbor Heights Four or 613-1014 alt 5 I"'====~--~-tioned. carpe 1ro, beauWw 2 Ir 3 BR UNITS ----------!GOVERNMENT worker t'ntrancea: f'rontage on FOR rent ~So acre lot, M-t ----------1 wl.libeti to rent family home. J.'orest Ave., rear leads lo zone. Completely fenced w/ leaSE' .111 June l5lh. of lot, converted. ~nt or garage, paho. Fenced yd. APARTMENTS Boyd Realty 67~:i930 leatt. S250 mo. 540-4044 Crpt!I L drp&. $263 mollse. all wllb fireplaces, E I Bl If ••42 ••0.54 'I t I ricing lots l50 2 Igo gates, •m&ll ,--. \\'ATERt""RONT l Bdrm 2 Ba 4 BR. Mesa Verde. Htd. & 9182 AMik Dr. H.B. • Den 2 frplcs dsh111ihr di.~p Jilt pool. SJ;ZS Mo. incl. pool $160 mo. ii rm hse ..._ 2 nn v.·ashr/dry1· fncd yrd J:i13 m1.1.nl. 8 !.lollths lease cottage. Lrg yd. 19311 Beach t'inlry or call 833-113'1. Call Walker &: Lee S.6-9tll Blvd. 496-3i49 BAYSllORES. 4 Bdrn1 ,:: ba. OLDER l BR bse unturn, $225 !\10., lease: J Br. 2 Ba . ·Sept. • Jun" lea.se. Pnvaf<! frpl c, stnve $170. 2 BR un· Bltns. cpts. drps. Near community with/beach. S31;j furn h.5e. stove, wall> lo !!Chool.!i. Call: 962-26::9. <.OjnDt. ....... shop'g $140. 645-0503 ~m~o~. ~~=,=~~:;;..;~=·~·~~~~I 3 BR urtfum houtr, crpts & BAYFRONT tr dock 3 Br. 3 ;:; BR, 2 BA, crpu &: drps. drps. i225 mo. lease Ba den. V.ueloption SjOO. Bltin kitchen, nr college. •536--3898• mo. 67~331. Also unfum S23:i. (213) 846-54;)9 Alier S I----------l~1ALL 3 BR. fenced yard, Laguna Niguel 3707 no gan!;ge. $140 mo. 2001 10._n_;_v_or_1_;1-'y_P_1r_k __ 2_2_J_1_ 1 Charle St. 548-5044. LG. deluxe 1 Br. 2 BA:, view. 3 BR. &: fam . rm. 0 1mpl &. 1 BR fUTn C(Jttage, $1 30 incl nic"IY furn1sh{.'(J. 1'~ l>H., uUIHles. Gan.ac. 6-15-0486 frN>pli-. bit. irui, J,\!;\lED. aft 6 or \\'kncls 1..'0nvl. den, ocean 499-1344 or 547-7761 Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 OCCUP, S:}jo mo. I yr lrasr . IA_V_A~IL~Ck-t-.-,-.-.,_~,;-d-,-,-B=R. BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. 11ousc, hltins, d-Kh,vhr. cpts, 8JJ.mo1 drp1>, $250 mo. 642-0850 Cut" 2 bdr, nf'Wly painted. screenrn 1:arden rm. pri yd, !ncd pe.ved 11rca for addtl prkg, enclosed gar. crpu, drps, 1 child .only, no pcls, avail Oc1 I, SJ l)j mo. 2HJl'.i C.ecil Pl, Com. f.tesa G.fG.m<: 2250 4 BR. 2 BA. Crptd, drpd, dshwhr Itnced. SZXl mo. N. C~I 5CIM710. PRIVACY plua! Charming 2 I:=;======== BR furn doll hou.c;e-ocelln 1.1de ol bh·d. Open beam cr'iting.~. shag crptg 1hruou1. Bltill.5-b!'t'ak1as1 bar, private , JHl\10, Color TV, )Tly lea.'le $195. Call an 6 PM. 6i::-:;JJl 3200 BUS~ marketplace in NEW home.tike lov.'Tlhouse. town, The DAILY PILOT 2100 aq. fl. 3 BR. 3 BA, tam o .. Wtd 1«Uon. S • v e rm. T'"J2 ·Amigos Way . ITIOllt'1. ti.me 4 e1'ort. Look Nntpert &Heh Gener ii 6T>5&33 or li'IS--41.30 now!!! 2000 Genarel $©\lcillA-l&t-~ss Solve a S&mplc ScrArabUd WMd.Pu..uU'fora Chucklt: 0 teommve i.ttws a ti.. four .aolflbi.d wordr be- llM' to form four slmple. wOrcb. IGOPNIC I . I' I I' I I _ I I r " I 1 WYKAG r c j I I TV ;, a m<dhlm where .,_ • • . pl• with nothing fo do worm ===::----, peoplo --. ,..,,; ll'r!-Err-Nrl •_0"'1'.....,.,l'-rj-1j e ~.::: ~ ..... ~~':. -.:: . . . . . . . ~ -.Jop ffom ltep No. 3 Nlow. e ~1rr",'Th""8,J,~~r"s r r 1· r r 1· r 1 0 ¥9."~;{~ lfT!fRS I I J I ~ ·-I 'I ·-,.... ................... ,. -2000 SCRAMLETS ANSWER IN Cl.ASSIFICA TION 7900 '· ' d~hy,·ashl!Mi &: 2 baths, •• u ..,,.. * .....,...., I * " unc pa pa . U>\." INGL!: Young Adults Lux-1----------per month tor apace_ Delk $175 mo. 548-6304 ury garden apts with coun-Rental Manager -e NEW DELUXE e :11.nd chair! available for $5.1==========1 try club atmOfiiphere and ~In. Cbristiensen ., Br. 2~i ba apt. for leue Rooms for Rent 5995 Bwiiness hours answering Industrial Rantel 6090 , t t · 00,,...,..,, 3117-A Ctnn.1mon Ave. 1-' .,_ d" il 110 L'<lmp et' pnvacy. v ,.., ....... spe.c. ma.str. IWi.c, Ill . service a\•a ablt' for • BAY CLUB AP1'S. Irvine at Costa Meh rm. "-dbl. garage, auto. SJO. per ~·k. 11f••d serv, htd AU utilities paid e:iteepl 3.linl gq. ti.. 4 offices. 16th, Ne11.·porl Beach. Phone 546-1034 door opener avail. Pool & pool: central .Joe. . Motel telephone. ~"""'~c~n~4~l ;G<;-0550~-~-~-'--.,-il""""!!!j!'i:~j"i!i'l':"'"""" I rec. area. Nr. Cath>l.ic Tahnl 1M, OJ Victona DAI.LY PlLOT 3 · phale power, $310 mo.· , Costa Mesa. •- NEAR New 2 B rum apt. 11 FROM $115 Church "-&ehool I: C.Orona (near Harbor Blvd / C.l\t. 222 J.'ORESI' AVENUE blk trom bay. Yrly lease, Lovely townhoult'. l.11.l'l:e 2 de.I '1tar Hlfh. S48--2l 29 (tam to 5 pm ). 1..AGUNA BEACJI SlOO nio. ~10 a!k for BR apt~. bulll·lns. Al!IO !IU· e ONLY ~.• ROOr.t for rent, kitchen 4.M-9466 Don Crevier dio apt.s, li.t baths. No cbiJ.. 865 Amigos .WI.)', N.B. privilrges. Corona del 1'1ar, CO:'llPLETELY Ful'TU!lhed ,,-.o--2"""'B~R,~~,.,.--,--,--I dren or pell. TOWNHOUSES t'IPw 3 &: 4 pool, ~aut area. T"m a RE on lce, 100% expo&utt. spts. Pool. Nuomch~ld~~ NEAR SHOPPING BR. Encl &arages. Ta2 single, qu.iet lady. 67f>...7117 Plcnly park!na:. Center of pet.a. 2.10:,11 161.b N. B . HARBOR Anul(OI \\'ay, 6~130 or eves. Costa. ltlesa. Ideal for fi~ TOWNHOUSE li75--50:U COU...EOE or workln1 &irls, ._man oper. $150 mo in- llve on Ba.I !ale, incl pbone, cludea all lumi1hings &: all 3.00J sq . ft. wu.e~ ct manufacturing area. $225 mo-Costa· .l\feaa, 15.001 sq, ft. New butldina. CUJlom oUices-Irv I n e lnclustrlaJ Park, ready tor o=pancy I & 2 BR-Ba~tielo1· Apts. 2217 HARBOR BLVD. 52•0 kit, rec nn & TV. Rooms utllitiea. \VIII lrase !or 3, .t, Kit-TV-Pool-Maid Ser. $35. cosrA MESA Coron• dal M.1r ;J from $50 up. 675-3613 or 5 years. No·increa&e. lsr r.. Robf'rt Natln!1S Rltr. per wk. & up. THE 1.IBSA l\fGR APT D-1 RE Lo 1 • last month only. \Vritc tD Costa Melll 642--1485 'l.15 N. Nwpl Blvd. 64&-9681 SHA ve )'home iv/ emp OCEAN FRON'!' ). 2 & 3 HARBOR GREENS ~-; ::.:'·,.t';i,~r!',. ";'::m'" 0"1' PHot. Box "'" Lots 6100 bdnn~. \I/INTER RENTAL. 1),, MODERN A Ir conditioned ="------..:;,;-"' 673--8088. BACHELOR unturn Ir 0 m !,{ITCH.EN prlvgs, man only. !luit", .17th Street. Costa Z AC. C-1 maj, blvd. Nr ~~==~==~~~1 SUO. AOO avail 1 • 2 &:: 3 S50 mo. 8aJ Governor St.. Mr111.. Over 700 aquare feel, ocean&: frwy. 1'1ne reata\I?'. e "'!!'JTER RENTALS e Bdrm. l~eated pooia, child ON TEN ACRES C.M. Avail Oct. l . 64&-!12!9 S240 per monlh. Parking -Joe. J\ir. Street 646-8811 WINIFRED t.. FOSS, A&t. care center, adj to 11loppln;, l ·" 2 BR. Furn Is U~ LARGE, pleas.an! room in coUtt room J • n i 1 0 r C-2 LOT. 30' X llO' • 642-3850 • No pets. Fireplaces I prlv, pa1101 I nice home. !:tdetly man ~rviCl!I all utilJties 11'1-SUNSET BEA(J{ CX:EA.i"\FRONT, 111inter; 2 2700 Peteraon \\lay Pools. Tennis. c.ontnt1 Bkill refeind. 54s.-3790 eluded. Phone Mr. Rile 592-1942 '· Br. lndry .. gai;/water paid. COJta i\1esa 5'6-0370 9()J Sea ~. CdM 644-2611 64Z..9660 ====-======-! $200 !\lo. No pela 642-J837. ATTRACT 1 V & "'wly (J\facArthLU nr. Cout Hwy) LARGE front bedroom, ty,·in SillAU.. OUicc unit-alm01t Ranchet 6150 ' "" ~·. private bath, Ira: dbl \\'INTER or yrly. 1 BR 11.pt. redcoorated 1pacioo!! 2 or 3 BRAND NEWI closet. Nr occ. 54()..7632. ~ .... ~ Carpel1Hl1 tili0 1;,,K 17 ACRE irripted Hone • 1 , \Vlgaragc. Utlls pd. 1 11.dlt BR, ? balh apla. Poo.I • pa ... "'""' tl'Tm ease · Ranch, fzttway frofltqe, .f . only. ~Is. 613-6115 retreation room. Children 3 BR, 3 ba. duplex. Cptd., ROOM For rtnt $SO mo. Greal location adjacent Bed-room 3 ha.th """-"' d~, bllnll Priv patio, cov. Gentleman prelerred. Call R ~ · ~-c-·n..., • '"'""'; • $137.50 Bachelor Apt, util pd. OK. 64&-7tm or 2214 ~ .,.... u""'n 5· u .... ,." '"' •J m.ahO(any panelled dinlfll Crpts, drpx &. bltin.s. Pool. Ave. 1ar. 705 Orchid. S32J Per aft 6, 64.2-:1192 a Ir p 0 r t attl'I. Phone room. Value $200M. f'P 1525 Placentia l BR. 2 BA. Crprs, dl'J)6, Month, yearly, FttRN Ronm In ~aut Cdt>t wttkdays. 9'-5, MG-2380 $70.\f. F or .1ppolntment, \-1.1NTER "-n•·t 2 ••-m 2 hlrns, ..... le, fillhwhl!:r . Pa1io, '75 '"50 0 home for qi penon. SlZ. TOP EXPOSURE I Sort"OMn Realty. Ctl 689-8801 ...., ... ow .. "' • , ·-Ref$, no smokrn. 673.-4169 "-f-I·. i-·. ,• ---,. 1170_ dbl gar. Ad\Jlls, no ""t8. • -· Prime corner avail. opposite ~ ilh"st. fi.u_~"' 54G-7088, 1642 Coriandc~"Or. -··?· I&.& FURN room, private en-Rlchard'a Mkt. in Lido shop-C itrus Grovn 6175 .'.'.:~::'.C~-=~~---11;;m:rutA-;;rc,,-2-;;co--::::::;c--:;= CLOSE TO BEACH trance w/bath. Girl onl)'. plni: atta. !Our former oil· S~IALL 3 BR. carpi. i;un. BR. C':Jll.!l, drps, $85 per mo G13-09ll Jee location). deck. Employ'd aduils. no bltrui, re.frig: i:a11~. Adults. 2 BR So. ol Hlway, Garare . . LIDO REAL TY INC. rear (TI4 J 686-6.U1 No pets. Sl 4.,. !"141)...5.)86 alter Sl 75. Mo. 642·7898 ;A;,tll. Trlr. Crts. 5997 l.177 Via Udo 673-7300 · 5 pm. Newport Hgb. 4210 LARGE 1 Bit !<i harp! Bilboa.Jslancf' 5355 WEEKLY 111lr!1 Sea Lark Rccep~!~erln& Drape!, CMJlf'l!i, near So. Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd,. Secretarial nu: COUNTRY IN DIA· 11t0ND BAR. A very ex- citin& land development. Free Bro c hure. L. Coat1 Broker, 901 S. llarbor, Sarita Ana. S31--03«1 * Oean l or 2 BR * Coast Plaza, cx.c. $130 n1o. LJ'JTLE ISLE. Alt new bit 2 C.Osta Meaa Arlult~. l'I) JM!L,, U21 E. lfith Ag!. call 546-5079 BR apt, aundctk. N•wl-"-'-''-------3345 Ne~l:vd., N.B. Acr a1ge 6200 St. S~ ~· up, 546-lBOl NEW 2 BR Apt, £as1 !irle. AIOvt refrl&: cpts drps ;;,:;;.;:;;..: ____ -'0-'-~I -. • . . Income Prope"'J 6000 CHEERFUL. kir<Ond Ol· S8 00\\'N, $S p EA. MO .. 8 .1ck 81y 4240 epis,. drits. btt-1ns. dshv.'Hhr. S23o yrly lse. 6'73-t394 6 U I $39 "00 tlces. prime location, plent)' $795. FULL PRICE. bU)'l 10 ----"'------1 encld 11.r. p1·t p allo. * YEARLY.._newlBJlapl., nts. ,., i;6rldng. F'rom $65. 488 E. aC'ftl in So. CallJ. L. nEALLY Quitl • 2 BR · 1'9 fiU.62S'7 C&rPtled, 1Un ded;. blllns, Exctilenl rental r'f!(.'()rd. Topa 17th al J.rvlne Ave. Owner. Sbewfell. 3Z> W. 3nl st., RA. Adults. Uni Sl!6. t"'rn 2 BR st\ld)O, 1 ~1 Ba, clec rqc. 6'13--93M for small tnvealor. $* 673-6:174 L.A. (2ll) m-5102 $190. 2310 Santa An a· bltN. nr S. Coasl Plaza. month lnromt. MODERN. spacious oHicH TAKE OVER 10 ACRES 64~2933 $150 w/ rc!ni:". no pe.tJ. Huntlnlfton Bud\ 5400 TiiE P.EAL ~ATERS 1 n Pr l me 10 c •11 0 n . Near h\lgf' l.akt>, no down. $25 ~ AVAIL Now, new 2 BR, 1700 Newport Blvd. 61&-Tin ~Uaion V\.ejo. Contact Rogflr mo. s&M7G. ~ Coron1 dtl Mar 4250 AVAILABLE Now. 2 BOR:0.1. frplc, crpla, drps. S1S5 mo. Lapp. 837-4!111 O f St p 620& Lew. 2 BR. So. of HW)'. crpt.s, ~ blllns. carport. A\'ail Oct Utn, new 1 Ii 2 Busine.1 Rent•! 6060 COSTA 1'ttu offioes. A/C, ut o ata !!p: $185. Adu..lla cml,y. AdUlti. No pell. 54S-4i769 Bit Adults, .m II el a· l"'rpta, dt'PI. Parklna;. VC.ry $395 FULL PRICI Le1111C l~Odnn ., 1 Pen;on. S275. J Br + rueat hse. Pool, 5.16--?>79 N~ Industrial Bldp for niCT oUke•. 1£i6 Baker, 5 Acres Ouc:beene ~. $1..j(I, fumi8hM bl!.1'1!1, wt•. drps. Family I: 3 BLOCKS to the beach 1 lew. 2SCI> IQ:. ft. 9e ft. 1639 ~4890 Utah Treea, do9t lo new 8/0 1\f:aJty lnl·. 61~30XI 1ml pct 0.K. Bkr !1..1~ BR, garqe, •tove. retrla. Monrovia. CM. 61~17. DELUXE offtce in Cot:U. lakt .' Xlnt huntr,.-, tllh~ • FURNISHED 0.r.he.lor 11pt 1 I 2 BR avall, Oct. lat. drps. 1arae yard, $100. rno. 400 Sq;. ft Good locatloo. Of· r.1e ... 1500 aq ft. Air cond: Investment. TI4: MMJJ3 In Corona de1 f.tnr. UWitics Bltim, elec paid. 2-11 847...QWO. tlce, ~. Nn, $11 2340 crpta. drp1. S41-476\. Jlllld. $8.i. 673-4~. Wilton. 01 6'1)...MQJ lof0Dl:.1tN l SRI. al.I a!tU. Nwport !Mvd. 64&-~ ('07,Y APT. Jo'tn\alt> only. 2 BR d~lex unlurnlahed. Sl30-Sl'1:'!. Some •1•/poot. BALBOA tst::ANO.LeaR 2 S.1.25 mo. Crpts. dJpl, sir, ts yd. rlo l\tar. 17421 KttllOll Ln. HB. slorf'• locetber or •pantc. ~an 5 dop, SCS..:mD tw1: 847-l!ilf. 307 111arine Ave. 67l4i!\1 l DIAL dlm:t &U$11, Owl* )IOUt ad, lbeB aJt beck and 1111en to lftt phone rintl ! rr·s WONt>ERFUL lbe -bto'• ln appllt;non p ttnd Jn the OuaUlod ..... ~ th<m .... ' • I I :It 11,'11.Y "LOT Gonot•I ! ' JOU & I MPLDYMENT JOBS a EMPLOYMENT JOB S a EMPl DYll\IWT ~-------... - Jobo-Mon. Wom. 7100 Joho Mon. W°"" 71to · Exdl "-I:. 62'1 ln-t Oppor. 6310 Po.-•11 ----------·! 7020 ! . . , Al'l<M .. 1 POf -port PllOFITABLE now """" I wm tradt to acres ari MlnML No con\fll'JUlion. *Alone? When You VERSATILE. '" & 'r, •<-tractive Soutbftn Be 11 e buutiful Lake Karnlltoa. Set )'Otir own hOUn., Unlim· I llot Sprqs. Ark. for lted po~Ual, can for appt. I -Bead>_,, .... 2.lll'l W t •t d dl"&iru pod.tlon: wrttu., On I One advert1r, elerlc•I I Hal"""'· S5I S. Van N-l=======:- 4.. A., Olllt. um. Money to Loan 6320 YES IT'S YOUR FAULT • ht te:et/recpt. Unique abWties. rig • • • Ela1De 6'Mi'9. For rt!(.'Ol'ded rneaage thal REFINED LIM;bt will can will ·""~ -Ill• ,.. Call one of ~ ,,...,,. "' .. mi.1nva11d. 6240 2nd TD Loan ORANGE CO. 541 .. 661 Full "' pt I time. Driwa. ,R.-=-E.._._w_._____ """"' """"'"" the experts .,......, WANTED: Commerc. bldg. Prompt, eonildcntlat ser\'ice PALM &. Card Read\~. /' t d be' /J FUU.. CHARGE Bookkeeper on Coast lhvy, Corone. d8 Ml2""2171 54S-0611 Advice &r help on mall)' IS e IOW iJl my home. Mar area. Bl'Oktt 6"-4SZ3. Serving" llarbor area 20 yrs, matters. Fyll.Y Jic'd. Ope:n tws.1012 $ ttle M rt C daily 10am-10pm. BUSINESS ond • 336 'E. l~Ull~t o. m1691-!IZ12. 210 w. Whrt-SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Fl'~· Thro Pl.L , __ F_1_NAN __ c_1_A_L ____ 11 'P~Rl~V~A~T=E~,~"-""-,-.-v-a~;1a~b~1,·. 1 ~e~~;..1:~a,~rathe~:'. A1phalt, 0111 6520 _F-'en--"cl_"t,,,_ ____ :.6:.660:.: L•ndsc:•plnp 6110 l====r,;.=n:":"""=· ==:- ftlr TO &a.'Urf!d loan or-dis-- 7030 Bus. Opportunities 6300 COWlted TI>'a. Send detds LICENSED SE.MJNG Ii: P/\TOtING WOOD FENCING, cwtom HIU..S &: SLOPES our to· Daily Pilot Box M 341 Spiritual Rea..Jr"-. advice Residential -Indu\: • Come'! work. For elti.matc, call speclalty_ Next years rain Job W1ntecl FR.ANCHlSE: No food expu. . . .....'AD. Comp! ,., .... rv. c"-"tly ·~ ~· --~'--. will ·-r. Man .. Women ""'· Mlsonry, Irick 6930 RICHARD AUEN on all matten. 312 N. El ..... ~. ~ ... 'IT'""''"' "'"' ~·one! ....,.t pro. Camino Real, Ssr.: Cleme.ote: engaged by City er C.t.t for tectlon now! Call 495-0811 MULTIPLY Mortg•gn, T.O.'s 6345 4gz.9136, 496-9507 1treet restoration. Floort 666S * Uc.'d Japane1e la.nd.sc8pe CAPITAL 10 .Uf _ 10 PM NATO ('()RP. -'----'-----...:.::;:::I contractor; complete Ind. CONSTRUCTION Mone Y "'RtiO)E~need~-'di·i~~~:E"·iru-mol~Ge~"'~l Co~"~ln~'~to~"~~6.18-~581~81 C•r-t Vinyl Tiie scpr 1: prdens 83Q.J0.17 Dynamic Co. combi.nini; bc5t &\'ail.able for income pro. i:_ cu u" r- featurea of fast food field as ducing property. F0ttifn A CdM for ~cs Ii: Thurs nlte Baby1ltting 6550 All •{)'lei l'.rd colors nrver done before.. domestic. Motels. Nursing claliS. Will share e x p • -Free est. Lie. contr. Highest antic. lnvcstment-llomes, Shoppioe; Centen, 644-0aiO CHILD CARE Me-'1262 546-"11 t~rofit ratio. \Ye prov'ide 0 ff Ice Bui Id in gs. WANT to aharf! ride t little girl, 8,i:e 2~ to s * E xpert JapaneM the customers via mas!ive Apartm~ta, etc. Write or Newport-Mesa area I o years. As playmate A: com-FINEST WORK 646-0Mf TV ads, you own the bus. call TJUe Realty .tr Pasadena, 5 days. CalJ pa.nlon for my 4 year old 1---------- COLLEGE STUDENTS AVAILABLE far all types ot work. Part timl'. Call: South1m C•llfoml• Coll1ge Stadent Employment Senr:ice, KI S-UT8 CHINESE llve--ln, Oomeatlc. AS$EMBLER ex p e r. Jn coll Mndlnc.101 de r In&:- Female. Wqn open. S. R. EftclneerlJll:, 834 Productloa Pl, NB * ASSEMBLERS * E:rperience helpful VALOR EL ECTRONICS .....,., ATI'ENOANT for apartment ccmpJ~. age 18 &. over, no Jong hair, good P«Y. Apply in perw'.ln at 31423 Coa.st Hwy, South Laguna -"' BUSBOYS "' M Ume, ct tor lunch linw Only. Apply in peNOn to Mr. llont Chlieal, betwffn 11 &: J pm, except Mon • .l .,..,_ NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 720 W. BAY. Salb BUSBOY, .•••. for lunch hour, daily. Tues, Wed, Thun. and nlghlll Fri. & Sal. apply in person, au a PM EL PE.SCADOR. 401 E . 17th, C.M, CA FE'I'ERIA ASSISTANT III. 10 mos. poallion at High School. Must haw previous Al:slst•nt M1n19er quantity cooking expe.r. Sub- Full tlme, corwenlent market. mit a p p I i c a I I o n to Vacation & ins. Xlnt oppor-CapistraM Unified School tunil-;! 642.85'JO Dist.. Personnel off Ic e, ----------126126 Victoria Blvd ,, BABYsrTTE.R To care for 3 capi.!ltrano Beach, Calif. mo'1 baby & 20 mo. old boy, t.fon-Fri 9 to 4 pm, my home. Aft. 6 pm, 968-37&1 BABYSIT. My N. C.OSta. Mesa home: 2 pre-schoolers, No housework; 5 Da.Ys. 646-2173 BABYSITTER, full time, incl Sat&: one eve. Irvine: &: CAMPER PRODUCTION PERSONNEL • Millman •Metal men • Cabinet makl'n and keep the profits. Insurance Company, 215 64Z-9687 dal.lihter. Meals included. G1rdenlhg 661() IS ln·-ed in com-titor's Oark Bu 11 ding, Binn· Near Magnolia &. Edinger. ·~· ~ J •--Al ba 35""• I (gentleman) will 1etve your oper. 1966 worth over $300 ng,. ...... ,, a ma -ll Fountain Valley area, ;15.00 today. \Ve expect even bet· Phooe {20S) 25l-5286. ~~ A: clean up. 1 a week. Call 841-1.1.B'l. ANTHONY'S 644-4860 Custom & Sp.nl1h Masonry A Spoc:laltyl Block, Brick, Concrete FrH Eat. 63J.2343 Permanent Experienced. Far Eut ~ 6tl-8703 Ne\l'P(lrt area.. 833-2246 att l=======l-------1 ''"' P1perhllnging~ Joh.--Mln, Wom. 7100 ~Ba~by-•711-te-,,--~~,-,,-.-.,m-.,- • Sidewall framt-rs • F1oor buildeMi • A.ssemblers 1er. S75,00J 1Sl' TD on 11,00'.l sq. l8~L1N~~o~.~.-,-,-.-,~1~,-.~. -,.,-,.-li01'ii'1rrw:n~..,.;:;;;,-;,~0nn;;;;,;.,~,;,.;-:_ Req. approx Sll,000 (secured) It. brick commerc. bldg. in tugenarlan vet i;ttks hap-school teacher, all age&; + ha.rd word + ability to Orange County, on long . n<-0 1831 good play fac. Beach & ronlrol your t'mployf!4'!s un. lrrn1 leased land. Payable pineu. :>llO""" Garfield. 96S-S354. The Dest, c:oru; no mott! Experienctd Maintenance der our direction. Simple op. S750 mo. incl. 10%, all due 5 ALCX>HOLICS A.Donymous eration. yrs. Rental .inc. $2400 mo.; PhOno 5'2-nt7 u · 1YJ"'ite to BABYSIITING Gel in at start for lower 20% dlscount. Broker P.O. Box 1223 OJsta Mell&. fncd yard & invefll .• cboice: territ., high· 497-1210. :;:;:==========! Hot 1unchca, Budget LandJcaplnc f\-ly home, Graduate Hor1.lculturbt companiolll!I. I --"c"o"'M"P"L'°'E"T°'E;=.:=-hr or wk. eat yield. ii-VO-,,-, -T-D-.,-$>1-lJ_•_•_-,-7.-o Announeement1 6410 5'IS-S874 INVESTIGATE OT11ERS lnt all due 2%: yrs. Sul>At eq. Licensed child care for 1 or F\Rsr 'Y ,, ''Y· ·-Grand Opening 2, ... i-s. N. CM. s ••Y•· YARU MAI.NT. Sprinkler installed & repa.tr. ed. New lawia. cleanups. Monthly Service. ' .P_•_l_n1_1_"9~----6_l_SO Ottice Temporary to care for school age chil- 1 dre.n in my home, CM. 1:30 p.;.n._'TING Jnt A Ext Lowest contracted prices. Fully ins. Satisfaction lf\W. Free ell Jin1 Weekll 673-1166 · INT & Ext, averqe 3 br hse, labor only fllT.50 642-6455 after 5 p.m. WORK WHEN & WHERE YOU WANT On temporary aui&:nmenll to 6, Call aft 6, 5-W--0359 BABYSI'ITER \Vanted for lea.ding figure salon, 9 am to 3 pm. $1.75 per hr. Call 642-7032 for intv. BABYSIITER Needed 3 das a wk, my home nr Adams & Brookhurst 3 chi Id :-en. 963-Zl>J •Detail trouah & l1nJ Knowledge ol housing, plumb. ing & elec trical L'Ode. Top wages, overtime, paid holi- days, vacations & ins plan. OLYMPIA IND. INC. 15040 Goldenwesl C..'ir \Vestminster. Al S.0, J>'rwy & Bol&a Ave E. For appt., Mr1. Barton 113/ &46-7800 968-1.928 652..!520 124 bl'!l.J An ('xecu-ANNOUNC EMENTS Acod1my BABYSllTING My home, NEW Lawn I re--scedlnc. PAINTING le paperhang~. • Reuonable. 25 yn exp. German skills. 642-1322 • S.C:retaries Typists BABYSITI'ER l da,y a week }.fore Help \Vanted for l :Jmall boys, my home I jiiiiiiiioniiiiNiiiierliiiiiPia~g•iiiiiiii~ tive will retum your call. and NOTICES AAA CANDY SUPPLY Found (FrM Ads) 6-400 ROUTE BLACK K.tt . h s· (NAl\tE BRAND CAND1'1 i. en \\'II ~ Exciting work refilling &: e~eg,, with long -haired collec~ fro coin S1amrse, both 1n S A operated d=rs 1~ your !leights. Owner pl.s claim area. Must be able to devole1_>l_>-_1Jl_• ______ ~ 2 lo 3 hrs per week to make BRIEFCASE Containing im· very good income. No sell-portanl papeni, Name is on 1ng involved. the ca&c. CaU and identify. .$995 to $.1.980 required Has been '!lightly damaged (Based on part or fuU limel by traffic, 646-4063 For personal interview in YOUNG female G e r m a n your are&, send name, ad· Shepherd with chaln 8.fld dress k phone no. to: Ilea collar. 23n1 & Santa l'RAN&.\VESI'ERN OIS"f, ro. Ana, CM. 64l-2540 a.m. and 590 No. Azu~ Ave. Covina, Calil. 91722 eves. 1----------GREY & 1.1.·hite male, fiea LITE MANUFACTURING collar vie. Es~la &: Adams, CM. Notify Orange County S.P.C.A. nttds UIOciale wHh manage:. FOUND Sa~. Kitt:n.. % merrt and / 0 engineering grown, grey miped, kind of Mesa del t.1ar. My age Complete lawn care, clean NEED PAINTING? of Physio The rapy welcomed. 54&--3003 up by job or month. Free Call WI! Reliable Service w/ Sauna & musage, 6 lemale WILL bs.byslt my oome estimates. Call 846-0932 Qua.lily at ill! be:s.t, at the tN'h. 10 am~lO pm. 7 day1. H a r b or I Adams, mea.b AL'S Gardening & Lawn most reasonable prices. 255 Thalia, Suite C. Laruna fenced play area. a40-2881 ~faintenance. Commercial, Free estimates. S48-600'l Beach. 494-1313 CHILD <:ate. By Costa Mesa industrial &-reaidtntial INT & Ext Painting Llc Ii: SUN SIGN ASrROLOGY park. Yard. Nutritious * 646-3629 * lns. Free estimateg, 30 yrs cl&MeS. Register now. lunch. Loving care. 548-0567 Exp'd Japanese Gardener. ex~. Call Chuck 645--0809 Beginners -Advana:_d. BAB y SITTING; My Complete yard service, PAINTING, Paper-in£ 16 yrs. Cal.I lhe SUn Sign, 67;,..&li6l Newport Heighb home. Aae free estimate. MG-1332 in Harbor area. Lie. & da)'5 or GTh-214.0 aft. 6. t~• to 2:h. Call 64;)..1289 l;TRE;;;;;;;E""s.:C,.,:=:;:"'"=.=,c,,= .. =,....::;:=yanl-d bonded. Re!a. turn. 642-2356 . TRADE 2400 sq ft b~P WILL Babysit your home by cleanup, Rototill & 1prinkler e FOR Better Painting, i~ rental: office or retail 11hop the week. You furnish serv, 646-0848 terlor & exterior, acoustic for 2nd TD's, 2U-21J 62nd transportation 642·1407 CLEAN-UP SPECIALU.7 ! relllnga. &1&4077 &: 541--3502 St, Npt Sch, owner. (213) . s.1 wing ~-•-~.-SUBURBAN Pa'·"--/~-2" '101 121JJ 24&-0700 ~· 0 • ~..... ....... ,\obll. "'''-''6 ~ ....-.. ' eve Brick, Masonry, etc. Reasonable. 548-695S Expert Guaranteed Work C1m1t1ry Lots 6411 6560 Cut & Edge Lawn Fme egl. No job too larie 2 OR 4 lol3 Paci.lie View . ~Iaintenance, Licensed ot too small. 4%-3190 Memorial. Improved, Bay BU~, Remodel, repair. 5'18-4808/549-1994 aft 4 C & S Painters. Int-Ext. view terra~. $350 ea. Bnck. block_, concrete, House &: ap1s. No job too 6?3-'1506 carpentry, m .)Ob too small. JJM'S Gardening & lawn small. 675-~ alt S. Llc. Conlr. 962-6945 maintenance. Re:!. &:. Com· 1 ========== 4 LOTS in Blue Spruce: sec· mercia.l, * 54G-4831 ~~ 1-l~Rest Memoria.I Busineu Service 6562 Gln1ral S1rvlcu 6682 background. ~fanufacturcr flu!fY: Vic. \VW!on & ~tILEY'S Business Services in program for national dis-Fall"\•Le~·. S.18-roi'9 L•gal NM ica 6450 trihuUon. $25(1, per wk. to FOUND: small gre:y Poodle. I "-=;;...;.;.;;.;.;.;;.;.o.__-'-= start plus eqU&l share of Vic. Balboa Blvd. i. 40lh 1 WILL not be responsible profits to active party with St., Newp:1rt Beach. Call & for any de:bt! othtr than my Taxes, bookkeeping, business. Pla1terlng, Rep1ir 6880 e PATCl-1 PLASl'ERING. All typ!a. Free estimate. Call 540-"25 WIU. drive or tow your car any,>'hcre. Pick up .c:.1-========== delivery. &lH989 6190 Sl2,500. cas~ Should easily Identify. fiTh-7154. own. James r.fichael Fox es, re:al e!ltate, iruLurance, ~t selecled party $25.000 FOUND LGe. St. Bernard mutual tundl!, estale plal). Hauling PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small fi_rst yr, For peMJOnal_ Inter-type. dog. Vic. Santa Ana & ning. Free quotes, 646-9666, view, can TIHTI-2952 {9-Del Mar, C.flf ..... ·earing col-TIME FOR 642-llZl. 6730 CLEAN UP &: lite moving Tree & shrub ttmova.J, • 6C2-3128 • 6 PM). Jar, no tags. 646-0808 PARTNER BLACK Persian female cat, Need. man 10 operate local few white :s.pol3, vie. of San- SeTVJCe center Orange Coun-ta Ana Ave. C.M. 646--1346 ty area:. Factory direct . \\'holegaJe. retail outlet. out-LIGHT colored k 1 t I e n iC5: Supeivision & Inventory "'.lblul' co~ar. ~na Knolls control. Thorough training. vie. 496-54::.1 evenings. US.001 investment required, FEMALE Puppy, Australian secured. Salary S275 + equal Shephard, OC'C parking lot. ghare of profits, Should re-6#-1795 turn S~.00> .first ~ear_. Yo_ur GREY rabbit. MS-5146 or most rig.Id 1nve$l1&at1on 1n-S49-3888 vittd. References exchanged. . !'or per.ional interview phone WOMENS glasses, vie. K- n41aJS.5600. Mart slore, C.M. 642-6101 READ THIS Lost 6401 Xlnt for nhred ~e SlOOO REWARD $1000 reward is oflered tor U you want a part or full information that will result time oppcn1unily to make money in a business of your own. For example S20IXI in- \'l?Slment can nM. s;;o v.'kly by spendina: 4 hrs making deliveries. in the return of owner of IJ!.dies dian1ond Hamilton \\•atch 1'. approx JG in. dividual large, heavy gold charms. Also pearf & dia· mond ring, t:"arrings & string of ~arls. Stolen on Call P.1r. Thomas Jan 19, ]969 from Corona l;-;";;ti~l1~1~"~"";:::·~"'8::..:: _ __,;-I dl'l ltlar, Calif. \Vrite Box M LAi\1P & shade manuf'g 342 Daily Pilot busi~!S-lllne!!."I" forces sale. LOST Jn Huntington Cresl, Retail slKlp, good location. H.B. my baby kitten, salt & 103 \\•holesalc .acet~. con-pepper, t iger strip<.>, \Oo'ilh temporary furniture stores ·white pav.·s & ch {' st, & dt'COraloni:. 21 YI'!! in Ansv.-crs to • • p s s s s s, •' La~una ~ach. SIO,OCIO In-pleast r.all \'icky 968-322'3. ventory. Small cub down r~~~-~-~-~will consider R. E. trade. r: L\DIES \\-allet. Vic Center 0. Box ~. Laguna Brach St, CM or 3rd Ave., Laguna. MEX. food t.11.kr wt. Harbor Beach, Fri 8/1, Valuable Bl ·d c ~I N 1 ..... p ape r s. Reward. 499-2369 9UICK CASH THROUGtt 'A DAILY PILOT WANT AD . ., .. ;:~~· -~·"'·• ' . ' " . ; I j Bulld1n 6570 Reasonable. 549-1359 * Room Additions CLEAN-Up and liJ:ht mov-* Apartmrnts & Units ine;. Call Dave: * Custom Homes * Kitchens 1 ___ * __ 89_:i.<m ___ * __ _ * 2 Story Specialists FREE 1---------- layout/deai,gn 20 yn, exp. Housec:l11nlng Pacific Coast Bullder1 6735 2ii35 E. CGa.St Hwy. HOUSECLEANING&: General l\.1aintenance. Call anytime, good reU, reas! ~~model, Re.,..lr, 6940 CARPENTRY, Painting, Minor plumbing repairs. Mobile home repairs. 54&6215 or 646-1824 BUILD, Remodel, Repall' Brick, block, co n cre t e, crpntey, no job too small Lie. Contr. 962-6945 Corona det Mar 675-1191 R E M 0 OEL-Addition&-Cab. inets-Block fences-Conc~te \VOrk. 642-9852 &16-6084 HO CARPETS, \Vindowa, firs, Slwi"J 6 etc. Reg or Comc'I. Xlnt e Dre!smakinl" • Allerationa Cars-nterlng 6590 work Rtas! Refs. 548-4lll. Special on hems. ......... * CARPENTRY WOULD You believe I will clean your home for Blue Alteri1tlon1 -642-5145 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Chip Stamps? 891-7350 Neat, accurate, 20 yean eXp. Too Small. Cabinet in gar-I =c,,;-~,..-'-~--~-1-------- ages &: 0 t be r cabinets. BAY &. Beach Cleaning Serv. M$-817S, U m 111'15Wer leave Carpets, v.indo"''S. floore, msg at 646-2372.. IL O. e:tc. Res&: Commc.'I 646-140.l Ande?30n WINDOWS DIRTY'! QUALITY Repairs -Altera· Johnny Dunn your local tions _ New c.oru;L by hour service. F'ref: est. 6'2-2361 or Contract. 646-3442 REPAIR, Partitions Small Remodel, etc. Nite or day, Reas! Call KF.N 540-4679 REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS CABINETS. Any gize job 25 )'1'3. cxper. 548-6713 Cement, Concrete 6600 9CONCRETE ~-ork a I I types. Pool decks I. custom. Call 548-1324 Ironing IRONING Reasonable: Janitorial 67SS 8!17·7350 6790 SPARKLE Janitorial &: \\'\!). dow cleaninc St'rv. Wil). dows. resid., come.I. const. Cleanup. Free est. !168-339L DUTOt ?o.Iatnt Scrv, crpt clng, fir waxing, window washing. JJan-y van Beynen TILE, Ceramic 6974 * Verne, The Tile to.tan * Cust work. Install A: repairs. No job too small. Plaster patch:. Leaking show e r repair. 847-19571846-0206 TrH Service 6910 GENE'S T RE E SERV; t-rees I shrubbery removed, trimmed, hauled a way "'9-1359 BE\YARE~ ! Rubber trees break foundatlonR. Free est. Any Tree Service. 530-39Zl Doug Uphol1tory 6990 CEMEMT WORK, no job too &mall, reuonable. Fr• e l'l!tlm. H. Stunick. 548-8615 537-1508 il no &rm call aft 3. ClYKOSKI'S ~t. UphOI. \l • .• • o rancui.'ie, all 6 good least', a money mllkcr.1 ,-,~·=-·__,,_,,,.--,-,--,--,-I ) Owner says rt:'ducc price ii LOsr: 8 l\los. old f<'male 80ld thts mon1h lrom $J;1,000 Lab, Rl'trlever. all black: Child Care 6610 FSI'ATE ~1.a.lnt Tree Serv European Craftsmanship Removal & trimminp. free I00'7o fin! 643-1454 estimate, Call 541-4)81. 1831 N-·-Bl C >• LTC Day care, Infant orl;-=========~===···..,==·-·=·-·-· "ii to $10JO'.I \lllh ~ down vie. lrviM & f101vcr SL, and tcrna 10 !-'u11, 1. real op-Co.11a Mesa. 9M-267a Reward portunity. Ca.II Van at the LOST; Sm$11 bro\ltn female Real En:talr~. &l&-7171 dog, mixed cocker & ADDRESSING I l\Tall1ng / dachshund. Vic Arnold k !Wbotypilig, U you have C:t· Cove, CiVI. R.eward. 548-5358 pericnce &. some sales 7 r.105 old grey, female kitty, ability, 1'11 furnish <.'ompletc Sat Pl\.f Goldenrod & f!quip + some SN'l!i on a Seavicw, Cdl\f, chl]jj's pel. lease + '7~ Msls. SllOO rf'q'd, 61;>.0081 Mr. Kar 5f6-.00R!l evrs 11ft 7 1..0·~sr=-,-.m-,-Y-,~J\~o-w_/_--,· II 'l'R.AVEL AGENCY for :o;alc, rm.mkeet vie Ccll\1. Talks. in N~-porl Beach. \\.'1'11 Reward gua.m. 673-11«9. estsblished, r )'.c f' I I en I WST 9/19 DUunond & Pearl n'p!.ltation. llolds All a~ . v· Httr B h poinlmenU. Ownrn nmvt.ni:. camng r. ic _ .., c $28,000. 714/67~1718 cws. Rl'\\"11.n.I. ~16-954() FLOWER & Gift gtiop I C.rN'n Pankeel. Balboa JcaM In KOOlf location. \V:ri J:s.land. Name "George ... stockttl. D!liW'f)' V l!l n . * 873-S169 * I n v e Ii Im en t l'l'qU1n:d. Pl:.I' Raroon. rrd collar &: Tcnna. &IJ....6902 bt>ll Vlc Ahm Cnyn. ltfas. BEAUTY alon In !Ag\Jmlo:'""='=w=la=·=..,_,=='=°'=== &acb. Vfry nft. Small, welkstabliihed. Low rcnt Per1onal1 640S S2.000 fu U pm. Low downl--A-11-,.-c-t-iv_o_E_•_po_rt __ pyrnU 4.9-Hti9B. 495.-5133. ~'OUNG WOfllAN *LIQ, LIC'S. Ont.'1ir", San darwf'r \I'll\ teach YoU an Dkto $12,!«1 on Mle: la1rs1 lilrP'IJ. Call Ardl'll SUl.tn) ntt aAll-. CaJJ WJNS. 21::: 591-4:1.'8 1-10 PM TON call«t ( n:n 27'2..t249 ''Y"O"UN=G"""$5.-,.,--m-.'" .. --= .. R.E.SJ'AURANT Joe, av&U. womM '""com p• n I o n, NtlR•POrl Bellch oceanfront. muld l~sd lnto msn'is;c. &!boa Bly Prop. 67l-742tl Wrlttt P .O. Box 1051. S.A. I ., , • I • pre-.~hooler, (pref single chikl}, toy.11, equip. 962-3969 C•rpet Clei1nlng 662S * DWIONDS are meaisured by quality, so att "\1.-e! OlA!110ND CARPET CLEANERS 645-L'U7 •nytirne: Carpet L•ylng & Repa lr ~26 ·~; FOR CARPETING OR CARPET LAYING c. A. ~ &(2..2Qjl} I Eloctrl .. 1 6640 _, EL ft'l'filaAJ<: lico.,,.., F bonded, small jobs. ma.int j: reJ)lllr1. S48-5211 ~ 'hb~========= RH<I Cla11iflcat lon1 6500·6900 In the DAILY PILOT F1'r Expert Aulstanc• Drafti ng Service 6637 100L ' P.1ed\a.nic.al dcsia:n. Draft.lne Se.rviot ........ fa Your Ad tn <W clullfiedl T Somoone..WbolooldJ>slar It. OW 6G-&m If you've found whet you're loo\iing for in todey's PILOT Clessifi•d Ads. MAKE AN OFFER Giv• that perty with th• item or items for ••le • phone ce ll. Chene•• •re it's ju1t whe t you've been w atching the W e nt Acis fer. All that'• left is t o mike •ri effer. Hew c an y ou lo1e1 lhi1 i1 ju1t •"other of tha gre•t lhi"9' ebout the PI LOT Cla11ified 1ectio" ••• it lea cla yeu to the b•t9ain1. ------~I . • Bldcprs. • PBX Open. • Gen'I Office Holldey A Vacation Pl•n APPLY NOW VOLT INSTANT PERSONNEL NEWPORT BEACH 3848 Carnpu.s Dr. SI.lite 100 546-4741 Equal opportunlt,y employer abilities anlimiteo agenc;y Quality Positions Jor Qualllied Applicant! 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 Chsta Mesa &U-1470 ACCOUNTANT, Male, F/C. Min. 2 yr. op, progressive thinker. PH: 642-2666 ALTERATION ASSISTANT experienced in w om e n ' s 11un1. Bch. 002-1544 I I BABYstTrER-Llve in, nn &:: board + small salary_ HB area. SJ&..7403 BABYSITI'ER, lite hskpg. 2 childre.n 5 & 4, S day v.·~. Own transp. 968-1£20. BAKERY: ~a.n or !l;t\ldcnt for pa.rt time c.lell.nup work f'ry, da ys. TROTTER'S, 234 F'oregt Ave .• Laguna Bch. BARMAID; n or pt lime, nlghtll. Good salary. Apply da.y11 : 436 E. 17th, C.M. 548-994!1 e BARTENDER-Ex rlenced •BAR BOY -no e)'.p nee. !lfw;t be over 21. Apply in person after 4 PM: Captain Jack's Re:s.laurant. 18121 Beach Blvd, Hunt Beach. BEAUTICIANS, t~mate, tn work evenings &: SUnrlays in Costa l\fesa's hu11le11t . popular priced salon. Op- portunity for top earninp w/paid vacation. App I y 1-fgr. Cmwning Glory Beau- ty SaJon, 261 E. 17th St., C.M . BIKINI Bannald/dancer. Full or part-time. Costa Moaa alterations dept. " mu1L 646-7301 Apply 10 to 4 p m , I"""""""-,-,.----- APROPOS, 29 Fash I 0 n Boat Sen·iCt" Jgland, N.B. FOREMAN , l Immediate openini:: & exct' · ANSWERING Service Oper-lent opportunity for indi- ator. ExPerience pre.lerred, vidual 1o1•Hh all sround yacht but wi1J train. ' maint('nancc, installation & • 540-2052 • repair exp. Ability to oper- ARTIST, Gre:at opportunlty ate &hop machinery. Super. for artist in young, '""'1ng vlsory exp necessary. good co. bfust have e.xp. In pule-personality. neat. Refs req. up le layout. Salary open. Salary le benefits xlnt. \Vrite Call 6Th-600Q P .O. Box 2328 NB or call Assemblers Mr. Garcia 642-5735 ASSEMBLERS Ex"perienced In preci~ion a!t- sembly involvillg clos!' tol· erance, alignment &. ttttlr'fg on products such as delicate gear trains, valves and in- struments, Machini.!ll exper. knee helpful, C•ll Personnel 0 1pt. (71 4) 494-9441 TEI.ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Lagun• B11ch F.,qual opportunity employ('r BOAT CARPENTERS Experienced. Large custom c.on.~truction. Tnp wages. \VILLARD BOAT \Vorks 1295 Baker St., 01: BONDERS fl1inimum l yr recent exp in thennocompre.ssion "-ultra- sonic< bonding. Salary open. Apply in per!On. Radix Microe.lectronir Corp. 3150 Pullman S1. Costa l\fesa. ~146-2350 BOYS 10 " 14 camer Routes Open '"' J..aiuna Beach, So. l.a&UM DAILY PILOT 642-'3Zt * BUSBOYS NIGHTS & WEEKENDS Seafood Rest•u r1n t APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE lSl E. Coa1t Hwy. Newport S.i1ch SAYE ~ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D , STAR. GA'ZEK1"¥:_) ~~'.!.l!!!,..,:=..-=.:., CLAY J. POil.AN >< Y-Doily-c.;;,, M ...,.. Accord/,.. lo the Ston. Y To dewlop meu oge for Friday, reod "lllOfds COITftpcn:llng to runbers of~ Zodiac birth sign. .. .. J - ( Joi Cff "" \\"C " 13 p, p.o Chi PL. 2L m• 96: L • c d Eq CLl \I '" "' CL! w> ho ·~ aa St ·S p,... '" irl .,. "' ,... " w, " s. Au '" oft o, "" Ty u. m• '"' '" "' ,, Cl< PLI Qc 8:: po '" C1J 1"· "" lie JN c. a. Im ,, ,,, .. c Eo .. .. .. .•. , .. ~ ...... DAil Y 1'11.0T ~ NOW! For·vour C.O..venlt11c•..:.. All.Positions Oft.reel 'ARE LISTED ALP.HABETICALL Y IN • NEW! . - CLASSIFICATION •1100 HELP WANTED (Mtn and Women) ·- JOBS a EMPLOYMENT JOBS a EMPLOYMENT JOBS a EMPLOYMENT J_oas & EMPL_OYMENT I Joas a EMPLOY MINT JOBS a IMPLOYMINT Joas a IMPLOYMINT Jobo-Mon. Wom . 7100Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7111! Jobs Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobo,-Men1 Wom. 7100 Jobs Mo~. Wom. 7100 J,i.o Mfloi Wom. 71~J.a.!, \Mf"'• Wom. 7100 ---FACTORY HOUSEKEEPEI\. LI"" "'· JOBS I EMPLOYMENT JOBS a EMPJ.OYMENT Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jo~n. Wom. 7100 Clerical Duplay SUPERINTENDENT Molho• """""--S dillmn, RISTAUllANT, PART I 'Ul.:L TIME sailboat !\1rsr. bu 0pentna: '-"1 .4, t, •· Spin.I.ah apeU· Technlcl1n CLERK TYPIST Will work In programming naa• and accur•cy a must, bett1r. •r••· Neat· 60 wpm or Please Apply in Peroon to: ' SEARS COSTA MESA ANNOUNCES OPENINGS FOR :::.: ::i=..:ia:w~ : H~= ":'"" . BUSBOYS produetlon of all depts. Alto, day, 5 dll)'I • week. $1.~ hr WAITRESSES need foren1an to aet up 4 au. 540-46M bet .4 PM 6: 6 JJt.t pervlae auembly line I.or only. tf;-~~u~:!in! '·u-o-u""SEKE--EP-ER--,.,-""'--p1-e.' HOSTESSES ·• Live ln 01" out, walertront. COMPUTER SYSTEMS -TECHNICIAN - General Automation OISPUY MEN tion preferred.. AU frtntt $225 ~1352 beoofib_ Writ•., srop in & 800.::'.; N~~c -"·"· DISHWASHERS see: Victor Mortensen, 8211 ~ ..... • 1~UM: Quallffed t1chnlcal school background and thr" or more Y••rt working with digital comput1r1 •nd related perlthe- r1l1. Wiii perform checkout •t unit ind system• l1v1I. 706 West Katella Or•nge, C•llfornia 92667 (Experienced preferred. I Lankershlm Blvd'., North lady tn do pn work,'l d&y • COOKS Hollywood. wk. S2. hr + tran1. 540-3m HOUSEKEEPER.. Rdia.bie An, equal opportunity employer Excellent Eamlnp FIBERGLASS Aaaem~let'!I, inale, exp only. Apply jn J>tt99n, 1916 Placentia, 0..t DB¥• onq, Laguna area. 49Hl1U APPLY IN PlltlON Please Apply in Person to: Oerlcal More Help Wonted on PrevioM.7 Page PAYROLL CLERK At lea11t 2 yrs cxper, in pro- <T!llllng payroll trom calcu- lating time cards, payroll adJutln1ems, and issuing payroll ctieck1. ACCOWlting nlachine, 10.key adder, typ- ing ~ulred. ?.lust be able tQ take full responsibility. Nt'at awearanC1!, and per· &enable. Plu11 • Pro!lt aharlna: • Hoapitalizalion e FRY COOk e HOUSEKEEPfR: Jlve • 1n. Priv. rm 6 bath. 2 cblldren. Ftn. Vall. SU-'1254 REUllN.E.LIE General Automation • Grou.p We ln11. Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 • Patd vacation • 8 paid holidays Ul 1111 CNll Hl9hwoy Newpert leech 706 Weat K•t•ll• Or1ng1, C•llforni• 92667 e Employk' dLst"ounl * EXPERIENCED APPLY *HOUSEMAN* -----------·---- CHILD ('are, Harbor View are$.. I need a neighbor Who \\l>Uld provide "emcntency" care tor children age 12 & 13 whose mother works In Pasadena. 6~4-2300 alt 7:30 p.m • APf>].y in Personnel OH\cc !\lusl 1,peali English An equal opportunity employer Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobs Mon, Wom. 7100 Chiltl Care PLAYROO!\f attendant O\'tr 21. Part tinie ueeded Im· med. call Ray Randall 962--"'6 CHUCKER OPERATOR Call Shit>la Mickman. Day3 6~2-2400. Eves. 54.7·2608 GULTON INDUSTRIES 164~ \Vhlttle1· Ave. Costa t.1eu., Calif. Equa1 opportunity emp!O)~r Clerical NAT'L Co seeks fir! ro.30 tor Recepfgen ofc. 2 girl otc, 3"1 111 hr wk, 9-5 St sa.I $350 UM! to rnach1ning, small mo. 646--0521 1tainless ateel par1s to Clerk cloce tolerances. Able to FEMALE clerk, apply in do own setups desired. person Drive-In Liquor, 706 Call SJ1eiln !11ckman Pr.c!flc Coe.st Ii: g h way, GU.i·IOO Huntington Bch, CLERK For Doff le fold in GULTON INDUSI'RlES l..aun<lromat. Weekends 1S44 Whittier Ave. l\1ornlng &. evening shilt.s. Costa Mesa, Calif. £45-1650 Ectual opportunity employer * C..'OrL \VINDER * CLEANING Jaey w • n t e d Toroidal exper. prefd. *day/wk, $2 hr. ALSO OC· -VALOR- c:uional overnight b11.by1it· ELECJ"RONICS !er. El Toro~ 830-5591 54().-9261 CLEANIG woman 1 day a Counter girl . wk. for i r on Ing &. 'YOUNG \VO!\IA,'i hou1ecleaning. Alter S . Ideal hours. 11-2: 30 f\lon .f9'-7134 Hiru Fri. Apply in pel'90n •a.~rical~._c,.,-------1 morning!I only. Sir tlt ii!hael's r,ountaln Valley 17217 Brookhur.:;t. tl-1onday 1hru Saturday 10 Al\I lo <I Pl'rl SEARS THE RIGGER # 16 Fuhlon Island Newport Beach Roebuck & Co. *FRY COOK* SOUTH COAST PLAZA Ap~ly THE ~YING BUT- llll S. BRISTOL LER 3101 Newpon Blvd .. COSTA MESA 1.,,.N._•-~~~~~~ Foreign C•r Mech1nlc1 Good eo. ,benelita, incl paid vacation, IP'OUP ina, uni. 1onn1 furn1.shed free. Good An Equal Opportunity Employer ~ romm. schedule. Ask lor Joe Moore Ph. ~1764. *DISHWASHERS FULL--Tim• mai"'. "'°" Nictrrs & "\VEEKENDS hotel, Lagu..:i:w. l\IANAGER, ev•ning1 &. N.liht ahi!t 1:30 pm to 10 pm weekends, Costa ?otfeu. n. PLEASE CONTACT JIOUSEKEEPING DEM'. quor •lore, Retired aervi~ man pttf. Apply at: 5712 \Y e1tmin1ter Blv \Ye1tmln1ter -'Tite-i\1ANICURIST • Full or Pert NEWPORTER INN ~;~~'""°" ... ""Salon. llOl J&mbol',. Rd. u•RINE MECH 0 NIC Newport Beach. Call!. """ ~ ~~ Experienced. 1..arJe CUJLtom INTERIOR _ DESIGNER • construction. Top wqe!!. Experienced, wit}i foUov.·in&. WIU.ARD BOAT Works 5.fa..!Ml9 or 644-0637 1295 Baker St., CM e Journeymen Mechanic J.IEDICAL Office h e l p, Fonign car experlenca pre-female. fnlnt oltlce in-$1afoocl R1st1urant GAR!\1ENT i1FG.: NeeOs femd, rnin 5 ~ars exp. sura.l\Cf' fonna Experlen«d UNDER PRESSERS, wlll BARWICK DATSUN only. Good ~ for rta:ht APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E . Co••t Hwy. Newport Beach tra1J1. 1580 ?o.tonrovia. N.B. 998 So. Cs.I Hway, La.a Bch person 540-4573 lD Al1 6'12--"'6 1:•94-:::.9771:!!, .... ..;·;· .... ..:'~.....,.:;::1·~~t.·~~~·t::~~~ l\tOTEL MAIDS. Apply at GARDENER Trainee, no exp LADIES 19 to 10 earn $25 to 22Cli Harbor Blvd., Colta nee. Xlnt opportunity. Call $100 v.'ffkly Catt a n I Meaa. day or nite t'll.C) 494-6C27 LlrJaerie. Equal o p p or t .·'-M-o"'T-H_E_R_S_H_E_L_P_E_R_ ---------tGARDENER, exp'd, xlnt op. employer. We train 546-3508 Beaehfront home needs part DISHWASHER portunity. Call day or nite LANDSCAPE FORE!\1AN lime mothert helper, Pl.eu. EXPERIENCED c7141 64·5'12'1 some experitnct requlrTd. ant eondltlona 4 aurround- S Girls -Ladles$ J\ll.1.1t do or learn all phuel ltl(t. Call t.tarcle 675-0993. Apply In Parson Parent! Jnstitute needs 2 of l&ndlcape comtructlon. Nuning SURF & SIR LOIN v.'Omen to ncplain benefits Call after 5 pm, "4-4151 * LVN * s930 Pac. Cat Hwy to local residents in Orange Full or pan ume 7.3 Co. Transportation See8'tey 8rucwat Newport B1ach 1u 1 h·" 175 ---~-----1 m s -cu, no exp. nee. . m Gi DJSH\VASHER HELPER, wttkly. 9 AM to 3 PM, 5 part llmf', Fri. ,r. Sat. Mk (b1ys 11. \\'~k. 54&-5754 i6~ XeC * RN -RELIEF * 7.3 shitt -OCEAN VIEW - SCHOOL DISTRICT COLLEGE Student 20 hrs for Terry, .f9.l E. llth, C.i\1. General Offltt: Agtncy for Catett Glrla lluntinrton Vallf'y ATIENOANT per wk at Chevron Station & Ll 3-93I4 ACCOUNTING CLERK or "10 \V. Coul Hwy., N. B. Convaleacent Ho1pllal RY HerU Rend -A -Car in DRAPERY Operatoni · ASSl!ITANT BOOKKEEPER By appoint. 646-3$39 83&2 Newman Ave. SEC RETA Laguna Beach. Mll5t be ..8 Expd. Top pay, vacation!'!. Experienced. Koov.·lcdge of I "'"""""""""""""""""'l!HU~nt!!;-c!Bc~h;_. ___ _!14~2-555~'"1 'Sal•rv $502. to $6SO. & no long hair. Salary & Classie Dr:ipE"r!es, 3 8 !:! 3 receivable/po1Ung. Credit Machinl1t1 NURSES AIDES.LYN Reataurant Male/female YOUNG mother or atudent to work btwn ll am-2 pm. Mon-Fri, 11tartinc pay $1.~ hr + meala. Apply a n y mornlns: befr lD am. Jack in the Box, 385 E. 17th St, 0.1. Equal Opportunity Emplyr RELIABLE Woman t o r genen.I bouaiework. ooc lite ironinf, .C hn weekly p , per hr. Call 1'11"1. Hardt'!' for In- terview after fl PM, M2-0252 EATION NTER DINATOR TY OF NEWPORT llACH $591 ••• 1711. per month Re1porulble !or <.wrdinatlon ol community recreation and related actlvitir•. Re· qulres BA In PE, recnaUon or rel.a~ ileld, one year re. Job5-Men, Worn. 7100 Job.-M.n. Wom. 7100 SALES. Be a ''life and mother tint. Part or full time, no exp ntt. HJ&he1t Income \v!\h Judy Lee, spon110r or r.Hs11 Calif. No de\, coll O'r invest. Ml-7882 ' SER.VlCE STATION ~ experienced man ~ Permanent. Good worttinc conditions. Daya. Union Oill 393 17th St., Costa Meaa. I SALES -1!:arn money with ---------'I no Investment. s. rah SERVICE Station needa lW~ CoW:ntry flttd1: tuU &: full time men: 1-tPM to lJ pa.rt-time help, No delivery; PM. 1·12 AM to SAM. ?ttWil we train. For interview call bt over 18. Apply, Union~ 56-6100 1900 Newport BJvd., C.M. , SALES: KNOWLEDGEABLE Stereo component aales trainee. 21-30 yn. Call itr. Vann ........, SALESLADY, Exp. for Lad.iea Ready to Weax in Lquna . .CM--19.f9 Sa1ea1ady wanted, experienc- ed, top ·•alary! Ulllan's Dreu Shop 3333 Brlatol C.M. SERVICE Station Gravey11"4 ahlft, 10. 7 or 8 AM, Swl J\lon, ~ nltes. Apply •J Chevron Station, Harbor ' San Di~ Frwy. Of. ! SERVICE Sta. At lnd a •t; Exp. nee. See Mike al AIRPORT TEXACO. 467 can1pus Dr. Newport Beac• cent tuU time Pa.id experl-* SALESME,. ence ln recreation leader· Hieh Income, calling on boat lhiP. Apply immediately to owners In Newport Beach " the Peraonntl OWCf' • 3300 adJ. area. For more info. Newport Blvd., NewPQrl call 6.f5..2486. SEWERS, experteooed. A~ ply 525 Fote1Lt Ave., J..aaUD4 Beacll. 491-1131 • SEWING machine open.ton! Exp• d. top pay, kleai==: 1589 ?i.Ionrovia, C.M. ~ Beach, C&llfomia. <n-t> ---'---'-'--'----- 673-6613. SALE&'.fAN: Serv SIL Full SALES: J\la.lt, wkenda A: ewa. Apply lr\ per.en, Ken- tucky Fried Chicken, 693 S. Cout Hwy, Lquna Beac.h Sal .. * Fantastic! SHAi\1POO Girl. For apl pointment ALFREDO'~ 326-A Marine Ave, Bal ls>. 67"""'6J70 : SILK-Finilhtt. Exp. ~1.: but . will train. C 1 o w a Cleaners Npt Bch. ~Zirl AJ\t : SWITCHBOARD, 6 hr1 Prepa~ Aid maintain pupil commission w/ r a i !! es. Birch St. NB. 546-1431 back&round, elerlca.l skills, e Punch Pr••• & Experienced orlly, La.ra:c ex· attendance uports tor dis-.f,94-900l 1,...,. 50 "·pm, lb key adder. M hi lld Op Is the 11,ord for thll nationel trlct, prepa.rJ. correspon-DRAPERY workroom la.kine "'"'" bl ...._. • Un I • r1. tended care ho!lpltaJ has company'• new prorram tor dence and relieve adminia. COMP AN I 0 N. Mature applicatlolll'l lor experien«d Neat, peniona e ..... in to To S432 per week. Appl,7 opentnaa on all ahifts. Southern Callfomla! We Ume, awinr 1hlft. htuat be neat in apptara.DOI!:. See Jlm, 2590 Newport, C.i\f. SCHOOL SECRETARY. Skill needed In typing:, 1eneral o r r 1 c e retponsibWtie1. Bentflll &: hosplt&Jiiation. Write: Box M~ The Daily Pilot weekendl. Per1on al m: tervlew only. Lff Whitt Cluyller • Plymouth, 166&1 Beach Blvd., Hunt, Bch. • TELEPHONE intttv1nint from your homr. Women t Earn $40-~ l\'tek PART Tll\fE. Houra at )'OW' rort. venlenct. NO SELLINC: tralor of ortlcfl detail. Three · woman, live in. Lite cooking & traintt1. Beach Drapery, take chqe of of! routine Tony Duch.I, ROYAL E ' need & b -w 7th c for local fina~ co. Perm. WT' ~ TOOL A DIE r:~~ "~"" HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH yeara responalble clerical ex. & hskpg. Pvt rm a. Days """ • l • M. '-AA1 _._.......... -DISTRmt.rrORS pericnc:e rcqulred. 1'yplng 50 off, own lransp. NO wmok· ---------I poaitlon v.'ilh xlnt future for 3190 Pullman Lane NURSE Alde-E>i:perienced. -MANAGERS Wpm' 'l.S. grad, U.S. citizen. ing or drlnklng. \Vages * DRIVERS * rL&ht periOn. Salary range __ c:::o::sta=-M:::::•.._=...:......,,:.::.:=:_ -SALESMEN 548-3555 N E I S4-$50<l. dependlna: on exp. 2d A: 3d •hlfu. Full tlmf'. Jn. open. 0 Xper ence \Vrile: Box !\i·G47, The Dal· Macblnilllll quire Pel"90nnel DepL Hoq -SALESWOMEN hu lmmtdlate openin&s for Call 8424402 btwn 9 .l ]2 ; Tire cbana:er, part lime. • \Vlcnds, aflemoo111 Ir evet.! K-Ma.rt Tire, CM. 548-Xl82: EXPERIENCED ACCOUNT CLERK COOK • HOUSEKEEPER. Necessary! ,, Pilot ENGINE LATHE ,_M_•mor1&1-~"~"~•c,·~N~-•----, -REPRESENTATIVES Salary $455. to $554. °' hou>eman. (Xlnl\ '" 2 MACHINISTS OPERATORS -TRAINEES Assemble ind tabulate linan· adults. NB. \Vrite Pally Must have clean Calllomla Ge:neral • • • • • • Thls la • rraJ sround floor clal staWllcal data and PUot Box p 904. drMnc reccrd, Apply Colleae student pit '"'wk that e Experitl>C9d In •ln&le needle opportUCJib' wi th a IOUd auto. other gt>ntral clerical duties, ~~~~~-.,.,.-~ YELLOW CAB CO. can be tailored to your clua-TURRn LATHE and ovtrloclu. Good pJece maUc alectron1c equ.ipmenl SECRETARIES tor Adm lnlsttativt and Etl.(ineeMJ: Dep&rtment TRAINEE , $600. plua car, plus expe~ military complete Ii: a ~ ~. carttr opportunlf1 with advancement to U500:. Call Ann, Merchantl Pertan- nel Agency, 200 Wertclla Dr .. N.B. 645-:l710 One yesr· accoun!lng cleri· COOK-Exp'd for widow in 186 E. 16th SL es. $2.65 per hr auar. to work prlcea, iteady worlc. firm that olfen exchange far p\ellMJlt llving: C.OSta Mesa at.art. Cir nee. p~J; 546-6339 MACHINISTS EDDY MOSS 1400 Locust HIGH cal experience required. qu··I ....... 'mall -ni~-.. No F'U" ~· B"USH ~-St Weatmlnlt'"'"" "~• -· Typing ~O wpm, 11.S. grad, ..... ,.,a"' ,:;:-'r ............ ~ ... o..v • ., -· -·~. U.S. citizen. Applicat1on1 ·"°"--"'-'-~_,k_._m--_~w="~~ Eloctronlc GENERAL OFFICE ORDER Take:ra-Days or Immediate mtat be lilod by Oclo"' Cook. G"'"'""' Shilt S2.2S ELECTRONIC '"'"'-bock&round + gone.-.l DRILL PRESS ...._ Womon ..., U. No Eamln- A mlnbnum of 3 yn of rtct.nl 1ndUltrial exp Is mandatory. Above aven.re tYPina: and ahorthand •kfilf required. 2nd. at Personnel Commi5. hour. Cottqe Cotftt Shop. oUice skills, to $500. caJ1 OPERA TORS ftP nece1aary. Pmnanent, ~ .. sion Office, i971 \Vamer, 5lr.l W, 19th C.M. TECHNICIAN Loraine, Merchantl PerM>n-Experienced ln dote toltr-pleuant. KI 7-1323 546•3050 Huntington. .Beach, betl'o'cen Cooks neJ Aatncy, 204.1 Westcli.U a.rtce, shOrt run work wlth'l;o""R-;;T;-;H;--;;0,-;D;-,O""N"T'°l;-,C;;--,-de::n:;:W~ 1 -Sol-.-,....::.:::..:::=~:_ __ 9-C Pl'o1. Exp in' integrated circutry & , ;;D:,'1:,:';;:'-;,.· -c,N;:-":;;·,,,645-;=,:.mo-;::;;c-:;:-,-abWty to make .etupa. Nine-aulatant. E x p e r i e n c e PlnAe apply in peraon to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH *WAITRESSES- Clerical fllY (OQl(S digital 1y1tem, Tr o u b 1 f'L E.NERAL Otlice, full time. bo\U' d&¥, .f&hoW' week, prele~ chairalde. Salary PLUSH olllce nttds girl. II( shooting I tests. Xlnt oppor. Re I i 11. b I e w I flexible open, &4~2'MO Quiel< lea.mer, !air typiat. !unity toil advanceme-nt w/ penonallty. Age no barrier. PROFIT SHARING 8:3().5 Mon-Fri. Good op-Top wage1, permanent, hon· 1rowing Electronic Mfg: Co., Day llmt':, call 613-27f0 10-6 portunlty. call 83J..l750 aak f'l l, and good 111orking eon· Newport Beach ateL 54().13{)4 PM tor Ml"I!. Quinn. dlti0t11 In area's leading ~!!!!!~'!!!i!!!!!!"""""'"""'ii::=::::;cw:::;;::;-;;;:::;:::-;;;; A I 9 · ESTABLISHED insurance • General Wanted Young: man CLERICAL, Part t 1 m e : restaurant. pp y am to J / 1 1 ( • · t Leada avail, N.B. office. w some pant na: exp. in•-nto-& c 0 1 t Al'· pm or mlerview a .,,0 6002 ... •1 Career oppt. 615-638.1 .no- J. C. CARTER CO. sn w. imt ST. COSTA MES.A 0<8-3421 counling Cll'til:. Lovely of· lk•-FARRE~ PRODUCTS MANNING'S Exec. Secretary GIRL FRIDAY equal opportwtity •mpley..- INC. 3020 Ehlerprllie Sl. COFFEE SHOP !'lush resort Hotel in Bcacl:L MOTEL MAID Oerical C.?-.1. 54S-36G'1 24rot EI Toro Rd. IU"t!a. Frlna:e bene(lt1. Send Typlni. tllinr, 10 ny addlna Part tlmf', penlntula Leisure \Vorld t.aauna 1-Iilll resume w Box M 421 Dt.lly machine, good phone voice. arra * 6~1141 837·1014 Pilot. Excellf'nt company benefit& MAIDS PBX Con110le type .C, Call Dl- ~tor .tr. Cardleas experi· ence. INTERIM PERSONNEL AGENCY 0 . &: chance for advanct"menL FUU... Tim~ re10rt hotel C 0 UN SE L R Needed, Experlencect 1n llfli:le nffdle Write Box p.99 DaUy P ilot. • ' 445 ( 17TH ST Gloria !\-1arshall Newport and overloc.k. Good p!eca ' LaJWll. Beach, .49.f,..ll96 COS 'ESA C ·IF Brach. Hrs. l-9 Pbt. Age work pricea, steady v.'Orii:. e HOSTESS e ?-.WO. Full or part rtme. TAM • AL ' 25-40. \VUl traln. Trim EDDY MOSS 14642 Locus! Eves. Mutt ~ over n . Apply $1.85 hr, I daya/wk. l.quna M2·752J ESCROW OFFICER Outatandine opportwllty for 500 SUperlor Avenue oAvs Seafood R11taur•nt . APPLY IN PERSON exp'd. aalea eacrow otticer Newport Beach, Calif. ti> wo'k In otu new M\H;on REUBEN E. LEE COCO'S V~jo. Savtnp & Loan ottlce. Equal opportunity 1St E. Co•st Hwy Mwit be capable of handl\na; employer -M&F N rt Bo h l&let e•crowa tor C"Onventlon...,,.. o--w-y::'.::~~~::;::_ __ I ewpo ac al '°""'· Xlnt woddne ..... _MAJOR. X WAITRESSES X l opportunity for irowtJI. CALIFORNIA BANK APPLY IN PERSON Contact DOWNEY SA VJNGS a: 11ttkl Secretary tor district LOAN ASWC'IATION truat office man1ger. Mu.st 837-4911 t1ke dictation and enjoy cuatomer co ntact , 78 Faahlon [s.land Permanent c a re e r op-portwlil;y tor qua 11 f I e d Ntwport Ctnttr, N.R. pert0n. Salary ill com-WAITRESSES meneurate with abUlty and FOOD &. COCKTAil. :!al•• fllt\Jre and enjoyi; v.i>rking st.. We1bnlNter: 534-8733 after .4 Pi\1 l):)n The Shores Motel . .f!M-891 with people, 642.J630 Beachcomber, 3901 E. Cout ---'---------! lxec:utlve Sales Swrtna anmw oa1uy 17200. PIUI comm, Two )'!"I, tn.ln- Interviewtne Mon tllN Fri Ing prorram by c•ntury old 3 AM to 5 PM national company. Bustneu experience. Contact Mn. Ask for Mr. Jotuwon Ruth Hartel'. (1) 17~1910 CLERK TYPIST Immediate -opening In salrs dept. Musi l)'l)t 50 ~m on electric tYJ>t"'tlter. Olvera!. tied dutl.ea. Cell Personntl Dept. (714 1 494-94lll. TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. L-sun1 Be•ch Equt.l opportunhy p_mplo)'!'r TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD CUm11DlAN, Male, rrave-Factory Hwy, Cd yard shift. $495-$a45. SaddJt. H 0 USE KEEPER For baelc Colle&e, ?otlr. Shemialc, Bachelor in Hunt In It 01. 8Jl-•ltl0"' •116-•"" ITT JABSCO Harbow-. Room • bo..-d, Mell Me1aen9er $15 wk Equal opportunlly employer .l aale• bkernd. belptul, No Main, errand•, etc, Xlnt Pleuant, part time Mlfk. no travel, mana.pment opp'a. ata.rtina: po1\l~n for ~ aelllflC No exp er I enc• BUI)' people can't wait, man. Call Arman, 546-MJ.D neceua.ry Choose own RON SMITH SeC\lrtly Pactnc Nal'I. Bank e WAITRESSES e 550 Nrwport Center Dr. Evenin&"a. Over l\· Suite :!I(! N""PQr! Stach 545-9llQ SEC R ET AR I ES I -"w'"a°"Hre-,..,-,--."Ka""pp'"y"·,---:0.=11-I $200 JTWJ/ Days <2 1 3 ) Jobs-Men. Wom. 7100 1'll43.f7 JASON BEST how's. TelephoDf! and Call today: su.1no or Afon: Employment A&tncy pat'IC>nal lntrn1f'Wtnc tor 127. 7900. Bealnnen or awin,a:us for Exp pref'd. Morn I ew ILhil1.. pla with •twi> aldU& call Al:k for Betty • .f!M--9Kl Loraine, Merchants Person.w --Arl'ERS.~=~w--tt----1 nel, 20t! W111clil't Drive, 2121 E. C.OUtaH._;.·~:~· DdlcateaM:n f.lan, full time. HOUSEKEEPER. live 11'1 2120 So. !\111\n, &anta Ana rwanty·)'nMld a u r v e y '»:::..,=::...------1 Set Terry, HI Time Liquors, TURRET LA THE mothttleu Mmt N.B. area. MMNTENANCE man nt reteatth company. $2.00 per .f95 E . 17th St., CM. 54&-9314 2 leenagen. Worn.an with 1 retirement from Lquna hour. plUll expenMt. ~al DENTAL RecepUonl!!t, den-OPERATOR &ml child ok. Prefer under Beh or Leisure \Varld ateL opportunity employer, WT1tt !al exp destrnble, but hO\ -e-4!J. 531-1450 Job Is eaay work, about I hr Box M...0 The DaJb' P\lnt euenliaJ. Exp er It n e STOCK ROOM IT'S Beach house time. Bia· per day. 1 da.Y• per wk, PRODUCTION met"1ln• (he public e•-n-Split ahlrt. Apply a!_:?..~ -FOREu•N--CLERK pst selectlQn ewrl Ste tha D Mfg Co. l'U.-.ioum, """' tla.I. 644-00U DAILY Pn.hr WANT ADS! UM Pf'Oire~lve, expandln& ('(Im. D E NT A t. Cb a I r.S i d e -·--l•=========:.._:C::•;:llf::_· _:SJS-<021::::::::::...----1 pany .. ek1 warklfW fortman. AM;otaoc Send '""' wod< MILL & DRILL Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 Job>---Men, w-. 7100 Expei-I•""' W•bb OU.tt resume and qualltications snup & 1 ~;;:;~;;;:;;;;;:;;;~;:;;;:;;:;;;:;:;:;~1 t kld, 7J to 35, happily mar- to: Box M-644 Dally Pikit 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ried, Call Mrt:--DW)ler for OPERA TOR ' MANUfACTURIN& •PP!_ ~ DENTAL R..,..t. "'P-'"· • PRODUCTION Prohssl.,.I Mon-Fri. M/type, a re -·-~!f::"': ~ ~.~~~": ... '.'"Ui" TRAINEES COA:~:~m'NCY Assistant. Both rxperh~no:d. GOOD \VORKING CO~· NO IXPIRllNCE NICISSAR\'. 21 TO JS A member oC Phono anyttm• . ....,782 DITIONS AND BENE-Y!ARS. HIOH SCHOOL GRADUATE . " s..ni,. • Sntlll'W. Inc. FITS. YOU HAVI THI! APTITUDI, WI WILL l7!lo HuW Bl CM '40-tOl5 DELIVERYMAN I "'"'"' EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TRAIN YOU. PEl!MANINT IMP L 0 Y • ReotaW'lllt Pina "'°' h•IP"· .... • EMPLOYER t MENT EXCELLENT OPPOltTUNITY fOR Ancient Mariner Ji'k rnda. Top wqea + bon. ... ADVANCEMENT. now ta.kine appUcatklNI tor 'ri~~~:p~~ :0 oi:.ri;': c~::: ~:!~.~~~Ir. f INTESRVpllsWSWMOeNs. tTeHRrUn FRI. ~~ ~111~:" time, dq • 81"'·· C.M. (7141 ~s-1111 e KITCHIN HELP DIAL ••-..,__ Owl< --------I e DISHWAIHllt =• ~ ,:",.::,. .. !,,"" IT'S A REVELATION th< i 270 I So. Harbol', S1nt1 Ano e BU~i· ""°" nro'llV! l'rl&lJOJ buaal!ll )'l)U t1oc1 tn AN fQU,&l 0''°kTUNITY fM PLOYl• lll07 W, 0>ut Hwy, 'hMUfed Ada, ~k them 1 ......... • • • • • • • • • • • • • ......, Newport Beach I Do Vl'ltl Takf' N.8. M5-2'l'?et (SALESMEN Busboy. Pref. exp'd, A~ SECRETARY, t:xp'd. WAN-D) ohol'thand '"'"'""" typl"' WOMAN--hou,.w"'· .,. -, 1 ~ rpan tim• to earn nlOneJ. of " ••••. , req. Call 837·21D>, ext 2ti7 w•-~ •• , -•-Um\• "" with & arain .IL t . ..... for appointment ... ......... • .... ~· ... .., say that J blame you, I lo!. tlmt llmll, Will tta.ln Iii lowed a few my~U only to SEAM:ffR.ESS, repair dept. Beauty Counsekrs. 147--0!f br dlsappointld. Tht 'ob Exp'd pow-er mac h I n e 11eldom lived up to t he open.tar. NORTH sAll..S, 6Qb clll.lma 1n ~ J.d . 913 El@ctric, Seal Beach. Schoot .. ln1trvctlon 7 t DO YOURSELF Pl{, (2l3) -1 JOIN THE FIELD SEAMS'I'R.ES.1. Dr a p t r y wm1 A FUTlJREI A FAVOR! wwk. 1nquir. Laauoa .. .,,, Aeol""'"1on no burloT1, ANO Int.nan, laJO S. Ccut Let 111 help you qualify, i l!XPLORE ""'· "'°"'"''" -INNKEEPERS 1NSTmrr• THIS ONE! "'!_~fl'\_~~,<?_'<-"·. INTERNATIONAL • rwu .,.. ..-.. u..._1n ......., Afotal/HOleVApt Mgmt SC:£! U )'Oii 'll.Wld like to mUt Now htrlnf tor Sa I a r 1 • A DMSJON OF 1 S250, ptt 'fttk lmmedl.at~. op1n.tlld lf:rv\oe station. AN'I'llONY SOIOOU With an opportunity tor Eqlitr1anotL dffired. Good ln7 S. BROOKHURSI' nwch more !n the .tutUrt, 1tartUW 1 a l a r y plUJ ANAHEIM, CAUFORN~• I WfJUld lllce to Wk to )'OU. ,._nmiua comm. wttb exceU Quan fmm ewry week u Your qu&llflcations match 0 pp 0 r t u. " I I l •• tor ad-PHONE FOR. i\PP'P. OU!' requ.lrtmcnll, thl• cou&d vanceroent. ror tnfonnatlon Aak tor ftttty ~ "· be thl ctrHr ,you've baen contact inanqa', Boo«hunt MONTESSOJU tra.tntnc, Jookins tor. Cd for perilonal • Adama. Hllllttnrton Bel\. 2'l to S. Give )'OUr cbUd int~ bet. 10 RM • J JtM Equtl Oppo:rtw\lty EmplO)'o bl!:al! M&-l'l'OI, 641-2325 {llt) IMJ.1UI SERVICE Sll. Attndn't. E» perlenced. Appl)': 1 9 4 4 111.rbor, Costa J\feP- fl1ott Help WanCtd on Nt:rt Paq1 • \ ' I l , I I • • • • • • • • ' -. . : .. ··~---· PUBLIC NOTICE llKOU.TOI Gm CAllQUAJIOH Of 11 WXUIY APllTMOOS S!Nlftisli & Wt.1•11• flnil•• AU BRAND Ntw 9·pc'.. Meditenentlft 8-droom Suitt h1 Ptc•" IRe9. $149.001 .. --.... -........ NOW $168.00 Gor9tou1 Sptnish Custom 8uilt Soft with Jflftchin9 Love s •• t-Choic• of betutiful lebrlu. IRO<J. $419.951 ___ NOW $225.00 ~~~d1~.~j~l ~=~~.;-;~d .. C;ff~;-;:;bi;;:::r:::g Ttll Otcor•tor Tebl• Limp' IR•9. $49.951 -----.. ·-·-·-·-·NOW $11.00 Sp•nish H1ngin9 Sw•g L•min IR•9. $49.951 ....... __ ............. NOW $22.50 A decora1llr dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeo(Js Spanish furnilure (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 Cr1dit Terms Av•il. Credit Cl•1red lmmedietely mm FURNITURE 1844 lewport Blvd • ....':'..11w1.> Costa Mesa only 1..., Hlgilt '111 t-Wed., Sot. & S.n. '1116 /llort Help Wanted on PrevioU& Pagt Furnfture 1000 OVER -STOCKED llH 1 OF A KIND PIANO, ORGAN SALi! 1\11 t. • lecltlrna~ ale A ii beltw done to mUe WI,)' !or new mod& or -·...-- MIRCHANDISI P01t MEROIANDISI l'OR • SALi AND TRADE SALi AND TRAD! Ml .... .._ -Ml-11•-- Estatft-Consignments Repone11lon1 New ...e UIM flftifwe. Afp.,.c ... CW TV'" Sttno'a... 100'1 Of .. 1i1t11• tt-.... SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN w:lfme. ,,_ p1ano WJll Show Room • Floor Samples -f•ctory Clonouts New demo. INSPECTION Dolly ID o.m. tot p.m. AUCTION l ROOMS OF FURNITURE $389. • 5 pc. authentic Spenllh Bdrm. Mt, • 96 In. quilted sof1 with .56 In. matching love Mlt, or chair • 5 pc. Sp•nl1h Dinette, Olk table top e 3 hetvy Mediterranean m•tchlng ti1ble1, top durablt enough for Fltmenco Dancln9. Will sell pieces incllvldually. Shop Fir1t! Then Sea Our Unbtlievilble Buys! 1001 other items with terrific 1avlng1t Bank Terms Store Charge Master Charge BankArnerfoard All Accepted Wbetiodc Gzand, wal ••• SB95 Pttmlu G,.,.S, Wal. •• SS90 Filcber ( .... ) Eby """' ...................... n«!l * · e .. oy Tute. & Thu,.., 7:30 ,.M. * . * Soturdoys 6:H PM. * Yo11 don't have to bt e dtaler to buy •t de1ler prices Knllbo "''' w. ""''""•· AOK AUCTION 7121 -......... . conaole Nf!1' dtmo •••• S1m5 Wurlitzer~ aplnet ,, $495 w .......... * IJ1•lll2 New demo v. •.., .._. • M Prwy. c. J. Gould. Spinet, wal 1416 ""l!!!!!!!!!!'l'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!";"!!!!!l!!!~!!!'~!l!!!~ New demo = flacbel"I, 3 only Conloltt " • l atudent, redtioed 20or, i' Mltc:ellaneow more for tbb: Nie period • -;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I KING Brd $65. 9xU Cabin- )'OUI' ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • $850 • craft Utt NI 1US, Bridge '""""" wol, '""" " I"" * AUCTION * dlnlng tbl• 4 -115. N<W ' Hobart cable, Eby COll!Ole VW back seat 3 Whla SlS. ........................ $545 FRIOAY-SEPT. 26th Ma..iln Go1l 151l, 3-5 gal gu Gulbransen theattt orgall Jup no. Ha.mmock $5. Cof. •••••••••••••••••••••••• $895 7:30 P.M. fee tbles $5 & $10, BeUy TbOmu TL-# organ, STORAGE FROM RED board SS. Chair $9, Women's W-B ................. • $295 BALL • carto .. 1: boxea. clothes, s!K>ea &: bags, Wurtlltzer. Model 4009,.eby. &droom tell, DI van 1, compl asa:l baby clothes New demo • •• • · ••• •••• ~ OWrs. Bunk beds, Dinettes, tbru 1&t yr, Thayer crib =="=:-========'! Captain's chalrs, Mattreues, compl $25. Dbihes. pans & NOTE: Severa! Conn "-War-TV's. atere:o.,. lawn tumi. etc:. 1~ Grant ( c ar 1120 lltzer orplll. used in con-twie, lamp&, coffee tables, Se:ashore) N.B. 6411-6649 --'------pETS ond LIVISTOCIC FREE TO YOU Dop 112.f ------FR!EI COO<-A-POO Pupo -°""" t\tta lavtable klttt,., all .is. pion CoclDa' at.her. t ftCb ta .t mlors, Black • whltt, old, OtJI M&Cn' tabblel, etc. FEMALE CmMn bpbe:td. * Call 613-604 * 9J'J5 Quiet, il'f'Ue, • JT& old. AD J MESA. VERDE Tiger Jdt. ahot&. $20. fi6.0J'15 tena at tbetr cutHt itage-Bl.Ara Lab, fern. 3 moe. bu need love &nd a home, allot& SSS or JllS wfpqlm. 5&H78 (Ask for I.Jnda) 64M887 . sm SILKY=="T"'.-...-,--.-. :-,,.-.-. ... ,.AKC="I B1.A""''°'CK=-:-c-,,--mal-,-,-. "'w..--I champ atock, g wit. pups. minl&ture. AKC. Hu shotl Tuma. (213) 445-5002 a.ml papel"&. 9 moe. old. Tq good mne. &U-1456 alt 6 Hors• IUO pm. !/%> ·=='------'~'I S Motbe:rleu klttetw. 5 wl&: \VEl.Si ApolooA 3 yr. MltT. old BcautUul •em 1-lo n J Gentle. AJI tack A. aaddle . hair, .,-eaned & b.sbrkn, ==~·c,833--~ll,.49~~--,-,""I nel!d tmter loving care. SMALL Shetland, c b I Id &')3....21$ 91'11 ~. daple lft)' $15. BEAUTIJ'UL, Pll,ytul fl!ma1e1-====~=====I kitten. bou11ebrlm.· 2 rnonfhs 1~ old, to lovin&; home only. Livestock U40 531-0945 !/'5 IT'S FUN TO BOARD WELL behaved, am a 11 Your horse at TALLY HO female dog, Gd . FARMS, Box at.all& $5S per w/chUdren. need& a good rno, Metal 11haded comll home 893-8161 9/25 $45 per mo. Auloma.tic wa- FR.EE to you 2 Peruvian ter, feed & cleaned dailY. Cavies, male & female (a 1% acres llJth~ arena, kiJX1 of gt1inea pig) with training rill&'. R!wr tra.11 ac. cages, 893-2653. 9125 cess. Expert Ena:lilh • ~'=--~-~~--~I Western instruction. Tally 6 BEAUTIFUL kltten1, 6 wks Ho Fanna. 17262 Newhope old. 4 wttlte, 1 red, 1 grey. Fountain Valley 545-!15!7 ' ~fuAt find home. 5t6--fi666 • 2359 Coll"" Ort,., C.M. TRANSPORTATION certs I: dllhtly imp.worn. ---' .. _.. l SEWING MACHINE \.vuUD\IUe:a, canopy °""• poo CARPETING, like new. 30 Fumiture, mlverplate. Elec 1969 SINGER oil.em! at substantial reduc. table, p~twu. re:friaera-yrda Firth v."OOI •hag' 6 PRECIOUS puppies, 5 ~. Boeh & Yachts 9000 blankl'IS & fry pans. Pie-tions, -·--W""-.... ~. T----poodl•. ~ ·-·---------·I CONSOLE u"""~• &IME .u.,· natural coJor I: 20 yrd! .,.,ar=.i-r•-= w1 ture11, curtains & drape:i;. z· •·· C b od I a•-b•i.• ep ii: MUCH MORE!! beige nv•·n, -·"e otter, good, loving home 496-3714 18' BOAT $125. 7S hp (;ood ladles & men's cloth-ig ~ a · m e · ~ ....., A courae of 8 private con· COME BROWSE AROUND • ...,.., .,.,.,. Evlnrude $475 I Ing. Misc. 252 Sant.a Isabel, used. St.ylis:1 wal. cab, Does secutlve lessona offered wtth DoubJe walnut bed frame by Lag Ngl. Lobster tn.ps: ;~t :;:! CM Fri-Sat-Sun everything without attach. the sale of aey Plano or Qr. WINOY1S AUCTION Drexel, Ir: twin frame in WHITE Cal, 4 mos. we.II r-B iJ · trols t t mapl• no ea. 831-0359 $8.50 ea., 50 or more $1 ea. PftTIO Salr: 1602 S 0 • u t in con o overcu, gan during th!& We event cared for, vie. 16th & 17th Raytheon depth finder, MW Jla.yr.ront. Balboa Island. make but-holes, aew on bufa, GOULD MUSIC CO.. ~ Newport IDYd. KIRBY vacvum cleaner with near W bit tie r, CM S335. 3 tubs gang line, hook- Thurs-Fn-Sal 10 Ai\f • 6 hein dresses-, make fancy 2045 N Main S.A ~7-0081 Behind Toey·s Bldg, Mat'ls attach "polisbet. Xlnt cond 642-2414 91'n ed $3>. 26' Whalebo&• '"-'! st11ches, etc. 5 )T. parts and · ' · ,,.. _ _._ M _, p o bal oJ ' ·~ P~t. Household i tems, 8ervice guarantee. $5.S4 I WEEKS* $16 ...ue:1.11. esa * fi4&.8686 .liguarant"""'. ayo 8 KTI'ENS, &: &-1.tered rechaulked a: palnttd S900. lin<'Nl. clothes, vario u s dwn. & 9 pym~. ol ":;.64 Organ da.M l@SIOns for t,e,. OPEN DAll.Y 9 to 4 ;Jl.12 or take ovt'r pymnts. female cat. Free to good 417 29th st.. NB. 675-2152, . M' II ~ ~~~~~~!!!!'!"!~ Credit dept 53.S-7289 ho "'tt •••t ·--' s~ "10 MUST SELL' Strei .. l.'lCe aneous. rno. No interest chge., or. ginnera. Sta.rUng Tues-day, AT TENT I 0 N : ELEc ---~---~XI~ S.:~4"" ena ,..,, we .... g'i251=·=~~·===~---1 School .. lnstruction 7600 • Ladi('s clothing size S-10, COMPLETE PRICE &pt. 30 ":.~.~ .. PM~1~ce TRONIC MF'GR'S It HOS. 'r::!J ~eirM, ~"P01' 6,CRIBnt '67 ffi.ASSt'AR Citation, lamps, {'ha.in, bric-a-brac, $56.40 ori:ans avaiuaule. ~class. .. ..,....,_ .,,.,..,. ate ng ~2 MIN poodle -1,1 lha.sa lnboard<1Utbaard. 120 Mere. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT SAUCERMAN SCHOOL !\e11• beds: King 199.50, houseM-·are1 of all kitxls, Sal For no oblig., tree home es for .Advanced. Join the :!c~ Wea ba:m=Ur :,t,,maM~uGOSLF15, cl& .. ~re+~: apliO puppies, 5 wks, 1bol!. CrWi;er with power jet • Co. Jo'alrgthunds, gr, 1-8 QtM'ens 189.50, run $·19.SCI, & St1t1 s.-1. 1200 Nottingham demo., cal! Credit Mgr, till fun! 0 have inherited e ~ti"ty of .,.,,. e~ • u':' • ., 7364, Free to good home. ~7155 power trim. Full cover. Where the ..,_,___ Twins w?9.50, fully guarn. Rd, NB. IWestcliff!. 640-7!>19 9 P.M lt toll C&ll Callee• REGISTER N W! Ir cart ....,. .,...... 9/25 Ready lo •nJoy. A 11 ~ '"6 '_.. "" • • .... HAMMOND surplU8 equipment Partial --.,--,.,---,--,.==I F its the Child Kiog S7. spreads $13.95, ii. Characlcr boat w / sail or 213 • 53)~9694 in CORONA DEL MAR list includes: Otflce equip & CARPET install~r hu one Need good hotne for healthy. maintenance reoorda. l WllLud lt Saucerman, sz. $9.95. Nrw 9 pc, corner l'ng, M1.scl fum & sporting s· to _. 6 fixtures, Labra'".... 1e 11 roU, avocado nylon carpet, p!'@'tty &. lovable tortoise,..,,°"""",,-.,.·-Kl-.,,6-44'4,--,.-,,..,..--.,-.I Ed D ho• I I 1nger, au ' "'g zag, mos 285'1 E. Coast Hwy. 67l-893D ....,.:r doubl• ju'-•--~. Wlll ·-" • • · arrang. c tee o c rs. rt'g. {'flllip. 1.t?S Beryl Ln. N.B. old. No attach needed to do l-----~---equip, electron1c tellf: equip, u=-U<U;Acu """" shell kittens. 4 mos. old, 160 hp Ford Interceptor 54CM060 Enroll now S230. now $159.5o. Jleadbrds: &-\T .tr. SUN tU 4 pm 6-16-9795 design. monogrm. blind hem.. Television 1205 production equip, hydraulic aJI or part. $ 31 Yard· house pet!. 877-2501 9127 UO, many extnu, must •~=="""'='-.... ='=""=-=~I Kings_ SIS. Queens $l:!.50, 2131 Arah<1, Ea s I b I u ff. $5.27 mo ar $4.tOO ca.&h.f---------prese-3> Tons. measuring 540-724S 2 Tabby kittens, 1 lema.le, :sell! $2450. Call a.ft 5 PM ATTEN'tlON LOVING PAR· run l i0.50, Twins S4.9.5. ,furruturc, pa in t i n gs , 526-fi616 '69, Colored TV, 2 3 • • tools, tnmsformers, electric Tent trailer, Seeps. 4 with 1 ma.le, 6 wk!. <lkl, also 536-5910 ~ YO''"""' ~,..., Trundle S('!s (duo r1serl v.•/ 1.,,=========J -·" ~ ~·· X _._ 7• b f:;;;e7.-;:;--,,,-,,.-.,.,.--,,,.,--I """~'"; ' "''' .'.)I"~ minibike. clarinl'I, cl<ithe&, 1· Motorola. Just take aver motors, ., ... tc,..,s Ir: relays, ~ tra room. rwv. rn i,s manx mother, darling '68 15 FT Wellcra.ft. 55 hp WO.RKSBOP: Ages 7 to 17. tnner llpring matt. n.>g, Sl!Xi. trundle bed, & mi!>c. Mu1ic•I Inst. 8125 pymta. Call afl 5:30 pm, ii: Any additional items. Ao fa. makes % bed V.'/ cats. 642-4.148 9/27 Chrysler o.b. 30 hn on both. Learn -a.le ~n · now S1'9.50. Roll-a-way beds n--• .i-~ ...... _.__,_ ot'M:: 54Mi910 '" gpe Ill~ enunci-w / inn. spring matt, reg. GARAGt: SALE ThUl'S & Fri ,._.,646-58.15=,,,-===-=-~ ..,......uae "'"' are mo ... 16 to ma ...... mg: .. .,111.U" ......,_ ' SMALL puppy, Shep/Terrier Complete, xlnt cond. p&IXI. ate, project. After school l 17391 Jacquelyn Lane, No. 4 NEW Fender 15" Ba.smwl1 Lease Color TV or Black new facilit~ appointments 8. 6 PM mix ma.le 9 wka old 646-~. 673-lSOO. Saturdays. Private or class :-so, now 9r;J9.50. ca;~ T\lany unusut1l items. amplifier, used only twice, & White. Option to buy, may1 be made at 1570 E. G.E. portable dishwasher, 66-i688 ' • 9n 1 FO. R Sale ZI' Cabin eru.i..r. rattt. 494"8295 s 1'e'g.. Sll .50, now$ · · $25. for $130 equity and take &linger Ave, S.A. or by G.E. 8000 BTU air-con-9 be 283 n-. ... 1---WHY="'°'P"'A"ss=UP=--I Full sz. sleep • sala reg. Huge garage S<ilr. Furn, over payments. 642-4689 aft Free seNiCf!. No deposit calling Oark Electronics ditioner, new Walton belt SOLID Mahogany and . fir am, ....... y,, enr., ,( Bridge invitations when In 6 $239.5(1, now 1169.50. Christ. clotlw>s, tot:ils. miscel. Fri· 6 PM A-Ac tive TV Rental Co. 835-1753 vibrator ii: mas,... roller. plywood 1craps. 864 W. 18th galley & toilet. $995. Cootact mas lay-away1 now. SIEsrA "-J '''" 3·~ D•k , c M (1) 522-l.153 CM 646-2377 gm H. E. Conway 642--0094 e&I)' lessons you can be • ""·, • '_.,,,,, " 0 a, · · ;; STRlNG Vega "Jang neck" RETIRED Law will loan-9552 Flounder, RB. B-S035 good pla,yer? Call me! Josie ~p ci;'~zi~27d~~~ Sat, 9 Ahl. Spc'(:taculal'! Ev· banjo, 1 mo old, $325 new, ZENITii lV portable, 14", might sell Library, full Pac Small maple drop lea! table. Magazines,<6-8 Yl'l. collection ~~· 'fS. Expreu, below mkt! Fo1A•ler 9 Sat-Sun lo.6. ety1hing mu!it iw. 99c and sell $250 or best oUer. including stand. Xlnt cond, Rep'er, Calif Rep'er USCA, Steamer wardrobe t.r u n k. Amer1can RiOeman Ord· Dt~ Ketch, anxiOU1! •548-9668* under. :m Jrrl St, JIB &14-00.17. T\fr. Thomas tn4) 521-6588 New Cal Digest. Cal C.OOes, ?>fisc. antiques. Sat. &. Sun. na.nce, Guns & True 54s.sns Pacific Yacht ~1 l-==-----1 ESPANO'L IN QUALITY ~ boo'-3 · 673-1510 e PIANO, Theory, Hannony CARPET, shag, hi-lo NEW BANJO, ;; string Gairepy Hi·Fi & Stereo 8210 r orm ...., M pnnter, etc 17~1 Santa lsabd, F.V. DARLING pair unusually . Model Home Furniture 'th "·"' 1 · "'"" <>•• FIBERFORM -~ tauhl by member of T\tusic $4 sq. yd. 396 llamilton, Hardly used-like new v.-1 p11..-uege o using same 842--2427 marked 8 l'.'k. old kitties . ..,..., ..... ....,,.. Teachen AAYJt:. of calit. & Sa1. \1ng~ to 385%. V1 ery easy c .M. Saturday only. $lOO. 962--874i STEREO 1969 dlx console, from time to time. M. A. 1 -~Cmoc~-,~,,-,..-,-lw~~H~i~Lo--1 644--0906 9126 ~diser, tandem t ra 11 er, Slle:rwtlod Music Se hl. 1nanc1ng. compelerooms =o::;======= ==========lcomplwttbfullalereo.4 spd Sturges 644-15.i7, 2219 S LIITLE KITTENS "-"' ed w/ extru! 644--0TJJ a....; ___ _,;R o! decoraton; styled Spanish A I 8100 130 G--~ -•--ge•, 60 watt F •·-· NB nylons $1.99 yd. Shags LJ0<051nnen &: lnl1:>nn....U..tes. pp iancH p· & 0 I ~·~" u~• • __ o_••_w~-·~----~ I from $3.SO "' + my ~bo,, &ID--3500 15' all glass outboard, !iO hp, SU ....___ ~•o o•nA furniture. Consisting of th.: I---------1•no1 r9•n1 d"al -•-·--\, 4 •Pkr -·nd e uo:.r•IOn, ....,..........,.. I al u~o• -" FOR SALE !IOc per yurl. 968-6910 9/27 many extras. $850. C&ll Hmous Cillltom qu ily Ma. WASHER &. dryer, aYOCado, gystem. Pay off bal of $71.2& 536-8)95 VOCAL Tech. & song in-drid living room group. The S125. Rclrig-frosl free $ll5. • •YAMAHA cash ar small pymnts. Beautitul original oil paint. MANS & V."OmaM fig, i~ 2 BEAUTlFUL 2 Homely terpretation. Beginnen thru ariginal El Presidente spac-t~reezer S65. ~1095 PIANOS & ORGANS Credit dept. 535-7289 i.ng, mountain scene in beau· skates 1:r.1. 7~ &: 10, $15 ea. baby kittens. 6 v.·ks. old S llbo advanced. 494-9340 aft 6 ioll8 master king Sile bed·• "'====-.,.----,.~ ti!ul blue, " ...._"ns. Dark New Bundy clarinet $150. 548-9578 anytime 9/26 a Its 9010 S 'sh I ~--~· I< .,, th lh t' i KELVINATOR e I e c tr i c See the complete line at; MARANTZ 25 r e ce ive r• ... ~~ .,_ 9910 pan1 n.,,..,..,1on room 1u e "'"" e au en LC 1 00 ki COAST MUSIC wood c.arved. frame. Spe to,=~=·-=~~--,.--,.--STUDIO BED lT O'DAY D·-·"-, ro-Wo cal.I 675-0647 La Pai "•mug/it iron dineue rangl', x nt co . As ng &Ulk 302 B s Pe a k er . ,_ R .. , ,.._n 1: ""° c?•9 ~-· ' ' .-...., ~Ill. Llml!erl stock • S-188. SlOO. 548--8696 ~"EWPORT &: HARBOR s y sl e m s , dual 1019 !fP7 ~""· euonau.oe . ........, SURPLUS Factory dresz .............., Demo $1750 • Used S1350 . • THEATRICAL 7900 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Coping -Bigot -GB\\'ky - Define -OOING IT TV i3 a medium v.ilere people 10.ith oolhlng to do Walch people OOING IT. MERCtiANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 1000 20 PC. "MADRID" l Room Group FROM MODEL HOT\1ES Includes: Quilted sofa. and chair -2 end tables & cof- fee table -2 lamps -dress. er -mirror -headboard - quilted box spring & matt· ress -S pc. dining room; tabl~ &. 4 hi-back chair~. C01'IPARE AT $749.9J $399 Nn lfnwn-Pmls only .$16 mn, WELK1S WAREHOUSE ===------l bl -oo best tf ..... ·•.a.a.. fabrial Ir. ftmtwlts. Sold to 9/25 14. o·D11v .......... S500 llamilton Showroom, 59'8 FREEZEH, Sears chest COSTA ?>.1ESA * 642-ZS51 urnta e. •• Or 0 er. bli • , ~ ... ••-· f ,-=--;--.,--,,--.,-.,,.--1 --"' · A w· ~. ,.. f'n' 1"9 SUn 1"5 642-9838 before 4 PM Good Newa Singers, a pro-tll@ pu ·c .,...... M ..... .......,-uuu 4 n..ppie~: 2 male, 2 fem. Fun Zone Bol.t Co. Balboa n estminster ve, estnu~ type, holds 600 lbs, S9J. "I"'-u-r ~-· c '" ter. 8944434 -+ a48-S9l8 * 1essional &inging &10UP have Sal .uwu Monrovt.a., .M. Beagle!Ttrri~r. 539-1545 9!2fi SNIPE No. 13232 by HAM?>.!ONO • Steinway ·Ya-Ti1pe Recorders 8220 a few openings.. Will book BELL HELMET SJS...1545 9/26 Eichenlaub 1962. Need 1 SPANISH KENl\IOR1':: auto WaEher, ma.ha • new & used pianos "~w t0, ba~~" ,_,, . ., 1~ TAPE RECORDER SID ""' . .., __ ..,, _..., .., 5 Year old n1ale and le.male work. Best aUer. (:113) MEDITERRANEAN late n1odl'I, xlnt cond. $75. or all make1. Best buys in clubs or weddlllgl!I. Be~ts Call •John after 6 ,M chihu•h""· 00 children. 430-3222 M Shown in model homes. 5<16-8672, 847--8115 So. Calli. riiht here. stereo head phone1, $10 considered. 646-8513 a r 645--0397 ===="°"=="""=I 3 R I '" Id. 1· ====~--~~ SQll.-UOT MUSIC CO., 2 10'' Speakers, $7 .50 ea. cAr5255 548-3536 9/26 W"a1' WHITE POTTER NO. mi; O rn, m rm, JV DlSH\VASlfER·t<lp of the ~ rm, & bedrlll) priced clse-line PIULCO portable, 3 1907 N. Ma!n, Call John after 6 PM "SG°'LE="ne"d"S35=,-:Mo-,-,,-.,,-d"in-nn-1Hammond Extra Voice Or-HALF Persian black male 184, 2 bunk!, atbrd, bir, where at Sggjh YOUl"S today v;ks old $UiO. 5<1Q....61137. --;;;;;--;San"'""';-;;'"",...;;;,,---l·===.,"-:5--0J!ll===='°' tblH chairs rn, Stull chair gan $235. Singer head $49.50. kill,n, 7 v.·ks. o Id . ready to sail. $11 O O. at only $399.. Easy Cr.?dit ~~-'--,..,..---~ \VE J-tAVE PIANOS! -• Twin box, matt I: frame 962.-3401 9/'}Jj 637-Hi68. Terms. G.E. apa r tment size You may purchase or rent C•mer11 & Equip. 8300 :io; ~~e~ :~ $115 for.$$. 548--0798 Sat-Sun I ·ALL=-.,,8-.1,-,.~8,-~--.,-,kt=u.~.-.1;5;;oEc;A~S"o "o"""'"'-,-do"""'=,..=i.i,""1 Santa Ana Furniture refrig('raior. G nod con-and credit all monies paid l50mm PEI\'.,.A..'( Takomar $5. etc. 2317 Colgate Dr, POOL TABLE-4x8. Walnut Hsebrkn. Urgent. 494-7990 need a MAIN sail for 22 Oi W. 4th St., Santa An• rlilion. $50. 548-l-178 toward purchase. lens S85 SOmm TESSAR C0&ta. J\.leaa trim. A(."'cell, Uke new $185, evenings_ 9/27 FOOT ALB AT ROSS . e 547-0789 e NORGE auto \\'&sher, la\e HOUSE OF HARMONY lel\I: PEN°rAX mount, $20. PiiHiiiCYrOCOimniipy>Y-;m;;;,;;:chlnciili;o;S40i40'. I ,.'ti":""~·~-~~---~-J4 Adorable all black nuttyl=oo.=~"=''~~~-~-,I LEAVING STATE. r.1edi!cr-niodel, >:Int cond. S50. 48 Fashion Island 90mm '\YOLLENSAK en\arg. MARQUE'CTE tune up equip. k>'\t'"'· ~ t,, ,. n c d , PENGUIN Wlboat 11 'L • •1&0~ g•7 °115 N -Be h .... "'~ ,..,..., ditto machine .$75, Coldspot uu... ~ rdnean 8' sofa & love seal,\--·~~-··-·_,-~---ewpo. • ac • .........,,.,.,, ing RAPT AR lens. $20. 16 x like new, Call after 6 p.m. "'o51'" 9171 wfsail & trailer. Top -relrigeralor $35, double bed .r-o....-~ ........... collee 1ah!e, 2 end com-LADY Kenmore washer & NOW-rent a Baldwin piano 20 YAMATAR Binoculars, $25, matching &Ofa & cha.insi="'=-483,.c..7_~---,.,,-FREE FLUFFY KITIENS dltion $425. 831-8598 ~el"h ~~~('-a-~!. lan1p:;;, rl 1 rycr: ~ ('Ond 135 . ~~~ ';!~~· for your child for $2.00 $25. Call John after 6 PM, $35. 495.-0811. 24321 La SLOT car track approx 14' x &48--1975 KITE No. 676. ...,....,1 s .ung size bed l'm roru·1te. U'Oner · .r1V"VV"" week. Professional in-~0397 1-lermi:ma, Laguna Niguel. 6' with new tape $8. 'J/27 AqUa. Blue. XJnt cood. !!('!. Also beautilu! fon11al strucLion available • results POLAROID automatic 100 545.0906 * 673-JM8 * dining rm set. AU 2 m~. Antlquu 8110 guaranteed. Land camera new $!49 Sell RUMMAGE Sale, Sat. 9-6. f ~~~-.,,.-=---,..,.-= EXTRA Friendly kittens, will;;:;==='""'""'=-:-·I old. \\'ill ~rillce. Call col-\VARD'S BALDWIN sruDJO S'". "•" .,~=· · Halet::rest Club, 3124 College C.8. Radio. Com1tat 25A, deliver to your h ome. INTERNAT'L 14 fiber alaari I 21, .,, •3•" 4 DAY SA.LE * 11 TO ti P:-Ot 8 ..., ....,.......... St., CM. Lota: oI clothes. G.P. & cable, CaJl after 8 8'" "168 9/27 trailer, xlnt. Sacrifice I l'Cl • .-.~-.-.·ru l'~··~N~,~-~'l"'~rt~.~c~.~M~.~"~,.....~~1::=='=:~=::~:==~::;;::1 ~~~:;;v~:;;;j:;~~-:".~l~~~=======J Tnmks $10 & up, itall trees furniture, toys. Everyone p.m. 646-0029 645--0113 CHEST <if drawers S7; Red Oak I • 7 ..., SPEClAL -o..,an classes Sport1'nn Goods 8500 C-,,,-,'"".,-~""=== 13 Little gray and blk tiger S4fl & up. tab es .,1 ·"" • _••_v_ited_. ____ ~~-JJ Pr. ladies u 8 Bogner 'ki , 1, ,. pp, d k J t t, n ,, p C I uphol sterc•I cha lr S 1 5 . ,..__, h v now forming. Get in on the & up, '-C\Jar c ests, tc-RUSSELL SURFBOARD RIVIERA Sola ...._. "'0~. pant& l20 each. 64().5720 ~"51= 9171 ower ru Mrs norai upholstered v.· 1 n g .. _ _,_ 8 lun and play by Christmas. -"""'' -... .,..,,.... -tor1an ll\."UJuum M'ts, rasa 10' 125 Stereo r adio I reco rd EXERCYCLE $''0 chair $25. 611 K1rn:s Pl. beds, lee cream tables Ir Qualified adults only $1.00 a -_..1 .IFM •~. Ma,bl• ,1,b • S7J.1000 • IJ UJVABLE Terrier, 5 mos, CRUIZON 16' Cabin "'"°"'1 Ne"TWlrt Heights, after J \\'l'E'k. Exclusively at: Call John altf'r 6 Pl'l1 ""'" .,,.,., II bot (;75..5064 9/25 --~1~•-• P)l. cha1!'5, Tiffany I ea de d \VARD'S BAI..0\VIN Sl'UOlO 645--0397 coffee table on 2 antique a s s. wuuu. ·~~. motor & trtr . shades & much more. 2 pedestals. 642-8495 WOULD like to rent garage F'ILL DIRT -YOU HAUL $5!JO. 545-4588 NE\V J-telri.i;/ln:r, S 3 9 5. Location~: Antique TiUany l8l'J Newport. C.l.f. 642-8484 SURFBOARDS 9'2.. Hobie tor stora~. Costa J\1esa 968-a349 912;;l•,.•·-F"A"IRL="rNE=R"s;:..,7rt"fi"'•:;-bo-,•I Bdrm IUJ'fl, nia!l & box Jlou~e. 2136 N"'P1 Blvd, CM P I AN 0 Upright-practice. Woody, 12· Quigg Tandem, F'OSI'ORIA Crystal • Ameri-area. ~2760 Sed 250 spring~. Ptng-pong table. & 122 s. Orangr. s. A. Good condH\on, S75. both for $58. m--0632 can Originally $147.50, saJe 4 Darling tiger r.tripped klt· an. hp completeb' $15. Beige leather recliner, tens. 546-5242 'J/25 equipped. S8750. 673-6728. 9020 ·t •t 600 \V. 4lh SI., Santa Ana $30. J\Hl!('. 968-1?23 S I 2ow Off S I 645-0000 SURFBOARD 9·6 llobi. xlnt Misc. Wtnltd 8610 a e • 1• • a • like new S45. 58.t·SUn. 501 J car K' tt f al 402 ' LIV Rm Sl"elional. 5 pc!, B berl 8 Be l'\lood 2 SMALL upright plano & cond. Sacrifice! Best oiler. ---------1 Buci:ll ~n;.' ;~ e,9125 Spffd-Skl 8oah 9030 $135. linlpmnt retrig, 3ll cu ;~ prei;~backs.n ~II sfop, be:nch, sounds&: looks good. Phone 645--0757 ~-~·='=Pl_,_.,_N_.B_.~~~~ $WE BUY$ '· Open Daily 9-9 ft. Userl s mo, coppertooe, oak tables, iron stoves, spin-$200. 646-2389 5 SPIT commercial Bar--B-ONE 7 \\•k old, male, mallese GULF STREAM DAVENPORT & chlll:', $2j0, /W2.-26'.!ll ning \vhe!'I, TiUany type ESTEY Organ, 2 keyboards,,M--'l1_ce_l_l1_n_eo_u_1 ___ 1600_ Que. atainlesa steel 220 V, kitten 962-3451 9/26 T\1ai>I@ bdrm Sf'!, cofft>e & KTNG s11e bf>d. l1>nipJ, gd lanips, mulo9C'Ope, c 1 aw sound effe<-ts. 5 speaker&•· holds 25 chickens, $200. $ FURNITURE $ 2 year old, ma.le, Poodle end \Ahles, highboy dresser, mnlf. S5{l. l\'inrlnw air-cone! mach., street lights. carpen-$550. 893--4480 aft 6 Grand OJMnlng SALE I 1 ,,543-.165=='=,-,,---.,--~ APPLIANCES 494-i442 9/27 17 Ft. Ski Boat bre~ast ~l, relrig. G.E. unit S40. 5'16-0'™ ters ioola. firetrap, 112 D=A~IL"°"Y,-°"P"nm==---:D~IME-="Ac.1 Pe;~ ~~pj~ ·F~ss NEWPORT Beach tennis ColarTV-~111.,-s+.,.01 PETS and LIVESTOCK 120boH.P. Mere. Cruiser l'Oll! er, wn~rr washrr, s 13j;~;;i:;;;d-;e;;.;;;;;;i:-,;~,j ~Roc~bc~"':'"~Sl~ .. ,:c::.~M~, ;642~-JOOI~ club family member!.hip 1 rs.. ... H ... hft In ard -Outbo.rd portahlr. 11t"1vinl! machinei;;, 3 pc curved se<:llonaJ. aqu POST Civil Y.'ar (l.868) an-LINES. You c:a.n use them 9aSO Edinger <@ Magnolia) $500 tncl tranl1er fee. (213) C4SH IN JI MINUTU Pets, Genertl 8800 Ready for the water rizht 1l00f poli5hcr. 114 Larkspur, color, $i5.sri.:l5 rend. !Jque bdrm sel. din rm act. fen-ju.st pennle1 a day. Dialf::;,F"""'=V_all.--•y~•.,,..,842-4530_=.,., 59&-9944 • &41.-4531 e now. AU the equip. incl. CdM Hiboy etc. S4:i-slll PUm Cl&Mttled ad. MUSKIN above. the. ground \ ,RO_P~ER~-.-.,-,-.-... --W>~.th-,,..-. lllr PAY CASH SIAMESE KITTENS $1.S compass, Ute preae.rverei FURNITURE &. cabinets like .;~=======-==========I pool, l4' round. Comes com-level oven. Storagt' <.'Omo nt 10688 Lehmhardt rv &. full cowr. )'OU h.ave never seen at Office Furnitur9 8010 8120 plete w/ ladder, ruter, p:iol. partmtnt. \Vhite I: chrome. •531-9716• PRIVATE PTY America's I•"""•' • -·" ---------vaC\lum &:. extru. $100. ...,,. ""° .... ~c 67~144 54J..-11 -.. -"""'' 6 dl'!ks $55-105 543-6304 ...... ...,.,...,.,...... wr PAY CASH' .. WJusual unfinished furniture 9 ctw~ $lQ...$lS Sl'OVE S15 Washer $t1 Twin nt • Catt 8820 FREE Boat rtpalr est ~~~ Tu""!~.'." ,• SanSoi• 6"'881.1 SINGERS ANNUAL EXdl QUI .. SITE ...... h~<;-~ ... , ""' romp!•" '" ,,,. • NOT CL-cks SEALPOINT s;,,,,... ktt-"""'" -00.i .. ""' tu.O& • .. :r. s..... mi · Mno "hi· PP•""-"'CU a Hooiie In "-.ck of -t.is E. 17th nw tens. Medicine take + newest. futeat beet &ervke: Sat. 9""6 Sun 11-6 " • 'c.-days"'=="~' '-"'-·-54_4-_54_1~0'-. --Office Equipment 8011 6'13-57M ~~,,-~~--.,.,...~ C.F.A.-ahoa. 8'12-59lO your boat lib new (no job ol N•wport F•y. O...n Jli2 SALE • A • THON "75. ww ,.u r"' m""' 1.,... 64>-5711 For GOOD, USED Dahlin ""''" Show qu&1l1y. in \be ""'L Lot " ""'" ' "s• ~FA, -~ ~nss R I J Quality king bed-quilted F'Urnihml!, Ste~, lV or too small). IV• ·'--RU • ' _, never u,,._,., quilted J.lll\!EOGRAPH • Geha 500 \..n.V top e r it ·• Complete-.unu6f!d $105, worth """' ' , floral. ICOlh • ga.rded Sl2i. v.:/ interleawr. ~t $790 a11tomatic defrost. Exe. $65. $Zill. Aft 5 &-wknds 8.Q-61)36 Household Hema of any kind. 0091 1825 fibe.rglau supplies. ~ i : , Matchl!'IE love M!at $i5. Tll'iv. Xlnt conrl. l350 Clish. The House In Back 445 E. • 547-Snl • -~-------1 dyg/wk. ' ; """"" wm i,~, "'""' '"-u"" USED SEWING MACHINES nth. MM7'1. BELL '"" Ho,,.u Canon u -*~W=A~N=T=-E:e,D~*-1 GERMAN SHEPHERD W1No AN' SEA : KING-511.e ma.hot. headboard ~ ,,,.. ~O~L,C.:rMP'=~IC~tv=eo="'°"-.,--,'t"•,...,_'C" I Jena: 35mm stiU camera with PUPS 1737 Superior , , A. twin bed. "'f.alciling bun_oau ====~,..,..~-,..,.. STkAlaHT STITCH O• Z1•ZAa AM/FM., l.owre)' Ora;an w/ 1 ~'="='$31=·=5.J<>.~ml~~~~ *7 v.-ulm old.* Cnsta Mea 60-7601 ' Ir: tnlrror. Good cood, $100. TYPE\VRJTER. Add. mach, bench. Both Xlnt. r.ac! NE\\'PORT Be.ach Tennis Furniture • Applianc.1 Call 8J:9.S944 a.3938 calculalar. Vh"y re.uonable. sass 2888 96Ul5EEi Club Membership. $8ll ind C.olor TV's . Slet'l!O'a. Off. MJNlATI.JRE Poodle JIUI>" &o.t Mtlntentnce 9QU XJnt. Cond. lm-2423 ---------1 trandcr fee.. 8J&-.41J6 ice F.qulp . Toola -etc. . ~vc ~ SOFAS I dinette Rll "''um-========= P•OM TO * '* * * TOP CASH In JO minutes pies, ftO ....,. 18' O...<e111 w/'15 hp Mere • ' ed from ltaat at ro~ .. of Ger•ge S•le 1022 H •AY UNCONDITIONAL •UAllAN'11 FAMILY Membenhip In UPRIGHT RCA f'Tftl:rr $15. * 531·1212 * * 642-1583 * _ ~ .. lge whl trtr, akilnc , .' o:.t. H.F.R.C. 517 W. 19lb Irvine Coast Countr}' Cub Bedroom 1et, $50. Call b-WANTED: Old fashioned ?>.11XED shaggy LHA S A equlp. Good eond, $1395 ~or 5Kl-6S42 MOVING from 1007 Be.)"lldel'f! s75 OFF !or la.le. Pvt pty, 673-9131 .appt, 536-1944 d &.. tum APSO-POODLE pupa, $.15. 548-~l T CdM •-~ I . UP 53 PT ·-• d'----.1 re11Ra. iu;n., 4!08 es, 4"" .,....., 1:-c_,,.-..,,,.,==-==,I ELEGANT Dart mahogany, err. : ..,...,..,. o m1M1 GOOD Beltone 6 2'.enilb • o..... ...,,...,"" I band jewe!Jy, J.a ce linens. ~ <><?"•uo 14.6" GLASPAR. 7 SJ:t p dlnina ta.b~, 4 chain. Dun-tum. 80fl\~ Mtiquet, dishes, TO ON helll'ina &kle1 In perfect wf small diamond. $Q!O, WANTED· a....-2S" b'ke BEAGL&.~. AKC tt«btered. Evlrtrude mot.. Good can Phyfie l'l;yliJW. 548-5003 hr l c. .. -b r a c, l!eUiptul'l'8. TOUCH & SEW WrTH rondltlon. $50 each. 642--32'l8 615.3.396 Good ,,;nn1 ...... nc:r• cond. ~ 11 weeb old. 1'rl<0lor. dition $625. 67J-.S158 SOFA, End I.Ible~ ooHee paintings, z boatl: 8. wU. CAllHrT NE\V LAWN EQUIPMENT FUU. MEMBERS Hf P, oft••• PM. ~781" * CaU 536«119 * FIBERGLASS boat --'-lf motor, JJoura U-6. Sept. ""' o ._,.. 1 '"'..._ table, larnP5-~27.28. TW aver Pll)'ts or will Mill. Newport, Bea.ch "'.'ennla OUb. NEED brlcb one to lOOO, 4 month old lrlMl SrUcr. had dock RM'ice. J .G. Greer a c.ll""""" s INGER 54&-1.815. 613-1884 $800. 56-9t19t ~ ,. .. --b1 •• _.__. .. ~~ ._... shota. AKC re: et s te red. Co. !i45-M89. aft 6 ~ l-=:-=""''-'-""'"'-~-.,..-1 M J s c F u r n I s h I n ~ • ' ....... ......, ........ ~ ~I 49S-J627 Quall~ kine ~ted. lotitllogany Bdrm, dlning rm Brand rww mink stole $500. MOVING : W1ter IOftener. j ::::========= 1967 16. Glutroa, 50 h,,, Complete-amuied SU\5, worth Brown N.nch mink. mile. tKlwtehold fumltarie. 2 TE.A Cup Poodles, AKC Men:ury, Xlrrt c:ond.' $lt95. $250. Aft 5,, •lends 842-6536 =:ads, ~·~.1 .: r: ~ tJot HAllOlll: ll'fD ... COSTA. MllA .. 675-e7 • ~ FREE TO YOU reg. ~ White. 6 weeks Call 67J..Zil5I J impart~ wnJUght ll'tln .._ bric-ti..tit!lc. ]1).6. Fri. Siii. HAllOlll: lHO,,IN• CINTlt, 149·1191 PATIO Furniture. La.mp. Wattt Color Paintinp okl. c.u 5464827 115'~.~H~-~-.~Skt~bo&~-L-.,~HP=' INthn SPANISH chain S!IO. SUP. 181CQ 1.J!11tt11erwouli Un\. Mi11e. ltem!J.. Glauware. 22J. for We, SS to $10. BU)llK lkd framff 6 mat-Beagte pups, AKC ~llered. Mere. Ne• trailer, JlZG. IJ13.l811 wn.lb' riartc. Villqe JT. Ma1rollt St. C.M. 645-0940 N~tl• Croes 962-2152 tress 6f6-5159 9f1t 10 weeiQ old. $30. 847-5677. 64~'1 lll't 4 PM ; \ ,, ·• • ------' Tl II< )!' n •• ,, 0 ., 11' 0 I< • s: 'M •• '" "' ., I c, " B< SL l6 m M c It • \\'I N· • w • " G m M• ,. "" Jo Co! we Jo ll< p, Joi 5> '"' .. Sil 196 JO' Gt "' ,, od. ow ''" ' /lC Mi1 Lik• !\lit "" 5 I Mo 1-1or •Ir xln 671 ' H.1 , ?.la '68 m>l * I .., chi "' ·- MO I • " n " " .. " I , II .. .. -• fltANSPORTATION )3' l'f~ boat l OD slme n1oorlng lll) hp Volvo, sttm drk'e, S/S rt.dlo, beJt la.nk.s. etc. X!nt tolld. Gd. ski boe.t. On she.re mooring Balboa '.sl, No. &,y n~2899 17~ OUTBO~ c4bl{l crulser~ Jeeps :l, glWed'up to Ille ~ttr line, w/trailer, bolb ~-NO MOTOR. SUS . ._2189 a.fter 6 P'-f · M1rln9 Equip. 9035 ONG !lctqty re-built (never ninl Gen'l Mtn s.n model 64 HNG grcl marine diesel rngine. Coti'iplete v.•/tv.in- di.!ic reduction gear 2: I 1·atio. For further detalls, TRANSPORTATION -TltANSP'ORTAT10N TltANSPORTAT10N ,,,,.,,.,, Stptl-25.1969 DAli.YJ1!lO'I )/lj, TRANSPORTATION TltANSPORTATlO'"N..-'-'Oof'"RANmsnpDo'"R"'f"l~T"'10H"'""-.. T'"Rl'"'N'"'sl'OltmiiO.yo'iXfroHJOk.a:f"" 9300 T rvcks ¥$00 Imported Aufot • '600 Imported Autos 9600 Auto1 W1nted 1967 RONDA 160 SCRAMBu:R Eltt:, starter, ~ orlf, mt. $400. 1967 MATCHLESS SOOCX: CS80 Sc"mbJer. For the purist $6."ill. ' ;I.Oil Tl;UU.141'll T-ll!OC, 500 CC. VC'ry clean, $'150. JAMES LTD 1514 Newport Blvd. &c.oo«I --------Will Buy 9700 Uood Can 9900 Used Cors tfOIUood Caro - Enormous Eldorado Sale Cadillacs Moat ' 1967 ELDORADO namenco Rtd wtlh wbJte vtn,yl top and red lnthu interior, air eondl- doninf, •tetto AM·P'M radlo, power lff.ts, tilt and telncope, 1tee:Mna wheel. power door lock&. J4an)t other txtru. Lie. No. VJ'MS8L $4595 1968 nDORADO Desired Car 1968 IELDORADO Rmewood Ftttmlst, black vinyl top • black lnt.btt ln~rior, al.r condf· Uontna. AM-FM radio, 6-wa,y atet, tUt and teleacop&-1lttrin& w~I. pwr. door lock.I, etc. Lie. No. VIZ2f7 $5295 1968 ELDORADO call P. Sutton (ll.3) 6.26-93011 '"-zc--;-::-==-=-~=~ '1\-ttkda.Ys. or cn4> 546-0Cll San Mateo red. black vinyl top, black lntnior, air condlUonlna, attHO AM- FJl,l rad1o, 6-~ seat, tilt A tele- scope 1tffrlng whtd, ~r door locks. Man,y other ntru. Uc. No. VVE133 Silver Pine Gl'ff'n, white vinyl top rtten lnterlor, air condlUonlnr, •~ Alif·Fltl rad.lo, 6-wQ" seat, Ult and telHCOpe atttrtaa wheel, power door locks. Many other extra.a. Uc. No. XCJ4.6S l\"eekt.Dda. GRAV MARINE · Two 427 cu in, 200 hp, 6 cyl ga.s eng. 1-JydJ'O rever.>e. 2)~. I red. Xlnt cond. $300 t>A. Can~dt>monstrated. 5-18-9 114 or 642-8005. "67 Norton 7'".:iO cc, extended forks, cust paint, lot of chrome. $950 or best otter. """"' 9510 MG 1968 ELDORADO 1969 ELDORADO *FOP. A S PECIAL PERSON BELL HEUl£'T Boat Slip Mooring 9036 SZ> '£2 Scout 4-\Vhl dr]Vt', h\'Y duty llres. elc. Needs understanding Just a$k the lady owner 642-97!r) BUJ. 642-6574 Res. Se.les, Service, farts Immediate Delivery, All Modm J2l'll1POrl Jl111porr s S.ble black, black vinyl top. black leather interior, air condiUonlnr. atereo AM-FM radio, 6-w-.y seat, tllt • te)ncopic ateerlna wheel, power door locks. Uc. No. WBJ649. Rampur gTetD IOld vinyl top. P'ffJI ~eather interior, air condlUonlnr, ateno AM-nt radio, 6-way aeat, tilt and teleacoplc ateer~c wheel, powe door locks. Many other extras. Serial No. H91511•9 SUP For renl suitable for Call John after 6 P~l 645--0397 16' to 18' power boat. ~. t ;-;:==~;-:;c:-:'."c---,.,- mo. LI S-12Cr2 HONDA 160 Scr•mblcr Mooil• Hom•s 9200 Perteet cor.lltion. $300. incl. natchlng silYCr h e I m e t 646--0789 C 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. ompo_n _____ 9_5_20 SU-94lfi 5'fil.l · ·Ai~ <:onditioner. 4 spd, dlr, 1969 ELDORADO 1969 ELDORADO Clos.e-Out '69 Models '69 VI'' ~--~-• e--per. Authorized MG Dealer loaded~ lfoney crean1 ext .. '67 lionda CL 160. Like new ~""w .......,., ===,-.,,.,---,..,.--! I bl to mak• room for '70s. cond $365 or be!t oUtt ~tu.st aeU immed. Leaving MGB 1963, reblt eng & trans, Push ack int. Take small Sable black, black vinyl top, black , leather interior, air condltJonlnf, 1teuo Al'>t-nr radio, 6-way 1tat, tilt A: telHCOpe 1tffrln1r whee.I, powt'r door Jocka. Maey otht'r extras. LJc. No. YNW438 Cha.Hee 1old fire, black vinyl to~ black vinyl top, black leather lnte,... tor, air cond1Uon!n1, stereo AM-FM rad1o, 6-ws.y aeat, till &-tt'.IUCOJMI •iffrlnl whetl, power door locks • Many other ex:tru. Lie. No. XWY149 • 2'1x60 2 BR, 2 BA, fam rm. 546-lls.I for O\'C~as. Orig cost New seal!!, mals, tires, do11•n or tradr. Lo1v, low 11•ct bar. crpl. \\'as $17,750 S.NXX>. Best oUer over $3000. R&tl, top Ir tonneau. Sloo:i. pymnts. VHF890LB. call Now SlG,650. 'liO Suzuki 80, snttt or trw.1. ·-'· ,,A, ..,,,,., 5-16-8...,,, all 5 pm Ken 4S4-9Tr3 or 545--0634. o . u $I"'" ....... ca. ,,.,..-~. ,,,., • 2~ .... 48 '2 BR. 2 BA, crpt. .ocSt 0 er over ~ After I ~p~1c=Kf!ji~~CAMP==E=R~s= .. -u.-========= '68 vw BUG \~·a.s Sll.500. NO\V $1(1.500. =',,,'OO=, =592-=5<~7=·1---=-MGB Sunroof, radio, heat,r. i.ow ca~hl. alight h"eight e 12\'60 2 BR. FK. \Vas $5,995 TRIUMPH Bonnev11lc $JOO. ~ ----------! miles. Green w/1natching i~ • NOW $5,495. 1965. Needs l't'pairs. d.:.:;c:?\. Cheap! 839-lSOO -!t'rlor. \Ve want ""'U to ••I '"" VW ~-' u t '66 r.tGB Roa.dste,. \\',,.· '" Beach Trailer Supply * 673-5747 • "" .......,per.. e.xce en the bug. &r # ll8ffil289. 1-o. • Bl ndilio" Co I '"I \Vhb;, R&H, Pirellis: xlnt :>.<111 u..:ac.. vd .. H.B. .65 'IAICO. i =. ~-b'"·, co n. mp e.., Y Prictd to sell for onJy " ~ LlUl """ "-..I "Da ~ "<1'>0:: COnd, Lo l'\fi. $1600. 497-1868 GREENLEAF PARK good condition, make offer. ~1~· '""as. "'~ $159S ALLEN--~ in clear, clean, coot Costa. 496--9342. 1964 MGB. Xlnl corx.t. $1200. EDDIE HOPPER 1-~~~~~~--!June Bu19iq 9525 * 675-6319 * CHEVROLET Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. I J\.1esa, New 92 &pO.Ce adult Yamaha tr.ul bike =========I park. 11odels & Sales office good cond. Sl50 BODIES $140 &. UP lCSU Gard'n Grov' Blvd. located at Park. Opeo 9 AM 549-2356 alter 6 Pl'it Roll bars ru. Bucket seats PORSCHE Open Nlres &. Sun. 534-2700 to 6 ~~NT MOBILE '66 YMtAHA 100, many ex-$12. Upholsteml co~ $12. PORSCHE '69 V\V, a.i r cond, radio, BUICK Authorii:ed Oeeler tras, S2SO. 3 Cycle trailer Skid platt1 $12. Chrome vinyl, COCQ mats, "''/1v HO!'llE SALES bum-rs S9. Chrome roll Over .. ~ to c'--'< from. r.1ost millly extras. $2630 new, 1-~ \Vhi"lti A $100. Xlnt cond. 54&--2938 ..-..., ,......, 1""' er vt. be. $.22. Windshields $34. ail model& ,l colors. 1''rom $1950 w/ 27,000 mi. Xlnt '66 RIVIERA 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY Full power Jncludi!ll" auloma. Cos.ta Mesa 714: 642-1350 '65 8~1W fOOcc R-60, full dr. Phone Santa Ana, 541-4179 '57 ro '69. care & 644-2141 iJnmac. cond., Honing, CIC'. Lie. RVA-196 Naxt to Iha Pa ttary Shade lie transmission, a.ir rondi-LAGUNA BEACH ~ \VOULD you hke lo live in Jmmac. $!185. V\ GGY $'100 the Drifl"'-"OOd Beach Club in * 673-0031 * ORV B~ OFFER. J2rtuporr .ll111porr s $2199 Hontington Beach?' Adult '68 Yamaha 305. Xlnt cond. 54!).:4821 aft 6 pm. Parle Re1"taurant, pool, Ir Co mplt!e w/acce1sories. '65 V\V, 2 door, 4 spe~. radio, heater, beautiluJ red and aharp. RU?i1140. $1®. Carl'• 1.lotor Co. Inc., 1341 Harbor, C.?it., 642-G413. -. : .. ) 494~}Pll"-: , . 54~·l}.O~- lot!!. ot fun. Call Betty $5o\5. 645-2660 PARTIALLY built Corva.ir, 536-8500. =========·I price $150. 2 VW sand titta. $1395 -A-T, I BR. better Auto S.rvicu $15. 96:2-1.272 1100 W, O>ut Jfwy., N.B. .. ft~·· ~ " cHmoLET I 1 cMRYsL!'R ; MERCURY park. 642-3236, 6 P~1 or rent __ &_P_•rt_• ____ 9_400_ 1 Imported Autos 9600 $100 month 642-!Mll5 54()..1764 1967 VW Sundial Cam.per, top • · '67 CheVy II 2 Or. 'ST ~ ·!ft..,n CusL, 1 Ytar Mill>aa:e FREE Authorlz.~ ?i1G Dtaler rack, side tent, .stereo ·~ I, Equipped "1-tb faaio, beater, t dr !fl', fl>. )II, nu tires, '67 ?itercury c 0 mm u t• PORSCHE 64 SC ~-Orig. ~~!~ape, $2200. Mt t pm, ...... ;J' automa~. wtiita waD t1m. \ '* 8'6-0MI * Wagon. P/1, P/b, R/H. 1'100=1 "'F""lam~, .. -,~,o--=BR~. ~,,~. -.· !"!!1io~r:;:r ~w.car~ AUSTIN HEALEY I(l'. Beaut. int., xlnt cond. ., "'°"3'" C>Wner. Total rcblt 67. ,,,,.,,... 'J' Beautilul blue inside & out. ownt'r. A-1 cond. 66-0445 alt 5:30. 1965=-,vw="'mi"· ""'s'".,.-.,..--,ba-c-ck. Fol' economy 1\ith full size 642-0828 Glly redu=l. MlHit.36 m•" ~ ~ AUSTIN AMERICA 1 ,.,,,1~1"0'"· ,.-,-.. "-'""· °"R"o"o-.'"-~RE=E"L" IV\V Parts: U!ed engine, + '65 CONVERT + l ll.IO. ;1~31111 Ext. 66" 67 cu -a. "" lo "" this CONTINENTAL ======== transaxel, front end, tires, Sales, Servi~. Parts partly furn. To be ITKr•· \\'heels. 546-88?9 Jmmediate Delivery . ed. 646-~20 All Models A1nt cond. All xtras. nu pnt,t='".,·~1"'~·~--·~"'-'"-'_oo_N__ 1970 =O~E~VD. one. (UJF 786) MUSTANG top. Must sell, 646-1234 "66 V\V Snrf, be~e w/blk int. $1295 '67 LINCOLN Continental t OWNER Lt'aving. in us t CORVAJR engine a.nd sacrifice 24 x ~3. bl"tter than lransmis.skln parts. new '68. Call 536-8869 545-0906 .f2 l' lll p Ll rt 31I 11pon s 1966 PORSCHE 912. Red v.·/ R/H. Porsche rims, XInt BUICK No. 225. Ha 1 EDDIE HOPPER Dr, Xlnt ccnd. $2900. bllc int. s spd, AM/FM. cond. $1350. 548-2716 everylhini! CHEVROLET * 6G-41S8 * BARGAIN! 10011 Garden Grove Blvd'. 96&-1210 '63 VW Radio, ht'ater, Good 642-2252 alter 6 P1.t: h.....n Nib~•&: Sun. 534-2700 '63 f.luatang V-8; pwr, steer., disc brakes, fact. air; low ml. Sea1oam green, blk. tnter. '2500. Million Viejo 137--0559 =========I titt.s. ExCt'.llent cond1UOn I c;;---;c-:=-,~--~~t·u~~~..;;.;~~"'°'=-'""''-- S750. 644-14r:6 'ti!t Buick RJviera. l'"'Wl '66 IMPALA pov.·er, au-, stereo, new 160 CORVAIR CORVAlll Mini Bikes 9275 Trailer, Traver -------9425 RENAULT 3100 \V, Coast Hwy., N.B. ---------1'67 V\V Square Back. Good til'f'!I". Low mileage. Only '69 PO\VELL 5 hp, LIKE NE\V! '66 Aristocrat 642-9405 54()..1764 ·59 RENAULT, good t'On· condition. $1650. $4,795_ PV"t. party. 540-4494 :? Door, hardtop, v.a, atd, Red. Reblt ens le auto trans. Like Nc\v. Sllj Lo-Liner, 16". Comp I Authorized ?-.IC Dealer d!tion, 40,000 miles $80. * * 54().1915 • • . di.r, excellent runnlni eond. New t1re1. $250. 533-13U alt 67 J\tusl&ng Exeep. clean. 1tlck ~ radio, heater, bu c Ire t •, \Vhite walls DLR. Lie. TRB 690. $ll~. Phone 6f2-m2l ..-57;-r2031 r \\'fav.·nings, lratne jack!, 1-=========~ •675-0821 * ,66 VW Bug. SUnrool, xlnt IBEE eqwty A s au.me ()y.·ned locally, Muat sacri· 4 P ?if, 1-,-ll-N_l_B_IKE-.-.-,-hp ___ Li_k_•_~-w·. I mirrors. Ready lo go -but DATSUN . I 1·~ T paymenll 19611 Bu I ck lice! Take for.:ign car or I =========:o XJnt cond. S.SO. P\'t pty. Alt \\'C don't find the lime. See TRIUMPH lll't'S, <'n~ nr. ~-op Sk;ylark. See 77! Knox St. $1075. LB \VQ058:?. Call Phil, ·s pm, 968-2873 ~ves ~~ Johnson Ave., 1--,64 ___ P_l_C_K __ U_P_ ----------1,.;;;;,-""vvwU:. ;-~-.:,_,_-;.:-,.·:-;. Kamwmc;:.:=::;::;.,Gb;:;;ia CM. &46-5672 49-1-9773 or 545-ffi34. CORYETI'E SA VE Ove:r $2000 on llkf! new '69 98 Olds luxury hardtop sedan. w/w, a.ir, full power. Only ll,CW miles. 499.ISM -==========I=·'-'~·=====-=,.,.. '65 SPITFIRE '65 BUICK. It blue convt· '57 Chev. Ste. Wgn. "65 CORVEITE 396. Red Motorcycles 9300 24' YELl..OWSl'ONE Trlr, ~~ P~nyt. ~ .. ~~t offer. LeSabrc • excdlent buy. . _ .. I:", v , , ,,.'7"""\N..., Be1 Air t Dr Very good couu convert. Hdtp. l mmac, re bit HONDA Scrambler. Dirt or :C!u,:.n%n~· co:. = ~;o!,0%:~1• ~i~~L~~;, Egg 1\•hit e. Italian f'!d int., '69 vw, all exuu, like new. Nicely equipped. ~l.U Rebu11°t 283~nJUie. new· tires: '68 eng. $2595 or best oUu. '68 V-8 hdtp, 4 on floor. 19,000 .street. '66. 305CC, engine 54S..26<M. will 1ake trade or small ~ ~· dlr, locally owned. 9000 !'11iles, $!!60. 2114'ii w. 'fu~~.v~ed~· ™· ~ m:s~:~i:r'~'. 673--093l mi. AM·F!'lt-ste.reo. M~ : xlnt cond. $275. 5J6.,l!D79 16, FIELD Ir Slrt'am Travel doivn. line prvt prly. Full ce ent cond. Blur book Oceanfront Apt. 206 NB. Jll7S. 494-4053 Muat att to appreciate. Rea-sell. 67J....8336. , 67 HonCla. 205 Chopper l\i lh Tri Xln •• 18"0 price $599. LBVEZS21, call s:im.FullPriceSH);j().,willV\V '65 B Si f A!\1-fll.1 '-.I .. .J .... 1515 COUGAR *1965 2 Dr. Hrdtop, auto.I r. l co..... " ' Jame11 494-9713 or 545--0634. tine prvt prty NRZ868LB. ug.. tr' ' BUICK '66 Riviera. factory I01l&...y p, .... ~ at • a.ir disc b la! R/ ' 1-1.D. parts. Invested pz.Oll. :119--0600 after ;,. Call Phil 494-9773 545--06l4 ncew red paint, good cond. air, f\tll pwr, xlnt cond. See CaD M7-TI87 COUGAR ,67 XR,, Cll" for ~· -·.. r • H. fll35;: , ?!take Offer! 548-40CXI ORANGE COUNTY'S · or · $800. Pl"V prty. 673-7103 ,,,"""'.....,· I 17' Deville. ?o.1oving e "67 TR4A-1RS. p r i c, to apprtc! $2495. 4!14-MS9 '67 Chevy SS Convert. the young at heart; 4 on Jlr, I "68 Honda 00 Scrambler. 400 .... --"t llillll NO t '"" V\" Sqbcl< t t "" '65 MUSTANG xlnt cond J mw .. _.. · • drastically reduced. Leav. "" ·Y • x n co ., Bucket see.ts, con90lr, radio, GT-iroup, stereo I a.I.I that ' · miles. $37.5. Call 962-339'l DATSUN DEALER . f ll ,1 34,000 mi. $1450. Priv CADILLAC heater, 396 VS, automatic ......_ with IL Xlnt cond. Rally PM!. 4 apd, 289, V-1.1 i,'~'~"-"'-·~1122~. ~·~---t '67 KIT l5'. Sips 6. Xtra til't' DOT DATSUN :s. ~~~any ex-prty. 4!»-1296 afler 4 Pfll. 1ranami1slon, powtr 1\~ering .~~~;·=-:---,,,---·I =""""=='=""'=·=6!1>-====== '69 Kawasaki F-4, expansion & wh I Dual Xlnl ~oo .. : n-h Bl d \'60 V\\' $273 '68 CADiu.AC El Dorado, 18 & win:::iov.•a, po\\'er top &: :::: CO 'l~mb. W••-h<ad, cu•t, ee. ga.s.. .LOW.> e<:aC v . '63 TR 4. Wire wheels. . " many more e:<tra.!I. {VJN 255) '67 UGAR, lite IP'ffn OLDSMOBILE .1 ""v cond S!Q}. ~7343 HUlllin&'ton Beach fiberglass top. new tires, Call all 4:30, 54>-6642 or mos. Iii.nee purchued ~w. w/matchin& interior, auto, • carb dirt or street 962-{)849 · 842-77!1 or ~ Rtuonable. 893-3054 534--0603 28,000 ml. Xln! condition. Priced to sell • Thi.I Wetk· r/h,. tter.o tape:, new tlrea. ·1 T kl 9500 I~=-~-'~~~---,~ ·~~~~~~~.,.---16i"wG:a.i<;:;;<aiIT:-Wil>;X: I Complete e.xtras. Prlv prty. end Only _. ....... ...,""" JJa HOUDA)' 4 door, poWl!!I' ,MOTOR HOMES 9215 rue 1967 4 door at&tiotl Wagon. 96 -'66 TRIUJ.-iPH TR t 'GS V\V, radii;heater. w·ex· Call from 8 lo 6, 714: $1795 ., •• vate prfy • .,,.............,, alet:rlng, brake&, air <.'OD!!:! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '6' 1 NT ERNA TI 0 NA L hp, 4 spd. Good cond. $119&. * good cond!Uon * tras. $l600. Call 540-3.';30 ... or an 6. 213: EDDIE HOPPER. 1968 Coupr. $300 A take ovu Top condition inlide and oatl HtA~H ~II T DODGE HEADQUARTERS FDR MDTDRHDMES 011 DJSPUY 'hit AU lltw DODGE "llPLORER" 'hlf4"tlll .. -~ air •-"· llMlq. ... llillUI •Kii ..... .""""" ...... tJPI. ALL lllta. 21 fOOf, b root, a root. f '"'~' t11tA111c. 1111& ._. Af'f'AOYl• Cl£01t. Tn.velall, good cond. Muat MS-6731 Reuonable 54M224 * 546-5278 * 697-1821 CHEVROLET payments. Xlnt condition. $695. 546-l.224 .ell. See Mir. Aloha Trailer!-========== '6811UUMPH Spit 7SOO mi. 'S6 VW S200 "61 Sedan de VIUe, very 10;)11 Garden Grove Blvd. '"C=all=M6-5832=======1-==========:, Park, 132 W. W1"", C.M.. EN(;USH FORD llllllO or 1><'1 otioc. Xlnt can "' 6• d•an. foe ""' or will lnule ()pen Nltn • Sun. 534-2700 t · l'L YMOUTH l or call 548-9377 <CO~nd~. ~67~5--0~!$~===~\\;w-'9ii;-B;54<>~035;;;fy-,"4:~mi'. \ for '64 VW or l'll!WtT, mech SON in $. Eut Asia. mllSt DODGE '65 CHEVY Y,T Pick Up V~ ORANGE COUNTY'S " vw 1"" BU&-Only '4.000 ml. ...,.i. °"" '67>-2946, aft 6 .. m "63 Chev • • on the '65 PLYMOUTH j "'/hlway cnllae:r camper. VOLUME ENGLISH TOYOTA Good mech. Body OK Need PM call 673-6127 floor, mais, Ntw 400 reblt '67 Dodge R/T Convert. satellite, 2 dr, HT, bucket 1'1any extru. 1 mm ac, FORD DEALER ---------! paint $795. 675-349.t ,68 BROUGHAM. """"OOWI eRK1ne. New itarting rnotor Bucket seal.!i, t'Onaole. 440 ,. f . 1 •-546-758-1 after 5. V\ good · cond •-·• 11.. 1 VS, automatic, powtr stttr. sea.,,, act •tr, pwr • ae ..... SALES. SERVICE '67 Toyot• Corona '60 v runn1n1 • tire mist brown, 18,IXX> ao-I:: "'" whee' bucket .!leal!:, . _ _.lo h dlr. Ha.!1 had exceptional '56 CHEV., 1tick; 1500 mi. on "'" MOO"".. Local 1 owner car. \n orig-sunroof $400. days: 673-7613, tual mi. Pvt ptv $5700. while wtblack int Real ing, , ...... ' eater. power care. M"-.,11 ~'''• ~ · & ~ ~ 67~ """'" v ,..,....,, •one ,..._,, -•t 6 p•t top, ~ w/whltt top, In-...,, UCl ""' new mtr.. trans., tires i---••·te dell.,...., inal excellent ron:::lition, Lo\\' eves: .r<W><> , 54S-8S36 s...... .... .,.,., ... .,..... .. ., • ht. Will tine PNI P-. • • """ ~.,., u...._ ·-., -6~ 0013 land pl'ici!d for beach use. •v .._ paint Best otter • .....-w•6 LARGE $LECTION miles. Fully ~uipped includ. '63 V\V Bug. radio, 'radial ·59 CAO FLEETWOOD ,........., (USO 5.34) NPUGM. Call Ken, 494.97T3 S am-12 pm. Theodore lnr ftereo tape, (U0Jn6). lire11. Good condition. $6'15. BROUGHAM '66 CHEVROLET CapriC"e. $1795 or ~4. 1M6 FORD~ ton P.U. New ROBINS FORD Only r~468. 9500 1nile.!I 494-6882 One owner car with only EDDIE HOPPER "'64'""""P"1ym=o"°'"',-h-:9:-pu-,-, .. -,~\oo 390 Ford engine, auto tran.!I, $1245 I========= 24,000 milt•, huall power+ CHEVROLET wagon, air-cond. Otiaina! clean body l interior. $475. Xl6D Harbor Blvd. EDDIE HOPPER VOLVO CAMARO air corx.titioning. Absolutely lOfill Ganie.n Grove Blvd. owner. Michelin tin. $11.50ri;l ~2113 en.ta Mna 642-00J.D CHEVROLET --------the clea.ne.!lt one in town. (1) 538-lm 1.,:,::_,c:,:c~-~~~~-0 t(l.jlt Garl\en Grove m ... 11. 0 Z28 Jim Slemon1 Merced e 1 ()pen Nltea" SWl, ~2700 -:===::;:====:! ·ss FORD, l r. Oat bed VOLV CU1ARO, ma11, a .......... WW •·-ta "7 DODGE DART -~ w1::sxl~ts=.1i: '' ARIAii· n Nite-s & sun. 534-2700 ~~ ~~i1i· :'~~~:l_-;;.Anac;;..~' .:,,:;'..c...,11~4 ~""-"_'~· ~--· Whdltlo~~::.th vinyl top, air con. PONTIAC 673-7506 NB. 67>3396 Late '64 Chevelle .... ,., auto. trana .. pow. 1967 POITTIAC a ...... ..-..111. s FERRARI er 1teertnc, radio &ad heater. ._ .. ..,.,...ae 'M FORD Van. Good cond. Newport lmp(ll1a Ltd. 0.-. '68 Carnaro "Sn. R.S. PIS Malibu, convert, blue!, one Must aell, 'l1'95. 35,DOD orig. Dr. Blue w/lvoty landq • \VUl ~er In.¥ rcuon-a.., ~1 _..,,......_ R.H. Auto. 284 Knox St. CM owner. 962-8271 lnal miles. ~ 63T-tl.56 lop. By ori1 ownrr, 22.0CID able ,tler. 66-2rlr0 1zed dealer. ::;;;;::;'2::;;;:;;:::;:;;646-:;9303~ I =64;-==""='i''=v="=·=W=lll""=lra=:d';'=l'62 4 Dr. Qievy Impala. P/s, Ori&:lnal owner. miles. Uke new tittt, AJA. 1964 RANdlERO V-8, 4 Jpd. SAJ..ES.SERVIcz.PARTS -P/b. Radial tires. Xlnt ==========I FM steno, Plb. Pia, P/w, Cl'4n. M"'l ""'-$1050. Pvt 3100 w. """'Hwy. 19&1 Hubor, C.M. ...-Antlqvn, cr ... 1 .. 9615 CHEVROLET cond. !650 543-2654 FORD • way pOwe' "•"· till •!rt t 543-0434 Newport Beach _________ 1:::=;;:::==:==='1.::-::::::,,-::-:--,----I whl, fac air, yery de• Py. · 642-9405 541).1164 BIIL MAXEY • 192:1 • Model "T" coupe, 'SS Malibu, 3 ~ • .....,uent CHRYS' l!!a '66 FORD Co Squire, 9 PB"'·, _S2390_._ ..... .,,,5llO<,..,.=---I '63 OlEVY ~ Ton pickup, Autborlled Fmarl Dealer not runnuii $1200 •l"'"" 161\ 1 '65 G xlnt condition. S950. ("T""'IOIY"".,..,.li.,,,. .. l=l6'"""rl • 1923 Model .. , ... tnick cond. Very lo mUeq:e, new ps, pb, pwr windOYoii iii doot" TO 962·1.212 FIAT 1T ~ 1 .!!,am_ ahell.,!'!'~~~.;..... I "'equi--,l'-""'-..,n,.1._"2>-.,....,,"63-.,...---, '67 CHRYSLER lock:a, bis motor, air corx.t., 4 speed, mq wheels, Ind)' • __ ,,, -· """ .,........,.,.. <r1>""'1 • •v '62 Impala f dr. air-<ond, AM/FM Tldio, lo ml., like tires, suspension, evuytbbw' '62 c;I~ u~ Ton '68 Fiat 850 Sp"de 1•1 BEA BLVD. auto. tran.. IA t tractive 2·DOOR HARDTOP new. $2095. or oiler. 540-9Zl :.e ;; ~v~:;..s:lo ~"~ S7SO. fiT;i-l.1'i5 675-3M4 This car UkP new w\:h J.ooo l~~· ~ H 141.a~ Autos Winted 9700 1 ,.;•~rl="',.·_.....,,,"°'_o,,_='"°"""""""'IV-8, automatic, factory a.Ir, 1960 P'ord Gal&xie. R/H, PIS. it this SUn. 11 12031 9th 9t., 67 Cl:IEVY.>~ \or\ ~ bed, milu. Wh11fo w/black top · 0 "'1. on 'GS Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good power st!!trinc. powtr In-~ ~llenl. ,poo. G.G. « oall 3'4t1p2 evtt. uvttioada, mp bumper, -., a.ll the goodie~ (WXU. l967H Tf!_~OTA 4 dr Sedan.. WE_PAY ... cond. Auto, V-8, SU)), ke.11. radio l-beater. Im.ma· Aft ., I-wtmds !llSMIXl2 1960 PONTIAC B6nnn1llt. $1500 ~ 298), Bring this &d Jor Spec.. u -.lory ~t CASH 615-flm culatt. (UTlE 743) '66 FORD Counlt)' Sedan. 352 Good tires, $250 ~ bW or. -=DAlL==y,--=PILOT==--oo°'WE="-"''"I ial<r~i«. $1695 =SU: Prt.' Ply. SU: =~1.lsit75 $2295' !e~; ::~~~ll, Mu.ti ter. 4432 Sanburl Wq, LINE& y.., '"" -"""' EDDIE HOPPER un1,.,.1ty Plrl<. - rm Just pennln a aa,,. D\aJ VOLKSWAGEN" tor-" etJ'I a trocb 1u.d • S48-M22 • ATLAS 'll ?o.fodel A Ferd •ports ·a GRAND PRIX ......a CHEVROLET ,. • call •b ... -It. 'E6 a..v ss 1...,.i., tow coupe . C ~ev y rear . NI . ~ ~ Mobile Homto 9200 Mobll• Homos 9200 lCIU Gll.f'l'k!n Grove mvd. 6R01ff (HEVIOltT mnu, one owner, IXOlllent, Slli50/otter &44-0874 po.,,-er, m, .,.. ~ Op.ira Nltes Ir: Sun. 534-2700 •• VW, l'lnrool Kl 115.25. * M&-Ul4 aIRYSLER -rLYllOtml '83 Ford ~a-q XL Elctl · $2715 * '15-C25l 14,.DOO mlltt '63 CA.MARO 127 R..S PIS 29'JI HARBOR BLVD. eond. NfW Um 'ID 0 . ~fOVING. must •11. 19111 BAY HARBOR ".."o'I.': SALES ' Clearance Sale 011 An DhfJI ....... 21 .. a... '"9 AllMws 1r .. M·wa. INCLUDING I ·• IOLLA.WAT In PAIPllW PIUf1 .. CAJA LOMA Ml' KAllOl HOMlnl -. CA.SITA.I COINIµ CIUllnY SHllAIOM "llAHOI ~ -· - 1425 BAKER ST. COSTA MESA Va llock l•t ef H-.,, " Ww CAU. ..... f471 TODAY l I JAGUAR *-* .wt I« Saiu M.nipr · · OOf>rA MESA "6-11134 .,._..11 aft.r 5 PM Pontia< Catallna. llnt ""1d. VW - ·-11211 Jleo .... Bl"'-R/H, Auto. 2S4 Knox St, CM ~-~•-'til IO llJIOO 8Jl>.300G -w/... rebuilt 645-2991 evu. Will trade. v.,... .,.~ p.m. '69 FORD GALA.XI! 5CO • '154 JAG. coupe, top Iha.~ 4!1'\1, Nie.w paint. Map. ~ Bw1I .59 Chevy Station wqon, ~67 Chrysler W-eon ruuy kl9ded S25:iO wb'e whee 1 •. Everythlnc S36-4ri69, 96):..3(175.. rood mndition, new tirn, 9 pa.uenaer Tew.TI• Country. * 5l4.m90 * RA.MILD .>-;--;T;o17911-.,;-. -;o817:c-,.'""'...,...·="'71 '9J VW sedan, good rond. WE PAY CASH private PAfb'. S200. S&J300. Equipped ~ith a.I.I a(tt$1(lr-·=62~FO~RD,;...:;Co::n::,.=rtl:,,;b!e'".-11w>1~-l -1-9'1--M-Mm.ER---.-r"'•-~---I 'ST JAG 3.4 Se<!. 4 lpd I $5?i0. 540-*4 ut 21 daya, _. .. 2 0 .......__ U ._.._Uo lee lncludrng air CCDilUon. ........~ ~ ovl!l'drtve. Xlnt eng A run. 137-4.1Tl, evtL fOR YOIJR ..._, R ._..,ve e .._ n inC Low milt• Undfr ftc-........ dltlon. Sl2S er him e&r. nlrw gear. 00-4179 L.=.,~vw~s.'"-'.....,-":,.!.~N-,-w----CAR Wa.ron. Radio. Big S erclne. torY wam.nty: Set lh\s 1 ~==*~'*-303 __ ,_•___ ~be.fen 2 •· 6 new tittl. .Auto trans. S89S. 962-3865 beauty and compare! ('fVD. BUSil'.ST marturt;ila.c. LD l=>=========I KARMANN GHIA 2-'93 KARMANN G b I a.1 . Good trantpClrtatkm can or bu&ID' mattriaL '175 l $250. Phone ~~2621. tt-. ~ r",I CQtNNEU '57 CllEV. 4 De .. auto., V-4. IJ9). Dni, lowo. Tho DAILY PllDl' T•lran .. .._.. .._.._. 'Good tond., hc-.ter; xlnt $299! a· ..... --..ctlDll. ..... .... ... IXJN'TJUSTWLSHOor-some-CHMOLET ,,.. ... $391. &17-13l6 EDDIE HOPPER ....... time • .U.rt. Look '64 THUNDERBIRD, thiJlr lo -1il ,.... homl , 11121 lluW elvd. J.19119 OfEVY tmpola, Mb CHEVROLET ""*111 mech . .,,.,., MllO. ••• find rreat b\O'I In w.1~=°""'"°"'=1d~eu==lll6-=UOI!~~ Joaded, 1ow tnlltaat. f1700, tCGll Garden Gr'O\-c Blvd. 1 'THE="'q"m=aa:J<="'"'ro=u'"cw..=.,.. ---~_,=711.1=.,,'="""""""=i=----I dsy'~ Oustfted Ads. DAILY PlWT WANT ADS! Ca.I.I S34-62!IO Orie:" Nlte8 &: !Un. ~!'l'IXI rnE QUJCK!;R YOU !f:1J. OIARGE rJ'I .... I • I I I I • • . . ' . ' • ' • • • • ______ ... • I ' - LEADING THE WAY INl'O THE '70's . MfJICU~ O'l'ClOHI GT 2·000ft HARDTO~ Mark Ill • Lincoln Continental • Mercury • Montego • Cougar • and Cyclone GT IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GARDEN ·GROVE FRwY, liARDEJI GROVE at BROOKHURST -. . . .. ' • ~'l'ft\. PROUD ~ BE .T~~ NEW-LINCOLN MERCURJ ·,,_ . I .DEALER.'' .. I "f I llLL GEOHEGAN, Owner ' .. ' Door FrienCls: We would like to take this opporlunity to acquaint you with Orange County11 newest and most centrally located Lincoln-Mercury Agency. We f1etur1 the latest in service facilities, as well es the great 0, • ...,..,... ..... ,.1 .. ~o Li@o.Werrn_1y,~Y.i1LQ11.,Lnf)udi~2 t~e ell new Lincoln " / Continental, Merk 111, Mercury, Cougar. end the sensilloniT :XU:'Nl!W -- ! ~~ I ........ ...., Uitz i~-~;e~i~9-~;Tc;~etyni~ ·WO~i. We·wffl·te~ .,,. -·· • ._.,..: our friends and customers the following: I. Integrity 2. Compeiitive pricing 3. Mo5' profe~sional service 4. Courlesy 5. Sincerity Gordon Grove Lincoln-Mercury has ndt yet developed • molfo •s busineues dlo, but, it might wleH be our version of tho Golden Rule, 11.Tre1t our customers as we would-wish-to be treated." . . One more thing, 1very1 year at new car introduction, Lincoln .. Mercury 9ives 25 brand new Mercurys away throughout tho nation. This is · done by fil!i."9 out showroo,m registr<>tion blanks when ·you visit us. Those same blanks will entitle you to our daily drawing of valuable pri1es including TV's. .. Please com• in •s soon as possible -we ere looking forward to meeting you. Yours truly, 4r~¥- Owner .. Gener ii M1nager 'FOR OUR GRAND OPENING A SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM . . .. . . THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY J969 COUG'AR 2-DOOR H.T. v ... ,-11-litOf;l;•lTC~ · r•dlo, ht:1hr, power stiirlftg~ pOwer br8.kti, factory 1lr conditioning, white well tires, vinyl top, tinted 9l1s1. Gor9tou1 t'urquoise ht color. Bleck buckets end metched interior. License Number YEZ 195. ... LSO AT EQUALLY ... TTRACTIVE. PRIC S WE OFFER THE 11\AGNIFICENT MERCURY MARQUIS.-MONTEREY, MONTEGO, COUGAR ... ND LINCOL!'I CONTINENTAL " '· SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 A.M. -9 P.M. MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. • 6 P.M. SAT. AND SUN. - I, _1 t I I . ' r, • " • ' • I ' i ' • ; ' • ! ' t f • ! • t ' .. . ' ' • ' I . . .. . ' ·!.