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1969-09-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
-......... ~ .... ..--.... ··-•• ' . . • ID ·County Court~ ·Leary • DAILY PILOT • I ·Vows Tu-l:ned ·On Election * * * 10' * * * )' . . ' l'RIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBE~ 26, 1969 • IXOll .. I ' ' . I • 'W e~11 Turn O·n Eleeiion~ . ' .• . " llAft." rrt.OT,,.,. _. \M ,..._ LSD CULTIST ORI TIMOTHY LEARY SHOWS FOR SANTA ANA COURT HEARING With Him Aro Son John, 19 (i.1t1 j'nd Costa Moia DmnH A.-y 0-IO Chula (canter) • County Court Leary • Ill Says ''.We'U BT-Ow -This ·Thi tig Out· of Sight' By TOM BARLEY Cooper !or John eu.11 Lelry, II, -lnt<nd ltatllllcal ··data alto polnUod to blo ot ""' oe11J "1"" s1tff to· argue that U»e arre11t of. thelr cllentl "ovenrheJming vlctaey" to lhe 1970 Dr. Timothy Leary Sl&rched into flouted so many areu of la" that tt 11 pbemaiorial race. Supaior Court today armed with who! he ......,uble the! the char1eo bave tieen "'ll>ll ls ...., to be a' far oul thJni," Aid were "'°"""" or •strologlsta and oultalned !or ao ·1ong. the bJ&h prleat ol the hippie eet com• ltatlstlctana that are going to blow this .Olula ""1il.1rill-be ar111ed that the ar-mealed. "lt'I 'lolni to be bet1!'<11 me, aa.y thing oot or sight.• ~ officer who ballal the LHrys• ftoepn, Allolo and Unnth -whot I call 'Ille· "cruy thing" lacing the LSD baiw.<I atatlon wagon in the Art Co1on1 a rul tllrned on .-_ But. bl the md eulllll are chargos Iha\ he and his coo-laal Dec<mber "abould bava -llel-then'H be jual me," Leary grinoed. trovlfllal family were In posaesslon of ter than to evm approlcll•the •ehlc~." •"l'beq JOU. me, and all lboee wooderfal marijuna and LSD Wt Dec. :II when And It will be -pmod, a..la tldl ea raally turn oa, !'Oii -!" they ~ -UTested by WIWJ& Btach »oald, that the ollloor "cioold DOI pomftliJ All tine Learya ara ebarpd wl1h polloe Gl!IW!I. ..... deled<il the edar el amljama Ill r:;11oo el mar1J-. -.,Y 111llle charges~ be made almolt llle-aerorlllm~'!IJ'llll .· 'lilld'\Jobn 'Buab-.LeVJ .. 111- meauinglea If Jud ft He~ Herllnd• fts made. 'r1 ' ' dldanaJl1 ebqed wtth po1t•wt of !Inds any m<rit 'Iii the argument. Chula llid •-w111 pui'"IOIM ol the LSD. otheduled !or delliry by the Leary !inest drvi experta In the notion" on the AU three were llillded by tlio Oranro !amity's battery or torneys.. r • stand during what lo1flll*fad to bJ a daJ Coullly Grlliil J1l17 .,.,. the puel heard Jllelge Hor lands w i be asked lo grant a • long hearing. tatlmonJ' lbal the trio ;-lecl •P- motloo !or'w-+ or ~vl<ftnce. The apP&ientbo.bappyl.olry, colorfully ~ 1 J*!Ad,cl marlJUlila IOCI • All three lawye,_ -George Chula ol clad In a lawn Jungle suit and IClll!ed, I.BO eapoulet al the-of tbtlt.amst. Costa Mesa for ~ry. j9 : Robert Law noodt«rt]it ,...i&Lo; 'tola • the DAILY They baVll been Gtder<d tor..,. J"'1 !or Rosemary Ltf'Y• 33; IOCI Marvin' P!Wl' that bla astrolostcal • n d (let Ulf"'Y, l'lp II r • VOi., ~ "°' Sil, t l•CTIONS, • , ....... • .ar ' Parents Fear Rats , Group Blasts Beach Storm Channel Asks for Support Three Bind, Rob Newport Motel Owners Nixon Aims to Halt War In Vwtnam Before '71 By JOHN VALTlllllA Of .. Plltr ,, ....... 'l1ne armed men barged tnto a Newport Beaeb motel at gunpoint Thurs- day nJtht, bound the managers and fled with l3llO In cub IOCI a pair o! btn-Oculan. Detective. said the three men, au Negroes, knocked on the door of thtMesa Mo\d at 11:30 p.m. Mrs. Belen L. Rayzor, who ln8.J18,ges the motel with her hu11band, Raymond, at 415 H: Newport Blvd., answered the door. The men barged in, pulled guns, ttieD told her to stay quiet. . They then forced her Into the living room where her husband bad come to Ur ve!Ugate, detedivea said. 'Ille trio forced the coople to Jle· on the dlnihg .-floor, ilpped out phone lines . and boond Ille Raymn 1'ith the !'Ire. Aa Ra)'JOI' and his wife watched, defec.. tlves aid, the men ransacked tbe office .... bedroom, .... took Ille euhbox with $3GO In bills IOCI coin& along with a pair ol $100 blnocullr1. Two of the men were armed with blue steel pdlloll. Thi olber carried a aawed-orr abotgun, o1n.;.,.. llid .. Five mJnulet 1fter the thieves fled the couple !reed themae!Vea and aougbt aid • A tenant lnqulrlng at· the olfke !or hlJ tey entered at ibt 11me time u tbe llaYI<Jl'I !reed lhemoelvea. He. found a phone to awnman police. •· All three men wen de9Cribed u bet.rig In thelr early or mid 20s. One or the three, wore a thin, neatly trJmmed moustacbe. The couple told delecttv6. they were asleep In bed when the three men rang the of!Jce bell. Slaying Suspect Gives Self Up FfOm Wire Semcu WASJUNGTON -President Nixon said today bl! admlniltratlon'1 objective Ir to end the Vietnam war "before the end ot li70." He decllred that propouls lo oet a deadline for U.S. troop withdrawal destroy and undercut Ulla effort. He appealed to the nation for "even more support" in pursuing bis a;oal of peace. At a White House new• conference, Nixon twice talked of a settlement before the end of next year, or by the middle of 1971. Nixon iaJd efforts to Impose a cutoff on U.S. involvement destroy the North Viet~ nam ineentlve to negotiate by telling the enemy in advance that "If be just waila far 18 months we'll be out an,.way." Nixon thus took a stand In flat op- pos!Uon to Sen. Charles E. Goodell (R- N. Y.), and the new Senate Ropobllean leader, Sen. Hugh Scott of P~lvuia, both of whom favor a termination date. Goodell called !or total wlt1'drawal by Dee. l, li70 IOCI Scott by the end ol lfll. Nl:ron llid bis ·admlnlltraUon · haa achieved "90Dle progress" toward 1 Rt.- Fullerton 'Man's · BocJy Found-' In ·zion Park • .._ • ' I Mlafnr ~.day~ \rta..u1:~' 'notle-j ed. the body or • ll'uu.rton geo on •· ' fieJ<!•iitp IQ Zion NatJ\lnal Par .. Utah, 1 "!;~ '!1iunltay nlll>t at the '!Oot ol a . J~ cllff. ' • r ' Nrian;C. !JIUn, ~.of<l!W ;!!. JllCh. FORT WORTH, Ta. (AP) -An tx• ,,,..(jJ*in, ~tlt.ol!Pl!ad lio\n Iha I C\>11'11:1 IOUgbt !or two day> in tile queo-· preclPIC' wllll<-il\oo&i ~ list Uonlnf ln·lhe death or Dyba Aakew Sim-Monday. ._ ~ to pollct loclay In tile Park Super!nt<ndent 0oear Dlelt ·said C<llllPlllY ol I llWJer. the acddent oceumed on lho·Baal Rim P1ul W-l!owell, ,14, -t to tho ol· Trall. ' !Ice o! --blnclUnr the -· Mier 'Ille viot!m waa vlllttnc In lhe park on aome dl11CU&1ioa, Howell wu placed an etped!Uoo w study Ill 1pectacular und• .amsi. .No ellargea .... flied. ltolol!' .... COllHCJ""!lllY WU not s1..._, .•• eoeapecl laat AprJI IJont a repottid milling vnW Tburid01. Mexican prlJon when he bad -.it 10 A M&tth party wis or,antud and· yen of. 1 lita ltlltenct for three'mutdtr'I ChlM'I body w11 found abOuL 4 p.m. at be aald be did not cornml~ · tb• fool or the etU!. ' I I I Uemenl, liid_ hoa made a can~e peace offer whicb·seeU wttbdrawal ol all foreign forces. The only Item not negotiable, Milon said, Is the Tig!Jt ol Sooth Vietnam 1'> detennine itaown destiny, free ol oatalde interference. Nl:ron called th& a !Inn and ateady course, then l:OUDCled this appeal for na- tlonal backing: "If we can stay on this course and have some more llipport in the naUon ••• w• have a lot of support but 1f "' can ha_ye even mote 1n the paUon for Ulls 'ajeact, course, then the enemy wW have tome lncenUve to oegotiate, recogrrizlq: tb:at • • ._ it la not i •illl! to win ti. objecUVll b1 waJting ua out, then . the ~ 1 will negotiate and we will end thia war befort the end of 1rro. •1 "Tbat Is ihe obj~e,.. bave,"·Ntroa aaid. At another poln~ i'pumlng troop·euto!f deadlloes,, the President said, HI am tt\.tqa to achieve" i aettrem'tnt 0belore lbe end ol. 1970, «r before ~ ,mlddJ1 of 19'/1. ·; . ' • c...i ' ' I l . f . I ' . ' ' s . Friday, Stp-16, 1969 -• l ! olivia President Overtbl'OWD ' • > -• • 'I' ' . . . ' ' ( .. •• • 4- ..:· · Milikiry Leader Seizes Power in Bloodless Coup ·" LA PAZ. ~!!via CUP!) -Arm1 O!lel : .•. Gen. Alfredo OV&llCIO lod~ ovorthrow -~Lull A.,Sllea In. ,,. --· Sileo jlnloptly fled tbe COIJll' ';Jt)i b)· & l'l'IV• plaM and WU nprled, :: \ tn route to au>e:. ~ 'l'bl ..... ......,...,t pmnpUy ... """"'4 Ill orlei1tllloo u "lellcl cOnter'!' and 11id !here would be "Pl'C>found · cbena ..... ':It Aid ill ·pooltl\IO wllll nli· llOll IO tbe Un!led states wu cenlin1mt on that COUJ>try's ellilude towvd tbe coup. . The cou~:Jl LaUn ,\meri<,I_ lhis • ""•"" i.,~ .. ~ ...... < .. . . Frollt Pilg~ J .u'fs; .. . . ant rollowen of Ovando in the tin mining ~llrs of Cochabaroba and Oruro. A. radio breadcm' by m I U l ar y alllbor!Ues referred to. Ovando BJ "pres!· cleat of the revoluUODfJ'Y g:ovenmerit of Bolivia." SllW wu not In thi capitol whoo lhe CCMJ> occurred. Aa -Ovando spokesman sald 'SUe1 WU In santa Cruz, in ea.stem Boll'ria, and waa nol u~ detention &l\d was not subject to arrest. The spokesman, Al~o Bailey Gutierrez, 1 a Id Siles' foreign minister, Gustavo Medtllr!>o Quertjazu, wouW bt realalnod Ill Iha poot.. • • Army troops moved twiltly and ef- ficienUy to qU5t .SUes. wtto .wumed lhe presidency under t~ COO!UtuUm, alter. the dealh of President Rene Ban1entoa last Apri) IJ1 a belieopter. crash. Soldieri oelzed lhe palace, the l!Quse ol Congroa1 and the mayor'• office in quick 1uc•' cession. JJbey appeared to meet ao op- position, Siles was tourtna the lnterloi tarlier this week and wu ~ed In bosUle manner by peasants st rallies in Santa Cruz: de la Sierra and Oruro. 'Ill! peasant UF!aigP followed. • Siles' overthrow came as no 5U1')lrise to ' . . :· 1111111 •ir ~~"" Blelor • :: c: *l!!IJ'!l\' to SPflnlU!e st?e.t. ul . , ...... ti. dl!te illl\ll&t ""_.. Ill& cllJ ~ . . - :: 611 olllciala wer. not ...... Ill tbe . ~:P,oblem. but information officer BUI •! Reed said lhio morning lhe dly .....Jd be :: happy lO Investigate tbe charg ... :l : The home owners paper suggested two ~ solutions to the situation, tine the channel i~ w~ colicrete or build an enclosed, ;' lillderlfOUlld cbfnnel. :: ' Qty &nglneer ·Biii Harig• said today : plans are already under way lo b the • cbanDeJ,eldes and bue with concrete, but ~ It p!W<bly coulihi'l be done !or lhm , ~years. :-: "We have to wait for funds," he tx· ~ flained, "and the cost of linin~ that cban· ~ nel la alioul '400,000 lo $500,000. • t•CHANNEL TOO cosn.Y • An underground cblnnel would be lar too costly, he added. Hcmtawnen lo the Frandlcan Foun- -i.Jm. i\OVelopm~ ~~ lhat. • lot of money had alrudy been spent In a;:praylng the area for insects and rats and that the city had used a crane to clean o.ut the channel a rear ago. "I don't know of rab ln the chumel," "id Harf&e, "but I wouldn't be aurprlled i£ there J.fe... ' "The enUre area used to be marJhY around.'' oplaµled Reed, "apd there are a lot of rodents in that area. Inertaaed d~elopmeut bu stirred up the pro- blem." ;, . The channel II Untd on one elde by a , • block wall ~ on the other by a chain . link fenee. its carryinl capgclly la 4!0,000 ' gallmis of waler per minute. PUMP STATION 1be water empties Into a pump station near Springdale Slrell which trllllfen II to a larger clwme1 c:ontrolled by the • • Oran&• County Flood Control District. -The Flood Control District has five large • ... cbannela running through the city. ;: Hartge sald part of the sludge problem tn the Slater channel would decrease as . upstrtam property is developed. · The homeowners1 article called for nearby rtsldents to bring the problem wt in lhe open by phoning city hall and using public pressure. City o!ti~als expressed a wlllingne~ to listen, but COuld offer no lmmtdlate solu- tion untU a study 11 made. "Al, yet," uid Reed, "l'm not aware bl anyone1 calling us. But we'd ht happy if .. , they bring it to our attenUon. We'll make '.. . an immediate invatigatloo and follow . . with some type of actlon." From Page J ': LEARY ••. trial Oct. 8 In Superior Court. Thal dale i!, of course, dependent on the outcome of today's htarlng. Leary and h15 wUe race tdenUcal char&es in Riverside County. Leary is " also aceused in that county of con- tributing to the delinquency of a minor. charge~ filed after " 17·year-<>ld Laguna Bea<lt girl drowned In lhe pool al lhe mountain center hippie haven. .. DAili PIL01 ......................... --_,,... c-.- CALllOINlA O!Wttl co.u1 1'\111.._,.. COMNN'I ,.\.tort N. w ... ---.IKli I. C.I.,. ~ .......... .....,. . ........, Th"''' ll:1nll a- ~~:· .. Student Searched Ann Arbor, ?\1icb., police frisk a student arrested inside a Univers· ilf of Michi~an building early today. Police hauled 103 students out o the building at 3:30 a.m., 12 hours after they began a sit·in. The issue? Regents' refusal to establish a student·rtlll bookstore. See story, Page 5. Laguna No Smoke Plan Lauded-Not Followed By BARBARA KREIBICll Of tM 0.ll'f' Plltt Slaff The ni>smoking campaign organized by &tudenti al Laguna Beach High School is a iood Idea for 1.he kids, most downtown merchants In Laguna Beach seem to aifee. but thty're not about to stop sell· lng cigarettes -though 3ome would like to. Student. body president Howard Hills this week wrote a letter to merchants asking them to support the tl0-6m0king drive by dlsconUnuing cigarette sales, in the interest of public health and welfare. Ron Piclcard of the Park-Forest Pharmacy, who qui.1 cigarettes himsell a few years ago, said, "I'd Jove to be able to kick cigarettes out of the store, but l can't see us doing it, at least not right away. "There's very litUe profit in selling I.hem. ln fact they're a nuisance, but they do bring people in, and that's about all you can say for them." Pickard said he Wa! pleased to see the high ecbool go after the smoking problem however. "I doubt if too many of the older, confirmed smokers . will change their habits," he explained. "But It's great to try to keep kids from 6tarling. Personally I think anyone who smokes cigarettes ls absolutely stupid." Pharmacy owner Joe Bushard agreed that having to sell cigarettes is strictly a nuisance. "It'a one of lho!le things like ma..,"'Ulnes and cigars and ao forth tha& you have to carry as a cu..rtomer con- venience. I not only don't make any money on I.hem, J actually lose, so I'd love to throw 'em out, but if they don 't buy lhem bere, · lbey'll buy lhem aomewhere else." "Tell you wh11l," added Bushard. "If all lhe kids will o10p smoking pot, I'll llop aelllng dpreltta!" UP-Forest Avenue al McCa111'1 Pharmtcy, proprietor Charles MCC.lla uld, "I'd like lo ~ull amoklnJ mytelf, but 1 don't think they U accompUah too much wUb lbls rtquest. So far as the 11tore Is concerned, we really don't sell that many cigarettes. We ju!l }ceep them as a customer convenlence." Al \VaJdeck at the Forest ?.1arket did not think the drive would get much response. "It's just not possible to stop selling cigarettes," he said emphaUcally. A liquor store clerk who had not yet seen Hills' letter said, "It might be a good Idea but tt won't work. So long as people are going to drink liquor and smoke cigarettes 1 don't"' think you'll stop them this way. If we stop selling them, they'll buy next door. But I 11ure wish l could stop smoking myself!" Connie Darden, who, with her husband, Leu, runs Laguna Pipe and Tobacco Su~ ply at 347 S. Coast Highway, sald firmly, "l don't smoke myself and I'd encourage anyone to quit smoking, I think this thing at the high school ls a good deal. It's cer· tainly no good for young people to smoke and we never sell ctgarettes to youngsters, only to adults. If there's any doubt we ask: to see their tdentlfJcation. We don't. even sell cigarette papers to youngsters." Mrs. Darden MJd m0&t or their sales are in pipes and pipe tobacco, but they carry cigarettes (for adults) .and will continue to do so. Bob Benner, presidonl of the Downtown Business Association, said be would put llills' letter on the agenda for his group's Oct. 7 meeting go It could be discussed by the membership. "We're interested in anyt.hlng we can do to help the young people and lht'y have some very interesting ideas," said Benner, who LI in tbe 'furniture bu5lnesa. Pope Paul VI Turns 72 VATICAN CITY (UPl}-Pope Paul VI turned 72 today, faced with a worldwide upheaval inside the Roman Catholic Church on issues ranctng from blrtb con· trol lo priestly celibacy. Gold Rnd white VaUcan OaAs nuttered not only above St. Peter'a tfa1Wc1 but above Rome's princi!)4ll churches In trib- ute to Giovanni BatUsla Montlni, who was ordained ll prit!lt t.tay 29, I92a, al Brescia In Northern ltaly, his borne. political ob6erverg in view or peasant support since Barrientos' death of Ovan- do. • Ovando eatlitt lhia week had reslgned- 11s .anny dUef after the polltJcal ~ position 8CC1lle1I hlm of laking $600,000 from for'lp busine!I interCil.s for hla pl'tlldentl•l campaJp. However, Siles had ttifused to accept the res.lgnation and Ovando continued, at least in name u bead of the country's U.S.-trained forcts. Despite the coup. calm was reported throughout the country. Bolt vi a, a landlocked nation ot 3.$ rajJlioo ~le, is about twice the size of Texas. Barber Shop School Polls Now Approved With the election of a third con- servaUve school lrualee Dr. Doria At.w- jo. County Schools Superintendent Robert Peterson had the voles so the whole hoard voted Thursday to approve barber shop polls. County school board member Donald Jordan, who had strenuously Gt>Ject.td to the polls before, explained he went along ()ft the vote because concessioM were made. His stance, and Hiat of the other moderate trustee Pat Arnold, was "half a loaf is better than none," the res<>rt of pragmatJc pcliU.cians when the count is agalilst them. The principal concession by Dr. Peterson was to cive trustees a say on v.·hat questions are included in his ,public opinion surveys. He also promised to let them know the result.s immediately and not conc(uct more lhan -polls durtns the year. The new poU. will be condlicled In barber shopo, beauty parlors, doughnut houses, gasollne stationa: and dentists waitlng room1 (board member Dr. Dale Rallison i1 a dentist), 'The fight over the poll& began Wt October when Dr. Peterson polled 90 men in 20 county barber shops and then ref us. ed for several months to reveal the results to the county board becawe they mlgbl prejudice sex education hearings by lhe board. The poll was critJcized for not including women and for being unscientific in tls method. QuestiON were asked on suclt Sllbjflcts as sex education, sch o o I busing to achieve racial balance, patriotic ln- strucUon, federal aid to education and 1ocal school board leadership. Subsequently. in June, Dr. Peterson asktd for board approval to conduct new polls but did not get it. He said he would go ahead with polling. anyway, paying for it out of his own funds. But then Dr,' Araujo was elected In a !.-pecial election last month, replacing moderate Lyle Gulpre who moved from the state, and Dr. Petmon again brought the question be.fore the board • Board Presldent Clay Mitd!en of Soulh Laguna said Tbursd~ he favors: lhe public opWon polls because "they are economclal and are not binding but give us a little light on bow to educate the ehildren." UPtT.-..tt REPORTERS RA1SE HANDS AT NIXON PRESS CONFERENCE No Flat Date for Total Wlthdraw•I of U.S. Troops From Vi•tnam Nixon Predicts Senate I Conse~t on Haynsworth From Wire Services WASHINGTON -Preti.dent Nixon said today he still has confidence in Supreme c.wrt nominee Clement F. Haynsworth's qualifications and integrity and predicted confinnation by the Senate. He told a news confert.oce questioner he has no plan to withdraw lhe nomina· tion, on which the Senate Judiciary Com· millee ii holding bearings. On other issue.a, the president said: -The United States e~ a positive answer lhortly from Russia setting a dale foe lhe slart of long planned strategic anns Umltation talks. -He had favored the 27'Ai percent oil depletion allowance Uitooghoot his 21 yeara of polities but described himseH as "a political realist" whose primary con· cem was to get a I.ax refmn bill. from Congress and Indicated he would Sign a bill lo reduce lbe allowance. -He hopes to' steer a "middle coune" 011 ochool deaegrqalion between lbe ••· tremes "that wonl hul.lnt Integration and tho&e that want segregation forever.'' -There are no American combat forces in laos. Asked about the reasons behind Russla·s failure to nspond to nuclear arms negoUatJons. Nl.1on r e p l i e d Secretary of Stale Wiiiiam P. Rogero U· ~ an answer aoon. He said be did not know the ruson for the delay in a reply by lhe RllSSiana. Asked about U.S. involvement.in Laos, Nixon 8ald "There an no American com- bat forces in Laos.'.1 he uid tbe U.S. is concerned about Norlh.Vletnamue forcea in Laos. Nixon said the u'.s. has been providlng aome logiallcal au_.i-aiid trallllng lo combat the North Vietnamese force.s but emphasized that 0 there are no American combat troops in Laoa." Nixon !aid he intended to steer a mid· dle course in school integration, using fund cuto[fs to Soulhern school districts only aa "a last resort." "I don't think it is a victory for civil rights when the government cuts off funds for a school district," Nixon said at a news conference. "That is a de!eat for education." Spoon S~inging Attack Hurts 2 At State Hospital A dispute over how much tOO<t to serve patients on a ward at Fatrvlew State Hoopltal allegedly resulted in a ipoon· awing atlack Thuraday whlcb .left one employe arre!ted and two others injured. Philip R. Duke, 29, of 34502 Del Obispo St., Dana Point, ill free today on $1,250 bail after being booked into Costa Mesa City Jail on a charge or assault and bat· lery. Sbamm A. Kimball, 20, of Costa Mua, was treated in the hospital infirmary, where four &titcbes were taken in a lace:Tation on her head, accordinJ lo Patrolman Bob Arnold. Anne .McCauley, 46, of Ora.na:e, told In~ vesUgators she was also hit several timc9 with a heavy metal spoon when she went to Mi.ss Kimball'• aid, but acaped with bruisea. Officer Arnold aaid the younger psychiatric technician went \0 the ward kitchen with instructions from Mrs. McCauley on how to serve the food and the suspect apparently became angry. Seplemter SPICIAL $ 149 Special UCIUt.M 1179 llb60 GLASS TOP TABLE, l4" THICK -floly afyled ... _.., 4atefttd, fMa b fh -fa I tlm to, tollfa. Doo't Olhs •op. pertwlty to ...,. .....,. ., • r1•11atlt prkt. A"'1ablt la 11oa l'olow!Jot FlohUo: """"°" CHld -Old S,.I .. -Dis-on.a --~ Yanlt a,_ -Alltlqu Y-. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS fOR: HENREDON-DRµEL-HERITAGE NIWl'ORT BEACH 1727 WHlcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPIN NIDAY "TIL t INTERIORS Prof•lon1t lnt•rfor o .. tgn•,.. Ava1!abl-ID-NSID ' LAGUNA BEACH 34$ North Cotti Hwy. I 4'4-6551 OPIN fllDAl 'TIL t ,. ... ,.., ........ ., °'911 c.., .... , , .. ' I • l I I I I . -. ~ .... . -- •• -.~ IXOll s Parents Fear .Bats 'Group Blas·ts Beach Storm Cha.nnel . \1ie crownlng· ol Plinc<Os 'WcM Walker,-ll, al I o'el0ck tonl&ht will launch the first All-Indian Rodeo and Pow Wow -ln Huntington Beach. , Following the Indian Princess selection, a group ol Illy tots, ages I to 8, will perfonn 16 different . ttjbaJ dan~ in competition for ptw.. money. Tbe lndlfn. and rodeo activity wUI take place · tiOrJb of. Huntington Leko •. near Edwar.ds .Street. Ehlest entrance tp th• ' . . CJaeerlul Ch:eer Lea4ers Goldtn West College fans Will.have plenty to cheer aljoutwben these gtrls lead tfJem in yells for Rustkr football team Saturdar night at Mt. SAC. Mni• spread ; ·center is Linda •\\'bite and arowid ~r " ...,.~.. ,. . . l : . -' . ' 11 :30 a.m..,. Jnltructlon In l n d I an daildnl ' . . ~ p.111-. rodeO . 'a.11 . p.tn~.lnd1an·1t'bmen dance SUNDAY •-'' " ar . . ' .. ··w,t1~ . , ' ' . ' , ' • ' ,· ! I .'> •I j ) • j "'T··-·- 1\EPCRTl!RS· 1µ151! HANDS ~T NI IXON:,PR.SSl<C~~~!!!!l.C.E. No .Fh1t.D~eJor.Tolol-Wltfidrewa of U.S. .Tr..-· r.,....v~m. . . . . ' ! : • • ," *i«on Pr.edicu:Selwie . -' ' • J_; : "1 ' ' I Consent on Haynsworth \ l . ' H.un~gton High, / Edison Tangle On Fresh T.ur,f · ' > :. ; '. ,,~· . ' • '•..# ·.~ ( But Refn$eS ' ' ' ... . .. D--·:.11!..:.. . . ~e ' On Pullouts . .. '•. • • ; .I DAil Y PllOT H '!Ii#• 1 .. :Ap~rtm · nts . flt. ' I • ~~ Fo~. ta;.n. Yalwy Lau~~ DetaiW. .S.tudy By TElll\Y COVILLE (JI.\) -', ' , IO!llM!> ~ ,., tlJt -"1lft ' ., • ................. ~.lilll'olllll·~~,.. ~~.ll\iltbeY-~,.t To l>ulJd « not lo build aptrtmenil -aparfm:t!lll llel wtlllllrtlle ell) ...,. Whet .. • lilal 11 the c:urnnt queallon In Fountaln C<l11<r (bounded by Warner and. Slater "We think," explained Manlfield, "!NI A•onlld and Broollhunt and Ward hll~ density apartment& (11.f) will be -Valley. Strttta) area. limited to the city center and very '. And therein Ile a lot of lltUe A solution to the 15)9.rtmtnt problem special caae.s. We also w•nt to avoid mix· · pred~ sucb u whert. bOW many. f~' euy. Resident& have ind!cated they Ing apart.menta into a re11denUal area." whit density, .and whit type. Each don't want apartmentl in Fouotaln He also added that to eeae the • ,,._ blnca 00 the .,.,.t qUllllon aod Valley. But the -!or aputmtnil (91· u..•oldablo traffic IDcreue, no the men charpd with !lit ultlmale oolu· perc<nt of all until alot>t the Orange apartm•nla wlll coanect lo rft!dentlal tion sil on the tilanning commission. Coa!t are full) 11 obVioua and they aJ> neighborhoods, and all apartment traffic 11>ey haw: declartd a moratorium until parently provide more tax thoney on the will empty on to major st.re& such as lle .. 11..... f ,........,_ t ave.rage than 11.Qale family homes. Brookhursl StreeL Nov. 1 on oew •PP -·• or •,-.-.... ri Pl•-1 .... Director 1tan ·Man1'1'"1d said Clly center b 1the one place ev-e. ccrolNctl<>n. hopd\llly to Ii"• them U... --• ~ -,-.. •ta, inll*t the questions and arrive at the • nceDt study of a lu.untt-apartment aeems to agrtt apartmenta belona. "I'm ...,..,.. Thi q...Uoo• they l\tVI alrudy Ulld« conltnJctlon In tl!e city sbowtd an tickled pink about that area bl-g • ly u-.. 8 ... .t-.nt re-asaened valua.Uori of $a,oqo, w b Jc h. (most of tbe approved apartment. are = =. i!r":? ~~ would .provid• more than fl,000 In taxea locilad tber•).1 lhink it will prove lo be • Wjll in aoortmtnt CllllPln ov..-aowd lo die cit}' and abojt •.ooo total 1u .. 1o a dynamic eeonomlc force," uid our acboollf wfu.u -IChool tax.. the thret -cllltrleta. Manafl•ld . . wttboUt prO¥l4ln& olgnlficant t 1 x · "Per a fivwcre aJta of homet lo brine '111• moratorium was placed at Juat the ~revenue? in the same tues,"' Mid MaMl'Jeld, ri&ht urne, because apartments artr jwlt "aacjl boln• would netd a l!llfk•t value now blouomlnJ In all arus of Orange :QVIQITIOli1 UdD ol ali>Qt $M,OOO." County. U the city can It! a firm. well •' '.'9Jl! tmlllenla ,,,.... In wllo don~ care ' , publldzod and ..,...i upon plan of apart.. ; ~ our ,.,,..,_, our cleon city, FUltTllE1I REDUCl10N8 ment devalojlment It migllt avoid many 'C!W'·clilldr<n'• •af•ty? . P\il)ntn, city coondlm .. ml the plan-of Ille ....tant baW.. .... ~ otber : i-WUI th• cost of ,,.uce and fire J"O" nb\g -ltaff 11a ... lndlcalad th...-·wUJ be c1u ... Planners hope so. ~Wlon jump bectuse. of Io w • r • n t :"'"""•nil? · co -handle tile inmued traiflc •f19!irt ' . : jobie <f tbe facts about apartment con· · alnlcSllJO In ·Founlaln Vall•y Include the ;~Ing: : ... total' of rn unlla (Including duplexea) ~.,, ul.lt, near Hubor Boulevard. '--A tot.al of 2.3)3 apartment units in ... seven distinct developments are under !. construction or have been approved by ;city planners. • tbf: master "plan now calls for an ~ oliiiMle aalumloo of abeut'l,000 mulll-il>fewnlly (eix!dominlum• incllldtdl un11s ;anc1 about 13,000 llngle family (!\·!) ~.nus is a 1·1 raUo of borne owners ~· apartment dw•Um. HunUngton ~.ach resldenti' were recenUy an&ered when they diJJc.Overed their ratio would ultimately be 1·1. About 10 perctnt of the city Is master '1Jlatmecl for mu!Uple family d•vclopment. About !U percent of Huntington Beach was pla?med for apartments. ALREADY CHANGED -Fountain Valley's orl&inal master plan called for about 5tiO acres of multiple family zoning. One-third ol thet has already l>een changed to llillgle family " " FNtlt P .. e 1 ~RODEO .•. members of the sporisoring Orange Coun-- ty Indian AsaodaUon will &tve free In- ., di4n danciu: lessonsi to Boy Scouts and "'tnfont else interested tn Jearnlng. Following the rodeo Saturday, a group •.(If Indian braves from Mu1kogee, Okla., ~I tackle each other in an Indian aUck ".Iii.II game. ,' 'llootba load•d with Indian J•welry, bead work, ri~n w o r k , mocea1tns, . head bands. Navajo a 11 v er bracelet!, 'abiwls and a few Navajo rup, wlll be cpen through the day Ume and evening events all three days. Most of the Indian crafts are supplied by Sculhwest and Plains lndlw. At S p.m., Saturday, the women wi.11 preserit three hours of gpedalty dances. Booths will be open at night Sunday the rodeo reiumes, tJltu the In- dian men take over the dancing hooon at • 1-p.m., performing fancy war dances and -various other ceremonial dances. 'nley • will display fancy C<>Stumes of cloth, buck ~ :skin and Eagle feathers. · Tl\e. price of admission 1s $2 for any one over 13, fl for youngsters over ti, and the ·tots free to rodeo events. All lndian • ·(2remooies, day end night. are free. • The All-Indian Rodeo and Pow Wow is cosponsored by the Orange County Indian 'As.soc:iation, John Knifechle.f pre.51de.nt, ·and the Huntington Beach Jayctes~ • Indian spokesmen 1aJd they hope to establish it as an annuel Welt Coast event rivaling the Indian gatherings in • New Mexico and Arizona. · At least 400 Indians from around the country are expected to participate in the rodeo and ~remorrial activities. DAILY PILOT ,. • Military Coup Overthrows Government in Bolivia LA PAZ, BoUvia (UPI) -Anny Chi•f G<ii. -<mndo today .. -.. COlll!tutloo>J Pmldllll·Lola II. Sllu In a dawn ""ll>· S1lal JllUDptly fled ,the coun- try In f pmala plane "I"' WU n!partad eo route 1o Qille. '111• new government promptly ,.. nounced ita ortentat!Oa u "left of center" and said Ibero would be "profound chanies." It said !ta poaltlon with rela- tion to the United states wa1 contingent on that country'• attitude toward the coup. The coup, first In Latin Am<rlca thll year. was pnceded by uprillillga of peu- anl followers ol Ovando in the tin mining centera ol C'«bablmba and Oruro. A radio broodcut by military authoritJes referred to Ovando u 1<prul· dent of the molullonary govemnent ol BolML" 511a. -not In the capital. when tho coup oocurrtCI. An Ovando lj>Oknman said Siles was in Santa Crui, In eastern Boi!vla, and WU not undtT detention and waa not llUbjoct "' mu!. Th• 1pokeaman. Alberto Balley Guitar ... 1 a I d Siles' foretp m1m11«, Gustavo Medeiros Quet•juu, would be rulalned in the post. Army troops movid awltUy and: tf· ficlenUy lo oust su.., wbo UIUlll<d the presidency under the COl?IUtutlon after the death of Pr..utent Rene Barrionlo1 Jest April in a helicopter crash. Soldiers .. iuJcl th• palac., the 11ouae o1 eon.,. .. and the m1yor's . office in qukk auc· ...alon. Thoy appeared lo -1 no OJ> poolUon. Siles wu tourina the interior earlier this week and wu ireeted in boeWe mamier by peaaanta at rallies In Stnta Cruz de la Sierra ·and Orun>. 'Ille "'°'""t upriainp followed. Sllet' overthrow came u no IUJllllle to pollUcal obouvm In Viaw of peuant mlpport a1Dce Barrleirt<>e' d .. tb of Ovan· do. · Now Dr. Peterson Has A 'Barber Shop Quintet' With the election of a third con- servative ICbool tnlltee. Dr. Dorta Arau- jo. Cotmly Schools Superinl<ndent Robert Peterson had the votes so the whole hoard voted Thur&d11y to 1p~ve barber lbop polls. County school boanl member Donald J ordan, who had stttnuously objected to the p:1lls before, erpl11ined he went along on the vole because conces&lona we.re made. His 1&tanet, end thal or the other moderate trustee Pat Arnold, was "half a loaf is better than none," the resort of pragmatic politicians when the count is against them. The principal conctssion by Dr. Peterson was to give trustees a say on what questions are included in his public opinlon surveys. He also promlsed to ltl them know the results immediately and not conduct mare than three polls durtna· the year. The new polls will be condi.:cted In barber shops, beauty parlors, doughnut hou.se.s, gasoline muons and dentists wailing roorm (board member Dr. Dale Ralli:son 16 a dentist). Tbe fight over the polll began last October when Dr. Pft«IO!I polled 90 men in 20 county barber shops and then refug.. ed. for sev~al months \0 reveal the mulLs to the o:ia.nty board because they might prejudice aex educaUoo hearings by the board. The poll wu critici.led for not including Chest Month Set For Huntington Now until October 11 bu been named Community Cbolt Moath In Huntington Beacb by Mayor Jack Gr-. The mayor In 1 proclamaUon point& out lbat tl\e Community Chell provides MJ'Vket ••eo euentlaJ for the wdfare and b«>dlt of all people" and that, "It b tho duly and .-lbllity ol all clttzenl lo support IUCh hulth. ... u... • n d character 11111ldlnc lfloda." Tbe local Community Cbell'• pl for lhla yeer ii llJl,000, up mon than $M,OOO ovtt Jut ,.ar, Csmpalp Chairman Robert L. Merriman point& out. Tbe cbeot haJ lilned a management contract with the ft'<OI Orange County Unlled 1\md, Pmldent Stove H4lden haJ ..-. Managing the lllt <ampalcnil of the two ociantaallorll wlll be Elaar A. a ...... ......Uva director or the w .. t Orange County iroup which CO\ltrt Oard<.o Grove, St.al Beacli. WestmfMlt.r, 1"ounlaln Vaftey and Midway City. ' • women and for being WJ.9cientific ;.a its method. Questions wue. asked on such subjecl.I as sex education, s ch o o I bua.!ne to achie".e. racial bal.anct, patriotic in· litruction, federal aid to edutatioo and local school board leadmhip. SubeequenUy. in June. Dt. Peterson asked for board apprnval to COflduct new polls but did not get it. He said he would ~o ahead with Polling anyway, paying for 1t out of his own funds. But then Dr, Araujo was elected tn a special eleclion last month. replacing moderate. Lyle Gu.ipre who moved from the state, and Dr. Peterson aaatn brought the question be.fort the board. Board President Clay Mitchell of South Laguna said Thursday he favors the public opinion polls because 0 they are economciat and are not binding but give us a li.Ule light on how to educate the chlldr.en." Huntington's Steering Group Meeting Changed A rpedal joint medlng of the Hun-Un&too Beach Cl!) Coundl and the Urban Land lnslltu1< e1t1uns s1 .. rtni eom- mittef. (C.SC) will not be held as prev1onaly scheduled on Oct. 13, clty of· flclala aonounced today. Monte Nitzkowski. chainnan or the CSC, utec!. for the postponement becauMI officials ol Economic Re 1 ea r c h Associates who particlpated in the "Top of the Pier Plan .. atudy to be pre.aentr:d to the council will not be able to attend on the Oct. 11 dal•. A tentative time of Oct. 28 bu been set for the session pendin& approval by city councilmen on OcL S. Wilen the two groupa meet, the CSC 1illl ouUine the redevelopment plan for Ult' downtown aru which includes a plan to acquire tbe equivalent of Mven city blocks along Pacific Coast ffighway for an 1,il()G..q>ece parking ma. Included In the prooooal ii all property froin Sth Street to Lake Sttttt, inland one blc:d to Walnut Avenue, plus five acres of Hunllngtoo lleach Company property east of Late Gtt.ndina to AUanta A\·enue. '!lit overall Top of the Pier Plan In· eludes .,.., ol the ctownlown area lnl•nd to tnd11n1poUs Avenue <in the Ult and P1tm Avenue on the north, tziendine i.o Beach Boulevard. Coat ol the inlUal project to 1<devclop the ~ along Coast Hlf)nvay II estimated at '3.8 million by the CSC. OAILY "\LOT P'r.tt lw LH f'l'fllt LSD CULTIST DR. TIMOTHY LEARY SHOWS FOR SANTA ANA COURT HEARING · With Him Are Son John, 19 (left) and Cost• Me1i1 Defense Attorney George Chula (center) • Leary Ill County Court ... Says 'We'll Blow This Thing Out of Sight' By TO~t BARLEY Of ltit ~ff Jtt• Sltff Dr. Timothy Leary marched into Superior Court today anned with what he said were "forecasts of a.!lroJogists and statlsticlans th.at are going to b1ow this crazy thing out of sight." .. The "crazy thi ng" facing the LSD cultist are charges that he and his con- troversial family were in po&ession of merijuana and I.SO last Dec. 26 when they were arrested by Laguna Beach. Police officers. Those charges would be made almost meaningless if Judge Herbert Herlands' finds any mc.rlt in the arguments &ehe.duled for delivery by the Leary family'a battery or attorneys. Judge Herlands will be asked to grant a moUon for suppression of evidence. All three lawyers -George Chula of Costa Mesa for Leary, 49; Robert Law for Rose mary Leary, 33; and Marvin Cooper for John Bu_sb Leary, 19, -int.end -to argue 1hat the arrest of their clients flouted so many areas of law that it is re.markable tha t the charges have been sustained for so long. Chula said ll will be a.rgut.d that the ar· resting officer who halted the Learys' battered statlon wagon in the Art Colony • la.st December "should have known bet.. ttr than to even approach the vehicle." And it will be further proved, Chula said, that the officer "could not pcmibly have detected the odor of marijuana in Ole circumstanceNmder which lht arre:;t was m~de." .. Chula said he will put "some of the finest drug experts in the nation" on lhe- 5tand during what i! ezpe.cted tc be a day Jong hearing. The apparently happy Leary, colorfully clad in a fawn jungle suit and acuffecl, nondescript sandals, told the DAIL V Pl LOT that his astrological and statistical data also pointed to his "overwhelming victory" in the 1970 gubern&torlal race. "This is going to be a far. out thin.a:." the hi&h priest of the bJppie set com- ment14. 0I~'s aoing tc be between me. Reagan, Alioto and Unruh -wbat 1 call a real turned on election . But in the end therlTl be just me," Lca'ry grinned. "Then yoo, me, and all those wonderful ldds <:an r~Uy turn on, you know ?1' All Utree Learys are charged with possession of marijuana. Rosemary Leary end John Bush Leary are ad- ditionilJy cho.rged v•ilh possession of LSD. All three were indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury after the panel heard testimony that the trio possessed ap... proDmately a pound of marijuana and 40 LSD capsules at the time of their arre.sl. From Page 1 RATS THREATENING • • • overrides. Yet. eyes have seemincly betn closed to what wouJd make the East River look like a trout stream." The arUcle continues: "Our children are lurC'd daily lo the huard!I of this open culvert to chase frogs or play and float on makeahUt ralta. The~ has already been one chlld drtiwned and with a new gr&de school opening rw:arby, can we 11- pect less in the future ?!" The stonn chaMel is 11 two-mile drainage ditch owned by the city, which start.s near Goldenwest Street and Slater Avenue and rum to Springdale Street It is one of thne &lmllar channels the city controls. Special SPICIAL $149 HOUl.Alt •17t lOdO &CASS TO' TAILE, l4" THICK l•atl!!'r lfylM ... h••111otf 4tlallH, tWs 11 '" -lo" ..... tep t81t. Doll'I ..... • •~ ,.,_., fe ft'I ... ty .t • r••••llilt price. r · Anllallle la""'-.. Flal ... 1 Aa~'lff ..W -OW S,..... -DhtrmOll Ofn -.... -·-- -~ T-. EXCLUSIVE DEALIRS FO!t: HINREDON-DRIXIL-HIRITAGE NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WKtcllff Dr., 642-2050 OPIH NIDA't ilL t INTERIORS Profeulon1I Interior Dttlgntrw Av1llablo-AID-NSID LAGUNA llACH 345 North Cout Hwy. 0NM NIDA' ,.ll t • 494·65~1 • Travel Gulde How to Find Way . To Football Tilts t •• Boin GrlJKle -Loc11ted on school campus, 9401 West- minster Blvd., Garden Grovt. West of Brookhursl. Bl1liop Amil -Stadium at Bishop Amat High, lUll Falr- arove Ave., La Puente. North on San Diego or Santa Ana ...,, Freeway to 805. North on 605 to•San Bernardino Freeway. East \ on San Bernardino Freeway, turn off on Franci1quito turnoff. Left on Francisquito. continue south to Orange St., right on ''°' Orange lo Fairgrove. · Brea -Field located on Brea High campus, 803 E. Birth f St., Brea. North on Stat.e College Blvd., west on lmpe:rlal Blvd. for one block, right on Randolph to Birch, right on Blrch. Davidsen Field -Located on Newport Harbor High campus at 600 lrviM. Ave., Newport Beat"h. Soulh on Newport Blvd. to 17th St. in Costa Mesa, le.ft (east} on 17th to Irvine,(, right on Irvine. El Modena (Orange District Stadl11m) -located on cam- pus of El Modena· High, 3920 Spring St., Orange. From New-port Freeway, east on Chapman to Prospect. Left.on Prospect to Spring St. and tum right. Raceway. He'll rejoin tbe fuel altereds wars after a tour or eastern tracks. • Frldll)', s.,tombtr 26, l'JM l>AILY Pllfl' Jf I -' • Water Polo,, Units Rolr -. Coron.a de! Mor and c:..ia "MW blasted thtlr way to first round victories in the Anaheim Water Polo Tourney Thursday afternooo at Anaheim while 1 Estancia and Marina were -c•lnlng triumphs during the Valencia Tournament held at Valencia and El Dorado High Scbooll. li"n>I>• aMlhllaled Long Beach Jordan, 26-0, and Costa 1 Mesa dumped Kennedy, 13-1, be.hind Mike Beal and Ron Mbloltk. Larry lllatterman 1 e d Estanc:1a to a +3 win over Wat.minster in the Eagles first round skirmish. Marina ,~ DUNTON FORt 2240 SO. MAIN t•.>o'.c SANTA ANA -· .. Presents t, ': JOE HARRIS'$ .... .. .... J Football ··,,1 ·:'!d El 1\ancho mp -6501 No. Passons, Pico-Rivera. North 00 605 to Slauson turnoff. North on Slauson to Wuh.i.ngton. Left on Washington, go under freeway and . tum right on Passons. Continue northbound on Pas.sons for five blocks. School on left. WILD WILLIE BEHIND WHEEL -Los Angeles' . Wild Willie Borscb gets tho feel of 11le wheel as he girds for action ~£urday night at Orange County ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~-I Forecasts HandeJ Stadium -located on We&tem High campus, 501 So. Western Ave., Anaheim. North on Beach Blvd., left on Ball Rd ., right on Western. Huntington Btach (Cap Sheue Field) -located on Hunting· ton Beach High campus, 1905 Main St.. Hunti ngton Beach. From Beach Blvd. -West on Adams to Main, north on Main. FaJlbrook 11lgh -South on San Diego Freeway to San Cle- mente, proceed inland on Route 76. Continue through Bonsall, left on Mission Road (approximately 11.. mile east ol Boosall. Proceed for three miles lo school on right hand side. (School located about two miles before city of Fallbroo~). Laguna Beach (Guyer Field) -located on schQOI campus at ~ Park Ave., Laguna Beach. South on Pacllic Coast High· way to Forest, left on Forest, right on Gleneyre, left on Park Ave. La Palma Stld.lu.m -located in Anaheim. North on Har· bor Blvd ., right on La Pal.ma. La Puente -North of 605 to Pomona Freeway, east on Pomona Freeway to Hacienda. North on Hacienda. School Ii> cated on corner of Hacienda and Nelson Avenue . LeBard Stadium -Located on Orange Coast College cam· pus , 2701 Fairview, Costa Mesa. OCC located on Fairview, south of Adams St., cast of Harbor Blvd. · Long Be:acb Wilson -field located 4400 E. Tenlh Sl., Long Beach. North on San Diego Freeway, take 7th St. turnoff (near 605 interchange) and proceed west on 7th to Ximeno. School loca ted between ninth cihd 10th on Ximeno. Mi ssion Viejo High -25025 Chrisanta Drive, f.1ission Viejo. South on San Diego Fret\\'SY to La Paz turnoff. Left on 4 Pat, Tight at first stop sign. Nerr High -North on Santa Ana Freeway, pass Beach Blvd., take Knott St. turnoff and proceed north to school. Neff located at corner of Knott and Alondra. Pius X High -7151 E. Gardendale St., Downey. North on San Diego Freeway lo 605. North on 605 to Imperial. West on ~ Imperial for 2.8 miles. Left on Paramount to Gardendale and : turn righ t. . Sanla Ana Stadium -located on 8th St. ln Santa Ana be- . tween Bristol and Main St. North on Bristol, right on 8th. San Clemrnte High -700 Avenida Pico. San Clemente. South on San Diego Freeway, take Avenida Pico turnoff. LeU at stop sign. T1111tin Jligb -1171 Laguna Road , Tustin. North on Santa .Ana Free1vay, take Green Valley-Laguna Road tumoff, norlh ~on Green VaUey, left on Laguna Road. Veterans Stadium, Loag Beach -North on San Diego Freeway to Lakewood Blvd. North on Lakewood to Conan t. Right on Conant. Westminster HI.ch -14325 Goldenwest Ave., Westminster. From Harbor Blvd., west on Warner, north on Goldenwest, croas over San Diego freeway, school on left. From San Diego Freeway, take Goldenwest turnoff. Matsubara AtOCffi Saturday Grenading superchargen engine explosian.s and straight· up wheelstanea are i;ynonymous with runs down the Orange Couny Interna- lionaI Raceway quarter mile track whene v er Sush Matsubara enters the com· petition. The OClR track is a jinx to the qulckeat. double A fuel altered driver in the countfY and in two years of regular appearances, someone else has usually wound up in the winner's circle. The fans love him, however, as Matsubara is generally far more spectacular in defeat than the opposition is in vic- tory. His banzai altempts are now anticipated by OCIR crews donning their flak suits, break- ing out the brooms and oil sweep and signaling the am- bulance attendants to 1tart their engine-. SaturdaJ night Sush returns to Orange -County, fresh from a new nati~al -record of 7 .25 secondst· In Indianapolis. He is con(! ent 1>f breaking h I s jinx in is Ji,lrple Fiat. He ""ill be facing an im· pressive array of talent, ho\vevcr. with track reeord holder Willie Barsch, Le Roy Chadderton's Magnificent '/, Glen \Vay's Ground.shakers Junior, 1he Campos Brothers, Frank Harris and L e o n Fitigerald attemptin1 to block his way to the winner's circle. Fitzgerald of Fullerton, hu won more OCIR f1Jel altered features than all the others combined. Indians After Triton Scalps Palm Springs High School football team will be stepping down in class from an AAAA opponent to a AAA foe and the San Clemente Trilons could be in for '-rough evening without quarter&ack Keith Gibson Fri- day night at San Clemente. Kickoff at 8. The Indians from the desert city eompete in a Class A League but last week batlled NGtre Dame of the large school category to a scoreless '! deadlock. San Clemente lost to Nerf by a 26-0 count and also lost Gibson for the season ""·ith a shoulder separation, Coach Tom Eads of San Clemente feel s his team will be fighting for its life. "We worked hard this week on our pass rush. The kids will be ready for them even though there ls a tremendous weight difference," Eads adds. Golf! Low Winter Rates \ II Hol:ES RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN l'UBUC GOLP COURSE On The lrvkt• Ranch '3.00 w .. k••rt •s.oo w .. k ..... C:... A!llfl.W. "VISlt" THE 19th HOLD CANTINA" J .. , •" ""' s. DJ.t• frww.y •• C1I'°" lM4 !'hone 833· 1253 The Viking coach named nlng mate, Tony Avila, ls over Rick Geddes to start at the 300 pound mark. quarterback in place o f Returning starters for the Gibson . Geddes is the fastest Indians, in addition to the two man on the club, a 9.8 tackles, include right guard sprinter. J~e opened at split Vico Zahariades, a first team end last week. all-league selection I a s t Coach Gary Gard's Palm season; Louie Poist .at Springs clu b is favo red to win quarterbaclt and a second the Desert-Valley League this team all-league star; Rod season and boasts a nuclem of tailback Jesse Balderas. 26 returning lettermen in· UM (LIMIMTI ,ALM S'AIMOS 160 Hfl"Nln6U I!: WUtllml l cludln1 five startys back 111 DuviH T JOI!"-,,, from [a.st season 170 DIV*! G Hllllfr• 1n • " 1n Wt!'* C Muell... 1g A pair of husky tackles will u1 ""°'non G Zitwri.d91: 1U Cause considerable problernR ~~ ~::1 ~ ~:~~. ~ for the Yikes. Both are Jet-16S Ge1111n s "°'" lU termen and Rick John.son 111 11-a ouritll'I "M$ · h I I 225 hll h" 151 l rowr11 II a.111tr11 151 we1g s n a w e I! run -, .. l'1oW11ie1t • ... ,..., 111e Coming Sept. 28 The most exciting new apartment complex In America ••• In Newport Beach Perez Sets Record As MV Runners Win By STEVE ANDREWS 01 tM DillY '!llt Slat! Junior Ray Perez coasted home ill an excellent 10:12 clocking and paved the way for Mission Viejo's first cross country win of the aeuon, 1g.. 46, over Los Amigos Thursday on the Diablos' new coarse. In other meets, Laguna B<ach darted past Brea, 1\1.l.I, and Fountain Valley nosed out Garden Grove, 25-30. Pe.rei, who Jed all the way, recorded the fastest time ever on the Diablo course. Hia teammates also did their share, copping six of the top seven places. Mike Rattray was second in 10:32 and was followed by Ed Rademacher, sophomores Barry Bray and Gordon Rogers and Jim Van Coot. Foontaln Valley's Stev e Christiano had lo aetUe for a second In the ~arms· victory. His Ume 1YU 10:41. Laguna Beach ran its win streak to two, the loagest in three years, with the triumph. Dave Hustwick once again Jed the Arilats in 10:20 to out. distance teammate S a n d y Beach i>y 10 second!. Laguna cap!ortd lhe first loor IPOl.o wllh OiriJ Lam- bert. 10:32 and Kurt Jensen, 10 ,41 linl!hlng be h l n d HU!twick and Beach. Other finilbers for the Artists were Mark Res.lg, 10:48, Dan Moore, 11:04 and Dave WillOl'.I, 11 :11. J o.sh Bright and Mite Byron turned in out.standing limes for the Laguna Beach junior varsity in il5 win over Brea. Bright and Byron are prized freshmen for coach Len Miller and were clocked in 10:30 and 10:35, respectively. Both would have placed high in the varsity lta.ndiogs. Miller, however. plaas to keep hia two jewels ln the junior varlity compeUUon to 1ain valuable experience. Laguna st.arts Crestvlew League duty next week engag- ing Villa Part In 1 3:15 dual NEW McCULLOCH ' SUPER 10-'ID CHAIN &AW ... , $21996 ..,., ........... Hu•ky riS cc 11\Qine speeds worlt. P1t•nt9d Sound sn- •nw tut• no\11 up to 75" comptted to ttvity muf- fltr•. Engint w1igh1 only 11 lbs.-try tt I (qui~ wiltl f-Ut MtCw~och chliill, bi!' 1nd IPfOdo;tf tlltt Ill tktt11MMI MJ woit toettt«. GAS*n'GO KIT .U Hb~ wlue. Cont.i,,. ~101 1'n- IOM la own i chlolll MYI' booliltt. 0111 quert ol •nvill' <>II. orw qu.lft ol chain oil, wl1l1• •nd <11 on• 111Mo11 911 CO!llll\1111, S•Mre-Service Ritn'1 Mini-Cycle City 17216 IMcft llvd. {714) MJ..2111 Ttm Funk ran third for Fountain Valley in the first dual meet ol the year. Funk's time waa 10:50. He waa trailed by Cammn Haney, 10,1>, Dave Miller, 11:05, Phil Martz, 11 :24, Tom O'Brien, ll::tl and Wayne Leeds, 11:5t. course. on Thund1y on the ~A~rtls~I~~~~·~-~~-~-~~-~~,1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Saturday Sept. 27th thru Saturday Oct. 4th • AT OUR SANTA ANA WARE- HOUSE ONLY 213·4th St. , 2 Doors West of Mein Store• 9:30 •·m~ to 6 p.m. SKI SALE 1968 MODELS HEADS coMrmnoN DH GS SL $118.00 300's $118.00 HART MERCURY REG. 94.50 ...... now 5'.95 Rossignol Stratix Reg. 137.50 ...... now 19.50 Fisher Silver Glass Reg. 85.00 ... --.. now 54.50 VOIT REG.135.00 .. now 19.S<! Royal Slt>r-Glass Reg. 99.50 ....•.. now 39.95 GRESVIG REG.-24.85 10.95. DAVOS REG. 39.95 18.95 MERCURY REG. 75.00 14.95 ARLBERG REG. 35.0 14.9S MERGANS REG. 75.00 39.95 ...... GLASS Volk! Portillo Reg. 90.00 55.00 Head Ski Poles 35.00 now 19.95 ,BOOTS 1961 LANGE. BOOTS Sl'D flS.00 PRO $99.M COMP 81.50 LE TRAPPUER GOLD MEDAL REG. $55.95 $34.95 SLALOM REG. $69.50 $49.50 ELITE PRO REG. ,120.00 n.ie SILVER MEDAL '59.llS $39.95 USED RENTAL BOOTS "'MUNARI" $14.95 PARKAS 1 GROUP TO '45.00 -$9.'5 I GROuP YI PRICE I UMmt 9UANmllS AND Slld .. - PANTS SKI PANTS DON LOPER REG. '34.50 NOW $15.50 HEAD SKI PANTS REG. '60.00 NOW $39.'5 ' ~Y!~u~JI!~ NOW $11.50 ONE GROUP 40% OPF "11.DWIAi . tu1n1 NICK f · HllTS WIN""tm • NIClllt l/2 PRICE UMD llNOIN•S $1.00 EA. AIL SAUS PlflAL • . • NO llPUNH 01 CllDIT SLIPS • ., . " Be 'A Winner Wlltr DUNTON FORD ;.; .4 ...... ,.,D .. Y, 1ll"Tf'Ml1!1 ti, 1tff l'IOIAllLI WIN NlllS SCOll:S ,llOIAILE LOlllS • sco••• •MIAMI (FLA ) •.. .11 FLORID.\ STATE ................. :-! 1.t.TUlllOAY. Sll'Tl!Mllll S7, lHt ~AL.t.llot.M.l 2~ 50. MUSl$StPPI ....... , .. ,,, •• ., .. t •All1ZON• STATE 71 OllEOON STAT£ ., .............. ~1'! •.1.RIZONA •· •..••. ll KANSAS STJr.TE ....... ,1,IS •Altll:AHS.loS •• •1 TULSA, ",,., .'T ARMY ..••••••.••..... 11 •VANDEtllSllT •.•••.•..•..••••. 14 AUllU'9.N •• . .•• ••. .• .u •TENNE!$EE •••••••.••..•.• 131 •A.,.l!n Pt1v Stt!• 1& Wetlfonl K""l~kv •...•...••.. ,, •• j .. ::::"'~:';~il.l~(t .. :· ·:. ·::::::: .i~ i:~::' '.~M~_)St•1t .. ··:.::::·:::·.·.~:4' •ll1t11 .. . . .• . .......... 4 llrldltew11tlr (Miii.i ............. 11 t, •IOITON COLLEFE ............ 11 NAVY ........ , •..••...•..•...•.•..• IJ •lolllll'I U. . ............... '8 VtNT\Ol'll ····••···•··••••••• •••••• J BOWLING GIEEN ................. 11 •DAYTON , •••••...•.•••••••.••. -14 •llroc:-00<! S!llt •.. . ...••• ?G "'ffr11d ·· .......................... » •lllOWN .. . •. ,. , •.. , •..• ,. •• '1 IUtOOf ISLANO ................... ti lvrt1lo •...... ,. .... , •.••. , •••.••.•. 11 •MIUKlll.rMtft ....•.. , , ••• ·•··••i, 1~ C1lllorftl1 !Pl.I Sl1te ...... .... ?G •L«k Htv.,, Stt!t ............... :1 •'""''•' Ce11>1Mdttut ............ ·'o Corllillll 11111 . · · · ················•ill •CMl•ll MlcM••n ...••••.•.•••.•• l'O U. WI«. IMUw.I ............. , .. ; .. ' •t..,lr• ............... ;' Sotill'lw"ltr" (Tt1111.) ••··•••·••···· l •Cll-1 (T~t ., .•.•....••• lQ A1'!1nu1 Sl•ll ........ , •.•••••.•••. Cl1rlon Stai. .. . ••.....•. 34 •Gentv• . . .... • · •• ........ ·, · 1 •COt.Oll•DO STATE U .. ,. . .~Q WICHITA STATE .••.•...•...•..••• 14 •COIHf:Ll ................. H COLGATE ... • .................. ~ c. w. '"'' .. . . .. .. .. . '1 •w .. ,.... .. . ................. ..._.., D1rtrnouth .... . "' •Nrfl' H1mp1hl,.. .. . ...•...• 1• D•vll!to11 • . • •. , ~o •Ourmi 11 •. • .• .. . . ............. IS •f'!9fllntt . • .•• , .• '• "'"'~ .. . • ...• '" ·•···· .• .,.,, •O.ll"""' ~'•'t ,, '0 Monie I•'• $11!• •.•.... , .•••. 1l D•••w•,.. V•ll•r .. u ~,1,··r1yl1n ................... :Ji.r •Or1v1! Tedi •. .••. . •1 Tutt. . . .. " ... . .. •• . I DUKE 1• •VIRGINIA •• ..• .. , ........ ' o"••ll"• Mlclll•1n ·1 .I~'"" •. • . ····• U •"'••I T............ 1' F11!1tn 1e .... 1 .. c:~Y .. . .....• ,, •"•u Clllrt ~Irle .. '" 5Ultfrlor Sii~ .. . . ...•. :1.~t' •F1lr"'°"I St•1t •& Flfld\IY . ·•·· ·· ··· ···•·1!l Fklrl6• A. I. M. , , •; •.t.ll•n . .,, . ,. • . , > .. FLORIDA , )Q MISSISSIPPI STATE ., ....•.•.• IA •FrlJ>lllln I. Mlt)l\111 .. '" U••l"VI • . ..... + .,,.,,.,.. Stilt , .• 11 _,,.,. $111t •· ····••· ••· • ."121' •01!011.GIA I~ •• 11 11.t.YLOll .••..•. , ••.••••. ...J.l GEORGIA . ll ~CL EMSON ..••.•....••.. )i •Ht ... lllon •• •• l• R0<llt<I..-•·-·•• .••..•..••..• ,l) H•,..ll11t .•. , ,0 •.t..,.o.bur1 .................. ' •HAll VAllO l l HOLY (1105S .• •• •. •.. , U tlelcltlhPr• .• ... •. . .. 10 •C1rt1>111 •· ............. ,.,.ta, •M"'ilrl •• .• .. .. .. .• , ?I G•ll't1bvt1 • . •...•.•. .,, HOUSTON •. ,. 11 •OKLA.HOMA. STATE ....... " •16tflo . .. .. .•. . '0 t61flo Stilt •• .. .•...• , ...... " ,,,.,1111.1 $11 lt .• ,. ........ '° •Evuuovlllt .. ., ............... ll lt,,.,11,,. (Pt.) ... , .......... '' Sl'llP--0..rt 51111 •. """ ....... 1 •l'fOIANA .. ,......... . ..•• ?• CALIFORN IA ................. 1 W •IOWA STATE .. .. •• • .. '' llRIGH.IM Y<Mlt'G .......... ·•·'~ •lOWA •. ,..... .. .• •. .. ?I WASHINGTON STAT! ••••.•..... :.tt •l(,AN5•S .. ••.•.. .. . . ... 14 SYRACUSE ....................... _ ... l(lr•u Pnln! ......... , ........... ?6 •Ad111>hl ....... ,.,., ••••••••••..• ....u. LAF•Yl!TTI! ................... ?1 •COlUMllA .................... ,,)W •Lrblnnn VillfY .............. Jt Dldrl-........................ .....:l •L~!•h .. • .. '"' ..• ?ft ltlg~· .,, .. , ....................... . L011151ANA ST•TE •1 •RICE .. "' •· .•• ., •••... , 7 Lnul1!1,.. Trcfl •... .• . 11 •l!i ll C1roUN1 ............... ..,j •Mi!nt •. . ........... u So. c-11cll! .. .. ........... . •MEMPl-415 ST ... TE •. •. . . 11 NnRTH TF'(I~ -TATf ......... ,. MIA.Mt tOHIOl ,. .. ....• '1 •Wnttr~ MICHIGAN ., ......... i,MiL t MICHlnAN STATE ,. ...... • ?t 50. METH<IOIST .................. l'I': •MICHIG"'N .••.••..•...•..•...... '1 W•SHIHOTOff .................... ~ ... •MINNESOTA ............ ., • '" OHIO U, •. • ..................... le Ml~~ISSIPPI ........... ·'l .. K~fo!Tlf(l(Y ................... ,t.J MISSOURI • , .....•..•....•.•.•• 3 ILLIHOtS .......................... 1• 'ROIAILI WIHNllll ICOllS •Mo<lllM' • • • .. . • . . • '. • "' •Mlreiw.ct , •••••.••••••.•••.... ,.. •"""""' Unlln ,. . . .. • . . . 'o M~Mtlllll,.. .•. ·• .... ·• ·• · · · • · · • '' •M!lt"flY SHl'll .. . •• .. • •• • · .•1 •M1111kl"'""' •.....• •...•. . ..••• 11 •HEllllAIKA .. . . ..... 14 HORTH CAll.OLIHA STATE ..... 11 Nor!t> D•knll Stitt • . . . . . • . . •• Norfflotllltrn . . . .• . .. .•...•••. 71 •Hortllerfl tnwt ••.•.••.• , • !I •N-ldl .............. ,.. . 70 NOTRE DAME .••...•......•.. ll •Oberlln . . . .. . •• • . . . .. .•. ?O •OHIO ST ... 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Ttdl ,. ............... ·•J Mlirltttl ·························-Tf!XAS A. lo M. .................... 1, • ...... RYUHD .•.••....•.•••.••..• 1 •U. Nlft. 10mllMl1 ·············••r·ll •9r"""""'1 . . . ....... , ......... . A11tUt!Mt II. O.I .....•.... , .... :' Amll'k:H11ter111tloll'I ••.. , ••.•••• :.\4: •~URDU •. , .................. ~ tl•••m .. .. . ............. :;J• TEXAS CHRISTIA~ .............. ;. D~~ • .,.. . . . . ... •·· .... " .. . PITT,•VRGH ,, ...•.............. ,,1 Hlllldllt .••.•..........•...•..•••• • COLOliiOO ,. .. • • .•..••.••. ,.J( 1...:-..Wll ........................ ,.It •"UTGl!ll:S ...•. : ........•.. .il •W11lll"'IOn 4 let ..... , ........ "IJ ~~~'1o1."1:·: .:. :. ::::::::::::::".':; LOI •-itt Sl•ll ••.••...•.. , . "' • I• H•m!>dPn·5Y6IMIY ... , .•.• • 14 NOllTM CAI OLIN• ...•.•...•.•••• If •Mnrnl"9•16t , .••.•......•.. 14 Nor\'11 D1~nt1 . . . • . • .. ..... ,.. HOllTHWESTEIH ............. 1•"4 Amhfn l . • . • . • . . •· •...••. ' llll.EGO~ .. .. ............. 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It .. lblon •• . . •• • II ••Ill FOICE' ACAOl!:MY ,,, .. • '' kf:NT ST.&.T£ ., ......... · .. ·• i. C<11111t<tlcul ...... , ....... " •· · ·• $11. lltlnG(I , . •• .• •" ,u,to•Y. SEll'TfMlll •• Ifft '· ••LTIMOIE ...... ~~T~~~~~-· ":>T·~~L ... ~:::TUAI! ..... , . .': •CLfVfLANO •• , .......... 11 W ... $HINGTON .• • ......... . D•LLAS 71 •NlW OILE ... NS .. ·• .......... 17 •DETROl'i'":::::::·:: .. .",' ·.: .11 NEW YOllK Gl•NTI •.. ·• ••···· ~ •GlllEI",. IAY •••·" ...••... 10 l"'N l'ltANCl$CO · ··••····•··••· •· ' •LOS ANGlLfl , ........... , .• JI .•TLANTA ....................... !• 1,tOL.ADfL,NlA ,. .. • .•• U ~ITTSSUIGH ••. ·· ·•• .... , ... • 1t •aT. L.0Ulf .,,.,...... . .. J3 CHICAGO ·· ....................... 71 AM.111.ICAN l'OOTl•LL LfAOUI •SUF,ALO ,,.,,. ............ 31 DeHVElt ··· •••·•· ·····•···· ·• ~ •HOUSTON ................... i4 MIAMI ........................ · S ltANIAI CITY . •••· .......... 7' •CtMCINHATI ••.••.••. ·······• 11 Nl!:W YOftl( JITI , •• , •..•.• J4 •SAN DIEGO •.•.... ••· .......... !) OAKLAND ll •I OSTON ......... •· ...... l, • DUNTON \ FORD SanlotAI of Or-.. County , fo< 0.1t 10 T ... Ov•r '400 N•w al\cl Us1d C•r• an_. Trvc\t to Choo•• "H ... .t .... c.pot Stnlc•" New C-546-7011 UHtl c:-.-546-7'76 l I l l I If DI.IL Y PILOT ft Ye .. Money's Wortlt •• ••• Check C,alendnr • To Buy Bargains ll)' SYLVlA PORTER Our ldtod.. Everett, wu tht envy of our UWe country town . when he pulled into the garaie tltil past -eM to boy gas lo< hts .... 1old ... lorod 1969 Codlllac -and ool jusl beclu11 It ts an elegant-ap- -~ car. Rather, it's becauSe Everett h8s booght orie ol J969'a biggest bargains and all ol us know it What's more, Everett com· · mandJ our admiration because he is using b.ls head to beat the surging cost of living and doing it with grace. You too can do this simply by shopping for seasonal bargains. You too Gan more than off.set the cur- rent annual rate of rue ln liv- ing costs just by strategic tim- ing of your purthues of major i~. BY THIS STRATEGY alone, )'l)U can achieve an average overall saving of at least 10 pttcent on all your big-ticket Items and that's a lot bigger than this year's 5-6 perctnt Ne in overall living costs. By this one move, you can achieve savings as high as 1.5 Jo 30 percent on many in· dividual items. •:IJ'o be specific, if you are ~ in the market for a new ru' now is the Ume to buy a J1f!' model. You'll have to hunt, for dealers throughout the country are clearing their showrooms to make room for the new, more upensive 1970s being in- troduced in these weeks. You may have lo compromise by accepting what's still In st~ and not insisting on prease ·colors. options, etc. And you'll 'have to recognUe the fact that for trade-in purposes your car :is a year old when you purchase 1t. : BUT IF YOU intend to keep : your car for some years and you can find a car "'hich more : ar less suits you, you are like- ly to save al least 5 to 10 per· cent from the prices these : cars were commanding a ' mere few months ago. Or if you plan to iIWall cen· · Jleckman'• Choice . Robert L. Anderson of San Clemente has been · appointed manufactur· ·. ing manager, Scientific • lnslruments Division, Beckman Instruments. -lnc. He formerly "'a! vice president of manu· facturing for the Borg Warner Corp.'s Con- trol& Division in Santa Ana. LEGAL NOTICE SUPl•IO• COU•T OP THI! ST•TI! 0, C•l.ll'O•NIA l'Olt THI! COUNTY 0, OIUNGI ..... ,,......, wmrn 0, Hl"•••NO 01' "l!TITION l'Olt l"llOIATI! 01' Wll.l. ANO ,Olt l.£T"Tllli Tl!ITAMENTAllY E1I•"' DI l.•~'I Mui. l!ww. Oeu•1ed. NOTICE rs HEJI EllY GlllEN Tr..t '-"" V. Otllkl....,rl ~ •• tiled hfortl" I Mll!I"" lor D•obiTf ot Wiii •lld '°' 1~11•t1U" ol l.~llr<1 Tnl~mt'lltirv lo Ptt ,tloMr. "~•tll<t to wftic~ It ....ae furl"'-'t Plf!IC~lf'I. A"" 1'111 !flt ll'l'f •llCI Pl~C~ -' l\N"n; tr.1 ~-II • t bMn Mt lo• O<t-r 11, !Mt, •I 'JO • m., It\ 11\o QOUf!"'°"' Of 0..0...,......t No 3 ot u 0 court, 1! 700 Wn! Eltlt11> 5htt!, In '"' (l!Y Of S,."11 ""'· C1lllor~l.t. O•IN 1"ilttnbtr 14. 19" W E ST Jf'll~N. Cll'l!'ly tlfr) •U.TI & l•llNIS, -Cem""" °'"'"'· kli. H_,11« 1U fl--1 IMCI\, C1l1"•~1.t T91: (llfJ J.O ..... ... ,.......,, ,.., '"'lfltMr l"vbll"'" 0tf-CoHI ·S.l>ltmbifr ,., ,, ~"" ..... 0•11v r!k>•. °''~' l . ,,,..., LEGAL NOTICE trtil or room air conditioning in your home, this ls the time to start shopping. You'll pro- bably find the 1o .... t prle<a In December-January -but ofj. season for air condlUMen hu now begun. And off·staaon can easily mean savings of IO to 20 percenl What else mighl )'Oil buy now! -TV sets a n d small ap- pHances (but not clothes washers and dryers) before the new models att introduced in October· .. AfEN'S St/ITS, particularly if they are oo sale and before the expected price boosts of. $S to $10 or more on the .... stylea; And this being the harvest g e a s o n , many perishable fruits and vegetables -ranging from cabbage to potatoes, onioru, apples, squashes, tomatoes - but not including eggs. beef, bacon and oranges which reach peak prices between September and November. Here's a calendar which will guide you when. you're in the market for the following pro- ducts. A used car: the best months usually are in the winter ; A FUR COAT: !!Weltering August when the furriers traditionally offer bargains or January, when spring and cruise clothes are on display ; Back·to-scbool c Io the 1: August. Linens: AU&Ust or January. Furniture and small ap- pliances: Also August or January. STORM WINDOWS : January, February or early March, for most storm win- dows today are made of aluminum, are a combination of storms and screens and thus are in their biggest sell· ing season in April.June. Fall clothes : August. Winter clolhes : January and February. Carden and spring cleaning !!Upplies: March and April. Christmas gifts: but, UJUrse, anytime buL \l.'ASHINGTON (UPI) The House Ways and Ptfeans Committee approved Thurs· day Nixon administration leg. istration to boost the interest rates on U.S. Savings Bonds from 4.2 Spercent to S percent If approved by Congress, the high.er rates would affect all new bonds issued after June 1, 1969. Present holders of bonds, Vt1th lower savings interest Farber Named To GA Post Edward L. Farber o f Newport Beach has joined General Au tom at Ion 's marketing team as product manager of the finn's System !Jl..30 process control systems. The newly-developed GA System 18-30 J:s a supervisor· level computing system for in· dustrial automation and con- trol applicatiorl!!I. LOAMED TO NAii H.nl"f Webber NAB Gets Staff Chief From Bank ' STEREO SENSATION! • The colorful sounm= of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach '· I York St~k List 511~ -·~ 16', ... . ]]'1 ... '• T.l't ... ,l 2h'~ -• ?5 '"" J'/t, -i.. 25'. ...... 'ii 7 1, _, ,, '+ u 19-. -.. 9 ... _ ... 1Po,-1<o 11'• ... '• ,~ .. -,., j~~ t ?': \l:.Z + ;~ 1~-~ ~· ,~ ... f .... ISV. • 14 + ·~ ''" -.... 11•1 + ""' _,..,, -)~ ri,,, t,:~ ''" -* lJV, -... Si>• +11.• ,,, . ?l ... !~ 1·16+1·j-I 11 -""t_ =*to=,~ l6~. -... 3'1•. -"' •l'• + •• ~"' -1, 1n1 -"'• ~·· n ... ...,, 31'' .... -'• 65 -... '611-3.1,._ -lo 60 . -'" " 12'~ . 3'.l'• -?'• 1p ,. + •• :~-" t ..._ It M _, 2l'~ -1li 16'• -4i 3?'; -I :111>t-'o J"''• -" J5'• -'• "''"' + 'i 31'1 -·~ 25'• -'·• "" . . . 18'• "' -·~ 25'1 -'• 21 + • 15'. 51 '• -•• 16'o + ·~ '"• ~!:: .: ;t 2311 -.... \5•' J21\ -'i ?J'?i -1'> 11 -., " _, 21 .... ·~ )1 -'• ll ... -~i 16'h -·~ ?S -'• ?l -'ll 701'> -~, ~"-'• u _,,, 51 -'• 21l.I -,, r I I ' I ' ' ' I I ' ' ' ! ' ' ' • ' ' ' : ' ' ' I l l ' ' l J i • • • • • • I ' • • • I : • : • • ! • t ! : I I ' • ' l t l t l t l l l l l l l l l • • l t • l l t • ' ' t ' l ' • t • t ' t • t ' ' ' I , : ' ' ' , : • ' ' • • ' I ' ' ' : ' : • ' • : , • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' • ' ' • • ' • ' ! • ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ! ' • ' ' ' ' : ' ' : ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I • • I I ' I Friday's Closing Yorli NEW YORK (UPn -Stocks fell across a broad front today for the Jblrd successive day ut moderate turnover. Analysts noted that concern over tiJbt mon~y. inflation and Vietnam continued to WeJgb heavily on the list. At a news conference President Nixon said It was bis objective to end the Vietnam Wiii before the end of next year. But he gave no indJcation new peace moves were under way or that addttlonaJ troop withdrawals were u1 the cards The UPI marketwide indicator was oil 0 50 per-cent on l,S.Sl 1ssues on the tape. There were 827 de. clines and 416 advances. The Dow Jooes average oC 30 blue chip 1ndus.- ttlals showed a loss of ~.74 at 82418 near the close. Volume.of abou1 9,000,000 shares \Vas belo\v Thursday's pace. Some heavily traded issues tncJuded Atlantic Richfield, Del Webb Amencan Mot.ors, Polaroid, Texaco, Benguet and OCCid~tal Petroleum. Electronics and 01:s were among the widest swmg1ng issues, With most LO the nunus column Before the close Motorola and Fairchild Camera Jost around 2 apiece, with Burroughs. Itek and American Research & Development off 1 or more. Fractionally Jower near the close "'ere Tele- dyne. City Investing, Amencan Telephone, General Electnc and Texas Instruments Point-sue losers m nud-sess1on included At- lantic Richfield, Getty, Fennzoll, and Standard of Oh10 Texaco closed at 30 718, off 1/8, and Jersey Standard was dpwn 7/8 to 691/4. There were some fair srze movers ir1 the atr- line and chemical gn>UJ>N which foi.lowed irregular paths. Dupont closed at 1!5 31J., down I 5/8 -- • DAil Y PILOT If..~$. ... ' Frld.,, SfpttmbtP U, 1969 H Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange Li st U D~L V Pi.LOT t·Alio~o. L~oks -B.eyo~~ lJ q_r u!i: . ~.;n He ~eS:t Reag·a_~.~ • 4 I I' : . I,; r ~ :.:::,r .!:."'.;:",.-:_ M.:ct'. t:letllon Catnpatgn -1Jrltn,iry matlu w}tat It II -"'rtto\4 lobbies 'U\atjt W 'not giy1 ef. firearms di.nances. His cii, . caihpus disorders.' helicopter and wilh t h t he Sl)'I Somewhat U-·· ... ---.. C.llt9nlle. IM Ill ...i. or general -would be anu.. that belpnp lo Sacramenu..·i lecUve ~ refotrtt, lt'• aoio1 -t.dkl. but r&Jw Lqislit~ iD-"He's not a ct In I pro-buck&hot and the bayonets." by the ~apiine arliC'if. 1 , =:.:.. ":'" •,::;-... ~ ':99.l.':~ ''Sacramento." · Alioto con~ "Saeraroen· to have io \:ame dliectly trom \•al.idated It. f essionally,". ~ mayor says. l~e also says 11;5 a mayor he ' One prabl~ he never dld ~ •• c..., .. tilt Nlltktf "More and more ·.; e to'' ls too dominated by the people (through a ballot "The n)e1'e ract you want to "He's acting out of blind anger understands cily problems _. have was decidlnf wbtlhet kl ' .:;.._~ .,..... 111 "" ,.,..... discover that we pass a gun ••monopollltlc 1obbiea." proposltioa) aod I think that register the guns ofJhe Black and altll<mt a bJinil hiltred of "it's important to save these ru.n for govBoor or lhe U.S. 87 GEORGE SKliLTON ' regist:nl,).ion law ; it's knocled "I think ; eacnpa~go ls.we th1a can be madt 10 issue'ln a Pant.hers dbe!n't mean tbit U>e·atademic community. cit.ies, nol let them go down Senate. 1 " out in Sfcrarnento. Wi: wantlo can be moon~ to the effect . guberoalodal campalp.'' you wa11t1t.o take qnebody's . ''We are ruining a great lhe drain or become huge "I absotuteJy 'f(>Dld ~ • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI).... assw ~mes at a 1~ rate that tbe automOblle ~ and , .All~.14J'.I ))e "quid 41pp0Jt . hwiUoa gun: awq," A!kito university, and state college black ghettoes wilb an al· under any circumstances think • M-.yor Joseph L Alioto now ls than 11tyscrapers, factories, ~ petroleum Job.by 'elert* a a ballot proposition • ~hkh say1. "We 'don't need 'to inhibit syai.em -for which we have I empt to get a lily-while of ,the .Senate in 1970, e\'.en U ~ convi~ he can b e a t he say11. dllproportku1&1e Joflueace OJI h:ansferred .Jinancing -Gf all bun Ung .. Hunting is probably ,.. · spent' a hell'of -lot or money periphery." wt re :banded to me," Allo~ Assemblytnan Jess Unruh In 8 Unlike · Unruh, Alioto sees theTquestlon of,.alr1 J;lbUuJkm," · echieation ~and 'wtllare·.\_O the vttr Sood pa}'ehoJ(1glc:al•outli!t ~ju.st cuting the prob)ems o[ Alioto, who hod never fun says. "I doo 1t like l he Dem 0 c r 8 11 c gubematrial hotels ~ apartment .com· "Arid I am saymj: that the statt. for the aareisfVe-tendencie11 a (eW ,radlcals who can be for elective o.l'.fice until two legislative process at this time primary. But he isn't so con· plel:es; Sacramento wont let • majority ofJ U\e Legislature. ''no reason f0r'3 statewide gun that people-have." 1 acted against wl1h all the years ago, used to have a ma· in my life. It's long, it't fident about defeating Gov. you do . that. We lh_ink la1 and· this doe1n,'t mean just ~gislraUon . J~w." But he Alioto ~lieves Re a g an police power that is necessary. jor political problem -lack of tedious, it involves com· Ronald Reagan. refor'!1 JS .necessary; Jl bas to Rep.1bllcan1 eithf7. is so ; llrongly advocates permiUlng p Q. I it i e ._ J lY "is inost You srmply aggrava.te the . .starewide nam·e recognitian. prom is~. The executive poal· Thal's why he ls postponing be dODe in Sacramento, ·No dominated by tbe big·~~ cities to enact-'their own vulnerable" on the handll~g <if situa:Uon further w!th that silly "That's been taken care of," ·lions are more appealing." until January a rinal, firm i------.:;;;;iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilmiiiiiiiilljiiiiiiiiiliiiii•iiiiiiiiiiliijiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim;;;:----:-decision about whether to seek I the governorship in 1970. NamtM» Aides and supporters, wh• laU..S .(.tCAP raised $200,000 lhrough & titllU testimonial dinner I a s t "'eekend, freely predict he will run. "It geb down to one basic question. Just one," Alioto Myll. ••ean I beat Gov. Reagan in November?" "Fourteen months ago this fellow (Reagao ) couldn't have been elected sheriff ot Orange County. "What brought him back was the kids -the kids on the ,campuses who demonstrated." 'RIDING CREST' Now, the mayor continues. Reagan is "riding a crest of popularity. He's the best political television performer in the country, bar none. And he's in the hands of a group of behavorial scientists who are telling him day-by-day whal the people want him lo say." But Alioto knows better than most how one"s pol itical fortunes can change overnight -"politics being as dirty as it is." He is frank to admit that a Look magazine article which alleged he is linked with Mafia leaders may have "killed off" his political career. On the other hand, he says, "rt could be the greatest boomerang In the history of the world." "We got two breaks. "1lle governor's office,'' he says. •·was stu pid enough - sneaky, unmanly and stupid. but mostly stupid -to furnish newspapers with copies of the article before its official publication date. This enabled him to go on the offensive and file , a $12.S million libel suit even before the story hit the magazine racb. Secondly, the story was printed this month ; nol hekf until the middle of an elect.ion year. JUDGMENT 8ut to survive politically. Alioto believes, he still must wjn a court judgmenL He vow1 not to rest until "every lie, every s l anderous in- nuendo" is disproved . The M-year--0ld native San Franciscan, a mulli- milliooaire attorney whose father wa s an em i gr a n t Sicilian fisherman, talked can. didly or the. magazine article. bis political plans and his philosophy during an interview in t h c study of his ltallan- styled mansion. "I have made the judgment right now," the mayor says, "that I don't see anybody on the scene'' who has the edge on liim in a primary race. He regards Unruh, also an unof· ficial candidate, as his only serious opponent. Alioto concedes Unruh has the support of "polltical pro. lessionals,'' mainly legislators . . Bul Aliolo claims the backing Clf working men. teachers, \ludents and minorities. "I'll take my chances with anybody against the blacks,·• he says, when r eminded Unruh generally is regarded as the more liberal of the two. .. My role in civil rights isn·t a recent one." The basic theme of an Alioto • WE CALL IT • IT'S ST'ILL CUSTOM MOUNT FIRESCREEN 1288 How. YOll ea haY9 U.. •'-y.. JtMd. -.xoctly. up ta tO"" width. Nb .a..ra wt th blclc:k l99eh. m11111Wll llld•. cwtoln c1nnr .. mt1a black fftiat bar. 25.ooo BTU AGA f BEATER LOG 11aa BLACK Be BRASS LOG BASKET 299 Big capadtr. amart loaldng in black and pol11h9d bra11 fillllh. Makff a nk• addition to any room ln th• ho11 1e !but o-with a tireploc1 wollld bl bu~ 19-INCB LOG GRATE 87c lol conttnletioe. aon-ttp bal9. sprmda th• h.at ~ al lo•• .. good cl.raft to .. th• r ' Ur .. Ira prlc.d right too .,, ch9CIJ). f i DEW·~· BOT ALUMINUM THRESHOLD RAIN. RYE '""'· I ", 10 LBS. ANNUAL RYE Wlnt9r ICl'Wl11Nd. •1pectall1 good lot filling ln erod.d 1pot1. Taint bold quickly cusd n•v•r l•I• go laou.nds lib my wlJ• whw lh• g•l1 my pgych.:k), 127 SEED STARTER I.lb a curpet \o get lcrwu •tartld Of to NDCJ•at• bar• 1pot1. fut spriakl• on like mavic duat GDd 1tand. bad: lo< O<tlo~ 99c, ~t1.l DORO RUST PREVENTATIVE PAINT ,SENTINEL ANTI-FREEZE In Callforula:? Why not. pay l1u now end Uag when roo go to th• mountGln.1 Of du.rt 011 han trlpl um wintft you. won"t hiut the car Ol fOW' WalJ.•L MARINE SPAR VAkNISR ' Don't bow too inv.ch llhout tiu. on• yet. hut l1 you wan.I to ~iah up oil your mmb:I" mW.I« 1pma (notk• die p~ lO"llf training). 9\1.ffl thl• 11 th• tlcket. 3 99 1 GAL. ,• ' ' ' Four at OCC Get Oil " Unit A "'a1·d f'our Orange Coast College students are the recipients of the first scholarships a\\·ardOO by the Petroleum J1roduction Pioneers of Long Beach. The organization is a non- profit group formed to further professionalism \\1ith.in t h e petroleum industry. Receiving awnrds "'' e r e Andre EdneJ.. of San Clemente, Rei A1exander of Santa Ana, Milt• N..,./y ol Co.ta Me"1 , and W1yne Marick! of Costa Mesa. Two of lhe awards were tor $100 ucb and two for $50 each. Tbe students were picked on the buts of 11COrt on their Ona1 frethman eumln1t1on. George Guthrie. instructor In petroleum technology at OCC, said that job dema nd for hit gradU1tel has been in· cre.adly rapidly. '"'lbe job dem1nds are Just trtmendoUI," Guthrie said, "and our graduates have been e.x;remely sucxessful. Op- portunillt:s in lhls field are u.nUmited." PLASTIC SHEETING 2'' l:lx2$-FOOT ROIJ. I GALVANIZED I BEATER BOUSE 1677 Looi... ... ,. conwed the mmbt cm the sman..t gci.ebo. tn tM -w. u fOU doa't baw • gatdm u. lt for that atnr MiaMr fOQ ~'t fOOm In the biNM lot. ' ,, I~ • I I • • • : I I • iXOil ~ ,. s . -i 1 Parents Fear Rats Grou p Blasts Beae ~ Storm Channel By TERRY ,!XIVllJ.E Of .. o.1t1.'"" ll•lf A group of Huntington B ,-. eh h~rs hav'" _,:hara~ized ,the city's SI~ ltoan tttannel a "rat iQ-1~, bljddla' 1'1~-slim~ CO)'~ ~K .lild' alitd fot ty ICUoo 1o CIJl• . Miu: v , . . 4 C:heerlu C:laeer Leaders aofden Wtot COJJ••• fans wUJ have plenty to cheer about when these 11rl1 le1d them ill ye]J1 for Ruilllrr foctbaD lwn Saturdar nigh~ •I ML SAC. Ann• •Pi'eod in ceriter la 'linda -\'Ile in4 around her . state oWcia1s who have allowed th19 eon·• dlUoo to exilt in a .-,,, and ov<rlaed s6clefy. · "~ilUons ot.tu . .dollan .are spent an- nually for . J111J<, freeway, and dty =~ ~"'~"'~'::d (S.. RA'I1;.'Plp S) . 'Iruliifu . Rtxho . . . . ' Eve nt.s Lisred ·FRID.\.Y NIGHT. · &-II p.m., """"!inl GI !!ii-, lfDy1Dt lndlM-. '· SATllllDAY. ' , . ' · tt::IO a.m .• hll1i'llcUon la l·ndiaD dendnf . . · >-4 'P·l"· rodeo ' a.11 p.m., l.Ddllil women dance •SUNDAY 2.-4 p.m., rodeo a.11 p.m.~ Indian braves danoe • ldocnloe from fnlnl) are C.rol P!tlaluga, Bonnie Footer, Nanci PhlUppaen, Luey Dorton, SGndy Zenk and NaDCJ, McFaul. ~ 4· I ar , ': . ., • 111't'fllli:"' ' • I • ,. ... , • • • • t • • ' I ,. . I I .... ).. . . ., · lfftiOllTERS ~ISE H_.,.DS .AT NIX<lpj81J"'-'2!!,qJP]f No.FW. 0... lw-Td~I WllMrawal GI U:s': T .... ~~").1111 , ,, .. ·., .. 1•·J¥..-fl~' ' • ' ' ' I ' I • ,.,., ' ' .• ' ' ·~~ .•. ; j '' ·' t"' Nixon Pr.ed,i£,ts .S.ena.t;e~ ._ ''.)_ • • M ' • 0 • ... ' • • • .I• • Coment ,~n Ha ynswo tth ·: :rr-·Wln-w ASllll<GTON '-Presldenl Nlson uld lad>y be'.atlll ha ·-idenoe In supreme c.wt nom1nee:C1emen1 P'. llaymworth'• quallflcatiom and ln1'CritY . and ptedleted conlinnltion by Ibo 'Senate. He told • nem conference questkmer he hu no plan to withdraw the nomiJJa.. tian, on which the Senate JudiclarJ Com- miU. is holding hearing!. On other u.iue.,lbe ~ uld• -Tile United State. eipeds a poslUve answer lhortly .ri:om RuMla setting . a dale for Ille .wt ·GI long planned strategic llMlll llmftatloo Wks. -He.bad favored the~ percent oil depletloo .. allowance lbrougbout hll\ :a yeer1 GI politics hilt deocrtbed hlmseK aa "a pollUcal realist" whose ,prlmlll)' '9"" Cf!l1l wu to' get a tu reform bW from: Concreas and Indicated he _,Id 11111 a bill In !<duce lhe allowance. -He hopes' to steer a "mJddle courae" on tchOol deseg?egatlon between thli u~ tre,ne1 "that want Instant bltegraUon &nl1 thOse tha: waflt 1e1re&•Uon fore~." -There are no American comblt fortes In laos. Asked ·-Ibo ..._ bohlnd' R.-'1 lallµre In rerpond to Dlldear amu negotiations, M lzon r e p J I e d Secm.ry of State William P. Rogen u- pecU • ......,. llOOll. He l!ald he did no\ tmow-ui. -for' the ~·lay In ,,~)llJ i,ytbe~. . . ' , Alb.l;al>oqi U.S. lnwl~mieot In 1-· ~Aid ''There are r11> 'American Com- bat fllt<I In"""·" he Aill 'tbe U.S. ls culceni!d'al>clq\ North Vie~ forcos in Laol. NIJon .uld llWU.S..hai been~ ..... lollltlcal. mpport .... 1rlinlng "' combat Ibo· North Vlel!Wnele ,_ bu! . ' . ,. empbulad that "there are no..AJDerioln toJDbatJroopa: in Laol... ·1 Nixon said he intended'to.lleeJ' a mid .. die""""' •In ICbooI 1ntetiralloa. 1lllJii Jund -"' Solithern --only IS ... Jilt rescrt." . ' Hun~gton ~gh, Edison Tangle . . On Fresh Tiirf -. -• -·· ~. -..... ··-~ ,~"~---------------- . ' • I But 'Refuses Deadline On Pullouts. er..,. c •••. • ---;-··-------~------~-- H •• -·.Ap~rtment~ \' F oqntain J:' alley Lau":':~. Detti,ili4 ~t·udy By TERRY covn.u; •,. Of ,.._ IMlllT pt)lt ti.ft To ~d or not to bulld apartmel\ts -- '. lhet ts lhe c:urrent qu .. uon In Fountain .: Valley. : And thertin lie a Jot of little predicaments such u wher1, bow many,. ·what denaUy, and whaL type. Eleb .,,._. b1nl" oo Lile nut q..Uoo ond the mu cbarCed with !ho u\Umate ooh>- tion ail on the planning commission. They have declared a moratorjum until • f"Qv. 1 on oew applications for apartmtnt :!'Jll'll'licilon, bopt!ully to give them Omo to iJllplct the queatlons and arrt .. at the .answers. The quest!Ons they have alrtedy """' nearlY....., time lll aporimeot.,.. · q161 Cll!l< belon Lile coaunllltloo. wm an apartment complez O'VffeJO-owmd ... odlOolJ! Will It -ocbool laet ~\thou! providing 'Blinlfictn! t 11 · revtQue? .. •QUEmON!I AllED •. Wlll trantients move in who don't cue ! oboot ""' nelpbodlOOdl. our dean city, ·GUii' ehildren11 aa!ety? : )VU! lhe cool ol pollco aod fire pro--1.edion Jump beca~ of Io w • re n t ; 1Hrbnenla? ' CID -Is -the increaoed tr.Uic •.: ol U>e lads about apartment con-t on 1D F~n Valley Include <he ·:toillowlng: ': A total ol 97 lilllll (lnduding duplew) inaw u.ilt near Hlrbor Boulevard. A tot.at' of 2.:«>3 apartment units tn • eeven distinct de\·elopments are under ' ~on or have been approved by ::Ctty plarul<rs. "' Tbe master ·plan now calls for an ~~tdtlmate saturatlon of abOut C.000 multl- ;pJ< ully (COlidominhlD\l lncluded) unlto t.oo about 13,000 single {unlly (R-1) ~h6tne1. This is a 2·1 ratio of home owners ~versus apartment dwellers. Huntington Beach resident.a were recently angerfd when they '"dl.9covertd ~Ir raUo would ultimately be l·l. _ About 10 percf:Til of the city is m1.ster planned for multiple. family development. About 11.3 percent ol Huntington Beach was p1anoed for apartmenla. • AI.MADY CHANGED -Fountain Valley's orlalnal master plan called for aboot S60 acres of multiple family IOlllna· One-thlrd of th1t has alnaclY been changed to 111lgle lamll1 I'...,.. PllfJe 1 :RODEO ... rriembm or lhe sponsoring Orange COun· ._..ty Indian AsAoclatlon will give free In- . dlan dancing lessons to Boy Scouts and . ..,..,. elae Jn"ruted Ill learning. Followlng lhe rodeo Saturday, a gmip \of tndtan braves from Muskogee. Okla., , ':'fill tackle each other in an Indian atlck J,.ll game. · Booths loaded with Indian jewelry, bead wm-k. ribbon w o r k • mocea1i1U1, ·head bands, Navajo at t v er brtcelets, !hawls and a few Navajo rugs., will be cpen through the day time and . evening evuita all three days. Most cf the lndlin craft& are supplied by Southwest and Plains IndlaJu. At 8 p.m., Saturday, the women will present three boun of specialty danca. Boolbo will be open at nl&bl Sunday the rodeo resume.a. tbeq the In- . dian men tab over the dancing booon at -a p.m .• performi.og fancy war daDoes and Various other ceremonia! dances. Tbey . "Will di.splay fancy costumes of cloth, buck ·:U:in and Eagle fe1ther1. The price of admi!sioo ls $2 for any one • over 13, fl for youngsters over 6, and the • tots frtt to rodeo evenb. All Indian ·:c<:!remonie!, day and night, are fret. .: The All·lodian Rodeo and Paw Wow i! _·.COBjl01110nd by the Orange County Indian Association, John Knlfechief president, Land the Huntington Beach Jaycees. · 1nq1.an spokesmen aa1d they hope to establish it 1a an aMual West Coast .. event rivaling the Indian gaLherings in N"' Mexico and Arizona. ' At lust 400 Indians from around the country are expected to participate in the rodeo and ceremonial activities. OAllY PILOT Cu.HGI C:C)AST PUallSH1NI) C:~Nl'T ~· Robtrt N. Wtt4 l'rt'~' n 'u~i..,,.r , ' J•c~ R. Curt•r \lkt l"Jnkltn• •"" c;tn1r1 M•~•"r Tho1111' l<11¥il li.ilor Tho"''' />.. Murpl.!~1 Mt .... 11111 fll•IOr ·~ }.11,e~f w .•• ,,. 1.1-11i. 1-lptr H•,.tlittt-• '"4• Offlc• JOt Ith St111t M•lll~t A4411111t P.O. 1111 710. 92641 --~ 1t~1· Ull WH! .. 11111. t4al-.nli C9'1t ........ : Ul wt1I .. .,. l"'-"' U.UM lttOll %ll Fwaf ·- (II.I) ""'-• . IUrther rtductlool In 1he muter rl•n ,11...V llllll d Iha ..... -pluned lot • '"Wdlnl •partmenis. tiiil they...... yet atiartnw!llla Ua 1'l1ll1n tlla pr_..i city aure where. center (baunded by WUMr and Sliter "We think," explained Mansfield, "that Arenues and ·Btookhurat and Ward high deruiily apartments (ft.fl) wW be 5:.t) arta. limited to the. city center and very aolution to the •pa.rtment problem special cues. We abo want to avoid mix· 1ao asy. Ruidenta have indicated thq ing apartmenl.a lnto 1 rtside.nUal area." dcm't want apartments Jn Fountain 'He alao added that to eaae the Valley. But tl>e DIOd !Gr apartments (91 unavoidable traffic lncrelle, no perctat " an umts aJonc the Oranae apartments will coonect to resklenllal Cout are full) la obviaus and tbey ap-neighborhoods, and all apartment traffic pa.rently provide mort tax money on the will empty on to major ltrtels auch as average than 1inale family horne1. Brookhunt Stred. Plannina Director stan Maoafl•ld uld City ctnteT b the one pl1ce evtry0ne a recent study of a 11J.unff. apartment seems to •IJ'ff apartment.a: llflon&. "I'm undl}r comtruclion tr, the cky llhowtd an Uckled pink about that area blossoming u*-'ed vahuUon ti $400,eoo, w h I c h (most. of the approved apartme-ntl: are would provide more than '4.000 tn tuea located there). I think it will prove to be to the dty and about $18,000 total tues to a dynamlc ecooomic force," said the tlne acbool diatrida. Mllllfleld . "For a five.acH lite of homes to brfna Tbe moratorium was placed at just the in the same tues:• Aid Manafleld, right Ume, because apartment! are Just ••eaCJt home would need a markti value now blonoming in all areu of Orange of about S:U,000.'' County. If the city can aet a fimJ,, well FURTllEI\ ll&DUC110NS Planaera, dly councllmtn and lh• plan. nln& staff have lndkated there will be publicized and agreed upon plan ol apart· ment development it might avoid many of the coastant battle• now scarring other cities. Plannen hope so. Military Coup Overthrows Government in Bolivia LA PAZ, Boli>it (UPI) -Anny Chief C... Alfredo Ovando 1oday overthrew <XIO!ltnUooal Proald"'t Lula A. Siles Ill a daim coup. Siles promptly fled lhe coun· Uy In a private plaae and wu reported .. '""' to Chile. The new rovernment promptly sn- nounced tu orlentoUon u "left ol ctnter" and aaid there would be "profound chan&es.'' It said ita: p>sltion with rela· tJon to the United States was cootingent oo that counli)''• attitude toward lhe coap. '!be coup, first hi Latin Amerloa lhl• year. wu preceded by upriahlgs of peas- ant lollowws ol Ovando In the tin mlnlng centera ol Cocbtbamba aad Oruro. A radio broadcaJI by military authoritlea rtferred to Ovando u j•pruj.. deot of tl>t revolutionary aovernment of Bolivia." Sil ... -not "hi tl>e caplLal •bee lhe coop OCCIATad. All Ovmlo apokeaman said Siles was in Santa Crui. ln wtem Boll\'la. and WU not \Ulder detention and was not :subject to anut. The spokesman, Alberto Balley Gutierrez, 1 al d Siles' foreign minister. Gustavo Madelroo Querejuu, would be natailled Jn lhe paot. Anny troops moved .wiftly and er- flclently to ourt Sile.a, who asswned the presidency under the constitution after lhe dealh of Presldent Ilene Barrtentos laat April 1n a helicopter crub. Soldiers seized the palace, the Houae of Congress and the mayor's office in quk:k auc- ces&ion. They appeared to meet no op- poolUon. Silea wu tourina the Interior earlier this Wetk and WU greeted in hoeti!e manner by peasants at rallies 1n Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Oruro. Tbe pe111nt uprtslnp foll°"ed. Siles' ovettbraw came as no 11.1rprise to pollt1cal observers in view of pe114nt support since BarTieotoa:' death ol Ovin· do. Now Dr. Peterson Has A 'Barbe.r Slwp Quint,et' With tht election of 2 third con· servative acbool trustee Dr. Doria Arau- jo, County Sclloola Su]>ertntendent Robert Peterson had the votes ao the whole hoard voted Thursday to approve barber •bop polls. County ocbool board member Donald Jordan, who had 1trenuausly objected to the polls befort, explained he went along on the vote because conct3Siona were made. His stance, and that of the other moderate. truttee Pat Arnold, was "hall a lo.I is better than none," the resort of praamauc pollUcians when tbe count is asainst them. The principal ooncwlon by Dr. Peterson was to give trustees a uy on what questions are included in bis public opinion surveys. He al&O promised to let them know the results immediately and not conduct more tha.n three polls dur1ne tbe year. The new polls will be conducted In barber shops, beauty parlors, doughnut houses. ga.sollne ltaUons and dentl.N waiting rooms (board membu Dr. Dale Ram.on lo a denu.t). The fig!lt over the polla began last October when Dr. Pettnon polled 90 men in 20 county barbtr &bops and then refu.s· ed for several rnontb.1 to meal Ille mulla to lhe coonty board beeaU!e !hey mlght prejudice HJ educaUon heartnas by lhe board. Tbe poll WU aiUctaed for not lncludln& Chest Month Set For Huntington Now unut October lt has been named Community <l>alt Month hi HunLlngLoo Beadl by Mayor Jack Grte11. 'lllO ~ In a p<oclamatlon points out lhtL thi Community Chell provides iervtees 11IO eaenUal for the weUare and bentflL ol all people" and Iha~ "It It Ille duty and -lbllity of all citizens Lo su~ auch btalLb, welfare a n d cllarocter bu11dJlll qenctea. .. The lo<a1 Commonlly Chell'• IOll '°' thla y .. r la fllUOO, up mor• than 134,000 over laal ,..., Campalan O>alnnan Robert L. Merriman polnta ool The -baa alped a ......,..,...t oonLraot witll the Wnt prange Camty Unli.d Fund, Preoldatt Simi Holden bt1 a1111ounced. Mllllglng tl>e 1111 campaljpu ol the two or1tn1zatlonz will be Elflt A. Greent, execuUva director of the West Orange County FOOP which covera Garden Grov .. S<al Beath, )\lestmiMtu, P'Olllltaln Vall., and Mldw~ City. women and for being unscientific in Its rnethod. Questions wert asked on such aubjects as .se1 education, s c ho o I bus.In& to achieve racial balanct, patriotic in· litrUctlon, federal aid to education and local school board leadership. SubsequenUy. Ill June, Dr. Peterson a~k'ed for boArd approval to conduct new polls but did not gtt it. He said he would go ahead with polllng anyway, Pa.Yin& for il out of his own funds. But then Dr. Araujo was elected in a fipeclal election la.st month, replacing moderate Lyle Guipre who moved from !he slate, and Dr. Petenon again brought the question before the board. Board President Clay Mltcbell of South Laguna said ThUJ'!lday he favors the public opinion polb because "they are economcial and are not binding but 1ive us a little light on bow to educate the children." Huntingwn's Steering Gro u p Meeting Changed A special jc:i.nt meeting of the Hun· tinglon Beach City Coundl and the Urban Land Institute Citizens Steering Com· rnlti.. (CSC) will not be held as prevlD11.sly scheduled on Oct. IS, cit'y of- ficials &l1l10IU1<Cd today. Monte NitUowsld, cbainnan of the CSC, askef! for the postponement because officials of Economic R ea e a r c h Associates who participated in the "Top of the Pier Plan" study to be presented to the council will DOt be able to attend on lhe Oct. ti date. A tentaUve Ume of Oct. 28 has been set for the session peDding approval by city cooncUmen on Oct. 6. \Vhtn the two 1roups meet. the CSC will ouUine the redevelopment plan for ~ downtown area which Includes a pltn to acq1.dre the equivalent or seven city block! along Pad.fie Coast !Jiahv.·ay for an J ,800-spk-e parking area. ln<ludad In lhe proposal la all property from 6th St.rett lo Lake Street, Inland ooe block to Walnut Avtnue, plu.!i five acre• ol HunUngton Beacll Company property east ol Lt.kt " utencUng to AUanta Avtnue. 1l!t overall Top o! the Pier Plan ln· cludel mort of I.be downtown area inland to lndlanapotla Avenue on the east and Palm Avt.nue on the north, ertendlna to Btach Booltv1rd. Coat o( the initial project to rtde~lop the property along C..st Highway Is estimated at 13.I mil~ by lhe CSC. • jl DAILY ,ILDT ""°"' n .... P•"" LSD CUL TtST DR . TIMOTHY L1'ARY SHOWS FOR SANTA ANA COURT HEAR ING With Him Ar• Son J ohn, 19 (l tft) •nd ~t• Mua, Defense Attorney Geor91 Ch ui• (center) Leary • Ill County Court Say s 'We'll Bl.ow This Thing Out of Sig ht' • • ~y T0~1 BARLEY 01 Ille Ott!Y 'll•t Sllff Dr. Timothy Leary marched into Superlor Court today armed with what he 8aid ~·ere "forecasl3 of ~lrologists and stat.isticians that art going lo blow I.his crazy thing out of sight." The "crazy thing" facing the LSD cultist are charges that he and his con· troversial family were in posse15sion of marijuana and LSD lal!it Dec. 26 when they "'ere arre.stcd by Laguna Beach police officers. Those charges woold be made almost meaningless if Judge Herbert HeTlands finds any merit In the arguments &:heduled for delivery by the Leary family's battery of attorneys. Judge HerlandB will~ asked to grant 1 motion for suppression of evidenct. All three lawyers -George Chula of Co.5la Mesa for Leary, 49; Robert Law for Rosemary Leary. 33; and Marvin Cooper for John Bush Leary, 19, -intend to argue that the arrest of their clients flouted go many areas of law that it is remarkable that the charges have been sustained for so Jong. Chula l!iaid il v.111 be argued lhat Ult ar· restin& officer who halted lhe l.e&rys' batte.rtd l!itation wagon in the Art Colony last 0e6Amber "should have known bet. ter tJJ'.anfto even approach the vehicle." And it will be further proved, Chula said, that the officer "could not p<wibly have detected the odOT or marijuana in the circUmstances under which the· arrest wa9 made.• Chula said be will put "some of the finest dru; experts tn tbe nation" on the stand during wb1t i,, e:s:pected to be a day long hearing. The apparently happy Leary. colorfully clad in a rawu jungle suit and gcuffed. nondescript B&11dal!, told the DAILY PILOT that hLs aslroJOglcal a n d .statisUcal data also pointed lo his ''overwhelming \'lct.ory" in the 1970 gubernatorial race. ''This is going l.o be a far out thing," the high priest of the hippie set com- mented. "It's going to be between me, Reagan, Alioto and Unruh -what I call a reaj turned on election . But in the el'ld there 'll be just me," Leary grinned. "Then you, me. and all those wonderful kids can reaUy turn on, you know?" All three Learys are charged with pot1session of marijuana. Rosemary Leary and John Bu.sh Leary are ad· ditionally charged with pos.se.s.sion or LSD. All three were indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury after the panel heard testimony that the trio possessed aJ> prolitn.aUly a pound of marijuana and 40 LSD c~ules al the lime of their arrest. From PllfJe 1 RATS THREATENING . •• overrides. Yet, eye1 have seemin1ly bttn closed to what wauld make the East River look like a trout stream.'' The article continues: "Our children are lurrd daily to the hazard.5 of Utls open culvert lo chase frop or play and float on makeahilt rafts. There baa already been one chlld drowned and with a new . 1-, grade school opening nearby, can we a - ped. less in the future'?!" The storm channel is a two-mile drainage ditch owned by the city, v.1lich starts near Goldenwest Street and Slater Avenue and runs to Springdale Street. Tt is one of thr« similar channels the city controls. Septemter' . : I f,&)... • 'Pfcta · SPECIAL .149 \ ~ ' llGU~ft7t ~ l0.60 6t:ASS TOP TABLE, "l4" THICK t • ....... , • ..,... ........... ,,., ••:alfff. ......... ~'" ...... top ..... 0-'t """ .. -. ,...,.,,, ..... .....,. •• ,, •••••• ,. ,,tee. -,. A-• la "° -lllat Plahha: Aa~'I"• --Old ,,....,. -Dlatr 1•1• Ollft -... -Y-- -• ....__ Yalow ' -...... EXCLUSIVE DEAL!llS FOii! H !Nll.IDON ~Dll.IXIL -Hlll.ITAG! NEWPORT BEACH 1727 w .. tcllff Dr., 642-2050 O'IN ,llDAY "fll t INTDIORS Proleulonal Interior D•l1ner1 Avallabl ....... l~SID LAGUNA llACH ~45 North Coast Hwy. OPIDI NIDAY Tll t """' ~ ............. 0..,. e.., 140.llQ . -•• --·-•ch EDITIO"N . . :Nay • milil. N.Y. St.b • WlL:. ~2, 1110.,1~1~ <4 SEC'()OJ#, 42 P~~"ES -. . . • • • . ORAN6E COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA . . . FRIDA Y,·SEP'TEMIER 2ti, I 949 . . . "' ... .. " Laguna T(}\cl to Retain Village Atritosphert .: ' .·. ~lhR;ner Declares City's Location Best Asset · ·. llDi up J>lannlni lolls for Lquna '• fulure. , TheM goah,c" .. repmd by th• 2$. memba: CAC, a . In Ku&U$. 1961 10 prtl!lre 1uf for a new· ...,.ral ~·a·prlJidJ!ll·lopiC•Of dl8culllon s : ' D·ana Era Begins Harbor Boat Launch Ramp Ope.ns . . A new era begins for Dana Point Satur· day with tho opening ofa boat laundllng ramp In tho ·uncompleted $:! ml1llml pleasure boat harbor. • '!bere may be ,.... coofulloo. :rI>erO 'are some hazards. "But J ~ the !Wnfl.~ amt." p1d noident -~ ' . ; . . ,,;_ .,;·.,,,,,.~ Jlainea aald Iha publlc Wlll bl lllilHed lo • be able to accommodlle 1,000 l>oals daDy if boaters are "~" tn their operfllon. lt will be open weekend.I and bolldaya. · .Dana Point Harbor eventually will be able to also berth 2100 boall. The joint proJtcl o! ~ county a!)ll" Army ~ of l!'fflneert II~ j9_priwldt "'II :t -~~..-~ ~ . ...,. •. £4,,_No ·Srtto~ Plan .. Mission Lauded~Not Followed • Trail Pollution Topic Of Men's Meet By llAlllARA XU1JliCR ., ---ftllt·""' 'lb<l--.oktni can\i>llP orptib<d by llud<nls II Lapna llfl<h !ll&b School la •. good Idea 10l'.1be kjas, ,niOil. downtown rnercbaols io .~.Jeadl .... m to ...... but tJiey'ro .not i!Jol\l lo '!OP ..n.. inl dgareUel -though ..... ·rilld Uk.• to. . • SAN J\JAN C~!STUNO _:-Man:• thil"sm:.: ~:;.:-~i:: pollution o! .hi< environment wm be lbe asking · them Jo tuj>plrt: tile ~ dllcuslioo topic at the .Men'• Fellowsblp drive by discontinuing dpnlte n1.., In steak dinner Tuesday, SepL 30. the lntemt o!·publlc·bealtb and welfare. Dr. David · Curt1I, Lagnna Niguel RM Plcbrd d the Part·Fomt ...,yslclst, will be the guest"opeaker at the Pliarmae!', wbo qultcl~ blmseK a .,.. few yun..qo,.&akl,. "l'd~·to be -•'* event lo begin at 7 p.m. In lbe·eommun-to kid cigarettes ouf of the -.. but I lty Pr'8byterlan Church. 32002 Del can\ ,.. 111 doing it, al lean not right Oblsp>. Reservatlona can bl made with any._~ Marvin Reece, 4~1079. •"Jhere't very liHl& profit ii) ie1Ung them; In lap they're~•'"-· but they e Rork Talk Sk&tel do. bring people 1n, and 1ha1'1 1bmlt au . you can llJ' for them.'" SADDLEBACK VALLEY -Ltlllll't Pickard said be wu ple~to .., tho World rock hounds will gather '!bunday, blih school.p aftor,lbe lmO problem ""'· 2 1t MO p.m. to bear retired Navy bclweVer. "I doubt U toe !lil!t ol tho r· ' · . older cmfirmed -.... 'w'lll change Capt. John S!nkankaa, -1'riWs and theJr' 6ablte,. be up~'But lt'a does rtSearcb In mlneroloa· . : ireat to. llJ' -lei tOQ ' llarl!nl· 'lb6 rock and Gml Club will -In , p......n.a, I llitnl: q,... . ~ "tnultlpurpo<e room B <i 111e Miallm Viejo ~.jl o!Nlololel)>ltl!Pld-" 'lligh School .l'.blrlnc)' ,oner Joe B""1ard qreed . Author of four -·111 lllblerc>lolY· :::.::..""'-;~,"! ~llwa::Yib =:::!nal~~-~at•~&:ri~ --·and cl(MI and•IO ·forth that .. ~....., "" !im'!O ... ......._ -and wu-.111. aAlolut ,)..t,.... at .~ ~,"I :1'!.:.i, cdoft't make 1!f1 Diego State. mitieJ, "<lq, them, I ~looe; 10 I'd e Aulltloiu ·A••••M.. lovll· to -., 'em out; bof·lf the)' don~ , • • -buy . .them here,.· ·thoy:U boy them SADDLEBACK VAJ.Ul.Y -lleldlnp """"'here ella." for the "Marriage Go 'll<!und" to be pro-"Tell yo. wba~" added Buahlfd. "If dllced by the Rancho CommunllY Players au· the l<Jdl ·win atOp amoklnc pot, I'll Will take place 'l'Ueidarand Wedftelday, •'°P ~nc, ~li~~l" ....... ..-.A-.,. Sept. 30 and Oct. r. , . Op •rotelf-, "~ at mo..au1'1 The auditiom will bei!n at 1:,r.m· on Pbarmlcy, l""l'flelor Ollrlea McCalla the Mluion Viejo l:\l&h Sc . little • . .. . . s>id, "l'<flitelo qulhmot1n1 myoel!, but I don~ think tbe)''D occompllab toe much With lhll rtqu;.,t. So far u the store II ~.we ..au, don't sen that many cigarettes. We jllJI keep them u a cu.stOinf!r convtJ\Ience." .Al Waldeck .al tho·Ftnat Market did not think the drive woold gel mucll reapoNe. "W• juoi not pOISl!ble tO atop oellinl_clpftltel," beak! emphaUc:ally. A liquor store clerk who bid not yet .... llllls' lettu uld, •11 mlgbl be a good idea but It won't work. So long 11 people .... 1olng .. drink liquor and smoke c!gorettes I don't think you 'll atop them: thi. way. U We atop selling them. they'll buy ne1t door. But I ..,.. wllh I could atop amoldq myaelfl" Connie Darden, who, with her huaband, Lou, runs Laguna Pipe and Tobacco Sup- ply at 347 S. Cout Highway, said finnly, "I don't smoke myself and I'd encourage anyone to quit smoking, I think thlo thing al tho bigh achoo! II a good deal. 11'1 cer· tain1y no good for young people to amoke aod. we never, aeU cigarettes to ynunpten, only· to adulll. If there's any d~bt.wt· at to see tht1t ldentlficaUoo. W• doo\. even aeD cigarette papen lo Yountstm." . Mn. Darden uld m06l of their ulea aie In pipes and . pipe IObacco; bul they carry .. cipretie. (for adulll) and will COll!Jnueloclooo. . Bob-· pmddent ol the Downtown --· uld be would pul Rilll' tater clin Uie: agenda for hll group'• Oct. 7 -ting .. ~ could be dOOuM!d by thomem~~ • _,'~We're 'hi , • _ tn anything we can · do 10 help U.0.)'lllllllpeoplt and Ul<y ~ave some verf" ~na: idea.a,.. sakl Benner, who II In tloe lm:nlture bullneaa. theater There are part! for two womtn ~wn1ro1nmen. s.!".:o;..m".!: a~'"ui~~ Widow Lesa f J.37., ... ·;· • •1''ll .-~·· _ , I' After monlhl of study, and circulatian of an atUtude survey throughout the com-. munity, tho three aubcommltlees o! tho ciU!em grwp presented their combined goals statement ·to the plannen and, in tum. heard a ·progress rePort on work being 4ooe by the pla!pters. ar CAC dlal\'!nao Mark • G"llinblner· u- plllned that 8,000 copies ii! an attitude 8UJ'Yef bad been circUlated, w!lli 2'3'/0 ,.,_... IQfluz. of new people into tbe com· mumty, he )iolnted f'!t, wu ..tlecle•Mn the fac.'Mbat,. Wbile, Ill 'peioent of - SiniJ With Them . . 'W!lllling smiles are shown by Saddleback Junior College song girla Barb .Trapp~ (front), Lena Deszez (!Oft), Maureen ·~mers (right)_ and Leslie Mowers (rear), who will be on sidelines Slturd'ay·wDen Gaucho foqtballers take on Southwestern at 8.at Mission Vlejo·lllgb.• Wif ~'s Absence Postpones I , . . Dr. Leary ;Drug Ca~e Agai~ . ' . Another delay wu granted today In lbe ffel'lands •\a\led the <."!' even further. drag8:ed~t Laguna Beach drug case of (See related Story, Page 3.) · Dr. Timothy Leary, his wife and son, due Judge ·Her I and 1 ttfused to bear IO the absence of Mrs. Ltary, being le.ilmony In support of the Ltarya' mo- troated at ·uc Berkeley for a f""'1e tion with the ruling that Rosemary Leary complaint. win Have to tie in court wheD tlle 1Uue)1 The trio was to appear in Orange Coan· debated. ' ty Stlperlor. Court -promblng stunning He ended a bitter, hour-IOI!( ar11U111ant developmenla -but Judie Herbert In hJs court by ordering . the · Lemy family's allorneys ahd bePuty Dll\IJct Altomex Mlile, Capplr.zt to rel!Jl1I ·to ' p(Olldlng·Judle Samutl Dr<l2tn later~ But Refuses ·' t f Deadline, .. . . On Pullouts .. Voting Memhe~ . IYttb tho opeulna,d tloe ammal,nirdl ublbltion at the ~ ·lloodl M , Alfociatlon· Gallerf, iJ, uiiod.ie·mem. · ben of tile Art Msocliifloo have tieColl)O artist members wlh voting !"1v1Je&U. . A<ti8l members are ~ lo ·-work selected far binging In l)t'o 'JUiled evenLa during tho you before their a1> ceptance. • . New art1st metnbel'I from Orange County "' Lucia Ancle-. Ale• Corin, Fted Cui>nliiihun, Rulli Futrell, .. ~ M"CC!aln, Shirley Rablno)fllj, E.. H. Rongey, Jatk Rowe, Tll$lo de ~ ·Smith, I. Trabad and V-Wantl"nml Los Angela County are carol Bemaid. Ray Blnlbem, Comtallce Dippel and Janet M•clcalc. I' I 'l1>t llUUlll awao:dl ublblllon, 1111111 through 04 JI al the Art "-'atioa Galleq, 30'1 (:llff -l!OUll ano . neon to $ j>.m. da1ly, with guided lmlra al 3 p.m. "" Sundaya. . . Football" Aides· . Sought for Chm Lagnnan H-eld on Swindle day · for Rllinl of ti.. new' dafo' Oii the ' dllpu1'.,.t11e~...io·~·t11at I ~ L<arya1bave·woe on v,rlilui-.... Iii~· Cqm:llY Superior <Joul:t." ... Mn.'. 11 ciu:r~lll'".....,~ lo· the Ualrt cil,¢1I!f(Jmla ,t:~ I · Tiie call i1 ouf for pi17'P .an4 ~ ., the Bo!'.•' C!ub o! 1-"~ beg!nl 111 1Jth na1 lootblll .,...., .. Wiii! !Int practice ICbeduled for Siturday. ~· In tho sixth, aeventb and elghtl) 1rad" may sign up ""' II the 8oy1! Cluti. "· Fatbon wbo 1V0Uld like to lltJi> eoido a team foc an hour and~a·balf Ol'.I Mohdif end l\'O<tnuday evenlnp are lrrvtted ~ call Diii JAwlll al the &o,:I' Clu\I. IK 1535, fbr further lnlormaUon. • from wbei-or: Lea!y·tedaf·~·u became 1111pldoua when annuity cheClc•. 'a'l'I"'!'~~~:.=~{# ' ctm11rtom tlnt -tnste.aC1 ol. the inlO:rance Ju e ~~·over ca~·· ' cOll\pUiy. ' . . . . • ...... 0Jlbe Mllltln'alleged·tllal tint ii.lo tolcl'Mra. · !1'Jl'1' otijectlons .lhal "It ~,...,....,. ~1ieCOU1dpureh11ef0rber~from · ~~1.e"'~*~J~it,"\1:'~' an 'Nfate-a '$4$,000 bood'lt·a 15,000 411-• .:....:.'.;.•..;~:_:._·_...,...._._~..,....--··.:.;,-: .:.'~ ..:.·-r _;_ < Clllllffi Mlnkln' a110g;t DI• widow lumed • • over '40,000 to Lint but did not rectlv1 . Sleek llJ•rlce&s the l>Ond. . . . • """'----------~ The deputy dlotrlct au.nley lllclol.Inl NEW YORK (AP) -The ltock madcct ls free m bill pendlftg ·bis arraignment alld lo lnotl1or Iou agllil today u 11 f!J>. TaeMlq• In •Dltlaloe 40 d Los An&tlto lobed ill ,.ee1c on 1 dOWn'beat. (S.. qu .. munici pal ~ . talfolll. 1>11.., ~ll. ' . I l • ; !.Jz. ~y P!l.OJ. L Apartments ' Protested ,. . \' ·:in Viejo -· .. . " A atgment of Mluion V I e J o .. l>omoawnm protesUng the pf'Ol'O!ltd c:on- at:ueUoa , or apartmenb \n t h ,_ l r ·~ are charlllni the Million Vle)o 'Comj>el\Y wtlh de Ii b.e role misrepresentaUon of land use plans. "We feel we wert misinformed a11 to the exact location of the apartments due for cxrnpletlon ill May, of 1970" aays a Jetter prepored for Phlllp J. Reilly. presi- dent of the Mission Viejo ConlPlftY. 1be letter will be accompanied by peU. tJons with more than 200 sign.alum. The area ln Q\lestiOD between Moft. taoaso Drive and MtrguerUe Parkway wu iooed three ye«11 ~o for the, aparim•?I• wbicb will be 114. mu!Uple family uhlta. . "However, OD the scale JUodtl of the area 1n tl\e. IA Pu sales off'lce tkere was· no indicalloo QI 'aoy bu!lilings.,. on this 6ite_," said the leUer. In ...,w8r!na the charaes. Jame• Toellfer, '!\le ~In charge of plan- nil>I for U.. Mlisjon Viejo Company, ,.id lhll everyt!ling except not being lold ebclUt the. a~ might be true. '<lloweter, we 1don't anUcjpate any tra.fflc pi',oblems,' 11or do we anticipate many children in the apartment:!," he aaid. Argu\ng against any devaluation of pt6- perty be said, "The apartme~t _complex is gtlti'lg to tie beautiful ~ 1t 11 ~ ed. 'l1Je bulldinp w1il be ln.dulle!S ol thho _and we're 'IJ!!OdlnB 111.000· fer omanianlal outdoor Uglltlng and 1100,000 for landscaping.,. He denied aoy de~.on tbe part of lhe compaQl' In ngard lo lbe I~ ol . the a~fl. · "I don'i know about the scale model but 1 do know thlt on the wall of every 5ales offioe there ii a ~r plan and this plan· b~ oho ... llince tl6S Jht ...., des!pated for apartments." "I'm sorry the re$lde.ot.s went to a neWJJpaper Wtead Of coming directly to us" said Toepfer. "()Jr. doota art never cJ.:...t lo )>OOPI• wUb probfemJ." Tbe homeowners are Jaunchlng the pro- ; test becaU., jhey. fear tnereaaed traffic will be.o wetY hazard for thelrcbTicben1 that the transient nature of apartment dwe.llen wtU adversely afiect schools and that tbe appearance of the apartments may inllme clevaluate their property. . Students Feel All ·.Dress Co~s Siwu'ld Be Out- , · !iflty..,.. perctnt QI LaguJll" ll<och : J1i1b School !iudentl polled in a dress :.. ·code ta.U'VeY tbia week would like· to see ·all dNu code• elbnlnated. '.Fourteen percent are dl8'11lisfjed wilh me of the existing dress rules, llP<daJIY those pertaining lo boys' hair ·tmgth, th t: sockll-witHandals re- quirement and lh• ban on caprl• for girl•. 'Ibe rematnlng 25 peret-nt indicated ap- proval of the present dress code, which ls MtT1eWhat men liberal than last year's. ; In the survey, conducted by the Student ; Council. 780 out of the: 1,010 student!: at • the high achoo! mpooded lo a tbree ; choice qu~lonnaire. • The cbcices were; . .. L I feel the Fe&ellt dress code rules ore loo atrlct and tl1ey ohoo1d he abollllh· ed • .JI .tbey are abolislled, f will be a respoitslble student' so as not to lose the Fivllege just obWned. • • • ' • • • • . • .-~ '• .• . .. • • . • !: 2. I feel that the pr,...t dNu code rulea are lenient enoug)i and do not n...i lo be •boJISbed. 3. 1 am ntisfled with the clothes board rules tn general, but I am dlssa.Usfied with the foUowhig niles: (students coold list rules to wblch they object). Further polla will be conducled by the Student COUncll to obtain views of faculty members and parents on the school' 1 grooming and dress policy. uAllY -'1101 OIAH~ COt\11 fWl llHl" c:oAWN'r l•Mt N. w ... ,_,.,,_,,. ... J•o:• t. c..t.., .,,.,,..... .............. Ttte,.,•• K••tl e-n.-. A. w.,,,,ft• ~··-... t..nil P, Ntll ..__ "' -'---212 F.t .. t A111. Mtllllt AMt••• t.O. 1u ..... f1ut --· --·--... -........ .::-:11 ~~-...r-=- t ' CAll .. Y "II.OT Stiff "llttt Coast Y Growth Mapped Nine-year.old Kyle Fran'°" o< Laguna Beach gets a briefing on growth of YMCA activities along the southern Orange Coast lrom Steve Crumme:tt (left), Ssddlebaclc director and Alvey Pratt, Laguna assiltant director. Map. pinpoints growth ol coastal Y units. From Page 1 . - LAGUNA FUTURE ••• noted. Niel they were attracted primarily pun:haae more beach aru and, en ey artiJt1c and cultural' a!pecta of lhe privalely owned beadiea, only chain• end posts, rather'than wans, to be pennltted. community. •. Preservation of wilderness are as Veey &tronl tnt.emt lit-preserving the around the community. inc 1 q d t n g vlaual beauty QI the bommunity w,. establisbrnent of a greenbelt through shown. wllh 80 to90 per cent e:rprtmng a Laguna, El Toro and·Ali.so Canyons and de81re t1J1 iee that all structures are set providing for deeding of unbuildable back far enough to pre.serve the integrity lands to the city when hillside and canyon of t1* beach and ooean. that the natural developmenta go In. contwrs of fhe hills be maintained and Maintenance of a vtllage abnosphere sumrundlng wildemeu areas be prtserv· and sense of reJaxaUon, peace and tran· ed. Half of those respondina said they quillty, with strict control of placement, Moe height and mas,, of buildings. woald be willing to pay aditional tues to Respect urban aesthetics, includin_g en-ae:i!:: :".eo per cent of those respon· forcement of the sign ordinance and 1 undergroonding of utilities. ding favo~ pede~rlan malJ deve op-Undertake pJannln and development of ment to create • village atmosphere in specialty • ........., and C .. -.. ~ to 1 tl1a downlon area, similar to.that of lhe ....,,. --8 • Ait 'OeDier • • lracl tourists with emphasis on an ·omi:· ':mil a 1.;.e c:enfrll sbop-artliJk •lid .ped~IM!riented •.t- ing ..::; In Ille alyle of Fuhton J~and mos!i>en. restricilng autom,obile trafhc ~as re~ by most of those questioned. m some areas., ; . a• 'j1Vas1he. i6e""a of a downtewn 01uural ~veJ~p a c1t~-wlde ~ecr~auonal plan com:munttY oemer. and facilities, with po&ilble development .\Uei:f wh,t . they don't ·like about or the ~oodland Drive area u_ a aports. L.;un&. rt percent of UJOie ftsporfdlng , . reci:ea~on .. and you~ ~ter, mteP.:ated lilted 'hippies as the chief problem, arou.nd'.tbe.new Boy$ Club. followed by the parking situation and Annexatton, the clUzens group said. traffic generally. shoold be used as a tool to ensure control AlJO drewtng complaints, but from a ?f adjacent areas, rather than an end 1n much smaller perct.ntage of·respondents, itself.. . . ., ,, were the trash problem, drogs, zoning, Duri.ng diSCUSSJon! A. E. Pat the police, the post office. dogs, noise and Worthington,. .emph8Slzed to the planners restrooms on the beach. . that competitive growth bad not emerged Forty-two percent of the comment!: on · as ~e of the goals desired by 1Laguna Laguna problems did nqt fall into any resident!:. . I . •."4 category. "Tbls 1ives 3n 'Idea of the A~pts to annex ':'1aJOf tnd~strial tn- diversio/ of Laguna " commented Gum· st.alla~oru and their satellite com4 biner. ' munilles. as f~ example ~e new The att.itude quest.ionnaire alao was ~kwell Au~cs plant, he said, could distributed at the high schOot, with 564 bring in'? the ctt~ thousands of voters lltudents responding from behind the hills whose reasona for Inadequate recr~aUon and youth moving to the area woold be f;Ol811Y dif- facill'Un ftl't listed aa a problem by 23 f!1:ent from those of Laguna' present percent of. the students. FO\D'teen percent citizenry: thought there were "too many tourists," Reporting on JJl'O&re.98 of~ studies, and 13 percent comPiained about hippiea. K1 rushkho .vnoted that 66 percent Of the Combining responses to the ques.-an~ a.rea In O:e city now is vaca'ht, some tiormaire with tbelr own studies, the or it macc~ble f~ development, but dUzens committees ll!ted as primary some.~usceptible to .very brutal develop- planning goals for Laguna: ment . unless strict controla: are Maintenanct. of the integrity of the con· established. tour of the hill! and develop criteria for In the ~ .12 years, he. said, only 2.1 hillside development to cootrol cul! and acres of additional :ecreauonal _and park fills area has been acqwred by the city, apart Mlintenance of the lntegrlty of the from the Main Beach purchase. beach aa a JWimary scenic and recrea· "This doesn't say much for Laguna, .. Uonal &Sitt with the city seeking to said Kn1shkhov. "We muirt conclude that ' you are very light on municipal retlrea- tional areas and facilities." County~ Defers University Area Trash Decision Turtle Rock and University Park homeowners seeking relief from speeding trash trucks and cascading litter could only get Ule promise from Orarige County gupervison: that the matter "will be dillcuB.'led with all partlts coneemed." Lee Boylan, 18921 Antioch Road, Irvine. president of Broadmoor Turtle Rock COmmunlty As s ociation, urged supervbors to reroute the trash traffic from lb prestnt Cu1ver Drive route to otber area thoroughfares -among those suggested w e r e Jamboree Road a n d MacArthur Boulevard. Boylan told the boorcl that much of Uie tralllc II COUll\Y transport beaded for lbe Coyote <:af\Y01l dump. NoUe goneraled by Ille truckl hlS becmne unbeorable, Boylan t o I d """"'1aon. and he urged fmmedlile In· VMUpUoo o1 the pll" of Uuer blown on· lo ma homeowner•' propeny from lhe """"""' veltlclu. Backkm Boylan In the appeal was Judon &:hnelder of Univmlty Park. prestdent ol. the Univeraity Commutrtty .w«!atl ... Schl!eidar blasted CQtlftty ••· dorsement of Ille truh route •10!!8 Culver u .,dlqr1cefuJ and huardous." He demanded 1 "complete review ol. this whole lmUfferable altuaUon and the ban· ning ot truh tnJfic from our am." Supervilon "'"red Ille homeowners F!prCMDtatives that the complaint would be dbcunld wfth road department of. ficiela. It will be ruled oo at a laltr date. Worthlngton and Brennon "Te.vs" hfcClellan suggested that lhe planner$ may havt underesUmated the importance of the beaches to local residents. ''Ask any of us where our kids are any summer day," aaid Worthington. "The answer will be •at the beach.' The beaches are very much a part of local recreational facilities, not jW5t a tourist attraction." Consideration also should be given to the fact that in the 12-~ar period when the city acquired only 2.1 acres of new parks, IL al!JO opened many more previously Inaccessible beach areas by the installaUon of walks, rampa and stairways. McClellan said. The planners had found a few problems In Laguna too, aaid Krushkhov's assis- tant, Mra. Judy Franks.. Pointing to 11 "problem" map she oiled ugly entrances to the city, restricted circulation, hazardous intersections. the "odoriferous sewer plant," strlp commerciaJ develop. ment and aigns, mixed land uses. Oood hazard areas and absence of through circulation from hilltop to hilltop. Regardln&: clrculaUon, Mrs. Franks said the plannen found the ring route concept of the C!Uzens' Town Planning Association "very interesting." One ot the biggest problems to be faced by Laguna in tbe futw-e, concluded Krushkhov, will be the volume of traffic on Coaot Highway. lbe new Inland freeway and roads toMecting lbc two . Projected development of lrvine lands norlll of the city ctrlalnly wW affect the traffic pattern in the La,una area, he .. id. ··we h11vtn't completed aur traffic 5llld,y 1et." said the planner, "•nd 1 mlHit tell you I'm acaM to 1ee what will come: out of It. l~andling tbo!e cars is going lo be a real problem." • _ ... ___ -...... __ ·-- ' I :S.cliool Fi!eedom OK'd -. ,, ., ~ ' . • .lj . ·PQSs~ Comtf,~urion B~rd by·Split V9t,e W~ltll>e ~ tbe i\ranli,. of acad•mk • to vol• on I~ . Thm Is alw•Y1 Ille llO"lbilily the froodom bllo tbe·111.te Coru!Ulution wu. Dr. Anderson salt• proleaor II not !Ag!Jlalure, in Ill poUUcal wlldom, will recomsntnded by the Calilornla Coru!Utu-free to ~le or fal~(y under feel the !lllle way . academic freedam, and hJdlvlclqal aots Aldrldl voted for loclusloo of Ille tion ReviaJon CommissiOfl meeU.ng'Tburs-apart from hla area ot com~ce have· sentence ind for conttauaUon of c!oeed day in Ntwporl i1<1ch. oo rellllott lo ti. · ftienb meelinp, ollhoofh be Wll in an The controversial plank which reads, Frank Newman, fonner dean of Boalt eight to 2t mJoortty on that litand . "Academic freedom and responsibillty Law School •t Berkeley, llld ~ 11 il'n· Chalnnan of the comrnlasion, Orlni• shall be assured," w8' approved in a aplit portant prO!ectlon of aeademtc lY<ldoin Counly Superior Collrt Judge Bru<* ot be writWI Jnlo the Collltliutton becauae SUmner, a '"'Idell! of Lag\mo !leach, did v c~ membert divided on a . without Jt ~t court cises-.are very tbe countinc of the~othen u they ,ral.Md number of other votes in drafting a ttlcky. "11!e ccittrta have bad to bend lhe thetr bands and it' wn oot appartDt how rewrUe of the Constitutional provlskma fl'ee llpetcb ariwnent because they know be voted. . governing lbe University of California. . . the prfDclple of academic freedom is Qn.. Re&ardirlc freedom from pc:illtical in· portant,'' be said. nueoce fpr the ur:uverstty, former State The recommendation• go lo the otate· Yot; Jit ~!ht Constllilllmt reads that Sim. Georje 'Rochester, of La. Hibra, Lql!lature for approval before bdng "lull power QI 1overoance thalJ real wilh aaid: · placed oo the ballot in the November• the resent&." ' .. Th.is Js a liea,Utiful idtal but as far 11 1!!10 eleetion. John Sproul, attorney from San Fran-limi>an nature 11 ~ it doe.n't Forth-tbr~pf 60 Commis11ion members cisco. warned that inclusion Df the. mean a damn thing." ' were present for the afternoon le85ion at sentence on academic freedom wwld be "Thank you for putting il ao welt •• the Newporter IM. Among other rocom· creallp( a phoey 1-· "I !hint it would !aid Piltlen!Qli Hyndman, a San ~ mendations: do a great deal· to secnre the clef eat of the ' . b-....n wbo Is chalnnan QI the -The terms of UC regents be shcrlen-e_ntlre P&Cka&e come Novtmber (lt'10)," education comndttee that made the ..i from JS to 12 years eicept for thooe be !aid. -Univemlj> =menda.Uoos. already serving. -Regent.. meeUngs become open to the public, except for discussion of certain types of matters to be spelled out. by 1tatute. -Appointment of UC regents by the governor to require cordirmatlon by the atate Senate. · -The University of California staff is to be protected from political influence. The latter provision is covered by the addition of the words "and personnel" after "regent.5" in a sentence saying a~ pointments shall be fret of all political or sectarian influence. UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, a commlnioner, member was rnoved to remark : "Il is I.be intention: a poUUCal test not. be appUed to persounel There are some who are aware the teat can be applied outside the university and I've wal.i.ed that line in recent months.•• Aldrich referred to the opposition to his approvlng appointment of former SOS leader Michael Krisman as coordinator ot student' affairs. The "academic fre«lom" sentence wa.t approved 25 to 13 and drew !he hottest dicsusslon. Now Dr. Peterson Has A '8arbe .t Slwp Quintet' With the election of a third con· servative school trustee Dr. Doris Arau- jo, Counly Schoola Superintendent Robert Peterson had the wtes IO the whole board voted. Thursday lo api>rove barber sbOp polla. • Counly* tiOanl member Donald Jord,., bad 1tremlotlol) ol>Jected lo the poll& re, eiplalned' he went along on the vote because concesslona were mo.de. His stance, and that of the. other moderate trustee Pat Arnold, was "half a l~a( ts betl-tt than none," the resort of pragmatic poUUclana when the coont is against them. The Fincipal cooceaolon by Dr. Peterson wu to give trustees a s.ay on what queaUons are ineluded in his public opinioo surveys. Ht also promised to let. them know the ruults immediately and not conduct more than three poll! during. lhe year. ' The ~!' J>OllL will "be "6nducted In barber lhopo, ~ poriora, doughnut b-l"°lfnl 'lllUon> and denlialJ waiting rooms /bOlfd member Dr. Dale Rallison ls a dentist). The fignt ewer lhe polla began 1 .. t Oct"ber when Dr. Peterson polled 90 men in 20 county barber lhops aud then refU£o ed for several months lo reveal the resulta to the county board because they might prejudice se1 education hearings by the board. The poll was criticized for not including women and for being unscientific in its method. Dr. Totten Anderson, associate dean at use. defined academic freedom as ,. freedom to teacb without uternaJ. In. Saddlehack. Sets tenereooe wilhin an area of competence Questions were .asked on such subjects as se1 education, s c ho o l busing to achieve racial baJanct, patriotic in· strUctlon, federal aid to education and local acbool board leadershlp. as judged by other professors. Sacramento Superior Court Judge J osepb Babich ~ if that definition In- cludes freedom to lock a dean up in bis office. 'He said many acts are def9ded under the banner of academic freedom. which will have to be defined to the satisfaction of the people who are going . ' . Masons to Give • 50-year Pins • Filly-year pins -wU1 be presented to Robert Gysel and Don Helwig of Laguna Beach Masonic Lodge 67', when the lodge ~b3erves past masters' night Sept. 30. Helwig was masf,er of the Laguna Beach Lodge in 1932. A bulfet supper will be served at fi:30 p.m. and the Yorlt Bodies of Orange County will present a Masonic play titled, "The Rusty Brother." Dinner reservations will be limited to 100. Those not wishing to aUend the din- ner will be welcome to attend the pro- gram, according to Jlm Decker. Tickets are available at the office of Sout.tiem Counties Gas Company, 2.34 Broadway. Registration For Oct. 3.9 Three buildlng.s, paving of lhe perking area and walkway1 and landlcap1ng re- main to be completed at Ole new Sad· dleback College campus in Mluion Viejo, but registration of students wHI prOcetd Oct. 8 and 9, traslffs were advised Mon· day. Seventeen of 20 planned buildings. ln- cludinb the library will be ready when classes begin Oct. tS, said Superintendent Dr. Fred &mner. The physical educa.tioo building, one science facility and staff office buildings for instructors are delayed. However, in· stallatlon of temporary power llnes to the phystcal education building will make It available tor immediate use while un4 derground electrical lMtallatlons are completed. The access road to the campus will be paved this week. Construction on the pro- ject was delayed this summer by the plumbers• and heavy t q u 1 pm en t operatora• strikes. nie college e1pecta an enrollment of 1,400 to 1,600 students thls fall. Substquently. in June, Dr. Peterson asftd for board approval to coo.duct new polls but did not get it. He s1aid he would go ahead with polling anyway, paying for it out or his own funds. But then Dr. Araujo was elected ln a special election last month, replacing moderate Lyle Guipre who moved from the state, and Dr. Peterson again brouj;ht the que!tion before the board. Board Pmident Clay Mitchell of South Laguna said 'J'1unday he favors the public opinion polls because "they ar• economclal and are not binding but give us a little light on how to educate the children." Women Slate Tea A membership tea will be hosted by the El Camino Real Junior Women'• Club Saturday. Women between the ages of 18 and 3S from Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Cipistrano Beach and San J u a n Capistrano are Jnvit.ed to the event in tht home of Mrs. Leslie Williama ol Dana Point. For further informaUoo call Mr1. Patrick Hayes at 49fi.1801. Special SPECIAL $, 49 llOULM ''" l0.60 GLASS TO~ TAILE, lit" THICK -ttt.lly •lyftd and """-•Ir dttelltd, llllt 11 th -It • .... top ...... .,.., otlu • op-'*""''" to ftl ......,, at • r•o••lt prtce. A"'1lal>le In Tllo-..l .. ,.,,_, Antiq11 --Old SpanlU -Dia-Oho ---Y .. - -.....,,... Y ..... EXCLUSIVE DIALillS l'Olb HINlllDON-DRIXIL-HIRITAGI NIWPORT llACH 1n1 Wostcllff Dr. u2.20~0 OHN NIDA J 'TIL f IN11RIOlS Prol•ioNl lntorlt< D111f"'" A¥1llabl.._;.t.l-ll> LAGUNA llACH w Hirth Ceell HwY. .. "'"' -m.' ,.... , ......... ,,, ..... c..., .... ,w I 494-Ull I I . , 1 I I --.------- 1Billy Graha1i~ Dot st .. n · in Orallge· County "He's U10 holtesl thine In or"'i' Coon- ly as far as evancellam goes." · The semantics belong to a collt&late ' vnlunteer, but the sentiments include the thousandll or youn& 1Uld old lay WQrkefs, and the small bUt precise profdSional i i.aft, who have labored since the begio- nlng ol the year lot; .lonllt>I -the Ol>"nlng of the Southern Cilllornla Billy Grabim Crusade. NlgbUy !tom tonight through Ocl. I,. evanitlbt Bill,y Graham will prtach 0 the ppel of Christ" to crowds It Anahtim Sladl.Um, 30 miles and 20 ye.ar1 from where' ho began his world-wide evangeli!m efforts tn a large canvas tent. His message ii ~ same ~ 11 it was &ept. 25, 1949, 1t the comer of Waolllpgloo and Hill In downtown Los ~ -tile neod le< evecy lndMdual to come toto what he and all other e~ delcribe .. "• pef!OOll relationahlp wlJh the Lord Jcsua Chriat. '' There are also atmllariUes in the methods. Today' IS in 1949, the crw:ade ha.s been preceded by a year of prayer by members of local churcha. In each cue; the prayers and planninc be6an when ,GrahaIQ. accepted the in- vitation of local lay leaders to come and hold • crusade In Sollthern Cllllorn11. But the ecope -the volume of wortc, the vast alldlence -art 10 much dU- ferent. LSD CULTIST DR. TIMOTHY LEARY SHOWS FOR SANTA ANA COURT HEARlNG With Him Are Son J ohn, 19 (left) and Co1t1 M••• Dmn1• Attorney George Chula (ceriter) Leary • Ill County Court Says 'We'll Blow This Thing Out of Sight' Rv T0~1 BARLEY oi Itta D-11J Piii! lt•ff Dr. Timothy Leary marched into Superior Court today armed with what he uid were •·forecasts of astrologists and statisticians that are goini lo blow this crazy thing out of sighL'' The "crazy thing" facing the LSD euttist are charges that be and his con- troversial family were in possession of Rouse Group Coming Congress Ponders Fate Of Los Alamitos Base By JACK BROBACK Of IM Dl llY Pllsl Sti ff The future of Los Alamitos Naval Air StatJon will be probed by a special sub- committee of the House ol Represen. talives which will meet in Orange County next month, Rep. Richard T. Hanna ([).. \Vestminster) disclosed today. The prnposl'd expansion or the 1,500- acre multi-million dollar facility is under aUack by th~ neighboring cities, Seal Reach, Cypress and Sta nton. Addilionally, the field is being o;:crulinized by a recently Mnouo ced Navy Department study, "Project Wire," a na~ lional probe to determine what base5 should slay in the land managemen~ o[ lhe Navy and which should be placed 1n a category of a hard pennenent _ b~ with full ability to perform the m1ss1ons re- quired by the Navy. Los Alamitos Base has top pribrity In !his study, Hanna said, "because of the heavy encroachment of residents a~ ~e baM commander's request for acquisition of Dfl)ve land " ~ •tj;.,.. c1ty ;,incWs met with Hama tbl.1 week -Mayot pro-te.m. John KaTl!l. Coundlman Frank Noe and Qty Manager Damll Elsea. . They expressed their lllrool "l'l""'lloll to any txJ)l.Nkln ol lhe navy faclUty. CypreU clly councJJme• ildopt>d. • re90luUon recenUy which uld uplDSKlO nf the air fiekl would; ' _.EllmlnalA a potenUal lndu:!trlal com· plea which "ould provide employment tor 13.200 ponoos. -Rt.suit In an annual ta1 'kiss to tht cl~ ty of more than $l mll1ion. -.Eliminate tne only Jndu&lrlal !Ill hue rcseryod -by the city lo balance ib t-conomy. ~ -Create erooomic hardships on lhe cotmty. tcbool districta and other ta:ring agencie.s. Hanna advised the city officials that no firm information wUI be derived from the two Jtudje.s, one by the Navy aod one by Congress until they ha ve been concluded and reports filed. He said "Project Wire" studies would not be concluded for nine months. The proposed 600-acre expansion • Is 10Ught by the Navy to provide 1 buffer woe lo prevent further residential and commercial developments which woull::r violate: Navy-Marine Corps air safety standards, according to U . Commander Howard K. Rowan , orricer in charge of planning the acquisition. The land sought by the alaUon i~ bounded on the north by the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, on the east by Knott Avenue and on the aouth by Orangewood Avenue. Rowan admitted that if the Navy did not acquire the add.IUonal laod "we will lqoe the Ration by delaull." • City ollldlil ilave valued the IOO ecr<I at p billiGn, but Bowan .. Id 1 more realistic """" ii "•boul 114 million. .. Seal u..ch and Stanton have adopled -'Utiont sJmjlar lo thal ol Cyprul. All IUgpsl lhlll Ille Air 8talion lhoukl be moyed lo a Jm..popuJat.d ...... • 5'"J -cu, fl!-Looi -uld. "Loo Alamltol Jlarl<d II I li-l.lnloi: bdllty for IK'OP planes. Now we .,..eon- c:omed wJUI the heavy noise ,...,,. '1nc:. Ibey bave lnltod.-1 jtla." Rlanet Aid propooecl lci>ool Joca11on1 bad.lo be.dlaniJed 'becauee of the .-. Loo Alamlloo bu nol joined In lhe proo ltll ye~ City fllanqer WllUlm H. Kfa"' said "w an wlltq It llor reocllon ol our tuldentl befGN ldlnl.-" marijuana and LSD last Dec, 26 when they Vt·ere arrested by Laguna Beach police officers. Those charges would be made alm()Sl meaningless il Judge Herbert Herlands finds any merit in the arguments scheduled for delivery by the Leary ranu1y's battery of attorneys. Judge Herlands will be aslced to grant a motion for suppression of evidence. All three lawyers -Gear:&• Chula .of Costa Mesa for Leary, 49; Robert Law for Rosemary Leary, 33; 1nd Marvin Cooper for John Bush Leary, 19, -bttend to argue that the arrtst of their cUenta flouted so many areas of Jaw that It is remarkable that the charges have been &ustalned for so long. Olula aaJd lt will be argued that the ~ re.sUnf officer who halted the Learys' battered staUon wagon in the Art Colony last December "should have known bet· ter than to even approach the vehicle." And it will be further proved, Chula said, that the officer "could not possibly have detected the odor of marijuana In the circumstances under which the arrest was made." Chula :said he will put "some of the Hnest drug etperts in the nation" on the stand during what is expected to be 1: day lc>ng hearing. The apparently happy Leary, colorfuUy clad fn e fawn jungle suit and scuffed. nondescript sandals. told the DAILY PILOT' that his astrological a n d statistical data also Pointed to his "overwhelming victory" in the lt'10 gubernatorial raco. ''This· ti l"ini to be 1 for wl thine," tbe blcb prlell ol the hippie .,i tom• ~led. "It'• going lo be belween me, lleipn, Alioto and Unruh -wbal I call a re11 turned on eSecllon. But in the md thm'U be jull me," wry srinned · ·'Then you, me, and an those wonderful JdcU can realif tum oa, you ilnow!" All tine larys are charsecl with Pai•~ of martjuan1. Rolemary Leary and • John Bu!h Leitry m Id· dlllonally chwl..t with po&!elllon of LSD. All lbrte w<re Indicted by the Oranfe Coonty \)rand JJllT'flor the panel heard leetilnonf thal tbe trio poo<aed •i>' proxlmai<ly 1 PQQJJd ol marUvano Ind 40 LSD capeulff at the Ume ol their arrest . • Dr. Grllham -c:onlldant ol prealdenta, lelev~lon talk• show penonallll', con· trovenlal rellaiooJ luder -I.a no looter j1111 another evapgellst. He ta: todU a qa- ilonal llcu,re 1 and a crusade in ADabeim is much more than ol tent meeting. Anaheim Stadium • aeata 45,000. The Graham team hopes to fill It every oigbt. To tbls end, an estimated 30,000 churchmen, lay drurchmell, the ma· jority from Loi Angeles and Orari1e County, will by oct. I hive contributed . . more th.Jn •ooo man hours. At 7:1:> toatcht., the crus~e ·will begin with 1 few ....,., appropriate sreellnc• bY, California Oov,emor Ronald Reagan, ahOrt IMOUnelmenll and offering, mualc by George Beve.rly Shea and the $,000 voice. cbior. Thea Bll!y Graham will place his Bible oo -the podium, thnult his hand Into his oockel.· lean lnlo the microphone and deJlver his sermon -30 mlm11ea of com- mltmenl and charisma reaching nol only Southern Callfomla but 1 _.Jclowlde television audience u welL ''l am very aware of how IUUe I have to do with the CJ'Ulade,'" the evqelllt told ttaff workers earlier this week. "I haven't done IO)'thing but - some sermons. 1 can't thank you e!J(Qlb for what you have done. But. we are all servants of Christ, and aomed•Y.JOU'll gel yoor proper thaob from Him. Smuggling Fight Blasted But Nixon Administration to Stick With Crackdown Oppoflition mounted today to the government's crackdown on marijuana smuggling. Despite protests from Mex- ican officials, border residents and tourists, the Nixon a<iministraUon intends tG prtBI ahead with ''O p eration lntercepl" Herbert G. Klein, President Ni xon 's director ()( communications, said the ad- ministration is "eyeball lo eyeball" with the marijuana problem "and we don 't in- tend to blink." Mexico's foreign secretary, Antonio Carrillo Flores. however, had instructions from his gove:nment to dis'Cuss Opera- tion lnterctpt when he met today with Secretary of Stale William P. Rogers in New York. The air, land and sea offensive against smuggling of marijuana and illegal drugs was laWlCbed last Sunday, causing monumental traffic !ams and delays up to iii. hours at the 31 highway border croaifl&I between the United States an<J Mexico. U .8. Custo~ agents today continued their car by car and person by person aean:hes for contraband. Walling Ume.a ranged Irom three houri at peak traffic periods to five minutes at midnl1hL A counter~ffenslve urged by Mexican nat.ional chambers of commerce began compiling data en loue.s reaultlng from the crackdown. Nightclub •Ad restaurant owners in Tl· juana, across the border from San Diego, reported buflinesl had dropped between 40 and 75 percent since the operation wu implemented. There also was criticism er the government'• basic atrateo. to stem the flow of marijuana across the border to drive the black market price in the United Stales beyood .the reach of young persons. California Atty, Gen. Thomas C. Lynch lold Congreas I.hat "as the 10urces cf marijuana continue to be cut off and the price rises, the abuse o( dangerous drugs will rise accordingly." He aald reeords of arnst.s during the past 10 years Jn California for marijuana and "dangerous drugs" showed any change in one group was accompanied by an "offsetting reaoUon" in the other. Sen. Harold E. Hugbe1 (D-Iowa), said "the few people who quit smoking mari- juana will be of lilUe gain if hundred• of ethers go on to harder drugs web as speed and heroin." Fullerton Man's Body Found In Zion Par k Missi ng four days without betng notic- e':!. the body ol a Fullerton geologist on a rield trip to Zion National Park, Utah, was found TburMiay night at the foot ol a 1,200-foot cliff. Norman C. Chin, 54, of 1129 N. Rkh· mood Drive, apparently slipped from the precipi ce while shooting photographs last Monday. Park Superintendent Oscar Dick said the accidenl occurrred on the East Rim Trail . The victim was visiting In the -park on an expedition to study ita spectacular geology and consequenUy was not reported missing 1.i.ltll Thuraday. A search party was organized and Chinn'• body wa1 found about I p.m. at the foot ol the cliff, 2 Suspects in Death Of 4 Women T raced CINCINNATI. Ohio (AP) -The search for two of three men charged wttb mur- derln1 four women in a u :vings and lo«n office rabbe:ry ext.ended through Ktn- lutkY loday. POiice said Wattert1on JohDIOC'I, 22, and Jolln LeJJJh, 20, -t Wednellday nlg!ll at 1 motel In Whllley CllyJCJ·• 1bout 200 m1Je1 south ol Clnclnoatl. 1ney also were •lloltod Thurllday rnornlng In Pine Knol. Ky., six miles lr<.m Whitley Clll'. police reported. UPIT ....... AS SOURCE CUT OFF, DRUG USE Will INCREASE C•llfornl• Atty. Gen. Lynch •t S.n•t• Heering Military Coup Overthrows G-Overnment in Bolivia uA PAZ, Bolivia (UPIJ -Anny Chief Gen. Alfredo Ovando today oVerthrew coruiltutional President LuiJ A. SUes in a dawn coup. Siles promP:f.ly fied the coun· try in a private pt.ne and was repctted en route to Ch.Ile. The new government promptJy ~ nounced its orientation as "left of cet1ter" and said there Would be "profound changes.'" It aald ita position wlUt rela- tion to the United Stat.ea was contingent on that country's attitude toward the coup. The coup. first In Latin America thia year, waa preceded by upri1ln&s ot peas- ant followers of Ovando in the tin mining center& of Cochabamba and Oruro. A radio broadcut by m 111 t a r y aul.boritles referred lo Ovando as "presi- dent cf the revolutionary government of Bolivia." Siles was not In the capital when the coup occurred. An Ovando spokesman said Siles was in Santa Cruz, In eastern Boli\•ia, and was not under detenti on and was not subject to arrest. The spokesman, Alberto Bailey Gutierrez, 1 aid Siles' foreign minister, GustavG Medelros Querejaiu, would be reatained in lhe post. Anny troops moved swiftly and ef. ficiently to oust Siles, who assumed the presidency tinder the constitution after Ule death of Pre&Jdent Rene Barrientos last April in a helJcopter crash. Soldiers seized the palace, the Hoose of Congress and the mayor's otnce in quick 1uc- cession. 'They appeared to meet no op- position. Siles waa touring the Interior earller tllil week and was greeted in bMWe manner ~ peasants at rallies Jn Sant.a Crui de 1a Sierra aod Oruro.. The peasant uprisings followed. Siles' overthrow came as no surprise to political observen In view of peasant support 1ince B&rriento&' death of OYan- do. Bomb Explodes In Jerusalem By Ua lled Pres1 lnte mational A bomb believed planted by Arab ter- rorlltl exploded today in 11 r a e 11 Jeru.\llem, ldlling an elderly llraeli man and wollXling; a woman at a Jerusalem bur stat.loo. On the cease-fir! front lsraell jet3 twice struck into Egypt, the 18th and 17th allackt In 17 dayo. An ann1 apoktsman in Tel Avtv said lhe tsraeU Jets str:uct acros1 the Gulf of Suel agalnal EcYl't'• gull cout mllllary defenses, appwentJy to keep open the air corridor inlo the EgyptJan heartland bl1sted open Sepl. t by an air. ,.,, and land attack. OCC Adding Machine, Projector 'Subtracted' Someone h11 aubtracted an adding m• chine and movie projector wmh 14!0 from the equipment lnventorY at Orange Coasl Collea.. the 1dmt..lilraUoo told Coota Mesa police Thul'lday. ' UPI ~ LEADS BOLIVIA COUP Army Chief Ov•ndo UPI T ..... PRESIOENl DIPOSED Luis A. Slits Pope P aul VI Turns 72 VATICAN CITY (UPl)-Pope Paul VI turned 72 today, factd with a worldwide upheava l inside lhe Romao C.LbaUI Clnacb oo iuues ranll111 from birth COfto lrol lo priesUy celibacy. Gold and white V atlcan !Jags llutlmd nol only 1bove SL Peler'a Bu!llc:a bul above Rome's principal churcheo In trlbo ute lo Glovaiml Balllala Montlnl, who Wal oMlalned a prl..t May-:ZS, 1911l, al Btaela In Northern lbly, bis home. • • Fri~, September 26, 1%9 ,Socia~ Security ~oost? Nixon Readies 10% Hike Pl.an for Congress CCllll'IJI .. 9' tfll Dullr , ... SJeft) '.,A vjce squad detective in Colum· bUs, Ohio, recenu,. arrested a es. year~ld woman for prostitution, alter 30 complaints \Vere lodged ~ainst her. "It's the oddest arrest l"ve ever gotten," be said. · • Tht U.S. \Veatlitr .Bure11u'1 : New York arta teltt11Pe wirt ' dispatched tht following rtport afUr tht Ntw York Mtt.& clinch· td tht Eaittrn Divi&i0'7l titlt in tht National League: "Wtathtr W ASHJNGTON (UPI) -Fatter Social Stcurlty checu woold be mailed lo about 2S million pertOlll In April under Preal· dent NU:on'a: proposal to raise beneflta by 10 percenl Middle-income Americans will be asked ta pay most of tile bill. The average ramlly benefit for an aged ~}~~70 o:o ~r:. =r~ ;~~~ Hoose said. For a man or woman retiring neit year at 65, the minimum benefit would in- crease from ~ to $61 a. month and the maximum from $165 to $181.SO. For a married co\lple where the hus- band is reliring next year, the minimum monthly benefit would rise from $82.50 lo $91.SO and the maximum from $247.50 to 1272.30. By the end of the first full year of in- creases, one in every eight Americans Triple Agent? WQuld have shared an additional $9.t billlon ln benelita. LegJalaUon to put .Ibo mo.._. into •I· feet 1s ~ to be aent to Congress next week. Nlmn announced the proposal Thuraday. Increases aftt:r next year would be tied lo rises in Ibo COii ol llvlni- "This automaUe feature Will, in the President's j~nt, help take Social Security legislation pretty much' out of the polltlcal sphere," said presidential counselor Arthur F. Burns. He referred to debates along political lines about when to raise benefits, how much. and bow to finance the Increases. Bums said the Pttsident's proposals would also benefit widows, veteran:'!, dependent parent.s. disabled youngsters and persons over 7%. Almost three million widows would receive an average increase or fl7 a i Bureau radar located showers i o/ chomPQont OVtr Shta S~ ~ ium in New York. Tht11 dtcreaa- ed t>tTJI rapic.UJI." Army Ready to Reveal • . edward Cottier ol LitUeporl, J;;ngland will receive a JOld medal !or protecting the breeding ground ol the black..wJed godwif. For 17 Years he ~t every night in April Snd May and every weekend of the spring In the marshes where tbe godwits flit U. keep out strang· ors and egg collectors. Tbe Royal Society !or the Protection of Bird! will give him the medal. Details in Beret Case • • ) LONG l!INH, Vietnam (AP)-Mllltary Jpokesmen said the Army would disclose Saturday details of Jts cue qainlt .six Green Beret officers accused of murder· Ing a Vieloam.,. spy. Source! said the d1scl0!ure also would Identify the alleged ''trigger man." The path was cleared to make public detai!J of the char8"1 alter Army legal authorities rejected for the second time a defense moUon to prevent release of the information. ' The alleged victim was Thal Khac Chuyen, a Vietnamese identified by the Green Berets u a double agent for the Nixon Impressed With Mrs. Meir On-Arms Request \\IASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon has indicated he is at leut. im· pres~ by the argument.. Israeli Premitr Golda Meir used in her request ... for additional shipments of U.S. arms. Tlt.e LoJ Angele& County Fair (lu1t1 · Mr• • .Meir, who made the request dW"· WI htr haT¢ at 1wo calling but h~r Jng ·bet lnilial meetinr with Nixon 'I1lura-4crm C®ldn't beat tht ~Q\ ... aa1 pfanned·to call at the Whtte Home ••tttt" Of thi& Stt71'1'1 yelri-.()lcj.f-' ' · iglin today. hoping for a more definite ~P· ~, reply horn the President. ~ e .. The. White Hoose said Nixon was con· .: · lidering-the ... Jsraeli request for more ':About 700 shouting and singing military equipment but there was no need siudaits marched on the Athens for "an immediate d~l!ion." home of the Ohio University presi· At the White House state dtnner tor dent. But unlike many other cam· Mrs. Meir Thursday night, however, Nix· 1*s demonstrators, they were not on was asked by reporters what he ~g. They were welcoming thought about the anns request. q.~.:c1aud• R. Sowl•, the univer-"Well, ahe makes quite a case," the sity's new president, at the &tart President responded with both a grin and cj the academic year. "Normally a shrug. "She's 1trong. She's very exper- 1' doo't like student demonstra-ienced and vuy intelligent. But m0.ttly dbn.s,'' Sowle told the gathering. ibe's strong." ·~ I'd be glad to have one of tliese every day." " .. • .:Allyooe wanting to talk lo the La P.i>rte County (Ind.) treasurer ~at tax matters after today will Rave to see him in person. Tr11s· ur1r Stanley L•uer says he can't tltY his office phone bills and tele- p)one service will be cut off to-diy. Lauer said the County Counci l J9s refused to give him $220 addi- t'9fial appropriation to pay the bills efld he has only $17.65 in hi s tele- phone fund. • . University President Debates 200 Marchers EUGENE, Ore. (UPI) -The Universi- ty of Oregon's new president debated \\ith abouL 200 persons in front o{ his home Thursday evening in his first con· frontaUon with demonstrators. The crowd, mostly students with a few carrying torche.s, marched about a mite from the campus to the home of Robert Clark to demand the removal of the ROTC program from the university. Americans and tht North Vietnamese. According to defense accounli!, he was ordered e1ecuted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Ajency. The CIA has denied any such involvement. Newsday columnist Flora Lewis said Thursday the vidlm was actually a triple agent owing .allegiance to South Vietnam· est Pres.ident Nguyen Van Thieu. Jn a copyright story in Thursday's editions, she said she learned the new Information in a report from Vietnam. She did not elaborate on her source. She said Chuyen' was working with the Special Forces on orders from Thieu, who wanted to see .what U.S. troops were doing across the border in Cambodia and Laos. Thleu did not trust American ex· planalions he received, she said. Chuyen allegedly was killed by the Green Berets, Miss Lewis said, when the Central lntelllfenct Agency found out he also was working for the North Vietnam- ese. The CIA re<:"Ommendation for Chuyen ~·as to "lermi.nate with ertreme preju- dice," she said. The Army intended only lo wound Chuyen to (dgbttn him Into talking, she said, but tbe .usailant wounded the spy fatally. r When Thieu teamed of the slaying he rushed to Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, ithe commander of U.S. forces in Viet- nam; accordina to Miss Lewis. and de- manded to tnow "why yoo are kil1in& my peoplt.11, "Only then. with Chuyen dead," she wrote; 0 dld any American know the answer to the riddle 'of the agent's Joy· alty. It was to Saigon." Six Green Beret officers have been charged with murder. Congressman ,Won't Run Again WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Don Edwards (0.Calif.), announced today that he will not be a candidate for rt· election. Edwards said "My reason has to do with a number of interests I wish to pursue In the years ahead. I am making the announcement at this time in order to enable lhe people of my congressJonal di.strict to have adequate time to select the best possible candidate to fill this seat." Edwards would not elaborate further. He come1 from California '1 ninth con- gressional district. There has been speculation Edwards might run for statewide office this yt>ar, possibly the U.S. Senate seat OO\V held by Republican George Murphy • Bay Area Gets Record Smog • Early Morning Frost Forms in. Northern Mi.dwest ' California • • • Selrtrlur11 C•!lbn1t .,,, l">Olllr ,,,,.... W, hMll'r With 1!111• lllnn••••lu•• ~· ler!M l'llthl •nd 1T>01"nl119 IO¥I ...... •1-wit!! locel fol -.'Id cir~ 1st. .,., 1'lle ler1 In to9tl1I tetl~ • l.ol Antelff •nd vklnfi, htll hltv )l,irnlll+lu fHCh1"' t l'IJeh ol IS, 11111 ._,.. 111oY1 Tllurld•f. r11t low to· """' .. u. i.::i..Al~~~lolt .;:'"'111 DI!~:~:;: -'""" (ti lllt M.1111 •1111 11~1 ...... ~*" 9"" -·'· , Thi UJ. WHll\ur 11/reau'I 11-dtY untk!Mlft ,,. .,...c:liolt•llM ~tlll'I" .. ,.i..,,,,., .i.w. ,,.,.. """'" Wtdf'lttfff. • nw. (•''""""' otmm1111ltln-I~ =I, 1"1lrt1 S.lflet. •M Thoorrtlll- ,..,, GIJe a-. Ar!E. fllr !he N- lorwt tllffl flf IM Tllundlr. ~ w.1"11 ciuudY !Poll ,,,.,111111 .,.._...,,,., _., tttls ,,,.,__, Hl1~1 ~ -U 1 .,,. _..,.,. .,,, "· "-!•1111 _... .........,. with hlth1 fnint 1HI ,, "'"'"· • °'9rtl -· """"' With 111~1 ""'"""' ffMI ,,. '°' tu ...., llJ. • SeMcftd """" r,.,,....... •lid ,,,, ~ .. l'l'I~.....,,,.. IOll.IY lfte:lllM l- Meft '1"rt, hntt MMlal 6U7. 111• - MM ft..U, Mt. WI!-111·11• '•ll'Ml1!• El. -~ IS"" ....... s.ri .... , \OS. ltktttl'ltld ""'· '-" DI-..... ,..... ..,.,.t ....... , IOUrHlllN CALll<OllHIA -L .... _... eM ltftl ... _,~II" twl ...... 'Int '"""' awlll ..,,.,,. .. *""' to.11•1 ...... ftl .... rnM!t•"""'l'llM•l'lf _,., '"°""..,,. ,_.. .............. lllr ,,w.,, •"" S.l\lt'W'f'; ,, .. INICll ...... ............... I.OS AlllOll!L.li Alll:A-Luw Clellfl wllft leuil ... _, d'1Ull 11'1 "'"ht •11111 -1't' """'I"' 1*ln Ind .... l~ IU"&h!M lill Ill* _,,'-tftf • ....._. l'rlo MV ft h!ilnM¥, Niii f*1Cft 1-•· llUl'f ,,,.,.,,., ~ ,,...,, llfl'll 64. 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Wllll H TIY "'°"'""' ffWI tonnb'I ifl fM _,,,...,, l"ltlM ll'ICI ntrthwttt- -M~I, !ht fMr'Wl'Y Wll Ill IM ~. 111 ""' ti tllt l'ltl 5ull1l'lwftl. lltln •clhttt'f' w•1 NII hHY)', tllCI Wtl ""'lr\ly etnf1Md lo 1'fle - Mlll'llf'ftl, -"*" HH f:11ti.M, M-l-tf'ld ltUlfllo'?I l'lul'lde. Wllll 1111 ..~-ti tll IMfl uf r1 In 11 .......,._ tttH Alf' l"ur« ltM "' ... ,....,.. ""'"'*"" l"lul'lclf, ...-cl•lltlltll w•• Wl!el~. ,_ tctli.n4 .,,....,. fltll ,,, .,,. Ultltl' Ml#<rtll, ttot "'rt'-'"' lltet19'.o tM ffnlnl 't•IN tnf 111 Ntw 1 .... 1•1111 Tt>urHt'f'. °"""wl ... (IH' tll ... t~lll>dtd t¥V IN.ttl'tl'ltW•l1M lt1 1'\\ldleflM -llltfll •M centrtl 1hlM. A ne· """'" """ ,.,.,.,. •lul!lull • flmlllll tlwd Mff ....,... .... ..,.i.. Tewt-.rtwru ··~• .. li•ld 1111.,..•r'lt lloht l rown1vlllt C~lt•to Clncln1111t Oun••• 0.. Meln•I Jtlrblnlt Jort Wwt!I ··~ 1-(111,y H-kllu IC•nM1 CllY l..•1 v .... lM Allftln Ml.,,..I ,.,1..,,. ..... 1, Hew Orlffftl N"' Y...t N.,lh l'lttlt O.Utn4 Oli:L."°""' Cl" ....... 'tltll S.,.!11n .. ........ ........ .,..._ .... ti.llCI ll1col• CllY 1111!1 '"'" ·-Stc.rt .... nlu Stlt L••• (lfy St11 DI ... """' '""'ltltc• $Mlllt '*"" Tl>tr~! W1tl!l"'ton " " • .. " " " " " • .. " .. " .. u " " " ~ n • ., " " " " " " .. " " " " " .. ~ " " " ~ n " .. " " ~ ~ " ~ " " " " " ~ '" " " " "' " .. n .. " " .. .. .. M .. .. " • " " .. .. ~ " .. .. .. '" " n " " month. Parents of worker• who are disabled or who retire cQUld receive benefits u well as the now~vercd dependent parents of .a deceased wockei;. Person• permanently disabled before age Z2 woo.Id receive chlld'a insurance benefits for life. Under present law, the beneliclary mWlt have become d.iubled before age 18. Bene.fits would be paid in full to persorui over 72 who art now bound by testa whlch may limit their benefils. All of the proposals would cost an ad· cUUonal M.247 billion during tht first year, aald Social Stcurity o!Uciala. Al!Jiough the 10 per<enl lncreue would be flrumcod from Ibo Social Security trust r und -Ibo money conltlbuted by workers and employers -the President is ask.lng higher-level wage earners to pay 1 greater share of tbe future bill. 2nd Civilian Group Killed 111 U.S. Fire SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. helicopter gunships opened fire on a group or civilians and South Vietnamese soldiers in an accident that killed 14 civilians, n1ilitary spok.t.smen said today. Seven persons -five civilians and two government soldiers -were wounded in the rocket and machl.nqun attack as lht>y tried to nee, the announcement said. Two or the dead were women. It happened Tuesday 340 mil es northeast of Saigon. -the second such in- cident wllhin a wetlt. On St.pl 16, gunships prowling lhe Mekong Delta kill~ td seven civilians and wounded 17 others in an open field. . Headquarters sa1d the helicopter pilots in lhe latest tragedy apparently mistook the South Vletnamese for Viet Cong because they were wearing black and green and were fleeing. No shot.! were (ired at the American helicopten, attached to the America! Divis.ion, spoke.men said. 'They said an investigation had begun but gave no reason for lhe delay iD reporting the ac· cident. ' The !jhooting occurred in a region that has been the ..,... ot repealed fiihUng between Americal Division troop.s and North Vietnamese soldiers. The dead government soldiers were part of a local unit. In the Stpt. 16 lnddent. American helicpftr gunships opened up when the - civilians fled South Vietnamtse troops \l'ho had been landed nearby on a combat assault mission. Ground fighting was reported light and scattered acrou South Vietnam Thurs- day, \V\th 8 total Of 29 guerrillas slain against no U.S. casualties in the four "significant" coatacts 11 st e d by spokesmen. U.S. Trade Balance Hises Again in August WASHINGTON' (AP) -The United States' favorable trade balance rose In August for the fourth straight month, reaching its highest point since last Marth. The Commerce Department reported today that the nation exported $264.9 million mort than It imported during the n1onth. 1'hE margin last March was $215.3 billion, r,. __ ..... ,_ ...... .,... .... _.... ___ • _________ , U'ITtllNftt CONSTRUCTION WORKERS CLIMB PICASSO SCULPTURE Man on 'Peak' Waves Am•ricen Flag and Sign Bla~ks Beaten White Workers 'Guard' Chicago Meet CJUCAGO (UPI) -Two-thousand while construction worken beat black& who tried to enter a federal hearing on job discrimination Thursday, fought police, marched into the Loop drinking beer and singing "God Blea! America" and con- fronted radical youths demonstrating for the "Chlcago eight." At one heady moment. some of the workers clambered atop Pablo Picasso's five-story "Thing" -put up by ironworkers. Five persons, four o( them policemen, were injured and nine persons were ar· rtsU!d. Six of those arttsted were blacks attacked by ~ workers. Police said four •hots were fired by a black man. No one was injlired by gunfire. The white workers began galhering at 7:30 a.m. Thursday al the U.S. Customl!l Building, jwt &OUthwest or the Loop, \l."here the U.S. Labor Department had set a heaing on alleged racial discrimina· lion in the building trades in Ctucago. The previous day, another hearing had been canceled when 500 white workers crowdt>d into a small hearing room and disrupted proceedings. The hearings were called after the coalition for united com- munity action demanded at least 10,000 construcUon jobs for blacks. Thursday, when the coalition's coordinator, the Rev. C. T. Vivian, came to the customs building for the hearing the workers turned tum away. He, his wife and another black woman took refuge in a police car. Police made no at- tempt to get him inside. When coalition altornty Marshall Patner tried to t'nter. the v.·orkers recognized him. He ~·as punched and shoved from the doorway. Other persons, 'i mostly blacks, also wtre shoved away. • However, four black men would nol leave. The crowd closed In on them. Four shols rang out. The black men were beaten badly. Nearby, policemen were set upon. One officer jumped from the hood of a squad car into the milling throng. A burly worker climbed onto the hood and jumped on his back. Other police arrived and the workers moved toward the Loop, chanUng "no coalition." As they passed a black construction worker, tbey yelled for him to join them . ''You're one of us, you·re a union member." The black man didn't move. The workers, same drinking beer, marched toward the civic center plaza. where Picasso's statue stands. Some of them climbed the five-story statue and "planted" an American flag on it. Emo· tionally, they all sang ''God Bless America" and some waved signs sayin~, ··concerned Construction \Vorke rs Seek- ing Civil Right::i for AIL " Rogers, Gro111yko To Talk on Mideast NEW YORK (UPl)-Secretary of State \Villiam P. Rogers holds a second meet- ing \l.'ith Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko tonight., hopeful they can make some progress on a Middle Ea.st peace settlement . According to American soorces, tht main topic of their dinner meeting at the Soviet mission to the United Nations wil l be the l\lideast, although Rogers also is awaiting an answer on a date and place for the opening of strategic arms talks. - l;2gY su>aqtamP I I I I I Panther 'Guerrillas' Raid Shoots 3, • Slx InJured Harvard Buil.ding Kills Self . CHAMPLAIN, N.Y. (UP!) CAMBRIDGE, Maa. CUP!) -A special Harvard Unlveral- ty committee called a meeUns tOOv to Investigate a youthfu l cucrrilla nld on the school's center for international affairs which !nJurid .. veral Ital! member1. school ofllclals sald aboul zo young men and women. sWrJn.. ed tnlo the Ivy-coated bWldlnJ 'lbursday and, punching and klekln1, forced about %5 oc- cupant.. to leave the building. Six tt.aff members were in- jured, two of the cases re- qulr!ng lreatmenl at lhe unlvenlty health center. C&mbddge police arrived too late to catch anyone and l&ld there wu no evidence any Harvard atudents were in· volvtd. llobtl.pm.w!nnl~ biolo- llst Geor&e Wald wd he saw the attack from a nearby bulldlng, but ''I saw no evi· dence that thls group was com- posed of students. Nobody rec· ognlzed any of them. "They bung ~t a banner that idenWied them u SOS (Students for a Democratic Society)," he continued, "but I doubt seriously whether the SOS had anything to do with Jt." A ataff meml>er sald a bushy-haired student shouted, "We're from the SOS and we're liberating this building" as the ,OUD.8 shock troops swept In. An adviser, Benjamln Ii. Brown, was cut behind tbe ear requiring ab: sti~. He said he tried lo talk lo the yootha but one of them yelled, "we're not here to talk . We're doing to you what you're doing to the Vielnamese people." Nearly 100 Students Arrested in Protest ANN ARBOR, Mich. CAP) - Nearly l O O demonstrators were arrested early to::lay when. 250 st.ate and city police moved into a &tudent-oceupled office building at the Untversi· ty of Michigan. 'Ille police entered at the re~ quest of university President Robben. W. Fleming, a French Jet Plans Sold To Israel? BERN, Switz.erland (APl - Federal Attorney Hans Walder announced today the arrest of a Swiss jet engine specialist on. charges of having sold 20 cr1tes full of secret plans or the French Mirage jet fighter to brael far $200,00J. Walder called it lhe "b.iggest espionage aUalr in Swiss blltory" since World War II. The fede:i~tor said Alfred Fra t, 43-year· Old department head in the Swiss company of Gebr. Sul1er A. G. of Wtnterthur, has ad· nUtted paMlng the plans to Israel vie Austria through a relative, v•ho was not an employe of Sulzer, since the fall of 1968--well after France imposed an embargo o n Mirage shipments to the Jewish state. Sulzer A. G. manufactures the jet engines of the Mirage Ill "S" planes under a license from the French manufac- turer, Marcel Dassault. They have put out a total of 57 ligblen. In an interview, Walder said the ·plana:, which w e r e rnU::rofilmed, "not only give detaned inormation on the parts, but also how they are to be fabricated -that means how machines needed to make them bave to be built." university spokesman said. The sludents had occupied Ute Literature, Science ind the Arts building late Thurs- day In a dispute w l th the school administration over who should run a new univer- sity bookstore. The persons arrested were taken by bus lo the nearby Washtenaw CoWlty jail. It was not immediately known v.·hat charges would be lodged against them. Those arrested included the presl· dent and vice president or the school's student government. Except for one brief clash between police and a group of demonstrator!, there was little resistance to the arrests. A voluntetr first aid worker reported treating e I g h t demonstrators for minor cuts. There were no report.fl of in- jury to police. William Haber, assistant to Fleming, said damage to the building was one door kicked in and one window broken. Hike OK'd In Air Taxes WASmNGTON (AP) -New and higher tues on airline passenger tickets have been approved tentatively by the Jiouse \Vays and Means Com- mittee as part or a program to provide $9 billion to improve air transportation over the next decade. The tax-writing committee Is to meet Monday to make final its proposals to boost an existing passenger Ucket tn: from 5 to 8 percent., to put a new $3 lax on passenger tickets f o r international flights, and to Institute a 5 percent tax on air friegbt waybills. All three increases were backed bf the Nixon ad· ministration.. Queen Mary Tram Okay LONG BEACH !UP!)-The Long Btach City Councll has a pp r o v e d construction of a $2 million aerial tramway connecting the Queen Mary wtth the Pacific Terrace Con· vention Center. The Queen "fary ts being cmverted lnto a hoteJ-c<1nvcm- Uon center and is teheduled to open next summer. The: cotmcil's unanimous de- cision authorized City Manag. er John Man.sell to enter into an agreement with Diners Queen Mary Corp., which ts converting the shlp, to con· s tr u c t the S,IJOO.foot·loog tramway. - A young man, who state police said wu a member of lhe Bl.a Panthers, shot three U.S. Customs agents at the Champlain border station ear- ly today, then k.llled himself as police agencies hunted him on both sides of the U.S . .Canadi· an border. Three New York Slale troopers, takl.ng part In lhe .!learch through tlw. woods and fields that mark the border ngion, came upon the body of Jesus Mark White. 22, of Brooklyn, tn a plne grove about a mile north ol the l:.i]fldi~ border. Tn>openi sald Whlte's body was found about 8:30 a.m. in the same area where a shot had been heard around 2 a.m. They said the wooded area was along old Route 9, known as the Meridian Road. U,IT~ Irish Violence Contitaues Armed Bhtish Trooper searches trunk of auto en1erlng central area of Lon- donderry. Northern lreland, Thursday as massive security precautions go in· to effect following renewed religious violence, Troops raised barbed wire barri· cades in the Roman Catholic Bogside area and cillled in reinforcement!. Customs officials s a i d White, a passenger on a M(ln- treal to New York city bus, •n' M • ft bb T • d wasremovedfromthebu••t OVIe 0 ery r1e the border about midnight Thursday. He was taken inside the Customs house, located along interstate Route 87, for Gunman Finds Victim in Phone Book "routine questioning about .some papers he had on him," authorities said. While undergoing in- terrogation , White pulled a .SI caliber pistol and opened flre on t.he agents, police report. Leonard Chagnon of Rouses Point was shot in the chest, He was Listed in serious con· dition at Champlain Valley Physicians H05pit.al medical Center, Plattsburgh. Wjlliam Grinter, 50, of Rouses Point, and David Hoff, 43, of Ellenburg Center, we.re reported in fair condition. Grinter bad a leg wound and Hoff was hit in the hip. PARIS (UP!) -For millionaire banker Baron Guy De Rothschild, the whole ordeal of the gunman who searched the telephone direc- tory until he found som~ne rich to rob must ha\•e been taken frcm the plot of a movie. A young man whom police Identified as Joseph Stll.dnic, 24, showed up at the borne of the baron's first wife, Baroness Alii: De Rothschild, Thursday and aald be was a represeatative ol the Interior MJnlstry. The gunman ordered the baron's 800 David, 27, to call his father with a demand for $363,000 Jn ransom. The baron soon arrived with the cash after tipping police. "His holdup method must have been taken from the cinema," the baron !lid. Stadnic held the baron and his son at gunpoint for two hours during wblch Stadnic harangued the two millionaires on a variety of subjects. "M .. t of ll h>~ lo do with 90cla1 justice," the baron sald. Ftnally, Sladnlc ordered the baron to drive b1m to a point where he sald he would cat<h Matched Set of 4 New Tires REG. SALE FED. EX. TAX SIZE PRICE PRICE SAVE leach tire)' E78 -l 4 $187.60 $140.70 $46.90 $2.41 a helicopter for his escape. Police followed the limou!lne. "We made a rtop of more than 10 minutes for him to buy a transistor radio," the baron said. "He wanted to know if the radio newseaat.s were ttportlng h~ exp Iott." When the Cllr stopped for a lralflc light, police ruahed the car, amashlng 1 window and cracklng Stadolc oo the bead with a pl.rtol butt. A policeman'• fill\ accldentall1 fired, the bullet r I p p In a thzougb the llmoualne roof. F78-14 $199.00 $149.25 G78-14 $219.00 $164.00 H78-14 $241 .80 $181.35 $49.75 $54.75 $60.45 $2.54 $2.66 $2.89 LONG, LONG MILEAGE . F78 -l 5 $199.00 $149.25 G78-15 $219.00 $164.00 H78-15 $241.80 $181.35 J78-15 $275.60 $206.70 L_78-15 $286.20 $214.65 9.00-15 $279.80 $209.85 BUY 3 $49.75 $2.45 $54.75 $2.62 $60.45 $2.85 $68.90 $3.02 $71.55 $3.05 $69.95 $2.83 AT OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES 1 FREE ,------ ~ • DAIL V I'll.OT ! 'Roaring lnf~rrw • • .. Kills 6 in ~amily WILMINGTON ,Mia. (UP!) -Sb< members ol ... flmily, a mother ancl nve ot ber tl&ht children, dlert e11rlv !Odil' when • llre wl-Cllled a ''roarin& inferno" .... pl !heir bome. Police Pld the vlcllml tn- cluded the -· Nacy Landen, JS. David Jr., 11, WUliam. JJ, Kevin, 10, lJll, 7, and Kathleen, 4. ' 'Ille father, David, S7, and a couaiD, Joaepb C&tey, sz, allo Top Czechs Mull Fate Of Dubcek PRAGUE (UPI) -Tbe men who ran Czecbotlovakia met aecretly again today to fll: final blame for th1I naUon.'1 pollUcal problellll, with Alu- ander Dubcek the l lk e l y scapegoat. The C&eeb gOYemment an· nounced It would give no visas lo tourl!la durlni the meeting and would refuse to honor visas alre1dy 1lv1n foreirn newtmen. Reporter• w I t b pennanenl accredilllloo ....., allowed to enter tbe country. The meeting ol the Colll- munlsl Parfy Cenlral Com- mittee climued montha ol debate and mmeuvering over the dearee or punW:lnesst for Alexander Dubeck and othtr liberal Ieatltr1 et' the 1918 "Praiue •prin&" r e f 0 r m period. DlplomaUc IOUl'Ctl 1ald the dedalon whether lo purse Dubeck end hla UIOciata P"I" bably would be mad• lodl)' dutlnl the MOOnd di)' ol dlsculslorufln the Splllllb hall ol Prque Culle. elaylllf .i the houle, were Ip fatr coodl.tlon at Choat 1 Memorial HOlpllal tn w~. 1bt cwpla'1 three oldelt children, H&rryj. 17, Mk:baef. 11, and SUllD, 14, escaped life names. "We 10\llld a rurtng !nfen>o lnltde when we went tbtoo&h Ult front door," ooe firefighter IOld. Officlall llll!pecl the blue flirted ln the livmg ...., ol the wood -willl aluminum 1ldJng. 1bey saiJ the aldinJ relnlned the be>t and pulbed II up lht..,gb lhe lwO and OllO-ia.'f storY houle. ' Police Nld Susan J\IJ1lped• out. -lo llalely. 11arry; l!ld Mlcbaet wm 11ffping iJi . the buement l!ld eecaped. • Mn. Linden bad dcaped< with Caeey but ttlumed lo lrjl to ave ber chlldren and cot. ' llpred Inside the house. Brothers Sue CBS Network LOS ANGELES (UP!) - "nle Smolhen er.thers, lir -t Ibey promiJed was lhtir. "last word" an the can~~ cellaUon of their televisiori- sbo'fr, have sued tM Columbii Bn>adcuttnc Sy,._ for 131· million. ·'. 'Ille two comedlaM made tbe announcement at a newt coafermct. I. * l'revtd• .. ,..., et.high .,..... ... *Gl>M ... r twice the mllee-••• .s... .. '" tool FRONT END ALIGNMENT Speclalittt COIT9Ct caRtr,CM!Mr,toe-fn. aoe-out to rour _. lftlftllfacturer"• •peclflctUona. and Hfety..cMck and ""l'* __ ... MOSTU.t. CAU ....... ltlltt 1WllN All·VllYL CAI IAT ...... ,.., ... ........... • 1.-. ....... _ _,_ -. ._ .. ,,.. ... .-. .. .,... ONLY s211 ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA SS/8000 SUPER SPORT • Mlrror-polllh chrome MAG WHEELS COMPLDE w CARE 85( Oii UIS For cans after 6 p.m. ""8l<days ._ end all weekend. 3 minutes statloo-to-station, plus tax. --@ • Cut aluminum center e Thlff'Proof hub ••P • Othor 1tyl11 1v1ll1bl1 646-5033 ' $29.95 Don Swedlund Since 1959 Hon: 7110 le f:OO Delly • • • DAU.Y PILOT Jmn;@BL\L PAGE. • t ' . • .. • • Enjoyment · in Learning • · ·Last 'l••k in Lasnna Beach. two visitors from op- posite sides of the globe commented on their lmpres .. ions of modern education as viewed in Laguna Schools. , A teacher from Japan wa1 especially interested in the way a history teaCber tried to make stud~nts find solutions to problems instead ol filling them with facts. "'In Jayan we teach facts, not a way of thinking,'' he ' said. " think: it is important to teach studen~s waya. to solve the problems of the world they are gOU'lg to live ... m. A foreign exchange student from Germany had a simi1ar reaction to his first exposure to the American classroom. ''In Germany \Ve o!'IY learn facts_. He~e if! America you are taught to think, and that 1s what ~ like," he observed. Parents who are disturbed by modem teaching pro- cedures might do welt to consider these comments, given -adminngly by observers !rom other lands. No doubt the dates of some historical eve nts are Important but is it not perhaps more relevant for stu- dents to Ponder why certain events that changed the \vorld came about as they did, \vbat might have: ke~t them from happening. what the world might be like if they had not happened -and perhaps whether current trends could make history repeat itsell? . Stimulated into discussion, young people find en· joyment in learning, especially if the subject matter can be applied to their lives t~ay. . . An interesting clue to things that hold thell' mter~st is the mini.course project just launched at the high school. Here students themselves select subjects to be examined, brie!ly or in depth , In special <l tudy .. hl!P .. sessions. 1 Some of the subjects are~controve~sj!it,. ~ome not. All reflect the genuine· interests and CUl!lOs1t1es of to-- day's youth. ' What do they want lo know more about! Tb' student protest movement, for one thing: the P.roblem of enviromnelllal J>Ollut\on and. wbal can be done about ii; music, both classical and modern; Yoga; health foods; and, of all· things, ornamental horticul· lure! Not all' the studenta wW be interested In all th" sub- jects in .the minl-ci>urses, but at least the project '"" llecta a major goal ot ·the modern educator -get the kids .Involved! • ' Fencing Private Beach The i~sue of fenclng private beach to the ocean's mean hi~h . tide mark can be a ponderous labyrinth. Jt involves such basic issues as private property rights and public access to public tidelands. In passing the issue on to the' Laguna Beach City Council, city attorney and city stall, Joseph Tomehak and fellow Laguna Beach planning com.missioners are trying to get some answers they need. The questions and the answers are important. They would deal with fields ranging from Jaw to engineer .. ing. They relate to public convenience and welfare and lo property rights. Those answers won't be easy to find. But they must come and the sooner the better. Possibly the planning commissioners can shed light on some of the questions. Possibly the general plan consultant and staff can answer others. . , Eventually the council will bear the policy respon· .sibility and i't will be under constraints of both Jaw and funds available. The iJ;JfOI'JJlation to guide that responsi· bility should be d~VeloPed, 3s\· quickJy a~ f~asible. L . 1 -·' . .. venceremos Bt-igade Will Cut Cane , ·SexEducation SDS Moves to Help Castro A Beginning~ WASHING TON -The Marxlst revolu- tionary Students fOI' a Democratic Socie- ty is branching-out -into Cuba. A so-ealled "Venceremos (we shall _q:tn· querJ Brigade" of high school and ~Uege students is being organized ,to give Fidel Castro a band in bis frenzied effotls to avoid miother . lJil: flop in susar ';Pro- duction. slays fer' agitational and other Com· munist' activity wben they return home. The SDS volunteers will go into lbe DISMAL 1\ECQll!> _ It: ls highly fields to cut sugar cane, significant that am.id Fidel .Castro's ftt· The recnrlUng goal is ~ to 500,. with quenl and bombastfc-)'iskldng and yam .. e~nt open tQ both men and women. mering be . ii cWef~i iaying nOUiing ~bealthy youth are~~ •. ~ all about this yeBr·s~aug.'Or produCtit1rU mu8t pass tho r o u g h phys~Bl ex· He didn't say anytbfllg Bbout Jut amfnations because they face ngorous ear'.1 either . living and working cooditl6ns. ll!!" olJ ~ Tllefe it.ii 'j.oJ reason !or Ibis ligh~lip. ctrup ls flatly barred. ond· "' is ,.. in-fi~' · · J.U.bo11P sugar ls cUba'• :;t.1J·:.~=-=~~t. ' , .>nil llimost im~nf ~ , .. ~ 0 3 JJ , . pill conllnlles to be .a reoowl- IDEOLOGICALLY I die c..u. 're4'm"'I - Is stridenUy revoiutiONJry bu t .ioe&aijf' Ai. !'9.0r-to Castro's 1ron-haJl4ed Com· sternty prudish. There 'is~ no t Ji I n t'"--... mWiist "dictatorship, Cuba averaged permissive or gay about it. "F'Brt' .is' betwen_6 inillion and 7.2·milllon tens of barihly disapproved, and "democracy" is-: ·Sbgar arulllall;y. In the decade <l Castro's viewed with ~r~ve contempt. Tberf·· .rule, tbe total bas nev~ exceeded 5.5 are no constil.utional-or any olher~rigtlts ')'nilUon and has· f8Den as low as 3.S In Red Cuba. 1 #. ~llliQiOn torus. 1 • Par will be low. On the other hand, ttv.. . W,ofld sugar experts estimate Cuba's ~ will be provided, incl.ud.in.g output last year at less th~ 3.5 million rtation to and from Cuba Vl8 the tons, and that thl:s year's will not e:rceed Co nist underground. 4. 75 rnillioo tons, Similar , brigades are being sur· teptitiously crganized in other countries. They are wanted for tWo reasons: (1) (:astrO urgently needs cane cutters. He is emptying schools, !act.cries and even some prisons for virtual forced labor in £he sugar fields. (2) Proselyting and pro- iJaganda purposes. The "Venceremos" will be heavily indoctrinated during their AS A itF.sVLT of t h e · succession of failures to 1.ncrease sugar production, ~astro is deeply in debt to Russia He is also heavily in bock to other Jron Curtain countr.ies, nctably Ciechoslovakla. The Reds agreed to take around 6 million tons o( sugar annually, at 6.1 cents a Pound -mere than twice the current world price. In exchange, they would provide Castro with 'a wide range of industrial essentials -cil. machinery, tools, .equipment of all kiMs, ·,engines, steel, Ji:ipe, etc., etc. He mis gotten these desperately needed supplies -to the tune of some $500 million a year. That is what the •suppott of Castro is costing Russia and the corl~. tril;>uting satellties. But they aren't get···. ... ,ting an ~ amount cf sugar from him. ,·:. I ! ' • BE IS IN DEBT lo hi! Conununist benelactora at leail '3 billlon, · and possibly as much as $$ bWforl. The .bearded Cuban ruil!f I a I k • 'eonorowily ,about producing 10 million-ten ~ar crops in the 1970s. Farm expert> ~ hare visited the.1sland say firmly be -,*ill neVer do JL They give sound reasom ..! lack of trained ag:rooomisb, l&ck of roads and machinery, too few and dl1apic!aled sugar iiillls, underpaJd, in· dUferent and forced labo1', Rius cor· ruption, incompetence and stupidity ihroughout Ccmmunist party rank5. MEANWHILE, Cuban agricultural pro. due.lion has suffered another hard blow. Hurricane Camille seriously damaged the tobacco crop ..... the: third biggest source of foreign currency. Thal will un· doubtedly mean mwe stringent rationing for tbe Cuban masses. Already everyUting they eat. wear and use is tightly rationed. Theirs is a dog's life -which explains why some 4,000 a month have been coming to the U.S. in the daily airlift since December. 196.S. By Robert S. Allen and John A. Goldnnlth An 11-Year Old's Insight By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Following Is an e:ii;temporaneous and IQ)Ontaneous bit of prose, written by an ll·)'<?ar-0ld girl named Gail: "'110 Af\1 I? 11J am me! I am the most Important person in the world tc me. I'm the one person I really must look after ltirough my llfetime. lam the one and only me! • rm Gail! No cne person has ever been uaetly like me! I am the only person Who knows everything I know, every 1ttling, every sea-el .. .. "I Al\f GAIL. I musl remember \Vho Gall ls. I've been playing a part. as in a play, but tlm is real I know, eveeything about this role. J know everything this rpJe enjoys, animals especially dogs, ~olli, lovely ingenious houses, swimming, bibles, fiddling with things, er, as most people may call It. ART : bicycling. fir· ding out about something I didn't know, btautlful places, but most of all being 4JJYE to do all these things. r--:-;~~~ ~ l I ~lit~~" x~.J l ·'!l'....t.' ·~""" \," ... _.......,;..J,~ ft ..... ~.A!.,~ "J am scmeone just playing a role , but a rule that is being played in live {sic), "I do not know why and T don't know really ·who J am. But before I die I will find out." JIOW ELOQUENTLY she states her · condiUon. An appreciation or her naive wisdom increases wiUl each reading, so that Jin.ally, aner the third er fourth time, an essential message emerges; the meaning of Ufe is In the living, not in the getting ready to live; in the process, rather than the goal. Cail ha s these insights at a tender age. What will she. WTile at 21 or 41 or 61? Wi II she lose or give up her exuberance as she matureb into a world in which naivete. in· vltM hurt, or will she rtmain open to herself and her wcrld? Nobody, not even Cail, knows. I THINK YOU'LL agree that the girl who wrote ''Who Amit'' is a lovely and refreshing per.son. But she's only a child -what does she know? Perhaps that's the basic point She doesnl know, and maybe that's exactly rediscover what meant most to them in other places. 'Ibe Gall cf 11 can feel herself where she is and, regardless of where she will find herseU at a later age, let's hope for her sake -and ultimately ours -that she doesn't change her essential seU·aC· ceptance. Reality is In the eye of lhe beholder. If, as she matures, Gail's self-image becomes astigmatic, then she'll have to put oo one shade or another of neurotic glasses in crder to "correct" reality. BUT MUST SllE become jaded, cynical, blase, emotionally scarred, in· different, anxious, hostile, defensive, depressed, withdrawn, antisocial, etc.1 ,as she encounters the vicissitudes cf life, ot will s:ie be able lo develop maturity while maintaining the blush of childhood? She'll probably never completely find oul who she is but, if she can pre.5erve her open curiosity, she'll teacb us all a lesson by her good example. Dear Gloomy Gus: what makes her so knowledgeable: she doesn't know enough yet to atop 'fhlt is And I told my •kid ·as he IC!ft for ins.ide her from com.tng:..Ou*' ·or ·~hll's Thura(On-..Schoot !his morning, U out.side frt>m comJng 1'J. lbecP.use" ~ he' ~sn't straJgbten up I'm ao- basn't yet le1rned o-d~ herM:Ui. ~ ing ,to tell hl1 computer on him. "OUt of the moUtMi') of. Aba~ ;. "'· •• ' \ · re~ a yearning t;r~Jlture·the ~· · -T. tir.1 Student Say s 'J'.o the Editor: Jn California, or al least in Orange .county, sex education is being stifled by bwnper•aticker conservatJves who be1ieve that ignorance is a preventative. I think most parents .support sex educaUon in the public schools and the. in.ajority of those wbo don't are failing to question the Jur:id.propaganda sloties about "per· verl! .. who supPosedly promote experi· mental.ion and who manage to escape recogniUon. I KNOW the Anaheim School Di.6trict Is having many problems with its sex education program which their board of trustees C(IDSiders are due to inadequately trained personnel, but should parents be so quick to condemn the new? I think they should recognize this as a begirming. I realize that many parents are apathetic towards any type o{ change although they witness rising unwed mother and VD rates throughout the county. ORANGE COUNTY has progressed so far that recently a teacher jn the Tustin Union High School District was sued by a parent who objected to having Huxley's "Brave New World" included as an op-. tional book on a reading list In one of his daughter's classes because it was "por· nographic." Perhaps the right wingers of this county, who believe that any type of progress is a Communist plot. should take up the slogan "Better Venereal than Liberal." BRAD KLUEWER Student Corona del Mar lligh School P e r•on In lM illlddle To the Editor: Attempts to view life from two op- posing sides has become a bit difficult for me. I find myseU retreating into a moderate but unhappy situation. That i11, nol belonging to either group-person in the middle. Having been brought up in a con· servative society. I've swiftly become disenchanted wilh the hypocrites and the "well wishers." The rejection 0 r •4friends" for not doing what one is "sup. posed" lo do -the realization that even a person over 30 (over the hill!) could also be searching ror something more in this life. ALSO AROUND me are the liberal folk \vho dislike a society that has becmne cold. calculated and logically com· pulerized. Agreed, everyday life does Jack personal involvement. But total emphasis en the senses without first knowing an individual, can also become superficial. All this leads me to the question : How does a person, not accepted by eJther of these groups, find a true balance between radical conservatism and strictly sensual encounters, without interest In people as individuals? LYNN FULLER Friday, September 26, 1969 'J'M tdftorlol pa.Qt Of tht Doit.11 Pil.oi 1ulu io inform and •tim- , aiat. rttukn by presenting thli MtDfPO~• opinions and com· mt71t4ry on topics o/ interest and 1ignJ.JU;:itmu, by providing a forum for Ol4 txprtsrion of ovr rtodln' opfnfom, and by prtusting the dfvfr•t tncw- f>Ol•ll of Informed ob1<rvtn olld IJ>Okam<• on toplcl of lh• "°" Rtbert N. Weed, Publisher quiJltelysimpleU!eofabypoeerr.,1·' •. • 1 · • '; • ' fJtta 4 ~ ~ """" ' ,._,. ""'"' .... ntoWu FELT ~ ·)tlitm1ng ; -d .! 1 ~ ..... .., ''" ....,,..,.,, ~ Cauauln. Yet UlcytJJ('4" Jike °""•"'] . .' .~ ... ~-•·-:"''~Mir,..,. had lo leave wtitre. thtj w~e 1od Lttttrs from · nader1 arc 1oelcomt. Normally writir1 should convt11 th eir 1 nks1agts (n fflJO wonls er leis. Th~ 'n'bht to co!Jd~t Utters to Jlt ipocc 'o~ tUmiMfl tibtl it rtstrved. AU ltt.-' , . *'' mui,r ~ signature and mail· ,lttg add~. bu( .. namt1 may bt with. ... :held o• flq"4$1. If iufflcf<nl rtOJon i& appa ftnl 'iHE 6R !M PiEAPER ·I\;~ight After Cha~ging Dragons When Santayana defined a "fanatic" as a man "who redoubles his efforts after he has forgotten his aim," he was making more than a pretty epigram. He was ut· tering the doleful truth about the human animal. Late yesterday afternoon. I decided to run down to the store to buy some lemons. Because l had a cold, and was Jcunging: at home in slacks and a sport shirt, I thought I'd wrap an old Ascot tie around my neck instead of donning a con· venUonal necktje, I looked in •the proper drawer. and the ,ascol wa's ~g. Then I looked in all the drawers of my dresser, with equally unsuccessful results. By this time, my blood was up. WITII AN UTl'ERLY fanatical gleam In my eye, I ransacked the apartment from stem to stern. J opened all the suit· cases, as well as the big boxes on the top .shelf of the guest closet, where our sum. mer things are stored. I burrowed through the laundry hamper, I delved into (may the Lord forgive me) my wife 's "intimate" garments. I leafed through all the papers in my desk. I searched in the most im· probable places -including, ultimately, the garbage can on the back porch. ! I ' AFTER THE FIRST quarter hour of th is concentrated Aunt, l had wholly forgotten the trip to the st.ere, the lemons, my cold, and my original reason for preferring the ascot to a four-in-hand. I was 1:ransformed into a crusader for a cause, a knight charging after dragons - and a foo l in hot pursuit of a piece o{ ~loth I really didn't want at all. IN COtlIMENTING en the bitter religious wars in the 16th century, Moir taigne makes the same point on a grander scale. The frenzied search for heretics and noncomfonnists totally obliterated the moral ends af religion, and even of common decency . Whether we are in avid pursuit of a tie. a Huguenot or a Ccmmunist. it is dangerous and sclf-defeating to become ao emotionally involved in the quest that \ve lose our perspective, our humor and our humanity. To do this is to subvert our goals more fatall y then ()ur enemies could ever accomplish. Coffee, T ea or Or gy Jn a major breakthrough tn com· mercial aviation, BOAC is now offering lo fly you to London, fix you up with three blind dates at three different cocktail parties, and fly you home again -all for a package rate. BOAC's venture into the dating game has raised eyebrows and voices among the old fuddy-duddies in Parliament.. But it's obviously a giant leap forward in man's conquest of the air. For the greatest challenge the airlines have long faced is that in any airliner hurtling through space six miles above the ground, hall the passengers are scared to death and the other half are bored to death. Flying just isn't naturally fun. Most airlines have gone to ingenious lengths to meet this challenge. But the pace-setter in the industry is still , of course, WOW Airways. ("If it's a fun flight, it's a WOW!") I llAD TO GET from Duluth lo Decatur the ()ther day and was fortunatE: enough to get space on WOW's Fun Flight 742 in the Royal Grand Emperor Section , Y1hich is cheaper than first class. The converted De Havilland bomber, painted puce and mauve in a gay, psychedelic pattern, was \\•ailing at the gate. "Step right into the parlor, honey ," said the attractive topless stewardess .. "and make like a real \VOW customer." And she g8ve me a \\·arm smile, a pat on the cheek and a WOW Fllght Kil. which contained the usual filth of gin, stack of poker cblps and a voodoo love amUlet. The tasteful Victorian .interior, all gilt and red plush, prtSenled a cheery 1tene. Jn one ccrner. tl:'.e piano player wa! warming up with "I Want a Girl ," while lhe roulette wheel in the rear wa.s already spinning madly to the shout.! or the happy passenger1. I WAS DEIJGHTED lo find that WOW 's Compulerlud S..I Selector hod assigntd me just tho seat I want«t - next to a curvaceous blonde who shared my interests in lute c a n l a l a s , 1.orastrianism and tht Nf!W York fl.tels. (In fact, sht had mott than I'd •sked for . bul how could lht computer know I prtlomd besrdl"' ladles?) Art Hoppe J We were just getting acquainted when our Captain popped out of the pil ot's co1npartment wearing a paper hat, tooling a little horn and tossing confetti. "Welcome aboard our flight to wherever it is, pal s," he said. ''There'll be a slight delay as our rubber band broke again. Ha, ha. But don·t worry, we'll get this party off the ground or 1ny name iso't •• isn't ••• " With a some\.,.hat blank look he did 11 buck and wing back into the pilot's cabin as the stewardesses struck up a chorus of •·we·re on Our Way to Somewhere.." The lights dimmed and ••• \\IELL, T WON 'T oofiE you with a long ; account of all !he fun we had. But seven . hours later y,·e staggered down the gangway, sated. stuffed and smashed. r· r was a trifle surprised lo find we were .• : still in Duluth. ~ "Didn't we even lake off?" I asked the i steward handitlg out Ice bags. 1 ~ "Ob, we never do,'' be said. "Our ex-; perience shows that hurtling through 1, space silt miles above the ground wrecks }( all the fun.'' '(. When I awcke the next morning with a ~ U1robblng hangover. I vowed to transfer fl my business from WOW to a no-nonsense t aitUnc that would simply take me where J 1 wanted to go as quickly, eUiciently aod ' <COnOmlcally •• j>OS~ble. i.: 11 i ever find one1 I'll let ycu know. ~ .. " r---B11 George ---. ·~ • Bear George: t My wife si,ys it Ii a waste of time .)- to read your column because day ~ after day your answers are 'It rid.JculOUI. But 1 tnjoy your cnl· ~ umn. Wbo's ri&ht? i SAM 0. ~ Dear Sam: ~ &th or you, llow does she know 1 what my column says day alter ..___,~Y~i-rs_1te_d ... _n_·1_r_••_d_i1_? __ ~· -. • . lOC. l>l, NO. 211, 4 SECTIONS, '42 PAGES TEN CENTS ' . Laguna Told to Retain Village · A~niOsphere 1f Laguna can ••put i'he aut,omobile hick In its 'place ·and rewm the downtown area lo a ~"'la! ·vnrage atmosphero" ii wtt·1mve a unlqu• charm ihat cannot be «JllaDed by ·otbei' ®Jlft'ltmltles. Planner Declares City's Location Best Asset '")his la what planner A b T a a m Kruahldiov told a joint me.tm.. of the Cl· ty . Council, Planning Comm1"1on and Citizens Advisory Committee (CACl 'fl!und.ay night. : "LafiUDll lw ..,. tbiJl& nn ollier clly • bu -location,. uld J(ruahkhov ... ,,,. beaches art nan,-CJose, within walking dls1'Jice, •NI the hllbide oettlnga are imequalled.." · Because·of Tue community's re.laUVe1y slow popuJation growth, be told listenen, limo II on the .ute ol tbo6e who aro set. ting op planning goal. !or Laguna's future. The.<e· goals, •• proparod by the ZS. member CAC, appointed ln August, 1968 to prepare guidelines for a new general plan, were. a principal tpplc of discussion Tbun!day. lXOll ee s Dana Era Begins Harbor Boat Launch Ramp Opens A new eta begiiis rot Dana Point Satur· . day with the operiing of a boat launching ·ramp in the llpCOrDP;leted $21 mllllon pleasure boat harbor. ' There may b:e some confwion. There are some hazards. "But I understand the mhing 11 grea~" uld mldent engineer Jack Raines. Raln<s said the public wlU be limited to ' Down tJJe ·Mission ' Trail Pollution Topic Of Men's Meet SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Man'I pollution of his enviroDment will be the discuss.Ion topic at tbe Men'a Fellowship o!ealt dinner Tuesday, 's.pt. 30. Dr. David curua, Laguna Niguel physicist, will be the guest spt.aker at the event to ~ at 7 p.m. in the Commlln- lly Presbyterian Qrurch, 32002 Del Obispo. Reservations can be ~e with Marvin Reece, 496-1079. .• Rock ~Skated SADDLEBACK VALL'EY'-Leisure WOrld rock hounds will gather Thurllday, ~ 2, at 7,30 p.m. to bear retired Navy Capt. J.obn Sinkankas, who writes and does mearch in minerology. The roclt and Gem Club will m .. t In mtiltipurpooe room B ol tho Mlloion Viejo High School. · · ·Author of four books 1n mJnerology, Sinkankas also has been ~ aflOclate apec:ialilt in minerology at UC San Diego and was an assistanf P,n>feaaor· 1t San Diego State. .• Auditlofts ~· . SADDLEBACK VALLEY -!leadings for the ''Marriage Go ·Round" to be pro- d~ed by the Rancho Cclnmunlty Players .wtn te.ke place Tuelday net 'Wednesday, S.pl. 30 and Oct. I. The audillOOJ will begin at '1 :30 p.m. In the Mission Viejo High School Uttle t.Mater There are parts for two women AM ·two men. lil!onnation can be 00.. tained from SUsan Farrell at 837·1'153. 11'1ng . the :ZZS.!ool-wjde . boat launching ramp. He warned that boaters should probablf brine a fri~nd to help in the launchlrig•at the construction slte. The engtqeei' sakl thert· is as yet no fresh watei, Construction ii continuing and there are only a few ~al toilets. He said there are reefs not yet removed but they are marked with buoys. R&Jnea aald the J/lll!IChlng ramp should be able to aecommodate·t,000 boats daily if boaters are "neat" in their operalioo . ll will be open weekends and holiday!. Dana Point Harbor eventually will be able lo also berth 2190 boall. The joint project of the county and Army Corps of Engiheera is expected to, provide not only recreation but an economic stimulus for Dana Point and lur1'0lllld!ng area. ' " ' ,.' . . ' Laguna No Smoke ·Plan . lauded-Not Followed By BARBARA KREIBICH Of tM o-111 PllM Sletr 1be no-tmoking campaip organized by studmt& at Laguna Beach High School is a good Idea !or the kids, most downtown merchp>ts In Laguna Beacb seem lo &lfll!, but they're not about to stop aelJ.. ing dgaretlea -though aom< would like lo. Student bodf president Howard Hill..s this week wrote a letter to merchants asking them to support the n<Mmoklng drive by dlactmUnulng cigarette ialea, in the interest of public health and weUare. Ron Pickard of the Part-ForeSt Pharmacy, who quit clgarette.s himse.U a few yeara ago, said, "I'd Jove to be ab~e to kick clgatettes out of the store, but I can't see ua doing it. at least not right away. "There'• ·very little profit in selling them, in fact they're a nuisance, but they do bring people In. and that's about all you can saY for them." Pickard 1aJd he waa plea&ed to see. the high ochool go alter tho smoking problem however. "l doubt if too many of the older, confirmed smokers will change their habits," be explained. "But 1t's great to try Jo keep kids from starting. Penonally J think anyone who smokes cigmttes b absolu!e!y atup!d." Pbarmacy owner Joe Blllhard agreed that bavlug lo ..U cigarettes Is ltr!cUy a nuisance. "It'• one of thc\le thUlp like ma.;uinel and cigm arid ao forth that )IOU have to carry u a customer cor.- venience. I not oaJy don~ mue any money on them, I ~ Jose, ao I'd love to throw 'em out, but if the1 don't buy them here, they'll buy them somewhere ebe." "Tell you what," added Bushard. "If all the kids will stop smoking pot. I'll slop selling cigarettes!" Up Fortd Avenue at McCalla'a Pharmacy, proprietor Charles McCalla said, "I'd like to qttlt smoking my1eH, but 1 don't lb.ink they'll acc:ompllilh too much with lhia request. So far as the store is concerned, we really don't sell that many cigarettes. We just keep them aa a c.ustomer convenience." Al Waldeck at the Forest Market did not think the ·drive would get much response. "It's just not possible to st.op selling cigaretles," he said emphaUcally. A liquor store clerk who had not yet seen llills' letter aaid, 11Jt . might be a good idea but It won't work. So long as people are going to drink liquor and smoke cigarettes I don't think you'IJ 11top them Utis way. U we 1t4)p selling them, , they'll buy nut door. But I 11ure wish I could stop smoking myseU ! " Conrue Darden, who, with her husband, Lou, runa Laguna Pipe and Tobacco Sup- ply at 347 S. Coast Highway, said firmly, "l don't smoke myself and I'd encourage anyone to quit smoking, I think this thing at the high school ia a good deal. It's cer· tainly no good for young people to smoke and we never sell cigarettes to youngsters, only to adults. 1£ lhere'a any doubt we ruik to see their tdentWcation. ':Ye cJon't even sell cigarette papers to youngsters." . Mrs. Darden said most of their· aaleJ are in pipes and pipe tobacco, but they carry C:!garet1ea (!or adulll) and will continue to do, m. Bob Benner, president of the Downtown Buaineu Aaaodation, aid be would put Hills' letter on tho agenda for Mi group's Oct. 7 meeting 16 It could be d~cussed by the memberstup. ~ • "We're tntereat.ed in anything we can do to help t~ )'OU.ill people and they have oome very interutlng ideas," said Bemer, who Js in the furniture businesa. Widow Losa $137,000 After mnnths o! ltUdy, and clreulallon of an attitude survey throughout \be com· munJty, the three subcommittees of the citizens group presented t.belr combined goals statement ·to the planners and, in tum, heard a progress report on work . being done by the planners. ar Sing With Them Winning smiles are shown by Saddleback Junior College son'r!'' . • Barb Trap~ (front), Lena Deszez (left); Maureen ·Dem~n. · . I)' and Leslie ?.io'wers (rear), who 'will ·be·on .ski~• Satui'dliY : en· Gaucho footballers lalte on 'i<>Uthwes\!!m at 8 at Waslon V:iejo,J1igb.: Wife's Absence Postpol)eS . . . Dr. Leary Drug Case Again Another delay waa granted· today in the dragged.out Laguna Beach drug caae of Dr. Timothy Leary, his wife and son, due to the abseoce of Mrs. Leary, being treated at UC Berkeley for a female complaint. The trio was to appear in Orange Coun- ty Superior Court -prom!s!ng atuMlng developments -but Judge Herbert F oothall Aides ~ught for Ouh Lagunan Held on Swindle The call ls out !or pl8Y'fl and «iad!ea .. the Boys' Club or ~ Beach bei!n• its Uth ·nag roetball -WUh rim )l<ac:tlce ocheduJed !or Saturday. Boys In the 1llth. NY<!llth and elpth grades may llp op -at the Boys' Chib. . • ' Fithen who would Ute lo htlp coach a kam for an hour and 1 half on Monda7 and Wedn...tay .. enlni1 ara Jnvn.d lo call Dan Lewis 11 Iha Boys' Club, 494- 2635, for fUrthtt Information. • . ' A Laguna Bucb 111111 hll been accused or roll!dUnr.a.i... ,AllJ•Ju wl!!ow out.of abooUllT,lllO bl two--, ono <If ' Wb!oll WU lo -)lnanolaJIJ ;JtotoCled her elderly illllerL Qutll WQlle hint, -40, ol fO Blue Lagoon, was arrested in hia Beverly H11ls o!l!cea Thundly. He II 1ccuaod ol two countl ol grand the!L Lint was unavailable today to comment "' the cbariea. '111e Insurance undenni!er !1 allqed to have }Aued Mrl. Bertie Mae .Frederick, ( M, a worthless annuity policy that wu to blve.oalil 11,000 monthly. :tlOOaid"iM!nk!n, deputy dll_lrfcl .~ ttnie:Y llfd,she·turned over about J97,000 rO Lin! on 'April I. Minkin uld the an- nuity policy was 1asutd on an exiltfng company but cfahned that Llnt had no authority • t -lft.· it. that. Jt was WMblee<. Mlnk!J> saldl Ml'IJ Frederick went lo Lint because be wu-an acquahrtanct and she -ht .. 14. U!• ~· ' · 'l11e ..._.. 'lli<t Mn. FtOder!ck \ But Refuses Deadline On Pullouts · ' ' 15 Associates :Voting Menibe~· . . Wit!\ the opening o!· the annual awardl ezhib!Unn at the Laguna Beaeb Ari klsoclaUon GaDery, ll u!OCfate IDfll)o. ben: of tile Art AasoclaUon have beeomt lrtlll memben wth vollng pri~. Arl!st members are required lo-..... W<Jrk 1tlec!ed '"" hanging In two Juried events during the year belore their ac- . eeptam:e. New artist. memben from Orange · County are Lucia Anderson, Alex Cowan, · Fred Qmn!ngham, Ruth Futttll, Helen · McClain, Shirley Rabinowitz Iii. H. Rongey, J act Rowe, Thelma 'ii.· Goldt Smith, J. Traband and Vesta Waid. From Loa Ange!ea Coun!y are Cami ll<rn8rd, Ray Bingham, Comtance Dippel and Jariet Mackalg. Tile al!nual awarda exhlbltlnn nma through Oct. 21 at the Ari Aaaoclatlan Gallery, m Cliff DriYe. Houri are noon to 5 p.m. daily, with gulaed toun at I p.m. on Sundays. Ol'aage Weedier If you~• beading for ;tho beach thll w•tend, better brine a tweater,' Thoae tow cloua1 ara ' ltlll around and the tomflera. lure will be stud: In the llxtlu along the cout. ·INSmB TOD~'I The rrnotoned Son J:'rcmctlco B911<1 Is cOlllfll[I\ to Omlgt COdll College tonlghl oft!1 Sqb- tff'da¥. '"' 4 preolew; ...... dOJ'• w 111teT11111' ""*"° . . ' . . ~.I ·. ·: • =--=· ll ~ .... ·=~ .. !!!!!!!.... ) :: ...... -.a: ~-,, .......... E -.... ' . ...,.., " !i•="""'•""""'• ...,. • .._,.,.. n r .... ~.·~~ r ;::'=9 .r.: =..:: . l ::.:· -J ....... .. ... '"""" • I ' • ~ ' L artments ~·Protested ~In Viejo By PAM 'H~LLAN Df "" Oltlr "flt *''" · • A segment ol Mloa\On V I e J o . bomeowners protating the-proposed coo- :otructloo ol apor!J!l<ftta Ill th• Ir ,,.;~ ... ~u..-· • Vie}o "Company with de l J b 1 rate misrepruenta.Uon ol land use plans. ''We feel we were misinlormed as to the e11et location of the apartments due ror compleUoa. in Mly, of 1970" 1.111 a letter pttpa....i for Pl\llip J. Reilly, pm!· denl ol the MiJlll'" Vi<Jo.Cqmp"Jll'. The let(er wm be 'acc<mpanled by petl· tion1 with m'ore than 100 sl&naturea. The area in queetkm betweea M<1t- tanuo Drive and Morsuerite Parkway WU JODed .. three )Ul'I 110 for the apartment• whld> wUI bo 144 mulUplt family wilts. •11owever, on the teale moidel of the area in the La Pu Illes olftoa tbere waJ rio indication al any buildings on thiS 6ite," aaid the Jetter. ln ar11Wer1Jt& the ch~a. James TOfJfifer, *" pialoknt In chatl• of pl.,,_ nil!& for the.ldlsslon Vlelb Colllpany1 uld lhlt ev..,tblns a<:<pt oot being told . oboUt the a~eni. might be true. "However, we don't anticipate •D1 tramc._ problem1, DOr do we antidpate many c.hlldre.n in the apartments," be 1aid. Arguing against any devaluation of pro- perty he sa1d, ''The apartment complel is g~ to be bUutlful when lt la fltUh- ed. T!Mi bulklln&• Mil bo 1n cl1111m of lhttl and we're opendlng •U,llOO .for. ornamutal outdoor Jighlillg and •100,000 for landscaping." He denied any delllslon ·on th< p< cl the compani In rqard.to Ibo localltl> of the apartments. . "I don't krlow about the acale modtl bJt I do know t;hJt on the wall of every sales offlce thete ti a muter plan and this 1'18• has IJhOwD since jt&S the areas designated for a-partments." "I'm &irry Ule residents went to a newspaper instead of coming directly lo us," said Toepfer. j'Our door• are never closed to people wlth problem1." The homeownen are Ltunc:hlng the pro- ttBt becaU!e they fur iDcreaMd traffic wUJ bo a ufety buanl for lhelr dill-. " that the traDBlent nature of apartment ~ dwellen wtll adnn<IJ> alltd llChoolJ and tba1 the appearance of the apairtmentl uiay In Ume deYalU.U their property. StuifuntA F eeb .=AU Di:e&s Codes · Should Be Out . SIJly..,,• pen:oni ol 1..qun& Buch .. ~ Sdlool studeni. p<illea In a dreu ~ ,code tUrVty thlJ week would Uk'e to aee :. .U m-t:Ddes ellmlnai.d. · l'ourt.eeo percent are diualltfied with . ..._ of the uhtlng drul rul.,, ... peqially those pertaining to boys' ha~ Jenglh, t ~ e sockl-wlth ... nd>ll re- .qutrement and the ban on caprll for girls. . ~remaining 15 percent lndicated ·~ ' proval of the present dre~ cOOe, which ls : somewhat more liberal than 1ast year's. In the survey, conducl.ed by the Student Council. '180 out of Utt 1,010 students at the high ocllool mponded to a three choice questionnaire. : Tbe cbclctl were: _ L I l..t Ibo Pl"'!'nt mu code rules 81'!) too strict and they ahould be abollsh- ed. If they are abolilhed, I will be a responsible lt.udent so as not to lole the : . prlvilqe jurl obtalned. l. I feel that the preoent dreu code rulea are Jenlen& tnalllh and do not need to be abolished. . ' ,• . • .. .. ·. ~· ~ • ' ' ' ... ... . . . .••· : .. .. ... ·. 3. I am satisfied with the clothes board rulflll bt generaJ, bu\ I am dlPaU!!iied with the following n~11 : (studenta could llat rules lo 9i'hich they object). further polls will be conducted by the Student Council to ~taln views of faculty member:a and parents on the 1Chool'1 groornJDs ind dress poUcy. (JAllY P1101 QWtO~COfol1Nallff~~....,_, lt\ia1 N.W•"1 ---.. ... Ir I. C"'-' varr....,_.a..•......, ---' Jtt f,, .. , ........ M•IDlt Mth•th 1.0. 1 .. "'-tUll ...... _ edit """' .. w.t ... ~ .......... ~1 t'1l#tll ..... ....... ~..,,: .. ..... l)AU, Y PILOT $1111 ,,,... COUit Y GrowtJa Mapped Nine-year-old Kyle Fran~ of Laguna Beach gel& a briefing on growth of YMCA activities along the southern Orange Coast from Steve Crummett (left), Saddleback director and Alvey Prati Laguna aso!stant director. Map pinpoint. growth of coastal Y unJtS. From Page I LAGUNA FUTURE •.• nolod. Aid they ,,_ allndod primarily by artiJtlc and cultural aspe<ll of the C<lll!"llPl!Y. Very llNial lnlmlt In prtMrVlng lhe vbuai bt!"IJ ol the =willy WU shown, with «>to to per cml eqrealng a dellln to ,.. thaf all atrudufe• are set blck for enolilb to pmerve lhe lntegrlly of ·the biaeh ancf'ocean, tba( the natur1l coolt>I,. ol Ibo hllf1 be maintained and surrounc\lnl wtldeme!I areu be preaerv· ed. Hall ol thOle rupondlllf said they would be willing to pay adlUonal taxes to acl!Jeve thla. More than !O per cent ol lh<>oe rupon· dlJll !tvor'5 pedeltrlall mall develop- ment lo CIUlt a vlllap atmoophere In lht downtoWD ma. almllor In that of the Art Celller.' Denlopme!ll ol a larp central lhop- Plna Cl!l!I"! Ill !be J\}'le of Fuhlon taland ~.bl' -of fbolO qustlonod, as wu tbe tdta ol a downtown cultural community centor. Mpd ·what tlley doo' like about ~ i7 pomnl of II"'" """""""' lialed ~· u the chle! problem, falla,...f'liy the perldl!g 11luaUon and tralflc ,_ally. Allo drawln& complalnta, but from a much smaller percentage m respondent•, were the trUh problem, dn.111. z.onln1. the police, the post office, dop, nola:e and rulrGO!nl OD the beach. .Jl'orty.two perclDl «. the .commenta on Laguna probltms did not fall Into any catfpry. "Thia 1lv11 an idea of the 41verolty of Laguna," commented Gum· blntf • 'lbe atUtude quesUonnaire alao was dlllttbated at the hl&h acl>ool, with 564 -.tompondlng. IDldlQll&le recreation Ind y o u t h tacll~itl were ~ u a problem by i.l """*11 cl tile lllUdeola. Fourteen percent tboo&I& !here ---"too many tourilta," and II per.-""'lPWned about hippies. Combtnlng responses to the quu- U..UW.. with thdr own llludlea, the dU-commit.... lJst.d .. primary plaonln& goall for Laguna: Maintenance of the integrity of lhe con· tour of the hills and develop criteria for hillside development to control cub aad !Uls. Maintenance of the integrity or the btach as a primary ICe!\l.c and recrea· tlooal use~ wllh the city ... king to County Defers University Area Trash Decision Turtle Rock and University Park homeownen seeking relief from speeding trash trucks and caacaditla 1ittc could only get the promlse from Orange County supervl50rs that the matter "w!ll be dlacuaMd wllh an parties C<lllcemed." Lte Boylan, 1111111 Andoch Road. lrvlne pmldent of Broadmoor Turtle Rock Community As socJ atlon. urged supervisors lo reroute the trash traffic from tts present Culver Drive ioute Ill o\ber are• Utorou.&hf1rt1 -1mons Uloac suuestJd we re Jamboree Road a n d Mic.Arthur Boulevard . Boylan told the board that much ol lh< trd:ttc 11 county transport beaded for the Coyote Clll}'Oll dump. Noise aenerated by the trucks has become • unbeanble. Boylan t o I d iwpervlson, eel he urged immediate ln- voatlpUoo ol the pllt1 ol Utter blown on· to ...... homeownen' propert)' from lhe tpeedinC velUclea. S.cldl>C Boylu In the appeal "" !Adore Schnelda-of Univmlty Park. pmldent ol the Onlveralty Community Auodallon. Scbntidtr blasted county en- dantmelll ol Ibo lnuh niute alon& CUiver 11 "dllaractful and haurd0ta." He demanded a "complete review of thl1 whole lnsulferable altua.llon and the ban· nin, of trash lrlftlc tram our area." Supervllon a11ured the horneowntra rrprnent1Uve1 thtt tht 0Jmpl1lnt would be d11cu1Md with road department of· rlcla.ls. lt will be ruled on at 1 luter date. purchue mOH beach area and, on prlvetely owned beaches, only cbaln1 and po<ta, rather tjlan wall!, lo be permltted. Preaenallon of wilderness a re a s around the community, t n c 1 u d i n g establl&hment of a greenbelt throoglt Wguna, El Taro and Aliso Canyons and J)l'OV!dlng for d~lng of unbulldable ianda to the city when billalde and canyon developmentl ao in. Maintenance of a village atmosphere and aense of retaxaUcn. peace and tran- quility, with strict control of placement height and masa of buUdings. ' Respect urban aesthetic1, including en- forcement of the alp ordinance and undergrounding of utillties. Undertall:e plannlng and development of -lalty lhopo and buJlneaa mu to at- tract lolD'ULI with empbutJ on an a.nlJUc a n d pedestrian-criented at· rllGl)lbeA, nsll1ctln& automobile traffic iD aorne areas. ~velbp a city•'ilde recreational plan and faclllUts, wtth po&alblc dtvelopment ol the Woodland Drive area '9 a 1ports, rec:rntloo and youlh center, inte&rated Ari>IDtd Ibo new Boya' Club. Annexatioo, the cltiu:ns group aJd, should be used u a tool to ensure control · of adjacent areas, rathtr than an end 1n itaelf. During dlacuuion, A. E. ..Pat" Worthington, empbuiled to the pl111ntrs that compet.!Uve trowth had not etnergtd aa ~e of the goal! deslrtd by Laguna res1denll. ~ Ir 1 ltll Altempta to annex major Industrial In· ltallationa and Ulelr satellite com- munlUea, 11 for u:ample the new RoclnveU Autonetla plant, he 1ald, could bring tnln Ibo dty tbousandJ of vote" from behind the hl1ls whose rtaSOl'll for movln& to Ibo atta would be totally dlf. ftnnt from lhoae of Laguna's present cltlzenry. Reporting on progress of their at.udies. Kruahkho V.at.<1 that 16 percent ol lhe land area In. the city now la vacant some of It lnaccuaible for developme~t, but some 5111Ceptlble to "very brutal develo~ ment" unless strict rontrol1 are establlshed. In the put 11 years, he said, only 2.1 acres of additional recreational and park area bas been acquired by the city, apart from the Main Beach purchase. "This doesn't aay much for Laguna ." said Krushkhov. "We must conclude that y_ou are very light on municipal recre.a· llonal areas and facilities." Worthington and Brennon "1'evs" !\fcClellan suggested that the planners may have underestimated the lmpcrt.ance of the beachea to local resident.!. ''Ask any of us where our kids are any summer day ," 5aid Worthington. ··the anrwer will be 'at lhe beach.' The buch~ an very much a part o( local recttationat facilities, not just a tourist attract.ion." Consideration also Mould ~ given to tht fact that ln the IS-year i>eriod when the city acquired only 2.1 acres of new park1, it al90 opened many more previously inaccessible beach areas by the lnttallatlon of walks. ramps and stairway!, McClellan sald. The planners had found a few problems In LaftJTla too, said Krushkhov'a as1is- tant, Mra. Jl.ldy Franka. Pointing to a "probltm" map she cited ugly entrances to the city. restricted circulation, hazardous intersectlons, the "odoriferous sewer plant," strip commercial develop. menl and signs, 1nixed land uses. flood hazard areas and absence of through clrculltkm (rom hUttop lo hilltop. Retarding clrculaUon. Mrs. Frank1 said the pl1nnen found tbe ring route ~pl of tM Citizens' Town Planning As.wciation "very intu~Ung.'' One of the biggest problems to be fa ced by t.asuna In the tutu.rt , concluded Krushkhov, will be the volume of traffic on Coast Highway, the new tnl1nd freeway ind roads connec:Una the two . Projected devtlopnent ol Irvine land1 north ct the city cmalnly .. m alftct the traffic pattml in the Laguna area, ht Hid. "We h3\'tn'l completed our traffic atudy yet," u.Jd the planner, "and 1 murt tell yoo I'm 11eartd to see what will come oot of it. HAndl.tn1 those cars Is going lO be a rtal problem.'' • . . . Sc·hool Freedom Ol('d -Pas_ses .Co~tilutwn ·Board by Split Vore W111b1J' ol 1111' promlse ol academic i....-tato lllo 1tile Conatltutlon wu ree.....,.odod by Ille C.lllornla ConJUtu· tlon Revb.lon Commission mtttin& 11lun- day In Newport Beach. The controveniial plank whlch reads, "Academic tre.edom and rtsponsiblllty thall be anured," was approved in a split •.-ote .. Commiasan members divided on a number or other votes in drafting a rewrite of the Constitutional provisions soveming the University al California. The recommenda~ go to the state LegiaJature (or approval before ~I placed Otl the ballot in the NovdnbU, · 1t70 election. Forth-three of 50 ConuniMion members were presenl for the afternoon session at the Newport.er Inn. Among other reconr mendationl: -The tmn• o( UC rq:enta be shorten. ed fram 18 to 12 yura ei:ctpt fer those already serving. -Regenl8 mettings become open to the public, except for discussion of certain typea of matters to be spelled out by statute. -Appointment of UC regents by the governor to require confirmation by the &late ~nate. -The University of California staff is to be protected from politlcal lnflutnct. The latter provision i!1 covered by the addJlion of the words "and personnel" alt.er "regents" in a sentence saying ap. po1nlmenta shall be free ol all political or sectariao Influence. UC Irvine ChaoceUor Daniel Aklrkh a commissioner, mel1}ber was moved 'to remark : / "It is the lntentim a po11Ucal test not be applied to penonnel. There are some who. are aware the test can be applied outside the university and I've walked that line in recent monU\s." Aldrich referred to the oppositiQn lo hi!i'. approving appointment of fonner SOS leader MJcbael Krlsnan as coordinator of student affair!. The "academic lree:lom" sentence was approve<! 3$ to 13 and drew the hottut dlesusaion. Dr. Totten Anderson, associate dean at use, defined academic freedom as freedom to teach without external in· terfere.nce wlthln an area of competence u judged by other profesaors. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Joseph Bablch asked U that definition m. eludes Jree<lom to lock a dean up in his office. He satd many act!: are defended under the banner of academic freedom ·wbtch will have to be defined to th~ saUsfattion at the Pf.Opie who are 1olng Masons to Give 50-year Pins Fifty-year pins wtll be presented to Robert Gyael and Don Helwig of Laguna Beach Masonk: Lodge 6'.12, when the lodge observes past masters' night Sept. 30. Helwig was master of the Laguna Beach Lodge in 1932. A bulfet supper will be served at 8:30 p.m. and the York Bodies or Orange County will present a Masonic play titled, ''The Rusly Brother." Dinner reservations will be llmited to 100. Thoee not wishing to attend the din· ner will be welcome to attend the prt> gram, according to Jim Ottker. Tickets are available at the ofnce of Soulhtm Counties Gas Company, 234 Broadway. io vote on it. . ~ Dr. Andtr50fl aa.14 a prof~r is not free to indoctrinate or fal1lfy under academic freedom , and lndlvktual acts apart from hi! area of competence have no rtlatlon to it. Frank Newman, fonner dean of Boalt Law School at Bel'keley, 1uld 1\ ii im· portant protecUon ol academic fn!edom be written into th• CoostJ.tuUon because without it current court case1 art very sticky. '"Mle courts have had lo bend the free speech ariwnent because they know tht principle of academic freedom ls im· portant," he sald. Ytt, be Aid, &he Coo!titution reads that "full power d. IC1'ernance ahall rest with the re1ents. •l • . John Sproul, attorney from San Fran. ClSCO, w1rn14 that lncludon of the 5entence on academic, freedom would be ~ • pbooy' tasu.. "I think It would do a l(reat deal to stcUre the defeat of lhe enUre pacbae come November (1'70).'' he said. There is always °'' possibility the Ugislature, io Its pol!Ucal wisdom, will feel Utt same way. Aldrich voted for inclusion ol the sentence and for contlnuallon of c105l.d regent: meeUngs, although fie wu In an eight ~ 29 mJnorlty on that stand. Ch11rman of the commission Oranit COUnty SUj>etlor COW't Juda~ Bruqe SUmoer, a resident of Laguna Aeach did the counting of U.. others u t.hq r~lsed their hands and tt wu not apparent how he voted. Regarding fretdom from political in· fluence for the Unlveaity, former State Sen. George Rochester, of La Habra Aid: . • • .'"l'hi& ls a bwifuw idea) lxit as fir as humao nature la concerned lt doe10't mean a 'damn thing." "Thank you .tor putUng it so well," sald Patterson Hyndman, a S.n Dll(o businel!man who la chairman of the education committee that tDade the University recomm endations. Now Dr. Peterson Has A 'Barber Shop Quinwt' \Vith the elect.ion of a third con- servative school trustee Or. Doris Arau- jo, County Schools SuperlntendO!lt Robert Peterl50n had the votes so the whole hoard voted Thursday to approve barber shop polls. County acbool board member Donald Jordan, w}» had atrenaoUaly objected to the poll.6 before, uplaintd he wer.t along on the vote because concessions were m3de. His stance, and that of the other moderate trustee Pat Arnold, wu "hall a loaf ls better than none." the rtsort of pragmatic politicians when the count is against them. T1'e principal '''"''"'lo!! by Dr. Saddleback Sets Registration For Oct. 8-9 'Mlree buildinp, paving of the parking area and walkw&YI and landacap!ni re- main to be completed at the new Sad. dleback: College campus in Mllslon Viejo, but registration of studenta wl\1 proceed Oct. 8 and 9, trustees were advised Mon· day. Seventeen or 20 planned bulldlna:1. In· cludini; the library will be ready when classes begin Oct. 13, 1aid Superintendent Dr. Fred Bremer. The physical education building. one science fa cility and staff office buildings for lnatructora are delayed. However, in· 11tallation of temporary power lints to the phylical educ.ation building v•lll make it available for lmmedlate use while un- derground electrical lrultallalions are completed. . The acctlS road to the campus will be paved this weak. Construction on the pro-- jeet was delayed thl1 summer by the plumbers• and heavy e q u I p m e n t operators• strikes. The college expects an enrollrn!:nt of 1.400 to l ,&00 studenb thlt fall . Peterson wu lo give lru!tees a say on what questions are included in his public opinion surveys. He also promiled io let them know the results immediately and not conduct more than three poll! durlne the year. The new polll will be coDducted In barber ahops,. beauty parlon, doughnut houses, guohne st.atlons and dentists: w111ti.ng rooms (board member Dr. Dale Rallison is a dentist). The fight over the polls began Lul ~ctober when Dr. Peterson polled 90 men m 21> county barber shops and then refus- ed for several months to reveaJ the ~ults to ~he. county board bee.a use they might prtJudJce sex education hearings by the board. t ·he poll waa criticiied for not including women and for being unscientific in it& nlelhod. Questions were asked on such subject! as sex education, · s c b o o I busing to achi!'Ve racial balaoce, pabiotic in· SU"U.ction, federal aid to educaUon and local school board leadership. Subsequently. in June: Dr. Peterson asked for board approval to conduct new polis but did not get it. He said he would 'o ahead with polling anyway, paying for Jt out of his O\lln funds. But then Dr. Araujo was elected In a special election last month, replacing moderate Lyle Gulpre who moved from the state, and Dr. Peterson again brou&ht the question be£ore the board. Board President Clay Mitchell of South Laguna said Thursday he favors the public opinion poll;! be.cause "they are economclal and are not binding but give us a litUe light on how to educate the children." Women Slate Tea A membership tea will be hosted by the El Camino Real Junior Women's Club Saturday. Women between the. age1 of ta and JS from Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Capistrano Beach and San J u a n Capistrano are invit«i to the e\·ent In th t home of Mrs. Le!lie Williams of Dana Point. F(IJ' further information call Mrs. Patrick Hayes at 498-1801 . September Special SPICIAL • , ., OIOULM ''" )0.60 Gt:ASS TOP TAILE, l4" THICK =:.'l"tyly ,:r..e: ~ .... d...,tly d::,;lltd, lflb 11 1111 -I• o f1oo1 .., !Mle. Doo~ W1ltl • •~ '"-·· ....-., • , ..... _, ,,,,.. I'" AvoU.ble 111 Th Fehwf11t Fhlkfln: Aotlqu• Gold -Old SpoolN -Dbtreatd OllYI ~· ·~ G •--._. -.. ..-.t ,... --rktU• Ylllow. fXCLUSIVE DIALIRS fOll: HINl~DON-DllXIL-H!llTAGf Nly/POIT llACH 17'27 Wolldlff Dr., 60·2050 ortN N.IDAT 'TIL t INlDIORS ,,.,...,, '""""' ... Onl9ntr1 Avallable-AID-H.lfD LAGUNA IEACH J4l North Coto! Hwy. Of'bl NID.tT 'Tt\. t llftMt Ttl ,_ M• -' ....... C.-, 14J.11U 49USll • ,. -~ ,,.~,..,-.•-.c>~-~-~ .... ,_""I""""" r·--...--~----,..-.-• • • :VOi:. ~2, NCI. 23 r, 4 secTlONS, 42, P~~~ . . City,· . By JEROME f . COWNS ot ... ~-, •• fl!'! . The clly ol Newport lleach ond tbe !{~Mesa Unified School bi..trict ha~e la~ Ill espedmental swap JlCO: ,_ .,...,, 11 .... dJlcloeed.today. ·:Involved in the unprec<nda>1"1 pilol projeot b the exchange ol plec:ea ol heavy equl1111ent and joint use o1 m•-ooe matmaia. Ha ~ ii~ save tdplyf!!"I' fund.I by •voidini duplication al llQl'Chlael ond zavings In future purd\aaing and more efficient ·use of equipment," aaid ·Ken weri, the school di!lrlct•a a..i.tant 6uPervtsor of operatioris. Wert nQted that ~ .has been !n- !omml cooperation b<tween tbe diJtr!ct and tbe dly ln paa\ years. The dty has uaed lb equipment to irun• tall euoa!yp. tus treea at Corona del Mar elementary and Harboi blgb sd>oola, saving the dlslrlcl the CO!t cl on aerlal ladder. And • 1xon· ee s Couple Terrorized Gunmen Truss Newport Motel Owners By JOUN VALTERZA Of Ille Otl" Pllef SllM 'nu'ee armed men barged lnto a Newport Beach motel at gunpoint Thurs- day night. bound the managers and fled with $300 in cash . .Dd a pair or binoculars. Detectives said the three men, a11 Neg'roes. knocked on the doer 'of the Mesa MOtet at 11:30 p.m. Mri. llelen L. 8'por, ·wl>o manaa~ the ~l wtth bet lmband. Baymon<I, 41 415 N. Newport Blvd., anawered tho-· The men barSlllJI>, ~ IQlll. .~ --~. - told her to stay quiet. They then fortOO her into the living room where her husband bad come to in- vestigate, detectives said. The trio (creed the couple to Ue on_ the dining room floor, ripped out phone lines and bound the RayWs witb the wire. Al Rayior and b11 wife watched, detec- tives uld, the men .ranucked the offiCe and bedroom. 'and ~ the callhbox will> $300.ln•bl!U""' foill•~·with.: pair.of fllllHlnocullrl. ' Two ot the mm wen armed wlth blue -.et.plitols. The other <irrled a aawed• Now Dr. Peterson Has A 'Barber Shop Quintet' With the election of a third con- !ervative school trustee Dr. Doris Arau- jc, Ccunty Schools Superintendent Robert Casey Named To Fill Seat On School Board Thomas Clark: Casey, 39, today was named the new board member of Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Clark was chcse.n from 11 applicants for the Ccrona dtl Mar area seat vacated when Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr. resigned after being appointed a municipal cowt judge. Clark is vice president and trust officer for First American Trust Company in Santa Ana. A resident of the Harbor Area since 19$1, he lives at 2007 Kewamee Drive, Irvine Terrace. He and his wife, Tanya, have eight children, ages eight tQ 20, four of them presently in the school 1ystan. In an !ni~lal Interview Casey did uot give the 1Unpreuion of cne who plans to rock the· boat He said be plans to tit down w:ith the superintendent and board members and digest all the material he ""· "I doni think: you can m•'ke any hie Peterson had the votes so the whale board voted Thursday to aJ'.lpro\'t 'barber •IH>p polls. County school board mtmber Donald Jorda:n,-who had strenuoualy abjected ta lbt! pclla before, ~ be went aJong on the vote because concessicns were made. Hh stance, and that cl the other moderate trustee.Pat Arnold. was "half a loaf ls better than none," the resort cf pragmatic pcili1iclans when the count i! •gainst them. The principal concession by Dr. Peterson wu to give trustees a say on what questions are included in his public opirUoo JUTVeys. ·ae also promised to let them know the results immediately and not cooduct m<n than thrte polls during the year. The new polls will be conducted in barber ahops, beauty parlors, doughnut houses. gasoline stations and .dentist! waiting rooms (board member Dr. Dale Rallison Is a dentist). The fight over tbe polls began last October when Dr. Peterson polled 90 men In 20 county barber llhops and then mu .. ed for several monthl to meal the multa to. the County board becauae Ibey mlgbt prejUdice ,., educallon bearings by the board. The poll wu criticized ror not lnchlding women and for being unscientific ln ita method. off shotgun, officers said. Five minutes after the thleves fled the couple freed themselves and sought aid. A tenant inquiring at the office for hi! key . entered at the wne Ume . as. the Raymr1 !reed themselve&. He found a phone to 1WT1mcn police. All. three men were described as ~ Jn their early or mid lllL One ol thl \lttea Wort a thin, neatly VbnJned D'lOUltlche. '11it-eoupt1'1old de&aettves thep were asleep in bed when the three -men raq the office l!ill. ' New Dana :Poat Launching Ramp Opens Saturday A new era begins for Dana Potn( S&;~ day with the opening cf a boat launching ramp in the uncompleted $21 mlllion pleasure boat harbor.· There may be some confusion. There are some hazards. "But I understand tbe fishing is grj!~t.." Ald lt!idenl engineer Jack Raines. Raines said the.pubJiQ, wilt be limited ta using the 225-foot-widA boat launching r'amp. He warned that boaters should prcbably bring a friend to help in t.be launching at the construction site. The engineer said there is as yet no fresh water, ~t.ion Is CO'!'ltinuing and there are onty a few chemical toilets. He said there are reefs not yet remcved but they are marked with buoys. Raines said' the launching ramp should be able to accommodate 1,000 boats daily if boaters are "neat" m their cperation. It will be open weekends and lwlidays. Dana Point Harbor eventually will be able to also berth 2100 boats. The jcint prcject of lhe county and Army Carps of Engineers ia expected to provide not c:mly recreation but an economic stimu1aa: (or Dana Pclnt and surrounding area. NEW YORK (AP) -The •lock market slid to another losa again today ·as it fbl- ished its week.on a.ckJwDbear. (See quo- latiooa, Pagea 20-21). ' ' the •chool district has provld9d blWhm and backstops for city recreation pre>- gram:s. Also, bolh &""'")!1\"'t ageqpea have: traded hHtoCk materlall for emergency use. · · · The city of Ccsta Mesa hu worked with the diatrict aloog the•aame lb\es, in ' addition to donating 1,100 tree's from the city tree farm. _ The newly establlsbed and JD(l'e ar I• ..... -. • '· --. • • I ~ ,...,-• • • w ...... • • • J , I , I ,; .. ~ .. ,,_,... • 1 ·' , I• • I • ! •• ! ; ' ll·J • ..:"i"I , '.l. REPORTEit.s RAISE:H>Y!DI A>T'NlXON ~i:t c_o)l_i!:'Q I NP•'· , No .~1~t 1Dat• for· T~11. Wl~~•w•l ;ot;ur~~ .. ~f .' . ~.~'!.~~,.·· 'I , , j ('I /~·\ '•~'• 11'~~'!.,.. Niion.Predi;c tS.Se1uJie ·-_,: . . ·-' Consent ori:Hay~wi!ftlt,. · From Wire Senlcts WASHING TON -President Nluq.aald today he ollll baa con!ldence Jn Supreme Court nominee Clemerit F. Hl)'DIWOl1h'1 qualifications and lnlegrlty and pncllrtad cOhllrmaUon by· the Senate. He tcld a news Conference llueslJoner he h81 no plan to wlQ\(!raw W "°"'""'" tion. on which the Senate Judiclacy Com- mittee la holdlng·hearlngs_ On other iasues,·the pl$Jdent said: -The Uni1"1 611lea npecta 1 poottlve answer shortly-from RUMia setting .a da'.e !or th~ ollrt of long .planned 6trat.egic arms HmltaUon talks. -He had !avond the %711 percent oil depletion .allowance 1broughout hll 2l yeara of pollUca but delcrlbed hlmaOl! 11 "a poll~cal realist" -whose pHmary con- cern was to get a tu reform bill from congress and Indicated· he wCWd sign a bill ta reduce the alloWance. -:He hopee to lteer a ••mlddJe courae'' on llChool deoegregalion belwten the n• ideas without ltnowtng whit bas g()Ofl en In the past," he said. Casey will be sworn in Saturday morn- ing and will assume his relponsibillties at the next regular board mee.Ung. Oct. 7. Revisionists· Back School • Fre·edoln; In announcing the appointment Board President Mrs. Marlen Bergeson said: "Tb4> quality of applicants for his post. tion. as well as the number, waa slgnlll· cant. We feel coorldent that we have made a very good choice." . Amoog the applicants pused over was Gordoa Morrow, foi:mer djstrict, b!P school teacher ~ businessman, who narrowly lort to Blanpled Jn ~ board race lh April. Casey will 1erve out tbe nmalnlng years of Blanpied'1 tenn which doesn't expire until 1971. Regardliig sex educatlcn. Casey Aid. •·1·m a moderate on it. I think there is a certain P.lace for it and It should bt CX>D- &ldertd. ' . On teacher dluatisfaction o v t t talarles .. he said, "t can underatal'ld wen their need to be able to have enough to Jive on. However,'they_ didn1t &et Into the bualnesUO make """"Y·" · On sdrool f1nance votes, be J&id, "YOtJ have to be able to show aomt: ,hard •vldena! that chlldien learn a lot more In tmal!et daaee ... Writing of the pr~lse of •cademlc freed.pm into the state Con.Utution was recmuneDded by 1\he CalifonUa CoMtltu. tion Reviaion Commission m'eetif\i Tburg. day in Newport Beach. The -•eralal ·plant which reads, "Academic freedom and. reapooalbillty lball be auured, .. wt1 approved tn a spilt vote. Commlsson memben divided en • number of other volel In clraltlng • rewrite o! the Conll!WUonal provla!ona governing the Univ.rally cl cali!omla., ''!be ............iauOn. fo to tile rta1e Le1illalure !or approval before being placed on the ballot In the November, 1970 election. Forth-three of 60 Comml111lon members were present for the afternoon lefisJon. at the Newporter Inn. Arnone other recom- menda!Jonl: -Th~ terms of UC reg.,11 be shorti> eel !Tom II to 12 ,.m empt !er those alrlldf aervtog. . • • -Regents meetings become open to the pubUc, except -for discussicn cf certain typea of matters to be llJl'lled out by statute. -Appointment of UC regenta by the govenxr to require eonflrmatlon by the stale 5enale. -The Unlvenlty of ca1Uorn1a stall Is to be prolect"1 from political lnfiuenee. The latter provisloo Is covered by the addiUon of the 1'0rds .. and pe~el'' aft.er "rtgenta'' ln a sentence saying ap- pollllmenls oh.all be rr .. of all pollllcal ar aedlrlan lnfluenco. UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrlch, 1 commisaloner, member was moved ta remark: "It ii the intention a polltical test not be applled lo perSOnnel. There are some who are aware UJe te.rt ~ be a~Ued outl!ide the-unlvenitf '8d I'Yt ..,-alked that llrte ln recent mon\bs."' Aldric!) n!med lo IQthppoolliboi.lo )ttJ •Perovinl •ppo-1111 o! ,loniiff Sos '-. ( 1 ' ,.~·~··· ... . . But· Refuses . • • Dead1ine On Pullonts ' o ...... c:.an · 11'eatlaer l' J •• ·If .xou'r• l>eadlnl . for th• beach lhlt 'fetkt,nd, ~tier l>rl•I 1 -ttr. Tl!o!O .IOl" clo!W ei. still. 9round· •nd lhe lempero. ' tun ,will 'be 'atucJt In tJie alJllH' 1 llo~··lhe coail. INSIDE ,.-OD~ 'l' . , ' . l I r ,.. .. ,. .... .,. .. .,,.,....,..,.., .. ..,"!" .. ,...,!"'""""'.,."'".,.,. .. ,.,.,.,.,..,. .......... ..,,... ... ...,..,..,...,.,. .... ..,..,...,,..,,..,..., ... ,..ll"O'lr.""'""'""'°'"""""""'""'"",.,,."''"~'"crn~·~~""'"''""'..,...,..,~u~~~ ~i~-' . • + ~ a.II\ Y Pl~OT ~-s d -St '; 4 I ~ ·~,~A'!', . Dooiqs NQt T,hat ad? . . . . .. ,. .; .. . ' . 'W q,y Qf Ltfe,':dssuref FM Oflrei4l , •• ,..,,le will cet ulOd to ... 1c --It • Will be just 1iU a train pu$b!g by lhelr . ·.bod\es." Thal WU the prediclion of • Fedenl .. '>.via~ AdmlnistraUon ' p a k e 1 m a n • ~4~. . , Mr F°"" Q>l. jldJert L. Slepl>enl. on ~·Joao to the FAA aa a leGlmlco) advller, made the stat.anent •l· a ~ con-ference in l!e¥erlY HUis. ,.,_ we.Jilly 'residoota '""""1 launched a campaign against nolty .....,erdal jell. Said the colonel: ··~eople will get to the t>Olnt where ltlfl.ic boom! are a Wl)'.ol We. Tht bruk-1"' point will be damqe, such u wtn- Castles ll . -~nlllor'tuo~.~ ea " """4· . 1111 -Wll'e -11)' '!. B • 'l'!ubahaw;· a tl!o\ p!IQI f/jr the Brltjsh Alrcnft Corporation, developers of the Coocwde Supe'10lllc TranspOrl (SST) . Pre61deflt Nl100 this week called for Conii'uoiooal approva 1 ol l8l mUllon I~ f~ to finlDCe a 8l&J1 OD defelopmtpl al aa Amtric:aq-made SST. HSoftit booms," 11\d Trubshaw, "are like a lot of thin&s which get exaggerated when there is no inCcrmation. The mlc boom gener1ted by I.he Coocorde, for ln· 5tance, will not bi all that great." Col. Stephens noted that pruenl FM to Rise ·•..uw11io~· Fr~ .. <flROWV""'1c .loM-- "'l'll•t II the ffal )IOJltlon of lhe Unlted ,St.alH. Howtver, we hope to see il\<. 4•Y whe~ 111• SST and Conconll aro ny1ng 1t auperaonic speeds over land masses." Company publicity Ol1 lhe Concorde . states tblt me boom testa l)av• been concluded over IClltbtnl Enaland. •"lbe nm boom," saya: the statement. "oc- curred before the teab were •nnounced and gener•ted no public re.action. The subgequent t.est.s produced considerable ructiOo fnm what seemed to be a small minority.'' Annual SwUI Conrest Announced Mexico Protests 'Violent Search' Of Diplomat A major.eonstractton pro}kt. tnvolvlng 5COl'et ol buildings, wiU begln on the sandJ at Big Carcoa Beach at noon. Sun· day, Ocl u. · · Thre< h9uJ:• laltr the job wijl be «>m· p1.p -ml Illa buildings wW llarl. lu!llbllng clown. (\will be.the Newport Harbor Chambtl' ~ oC CCmmerct'• annual Sand c a 1 t I• Bulldin& eontest. Tbe tides will aasure demolition of the astonishlng]y noo-con· fcrming structure&, chamber offlclili aaiurtd city aides tOday. "We'll l~a"Oe the castle building area clean and orderly," Chamber Manager Jack Barnett pmnised .. City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said that was tood eflOU&h for him, and penniWoD to build WU granted. , cant.estants can sign up fer the event any week day at the chamber offict. In past yun, schools., service cluba, churchea and youth organizations have been represented. There are virtually no build ing restrictions. And a wide array of absurd prizes are awarded. MEXICO CITY ( UPl) -The Mexican government has filed a formal protest with the State Department accw.ing three U.S. narCotics agents of haraaatng a Me1- lcan diplomat at a border checkpoint, the Foreign Relations Department llld to- day. Dorothy Weed Mason, 68, ' ' ~ Th e protest Thursday night was the most serious incident since the intensified program of aflti·narcotics Inspections kmwn. u "Operation Intereept" started at the bcrder Sunda,y, 1be deportment aald Jl'cnlln Sacn<ary Antonio Carillo Flore!. b11 "inatructlons from Prfllklent Gultavo Dlu Onlu" to discuss the prosram .at a meeting Jn Wll!biniton today with Secretary ol Stale William P. Rogen. Bal Island Realtor, Dies w.n.taown Ball>oa bland Realtor Dorothy Weed Ma'°" died Wednesday al Hoag MtmOri&l Hospital C{ ltl apparent heart attack. She was sa. ,; Open House Set By Boys' Club Tonight will be open hoo!e a\ the Boyl' Club <i the llMbcr Area. It will take place at the club's upper 1 bay brancht 1131 Tu5Un Avenu~ from 7 • to I p.m. • '"J1ie objed' of otD' ·open house is to IC· . . ""°" -""""'""'1, .wllll the,porpooe ' • and pls of ll>e Boya' Club," Aid Dick . ~~.~=· .. 'S'll!<W . ·...i dilpl~ have -. fllaliDecl fer the evenJn&> ·'Drus • -1)y, -ldall memb<n. beca!Jse i QKioo willllng to do IOJIMJl·partlclpale in t: toumameDts and actJviUes in Uw: 1amu: • rocm..ahoi> and gym almg with the boys. A 'fllrn about the club will be shown and i·=~~u;::~::~· Fires Lawyers ; .,..-CHICAGO (UPI}-Blact P""ther l<ader • Bobby Seale "fir"1" bi& atlomeyl today : and· demanded tliat the bial <i hhn,.K : and seven other perlOns aCCURd of lncit- : ing_ riots at the Dernocn.Uc naUonal : b< p.,.tpoiied. : .ln. a stormy &wlon-tbe first 1ince a : jury of 10 women and two men wu picked · to try the 0 Cllie1go flght"-U. S. District Judge Julius J. Hofhrian refused to post· :pone ·the trial and accuaed a defenite attorney of itnplylng: he wu a "racist." One of four defense attorneys whoee ,. arr8I Hoffman had ordered fer falllng to·lhow up for the trial WU brou.lbt Into court to appeal the wa.rranL Defense esmen 1akf the la)lf')'tt, 11licbatl ar ti-San Fr,ncilCO, bad beeo ~ In Loo Angeles, brought to Chicago by U. S. manllals, and held lo a I-al toemp. UAllY PllOI . ' DlAHa C0U1 """.-cow.urr ' . ' . l1Mrf N.W ... ,. .....w.. ......... J•tli •. °"'" • Vb,,......, ... a-rt! -• ! '"-·· 1( ... 11 • -• n.-·· A. w.,,u. f -·-. .t•f'9"'' '· c.n1,.. • --• °" ..... • ---• till w ..... , ...... ""'*"' a .,,., M'"-P.O. a.. 117' tlMI, • $ --QN""-1•-----~ 9-dl' ttt ,.._ ·-......... ~ ...... ., • ... ' ,, -will be bel.i at 10 a.m. Mon- day at Westclllf atapel Mortuory. A m~t <i NetrpOfl Beach for the past 11 yean, Mn. Muon was a mem- ber of the DAR ml Eastern star, both <i Loo Angelea; .. alumna of Dtlta Del· ta Delta. Survivors include two daughters, Janet Muon ol the home, IOII BNce Crescent Drive, Newport BelCh and Joan Craw· lord.. <I' Newpori Bead!; two ITand· -· Pr!-Interment will be at Pldllc View -al P.,t. Momg· Man Loses . • Mechani~ Tools · A rann.r c.ota M.,. mu who wu in Anabetm while in Ille midat of nloving to N""flOrt Beach bas loot 1485 WOr1h o[ mechanics tool! to a burglar, he told po- lice Thursday. Jonathoa R. Brodett, of 1012: W. Dalbo& Blvd., Newport Bu.ch, said the 'u11<rted tools and equipment were taken from 3297 Iowa SL. sometime during the four· day moving period. In the )Xlllesl. Mexial laid Ill consul In El Paso, Tei.. Roberto Urrea, was returning to bi& poet Tu'9day when two narco\ica: agenta "violently aurcbed" his clothing and automobile, although the Mexican identified him.9elf u a diploma!. ,.,..,.. r-,e l REVISION-. .• nogent:.meotinp. althoolh be was in an ~.to :zt mlnorlty Oil that -· Cb'a1J,na• ol the commlsaioo, ~.,. C.ounty Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, a re&ldent ot Laguna Beach, did Ille coorrtlng <i the ollluw u they ral9ed their'hands and it wu not appare.nt bow beril.od .... ~~fn!edorh from pollUcal ln- Ouerite for the Univer&Jty, fotmer State Sen. George Roche.st.er, of i. Habra, said: "This is a beautiful ldeal l'Nt 11 far as human nature is concerned it doesn't ' tnean a· damn thing." ''Thant you for putting It IO wen," said Patterson HYndman , a San Dl@go bu~inessman who is chairman of Ule education cmnmittee that made the Universit): recommendations. Deep Sea E~pf.orer Crane lilts oew dtep.divlllf beli built by Ccomodyne CorporaUon, Torrance, from quicJ<l1 attachable deck dacomprenlon chamber fol· lowing Calllornla Diven Inc. test run ott SanCa Barban. Qualilled for 600 feet. bell w11 lowered 1uc.: ... fully II> 850 ftet. New system ts now bein& used In Medlternnean Sea. Student Searched J Ann Arbor, Mich., police frisk a student arrested inside a Univers· ilr of Michigan building early today. Police hauied 103 students out o the building at 3:30 a .m., 12 hours after they began a sit-in. The issue? Regents' refusal to establish a student·run bookstore. See story, Page 5. Wife's Absence Postpones Dr.Leary DrugCaseAgain Another delay was granted loday ln.,lhe dragg£d-out Laguna Beach drug case of Dr. Timothy Leary. his wile and son, due to the absence of Mrs. Leary, ~g treated at UC Berteley for a ft!male ct1mplaint. The trio was to appear In Orange Coun- Slaying Suspect Gives Self Up FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) -An ex· convict sought for two days in the ques- tioning ln the d@alh of Dykes Askew Si.Jn.. mom surrendered to police today in the company of a lawyer. Paul Wayne P.owell, 34, went to the of· fice of detectives bandliag the ca!le. Alter some discus sion, Howell was placM under arrest. No charges were filed. ty Superior Court -promillng atunning developments -· but Judge Herbert Herlands stalled the case even further. \See related Story, Page 3.) Judge H e r I a n d 1 rehl!lt'd to bear testimony in support of U1e Learys' m<>- tion with the ruling that Rosemary Leary will have to be in court when the issue is debated. He ended a bilter, hour-long argument fn his court by ordeting the Leary family's attorneys and Deputy District Attorney Mike Cappizzi to return to presiding Judge Samuel Dreizen later to- day ·for setting of a new date on the dispute -the sixth such C1Jntinuance that the Learys have won on various motions in Orange County Superior Court. Mrs. Leary is currenlly recovering in the University Cl, CalUornia at Berkeley from what Dr. Leary today described as "remedial female surgery that might allow us to produce another little Leary." Judge Herlands decided over Cappi.W's repented objections that "it would not be feasible" to pursue this motion without f\1rs. Leary's presence in the courtroom. SPECIAL $, 49 UOULAR '"' J0,60 Gt:ASS TOP TABLE, II" THICK • F-ro11t P .. e ·1 l!JAISON ••• recTtation programa. "Jn the nw future, .. aa.id Wert, "it 11 boped thal the city ... JllVYl<le ~ 1IP cl a~JIO pla1111«'to ~ tjlo -In imJwo'<Inc undeveloped achoo! areu. The city and the district might ' alio enter into jolDt p u r c h a a I n I qrttments lo get dJICOUnts on prices on rertiliW, inlecllclde&, weed oils and other maintenance materials used by both." The. pilot project could also lead to coord.i~ted developmenl of school-park 1ite.s. ''getting the maximum educational al'd recreational me for the tu doUar a pent," said Wert. The program ii being ckllely watcbed by tbe City-Schools UaiJon Commitle@, wh ieh involves both the cities ol. Newport and Costa Mesa. Members ol the com· mlttee are Newport co.mcilmen Donald Mclnnia and Howard Rogen; Costa Mesa c:OOncilmen Willllro st. Clair and Ge«ge Tucker: and school trostees Salim S. Franklin·aod Dooald SlrlllOll. Newport councilman Robert Shelton also has been instrumental in establiahing the Nap program. "Other posslbillUes ot cities«hool cooperalion in the future,'' 1 a id Newport's Mclnriis, "include school district signs being painted In-either of the cities sign shops, and municipal work crews painting stalls In school parking Jots." Rich Harrison, Newport pa r k a superintendent, is among enUmaiastic 1Upporlers of the effort. ··we're saving money by not having to buy duplicate equipment," he said. "It'a a lot of help to the achoo! d.istrict and a Jot of help to us. 'Mlis program will give a break to Ute taxpayer." Spoon Swinging Attack Hm1s 2 At State Hospital A dispute over how much food lo servt. patient& on a ward at Fairview Stat.I Hoeplta1 allegedly resulted in a gpoon. 11wing attack Thursday which left one employe arrested and two others injured. Philip R. Duke, 29, of 34502 Del Obispo St.. Dana Point, is fret today on $1,250 bail after being booked into Costa Mesa City Jail on a charge ol assau1t and bit- tery. Sharron A. Kimball, 20, of Costa Mesa, was treated irt the hospital infirmary, where fuur atitche.s were takm in a laceration on her head, accordiog to Patrolman Bob Arnold. Anne McCauley, 46, 0£ Orange, told ln- veaUgators she was also rut several timea with a beavy metal spoon when ahe went to M'i.P-Kiinball's akl, but escaped with bruis@s. Officer Arnold said Lhe yOtD:lger psyclliatric technician went to the ward kitchen :with instructions from Mrs. McCauley on how to serve the fOOd and the suspect apparently became angry. Monterey Beaches Shut by Pollution SALINAS (UPI) -The Monterey County Health Department today cloud most beaches on the coast, including those near Monterey, Seaside, Asilomar and Cannelite, because of sewage pollu· ti on. Beaches left open were those at Pacific Grove and Carmel. The swilJllming pr. hibltion was ordered by Dr. Richard Y. Fraser, who aaid the pollution was caus- ed by sewage disposil between Santa Cruz and Carmel. ' EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENR!DON-DRIXEL-H!~ITAGE NEWl'ORT BEACH 1n1 Wmdlff Dr., 642.2050 OPIN NIDAY 'Tit ' INTERIORS Proftttlonal Interior Dosltntn Avall•bl.....AID-1.SID LAGUNA llACH 241 North Coot Hwy. OPlll lllDAT "l'n. t .-ss1 ' --------·-~ ..-------------------..--~---------- ---------~------ ' •• DAI\. v '1l:OT IS • Six JJtJared Panther 'lfoaringi Inferno Kills 6 in Family ~ . . 'Guerrillas' Ram Sh~ts 3, Harvaril, BuiUling Kills' Self , • CHAMPLAIN, N.Y. (UPI) WILMINGTON ,Mus. (UPI) -Six meml>en ol one farglly, a mother and fJve of bes' eljlbl children. died early today l'beo • fJft wltnwea called • 0 roarin& iufemo" 1Wepl their home. ataytng at the house, we.re ln, fair condition at c ho at t ' Memorial HOOpital In Woburn. CAMBRIDGE, Mus. (UPI) -A special H•f'"rd Unlveroi- ty committee called a me<:UnJ today to il\_vestigate a youthful guenilla raid on lhe sebool'a wi~r for international affair• which injured aeveral ltalf · membm. ' Scboo1 ofllclalJ said aboul 20 youog men and worDeil lt.On!_l- ed into the IV)'...,,ted bulldinll Thunday and. punching aJ!d ldclilng, forced about 15 oc- cupants to leave the building. Six staff meinbers were in- jured, two of the cues re-- quiring treatment at the unlvenlty health e<nter. C1mbridge pollce arrived too lite to catch anyone and said there wu no ,,evt<ttnce any Harvard atudentil were in- volved. Nobel-prize.winning biol°' tist Georie Wald aa.id he saw the attaci from a nearby building, but f'I saw oo evi· denee that Uli! group waa com· posed of students. Nobody rec- ognized any of them. "They hung out a banner that identified them aa SDS (Stude:n\I for a Democratic Society)," he continued, "but I doubt seriously whether the ' SDS bad anything to do with It." A irtaf! member aald a bushy-haired &tudenl abouted, "We're from the SDS and we're liberating this building" as the young shock troops swept in. An adviler, Benjamin lf. Brown, waa cut behlixf the ear requiring six stitcbel. He said be tried to talk to the youths but one ot them yelled, .. we're not here to talk. We're doing to you what you'fe doing to the Vietnamese people." Nearly 100 Students Arrested in Protest ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Nearly t 0 0 demonstrators were arrested early today when 250 state and city police moved into • student-occupied office building at the Universi· ty of Michigan. The police entered at the re-- quest of university President Robben W. Fleming, a French Jet Plans Sold To Israel? BERN, Switzerland (AP) - FederaJ Attorney Hana Walder announced today the arnst of a Swiss jet engine !J>flclalist on charges t1f having sold 20 crate.5 full of secret plans t1f the French Mirage jet fighter to Israel for $200,000. Walder called it the "biggest espionage affair in Swiss history" since World War II. The federal prosecutor said Alfred Frauenknecht, U-year· old deparbnent head in the Swiss company of Gehr. Sulzer A. G. of Winterthur, has ad- mitted passing the plans to Israel via AU3trla through a relative, who was not an employe of Sulzer, since the fall of 1968-well after France imposed an embargo on Mirage shipments to the Jewish state. Sulzer A. G. manufactures the jet engines of the P.1:irage Ill "S" planes under a license from the French manufac· turer, Maret! Dassault. They have put out a total of 57 fighters. In an interview, Walder said the plans, which w e r e microfilmed, "not ooJy give detailed inormatlon on the parts., but also how they are to be fabrieated -that means how machines needed to make them have to be built." university SlJOkesman Mid. The students had occupied the Uterature, Science and the Arts building late Thurs--daf in a dispute w it h the school administration over who should run a new univer- !i:ty bookstore. The persons arrested were taken by bus io the nearby Washtenaw County jail. It _was Dot immediately known what charges would be lodged against them. Those arrested included the presi· dent and vice president of the school's student ,government. Except for one brief clash between police and a group of demonstrators, there was litUe resistance to the arre.sts. A volunteer first aid worker reported treating e I g h t demonstrators for mJnor cuta. There were no reports of in- jury to police. William Haber, assistant to Fleming, said damage to the buildlog waa one door kicked in and one window broken. Hike OK'd In Air Taxes WASHlNGTON (AP) -New and higher taxes on airline passenger tickets have been approved tentatively by the House \Vays and Means Com- mittee as part of a program io provkie $9 billion to improve air transportation over tbe next decade. The tax-writing committee ts to meet Monday to make final its proposab to boost an existing passenger Ucket tax from 5 to 8 percen~ to 11"1 a new $3 tax on ~senger tickets f or international flights, and to Institute • 5 percent taI on air frlegbt waybills. All three increases were backed by the Nixon ad· ministration. Queen Mary Tram Okay LONG BEACH IUPl)-The Long Beach City Cooncil bas a p p r o v e d construction <I. a $2 million aerial tramway connecting the Queen Mary with the PaciHc Terrace Con· venUon Center. '1'11e Queen Mary is being converted into a hotel-conven- tion ctnter and ls scheduled to open -SUllllll<I'. The council' 1 unanimow: de- cision authorized City Manag- er John Ma05ell to enter Into an agreement with Diners Queen Mery Corp., which Is converting the ship, to con- s tr u c t the 5,~root-tong tramway. ' ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( 01~ For calls after 6 p.m. weekdays end all -kend. 3 minutes ~to-station, plus tu. --@ ' ' --- - A yoang man, who state police said was a member d. the Black Panthera, shot three U.S. Custoqis agenls at the Champlain border staUon e.ar-- ly today, then killed hkmell u police agencies hunted him on both sides of the u.s . ..canadi· an border. Three New York State lroopen, taking part In the seardi through the woods and fields that mark the border region, came upon the body of J.esus Mart White. 22, of Brooklyn, in a pine grove about a mile nortb of the border. lrisl• Violetwe Continues PGllct aald Ille ¥!dims In- cluded the mother, Nancy Landen, JS. David Jr., 13, WllUlm. ti. Kevin. 10, Llaa, 7, and Kithlttn, 4. 'Jbe father, David, YT. and a coualo, Joaeph CUey, IZ, aJae Top Czechs Mull Fate Of Dubcek PRAGUE (UPn -The men Troopers said White's body was found about $:30 a.m. in the ume area where a shot had been heard around 2 a.m. They said the wooded area was along old Route 9, known as the Meridian Road. Armed British Trooper searches trunk of auto entering central area of Lon- donderry, Northern lreland, Thursday as massive security prec4utions go m .. to effect following renewed relig__ious violence. Troops raised barbed wire barii· cades in the Roman Dttholic Bogside area and called in reinforcements. who ran Q:etho81evakia met BeereUy again today to flz fina.J blame for thla nation's political pl'Oblema, -Alu- ander Dubcek the ll k e I y ocapegoat. Customs of.ficiala s a id White, a passenger on a Mcn- treal to New York city bus. •B' waa removed fron\. tbe bus at the bonier about mldnlgbt Movie Robbery Tried The c..eh ,...mmenl ... llllllJICed It woold glvo no vlau to tourlJta dlD'ing the meet1n1 and wduld refulo to honor vlau alrudy given foreign' newtmen. Rtporten w l t b Thursday. He was taken inside the Customs house, located a1ong interstate Roule 87, for "routine quesUoning about some papers he bad on him," authorities said. Gunman Fir.ds Victim in Phone Book While undergoing in- terrogation, Whlte pulled a .38 e&liber pistol and opened fire on the .agents, police report. Leonard Ch.agnoo of Rouses Point was shot in the chest. He wa.s listed in serious ccn· diUon at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital medical Center, Plattsburgh. William Grinter, 50, Of Rouses Point, and David Hoff. 43, of Ellenburg Center. were reported in fair condjtfon. Grinter had a leg wotmd and Hoff WJlS hit in the hip. PARIS (UPI) -For millionaire banker Baron Guy De RotMchild, the whole Mleal of tbe gunman wbo searched the telephone direc- tory until he found someone rich to rob must have been taken from the plot of a movie. A Y<Xlni man whom polke identified aa Joseph Stadnic, 24, &bowed up at the home of the baron's first w l f e, Baroness Alix De Rothschild, Thursday and said he waa a representaUve of the Interior Mlnlslry. t1M! gunman ordered the baron'• son David, 27, to call his father with a demand for $383,000 in rarµ10m. The baron SOOD arrived with tbe cash alter tipping police. "His holdup method must have been taken from the cinema," the baron aald. Stadnic held the baron and his son at gunpoint for two hours during wh.lch Stadnic barana:ued the two millionaires on a variety of subjects. "M°'t of It bad to do with 80c:ial jusUce," the baron aaid. Finally, Sladnk ordered the baron to drive him to a point where be uld he wooJd catcb Matched Set of 4 New Tires REG. SALE FED. EX. TAX SIZE PRICE PRICE SAVE f ••eh tire J' E78-l 4 $187.60 $140.70 $46.90 $2.41 · F78-14 $199.00 $149.15 $49.75 $2.54 G78-14 $219.00 $164.00 $54.75 $2.66 a bellcopter for his escape. permllletll -were Police f o 11 owed the allowed to enter the country. llmouslne. The meeuni of Iha Com- 11We made a atop of more manllt Party Centnl Com- than 10 minutes far him to buy m!Uee cllmutd monthl of a tram:lstor radio,~' the baron debate and m.aneuverlag over old. "He wanted to bow U the der;ree of punllhmenl ffJr Aleunder Dubeck and other the radlo newscaats were liberal leaden of the 1961 reporting hla exploit." "Prtgue 1pring" reform When the car stopped !or a period. traffle Ugh~ poliee ruobed the Dtplomallc ......,.. uld the car, smashing a window and dedalon whether to ~ce o-aeting Stadnie oo the bead Dubeck and his .-1a1a pn>o with a pistol butt. A bably woold be mode tada)' pollcanan'a gun acctdenlally durin1 the eecond daf of fired, the bullet rlppinC dlacuaalonalnlbeS~balj lhrougb the IlmOllllne roof. of Pra1U1 CUIIe. · ' ----- The couple's three olde1t cblldm, Hll'l'Y, 17, Mkbaei,: IS, and Susan, H, escaped th~ flames. "We found a f'Oll'1ng inferno lnslde when we went throu&b . the !root door," me llrellghter• 1ald. Olficlall suspect Ibo' blue Nrted In the livmt: room of the wood house wltll; aluminum siding, They md: the aldins relolned the beat and puahed It 1'P through the two and one-b.,, otory house.;; 1 Police aa1d Susan Jumpea:~ -oot. window to safety. Harry~ and Mlcb.ael ~ sletptng i1f_,, lhebaaementand""'ped. : Mn. Landen had acaped '. with Cuey but returned to try; to savt be.r chlldren and col~ lapoed lnalde the house. ' ' • I Brothers Sue CBS Network ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Smothen Brotl>ers, 1ri! what tilcy promlaed waa thel{ "'la.st wlXd" on the Uft..:' cellaUoo of their teievtston: show, have sued the Q)lumbia~ Btoadcaaling S)'ll<m for ISi' mlllieo. '111• two """"'1ans ma&e· Ille __.,en1 al • -........... Gel lite 111a0t •n NSURED SAYINBS! KEYITOIR' !:' ... '!!!.!, ~We....i~ ... ..., .. 5 38"-IPWIL..S~ • """""" _..., ......... ,... ,....... ..... _,. ... ,.ho. *,,...kilo IOfe,ty 41t high ,.,... ... *01-... r twice the mil ...... * Savn 911 tool H78-14 $241.80 $181.35 $60.45 $49.75 $2.89 LONG, LONG MILEAGE FaONT END ALIGNMENT F78-I 5 $199.00 $149.25 $2.45 G78-15 $219.00 $.I 64.00 $54.75 $2.62 H78-l 5 $241.80 $181 .35 $60.45 $2.85 J78-15 $275.60 $206.70 $68.90 $3.02 L78-15 $286.20 $214.65 $71.55 $3.05 9.00-15 $279.80 $209.85 $69.95 $2.83 BUY 3 AT OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES SS/8000 SUPER SPORT • Mlrror'flOlllh chro.,. • Cut •IUfl'l1num ont1r • lbefl-proof h•b cop e Other 1ty111 available 646-5033 1 FREE ~---~ MAG r,::-;-:;-;--,._---~~ WHEELS $29.95 Don Swedlund lplc:llllltt ootrtcl .CllW' • ....,.~ toHUt te fOUt"W .,.,,.,,_,.,.. apeclftcatioN, .nd .. _ .... ""' ... ,...._ MOST U.S. CAIS ....... ..... .,.,... ALL·Vl•YL CAI •AT ....... ,..., .. ·--·--· ----.~ .. ....... ecw..., -ONLY COMPUTE CAR CARE Since 1959 """"' 7110 le 6:00 Dolly 540-5710 ,........-==~---0--:-----------------------..,..----------·~--~,---~·-· --·-~-• • .. • • •• DAILY .pJLOT EDITOBLYt PAGE f ; j I t Issue: Sex T811glble benefits of sex education haven't '*" proved. Thal being Ute case, the program might not be worth tbe ill will ii could cause. So says Dr. Nolan Frizzell•, chairman of a special Newport Harbbr Chamber of Commerce comm1tteoi. otudying the feasibility, of such a program In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa schools. Dr. Frlzzelle may be right, but ii is also po!Slble he overlooked. some aspects and attitudes that ought to be kept in mind regarding the courses. The local optometrist'• primary point is tbat be 6ees no statistical evidence indicating a decline in vm- ereal disease and iUegitimate birth rates in areas where Bex education i1 taught. But on the other hand, there is no statistical •111- dence that the rates ,have increased in CommunltieJ where sex education Is taught. Many exper1.s in the field· believe tl>•I a st..tistical study would show a declme. What is known is that venereal disease and illegitia rnacy rates are much higher than they should be. Something ought to be done about it. ( . ;Educa.tion· < Dr. Fr!zzelle'a public mUl\vlngs about the· program are peril1pi untorlumlttl. He was called llPO• by, clamber dlrect9fa ~iivi'~'progre11 report on hll coin- inll*'• stUdy of'seJ: edUcatipll programs. Bui be chose . iristead lo ·stateJUs perso.W.mtsglvlng1 about tbe Issue. He wam't spc;1ldng for ~ entire cOl)lmillee and since the gioup has n« completed the st~. be mlgbt have prejudiced Ute ultimate findings of tlie 1roup. There ,11· a great deal more lo sex education than venereal diseese and illegitimacy. The fundamental quest~on of whether today's youth Is entitled 1'I full knowledge of sex -in an era when most youngsters obviously are not receiving the education at home -is vital to the question. Moreover, we suspect that pmper· ly taught sex education Classes would indeed reduce VD an<! illegitimacy. It could be tbat Dr. Frizzielle is right. Additj_on of ssx education courses may not be worth the turmoil now occurring in Anaheim. However, it may be that Newport Beach and Costa Mesa parents want and need such courses for their children. Under a new state law, parents will have the pre-The Newport-Mesa Unl~ed Scb~l District has ~-roge.tive of pennitting or forbidding their children from en an un4entand~bly cau.tious attitude t~ward adding enrolling in sex education classes. Presuming that the sex education to tls cumcu!um. Observing ~he furor . clpsses can bejroperly organized and presented, that sucb.._prograrqs have cre~ted m ~rf~~µru1_~~ .. tu!d.c lBw it.self shoul resolve the question in a lot of minds. mindful of th• cons.efVatlY' ,!l•tur~ .o =nY "'""'NII> ""';,1, , . . dent.s scbdol trustees and 11drriibis=· rs have ap-.~-·Al'®~ evidence is not all in and Dr. Frizzelle's per· proaclied the lss1j.e ln a'tingtttY.J+Y . • ve given no · sonal f~tiQgs should not be considered the last words indication when and if such courses mJghl/ '.lidded,. _ _ on tbe issue.;, • • . , , f" .. : ·::-..... ... . 1,l. - I I ;, • • ' (N) , .. ~ ~. •1.,,"i::ao1~ _,..,,~ -·-. Venceremos Brigade W~~ <Jut €-one ' . . SDS Moves ·t~ Help CastrQ S,eXEducation A ·Beg'inning, ~ght After Charging • .. WAlil!lNGTON -The Marxlal revolu· • •. .,~ .. , -~ .. -"7'ir'{ ,. ~ <WTent world ,Prlct. In' ?Cbani• they UonarY Stude~/ar a Democratic Socie· (ii;~.. "''"'", ~ ti\ t~ -~. f ·-,'would pr'ovlde t~stro wltli)a:wld: 'range ly is branching OUt -·into ~bL • . ! ,, ~· 1 rr-G UU:tn.l , "f Of industrut) essentials -O.il.•MaCltlntrY. A so-called "Venceremos {we 1hall·001J· r { "" ~, ~ · '1( i tools, equlpment ()f all kinds, engines, quer) Bripdt:" of high sclkiolend college .. ·~·-!' .,,,,. , ~".:t:'J r. i« steel, pipe; etc., etc. · students la bein1 orJanir.ed to give Fidel · .,,._i. ~;<tit~ :;u;; • · He ~ gotten these de.spel'ately needed' ca,wo a hand ID his freniied effoiu lo • , -~ :·. suppliet -to the tune of some $500 1void another b&g' .flop Jn sugar pl'O--· stay~ .-for '. ~tita.bonal and · oq>er Car.?-million a year. 'That Ls what ·tlit! 'suppot1 duction. mwliS& ictivity wbtn they rttam botue.. of Castro is costing Russia and the con~ The SDS volunleen wlll go lnlo the · ·.,, • •• ~·i],; Lt.hir ",lribllting satelJti,., But !hey .... ~ ge~ fiekia-to cut sugar caM. .... DISMAL ~ ~-..! t : •rin'· -'tlnr an cibettlnc 'amount of sugar Crom The ncrull1ng goal ia ,300 lo 500, with l!igniflemit thal amid Plde)·Calin>' Ire-~ bini, .... --~·~ both -~ quent and oombaltlc ~ and yam-• . • . QM\IUUR'.u~ open tO men .a"' women. mering be lS carefully AYJllC oothtag UE ~lS IN DEBT, to his Commµni.st Only healthy youth are wmted, and all about this yur's 1 u gar ~-· benefactors at least $3 blllion, aod • muat pass lb or o ugh physical n· lit didn'l say ~ aboul last possibly u much.., -.l>illlon. ll!llno'i<m beoaUIO they laco rigorous ·year's,.-. · • The beanled ·euw· ruler ta I k 1 living and working <!OndlUons. U* of 'lliere Is a good ,.__1or Ibis Ugh~llp. """"""'W aboul proclocin( 10 millioo:!'>n drup is natly barred! and so iJ sex~ · , Al~ar 11 Cllha.. "'""' ~ m ~ 1970s. Fann espei1a Miscnily. Males and 1emales wlll Hve ln ~and Jls ·important U'· ;:.llO'ha visited lhe illand say llrmly he ieparale cmnps ·and d<rlni1or1es. ,, • !>UIPll lo be a resoun. wW ne do iL. TheY·ilv• ,_ reaions ·mEi>LoGICAILY, ~ <la*° regfm~ • · 'I 1 I ..; Jactfol 1nloed agrooomlsll, tacf o1 o slridenUy revohillooaey h.u'l sociajlr1 lo <lastn>!a ~· Coih-... d! and machinery, loo few and dmlly prudish. Thjre II e o lb /11 g ·dldalorllhlp, Cuba averai«J ' dllapi~ated sugar mllla. underpaid, in· pennllSlve or gay ·~ It. "Ji'un' II'."" f mtruoo and 7.1 million toM t>I dH!....,ol and loroed labor, plus cor· hanb1y disapproved, and 'democracy~' ts 1 ' Jmnually. In tlJF decade of Castro'• ruption, incompelenct· and !tupidity viewed with derisive contempt. Th~re!.. ru , •• lbe:. total has never exceeded S.5 throughout Communi&t party ranks. are no.constltutlooal or 8ny other ffihts ' mlllloq and baa fallen as low as 3.5 In Red Cuba. · pilllioo to... . Pay'11J.be low. On tht other hand, Ii~·. • world sugar e1perts estimate Cuba's Ing qpenses will be provided , iJlCluding Out~Jast 'year at leas than 3.5 million MEANWlm.E, Cuban agricultural pro- ducUon h.as suffered another hard blow. transjortalion to and ltQm Cuba via ·~ tons, and that this year'1 wW not c1ceed Hurricane Camille seriously damaged lhe tobacco crop -the third biggest source of fmign ~. That will un~ doubtedly mean more strin&ent rationing !or the Cuban muses. Co!"'r.'nisl underground. f.7$ mltlion Ions. Sinillar. . brigadee 11.re being sur• reptitiously organized In other countries. 1bey are wanted for two reasons: (l) eastro urgently needs cane cutters. He is emptying schools, factories -and even iome prisons for virtual forced labor ln the augar fields. (2) Prooelyling and pro- paganda purposes. The "Veoceremos" '!Ill be heavily indoctrinated during their AS A RF.SULT or t h e succession of failures to increase sugar production, Castro is deeply in debt lo Russia. He is also heavily in hock to other lrOn Curtain countries, notably Ctechoslovak11. The Reds agreed to take around I million tons of sugar annually, at I.I cents a pound -more than twice the Already everything they" eat, wear and use is tlghUy rationed. Theirs is a dog's life -which explain!: why some 4,000 a month have been coming to the U.S. io lhe dally air Im lince December. 1!165. By Robt.rt S. Allen and ,Job A. Goldsmith An 11-Year Old's Insight By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Following is an e1temporaneous and 1pontaneow bit of prose, writteo by an ll·year-okl girl named Gail: \\'HO AM I? "I am me! I am the most important person in the world to me. I'm the onP. person I really must look after through my Ufetime. 1 am the one and only me! • l1m Gail! No one person has ever been exactly like me! I am the only person Who ltno~·s everythlng I know, every t!eUng, every secret. "I AM GAU.. I must remember who GaU is. I've been playing a part, as in a pJa,y, but this is rtal. I inow, everything about this role. I know everything this role enjoys, animals especially dogs, dOlp, lovely ingenious housa, swimming, babies, fiddling with things, or, as most people may call it, ART; bicycling, fin· dlli.a out about something I didn 't know, bduW'ul places, but most ol au being ~ to do all these things. --WWW- Frid a y, September 26, 1969 TM editorial pave 01 111.1 DaU11 Pilot •ttks to inform and atim. uloU nod'crs b~ prtsmtino thia MWf'PCJ>U'• opinions and com- 1 mintarv on top4CI of irttf'rtsf and lignlfkanu, bv providing a '""""' /or tht e%p'rt1tion of .. our rtodlf'I' o¢nfom. and by prc1ptf1111 th. dloe,•e me~ • points of 111/0'N'Md ob1erwr1 and lf'Ok•"""• °" topjcr of tM doJI. Robert N. Weed, Publlsher "I am someone just playing a role, but a role that is being played in live (sic). "l do not know wby and I don't know really who I am. But before I die I will fmd out." JIOW ELOQUENTLY she slates her condition. An appreciation of her naive wisdom increases with each reading, so that finally, after the third or fourth time, an essential message emerges: the meanlnj: of life iS in the living, nol in the getting ready to live; in the process, rather thah the goal. Gall has these Insights at a tender age. \\'hat will ahe write at 21 or 41or61? \Viii she lose or give up her 'ouberaDCt as she mature& into a world in which naivete in· v1tes butt, or will the remain open to herself l'Dd her world'! Nobody, not even Gail, knows. I TIDNK YOU'U. agree lbal tba girl who wrote, "Who Am I" Is a love.I)' and refreshing person. 8ut llhe 'I only a child -what doe> o1te know! Perhaps lhat'o lhe bulc poinl. She rediscover what meant most to them in other placei. The Gail of 11 can feel herself where she Is and, regardlm of wbtre she will find herself at a later age, let11 hope for her sake -aod ultimately ours -that she doesn't change her essential self-ac· ceptance. Reality is In the eye of the beholder. tr, as 1he matures, Gail's RH-image becomes asU(llla.Uc, then she'll have to put tlll one shade or another of neuro~ alasse1 ln order to "correct'' reality. BUT MUST SHE become jaded, cynical, blue, emoUonally scarred, in· differe.nt, anxious, bost.ile, defensive, depre:ssed, witbdnwn, antisocial, etc., as she encounters the vicissitudes of life, or will &-.e be able to develop maturity while malnte.lning tM blush of childhood! She'll probably never completely find out who she 11 but. if she can preserve her cpen curio.'iity, she'll teach us all a lesson by her good eiample. Dear Gloomy Gus: doesn't know, and maybe thll's exactly al bu what makes her so tnowledg~able: ihe The crew ln.mlllng !i tty tton.s doe.,,·t l<now eooug~\tl~~ls In Cout Hlltll~ay i psxemenl in , irWde her from co ,:'Ou{• at\ 't HuntinCUJl BMch • andi. Newport OU •••• , rrom 'fli.J tieca s.:t1.t.bl1 week ~ more dan-• -,·;•;cu g~ l4an the tra(Oc.1 They left , hasn't Yt< leorned iii-<!"'"-' 1 ! tra!lic lirety conei 'all •vu Ibo "OUI ol the , . bu.1 J. 'f' I highway. " I reflects 1 yeamlng to ~t ~ \ , l : qu11U.ely 1lmplc We. .C a · d j ' t • 1 .• : • / , """")f. Y • .i I ·I 't' . ' . n11,i ~ ,,_,.Jo..i 1 ...... ,... THOREAU FELt~ l!Ut: ~.fi4 \f It f""'l"l''-"...,, ,..,,,;,,.,, - G""l"in. Ytl !hey,~ 'lib~·! •,ol"' ,./~4•r,""" -'"II'!. h•d to luve whete were and '-----''-'-·------' ,I J Student Says Dragons ·t When Santayana defined a "fanatic" as a man "who redoubles his efforts after he has forgotten his aim," he was making ) more than a pretty, epigram. He was ut-~.. '"""": ~..... tering the doleful truth about the human ., animal. To 'lhe F.ditor: Late yesterday afternoon. I decided to Tn California, or at least in Orange run down to tilt: store to buy some Cowrty,,ad education ls being stifled by lemons. Because 1 bad a cold, and was bumper lticku conserv1Uves who believe _lounging at horoe in slacks and a sport that Jgnorance is a preventative. I think 4 shirt, I thought l'd wrap an old. Ascot tie most' parenta support se.x education in arOU;Dd my nect instead o! donning a con· the public ~ and ';he majority .-or ve;:,~ ~~.drawer, and the those who don t "'' fa1ll_ng1 tolzu~oe ascot Was ~ Then I looked 'in all the lurid propaganda stories af>9ut ~· the draw en of mt ,dresser, with equally vm:ts '' w.bo supposedly promot6 e~J· unsuccessful re;l)iMa. By this tlme, my meotatlM . aod wbo manage to e.scipt blood was up. reci>gnJl!On: . I KNOW the Anaheim School Dl5trict la having IQB'ny problems with its st!X educaUon program which their board of trustees considers are due to inadequately trained personnel, but should parents be so quick to condemn the MW~ . I think they should recognize this as a beginning. r realize that many parents are apathetic towards any type . of change although they witness rising unwed mother and VD rates throughout the county. WITH AN U1TERLY fanatical gleam 1.n my eye, I ransacked the apartment from stem to stern. I opened all t.he su.it· cases, as well as the big boxes on the top shell of the guest closet, where our sum. mer thing1 are stored. I burrowed through the laundry hamper. I delved into (may the Lord forgive me) my wife's "intimate" garments. I leafed through all the papers In my desk. I searched in the most im· probable places -including, uttimately, the garbage can on Uie back porch. / • "'"."'W• ' "'"'W" ..... I' • t....~, .• ,{~?'1, \I .v ;i; ~' "::i") "(-..-. ,. ,.· "-·, l ii ~ !!...:• T 'H '· •*1 1, '.7yu.g.~Y:-"·~ a~r·'1 ·' J ~~ .~:ata· . ~ ,,/ AFTER THE FIRST quarter hour ot this concentrated hunt, I bad wholly forgotten the trip lo the store, the lemons. my cold, and my original reason for preferring the ascot to a four-in-hand. I was transformed into a crusader for a caw~ a knight charging after dragons - a¢ a fool in hot pursuit of a piece or cloth I really didn't want at all. IN COMMENTING <>n the bitter religious wars in the 16th century, Moo. taigne makes the same point on a grander scale. The frenzied search tor heretics and noncomformists totally obliterated the moral ends of religion, and even of common decency. Whether we are in avid pursuit of a tic, a Huguenot or a Communist. it is dangerous and sell-defeating to become so emotionally involved in the quesl that "'e lose our perspective, our humor and our humanity. To do this is to subvert our goals more fatally then our enemies could ever accomplish. ORANGE COUNTY has progressed so far that recently a teacher in the Tustin Union High School District was sued by a parent who objected to having Huxley 's ''Brave New World" included as an op- tional book on a reading list in one of his daughter's classes because it was "J>OT- oogra phlc.' • Coffee, Tea or Org y Perhaps the right wingers of this county, who believe that any type of progress is a Communist plot, should take up the slogan "Better Venereal than Liberal." BRAD KLUEWER Student Corona del Mar ltigh School Person in the Middle To the Editor : Attempts to view life from two (lp- pcsing sides has become a bit difficult ror me. I flnd myself retreaUng Into a m<>derate but unhappy situation. That ls, not belonging to either group-person in the middle. Havin& been brought up In a con- shvaUve society, I've swiftly become disenchanted wlUt the hypocrites and the "well wishers." The rejection of ••friends" for not doing what one is "sup- posed" to do -the realizati<>n that even a person ()Ver 30 (over the hill !) could also be searching for something more Jn this life. ALSO AROUND me .,-e the liberal folk \\'ho dislike a .society that ha s become cold, calculated and logically com· puterh:ed. Agreed, everyday life docs lack personal lnvclvement. But total emphasis on the senses without first knolring an indJvidual, can also become &uperHclal. All this leads me to the question: llow doN a person. not accepted by tltbet o( these groups, find a true balance betWeen radical con.suvatlsm and strictly sensual encounters. ~·ithout lnterest in people u individuals? LYNN FULLER Letters from readtTJ ar1 totlcomt'. No rmally writer1 ,should convey thetr · mtssagts in 300 tDOTd.t or te&s. The rtpht to condtu4.• lf'tter1 to /le si>ace ,,or ellmfno?. lfbtl U rt11ro1d. All let· ft.frs mutt ~~' rignature and moil- ltaa addrtlf, bUt namt.r may be with• JUl.d 011" re9ue1t if 1ufflcltnt rea1011 u oppare'n~ · ' 1n a major breakthrough In com· rnercial aviation, BOAC is now offering to ny you to London, fix you up with three blind dales at three different cocktail parties, and fly you home again -all for a package rate. BOAC 's venture into the dating game has raised eyebrows and voices among the old fuddy-duddies in Parliament. But it's obviously a giant leap forward in man's conquest of the air. For the greatest challenge the airlines have long faced is that in any airliner hurtling through space &ix miles above the ground, half the passengers are scared to death and the other half are bored to death. Flying just i.5n't naturally fun. MMt airlines have gone to ingenious lengths to meet this challenge. But the pace-setter in the industry is still, of course, WOW Airways. ("If it's a fun flight, it's a WOW!") I HAD TO GET from Duluth to Decatur the other day and was fortunal6 enough to get space oil WOW's Fun Flight 742 in Uie Royal Grand Emperor Section , which is cheaper than first class. The converted De J-lavilland bomber, painted puce and mauve In a gay, psychedelic pattern, was wait ing at the gate. "Step right Into the parlor, honey,'' said tile attractive topless stewardess, "a.nd make like a real WO\V customer." And she gave me a warm smile. a pat on the cheek and a WOW Flight Kil, which contained the usuaJ Hfth of gin. stack 'Of poker chips and a voodoo love amulet. The tasteful VJdorlan interior, aD gllt and red plush, presented a cheery ecene. Jn one corner. the piano player was warming up with "f Want a Girl ," while the rvulettc wheel In the rear was alrtady spioning m1dly 10 lbc shouts or the happy pas.ser\gers. r WAS DEUGUTED to find that WOW's Computerized Seat St:lector had assigned me just the seat I wanted - next lo a c;,urvaccou.s blonde -'ho shared my interests ln lute c a n t a t a ~ , Zorastrlanism and the New York Met... (In f&et. she hid more than I'd aaked for, but how could the computer know I preferred beardless ladies?) ' •· -...... .Art Hoppe J \Ve were just getting acquai nled wh~n our Captain popped oul of the pilot's compartment wearing a paper hat, tooting a little horn and tossing confetli. "Welcome aboard our flight to wherever it is, pals," he said. "There 'll be a slight delay as our rubber band broke again. Ha, ha. But don't worry, we'll get this party off the ground or my name isn't .. isn't ••• " \Vith a somewha t blank look he did a buck and wing back into the pilot's cabin as the stewardesses struck up a chorus or "We're on Our Way to Somewhere.'' The , lights dimmed and ..• I WELL, I WON'T BORE you with a long ! account of all the fun .,.e had. But seven ' hours later ~·e staggered down the i gangway, sated, st~ffed an~ smashed. I 1 was a triOe surprised to fuid ~·e were! still in Duluth. "Didn't we even lake off?" I asked the. t steward handing out jce bags~ ! ''Oh, we never do," he sald. 110ur U:· perience Shows that hurtling through space six miles above the ground wrecks all the fun ." 1 When I awoke the neat. morning with a , 1 throbbing bangover,·l \i;owed to transfer • my business from WOW to a no-nonsense ~ altll:nt that wollld simply take me where f J wned to co as qulc~ly, efficiently and -'! ecnnomical\y u possible. II J tvt:r ftnd aoe, l'Irtet you know. ' • r---811 George --.;;· Dear George : My Wife says it is a y,·aste cf time to read )'OUr column because day 'after day your ansv.•ers are rldicuklus. But I enjoy your col· umn. Who's ri&bt f SAM 0. Dear Sam: Boqi of yuu. How doel she know what my column says day after day if t1he· doeMi '' read ii! ! • ' • • \ • I ,; • ... ...l ., • I • I f • • • • • '!( ,11. 62, N0,23 I, 't S~NS;42 ·PA6£S ., . . . ..._ ' -. ·- •'.... ~ ,rJ. • . -··--' . ., . • ' .... ~. ~, -~ • • • • - ~ l_ -• s~ ' • • I . . Shorrt,_on ·s1t1ris, ~ Spirit . . -~ ' • r ... ' Warming up for chilly ~utumn night IQc6eii ........ ~~-Hinda,. 16, ;!anJi:e rJ..U, 17, J111 are Costa Mesa High SChool st>ngl...,.: •!l!HX!~ . ~ · , · · s Keyes,_ 16, and. Sally Hubbard, <00t Pats! Hatlidi, (Clm.of IB74) ~.JOb ,la ID 1',illi . f.alll•'~booslert. bacl<·up iig mter and p&l1. Crew (~ lift) ID· · . Casey Named To Fill Seat On School Board Thomas Clark Casey, 39, today was named the new board member cf Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Clark was chosen from 11 appllcarit.s fot lhe Corona del Mar area seat vacated when Lloyd E. Blanpleii Jr. resigned. oJter being appointed a municipal court jµdge. . Clark Is vice president and trust offi<.V for First American Trust Company .in Sinta Ana .. A rtalden\ of the Harbor Atta slpce .J~ be lives at 2007 Kewaniee Drive. lrvine Terrace. He and rhis wife. Tinya. have eight children, ages el&bt to 20, four of them presently in the· scl)o61 aystem. - In an Initial interview Casey d.1~ not give the impresston of one v.·ho p\ap! to rock the boat. He said he plans to sit down with the su perintendent and board membera and digest all the material he ctn. "1"1 don't think you can make any big fdeu without knowin& what bas &ooe OD m· the past, .. he aald. 'Casey will be sworn in Satu~y morn- big and .in alstnne bis mponsll>illtiea at Ille -"'8'1lar boanl ·me<ting Oct. 7. In !lltlQ6nctng the appoin~t &ant ~! Mu. J.ftrlan Berg-aald: ·''Tile '1"!1ilY of appUCl!lt& f(>t.bls pos\o (See CASEY, Fqe I) . Now Dr. Peterson· Has A 'Barber Slwp Quintet' WUh tbe election· of a third con- servative ICbool tnatee Pr. Doril Arau- ' jo, County School& Superintendent Robert 8th candidate Se~ks Mesa: Spot One more applicant bu joined the race In fill the wtexplred b1:m ol 'c..ta M.,. Planning CommJulm member Dem Hout. -has resigned <Ille to tbo pma of pro- f essional d'oties. The latest aspiring civic servant Is Jack A. Olapman, of 2882 Boa Vista Drive, a productlbn necutlve. with the Philco-Ford Aerooutronic' D I v i 1 I o n 1 Newport .Beach. Tho USC graduate brlnp In eiahl the J1lllllber ol c..ta .MeaBJ11 .... ldol to. fill tbe renalnlng three ,..,.. o1 · 11ou1•1 term, one or tl>en a fm:Oer CO{ll-miaatc!Der wf>o apent aii ~ in office. !lout ... 1~'1. ~ Moote Vi.ta Sdlool,.but blf a . 111 cur· ricuhJm 4lreclnr ol'tbo, N~M.,., llllltled School Dlltrid ~loo much m°" time. ~ bad the votes -soi the whOJe hoard voted Thursday to approve barber 1hop polta. County ICboo1 board member Donald Jordan, WOO. hM:I strenuously .objec:ted to the,polll before, explained be·...ntalong on. the vote beeaUMI uncessionl, were made. 'His ltanl:e, and that ol the other moderate trwtee Pat Arnold, was ''hall a loaf b better than none, .. tile resort of pragm.aUc poliUdans when the count is against them. The pr!ncfpal c:oncesslon by Dr. Peteraon was to give trustees a aay on what questions are included in hil public opinion surveys. He abo ~sed to let them know the results immeiii.ately and not conduct more tban three pollJ during lhe year. The new polls will be conducted In barber abops, beauty parlors, doughnut boult!, gasoline ataUons and dentists •alllni.room• (boar<! member .Dr. Dale RalliJon ta I denlilt). The fight over the polls began la!t October when. Dr. Peterson polled·!KI snen io :16 county barber abo!ll and lhOn-mus. ed for 1eteral months · to reveal the "8111ta to tbe COllJl\y boord tiecaiiae Ibey !lllght prtjudlce ... educalliln bearings bf tbe.bolrd. Revisj'.onists Back School ,, · Wrlt.irl;: of the promillt of acaaemic fttd:ill tnto Ule 111\ate PoMtltutioo .. ...commended by tj1e C'liifomla tiinslltu· Jion llevtsion ComrniAsi" meetfug TJ:ttv• 'day in Newport ~ • 11!t CQl\nni<rllal' plink wltich"r'"'lt0 "Aciitemlc,lt'ee<IQm r l"'JIOllli~l~i1 than be 1111uted." wu approved Jn•·~ v-Ote. • ¥ • Commls.son member• tlivided on a number of other vote1 In dr~ a rewrite of the Conllilullon1 I proYlldonl eoveming the Unlvmity ol CalU~1, The rocommmdl(ionl 10 to Git !Ute Le1illature for •l'P'Oval bofOA l><i,nl plated on the bal{bt in tha Novembef, lt70 election. Forth.uir.. of IO °"F.'J11isslon membm were pmeM lo< th&~ 11. the NrwpOrte:r Inn. Amon& other ·r«:0rn- melldatlonl: -The term• of UC ttgents be ohort ... ed from II to U yun except for tmoe already oervlnc- I I ( -. • ·- FRIDAY, ~Elt '2,, )'69 \ I • , • I .. But· Refuses D. ..ll'!:._ eawme On Pullouts From Wirt Strvlee1 WASlll!iGTON -l'relldent Nixon aald today hla admlniltratio11'1 objective ill to end the Vietnam .war "before the end ot 19'/0." lie declared that proposals In ~ I deadline for U.S. troop wltbdl'•wal d<Stloy and undercut tbll effort. . He 1ppealed to the n1tion , for "even ' more IUpporl" in purouing h!o &oaJ <i peace,. . . ·' ' At 1 White House news C<llfereoce. Nilqn tw'tc~ taJke<I' Qf a eeiUement,bel~e the end of nm year, or by ille mlddie ol 1'71. ' ' Nim! aald efforta to lmpoae a cutofl oo U.S. fllvolvomeot deotroy the. North vie. nam incentive to negotiate by telling the enemy In advance that "If he just waill for 11 montha we'll be out anywly." Nii.on thus took a lllnd in flat op- position to Sen. Charles E. Goodell (R- N.Y.), and the new· senate Repabllcan leader, Sell. Hugll Sccitl of Penmylvllll>, both of whom .favor 1 tennibaUoa date. <JoOi!eU · called 1.,.. · Ioli! withdrawal by Dee. I, ll'IO'and ~by the end ol Im.' Nlion Al4 hta adinin!atnuon . 11-.. •"h!MrM;"IOD'le· lll'OIR'fiS ... toward'• 'eel~ :=e· .. 'm"'1e'•·.~• tonip r.n=.!!11 ~ ~-iD Nim! ·.,.ue.1 ·lhta • ·firm ind steady --ICIOl!ld<d ihla ·~ IOI nt· --... , ' . •If•• can otq 11>'1'\a c<orH and hava ...,,. tnoie lllPllO'I ., the .i.tlia ....... have a. lot <i a"-1 bUi JI we oan llAvo even ~ In tbo aaUon for tbll ltead)' c:ourae, then the eMql1 will-Ila•• oome lncent!Ye lb Def!-. recognlllng that , •• It la not l•inl to win Ila objectlv. by wallin1 U1 '°"'1 then the . enemy will nego!Jate and ... will am tbll war lieloro the end of 1J70!' '_'That ii the objectlte we have," Nllon said. At another poin~ l]>llnlin( troop cutoff deadllneJ. . the Prealdent ial<f; "I am try~ to acl)ieve" a ~ementi betOM the. end of 19701 or before the mJddle of im. . The only J~ not negotlable, Nixon aald, Is Ibo rlghl ol South Vletiiam In delmnli>e lte Own dtatiny, free <i oiullilde lnterfereDce. · ' Drugged Youth Held by Police A yooth Um) Orange. hanging an>und an area known to the yoonger element! of Costa Mesa U TobaCco<Road; was 'sub- dued 1nd amated 'lburadsr by police Who Nid be -'med drugged. , .Mark A. Cooley, 19, ol W N. Pine St., Orange, wu booked into eo.ta Mesa City Jail on c:har8" ol ""lsttng l1Telt and drug Intoxication. Patrolmen Dennl1 HO!llfeld and Gecrge Sper°"I aald they saw Cooley ltondlng around at 211 VJCtort.a St., n1ytn1 ~lclously \nd fopnd nOodleliw-u on hi• anno ~ thq llopped to tn- vallgate. . They aald Cooley misted efforta to place hlm under &(rut and hid to '-~bdued. .~ Freedom ' ' Law Scilool II Berkeley, Al4 It la Im• portant ptOtedloo ol acideliik fnedom be written inlo. the ConstilµtkU beeame wjttioot1 It curt,eot $rt' ~1 ar:e'~eey •Udcy. :11'< ~-ha~~ Id -tliO free.~ ar11Jl1lenl' lieci ... ~-the pi'lhdple.of·acadelnlc:'lreedoln '11 Jm. ptlrlaot," be aald.. . . y el, be aalc!. ~ Coollltutlon !lids that "lull.power of 1,..rnanoe lhaU rest wi!h the regebta." John Sproul. attorney from San Fnz>. c:lsto, wamod that .Inc!U!lon ol tho oentenoe OJI ac,aftmlc 11....iam wauld bo crealing a phony-issue.' "f think It waul4 do• l!Tt&I deal to secure the clef eat ol the entire pai:bg• c:oal• Novmilber (11'/0)'," be 1114. . ' Then la alw• the POlllblll!J, the £qiai1111ll,'tn tta pollUcol ;wildom, "Ill feel the ..... "11!1· . • ' Aiaricll ..uct for IDcllllloo ol 11>8 ..._. aDd for' c:ontlnuatlon ol dooid • ' (Seo BEvlBION, Pip 'Z) . . . . l ' . . ' .-. -~ ~ I' I ~· • • 1 ' • VPIT ...... REPORTERS 'RAISl··lfAAPS,AT NIX~· PRESS CONF:ERINCI! No Ff••. Date ~r Totel "1thtfr;•al of _U.$. y.._ l'Nm•VlttnOm .. -..... ~.-.. ,- " --·-· .. Spoon Swinging Attack Hmts_ 2 _ At State Hospital . ........ cN.a ! I I ( --........ • I .I I . ~ S ,W.~ !JLirr . 4 .,c, • ~.'!.dff:.\!!J'l!~:L ;BOo~s NOt 'Tlr3f '_BaCI? .. • • .· . . ,, .. JZ, ... 1'< -~. . ....... ' . ~W:ay of Life,' A.1su.r_e1 .. F A:A O.fficial · 1 .m Pi ."4 io a11p1c ...,., 11 ~ ~ nlllll' tM. -.· ..:.:........ ' ;.l.':J. ~I~ 1~ .. .,. ,_ ~ · "111 boJ111t Ukb. train ~1111 by thtlr "!! . ...et•··, . . . ' . ---·11i1·11 • ._ ..... ~';;;. .. , b.,,,.., !Iii \'llWJ war. .........,. 1ty E. S. "l'l!at Is · tillUal pe1ttloo el the : ~I 'I'" q.. prediction of a F&derol 'l'rub•hur, a teot pilot !pr . the, ~rttlsb U~lted States, HO'l'ever, we h•P< lo ... l.TliU... A1!ailhiltr•uo~ •Pok 6 Im I• Ali<reft Corporation, deVllopan ol QlO tho day whon th• SST and Conclm!o are , nllreda7. Concorde SUpenonlc TransPorl' (SST). flYIDI at 8Upenonlc 1peeda over land i~ Air Foret 0>1. Jtobttt L. StefJhena. on Pre1~qt Nit6n tf'lis wee~ called for n)UHI." , 1oan lo tho FAA u a ilchllical advl.Or, C<lntrtl&ional approval of $13 million In Company pubUclty on the Concorde m~ 'the statement at a press con-ful'tds to ftf1anee a start on developmertt. 1ta:tu that IOftlc boom test.a have bef:n f~ tn Bevtrly HUit, whose wealthy otan AmutCu·m·ade SST. . con®• over southtm Enaland. "The : r~tl,reatnlly launched a CID\~ "Sonic booms." aaid Trubahaw, ••are first boom," 11)'• th& atatement. "oc:· •;alilst nOily -merctal jets. like a lot of things which pr walrafod <11rlt4 before the -"'"' llllllOUl1COd i . • • Said the colone1 : w}ltn there fa no lnlonnaUca 1'ht tonic and aeaerated no public readloa. the "People wltl 1t1 to the point whore bOom 1eoer1Ud I>)' the Conoordo, for In-JR1bsequt11t tesll fn>duce4 c:wi<tereble aonio btoms m a WIY Of life. 'The break· stance, will not ~ all that 1reat.'• rtactlon from wba atemed to be a small 11>1 point wilf be damage, such "" will· Col. ~tepllens nofod that preoenl FAA minority." N.o .DupUeatloJts . . -I. t Newpor~ Sclwols Try S!"apping Equipment uaed Ill equlpm .. t lo IN'• WI 1110>iyp. tua tnts at Corona del Mar elementary and Harbor high !dloola, .. villi the cllltriel the COii of an aerial laddct. And the ocbool dllltlct baa provld&d bleecbtra and backalopl for city rooutlon pro- sram~ A!lo, boll! ,.........m agenclu have trad&d bHtock materlllJ IDr -•-Y uit. '!be city o1 Co11a Maa bai nk&d wllll the ~ ab\I tjlo ~ IJ!>es, ID •ddlt!On lo ~ 1,100 -fll>sn lilt city .... farm. ' '111• DIWIT .utabl!Jhed ...S-more cmfully ~ IWIP -Ufl calls for ~ city lo make the aetlal Ult . available u neecle4 lo cul Int• thrOOlbool ocbool diltilcl ~ an4 for use .ht pallllbtg achoo! OafPOle~ Th• city wW a1Jo provide mowlne mvices on the Marlnm Scllool lawn -the adjacent Marlrien Park Ii riloril. Other plocea of oqulpmtnt lotnt<I lo the district by the city Include a root-prunli\1 machine and a bluM cb!pptt. The city wm a1Jo ... 11t'intht rep1actmen1 of••· pend&~Je recr6ltion lter111, am°"' tlltm ltnnii and badm!ntba .. , .. Mexicans Urging BoY.cott Qf, U.S. BQrder Cities ... (.· . ',· ' . ' 'll!ExTco CITY IAP) .: Meslcan• are co!lhlg for • voluntary fottf lioytott of U.ti. border cities a11 an IMwet' to U.S. border !mpection procedures that are tylnC up tra!Hc and damqlns buairltM. 1be National Chamber of Cbn;lmerce h¥ !llounu.d "Operation Dignity," u th• MGiCiD nsponse to ••operation Open House Set By Boys' Ouh • TO!llght ·ww be open hou .. al the Boys' ~µb of the Harbor Area. ' If will take place at the club'• upper bay branch, 2131 Tu!llD Avenue, from 7 to 9 p.m. ••The object qt our open hooae Js to ae- qiiatnt cur community with the purpose and goals <If the Soys' Club," uid Dick Rojo, branch director. . Special acUvitiea and displays have been planned for the evenlng. Oresa cuu.ally, advise staff members, because tbo6e w1Bblng to do 90 may participate in tournaments and -activiUes in the games roorit. ihop and gym aloag with the bays. A film about the club will bt shown and refteshmenta will be !!Uv&d, Bojo noted. OhllY PllOT OUNOa CCIMf PUil llMINe COMMll'f l•Mrl N. 'W•e4 """""4 " ...... ww J11k .. Cttl.., Vlla ............ 0..-.......... """"''' 1C...U .... lkt•tt A. M..,,tii11e ......,.,.. Dllltt !ntercepl" the U.S. effort to llop the Dortbward moveme11t of contraband drugs. "Operation D!inity,'" . as, el'J)lainfld Thursday by chamber . president Fran- cllO) Cano Escalante, will appeal lo Mex- icans to refrain from traveling to U.S border dUes. It Is aeneraily belleve4 that Operatlon Intercept hu hurt business; just as much <1n the tt.s. &Jde of. the border u «i th& Merlcan side. Traffic en1'rlng the United Stam is Iona d<llY'd and the tourut floW Into Mel:ico has already ckc:reased. ae· cording to Mmcen redtonlng. Cano Eocalante aaid Operatioll Dlgnit)r began Thuraday in Matamom: and Cludad Juaru, and by nnt week would be extended along the %,000 miles of border common to the two eountries. Chamber Vice President Javier Barona Yanei lald he lrnowl the atoppqe will damage merthantB In U.S. border ctues. where ht esttmates Mnl<:iM yearly purchase $400 mDllon worth of goods. Jn San Diego alone, he aaid. Muican purchues total l80 million annually • Yanez II.id tl\at by nut Wednesday the voluntAry travel restrictions would be In effl<t in Enotnada, Tl]Uana, Me:rlcali, Texate, San LW.s Rio C.Olorado.. Noga.Jes. Agua1 Prietu. OJinaga, Pledru Negra11, Ciudad Acu111, Rio B r av o, Cbld1d Camarso. Cludad Alemu, Nuevo Lore4o and Reyno10. Mozlcans, officials 1D4 MWIPIP<" here in the capital all havt admitted con· trol of drug now ti a 1oo4 thin!l In ltoelf, bat they have faulted the Unlttd States for takl!ll the action unilaterally. Officer Rites Conducted for Harbor Y's Men Three Bind, Rob .Newport Motel Owners By_ IOBN VAJ..TEllZ.\ Of ffll CalfY Plltt tltff Th.tee arrr.ed men bar&ed into a Newport Beach motel at runpoint Thurs- day nliht, bound the managers and fled with.'300 In cuh and a pair of binoculars. Detect!vea aald the three men, all Neiroes. knocked on tbe door of the Mesa . Motel at 11:30 p.m. Mn. Helen L. Rayior, who manages the motel wllh ber lnmband, Ra""°nd; at 41! N. Newport Blvd., ....,.md the dool>. The .,.,, barged in, pulled 11J!!•, then lold her lo llay quiet. They then forced ber Into the living ~ where.her husb~nd bad come to in· . Vutlgate, detectlve1 iald. · '!lie tti• forced the couple to lie on the dliilil& J'()Om floor, ripped out phone, lines aqd bound the Rayr.ors with the wire. ~ ltayzor,and bi& wile watchM, dttec- Uves said, the men ranaacked the office and bedroom, and took the cashboi: with $300 in billli and coins along with a pair or •100 blMculan. Two Of the men were armed with blue steel pllt.<11'. The other carried a sawed· off •hotsun. officers uid. FJve m.Jnutes after the thJeve1 fled the couple freed tbemaelvoa and acmght aid. A tenant lnqulrlns at the ofJice fcrr his key· entered at the wne time as the lio)>Jon lned ·themAelvtr. He found a ~19 llllllUllOll pollce. · All thrte men were de!eribed as being in their early or mid 20s. One of the three wtn a thin, neatly trimmed IDOU!tache. T1l& couple ttlld detectives they were asleep in bed when the three men rang the office liell. ' · ' ' . Cranswn Urges Reagan w Halt Coast Projects SAN RAFAEL !AP>-&on. Alan Cran-etoa. (J>.Calif.), nid today a master plan ahould be drawn for coastal land us& and ur&td Gov. Reagan to halt all major deveiopmeni alq the coast until it's ready. "Such a maattr plan should have been completed yeara qo," CriDston aaid in retnark.9: pnpared for a speeclt to the Ri!dwood Empire A11.soci1tion. The c:osst includes less than I percent or California's Jand and more than 80 perttnt of tts people. the senator aaid. 0111,y 356 mltu of the 1,060-mlle coutline II publicly OWD&d. · "Only by planning now for growth can we hope to avoid rnnitlJw out of vacant land entirely within JO years," Cran.ston uld. Ltland t. L<vlnger of Santa R<>oa was retlected pmldtnt of the association. Alao reelected weft! Attdrew Flynn of Cresctnt City. and James A. Ne.alls of Santa Roaa as vice ores.ldentl and J, Herold Robin.son, Wllllll, IJ ·treuurtr. From Pflfe J CASEY ••• tlon, as wen 11 the nuinber. wu aignifi· cant .. We f&el confident that we have made a "eTl' good choice.., Among the appUclnts pa5Rd cmr was G(ll'don Morrow, fO!Tntr district high school te•cher tlJJi>ed buatnutrnan. who narrowly' I01t lo Blllllpl!d in th• board nee In April. . ' • ---JU W•tt l•r S.tt.t A new panel of ollicen for the Newport Harllor Y's Men's Club and Ito a.WUary unit baa bee• IMtalled. with a sue.rt talk by an . Or .... Cballl YMCA dlreclor ap- pointed lo hlJ!ler office, Cuey wll1 aerve out the remaining years of Bl1npl~'1 term w~lch doun't e.-pire untn 1973 . U.trbit .....,_.n f.0. 1• 1160, tlU• --....... :ltt1 ....... ........ &,..-~: nt""" ... ..... " ............ ; ..... .. Earl C. CoUIDa. who spearl>ee664 the l>aitding fUn4 for tho y beadquar1m al :l30tl UoJveri!ty Drl.e, Newport Beach, told " -Id traftla, and bla duty In &me f0< tho Plat Iii yeon. Ofllcerl ~ the Y'1 Mtll •a Club were In· alau.ct i,,. -SUydaJn. Saddloback Dlllt!ct Govom<r. during tho ctl'Ollll>1Y Monday at Gtneral Yen'• Chlo.a rtlllauranl ID Colla l\leaa. . The include: OrUa "Bud.. Overman, president: Wendel Vin Atta, llnt >Ice preaident: Mike Matdlam, llllCOlld vice president; Ora Ollldm, . ..cretaty and Charlu "Bud'' Heiep, trMIUre'. The Y'a Meneti.a ID>~ Monday were: Mona Vao Attl, ,prtaldtnt: VirlJnla Lopdorl, vlca pmldinl. Marilyn Huacrol~ -.,Y; Barbara Etlltr-fnlton, trUlurer aiwl label Glbaon, chlplaln. \ ' ' R~garding Set edue:atll)n, Casey said, "I'tn a moderate on It. I thmt there is a certain place for it and tt ahould be COD· aldtrtd." On teacher dtuatl.afadion o v e r salarltl, ht aaid, "1 can understand well thllr need lo be able lo ba\'e -rl> lo live on. Hnwover, they dldn't ,.t IDlo the bultntl1 to rnate money.It On Khool ruw. 'otea. he uid, "You have to bt able to lhow' aomt; hard evldme lhot chlfdm> learn 1 lot mar< In amaller~... a... Monterey Beaches Shut by Pollution SAt.lNAS (UPI) -The Mont.rey Coun\7 Htalth Deparlm .. t today clo!ed moet buches on lhe cout, Including thole nur Monter.,, Seaalde, AIUomar and Cannellt., becluae of ..,..,. pollu- tion. --. -------·--:--·-· ----.. -. ·-.. -----r-,~ Student Searched " • , • . ' ...... Ann Arbor, MJch., _police frisk a student llrrested Inside -~ Univers- ity of M1chl,gan building early today. Poli~ hauled 103 s!iidenta out of the buildillg at 3:30 a.m., 12 hours after\ they began a ail-In. The i11ue? l\j!gents' reftlsal to establiah a student-run bookstore. See story, Page 5. ' ~ fWif e's Absence Postpones • • Dr. Leary Dr-ug Case Again Another delay was granted today in the dragged-out Laguna Beach drug c:ase o{ Dr. Timothy Leary, hi.a wife and son, due to t.he absence of Mrs. Leary, being treated at UC Berkeley for a female complaint. The trio was to appear in Orange Conn· ty Superior Court -promising stunning developments -but Judge Herbert llerlands stalled the case even further. lSee related Story, Page 3.) Judge H e r 1 a n d s refused to hear testlrl'Jony in support of the Learys· mr> tion with the ruling that Rosemary Leary will have to be in c<>urt when the issue is debated. He ended a bitter, hour·long argument In his court by ordering the Leary family's attorneys a'nd Deputy District Attorney M~ke C1ppizzi to return to presiding Judge Samuel Dreizen later to- day for setting of a new date on the dispute -the sixth such continuance that the Learys have won on various motions in Orange County Superior Court. Mrs. Leary is currently recovering in the University ol California at Berkeley from what Dr. Leary today described as "remedial female surgery that mllht -allow us to produce anothe:r little Le:ary." Judge Hcrlands decided over Cappizti '1 repented objections that "jt would not be feasible" to pursue this motion without /'.frs. Leary's presence in lhe courtroom. Slaying Suspect Gives Self Up FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) -An ez· convid .aoughl for two days in the ques· tioning in the death of Dykes A!kew Sim- mons surrendered to ~llct today in the company of a lawyer. Paul Wayne Howell, 34, went to the of. rice.of de.tective1 handling the case. After some discussion, Ho~·ell was placed under mest. No charges were filed . 'More Seek . . Crime Unit 1 • • • ' , .. .Positions Four m«• C4ola Moaana, fncllldln( an 1llpirin1 crimitlal 1ttomty aM a ballet ln:slructbr, have applied for poaslble •Po potntment to the new Costa Mesa Crim• Prevention Committee. Je!frey G. Kant, II, ol '10$1 Calvert Ave.~ aald he 18 awtit.ing tht results of 1 the Jail Calllomia Bar, Examitlltioo to del<rilllne whether Ile ii •• ~tfonl<!y. Kane is a rectnt graduate of Oranit.: University, now Pepperdine School of Law, and. U b:iterested in ·criminal and constitu~al laws. Ballet instructor Mrs. G. H. stukkie, of 2S38 Oxford Lane, aaya in ber application that ~·baa never even. had a traffic tlcket; althour!> ahe waaonce alppped and warned of a detectJn b~er Dlhl LoiJ J. HUgren, of 174 COii&. llleaa St., has much the aame credentlala and uy:ic in her resume that ~rime erevtnUon and llw enforcement begins Jn the home. The fourth new appUeant., ef !Oday l:ic Mr1. Robert Finnegan, of 2 5 J 7 WestrnlnBter Ave., who says abe hai cem· munHy welf.ve at heart Anyoae elBe interested In being 1p.. pointed to one of the seven committee seats to be fill~ by Costa Mesa adults may write to City Clerk C. K. "Charlie" Priest, 77 Fair Oriye, Co!ta Mesa. Two other committee members will N appointed from a local high 111:bool and college . Girls Sought For Fire Title If )'OU're a tJirl, 7 lo t years old, )'OU can become the darling or the Colta Mm Fire' Department. Nm F'riday ii the deadline for achoo! girls to apply for Litile Miu: FJre Sal~ comJ><Utlon, to reign over the local Oct. s tllroulh 11 Flre Prtventlon Week. Just write a pNlctrd to Sparky the Dog, P.O. Soi: 1200. Colla!!-ilicflldin& yoor neme, address and telephone, after which five finalists wW be selecttd. These girl• -goo4 gradee are required -mun write In 25 words or leu why they would like lo help Sparky •nd hi• firemen budd.ies make their rounds on a big firetruck, UJ>lainlng fire prevention at !dtools. Mbi11 Fire Sa fe ~·ill get her own special dress and sash. From Page J REVISION. •• regent.:: meetings. althou1h he w1s in an eight to 29 minority on that 6tand. Chairman of the commission, Orange Counly Superior Court Judj:e Bruce Sumner. a resident of Laguna Beach, did lhe c:ounting of the othera a1 they ralMd their hands and it was not apparent how he voted. Regarding freedom from political in· fluence for the University, former State Sen. George Rochegtcr, of La Habra 1aid: ' "This is a beautiful Ideal but a! rar a:ic human nature is concerned lt doesn't mean a damn thing." , "Thank you ror putting it 50 "''ell:' said Patterson Hyndman. a San Diego businessman who is chairman of Uie cduc1tion committee that made the University recommendations. Special SPECIAL $149 llOULAI "" llhr60 GU.SS TOP TABLE, 14" THICK l-tfuUy sryft<I W licmd-oly d""Ht<I, tlils h ttio ...... , lo o tlost top ,...._ Doo't oohs ., ap- portMlty to ••• quolfty at • rMSOIMlblt ,..tee. • Amla~f• fft TH Foltowf"t Fl•IH": Aatl_qll Oold -Old s,...r.~ -DI-Oln ---, ... --Aalfqff Y-. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS POlt: HINRIDON-DltlXIL-HlltlTAGE NEWPORT BEACH 17'27 Wostclllf Dr., 642·20$0 MIN NIDAY 'TIL • • INTERIORS Pm-Iona! fnttrt .. l>Ml9ntrs Anllabt.-Al~SID ·-·- • UOUNA llACH S4S North Coast Hwy, • om JllDAY 'TIL t • ' t t ! ( ' r ) • , • ' ~ j q ' t • a • 5 b d p 0 ~ (. s d F • 01 Cl ti I< ., b A ol s A n 11 ,. e: ,, ir ~ J u I' ,, t' h II u n d ~ h ~ l I • c • • c t ,. CAMBIUDG&, Mus. (UPI) -A apeclal Harvard Uoiversl· ty commillol called a meetin& today to investigate a y<Nthful guerrilla raid on the aebool'a cen"1 f9f international affAlrt whidt Injured severaj l!\alf members. &:l)ool olficlala said about lO young me&:! and 1"00\tn ltotlJl· ed Into the Ivy-coaled building Thursday aDd, punching and kicking, forced about 25 oc- cupairta lo leave the building. Sb: ata1£ members were ln· jured, tWo of the cutJ re:. quiring tre1tm.tJ1.t at the university health center. Cambridge police arrived too late to catch anyone and aa1d there wu no evidence any Harvard 1tuclenta were in- volved. Nobel0prjzM!nnlng blolo- allt a.ora:e Wald said he saw the attack from a nearby building, but "I uw no evi- dence that this group was com· posed of studenta . Nobody rec· ognized any of them. "They bung out a b&Mer th.at identified them u SDS (Students fot a DemocraUc Society)," he continued, "but I doubt seriously whether the I 1 ·' SD6 bid lll1lh!nl lo do willl/ it." t A staff -.Mid ~ bushy-haired -llltouted "We're from t;be l SDS ;;J we're liberating :r.bulldlng~ as the young troolis awepl In. An advil<r, jamhl /I· Brown, wu cut befdOO the ear requiring m ltitctatL He said he tried lo talk tO the ~ but .... cl them 1~ ........ no1 here to talk. IWelre ..,,. to you what you.In doiDg to the Vletnameae people." Nearly 100 Students ;" , Arrested in Protest ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Nearly 1 O O demonstrators were arrested early today when 250 st.ate and city police moved into a student-occupied office building at the Universi· ty Of Michigan. The police entere.d at the re .. quot of unlversitr, Preaident Robben w. F emlne, a French Jet Plans Sold To Israel? BERN, Switurland (AP) - Federal Attorney Hans Walder annooneed today the arrest of a Swlss jet engine tipeelallst on charges of having sold 20 crates full or secret plans of the French Mirage jet fighter 1 to brae! for $200,000. Walder called it tbe "biggest eaptooage affair in Swiss history" since World War II. The federal prosecutor said Alfred Frauenknecht, 43-year- old department head in the Swiss company of Gebr. Suber A. G. of Wlnterthur, has ad- mitted pas!ing the plans to Israel via Au.stria through a relative, who was not an employe of Sulzer, since the fa11 of 1968-well after France imposed an embargo on 1"1irage 1hipmenta to the Jewish st.ate. Sul.ier A. G. manufactures the jet engines of the Mirage III "S" planes under a license from the French manufac- turer, Marcel D83sault. They hive pu1 out a total of 57 llgbter1. In an Interview, Walder said the pjans, which w e r e microfilmed. "not only give detailed iDonnation on the puts, but alao how they are to be labdeated -that means how machln!B needed to make them have to be built." university spokesmao.said. The ltudents had occupied the Literalure, Science and the Arts buUWng late Thurs- day ln a dispute w i t h the school administration o v e r who should run a new univer- sity book.store. The p!rsons arrested were taUn by bua to the nearby Washtenaw County jail. It was not immediately known what charges would be lodged against them. Those arrested included the presl· dent and vice praident of the echool's student government. Except for one brief club betwten police and a group of demonstrators, there was little resistance to the arrests. A volunte:fr fint aJd worker reported treating e i g h t dtmonstraton for minor cutl. There Wert no rePorta of in- jury to police. William Haber, assistant to Flemlng, aaid damage lo the building waa one door klck-4 in and one window broken. Hike OK'd In Air Tax,es WASHINGTON (AP) -New and bJgher ta:rea on airline passenger tickets have been approved tentatively by the House \Vay& and Means Com~ mittte aa part of a program to provlde l9 billion to improve air lransJXlrtation over the next d~ade. 'I11e tax-writing committee Is tD meet Monday to make final Its propooall to boost an exl.sting passenger Ueket tax lrom 5 lo 8 percecl, lo put • new $3 ta:r on passenger tickets for tntemational Jllgbt.s, and lo lnstltuto a 6 percent tu on air frleght waybllls. All three increases were back~ by the Nixon ad, mlni.stratlon. Queen Mary: Tram Okay LONG BEACH (UP!l-'Ilje 1-S.Och City Councll ~· approved construction ot a $2 million aerial tramway conneetlng the Queen Mary with the Pacific Terraee C.00· vention Center. The Queen Mary is being cmnrtad Into a botel-conven- tion center and ts ldl$1ed 1oop..i nu1 --The .councll'1 unanimous de- clalon autbor!Jed City Manal- er John M~ll to enter into an agreement with Diners Queen M.!:ry Corp., which ii cooverth1g the ship, to con- • tr u c t the 5,000-foot-loog tr~ay. ROUND .TRIP ANYWHERE IN .. C~llFO~NIA 85( .. i.ua . \ For calls attei & p.m. ~ and all weekend, ~ minutes !ion·t&-StafiOn, pl"5 tax, i i--@ --~·----~---~------------------- ' . _r_~4'1...-.• ~---~-26_,_1!ff~. _______ DAJ_LY_l'ILO_T tf_ .. Pantlier u,.,....... Irish Violence Continue• Armed British Trooper 1earches trunk of auto entering central area of Lon- donderry, Northern lreland, Thursday as maastve 1ecurity precautions go fn .. to effect following renewed religious violence. Troops raised barbed wire l)arri· cades in the Roman Catholic Bogs.ide area and called ~ reinforcements. Movie Robbery Tried Gunman Finds Victim in Plwne Book PA!llS (UPI) -For millionaire b1nker Baron Guy De Rothlchild, the whole «deal of the l\.lMWl whet searclled the telephone direc- tory until he found &0meone rich to rob must have been taken from the plot of a movie. A young man whom Police identified u JOleph Stadnic, 24, showed up at the home of the baron's first wi fe , Baroness All:r De Rotbachlld, Tbur1day and said he wu a representaUve of the Interior Mlnlllry. The aumnan ordered the baron's IOn David, 27, to call bla lather with a demand for $.111.1,000 In ra!l.!Om. The baron soon arrlvtd with· the cub after Upping police. "Hil bok!up method muat have been taken from the cinema," the baron elid. Stadnic held the baron and his son at gunpoint for two hours during which Stadnic haran1ued the two mlllionatres on a variety of 1ubjecl.!. "Mori of II bad lo do wtth 10Cl&l JUBUce," the baron. said. Finally, Stadnlc ordered the baron to drl•e him to a point when he llld be would catcll a hellccpter for bla escape. Ponce followed ·1he llmoul!ne. "We made a et.op of more than 10 mlnutoa !or hJm to buy a tran!iltor rad.Jo," tbe baron saJd. 1'He wanted to know It the radlo newscasts were reporting bit exploit." When th• car lllopped for a traffic Uiht, police tuahed tho car, am1shlng a wlndft' and cracking Stadnlc on the bead with a pistol butt. A _pollctm.an's aun 1ccldentall1 fired, the bullet r I p p I n I throoP the llmoul!\ne roof. Matched Set of 4 New Tires REG. SALE SIZE PRICE PRICE E78 -14 $187.60 $140.70 F78-14 $199.00 $149.25 G78-14 $219.00 $164.00 H78-14 $241.80 $181.35 F78-IS $199.00 $149.25 G78-15 $219.00 $164.00 H78-15 $241 .80 $181.35 J78-15 $275.60 $206.70 L78-15 $286.20 $214.65 9.00-15 $279.80 $209.85 BUY·l FED. EX. TAX SAVE { eech t/rt I' $46.90 $2.41 1 $49.75 $2.54 $54.75 -$2.66 $60.45 $2.89 $49.75 $2.45 $54.75 $2.62 $60.45 $2.85 $68.90 $3.02 $71.55 $3.05 $69.95 $2.83 AT OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES LONG, LONG MILEAGE I 1 FREE ~ - - - -- '~oaring Inf errw /(ills 6 i~ Family WILMINGTON ' Mau. (UPI) -SIX mem&er1 flf one fami,ly, a ipoijler and five of her elfll! childttn. died early today -• tire wl-• called • "roatjllc inferno" neP.1 lh•lr homL POilet llld lhl \'lcllma In- cluded tbe mother, Naney LaJid!n, 18, DaYld Jr., II, WUIJ9l, IJ, Kevin, 10, !Jaa, 7, and Kathleen, •-The father; David, 17, and a coualJt, J ... ph CNey, 21, alao Top Czechs Mull Fate Of Dubcek PRAGUE (tJPI) -Tiie mee who ran C..cboolovakla met aecrtUy again today lo llr finil blame lor thll nallon'a pollUcal probleDll, with AJ ... llldtr D!ibcek the 11 k e I y tcapept. Tha Czech ,..unment an· nounced It -.Jd SiVI llO vtau to -durlni the meetln& and would ffiUae to honor visas already given fatelgn nfWimen. Reporter• w I th permanent accndftatJon wue allowed to enter the ecunlry. Tbe meet1nr a1 Ibo Clom- munlst Party Central COzn. mJU.. cllmued montlia al dehale and man"""'1n& ovw the dt grff of punlsbmllll for Aletander Dubeck and other Uberal leadera Of the llle8 ••Praaue 1prln&" t t f 4 r in period. Dll'1<m&Uc 1<•1rcea aald the dedi!Dn wl>tther to purj• Dubeek Ind bla uaoeilld pr6o bably would be !)lade todq dutlnf Ill• -6 daJ of c1llcuaalooa In the Spinlab ball cl Prague Cutle. staying .tt the house, were ln fair condition at C h o a t • · Memorial Hospital In Woburn. 1be couple'• Uiree oldttt childtto, Harry, 17, Michaeli 11, .00 Susan, 11, escaped' the 61met. 1'We found a l'O*!'l.ng Inferno lnalde wbeo we went through tbt fnmt door.'' one firefighter ... Nici. O!flclaJa IUSpecl the • blue atarted In the 11W111-• "'°"' of the wood bowe with e aluminum 1ldin1. They 1aid ' the aiding retllned the heal and puabed It up through the two aod ~ lj1JI)' house. "" Polloo Nld i!uaan )Umped '~ out a -to u1e1y. Harry '. and Mlcbael were aleepln1 In'· the baMmenl and ...,.ped. Mn. Landen bid escaped · with CNey bal returned to lrY:.' to "" her children and cot-.~ lapaed lnalde the bollae. ' ' Brothers Sue CBS Network ., 'l .. '· ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Tiie Bmolhen llrcther1, In.~ wllat ll>ey promtaed .... tlleir- "lut ward" on the can-_ . cellallon of their televislOll·. abow, have sued the Columbia ~ Broadcal!\lnc Syalftn for $31. · mltlloa. ;; Tiie two comedi>nl made · the announcement at a --~ confennce. .. * p,..id11 oafely at high 1pMCll ••• *01-.... 1w1 .. the mll1111 ••• .s .... , .. too! MONT IEND ALIGNMENT 8pocllllcta ----·--·--_ ..... .--. .... .....,.._ .... , aolluot-- MOST U.$, CAii ,..... ... , '""* ALL-VlllYL CAI IAT ...... f!" Mf ·-loot ..... -... ----• c.. •• ,, .. .,.. .. ·=" ONLY s211 • SS/8000 SUPER SPORT • Mlrror-pollah ch,.mo MAG WHEELS CllMPllTE w CARf • Cut 1tumlt1um centtr • Theft-proof hvb Clp • Othar otyltt avallabi. 646-5033 I $29.95 . Don Swedlund • I Sine:• 1919 H'"n: 7:JO .. 6:00 Delly . . ' • • l • ... ..:.:.----"--·---.. . -- •• • I DAD·Y PILOT iEDITO!Jl!L PAGE . ' \ ) ' ·I ' •• Issue: Sex Education . • • Tangible benefit.I of 101 educa'9n haven't' blel!· proved. 'Illa! being the case, the program !lllgbt not be, worth the ill will It could cause. } So says Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, cbainnan of a ·~ Newport Harbor Chamber of COIDIDl'rce COlllDllUM studying the feasibility of such a yrol*am In l'.lewporl Beach and Costa Mesa scbools. (" Dr. Frizzell• may be right, but it ls also poulble he overlooked some aspects and attitudes that ..... t to be kept in mind regarding the courses. t The local optometrist's primary point is that be sees no statistical evidence indicating a decline in, ven- ereal disease and illegitimate birth rates in areas where aex education is taught. ,. But on the other hand, there is no stttistical· evi· dence that the rates have increased in ~unities where sex education is taught. Many expertt m the field believe that a statistical study would show a: decline. What is known is that venereal disease 3nd illegiti- macy rates are much higher ~ they, \ sf!ould be. Something ought to be done about it. · > 'Ille Newport-Mesa Unified School Di!.'lricl bas tak- en an understandably cautious attitude t~ward adding 1ex education to its curriculum. Observmg the furor such programs have created iq. otPer C<?inmunities, ~ mindful of the conservatJvc n$tur& of many lGcal.ll'e.si- dents' icbool trustees· iand· idrilitPstrators ):\aJe aP. · proaCbed the lssui:in a l!ililll!ly ""ll'l')d hav~y indication· when ·anc1 if iucli'cour-setlll\ibt be added .... "'-> .. . ' ' •• ! · Dr. :rrtizelle1.-pu))llc mlsgiY!jlga •bout the ~cram ""' petttaps urtfortunate. He wu called upon by , 'obambei ~I to;itve a procress report tin bis com- . mlUA!e'• Jltucl.Y' ot eex.-4ucalion programs. But be dlosor Instead to slate.Ill• penonol misgivings about the iasue. He. ,,W.·t iji,aklng'for the entlre commlltee and &Ince we group bas not completed the 1t114y, he nilght · • h••\ prejudiced tlie ultimate finlllnc• ol the ~up. 'Il>ete Is ~ great deal Jliore to sex education than ven~real disease and Illegitimacy. 'Ille !Undam,atal question of whether today's youth Is entiUed to full knowledge qf sex -in an era when most youngsters obviously are not receiving the education at home -is vital io the: ques.Uon. :Moreover, we suspect that proper- ly taught sex education classes woufd indeed reduce Vt> and Illegitimacy. It could be that Dr. Frizzielle is right, Addition of sex education colirses may not be worth.. the turmoil now ocCurring in Anaheim. However, it may be that Newport Beach and Costa Mesa parents want and need such courses for their children. Under a new state law, parents will have the pre· rogative of pennitting or forbidding their children from enrolling in sex education classes. Presuming that the classes can be !roperly or,anized and presented, tbat law itself shoul resolve the question in a lot of minds. ~ The evidence is not an; In and Dr. Frizzelle's per· son.al feelings should not be considered the last words on the, issue • • • ' \ . ... " ' ~ .... I • . . • '1 ··'' '•\ • ' ·'· • ,. . ..,.. ... (C) • • ' ~ , , : I , .I • -. \l. f Vencerefffo_•'B~~·ffe .~il~'Cut :C•u ,. -... '.S~xEiftica ~n ·Ktjignt SDS · Move~·~tp ~~-~~·IP.:· :Castr9 ,~ B ~ginning, , _·· Charging WASHINGTOll-~Mmdstrevolo-·,.,:rr·'f!'i:,-:·~·-'.·~.:...... curreot ,world .prlc<.\In .~e. lhey Student Says After tt~ Students for.a -Oemocratic Socie· fir' . . would·provide 1Castro ~J,Ul, a wid~ range ty is ~ou1-·1n1o COba. ;, ' 1 o1 industl'ial ei;seotlal3 ::ii.~. rpa\:hllJery, Dragons A ao<all<d "V~ .('(• sball coo-~ tool<, equipment o( all ,k!odl,: ~l. quer) Bripde" f!f bJP acbool aod'l:ollego ....i, pipe; etc., etc. . ·• - ·-ts II being organized to give Fidel , · 1IO bas gott<~ these d.,ately ne4iled cutro a band 1n biJ fremied efforlsl to ' .. . *' '(, auWnes -to the tune of some 't500 avoid -1J<r bia f10p ·1o irOgir pro-at;o~~t1 1!.,M!.ta'i::1!beand ·~~Com-m8llooayearJ Thaliswliat -01&.111Pi>ort ductioo. ' • ~ ~"W' W • 1 rellfn ll e. ~ C'..t:ro is costing Rua&ia and the CO~· 'The SDS voluntMn will 10 lnlo 'tho ndMAL.,~icii,~_: .Ji~-~~ 1lihutloc uWllies. Bui they """'! ge~ oTo tht Editor: fie.:-~:--~ 3llO to SOO, lri1h llpifical!t lliai'-_-;Nel,C-'~-,l~•n ,'1f~ ~I-~ '11118:_ from " In ~omia, or_ al least in Orange ~.o t:"t;u. men'aud Women. q~ and ~baitk:~'Y.wnc.._ ~. ' ·. ~ , .-. · · •" ·· Coooly. ae:i educaticll ls beiD& stifled by !)lily liUlth~th aie'. wanted, and all mermg be IS ~ ·~Y!nt ~ ,BE 15 Ill DEJ!"..tlo hjl Communist bumper aticl<er cooservalives wbo:be~eve lnDlt th or o ug h pbysical a-• about°!ls,xeetr••~•.aJl~~ •. _,blhlfact«s at , ~ bOUon, arid tbatignoranceisaprev~llve.Jthint ~-the r . He dido t saJ otiylblns 1ul JIOISlbly.as much as 15 biBlon. ~ ti . • ~~ Y . ace rigorous year'1, eltbet. , _ • ~ ·' The bearded tuban ruler t a I k s most ' parents suppcrt sex ir;uue& ?'1 m UYing and working conditlol':'-u .. o! Tbereis~JOOd,_l~p-aonarouslyaboutproduclog!OmiJlloo.too the public schools .and the majoi:ity of _ drup Is a.tly ~ and '° 11 .,.,pro-~'""°" A11bouCb' JuPi Iii '• sµgar ""'JI' hi the Jf'/1)11. Farm eaperts those whii don' are. lalllni to quesllon =· Males :J,,::.;"11~~ lnI . · , · . ..,. >•nd.lli IMJll ' ex-•, -have visited the illand say firmly he the IW'id propagandli storles about "pe~- ;o. ~ • • rn-,~,r • lit . ~ ~ • rurQ)-', wJll giver do 1t. Tbley PY~~ reasom v~·~ _who supposedly promote eJIPerl· IDBOLOGICAU.YJ tbe ~'do~ . , . ~ . : ~ -lack cl trained qrooom1sts, lack of mentation and who manage to escape ts ~1 ,...,oltltlooll')' \1;1' !iod1iii , PrJor to 'Castru's lrot>lwlded J;om-roads and • machinery, too lew and recognition. . llenllJ ~ ''l'ller>~)a •(o~ti hi ( ,'.>mpnijl dlctalonhip, -Otllo '.a~ed dilapic!oled sugar mills, underpaid, m· penniAI•• or gay lbou!.it. 'lllo\'ltil !1J11ween 1'm1Ui0n:1Dd U Dillllon foiii o! dlUettlll 'and lorcod lobor, plus cor-I KNOW the Anaheim Sc:hool Diatrict banllly dilopp<o,ved. onil "democr"'1" ,JI -annually. Ip the. -of'Castro's ruptlon, lncompet.e_llce and stupidity Is having many problems with ill sex vieWed with derisive contempt. ,'J'bft Me.· the total bas nevtr"I e1ceed~ throughout Commtiniat party ranks. eduCaUOn program which their board of *1'e no ~lutkl:JaJ « .aa1-~ dibts' "'mtllion and has fallen u low If 3., trustees considers are due to Inadequately in 11.ecf Cuba. · · milUOn tom'. • _ I MEANWHILE, CUban agricultural pro. trained personnel, but should parfilts be p_, will be lw. On lM. o(bef lmd. lff'.. World sugar upt.rts ~le Cuba'S' duction has auffered another hard blow. so quick to condemn the new~ . JN-~i 'NJ.ll be Jtrovided, iqdlldipc ~ Jut yur at less than S.5 mllJlqnl Hurricane Camille seriously damaged I think they should recogntte this as ~lion io and from Cuba, via the ~ and that this year's Wm not eiceld. the tobacco crop -'the thlrd biggest a beginning. _I realile that many parents ~unlsl underground. -· 4.75 mlllloo tons. -: )-60\J!'te of foreign CUIT't~-That will un· are apathetic towards ~y type_ . of Similar bri&ade.s are be.ire 1111'>-doubtedly mean more stringent rationing change although they witness rising iiptltiouA}y Organhed in otbtr COUl'ltriet. AS A JlESULT of th e sul'CeSSion Of for the Cuban masses. unwed molher and VD rates throughout They are wanted far two reaNll: .. (1) failwtt to 11.tttue suglJ' production, Already everything they eat, wear and the CQunty. CUtro urgently needs cane cutters. He Is Castro is deeply in debt to Russia. He is use is tightly raUoned. Theirs is a dog's emptying schools, factories and even £lso heavily in hqck to other 1tOo Qlr(ain life -which explains why some· 4,000 a some prisons for virtual forced labor In countries, notabl)r Ciecbollov.ida. month have beeo'coming to the U.S. in the sugar fields. (2) Proisielyting and pro-The Redl: agreed to tan arwnd I the daily airlift since December. 1965. pqanda purposes. The "Vencemnos·• million \om of augar annually,, at e.i BJ Robtrt S. A.Ilea will be heavUy lodoctrioaled during their cents • pound -more than twke the ud Job A. Golchmlt.b An 1-1-Year Old's lnsigfit By GEORGE I\. HOFF, PILD. Following i! an ertemponmeous and 1pontaneous bit of prose, wrilteo by an 11-yw-okl girl named Gall: WHO AM I! "I am me! I am the most important person in the world to me. I'm the one penon I rtally must look after through my lifetime. I am lhe one and only me! - I'm Gail! No one person has ever been euc&ly like me! I am the only person who knows everything I know, every Ceellng, every secret. "'I .Mt GAIL. J must remember who Gail is. I've been playing a part. as in a ptay, but tbl1 is rtal. J know, everything a:iout thil rote. I know everything this ro~ enjoys, animals especially dogs, dolls, lovety ingenious houJes, swimmh11, babies, fiddling wilb things. or. as most people may call il. ART : bicycling, fin- d.Ina out about &0methlng J didn 't know, beaullful place>, but l1IGll <i all belnl AUVE to do all these thinp. ---~ Friday, September 26, 196a TM ~torlol page of trie Daflr Piloe "''" to fnform and 1tim-alau rta.dcl btt prtientfno &hl1 M10IJlOpn"• opinimu and com- l """'°'V °" tQJ>(a of h1Ure.rt """ rlgnlflccm«, b• Jl'OVldi"9 • ~ '°""" for fM •Zf>!'f•rion Of 1 .,., rcadnl' oPfn.ion.1, and bu t pt"tl-"thto tht dlvtr.rt vtcw- poftt.tl o/ fn/onrt.td ob.ref'llffl -spokcnnea on topfa of lhc doJ. Robert N. Weed, Publlsher \ ·' ' rediscover what meant most to them in other places. "I am someone just playing a role. bul a rule that is being played in live (sic). "I do not know wby and I don't know really who lf8m. But before I die I wlll fine! out.'' I . HOW ELOQUENTLY sbe ztates her condition. An appreciation of her naive wisdom Increases with each reading, so that flnally, arter the third or fourth time, an etllefltill message emerges: the meantns of lift iJ Jn the Jiving, not in the (f!ttlng tudf to live; in the process, . ratbe:r ~ the goal. Gall has these insights at a tender age. What "111 &be write at 21 or 41 or 61? Will 1he lose or give up her exuberance as she matUrtJi 1nto 1 world in whlcb naivete in· vites bud. or will she rtmain opHi to he<seH ..a her w<l'ld! N~, not even Gail, knows. l THINK YOU'U. agree that the girl who wrote "Who Am I" ii 1 lovely and ffireshllll per~t Bui all<'• ooly a child -what does slw know! Perhaps that'1 the basic point. Sbe doesn't know, and maybe that-S aactly -what makes her &0 knowledgeable : &he d0tsn't know eno.ip.~t to stop ~bat is Inside her lrom C!>llJ!lll! ,.,.,.* lwbal'I outside from~~~'~ basn 'I yet leomed!lo . ho<JOil • "OUt al the ~· :; bahfi.I!,-._., ..itecli 1 yearn Iii ~ IW u. q1111ltely llmple -GI,* a-!<It' • TUOllEAU F~·T';., '#tomJ.;iJlli<t ·'. GaujlU!n. Yet UMi . , .. Ilk IM4I.?, bad lo leave ll*7 were'''ilid - The Gail of 11 can feelDerself where she is and, regardless of whtrt she wUI find herself at a later age, Jet's hope for he.r sake -and ultimate1y oun -that t~ doesn't change her e.saenUal aelf-ac- 'i'jllance. Reality Is in the eye ot lbe beholdtr. If. ak she matures, Gall's self·image becomes asUgmatie, then she'll have to put on one shade or another of neurotic ~a in order &o "C1¥ftet'J reality. Sur · MUST SHE becom< jaded, cyilical, blaoe, emotlooallJ acarred, in-dE. anxiOU!, holtile, defensive. de , withdrawn, antiaoclal, etc., as •he ncouoters the vkls<udu of life, or wtll a.ie be able to develop maturity while maintaining the btwb of childhood! She'll probably never completely lind oul whQ she is but. it she can presen.·e her open curi06ily, she'll teacl:t us all a lesson by her good example. Dear Gloomy Gus: II; the anU·liMer law enfortfable.~ II ... 1!JY iJoesp'I lh< Cozta Mesa • AOllce ~matt · cle• up the Jltt.er farii Ute ~t iltation atl· ,....,tltlii the polil!il $lion ...... city'ilalll ii I • I • ', f M M T l 1 1 I • • • t • .. I ' ' ( ,... ~ 1 , ~-~--'*'· ==*'~-~==:' . ... -,, .. ..,,...,, . ~ ,. •· ORANGE COUNTY has progressed so far that reci!ntly a teacher in the Tustin Union HJgh School District wu sued by a parent who objected to having Hw:ley's "Brave New Wcirld" included as an o~ tional book on a reading list in one of h11 daughter's classes because it was "por· nographic." ' Pe:rbaps the right wingers of this county, who believe that any type of progress Is a Communist plot. should take ~ the slogan "Better Venereal than Libe " r . BRAD KLUEWER Student Corona del Mar High School To the Editor: Attempts to vlew life lrom two op.. posing sides has become a bit dilfJCUlt for me. I find myseU retreating into a moderate but unhappy situation. That is. not belonging to either group-person in tbe middle. Havillg been brought up in a COO· terVailve society, I've swifUy become dise0cbat1ted with the hypocrites and the "well wishers." The" rejection o ( "friends" for not doing what one is "11up.. pGSe.<11' to do -the realization that even a person over 38 (over the bUI!) could also be: searehing for something more in lbis life. Al.SO AROUND me arc the liberal folk \\'ho di!like a society thal has become cold, calculated and logically com· puterized. Agreed. everyday life does lack penonaJ involvement ltut total emphasis on the senses without first knowing an individual, can also become superficial. All this leads me lo the question : How does a person, not actf:pted by eilhe.r of these groups, find a true balance between radical consen·atism and strictly sensual encounters, without inlerest in people as tndJviduals? I .I•,/ •t -' : LYNN FULLER • When Santayana de.fined a "fanatic" as a man ''who redoubles his efforta after he has furgotteu hls aim," he W8' making more t.b&n a pretty epigram. He was ut· tering the doleful truth about the human animal Lale 7esluday alternooo, I decided to run down to the store lo bu7 some Je.mon.s. Because J had a cold, and was lounging: at hoote in slacks and a 1port shirt, I thoulht I'd wrap an old Aicot tie around my neck instead of donning a con. ventional necktie. , 1' loc:*ed 1' ~proper drawer,_anCt .Uie a!COL was l;DiWng. Then I looked In all the dralferl_Of my drwer, with equalJJ unsucctSlhlT results. By lbls time, lny bl~ was up. WJTB AN UTrERL Y fanalical gleam ln my eye, I ransacked the apartment from stem to stern. I opened all the suit· cases, as well a1"tbe big boxes on the top shelf of the gue.1t closet, where our sum· mer things are stored. I bwrowed through the laundry . hamper, I delved into (may the Lord forgive me) my wile's ''lnfimate" garment.s. I Jeafed through all the papers in my desk. I searched in the mosl im· probable pla~ -including, ultimately, the garbage can on the back porch. ... .... .. .... ,. .... ?..~':.I · ' -' -.. , ~·i:; l srauey~[~,l!artlj- 'tOi ~ - AFI'ER THE FIRST quarter hour or this concentrated bunt, I had 1wbol ly farg(ltlen the trip to the store, the lemons, my cold, and my original reason for preferring the ascot to a four·in·hand. I was transformed iQ.to a crusader for a cause, a lmlght charg.illg after dragons - and a fool in hot pursuit of a piece or cloth l reany didn 't want al all. 1N CO~f~tENTING on the bitter religious wars in the 16th century, Mon· taigne makcs the same point on a grander scale. The frenzied search for heretics and noncomformisls totally obliterated the moral ends or religion, and even of common decency. Whether we arc in avid purs.u..it of a lit . a Huguenot or a Communist, it 1~ dangerous and self-defeating to become so emotionally involved in the quest tha t we lose our perspective, our humor and our humanity. To do th is is to subvert our goals more fatally then our enemies could ever accomplish. Coif ee , Tea or Orgy In a major breakthrough in e<1m· mercial aviation, BOAC is now offering to Oy you to London, fi~ you up with three blind dates at thrff differenl cocktail partie!; and fly )'OU home again -all for a package rate. BOAC's venture into the dating game has raised eyebrows and voices among the old fuddy-duddies in Parliament . But it's obviously a giant leap forward in man's conquest of the alr. For the greatest challenge the airline! have long faced is that in any airliner hurtling through space six miles above the ground, hall the passengers are scared to death and the other. hall are bored to death-Flying just isn't naturaOy fun. Most airline• have gone to ingenious lengths to meet this challenge. But the pac<-selter In the ind~!< ·u, of course, WOW Airways. ("1( -tt a fun flight. it's a WOW!") l HAD TO GEi from th to Dec::itur the o~y and was fortunate enbugh to get spi& on WOW's Fun Flight 74:l in the Royal Grand Emperor Section, v.·hich is chea~ than first class. The converted De Havilland bomber, palnted puce and mauve in a gay, psychedelic pattern, wa.s v•aiting at the gate. "Step rithl into the parlor, honey," said the attractive topless stewardess, "and make like a real wow customer." And she gave me 1 Wfl"m smile, a pal on the cheek and a WOW Flighl Ki~ which contained the usual fifth of gin, stack of poker chips and a •oodoo Jove arnuJet. The tasteful Vid«lim interior. all gilt and red ptush, pruenled a cheery' Sttne. In one eomtt. the piano playtr was warming up with "L Want a Girl." whlle the roulette wheel ,(n the rear WI! already 1plnnlna madly to the abouts of the bappy passeogua. r ' I WAS DELIGB'J'lm lo find lhllt \\'OW'1 Computerized Seat Selector had \ assigned me jlllt the-seal J wanted - next to a OJrvactoos blonde who shared my interests in lute c I\ n t a t 1 s , Zorastrianism and the New York ~fets. (In flct, she bad mote than I'd asked for. but how could the computer know ·I prt1emd be&rdlw ladi•!l I ' I ' ~t Hoppe ; -~ \Ve "'·ere jusl getting acquainted v;hro our l;apl::iin popped out of the pilot's compartment wearing a pa per har, tooting a little horn and tossing confetl1. "Welcome aboard our flight to wherever it is, pals," he said. "There'll be a slight delay as ·our rubber band broke again. Ha, ha. But don 't worry, we'll get Hus party off the ground or my name isn't . , isn't . , . " \Vith a somewhat blan k look he did a buck and wing back into the pilot 's cabin as the stewardesses struck up a chorus o{ "We're on Our Way lo Some\there." The· lights dimmed and • , . , ' \\'ELL, I WON'T BORE you "'1th a Joni: aCcount of aU the fun we had. l:h:t seven : hour& later we staggered down th~· gangway. sated. stuffed and smashed. ( · wu a trille 1surprised to find we v.·erc still Jn Duluth. "Didn;t we __ "1'n take off ?" J asked the " steward handiflg out ice bags. C '"Oh. we never do,'' he said . "Our t>~·-~ ptrience show~ that hurtling through ~ apace si:1 miles above the ground \\'retks all tjle fun," Wien !"'a.woke ~e next morning with ::i I thrft>bing hangov\r , I vowed to tra nsfer • ~usiness from WOW lo o no-nonsense i lne that Would ~mply ltke me wherr , I 1l1ted lo IO h 4uictly, tfficiently antJ ; mically a1 poplb\e. ; U t ever find one,1111 let you know. ; I . : B I U Geo rge Dear George: ~ ' ~ wife sa)'S it a wa1te or ume ' lo read yoqr 'Colu because day ' atter day )'OlD' answers are ndlculous. But t ~ your col· wnn. Who'• rl&bt 1 SAM 0. Dear Sam: I Both of you. llow doe.a aht know "'ha~ my column 11ay1 day after day if 1he doesn 't read)t'! • Frldo,, ltpUmbor 26, 1~9 · S • • Billy Gra BID ' Dot Stoff· in Orange County "He's the botlool thl1lg in Or811&• Cow>- \)' u far 11 efanp1111n eoes." •. The .......... l!elona to a ooU.ata~• volunteer, but the NDUmeots liicludo the tlloosands of~ ond old lay wonen. and lbe small but pr<elae prolesslooal atalf, who have labored since the begin-· nllJl·of the year for tonight -the -">g of the Southern California Billy Grllham Crusade. Nlghlly from tonight lhrO\lib Oct. $. evangelllt>Billy rallam will preaeh "the ~ of ~ 14 crowds 11 Anaheim SIMhun, :lo ,\,le, 111"1 20 years from wbiue be begin bJs world -,wlde evilrplllm elloib 'in a large canf"" tent. Bis. nieuage ls the same today Ill It WU Sf=Jit. 25, ilMf, at , the conler Of W~ and Hill in dqwntown Los ~ -Pit ~ fllr evtry individual to ~ into ~~ he and au other ~~eli~ de;ic!ibe as "a pe:nonal . relslionshlp with the Lord JfBUI Cbrlst." There are also &imilaritlea in the methods. Today, as in 19'9, the crusade bas been preceded by a year of prayer by members of local cburche&. In each case. the prayen and plannllJI began when Graham accepted the in· vitaUon of local lay leaders to come and hold a ctUaSde in Southern Calllomia. But the scope -the volume of work, the vast audience -are so much dif· rerent. SmuggJin.g fight Blasted But Nixop, Administratwn to Stick With Crackdown Opposiuon · mounted today lo the governinent'1 ctackdown on marijuana ~ling. Despite protests from Me'x· iCan offtcia~1 border residents and touri.str, the Nixon administration intends to pk'ess ahead with • •_•Opera ti o o Intercept." Herbert G. Klein, President Nixoo's director of communications, said the ad- ministration is "eyeball lo eyeball" with the marijuana problem "and we don't in- tend lo blink." Me.xjco's foreign secretary, Antonio Carrillo Flores, bowever1 had imtructions from bia government to discuss Opera· tion Intereept when ht met today with Secretary of State William P. Rogers io New York. The air, land and sea offensive against smuggling of marijuana and illegal drugs was launched last Sunday, causing monumental traffic jams and delays up to six hours at the 31 highway border crossing• between the United States and 1.1exico. U.S. Customs agenls today continued their car by car and person by person 'earcbes for con~rabancl. WaJting times ranged from three houn at peak traffic periods to five minutes at midnight. A counter-offensive urged by Mexican national chambers of commerce began compiling data on losses resulting from the crackdown. Nightclub and restaurant owners in Ti· juana, across the border from San Diego, reported business had dropped between ~and 75 percent since the operation wa:i implemented. There also was criticism of the government'll basic strategy, to stem the flow of marijuana across the border to drive the black market price in the Unit.ed States beyond the reach of young persons. California Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch told Congress that "as the sources of marijuana continue to be cut off and the price rise!, the abuse or dangerous drugs - will rise accordingly." He said records of arrests during the put 10 yurs in California for marijuana On tlae Warpath?, AS .SOURCE CUT OFF, DRUG USE WILL INCREASE California Atty. Gen, Lynch et Senate Hearinv and "dangerous drugs.. showed any change in one group was accompanied by an "offsetting reaction" in the other. Sen. Harold E. Hughes (0-Iowa), saJd "the few people who quit smoking mari- juana will be of little gain if hundreds of others go on to harder drugs such as speed and heroin." Edison High Starts New PTA Including Students PT A are three very well known letters in academic circles, but who has ever heard of a PTSA? The Huntington Beach Union High School District now has one at its newest campus, Edison High SchooL The "s7" It stands for student and is part of a new concept -the first in Orange County -to involve h.igtl school pupils directly in the planning and decision making of the PTA. PTA 's have always been in exislence to benefit the student, according to Mrs. Shirley lsselhardt, presi~ent of the new Edison organization, but Uiey have never involved the students directly, "We hope to change all that," she said. "but there is no way of telling how many students will become members." The idea for this radical departure from normal PTA's was contributed by Ernest Pascoe, new principal of the Edison High School. Just how well lhe new "students in- cluded" policy works out will be tested Oct. 27 when the Edison PTSA holds its first meeting. ''The. students will have a right to ex- press their opinions and to engage in every activity but voting," said Mrs. lsselha1dt , who explained that the "age factor" prohibits them from having elec· t\\·e powers. Alrendy 60 members strong, Mrs. tsselhardt hopes thal the roster will grow to 2,00Q names ineluding parents, students and teachers . Projects already in the works include a scholarship fund, a campus beautification fund and a program designed to aid needy students. Mrs. Isselhardt hopes that th e organization. will provide an avenue for a "Closet relationship between the school, teachers. students and the parents." She added that communication among these sectors of. the high school com- munit)' has often been lacking. '"l'hil l!J a bad thing which we would like to 1ee broken," she said. Those interested in joining the Edison PTSA may contact its membership chainnan, Mrs. Elinora Kohnow fly call- ing i6U039. Ralph C. Kiser . To Be Honored On Retirement Friends and associates will join tonight ln a retirement party for RaJph C. Kiser, Southern California &Uson Co. dis'trict · manager for the coastal area 11lnce 1957. The event will be more than a "gold walch" affair for Kiser, an Edison career man for 45 years. Wednesday he taku on a new job as manager of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. More than 200 are expected to attend the dinner at the Sherat.on·Beach lM on Pacific Coast Highway, Master of ceremonies will be Phillip M. Martin, as sistanJ ,Orange County divtaion manager for Edi.Son. He will narrate a .ude J>re""laUon on Kber'o early Ille other lhaa his Edison career. Second Dis\rict SUpervtaor David L. Batei' will bead a u.t rt counly and city olflCials whl> ·will ollet their coo- cratulatlooo. Kloer baa been active In ~ Chomber rt Commm:t programs for U yean ml • member rt lbe board ot dlreClon for u. Frank Roubetleauz. lull·bloode<I Otoe lndiBn, will do specially dance et Huntington Beach's All·lndian Rodeo this weekend. ••ar He la allo • director ol the Orange Coun\y Chamber rt eomm.... and cbalrman ol Ila ecooomlc development group. He wu lnatnlmonial In brlngll!I the C.Ulomla Anp!C lo lbe county ond }olntd • 1n the move in 1964 lo have lbe county recocnhed u a melropolltan area. I Dr. Graham -confidant rt gretldents, television talk :. show penooallty, con-. troversill rtllglous leader -is no longer :·.::t another evangell.Bt. He ii today a na· tiooal llgure, and • ~ In Anaheim is mllCh more than a tent mee1lng. Anaheim Sladium seats 15,000. The Grallam team hopes to fill it every night. To tlli& end, an estimated 30.000 churchmen, lay chllrclunen, the nja. iority from Los Angeles and Orange County, will by Oct. 5 have cootributed more than 250,000 man bours. Al 7:30 lonigh~ lbe tn111de will begin with a few aoogs, appropriate greeUnga by California Governor l1Dnlld Reagan, short.announcements and offering, muste by George Beverly Shea and the 5,000 V<lice chklr. Then Billy Graham wlll place his Bible oo the podium. thru'1. bis hand into bis pocl<et, lean into the microphone and deliver hiJ; sermon -30 minutes of com- • mltmenl ond charisma ttachlng no1 on1, SouUtern California but a world-wide teJevlsion audience 11 well "I am very aware of bow Utue l have to do with the crusade," the evange.liat told staff workers earlier tb!s week. "I haven't ®be anJ1b1n1 bl.¢ prepue some sermons. I can't Uwik you enough for what you have done. But we art an servants of Chrlst, and someday yoo'U get your pr-lhankf lrom Him." PROJECT INTERCEPT MOVES INTO THE MAIL ROOM San Fr•nciseo Post•I Inspectors Check P•rcel1 From Overn•• Jaycees Ready Orange Crate Derby Oct. 18 What promilies to be one or the safest, quietest "automobile.:• races will be runoff Oct. 19 on CJ8.y Street between Golden Weol and Mail> •Inlets in Hun- tingti1i) ~ch. · . · It's the annual Jaycees-sponsor9d Orange Q'ate""Derby which will feature boys. and .girls between seven and 15 years in whee] to wheel duels in gravity .. powered, home-built cars. The relaxed rules specify lhat driver and vehicle may not have a combined weight or more than 250 pounds. Ally size wheels, from roller skate to bicycle, are legal Trophies and prizes will be awarded to lhe winners in various categories. Rules and suggestions ror building the cars can be obtained by sending a self~ addressed envelope to "Jaycees Orange Crate, P .0. Box 289, Huntington Beach." Entries will be accepted until 9:30 a.m. on race day. Mitchell High On Haynsworth WASHINGTON (UPI) -Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said today he found "not the slightest problem" in &Ile nomination of Judge Clement F. Hayn!WO!'tb to the Supreme Court. He predicted prompt Senate confirmation. In an interview, Mitchell said : "I told Jndge Haynsworth he'd better be prepared. lf we'd put up <>ne of the 12. apostles, it woutd have been the Same." Mitchell said the reason Haynsworth's namination had stirred so much coo· troversy was because "it'rconnected to past events." He referred tc the fact that Haynsworth, chief judge of the 4th U.S. C1rcult Court of Appeals, was nominated to replace Abe Fortas on Ille high court. Warren Jomt Powers Fire System Readied for West County An tmergency fire communications iystem involvlns Ute cilies ·ol llmlilngioo Beach. lfeatmln!ter, '°""""" v~ and Selj Jl<ach wlll awtof mto full ·operatloo Tbutsdliy, Known as lht "joint powers 1yltem" the plan lovol.., Ille diopatchlng of all fire equipment from 1be central Hun- tinglon ll<ach stalion on Lau Streel Although each lncfividWll lire deparl· ment retalna the same te.Jtphone number, au emergency lines have been fed into the HunUngtou Beach communieaUons oenter, from which · the uni ta au dispatched. Westminster and Seal Beach bav& alrtady installed their lines with Foun-- tain Valley scheduled to follow Tburlday. Huntington Bead\ Fire Capt. James Vincent said the system wtll save a con- s·iderable amount of money for each df lhe involved cities since duplication of communkatiOns equipment and man· power will be avoided. Reasool.ng behind locating the center in Huntington Beach was that H1..11tington Beach is centrally located in relation to the other citietl and that the city alreadt possessed IOlll< emergency dl.opatching facilities. Visual · transcription devices, called "electrowriters" have also been Installed in lhe Huntington Beadl as well as other fire stations. Through this means both headquarters and the fire station re5'P011<1ing to an emergency call have a wrttten copy or fl1e nature and location or the fire , eliminating possible coolusion caused by a verbal message. • Another benefit of the new a)'stem ts that the city stations will be ti.bte to overhear lhe calling citizen, and keep in close contact with his problem • Under the agreement, each city will have access to JI fire engines, two lad- der trucks and several hundred men, in the event of a major fire. Future developments ol the system in· elude construction of a pennanent com· municaUona building on five acres or Wld at G<itbard Street and £Illa Avenue and ·a tralnllJI center for liremen lrom each communHy. a:.t oC tbt operation ot tfJe ecm· municatkms ayllan is shared by the oooperating cltie3. The concept was worked out over the period ol one year by Chiefs Ray Picard, Huntington Jl<adl; Ron Adams. Seal Beach; Harold Lawson, Fountain Valley and Mel Ingram, WestmlMt.er. Tolal cost of operation !or 196._70 bas been estimaled al fl63,ll2. S. Viet Arms Sale Denied WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Peni.g.,o and the Saigon government today denied a charge by Sen. William Proxmire (0. Wis.), that the South Vietnamese havw been selling weapons given them by the United States. A Defense Department spokesman aaid South Vietnam had offered to sell u scrap about 5,000 German Mannllcher rifles of 1916 vintage, along with other obsolete weapons, but so far as could be determined there had been no sale of anns provided under the U.S. aid program. In Saigon, a spokesman for the Soutti Vietnamese DefeMe Ministry said the government was selling only weapons ob- tained years ago from Britain, France, Italy, De.nm.ark and Japan. Po1npiclou to Visit WASHINGTON (AP) -Pr .. ident Georges Pomptdou of France will vtait lhe United States for about a week next February, the White House announced today. •oeep Thinker'· Ex-justice's Son Works Hard at Being Judge By BILL ST ALI. AHtcltltf ,,_ Wrfltr SACRAMENTO -He's Laken a jury lo see topless dancing, bottomless dancing and a showing of the film. "I am Curious (Yellow).'' but Municipal Judge Earl Warren Jr. is known as a "deep thinker " when Jt comes to the law. Warren, 39, slender, and balding, has been presiding for the· last mont.h over the lrlal of two bottomless dancers charged with indecent exposure and Jewd and dissolute conduct for dancing nude. He has drawn widespread publlc:tt.1 by calling the. court to order fn a bar to watch a nude g&-go dancer, in a night club to see a toplCSI performer and ln a movie theater to iee the cootroversial Swed.ilh film. _ Judge Warren is the IOn of the former U.S. chief justice and Ca 11 for n I a governor. But Robert N. Zarick, pmiding judge of the. nine-member murUclpal court, said Thursday the bottomfess case is in headlines because pf the nature of the cete and not Warren·s relationship to hl1 father. "A lot of notoriety arises because it' 1 a pornography case," Zariclt aald. '1 tried one myself and it brought out a lot of pubUclly. I think publtcily about any caae is good becauso, II nothing else, II educates people u to what ii going oo in coon." The munldpal oourt normally handi" more mundane cuea auch. as ~ a:od criminal offema. Some obeerven have -n young Warren might be loliowtnl in his falher'r footatepa as a liberal jUJ'\lt. ... U you would ask a polictttnln whtt• Warren wu. be'd probably put him prel- 1¥ for felt," said Ronald Sypolcld, a defense lawyer in lbe, botiomlen ease. "1 don't think be is. He's an intelligent mid· dle-of-the roader. He's beeo known to be a Uttle tough on traffic of£ende:r1, even more than some of the other judges." 7.arick said of Warren: .. M an in- dividual. he seeins to be a very deep thinker at•Umes. ln dlscussing ~ it's amazing to see what he had come up with ••• he's a very alfab1e person, a nke peraon tG talk W." Young Warren is a De.mocraL Hla rather has been a lifelong Republican. Ke was appolnled lo lhe muntcipol eourt In December ol 1966 by then-Gov. Edmund G. Brown, a Democrat. t;:arl Jr. wu given the oath of olflce by his lather. "l wbh }'OU Godspeed In your """'and I know-ihal YoU'll enjoy ii and bear the honol' proptr1y," his lather said iD -cludln& the ceremony. .__~ ' . . . . -.. :::::::::;:::;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;::==~-=====:o:::::;===:--~---r,·_:-:.~:::~.~.~--::-"'I'•!"! 4 DAILY "LOT F r!da7, St,pUmbfr 26, l 96q Social Securit·y Boost? Nixon Readies 10% Hi~e Plan for Congre~s IC4"1114 .. ff tk Delli' l'lltt i1tn1 ·~A vice squad detective in Colum· blls, Ohio, recenUy arrested a 69. ye&r-0ld Y.•oman for prostitution, after 30 complainl.5 were lodged ai::ainst her. "It's the oddest arrest J've ever gotten," be said. • The U.S. Weather Bureau'• New York area teletype wire ' di.fP!Jtched the following report after the New York Mef.r clinch- ed the Ea.stem Dtoisiun title in [ . the NaticntJl League: "Weather Bureau radar located showers of champagne over Shea St~ ium in 'New York. The11 decreas· J ed veTJI rapidly." • :Edward Cottier of LitUeport, England will receive a gold medal for protecting the breeding ground of .the black•tailed godwil For 17 yurs he spent every night in April and May and every weekend of the spring in the marshes where the godwits mt to keep out strang- ... and egg collectors. The Royal Societr for the Protection of Birds \Vill give him the medal. • 1k' Los Angeles Coun{11 Fair Quee-11 ffUs her hand at hog callinQ but h~r ilann couldn't be-at-the winning '':&t4=t:ue" ~of. this_Sl!l}e'n-Jl~ar-old ~mp. • • • ;,About 700 shouting and singing students marched on the Athens hor:ne of the Ohio University presi· d!'llt. But unlike many other cam· pa}s demon strators, they were !Wt pt0lesting. They v.'ere 'velcorrung D"r. Claude R. Sowle, the univer- sttY's new president, at the start oi·the academic year. "Normally J ~don 't like student demonstra· t.ons," Sowle told the gathering. '':But I'd be glad to have one of tiese every day.'' .. • ·;,..nyone wanting to Wk to the La P.ort.e County (Ind.) treasurer qout tax matters after today will hilve to see him in person. Treas· uNr Stanley Lauer says he can't p9y bis office phone bill s and tele- plione service will be cut off to- diy. Lauer said the County Council his, refused to give him $220 addi- ti8nal appropriation to pay the bills aOd he has only $17.65 in his teJe. p~one fund. WASHINGTON (UP!l -Fatter Socltl Security checks would be malled to about 25 mllhon peraona in April under Pre•I· dent Nlxon'• proposaJ to ralse beneftta by 10 percenL Middle-income Americans will be uked lo pay most of lhe bill. The average family benefit for an aced couple, both of them recipient.a, would rise from $170 to $IN a month, the White House said. for a man or woman retiring next year at 65. the minimum benefit would in· crease from ~ to $61 a monlb and the maximum from $185 to $111.50. For a married couple where the hus- band is retiring nut year, Ille mlnlmwn monlhly bene1.it would riae from Sl2.50 to $91.50 and the maximum &cm '247.50 to 1272.30. By the end of the first full year of In- creues, one in every eJgbt Americans Triple Agent? would have &hared an addlUonal '9.t blllloo In benefits. leglslaUon to put the increaaes into ef. feet 11 expected to ~ sent to Congress next '*'"k. Nixon announctd the proposal Thuraday. lncre..., after next year would be ded to rlsea In lhe COii of llvtnJ. · "This aulomltic feature will, In the President'• judgment, help take Social Se<:urlly leglslalloo preUy much out of the political tphere," said presidential eoumelor Arthur F. Burns. Ke refund to dtbatu along poUUCal U.... about when to rtlle beoeUta, how much and bow to finance the lncreues. Bllnll aald lhe President'• propouls would abo benefit widowa, veterans, dependent parenta, disabled YOUJllllers and penona over 72. Almost three million widow1 would ncelve an average i.Qcruse of $17 a Army Ready to Reveal Details in Beret Case LONG BINH. Vietnam (AP)-Mllitary spol<umen said lhe Anny would disclose Saturday details of it.a cue aga.Wt ai:ii: Green Beret officen aetUSed of murder· Ing a Vietnamese •Pl' •. Sources said the· disclosure also would Identify lhe alleged ''trtgger man." The path was cleared to make public detalll of the charges after Army legal authorities rejected for the second time a defense motion to prevent releaee of the informaUon. The alleged victim was Thal Khac Chuyen, a Vletnam!Se identified by the Green Berets as a double agent for the Nixon Impressed With Mrs. Meir On Arms Request WASHINGTON (UPI ) -President Nixon has indicated he ls at least im- pressed by the arguments Israeli Premier Golda Meir u!ed in her request for additional shipmer& of U.S. arms. Mrs. Meir, who made the request dur- ing her initial meeting with Ni.J:i;an Thur,. day, planned to call at the White Hotl!t again 'today, bopi(li for a mCl'e definite ieply 0 from the President. The White House said Nixon wag con- sidering the Israeli request for more military equipment but there was no need · for "an immediate decision." At the White House state dinner fer Mrs. Meir Thr:tl'sday night, however, Nix· on was asked by reporters what he thought about lhe arms request. "Well, she makes quite a cue," the President responded with both a grin and . a shrug. "She's gtrong. She's very exper· ienced and very intelligenL But mosUy she's strong." University President Debates 200 Marchers EUGENE, Ore. (UPI) -The Unlversl· ty of Oregon's new president debated "'ith :iUoot 200 persons in front" of his home Thursday evening in his first con· frOnt.a!ion with demonstrators. The crowd, mostly students with a few carrying torches, m11.rched about a mile from the campus to the home of Robert Clark to demand the removal of the ROTC program from the university. Americans and tbe North Vietnamese. According to defense accoonts. be was ordered executed by the U.S. Central Intelll1ence At.e'M:'f. The CIA b.u denied any such involvemenL Newaday columnist Flora LewiJ said Thursday the victim was actually a biple agent owing allegiance to South Vietnam· ese President Nguyen Van ThJeu . In t copyright story in Tbursdly's editions, she uid she learned the new lnformpition in a report from Vietnam. She did not elaborate on her source. She said Chuyen was working with the Spec.la] Forces on orders from Thieu, who wanted to see what U.S. troops were dQJng ac.nm the border in Cambodia and Laos. Thieu did not trust American ex· plana.tions he received, she said. Chu.yen allegedly wag killed by the Green Berets. Miss Lewis said, when tbe Centra l Intelligence Agency found out he also was working for the North Vietnam· ese. The CIA recommendation for Chuyen was to "terminate with extreme preju- dice," she said. The Army intended only to wound Chuyen to frighten him into talking, she said, but the assailant wounded the spy fatally. When Thieu learned of the slaying he rushed to Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, the commander of U.S. forcts in Viet-1'1.am, aceording to MW Lewis. and de- manded lo know "wlzy you are ldllin& my J>"'l'le." "Only then, with OJuytn dead," she wrote, ''did any Amenc.Jn know the answer to the riddle of .the agent's Joy· alty. It was to SaJ100." Six Green Beret officers have been charged with murder. Congressman Won't Run Again WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Don Edwards (0.Calif.), announced today that he will not be a candidate for re- election. Edwards said "My reason has to do with a number of interntg 1 wish to pursue in the years ahe.ad. I am making the aMouncement at this time in order to enable lbe people of my congressional district to have adequate time to seleet the best possible candidate-to fill this seat." Edwards would not elaborate further. lte comes from California's ninth con· gressional district. There has been speeulation Edwards might run for ~tatewide office this year, po!slbly the U.S. Senate seat now held by Republican George Murphy. Bay Area Gets Record Smog Early Morning Frost For1ns iii Northern Midwest C•llfornla • Soulllern C•lflofnl• .. ,, "'ll•!lv "'"' ft,. lod•Y wl!ll ll!tlf' t1m1>9r1turo f.,.,..,,., $onMI nlfM 1"<1 morn!,.. low tlou<l.ho 1 lont Wll'll locll toe· Ind c:l,11· 'i1~. WI' .... l1 r1 In COllltl ltld~1. • LG\ ..,,... ... 1'1CI vicinity llld ll11w • l unslllnt ,...t111n1 t "''" el JJ, -·""'" 1bowt T~ur$dly, Tht low lo· "llM II ... : TM Alr Poll~!•M Con!rOI [)11!rlel r-tlc:I mOOer1Tt """" In lflllnd H•llorll of The W1ln 11'111 tltM smoe •ron• •hi c..o.11. '. Tri. U.5. W1tlll1r 11vr11u·• 11v.,.d•v torl'Ult 1!1llc<1•1lt• no 1rtc!1il1!lan f~ ~Uw,t.1 th'1'11Y abovt nor• ~ lt!Plt'.lfll Wt'dntl<hY, • TIW"M Cttlhlrlll• eotnmUl"lflK-1,.... pw111, "•Im s,..lflft tr>d l/ltrr•1t!-1o.,.. Gill llfnl. Arl1 far 1"9 rio· ..._, llltfl ol IG-1 lllllr..S..,. ~ ..... c~ IMI -rlll~• bvl Nl11P MllW" fh,1 .u .. _n ~111111 -· -f ": Ille Wl1tr 'folS U . Mellltt1!111 -• """"w wltll hlO~I .,_ IMO 11 rtwtt O....tl ....-. ,...,,., wlllo MthJ rtftthw ,....., ""fl '°' IO llHr r~J. kHrtttd lllln1 TlllolrMUr '"" ,, .. llllJdM ...... ionwrlt Wl<lir lnl:!wdl l""I llWcll n-n. Sltllt Mtnlco t.t-41, II~•_ Wiii! a.a. NII. Wlll'l)tl • n, P11111<11lt ~ ........... u.N, """' !>lo""'' *HIS. .. ktnllNI "'"· l•~ Ollo;o "'" """ ""'' ~, ....... 50UTHEJIN CAlll"OltfrllA -l°"' """"" 1tld 11(11 I'll or •lui. r•!•"(I• .... trClnl Rll'I "" ..... .., '--" , .. ,111 ~ fll "" "'°""l1lnt In nl"'t 1na "rt' llWfll"I 11Dur1 11111 al!ltrwl._ '"'' l'"rldlJ tlld itlMfdtY. NO! 11111(/1 l•tn· .. Ill,. '"'•· LOS AfrlGl!l..IS Al!:l!!A-l-elovdl ..,u,. IKll "" ., drlnlt In l"l~l 11111 t"1f Jfll{?l!nt hOun Ind f'tll'I' t!llltl\l~t ... ltM -1111111 Ind ,,..,_, l"r" .. ., 1llCI """'-"· HO! f"lld\. !tmpr•· 11\lrl CJ'!lflOIJ lArw ..... 11 .. ., "'"'' ... HIOll F•ldl'P U. Coat., M1'"nl111 cl!ll.lfl wltll •tr1ltl tlttrlrit II "'IIY WllllllM In .~. Ll<tM w..,.llbJ9, willdt """''"' wesl9r"IY I '- U 1<,.11 In •ft-• ICdrl' anllll $ti· 11t .. v, H'f'\ tW• nff• M. (Of,1111 ..... ..,."""" ....... f....i II '9 n, 1,.1 .... ~1111,.. rt....O ,....., 60 19 1•. W1Nr ~ll\ln '2. S11n, /Hoon, Thie• 'ltlOA't' ~~d llltll 101» •·"'· J_f s""'' 1tw t.14 ,. ,,,, 1 o F1'31 "'1111 ror1• .llw )llC-MOii ,_ .. lATUltOAY ................ '""' .. . ,.,,.,, • ., •• 4i Ft t ...... . ............. 11.11 ··"'· •• ...... , ...... J:M 111.in. o I JU• •It.ti •1'' I"'· s.tt t :IS Im.. ~-•1w1 7:1J ,.11'1. ltb 1:U 1.l'PI. v.s. s ....... ... 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Ill• ft(lftl4 • .,. p-,,.,., ... fUl!lltl '1fu41 llllP Hom ....... t'• , ., Alto\l<ll.lfl'- A"'"°'';t Allt "!f ••kttJfltlf lllf!'P'1rU; O•M ·~ ... llrowMYlllt Clllc1to c1ioo;1,....11 °'"'" Dtl Mollltl Ftlrbtnlt.I l"ort Wirth ,,_ Htltllt -·· Kt l\MI (!?¥ l•• v .... lfl AllMlt• M lt"'I Ml-.IGl\1 H.., °'1ff.,. New Yori< H.,.,.. """-0.~lll!d tlllltf!oml Cl?v ........ "''"' s..-in.1 .. ... lttltlh -..... _ --ltlllf City lltd 11\lff ... IK'l-lt S11! U•t City ,.,, oi..o Sin l"rtnt~see. s .. ni. -·~ ,._, W1tl'llntllfl """ "" ''"' .. " " " . " n • n ~i u " .. " .. " .. " •:5 6J '' •t 11 •• " n " " t 1 •S n " " .. 11 11 t! Jt .2S ~ .. ,. t l ~ " I) •• ,, ., . " " . " " .... " " ,.. ,, tJ JJ '" ,, .. " H II ,U ,, ., " .. .. . ff .. 11 11 " " " . .... 4t ti ·~ .. " " month. Parents of workers who art dleabled or who retire could receive benellla as well u the now-covered dependent parents o( a deceased worker. Pe.rsons permanently disabled before qe 22 would ucelve cbUd's Insurance ~flti for life, Under present law, the bfneflclary must have become di.sabled before age I&. Benefits would be paid in full tll persons over 72 who are now bound by tests which may limit their benefits. All of the proposals would ~t an ad- ditional $f.247 billion during tht first year, said Social Security officials. Although tbe 10 percent increase would be financed from the Social Seeurity trust fund -the money contributed by worken and employers -the President Is asking higher-level 1'a(e earners to pay 1 greater share of the future bill. 2nd Civilian Group Killed In U.S. Fire SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. helicopl<r gunships opeoed fire on a group of civilians and South Vietnamese soldiers in an accident that killed J4 civillam, nlllitary spokesmen said today. Seven pet'IODll -five civilians end two govenunent soldiers -were wounded in lhe rocket and machlnegun attack as they trltd to flee, the announcement said. Two of the dead were women. It happened Tuesday 340 m i I e s northeast of Saigon -the second such in- cident within a week. On Sept. 16, gunships prowling the Mekong Delta kill· ed seven civillaM and wounded 17 others in an open field. He<:idquarters said the helicopter pilots in the latest tragedy apparently mistook the South Vietnamese ror Viet Cong because they wtre wearing black and green and were fleeing. No shot.a were fired at the American helicopters, atlached to the America! Division, spokesmen said. They said an investigation had begun but gave no reason for the delay in reporting the ac. cident. The ~hooting occurred In a region that has been the scene of repeated fighting between America! Division troops and North Vietnamese soldiers. The dead government soldiers were part of a local unit. -· In the Sept 11 incident, American heUCP,ter gunships opened up when the civilians fled South Vietnamese troops who had been landed nearby on a combat assault mission. Ground fightlng was reported light and scattered across South Vietnam 'Thurs· day, with a total of 29 guerrillas slain against no U.S. casualties in the four "significant" contacts l 1st e d by spokemen. U.S. Trade Balance • Rises Again in August WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States' favorable trade balance rose in August for the fourth straight month, reaching it.s hightst point since last March. The Commerce Department reported today that the nation exported $204.9 million more than it imported during the month. The margin last March was $215.3 billion. ur1t1i.,llM CONSTRUCTION WORKERS CLIMB PICASSO SCULPTURE M•n on 'Pe•k6 W•ve1 Amvlcen Flag and Sign Bla~ks Beaten White Workers 'Gu ard' Chicago Meet CHICAGO (U PI) -Two-thousand white construction workers beat blacks who tried to enter a federal hearing on job discriminalion Thursday, fought police, marched into the Loop drinking beer and 3inging "God Bies~ America" and con· fronted radicaJ youths demonstrating for the "Chicago eight." At one heady moment. some of the •;orker3 clambered atop Pablo Picasso's five·story "Thing" -put up by ironworkers. Five persons. four of them poli~mtn, were injured and nine persons were ar- rested. Six of those arrested were blacks attacked by tbe workers. Police said four l!hot.s were fired by a black man. No one was injU:red by gunfire. The white workers began gathering at ?:30 a.m. Thursday at the U.S. Customs Building, just southwest of the Loop, where the U.S. Labor Department had set a heaing on alleged racial· di.!CJ'imlna· tion in the building trades In Chicago. The previous day, another hearing had been canceled when 500 white workers crowded into a small hearing room and disrupted proceedings. The hearings were called after the c06lition for united com· munity action demanded al least 10,000 construction jobs for blacks. Thursday, when the coalition's coordinator, the Rev. C. T. Vivian, came to the customs bWlding for the hearing the workers turned him away. He, his wife and another black woman took refuge in a police car. Police made DO al· tempt to get him inside. When coaliUon attorney Marshall ,Patner tried to enter, the workers recognized him. He was punched and shoved from the doorway. Other persons, mootly blacks, also were shoved away. However, four black men would not leave. The crowd closed in on them. Four shots rang out. The black men were beaten badly. Nearby, policemen were set upon. One officer jumped from the hood of a squad car into the milling throng. A burly v.·orker climbed onto the hood and jum ped on his back. Other police arrived and the y,·orkers moved toward the Loop, chanting "no coalition." As they .Passed a black construction y,•orker, they yelled for him to join the m. "You're one of us. you're a union member." The black man didn 't move. The workers, some drinking beer, marched toward the civic center plftll'; where Picasso's statue. stands. Some of them climbed the five.story statue and "planted" an American na1 on it. Emo- tionally, they all sang "God Bless America" and some waved signs saying, "Concerned Construction Workers Seek- ing Civil Rights for AIL'' Rogers, Gro111yko To Talk on Mideast NE\V YORK I UPI )-Secretary o[ Stale \\1illiam P. Rogers holds a second meet- ing \\'Ith Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko ton ight, hopeful they can make some progress on a Middle E~l peace setUement. According to American sources, the main topic of their dinner meeting at the Soviet mission to the United Nations will be the Mideast, although Rogers also is awaiting an answer on a date and place for the opening of strategic arms talks. f ., r'1dn. Stotc•btt 26, 1w.9 i; DAILY PILOT ,1 Six JaJured I, PJ1Dtlter 'G~rrillas' Raid ,{' Shoots 3, H atvard Buil,ding ~!~N~~UP,, CAMBRIDGE, Mus. (UPI) - A special Harvard Univer!li· ty comrrutt.ee called a meeting today to inveistlgate a youthful guerrilla rai4 on the school's center for intema\Jonal aUa.lrs which Injured several stall members.. 1 S<:bool o~ uid •bout ZO YOW!& men ijnd w6men atorm· ed l!ito !ht tfy;coated buUdlng 'nlur&day &Pd, .Punching and !dcldng, foro«I about 15 oc· cupants to leave the building. SJ.x staff membtn were in- jured, two of the cues re- quiring treatment at the ~verslty health center. -A j'OUllg man, who state police• aa1d wu a member of. the Black Panthers, abot three U.S. Customa agents at the Champlain border station ee.r-. l,y tOOay, then kjlled Iilmsell aa police agencies hunted him on • ~ sides of the U.S.-Canadi· an border. Three New York Stiite ~roopen, taking part jn the search ~rough the woods and field& that mari: the border ngion, came upOn the body of J-Mark White, 22, of Brooklyn, in a ptne arove about a mile north of the SOS had ~g lo do With border. , It!' 1, Troopers aald White's body Ul'I Tt"""91t Irish Violence Continues \ Cambridge police arrived too late to catch anyone and uid there was no evidence any Harvard studenta were in .. volvtd. Nobel-P,l'lze-Wtnning biol~ ~o Wald said he saw the attack f r o m a nearby buUdi.ng, but 'ti saw no evi· denct that this group was com· posed of students. Nobody rec· ognlzed any of them. A stafr member u.t4 a was found about &:Ml a.m. in bushy-haired student ahouted, the sarile area Where a shot "We're from the SQS .and .. had been heard arouM Z a.m. we're liberating thitJ buildllg" They said the wooded area as the young shock tr60ps was along old Routt 91 known swept ln. 1 as the Merldlan Road. An adviaer, Benjamlq Ji. Customs officials said Anned British Trooper searches trunk of auto entering central area of Lon- donderry, Northern l reland, Thursday a.s massive security precautions go in- to effect following renewed religJoua violence. Troops raiseQ barbed wire barri- cades in the Roman Catholic Bogside area and c8lled in reinforcements. Brown.' was cut behind thi ear White, a passenger on a Mon- requiring alx atltcbe1, Helld tree! to New York city bUJ, iB' he tried to talk to the y tbs was removed from the bus at Movie Robbery Tried "They bung out a b&Mer that idenW~ them as SOS lStudcnts for a DemocraUc Society)," be continued, "but I doubt seriously whether the but one of them yelJed, • 're the bordu about midnight not hero to !All:. We're .-1n1 Thursday to you wh~t you're dobig to He wa~ taken ln!ide the the Vletnameae people." Gunman Finds Victim in Phone Book Nearl y 100 Students Arrested in Protest ANN ARBOR, Mich. (APJ - Nearly I O O demonstrators were arrested early today when 250 state and city police moved Into a student-occupied oUlce building at the Universi- ty of Michigan. The police entered at the re# quest Clf university President Robben W. Fleming, a French Jet Plans Sold To Israel? BERN, Switzerland (AP) - Ftdtral Attorney Haill Walder annaunced today the arrest of a Swls!: jet engine specialist on charges of bavlng sold 20 crates full of secrtt plans o( the French Mirage jet fighter to Israel for $200,000. Walder called It the "biggest espionage affair in Swiss history" since World War II. The federal prosecutor said Alfred Frauenknechl, 43-year· old department head in the Swiss company of Gebr. Sulzer A. G. ol Winterthur, ha! ad· milted passing the plans to Israel via Awtrla through a relallve, who was not an employe of Su lier, since the fall of 1968-well after France imposed an embargo o n Mirage shipments to the Jewlsh state. Sulzer A. G. manufactures the jet engines ol the Mirage III "S" planes under a license from the French manufac· lurer, Marcel Dassault. They have put out a total of 57 Ughters. In an Interview, Walder said the plans, which w e r e microfilmed, "not only give detailed inonnation on the part!, but also how they are to be fabricated -that means how machines needed to make them have to be built." Queen Mary university spokesman said. The students had oocupled the Literature, Scienct and the Artl building late Thurs- day in a dispute w I th the school administration o v e r who should run a new univer- sity bookstore. The peramis arrested were taken by bus to the nearby Washtenaw County jail. It was not immediately known what charges would be lodged again.st them. Those arrested included the presi- dent and vice president of the school's student govenµnent. Except fo r one briel club between police and a ~p of demonstrators;-thete 1'IS Utue resbtance to the arreata. A volunteer first ~ worker reported treaUng • 1 g h I demon11trators for minor cul!!. 'Ibere were no ftparts of 1.D- jury to police. William Haber, assistant to Fleming, said damage to tbe building was one door kicked In and one window broken. Hike O.K'd In Air Taxes WASHINGTON (AP) -New and higher tazes on airline passenger tickets have been apiroved tentatively by the Houi;:e Ways and Means Com· mittee u part of a program to provide '9 billion to improve air transportation over the next decade. The tax-writing committee Is to meet Monday to make final its ~ Jo boost an exJsting P¥SE"nger Ucket tax from s to. a percent, to put 8 new $3 ~ax on passenaer tickels f o r international flights, md to Institute a 5 percent tax on air frlegbt waybWt. All three increases were backO\f by the Nixon ad- m.l.niltratioo. .; Tram I Oka y LONG BEACH (UPl)-The to open neit summer. Long Beach City Council bu ~ council's unanimoUJ de- • p p r o v e d construction of ~ authorized City Manag· a $2 fn:illion aerial tramway 11r John Mansell to enter Into connecting the Queen Mary ,,-. 1'ith the Pacific Terrace ~ an agreement with Diners venllon Center. . Queen Mary Corp., which IJ' The Queen Mary Is being converting the ship, to con- cmverted Into a holel-conven-s tr u c t the 5,000..foot·loog tion eenttr and b schedu1ed tramway. Customs house, located along interstate Route 87, l o r "routine questioning about some papen: he had on hlm," authorities saJd. While und e rgoing in- terrogation, White pulled a .SI callbe:r pistol and opened fire on the agents, police report. Leonard Chagnon or Rouses Point was shot U!. the chest. He was listed in serious con- dition at Champlain Valley Physiclan·s Hospital medical Center, Plall!lburgh. William Grinter. 50, of Rouses Point, and David Hoff, <t:3, of Ellenburg Center. were reported in fair condiUon. Grinter had a leg wound and HoU was hit 1n the hip. PARIS (UPI) -For milliona.lrt banker Baran Guy De Rothschild, the w~le ordeal of the sunman who &earthed the telephone dlrec- lory until he found someone rich to rob must have been taken from the plot of a movie. A YOU"i man whom police identified as Joseph St.adnlc, 2f, showed up at the home of the baron's flrn w If e, B~ss Alix De Rothachild, Thurslfty and aald he waa a representaUve of the Interior Minlatty. The gunman ordered the baron's aon David, 27, to call hi.I lather Wilb a demand !or $363,000 In ranaom. The baron soon arrived with lhe cash alter Upping police. "His holdup method murt have been taken from the cinema," the baron said. Stadnlc held the baron and his son at gunpoint for two hours during which Stadnic harangu e d the two millionaires on a variety of subjecta. "Most of It had to do with IOclal jUltlce," the baron aald. Finally, Sladnlc or<lered tile baron to drive hbn to a point where be aaJd he would catch Matched Set of 4 New Tires REG. SALE FED. EX. TAX SIZE PRICE PRICE SAVE I 11clrl tlr•) E78-14 $18_7.60 $140.70 $46.90 $2.41 a ilelicopler foc hi.I escape. Police followed the llmow!IDe. "We m11de a stop of more than 10 minutes for him to buy a transistor radio, 11 the baron said. "He wanted to know if the radio newscasts were reporting his exp Iott." When the car stopped for a trafllc llght, police rushed the car, 11mashlng a window and cracking St.adnic on the bead with a pistol butl A police.man's gu n accidentally fired, the bullet r 1 p p I n a through tile limOUIJnR roof. F78-14 $I ~9.00 $149.25 G78-14 $219.00 $164.00 H78-14 $241.80 $181 .35 $49.75 $54.75 $60.45 $2.54 $2.66 $2.89 LONG, LONG MILEAGE F78-15 $199.00 $149.25 G78-15 $219.00 $164.00 H78-15 $241 .80 $181.35 J78-15 $2 75.60 $206.70 L78-15 $286.20 $214.65 9.00-15 $279.80 $209.85 BUY 3 $49.75 $2.45 $54.75 $2.62 $60.45 $2.85 $68.90 $3 .02 $71.55 $3.05 $69.95 $2 .83 AT OUR EVERY DAY LOW PRICES 1 FREE ~ - -' 'Roaring Inferrw Kills 6 in· Family • WILMINGTON,Mau. (UPI) -Slx membtr1 of one f~y. a mother Jnd five of her eight chUdren, dle1 e11rly today when a fin wl-called a. "roartna J.ofemo" awept the.lr home. Police said the victims I~ eluded Ille mother, NIDCy Landen, M, O.vld Jr., lS., WUUam., U, Kevin, 10, Ltaa, 7, and Kathleen, 4 • The father, Oavld, n. and 1 cousin, J osepb Cuey, D, a11o Top Czechs Mull Fate Of Dubcek PRAGUE (UPI) -The men who ran Czechoslovakia met secretly again today to fir final blame for thla naUon'a political problems, with AJez:. ander Dubcek the 11 k e J y acapegoat. The Cuch government an- nounced It would Jive no vlsu to lourlsts durln& the ;neeUn1 and would refuse io honor vi.au already given foreign newsmen. Reporters w 11 h permanent accreditati-On were allowed to enter the country. ataylq al tha boule. were In fair QODdilloD at Cho1t1 Memorial Hosplt.tl In Woburn. Thi couple'• three oldeat children, Harry, 17, Michael, JI, and SUlan, 14, eacaped Ui' 11am ... ''W• found a roaring lnferno lnllde when we went throu&h Iha "-nt door," one flrellghter aald. OfflclaJa IUJpect the blaze •tarted In the uvine ' room of the wood house with aluminum atdtni. They said the aldln«i reb.lned the heat and puailed 11 up through the two and one-hart atory !)ouse. Pollco aald Suun jumped out a -to safety. Harry and Michael were 1leeplng in the buemeot and 01Caped. Mn. Lllndera hlid escaped with Casey but returned to try to nve her children and col- lapsed lnlide the house. Brothen Sue CBS Network LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Smotben BrotJierr. In what thay promJaed waa their ••1ast word" on the can.. . cellatloo of •tl>eJr televlllon ahow, have sued the Colulnbla . Broadcasting Systam for 131 · million. The two comedians macle the announcement at a news co11lerence. The meetlllJ of the com. munl•I Party Central Com· mittte climaxed months ot lliiiiiiiliP";;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiijjiiiiiii G~ tbe motl on debate and maneuvering over lfS RED SAYINGSI, the degree of puni1bment for Alexandar Dubeck and other KJ;'tS ... OllB liberal leaders of the 1988 IAVl••GS "Prague spring" re Io rm ,., .._.. :;;iuu,,. period. ·-..ww °"""'"-~ DlplomaUc IOUl"ce• uld the ~-=--=-5.38! .. ':: decision whether to purae. ~~--.-. Dubeck and his woclatu pro-_,,._., .... ..,, bably would be made today durln1 the 1econd day of diJcuaslona In the Spanllh hall of Prague CuUe. * l'....W• ufety ,, high 1pteda ••• *01-... r twice the rftlJepe .... *Savu gH tool FRONT END ALIGNMENT Spec!Allatt wrecl easter, catnber, tot.In. ~to yourar '91&1'1Ufacturtr• •P«iftcationl, - &aftlty.c:hKk and adJuttr-- s9so MOST U.J. CAll , ..... "~ ALL-YlllYL CAI IAT . .... .,.., .. ·-'"' • LMt' ..... ,.., ,... ... _ -• c.. •• ,. te ,,. .... ·-of ·-ONLY s211 SS/8000 SUPER SPORT --· -· C~Rl-•1 ,;-,1) • MlrroroflO llllh ehrolM MAG WHEELS COMPLm CAR CARE I For calls alt { 6 p.m. weekdays and all weeke:t'. 3 minutes -to-station, plus~ --@ >· ' • C•1t aluminum center • Thelt11roof hub cap e Olhar 1tylea available ' 646-5033 I $29.95 Don Swedlund . s1, .. J9st ---~-----=· •.• • • • •• •• -..... _ .. • • DAD,Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • • ·Three NeW Counciilnen • " " The recall breeze In Founlain Valley bas brought In th* new cl!y councilmen brimming with opinions and fresh views on how to l'UJl the city. And the commwilty bas the right .to expect a lot from the election of George Scott. Bernie .Svalstad and Ron Shenkman to replace Mayor Robert ScbwerdUeger, Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph Courreges. Scott, Svalstad and Shenkman. after the elecUon was taJUed Tuesday, promised an aggressive attack on the city-'s industrial land usage problem, with an eye toward rapid development of several acres of currently donnant industrial land. They made it clear that a strong code of ethics will certainly be adopted by the new council. Apartment zoning will also be inspected by the new men. A reduction in high density apartment zoning may follow. Each of the new councilmen appears to be inde- pendent, strong on his own views, but williJlg1 to co- operate With other councilmen. A bloc does not appear to be forming. Election results also indicate a new civic involve-- ment in council affairs. All candidates promised great· er rapport with the citizens. and ·svalstad based hts en~ tire campaign on a ''people'' theme. It could be a healthy attitude. Each new man has -reassuringly -affirmed his faith in the quality of the city stall and such notable items as the JO-year plan. This is the time to build con· fidence in the city by such statements. Rumors had in· dicated a "housecleaning" of the city staff and various commissions. Nothin~ could be more dainaging to a city struggling to revive itself after a bitter recall cam· paign. Scott. Svalstad and Shenkman are all on trial nO\\'. They're new and they've promised action. Since Scott and Sv.atad will be ul'afor reelection, along with Just, they must prove thtlr s lure quickly. Upheaval ol city government ill not the answer to progres.t but obviously a chenge wu dictate.! in Foun- tain Valley, The Dl'JLY PILOT joliis in congratulallilg the vlctoro and urging them to bend every effort lo bring stable, eynam1c goyenuneot to Fountain Valley. A Hard Man to Replace HunUngton Beach will lose a good friend_ and one o! its hardest l\'Orkers next week when the Rev. Roger Bet.sworth moves from the Conununity Methodist Churcll to a hew mlnlstry in Sen Bernardino. Since 1962 be bas been involved in a dozen civic activities and projects while uoderscoring the "com- munity united" challenge of his church. As minister at the Community U•ited Methodist Church, he establi!hed a Head Start program there, four Alcobollca Anonymous groups, worked with the re- habilitation of former prisoners 111 Seventh Step, set up English classes for MexicairAmerican citizens·and was currently seeking to expand Head Start to a year-round program in Huntington Beach. Jn an age when the church is constantly criUcized for withdrawing from issues, Mr. Betswort.h has brought his congregation into the homes and hearts of hundreds of underprivileged families. He bas made "involve- ment" the byword of his church. His step.dy influence has been evident in the high school districl with his ~cipation on the Citizens Ad- visory Committee and m the city by serving two yeers as a moderator in the annual Community Congress. He'll be a hard man to replace in this city. We wish there were a lot more like him. $ Ve1acerenws Brigade Will Cut Cane SexEducation SDS Moves to Help Castro A Beginning, WASHINGTON -The Marxist revolu- tionify· Stui)ents for a Democratic Socie· ty is branching ·out -into CUba. A so-called "Venctremos (we shall con· quer) Brigade" of higb school and college students is being organized to give Fidel Castro 1 band tn bis frenzied efforts to avoid MOther big flop in f!U&ar pro- dueti-On. ' stays for agltational and other Com· munist activity when the1 return home. The SOS voluni..ts will go Into the DISMAL RECORD ,-It Is highly fields-to cul sugar cane. · n ha 'Ibe recruiting goal is 300 lo 500, with s1gnl. cant t t amid Fidel Castro's Ire· "-· both ....... quent and bombistic yU.kina: and yam• enrown~nt open to m~ .. .., women. mering he iJ carefully saying nothing Only healthy yool/1 .,.. wanlal, and all DWJt pass \ h 0 r 0 u g h physical 6 .. about this ,year's 1 u g·a r production. , amiMtiom because they face riP9U1 He ~n l say an~g about. lut Uvtnl and worldng cond!Uon.<. !lie. of 7tat'I, .eilber. drop IS llatly barred and !IQ is !U pro-There Is • good ream for this Ughl·llP- mllaiity, Mal" and lema10. will Uve II'., Pe4 lllltnce. Althoogh 1111ar Is CUbo's O!parale camps and dormf!Ortes. • .-Jl/!lldpal' crop and I~ moot lmpo<Unt u- , ' ~Ha output continues to be a resoun· IDEOLOGICALLY, ~ C:Utro regi.,. g bu&I. , Is strldenUy revoluUona.ey but 500ia)ly ·• ··or to Castro's iron-handed Corn.. sternly prudi!h. Tbere ls n o t bi q g 'nJtirtist dictatorship, Cuba averaged p:ermi..ssive ar gay about It. ;'Fun" is between 8 million and 7.Z mlllion tw of harshly disa.Pproved, and "democracy" ls sugar annually. In the decade of Castro's viewed , wlth derisive contempt. There nlle, the total has never exceeded 5.5 are no constitutional or any other righta million and bas fallen as low u 3.~ in Red Cuba. million tom. ' Pay will be low. On the other hand, liv· World sugar experts estimate Cuba's fn& expenses will be. provided, including output last year at less than 3.5 mill.ion transportation to and from Cuba via the tons, end that this year'a wW not exceed Communist undttgrowid. 4.75 million tons. Similar · hrlgades are being sur· reptitiously organized in otMr countries. ~ 'nlt!y are Wanted for two reasons: (I) Castro urgently needs cane cutlers. He is mptying schools, factories and even IOrtle prisons for virtual forced labor in 1he sugar fields. (2) Proselyting and pro- paganda purposes. The "Venceremos" y;ilJ be heavily IOOoctrlnattd during their AS A RFSUL T of th e succession of failures to increase sugar production, Castro is deeply in debt to Russia. He is also heavily In hock to other Iron Curtain countries, notab)y Czechoslovakia. The Reds agreed to take around 6 million tons of sugar annually, at 6.1 cent.s a pound -more than twice lhe current world prict. In exchange, they would provide Castro with a wide range of indu,strial essentials -oil, machinery, tools, equipment of all kinds, eoglnes, &tee!, pipe, etc., etc. He has gotten these desperately needed supplies -to the tune of some $$00 million a year. That is what tht support of Castro is costing Russia and the COflo trlbuUng aatelltles. But they aren't get~ ting ao offsetUog amount of sugar from him. HE IS IN DEBT to hil Communi!t benefactora at least '3 billion, · and possibly as much as '5 billion. The hearoed CUbu ruler t a 1 t , aonoroualy about produciDg 10 million-ton 1ugar1 crops in the 1970!. Farm experts: who have vi&ited the island aay firmly be 'WW never do it. They give 80UDd msons -lack of trained agronomists, lack of roads and machinery, too !ew and dilapidated sugar mills, underpaid, in- different and forced labor, plus cor~ ruptlon, incompetence and stupidity throughout Communlat party ranks. MEANWHILE, Cuban agricultural pro- duction has suffered another hard blow. Hurricane Camille seriously damaged the tobacco crop -the third biggest source of foreign curTtncy, That will un· doubtedl~ mean more ltrlnient rationing for the Cuban masses. Already everything they eat, wear and use is tighUy rationed. Theirs is a dog's life -which explains why some 4,000 a month have been coming to the. U.S. in the dally airllit since December. 1965. '81 Rebut S. Allen Ind J.U A. Golduollb Student Says To the F..ditor: In California, or 1t least in Orange County, sex education is being sUfled by bumper sticker conservatives who believe that ignorance is a preventative. I trunk most parents support sex education in the public schools and the majority of those -don't ore failing lo question the lurid propaganda stories about ''per· verts'' who i;upposedly promote experi· mentatlon and who manage to escape recognllioa. I KNOW the Anaheim School District Is having many problems with Its gex education program which their board of trustees considers are due to inadequately trained personnel, but should parents be so quick to condemn the oew? I think they should recognize this as a beginning. I reallu that many parents are apathetic towards any type of change although they witness rising unwed mother aod VD ratts throughout the cowity. An 11-Year Old's Insight ORANGE COUNTY has progressed so far that rettnily a teacher in the Tustin Union High School District was sued by a parent who objected to having Huxley's "'Brave New World" included as an op-tional book on a read ing list in one of bis daughter's classes because it was "por· nographic." Perhaps the r ight wingus of tbi.! county, who believe. that any type of progress is a Communist plot, should take up the slogan "Better Venereal than Uberal." By GEORGE R. HOFF, Ph.D. Follov.·ing ls an extemporaneous and l r;pontaneous bit or prose, written by an 11-ye.ar-old girl named Gail: WllO Ml 1? "I am mt! I am the most important person in the world to me. I'm the one. pe.non 1 really must look alttr through my llfeUme. I am \he one and only mt! .. I'm Gail! No one person has e.ver been encUy Uke me ! I am ~ only person who knows everything l know, every feeling, every secret 0 1 Mt GAIL I must remember who Cail is. I've been ph1ying a part. as in a play, but this is real. I know, everything about thiJ role. I know everything this tole enjoys, animals e1peclally dogs, dolls, lovely lngeniow houses, swimming, babies, fiddlin& with Utings, or. as most peop1e may call It, ART ; bicycling, fin· d1ng out about something 1 didn't know, 'beautifUl places, but most of au being ~ to do all these tilings. • --·W- Friday, September 26, 1969 TM editorial page 01 tile Dailv Pilot aetkl to inform and rtim.. tdo.U 1ta4cr1 b'1 prtltntlno thU M10ipoper'1 opfntonJ ond corn- rncnt.arv on toptcr of fnttrest on8 sig!llfioanu, b~ providing o f01ttm for the erprtsiion o/ our rtoden' opinfonJ. and btt pttttttting fh.f div~rtt uitW-- poillU Of fnf°""'d Oblm><'I o:tl4 tpakc.rmen on topicl o/ the day. Robert N. Weed. Publlmer \.. f \ f ' ! •·t am someone just playing a role, but a role that is being played in live (sic). "I do not know why and I don't know really who I am. But before I die I v.·ill find out." HOW ELOQUENTLY she st.ates her condition. An appreciation of her naive wisdom increases with each reading. so that Unally, after lhe third or foorth time, all essential message emuges: the meaning of We iJ In the llvlng, not in the getting ready to live; in the process, rather than the goal. G8.il has these insights al a tender age. What. will she write at 21 or fl or 61? Will she loee or give up her exuberance as she matures into a world in which naivete In- vites hurt, or will 1be remain open to herself and her world? Nobody, not even Gall, knows. I 1111NK YOU'U. agree that the &irl who wrote "Who Am I" ls a lovely and refre,,hing person. But she's only 1 child -what does sht know? Perhaps tbafs the ba.tjc pol~t. She doesn't know, and maybe that's aaclly what makes her l!IO knowledgeable : she doe<n't know eMUgb yet to sWp whit Is inside her Crom t'OtD.lwr: out., or whit's ouUlde from coming In, btc&tl91 abe ham't ye< le1rned to diltrult hertett. "Out ot the motilba' of babei •. " reflects • yt.Jmlng totreilptutt the ti• qulsltely glmplo life cl ai b)'pt: tra. f ' TllOf\EAU FELT 1be'yamlng; llO did G••&Uln. Yet they, an4 otllen like thllm; hod to kave .. here they wuo and rediscover wbat meant most-to the.m in other placu. The Gail of 11 can feel herself where she is and. regardless of where she wlll find herseU at a later age, let's hope for her sake -and ultimately ours -that she doesn't change her easentlal sell-a<:· ceptance. Reality ls in the eye of the beholder. U, as she matures, Gall's sell-image becomes asUgmaUc, then she'll have to put on one shade or another of neurotic glasses in order to "correct" reality. BUT PlfUST SHE btcome jaded, cynical, blase, emoLlonaUy scarred, in- different, anxious, bo6tile, defensive, depres..ed, withdrawn, antl8oclal, etc., u she encounters tbe viCWitudes of life, or will Me be able to develop maturity while maintaining the b1wh ot. childhood? She'll probably never completely find out who she la but, If she can preserve her open curiosity, she'll teach us all a lesson by her good example. Dear Gloomy Gus: The crew installing safety buttons: In Coast ~ HigtMay pavement In ' llllnlli!gtori Beoch and Newport Balch Oda wttk were more da.n· geroas thin \he traffic. They left tratfk &a!tty C<llts all ovtr the hiah•&J'. -M. Y. YMJ' ..... rtn.ft ....... ~ ... .. ....,.ff ... "' tllt -----· ..... .................... Olltt ....... BRAD KLUEWER Student Corona del ?.tar High School P erson fta lhe iUlddr.. To the Editor: Attempts to view We from two op- posing sides has become a bit dlfficuJt (or me. I find myself retreating into a moderate but unhappy situation. Thal is, not belonging to either group-person in lbe middle. Having been brought up in a con- servaUve society, I've swlllly become disenchanted with the hypocrites and the "well wishers." The rej ection of ''friends" for not doing what one is "sup- posed" to do -the realization that even 1 person over 30 (over the hill !) could also be gearchlng for someLhing more in this Ufe. Al.SO AROUND me are the liberal folk who dblike a society that has become cold, calculated and logically com· puteriied. Agreed, everyday life does lack personal Invol vement But total emphasls on the senses without first knowing an indivkttta~ caa also become &uperficlal. All this leads me to the question : How does a pmon, not a«ept<d by eflher ol these groups, flDd a true balance between radical conaerv1Usm IJJ(l strlctly sensual encoontera, without int~rest In people as individuals? LYNN FULLER Ll!tttrt from. readers arc wcicome. Normallt1 wrUn1 Jhould convcv their "J'lSOgtJ (II. 300 wonU or le.ss. Tht right to CO~NC fcttfr• to tu •J)OC• 01 eliminalc Ubel Lr re1ervtd. AJl Jet- tcr1 mu.rt fftcl1¢c dgnatvrir and mail~ Ing addrcts, bvt namts may be with- held DI' µJjlje)t tf ••IJicfenl ncuo• Ii apparent. • • • 4 ... • ;,,..====··-== .. -· "Y-' u:= .. } iHE ~RIM REAPER Charging Knight After Dragons When Santayana delined• ''fanalic'' as a man "who redoubles hls efforts after he has forgotten his aim," hi! was making more. than a pi;etty epigram. He was ut- tering the doleful truth abrut lhe human animal. Late yesterday afternoon, l decided to run down to the store 10 buy some lemons. Becaa.se I had a iCOld, and was lounging at home in slackl and a sport shirt, I thou«ht I'd wrap af\~ld Ascot tie around .my neck instead of denting a coo-- ventional oecttle, I looked in. the proper dra . er, and the ascot waa tnislng. 1ben I J ked in a 11 tile drawers of my dresser, 'th equa\J'y unsuccess!ul results. By th· time, my blood was up. \VJTR AN tJTl'ERL Y £ana al gleam In my eye, I ransacked the · partment from stem to stern. I opened d lhe suil· cases, as well as the big boxes n the top shelf of the guest closet, where r sum- mer things are stored. l fui.rrowed through the · laundry hamper. I delved into (may 'iie Lord forgive me) my wife.'! "litimate" gannents. I leafed through all tltt papers in ll)y desk. I searched in the most im· probable places -including, ultllllalcly, the garbage can on the back por$:b. \ AFTER THE FlRST quarter hour ot this concentrated hunt, I had wholly forgotten the trip to the store, the lemons. my cold, and my original reason for preferring the ascot to a four-in-hand. I was transformed into a crusader for a cause, a knight charging after dragons - and a fool in hot pursuit of a piece of cloth I re.ally dldh't Want at all, IN COMMENTING on 1 the hiller religious wars in the t6th century, Moti· taigne makes the. same point on a grander scale. The frenzied search for heretics and noncomformists totally; obliterated the moral ends of religion, and even of common decency. Whether we are in avid pursuit of a tie, a Huguenot or a Communist, It is dangerous and self-defeating: to becoma so emotionally involved in the quest that \Ve lose our perspective, our humor and our humanity. To do this is to subvert our goals more fatally then our enemies could ever accomplish. Coffee , ·Tea or Orgy In a major breakthrough In tom- mercial aviation, BOAC is now offering to fly you to London, fix you up with three blind dates at three different cocktail parties, and fly you home again -all for a package. rate. BOAC's venture into the dating game has raised eyebrows and voices among the old fuddy-duddies in Parliament. But it's obviously a giant leap forward in man's conquest of the air. For the greatest challenge the airlines have long faced is that in any airliner hurtling through space six miles above the ground, hall the passengers are scared to death and the other half are bored to death. Flying just isn't naturally fun . Most airlines have gone to ingenious lengths to meet this challenge. But the pace-setter In the industry is still, of course, WOW Airways. ("If il's a run fiigbl, it's a WOW!") I BAD TO GET from Duluth. to Decalur the other day and was fortunatt enough to get wace oo WOW's Fun Flight 742. in the Royal Grand Emperor Section, which is cheaper than first class. The converted De Hav illand bomber, painted puce and mauve in a gay. psycliedelic patttm, was waiting at the gate. "Step right into the. parlor, honey,'' said the attractive topless stewa rdess. "and make like a real WO\V customer." And she gave me a wann smile. a pat on the cheek and a WOW Flight Kit. WhJClt cootaintd the usual fifth of gin, staqk 'of poker chlpi and a voodoo tove annlet. The tasttful VJctorlan lnlerior, ee~ lllld red plush, preaented a cheefy In Ont! corner, the piano pla)'er was wanning up with "I Want a Girl," while the roulette whee.I in the rear ~" already spinning madly to the shou of the happy puo<nger1. I WAS DELIGHTED lo find that WOW 'a Compultrlztd Seat Selector haj assigned me jtllt the sent I wanted next to a curvaceous bloode who shor my Interests in lute t: 1 n I a t a s , Zorastrianlsm and lhe New York Mell. (In fact, she had more than I'd asked for, but how cou1d tht computer know I preferred hearolcss lad!ea!) • ~·~- Art Hoppe ~ j ' . I ry \Ve \Vere just getting acquainted when our Captain popped out of the pilot's compartment wearing a paper hat, tooting a lillle horn and tossing confetti. "\Velcomc aboard our flight to wherever it iii, pals," he said. "There'll be a slight delay as our rubber band broke again. Ha, ha . But don't worry, we'll get this party off the ground or my name isn't , , isn't , , ." \\"ith a somewhat blank look he did a buck and wing back into the pilot's cabin as tbt stewardesses struck up a chorus o( "We're on Our Way to Somewhere." Tbe r lightl dimmed and . . • t \YEl.J,, I WON'T BORE you with a longfl account of all the fun we had. Bul seven . hours later we staggered down the gangwat. sated, stuffed and, smashed. I, was a trifle surprised to find we were: still in OU:luth. ,r "Dldn"t 1e even take off?" I asked tbel steward h-g out ice bags. "Oh, we never do," he said. "Our e~ perietticc shlws that hurling throu space six mlles above lhe ground wrec aU the fun " When I a 0 wli:e the next morning with a / throbbing haitover. I vo"ed to transfer my business f~WOW lo a no-nonsense ~ airline that w Id simply take me where I wanted to go quickly, elficlcnUy and ttonomically a possible. 11 1 ever find , ru let 100 kllOw. . .,, °"'"°f'fl" --,f 0.or Gcor_.,,~ My wUe says is a waste of lime to read 1001' becaUJti day after day ltllWtn are ridiculous. B-~~ .. ~ enjoy your col· umn. Who'• ~i SAMO. Dear sam: Doth of you. Ho" dot.a she know what my column Bays day llter ' f. • • ' • ' ' day lf she doesn 't ttad It? ; \L-~-~~~~-4'-"'~~~~~'~· I , 3 I 1 ] an llU i bt1 ' •to ' ho' ' wt ' in ' coi ' 3S. Im , re1 'Th i an 'bei , I ·old ·~ oJi< rig nal to I><> dw YOI ev1 asl ... • plu nol 1 1 ] I W• ~ 200 l wil ·nal hel am wil tiOI ce1 wa P" 1 by• _, wr. Ila •• '" Um UOI 1 lidt Vii tiot na1 JIO' "a de< COi ' wa "w tor he< wh Its I r.: pl• ad tlo ]lo • •• de ab '" th• E> Ne of I to no tht ~ ' CHECKING--•. UP • ·?· How a Hairdresser. ' -··, -1. Raised His lnoome_ T hree Cities Seeking '. • CARS -No wonder battery WASHINGTON (UPI) -trouble is the commone.st car Washington /ol.ned PhHadel-trouble. Some of 1 hes e phia. and Bos on in bidding to automobiles with all th e become the site for America's 200th birthday party in l9?6. accessories have 44 light bulbs Ultimately, President Nixon and 16 separate electric will decide whether an inter-motors. It has been estimated ·national exposition should be that all the eleetrical ap- held In the anniversary rear paratus working at onceiin one and, if so, where. His decision fully loaded convertible would will be based on recommenda-pu11 enough wattage to ijgbt up lions from the American Bi-three houses. Big house,. too. centennial Commission, which Your questions a7'f com. was hearing the three cities' ments are weLcomtd and preseotatiooa. d h The iead-Off presentation was will be use w erever pos· bY•Otflclals from Philadelphia 1ible in "CheckinO Up.• -where the Constitution was .Addris1 ma i l td L. M. written. Pennsylvania Gov. Boyd, in care of tM DAILY :Raymond P. Shafer assembled PILOT, Bo:g 1875, Newport a show-and-tell plan for an ex· Beach. Calif., 92663. position, scores of neighbor·1;:==========.I hood improvement projects to OVERSTOCKED serve as models far lhe na- tion, and a historical celebra· tion along the Delaware River. The nation's capital, which lidded suburban Maryland and Virginia areas to Its presenta- tion, did not include an inter· national expnsition in its nro- posal, but had :>. secretive ''alternative." Washington only decided recently to enter the competition. Proponents from Bo s t o n want an exposition in the "world's fair concept." Bos· ton's hopes, however, have been damaged by an over- whelmingly ""~aUve vote li:om its city council J\fassachusetls' stale senate president, Maurice · A. Dona· hue baa described the city's pla~s as "ill-conceived and ill- advised," and said an expos!· lion would cost Boston f15 mil· lion and I.he state $225 million. The cities have asked for an early decision. lt Is felt that a dec ision by November will en· able the winning city to go be- fore the semiannual metting of the Bureau of. ln\ernalional Exhibitions in Paris In mid· November to gain il! approval of en exposition. Most Western nations belong to the BIE by treaty and can- not exhibit officially unless the bureau approves. Mu1t -Sell -Free ,Delivery INSTANT CREDIT NC\v 9 pc. comer arrang. choice of clrs. reg. $230, now $159.50. Headboards; Klngs, $15: Queens, $12.50: Full, $10.50; Twim, $4.95. Trundle sets (duo riser) tv:ith inner spring matt., reg. $106, now $79.50 Roll-a-\\'8Y beds v.•ith inn. spring matt. reg. $59.50, now $39.50, Full sz. sleeper- sofa, reg. $239.50, now $169.50. New beds: King, SW.SO; Queens, $89.50; Full, $49.50; Twins, .$39.50, fully guaran. King size spreads, $13.95, fl sz. $9.95. Canopy Beds, reg. 119_.00, now $89.50 Beautiful \Valnut 9 drawer dresser, 2. 7 dra\\-·er com- modes, headboard Ir framed mirror, $172.00: Spanl1h (longboy) &leeper sofa, hand carved \\"ood. beautifully up- holstered. rc.iz. $449.50, now $329.00. Christmas lay-a\\·ays .SIESTA SLEEP SHOP I 927 Harbor Blvd. Coste Mesa 'h I lk. N, of 1 ftti St. Daily 10-9 , Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6 645·2760 Coming Sept. 28 The most exciting new apartment complex In America ••• In Newport Beach HOME EXT!R'TAINMEHT CENTER A naw dimer.ion In~ and .oundl · computt>rcrafted, AdvanCld Automatic Fina Tuning, Tran1 Vlst .. SoHd State"• COior TV "C/COS 477"' AM-fM.. FM Stereo, Mark I Studlomatk: Changar. ~alt Solld Slate amplifier, a-.puk.,.., deluxe features sialore. Luxuriotla Spenbh-tlyled cabinet wllh dlaappear1ng doOrs. 001' S1600. , ' llQ.ICft!EN T48U MODEL ~"""' ""'""""""' wlltl t.....iattxlnd New Vlai. VHF, Soild State IJHF. On.wt \/HF fll'l9 tuning, tilt-out "no atoopH oontrol penel. .. ,, s43995· see your deakr w day! ··1-......... ' . "'".......,..._.__.,,l ...... .., ... "' ..... UOKlW!IGHT COlOR POftTAIL! •. , Euy ta •fliqyRCACOtorTVln every.. raam!Ptnwf'M21~chaai:lf0f' axtra brllllant cOlot, OM41I VHF flM t\tl'llflG. Suifl-ln antann-. I~ l'landlt, ~•2ee95• • I ,, ' .. • • • . ' ...:.':.::ridl'f=, ::;SfP::;l:::tm:::btt::.:26:!.' _,_1 '16:.:9.:.._ _____ _:.D°"c::L V PILOf 7, ~ Beef Stew Is Gone , I m<al lot the lloojlo. They wW get more hamburgm, mut- lotf and Sallsbury steat-!Jpo coor.... . ' • The Defente DQrUUCtaey doesn't easily or siml>I)' eocl a trad.ilion reaching bict .be- yond the .memory· ct ••eo1ht okiest sokller. - ,\llbough the Navy and Ma- rirle Corps had abandoned i;eet s1ew . a couple 1 of yean qo, the Army and Air Jroree's •re-- treat took more than t"o yeari of study, evaluation and pro-- grammlng 'by at least a halt dozen military ~ • aod agencies. For those who wonder what effect the ant.ibeef-stew ruling might have on other menu items, yes -ctup bed on \OUt still will be avallable. .._ -What does "computer crafted!' color --mean for you? RCA;flrst in color television, uses the speed and accuracy of the computer to bring you advancements Jn design and quality control of many Important color television components, circuits and systems. It's easy as A-B-C to see! 8 Advanced design • Betterpertormanc& • Component rellab)llty In Color TV ----~ ------r ----.. -----------• . • ,_ r .. • • • • • • • - • • • • .. • ' I ) I l ! I • ------ I OAll.Y PILOT ,..,,,__ Guarantees . On Drilling ... • • Cost State • •• ... SAN 1\Al"AEL (UPl)-Sltlo Controller Houston Flournoy .: ... 11)'1 California will lose mll· : HOOi of dollan In royaJtlei • and bonuses ii it insiata on rtcelving cuarantees againat r leaks In tidelands oil wells. If In a 1peech to the Redwood h Empire Asaoclation, Flournoy ':./ Tburlday night noted Lhe Slate Landa C.OrnmWion, whJch he heads, has ~proved no new Udelaods dr' · leases since the di.saatrous lowout of a Union Oil Co. well last winter o(f Senla Barbara. The moratorium on ne'!' drllliu Jeuei was agreed up:in 3'.splte the fact that no majcr apl.U occurred on coast-- al l'Bndl wflb.tn the juri.sdlction of the Ctlmmiuion. Union's well was on a federal lease. "U the question remains one------------------- of an absolute guarantee. lo advance that no such leakage is possible, then I doubt that the prosent lialt of technol°'y will allow the lands comrrus.. sion to ever permit anOther well to be drilled," he u.ld. MeanwhJle, he noted, the stete ls Joa.Ing millions of dol-W.. ln oo&enUll revenue from roy•Hlli lllcl 1.... -"lrom reduced preduollon UllO!I ea!Jllng least1 lhrwgb Ina bll- Jty of the le.ssee to improve 1he producUvity ol pruenl ope:ratkm and' through tbe moratorium." At the same time, Flournoy said, federal cootr•ctan have been able to tap oil from ad- l'o!nlng 1tste pooll becaUle lhe ederal 1overnment hu failed to impose a1milar drilling re- strictions on ill leues. Teen Murderer Called 'Wanton' LOI ANGii.ii (.\Pl -Life 1mprtaoam1nt on two countl of murder h., bftn ordered for ll'l'lllMld -I• B r r 1 n 1 Burton Ill, aonvlclecl o f slayln& 1 fted 1tort owntr and hla wile in a S3'1 robbery lut Dtctmber. Superior Court Judge Ken- Mlh Holland aa1d Thurlday "Despite hls age, he ii a wan- ton and mercllesa killer." Tbo judge nld tho }'OUlh killed JOleph Dloadado, "· and hll wife Isabelle, 61, 11to proclUde any -from ~ ..... lllm." Inga Building MIAMI (.\P) -1roplcal stonn Inga, rtbom In !ho AUaol!Q Wlddlldly n I 1 h Id movod Piii JI!• L<owor lllaodl lodl1 "llh ~ wlndl of 4G to IO mllll E!' h'!:!.'" • No Birthday Clues to Girl's Fate Dry Up IAN MATEO (UPI) -bttw1111 1hl oeal suburban luoon lluoo wUI be nlno homu. yean old laturdoy, U 1he II Footer City wu bulll by alive. dt,qlq 1hl nnd or the bay Her mother ond folblr, Mr. lnlo an llland lilt for a and Mra. Don Nuon, would dlvo1-ftl of f IO ,.o O O give anytbJn1 to ba'f't Sunn suburban bomu, mainly own- home lor her blrtbdl)'. ed by young UICllUvea. , Susan hu -mlulnl Al 7:U p,m. WI loloodly tho since Monday, Pollce belleve Naions ~ 8u1an min- sbe wu lddn1Dld. but tht1 inf. Pollet have determined: 1're al a dtad and ln pursutn1 that she WU 1ut Men at •:15 clueo Ulal mJahl lead to 1hl p.m. thal cloy. whereaboUtl Of the pretl)' "She wu not the kind to run lreckle.faced liJ'l. away," 11ld a po 1 i c • "We know ihe'• aone," Ald 11poke1rnan. a frultr•led pallet lleutalllhl On l11t Jl'rldly belore oht at Footer Olly, an lllaod·llP cllaappelttd, • .. year-old llrl communltJ ol 1,000 relidata • In Ibo oamt noilhborhood !Old adjaccnl lo Ion Mateo. police I mlddla-qed man In • Tiit molhtr and falhtr, bluo or .,_ cu lrled IO ltl doHOI' of hli_., and !ho her lo om.r hit car. Shi 1ald comrnuftlb''• lf.man police 1he ••• a ~ In the ,..t of force. ha" lllfcl!od IYtlY the car and '"' away. lhe ....,,.r Of UM comrmmtty. •lid !ht ...,, wono •un 11asH• MlUtary dlvtll ho" probff and had ollckad bad< dork the deptha ol canall wblcll 1'111 brown blir. Novarro Killers Get Life LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Two au..,. brothera will ..,... lift pn.on tmm lcr Ille ...--ofllalilm 110¥..,,., II, tbe lilent mO\Ole 111t;Wlici ........ In hls """ blOOf lfW he wu beelel with a e.111 In his Holl)'wood mlllllon. 'l1lt 11117' ct Mvtn men and flVI WOITlfJI wbo convicted Paul ud 1llomaa Forguson ol llrll dll!'ll murder recom-mtlldof ·TllUnday that Paul, 23, be givfll a llle sentence Jn. *ad of death. 'J1xmu wa1 17 at the tJme ot Ille JdJIJng fut Oct. "' and will rect.lve life in prison, the maximum sentence for a juvenlle in California. Paul. who blamed Thomas for killing Navarro wh!le he 1lept olf a fifth of vodka, ap. peartd relieved when the clerk nad tbe verdict In lbe penally tnal. FLAMES 40 PEET HIGH LIGHT UP SKY IN SPECTACULAR FIRE San Frenclaco Pier, Old San Leandro Ferry Fall to Blaze ' Reagan Says Trustees Put Students 'Last' . SAN DIEGO (AP) -Gov. Calllorole .....,U In ·~ an complaining about hit 11 a terMn lor ue<uive Bui wllen thoy met lo suc11 Reagan accoaed stale colleco ·about llGO,llllO oo relurblah!ni orden to cul bulc apelldlni lptndlng on lrrele•anl ac-orden, 1he govtrp0r said, and untftlllty admtnlltratora a home !tr UC President next year below current level• tJvltlea. •• "inatead ot looking for way1 to today o1 putllnl I b o Ir Charla J. llltch. thal be !J standlnc by b!J In <al'l'l'illi ool economy reduce per sludeol co111, the priorttiu "upside down'" -Reqan'• 1peech w a 1 economy JltOIT&m. orders, be said, adrn.lni!tfalors educational establlJhment protectlill "themselves flnt prepared for a luncheon or the "A~Wllc 'freedom are expected "to di> this in comes out with some ahitllow and btJplnc studenta 1ut. C&llfomla Savin&• and Loan which muat be preee!rved -mcb a 1'11 that they pld lhe. araument. • ;The only auwer Jt wu ooe of bia hlrlheat Leecue. was never Intended to grant educatiooll needJ of the they have is -not to cut out coodtmnaUona yet of pro-He blWtUy told stlte colleae flscal Ucenae to an anointed student& first -not last -Jn the fat -but to cut out the fesslonal educators, and a flat __ and..::...:...U:...C_•::dm=ln::ls1r::.::•::lo:..:"...::w::b•:__l:..:e::w.:..:And::.::•:..:tt:.w.:.u::.:not::.::·con=ce::l•.:.ed.:...._th_e::~...:P:..;'_1or_ll_lta:...._" _____ •t_ud_e_n1s_._" _____ _ rejeeUon of their CUfrent com-. plalnlo lhal his b u d g e t _..i., rnllll resull l• bmlsblpforllludenls. He aatd auch adqltn.lltrabln worry more about building lbemaelves lancy homes, bur· ....... bulldlnga and protect. Ing colleal!U<I than lhoy do about helping lludenlo. IW!gan said U hls remarks "indicate a disencbutmmt wilh certain parts ol Ibo educational establishment -it i11 a dlsenchantment' which ii !cit nol only by t,be pupayer, but by many educator• and alao many students." Californians are commll.ed to a great educational zy11tem, the chie[ executive declared. However, he added: "They grow rest.Ive, for lhey are not committed to any syatem which ia inefficient in its operation or to~eavy with establishment functlooarlea or preoccupied with fancy homes or prolesaional prere- qul!ites. '' His commentl about the home apparenUy rderred to lbe acUoo b7 Unlverlity ol Court Gives Look Delay SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) - The U.S. Court ol Appeals for !he nlnlh clrcull today ltbo under aubmisllon a varitt1 ol letal lltun in connection with San Francllco Mayor J Ofleph L. Alloto'1 flU mt!Uon Ubal oult agalnll Looll m.,...... The U.S. coull 'l'hunday 11- autd an o r d e r In wtilcll It qraed to broaden tho loluu af lhe hsarlnl. The order alao In effect delll'td 1he ltldq of depolillona Ir o m lllcllud Corlton and wca Brl-. aulhora of the article llnklna Alioto Ind Mlllia figure1. They hod been ochtdulld to 11ar1 1M111 depoolllool lodoy. The appellate court agreed to consider Look'a request to enforce secrecy provWons on the testimony of the two a\Jth. ora and of a telephone compa· ny empJoye, scheduled to give a~ontbe~num bera ol informants called by the authors while preparing their article. The magazine's attorneys and their authors say at least three persons would be jeop. ardized If their names were made public by informers. Waterfront Pier Lit UP, In SF Fire SAN FRANCfSCO (UPI) - San Francbco's famed waterfront was lit up Thurs- day night by a spectacular four-alarm fire that roared along a 300-yard pier. Flames, fed by the dry wood of Pier 14's aliiandoned superstructure, leaped more than 200 feet as Umbers crash- ed and the wa.ll.J cf the pler's central warthouse area col- l•poed. Nobody was Injured In the inferno that erupted In one o( the pier's small buildings. But the old San Leandro Ferry wa1 engulfed alongside the flame-covered pier. A young caretaktr couple hired by the ferry owner was pulled to safety by Coaat Guardsmen battltng the blaze. Authorities blamed itiner- ants for the fire, which waa fought by 200 men using 40 pieces of land equipment and seven fireboata. It wal!I con- tained about 40 minutes after the first alarm sounded. Wllh WhlrlPOOI ••• t\Vhirlpool ~ Automatic Wnber 3-cycle, 2-.pud I NewprHoaksettlnglornewenzyme producta, plus Permanent l'r9la cyc1tl Features 2 water .. 1ect1one, s water l•mJl8, Magic-Mix Unt Ii lier. An extra big deal value -aee tt now! Matching Whl~pool Dryer Anllab1- Vlrtually ends your presalng problems · -5 drying cycles, special Permanent Presa timed cycle. Gsa or eleclric. ~ 1;:=============il ROUND TRIP Whirl ool -"'"" CuolomTop-l.oadp_D_ I See by Todays Want Ads • Cut a prettY tl.iure on man• and ladles ice aka.tea """ 711 and l~ e Need an old 1 p Inn In I \.\'heel in )'OW' parlor? Buy one, for d«0r, for XI~ o!!. e Don't 10 to htadrid ltr these SpanW. wroua:ht traa and 1....... chain, ... them here for $50. • Old men of the tel?' Sfl 11'0 lobl!ter 1ra(>t, in exc4 lent condition, and ntW Ra~ t)lf!'(Jn depth finder for young or old JN:l'I. ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85< °"- ~ R~,tr!PNoO~a Ever Famll)'-alzo 15.1 cu. It wlthglant135-lb. $279'' .. zero degree" freezer. Features slide-out Jet.COid Meat Pan, Twin Crlspers, Super Storage Door. A super "big deal" value I No more dllhpan handal 2'4pttd walhlng and ~na11111, big ~dllhWuhJng capoclly. Futurea 2 •"""""tic oyclea, dual dotei;ent dltpenaor, lamlnatotl Wllftut-graln wOlltUlp. TOVATT -~S fONf '19fAn Direct Factory Dealer BROOKHURST & WARNER Fountain Valley 962-2456 401 MAIN .ST. Downtown Huntington Beach 536-7561 ------------------------------------------------------- Friday, Stpttmbrr 26, 1969 Mter the Moon Nation Ponders Timetable for Mars ' ' CAPE KENNEDY, r I a. as an. orbltlng plaUann for support Improved weather Even wllh this outllde 1etUn& lnlo orbit ind lhe dif· $11000 per pound In earth orbit, photo&r1pbs, m 111 t 1 r y In-would break 1way and llp CAP) -When Pluldeot John military mluion.!. Astronauts forecasting. Oil cmnpanie1 moo et 1 r y help, NASA ficulty of retrlevlng Ullngs but $100,000 to place each rormaUon and po 11 l b I y bacll: to 10 earth runway. Tk JI'. Kennedy set lhe United could cooduet daily recon~ ml&ht finance exploration by estimates tllat with preset1t sent up. pound on the moon. .-pecllllzed Items manufac· thlrd 1tgment, 1'lth half .. Slates on course lo the moon naialance over every part of tra!JJed geolotlsts aboard the space vehicles, the one·year The price of s p e c e That is why the tUk force lured 1n the vacwm of a:p&ee. do:ien or more mtn, wotl• 1n 1911, Conirus ~pted thll the &lobe, spotting miulle plaUorm . Owner& of Umber cost of operating a :IO-to-100. tran.<iportallon ha.s been reduc· haa recommtnded develop-One venkll envlal<m1 three cooUnue into orbit to join up space Coal without debate. Qases, aircraft, submarines might pay ror rorest fire man space station would be ed drastically since a decade ment or the shuUle to servke 1 tr p Jane . t Ike vthlcles wilb the space staUon. later Now the eoa) hu been and troop movements. observation. Farm organir.a· well over $1 bilUon. ago when il coat about $l space atatioos orbiting both clustered ' togethtr for mu-returnin& to earth. All lhtM achieved and thls naUon has The station would have com· lions might aupport-mrveillan. Il is here lhat the United million per pound of payload earth and IDJ)O(l. Tbe.y would imum liftoff thrust. All three would be flown over and over reached an important decision mercial a p p I i c a t I o n s • ce o! crop disease. weather States confronts lhe most in earth orbit. ferry crewmen, 1elentists and would be manned. Once above again. NASA envisions two flt point on where apae»faring Insurance companies which forecasts and a search for gerious obstacle limiting space Wlth lhe present Saturn S supplies and would return to the atmospllere, two of lhe three lawichlop a wte.k ·1r-. Americana sbould 10 ln the p-.y storm damafle~ might arable land. exploration -the high cOlli or boosler, tht cost ls about earth with operiments, cratt. each with oat pilot, Cape Kennedy. · future. PreaidtntN!xon soon1-----'-~~~~--'---~~---'~-~--~-~~~---'-~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will make hla choice, but this e 2J:t 1. 11tti t• .. c.-. wft. ~ c..m. c.n M•M • 17t04 M.,..n. St. et TelMrt-Ylll•tt C.11tet, •••..._ Yalley • 1JUJ ....s;.;,. St. at W....,..._W....,.... c..Mr, lime Jt will be debated - in e 10142 1 • ..a. A'N. 9' f.cll~llNHktM Slrieppl11t C.11ter e IMcll & 1111..., 11v ... -H111tl11t••• INc.11 Slriapftl!tf c..tar, G ... ..._ Congresa and acrosa: the laod. G.,.. .._'1'9 HMI ..... • ~ • 6127 w........-• .. ..,. Wnt. Wffhlll....,. A l . Id ba'• I ad · • t'61 ,...._ __ " i\'1'9. 9f lraakll1nt-()r•itp Ce1111ty , ..... na 1ona e ""a re Y is G_.. --;;..,. e not....., ....... -Hefkr s11.,,91tt ea. .... c.m...,. e 11t61 ,_.""""" .. ~--A ..... -1..,.... "-m, under way on proposed goals, e 1460 w.111...-... ; l rln. St.-16lfl"" c.11ter. S...t• Ana • JllJ1 .._, lhllll. •t Atlt111N -H11111t1119te11 te.cti ,.._ .,..,. especially on whether U.S. astronaut.\ should aim ror 1.1an. The National AP"ooaulica and S p a c e Adml nistratlon welcomes t h e dlscusaiona. Adminislrator Thomas 0 . Paine saya: '"The. ·queslion of the immediate fUture of the space program now lies before us. ln my view it.is a question ()f pace. The directM>n.9 are clear. NASA will move ahead on several front.a in a balanced 1---==~'.':":"'~:"'':""".::-".":-::-~J..---""'!----::::::.::=::~~ program, including science, 11 ~~~u~:~1~pioralion •nd 79~ Chipper's "Nut Hut" $1g.U Yal9'J Metal Reg. $1.99 Sheer Support H~se w::!":. ~-...:~::~ p~ Mixed Nuts foot Lockers gram is tile questiOn that is $ 711 now the , subject,' very pro-12 Or. v.,.,m "" sgc perly, of national debate." Paine wall a member of a Thr plwnpat, u.tiin1 n~t -IS·-••• s.i!~ and task forct wtuch on Monday ttiulal ••turn! f.,fl cu\ (Ollttim "°" h!ICJ' nu" submitted to Ni1on possible ...i. '°" l>lmchfd v,r. dirtctiolls fQI' the U.S. space ai~bhkinpsn1111.V1t'o program. , .. ., pidlnl fat fnshneu .. 'Ibe group pve the Presi· d-tn t th re' poss i b I e altemalivf!3, with the main dWerences betnc the timing for a manned Marl! mission. The first option caJi., lor a manned Mars landing in 1982, the second in 1986 and the third somet ime aft.er 1990. Under the first and most e1· pensive opUon, the annual NASA budget would climb steadily-from the cmTent"$3.7 billion a year to about $8 billion for eaCh fiacal year from 1970 through 1980 for a toLal ol $78.2 billion by 1982. The s econd and third alternative,, would keep the annual cost at the present level for the nc1t two fiscal years, rising to $5.7 billion in 1976. The second alternative would increase the budget to a peak of about $8 billion in 1980, with an ll·year total of $57.5 billion. Optjon three would cost SM. l billion in lhe same period. Jncreased funding would mark an end to lhc steady <lecline in the number or Americans working in the space program. Since 1966, when NASA's budget reached a high of $5.9 billion. space employment has dropped from .W,000 to 190,000. Whether Ni1on includes a Mars mission in his master plan will depend on the oul· come or public debale. But most observerl!I believe he will approve other major ta sk force recommendations. These are to develop a huge multipurpose space station in the mid-1970s and to build a reuseable airplane·like shuttle vehicle to servict; the station. The initial station \vould house a to 12 men, would in· crease to SO men and "''omen by 1980 and to 100 a few years later. Nixon also is expected to back continued development of the Nerva nuclear rocket, which could be operational in the late 1970s. The President may hold olf a decision on whether to pro- pose a base oo lhe moon or a moon"<lrbitlng space station until after the United States has conducled additional moon 1andings in the Apollo pro- gram . Nine more landings of 1v.·o-men teams have been run· ded for the next three yea rs. with each visiting a different area of the moon. Jalta Vodka Fifth Gallon f_n)oy f'J'Cm)~m qwolilJ 11 • f'Of!ll• 1-r J>ritr in lllooclf lt,_,,.,, Mu· hn11, Surwdro•n!. Nomr M!t(r "~"' pri"°! A Tbri(lyrxcl~"~e· 11'<1 btsr: ~uu. Siock "'' tod.r! $2'' RultberGlovea a F\rJt lfl'Mlltyl ~:~tra b~ .. YV .,_,lJT 1ou1:b tlruali l or fim1 pip. 1"4rt long-•• O.SJ to Rllp on and off, 8a\·t almost '~· '1911 Hot Whffls Super-Charger $1388 ·7 .. ~nad DCt' ~ br )land. a.IF kttpt cn'I ~JI' hp .Jttr lap. $5 Value! Changeable Lens Sunglass Sets $1.25 Value! Boxed Christmas Cards $1 59 to $2" Values! Reg. $Sts & $6ts 100% ACRYLIC Blankets DELUXE QUAUTY Household Tools General Electric Percolator .. rlt• o;~'®"' $1258 .( 11'1 I curi. Cbh:NM: fini!oh on topper body. ·K~p ... rm" heititi,1: llfttt. 8te• 5.!~r. N~ 1'·12 Reg11lilr 59' Funac• Flhen Culloo or Mi.nrhnlrr lif1nlu1• in l<n'rlr ool· id oludn 'Wilfl "'ffM hindinJ.. All JHt ~1gbr ~hey w t11 Jong •"" •·rll, $19'5 Value! Original Framed Paintings By Ulilornia 1rtists ! Beavtiful lafgc- 01h in new subjects, 'f'if'id colon:. J11ndsornc .,,ood fr1mu. Sptcitlly priced to U\'t .$11 .07. s3aa Rog. '2.99 Teflon" 10 Inch Fry Pan llenr it«! •Ith h.rrd <Olt' T JI0118 11!11' I $1 " tc:totdlpl'(IO{ ~ ..,.. injf 1111 h ~ kitd>m 1001•. Reg. 69' Vinyl Shopping Bags IJ,49 W ... Grain Tray Tables $10 2J ilf' 1min,1: ,,...., Oioi« o{ 1'1tqllftotW1I· nut ,ron look. 11" 111rd r b,u,!Olll ltsl· 11.so Contempo Novelty Banks Ari,1:hllr <<>lortd t.11im.1J ho.AA,. 991 Knk lc~f ·-. ~ C*l ~ --~! ol luai: cfr11111c t•hk lLlllpl ia d""tnr11or <0)11n. N~ Ji 1.MI. ) .... , ... 1tcha. Boys-Girls· Toddlers Jackets or Car Coats Aaylic Knit Boys' Shirts •All ...... ,.,..,,.... .... ._.. ....... c.... • at .. llw ntflt7 Nte1nt Prlc• DltHUIT $ PRiii . 95 ... Ci.>7:f ru COllJ in n1lon, cotton c;ordutDf and. cottoa poplin 1*Jles. Cute 1.Qd pr&ctiaJ with lots of . .ft.. u.ilin&. Full t\lt toddlers" l•tt11 2 to 4, b;,y1' .ad ~ds )!KS 4 to 6x. A beet: ·to Khool rnU51: lot the kiddi". 1.11111 .. • or Girls' Yl•yl hats $394 Stttldi l>•l tnt •mrl. 1_.din ·'· '· ,, .. hi1b '' • J.irlt t ·I}, 11'" hi,i.. ' I.Hies HI Piie Cover Ups _, ... • -· , • • .- .. .. .- ' ' • .. • The United States spent 1 total of $21.1 billion on opera- tions leading up to the Apollo JI moon landing in July. That price tag included all night! in lhe Mercury and Gemini pro- grams. the unmanned moon explorers like the Surveyors and lunar orbiten and con· ilruction of launch facilities. Three BRnd Mice Gamo .... 441 ... 98' Value! Dune Buggy lco Cream Mathine ··~~~~--'~--~~-t Women's Acrylic Knitted Sweater Coats - It also included most of the llardware for the !ollow-oo Apollo flights. Thus, the total cost of nine addllional Apollo man-on-the·moon landings will be $3.9 billion -or about $433 million each. But it is the $21.1 billioo figure that bothers the ta1· payer. And he would like to start receiving somethinc for his space dollar . NASA sees the tarlh · orbiting space stat.Ion as of. fering the best hope for economic return. It could serve as an otise.rvaUon plat- form for weJ1.thermen, astronomers o r 1ecloglsta searctiing for earth's hidden rk:he.!. Scientists cite the al· tractions to medical men, biologllts and enainttrs to conduct experi(nenLs in a true vacuum and In weightlessness. TIM ataUon also could aerve fd. l'O<>rior: pme de· sijfnlld kl t:ftl )'OUt ,.. " 'll.' ..... s.:.Jcd down rood of ml d1111r hulllf. 4%"&" $4.tl V1h11 $3" ''"' ... )Ub. FroltJI Ffftd • 1o&r · f1 LIQUOR ANO TOBACCO DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Key of Kentucky Blended Whiskey 69' oa. Aqua Filter Holders 2i70e •vrt,_.,. l'.f!ctinr fll!U nl> ._.. 1.1!1 • NcDo lrnt'. ~:~. $299 , _50'.......,oa. layw ... ie ._.. Tobacco 2i5Je P1tt11111m ""' ..t.iJ. Ltv 11i n1...n'ol rict!· n~•. m•lln• 'n •"IOllth. lft """" I 'Th"('f ('1'tllil' {M ;-ton l ,, '"''. s. ....... ln1roclun0<J off~r "" fin. qu1l11J 111ron· fl! lobK<o. ·-· ·--··------- 12.29 O.tdoor Par 38 Fl ... Ughts Jllut, &fftll, .-r er dl!N. $1 H v, to '~ ~ lli'f. Printed Terry Kitchen Towe ls &td <o1on ll dnip1. .A.!rno.t UntlrH. 3~$1 13,79 Epoxy Spray AppUm1co Paint Drla 119 hull potttJtio·l~ir ~47 finilb. Clioico ol Cos<~ tone ot AOOCI® 1ts.<kf. • 1.49 Lumllet ~.lr"'· .!,!.~,~ :::::·.. s1299 Disposable ~.::.:.".. ::; '"'''"" Fl hi • hf MOte. u;ir al 19 in weislit-rtt ~r(ul!r ... ,,. ud <11111• '""'"·""" >M-1, ;. "''"• ..... .ipow, 99' -~ll(s•itpatoltll{'-1 Dlt<Ol/MT ·---=~------------\ P•ICI ~ \ Month-End Sale SAVE UP TO 1/s AND MORE ' Month"'8d tltie mwu MJ)Wlioru.l, r~nlutic "' inp (01 1ou I Look foe 1he d •r.mcc S.le i ·18' ••• they idet1tif1 un: httJevablt h-r•ll'" •t il'lfredib1f 1irdtKtd rnct:t! • • • • • • • ' ' • ' ' • • .. • , < • • . -• • • • ' • -· .\ I I DAILY PILOT Friday, Septttnbff 26, 1~ Aruiy S~iee · Botwred ~ Mrs. Helen Isbell accepts plaque marking her 25 years' aid. as member of '"' Newport Beach Service .. Cotpmjttee of Sal,vation Army, dunng luncheon at f. Berkshires Restaurant. Participating (from left) \Vere George Johnstone, Sal- ... ''ation Army director of funding Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall and ~ Paul Kugler, field representativ~ !or the Anny. Salvation Army is one of ~ United Funds recipient agencies. .. ~ ~Hughes Gets Order .. '• ~ For ,/ijanpack Radios .. radios for the Army Elec· tronics Command, it \\'3S an- nounced today by Hughes Aircraft Company. Dale Nestlerode. Manpack program manager, revealed that more than 3,600 of the current 16,000.Channel and the original 10,llOO-ehanncl high- frequency, solid-state radios have been delivered to the Army under previous on· tracts. He said tha signals of the Manpack radios are pro- pagated by both ground and sky waves, providing reliable two-way communications from minimum ranges of a few hun· dred yards to hundreds of miles. ''This m a k es the sets particularly effective in jungle or mountainous environmenl<> whl.'re. because of natural obstacles. point-to-point com· n1unications over short distances arc extremely dif· ficult." Nesllerode said. Fund Helps Victims Of Camille ANAHEIM -Hurricane Camille Emergency Disaster Fund got a big assist from An ah e i.m -Western Com· munities United fund today. Mrs. Mary Freck, fund president, presented the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross with a check for $10,500 to be used for lhe victims of this huge disaster. . The funds came from a special reserve of 1 h e Anaheim-Fund and is given now to avoid a special cam· paign by Red Cross among lhe residents and businesses in the area covereCI. by this fund. In accepting this donation. Joseph L. Peterson, Red Cross chairman, expressed deep ap- preciation to the Fund and to all those who have supported il to make this possible. County Sch~ol Bonds Sold SACRAMENTO -S I a I e Treasurer Jvy Baker Priest sold 'Illursd<y M million worth -of bonds to ralie funds for urgenUy needed eluarooms in Orange; Loil Anl•lel atid·V•n· tura cowtieft. Ml'!. Priest bad received ad· v:ance asrurance from banks that they would 1Ubm.it bids within the state'1 five percent interest rate ceiling. The state Easter Seal Fete Announced has been unable to ae.U mOISt bonds because interest rates on the rtnaocial market have gone much higher aod in- veeton a re not attracted by the state bonds. · Amounts of tht b6M issues. the bidders, bid rate and •hat the money will be used for: -Orange Co\mty, ff.15 million, U n it e d Calirorma Bani, agent for Mission Viejo Co., ltve percent, ICbool coo.~ irtrucllon in San Joaquin and Capiatrano Khool diltrictJ.. -Ventura County, '380,000, Bank of Amtrlca acting as agent for HawaiJan-Ametican Land Co., five percent, elemenlar)' school in the Westlake Village subdivis.lon, Valley Oaks &ebool district. -Los Angel,. County, II million, F a r m e r • and · Mercllan1$ l!ant ot, Long Beach, fJve percent, con- struction o f 28-<:Jassroom ,school in West Long Bea<h, primarily for disadvantaged minorey i'O)l.P'· California voters will be asked next June to vote for a constitutional amendment that · would allow the state lo pay up t9 seven percent interest on ~ gener'1 obligltion bonds it ;sell!I. !;:=========. Learning _ Group .Readres Series VN ITED S TATES N A Tl-O N A-L BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH WHERE THE ACTION 15 - UDO THEATRE-NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE:: ' announces NOW ort N SATURDAYS . 9 t• l P.M. MON.-THUJ:S. 10·1 P.M. PllDATS IM P.M. 11141 S40-S211 . LM.....i .. : S.. ~Hit Plaa, CMte M..- AUf. YIU l"rU.-M ....... E. H. LEVAN l)r. Warren Meinbttg, asai&o tant professor of pediatrk:s '!nd instituUonal noui'ology, Washington University School of tdedicine. St. Louis, Mlu, ap Dr. Milton K. Borenstein, Anaheim Children's · Medical Genter., Anaheim. ,,Information pertaining to ~·seminar series may be ob-J;:=:=:=:=::==::::::::::::==-: tjlined by calling_ Acadtqljc ~evemeni and Learning Group (714) .$32-1631 or by HAPPY. . Wflling to A<ademk Acliieve- ment and Learning Group, 244 S.Glassell Slnd,. Orange. H i ve • h·• p p y WH k•'"'· !H11'f it ti.y ro1cli119 tt.o WEEK· ENDER In ths DAILY PILOT • • 30% off ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA ,. ;·~ 85( • -LESS M1nr E. Geodec"'. 2271 A,_.h<l!ltn J.vt .• Cost• ~. lunll'ftcl bt 11u11Mnd. • k•n"I' L. Gclo0Kf'9l two Mlt!I, E<fwl" O:· J. •nd ~· c;. ICl"'"•ICI: two cuug~· \ ttr1, eufric:e W. OMl!low!lr.1 •lld M•r· "• 1oll,,. H • .Jtdia: brofher, Cfl•rle1 E. '._ l!ltW1dW111 11>rff tltltn, Prucferict •'"· ~ Mar1111'91 O.Ubs 1nd low• 0. Tht r&dlo is designed to be carried easily by one rqan wearing a standard Arqiy shoulder harness. and weieh-o; on ly 24 pounds with a newly- developed dry battery pack . NesUerode said. "This brings us closer to 1naking our goal of $58,696, the portion of the National Red Cross goal assjgncd. to Orange county. With w.. .. (WI of $10,500, o~~lotal receipts for lhis emergency is '32,376.8ti so we sUJl have a way lo go in order to reach lhat objective", r=========o;JI Lale ffel·g· Sch n1-;n· • I 1· he sa;d. BOAT BUFFS I IOUS 0111{n8glS ra ton a (;ulH&. S.rvlcM, tocleY. Frld""' l PM. • l't9k F1mlll' ColO!ll.a! FUMtll Home. ~. Pe1r11 L1yi!!.-YJ9,N Nev.11'16 ~t .. 040 i.iuntlntlOll l!lelch. svrvlvtd Ill' '°"' • •1c11&rll P. UIYIO<I. Sr.; b'11!her. Wei· ·~· ter; tbltr, Elh91 0-helrner; !our .._., 9rendcfllldreri 1nd two 1re&1-l!r1ndtl!ll- ' .,, ..... 5ervlct'!L Seh.ittltY, ' PM, P••~ :!' F•mll? ColOlf\l•I F11Mf'1t Ho<N. , SEEMAN W1lter W. SNmtn. lffll lll•m!llll!e l.,,., Hll!"lllll!l'!on eeetl!. Surv!ve<1 by ·( wlfot, £Ille!; O.uvhl•r. O..,.n Lei.,e<: ·.-brorher, L1rry M. Seem1n; t,.,, 1i•· ' ~" Frtde TIKh 1...i Htlen Evenson . . • S..-vlCIS, MorMl1V, IO:JD AM. PH~ -;; F1mnr ColonM~N'* Hom1. :~. *E11:.;: E!~,::'~J~··:~~~~ :e """ 1M J-l Let MfiJO<l, bGth ot •'-N _ _, 1JtKh: 11Jltr. Edl!I! Kev -~· S..u""'rs; end two t r1!\dd1u911!e,.. '• S~!te ire ten!11lve!v ''' tor Mo~· -· "'Y· 10 AM, ,, We•lclllf CNIPtl. .• ..... ol&U. ARBUCKLE & SON \\'es:lcllff !\1ortuary 4%1 E. 11th St .• Costa !\tcsa 6(6-48!& • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\Jar OR 3-'4:;G Costa Mtsa 1\0 i-tiW • BELL BROADWA V MORTUARY l l t Broadway. Costa l\1e1a LI 1-3433 • DILDAV lJftOTHEr.S Hun lington \lallty !\tortuary Ji91 1 Beach Blvd. HunUngton Beach 84%-7771 • MeCOR>DCK LAGUNA BEACll !\JORTUARY 179$ Laguna Canyon Road Lag11na Beacla 494-Hl i • PAClF lt VIE'!\' ltE~tORlAL PAlll\ Ceme&ery e Mortuary Cbopel aM Padrtc View Orivt Newport &acb, Clllioniia f«.!'iM • PEEK t ·A'11LY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME ';111 Bolsa Ave . w.....-r m= • Sllrl'FERMORTUARY 1--CH-1131 s..a...n.. ltwlot •• SMll'US' MOR1'UARV C1 Mall SL . Hullqlfo--J;.----.,-----' Almol'I Lock•b•v ;1 tlio o"ty to be held at JPL Director to Talk ~':;~~ ~:;::::r:.~:~:.!:::: ST~~~~.sL~!!~~~~~.,c~~~H .oo~"=:!:i.~p:-s-.,. of bo•tin9 i nd y1chfin 9 n•w• Saturday, Sept. 27, 9 :30 A.M. -12 Noon ~ pUs. iax.. --@ i1 • doily fo1tur1 of th1 DAILY On Space Achievements1::·'=''=0'=· ======'.:====F0='=1="1=0'=m=·=i;0="=' =c=.1=1 '"'=0=14=0=· ==='.'.__ ______________ _ SANTA ANA -f\fajor space achievements or lhe United States will be discussed Oct. 3 by Or. William H. Pickering, director of the Jct Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, before members of the Orange Coun- ty Press Club. The meeting will be held at Royal Roman Inn. Santa Ana, beginning at 7 p.m. Dr. Pickering will tell of JPL's role u1 the Apollo 11 n1anned moon landing and the f\tariner 6 and 7 unmanned Mars flights, as well as future roles or n1en and instruments in the continuing exploration of the solar system. lie will also tell or the up- coming convention of lht' American In stit ute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. opening Oct. 20 at t h e Anaheim Convention Center. SPACE SPEAKER Dr. William Pickering .......................................................... ~ • • i YOUR PROBLEM: : • • : You want to sell some item ! : tho1t you no longe r need but : • someone else can us• for • • • ,i N 0 T 0 V E R $ 5 0 ; • ? ? • 1: . . ?" ? ? ? : Ii YOUR ANSWER: i • You call THE DAILY PILOT, a tk for • : Clatsified Advertising, o1nd plo1c1 • : > • • • i PILOT t . ,,,. -;:,.,.,..-:;::· . i -r,,, •n . PENNY ; : "--:'. .. /· " ' PINCHER : !:••: CLASSIFIED AO l AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE ! I: 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2 DOLLAR$ t 1: : 1: ANO YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I f ! DIAL NOW DIRECT! : : 642·5678 • ,. . t• ff•tl 1YM Nwtt. Cnltff l4 .. 111tJ ..J • • !""*"'· ........................... , ......... ....... • Your money gets a rise out of us. We always react the same way. Whether the economy goes up, down or side- ways, we keep on paying you the highest interest a savings & loan can pay, (Short of breaking the. law,) And no matter when you put your money in or take it out, we pay compounded daily interest for 100% of the time we hold it. Wa nt to earn more than the passbook allows?. Ask a bout our 3, 4 or 5, year special accounts.' They pay you a higher rate that's compounded daily and guaranteed for th e fu ll t'erm . Short term or long term, bring us your money. It's sure to grow on you. HUNTIN 1-tUNTINCTO.."i PAR~ tM1in Clff'ice) 2650Z<>e A"""'t 533-U<t • , BEUJMAYWOOD 6250At1-dc Awnut $1141Sl STUDIO CITY 1l457Vent.n 81Yd. 76Ml'3 SOUTH GATE 424.0TwttdyBfvd. ~64"'551 WILSHIRE I HIGHLAND 4.925 Wilshire Blvd. 938-3741 COSTA MESA l310 BriJtol Strftt (across from South Coast Plaza) 540-7591 --------- Frld.ly, St•Umbtr 26, lM DAILY 'ILOT t ;.. ~ ... ' STEREO• tELEVISION •APPLIANCES · 4 HARBOR CENTER-2300 HARBOR -COSTA MESA TELEPHONE 540-7131 DAILY 9:00 to 9:00; SATURDAY 9:00-6:00 CHARGE PLANS ir0tt vov• CONVINllNCI •'"" ... ' M11r1r CINl't9 Washes up to 16 lbs.! 2 speeds! 3 cycles! Giant frozen food storage ... fast, fast ice! Tantble--dries lmds soft and flutfy ••• hels- cut down on irooi.af. $129 95 Modol DG-<&!SU •Big-capacity drum with quolitypon:elain enamel fiDiah • Variable time control-Select up to HO mi.Dates drying time• Approved for natural, miJed, L.P. and manul.actoµ<d cues. Model TBF·l5SE NOW!· REMOTE CONTROL • ,. t ' AT NO EXTRA COST Packard Bell.EB • Remote Control. • 23"V 295 sq. In. l'ictvre -HlcJh Fidelity Rare Earlti True Color l'lcture Tube. • 25,000 Volts Picture Power. • Frame Grid Neutrode VHF Tuner. • Transistorized UHF Tuner. • Set-n·Fof9et VHF Fine Tuning. I • 4" Front Focing High Fidelity. • Handcrafted CU$tom Hardwood Cabinet. • Maximum Cabinet Dimensions: 335/1" wide, 291/2" high, 195/16" cteep. YOUR CHOICE AT or BUY THE PAIR at ADDITIONAL SAVINGS • Solid State AM·FM Stereo. • Speakers: Two 1 O" Woofers Two 6" Oral Mid·RallCJe Two 3112 " TwHters. • Tape Jacks for Recording and Playback. • Record Storage Space. • External Sp/Cr Jacks w/3 way Selector Switch. • All Hardwood Accoustical Sp. So and Cham be rs. • Dual -Al'C Wltfl Zenor Control. • All Hardwood Cabinet With Finished lack. Mar·l'roof Casters. -------_ __.~-·-----~- I 14.7 cu. lt No Frost Refrigerator •Jet Free:ze Ice Compart- ment blows sub-zero air over ice--trays for extra fast freezing • Zero-<ielfee fre01.o;,r holds up to 147 Iba. • Mobile Cold. 1eparate temperature controla for each aection • Twin vegetable bin• a..o.d removable bin for 18 egp • GE colors or white ~ e NEWIST FASHION COLOR ''HARVEST GOLD" e NEW AOMlll.AL AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS e CANTICEVER SHELVING e GIANT .fOOO STORAGE CAPACITY GIANT 22 CU. FT. CAPACITY ONLY s399oo · COMl'ARE AT 499.95 : Filter Flo~ Washer e Fllter·Flo WHh Sys- tem • encl• lint fuzr e 3 wash. 2 rinse tem· perature1. e Permanent Pr••• cycle with "cool down.'' • Cold wat•r wash and rinS•. e Extra wash selection. e 3 wash l•v•I 1efec- t ion1. Admiral IMPERIAL DUPLEX•, 14 SERIES 1t•Ot,IOITIJ1• ir111U1t<1:f,ll•llATtt ONLT 31" WIDE;llT FULL SIIIO IN IOTH 'FOOD AND FUIZU. SICTIONSI fir.1, •m•dlT 11,1.; ~111Tr•I DllJl•11 r•i.r111•!1 .,..,_ ,,..;. ••t ¥1lw• iii • Jo, Q1ltty •l'•·~·1Ut• tr.1..,.....fttttr .. .., .. y,,. 11.l .,.. ff: rtf1l1tr1tw ,,..., ,._,,If) I~ Cl• ,1.'ltr' ht••-1•.• ... ft. •f .,.,. 11 .. I ·~,1•t 1:1~11111 fr1111r 111ti•11 f11t1r11 f11 rNN wl4 .. ile.W. '• ,. ' . . . ·' ·' . . . . , .. . .. .. , ====w t rl4 fr••U"9 11Hil.,11, Si• ..tr• ,..,..., 4111 th-'.,..; WW. '"' -'f•11t• f1111,1r1l""1 t111t....I t it.wt · '''d" .... ,.,.... ..<) 11lullet1. l 1frit•r1ter ttcti11t ftlfttl• fl•1 M ,. wWtli l•l1rlw 1h1ho11 11 llfl'l4• ,,,,;,"' 1t1r19t •rt•: l"P .,1rul1!1 crlt,.r wtll •"' hit. •Ml 9"t l1W.. .t ..... fl 1•1rf~I io•tl, l•fr;t~•l1r 4ttr ~11 I 1k ..... Jlllt ••~ •1lll111t ~1i11ltr/1.lrlt111 11111,•rtlll•fttt 1"4 •tt Jl1lf. Of. tr11111tlt11t1' .... ,, ... h, ,, .. w, 1•·711'' J. Admiral Duplex Rffrlq. • Comas. In 31-35-36-41-48" • 'a& a tbt ... 20 7 7 7 • , • ! I • rt j ' J I l ' I .I ' --' Frido.~tpltmbtr26, 1969 • ea1s SAVE44%! 1-GaL Plants S11J1 Azalea, Juniper Tam Rqularll.19 YovCbol .. • Beaa.tiful flow- erinc 1un mlcu •• , •ery hardy planta,. •Uf-can • Tabl ••• u:eeJ.. lent for J1ud0 1e•pln1 •• • fo11ndat.ie11 •r JT011nd '""er SA VE 33% Now on I-Gallon Camellias R,.,;uh1r 11 .79 119 • E xqui1ite bloom• .•• poesy eve~• foli1J• • Beautifol •cre.nl pl1nta for your p.rdea • Effeetl't'e •• h•d1e1. foandlitlo• pluttiap •A.nu.hi• fa plab. red. -nd •hif:et ...... ·-- • AlL PURP<>SE fiRt\llZER ----· ~-······ SULPMA11 o• AMfAC>NlA $0' FGllJAl'll ........ ""°w;" G1¥1~ t ................ • • Sulphate of Ammonia • 20-Jbt. ••• u1e for quick p-een-up oo lawn or pnle.ll • 11.opld growth ond.llcb -ciolor • Fonnalalioa 21-G4' Garden and ·Lawn Fertilizer • 2Q lbL eoven 2000 eq. n. •For me on trees. prdem. ohnha ond 1awnt • A puenl "" fertilioorl e Formulatlon 11-M Green Glade Qiehondra Food • Fertilli:er eo•en up to 2000 •qu•re feet •Hu .% iu1ecticide1 for control of iruecta •Formulation 13-3-3 • U1e on either di.cbondra or lawn1 .. • 4 • Regular99c Regula $1.9'.l 39 SAVE 60e ... ------------------------~·-·,..._~ Snperfine Diehondra andi Lawn Food · " 87 1 I ·~ • J. .. . . • Q•l•~ •• pnuituile • "°' wio:,ter ' otle...,.eiding, or'o ~n up' I•"'"" • ~llght ·&hd , old 'ruitttP( • •Co eTIRe UJOO oq. ft. SAVE,46% Chrysanthemums or Bedding Plants Regular59c Your Choice • C.leadnla, .nap- · dragon1, 1toek, pan.., e Add .olbr 1o year home or prde• • Mwn1 In UIOl'tM co~on. Loni, 111!• in1 bloom• , UeeSean Revolving Chn1 • \ • ~J·S\GfO \.~WK fl lf.-8"4 '\. ~ Ufl'\lll ft!llli 2. ~us w-.ouMB-' •11.J.ghtweight. elem, odor- ]ep and c..,. to huclle • • Co.en '-000 lo &,000 tq. fL • Gr1nu1ar form ••• ean be •pplied any lime of the ye1r 1 'Will no1.1urm MWlr •d· ed '""" I F ormtilitiou z.;.s.10 ... -. . 5,i .. B~g Fow · Dichondra or ' Lawn Food' . . e Bit F.ar.lilll-.ed .. ••b. P'UI •nd inaeeb. Feed• di· obondn "!'..,_ • Continnoq1 feedinJ up to ti month1 •rter tlpplic1tion • Coffft t.SOO aqaU11 feet •Formulation 16-84 Regular $9.99 '•«<y••• SAVE 2.12 SAVE 2.22 ~-------------------------------------------------, """"' rAa!C TA 8-HOO, 521 ·4530 El MONT£ GI 3,3911 lONO W.CH HI 5.01 2 1 >OMONA ED 2· 1145, NA 9.5161, YU 6·675 I rlCO WE 8-'262 SOUT1' COAST l'lAZA 540-3333 I a.HOGA l'ARIC 340-0661 -GlENDAlE Of 5.100.f, Cl .4 -4611 OlYMrtC' SOTO AN 8·5211 SANTA AHA"' 7.3371 TORRANCE 5.C2·1511 I I CCMtTON NE 6-2581, NE 2·l761 HOILYWOOo HO 9-l941 OllANGt 637-2100 <ANTA "SPRINGS 944.801 1 VAll<Y PO, ·3·8461, 984 -2220 I COVINA 966-0611 IH<llt'HOOD OR 8·2521 ,.SADfNA 681-32!1, 351·4211 Sears ...... ,.ON"" EX 4·671 1 VOMONT PL 9·1911 , ,________________________ _ ___________________ , ''Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" "'"' •omioc '""co. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.i1\. I' 1 7 7 ,. I ii I: I,/ II' 'I I Phis Wor ·k Doubly Hard The first two weeks in October are going to be busy for members of the South Coast Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi. First on the agenda is the popular Celebrity Book Review Series be- giMing Friday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m. \Vith Miss Carlo1.ta \.Villiams, reviewer accompanied by not~ guest authors. Miss Williams has led an exciting career in motion pictures, radio, televi sion and on the stage. In addition. three more literary programs will be headed by Miss \Vil liams and 1\1rs. Howard Means, series chairman, in November, Febru- ary and March. Season and individual tickets may be purchased at the door. Reser- vations may be made with Mrs. Means at 548-6108. Assisting the chairman wilh preparations is Mrs. Richard Elliott. .._ The follo,ving Thursday, Oct. 9, the annual Arrowmont School Coffee \\'ill be presented from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Eastbluff Fiesta Room. FollO\V the Arro'v \ViU be the theme, according to Mrs. Lawrence Kittle, presidenl. On di splay and for sale will be n1odern and traditional crafts from Pi Phis' Arro\vc!·aft Shop in Gatlinburg, Tenn., an altruistic project sup. ported nationally by the alumnae group. Arrowmont School is noted for the summer craft \vorkshop. Featured articles will include native wood carvings, basketry, brooms, modern ceramics, metal work, handwoven linens, tote bags and towe ls. ---------------------,;:-:-~ Chairn1en for the affair are Mrs. Hart Hickman and Mrs. Arthur Nodine. Assisting in various capacities are Mrs. Evangeline Christiansen, Mrs. Robert Taube, Mrs. James Michael and Mrs. Means. Many of the items will be featured at the book series. Mrs. Hickman \\'ill take advance orders and handle sales. BUY NOW FOR LATER-Urging the public to· attend their Arrow- mont School COffee Oct. 9 are members of Pi Beta Phi South Coast Alumnae Club. Working on the annual event are (left to right) the . Mmes. Hart Hickman, Arthur Nodine and Lawrence KitUe. The three are surrounded by crafts which will be on sale and display at the coffee and the group's Celebrity Bo6k Review Oct. 3. City of Hope Benefit Oran.ge -oonty Help Bridled Many Orange Countians have thro.wn their hat in the ring of support for the JnternaµonaI Horse Show and Ball, planned to benefit the City of Hope. The four--day equestrian competition will be prefaced by a white-tie ball Tuesday, Oct. 7. The ball will take place in the Beverly Hilton, wbile the sho""' \Vill be staged in the Forum. Headlng the Diamond 1-Iorse Shoe-a circle of patrons who donate $1,000 and in return r~eive ball tickets, loge 6eats at the sho\v and privileges to the Founders Club -is M. Keith Gaede of Laguna Beach. Other Orange Goast residents working fot. the succes~ of this event are Mrs. Gaede and the Messrs. and Mmes. Ben Z. Deane, Laguna Beach; E. P. Hadley, \Villiam D. Lusk. W. R. Mason and L. A. Turner, Corona del Mar; Herbert Gavins Jr .. Ne,vport Beach ; John E. Murphy, Jrvine; ruchard O'Neill, J. Jerome Moiso, Anthony R. Moiso, James E. West and Philip J. Reilly, Mission Viejo, and Mrs. Myford Irvine, Laguna Beach. Countians lending support are \Villiam P. I-lad· Jey of Santa Ana , horse show chairman and Mrs. Hadley; the Messrs. and A-1mes. Ernest Bryant IIJ, Anaheim, and Michael C. Jones and Henry 0. Clark Jr., Orange. Mrs. \Villi am J ladJey and Mrs. Gaede are mem- bers of the City of Hope 's \Vomen's Division which is sponsoring the ball ana Is selling ads for a sou\'· enir program and membersh.ips to the Founders Club. Heading the show is J . Edward Martin of Pasa· dena and producers of the show are California Equestrians, Inc . HO.RSE SHOW HOPEFUL>.Miss Les!le Oertly, of Fountain Valley, who la e!ltered in lh.e open CO!lfir. matlon, hunter dlv!alon ·in the International Horse Show, pets Diamond Jim before puttlllg him through his paces. The show, which opens Oct. 8, will take plKe in the Forum and is being presented as a City of Hope benefit. Supporters Thanked At Birthday Party In recognition of ils filth birthd~y, Chi!· dren's Hospital of Orange County will hono r support guilds• presidents during a special meeting Monday, Oct. 6, at 10, 'a.m. in the hospital. . Guild members, who have worked so ' . diligently on raising funds for the hospital .. are, in a major part, responsible for the ex· pansi9n and success of the hospital. As an expression of gratitude, each guild will be presented with a new engraved char· ter. Each charter will be signed by the board of ~rustees president who was i:::i office at the time the guild was formed. Charters will be hung on the hospital's first floor · wall, and identical ones will be given to the presidents to take to their gullds. Support groups on the Orange Coast and guild presidents are Cinderella, Ne\V)>ort Beach, Mrs. Ralph Berke; Little Mermaid, Hutitington Beach, Mrs. A. A. DoWers; Los ·Ninos, San Clemente, Mrs .. L. Davis Mcd- dick; Punch and Judy, Costa Mesa, Mrs. Ramon Poitevin; Queen of Hearts, Laguna Beach, Mrs. Fi-ancis Fabian, and Tres Osos, Mission Vi,jo, Mrs. John Yeiser. Others in the county are Bo Peep, Buena Park, Mrs. Cba·rles Thompson; Jack and Jill, Santa Ana-Tustin, Mrs. Stanley Hubbard; Lamp Lighter, Garden Grove, Mrs. Melville Singer; Little Red \Vagon, Orange, Mrs. \V. A. Bateman, and Littlest Angel, Yorba Lin· da, Mrs. Landon Exley. • Completing the list are Mother Goose, Fullerton, Mrs. Richard Slocum; Peter Pan, Anaheim, Mrs. David Stephenson, and Rock· ing Horse, Los Alamitos, Mrs. Jesse Corwin. If Die~ Are Loaded,. Should Wife Take a Chante on · ·Love? DEAR ANN LANDERS : We have been married less than a year. My husband'a boss is taking four of his top salesmen to Las Vegas for five da.ys. I say if he goes I'm getting on the nexl plane and will juin him. We've been quarreling abouL this for e month. I should tell you lhal my husband is &ood looking and a bit of a run. but I'm gure be bas never cheated. Do you think ii is fair for a married man to go on a pleasure trip wbile hl1 wire 5'ay1 home and work1 ln an offlct all day? Am I wrong to insist on following "'hlmT I'd like to hear what your rt1adert have to Jay about this. I don't t\'ant to hear from any men. T know wh~t they think. -MON· TREAL BROWN EYES ANN LANDERS DEAR M. B. E.: U ymi an lateruted 1n wbat I Wnk. Hre It 11: Obviously )'Olir lnubHcl II bdlll rewankd. by bit bos1, ...and I UdM. )'OU should M< pnod ol ""' ucl 1tay llom<. Love doeta't n1 ICll't'tl. It It 1n1W:1l lnitt aad conlldeact. ne •If• wll• dleckl, setl trl'P11 nrnudl •Del Af. focatu her bu1btnd' wtD flot kttp him honest She wlll 1tmply make tllm more careful. No hutblJld eYer 11ma.lned roltllfol -"' wlte kepi ... ,.. .. him. Tk man wbo wq.ta to clteal will t1lp Ills collar ucl floor a way. DEAR ANN LAND~: My mother died wbtn I wu 10 )'WI old. 11111 WU II years 110. You have. been like 1 teCOOd mother to me. r have grown up on )'our advice. And now I need it more than ever. Seven weeks ago my h11.1band was kin. I > ed in an accident. Nicky was 25. We had beeTi married only a year. Nk:ky and I 1tarted lo·go together in high school. He wu 1 fine person and our brief marriage was a very happy one. 'J1le problem is my mother·in-law, She feels Wt since Nicky and I were married for 1UCb a abort Ume I am not enliUed to hJ1 lnwranct money. She brought this up the day 1tttt the Wntral, and has been barplna: on lL even since. She: say1 "'Nlcky waa her favorite aon, that she was much cloeer to him than I wu, aod since I am young and will probably marry again, l 1hould tum the money over to her. She keeps qylng, "I'm sure N.icky would bave wanted me•to have the in.surance money if he had known he was going to dJe so young." I want to do the right thing, Ann, but I don'L ll:now what it ll. Please guide me. - A WIDOW AT 23 DEAR FRIEND' II Nicky had wanted bit· molhf.r to have the ln1urutt money he would have nahltd ber u the bent1Jel1ry. If 1be' dOeln 't undcntand th11, perhaps lier clergyman can e1pla1n It to bf:r. DEAR ANN l.AND,ERS : l'm not Ille greatest dancer In lht workl but I'm not lhe wont, either. ThJs morning my brother told me that the guy I went out with laBl night paid a buddy 1(1 the stag Une $2 to take me oft bis bands. I'm 50 mad I can't see straight. Any aug. gestions? -S. z. Q, DEi\R S.: Seid tile clna a dollar wltb a DOte aayla& J011 were u &lid to bl relCftd u be WU and that )'OI wot I• share hi tM cto~ II )'OU bave trouble geWng along wllh your parents ••• ll you can't gel them to !cl you-4iY«"'your own llfe, send for ~nn Landera' booklet, "Bugged by Parenti? How to Get More Freedom." Send 50 cents in coin with your request and a long, It.amped, aelf·addressed envt~. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her la care of the DAILY PILOT, enclostna a self·addressed, stllJlped envelope. I • 14 llAILY "'~ 'Grounded' Bird Wants Some Company HQroscope Gemini: SEPTEMBER 27 B7 SYDNEY OMAl\ll SATIJRDAY ~ DATING -S,O"l&"t • .\crl.lrhll, ftlle Caprleora IDI)' Joave to pick op tM eltect. .Bed date adlvlty featara maal: nbjedl for dbcautoa lilclode -,.... pam, utraloCY ud poydlc pbuomena. Nf:w frtendddps ... formed: Leo auloudy Don't clear by tonlglll. GEMINI (May Zl.June 20): Good. lunar aapect. today coin· cities with cblrtee for travel, publishing, advertising. You reach more people with pro- duct, message. Don't be shy about expreMlng beliefs. CANCER {June 21.Ju\y 12) o Dig deep, Dlacard l h e superficial. You may find · yourself handling !undl of CGDl!den 1 permmeat n:I• ..,..., _ _....,,.. tlcml~p. RosnaUc eveall!& ta s&ere for Ubra. Toe md &Ilk ud too ltllle actlaa ...W be dowcdall ( t r Saglttarlu. Grwp Ktlv'lty favored lor mot&, bG Pbca may have t II at wlld-&o-~ .-.uUefeella1- • ARIES (Morch 21-April ll)o Accent oo bow you adjust to ~re and reality. The two may be at opposite ends. You have some talks to fin!sh. Yoo cannot merely "10 fishing." Tale tJme lo complete design. Be Shy Peering Around others. Be versa.Ute, willing to i:::::;_,.. ______ a expand. Many trust your judg· ment. You will succeed. LEO (July ~Aug. 22): Time to lie low; do more Iiste~s. than talk.inc. Be especially receptive to legal advlct. Mate or-partner needs your encoorag~ment -gJve it. AA10NG guests at a buffet dinner in the Foyer ol Town and Gown, University of Southern Calilornla, prior to the USC-Northwestern footbaU game tomorrow will be Mr. and Mn. Tracy E. St.tevey ot Laguna lillls and Mr. and Mn. A. James \Vest of Newport Beach. Hosting the 6 p.m. evenl will be members of the board ol lrustees and their wives. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 2!); Some changes may b e necessary in work. methods. Be amiabJe. Some associates may reef Unge of envy. Your key ia diplomacy and sym- palheUc stance. LIBRA (Sept. 23 • Oct. 22)' JiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. Creative u r g e Slou.kl be followed. Proflt indicated if you adhere to your own style. Don't be influenced by those married to status.quo. SCORPIO (Oct %3-Nov. 21 ): Basic issues dominate. Build on solid base. Accent on home, property. Older individual is apt to be correct. Stick with experience. Do not insist on perfection. Do your beet. Wurliher ORGANS ALL MODns AVAILAILE WALLICHS MUSIC CITY SOUTH COAST PLAZA T·E·R·M·S Sending their mascot, the Kiwi bird, out to look for former American Airlines atewanfwea are (left to right) the Mmes. l'llul J . Arnerich Jr., Fred Betts and Kurt M. Grooaii, members o! the Newpoi;t Beach Chapter of Kiwi Club. "Grounded" AA stew- anleases are invited to a membenhip tea Saturday, Oct. 4, !rom 2 to 4 p.m. in Tustin Meadows Com- munity Recreation Center. Tustin. Past presidents of the Newport Chapter will pour and current· of. ficers will host. Anyone wishing further information may call Mrs. BetU, 642-41117. TAVRIJS (April Z.May 20): ~\ Some obetacles persbt. Y oor vleWpoint should be new, fresh. Old methods may not suffice. A creatfve thlnkl.ng allows you U> change mind wtl)Joot Joa1ni lace. Mwage S AG ITT AR IVS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Short journey may be on agenda. 'fake care in traffic. Speed does not necessarily equal progress. Don't overlook details. Some coold be or utmost Im- portance. COSTA MISA S40·JllS lllSTOt. AT SAN DllG-0 FWY. Panhellenic Gathering For Dessert i.....,.. B<ach Panhellenlc will bqln ill lllt-711 .....,. W-1. the flnt day al October, with • t p.m. duRrt booted .., Mn. w. L. Piguet al Em<nld Bay. Mn. J. M. Shea Jr., pm!- -bu complet..s pl1111 !or Ille lull ...,.. wbicb will be outlined In new year boob to be dlllrilluted to n • w ' ~-·!.+'Iii~ members. . Highlighting: the galhf:ring • will bt a t.aJ.k. Sororities on the • Campus Today, by Miu Kay ,_ <iilddard. atudent. activities ~-· ~clinltor f o r California '~.-.,,,._,. Slate Coller< at Lao& B<ach. Mn. Arthur J. Hagge. '\ chairrn&n; will be -by ~ the .Mmes. Harold E. lftS, William A. Mone and James Pulliam. ' All members or national • social sororilitl are invited to aU.nd. Entertainment Looks Stylish Costa MRS. JOHN M. GOODMAN Recite• Pledges Mesa Rites Fubions from Lane Bryant of Los Angeles will be model- ed by me:mben dwin& a gathering for Newport Harbor Senior Citizens at 1 p.m. not Monday in I.he clubhouse. Cheryl Ma/Iott ·Weds Lutherans For Braille Women of St. Paul'• Lutheran· Church in Laguna Beacb me~ ye!tmiay to fonn a Braille Workshop which soon will begjn pr<llfuclng "My Father's World" in the Korean language for use by blind ~ pli:i. in Korea. Mn:. Robert. W. Loewe of Yuc:aU>a, executive director of the Lutheran Braille Worters, lne.; was on _hand to help organize the new -group. Workshop! around the couar try have been set up under the Tea Helps Uncover Trecisure Assistance L e a g u e o( Laguna. Beach wW have a . Tr(.uure Tea to increase merchandise for its Turnabout Thrift Shop nert Monday at 3 p.m. in the League House, said Mrs. Roy Thoroughman, Thrift Shop chairman. l\trs. Bryant Sells, t e a chairman, will g~tber up the booty to be sold in lhe shop, the league's sole continuing 30urce of income. Silver, cry1t.a1, art objects and olher special donations will be gral.efully received. Assisting Mrs. Sells will be her committee members tbe Mmes. Paul Beemer. Hellmuth Hanneman, Kenneth Colborn, William Lynn, Donald Conklin and Mario Tartaglia. Map Goals Workshop High Flyer CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. !9)0 Recognition of pasl ef· Miss Susan Marie Stine, forts due -your views. pro- daughter of the William ducts are in demand. Come out K. Stines Of Newport of emotional shell. Express Beach, is a graduate of desires. Many will be fulfilled. United Air Lines stew· AQUARIUS (Jan. 2G-Feb. ardess .scb"ool. Complet· 18): Cycle ~s up: You are h able to sharpen ti.mine. You theme of Bringing Qui.at to ing er trainin~ course attract favorable attention. Thoae in Darkness. The in Chicago, Miss Stine PISCES (Feb. IS-March 20): workshops are involved in is assigned to serve fifaintain air of mystery. Don't printing ChrisUan literature in flights out of that city. 1 11 11 k Su · Braille in most all foreign The 2()..year-old alumna e a you now. ccess tn l."m"gea to-~ to blind...,._ romance shown if you don"t --M;:&U ,....... of Newport Harbor wear he.art on sleeve. Get pie all over the world. High School attended together with those who share Mn. W. E. Niederbrach, the University of interest!. Dine out Break SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE Chuck O'Conner IN "FLIPPER" ,,,, 5 CARTOONS ALL SEATS 50< lox Office 0,.. 12 N••• Sllew Stem I J :JO wife of the Rev. Nlederbrach, Hawaii. routine. will direct tho Lquna gniup. (~~,'.'.'.'.: _____ __::::::'.:'.::_ _____ ~=======~ Luth er an Women'• M!Jslonary Loque adopted the Lutheran Braille Worken, Inc. as one of the projects they will he.lp support finan. dally during the next two years. Group.Installs After Dinner Radio conunentator Bob Kennedy will be the iuest speaker for the first ln- stallaUoo. d1nou rl the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Society taking place at I p.m. tomor· row, in Francoia restaurant, Huntington Beach. Preceding the dinner will be a champagne reception in the home of Mr. and Mn. Fred Voas. New officers to be installed Include Mrs. John Berry, president; James Helimti, vice president; M1u Barbra Healy, ·recording secretary; Mrs. V o s s , corresponding secretary; Grover BI air. treasurer, and Mrs. Richard Shirley, public rt.lat.ions. Additional information may be oblalned by callln& Mn. Helinskl 1162-7671. OPEN DAllY 1().10; SUN. 1().7 ~ c:m••-·1': Friday and Saturday Only Extra tnwta.lnment will be supplied by Mn. Robert Beardsley, soloist, and Craig Cheryl !-fallott, daughter of Mr. .and Mn. Donald E. f.tallott or Costa M e s a , became the bride or John f.t Goodman during cere:lllOl'\ies conducted in st. John the Bap- tist Catholic Cburch, Co&la Mesa. of Mr. and Mrs. l\lorton F. Goodman of Garden Grove, received his BS in accounting from CSCLB where he was a,p;_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,;i;;;_,_,_,_,'""il member al Pbl Kappa Phi. -Rdreshments will be IUV!d al the meeting which is open lo the p..tblic. Further in- formation m1y be obtained by calling Mrs . Aaron C h risttnsen, entutainment chairman, 54H694. Secretaries At 9:30 p.m. every second Thursday women of Bahia Chapter of National Secretaries' Association lntemaUooal assemble in dU- ferent k>caUcm to 11tend meetinp. Mn. Lloyd Fleming at 5'1U360 may be telephoned for additional infonnatkwi. ' Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an em- pire gown of chHfon, featuring a watleau train. A seed pearl and lace headpiece held her il- lusion veJJ, and she carried pha\aenopsl11 orchids. hlrs. John P. AndeUe was the matron of honor and· John ldlng was the best man. Following a reception in the home of the bride's parents, the newlyweds left on a honey- moon trlp to the Bay Area. They wW reside in Tustin. Tut bride ls a junior at Ca!Uornia Slate Collqe at Long Beach. Her husband, son Alumnae 'In Swim' A dlp In the ·swimming pool and brunch next Sunday at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gust, Newport Beach, wUI get Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae in· to tne "fall.awlm." The Newport Harbor group will kick olf a hO!L er ac· tivities for the new year, in· eluding the annual nut salel for the e r 0 u p • s ph.ilan· thropies. THE LOOK OF SCANDIA If 1"9'1 the contemporary type, Sho'U ftlp CMlf ScandlL Tholl>ape ,, bold. Tho ftnloh 11 son and to)<!Urad. Thopricols rtghLAnd thoUmo ii now. ~~~~~ 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH-644-lllO Ytvt Cht .... ~t W."-.... A!Ml'"k..1111. IM•Nr °""" !Cit 0,.. M ...... ......, llMff 9111 p.-. ., ~ITU@O~filllIT® ~l!J •11•on1J ~~drol.1111' ... ~-. WO~h IOOkiDD inm .. i TI-.1t u11iqu• ,,,d ouht111di119 fethlrtl ''' ,ro•lclM wltlri •••rt Fri9id1 ;,, A.11lo"'•*ic W1ih1r: e No w1ltr r1 -circul1fin9 e J1t-Aw1y IU,,tiflf ••11•.., e J1t-Aw1y li11t lttmo•tl • No with or Til'l•t·w•lt' e J,t.Acliol'I With conl1ct witll w•i•' co,,l1!111r • Solid T~b wh1r 1 '"!'" tnd for1i91'1 m1t11i1I• c11'1 build up. • 5.v,., W1rr1l'lty !·Y••r 111tiol'lwi41 ••"'"*" b1c•1d by Gtl'ltrtl Met•rt. 2-y••' w1N'tflly foT rtp1ir of '"" d1f1ct without ch1rtt, phn 4 • .,.,, Prol1ttio11 Pl111 lplf"h only lhor furni1h in9 r1,l1c1'"1l'll f•r '"' Ctf,cti•t ,.rt in tilt COfftplttt lr11um iu io11. dri•t-flor, or ••· t•"'"'" © ['IAVIS RRO\VN 411 E. 17th St. COSTA MUA DAILY,_,. SAT. M --1614 I .~ In Bonded Fahrics FASHION NEWS PANTS-STYLE Ov Rf!!. J.78 2 Doya Only Chm-go It Fall fuhlon forecasts say pants a.re going long and Jean and sometimes a little bit wide! We have a smashing group of'solids. plaids an dchecks ••• all in ~ lorayS rayon and acrylic jersey knits. Proportioned sizes 8-18. SANTA ANA ORANGE COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER f • l ~ : • : ' I'' • H p:,, 1 '(o • t ,, ~ , M J l'(l(I [-." 1,:~~ ~ 1 '100 11, •• ~ ,. 11::0" . i,,.t ' -p -p -- -------__......._...,.._.....,.. ...... __ ----------~--------~------. ----~ -· ----- • RENDEZVOUS POINT -White-robed Ship Rock _,, __ Yachts Rendezvous. Skippers, crews and their fa.mi· Hes will be e11tertained ashore at the Isthmus Sat. urday night, off the Catalina IS'thmus will be the destination of some 250 yachts which take off from various South- land ports Saturday on the 7th annual Columbia Colurnhias Rendezvous At Catalina Nearly 250 Columbia yacht owners have filed their in- tention of being on hand for the 7th ·annual Columbia Rendezvous at the Catalina Isthmus Saturday and Sunday. The boats will converge at Sh.ip Rock off the Isthmus in races that start at Newport Beach, Alamitos Bay, Los Angeles Harbor and Marina de! Rey. Emphasis wlll again be on fam ily fun with a few new touches adding t:olor to the event, according to Richard Valdez, president of Columbia Yachts· <1fCosta Mesa. The races from each area will be started at limes th.at .will hopefully have all of the yachts arriving off the Ship Rock finish line at aJ> proximately the same time. There will be JG clas.ses or Columbi~ participating in the event. Shoreside entertainment at the Isthmus includes trophy presentations to the winners and Hawaiian music. Presentation of awards In each class and to first. seeorid and third to finish in each class will be augmented this year by an award to the first boat to arrive from each port. Top Hydros Qualify for Gold Cup SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Anx- ious to get back in action after a layoff of more than a month, seven unlimited hydroplanes got, on the Mission Bay cOurse Thursday and hit speeds which qualify them for Sunday's run- ning of the 61st annual Gold Cup race. Bill Muncey or Seattle, Wash., turned in the top time of the day, pushing Miss U.S. to 113.066 miles per hour for one lap of the 2'.?-mile oval . Defending Gold Cup champion Miss Bardahl from Seattle wasn't far off the pace with a 111.111 mph clocking with Fred Alter of Detroit driving. A Oeet of 12 or 13 is ex· peeled to be ready for the Gold Cup battle Sunday. Other qualifiers were ; Myr·s Special from Detroit with Dean Chenoweth d r i v 1 n g , JJ0.294; Notre Dame of Detroit, driven by Le i f Borgerson, 110.163 ; Mi SI Budweiser from Tampa, Fla., with Bill Sterett, llG.027; Pride ol Pay 'n Pak, driven by Tommy Fults, 108.759. and Atlas Van Lines, with J im McCormick driving, 107.143. Time trials continue through S.turday with ~.ooo of the $61 .600 prize purse being awarded for lhe best quali- fying speeds. Fint place in Sunday"• Gold CUp, In which the rmalists wiU have to com- plete four tknile heats. ii worth a minimum of $13,SOO. SCHOOLS On• ntwtp•p•t ttilt yo..- '"'''• mo•• ofttn, •"ovt whtt 90•• 011 in loc.I ie.h•oli. You'll fliwj th1t 11twtptp1t It tht DAILY PILOT. Ski Club Invitational Fastest Boat to Appear U.S. Boat Places 3rd RIVA. Italy (AP) -The U.S. boat Sette Peaciolini plac- ed third in Thursday's fifth event or the World Sailina Championship for Tempest class yachts on Lake Carda. Coming Sept. 28 ~The most exciting new apartment complex In America ••• In Newport Beach Skippered by Jones Coker Lin ville and James Coker Lif\· ville of Scarsdale, N.Y., tl)e U.S. boat was timed 2 hours, 25 minutes, 40 seconds over the !~mile triangle cour~. The winner was the British boat Tambourine In 2:24.24.. The Dutch boat Red Devil was second in 2:25.25, and behind the fourth place Polish entry Sbaracapete in 2:2$.46 was the U.S. boat Good Luck In 2:26.k The Good Luck is skippered by Andrew Kostanecki of Noroton, Conn., and G 1 en Foster or Darien, Conn. Jn sixth place was Blue Tempest, Unlted St.ates, David and Alexandra Falcone.r of Darien Conn., in 2:.28.23. THE LARIEST AID AIEST EQUIPPED ·11m1a STORE II JllE u.u. PAc1 F1c D 1vcRS SuPPLY 1Nc. COMltLITI ICUU oumT-NEW 1969 7'2CU FT. TANK GALV, CONTOUR: PACK, TWO STAGE SINGl..E HOSE REGULATORS. !i YEAR GUARANTEE-I YEAR AIR SUPPLY , IS.00 TANK-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. GA.LV, Rf.SERVE J VALVE VAlUE$105.00, YOUR COST . .. .... ONf' Yf.U All.,,.,.,,. Wmf 1CIKMUf 0, l<H'f fAHr. Alt flHltS GUAIAHfffO 10« '1YI TIMI ~,~~~~£'~. ~~.~~~-T·E·E~. ;~ ~~~. ~· ..... ,, .. ,.~ .. II.ti Dl~U, savoo~.~1.~. ::~. ~ .1 ~: .~~:~ ~~~·S·~· ..... , .......... >•.ts ~s_E_N_D_FO""R"'Y_o...,u::-R_ .. -:-:u::-A_LL-:-N""E::-W-,1_9...,69,..P~· A_c_1F_1c_o_1v_e_RS_CA_T_A_LOG _ _,I-._.., a -•l"t-Cl ____ .., At nf llwtlo .. llf A.....iltetl lcvloe Dhol .. -1 Ol'EN 7 DAYS A ·WEEK UHkMtltCMD • MAS1'ft atA•ot • COMPLnl 'INAHCfMO AYAJL.tikl t' 1catMtt,.,.... Yov llLIHT "IR HUITIHTU l(HN 11_.. ...... l...-... UN. tW14 hellk CNrt llwf. CU-...... Jtf (2111 IH.SM1 • 0'1 41 t4M'12 A<•ou lro111 ...-111c11 COlfll\J • • • • ' FrldlY, Stptffl!btr 26, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE DAILY PILOT JS LEGAL NOTICE SU,.ElllOR COUllT 011" TMI 1 STA'TE 0,. (ALllJOllNl.1 •Olt THE COUHTY 01' SANTA U.llALl ..... ~:;":":-:J';';i;;::;;o;.o:;;;;;;:;;::;::;;::;::;:-;.-;::;:;;::-c--;:-_::.'":.:-.-::.-::-:.-----~--.------~.---.-.:~-.. -_--.-.-:~--·-.-.• -_-_-_-,-.-.• -.. ----.. -.-.-.-.-.-.• -.-.-.-.. ---.-.-.-.-.-.-.--,-.. -.-.----.-.-.-.--.-.-.• ..,,-_-,_-_____ ._ ...... _.. ..... ~ • ., ...... f-.-.-=-. - lf DAll.Y '1LOT Always No. 1 to Ber Gil Hodges, manager of the amazing New York Mets, can count on the support of daughter Bar- bara, 8, \Yho makes no secret ol her choice for manager of the year. This scene took place at Hodges' Brooklyn borne following the Mets' win- ning of National League Eastern division tiUe in Gil's second year at the helm. Gil signed a long- term $75,000-a-year contract today. Phipps' Last Shot at ND P urdue-Irish Clash Set Saturday LAFAYETIE, Ind. (AP) -Notre Dame get.s Its last look at Purdue quarterback Mike Phipps, coming off lhe grutest game of his career, in Saturday's 41st renewal of the lrlab- Boilerm&ker football rivalry. "I've seen Phipps loo often," Notre Dame coach Ara Parseg.hlan said u he ~ the prospecta of trying to stop tbe Phipps-directed tw~game winning streak against Notre Dame. The game bet.•een the ninth-ranked Irish and 16th·ranked Purdue has been a tellout since last spring. Boilermaker coach Jack f\follenkopf has a 9-4 record against Notre Dame and admits, "We've had more lhan our &hare of breaks in thls series." Parseghlan bu lost only seven games Bruins Invade Big 10 Country, Battle Badger s MADISON, Wis. (AP) -The unbtaten Bruins of UCLA invade Big Ten country for lhe first of two successive Saturdays, fll"5t squaring off against 'Vlsconsin. And coach Tommy Prothro has something of a problem. Last week Prothro said his football team wasn't able to generate much "ex- citement" in playing Pitl!lburgh, a team with a long losing record. The Bruins got excited enough to win, 42-8. But bow about Wisconsin? The Badgers have lost 16 CQntesL!I in a row. Prothro adroitly argued that meeUng any Big Ten team was sufficient rtason to get his iang worked up for the kickoff in Camp Randall Field at 11:30 a.m. PDT. UCLA wlll field just about the same troops it did for Pitt and the 37-0 rout of OregJn State. That means an explosive offer!..!lve group led by quarterback Dennis Dum- mlt, backed by runners Greg Jones and Mickey Cureton and pass receivers Gwen CoopeI and George Fanner, plus a sensa- tional tici return sophomore, Bob carver. Defen1lve stalwarts number s u c h performm ea Floyd Reese, Mlke Ballou, Bob Gecldea, Jim Ford and others: Alslstanl coach Eamel Durden scouted Wlsconlin in II& 48-21 kw t.o powerful Oklahoma last week. He described Wisconllo as "• young team wlth great pot<nlial. "'Ibey are going to beat some teams If their promising tophomores come along a.1 expedtd wilh experience,'' Durden reported. He added he WBI particularly lm- preSled with a fi.y1rd drive from the Badger one for one of tht1r three touchdown.I. Durd<n joined In the pralle for Wlloonain'• sophomore fullback, Alan "A· 'Train" Tbompsm, who rammed out 220 yards In 33 carries to erue one of the 1:1ehool'1 tingle records held by Alan 11The lior11'' Amcche. Three other Badgers warranted at- tentioo, Durden said. They we re quarterback Nell Grarr. split end Al Han. nth and tailback Greg "Grape Juice'' Johnson. since his arrival at Notre Dame in 11164, three ol them to Purdue. Phippe:, who set 1 Purdue total offen5e record of 390 yard.t in Jut week's 42-35 victory over Texu Christian, killed Notre Dame's cblUlCtl for a second staright na- tional champlon!hlp when he piw<d the Boilermakers to a 28-21 upset victory in 19&7. Notre Dame tackle Mike ?i.fcCoy, the 6- 5, Zlf-pound tackle who was one of the defenaive start of lut week 's .U.10 open- ing vame victory over Northwe.st.ern, remembers that 1ame well. "'Phipps killed ua. I made him na- Uonally famous," he said. Last season, Phipps and Leroy Keyes Jed the Boilermakers to a 37-22 win In a naUnally televised CQntest. Parseghian said h1s scouts' reports on the TCU-Purdue game wen that "Phipps could do anything he wanted to do." But Notre Dame's defense, led by McCoy a.00 linebacker Bob Olson, dotsn't figure t.o be so permis.!ive. It nailed Northwestern q u a r t e r b a c i Dave Shelboume 10 times hehiDd the line of scrimmage last Saturday. Purdue's defense i! a1Jo a veteran unit, whlle both teams have mo!ltly new faces on otfenae. Tackle JJm Reilly is the only Notre Dame offensive regular back from last seaaon, although guard Larry DiNardo started before being injured in mldaeason and quarterback Joe Thelsrnann f!Jled in fOf' the injured Terry Hanratty at the end of the season. Reaffirms Retirement Gonzalez Huffs, Puffs, TopplesLa ve r ,Emerson LOS ANGELES (AP) -Once the most feared tennis player in the world, Pane.ho Gonzalez bas now become known as the man who reUres. He'.a done it five times. The latest &Mouncement came Thurs- day night after the aging but agile 41- year-old racquet champ walked off the courta at the Los Angeles Tennis Club. lie and Brooklyn's Ron Holmberg, himself 31, teamed to beat Rod Laver and Roy Emerson ln a quarterfinal match of the Paclfic Southwest Tennis Championships. "I'm tired," said Pancho, buffing and puffing. "I'm in great shape and I feel fine be.fore matches. But I get tired quickly. I'm sticking to my original an- nouncement" Only 24 hours be.lore, Gonzalez told newsmen he was going to quiL Then, shortly belore noon Thursday, he said he felt great and had no intenUon of quit.- ling. After his ?-5, 13-11 doubler victory Thund.ay, be quit again, the fifth time he's made tht announcement In an II· Justrious career stretching back Into the 19408. Now greying, 1Ul1 erplosive, always controversial, P_:B.ncho may tb1I tlrne be serious •bout his lntcnUon to rellre. "[ don't like the traveling you have lo do," he Mid tolemnly. "I get Ve!}' tired alter matches!' He said be feelJ there are things he want! to do on the court but can'L The way be played Thurad1y, however, fans LOUIS LEAVES BED TO REFEREE FIGHT DETROIT (UPI) -Joe Louis, lhe "Brown Bombern who held the world heavyweight holing champlOlll!llp for almost 12 ye1n, cannot stay 1w1y from the sport be loves. Wlthln hourt after checking out of a Detroit hospital Thu.raday where his doc- tor said he waa bdng trtattd ror 1n 0 emotlonal and mtnlal letdown," Louis, now 58, flew to Wichita Fall!I, Ttt., to re(eree a bollnt mal<:h lfal night. ' couldn't tell any difference between the man who rose to fame in lMB and 1949 with U.S. Lawn Tennis AssociaUon cham- piomhips. Holmberg was steady, handling hard line drives and serving consistently well. Bi.it It was Pancho, old Pancho, who drew Lite cheers. He served with speed and fineue; he darted to the net to take command ol a volley; he flashed a wlcked backhand and he tlpptd right and left for returns of r;hol!I that yOWlger playim might have missed. Last year here, during an Indoor pro- fessional match, Pancho complained about a new scoring system being u~. 1.Udway through the match, be tosaed hlJ racquet dovro and stormed off. Early this year, he Jost a tough 22-24 set at Wlmbltdon and a.sied lbat play be halted because of the oncoming darkneas. The request was denied. Pancho played half-heartedly in losing the second set, then flung his racquet and stormed off the court in the third set when the mat.ch was called for darkness. Is there the end for the volatile net star? Is Pancho hanging 'em up? "If he keeps wlMlng, J think he'll be back. Pancho Is too intent a person to quit while he'a winning," 1&ld .!act Kramer, who first .signed Gonzala to a pro contract in the early I~. "No matter how tlred Pancho gets, he'll keep playing as Jong 11 he win!. So far he's still 1 winner,'' said Peny T. Jones, secretary of the Southern Callfomla Tenni! As.socialioo, who ii 81 . SlllNNl"I' of Tllvn41'(1 Mr1'et'f'IMI "'-lc:MI '" 1M fl'Kllk SOvt~-1 1-11 ~IJl5; MW1 ... ln Cllff 'llldWy 191'. lttt« T1ytw, W. W. .. 1. Ar1'PIW ....,.. 191'. ,,..rty 11111 ...... U , W, M. ~ Kotll Mt. °'""" •• ,. ...... 1 ... 141, .. ,. lloti L.wtl IMf, Jtly ,,_,.. ltUfll Af'rQ .. i_ , .. •I. llM lflllltr> ..r. Jot111 NrM:Omtoe, ...... l'rftll, H, t-1, .... -·-••l'ICl'ot Gellr91tt •nd lt911 ... ,.,...,... .... ..., l.IYI' 1nd ll:ov E.menon, 14. 11-11, Artl'lyr MIM ind AndrRS GI-dtf. I("' ll.- _..11 1Tld Ftlld 'IOllt, M , 6·1, ~···--Wlfol~ Sl\tw dtl. 1109-l'y ( ... )\, 1-~. 1·! AM ... .,..,,.. JOllft .,..,, o.ri-H1rd. 1'11, l .. ... ' Giant Hopes on Line As LA Series Opens LOS ANGELES (AP)-ln 11159, the }'Hr aft.tr the Glints ind 000,ers mJgrated from N~ York to CaWornla, the Los Angelel club knocked oll Ila San l'ran- cilco rivala in the final daya of the pennant race. Tbe Dodgen -t oa to become the World Seclet champloM. Then lo 1911. the two ch.lbs Ued fer the NaUooal Loque lead al the end d lbd retu]aUon aeason and lbe Giants woo the playoff, bing W..the New Yori Yankees ID the World Striea. In 1•. the Dodgen have been ellm· tnated from the race, yet rema1n instru-menlol In the w..iern Divtalan. . ()p<alnt i lhree.game .m,. tonltht al Dodg~ -qalnst San Frlllclaco, the Dodgen c0\114 send the UUe to - The J>lichlnt rotaUon ,... Gaylord Perry for the Giants qalnal Don Sutton on Friday nl&bl, Mike Mc:Connlck vs. Claude Osteen in a aouthpaw duel on 7:H ,_rfl. l :lt .. rfl, 1211.S 11-rfl. ::ts .. .,., 1:U!J."'- 7;1S ,.m. Saturday and Juao Marlehal vs. Bill Singer oo Sunday. San Franclaco started the Dodgers on 1 downward 1llde with three vtctor1ea ln Candlestlck Park last weekend. 1ben the ClnclnnaU R<ds swept low: from Loo AI>- geiel 8Jld 1>ocMd them from conteoilon. Braves E'ace Padres Can't Be Overconfident · With 6 to Play-Aaron ATLANTA (AP}-Hank Aaron says the vi.sion when San Dieao whipped the Atlanta Braves, fighting for the National Giants Tueaday and Wednelday. League West title, ''can't get over· "I don't think we're taking them enthused because we've gcl five game! (Padres) for granted," said Aaron, the left." Braves' leading hitter with a .301 mark. But, he adds, "If we contintle to win, Aaron i! the only present Brave who nobody can catch ll.'.'' played In the 1957 and 1958 World Series The Br1ves begln a three-game series: in wh.ich the Milwaukee Br1ves split with with San Diego tonight and close the the New York Yankees. He says the 1M1 season against ClnclonaU Tuesday and pennant race doesn 't compare with those Thuraday. because Milwaukee wo.n It usUy both AUanta bolds a 1 i,s.game lead over San ye.an. Franctsco and a three-game edge over "I don't think there has ever been a ClnclnnaU, the only teams still in con-race like this one," he aaJd. tentioo for a berth in the NaUonal "I'm not completely satisfied with my League playoffs opposite the amazing year, but if we can go on and wln the New York Mets. pennant I'll be happy," Aaron nld. "I suppose there's no better place to His .301 batting average is 13 points be than in first p!Jce," Aaron aald below his lifetime average but be could Tburlday, an off day for the Braves set a career high in home nw. Aaron followine a road trip in which they won has 43 presently, one le.u than the league seven and lost three. leader, Willie McCovey of the Giants. "I said all along you can'~ underest.i· Aaron's career high was 45 Jn 1982. mate tha\ ball club (San Diego),'' Aaron He also is only live RBI's away from said. "They've proved It twice." reaching ~ 100 mark for the lotb time AUanta returned to the top In the di-in bis career. U'IT ......... BLASTING OUT OF TRAP -Lee Trevino blasts out of a wet, soggy trap In the first round of play of Alcan Golfer of the Year tournament at the Portland Goll Club. Trevino, a g:allery favorite, finished with a two-under-par 70 to tie for second wtth five others. Eight persons were hurt, none seriously, when bleachers at the 18th green collapsed. So it would be easy for the Giants, except the young San Diego Padres fin- ished off tbe.lr home seri'3 by winning two or a three-game series from the oortbern vLsl.tors. Thus the Glanl3 go into Dodger Stadium with their backs to the wall. Alt... Wed- nelday night's game, the AUanta Braves led them by a game and one-haH, Manager Clyde King of the Gianta fig- ured at t.be Btart of the road trip that five victories: would insure the division tiUe, So far they have only one. To date, the Dodgers have beaten the Giant.s twice and lost four times in L.A. Overall they are f..JJ which &ives the advJDtage thls year to San Francisco. sun the Giants hadn't lost in San Diego at all thia year unW that fina! vi.sit. GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Messersmith Seelis 17th At Oakland OAKLAND (AP) -California Angel manager Lefty Phillips may think twice before be walks another Oakland A'1 bat- ter on purpose. PhllUps ordered an intentional pass to Oakland's Joe Rucli Thursday night and then watched in horror as relief pitcher Ken Tatum couldn't break the habit and unlnt.entionally walked Ramon Webster tG force in the wiMing run. The A's rallied to nip the Angels 7-6 Angel Slate Al O•l'llft 111 llM'C i'10I Slpt. 2' AnQtl1 11 Oakland SUI. 1T ,..11 •I Olkland Sip!. :II At111tl1 1t 01~land Sl!it. ::ici -'"Oils at K1nu1 Clly Oct. 1 ...,.._,, 11 "'""'' City Oct. 1 ""'"" 11 K1"4D Cl:y 7:1! p.m. !:ts D.m. 1:2' p.m. 5:U p,m. 11 :15 1.m. J:IS p.m. With Rudl keeping them in the izame with a pair of homers until the walk decided the game. The A's send left hander Jim Roland, 3- 1, to the mound against the Angels tonight. Former University of Calilomia star Andy Messermitb, IS.IO, will pitch for the Angels, CALl,Oll:Nl.1. OAKLAHO •••llrlll 111rl!l'll1 Allmer, :Ill 4 I 2 2 CamP1ntrl1, u o I O O Spw.ttr, 111 s l 4 1 Cl!f!', 2b 4 O 2 o J .T1tvm, Pl' 0 D D 0 Kub!11t, 1b J I 1 l RIDOr. lb o o o IJ R.Jaclti.<l". rl 5 o o o ,rl'(IOll, H j 0 1 0 61..0D, JD 4 0 1 0 Jllllntl'Ont, ct ~ I 2 O 8nioli1, If l I o l ll:lkt'ltrdl, II 4 1 1 0 Mond1y, cl l 1 l I vou.H •0111:i...c:11.1b 4 1T' Ll..,11, Jll J I O O Duncan. c 2 O O O A.Rodf19wr, lb I 0 a O Francon&, pf! I O 0 O l rll'Wll,< 4110ltoot,c 00 0 0 Muf'l!lly, 11 1 o l o Weostt•, till o o o 1 Gtllllert, p 2 O O o Fln{lerJ, p I O O O K.T1h.lm. p 0 0 O O Krtunt. p 2 1 1 0 Jl.Jt>lln~, pl! 1 O O O Lindblad, D 0 0 0 0 l KhUNnn, p 0 0 0 0 Toflls 31 ' 1J 4 T1t1l1 JS 1 f 1 T""' 111111 ""1111 wlnnlf'll run uered. c1111orn11 on ooo lflO -' o.1ti.nd 100 JOO on -1 IE -ICub);a)(, It. J1er.i.on, 01.1•>C1n. Jltlc:htrdl, Spencsr, II.I.Mii. OP -Oekland 1, LOB -Ca!llol'n~ I. Otklt>nd 11, 28 -Alomlr. Mond•V. HR -SP91Ktt 110), Rudi l (21. Sii -Von. s -Alomir. 1P H Ill IEll. •• 10 Murpfty ).1/J 4 s s l 2 Gil&l>lrf 4·1/l • 1 1 2 2 K.r1h.lm ll,6-2) l 1 l 1 J 2 Fiil'lgftl ?·Ill 1 5 , I 0 Kr11.11u S.711 • 1 o 1 s l.lrldblld 2/l , 0 0 0 1 l~M IW,4.1) I ) 0 0 0 0 I H8P -l>'f' Murphy tC•~Mrb.I. Tlm1 -t ;U, A!Mndlr.tt -I.~. Checkin g Out P ennant Race H.t.TIOH.t.l. La.t.oua Wt1! Dl\OlllM W L P<I. O• Tl Pla1 ... ,, ... ,, " .. .Jt1 -J s ... ,,tlldia 11 " .JSll 1\Ai ' ClnctMttl IJ 11 .J.lS J\Ai I jl.llMfl -Al lww!Mi $. $8n 01-J, Clnclrwl.n f . flln ,nndtcOI -Al t>c>me J. $111 OllW )I -·~ I, loo A"9tl1t. Cll'IC ...... tl -.At hofM 4, ltoustooo. 4; ll'll'lr f, Alltflll S. Sikes Ties Leader Despite 8 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -Whal woold you do If you ahot In I, four o~ par, trlille leading the firll round of tbe Alcan Goller of the Year ToumamentT Dan Sikes recovered wtth an eagle and 1 birdie, tying for flrrt with a thrte- under-par 89 ewer the l,54l·yard Portland Golf Club tcurse. Lou Graham of Nuhvllle, Tenn ., also had. 19. Siket' quick l"«'OVery wm In contras1 to an a which Sim Snfad, one of golf's au .. f. • time are•t .. tool! "" the !Ith hole '" the U.S. Open in 1939. Snead never dkl win 1 U.S. Open. Sikes was four under par and far ahead of the 24-man field when he hlt hll tee silo! on the 13th hole Into a Ur tree. "It Is frightening to see a bah go Into a tree," Sikes aald, ''But the second sbot was the bad one. lt 11houldn't have ha~ pened." The ball went beneath a tree. SlkeA c:blpped out, tMn put the ball .Into the trap. He two-putted for the a. Sikes had a par on the next hole, then on I.be 5It-yard, par S 15th hole, Sim aank a 15-foot putt for an eagle. He blrdied the 18th hole. Sites got another ahock Just all<r he walked off the courJe when a section ot bleachers near the lath green collapsed. Nine persons were hospitalized with minor-injuries. Graham, having what he says Is one of hi$ wonit years on the pro tour. dew ibed his play as "fai r" and said he wa.1 aurprlJed there were no lower :teore,,. u A A b " c e I• fl • ,, b d b g p \\ u " G u te •• d c w " A w G b h> 'I Si d. w C< II' ni Ii ol B la le A le Pl J• c. " ni •• .. pt w th SI R st m Ix w di pl '7 th P: di Cl fj; hi S< m p lo pi ] g1 N " M tu lo th 10 M "" Al or de .. ' ....... · / · I Sports Clipped Short ,,..,. tile W.... •f AP /UPI NEW YORK -Profe111lonal football is the nation's No. t sport according to an Associated Press fi.1anaging Editars' Association Sports Committee survey, but there are surprising variations in reader inlereN by age and by region. · The survey was made under the chairmanship of Lury Jinks, managlng editor of the Mlaml Herald, with the pr~ fesslonal guidance of Gari J. Nelson Research, Inc. Among male readen the top 11 sports were in order: professional football , col· tea:e football . baseball, professional basketball, college b a s k e t b a I I , In- dianapolis type car racing, golf, boring, track, fishing and horse racing . ... ... CINCINNATI Atlanta was guaranteed a spot Thursday In the final playoff game for the National League's West Division championshlp in the event the Braves, Sah Francisco and Cincinnati wind up in a three-way tle. The decision was by Pruident \Varren Giles, who flipped a half dollar several tlmes to help work out a playoff system. Entering today's action, Atlanta was on top by 1 'h games over the Giants and 31 over the Reds. If all three deadlock, Atlanta, which drew a bye, will meet the victor of the Cincinnati-San Francisco game in the winner's park. If Atlanta and San Francisco tie, the sudden-death contest will be held at Atlanta on Oct. 3. If the Braves and Reds tie, the game will be played at Cincinnati. And ir the Giants and Cincinnall tie, the affair will be played in San Francisco . ... ... ... BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Services will be held here Saturday for BeMy Marshall, sports editor of the Birmingham News since 1959, who died at his home Thurs- day at the age or 49. Marshall died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound , Deputy Corooer J . T. Helto n rul- ed. Helton said when police arrived at Marshall's home, he was dead. He was the author of two books, Win· ning Isn 't Everythina, and 20 Grand. The first, published in 1965, was a biography of Alabama football Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, Marshall's good friend . In fact, Marshall's final column Ctln· talntd a mOTy about the bll!ines; ven· tures ot Bry a n t and Alabama All- Arnerican Don Hutson wblle the two at- tended the university . ... ... ... LOS ANGELES -Saying he felt no pa.in in his bacl(, quarterback Jimmy Jones guided the University of Southern Califomla offense through a 90-mlnute scrimmage Thursday. The Trojans are preparing for Saturday night':i home opener agai n.st Northwest- ern and, fearing an ae rial assault, USC IJ'acticed its pass defense. Jon~s and the offense coocentrated on putting the ball into play in situations where less than two minutes are left In the game. Jones suffered back muscle spasms last week. ... ... ... PRINCETON, N.J. -A band of Rutgers University students apparently staged a predawn raid Thursday and made off with a Revolutionary cannon belonging to Princeton Unive rsity. The cannon, which weighs a hall-ton, was encased in concrete. The cannon bandits ltft a mound of dirt, a four-foot hole, and a note in red paint, reading. "Thanks! Love, Rutgers '72." The raid took place two days before the centennial football game between Princeton and Rutgers Saturday. Princeton University of f i c I a 1 s disCt1vered the theft when an wiidentified caller telephoned oUlcials wanting con· firmalion the cannon was gone. The caMon , or others like ii, changed hands several times between the two schools. For a ~year period, 1835-75, il made several journeys to each school. Peace was restored in 1875. when it came to Princeton to stay. That is, until the present raid. Football Scores 1tfagnolia 26, El Dorado 7 Servite 27, Pacific 0 Loyola 14, Mater Oei O Orange Coast is. Cypress 6 --:-:-.---:---::-:77'7~"···~-:~-':""7'••~·-':""-~'-"...,.~•··--·•-••••o~~r-·-•··~f"."':'.•o••••www--••--""~'·o•o~.••-•••~.~-~'~'-•'-"'"''""cs•s'"'a-•c•s•s,..=""•"~-SO""' .. ';,.,.,. .. ,~.=s•a .. u .. u,.s~w .. s""!;~p.,µ~;•:~.:•t-E~.~AP!"Z.,.&,..&'f'S!B!!l~l!!-1!1~l~!'l'l '~l' Frid.If, Stpt.embff 26, 1%9 • ' • DAILY PILOT J7 Bucs Fufilhle, Stumble hut Win, 23-6 By JOEL SCHWARZ and loot elabl ol lllem, aloq wllb -ltral&ht WHt. In ~am.ea the Bucs :nalned 7-'. •-11i..1v.,. ...,..ur11i:1 .,. "" Of ftl4I Dall~ ,,., Sl•ff intercepted PISltt. have yielded but IO rushln1. Jn the lhlrd perlocl the Bue• acored Fvmble/F~ IOll nn ,,, l:USMIH9 Dick Tucker is a man in search of a Cypress added llx fu:nble1, losing the Tucker's team never trailed in the twice in four minutes. J'trat they drove 63 or.,_.. C•·•1 strong adhesive today -anything that ball twice, and had half a dOlen of its: '" n YL ..... game. bul had a hard Ume RUtllng points yards in 10 plays wl<b Me)'er fklnfi the Al~tdro .. ·~ ' u will keep his Orange Coast College aerials picked off by Orange Coast. on the acoreboard. The Pirates• only last six on a pitch out Then, fo low ng a Ttmlytw .. .. " >.• '" _, .. .. " • (j:.1 players and the football stuck together. "Those wm the ~ fumble• in my tooc.hdown of the opening half came ln J e s s e Hernandez intercepUon, Ray c-1n • • • The Pirate co.ch watched his team Ctlaching caretr. There waa no eictlJe for the flrat period alter they had given tbe Ricardo, who gaJned 122 yards, sprtnltd V"'l!ml9llf ' ' • Dlittnte ' • ' •!.t fumble its wa)' to il!i second straight vlc. it because they weren't hltung us that baU up twice on fumbles, once at the 31 over rlj:ht taeklc for the other W.tlll~o ' .. " .oJ tory of the young season Thurllday night, hard. If we were playing a good team like touchdown. Ryder added both extra · ·-• " • !:l" Cypress 10. . ..... • " • 23-6, over equally 1loppy Cypress College Fullerton or Harbor (next week's op-After Coe Meyer had a 33-yard polnll. Tottb .. "' a J.t ••• CVllf-• at Western High School. ponent} we would have been blown of.I the touchdown run called back, quarterback . Orange Coast got a gift two points In "'-ru.,u • ' " ........ ~ And fumble their way to victory la ex-Held," Tucktr said lftuwatd'-Mike Tamlya.su bootlegged the ball 24 the fmal quarter when the Cypreas center ""'' 0 n ' .. Dli•l'WHboo.lr1 • n ' '-'•J actly what the Pirates did. The football "But we won it and our defense wu yards. Four plays later Meyer plowed in-snapped the ball out ol lhe end ione on a Co-" ~ ' ll•. S..lldl•t 0 • • changed hAnds faster ihan a walle~ at a magnificent a.gain," be added. to the end zone from one yard out and punting situation for a :iafety. . .,. ' • • "t· l pickpocket:> convention. 'Mle Buci were indeed tough again Bob Ryder booted the utr1 point. . _, 0 • " ·lJ. OAM• ITATllTIU T1N11l " .. M ···~ In the first 19 minutes of actjon, the de.fenslvely, giving~ss jull 100 yards Cypreu narrowed the acore late in the °'' c~,. JIAfltNO F lrll ._ tW!lntl .. ' 0r-... ,. __ ,, two teams bobbled the ball t limes. When in total offenae, 1 share of which tbe -period when Bemkt Medeiros Flrd -,..u~ • ' •• f"C '"' YO .... ' the contest was finally over, tttere had Oiaraers IOI oU the third Siring 1a1e 1n fielded a 57-yard punt by George Barnett f l,.., .._ Plftltl'-1 ' ' T•m~11U .. . • o~ ..... TOltl llral ~ ~ ' w .... 0 ' ' ' ' .-.· been 17, count 'em, fumbles and Orange the coolest. and ran it back 9f 'ardl for a TD. Bob Y•>"Os """lne tu " Tor•ls " ' ' "' ·"' . Coast was the chief culprit Orange Cout's. front wan WU Im· Andrews, however. kicked the tee instead YJl'dl c.:'inl "' " "-Y•..... I a » .... rt ... " ' ' " ·--The Pirates were guilty of 11 fwnbles possible to nm against for the second ol the ball on the PAT 1Uempt and it re-Hd yMW1 .. lllN m o• .... ' 0 0 " ,.., P1.1nfl/A ........ dla/a11a1 ,, .... l/M.I Tllfill " • • " ·*.· OjUl,.Y JllLOT JllMlll "' ''' O" LOYOLA TAILBACK RICH GARNER RACES THROUGH A BIG HOLE IN MATER DEi DEFENSE TO DAYLIGHT. GARNER GAINED 191 YARDS IN 1<4-0 VLCTORY. .. Demoralizing Injuries, Flu Hit Saddleback Fil".5t came the preseason loss of tailback Tim Butler along with a nwnber of other injuries, then came the demoralizing last second loss t o Southv;estern and now this week it's more injuries and a mild outbreak ol flu that's plaguing Saddleback College's fool· ball team as it prepares for its Saturday home opener against Grossmont. Four of George Hartman's lineman have been slowed down this week with the nu, but he ex pects them to be ready Saturday. However, guard Bob Urell banged up his ankle in a IO-minute scrimmage \Vcdnesday and was sllll bobbling on Thursday. He joiru starters Rick Day, Gary Rupar, Pau1 Cox, Steve Smith and Rod Graves on the injured list. Hannan believes all of his walking wounded will play Saturday, with the possible exception of defensive back SmiUt. Smith bas a slight shoulder separation and sat out last week's Ct1n· le!it. "With all these injuries and the flu, It's been bard to hold contact se&slorui: in practl~," Hartman said, "but even so we've bad a pretty good wee.k of prac- tice." Cubs' Single Wing Flies To 14-0 Victory Over MD By ROGER CARLSON Of !"-0.llY 1'1111 Stiff Coach Bob Woods of Mater Dei ffigh School had said his football club would have to acore early and often if it was to knock off invading Loyola High Thursday nrabt. Unfortunately his Monarch gridders didn't soore early or, for that matter, any other time and the inevitable came to pal!I!. Loyola and its sluhlng single wing or- fena:e took command in the second half and demollshed Mater Del, 14-tl, before 6,095 sbocked fans at Santa Ana Stadium. Once the Cubs from the City of the Angels ICOred in the third quarter it was all over. 1be potent Mater Dei offen9e waa turn- ed into shambles in the &eCODd half as the Cobo limiled the Moillttha to 4.1 y&td! tunning and 15 yard! passlnjr. · Balanced aga!Mttl yardl in pen1ltles, the Monarchl came up with oo yarda gained. He ran for 191 yards from his tailback poet and was thrown (or a 105! only once -for a single yard. Included in that were slashing runs of' 19, 11, l:J, 11, 21, 19, 27, 17 and 10 yards. No other Cu b back was set back for a loss during the non-league tussle and in the end Loyola's backs averaged an im- pressive 6.0 yards per carry. Added lo the frustration for ~tater Del was the poor field position it seemtd to find It s e If in every time it gained possession. In I.he first half alone the ~1onarchs took over on their own 15 twice and at the 10 once. In the second half it was more of the same with poor field position. Once the Monarchs moved wt, It was fumbles that klUed possible scoring drives. It USM ING Miier Del "' YO " Hf uptr! " " " """' .. .. ' ... " • • .J•d\ll!n ' , ' M1111l1 ' • ' Tot1l1 " '" " L1)'9I• G••ner " "' ' ••• " " ' Horo1n ' • ' 0ouo111 ' ' • Collfn• ' n • Tot1l1 " "' ' PASllNO ~., .. Del .. " '"' YO Hl\llM•I " • • " ,.,,. Gt mer • ' ' " Collfnl ' • • ' TOll!i ' ' • " OAM• 5TATl5flC5 •• Fin! d-l'Vifll"9 • Fii"!! do-P11111"9 • Fin! down1 Pl'\illle1 0 To111 u .. 1 -· .. Vifd$ n.i•~lng on Yard$ pe11lng " Yt rdl loll " Het y1"" Oflntd •• l"VftlslA--191 dl1!enc1 SICO P-11111/Yt,.,,. Pl'f'fl11_, 10/fl Furnll!es/Fumlll• loll V> Av1. ••• " " " " >.O .. >.> " '·' • •• •• Pd, ·"' ... .on ... ' " 0 • " ,., " ' m •llf.I "" "' '· Top Polo Team~ Vie at UCI . Five of the first six place finishus ~n the National Invitational v.·ater polo tournament along wiUt Pacific-I cha!ft- pion UCLA will get the ac:.uatlc sport under way Saturday in an eight.team. tournament at UC, Irvine. San Jose State, winner of the event last year. declined an invitation t o participate. : Coach Ed Newland's Anteaters were 15- 2 last season, losing both till)es µa overtime lo the San Jose squad. Opening game will be played at UCI and Santa Ana College pools with a)I other contests being played at UCI. UCLA's Bruins tangle wlUt San Diego State at Santa Ana at 9 while Santa Barbara faces USC at Irvine. The host school will face Stanford In the UCI pool at 10 with Long Beach bat- tlir.g UC Berkeley at Santa Ana, All-Americans will abound. UCI has Mike Martin and Steve Fanner: .UCLA has Jim i-·erguson and Torrey Webb; Cal has Peter Asb and Orb Greenwp.lt Cll State (Long Beach ) has Bob Sa~ Bob Farnell and Pat Yalovich; USC has Jerry Noun:e and Santa Barbara has Ben Gaae. And for no yard! gained you usually gel no points. Loyola, meanwhlh: r I p p e d up and down the Jield nea'rly at will w:ilh stumpy tailback 1\Jch Gamer aimost llngfehand- edly doing U>t damo(e. Monarch Mark Dunn was held to 71 yards in 14 carries. He starUed the crowd in the sect1nd quarter with an apparent 55-yard burst for a touchdown but the play was whistled dead alter a four-yard gain by the referees when he bounced off the Loyola lroot wall of defenders. Mater Dei then handled the ball for two plays -fumbled -and Loyola was on the march again. How The y Stand NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvl1lon Ea&t Dlvl1lon w L Pct. GB GB CM Takes on Big Brother Newport NEW YORK 96 CIDCAGO 90 P!TI'SBURGH 84 ST. LOUIS 82 61 .811 67 .573 73 .53S 71 .'26 • 12 131-l BALTIMORE DETROIT BOSTON WASHINGTON NEW YORK CLEVELAND W L Pct. 100 .,, .692 88 70 .551 85 71 .S-45 81 75 .519 75 81 .481 6l ~ .:m By GLENN WHITE Of 1M OallJ Plllt lltH Newport Harbor, undefeated after one game and big brother of the four Mesa· Newport District hlgh schools, faces the annua l challenge of arch-rival Costa Me s.a tonight in the fina l non-league tuneup of the year for both football forces. Game Ume Is I o'clock et Newport wtlh the Tars of coach Wade Watts favored by 10 over Mu Miller's Mustangs from Mesa. Newport boasll a balanced offense - t;omcthlng not Ct11nmon In recent years. And the Blue1ackeU have a solid defense, OM which throttled Corona dcl Mar last wttk (lt-6) ror most ol l114wvtning. Costa Me1a coonters ~h a sturdy dclensivc aUgnment. However, Millcr'i offense lip\ltleftd somewhat In tM 1-4 setback io Otange lut wtek and any upset chance the Mustanp mi&ht have will SW'tlY rut wUh bow much the attack has jelled. Miller says: "l hope we've lmproted enough to eliminate lbe m1stUea thtt hurt us "" badly Jut -k ••• the piling SERIES RESVL'lll I911 -Double fo<flll 196% -Costa Mesa 18, Newport 13 1963 -Costa Mes1"17, Newport II 1984 -Newport 8, Costa Mesa 0 1965 -Ne1'port 20, Costa Mesa ll 1966 -Newport 40, Cost.a A1e sa 14 1967 -CrniLa Me_cia 3, Newport 0 1968 -Newport 14, Costa Mesa o. on, oHsldes, holdini, etc. "We limply played lazy football. But those ml!take& can be corrected and t llave a kit of confidence ID our kids. I think they'll give Newport all they can handle. .. Ne~ :. bigger. quicker, nw and throws belier than Crane• and looks verY sound defen1ively." Watts returm the OJmpliment. caWng Costa Meu •;a big, aggrustve looking team -better looting ~ Mesa teams of lhe past. "They go nuts when they play a1alMt us • • • play above their btadl. Their powtt Aweep1 are pretty effective, too." Newport may b8 forced to throw Rgalnst the 1Uff Mustang de.feme. And Bill Sbedd will handle aer~ cbo1<1. He v hit seven of nine t<wes ngainst Corona del Mar. Anchoring the Sailor offensive line is tackle Dave Martin. ''Dave did ooe of the flne!lt joba cl blocll:Jng against Corona de Mar lhat I've ever seen," Watts state1. Mesa pln! Its offerulve bopes on quarterback Kim Wolf. Last Usne Costa Mw knocked off a Sallor elev"1 wu In 1987 when Ray Ricardo's field goal told Lhe story, 3-0. MhttOaT 11' D••tl 111- tlO R1111 Mt•lln ltO .. b Trl!llli 1t0 o.n~11 llt•n t10 G•~~• 0•11•• 1.i '",,. L...Cri.1n IU Jtrrv Smllfl Uj 11111 Stlfod UCI Court ll:te~ Itel ltlldl;v Ol~Qfl UG Sft,,. Flt~ COSTA M•U. IE OtYI 01111 T P1¥ ,_l~nd 0 ltld OlllMll ( Old!. F.,rymllfU T DIVI fdW•tdl G Jim Mlllllr a Dale K..-1 fl Kim WOif II OtYI 01~1• II l(.l'fll Peu! a. J1rrv ll:•UIY on ~· OU ·~ ·~ '~ '" '" 0 .. "' ... PHJLADELPffiA 82 94 .:m 331,'j MONTREAL Sl 105 .331 .. Weit Oll·l1lon ATLANTA 89 68 .567 SAN FRANCISCO .., 69 ."8 I 'I CINCINNATI M 71 .545 311 LOS ANGELES 82 71 ·"' •i. HOUSTON 79 .,. .510 • SAN DIEGO "' 106 .321 38 \1 tt..n..n •-"' Heut'8:1 f. CIM._,,t! I Jll~ .... l"l'llllilfll:lllLt ).1 0.,1, ........ KNeultocl. THIY't• ...... Nt"' Vork (lt1all '-l) .i l'hllMl'tpl\la lf'r-trMn ll·t•!, nltl\t I!, l0\11\ lflNft t-11 •I MOnh'ffl CW-~ 1n, nl-"l (Ill<-(),nldn, "·Iii •t l'ltt10...rt~ f¥¥11 111> l(J. ,, .. ,., 5"" Olfto Cll• 1·11) •I .t.tltnt1 {Niellro 11· UJ, 111thl Houttol'I (Dltlr-•r 1'11-11 •nd 11111~1111 •·•l ti C1nclnn•ll (MJllnt1 IOJ ,..., 1'!11otr •·•I, 1 lwl-nlthl ''n Fttncl1te Cl'trr-r 1~.u -' LCl6 ""''lea 11111• IOfl 11·1•J, ni.hl ' \Yest °'''lslon MINNESO'f A 94 82 OAKLAND 81 72 CALIFORNIA 70 8$ CHICAGO 66 90 KANSAS CITY 81 92 SEATTLE 61 9S .!03 .531 .449 , .m .410 .391 •• DAll.Y PILOT rr1dl1. StJiMrtbtt 26. 19" • Start ' • Your ' ~· 1·· • Engines! by Deli:e Hou/gate II you lhi•k tho NaUonal Safety council has tzooble getting you d me to hook up our seat beJts In a car, consider lhe pllgb.l of 9 raclllg ofriciPb trying to mforc:e their firt regulaUom. rcce.nt ta!~ of fire deathJ a.ad serious injuries in racing • not be !ht result ol. lu enforcement, bu~ serlcw officials Jre >ed with wllal has happened so far this year. fik'e you and me, "'ho are virtually helpless in the event of an mobile fin', f'8Ct driven have some of the best safeguards d;eve.loped. Their cars have rubber bladders inside their fuel ia-mts to re!.!..q ruptll.n' in an accident. They have on-board fire extin11uishers. Driven have fire rtlar· d. clothM W wear. They have special fireproof underwear, g1~es and face masb. The problems thry face they create tbtmselves, according to Wnlt .I~ presiMnl of the California Racing A!sn., whlch bolds raCe,.; lor some vf the most accident and fire-prone mac.b.lnes kaown lo motor sport -sprint cars. "You C'an 'L make a driver wear a firt suit if he doesn't want to•• !Ames said. "Even the USAC drivers will wear unpr"Oteqed ~onns. btcau'le they are mort: comfortable. · "Heck, in anything but a dirt race1 lf you left it to the drivers Ibey d weM T-shirts, becallse they are cooler. "The troubl e wiUt fir.e.retardant suJll is. that the chemicals in thcrn are colorle!:s. sO you can't ·look at them to tell if they are treftted prooerly. 1be driven are on their honor. ' "Some drivcnt will wear a fire suit a few thties and then d<::tirte they are loo bot. Pretty soon lbey are: wearing unprotected urii.~nrms. '' . * * .: Jarnes bas posted~ standard Cine -it's only $5, but it's ~rntthing -for any driver who sbows up at a race _without a fire txlinruisber for his car. ~-A· year agu SCCA ruled thiit all competi~ can would have 10 -h:>ve fuel bladders. Competitors howled so b>d that SCCA. birked do"ll'n and requir!d them only for professional racing. Such a 1Wt!l' adds $l'JO to mo to the cost of a car, and amateurs said tilt' "'xtt?ll cost was a hardship. ··-Try to figure that one out. . Serious study into upgrading standard.! for NHRA flame swts ~ by all dr<ag racers when they drive ezoUc fuel-burning can ~king cooducted in the wake ol the death of Johnny Mulligan llit die' Jrxlianapoli~ natiooab. : Diet Otte, a private fire prevention consultant who has oiQneerrd many'of auto racing's safely inoovations during the last fin ffUS, is making the: study. ~::.:we are going to have to find out why Johnny pt buroed in tJrft suit," Otte said. "He had e\•erylhjng going for him. It looks lili we will have lo improve the minimum standards for r~ 5llil:s •• ;. Drag racing drivers today nar name suits thlll mab them "'I' like knights of old -all .m.,. from metallic: fibm IOd ju$I u.btavy as mediev1ll coats of mail ··Safety is somethin& e\ttJbod.t has to~ Tigi1anl. ...._ Rmt3 IRn't any goOO W"ilW tdurlltiA&d... Ellf11u:arnt im"t dltdii-e without cooperaUon. MJbods .-ho Griw.s ~ am" QI ~ ha:n t» prob! .... thal -.,. .. ~ -.-.. .• The least ~ lDilW idtbl an do .a a. thOBe ...a ~ r!Pt' .. .-.. .. ,.. Rudtn ti 6il. ~ iruay inaiJJ !J'llDlllllf. 1"* " fll 6e: ,.,,..._ " • -... ICll1W • hot -• Drillllln _.__ n.i: PDA Upl a m*5.ulJ' .t•11 ad•..,...•---* ... .t tltf; ......, KA..'iCil -.ct ... mm' .. * ................ , • ralladep. ...._ ~ Jt •• lliilCICl£ll,.. • ..... • aw 11p .._ *"1n ... w - tt.biiy hue -wilMte• U.. dll! nee llJit My Witt. • time i. let u.e w.W bow ~ Swlf1 wlliq _.. .. pen they ,.joldJo•t be paf....n&-II_, &<I ... jo4o ...,pletelf done, became .ttter driven 111bdlhrted for tkm and rn Utt race aR.fway. ne mtwd tocakd '5,IM fUJ. ~ Tlten b ntf"l"'l!nl 1pttal1Uoe about rel&Ji1lht11 by Bill Prance, pi-emotf"r al Tallrdega and pmldent or NASCAR. but the: lat.e:st word from e:ast of I.ht Rockies Is ''''D mort intrlfllln1. Appare:nOy, U.S. Auto Club drivers an iqtettsted enougll ht •'at PDA i1 doing &hat the: Indy crowd might join to make the POA an all-powerful drt\·er"1 anion. Rin gle,..den art 58.id to be ~11rio Andre:ltl. Bobby Uaser and .(. .I. Fo}1. :ite:mbership In the: PDA Is o\·er lite: 40 mark. Preside:nt i~ Richard Pcuy, and me:mbeni Include Dii,·id Pe:arson, Bobby and Oonu1e Allbon, Cale: Yarborough, Lee: Roy Yarbrougb and Buddy Baktr. · The)' have: ponl~ their re:50urres and hired an allorDey, Larry ~llber of New York. Re: is as11ij!:ntd to negotiate fM' tbtm better llnuclal deals on the NASCAR Grand National cil'Cllit, Including ~ nit of television rttt:lpll, :1 retireme:nt plan and be:tler insllr· ance: benefils. * * * • The: intertstitu~ aspect of thi~ behlnd-lbe-S<"e:nes maue:uverlng Ii that companies "hlcb handle: b111l1tt:ss affairs for le:adinJ: driven sre: lurki&1g In the sbado"·s, perhaps as obse:rve:rs, perbaps a1. parUclpa.nt1 In what may be a major dri\'tr nvolt agaln1t tbe e.lablisbment. : f1ei~ber1 wbo fronted for NBA playtrs in tb.eir dispule with tlte:. league. is an offlclul uf R«taurant Associatts. T"·o 1obtl.ldlaries of lbat company are: Sportsplan and Jarrett Ii Pi.kt, which cooprraU\"tly bll.Ddle: affain for NASCAR drivers. . The USAC driven oamed are all managed by Sports Jleadlinert, beaded by Chuck Barnes, who recenUy 1ipe:d 0. J. stmpliOn le a &ffale Bills centract. Prnumably Bames would be in a JM>Sltioa to achi!le: Andrettl, Unser ud Foyt wbe:tber tbey 1bould Joi• the PDA or not. .. T1"' ye1n ago those drtve:n ne:aity sta~ed a driver's strike on the 11.artl.nJ: lirte at lndl1napoli1, bttau1e: they believed tlley wett eltiUed le a sbartt of rt\Uae: from clestd circuit TV. Their lhttat r.Qponte:d, bttau~ enough other drit'e:n didn't 10 along "1th l&em. ' • Foyt stlll feels 50 strongly about Ilia ri1bl to TV moeey that he nfoff:I to gt\•t a pre-race videotaped inttrview wlticb cwid be played darini:; 1 race ••. unless be: is paid. ; ft wUI be lnlPrtstlng to watch the driven. promoten and sanctioning agencies 1ttap over $$ a1 lbt slake:.i get even bi&ber id the "" . 5-way Clash Tonight " . . .In Mesa Cycle Action A five·"·ay baH!e looms on the s p e e d v.• a y motorcycle horizon torughl al Orange ;&ounty Fatrgrounds trac k 1n ~ Mesa. When rhm1nat10M be&i\l ln sdect the II \On motOrcydistl to compete 1n lhe U.S. National Chin.- pionship raca nut month. Racillll beglnl at L The five:. ridu-1 forming the spearhead of lbe rhar1e:. towards the tJtle are. current Champion Rick Woods of Hun- linaton Beach : Steve: Sast of Sepulveda ; Sonny Nutt of ·Culver City; Swede Sa ge of Santa Ana and last ut (ar ,,.from Jeast, Ertc cRn of !Madena. Action tonight will ~l the stagt for the naUonal cham· plonships on Oct. 3 at Orange County, and will also select ridm thiJil v.-ill ta.Jee part in uhibition ra~ against world champion Ivan ~faueer of New 7.uland wbo has just wun hia world Utle again in Encl.and. Maugu (prooou~ major) will be accdmpanltd by Bany Briggs, Ronnie Moore:. Jim Aitt, Ken McKinley and the B<>ocock. brothers, Eric and Nigel. The lrack Is }ociltt'd on the Oran1te County Fairgrounds be.tv.·e"" Fairview and Costa ti1esa Bh·d. Oilers, Edison Collide By JAY DAVlD °' ,... °"'"' l'f1iM , .... Whenever a first-year high schQol .football learn goes up against an establlahed ~ stitutJoo, you'd t b Io k m.. uperimce would be one of the biggest handicaps to overcome:. That Jsn't the case tonlght, however, when . Edlson High School starts lls aecond game against Huntington Beach, a school that bu been playing the sport for 41 ye.us. IGcko[J wlll be at I o'doct on the Oilers' Field. Both teams have more than a slight tinge of green in lbeir starling llMups. Huntington Beach has but five starters from l!MI back in its Ont offensive a n d delen.tive unJts while Edison coach BUI Vall has none. The ines:perience was ap- parent tn last week's openen although both .teams avoided the loss column. HWll!ngton Beach whipped La Habra, lS.7, but all of itJ points were scored by its defensive and special unit squads on a p.mt rtlurn and an interception. Oiler cOaCb Ken Moats was pltased with the work of his defensive team and his of. fe:.nsive line. However, he: didn't tblni bis running haw performed up to par and streMe:d working on timing between the line and tbe backs this week. 11tt Oilers' most imprl!SSive ba<:k was junior quarterback Garth Wise, who ran and pass- ed with skill once be got over .some early jitters. P.1oats a.nd Vail have rormed a mutual admiration society for each othtt's quarterback. "W'i.se is a blur and we: have lo stop llim," says Vail ·•We\.-e got a lot " respett hr Jerry Hinojosa Ct.be Edison qaute::rt.ckl. He Wei a fine jdt kl' our junior \'arsity last ~" counters Moats. Vail is mmting on bis dub bemg meolally and ..... Uaully up again this week .a&s--the Charger pulled a s:mmer-in their first game I """La Quin!>. 14-14. ...... Lr-.... ~ LT.....0-. ......... LG--M.h .. ldi c _....,, '"""" .... ' lt.G-Milt"k Dfltutl •T....cr•it Mor""""" lfE-M.,old c .. 1, Qa-JtrrY M!tWOJ-1"1-1(~ Frie TA-Jim Mo•llY Wl-Ter"' kli>Mr MUMTUIOTOl'I leACM lE-TO"Y Cl•rtllf l T-9111 Twitt lG-G1111t G!lll11nd C -c;..,rg~ 011~11 JIG-Tim Sl01"- ll E-Kf11 CllPll Oll---Glr1~ Wi•• Fii-Ft ...... "1f1t lM-ll•P"lllY llov• Rti-Ll rtr Hiii •• •• •• 115 >M '" ,. •M '" .. ·~ "' '" "' "' "' '" •» "' '" .. LIMIT OF DOVE -Bill Boettner of Huntington Beach sure is happy about his limit of mourning dove he shot last week al the Irvine Lake Hurrting Preserve. Boettner said that you had to work hard for your limit as the cool weather last week did make the birds scarce in the Orange County area. Diablos vs Crusaders -Not a Religious War P.lission Viejo High School plays host to in\•ading Valley Christian tonight at a p.m. in the final tuneup game for the Diablos preceding the Crestview League opener next week. Coach Ray Dodge's Diablo 6utfit is coming off a 7.-0 loss to Sadd leback while the Olym· pie League unit from Artesia lost its opener to Lennox, 21-6. l\lission Viejo has bten unable to untrack t h e Marina, South Torrance Seek Cm·e for Jitters By HO\\'ARD L. HA1'l)Y Of llM O.ilY P'U11t lllH Tu·o football teams seeking to recover from first week jit· ters cross p<1th5 tonight v.•hcn the l\tarina \liking s entertain South Torrance in a non- le:ague encounter on t h e \\'e:stminsler ~ligh S c h o o I gridiron. Kickoff ls slated for a. The Marina elevr.n batlle<I to a lft-15 deadlock with La Puen te in ils opener wh ile South Torrance lost lo a goOd Garden Grove: squad. 22-(). Coach Jim Coon of ?ltulna has changed some blocking assignmenU this week and has his club rtady for an expected aerial attack by the Spartans. "La Puente didn·t do too much passing against us last v.'eek but we e.a:pect South Tor- rance to give: our secondary a good test." Coon says. The: ?ltarina ml'fllOr I s dissatisfied v.•ith drills this week. "1 hope "·e wake up for the game. Our practice sessions ha\'e been lousy and COMPlCTE MINOR SERVICE Cl\111a1 hi.. M;utt •enn, *"' !lfoklCI.. a..n ~, 6 KIMI'. ,.._ ..... pMlt. 1111111-"'"', 1tOM IMt 6 "'""" alwok 10.-IU: QUAIWITU ... $24.95 TRANSMISSION LEAKING! , ..... -.... (f'lwft -,..., $13.95 wrtlt .......... , ....,.,..., •••• ,,.., ........... ~ COSTA 11u.c· ,. I DI """"1.,_ 645490) """" KACH I fUWllTOM WO"'°' -11. Clll) 427·1456 71! L --526-6697 '• ,, .,. '~-"'' ,, ·-' • On GrJdlron ' ; wg.una, Brea BOYS8 THROUGH13 -SIGN UP NOW FOR OUR PUNT, PASS Renew Old War & KICK COMPETITION! Co.aches Hal Atilu o I La11111a Beach Hlgb Schoof and Ralph Oram are: Uke a couple of cbaracten in an old Wtstem movie struulln1 for their lives as they wrestle al the fd&e of a clifi. Doth coaches were nearly pushed over the edge last weekend when thdr clubs were annihilated by more than 30 points and admit It's goln_g to be a toogb job getting them ready fir tonight's I o'clock game al Brea High. Oram is still trying to get bis team used to his style of foot.ball. He's the f o u r t h Wildcat coacb in tbe last rour ......... Arid, be's coofxlent the Wildcats trill impruvt after ' thtir IH lou to Fullerlon l.uL week. The:. keys to the .Brea attack are quarterback Jeff Ox· andaboure end Brian Poland and fullback John Hoddox. Heddo:r was the top perfonner In the opener. gaJoing 88 yards .and llCOrlog the Wllclcats' lone touchdown. Akins Is coming off an equally dismal opener, a 39-6 loss to Katella In a game which he frankly admits Laguna Beach was less than spectacular. If quarterback Brian Otlmer can gel tile Artists' option working with any consistency Laguna could even its record. If be doesn'I, it promises to be another long night for AkinS. U.OUU ••ACM LE-a.rt Tibor LT-IQ Wl<ldtowll!J U.-Slr.111 Norll'ICOll c -ltol•rid Mee ~11., 1tG--01w K''' ltT-Chrl.t 8owm1" It~ J<lwftlll Oa-a.-IMI Oftl!Wr Fl-5c::lllt Allln t.H--Mlkl Abbi)" ltH-"'-1 ,.,_r •JO '" ,. '" ,. "' •• •• '" •M ,. ..... l E-Jdwl llrhl LT~I$"°"" lG-Kt...., love...,., c -lo& MMlllMlh •G--ChucJI L9fTl(nllnl ltT-Gll UmM •E-1,.,M PolaNf QI-Jeff a.-11ourt .,_,,,,, _ ·~REGISTER HERE FREEi L~aul llM TH--NJM .._rd• ,. :: WIN A TROPHY AND /~ COMPETE AT NFL GAMES •• •• "' •• ,. Yes, the ·best thing$ In life •r• !reel Jusl bring your mom, dad or legal guardian wlth you to our dealership and sign up tor Punt, History Repeats Itself As Lions Duel El Rancho Pass & Kick. There"s nolhlng to buy and you may end up• trophy winne:.1. We are awarding a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place lrophy for each age group, 1 B local 1rophie$ in all. You compete only against bOY$ your own age:. ,_nd, ii you"re lucky. you can go on lo more advanced competitions. Imagine your par· enls watching you compete al NFL games. You may even be· come a National Finalist and go to the NFL Play-Oii gam1t In Miami, Florida, and lour Caps Kennedy and the Air Space Museum. p(eSenls an all-1enior starting of'lmstve lineup with the en- tire baetfield letter \1iiMers from the 1968 contingent The line, however, i& made up from the '61 junior varsity need. Leading rusher for the Dons ls Carl Zaby, a 165-pound halfback. When you register you also get a free l ips Book which ls loaded 11~ with stories and lips on punting, uo passing ·and kicking by top NFL ,. slars. '" ,. '" •• HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! ·~ "' "' "' Theodore ROBINS FORD WHERE THE ACTION IS - UDO THEATRE -NEWPORT BEACH Burt l•nc•sfer in ''CASTU KEEP" Rich•rd Burlon "WHERE EAGLES DARE" l 86 proof. $6.19' fifth •Pl"''" .• ;, '.}S Save 10 %"·hcrs · .• "~ _ . ....-1 you buy by thec.uc. A116 or 100 proof "'The." ii nochtn( bf ntr in 1ht rn.irkt1 ' . ., I ' j .•.. ' 'k.. ·:;. .. 1111:•• 1ru•...,1 ti>uttO~ .,,,nt• 11 ,,_. z• ,.._ 1tm.J1 •~ IOflt· ••O'ff~ •o•"""" a11n111-.. co..1'!Ju1•0~. ot \~~''""' ·~ •I •f\O;;•• • ,._. • , I -----~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~--................................................ .., ........... .., ...... .., ...... ll!lllllll!!llllll!!ll!ll!lllllflJ!I .... Travel Golde How to Find Way To Football Tilts Bolsa Grande -Located on school campus, !HOI West· minster Blvd ., Carden Grove. West ol Brookhurst. Bishop Amat -Stadium at Bishop Amat High, 14301 Fair- grove Ave ., La Puente. North on San Diego or Santa Ana Freeway to 605. North on 605 lo San Bernardino Freeway. East on San Beman:llno Freeway, turn of( on Francisqullo turnoff. Left on Francisquito, rontinue south to Orange St., right on Orange to Fairgrove. I Brt:a -Field located on Brea High campus, 803 E, Birch St .. Brea North ori State College Blvd., west on Jmperial Blvd. for o;ie block, right on Randolph to Birth, right on Birch. Davidson Field -Located on Newport Harbor High campus at 600 Ir vine Ave .. Nel'<'port Beach. South on Newport "" Bl\'d, lo l7lh St. in Costa Mesa, Jefl (east) (ID 17th lo Irvine, right on lrvine. I • El ftfodena (Orange District Stadium ) -located on cam- pus of El !\1ode11a lLigh. J920 Spring St., Orange. From New· port Freeway , east on Chapman to Prospect. Left on Prospect t.o Spring St. and turn right. E l Rancho lligh -6501 No. Passons, Piccr-Rivera. North on 60S to Slauson turnoff. Nort}I on Slauson to Washington. Left on Washington, go under freeway and tum right on Passom. Continue northbound on Passons for five blocks. School on left.. WILD WILLIE BEHIND WHEEL -Los Angeles' Wild Willi e Borsch gets the feel of tho wheel as be girds for action Saturday night at Orange County Raceway. He'll rejoin the fuel a tour of eastern tracks. llandel Sladium -located on Western High campus, 501 So. \\1eslern Ave., Anaheim. NorU1 on Beach Blvd., left on Ball Rd., right .on Western. Huntlnglon Beach I Cap Sheue Field) -located on Hunting· ton Beach High campus, 1905 !\-lain St .. Huntington Beach. From Beach Blvd. -\\'est on Adams to t.lain, north on Main. Fallbrook JUgh -South on San Diego Freewpy lo San Cle- mente, proceed inland • on Roule 76. Conlinue through Bonsall, left on Mission Road (approximately 1h mile east of Bonsall. Proceed for three miles lo school on right hand side. (School located about two miles before city of Fallbrook). Laguna Beach (Guyer Field) -located on school campll!'. al 625 Park Ave .. Laguna Beach. South on Pacific Co.ast High· way to Forest , lefl ()n Forest, right on Gleneyre, left ()n Park Ave. La Palma Sladium -located in Anaheim . North on Har· bor Bh·d., right or. La Palma, ·La Putntt -North of 60S to Pomona Freeway, east. on Pomona Freewav to 1-lacienda. North on Hacienda. School I~ cated on corner Or Hacienda and Nelson Avenue. LeBard Stadium -Located on Orange Coast C-Ollege cam- pus, 2701 Fairview, Costa Mesa. OCC located on Falrview, south or Adams St., east of Harbor Blvd. Long Beach \Vilson -field located 4400 E. Tenth St., Long Beach. Norlh on San Diego Freeway, take 7th St. turnoff (near liOS interchange ) and proceed Wt'!Sl on 7th to Ximeno. &hool located between ninth and 10th on Ximeno. ~1ission \'iejo lligh -20025 Chrisanta Drive, ~fission Viejo. 5outh on San Diei::o Freeway to La Paz turnoff. Left on La Paz, right at first stop sign . Neff lligh -North on Santa Ana Free"·ay, pass Beach Blvd., take Knoll SI. turnoff and proceed north to school. Neff located at corner of Knoll and Alondra. Pius X Higb -7851 E. Gardendale St .. Downey. Nort h on San tnego Freeway to 605. North on. 600" to lmperiaJ.-West on Jmperial for 2.8 mites. Left on Paramount to Gardendale and turn right Santa Ana Stadium -located on 8th SI. fn Santa Ana be- t"·een Bristol and Pt1ain St. North on Bristol, right on 8th. San Clemtnle High -iOO Avenida Pico. San Clemente. South on San Diego freeway, take Avenida Pico turnoff. Left at stop sign. T•slln lligh -1171 Laguna Road, Tustin. North on Santa Ana freeway, take Green Valley-Laguna Road turnoff, north on Green Valley , left on Laguna Road. \1eterans Stadium. Lon~ Bc!ac b Free;o.•ay to Lakewood Bl \"d. North on Right on Conant. North on San Diego Lakewood to Conant. \\'estmlnster lligh -14325 Goldenv,.est Ave., \Veslmlnsler. From Harbor Blvd., west on Warner, north on Goldenwest, cross over San Diego freeway. school on Jell From San Diego freeway, take Goldenwest turnoff. Matsubara AtOCffi Satm·day Grenading superchargen engine explosions and straight· up w heels 1ane1 are synonymous with runs down the Orange Couny Intema- lionaJ Raceway quarter mile track when t v er Sush ti1atsubara enters the com· petilion. The OClR track ls a jinx to the qu.ickest double A fuel altered driver in the country and in two years of regular appearances, someone else hall usually wound up fn the winner's circle. The fans love him, however, as Mat.rubara is geoeraJly far more speet.acular in defeat than the opposition is in vic- tory. llis bantai attempts are now anticipated by OCIR crews donning their flak suits, break- ing out the brooms and oil sweep and signaling the am- bulance attendants to ltart their engine. Saturday night Sush returns to Orallge County. fresh from a new national record of 7.Z seconds set in Indianapolis. He is confident of breaking h i 1 jinx in his purple Fial . He will be facing an im· pressive array of talent, ho'A·ever. with track record holder Willie Bersch. Le Roy Chadderton's Magnifictnl 7, Glen Way's Groundshaiers Junior, the Campos Brothen, F rank Harris and L e o n Fltzgerald attempting to block his way to the winner's circle. Fitzgerald of Fullerton, hal won more OC1R fuel a1tered features than all the otben combined. h1dia11s Mter Triton Scalps Palm Springs l~igh School football team will be stepping do"'" in class from an AAAA opponent to a AAA foe and lhe San Clemente Tntons could be in for a rough evening without riuarterback Keith Gibson Fri· day night al San Clemente. Kickoff at 8. The lncfians from the. desert city compete in a Class A League but last week battled Notre Dame of the large school category to a scoreless deadlock. San Clemente Jost to Ne[f by ~ 26-0 count and also lost Gibson for the season with a shoulder separatlon. Coach Tom Eads of San Clemente feels his team will be fighting lor its life. "We worked hard this week on our pass rush. The kids will be ready for them even though there is a tremendous weight difference," Eads adds. Golf! Low Winter Rates 18 HOLES RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN PUBLIC GOLF COURSE On The Irvine Ranch 53.00 Wffk4•y• 55.00 Wffk•n4• Ctrrfl .1.Mllerbl• "VISIT THE 19th HOL D CANT INA " Jnt off ttio 5-Dl090 ,,......, ... c.1.,.., .... .., Phon e 833· 1253 The Viking coach named ning mate, Tony Avila, ls over Rick Geddes to start at the 300 pound mark. quarterback in place () ( Returning starters for the Gibson. Geddes L-. the fastest Indians, in addition to the two man on the club, a 9.8 tackles. include right guard sprinter. He opened at split Vico Zahariades, a fint. team end last week. all·league selection I a 1 t Coach Gary Gard'5 Palm season; Louie Poist at Springs club is favored to win quarterback and a second lhe Desert-Valley League this team all-league star; and season and boasts a nucleus of tailback Jesse Balderas. 26 returning lettermen in· SAN (LI MINTli PALM .,..lNllllS . , 160 ~-1 E WllH•IN 156 eluding five starters back in o.iv111 T J.,,,.,_ m from last season. 11a Dlvel G H1rn1r1. 111 • • 11t Wt l.. C Mllt'llllf' UI A pair of husky tackles wdl u.: ~,_. G z-ra.du 1..i cause considerable problems 11.! ~•r T Awli. • . ltJ K•loll E Cr9_. 1•1 for the V1kes. Roth are let~ 1~ G.odft 11 PoU• 165 tennen and Rick Johnson ,,. llHH IJi °""'"'' :ios • h • . ·t-IU • .._ e .. hMr H IJll y,·e1g 1 1n at Z25 wh1.R1 his run· ,,. Plowcle,. • Ke1 .. 1 1.c Coming Sept. 28 The most exciting new apartment complex in America ••• In Newport Beach . . Perez Sets Record As MV Runners Win By STEVE ANDREWS Of .. o.HJ P'li.t lttff Ju:Uor Ray Perez coa5ted home in an e1cellent 10:12 clocking 1od paved the way for Mlss.ioo Vie}o'a !irst cross country win of the season, 16- 46, over Los AmigOiS Thursday on the Diablos' new course. In other meets, Laguna Beach darted past Brea, l&-ts, and Fountain Valley nosed out Garden Grove, 1>30. Laguna Beach ran i'..; win streak to two, the longest In three years, with the triumph. Dave Hustwick once again )eel the Artists in 10:20 to OUI· distance teammate S 1 n d y Beach by 10 seconds. Laguna captured the first foor spots with Chris Lam· bert, 10:32 and Kurt J ensen, 10:41 finishing be h ind Hustwici and Beach. Other finilhers for the Artists were Mark Rtsig, 10:48, Dan Moore, 11:G4 and Dave Wilson, Jl:ll. Josh Bright and Mike Byron turned in outstanding times for the Laguna Beach junior \'arsily in its win over Brea. Bright and Byron are prized freshmen for e<>ach Len Miller FAST FINISH I NEW McCULLOCH SUPER 10·10 CHAIN SAW Only $21995 "'''h ,, ..... , • slMUt Husky 65 cc 1n11int a~eds woft.. P1t1n1ed SourKI Sil· enc1r cuts noial up to 71i% comp1r9d to c1vlty muf· flers. Engine weight only 11 lbt.-lry it I 'Ecii;ll)(lld widl f.mo..,. M'Cullo,ti di.Jin, ~ ll'ld lo(:O"O(;k91 lfl., ... clfflgn.d lo Wortl. I011etht1. Perei. who led all tht way, recorded tbt fu t.est time ever on the Diablo course. }{j9 teammates al!O did their ahare, copping siJ: of the top se\'en places. Mike Rattray was second in 10:32 and •as followed by Ed Radamacher, sophomores Barry Bray and Gordon Rogers and Jim Van Coot. Fountain Valley's S le v e Christiano had to settle for a second in the Baron,,' victory. llis time was 10:41. and were clocked in 10:30 and IAf-iCL 10:35. respectively. Both GAS •n·Go KIT Tim Funk ran third for Fountain Valley in the first dual meet ot the yur. Funk's time was 10 :~. He was trailed by Cameron Haney, 10:~. Dave fl.fil ler, 11 :05, Phil Martz. Jl:Zf, Tom O'Brien, 11:36 and Wayne Leeds, l l:M.. ••ould have placed high in the \'araity 1llndings. Miller. however, plans to ketp hia two jewels in the junior varsity competition to gain valuable erperlence. tl.l!i rll11I .. .i.,.. Cont.int. "101 Ill••· llO!lt 10 own •'~""..,,.~ Doo~lt!. OM qullft of W\QIM oil. 011• ciu-u ol ,.,.,n Oii. Widv• •""1 • Olle lltl\Oll llH • '°"'"-· Laguna sllrts Crestview League du ty nut week engag- ing Villa Park in a 3:15 dual Sein -Stnlc1 Ro"'' Mlnl-Cycl• City 1721' INch llvd. (714) 142·2111 on Thursday on the Artist . ----course. Saturday Sept. 27th thru Saturday Oct. 4th AT OUR SANTA ANA WARE· HOUSE ONLY 213-4th St. 2 Doors Wnl of Main Store e 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. • SKI SALE 1968 MODELS HEADS COMPmTION DH GS SL $118.00 360's $118.00 HART MERCURY REG. 94.50 ...... now st.IS Rossignol 51.ratlx Reg. 137.50 ...... now 11.50 Fisher Silver Glass Reg. 85.00 .....•. now S4.50 VOIT REG. 135.00 .. now 19.50 Rcyal Star-Glass R1111. 99.50 .....•. now 3'1.95 GRESVlG REG. 24.95 10.9S DAVOS REG. 39:95 11.95 MERCURY REG. 75.00 14.!S ARLBERG REG. 35.0 14.95 MERGANS REG. 75.00 3'1.95 ...... GLASS Volkl Portillo Reg. 90.00 SS.DO Head Ski Poles 35.00 now 19. 95 BOOTS 1961 LANGE BOOTS STD $78.00 PRO $99.50 COMP 89.50 LE TRAPPUER GOLD MEDAL REG. $55.95 $34,95 SLALOM REG. ta9.50 $41.50 ELITE PRO REG. $120.00 n.so SILVER MEDAL $59.95 $39. 15 USED RENTAL BOOTS "MUNARI" $14.95 1 GROUP TO U$.OO -$9.15 1 GROUP ~ PRICE LIMml 9UANm1D AND llUS • ' • PANTS SKI .PANTS DON LOPER REG. $34.50 NOW $25.SO HEAD SKI PANTS REG. $80.00NOW$39.!5 SWEATERS ONE GROUP UP TO $38.50 NOW $11 .50 ONE GROUP .0% OFF MUD WUI TUITtl NICK T•SHtlT'S ¥f1NDSMlm MICGll t/2 PRICE USID llHDINeS $1.00 EA. AU. SAW .. N.L NO nNMDS 01 Cl:tlHT S4.1'5 ( Frldit, SuUmbor 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT D Wat~r Polo Units Roll Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa blMled their way to Ural round victories in the Anaheim Water PokS Tourney Thursday afternoon at Anahe.im while Eitancia and Marina were gaining triumph! during the VaJencia Toumament held at Valencia and El Dorado i.r;,.h Schools. . . • ... Corona annihilated Long Beach Jordan, 20-0, and Costa Mesa dumped Kennedy, JJ.l, behind P.Uke Beal and .Ron f.tisiolek. Larry Blatlerman Estancia to a 4-3 win over Westminster in the Eagles first round skirmish. Marina • • also cam~ out • • winner crushing Buen.a Part· 1u wtth Steve P.1cConnauthey ltadina the JCOrers with seven coall. DUNTON FORD: 2240 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Pre1ent1 JOE HARRIS'$ Football Forecasts -.. . .. . " .... .. Be A Winner Witti' .. ~ DUNTON FORD . . 'lllo.t.Y, Sl!P'TlMa l • U. !Ht l'llO•A•LE WINNE ll S 5C01tl!S l'llOIAI LI LOSl!llS & ICOll•J •M1AMJ lFL)l l 17 FLORIOA STATE ................. 1' SATUllOAY, Sll'TEMI Elf 11. ltff 8 ALA8"'M' •AllllONA 1TATE •"lllZONA ..•.• •AllkANSAS •. AllMY •• , .• AUllVll.N " " " n " " .. 14 •Aulll~ "'I" Stilt ••• , " •• 1G • ll11<1w1 ... w1u1,, • • • ••. ••• • .10 111111 S!.i• . )1 •11•1... . .., •BOSTON COLLEFE •. 11 •11ot1on V. .• •• IOWLING GREEN . 11 •ll"""l<Pl>'I ~ti!, ?t •BROWN •1 llufl'•lo 11 (Allf<l•fl'I 11'1 I ~11'' "n •Crnt••I <•.n"oetlcul •n •Crt1!•1I M!t/1>9111 'G •·C~I"' 1' •Clledrl r rl\fJ . '9 CIA<'°" Slet1 l 4 •COLOllAOO STATE U , ;o •CORNELL • . •.• l!t-.. c. w. "°'' .. ... .. . ... ,v o.,,..,O\I,~ ... . . " . . '' O•vldson • .. . .. .. .. . 'O •Dentntf •. • " .. .•. . h •DtleWt'' Sl•lt •• 'I) 0-11w..-e Y•lt.y •..•.. ..• .•. It •Oro~tl TKA •. •• .. ., OUICI! .• . '' •E1t>en1 N \t)'llUl'I ., "1' ·~~·t TMtll""'!• It • Etu Clllrt Sl•I• •• 10 •f •I'"'°"' S!•le , .. ·n l''trl<!• A &. It! ., Ft rJP I"" ~0 • F•~nk!on -. 1.<!r<hlll ""'"'"" ~11·· •!';FOll(;IA lt<h GEOltGIA .. " " •M•mlllon ,. " H•mllM 1'11 •HAllYA llO "' Heloel'twr1 . , .. JO •Hob!•• •. · ?9 HOUSTON •. .• .• 11 •lei.oho '" • ·~ l""!IN Slit• •••. , •••••• XI •l'1d'l1N II'•.) •••••• .• ,. .• •· '' ••NO/ANA . · · ·• ••. .. • ?• •IOW.l $TATE ••••..••.•... 17 •IOWA . 'l •ONS.1.5 .. . ft Kin<>! Point .• .. 1~ LAF.l.'f'l!TTE ......... .. , ?l •lebaMl'I V1ll•Y .. , ll •lith"'h • ,.. LOl.ll'l"'H• STATE •• ~l Lovllllnt T K~ 11 •...Ull'f 14 •MEMPHIS STATE .. . 14 Ml-.,MI !OHIO~ • 11 •MICHIG.l.N STATE · H •MICHIGAN ••. .. . )I •MINNESOTA ••. •. .. .. · ?II M1S$1$Sll'PI . ,. )I MISSOURI ., .. ,.. .. . ll P'ltOIAI LI llll'INNIRI SCORli ............... • 1'0 ~""°~M•d 5111• •• · •t •Meunl Unloo> .. . 71 Muh~,., ., ·· · •• ·· •• ?? • M11rro• Siii• • . ·-•Mui.111 ... u"' • • •l •,..EBR.1.51(.l H N01tTH CAR0Ltt<l,t, STATE II Nort'fl 0•~"11 St1te . • " Norlllff•l1'•• 17 ""'°"'""'" 1..... •. . ,. •N-lt~ ·?(I NOTRE OM\E .. .. •. . . 71 •Obfrlln . . • . • • . . . ..• ..• 7!I ~OHIO ST.I.TE •.... 71 •Oh'<> W~11>y1n 71 ~OICLAHOM..I. • 71 •011'>'1 • . . . . ?O •P'l!NN STATE ., .•.•. ··• · • ?I •P-lylvo"ll ••.• -·· JJ Plt!NCETOH .,. .. , • 1f ·~-"'""""""" . . .. . . ,, •Ren11ellf'r Pol't ........ , 70 RICHMONO ?I •Sin OIHa Stlte .• . . 0 •s-·-. " •WUTH CAR.01.IH.I. ,. • . .l'O Soo.rtfl 0.•koll 5111• • . • . l8 •Sou!h 01~nl• . •. . ..•. )I "-SO C,t,LIF'ORNIA •• . ll •Slt.rlnotl~ld .. •• • 11 •ST,t,NFOJID • . .. •• )f •T1mN .... , .• • •TEX.1.5 •Talodo . • ... ·· •U~'on iH Y.I . u. c. I.. A. •• •U. Tt"11. !CMlll'IOl! .. l •U. Tlfln. 1Mtr11•1 ... •IJ. l1011 fArl!11tl'Ml .. U. TEXAS (EL '"A$01 •. •UOHll .... •UT.1.H $TATE ••. •lJT.t.H •Y11P1•el\O • . . Villll'OYI . • • V1JIC.INll. TECH . •W11~!notvn i!I. L___.uftl WIYl!t' $•11• 1Drlrtii11 .. •Wrtlf:r $11!~ •• , .• •Wt,llYtn •W11$1 T•••< Sll!I • WEIT Y!AGINIA •Wt1I Cl'lfosl•• $!alt! Wtllo" .... WILLl.l.M • MARY .. •W1rn'"'" •..... wt~ ..... •WIClli.r ., .,. · · •• WYONUKG ... •JllAVll!ll !OHIO! •. ,. •'1'•1' ......... , .... . •'l'WllOl!owlt •• ?1 " " " .... H .. l• " " ,,! " " .. " • ... " ,. " . ,. " ., " ,. ., . " .. " " .. .. • SO MIS5155!PPI , •.• , ...... tl't Oii.EGON STATE ••.••.•. ., •.• tJ IC.a.Ns-.s ST,t,TE . • ............ )] TULSA ••• . •• . •• •• •. ••• • 1' •V.l.NOER.lltlT •• ... . . .. ., •• 1,,1 , <TENNESSEE ................ ll W"l•rn K.,_h•d::" •• . . . ....... ,l4, Cenl•ll !OlllD1Sl1!e .............. 6 Sul!•• . .. . .............. J • P.•ld<I-•'" CMe11.I •• •. •••• • ' HAYY ...•.• ., • ., •. ••·••• _:U ' v,,,.....,, .. , .. .. .. ' eOl.'l'TON •. .. . •..• ·•· 1.f "''"...t n ltMOOE ISL.lND .. .. I •Mt111t.h1tMtfl ..•..•• "# -Lr.:k H'v"" Stitt . .U Co•ll•ncf St11• ...... 1' U "Ilic (Ml .... ) •• .. • 6 S~ullowto!trn !Ten~ I •• . • , • l.t "'"''""' s1.,., .• .•. . .• . • '" • •C-w1 ..••• • ... ,, ....!CHIT., ST .I.TE ,. .• If CDLG.a.TE .. . ••..••.••. ,.!] ~w~flf'f . . ·····• ........ ;,' .. •New Mtmi>ih!tt •. •. .. ..•.• ' .,our .... n •.•... , ··············~'! .lo lmt .................. , Man!clllr 511te •• .•. .• • . .. I• • Mor1wl1n .•.••...••...••.•••.. 1 TUl'h ... . ..••.....•..•..•• IJ •YlllGtNl.I. . .. ... •If Akre~ .• . .... 11 C1•!•fn IC""turt'!' .. .. .• II • s"'"''lor Slit• . . ' Fi....tl•• • , ll ..&llf~ •• "Jj" "l<S!~SIPPI $TATE • Un ~,,, . 1'\0"11•• St••• to lll'rLOI! 1J •ClEN!.ON .. H P....:"'"''" . . .. •u .1.....,11ur1 . . . .. . . '<4 MOL 'I' Cl!OSS .. • .. ••• It •C1rlhlGf ... , l) G"11Y•buta • • ••• . . • I! •l')l(l AMO ....... ST.I.TE •. •• 14 ldn Stf!o . . • . •• T• •Ewtns.wlllol _ ............. ,,.,J 5111-"U,., $t1M • . • •..••..•... CAllFOllHJ.. . ............... 4 : SltlGMAM YOUNG ................ ,. WASM1NGTOl'f STATI ••..•. . ... t SYll.l.CU5E .•......•..•••••.••••• U ~ Adf:lp~I ..•• , ..• , .•..... , . . . • . . . . 'tt• ~coLUMl lA ................. ,. Dlckl...., ... ... .. . ...... , .. j ' ll•uoc• ...................... "- •II.ICE • . ................ ,,. •Ell! C1rt1JIM ................. 11 $o CDl!fttt!lcut •• . • ....... .__,,., N"llTH Tflrl.~ STITE ......... .,,~ •WUiff" MICHIG.l.N ••.....•..••. 11 SO. Ml!THOOIST •...•.•• , .. ''""'"'' W.l.5HtNCOTOH .................. l.t OMIO U. . . ...•..••.••..••..••.• If t KFNtll(l('I' ••..•..•.••.•.• , ... ~"'f' ILLINOIS .. ....... · 1~· "ltO•A•LI Los••s a KH•S Nor1Mm ... r!I-.................. .1( Ml«Jt. ,..,._ ••• • ••. ••·•• .... •.'ft ICM""°' ..................... ~ • J"""' Hoo>~ln• ................ lJ Ttnl'lft.lfll Tedi ................... 1. MMll"I . . •• , •• . , .......... , •· •., TElr.l.S A. & M .••.•. , .••..•••• lS •MAR'l't.ANO • . •• •• ., ....... 7 •U. Neb, f°""ht) .............. U •!Ir~ ................. tb Auslllll"I IS O.l ......... ,. .. 1~ A,,..,i.;~" lnlffnlllor>ll ............ , l ..P'Ull.OUIE ................... . Hite"' ., .• ,. •..•• lJ TEX.t.S CHlllSTIAN ............. 7 0•"-................. ,?t P ITT511U llGH •• . ..... , •.• 7 Hllltd•'" .••.....• , ••..•• )1' COLOll1.DO ...................... l& 8udM,. ...................... lJ •llUTOEll.5 ............. IU •W1tll!"'lll" .. l N •• . ......... 1J Colt/y . •. • ........ , ' •V. M. t. . . .•.....•..•.• , .. 7 Lm .l.llftlP$ Slf!t ............. 11 ... ,,,~SvdntY .•... ,II NOllTH (,t,R(tllNA •.•..•.•••• ,. U ,.,,...,,.,;,,.,11os ••.••...•• It' NOV'lh 01-ot• •...•. ,. ··· '1• llOlllHWESTEllN ............. ,~. ,,,,..i-.,,,.1 •• • ........ , .• OA:EGON •• • •.. , ., • 11 P••!O<I• .•••.••. 7 TEJll.1.1 TEC ........ .,.,..... .•r M1.-11\ltl • , • • •• , .. . • • ,,J! SI. l•W.-rf .. .. . •.••• , 1 •WISCONSI N •.•.• , .•.•. , J • Wolford • . --•• • •. • ) M<NH1t Sr.If . • • • . ... II N .... Me•l« Slllt • . .. • . • , •. 1' •NEW MEXICO • • .........•. "1' Hobart . .• ,. .. ...... . • • P.l.CIFIC ICAliF l ,. ., . ., .... 1t Sl.N JOSE ST.I.TE . . ...••...• • ~~1 .................. ,. 0•l8Wf1PI . • •• •• · ~· •WllCE FOlll!Sf •. .•. •. •. l.f W•booh •.•• · ·•· 11 "U I. C. G. ,t,cedtmf •• ••· .... IJ , N•rlh"'" Mkllltlll II. MICl!lltllurv .............. , .loll N•rl""" l!!!no11 •• , . • •• •• .., ,If •TULANE . •. .. • .. · • .11 Ell! StroudlDl.rl SI. ...... .•. ,.11 •l•cemtno ................. • •flEMP'LIE .• , .••.••..•• , .. H T•I""' cc.or...) ... •• ••·• ·······'tf •CH 111l ., ••••.••.•••••. 1 .a.1111Dn •. • . . •• ,.. •.I.Ill FOR:Ce ACAOEMY , •..••• ,.lJ l(ENT ST.I.TE , •..•••... ·· . 1• Conn«llcut ................... .,.,.6 S,O, llllNll •·· .•..•• 14 SUNO-.Y. SEPTEMll!ll •• lut /rtATIOl'l.1.1. f OOTIALL LIAOUI aAL TIMOll E 71 •MINNE!oOTA •••.• l• •GI.EVELAND ".:·.:· 11 W.lS"41NGTON .• . ..., ....... 10 GALI.Al .. 11 (,..EW 0 11.LE,t,NS ...•..•• .,, .. ,.lJ eOETJIOli'•·::::::: . ." ~-, 11 Nl!W YOltlt Gl,t,NlS ··-···,. ...... 14 •GllE"EM aA'I' .............. ?I l,t,l'f P~ANCIKO ••..••.••..••.••. 17 •LOS ANGELES , ••..•. , .. ll ,t,TL.ANT.I. ···• •••..• , ........... ,It t,Hlt.ADILP'HIA ,. 17 PITTS&UR.GH ................ ,.t• •IT, LOUii •••••••.•. . •• ll CHM:AOO ·• ..................... )I AMII IC.I.Iii l'OOTl,t.LL LIM\I• •e Ul'l'ALO .......... • ... l l Df:NYE~ •• ·•·••• ............ ._ • •HOUITOl\I .•..•.•.•.•...•. U MIAMI •..••.. , •.••.•.••.•••••. 11 KANSAS CITY , ..•.. 11 •CtN(INN.lTI •••••.••.••.••.•. 11 NEW VOJIK Jns .. .. .!• •SAN OllGO •·••••• ........... ~s OAKJ.ANO ••..•• .••• •. )1 •IOITON • •• .. ·• •••· •· f DUNTON FORD s.ni., """' o-,.c.-, For°"°' SOT ... Over 400 New eft4 U1ed C.tt and Tntek6 to Ch•o•• •H..,..t R"'C.,..Semta" Mow C:.. 54' 7110 UH4 c.. 146 707' IO OAILY l'tLOf s Ye'UI" Money's Worth • -Check Calendar OVER THE COUNTER ' S.lllt Mel IW..tM• U. C-.Clll, NASD Llstl!'I' for lltund•y, $eptMolbtir 25, '"' '-"WI' ili4 .. . II"' ........ _, .... ,... ....... M..., ... ,,.,.. llASA. ~ ""' -~ •• n \'I t:'T,.,2."4 l"rtc9 • -..... ,.._.. W ........... W .. hO• A!J'lf:D 1.10 if :.'I; ntt t t: l;~~!l.~ _ ~r.~ -1 Cr ,. :J: MDNw ,. 1~ 'f: "''rt:,t 'J~ J" =\~ ~ ~ ;I~ ~ = ~ F.~ ~'-1.54 ~ _ & ,r.p! ~:re~\ ; ~ ~~ ~1 r ": ~~ n~ ~~,:.~~ 1Y iii i ~ t ~ ~~~i~":= To Buy Bargains • By SYLVIA PORTER .: Our hiebd, Everett, was the 'envy ot our JIUJe country towo when he pulled into the garage _),his past wetkend to buy gas ~ his new gold-colored 1969 'tadillac -and not just because it is an elegant-a.,_. fei-rina: car. Rather, it's t>ecause Everett has bought /ll'tf! of t969's biggest bargains 'tnd all of us know it. ·.What'~ more, Everett com- .ft1ands our admiralion because l}e is using his head ~o.beal Ole ~u.rging coot of hv1ng and )kiing it "''ith grace. You ~00 can do this simply by shopping fDr seuooal bargains. You too C'8n more than offset the cur- fent annual rate of rise in liv· :mg costs just by strategic tim- tng of your purchases of major .Hems. BY 11118 STRATEGY alone, yoo can achieve an average -cverall saving of at least IO iler-eent on all your big-ticket ttems and that's a lot bigger lhan this year's ~ percent rise in overall living costs. By 1bis ooe move, you can achieve savings as high as 25 lb 30 perceQ\ on many in- dividual items. ... To be specific. if you are .also in the market for a new car, now is the time to buy a 1969 model. _ You'll have to hunt. for dealers throughout the country are clearing their showrooms to make room for the new, more expensive 1970s being in- lroduced in these v.•eeks. You may have to compromise by .accepting v.•hat's still in stock :tnd not iru;isting on precise (Xl lors, opt.ions. etc. And you'll :tlave to recognize the fact that 'for trade·hl purposes your car is a year old when you '.flurchase it. , BUT lF YOU intend to keep )'our car for some years and :you can find a car whlch more or less suits you, you are like- Jy to save at least 5 to 10 per- ·ce.nl from the prices these can \Vere commanding a ·mere few months ago. .. · Or if you plan to install cen- • 0Becl<ma11'• Choice tral or roon1 olr condlt.ionlng in your homt!, this Is lhe lime to start sbopplng. You'll pro- bably find the lowest prices in December.January -but off- season for alr conditioners has now begun. And off.season can easily mean savings oI 10 to 20 percent. What else might you buy now '.' -TV sels and small a~ pliances (but not clothes washers and dryers) before the new models are introduced in October; J\.IEN'S SUITS, particularly If they are on sale and before the expected price boosts of $S to $10 or more on the new styles; Aod this the being harvest s e a s o o , many perishable fruits and vegetables -ranging from cabbage to potatoes, onions, apples. squashes, tomatoes - but not including eggs, beef, bae<>n and oranges which reach peak prices between September and November. Here's a calendar which will guide you when you're in the market for the following pro- ducts. A used car: tile best months usualty are in the winter; A FUR COAT: sweltering August when the fu rriers traditionally offer bargains or January, when spring and cruise clothes are on display; Back-lo-school c Jot hes : August. Linens: August or January. Furniture and small a.,_. pliances: Also August or J anuary. STQRM W I NDOWS' January, February or early March, for most storm win· dows today are made of aluminum, are a combination of storms and screens and thus are in their biggest sell- ing season in April-June. Fall cloOles : August. Winter clothes: January and February. Garden and spring cleaning supplies: 1'1arch and April. Christmas gHts: but, of course, anytime but. LOANED TO NAB Henry Webber NAB Gets Staff Orief From Bank l..W 9"I ft~ a~~ r=. ~ $~ 111 1~ 12\lo ~~ti' 1,<IO U6 '°"' 4J il -IVJ ::ik't: J: :i::..~1·.:.-.::: i'I:" 0 ~: ~:rii ".l!™ , • lll t :it1i .. • ... !' ft l!~ "r.'' r.f~;:'r,i::r•i::: :·r:~-, :~ m~ , a~"" c 11" 1:! ~ Iltt ~e ~,r~]: 11~ I.~ ~ -" ~:~'Bfc'.'t ·~ ~~=~ ) i!i:Lgt ll'iilVi~11FJ~f ~lJl·\t '; l2 .. 1r.~')~l{lt$ J li:t 1U? +~:=·~r~.lf .-..r111e1 !':i: I •n • ' •1 W 11v. C l C1011t 21 • ~ .!:! 1..., J:y, ~!lli !l .:.:. i,i. &•ko Pitt ·'° Mw bMtl l'Ur· JllEI j' !"' • )l,1-' ~ ""I 1 l'.i& Siii "' lu l.l! >4> >'>°" ... "' ,._ _ ,._ llfldt+l!m ,60 "•"I • I N>• & ._ ~•If ilV. :Mv. u1 n 14 A 11nc1 .... " _ 14 !'Jell How .60 rio• (bid). 11ler· ~~ 1 JY, el Pe m 4 NII :II .t) •11,,.. ·loa l4'1 Ali r. ,3~ _ v. l!leU inlffeo<! 4U lfle'1tril lctcP'f 6\6 11 $1(11: I lJ roe! Cf I t A "" .-40 • .,,~ M _ t. l!em11 Co I ~ 'hr~ 1·-f ·1 ~ • 11 WI 1,11111 ~ Lu OPfl .... IHl'ICll~ 1~ ~· ............ i , ... .. .... ""·a H,. ~· -. .. Ill .~ r.· ~ ll!!B ~ tt .. ~,. " , --lnclud9 Ott• 1JD I Nllol '"' II G1 ,. .... 21 ~ )f 32\lt Jlliro 1ra: -~ llendFlti 1,60 '9tlfl m...itw. ' ......,, g· 'l" •• !ill\(o 1 ~ w GICP J4~ \Ali A i=m ~ .iil 11,L !?.~. -\lo 8enllF Pt5.50 int'1t~ .. _,... ltc ~ a N1tG h\li £live S'A l:m • Sfil:' .11 ~... ..,,. I,\ f ~ lltflflF pl~..lO 1711Mlal, mp$ OU Y, kloM f' 11 "' YI " li;: li Ii w ~llF pf4.:ICI """~I 25 H\!i ~ C ff lele A 1'Ya liOYi II nk 14\lo Ir 1. i30 vt YI V. VI l!enF lpf'l,50 M~ t 11 ·· Enett ll:o SIAI ~ ~lelll I 30 .. li :Jl\lo IC SCrw JI~ 1'tl'I A lled I Pf 4 11 l ''o 1 l'i ~ ''o llenouel ., "' !' n EMI, a jOl'i 11\oi g ·~ • •• ~fl l'lPd lt ,, -~$1 o..lif 60 2 7:11\ 2,,.. -.... II-vet In Al Inc l" 121'i E,UW!)I 714 17\6 r Ml ft't trow Cl 4'I 4' _ • PC .lOQ 10 tl ff: 20'4 -lo ~erkl'llo 111 AV Cp ljYt ltV. Eon C...,, ll'i ·4 11r 0 I l 5"" 1"¥ ,,,. ~ " • 6l 71\\ '-n'lt -~ B••m« Cono ,._ El VI lOV. EtWll 011 lN 13... PA OM 1 16 ld1I F 1011).:t 1n., sJ.i 1 6G " '•'> ~·• ">·• _ •• :i •'~M' .~'1 >'.·,.~ ra :MV. U¥I Erle TK 11\lo ll'Ot. W N1IO " 10111 Qbo F• I l'i AMaAC .5iJ ,. l .. ,., '"" ~ 72'11 f4 l!lll'ln :V ... 1S NW Pu.$¥ lf\lo 20 llflPll 2DO AmtrEI ) 20 2 tl:ilo 1 "I• -'lit TftrN .6G ndout 5111 6 (:ii '"' Nycl II:~ 1' 11 '""' '"' a:ipn' 60 1 31\11 I,\ 3'\'11 -V, <\lad:Ok 1.20 A n " 12 12"4 FWI J'9 1v. i Arr 11 ~2 T1011• 11• H ""' • 0·7Q ':i" ,"" ij" " _,.,.. .. 1.rrJot>n .a A II 12 1JY, Fth1kl &\lo IW. O Wit 29'¥1 TtYlor W 1 tiJO 00V. f~ -.s>4 q11u l•U9 l A Inc '1\11 2 v. F1rrln1 ll\11 1~ ' kll'I • s Tll'!'tPI In 2 v. 2 \lo Am r8n .. 1 3~ :Ullo + .... "'I"~ l!lell 1.50 A kNI 15\'o 16 FedN Ml 1'5 l" mor>t l!\li 1""' Tuu AS 7 t A Biker UP 21 12'\o V. 12~ -'ilo 11=r.!• Brk1 ~ m P: ~! ;n ~:k'r~ ll r. lttr ~= 1:\,\ l~ T= t. ~ )j"' ~l~.J "lll l>;~ t~ ~ ,;..:.·~ ~=I~ l ~ A Atrl 5~ FslM I"" ltl'o 1014 j.CO> • I' j lH!w In 11¥1 ifu ... ,. 1 ... ~ :i.. +ll't Jlond l1n 1 Aln .. E• I ~ Flt R-~ 4'11 C l1rl 11Yll W. 1111'1 Gg l~ lA'o ~~"GI.:: '-n ' ""'•• > ~ ,1• .+ •• llo :~~th>.).,,21 AWwl Geo 11~ > • 'G:WFlfl ~ ~ Plbtl a, 17\lo "1li Tmcnl 11Yi 111'1 A1f1 Ctm j,o ilta .,.. ~ .,.....,.., "' AnlMic 1 \lo F nl 20¥! 7111\ PK F1E J!I J6 Ttnoll 3'4 •\It A CNI 1:.0 1 30'16 3Cllll ~ + '!lo l'loniWar l.7S A El L.eb 6 F I SM 1' 2J P•o:. C1 N IOl<J Trtnd In J!• r.lli AmC.;,11 to 47 2' 2Slrt. ll"' + ~ l'lotn'llns .... Am E..,.,. ..... ts\lo FOOIJ FP 'llll 6\1 PIMGI 1~ 11"' Tflco PO I AC $uq 1·o111 1 l•l'o li' ... -,~ 'los EOll 7.CI Am Furfl tVa 11 Forst 011 lt IN PkW¥' 011 l'<I t T'!Nlr 1fllo U\11 AC;:; .t •3o 131) !Slit l'i \It -,. 11.,..r.,1 1..c: A Grnt 4S ~ F~I c;...111 n 3::1 P.uley P 10\.lo lo.i.. TrClll!u 2'f 2'fllt AmC·wn 1 » 2ll 211~ 11111 + "' 11,•nll.,lr .so Am Herl! 13'11 Ullt foJodlt ~ •\\ P1...,U1 lJV. U Tnmi Fd ljV. 11Vr. Am 111rn ' 1 • 23 27\lr. jJ l'lrloetS! 2 4'4 Am IMd :Kl'll 211/i Folorn i.i~ " p..,i., T 271'1 i.i Ulll~ t .. 0111 ti 309 .. v~ ~ 71\ -v. llrlll MY 1 70 Jjenry A Webber Of Tustin A .1M11 8 fl(; 10 Frnkl Cll t Mil Pen O!xL •V. ' Ufl Po!lr Jl•L 31:1 A.OuelVI ;119 I' n jl><I 11\lr. -\o 11,111Mv of l • ""' Mecu 37.,. :MY, Frnkln I! JI n P1 E'nvln Alo Ai Un ltktm .. :tt,... ADual l>f ka ' )l..._ 1~ \J + l'i lldwv H•I• I has been loaned to the Orange ~I PJ:t, 11~ '!14 ~~:v?om 1i111 1i~ ~: ~:err ~ iJllo ~~ t:~11 11~ 1°kv. ~EM'.:1i.~ 'll" 1;~ Jl:i ralt :: VI :~~nUGCo1.>1 ASI G l'f f 10 G•rtnkl 11 lR Prnn 11.E ll 1h, UI ..... '!Vi 2 Am E• Ind 167 21'14o 2t'l'o 27'4 +IV. llrown Co 111 County National Alliance hf Am l11v ll U\'J Gu Svc 1SI\ lSI.\ Pe11s1 w1 114 •-u Crwn lt ~ "8:i1=,:/ pfM z,•,•, •,•,,, ~., u, _ + ,, •,-.R~~~r11.J Ancllr c: 11 11Y, e Alr~I 61'1 I P•rlnl 9\'i 9..-_ 8 ~!'~vel ~I,\, n A 1111 .50 ...,.. l'" '"" '"""'" l _,., Businessmen by Sec u r it Y :~:::· c 'iv. 'f~ l;Jfr~t.~ 21.,,, ~\'J ~:l~~ijt$1 ~VI :J u T,lf "~,;Vi :m~111pf~,r t: ~~ ttv. ~ :Z = ~~ ~~E~ i'.~0 P If. 8 k fufl · Arc111 N lll\lo u" 11:1 Ell \lo 10'4 Plllild'e pf U 61 Up p..,11< 22~ 2:11.') A Home l • 1111 61~ •1v. ' VI + \io lludd Co .to ac IC an as time, ex-A•<I 11111 13 s l•l ,.. ••.• Pflrt 511b 21'4 21\11 Utlh lLd lh ~A Homt ,,,. t , 911\ ,, .... ,, .... -\\ l\11dG F Dl.60 . . Arden M 1~ lOW. JflM 1t\la :MIV. Pho~ 21 71"6 Utrl Ind 21"" 29111 Am HOsP n 111 "°"-..,,, 00'4 + \'o l\udMI 111 ·"' ecut1ve director, director John ,.,den Pl 35 :it Glnll'1 :Miia l1'4 Pie Pd J~ • v11 LO 1,'l! ",',~ Amlnvir 1:10 1 11" 1111o 17'"' -v. 11uttFora 1.10 Ark MoP 11'11 12"6 Gl1tl~I 39 olO PIM.tin 61 V•na S.. ~.-.-,. AmMFO,, to 60 10•1 20\\ 70'4 -\\ lluk>VI W .t0 p Condon announced .,,,,,.. H !l\lt U Glt1sn W «IYt •1111 PDl'lr HIC ,.,,., """ lllron 3'V. 40 AMet<:O! IA 20 ~ lO 30 llunk ll:1mo • • A,....ld,o 1714 1111, Gklll Rull 6 1 Pro Golt 13 .... UV. IY Wod 1'111 20\11 Am MOI..-• JI' 91.0 ~ ,,_., + "• 'lllfli<R pll.50 Webber WI.II coordinate all A.cc; eot 2i11i ,.,,., &ooo L~ 1"' I','° """ ...,.. • .v. .osw P 1,• .• • .. AmN•tG•• 1 6' l4 n:w. n,,. -v. <1.11r1 1n0 l.., AulP 5d 11 11 Grtph n 6V. \lo P'UOS NH 161\ 7~ RffOI .. ASnPhof .129 st H"ll IDts lO''t ""'"°" .10 ~-rr d ffi . I AU.mta 1'111 i''"" 11 71 Pull! NM 7.1\'J 14 Wlnhw l~ 11 ... "' Rndl Ot'I 10S .,.. •••• ...,.. -l'MI S11rT<11\s ·'° :>Lo an o . ice operations o g•bblfl ti:. "" rfffl Mt 16'Wi 11v. 1>u11 NC lHo 1214 w1oti NG 17'MI 1n. Am s.,,1 1 1 21·~ n •:. n v. + '• 11111u1iv 1211 . 1lrO Al '°"' ,.,.. rn4'1 R:E 11\IJ lfY, Publll'tr l]q i.:w; WIM RE II llYI Am Ship 60 1 11\o 11 II -... NAB in hi! new post Condon rie11er 7t lO c;...1t1nt1 1u 111 p.,,_. ~ "' 11 Tr 1.Alt 151'> A Smell f.ta '" 11'h 1 iav. -"' I 811 P1lnt S'A ,.,., Grove Pr '' lS p llennt't 71\IJ n v,, tbb II.I ~it"' AmSaAtr .70 1.it .. ~-'"" -""C1bo! CD 1IQ sajd 1P11nt wl ,,., 5'MI Grw!h In 70 '! Pu,lry st ,, It'll W1ktlrn ... '"" AmSAlr 111.JO 3 ~ ... 4l,, •• ~, ••• -···,_(~I Ftllilnl ' 1n1,u C l l'lt. 11:\t. G\11nl Ch S'Wi Vo POuo C1 7 71.\ Wellng M 23 2•'12 Am Siii 1 7'J ..,... .. .. --.. c 11 llM 11! NAB has been Chartered by l!l•rWck lj 14 Gutl lnl ll VI U\'i P11lnm1 12 ll Wtlltll. G f!/t lG'ill Atn5!0 1>14.7S l1 HI llOV) 111 -1~ • 1 A • lllQ!n p 114 G'i"odn 1'"' n Rad f~ IT 211/i W1tat p t1• l~ Am S!lrU 41 5 'lt 1' 2t -\I. t~=SaL i~~ Presl.dent N1··on to r1·nd i·obs ll•umrt 50\lt Sl\lt H&m c'I ,,,. u II.oil r~ 11'> ll\'i 1tn NA 10•4 10~ A 5!19•r 1.6o 24 2.llA 24 21'1< -.,,, l"Ollr .... -"°~ ... lltYle11 111,1; 11'4 "•ll(Nf 2• 2' R•ntb I 2t\'> 30\'> Wllfl Mrt 114 In:; A$vg l>IAl'.65 1 41 ., •I +,,., Cdn "•C 3.lfl Bffdlm 31 :n H1ven In ~ 4 Ravdt P m 231 W1tn P11b 11Yt 1 I'> AmSU9 pl u 3 '"' 9"" 9\'J c~nelltd 1.10 for persons previously con-11e11, 1111 ll u,,., ~1111 Mor 13'.li U\4 ill:11rm ~" n"" 2•1'1 1.,, w11 1•\11 151'1 """T&T 2·oa '1B sn;, 51 1 .. 51"' + ""c111 c &dc•t !ltlm 11111 \GY, 11\'J enrell F 'M"' ~ II.KOii oi 5'\IJ Sii 11\111>9 T :12:;;: l.Jtt AtnWWk1 ~ 2 10~-l!Alo llAlo .... C1rbr11n L• sidered unemployable l n l!letxat ""' t1'1 H1111vn 12\11 lll'l II."' M111 171/i 11 WIMlw l AW '""" 11i ''"' ,~ 1611 ''"" carlli" .60 . tt: bu . and . d t ==~ ~:11 ~ liv. ~EP ~"' Uv. :r:.,,cs~ r.~ ?:~w~lwPL: 1.:: 211.:. AW •.IPI 1:o:1 zi ~~ ~; ~~.!~~:;:..~~or.: pnva s1nes.s m US ry, 8111u911 w 111. ,.,. Kaucl Flt 3\'I JU 11:..0 E>t 21YJ 11'" ~·nc1 1"\lt 211~ ~.z~nc 60 4 25...., ""' u:i. _ v. C•r1>Tct> lM and has been seeking job 9l~ctl~ lSS'io 31 U~k p~I 'l:: ~VI R:ob!n M 25 2t YrdnY a!'t •V. Aml1~1n( .911 11 55"• 55 SS . Catr!tt(p .60 . I~ HI Jl'4 12'\ Huo Ge1 f..,, u "" AM KC,. .lO 21: lit-. WI 2P9 -•i ~~~ ~1.ll,. pledges 1n Orange County 1109\le Et 1>11 3¥> Hur11 P n•to ,, ~P ·~ ... 91 ~~ ~~ lll::;: (: ~:,,e JI · h ch . . s !loll !!ft 17•4 ll Hv1n C11 :141" l<I" Pll Ol'D 12 351'1 lSi. u• .. -'• Ca>lleC-• .60 under t e atrmansh1p of . 8aolhe c ,..,,. ,,.,., 1nc1 G•• n 11111 ~;1r .J·oa • 17'11 11,_., UVi _ ... c~i,rr• 1.10 F. Eyei;tone, president of !l!l~~·'G ~l~ ~Vi J~e':ucl ~\'I';~ MUTUAL .. ~.~ 1.90 :ns 11 11111 1n~ -~ cc1 M•raa1 N rth Am · R k II' .-..n Ar 21v. :n11t Int••"' 6\lo 1 Anc!\Hgd; .eo 101 g'·i ~ ~n. -v. ~~aMc:11.ilis o er1can oc we s 11,""' •• '"" 23111 '"' c.,,,i 1•..., 10v. AncarpNSv 1 2~~ o111 3' ~ + ,,., cti.r1e,.,ca , Autonetics Division slnce May 1uan U'll llY> 1nc11 Sv• 1"" 1111 Ane1-c11v 1.lll ,. n ,,w. 11.., _'"' ceian 1>11.•50 ' Utnt/P s l:l'MI lOlo "'nn In ttli 101'1 Ap II .JO l'I :!Jiit lS lS'h -Ill (l!<ICO ·~ .:lei of this year l!lu""" F l' ljllf 1n1 ew"" 7 • FUNDS A11eo0~~~~1 36 .&lll '1\'I Qlrt. _ ,11 c .... 1Fov .lOd · c11 W Su '4 251.\ 1n1 Mltl 2...,. l.No Al"' ...,..,,, 30 l1'Vi Ill\'> lll''> -n:. Cen Hvd 1 .... Condon said that pledges ~::::.' M ~..., l~" in,nt:.,~r ~I.\ lt~ :r~o~c 1::3 36 .a"ji ..sy, 41w. .._,,, fe11ir1L1Pl~:U continue to be needed if the c1nnM 11 •• n 1n1 sv D, 1a 11111 Ar11PubS"' i n 21:o,; 201.l n -'' O:en111"5 1 u . !anrld t ~ Int T1pe 11-11\lo A•l1n• OS .20 111 JO\!o 1"1/i JO -'It CentL~EI ·ea Orange County NAB lS to 11> Sow IS 15'4 l"'e•t 20 :io... ArmcoSt 1.60 25 1ew. 21~ 211" -\' cenMPw fn •ts al f IP lnlA f'll 10'1! <1nlc1 2J 29 A,.,,_r l.6G 70 .. w. M•A ~ + \s Cent SW 1:80 meet 1 go o 1,400 persons a1>Tc11 _, 5\lt 1, sou111 tt~ ,..... , , •• , ... ,, ,, ,, ... Ann110: .eo 303, .:11-l7'14i 31~ -1-. cent Savi .ao · r 11 t. t c ..... , 11• s ... 1\lo J•cobl "' s•4 ~ •. ~ flY• . • •• Annek "'3 n J5d '° 60 60 • c .... rt1u .93b In U • lme, perm a n en !artr Ge 111 21111 J&c:qun C 10 10\lo NEW VOii.iC IAPI 1nvulor• Gri: ••mRub 1:60 50 ... 3' 3ttto -ll'ilCerro 1.60b I t b J oo 1970 1K NG ll 11"" Jem W1t f1/o IO!A. -Thi foll,,..!na -105 ndl S '-" Aro Con> to 3 10 to 70 Cerl·lffll .911 emp oymen Y une .,.,, · entu· :u11t ll!Vi JMOsbv 1!"' n111 t•!lon• . ..,pplled bl M111 10.s 11.0 A,....ln Ind ·1 12 u 1-'Vo 26 -•• cer1 1ect Of.90 Webber with sec u r ,. 'y .., VP$ ,, ... 20\lo JlffV FO• S\< Ille N•llanll Anoe P•oo •JO S.l1 Ait!IO Oii L20 Jl2 l4"" n .. 31!• -1'11 Ce••fteAlr .IO . Cllat1 0 •'• ""'ICelHt 51 70'4 n •!Ian ol Sl<urltin Stock 211.l611.1' A.st!OU n• I 6' '' 69 . (Fl Sii .IO PacHic for 40 years is no enm L•• 1s u .. K•l•S• "' 10 21 ~'""' ll'IC., ,,.. vs.1ec1,, •,·~· ',',! AHd &! • ..;: s n.. •·~ ,,.. + '" c11~trn inc ' CMmld J • K11Y1r 92 100 1"8 "'ICn I I Wll•tl't It ·~ -AHdOG 1111 25 l l'Ho •n~ •l'•-~o~emaS L2fl newcomer to NAB. He served f:i• 1nd S''> 1 K11e G•n s•• S'lo 111e.. 1.KVrni.e. 1,n .. lll:nh J· , s.S1 .,..,SP'i i.iti 1 n·., :n"' n•. -~· •rTerNv l hH Utll 1~1o< 16,. K•l'IJTI I 6\lt could hive ~ llel • .,, il.51 A ~T''" ~ 5 \N 11\i 12'16 lla.eM" 1.80 the Long Beach metro of NAB 111 er&-1 ti 10 icea• r 11 11" ~1d (llld\l °' bOOJght l"e" 1i·~1 :·f'I Ai5ictvEI 1:» t i 1)\1' 13 23 -'" cneme1rn lb h th I• . Ch<ll! S Ill 115 K~llf:U 61.\ II\ (ISktd) hU,$0Y. VV • · A!ICEI l'f511 2 100 "Ill ?'1\li -11 Cti.tmNV 1.60 for t ree mon s ear 1er 1n Cllrl•' pf lDl ioi K•U"d n 1, 3.t"' 110 ~ 1 11H~oc11 ,,. 2?·~ All 11.rc11no· 1 lO'll 11u>1t 1o:i•11ll31, -H'o cnem ... av .10 t969 di t · t j d Cll aoel •" ' Keutt E 11'11 11'~ Atwrd" l.'O ... .,. o "1" · · Al!Rch ..tl 75 170 Si UV. SSVi _ C"" Va 1.llG as a s nc Pe ge 11111 u A l4•h 25 Kev• Fib 111, 1111 Ad•ln1 1.u 1.1.1 K'311on.r, F1~":\, I! All Rich Pf. 3 11111'> 11t11> 111v. -1 Chn Ottlo • Chainnan lllr Ull 1JllJ15 Kev• Cus 15 16 Attllleld ,l·:n"•'o-J: f~~ !l 2a·o.11· .,!111.<h an .to l oo nio n•~ 7P"'-"•Che1ebro .-n ' 111"k Ml 21"• Z2 Kev~! PC I'll. P'o Al11trc " ·u f'.JO 11· A!ts•Chtm l •5 30\t4 2fV. :l'9'4 -'~ ChkEa•t Ill !\••Ian l''• 3'I{, Klno era 10 10'"' AIDlll Fd 11,.!I 'lj' ~ ~: K 1 r"tJ J Allll Corp " ~ i~I it.\ -'"' ChlMSIPP cl 1!11! MH l ilt tV. IC!nos El I•~ ''-"' Amcac> · · c K2 5 s SM A11ror1 Ple1 II 161/t 16\'o 16llo + V. Chi Mll•lc I House Group Okays Saving·s Bond Hike tl~TCll'I 0 IOI\ IOV. Klr11; Cl> 1,Yt H ilt Arn 6"" ,i, J •'> J c:: li 11·;, lt'M A111$piolr .OS. ll llt. 111'1 ll ... -I.,, ClllP.....,T 'l Claw (p_ 1RH"4il(lliloVal 2l ,. lom Ovln ...... g:: l 11'1'"1·nA111Gmln lno 13 11~. lH\ ll'\-14 (hll.1Pt;l UP Caltwn E H• 61"' Krel1Jr 6 '"' AE• 0w>, >,on i 'iQ u• J •• 1 .M "'""°Ca 1.20 110 16\<a 2~ 15'o -'~CMRIP CIHW 1~l!n1 F 21 2J lMC D1I •\lo '"Am rr .... ·.:i S.::M s"ff A..co pll10 Z2 57VI s.ih 5,p. -... Chl Tiiie 1.70 alan Sir 2+'16 2-"" t._, In 21\lo 211'> Arn ~"' :·~ 11j· Poler _.. .. i A_,, Pd. l2 1 56l• /I"' 56'4 .... )1-lo;Fufl ,6(1 c:::c'l1r N ~\'I 1.=·~; ,1 ,::; ~;Np~" 1:1: w ~=b Gt 1T:21fA ::::::: 1';11'..40 '\ Vi"" 'M'Wi i;, .. ·:::·. c~~~·Cc'!Pf:~ Com A(! VIit 10\':I l1uon l'4 6\Go "'"11or GrouD · Lt•lnqt 10.02 IOtJ Awn Pd \IO 160 160 155 156 --4 Chramltr ·" Cam Intl ' •Y, L"' Coel "' al\ A~IOll t.fl lO.OS lfJ! ll:Kb lJ.~ u:to AllK Oii Gt 11 1•~ U V. 1'"'1 + "'Cnrvmr 1 Com G11 ll\lo IJ lelwr G 21 29\'I ...,,,,.. 11°'1• U Lin •. u •.•• -B--(~··'"'•'• •• .• ~. cam T•I "'Iii 2m Levin Tn I • •11 t'n l!te tk '·" I.CM " Cam Hllh l• IJ 1.-11 !IF 17 lN l'r'l" .... 1o·e11o"t1 LIN .... 111 1..51 8•btk w 1 3' 116 ~ 21'6 11'o •. lnMl!I 1.«11 f~D c~ .~""~\'I ~"{.,.EM 1: ·~ .... A11oclo 1:'lt I :.1 Lino •-1! .... Bek.OUT _is l~ )II 1''\ ~ .... -~ ~l':i-~1~ell k"° (mp Ind U 'h UV. Lof! Ch t lO A1tron '·'·' 7.00 ~l:d SI~~ .. :JI.Mt lltltGE 1.711 2t"I CIT F Pll..SO Cmo Miii l ' LOii Eltn 21 111'1 ""tui:"1"'roJ 7.M ~11>11 !l.60 11.60 Cllln Svc l WASHINGTON <UPf) The House Ways and Means Committee approved Thurs- day Nixon administration leg- istration to boost. the interest rates on U.S. Savings Bonds from 4.2 5percent to 5 percent. If approved by Congress, the higher rates would affect all new bonds issued after June 1, 1969. Present holders of bonds, with lov.·er savings interest CmD Tee Jl"" 3.t'" LYnch C 3-' JS ! nd e iflO t 51 Mui 1• 90 I• 90 C:!tv I"• ,Jllb rates would get the new !on Jtoctt JC 11y, MIO GE • 1111o 1~ i~k Ix 1·91 M•nhln 1:" l'.lll '',',!."'."",,,•, '.•'• ' t Slr•l9 Slot 61'1 M~ft Ch 2~ S cl Co :u :$11 MHI Fd 10.tS 11.tl •Y higher rate too on lheir bonds antrtd 11~ 9 Ma R~v '"" 1ov, 9•b•"" 1.tt 1.n M111 Gtll 11.ld IJ,•1 c11,kEa 1..io cmtr1n )'~ 3'~ Mt lkrt SI Sj"' 6 Ta Kn l un1vell eu Tr 15.!0 16.'4 Cl••k 011 00 starting with the June l date. fg::eri L ltv. ~:.,., ~:::;~ ~ ~~~ l~ ~8~1,td 'tll 1~~ ~::r.,,, 1t ~ 1l:2 El!v~'li11 ~:~ The higher rate would be a ~~rdM~ ?!lZ ~~~ :·"::"~ •• tv. c"' OtlOI' Sf fU :·~=~~Mtl ::~; 1~:)1 Fm· ance El:Vrc: .r~ 2 ~,.., c~ 32V. 3-1 Meyer 0 :Jtl't "°"" ~~ SI 11'.s31s'11 Moodv (p l•.•5,, " ' ClutnPtl .90 historical breakthrough. The ru1c11 R 11 Ul't Mc~ 21v. 21"" !~iiOi:t. H.35 6'.•• Moodv·• U.60 14.M c111rt1P pf 1 . . v11rn C '"' 101/i ~LC H ll\~ 15 G Fd t .. 10 2) Morion Fuf'do: CN F1nt SO maximum 4.25 percent in· 1n1~ M 131. 1. M"'''" 3-'''» lo!'\ •nl<ln 1t'.10 211::it Grwtt. 10,JI 11.lO c~A 1>1 A1.10 terest rate on all government 8:~11 °tJ 1f"" H:? =~cr:r No 1r' ,; .. !E:ll :~ ~~ ~·t :~~ :·~i ::~ B • f E'iflb~' atY.~~ bo ds · th • Oev M1t 11 .... 2lV, Mich Gen 1\11 114 II 5hr 1:.1 1'n MIF fd t.'7 10.0'.I r1e s CacaCcl 1.32 n -savings or o erw1se Oec« 1n ,.,.. tol~ Mk11d c.. 11 lll'l :1 5..,. 11 1511·1o1 MIF G1h J.tl '·', co19 Pet 1 20 h bee t t th t ilj g Oefl•M 11 11 V. Mld1ete 1 .. I Ina fwilds· ' 111 OmG 5.20 5.t.S Colq p l>IJ.50 -as n se a a ce n oe1111 ,.,. 1\'o ,.,., Miow GT ?& ,, !'r.,11 no5 i1 11 111 Ot"lln 10.u11.1n c 111,.. A1k 1 !lince the Liberty Bond Act of Orkno c11 Sol s7 Mo11 G•• 31 n... 9om st 1:n i:n .ut s~rs i1.1111.11 c~rnnRltd .90 • Del C•~T 17\'i 111-'1 Ml .. 111G \714 171\ Grwlh 11.4 7 06 .111 Tr1t 7.61 7,ili co1a1"111 l '° 1918 The legislation apprOYed Ott ll!r 72 73 Ma RKn SI'> 5!\ Inc°"' 7'11 1.60 EA Miii 10.tJ 11.11 YORK UPI) T Call 1n0 .JStl · . Oe¥ Am 1• n Mollwk 11: n 21 $oecl 211 3 u Nat wSec 10 1t 10.'ll NEW ( -rans c~u In 1>11.60 by the committee affects only cn•1• Grouo: -Ne• 1ne1 11.2• 11.7' World A'•line announced ,·t ,',',s .!._..,., S . E dll ·bod Funo 11"11.1QN1tl11v11a 20 1.u u ~' cries an savings n s F•"' tt.51irJ11.11 N•• JKl/I' ~" .11. co1uG~s 1.60 not other longer te rm c~~~? lt~ M:~~ J~ 1 ~:U 1!:~ will lease about $100 mi ion E~\~'i: i'Jl issues. c:o~':i"Jr.!= '·" 5.n i~ ~1\ 1;:~ worth of new jet aircraft to be ~~?~7v 1.~ The administration proposed Fit"ID Opens ~~~i1 1t~ 1J:n frW,,* 1::& ~:~ delivered '-arly nezt year ~~!,!~11 ~:~ a h'.gher ce1·1m· g to s'·p people ""'' 1.t• 1.u s1ock 1.n '·'° 1 1 . c.,,... E 1>11.n N d w )""'me 10.00 10.•1 Nat w,.i , _ _. 1.0. through severa easing com-comw ou .60 "Robert L. Anderson of -ante from turning in their bonds for c-s lld S.11 S,55 "!el Grlh t .M 10.n . ' Comaul Scl • San Clemente has been purchases of other securities Ne•v Facili'ty ~1111,,f.,dfJ.90 =~kl itI: t~:n panies. The leasing comparues €~»~111s 1 Farber ' I"'°"" '1610.67 NV Vffll 11.4 1'.U ·11 [J . t t ... (GnTl'tC( 60 ·appointed manufactur-T GA p bearing higher interesl nvn1 t .M I0.5' N-ran 1s.u 11.30 WI o er eqwpmen ru~1 can E~it 1:90 0 Ost ths ed Sh>Cll '·'° 10 ... N"'"''' 11.36 n .l6 r I . II Can EOl I . ing manager, Scientific In recent mon r emp-wu11 Ae .... 1.51 ncn~'*' .•1 •.it certificates or sa e 1n Wa canEdis 'J 6 · h bee t th f\!auchly·Wood SYS t em S with CO 1.70 l:ll ~ 1.71 I.OU c Edi ot 5 ·Instruments Division j t1ons ave n grea er an """'"' 1s.!lsu. 100 o 1•.111•.1s street to cover about 70 per· c:E !ici.6s B k l ' Edward L Farber of I I Ju e for example Corp Newport Beach, has _, •-•~ '· 01 Fd •.6J IG.5tl c Faoo 1 ec man nstruments · . . saes. n n • • ·• omD Bd t.J010.11n..., wms 16.41 1,,, cent of the price of thc c~"'d p1:50 . Inc. "e fo-erly 1,.0 ,· Newport Beach has . J01ne, d accordin~ to the Treasury, opened new facilities in °""' Fd 10.01: 10.9' o·Nrll 1!.41 u.:n ron~relQM , u "" Ge ""'''k s.tJ 5.n 01><>t"" 1.111 1.•1 aircraft. co~NftlG 1.11 \,1·ce pr-i·denl Of manu-neral. Au tom alto n s $483 mi lion in bonds was Fullerton. onc..-d 1s:ll 'J·M P..,n s" 1.1• 1.1• ron~Pwr 1 90 <> k t ·• j d OlllGI I" l1 l .IS Pft Mui 9 ~l I.~, (Ol'Pw pU SO fact · f th B mar e 1ng team as pruuuc redeemed and sales amounte ..,,, uin •.ts 9.JO Pttll• 15 1416.!il' C co~Pw .,,. ,, ur1ng or e org · illi The announcement was on•~'" lQ.1110.11 .. ll9•lm ~:•110.)l ELKHART, Ind. (UPI)-.con1Ai•t. .54 · w e C r , C nlanager of the hrm's System to only $383 m on. O<D d u.2J l6.7J Piiot 1.1• 1.11 . . c..,,1 c•" l lfl arn r ... 0 P·.5 on-18-30processcontrol systems. A $25 bond presenUy sells made by Donald R. Woods, ~:;'w~~ 1i:=1f:D~1•"'..2: :~·~\~·~ G. Conn, Ltd., a subs1d1ary ofc,•,•,coa" •• n,, trols D1v1s1on 1n Santa Tho newly "e>eloped GA '" wD1111..011 ... p18~~~1..., 12:0113.n P "' "" An ..._.. for $18.75 and can be redeem-president of the company, a va11 M 11.11 A.11 Price 1F1tnc1•· Crowell Collier & :P.tacMillan, ~r'C'p c~8~·U a. System la~" ;., a superv•·sor d r ••• af'"r ••ven ~ars s · · f · •1 inc n.1• n.21 Grwlh ri.:n 1s.:n · c , .. , , -11"".JU .., -e or """' ~ .,... J ~ • subsidiary of c 1ent1 1 c 1 ....... , 11.'3 u.tc1 N E•• •.•1 '" Inc., announced it Is phasing c:iM~~ .10;; level comnuUng system for in· Under the new ratt:, that bond It• Tf !·12 '·" N Hor ,, ni n '° ...., t• 1 th . coni on l.50 ,... Resources Corporation, 1v1c1 SM .11 '·11 Pro Fund 1e:n 10:" out prvuuc ion a e piano cont 011 p1 1 dustrial automation and. con-could be turned ln for $25 after in .... 1.30 Pr""""' • n 5.lS r l' , LEGAL NOTICE ths. Phlladelphia, Pa. nt F i.2t 1·" P11rn1n '·'' 10.111 plant of its Janssen Division st c:::: ~1 .11 "-,, .. ,,,.'""'"'™;--'1-(~ro~f ~a'.i:~~Jl~ca~ti~·o~ns~.------~f~jv~e:.!~""'".'.:'~ao""'d~len~~m~0~0~~--.:..::::::::::::~.::.-----1: ut 16.M !6.M PU1111m F11nch· ·1 f C O Orevl [d ll.1• U.!11 E<Nll 11.15·11.7' Clarksv1 le, Ind., because 0 c::g,!, • i:i: IUPl!ill:IOlll: COUll:T 011 THE Ore~! V 10>,.~ \l.a;I Gfarv t• . .O U.71 d Th t I ·11 c: D I pf STl.TE 01' ULJFORHI• FOii E~':!t'!.HowlO.t ll.71 G'"" 1 1.6~11... poor deman . e pan WI t::C...'un11 ... ~ THE COU,.TY 01' 011: .. NGIE (;rw!ll 13061•17 lnt'Ol"'I l,7S t.in close about Dec 1 r_.tn l.40 "-· A_..MJ ~ ,·11 1·u lnveot 7.-'S 1.1• • • c-. TR 1 NOTICI! OF Nl!l.JtlHO Ot< 'l!TITIOH ~ 11 ~12ll:24 Vllll 1~6511 .l.4 CODPT pll ,U 11'011 "11101 .. Tt: OF WILL ANO 1'011 k 1•.n 16.ot VO'f,I 1.6' t .olt Cepel~nd 1 l'O LETTE•s Tl!ITAMEN1•1tv lblr1! 11st1• ... •~Teet. J.Of 5.51 OAKLAND, Calif. (UPI) -ca.,..11 .... Yib E\1111 oJ L•vr• M••rt S~aw. Dttel'"d _, 13..5t 1,.n 11.-rt 1•.1715.~ K . s···t r . I di CODWl~ll 110 NOTICE IS HEREBY G!VE H Thi! ~ ~ l1:ft 11:~ =1':' 1l:ri 1;:11 u.ais~,'u =t ~rpand. '1nspent ng ~=:r:11,j!.• t lin1 V. D•lliayfllrl h•\ lil!'d ~••fin o I .. 131 f 16 ~r Fwlllh: ~ml on 0 e1p go prt> C:oranttl" .'2 Hiiiian far 11•0l)I!• ol will Ind fOt ~'lr-, t:S:. 10:12 1111 Inv U .67 U.t1 d t• t •ts F t C t•f r:-i.. 10 I...,•»(.• ol L~!1••1 Tn1a,,,1!<1!•"' !o P•tl-11111 Gll'I 11.CI lt,Jl i!°i1 r1·n \16i·n UC IOn 8 I Oil ana, 8 I ., f,,r8dci1 ,<o tiontr. "fef'llCe Ill ..,,h•ch I~""°" f~rttlw ~I In 11:1: U.iiJ c:... St I '.M 1 :76 Sltt.) mill by 500,00() tons 8 ~~;~~n:l.~IO ...,ri,c1>t•11. •no 1nt1 tn• !Im~ •rid 1>ilt• """' ''"' '' -Ill 0,. >> n >> • c, < ., "'n11r1ttt """"" ~ •• bttfl,.., tot .:irld 11'&;1i\'i E'llllt j•1 .:,, year. r,;~~nd, Ottober 11. IHt. •• f :io 1.m., 1,, t~ Ferm 8• jl·...S ll.•S Inv .n I.Cl rroweol l.!llt c:-1niom ol DMoerime~t No l o1 .,,;,i Fed Grltl l ,U lf 15 lee Am 10,)0 11 II.I r.r'"""' (orlt c-•· •• 700 Wt1l Elaf't!!I S•rttt. I" Ill• ~~ s::::.. \l·n \1~ ~ ~ Mlt ~:rt PHILADELPlUA (UPI) I-~"i"2C:1,.;·'?. ci;,:":.s 5::!:~:~ ~-H~··· F~ Trnd is u 21.t1 !Ide 10.01 10... Penn C e n t r a I said ts ru0~"" r,, w. E sT Jn01N. cou""' ci,.,k "1~~01 Pm= 1.A1 ::"1',,,, tt1J\ \k~ diversified holding company t:i:~~p11Zs llL.ATT ..... ,.I!,, 1nou1t All ~.ll ~Ion\• Tf '· 510.M . f alt . 0 r:11m .... 111 Jiit .... c1n1"" Drl"•· ...:om 6.• 7.~1 $mllh e t.11 '·" Will be orm y acU11ated ct. r'11 .... orua ·'! """* "_.,.,. ., vr1 ··'' !" l:J;;'""' '·°' •. n d th h . th rurlls• ....... -., .... ,,,•--,,, Fit vo_ 1o_t11 .DC! w1nv Gt •.oo 1.6' I an at s ares ID e ru~ wr A t ,_. Ftl E!'"' •.71 lD.n ,..,, ,. )fl ISM ·u (<>!'9• H , ?B Ttt: '"" so--f:Si ,,5111; 1.3 '·~ s1Frm GI s.56 1.s. present company w1 rvc1o ... 1.eo •'it.,~ ttr ;.~""":"•;.,..,, O•H• Pile!. ~: N,111 J;JI l· ~'·~ '"s:" l°u~r.JO automatically become stoc:k in cv11ru1M 1·"° ~ "' ;1 ,...., 0c1owr 1. F,\ s1~·0 "'·1 •· 7 ~ tnd •1_..1 '"" the new company on a share-'1-' CIO 7.ts ··•· Fl<tllc 7 l't I.Gii "t1nltN l 1~ '"'· , ,..... I' 11 ~NII •.1 •,. · · scltfl •.•1 ,.10 for-share basis ., • .,. ca ·1 '' 111 Gth 7.11 ·" S!eln ll:oe flh: • "-~ •~ ~ LEGAL NOTICE ' STEREO . SENSATION! The colorful sounll! •f Orange County Music RAD IO KO CM 103.1 FM ... From Fashion Is lan d. Newport Beach ' I ' ncl Gitt S.l'O &.n 911 10.11 :Ml 71 r'!~rl 1"" Of 7 ..,.. .... ,, t_Sol t.11 Cal O. \S ,,ll5.:t1 flaYCoC• 11• Four'a. 11.71 U.11 Slodl U..55 1•.55 1'11.,...,, ,..-• .)1 F ....... llft C.-: S.... IJ1Gt 1.7' I.I lt.f 11AvtnHud '1111 P. -CSI 11nev~1> l"lllflSI t n lil, ga.••et D•vJnP\. 1Joll '"•T lffllV el ! l'!IC1 GI 11.JJ U. • ~ OPI. ptO 7 • " VIII"•! MR Ae 31,o+J,. .,....,... ra' ,,,.: .~ ... ;•.i,;.r1tdt•r 10.u1 . l)elrl't..rP 1.111 ~"'" •.tt10J1f:f::~, \·n . S••m .. ol ~ .. ~A"t~' '..l' .~ .~1.i<:~='°'Gt '1:.l:U U U S ~Mtnis -t'· n A1 Towr MR ~ .. 11 J .11 .,..,.,..It~ ft4 ~:;:sf 11 1:~ Tr111 C111 ~. 3 1.S) .. TN"'""'"" 1' • li:l'J 19 n'lftbOll Olld Dnt!;atr 1.iin1 Ful Ad ti t' Tr1u Ea un.vol .., iflt •"di -r~• l'90rl"lao _, f'lenJt(,:, 1,1b ~!ft tM 'UM!il luclor F(I 111} lt.O -·· ntffto It! A i 1~.)l l .11 ~ (;I ~·71 ~.tt SI~ n.lnl IA llflOffkS.L ""r«a pf~ ll,92U.'2Un!I tlu"112:111ff -"'Ito utr~ ·~~Mid =~i"°i .;' ~ ton1 :·fl1ti;H~ri:.. r:-J;,710 :.f:i,::tp::.~ ,~:····;~~.,,:u:i=~s~1"'.l: .,_ 'S ,,. g~ '·H 1~. -1 ... 1 .... "'' 111 .. lllUt nn1-r ,,4 He't« • t" naom 11. I . I lfly= ..... o.ci.:;i:i Utft :ituot 1){1tl'lft"n ."O """t' -• :. t•u u ''<... I l :'.,,":l,,<'<(!,, ... ~ ~ , " .'ll Ri:il.'"" l·!l ~~b ~ l ~ tfi l+ut ll111 v· en.r t~ d~ ., ~ W Ol&Sll~O: .,,_. 1 1,·~1 \t•l lln ?•7 ·1,3Qt-Dttl1•fCI OI' N~tftlt -· i;: -1'111S MOl.111 llvt : f11 !a"M:, 1 :n :11~.~ .... -.= ..... gi=-.. : ~.,:.::: t ~ ',·"r. VnaS .... /·~ I~ Orferrtd • .,no .. ,,.._ ·~" .. ru~'-lo ..., 'II G"" 11 ) . \fli"Cttlll 1 !,;,\'. ••• I ' ., Ill ........ 1111......., ·'° • fn< .,, • ,v... I 1. •11X1'1 .. .... .,.,..~ ,,... "'"'\ I-• ,,. , ;15 10·.,, ~ lndP' °'1 f\lt.,. l'H. atlni~ "• ti/' llt !')llfnt pf fl .,. c--a '! ,:, 11'.u 1119 .JO .a d~~°.!"d, v,, .,e•~ITl loll ..._ w-t.~ 01...c1 ~b "'° Giii .~ IJ1 MOt't .U lM w ... .-. "9 Y ,_ '11ftt"Cl\rll .JD M: .. """ 11,ti 1'.• WOl1$1 111 I ·'· !!j t-S.lh "' "''L ~-.. :nc: ~If• lo;J ,~ := ::m, M~ 1j:!.4 l .• C1d-C.ii.o. •·-~ 111 .. 1c1o1nd. ""-t-~~ j?g 1~f~ 11.1111.tf l/'I"' ~.... j J· 1f111r1t1u10(tn. ~,-e . r11~t1. ~Wl!Morl p-·"" '11(11'"' n 4.'3Wllll1'tlll 11, l , •1M"1nt1 --Wiii! w1rr111.1t =!'Min .llO /Mlf.11' ,_ .. ,,uWlll(bor t 1 ,.._$Kll'lllH-""'*' bf' well. 116-Ntir\ f'(J 1.1!! "" °"' ''·" 11.7' Wl~!l•kl 1·" f·<M ..... dttl'•ltou'"-wl-WIWI IUUMfActlllr.. 1~ B I: ,::.i~ 1l:fi.ilfl 1 Fd i:fi i:: ::~."':-'=.~CC:--., ~ o3vw York Stocli List llltt Hit 1,..1 Hltfl Lew CllM a. .. -D- :ie.•.-·1 19 -• Jl'lo .. '• 7l • -'• ~·. = .; lll. -• 19'• -• JO . -• il\o =I I 6 • "" '• ,., U 10 -'ft ,, . -. ,, ,, -' 9'1 -' 11'• -,, 16lo .i. I 19•·· -'• 5<1--o -'• "" -Jj 1'' .. --· 16't + 'J 11' • .;. '' 41'• -'• ". . l7''i -1-,, 11 ... -"' 11~ -'• 1!_'• -• ]J ' -'• 21>, -• 3110--'• 11 ·: "f :, ,r, l'o 11 , +I', 11 • + '• 3), -1 • ol.l'• -'• in>~ -'• , ..... -~. 16'< -·, 19 -'• IO>o 191\ -•• ll"'o -•• U •t-'• ·~" .. ,, ?11•-'• ~ + '• " ;i·; -'• l~-. -•• ~~., = :t IC -'• 2:1•1 + '• 7•'> -'' ~., ·"'"' 7t11 ""-'o 53 ,_,, ·~'~ -·, ~~·1 -j . JI,. -'• ~. + ' n • .i. o, 14'o -t--•, ll'• -' 71•1 -• ll'~ -1 ' r1 -" ". .... -'• of'o-'• 1~-. -• 1, • ,j. , • ~1 -1 1i -·~ :n•. -'• '"'• + '. '1'--1 + ., ;~:; :1: ~; 2•'• ~ •• .U·•-'• 26'1 + '• •! -1 l''t -·~ 3~·. -'• 30•• 14-,_,, l?'• -' lt'..o -• 39'• .. )a' .... '. 1''• - '. '" -•, '.Ii''. -': u + ... J]"'I. -J l(U\ -'• u~ • '• 3:!.·-11-. 1-• -. 69" ~ -+ '. 10 '1 ._ I • 31'• -?. 2J"·: 11" -'. 19 -" M'"• + '• 1' • -'• J.I•• .•. 11'1 .. 11 ... -'• ! • .,._ ,, 'n -'• 190, -'• f· ... ! ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ' • • t ' • • • • • ' ' t ' ' ' • ' ' ' : ' ' • ' : ' ' ' ' f ,. ' ,. " ,, " " " ,, u ~I ti u l i u " " " ~! u " " li ,. " " ti " " " " " ,, '" " '" ,, " ,. " ,. • " .. _ --4--·-·---~--·---·----------------------------------------·---------------·--------················ . " Stownbor .196'1 DAILY PILOT Thursday's Closing Prices-Ciomplete · New York Stock Exchange List -., . .::. • -Americrut Stock Exchange Li st .. -· \ • I ,....-_,,......,, .. ..,.."-~--------... --·-+-------------·----·-·-----.~--·-----------------------------------------·..---- • Jf DAILV PILOT .~Reaga~?. -. ' • ~lioto . Lo oks •• • ) ...._ , ~~ • ~. IL.,-.• ~. I fl •}'· Y.: I ':"1;.' ,'l-'!' t .~-o\t~... • • ... "'\. " I ~' . '"\.,. .i1:;:.'r£:i": .!:.'=t• .. '=. tleotJon .campa\tn -primary ma~"*hat it Is -wt'f8.told lob let tha{'lt ·Win not ir,.'~~-flrtathls! Ordinances. HJa' t 1lt •· campus <ftaoraers. -..., helicopter and w~lh r.b e he uy .. aomewhati.ur!NippDy, • .,. ti! eau~. "" ""' ... w. ar general -would be anti· that belongs lo Sacramtnto." fecUve U.x refQrm. Jl'a going did, liut lhe Ugialat4re ln· "He'a not a c l I n g 1 pro-bucksbol and the bayonets.'' by the m1-&azine arUck! • • 11nt ... -~ • mtN&Mhi .. SacrJ:mento." Alioto contends "Sacramen-to have to come dlrectJy rrom validated it. fesslonaJI"," Ole ma"""" says. He al.so Seys as a mayofbe One pr:ob'tl)l he nrier did _,...,loti ... ti 11 .... N wlfl'.I ,•'-""'"" • I • ,.,. I • d __ , .. :_ ......... lo ..,_.. .a. _.._. .. -""*-1 "More and more w e to'' is loo domlNlled by the people Cthrou&h a baUot-''lbe mere· 1act you want to "He's acttog oot oftrund anger ullderstands city prob cnu -have was L·uwug Wm:wa ~.,,....,,. • t1w ,....._ discover that we pass a gun ".monopolistic lobbies:''· propoSiUon) and 1 lh1'k that regi!ter the guns ol the Black and almost a blind batrtd of "it's important to sil.ve ·t~ tun far governor or the U.S. ' · · • regislrllion Jaw ; it's knocked "l thln..k a campaign iss~ thls~an be mllde an issue il),a. ~P,anthers docm't mean that the acad.ernic community. cities, not let them go down Senate. 81 t;EtfR.GB SKELT01' out in Sacrame:nto. We want to can be mounted to the eff.ect Buberifatocial canwailn.' you .want .to take som'ebody 's ''We are ru!nlng a gr,_al the drain or become. huge "I absolutely woutd not SAN FRA?Jc~ (UPI') , _ assess homes at a leS:Str rate that the automobile ~~ ~ Alioto .saya be wOlild support hunllag gun away," Alloti> university and state coll~ black ghettoes with an at-: lftlder any circwnstaoets thlnk J.taytir Joseph L. Alioto now is than skyscrapers, factories, the petroleum-lobby . eun -J .a bitlf~t propoption . wtilch ")'8. •:we ~Qf:!'l.need to lnblb~ syllem -for which we have tempt to get a lily-white Of lbe Senate in ISW, even ii It convinced he can be a 1 he says. disproportloDaW: inlluetsee \OO transferred finrneh'lg of all hunting. fhm$.lng ls probably a spent a heJI of a lot of money periphery." were handed to me." Alioto A·•-h'---an Jw Unruh in a Unlike , Unruh, Alioto sees· the question of 'air pollution," education and wellare to the very good psychological oullet -just curing the problems of Alioto, who had neYer fun says. "I don't like the _.....,,,, 1 hot.els and apartment com· "And I arp saying that the state. for the aggressive tendencies a few radicals who can be for eJective ollice until two legislative process al this time Dem 0 c rat I c gubernatr al plexes; Sacramento won'l let majoiity of ibe Legislature, "no reason for a statewide gun that people·have." ~led against wtth all the years ago, used to have a ma-In my life. ll"s long, It 's primary. But he isn't 10 con-you do that. We th.ink tax aod ·this doesn't mean just registration law," But he Alioto believes Re a g an pollce power that II neressary. jor potilical problem -lack of tedious, it involves com· fKlenl aboot defeating Gov. reform Is necessary; it baa to Republicans either, iJ so strongly advocates permitting po J 1 tie a J J y "is most YOl,1 simply aggravate the statewide name recognition. promises. The executive posi· ·Ronald Reagan. be done in Sacramento. No dominated by the big business cities to enact their own vulnerable" on the handling or situation further wllh thal silly "That's been· taken care of," lions arc more appealing." Thal's why he Is poslponing;1-----:::;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii1iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiii;:-;__ __ _ until January a final, firm decision about whether to seek the governorship in 1970. Aides and supporters, \YhP raised $200,000 lhrouth 1 testimonial dinner I c. s t weekend, free.ly predict he lvill run. ''II gets down lo one basic question. Just one," Alioto says. "Can I beat Gov. Reagan in November~" "Fourteen months ago this fellow (Reagan) couldn't have been elected sheriff of Orange County. ''What brought him back , was the kids -the k.ids on the campuses who demonstrated." ·'RIDING CREST' Now, the mayor continues. Reagan is ''riding a crcsl of popularity. He's the best political television performer in the country, bar none. And he's in the hands of a group of • behavorial scientists \Vho !Ire ~-telling hjm day-by-day what . the people want him to say." But Aliolo knows better than most how one 's po Ii ti ca I fortunes can change OYemight -''politics being as dirty as it is." He is frank to admit that a Look magazine article which alleged he is linked with ~1afi.:'J leaders may have "killed oft'' his political career. On the other hand, he says, "it could be the greatest boomerang in Jhe history of the world." · "\Ve got two break.'! . • "The governor's offict.'' he says, "was stupid enough - sneaky, unmanly and stupid , but mostly stupid -to furnish newspapers with copies of the article before ils official publication date. 'This enabled him lo go on the offensive and file a $12.5 million Jibel suit even before the story hit the magazine racks. Secondly, the story was printed this month; .not held until tbe middle of an -election year. JUDGMENT Qut to survive politically, Alioto belleves, he still must win a court judgment. He vows not to rest until "every lie, every s I and e ro u s in- nuendo" is disproved. The 53-year-old naliYe San Franciscan , a mulli· millionaire attorney whose father was an emigrant Sicilian fisherman, talked can· didly of the magazine article , his political plans and his philosophy during an intervie'"' In I h e study of his llalian- styled mansion. "I ha\'e made the judgment right now,'' the mayor says, "that I don 't see anybody on the scene" who has the edge on him in a primary race. He regards Unruh, also an unof- ficial candidate. as his only seriou:; opponent. Alioto concedes Unruh has the support or "political pro- fessionals," mainly legislators. But Alioto claims the backing of working men, teachers, students and minorities. "I'll take my chances with anybody against the blacks,'' he says, \Vhen r eminded Unruh generally is regarded as the more lil)eral of the two. "My role in civil rights isn't a recent one." The basic theme of an Alioto Four at OCC Get Oil Unit Awa1·d Four Orange Coast College aludents are the recipients of the first scholarships awarded by the Petroleum Production Pioneers of Long Beach. The organiiation is a non- profit group ronned to further professionalism \\'ilhin t h e petroleum industry. Receiving award s were Aodre Edney of San Clemente, Rex Alexander of SanLa Ana, 11ike Nessary of Costa ti1esa, and Wayne Maricle of Cost.a Mesa. Two of the awards \.l"l!rt fOI' 1100 each and t'A·o for $50 ta ch. # 'Ibe students were picked on the basis of SC()fe on their UnaJ freshman examination. George Guthrie, instructor In petroleum technology 111 OCX:::, said that job demand for hi1 graduates bas been in· crtaslly rapk!ly\ ''Tht job demtinds art just trtmtndous. '' Guthrie: said, "and our graduates have been trlrtmtly • successful. ()p- QOrtuoiUes In thil lldd arc unUmlted.." WE CALL .IT IT'S STILL CUSTOM MOUNT FIRESCREEN 1288 Now. you ecm hen• tJw Illa you. nMd. •lloctly. up to tO'' -with. ND .a... wUJi, Wack ...... mca1,1a.I alldt. alrtaira dnnn. 9atln blac.ll: frOD.I bar. i 25,000 BTU AGA BEATER LOG r WIS iiJ> JUIUPEB LOG Sl:T AQA- 11 11 BLACK Br BRASS LOG BASKET 299 Ilg capacity". t.llMlrt looll:inisr la black and po\11h.d bra111 tlnl1h. Mab1 a Ilic. addtHo.. to a:nf mom In the hou1• (!NI one wllh a tittlploc-would be Wt!). 19-INCB LOG GRATE &Jc llar con1tnictknL. non.tip ba••· t.pt~d1 the heat =d cdlO"n for good draft to iMd th• , I lltt. lt'• prtoed rlght we .• , cheop. . '"'+ ':j PLASTIC .! SHEETING i ' 299 ., 12"2S-FOOT ROLL Good watM barrier it you·,. doJ...g Ol-1 work ot k>l pntfectiDg cmythl.ag-from ID0!.1Nr1. I DEW, BUT ALUMINUM THRESHOLD RAIN. 10 LBS. ANNUAL RYE Winter lawn teed. especially good fer filling ln erod.91! 1pot1. Tctb1 bold quickly CQld nenr leis go (90Wllh 11.h my wile when th• gel• my pcrycbsck), 121 SEED STARTER Like a ~t to g•I lcrw11s •tcirtsd or to r.no•at• bar• t.poll. )last sprinkle OD Ith IDCl:gil: dult -d 1kmd back ,.,_..._ DORO RUST PREVENTATIVE PAINT Good lot' all meta.I.. ln11d• or 01,11, ln prhner or colon. Eur to UH. prot-.:t now ti.ion the ral.zi saps y<N? good.I••- SENTINEL ANTI-FREEZE ln Ca.Iilonilli:? Why not. pay lets now c:uul I.Mn when yo\I go lo the 1D011ntaill1 or deHft 011. hull lrip1 this winier ro11. won't h\Ut th• car or fOW' ""'11oL MARINE SPAR VARNISH • Do.11'1 ialow too much ahoul lhis one J•I. hilt if fQ\I want to YwnU.h up all yow rnorine• undJOr 11pcu1 (notice th• p~ law tralDlng), g1,1Ht lb.II it th• "'"'· Extnided ahnu.lnum tlue1bold with rinyl Mai. 9 7c 36 blcb for r911laclng lh• 399 ~ GAL. old broke do-wood ODa. ·WW moft tlut boUH look llb it took a bath. · GALVAlflZED ' BEATER BOUSE 1677 LooM. _ . ._ COl'-.cl tM aartr.t Oii th• emaIJut .--1a 1i..-r .. u JOU don"1 hcne a gcrd-. um II tor that dtra t..at.r JOU. bafta'1 toOllD la tU ~ '°'· .~ , ·lilUCEIGOB WUTPISTllPPJIC ' j ' ~ ~ -• -----....,. www 0 • • • s c #ow WWZW ~'"''°'"""""""' ___ ..,_,,.._.., ______ ....................... ,.. ____ .................................................... .., ............. ""' .. ,_,. ................... ii41j91!91~•~jii~ '''""'· StP"'nbor 26, 1969 • -· .. .. DAILY PILOT p . . .. A ·complete Guitle ••• I Wile re ••• .to go . Wllat tlo --to • •• Top Skater Peggy Flenling Seeks Show Business Life Peggj Fleming, Shipst.ads and Johl\SOJ\ le& F1o1Ues' Olympic and thrt!e·tl:me World Champion, is known everywhere for her ballet approach to skailng. And yet -amazingiy enough -she never SerioUllly studied ballet ih all her 20 years. .. I took baTiet for ·a couple or months one time, many years ago, to, study arm movements," Peggy recalled, delving in· to memories from her eacly teens. The ooly olh~ dance training Peggy has had is in the field ol ,modern jau.. "I've bttn 1aklng that the past two years." Today, modern jazz is one or three show business trinities which Peggy is adiv,elf pursuing. The other two are drama and, of course, skating. "'\'ou never expect to gel good enough to quit,lraining," she.smiled, She 6oes expect, however, that turning pro~ional will cut her rigorous pract.lce. ~hedule from a grueling six or seven hours a day to "maybe four or-five." Peggy is making special guest star ap- pearances wilh Shipstads aod Johnson , lee Follies In major U.S. cilies. She is a~ pearing wlth the show al the Forum through October 5. She considers drama lessons one of the nicest parts of her transition from amatetfr skater, intent on winning worldwide competit.ions, to J)l'U'euiooll, equally intent, but th.is time of ~min& a top entertainer. "I just wish I'd takeo drama in school," said Peggy. "I lov.e il"Peggy is the first of Amerida's three femaJe Olym~ pie -champion skaters since 1956 to seriously seek a show·busineas career. Tenley Albright, who won hi 1956, became a-prominent doctor. carol J:leiss, 1960, retired from a brief television career to become a full-time housewife. Now living in Los Angeles, Peggy is skating under the watchful eye of her choreographer. Bob Paul, of Canada. It was Carlos Fassi who gtoomed her for Grenoble. "In the show, t•m doing a Jot of the same things I did in the Olympics,". said Peggy. The petite brunette likes all kinds of music. O\ances are audie'nces will share her enthusiasm just as k>ng as.Ibey get to watch her whirl, jump and glide. Whatever the beat, whin Peggy does ·it, it becomes a floating symphony of move- ment whl~h has a way of hypnotizing au- diences ..• and even competitors who once remained du1.Uully ,breathless until her perf<rma~ was finished, aCrakf that a cough or· movement would break the spell. Peggy discounts tlle buJlding legend which surrOqnds her by 'rteiting her almpte tnotto for SucceM: "I jllllt do my best." Weekend Hig'.hlights r , ' OKTOBERFEST-The kids ar.e back in school, a hinl of autumn cools the air, and it'.s timtifor a two.day party. At least, Ute people at Irvlne Town ·Ce~ter think so._ They've ar'ranged an Ok\oberfes!, ¥ la.MU111ch1 c;~rmanycl for today and Salurday, with a1Jtl!entic festivities-an beer-on tap: • • FILM C.LASSICS-Old movies never die, they just go to the Oi>en End Theater in Ne)l'.p()rt Belich. This week· end's offering is ···steambbat B!ll Jr.1" starring Buster Keaton and replete with misaaventui'es. L.A.'-<:'OUNTY FAIR-Oops, sorry-about !hat' Yes. ii ·will continue through Sunday at the Pomona Fairgrounds; it did not clos.e Wednesday as was preyjously aMOllllced. Features: Rides, games, contests, and entertainment. • • • 1 ...... \ TE!!"l CLUB DANCJ,-Tbe Weslmins1erJlecreaUon. .and P.lr.k• Dtpertmeol'<0ntlnu11 to (Ive-local 'teen• a· break from the hoc/ks with a d.ance . each Satunlay . night. Thia weU's band, ''Dr; ~rit>Ps Medicine Bag;•• offers a sure cure for the backrto-schoOf blues. S" GUiii.iE< TO FUN, P•ge 24 ' -. Doll11wood • , s:;. Jeanne French With Diff ere nee .. By VERNON~ ~ ... ,.. ""'""""" C..-••·~··"' HOLLYWOOD -Hollywood sees French actresses in three categories: -The Sex Kitten: Simone Simone, Brigitte Bardot --Gamln: Leslie Caron, C I a u d i n e Longet Model A Cars On Parade at Knott' s Roundup More lb an 200 Model A's £rom , days gone by are-'!xpected to parlicipate in the seventh annual "Model A Roundup" at Knott's Berry Farm on Saturday, October 18. Families in the costume of the era will proudly display their polished antique auto in a parade at noon through the &treets of Ghost Town. The event .is sponsored each year by Ure Model A Ford Clubs of America. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the parking lot just north of the Cable Car Kitchen. Judgiag of I.he cars will take ,Plact in several classifications, including a division ror each cf lhe 12 differenl body styles made. Model A 's were manufac· lured only in the years between 1928-1&31. Following the parade, awards will be presented in the Covered Wagon Camp at J :00 p.m. and winning cart will go on dlsplay in th'e perking Jot. Knott'• is located in Buena Park (Bead) BoUlevard·) two miles aoutb of the Santa Ana Freeway. Station to Probe Aircraft Noise "Jet Noile," a pr.oblem· currenUy plaguing everyone from "8lrline and aircraft engineers to residenta ·of areas bordering ·Or8llie Coo!lly and Los Angelel! airporls, will be·flit '1lbjecl of a KMPC' (710 Oil llle raili<> diAI) . ..,.. speti&l thi~ Friday:' Satut&y:arid Stmdaf .• (Sept. 26. 1:1 and 28); airiog'eacb eveninc from 5;45 to 6. Newsman Paul Pierce narrates the s~ial, which include!!. his interview• "!''ith representatives of the airlines, airport, sound abatement groups, and citizens who have been forced to "live wllh" the problem. KMPC 's "Jet Noise" also featuru Pierce presenting som.:? of the suggested soluliom for the fulure, and interviewing experts on the pros and cons of what can or might happen. -\\1orldly Jade: Simone Signoret The Sp!X!trum is limited. There are other varieties of French females, one of which is Jeanne Moreau, who j u ~ t :ompleted her first notion picture in Hollywood. She is the Gallic female incarnate - !he one !he dough· boys came back rav- ing about in 1911 and the Gl's slobbered JIAMMI MOREAU over in 1945. Miss Moreau is divorced, beautiful, in~ te\ligent, insouciant and blessed with the ·capacity for kK>king at each man she meets as if he were the only male on .earth. She can also act. Jeanne Moreau has ignored the blan· dishments of Hollywood for 20 years., choosing to worlt and attain fame in Europe before treading the sbifling sands of Sunset and Vine. Why, pray, did she wait two decades to come to movie mecca? "I was finally ready .'~ she said. sitting in the patio of a rented Bel-Air pad which should surely have been called a villa in Cannes. • "The script was good, I had a r~al leading man, a director who was makmg his first picture, plus a tremendous in· terest in coming to Hollywood at last. 1 did not want to come here and carry lhe weight ol a picture all alone."' Becauu her mother was English, Jean-- ne speats WidJout an accct. ''Now I have faDen fn Jove with Southern California. I will return to make more pictures and to spend perhaps as much as siI months a year here." Miss Moreau would like to play op- posite Lee Marvin ooce again. They co. star in "Monte Walsh." "I have worked with the finest actorll in Europe, Peter O'Toole, Belmondo and Mastroianni," said the lady from Paris. "But Marvin ls die greatest of all. "We an alike in that our work is our lives. Evei:y emotion, the people I know, things I have learned all came through acting. It is a way o( life with me. ."When you appear on the screen or in a theater to cl}:., 'Look at me, look at me."~ to'claim the .attention< of lhe audience, you must have something to givi them . "I want to come back to Hollywood because it is the right Ume. A new wave is coming here with young direc~ and writers. It's already happened · in Europe." · She named "Easy Rider," "Midnight C.Owboy" and "The Wild Bunch" as·eJ:· amples of the new Hollywood product. "I want to be a part of. it all," Jeanne concluded. ''I have worked for the best directors in Europe. Now I wat1t lo wwk kw the ones with the new ideas bere." INTER1'11SSION . . .•. "Football'• on tire Right, Fell.al''-~ Three-year.old Randy Gage of Santa Ana hol~s the ball, but it seems·' he can't bear to watch whether the kicker makes the conversion in a 1 · friendly football game for toddlers onJy. It could be, however, that: he is just keeping t.be sun out of his eyes. ,. SF Ballet Brings Classic, Contemporary to OCC .. .•. .. Classical to COf'ltemporary -''Pas de Trois'' to "Three Movements for the Short Haired" -will make up the pro· gram Saturday night when the San Fran· cisco Ballet performs at Or<ingc Coast CoUege. The balret will present a lecture- demonstration at CX:::C Friday at 8 p.m. the OCC Auditorium, followed by a full performance Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Ticket.5 are $1.50 on a non-reserved basis for the lecture-demonstration, and $3 on a -· reserved basis for the performance. The program, featuring the top soloiJ?~· · of the ballet, will open with "Three Movements for the Short Ha.ired,' writtlp: hy .fl>hn Lf'wis of the ModE:rn Jan Qur~ Feature-I in the n1 nnb~r 1rill be soloists Leo Ahonen. John Houy, Carlos Carvajal, Laurence Matthews, Roderick Dfe'!"i ___ ..:S..=..Pboto, Page !4 Sandra Adamson , Lynda Meyer, Joannjl · DiGiovanna, Lea Rudnick and Christiae Bennelt. Th.is will be foJlowed by "Shapes Of Eveni ng," based upon music by Debu~ Soloists will be Jocelyn Vollmar, Virginia Jl)hnson, Lynda Meyer, Roderick Drewt John Houy and Laurence fl.fatthews. ·~ Following the Leader ''Mobiles,'' wilh music by Khachaturian, will feature Roderletc Drew, Cynthia Quick and Krbta Scholle>, "Pas de Trois" by Auber will feattitl;, • Leo Ahonen, Virginia Johnson aod ~a-.· Adamson. ..:. The finat numbel will be ••'l'hrff Diversions," based upbn music l5t · Shoetakovich, featuring the entire com.. pany. • :·: Here we go again, nound the theatrical mulberry bush with orange County's community playhouses which apparenUy believe that nothing aucceeds like somebody else's success. Looking back over the last five years of local stage activity, one might deem the reservoir of theatrical material a Vtt"'J shallow one. Each season brings us a handful of plays produced two, three or ,even four times. Back in 1985, "A Thousand Clowns" made the rounds from Laguna to Hun. tington Beach to Tu!tfn. In 1968, "Never Too Late'' popped up al San Clemente, Westminster, Garden Grove and Laguna. Neil Simon's "Barefoot in the Park" has 11een action Jn Laguna, Santa Ana, San Clemenle and Huntington ~ch, while his "Odd Couple" has filled houses in San Clemente, Laguna, Santa Ana, Fullerton and, soon, Westminster. GOOD PLAYS ALL, but no! all the good plays to be !ound. The drama catalogl!U .,. brimmina wllll polenllal crowd plwers which have yel &o-eee the Jlg!i1 o! day ln ·Orange County. When some of the ·o1d alandbys, after a mpecUul absenct !rom tbe proJCtQlum, aurtac:e on a local community theater stage, chances are that .• n o l h e r pll)'houte will follow with a revival or ita own. 1bla occurred •Ub oldlea lille "Tuo j1 ' Dark at the Top of tM Stain" (5an Clemente and Costa Mesa), "Come Back, "Llttte Sheba" (COsta Mesa • !l d Westminster) and "Night cf January 16th" (Westminster and Rancho Com· munity), More justifiable, though equally cegret· table, ii tbe case of the newly released hit grabbed by two theaters at once and produced one after another during the aame season. Thls was true with "l.uv" (Orange and Laguna), "Generation" (Rancho and Costa Mesa), "Absence of a c.tlo" (Laguna aod Santa Ana) and "Miry, Mary" (Udo and Laguna). THE LATEST ONE-TWO pun<:h In !he local community ranks is ' • P o o I s Paradise," the English rarce now being staged at the Hwitington B e a c h Playhouse. '!be weekend alter its O)Jell· ing, the Lido Isle PiJ!yer1 llllllOlll1ced aUdltions for the aame .lbow, \o be praented la November. It. might aeem that such dupllc1Uon .~leave Jla mari OIL.the Im.office ot the copycat theater, but such apparently h not the case. nie "traveUng audience" compriaea • IDUlll percentage of com. munlty bowel, and 1 great many 1'l0f.al" thl.atergoen have neVer visil(d their nt!ibboring playb<iuoe•. Bobbit MllrJlh1, oecr.W, GI the Hun- lington Beach Playhouse, probably amn- med it up ~ after "Barefoot in the Park" (the COtmty's fourth amateur . version} eclipsed all atlendance records. "Our people come to see our plays,'' sbe says. "They don't care about any other theaters." SO IT WOULD seem. but with all the atageworthy plays in the catalogues lo ch006e from, one would hope that the local playhouses, in planning the.Ir sea90ns, might give a thought to tbt ·question, "When was It done laJtt" or. better yet, "Has it e"Yer' been done 1n Orange Oounly?'' Not all local theaters are deficlenL In this regard. Macy Eastman•a late and lamented . Orange Studio Theater never suffered rrom m~too!am durinf'ibi brieC but brilliant tenure. 'lbls season's Hun· tington Beach Playhouse ·agenda fa four· for·four 1n the new material dep1rtment. Laguna, orlen • (ollower, la definitely .• leader this year with DD I• than 'nine county and West Coaat premlert• In Ill combined amateur ~ 1ftd. professiObal &e8SOD. Hm'• hoping !he olher community groups pick up thie hint and ttrlve to in- ject a little freshnetlf into 'their bRt or fart.. It's a nice reeling to be able to lit In. a lhetler and wood!< how 111• play Is IDJni to COIDI OU~ Tickets for the performe.nces are -' sale through Frid!IY in the ~ AudlOOrium bo~ office from 11 1.m;.. l p.m., 2-4 p.m. and M: itm. ....... .. .. . . . WEEKENDER 1 • • • INSIDE FEATIJBES ~ , . ., Th• Laguna-Moulton PJav-; homt, which opens U,, nN ... · hoPM tttxt week with per/°""' ' ance1 of .. , Never Sano for Mu • Fathu," show• what communltf : drive, inittative and lt'ppo1't am : do -""'" in 43: smalt aeu. Ste · 1tory, photo .;, 'l>aii• 24. • : la the G1llmu Glllde to Fun Llve Tllukr Travel "Ob, CaJartta '' Oii 'N' Abool 11Radrl1n" Crossword Sweetwater Gulde to Movies Comics TV Vlew1 Telt\l'l&lon Loi Page it · Pqe t•' hpU '. p ....... , P ... 11 .. P-IS,1'' P ... 17; Page 11 ·· i. p .... . p ... . p .... .. !'M• !t Plge II .' ... '., I . ~ .. I , ~: , ly iTAN DELAPLANE ·~~ KAILUA , flAWATl -This is a 'varm •. q~liet .:. Hawaiian town. Enough resort hotels to keep 1t hve· ':" ty. Small enough to be relaxing. Now I saw .several .. , attractive places in tbe $16 class ~VITH k1t~hens. · And if you're traveling with a fanuly, the kitchen .:. and peanut butter sandwich lunches keep away . those staggering costs. ... * '', .. how to find a house or •P41rtment in H•wail ' for a family of fi ve at Ch ristmas?'' ... \Yrite Hawaii Visi tors Bureau, Honolulu fo.r ..: their Hawaii Hotel Guide (free). Places are rated · ·•-standard to deluxe. Tells prices, whether it has a ·'kitchen, swimming pool. . · Finding a house is harder. Vacation rentals are · · listed in the classified ads of the Honolulu papers. · • (A month's subscription by mail is a good invest· ment.) Each island has a local paper, and I've seen a few ads in those. The good Honolulu beach houses rent at whack· • . In~ bi~ prices-$1000 ~o $1500 a month. But on the outer islands I saw a fe\v at $250 and $300. . . * .... "We need some small presents fo r a friend in -~ . di " · .. · England (rec1ntly marrt• .•. : · When friends vii.it me from overseas .J find they · • go \Vild for our super drug stores with all the house- . ·: hold j!adgets. A good main shopping catalop; is free from Sunse t Hou se. 137 Sunset Bldg., Beverly Hills, ·:·California 90213. Lots of $1 to $3 items. * For expensive house gadeets. get a catalog from . Hammacher Schlemmer, 145 East 57th St., Ne'v . ,, York City. Don't get electrical things unle5s you , . know it will work on their current. And don't send . ·,-by mail. Friends overseas tell me they often pay more duly than the gift coi;t. . * -"W• are 21-vear.old students and o"r fa milies will send us to Europe n•xt year. We want to go by · · bike in a couple of countries. Which 0'1es? And stay in hostels.'' Ireland and England are the great biking coun· triei. You can rent them-$3.78 a 'veek. Include.it insurance. Instead of hostels~ have you thought of farm houses? The Irish TourJst Boa.rd will send you •• information on the bikes and their list of farm· ·<houses. Write them at 590 Fifth Avenue. Ne'w York •.• City. Do the same thing with &ritish Travel, 680 Filth Avenue, New York City. .. * -"You wrote once about int,pensive living· tr•v•ll ng in EU rope ... '' A cruiser on the Thames cost me $150 a week. Living for a family of five \Vas $48. Gregan's Castl e Hotel on Galway Bay is a lovely country place. You get room and meals for two for Sl4 a day. The Es· talagem Belvedere in seaside Estoril outside Lisbo n has beautiful rooms with .a deck-$12 a day for two with meals and wine. * In summer season. a thatcied cottage (bu t a modern kitchen) in Ireland costs S76 a 'veek. Beef is half what you pay at home. Milk is six cents a quart. Irish soda bread-is 12 cents a loaf. * You c•n luck out in the Greek islands for cheap living. Spain is good if you get out of the big citie~. (The food is passable. but you get 'veil on the prices.) Madeira is 'varm and cheap. * -· "What about renting a hous• in M•xico?" '·· BeUer go do\vn and look before you rent. The . mailed brochure 1nay say four bedrooms but you find three have no beds. The agent "·as surprised when I protested . "But you only sl ~ep in one, :Senor," he said. .. * Advantage or house or apartm~nt in foreign countries: It's much cheaper '''ilh a family. You •. get with the coun·try better -shopping, renting TV. · ·neighbors. Only th ing that \vent \\"rong for me \Vas · in London. 'the agent seized my deposit of $300 and decided to have the house renovated. Claimed absurd · cleal}~g bill!i. The cost of battllog it was more than :_the $3()0. Sa r was stuck. ("May I meet him with . one tooth in h1s head and it aching," said me grand· mother O'Dool~yplane.) l ·-* "Wher• do you find the friendliest people ?" In Greece. In Ha1vaii. In Fiji. ln Australia. * "Can I llv• averseas on en income of $200 • month?" ln the cheap places I've mentioned. Better than In the U.S. but not luxuriously. . . . 1'1~ OAll.Y ,II.OT :ft.rt Pi.t. ·r,;·s!ASON OP ENER-Director John Ferzacca (with ~) rehearses bis three princlJNlls in a scene !ro1;n. .-.1·1 Never Sang for My Father,'' which opens the ~un•Moulton Playbowe Tuesday. From left are ~-&6 Wenlz, Harriet Brazler McConnell and Robert : . F. Stevenson. 1' • . .. ' ' . . . . .. ~ . ... . . . . . .. GVIDE 'J'O FVN .. Irvine Plans . l • . 0 ktc;>herfest "SEPT. Ml • OKTOBERFUT -M6dtltd on Mw1lch'a fill btu f..Uva!. the "Oktoberfest'" will be held at Irvine Town Center'1 SprJtzgart.en on the UCI campw1, Fri., Sept. 26 and Sat .• Sept. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 1 p.m. on .both days. Admislion is free, and beer will be ten cenU a 1lass. IO cents a pilcher. A German band, pretzeb and a sin&·•lOng wlll tdd to the merriment. SEPT. 1~11 AU...INDIAN RODEO -Talbert Avenue and Goldenwesl Street. Huntington Beach. The AlJ..Indlan Rodeo, sponsored jointly by 1he Or1111e COUDty Incllon APO<la!Jon and Ill• HUnUqton Buch Jaycees, will provide !P«!-'tors. wlth ~ chance to 1eam mete about the American Indian, bis tradi· u .... and aJdl!J. SEPT. if.II L.A. COVNTY FAIR -The 4lnd Loa AnJeles County Fair wlll conUn11e at the Falrarounds tn Pomona throuih Sund•f• sept. 28. Activities incl\Mle tJ.bjbjta of all types. hone rlC• lna', art shf)WS1 garden shows and grandstand entutainmtnt. SEPr. U -OCT. II CLASSIC FIU-1S -The Optn End Theater, 1815 Villa Way, Newport Beach is pruenting a series of classic film& Fri . and Sat. at I p.m. with a late ahowing on Sat. at 11 p.m. Tkketa are $2.50 single adrnis.sion or $Z each for ser,lt1 of four. Phone 67S.1110. Sept. 25-27 "Steamboat Bill Jr., star· ring Buster Keaton. Extra on late Sat. show. ,:'The Falco~ A View f r...... the Wings Slrlk" Back" starring Tom Conway : Oot. 3-1 Duck Soup v••., -.Jtarrint the Marx Brothers; Oct. lG-11 "Way OUt W•l" Here's what members of the San Francisco Ballet at the full company this weekend at OCC . See story · atarrlns Laurel and Hardy . troupe see night after night on tour and on their on preceding page. PADUA HD.J.S PLAYS~et;;~~~· ~fns Theatre is preaenl· _:h::o.::m.::•:...:•.::la:.'g~•::.· ..:O:.r..:•:::n:eg..:e_C:.oa=s::.t..:r..:es..:1:.· d:.•.::n.:.ls:_w..:il=l..:g!Ce:.:l..:a_loo_k______________________ "Ing "Panorama Mexicano,.. with authentic Metican folk danet.S and son111 Oct. & through Nov. 15, Wed. throu1h Sat. at 8:30 p.m. with matinees al 2:30 p.m. ~ec:I-and Sat. Adjoining the 300-aeat air-conditioned thea~er 11 ~e. Ptdua dlnln1 room where the players entert11n durmt. lunch &nd dinner . lifu.ican and American food is served daily,~· cept Mon. Padua HH,ls is located on Padua Ave .• thret au1es north of Foothill BIVd. in Claremont. Phont l.n&-1281. Bowe~s Showing Mud Clots CHARLES 80\VERS ~fUSEillf -2002 N. l\1ain St.. Sanla Ana. Hours: Tues. through Sat.. JO a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Sun. l to 5 p.m.; \Ved . and Thurs. evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. No admission charge. Series or \\'ater colors by Elsie Lee Ritter or Newport Beach Salt Works; collection of sandstoot: concre- tions and mud clots. del .!\far, On cii:hibit through Sept., oil, acrylic and water color painUngs by Agnes Matthias, and a display of sea shells by Rulh Hobart, during regular library hours. SEPT. 11 TEEN CLUB DA NCE -The Westminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Tetn Club Dance in the_ com~ mwtlty Cen ter, 8200 Westminster Ave .• (for Westr:runater teens) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midni a:ht. AdrrU1s1on, $1. ror members, $1.50 for non-members. "Dr. Tripps 1t1edicine Bas" wlll play for danci na Sept. 27. SO. CALIF. FlRST NAT'L BANK -171%2 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. On exhibit during regular businesa hours, through Oct. 17, paintings by Aldin!! SutUes. IRVINE INFORMATION CENTER -Santa Ana Fret:· way at Myford Road. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days per week. Photographs taken by children ages five to eight, wi~ nt:rs of a contest for 50 youngsters 1n the Irvine area. On exhibit lhrough Se pt. 30. U.S. NATIONAL BANK -Fifth st . and Olive Ave., Hunt· ington Beach. On exhibit, duriog regular bu&lness hours through Sept., seascapes by Bertha Everitt. SEPT. 27-0CT. I DODGER BASEBAU. -Dodger Stadium, 1750 St.adium Way, LOI Angeles. Day games :rt.art at I p.m.; Night 1ame1 at 8 p.m. and Twi-night double headers at I p.m. Dodaers \Ill. Giants, 37·21 (D); Astros, 30 (N). Oct. 1·2 IN). COFFEE GARDEN CALLERY-2625 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. ~lours : 11 a.m. to 3:3{) p.m. Mon. through Saturday. On exhibit through Oct., assemblages by Carl lier lei; oil paintings by Susan Hertel. WE.WERN ART GALLERY -At tht: Saddl eba ck Inn, 1660 E. First St., Santa Ana. Hours: 11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 11.fon.; 11 :30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tues. through Fri.; 3 to 11 p.m. Sat. and 5 to 9 p.m. Su n. On exhibit St:pl. 30 throu&h the month of Oct., rt:trospective exhibit of Western artist Clyde (Vic) Forsythe. SEPT. 17-llCT. II SADDLEBACK COLLEGE -All home games at "1i!sion Vie- jo High School, 25025 Chrisanta Drive, "1ission Vlt:jo ; a.U i1mf!S at a p.m.; Sept. 27 VS. Grossmont Collegf!. at home; Oct. 4 vs. Chaffey Collegt:, at home : Oct. 11 at Collt:ge of the Desert, Palm Desert ; Oct. II vs. Victor Valley at home. CHAU.IS GALLERY -1390 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. flours: II a.m. lo 5 p.m. daily. On exhibit through Se.pt., paintings by Mark Coorrier in oil and encaustic media. LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 CUff Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission $!. ~1embers and one guest free. Hours: noon to 5 p.m. On exhibit through Oct. 26, annual member- ship show .• MARINER 'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit, through Sept. in the Jr. Ebell Exhibit during regular library hours. prints of Leah Vasquei. 7t1ESA VERDE lJBRARY-2969 Mesa Verde Drive East. LA Stage Will Bare 'Oh, Calcutta' Soon SEPT. 11-0CT. 15 GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE FOOTBALL -All home games at CX:C Lf:Ba.rd Stadlum. off Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, Costa Mesa; all cames at a p.m.: Sept. 27 at "1ount San An· tonJo, Walnut (near Pomona ); Oct. 4 al Santa Ana; Oct. 11 at Santi Barbar•; Oct. 25 at East L.A. Costa Mesa. Currently on exhibit during regular library hours. through Sept.. oiJ· paintings by Pat Ingram. COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St., Cost• Mesa. On cxhibii during regular library hours, through Sept. the acrylic and oil paintings of f\1arce.lla Stanley. C.~f. AUT LEAGUE -513 Center St .. Costa Mesa. !·lours ~ Sal. and Sun. I lo 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit of art \vork i11 various media by Art League members. No admis· sion charge . COSTA l\1ESA COUNTRY CLUB -1701 Goll Course Dril·e, Costa l\1esa. On exhibit on second floor of club through Sept.. oil pa intings by Jane Huffman. GLENDALE FEDERAL GALLERY -1833 Newport Blvd . Costa ~1esa. On exhibi t through Sept during regular business hours. oil paintings by Mildred Snidow. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular business hours, through Sept., the oil paintings of William Scott. CIVIC CENTER CALLERY -3300 West Newport Blvd ., Newpo rt B:each. !{ours : 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. "1on.-Fri. On exhibit through Oct.. stitchery by· Peninsula Stitchery Guild. 'NEWPORT NATIONAL BAN:({ -1090 Baysid~ Drive. Newport Beach. Cur'rently on exhibit through· Oct ... lfuring regular business hours. y,•ater colors by 1\line Thistlethwaite. SECURITY PACJ'FJC NATIONAL BANK -20Z Main St.. Huntington Beach. On exhibit, during regular business hours, through Sept., acrylic paintings by Ferne Williams . NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM -400 Main St., 'J Balboa. Jlours: Wed. through Sun. J-5 p.m.: Mon. 6-9 p.m. On exhibit through Sept. 28. "The Frozen Fountain : Nine- teenth Century Academic Painting." A group or 30 European, paintings executed during the last hall of the 19th century, loaned from the M. H, De Young .l\1emorial 1t1useum , San .f"ranci~co. No admission charge. CORONA DEL J\IAR LIBRARY -420 lvfarigold, Corona Lag una Takes Wraps Off New Playhouse Lou Shaw will present the Hillard Elkins production of "Oh! Calcutta!," New York's controversial musical hit, at the Fairfax Theater in Los Angeles, with an opening scheduled for Nov. 25. The Fairfu. preGt:ntly a movie house . will become a legitimate _theatre for the engagement. The Ni!w York production. presented by Elkins i n assoclaUon with M I c h a e I White, Gordon Crowe and George Platt, was devised by British drama critic Kenneth Tynin. The Los Angeles com· pany is expected lo· be directed by MJchael Thoma, who st:rved as production supet'\'isor for the New York Live Theater "We Bombed in Ne w Haven" A scathing ariUwar saUre by .Tosep h Heller, author of "Catch-22," oq stage at South toast Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd ., Costa Me sa, Fri. through Sun. closing Sept. 27. Rescrvations--646-1363. "Pool's Paradi:Jt" It's only a pleasant 10· minute walk from 319 Oct:an Ave. to 606 Laguna Canyon Rnad in Laguna Beach, but the distance in toil and energy is measured in term~ of ye<1rs. .\n English farce on stage at the Hunting to n Beach Playhouse, 2110 !\lain St.. Hun- tington Beach Fri. and Sat. effort. It all began with a through Oct. 4. Reserva- $100,000 donation from Mrs. lions--53H861. On Tuesday ni,qht t h e journey will be completed with the grand opening of the new Laauna-Moultoo Playhoust:, .a gleaming mon ume nt to arlistlc determination a n d community support in a city where theater has held a rev ered position for nearly a haU century. Within the Ivory-colored, pueblo-thaPed w2lls of !his handsome new edifice is Orange County's largest stag- ing 1rea. Its 16,000 sqOare feet center:s on an impressive arena measuring more than 100 feet from one prG1Ccnium lo the other, and of its 3SO upholstered seats none offers 11 dis&dvanlaged view of the perfonnan«. Th.e Lagun a-Moulton Playhouse, I on g di8CUS&ed while the Laguna Community Pl11yers werl! finishing out I.heir first 4S ytars In their old building, is the re~ult of 11 massive ((or a C'ily of sli1ht ly IJlOt'l. thap 10,000) fund·ralslng I Lewis Moulton. for wbom tilt! ''Good byt: Charlie" newplayho~ is named. Comedy of playboy rein-· Several years and more than carnated as a gal, on stage at S.W0.000 late r. lhe playhouse is the Costa "1esa Ci v I c 8 reality, and Tuesday's open-Playhouse. Orange County ing of its first production -· Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, the W~t Coast premiere of '11 COsla f\.1esa. Fri. and Sat. Never Sang for My Fatht:r" -through Oct. 4. Reservations is the culmination of many tf· -834-5303. forts . "rt1ary Staart Two or those v.•ho helped llistorical drama. on stage pave the way for the new al Santa Ana High· School's thea~er -design consultaDt Little Theater, 520 W. Walnut Frederic Mt'Connell 1 n d St., Sani.. Ana, Fri. and Sat. playhouse treaaurer B i 11 through Oct. 4. Reservations-- Salyer -dJd not li\le to sl'!f!. 543-7147. the materlalizaUoo of their "Lullaby" dream. However, 1'1c:Connell 's \\'idow, Harriet, v.•IJI be taking an active part in the opening, playing a major role in lhe play. The proudest faces in the aodttorlum Tuesday n i g h l will be I on 8 to John Fer· zacca , playhouse a r l I s t I c director who is staging the first show: lnna Not&lger. general manaaer of t h e playhouse, and G e off re y Rik.tr, president of the playhou8e boerd, to ''hom the new playhouse has been a i;peciaJ, project. Comedy or truck driver mama·s hoy who vteds choru1 girl on stage at San Clemente Coinmunity Theater. 2 O 2 Avenlda Ca brillo , San Clement e, Thurs. through Sat. Sept. 2G to OC't . 11. Reserva- Uons -491-0065. "J Never Sans For My Fatbtr'' Or1me or family 's lack of communication, on stage at Lquna • Moulton Playhouse, 60I Laguna Canyon Road, t.aaun• Bctch, Tues. throu1h Sol. Sep!. 30 through Oct. JI. Reservations -49t-8061. I f • ------ production. The latter was conceived and dlre9ted by Jacques Levy. Margo Sa ppington, " h n created th e origi nal choreography and also ap- pt:ared in the Ne\v York pro- ductio~. 1vlll perform almilar chores here and will appear in the $how for the first two weeks. Shaw, veteran writer and producer ht:re of the highly successful "ti.tacBird," which enjoyed a run of almost a yur at the Gallery Theater, bas budgeted the new show at 1150.000. The production, which will Include tt:n actors and iour musi c ians, will becin rehearsals Oct. 15, with a week of previews begiMin1 Nov. 18. C.asUng will be gin locally and in New York on Sept. 30. Contributors to "Oh! Ca:lcut,.. ta !" are Samuel Beckett, Jules Ftiffer, Dan Greenburg, John Lennon. Jac~ues Levy, Leonard Melli, David Newman and Robert Benton, Sam Shepard, Clovis Troullle, Ken· neth Tynan ind Sherman Yellen. Music and lyrics are by The Open Window. SEPT. U ART FF.SnV AL -Al the Fidt:lity Savings and Loan Plaia., AUantic and Ocean Boulevards, Long Beach , Sunday, Sept. 2S from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: $1, adults; 50 centa, students; c.hildrtn under 12 frff. Sponsored by Lon a: Beach Cabrillo chapter of AIA, the fundraist:r features works by artists and craftsmen of San Juan Capi!trano and Laguna Beach, a.a well as from other cities. Demonstrations Md an art workshop for youngsters will be. included. OCT. I-I ARTS, CRAFTS -The annual Autumn Aru and Crafts re,.. tival will be held from JO a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri. Oct. 3 and Sat. Oct. 4 1t Bayside Center, Jamboree Road at Bayside Orive, Newport ~acll. Open fret to the public, ti.e show will fea· ture works of local artist. and craftsmen. OCT. 3-11 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Home games at LeSard Stadium, otf Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Road, COit.a Mesa; Ill 1amea at I p.m.; Oct. 3 \'S. LA Harbor at home: Oct. 11 at Fullerton Junlor College; Oct. II va. Santa Ana at home. OCT. 4-S RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW -The Westtrn Recre- ational Vehicle Exposition will be held at the Oranie County Fairgrounds, 18 Fair Drive, Cosla Meta, Oct. f.5. Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, the show features tht latut models of travel trailers, mot.or homes. camping trailers and truck campers. Admiss.ion: Adult!, $1.50; children under 12, 50 cen~. OCT. f.11 WESTl\DNSTER FOUNDERS' CELEBRATION -This city festival will be held Oct. 9 to 11 and will include a parade, four-day carnival, fun and food booth! by civic croups. a barbecue dinner and a pancake breakfast to mark the city's 99th anniversary, Site ot the Festival is Beach Blvd. and 13th St .. Weitmln&ter. Call Chamber of CGmmerce, t97-2113, tor more information. "FR·EE LOADERS" GET ME DOWN! W1 •ti liYf i11 , r•11r1 1r11, •114 Yi1iler1 u.-, l e t•'"• le "i1il •II ef u1. They 1J1p1el 1t11k1, hers J 'ef U"ff l, bee11, 1#14 we he\01 t• f11t ..,, .. ill. fTh•v 1lw•y1 bri11t the 'elrli1t lll i1t'I. !tut wh111 yeu \iri llt fht m i11!1 lllt 1llfl fe.t l l llr 1t1t11t1 jtft411CI it-1, WI 1Jw1y1 "t i¥1 ffle 1Jl1c .. t1 tf,1 911,11." S1, ttl ••t ll wit+i th• "free le1J1rt" 111111 we'll ·,,,,,111 th t l'l'I with tht ch11:k. Me•11whil1, if yeu w1nl le "feel the !till", 11•1 with thttl ceup1111. SAYI WITH TMDI MONIY SATIN• COUPONll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Nlw CROP CALI,, • OUR PINllT • Ntw Cr..,.C•IH. • • DRY • ICEBERG • JONATHAN • : ONIONS • LmUCE • '.APPLES : : s LIS. 1 s' : 1 er ~::: : 1 O' LI. : LIMIT S Lii. • LIMIT I • LIMIT I Lii. • WITH THIS COUPON • WITH TH ~a· COU'O".' • WITH THIS COUPON : r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPOMl IXl'l•I Octo•ll ltt Y1ur llli11111r h11 le .. , "eut ef tlrii1 ••rW" et tlit11 f;111 r11ta,r111h. lhty ltuy tlie fi H •I ,,,. e1111 "''""' c111 .. uy. They we11't 11ttl1 fi t 111'ffftlitt 1111 .They 41M1""' 1111 IM1t. Try ft.111'1 1114 y111'U 11el TACO TIO -2 fl111 lt 11fleR1 -·S•M• Au a Lt Mlt1 .. 1, THI TOPPIR -J S't111t1' A~•. 'f'llllH•S -C11!1 M111, YILLA NOYA -Ht w1t1tt. ..OR.ANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE 0/IGANIZATION" PHONI 671-1711 NEWPORT PRODUCE PHONI 671 .. 711 ''32 Year1 of Product Kncno HOtlJn "lVht1r1 QuoUry Ts Tiit Ordtr of th1 Ho,,11" • • ' ' I ' .. ORANGE COUNTY 'S llevue a t 01nars Most out 'n' abouters won't be called to San Clemente on leftover Western White House business this weekend, but they are being offered anoth~r good reason for scooting down to Orange County s southernmost city. Especially those wbo have been held spellbound by the legend of Scberazade and the magic world credited to her in song and story. And maybe dreamed of one small glimpse into the intimacies of harem life. ARABIAN NIGHTS Something on the order of Sultan'_s Shakriar's Baghdad comes to life. at any rate, during the show playing Friday and Saturday nights at Omars Restaurant 2371 E. El Camino Real. San Clemente. " This ex1travaganza is "Yabya and 1000 Night~"· an exotic Middle Eastern revue. Complete with belly dancers and the haunting strains of the oud - an Arabian lute. r A company oi four entertainers performs In the revue. They are Yahya on drums, Husnny .on the oud and dancers Diane Webber and Seram1s. A!"Jd advance scouls tell us these 1wo gals thro\v more curves than the road lo Alaska. In word oC mouth Crom several people who have seen the revue. praise \vas unstinting. And one. f.cl- low, we noticed, had developed a remarkable ab1hty to twist his neck at unusual angles. THREE SHOWS "Yahya and 100 Nights" is staged three times each evenjng at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.in . Based on' other reports \ve have received in re- cent week s out 'n' abouter is also looklng ·forward to an early. visit to sample this restaurant's bill or fare. Have heard especially good things about the prime rib and shish -kebab. Omars can be reached by 'traveling south on the Coast Highway or the San Diego Freeway to San Clemente. Jn the latter case take the El Camino Real turn-off, then left. J;iyin_g Butler DINNElt SrECIALS .•. Serw-4 J t• 10 p.m. 11,ludn: S•uit er Solod, Cholu fl Potote, ll•ll l lutter, Dnl0l1'. MONO,t.Y ..• ·~!id 1/2 FRIED CHICKEN ......................... $1.3' \: I'\ TUESDAY . , , FISH & CHIPS, H•lib,t .......... , ......... $1.19 WED1'1lSDAY ..• TOP SIRLOIN STEAK, U.S.D.A. Choi« ............ $1.19 TMUllSDAV •• , , PEPPER STEAK, Sorved over Rico ................ _. $1 .39 FltlOAY , , , .I RAINBOW TllOUT or SWORO•ISH STEAK .... $1.49 SATUll:OAY , .•. .JUMBO SHRIMP ................. ." .............................. $1.89 5UNO,t.Y , •. NEW YORK STEAK, u.s.D .A. Choi ............... $2.19 CHILDREN 'S DINNERS Friff Chick~n, Dnimstick~ (2) . Fren<.h Fries , Be verage, Oossert .. 5"• •• s1 1•• .. t9c Fish and Chips, leverage, Dessert .. s...., w 1•1M · •• ttc Specl•l1 not tffved on Holld•ys or Holf4ay W"k•ntl• 3101 Newport lfvd., Newport leach-Open 24 HrL The . Jolly Roger RELAX WITH OUR NEW DOUBLE BUBBLE COCKTAIL HOUR Doubl• rortie11 For Tllo rric• of 1 IN THE LOUNGE ONLY 4T060AILY Miii£ JORDAN DUO /,londoy thru S1turdoy -1:30 1 .. 1 :JG 2300 HARBOR BLVD. c~sta Mesa 540-8535 .. . f'rlcfaJ, Seplttnbef 26. 1%'> DAILY PILOT ,. By NORM ST Al'iLEY • RES T'A UR ANT, NIGHT C·L U B AND ENT ERTA t N ·MENT SCENE .. We Get Letters ' Mrs. Hazel D. Mearns .of Mallo¥ Dr., Hunting- ton Beach, recenUy !lroppe.d. Qu~ 'N About a most unusal letter of recommendation for one of her 'favorite restaurants. Unfoi:tunat'ely. space-limila· ·' 'lions rule out printing the full rext of her comments. We do, however, want to thank Mr!i. Mearns for the suggestion, and acknowledge· the con siderable time, effort and talent she obv10usly put into her composition. For the letter,. yo u see, took the form of a seven S'tanza, rhymed verse octe. ODE TO ·HAL GREGG'S Further, we quite agree that her pet place1 Hal Gregg's, 2571 W. La Palma (Corner of Magnolia), AnaheiI:n , is indeed one of the better establishments hereabouts. Sorry to say, we haven't been to Gregg's for nearly two years but u&ed to hit i'l fairly often- and always much to our dining out satisfaction. But we wil1 make up for Jost time, Mrs. Mearns. now that you have reminded us, and drop by Hal Gregg's again soon for some o{ 'their fine food and grog. Newport Grotto Besides a reputation as one of the area's top s~afood houses, the Newport Grotto is coming up fa st as a local entertainment center. Making if an excellent one-stop spot for the complete night out. We were easily led into enjoyi ng such a full evening during a visit la st week. In a kind of three· step progression through the Grotto's current of· feri ngs. FOOD, SONG AND DANCE A very pleasant dinner was followed by adjourn· rnent to the lounge for several sets by the talented Kate Porter, the exceptional entertainer now start- ing the fifth month of her, engagement here. Finally, we dropped downstairs ~o dance ·a bit in the Under- ground, the Grotto's new and exciting di scotheque. Real Cantonese Food eat htr• or take home, STAG . CHIHfSE CASINO ORiolo :i-9S60 I· To tell the Lruth , though, we actually·m8de it a (our-part' evening. Because all lhe energy( we ex- pended in the Underground called for a Lrip. back upstairs ~o Jet Miss Porter pull us together again \Yith the last round C>f her relaxing songs. Since the occasion was rather special -a bon voyage sendoff for a lucky Criend leaving on a 1non~h's holiday in Europe -the ,sterling food and fun resulted in the fulfillment of all bopes for a red-letter night. And left those of us not gOing to Rome feeling ·considerably better about sticking in these parts. FROM THE SE:t. Seafood all, the four delicious entrees broug.l;lt to our table were gentleman's sOle, stuffed with sau- teed rice, oysters, prawns, shrimp, crab and mush- rooms, en casserole, $4.50 : abalone, pan fried, Jemon butter, $4.95; lobster, sauteed in butter, \vine . mush· room.s, scallioqs, served in shell. $5.75 : poached halibut, egg sauce, $4. All Grotto dinners are served. with choice of salad or clam chowder from the tureen (and again. a choice of Boston or J\1anha'ttan), and rice or pota- toes. . !.mong the more than 30 additional entrees '.l'C noted on the menu were chioppino, $4.50; fish and chips, London style, $3 .50 ; shrimp Creole, en cass- erole, $4.25; brook trout almond1ne, $4.50 ; turbot, stuffed with creamed crab. en casserole, $4; steam· ed clams, plain or bordelaise, $3 .50. And : crab legs saute, $4.SO i crab Newburg, $4.25; fried oysters. $4.25; Maine lobster, $6.95 : lobster thermidor, $5.75 : S\vordfish. $4; baked sea bass, $4; Hawaiian mahi m ahi, $4 ; poached salmon egg sauce, $4. MEAT, TOO Those who don 't want to go the seafood route can serect from such items as top sirloin steak, $5.25 ; bee{ brochette, $4.50: grC>und chuck steak, planked, $3.25; chicken ,sa ute with rice, $3.25. Or the in-between diner can choose a steak and lobster combo for $6 .50. KATE PORTER Moving to U1e lounge gave us an opportunity to ~= Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE DANCING NIGHTl Y TUE. Thru SUN . The Naturals I 7'" l MONTH Open Daily·Sun. Brunch-Res. 499-2663 31106 Caast Hwy . South La9una .. • behold Kate Porter's special magic tor the thiicf - time this year. And left u.s with a sronge.r ·convicUQf\ than ever that she is truly one of the most captivat.. ing and dynamic performer1 to be found anywherl'_. Accompanying hersel{ on the guitar, this golden ... tressed beauty comes across equal parts songstres,\: and songwriter as she vocalizes standard favorites· and her own compositions. Among th e latter are many numbers comparable to the best \York of lG- day's established ttq1esmiths. · Miss Porter also projects an engaging persorr- ality that holds her aµdle nce entranced while stii runs the gamut C>i moods from tears to laughter. It only Lakes one hearing -any Tuesday through Saf- urday everiing -to become a devoted fan of her consummate artistry. • GAPLESS DISCO Dropping down 1o the basement to catch tl!e. action in the Grotto1s new Underground discothequer · '"e Cound no evidence of the so-called generatioo:. gap. All age groups appeared well represented and. round common cause for gyrating merriment on th·e· dance floor. Another bright errtertainer is on stage here ln- the person of J . J. Mack, a triple-threat song stylist-, guitarist and disc jockey. When he's not perform-• ing , young Mack entertains by playing record s on a radio station console and turntable. LIGHT SHOW One of the unique features of the Underground. is the large, slightly raised dance floo r. Lights be- neath it flash on and oif in rhythmic patterns witlt; the sounds of the music .. The Underground is ope n daily from 9 p.m. to 2 a .m. /\ planned program of Sunday specials will. be announced soon. . SUNDAY BRUNCH And speaking of the Sabbath , the Grotto also puts on a commendable Sunday brunch, for $2.25 per· person, from 11 to 2. It includes juice, melon or Cdntlnued on Page 26 VILLA ROMA HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our st•nd•rd speciel tp•gh•tti dinn•r consi1t1 o' our drHcious me•t sauc• and meat balls, topped with im .. ; port1d p•rtnts•n choost, i nd includ•s our d1liciou1 · garlic to•st. Ne tl i1k11 fo we1h wilh <1ur tli1p<111ble 1lu111i11~111 eo11!1!111r1. N1111tltet •' 4lliit11et1 01411 ,,K.-f• t• oily. IOI -$145.0t ' -$1.71 SI -7J.SO 4 -I.II :ZS -l6.00 2 -2.tl II -14.SI I -1.41 445 North No wport loulovard, Nowport loach Op•n • p.m .• 12 p.m. Ml 6-4929 Opon 7 Day$ • \b~~~~===-~~~lr~~O~p:e:n to the Public .. LINDA LANE AFFAIRE MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENmt 'lftw•n •llfrum• & •ro•Gw• Alllpil Pef'lllllt BERLINER RESTAU8ANT AND BEER GARDEN The Only Place ta Dine The Continental Way Enjoy one of our Home-Cooked Dinners WIENERSCHNITZEL -SAUERBRATEN HASENPFEFFER -BEEF STROGANDFF WINE-CURED SAUERKRAUT POTATO DUMPLINGS -AND MANY MORE ii . We S..... tlle Fl11~t Wl11.s fro11t Gorft'lell'f end Fre11ce O•r IHfs 11rt hnporN41! '"'"' le•orl• THE OCTOBER FESTIVAL TONIGHT, FRI .. SEPT. 26 Fro11t I p.111. t9 1 •·"'· lnURN APrEAU.NCI THE ASTORIA TRIO Dlrect,fr•"' M1111lc• Adrnlu loo S1 .00 per !Mr••• ltesenotfe111 Stttt et:tM Open Tut sd•v thru Siturd•y-111.m.0 10 p.m. Sunday 3.9 p.m. -Closed Mondays Wt s.,ve Sendwlcht t. Bu11,,"1men'1 Luncheon ALL-CAY In the Beautiful Town & C~untry Cent1r 18582 Beach Blvd. Huntin9ton Beach 968·5800 'Whe.rt: Excitinf{ ~inf{S <:5'.rt: Happen inf{! Tl11• '''"'' "Thru'1 c.,,.,.,., .. ,·,. tfte Seullle Lo10,,e JJi11.in11 i1t lhr: IH.1t1tiffll M1t1Jor Romrt Lnv~le 11ew bftnq•r:t IM:illtl•• G RANO HOTEL 7 FUZOWAN W AT. AN•Hl:IM, CA.Llf, 77.2· 7777 t OWM a. (OUHTllV' Hl\.t.Oltl!N IOUAl.E HUNTINIOTON HACH ~ COSTA MUA IH1t lwc'° ''"'· tu·Wll I EHIH_D Tl!:XACO ITATIOH L tNll a ftlltt AH '°"'4" ;HILD'S PORTION HILF PRICE (Childrtn ondtr 12) IHONE IN ••. Ill IT!MS AVllllllE TO Tl!E OUT ( ~ Newly Enlarged:. Popular , . . · · .. LARK ;"; ... , . ... ROOM :: En ttrtainrn•nf Nightly Tutsd1y through THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN Seturdoy ' * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY ... MEADOWLARK country ~lub ·; . &OMElt SIMS, CECIL HOLllN&SWOllTH, Co-Ow111tt .;:: 14782 GRAHAM srun HUNTlNIHON llAC ... Fot' R-rvotlons Colt 1;16-1116 ot 146-1416 -::· 3344 E.COAST HWY. e Dinner e • Cockteils -DIN• 1111 "lllUIOf.Y SHU• SUlll OUH011rta1 , .f , llfl~ ty r.ltcot•tM i., 1111 Qfrtl'fvl. lnfv~I •lll'llllf!'i•r• ff •lff 11r..t S.11 l"r1M1ttt. CHEF AL TWOMBLY ..::=.r. 'l.!:i WtiV HOT GHAHG• VOUll 1.UHC/'l H,t.llt1 TllY A 1 $1 Wt.STIJINllt SAJUIWICM MIL TAYLOl a lLllN WlllOHT ' fU" . If UAll .. t Gtlle1)i = ___ ... ytw 'tr' ht ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ,>till ~t fW CM,..... "41 "'°"' '""Ht THUR. Pll. SAT, -OCT. J.J-4 . l • ' ' :-...-·-~~ • -· .. • • --.. ' ~ I I w , \,·· •. - , :~1 ~ .---~---~ -------~·~::~::-::~-::-::-:".".':'".':':".":-:".""'.'.""'.'"'.".""'.".""."".'"''."."::".'"'~"." .... -----~-'.""'"'.'"""."~""."'.""'~~======~ • ,... ..~ ....... , , •• , •••••••.•••• ••\ '' ................. " •••• ~ ....... ~ ... -.......................... ..-.......... ...-<r-.-.~ ........ ,....., ...... 0 ,, ...... . . . 1-.-.. •• ~ OAILV PILOT frJday, Stpttmbet 26, 1969' •.. -~· •• ... . . ... • • · . . •.• ... ... Now: TONY SIR~ARCO 0..11 ' ....... ,.,.,.,.. cw ht'""" of t4t. Wla Copri, leMy Hlllt 'ring• to Cost• M11a Hi' ITALIAN AND AME RIC AN DISHES STEAKS e LOBSTER e PRIME RIB •• s..m.., 11 AM·ll rM, MM>fti-J-125-f. .~.· THE CASPIAN .. ·.--.. ·1 670 Newport Boulev•rd -Costa M.s• -642-8293 );Dining with An ·ocean View -JµFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTRW ..• * * * * FROM $3 .25 * .•. .. ... .• •.. JESS PARKER ·. Appt•ring Nightly .. THldwt ttirw Snchry BANQUET FACIL ITIES AVAI LABLE •. .. r HONE 536·2555 317 OCEAN A.YE. HU NTIN~TON IEACH Overlooking Th• Pa cific. Oc.e •n At The Pi•r DON JOSE' -pNIVdly prU9nh - THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAI MED ELIO MAURO His Sor'lgs and Guitar _ Tuesday thru Sunday IN THE FIESTA ROOM FROM 8:30 P .~I. to 1:30 A.M. Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices e COCKTAILS e -~J E. Ad1ms (at Magnolia) Hun t. Beach 962-7911 .. ,, • :-.£.;j~ Excitini:ly d1fi'1·rl'nt. A deli3ht(ul ~· "-3 ~t-lling 10-111f'el every mood and ta~!t-. Welt prepared gourrm-t roeriu--wcJI served. Strolling musicians add an atmmphe~ of charm and romance. Enjoy this enchanting atmosphere for Juncl'I, cocktails1 dinner. And, opening 500n, the most exciting wine cellar in Southern Califomiil, Reservations suggested, 644-1700 Ex!. 552. FOR ADVERTISING IN 1'HE WEEK ENDE R PHONE 642-4321 OA ... . . ,, ..• .. ·- • WEEKENQER Continued from P19• 25 1 fruit compote •. sweet rolls, toast, hash browns, bev· erage and choice of baked hash with poached eggs bac~n, ham, sausage or eggs; eggs Benedict, crab: shrimp, cheese or Spanish omelette. Located at 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, the Newport Grotto also serves lunch, 11:30 to 4, Monday through Saturday. Djnner starts daily at 4 p.m. Celebrity T i1ne Late summer and early fall has found an un- usual number of famous personalities from various professions enjoying the fine cuisine and ·entertain- _ment at Ben· Brown's Restaurant in South Laguna. Any autograph ~ounds hanging around, in fact, could have had a held day. STAR DINERS Among it.he Hollywood celebrities seen djning here recently were actor Vic Mature, motion picture star William Holden, together with his family and TV and film star Leif Ericson. ' Others visiti.gg Ben Brown's in the past month or so were Myra Culp, winner of the National Pow- der Pull Derby; Ray Barley, well-known actor who plays Mr. Drysdale in Uie "Beverly Hillbillies" television series; Chet Fields, the famous band.lead- er noted for his rippling rhythm; Dr. J. Lewis Bruce, one of Southern CaJifornia's most prominent ~ourmets; and internationally knO\Vn artist Leon Franks. OLD SCHOOL TIES The Laguna Beach High School classes of 1943, 1944 and 1945 ·also held a reunion dinner~ance at the restaurant last month. More than 115 attended the affrur at which it was decided to make the pro- ceedings an annuaJ event. Ben Brown's is open seven days a week for ftMtftA ftESTAUft.ANT YOU'LL ENJOY OUR Continent•! Cuisine Cockt•ils se,,J,,g MIDDAY FAER .SUNDAY Luncheon and Dinner Mondott through Saturdat,t. Closed Sundays Open for 12 r.H. TO 4 r .M . Private Pa11it.s Onlu !FM~ W• •r• located n•xt to the May Co. in South Cotsf Pla:ra. i:·ini: Di11in:J .Sif1ct 1%5 '801 £ur ~ J-ltGHWAY CoroN.4. Df.L M AI. C\UFORNI,\ P110Nt: (71-4) 675-t37-4 l llJ S. lrht•I 140-3140 1raneois' CONTINENT AL CUIS INE F•mo us For FLAMING DUCK Open 11 :00 A.M. -Clo1ed Monday HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1815 1 BEACH BLVD. 842-1919 1iJR,i~~~~~~~ ~ e'll~Z e't1ll}! l ~ "lVilu1w HolUlo:11 Maga.si1t• A.tDo.f'd"' t ~ 1t£S~ltrATJONS (~J t) ••Z·l61ii ~ ~14("~~~~14(" NOW OPEN ••mv -AIRPORT COSTA MESA -ORANGE COUNTY AIUOlT 1262 PALISADES lOAD 1714 ) 546-1390 Man. thr• Sat. 11 a.m.·2 a .m.-Sunday 4 p.m.-12 p.m. SERVING LATE DINNER To 12:30 A.M. Mon .·Thurs.-1:30 A.M. Frl.-Sot. F•aturin9 the i •m• world-famous m•nu & lounge •nioyad by mi llions for thirty .on• years 11f tho .li\BY -ARCADIA SONGWRITER-SON&STRESS KATE PORTIR ANO HER &UITAR NOW OPEN Grotto Underground Discotheque Denc.ing ... Cccktaill . , • J, J, M ACK Luncheon ll :30 • 4 Mon., thru Sat. Dinner from 4 Daily -Sund1y Brunch 11 ·2 l333 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH 642-4291 I OUT -'N ABOUT breakfast, luncheon and dinner, \vith complimen- tary hors d'oeuvres available tluring ihe cocktail hour. The restaurant is located adjacent to the La- guna Beach Country Club, 31106 S. Coast Highway, South Laguna. Stars at Josers Too Speaking of the influx of celebrities int.a local ~pots, Josers in Corona de! Mar seems to be attract- ing a steady number of famous faces too. With a Holl,rwood troupe on location in the area all but making the restaurant a kind of home away fro1n home. 'BOATNIKS' HERE Stars of the Disney production "Boatniks" - shooting in and around Newport Beach -seen fre- quently these nights at Josef's include Phil Silvers Robert Morse and Mickey Sbaughnessey. On hand' too, has been the film's director Norman Fell. ' Other personalities spotted ~here recently in- clude singer Mel Tonne and benver Pyle featured player on the Doris Day TV show. · SACHS TRIO in addition to the a lways fine food, Josef's cur- rently ~as another good drawing card in the nightly ~nt.erta1nment. .Monday th.rough Saturday evenings it is the pleasing vocals and dance music of the Harry Sachs Trio . This group recently completed en~agements at the HoJlywood Roosevelt and the Fnar's Restaurant in Los Angeles. Sunday nights Wall Ruth "Skipper of the Keys," p rovides the lilting background melodies. Josef'.s, located at 2121 E. Coast Higbway (at the Jama1c3: Inn), Corona del Mar, is open daily for lunch and dinner. Sunday brunch is served from II to 4. DELANEY'S Je6.~~}r STARTING OCTOBER 2 FR.ESH LOCAL LOBSTER -S.lett Y••n 0..,11 Ii" IM.r l•btr. tr .. h fr9111 ttlt btot Complete Dinner -$4. 95 Lune~ 11-5 Dinner 5-12 Cocktails 630 E. Udo Pork Dr., N.B. -675·0100 Ik e FLING!:!;:ef ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HALL DUO wltll Jolln 1109tf'a '"' ''" 1'1111r. tllrw Sn. MON •• TUES.·WID.~ * L1rry L•k• ' Singer Guitarist Rt1raMel• Tht•fer s:ueAS:ti Costa Mesa 141 1. JM St. JllSt .tf Newpett4hd. -hr .. ny ft""-1IMI Jll• "'Y9"-c ,_, 4 1.m. t. t 1.m. 01llt' Bi Lane Aff aire A heady dose oC top-flight music and song is provided by the group currenUy on tap at Bob Burns Restaurant in Newport Center. They are the Linda Lane Affaire, a trio of performers featuring the ex- ceptional vocals of Miss Linda Lane. TUN ES, OLD AND NEW A pert and chic beauty, Miss Lane demonstrates tonsiderable versatility in a \vlde range of tunes from standards to the newer pop favorites. The unique quality of her voice and highly original sty!~ ings mark her a~ an entertainer of striking merit. An impressive list of past credits for Linda in- clude appearances at some of the country's major supper clubs -name1y : Copacabana in Ne\v York City, 500 Club in Atlantic Ci1y and the Bradford Roof in Boston. She also spent some time as the fea- tured vQcalist with Vincent Lopez's orchestra at 1-fotel Taft in New York City. Since settling in Southern California. Miss Lane has appeared at the Charter House, SaddJeback Inn, l-la cienda Hotel and the Dunes in Las Vegas. AND TWO MOR E 'fbe remainin,tt two-thirds of the talented Llna Lane Affaire consists of Denny McReynolds, an ex- cellent pianist, arranger and Holly\vood recording musician, and drummer Mickey Evans. who has Jed his own groups throughou t the Southland, Las Vegas and Reno for the past ten years. Out 'n' abouters can chalk up one of the sea- son's noteworthy nights with dinner at Bob Burns Restaurant, 37 Fashion Island, Newport Center, fol- lowed by a few sets with Linda, Denny and Mickey. They are on stage Monday through SatuMay eve- nings. The Jan and Paul Duo take over Sunday nights. ••• ••• R•serv•tions: 494-6574 OJ>9n 01ily tHe1awers 8 LUNCHEON • OINNEll • • lESTAUU.NT AND e SUNOAY l llUNCM • COCITA.IL LOUNGl e L.l.Tf S\JPPEll OINING • OCEANFRONT DINING , ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL LAOUNA I EACH, U.Lll'OllNIA OPEN FOR LUNCH ;;:-;;,"" 11 :30 to 2 p.m • DINNERS TYH. thr• 5 30 t 10 '""' : 0 D.m. ~.,.. _9;~~ Alie 111 Lot••• 1MU 4f4-1t11 · They wa re st1ll laugti•r1g ~~ 1, t< lhtatre emptied" • .11 rnind-blowir1g, laugh·loadod p1rfo•m1nce .. .'' "'played to S.R.O. •ud1ences -an unqut!llied hlll .. RayWllaon, MEMPHIS PA'ESS·SClMITAR the. be$l show' in town" Fnink Mtytr, MIA.Ml IUCH SUN ' d\ n1rnie aty~11tl,. 11 lremendoul" Iott Fr•lHtd. n. LAUDEADAl! H!WS ' f ' Gen• Ginard, COLUMBUS CrTtZEN.JOUANAl. "A delicious salirizlng in !;Ong, paller, sk ils and one-tinaora on every major f11cet ol the Ametitan acene •• :• Gecrge BUtte, MIAMI HPA.lO Jolwl ff-. COLUlllUS DISPATCH ' ' Tru1rkftil of Trouble Mickey Shaughnessy and Phil Silvers are worried about what policeman m~y ~tee if naval officer helpfully opens damaged car trunk. Scene from movie ''Boatniks" was filmed on Cliff Drive at El Modena Avenue in Newport Beach while actors were on location this week in Harbor Area. Comedy features well- .known funnymen. F'rldU, Stpt.embtr 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT J1, •; Crmap Sttw• •Black Journal' on TV I Eldridge Cleaver and Stoke-and black men thrwghout the ly Carmichael, two of the world. black movement's most mili-Ed Bullins, noted black tant spokesmen, appear In ex-playwrlght, conducts the i~ 'Hadi:ian' Opeµs Ahmanson Season clu5.lve interviews when NET's "Black Journal" visits the tervlew with Cmnlebael, Who of a man's struule -oft.en first Pan-African Cu It u r a I recently resigned Im po.slUon movin& and diainaUc -F.esUval Monday at 9 p.m, on as prime mlnlster of Jbe Black crtUca and audiences .ute Olarmel 28. Pant.hen. A l">UP of Algerian have praised IL& comedy Cleaver a n d Carmichael students address ques~ to scenes u of a blgh and were pres;ent in Algieri as Cleaver, ~ Pan t be r a' mirthfl.ll order. The prOdudion guests or the fesUval, which minister of !nfotmation, who haa been called magnlllceol in was hosled by the Algerian disappeared from lbe United the richness of settings and government and sponsored by States ten months ago while costumes; the play moving the 41-member Organtz.ation of~ b~for alleged parUcipa.. .and, above. all, funny. Luke African Unity. tmmm.TWGfrnx:l'•r.111tt'tltt has made lull uae ol &De's Th< fesUva~ which was at-PICKWICK ~ I tJon Ill a shoot-out lnvolvllll l the Panthers and the Oakland t polict. I Th< program will hliJ!ilgbt • alao dl1cu11ion1 and •1 performances that took plaoe Seals U'6 now on sale ror the ftnt event in Center Theatre Grvup•1 gala third season In The AlunaDaon Theatre, j'Radriaa VIr' star. n., Hume Cl'oayn, l'hldt opens Odober II. An aeclalmtd IUC<aS In New Yort and Loodoo, where it sUU f1ourlsbei, "Hadrian VIl" ls the story of a man who, denied the car.er be bu pursued for twenty y..,., achieves 11 Ip flll!Uy by writing .. ..lob~ no.vel which tums bb ·WJum Into -1111 trlw!!J!!i!o; . Croizyit IJ supported by players of The Strolford Na- Uoaal Company ol cana.ia. Jun Gascon. ezecutive artiatlc director of the strat· ford . FeaUval, directed the company. Settings and cos- tumes are by Robert Fletcher, with llgbllng by IJoyd Burl· ing&m<. during the 12-<lay fesUval. j TR-OPICAL FUH SOUTH SW =d;'edwi~ 1n b';""~~;e:: :i'1~.::.~:1c'=. = BOOKSHOPS most hilarious in the current the Qnity among African 1o11t11 c..t ,_ c.t1 .._. Largest Selection of Tropical nth & SupplleJ in the area. N .. 211 ....... Jll W. WIUOJC, COSTA MIU. theatre.-states and the !hared cultural 540-ntl (off F•lrwllW Alf.. S.l'Nf 1n-o. ttlven:ci. Ct. -,......,, 8"dl ltlelllnlf tht .... otftQJ ~ Cnmyn, who has e.s~liabed. heritage of Arabs, Africans, 174J Mel~.--~-~ him.self, both ln the theatre ~==~~~~=~~1~'"~·~·~"'~"1~·~HO~N;U~I===~~~~~~~~~~ and films, aa a deft master of 1 TH E =~~~.::DO! !Ous£ of that talent. In rocent f seasons Cronyn bu been co- at.arred with Jwlca Tandy i!~·~f:.~ .. ~Th~u:I T1t~~~:Eu~:u1 I Balance'', and producUons in fUN ANO ACTION! two seasons in the Mioneapclts , Repertory Company. 111 s. Mal•, s-.. A•• Long a favorite of Loo;~===== Angeles audiences, he ap-1~ peared for Center Theatre Group Jut season in the title role of Moliere'• ''The Miser", along with Miss Tandy. HIJ re- cent solo starring appearances have been In "Big Fish, Little l.lllOlt .. ~COST•,.,.._ JtOoC ~•~t ---·-------Fish", ''Hamlet'' (as Polonius), and "Richard Ill". NOW EXCLUSIVELYI ~,,.,~* ~ c.!: !:'w~':'r:'u1 G'Mlllmi+-T EXCLUSIVE AREA ••--• PERFORMANCE A PROGRAM RATED !R) FOR ADULTS Tht story of a man ••• • woman ••. and a girl who rated all her lovers In a Uttle black bookl •' ·1 .. ' • ''Hadrian VD" WIS dramatlied by Pel<T Luke from a novel of. tbe SUH" name by Frederick W1lliam Rolfe, a brilliant eccentric who was an embittered figure in the arWtic IUe ol Lolldon In the early years ol the pr<aent century. ID the flctoaal IUe he created for hlm!elf he finds fulfilment o[ a thwarted am· biUon for a career In the church. Nothing less than the :-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •ii most exalted holy ofifce man ·. ®. may aapire to woold saUsfy 'Films have claimed him dur- ing the past year, and he will be seen soon in Ben Hec:ht's "Gaily, Gally", Ella Kazan's "The Arrangement". an d HThere Was A Crooked Man'', directed by Joseph 20!.tl c.luirtf °" pit~ IEJ llllllll m11 mm ~ • · s C "b Ro • Rolfe, and that is what he • •. ·_·, • ~/ .• _1 ..• _.dflf ____ L •d'<d... an e om • gave .his licUonal sell. And ·· \Z7~ ~~ ~ PRESENTS • with It came honor, ad- •· • miraUon and love -all long denied him. .Mankiewicz. • • • • • • • • • • CONTINENTAL · CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING THE EXTRAORDINARY LOU NORRIS FOUR NIGHTLY -MONDAY Thru SATURDAY • A man of many gifts - • writer, teacher, pa Inter, • sculptor, linguist -Rolfe was • mos~ of alI a man of ex· • ceptional wil T h o u g h "Hadrian VII" tells a atory ·---------'-•.--------• • • • THI MOTION PIC1Ull CODI AND AATIN• PaOGAAM Players in prominent sup- porting role3 of "Hadrian Vll" include Malcolm Armstrong, Margaret BraidWood, Paul Craig, Donald Ewer, Louis Guss, Amelia Hall, Paul Harding, John M add I 10n, Edward McPhilllps, P. L. Pfeiffer and Jack Saundert . Tickl!t! for "Hadrian VII" are on sale at The Music Center box office and all local agencies . •. 21112 OCEAN AVE. !Coast Hwy.I -HUNTINCHON IEACH -536-1421 • • fh• M•tion Pict11r• Cff• ,,. .. a,ti119 AJ111i1htroti•11 ,,,n,, fli• followl11t r•tiltp i• film1 4'i•tnlrll1•4 in file U.S.A. Pie· f1Jt•• ,,,, .. &. M ., l 1111111•llfJ fw tho CM• S.•I, i9 Pich1t•• ,,, ... X 11111 eot r•c•iT1 a l••I• n.. tafi"f'I ,,,1y to •fcflfrn t•I••• .. •ft• HM,,,. bff '• 1961. Plmr.t r.len'4 Mkr• tlt•t ii•'• ,,, l!letctll.. ff a1 pr•ri01Jdy I .. ~~·······························~ • Mary and "Buu" El!sworth invite you to spend ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL EVENING As Th.fr Gvest Vtewlrtt THE EXTAAORDINARY SUl·SEKI A•~!ct':. .. > COLLECTION OF GEORGE LEE Exhlbltloo .. d Salo lo tho 1-lful Palm Lobby of THE NEWPORTER INN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3-6 P.M. to 10 P.M. SATURDAY. OCTOIER 4-10 A.M. to 10 P.M. ALSO FOR YOUR PLEASURE, IMPORTANT NEW METAL SCULPTURES BY GEORGE NAGEL Utlllzfnt S•mi-Precious Stonn and Spec.lmen Minerals "ME, NATALIE HAS A FINE IALANCE IETWEEN PATHOS AND FUN. IT IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT JUT GOOD! PAm DUKE GIVES A IEAUY GOOD -·PERFORMANCE IN A FILM THAT TOUCHES ALL THE IASU."' .. -Archer Winsten, N.Y. Post "ME, NATALIE IS A WARMING, FUNNY AND SATISFYING EXPERIENCE." -CHARLES CHAMPLIN, LOS ANGELES TIMES "PAm DUKE'S ME, NATALIE A TOUR DE FORCE •• , IN THE RUNNING FOR AN OSCAR. A MEMORABLE PICTURE • • . PROMISES TO AANK AS THE SURPRISE ILOCK BUSTER OF THE YEAR AND SHOOT PAm'S STAR TO A NEW HIGH, ME, NATALIE IS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT TALENTED PEOPLE CAN PRODUCE." -Florabel Muir, N. Y. News "A tartly-dialogued tale of identity. WoW'performanca!l / -Jadith CrMt, Nn11 Yori: lfagtuiae "Patty Duke gives one of the most brilliantly thought out performances seen in a long time. ME, NATALIE is a good movie about real people ••.• people will be moved by it. I loved ita..lot!" -&;r Reed A 5'lfllet' ~ ~oduct•on. ,,~ IV\..~o-L'o" ~T1Y ~ 5'l.CM: ELSA NNCr DUKE · FARENTI!lk)·JENS ·LANCHESTER · MARCl-W'V .wnw """" "' """ -""""' ... -....... "'""'Coo. .a BALSAM Scretnpli!I)' bW...,., lMibllck. ACneme Ce"'-Otn:s Pnrsentation. • >. Nal!OMI Gener-II Pidlns Aeltme. Cdol' by~. i!!!L__~~ . * Exclusive West Coa1t Premiere Engagement * :· ...... ····1 "'~ . . NEWPORT. < ··-· . ....... . ......... , . .,, ~hit • AVCl'!f K ..... r11, AM!ll ,1111111 • lt1dYnl CteftM "WAIT UNTIL DARK" NOW . AT BOTH HEATRES P'WI • O""'°" hc* S•I MtoN S1111t "Th• Stalld"t M .... " a11l/or SMAI. ~ 11l-Sti1tt"*-'I f•r atNIUI. a11till•11cHo 1E-S1111ntff f.,. MATUU 11Hl•11c•1 ,,..,,,,,, 41.,. cr•tl.-. •tilTiH41, nn-llSTllCTID PortoM mt 11rttll" '' .... •til111itt.4I, 0111••• .u..,.111'111 ~ ,., ....... 111.1t p•"'· ..... ® ............... 1•.., ·n...,n.11.,., .. 1tricfi•• ... , " hlth•f '" ••rf•f11 .,. ... Ckcli: Film Tells City Crises The docum entary "Anierican Revolution 2'' will have tta: West Cout Premiere on Oct. 1 at the new Surf lnterplayer Theater in San Francisco. "American Revolution 2" was filmed in Chicago during and after the Democratic Na- tional Convent.ion, and tell!I of the hostility in that city among studentll, the poor, policemen and businesmien. There Is no narration and the real people in the film express their own feelings and pofnts: rA. viewr u they work to make tbelr .-.apective goala a reality. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 41 l r11:alh kit fie .... l Dffelopef of so Kind or aoted YKetne wood 5 llltlt t*-es 51 Ohio°' 10 Vtsitf Ottawa 14 IBl»rt 5J lettor shoftr llS Asian city k'I August l• lawytr '• 57 KIJ•et concern •1 Saft of lsNc 17 Pl1c1 for '2 Rtk11:1 z11:1lous Wt>r· '4 l hc shlptrs: 65 Glmtfll 2 words 64 S11:1 tlt;lle l ' Girl's •1 story na111e 41 Dec•• 20 Grazillf 11e1 tftfinltely 21 Pl1cn of 69 Prophet l) Vf'lttlbles 45 R11:publlc111 worship 11 like sound ;;and liberal 23 Kind of DOI• spin tttrltr 22 A els 4 7 -pl1y . 25 Nt91tfn wGl'd l ff1M11tltold llstlessfy 49 Kind of ilbod! 2fl 01'11 necessity 24 RoY•l l•ily SZ I.e.~ Z• A1T1ngtd 2 -••ler name of '"9l 2 wotds .,,. class 3 Dil&orUons Brlllln 53 Kid bl'olhtr, 34 lln In Gents-is of flt tnith 26 Kind of rt1lt oftll:ft 3S Kindofslwe 4 Story tfl'M7 27 111111ols city 54 This: So. 37 Destitute raft woyage: ZI Not conceafed SS f'ltce of )I Presld111tl1I 2 words 3011tlttrltll shaped st''' •lcbt•• 5 S.ow ,wts: 31 ltfthef hot 56 Housewlft's 3 9 Goes •loftt SIMg •Of cold cone em with 6 lodeats 11 Draw torn. 51 Cont«nMg: 41 Witty ,..._'s 7 LodgM pl1«J) '"'er: 2 .Ofds plfY I Rot>.rtSeft-lce, COMb. ""'-59 H1w1il• 41 kt '"'itH for one 36 Natfw-eo of goost 4•Too•1teh: •tlmlftadf¥kes GtatBrilllln •ORlvttof I l"'teflx 10 s,.bof of 39 Rub tul F11nc11: ind 45 Ty,. rt pl P'O'!'tf 40 .... l\tou9h Belglum 4' '1tnlsskln. 11 IWU.0 oltu 43 Act of 'J Co111edlennt 2 wOf'ds U .._ • f'lnts tubblltf fMll Lill It '" 2nd Top Comedy 'Me, Natalie' with Patty Duke Plus This Sh0<ker ·""k....,...,... ''THE APRIL FOOLS" STARTS WEDNESDAY l'ARWJNT ltTURES- A IDlllAI. if .... ENTEmS flM ro.Jll ·A PARAIOJNT ltllllE I!!- rae wn:.D .BUMCH --HO!ll·mlf ••JWlllS.-- "3.illlll z 'ffllitl"' •-""1M!tl11.llCTII!• -00 Ell& HELD OVER! 16TH AND FINAL WEEK POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY Jack Lemmon In _"THE APRIL FOOLS" * STARTS WEDNESDAY * ' •• ' ; ' ' . . . • • ' . • I I ' • • ' . . • . . • • -. . • • , • • • . . • -• "GOl-FOl!l'MEFUR'I ; : FORCE AND FUN a. : 'dll ' ..__ ' "THE MOST INTERESTING FILM SO FAR THIS YEAR" -·· AREA RUN EXCLUSIVE 20th Century.Fox presents REXHARRtSO RICHARD BURTON In the Stanley Oonen Production .,STAIRCASE" • sad gay story ......,...., ........ ITAHlt'YDONlN·......,-CHARlESO'ftR ....... ttt_tl!i Ill'* ll)OVOl!Y MOOM •PMl&VlttoW·COLM.,Otlloll-IRIAZD * EXCLUSIVE WEST COAST ENGAGEMENT * I 2M fe•tur• .t Hl-WAT)t ~.,,.... T• ht "fALLIT OJ THI D0Ur e NOW AT BOTH THEATRES e . • I r \ I - Jlt. IWl.Y PILOT F...,oy, S.,.t""bof 26.196• ,.. Gwlde to Movies • ' . • ' t 'Alice' Horror Film • ' • ~ (£dltor"I Nott:· This polir:e detccUve assigned to prdlect a Chlcago mobster needed by pollUclan as priqle wltness ln a Senate crlme hearing. Robert V~ughn. : motN prtidt ia pri!'poted ~ by · tlif· filtn1 committee of , Horkr Coi.uu:q PTA. Mrs. '.t Joh~ Cl.artr. i1 president , c:nd . Mr1. Jlart Sweeoney : is committee chairman. It fs in~ aJ a rtferenct in determining suitable j 1i1'!'1 , -for .1 l'frtain G g e Qr01ii!"f 1 qnd will opptnr •• 1oeek'tj1 Your views art ~ solicited. Mail Chem to ~lo l.vte. Guide, cart of tlle I DAILY PILOT.) • • • ADULTS . Bonnie and Clyde: True •t!'tacy of two.bank robbers and : killers in the Southwest during ·the depression. . : Bullitt fM): Slevt McQuecn . is Bullitt. a San Francisco l)addy'1 Gone '-·HunUng It.fl : Conlempor,ary· suspense film set in san Francisco about a happily married woman whose former lover reappears to terrify her with demands ol her child!11T1urder as atoriement lQf ~ previous abortion. 'Carol 'White; Seolt Hylands . Paul Burke. The Deteelive t S !\1 A ) : Frank Sinatra plays a dedicated "cop" whose in- vestigation of a murder and suicide unc<1vers police cor· ruplion and brutalities, as well as homosexual violence in this melodrama of the sbrdid and L.A. Tirn• WEST COAST ~lllEMIEllll: "WE BOMBED IN NEW HAVEN" llY Ille A~IMr .i "CAT(lt 21" l'•r ltntnr•titM '"'nu KEE P YOUR SUMMER TAN ALL WINTER! THE MONKEY TREE HOTEL e 40' HEATED POOL e SHUFFLEBOARD e PING PONG e GOLF e BICYCLES e BABYSITTERS J UST CALL BARBARA 17141 327-1504 Fco,..•- IAT•llll O'W SOUTH COAST '""" ~ PLAZA THEATRE CC!RPDIATIOll San Diep frHWIJ' at 9riatol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING Box Office Open 6:4S-Show Starts at 7:00 P.M. TWO BIG ONES! ~IOEATN STEVE lllltDUHAWlll' MCOIJf.f.N AS •oown' -·-··---.. --·---·--nmaut• ... --·Kftl lllS. KW•,_.., .......... l!!iiMtmo '°"' laTliii! AUDiiiiil • miitl1fii#;hm "WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO AUNT ALICE'!'" pl!iK . l ob Hope Jodil• GIH$•• "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" recoinMnded for Cld•lh J•panese Movies Every Tuesday Night SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUI PATRONS \M-"'( THE PICTUlllES IN THIS l!IOX MA\' IE CONSID- Ef'll:O ev SOME TO l!IE UNSUITA&LE FOlll CHIL.- Of'IEN AND YOUNG Pt:OPL.E-ANO l'IEQUllllE PA- f'IENTAL OJSClllETION. ''l INTO 2 WON'T GO" t 11:1 "A MAN CAL.LID GANNON" Ill "STAIRCASE" IRI CONTf'IAlllV TO AO\IEl'ITISINO BEYOND QUiii: CON- TlllOL AND APPEARINO EL.SE.WHERE, VOUNO PED· PLE VNDl:f'I 11 (NOT 11) WILL NOT BE AOMIT'TEO TO PACIFIC THEATl'IES TO SEE THE "A" PIC· TUf'IES Lll":'"ED IN THll eox UNL E&• ACCOMPAN· l•O •v PAf'IENT Ofl AOULT QUAflOlAN, ..... Start Ill -• Chlldrn Undlr12 Frttl Sm. Mt99"11 Jocti••llM IWot • "BULLITT" plu Worrell a..tty Firf• D1111ow•y , ~-"BONNIE AND CLYDE " '9COflU•t1ff4 '-r t1Chtfh ............. ~ ........... . Rod !\telfet' Clo,. IJ00111 "3 INTO 2 WON'T GO" .... "A MAN CALLED GANNON" N• 6n• •IMllr 11 wm H ttlmlltfll •nlHt •ccorn'i"ltll ~ ,.,,..,, et fflllt '"rel111. ...................................... lll,ht1r4 loftff lo• Htin"ho11 "STAIRCASE" ,...., Odo Slrlt1ro11 T9to "VALLEY OF tHE DOLLS " It• ._ .,..,r U "lftl k tlll'lll'*" t111ln1 •c<orn!NHl1" "Y ,_ " ...W ... .-'811. ............. ~ ............ . .... ·~ ~, .. .,,, 'odl ' .... Hef•M'll "THE CHAIRMAN" llu,Q Slootrt1 L.e IMltk "THE DETECTIVE" ntC.OMl'llOttdMi l*f .. Its ............... ~·········••et $175 ... CAILOA D l(i"I ""•k-Clil'Pf ...... "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY" lht/1 f'l'Qler-SW.0 Ito.,. "THE TROUBLE WITH Gl~LS" brutal af(>ecls of New York. His nymphomaniac wife l! Let Remick. Goodbye Columbus lR): A summer romance belweeo a poor llbrarjan .and a nouveau riche college girl 1apses due to their dUlerent views. A satire oa sex wllh Rlchiird Ben· jamin, All MacGraw. l\te, Nalalle IM): Pally Duke partrays an adolescent who is hurl and esnblrrassed by her own seeming laCk of appeal and her ·parents' at· • tempts to marry hell off, An 8.ffalr with a married man a1.d ' life in Greenwich Villaee give ' her self-assurance. St.alrc:aJe (R): Richara BurtOn and .Rex Harrl!on plaf unhappy, unlullilled people In · this sad, cornpusiooate and sometimes sordid study of two aging homosexual barbers. Three Into Twe Won't Go ( R): Sensitive drama of a shaky chijdle~s m a r r i a g e which results in disaster when the middle-aged husband picks up a tough amoral teenager. Rod Steiger, Claire -Bloom, Judy Geeson. Valley o( lbe1 Do ll!1: Shallow melodrama sel in the toug~ world of show bu si ness. Barbara Parkins. The Wild Bunch fR): Plans of an aging outlaw wht..lcads hj6 small band of desperadoes to rob the railroad in Texas in 1913 go awry, and the ultimate Jn bloody violence. Just and cruelty follow. W i 11 i a m Holden, Robert Ryan. SWEETWATER OPENS FULLERTON'S CONCERT SEASON Cello, flute, pi.-no, guitar, bongo•, drum5, congas and a girl Unique Gruop Due S-ivee tivater Opens Up Cal State Concerts !\IATURE TEENS AN D ADULTS When the Assoc I al e·d Cheetah. and lhe Kaleidoscope bongos, vocals) is' a rock and Tbe Chairman I ~f l : Students of California State · in Los Angclcs, the F'illmore jazz musician who migrated to • Gregory Peck is the Nobel Colleg.e, Fullerton open up in Sa n Francisco, and many California from the Midwest. Prize winning ;scientist who is their .concert scas<1n Oct. 4, ·outside music fest iv a 1 s · Elpidio Cobian <conga, othCr sent on a spy mission to Red one half of the shOw will be '. throughout the, country. p e r c u s s i o n s l b r i n g s China. With Anne ijeywood. made •up of one ol .the most The group has appeared on Sweetwater an Afro-Cuban in- Dr. Zhivago: Story of young unique musical groups in the stage with such top-name rluencc. coming from El Russian doctor and wet couritry. groups as l he Doors, the Puente de Agua Dulce in caught In his country's revolu· Sweetwater, seven men and Mol,hers of Invention, Country Cuba. tionary upheaval with which one woman strong. h as Joe and the Fish, Eric Burdon Albert Moore t flute. vocals) he could not identify because astonished music c r I ti c s and the Animals, Canned Heat learned how to play the flute of an intense belief in the throughout the nation with its and Vanilla Fudge. "'hile stationed in fo.1orocco right! and privileges of the in· intriguing instrumentation -The unique snund of the with the Air Force. dividual. Omar Sh a r i r, cello, flute , bass guitar, octet c<1n perhaps be at · Alan t.ilalarowit.z (ilrun1s\ is Geraldine Chaplin. dtums, bOngos. congas and tribuled lo the Y:ide variety or the youngest member or the P'·ano all I e cl · a 11 backgrounds \he musicians oclct. Guns of the rt1agnificent -e r t c Y Seven: An American ani1 six amplified. bring into the group. Besides Sweetwater. the 8 Fred Herrera ibass and mercenaries lead a daring at-The Los Angeles-based p.m. concert 1n the Cy1n-tempt lo liberate ' a popular group is comprised o( eight vlhoca ls) 1 was graduated from nasium "'ill feature Taj M . 1 d . I . I k . d I lk e Ca ifornia Stale College Mahal. a 27-yea• old c•"ly boy ex1can ca er durmg the c assica , roe , Jazz an o . 1 . _, . . . h h Id d system with a backiround in '"ho has made a name 10, tyrann1ca re1ime. ui. President musicians w o ave me e .. Diaz in 19th Century Mexico. !heir varied backgrounds into ~he classics. He is nqw work-himself as a singer of authcn- G K . . 1ng towards a M.A. in com· tic country blues. eorge ennedy, James Whit-a uruque pop expression. position as welt as a teacher's'====='======== more. Formed during an informal credential. Ill Whatever Happened lo Aunt jam session al a now defunct Alex Del Zoppo !keyboard Alice? (M): Horror film star-coffee house in L<>s Angeles. instruments, vocals) is a co1n- ring Ruth Gordon, Geraldine the octet n1ade its official poser-arranger w i th es· Page and Rosemary Forsyth debut on Dec. 15, 1967, at the pcrlence in ruck and jazz. ·about a penniless widow who Whiskey-A·Co-Go 111 Lo s The only female ln the hires housekeepers w i th Angeles, performing with Big group. -Nans i Nevins, is the n1oney, murders them, plants Brother and the Holding Coin· lead vocal. A folk and blues them in her yard. Aunt Alice pany in \vhat the managemenl singer, she attended California becomes her housekeeper to called "The best night o[ Institute of the Arts. try.to discover how the disap-entertainment in man Y Augu st Burns (cello) is a pearances occurred. years." student al UCLA who has been Gtl!l!Oty PKk "THE CHt.IAMAlt" plu~ "HOM811.E" wl!n P•ul li•••m•n C~ol•man • 1:115 lO:SO 11oml;"t • &:" ConHnUDUS Sun. 1:30 P,M, SJ>e<;l.11 $alunll~ Ki<cli r/ .• 'IJ\H 1 '.II I How to (:ommll rt1arriagc In the following monlhs l'nvolved with lhe classics and 1~1): Bob Hope and Jackie Sweetwater played al the clas:&ical music . Gleason portray two pro-Shrine Auditorium, lhe R. G. Carlysle spective fa the.rs-in-law who try l"~•,;:;ii~~il~~~~~~i~~i;;;;~·~ BALBOA I 673-4048 to prevent the marriage of their children. Jane Wyman and Tina Louise. Odd C o u p I c : Uproariou s comedy in which two ill· matched ex-married! decide to room log.her. Walter Mat- thau and Jack Lemmon. The Great Bank Robbery (!\11: z,ro Mo.stet, Kim Novak, Clint Walker star In this film about three different gang at- tempts to rob a bank on the same morning. TEENS AND ADULTS Barefoot In lhe P a r k : Beguiling story about the first few weeks ol newlywed life in a Greenwich Village walk-up apartment. Jane Fond a , Robert Redford. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEARI SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES 14 AND UNDER -$1.50 fXll.lamulS..-..IOll~ ,..._•Lilla BARIS ~~ ..... -· ""'m \\IXl.F r.>ro. REED ~ -......-llDtlU!"· lil BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY AT HOON FOlll GlllOUPDISCOONTS, CALl.: SJ2-J1'1 Tiekots Al1t1 At C.Ornputick•t Contws -All MuNal Af.MCiot Ind Al1 liberty Tlclctt AQllOCiel Popi j G): Tender comedy about a Puerto Ri c an widower. played by Alan Arkin, who toils iii three dif· fercnl jobs in order to supportl-::;.-ii~[i~l!l!;i!i[!iiiiiJiiiii~rn9';;:~ his two sons. He schemes\ franUcally to lift them out of their slum environment. • • • The letter immediotel!J after the title T11dicates the toting given the picture by llie ftfotion Picture Code. Th.e Motion Piclure Code A n.d Rating Program may be found 011 !lie motion picture page . 'I • '·G;;;,·ti;··-1 Magnifi.eent Seven· r.a.. , .... "'"'°"' '"'"" L:J-'" CiOt,.OO .. a.-. • .... * HEY KIDS! * 110 'AL SHOW SAT. 1 :00 * * * * EXCLIJSJVS * * * * ORANGE COUNTY ENCACE~IENT UNCUT! -INTACT! EXACTLY AS ORIGINALLY SHOWN TONIGH1" AT I P.M. Lim tr ~ Eng~!:)tincnt • 0'EH 6;45 7ff E. l•lka .. Ji... '•nln111I• • Now · Ends Tuesday e You'll Like Thi5 One!I "On• of Ifie funn :11i. mot! o'· iqinol •nd mo1t conl19io•n 1C•••" 'omedi11 in y11r1," - H. Y. Tl!Mt ''Ark;n Sup11b" -L.A. Tim11 "•*** -Perfect" -Dolly News. l •tn J11ditti Cr!1t 1old ''Nol lo b• mi111d !" Stortl W.,;. -Oct. 1" -EXCLUSIYI SHOWING-- 4 G,tot Hew Surfl11t FU111 '''h•to9rophy thot 1to'+'ff y11• tloc.k -jowod." -Su1lu M1 9•· 11n• "TllEATS fYE!llY WAY! lncr A SOUL POTHffll~ -PLAYBOr EM~ M~re .. .__.-, ~ 5,; ·l-111'•11~· " •' •• " .... iron.• ~.,.. "' • ~ ..... , '""l""\I • I " ~fl' £ • .J.1"'1'0l•lilll'lli ... ....,.. The 1tr•n1 .. t trio •ver h:I tr.ck • killer. A 1-t.u,-...,..I u.s.-..i..1 ... M-1 k.,. ... od,.,M111<1ilo llle ... .. , ........ 9-. th o my lor loouni, moMt ... end• 9i<I •• ~1 .... 1 lo.ll;M '"' .... ...kd,O,,iu. .... i.......,._ OI' who"""" ...,. IN long • 11'.r,hoc111 ... r . IVI SHOW STAtTt 7 PM CONTINUOUS SHOW SJ.TUlt•Y AND SUNDAY flOM t P.M. MATINll WID. 1 P.M, • GLEN LL .. •• KIM ; ·DARBY · W-4 .. n'"" frf, TrH •rft .. 1:11 kt. u4 h111. Tr'• Grit et 2--4:10-11:11 (6) EVE SHOW ST ARTS 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY FROM 2 EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN "ENORMOUSLY INTERESTING! UNUSUAL, OFFBEAT ... A FAR, FAR ABOVE AVERAGE FILM ABOUT WARI IT'S IN A NEW BAG!'' -OAVIO GOLOMAN,WCfl~ll A.OI CO\~ .. ~-. ~.c1u11} h 1_,ot.11tJ'i W lh fJlMilll'r: Pr~!'!'IS 'Burt · l.ancaster -Also- RICHARD BURTON CLINT EASTWOOD """" ,, ''•• ,. ',, .. , • Whoops! 20th Century.Fox presents REX HARRISON ' 1 RICHARD BURTON in the Stanley Donen Production "STAIRCASE" a sad gay story ,,_.., ~.,StA.NllY OOM(J'I· s.u ....... , .. CHA Ill LS 0'1'£1t 1--..,,...., ••"' ttOUOl£'f "'0011( • NNAYlllOW • ~OLIMI ••°"'""Cl> [ltJM!!!:! * WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT * Z"d foot11ro ot Ci11t11t11 J,,~ L,rn,,.on ;,, "lHI AP'RIL FOOLS" Znd Ftet•1t 01 HI-WAY lf Sh•ot•• Tel• in "YAF..LEY Of THI DOLLS" • NOW AT BOTH THEATRES FAST 'DRAW Oim•·•·L•n• Ad1 '"t"' l~• 1~,1,,1 ,.1ponu I~ I~• 64).5671 11111 ltll thtm 1911n1f yow, ew11 (lee~. • .. ' ,. - • .. - Complete Printing Service Top Quality -Fast Servi.:. I 11 'Ji l•r1/",f 1N(, 642-4321 • Ull Wnt l1ll>ot 11.,.,. ·. Nrqort l .. ch !™MA, 'lbLJIRE" IMAGINING "THINGS·· "THBl!I! 150NLYON!': WOW.NINW UFJ' .• I I/(NfWrr! AND . IF l li\(5'1' • FINPOUT\'/MO IT 15, I 1LL- l 'LL·· ly T-K. Ryan i()\\'SA FELLER JUS'f51tl'lf .60 ~ 6ETIJN' . 1ll A MR- SOME Cl' '!WIT TENDER AN' 'TESS'NAL. 6-IVE IT"fHISI FORMOOD? " wMAT'& WR.ONG WIT+'t BEING l'Rll!ND5? ly Al Smith ly Mell . DAILY l1l4T • TELEVISION VJEWS Another Busy Weekend Due ly CYJnHI~ LOW!!"'., 1 , . ; NEW YORI( (AP) -Allolller IHl1~Jmkead 1a : In store for Ute show0aampJ.IJ\I tele~i!'I} pUbllc. : ABC has Utree new progriml m~c ti"'""1tbutl : tonight and CBS will launch two on SW!d•y. ABC's 11Jimmy Durante Presents the lAnlO"~ _: Sisters Hour"-undoubtedly the 1ea1011'1 moat awk· ward· tiUe -will have its premiefe toni&ht, 10.lt PDT, follow Inc Ute br<iadcasta ot t brtcf' « llalf. hour situation comedies, ''The Brady Bt.l>ch" &Del "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." cas· "L&SLll UGGAMS SHOW" arrive• Sun- day to repltce Ille SmoUten BroUtm program. The hour, 'Itel) 1n a ptevlew, II 'I\ lilf, colorful v¢oty 1how that hu t 1leek,. prolloc!llOn-llne look tbout it. The ltar, an appeallnJ, 11retty<glrl with a nice voice is surrounded lo the fir1t show by 1omt strung cuest talent. Dick Van Dyke, introduces hat thtn sits down with Leslie for an amwina: duet, 11Tbtre'1 a Hot• in the Bucket." David Frye gives his remarkable impreujcw of Richard M. Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnlon. The,.. is of course, the .mandatory singing group, lhll llnle Sly and !ht Family stone which looko ana 1oundl a lot lilre 0Uter.,llllijlat1 lfOUps with itranf• DIJllel, ' A WIEKLY.PIATURE will be a 1ketch about a Hti1em ftlllily .,.i Ute first one 1ujgesls It will be a cross ~ween the Goldbergs and the Honey- mooners. Le1Ue plays a married daughter livinl w,l1.h her hwband, brother, sister and mother. Mo1t are stock chracters -sister is a him. brother is a la~ou . And mother, PlsYed !/Y LIDlen Hay· man, la ely )0 ~the t~ow.1 , " '. .. ~ •• . . , . -' .. , While Mi11 V!!atn' t. wjl)eoim •lien alnlinc : and dancinc. ·1he · a ·tendeliC)' \0 bf·• blt ,lhrlll · and tense v:_hen 1 e tacltJes comedy sketche1.,, .: -WHETHIR Ute 1how ctn compete with N8C'1 • "Bonanza" remains to b1 inn but tt tff.ms likely ; that some viewers who departed when the Smotber1 : Brothers were in · Utt IJl9( may come back to Utt : fold . ; -EarJitr Sunday tbeu will be-the premiere on _ CBS of "To Rome, With Love,'' which has • fanU-. liar format but tho attractive and skillful bet,, of • John Forsythe. The initial show will be busy Jltllnl < an Iowa prol<sJOr end ht. motherless brood of three 1 girls sellled In Rome. There is a 1illy, iticktly 1tn1-, unental plot about a taxi driver Itkin( th•m to . alum quarter• inrteec1 ol ·an apart.mint in th• ! American co1..,y. It clO.es wiUt a 1lum bou .. ! wannlnc party. AS A SIRllS it may be one ol those hetJ't. ·i warmina: hits by a man who turns eU't "My Tbrae ~ SOns" and .. Family Affair11 from the same bui.c • recipe. : ' . On Saturday -l :SO.t p.m. -CBS will p....,.nt ! another chapltr ta th• lives of Cbarlle Brown. and : his cartoon friendi. This one Is a d.ismayinf ac. : count ot tht!r adventures at camp. As u1ual, ~ :: genUe, d!JOrlanlzed boys. bad a tough time coplnt ; : with the aun11lvo, eflicitllt girls. II is a dtlt&htflll ·: 30 minutes. · · :• . l .. " , I0."87'W ICUIR:»? .,., ft!. flrSIK&.!• - ~=~-=---. ~ -~---------::::::;.;;.;;;;.;:;;;.;:;;=:::=:========· =-::====== .. ----------~----24• .. , .. ,, ...... ,. ...... ; • oD'4 " ••• , ••• , .. __. __ ... -· . . . ; ·: • • • . 1969 DODGE CORONETS . ' . BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS . Fully f1ctery equipped, h.,ter, defro1ttr, tfc, WL45B9E123047, WL4S 19E121966. ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .Yw Ead CllHUp · Price $2, TOTAL PRICE"lf+ ,., • li< ·FINAL CLEAN· UP .. ., ' PltlCE . . ORANGE ·COU~ff'S LARGEST RE CREA T,l!)N & VEHICll':c.aJTER '1~:~a 1969 Dodge CamJ)er V-8, Redio, Heater, 6 Ply tires, Double ltd, Ttblt Sink, Wattr Supply, ltt lox, Vinyl Roof, C1blnets, Louvered ·Windows, W11t Coast Mirror, iCurtafns, Wood Ptntllng. No. 11'87123930,. . TOTAL PRICE + T'ox ~ Li<. TOTAL PRICE + Tax&. LI.:. ' 1969 ·DODGE CORONET . ' BRAND NEW 2·DOOR COUPE .. Full flctory equipped. WUll9£130877. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Yur!'air '$2888 Clea" Up i Price . . ' TOTAL PRICE DCA ·-BEFORE Y:OU BUY-.···usED CARS _·. A USED CAR ANYWHERE I + Till: & l ie. '66 :CHEVROLET · IMPALA STATION WAGON v .. ""." '"· ~ 388 ...norn.tlc frll\IO'_~ .......... -.-n. ' r..i-ID I ~lttr, 'tl"'I lf)~looOOl..O'IJt Al.~111 1.tiz un . TOTAL PRICE +Tu. L\t-. '67 PONTIAC FIRlllRD v.,. =-.· ........ $4 288 . .. . ,~'V>'i I . TOTAVPRICE +Tu I. lk. '68 DODGE ChARGER • _ V·L ,,,_..._ -" $1988 Ff.ifnQ, -br•kK ~ -!•. radio i. . ter. Lll'd !OP. l;~C> ITAR ~W 616 TOTAL PRICE +Tilt & lk.. '67 MERC. Cyclone G.T. 2 DOOR ~DTOP-_ i::t;;i:~ $1 488 TOTAL PRICE + Tix a. Lie. '65 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA FASTIACX , v .. ··-".. ..... $7a· · s 11u1 .. ., ~ l.tftrl~t. . Wf\lltl W." tlrn bUo~· 11 -11. (TtOC Odl TOTAL PRICE -+ Tn I. Lie. Sho• the dealer my guarantee and ask ff ha can match ill If no~· come into HARBOR DOQ,GE home of 1111 GOLD STAil GUARANTEE. IJ0 l Swict owNER-GENIRAL MGR. ' I 00°/o UNCONDITIONAL , GUARANTEE ··: LOOK FOR THI'. GOLD STAR IN Tl(t WINDSHlfl,D '68 DODGE Dart ' GTS 2 DOOR HARDTOP ~::i1788 TOTAL PRICE p ... + Tt• ' L1ei '67 PLYMOUTH FUllY STATION WAGON ~~·~~oss ~ br#-. r.d'toi: i.o..'lhl'ZiTAN'Wi: TOTAL PRICE +TM I Lie. ' '65 FORD LTD 2 DOOi HARDTOP S-"" .. -$988 ·~·'-·I '*':!.ii..wnll• 'WI • t ,_, (afN' 1411 TOTAL PRICE + TIX & Lie. .. 68 PLYMOUTH SAT£UJT£ 2 DOOR HARDTOP .. ., ....... -$1 588 -·~! r..:llD. heat..-. (fOLO TAil VFO ns . TOTAL r«ICE t------· '61 CHEVROLET IMPAIA 2 DOOR HARDTOP . "-1Nerirtcl. radio , ·-•!<. "' ""'" $13 88 ~rn~I«, Vl!ITI• .... u OLC> ITAll VQ? J$t TOTAL· PRKE 67 DODGE Dart ' ..... • ..... w. ~·.. $as· s ri~-· No. TOTAL PRICE - lfor your protection 100%--Unconditional Guarantee-This Ster stat- es in writing that Harbor Dodge guarantees the car 100% against defects for 1.00 days or 4,000 miles whith ever comes firs! after: pur- chase. This include$ all mechanical parts, electrical equipment, bett· ery, speedometer, radio, healer on all cars. Thil guarenlee covers all parts and lebor from bumper lo bumper 1bsolutely free to you. '65 VOLKSWAGEN '64 PLYMOUTH '66 PL YMOllTH 66 MUST ANG ' .-SUNR00$688 9 PASS. STATIQN .WAGON FLEXIBLE FINANCING VAUAllT-2·DOOR '/, 2 000« HARDTOP .:.::.4 ~ ~ -~:..~t~ $588 .l. . !.l:'i~"°;"m~ $588 :,1;..\'r.';(WJ $788 •-ii,TAL PRICE TOTAL PRltl 'llASIEST TERMS . TOTAL PRICE TOTAL rltlCE + llll I Lie.. + Tn &. Lfc.. + TIX &. Lk. # + T111 & Lie. -------Fist & accuntt c:ndlf .,,rov11; courteous Finlwct M1n1gin an llUty 1t all '""'L _ _,.______ 1-------- '66' CHEVROLET '64 VOLKSWAGEN I LO' IU PAY' ·ME TS '6.4 CHEVROLET llSCAYll! 2•.DOOR $ ~ · IMPAIA 2 DOOll 'ffARDTOP ~t,~~~-im '$588 :.~:T:~~R~ 488 I EVTEND. 'ED .TE M·S :i='°~:'.l(V;:.";::;. '488 TOTALl'RICE TOTAL PRICE + '" , '"' . .ft! TOTAL ~ + , •• l Uc. 65 VOLKSWAGEN $58 8 --'---- -..• ·---• • '· . •. · 1970 l. TD .. 1910 THUN .DERBIRD BROUGHAM . THE LUXURY LEADER 1970 TORINO 2·DOOR HARDTOP ,... ALL llEW STYLES .& COLORS · 15:·9 CHEY. I-Toi PU ·. V..S, std:, R&H. Exc"ellenf work !ruck. No. G47274. . ' SAVE $1300 ON ANY 1969 THUNDERBIRD . NEW '69 MUSTANG 2'DOOR SAVE saoo lilt.· HO . fll.l)Flt141 " . ,.,..,. .. .. . ··-' . . -.. ' . -" NEW ~9' GALAA1E 500 ' '63. '8W. &Oii llARDTOP $38. 8 .SPORTS ',ll>GF L ' , ~$'~~~· P. steering, oir, T1dio, heater. No.. . . -. _. $ 2588 ' -~6 3 ~~~ .. ra~I~;,,~~~; trim. Ne~ white $ 4 8 8 "~ ~0 '"""'*, . · finish. No. i 3oin. · . ' NEW 1969 FALCON '67~~R~~~~T~. ~er. Bal. N/C warranty avail. TWW 302. ,I 6 5 ~~;ah~~d~op~ auto., power steering, . Air Cond., radio & heater. No. 103019 ~988 ALL NEW! SAVE. $1200-· . ON ANY 1969 COUNTRY SEDAN . NEW '69 RANCHERO MODEL 48 SAVE s1000 )Elt, NO fA•K2,,t'K NEW 1969 COBRA SAVE s9QO SEii:. NO. tlCUR\011" • . ' BRAND NEW CORTINA · FUU PRICE BRAND NEW '69 f·250 STYLESIOE 300 CIO int .. lrtr• c:ooll~t , r1~1••or, ·~ ~ olt oe11D· flo_ ;agltF~:t.1el4. hr, _, 'EU>ORADO 10)> CHElOKEl ClMrER · ... """--IMMEDIA•E UEUVERY '6' 5 ~I~,~~~~,~~!. air, •~ct. windows, SPECIAL PURCHASE & DEMOS SAVE$ LOW MILEAGE 1969's SAVE$ . . . landau top. No. ZGD 564 '6 7~~~~!!~~. ~~~~!.~~. 1ir conde tioning. Acapulco blue finish. CTW 584). 1969 MUSTANGS 1969 GALAXIES 1969 FAIRLANES 1969 T-BIRDS 1969 TORlllOS 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 14 TO CHOOSE FROM 3 TO C800SE FROM 6 TO CHOOSE FROM 3 TO CHOOSE FROM j • ,, •. AU fUlJ, l!llClS ARl rws SAW TAX' Dl,T.1MOTOl ,YIHIWS FIES • • 1970 MUSTANG ' . MACH I ~ THE CAR WITH PERSONALITY ·1970 COUNTRY. SQUIRE THE WAGON MASTER · '64~!~~.~~~r ~r~k~s~!~~ win· . ., dows, fac tory ain black finish. ·(fN>I 234. 165 r!~~!~!~!~~ ~.~.~D~! ... t,, factory 11ir conditioning. No. t63340: · · · '6 7· ~~~!:.1~~~~. ~a~i~~~ter, fact. air. Compare th is value. No. UNT 205. · I 6 7~~~~o ~!~~~,!~~~~ Air Cond. Bal. new car warranty ava il. TTV 531 I 6 7 ~.~~~o!~;, !~~~t~er~~~~~ 11r conditioning. VRS 360. · · · · · ~1788 '66' ~~~~~~!~a~c.Cs~~rp~~ with brand $1788 new camper conversion kit, new pa int. No. . !52809. F-250 ~ T. Styleside, V.S, auto., heavy, duty $ '68FORD PU & CAMPER 2488' equipf with full cab over camper. No. 12380 . & 5247. Use one of our mll!J ~ to f111111ca YI!'" new or used car or !nick including Biik of Amlrica1 United Calif. Bank. or Ford Motor Credit Corp. W'itt. your Approved Credit. I ' ' ' l •• ............... , -·-_......__._.~ .. ,_ •'--. .._ ... FrldaY, Stptt.rnbtt 26, 1969 ' HOUSES P:OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES P:OR SALi HOUSU P'OR SALi .. llOUSll P:Olt IALi MOuslS FOR SALi HOUSl!S FOR SALi HOUSIS POR SALi 0..~al llOO Gonorol 1000 Gonor•I 1000 -r•I lOM °"'""'' lllltGenor•I lllOO -•1 UOO o-rol 1000 0ono,..1 lOOO EXECU11YE HOMES hyCl'ftt Extra large 4 BR. with beautiful living room and dlnlng room overlooking pool. ideal for enterlilnlng. Assume 5~% in- surance loan. Eves: 54$-4198 Mesa Verde Re~ubllc 2 story, 5 BR., 3 baths, Formal dining room, large corner lot, Ideal fam- ily home. Eves: $4&-8S84 DAVIDSON REALTY 546-5460 ----------- 1000 General 11100 ------- BIG 5 MESA VERDE A dandy REPUBLIC 2-flor:v ~. l~ years young, For. m&I marble flrrpla~ in h~ living room. Brick fireplace in family room. Eleclr:lc built-in kitchen including dlsbwasher. Shop thia: price: 5 Bedrooms· 2 Bathi-Upper Bay Two Story-$26,500 SLIGHTLY sPANtsff, llate entry, bride L.R. 11oor. ''Death Valley Rocle Bark" fi~lace, Mexlcan tile Jn bath&. COSTA MESA'S BEST BIG-FAMILY BUY. NeetL ed at the end of a prlva~ cul-de-sac. Larae yard - workabop ·I plenty parking space. NEAR Y.M.C.A. - Pete /Jarrell leaf lg. pndenfe END OF SUMMER SALE Beycrest Berge ins IALllOA PENINSULA Only ,100,0llo for ll>1J spectacular prime bay· front pr:operty. This also includos a 4 BDRM house & ileau\lful ,andy beach. ''' Buena Vl1t1, (nMr Newport H. 1 r b o r Y•cht Cl~bl Open hi.Sun 1-5 VIA LIDO SOUO Lovely S BDRM, 2 balh home near Lido clubhouae. Pier & slip. Owner want. immed· iate action, so priced to sell at ••.. ,,165,000. REDUCED $1,000 -WESTCLIFF TbJs custom 3 BDRM home on cul-d~sac has been greatly reduced for instant sale. SePa· rate dining room, family room, and many extras plus garden play house. 1606 Harrow. Open Sat-Sun., 1-S BARGAIN BASEMENT Back bal fixer-upper. 3 BDRM, 2~ baths. ' FINER HOMES UNDA ISi.ii A lantasUc bayfl'ODI buy. Large 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with separate dfning room. 55 Ft. of baylront with pier & slip. New-at the unrepeatable price of.. •.••.......... $10S,OOO. Open Sat., Sun. 106 Linda !•le Dr. DOVER SHORES Beautiful martn. & mouotaln view home In better than new cl>ndiUon. 4 Lari• bedn>oms, large living room with fireplace, dlninf room. Over 3200 sq. ft. Beautifully planted' paUo. .................................... '89,SOO. UNDA ISLE 5 Bedroom, 4Y.a bath. A luxurious home, car· ~~g& ready!~~-~~. ~ri~~te pie~~~:' Open SaL & Sun. 14 Linda Isle Drive. DOVER SHORES VIEW S Bedrooms or 4 & den; 3~ baths, hugo sunk- en family room with walk-in wet bar. Sepa .. rate ma!d's quarters. A fantastic buy at ................... ' ................ $88,500. DOVER SHORES ee cmrmed, tet:~""'!i!!!·!l!I!~ I $43,995 ~~~~~g c~~~~~~~: .~~~-· .. ·.~~J.t~~rJ.~ Office Open S1turd1y1 & Sund•v• Exquisitely decorated 3 bedroom home with lo~mal dllling room; large ouoken I i v In g room. huge master suite. Electronic ovtn. Unwually beautiful landscaping, with lanai. =~at. & su;,: ............ 'i:i63 c~:: Newpo rt •• Victoria ' '4Wlll (anytime) HARBOR LIGHTS Big One By The Beach View of ocean & bay. Steps to beach, Lovcly home with 5 Br, 5 Ba, lam rm, TV nn. _,,.., ard $108 500 35 at.eps to btadl. 3 cu &&JY, w.....,.. I en. ' • i frplc'r, p-eat place for 61iii % LOAN kl<h. $78.950. Rld.n. A""°" Walker Riiy. 675-5200 Rltrs. 675-1225. 3336 Via Udo, NB Open Sun. General 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFRRS: IRVINE TERRACE· BAYADERE DR. Ont of Newport Beach's most glamorous homes with spec. view. Beaut. furn. 4 Bd- rm. 4 Bath. Pool -3 Car. Will consider leue ............................. $189,500. Mrs. Raulston SUI' & PIER $79,500 Custom built 2 units, waterfront. Charm· ing 3 BR. z Bo. Gourmet kit. Lge. patio - r.ha 1-Bedroom a?L & suo decli:. Make of- er. Mary Lou Marion OCEANFRONT 4 BEDROOMS A real rear round home, with fireplace, forced alt heat, elec. bit-in kitchen: 2 baths. Bolt beach. Large enclosad patio -all top shape .......................... $69,500 Walter Haase CAMEO SHORES OPEN SUN. 1·5 4512 Roxbury. 4 BR's .. conv. den \V/wet bar. 5 Baths. Lrge. swim. pool in scenic setting. Owner moved. Anxious! .. $69,500 Cathryn Tennille JUST USTED PETE BARRm REAL TY 1605 w .. tcllff Or., N.B. 642-5200 ---------·---------- General 1000 5 BEDROOMS REOUCEO $3000 Owner mu.st adl! Top Joca. Uon in Back Bay area. - Everythlnr for a larte fam- .1.ly. -Gan.ae ii mnwrtecl to 2Q:rc:24 playroom, teenagers ~elight. -$41,500. 10~0 down -or agume 5~% loan - call now, th ls won't last. - 646-7171 O THE REAL "'-f;STATERS EASl'SlllE. l BR 2 BA. 5" TilA. total pymnts $160 rm will consider Jeue op. don. Broker •Yft. 138-63(1 ' .,(' '<!• lOOO ' FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Realton JHREE ON ONE WHAT!' $15,500 It's true! \Vhere c&11 you find a house and h\•o col- lages with income on a bi& RA lot. For o n I y $15,500. Full Prlct! Bl& living room in main house with hand • hewn beams. Center il1and ~ce with wns o1 old brick. Center island kitchen. ~lediten-anean arti&t win- dows. Wrought iron, Much more! See It first! Huny calJ &L>-0303. lllOO ROOM TO MAM Spotle• to ptrftction on a :street ol TOWERING SHADE TREES, nus ram- bling lot bu klad1 ol room far POOL! 3 Bed.rooms and DEN • OFFICE ~ SEWING ROOM or HIDE-A-WAY! Huge llx2S family l.nd dil\. ing room! Fireplace.! J\181 one block from BACK BAY and PARK. Our buy of the month wilh ONLY $3,300 down and attractive lol1I to a LOW $32, 750! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 2'790 liarbor Blvd. at Adami 535-9491 Open 'til 9 P?o.f ---------- UNITS ~ l BDRM, 2 bath 1+ three 2 BDRM, 1 bath units. Thell!! apartments are always In d~and. Only l bkK:k from 11th SL Lachenmyer R· .1tto1 1860 Newport Blvd,, CM CALL'46-ml Eve1. 6U-1£56 646-2290 OWNER IN NEW YORK Mwt sell apadou~ and com. fortable O:>ata' Mes.a home. S2m mo. pay1 all 'Nilh 5~ 9' nIA Jou. Stretch OUI in 4 hiv: bedrooms, ovenlud ram.. ily room, Florlda-type kitch- BAYCREST Immed!ate occupancy. 4 Bed r o o m s, 2113 baths; unmaculate home on l81'ge corner Jot. Large pool & deck area. Beautiful Iandscap- jng with complete sprinkler system. $72,500. Open Sat & Sun., 1700 Skylark, N.B. WESTCUFF LOT Located on one of the moat desirable streets in the area. . ....................... $27,500. IRVINE TERRACE Entrance gates open to free-form JXXIJ in beautiful, IUsh plantings, in this spacious 4 bedroon:i home with magnificent view of bay. ~ar~e living room, dining room, 2lf.i baths. skmg ............................ $115,000. Open Saturday 2015 Galatea Terrace BA YFRONT LOT In excess of 110 Ft. Wonderful locaUon: Full bulkheaded. Leasehold interesL ... -'89,500. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Oovor Or., Sulto 120 64242U --·---. -------------. -G_•_ne_..r.;.•;..I ___ .....;1000;;:: Oonorol 1000 BIG4 M • 1 est I c MESA VERDE adWt occupied palace in spatlen condition with ankle dttp, plush QUALITY car- pets & custom lMPORTED drapes and HAND TOOLED hanging lamp~. Built in WFI' BAR in sprawling FAMILY ROOM with UNIQUE FIRE. PLACE. Al\f and n.t: inter- com in &: out. Hll&l? Jot for POOL and heap:s of room for kids of all q:es for &re•t f:1). tertainJ.na. Flower 1uden area with GIANT SCULP· TURED OLlVE TREES, On. ly $4.CUJ down at a L 0 W $39.500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee INCOME PLUS!! Creat Investment po1en. tial in a ll"OWina area near Orange Cowtty air· PDl1. Larse commercial lot with 82.S' frontqe on Pallsade1 Roed. Enjoy ' $335 per month 1ncome until YO\! develop, Full price islt,900, Call Jor de. Wis. • l.'OATS A WALLACE REALTORS 546-4141- (0pon Ennl"l'I HOUSE--BIG LOT BUILD 5 MORE en. Lars:e lot on cul.cie-i;ac 7790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami l'tr'Mt. 56-(>'65 P'*'i' P:CESETTER HERITAGE ()poo 'tll 9 PM ()pen eves. ~1151 anytime ---'------- LARGEST 3 bedroom model, COURTYARD POOL ORANGE COUNTY'S "FOREVER VIEW" LARGEsT In Dover-.. Brand .. ,, SMALL HOUSE BIG LOT 262' HAltlOR .L VO. plan ."l:, IVANba~w_r.LLSpt -54' .... 4 so . .,... 3' Wll \U pow- A reaJ nice 2 BDR hardwocx! fl00r home on qUiet "banjo" street. Room for anothf!r separate unit on this larp R-2 lot 6% lo&n avallable. OP!N EVES TILL 1:30 =...""."'" 3 ""prag•. ol 3 Bedrooms Stop -llv!o& room with $21,300• $20,700 blah ~ ce.llln&. Rich- ly .,.owDed tamllY n>0m with lol!!COnd .fittpl&ce A wet bar. 1..aq._ tll&.nd kitdlen. A titp home with olive aeparate hfoeUtut ooak. gt'ffn _.,,, cupeti,. A panel. 19x32' Jtitaled poot tni. '1r100 ii t6e k>f:.atze at This beautiful WellHullt that Nice )'OU Clll'f ~ home \I truly'an invitation and u a .matter of fact. al to elt&&nt llvin&. Welcome! Newport •• that price-Why "nt11 Roy J. Ward Co. l!.......m. Pa·1ns? <..,.... .. OUi"'' utun1115 • 1«30 Gal&x:y Drive 644-IMO u~·• the anawer a 5 'bed- room 2 bath home In eaai. aide Coeta Meu. 'nle fUll price is $28,500 with either FHA or VA terms avaUable, Ulp seller is very anxiolu ~u1e the house ill v&· cant, see it and ~u·u want It College Park Bargains Tendtt loving care ii what thia h<NW nttd1, lt'11ocated in a cul·de-sac and a larre lot. the dkbondra. lawns front & rear need to be wa. tered, the automatic 1prink • lei'! should I.aka c&n! cf that, and you can take care of the painting. You can alao u. 1urne the 51Ai'i'O FHA Joan with low, low monthly Pl)'- menls including taxtt I: tn- .wuce, Hun-y it YMn't WI! Cozier Than Cozy You've aot to !lee th1a house tt'1 u cute · u it can be with 2 mce Ned bedrooms with wall to wall carpetina: throughout that i& like nl!!'W, The living room features '"all to wall c~tinl and a floor to ceiling flreplacoe, the entire home haa just bttn painted inside and out. The o'Aners have rooe away a.nd lie!t it vacant '° you can moYe right away, How doea $1!,«D aound r. OltANOE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'2' HARBOR BLVD. 5461640 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 L••M or L11M/ option "' Ll!ASE : Clutom 4 &: den, rambling Calli. ranch home on golf coune falrw1y. Includes built-In sauna, some appU. ances, Grand pillOO, garden- er. $475. "' LEASE : Immaculate 3 BR on Costa Masa's Eal! iude. S250 in- clodb all ulil I: 1ardener . "' LEASE/OPTION: CU!e 2 BR w/Anthony pool. Sl!IO with option to buy at 121.950. "' LEASE: 2 BR Condo. tu.l'!liahed, $17S. Open · Houses THIS WEEKEND K.., tlols '"'""' 41~1 -J"::, 1~'!,:r.:!; ........ '" .. heUM-f'IU '!f. • .._-r-11 ~ 11'"4 lttlow .,.. ti..,..... I• ,,..nr .m ..,.,.,lllnt_el ......... In t9'11y"a DAILY PILO WANT AO$. htNftl llMWlnt epan hwMI for •'-or t. rwit are VfP11 t• Ust MICh lnfont\a'" fltll tn tt.ll Citlumfl MCh frklay, (2 Bedroom) 211 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 (Sun 1-5) (2 Be~room & Family or Den) US Harbor Island Road, Newport Beach 833--0700: 644-2430 (Sat & Suo 1-5) (3 Bedroom! 920 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach 5) tM-6174 (Sat & Sun l· S0:1;"Ji\'Y• Balboa (Sat 1-5) 20422 Bayview, Santa Ana Heights\ 546-0814 (Sat & gun 1-6) 422 Belvue Lane (Bai. Penin.) Balboa 675-4600 : 673-3095 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2591 Baysbore Drive (Bayshores) NB MS-8482 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 111 Poppy Ave., Corona de! Mar 675-2101 (Sat & Suo 12:30-5 :30) ** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 464 Serra Dr., (Corona Highlands) CdM 6411-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Be<!room & Family or Don} 1125 E1Sex Lane (\Veslclifl) NB 642-1598 (Sat & Suo 12-5) 2913 Chestnut Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM MS-1096 (Fri, sat & suo 1-5) 1606 Harrow (Westclifl) NB 642-57.00 (Sat & Suo 1-5) *1224 NotUngham (Westclifl) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Suo 1·5) 1901 Glenwood (Boycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 1363 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-11235 (Sat & Sun) 1014 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) tt301 Evening Siar Lane, N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 3023 Country Club Drive (Mes a Verde) CM ~1720 (Suo 1·5:30) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa ~1720 ' 1010 Oak St., Costa Meoa 673-7420 (Sun 1-5) (Sunday) (4 Bedroom) , 18102 Leatherwood, (University Park) Village !I (Fri, Sat & Sun 11).5) 15081 Baylor, Huntington Beach 647-2525 (Sun 1-5:30) 1210 Starboard (Broadmoor) CdM 675-2503 (Sun 1-5) **318 Buena Vista (Balboa Penin) Balboa, 642-5200 (Sat & Suo 1·5) 3707 Inlet Isle -Harbor View Hills. Lrg. 2-Sty. Lusk built. 4 Bdrms., Fam. rm. w/ frplc. in sep. 'ving. Prof. landscp. & decor. Open house afternoons -Sandcastle to InleL ............................ $64,950 Mrs. Harvey 128 HARBOR ISLAND RD. Up 10 the minute • 3 bed· room 2 bath ~ucco home. Near new. Sib right up front on this big 53 x 300 II R-l lot. Near the heart ot town . Walk to ewey. thing. Ideal for inveator:s or buildel'I. Hlah lit loan and aeller will C&fT)'. "Aith only 10% down. Best ft.2 buy. Only $28,950. Dial ~- $24,500 "P:OREST OF TREES" Tall btt1 shade tht! 1round1. Block wall fence. Deli&htrul patio • artiatk landacaplfll. 3 btdroom, l bathJ. format dlnlnc room. Dream kitchen • flne1t buiJt.fn appliances, OCEAN view ''BLUFFS'' -$27,000 Pttfti&e area near Fuhion Island. Newport. KIJV med bedrooms, 2 baths. Exquilllte 1pllt • level. D1.ne1S forces ..... ""' 12$,000, 540-112<1 TARBl!LL 2'55 Horbor l bath•. Fu1ly tiled entry """ and 1am11y n>0m. Lu.h CHapi .. Clo54! In landscaplnc with lots or tall, ONLY $1! 950 Don't Jet t~ beautiful tl'ffS. Speciall,y fin. pr&o. fool 0~ Thi& two bed- bhed cabinets in lhlll wtfe-room e1eP,ntty c&J1)1!!ted aver all-etrctric kltcbf?n, over ;ood. floors has been $.lt.150. tNew Jlsllna.J nmodeltd ·rectnlly and or. *175G Skylark (Boycrest) NB . · 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) Open House Sat. & Sun. 1·5. $62 ,500. Calif- ornia living ; Jli beam ceiling, immaculate 2 bedroom & convertible dE>n, 2 fireplaces, 2\4 baths. Add 2nd story for \Yater vJe,v. Mary Lou 111.arion Ol'EN SUN. 1 TO 5 NiW LUSK LISTING We have a new 4 BR. 2'h Ba. Lusk home. This house bas prof. lands<!aping, 2 fire- places, dining area, fam. rm. Open Sun. I to 5, 915 Sandcastle, CdM ....... $49,950 Joe ClarkJon TOP VIEW· CAMEO HIGHLANDS New listing. 4 Bdrms. 2 baths, lrg. lam. room : 3 patios, incl. one pool size. Immedf- • ate occupancy. . ................. , . $49,500 " Kathryn Raulston CAMEO HIGHLANDS First Urne oUered in 7 yrs. -Orig. owner -s BR. 2 Bo., kiL -Fam. room. Room for pool or add. "Sparkling." ...... "3,li\) COLDWRL. BANKER & CO. JSO NEWPORT C!NTER OR., NEWPORT llEACH 644-2430 / CUSTOM 4 BDRM BIG R-4 LOT You can have hone• too! Custom bUilt. 4 m1Wive bedrooms, Lara:e 25 ft, lfv. fhg room. Bl&' country kitchen witti tons of tile and deluxe buill·ini. Huat lot fi6 x 236 wit .. pl~ty of elbow ·room for more unlll, $35,000, You can u.. sume low lntereat *" + exciting term•. To tee to. day. diaJ 646-0303. NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Acrou the sb'fft and a 1'atJd pebble1 throw from the poundlfll aurf, 1'wo 1 lqe bedroom•, I a r 1 t kitchen with deluxe built. illl in each unit. Sundeda and wrandu. Gn!at ioc. 'Uon. Bia; rent&, and thaq • 8eac:b Power! .0n1.1 $38,500. Call now! ~ FOREST & OLSON lnc. Realtors at llarbor Center 2299 Harbor Blvd.. C.M. 1'61 VOLUME $115.! MILLION I I I dlshwa1her. 540-1720 THE QUICKER YOU CAlJ.i, TARBELL 2'55 Horbor nlE QUICKER YOU SELL ·'1'··1~-' 1-, .• ~. \. r. • •. 546-5990 ------ fera a BEAUTlFUL BUILT· JN KITCHEN wrru: ASH CABIN£TS,. breakfast bar. dlnttte are& and 5epa1'8.tt' atrvice porch, Live in com---=--r.;..•l ____ '-'1 OOO;.;..;._;Go..;.;..ne;..;r.;.11'----'-1000:.;.;..;oG.;oeno=r;:.•l:.... ___ .;.IOOO:;.:._ fort and ah>p only two bklcll:1 away at E, 17th Strtet Shop. ptng Cenar. R-2 LOT • ADD ANamER UNIT LATER. S@~~M.-lG"B~s· Soloe a Sl,.pl< Scrambled Won! Punle for a Chuck!< 8 ~~~~~~~smfts I' r r r 11 I' I' I ·C>~!:;yf~UITEIS l I I l-11111 .... -. ................ -. SCRAMLETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7900 -~------ Evenings Call 5'S-3265 2 BEDROOM CORONA Dl!L MAR Very charm.VW home which tlu ~n redecor, inside A: out. .$4,000 down. Owner pur. ch&A«I new home, C..U to we OR come by 510 Jumi~ Ave. Sun, l.-t:::O 675-4343 Dover Realty Corp, FOUR UNITS 10th flrttt btach k>c. Im- mac.. comp. lum. unit.a. 1'rp}c,. dt...i, IUll deck. patio. Ahrays ninted, tum· mer A wtnttt. $6\.SOO. ~ tr a.n::idous for olf~r. Rod Corpol RHlly 2Q2j \\1• Balboa, NB 675-QXll LEASE \VITI-I OM'JON )Q) Eldtn No. 32. Full prloa $13.9.50 nro total per month. Bl<r. --111 915 SandcasUe, Corona del Mar ~700 : 644-2430 ~un l·Sl 3707 Inlet Isle (Harbor View Hills) CdM ~700: 644-2430 (Altemoons) *4512 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun l·S) 3500 Seabreeze, Corona del Mar 5711-5g30 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *115 Milford Road (Cameo Shores) CdM: 675-6996 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 1907 SanUago (Dover Shores) NB ~2991 (Sun 12-6) *1607 Santiago (Baycresl) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores ) NB 642-8235 (sat & Suo) *1907 Holiday (Boycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *2015 Galatea Terrace, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) Newport Beach ~1720 (Daily 1-5) (5 BeClroom) **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach .. M2-82S5 (Sat & Sun) (5 81Clroom & Family or Din) 18S82 Apple St., Fountain Valley 847-2525 (Sun 1-5:311) 1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8231i !Sat & Suo) .... ,... ......... .. **W9"rh.t ...... - Frida)', S19ttmblr 26, 1969 DAJlY PILOT JU : HOUSES l'OR SALi HOUSES POR SALK HOUSES FOR SALB HOUSIS FOR.SALK HOOKS POil SALi HOOSIS FOR SALK HOUSES ,OR SAL K~N·T LI '~" ,. .. ,. ""!' Gonor•I 1000 Generel 1000 Cool• MeM 1100 Newport Beech 1200 Huntl"""" .... h 1400HunthlttM ...,, HOO a .... h 170S Ho-,__ H-lhtlUml-' ~EC!tp: •Vlii(; · UTf a.11toa l"-1 2W ~rt IMdi 3200 HIGH UP BACK BAY VIEW from this deep 111 foot lot with roam for OL\'MPlC SIZE POOL. Covered with Ml.}estic 1rees & !Jhruba and leduded in PRIVACY! Thit custom lath & pla.stcr shake roofed beauty with sprav.•l· Ing 3 bedroomi;: It 2 balh$ with HARDWOOD FLOORS is on perliaPIS ~ most de· 1drable NEWPORT BEACH cul-de-sac Jot available-. Lovely carpets &. drapes U1roughout! Even ln the den with WET BAR and its FOR. MAL DINING ROOM. Own- er mWlt move and to prove it, sa.ys, "'LET IT GO FOR $39,900 "l\'itb beautiful tern1s.'' WE SELL A HOME EV.ERV 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Z190 Harbor B.lvd. at Adams 5'S.°"5 Open 'til 9 PM SAVE WONDERFUL WESTCLIFF Qn1y 2 blocks to the Bay • Quality 4 bedroom 3 bath home \vilh Country Style Kltchen. Moving up? This may be just for you $52,200 • Very easy terms. 546-2313 3 BEDROOM· $17,950 LookirJc for a ba.rgain ! WtlJ bett It is, Asaumable 6% fln&neing with a totaJ pay· ment tncludin&: land pur- cba.se ot only $133 per month. l bright bedrooms, all built In electric kitchen, bl& fel)C· ed yard, 2 car a:araie. Con- vlenient to achoois and •hop. pin&. Great alarter home. "For 1A wrse. Buy" Colesworthy & Ca. VACANT NEW FAST MOVE IN or •'lllte ,..,.. 6 -..µ... Wllfl'\'2: ..,_ ... ' BR. YEARLY ' BR. 2 BA. N•;J ('I L OL' HOUSE ' . linall blll l•vel Sl.lll50 With s.e.., 3 Br ...... laland "''' !rpl~ ..... -NI 3 Bft. on Jt.2 lot. 1989 Fuller-Duplex, r Wallc to beach 6 New homes, ready to move fn. 2 to 5 bed-$1.000 down, bi.I at $85 mo. RI.I)', '91 Parle Ave. pets. $215 Mo tM6-.wio ton, A ... Liv• tn """" """" -·· ""-111"' Joan. rooms, 2 to s balbl. ¥J 'mile from lieadl. First All dUt s ,,... 6'1S.12l!l j in rtar. '15,750. Low dOwn. Owner •ndoul. $56,000 c1n. 1 ~ to llO •-ys alter m--,_ ~ ot 497•1021 c BR. 3 BA. steps to beh, "'GOVERNOR ST. paymon .... • •• uo. .. IMch 2105 !rple'a $315. PH: 66-Jlel ., Cl. VA/ HA Tetma. From $23,9'0 ~...... ti44-'833 art 6 pm. 3 2f;: ~:!{,,5~':.:-!!,._ f,~i~R!IES6~s.~~ Laguna N1, .. 1 1101 sBR....,.,1235 .,._Nicely • -i.uxunou..., BR. 2ll ed 1 ...... 4 oat.'«•. l•ncod DUPLEX The ' Bea'ch Le-Niguel Terr. ...... utll °""" vttw. 2 BA. view Country Club. ;yard, PJ,500. N.w· 2500 ,q. rt. M. ._ 5 er. blka to bu.ch. 232 Chiquita. Partially turn. ~1151 c.&: MR. ROBINSON Ssle or leue, immac, tum. ~on lrookhur1t 1 m lle s.vth of AG.mt) bl;mtt IA ocean view ll'tL (~) 244--6386 Dav!• Roal"' W.1000 °'"'beach. •Br, d•n, 2 Ba, 962 • 1353 carpeted, tn>nt W>die&ped, Newport Helglits 3210 OPEN SUNDAY 2 ~. ••ch unit. lnd unit wtU. """"""'"' .,..., ..it· Summer llonltl1 , 2910 w 1010 ~•K ST. leased at $356 ma, $Ul.OOO cleantrw oven; 3 car P-l'ale ... u 2 BR I~. comer ..., · --dn, owner 642-3GO. ·~ -• SSS 750 To $61 ~ ExceUtni 2 BR Balboa apt -.. choice location, fr p 1 ~' SPOTLESS I WATER FR o NT doPla C°""'t clel Mtr 12JO Huntington Beech 1400 ~ with ct<.i1ninc Jn. beachalpter ~1W!SO wltly. ..,.._, f11S mo. 546 "! ReducM to $23,9501 w/dock. N~w kit, crptl. ~. ACTION I! •<M 000 4 a.drooma terest rate from T%.% to ~ f;75...MlO M~na. 6'2-4452 3 BR+ I.am. nn., 2 bath ~..:.,~ A 1teal a.. owner ~ 6ll%. $250 wk. Luxur1ous ... i. ................ • ~ • Action ls 1'1o1iat this ownet ''V•c•nt'' N SL.. 3220 borne. Cov. patio, IUl1d .. ....., 673-6102 -wants! Brl~t. Cher'"" 3 Br. fllO "'' --'-·'ud'" all L-srun• N iguel Corp. waterfront apt, poal. Furn 2 ewport ~• fntft trees, Take ow:r 5X% ba •" /b·f-b. ""'''"' uir.a 499-1.34.f 547-1161 BR. 2 BA. (TI4) ~ loan! 4 BR. 3 bl:llh !lor beach, 21.6,.. th home w ,., 11 on ell:isting loan anyone c.vi NR Beach. 2 Sty, lge A· BALBOA BAY PROP. clubhouse, teM.il crt, Pool. livtng rm., nunpus nn. usume witbout qualifyirw!f D p I 1730 Duplex•• Fum. 2975 frame, 3 BR, 2 BA, $285. 67J.7C.0 ANYTIME LeaAe/opdon. 66-1591 or downstairs; oversizto Jo t, Featurlna: 4 huge ~rooms. an.a o nt 64l-3547 a.It 6, A s & s 213: 646-2838 eves. quiet •tttet. Ready to oceu. 2 luxurious bath&, Olarmin& *County of Or•nva BALBOA Baytront, new 3 <132-2704 d)'Jt. 2 BR, l~l ba. fplc, ~~ctionl Action! Ask. '.'Queens''ltitchf'n.Gru.t_llv-AUCTION •OCT 30lh, 1969 BR, 2 BA. tirpl, blt·ln.s, l 2~B~Rc-,'°'2"°"BA"°,-,du-pl"°"'-·"'to°'wor=, pine-paneling, garaae oPen.Sat/~. U:30-5:30 1ngroomwlthrlcbpanelin&: .. 34101. Ambtt Lan~rn. R·2. prkg'. spaces, lau n dry. $185 mo. Adults. 2 1 5 carport, Nr. btach. Onr, 111 POPPY Anklto deep carpeting, Ex· 4 Room 1 Bath Open Howle Funushed. Winter. Acllts, no Prolpt'Ct SI. <IK-9602 548--0914 SEMPLE ~"!n!.ro ~ac. Will .U Sept 29th, Oct· 17th, l1 am-itudenta. 673-2599 *BY OWNER BLUFFS BAY VIEW. l Br, l REAL ESTATE WE SELL A HOME 2 pm. MlN!MUM BID RENTALS _E_u _t _B_lvff ____ 32~ ba on wtde gree nbelt. 2515 E Coast 1-lwy 67>2tll1 EVERY)I MINUT&S $15,150 C.W..834-2550 --'-"°=-=-U-nf_;u_r_nl.;.•-:he-:d-: £XECU'"'1ri' unM~ Reduced S60X1 tor qulck · · RENT'L• ···~ ·~ IH2-TTT1 • immed occupancy, $27.900. We! 0wne.r 644-4265 NO WAITING w lk & l "' • General 3000 mo. Aclult family only. j iiiiiiii;;;;;;;,,;;i-.~~-J m Brentwood Pl., C.M. EASTBLUFF. l Bdrm, 2 LUSK HOME . a er ee Hou .. s Furnished Rel•"'""''xchanr•d . IMMEO, POSS. "6-1"0 balh. family nn, "''""'·By"''"· docor .. w/low m ... t. 7682 Edi-Rentals to Sha,. 2005 RENTALS =" .. '-.. ""'======! 4 BR, 2 BA, cul-de-sac. Euy maint-temeed lot, prof Jnd.. &eJ>d. Hew eold shag crpt.s, a:tone frplc Uir to ceiling) Newly PQinted. Moving to Otlio. must teD tut. Jmmac 5 BR & FAMILY LARGE LOT owner. $36,950. 644--2405 y•ardbl•''-~-B. R, 2 ba, Auum-842-4455 or ~10 BacbeU>r Apts from $110 Corona del Mar 32.SQ .......,, Open eves. SHARE 5 BR. house, l ba. 3 1 Br unturn apt C.M. $1:20 $mall east side home, com-Newport Heights 1210 Open Sat., Sun. 1.5 2 BEDROOM car CU w Im & tu re ' l Br fUm apt C.M. $135 ptetely furnished for $15,950. 3500 SEABREEZE employed rn a I e • 0.t. 1 B,. turn boUSc N.B, siso This large family bame in n...u&hl1ully cloa• & bright. OCEAN VIEW J6'l9 E ,..__ H M Electric built-in ra.nre l ov. 64&--1D58. 549-262S uk Mr • North COllta MK&. with all ¥"""' " · '-""'*t wy., Cd en. Garbage disposal Ther--· 2 Br unfurn apt C.M. $125 the built • ins including a Walking distance to &ebools. 2· Bdrms. 2 Baths, 3 Garag. BOYD REAL TY moataticaily controlled fofC. Baker. 2 Br tum apt C.M. $15.5 FOR Lease, Cameo 8.bores 6 mos or less, 2 Br, eonvt. den. 2 Ba. spac. living nn, dining rm, gardener pcl., $375 mo, 673-8778 ' water conditioner. Needs a Immediate !X>Mfsaloo. es. Balcony patio. Kitch. 675-5930 ed air heat with summer 3rd GUi to shatt l BR. 3 Br unturn hse H.B. $175 little TLC, Vacant & priced HERITAGE bltns. AND a Catalina view. BEST INVESTMENT fan. Lal'lt> double a:araae APT., yrly, Balboa lsland. ExecuUvl' Homes from $200 YEARLY 3 BR. l BA. unturn way under market.. Hurry. Open eves, 540-llSI 'Anytlme :,~:two'rlc c;;:· Needs 2 Lots, f..l bdrm. unita. Walk with sliding gia.1$ door to 673--8405 eves. ~e Bea:" ~e~al = hse-. Adults prelerTed $200 this \\'on't tut. 0 NL Y BY OWNER _ 4 BR, 2 Graham Rity: '46.2414 !O Shopping A: btach. High reer yard. Co~red enclosed * Collegt: Boy would like to W, 1 , · · per mo. 673-9119 $29 T;iO income "'-· $10 00) cash patio. Fenced and landsca.p. !hart apt in beach atta. ' • pUllman ba's. 58xl35' lot. Near Newport Post Otttce 00,vn, • ••;r ' ed. Sl~ total down. 67>7200 OCEANFRONT sunaet Beach, 2 BR, dbl ~. lg yard, Very clean -ready to move OPEN HOUSE &I 1-5 :t CA 3 BR, 3 BA, 3 tireplaCl's, OK for boat, trailer, etc. . ,.._,_ .i~ A... ..__ • n · NON REALTY 675-l581 g GIRL 71 to 25 to share, 2 BR ,._ btt-'··, cp•-, •-·. 1 .,.. •250 673-2025 £'-l-l~J~I ~~ve':"J:med.l"'Pos'.!':io';'. BR, patio, antique shut. BAYVIEW4:V..•t. LOAN d3 1 J_IWEJlfWI btach apt. Yearly 675-3196 ;~ nilitlmW: N':'°g1ng)~J =·==""=·======J _:!,·.· •. :-$23,000 FHA or owner can ten. $28,~ by O'.l."ner, sat Enjoy tamily life in this bay T"!!imtli afu!r U noon. ar pets. $375 mo. (21J) Huntington Beach 3400 REALTY COMPANY finance. 548-3244 Aliso. view home, 4 Br. 2~ b&. WlLL share lovely Mme 592--174:1 642-1771 Anytime CUSTOM BUILT Newport Shores 1220 Din. rc,p;nc~:8f~ Desperate Owner "'?th working Ct" colleiel:JZJS:= . .:.3,::,Br:-+,.-_.=-.-:,,..,=.,::-. 3w:-~:._Pp:~= Comlortabl.e living. Lrg !enc---'--------Che Transfemed and MUSI' Sell girls. Call 833-0141· Pool, bltns, w/w, drps. park, Walk to acbool.s-beach. ed lot. well laocbcpd. 3 lrg e REDUCED $5,000e shire ReaJ E~tate 675-25Q3 beautiful Hunting1on Crest srABLE, working woman, Family & amJ ~t O.K. Bkr. 45 BR's. 2 BA'a:, 1rg Uv & dln U you need a great family DECORATOR FRESH home built around atrium. 25.30 to llbare BacJc Bay 534-.eso i235. Mo. 962-81 nn. Modl'rn ki.t. 2 covt>red home, see this one! Lge. liv. Comly 2 Br. w/extra lge. Uv. A·l landscaplng, Greciu condo. $100. 548-7877. J;EXECUTM.ii;;;;iiiii:::;;;--:..,=m"•'"'s'""'Br"'.'"'J l liR, 2 ba. den, frpl, W/w How about 4 large bedrooms, patios. $29,500. Call 543-8355 nn. plus lge. party rm.; 4 rm., hdwd. firs., walk 10 bath, avenized muter bed· NEED nn•mate 2!.JO, lady BA. crpts, drpa. ell'C bltns erplll, tttttned porch. ~ 2 baths, elec bit-ins, double fDr appt. PrincipaJs only Br. :t Ba., kltch. bit-ins. 1% everything. R-2 Lot. room suite. Best buy in area! teacher pref'd. 2 BR Bch F•·-~. ·~1:11.. 546-6741) ?"'fl, no pets. S2SO mo, garage, large cul-de-sac lot, pleese. Blkll. to beach. Fee simple. $34,500 MUTUAL REALTY ~~~~~-~··~~lg!~~ 1~~·~~=~-~~==~oo l eludes water, lse. M0--7fi52 forced air heating, 6% int.er. :Co='C,.---~-~ SlG,500 Equity $49,500, May Delancey Real E1t1t• 142-1411 apt, Bal. 67~'"" am. 4 BR home, 2 story. ~ c.ar . est on an assumable loan. FAS!' Occupancy. Lrr fam 'd trnd """"' Costa M9sa 3100 . F --.a yd. paint it, fix it, love it. rm, sep liv nn, 3 BR. boat consi er e. 4444 E, Coast Hwy. G13-37iO Leeh w/Optlon Cotti MMe 2100 garaa:e. patio. e .... ~ gate&a:belter.Immaccond. e OWNER 646-™99 INVEST NEAR nu; Abandoned Spanish casa. LARGE FENCED YARD Crpta & drpll. $265 mo/lse Close to schla Ir shop'g. LARGER A·frame, 2 Sty, 3 OCEAN. 3 BR. 31,ii Ba., dl'n, 4 BR, 3 bath, 2-ator)I 2 BR fUrn home for 4 mo Covered patio, 3 BR, 2 baths, 9182 Annlk Dr, H.B. 968-5802 Good flnanclng. S&crifi~ at BR. 2 BA. nr beach, va.c:ant, 2 fplcs. Din. rm. Build Lwnuioua am~Ues, near subll't. Slt)) Pl'r mo. Youne fireplace, built-ins, a nd $160 mo, 5 nn hse + 2 mi Costa Mesa Dirty s:;li,500. OWner. 546-9993 $29,900 Owner. 642-3.547 aft another home for income Oll ocean It schooll. Reduced to adults only. 642-8721 much more! Families only. cottage. Lr8: yd. l93ll Beacb· THE BIG APPLE ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ 6, l Sat & SUn; or %13: lge. IOt. Some view; nr. $.19,900. -$225 monlh. Aaent: 546-4141 Blvd. 496-3949 is 16582 Apple St. LARGEST S22,500 FHA·VA-Omv. fll-2704 da,ys. beach & !!hops. Bk r , KATELI.A. REALTY Newport leach 2200 EASTSIDE. SmaU 1-BR. OPEN SUN . 1-5:30 2629 HARBOR BLVD. l BDR. 2 Baths-double 6734JIO 347~1 CHOICE house $85. Freshly painted. Fountain Valley ~ garage, I: priced tor im· Bay1hore1 1225 SHORECLIFFS Special. 277 CONDO. Crptd, d r pd, UDO BAYFRONT Older man or \roman, OPEN SUN. 1·5:30 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 mediate sale. Call 545-8424 OPEN HOUSE Morning Canyon Rd., CdM. v;·asber/dryt>r, rtfrla. Xnlt Tv.·o bdrms .. den I: m·o bathS. permanent tenant on I y. 3 BR unfurn house, crpts" $225 MO., leue; 3 Bt. 2 Ba. Bltns, cplB. drpa. Ne aehools. Call: 962-26l9. Come by & iru;pect fantastic SOUTif COAST REALTORS SAT. & SUN. l-5 PM 2 ~BR & den, lge. fee lot. cond. Good homl' for older Slip for large boat, Furn.b6'&-=.;;,;.2ll=;,:8=,.,..=:,-:::-:-"7: drps. $225 mo. leue~ 5 BDRM, 3 bll.lh. 3 car GOOD NEWS ~ REDUCED $4000. $55,500. Optn house Sat !: couple or xlnt rental unit $550 \Vlnter. $800 Yt>arly, 2 BR Eastsi~ $185 mo., 1st *536-3898* garage home, \Vilh pro-Sound 2 BR, l BA house, Immaculate3BR,3BA,with Sun.1.S. pol~nllal. Recreatioa IRVINE TERRACE & lafit mo's rent. Crpts,l==========J fessionaI work-free landscap.. Travels fast s0 hurry? M-dbl gar, Xlnt area. Needs din rm. Ste-pa to yacht an. INVESTOR'S Special (2) R-2 facilities incl. $19 • 1 SO· Spectacular vh!""· Bayadel'(' drps, range, "'·ater pd. Laguna Niguel 3707 Ing. $47,000. Rex. L, Hodges sume $27,000, 5%o/e loan. handyman painter 35t Mag. chorage. Tenna. Now $54,950, lots, S. ol hwy + 2 Id h8e1 962-2356. Dr., • Bdnns.. 4 Bath!. 54fr8222 Evea:. 1 _R_t"-·-"='·~25~25=·==,.,---i long \Vith colossal BD~'s .• 3 nolia, C.M. • This won't last! 2591 nay. $58,500 Ownr. fi73-4l69 OPEN House 2 to ab: Walk \0 Beaut. furn. Pool, 3 Car. J BDRM 2 Ba.th + pool. LG. deluxe 2 Br. 2 BA, BIG 5 BEORM. ~ R".:"-_,thspa,.!_ormlcdald•ndmm&w•·th MESADelMar4Bedroom.2 -'="°'='=°'==··="=13-3=182=,===I *Oceanfront -Poal• nl'w Hi Sehoo1. ~~mi to $1,000Pt>rllon!h. Largepatio.Garagl'inback ~~:"5.1~ view. $28,50011 "'"'" ..,...., '"'°' -Cameo Shore! _ 4 BR It Dl'n beach. l BR or 2 + Den Kathryn Raul5ton of Joi, convert~. Rent or -Jr. estate grounds. room for fireplace. Entertain arow"K'I BA. new crpts, drps. 1:1" DoYer S~re• 1227 11S Millard Rd. 61>ii996 w/v.-et bar, condo. xlnt ...,,.,,.. lease. $250 mo. 540-4044 San Cle-nte 3710 I P h 1 lllx40 "--t-.. , filt<red ~. Jo~ ""'-t -" trtts. Jll,950. en--' -.. """~ .... . swim PoO • retty s ut er For ap';,'in;·ent to !ltl',~ S46-9'1S5 or 54&-09:18 LUXURY ELEGANT OCEAN VIEW ,....,, ;11;1M-~. 4 BR. ~1esa Verde. Hid. It -""--------~a:~ \.:~ng~~hs~~ Dan Lee 2 BEDROOM. t.arte comer CUSTOM HOME home, l BR, 2 BA, fam rm. HAVE openifl&I for 4 Real filt. pool. $325 Mo. incl. pool 3 BR. l ba. 2 frpl. I: maid's P""· additional fireplace in 540-1151 lot. 3 car garage. Located in new M!ction Owner * 644-1392 Estate Salesmen tn our new '-'~ ell Bink & Co. mainl 8 Mantha lease rm., 180' Ocean vil'W exec. • -~--4 ottl-. Call' too appom· •-·nt, "'"9 W ' If Call Walker & Lee 545-9491 home. Lease. living room. Formal dining r.;jjij~j~~ii!!~ BY OWNER*54~1 88.ycttsl, Dover .:>ilUl-cS. ..... '"""' 550 N wport Center Dr 1'7""'~==,-,c--==,,.... TY --I •1t.1"r tan-....,Ml. I Mou Verde BR, 3 bath, living roorn, Balboa Penlntula 1300 R. O. Slates, Reatfor1 e • ' NO\V READY! 3 Bdnn. 2 CANON REAL "'""->·••u room. 54()..1720 ..... • 1110 . Newport BHch, C•hf, b ti N I fM from Fubion =========! : TARBELL 2955 Harbor fonnal dinlng room~ fanu-VACANT 3 BR freshly 53'-llOl Ul-0709 644-2430 l!J~a.:t. ~ear round lease Duplex .. Unfurn. 3975 ly room. Huge pa.Uo with painted, crpU. flaptone I !"!'!"!~~!'!"!~"!"!!!!~ --,,,...,-=,.,-=-=--:---Full Price$24,750 UNBELIEVABLEI COZY 4: Clun 4 BR home. custom barbecue. 3 car patio.Btwn8ay&:OCl'an nr BEAUTIFULLY Dttot. 4 e LINDA ISLE e $285. BIB 87S-3CXXI, Cute 2 bdr, newly pain~1 Sharp 4 BR, 2 Bal.h 5 BEDRM + POOL. l% Ba. &: partially erptd. garage on large fl'@ lot ; i bch I: boat ' BR. townhowf. Auume For you &: your boat! SO ft. SMALL 2 BR ho u a:~, 9Cteened garden nn, pri yd, On Business-zoned lot Will a.ssign to Realtor in 2 $82,500. Submit Tttms or II~ mm ng ramp. 5~% FHA. By own er alip + beaut. fun_t. 3 BR. redttorated. $12l mo , fna:I paved area for add.U 3 BATH -$26,9501 . weeks; but tilt at this price: Trade. Call Ted Bolte Will eo1111 trade IDr vac Ltnd. $X 550 962-5291. home, Im.med. available tor Adult• New Anthony swimming Finest location near every-$23""" "''" .......,. Princi-·1-$43 SOO Temu • · 1 'tll J 15''"" · Prkr, enclo5ed gar, crpta. -·•t · k' ,;>W • .,...,..,,,.,.. _... 540-2991. Open Howie Sun-' ' · RI 3 BR. • BA n....._., ..___ e!lll' une ..._ 642..31.CO: d-. 1 child only, no ~. pool, Chvner says ~ qu1c · thing. Jr. Estate 11 i zed only ple-a11e. 2 6 1901 Sa Uaa:o. FRANK MARSHAU... ty. • .-•--::•'"'ae '-'""'• Boyd Realty 675-59&1 • .,., """' May be GI or FHA grounds. Rich wood pane!. J ;;;;;;""'--""""""'""'" J da.Y 1 to · 11 1575-4600 673-3J95 X l n t loc. 51'% Pa . 4 Bdrm 2 bath. Large fenced avail Oct l, $166 mo. 21~ LOCKHART REALTY ing, handsome break!ast baJ'. BETJ'ER than ne"' l BR, 2 Neal Martin Realty ' $29,100. N7-tt80.' GR.EAT VIEW on main bay, ya.rd. Children & petll OK. Cecil Pl, Costa Mesa 64&-75.15 . 646-2301, Ev~: ~2851 Elegant fireplace. l.Dads of ba. tam rm, bll-lns, ww, *CAPTIVATING Lido Iii• 1351 nr beach. 3 Br, 2 Ba, &42-8961 Ks:rflALS. decking & patio areas. drp&., etc, eptd, Pa 1 i 0• Different "Old World" con-Huntlntfon w/pr. Wlntl'r $300 mo. 9l9 Aph. Furnished · CUSTOM BUILT $20,000 540-17'20 Choice Joe. nr everything. temporary, executive lllXW'Y "'OPEN SUN. 1~5 Harbour 1405 w. Bay. 675--QWS, 633-8580 CLEAN 3 BR, w/w, atove, MOUNTAIN VIEW TARBELL 2955 Harbor Low dwn. Ownr: S4S--l096 hollll'. Uooblltructed Bay &: 211 VIA KOR ON \VATERFRONT l Bdnn 2 Ba mature couple. 1 teenaatr Gener•I 4000 Spacious bedrooms, rich wood * 3 Bedroom Pacesetter, Mtn VU·most rms. 5000 !ti· Nifty 2 BR. home on love!y IUIL.0.ERS ·CLOSE CUTI Den 2 trplcs dllhwshr disp OK. Evea:. S48.fi965. ---------- paneling, fireplace, carpet. Full Price $21,950 Large yard. Near Adams ft. 4 BR, 4% BA + ~ IJtreet. Vaca.nt • Immtd. From $39,00(). From 10% dn washr/dcyr fncd yrd. 35ll l BR duplex, quiet 1tl"fft. The GORGEOUS Nt>w ed & draped thru-01Jt, util· INCLUDES THE LAND! School. $32,750. Principals qtn. Ideal tor entertaining. occupancy. Only $42,SOO. Immed. occupancy. Exciting F1nley or call 833-ll34. Wale\' pd. $100 mo. Older VAL O'ISERE tty room, covered patio, Cute 2 BR +dining area + only. 540-4681 Easy main. Jmmed oceup. LIDO REAL TY INC. Prillll' 3 At Bedroom Homea BAYSHORES. 4 Bdnn. 3 ba. JM!l'IOnl call 642-822'1· Singl·l br-2 br. Furn.unt. doublt> garage. 2 years new. Anthony pool, New paint fn. Furn. $178,000. AMuml' G'4% "Gundy" Gundenen Boildeni 4ent. 54&-6288 Sept. June tease Private 3 BR. J BA, crpll £: drps. Sauna, Act'y Rm, Billiard• TARBELL. 837-0845 or side and out. Vacant • Im-College Par.le 1115 loan. Box 1632 NB. 548-7'249 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 comm~lty withlt>e°ach. $315 Bltin kitchen, nr college. Therapy&. 45· pool, BBQs 837--3776. mediate possession. HUR. --''------1-1230 GR EA TL y REDUCED Fountain Valley 1410 mo. 646-l~ Alt. .l23S;:;;·:.;<.:21l;:l';;846-0459;;;:..:;::;:""~"';;;;5,i ,200o~:_,P~"'°"'~~~M~.,_~642-881ll~~I RY! Motfter·ln-Law Wntcllff ~ 8 • , •••• -~ VIEW HOME 40' Nn. BtY"°"l • 100 Blk. WHY PAY RENT? BAYF'RONT 6 dock 3 Br, 3 SMALL 3 ~ •·~= Y~o, WHY ""nt when you can b"1 · 3 BR h-~wd ""°"'· Lg. cov. ~ 5"46·5880 She·can relax in her own pri-* SPARKLES &: SHINES! Over 3500 lq, ft. bl l Bd. Yr old Spanish atyle A-. Ba den. Leue/option $501'.I. no garagt. $140 mo. 2001 30• trailer with 1 BR 6: BA ,......, fllhrcftema tt.bt) vate suite with private bath. Inside &: out. Living rm, din-2'iii Ba., g-rdn. entry. Pl.SI.Ip SU.mt 6" % FHA loe.n. j BR.. mo. 6'rH331. AlllO unturn. Charle St. 548-5044. tor $2,SOl terms. J _ 5 n'"~fOO~~s~~ e~~~: school. LLEGE REALTY =-fo~~ ';:l' 0n~i~~ Ing nn, elec bltns, clean for 50' boat. Now SlM,SOO. patio, BBQ, bltna:. AdJ. to 2 BDRM 1~ Ba Garage Oct 1 BR furn cottage, $120 incl Baylhore Traller Park. Open Sat./Sun. 1-6 l:zzz)l<llz-z;";-zE Uy with :t bedrooms, 2 baths crptl Ir drps. 3 BR, 2 BA, R. C. GREER Rellty &olf courae, pool. $26.950 1.July 1 Family only $95. U) utilltie1. Garqe. 645-M86 Owner (2131 700-2705. 20422 Bayview, S.A. Hts &: enormous family room prof lndscpd & rnaint'd, 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 CORBIN-MARTIN ~2917 after 5:30. alt 6 or Wknds Z BR apt, ptly furn, no smok· FULLER REAL TY plua doobie garage. You will heavy shake root completes REALTORS 675-1662 AVAlL Oct. 1. E-cide l BR. ing, SlSO mo. Call Sat or f>:l6-08l<I $ 1500 DOWN appt'l!Ciate this home nestled lhil Charming home. By Huntington S..ch 1400 3036 E. Cout Hwy., CdM Untvanlty Park 2237 house. bllin1, dshwhr, cpts, sun. 642-1659 ai'ld assume 7% % loan on ll owner. $41,800. 642-1598. ba ,. __ ~ 642-0850 Mesa Verd._$26 ,500 I in qulet and elegant Co ege Vacallt 4 bdr, 2 , 1% ,yn 3 BR I: f nn Compl .t .... .,., -mo. $110. 2 Br redec. New W/W. L•rge Famllr Room ~~:~:DJ:e~·!~Y =~ Park· Well worth $32.8SO. Unlv•rtlty Park 1237 old, cor lot, nr Hatt.or « nicetY ru:;hed · 2% ba. 4 BR. 2 BA. Crptd, drpd, Family &. pets accepted. 1 ~ .. , r· pla d" . """'r gain, All new featuru 546-2113 Mar·1-r • Edlneer. $28,900 or will tra_de fireplc, bh • 11-1: JMMED. dthwht tenced. $250 mo. N. BJa 5U-6980 I ~qu1111 e ire ce, 1n1ng ;~ FREE 1 ,,. .•. for San Dieao home Jim OCCUP "~mo, I-. fl'ue. CM S4Q-.t275. room. Kitchen wllb finest and clean as a pin. $248 pays Cox FUtr ,.... ...... · ~ ;• 1.,=:,,-;;:....7-:::::'-;;;:-:-:;7 C t .... 4100 built-in feature!'!, handsome eVl'rything, Can Ray Gault Cema.I aiN:Ondidonin11. Buy Realty · ......,...._. BOB PETTIT & ASSOC. J BR Mesa v er de. ot a ,.,..e • bar. 2 baths. Prestige area. at this 4 BR. home w/large CONDO, must RI!, 2 BR, mm.01 Comer lot, lrg yard, Crpts, $ O Wk U no HERITAGE 540-1151 patios. Xlnt I«. FP $41,000. A1soci1tes bonu• rm. 2 ca>: 1ar, SlOOO drps, bltns. S49-(l!IOO, 30.0 • p ~k.eEu. 2955 Harbor $21.SOO. May ta.kl' over low e Red Hiii R•alty 1-----down A usume toa.n. tradt> Coren• del Mar 2250 e $6 Ni&ht Up HORSES! HORSES! IRVINE AVE ~;~ -~~~ Uni•. Pt,!""""'· 1 """" SPACIOUS 3 BR :.0:.".'' or ""· 111' PRIVACY ptuo! Channing 2 Newport Buch 3200 : ~:;:n;~, • Pool ; Charming view custom hom~ . • diUon. Lots ot trees-walk to Call ytime ~ty Family home. Wue • aaver I ~======== BR 1urn doll houa&«'e:an • CocktaU Bar ' I zoned for horses. 3 BR. 21,4 Custom built home, large en.. ··hool. Call rn ••24 BY OWNER · Un seamless floors F1taa:tone W ·1 1612 ••· ~ bl··• ~ •-l/B M baths, 2 frplcs, in beaut closed co. urtyard for maJD· ~UTH OOA;;""REALTORS. Park 4 BR. 21,i BA, Villa.it" fireplace. L 0 v" e I y yard. e1tm n•l•r ,.....,. u~ ..... ""I"'" ...,am •Day, week&: onth cond. Owner anxious. mum privacy. Many extras1~========= II rnodet home. Many ex· $26.950. l·,-80:-RM:--.l--Ba_lb_REPO,_.-.-Lo-w ceillnf&,&haacrpta:thruout. TOWNHOUSE 2376Newport:Blvd. 548-9755 1 $49,500. Back bay in this beautiful 3 Bdr bomt, 1200 tru. Prime location. $37,lXXI MA.RINER REAL TY down, low payroll. Built-in Bltina-lmaldast b&r, private ~ti only. 3 BR. 2% Ba. * VILLA POMONA i JEAN SMITH REALTOR $47,1"'°1 . di ~~·port &.ach or ~IA.a IC~. rHt i a l Ji 17149 Beach Blvd., Ha l'&llge, oven. F.P. $21,500. ri:·~':n ~p~~ Beau.,,• ........ ,~.~ .. mhOllth New 1 I: 2 BR tum apta. 440 E. 17th St, Colita Mega We 1-McCar •• Rttr1. LIKE To liW! on a muiD tunuson:u . ..,...,n ouse t42..J541 ·er 546-1322 BY OWNER 642-31)92 ~ Cloted raragl'I, PGOl., laun-1 646--3255 1810 Newport Blvd .. C.M. Island! For We by owner Garage Sale 10-5. Fri. Sat I Balboa 2300 ealty, Inc. dry rm, adults onJy, no petl. 11 $17,900 543-7729 anytime dilt to ·dlvorte. Oiarming Sun. 18102 ~atherWOOd. JRANSf£RR£D ~'-~~~~ 1705 9tn Dovtt Dr., NB Sulte 116 1760 Pomona, C.M. LIVIN' IS EASYI old """ on Nowpnrt !~. 1 1250 LEASE, FURNISHED. ""2000 -., 548-"611 SHARP 2 BR Spacious bedrooms. den, 2 $20,950 rooms. 2 baths, has been Corona del Mar e BY OWNER e ~nlntula, 45• bay trontqe: 7264 Maple by Wlhon. I. ,_ Decorative •tone work en-comp~tely rem ode It d LOW DOWN. Auwne 10 Custom built 3 BP... w/tloat. 2-Story. 5 BR, 4 • LEASES e M~,-1 .. -11 .. -. p-• separate bath!. 1rep14ce, 1 •• uJ .~ BEACHY th old Ct •··· N -•• 1 uu ... "'" "'" """ dining room. Cheerful kitch-hancea: Jovt..,. tra-muuem rnodem kit. w/bltns. Lots mon · ......... 0 .. ._.. Panoramic ootan v i e w BA plWI nrimmf!I"• dlftl.-3 A 4 BR. del~ LuAk Condo No pet&. $1!"6 month. 1 en • finest buUt..in applianc-r.xterlo!-. Gentle sloping roof ol •torage. Vied brick frplc. Utile Corona Beacb ls only ilying, l BDR, 2 Bath homl' home. Walk to achool, ing rm w/shower. Front all homes. Rates from $323-$450 Mir. Long!Jn • 646-697t es. 54Q.l'l20 lines. Spacious 5 bedrooms, 2 &: dlninc room w a 11 . sttpt away from this unique near ewl")'thina:. Owner anx-beach. glass. Dlshw .. her, diapoaal, mo, Bey Yin' a: 1~nbell NICE Furn 1 BR, llv nn. kit, TARBELL 2'55 Harbor baths, BuUt·i.n kitchen, Huge Bathrooms ntW w/sunkrn two story 4 Bedroom Home !owl, Open Sat/SUn. l·S 2 retrlr. aepara.te freezer, loc. Alto: several choice ba. Slngle mah only. Ref. COWT'ed patio, tub. tzr. a:undttk w/vlew. • Spac'°'11 and clean with a Th• Real E1tat. Mart 920 SKYLINE DR. Dbl oven. electric 1tove, turn. ~ avail. tor win-$13) Incl util:-lto Meadow ' BAYFRONT APT. 842-6691 TARBELL Newly palntf!d o otaide. newly remoMJed kitchen, 847-1531 $46,!iOO 4"'"61.T4 aeparate broiler It wr. L&rttLtl(otl 2.Sant1.Ana . Vista Del Lido. Pitt & slip YOU Just ca.n·t find these Aemq IL from 8IQ' on 2 large tam.By room and well TRAILER/BOA.Tl OCEAN VIEW HOME rotiuerie. Laundry rm . BROKER. '44·U33 Ave:} Open aft 1 sun. available. Sel1 or lease/op. anymore! Hett'• an ocean Aides Ii 3 blk& trom ooean. protected patio, ~reat vin Acceu and room for lbem In XLNT Vet lo&n UIUJJlPtlon. Automatic prap opener. OCEANFRONT 3 BR. 2 BA \ tion. Price $23,500. vlew home 1 blk to beach. $42,500 buys thJs 4 Br home. upatail'I, some view down. Orla: large )'ltd, Sharp 3 lot. nte wW not lncrtut. 3 Yte.rly or winter. 1573-2039. 2'!00 ft. $eplll'atl' .~ AVAIL Oct. l, OM BDR. tum 1 Gffrge Williamson New cprts, dr'pa, fireplc, Uv 4008 Marcw1, NB 675-0363 or Try $69,500. BDRM, 2 baths, carpeted, Br, 2 Ba, w/w crpta. frplc. $l75 Winter te~. Penlntu.la a: dre~ tact 11tte1 • apt. '100 t n c I utiJ. Quiet I REALTOR rm, din rm. Priced at only 494-Sf.20. '73-1550 draped, covered patio. OnJy O>r lot; c:ompl privacy. Point. Spae~• 2 Br. can or Ot\tato.ndlne view. $300 mo. mature penon. 5 4 8-3 2 O 9 1 6734350 Eves. 673-156of $2.1.000. CaU owner, ''Art .. : -....:.,."-=B~Y-O~WNER==-,,.--$25.400! An x to u • • • ubmlt. F/P write Mn. Beardslee, 213/ e'f'l.-1442 RJtr. 11 SPLASH SPLASH 536-4558 or &1741,9 Oceanfront Home, 3 BR, utll HAFFDAL REAL TY $-U.500. 243-5316 1600 Parway, Glen-LEASEfOPTJON $275 MO $145 UP. AttractiY>t l BR. Enjoy pool.gide tun. Blue $18,500 rm. 1ewln1 rm, liv rm 842-44ai PLACE REALTY 49t-9'1'tM dale eai, 912C$. Santa Ana llrt11 26CXI 1q ft •4 pool. util pa.kl. Oarden liv-j Haven Wied pool. Slidl'. l bedrooms. 2 bl.th&, all elfa. w/t:rplc • ocean \'Sew. 15081 BicyJor, HD *County of Or•"f' BR, S% BA, formal din rM. tnr. Adulta. no pet&. m 1 Tropical yard. 3 BR. 2 s.. trlc plush button built • in Roorn;y kit. w/bltnt A LIVE IN COM Open Sunday 1-5:30 AUCTTON OCT, 30th, 1969 Ljdo ltle 2351 bn rm. Q1>ta. drpl, bltns I ~W=•,,Uac<_,,.=..,,.==_,,,.,,. Spacloos Jiv rm. tireptc. v.w kitchen with new vinyl tile. avoctdo sbaa crptr ttcru-FOR $100 MO. We want to 1how }'OU a nm' 323S6 Stonfncton Rd • Three NEWLY l'ln'nllhed ' BR. 4 tnc1 dlshwhr. 545--Slll 2 BR. 2 BA Montletllo ~ cpta. d~ Alkilli $31,300. Spe.clou, yud • delightful out J'ront yd w/peOo 4 A.aume 6~ contract on ttrls BDR. hardwood Door home Atttt ~ .. 4 Roam • 1 blltb. B&. avaD Sept l5lh. WinW' NEW bome-llkt tn'nbooM, do. Beau.t lurn, C\lltom s" % an. PAtio, Nt'ar beach, IChook CABANNA. '63.!500. 613-6990 So cl Hwy. 3 B'R, dup1n.. wltb ullltins Gt loan )'OCI Open Howe StpC, 26th, Oct. or tonser; C213) 189-9369 01 2?00 Mf. ft. 3 BR. 3 BA. tam crpta., • ch'pl. Multi. no P.W.C. 546-&440 "-ahoppifla. ct' (213) 69$.3621. Apply rtm.I <ftdtt • your CM take over. $23,900 tabs 20th. ll am-2 pm, M1n bld {2U) m-6fi82 nn. 'l\l Amip way. pea. $225 too. 540-1!21 J BR, Pool.dbl fenced M6'0604 TARBELL BAY AVE. DUPLEX Iola! <>J>' ... i• """"' flOO. all. Wo'U bdp w11b the 121.000. Call !34o2550 61'>$11or 6~ $!35 1-1Y 2 BR moblle u-r Bay &Jtt, Pan'ld & l BR 2 BA. fs.mlly nn. Prof 2 Modtm wlitl: 1n hnt a.rta. Mo. c:an for ck1.alll. down pl)'MenL Rn L. HANDYMAN'S * Furn 4 BR, 3 BA. ~ tiom. 132 Wm WU.00, r,,.. au 2 f 11 de(.'(W', l 'f-yr old-xlnt cond. .&asllJ rented, adequa~ re-Hal Plnchln I Assoc. H011se1, Rltr. 847-= ~ .. ,1 4 1 un!tt 120 temp, ntwly dee. $400. Avail Jh,Z'.4 bf.., ct.n, I.am, tor-CM. ·~-n beam ccU'p " w · II, u ~ Tmnt $S9 OOO 3900 E, O:>ut Hwy, 675-4392 GLEN MAR ~t°o bea~Uos deekl now. '\'."etrly. CTI4) s:M--Tt09 mafaln, cpta;. drpa, prdel"" .;,,·='7-~,_..,..-.,-.,-1 ~r.81~. st~~=:~:: ·=· 6~n"t LI\ HB. tlURR : wHrTE LCE. hilltop lot. Ptrm. vtew 4 Bdnn 2 Bath Patto. nn w/Oeean vit~ NM: piJnt. OAll.Y PD.OT DIME-A-@r, 2300 Ill fl. t350, '46-«lj JBDRM_A~ultsoftJ', "°Pf'*. t cant, clean. $29,950, Bkr. 646. Qo.alficd MCtkin. Save UALTOR of ocean A hllll. Prtvaey. InltrcOm, other ext rt 1 etc Should ,:On 111:oxi yr, LINES. You eaa uttie them qt. Neu H$..~ Maim. I JOO. moodt_ limo 6 e!1or1. Loot '901 N ....... Bl•d., N.B. ""allor 67WOIO $2!,lll50 lS9ll l'n>vld<"°' Pr.' "8,SOo, Oonslder Ind•~ fuo J\lfl poonl" a day, l>W Fiio !lo!'.,~.!,"" Olk Ewt ~"•Gr. fF Whl~ Elephantl? now! 11 ~ fi0-1253 Evt'S. Wbfh ell'Phantll Dnne+Une 90-ln5. MJ$10N REALTY 49f.OT3! So.aTI .., .... -·· llJV\A .. • I I I I I ' . '""""' ....... _.,....,,., ___ ..., __ ...,_.,, • ..,.".;,.,~.~ .... .;;;·_ ;:-·..;.-~;: ; -. ~~---;-~.:.;;.;:.,;;~:-:.;:-:_:~_::_:_:.:::=::.;:-::: ... ; .• ;:;,:::;:::::;:: ... ::.::-.:.=.;::==========!'l::ll:=t!;!!l~!!!ilil!l!~=am11!l!•111111!111111~!11!11!11llJ!lll!llll!!!I"' .. , •••• ···~··-,._~··· ,, •••• J . f'•• ... --... ·-······· ········ "' "' .. ' . DAil Y Pll.01' Frldly, S..tonbtr 2~ 19"' ., "~> R N R NTAU--·· lllHTALS' ~ -""'111tn • • 1 ""°' ·"""'1 :-.t.e un111m1.,... A~ UnfvrnlohM I F - . ' " 11!11-llll!Vlli1-••ll!Jlil-l9!l--.--·1 Jl1AL ISTATIJ * ;A' ; * * * Gonoral IUSINIU •M flNANCIAL ANNOUNCIMINTI and NOTICES C.. Mm 4100 0...,.. C-ty 4'°41 C.tr Melo . 5100 H~ll ..... luch 5400 ~ On 1rtvnfffff 6llO found If-AAkJ ·~· ~ YM•--~-·.. I 1 ti?:.. ·-· ft-·-n<E COUNTRY IN •DIA· 1--------BlUUCASE OmtaininJ ""' Acru'" I BR, boolft Olllhw, ..,. ~"':::_.:.--~ :::_~ ~ • ..;"',; • ,..._~::"•Id.~•,;;• , NEW Ulxt!RY 1 A'·211Jt MOND BAR. A _, .... Lacli• Appon1l Shop portanl popon. Nomo la "' ... .,_ ~-·.. , ....,.,._, ._, ,u,._ ,. _ _.,.,,_ .. 4 m1 ...... ,...,, ..... ._..,. n11 • ....,."""""" ~ .. i.i-'•---' devtlopmtnl UM:' o .. n )'OUl' v.. .,...r the cu.t. \Al.I ....._ tn , ~ •--· ·~•• _ W'I' •-• •~· w,._ -pa .-P-OS ~ "" ~N~• '"·· to " ~n "·""' ~" -~= ~-~« + .... _ ........ _ recrta ..... aa.uuai •com.-.,....._,; "'"'" ~1 AD'" ... •-vlNG -w• -~ ! --' --..,... _._ plete prt South ~ u.-a """ n.e Brochure. L. neu Hm'1 • ~ oppor-Hu betn allahtlf I BR dlQ. wa.ttr rum, adults w.cy. l BA. tr\lll. drps, newly SUR.F'SlOt CHALET Coat 1 B r o k er, 901 S. tunlf;Y to own )'OW' own &hop by bWtic. 646-4063 -'-· I.. -Ou.b A-pts. m s 0 • I decofttied.· adults, • 1 0 0 . 8262 Atta.nit. ' 536-280) Harbor, Santa AN. 5S1..os40 with a amaD lnvt•tment for -""· no pe.,.. _. J>tt mo. ~unt, Anabtlra (114)~ gq..&579 ~let 4 PM fJxturea in the Fountain VaJ.. rrt B w. Jfth, !l48-e9$4 • ............. il 2 BR, cpts, drpa, IWW!, No $1 DOWN, $S p E R llO.. ...... &tt:t. All merdiandJN • N.-.. -..._ • 1 BR unrum. &«ldll'. an. ~ts. .SU>. Other reol&ll ..-. ""'", PRI~ M•-JO _, _,. nu.... Oct '1. Adu) -1 .. $115. •·-~ u...... ~ 11UJ• is on con11Jnment No i~ 1 a #Ba Pool Garden GNYe 4610 11 ""'Y· mo. ~'"'°=·--~+~~~~-! acret m So. Ca1JL L. vestment ln rnttehandlM, 1n &. 22rwl St. ~ ' . ~· ,..1.839. LRG Beach A»ta. Ye:t.rly Sbewlelt, 325 w. 3rd SL, pay after It It IOld.. w, train I~ ... = .. ~~~~~-~· SUD • up. 1 • J pa, ~ SlNCLE 'towc Adults Lu:x· N'E\Y 2 1;.IR, fl.40, Bltne, rale, pool. Aduita. %19 .15th ~ L.A. (213) 623-510:% )'OU • JUptrWe you at no FOUND, Bia.ck G c rm• a YOUNG female G c rm a 1' Sbl'.!pbtrd w!U. ebaln and flea ooDar. 23rd • Santt' Ana. CM. &1~2540 a.m. an4 nk19 'trtr Ul E 16tb Colt.a uey ~ -wltti eoun.. pa.Ho, pr. Adults only, no St., Apl 7, Hp, 'TAKE OVER 1D ACR.£8 'exptw, l'or complete infor. Sbtpberd puppy. VI e Maa. ~ ' !':.~~ ;;:'~~ P'~-160 21'! _st, "3-2111 MODERN 2 BRa. all e><lru, WllMdy1 W""'1 WhlddYI Gott N.., !Np lab, "' """"-12$ m&U.n, writ• or pbone ·F, L, Estancia Hilh School. Cd I BR. J BA • l BR apb. Nr BAY aJJB APTS 13100 NEW 1·2 BR apta., n~. 130. Avail POW. lTill Kttl-,,ICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR mo. m47'G, A.gt. Tierney, 2130 ·North Holly· 646.2191 ilk for JtH. sbP'lB cntr. Net children or Cbl,pman aw., G'arden Adults only, no pe:ta. 378 t10n Ln. Im. 347·19'. NATURAL IO~ SWAP,.RS wood Wa.y, Burbank, Callt. FOUN"ll ~. St. eematJ , pets. 64&-6222 befiire 4. Gn:we <'ll4) 63&.3030 AVOCMdo. 548--'lU> Specl1f ltate Like El1inor• 6202 Phone <'131 143-43.to. type dog. v;e. Santa-Ana .. , LADY .,..t. LovoJY, quiet DELUXE 1 81', """""'1<. EASl'SIDE ti• I BR, drpo. WMlmlnaltr 5612 S LI-- 5 ti"'"-5, bllcka READ THIS O.l Mar, C.M. w"rtng coJ. -ts blti ................ no lllOLll -"° ..... .., IN<\UOE 1--no .. _ ... -• bchlr, utll'a pd. paUo. Adlts. Unr, an view, carport. .... .. ' ~ ..... ~' nuw-LARGE 2 BJL Crpts, drpl. l-WN1 '!'llit -.w 1t tr..._ ...., ~ rou -' 111 ,,.._ ""' ._ ... .........._ rd'• $89. 548-.aoo1. ::;:; ... =· ;:lJlD;;:pd.:=•=';;m;;,12pen~· $135bI" mo. ":17~ .. _ bltna. Pmtt ~. 1 child 1-You• =::-01-:~: ,~l•-T~'C:t.t.,~· PRICED JO SELL Xlnt for rttmd people Found: 8lk shaUY p/ac:otty 1 BDRM. DUPLEX $l -""· uns, crp ....... ._!"'" ok. $100. 10090 McFadden PHONE 642..s67I rnb:?' male, full irowrt. hi:' ~· · ~ G--' Lacau"' hl<h 4705 Upsta.ir& Apt. No pets. W 839-2267 or ~2314 e.outi'lul, --•·rn 4 .,_... If you want a pan or full coll&r. Vie BrlltOI • S.D. "'..,...y pe.intcu. ...."'ener. w w"---""'......,. To Place Your Trader'1 P1r1di1e ,Ad n.....,.. ~ -c--.~. """ .... .,., Laundry. Call: 646--2118 . • , WIU'1, OJW"U1w. • room. 4 Bath, and family time opportunity to make ~•~.)'· ..... ......._. I ;:=;;;;======'i·LUX 2 n~:..~_n.;.,..~ in J].35 upr 2 bdr. apts. drpa, 5. An1 Heights 5630 Oeluie 3 room office .\ l San Clemen~ 2 R--3 level room. Bll·ins, firep'8.C"t". On monty in a business of your GltEY I: wblte male cat Newport ... ch 4200 Lag. ''"'.>'.....,· ,_... m-lTIJD rt.ove. refrlg, util incl. apta. GA Palm Canyon Dr, Jots 90xl(IO cltar. Oo&e to 2~ Acres. La..ndscaped, Pool. own. For example $20CC in. w/Uee: collar. Vlc Eatanda 11----------1 . .:."':.c:;8'ltl--04530..,:=-'eves=::.· ---642-3375 before noon. 1 or l BR, crpt.s. ~rps. frplc, Palm Sprinp, $49.500. Equi. shop's A beach. Trade tor Aemt. 17566 Grand, n4: v~tment can net S50 wkly £: Adam.1. C.M. Notltl Nt"WPOrt Beach BACH Furn « unfum, .near patio. stove, di.slrlll'uber, ty $32.954. far inrornr, bus-NB, Qt_ conun1 mfz. or iJS.2131 by 1~lnr 4 hrs makin& ()ran&e, Humane Society. ·. GRAND OPENING beach. util ihcl, v~er1 New-BNch ·5200 dlsposal, pool. .Adults., no ineu or TD'J ml.883 unltt. 642-3400, Ca.JI PM dellvems. LONG ,•-•~, b'--'-.... -· • fl11:. 491-4925 .-.-• • pets. 545-21Al • ~~;;:-n.~~~c;;~ I~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' I ...... ~ ......... ....."' 1 IMMEDIATE nu.-e. -....-. YEARLY RENTALS $36 M Shennan O&b 3 BR. ~ acres nJ.a~ avocado, Call Mr. Thomas abOut. 6 IDOi! old. rtd nip I OCCUPANCY RENTA~S 1 BR 2 Batba $350 Tustin 5640 2 BA, fp, 1tudlo, ....,, $9 M Follbn>ok. l4QM. EqWty Out of State Prop. 6208 m<l Sll-6S88 coltar Vk. M4ln & &!lntfl'.' I _LoXury aa.tden apartments Apta. Unfurnlthlcl · ........ --eqty, For older houlce! Big S26,00J. For houae, unJts, t 1------~--und S.A. 213:431-2143. 4 ottt!Wn;' complete privacy, 3 BR. 2 &Uta • ·•·•·•• $300 THE ASPENS yard coast or inland Own. Bert Mott. Riddle Rlty $395 FULL PRICE Coin L• ry W•lhers FOUh"D: Bicycle 9123, \>il bea.utUul landsca,pm& I: un. Gener ii · SOOD 3 Bil 2 Baths ..... ••• S265 15652 WUllam St. er (iill ™-5305 ' 646-8&11. 833-0C7 eves. 5 Acm Duchesne County, 20 pink late K modd wash· Costa Meaa. Call to iden•"'- 1 paralleled recrutlonal facil. 2 BR. 2 Baths • .... ••• S265 Tustin'• prestige address Peninsula Pt., Balboa. 2 Modern Newport Bch in-Utah, Treft. cJoee ttt new tta. Xlnt meehanlat.1 cond. 546-00)5. ""V" iMI in a Mtntry club •t· VEN DOME 32 BBRR. 12Ba8alhlbl ........ ·~ Adult livi.nr, no pets BR. doll hou.se! Appro~. come unit &l"OSs $8760 • ...i.. lakt. Xlnt huntinc, flshinc Ii 20 y.ellow early ' K model .::::..=::;: ___ ~--·I --be-, Now !••Rh,... ... · ••• ·••• .. • ~ ~ ....... ,._,. ' ''Y ... ~85 washers. 7 turquol!t late K LIGHT colored k 11 ten -........ """ ......._ ... 2 BR 1 ea. Fum 1175 .... ._ -..-Sl5,000 equity_ Want multi· rental, Nr bcli, $50,000 eqty, investmt.nt nt: --.. ,,_ Newport Beach. . •••••• Total !Ur conditioning Ple income units. Trade klr CM a.rea comm'I mode!., All 1966. See them wlblue collar, Dana Knoue FUrnished or unfurnis!>ed IMMACULATE APTS! 3 BR •. u' BaRR, FUrnwi.'.i't·TE·· $230 Unfurnished Balboa Bay Prop, &73·7420 mfg. or unit.a:, can PM, R. E. W1nted 6240 on location. vie. 496-5451 evenings. Models open noon to 9 pm ADULT ¥-FAMILY n Gymnasiwns & Saunas 642-3490 Coin-0-Matlc Equipmvit, Inc. FEMALE Puppy, Australlul OAKWOOD SECI'IONS AVAILABLE REALTOR Apartments from $1!JO View home, new, Laguna MORE CASH 2334% W. Valeocia Dr. Shephard, OCC parkln& Jot. GARDEN Close to shopping, P•rk 2901 Newport BJvd., N.B. For intormation ~ ~h, 3 1BR.k?'nr.~8:_f' ee~-5-\' SailllJi" Ca!amaran CUii· Fullerton. Calif. 525-~ 644-1795 * Spaclow 3 8r'1, 2 Ba 675.4630 642-2253 Eves, nr1, e ~ !, n.u1nan tu ' tm·bh 2 yn old. A-1 cond. ADDRESSING I Malling I A,.ARTM~ * 2 Bedroonu £•STBLUFF l9S1uno1 Belch 5705 trade $15,000 f'CI for Motor $125,COO free & clear. \Vant FOlt YOUR Robotypin&. U you have ex. WILL Boy contact lady that ... ,,. • ~-•-~• PuV.....;.n ~ Horne, Boat, Lot or ???' units, can add cash. . ._ be talked to about ftndbl& .,..IUI c--. ---N 2 bd 2 "· ~ EQUITY penence '"' some sales _ ..... 1 .. 1 ...... -" "'<\"' c..i70 1700 16th Street • Frpl, Indfv/lndry tac'ls ew nn. ...... """11·• WAKE up by the blue 8J0.28'25 642-l~ Rltr. ability, I'll furnish complete ,........., .,..... ......... .,_...... TI4: 6f2..8170 114.S Anihelm Aw. drps,, bltn!I. Overlooking Pacific. J..2 BR. 1 Ba .• 1·10Ro.d~~,-,,-,,-Dodg~-,-,.,-,-,-"~k-Near new beautiful Italian Mid'i\'t!tern Investment Corp equlp + IOtne acct.a on a GREY rabbit 5te-s146 tit CLE YOW!J Adults Lux· COSTA MESA tH2-mt backtr baycb.:~11~;..~ls· shop. BR .. 1 Ba. apts. ~2001 filte trans, chrm !mt end, Contello Aoootdian. FulJ 12{) now purchasing 1lomes In Jtue + % buU. $800 req'd. 549-3888 --'--en ., 11..<UJCS, sw ....... , tic. -ker -dius _ _. _ _._ ,_ hi.. ._ __ n..;.... 1 1t.1l<l'l n--, County. St'f'ki""' VA Mr v._ £M> ""'°" · v ury ...,.. ...... , apta with COW)-816 Amigos Way. $235 Per DIV ... W<m, U<-..g wue w .., -· v1..i cos over _..... v1cu15 ... , n&<-~eve• aft 7 WOMENS aJaues, vie. .,.,. 111 club ab:notpbe:re and e RENT e Mo. Yrly. REAL ESTATE '69 lie. Ttd VW Bus or !. For 2nd car or ? ? No junk. &: FHA ~ties, Call an)'· TRAVEL AGENCY for sale, Mart '"""°· CM. 642-6lOl complete privacy. SOtml 3 Rooms Furniture . General Greg ~1441. Helen, 642-8249. time, in Newport Beach. well BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at >< '7UOSO o Jndust, income on Placentia -,,.~. -,,-.,-1-..,,-,-o-v-ltw-~lot-ln°1 WANTED: Commerc. bldg. eatab&btd, ex c e Il e n t ,L_oa_i ______ 640_1· 1Sth, Newport Beach. $25 & UP -,.33 I a.& Rentals W1nted S990 value $150,000. Trade 1/3 San Oemente. $16,CO> fte't on Coast Hwy, C.orona del l'f'putatlon. Holds all ap-1 • <n1> MS-0550 ?.fonth-To.-Month Rentals e LANDLORDS e tor clear Calif. ~bus, prop. &. clear. For improved; San Mar area. Broker 644 1323 poititments. Ownerz moving. nooo !~ard REisw:otred far BE A U TI FULLY tum. WIDE SELECTION $300 to $395 Watertront Lux· balance T.D. or · Oiet:o prefetted. BUSINESS •ncl $28.IXXI. n 4/673-1TI8 eves. '"formation !bat w!U --·•t i (5--1.1..} 2 BDR apt near HFRC Fumiture Rentals . FREE RENTAL SERVICE Owner 548-1542 Owner, ~9-1006 FIN•uc1•L "' , _ _....... unous &: l!lePnt 2 BR, 2 Brok r 53U982 <;-r;;;;;;:--;:i;q.,;;;i-;;;;-1-~~-~·:!!:"~---FLOWER l Gift lhop for in the return of owner of Hoa& Hospital. Su~lease 511 W. 19th. CM 548-3481 RA. pool. pri balcony, view e TRADE: Fast, 33' Olymp. 9 Units S'12.5«>, $42.00J Jeue in &ood location. 'Veil ladies diamond Hamilton 1210 mo. lnq, OJl Hilaria $12.5. 2 Br 1-plex. Stove. apta. Boat slips avall, NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in lan fiberglass sloop inboard. equity, incl& 3 BR hse 55 Bus. Opportunltiu 6300 stocked Delivery v an. watch & approx 56 in. Way. 642-4387. relrig, w/w drps. Avail subterranean parlting. Harper Sch. area by Sept. 1. Extremely roomy ideal x 300 R4 Jot. Long Beach. Jn v e • t men t ttquii'ed. dividual large, htavy gold CLEAN, ·Lrr. deluxe 2 or 3 now. Bkr 534--6980 Cari~ Balboa Apia Reasonable, 6'>1155 family boat for smailer boat For beach home, ranch or! FRANCHISE: No~ exper. Terms. ~ charms. Also pearl & dla· 81' apU. Bltns, f.rplc, ~t llO Fernando St, N.B. WOULD like to rent garage or whatever. S.U.2f08 Agt 5.36-1894 213: 597.nu nee. BEAUTY t.alon in Laguna mond tin&. earrings A bar. blk ocean & bay. Avail Cost1 Meta 5100 (714) ~3003 !or atDrage, Coeta Mesa Sacrifice! 1.35 ac prime Strateaic airport entrance MULTIPLY Beach. Very nic'I!. Small, string ot pearls. Stoltn en !~'"~'~""'~'°~-~$21~0~u~p:_, 67!>-35~~10~1;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;/NEW 2 BR, 2 Ba. crpts, area. ~2760 C2 land with 4 bldgs, S. prop. Vacant, zone C·2, CAPITAL wdl-e:stabllshed. Low rent Jan 19, 1969 from Corena NEAR New 2 B fum apt %: (""""UCTlOfl drps, trplc, dahwhr, patio. l Bdr with hath. private en-Main St, S.A. TR $60,000 50,620 sq ft, Price $152,oo:> Dynamic Co. combining best $2,ID full price. Low down del Mar, Calit. Write Box M , blk from ba,y. Yriy leue, VIUIK Acruu from r.ooo·1 &. trance. No cooki.ni. $70. eqty for TD's or ? ? ? clear, A sleeper. For ranch, futures ol fut food field ., yymt/ (94...4698, 195-5133. 342 Dally Pilot $XIO ma. 642-<0lO uk tor ~tcl~~ t185 to $215. futni!bed. 675--0771 Bkr 547-6469 baytront or ? Ownr 673-fi635 neTet done Ware. •IJQ. LIC'S. Orange. San GOLD wedding ring, floral Don Crevlfto JUSJ (OMPl!TING $1?0 up.~ ,·175 ~~ :t * Rent1I Service* NdnRln. be•Lach, C-1, Cou13 t0Hwr2. Trade 3 bouaea on lot in Higbe&t antic. l!TYeltment. Diego SJ.2,500 on N.le; desip. 5 dia.mondL M ... SMALL 3 BR, carpt. au11-FREE TO LANDLORDS . · gun&.. ·• Garden Grove. Income $360. to-profit ratio. \\'e provide $10,(XX) oU 1aJe. Call WINS. by Cini. !>1i.sain& from home, ·'dttk. Employ'd adults, no H1rbor Heights Four '"&d!Biii;"ordli.B:OO--Om.:--;;&t;o:-b.ioo;;;, 1,.,,;B;;';;"°~Be;:a~con~~66-01U~-;;:;:;;_,,=l shops. Take TD's, land, for 3 bdrm, 2 bath in Hunt. the customers via mauive TON collect (213) 212-4249 Laguna Bch since 9/13. pell. 120. 26th st., upsta.ir& 2 &: 3 BR UNITS 2 BR, 2 BA. patio, balcony, boat, ?? lot S&tM eq, Ha-ington Beach, unita, or!!?' "IV ads, you own the bus. RESTAURANT loc. avalL Reward. 194-9252. rear. fTI4) 686-'553 all with fireplaces, crpts, drps, bltna. Hoag Rooms for Rent 5995 =-~~n Bkr, 499-2001; Owner 842-2219 and keep the profitll. Newport Beach oceanfront. t 1 2 BR. rum '-unturn dishwashers&: 2 bath3. Hospital area. $115. 00 HAVE 2 hr, conv den, f/r, $5 inveated in competitor'• Balboa aa_y Prop. 613-'1420 a.pts. Pool. No childrtn or Rental Manager -Hilaria WIQ'. Call lor Appl. $30. ~r '11k. 1'1ald serv. htd e CHEST TYPE FREEZ· 1% ba, 17SO sq ft; al&a 8 oper. 1966 worth over $300 pets. uoa~~ 16th N. B . Mn. Orris:Uenaen M0-0093. pool, central Joe. Motel ER FOR GOOD BABY ac Cucumonga $32M. Trd: today. We expect even bet· lnveitment Oppor. 6310 6f6-4664 3117·A Clnn•mon Ave. l2'°"BR""'Io°'we=,-cdc-up°"t-.,-.-nr-..,.-.. -. Tahiti Inn, 450 Victoria BED. Horne or units, NB. CM. ter 1';1,.-;l--;;-2-;B,;R-,---:;Ba,-c"be-ID,-, -,,-,-,~·.I Cost• Mesi $175 yrly, Frplc, blt ~ illl. ~~He":'°' toBISvdl ,c.M. e TABLE & CHAIRS FOR 213/2U46lll. Box 96 San Ga. ~-.approx $12,000 (stcurtd) PROFITABLE new home "Xit~1V-Pool-Ma1d su.'1u. Phone 546-1034 Crplll & drpe:. 1 child ok. 311 am pm · Sl'EREO. ~ briel, Ca. + hard word + ability to buliineu. No ~mpetition. per wk. It up. THE MESAl!!!!!!"'!~!!'!'li"!'!'!!'!""'"'" i;"~'~h,"Sl":_,'1;21.l~l -~~192~1--SHARE Lovely borne w/ emp ..a. * * * * * control )'OU!' emploYffs un. Set ycur own hours. Unlim· 415 N. Nwpt Blvd. 646-96&1 FROM $l25 GOU> MEDALLION. 2 BR, ,ta~d~y~, ~-~=r!.:m~&~ba~th.~$-75.llJ!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!![!J!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! der our dlre<:tion. Simple op. ited potential. cau for appl. Lovel,y townhouse La 2 2 BR CID lX adul ~TOO. 546-1713 before 9 a.m. t"ra.tion. 544-2302 OCEAN FRONT 1, 2 &: 3 1...a · ' r&e • ' tnJI, ts 00 ROOM for rent, tn pn'va•· REAL ESlATI REAL ESTATE Get in •t al.art for lowtrl ======== bdnn8. WINTER RENTAL. BR apts, uw.ul·w. Also slU· peta. Lie $185. 54&-3'711J. ~ 6'1J..8llS dto apta. 1% baths. No chlJ. home. Men or students. Gener1I Gener11 jnvest .. choice terTiL, hi&b-Money to Loan · dren or pets. Newport Shores 5220 * 540-275'1 * ---------1----------est yield. 6320 VERY .mall room a.pl fl'O NEAR SHOPPING LARGE front bedroom, twin Office Rent•I 6070 Commerd1I 6015 JNVESI'IGATE OTHERS mo. Util pa.kl. Steps lo HARBOR J Br, 2 Ba duplex. Crpta, hem, private bath, lrg dbl --------FIRSf .beach. 641-4423. drps, bltns -refs -#l5 mo. cloleL Nr occ. $40-7632. LAGUNA BEACH 50'x50' For appt., Mn. Barton n3/ 2 Bdr near beaeh k ·-TOWNHOUSE ''"'· .. ....., A' c--,11•---, &;2-3520 "' 1>n.1 ,,,. "'"""" Fl'RN Room in beaut CdM Ir -.--tive will retum ycur ~. -·=· ~~· ~. SaUSun 2217~~~VD. ~lff $230 ~~e !1's:t~i:· ne°u.N ~~sr a~=~ 1n BUILDG. I BDRM 2 Ba Close to beacb, J-"7.'_,M=G-:;R-:;APT,--:;=0-=I=~ 2 BR 11; BA Townhouse ~ I . newest ollice buildlJlt" al Carport.. f200 m 0 nth I ". HARBOR cnrnis tio. . . -• E. p euant room In prime location in downtown + several offices and work LITE MANUFACTURINCi , nun drppa ","',~~N'"' adcri>u!U. nice home. Elderly man T ........... Beach, Air condi· 6'15-fil19 after 6 PM s, u..,,. o pets, ta --'erred 548-3190 ":"f!i"'-. ul a~. Excdlent exposure to only. $200 mo. ~15 v•-=• · boned, carpeted, beautif heavy tra.Ulc stree1. Reason. needs associate with manage. LARGE 1 Bdrm. nicdy furn. BACHELOR unfum f rom •:========= CO,_lFORTABLE. Adj bath, entrances: Frontaa:e on bl ·-• FQ ment and I or e .. -i ...... ,.;,,,,. flew Cf"PI, kine aize bed, $110. Also avail 1 . 2 It 31. k' ~' bo boa-' F t Avt rear I ... to • e pn ... =i R SALE OR .,.u ...... ~ ... 2nd TD Loan Pn;lqlpt, confidenllal service 642-2171 ~11 51!-rving Harbor area 20 yrs. Settler Mortg19• Co. S36 E. 17th Stttet Mortg_, T.D.'a 6345 C'ONmtUCTION Mo 11 e y available for income Pf!>. L \DJES wallet. Vic Center St, CM or 3td Ave., Lqwla Beac&: Fri 8/1. Valuable p a p e r a.. Reward. f.99.2368 alt. ,, LOST: 8 Moa. old female Lab. Retriever, .U black; vie. Irvine &: F1ower ~ Costa Mesa. 968-2675 Rewaia LOsr tame yellow/g:reen : parakeet vie C.d~1. Tallc:I. Reward ruarn. 613-1849. PET Racoon, l'l!:d coll&.r .I: · bell. Vic Aliso Cnyn. Mia-: ing 2 wka. 4!&-3106 REW ARD For lge bluepotn cat. 16092 'Vaikiki Lne A · B, HB. 84&-9484 . ' Penon•lt 640 *Don't! bttwn ...... ., .,.,.. 7 .. ,.. E••t Bluff 5242 par g, 'Y , p ne, .... ores .• e-• LEASE. background. Manufacturer ocean o: ~· ,,...,-._ Bdrm. Heated pools, child opt. W·side, CM, U 8-8201 Muncipat pa.rki.ng lob!, $50 Walker It Ltt tilr. Levine in Prosram for national dD. DEWXE Duplex, 1 BR. den, care center, adj to sboppiDa:. e NEW DELUXE e FURN room, private en-per month tor space. Iksk Jnc(J~ Investment Dept. tribution, $250. per wk, to 2 bath, near ocean. Adults Ne pets. !': Br. 2in, ba apt. ror lease trance w/balh. Girl only, and chairs available lor $.5. M.>!MSI start plus equal share of 1tRmlil'ii.-.q<'fi,1i$1lJ5<'ii'mi:oN'.T.6'iJ2Cl-3082f'i_1_~?;27:!!00:!2P~•~lt~....,._:~W~111~!_ Incl. spac. mutr. suite, din $85 per mo. 673-093l Busineu hours answetlnc iiO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; profits to active pa.rty with duci ng property. Foreign I: ' domestic. Motels. Nunin& Call us il YoU still btlitve ln '. HO!llff, Sbopplng Centers, cave style datini. Of ll c• B uildings, ORk.NGECO. ~.f'ililll ~ • \VJNTER RENTAU • Costa Mesa Sf6..miO rm. & dbl. garaie, auto.1 -:""'========i service available for $.10. Investors Attention I $12,500. cuh,. Should e:uily Apartments, etc. Write or 24 Hr recording call Title Realty & PALM i Card Readin&. lllSUJ'aOOe Compatt)', 215 Advlct & help on rnatl)" : WINIFRED L. FOSS, Agt. door o~ner avail, Pool & Mot.ls~ Trlr. CrtL 5997 All utilities pald eXcept 50' frontage on Ocean Ave. net 1elKted party $25,000 • 64W850 • fal'tway Villa Apts rtt. areL Nr. CatboJk: telephone. in Huntington Beach, with first yr, For pet!IOnal inter. Church A school & Corona TRAILER SPACES DAILY PILOT commtrcia1 building in rttr, view, call 71f.8'71·~ (9- 3 BR. 2 BA, crpts, drps, d IM oo.h 1t'-'l PER MONTH 222 FORESI' AVENUE w!lh $1~ i+.i.. 6 P1t1l. 'frplc, bit-ins &: steps to Near Oranee Co Airport I e ar • ..,. · ~. ~9611l * LAGUNA BEACH "" mon ... ..., income. beach. $235. mo. 642--0177 UCI. Adl!!.ts only. 20122 e ONLY $255.e 494-9466 Full price, $35.000. PARTNER Clark Bull din c, Blrm· matters. Fully He'd. Open Ingham, Alabama ~ d&lly 10am -10pm., Phone C205) 251-5286. 213/69'1-9272, 210 W. Wblt-· (VINTER or yrly. l BR apt. Santa Ana Ave. 540-27'96 l~~865="~A~m~i&;:°',;,-W_ay-"-'-N~.B--~ \VEEKLY rates Sea Larkt---------PACIFIC SHORES REALTY Need man to opf:rate local Wt garage. Utils pd. l adlt TOWNHOUSES new 3 & 4 Motel, 2301 Newport Blvd., COMPLETELY F'umlllhed 5J6.889.t, Eves. 842-8128 1e~ center Orange Coun. BR. Encl 1arages. 752 Costa Me&a. RE office. 100% expo3lll'I!!. ty area. Factory direct only. Re.hf. 673-6llS Amigos Way. 615-4130 or Plenty parkin&:. Center of FOR rent % a.ere lot, M·l wholesale . f't'tail outlet. Dut. $137.50 Bachelor Apt, util pd. ORLEANS APJS. ~5033 Income Property 6000 Co1ta ?tfesa. Ideal 1 or zone. Completely fenoed w/ ies: Supervision & ln~ntory Ctpta, drpg &t bltins. Pool. ========= .f-man oper. $1~ mo in-2 lge gatt"s, small ottioe. control. Thorough training. 1525 Placentia 3 BR avail. Adull.s only. Coron• del Mair 5250 rn,500 buys S37M Cl eludes all furnishings &. all $175 mo. 5CS-6304 sis.coo inve1tment rtqllired, WINTER Rental 2 Bdrm 2 ~; Ac adj to Vehicle Dept. utilities. Will lease for :t. 4:, SHOPPING CENTER. Hun-ltCUttd. Sal&ry $275 + eqUAI Ba frplc, pr. Lower. $170. 1741 Tustin, Costa Mesa ~:~te:r M~ ~ 18s~ or 5 yttn. No increue. lSf tlngton Beach. 2 major sha~ of profits, SholJJd re- 125 25th St. 642-985a ?.far. Mn. Canon, 642-160 ~~; 1,J nr. .Pu's~;:;n1 & lut month only. Write to tenant11 -9.5 net-net-net. tum $2.5,000 flnt year, Your l~========'I ...,., pays P1 UJY.I n Daily Pilot, Box M518 $345,00J. f714 ) 837-5178 molt rigid ilrvutl&"•tion in- N-Port H~ 4210 G 1\. H'f• 6.6%. $15,500 equity SMALL Olli-u•lt ·'--! vtled. Refutnce1ucharwed. .... ••• r1c iou1 Adult Living \\'Orth SlSr>.l when the $$$ ..... " ....... ...., For peraonaJ. irtte:rviiew phOne $75,COO tsr TD on 11,00J sq. ft brick commere. bid&:. in Oranp Coonty, on long tmn IHMd land. Pa,yable $750 mo. incl. 10%. &II due 5 yrs. Renta1 inc. $2400 mo.: 3)% dllClOtlnt. B r o k e r 491~1210. 1sr TD on White 'Vater view lot in Laguna Beach. $6,000 at $60 mo. lncl. 9%, all due 3 years. 12% Discount BROKER 494-1137 * a.an 1 or I BR * f1.JRN & unJurn 2 BR. Drps, ON -N ACRES freeze thaW!I 300 IQ· ft. carpets-utilities lndustri1J Rent1I 6090 '1I ~ ~ Adults no -ts 24.21 E. lStb w/w ctptl, lrplc. Pool, Stu-·~ LYTLE REALTY paid. S00rt tenn lease OK. '"""'-;:--:--·-.-.,.---.,,-TWO 1st TD'a S3413 ea. 8% • ~ • d t OK N -"lid 1 k 2 BR. Furn & Unlum ~ Great locatior. ad 1· ace n t J,lOOO Ill· ft., 4 oUice:s. LAMP I: shade manuf'g 1·nt -'I due 2" -. su"-t ~ St ~"mo Up ,...., ,_., tn s . o ""' ren. Fl I I prl 1· I 583 W 19th 548-9493 3 p"··· -$310 ., 'Ill 3•g .,.. -.. _:.:::: · · .....,.._,.. MESA EAST APTS. rep aces v, pa lOf • · Ruben's, Orange County · ua~ ...,"er, mo.. business. Illness forces ule. ty pr pty. 499-4060 •-k B •2•0 145 E. 18th, C»I. Pooh. T•nnls. Contnt'I Bktst, 6 Units • S39 500 a ir Po rt 8"'L Phone eo.tA "'"· R•IAU •bop, IOOd locatlon. ANNOUNCEMENTS -c •Y ~ .. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 ' "'-eekdays., 9-5, 541>-2380 103 wholtsalo? accts, con-•;;;;:;,-;-;;-;';;::;--:-;-;;;-:-;-;:l,,..,~642~·3'~'4~o~'~548-.\~~7~4'~~ I (~facArthur nr. Coast Hwyl E:-!:ceUent rental reeord, Topsl-"="'=.:;,~=07'=~ 3,000 Ml· ft. warehouR or temporary furniture slorf'• and NOTICES tJttAU.,Y Quiet • 2 B~ -1~~ N~V 2 BR. 1 BA, tihag crpt. for small investor, S590 TOP EXPOSURE I manul.!cturing area. $225 &: decon.tora. 21 yrs tn BA. Adu1ts. Uni us:>. Fm [)rps, dishwhs.r, J*Uo, beam BRAND NEW! month incomt. Pri.me corner avail, opposite tno-C.osta J\fesa. Laguna Beach. SlO,IXXI in-Found (FrM Ada) 6400 tier Blvd, La Habra. N to LaHabra walk in theatre: . LICENSED Spiritual Readincs, advice on all matlera. 3J2 N, El ' Camino Rtal, Sar. Oern.entt. 492-91.Yl, 496-9507 10 Ai'\! • 10 PM Attr1ctive Expert YOUNG WOMAN da1l<.'er wW tee.ch you All latest step&. Call Ardell 2'.U: 591~ 1·10 PM RIDE nffdtd to OCC front · CdM tor Tues &: Thun nlti ' class. Will ·~ exp: : 6«-0260 WANT to share rid N~·Mna area t 4 ; Pa11tde.na, 5 da,ya. Call · 64l-9887 • im;..,_mo Santa Ana . ceiling, lrplc. gar. Adults, 3 BR. 3 be.. duplex, Cptd., 1~: REALBJ~A~~n Ric.h.anl'shlkt. inLidoahoP. vtntory. Sm.all cuh down, BLACK Kitten wllh Si~ '$45--',g,J,,) no ~ts. $1~ :lj5() Elden, drpd, bltna Priv pat~, C(N, twport vu. """'"' ping area. (Our former (l(l'. 15,COO llq. ft. New buildin•, will cons••-R. E. -•-. p, BLIND d · b I d ' I tio ) ... ,._.. ... auoc eye1, with Ion& haired • 1 •a e • 81!1>.' • 53'1-«»;2 after 1 pm A Sun. gar. 705 Orchid. l.12::i Per Jee oca ~-CU!ltom otfice.. tr v In e o. Box 1583, Lquna Beach tugel\8.1'ian wt tel'ka ha~ Ceroni del Mir 4250 UNf'URN ,.,__, 1 BR. bl'··, Month. yearJ.y. 8u1inHs Rent1I 6060 LIDO REALTY INC.. Industrial Park. r&ady ror Siamese, both in SA ,.;ness. 968-.....,.. v.M.¥ ...., l1'17 Via Lid. 673-1300 BUSIESI' mamtp&&oe bl Helrbta. Ownl!r pla claim,=~=~~-·-'-~·~--~-! l..f'w. 2 BR. So. ot H"''Y· beam ceilings, crpti., drps, > r 171.,050 0 \\rANTED: Approx 18,000 gq o OCt'Upancy IOW'll. The D,\D.Y PD.OT 549-1314 1 .Whlle ele:pbanq! Olme-l·llllt $185. Adul.ts only. Prv yard. No childftn. .. .. . ft or larger fairly new bldg. OFF1CES . l-;;===~;:;~~~~====:::::::;::::;::::::::::~=:;~===;1 l.foue 1-Bdrm., l Penon. Adults. nll per mo. See al -..... So. Calif lurnilw'e: chain P.eeepHo~~ C. Robert NatITT:!~s PJtr. I ·p:.o. fumlabfd UQ4 Ponwna. CM. SJ&..7391 \\·ants location in Co.sta Sct'rctarlal Costa !\1tsa 612-1485 :tr BIB Realty Inc. 615-3000 ATTRACT Iv!: newly C<lROUDO Apta, 2 BR un-1'-fesa-Ne\\'p<>11 Beach area. 334j Newport Blvd., N.B. RENT M-1, 1125 1111 ft. Slli S TAR GAZ.ER: 'IC 'fC:,. ... .......,...,, mature, q u 1e 1 redeoorated spacious 2 ()r 3 furn, all eleoc kitchehl!. Yrly \VIU consider taking over 675-1601 mo. 1355 Loa:an. CM. AUD BJ Cl.A.TL . ~ .. -BR .. )se. USO • up. Adults, no · ti •·-·1 t All --·• ~ M ., ~ ~-_,__,__ M UllA M!'mplo)'ed .. vman to ttnt , ,. bath apts. Poo.I Ii: ex11 ng •w 111 an> so~. CHEERF11L. alr-cond of· .. ,~ IMl-21 y •flW-·r ,,_..,, -V et.:a rh. ~srnall COZ1' turn apt. Rda recreation room. Oiildttn pet&. Aho 2 BR furn. oi!ers \\'Iii be held 10 strict fices. prime location. plenty 1-========= ~" A~",.. Jk tfota. od 11 ~ ITWTM OK, 64&7tll5 or 2214 CoUe.p 1>73-3378. "confidence." parking. From $&\. 438 E. Lot1 6100 1a.1~ To dewlcp l'MllC!09 far Saturdoy, 1. $. 7~1 ·:~======::::::i,~A~""~-~~~~--~ 2 BR. 2 ba.. Bltns, cpts., Phillip W. Marty l'l'th at Irvin!!: Avt. Owner. R2 58, FRONTAGE ~~_!!.•wp»idlngtol'U'l'lbeB .JO 'SI')... •-3 BR. 2 n • drps. Patio, trtts: So. ol \Veatherby's Furnltutt m-6514 )lllU-.bkthaign. __, ~ crpta,. drps, PO Box4247 1..:.,:,,_:,:;.o~-~-~~ 11114thSt.,NB 1Gtciif 31.-.... F"";;,.;;. _____ _;..; bltns, frplc, dshwtm. Patio, Hwy. $225 mo 61"'";;>-2503 · · MODERN. spacious otticeS steps to Bch 2..,_ 31 ....,.... a.EAN ~helor ApU:. dbl 1ar. AdultJ:, no peta. Santa Barbara, Calif. 93.l03 in pr ime location. '* ** (2131 788-9939 + * 3"-"~ 3l""- AJJ utO Ind $15 up 5'0-7088, 1642 Coriander Or. 81fbo• Island 5355 NE'\V Industrial Bldp far MiWon Viejo, (:olltact Rapt 2 AC C-l maj blvd N s=:.• ~:,! ll>AE. Balboa Ill:.:! ..., • ., , •nGE I BR. Sh a r P '· • _,,,..,.. lease. 2500 aq. ft !le ft. 1639 Lapp. 837-4911 · •1 · r ""''"' •Loda 36h .,, .............. """"~ ~''"""'ISLE. Atl new bit 2 ~f rl CM 673-9017 o«a.n A rrwy. F ne: resta.ur. 7:;u.prw. ltW!.., Drape~. Cupet~. near So. BR apt, sundeck. New onro\ a, · · COSTA 1-fesa ofllces. A/C. Joe. Mr. Slntt "6-1111 lh 3t'- ... s!' ~-beach ~t1 apt. c.oaat Plala, cx.c SUJ mo. 6tovt', re(rig, cpts, drpa. ~Sq . ft. Good location. Of. c!'Pts• drys. Pll'kine. Very c.2 WT 30' X 90' 1~~" ~~ ..-. ,. .. tuft a u t 1 . A.gt ca.II~ S23o yrly JR. 6tM39C f1ce, shop. store, $1S. ~ nice 0Uice1. 155$ Bake.r, SUNSET BEAOt 1\llk ~IYOl/ll ::.. la ~ '42 ~238 9 NEW 2 BR Apt, Ealt skle. * YEA.RLY, new l BR apt., 1-N-•_•;;po;=t _Bl_vd-:-. -":6-c-'544~--!,,,-==,--=--,,.--,= 59l-190 ~~~ !fl: Cpta, drpt, blt·tfts. ds:hwshr, carpetM. aun deck. bltira, Office for Rent OEUJXE otlice in Com 1•Mw 4'.._.. lelch 4400 ~pr, P"1 pat Io , ~· 613-9354 29=12:W:i':c.t::::H::wy=:·::NB=~=·=~OI :,~~~Ir cond. ;•;••;<;het;;;;;;;;;;;6;;l;;;;;SQ ff l! :!- t 1111. SUS. s Bii 2 Ba. 2 BR Studio, 1% ea, do< Huntlft91on Slach 5400 Office Rental 60701 ======= HORSE RANCH ~~ ~=- $UIS ...... "' s, C..•I PJua. • BEACH BLUFF * MOOE:RN A Ir conditioned lnduatrlal ,,,. -a= ... "~-ac..n. Jl'l ditct. p:rqt. $150 w/ nfric. no pttL Nfw 2 6 3 BR., 2 BA. f'bre. -...lte, 11th strttt. 0'9ta M•l, m:Aft Bristol 6 Spacious lot, &'OOd llvubte -~ 52;: kil: snlb m, SIS; A $95. M&-5079 td air, dah\\'thn, pa;Je. MtM. 0\-'tf 100 -zuare fttl. N~ Blvd. All utll. ~ wl!t: =~· •t onl1 ~.rn;ij" f:...._ IO 8 ltftl '1J.JTM, 531-Jllt ,AVAILABLE Now, 2 BDRM, pool, v~" J A 2 gfory. $240 PtT month. Partin& • saJ.&:10 • ltnm. Ca.non R.lty. PACIFIC SHOJtES REALTY jl~~c· ~t: llt. pal». Htd «pll. drpa, bltina, earp:irt. Walk to S Po.Int Sbopa. ooftee room Jan I 1·0 r 6Ta-3581 847.SW, Evea. 962·9'711 77ivJ S1 M ..... --.. u:p. fl.15 Adultl. No peta. ~ u1.~1 llervtce •JI utllllla I~ 0-A-lL~Y--P-lLOT~--O~IME-=-,,,_-~~!!!!1"'!'""'!!!11.......... :~ ==-..... JO... PJ'5, I Dr+ f\ttilt hit. Pool. 2 BDRM, 2 BA. pvt paUo. cludf<I. Pho• "tr. ru~, t.lNES. You can Ullt them DON'T live II a'ltl.)', ,et )OM 60Y., J..IEDRDO>il blbil, w/w, drp&. Jlamlt.y I !Miiied pool, .,,..,Mr book 64:'-9660 101 j111I ~nn~• a d"1. D"-1 quick cub ror it "1tb • . ®Good @11~ 53'-7041 otnl l'tl O.K. Jllo> ~ up. 96i-.l!l!J4 DAILY PIWI' WANT ADS< PILOT Ouaified <d. llaJ'1 Piloc ..... Jrll I • Are You Letting Cash Slip Thro~gh Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD I.Stove 2. Gultor 3, lolly Crib 4. Eloctrlc SIW S. Camera 6. W•sher 7. O..tboonl Motor I. Storoo Sot f, Couth 10. Cl1rlnot II. Rofrlgerllor 12. Plclcvp Truck U. Sewing Mlchlno 14. Surfboonl 15. Ml chino T 0011 16. Dldiw11hor 17. Puppy It. C1bln CrvlMr It. Golf Cort 20. 81rometor 2t. St1mp Collection 22. Dlnotto s.t 23. Ploy Pon 24. lowllnt loll 21. Wofor Skis 26. Fr-r 27. Sultcuo 2t. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Blcyclo 30. T~ltor 31. Bor Stool1 32. Encyclopocllo 33. VKWlft CfollftW 34. Trot1lcol Fish 35. Hot Rod Eovlpm't 36. Fiio Coblnll 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterllnt Sliver 39. Vlctorl1n Mirror <10. Bedroom Set 41. Slide Profoctor 42. Lown Mower 43. Pool Tobie 44. Tlrft 45. Pl•no 46. Fur CNI 47. Dr1pn 48. Linens 4,. HMM 50. Alrpl1no 51. Orton 52. Extrcycte 53. RIN Boob 54. Ski 8- 55. High Choir 56. Coln1 57. Electric Train 51. Kilt... 59. Clltllc Aute 60. Colfoe T .... 61. MoHtcycle 62. A.-.lr... 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Wortbo11ch 66. Dlornon4 Watch 67. Go-Kort 61.1- 69. c-;1111 Trcllor 70. Antique F.,,,,ltv,. 71. Topo R_...., 72. S.llboot 73. Sporto Cw 74. ""-· fin ,,.. 75. lnboonl SpooAoot 76. Shot-n. s.dd!o 71. Dort G- 79. Pvnchint ... IO. .. .., Carri ... ti. Drv"'* 12. 11111• 83. Dook 14. SCUBA Chor Th•• or any other extra thl119s around the ho--r be tvmecl Into cash wltti •a DAILY elLOT WANT-AD so ... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action T oclayl ' ANNOUNCIMINTS 11!11 ~TICIS ,.._.1. 6405 ALCDIDIJC9 AwwwilliAW -~1ZIT • ..nw·to P.O. 11111112;3 Ollta - ""'JO" __ ... 6410 Gfanl! OpetDs- A~dorny of Physio Tli•ropy sauna • musqe, 6 ftmale tech. 10 am-10 pm. 7 ~ 255 -Suite c, ........ l!fac~. "4-l!U SUN SIGN AS't'ROLOGY daut'L ftf,cls:ter now, Be&bmal -Advanced. Call the Sun Sien, 675-6S61 d&yJ « ~2140 alt. 6. TRADE 2400 *I ft business rmtal: ottlce or retail •hop mo 2nc1 TD'a. ru-m 62nd St. Npt Bch. owner. C21l) ""'-~UOJ, eve (213) 246-0700 Cemetery Lob 6411 2 OR 4 Iota Padftc Vtew Memorial. Improved, Bay view tmact. $3ro ... m.- f £6TS ln lUue Spruct 8tc- ~ Harbar Rest Memorial Park. 548-.3075 L•I Noll... 6450 I Wl1L not be ra;ponaible for any debts oth!r than my own. James Mlcba@l Fox SALE AND TRADE ~hell, 0111 6520 SEALING I-PATCHING fttlidtnu.t .. lndu • Comc'l Cornpl ftU Mn'· CUrnntl,y ....-by Qty ot C.M. for street nstoration. NATO OORP. Gen1 Contractors 6JS.5118 ,, When You ' Want it done right •.• Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICI PIRICTl)llY Sl~Ci DIRECTORY . ~VICE DllECTOllY lulldon 6170 auu.... 6570 ~loonlnt 673 e Add A Roam e Apartment & Units e CUstlllll Henies e Kitchen' Experts • Two Story Specialists FRll LAYOUT A DISIGN 20 VIARS EXPlilUINCE CAU. NOW OPIN WUIDA.Yl 675-7191 SAT. I SUN. APPTS. AfAIL IN OUI 0,,101 ORYOUlHOMI HOUSEC~EANING General Maintenaru. anytime, &OOd rets. reu -ARPETS. Window., etc. Res or Come'!. work Reas! Refs. . Iron Int 675 IRONING Reuon&ble 891·'/3!0 • J1nltorl•I 67l'01 SPARKLE JatUtorial It Wini dow cleanlna: SUV. Wint dowa. reaid.. comcl, co~ Oeanup. Fift eat. 96&-269l..: DUTCH Maint Setv, -c:rp( clng. f1r wuina. ~ 11'Uhifll. Harry van Be)'nen 531-1508 if llO Ml caD aft l. . ESTATE M.alut 'l'rff Ser'Y _,, __ _ eatlma1e, can 50~ , Londseoplnv 6810 lobyslttlng 1550 CORONA DEL MAR CHILD CARE 2435 E. COA$T HIGHWAY "'°'"""Y• Irick 613!1 I Utt!o rid. ... 21> to 5 - ,.. .... M pfaym&to • '"""I E~~~;;~=c;==...""'ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!i!!!!'! RICHARD ALLEN :":.',.. ... ::.i.' l:,~~ lobyslttlng 6550 Drolling S.l'Ylco 6637 Custom & Sponflh , Neu Mqnolto. • Ed...,.. Mlsonry A 5pocloltyl Foantain Valley uu. iis.oo CHILD car,, -xtn. 11'1 yard, TOOL A: Medlan1cal deaian-Block, Brick,. Ceincrete a week. Call 8fi7-?U7. p~houlr, lunches, anacka, Draft1na Service --.,;F;r";;:E:;s;:t·:;':;:~;:DO;=I am..o Care my home, He. vie. GoldetlWttt il F.dlnger. 1 -====.....-====== ~ _., "'*' care! Umltod Call 842-«17 , • 6660 P1porhonglnt opel'l1no. Baktt/P'alrview lJCENSED pay ear e • Fencing ,P __ •ln.;_t;..lng..:..----~-• f CM arta 540-9'43 wee);days, Want thnt 5 yn. WOOD FENCING, custom - ffiy§iriiNG, weeltlf. M)' So Cout Plua a·rea. work. For estimate, call PATh'TING Int a Ext Low8t .,,,, ....... pricot. Fully Int. SatWattlon pu. F1'M -bomf:. Cotta :r.1tsa area. ,;,.S4'°'9-I038=°===~,,--,--I 646-Wl anytime. * 6f&.aS * BABYSITl'ING M¥ bomt, fncd yard A: companions. SIYB ~ISi? Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F . I E D llST llYS! Hot luncbtt. br or wk. ~· Lletnttd ctUld ca.re for 1 or 2, age 1-5. N. CM. $ ~·· 546-ml EXcw.ENT Care 1or your chi141 My home In HI&. Bch. Call IJ88...f'T• . ~ babytlt my. home Harbor/ Adami. melll fenced pl.Q' aru. S.21181 BABYSITTINC: My Newport Hlli«btl hom.t'. Att l ~ to 21,i. Call 6'>1289 WILL llabyut ,...-~ by the week .. YOll fumWI tre.nsportatkm. 642-1407 ,P_l~oo~'°;..;..~--~'~'~651-"-"'-w_ .. _ .. _~~"-~-~-1 -INT & Ext., awrage l br. C1rpot Vinyl Tllo ""'·la'°' only $171.50. AJ1 styles P..nd cokn Call ~1546 !'rte est. Lie. confJ'. INT 1; Ellt., averqe 3 hr H).'?JG 54k47S hlll', labor only -$127~ * ~xpert J•plMM &U--0455 afUT 5 p.m.. FlNES1' WORK -PAINTING lo paperbllloini. Gonlonlllf '680 =•:w.."'~ up. ANTHONY'S NEED PAINTING? ' Call US! Reliable SerYke W 644-4860 ~.,;:.,,:.'.!.~"'= . Tbt Bnt. colts no men! Free estimates. 548-4002 Expnitneed Maintenance PAINTING, Ext-Int. 13 Bvdttt Laodlcaphlc exp. Ins. Lie. Free est Craduat. HortlculturlJt Aeoult eeillnp. 5@..5325 COMPLETE INT It EXt Pa.inti~ Lie Brick. Mlsonry, tfc. YA.RU MAJNT. 1111!1. Frtt ritlinatea, 30 Yt:f 6560 Sprinkler inltalled A-reJ>lllr· e~. Call CJwcJt 5CH11CJ9 ______ ..;.;..;.. ed. New lawns, clunup.1. PAlNTING, Paperlna: 16 ;yn. BUILD, Remodel, repair, Monthly ~et. In Harbor atta.. Uc. Brick, block. amcrew, •!!'JS bonded. R.f'b. turn. gc...235$. OIJ'P'Dtr)', no Job too small. NEW Lawn. ~me. •FOR Better }"abrtillc Llc. Contr. 9C-t!M5 Complete lawn catt, clean terior & exterior, a ....... m,:j up b)I" job or month. Fret 111_ 646-4017 6 541-35(l.I Buslneu Service 6562 eattmate1. Call 846-0932 1 -""''=-=''=· =-=-===-• • SUBURBAN Palntlng/Doc SMILEY'S Business SerYlces Tues, bookkeepinJ, mutual funds, ......_, 11"1 "" tat.. etc. Free QUOteL -· 642-2221. llulldoro 6570 RE M 0 DEl,rAddition..c.b- tnet:a.Bloclt feocu-Concrete ·--6190 CARP&NTllY MINOR REPAD!S. No Job Too Small. Cablntt tn pr- &&U 6 otb•r eablntta. 56-11'15. St no &llftel' Jeaw mq: at N#n.. H. O. Artdmoll QUALITY RepUs -Alttra- tlom -Now cout. by !lour or0mtnd.64W40 REPAIR. P-8IDaD Remodel. ete. Nlte ar dQ'. Reul Call KEN ~ REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABlNE'lll. ...,, """ Job 25 )Tl. ups'. S4MTU AL S Cardenizw & Lawn Expert Guaranteed Work • M&hrte_.. ~mmerclal, job~·-indmtr:lal Ir resldftttW. Ftt.e eat. No _.. .. * 646-3629 * or too 1maD. 49'-3190 Exp'd Japane1e Gardener. Complete yanl -· free ettim&te. 541)..1332 C 4 S Palnten. Int.Eit; House k apts. No lob too &mall. 675-2955 aft 5. TREE Service, senenl fUd Pl11terlng, Repair 6UO cleanup. Rototill A. aprinlde:r I "'""-'--"--:.....-- ftl"V. 6*-6M8 8 PATCH PLASI'EIUN~ CLEAN·UP SPD:IALIST! All t;yp?S. FrM eltlm&la Clll-M~. -· odd Job<. '-=======•f Cut I: !'Ase Lawn Reuonable. M8-69S5 I · !:!!mbln9 Maintenance, Ucermtd PLUMBING REPAIR 5'8-o6808/549-1994 aft 4 No job too mnall :- JIM"S G-6 l1wn I ===•;:642=:;.$1l8:=:::•==:!1 rnaJ.ntenarn. Rel. I: Com. merclll. * ~7 ~!model, Repelr" ~--I •-~ · ,,82 CARPENTRY, P •I o t I n rl _,. ..........,.. UV Minor plumbinc" ~. GAR.AGE Doon &irvlctd A MGbUe home repaln. Sf&.l:iJ,'I Repaittd. General Howae or 646--1824 MalnL s10. min. 675-&M. I isftuiiin.oL:D:.l111e:ein;;...,.;;;;i1:-. R<;;Jtl WILL drtw or tow your car Brick, bl:ock, concrete anywhere. Pick up a. crpntry, no job too mnaD deliwl')'. 6').89 Llc.~~Con~!P~. ;.=,.:!~~ ...Ho_.u.-.ll!!loz.. ___ ·6_7JO_. Stwl'!f Mon-Sol. -• Ornamaklno. Al-YAJm/G&r, c 1 ea.nu p. Sptda1 on hema. Remove tna. Ivy, dirt, I -:-r:--*="""",..,.--,.,*;o-o,.,.·-t' tractor backhoe, er• de Alterations -6G.SMS, Cemlnt, Cone,... 6600 98M745 Neat. accurate. 20 yun .xi ==-=,..,..,=--=-ICON CRETE Mft a 11 CLEAN UP A Ht• moving type1. Pool deckl 4 cuatom. TrM a lhrub removal. TILE, Ceramic Call 548--~ Rtnonabit. ~1359 CEMEMT WORK. .., job ~ ciHn Up And H1ul 0 miall, reuonable. Free $10 •load ntlm. H. Stutuct. 54MSJ5 ...a ffAUUNG, dMnup. Iota etc. '-i===:=====§::1 Corpe! C ..... 1111 6621 -wttm•,.... ..U 1: 1--'-'----"""--**~** TrH Service * DWfONt>S art mtUUred I==~----b)' quality '° an wt! CLEAN-Up and IJ&bt mov-CCNE'S T REE DIAMOND CARPET "-· Cll1 o.,.,, ..... I ....... ,,. ..,, .... q Q..EANERS ~WT &llyli.mt * 193-4295 * trimmed, hauled 50-1359 C.rpot Loylllf & -cloonlllf ')JS BEWAJIEll lto!"'lr ~26 WOllLD You bo1tow I will -,.-Olt_CA_R..;P;;;.Ei;;Tl"'N..;;G-.-ctou '°"' · holM tor ,.. """ Tree _.,,, 011 CARPET LAYING Qilp 8'"-' lrl·'lllO "°"' C. A. Pqo -84Y481od1Clianlll88ml. U ho!"'"-> I = Clrptto. -!loon, p ."'-'---~.:j llootrlcol 6640 •tc. Rel A llommc1 Me-Um ~ o.i. U»fd. ftfi!l'iili!il'N: OCiftiiil: \V!NDbWS DIRTY? E._.,, ~:' bortdt4, cnall )obi, mollll A J°"""" Donn ,...-loc:ll l-Jll>I t().lfll ........ M&-4203 "'"'''" 1'rte .... ~ U3l N_. Iii. C.¥. - -.. ------ -, • • • ' ... ,.. ......... ,.,,~ ..... _. ........ ~,. .......................... ~ ......... -~....... . ... ,, • . ·~,·-.....r--!!··· . ·- NO ASSfiMILllS Expttienctd in precision u. Rlnhly '~ clcwe tcL. """"'· .....,,,.. .. ~.fi!lior Oii produCU such u ddio&tf ce&t tralnl, valves ud in- strwnents. Bitachinist exper. ~DO! hdptul. Coll Por,_.1 Dept. (714) .,..,.., ... TELONlc · Equal opportunity emp]o)llr • • i ' . . . . . . ... , ... . . ..... .. ·········· ........... , ....... ····· .. • .. . ' . - N.w.1 . ·• ' " ................ ,,.. ... ~ ....... ~ ....... ~ .......................... .,.~.._. .. ~ ............ ~~ .................. ~~ ............. ~,.,.. .... ~.-~ .............................................................................................. ~ .......... -.:'., -.--~·"' ~· ..... { ,, ' ·-•, ' -· S.,-·2'·1"9 DAl~Y·~ : , '-rt'. :Po.of " r J~'5, "·~~~1""'" MIJf~~~ ""Jf:=W ~~· ~~wt=''' 2 l!MO-/iiJZli~ ~Lfw••,;.. " • ~ t ' -~ ~~.!"~~.. • .. Spertlftf ,......_ asoo Ml1c11t1R11• ; .. ·~~ .. ~ ""~ ·~~~~~~--~-. ;;. 'fle.-... ----· ...... II .._ -. IQ' • .. '~! .. I -t'* "alra-W .. ,-~ ··-•-• ** WAn'IU!!SS. Ct:fr'1A'-'~ Coll .IoD .,..., ~ · ~ •. · ... ._ ~.L ---· COl'T!lESHOP161W.oo ~ .,. NM!J'I · •t w -oiat ,.~ .;_ 'ik\ "'-c..ta -• I ~~ 19 -' liiJ .. ~·1 -iall M>rlln Cati llO. ~,;.I . P.FOlt SA~I :=:~:fao. ......... ,-\\'.Arl'DtS.Wa1tr111u . ......._.,._....., ,.,._1A-· dW.. i-..'.PO.·Erma 12 luaal!G.Ham-SI, , .............. --at:! .._ "''""" ·-Jl2tZ. .,_ ...... C•( ltL _.,,_, ... ,~• W-,,_ · ' .. ~ ":. . . • ·-· ,·:.. < I ' --,._ 1-,$l0.. 1'!' lblu p • Ila,, . _..,,._......... • .......... -...... ; _, . M 11· .................. -. ~ -.,.._.,.,...._._ ~ R ~-· .. -' ................. "' ........ ,:-'"""'1· Pnl upd. A,...r. :r. • WAUIU ~_,,;;t;;;;qs. SPANISH MEDllllllANIAtf. · -II""· -. -· ~ ~-r• w-•=..:.i,_.,. ..... ··n!! 1_,....,..AlllfAL !, .... ~ .~ ..... ~ ... s,.w.· ·, M ~ .. . SURJ'BO #.Hobie ~ ... a . : • 'OiTc•"'""""''G;i ...,. ......... ; ............. __. .. ·-·--· ,,_ Aemtll&:#,..,' ShoW lloom .• P,.loor .S.1T1plet.• ,........, C1oiol<utt -~ "<•-'~ -pl -. 'l>Ob)I c1~al . ~''''''''"'! ~II •··••··••···-·•-!AIJJ .._.,..,.. tt-to e&J'D lbCClltf. , ' ' ' &I•• ........ _ ' ~ ' • ~ ..... • • ' • .~·-· '. -::..':':"' • .:._ ¥$5t:_ • ' ~--lit ~. ~~ ~. ....... ........... Cl'flf\ls •iteVa ,\,\, •• , ... i. •ll "I!"'"' · ' ' """"' llKA"'9 .. llUUJ .., IUr1.ll #'· ··~·~ ...-1 • • .. ........ :m ~.... ,, ~ ............. \'-WYt priljel, no lit llmlt, lit> • • ~ . • J llOOMS OF FU8 "'"''1E s-s--... --t -...a.1..... ; -.... -.. :~~:::~:. :.t~=ri\J·:;:::::;::ll: _,llloi~\J!Jll '..... .. ,., .. Mtdtt. ....... _ •• d ..... _Su•i.-1• ,_. . . . ·-"·' ~ --=~~---" ..... -SiJIUil6Wi-,,'JfoM. :dt>I ;;;.-loi' o;·'i':. ~ .................. ,.. .. , co.,,.,.,,..,, .. _... · ....... ,°"""""'"' 111.-IR19. 4J.49.00l · _ .. NOW $MLOO e 5 -.out ....... c. Nth _,,,. Nt,•e ....S. -.BeaJ, <llttt •.•••• ~1 ·'.a·.· fM ••' -n ........... ,. .. ..,. OVTOll1TAftll•Of'·' t';,_ "'-.1 l h C ti I 1u Sf uh r'-.,.....,,.,..., n ..., --' '"' ""' ................ tat ~MTA1•a .oU1•T :::::::;,.,. ··-vOf1toU• -~p•n • u om u,.. o •.wn In. qultt.I -'• wl 5' 1.,. naetchl,..,;.a...-~~7 . _ . • llA• tMtUQI ........ ,. IUtDIV ... u.HD ...• , .... -'ftl Schoos.lndrudloft 1600 rnefchht9 Lo•• SNt-Ch01t• of' be•utlful -· ., chair .. 5 --sr.;;lth Dinette. Mk • ~ ........ ". 1. -· ~.~ ... c .. u1w-$15. .. -1'1.!!.'~k , ....... .,,•IS! t~PTA,.•aYtcl ..... .,,. f•-' IR ..,,9951 NOW'""SOO r-M-' ~ """" ~ cler • • ~· "•: ............. :., .,. L dctwtelr .............. .Gii JOIN 1'1;1£ FIELD 1unc1. •t· ~ · ·---.-• t1ble top e 3 h-.yY Me4 •. "l:'"·"\8'~"1 1 , A ~W ~ R•-._U la'r modit1-l:JO· tlM ~ .• ~: ................... \:: •· ~~1n110 : .. ·· ... t .. , ..•.. tMt wml'A -Mmrt Sp•nith DinJnt S•ft . . .1 1 • • ---$,7.S OI 1 ble t 4u 1te. ......... r F.l•ll'Mt'I-RJbmlnuni ·ftttii ·au-B ·3 ...,.... . =· "'"''"'"::::::~:::: ... IUSINE5S "'" ... , ...... .;;.;:,;r;:.,;.,., Sof\4 01k ~ Tobi.;-;;~;, c;-;;1 .. Tebl1i:.i1t:n .: .... i;,,.i,;, ~~,..... lnil~lly. ·-• 'Sl!U "' -~ "°". ~· = = . "'H~··:::;.::~ • .J~~.,.~n1u .. a. Let ta'betp )'Oil quality. Tall O.coretor r.bt. L•mp• . . ~ . Cou ·(lt>t ,...., .... ~ .y ··:::::::;.::·.::.::?: 1m111•u wuT•o .......... .-INNKEEPERS tNsrmrrE lRet. '49-95) -·-·----·---HOW $1LOO Shop·fintl Th•~~· Our Unbeli•veble IUJ1'l 8600 ~ ~flS.. in.:'ttemt. • ·· ···:.~:::::::::~:1Cl ~l=b:ri::~:::m: JN'l'ERNA110NAL Spa1nRi•h ~~n999ing1 ·Sw•g ~rnps · N n--~ 1T'!~°'!M' ttiinSton>• WClbartlt kg0rrH~.,,.u'•'!'1~ .. 10 ~~~; ELI:(:.. ·~a Tirri Rd, 1 . •==vii'"':"''= "M*IAL ·:::::::::;:.1#11 Motd/Hotel/Apt Mcmt 9cbl t9 • .,.... • 5 ··-···-···-···----OW $22.H .oaua .a1u. • .t ..,. , ... _, •g a ~ Bu.ct-. . , ~ ..... ~:::i::: ,~v.,·.;~'/:.,;;;·:::::~::::l: . ~'W~Ls A decora1or drtom house . on ' displ-- 3 · BmikAmerkard All Acceptocl . • 1!Ylsr• bi., -.UJl-*,..-"A--=u"c"'n=o.,N""""""'*,.-1 .. • ii""'''"°'""" -••&t _...,. ..... 6Mf • I ._, • •· ~ & iCQlllpuly ' • • '!J!~·:.:~1·:·::.:·:.:-.:·;.:·.\: =~Mi1Jiri\l" ..;o;·:;::: .,!,'!!°,!·;._~~IA ~ o.f_'go~ $plnish fumilu,. (wls .havo ~ ... a qdutli,. ol .11 .... ,M!Lllll« ... ~"'iil.;&i ..................... AUNOUNCEMENTS ,,, ___ , ...,--.... $1""5 00 ....... ---' _ . .,,,, W10<lY. 11:)1 " ,.,_ ................... ,,,. ~ aiwe1 form evdy -~ • •o' '-'-' • . l!Jt· -· · ""'co.,-•• , . AuCtlom·l'lldlJI. 7,Jt ..... . ~":.:.W.::::::::::::·i: ~ NOTic1s . PRoN.i: roR APPr. UCll -CE . . ~~v'l"; •. ~ Windy'• Auction km ~ .JLs,T~n:.:::::::::::::::=t ·=llOUH.~~.~ .. :·:,:.·::.:·:::.::t Aik.fot Betf)',. 176-SSOO Fl • • ,• • •. a $391 =p, '~~t•ldt· W..-.~t, ,Bt1'lad t-"•-'.ll-Mtr.t ,_,..,,._ .... o ......... ,••j •u ...... , ............... SAUC:ERMAN SCH""' C..ditTlftfts Aviil: Cudit Cl1111' lmm1di1t1.ly lldliln .,...., .,,..,.,.. --~~.~:::::::::::::::1::. iNtni"~~~ .. :::::::::::~: ·eo. hlrsrowlda. '"· ).;'.. ...11~ ~ ·-·fJJ -· ~ ··T• · ·.. ~\;·Nnpad .. Qr. ~ ...... ~.:::::::::·~?~ ~r~~un;;·:::::::::::::::a WbertFI'" ....... ·~ . RJRNITUR' E -===::;;=;:====I:..._ ~.1w1~,~ . __ ........ KIRB.~ .. y ~dnntr.1-t.t. '.!':.tc.;""'"' ............ ;;1 ;uNIUt. CH•sCTOltS ....... Mlt w ~ 1 . • •..,-.y~ na • Al -•t• ................... •<OtUST> ................ ..... 1''11iard Jt. • Saocerman, ' ' a-11•---1100 Mv•'uf s.)..: l -· , 'lleml-6 ~-,... olf lloJ 11.w\':o0'U1iiiii''.'.:::::::= f:~:.ID:~.::::::::::::~; ·" · ·Ed.·D. .1..... • Bl d '"'"" '"'-~ · '" ,....,. · ll2S Jkcaue werate ,mCnrizic m $33.12 c , tab owr•,,....._ U tt,.~ ......... -..... 1• CUlf••Y•Lon ............. "1! ~000 ·EnroD 'now ewport ' Cof , •••E' . ..:.•·-lion _, --~ "'"J.O, • -""re r-•-py riew fad11Uu,~~lh11tn Cniclit d!pt 5JS..128t ' .. N ............... 11" Ctila.T••Y CkT"1 ......... MJ E 'sa.1758 ...,..,~, .....,,. ..... ~ W~IQ.00 -~ ~ Sl.6• ~ be,,...... t Ji1'fl .E:];:i;i;;;;:.,C:;~'O:::::i::a...ZI itP,_ .......... l!: i:~r.:1~··.,. ........ ::::, ... ' · · · .'. -_-. .1"-1apPltoitce~t1' .... •P. HatdJ¥ uoed-11!« "'"· ~liw-tA: ·.;•.,; _ ... nor, slffP!'•· . · . • .,.:·::,;a:::::.~lll ·-g· ·~·"'·:;;.:::~::.= A1TENT10N .1 . .0Vl!iG PAR-· ,..:....11 Mesa· · 0-0· 1y· · p11,,.,,. 1rom _, ...,,.. 1100: !ISW741 .... _ Olli.. __ ·-· "'°· .......... "'~~ • • ' A • ...... &UCT S · .. " ............. ENTS! YOtrrH SPEECH 11U1i .,all ... uranteed. . 0,.r 1",:, • ~ w/mattrnl $15.,. . • •11it11 ......... ,,.. AVJATI'" ••r• ......... ,..., ........ _KSHoP ·-' ' ·11 • ·--..... "'""" .... oo· ....... ,,_"" A"*" ... 1 .............. 1nt Tuvn . ,, ................... .us ·wvn. • n&"S o · .__~''Tit ...... Sot &'-'Tl-' \\fe Se.rv!Ce-We F1n&l)Ce Pllnot& Orpn. llJO · · _,, O• -~-... •uaAP .{, .................. 1J• AIR T•A'fPOll'TATIOlll ... ........ 1Aarn lo apiak ~n. enuncl· ··-r """"' -" • -. . ., DUN" •p . . WROUGHT· flu) h. • n & l n a,A::;.:cart;;;;,l50:;:.,--.-.i·'=:-~54S'"""EI IA.lilltOa ,.,J .............. 11'1 AUTO TaANSHltTAJJON ..... MU Alt -'"-' .._ • -J 2 • Jn •~ " •· ••-.................... nn LllA~ NOT"~ .... ., ..... ::I; '"· .,..)ect. er ~ • APPLIANCE I WEEKS * $1' ""• " ~.,.a. with CARPET wtaD<r. bai -• •1Y••11N couMrr .......... , ... aUMAJll a T •Ul• ·· Saturda,ya. Privat. or clau 1815 N n..-... clua teaons for be-srttn clua 1n centtr. B~ -", ,:....:.~ -· --t, MOUS.:.=.uV ~~~~.::::::J: SERVICE· DIR~CTORY.,. ratea. 4!M-1295 Fvrn~tvre IOOO Offlc. ~qufpment «111 ewport BJYd .. C.M. ';~;;;,.. .. Startlnc• Tbesday, ~. IJ!\'tt ~ Ultd, dlft<1 ~e ·~-wllid .,.-~ ,... • . •m •"°""""" . . ........... . • sa.mo • 1rom M.-.,,.,p1-•· ,. 1 '"i'llTMyft~U...S".:'.:1MANSWat1N9s•ntCS .. #b . .-WHY·PASSUP TYPEWRITER. Sept.30atTP~ctlct . · ~ix;y all or part, JS/ya'f•· INT~l.J · :.,~'o.:~~~~.~ .... :::: Brldae lnvitationl when tn g OVER -STOCKED cal~to.·, Very~=.: ~=-A~!:. l~.~ ~~ ~ Jotn~ ~ a!iri~::, ~~ st0-r.M.l . -• , .. Fu~nJshtd . ·. ~m:_ ~·::,:T~·~·;:-tasy ..... -leuo~ ~;: ~ Xlnt. Cond. m..2m · ~. dC. ~or ·tuft• ~~ill &utnu 53Mfil Tent . trailer, , ~ ·· ·· ........... • ~·nmu•• •.. . ... -...... · · MUST Sfil! -·~ .... · REQ•-~1 H.B. i • • • 1 8xU Xtra room.. M.W. T ""'· ¥1 ~ lllAl:a ............ IO~T. MAlf"TI!NAJtCa ...... _..u Fowlu , Re: office typewriter ~ ..,11:.n "''"' ~'--a.i Md WI ·~~ · ................ n• ••tcK.. MAWMllY, -. .......... -.. '*~"""~* complete!)' ndl~ lk GAf'F HAMMOND -FO• -SALE 1 0 ta, 11'='~ ~ · · -.MAil,, ........ -•..• IU1111UISU'IKU ......... ' ~ New beds· Kine St9.50 _..__L. ~ ......,_,_ ERS ,\ Sp._ttl~r " ma~~-$CRCO. vuffint 1u1t..0•1.s ................... An vr.ro .. r Tecb. A 1 .......... ~ .,.,.;, u. ....... , ... ~Ml 'UI. ~. & stand $SO. 5t&-0167 Ga.a tSove. 4 bumen. pid. in OORONA DEL MAK · Be.utitul -l -oU .... ,... I· S 'PM . •, '.I ••'PAI.It .............. tns ura.-.n ~ ~· _,... n-"'""""~ -"""'· i: ._ ~·""• _ ~·-. A-l --~··~ .,,it 2KSt E Cout Rwy '13-3930 -·· ~, •IACN ••••••..•... :tM ua111IT#Altllll• ............... terpretatlon• Beginnen lhnl Twins •'HI ~ fully U>C" ~........ -• • hit. mouDtaiJJ m ill tieao-,_,, !!tL -• """-.............. mo "'"""'"" .................. -~.: .. ~ --alt, -·~ "!.'""'· Gu ... S.le I022 ......,., · e e ya u 'HA "••• bl · · Small maplo dlo9 --· ......-r.: .... a .......... n:W caM•111Y. ~ .. ............. -.. .. ~,........,_... Kina 11 spreads $18.95, fl. ...r..;;. • ~""' --: • ~ It ~ Dat1r: $umer ~ t" 11 • k. v...... ................... ., c1111LO ca•L uc-.1 ........... t• c: ... 1-• lmt tlon a:i. U.95. N."' •pc. corner GARAGE•-•-. •-t .._ .. _ WASHER""""-, a\ICIC6d0. p1•~ & 011o•u5 "'*. ~ trame.. S.. to .... :.... ...... i-\., ..... 1. '~ _... ............... no tol1TIUll!;TOll1 ... i., .......... Mll .....-"' "'1 nJC -.-.-.....,, -.,-"'""'"'.. ~ predate R ·~ ... ....,,..., Qlll ~ ' •Ml~ biitt·:::::::::::: g_i:,~ fl~.:.": 1:·bAiii·= For info cab ~ ~E. choice of cln< tti. 1().5. Family rm funrlhft $m. Rdrl&~frost free Jll5. See the oomplete'li~ Rt: ::1.nrr .tal"'llblit, Call 11'~1 Santa lsa.bd. .,~ . . t Viti'· L .... ; .. , .... _ ••..••.•. 11*11 o••P••••s ...................... MONTl3SCJJlI trainlnc. &Z"S $230, now $159.50. Headbrds: nw.tchlnr drtutrs. des~ Fteeaier 165; S&.ltll5 COAST MUSIC -• su.:421' , n ...u,ll .................. 2"1 DIMO\.tTtOff ..................... • Kings. $15, Qtµ!ens $12.50, 5Ul'fboard, .00W tlrtt, sled KiLVINATOR electric Good Nftll'I ~a r--t-• .....,bQ:Hl'-IOii~~T••UC. ........... ,,. oun1No1D'IK• .......... ...,, ·2'At .to 5. Gtve JOIII' dlld Full $10.50, Twins $4.95. ¥1l propelled hCwn ~ nn&e xlnf coiid. ~ ~!!!1l:1 HARBOR. featonalalnclrwp00pbaw ;;;;;.·iL;; yd. StiaO ' : ~ ~.~:~~ .. :::::::::::: _;~~:=-•Dt:W·:~;~:::: b6t1 'etN106, MS-2325 Trund1t. ~ Cduo riser) w/ Ir mlac. 21)8 lJghlhouse Ln. $1l'tl. ~ . cosrA ra.i:.:vl * M2-2851 a few ope~ W\11 book ..__ I!""' + laW' ~ ,..., tsL• ..................... tin l'IENCIN• ...................... "" . inner spnng matt. ftS.· SlOS. Cdi\L (1 blk ott of Open 10.C l'lii lQ-9 SUit 12·5 now . tor b&twtuell ladf ""''" ""' tip . my . • ~~"o·:::::::::::::::= ~~41..'A'ci'iiliiti1ltS;·e:ie: .. .:::::: .THEATAl~L. . 7900 now $79.50. Roll4-way beda MllcArthur A· Silo Joquln KENMORE auto "'~· HAMMoNO hinwav. Ya. 'dubl ·_. ~ 'Be:neo~ 1 90c ptr yard. 98N9lO ' u.n •tu,,. .......... -...... na ,UlllllTU••••STOtUNe ' w I iM; spring matt ftg. HU·-Dr) late model, xlnt cond. •''t' __ .. _ • -.:~=.:.:.....,._ ~,...___, ...... H.13 . or ?.lANS • womans ft&. b ... ......................... .. .... n .. •• ... SCRAM LETS . . ~ . .. 546-8672, ,.,_.... ~ -r, .. -·~·--~' lO .. . •4Y ., ................ mt U411Mi•IMO . ..i.:.·.. ............ • • $59.50, now $39.50. canopy ~ ot all ~ lest bQJa in *-S25ii , lkatea US'.-•n A , .-~ 1119T'Olf aucM ........... •P..a&. 11"-.,-"'u .......... . beaa ref. $ll!.5(). naW-$89.50.. DAVeNF'Ofn' .\ c .h'& Ir• DISliWASffER.'-ot~ the So. ,...,,.· .:.J-• ::::. . , NN Bundy darlntt $150. · ""' VALLIY .......... to• ..u.01• .. otsc• .......... ..-' . ,, · · ~ bdrm wt, coffee A ....,.. ~ • ...,... heft. .. .:;uLE Bed ~ Ma~ din rm ,..., ...... 0 I .•11&eM ~ •.. ,, ........... ,,.. •I.ASS ., ............... ·····'"' . AN' s ERS Full a. aletp -..ta· reg. all ti. . line PHILCO por1l.ble, 3 SCHMIDT 111.ISlC CD.. lble-1 _.,_.:..,. W'tll. ~ ........... _ ... ,~~:,•~.;;·;:.~==-::""·:I ~•Uc•. .. .••• -•••.••. 1111 ...... TMUMI ............... '111 • . $233.~. now $lll9.SO.• Chris~ ~-·~~es., •,lih~~G.E.·r. wla: old $160. stlMi037. ·-II -~ •w. OUIU <;lMUl"l:::SURPLllf ~-ottlotMl t.wlf:TY ._ .......... 1111 *'" •~ ................. .n• .,........_ ae ..... ,. ; . ._, • $20, 2.cJ,b~ sz. Proo-·--7 SAlfTA ............................ NULTM'CLU•• .............. '111 tnM ~ways now. ~A • ·-• .-1:..-. GE. -•• r1 t ... _ Santa Ana ~· ~-..... !!~-·--· b.brica remna.nu. Sold to, inn111•n•• ................ s.11 KAULINO .................. a. V&lued"-Ablioy-01015t SLEEP SHOP, l!J27 Harbor rou.cr, 'l'..._"'r wuher, · • mel'.'I · .-"'"'" .... ---· ....,.,.gui~ I A'!(({{Y_ .......•••.••••.• 1411 ltOUS•CLIANIM9 , ........... ,'1Jf ff . •n-~•ns Blvd .•. CM ,,._" d•"--1" portable .-..•• mW!ne• tt~. Good ('01).-WE HAVE PIA.NO.SI ~tc. 2311 r..1-· r._ the pubUc 1-4 Monday on ~Qft"" •••••·•• KJI INTSltlOR D•C'OaATl•O .,;_111»' -opp::r.-nv~. ....,..,vu -.,. ,,.. -.r-• .., ell ~ · ..-i, Sill 1!20 "-'-C!C ~L ~ ................... ,,. 1NCOM• TAX .......••••••• :.mt About a juvenile ~ 9 S.t-Slm ~. CdlfiooMr potiahu. nt L&rbpur, tion. $SO. 548-lCll · · YOl.I ~ Pfthue or nnl MIU • -' Uf • • t~!ii!~· -· u'ILM .............. 11",,,, lltOlll, °'4 11 ..... le. -. ....... 111M . ..,._.. .. He __ ,. -·~ ,---• NORGE auto -·~r •-1 &Del creclit &U mo!Uea -"' ft'~IMAGE . •-•-. •·t, ",. 2 GOLD tt..i.:..r. bar ·stoo1. ' fl ............. l•OfUN• · ..... , ............... '1SI .. -··•· Wl;IUlll ••"""'.-~ ESPAt.JO'l IN QU"lfTY "'-"" • ~ 1 --.va .....,. .,. -,.,,_, 11:""~J'~m ·0 "·-······ m: •suu.?tM• .................. :;;: ·HUB CAPS than ste&l KCOnd u.-.,,j.'1-.: u-~c F ~ltu PATIO Sale -Irvine Ter-model, xlnt cond. $50. toward purchue. H~ Cub 3.124 'CoUtp: Id turq. ' lftft ahac &l'I• -.............. tlffUUNC• ......... : ... ,...... base ~ "9fTI9' um r• --..... --t~-_ 10 . ~-MT-3115 • HOUSE 0, HAl'tMONY. St., CM •. , -~. 01· _,_,,,__ nia: 2% HP_ mowa, bud11, . . CA"'"ANO ...... 11U INY•IT,.,.TJW, ~ ... 1111 • Sa•.!-8S% V •-.-...--...... .....,.. -~·.. LU.. uu~ •MCa ... -•• .mt l.UITIMllAL ··•····· ..•• '. ..... .,,. MERCrtANOfSE FOR 1;!:!;..,..'° 3 ~ .. ,_t.rY,. --~ Akron hi• tor'· ,c & I 1 $1. LADY Kenmore wuhtr Ir; • Fuhlon l~. furniture. ·to~ E\'ft'yQlle<-.:;"""-~;;;,.._...,i;i;"'i:=;,;;--·I . . ................. v.e l•W•Ll.Y ••PAHt. •k. ......... . --.._......., ........... Furnlt.~ Ila ·--.Good--~· -__ _._ Newport Be.mt ·* 6H-03ll ._ ... ~. ,. ,-BELL H-·-arntst0• COU'1TT ....... , _. LAMDKAPlff -................ •• SALE AND TRADE ol d~tonr: .... .i .... 1:~-.. 1~1. ..,..,., vii.and, art. _,""' lOl>UQ.. ..... ~ .. ,.,.,aa1 ............... . - ••llTALI ........ .,,.. LOCKStUTll ................... -' • ""'F" ,,,,_..._. lawn ~ clothea.. Se... lromite lronl!r ..,::; ....... -NOW_-n:nt • Baldwill_ piano ·~. ,.. ..___.. fll'C ~-' R. aa11TAU ........ , 2'11 MAIO«Y,l'll:ICIC ............ -furniture •. Co~ of th! '· .,.. --UWU 1w-.u:.JU\ -. _.. AhitUM ................ ,.,. M0¥1Ha'n0tt.A•• ......... = fumfture IOOO f&maul custom .:....um M._ :ZS.28. . Avocado. CdM. , for .~ dlDd *" $2.00 ~ i'a tO/r•col'd Call J*1 IJ:trr I .lrl , W1rR~ ~ ........... .im , • ...,. .... PWtilllll .......... · _.J .. li""-_...., ,._,..., ......., ~00 Antf...-a.110 we e'k. '~na.I in-AMIFM. '50.~ NSflie dib "5-03!f · ! ~~NTAl.S·u f ·•-• r.~'l:t~'.~.::::::::::~::: .1.7 Pc.:'1(1119 s:..... ~~;~~·;;;;:::J!:!W...',.. MOVING-•-o ••• ~ ··-, .. · '""'"""1vallablo"rao11a""'" tabk ..... ···2 -·-'"--u---~ Vob'o.. n Ufftllnecl P ....... UPtl'f" _,...... ........ -... ,.,.... ..,.. • f~"" ll_>ao-... .,... """'' ._,,.....,,"' ~ ..-iuw.n: ,.,....,'""""' .,... ... • L .................... -~· .. ~~.,... leclroom loWmaiter;~ ~~lied--~O!M: Sale ol. mile 4DAYSALE•U'l'{fgpy: WABD·s · ' snlnto pedHtali."l lO-lft5 : • laJ'!~.SllWl~bead~ "'lli'•u. .................. n• ~n~~1Ni ................ = roo1n iulte'and the. autlientic tum. mtne andqui>I: dllhes, Trunks $10 1r up. Hall tna """• 11 . ~C .... --· Gr•rMf~i-.:.. e:•LEI T'Nin box. matt • fnmf SA =~~· .............. :: POOt..SPY•CI '"9 Larze 9 dn.wer dttUeT, mlr-La Pu -.-t iron dinette b r i c.&·b r a c, 9C.'ll)ptutt• ... ,. '"-up ~L -••-, 131 a. ~ ftrplrt, .ltf. ..,..... ...___ 'l~·":-$115 for SM. M841!l8 Sat-Su6 l.U ·PMK··::::::::::::·:1111 POW~ JW••riM4t-:::.:-.:· .. ::..i. ror. 2 bedside-stands .. k1lll ... v....... -. --. ....... ....... ..,... mAf.-1 :::t ..-.m..,. • um --....-..,..,. .IU.Cll ............ ,.. ruw sallvK• ·····~··"·····• 1 aiR headboard frame quilt.. 8etl. Um.lted. ttock: -$4&8. ~nthwa. 2 boat.I: a~ all, A up. Cedar chests. \1io.. SP Orpn ·ciu.. 'TIS TRO.P'~ ·nsH. POOL 'J'..\BLE ~. A ·• a 1tr1Mtm. ............ :I: •<»ff•• ..................... .-, · • HimUroo ShowroOm, 59'8 14 tnotor.HounlU.Sept tortan _bedrodi•l .... ·Bn.u .now1or'mfrW.Getlnon.tbt to90~'c<i~· ) ttdorles. eo.t .m. tell f ,.,..., ••·••·•••· ~l!i>~a~;~iii"' .. .-.1 ed ma.ttreu. &beet!, blaU-Westminster Ave-, W..tmlns. 2&.:1148. . · bed.a .. Ice Cftam "-"'1f$, A lua~mt adulbyoob~ 'Fntn· V • ..,'JC. YIMOIQ ................... iPiio11.111 .. fCIT~MIM1 ,eta, etc. I ~ .... --.. ~oo ·-t .lllOllU ............... 1111 · ......... .,. .,.. ~ 1 (lo,,,.,, er.·..__,. MISC Furni•hln'I•· chaln ""'''·-·· le.•d•d .,.. a CalJ •YAMA tLl"9' .................. .-tc1no .... s ..•....• 1·. • · ..... ~o .. ,,....11h • • ........., . . "!:xcluG·-i-t· MUSKINabovt-.1be .. IJ'Olll'ld _.,_,,, · Ml'f•IUrTY PAI.It ........... -••••11•· .......... •r····· ... ,... . or Modem' Style SPANISH Mahop.ny Bdrm, dintna nn ~ ... ~. ~~ ":~..! w~tt;B "D"• .... •WJN..Y~;..10 toot .• ,.. ro(m.' • Cl>mes. ' .corn-BICYCLE built for.J.,ilt&VJ YJ••.. ... . ......... -. .g =~==·~~'*:=::z.:.' ... MEDITERRANEAN f\i;m., .Re.tria, tamp1, ....,,_. ..,,....,_ ,.._,,,. AIW u.nw oJvu ~ $35.. ~~ '::Mfl. ·:~:::::::::a ',., .... ~, ._._ .. .:.:.i.·oi.'"· .... ••••• •• ·--.·.>!!! ' 1 Al For $249 ;.. Shown tn model homes. aprnd~. drJpe~. mi 1 c HOUR. ~-~'fPt BlY'J.. CM 1fl9 Newport, C.M. sq.lt&I plete •I . • fllfi.r; pool :;,ty~ ~.: . lrUOA ····················~ '~~~. • . ' MN-.., ..w-bric-e-b 10-5, Fri Sat &,~·~ S. ;4 _. , ( SALE ENDS vacuum A extru. iJOO, -i ti"' 1SU.NDS ................. ;a ,~ u..-a.·~·.:::::..-.n• !~ot-.... Pmta, only $9 mo. 3 Rma of turn. (din rm, U. SW, 181 rac. • • . • ., · , · , ~.... , _ · . : f(K)L TAm.r,.....txS. w'1D11t ~~-;; .. :::::.:·::.-.·: ..... ~:=~• ·""'~": .. :: 11iir111•s W'REHOUSE ""· •. ...,.,.,.Pl'!c<d eiat> · .<rlLulberwoodU"" S. .. •-·Oli,Sole · T111sdoy,'Slpt:Jlth ~Harbour bim_Acce,.,lJl<e...,SI». d:,.~~~N .. ·::::::f..: Ul'MCK.STa•Y~ .............. IJUJ) " wheft It .• ls l'J1lrt today ~rstt;y Park, VIDazt IJ. Braa bed, • Bentwoodil; .2 Gorn ... MUSIC ' ~-·' ~-.. 0: Rancbo firm. 962:RJ .. ~,... . ..,,. at Olll7 $399. Euy Credit GARAGE Sale -~ f'lth, let! pruabacb roll tuP ¥'WjJ Mkt a.rpjrir'iJ::,re: =;m~Jt::~~ .. ::::::r. JOBS &:EMPLOYMENT 600 w. 4th St., Sant& Ana Terms. 28th, Retrig, · waaher I: od: tables, tron itow-a.: spin: 20G N, Main, U. Ml-OSll entk. Ifft. Sat.. Oet. ~ ~-=. ~ .. ~~.-.. _ ~'i>.~~·::::;::::::::::: ::-:~=:.~ ····::;:;:::: Open Daily 9. 9 Sente Mil Furnftvre dr]rtt. couch, end tables, nJrc wheel, Tittany type !REE ORGAN ruAsml 10.A.M.. 'tll said! . .... s;;'-4131 ...... -.i•~ -:"" IUCJ1 .................. .io• WAHTIED Sat u Sun ll.fi t:!6 W. titb St. Santa Alla bxtka, power • e w l n 1 lampm, mutnsoope, claw .u...... ... nl'tes 7:....,.. l ;.JO _ a••• · •• .CWJITY ............ .JMI Mlllt'r6 WOMft -,.. • . • 547.(1'189 • macblM -1ntt-A ..;..1. ...... .....~ 11........ __ .._ ---.,-~ ..... ~GE Sale -L Shape tee Brand new mlnlc •• ~,, .................... .$6!1 OOMbTIC 11·~·::::::::::::::,.. FURNITURE 6: cablneta lilce ' ' _. . ._ "".. m ...... ·~ ........ ---GOULD MU'SlC ·cb desk -.. aldd J MAYt eryy ... ·-··········~1,,s ,. .. MllS. _.. ............... n• ......,, '"-·-..... -·-" al LEAVING STATE. Medittt-dresse.. 1'18 DL"ftl St., 0.t. ten tool'-nrttn.p. JU -II • . -·-A.W $1.., Btoolm·f9DC.h rll~ llA .ltl ................. -M•Uo WANT•O MM 7211 .1v • ,..... ._...,..,, ... ,,. • · 64&$75. Rochester St c.M 1G.J069 ..,.., ' Main, 5.A. 504'il:t Pprta ahpp flS. .Hi Fl I.mp * fJ'S.6eS7 * "'Ar"· •MMT• ......... = •Hiens...-.. :::::::::·,. AmmcU larpat I: ndt nnean II' IOfa & low Rat. ·-:f.!, NTE.D SMAI.L UllrilM piano A $25. ~ Milc1tani.,AD PATIO J'urnl~. , _._ .. UM .uew ·::::::::::::::ms w...:...urr~ IC ...... = Ullusual unt1nlshed furnlhft C:Ofiee . table, 2 end c:om-COUCH, tldnn. tel, Coftee It ,,-bmcb. ll:IUDdl A looks pod. like new -.ua __... •ulU. M*'•t. ............. mr .t.•1tt1U. *"a .-·;::'.:rut store. QJr Redhill ·A Santa modes, bide-a-bed, lamps, end t~. chair, p.Dc furn, Vhliqe do • ilooess. of -,._..,__ .i. .•• DOUBLE.. -__ Mite. !tam. Gl&a!nnft,, m ''"'1"* VftJ9 .............. ,,. SCHOOLS & tMnltUCTIOlll .... ,.. .. •• W'I..~. ~-~-1 ml So. s ....... 1 .. 1. ""-iJ.e Hd rm men'• IUfb f6. Jr. drtuel ......... -•• ~ ... ,.,__ -· .._._... "' ~ _. ... .... u .. -x .. St. c.M. llA!l'IMllli CL:IMaWTa ........... ,..Jn. JOI PRPAUTIOlll 1llt ,...,.. ~"I' • ..,...,.. _...., ...,._ I -'"' -a; _.., ~ doW ------W __ ......,. ...,,...---__.,.. nfllAM •....•... am ~untCM. .... :.::::::::::,,.. ol Newport Fwy Open 362 ~L A1ao b!autilul formal 7.u, m1sc. 177 '4th St., tume ~ ~ wi.. ESTE'Y 1)rpn. 2 kt~ . • .. -·~: -· 4'h buln MOVING Ea9t. -•• l I IJl·I r::=-~~~.::::::;::!: MERCHANDISE FOR • q,y. per yr. 5ff.-5c10. dlning -nn set. All 2 mos. N~rt Buch. Sat 1:.Sun vet.. etc. ~ ~ aound ettecU, 5 Qt&k.era. = $1 .. ~ $2' Ii:· $3 n;_uyttrln&. Tm1Uc bu)<t? -••••• .......... ,,. SALE· AND TRADE · old. Will ucr1llce. can col-or 67>0771. '""' ...,,-_..._, l550-........, alt-C · -t;~:o;r.;;;;;p;c;;-v;:;w-i~:im~~Palladn~~~""-~~-~--~I DIS" UN~•N. ......... ms . . .. 3 Pc crv quilt. • 0 r & 1-tct 2l3-m43tO HUI '5' FOR,D 1i) T Pick 1J ~ .. ';1-A,Lt.'"au ............. :~=~:u:J111trrua•·;:;;:;;;·.,, Be1&e/earth prtnt. Unusu.i -~~!~· aUverJ>late. !lleo l!J.t·"'-~ ~~-· MUsr'~ 11";,;rn;., A~~IJ! _., ~ O'Kttf~ " NEW'LAWN EQUIP?iijri' _ Ol"l'tc• a.ou1PMl:trr ; ........ 1111 pecan Prov b d rm _ k In 1 OIEST-o( dta'A-"tt'I $'1; Red .,...-111.'l:'tl A try Jl&lll. Pie-··-v< _ organ ar · .u<a ""'"'a"-"-~ . ab over ~ or will .u. ~ Fvmt.hed ' .' ~.!'\1.~'::~ ·::~:::::::: :Jbtd, trjp.dfeyr, &moire I: upholstered chair . $ 1 S. tures, curtains • drapes. MASON • ff.us:LIN, _parlor Vista Dr., F.utblutt, N.B. Merritt P:9 ~ .. Make ol· ~ 113-1884 .. , , "'•·M:r,"lr.·······•··········· ... ""~ .All·woo,,Ml!NT' ............. •H nle ,.._ '"'qu• -'-an FlorlJ upholstered win a Good lad.let A meet• clolh. orpn. In beauttful con-f«t ._jiffi!~· . · &....nv-t:"D.t·TQR ""5th'.!:I :.i·"'•'"······"···· MOUMMeull eocNIS . --• .... I ,....... ..... I Ml -T ·-·LI --• n.&:..S~V' -~ 'I It • • : .............. :411 OAIA•I. u.&.R ..... ::::::::.:.~ Dutch RrVr'-marbie t o,p, ~ • $13. 611 ·Kinp Pl. "&'. SC, -_Santa. label, d!Uon. "'5(). ,.__911 ~ &XQU Sappblre . and __ ..._ _, , .,..4 ·.,,.m,11 •~ ........... Qlll. 'lllUll'TOlt•·~IOtl· .: ...... M s36dS8 Newport Hrfthtt. attn • l CM Fri·Sat·Sutl NEWPORT ORGAN s di&moad rin&-A~ at '.'-.-°""' 1\1& .,...... I ~IP,-.::::::::::: .. ,PUANc:U ................. 11. 1. ' PM. '. PATJ.O saJ . 1602 "5-1530 21" AOMJRA.L B It w ws.wiU.eu..6-fbWb~ mbck$11'75:.1512 i ', ~., .. '. .............. ::=uw.e;.·m·a ..... -........ ::: ntEtidi P?Oviodat Bdrm . e. So. _ w/radlo ·I: phono combo. m-sm • 1~1 • saxn:ear tna •Pfll'OK JC' x JI, •HJUl ........... • 11u1tc.t.L 1111sTauMiifr··;:::::ms· 51,11re 2 tw,in bedJ w/b!&d 4 BEAUTIFUL Duncan Phyfe Bayf,ront, . Baltioa Ial&nd. (,'OLl,.F.CTOR'S IJ'elllll: Pr. Llte oakeabltiil!t .sood ~· · · -· ,. • $,., , SI.~ I . :,.:·:::.-.::::::::::::::, :-'.::'.~.~~~.~~~.:::::;:::::::: foot boam.,.2 extra tinn '"' di~ room• fa:nUture, u. Thurs-Fri-Sat. io 'AM .. ti Jim Beam Po I It I cal $100 or .beat oa;,. ~ CROSS top 1 4t•tl'.l'I'!, ~r:Jtb new,.::. ' ;.;./' Dl:L MAt ........... Qfll fl:L9YllK*· :................... ntr spril:lr rq,at~botc ttqued b 1 u ~ ttetanrular Plt1. Houaebald t t ~ m I. decant.en. Mate ' 0 f.f er I ~ Ntwl&nd St Spice No. au~tk:;defr'Oll. !~-. -·•··~· .. ':··· .. ······'• 111...-1.asu••Q<• .............. ,..,. • · · tattlrl-tcba.1-Ctuirltats linens. clothes, v•rlou• 6"-~'"'"' · ' The •i.C.!o. •• ';Jt' .. '.'.-··" E.Cat Jtadio,· Cotnlst&t 25.\, ,-·"···-···•···.,..Ta, .. •aco1tDft1 .: .....•• .-. aprlna:s, 6,dri.wu IN!S' • '"'" • • · . ., .._ 145 H.B. ~ ..... ,_ .• ······:::::::::::: .. :: _CA,.., ... ~=HISlllMllllT .... .-_ W/lrl n\lrror, 6' J'lioe· Oki. M--11~ ,,~t".~wt. '1ut. M\scellane<!us. ARMORIES •. ART '69 r...i--t: TV 23'' .17 ~ -. .. . G.P-~. ~~I •PCM ............ . ~ .......... rxn _.,_..., .t.e.<.. . uat aee. • ... ~. Ladies ~r-11.1-ahti 1-10 o·-·-AL \I ~n-i... ,........ • _...... I ' OL~~1c_,.-.__._ ' p.m. ~ . y .,.,. Jf'OW:T ........... • . ...-. -~ • nu;..i"' "' ~n:r .-Mot«'o&&. Just lake OYtr :o•w.r .. ., - r ........ ::::::;::: .... :_•=~ ........ = W~·· L1Jf puncan NEW ~fnr. $395 . lamps, ch&ln, hriM·hntf, BAO< DOQR WPORTS P>'IJ'b:. c.Ji •all • 6·30 pm AMITM;.:~·.~·w/3·,Pr. wne:..v.-...pa .sd -" ............. :.: MISC. wlMTU .•• ::::;::~:::Ma• J'hyfe' ~hoc tbl (mt drop Bdrm turn. matt I: b<xx h0u'9'warf1 of ID. kiod.1. Si.I 119&-Hatior, Ot &G-751'6 M6-S835 • -• ' be~.'i JtGVI·~~~ .\ .C! ·,.rib $3g •ach. fi:!:!1110 .. •••••••••••• 4IU .-..CllllJIC•Y, ltC. .......... .... 1 ..... n _... _,;,........, I · 1....~ aprqs_ PiDl'...pma table. I: Sun M. lB Nottinitwn ~W . . ~ , . ' , . . Woutl> UJe tel n:nt -111 •. :::::::::::·.:lffJLtHAaM. ..... ~ .................. .-_,,... ~-win --.... .:. _,._.. Rd •IO (West.dlff) "4&-1519 ~ Oril•Wu (-) ~ LrpeCoJt*>TVor.Black '•' ... ' · .,.. "" lf'Oll.Aff ......................... ....,. 2423. ....,. ~ _...u.M1 • • • -----~ ... -... 6 "~',. ~"'-lo t.io;I, * '* *·* r tor ·~ c.o.ta :J 4•"• .. •·•·•.,•• 8UILOIH M.1.U~IAU --"''"" • • · .....-"' ..,.,,......, 6,., <, Tl'W 11J.PU1i111 "'Y ' "'"' ·~~~ ............. _ Rll'A" ..•. • ::::"'mt BD•1'l"Q-. tlr•pl~c e KING 'm.e bed, comPI. id SAT. ,m·.u daSt'. 1CIS.15tb ~etc..J6.SUC .~-· -No-· 1 F~~ ~-• tD.:-.;;·;;';o-~;=:===,.,,,ll • ""~··· ......... PETS nd LIVESTOCK ·~· .,.. · ' com ~ -Woond St. N .. ,._ B<h. ._hold ·-· ~ · """"' ' ' ~,.,,, ·";"""··"'·•· ... ········... • ld'ffn $10. · Stodlo bid wlll:I • ry. .4-Actiwi TV·~ Co.... . 1 ......,... • ~ -• MM ""~·::;::::;::;:::4lll ~Sf,~.~~.~! .. ~:::::::::::::•· wopdtn 'c 1 b-ta·e t .. $10. wtlt ~. 546-0'7&4 ~~ ·~ ~ ~ Sfwjnl.Ml~i 1120 r 1 ,<1~ ~ ... i 't tor liall .... Pvi-~ .. ~' Mllc.,,1nted . =:: -•'iii ........ , .......... =-· ... , ... , ................... = -"· . . . . , pc' ...... -.... . ZENml TY -·bl< H" 5-sm'----B-s \Q.. · 'i , Y\S .. " ............ ~ Nql.SJt .... -.......... -••... .-ookll" ..-r.: Good nd. Cliat&cter bot.t w I all or SIWlNG MAOIIME • --' • ""'''" itUiWS . .-r·220 V , > , '~ .............. oit i.,vanoac ................... "" QUEtff Shir lllng1e bed ind. • •• a. co • . · ~ 1Nf Sl,.OIR triciwlii;w JaDd, ~'ciond ._..., } _ · ~ • · • .,..:;:;:::::::::::·::: ~Ll.~RNIA ,LMNG. b10-.'A .""""'MU. of, • . 615-ru5 • • ~ •• ~~ ';f;.};'!°'i."-.u CONSOL-£ Mr. Tliiiow ('ll'11:DI_..,' bol&o ·;zs,.cJil<.lq''l'• Pio. ·RJ· •••1TU•E' .~--·:,-............ ~ ~-~~:;;::;;;;;;:i ·~·-!""".' . m-lllloo =~~::: :: w ~§UN tn <;;.-~ 1£ ~~;.:t~~ Hf.fJ .&~ · ttlO ~ ... ~With:~ ;$ .A1,UANC\s"~ l · \Onfu•nlshod .,...,.., ........ ,. .... ,. ...... -r =A • = "_, Clolt l4<0' .. n $2'0. 016 G809. mt Anl!e, :E~1tbh1t . .,,.....-y..,., -~· .. ~-. ...._."" .. ~ · t . ..._,. o,;,..· ·~;con,. .C•,...!Yt-fl•--'-·''~l ..... .1. ............. -!1-CATtotta ,..~·t····. ·····-!M ~r . .,neVft',\&HU, qU l'i:'U . , !\u11itutt. palntiaa, evtrJUUnl" Wi1.1J1111t attadi. :ilLHZAJ lllm db: CIOftl!l!le• ~."'Wl\16t'A .. 1 ................ . ........ , .......... •• TIRANSPOtt ATION no...i. "'th -..,. .. iµs. BLUE qµ111._.i.11ora1 aol~, -blla clariwt -· Btt11t"'""""°"'°·......,~ -wlO.Ml.-.hJI!) ,~~.::.., •. ~. CUM·lll-H "M' · , ................. m< -nc•• .................... • Ma-i ~· .... 1 $75. IW. Go0d 1tl0tlilfttoo.' 001 • '• . '.• ., malndru"11<>l..__onbol'~ Girrtnf ~· 60 -~ , ~ ~ • . ._ • Cit ......... .,.-IAl\.IOAn' ............ , ... fftt · hnd.Se bed, 6 tnl.e. . ...1-• -:i:r ~· 1-45"1 i '911?9 •··~·····1 ....... UUIUIS ............. S.1Ta . 56-1"1. · < hem Clreuel, IDUe-, tAncy tf¥l c.hameJ. . spla _. ~ , ,Irppal&. fDJ. , , , , It .... .......... If••~ WT ....... _ ...... 1 •4(-h ,,_ _ _. .:.I. GARA.GESALE~•ni lfJtches,etc 51'f -•and _ ... an.P·· .. Ofthalatl1'rJl ·R;""""9.iftr --.-.. V:ftlftl -·i• ............... ·..,,.,.. ,...,..., ............. -KIN ....... ""·~-· Kllj!l ·td» cho!r, ..-1nw i-, • ........_ •• _ .~·~ ~-_: __ _;!!:;"-"" ~·· .~....... ~,,., ~ Cld::,=~rn.· • M . ··:.~ • ' 1nu ·-· ·~ -......... MWIT ~!!!!~ ....... = A ~!Wil. lh1tbfilc buttaq lb1Pt·lnfw.r tpd:ns mattrfta ·~, ~_..,, ... _..., ...... ., ...-VNS 'YuluJ~ .... ~ or. ~-' . --~ I" • 1 • ~ . '"-~·Joi.••:••"••••••••! MMT ~~ ••"'"'""' '"-•ml ' ---~-" •ttOI\ "---" -._.. __..,~~ ff.8. ~ Wft11U91 ,fttrnl! d4rn, .. I pyrftfJ, ot $$,64 Credit .. _ $35-'n91 a1 tt ... o.n • • ' ' ' • • J ' • • ~ , •• ).~ ...... ,_ •• , MAJtll1• MCffP, , ....... , • • "°'' VVUlll ....,._ -· ---,v•~ ~· -~--K~ -. • • , , rm ~~.::::::::::: .. -I:' st.tP~IN~ .:::::::·-~. •· •• _! 2 DR.. nf. $15. W......,..$1 mo •• tlo internt ,chp.,tJP: MAft»01Z 25-rccei-...Cr, N¥Lf·nl·.9tl..-~JntcJe -WE PAf ·YM"l ·-, •••i~O.l:.............. -J~il" ~::.:......... SOFAS A cllttett. .... ntun.. Offlco ·flumll!I"' 111110 LIM ... , JIG< nte ~-·!fr COMPL~,..~RICE • -""' B 'P• ak• r blncll.•ls ~· ... flO!l.11'j ' • ' ' ! iiSl':..-................. , ..,, c~nn _ .. ~·i·-··.... , bade:"' ~£.17th. 64M1G r " 11t dual · JOU traWI 1r .. . ' :..~_.•J.J.i·--· .. ••· '11tt1• llNfl ............... t!d frotn. iea-at 50% of II.-'llNID PR""'All · ::! '' · · -~--"--1 >' cm 1'' a ~-,._ • NOT Mna-b I ~ ......... -·--•• :.............. -.11.F.R.C 517 IV. 19lh ""' ......,_ .. --· * F-. •w 00 "·~'."' """'' =:l100or-""'•· DEJ:P ·-· ·~t·• -..._ .. ...., ............ -• ,_ ... ·-""• .. · RElfl'.\L· to Del J>fOr RAe< tools, dfmo. COii· I »tr;· tUI · tiem ~ 'fll ., · I ~OQll •-·~u.ot :·:::::::::::::::· . %~~~1 ::::..~.::::::: ·5'&-3W.orHMMJ ' tnA Wood• stffl ~ :.::. ·mi=-· IP.M'.ttloO.Cau,<NleCt, ., · ~~belt°) talll9 ~ ;..._, . '!"'• ~ ............. , .. _ "' .............. ELl>GANT °"" -· cbatro, tllft'• ~ · 21i-m~ T...,·llH•"'•,. h20 -· ·~w l!l,'.., ••;• ............. ii! ....... lfOM.. ................ dlni-tabk: ... chairs. Dun-.... _ .... auauts m •.al:ft GARAGE Rummtp ... . ;£;: -M--·· Hwa t111~1 ot.aw:-'1Dll -............ ...._llOMaS "t"" ....... -. ·• ~...,,. ~n .._ c....t~---·-..-Sblttr69l~-·O'MJI'. ... .._ ... ~ · ~ .,.,.~,.on:,_. • ................ oianu .......... -• .-""'"""' '"'-· ....--1830 S Anabtlm Blvd. In -•--... -_,. ~ ..._ •" . ~ TAPE-......,..,,,.. Ito '10So·-; r-.,.,,.. , . :~·:-.::::::::: =r.tc-~~:::.:.:.:::;:;·: QUlilt)'idfW~t.ed. Anaheim. (lloQpidm S: A. Ln.C.U. · · ~-~~:: ~1-d.phow, 114 $250..:Qt'llA~..,_,WMtp: cat .• >1; If -~· .. ;:!::;::;:;:::::::r:= ~····;:::.::;: .. : Com~tie 1aa-' $105. •wttl ftffw13 at Kateltal Sat; I AM. ~ ~ JS.Jr mo " $CJ» c:aab. J 1D ~n. ST.50-. BfJ.L ADI ~ C&rpl L1 ~ ftm. CIOll~ 1lii0i __ ........ .-A1ff0 ... wcua P.qrn ····= =Aft SA wknda M24";3t 6 delkl-W.I<l5 ayth1na must su. Ill> dill 52Ml11 ~ '" • " ·' • ·Call "16'.rttt' I PM i.J:wm .tb~'Whli .~, a.c. J:hWQI.'~ !!A~ .......... ~.-A"1'0 TOOLS .... ,. ·-···· ' wdeJ' = 3rd St .JIB • ~ I ~ ......, -~ I I ~ .... v-flll ,......., ...... .._ ..... ~ ... =I~_.,""" l 9clta!ral10415 · ·• ' LAT!'! ..-i.""-" . ..,... , ·-. ...W.IH<Wlil'' · \\'~-.... a''. ~ "· ., .. :::;:-.iii! =:.'°:~ .. ::::::~:::;:,. --SPA!llSH-$00. m!Sll CAIU'ET, -IU;lo l<E1J q """""'· · Hahl ...... c..:.ia & l~p. n0G l<iWi6ii'TBiOdr -Good•-· -. Cllll , . ~ PT~ft. '=f'.-~ ..................... man . . . . :w ... "'· • ........,.. CllMtlilS. ..._w , --Qob .... ,,....._ -1oc1 -~-1111-Tat . ' /G-1• . \,..,.,;"oitT..U"""""''$ :w·: ~,,,_,.,,iv,~ ~'l"ljlmont IOI~ c.M:--oOIY--· lllMAX' . -~ ~· , !'Ef=O '""*·°" '"·!iii( '"' -...................... , •-u -a· ~ ... ,.. oota. l50 600 .-..I-, · • . -Mtiolcal hat' · '1125 ,.,., $1S -== m l~"l~"~""~..._~,.~-~..,~s~. till~·-~ jM1• , .......... .,.,Jltlll WPC>tt•o AMT•S ............... -"""' · ~~ ,. Gch& 500 AJipA.IC:M •too • ....._.. J'OOAx ntolm' D0. UrtU\;tn; 1U.:A ""*"" J15,. · "!"" ~ ~"'° ........... ,,.. ll'Otl.T CM• ............. tflt Jumtne, CdM. 6Th-3028. , .,1 lnttrtelwr o.t $'790 r~" -°"· ·}. ., 8'4tdn· .tt, -Call for -HOT ............ 51 •NTIOUI~ <WSICI ......... ~u . . • . ·""•-'-, NEW F•-~ BU_. ...... ~...... • -, Mo .... ...,, ,,,..: ' '191 ·~o ........ , •AC•U•S.Mln ............ "" MATI'RESS a •prinp $%.\ .....-.. Xlnt Corid..$1'1 Cul'!. KELvm.uVI\. ~ Sil. atnpllRcr \Md-'-twke I RAllT'"lt ' -• ., ......... UH-. '-= -e:-tir~ Tat.I. n.aa cou•ta AUTO sv••n ................ = Daw • OWD' cebinctl $50 WW bd,l mbd. -ii... Old liVt nm. _.. MdDt ' .,,,,,,, • M .An-,.. .. 11. -1" .. \;. = ""WE . .. ! AUTOS" WAlllTID .............. .....,_ • ~.""l'I"' ~ • ~ $2$. tor S131t.tq\tl17 Jn!I: ~ * TAMA.TAR BlnocWan. GOOD • 8'l1-A • ~ ... Ta919 ..,,., ..... .... "' ....... ""'""'"""' -111ftiot\l'·"JI. 145-ml . ' ..,. _ _,...._,,_,. ---MO·~-.. -·~··o1wta1·-·---O!dU .to ~~ ... -... _........... I 1m .......... 11.UTl' LUS"'9 ................. -:t:"t ..--.. ---.i• -~.. ...~.---. -; • r•·,..,...... ~ T':"'.~·-,,,__ I 1-."f!Ort:lf'Y M 11••0 CA•a ....................... OAIL'l PILOr WANT AOSI DW SO#ll tor ·rtEIUl."1'$ y Wbnr·r.wj ..... l I I'll .... ! ... ~. " •• :.. _ ~ .. -wb. ~ __ I ~· • ... ~... ._ --------~--· ---· ·-"" ..... j I ~~~:'.:':~::'~:0::":':~~·:::•;-~:;••:-:4"<":::A ... _...... ... ... ~ ;-. ..:...;...;.;....; ~ ~-~~ :-~ ..... --... ----....... _.,.... ................ ------_._ .. p -··~ ................... .,.. .... "········---............................ "' ·•••·•••• ••••••. "' -"' •.• ~···· •• ••·•••• ••.••• ~ 23' Rhodes Albatrou. V1ry 1 SIAMESE KlTTENS ~ gd. cond. 3 Jibs &: elect I lOS88 Lehrnhardt FV motor. Daya: 6' 5-o 2 2 2 ; *531-9716• E'Ytl: 80-1398 I MabllaHomoo 9200Moblfe H.omel 9200 BAY HARBOR '"..°.:~': SALES Clecircince Scile 011 All Db:pt4'f M_.... 11 .. a .... fte• NI Simi tr,. 14' WW. -----INCLUDING----- ·- IOLLAWAY CASA LOMA CASITAI SHIU.TON MANOI klT fAllYllW PIDnetl IAT HAllOl HOMrnl COlNIU cnn•rrr FASHION MANOI SAHA.IA 142S BAKER ST• COSTA MESA VallM•l•.tH_.., .. .., CALL 140-9471 TODAY • WHITE WALLS POLYGLAS ASA~OW s291s Goodyear & Gcites FREE PICKUP a. DELIVERY Export Alignment a. EXJHirt Whoo! Balance B1tter1M • Luhrlcttl°" • -· Tu ... Up Complete Brake Service EARL WILLIAMS TEXACO 1695 Superior Av111ue Cotta Mtsa, Calif. 646-2503 NEW INTERNATIONAL 1600, Loadstar, 164" WB, 1 J1rlupor1 31111po r1 ~, COilONA '68 CORONA Hardtop. Radio, beater, law miles. W1J 714. $1195 JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS epd ule, V-3, 4 1pd, 18,200 Ph. 54().2512 GVW. 0n1, 14299. It won'tl-=====""=:== wt '°""' DATSUN See at: '64 PICKUP KUSTOM MOTORS 145 Baker St., CM 5f0.591S 1946 FORD 7J tGD P.U. New 300 Ford engine, auto trans, 11' Ton, Rood numing C'Ondi· clean body .&: interior. '475. tion, red ~t. oria int., dlr. IW6-2813 will take trade or 5mall =--==,....,,...,,,....,,...,....,..." I down, fine 'PM prty. Full '!16 FORD, l T, flat bed price $599. LBVEZ521, call w/tool boxes & 1pray equip, James 494-9773 or S45-0634, ~~hla, xlnt """'-!850. ORAHGE COUNTY'S '&t FORD Va.n. Good cond. WW conlkler any ruaon- ab1e otter. 645-2&80 l9S4 RANCHERO V-8, 4 apd. Oun. Must !ell. $11'.M. Pvt pty. MS-at3f. ·~ CHEVY ~ Ton PICK UP mo. rn.1'55 .,._ 61 ciiE\IY l> .... '°"" bed, ovvloads. 1tep bumper, $1SOO....ms NO. T DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunttn,ton Beach m 7711 or 54G-<1«2 '67 DATSUN 1600 Sedan, auto, R&H. ti.Im ml. $llOO. * 548-519fl * 1967 4 door 1t1.tion Wap. 96 hp, 4 !pd. Good cond. $1195. Sl8-<13I • llDOIADO 11"Shlwwtl 9' C11M1111the f"OUlt WINDS '"-Ltn: mN.• D11Ct .., •• "'" $1605.00 ..... 4 11-r:.. ' S1ttpor ~¥.: ,1.w.'A ~ i1,.e Nt.1#l .... 1 .. llAHlCUD4 $1Hfltl' "'"' .... .. - ---...... --• •• •• ' • .... •I ' ,.. . . . . . . ... .._ ..... -... ' ......... '$1 NERClµ:>ES ~ 190 SL PORSCHE Renewed ~. new clutdl. """"rwm"" • .,..,.. i--P-O_R_S_C_H=E-bod,y Jn :dnt ahape. $1400 or beat otfltr. 53&--~ ~ 45 to cboolc from, MoJt j967 MERCEDES Bem :JS<J.S. "'1 modell A colcn. From 4 Door, auto., FM/AM. '57 to •69. Xlnt. int. cent. $420(), Pe.YI Mi..391&, Evn &u-1598 J1rlttptll I 31111pLl11 '·' ~Tl[OIM[§ffilAll Dean Lewla tor many ,..n hu Hid· Torot• to hundreds of 11fldild cuttomtn hi Orutgt Ctullty. Thia mutf p1<1ve tMI * for tht but fflll * for IM mo•t c.ourteous Nlllmll'I * 1M tht 1tr1lct JOU dtslr1 after purthlM, Dttn Lewis Topt1 ltM rt. THE N1W TOYOTA PIQtUP TIWCl IS IUl NOW . POCKFI tkSAVINGS It', the tit thet wer1't 9i-you e11ythin9 to worry 1boul. W1 meke 1u1e of thet. We ti" it the VW I 6·pel11t 1ef1ty erid perlvm1nct teit. It h11 to P•••· S• we 9iwe it 1ur 100% 9u1r111te1 thet we'll replece"lU 111eJor 1t11th1n!c1I perh' for lO dev• or 1000 mlle1, which•v1r ''"''' flrtt. hn't thet whet• '"w cir-owner ne.cl11 A \,1,19 th1t won't clrit•e you nuh. '6l v.w. '61 vw '63 v.w. $QUARI IACK ktdio, •''· Sp•ci1l. UOT· N•w p•lnt. l•c1l1111t COii• ••• with bl1ck inf•rior . dttron. Spodal, oxus2s Show1 0:11c1U111t c1r1. " "' 11lce 011 tho rotd. Rtdio $999 &: hotter. VTUS44 $999 $2099 ·u GHIA '66 PORSCHE '66 vw 912 COUPI PAlnACK alDAN COUPI 011ttl1rwfl119, '''''"'' fi111 lxiro cl111t I 1how1 P•r· lltck with bl1ck l11f1rlor. d1ivi11t cor, 'i"o 1p114 Economi,11 •~mm1r '" tr1111ml11io11 a FM r11flo. 101111 c1ro. lt1dio ... ...... ,, 6olclt11 9reo1t wltfl llloek Cir, SllC7Jt inltrior. SKN266 $1599 $1599 $4399 '"' v.w. '65 v.w. '67 DuM But9J Ntw ptll'lt. &cel11nt <1et1• RADIO. -NHI070 .. •• , fl'ld •• 11., •111..ilpitff. .iitieft. lffuc.J, OXIl:SI ONLY Herlllhip. UVl417 · $1199 $1199 $1999 1970 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ' .. . . ,.-ii".....-...,..., we•+ s 4Zt S co•• -: a a A A & I , ':'RANSl'ORTATIOH "1"7, :!<pl-26, 1%9 DAll.Y Pl\D'r a TRANSl'OaTATION TRANSl'OllTATION TllANSl'ORTATl()(f TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATloN f U NSHSfiATIClli TOJISPORTATIOH . lmpomd Autos HOO Uood Corw '900 Uood Coro tM0 UM Cors '900 ~o Luslnt 9110 Used Coro 9900 Uood Coro -Ulled Cart f900 Uoad Cars 9900 ' UNAULT : •19 RENAULT, pod - I lffilon. '8,QOO mlJff $11). ~. •l'15-0821 Jr ''"'"'"====-=====-=·I TRIUMPH .1--------; '65 .SPITFIRE Ea white. Itali&n red int., 4 apd, dlr, &octlly owned. 'Excelllnt oond. Bl~ book , "'75 • FUil ...... $JIM., will ', fine P"'I Pl'IY. NRZ868LB. , Call Phil, 4K-tm or 5ofS.<WB4. ' e '67 'l'RAA-IRS. Pr l c e drastically nduoed. Leav-1.rw tor CQDep. Many ex-• ...... l!IOO. 61>3226 '66 TRIUMPH TJl 4 * sood condition * Rraaonable 5's..4224 :. 168 TRIUMPH Spit 7500 ml. : $1800 or best oiler. Xlnt cond.~ TOYOTA '67 Toyot• Coron• Enormous Eldorado Sale Cad.illaa Moat Desired Car 1967 ELDORADO :rz.m.nco Red with White vtoll top and red lttJ,btr tnter1or, air t.ondf .. tlooJ,.., ,..,... All·FM radio, _.,. IN.ta. Wt and tdelcope, 1tttrinc wheel, ....,,., doo• locla. Maey o~ extras. Lie. No. VTM61,1.: $4595 1968 ELDORADO Sin Mateo red, black vinyl top, black interior, air condJtionin&'., 1ttteo AM• FM radio. 6-w&y seat, tilt I: teJ.e .. 1eope 1tttrtng wheel, power door lock1. Mam-otbn' atru. Lie. No. WE133 1968 ELDORADO Sablt!! black, black vlnYt t'op, black lt!!ather intmor, alr conditioning, stereo AM-FM radio. 6·w&y seat, tilt I: telescopic atffrtni whetl, wwer door locks. U c. No. WB.1649. 1968 11.DOIADO ~ Flmnilt. b&ack vtn:JJ top I: blaq leather tnttrlor, air con41 .. tionln&:, AM-FM rdo. 6-M,7 1ett. tilt and telncope 1temn1 wheel. pwr. dool' .Joctb,, etc. Uc. No. VJZ34T $5295 1968 ELDORADO Sliver Pine Green. white vtnyl top i1'ffn Interior, air condittontnc, •tffto AM-J'M radio. &.wa.y seat. Utt and telffco~ 1temng wheel, poWer door Jockl. M&n.Y other utru. Lie. No. XCJ468 1969 ELDORADO Ra?npur srttn IQ!d vleyl top gt"ffn leather Interior, aJr condttiontnr, atereo AM-P'M radio. S.way seat, tilt and telKCOpJc steering whet!!l, powel' door locla::. 'Many otbu extru. Serlal No. H915U49 -CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHIVROLET Ll!ASI • RENT IUJ~K ORDER YOUR ' 1'70 TODAY '66 RIVIERA ... CADUUC El llondo, II , l'OR EARLIEST ,..,.,...,.,,lnclud!Jw•utoma. .......... -11<W, '68 IM ALA 't9 CHEVY ,, DI LIVERY tic -al.-condr. ~::'~ =:: 2 Door budtof v.i. ltd. 108 YAN All popular mo.Ila. Ford -etc. Lie. RVA·1'6 Call from I to 6, n4, '°'· ..e.o..1 ....... cond. vt, 1u~ - aull>orlzod ....... .,...... $2199 -.. "" .. :Ill °"""'locally, -..... low low-· Lie, Dlllll. Gtt Our o:im,.tttlw Rates e'l-4821 ...,j,o hi TUe rore1--.. or $24911 Th1ad1re .... - Ro.INS FORD '61 Sedan de VU1',. ""Y 111"5. LB WQO:l82. Call PblJ, clean. b' Ale or will trade mrm or ~. tor 'IC VW or ftr"NM, mech pod. ,,.,. """916, 111 & 'S7 Chev. "'· Wgn. • PM~ m.-&12'1' Bel Air,~ tll', Vay pod eood, t UMCI Can 9900 \ 11n -1m>wo, 11,000 .., ""' -· -.r -TRANSPORTATJON CARS tua1 .nU. Pvt PU' $5,350. JJ0Mr bn.bs. auto b9ns. ~ -~ 66 67 5'8-CS Must .. tD appnctate. Jtea.. . llWPOR"'R MOJMf ~-· _.. "' --It 1$1>. -~ ·--.. -" VII.I lB!o HARBOR BLVD. ,... CAD, • dr, •• w can .. , 7117 -~.. "' •• 2)36 HARBOR m.\ro. OOSTA MEM premhnn tirt1, xtru, I~ -1970 JWl80Jt BLVD, COSrA MESA 1'67 BUICK GS ,..,. smi. "'pl;y 49<-1!87 '67 Chevy SS Conwrt. , COSfA MESA 541-52'4 or 54M511 epe A to Powe -CAD '69 S<d de Ville, air,,.. Bucket,..,. ......, ,..lo 67 Chevy J I 2 Or. FINANCING AVAILABLE ~u~ ~dio Hea~ tru. Ori&' owner. hN.ttt, 396°"' auiomadti ~pped t!ri!Ju radio, beatfr, IDEAL SUrf w.-... ,53 er V-8 Lie. UJ&-684_ • Perfect TIM9f...8794 ~power iteerine aUbnattie, te wall t.ira. International mtk:i-:......... • • &. wtn<9wa:, power top A Beautlfu\ blUe lntlde a-~t. ··--$2299 many mo~ extru. (VIN 256) Fo•· economy wi~ luQ aka RUM good, "'""' 1295. SUNSET FORD CAMARO """"' to """ • .,,.. w.... cu -.. IU .. to ... thll 89&-2198 5440 Garden.Grove Blvd. end Only one. (U.TF JM) 1962 Ttmpest $250 WM?nlnster (TI°tl &l&-4010 '68 Camaro UT. R.S. PIS $1795 $12'5 lll63 Pl~ooth $4~ BUICK No. 225. Has R.H. Auto. 284 Knox St. CM EDDIE HOPPER EDDI E HOPPER * 546--097& * everythlna:! 66-2991 evea, wm trade. CHEVROLET CHEVROLET , '68 SPORTS sed111, 13.700 BARGAIN! 11'.fill Garden Gruw mvd 1<&1 Garden Grove amt. ; Local 1 owntt car, in Ori&· . lnal excellet1t condition. Low mlle1. Fully equipped includ. Ina 111ereo tape. <UOJn6l. Ool;y 1969 ELDORADO ml., air, pwr., vinyl top. Top 6'2-= after 6 PM Open Nitn: &. Sun. su.2'1i:io Open Niles A: Sun. 53'4100 •·"'="".,1"°"==·.,494===·===!'69 Bukk Rh'•l'L Full CHEVROLET SON In S. Eut Alta, must 1961 CHEVROLET '. -· -'-,.,-.... sell! '63 Chev • 4 on the Malibu H.T. ,.,, Fae-. air rv~~, """• '""'• new '66 Chev ~ I pal I -~ 1969 ELDORADO $1245 EDDIE HOPPER CHEVROLET 10011 Garden Grove Blvd. Open Nitea: &: sun. 534-2700 : '69 CORONA Sable black. black vinyl top, bl1ck lt!!alher Interior, air conditioning, st.rec AM·FM radio, 6-way 1eat, Ult le. telneo~ slttrlng-Wh!!el. power door locks. Many other extru. Uc. No. YNWf38 Chalice gold tire, black vinyl top, black vinyl top, black Jtather ir:t"r· ior. air eondltJordna. ate:reo AM-FM radio, S.way .eat, tilt A telescope a:tffrtng wheel, powu door locks. Many other extru. IJe. No. XWY149 ' Automatic traramiz~ion, n - . dio, heater, M7.v mlltt1. BIG SAVINGS JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS Phone: 540-2512 r----ALLEN-..--. Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Inc. . (!191.YIQITIAJ Authori:r.td Deal•r Bast Deals Ara Al : DEAN LEWIS 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY ; 1.966 Harbor, C.f.l 646.-9303 : BIIL MAXEY ~~~.u~~.!~:.~ .......... 494-1084 547-310~ ' · ITIOIYIQJ!@ 1"81 BEACH BLVD. , Hunt. Beach 8474555 ~ 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Sch 1967 TOYOTA 4 dr Sedan. Hu factory air-Stick-Great ~ car! Pri. Pty. 64M567 after 5 p.m. $'1299. VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN Engine .\ transmission. Make offer. Call Dan or Bob, 548-9101 '55 Red VW conv., xlnt cond. 4 new Um:. S975. Call alt 4 , PM 673-1137 Imported Aufoo ffOO VOUCSWAGEN '69 VW, &unrool 14.000 miles .........,. V\V Bu5, '62 w/'st rebuilt eng. New paint J.tag1. SJ6..466S. 962-3075-. '60 VW &edan, good cond. $550. 540-2464 ext 28 days, 837--4.378, eve5. '65 VW SUnrooL New engine It new tireL SOOI-96U574 ·m V\V Fstbk. Must Rll! Home : 540-8695, work: SM-0465 Jack Scott. Imported Autos 9600l1"porlad Aufo1 9600 lmf!!rlad Autoa 9600 VOLKSWAGEN VW BUGS FROf.l $399 GOOD SELECTION S~g.J(JJI Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. lmporlad Autoa 9600 VOLICSWAGEN 196.l VW Sedan. A·l cond. Oean Uuiide It ouL R/H. Good 0res. mo. 842--4841 att 5: :ll. '(;6 VW Conv. Beige W/blk. lnter. & top. R&H, Porsche rims. Immac. S 13 5 0 . 67J..Mfi7 '66 VW Snrf, beige w /blk int. R/11. ,,.,,.,,,.. """" Xlnt eond. SUSO. SCS.-7716 VOLVO VOLVO Bait DNl1 Ara Al .• .. ............................... ~._,co~sr~A~M~ES~A=-~ '64 VW BUG DEAN LEWIS " • " CONNELL CHEVROLET SQUEEZE-OUT TRADE-IN WE'RE BUSTING AT THE SEAMS WITH GREAT USED CARS ~!I.:.~~!!!~ ~2 '1595 '88 Cadillac '2295 COMV. Auto. tr•"'-.. tKterr 1Tr (ll)l'IOI! ....... -.i-IM. r.-o. -lw. tMI Ml. ~~~::~.!5-.. -'1595 ':~!! ~I~•.~~ -s495 '64 El Camino CUJTCIM. A• -~ rNi9, ......... N7MO!I '64 c .. ,.11. 4 OOQllt, 4 «I •. t9dlo, llM!w. HI V li't '64 C.rtetfl COl.11"1 4 ..... , ....... "-"""· Ul>I W•. '895 s595 s1995 CONNELL CHEYROLR 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1203 4 ~.radio, heater. ExeeL 1966 Hut>ar, C.M. 646-9303 1ent transportation for the ======== tibd&et minded buyer. (XCG. Antlqu .. , Cl1ulct 9615 413). Prlced to tell thl.I: week. end. Onl)' • 1923 r.1odel "T" ~. $995 not running moo EDDIE HOPPER e 1923 Mod•! "T" tNck CHEVROLET """'•hell a b, ranru,,.. lllill Garden Grove Blvd. $990. 642-3069 962-37'10 Open Niies It Sun, 5.14-2700 MODEL A Fcm2 Pk:k Up. '68 vw Reatond. $850. Poone Air conditioner, 4 &pd, dlr, Rice C1rs, Rodi 9620 loaded! HolM'y cream ext , pluah bh1.ck int. Take pnaiJ '59 LINCOLN 430 block, $100 c:knvn or trade. Low, low bal. crank, $lJO parts, all pymnlL VHF890LB can tor SDI cub. 548-1989 Ken 4!M-9773 or ~. '69 VW, ai r cond, radio, vinyl, coco mats, w/w many utras. $2630 new. $1950 w/ 27,000 mi Xlnt care &: lmmac. c.ond., 6«-2141 '65 vw, 2 door, 4 speed, ndio, beater, beautiful red and 1harp. RUM 140. $1095. Cul'• Motor Co. Inc., 19C1 Autos W1nted 9700 WE PAY •.• CASH I.or lllll4 can A truckl 1ust caIJ U1 far free estimate. GROTH OIEYROlfl Harbor, C.M., 6U.003. .ult tor Sa1e11 Manqa: SAVE; new VW camper, jult u:nt ~Blvd. returned from Europe. 3,000 Rlllrtfrwtm Beacb Ml Tent, pop top, AA.I/TM __ ....;.Kl::...:ct=='--- radlo. $.1700. 645--0203 WE PAY CASH '69 VW ALL XTRAS like new ::,;,;,,'"':p. "i!* ~ FOR YOUR W 67,..... 1967 vw s.o<11a1 c.mp.r, ""' CONNRL ,.... ~ .. ten~ ''-CHEVROLET radio. t.pe, $2200, Aft 4 pm, 8.11'.J..2885 2121 Bubar Blvd. 1965 VW 15IXJ S IQUU'I b&dL 1 --Cooto=~M,:;tA;":-545-"'-1'tl!--. ~m.. .... "" DON Will Buy '63 VW ,Radio, IM!att!!r. Good Your VolJtlwapn at Poneht tltta. Excellent condition I: pay top dollarl_ Paid fol: $150. 644-1456 at not. Call Ralph '67 vw Square Bade. Good fl3.00(IJ condlUon. $1650. IMPGRTS WANTm • * 540-1915 * * ar.. n:.a:ndal '66 vw Bua. SUnn>ot, .int 10P $ BUYER ""'-•nrtnt. J1J)O. Top lllU. MAXEY TOYOfA cond. -lW1 -Blvd. '65 VW .l •e Karmann Ghla R. Be&clL ft. MT-a both xlnt cond. Be1t otter. WE PAY TOP Pl'V prty. Sfi.0010 DOLLAR '66 VW Sqbck, xlnt cond.. r:i ::;L c:" C::e ~ 34,(0) ml. $16'.I. Priv prty. 4M--129& artu 4 PM. TheGdont Robina Ford '60 vw sm 2'*' Harbor Blvd. Call aft 4: :J:I, • 56-S6C2 er C.M. 64).(IOIO """"'3 Auto LNl~ftl 9110 .,. vw • .....,i-tor. WI•" "" LEASE "" tru. ~~ + ·• Cadillac Coupe dt VU1t. tu11' "l'llPPOd. 1129 ma, '60 VW -raMJ,,. cond. 'IO LTD .... air, PS. PB, ..,,...11«11>. c1ay1, fll.7613, Ndlo, llD9 mo, eve•: sn..&2118 '65 !:I CamlM, $700. '63 vw e... "'"'· ndtll SOUTH COAST •--------------· ti. ... Good condition. 1675. CAR LEASING -300 W. Cit Hwy, NB 645-1182 BUICK '69 Buick Riviera, full pwr, atr. xlnt cond. 1'1uat sell this wkend. Make offer. EYea &. Wkend1, 675-3721 '65 BUICK, It blue convt- LeSabre • excellent buy. Nicely equip~. 67>14" tires. Low mUeage. Only m a. ow Ooor, mags, New 409 reblt • P/Steerin&, auto., radio, .. -Pvt •• w .. .,, •• ., miles, one owner, excellent. engine. New 1t .. ..H ..... motor heater, V-8, l&ndau. Lie. VIN .... ,l~;J. • ..... ..., • .....,...... $1525 * "-A"-A•}4 ._ ... ,. · .....,...., & fly whet!, bucket aeata, 858. FREE eqUity As au.me '68 CAMARO 327 RS PIS. whito w/blaclc int. Rn! $2799 paymenll 1968 8 u 1 c k · · Skyluk .... m """" St. .R/H. Auto. 284 Koo• St., CM •iw'p! 1895. CllJ Ill 6 PM, SUNSET FORD CM. 640-5672 645-2991 eves. Wlll trade. ~673-65~~JJ~---~-5f40 Gank'n GrtM Nvd. CADILLAC '59 Chevy Station wagon, '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. P/1, Weatmimter (TI4l 63MQ1(I eood condition, new tires., P/b. RadlaJ tires. Xlnt " le .... ....., _..,. """ • ......., cond. ""'''" 548-2i54 '66 OIEVROLET CapdCe. P••va _.v. """"'' ~. =-.,....-~~~~-~ One owner car wtth Ollb '&3 Buick Riviera, air, IM-'59 Cad Cpe de Ville $450. '57 CHEV. 4 Dr., auto., V-8. '62 Impala 4 dr, alr.-oond, 2~.~ mlle1, has all power+ MAOJLATE, loaded, Good cond. Or belt oiltt or Good cond., heater; xlnl auto. trans. Attract iv t air conditioning. ~ $1175. ofSf.4053 trade? 646-5486 trans. $395. 847-1326 price. 675--010 the cleanest one in tan. BUICK '66 Rlvlen.. factory '69CADFLEETWOOD 1·1969 CHEVY Impala, fully '65Chevylmpala2Dr.Good Jim Slemona Merce d e 1 air, Juli pwr. xlnt eond. See BROUGHAM loaded, low mileage. $2700. cond. Auto, V"'8, $1DI. Benz, 12:1 W. Warner, Banta to apprec! $2495. 49'-&159 9500 miles 4~ ·.=Clll=534-5==""====:;;.=.675-65:=:"::======;.=Ana=::, "6-4ll:=:,,•====-I ·-N•w C1rs 9800 N•w C1 r1 9800 N1w C•rs 9800 Now Cart Best Selection Ever SEE . THEM TODAY! WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER HAYE A BUICK? JAGUARS JAGUARS ·JAGUARS ONE Ofl THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY! '61 OLDS '67 RIVIERA SS C1.1tl••• Co11p•. A1.1to. F•cfory •ir co11d. Cut• tr•n1., f11tory eir cond., <om •qulJlped. F11ll full power. R1dio, h11t· pwr. ILK 275. er. WUK 712. $2995 $2695 '67 BUICK '65 CHRYSLER Wildc1! Cutloin Cp1. New y,.,.,r C.111>1. F11fl Fief. eir corid., eitto. power, f1ct. 1lr, ••• tr•n1, P.S. UU\1054 ow"1r, lo inile1. PDE 610 $2595 $1795 '65 'f• TON '67 RIVIERA Full p$Wt r, f1ctory elr, Cht" plci:•vJI. ld1el for HJD207, Sold I ••tv· c1111p1r. R615lJ iced by ui. $1395 $3295 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m '61 DODGE '61 IMPALA Coro11•t 400 <4·dr. fief. 2: Dr. H.T. Fie ,;,, •uto •ir co11d., eulo tr1n1., 111111, pow•r 1t11ri119. P.S., R&H. \IGI t7t WJM 119 $2395 $2495 '66 RIVIERA '66 CAPR ICE 1 Dr h1rdtop, eir cond. Coupe. F1ct. eir c:ond .. eufo tr1nt, pwr 1le•r, euto h•llt., pwr 1te1r & redlo, h•et••· SIMJ71 pwr brelc1t. Fl0'464 $1795 $2695 '68 PONTIAC '67 ELECTRA lonnt•ill•. 4 door h1rd-4 door ll1rd!op. Full top, FA CTO RY AIR pow1r, feel. eir. Sold CONO., P.S., P.I. WXG I Jltvicod by UJ, "7 $2795 $2995 NO llTTU PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PROVE IT! '66 T·BIRD '66 MERCURY F•clory •Ir coitcl. f1,1ll Colo11y Per• we9011., t pow1r, SLV4tl p•n•1191r. F11U JIOWl f, Fec:lory eir co11d, SQS• $2395 112 $2395 '65 OLDS WAGON F·IB. eulo. tr1111., pow· '67 MERCURY Mo11t1rey 2 door h•""· or 1t11r. PIH 7J7, top, Avie. tr1••, po- $1495 1t1er, l &H. UON-704. $1795 '6S MONZA '67 OLDSMOBILE He,.,t1p. Autt. fren•., S11pro1111 C1tlle11 herd.,. f1111111c11!1tt colMlltion. coup1. •11to lr•ftl., ftri. {TXJ Jrtl) 1!r, pow•t 1tr, UJl912 $995 $2295 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW. USED Comr.ltlO. S.IM and S•rv ce O.p1rtm.nt Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL • JAGUAR .SALIS I SERYICI! I • ' I ii l l TllANSl'ORTAflOK"·r TRANSiiOltfA"TION ' ·'.· HOO -C.n 9100 New c.,. .... ) Response to our all new 1970 llne of Llncolns &"Mercurys l'fas been overwhelming. Our Used Car Dept. is loaded with trade-ins at fantastic Javlngs. ··We have too many to llM all ••• ·But look at these examplesr CONTINENTAL MERCURY OTHER MAKES 1964 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE Beautiful 9old mist finish with s1ddle l••+her interior. Full power, fectory 11ir cond., luxury equipped. OML067 $1695 1968 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Attractive light chrome r•tlow with bl.cit l••ther int•r· ior •nd l•nd•u roof, Fu1 power equipped, f•ctory •ir, etc. •nd clriven only 18,000 miles. WES 178 $4795 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Be•utiful Huron blue met•llic: finish with matching le•fh•r interior. Bl•c:k l•nd•u roof, fully luxury equipped and factory air conditioning, AM-FM r•dio, stereo tape deck. Ona owner cir. 8e1utifully maintained. TIN020 $3395 1968 CONTINENTAL COUPE Macliu m turquoise met•llic finith with matching interior, bl•ck lancleu roof, Luxury equipped. Completely tilt 1teer wheel, factory •ir, power cloor loclts, etc. ZVP716 $4495 1969 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Beautiful Jonquil yellow finish with bl1ck leather in. terior, landau roof. Full power equip., air, etc. XSR534 $5195 MERCURY 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE Canver+ible, Huron blue miit finish with m1tchin9 in. terior and blaclt top. Luxury equipped throughout. Full pow•r factory air condit ioning, stereo tape sy1teln, etc. Dri'f'•n only 19,000 miles. Special purchase from Ford Motor Co. and savings pessecl on to you. YBK5" I ' $2995 1969 MERCURY MARQUIS <$.Coor Herdtop. Be111tiful li9ht Ivy yellow finish . Auto., R&H, P.S., P.B., fectory eir plus many mot• luxury items. Driven only I 0,000 miles. Johnson & Son one owner cer. YWR002 $3990 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 2-Doot Hardtop. Arctic white with blaclt interior o1nd Landau roof. Full power equipped and f•ctory air con- ditioning. O ne owner. Carefufly maintained. UOF860. $2495 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2-0oor Herdtop. Be•utiful Briti.ih Green with bleck in- terior end white lendeu roof, auto., R&H, P.S., P.B., a ir conditioning, etc. Very clea~ throughout, VUZ837 $1995 1965 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE D•rk turquoise fini1h with bl•ck interior. Full power equipment •nd f•ctory •ir conditioning. One of the nicer station wagons. HCN 150 $1695 1965 T·BIRD CONVERTIBLE Beautiful light turquoiie finish with white interior end 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE top. Fully power equ;pped. lndud;n9 ledory e;r. Very 2-Door Hardtop. Arctic white with Ivy 9old interior and well maintained. PFG373 black land1u roof, auto., R&H, P.S., P.8., factory air $1895 conditioning. Real luxury o1t reasonable pric•. VZU202 · $1995 l-1-9-69_V_O_L-KS_W_A_G_E_N_2-DO-OR-B-UG- 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK 9 passenger. Porular cardinal t•d finish with black com- for+ weave viny int•rior, auto., R&H, stereo tape deck, factory air conditioning, P.S., P.B., dual action tail g1te. Only 19,000 miles. (The Continent1I of St•tion W1gons) No. 361'4. $3695 -- COUGAR 1967 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP l ime frost with metching vinyl buckets, auto., 289 en· 9ine, P.S., R&H, new car trade-in, one owner and serv- iced by out company. VDR233 $2175 1968 COUGAR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Deiert Beige finis h with sedclle comfor+ we•.,• bucltet se•ts, black landau roof, auto., R&H, P.S .. P.8., console, f•cfory air. Beautiful condition throughout. XEV866 $2695 R•dio and h••ter. Showroom sharp with only I 0,000 miles. OXA695 $1795 19~7 FORD 250 PICK-UP ~-Ton lon9 Bed. 352 v.a engine, auto, R&H, extra 9a1 tank, wrap eround rear step bumper, west coast mirrors, etc;. Sharp! Only 14,000 miles. V4685 I $2195 1964 J.EEP WAGONEER Station Wagon. Chevrolet V.8, converted engine, "'· wheel drive with duel·o-matic front wheels, radio & h••ter. Near new Commando t ires! See and drive to appreciate. UOT OB2. $1295 1968 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-Door Hardtop Firebird green, blec;lt bucltets, factory eir, P.S., P.8., stereo t•p• deck, etc. Low 25,000 milei. VCT912 $2795 BARGAIN CORNER In Ow lartaJ• Corner we hav• •uMeron UH'4 c.-s. Some cSeae, some not 10 cleon. Some thcrt ore Rphcotiol'lls. some we've hod too IOIN) -in •Y .., .. , tflese can ore real borgal•a. LOOK 'EM .OYER. 1968 CADILLAC ELDORADO l••utiful turquoi11 mi1+, m1l•llic fi11i1h w/r11•lchi119 in· t1rior whi11 I l•11d•u roof. Fully l,,.rury 1q uipp1d i11cl ... t1. in9 +.11/tilt 1+r9 wh11I, AM.FM 1l1r10, f•ct, •ir, r•dio, 1tc. WFU-4ti6. $5475 1964 CADIUAC CONVERTIBLE A.Hr•cti~• S1•fo•ffl gr••ll fi11i1h w/fft•ichi119 i11!1rior, whit• lol), 1quipp1d with •II lh1 luYury f•1i11rt1 i11d11d· ing f•clory •ir. Exc1ption•llv cl••ll fX66til, $1475 1967 CONTINENTAL Convertible M•dium t11rqwoi11 l'll1l1llic fi11i1h with m•lchin9 i11hirio r •nd whit1 top, Full., luxul)' equi Dpff, indudin9 f•ctory t ir colld. lmm•cul•t• collditio11 intid1 •11d out. UOG114, $2875 1967 COUGAR 2 Door H.T. Summ1r l1igt finith with bl.c~ buc~1+ 1••h I l•nd•u roof, AT., R .. H., P.S., P.fl., f•clory •ir. Con1ol1 1!c. f111utifu1 condition. VOG-449 $2150 1966 T-BIRD LANDAU l rilith Gr11n m1!1llic 1rt1rlor w/Lt. ivy 9old inl1rior. fu lly pow1r 1quipp1d, II.., H., f•ctor-y •ir 1!c. R.11724 $2375 1962 CONTINENTAL 4 Door Sed. Pl•tinum fi11i1h w/btu1 l11th1r 111!1rior. Full pow1r equi p• ped •nll f1ctory •ir c:o""itiotted. HEP232 $775 NEW CARS Johnson~son USED CARS 540·5635 540·5630 642-0981 Il,Olm©@!Llm ©@lmli'Ulm~lm'ii'&I!. • ~b.\00~ J[Jj[ a l~lffi©l1!JOOW a ©@l1!l@b.\001 I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA ' 1 Mile South of the San Di-.o Freeway UMd Can 9900 UMd C1,. 9900 CONTINENTAL 9900 Used c.,. 9900 Uttd Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 PONTIAC CHEVROLET CHEVROLET '67 LINCOLN C.Ontinental 4 Dr, Xlnt cond. $2900. '51 CHEV Station Wagon. Surfer's :special. Ori g owner. Rlllll rood. $aKJ. 646-!lSL 1969 CHEvY Caprice. 4 Dr. * 642-4158 • hanltop, 14,250 miles. P/8, I========= P/disc brk:s, air, tinted gla.&1. $3100. \Viii sell this Y•eekend. 540-3868. CORVETIE Late '64 Chevelle Malibu, c:onwrt, blul', onl' owner. 962-8771 1960 4 DR Impala. R/H. Rt-bit molor &. trans. $385. 67>-5161. '65 CORVETTE 396. Red convert. Hdtp. lmmac, rebll '68 eng. $2595 or best oiler. "73--0931 Imported Autos 96001mporttd Autos 9600 Import.cl •IJtOI 9600 • •RAND NEW 1969 IN STOCK TOYOTA'S 50 BRAND NEW 1969 IN STOCK Rudy & Ser-viced for Immediate Delivery WE'RE DEALING YOUR WAY THIS WEEKEND!! e COROLLAS-Sedans-Fastback Sprinters-Station Wagons e CORONAS--4 Door Sedan.-Hardtop Coupes • MARK I l's-Hardtop Coupe.s-4 Door Stdant e CROWNS-Statton Wagons-4 Door SedeM e LANDCRUISERS-H1rcttopo-4 -I Drive Wagon• e PICKUPS-4 Speed Standard Tr•ns. ~vtomatic1 -4 1peeds -factory air condltlonin9 -sterto ta pe declrt ma9 whee1i o1nd meny other options. • Many D•monstrators at R•duced Prices • NAME YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS • S.led D•1tettk A Imported UHd Cars e.1.-Market Priu1 • JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 417 W. WARNER, SANT A ANA Open Sun. 11·5 540-2512 I I n -------CHRYSLER DODGE FORD MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE '67 CHRYSLER '67 Dodge R/T Convert. 1969 Ford 1967 MUSTANG . '63 CUTLASS 1966 PONTIAC 2°DOOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic, factory aJr, power 11tttring. power bra· ke!, radio &. heater, lmma· culate. (UDE 7431 Bucket seats, console, 440 Country Stden Landau top V-8, factory all, . . Lc.>;\1ans 2 dr. H. Fe VB, automatic, power steer· 10 Pass. Station Wagon. Pow. power steer Ing, power Automat~c tranmussion, pow. air • vinyl roof, p/s1ttring, ing, radio. heater, power er 5teerlng. power brakes . brake,; -auto radio heater er steering, etc. FTN 956. radio heater automauc top, Red w/>A·hite top, In-factory 11.ir • luggage rack, Lie UUF 615 . .' ' . $795 . shai-p Lie 0TEE 203 ' land prk:~ for beach use. automatic:, radio, beater, ' $2299 JIM SLEMONS ' $1199 ' (USO 5341 '1ill ;, w.,.,...ty. Lk. XTA SUNSET FORD IMPORTS SUNSET FORD . ' EDDl:1~9JPPER 591· it'lrt9 M40 Garden Grove Blvd. Phone: 540-2512 54Ml Garden Grove Blvd . .-Westminster ITI 4J 636-4010 \Veslminster (TI4l 636-401~ • CHEVROLET SUNSET FORD OLDS 88, '62, '"' ,.,, .. , .,,, , $2295' ATLAS 10511 Garden Grove Blvd. 1965 Mu1tang Cobra P.,..T, clean. new molor & 65 GTO Open Nites &: SUn. 5.J4..2700 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. 289 2-i bl carb6 • headen, trans. 1 owner, see to ap-4 speed, mag wheels, Ind~ Westmln!ter (TI 4J 636-4010 bubble hood • 4 speed • ra c· prec:. 440 Dahlia CdM tires, suspension, everylhlna: OiRYSLER -PLYto.fOUTH '67 DODGE DART 1961 ford Galaxie ingequipment. Lie:. NGC654. 675-3300 ' ' like new. over $4CXXI Invest. 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. White with vinyl top, air c:nn. Spt. Cpe, Power sl~ring • $1699 ed Will seU for S1800 • See COSTA MESA 54G-1Y34 ditioning, auto. trans.. pow. automatic, V-8, radio, heat· SUNSET FORD 1963 HOLJDA): "'doo'., power it ibis SUn. at 12031 9th SI., Open Dally 'til IO p.m. f'r 1teerirc. radio and heater. Li<: \\'EG gaa 1teering, brakes, air cond. G.G or call JE 4-1582 eveg · -: Afust sell. $1195. 35,000 ori&· er. • ' 5440 Garden G~ Blvd. Top oondition inside and out , · ___.:.: •• '67 Chrysler Wagon ina) miles. call 6Jl-OS6 • $2599 \Vesbninster ITI-4) 6364010 $695. !>46-1224 FOR SaJe $2~.1967 Pontiac :: 9 p&SSf':nget Town & Coun1ry. Original owner. SUNSET FORD .68 M V., Ventura, orig owner, 20.COl , Equipped with all aCC"CSSQr-_..;;..______ ustang ; pwr. steer .. '65 CUTI.ASS, F -85. red, milH, p/s, p/b, tac air, :': iec including air condition-FORD 5440 GIU'den Grove Blvd. ru;;c brakes, fact. air; low PIS. P/B. R&H, xlnt cund. gold wlblack cordova top. ': Ing. Low miles. Under fac:---------\\'estmlnster (TI4) 636-4010 m1. Seafoam green. hllL aft S pm k wtc~nds Phone &42--4704. • , ... PU warranty. s.. tho 1967 Ford inter. $2500. fl1i&!ino Vie)> &44--0177. ~ :: '"'1 '66 FORD Co Squitt, 9 pass, 831~ MOVING, must &ell. 1966 ·~ bcauty and compare! (TVO-Countr-y Sedan ps. pb, Jn'tT windows & door -=:....::::;;______ '66 Olrlt 98 Conv. Pontiac Catalina, xlnt cond.. :; 1891 · Only P/steering, p/lmlkes, auto., locks, big motor. alt cond., 67 Mustang air cond. full power. $1.IKK>. &1:h3905 :: EDDl:2~~PPER radio, beater. Lie. UKJ 980. AM/FJ\1. radio. 1o mi .. lib Exc:ep. clean. stick shift. $1500 548-6348 •• CHEVROLET S $2299 new.$2095.croffer.540-9251 radio, heater, buckets, RAMBLER •. UliUGardenGrowBl<d. UNSET FORD 'OO FordCountcySquiro,9 ~t~~';!~TRH PLYMOUTH :: Open Nites & sun. 534-2700 5440 Garden Gro~ Blvd. Pus. PIS. P/B. Air, bi& '65 RAMBLER '67 Ch--· w .. -~.. mo ""'4(1[0 motor, AM ndio $16'0 " ... MUSTANG Futbook. "" '65 PLYMOUTH WAGON ,,,..er Newpol't Cust., oller. 830-3184 GT. P/s, P/db, flit, am·fm 4 dr HT, pb, ps, nu tires. '66 FORD Country Sedan, 352 =~~=~-~--tapes. Dix int. S4600 nrw, Satellite, 2 dr, ITT, bucket VS, air, full power. * G4G-.o468 * f'ng. pb, J>S, f11.ct air, Mllllt 'GJ GALAXIE 500. Xlnt cond. Best offe-r 0/$2500. 6'7>-5163. seats, fact air, pwr 1teerillJI;. $995 aell! $1650. 548--6843. Air, nl!w paint. 1 owner. .n. H had " I COUGAR Must l'C.11. $575. 67>2954 SAVE Over SnKl on like new uu . Ill excepuona JIM SLEMONS '31 Model A Font spam 618~ Clubhou8e Aw., NB. •69 98 Olds luxury hardtop car.. Must sell before !ht' coupe. C; e v y gear. sedan. ""/w, air, lull Po>A1?r. 1st. \Vilt line prvt prty. LB-IMPORTS OOUGAR '67 XR7. Car for Sl~/otfer. 644-004 '6:a~.RDX~·~~n:~~~: Only 12.IKX1 miles, 499--1(04 ~;~c:-n Ken, 494-9773 '-::::-cP:choneC:-:::':'-::'::540--'-'25;:_:12;__--l the )'OOl1I: at heart; 4 on fir, '63 Ford Gal~ XL Exc:el '68 V-8 hdtp, 4 on floor. 19,CKXI , . 11951 RAMBLER Fair co ;_; GT group. stereo l all that cond. New tlres SI 0 0 , R.\H, air-cond. Best offer mi. A1o.f·f'M-fltereo. h1ust 64 Plymou_lh 9 pass ~atK>n ditXln. SUS or. bnt oiler ~ IOel with it. Xlnt cond. ~14 after S J>t.f 96J..834.4. sell. 673-3116. wagon, a1r-cond. Original o:.oa ·-· ...._ .. _~ 2 , ••• ~82 OJ FO ------------------1 owner. Michelin tin. Sl.150. ___..-.run: pm. ,,· .........,.. • ' RD l-Dr. SSO or will •1965 2 Dr. Hnilnp, aulo, '67 c:ouGAR. 2 "'· hanlroo. " 11 """'· '""' mar cam MERCURY l~,r~. ~''~"'~b~r~ks.::..:RIH~.~s~t395~1:t:':' .,._~~=~=~~=I T ·BIRD pb. p&, air oond. s Mich x t _:l1>.=-· .:.513-::.:J""=----671-3240. ""'."-::::::::::::::=::--:-·l · _ ... ,_.. 11•--· c 0 n d. '57 FORD 2-Dr. Floor shift. 1965 Mercury PONTIAC ·· l"al.UA'.., W'P:" ,... '65 MUSTANG, xlnt oond. '64 nnINDERBIRO, al ......u Moor oul S25. 312 T·Btnl • °'· H.T. Faotory ·"· "'"" ._,, -•' __ .;:._:...;..;..;.;;..;c::__ --· -·--...:: ,..... ~-"""--IY PAC. 4 gpd, -. V-1· .,..,.... ........ pe. $650. ~ mtr ..... ame ..., . ...,...._,.. stee~. automatic, r1.dio. make o.tfe.r. fi5.7732 1960 PONTIAC BonMV\lle. 61>nu n't'nlnp 19680:iupr.S3001rtili0'\lft' 69FOROG heater,Landautop.Lie.VGY ,,.._ ... 1 -be ~'-=========J payments. Xlnt coodiUon. ' ALAXJE 5IXI 1969 Mustang 250, 3 qxt fJ)O vuuu 1 res. -or lit ui· 1 · ( Call 646-1832 Mb Joadel l2S50 9115. $1-& take o,., pymU ..-12JSO. 1"'· '"" S.nbtag Way, VAUANT rrs Beath bouM time, BIJ· rut ~ecdon t~I Stt the DAILY Pll.OT WANT ADS! • 534-5290 • >n7 s.t().-0.tgJ UrUwnlty PBrk. ~2254 l--------- '6:1 FORD Co.....Uble. Ru"' SUNSET FORD "64 L<MANS. 4 •poed, ,,,;;;;:PLYMOUTH ·o; Vall•nt l caod. $295 5440 Garden Grow. Blvd. rnE QUJCXER YOU CAU., xlnt mnd. $950. door, 6 cyl, new tires, Xlnt * MG-3031 * ¥r'fttltllnrter 1714) fa6..4010 ntE QUtCKER YOU SEIL 646-2511 condl SlCM. 494-2335 • ' . ' ., • '68 GTO 2 0Ht H.T. kMli.. ,.. • .., .... ,..... '°Wet' • ...n.,. v ... .i,,. ''''"" IVTM 1121 ' . PONTIAC'S 70' s . THE WAY IT'S GOING TO BE! $3177 IRAN.D NEW 1970 CATALINA FuRy aquipped including turlio hyC!ram1tic !ransmiuion, G78il5 fiier- 9lass :whit,e Md• wall tires, power' steering, pow•r bra~es, '400 cu. ifV•n· gino, vinyl trim, decor 9roup1 P"'h button radio, custom SHI be~s, tinted ' )Olindshiold. (252370C102690} :~!. ~~~.~~!~ :{!,!~~"'"' bm., ""'$2077 '68 TORINO GT Sitt•• r.dlo, 1ir c111Hflllo"l119, 111f111'11tl1, 390 VI, h1at1r, c1rnp1r '111ty .quipped. l T'4Jl I J) ,,.,, 1tHri11f, p1w1r br1k11. Gr1111 w I 111111'. te,. IVTl'7161 SJ977 :'?.,.~.~~~~~-~~?, ........ , ...... , .. s25 77 '66 CHARGER • "' $2177 '66 GRAND PRIX SJ.077 VI, t.r"111flit1, P"WM 1hl1ri11f, r1dio, h11t1r, while 1itl1 will tir1., ll,t71 miln, Ught blvo with dirk bl•• h1t1rior, h11t1r, f1clory 1ir. ITZG 9601 R.1dl1, fl11t1r, f1ctory 1lr, '1w1r 1fffrl1111 p1w1r br1kt•, •11tomttic trtn1ml••I•"· ISVD636) '68 BONNEVILLE s3477 '68 BUICK WILDCAT s34 77 '68 VOLKSWAGEN $1877 2 Door h1rdtop. Hydr•'"•lic:, pow•r •*••""'' ''""'' 4 Dr. H. T. Rt411•, ht•ltr, •11toM1tic, pow1r 1t11ri'"f, br1k•1, r1dio, h11!1r, whit• 1idt will tirt1, f1clory 1ir Redle •Ml lt11t1r, 1tlo1•1tti1 tr1"1'"l11i•1t, .. Jt•· IF162) power wi"'oww, 1ir c0Hitio11i1t9, vi11yl to,11. fYCK7f7)J to11ditio11i11g. IWAE 1311 -. '65 GTO ~877 '69 FIREBIRD 400 s3377 '63 PLYMOUTH s977 ~Door h1r410,. R1di•, ~11t1r, 111t•mtfic, ,..,,.,. 4 1p1td, powtr 1lttrin9, c1rou1tl rtd with bl1ck vi11YI St1tlo11 ""'''"· ll:1dio, httftr, t11tom~tic, ''""'' .... ,. 1lt•rl•t· Rtd. IPGU Dtl) top. IXSSl79} l"t· IWJJllll • THE AIOVE ~RE IUT A FEW OF THE PREMIUM TRADES THAT HAYE COME IN ON THE GREAT NEW l'ONTIACS SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. 7,30 A.M. to 6,00 P.M. • • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 9,00 A.M. to 9,30 P.M. EVERY DAY [)] • • • • • • • • WE HAVE NEW '69s! • • • • • NOT EVERY MODEL AND COLOR BUT STILL AN our. ST ANDING SELECTION. THESE NEW 1969 WIDE TRACKS (WE HA VE DEMONSTRATORS TOO) REPRESENT EXCELLENT BUYS. SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS AND EXCELLENT TERMS. ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ COSTA MESA • Kl-64444 I • ALL CAR PRICES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE. OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE a TAX. • -·- ' · 1 I • ' • l ~ .. .,.,1 ..... ., f1MYl'll.lr ' I I T H E s H A R p E s T -~P, E N c I L I N T H E w E s T • • . . . . I . l FOR THE BEST. LOOK AT TOMO.RROW .. . . ,. . . . . ' sEE Tbeotlore -Robint ~ford ' t• ~ TODAY . . I . . ' tHE HOME OF THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST ' See Them All At Orange County's Volume Ford Dealer! • FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS • ON ALL 1969 MODELS , LARGE SELECTION OP BOTH NEW AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS ENGLISH FORDS! Engl1nd'1 No. 1 Soller ••• Amerlui'1 No. I Import Buyl Customs -GT'a - Station Wagons. L•rge S. ltction of Automatics end Four Speeds I . . ----~ BOYS 8 THRU 13 REGISTER I-CR Ql.IR PUNT, PASS •ND KICK CO'V\PETITION ~' tnJ Mon1 or Dad Arid p,._· U1, Your FREf "llP S . GOOK FALL CAMPER SALE OYER 30 MODELS IN STOCK Compltttly EqulpPtd For ln1t1nt Comping . . . POUl;wJNDS ·-Ll5T1 J211'-• DISC• U71.lf Ue: S1105.00 ..... ~ TIUC:I •CAMNI Hr# ,-.:51 tiuclc I IOW lilllllradll ~m er.~t. r..a . '" PUl•IUtrS LIST: IMff.Jll DISC1 t1*-tl S.S.: $4116.11 U.IUCUDA ....... LISTI ''" DI K t UOI s.i.1 .$151 .. "" TH.E 1970 TRUCKS ARE HERE PICKUPS· RANCHEROS BRONCOS ECONOtlNE VANS - CAMPER SPECIALS~ RANGERS READY TO ROLL! LEA 5E A NEW 1970! ALL POPULAR MAKES ANO MODELS We Are A Member Of The Ford Authoriud Leasing Syst•m ·-·- '64 Ford WCllJOn t P111, Clltry. 1.4111. VI, P.S., oulo.- l&l-1. l11n•i• rack. tOkN544l ' . '66 Buick Le Sabre 2 Dr. H. T. FAC:ro•Y Ali •llf• .. P. s~ r•dio, h•at•r •• l~PMl601 '66 Dodge Charger VI, FACTORY Al~ auto., RIH, Lut••t 111h, pow•r 1f••rin9. (lSWl651 '64 Chrysler Newport 4 Dr. S.d. VS, FACTORY AIR, Auto., P. S., P. I. COFF16ll s795 '65 Ferd Custom 4 Dr. s.11. Yf.· fACTBlY All, •vt• .. "· s.. llH, wfllto wl'\i:IM•· yi11yl 1•p. <RRYOJ$1095 '67 Chev. Bel Air . ' ' I ' • ' 4 Or. s.d.' VI, FACT011:Y ' AIR:, 1uto- mali" P. S., RlH. tVW\11201 . $1595 '6B• Ford LTD 4 Dr. Sid. I own•'· JtO VI, 1ulo., ,., S, llH, n•w tir••· IVTP703l '66 Corvair 500 2Dr. H.T. Appx. 26,000 mil•s, l •p••d, RIH, ••c•ll1nt condition. t TPP7 I JI s995 . USED CAR SPECIALS A Theodore Robins n:clu11vel Look for our diagnostic center se•I and t•ke the guess-work out of buy'l"I • u..,t car. Thffe clrs have passed 130 vital te1t1 for performa11ce, rellablllty, end safety. Ii!] I " " II " " II " " I [lil) :: LOOK FOR THE DIAGt!O$.TJ~ CENTER :: 11 SEAL ON THE WINDSHIEf..D. n II 100°/o PA~TS & LABO.~ II WARRANTY .. .. 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS · Covers all mechanical part• lnciludlng 9nglne, tran1m1 .. 1Jon drive line, rear end, PLUS brake1, battery •nd ex· hau1t system. All repair work done In our own 1trvlce d .. .. partment. " lilJ] I " " II " " II " " II " " I lill City of C..t• M-Pelko Cw. City •f N-pett loock htKtln C.r. M1inf•in.d I r1condilio".d •t Tlt•o• C0111Plofwtr recotldltloliod. dor• Robi"' Ford. '68 Ford Custom '68 Dodge 4 Dr. S•d•n. JtO VI, P, S., crui1om1• Coro"•' 4 Dr. S.d•11. VI, power 11•11• tic, kl$ I 1·154101 lni, pow•r br1k•1, h•al•r• (3151711, $1495 1595 '6 7 Thunderbird 4 Dr. wq.,,, ftill ,fH!W.r,-tilf;tt .. ,i"t whl., m•f•!l ic blu1 w/lilu• ,..;ftYt foof. IVCKJ,l:i,J :$'1995 '67 Camaro 2 Dr. H.T. 317 VI, FACTORY AIR, P. S., auto., R:IH. !WI H4111 '66 Galaxie 500 4 Dr. H.T. VI, FACTORY ~AIR, V!ft'ff roo f, P. S., •ufo., R&H, 1ppx. 43 ,00Q mil••· l~ZE721J '64 Continentol 4 Dr. Sid. Full pow1r, FACTORY All!., l l•c• w/bl•ck f11lh1r. Appx. 35,000 mil11. IUl.f7791 ~ • $1595 '66 Pontioc Le MOfls l Of, H.T~ J26 VI, pow•r •l••ri!'f. • ..,. to., •AH. liuck•t •••h, w~d1 OY•I tires. I RMV226i $1695 '63 Thunderbird Hardtop. I own•r, oulo., power 1!11r• i,pt..l.ltr••••· RIH. IZV~5121 . '~795 '61 Ford Vi fon pickup truck. I . foot li1d. tL.l879tl s595 '66 GMC Van 3 1p11d lr1n1mi11ion, h11l•r IT1071 I I $1295 OPEN SE YEN " DAYS A WEEK (ALL SALi PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH NEXT SUNDAY UNLISS PREVIOUSLY SOLD.f ... ~·-·";r:t•••'••~ / .. It , _f, 81/z acres of the most moderil'Ford sales and -""~'.~If· · • {~''.";. , ~ ~:,! 11f . service'facilities on t~e West Coast , ,, :q9!<l ~ I! fJJr/Jo ~ 5 ii J 'tf,:;: :::~::: ~·. . . ~~~1CE /Z ~~ . ' ' ~r H!GffWA; j ~f: ~ @@;! ~ ..-rr-.,.,... .. ""...,...rt --~ 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ~ 642-0010 l • • • • " • .. ..